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SALES GA 2 LK 1 . . . . .. .. . . TL FIV . . . * ES R . 1 . .. . .. Bu d uQi837 MULUTLU SIMINIM Wisul III 0000 OLUN SCIENTIA NATUMIA A ARTES T: VERITAS ARTÄEN ABRARY VERITAS SYM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITUSSISIG E M Tiilimusiinitillumiinilliintiful Hints ISLITINIMALNIMUM INLIKLAUS VO UNIVERSITY OF MIC 000000OOO..... UN UP II .. . aum I ... 2 TEEROR TUEROR W jo . VER SL 15 ... . K2 VAN . T 1.QUERI NNUAIRUMTIMITUUNTUNTUK WITVINmuinuNUMEIPIIIIIINUICHUIMIUIMTUVuutunuy Sures KUNINSULAMAMONA CIRCUMSP .......TU RECUMSPIC aume . ..W.UUUUUUUV. WWW.WAV.W.O.. LUMTIMULIRTHIMININNITY O TID ITIO000000OOOOOO v 21 19 M IRIMINIMIRROS T ITUIRIITITIIIIIIIIIIIIIC i nanmidinimiinpidulinnuntuninnındhinaugumdhwimmbuilt Pull W MNIUMDIENUTNOU WILLOUTINUOUIDIODWIDE TILE GIFT OF Pa, Dept. of Forests & រងារយ៧ Waters animninutruinvisiminimimmittimulimmalltruirunthamhlinilminine GA 61 „P4 A5 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Topographic and Geologic Survey of Pennsylvania Report No. 7 ENGINEERING DATA. RICHARD R. HICE State Geologist HARRISBURG: C. E. AUGHINBAUGH, PRINTER TO THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 1913. hatire ' Pa. Dept and Forest qt ... 4- 3 - 192.. A . 13 W C. . T . SYN 'in. L DIRTUDENTS M N OP ASAL 1 TOPOGRAPHIC AND 'GEOLOGIC SURVEY COMMISSION, GEORGE W. McNEES, Chairman, Kittanning. ANDREW S. MCCREATH, Harrisburg. EDWARD V. d’INVILLIERS, Philadelphia. RICHARD R. HICE, State Geologist, Beaver, Pa. (1) 15555555559 弟弟 ​555555 (2) CONTENTS. Page: 16 Introduction, ........ Completed Topographic Maps, ... Triangulation and Primary Traverse, ... Precise and Primary Leveling', ... Meridian Lines and Magnetic Determinations, 19 , ...................................... 207 295 (3) اليد-تحت- تلر ططططط ( 4 ) ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. 16 Plate I. Plate II. Index map of quadrangles and published topographic sheets, .. Index map of Triangulation Station and Primary Traverse lines, ........ Index map of precise and primary level lines, .. 1100D 20 Plate III. 207 (5) (6) INTRODUCTION. The work of preparing a topographic map of Pennsylvania was authorized by an Act of Assembly, approved April 28, 1899. Under the provisions of that act a contract was entered into by the Commis- sioners appointed by the Governor, with the United States Geological Survey for the preparation of the map, the cost of the same to be borne by the United States Geological Survey and the State of Penn- sylvania in equal parts. Prior to that time some mapping had been done by the United States Geological Survey, mainly in the Anthra- cite Coal region, the same being controlled by the triangulation net of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. The topographic work of the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania was adjusted to and incorporated in the maps issued. Since the beginning of the co-operative work, good progress has been made towards the mapping of the State, until at present, includ- ing the earlier work of the United States Survey, a little over one-half of the State has been mapped. From this work a large mass of en- gineering data has acumulated, in the way of accurately determined positions of many places, both horizontal and vertical, and magnetic determinations, all of which are of great and increasing value to the engineer and surveyor, and it is the object of the present report to bring together into one volume all the data of an engineering nature, that it may be available and convenient for the use of the surveyors and engineers of the State. Under the terms of the agreement with the United States Geological Survey, the details and actual field and office work are under the im- mediate control and direction of the National Survey, and that or- ganization bears all the expense attending the engraving and printing of the maps. No provision has been made for the publication of these maps by the State, except when the same are used for the purpose of illustration in geological reports, and the finished atlas sheets can only be secured from the United States Geoglogical Survey. ul. • THE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP. Pennsylvania has a total estimated area of 45,126 square miles, and for the purpose of the topographic map it is divided into quadrangles of 15 minutes on each side. As the State lines do not co-incide with the lines of these quadrangles, there will be a number of sheets of the finished map which will include portions of adjoining States. The (7) TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. total number of quadrangles lying entirely or partially within the State will be about 240, and of these 137 have been surveyed and the maps printed, covering a total area of 23,322.19 square miles, or 51.7 per cent. of the total area of the State. A full list of the published maps is given on another page of this report. TOPOGRAPHIC METHODS. The details of the methods employed in mapping have been described in several publications of the United States Geological Survey, which can be secured by those interested. In brief the history of the topographic work of the United States Geological Survey and the methods employed are as follows: The United States Geological Survey was created by act of Con- gress, approved March 3, 1879. There had been five Federal surveys engaged in mapping portions of the United States prior to that time. The oldest of these organizations being the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, was restricted in its work to the map- ping of the coast line and the investigation of geodetic problems, and related scientific questions over various portions of the country. In the carrying on of its work it has accurately located many points, not only on the coast lines of the country, but through its trans- continental system of triangulation many in the interior, with a great degree of precision. The other four Federal surveys were re- stricted in their work to those portions of the country lying west of the one hundredth meridian. All of the earlier organizations, except the Coast and Geodetic Survey, were discontinued at the time of the creation of the United States Geological Survey. In 1882 the scope of the Geological Survey was extended and the pre- paration of a geological map of the United States authorized. The value of the topographic work of the survey was early recognized and the appropriations for this work were rapidly increased by Congress. The methods now in use are the result of the experience gained during the years the survey has existed, and it is generally conceded that the results attained are as accurate as can be delineated on a map of the scale used. The work in Pennsylvania is all on a scale of 1:62,500, or approximately one mile per inch, and the contour interval is 20 feet. There are sections of the United States where a less contour interval can be used advantageously, and other portions where such a small interval is not practical, but for a region with the relief of Pennsylvania this interval is recognized as the best, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. It is possible for the ordinary eye to distinguish the space of 1-100 of an inch and it is the aim of the work to have all locations within that distance, or in other words all points are located with an error of not exceeding 50 feet. The Topographic Map. The features exhibited on a topographic map are: 1. Hydrography, or water features, such as ponds, streams, lakes, swamps, etc., which is printed in blue. 2. Hypsography, or surface relief, as hills, valleys and plains, which is printed in brown. 3. Culture, or the features due to man, as cities, roads, municipal. boundaries, etc., which is shown in black. Printed in these colors, the topographic map is exceedingly legible and easily understood by all, unless it be the "contour” lines. Contours are lines of equal elevation above or below some base, and in the case of maps all are referred to sea level, and the surface of the ocean, mean ocean level, is therefore the zero contour of the whole scheme. Contours express the surface relief in three ways, (1) elevation, (2) horizontal form, and (3) grade or slope. 1. Contour lines on topographic maps indicate the elevation of height above the ocean. Every point on a given contour has the same elevation above mean ocean level, and every point lying be- tween two.contours is above the lower line and lower than the upper contour. Each fifth contour is, for convenience, made heavier than the others, and thus each 100 feet of elevation is more prominently indicated. These accentuated contours are also frequently marked with figures showing the elevation of the contour. 2. Contours define the horizontal forms of slopes. They are con- tinuous horizontal lines, winding around hills and valleys, entering the basins of tributary streams and of ravines, always at the same level regardless of the degree of slope. 3. Contours therefore show the approximate grade of the slope. If the horizontal distance between two contours is large, the slope shown is necessarily gentle, while the less the horizontal distance between contours, the steeper is the slope; indeed in the case of precipitous bluffs, it is often impossible to show all the contour lines, as they would necessarily blend into one another, the hori- zontal distance being too small to be shown on the scale used. TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. ASTRONOMICAL LOCATIONS. The first requisite towards the making of a map is the accurate location upon the earth's surface of the portion under study. The first step is the astronomic location of a few points which may be used as reference points. It is not necessary that many points should be located astronomically. A determination by triangulation is subject to less error than is an astronomical determination, but when triangulation has been extended for a long distance, it is desir- able on account of the possible accumulation of errors that the deter- minations be checked by astronomical work. The observations for latitude and longitude are made in the ordinary manner, using the astronomical transit and zenith telescope, with necessary chronome- ters, telegraphic time service, etc. All the regular corrections, instru- mental constants, etc., are taken into consideration in determining the true astronomical location. This class of work has not been necessary in Pennsylvania. Triangulation. Wherever practicable horizontal control is effected by triangula- tion. This class of work in Pennsylvania has been based upon stations determined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey, or by the United States Lake Survey, the determinations of these organizations being of the necessary accuracy. The results, however, are constantly checked by observations for azimuth, and by measurement of base lines. Base Lines. The first step towards actual map making is the measurement of a "base line.” The measurement of such a line will, during the progress. of the work, serve as a check upon the accuracy of triangulation and the computation of the results. The base line must be carefully selected. It should be from 5 to 10 miles in length, and the signals at the two ends must be inter- visible. The ends of the line must also be visible from other sta- tions in the triangulation net, and the whole line reasonably smooth and as nearly level as possible. Where possible a line is selected along a railroad and the advan- tages of such location are obvious. At first wooden rods were used in making the measurements and later the Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey “Secondary Bars. Both methods have been abandoned in favor of long steel tapes. The tapes used are 300 feet in length, and in use are supported by low stools at intervals not greater than 25 feet, and with a uniform tension of 20 pounds, exerted by an ordinary spring balance, in the control of the head chainman. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 11 Both the head and the rear chainmen carry thermometers, and the temperature is observed at each tape length. As an additional precaution the measurements are made at night or on cloudy days. Each base line is measured at least twice, and carefully compared as a whole and by sections. After measurement the results are carefully corrected, first, by comparison with the standard of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey; secondly, the length must be corrected for inclination. If one portion of the line is higher than another, a proper correction is made, the necessary data being obtained from a line of levels run over the base line, giving the elevation of all the different supports. Thirdly, correction must be made for temperature. Sixty-two degrees is the recognized normal temperature and the necessary corrections must be applied to the measured length to correct it. The necessary data is furnished by the temperature observations made at the time of measurement. After these corrections are made the length must (fourth) be re- duced to sea level. The actual measurement is made on a circle approximately parallel to the surface of the ocean, and being above ocean level, is necessary longer than the corresponding line at sea level. The probable error in base line measurements, after the correc- tions named above are made, does not exceed 1-100,000 to 1-300,000, or from 1-5 to 3.5 inches per mile. The azimuth of the base line is also accurately determined at the time of measurement: The "Manual of Topographic Methods” gives the details of this work and the manner of making all the necessary corrections. Having a base line measured, and its azimuth determined, or having two stations whose location has been established within the degree of accuracy required, all is ready to begin triangulation. Triangulation Stations. The first step is the selection of the sta- tions. These must be intervisible, and are, therefore, in Pennsyl- vania, situated on the top of hills, where, if possible, the outlook is good in all directions. Where such stations are to be used for the control of a map they must also be so located as to meet the needs of the topographer. Formerly it was required that at least two such stations should be located within the bounds of each atlas sheet, but this requirement has been raised, along with the improve- ment in all branches of map making, so as to require at least 3 stations for each sheet, and in addition two or more prominent points must be located, thus giving at least five accurate locations for each atlas sheet. When necessary to raise the instrument a properly constructed observing tower must be built. TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGİC SURVEY. Instruments. The instruments used in primary triangulation are of a high grade. In the earlier work of the survey theodolites were used, reading by verniers to 10 seconds, and the results were re- duced and adjusted by least squares. A higher class instrument was afterwards adopted, with 8-inch circles, reading to 10 minutes. This instrument is provided with two microscopes by which an angle can be read to two seconds of arc. The object glass of these instru- ments is two inches in diameter and the focal length 16 inches. The eye piece commonly used has a power of about 30 diameters. In use the instrument is protected from the direct rays of the sun and from the wind. The instructions covering this class of work are complete. Attention is called to the sources of error, that they may be eliminated as far as possible. “No angle should be con- sidered fully determined that has not been measured on at least five different parts of the circle." The error of closure in any triangle should not exceed five seconds. Azimuth Observations. Accuracy is always aimed at and all possible checks are constantly used. Observations for azimuth on Polaris are made on two nights, from at least one station for each square degree of area controlled. In these observations the angle between star and mark must be measured not less than six times, with telescope both direct and reversed. The time of observations must be recorded, and checked by telegraphic comparison. The mark consists of a box with a slit 3-inch wide, six inches long, placed not less than one mile from the station. It is illuminated by a lamp or candle. . All the regular corrections for such astronomical work are made before the determination of azimuth is considered complete. Calculations. In each triangle we have at least three angles and one side known. These are the elements from which the remaining sides of the triangle are computed. Distances are estimated in meters, and the final results aimed at, the determination of the latitude and longitude of each station is determined by computation. Results are constantly checked by the method of least squares, and the con- stants used are those of the Clark spheroid of 1866. Latitude and longitude are figured to the hundreth part of a second, a number of times closer than possible to show on the completed map. Primary traverse. In some sections the best means of obtaining control, the location of certain points within the degree of precision demanded by the scale of the map, is by traverse. A traverse line con- sists of a series of direction and distance measurements. The direc- tion of each course is not determined by the magnetic needle, as in land surveying, but is measured by the theodolite from the direction of the preceding line. Traversing for control, is called "primary traverse," and is done with great accuracy. A traverse line must start STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. -13 from a determined point, if possible a triangulation station, and the line should close upon another fixed point. It is not practicable to read the angles in traverse work with the precision used in triangula- tion, for it is not practicable to carry as large and accurate instru- ments. In practice the angles are read, using both verniers, the circle is then shifted, and the angle remeasured with telescope re- versed. The two measurements should agree within 60 seconds. When practicable the distances are measured with the 300 foot tape line, using the spring balance, with a uniform tension of 20 pounds. Temperature observations are also made as the work of measure- ment progresses. Observations for azimuth are made each night, and consist of not less than three direct and three traverse readings between Polaris and the mark. These observations are corrected for elongation, watch errors, etc. At each azimuth station the new azimuth is adopted, instead of that carried forward, and if the error is great it is distributed over the line run. Corrections. In the final determination of the traverse line cor- rection is made for error of tape, and it is reduced to sea level. Cor- rection is also made for the convergence of Meridians, and then the latitude and departure of each station is determined by computation, and the latitude and longitude of the prominent points along the line determined. The Plane Table. The results of the control, whether by triangula- tion or primary traverse are platted on a sheet of paper known as a plane table sheet. The plane table is an instrument but little used in ordinary engineering work, but is of the greatest value to the map maker. It consists essentially of a drawing board, supported on a tripod, so as to permit of careful leveling and of turning in azimuth, with provision for clamping in any position. The plane sheet is se- curely fastened upon the board and the instrument set up at one of the stations located on the sheet. In the use of the plane table, direc- tions are not read off in degrees and minutes, but are platted directly upon the plane table sheet. To do this a ruler is required, and it is provided with sights that it may be accurately placed in the direction wanted, and in the higher class instruments it is provided with a telescope of moderate power. The ruler and sights are rigidly connected and are known as the "alidade.” The instrument being placed over a station the board is carefully leveled, then the edge of the ruler is placed on the line connecting this station with an adjoining one and the board carefully turned until the second station is in line with the sights of the alidade. It is then firmly. clamped in this position. This is called "orienting” the table. The ruler is then turned about the station occupied and lines drawn in the direction of other objects, the table itself remaining stationary. 14 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : When the lines have been drawn in the direction of the desired points the instrument is moved to a second station, oriented as before, and lines drawn in the direction of the points sighted from the first station occupied. The places of intersection of the lines necessarily are the proper locations upon the sheet of the points sighted. A number of lines are also drawn to other points visible from the second station, and the instrument moved to a third loca- tion, and the operation repeated as often as necessary to properly cover the area being mapped. By this method a large number of points are rapidly located upon the plane table sheet with a great degree of accuracy. Secondary traverse. It is not practicable to use the plane table for locating all details and recourse is had to traverse work for the loca- tion of sufficient points to control the details of the work. In this work, known as secondary traverse, the plane table is used, but in this case is a very simple instrument, with an alidade provided with folding sights. It is oriented by means of a compass needle, set in the board. When possible secondary traverse is carried on along the roads, the traverseman using a buggy or buckboard, the distances being measured by the revolutions of the wheel. This method of measure- ment is much more accurate than is commonly supposed. The direc- tions are platted by the plane table, using natural objects for sights, and the distances are platted directly upon the paper. This class of work requires but one man. Every line of traverse must close either upon itself or upon some previously located point. The error of closing must be shown on the paper, and should not exceed one- eighth of an inch upon the paper for a distance of eight to ten miles traversed. This error must afterwards be properly distributed. In the progress of the secondary traverse houses and prominent natural objects are located, often by intersection. Leveling. In connection with the obtaining of the horizontal con- trol, lines of level are run to obtain the vertical control. The instruc- tions now require at least one standard bench mark must be placed in each township, or equivalent area. The standard bench marks are of two kinds, (1) aluminum tablets cemented into solid rock or masonry of buildings, piers of bridges, etc., or (2) bronze capped iron posts, projecting about one foot and, in each case, marked with the eleva- tion to the nearest foot, and also with the name of the reference datum. Numerous other levels are noted, such as road junctions, railroad crossings, summits, bridges, etc., and the elevation of many are marked with white or red paint upon nearby fences, tele- graph poles, etc. Many elevations are also taken of points off the line of traverse, as prominent hills, bottom of ravines, etc. All lines of leveling must close, either on themselves, or on some known STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. elevation, and the error in feet should not exceed 0.05 distance in miles. Many elevations are also taken with the aneroid, the obser- vations being constantly checked by the more refined leveling work, and if the error at a check point reaches more than a contour interval the error is distributed is proportion to the distance. This gives great accuracy, for the check points are but few miles apart and the elapsed time very closely corresponds to the distance run, and it may be assumed for short intervals of time the rate of movement of the barometer is uniform. Sketching. The most important part of map making is, in many respects, the sketching in of the details, and this is generally the work of the chief of the party. In this work he has before him the prelimi- nary work of all kinds, carefully platted. The primary and secondary control, all triangulation points and points of intersection located by plane table work, the secondary traverse lines (adjusted), all eleva- tions, whether determined by leveling of by the aneroid are located and marked upon a sheet covering a portion of the quadrangle, and with this sheet the chief of the party goes carefully over the ground, sketching the drainage, the culture and the relief. He occupies many points in this work, not necessarily the points determined by the preliminary work and marked upon the sheet before him, but any point which furnishes a good view. He does not, as a rule, at- tempt to sketch from a distance, but the number of points he selects must vary with the relief, the culture and the absence or presence of wooded areas. With high relief few points may be occupied, but with a low relief, especially in a heavily wooded country, to properly get the details they must be sketched from nearby points and much travel is required to do the work. Such a region, for the same reasons, requires more control than a more rugged country. Sketching is artistic work, some men seem to have the native ability for it, to others it only comes as the result of time and hard work, and still others may fail to acquire it. There must also be the ability to generalize. All maps, being a reduction of nature, must be generalized, de- pending largely upon the scale of the map, but in all cases there must be some selection of features that must be kept most prominent' in the finished map. After the completion of the season's field work the topographer is engaged in the preparation of the finished map for the engraver. In common with other maps made by the several Federal Bureaus the projection used is the polyconic, which on the scale used, and for the area embraced in a quadrangle, gives practically no distortion. 2-No.7 16 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGİC SURVEY. LIST OF COMPLETED TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. The annexed table represents the completed maps, which are pub- lished, and can be had from the United State Geological Survey. Others are in course of publication and will soon be issued. Area Quadrangle. mapped. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. ................................ . . . . . . . .. . . . ............... . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Accident (Md.-Pa.-W. Va.), Allentown, ............ Amity, ................ Andover (Pa.-Ohio), Barnesboro, ........ Beaver, .......... Bedford, ........... Belair (Pa.-W. Va.), ... Bellefonte, ............. Blacksville (W. Va.-Pa.), ... Bloomsburg, .............. Bordentown (N. J.-Pa.), .... Boyertown, ............. Brownsville, ............ Bruceton (W. Va.-Pa.), .. Burgettstown, .......... Burlington (Pa.-N. J.), .... Butler, .. Camden (N. J.-Pa.-Del.),a ...... Cameron (W. Va.-Ohio-Pa.), Carlisle, Carnegie, ..... Catawissa, ............. Chambersburg, ... Chester (Pa.-Del.-N. J.),b Clarion, ....... Claysville, ............. Coatesville, ........ Columbiana (Pa.-Ohio), Conneaut (Pa.-Ohio), ... Connellsville, ........... Curwensville, .. 25.86 226.73 228.40 17.60 226.73 226.73 228.40 26.00 225.90 26.28 225.06 2.82 227.57 228.40 26.6.1 227.57 138.50 225.90 209.73 17.60 228.40 227.57 225.90 229.22 153.73 225.06 228.40 229.22 17.60 16.00 228.40 225.90 . ....... ... ....... ... ..... ............................ a. Chester and Philadelphia sheets, on scale of 1:82,500, bave been reduced, an los parts of Camden sheet, on scale of 1:125,000. b. Philadelphia and vicinity sheet includes Chester, Germantown, Norristown, and Phila- delphia sheets. V LITTLETON AMERON STEUBENVILLE COLUMBIANA - WELL-SVILLE - X YOUNGSTOWN KINSMAN ANDOVER CONNEAUT MANNINGTON NEW SHEI BEAVER ROGERS VILLE WASHINGTO CLAYSVILUX WHEELING, X BURGETTSTOẮN LINESVILLE NESHANNOCKX NEWCASTLE TEX A GIRARD My CARNEGIE SLACKSVILLEX SEWICKLEY ENCE BUTLER FAIRE LAKE ERIE TUX WANNESBURG X MERCER BLÍENOPLE ERIE WF O STONEBORO MEADVILLE CAMBRIDGE M VORGANTOWAX MÁSONTOWN PITTSBURG BUTLER HILLIARDS FRANKLIN IQWNVILLE UNION CITY BROWNSVILTE>X XOW KENSINGTON X NORTH EAST BRUCETON AY ETT VENANGO UNIONTOWN FREEPORT GRASBURG CONBELLSVILLE, ANNINS PX - FOXBURG OIL CITY DOBRÝ CLYMER X * SPIDENT CLARION RICHARD R. HICE, STATE GEOLOGIST GEORGE W. McNEES, ANDREW S. McCREATH, E. V. D’INVILLIERS, COMMISSIONERS. TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA CONPLUENCE S/ LT ORELAND STALSTOWN TIDMUTE ELDERS RIDGE – X CHAUTAULUA YOUNGSVILLE X WGRANTSVILLE OMERSET MEYERSDALE REST SOMERSET INDIANA NDIA R16 DROOKVILLE SHEFFIELD JEFF ERSONI JAMESTOWN IN FROSTBURES BERLIN WINDBER JOHNSTOWN ARNESRORE (PUNXSUTÀNNEY BROCKWATER RED HOUSE REYNOLDSVILLEX PATTON HYNDMAN BEDFORD PENFIELD RIDGWAY EBENSBURE MT. BEWETT DF BRADFORD SALAMANCA KLINTSTONAX EVERETT CLEARVILLE HOUTZOS CALEDONIT CALZGROVE SMETHPORT CURWENSMIDEX CLEARFIELD W HOLLIDAYSBURG, ( AMERON HANCOCK SOAL ONT HUNTINGDON PAWPAINY SIDELING HILL PHILIPSBURG BELMONT KARTHAUS BIRMINGHAMN EMPORIUM O X X OIT DRIFTWOOD FX TINGDON PARLIAMSPORU ORBISONIA MENNO BITUMEN GENESEE SHORTRUN BELLEFONTE SHOW SHE W m ROUDERSPORTX WELLSVILLE The names of sheets issued are underscored. INDEX MAP OF TOPOGRAPHIC ATLAS SHEETS. MERCERSBURG X KUAGERSTOWN NKLIN DOWARD 1 0 LEWISTOWN GALEJOK CHAMBERSBURE REXVILLE SHIPPENSERE MINGOVILLE POLA HYNER. A X VEMMITSBUTY INZ F EVIND Тру, IRFIELD NEWVILLE LOYSVILLE COBURN LOCKHAVEN ELKLAND RATHBONE Y CUMBERLAND i n MATAWANA X MIFFLINTOWA U NI ATA TANEYTOVNA HOYTVILLEX BLOSSBURG TLOGA TROUTRUN CORNING ARLISLE GETTYSBURG WEW BLOOMFILLO -14 ERSTOWN MIFELINBURG Y DE WILLIAMSPORT NON WESTMINSTER RALSTON HANOVER HARRISBURG DAUPHIN WILLERSBURG 1712&WHIT TROXBRIDGE X SAYRE YORK BARCLAY MALE WAVERLY * SHAMOKIA MIDDLETOWN VOR X EAGLES MEREX XNEW CUMBERLAND X HUMMEKSTOWN X EBANO Leeuwen UTV D FOR UN OWEGO TOWANDA LANCASTER PINEGROVE MONROETON DSTAWISSA MCCALLS FERRY L APORTEX * LANY APALACHIN Z MÍESHOPPEN LERAYSVILLE ( MAKONÀY QUARRYVILLE HARVNY LAKE S RACEX NEW HOLLAND K VESNERSVILLE X E ELKTON 17 HDZ PITTSIYA MONTROSE BIRGHAMPTON COATESVILLE HONEYBROOK READING → HAMBURG WILKESBARREA X SCRA) N HACKAWANNA! BOM NINEVEM DUNBAFF N VALON T CHESTE MUCH CHẾ BOYERTOWN PHOENIXVILLE STODDARDOVILLE TUHKHANNOCK ** SUSQUEHANNA Y X 2 MONTGOME DELAWARE NORTHHAMPTON DEPOSIT POCONO ANDGAP ALLENTOWN TÍONESDALEN STARRUCCA CHESTERE NORRISTOWN QUAMERTOWN X DELAWARE HAWLEY DAMASCUS LONG EDDY EASTON PHILADELPHIA GERMANTOWN DOYLESTOWN WATER GAP PSHOEMANERSK VPHILADELPHIA ! WALLPACK MILFORD C.S.H & CON Y BURLINGTON PLAMBERTVILLE PORTERVIS PLATE 1 BORDENTOWN STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... ........... .......... - ...................................... .. .. ........ ... ....... ........ .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ............ . . . . . . . . . ........ ... . ... .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . Quadrangle. Delaware Water Gap (Pa.-N. J.), Dolyestown (Pa.-N. J.), ..... Dundaff, ............... Easton (Pa.-N. J.), ..... Ebensburg, ......... Elders Ridge, ....... Elkland, ............. Elkton (Md. Del.-Pa.), .... Elmira (N. Y.-Pa.), Emmitsburg (Md.-Pa.), ... Erie, .......... Everett, ...... · Fairfield, ...... Fairview, Flintstone (Md.-Pa.-W. Va.), . Foxburg, ................... Franklin, Freeport, .......... Frostburg (Md.-W. Va.-Pa.), Gaines, Germantown (Pa.-N. J.), ... Gettysburg, Girard, ................. Grantsville (Md.-Pa.), Greensburg, ... Hamburg, ............... Hancock (W. Va.-Md.-Pa.), .... Harrisburg, ................ Harvey Lake, .............. Havre de Grace (Md.-Pa.) Hazleton, .............. Hilliards Hollidaysburg, ....... Honesdale, ............ Honeybrook (Suplee), Houtzdale, ....... Hummelstown, .... Huntingdon, .... Indiana, Johnstown, ............... Area mapped. 131.01 207.10 223.36 80.18 227.57 226.73 222.50 28.50 1.55 26.00 114.61 228.40 229.22 22.92 26.91 225.06 224.21 226.73 26.37 222.50 225.00 229.22 219.50 25.86 227.57 · 226.73 25.37 227.57 224.21 25.36 225.90 225.06 227.57 223.36 228.40 225.30 227.57 227.57 226.73 227.57 ... ... .......... ... ...... .. . ..... .. ........ .. ........ .. . ...... .. ........ .. ....... ..... . ..... ... ....... ... ..... .......... ....... . ... .. ... .... ..... ........ .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... .. .......... ..... ....... ... ........ .. ........ .. ... ....... ..... ......... .. .. ... ........ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . ................ - - - ---- - --- -- - -- ---- - -- - ---- - .-.- -. - -- - ---- - C. Philadelphia aud vicinity shoot includes Chester, Germantown, Norristown, and Phila- delpbia sheets. 18 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . . . .. . . . .. . . ..... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ....... .. ............... ... ...... ............ ....... .......... .......... ........ .. ........................................ ......... . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . Quadrangle. Kinsman (Pa.-Ohio), ... Kittanning, ................ Lambertville (Pa.-N. J.), Lancaster, .... Latrobe, Lebanon, ............ Linesville, ............. Littleton (W. Va.-Pa.), .. Lykens, .............. McCalls Ferry, ....... Mahanoy, Mannington (W. Va.-Pa.), ... Masontown, Mercersburg, i... Middletown, ... Millersburg, Millerstown, .......... Morgantown (W. Va.-Pa.), .. Neshannock, ... New Bloomfield, ..... New Castle, ........ New Cumberland, .... New Holland, New Kensington, ..... Norristown,d ........ Owego (N. Y.-Pa.), .... Parkton (Md.-Pa.), .... Patton, ................ Pawpaw (Md.-W. Va.-Pa.), .... Philadelphia (Pa.-N. J.),e ........ Philadelphia and vicinity (Pa.-N. J.- Del.),f Phoenixville, ......... Pinegrove, ..... Pittsburg, ........... Pittston, ............. Port Jervis (N. J.-Pa.), Pottsville, .......... Punxsutawney, ....... Quakertown, ... Area mapped. 17.60 225.90 49.86 228.40 227.57 227.57 223.36 1.95 226.73 229.22 225.90 26.28 229.2 229.22 228.40 226.73 226.73 26.90 225.06 227.57. 225.90 228.40 228.40 226.73 228.40 1.29 26.00 226.73 25.86 56.00 623.13 228.40 226.73 227.57 224,21 6.00 226.73 225.90 227.57 .................................... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . ........ .. ....... .......... .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .............. ...... . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..................................... d. Philadelphia and vicinity sheet includes Chester, Gerinantown, Norristown and Phila- delpbla sheet. é. Chester and Philadelphia sheets on scale of 1:62,500, have been reduced, and for parts of Camden sheet, on scale of 1:125,000. f. Philtdelphia and vicinity sheet includes Ohester, Germantown, Norristown and Philadelphia sheets. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. ......... .. .. ...... .. ... .. .................... ... .. ......................................... . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ... ............ ... .. ..... ......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quadrangle. Quarryville, ... Reading, Rogersville, ... Rural Valley, Scranton, ... Sewickley, ... Shamokin, Shenango, ...... Shickshinny, Slatington, ... Smicksburg, ....... Steubenville (Ohio-W. Va.-Pa.), Sunbury, ... Taneytown (Md.-Pa.), Tioga, ............... Uniontown,' ........... Wallpack (N. J.-Pa.), . Warren (Pa.-N. Y.), ...... Waynesburg, ..... Wellsville (Ohio-W. Va.-Pa.), .. Wernersville, ............... West Chester (Pa.-Del.), Westminster (Md.-Pa.), ........ Wheeling (W. Va.-Ohio-Pa.), . Wilkes-Barre, ...... York, ................... York special, Youngstown (Ohio-Pa.), ...., Zelienople, Area mapped. 229.22 227.57 229.22 225.90 224.21 226.73 225.90 224.21 225.06 226.73 225.90 17.60 225.90 26.00 225.50 229.22 52.50 219.00 229.22 17.60 227.57 165.55 26.00 17.60 225.06 229.22 7.33 17.60 225.90 . . . . . . . . ........... Total area published (137 quadrangles), ......... 23,322.19 TRIANGULATION AND PRIMARY TRAVERSE. The following list of triangulation stations .embrace: First. Determinations made a number of years ago by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in the eastern and southeastern portion of the State. Second. The triangulation stations located in the progress of the co-operative topographic work. These are based on the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in the eastern portion of the State, on cer- 20 · TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. joining States, on stations located in New York by the United States Geological Survey, and on the Lake Survey These stations have been checked by a measured base line along the Pennsylvania Railroad at Hillside, Westmoreland county, and the net is also tied to both the old and new obesrvatories at Allegheny (Pittsburg), the locations of which have been determined astrono- mically. Third. In addition to the triangulation stations mentioned above there are included in the list a number of points, the latitude and longitude of which were determined a number of years ago, but con- cerning which no further information is available. The lines or primary traverse and the locations resulting therefrom are all the result of work done under the agreement for co-operative topographic work above referred to. TRIANGULATION STATIONS. ALLEGHENY, NEW OBSERVATORY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On the summit of a hill in Riverview Park, Pittsburg (Allegheny). Station mark: The center of main dome (in process of construc- tion, 1900). (Latitude, 40° 28' 57.26". Longitude, 80° 01' 16.94".) To station- Union U. P. Church, ....... Greentree, ......... Allegheny, Old Observatory, . Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 68 25 57 248 20 57 4.06917 186 18 06 6 18 10 3.10864 341 31 18 161 31 39 3.38774 ALLEGHENY, OLD OBSERVATORY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On a hill near the center of Allegheny (Pittsburg). Station mark: The center of dome. (Latitude, 40° 27' 42.17". Longitude, 80° 00' 44.09"). To station-- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Allegheny, New Observatory, ..... 3.38774 Greentree, ... 170.00 46 350 00 29 3.56204 341 ALTMAN, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Grapeville, on a flat cleared hill, with fringe of timber on the north side, on land owned by John C. Altman, CAMERON Anna LITTLETON X WHEELANCE LIBER I STEUBENVILLEX SOCA YA WELLSVILLE X COLUMBIANA. KINSMAN YOUNGSTOWN. TENDENCE MANNINGTON A LOAK CONNEAUX OTHS ASKUS ANDOVEROX TIMES WR ROGERSVILLENA DDLETOX KISSOV BEAVER HENANGO NEWCASTLE BURGETTSTOPINE NDAN NESHANNOCKO A LINESVILLE ? X BLACKSVILLE GERARD Mx McDOKALA US MORLEY CARNEGIE N MERCER ZELJENOPLE FAIRYS AKE ERIE MPADVILLE RORO STONEBORO V SEMICKLAY W Z CAMBRIDGE X BROWNSYLIE PITTSBURG KERSTON BUTLER HILLIARDS FRANKLIN EW KENSINGTON V TOWNYILLE UNON CITY ELBRUCENO NORTH EAST ex O PONDFIELD NMOINCI 100% geVYET VERY SDUE BU FREEPORI ITTANI stek OIL CITY TITUSHILE SU CST MORE ARA CLEARER A WESTFIELD LIPLEY HA ANAM RICHARD R. HICE, STATE GEOLOGIST GEORGE W. McNEES, ANDREW S. McCREATH, E. V. D'INVILLIERS, COMMISSIONERS. TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA CON LUENSE OONEGA CARMONA CLARION S SELNERS RIOCE TIDLOUTE MALERTALIGONIES MIRAL VALLEY CHAUTAULUA A ON OLUCIXDACA TCCIDENT TV GRANTSVILES. A EDSELL MGR MIDO OLEVA VALI NAUGRTON Алфон 2 SHEFFIELD BURG Ane N YOUNGSVNTE KOU. AMESTOW BRODNILLEX RENTON RONG QUARE LIGNLAND PETERS BEAR IMER GARDNE FROSTBURG SPINE Zkogy. HOSTE GROVES AKIZUA FORWARD INDBERX oy 737 coer CALP BARNESROBO x PONXSUTAWNEY BROCKWATER VAAVAGE HOUSE * REYNOLDSVILLE X SUTT FUNT HELONGSORD LOMA Trous SYDMAS SHEA ESPN CRASBURG U HDMI WILLS BCARIY DO er FDF C SAXOPE WEBENSBURG PENFIELD RIDGWAY MT. WEWETT BRADFORD AMANCA FORNSEND X MASIN C ORWENS DES sr. gLAIKA CALEDN CLEARVILLE EVERETE DUNGA BRUS ALTOOS RTIAN WOPSONONICK CLEARFIELD ULEAN DOVE EX CÔNGROVE SMETHPORT STRON GIRARD NCOCKS (LALJON SIDELING HILL INGHAM PHILIPSBURG PARBRE KARTHAUS DRIETWOOD EMPORIUM O ABELFAST Y w MULDERSPORT BELMONTVILLE DIAMSPOR MERCERSB VRBISONIA MENNO HS MONS BITUME SHORTRUN BELLEFONTE GENESEE INDEX MAP OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS AND LINES OF PRIMARY TRAVERSE. WELLSVILLE/ MARIN DOUND HÄGERSTOVINY STRASSBURG SHIP LINTO SA ADWARD GALETON LEWISTOWN REXVILLE Din MI FEKIN CHAMBERSBURE MINGOVILLEP GK MILL -- EMMITSBUNS SHIPPINGSA SWALY COB BIG FLAT Otgocy NO 516 VI ELKLAND 2 NILLE LOCKHAVEN RAMSEYVILLE Az xok Aku RATIILONA myadoni A BISHOP > ENVILLEX NEW MBERLAN TANEYTOM KROARA LOYSYÍLL SMIL (03 Plavi PHENOL SEXYUKER CARLOSSBUR CORNING BETTYSBURG WILLIAMSPORT X BUCKEORN NOU TRESCENT VRIER porou DAU HANOVER BERRIES ARISANO NOM MATAWANA X MIFFLINTOWA A MEELINBURG Η ΝΙΑ ΤΑ BEAU STORUN a SUNBURUA BULPIT ROO RALSTON ILLERSBURG TROINTRUN KNOXGROUERS TROMBRIOGE V USICA DARBE MATTHEWS PARKTON A YORK AHONEY EAGLES N BARCLAY SAYRE MAISHAMOKON LLE SHWAVERLY AFONE MINBLETOWA STOWN v NMOI TRI BETAWISSA ADFORD BELAIR LANCASTER PINEGROVA KATAWAN MECALLS HERRD SO BLOOMSBURY MONROETON LAPORTE TOWANDA VKNOB OBS MELSDORF ROWLINSURI APA ACHIN RACE QUARRYVALLE E W KOLLAND TEPOISVILLE WERNERSVILLE KARVNY LAKE SIEN MÉSHOPPEN RREN LERAYSMILE < ART SCOCCA MATNE PRINCIPIO ELKTON HÁZELTON ISTOL MONTROSE BIRCHAMPION KOR COATESUILLES BORNERBEROK CK sols to GADING + NEWS WILKESBARREX UMA CRAYS RILL m CUESTI STODDARDS ETINGHOUSE BOBELL X MUCH CHUA DUNDAFF SES GOYERTOWN WA SUSQUEHANNA BLACKHOE PHOENIXVILLE PER FLE MILE CASTLE SSIC WIRE MONTGOMER NORTHMAMPTON ASALEM DEPOSIT POCONO SDALE STARRUCCA CATAN NARISTOWN mX QUAXERTOWN LEMCOTT VILLAVA TXILLTO BYKYARD OFFSE PSHI ASTON OEMAKERS HAWLEY DAMASCUS LONG EDDY DELAWARE WATER GAP PHILADELPHIA GERMANTOWN DOINESTOWN Pof GROVE U . Y PHILADELPHIKI AT BUL INE WILL WALLPACK AUX C.S.H & CO.NY MILFORD RLINGTON PICKU LAMBERTVILLE NT NOLL CUYER'S IT. ROSE PORT SERVIS MT. OLIVE PLATEN BORDENTOWN STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Station mark: A stone post 44 by 8 by 8 inches, set 42 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 17' 47.65". Longitude, 79° 37' 22.85".) To station, Shepler, ..... Wiley, Rose, Kepple, Stroble, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 45 51 12.3 225 43 46.0 4.3579395 77.41 14.4 257 35 46.5 4.0885127 148 30 09.7 328 27 25.6 4.0584376 200 22 55.2 20 24 19.7 3.9465750 275 53 01.1 95 57 53.1 4.0302815 .......................... ALTO, FRANKLIN COUNTY. (Not Occupied.) About 91 miles southwest of Chambersburg and 1 mile east of Mont Alto, on mountain locally known by that name. Signal: A wooden observation tower in Mont Alto Park. (Latitude, 39° 50' 04.06". Longitude, 77° 32' 08.72"'. U. S. S. D.) To station- Fairview, ..... Parnel, ..... Chambersburg, ..... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. O 0 Meters. 62 06 34.6 241 49 55.8 4.6246864 108 11 58.4 287 59 23.8 4.4687745 136 56 56.7 316 52 07.6 4.1954468 ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY. An astronomic station of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey situ ated on a low hill about 1 mile east of Juniata station, on the Pitts- burg, Lake Erie and Eastern Railway, on land owned by the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company, and is within the city limits of Altoona. Station mark: A block of sandstone 5 feet long, 34 inches wide and 20 inches thick, standing 30 inches above ground and resting on a concrete bed 16 inches thick. In the top is a copper bolt 3.1 inches long and 1 inch in diameter. (Latitude, 40° 31' 47.24". Longitude, 78° 23' 23.88". U. S. S. D.) . ALVERTON, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. On the summit of the hill on which is located the Alverton ceme- tery, about 30 feet west of the westerly fence line of cemetery. Station mark: A stone post 36 by S by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 08' 28.25". Longitude, 79° 35' 35,68",) 22 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Moore, .... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 16 39 38.6 196 38 38.6 3.8863993 81 52 06.7 261 49 08.7 3.8197812 ..... 329 47 05.4 149 48 14.2 3.7013389 Overton, ....... ..... BAKE OVEN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. and G. S. in the northern part of Heidelberg Township, on a very prominent peak known as Bake Oven. It is 7 miles west-northwest from Slatington, on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and about 4 miles north from Germans- ville, on the Schuylkill and Lehigh Branch of the Reading Railroad. Station is about 6 feet from the edge of the precipice near the highest point of the peak. Permanent mark: A foxtail bolt driven into the rock' in a trench 2 feet below surface. The letters U. S. C. S., 1875, are cut on the rock to south of station, and also an arrow pointing to center. (Latitude, 40° 44' 54.11". Longitude, 75° 44' 02.22".) To station, Port Clinton, Bear's Head, Smith's Gap, Big Rock, Topton, ....... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 53 42 39.16 233 32 35.87 4.3313333 .... 111 19 09.8 291 05 36.1 4.495771 252 26 55.42 72 39 07.2 4.439890 309 02 01.43 64 54 36.81 4.508902 351 48 49.1 171 50 48.9 4.183350 ................... BAKERSTOWN, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. (Not Occupied.) • A very high watertank tower near northwest corner of Richland Township, west of Bakerstown station of Pittsburg and Western Railway (B. & 0.), used in connection with a greenhouse, and believed to be owned by Mr. Crawford. Station mark: Center of tower. (Latitude, 40° 39' 37.60”. Longitude, 79° 58' 43.36”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. .... 285 14 59.36 105 21 26.85 4.1611425 Heverline, ...... ... 329 52 32.42 149 54 45.02 3.9797018 Chm . BALD MOUNTAIN, LACKAWANNA COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. and G. S. on the summit of Bald Mountain. Permanent mark: Cross marks cut in boulders. (Latitude, 41° 25' 41.24". Longitude, 75° 45' 04.92"'.) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. To station- Azimuth. Panther, Penobscot, Bald (3), Miller, Elk, Ricketts, .... Salem, Jermyn, 335 42 02 20 28 42 230 13 54 112 02 07 206 26 04 74 19 34 240 57 54 229 30 19 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 155 46 35 4.369701 200 23 53 4.463994 50 26 48 4.54596 291 54 08 4.258096 26 33 39 4.551398 253 57 27 4.68625 61 09 36 4.448229 49 37 20 4.287687 BALD (3), WAYNE COUNTY.. (Not Occupied.) On a bald summit of the mountain, about 3 miles north of Fair- view, a station on the gravity railroad, in the western central part of Clinton township. Permanent mark: A tall, dead tree. (Latitude, 41° 37' 48.3". Longitude, 75° 25' 37.6".) To station Bald Mountain, i ....... Clk, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 50 26 48 230 13 54 4.54596 130 16 47 310 11 27 4.16420 - BARCLAY, SOMERSET-WESTMORELAND COUNTIES. Station is near line between Somerset and Westmoreland counties on Laurel Ridge 12 miles west of Somerset and 1 mile north of Somer- set-Mount Pleasant pike. It is on land owned by Wesley Barclay about 0.25 mile northwest of his house in field at north end of woods. The mark is 10 feet west of a north-south fence. Station mark: A sandstone post 10 by 10 by 36 inches set 30 inches in ground with tablet in top. . Reference mark: Locust tree 8 inches in diameter, bears true south, distant 4 feet; locust tree, 8 inches in diameter bears true south 20° W., distance 9.5 feet. Signal: A target in locust tree. (Latitude, 40° 04' 56.92". Longitude, 79° 15' 29.88"'.) To station - Donegal, ...... Parks, ...... Edsell, ..... Laurel, ...... Schaffer, ..... : Highland, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 103 44 15.57 283 39 10.14 4.0630177 161 48 24.94 341 45 37.24 4.2940352 183 03 05.31 3 03 43.97 4.4242822 242 48 36 62 51 11 3.81500 259 43 52 79 52 16 4.27456 286 00 06 106 07 00 4.19988 · TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGİC SURVEY. BARRY, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. BARR. CHUYLK Triangulation station of the U. S. C. and G. S., on the highest part of the Mahantango Mountain, 6.4 miles southwest of Ashland. Sum- mit flat and partly timbered. Instrument elevated 10 feet. Permanent mark: Hole drilled in rock 5 by 5 by 36 inches. (Latitude, 40° 44' 15.39". Longitude, 76° 25' 42.12".) To station- Big Lick, Mahanoy (1), ... Montour, Catawissa, ..... Frackville, ... Port Clinton, ..... White Horse, ... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 45 24 20 225 16 56 4.351990 96 35 40 276 24 18 4.392270 124 47 32 304 32 18 4.600208 180 32 26 O 32 32 4.349496 256 11 37 76 18 18 4.171151 291 41 38 111 58 44 4.600257 335 01 32, 155 06 50 4.434873 BEAR, SOMERSET COUNTY. On a high part of the main Allegheny ridge on land owned by P. D. Bear and about 0.75 mile east of his house. Top is heavily timbered and is about 5 miles northeast of Meyersdale and 2.5 miles from Sand- patch. Signal: A red and white target fastened to corner of platform, which is built of sawed lumber, having for two of its legs red oak trees. Instrument elevated about 50 feet. Station Mark: Bronze tablet in rock under, center of platform. (Latitude 39° 50' 03.51". Longitude 78° 57' 30.56".) To station- r. ........................ Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 32 19 34.37 212 13 55.77 4.3731153 77 44 58.30 257 36 46.80 4.2715364 105 42 31.22 285 26 00.13 4.5812618 161 22 35.82 341 20 39.26 4.1306763 219 39 11 39 42 41 4.08629 239 10 27 59 16 45 4.21241 266 46 44 86 57 21 4.37418 .. 349 58 42.99 169 59 49.52 4.1533913 . ........................ Meadow, .. Peck, Steyer, ..... Berlin, Hostetter, ... Savage, ..... Hyndman, ... Sampson, ...... 10. BEARS HEAD, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY.. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. and G. S. In Rush township, 1 mile from Delano, on Lehigh Valley Railroad. Summit flat and covered with pine trees. Instrument elevated 35 feet. Permanent mark: Monument, 5 by 14 inches on top, 3 feet long. (Latitude, 40° 51' 01.35". Longitude, 76° 04' 47.65"). : 25 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. To station : Port Clinton, ....... Bake Oven, .. Catawissa, .... Buck, Shickshinny, ... Frackville, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log, distance. Meters. .. 344 37 08.9 164 40 37.6 4.452562 291 05 36.1 111 19 09.8 4.495771 · 108 45 38.0 288 32 03.0 4.488122 128 23 43.0 308 17 12.0 4.251213 170 09 41.0.350 06 50,0 4.551844 59 07 12.0 239 00 13.0 4.243033 BEARTOWN, LANCASTER COUNTY. Situated in Salisbury township, about two miles east of Greenbank Post Office. · (Latitude 40° 04' 51.947". Longitude 76° 00' 48.491”.) To station- Rawlinsville, ..... Gov. Dick, ...... Womelsdorf, ... Blackspot, Londonderry, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ........ 44 58 53.47 224 49 08.81 4.4854952 ...... 116 05 56.04 295 48 48.83 4.6223970 150 11 39.68 4.4936950 197 38 12.88 4.4920703 334 45 04.08 154 50 11.19 4.4254981 19 BEAVERTOWN, BLAIR AND HUNTINGDON COUNTIES. . On the crest of Tussey Mountain, about a miles south of point where the Beavertown and Marklesburg pike crosses the summit. Outlook good in all directions where trees are cut, except along the axis of the mountain. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 40° 21' 57.51". Longitude, 78° 12' 35.31º.) To station- - Lytle, Rattlesnake, .... Duncan, ..... Point View, .... Hicks, Terrace (2) .... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 28 13 34.4 208 11 35.9 3.9612280 61 01 14.4 240 52 11.6 4.3552251 83 05 00.4 262 59 21.0 · 4.0955332 171 27 30.0 351 26 33.3 4.1420604 209 37 46.2 29 39 23.5 3.8550653 336 27 36.6 156 29 07.8 3.9210568 BEAVERTOWN, SNYDER COUNTY. Situated on Black Log Mountain, about 4 miles south-southeast of Beavertown. Can be reached from Beavertown by following road south from Beavertown railway station to John Nepp's house, about 1 mile; take right hand and follow same to old saw mill site, about one-fourth mile; then take left hand, an abandoned log road, used . 26 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : as bridle trail; follow trail about 24 miles to signal. (Trail leads from Beavertown to Richland.) Station mark: A sandstone post, 30 by 10 by 10 inches, with cop- per bolt set in top and post set flush with surface of ground. Reference mark: A pine tree 12 incheś in diameter, sawed off 20 feet above ground and used for tripod. True azimuth of tree 177° 31' 1 feet distance. (Latitude, 40° 42' 59.8". Longitude, 77° 08' 13.2".). To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Millerstown, .... 8 43 34 188 42 24 . 4.22242 L. Mahanoy, 263 21 40 83 33 36 4.41336 Berries, .... 320 24 59 140 33 00 4.43606 Spruce, 341 01 36 161 04 51 4.33770 ......................... BECK, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. On a cultivated knob in Burnside township, 2 miles' west of New Washington, 5 miles south of Mahaffey, on land owned by Mr. Beck, who lives on southwest side of knob. View cut off by a fringe of timber on north side of hill; fine view in other directions. Station mark: A sandstone post 32 by 6 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 49' 22.06". Longitude, 78° 44' 23.81".) To station-- Azimuth. 'Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Thomas, 2 56 13.52 182 55 29.61 4.4904668 ...... 81 07 47.50 260 58 33.24 a4.3037143 Bowser, ..... 145 43 17.82 325 40 06.05 4.0855574 Walls, ...... 165 35 47.75 345 34 28.28 4.0578282 Patterson, 256 00 42.07 76 05 32.70 4.0306219 Swope, 334 39 53.74 154 43 22.37 4.2440372 a Mean. Idowes, ............... .. ... ... . Palmer, BEELS, ON LINE BETWEEN CLARION AND VENANGO COUNTIES. About 3 miles north of Salem, in Salem township, on a bare, round knob with timber on the north side. On an east and west line fence which is also the county line between Clarion and Venango counties. The land south of fence is owned by J. H. Beels, of Lamartine. Station mark: . A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." Reference marks: A chestnut tree along road fence, mag. bearing S. 34° W., 188 feet distant. A county line monument and corner mag. bearing N. 87° W., 115 feet distant. (Latitude, 41° 15' 14.00". Longitude, 79° 38' 47.07".) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. To station- Weaver, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 244 05 45.9 64 14 20.7 4.3046552 254 38 29.9 74 49 35.5 4.3862438 271 09 39.4 91 26 38.6 4.5563276 281 01 57.4 101 12 14.0 4.3464047 287 07 27.7 107 15 39.5 4.2598866 324 00 37.9 144 07 19.6 4.3845964 346 19 23.0 166 21 52.1 4.3497924 e, Lucinda Catholic Church, .... McNaughton, ........... Clarion Court House, Groce, ....... Myers, ................. McCall, ...... ........... ...................... ........................ BELFOR, TIOGA COUNTY. In Delmar township, on a spur of main ridge, 3 miles west of Wellsboro. Property of William Belfor, who lives 400 yards south of station. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 41° 45' 13.18". Longitude, 77° 22' 18.33".) To station- . .......................... Cedar, Davis, Rarick, Sampson, .... Putnam, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 45 43 34.02 225 38 17.92 4.1844405 169 05 30.61 349 04 42.71 3.9308613 239 46 08.75 59 54 44.92 4.3154970 282 30 47.07 102 39 46.39 346 54 37.36 166 55 52.32 4.0686489 BERLIN, SOMERSET COUNTY. A station located on top of partly cleared hill on land owned by Corneal Cover and 300 yards southwest of his house on line with rail fence. It is about 3 miles nearly west of Berlin and about 6 miles southeast of Somerset. Signal: Flag in top of trimmed wild cherry tree which is about 0.5 mile south of road between Somerset and Berlin. Station mark: An aluminum tablet stamp set in top of marble post 26 by 6 by 6 inches set in ground 20 inches. (Latitude, 39° 56' 58.59". Longitude, 79° 00' 32.31".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Peck, 39 43 09.13 219 36 53.56 4.3386610 Steyer, 85 35 23.72 265 20 48.11 4.5116915 *Somerset, ... 138 29 24 318 26 44 3.95116 Highland, .... 149 45 28.10 329 42 44.22 4.0792249 Hostetter, .... 285 42 59.47 105 48 26.53 4.0993595 Groves, ....... · 217 49 23.28 35 53 25.75 4.1839256 Bear, ....... 341 20 39.26 161 22 35.82 4.1306763 *Preliminary values only. ................ ..................... . . 28 . TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEYRVH ' BERRIES, DAUPHIN COUNTY. Station on Berries Mountain, about 2 miles southeast of Millers- burg, one-third of a mile east of Lovers Rock. A wagon can be taken to triangulation station. Summit long and narrow; three acres of timber cut down, giving a good view north and south, but not east or west. Permanent mark: Blazes on three sides of lone tree. (Latitude, 40° 31' 37.24". Longitude, 76° 55' 54.36".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Little Mahanoy, ........... .... 199 16 15 19 20 08 4.405435 Big Lick, 254 00 02 74 12 17 4.442001 BETHEL, DELAWARE COUNTY. Situated in Bethel township. (Latitude, 39° 50' 46.232". Longitude, 75° 29' 25.339”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Yard, 211 55 50.45 31 59 48.83 4.221949 Pine Hill, ...... 276 57 08.56 ............ 4.6322822 Lippincott, ... · 312 12 40.11 ... 4.3103937 Burden, ....... 345 02 06.81 4.5599153 ............ ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D T BIG FLAT, ADAMS COUNTY. On the south end of the Big Flat about 0.25 miles south of county line where it makes a bend and 200 yards northeast of stone house owned by the State. Signal: Target on large dead pine. Station mark: Limestone 30 by 8 by 6 inches set 30 inches in ground. Tablet cemented in top. Reference mark: Dead pine signal tree, azimuth 51° 37', distant 41.0 feet. (Latitde, 39° 59' 33.45". Longitude, 77° 24' 04.02”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Green, 4 29 17 184 28 48 4.13522 Hammond, .. 237 07 20 57 13 12 4.18914 Fickle, 252 48 56 72 58 50 4.36014 u , .............. .. .. .. .... ......................... BIG KNOB, BEAVER COUNTY. Near the north end of summit and about 40 feet south of an east and west rail fence on a prominent partly timbered hill, known lo- cally as the “Big Knob,” in Sewickley township, on land owned by STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 29 Joseph Powell, who lives at south end of knob; 4 miles northeast of Freedom, 6 miles east of Rochester 71 miles east of Beaver court house. Theodolite elevated 30 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze table inarked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 43' 15.73". Longitude, 80° 12' 02.87".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. . Meters. Bunker Hill, ..... 43 20 47.5 223 16 22.2 4.1441156 Dawson, 83 35 01.0 263 47 05.7 4.2355940 Gilliland, 109 42 02.6 289 35 24.5 4.1816755 Walker, ... 143 47 07.7 323 43 30.5 4.1204228 Weir, ....... 350 46 41.6 170 47 47.7 4.1726934 u , ........ ...... .. ....... ................... BIG KNOB, PERRY COUNTY. On spur of Tuscarora Mountain, about 3 miles north west of Blair, Pa. It is reached by going 1 mile on Newport road and turning to left through lane up to top of ridge by wood road, then going 1 mile west along ridge to signal. Signal: Red oak tree 8 inches in diameter. Station mark: A bronze, triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock. Reference marks: The red-oak signal tree; true azimuth, 123° 55'; distant, 14 feet from station mark. (Latitude, 40° 21' 37.42". Longitude, 70° 32' 46.05”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Blair, ...... 52 47 07 232 41 32 4.19586 Shade, ..... 150 58 40 330 55 51 4.10210 Tuscarora, ...... 225 00 15 45 05 22 4.19821 Bowers, 276 22 09 96 29 39 4.21447 BIG LICK, DAUPHIN COUNTY. On Big Lick Mountain, just north of Williamstown colliery. The station is on a slight rise of the long, straight, and nearly level mountain top. . Permanent mark: Stump 5 feet high, 6 inches diameter, with rocks piled round it. (Latitude, 40° 35' 42.95". Longitude, 76° 37' 03.20”.) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Berries, ......... 74 12 17 254 00 02 4.442001 Little Mahanoy, ... 132 11 30 312 03 06 4.388997 Mahanoy (1), 155 21 02 335 19 05 4.311132 Barry, ........... 225 16 56 45 24 20 i 4.351990 ................... 30 : TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. BIG ROCK, LEHIGH COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S., three and one-half miles south of Allentown. This station was identified by a bolt in solid rock. Summit is now cleared of timber. (Latitude, 40° 33' 53.73". Longitude, 75° 26' 16.42".) To station- Topton, ...... Bake Oven, Smith's Gap, Montana, Haycock, ..... Kreutzer, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Oi r o " Meters. 64 34 36.8 244 45 03.9 4.360514 64 54 36.81 309 02 01.43 4.5089020 182 33 18.74 2 33 54.28 4.4572086 235 05 46.52 ............ 4.5897786 294 32 22.86 114 40 53.66 4.3085940 129 08 37.6 309 05 05.7 3.994259 utzer, ...... BISHOP, ADAMS COUNTY. In Butler township, on a partly cleared hill owned by Mr. Bishop, 1.5 miles northwest of Biglerville. Signal: A tripod built of poles and covered with cloth. Station mark: A brown sandstone post 30 by 10 by 10 inches set 28 inches in ground; tablet cemented in top. (Latitude, 39° 56' 51.80". Longitude, 77° 16' 33.30”.). To station- : Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 53 49 03.09 233 43 45.09 4.1642000 223 41 37.17 43 46 42.17 4.2102363 268 39 37 88 47 36 4.23354 291 04 22 111 07 55 3.92568 350 05 42.42 170 07 06.74 4.2600067 Green, ...... Fickle, ...... Roundhill, ..... Plainview, Round Top, ... : : : : BLACK SPOT TOWER, BERKS COUNTY. At Reading. Summit of mountain leveled off and lowered about 10 feet and all marks of U. S. C. & G. S. destroyed: A stone hotel, tower, and other buildings have been erected on summit. Instru- nent was mounted on roof of stone tower 50 feet above ground. Permanent mark: Center of tower. · (Latitude, 40° 20' 50.32". Longitude:, 75° 54' 09.73".) To station- Azimuth. Womelsdorf, ...... Long, ... 'ccccino Fancy Hill, ..... 84 17 24.4 . 266 01 09.8 279 17 43.5 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 264 06 01.5 4.398460 86 08 59.8 4.234802 99 25 02.1 4.209785 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . 31 BLAIR, FRANKLIN-JUNIATA COUNTY LINE. (Not Occupied.) On a knob on the Tuscarora ridge, about 2 miles east of Blair, Pa. The knob was nearly cleared of timber and one tree left for signal, with white flag in top. The point is reached by going about 1.5 miles southeast on road from Blair to old sawmill, then up the mountain on foot. Station mark: The lone signal tree. (Latitude, 40° 16' 36.30". Longitude, 77° 41' 23.18".) . To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Shade, ........ 196 32 58 . 16 35 44 4:32696 Big Knob, ....................... 232 41 32 52 47 07 4.18586 ..................... BLY, TIOGA COUNTY. A station of the New York State survey, on a partially cleared ridge in Jackson township, owned by A. B. Bly, who lives 400 yards south. Theodolite elevated 24 feet. Station mark: A 1-inch hole drilled in solid rock 12 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark: A granite post of the New York State survey, 18 by 8 by 8 inches, set 12 inches in the ground, centered over the sta- tion mark. (Latitude, 41° 54' 36.03". Longitude, 77° 00' 40.06”.) . To station--' Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Sampson, ..... 27 38 59.49 207 33 34.08 4.3858632 Putnam, ...... 43 38 22.72 223 25 14.16 " 4.5986590 Rarick, .....:: 60 02 15.82 239 56 26.12 . 4.1445663 Davis; 74 13 15.22 233 58 02.02 4.5159980 Harrison, .. 90 56 36.30 270 29 05.12 4.7556373 Robb, ..... 91 53 37.32 271 43 40.41 4.3139413 Karl, ...... 94 44 27.23 274 29 45.50 4.4844239 Woodhull, .. 120 21 59.58 300 07 55.94 4.5264239 Swale, 129 37 27.79 309 18 10.26 4.7125144 Chamberlain, ... . 345 59 03.06 166 01 16.92 4.2821831 , ...................... ..................... 6. BOWERS, PERRY COUNTY. About 3 miles southwest of Loysville by road, on land owned by Sam Waller, about 0.25 miles east of Waller's house. It is nearly 3 miles west by road from Landisburg, on east side of fence row between fields. It is much lower than surrounding timber hills, but overlooks much of surrounding country. Station mark: A marble post 6 by 6 by 30 inches set 24 inches in ground and resting on solid rock. (Latitude, 40° 20' 37.92". Longitude, 779 21' 1.6,064,) 3---No. 7 32 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Big Knob, ......... 96 29 36.00 276 22 09.00 4.21447 Tuscarora, 158 34 55.74 338 32 35.58 4.14467 Eschol, 206 00 35.75 26 03 00.42 4.0791292 Newport, i.. 237 09 00.95 57 17 39.23 4.3508360 Feters, 264 24 56.20 84 35 34.16 : 4.3818308 .............. BOWSER, JEFFERSON COUNTY. On a cultivated ridge in the extreme southeastern corner of Gas- kill township, 6 miles northwest of Mahaffey, on land owned by Peter Bowser. Station is near the northeastern end of ridge, 4 or 5 feet lower than the summit, and on the fence line. Station mark: A sandstone post 34 by 6 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 54' 48.17". Longitude, 78° 49' 16.89":) . To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Beck, ...... ... 325 40 06.05 145 43 17.82 4.0855574 Swope, ..... ... 330 56 55.20 151 03 35.51 4.4717489 BRICKYARD, MONROE COUNTY. (Not Occupied.) Station is highest brick stack at Blue Ridge White Brick yard at Saylorsburg, Pa. The stack has the name Blue Ridge lettered in enameled brick on it. Signal and Station mark: Center of stack. Sighted from two sta- tions. Latitude, 40° 53' 37.95". Longitude, 75° 18' 56.26".) To station Pimple Hill, ..... Strawberry, ....... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 132 50 16 312 42 49 4.33705 191 03 16 11 04 09 3.99689 BRIER, TIOGA COUNTY. .On Brier Hill, Liberty township, 4 miles south of Blossburg and 2 miles north of Eastpoint post office, on brushy land owned by Mor- lis Run Coal Company. Theodolite elevated 23 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post, 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in top of center of which is cemented a bronze tablet, marked “U. S. Geological Survey Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 37' 05.$0". Longitude, 77° 02' 17,91".) - STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . 33 To station- Sampson, ...... Rarick, ......... Chamberlain, ... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ......... 140 17 09.19 329 12 49.74 4.1498126 .. 158 52 14.66 338 47 31.09 4.4356002 206 31 22.84 26 34 41.38 4.1.889100 BRISTORIA, GREENE COUNTY. On a dome shaped hill 2 miles north of Bristoria and 11 miles west of Waynesburg, in a pasture owned by the Isenminger estate, about 500 feet north of a public road. Station mark: A marble post 48 by 8 by 8 inches, set 48 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronzed triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 39° 53' 32.55". Longitude, 80° 23' 38.18".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimutb. Log. distance. Meters. Oak, ..... 6 54 26.4 186 53 51.1 4.0377279 · Rock Lick, 76 18 21.5 256 13 07.0 4.0791962 Wilson Knob, 130 48 17.3 310 41 33.7 4.2943973 Time, 185 30 01.5 5 30 19.2 3.8348950 231 40 06.0 51 46 11.3 4.2357775 Call, .. 301 26 01.1 121 29 33.0 3.9642757 .................. Union, ...... ............6............ BROAD, DAUPHIN COUNTY. Not occupied. Station is situated on the highest point of Broad mountain, Jackson town, about 5 miles southwest of Elizabethville. Station is marked by a pine tree. (Latitude, 40° 30' 39.46". Longitude, 76° 46' 13.36”.) To station- Azimuth. Little Mahanoy, ......... Big Lick, Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 348 28 52 4.420220 54 10 30 4.203452 168 31 17 ... 234 04 32 BROADVIEW, INDIANA COUNTY.. About 21 miles north of Shelocta, and a few rods east of the Arm- strong Indiana county line, on a high, bare hill, with some timber on the southwest slope. The land is owned by John Russel. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 38 inches in the ground, in the center top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." . (Latitude, 40° 41' 16.95". Longitude, 79° 17' 28.00".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Tabernacle, ..... ....... 17 47 44,1 197 44 53.7 4.3044854 Graham, ........,,,.,,,!!,,.... 131 45 43,1 311 40 54.2 4.1438489 34 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Clever, ..... Kunkle, ...... Coleman, .. Warner, .... Watt, ...... .. 173 07 19.6 253 14 15.6 302 28 27.8 325 44 45.1 354 05 01.4 353 06 02.8 73 17 40.3 122 32 38.9 145 47 32.6 174 05 29.2 4.3608128 3.8862700 4.0307069 4.0310144 3.9883854 BRUSH MTN., BLAIR COUNTY. Situated about 5 miles nearly north from Hollidaysburg, on the southern end of Brush mountain, 40 feet lower and 450 feet south of its highest point. Lines of sight cut through timber toward other stations. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in a large rock and buried in the ground, above which is à pile of rocks 5. feet bigh. (Latitude, 40° 29' 11.34". Longitude, 78° 21' 08.93".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Hartman, ......... 13 02 33.5 193 01 26.1 4.0360067 Rattlesnake, .......... 17 29 43.6 19.7 26 12.9 4.4076197 Foot of Plane Eight, .... 62 43 14.7 242 37 01.0 4.1841092 Tunnell Hill, ...... SS 07 39.0 268 00 09.1 4.2130517 Wopsononock, .......... .... 140 20 48.0 320 17 22.4 ' 4.0670251 .................. BUCK, COLUMBIA COUNTY. Not occupied. In eastern part of Beaver township 3 miles east of Beaver Valley. Summit flat and round; the edges covered with a scattering growth of pines; a tripod 15 feet high erected near a leaning pine tree on highest part. Abel Smith and Isaac Klinger- inan (guides) live on northwest side 17 miles from triangulation, point. Permanent mark: Blaze on foot of tree. (Latitude, 40° 57' 00.00". Longitude. 76° 14' 46.22".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 182 51 34 4.302861 128 23 43 4.251213 Frackville, Bear's Head, ...... 2 52 02 308 17 12 ..... BUCKHORN MOUNTAIN, LYCOMING COUNTY. On west point of Buckhorn mountain, 2 miles southwest of Cogan House post office, in Cogan House township. The mountain is cov- ered with high timber, and signal target was in top of pine trees about 100 feet above ground. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 8 by 10 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 41° 23' 47.37". Longitude, 77° 11' 25,58".). .: 35 ?. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. ................ To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. o i ori 0 Meters. Searl, 24 59 51.04 204 57 21.52 4.0956165 Hesse, ..... .... .. 105 43 28.48 285 39 55.31 .............. 3.8909055 Crawford, .. 144 34 49.47 324 30 22.33 4.1931654 Zucker, ...................... 184 52 59.92 4 53 29.40 4.0840454 Crescent,'. ........... ............. 4.08617 Howell, 336 15 41.27 156 17 06.20 3.8706345 BULL, WARREN COUNTY. Located in the southwest part of Sugar Grove township on a small knob of conglomerate rock on land owned by Warren Bull. An excellent view in every direction.. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 41° 55' 34.757". Longitude, 79° 23' 36.591".) To station - Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 258 07 32.148 78 13 19.668 4.0877421 Yankee Bush, .. 291 38 56.817 111 46 40.204 4.2359605 Crippen, .... 335 03 06.006 155 05 41.117 4.1042866 Nelson, ... ................ BUNKER HILL, BEAVER COUNTY. On the highest point of a cleared hill in Moon township, mile south of Shaffer post office, and 6 miles south of Beaver; 200 yards south of Bunker Hill school house, on land owned by the Misses Good. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey--Pennsylvania." (Latitude: 40° 37' 47.00". Longitude, 80° 18' 49.87".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. McCleary, ... 67 11 43.7 247 07 52.4 3.9571732 Dawson, 137 43 41.4 317 39 11.8 4.0500887 Big Knob,.. 223 16 22.2 43 20 47.5 4.1441156 Weir, ....... 290 47 55.1 110 53 26.0 4.1068604 Dickson, . 350 06 53.6 170 08 04.4 4.1745591 .................... BUSH, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. TY In Washington township, about 4 miles south of Apollo, on a bare hill owned by the heirs of Isaac Bush. Signal: A lone apple tree on highest point of hill. 36 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 30' 37.17". Longitude, 79° 34' 31.41".) i To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. O , . o " . Meters. Clearview, . 45 00 25.5 225 47 11.0 3.9994467 Hilty, ...... 246 12 51.4 66 14 30.4 3.5933120 Steel, .. 305 39 26.9 123 41 21.6 3.7093968 ....................... BUSTI, CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Located in the southeastern corner of Busti township about 2 miles a little east of south from the village of Busti, on a command: ing ridge on land owned by C. Meredith. Station mark: A stone post 30 by 6 by 6 inches set 28 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri angulation tablet. (Latitude, 42° 00' 32.55”. Longitude, 79° 16' 25.26”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Panama, 108 OS 36.83 287 58 46.96 4.3286072 Meas, 194 05 59.78 14 07 45.77 4.1734905 Highland, 201 20 39.98 21 25 02.32 4.4000139 Qualrod, 227 50 04.16 47 56 24.17 : 4.2451027 Peterson, ..... 254 30 43.275 74 38 04.930 4.1970889 Nelson, 341 12 36.137 161 13 42.127 3.8485040 na, ........................ ................... (Not Occupied.) Flag in a pine tree on highest point of a cleared ridge owned by William Butts, 1 mile east of Mansfield. Station mark: Center of signal tree. (Latitude, 41° 47' 39.86". Longitude, 77° 3' 51.98”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Sampson, 38 11 36 218 08 19 4.04428 Rarick, ....... 127 27 29 307 23 48 3.98440 Chamberlain, 302 18 04 122 22 25 4.03076 .................... CALHOUN, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. About 2.1 miles west of McKeesport, and } mile south of Calhoun Park, on farm of W. F. Miller. Station Mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey_Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 22' 00.05”. Longitude, 79° 55' 32.00”.) STATÈ OF PENNSYLVANIA. To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 9 58 00.0 189 56 59.0 4.1096654 84 27 17.4 264 23 27.5 3.9250637 114 14' 59.9 294 06 16.4. 4.3196701 150 34 16.3 330 30 36.5 4.2107473 272 48 30.7 92 52 45.7 4.2365716 307 05 05.5 127 11 22.2 4.2365716 Pollock, Shannon, . Union U. P. Church, Greentree, Terrace, .......... Wiley, ........... CALL, GREENE COUNTY. . On a cleared hill about 3.miles southwest of Rogersville, on land owned by Robert Call. Station mark: A marble post 48 by 8 by 8 inches, set 48 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 39° 50' 56.68". Longitude, 80° 18' 07.61".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Oak, ....... 56 45 12.3 236 41 05.3 4.0403119 Bristoria, ... 121 29 33.0 301 26 01.1 3.9642757 Time, 148 14 24.8 328 11 10.5 4.1355279 Union, 200 05 07.7 20 07 40.7 4.2167757 Hughes, .. 221 22 02.6 41 26 18.6 4.1564204 268 59 33.8 89 04 36.7 4.0507482 ...................... Shriver, . ........................ COLER, CARBON COUNTY. (Sighted from two stations.) (Not Occupied.) Station is on Coler Mountain in Penn Forest township, Carbon County, Pa., about 5.5 miles southwest of Jonas. Mountain has scat- tering pine trees on top and underbrush 10 or 12 feet high. Station mark: 10-inch pine with white targets, blazed on north and south sides near base and large spike driven in each blaze. Signal: Station mark tree with targets. . Note: Snyder brothers at Snyder's Hotel at Jonas, know location of station. (Latitude, 40° 55' 32.62": Longitude, 75° 34' 52.26".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Pimple Hill, ............ 209 45 45 29 49 45 4.11033 Smith Gap, .... 310 36 19 130 42 32 4.24562 Smith .................. CANONSBURG, WASHINGTON COUNTY. In North Strabane township, in a cultivated field at summit of high knob, 1 mile S 15 E. of Canonsburg, and in view of the town. 38 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. On land owned by Mr. James Hanna, who lives on east side of hill. at a road fork. Station mark: A sandstone post -31 by 7 by 7 inches, sunk 31 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Penn- . sylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 14' 40.51°. Longitude, 80° 10' 51.20".) To station- ........................ Mt. Wheeler, ..... Claysville, ..... Garrett, ..... McDonald, .... Hickman, Shannon, .... Pollock, ...... Hillsboro, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 22 31 03:0 202 28 40.8 4.1345757 50 18 45.5 230 10 19.6 4.3826975 78 04 35.4 257 59 04.1 4.0933003 163 11 12.3 343 09 24.7 4.1326119 194 34 17.5 14 35 39.2 4.0737263 226 14 17.1 46 20 22.0 4.2656474 267 20 47.3 87 29 40.3 4.2904183 331 38 29.5 151 42 44.5 4.2949237 CARROLLTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY. Spire of Catholic church in Carrolltown.. Station mark: Center of spire. (Latitude, 40° 36' 09.43". Longitude, 78° 42' 42.31". U. S. S. D.) To station .... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 5 50 15.6 185 49 38.4 4.1222362 .. 279 41 00.9 99 51 29.9 4.3631044 . 314 00 50.3 134 07 14.1 . 4.2863416 Ebensburg, ...... Wopsononock, .... Tunnel Hill, 3 ................. y CATAWISSA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S. Two miles (air line) southeast of town of Catawissa. Summit very broad and much timber still standing. Ascent difficult as no roads run near triangu- lation point. Instrument elevated 15 feet. Permanent mark: Hole drilled in rock. Latitude, 40° 56' 20.28". Longitude, 76° 25' 33.10".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 0 32 32 180 32 26 4.349496 34 16 06 214 09 39 4.391414 39 04 09 218 56 35 4.412599 51 42 01 231 30 32 4.498371 62 23 39 242 17 45 4.154306 90 38 25 270 23 03 4.517488 165 40 23 345 35 18 4.639609 288 32 03 108 45 38 4.488122 Barry, .... Mahanoy (3), Mahanoy (2), Mahanoy (1), Woodruff, Montour, ... North, ..... Bear's Head, .................. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 39. CEDAR, TIOGA COUNTY. On land owned by Billings estate, in Ship township, on highest point of Cedar Run mountain, which is covered with high dead timber. Theodolite elevated 30 feet. · Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 8.by 8 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.'! (Latitude, 41° 39' 26.91". Longitude 77° 30' 11.52".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Stiles, ..... 168 13 44.65 ............ 4.2688985 Davis, ...... 206 01 09.00 26 05 37.49 4.3266037 Belfor, .... 225 38 17.92 45 43 34.02 4.1844405 Putnam, 272 59 57.88 93 06 28.58 4.1342086 Zucker, ...... 301 49 05.19 122 02 02.02 4.5044256 Crawford, ....... 313 36 20.10 133 44 28.60 4.3723846 Hesse, .... 325 12 23.03 145 71 15.83 4.5145574 1 E SSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAMBERLAIN, TIOGA COUNTY. On Armenian mountain, a timbered ridge about 31 miles southeast of Mainsburg post office and 4 miles north of Fallbrook post office. Station on property of J. A. Chamberlain, who lives 300 yards east. Theodolite elevated 28 feet. Station mark: A copper bolt 1 inch in diameter cemented in solid rock 14 inches below surface. Surface mark: Over the copper bolt, a marble block, 12 by 12 by 8 inches, set 14 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is set a bronze tablet, marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylva- nia." (Latitude, 41° 44' 33.75". Longitude, 76° 57' 19.34.") To station- . Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 26 34 41.38 206 31 22.84 4.1889100 Sampson, .. 79 30 54.51 259 23 16.03 4 .2093504 Butts, 122 22 25.00 302 18 04.00 4.0307600 Rarick, ..... 124 48 54.05 304 40 51.14 4.3087886 Bly, ...... 4.2821831 Brier, ..... CHAMBERSBURG, FRANKLIN COUNTY. The balcony of the clock tower on the county court house at Chambersburg was occupied, and the angles were rduced to center of tower. Station mark: Center of clock tower. (Latitude, 39° 56' 15,41". Longitude, 77° 39' 39.62".). 40. TOPOGRAPHIC AND. GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Parnell, ....... Strasburg, ...... Roxbury, .... Timber Hill, Alto, Quirauk, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. · Meters. S2 25 31.4 262 17 45.3 4.2405209 149 15 58.62 329 12 37.23 4.1623856 182 36 06.00 2.36 35.00 4.37343 227 17 34.80 47 22 24.60 4.1629694 316 52 07.6 136 56 56.7 4.1954468 .. 334 33 43.9 154 39 25.8 4.4715130 CHICORY, CAMBRIA COUNTY. 11 On a cleared knob in the central part of Jackson township, 10 miles by road westward from Ebensburg, 300 yards south of the Chicory Hill Schoolhouse. Station mark: A marble post 34 by 6 by. 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 26' 38.97". Longitude, 78° 52' 48.29”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Ebensburg, ........ ... 251 24 48.82 71 30 51.47 4.1425539 Wess, .... 292 00 35.81 112 04 41.22 3.9833693 | Fre, ....... 318 31 18.78 138 37 47.50 4.3303852 CHRISTY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On a high, bare hill in East Dear townhip, about 4 miles north- west of Tarentum and Hites, on land owned by James C. Christy, whose residence is on east side of hill. There are a few large trees along road near summit south of signal and some timber on west slope. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 33 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- . angulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 37' 33.59". Longitude, 79° 48' 48.45”.- To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Heverline, ......, 64 18 52.24 244 14 37.60 4.0090145 Bakerstown, 105 21 26.85 285 14 59.36 4.1611425 Shrader, 230 12 41.89 50 18 06.21 4.1818886 McGinnis, ........ 264 01 09.55 84 06 37.85 4.0759792 Natrona, 272 18 36.57 92 22 21.92 3.9107096 McKelvey, .... 349 21 18.82 169 22 15.55 4.0458322 ...................... 0 No ................... CLARENDON, WARREN COUNTY. Located on a brushy and timbered hill about 3 miles ivest of Clarendon and 1 mile north of J. E. Boyd's house on Tionesta creek. About 40 rods east of road going over the hill. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Station mark: "A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 30 inches in the ground, in top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 41° 47' 04.133". Longitude, 79° 09' 37.69".). :. To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance.' Meters. Wilcox, ........... 90 33 56.686 270 30 24.035 3.8674586 Yankee Bush, ...... .. 161 38 51.478 341 37 21.451 3.9951024 , Quaker Hill, ...... 202 32 50.555 22 34 47.046 4.0214009 ................ CLARION COURT HOUSE, CLARION COUNTY. (Not Occupied.) Station mark: Center of tower. (Latitude, 41° 12' 55.22”. Longitude, 79° 23' 11.60”.) To station-- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Myers, ..... ........ 26 19 26.3 · 206 15 52.3 4.2335056 Beels, ....... .. 101 12 14.0 281 01 57.4 4.3464047 CLARK, TIOGA COUNTY. - On a brushy ridge about 1 mile southwest of Purple Brook post office and 3 miles north of Westfield, on land owned by James Clark, who lives about 300 yards east of station. Station mark: A marble post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey." (Latitude, 41° 57' 18.06". Longitude, 77° 32' 20.77".) To station-- Stiles, Woodhull, ... Robb, Karl, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 3 32 31.09 183 32 05.21 4.1607598 230 54 37.02 51 01 45.03 4.2775229 280 31 11.06 100 42 24.12 4.3730258 280 42 04.89 100 48 33.56 4.1342760 290 32 47.75 110 48 07.11 4.5304672 318 41 08.23 · 138 47 03.81 4.2698093 Rarick, Davis, .......................... CLAYSVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY. On a cone-shaped hill one mile south of Claysville, on cultivated land belonging to Mr. J. Mosier. Station mark: A marble post 38 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation table marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: A double chestnut tree, south 72 feet; an apple tree, east 80 feet. (Latitude, 40° 06' 20.01". Longitude, 80° 23' 55.46".) TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Azinuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. O 0 . " . Meters. West Liberty, 115 59 25.6 295 51 36.6 4.2830742 Independence, 143 11 59.2 323 06 27.6 4.3069361 West Middleton, 165 32 56.6 345 31 09.1 4.1983776 Garrett, 206 29 36.5 26 32 31.5 4.1577265 230 10 19.6 50 18 45.5 4.3826975 Mt. Wheeler, 257 55 51.0 78 01 54.2 4.1350995 CLEARFIELD, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. In Franklin township, about 4 miles north of Export, on high, bare round knob owned by Joseph Cline. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangula- tion tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." Reference marks: A stone 8.1 feet north, a stone 7.3 feet south. a stone 8.5 feet west, a stone 74 feet east. (Latitude, 40° 26' 48.14". Longitude, 79° 39° 31.12".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 23 06 19.40 203 04 58.30 3 .8762981 Indian, 103 42 48.02 283 39 04.24 . 3.9223930 202 05 16.35 22 06 37.73 3.8948211 224 57 11.00 45 00 25.20 3.9994467 Steel, 249 59 21.50 70 04 30.70 4.0770516 Kepple, .... ......... 323 55 24.70 143 58 12.50 4.0157222 CLEVER, ARMSTRONG COUNTY. On a high, cultivated ridge with scattering dead trees, in Wayne township, about 1 mile west of Belknap and 1 mile east of Snyders- ville (Muff P. O.). The land belongs to G. H. Clever, of Belknap P., O. Station mark: A sandstone post 39 by 8 by 8 inches, set 27 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." Reference marks: A live chestnut tree, mag. bearing S. 84° E., 454 feet distant. A dead chestnut tree, mag. bearing N. 4° E., 121 feet distant. Fence on line between properties of G. H. Clever and Jeremiah Bowser, bears due south 3 feet distant. (Latitude, 40° 53' 35.63". Longitude, 79° 19' 25.41".). Rose, ........................... Yeter, Bush, To station- Graham, Leister, Templeton, ... Reynolds, McCall, Myers, ...... McNaughton, .. Rowland, . Broadview, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 29 26 30.0 209 22 57.3 4.1909592 65 59 54.4 245 48 30.3 4.4288814 93 16 57.6 273 06 31.1 4.3508735 120 59 58.2 300 50 42.0 4.3643865 130 01 44.6 309 51 31.4 4.4550873 147 47 30.2 327 41 28.6. 4.3829142 192 50 37.0 12 34 49.4 4.6047255 297 06 56.5 117 12 06.0 4.0951985 353 06 02.8 173 07 19.6 4.3608128 mpire.. 43 . . COLE, SOMERSET-WESTMORELAND COUNTIES. Station is near line between Somerset and Westmoreland counties on Laurel mountain and is in scrub brush about 0.5 mile west of the Old Cole place, which is deserted. It is 1.5 miles south of Ligonier- Johnstown pike where the pike starts down the west slop of Laurel mountain. An old road leads from an old orchard on the pike south- ward along summit of mountain to station. Station mark: Tablet set in large rock 8 by 10 feet on top. Signal: Lumber signal 35 feet high inside instrument support 18 feet high. Reference marks: A cross bearing N. 30° E. (True) distant 9.4 feet; and a cross bearing S. 10° W. (true), distant 10 feet; and an- other cross bearing S. 60° E. (true), distant 17.1 feet, from station mark. (Latitude: -40° 15' 30.88". Longitude: 79° 04' 42.79".) To station- Farks, ....... Edsell, Widow (2), .. Eppley, ...... Scalp, .. Forward, .... Koontz, Gardner, .... Schaffer, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 87 47 09.54 267 37 23.39 4.3315099 116 44 25.18 296 38 05.46 4.1909958 160 10 49 340 07 38 4.31274 209 58 43.35 30 00 18.81 3.8436289 271 17 28.30 91 26 10.25 4.2808841 308 31 10.98 128 39 20.57 4.3609325 . 309 27 31 129 32 56: 4.18300 317 55 39 138 00 25 4.17504 348 51 41.99 168 53 09.03 4.2184516 COLEMAN, INDIANA COUNTY. • In White township, about 2 miles west of Indiana, on land owned by D. Coleman. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 6 by 6 inches, set 38 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: 1. A stone sunk 2 feet below the surface of ground in direction of Kunkle station, distant 10.2 feet to cross on stone. II. A stone sunk 18 inches below surface of ground in di- rection of Warner station, distant 12.3 feet to cross on stone. To station- Azimuth. Warner, ...... Watt, Broadview, Kunkle, McCoy, ..... Strong, ..... Evans, ....... 44 04 52.9 64 05 54.9 122 32 38.9 168 08 51.4 248 38 22.5 290 07 07.2 ... 311 02 30,0 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 224 03 29.4 3.6365727 244 02 11.8 3.9520747 302 28 27.8 4.0307069 348 08 04.9 3.9115917 68 46 47.2 4.2905687 110 12 12,0 4.0691774 131 06 21.9 . '4.0457724 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGİC SURVEY. COVE, ON LİNE BETWEEN FRANKLIN AND FULTON COUNTIES. On mountain known by that name, about 4 miles north of Pennsyl- vania-Maryland State line, and 2 miles east of Hancock and Mc- Connellsburg road, on highest point of mountain. Theodolite ele- vated 14 feet, on stump of tree, with lines of sight cut through timber to other stations. Station mark: A bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey- Pennsylvania," cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 39° 45' 49.375". Longitude, 78° 03' 34.56". To station- Azimuth. Ray, ... 102 58 51.6 Smith, 164 57 17.7 Pike, .. 207 17 23.4 ......................... Parnell, .. 224 41 37.6 ..................... Fairview, ... ... 327 08 38.8 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 282 49 20.4 4.3382797 344 53 58.2 4.4537546 27 21 16.2 4:2746459 44 49 11.6 4.3790001 147 12 05.6 4.1528312 CRAWFORD LYCOMING COUNTY. On a brushy ridge in Pine township, 1 mile south of Oregon Hill post office. Land owned by Sam Crawford, who lives 100 yards northwest of station. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is set a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 30' 39.30". Longitude, 77° 17' 55.51".). - . To station- Cedar, Putnam, ....... Zucker, ...... Buckhorn Mountain, ....... Hesse, ....... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 133 44 28.60 313 36 20.10 4.3723846 167 33 59.02 347 32 20.71 4.2021037 273 27 51.31 93 32 39.26 4.0040967 ... 324 30 22.33 144 34 40.47 4.1931654 351 35 13.63 171 35 58.34 4.0301527 CRIPPEN, WARREN COUNTY. Located in Brokenstraw township about 2 miles south of Youngs- ville on a rocky timbered knob on land owned by A. L. Crippen. The view to north is good but cut off to the southwest and south. In- strument elevated 34 feet on trunk of chestnut tree, around which is built a tower which is fastened to the solid rock by four iron ring bolts. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock. Reference marks: Center of chestnut tree, used for observing support, and center of tower is distant 10.0 feet. Azimuth, 103° 43'. (Latitude, 41° 49' 21.052", Longitude, 79° 19' 34.219".) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. To station- Bull, Nelson, Yankee Bush, Wilcos, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. .. 155 05 41.115 335 03 06.006 4.1042866 205 15 30.147 25 18 42.174 4.1910448 244 06 05.148 64 11 13.046 4.0730580 302 57 13.281 123 00 18.186 3.8827312 CROSS CREEK, WASHINGTON COUNTY. On pasture land belonging to Mr. Hugh Lee, 4 mile southwest of Cross Creek village. The north side of the hill is timbered. The property is leased by Mr. B. S. Stiffler. Station mark: A marble post 38 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri. angulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." Rerference marks: A fence, north, 85.5 feet. A chisel mark on rock outcrop, east, 76.2 feet. (Latitude, 40° 19' 22.50". Longitude, 80° 25' 08.80".) To station, Azinuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 193 59 35.1 3.9598141 232 43 06.7 4.1163183 West Middleton, ...... Independence, .... . 14 00 35.4 52 47 51.5 DAUPHIN, DAUPHIN COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S. on the second Blue mountain, 2 miles east of the village of Dauphin. Permanent mark: A bottle 3 feet below surface, a stone over this, and monument on the stone. Four holes are drilled in neigh- boring rocks, so that lines joining opposite ones intersect over station. Bearings and distance from holes to station are north 431° east 3.89 feet; north 691° west 6.46 feet; south 431° west 10.4 feet; south 691° east 6.03 feet. (Latitude, 40° 21' 59.05”. Longitude, 76° 54' 32.71".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 288 56 30.03 109 14 05.46 4.6103552 2 51 18.42 182 50 38.75 4.4655097 Governor Dick, ........ Round Top, DAVIS, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. A round knob with a clump of timber on its summit in Penn town. ship, 2 miles southwest of Grampian station, on the southern side of and 15 feet lower than summit, giving a view in all directions excepting northward. E. M. Davis, owner, lives one-fourth mile south, 46 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation tablet. · Reference mark: Oak signal tree; azimuth, 17° 09', distant from station mark 7 feet. (Latitude, 40° 57' 38.51". Longitude, 78° 38' 05.40”.) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Walls, ....................... 70 04 30.56 249 59 03.01 4.0948567 Neeper, 241 28 13.00 61 31 41.88 3.9280619 Kyler, 269 56 10.89 90 08 07.96 4.4078921 Kephart, 289 29 06.67 109 40 29.30 4.4129932 Spangle, . 336 03 31.50 156 08 17.51 4.4027012 Patterson, ... 353 04 01.09 173 04 44.35 DAVIS, TIOGA COUNTY. On a brushy ridge about 31 miles south from Chatham Valley post office. Land owned by Latham Lumber Company. Station mark: A bronze tablet cemented in solid rock 2 feet below surface of ground and marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsyl- vania.” Surface mark: Over the station mark is set a sandstone slab 24 inches spuare, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 49' 44.59". Longitude, 77°, 23' 28.27".) To station- .. Cedar, Clark, ..... Woodhull, Karl, Robb, ..... ....... Rarick, ..... Sampson, ... Putnam, Aziinuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 26 05 37.49 206 01 09.00 4.3266037 138 47 03.81 318 41 08.23 4.2698093 185 25 32.81 5 26 44.38 4.4156192 185 34 39.53 5 35 11.90 4.0608052 228 34 35.93 48 39 52.74 4.1639739 253 58 02.02 74 13 15.22 4.5159980 264 01 04.2084 10 27.39 4.2919327 301 37 09.66 121 46 57.27 4.3782513 347 48 58.30 167 51 01.17 4.3061501 349 04 42.71 169 05 30.61 3.9308613 Bly, law, ..... Belfor, ... DAWSON, BEAVER COUNTY. Seventy yards west of a brick school house, on a cleared knob in western part of Brighton township, 5 miles west of Beaver; near forks of road and on land owned by G W. Dawson, of Beaver. Station mark: A sandstone post 38 by 7 by 7 inches, set 34 inches in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tab- let marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 47 .............. To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. McCleary, ........ 3 49 22.4 183 49 00.5 4.0733912 Gilliland, ....... 201 49 57.4 21 51 14.9 3.8743981 Big Knob, 263 47 05.7 83 55 01.0 4.2355940 Bunker Hill, ..... 317 39 11.8 137 42 41.5 4.0500887 DEVON, CHESTER COUNTY. Station is in observatory built in large oak tree just south of main east-west road, 0.3 mile north of Devon R. R. station, 16.5 miles west of Philadelphia on Pennsylvania R. R. Instrument was mounted on upper floor of observatory over center of large oak tree. Signal: Flag pole 30 feet high erected on top of observatory. Station mark: Blaze on north side of tree near its foot. (Latitude: 40° 03' 05.33". Longitude: 75° 25' 39.16".) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Villanova Dome, ................. 282 59 58.3 103 03 14.2 3.80978 Yard, ............... .......... 338 15 48.4 158 17 21.9 3.96913 DICKSON, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On a hill in Findlay township, 1 mile noi theast of Clinton, on land owned by Prof. James Dickson. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 29' 49.59". Longitude, 80° 17' 00.90”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. McCleary, .. 135 46 56.7 315 41 54.9 4.1943450 Bunker Hill, 170 08 04.4 350 06 53.6 4.1745591 Weir, ............ 222 41 32.7 42 46 12.4 4.1415223 Greentree, 270 46 45.3 90 57 02.2 4.3497228 Union U. P. Church, .... 297 34 52.5 117 40 04.8 4.1070426 McDonald, 342 18 57.4 162 21 09.3 4.1985263 DONEGAL, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Station is in center of conical roof to house owned by J. P. Helen, who lives 0.5 miles southwest of Donegal, Donegal township, Pa., The roof is conical above center of three-story house. Station mark: Center of house. Instrument was off-center and angles have been reduced to center of house. (Latitude, 40° 06' 25.67". Longitude, 79° 23' 24.08”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. 0 1 0 I 1 Meters. Parks 197 36 02.63 17 38 20.83 4.2238150 Edsell, ........ 207 54 59.72 28 00 44.56 4.4302837 Barclay, 283 39 10.14 103 44 15,55 4.0630177 4-No. 7 C ................ ........................... ... TOPOGRAPHIC AND GÉOLOGIC SURVEY. DUNBAR, FAYETTE COUNTY. On a bald summit of Chestnut Ridge, 4 mile east of State Orphan School and about 5 miles by wagon road southeast of Uniontown. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey--Pennsylvania." Latitude, 39° 53' 15.11". Longitude, 79° 38' 38.67".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Keener, ...... .... 97 12 12.7 277 03 28.5 4.2915497 Work............................ 170 44 31.3 .. 170 44 31.3 SJ to Do 350 43 35.0 4.1119491 DUNCAN, BLAIR COUNTY. Situated 3 miles northwest of Martinsburg, on the highest summit of Locke or Loop mountain. The summit is flat and long lines of sight were cut toward other stations. Station mark: A rough stone 3 feet long, set flush with surface of ground, with a bronze triangulation tablet cemeted in its top. (Latitude, 40° 21' 08.53". Longitude, 78° 21' 19.47".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Dunning, ...... Ratlesnake, ... Hartman, ...... Lytle, Tussey, Beavertown, .... 8 32 57.6 188 31 06.2 38 04 55.3 218 01 31.7 152 56 07.1 332 54 27.5 309 05 38.2 129 09 18.8 355 05 43.2 175 06 22.4 262 59 21.0: 83 05 00.4 Log. distance. Meters. 4.4391035 4.0811989 3.6845025 4.0161348 4.2251748 4.0955332 ..... 26% oo DUNNING, BEDFORD COUNTY. On mountain locally known by that name, about 10 miles north of Mount Dallas and 4 miles south of New Enterprise, on timbered land owned by William Over. Station mark: A bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey- Pennsylvania,” cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 40°, 06' 27.28". Longitude, 78° 24' 11.99".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Everett, ...... Pigeon, ...... Lohr, ...... Rattlesnake, . Duncan, ....... Russey, .......... Government, 5 29 26.90 185 28 48.70 75 11 05.30 255 04 57.38 96 24 45.84 276 12 52.34 169 14 46.9 349 13 15.1 8 32 57.6 207 49 44.6 27 52 15.0 305 21 47.6 125 25 37.3 Log. distance. Meters. 4.1679624 4.1462093 4.4212414 4.2553913 4.4391035 4.0724843 4.0157449 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. ................. EBENSBURG, CAMBRIA COUNTY. Station in center of cupola of court house in Ebensburg. Station mark: Center of cupola. (Latitude, 40° 29' 02.07". Longitude, 78° 43' 29.50”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Sherbine, ... 0 52 21.75 180 52 15.82 4.1515885 Wess, 27 55 04.38 207 53 07.38 3.9581867 Chicory, .... 71 30 51.47 251 24 48.82 4.1423539 Thomas, ..... 156 58 25.23 336 57 06.21 3.8644894 Carrolltown, 185 49 38.40 5 50 15.62 4.1222362 Wopsononock, .... 248 52 46.94 · 69 03 52.34 4.4120176 Tunnel Hill, 270 36 22.25 91 03 22.64 4.1833793 EDSELL, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. The station is on a spur on east side of Chestnut Ridge, about 7 miles north of Ligonier. It is on fence row betweeen plowed fields on land owned by Mrs. Edsell, who lives on east side of ridge about 3 miles east of Derry. Station mark: A tablet set in stone which is about 10 feet square and 1 foot above ground. Reference marks: One inch hole, 0.5 inch deep, 3 feet south of tablet. 1 inch hole, 0.5 inch deep, 3 feet west of tablet. Signal: Sawed lumber tripod. (Latitude, 40° 19' 16.93". Longitude, 79° 14' 29.99".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Barclay, .... 3 03 43.97 183 03 05.31 4.4242822 Donegal, 28 00 44.56 207 54 59.72 4.4302837 Parks, 44 00 15.32 223 56 48.48 4.0367254 Eppley, .. 273 00 06.80 93 08 02.25 4.2399251 Cole, 296 38 05.46 116 44 25.18 4.1909958 Ligonier School, 357 36 35 177 36 45 3.93384 ...................... ELK, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. In southwest corner of Herrick township, 4 miles from Union Dale; Norris Burdick lives on eastern side of mountain three-fourths of a mile from triangulation station. Permanent mark: A rock sunk in ground and cross cut in top. (Latitude, 41° 42' 53.84". Longitude, 75° 33' 39.44".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. O Moos .................. Bald Mountain, ... Bald (3), Salem, Jermyn, ....................... 349 15 19 26 33 39 310 11 27 334 39 07 33 22 48 Log. distance. Meters. 4.466890 4.551398 4.164260 4.305702 4.285792 109 17 55 206 26 04 130 16 47 154 43 14 183 22 15 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. EPPLEY, SOMERSET-WESTMORELAND COUNTIÊS. Station is near county line between Somerset and Westmoreland counties on Laurel Mount, about 7 miles southwest of Johnstown and 15 miles northeast of Ligonier. It is in scrub brush on top of ridge, about 3.5 miles northwest of Mr. David Eppley's house, who lives 7 miles southwest of Johnstown. A road was cut from county road to station. Station mark: A sandstone post 30 by 10 by 10 inches, set 30 inches in ground. Signal: A lumber tripod (double), 40 feet high. Instrument elev- ated 18 feet over center and under signal. Reference marks: Three piles of stone 12 feet from center, one east, one north and one southwest from center. (Latitude, 40° 18' 46.78". Longitude, 79° 02' 15.10”.) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. *Schaffer, ....... Cole, ...... Parks, ...... Edsell, ... Widow (2), Scalp, .......... Koontz, 0 46 34.17 180 46 25.94 30 00 18.81 209 58 43.35 74 36 44.83 254 25 22.90 93 08 02.25 273 00 06.80 141 50 07 321 45 20 292 33 32.74 112 40 39.53 .... 332 15 29 152 19 35 Log. distance. Meters. 4.3477243 3.8436289 4.4125271 4.2399251 4.22803 . 4.2276856 4.24982 ESCHOL, PERRY COUNTY. In cleared field 100 yards wesť of road and 0.25 mile northwest of forks of road, 11 miles southeast of village of Eschol, nearly 2 miles northwest of Mansville, and 4 miles northeast of Elliottsburg. Signal: A lumber tripod. Station mark: A marble post 6 by 6 by 30 inches set 26 inches in the ground. (Latitude, 40° 26' 27.46". Longitude, 77° 17' 32.82”.) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Bowers, ...... 26 03 00.42 206 00 35.75 4.0791292 Tuscarora, ...... ....... 102 03 45.00 281 58 59.85 4.0248510 Newport, ....... 264 13 22.18 84 19 36.14 4.1352045 ... 20 VO EVANS, INDIANA COUNTY. In Brush Valley township, on land owned by John Evans, on high- est part of hill cleared of timber with the exception of two small chestnut trees. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 33 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 34' 13.27", Longitude, 79° 05' 06.43".) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Widow, ........ Watt, 26 48 12.1 ........... 101 41 54.2 Warner, ...... 110 13 57.3 Indiana Normal School Cupola, .. 129 57 46.9 Coleman, ......... 131 06 21.9 Nolo, ....... ...... 267 23 18.4 ...... Log. distance. Meters. 4.1773173 4.2248181 4.0841382 3.9106425 4.0457724 4.0203741 206 45 05.2 281 34 19.5 290 08 42.1 309 54 54.2 311 02 30.0 87 28 07.9 EVERETT, BEDFORD COUNTY. On high summit of Tussey Mountain, about 3 miles south of Everett. Station mark: A bronze tablet stamped “U. S. Geological Survey- Pennsylvania,” cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 39° 58' 32.14". Longitude, 78° 25' 11.35".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Lohr, Pigeon, St. Clair, .. Dunning, Government, . Smith, ....... 125 20 51.84 305 09 37.54 132 23 12.40 312 17 43.16 161 46 44.57 341 43 55.19 185 28 48.70 5 29 26 90 228 43 59.5 48 48 27.0 260 22 54.7 80 33 28.2 332 44 03.3 152 48 22.5 Log. distance. Meters. 4.4830772 4.2154627 4.2993576 4.1679624 4.1180018 4.3749415 4.3219063 Ray, FAIRVIEW, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Station is about 4 miles northwest of Norristown on peak of roof of hotel near the crossroads and post-office. An extensive view can be had in nearly all directions. Signal: A flag pole erected at south end of ridge pole. Station mark: South end of hotel. (Latitude, 40° 09' 41.16". Longitude, 75° 22' 46.89''.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 4.10953 4.47141 Devon, .......... Phila. City Hall, .... 18 30 44.0 321 27 37.3 198 28 53.0 141 35 57.4. FANCY HILL, BERKS COUNTY. In southern central part of Earl township, 15 iniles by road east of Reading. A good view to be liad in all directions except east. Permanent mark: A tall, lonc tree on western edge of woods. (Latitude, 40° 19' 24.89". Longitude, 75° 42' 52.13".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Black Spot Tower, ....... Topton, Log. distance. Meters. 4.209785 4,236914 99 25 02.1 188 56 36,5 279 17 43.5 S 57 50.3 52 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. FAST, FAYETTE COUNTY. About 2 miles southeast of Masontown, on road to Smithfield, 8 feet north of an east and west fence ou land owned by Mr. Fast, who lives about 300 yards south of station. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 10 by 10 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 39° 49' 29.36". Longitude, 79° 53' 30.97".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. .St. Clair, ... Morley, ....... Turkey, ..... Jefferson, Keener, ..... 10 01 47.4 47 17 02.2 99 01 56.6 129 24 42.4 · 190 44 15.0 190 00 37.0 227 11 58.5 278 58 14.5 309 19 08.7 10 45 03.1 Log. distance. Meters. 4.1777734 4.1871165 3.9215699 4.2041975 3.9804006 ... FICKLE, ADAMS COUNTY. On a partly cleared flat ridge near the northern extremity of the county, 2 miles north of Latimer post-office. The station is 30 feet northeast of outcropping ledge on highest part of ridge on land of W. A. Bream. Theodolite elevated 30 feet. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 10 by 10 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 03' 11.94". Longitude, 77° 08' 40.37".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Gettysburg—Round Top, ... 15 19 22.10 195 15 43.03 4.4876976 Bishop, ....... 43 46 42.17 223 41 38.17 4.2102363 Green, .............. 48 34 17.26 228 23 55.16 4.4871657 Big Flat, 72 58 50 252 48 56 4.36014 Hammond, 100 28 18 280 24 16 3.95701 South Mountain (Tree), 211 08 13.70 31 09 18.30 3.6627620 Round Top, 253 13 17.53 73 21 43.73 4.2889163 Pulpit, .. 322 16 43.84 142 24 17.92 4.4388914 1 1 0 0 0 FLAT ROCK, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. (Not occupied). About 5.5 miles northeast from Newville, on top of mountain east of the gap and about 1.5 miles by trail from summer hotel. Is a prominent white rock and the only bare spot seen from the Cum- berland Valley. Signal: Center of white rock. Station mark: Same. (Latitude, 40° 15' 16.36". Longitude, 77° 24' 49,60",) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 53 To statiou- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Lee, ........ Roxbury, Prospect, 8 43 01 59 57 54 338 59 41 188 39 45 239 48 49 159 01 06 Log. distance. Meters. 4.24484 4.36348 3.94060 . FOOT OF PLANE EIGHT, BLAIR COUNTY. Situated about 8 miles south of west from Hollidaysburg on the north end of a wooded mountain locally known as "Foot of 8.” Out- look to west not good. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet set in foot of signal tree. (Latitude, 40° 25' 23.90". Longitude, 78° 30' 44.98".) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Tunnel Ilill, ....... Wopsononock, .. Brush Mountain, Hartman, ..... Rattlesnake, · 156 54 52.0 200 53 12.0 242 37 01.0 287 44 01.6 341 09 30.8. 336 53 36.1 20 56 00.5 62 43 14.7 107 49 10.7 161 12 12.7 Log. distance. Meters. 3.8467742 4.2335884 4.1841092 4.0678265 4.2636520 e, .................. FORWARD, SOMERSET COUNTY. Station is on land owned by Mr. Howard Fowell, about 5.5 miles northeast of Stoyestown, and 0.5 miles southwest of Forward; it is on bare hill with lone tree near north end. It is about 600 feet east of Mr. Fowell's house and 4 feet west of north-south fence. Station mark: A limestone post 7 by 7 by 30 inches set 26 inches in ground. Tablet is cemented in top of post. Signal: Lone tree near north end of bare hill. Reference marks: Thirty-inch maple tree bears N. 54° 26' E. (true), distant 41 feet. Corner of north-south fence with east-west fence, bears N. 20° E. (true), distant 55 feet. . (Latitude, 40° 07' 46.63". Longitude, 78° 52' 04.13''). To station- Azimuth, Black azimuth. Wcible, ..... Highland, .... Schaffer, Gardner, ;... Koentz, .... 50 48 21.39 230 47 48.33 62 02 50.42 241 54 39.00 82 41 58.60 262 35 16.65 112 02 13 291 58 37 126 48 09 306 45 21 ............ 128 39 20.57 308 31 10.98 184 46 47.904 47 19,50 Log. distance. Meters. 3.2017335 4.3113460 4.1729770 3.93200 3.88782 4.3609325 4.1434277 H ..................... Cole, Scalp, 54 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. · FRACKVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. On the crest of the Broad mountain 27 miles southwest of Frack- ville, Butler township. A vagon can be taken within one-fourth of a mile of triangulation point. Tripod, 12 feet high, erected on high- est part and 52 feet southwest or partly dead pine tree, the summit flat and covered with bushes about 10 feet high. Permanent mark: Rocks piled up at foot of tree and tree blazed. (Latitude, 40° 46' 09.67". Longitude, 76° 15' 28.06".) To station- Azimuth. Black azimuth. Barry, ......... Bear's Head, ... Port Clinton, ... Buck, 76 18 18 239 00 13 256 11 37 59 07 12 Log. distance. Meters. 4.171151 4.243035 4.463389 4.302861 .....! · 182 51 34 2 52 02 FYE, CAMBRIA COUNTY. (Not occupied). A cleared ridge known as the “Fye Place," owned by the Mountain Coal Company, in Adams township, 6 miles south of Summerhill and 7 miles southeast of South Fork. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. Reference mark: The lone locust signal tree 4 feet north of station mark. (Latitude, 40° 17' 58.79". Longitude, 78° 42' 48.19”.) To station- . Azimuth. Black azimuth. Chicory, ......... Wess, ...... Sherbine, Log. distance. Meters. 4.3303852 4.1299536 3.8058254 ..... 138 37 47.50 318 31 18.78 ...... 157 12 06.81 337 09 43.27 ...... 169 16 09.98 349 15 37.33 ......................... GARDNER, SOMERSET COUNTY. Station is about 4 miles north and west from Stoyestown and 2 miles south of Johnstown water power dam, on a well-known knob locally known as Gardner's Knob. The knob has tall timber on top but sides are cleared. The land on which station is situated is owned by Johnstown Power Company. Station mark: A tablet set in solid rock. Signal: A flag in tree 80 feet high. Reference marks: A cross cut in solid rock due south, distant 11.6 feet. A cros cut in solid rock bearing N. 50° E. (true,) distant 8 feet, (Latitude, 40° 09' 30,54", Longitude, 78° 57' 39,09".) 11 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 55 : To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Schaffer, Colc, 53 14 13 138 00 25 220 24 01 291 58 37 302 08 24 335 54 54 Log. distance. Meters. 3.93134 4.17504 4.14647 3.93200 3.89818 4.07350 233 11 19 317 55 39 40 28 09 112 02 13 122 11 26 155 57 07 Scalp, ...... Forward, Wcible, Groves, ...................... ...................... S, .... GARRETT, WASHINGTON COUNTY. In a cleared field owned by J. C. Garrett, 3 miles east of Buffalo village.and 5 miles northwest of Washington, on the hill road to Hickory. Station mark: A marble post 38 by 6 by 6 inches, set 35 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: A wire fence, west, 113 feet. A largé walnut tree N. 34°30' W., 433 feet. (Latitude, 40° 13' 17.16". Longitude, 80° 19' 24.18”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Claysville, ...... West Liberty, ...... West Middleton, .. McDonald, Canonsburg, .... Mt. Wheeler, 26 32 31.5 79 22 34.7 103 12 36.6 207 43 09.8 257 59 04.1 325 21 20.7 206 29 36.5 259 11 49.0 283 07 53.7 27 46 53.9 78 04 35.4 145 24 29.4 Log. distance. Mcters. 4.1577265 4.3186589 4.0266996 4.2450948 4.0933003 4.0856664 GETTYSBURG- ROUND TOP, ADAMS COUNTY. The noted round knob, 3 miles south of Gettysburg. Theodolite mounted on upper floor of the iron observation tower, about 70 feet above ground. Station mark: Center of stone foundation of tower. (Latitude, 40° 13' 17.16". Longitude, 80° 19' 24.18”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Quirauk, ..... Green, Bishop, , ...... Fickle Hill, Plainview, Round Hill, Pulpit Rock, ....... 07 04 10 246 53 41 122 00 13.09 301 53 13.37 170 07 06.74 350 05 42.42 195 15 43.03 13 19 22.10 197 39 09 17 41 17 217 22 50 37 29 Os 252 19 22.35 72 30 33.80 Log. distance. Meters. 4.40570 4.2449718 4.2600067 4.4876976 4.19396 4.36276 4.4175998 ................. 56 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GILLILAND, BEAVER COUNTY. On a cleared hill 4 miles west of Beaver Falls, on land owned by Sarah J. Gilliland. Theodolite elevated 33 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 42 by 7 by 7 inches, set 38 inches tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 46' 01.35". Longitude, 80° 22' 12.78”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth, Dawson, .... Jordan, ..... Walker, ..... Big Knob, ..... 21 51 14.9 182 52 15.4 229 34 02.4 289 35 24.5 201 49 57.4 2 52 26.6 49 37 03.5 109 42 02.6 Log. distance. Meters. 3.8743981 3.9026731 3.9313049 4.1816755 GIRARD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. A high knob, locally known as “Big Knob,” in Girard township, 7 miles by road north of Shawsville, 12 miles northwest of French- ville; on south side of knob, about 100 feet lower than summit, at upper edge of field, and has an unobstructed view east, south, and west. On land owned by Peter Brown, but near the property line of the Widow Krise. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, having a brońze triangulation tablet cemented in its top. (Latitude, 41° 08' 49.76". Longitude, 78° 20' 05.57".) DI To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. ....................... Log. distance. Meters. 4.3867337 4.3556921 4.0861395 4.3165002 46 54 57.36 323 56 18.24 349 17 10.17 .. 359 05 41.70 Pardee, McDowell, ... 226 46 37.18 144 02 33.44 169 18 13.96 179 05 50.89 GLEN SUMMIT, LUZERNE COUNTY. (Not occupied). Station on the high ridge 1.1 miles due east (mag.) of Glen Summit, a station on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Summit rounded with a few scattering trees standing. (Latitude, 41° 08' 53.00". Longitude, 75° 50' 30.80”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Shickshinny, ...... Peno 94 36 03 145 54 08 Log. distance. Meters. 4.417360 3.664854 274 23 47 325 52 55 ....... STATE OF PỀNNSYLVANIA. GOVERNMENT, BEDFORD COUNTY. On public land on timbered mountain about 7 miles northeast of Everett and 3 miles east of Tatesville, and 4 mile north of "Horse shoe bend” on Juniata river. Station mark: Lone hickory signal tree. (Latitude, 40° 03' 12.55". Longitude, 78° 18' 15.24".), To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Ray, 0 35 52.3 180 35 44.6 4.4363099 Everett, .... 48 48 27.0 228 43 59.5 4.1180018 Dunning, 125 25 37.3 305 21 47.6 4.0157449 Tussey, ..... 169 55 55.6 349 54 36.0 4.2230180 Smith, ....... ......... 289 13 32.6 109 19 39.0 4.1555140 ...................... GOVERNOR DICK, LEBANON COUNTY. Situated in the southern part of Cornwall township. (Latitude, 40° 14' 46.773". Longitude, 76° 27' 21.114".) e, .................... To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. 0 White Horse, 204 49 25.64 24 55 46.04 Womelsdorf, 248 29 12.30 ...... Beartown, ..:. 295 48 48.83 116 05 56.04 Rawliusville, ............. 337 55 15.34 158 02 34.80 Log. distance. Meters. 4.5175300 4.3759028 4.6223860 4.635060 .... GRAHAM, ARMSTRONG COUNTY. About 1 mile east of Blanket Hill P. O., on a bare ridge of culti- vated land owned by the Graham heirs and rented by W. A. Blose. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." Reference marks: A chestnut tree 24 inches diam., mag. bearing S. 23° W., distant 415 feet. A dead chestnut tree 18 inches diam., mag. bearing S. 86° W., dis- tant 257 feet. (Latitude, 40° 46' 17.28". Longitude, 79° 24' 50.74".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Shrador. ....... Leister, ....... Miller, ..... Templeton, Reynolds, Clever, Rowland, Kunkle, Broadview, ...... 73 40 24.6 98 40 56.3 120 00 41.6 135 00 42.7 154 18 20.5 209 22 57.3 247 12 03.4 . 291 35 03.6 311 40 54,2 2.53 39 11.0 278 33 05.5 299 55 18.5 314 53 49.71 334 12 37.9 29 26 30.0 67 20 45.1 111 43 17.4 131 45 43.1 Log. distance. Meters. 4.3613318 4.2328320 4.1263694 4.3203039 4.4504542 4.1909592 4.3072670 4.2180749 4.1436489 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GREEN, ADAMS COUNTY. On land owned by State, 2 miles south of Chambersburg-Gettys- burg pike on highest point of the Green ridge. The timber was cleared from the summit and a red oak trimmed and left for signal. Station mark: A bronze tablet cemented in solid rock. Reference mark: The red oak signal tree, azimuth 347° 24', distant 23.3 feet. To station- Azimuth. Back 'azimuth. Quirauk, .. Big Flat, Fickle, ...... Bishop, ..... Round Top, ... 23 48 52 184 28 48 228 23 55.16 233 43 45.09 .. 301 53 31.37 203 45 04 4 29 17 48 34 17.26 53 49 03.09 122 00 13.09 Log. distance. Meters. 4.32305 4.13522 4.4871657 4.1642000 4.2449718 GREENTREE, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On the highest point of Greentree hill, in extreme northwest part of city of Allegheny, on land belonging to the city. Summit of hill is covered with locust bushes 15 to 17 feet in height. Theodolite elevated 25 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 38 by 8 by 8 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked, “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 29' 38.64". Longitude, 80° 01' 10.95”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 4.1751665 Shannon, ..... Union U. P. Church, Dickson, ...... Weir, .. Calhoun, . 1 26 42.8 63 10 18.2 90 57 02.2 129 06 28.3 330 30 36.5 181 26 32.4 243 05 13.9 270 45 46.3 309 00 30.5 150 34 16.3 4.3497228 4.2222866 GROCE, CLARION COUNTY. 11 About 2 miles air line distance west of Clarion court house, in Paint township, on a low uncultivated knob having a fringe of trees and bushes along a north and south fence running over the hill. The land belongs to John Groce, of Clarion. Station mark: A sandstone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked, “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: A wild cherry tree on fence line, mag. bearing S. 75º E., 75 feet distant. A wild apple tree, mag. bearing N. 55° W., 97 feet distant. (Latitude, 41° 12' 19.69". Longitude, 79° 26' 20.87".) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 59 To station : Azimuth. Back aziinuth. Myers, ...... Beels, McNaughton, ..... ....... 12 33 09.4 ......... 107 15 39.5 ......... 256 10 22.7 192 31 40.0 287 07 27.7 76 19 09.7 Log. distance. Meters. 4.1643794 4.2598866 4.2827486 GROVES, SOMERSET COUNTY. Station is on land owned by John A. Groves, 0.8 miles southeast of Lambertville, on bare hill with a few scattering trees on same about 250 yards south of Mr. Groves' house. Station mark: A sandstone rock set 26 inches in ground. A Pennsylvania triangulation tablet is set in top of post. Signal: Sawed lumber tripod. Instrument over center and signal. Reference marks: A double cherry tree, true azimuth 43° 42', dis- tant 183.5 feet; a cherry tree true azimuth 234° 28', distant 227 feet. (Latitude, 40° 03' 39.94". Longitude, 78° 54' 15.13".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Berlin, ....... Highland, Schaffer, Gardner, Koontz, ..... Weible, . 35 53 25.75 S2 24 17.19 116 04 32.25 155 57 07 165 51 29 195 48 05.27 215 49 23.28 262 17 30.41 295 59 14.93 335 54 54 345 50 15 15 48 56.09 Log. distance. Meters. 4.1839256 4.1795104 4.1136832 4.07350 4.10091 3.8364872 HAMMOND, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. In Penn township, on great pile of rock on top of ridge about 1.5 miles north of Henry Clay. An old road starts from Henry Clay and goes across mountain, a fork of which leads east along top of the ridge to within 200 yards of the station. Signal: Tripod of poles covered with cloth. Station mark: A bronze tablet cemented in rock. (Latitude, 40° 04' 05.15". Longitude, 77° 14' 56.22".) To station-- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log, distance. Meters. 4.19914 3.95701 Big Flat, ..... 57 13 12 280 24 16 237 07 20 100 28 18 Fickle, . .. HARMON, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. In Unity township, about 3 miles north of west of Latrobe, ou a high ridge known locally as Dry Ridge. The ridge is flat on top and the station is near center of cleared field. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 38 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked, "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 19' 47.78", Longitude, 799 %6' 19,91") is TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Stroble, ..... Marshall, .... Jellison, ..... Kepple, ...... ................... ... 46 04 32.3 ..... 186 43 44. 3 228 20 39.6 110 05 16.9 Log. distance. Meters. 3.8409840 4.1592782 4.0811381 4.1262722 226 02 15.5 6 44 30.8 48 24 46.9 289 59 32.2 .......................... ..... • . ..................... HARRISON, POTTER COUNTY. A station established by the New York State survey, 3 miles west of Harrison Valley, Pennsylvania, on a hill cleared toward north and west, owned by J. J. Downey. Station mark: A granite post 48 by 6 by 6 inches, set 42 inches in the ground, marked "N. Y. S. S. 228.” Latitude, 41° 54' 59.04. Longitude, 77° 41' 51.84".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Swalc, ....... 208 03 10.47 28 11 28.77 4.5597210 Woodhull, ....... 239 41 12.00 59 54 41.42 4.5084492 Bly, ............. 270 29 5.12 90 56 36.30 4.7556373 HARTMAN, BLAIR COUNTY. Situated on that part of Locke or Loop mountain, locally known as Hartman's Lookout. It is just north of Dry Gap, and about 3 miles southeast of Hollidaysburg. Outlook good in all directions except northeast. Station mark: A bronzé triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 40° 23' 28.18". Longitude, 78° 22' 52.88" U. S. S. D.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. o ' " ' " Meters. Rattlesnake, ..... 20 45 13.1 200 42 49.8 4.1689721 Foot of Planc Light, ..., 107 49 10.7 287 44 04.6 4.0678265 Wopsononock, 165 39 47.0 345 37 29.0 4.3052551 Altoona 176 59 36.4 356 59 14,0 - 4.1888990 Brush Mountain, 193 01 26. 1 13 02 33.5 4.0360067 ....... 332 54 27.5 152 56 07.1 3.6845025 Tussey, 350 10 39.2 170 12 18.8 4.3294423 HAYCOCK, BUCKS COUNTY. Situated in Haycock township. (Latitude, 40° 29' 18.963". Longitude, 75° 13' 10.341".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Topton, SS 17 07.5. 267 59 04.69 4.5944535 Big Rock, ..... 114 40 53.66 294 32 22.86 4.3085940 Smith's Gap, ... 155 12 42.13 335 04 45.50 4.6116117 Montana, ...... 203 41 04.99 4.5249124 Pickle, 250 29 52.80 4.5504669 Goat Hill, ...... ..:•.. 303 28 44.11 4.4574824 ................ Duncan, ..................... ..................... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. -- 61 HESSE, LYCOMING COUNTY. On east end of timbered ridge in Pine township, 2 miles south of English Center post office, on land owned by Mrs. Hesse. Theodo- lite elevated 30 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked, “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 24' 55.58". Longitude, 77° 16' 47.98”.) To station- ....... .................... Cedar, ..... Putnam, ..... Crawford, . Zucker, Hemlock, Buckhorn Mountain, Bald Knob, Crescent, ...... Howell, Harris, Scarl, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. 1.c.9. distance. O i II 0 1 Meters. 145 21 15.83 325 12 23.03 4.5145574 169 11 46.05 349 09 23.05 4.4253561 171 35 58.34 351 35 13.63 4.0301527 220 25 18.81 40 29 21.77 4.1180925 232 36 19.00 52 40 47.00 4.0720800 285 39 55.31 105 43 28.48 3.8909055 284 09 36.00 104 14 56.00 4.0640500 288 53 06.07 109 02 03.05 4.3000254 310 18 10.03 130 23 08.09 4.1382656 330 46 36.00 150 49 33.00 4.1050700 350 31 55.55 170 32 59.01 4.1331005 ..................... .... .... ..... HEVERLINE, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On a high orchard-topped knob in the east border of Hampton township, about 2 miles southeast of Talleycavey and 21 miles west of Dorseyville, on land owned by Mr. George Heverline, blacksmith, whose residence and shop are on west slope of hill. The orchard extends from the house up the west slope nearly to the summit. Station mark: A marble post 33 by 6 by 6 inches, set 33 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. Reference marks: A peach tree 1 foot in diameter, standing alone, east of orchard, true azimuth 227°, distant 24 feet from station. A peach tree 1 foot in diameter, in edge of orchard, true azimuth 77º, distant 97 feet from station. A very small peach tree 2 inches in diameter, at corner of new orchard, true azimuth 316°, distant 61.1 feet from station. (Latitude, 40° 35' 09.94". Longitude, 79° 55' 19.69".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. · · Meters. Bakerstown, ..................... 149 54 45.02 329 52 32.42 3.9797018 Christy, ... 244 14 37.60 64 18 52.24 4.0090145 McKelvey, 299 55 35.48 120 00 46,57 4.1137512 ....................... ....! !! ! ! 62 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. HICKMAN, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On a bald hill in South Fayette township, 21 miles southwest of Bridgeville, on land belonging to Wm. Hickman, who lives on south side of hill. Station mark: A sandstone post 30 by 12 by 12 inches, set 28 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 20' 52.33". Longitude, 80° 08' 44.87".) . To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Canonsburg, .......... ...... . 14 35 39.2 194 34 17. 5 4 .0737263 McDonald, ....... · 102 26 54.8 282 23 45.3 . 3.8495728 Union U. P. Church, ........ ..... 178 07 14.0 358 07 04.4 4.0271348 Shannon, . 262 57 02.4 83 01 46.0 4.0175377 HICKS, BLAIR AND HUNTINGDON COUNTIES. Situated on the crest of Tussey mountain, about ] mile north of point at which the Williamsburg and Marklesburg pike crosses the mountain. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in solid lock. (Latitude, 40° 25' 19.33". Longitude, 78° 10' 05.10".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. listance. Meters. ..... 29 39 23.5 209 37 46.2 3.8550653 Point View, ..... ...... 143 14 11.6 323 11 37.3 3.9709241 Beave TUOW , .... .. ... .... .. ..... HIGHLAND, SOMERSET COUNTY. Station is on knob in orchard owned by Mr. Peter Haffley and 500 feet north of his house, 2 miles north of Somerset. Station mark: Marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches set in ground 28 inches. Signal: Double tripod made of sawed lumber. Instrument elevated 20 feet. (Latitude, 40° 02' 34.67". Longitude, 79° 04' 47.28".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Tog, distance. Meters. Peck, ....... ...... 16 10 03.89 196 06 31.57 4.4512992 Barclay, ... ...,. 106 07 00 286 00 06 4.19988 Laurel, .... .. 128 05 03 308 00 47 4.07737 Schaffer, ... 203 09 44.10 23 11 13.84 3.9238688 Forward, 241 54 39.00 62 02 50.4 4.3113460 Weible 242 51 00.43 62 58 38.27 4.2769808 Groves, 262 17 30.41 82 24 17.19 4.1795104 Berlin, 329 42 44.22 149 45 28.10 4.0792249 Somerset, 359 01 40 178 01 40 3.56597 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. HIILLSBORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY. In a rocky pasture at Scenery Hill about 1,000 feet north of Hills- iboro church, about half way between Brownsville and Washington, along the National Pike, .on land owned by Mrs. E. S. Tonebaugh, who lives at road crosing, about 1,500 feet south of station. Station mark: A stone post 30 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 05' 17.57". Longitude, 80° 04' 15.81".) To station---- Azimuth. ..................... Pollock, ..... Shepler, .... Krepp, Jefferson, Keener, .... Hughes, Union, Mt. Wheeler, ...... Canonsburg, ......... 209 05 31.65 251 34 48.6 295 07 06.8 351 12 54.0 319 14 33.3 33 02 20.9 51 48 48.2 10S 0S 43. 9 ......... 151 42 44.5 Back azimuth. Loy. distance. Meters. 29 10 08.6 4.3197152 71 44 42.6 4.3616006 115 13 26.6 4.1890430 171 14 13.9 4.2860956 139 22 16.0 4.4181154 212 51 42.0 4.2751190 231 42 26.5 4.2531028 288 02 07.1 4.1859700 331 38 29.5 4.2949237 IIILLSIDE, NORTH BASE, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. On prolongation of Hillside tangent of Pennsylvania Railroad, in field owned by John Bridges, about 1-3 mile south of Gray railroad station. Theodolite elevated 15 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: I. An iron B. M. post set at right angles to tan- gent on fence line, 7.56 feet distant from center of station mark. II. An iron B. M. post eastward from station and at right angles to tangent, 31.2 feet distant from center of station mark. (Latitude, 40° 23' 27.97". Longitude, 79° 14' 32.56".) South Base, ........ Jellison, .. Kelly (Obs’d Az.), .. ......... . 30 34 11.5 99 01 21.3 169 17 18.1 216 33 08.0 278 57 50.4 349 16 41.8 3.5894711 3.8904408 3,8511056 HILLSIDE, SOUTH BASE, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. On a level railroad dump in field owned by George Piper, mile southward from Hillside railroad station, 16 feet westward from fence. Theodolite elevated 25 feet. 5-No. 7 64 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 37 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." Reference marks: I. An iron B. M. post set at right angles to tangent near fence, 14.97 feet from center of station mark. II. An iron B. M. post eastward from railroad track, just inside of fence, on bank, 109.17 feet from center of station mark. (Latitude, 40° 21' 46.78". Longitude, 79° 16' 10.68"). To station- . Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 308 56 20.1 3.8385728 36 34 11.5 3.5894711 Jellison, ..... ..... 128 58 47.4 Hillside, North Base, ....... ..... 216 33 08.0 HILTY, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. In Bell township, about 13 miles north of Perrysville P. O., on the east part of a bare knob, about 3 feet lower than the highest part of hill, on land owned by S. McCauley. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." Reference marks: Witness stones are set in the ground 63 feet north and 6.18 feet south of mark. A small wild apple tree is 79.3 feet northeast of mark. (Latitude, 40° 31' 28.40". Longitude, 79° 31' 59.01".) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Lor, distance. Meters. Bush, .. 66 14 30.4 246 12 51.4 3.5933120 Ilood, ..... ..... 244 04 31.3 64 10 05.2 4.1281149 Marshall, ... ..... 306 55 10.2 126 59 37.0 4.0830968 Steel, ..... ..... 352 51 45.5 172 52 01.3 3.6629986 ...... HOOD, INDIANA COUNTY. In Young township, about 1 mile east of Elder's Ridge P. O. on the highest point of a bare round-top hill owned by Calvin Hood. Station mark: A stone post 28 by 8 by 8 inches, set 24 inches in ground, resting on solid rock, in the center of top of which is ce- mented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsyl. vania." (Latitude, 40° 34' 38.44". Longitude, 79° 23' 25.45”.) To station Azimuth. 10 26 05.9 Marshall, , .... .......... Steel, Hilty, Watt, Tabernacle, riposo Back azimuth, Loz. distance. Meters. 190 24 59.2 4.1258931 4.1913671 244. 04. 31.3 4.1281149 74 32 41.2 3.9896421 161 56 25.3 3.8611613 ...................... 64 10 05.2 254 28 24.0 .... 341 55 23.0 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 65 HOSTETTER, SOMERSET COUNTY. A station on main ridge of Allegheny mountain about 5 miles nearly east of Berlin, 0.25 mile east of Mud Pike on land owned by Mr. Hostetter, and 0.25 mile northeast of his house. Station mark: An aluminum tablet in center of top of sandstone post 30 by 10 by 8 inches set in ground 26 inches under center of signal. Signal: On tripod above instrument support which is 18 feet in height and upon which the theodolite was supported; is built of sawed timber and guyed with four wires. (Latitude, 39° 55' 07.88". Longitude, 78° 52' 02.80".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. . ......................... 105 S en, ......................... Bear, Berlin, .... Groves, Wills, Savage, ..... Hyndman, ..... 39 42 47.24 219 39 17.10 105 48 26.53 285 42 59.47 . 168 46 03.13 348 44 38.08 :... 273 20 50 93 30 12 . 279 30 14 99 33 02 117 08 22 4.0862862 4.0993595 4.2068898 4.31866 3.79992 4.24993 ....... ... .. .... .. * 01 15 IIOWELL, LYCOMING COUNTY. In Lycoming township, on south end of timbered ridge, 2 miles west of Perrysville post office, on land owned by Dr. J. H. Howell. Theodolite elevated 10 feet. Station mark: A sandstone, 48 by 12 by 12 inches, set 40 inches • in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 41° 20' 07.07". Longitude, 77° 09' 17.05”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Scarl, ...... Harris, ........... Hesse, ....... Buckhorn Mountain, ... Bald Knob, Crescent, 61 25 49.40 241 21 55.15 62 34 03.00 242 32 01.00 130 23 08.09 310 18 10.03 156 17 06.20 336 15 41.27 187 09 20.00 7 09 42.00 Log. distance. Meters. 3.9732097 3.68225 4.1382656 3.8700345 3.78565 3.94149 ............ ............ HUGHES, GREENE COUNTY. On a hill covered with an orchard of small peach trees, about 4 miles north of Waynesburg, owned by the Hughes estate. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsyl- vania." (Latitude, 39° 56' 45.33", Longitude, 80° 11' 28.53”.) 66 - TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station Azimuth. Back azimuth.. ...... Call, Union, ....i. Hillsboro, Jefferson, ..... Morris, Shriver, 41 26 18.6 141 03 49.6 212 57 12. 6 283 36 38.3 322 34 23.6 350 35 28.6 221 22 02.6 321 02 06.5 33 02 20.9 104 02 35.8 142 37 23.6 170 36 15.8 Logdistance. Meters. 4.1564204 3.7827879 4.2751190 4.1344974 4.0403635 4.0296854 HYNDMAN, BEDFORD COUNTY. . On highest point on Mill Creek mountain about three miles north- east of Hyndman, Pennsylvania. To reach station from Hyndman follow mail trail to top of mountain, thence northwards on top and follow blazed trail to point. Lines of sight chopped out to other points. Signal: White flag in 6-inch chestnut tree. Station mark: An aluminum tablet in solid rock 6.5 feet west of signal tree. (Latitude, 39° 50' 45.46". Longitude, 78° 40' 56.53".) To station-- Azimuth. Back azimuth. B eal, .......................... Bear, Hostetter, ... Wills, Martin, 80 57 21 117 OS 22 215 56 47 266 28 17 266 46 44 297 01 15 35 59 01 S6 32 28 Log. distance. Meters. 4.37418 4.24993 3.92752 3.96968 INDIAN, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On the middle one of three conscipuous high hills about one-half mile east of Center (Trestle postoffice), on land owned by Mr. Abers, whose residence is on the west side of the hill. The hilltop is stony and covered with small bushes and wild vines. Station mark: A marble post 33 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet, and around which is placed a pile of stones. (Latitude, 40° 27' 52.27". Longitude, 79° 45' 15.99".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. McKelvey, .... McGinnis, .... Yeter, ....... Clearview, .... Log. distance. Meters. 3.8810619 4.3086642 4.0890284 3.9223930 4,0126323 ......................... 157 11 20.53 337 09 59.19 199 40 42.18 19 45 51.81 244 24 29.20 64 29 34.52 283 39 04.24 103 42 48.02 329 46 13.40 149 48 35,89 2 1 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.. . 67 INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL, INDIANA COUNTY. (Not occupied). Station mark: Cupola of Normal School building. (Latitude, 40° 37' 02.69". Longitude, 799 09' 31.86".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 3.7203033 3.9106425 Warner, ......................... ........ 78 37 54.9 309 54 54.2 258 35 32.4 129 57 46.9 Cya ans, ........................ JEFFERSON, GREENE COUNTY. About 1 mile southeast of Jefferson, on a high bald knob owned by Lawrence Kraft. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 39° 54' 58.46". Longitude, 80° 02' 11.55”.) To station , Azimuth. Back azimuth. .................. Hughes, ....... Union, Hillsboro, Krepp, Keener, .... Fast, Turkey, ...... , Log. distance. Meters. 4.1344974 4.2747311 4.2860956 4.2228713 4.1512351 4.2041975 3.9895121 104 02 35.8 115 15 13.2 171 14 13.9 221 23 32.6 273 01 04.2 309 19 08.7 .. 334 56 40.0 ....................... 283 56 38.3 295 07 32.4 351 12 54.0 41 28 31.9 93 07 26.3 129 24 42.4 154 58 31.5 ..................... JELLISON, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. On a bare sharp hill near Salem Church, 5 miles south west of Blairsville. Land is owned by Mr. Jellison, who lives on the north side of hill. . Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 24' 07.35". Longitude, 79° 19' 57.99".). To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. ........................ Harmon, Marshall, Tabernacle, Watt Kelly, Widow, .... N. Base, ...... S. Base, 48 24 46.9 · 228 20 39.6 130 53 22.4 310 50 01.2 168 10 21.9 348 09 09.5 . 191 35 46.3 11 37 51.5 227 46 36.1 47 49 30.9 249 39 35.6 69 46 07.1 278 57 50.4 99 01 21.3 308 56 20.1 128 58 47.4 Log. distance. Meters. 4.0811381 3.9852846 4.1083487 4.3528660 3.9331709 4.1810596 3.8904408 3.8385728 68 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. JERMYN, LACKAWANNA COUNTY. Not occupied. A bald ridge in southwest corner of Carbondale township and west of village of Jermyn. . Permanent mark: A lone pine tree. (Latitude, 41° 32' 29.01". Longitude, 75° 34' 28.58".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. oſ os Meters. Bald Mountain, ......... 49 37 20 229 30 19 4.287687 .... 183 22 15 3 22 48 4.285792 Elk, ... JORDAN, BEAVER COUNTY. On a cultivated ridge in Big Beaver township, on land owned by Sam Marshall, who lives on northwest side of ridge, 75 yards from station. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 7 by 7 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 50' 20.12". Longitude, 80° 21' 55.70”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Gilliland, ...... 2 52 26.6 182 52 15.4 3.9026731 .. 291 51 25.0 . 111 54 15.1 3.8175600 Vaiker. ...................... KARL, TIOGA COUNTY. On a cleared ridge about 4 miles south of Osceola and 1 mile west of Odells Corners. Owner of property is S. D. Karl. Station mark: A bronze tablet cemented in solid rock 18 inches below surface of ground. Surface mark: Over the station mark is set a marble slab 18 by 24 by 24 inches, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey.” (Latitude, 41° 55' 55.65". Longitude, 77° 22' 39.74".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Davis, ... 5 35 11.90 185 34 39.53 4.0608052 Stiels, 50 15 02.74 230 08 09.00 4.2695890 Clark, 100 48 33.56 280 42 04.89 4.1342760 Bly, ... 274 29 45.50 94 44 27.23 4.4844239 Robb, ..... .... 280 22 47 82 100 27 32.53 3.9992705 Rarick, .... ..... 297 08 14:85 117 17 06.21 4.3145069 ........................ ......................... ......................... .................... KEENER, FAYETTE COUNTY. About 8 miles west of Uniontown, 14 miles north of McClelland- town and 20.3 feet west of a lone locust tree on a bare knobi owned by Ben Keener, who lives 300 yards south of station. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. : . 69 · Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference mark: A stone post 36 by 12 by 12 inches, set 34 inches in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented an aluminum bolt. True azimuth from station mark, 275° 27'. Distance from station mark, 20 feet. (Latitude, 39° 54' 33.86". Longitude, 79° 52' 16.00".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Fast, .......................... Turkey, ..... Jefferson, Hillsboro, Krepp, Prospect, Work, Dunbar, 10 45 03.1 51 08 33.2 93 07 26.3 139 22 16.0 166 57 58.6 203 37 01.7 239 05 15.9 277 03 28.5 190 44 15.0 231 04 02.8 273 01 04.2 319 14 33.3 346 56 35.3. 23 38 12.3 59 13 04.4 97 12 12.7 Log. distance. Meters. 3.9804006 4.1097964 4.1512351 4.4181154 4,1346730 4.2448865 . 4.3047205 4.2915497 Dunbar. ...................... KELLY, INDIANA COUNTY. About 11 miles north of Blairsville, in a cultivated field owned by James Kelly, 6 feet north of fence running east and west. A few small scattering trees near summit of hill. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 37 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 27' 14.06". Longitude, 79° 15' 28.54".) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Jellison, ..... Marshall, Tabernacle, . Widow, N. Base, 47 49 30.9 92 25 17.0 127 10 55.2 273 35 33.0 349 16 41.8 227 46 36.1 272 19 08.7 307 06 47.7 93 39 09.9 169 17 18.1 Log. distance. Meters. 3.9331709 4.1357354 4.0516686 3.8972129 3.8511056 KEPHART, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. On a cultivated ridge in Decatur township, 5 miles north of Houtz- dale, 6 miles northeast of Osceola, on property of G. W. Kephart, 100 yards east of the main road.. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 26 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 52' 57.335". Longitude, 78° 20' 43.265".) 70 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Spangle, ..... Patterson, ... Davis, Neeper, Kyler, Pardee, .... Morrisdale 44 32 17.97 224 25 42.57 SO 01 58.69 259 51 20.07 109 40 29.30 289 29 06.67 126 58 54.43 306 51 00.30 187 56 52.64 7 57 26.54 232 11 13.41 52 17 52.35 .... 234 39 37.03 54 44 23.17 Log, distance: Meters. 4.3060350 4.3657805 4.4129932 4.3257634 3.9415908 4.2556682 4.0976134 1 KEPHART TREE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. (Not occupied). A lone chestnut tree on a cultivated ridge, one-fourth mile south- east of and about 12 feet higher than Kephart triangulation station. A good view can be obtained in all directions excepting toward Kyler station. Station mark: The chestnut signal tree. (Latitude, 40° 52' 48.65". Longitude, 78° 20' 24.78”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Patterson, ......SO 51 32.4 260 40 41.7 4.372874 Kephart, ........................ 121 46 14.1 301 46 02.0 2.706700 Sou, ..................... KEIPLE, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. On a ridge with timber on its north end, 4 miles north of Jeannette and 8 miles northwest of Greensburg. The land is owned by Michael Kepple, who lives at foot of ridge on southeast side. Station mark: A stone post 30 by 8 by 8 inches, set 26 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 22' 16.36". Longitude, 79° 35' 12.32''.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Altman, ....... Rose, Clearview, Steel, Stroble, ..... , Log. distance. Meters. 3.9465750 3.9625866 4.0157222 : 4.1295269 . 4.0817032 4.1262722 ......... . 20 24 19.7 99 13 02.3 143 58 12.5 202 21 12.9 ..... 321 05 00.3 289 59 32.2 .......... 200 22 55.2 279 08 53.6 323 55 24.7 22 23 34.0 141 08 28.0 110 05 16.9 Harmon, KNOB (2), COLUMBIA COUNTY. Not occupied. A well defined summit in the northeastern corner of Center township. Samuel H. Sitler lives on south side three- fourths of a mile from top. . Permanent mark: A very tall pine trimmed up. (Latitude, 41° 05' 44.16". Longitude, 76° 20' 46.41”.) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. 233 16 20.0 256 11 39.0 Penobscot, ... Log. distance. Meters. 4.792642 4.611840 53 39 52. 76 30 20 KOCHER, LUZERNE COUNTY. A high summit of the Allegheny or North mountain, 3 miles (air line) west of Harvey Lake, in northern central part of Lake town- ship. Land owned by J. W. Kocher, who lives near Harvey Lake, on west side. Station reached by following a log road from Sylvester Kocher's to edge of summit; thence through woods to station. Tim- ber cut from 2 or 3 acres. : Permanent mark: Rocks piled at foot of tripod near root of tree. · (Latitude 41° 21' 28.05". Longitude, 76° 07 04.75".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Ricketts, 71 16 43 251 09 07 4.229097 Miller, 223 26 10 43 32 44 4.303396 Penobscot, .... 313 21 50 133 31 32 4.451850 KOONTZ, SOMERSET COUNTY. A station on land owned by Mr. Koontz, about 2 miles west of Hooverville, and about 0.25 mile north of his house. It is on summit of a very sharp, bald knob. Station mark: An 8 by 8 by 36-inch concrete post set 30 inches in ground. The top of post is a pyramid. Signal: A sawed lumber tripod. (Latitude, 40° 10' 16.56". Longitude, 78° 56' 25.49".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Cole, Eppley, Scalp, ....... Forward, Weible, Groves, 129 32 56 152 19 35 218 26 07 306 45 21 318 39 03 345 50 15 309 27 31 332 15 29 38 29 27 126 48 09 138 41 07 165 51 29 Log. distance. Meters. 4.183110 4.24982 4.07193 3.88782 3.87490 4.10091 ....................... S, .... .. .... ..... ........ KREPP, WASHINGTON COUNTY. About 13 miles northwest of Brownsville, on a prominent and well- known bald knob owned by James Nickson. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 01' 44,55", Longitude, 79° 54' 25,69".) 72 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station , Azimuth. Back azimuth. Altman, Rose, Clearview, ... Steel, Stroble, Harmon, 20 24 19.7. 200 22 55.2 99 13 02.3 279 08 53.6 143 58 12.5 323 55 24.7 202 21 12.9 22 23 34.0 321 05 00.3 141 08 28.0 289 59 32.2 110 05 16.9 Log. distance. Meters. 3.9465750 3.9625866 4.0157222 4.1295269 4.0817032 4.1262722 ........................ KREUTZER, LEHIGH COUNTY. A hill 3 miles west-northwest of Allentown. John Kreutzer, owner, lives on north side one-eighth of a mile from station. Summit cleared, except on west end. Permanent mark: Three blazes near foot of large chestnut tree. (Latitude, 40° 37' 15.58". Longitude, 75° 31' 42.05".) . To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. 0 0 1 " Meters. Big Rock, 309 05 05.7 129 08 37.6 3.994259 Topton, ......... 39 22 00.6 219 15 59.0 4.315038 KUNKLE, INDIANA COUNTY. About 2 miles north of Creekside P. O., near western end of a high ridge having scattering trees on the eastern end, on land owned by. Philip Kunkle. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 6 by 6 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, on solid rock, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 42' 28.78”. Longitude, 79° 12' 14.09”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Warner, ...... Broadview, Graham, ... Rowland, Palmer, McCoy, ... Strong, ... Coleman, 6 51 34.4 73 17 40.3 111 43 17.4 183 45 23.0 243 23.23.7 272 30 14.2 313 26 09.2 348 08 04.9 186 50 57.4 253 14 15.6 291 35 03.6 3 45 50.3 63 32 19.9 92 39 25.9 133 32 00.8 168 08 51.4 Log. distance. Meters. 4.0482704 3.8862700 4.2810749 4.1737351 4.3331827 4.2983645 . 4.2424222 3.9115917 d u u, , ...: ............... ....... KYLER, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. On a cleared ridge in Boggs township, 3 miles west of Wallace- ton, 9 miles southeast of Clearfield, owned by Mr. Kyler, who lives on southeast side of ridge. View toward the southeast is partly obstructed by a timbered ridge. One mile distant, and toward the west is obstructed to a small extent by scattering trees on a ridge STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 73 one-half mile distant; an extended view can be had in other direc- tions.. Station mark: A marble post 24 by 6 by 6 inches, set in a bed of concrete resting on solid rock; in center of top of post is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 57' 37.99". Longitude, 78° 19' 51.575''.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Kephart, .......... Patterson, .. Davis, ..... Neeper, .... Girard, ..... Pardee, .......................... Log. distance. Meters. 3.9415908 4.4346841 4.4078921 4.2689239 4.3165002 4.1219412 7 57 26.54 187 56 52.64 62 14 27.84 242 03 14.88 90 08 07.96 269 56 10.89 102 41 37.88 282 33 09.45 179 05 50.89 359 05 41.70 259 37 11.67 79 43 16.98 ............. LAUREL, SOMERSET-WESTMORELAND COUNTIES. (Not Occupied.) A high point on the Laurel Ridge near line between Somerset and Westmoreland counties, about 10 miles northwest of Somerset and 0.3 mile south of where Pennsylvania Railroad crosses the ridge, 0.25 mile west of a deserted house. The summit is covered with timber, some of which was cut. Signal: An oak tree 24 inches in diameter trimmed up. Station mark: Oak tree signal. (Latitude, 40° 06' 33.47". Longitude, 79° 11' 24.44".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Barclay, ...... 61 51 11 242 48 36 3.81500 Schaffer, .... 268 22 31 88 28 17 4.10420 Highland, ....... 308 00 47 128 05 03 4.07737 ............ LEE, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. About 2 miles northeast of Leesburg, on cultivated hill owned by Mr. Jacoby and is 0.25 mile north of Chambersburg and Carlisle pike. Signal: A tripod of sawed lumber. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 5 inches set 26 inches in the ground. In center of top of post is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 05' 53.04". Longitude, 77° 26' 41.74".) To station Azimuth, Back azimuth. Shippensburg, Roxbury, ....... Flat Rock, Prospect, . 19 55 11 108 31 22 188 39 45 212 02 56 199 53 53 288 23 30 8 43 01 32 05 34 Log. distance. Meters. 3.91194 4.26211 4.24484 4.03720 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. LEISTER, ARMSTRONG COUNTY. Six miles southwest of Kittanning, in North Buffalo township, on a round knob, cleared on southeast side and timbered on northwest side. The land belongs to Sarah Jane Gray, of McHaddon. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 35 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey--Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: Oak tree 18 inches diam., mag. bearing N. 30° W., 771 feet distant. (Latitude, 40° 47' 40.31". Longitude, 79° 36' 51.50”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Shrader, ..... Templeton, ... · Miller, Clever, Graham, ... 29 48 10.1 189 42 25.0 232 08 42.0 245 48 30.3 278 33 05.5 209 47 46.8 9 43 23.3 52 11 10.0 65 59 54.4 98 40 56.3 Log. distance. Meters. 4.0155564 4.0930300 3.8272558 4.4288814 4.2328320 1 . ........................ LIGONIER SCHOOL, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. (Not Occupied.) Station mark: Cupola of graded school near northwest corner of park at Ligonier. Sighted from two primary stations. (Latitude, 40° 14' 38.77". Longitude, 79° 14' 14.84".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 3.90058 3.93384 Parks, .. Edsell, ....... 95 25 34 177 36 45 275 21 58 357 36 35 .... LITTLE MAHANOY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Station on high peak at extreme western end of Mahanoy Moun- tain 3 miles (air line) north of Herndon. Timber cut down, giving a fine view in all directions except east- ward. Sides are steep and rocky, making ascent difficult. Permanent mark: Tree blazed; also a pile of rocks 23 feet east of tree. (Latitude, 40° 44' 35.47". Longitude, 76° 49' 56.57".). To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Mahanoy (1), ...... Big Lick, ........ Berrics, 257 12 18 312 03 06 19 20 08 77 16 45 132 11 30 199 16 15 Log. distance. Meters. 3.993262 4.388997 4.405435 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 75 LOHR, BEDFORD-SOMERSET COUNTIES. Near boundary line between Somerset and Bedford counties, on top of the Allegheny mountain, 0.5 mile south of road between New Paris and Crum. One hundred yards southeast of cluster of small trees. Signal: A tripod of lumber covered with white cloth. Station mark: A sandstone post 30 by 8 by 6 inches set 28 inches in ground with cross cut on top. (Latitude, 40° 08' 01.32". Longitude, 78° 42' 39.20”.) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Lone Tree, ...... St. Clair, ..... Dunning, ...... Pigeon, ....... Everett, ..... 24 40 05 204 38 47 265 43 22.1685 51 48.00 276 12 52.34 96 24 45.84 .. 297 02 43.08 117 08 28.30 305 09 37.54 125 20 51.84 Log, distance. Meters. 3.83973 4.2701046 4.4212414 4.1540406 4.4830772 LONDONDERRY, CHESTER COUNTY. Situated in the township of the same name. (Latitude, 39° 51' 50.507". Longitude, 75° 52' 50.442"'.) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Principio, ...... Rawlinsville, ... Beartown, ...... Meeting-house, .. 19 30 51.92 94 21 00.25 .. 154 50 11.19 319 04 45.57 Log. distance. Meters. 4.5031898 4.5194762 4.4254981 4.3462530 .. 274 06 10.43 334 45 04.08 ........... LONE TREE, BEDFORD COUNTY. (Not occupied.) About 3 miles north west of Fyan and about 3 miles southwest of Helixville, on top of Allegheny mountains. This point was not occupied and only sighted from two primary points, Lohr and Pigeon, and therefore not to be depended upon. It is visible from St. Clair, but smoke prevented the sight being taken when St. Clair was occupied. Signal: A lone pine tree, the western one of two. Station mark: The lone pine signal tree. (Latitude, 40° 04' 37.6". Longitude, 78° 44' 41.0".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 3.83973 4.19272 Lohr, ..... Pigeon, ................. 204 38 47 270 42 47 24 40 05 90 49 50 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. LONG, BERKS COUNTY. A flat ridge in northeast portion of Earl township, one-fourth of a mile south of Shanesville. John Kuser lives on south east side. Permanent mark: A pile of rocks S. 40° E. (Mag.) 70 feet distant from a large hickory tree. (Latitude, 40° 21' 28.35". Longitude, 75° 42' 03.78".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 4.234802 4.124723 Black Spot Tower, .............. 86 08 59.8 Topton, ....... ...................... .... 186 39 06.7 266 01 09.8 6 39 49.2 LUCINDA CATHOLIC CHURCH, CLARION COUNTY. (Not occupied.) Station mark: Spire of church near Lucinda station, on Pittsburg and Western Railway (B. and 0.). (Latitude, 41° 18' 41.71". Longitude, 79° 21' 58.24".) To station- - Azimuth. Back azimuth. Myers, ............... Beels, ... McNaughton, ....... ... 19 40 05.2 .. 74 49 35.5 ... 299 59 02.7 199 35 42.8 254 38 29.9 120 04 57.4 Log. distance. Meters. 4.4416060 4.3862458 4.1594736 LYTLE, BLAIR AND HUNTINGDON COUNTIES. Situated on a high, rocky, timbered ridge on Tussey mountain, about ; mile south of point at which the Martinsburg and Cove Creek pike crosses the mountain. Outlook good where trees have been cut away, except directly along the axis of mountain. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 40° 17' 36.21". Longitude, 78° 15' 38.44”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. ........ Rattlesnake, ... Duncan, ........ Point View, Beavertown, Terrace (2), V, Log. distance. Meters. 4.1977839 4.0161348 4.3402766 3.9612280 3.8846175 79.17 50.6 129 09 18.8 185 54 26.3 208 11 35.9 .. 266 52 10. 0 ................. 259 10 46.7 309 05 38.2 5 55 28.3 28 13 34.4 86 55 39.6 MAHANOY (1), NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. A prominent knob on the Mahanoy mountain, 3 miles west-south- west of Trevorton. The station can be reached by driving from Trevorton 2 miles, then turning south up an old wood road, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 77 and then walking up the steep mountain side three-fourths of a mile. Summit nearly clear of timber. Permanent mark: Blaze on foot of tree. (Latitude, 40° 45' 45.95". Longitude, 76° 43' 07.20".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Little Mahanoý, ...... 77 16 45 257 12 18 3.993262 Woodruff, ........ 222 54 00 42 59 36 4.247612 Mahanoy (2), ... 273 32 36 93 36 31 3.926584 Catawissa, ..... 231 30 32 51 42 01 4.498371 276 24 18 96 35 40 4.392270 Big Lick, ..... 335 19 05 155 21 02 4.311132 Barry, .................... MAHANOY (2), NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. On the Mahanoy range, 4 miles southeast of Trevorton, and 5 miles southwest of Shamokin, in Coal township. Station on west end of a long, sharp and nearly level summit, hearvily timbered. Charles Kramer lives on southeast side of moun. tain, one-half mile from triangulation station. Permanent mark: Blazes on foot of tree. (Latitude, 40° 45' 28.87". Longitude, 76° 37' 07.887.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 3.926584 4.412599 Mahanoy (1), ........... Catawissa, ...... 93 36 31 218 56 35 273 32 36 39 04 09 ...... MAHANOY (3), NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Not occupied. A knob of the Mahanoy Mountain 3 miles S. 44° W. (mag.) from Shamokin, and in plain view from the city. About an acre of timber cut down. Permanent mark: Tree blazed near foot. (Latitude, 40° 45' 20.08". Longitude, 76° 35' 24.24".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 4.139748 4.391414 Woodruff, ...... Catawissa, .. 184 59 09 214 09 39 4 59 42 34 16 06 .. MARSHALL, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. In Loyal Hanna township, about 31 miles southeast of Saltsburg, on the highest part of a bare, flat hill, which is the southwestern one of three near together. The land is owned by Mrs. Wm. Mar- shall. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 38 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 27' 32.39". Longitude, 79° 25' 08.15”.) TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. TOU , . ... ... .... ... .. ... ... .. Harmon, ... Steel, Hilty, ....... Hood, Tabernacle, Kelly, Jellison, ....... 6 44 30.8 106 37 25.0 126 59 37.0 190 24 59.2 216 49 53.2 272 19 08.7 310 50 01.2 186 43 44.3 286 33 14.0 306 55 10.2 10 26 05.9 36 52 02.1 92 25 17.0 130 53 22.4 Log. distance. Meters. 4.1592792 3.9778350 4.0830968 4.1258931 3.8917275 4.1357354 3.9852846 ..................... MARTIN, BEDFORD COUNTY. Martin Mountain is in Cumberland township on Pennsylvania Forest Reserve, about three miles southwest of Rainsburg and about 1.5 miles nearly south of D. N. Rawling's house. Signal: Flag in tree on west slope of mountain. Station mark: Aluminum tablet cemented in rock 9 feet square and 3 feet high. (Latitude, 39° 51' 03.88". Longitude, 78° 34' 25.00”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth, Hyndman, ... Wills, S6 32 28 145 24 37 Log. distance. Meters. 3.96068 3.88261 266 28 17 325 22 40 ... MEADOW (2), GARRETT COUNTY, MARYLAND. On the highest part of Meadow mountain, about twelve miles north- west of Frostburg and one mile north of New Germany post office. The summit was cleared of timber with the exception of one tree, which was trimmed up and left for a signal. Signal: Trimmed tree, only one on summit. Reference mark: Copper bolt cemented in solid rock, distant from signal tree 15 feet, azimuth from signal tree 346° 43'. Station mark: Signal tree. (Latitude, 39° 39' 16.25". Longitude, 79° 06' 20.15”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Accident, ...... Negro, ...... Sampson, .... Dan, ..... High Rook, Pack, ..... Bear, 78 43 55.90 134 05 59.35 248 27 35.75 294 15 18.02 356 34 45.72 160 29 14.36 ... 212 13 55.77 258 36 42.49 314 02 20.27 68 34 20.31 114 23 15.43 176 35 05.20 340 26 42.26 32 19 34.37 Log. distance. Meters. 4.2180560 4.0570135 4.2102258 4.2921995 4.0873862 4.2291922 4.3731153 ................... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 79 MEAS, CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Located near the centre of Elliott township on a high ridge about 3 miles north of the city of Jamestown and 1-3 mile south of the Jamestown and Ross Mills road. Land owned by P. A. Melonist. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches set 36 inches in the ground and having a bronze tablet cemented in its top. (Latitude, 42° 08' 21.22". Longitude, 79° 13' 47.09”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Nelson, ... 3 42 36.512 183 41 56.657 4.3260087 Busti, 14 07 45.77 194 05 59.78 4.1734905 Panama, .... 71 53 22.33 251 41 45.66 4.4002458 Bates, 90 18 08.34 270 06 18.84 4.3853254 Highland, 211 41 41.49 31 44 22.96 4.0211111 Walrod, .... 280 49 02.01 105 53 36.40 3.9898545 Peterson, 311 39 50.392 131 45 26.573 4.1886157 Quaker Hill, 341 46 17.089 161 51 00.880 4.4950339 ...................... ................... MELLON, FAYETTE COUNTY. About 2 miles north of Marklesburg, and 600 feet. north Mel. lon's store, on hill covered with timber. Theodolite raised 18 feet on stump of tree and lines of sight cut out to other stations. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 12 by 12 inches, set flush with surface of ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a copper bolt. (Latitude, 39° 44' 43.18". Longitude, 79° 29' 23.30”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Piney Swamp, 5 29 47.3 185 28 53.8 4.3198719 Kelley, ..... 25 02 17.6 204 59 31.0 4.1674360 Wymp, ...... S2 07 39.3 261 57 14.8 4.3709214 Pondfield, 102 50 31.1 282 48 22.5 4.2706993 Accident, ...... 308 24 44.6 128 32 14.0 4.3308574 MILLER, ARMSTRONG COUNTY. In East Franklin township, about 2 miles northwest of Kittanning. on a flat cultivated hill owned by James Miller. It is 100 yards west of his brick house. Station mark: A stone post 36 by s by 8 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 49' 53.90". Longitude, 79° 33' 05.12".) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Leister, ...... ....... 52 11 10.0 232 08 42.0 3.8272558 Templeton, ........... ........ 150 21 39. 338 20 09.8 3.9397410 . 299 55 18.5 120 00 41.6 4.1263694 6-No.7 Graham, .. ...... 80 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : MILLER, WYOMING COUNTY. Three miles (air line) south of Tunkhannock, and 8 miles by the road. Summit flat, with large trees on southeast side. Permanent mark: Stone with cross cut in top. (Latitude, 41° 29' 20.95". Longitude, 75° 59' 08.86".) To station : Azimuth. Back azimuth. Bald Mountain, ..... Penobscot, . Kocher, ...... 291 54 OS 348 53 03 43 32 44 112 02 07 168 56 13 223 26 10 Log. distance. Meters. 4.258096 4.540332 4.303396 MILLERSTOWN, PERRY COUNTY. A dome-shaped hill, 2 miles north of Millerstown and miles east of Juniata River. Summit is bald and very stony. A prominent point locally, though not as high as surrounding timbered ridges. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet counersunk in solid rock 1 foot below surface of ground. (Latitude 40° 34' 05.1". Longitude 77° 10' 00.9".) . To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. y Beavertown, ........ Little Mahanoy, . Spruce, Newport, ................ Log. distance. Meters. 4.22242 4.53567 4.01864 4.03919 188 42 24 235 23 23 293 00 34 347 02 41 8 43 34 55 36 28 113 04 59 217 36 06 MONTOUR, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S. Station is on Montour ridge, 31 miles north of the town of Northumberland. Permanent mark: A stone monument. (Latitude, 40° 56' 29.82". Longitude, 76° 49' 00.42".) To station- Azimuth. Catawissa, ...... Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 90 38 25 4.517488 124 47 32 4.600208 .... 270 23 03 304 32 18 Barry MOORE, FAYETTE COUNTY. On a hill locally known as Moore's hill, 2 miles southwest of Scott- dale, on the road between Scottdale and Dawson, on land owned by the H. C. Frick Coke Co. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey--Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 04' 29.12". Longitude, 79° 37' 08.83".) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 81 To station Meters. Secrest, ........ Regantown, ... Alverton, .... Overton, Azimuth. 0 1 0 111 37 13.2 146 04 20.5 196 38 38.6 237 22 19.4 Back azimuth. Log. distance. 0 291 34 24.3 3.8251290 326 02 22.6 3.8899346 16 39 38.6 3.8863993 57 24 28.2 . 3.7500275 .................... 'L00, ...................... MORLEY, GREENE COUNTY. On a flat bald ridge owned by D. W. Morley, 1 mile southwest of Bald Hill, and mile north of Pennsylvania-West Virginia State line. There are a few trees under brow of hill on east side Station mark: A stone post 42 by 12 by 12 inches, set flush with the surface of the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a copper bolt. (Latitude, 39° 43' 50.65". Longitude, 80° 01' 25.65".) To station- Turkey, Fast, Wymp, St. Clair, Reed, ....... Waters, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distaoce. Meters. 194 30 55.5 14 32 17.4 4.0842057 227 11 58.5 47 17 02.2 4.1871165 274 03 51.4 94 13 55:6 4.3536192 296 44 41.3 116 48 34.2 3.9880410 304 53 01.7 125 00 48.8 4.3278602 357 07 59.2 177 08 22.3 4.2373975 ....................... MORRIS, GREENE COUNTY. On land owned by Henry Morris, 5. miles southeast of Waynesburg, 3 miles east of Randolph church, in cleared field 600 feet north of ridge road and 4 mile west of Mr. Morris' house. Station mark: A marble post 48 by 8 by 8 inches, set 46 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze trian- gulation tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 39° 52' 02.67". Longitude, 80° 06' 47.91".) To station Azimuth. , Shriver, Hughes, ..... Jefferson. ........................ .......... 69 27 10.8 142 37 23.6 ... 230 25 41.6 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 249 24 58.1 3.7205630 322 34 23.6 4.0403635 50 28 38.8 3.9301943 . Tson. ..... ......... .... • • MORRISDALE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, (Not occupied.) The tower of the large brick school building at Morrisdale, 4 miles north of Philipsburg. Station mark: Center of tower. (Latitude, 40° 56' 51.88". Longitude, 78° 13' 26.61".) TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY.. To station- Kephart, ....... Kyler, ...... Pardee, Azimoth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ...... 54 44 23.17 234 39 37.03 4.0976134 99 00 50.19 278 56 37.86 3.9597614 .. 226 39 50.74 46 41 43.62 3.7430580 · · MYERS, CLARION COUNTY. About 3 miles southeast of Sligo, in Toby township, and near the main road between Clarion and East Brady, and about half way be- tween the two places, on a bare knob of cultivated land belonging to V. R. Myers, of Sligo. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by S by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is ceinented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Rerference marks: Chestnut tree, mag. bearing S. 65° E., 303 feet distant. Chestnut tree, mag. bearing S. 55° W., 115 feet distant. Chestnut tree, inag. bearing N. 84° W., 203 feet distant. (Latitude, 41° 04' 37.67". Longitude, 79° 28' 36.80”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Loy. distance Meters. Reynolds, ... 39 10 40.8 219 07 23.6 4.0414047 McCally, 76 45 26.6 256 41 14.5 3.9639954 Beels, 144 07 19.6 324 00 37.9 4.3845964 Weaver, .... 187 54 49.3 7 56 41.2 4.4577631 Groce, ...... 192 31 40.0 12 33 09.4 4.1643794 Lucinda Catholic Church, 199 37 42.8 19 40 05.2 4.4416060 Clarion Courthouse, 206 15 52.3 26 19 26.3 4.2335056 McNaughton, . 229 08 24.6 49 18 40.4 4.1594577 Clever, ......... 327 41 28.6 147 47 30.2 : 4.3829142 MCCALL, CLARION COUNTY. On a bare, flat knob about 11 miles north of Bela P. O., 8 feet north of east and west ſence. The land belongs to Wm. T. McCall. Station mark: A sandstone post, 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey_Pennsylvania.” Rerference marks: A chestnut tree 18 inches diam., mag. bearing N. 85° W., 185 feet distant. A chestnut tree 18 inches diam., mag. bearing S. 81° E. (Latitude, 41° 03' 29.14". Longitude, 79° 35' 00.49”.) To station- Beels, ..... Weaver, .... Myers, ...... Clever, Reynolds, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 166 21 52.1 346 19 23.0 4.3497924 202 51 12.0 22 57 16.7 4.5204177 256 41 14.5 76 45 26.6 3.9639954 .... 309 51 31.4 130 01 44.6 4.4550873 342 32 21.0 162 33 17.7 3.8277738 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 83 MCCLEARY, BEAVER COUNTY. On a hill in Raccoon township, 1 mile southwest of McCleary post office, on land owned by A. L. Moore. Summit of hill has a few trees on its western side. Station mark: A sandstone post 38 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 35' 52.99". Longitude, 80° 24' 45.11".) To station.-- Aziinuth. Dawson, Bunker Hill, ..... Dickson, 183 49 00.5 247 07 52.4 315 41 54.9 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 3 49 22.4 4.0733912 67 11 43.7 3.9571732 135 46 56.7 4.1945450 MCCOY, INDIANA COUNTY. About 1 mile south west of Taylorville P. O., on a bare round-top hill owned by James McCoy. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 6 by 6 inches, set 38 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey--Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 41' 59.77". Longitude, 78° 58' 08.22”.) To station- ..................... Strong, ....... Coleman, ..... Kunkle, Rowland, Palmer, .... Nolo, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 32 54 04.0 212 50 44.6 4.1223126 68 46 47.2 248 38 22.5 4.2905687 92 39 25.9 272 30 14.2 4.2983645 129 59 46.3 309 51 01.2 4.3907798 176 32 15.4 356 51 59.4 4.0225275 357 23 52.1 177 24 09.6 4.1440697 .......................... MCDONALD, WASHINGTON COUNTY. In a pasture at the highest point of a hill 1 mile south of McDon- ald, on land owned by Mr. Wm. F. Vood, who lives on the southeast side of hill. Station mark: A sandstone post 31 by 7 by 7 inches, set 55 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: A large black oak line tree at the north bound- ary fence, 275 feet distant. A large white oak line tree at the west boundary fence, 303 feeť distant. . (Latitude, 40° 21' 41.66". Longitude, 80° 13' 37.56".) 84 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. ..................... To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Garrett, ..... 27 46 53.9 207 43 09.8 . 4.2450948 Dickson, ...... 162 21 09.3 342 18 57.4 4.1985263 Union U. P. Church, 215 40 45.6 35 43 45.7 4.0503035 Shannon, 270 46 02.6 90 53 57.8 4.2365717 Hickman, .................... ... 282 23 45.3 102 26 54.8 3.8495728 Canonsburg, ... .. 343 09 24. 7 163 11 12.3 4.1326119 MCDOWELL, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. (Not occupied.) On comparatively low cleared hill in Bradford township, 10 miles east-northeast of Clearfield, on land owned by R. L. McDowell. A good view can be had in all directions excepting southward. Station mark: A marble post 38 by 6 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, 1 foot south of fence. In the center of top of post is ce- mented a bronze triangulation tablet. Reference mark: A big lone chestnut tree; azimuth from station mark, 256° 47'; distance, 7.4 feet. (Latitude 41° 02' 21.35". Longitude, 78° 18' 28.52".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ...... 76 56 18.75 256 46 55.41 4.3137579 ..... 169 18 13.96 349 17 10.17 4.0861395 Neeper, Girard, ..... MCGINNIS, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. On a high nearly bare knob, about 3 miles southeast of Freeport and about 2 miles west of Leechburg, on land owned by Andrew McGinnis, who lives near Markle. There is a single large locust reference tree near summit, and timber on north slope. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 35 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze trian- gulation tablet. Reference mark: A large locust tree 2.2 feet in diameter, true azimuth 292°, distant 60.47 feet from station. (Latitude 40° 38' 13.52". Longitude, 79° 40' 24.31".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log, distance. Meters. 19 43 51.81 199 40 42.18 4.3086642 38 56 02.44 218 51 31.21 4.1935728 67 10 27.61' 247 08 44.70 3.6053188 84 06 37.85 264 01 09.55 4.0759792 .. 178 58 16 46 358 58 12.23 3.9288459 ,,. 343 08 06.60 163 10 02.74 4.1610875 Indian, McKelvey, ..... Natrona, .... Christy, Shrader, Yeter, ...................... ....................... · STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 85 MCGREGOR, JEFFERSON COUNTY, • (Not occupied.) About 1 mile southwest of McGregor postoffie on a prominent knoll which is covered with tall trees on top. The northeast slope is covered with brush 15 or 20 feet high and has one tall tree which is a prominent land mark on all sides except to the southwest. Signal Lone tree. Station mark: Lone signal tree. (Latitude, 40° 56' 03.94". Longitude, 79° 13' 29.95”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 273 17 30 93 20 47 3.84864 Palmer, ..... 306 22 22 126 32 09 4.41704 Rowland, ..... 344 58 15 164 59 32 4.02618 Valier, ..... MCKELVEY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. At the center of high, hogback hill in Plum township about one- fourth mile from Barking and 2 miles east of Hulton, on land owned by Mrs. John McKelvy. The hill is nearly bare, there being a few large chestnut trees just northwest of summit, and timber on west end of slope of ridge, and wild cherry and locust trees at northeast end. Station mark: A marble post 33 by 6 by 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze trian- gulation tablet. Reference marks: A large chestnut tree 3.1 feet in diameter, large branches cut from north side, on fence line; true azimuth 161°, dis- tant 81 feet from station. A large chestnut tree a few feet from fence line, true azimuth 141°, from station. A large chestnut tree 3 feet in diameter, on fence line, distant 179.6 feet from station. (Latitude 40° 31' 39.50". Longitude, 79° 47' 21.24”.) To station, Heverline, ..., Christy, McGinnis, ... Yeter, Indian, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 120 00 46.57 299 55 35.48 4.1137512 109 22 15.55 349 21 18.82 4.0458322 218 51 31.21 38 56 02.44 4.1935728 276 55 14.3997 01 41.29 4.1499159 337 09 59.19 157 11 20.53 3.8810619 MCNAUGHTON, CLARION COUNTY. On a bare round knob about 21 miles southeast of Fisher P. O., in Mill Creek township, on land belonging to David McNaughton. Station mark: A sandstone post, 36 by 9 by 9 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, 6 feet north of an east and west fence line, and in the 86 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. center of top of post is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geo- logical Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: A chestnut tree 8 inches diam., mag. bearing S. 84° W., 591 feet distant. A chestnut tree 8 inches diam., mag. bearing S. 13° 30' E., 284 feet distant. A chestnut tree. 8 inches diam., mag. bearing S. 35° 30' W., 51 feet distant. (Latitude, 41° 14' 47.47'. Longitude, 79° 13' 01.19º.) • To station- Clever, .... Myers, Groce, ..... Beels, ... Weaver, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Mett:l's. 12 54 49.4 192 50 37.0 4.6047255 49 18 40.4 229 08 24.6 4.4594577 .... 76 19 09.7 256 10 22.7 4.2827486 ..... 91 26 38.6 271 09 39.4 4.5563276 ........ 118 24 03.6 298 15 38.3 4.3962598 ...................... NATRONA, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. (Not occupied.) A very tall smokestack erected on the hillside overlooking Na- trona, Harrison township. The property of the Pennsylvania Salt Works, chemical manufacturers. Station mark: Center of Smokestack. (Latitude, 40° 37' 22.81". Longitude, 79° 43' 02.34".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Mcters. Christy, ...... ..... 92 22 21.92 272 18 36.57 3.9107096 McGinnis, ....................... 241 00 ..... 247 08 44.70 # 67 10 27.61 3.6053188 NEEPER, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. · On a cultivated flat ridge in Pike township, 2 miles northwest of Curwensville, owned by R. R. Neeper, who lives on southeast side of ridge. A fine view can be had in all directions excepting southwest. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation tablet. Reference mark: The chestnut signal tree; azimuth 74° 54'; distant from station mark 8.5 feet. (Latitude, 40° 59' 49.58". Longitude, 78° 32' 46.88".) To station- Patterson, ... Davis, Girard, ..... McDowell, Kyler, Kcphart, ..... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. O " 0 " " . Meters. 19 25 37.98 199 22 52.62 4 .2499421 61 31 41.88 241 28 13.00 3.9280619 226 46 37.18 46 54 57.36 4.3867337 256 46 55.41 76 56 18.75 4.3137579 282 33 09.45 102 41 37.88 4.2689259 306 51 00.30 126 58 54.43 4,3257634 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 87 . . 87 NEGRO, SOMERSET COUNTY. On flat-topped mountain about four miles northwest of Grants- ville, Maryland, and two miles north of National Turnpike. Lines of sight were cut out to different stations from a tree which was trimmed and left for a signal. Station mark: Signal tree. Reference mark: Copper bolt cemented in rock; distance from tree, three feet; azimuth from signal tree, 2° 37'. (Latitude 39° 43' 33.41". Longitude 79° 12' 03.98”.) . To station- Azimuth. Accident, ...... Sampson, .......... Meadow (2), ..... 35 30 51.0 274 47 40.23 314 02 20.27 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 21.5 33 17.41 4.1380708 94 58 04.81 4.:3685814 134 05 59.8.1 4.0570135 NELSON, WARREN COUNTY. Located in the town of Farmington about 1 mile south of Landes post office in a clear field on land owned by Jolin T. Nelson. Station Mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tri- angulation tablet. (Latitude, 41° 56' 56.056". Longitude, 79° 14' 46.60”.) To station- Crippen, ..... Bull, ..... Busti, .... Mcas, ... Peterson, Quaker, Yankee Bush, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance, Meters, 2.5 18 42.174 205 15 30.147 4.1910448 78 13 19.668 258 07 32.148 4.0877421 161 13 42.127 341 12 36.137 3.8485040 183 41 30.0573.42 36.512 4.3260087 229 51 48.101 49 58 03.485 4.2272878 307 29 07.0657 127 34 30.084 4.1477939 335 41 09.254 153 43 03.417 3.9885983 NESCOI'ECK (1), LUZERNE COUNTY. Not occupied. On the Nescopeck mountain, about 1 mile east of where Wilkes-Barre and Hazleton turnpike crosses and near the corner of Dorrance, Butler, Dennison and Wright townships. Permanent mark: A tall pine near eastern end of summit. (Latitude, 41° 05' 04.29". Longitude 75° 56' 27.47".) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 117 12 40 297 04 19 4.300080 207 44 15 27 46 57 4.089938 ..... . Shickshinny, ...... Penobscot, ... 88 - TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. NESCOPEK (2), LUZERNE COUNTY. On Nescopeck mountain, 1 mile east of gap where Berwick and Hazleton pike crosses and 74 miles east of Berwick; summit long and narrow and timbered with oak and hickory. Permanent mark: Three blazzes on trunk of lone hickory tree near ground. (Latitude, 41° 02' 13.91". Longitude, 76° 05' 03.40".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 338 14 16 4.189199 47 49 08 4.380321 Shickshinny, ..... Penobscot, ...................... ...... 158 16 57 227 40 47 NESCOPECK (3), COLUMBIA COUNTY. On the Nescopeck mountain, south of Mifflinville, half a mile from field of Jonathan Spaid. From Bloomsburg take Berwick road for 0 miles, crossing river at Stonytown Ferry. Summit narrow and rocky; trees are cut down giving a fine view northward. Permanent mark: Blazes on tree trunk. (Latitude, 40° 59' 08.98". Longitude, 76° 18' 46.16”.) To station- Azimuth. Shickshinny, .... ...... Penobscot, ............ ............. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 33 56 46 4.383323 59 34 20 4.632961 213 50 27 239 16 59 NEWPORT, PERRY COUNTY. Situated on timbered ridge 2 miles south of Newport. The sum- mit was cleared of timber and lone oak tree 8 inches in diameter was left standing on the highest point. It can be reached by following Duncannon road 11 miles south from Newport to old sawmill site, thence southwest by trail to summit. Station mark: Center of lone signal tree. (Latitude, 40° 27' 11.6". Longitude, 779 07' 56.4".). To station- Azimuth. Bowers, ......... Eschol, ........ Tuscarora, ... Millerstown, Spruce, ....... Peters, 57 17 39.23 S4 19 36.14 92 06 37.12 167 04 02.00 217 36 06.00 ... 332 33 37.00 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 237 09 00.95 4.3508360 264 13 22.18 4.1352045 271 55 37.90 4.3793545 347 02 41.00 4.11684 37 39 10.00 4.03919 152 35 57.00 4.04464 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. : 89 . NEWTOWN, BUCKS COUNTY. Situated in Newtown township. (Latitude 40° 15' 03.411". Longitude 74° 55' 13.927".) To station- Willowgrove, ..... Goat Hill, ... Mt. Rose, ...... Stony Hill, .. Mt. Holly, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 52 41 15.47 232 34 04.10 4.2986851 171 57 31.31 4.0268766 232 10 19.50 ..... 4.3253739 296 34 57.01 4.5083127 337 47 34.42 4.4739849 NOLO, INDIANA COUNTY. About 1 mile north of Nolo P. O., on land owned by Mr. McCaffrey, on high ground, but not the highest point. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 6 by 6 inches, set 38 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: Stones set 1 foot below surface of ground, with cross on top, and set on line with Evans and McCoy, distant 10 feet from station. (Latitude, 40° 34' 28.50". Longitude, 78° 57' 41.33".) To station- Evans, ....... Warner, . Strong, .... McCoy, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. o i 0 i Meters. .87 28 07.9 267 32 18.4 4.0203741 99 44 21.0 279 34 16.2 4.3458154 109 37 38.4 289 34 01.7 3.9198276 177 24 09.6 357 23 52.1 4.1440697 NORTH, SULLIVAN COUNTY. . A summit of the North mountain in western part of Davidson township, local name, Round Top; 1 mile north of Billy Backbone mountain. A tripod, with target, was erected by the U. S. C. & G. S. during 1886 and sighted from Catawissa. Summit about 50 yards across east and west, and 200 yards long, north and south. It is covered with a scattering growth of bushes and trees from 10 to 20 feet high: A + cut in rock. (Latitude, 41° 19' 09.97". Longitude, 76° 33' 17.13".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 93 25 58 4.313063 165 40 23 4.639609 Ricketts, ....... Catawissa, 273 16 15 345 35 18 90 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. OAK, GREENE COUNTY. On a high clear hill, 1 mile south of Centennial church, 11 miles west of Nettle Mills, 3 miles south of Higley and 6 miles south of Bristoria, on land owned by Dr. S. T. Williams. Station mark: The lone signal tree on highest part of hill. (Latitude, 39° 47' 41.45". Longitude, 80° 24' 33.31".) To station- Azimuth. Rock Lick, Bristoria, ....... Call, ......... ... 127 39 19.7 ..... 180 53 51 1 ... 230 41. 05.3 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 307 34 40.8 4.1163332 6 54 26.4 4.0377279 56 45 12.3 4.0403119 OVERTON, FAYETTE COUNTY. About 15 feet northeast of a summit of hill, 2 miles northeast of Scottdale and one-fourth mile west of the Painter coke ovens, on land owned by the McClure Coke Co. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in. the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 06' 07.38". Longitude, 79° 33' 48.87".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 57 24 28.2 237 22 19.4 3.7500275 ....................... 149 48 14.2 329 47 05.4 3.7013389 Moore, . Alverton, IY PALMER, INDIANA COUNTY, About 21 miles south of Rochester Mills P. (., in Grant township, on a very high partly cleared ridge, on land owned by Mr. Palmer. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 33 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: Stones set one foot below surface of ground, cross on top, in line with stations Rowland and McCoy. Distance from station, 10 feet. (Latitude, 40° 47' 40.71". Longitude; 78° 58' 32.74".) To station- Kunkle, ........... Rowland, .. McCoy, ....... .............. Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. .... 63 32 19.9 243 23 23.7 4.3331827 ... 106 08 44.8 286 00 15.2 4.2790843 ... 356 51 59.4 176 52 15.4 4.0225275 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PARDEE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. In Morris township, 1 mile south of Kylertown, 2 miles north of Munson on property of the Pardee Coal Company, 20 feet east of road at a point 150 yards south of forks of road. Station mark: An oak tree trimmed up, 10 feet east of north and south fence and 2 feet south of east and west fence. (Latitude, 40° 58' 54.96". Longitude, 78° 10' 34.43”.) To station- : Morrisdale, ... Kophart, Kyler, Girard, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 46 41 43.62 226 39 50.74 3.7430580 52 17 52.37 232 11 13.41 4.2556682 79 43 16.98 259 37 11.07 4.1219412 144 02 33.44 323 56 18.24 4.3556921 .......................... : : : PARKS, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. 12 Station is on high knob on chestnut ridge owned by Eli Parks, about 6.3 miles west of Ligonier, and about 0.25 mile soutleast of Park's house. It has field on east and second growth timber on west. A portion of timber was (ut giving view in all directions except northwest. Station mark: sandstone post 7 boy 12 by 30 inches set 28 inches in ground. Signal: A chestnut tree 7 inches diameter with flag target. Reference marks: Signal tree S. 45° W. (true), distant 18 feet. (Latitude, 40° 15' 03.02". Longitude, 79° 19' 49.87".) To station, Azimuth. ........................ Donegal, Edsell, Eppley, ........ Colc, Ligonier School, Barclay, 17 38 20.83 22350 48.48 25+ 25 22.90 267 37 23.39 275 21 58 ..... 341 t) 37.24 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 197 36 02.63 4.2235150 41 00 15.32 4.0367252 7+ 36 44.83 4.4125271 87 47 09.57 4.3315099 95 25 34 3.90058 161 48 24.94 4.2940352 .................... y . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . O I , PARNELL, FRANKLIN COUNTY. On mountain locally known by same name, about 9 miles west of Chambersburg and 3 miles east of Fort London. Theodolite elevated 24 feet on top of stump of tree; sight lines were cut through timber to other stations. Station mark: A bronze table stamped “U. S. Geological Survey Pennsylvania,'' cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 39° 55' 00.42". Longitude, 77° 51' 45.92".) 92 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- S ................. Fairview, Cove, like, Chambersburg, Alto, Quirauk, ...... Martin, Strasburg, ...... Timber Ilill, ... Azimuth, Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 17 36 22.3 197 32 15.8 4.4822860 44 49 11.0 224 41 37.6 4.3790001 88 07 13.8 268 03 34.2 3.9142524 262 17 45.3 82 25 31.4 4.2405209 287 59 23.8 108 11 58.4 4.4687745 309 04 53.8 129 18 20.6 4.5874493 340 38 14.6 160 42 52.2 4.4941249 ..... 213 27 30.29 33 31 55.57 4.2491919 .... 246 20 39.85 66 33 16.13 4.4839373 PATTERSON, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. On a cultivated round hill owned by Lyman Patterson, 3 miles east of Lajose, one-half mile south of Marron, and on line between Ferguson and Jordon townships. Station is on fence line where it crosses summit of hill. Station mark: A sandstone post 38 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 50' 45.92". Longitude, 78° 36' 59.335".) To station- Swope, .... Beck, Walls, .... Davis, Neeper, Kyler, Kcphart, .... Spangle, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 9 02 00.04 189 00 38.52 4.2712711 76 05 32.70 256 00 42.07 4.0306219 122 39 55.61 302 33 45.19 4.1967302 173 04 44.35 353 04 01.09 4.1079136 199 22 52.62 19 25 37.98 4.2499421 242 03 14.88 62 14 27.84 4.4346841 259 51 20.07 SO 01 58.69 4.3657805 319 39 51.10 140 03 53.63 4.1317818 PECK, SOMERSET COUNTY. On the Negro Mountain, about 10 miles west of Meyersdale, on land owned by a coal company 0.5 mile north of where road from Meyers- dale to Confluence crosses the mountain and 1.5 miles northeast of Mr. Howard Peck's house. Is timbered and flat on top, and lines of sight have been chopped out to other points. Signal: A white flag in top of 15-inch pine tree. Station mark: Bronze “Penna." tablet in large rock, 12 feet cast of singal tree. The plate is not on highest part as there was no high tree for signal on highest part about 100 feet southwest of highest part. Instrument elevated 22 feet. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 93 .. .: To station- ...................... Rich, ...... Shipley, ....... Steyer, Highland, Somerset, ... Berlin, Bcar, ....... Sainpson, ...... Mcadow, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. · Meters. 50 34 28 230 29 07 4.18980 96 38 40 276 28 16 4.36779 127 37 40.69 307 29 21.94 4.3679374 196 06 18 16 09 50 4.45184 198 45 42 18 49 18 4.39447 219 36 53.56 39 43 09.13 4.3386610 257 36 46.80 77 44 58.30 4.2715364 295 43 37.31 115 52 54.69 4.3626170 340 26 42.26 160 29 14.36 4.2291922 PENOBSCOT, LUZERNE COUNTY. Triangulation station of tbe U. S. C. & G. S. It is on the Wilkes- Barre mountain, about 3 miles south of Wilkes-Barre and three- fourths of a mile from Fairview station, on the Lehigh Valley Rail- road, and same distance from Solomon Gap, on Lehigh and Susque. hanna railroad. Summit entirely bare.. Permanent mark: Hole drilled in rock. · (Latitude, 41° 10' 57.14". Longitude, 75° 52' 21.83".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Noscopeck (1), ... 27 46 57.0 207 44 15.0 4.089938 Nescopeck (2), 47 49 08.0 227 40 47.0 4.380321 Nescopeck (3), 59 34 20.0 239 16 59.0 4.632961 Knob (2), .. 76 30 20.0 256 11 39.0 4.611840 Shickshinny, 85 45 10.0 265 34 07.0 4.371794 Ricketts, 111 04 17.0 290 47 00.0 4.59340 Kocher, . 133 31 32.0 313 21 50.0 4.451850 Miller, ........ 168 56 13.0 348 53 03.0 4.540332 Wyoming, ...... 187 20 47.0 7 21 54.0 4.268823 Bald Mountain, . 200 23 53.0 20 28 42.6 4.463994 Pimple Hill, 299 08 05.0 119 22 35.1 4.548991 Glen Summit, ...... 325 52 55.0 145 54 08.0 3.664854 Knob (C. G. S.), ...... 353 26 55.3 173 28 37.9 4.506182 .................... ....................... ............ PETERS, PERRY COUNTY. Situated on Peters mountain, about 4 miles west of Duncannon; about 2 acres cleared of timber and lone pine tree 24 inches in diam- eter left standing for signal. Station mark: A copper bolt cemented in solid rock. Reference mark: The lone signal tree, true azimuth 331° 09', 4 feet distant. (Latitude, 40° 21' 52.7". Longitude, 77° 04' 19.9".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Bowers, ...... ........ S4 33 54.16 264 24 56.20 4.3818308 Tuscarora, ..... ......... .. 110 17 38.74 290 04 20.12 4.4907718 Newport, ...... 152 35 57.00 2 33 37.00 4.04464 Spruce, ....... ... 184 53 30.00 4 54 14.00 4,26888 ......... 94 · TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. PETERSON, CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 1 Located in the town of Carroll, about 3 miles east of Frewsburg on a bare hill on faim of Frank Peterson. View cut off to east by higher ridges. Station mark: et sandstone 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 32 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 42° 02' 48.277". Longitude, 79° 05' 25.576".) ( To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 5 15 07.387 183 14 15.608 4.2902612 49 58 03.485 229 51 48.101 4.2272878 74 38 04.930 254 30 43.275 4.1970889 131 45 26.573 311 39 50.392 4.1886157 Quaker, ..... Nelson, .... Busti, ...... Meas, ... ..... PIGEON, BEDFORD COUNTY. About 3 miles northwest of Wolfburg near north end of the Pigeon Hills, on land of J. E. Arnold, on west side of north and south rail fence between cornfield and brush. Signal: A target in tall red oak, which is largest and most north- erly of several trees in the fence r'ow. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 8 by 6 inches set 27 inches in ground 3.5 feet south of signal tree. (Latitude, 10° 04' 30.79". Longitude, 78° 33' 43.29".) To station Azimuth. : Lone Tree, .. Lohr, St. Clair, Dunning, Everett, : Back azimuth. Log. distance. Mcters. 270 42 47 4.19272 297 02 43.08 4.1540406 36 52 34.11 3.9922272 75 11 05.30 4.1462092 132 23 12.40 4.2154627 90 49 50 117 08 28.30 216 49 53.84 235 04 57.38 312 17 43.16 : : T OT Y VYNI l'IKE, ON LINE BETWEEN FRANKLIN AND FULTON COUNTIES. About 5 miles air line distance northwest of Mercersburg and 3 miles east of McConnelsburg, on Cove mountain, 1,000 feet south of Chambersburg and Bedford pike. Theodolite elevated 16 feet on stuinp of tree; lines of sight cut through timber to other stations. Station mark: A copper bolt ceinented in solid rock. (Latitude, 39° 51' 51.55". U. S. S. D. Longitude, 77° 57' 31.23".) To station- 10 Azimuth. Cove, ....... Ray, ........ Smith, Parnell, ...... 27 21 16.2 ..... 68 27 OS.0 .... 123 53 29.4 ..... 268 03 34, 2 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Mcters. 207 17 23.4 4.2746459 248 13 43.0 4.5068009 303 46 10.2 4.2849006 88 07 15,8 3.9142524 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . 95 PIMPLE HILL, MONROE COUNTY. A Coast and Goodetic Survey station on hill of same name, 19 miles north of Wind Gap on the Lehigh & Lackawanna R. R., and 12 miles southwest of Forks on Delaware, Lackaware & Western R. R. The hill is on top of Pocono Mountain about 0.5 mile west of the old Wilkes-Barre turnpike and 11 miles north of the Pocono Mountain hotel. From this hotel station bears N. 48° W. (mag.). Location is known to people of surrounding country. Elevation 2,225 feet. Station mark: Drill hole in large stone near surface of ground. As the stone was firmly embeded, it was thought best not to disturb it by an underground mark. Letters “U. S.” are cut on stone near hole. Above this is a monument surrounded by a large pile of stones and on southeast side are cut the letters “U. S.” and on northwest side "P. H.” On top of monument is a drill hole centered over triangulation station. Signal: Tripod and scaffold built over station. A trimmed hem- lock 1 foot in diameter stands N. 671° W. (mag.) ; 171 feet from sta- tion. "Tree is blazed facing station marked by the letters "U. S.” Small village 27° 31.5'. Lehigh Gap, 175° 13'. Wind Gap, 224° 58'. Pocono Hotel, North gable 235° 05.3'. (Latitude, 41° 01' 36.335". Longitude, 75° 30' 18.307".) To station Coler, ........ Bake Oven, ..... Strawberry, y, ................... Brickyard, Smith's Gap, ... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 29 48 45 209 45 45 4.11033 32 02 18.13 211 53 08.81 4.561573 285 37 25 105 45 46 4.26795 312 42 49 132 50 16 4.33705 342 57 18.30 163 00 32.46 4.374682 . ..... ..... .... ... PLAINVIEW, ADAMS COUNTY. On ridge 0.5 mile west of Plainview post office and 100 yards north of Jake Moss' house; 10 feet south of rail fence in the right of way of wagon road. Signal: Cloth target in cedar tree. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 7 by 7 inches set 28 inches in ground; bronze tablet cemented in top of post. Reference inarks: The cedar signal tree, azimuth 155° 00', distant 3.8 feet. (Latitude, 39° 55' 13.42". Longitude, 77° 11' 02.17".) 7--No. 7 96 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Round Top (Gettysburg), ..... Bishop, Roundhill, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. : Meters. 17 41 17 197 39 09 4.19396 : 111 07 55 291 04 22 3.92568 249 43 38 .69 47 48 . 3.99429 ......... POINT VIEW, BLAIR COUNTY. Situated about 3 miles west of Williamsburg and one-half mile north of Point View railroad station, on the southern end of a high rock ridge on the north bank of the Frankstown branch of the Juniata river. Outlook good to southeast, southwest and northwest. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock, above which is piled a cairn of rocks 5 feet high.. (Latitude, 40° 29' 22.17". Longitude, 78° 14' 02.78”.) To station Azimuth. Lytle, .......... Hicks, ........... Beavertown, ...... 5 55 28.3 ..... 323 11 37.3 .. 351 26 33.3 Back azimuth. Log. distance.. Meters. 185 54 26.3 4.3402766 143 14 11.6 3.9709241 171 27 30.0 4.1420604 POLLOCK, WASHINGTON COUNTY. On Pollock's hill, about 2 miles west of West Elizabeth, on road to Finleyville, 400 feet west of a rough board shanty on highest point of bare hill owned by Mr. McClure. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented' a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 15' 08.99". Longitude, 79° 57' 06.26”.) To station- Hillsboro, Mt. Wheeler, Canonsburg, Shannon Calhoun, Terrace, ...... Wiley, Shepler, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 29 10 08.6 209 05 31.5 4.3197152 61 30 40.4 241 19 25.7 4.4496631 87 29 40.3 267 20 47.3 4.2904183 152 35 31.9 332 32 43.3 4.1259131 189 56 59.0 9 58 00.0 4.1096654 223 16 51.1 43 22 06.7 : 4.2251518 261 51 28.0 81 58 45.1 4.2080156 .... 313 20 50.8 133 26 08.4 4.2046201 PONDFIELD, FAYETTE COUNTY. On a high timbered summit of Chestnut Ridge, about 4 miles air line distance south of Fairchancë and one-half mile north of Robert Rankin's house. Theodolite was elevated 25 feet and lines of sight were cut through timber toward other stations. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 12 by 12 inches, set' flush with the surface of ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a copper bolt; 3 feet south of stump.. (Latitude, 39° 46' 57.92". Longitude, 79° 42' 07.17".) To station--- Wymp, ..... Mellon, ... dzimuth. o ; 34 25 25.2 .. 282 48 22.5 325 31 36.5 Back azimuth. Los distance. 0 ; Meters. 214 23 09.0 3.9532404 102 50 31.1 4.2706993 145 36 58.1 4.3261837 Kelley, PORT CLINTON, BERKS COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S. Is on the second of the Blue Ridge mountains, 5 miles northeast of Port Clinton, a station on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Permanent mark: A square-headed bolt wedged between the rocks about 1 foot below the surface. Twelve feet north of station is a precipice; west of station about 200 feet are hemlock trees. Four holes are drilled in neighboring rocks, so that lines joining opposite holes are intersected over station. (Latitude, 40° 36' 15.05". Longitude, 75° 59' 27.82".) A A To station Azimuth. Back arimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Black Spot (C. S. Sta.), ....... 343 14 47.21 165 18 11.61 4.4693132 Womelsdorf, 29 16 21.97 209 08 23.76 4.5511773 Bake Oven, ... 233 32 35.87 53 42 39.16 4.3313333 White Horse, 68 59 09.65 248 47 23.41 4.4376100 Barry, 111 58 44.00 291 41 38.00 4.600257 Frackville, ....... 4.463389 Bear's Head, · 164 40 37.60 344 37 08.90 4.452562 Topton, ......... .. 298 17 28.86 118 29 30.07 4.4724928 A ........... ............ ................... PROSPECT, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. In Prospect Hill Cemetery, 1 mile east of Newville. Signal: A granite monument 25 feet high with figure on top which is the central monument of the Ahl family. Station mark: Same. (Latitude, 40° 10' 52.36". Longitude, 77° 22' 37.40”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 212 02 56 4.03720 261 26 24 32 05 34 81 36 54 159 01 06 4.36870 338 59 41 3.94060 Roxbury, .... Flat Rock, TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. PROSPECT, FAYETTE COUNTY. About 14 miles southeast of Redstone and 7 miles northeast of Brownsville, on a flat, bald hill having a large apple tree on summit. The land is owned by the heirs of Thomas Murphy, and is occupied by J. C. Murphy, of Redstone. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet market “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 03' 15.98". Longitude, 79° 47' 19.34".) To station- Azimuth. Keener, ..... Krepp, ...... Shepler, ... Regantown, . Secrist, 23 38 12.3 74 26 58.4 168 27 48.5 229 19 04.1 .240 12 39.4 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 203 35 01.7 4.2448865 254 22 24.1 4.0209121 348 26 47.5 4.0497613 49 23 39.4 4.1254124 60 16 23.6 3.9778269 n PULPIT ROCK, ON COUNTY LINE BETWEEN YORK AND ADAMS COUNTIES. A station of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 5 miles by road north of Hanover and about 3 miles east of Abbottstown. The station is on a rocky backbone of the heavily timbered summit of the Pigeon Hills. Theodolite elevated 35 feet. Station mark: A stone post 20 by 6 by 6 inches, set 18 inches in the ground and resting on a flat rock. , (Latitude, 39° 51' 26.77". Longitude, 76° 56' 53.27”.) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Gettysburg, Round Top, ......... 72 30 33.80 252 19 22.35 4.4175998 Fickle Hill, ........ 142 24 17.92 322 16 43.84 4.4388914 Round Top, ...... ... 183 75 16.94 3 56 07.80 4.4378302 PUTNAM, TIOGA COUNTY. On a clear ridge in Delmar township, on land owned by William Putnam, who lives 200 yards east of station. Theodolite elevated 25 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 41° 39' 03.38". Longitude, 77° 20' 23.69".) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 99 To station- .. ..... ...... .... .. .. ..... ... ..... . ..... ....................... Cedar, ..... Stiles, .... Belfor, ... Davis, .... Rarick, Bly, Zucker, ... Crawford, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 93 06 28.58 272 59 57.88 4.1342086 4.4096113 166 55 52.32 346 54 37.36 4.0686489 167 51 01.17 347 48 58.30 4.3061501 214 54 22.39 35 01 41.71 4.4248621 223 25 14.61 43 38 22.72 4.5986590 320 05 25.54 140 11 52.21 4.3235031 347 32 20.71 167 33 59.02 4.2021037 349 09 23.05 109 11 46.05 4.4253561 ..................... ...................... .................... Hesse, QUAKER HILL, WARREN COUNTY. Located in the town of Glade, about 4 miles northeast of Warren, on a prominent bare hill on land owned by W. D. Ward. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 41° 52' 18.566". Longitude, 79° 06' 43.018".) To station-- 29 ...................... '.... Clarendon, .... Yankee Bush, Nelson, Meas, ...... l'eterson, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 22 34 47.046 202 32 50.555 4.0214009 ... 87 29 21.333 267 25 54.643 3.8542143 .. 127 34 30.084 307 29 07.067 4.1477939 .. 161 51 00.880 341 46 17.090 4.4950339 185 14 15.608 5 15 07.387 4.2902612 .... .. ...... ... ... RARICK, TIOGA COUNTY. On a brushy ridge about 3 miles west of Lambs Creek post office. Land owned by James Rarick, who lives about one-half mile south of station. Theodolite elevated 24 feet. Station mark: A marble post 38 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey_Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 41° 50' 49.89". Longitude, 77° 09 23.92".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Putnam, 35 01 41.71 214 54 22.39 4.4248621 Belfor, 59 54 44.92 239 46 08.75 4.3154970 Davis, ... 84 10 27.39 264 01 04.20 4.2919327 Clark, 110 48 07.11 290 32 47.75 4.5304672 Karl, 117 17 06.21 297 08 14.85 4.3145069 Robb, 131 51 31.54 311 47 24.73 4.0583940 Woodhull, 144 41 06.01 324 32 53.10 4.4672132 239 56 26.12 60 02 15.82 4.1445663 Chamberlain, 304 40 51.14 124 48 54.05 4.3087886 Butts, ...... 307 23 48.00 127 27 29.00 3.9844000 Brier, 338 47 31.09 158 52 14.66 4.4356002 Sampson, ... .......................... TI0 48 ......................... ..................... Bly, 356 45 10.14 176 45 33.97 4.1641389 ........................ 100 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. RATTLESNAKE, ON LINE BETWEEN BEDFORD AND BLAIR COUNTIES. On a high, rocky point on Dunning mountain, about 2 miles south- east of Claysburg and 3 miles southwest of Ore Hill; one-half mile south of road from Ore Hill to Claysburg. Station mark: A bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey -Pennsylvania,” cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 40° 16' 00.755'': Longitude, 78° 26' 34.17".) To station- Azimuth. .... Foot of Flane Eight, Wopsononock, ... Brush Mountain, Hartman, ...... Duncan, Beavertown, Lytle, Tussey, ... Dunning, 161 12 12.7 180 21 05.7 197 26 12.9 200 42 49.8 218 01 31.7 240 52 11.6 259 10 46.7 309 10 29.2 349 13 15.1 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 341 09 30.3 4.2636520 360 21 11.3 4.5233043 17 29 43.6 4.4076197 20 45 13.1 4.1689721 38 04 55.3 4.0811989 61 01 14.4 4.3552251 79' 17 50.6 4.1977839 129 14 31.7 4.0589373 169 14 46.9 4.2553913 RAWLINSVILLE, LANCASTER COUNTY. Situated near the village of Rawlinsville, in the eastern part of Martic Township. (Latitude, 39° 53' 09.539". Longitude, 76° 15' 58.372".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Gov. Dick, ....... 158 02 34.80 337 55 15.34 4.635060 Womelsdorf, ..... 187 00 42.54 ............ 4.6907403 Beartown, ....... 224 49 08.$1 44 58 53.47 4.4854952 Londonderry, . 274 06 10.43 94 21 00.25 4.5194762 Principio, 325 16 54.06 .. 4.5962021 RAY, ON LINE BETWEEN FULTON AND BEDFORD COUNTIES. On Ray's mountain, about 5 miles north of Pennsylvania-Maryland State line, and 2 miles west of Anaranth, Pa., on high knob in cleared field. Station mark: A stone post, 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set flush with surface of ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey--Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 39° 48' 27.135". Longitude, 78° 18' 27.22".) To station- Azimuth. Everett, ..... Government, Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 332 44 03.3 4.3219063 0 35 52.3 4.4363099 31 30 03.8. 4.4228184 68 27 08.0 4.5068009 102 58 51.6 4.3382797 152 48 22.5 180 35 44.6 211 23 50.7 248 13 43.0 282 49 20.4 Smith, ..... Pike, vove, ...... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 101 REGANTOWN, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. (On the summit of a hill in a cleared field, 100 feet east of a tree, one-half mile south of the State road and about 2 miles west of Re- gantown; about one-fourth mile northeast of a blacksmith shop on the road from Coal Hollow to the State road. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 07' 57.87". Longitude, 79° 40' 11.80”.) To station- ....................... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 25 18 26.5 205 17 35.4 3.6434487 49 23 39.4 229 19 04.1 4.1254124 100 33 11.2 280 27 34.5 4.0994919 152 50 42.4 332 47 04.2 4.2430375 261 49 08.7 81 52 06.7 3.8197812 ..... 326 02 22.6 146 04 20.5 3.8899346 .... ..... .... ..... Secrest, ..... Prospect, ..... Shepler, SYiley, ...... Alyerton, ... _1200re, .... LILOOTE. .. ... .. ... ... .. .... .. .. .. REYNOLDS, CLARION COUNTY. On a round bare knob about 41 miles northeast of East Brady, on road to Rimersburg. The land belongs to the heirs of Alex. Rey. nolds, Kittanning, and is occupied by George Leonard. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 10 by 10 inches, set 33 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: A chestnut tree with broken top, mag. bearing S. 58 ° W., 98 feet distant. A wild cherry tree, 4 inches diameter, mag. bearing N. 73° W., 51 feet distant. (Latitude, 41° 00' 01.14". Longitude, 79° 33' 34.13".) To station- Azimuth. Templeton, ... McCall Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 193 21 32.2 4.0389218 342 32 21.0 3.8277738 39 10 40.8 4.0414047 120 59 58.2 4.3643865 154 18 20.5 4.4504542 13 22 43.0 162 33 17.7 219 07 25. 6 300 50 42.0 334 12 37.9 Myers, Clever, Graham, Granam, ....................... .... RICH, GARRETT COUNTY, MARYLAND. On Rich Ridge on land owned by Mr. Si Turney about 0.75 mile southwest of the “State Line” Hotel at Strawn post office and three miles southeast of Addison, Pennsylvania. Is in clear field near woods on south side of field, which is on top of hill. Signal: White flag in top of locust tree. Station mark: An aluminum tablet cemented in large boulder, 22.5 feet northwest of signal. (Latitude 39° 42' 35.15". Longitude 79° 18' 40.14”.) 102 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGİC SURVEY. To station, Azimuth. Shipley, ...... Steyer, .................. Peck, .... Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 318 00 33 : 4.22561 344 42 34 4.39696. 50 34 28 4.18980; 138 05 55 164 45 31 230 29 07 ....... .......................... RICKETTS. SULLIVAN COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S. Is very near the southeast corner, on the North mountain. The station is from one- half to three-fourths mile from the main road, on the highest ground within a distance of 2 or more miles. There is a hotel at foot of the mountain, distance by road 2 miles, and one at Ganoga lake, dis- tant 74.9 feet. Permanent mark: A stone with hole drilled in it. Reference mark: Azimuth C. & G. S. station to tree 119°; dis- tance 3 miles. (Latitude, 41° 18' 31.13". Longitude, 76° 18' 34.67".) To station- Azimuth. North, ....... Kocher, .... Bald, ......... Penobscot, ..... 93 25 58 251 09 07 253 57 27 290 47 00 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 273 16 15 4.313063 71 16 43 4.229097 74 19 34 4.68625 111 04 17 4.59340 ...................... ROBB, TIOGA COUNTY. On a cleared ridge about 1 mile west of Farmington Hill post office. Owner of property, James Robb, who lives 200 yards north- west of station. An east and west road runs 100 yards north of station. Station mark: A marble post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet market "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 54' 57.13". Longitude, 77° 15' 33.63".) To station- Davis, Karl, Clark, Woodhull, Bly, Rarick, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 48 39 52.74 228 34 35.93 4.1639739 100 27 32.52 280 22 47.82 3.9992705 100 42 24.12 280 31 11.06 4.3730258 152 34 17.78 332 30 11.89 4.2635457 271 43 40.41 91 53 37.32 4.3139413 311 47 24.73 131 51 31.54 4.0583940 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 103 ROSE, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. About 4 miles north of Irwin, on a cleared ridge owned by the Rose heirs. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U: S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 23' 03.83". Longitude, 79° 41' 36.25”.) To station- Azimuth. Wiley, ...... Terrace, .... Indian, Clearview, Steel, Kepple, Altman, 25 50 13.10 76 55 47.10 149 48 35.89 203 04 58.30 232 08 55.20 279 08 53.60 ..... 328 27 25.60 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 205 47 29.00 4.1382508 256 51 00.80 4.0297096 329 46 13.40 4.0126322 23 06 19.40 3.8762981 52 15 25.40 4.2538871 99 13 02.30 3.9625866 148 30 09.70 4.0584376 (11 C H , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUND HILL, ADAMS COUNTY. (Not occupied.) About 15 miles northeast of Gettysburg on a heavily wooded summit with cleared field on southern slope. Signal: The target erected by topographer who plane-tabled sheet. (Latitude, 39° 57' 04.12". Longitude, 779 04' 32.13".) To station- Rountop, “Gettysburg,” .. Plainview, .. Bishop, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 37 29 OS 217 22 50 4.36276 69 47 48 249 43 38 3.99429 88 47 36 268 39 37 4.23354 ROUND TOP, YORK COUNTY. A station of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in War- rington township, 8 miles east of Dillsburg. The summit is timbered and can be reached by trail from the house of Harrison Nesbit, 1 mile distant. Theodolite elevated 30 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 18 by 6 by 6 inches, set 15 inches in the ground and resting on a flat rock having cross lines cut on its upper surface. (Latitude, 40° 06' 13.24". Longitude, 76° 55' 34.14".) To station- Pulpit Rock, Fickle Hill, • Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 3 56 07.80 183 55 16.94 4.4378302 73 21 43.73 253 13 17.53 4.2889163 104 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. ROWLAND, INDIANA COUNTY. 2 About 4 miles north of Plumville, in North Mahoning township, and near the line between North and South Maloning townships. It is on a high hill on land owned by W. S. Rowland. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 50' 31.39". Longitude, 79° 11' 32.36".) To station- zimuth: Kunkle, ......... Graham, ... Clever, l'almer, ..... McCoy, ..... Back azimuth. Log. distance: Meters. 183 45 23.0 4.173735.1 247 12 03.4 3.3072670 297 06 56.5 4.0951985 106 OS 44.9 4.2790843 129 59 46.3 4.3907798 3 45 50.5 67 20 45.1 117 12 06.0 286 00 15.2 309 51 01.2 ..................... · ROXBURY, FRANKLIN COUNTY. (Not occupied.) On the first ridge north west of valley on well known knob of that name. All timber cleared summit and one tree left for signal. · Station mark: Lone signal tree. Reference mark: Tablet cemented in solid rock 4 feet southeast of signal. (Latitude, 40º 09' 00.74". Longitude, 77° 38' 54.28"'.) To station- Azimuth. Chambersburg, ... Strasburg, ...... Timber Hill, Flat Rock, Prospect, Lee, ......... Shippensburg. Timber Hill, .................... Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 182 36 06 4.37343 217 21 49 4.14580 145 04 01 4.22450 59 57 54 4.36348 S1 36 54 4.36870 108 31 22 4.26211 132 47 26 4.29761 145 04 01 4.22450 2 36 35 37 25 40 324 239 48 49 261 26 24 288 23 30 312 40 50 324 59 40 ................... ST. CLAIR, BEDFORD COUNTY. 110 About 1.5 miles southeast of St. Clairsville on top of spur and about halfway from base to summit. Station was located here in- stead of top because top is flat and covered with timber and would require much work to observe other points to south and southwest. Mr. Ross Slonaker, of St. Clairsville, knows location of station as it is near east corner of his land. Signal: A target in pine tree. Station inark: A tablet cemented in large stone under pile of rocks 6 feet base and 3 feet high. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 105 Reference mark: Pine signal tree, azimuth 34° 56' distant 16.4 feet. (Latitude, 40° 08' 45.62". Longitude, 78° 29' 34.53”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. · Meters. Pigeon ...... ..... 36 52 34.11 216 49 53.84 3.9922272 Lohr, ... 85 51 48.00 265 43 22.10 4 .2701046 Everett, ......................... 341 43 55.19 161 46 44.57 4.2993576 SALEM, WAYNE COUNTY. Triangulation station of U. S. C. & G. S. On the top of the mount- ain, 27 miles east of Carbondale. Summit entirely bare. (Latitude, 41° 33' 01.48". Longitude, 75° 27' 26.00".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 61 09 36 240 57 54 4.448229 154 43 14 334 39 07 4.305702 Bald Mountain, .... Elk, ....... ....... SAMPSON, ALLEGANY COUNTY, MARYLAND. On a high point of Savage Mountain, about seven miles north of Frostburg, about 100 feet east of "Sampson Rock.” The timber is low on the top of the mountain, the backbone of the ridge being rocky. Station mark: Bronze tablet cemented in solid rock. (Latitude 39° 42'28.94". Longitude 78° 55' 46.56".) To station - Meadow (2), Negro, Peck, Bear, .... Evitts, ...... Warrior, ..... Dan, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 68 34 20.31 248 27 35.75 4.2102258 94 58 04.81 274 47 40.23 4.3685814 115 52 54.69 295 43 37.31 4.3626170 169 59 49.52 349 58 42.99 4.1533913 .. 268 19 36.78 88 29 45.78 4.3562909 289 54 51.30 110 06 41.28 4.4505251 348 54 39.03 168 55 52.46, 4.1547327 ....................... SAMPSON, TIOGA COUNTY. Three miles southeast of Cherry Flats post office, in Covington, township, on a brushy ridge belonging to the Sampson estate. The- odolite elevated 23 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post, 36 by 6 by 7 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 42' 57.66". Longitude, 77° 08' 48.17".) 106 : . TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Belfor, Davis, Rarick, Butts, ....... Chamberlain, Brier, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ....... 102 39 46.39 282 30 47.07 4.2829414 · 121 46 57.27 301 37 09.66 4.3782513 · 176 45 33.97 356 45 10.14 4.1641389 218 07 19.09 38 11 36.00 4.0442800 259 23 16.03 79 30 54.51 4.209504 ...... 320 12 49.74 140 17 09.19 4.1498126 SAVAGE, SOMERSET COUNTY. • (Not occupied.) On land owned by Mr. Hubbard in Somerset county, Pa. The point sighted is the most southerly of three tall locust trees which stand in cleared field west of Mr. Hubbard's house, which is about 0.5 mile west of Glen Savage post office. (Latitude 39° 54' 34.04". Longitude 78° 47' 40.91".) To station- Azimuth. Bear, ...... Hostetter, ... Wills, 59 16 45 99 33 02 • 270 43 41 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 239 10 27 4.21241 279 30 14 3.79992 90 50 23 4.16345 SCALP LEVEL, CAMBRIA COUNTY. Station is on land owned by Mr. Isah and 0.25 mile nearly north from his house, on bald bill except for a few small trees along fence, which crosses hill. It is about 1 mile northwest from Scalp Level. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches with hole 2 inches deep drilled in top. Instrument over station mark. Signal: A target in locust tree 20 inches in diameter. Reference mark: The locust tree bears S. 80° W. (True), dis- tant 11.5 feet. Wild cherry 8 inches in diameter, bears N. 70° W. (True), distant 48 feet. (Latitude, 40° 15' 16.15". Longitude, 78° 51' 15.08”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Forward, .... 4 47 19.56 184 46 47.90 4.1434277 Koontz, .... 38 29 27 218 26 07 4.07193 Gardner, 40 28 09 220 24 01 4.14627 Schaffer, ... 45 19 25.82 225 12 11.69 4.3503965 Cole, ...... 91 26 10.25 271 17 28.30 4.2808841 Eppley, 112 40 39.53 292 33 32.74 4.2276856 ....................... ........................... SCHAFFER, SOMERSET COUNTY. Station is in field on land owned by James Schaffer about 7 miles north of Somerset on road to Baswell and 5 miles west of Stogestown and 1 mile west of Ralphton. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. - 107 Station mark: Sandstone 8 by 8 by 36 inches set 30 inches in ground, with tablet in top. Instrument over center and under signal. Signal: A sawed lumber tripod with flag. Reference marks: A chestnut 30 inches in diameter bears north- west, distant 260 feet. A locust 16 inches in diameter bears north- east, distant 226 feet. (Latitude, 40° 06' 44.81". Longitude, 79° 02 27.90”.) To statiou- 1 el ..... Highland, ..... Barclay, ... Laurel, Cole, ...... Eppley, ..... Scalp Level, Gardner, Forward, Weible, Groves, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 23 11 13.84 203 09 44.10 3.9238688 79 52 16 259 43 52 4.27436 SS 28 17 268 22 31 4.10420 168 53 09.03 348 51 41.99 4.2184516 180 46 25.940 46 34.17 4.3477243 225 12 11.69 45 19 25.82 4.3503965 233 11 19: 53 14 13 3.93134 262 35 16.65 82 41 58.60 4.1729770 266 08 25.74 86 14 34.10 4.1325124 295 59 14.98 116 04 32.25 4.1136832 ....................... SEARI, LYCOMING COUNTY. . On a timbered ridge, in Mifflin township, 2 iniles north west of Sal- · ladasburg post. office. Theodolite elevated 23 feet. Land owned by Augustan Searl. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 17' 41.17". Longitude, 77° 15' 11.93"'.) To station- Hesse, ..... Buckhorn Mountain, Harris, ...... Howell, Crescent, .... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 170 32 59.01 350 31 55.55 4.1331005 . 204 57 21.52 24 59 51.04 : 4.0956165 240 10 37.00 60 12 30.00 3.66205 241 21 55.15 61 25 49.40 3.9732097 ... 247 22 34.00 67 30 27.00 4.25609 SECREST, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. In the center of a cultivated field on a high summit of a long wooded ridge, locally known as Fort Hill, on land owned by W. M. Secrest, who lives about one-half mile northeast of station and about 21 miles east of Layton post office. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 05' 48.90". Longitude, 79° 41' 31.20".) 108 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Prospect, ..... Shepler, ........ Kegantown, .. Moore, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 60 16 23.6 240 12 39.4 3.9778269 120 55 03.8 300 50 18.4 4.0870265 ..... 205 17 35.4 25 18 26.5 3.6434487 291 34 24.3 111 37 13.2 3.8251290 ........ SHADE, MIFFLIN-JUNIATA COUNTY LINE. On Shade mountain, on land owned by Alexander Anderson, .about miles northwest of Reedsgap post office and about 3 miles nearly west of McCoytown. Timber on summit. Go from Reedsgap 0.75 mile, then turn along road to right opposite signal and walk to top. Signal: Hickory tree 20 inches in diameter. Station mark: A bronze tablet cemented in solid rock. (Latitude, 40° 27' 35.98". Longitude, 77° 37' 06.54".) To station : Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Blair, ......... 16 35 44 196 32 58 4.32693 Tuscarora, .... 269 37 42 $9 45 38 4.23803 Big Knob, .... 330 55 51 150, 58 40 4.10210 SHANNON, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. About 1 mile south of Castle Shannon post office, on a high culti- vated knob on which is one tree about 30 feet northeast of signal. Station mark: A sandstone post 34 by 7 by 7 inches, sunk 33 inches in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylva nia." (Latitude, 40° 21' 33.53". Longitude, 80° 01' 26.95'.) To station-- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Canonsburg, ... 46 20 22.0 226 14 17.1 4.2656474 4.017537 McDonald, 90 53 55.8 270 46 02.6 4.236571 Union U. P. Church, 131 18 26.2 311 13 32.8 4.152404 Greentree, ......... 181 26 32.4 1 26 42.8 4.175166 Calhoun, 264 23 27.5 84 27 17.4 3.925063 Pollock, ...... ....... 332 32 43.3 152 35 31.9 4.125913 Hick 1, ....................... : SHEPLER, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. About 4 miles southeast of Belle Vernon and 5 miles east of Cha leroi, on a high cultivated hill owned by John Shepler. Station mark: A sandstone post 32 by S by 8 inches, set 30 inche in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented a bronz tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude 40º 09' 12.22". Longitude 79° 48' 54.10".) .. . STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 109 To station . .................. . Azimuthi. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 29 39 60.0 209 36 26. 4 2009908 71. 44 42.6 .251 34 48.13 4.3616006 133 26 08.4 313 20 50.8 4.2046201 198 09 19.3 18 11 18.3 4.1452190 225 43 46.0 45 51 12.3 4.3579395 280 27 34.5 100 33 11.2 4.0994919 300 50 18.4 120 55 03.8 4.0870265 348 26 47.5 168 27 48.5 4.0497613 Krepp, ....... Hillsboro, ... Pollock, Wiley, ..... Altmau, .... Regantown, Secrest, .... Prospect, ....... ......................... OWI , .................... SHERBINE, CAMBRIA COUNTY. On a small hill, having scattering locust trees on its summit, in Croyle township, about one-fourth mile west of the Summerhill town- ship line, 2 miles southwest of Wilmore, 2 miles southeast of Sum- merhill post office, on land of Aaron Sherbine. Theodolite elevated 28 feet. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is countersunk and ce- mented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 21' 22.50". Longitude, 78° 13' 38.65''.). To station- .................. Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 146 43 20.03 326 41 29.11 3.8666773 180 52 15.820 52 21.75 4.1515885 228 00 07.85 48 07 13.50 4.3183273 349 15 37.33 169 16 09.98 3.8058254 . Wess, ........ Ebensburg, ... Tunnel Hill, ... Fye, ..................... .... SHICKSHINNY, LUZERNE COUNTY. One and a half miles from the town of Shickshinny, and on the range east of the gap known locally ais "The Lookout.” Permanent mark: Hole drilled in rock. (Latitude, 41° 09' 59.40". Longitude, 76° 09' 08.77".) To station- ' Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Nescopeck (3), ..... 33 56 46 213 50 27 4.383323 l'enobscot, ........ 265 34 07 55 45 10 4.371794 Glen Suminit, .. 274 23 47 94 36 03 4.417360 Nescopeck (1), .. 297 04 19 117 12 40 4.300080 Bear's Head, 350 06 50 170 09 41 4.551844 .................. SHIPLEY, FAYETTE COUNTY. On a gravel ridge about 5 miles northwest of Confluence on top of . cleared hill which has a few trees on summit and is about 200 yards west of Mr. Shipley's house. Signal: White flag in top of locust tree 10 inches in diameter, 110 TOPOGRAPHIC AND CEOLOGIC SURVEY. Station mark: An aluminum tablet cemented in solid rock 42.5 feet northeast of signal tree, azimuth 225° 01'. (Latitude 39° 49' 20.60". Longitude 79° 26' 32.24".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 96 38 40 4.36779 138 05 55 4.22561 Peck, .......................... 276 28 16 318 00 53 Rich, SHIPPENSBURG, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Two and one-half miles southeast of Shippensburg in cleared field of John Hosfeld. Signal: A tripod of sawed lumber. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 33 inches in the ground. In center of top of post is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 01' 44.15". Longitude, 77° 28' 39.06”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Timber Hill, ...... 86 50 46 266 48 31 3.69689 Roxbury, ....................... 132 47 26 312 40 50 4.29761 Lee, ........ 199 53 53 19 55 11 3.91194 .................. SHRADER, ARMSTRONG COUNTY. (Not occupied). On a bare ridge in South Buffalo township, 3 miles northeast of Freeport, on land owned by Mr. A. C. Shrader, of Freeport. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 42' 48.68". Longitude, 79° 40' 30.80”.) To station- ...... Christy, ....... Templeton, ........ Leister, ..... Graham, McGinnis, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 50 18 06.21 230 12 41.89 4.1818886 198 48 43.8 18 52 03.4 4.3503890 209 45 46.8 29 48 10.1 4.0155564 253 39 11.0 73 49 24.6 4.3613318 358 58 12.23 178 58 16.46 3.9288459 ................... SHRIVER, GREENE COUNTY. On a bald hill 2 miles west of Randolph church and 4 miles south Station mark: A marble post 48 by 8 by 8 inches, set 46 inches in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylva- nia." (Latitude, 39° 51' 02.82". Longitude, 80° 10' 14.90”.) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 111 To station Call, ...... Hughes, .......... Morris, ....... Azimuth. . Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 89 04 36.7 268 59 33.8 4.0507482 ......... 170 36 15.8 350 35 28.6 4.0296854 249 24 58.1 69 27 10.8 3.7205630 ........................ SMITH, FULTON COUNTY. On land owned by George Smith, of Sideling Hill mountain, about 2 miles west of Saluvia and: 1 mile south of Chambersburg and Bed- ford pikę. Lines of sight were cut through timber to other stations. Station mark: A stone post, 48 by 10 by 10 inches, set flush with surface of ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 00' 39.42". Longitude, 78° 08' 45.70".) To station- Azimuth. Ray, ... ...................... Everett, Government, Tussey, Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 211 23 50.7 4.4228184 260 22 54.7 4.3749415 289 13 32.6 4.1555140 322 09 26.6 4.4280288 123 53 29.4 4.2849006 164 57 17.7 4.4537546 0 0 0 0 31 30 03.8 SO 33 28.2 109 19 39:0 142 16 53.0 . 303 46 16.2 344 53 58.2 O Pike, Cove, ...... . . ..................... . . 3 7 SMITH FERRY, BEAVER COUNTY. . An astronomic station of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, situated on the north bank of the Ohio river, in front of hotel at Smith Ferry. (Latitude, 40° 38' 48.07". Longitude, 80° 30' 05.06”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. , o i " Meters. 100 27.20 181 00 26.70 3.0124143 59 02 52.20 239 01 44.40 3.4552858 .. Grave Yard, ..... Island, SMITHS GAF, MONROE-NORTHAMPTON COUNTIES: A Coast and Geodetic Survey station on the Blue Ridge very near boundary line between Moore township in Northampton county and Udred township in Monroe county. It is about 4 miles west of Point Phillips on the Lehigh & Lackawanna R. R. From Point Phillips go nearly 0.2 mile west to the stone hotel kept by A. Marsh. From hotel go west up mountain road until the crest of the Blue mountain is reached; turn to left here and follow a wood road southward about 600 meters, then a foot path to the left about 40 meters to the station. There are foot paths shown in sketch by which the distance can be shortened. Headquarters are at Marsh's hotel. Signal point is known by Marsh's son and J. W. Barthal. 8-No. 7 112 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Station mark: A stone bottle buried 1 foot deep and covered by a large flat stone. On its upper surface exactly over the center of the bottle is a bole about 1 inch in diameter and I inch deep. Over the stone is a post around which is a pile of stone 5 feet in diameter. The land is said to belong to Horn and Saeger, of Allentown. Note: The nearest water is a mile or more away at Burrow's spring on the road down the mountain. There is no gap in the mountain here. The tripod here is old and insecure. (Latitude, 40° 49' 21.79". Longitude, 75° 25' 21.91".) To station- Azimuth. . ........................ . . Big Rock, ...... Topton, Bake Oven, .... Coler, Wire, ....... Strawberry, .... Montana, ...... Haycock, ...... . Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 182 33 18.74 4.4572086 209 44 07.9 4.645806 252 26 55.4 1.439890 310 36 19 4.24562 10 55 36 3.97512 31 19 21 4.31718 ............ 4.4951211 155 12 42.13. 4.6116117 2 33 54.28 29 54 17.8 72 39 07.2 130 42 32 190 54 46 211 44 15 .. 281 46 37.28 335 04 45.50 . . . SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY. (Not occupied). In Somerset county, in town of Somerset, dome of the County * Courthouse. Signal: Center of Dome. Station mark: Center of Dome. (Latitude 40° 00' 35.54". Longitude 79° 04' 41.92"'.) To station, Peck, ......... Steyer, ....... Highland, ..... Berlin, Azimuth.. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 18 49 18 198 45 42 4.39447 '70 48 16 250 36 04 4.44745 178 01 40 358 01 40 3.56597 318 26 44 138 29 24 3.95116 ..... .. .... . ........ .... SPANGLE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. On the northern end of a cultivated ridge in Beccaria township; 11 miles northeast of Coalport, on land owned by Levi Spangle, and about 300 yards east of his residence. View is unobstructed from southwest round by west to the northwest; timber cuts off eastward view. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 26 inches in the ground, and on the fence line. In the center of top of post is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40°. 45' 09.40”. Longitude 78° 30' 48.17",) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 113 To station, Swope, Patterson, ....... Davis, ...... Kephart, ......... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 55 20 18.75 235 14 55.19 4.1511289 140 03 53.63 319 59 51.10 4.1317818 ... 156 08 17.51 336 03 31.50 4.4027012 ... 224 25 42.57 44 32 17.97 4.3060350 SPRUCE, PERRY COUNTY. (Not occupied). A tall spruce tree, 30 inches in diameter, on highest point of ridge, 4 miles west of Liverpool. Lower branches of tree removed, leaving tuft in top--a conspicuous object. Station mark Center of spruce tree. (Latitude 40° 31' 52.6". Longitude, 77° 03' 12.7".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 37 39 10 217 36 06 4.03919 113 04 59 293 00 34 4.01864 : 161 04 51 341 01 36 4.33770 Newport, ........ Millerstown, .... Beavertown, . . STEEL, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. About 4 miles west of Saltsburg, on the southern part of summit of high, bare hill in Bell township, on land owned by John Steel. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in . the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania." (Latitude 40° 29' 00.34". Longitude, 79° 31' 34.73.1 To station- Kepple, ....... Rose, ........ Clearview, .. Indian, Yeter, Bushi, Hilty, ..... Hood, Marshall, ..... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 22 23 37.00 202 21 12.90 4.1295269 52 15 27.40 232 08 55.20 4.2538871 70 04 30.70 249 59 21:50 4.0770516 83 52 48.71 263 48 55.63 4.2891339 111 09 44.60 291 05 56.64 3.9475188 125 41 21.60 305 39 26.90 3.7093968 172 52 01.30 352 51 45.50. 3.6629986 227 47 34.00 47 52 51.90 4.1913671 ...... 286 33 14.00 106 37 25.00 3.9778350 ... ... STEYER, NEAR COUNTY LINE-SOMERSET AND FAYETTE. In an old field on south end of ridge on Laurel mountain on land owned by Miss Sarah Steyer, 9 miles north of Confluence, 5 miles southwest of Scullton post office and 0.5 mile west of sawmill. Signal: Tripod made of sawed lumber. Station mark: Aluminum tablet in sandstone 30 by 8 by 12 inches. Instrument on center. (Latitude, 39° 55' 35.37". Longitude, 79° 23' 16.28"'.) TL 114 : TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Somerset, ..... 250 36 04 70 48 16 4.44745 265 20 48.11 85 35 23.72 4.5116915 Bear, .... 285 26 00.13 105 42 31.22 4.5812618 Peck, 307 29 21.94 127 37 40.69 4.3679374 .... 344 42 34 164 45 31 4.39696 · Berlin, Rich, SIIDIN STILES, TIOGA COUNTY. On a cleared ridge about 1 mile east of Lansing post office. Owner of property, Stephen Stiles, living on northern side of ridge, about & mile from station. Station mark: A bronze tablet cemented in solid rock 1 foot be- low surface of ground. Surface mark: Over the station mark is set a marble slab 10 by 12 by 12 inches, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 49' 29.64". Longitude, 77° 32' 59.53”.) To station- Clark, Karl, Putnam, .. Cedar, ........ Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 183 32 05.213 32 31.09 4.1607598 . 230 08 09.00 50 15 02.74 4.2695890 ............ 4.4096113 4.2688985 STRASBURG, FRANKLIN COUNTY. On northeast end of long ridge 2 miles south of west from Upper Strasburg and 1 mile southeast of where road crosses mountain. Instrument elevated 35 feet. Station mark: Tall black oak tree trunk used for theodolite sup- port. Reference mark: A cross on a stone post of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey set in the ground 17.5 feet east of station mark. (Latitude 40° 03' 00.35". Longitude 77° 44' 52.97".) To station- Azimuth. Parnell, ......... Roxbury, ....... Timber Hill, ..... Chambersburg, ... 33 31 55.57 217 21 49.00 ...... 278 10 33.96 ...... 329 12 37.23 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 213 27 30.29 4.2491919 37 25 40.00 4.14580 98 18 45.67 4.2627043 149 15 58.62 4.1623856 STRAWBERRY, MONROE COUNTY. Station is 1.5 miles nearly north from Suyderville, Hamilton town- ship, Monroe county, Pa., on Jand owned by Mr. Neice. The south end of hill is bald, and the north end is covered with timber. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 115 Station mark: Tablet in solid rock 14 inches below surface, over which was placed a flat stone. Surface mark: Brown stone 6 by 12 by 20 inches placed over tablet, having a cross cut on top. Signal: Tripod of poles with flag and targets. Reference Mark: Large pile of stone is 36 feet north by 10 degrees west from center. Cross cut on solid ledge nearly in line to Pimple Hill is 47 feet from center. (Latitude, 40° 58' 53.83”. Longitude, 75° 17' 34.84".) To station- .................... Brick Yard, ..... Smith Gap, ...... Wire, .......... Pimple Hill, .... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 11 04 09 191 03 16 3.99689 31 49 21 211 44 15 4.31718 47 32 15 227 27 59 4.09324 105 45 46 285 37 25 4.26795 .. STROBLE, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. About 4 miles southeast of Greensburg on a cleared ridge having timber on its western end, there being a higher summit 1 mile to eastward. The land is owned by John Stroble. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 17' 11.77". Longitude, 79° 29' 51.34".) To station- Altman, .... Kepple, .................. Harmon, ........ Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ... 95 57 53.1 275 53 01.1 4.0302815 ... 141 08 28.0 321 05 00.3 4.0817032 . 226 02 15.5 46 04 32.3 3.8409840 STRONG, INDIANA COUNTY. 1 In Cherry Hill township, about 2 miles southwest of Greenville village, on the highest hill in the immediate vicinity, on land owned by H. B. Strong. There is a lone tree on the southwest part of hill. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 35° 58.92". Longitude, 79° 03' 14.39".) To station Warner, .... Coleman, ..... Kunkle, McCoy, ... Nobo, ..... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 93 50 53.6 273 44 25.4 4.1478120 110 12 12,0 290 07 07.2 4.0691774 133 32 00.8 313 26 09.2 4.2424222 212 50 44.6 32 54 04.0 4.1223126 289 34 01.7 109 37 38.4 3.9198276 116 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. SWOPE, CAMBRIA COUNTY. On a flat ridge in the central portion of Chest township, 3 miles by road north-northeast of Patton, in corner of lane 200 yards north- west of Miss Lizzie Swope. Theodolite elevated 25 feet. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 40° 40' 47.99". Longitude, 78° 39' 04.20".) TIOwas. ........................ Thomas, McCoy, Palmer, .... Beck, ....... Patterson , ...... Spangle, Wopsononock, a Mean. Azimutih. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 31 12 16.66 211 08 04.77 4.2449177 94 48 52.15 274 36 26.89 a4.4302943 115 01 19:41 294 48 37.39 a4.4801794 154 43 22.37 334 39 53.74 4.2440372 189 00 38.52 9 02 00.04. 4.2712711 235 14 55.19 55 20 18.75 4.1511289 304 58 39.08 125 06 53.08 4.3381111 ..... TABERNACLE, INDIANA COUNTY. About 14 miles southeast of Clarksburg post office, and about 6 miles by road north of Saltsburg, on the highest part of a bare cul- tivated round-top hill, owned by the heirs of S. W. Coleman. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 30' 51.47". Longitude, 79° 21' 49.71".) To station ... ..... ..... ...... ..... .. Marshall, . Hood, Broadview, Watt, Warner, ... Widow, Kelly, Jellison, ... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 36 51 54.3 .216 49 45.4 3.8917275 161 56 25.3 341 55 23.0 3.8611613 197 44 53.7 17 47 44.1 4.3044854 216 56 39.4 36 59 57.4 4.0758263 229 44 45.4 49 50 22.8 4.2036595 293 21 31.4 113 29 15.9 4.2639820 307 06 47.7 127 10 5.2 4.0516686 348 09 09.5 168 10 21.9 4.1083487 TEMPLETON, ARMSTRONG COUNTY. · About 11 miles north of Middlesex (Cowansville post office), in Sugar Creek township, on a bare ridge with timber on the north- west side. The land is owned by Widow Templeton. Station mark: A sandstone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches : in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey Pennsylvania.” STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 117 Reference mark: A wild cherry tree, 7 inches in diameter, mag. bearing N. 8° W., 164 feet distant.* (Latitude, 40° 54' 16.17". Longitude, 79° 35' 22.26".) To station Azimuth. Leister, Shrader, Reynolds, ... Clever, ...... Graham, ...... Miller, ........ 9 43 23.3 18 52 03.4 193 21.32.2 273 06 31.1 314 53 49.7 338 20 09.8 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 189 42 25.0 4.0930300 198 48 43.8 4.3503890 13 22 43.0 4.0389218 93 16 57.6 4.3508735 135 00 42.7 4.3203059 158 21 39.5 3.9397410 TERRACE, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. About 2 miles east of McKeesport, on a hill known as Fairview Terrace, and owned by Alex. Faucett, of McKeesport. Station mark. A sandstone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 21' 45.09”. Longitude, 79° 48'' 58.31".) To station, Azimuth. Pollock, ........................ Calhoun, ... Rose, ....... 43 22 06.7 92 52 45.7 256 51 00.8 335 52 58.9 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 223 16 51.1 4.2251518 272 48 30.7 3.9684989 76 55 47.1 4.0297096 155 55 00.9 . 4.0373270 Wiley, TERRACE (2), HUNTINGDON COUNTY. (Not occupied). 1 mile south of the Entriken bridge, over the Juniata river, and one- fourth mile south of Entriken and Trough Creek road. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet set in solid rock. (Latitude, 40° 17' 49.66". Longitude, 78° 10' 14.31”.) To station- Lytle, ........... Beavertown, ..... 86 55 39.6 ......... 156 29 07.8 266 52 10.0 336 27 30.6 Meters. 3.8846175 3.9210568 THOMAS, CAMBRIA COUNTY. Situated about 5 miles northwest of Ebensburg on a bare ridge known as Thomas Ridge. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 32 inches in Augustus Bash. · In center of top of post is cemented a bronze tri. angulation tablet. 118 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Reference mark: A lone cherry tree on fence line where it crosses summit of ridge; azimuth from station mark, 111°; distance, 4.5 feet. (Latitude, 40° 32' 40.45”. Longitude, 78° 45' 31.17".) To station- ....................... ........ ........................ Wess, Nolo, ..... Beck, ...... Swope, ...... Wopsononock, Tunnel Hill, Ebensburg, ....... Azimutih. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 5 21 15.32 185 20 37.23 4.1710473 4.2420542 182 55 29.61 2 56 13.52 4.4904668 211 08 04.77 31 12 16.66 4.2449177 264 32 02.92 34 44 27.84 4.4325554 291 04. 07.15 111 12 26.84 4.2881485 336 57 06.21 156 58 25.25 3.8644894 ................ TIMBER HILL, FRANKLIN COUNTY. On hill of same name about 1.5 miles south of Shippensburg on land of Mr. John Plaster. Station mark: A lone hickory tree near west edge of a cleared field. Reference mark: A cross cut in limestone 11.4 feet distant from signal, bearing S. 38° W. (Latitude, 40° 01' 35.22". Longitude, 77° 32' 08.61".) To station .................... Chambersburg, ........ Parnell, Strasburg, ...... Roxbury, ......... Shippensbürg, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 47 22 24.60 227 17 34.80 4.1629694 66 33 16.13 246 20 39.85 4.4839373 98 18 45.67 278 10 33.96 4.2627043 145 04 01 324 59 40 4.22450 266 48 31 . 86 50 46 3.69689 TIME, GREENE COUNTY. In a pasture owned by the Miller estate, on a cleared knob one- half mile north of Graysville, and one mile southwest of Time post office. . Station mark: A marble post 48 by 8 by 8 inches, set 48 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylva- nia.” (Latitude, 39° 57' 13.23". Longitude, 80° 23' 10.56".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Bristoria, 5 30 19.2 185 30 01.5 3.8348950 Rock Lick, 51 55 51.4 231 50 19.0 4.1943297 Wilson's Knob, .. 111 17 45.4 291 10 43.8 4.2228433 253 14 48.2 73 20 36.0 4.1275671 Call, 328 11 10.5. 148 14 24.8 4.1355279. ..................... .............. .. .... Union, .. . STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 119 TOPTON, BERKS COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S. Station is about 3 miles south of Topton Railroad Station; identified by iron bolt in huge bowlder. Nearly all the timber is now cut down (August, 1892). (Latitude, 40° 28' 37.49". Longitude, 75° 40' 58.25".) To station ... ...... .... ..... . .................... Long, ...... Fancy Hill, ...... Blackspot, .. Port Clinton, Big Rock, Kreutzer, Bake Oven, Smiths Gap, ..... Haycock, ........... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. • Meters. - 6 39 49.2 186 39 06.7 4.124723 8 57 50.3 ; 188 56 36.5 4.236914 52 27 03.70 ... 4.3722508 118 29 30.07 298 17 28.86 4.4724928 244 45 03.9 64 54 36.8 4.360514 219 15 39.0 39 22 00.6 4.315038 171 50 48.9 351 48 49.1 4.483350 209 44 07.87 29 54 17.8 4.6458062 .. 267 59 04.69 88'17 07.66 4.594454 TUNNEL HILL, CAMBRIA COUNTY. Situated on the highest point of Tunnel Hill, in Tunnel Hill bor- ough, one-half mile from Gallitzin Railroad station. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a. bronze triangulation tablet. · (Latitude, 40° 28' 53.46". Longitude, 78° 32' 41.96".) To station Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. o ; II Meters. 91 03 22.6 270 56 22.2 4.1833793 111 12 26.8 291 04 07.1 4.28S1485 134 07 14.1 314 00 50.3 4.2863416 222 52 53.8 42 56 58.4 4.1144504 268 00 09.1 : 38 07 39.0 4.2130517 336 53 36.1 156 54 52.0 3.8467742 Ebensburg, ....... Thomas Ridge, ....... Carrolltown, ..... Wopsononock, Brush Mountain, ... Foot of Plane Eight, ................ TURKEY, GREENE COUNTY. About.1 mile north of Sigsbee and 4 miles south of Carmichaels, on Turkey knob, in a cultivated field owned by Leroy Hartley. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 10 by 10 inches, set flush with surface of ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 39° 50' 11.72". Longitude, 79° 59' 17.69.") 120 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station- Azimuth. a. ....................... 1 Morley, ..... Jefferson, .. Krepp, .... Keener, Fast, St. Clair, 14 32 17.4 154 58 31.5 197 57 02.7 231 04 02.8 278 58 14.5 340 43 59.6 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 194 30 55.5 4.0842057 334 50 40.0 3.9895121 18 00 10.1 4.3515150 51 08 33.2 4.1097964 99 01 56.6 3.9215699 160 46 31.0 4.2327348 er. ...................... ELSI. . ....................... .................... TUSCARORA, JUNIATA-PERRY COUNTY LINE. On summit of Tuscarora mountain 5 miles by road from Ickesburg. To reach signal go from Ickesburg on Port Royal road to fork of road near summit and 0.25 mile above spring take left hand and follow top of ridge along old wood road to signal. Instrument elevated 38. feet. Sation mark: Pine tree with target on top. One hundred feet north of wood road. Reference mark: A bronze tablet 8 feet due northeast of signal tree. (Latitude 40° 27' 38.97". Longitude, 77° 24' 52.32"'.) To station- ....................... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 45 05 22.00 225 00 15.00 4.19821 89 45 38.00 269 37 42.00 4.23803 271 55 37.90 92 06 37.12 4.3793545 281 58 59.85 102 03 45.00 4.0248510 290 04 20.12 110 17 38.74 4.4907718 338 32 35.58 158 34 55.74 4.14465 Big Knob, ..... Shade, Newport, Eschol, Peters, .... Bowers, ...... .................... ...... ..... ... TUSSEY, BEDFORD COUNTY. On mountain locally known by the name, about 4 miles northeast of Loysburg, on high point on ridge, in scrubby timber, with lines of sight cut out to other stations. Station mark: A bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey— Pennsylvania,” cemented in solid rock. · (Latitude, 40° 12' 06.01". Longitude, 78° 20' 18.76".) To station-- .................. Dunning, ...... Rattlesnake, .... Hartman, ... Duncan, Smith, Government, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. o , o , , , Meters. 27 52 15.0 207 49 44.6 4.0724843 129 14 31.7 309 10 29.2 4.0589373 170 12 18.8 350 10 39.2 4.3294423 175 06 22.4 355 05 43.2 4.2251745 322 09 26.6 142 16 53.0 4.4280288 349 54 36.0 169 55 55.6 4.2230180 .................... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 121 UNION, GREENE COUNTY. In a pasture on a prominent hill 7 miles northwest from Waynes- burg, and 24 miles southeast of West Union. Station mark: A sandstone post 48 by 8 by 8 inches, set 48 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a brouze triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylva- nia.” (Latitude, 39° 59' 18.24". Longitude, 80° 14' 09.16".) To station- Call, ...... Bristoria, Time, . Mt. Wheeler, Hillsboro, Jefferson, Hughes, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 20 07 40.7 200 05 07.7 4.2167757 51 46 11.3 231 40 06.0 4.2357775 73 20 36.0. 253 14 48.2 4.1:275671 178 04 16.4 358 04 01.9 4.2002916 231 42 26.5 51 48 48.2 4.253.1028 295 07 32.4 115 15 13.2 4.2747311 321 02 06.5 141 03 49.6 3.7827879 UNION U. P. CHURCH, ALLEGHENY. COUNTY. A new brick church with a square tower on its northeast corner, situated on a hill 1 mile west of Remington, on the Steubenville pike. Station mark: Center of tower. (Latitude, 40° 26' 37.25". Longitude, 80° 08' 59.69".) To station- Azimuth. McDonald, Dickson, Wcir, Greentree, .. Calhoun, Shannon, ....... Hickman, 35 43 45.7 117 40 04.8 173 11 33.3 243 05 13.9 294 06 10.4 ... 311 13 32.8 358 07 04.4 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 215 40 45.6 4.0503035 297 34 52.5 4.1070426 353 10 40.1 4.2101067 63 10 18.2 4.0926886 114 14 59.9 4.3196701 131 18 26.2 4.1524041 178 07 14.0 4.0271348 VALIER, JEFFERSON COUNTY. About midway between Perryville and Porter, in cultivated field .on north side of road, owned by D. C. McGregor. Signal: A tripod of sawed lumber. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 7 by 7 inches set 30 inches in ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangula- tion tablet. (Latitude, 40° 55' 50.78”. Longitude, 79° 08' 28.80”.) To station- Azimuth. Rowland, ...... McGregor, Palmer', .......................... 23 35 00 . 93 20 47 317 13 30 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 203 33 00 4.03135 273 17 20 3.84864 137 20 00 4.31337 122 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. VILLANOVA DOME, DELAWARE COUNTY. Station in dome of Catholic school at Villanova, 12 miles west of Philadelphia, on main line of Pennsylvania R. R. School is situated about 300 yards south of railroad station. Dome is surmounted by gilt ball and cross, which was sighted as signal. (Latitude, 40° 02' 11.18". Longitude, 75° 20' 34.65”.) To station- . Azimuth. Philadelphia City Hall, ........ Yard, ....... Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 121 20 56.8 4.25282 208 23 04.1 3.89968 301 14 02.4 28 24 46.4 WALKER, BEAVER COUNTY. On a flat cultivated ridge in North Sewickley township, 5 miles northeast of Beaver Falls, on land owned by Robert L. Walker. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by.8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey—Pennsylvania.” (Latitude, 40° 49' 00.74". Longitude, 80° 17' 35.52".) To station Gilliland, Jordan. ....... Big Knob, ..... ...... ......... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 49 37 03.5 229 34 02.4 3.9313019 111 54 15.1 291 51 25.0 3.8175600 ... 323 43 30.5 143 47 07.7 4..1204228 WALLS, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. In a cleared field owned by Andrew Walls, in Bell township, one- half mile northwest of Newtonburg and 5 miles northwest of Ma- haffey, 300 yards northwest of Mr. Wall's house. The view is unobstructed east and south, but is cut off toward the west by a flat timbered ridge. Station mark:: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude 40° 55' 20.76". Longitude, 78° 46' 25.26".) To station- Davis, ......... Patterson, ...... Beck, ....... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. O " " 0 ! Meters. 249 59 03.01 70 04 30.56 4.0948567 ........ 302 33 45.19 122 39 55.61 4.1967302 . 345 34 28.28 165 35 47.75 4.0578282 549 7 .......................... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 123 WARNER, INDIANA COUNTY. About 3 miles southwest of Indiana, in White township, on the highest part of a bare, round-top hill, on land owned by Mr. Warner. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, set 36 inches in · the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” (Latitude 40° 36' 29.07". Longitude, 79° 13' 10.50”.) To station- Azimuth. Tabernacle, 49 50 22.8 Watt, ........ 80 57 13.6 Broadview, ... 147 47 32.6 Kunkle, .................. 186 50 57.4 Coleman, 224 03 29.4 Indiana Normal School cupola, .... 258 37 32.4 Strong, ...... 273 44 25.4 Nolo, ........ 279 34 16.2 Evans, ...... 290 08 42.1 Widow, . 345 15 60.0 Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 229 44 45.4 4.2036595 260 54 54.0 : 3.7080738 325 44 45.1 4.0310144 6 51 34.4 4.0482704 44 04 52.9 3.6365727 78 37 54.9 3.7203033 93 50 53.6 4.1478120 99 44 21.0 : "4.3458154 110 13 57.3 4.0841382 165 18 07.7 4.2604466 WATT, INDIANA COUNTY. About 1 mile west of Tannery post office and 14 miles southeast of Parkwood post office, on the highest point of the western, one of two hills about the same height and 1 mile apart. The land is owned by Thomas Watt. Station mark: A stone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 39 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 36' 02.99". Longitude, 79° 16' 45.32".) To station- veilisou, ........ ........... .... Jellison, Tabernacle, ..... Hood, Broadview, ... Coleman, .. Warner, Evans, ...... Widow, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 11 37 51.5 191 35 46.3 4.3528660 36 59 57.4 216 56 39.4 4.0758263 74 32 44.3 254 28 24.0 3.9896421 174 05 29.2 354 05 01.4 3.9883854 244 02 11.8 64 05 54.9 3.9520747 260 54 54.0 80 57 13.6 3.7080738 281 34 19.5 101 41 54.2 4.2248181 330 02 40.0 150 07 07.1 4.2877768 : WEAVER, CLARION COUNTY. About 1 mile south of Frybury, in Washington township, on a bare knob of cultivated land owned by J. G. Weaver, of Marble post office. . 124 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Station mark: A sandstone post, 36 by 12 by 12 inches, set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference marks: A chestnut tree 12 inches diam., mag. bearing S. 63º W., 274 feet distant. A chestnut tree, 22 inches diam., mag. bearing N. 56° E., 238 feet distant. An oak tree, 18 inchies diam.,, mag. bearing S. 55° E., 226 feet distant. (Latitude, 41° 19' 58.86". Longitude, 79° 25' 46.92".) To station--- .... Myers, McCall, ...... Beels, ........ McNaughton, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance.. Meters. 7 56 41.2 187 54 49.3 4.4577631 22 57 16.7 202 51 12.0 4.5204177 .. 64 14 20.7 244 05 45.9 4.3046552 ...... 298 15 38.3 118 24 03.6 4.3062598 ................... WEIBLE, SOMERSET COUNTY. WBIBLE, SOME Station is on land owned by John Weible about 5 miles east and north of Stoyes town and about 400 feet northeast of his house. It is on line of rail fence between two fields and 40 feet south of private lane which runs northeast from Mr. Weible’s house. Station mark: A sảndstone post 7 by 7 by 30 inches set 26 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a tablet. Signal: A tripod of sawed lumber. Instrument over center and under signal. Reference mark: 40 feet from center of lane and fence row. (Latitude, 40° 07' 14.03". Longitude, 78° 52' 56.21":) TT IL . To station- Groves, Highland, Schaffer, Gardner, .... Koontz, Forward, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. 0 1 0 1 1 - Meters.. 15 48 56.09 195 48 05.27 3.8364872: 62 58 38.27 242 51 00.43 4.2769808 86 14 34.10 266 08 25.74 4.1325124 122 11 26 302 08 24 3.89818 .... 138 41 07 318 39 03 3.87490 · 230 47 48.33 50 48 21.89 3.2017335 WEIR, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. On a bill in Sewickley township, about 3 miles north of Sewickley depot, and 3 miles southeast of Economy; northwest of point of road called the “Three-mile post,” at the head of Turkey Run, on land owned by James F. Weir; 10 feet south of an east and west fence. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked "T". S. Geological Survey--Pennsylvania." Latitude, 40° 35' 19.45". Longitude, 80° 10' 21.45”.) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. : 125 To station- Dickson,........ Bunker Hill, ..... Big Knob, ........ Greentree, ...... Union U. P. Church, Azimuth. · Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 42 46 12.4 222 41 52.7 . 4.1415223 110 53 26.0 290 47 55.1 4.1068604 1.70 47 47.7 350 46 41.6 4.1726934 . 309 00 30.5 129 06 28.3 4.2222866 353 10 401 173 11 33.3 4.2101067 WESS, CAMBRIA COUNTY. In the northern portion of Croyle township, 8 miles southwest of Ebensburg, 1 mile west of New Germany, in a pasture owned by Leo Wess. Theodolite elevated 35 feet. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 32 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. Reference mark: Line fence due north 44 feet distant. Center of big dead tree, N. 65º W. (magnetic), 31 feet distant. (Latitude 40° 24' 41.86". Longitude, 78° 46' 29.85".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance.. O NO Meters. Chicory, ..... 112 04 41.22 292 00 35.81 3.9833693 Thomas, ..... 185 20 37.23 5 21 15.32 4.1710473 Ebensburg, 207 53 07.38 27 55 04.38 . 5 .................... 3.9581867 Sherbine, ... 326 41 29.11 146 43 20.03 ....................... 3.8666773 Fre, ............ 337 09 43.27 157 12 06.81 4.1299536 WEST MIDDLETON, WASHINGTON COUNTY. On the highest point of a nearly cleared hill 1 mile west of West Middleton, on the road to Wellsburg, W. Va., and on land owned by Robert D. Craig, who lives due north of station. Station mark: A marble post 38 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked "U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylva. nia." (Latitude, 40° 14' 35.72". Longitude, 80° 26' 42.16”.) To station West Liberty, Independence, Cross Creek, . Garrett, .... Claysville, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 62 37 50.9 242 31 47.8 4.1755802 .96 31 51.9 276 28 07.6 3.9168898 193 59 35.1 14 00 35.4 3.9398141 283 07 53.7 103 12 36.7 4.0266996 345 31 09.1 165 32 56.6 4.1983776 ................... ................... 126 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. WHEELER, WASHINGTON COUNTY. On a sparsely timbered hill 3 miles south of Washington, on land of Wm. Courson, who lives at north base of hill. Station mark: A marble post 38 by 6 by 6 inches, set 34 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylva- nia.” (Latitude, 40° 07' 52.16." Longitude, 90° 14' 31.71".) To station- ...... ...... ....... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 78 01 54.2 257 55 51.0 4.1350995 145 24 29.4 325 21 20.7 4.0856664 202 28 40.8 22 31 03.0 4.1345757 241 19 25.7 61 30 40.4 . 4.4496631 288 02 07.1 108 08 43.9 4.1859700 358 04 01.9 178 04 16.4 4.2002916 Claysville, ... Garrett, Canonsburg, Pollock, Hillsboro, ....... Union, ...... ................. . .. .. .... .... .. .. ... WHITE HORSE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S. is on the Blue ridge, near the boundary line between Bethel township, Berks county, and Washington township, station about 4 miles south of Rock, a sta- tion on the Schuylkill and Susquehanna branch of the Reading Railroad. Permanent mark: A two quart earthen jar buried base upward 2 feet below surface; 2 inches above jar is a flat stone, 15 by 18 inches, with a hole drilled in upper surface exactly over center of jar; above stone is a monument 2 feet long, which projects, 8 inches above ground. (Latitude, 40° 30' 55.19". Longitude 76° 17' 33.95".) 1 To station Governor Dick, Barry, Pont Clinton, .. Blackspot, Womelsdorf, .. Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 24 55 46.04 204 49 25.64 4.5175295 155 06 50.00 335 01 32.00 4.4348730 248 47 23.41 68 59 09.65 4.4376100 299 15 03.44 4.4468464 338 43 56.10 4.3566391 . ................. ................. WIDOW, INDIANA COUNTY. . In Black Lick township, about 6 miles east of Blairsville, on the Blairsville and Ebensburg pike. It is on a bare hill, about 20 rods south of the road on land owned by the heirs of J. W. Thompson. Station mark: A stone post 48 by 6 by 6 inches, set 44 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 26' 57.89". Longitude, 79° 09' 54.27".) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 127 To station- ......................... Jellison, ...... Kelly, Tabernacle, Watt, Warner, Evans, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 69 46 07.1 249 39 35.6 4.1810596 .93 39 09.9 273 35 33.0 3.8972129 113 29 15.9 293 21 31.4 4.2639820 150 07 07.1 330 02 40.0 4.2877768 ...... 165 18 07.7 345 15 60.0 4.2604466 ........... 206 45 05.2 26 48 12.1 4.1773173 · WIDOW (2), INDIANA COUNTY. Station is on a round cleared knob owned by Ray Repine, about 300 yards southwest of his house, 7 miles northeast of Blairsville, and 5 miles north of Bolivar. - DonVar. , Station mark: An iron spike 12 inches long in ground over which (Latitude, 40° 25' 57.47". Longitude, 79° 09' 38.36".) To station- ICppley, ...... Cole, ......... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 321 45 20 141.50 07 4.22803 340 07 38 160 10 49 4.31274 ............ WILCOX, WARREN COUNTY. Located on a brushy and timbered hill about 7 miles southwest of Warren and 2 miles east of the Allegheny river. Land owned by Earl Wilcox. Station mark: A bronze triangulation tablet cemented in solid rock. Reference marks: Four iron ring bolts fastening signal to rock and distant about 6 feet from center of station. (Latitude, 41° 47' 06.368". Longitude, 79° 14' 56.829".) To station- Crippen, ........ Yankee Bush, ... Clarendon, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ......... 123 00 18.186 302 57 13.281 3.8827312 .... 204 30 14.432 24 32 17.231 4.0102466 .. 270 30 24.035 90 33 56.686 3.8674586 ................ WILEY, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. About 5 miles north of West Newton and 6 miles southwest of Irwin, on a high ridge on farın belonging to Emily G. Wiley, of Yohoghany, whose house is about one-fourth mile south of signal. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Sur- vey~ Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 40° 16' 22.57". Longitude, 79° 45' 49.85”.) 9-No. 7 128 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. To station Shepler, .... Pollock, Calhoun, Terrace, Rose, ...... Altman, ....... Regantown, ... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. ... 18 11 18.3 198 09 19.3 4.1452190 81 58 45.1 261 51 28.0 4.2080156 127 11 22.2 307 05 05.5 4.2365716 155 55 00.9 335 52 58.9 4.0373270 205 47 29.0 25 50 13.1 4.1382508 . 257 35 46.5 77 41 14.4. 4.0885127 332 47 04.2 152 50 42.4 4.2430375 WILLOWGROVE, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Situated near west corner of Moreland township. (Latitude 40° 08' 31.935". Longitude, 75° 06' 22.283".). To station- Azimuth. Newtown, ..... Mt. Holly, ..... Pine Hill, 232 34 04.10 299 41 41.15 345 47 35.64 Back azimuth. Log. distance.. Meters. 52 41 15.47 4.2986851 ... 4.4942801 ...... 4.5952305 WILLS, BEDFORD COUNTY, A peak on the Wills mountain about 2 miles southwest from Buffalo Mills and about 200 yards north of where the road crosses Wills mountain, which is known as Valley Crossing of Wills mountain. Signal: White flag on trimmed red oak tree 8 inches in diameter, distance from station 15.8 feet and azimuth from station mark is 54° 21'. Station mark: An aluminum tablet cemented in solid rock 15.8 feet northeast of tree. (Latitude 39° 54' 27.54". Longitude, 78° 37' 27.40".). · To station- ..................... Hyndman, ..... Savage, Hostetter, .... Martin, ....... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 35 59 01 215 56 47 3.92772 90 50 23 270 43 41 4.16345 93 30 12 273 20 50 4.31866 325 22 40 145 24 37 3.88261 ....... WIRE, MONROE COUNTY. (Not occupied.) Station is 1 mile nearly south from Broadheadville on or near line between Ross and Chestnut Hill township, Monroe county, Pa. Signal and Permanent mark: Westernmost of few pines 12 inches in diameter on summit Wire mountain, with cloth targets: blazed on north and south with spike driven in each blaze. (Latitude, 40° 54' 22.38". Longitude, 75° 24' 05.53".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 190 54 46 3.97512 47 32 15 4.09324 Smith Gap, ...:.:.: 0 0 0 10 55 36 227 27 59 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 129 WOMELSDORF, LEBANON COUNTY. Triangulation station of the U. S. C. & G. S., 41 miles southwest of Womelsdorf, a station on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Summit of mountain was covered with a growth of saplings 15 to 20 feet high, some of which were cut down, giving view east and south. Permanent mark: Bolt in rock. (Latitude, 40° 19' 28.25”. Longitude, 76° 11' 44.69".) To station, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Port Clinton, ........ 209 08 23.76 29 16 21.97 4.5511773 Black Spot Tower, ............ 264 06 01.5 84 17 24.4 4.398460 Wernersville, East Tower, ........ 282 42 59.5 102 47 42.5 4.024894 Wernersville, West Tower, ...... 286 46 46.5 106 50 34.8 . 3.939816 WOODRUFF, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. On a cleared ridge owned and cultivated by Mr. Woodruff, 2 miles north west of Elysburg, and 3 miles' north of Reeds Station (Read- ing Railroad). Mr. Woodruff lives on north side of ridge and from his house a wagon can be taken to station. Permanent mark: A sharp-pointed rock buried in ground, top just above surface. (Latitude, 40° 52' 45.62". Longitude, 76° 34' 33.03”.) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Mahanoy (3), ... 4 59 42 184 59 09 4.139748 Mahanoy (1)., ....... 42 59 36 222 54 00 4.247612 Catawissa, 242 17 45 62 23 39 4.154306 WOPSONONOCK, BLAIR COUNTY. Situated about 5 miles west of north of Altoona, on the end of a salient of the Allegheny mountain, reached by a railroad from Juniata. Station mark: Center of a building known as The Pavilion, or Lookout. No permanent mark. (Latitude, 40° 34' 02.48". Longitude, 78° 26' 25.47". U. S. S. D.; U To station- Rattlesnake, ....... Foot of Plane Eight, Tunnel Hill, Ebensburg, Carrolltown, .... Brush Mountain, .... Hartman, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 0 21 11.3 180 21 05.7 4.5233043 20 56 00.5 200 53 12.0 4.2335884 42 56 58.4 222 52 53.8 4.1144504 69 03 52.3 248 52 46.9 4.4120176 99 51 29.9 279 41 00.9 4.3631044 320 17 22.4 140 20 48.0 4.0670251 345 37 29,0 165 39 47.0 4.3052551 · 130 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : WORK, FAYETTE COUNTY. On land owned by John Work, about 5 miles west of Connelsville, and 9 miles north of Uniontown. A low of Locust trees crosses top of hill along a north and south fence. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania.” Reference mark: A nail driven at foot of Locust tree 25 feet dis- tant, magnetic bearing of which is N. 30° E. (Latitude, 40° 00' 09.20". Longitude, 79° 40' 06.44".) , To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Keener, ....... ..... 59 13 04.4 239 05 15.9 4.3047205 Kreep, ......................... 98 17 22.0 278 08 09.5 4.3136372 Dunbar, ...... ..... 350 43 35.0 170 44 31.3 4.1119491 WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY. (Not occupied). A partly cleared summit 2 miles north of Wyoming, in southwest part of Exeter township. Land owned by Hannah Whip. John S. Allen lives near triangulation station, 2 miles north of Wyoming and one half mile southeast of camp ground. Permanent mark: A pile of rocks. (Latitude, 41° 20' 54.16". . Longitude, 75° 50' 39.69".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Penobscot, ...................... 7 21 54 187 20 47 4.268823 Bald, ... ...... 221 15 31 41 19 12 4.071414 .......................... YANKEE BUSH, WARREN COUNTY. Located in Conewango township about 31 miles northwest of War- ren, on roadside close to cemetery fence. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 28 inches in the ground, in top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet. (Latitude, 41° 52' 08.300". Longitude, 79° 11' 52.690".) To station 20 Wilcox, Crippen, Bull, Nelson, Quaker Hill, Clareudon, Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. O i 1 0 Meters. 24 32 17.231 204 30 14.432 4.0102466 64 11 13.046 244 06 05.148 4.0730580 111 46 40.204 291 38 56.817 4.2359605 155 43 05.417 335 41 09.254 3.9885983 267 25 54.643 87 29 21.333 3.8542143 341 37 21.451 161 38 51.478 3.9951024 ................. · STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 131 YARI), DELAWARE COUNTY. (Latitude, 39° 58' 24.796". Longitude, 75° 23' 13.793".) To station-- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Bethel, 31 59 48.83 211 55 50.45 4.221949 Mt. Holly, 266 12 22.78 . 4.7094043 Pine Hill, 299 52 41.80 ............ 4.5899321 Lippincott, . 347 17 38.94 4.5614560 ............ ....... ............ YETER, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. On the cleared northeast end of a timbered saddleback ridge about 11 miles - south of Merwin and 3 miles north of Mamont, on land owned by Mr. Charles Yeter, whose residence is on the northeast side of the hill. It is about 9 feet east of a rail line fence, at a point 123 feet from fence corner. Station mark: A marble post 36 by 6 by 6 inches, set 35 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is ceinented a bronze triangulation tablet. Reference mark: A tall, dead, line tree, 2 feet in diameter, at corner of adjacent farm, true azimuth 54°, distant 121.75 feet from station. (Latitude, 40° 30' 43.91". Longitude, 79° 37' 25.75".) To station- Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. Clearview, ....... 22 06 37.73 202 05 16.35 3.8948211 Indian, 64 29 34.52 244 24 29.20 4.0890284 McKelvey, ... 97 01 41.29 276 55 14.39 4.1499159 McGinnis, .. 163 10 02.74 343 08 06.60 4.1610875 Steele, 291 05 56.64 111 09 44.60 3.9475188 TY ZUCKER, LYCOMING COUNTY. On a cleared ridge, known as Zucker bill, in Jackson township, about 5 miles southwest of Liberty, on land owned by Uriah Alex- ander. Theodolite elevated 30 feet. Station mark: A sandstone bowlder 32 by 10 by 6 inches, set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geological Survey-Pennsylvania." (Latitude, 41° 30' 19.30". Longitude, 77° 10' 41.04".) To station- Buckhorn Mountain, ..... Hesse, ....... Crawford, Cedar, Putnam, ..... Hemlock, ...... Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Meters. 4 53 29.40 184 52 59.92 4.0840454 40 29 21.77 220 25 18.81 4.1180925 93 32 39.26 273 27 51.31 4.0040967 122 02 02.02 301 49 05.19 4.5044256 140 11 32.21 320 05 25.54 4.3235031 342 57 37.00 162 58 01.00 3.47027 132 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . POSITIONS ACCURATELY LOCATED. The following are approximate latitude and longitude of primary stations to the westward and northward of the horseshoe chain. De- scriptions of stations are not available. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ................... Winterstown (York County), .. Swatara Gap (Lebanon County), ... Knob (Carbon County), ... Panther (Luzerne County), ...... Moosic (Lackawanna County), 39 49 32 .40 28 15 40 53 44 41 14 09 41 27 21 76 36 09 76 32 24 75 49 45 75 38 11 75 29 44 The following are the approximate latitude and longitude of a num- ber of secondary stations and points. Besides the three stations in Philadelphia, for which accurate positions are given, there are many more in that city and in the vicinity and along the Delaware river. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ................... -75 iver. ................ ................ Philadelphia, State House, .... Philadelphia, Girard College, Philadelphia, St. Peter's Church, Lancaster, prison tower, .. Bethlehem, Reformed Church, Lone Tree (Carbon County), Summit Hill, school-house tower, Summit Hill, Presbyterian Church, Summit Hill, Catholic Church, ... Mt. Jefferson, South Chimney, ...... Woodside, Catholic Church, ...... Nanticoke, German Lutheran Church, Wilkes-Barre, St. Mary's Church, Bellevue, Welsh Methodist Church, Ilyde Park, St. Patrick's Church, ...... l'etersburg, German Lutheran Church, Olyphant, Baptist Church, . Providence, St. Mary's Church, .... No. 10 chimney of engine house on Pa. Coal Co's. gravity road, .. Scranton Court House, Clock Tower, ....... ..... 39 56 55.64 75 09 01.41 39 58 26.600 75 10 13.544 39 56 35.34 75 08 53.38 40 02 24.58 76 17 33.52 40 37 17 40 48 11 75 52 44 40 49 36 40 49 33 75 52 24 40 49 28 75 52 52 49 32 00 37 75 54 27 41 12 16 76 00 02 41 14 32 75 53 04 41 24 04 75 41 14 41 24 51 75 41 03 41 24 38 75 38 30 41 28 23 75 36 24 41 26 27 75 39 30 ........... ............. 41 .......... 41 24 39 41 24 29 75 34 21 75 39 47 In the following list the first and second are taken from the Report of the Primary Triangulation of the Lake Survey, p. 782, and the others from the Reports of the New York State Survey for 1883 and 1884: · STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 133 Štations. Latitude. Longitude. · Edinboro (Washington Township, Erie County),.. Erie (Mill Creek Township, Erie County), ........ Athens (Bradford County), 41 52 28.41 42 03 41.44 41 57 31 41 59 22 41 59 22 80 10 46.88 80 11 11.64 76 37 00 76 25 49 76 10 44 Warren (Bradford County), ....... In 1884 the Philadelphia water department located the positions of several points in Bucks and Montgomery counties, starting from the line Haycock-Goat Hill as a base and a statement of the computed po- sitions is given in their Report for that year, page 322. The Coast and Geodetic Survey determined astronomically the lati- tude and longitude of the old Capitol at Harrisburg, of the southwest corner of Pennsylvania, and of several other points upon the boundry lines of the State. The latitude and longitude of Pottsville and Wilkes-Barre were determined for the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania by Prof. C. L. Doolittle. The following are the values obtained: Stations. Latitude Longitude. Harrisburg, dome of old capitol, ... Southwest corner of Pennsylvania, .............. Boundary Monument, near Smith's Ferry, ........ Wilkes-Barre, Court House, ....... Pottsville, Court House, 40 15 51.1 39 43 18.19 40 38 27.25 41 14 40.48 40 41 09.13 76 52 54.3 80 31 08.20 80 31 07.50 75 52 57.7 76 11 50.7 The following positions of the astronomical observatories at Bethle- hem and Philadelphia were taken from the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1886: Stations. Longitude. Philadelphia Old High School Observatory, ...... Bethlehem Observatory, Latitude. o 39 57 06.0 40 36 23. 9 75 09 45.2 75 22 59.5 tory, ......................... The following stations are of importance in connection with work in southeastern portion of state. These were determined by the U. S. Coast Survey but no descriptions of the stations are available. Stations. Centerville, Delaware, White, Chester County, ... Grays Hill, Maryland, ..... domasonic Hall, Delaware, Newcastle Count House, Delaware, Northeast Corner, Maryland, Initial Point, Pennsylvania and Delaware, .. Latitude. Oi " 39 49 14.97 39 45 00.43 39 36 47.69 39 39 36.69 39 39 35.33 39 43 19.91 39 43 19.91 Longitude. " 75 37 02.50 75 48 02.35 75 47 51.69 75 33 54.21 75 33 50.13 75 47 20.03 75 46 26.69 ........................ ...................... ce, .............. · 134 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Lougitude. . Hämorton, Chester County, ...ricouririnici... 39 52 22.05 75 37 55.56 Leach, Delawäre; ...::::::....:::.......... 39 50 07.1975 33 38.94 Gianóguc; Delaware;.:.:::::........ ..... 39 49 47.52 75 34 50.81 Targent Mobiument; Delaware and Maryland, ....i 39 38 56:95 75 47 20.04 Boundary Moviundent No. One-hall, ii.co.ccrinioi 39 43 44:58 75 46 15.69 Mt. Olivet, New Jersey, store monument on gum- mit, one-fifth miles west of Budd's Lake, ........ . 40 32 02.48 74 42 52.50 Culver's Cap, New Jersey, first summit southwest of gap, ........... 41 10 20.99 74 47 42.03 Note. It should be mentioned that the above longitudes are referred to the meridian of Greenwich by using the value 77° 03' 01.35" as the longitude of the Naval Observatory at Washington, D. C. A discus- sion by Assistant C. A. Schotit in the Report of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1884, pages 407-430, deduces for this value the more precise quantity 770 034 00,57", with the probable error, 0.63. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 133 135 PRIMARY TRAVERSE. ! York County. BELAIR, PARKTON, YORK, MCCALL FERRY AND HANOVER QUAD- RANGLES. Sixty-three geographic positions were determined in Maryland and ennsylvania by primary railroad traverse, executed under the gen- val supervision of S. S. Gannett, topographer, by W. Carvel Hall, ppographer, in September and October, 1899. The traverse begins. It Washington Monument, Baltimore, Maryland, follows the Balti- hore and Lehigh and York Southern Railroads to York, Pennsyl- ania, thence southward along the Northern Central Railway to tation 8 of the first line. The western line of traverse starts at the ortheast corner of the city of Baltimore and follows the Western Taryland Railroad to York, Pennsylvania, closing on an azimuth tation of the first line. EOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE BALTIMORE AND LEHIGH AND YORK SOUTHERN RAILROADS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Taryland-Pennsylvania boundary line monument, i. astle Fin station, ... Voodbine station, ...... Bruce station, road crossing at, .. Iuddy Creek station, ...... aurel station, road crossing at, Brogueville station, road crossing at, Vindsor station, road crossing at, Red Lion station, Relay station, Interprise station, road crossing at, 'ork, corner King street and railroad tracks, ork, south azimuth stone, ..., 39 43 16.2 39 45 51.7. 39 47 12.4 39 47 41.7 39 48 30.7 39 49 33.8 39 50 34.3 39 52 11.8 39 54 07.8 39 54 53.4 39 56 38.4 39 57 53.3 39 37 20.1 76 21 17.3 76 21 20.7 76 24 22.1. 76 26 44.5 76 28 31.6 76 30 37.1 76 31 58.3 76 33 48.2 76 36 28.1 76 38 40.6 76 39 45.2 76 42 57.7 76 43 36.8 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS ALONG THE NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. Stations. Latitude Longitude. frantley station, road crossing at, ....... Tilepost 51 B, crossing 500 feet north of, ....... flatfelters station, road crossing at, ...... arne station, road crossing at, ....... Seitzland station, road crossing at, ...... Vew Freedom station, ...... Caryland-Pennsylvania State line, crossing of | Northern Central Railway, ....... ....... 39 56 56.2 39 53 46.1 39 52 28.0 39 49 12.5 47 09.2 39 44 25.7 76 44 10.2 76 44 43.1 86 45 01.7 76 45 37.8 76 43 23.2 76 42 03.0 39 43 17.5 76 41 54.3 136 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG WESTERN MARYLAND RAILROAD. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Summit station, road crossing at, ....... Glenville station, road crossing at, .......... Linsheim station, ..... Junction of railroads, road crossing northeast, Spring Grove station, ........ Thomasville station, road crossing at, ...... Botts station, ......... York, corner Market and Water streets, ........ 39 44 21.0 39 45 33.1 39 48 17.0 39 49 55.0 39 52 14.3 39 55 44.2 39 56 08.8 39 57 41.1 76 50 26.1 76 49 00.4 76 51 59.9 76 53 34.4 76 51 56.0 76 51 03.4 76 48 55.6 76 43 55.1 ... ......................... CHESTER AND DELAWARE COUNTIES, WEST CHESTER QUAD- RANGLE. The following geographie positions were determined by Mr. S. Tatum, topographer, in March 1901, by primary traverse which begins at Granogue, Del., a triangulation station of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and runs north to Chadd's Ford, Pa., on the Wilmington and Northern Railroad, thence north via highways to Cheyney station, on West Chester Railroad, thence north on said rail- road to Greenhill station, thence west via highways to Whiteland station, on Pennsylvania Railroad, thence west on Pennsylvania Rail road to Thorndale, thence south via highways touching Embreeville and Unionville to Kennett Square, Pa., on Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, thence east to Chadd's Ford GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE WILMINGTON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. Stations. Latitude Longitude. . Granogue, ..... Delaware-Pennsylvania State line, .. Cossart station, ...... Brookfield station, ... Chadd's Ford Junction, ....... ..................... 39 49 47.7 39 50 18.4 39 50 48.1 39 51 11.8 39 52 08.0 75 34 50.8 75 35 07.4 75 35 46.0 75 35 48.4 75 35 46.4 ............................ GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. Stations. Latitude Longitude Brandywine station, ... concordville, crossing 600 feet east of, ........ Markham station, ...... 39 52 26.2 39 52 38.5 39 53 26.3 75 32 41. 75 30 50.4 75 30 22.2 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 137 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG WEST CHESTER RAILROAD. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Cheyney station, ......... Westtown station, ......... West Chester, northwest end car shed, Fern Hill station, ....... Green Hill station, 39 55 44.2 39 55 55.6 39 57 41.3 39 58 44.4 39 59 42.3 75 31 23.6 75 32 58.6 75 36 03.0 75 35 29.4 75 36 04.8 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ......... ....... . ................ Whiteland, road crossing at, Bradford Hill stațion, ....... Woodbine station, road crossing at, . Downingtown freight station, ...... Gallaghersville station, ... Thorndale, road crossing at., .. 40 01 09.3 40 00 22.1 40 00 18.4 40 00 10.5 39 59 50.3 39 59 38.5 75 37 22.9 75 39 46.2 75 41 10.7 75 42 08.0 75 44 08.4 75 45 21.0 ........................ GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAY FROM THORNDALE TO KENNETT SQUARE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 39 55 48.9 Embreeville station, ...... Unionville, crossing of streets, .. 75 44 05.4 75 44 0.7 S, .................. POSITIONS ALONG PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILWAY Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ............................ Kennett Square station, ... Rosedale Station, ....... Fairville, ............. Chadd's Ford Junction, ... 39 50 32.2 39 50 51.4 39 51 11.2 39 52 08.0 75 42 34.4 75 39 46.8 75 38 32.4 75 35 46.4 CRAWFORD COUNTY, LINESVILLE QUADRANGLE. The following geographic positions were determined by primary traverse run by Mr. C. B. Kendall, field assistant, in the summer of 1903. The line begins at milepost 14 on the Ohio-Pennsylvania State line and runs east over ligli ways to meridian S0° 15', thence south to paralled 41° 30', thence east to milepost 33 on Ohio-Pennsylvania State ļine. Positions are given on United States standard datum. 138 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS EAST FROM MILEPOST 14 ALONG HIGH- WAYS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Milepost 14, Ohio-Pennsylvania State line, ........ 41 46 05.0 80 31 10.1 Milepost 14, four corners 1,000 feet south of, .... 41 45 51.8 80 31 10.2 Milepost 14, 1.1 miles east of four corners at churchi 41 45 54.3 SO 29 51.1. Conneautville, 5 miles west of, four corners (at mile- post), ....................................... 41 45 46 9 80 28 10.8 Conneautville, 4 miles west of, four corners, ...... 41 45 47.1 SO 26 59.1 l'almer, four corners at, ....... 41 45 38.8 80 25 45.6 Four corners, ............ 41 45 32.5 80 24 38.8 Conneautville, Pennsylvania Railroad crossing west of, ....... ...... 41 45 37.8 80 24 09.2 Forks of road to south, ....... ..... 41 45 34.9 80 23 39.6 Conneautville, junction of Main, Water and Center streets, ............ 41 45 28.0 80 22 04.9 Conneautville, three corners just south of bridge over Ashtabula Creek, ...... 41 45 26.4 80 22 19.9 Pour corners, ............................... 41 45 16.8 80 20 59.4 Four corners, .... 41 45 18.1 80 19 40.6 Three corners, road to south, 41 45 29.9 80 17 51.2 Rundell post-office, forks of road just north west of creamery, ............ ......... 41 45 31.1 80.17 06.0 Rundell, 1 mile east of, three corners (reference marks: 36 feet southwest to nail in root of elm tree; 51 feet southeast to nail in root of elm tree; 28 feet east to nail in root of apple tree), ...... ...... 41 45 21.1 80 16 09.4 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS SOUTHWARD ALONG MERIDIAN 80° 15' BE- TWEEN PARALLELS 41° 45' AND 41° 30' and WESTWARD TO MILEPOST 33 ON THE STATE LINE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. : : : : ................... ............................... 41 44 36.5 41 42 56.9 41 41 36.0 41 40 25.3 41 39 20.0 41 38 16.1 41 37 16.7 41 36 52.5 41 35 57.0 41 35 27.7 41 35 23.2 41 34 18.6 41 33 40.6 41 32 46.2 41 31 57.2 Three corners, road to west, 135 feet north of road to east, ........... Norrisville, four corners at, .... Four corners, ...... Four corners, ..... Four corners, ..... Three corners, ....... Three corners, Birch schoolhouse, three corners at, ........ Three corners, ..., Geneva, 3 miles west of, three corners, ..... Geneva, 1.75 miles north of, three corners, ....... Geneva, Eric Railroad, crossing just east of station, Geneva, intersection of Main and Center streets,.. Geneva, 1 mile south west of, four corners, ....... Four corners, ......... ........ Geneva, 4 miles south of ; Atlantic, 5 miles east of, four corners (reference marks: 33 feet northwest to nail in milepost; 28 feet northeast to nail in gate- post), ........ ... 80 16 10.4 80 16 13.0 80 16 15.0 80 16 17.2 80 15 53.6 80 15 39.6 80 15 30.6 80 15 05.8 80 15 06.6 80 14 32.4 80 13 03.2 80 13 22.0 80 13 33.6 80 14 03.2 80 14 14.5 ................... ............ ................... 41 30 23.1 80 14 17,8 . · STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 139 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 80 15 12.2 80 17 17.0 80 18 29.0 80 20 16.7 Posters Corners, three corners, ..., 41 30 32.9 Atlantic, 2.5 miles east of, four corners at school- house, ....... 41 30 13.1 Hour corners, ...... .............. 41 30 13.9 Atlantic, four corners at, ... ...... 41 30 16.8 Adamsville, 1 mile southeast of, Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad, road crossing, .... 41 30 20.1 Adamsville, four corners at, 41 30 40.2 Adamsville, 1 mile southwest of, four corners, .... 41 30 23.9 Adamsville, 1.5 miles west of, 'four corners, ...... 41 30 12.6 Four corners, .. ....... 41 30 23.6 Three corners, 41 30 24.8 Turnersville, 2 miles northeast of, junction with State road, ... 41 31 45.2 Turnersville, 0.75 mile east of four corners, 200 feet east of Pennsylvania Railroad crossing, ......... 41 30 55.5 Turnersville, four corners, ... 41 30 35.3 Turnersville, 1 mile southwest of, three corners,.. 41 30 06. 3 State line, 0.25 mile east of, thrce corners at brick church, .. .. 41 29 42. 6 Pennsylvania-Ohio State line, milepost 33, ....... 41 29 34.0 SO 21 55.5 SO 22 11.0 80 23 16.5 80 23 51.6 80 25 04.7 80 26 12.8 80 26 10.2 80 27 50.7 80 28 37.2 S O 29 43.4 ..................... 80 30 54.5 30 31 09.0 CHESTER COUNTY, COATESVILLE QUADRANGLE. The following geographic positions were determined by primary traverse, run by Mr. C. B. Kendall field assistant, in the fall of 1903. The line begins at Thorndale, on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, previously located by primary traverse, and runs westward over that railroad to Atglen, thence southward along public high- ways to Oxford, on the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad, thence eastward along railway to Avondale, thence south- ward along Pomeroy and Newark branch of Pennsylvania Railroad to boundary Post No. 1 on the Delaware-Pennsylvania State line. Posi- tions are given on the United States standard datum. GEOGRAPIIIC POSITIONS BETWEEN THORNDALE AND ATGLEN ALONG THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 59 28. 5 7 5 45 21.0 39 59 17.5 75 47 27.9 ................ 39 59 16.3 ............................. 75 48 49.2 Thorndale, road crossing at, ................... Thorndale, 2 miles west of; road crossing, center of south track, ....... Coatesville, Sixth avenue crossing, center of north track, ........ Brandywine Creek road, road crossing at east end of bridge over, ... ........... Overhead road crossing, south rail of south track at, Pomeroy, 1.25 miles east of; road crossing, center of north track, ....... ....... 39 59 06.7 39 58 48.5 75 49 32.4 75 50 08.9 39 58 15.2 75 52 01.2 1.40 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. .................. 39 57 56.8 75 53 23.2 39 57 34.9 ..................... 75 55 18.3 · Pomeroy, over road crossing at, south rail of south track, ........ Parkesburg, over road crossing at, south rail of south track, ...... Lenover, over road crossing at, north rail of north track, ....... Atglen, stret crossing at, north rail of north track (references: 63.9 feet southeast to danger signal post; 5.3 feet west ta mile post; 58 feet east to nail in telephone post), ........ ................... 39 57 16.8 75 56 49.4 39 57 02.0 75 58 26.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG PUBLIC HIGHWAYS BETWEEN AT- GLEN AND OXFORD. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 56 34.4 39 56 15. 2 39 55 46.8 39 55 28.6 39 54 57.7 39 54 17.8 75 58 18.5 7 5 59 05.3 75 59 25.2 75 59 49.2 75 59 47.2 75 59 50.0 st. ..................... .......... 39 53 24.2 39 52 59.1 39 52 16.6 75 59 49.3 75 59 38.8 76 00 18.4 Octoraro Creek, three corners at bridge over, ...... Three corners, at burnt house near bridge over creek Three corners, road south, Road forks to northwest, ..................... Three corners, road west, ... Three corners, road east to Steelville, Four corners, at milepost 5 to Atglen, near school- house, .... ......... Octoraro, 1 mile northeast of, forks of road, Octoraro, four corners at, ..... ........ Octoraro, 1.25 miles south of, north end of covered end of bridge over creek, ..... Four corners, Three corners, ...... Cream post-office, four corners at, ..... Hayesville, 1 mile west of, four corners, ... Union school house, four corners at, ... Oxford, 1.5 miles northeast of, four corners, .... Oxford, junction of Market and Third streets, uear Oxford Hotel (reference marks: 42 feet southeast to northwest corner of store; 44 feet northeast to nail in telephone pole ; 26 feet west to northeast corner of house block), ....... lers, ................................ 39 51 09.6 39 50 54.8 39 50 36.3 39 49 53.4 39 49 11.6 39 48 46.8 39 48 10.0 76 00 35.0 76 00 31.4 76 00 13.2 76 00 09.2 75 59 19.0 75 59 16.4 75 58 12.1 ............ ....................... 39 47 05.8 75 58 45.0 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD BETWEEN OXFORD AND AVONDALE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 47 32.1 39 47 21.3 39 47 50.1 - 75 57 47.7 75 56 58.6 75 56 06.4 Oxford, 1 mile east of, road crossing, ........... Road crossing, 5 feet south of south rail, . Road crossing, 3 feet south of south rail, ........ Lincoln University station, center of main track at road crossing just west of, ..................... Elkview station, road crossing just west of, 11 feet south of south rail, ..., 39 47 58.6 75 55 21.8 39 48 29.4 75 53 43.2 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 141 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 48 33.0 39 48 50.5 75 52 35.2 75 51 34.5 ........... 39 49 19.8 39 49 37.6 39 49 52.5 75 49 38.8 75 48 53.3 75 48 07.4 Kelton station, road crossing just east of, ........ Overhead bridge, south rail at, .. West Grove station, road crossing just west, south rail, .......................... Road crossing, south rail at, .. Road crossing, south rail at, ...... Avondale station, street crossing just east of, 7.8 feet north of rail (reference marks: 37.3 feet to southeast corner of passenger station; 40.6 feet to southwest corner of frame building, on north- east corner of street; 7.5 feet to north rail of main line), ..............................., · 39 49 26.9 75 47 03.8 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG POMEROY AND NEWARK BRANCH OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BETWEEN AVONDALE AND PENNSYLVANIA-DELAWARE STATE LINE. Stations. Longitude. Latitude. O i 39 48 12.0 75 46 56.9 ..... 39 47 28.2 39 47 05.2 75 46 21.3 75 46 26.7 39 46 41.8 75 46 16.2 _Road crossing near water mill, .................. Road crossing 150 feet from north end of trestle, 5 feet west of west rail, ... Overhead bridge, center of track under, ... Landenburg station, 250 feet south of, west rail near center of bridge over street, .. Road crossing 50 feet south of bridge, center of track, ....... Yeatman station, road crossing just north of,' west rail, ............ Pennsylvania-Delaware State line, north end of bridge, .......... Perusylvania-Delaware State line, boundary post No. 1, ........ ..... 39 46 9 75 46 00.8 39 44 56.2 75 46 07.3 39 44 17.8 75 46 03.0 39 44 08.85 75 46 03.31 MERCER COUNTY, STONEBORO QUADRANGLE. This line starts at Mercer and runs northward along highways and s tied to a point 5 miles east of Atlantic, located by Mr. C. B. Ken- lall in 1903. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS' ALONG HIGHWAYS. Latitude Longitude. 41 13 37.1 80 14 20.0 Stations. Mercer, in top step at northeast corner of porch to north entrance of Mercer county court-house ; alum- | inum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2,".. Mercer, north part of; center of bridge at road intersection, ....... ........... Mercer, crossroads, 2 miles north of; 37 feet south- west to guidepost, 18 feet northwest to west end of culvert, ....... ... 41 14 04.5 80 14 17.0 ...... 41 15 31.5 80 14 19.6 142 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitud 41 16 34.2 80 14 21. 41 17 51.8 80 14 23. 41 18 24.3 80 14 03. 41 19 34.1 80 13 48. 41 20 32.3 80 13 36. 41 21. 27.2 SO 12 34. T road east, 20 feet west to cross on apple tree, 40 feet southeast to cross on fence post, ...... ..... Mercer, crossroads 5 miles north of; 40 feet east to road crossing of Pennsylvania, Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad, 30 feet northwest to sign- board, ....... Fairview, Y road 1.5 miles south of; 45 feet north- west to cross on gatepost, 39 feet east to guide- post, .......... Fairview, T road east; 27 feet southeast to guide- post; 30 feet northwest to 'James Gamble's mail box, ... Fairview, T road east 0.5 mile east of ; 18 feet south- east to James Welch's mail box; 37 feet northeast to cross on black oak tree, ....... T road east ; 25 feet southeast to guidepost, 17 feet west to cross on board fence, ...... Hadley, 3, miles south of; in northwest corner of F. R. McDowell's orchard; at southwest corner of yard on Pittsburg and Erie. Road; nail in root of wild cherry tree on northwest side of road bears N. 74° 15' W., distant 52 feet; southwest corner foundation to F. R. McDowell's residence bears N. 69° E., distant 46 feet; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta., No. 3," ... Road northwest, 15 feet northwest to cross on board fence, 37 feet east to guidepost, ......... Hadley, road crossing of Lake Shore Railroad, 1 · mile east of, ..... .......... Sheakleyville, Troad west 1 mile south of; 40 feet southwest to guidepost; 21 feet northwest to west end stone culvert, .......... ............ Sheakleyville, road west at Baptist Church, 33 feet northwest to iron fence; 63 feet west to north- east corner of Baptist Church, ................. · T road east, 40 feet east to McCrakers mail box; 36 feet south to cross on gatepost, ............. Boutner schoolhouse, crossroads 0.25 miles south of, Boutner schoolhouse, T road south at; 21 feet north to cross on board fence, 35 feet southwest to guidepost, ....... ........... Williams (Fred), in southwest corner of his orchard; at northwest corner of yard; north corner of foundation to residence bears S. 28° 30 E., distant 47.8 feet; west corner of foundation to same bears S. 1° 25' W., distant 64.1 feet, in top of marble post, aluminum tablet stamped “Prin. Trav. Sta. No. 4,” . Atlantic, crossroads 5 miles east of, ............. 41 22 42.1 SO 13 08 41 23 52.3 80 12 53 41 24 36.3 80 12 47 41 25 30.7. SO 12 34 41 26 SO 12 24 41 27 55.8 41 28 30.7 80 12 26 41 29 32.5 80 13 08 41 29 53.5 41 30 23,1 80 14 18| 80 14 17| STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 143 CHESTER COUNTY, PHOENIXVILLE QUADRANGLE. The following geographic positions were determined from primary traverse in 1904 by Mr. E. L. L. McNair, topographer. The line starts from adjusted position at Downington and follows the Pennsylva- nia Railroad to Milford Mills; thence along highways near border of quadrangle via Pottstown, Limerick and Malvern; thence to start- ing point along Pennsylvania Railroad. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BE- TWEEN DOWNINGTOWN AND DORLAN FLAG STATION. · Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Downingtown freight station, ...... · Dast Downingtown station, ............ Dowlin flag station, road crossing it, ......... Dorlan flag station, road crossing at, .... 40 00 10.5 40 00 22.3 40 02 07.6 40 02 53.9 75 42 08.0 75 42 03.9 75 42 29.1 75 43 01.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 03 54.8 ...... 75 43 44.0 40 03 58.4 40 04 58.8 40 05 42.2 40 06 20.9 75 43-38.1 75 44 38.5 75 45 28.7 75 46 03.9 Milford Mills, four corners at, ..... Milford Mills, covered bridge, at east end of north wing wall, bronze tablet cemented in, ........... Milford, 1..5 miles northwest of, four corners, ..... Fairview Presbyterian Church, four corners at, .... Fairview church, 1 mile north of, four corners, .. Marsh postoffice, 2 miles southeast of, road west and pike, corner of, ........ ....... Marsh postoffice, Hause's store, corner at, ....... Warwick, 1 inile south of, road corners, .......... Warwick station, 40 feet east of, crossing branch of Philadelphia and Reading Railway, .......... Immanuel United Evangelical Church, Immanuel United Evangelical Church, 1 mile north- east of, forks of road, .. Hopewell Furnace, creek crossing, .............. Hopewell, 1 inile north of, three corners at top of hill, Monocacy station, 1 mile south of, road corners, 40 07 10.7 40 08 32.9 40 09 10.4 75 45 14.0 75 46 34.6 75 46 35.7 40 10 02.1 40 10 55.4 75 47 03.2 75 47 05.3 40 11 19.1 40 12 17.7 75 46 12.6 75 46 25.8 40 12 59.4 40 14 37.7 75 46 35.0 75 46 26.8 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BE TWEEN MONOCACY AND POTTSTOWN. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Monocacy station, canal at, bridge over, west end end, north abutment of, bronze triangulation tablet, ..... .............. Douglasville, road crossing at, 3 feet south of south rail, 10-No. 7 . 40 15 22.6 40 15 17.5 75 46 04.7 75 43 38.2 144 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY... Stations. Latitude. Oi 40 14 56.4 • Longitude. 0 ' " 75 42 16.9 Douglasville, 1.37 miles east of, road crossing,.... Pottstown, 165 feet west of station, Pennsylvania Railroad tracks, culvert under, south end of, bronze tablet, .. ........ Pottstown, Pennsylvania Railroad station, doorsill of, copper bolt, 40 14 34.2 75 39 05.8 40 14 33.8 75 39 03.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGIIWAYS. 1 Il 1 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 75 37 41.0 75 35 51.2 75 34 26.5 75 32 37.4 75 31 20.9 • East Pottstown, four corners at, .............. 40 14 39.1 Sanavoga postoffice, crossroads at, ..... ......... 40 14 41.6 Four corners, ........ 40 14 37.7 St. James South Church, 0.5 mile west of four corner's, ..... 40 14 25.8 Limerick postoffice, four corners at, 40 13 51.5 Limerick, 1. mile east of Linderman's brick house, 600 feet east of, culvert under road, bronze tablet, 40 13 04.7 Four corners, .... 40 12 53.6 Four corners, 40 12 25.6 Limerick station, 3 miles, road to, .... 40 11 46.3 Mingo Mills, .............................. 40 11 07.1 Rogers Hord, 2 miles east of, four corners, ...... .40 10 35.0 Philadelphia and Reading Railway tunnel, in road . over, 40 OS 40.4 Phoenixville, Pennsylvania Railroad girder bridge. over Main street, north abutment of, bench mark (127), 40 OS 13.1 Phoenixville, Main Street, south end of, road forks, ......... 40 07 24.9 Williams corners, 150 feet north of, four corners, 40 06 35.1 Road southeast, ....., 40 05 40.1 Devault postoffice, four corners at, .............. 40 04 28.6 Road west, .. 40 03 33.2 75 30 18.8 75 30 00.5 75 30 28.3 75 31 07.5 75 51 13.2 75 30 16.2 • 75 30 50.6 75 30 59.2 75 30 48.1 75 30 45.0 75 30 56.8 75 32 10.3 75 32 04.0 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BE- TWEEN MALVERN AND WOODBINE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. Malvern postoffice, crossing of Lancaster pike cul- vert of Pennsylvania Railroad at, lower course, north wing, bronze triangulation tablet, ....... Overhead crossing, station is between tracks, ..... Glen Lock station, center of tracks opposite, ... Ship Road station, road crossing at, ... Whiteland station, opposite (north of track), ... Whiteferd station, opposite (north of track), .... Bradford Hills station (north of track), ......... Woodbine station (north of track), ............ ale ......... 40 02 36.6 40 02 09.9 40 01 46.3 40 01 23.5 40 01 10.2 40 00 52.9 40 00 21.9 40 00 19.2. 75 31 25.1 75 33 33.0 75 35 06.3 75 36 32.2 75 37 19.8 75 38 20.8 75 39 45.8 75 41 07.3 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 146 BERKS, CHESTER AND LANCASTER COUNTIES; HONEYBROOK QUAD- RANGLE. The following géographic positions were determined in the spring of 1904 from primary traverse by Mr. E. L. McNair, topographer. The line starts from an adjusted traverse position at Downington and follows highways westward and northward along border of quad- rangle to Beartown triangulation station of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, thence northward and eastward to traverse po- sition near Monocacy station. Positions are given on the United States standard datum. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 00 10.5 75 42 08.0 40 00 09.8 40 00 38.7 40 01 59.1 40 01. 40.5 77 42 28.9 75 43 13.8 75 45 50.5 75 47 46.8 ........ ........... 40 01 54.5 75 49 39.6 ................. 40 01 59.7 40 02 32.0 40 02 29.3 75 50 20.2 75 51 37.7 75 52 49.8 ............... TU. Downingtown freight station, .. ........ Downingtown station, 700 feet east of, stone via- duct over high way, stone arch of, tablet in coping stone of, stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 255,".. Road north, ............. Guthrieville, four corners at, . Reeceville, road north (Manor, 2 miles), ... Cedar Knoll station, 0.25 miles east of, four corners at blacksmith shop; ....... Forks of road (Martins Corners, 2 miles ; Rockville, 2 miles), ....... Martins Corners, four corners at, ............. Brook crossing, .... Gottlieb Wolf's house (Sandy Hill, 2 miles), 800 feeť northeast of; forks of road, .. Four corners, .... Sadsbury, road south, four miles north of, ........ Compass, four corners at, ...................... Compass, Chester County, St. John's Church, alum- inum bench mark tablet on door step of, stamped "520 ft." ........ Cains post-office, four corners at, ... Road northeast, ................................ Tequea post-office, stream crossing, 0.25 mile east of Pequea church, forks of road at corner of church- yard, ....................................... Alert post-office, T corners, 1,800 feet east of, 150 feet north of William Hyman's house, Alert post-office, four corners at George Rancks, about 0.5 mile west of, ........................ Top of mountain, four corners near, .............. Beartown triangulation station, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, . Cedar Lane, 0.8 mile south of, forks of road south- east, .............. 40 02 22.8 40 01 48.7 40 01 21.2 40 01 22.6 75 53 36.0 75 54 05.5 75 55 34.6 75 56 34.0 40 01 24.1 40 01 37.8 40 01 43.6 40 02 05.3 75 56 39.5 75 57 15.8 75 57 54.2 75 59 36.8 40 03 04.9 75 59 33.5 40 04 20.2 75 59 08.9 40 03 56.4 40 04 37.5 75 59 59.6 76 00 51.8 .......... 40 04 52.0 76 00 48.5 40 05 38.6 76 01 16.9 Cust, I I . . . ....... . .. . .. , 146 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 06 22.8 76 01 28.5 40 06 35.0 40 07 32.3 40 08 09.0 76 00 26.8 76 00 12.9 76 00 51.3 40 08 41.0 76 00 37.8 ............ 40 09 29.9 76 00 13.9 40 09 49.4 40 10 25.3 40 11 36.4 76 00 29.7 76 00 31.0 75 59 55.2 Cedar Lane station, crossing Downingtown and Lan- caster branch, Pennsylvania Railroad, .......... Goodville, 1.5 miles south of, T. corners 130 feet west of Sorrel Horse hotel, ....... Goodville, corner at Sensenig Hardware Co. store, Goodville, four corners 1 mile northwest of, ...... Conestoga Creek, near house of Peter Sander, cen- ter of iron bridge over, ...... Frank Martin's house, Troad at, to Churchtown, 3 miles; to Bowmansville, 4 miles, ..., Samuel H. Hollinger's house, small pasture on east side of road near, bronze tablet cemented in large bowlder, in a rocky mass of bowlders, stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta.” Azimuth to corner of porch of house, 218° ; distance, 162 feet, .............. Schoolhouse, four corners at, ......... ........... Abraham Shirk's house, load west near, ..., Lancaster and Berks counties, opposite county line stonc, ...................................... Bowmansville, 3 miles northeast of, Thomas Moore's house, 500 feet west of, forks of road,.. Alleghenyville, 1 mile southeast of, John Free's new storehouse, in large bowlder near fence on east side of road, 200 feet north of, bronze tablet, Alleghenyville, 0.75 mile southwest of, four corners, Albert Kramer's mill, three corners, 400 feet north of, ........................... Plowville, 2 miles north of, road south, .......... Road corners, ...... Beckersville hotel and post-office, signboard at, .... Road crossing, Beckersville 0.5 mile, Gibraltar 4.5 miles, ......... ....... Four corners, Beckersville 1.5 miles, White Bear 2 miles, Plowville 1 mile, Birdsboro 5 miles, .... 40 12 30.0 75 59 02.0 40 12 33.6 75 58 45.7 40 13 31.9 40 13 40.4 75 58 49.8 75 58 48.1 ........... 40 13 49.4 40 13 59.1 40 14 18.8 40 14 02.2 75 57 06.3 75 56 08.3 75 55 15.1 75 54 31.2 . ..........., 40 14 01.2 75 53 49.4 40 13 48.9 75 53 01.8 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG WILMINGTON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. .................... 40 13 35.0 40 13 53.9 40 14 31.2 75 51 04.9 75 50 46... : 75 49 41.9 White Bear station, east end of bridge, about 120 feet north of, aluminum tablet in south abutment of, stamped “345,” ....... Road crossing, ...... Water tank, road crossing 580 feet south of, ..... South Birdsboro flag station, road crossing 200 feet south of, ......... ...... Birdsboro station, 150 feet east of, copper bolt in top stone of east abutment, north end, ........ Road crossing 0.25 mile east of milepost 47-48, .... Monocacy station, road crossing at, ............ ............. 40 15 16.6 75 48 50.2 40 15 51.6 40 15 40.0 40 15 23.8 75 48 21.6 75 47 17.1 75 46 05,9 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 147 LAWRENCE AND MERCER COUNTIES, NESHANNOCK QUADRANGLE. The following geographic positions were obtained from primary traverse run in 1904 by Mr. J. R. Ellis. The line starts from a posi- tion at Sharon on the Ohio-Pennsylvania State line and follows high- ways east to Mercer; thence south over highways and the Pennsyl- vania Railroad through Volant to McCaslin; thence west over high- ways through Newcastle and Edenburg, and ties to Ohio-Pennsy). vania State line monument, No. 65 1-3, at Lowellville. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 13 55.1 SO 31 09.2 41 13 59.0 80 29 11.3 41 13 59.8 SO 28 17.5 .............. 41 14 00.0 80 27 21.9 41 14 07.6 90 25 58.9 41 14 11.2 80 25 05.7 41 14 15.7 80 24 20.5 41 14 14.4 SO 23 15.8 Shanon, Ohio-Pcnusylvania State 'line monument No. 51, ..... Sharon, Troad south at Baptist Church in east part of, ...... Sharon, crossroads 2 miles east of ; 30 feet southeast to guidepost, ..... ........ Sharon, Troad near schoolbouse, 3 miles east of; 30 feet northwest to corner fence post, 24 fcet northeast to W. Kerr's mail box, ... Sharon, crossroads 4 miles east of; 40 feet south- west to guidepost, 25 feet northeast to D. De Forest's mail box, ...... T road north, 12 feet southeast to mail box, 30 feet northeast to cross on telephone pole, ....... Crossroads, 25 feet southwest to pump, 40 feet northeast to signboard, .............. T road south, 22 feet southwest to west end of culvert, ... ....... Charleston crossroads 0.75 mile west of; 20 feet northwest to Reno's mail box, 30 feet northeast to cross on telephone pole, ......... Hill or Charleston, on property of Mrs. Mary Buchanon; cross on northeast corner of stone foundation Buchanon Hotel bears S. 2° 15' E., distant 17.6 feet; southeast corner of stone founda- tion to E. A. Beal's store bear's N. 54° 10' W., distant 110.5 feet; in top of sandstone post, alum- inum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1,”.. Charleston, crossroads 1 mile east of, 36 feet south- · west to guidepost, 25 feet southcast to south end of culvert, ........... .................. Road south, 20 feet north to property of W. H. Wallace, 30 feet southwest to west end of culvert, Mercer, crossroads 3.75 miles east of ; 27 feet north to guidepost, 22 feet southwest to cross on tele- phone pole, .................................. 41 14 14.7 SO 41 14 13.4 80 21 37.3 41 14 06.3 80 20 26.0 41 14 02.5 80 19 33.2 41 14 02.8 80 18 24.1 148 T Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 13 39.5 80 16 49.3 T road north, 30 feet northwest to cross on rail fence, 24 feet south to cross on west rail fence post, ...... Mercer, Tuoad north 1.25 miles west of; 27 feet south to cross on gate; 30 feet northeast to cross on rail fence, ..... ......... Mercer, in Mercer County C. H., tablet No. 2, ... T road west, 30 feet southeast to corner fence post, 42 feet southwest of maple tree, .. ........ Hope Mills, road crossing north and south, ...... 41 13 33.6 41 13 37.1 80 14 20.0 41 12 44.0 41 12 27.5 SO 14 15.7 80 13 39.4 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BE- TWEEN MILBURN AND VOLANT. Stations. Latitude Longitude. ...... 41 10 50.3 41 10 07.0 SO 13 53.8 SO 13 38.9 .......... 41 09 26.8 41 08 33.9 41 07 53. 8 80 13 50.3 SO 14 25.2 S O 14 27.1 Private road crossing, ...... Milburn, road crossing east and west, ..... Standard oil pump station, road crossing northeast and southwest, ....... Banbury, road crossing at station, ......... Private road crossing, 1,330 feet north of spur, .. Volant, in southeast corner of B. Hemstreet's garden; cross on northeast corner of foundation to N. W. Aller's stable bears S. 15° 30' W., dis- tant 22.9 feet; cross on northwest corner of foun- dation to stable bear's S. 59° 45' E., distant 112.9 feet, iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5,” 41 06 50: 9 8 0 15 28.7 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Latitude Longitude. 41 05 41.0 SO 15 48.7 41 04 50.2 SO 15 53.9 ' 41 03 53.6 80 15 57.2 State road crossing and road east and west, ...... Rich Hill schoolhouse, crossroads 0.5 mile south of; 30 feet northwest to fence post, 27 feet southwest to corner yard fence, ........... .............. Volant, T road 3.5 miles south of ; 27 feet northwest to guidepost, 42 feet to cross on large sugar- maple tree, ....... Esterbrook, crossroads 0.5 mile east of; 40 feet southeast to guidepost, 40 feet northwest to Smith's mail box, ........ Crossroads, 24 feet southwest to guidepost, 21 feet southeast to W. Warnock's mail box, ........... McCaslin, in northeast corner of J. A. Hickathorn's property, southwest corner of Ilouck's store bear's S. 23° 25' E., distance 206 feet; cross on north- east corner of foundation to J. I. Hickathorn's house bears S. 34° 45' W., distance 206.5 feet; in sandstone post, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav, Sta. No: 6,” ....... ... 41 02 42.2 SO 16 03.4 41 01 56.7 80 15 30.9 41 00 49,4 80 15 25,6 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 149 Longitude.. 80 17 03.8 80 18 45.4 ............. 80 20 22.0 SO 21 19.8 Stations. Latitude. Or McCaslin, T road south 1.5 miles west of; 36 feet southwest to letter box, 30 feet southwest to cross on corner fence post, ....... 41 00 44.7 School house, road north 0.25 miles west of, ...... 41 00 37.7 Newcastle, in southeast corner of base to north . meridian stone in court house yard; south meridian stone bears due S. 119.1 feet distant; aluminum tablet “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 7,” .... 40 59 57.6 Newcastle, crossing of West Grand avenue and Locust street; center of station car tracks, .... 41. 00 11.5 Newcastle, crossroads at schoolhouse 1 mile west of; 45 feet southeast to guidepost, 27 feet north- west to United States letter box, .............. 41 00 23.5 Summit schoolhouse, load north just west of ...... 41 00 40.1 Newcastle, crossroads 3 miles west of; 27 feet southwest to telephone pole, 27 feet northeast to cross on telephone pole, ........... .................. 41 00 58.S. Road north, 12 feet north to John Haney mail box, 45 feet northwest to John Pfeils mail box, ...... 41 01 15.8 Edensburg, crossroads 1 mile north of; 36 feet southwest to guidepost; 43 feet southeast to cross : on 'telephone pole, 41 01 32.1 SO 22 37.8 SO 23 31.3 SO 24 24.0 80 25 10.4 30 26 01.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Stations Latitude Longitude... Hillsville and Edenburg, road crossing of Pennsyl- vania Railroad, Private load crossing, ......... ........... Hillsville, road crossing, ... Quaker Creek, load crossing south of bridge over, .. Ohio-Pennsylvania State line monument No. 65 1-3, 41 00 49.1 41 01 07.9. 41 01 09.4 41 01 35.9 41 01 27.3 SO 26 36.6 SO 27 40.3 80 29 21.6 SO 30 23.8 80 31 08.3 CUMBERLAND, DAUPHIN AND YORK COUNTIES, NEW CUMBERLAND QUADRANGLE. The following geographic positions were obtained from primary traverse run in 1905 by Mr. J. R. Ellis. The line starts from a posi- tion at York located in 1899 by primary traverse, and follows north along the Northern Central Railroad to Middletown and north over highways to Rutherford station; thence west over the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad to Harrisburg; thence southeast along high- ways to Mechanicsburg; thence south along highways, and connects with Round-top trangulation station (Coast and Geodatic Survey); continues south to Hall; thence east along highways through Dover to starting point at York, 150 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL- ROAD BETWEEN YORK AND MIDDLETOWN. Stations Latitude Longitude. ...................................... 39 57 20.1 76 43 36.8 York, south meridian stone; in Pennsylvania Park. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, having a bronze tablet cemented in its top set 36 inches in ground, 430 feet east of center of - Water street and 57 feet north of center of Fulton street, .... York, Pennsylvania Railroad crossing, at York Chemical Works (west track,) ...... Cordons Crcek, center pier of bridge over, ..... Road crossing under trestle No. 100, Emigsville station, ..... Overhcad crossing, Mount Wolf station, Road crossing under trestle, 116, .... Junction with cut off to Philadelphia, ..... York Haven, road crossing at station, ...... Cly postoffice, in southeast corner of foundation, bronze tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1, 1905,” .......... Milepost 67, ......... . ........................................ Goldsboro station, ... Middletown Ferry station, road crossing 0.5 mile south of, ............ ........... Middletown, southwest corner of National Tube Co.'s pumping station, . .. 39 58 32.8 39 59 51.0 40 00 31.5 40 01 12.3 40 02 22.3 40 03 54.2 40 04 48.2 40 05 36.2 40 06 40.6 76 43 21.0 76 43 18.7 76 42 57.0 76 43 38.1 76 43 18.5 76 42 32.7 76 41 56.9 76 42 02.9 76 42 45.8 ...: 40 07 20.7 40 08 04.3 40 09 14.0 76 44 04.0 76 44 44.4 76 44 56.6 ..................... 40 10 14.6 76 45 07.2 40 11 16.3 76 44 42.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations Latitude Longitude. 40 11 42. 1 40 12 46.4 7 6 43 53.1 76 44 08.6 ........................... 40 13 48.0 76 44 17.0 Middletown, crossing of Emaus and Union streets, Coble schoolhouse, forks of road, ...... ....... Ulrichs Corners, crossroads, 21 feet northwest to cross on corner fence; 25 feet northeast to cross on corner fence post, ..... Elbow Farm, in south west corner of Adam Greig- rich's stone outhouse, cross and “U. S. G. S.” cut in, primary traverse station No. 2, ............ T road south, at Ray Delauoc's residence, 27 feet southwest to cross on telephone pole, 32 feet southeast to corner yard feuce, ..............., 40 14 48.8 76 44 09.8 40 15 37.5 76 44 55.1 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 15.1 GLÔGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD BETWEEN RUTHERFORD AND HARRISBURG. Stations Latitude Longitude, . 40 15 47.3 ................................. 76 46 41.7 Rutherford station, overhead road crossing 0.75 mile east of, ........ Rutherford station, road crossing 50 feet south of waiting shed, ......... Overhead road crossing, ....... Paxtang station, road crossing 50 feet east of, .... Harrisburg, Ninth street overhead crossing, ...... 40 15 33.3 40 15 17.4 40 15 28.1 40 15 27.0 76 47 38.4 76 48 31.7 76 49 55.6 76 51 22.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG ILIGHWAYS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ............................ 76 53 00.6 76 53 28.3 ............................... 76 54 48.0 76 56 05.7 ............. 76 57 40.2 76 58 59.7 76 59 55.4 76 59 39.3 Harrisburg, in southeast corner of State Library, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Tray. Sta. No. 3". elevation 364, .. * 40 15 48.2 Harrisburg, south end of Water street bridge, .... 40 15 01.1 Camp Hill, electric railway tracks at T road south at top of hill, ....... 40 14 24.6 Crossroads at turn of electric railway, ............ 40 14 23.6 St. John's Church, Crossroads 0.5 mile northwest of; 63 fect southeast to guidepost, 27 feet north- east to cross on board fence, .. 40 14 16.0 Road south, 45 feet south to mailbox, 25 feet south- west to cross on corner fence post, ..... .... 40 14 24.1 Salem Methodist Church, in north end of stone wall at northwest corner of, stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4, 1905,"......... .................. 40 14 43.9 Mechanicsburg, Troad northwest 1 mile northeast of, ............. ...... 40 13 45.9 Mechanicsburg, in brick high school, bronze tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5, 1905," elevation 40 12 40.1 Y road south, 16 feet east of telephone pole, 24 feet southwest to cross on board fence, .. 40 12 09.9 Graham schoolhouse, crossroads, ... 40 11 31.1 Shepherdstown, crossroads 0.25 mile northeast of; 35 feet south to guidepost, 19 feet east to north end of culvert, .......... 40 10 48.3 Brumarsdale, Philadelphia and Reading overhead crossing 400 feet west of station, .............. 40 09 58.0 Siddonsburg, crossroads, 21 feet east to guidepost, 24 feet north west to southwest corner of post- office, ...... 40 OS 46.5 Monagham, in north corner of foundation to Church of God, bronze tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 6," ......... ........ 40 08 11.4 Meyers schoolhouse, crossroads, 19 feet south to mailbox, 36 feet northeast to guidepost, ........ 40 07 30.5 456, ....... ...... 77 00 41.0; ...... 77 00 00.2 76 59 30.2 76 59 22.8 76 58 41.3 ................................ 57 57.9 76 57 48.2 76 56 31.7 152 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. - - me .................. · Stations. · Latitude Longitude. Round Top triangulation station: Of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in Warrington Township, 8 miles east of Dillsburg. Station mark: A sandstone post 18 by 6 by 6 inches set 15 inches in ground and resting on a flat rock having cross lines cut on its upper surface, ............ 40 06 13.24 76 55 34.14 Beaver Creek, west end of bridge over, ........... 40 05 32.0 76 55 58.8 T road south at schoolhouse, ..., 40 05 19.4 76 56 54.4 Crossroads, guidepost, ........ 40 04 11.2 76 57 10.9 Mount Pleasant schoolhouse, T road east just north .. of, 27 feet northeast to guidepost, 33 feet south- east to end of wire fence, .... ....... 40 03 37.7 76 57 57.4 Cross roads, ....... 40 03 11.6 70 58 10.8 Hall, guidepost at crossroads, 1 mile northwest of, 4:0 02 06. 0 7 6 59 20.4 Hall, in southwest corner of stone wall of Dr. F. Shelley's front yard, bronze tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 7,” ... ............. 40 01 11.2 76 58 57.3 Bermudian Creek, northwest end of covered bridge over, ........ 40 00 30.6 76 57 46.9 Road northeast, 300 feet south of school house, .... 39 59 16.3 76 56 58.1 Steel bridge, rest end of, ..... 39 59 15.5 76 55 54.1 Davidsburg, T road north just west of hotel,...... 39 59 00.9 76 53 40.5 Davidsburg, crossroads 1 mile east of, 21 feet north- west to guidepost, 18 feet south to cross on post, 39 58 56.0 76 52 18.2 Salem Church, load southeast, . 39 59 25.2 76 51 33.2 Dover, in stone foundation to White Hall Hotel just east of ladies entrance, bronze tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 8,” ........... ....... 40 00 04.1 76 51 00.9 Road southwest, 21 feet south to guidepost, 18 feet southwest to east end of culvert, .......... 39 59 02.1 76 49 26.1 Katz Mill, east end of iron bridge over Little Conewago Creek, ...... 39 58 50.2 76 48 23.9 Blacksmith shop, road southwest, .............. 39 58 34. 4 7 6 47 32.0 Road southwest, 22 feet south to guidepost, 19. feet north to cross on telephone pole, .......... 39 57 48.0 76 45 50.6 York, Carlyle road crossing of Pennsylvania Rail- load, ....... ................ 39 57 28.0 76 44 56.5 BERKS AND LANCASTER COUNTIES, NEW HOLLAND QUADRANGLE. The following geographic positions were determined in 1905 by primary traverse run by Mr. C. B. Kendal, field assistant. The line starts at Pequea in Salisburg township, Lancaster county, and runs westerly via highways nearly to Lancaster thence northerly to Dur- lach, in Clay township, thence easterly via Adamstown to Allegheny. ' ville in Berks county. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations Latitude Longitude. C 40 02 01.9 : 76 00 33.7 Pequea, Unity Evangelical Church, road corners, .. Milwood schoolhouse, 40 feet northwest to oak in school yard, 12 feet southeast to telephone pole, road corners, ........ ....... 40 01 04. 9 7 6 01 05.9 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.' 153 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 00 41.4 76 02 48.4 40 00 02. 5 7 6 04 48.6 40 00 17.3 76 06 19.9 40 00 32.1 70 07 31.0 40 00 35.2 76 07 45.0 40 00 53.6 76 09 19.5 40 01 07.1: 76 10 27.6 ............ 40 01 06.4 76 12 06.2 Buyerstown, 80 feet southeast to cornerstone to blacksmith shop, 25 feet northwest to signpost gap, 2.25, 4 corners, ...... Vintage postoffice, 50 feet north to corner of porch, 50 feet southwest to corner of dwelling, 120 feet south to P. R. R., 4 corners, ................... Toll gate, 25 feet northeast to corner yard fence, 40 feet southwest to corner school yard fence, 150 feet east of 4 corners, ........ Paradise, road corners at Odd Fellows Hall, 70 fcet southeast to corner of hall, 30 feet southwest to comer front yard, ........ ........ Paradise postoffice, 400 feet west of; at southeast corner of A. R. Hershey's store, in south face of stone wall, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. · Sta. No. 8, 1905,” ............................ Sandersburg, 4 corners, 40 feet northeast to corner · yard fence, 25 feet south to maple at brick store, Sandersburg, 1 mile west of 4 corners, 20 feet north to telephone pole, 10 feet south to trolley line, .i Pleasant View schoolhouse, 1 mile east of; 20 feet northeast to sign post, 45 feet west to locust tree, 4 corners, ...... ....... Pleasant View schoolhouse, 75 feet west of, on north side of east and west road, in face of large limestone boulder, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 9, 1905," ... Mill Creek, 0.5 mile southeast of; 4 corners, 20 feet southwest to corner rail and wire fence, 40 feet northwest to corner rail and wire fence, .... Tertility, 0.5 mile northwest of; 3 corners, 35 feet south to telephone pole, 50 feet northeast to white gate, .............. Lancaster and Bird-in-Hand Pike, road corners, 35 feet southeast to corner of fence, 35 feet south- west to corner fence, ..., Four corners, 35 feet northeast to corner of fence and 1 mile post, 12 feet northwest to corner rail fence, ........ ..... Four corners, 25 feet north to corner fence and sign, 35 feet nontheast to corner wire fence, .... Mechanicsburg, 2 mile southwest of; 3 corners, 125 feet north to corner of fence and sign, 15 feet east to corner wire and rail fence, ...... ....... New Holland Pike, 4 corners, center of trolley track and north and south road, .... Bushion's Mill, 0.5 mile south of; 4 corners, 25 feet southeast to maple, 15 feet southwest to sign post, ........ Oregon, forks of road at east end of, 12 feet north to phone pole, 40 feet southwest to front yard 40 00 46.6 76 13 21.1 40 01 11.6 76 14 18.9 40 01 58.9 76 14 44.8 40 02 24.2 76 14 12.2 58.1 76 13 39.6 40 03 23.3 76 12 55.3 40 04 03.4 76 13 23.5 ............ 40 04 54.0 76 14 04.1 40 05 49.4 76 14 18.5 fence, .. 40 06 55.8 76 14 34.9 154 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 07 51.6 76 13 03.1 40 07 52.3 76 13 03.0 40 08 46.0 76 13 51.6. 40 09 19.3 76 14 19.08 40 09 46.8 76 14 10.9 40 10 34.4 76 13 30.8 40 11 18.6 40 11 58.4 76 13 34.2 76 13 10.0 40 13 18.0 76 13 22.0 West Earl, 4 corners, 20 feet northwest to sign post, ........... West Earl Inn, southwest corner of, west fence, bronze tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 10, 1905," "Elev. 300 feet," ..... West Earl, 1.25 miles northwest of; road corners at yellow house, 30 feet southwest to corner fence and mile post, 15 feet northeast to corner yard. fence, ...... ..... Rothville, 0.25 mile northeast of; forks of road, 15 feet northwest to signpost, 15 feet south to corner small white crib, ...... ......... Millway station, 700 feet north of, in stone door sill of front of Brubaker's mill bronze tablet stamped “Prim. Tray. Sta. No. 11, 1905,” “Clev. 316 feet," ............. Millway station, 1.25 miles northeast of: 4 corners, 10 feet east to corner rail fence, 90 feet west to signboard, 35 feet south to stump, ........ Durlach, 3 miles south of; 4 corners, 15 feet north- east to corner front yard fence, 15 feet west to corner front yard fence, ............. Durlach, 2.25 miles south of; forks of road, .... Durlach, 0.75 mile south of, 3 corners, 20 feet west to signpost, 45 feet north to front yard gate, ... Durlach, 4 corners, 45 feet west to large willow, 70 feet northeast to southwest corner of brick store, ....... Durlach 0.5 mile north of; road corners at Mt. Airy Hotel, 50 feet to bench mark, Durlach, 0.5 mile north of; in south wall at south- east corner of Mt. Airy Hotel, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 12, 1905," ...... Mt. Airy Hotel, 0.75 mile east of; 15 feet north- east to corner fence painted “U. S. 536,” ...... Schoeneck, 1 mile west of; 4 corners, 25 feet north- east to signpost, 30 feet southwest to post painted 460, i.. ....... Schoeneck, 5 corners at, 40 feet southeast to north- west corner of hotel, 20 feet northwest to corner of fence, ..... Schoeneck, 0.75 mile southeast of ; 3 corners 25 feet northwest to signpost, 12 feet east to tree on fence line, ............... Denver, 1 mile north of and 0.25 mile west of P. and R. Ry., 4 corners, 20 feet northeast to post painted “U. S. 461," 157 feet to bench mark, ............ Denver, 1 mile north of; in east wall at southeast corner of small stone residence, of Mrs. Rachael Walter, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 13, 1905," .. ....... ............................... 76 13 49.0 40 14 20.2 76 13 43.2 40 14 20.4 76 13 43.8. 40 14 27.0 76 12 53.2 40 14 39.5 70 11 38.3 40 14 29.9 76 10 33.5 40 14 17.9 ................ 76 09 44.4 40 14 37.9 76 07 54.0 40 14 39.4 76 07 53.3 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 155 . Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 14 41.4 76 06 16.3 40 14 35.7 76 05 01.5 40 14 28.9 76 03 39.7 Adamstown, 2.5 miles west of; 4 corners, 25 feet · morth to sigo post, 40 feet northeast to corner of fence, ......... Achamstown, 1.25 miles west of; 3 corners, 30 feet northwest to signboard, ...................... Adamstown, 1.25 miles east of; center of Conestoga Traction Company's tracks, at forks of road, 20 feet north to telephone pole painted “U. S. 489,” Lancaster and Berks County line stone monument at crossing of Reading and Lancaster pike, ...... Alleghenyville, 1.75 miles northwest of; 3 corners 100 feet northwest of schoolhouse, 10 feet north- east to corner rail fence, 35 feet southeast to corner rail fence, ......... Alleghenyville, 1 mile northwest of; 4 corners, at Eight Mile House, 60 feet southeast to windmill, 60 feet northeast to front entrance hotel, ........ Alleghenyville, northwest corner of stone church, .. 40 14 53.4 76 02 44.2 ............. .. 40 14 49.0 76 00 48.1 . 40 14 41.4 40 14 03.9 75 59 55.7 75 59 20.6 DAUPHIN, LEBANON AND YORK COUNTIES, MIDDLETOWN QUAD- RANGLE. The following geographic positions were determined by Mr. C. B. Kendall, field assistaut, in October, 1905. The line begins at Ruth- erford station, Philadelphia and Reading Railway, in Dauphin county, and runs easterly along higlways via Hummelstown, Hockersville and Bachmanville to Colebroke in the southwestern corner of Lebanon county, thence southerly via Miltou Grove and Florin to Columbia, thence southwesterly via Wrightsville and Hellam to York. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations Latitude Longitude. 40 15 47.3 70 46 41.7 40 15 46.0 76 44 55.5 Kutherford station, 0.75 mile east of; center of 1:01th track und-1" overhead road (lossius, ...... Rutherford station, :.5 miles cast of: 200 l-et west of brick store, 3 corners, 35 feet west to telephone pole, 50 feet southeast to corner of yard fence, .. Hummelstown, 1.25 miles west of; T road to north, 40 feet northwest to corner of board fence, 40 feet southeast to telephone pole, .............. Hummelstown, center of car track at center of Main and Hanover streets intersection, 70 feet southeast to northwest corner of brick house, TO feet northeast to southwest corner of stone house, Hummelstown, 1 mile east of; T road to south, 15 fect soutlı to car track. 30 feet southeast to corner of fence, ...... ... 40 15 42. 1 7 6 43 45.6 40 15 55. 3 7 6 42 28.9 40 16 01.6 76 41 09.8 156 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 16 23.1 76 39 22.2 40 15 55.4 76 38 40.7 40.15 20.7 76 37 56.4 40 15 08.4 76 37 43.9. 40 14 22.8 76 36 41.3 40 14 34.8 76 35 44.0 40 14 15.7 76 35 08.5 40 14 37.4 76 33 50.4 Hockersville, 4 corners, 30 feet southwest to north- east corner of stone blacksmith shop, 60 feet north- west to center of trolley track, ....... ........ Hockersville, 4 corners, 0.75 miles southeast of, 150 fect northwest of Fishbaru church, 30 feet north- east to corner of cemetery fence, 40 feet south- east to locust tree, ............. ........ Vian, in face of southeast corner of stone blacksmith shop, at forks of road, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1, 1905," ............. Vian, 0.25 mile southeast of; 3 corners at rock schoolhouse, .... ............... ....... Bachmanville, 4 corners, 1.25 miles southwest of, 30 feet southeast to corner of fence; 30 feet northwest to corner of fence and signboard, .... Bachmanville, 4 corners, 30 feet north to corner of fence and signboard, 40 feet east to corner of iron fence, .......: ....... Bachmanville, 0.6 mile southeast of; crossing of county line between Dauphin and Lebanon counties, ........ Lawn, 1 mile north of; 4 corners at Yellow school- house, 30 feet northeast to corner of fence, 50 feet southeast to northwest comer of schoolhouse, Colebrook station, 1.5 miles northwest of; forks of road, 40 feet northwest to signpost, 20 feet south to rail fence, .... Colebrook station, 0.5 mile northwest of; forks of road at schoolhouse, 40 feet south to signpost, 50 feet southeast to stone gatepost, ................ Colebrook station, 750 feet north of; opposite “The Mansion," in west wall at northwest corner of stone tenant house of Monroe Shupp, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2, 1905,” Colebrook station, 1.25 miles southeast of, T road west, 25 feet southwest to signpost, ............ Colebrook station, 1.5 miles southeast of, stone county line post, between Lebanon and Lancaster counties, .................................... County line post, 1.12 mile southwest of, forks of road, 200 feet south of brick schoolhouse, 10 feet west to rail fence, 25 feet east to rail fence, .... Brandts (Aaron), residence, forks of road 200 feet west to forked cherry tree, 20 feet south to rail fence, ......... ............. Milton Grove Cemetery, 1 mile north of 4 corners, 30 feet northeast to corner yard fence and sign- 40 14 46. 3 76 32 15.5 40 14. 46.6 76 31 06.6 40 14 25.3 76 30 45.6 40 13 19.7 76 30 18.8 40 13 00.2 76 30 19.6 76 30 56.8 40 11 10.1 76 31 08.3 40 10 51.4 76 32 02.4 board, 40 feet southeast to red gate, .......... Milton Grove Cemetery, forks of road, 50 feet northwest to cemetery gate, 5 feet east to rail fence, ....Loren,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.... 40 10 04.6 76 32 11.8 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 157 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 09 45. 3 7 6 31 56.7 40 09 05.0 76 31 12.0 40 08 18. 9 7 6 31 53.4 40 07 25.1 76 31 34.3 40 06 54.8 76 31 27.6 40 06 76 31 28.2 40 05 29.7 76 31 13.0 40 04 46.4 76 30 44.9 Milton Grove, 4 corners, 30 feet southwest to corner of stone wall, 40 feet west to corner stone wall, .. Milton Grove, 1 mile southeast of, 4 corners, 35 feet southeast to locust tree and signboard, 30 feet northwest to sassafras tree, ...... Milton Grove, 2 miles south of; 200 feet west of school-house, T road south, 20 feet south to sign- post, 50 feet east to guy wire pole, ........... Florin, 0.75 mile northwest of ; T road east, 25 feet southwest to corner wire fence, 30 feet northeast to two locust trees, ........ Florin, intersection of streets at Florin Hotel, 20 feet northwest to southeast corner of watering trough, 40 feet northeast to locust tree, ...... Florin Hotel, in south wall at southeast corner of brick foundation to porch, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 3, 1905, .... Florin, 1.75 milés southeast of: 4 corners at schoolhouse, 25 feet east to telephone pole, 30 feet northwest to rail fence, ................ .... Florin, 2.75 miles southeast of; roads west and north, 30 feet east to signpost, 20 feet north to stone wall, ..... ......... Big Chiquesalunga Creek, center of covered bridge over, line between Rapho and East Hempfield townships, ..... .......... .............. Kinderhook, 4. corners, 35 feet west to corner of, shop, 40 feet southeast to corner of store, .... Columbia, intersection of 7th and Chestnut sts., Columbia, North Central Ry. bridge over Susque- hanna river, in capstone at southeast corner of east shore abutment, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Tav. Sta. No. 4, 1905,”............ Wrightsville, 3 corners at small triangular grass plot, street to north, 40 feet north to two old cannon, 10 feet south to center of trolley track, Wrightsville, 0.75 mile southwest of, T road north at old blacksmith shop, 35 feet northwest to signboård, 15 feet south to trolley track, ... Wrightsville, 1.75 miles southwest of; T road north, 10 feet south to trolley track, 30 feet northwest to corner fence,.... Hellam, Evangelical Lutheran church, 1.5 miles northeast of; 4 corners, 15 feet south to trolley track, 25 feet northeast to street car waiting room, ................. Hellam, Evangelical Lutheran Church, 0.6 mile northeast of; 4 corners, 25 feet northeast to corner yard, fence and signboard, 15 feet south to trolley track, "!!!!!!..... 40 04 08.4 76 30 00.6 40 03 11.0 40 02 16.7 76 29 56.6 76 29 56.8 40 01 54. 5 7 6 30 35.0 40 01 29. 9 7 6 32 03.2 40 01 17.8 76 32 57.4 40 01 04.2 76 33 59.0 40 00 45.6 76 34 58.1 40 00 29.8 76 35 48.4 158 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. - Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ................ 76 36 26.8 40 00 14.8 ............ Fellam Evangelical Lutheran Church, in north wall of stone foundation and cast of entrance to, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. 5, 1905," Stoney Brook station, 0.8 mile northeast of, T road north, 25 feet northwest to corner trolley station, 10 feet south to trolley track, ........ Stony Brook station, center of Pennsylvania Rail- road and Pike road crossing, ....... 39 59 41.6 76 37 59.2 39 59 13.2 76 38 40.3 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, STONY. BROOK TO YORK STATION Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ........ 39 58 59.8 76 39 53.5 39 58 48.2 76 40 57.4 76 42 25.6 39 58 32.1 Heistand station, center of Penna. R. R. track and under overhead road crossing, ...... Heistand station, 0.8 mile southwest of, center of track at road crossing, .......... ............ York, east edge of, center of track at road cross- ing, ............ .... York, Duke street crossing, between north and south main tracks, 60 feet southeast to north- west corner freight station, 65 feet southwest to northeast corner freight station,, ............ York, south, in Pennsylvania Park Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, having a bronze tablet cemented in its top, set 36 inches in ground, 430 feet east of center of Water street and 57 feet north of center of Futon street, .... 39 58 02.7 76 43 41.9 39 57 20.1. 7643 36.8 CHESTER AND YORK COUNTIES, MCCALL FERRY AND QUARRYVILLE QUADRANGLES, The following geographic positions on U. S. Standard datumn for the control of the McCall Ferry and Quarryville quadrangles, were determined from primary traverse run by F. J. McMaugh, junior topographer, in 1907. . The lines were run as follows: Line No. 1 begins with adjusted position at Columbia (Kendall) and follows highways east via Cresswell and Millersville to a point near Willow street, thence south via Herrville and Truce to Rawlins- ville triangulation station and continues south via Liberty Square to Dunmore, thence along the Columbia and Port Deposit Railroac. to Peter's Creek, where it crosses the Susquehanna river to Peach Bottom and continues southeast along the highways and is tied to l'ennsylvania-Maryland state line boundary post at Delta (Hall). Line No. 2 begins at Peter's Creek and continues east along high- ways via Wakefield and Oak Hill to adjusted position at Oxford (Kendall). STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 159 Line No. 3 begins with adjusted position at Octoraro (Kendall) and follows highways west via Collins and Buck and is tied to line No. 1 near Rawlinsville triangulation station, Coast and Geodetic Survey. . MCCALL FERRY QUADRANGLE. . GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR NORTH BOR- DER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 76 29 56.1 76 29 32.4 76 28 24.7 ...... ......... ...... ......... 76 27 49.4 76 27 28.1 ... 76 26 16.2 76 26 10.3 76 25 15.5 76 24 24.3 76 23 37.9 7 6 22 15.8 . Columbia, intersection of Union and Fourth Sts., 40 01 50.3 Columbia, 1 mile southeast of, forks of roads · southeast and east, ....... ......... 40 01 21.0 T road to northeast, ...... 39 59 53.2 Bridge over small stream, 600 feet north of, 4 corners, .......... ........ 39 58 57.2 Brick church, 1.75 miles northwest of, T road east, .................... .......... 39 58 27.6 Brick church, 0.25 mile southwest of, Troad south, .................. ........... 39 57 41.3 Brick church, center of front door of, ........... 39 57 52.1 Brick church, 1 mile northeast of, forks, roads northeast and northwest, .. 39 58 21.0 Brick church, 2 miles northeast of, 4 corners, .... Three corners T road to south, signboard reads ' *Cresswell 3 mi., Letort 1 mi., Millersville 21 mi., Safe Harbor 54 mi." ........ 39 59 16.4 Millersville, 0.25 mile east of, T road south, sign reads "Cresswell 5 mi., Letort 3 mi., Millers- ville mi., Safe Harbor 54 mi." ............ 39 59 37. 5 -Millersville, in south face at southwest corner of Laundry and Carpenter shop building of the Pa. State Normal school; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 3, 1907 PENN- SYLVANIA," ................ ............. 39 59 52.5 Millersville, 0.75 mile southeast of, T road to west, 39 59 15.6 Covered bridge over Conestoga River, 0.75 mile southeast of, 4 corners, 25 feet northeast to corner of white fence, 22 feet southwest to large sycamore tree, ...... ......... 39 58 32.9 Electric railroad crossing, center of track, ......... 39 58 52. 8 Danville, 0.5 mile southwest of, 4 corners, pike crossing east and west road, Lancaster 5 mi., Safe Harbor 5 mi., West Willow 2 mi." ...... 39 58 51.7 Lancaster and Reading Narrow Gauge Railroad, center of track, ............. 39 59 01. 3 Lancaster and Reading Narrow Gauge Railroad, 0.75 mile northeast of, pike crossing east and west road, (kuown as Mylins 4 corners,) 44 feet northwest of signboard, 27 feet southeast to telegraph pole, 39 feet northeast to telegraph pole; west rail of trolley track, ... ....... 39 59 11.2. 11–No.7 76 21 22.2 76 21 31.3 76 21 00.1 7 6 19 58.0 76 19 04.5* 76 17 36.4 76 16 53.0 160 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR EAST BORDER OF . QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Willow street, 0.75 mile north of, 4 corners, .... 39 58 14.0 76 16 24.4 Willow streef, front door of brick church, ...... 39 57 40. 7 7 6 16 09.4. Herrville, Crossroads; incccccccccc............. 39 56 47.6 76 15 26.3 Herrville; 1:25 miles south of, 4 corners, 19 feet east to mailbox, 57 feet west to sign Lancaster 10 mi., Port Deposit 25 mi., Providence 2 mi., Martin Forge 5 mi, vinccc.corn............. 30 55 40.8 76 15.08. Smithville, in top stone; 51.3 feet north of south end of retaining wall under stone arch bridge over highway and creeks ; alumivum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No: 4, 1907 PENNSYL- VANIA," 39 55 31.8 76 15 05.4 Truce, 0.6 mile west of, crossroads, ............ 39 53 13.0 76 15.00.4 Rawlinsville triangulation station, on land of Adam Lefevre of Lampeter Square. It Providence township, 14 mi. from Lancaster, 5. miles from McCall Ferry, 8 mi. from Quarrysville: The crossroads upon wbich station is situated (1879) has been closed and fence lines will be mover! so that distance measure to it hereafter may not be correct. Station mark: Underground mark is a hewn stone, in center of which is iron fox- tail, fin. diam., 6 in. long. Block is 3 ft. below surface, under a cut stone tale slate, straited, 6 in. square and so planted as to project 2. in. above surface with its angles on the meridian and diagonal cuts across, ............ 39 53 09.5476 1558.34 Rawlinsville, crossroads 60 feet northeast to corner store, 41 feet northwest to corner of brown fence, 36 feet south to corner of white fence, 8 feet south to trolley track, ....................... 39 52 56.6 76 16 08.4'. Rawlinsville, 1.7 miles south of, crossroads, 16 feet south to signboard, 27 feet southwest to post at corner fence, 71 feet southwest to center of grass plot, signboard reads "Quarryville 6 mi., McCall Ferry 4 mi., Rawlinsville 11 mi., Liberty Square 2 mi.”....................... 39 51 31.8 76 16 13.9 Rawlinsville, 2.5 miles south of, T road north, .. 39 50 45.3 76 16 21.6 Four corners, signboard reads "Chestnut Level, 3 , mi., McCall Ferry 5 mi., Rawlinsville 4 mi.".. 39 49 50.6 76 16 26.5 Mt. Holly schoolhouse, 0.75 mile north of, cross- roads, 27 feet northeast to corner fence, 22 feet northwest to oak, 25 feet southwest to signboard "Fishing Creek 3 mi., Rawlinsville 4 mi., Chest- nut Level 3 mi., McCall Ferry 5 mi., ...... 39 49 10.3 76 16 25.5 Mt. Holly schoolhouse, 0.25 mile south of, forks of roads west and southwest, sign reads Fishing Creek 2 mi., ....... 39 48 20.8 76 16 16.6 srascorner fencesu board, 27 Free STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 161 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Riverside schoolhouse, 0.6 mile north of, forks of roads north and west, ... ...... Fishing Creek, center of wooden bridge over, .... 39 47 53.3 39 47 29. 0 76 15 59.0 76 15 50.0 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT RAILROAD NEAR BENTON. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Benton station, 200 feet north of, T road east, .. 39 46 37.1 76 15 08.3 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR SOUTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 76 16 11.0 Peach Bottom, T road north, sign leads York 32 mi., .... ......... ................. 39 45 22.2 Peach Bottom, 2 miles southwest of, crossroads, sign reads "Darlington 10 mi., Delta 2 mi., Peach Bottom 2 mi." ........ ........ 39 44 21.0 South Delta, 1.75 miles northeast of, cross 'roads, 39 44 02.5 South Delta, Pennsylvania-Maryland state line boundary post, ....... .... 39 43 16.20 ..... 76 17 23.0 76 18 31.8 76 20 09.73 SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY NEAR WEST BORDER, WRIGHTSVILLE TO LAUREL. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 01 29.9 5 4 40 00 05.8 39 59 32.4 39 58 25.5 76 32 03.2 76 31 12.4 76 30 47.6 76 30 37.3 76 29 40.2 Wrightsville, three corners, small triangular grass plot, street to north, 40 feet south of two old cannons, 10 feet north of center of trolley track, T road west, ..... Cross roads at top of hill, .. East-west road (line turns east), ......... T road west to east Prospect ... Fishing Creek, center of bridge over (line turns west), ........ T road south to Rocky, ... Road forks, ........ New Bridgeville, crossroads, 1 mile north, of Con- rads, 9 miles south of Wrightsville, 2.5 miles west of Bridgeville, .... New Bridgeville, 0.5 mile north of; Chapel Church, front door, .... New Bridgeville, cross roads, .................. .................... ........ ................ . ...... 39 57 08.2 39 56 32.6 39 56 24.5 76 28 40.0 76 29 14.3 76 29 10.1 39 55 36.0 76 29 22.4 39 55 17.3 39 54 45.2 76 29 16.4 76 29 19.4 Magnetic declination, north border, 6° 44' West. East border, 6° 31' West. South border, 6° 16' West. 162 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations, Latitude. Longitude. 76 29 19.9 76 29 42.8 76 29 58.4 ............... 76 30 35.5 New Bridgeville, southeast corner on east face of store building; tablet stamped “Prim Tram. Sta. No. 1, 1907,” .... ...... 39 54 45.2 Road forks southeast of Bridgeville (linc turns southwest), .............. .................. 39 54 19.5 T road south (line turns south), ..., 39 52 52.9 Four corners, intersection of road to Laurel station with York road (line turns south), ............ 39 52 23.5 Four corners, 2 miles from Brogueville, 1 mile from Laurel, 4 miles from Conrads crossing, ........ 39 50 39.7 T road west, ........ ........ 39 49 59.6 Laurel Station, railroad crossing, .............. ...... 39 49 33.8 Laurel Station, east road fork north of railroad crossing, 45 feet southwest of small wooden bridge; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. St. No. 2 1907", ........ 39 49 34.3 76 30 33.2 76 30 59.7 76 30 37.1 ................ 76 30 36.8 QUARRYVILLE QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. NEAR WEST BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 55 02.6 76 14 44.8 Smithville, 0.5 mile southeast of, 4 corners cross- roads, ...... Truce, 1 mile northwest of, T road west, 50 feet north of T road east, signboard reads "Rawlins- ville 3 mi." ..., ............. Truce, crossroads, sign reads “Lancaster 13 miles, Buck 13 miles, New Providence 3 mi." ........ ...... 39 54 13.8 76 14 31.7 39 53 25.0 76 14 17.6 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS ALONG THE COLUMBIA AND PORT DE- POSIT RAILROAD NEAR PETERS CREEK. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 45 53.9 76 14 30.7 Whitaker station, front door of, ................ Peters Creek, in coping stone at east end of south abutment of Columbia and Port Deposit railroad bridge over; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,” .. 39 45 22.8 76 14 05.7 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS, PETERS CREEK TO OXFORD. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Peters Creek, 1.75 miles northeast of, crossroads, sign roads "Fairfield 2 mi., Pleasant Grove 22 mi., Oxford 13 mi., Peach Bottom 2 mi.” .... 39 45 54.6 76 12 29.7 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 163 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 46 31.2 76 11 37.2 39 46 25.9 76 10 46.2 39 46 36.0 76 09 11.0 39 46 35.9 76 08 29.8 West Brook station, Lancaster and Oxford South- ern railroad crossing narrow gauge, center of track, ....... ............. West Brook station, 0.8 mile east of, crossroads at store, 52 feet southeast to corner store, 30 feet northeast to telegraph pole and sign Lancaster 24 mi., Port Deposit 14 mi., Oxford 12 mi., Peach Bottom 3 mi.," 35 feet southwest to corner of fence, .... Four corners, 55 feet southeast to telephone pole, 33 feet southwest to corner of hedge fence, .... Oak Grove, 4 corners, signboard reads "Fulton House 2 mi., Fairmont 5 mi., Peach Bottom 7 mi., Oxford 10 mi.” ...... ....... Poplar Grove schoolhouse, T road north, sign board reads “Conowing Springs 8 mi., Oxford 9 mi.," etc., ..................... Oak Hill, crossroads, sign reads "Peach Bottom 9 mi., Oxford 8 mi.,” etc, ....... Oak Hill, in sandstone boulder in southeast corner of crossroads; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 6, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,” .. Oak Hill, 1 mile southeast of, at Summer Hill schoolhouse 4 corners, ...... Octoraro Creek, center of covered bridge over line between Lancaster and Chester counties, ...... Glenroy post-office, signboard in center of grass plot, .............. .......................... Glenroy post-office, 1.25 miles northeast of 4 corners, sign reads "Oxford 3 mi., Oakhill 4 mi.," Hopewell schoolhouse, front door of, ............ Oxford, 0.75 mile southwest of, railroad crossing, center of track, .......... UXord, ... ................... .............. 39 46 41.0 76 07 12.7 39 46 56.0 76 05 24.9 76 05 24.6 39 46 26.2 76 04 27.6 39 46 02.9 76 03 50.5 39 46 00.5 76 02 59.8 39 46 21.1 39 46. 44.6 76 01 45.2 76 01 06.5 ...... 39 46 47.7 39 47 05.8 75 59 25.1 75 58 45.0 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS, ALONG HIGHWAYS, OCTORARO WEST TO BUCK. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39. 52 18.0 76 00 17.2 Octoraro, in south face, near southwest corner of brick store and post-office building, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 7, 1907, PENNSYLVANIA,” ........................ Octoraro, 1.5 miles west of, crossroads, sign reads "Steelville 4 mi., Kirkwood 3 mi., Oxford 6 mi., Pleasant Grove schoolhouse, front door. of, ....... Bartville, 0.5 mile southcast of, crossroads, sign reads Kirkwood 3 mi., Jackson's Mill 2 mi., Steelville 5 mi., Bell Road 2 mi.,”............ 39 52 27.5 39 52 39. 9 76.01 59.2 7 6 02 58.3 39 53 14. 9 7 6 03 45.6 164 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIO SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. O · Longitude. ......... ........ 39 53 29.1 : 76 04 05.4 39 53 47.7 . 39 53 47.4 76 04 48.9 76 05 37.1 39 53 30.1 76 06 44.4 Bartville, crossroads (Cotters Corners), 50 feet north to southeast corner of post-office, 63 feet west to corner picket fence, 41 feet south to corner wire fence, ...... Bartville, 0.75 mile northwest of forks of roads northwest and south, ..... ........ Bartville, 1.5 miles northwest of, T road south, .. Collins post-office, 1.5 miles northeast of, T road north, ...................................... Collins post-office, crossroads, 42 feet north to cor- ner porch of store and post-office, 58 feet north- west to telegraph pole, ...... ........ Collins post-office, in west face at northwest corner of Harmoner school house: aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 8, 1907 PENN- SYLVANIA,” ...... Collins post-office, 0.75 mile north west of, cross- roads, .................... ................ Quarryville cemetery, crossroads, ..... ....... Buck, 1.75 miles northeast of, forks of roads south- 39 52 48.7 76 07 58.4 39 52 49.1 76 07 57.0 39 53 17.3 39 53 01.6 76 08 34.6 76 09 38.7 39 52 40. 6 7 6 10 50.0 39 52 40.6 76 12 46.8 ttom 2 mi., Buck 2 mi.," ............ Buck, 1 mile northeast of, crossroads, sign reads “Quarryville 2 mi., Buck 1 mi., Hopkins Mill 1.5 mi., Lancaster 14 mi.,” ....... ....... Buck, crossroads, 50 feet south to telephone pole near large poplar, 66 feet east to corner large white barn, ....... ...... Magnetic declination, West border, 6° 31' West. South border, 6° 24' West. North border, 5° 57' West. 39 52 21.4 76 13 44.2 CENTRE AND CLEARFIELD COUNTIES. BELLEFONTE, PHILIPSBURG AND SNOWSHOE QUADRANGLES The following geographic positions on U. S. Standard were deter- mined from primary traverse run by C. B. Kendall in October, 1907. The line begins at Morrisdale triangulation station and follows the mountain division of the Pennsylvania Railroad south to Gardner station, thence east along highways via Hannah station to Gatesburg, where it turns north along highways via Martha station to the sum- mit of the Allegheny mountains, and continues north across the plateau, following trails to a point on the New York Central and Hud- son River Railroad about 2 miles east of Gorton Heights station. Thence west along the New York Central and Hudson River Rail- road to Peall station and continues west along highways via Kyler- town to pardee triangulation station. - 165 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. For the control of the Bellefonte quadrangle the line begins at the point 2 miles east of Gorton Heights station and follows the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad to Gillintown station thence east along highways via Snowshoe, Rhooda station and Yarnell to Curtin station. Thence south along the Pennsylvania Railroad via · Milesburg and Bellefonte to Peru station and continues south along highways to a point 1.5 miles south of Linden Hall where it turns west along highways via Bloomsdorf station to adjusted position at Gates- burg Two additional lines were run, one beginning at Philipsburg and running east along highways via Beaver Mills to tie point at summit of Allegheny mountains. The other begins at Milesburg and follows the Bald Eagle Valley Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad south- west via Unionville and Martha to Hannah, tieing with the main circuits at the last two points. PHILIPSBURG QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, MOR- RISDALE TO GARDNER. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 78 13 26.61 78 13 40.6 78 12 39.8 ..... 78 13 14.8 Morrisdale triangulation station. (Not occupied.) The tower of the large brick school building at Morrisdale, 4 miles north of Philipsburg. Station mark: Center of tower, .................... 40 56 51.88 Morrisdale, junction of streets southeast and south- west at John W. Howe's store, 35 feet south to telephone pole, 10 feet east to trolley track, .... 40 56 40.0 Loch Lomond Junction, at the "R U” tower, cross- ing of New York Central and Hudson River R. R. and Pennsylvania R. R., ................ 40 55 04.3 Philipsburg, 0.75 mile northeast of, road crossing 75 feet southwest of trestle No. 208, center of track, ................ ........... 40 54 18.5 l'hilipsburg station, 75 feet south of; West Presqueisle street crossing, center of main track, 53 43.1 Steiners station, 75 feet northeast of, road cross- ing; center of main track, .................... 40 53 21.9 Moshannon Creek, Pennsylvania railroad bridge over; center of pier, ........................ 40 52 50.1 Boynton station, 0.25 mile southwest of, road crossing; east main, or center track, ........ 40 51 57. 7 Osceola Mills station, 200 feet northwest of; in west edge of grass plot lying between the Tyrone-Clear- field and the Moshannon branches of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad, and about 50 feet southeast of the triangle at junction of the Osceola-Sandy Ridge road and Curtin street; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1, 1907 PENNSYL- VANIA,” ....... 40 50 58.3 78. 13 24.5 78 13 30.0 78 14 10.5 7 8 14 52.0 78 15 47.6 166 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GÉOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude.' . Longitude. dions. 40 50 11.0 78 15 45.3 40 49 44,1 78 14 38.2 40 48 59.3 78 14 08.2 40 48 20.9 78 13 37.4 Osceola Mills station, 1 mile southeast of; road crossing at switch to coal mine, north rail of south track, ....... ......... Powellton station, 1100 feet north of; road crossing on curve near row of 6 houses, west rail of west track, ................ ..................... Retort station, 30 feet south of, road srossing, center between main tracks, ........ Sandy Ridge station, 200 feet south of; road cross- ing, east rail of west track, ...... Summit station, opposite operators tower; center of east track, ...... Milepost No. 12, center of track opposite, ........ Mt. Pleasant station, center of track opposite water tank, .................... ........ Milepost No. 9, center of track opopsite, ........ Gardner station, 210 feet west of; 95 feet south of milepost No. 8., on north edge of road at bend to southwest; top of milepost 8 bears N. 61º W. distant 94.6 feet; southwest corner of waiting shed bears N. 86° 15' E., distant 211.4 feet; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,” ..... 40 47 20.2 40 46 31.2 78 14 22.4 78 14 32.6 40 45 32.7 40 45 16.1 78 14 49.5 78 13 32.1 40 44 36.3 78 13 46.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS FROM GARDNER EAST ALONG HIGHWAYS VIA HANNAH TO GATESBURG. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 40 44 50. 5 7 8 12 25.4 40 45 55.6 78 11 42.7 40 46 42. 9 7 8 10 56.1 Gardner station, 1.25 miles northeast of; T road west, 70 feet northeast to bridge over Arneigh Run, 30 feet southwest to corner of fence, ...... Gardner station, 2.5 miles northeast of; 4 corners, Gardner-Hannah road crossing the Philipsburg- Tyrone pike, 25 feet southeast to W. H. Beigler's mail box, 25 feet northeast to chestnut tree, .... Second class road to southeast, center of main road, 15 feet southeast to double chestnut oak, 40 feet northeast to boulder, ............. ............ Fowler station, about 2.5 miles northwest of, forks of roads northeast and southeast, point of triangle; 30 feet west to bridge over Vaughn's Run, 20 feet southwest to double oak, ........... Fowler station, 2 miles northwest of, 4 corner roads southeast, northeast and southwest; second class road to west, forked oak, ........ Fowler station, 1.5 miles northwest of, forks of · road, signpost in center of triangle, post marked "To Fowler 1.5 mi., Sandy Ridge 8 mi., Han- nah 2 mi.," 40 47 12.9 78 09 34.4 ..... 40 46 45.7 78 08 45.8 40 46 28:5 78 08 19.8 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 167 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 45 26.5 78 06 45.5 40 45 58.4 78.05 45.4 40 45 56.1 78 04 29.0 40 45 45.4 78 03 44.1 Fowler station, 800 feet northeast of; on north edge of the Tyrone-Bellefonte old plank road, in north- west corner of intersection with the Sandy Ridge road; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 3, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,"....... Hannah station, road crossing Pennsylvania Rail- road, center between tracks, .................. Hannah station, 1.5 miles east of forks of road on top of ridge, road south, second class road west; center of triangle, 40 feet southeast to chestnut oak, 35 feet southwest to chestnut oak, ......... Loveville, 1 mile north of, 4 corners; intersect Half Moon Valley pike and Loveville-Hannah road, .... Loveville, T road to north at store, 25 feet north- west to corner store porch, 25 feet east to poplar corner of garden fence, ................ Loveville, 1 mile east of, T road west ; center of. triangle, 25 feet southwest to signboard ; "Tyrone 13 mi.,” 25 feet east to post and rail fence, ...... Gatesburg, 1.25 miles west of, T road north, center of triangle, 25 feet east to sign boards, “Maringo 1 mi., Loveville 2 mi., Gatesburg 1 mi.," ...... Gatesburg, CMOSS streets opposite the Lutheran Church, center of intersection, .......... Gatesburg, in southeast corner of cross streets, 125 feet west of Gatesburg Lutheran church, iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4, 1907 PENN- SYLVANIA,” ...... ........ ... ...... 40 45 08.0 78 03 25.9 40 45 12. 9 7 8 02 16.3 40 44 39.8 78 01 45.3 40 44 41.0 78 00 18.8 40 44 41.0 78 00 18.4 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS FROM GATESBURG NORTH Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 78 00 23.4 7 8 00 59.5 Stormstown, 0.7 mile southeast of; fork of roads east and southeast, 35 feet south to oak tree, 30 feet north to sign post, “State College 9 mi., Pine- grove 8 mi.,” .. 40 47 11.0 Stormstown, T road southeast, center of Halfmoon pike, 140 feet west to T road north, 40 feet south- east to northwest corner of Burket's store, ...... 10 47 36. 8 Martha station, 300 feet west of, road crossing the .. Bald Eagle Valley Railroad, center of main track, 40 49 59.7 Martha, 1.5 miles north of; forks of roads north and northwest, southeast point of triangle, 20 feet east to small thorn tree; 12 feet south to wire fence, ........ 40 51 17.6 Black Oak Schoolhouse, 0.25 mile east of, forks of road on top of hill, south, east and west, 'center of triangle, ..... 40 52 20.9 78 00 27.8 78 00 47.2 78 00 35.7 . 168 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 52 17.7 78 00 47.1 Blackoak schoolhouse, on south edge of road about 3 miles north of Martha and 0.75 mile south of summit Allegheny Mountains, at northeast corner of schoolhouse; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA," ........ Blackoak schoolhouse, 0.7 mile north of; on moun- tain side, junction of Philipsburg-Bellefonte pike and road south to Martha, 25 feet south to Chestnut oak and sign “Martha 5 mi., Julian J mi.,” .......... ....... Blackoak schoolhouse, 1 mile northwest of; at sum- mit of the Allegheny Mountains, center of Philips-Bellefonte pike; 25 feet north to oak tree stump, 40 feet east to old road north, ........ ......... 78 00 39.8 ...... 40 52 50.2 40 52 57.4 78 01 14.4 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG OLD ROADS AND TRAILS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 53 30. 3 7 8 00 16.7 40 56 16.6 78 00 02.8 40 56 43. 9 7 8 00 10.6 Allegheny summit, 1 mile northeast of; forks of roads east and northeast, 30 feet south to slim dead pine, 50 feet northeast to chestnut, ...... Rattlesnake pike, 2 miles northwest of, 0.5 mile north of Benner Run, on east edge of road, large granite boulder, cross on highest point of, .... Benner Run, top of ridge north of; at junction of the Lober and Beacher old dinky Railroad grade leading south from mouth of Rock Run, and old timber trail leading north from the Rattlesnake pike via Benner Run; rock cairn 3 feet high, .... New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, 3 miles south of; in Lober and Beachy dinky old grade at east and west old road crossing about 800 feet east of head of hollows, 30 feet east to cross cut on pine tree, 40 feet north to oak tree blazed and scribed thus: X P-rock cairn 3 feet high,.. Lober and Beacher old campgrounds; old road crossing the dinky railroad grade, center of old grade; 35 feet west to cross cut on oak tree, .... New York Central and Hudson River Railroad; 0.9 mile south of; center old old dinky bridge over Rock Run, ....... 40 57 24.9 78 00 06.9 40 57 48.5 78 00 15.2 40 59 10.7 78 00 17.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG THE NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD, GORTON TO PEALE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 59 48.5 78 00 24.8 Gorton, 1.5 miles east of, center of girder bridge over Little Moshannon creek, ..... Gorton station, 1,000 feet east of; at west end of coke ovens, road crossing, south rail, main track, 40 59 37.6 .............. 78 02 06.4 .................... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 169 Stations.. Latitude Longitude. Gorton station, 70 feet east of operator's office, 30 feet 'north of center of main track; southeast corner of operator's office bears N. 69° W., distant 66.6 feet; southwest corner of section foreman's house; bears N. 871° E., distant 60.5 feet; southwest corner in front yard of section fore- man's house; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 6, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,” ........ Peale station, 0.75 mile northeast of, southeast en- trance to Peale tunnel, center of track, ........ Peale station, road crossing, center of main track, 40 59 42.6 78 02 19.2 40 59 16.1 40 59 27.5 78 04 01.0 78 04 50.3 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 59 53.5 78 04 52.9 41 00 10.0 78 06 05.2 41 00 09.9 78 06 42.9 41 00 08. 9 7 8 07 53.7 41 00 08.8 78 07 54.5 41 00 08.8 78 07 54.5 Peale (town), 300 feet southeast of hotel; center of road on fill over small stream at õ corners, .... West Climer, 0.6 mile east of; at watering trough, T road north, 60 feet east to watering trough, 15 feet north to sign “Drifting 3 mi.,” .......... West Climer, cross streets at Swedish Church, 50 feet southeast to cupola of church, 30 feet north- east to stump and telephone pole, 35 feet north- west to sign “Kylertown 4 mi.,” .............. West Climer, 1 mile west of; T road to cast at Pleasant Hill schoolhouse, 60 feet west to school- house door, 40 feet north to pine tree, .......... West Climer, 1 mile west of, in east face at north- east corner of foundation of Pleasant Hill school- house, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 7, 1907, PENNSYLVANIA." ........ aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. Mo. 7, 1907, PENNSYLVANIA," ......... Kylertown, 1.5 miles southeast of; 4 corners cross- roads, 20 feet south to signpost: "Kylertown 1.5 mi., Viaduct 4.5 mi., Grassfiat 2.75 mi., Win- burn 1.5 mi.," 30 feet west to telephone pole, .. Kylertown, cross streets at hotels, 35 feet northeast to corner of Commercial Hotel, 33 feet southwest to corner of old Kyler House, ....... ...... Kylertown, 1 mile southwest of, Pardee triangula- tion station, about 400 feet north of; 5 corners, center of triangle; 60 feet southwest to sign Grahamtown road 1 mile, .................... Pardee triangulation station ; in Morris Township 1 mile south of Kylertown, 2 miles north of Mun- son, on property of the Pardee Coal Company, 20 feet east of road at a point 150 yards south of forks of road. Station mark: An oak tree trimmed up, 10 feet east of north and south fence and 2 feet south of east and west fence, ........ 40 59 10.1 - 78 08 29.7 40 59 36.7 78 10 03.2 40 58 58.6 78 10 36.0 40 58 54.96 78 10 34.43 170 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS FROM PHILIPSBURG EAST. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. .............. 40 54 06.5 78 12 31.1 Philipsburg statiogle, ............- Foad to west; 40 54 19.8 78 11 50.3 40 53 59.4 40 54 04. 3 78 09 54.8 7 8 09 13.9 40 54 09.3 78 07 45.4 Philipsburg station, 1 mile northeast of; bridge over Cold Stream, 450 feet east of, T road to west; center of triangle, ......... Philipsburg station, 2 miles northeast of; 4 corners at One Mile Run, 400 feet south of coal mine, 30 feet west of center of bridge over One Mile Run, 80 feet southeast to telephone pole, ...... Top of ridge between Cold Stream and Black Bear Run, 500 feet west of; forks of road to northeast, 25 feet east to forked chestnut, 60 feet northwest to two chestnut trees, .... .......... Black Bear Run, center of highway bridge over, .. Black Bear and Six Mile Runs, at summit between old north and south second class road crossing pike 30 feet southeast to clump of 3 chestnut trees, 25 feet southwest to oak, Artic Springs, center of pike at entrance to grounds, 25 feet south to gateway, 50 feet north- west to clump of 3 pines, Six Mile Run, center of highway, bridge over, .... Six Mile Run 1.25 miles east of, 4 corners at north- east edge of clearing, T road to north, second class fork of road southeast, 15 feet southwest to corner of wire fence, 25 feet north to corner of wire fence, ................ Black Moshannon schoolhouse, 420 feet east of; bridge over Black or Little Moshannon creek, 260 feet west: of, in sandstone ledge or north edge of Phillipsburg-Bellefonte pike, 30 feet north of junc- tion with public roads northwest to Peale ; bronze tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 15, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,” ... .. Old Beaver Mills Company store, 1,200 feet south of; forks at bend of pike to east, second class road to south, 25 feet south to gate, 65 feet east to corner of stone foundation to old house, 40 feet north to corner of cemetery fence, ........ ..... 40 54 23.2 40 54 33.0 78 07 08.5 78 06 16.4 40 54 34.5 78 04 44.6 40 54 55.1 78 03 39.7 40 53 20.4 78 02 25.1 GEOGRAPHIC RAILROAD, POSITIONS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA MARTHA TO HANNAH. Stations. Latitude Longitude. ..... 40 49 16.5 78 01 31.1 Milepost, No. 16-39, 100 feet west of; second class road crossing, center of track, Port Matilda station, 50 feet west of; public road crossing, center of main track, ....... 40 47 51.0 78 03 05.0 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 171 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 47 52.8 78 03 07.5 Port Matilda station, 250 feet northwest of, in top of west wing wall to south abutment of highway bridge over Bald Eagle Creek, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 16, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA," ..... Port Matilda, 1 mile southwest of, milepost 13, '1,000 feet west of, second class road crossing, center of track, ............ .............. Hannah, 1 mile northeast of, 500 feet west of mile- post 12, second class crossing, center of track, .. Hannah station, road crossing Pennsylvania Rail- road, center between tracks, .............. 40 47 14.9 78 03 55.8 40 46 45. 9 7 8 04 45.7 40 45 58.42 7 8 05 45.40 SNOWSHOE QUADRANGLE. : GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. Stations Latitude Longitude. Milepost "J S 52,” center of track opposite, ..... Milepost “J S 51,” center of track opposite, ..... 41 00 14.2 41 00 52.5 77 59 03.2 77 58 47.3 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. . Stations Latitude Longitude. itude. 41 01 49. 8 7 7 59 07.8 41 01 48.2 77 57 49.0 Gillintown station, 0.5 mile east of, T road east, 30 feet southwest to apple tree, 25 feet southeast to telephone pole at corner of fence, .............. Snowshoe, 0.8 mile northwest of, T. road north, 40 feet northeast to large oak by fence, 60 feet west to telephone pole, ................... ........ .. Snowshoe, 1,200 feet south of station, 100 feet north of Methodist Church, crossing of Gillin- town Snowshoe pike and State road, 15 feet south- east to drain abutment, 20 feet northeast to drain abutment, ........ ........ Snowshoe, 0.9 mile east of, T road to south, 15 feet north to oak, 25 feet south to farm gate,... Snowshoe, 1.7 miles east of, 0.75 mile south of Fountain station, Troad north to Clarence, 20 feet north to center of triangle, 40 feet northwest to signpost “Clarence 2mi.,” ....... South Fork of Beech Creek, center of stone arch bridge over, .......... ............. Rhoads station, 0.7 mile northwest of, summit of ridge, center of pike, .. ... ... .. ... .. . 41 01 37.5 77 57 05.5 41 01 37.5 77 56 09.1 41 01 39.9 77 55 12.3 41 01 25.6 77 54 17.1 ....................... .. 41 00 56.3 77 53 12.2 Declination, west border quadrangle, 5° 04' West; South border, 5° 26' West; East border, 5° 53' West; North border, 5° 29' West; center of sheet, 5° 32' W.. 172 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ............ 41 00 34.8 41 00 27.8 77 52 32.2 77 52 20.7 · Rhoads station, 1,000 feet south of, on east edge Snowshoe-Bellefonte pike, 550 feet north of rail- road crossing, in northwest corner of front yard to residence of Joseph Reese ; 'northwest corner of Reece's residence bears S.. 69° W., distant 43.4 feet; southwest corner of stone foundation to cellar bears N. 39° 15' E., distant 71 feet; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 8, 1907 PENN- SYLVANIA,” ....... .... Rhoads station, 0.25 ile south of, Troad east, center of 3 plank bridge, ............... .... Rhoads station, 1 mile southeast of, at bend in main road near old saw mill site, (commonly known as the “Devil's Elbow'), second class T road up hill to east, 40 feet southeast to oak, 12 feet northeast to oak, ...... Devil's Elbow, 0.75 mile southeast of, forks of second class road north, road northwest, 10 feet east to small oak, 70 feet northwest to forked oak, ..... Yarnell, 0.5 mile northwest of, forks of road at sawmill northeast and northwest, point of tri- angle, 20 feet east to oak, 20 feet west to hickory, 35 feet north to sign “Cato 7 mi., Snow- shoe 8 mi.,” .................................. Yarnell, 1 mile northeast of, forks of roads west and south, signpost in center of triangle, ...... Fairview Church, 0.25 mile north of, near top of ridge, roads north and northeast, 40 feet north to sign “Yarnell 1.5 mi.," 10 feet east to oak, ... 41 00 30.2 77 51 25.0 41 00 01.5 77 50 52.0 41 00 14.3 77 49 00.0 41 00 12.2 77 47 42.7 41 00 08.3 77 46 57.4 Declination, South border of quadrangle, 5° 59' West. · BELLEFONTE QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR NORTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations Latitude 1 Longitude. 1 1 . 0 0 40 59 48.0 77 50 07.4 Yarnell, 1.25 miles northwest of; on top of ridge, forks of road southeast, second class road to south, 25 feet east to chestnut tree, 15 feet southwest to two chestnuts by fence, ... ......... Yarnell, T road to north at store, center of tri- angle, 30 feet southeast to corner of blacksmith shop, 25 feet northeast to corner of store (post- office) porch, ......... Fairview Church and schoolhouse, forks of roads north and east, center of triangle ; 30 feet north to sign "Mt. Eagle 4 mi., Marsh Creek 2 mi.," 35 feet southwest to front door of church, .... ............. 40 59 53.5 77 48 43.4 40 59 50. 7 7 7 46 56.0 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 173 Stations. Latitude. 1 1 Longitude. » o 0 40 59 24.4 77 45 54.0 Fairview Church, 1 mile southeast of, forks of road 150 feet south of small log cabin,. second class road north, center of 2 plauk bridge, 60 feet north- west to forked sycamore, 25 feet east to birch, . Curtin public schoolhouse, 40 feet west of; at northeast corner of wire fence opposite the junc- tion of the Bald Eagle pike and T road north to Yarnell; northeast corner of schoolhouse bears N. 85° 30' 1. distant 40.6 feet; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 9, 1907 PENNSYLVA- NIA," ........... .......... Curtin schoolhouse, 1 mile southwest of; second class T road north up valley, center of pike, .... 40 58 33.0 77 44 43.7 40 57 54. 6 7 7 45 30.3 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD MILES- BURG VIA BELLEFONTE TO PERU. Stations Latitude Longitude. 40 57 08.1 77 46 42.0 40 56 41.5 77 47 34.4 ....................... 40 55 19.8 77 47 08.8 40 54 42.6 77 46 54.1 Milesburg station, 0.8 mile northeast of, Bellefonte- Lock Haven pike crossing, center of track, ...... Milesburg station, 350 feet east of; street cross- ing, center of main track, ........ Highway bridge over Buffalo Run, road crossing, center of maiņ track, ....... .... Bellefonte station, 125 feet north of, High Street crossing, center of main track; 60 feet northwest to corner of Potter, Hay Hardware Company's warehouse, 125 feet south to north end of station, Bellefonte station, 1.25 miles southeast of, milepost No. 2; 600 feet north of; road crossing center of track, ... Axeman, 0.5 mile south of, on east. edge of Belle- fonte-Lewiston pike, in northwest corner of Lo- gans branch public schoolhouse grounds at junction of pike and road southwest to Lemont; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 10, 1907 PDNN- SYLVANIA," ..... Pleasant Gap station, road crossing; center of track, ...... Peru (town), T road south to Linden Hall, 30 feet southwest to Beech tree, 10 feet north to wire fence, 30 feet southeast to sign "Linden Hall 4 mi., Lemont 4 mi.," ...... .......... 40 53 47.7 77 46 20.0 ......... ...... 40 53 08.9 77 45 49.0 40 52 18.5 77 45 35.3 40 51 13.0 77 46 05.1 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS, PERU TO LINDEN HALL. Stations Latitude Longitude. Peru, 1 mile south of, second class fork of road to southwest, 10 feet west to old stump, 60 feet south to hickory, ...... ... 40 50 22.7 77 45 43.4 174 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 49 57.6 77 45 17.6 -40 49 32.4 77 45 20.2 40 48 48.1 77 46 03.6 Peru, 1.5 miles south of, forks of road at junction of two valleys, ...... Old sawmill site, 600. feet southwest of, forks of road, center of bridge over stream, ............. Linden Hall, 1 mile north of, on side of mountain, 0.5 mile south of summit, forks of roads, roads northeast up mountain, 25 feet west to pine, 30 feet northwest to pine, ......... ........ Linden Hall, at northwest edge of, 550 feet west of church, T road north to Peru, 40 feet northeast to old log shop, 30 feet northwest to cornerpost of fence, ....... .... Linden Hall station, 200 feet east of, road cross- ing Pennsylvania Railroad, center of track, .... Linden Hall, 1.25 miles south of, 1.5 miles east of Boalsburg, in center of triangle at T road north; iron post stamped - "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 11, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,” ..... ....... ........................ 40 47 58.0 77 45 51.5 40 47 49.4 77 45 38.8 40 46 46.2 77 45 34.1 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR SOUTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations Latitude Longitude. 40 46 33.7 77 47 19.8 40 46 30.6 77 48 25.7. 40 46 00.1 77 49 25.7 Boalsburg, east edge of, 250 feet west of bridge over Spring Creek, 3 corners known as Boals- burg Diamond, center of triangle, 20 feet south to sign “Old Fort 8 mi., Tusseyville 5 mi.,” .... Boalsburg, 1 mile west of, 4 corners crossroads ; 25 feet southeast to corner of fence, 25 feet north- east to corner of fence, ....................... Shingletown, 0.25 mile east of, Troad north, 60 feet east to telephone pole, 15 feet southeast to J. F. Lohr's mailbox, ........................ Shingletown, 1 mile southwest of; fork of roads east and northeast, signpost in center of triangle, sign reads "Pinegrove 3 mi., Lemont 3 mi., .... Pinegrove Mills, 2 miles northeast of, 1.5 miles southeast of Bloomsdorf, T road to north, cen- ter of triangle, ...... ............... Bloomsdorf station, 0.5 mile east of, 4 miles south of State College, 6 miles west. of Lemont, at corner of garden in northeast corner of intersection of crossroads, iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 12, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA," ........ Bloomsdorf, 0.5 mile west of, 1.25 miles northwest of Pinegrove, 4 corners crossroads, 20 feet south- east to mailbox at corner of fence, 20 feet south- west to corner of board fence, ........ 40 45 34. 3 7 7 50 10.4 40 44 57.1 77 52 00.5 40 45 35.9 77 52 39.9 40 44 57.5 .. 77 53 46.0 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 175 Stations. Latitude Longitude. .................................... 40 44 33.5 77 54 30.1 10 45 77 55 09:9 : Stone dwellings on north edge of road, 4 corners crossroads, 20 feet northwest to cornerpost of fence, 25 feet northeast to corner of front yard fence, ...... .... Stone dwelling, 0.9 mile northwest of, second class T road to west, center of triangle, Stone dwelling, 1.75 miles northwest of,' State College, 4.5 miles southwest of, T road to south, 15 feet south to center of triangle, 50 feet south- east to pine, 10 feet north to fence,............ Old sawmill site, forks of roads east and south- east, 120 feet northwest to pump, 60 feet south- east to small pine, 40 45 44.5 77 55 30.3 40 45 13.2 77 56 46.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG SCOTIA BRANCH OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Stations Latitude Longitude. Fairbrook station, 0.5 mile north of, road cross- ing to field at stub end of siding, center of track, 40 44 56.5 77 57 34:9 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS. Stations Latitude Longitude. Gatesburg, 1.75 miles northeast of, 3 corner at rail- road junction, center of triangle, 110 feet north to road crossing spur track, 25 feet north to post, 100 feet east to center of railroad, ............... Gatesburg, 1 mile northeast of, 4 corners, second class crossroads, 80 feet north to farm gate, 50 feet east to leaning oak, .. 40 45 27.4 77 58 32.1 40 45 10.5 77 59 23.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS, GATESBURG NORTH. Stations Latitude , Longitude. o 40 46 03. 2 7 7 59 09.2 40 46 49.0 77 59 43.4 Junction, 1 mile northwest of, road crossing spur railroad to mine, center of track, ............. Summit between Junction and Stormstown, center of road, ............ Stormstown, 1.5 miles northeast of, 4 corners, cross roads southeast, second class road north- west, 25 feet north to corner of fence, 25 feet west to corner fence, .... .... Brick Church, 40 feet northeast of, Troad to southeast, 30 feet southeast to signpost "Storms- town 3 mi., Scotia 3 mi., State College 7 mi., 25 feet southwest to corner fence, .... ..... 12-No. 7 i 40 48 37.3 77 59 36.0 40 49 12.4 77 58 29.6 176 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 49 42.4 77 57 57.0 Stony Point schoolhouse, 700 feet north of, at at south edge of Matternville, T road to north, center of triangle, 40 feet south to signpost “Belle- fonte 12 mi., Stormstown 4 mi., Port Matilda 70 mi.," 40 feet west to stone wall, .............. Matternville, 0.5 mile northwest of, center of road in gap at summit of Bald Eagle Ridge, ........ Martha, 1 mile southeast of, crossroads on side of mountain, 25 feet north to clump of maples, 40 feet northwest to double maple, ... ..... 40 50 03. 8 7 7 58 25.4 40 49 49.5 77 59 25.0 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG TRAILS. Stations Latitude Longitude. Rattlesnake Pike, 1.5 miles soutwest of, forks of roads east and northeast, 10 feet north west to pine stump, 40 feet southwest to small leaning pine, ....... Rattlesnake Pike, 0.75 mile southwest of, forks of roads southwest and west, tall dead pine tree in ................................ 40 54 07.4 77 59 36.9 angle, . .................... ........... 40 54 37.4 77 59 06.9 40 55 01.1 77 58 38.4 Rattlesnake Pike, fork to northwest, 150 feet east of T road southeast, 40 feet north to three pronged oak (notched), .60 feet northwest to oak, ...... Rattlesnake Pike, 1 mile northwest of, southeast fork of Benner Run, center of old pole bridge over, .. ......... ........... 40 55 47.9 77 59 29.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, MILES- BURG TO MARTHA, Stations Latitude Longitude. LO ....................... 40 55 58.1 77 48 52.6 40 55 22.6 77 50 22.5 40 54 58.8 Snowshoe intersection, center of main track op- posite water tank, ........ White schoolhouse, 1,000 feet south of, 200 feet east of milepost 28, second class road crossing, center of track, ....... Unionville station, 1 mile northeast of, second class road crossing, center of track, .......... Unionville, 50 feet east of station, street crossing, center of main track, .... Unionville, 800 feet west of, set in north end of wing wall to east abutment of Pennsylvania Railroad bridge No. 26 over DeWitt River, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 13, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA," ... .... Unionville station, 1 mile south west of, Cline's siding, 150 feet west of, bridge No. 25, 160 feet east of, road crossing, center of track, ........ 77 51 16.3 77 52 13.5 ....................... 40 54 30.8 40 54 18.2 77 52 34.1 40 53 43.0 77 53 30.8 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 177 Stations. Latitude. o . II Longitude. 40 53 04.9 77 54 28.0 40 52 31.9 77 55 28.3 , Julian, 1.5 miles northeast of, second class road crossing, center of track, ..... Bridge No. 24, 400 feet west of, second class road crossing, 200 feet south of, corner of cemetery, center of track, ......... ............... Julian station, 140 feet east of, in south end of wing wall at east abutment to bridge No. 23, over Laurel Run, aluminum tablet stamped “Frim. Trav. Sta. No. 14, 1907 PENNSYLVANIA,".... Julian, 0.8 milc west of, 100 feet west of signal tower, load crossing, center of track, Bridge No. 21, center of, 50 feet north to T road to north, ........................ Martha, 1.5 miles northeast of, road crossing, center of track, 40 feet north to 4 corners, ..... 54.1 77 56 19.2 40 51 30.0 77 57 05.1 40 50 58.4 77 58 12.1 40 50 37.6 77 59 00.0 Declination, west border of quadrangle, 5° 53' West. Declination, north border of quadrangle, 5° 59' West. Declination, east border, of quadrangle, 5° 57' West. Declination, south border of quadrangle, 5° 37' West. Declination, center of quadrangle 5° 37' West. BEAVER, BUTLER AND LAWRENCE (OLYTIES; BUTLER, KITTAN: NING, SHARPSBURG, SEWICKLEY AND ZELIENOPLE QUAD- RANGLES. The following geograpbic positions were determined by C. B. Kendall, field assistant, by primary traverse in 1906. The line be- gins with adjusted position at McCaslin and follows highways east to Queens Junction thence along the Allegheny Western Branch of the Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad to Troutman continuing east along public roads to a point 1 mile west of Karns City, where it turns south via Chicora to the southeast corner of the Butler quad- rangle then turns west via Saxonburg, Glade Mills and Callery to Big Knob triangulation station. The circuit was closed on itself by a line beginning at a point about 3 miles east of Callery and run- ning north via Richold and Petersville to Muddy Creek church. TIN BUTLER QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR NORTH BORDER · QUADRANGLE. IV Stations Latitude Longitude. Elora, at junction of Butler and Mercer pike at road leading west to West Liberty, 25 feet south of southeast corner of the Grange Hall, iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2, 1906,"...... Muddy Creek Church, 5 feet southwest of south- west corner of; center of sandstone boulder, .... 40 59 13.6 79 59 14.3 40 58 22.6 79 58 24.3 178 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 58 34. 6 7 9 57 41.3 Maple Grove schoolhouse, 125 feet south of; forks northwest and southeast, 30 feet south to oak tree and sign, “State Road 2 miles," .............. Duclid, 1 mile west of; 4 corners at top of hill, 15 feet south to signboard Muddy Creek 2 mi., Euclid 1 mi., Unionville 4 mi., and State road 1 mi.,... Euclid, 5.0 mile west of; 4 comers at top of hill, 25 feet northwest to corner fence, 30 feet south- west to corner fence, ....... 40 58 56.2 79 56 55.1 40 59 10.5 79 56 19.8 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG WESTERN ALLEGHENY BRANCH OF BESSEMER AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD. Stations Latitude Longitude. 40 58 02.6 79 55 53.9 20 40 58 34.3 79 54 19.3 40 59 11.8 79 53 13.1 Queen Junction, crossing of the Bessemer and Lake Erie railroad (main line), .... Queen Junction, 1.5 miles east of; public road cross- ing, center of track, ........ ....... Thorn station, 600 feet northeast of; public road crossing, center of track, Gilbert station, 0.25 mile west of; in coping at south end of the west abutment of the Western Allegheny railroad girder span over public road 50 feet north of 3 corners, . aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 3, 1906," Hooker station, 0.75 miles west of; road crossing, public road crossing, center of track, ... | Hooker station, 100 feet east of; road crossing, center of track, ..... ................. Hooker, 0.75 mile southeast of; overbead cross- ing, center of track over road, ....... ........ Star crossing station, 0.25 mile northwest of; road crossing, center of track, ..................... 40 59 40.6 79 51 57.3 40 59 46.7 79 50 37.9 40 59 38.0 79 50 00.5 40 59 06.1 79 49 28.0 40 59 30. 2 7 9 48 38.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR NORTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations Latitude Longitude. Troutman, 0.5 mile west of and 900 feet east of . Western Allegheny railroad, T road to west, center of north and south road, 40 feet southwest to corner wire fence post and signpost Greece 2 mi., Butler 11 mi., 40 feet west to telephone pole, ....... Troutman, T road to southeast, 150 feet northeast of store, 40 feet west to corner of blacksmith shop, 20 feet south to corner fence post, ....... ...................................... 40 58 54.4 79 48 07.6 40 59 16.5 79 47 41.0 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 179 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 11, bill Troutman, 1.5 miles northeast of; T road up bill to north, 60 feet southwest to oil well, 35 feet southeast to oak tree, ......... .......... Hayesville, forks at foot of hill, roads northwest, east and southwest, signpost, ................. 40 59 54.2 79 46 29.1 40 59 53.6 79 45 21.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR SOUTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations Latitude Longitude. 1 1 0 0 7 9 45 57.6 79 46 42.5 79 47 15.5 79 48 34.8 79 49 37.1 79 50 31.2 Saxonburg station, at Saxon Center M. E. Church, T street east, 60 feet north to corner of church, 35 feet southeast to rock foundation to dwelling,.. 40 45 51. 8 Saxonburg, 1 mile west to station; 4 corners, 15 feet northeast to corner front yard, 35 feet north- west to corner fence, .......... 40 45 35.3 Saxonburg, 1.2 miles east of; T road north, 250 feet east of T road to south, 25 feet northwest to sign Hannahstown, 1 mi., 20 fect northeast to wire fence post, ......... ........... 40 45 34.3 Saxonburg, at east edge of; cupola of the German Lutheran Church, ...... 40 45 00.8 Saxonburg, 0.75 mile west of; T road south, center of east and west road, ....... .............. 40 45 02.8 Saxonburg, 1.8 miles west of; forks 300 feet west of bridge over streain, roads east and north, 30 feet southwest to kitchen door to 2 story dwelling, 30 feet east to large boulder, ..... ........... 40 45 01.9 Fraziers mill, 600 feet north of; center of bridge over Thorn Creek, 500 feet east of Besemer and Lake Erie Railroad, ....... 40 45 10.5 Saxonburg, 4 miles west of; 1.6 miles west of Fraziers mill, in southeast corner of junction of roads north and south and Troad to east, and Ą is 800 feet west of forks south and northeast, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 8, 1906,".. 40 45 11.2 Callery station, 3 miles east of; forks roads south- east and southwest, 25 feet south to sign Glade Mills 5 mi., Brownsdale 2 mi., ............... 40 45 02.2 Callery station, 3 miles east of; 2 miles south of Brownsdale, in west wall at northwest corner of stone foundation to barn of A. D. Hunter at junction of Glade Mills-Evans City and T road leading southwest to Callery, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 9, 1906,” ....... 40 45 01.1 Brownsdale, 0.5 miles southwest of; forks 150 feet southwest of church, roads southwest and west, large oak at, ...... 40 46 01.6 79 51 16.6 79 53 04.8 79 59 04.1 79 59 03.5 79 58 24.9 180 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 46 25.6 79 57 59.8 40 46 54.8 79 59 18.2 40 47 05.7 79 59 48.6 ........ 40 47 53.5 79 59 42.0 Brownsdale, 4 corners at top of hill, 50 feet north- west to L. S. Rileys store door, 30 feet west to corner blacksmith shop, ...... .......... Reibold, 1.5 miles southeast of; 4 corners, 25 feet north to oak, 40 feet northwest to dead oak, 20 feet south to apple tree, ............. ......... Reibold, 1 mile south of; forks, roads southeast and northeast, center of triangle, .............. Reibold, 50 feet east to station; road crossing Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, center of main track, ......... ....... Schoolhouse, 150 feet east of; 4 corners, store in center of intersection of roads, 20 feet northeast to corner of fence and sign Butler road 2 mi., Island road 2 mi., etc., 20 feet southeast to cor- ner fence, .... ............. Swamp Run, 600 feet north of bridge over, 4 cor- ners, 25 feet southeast to signboard Island road 0.75 mi., Hickory corner 2 mi., 25 feet north- west to sign Unionville 2.25 miles, Franklin road 2.25 miles, ......... Muddy Creek Church, 1.75 miles southwest of; Junction of Island road and public T road souih, forked chestnut tree at junction 120 feet east to forks northeast and southcast, ....... Muddy Creek Church, 5 feet southwest of the southwest corner, center of sandstone boulder,.. 40 55 56.6 79 59 54.2 40 57 07.5 79 59 57.2 ...... 40 57 46.6 79 59 59.2 40 58 22.60 7 9 58 24.29. Declination, north border W. 4°32' Declination, south border W. 3°53' Declination, east border W. 3° 57' Declination, west border W. 4° 22' KITTANNING QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR WEST BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. Karns City, 1 mile northwest of; 0.75 mile southeast of Hayesville; in southwest angle of junction of Chicora-Fairview and Hayesville-Karns City roads, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4, 1906,” ....... Liggett flag station, 150 feet north of W. A. R. R., forks of roads northwest and northeast, cen- ter of triangle, 40 59 44.0 79 44 44.6 40 58 41.9 79 44 50,2 ' STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 181 Stations Latitude Longitude. 40 57 21. 0 7 9 44 54.1 40 56 57.1 79 44 31.9 40 56 43.0 79 44 14.0 40 55 47.4 79 44 36.9 40 55 04.6 79 44 38.0 40 54 23.5 79. 44 43.4 . 40 53 42.6 79 44 30.9 Chicora, at northwest edge of; forks 300 feet north of brick church, roads north and northwest, 80 feet north to telephone pole and sign Fairview 5 mi., 35 feet southwest to telephone pole, .... Chicora, in sandstone post in northwest corner of the intersection of Main St., and Central avenue, iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5, 1906,” ....................... Chicora, at southeast edge of; T road south 250 feet southeast of mill, 40 feet southeast to corner of barn, 35 feet north to board fence, ......... Chicora, 1.3 miles south of; T road to east, center of north and south road, ..................... Chicora, 2.2 miles south of; crossroads 300 feet northeast of schoolhouse, 60 feet southeast to corner of dwellings, 30 feet northeast to post,.. Rattigan, 2 miles west of; 4 corners near top of hill, 10 feet southwest to chestnut tree, 30 feet east to 2 hickory trees, ........ Rattigan, 1.9 miles west of forks of roads southeast and southwest, chestnut tree in triangle, ....... St. Joe, 2.5 miles southeast of; 1.25 mile west of Fenelton; in sandstone post 6 by 6 by 36 inches, 24 inches in ground, in center of triangle at junc- tion of Butler-Fenelton and St. Joe-Fenelton roads, and 0.25 mile north of Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh railroad, tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 6, 1906," .... ........ Coylesville, 1.5 miles west of; center of Butler-Kit- tanning pike at T road north, 225 feet east of road south, 25 feet north to oak tree, ... ...... Clearfield Catholic church, 4 corners, 15 feet north- east to double oak, 35 feet south to corner of old church, . ...................... Clearfield Catholic church, spire, ....... ........ Clearfield Catholic church, 1.1 mile south of; T road to west at brick house, center of north and south road, 40 feet southwest to telephone pole, 70 feet northwest to corner of brick house, ...... West Winfield, 2.8 miles northwest of; forks of roads north and east, 10 feet northwest to 3 mail boxes, 15 feet south to board fence, ............ Marwood station, 1.5 mile east of; crossroads at stone house, 100 feet east to signboard Coylesville, 5 miles, Dennys Mill, 2 miles; 20 feet south to oak, .... ....... 40 52 39.1 79 44 56.0 40 51 28.8 79 44 41.3 .............. 40 50 37.0 40 50 32.3 79 44 33.7 79 44 35.0 40 49 37.1 79 44 44.5 40 48 24. 9 7 9 44 49.9 ..................................... 40 47 39.1 79 44 55.3 Declination, west border, 3° 57' West, 182 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 46 28.0 79 44 54.8 Saxonburg, 2 miles east of station ; 4 corners at Win- field Grange Hall, 25 feet southeast to sign Sax- onburg station 2 mi., West Winfield 3 mi., etc., 40 feet southwest to northeast corner of Grange Hall, ............... Saxonburg station, 1.5 miles east of; 3 miles west of Liesureville; in sandstone post 6 by 6 by 36 inches 24 inches in ground in southeast corner of intersection of roads, iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 7, 1906,” .... . .................. 40 45 31.0 79 44 40.2 SEWICKLEY QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR NORTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 44 13.0 80 00 37.9 40 43. 46.6 80 01 34.8 40 44 13.9 80 02 07.3 40 44 10.4 80 02 53.5 Callery, 1 mile east of; T road east at store, 300 feet northeast of brick church, center of triangle, 40 feet west to store door, 15 feet south to black locust tree, ............... Callery station, 0.75 mile southeast of; 3 corners at Myoma. T road to east, 50 feet northwest to store door, ....... .. Callery station, 100 feet southwest of; center be- tween main west tracks at street crossing the B. & O. R. R., ... Callery station, 1 mile northwest of; T road to west, center of north and south road at, 20 feet east to oak, 20 feet west to post painted 1064, .. Callery, 1.5 miles northwest of station; T road to west, 10 feet north to mailbox, 20 feet south to corner wire fence post, ........... Callery, 3 miles northwest of station ; 4 corners, 15 feet northwest to telephone pole and sign, Callery 3 mi., Evans City 1.5 mi., ......... Forks, roads east and north, 25 feet north to tele- phone pole, 20 feet southwest to rail fence, ..... Three corners, T road to east, 20 feet northeast to locust tree, 30 fcet southwest to buggy shed, .... Big Knob triangulation station, 2 miles northeast of ; 4 corners, center of north and south road, 10 feet northwest to Adam Teets' mailbox painted 989, 50 feet southeast to dead tree, ............ Big Knob triangulation station, 0.75 mile northeast of; forks 100 feet northeast of church, roads west and southwest, 10 feet south to oak, 40 feet east to oak, ........ Big Knob triangulation station, ................ 40 44 52.0 80 03 06.2 40 44 56.4 80 04 24.7 40 44 50.4 80 05 35.2 40 44 54.9 80 08 25.8 40 44 39.4 80 10 45.2 40 43 40.5 40 43 15.73 80 11 13.3 80 12 02.87 - - - Declination, north border, 3° 57' West, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 183 SHARPSBURG QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR NORTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. . 40 44 42. 0 7 9 54 04.8 40 43 44. 8 7 9 54 56.9 40 43 28.1 79 55 28.4 40 43 45.8 79 55 24.9 Forks of public roads north and east, 40 feet east to center of bridge over small stream, 35 feet south to gate and second class road to southeast, Two story white house and barn with cupola, 500 feet south of; forks of road northeast and second class road to north, 10 feet east to board fence, . Glade Mills, junction of plank road and public road to southeast, 20 feet south to northeast corner of old mill, 50 feet northwest to corner of store and post office, ................... Glade Mills, 0.5 mile north of; T road northeast at toll gate, 20 feet east to corner of toll house, 40 feet north to corner of yard fence, ............. Glade Mills, 1.6 miles northwest of; 4 corners 800 feet east of church, center of triangle; 30 feet southwest to signboard, 40 feet southeast to tree in front yard, ....... Callery station, 3.0 miles east of; 4 corners near trolley road crossing, 10 feet south to telephone pole and sign Pittsburgh 24 miles, 80 feet north- west to sign Brownsdale 2.5 miles, etc., 40 feet east to oak, .... ....... ......... Callery, 2.2 miles east of station ; forks at top of hill, roads west and southwest, 25 feet northwest to pole gate painted 1145, ..... Declination, north border, 3° 53' West. 40 44 17.9 79 56 40.6 40 44 28.6 79 58 21.7 40 44 28.5 79 59 33.5 ZELIENOPLE QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR NORTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 80 14 39.4 McCaslin, 0.8 mile north east of ; 4 corners, 70 feet north to oak, 20 feet southwest to mailbox painted 1104, ...... ....... 41 00 48.9 McCaslin, 1.5 miles southwest of; T road north, center of small grass triangle, .. .... 40 59 57.6 Public T road to South, 15 feet southwest to J. A. Book's mailbox, ..... ...... 40 59 58.1 Slippery Rock creek, 600 feet west of; T road to west, J. M. Curdy's mailbox, ... ....... 41 00 01.0 80 14 38.2 ................. 80 13 33.5 80 11 19.9 184 TÒPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : Stations. Latitude. Longitude. ........... 40 59 27.7 80 11 27.1 S0 10 16.3 40 SO 09 16.4 40 59 18.0 80 08 27.5 40 59 19.0 80 07 39.8 41 00 09.7 80 07 17.4 Slippery Rock Creek bridge, 0.25 mile west of; 4 corners near pumping station, 50 feet northeast to a three pronged fir trec, 25 feet southeast to J. E. Forks mailbox, ....... ........ Grantboro, 4 corners at scohol house and store, 40 feet southwest to northeast corner of store, 90 feet east to large oak tree, .... Grantboro, 0.9 mile east of; T road east, center of •north and south road, 40 feet north to oak tree, Grantboro, 1.6 miles east of; T road south, center of east and west road, 30 feet southwest to oak tree and sign, Portersfield 5 miles, ....... Grantsboro, 2.1 miles east of; T road to west, oak tree, ........................... ..... Jacksville, 1 mile south of; in forks of road, at southwest corner of schoolhouse No. 6, Worth township, Butler county, iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1, 1906,” ............ West Liberty, 2.5 miles west of; 4 corners 20 feet northwest to signboards, West Liberty 2.5 miles, Rockville 4.5 miles; Prospect 9 miles and Jacks- ville 1 mile, ... ......... West Liberty, 1.6 miles west of; T road north, center of triangle; 20 feet northwest to signboard Slippery Rock 5 miles, .... West Liberty, center of bridge over small stream 50 feet east of forks west and southwest, .......... West Liberty, 0.75 mile southeast of; 4 corners 60 feet southeast to small bridge, 60 feet northwest to oak tree and sign Sunbury, 8 miles; Butler, 15 miles, ..... West Liberty, 1.75 miles southeast of; in north- west corner of intersection of crossroads, large oak, ....... ....... Elora, 0.7 mile west of; T road south, 20 feet south to oak tree and sign “Co. bridge 2 miles,” ............... 41 00 27.1 80 05 45.1 41 00 21.2 80 05 01.6 41 00 22.7 SO 03 15.9 41 00 09. 3 80 02 42.5 40 59 13.0 80 01 23.6 40 59 07.4 80 00 01.9 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR SOUTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 45 13.7 80 07 03.4 Zelienople, 3 miles southeast of; 3 corner telephone road north and south, T road west, center of tri- angle, 15 feet southwest to sign Zelienople, 3 miles ; 40 feet north to telephone pole, ........ Schoolhouse, 0.5 mile east of; forks of second class road to south, center of triangle, line between Beaver and Butler counties, .................. Schoolhouse, 0.5 mile west of Beaver-Butler county line, at T road to east, in east face at southeast corner of stone foundation, aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 10. 1906." .... 40 45 23. 2 8 0 09 12.9 40 45 22.2 SO 09 47.6 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 185 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR EAST BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 40 48 23. 1 8 0 00 54.1 40 50 02.8 80 00 36.0 40 51 06.5 i 80 00 51.8 40 52 10.0 80 01 03.2 Petersville, 0.5 mile south of; 4 corners, 15 feet south east to signboard, 40 feet southwest to tele- phone pole, si ............................... Petersville, 1 mile north of; T road to south just west of church, 30 feet west to telephone pole and sign Harmony 9 mi., Evans City 6 mi., Franklin road 2 mi.; 15 feet uorth to corner of wire fence, .. Little Connoquenessing creck, center of bridge over, 500 feet south of forks, .......... ..... Petersville, 4 miles north of; 2 miles cast of Whites town, in west wall at southwest .corner of stone foundation to Martin schoolbouse No. 2, Conoque- nessing township, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 11, 1906,” ............ Schoolhouse, 0.25 mile north of; 4 corners, 20 feet northwest to sign, Oak Spring 2 miles, State road 2 miles ; 30 feet northeast to oak, ............. Mt. Chestnut, about 2 miles west of ; T road to E, 25 feet southeast to sign Mt. Chestnut 2 mi.; 15 feet northwest to mailbox, 30 feet northeast to telephone pole, ...... ... Prospect, 1.25 miles east of; T road south, 40 feet west to telephone pole, 25 feet southeast to tele- phone pole, 400 feet west to T road north, ....... Prospect, 2 miles northeast of; 4 corners 40 feet southwest to sign, Prospect 2 mi. ; 30 feet east to mailbox, ... ....... Schoolhouse, 0.6 mile south of; 4 corners, 20 feet southeast to oak, 30 feet southwest to corner rail fence, .... 40 52 21. 6 8 0 01 04.4 40 53 13.4 80 00 57.2 40 54 18.5 80 00 58.8 40 55 04.9 80 01 07.0 40 55 23.4 80 00 14.8 · BUTLER, MERCER AND VENANGO COUNTIES. BUTLER, FRANKLIN, HILLIARDS, MERCER, OIL CITY, STONEBORO AND TOWNVILLE QUADRANGLES. The following geographic positions on United States standard datum were determined from primary traverse run by C. B. Kendall in the spring of 1908. The lines were run as follows: Beginning with adjusted positions of Primary Traverse Station No. 2 at Mercer (Ellis), the line follows east along latitude 41° 15' via Millbrook, Bullion, Cyrus and Pittsville to Beel's triangulation station. Line No. 2 begins at Pittsville and follows highways north to East Sandy, thence along the Pennsylvania Railroad, via Franklin, to Reno, where it crosses the Allegheny river and continues north along highways to the northeast corner of the Franklin quadrangle, thence west via 186 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Dempseytown and Cooperstown to Carlton, thence west via Milledge- ville to Boutner Schoolhouse, and is tied to adjusted position (Ellis). Line No. 3 begins at Carlton and follows highways south via Reed's Furnace to the southeast corner of the Stoneboro quadrangle. Line No. 4 begins at the southeast corner of the Stoneboro quadrangle and follows highways south via Harrisville, Keister and Stone House to Primary Traverse Station No. 2, 1906, at Elora (Kendall). Line No. 5 begins with adjusted position of Primary Traverse Station No. 4, 1906, near Karn's City (Kendall), and follows highways north via North Washington, Shira, Eau Clair, Suttons Mills and Big Bend to Cyrus and is tied to line No. 1. In the spring of 1909 east and west lines were run by Mr. Kendall through the centers of the Franklin and Stoneboro quadrangles. STON NET STONEBORO QUADRANGLE GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS ALONG NORTH AND DAST BORDERS OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. :: Latitude. Longitude. 41 29 32.5 80 13 08.2 41 29 04.7 80 11 52.4 · ... 41 28 55.0 80 11 07.0 41 28 51.2 80 09 01.2 Boutner Schoolhouse, T road south at; 21 feet north to cross on board-fence, 35 feet southwest to guide post, ........ .......... Boutner Schoolhouse, 1 mile east and 0.5 mile south of; crossroads, 30 feet southwest to telephone polė, 70 feet northwest to large chestnut stump, Crossing of the Mercer-Meadville pike and the Craw- ford-Mercer county line road, 40 feet southwest to stone at corner of fence, 25 feet ·northwest to corner of wire fence, ...... T road north, 10 feet north to center of triangle, 30 feet northwest to guide board "Wendville 12 mi.," Sunol. 0.5 mile northeast of, crossroads; 45 feet southeast to corner of building, 25 feet northeast to guide board “Turnpike 2 miles——Meadville 12 miles," ............. .... Milledgeville, 3 miles west and 1 mile north of, on west edge of the New Vernon-Cochranton road, at T road east along the Mercer-Crawford County Line; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 9-PENNSYLVANIA 1908,” ................. Centre of T road east on Mercer-Crawford County Line; 20 feet east to mailbox in centre of tri- angle, ..... Milledgeville, 1.33 miles west and 1.2 miles north of; T road south ; 25 feet north to small apple tree, 30 feet northwest to guide board “Cochranton 4 miles-Mercer Pike 5 miles—New Lebanon 5 miles -Meadville 12 miles,” 60 feet west to Troad north, ...... ...... 41 28 50.5 80 08 22.6 41 29 12.1 80 06 53.7 41 20 12. 1 80 06 53.5 41 29 14.8 80 05 18.8 ST STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 187 : Longitude. 80 03 44.3 80 01 18.1 8 0 01 05.4 80 03 46.5 80 02 09.8 8 0 01 13.9 8 0 00 45.0 Stations. Latitude Milledgeville, 1.25 miles north of on Mercer-Craw- ford County Line; centre of crossroads; 25 feet southwest to telephone pole, 30 feet northwest to oak tree and guideboard “Cochranton 3 miles- Milledgeville 1 mile--Mercer Pike 6 miles," .... 41 29 17.3 Carlton, 1.25 miles northwest of, T road east of County line, large oak in centre of triangle, .... 41 29 22.2 Carlton, 75 feet northwest of station, highway bridge over French Creek, 90 feet north of road crossing the Erie Railroad, centre of track at, .. 41 28 20. 0 Milledgeville, 300 feet southwest of schoolhouse; crossroads; 40 feet southwest to corner of old store, 40 feet northeast to telephone pole, 40 feet northeast to guidepost “New Lebanon 4 miles- Cochranton 4 miles—Sheakleyville 8 miles-Carl- ton 3 miles," ........... 41 28 13.5 Carlton, 1 mile west of, T road north ; 40 feet north east to large cherry tree, 20 feet south to maple tree, ...... ......... 41 28 05.4 Carlton, 0.5 mile southwest of, Troad west, 20 feet southwest to large apple tree in triangle, 30 feet northwest to large maple tree, ............ 41 28 03. 3 Schoolhouse No. 6; crossroads at; 25 feet southwest to telephone pole, 25 feet northeast to guidepost “Milledgeville 3 miles–Utica 3 miles North Sandy 4 miles—Carlton 2 miles," .............. 41 26 39. 1 Utica, 3 miles west of, crossroads, 35 feet north- west to telephone pole, 25 feet southwest to guide- post “Utica 3 miles New Lebanon 4 miles," .. 41 25 53.1 Mill Creek Bridge, 300 feet south of, crossroads, 200 feet southwest to schoolhouse, 45 feet southeast to cherry tree, 50 feet northeast to telephone pole, 41 25 26.4 Mill Creek, 1 mile south of, crossroads at windmill, 60 feet to southeast corner of windmill, 25 feet southeast to guidepost “Carlton 4 miles-Sandy Lake 5 miles–Utica 3.5 miles,” ......... 41 24 34.6 Old Store, crossroads at, 35 feet north to corner of store, 35 feet to telephone pole, ............ 41 24 19.4 White Schoolhouse, 150 feet northwest of, cross- roads; 45 feet southeast to large oak tree and guideboard “Utica 7 miles—Sandy Lake 4 miles—," 30 feet northwest to oak tkrce, ...... 41 23 12.1 Watering Trough; crossroads at, 35 fcet southeast to guideboard at trough, "Five Points 3 miles- Reeds Furnace 2 miles-Sandy Lake 4 miles~ Franklin 12 miles,” 35 feet southwest to corner of rail fence, ......... .... 41 22 20. 3 Recds Furnace, 1.5 miles north of, in the south- 80 00 45.6 80 00 21.0 80 00 29.9 80 01 11.6 So 01 08.6 80 01 06.0 east corner of intersection of the Polk-Sandy Lake road and the Carlton-Reeds Furnace road, 0.4 miles west to Sandy Lake, 5 miles east to Polk, 0.4 mile north to schoolhouse No. 1, beside guide- post; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 10-PENNSYLVANIA 1908,” ... 41 21 33.0 80 01 04.0 188 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 41 20 52.0 80 01 03.0 41 20 02.7. 80 00 18.7 41 19 19.3 SO 00 46.0 41 18 30.5 80 00 49.0 41 18 21.7 80 01 22.6 41 17 30.4 80 01 24.4 Reeds Furnace, 1.0 mile north of, crossroads; 30 feet southwest to guide board at maple tree "Five Points 4 miles-Reeds Furnace 1 mile-Franklin 11 miles-Polk 5 miles-Sandy Lake 4 miles,” .. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad cross- ing over centre of public road, ................ Centre of triangle at four-corners, public road west, second class road east; 25 feet north to maple tree, 45 feet southwest to apple tree, ........... .... Reeds Furnace, 2 miles south of, T road north, 50 feet north to two plank bridge, 35 feet north- cast to telephone pole and guideboard “Reeds Furnace 2 miles," ........ ......... Henderson, 0.8 mile east of, public roads west and southwest, centre of triangle at; 30 feet east to guide board “Taylor road 1 mile," .............. Henderson, 1 mile southeast of; T road north; 10 feet north to centre of triangle, 35 feet northeast to guide board Henderson 1 mile-Franklin road 1 mile, .......... Forks of public road to south and southeast; 25 feet southeast to centre of triangle 25 feet southwest to guide board “Freeport road 1 mile," ........ Schoolhouse, Troad 150 feet north of; 30 feet southwest to J. A. Bond's mail box, 40 feet northeast to oak near fence line, ...... ....... T road north, centre of east and west road at; 20 feet north to centre of triangle, ............... Troad north, centre of east and west road at 20 feet north to centre of triangle, 20 feet northwest to sign “Milledgeville 9 miles," ............... Iron bridge over small stream, center of near T road, ..... ... Sandy Lake, crossing Lake Shore Railway and Main street at 500 feet east of station, ........ Stonchoro, 500 feet east of station, crossing Lake Shore Railway and Main Street at, ............ Stopeboro, at northeast corner of Lake and Walnut Streets, in foundation stone 1.7 feet above step at left side of entrance to First National Bank ; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. -PENNSYLVANIA-1909," Stopeboro, 1.7 miles west of crossing of · Lake Shore Railway, ....... T road north, centre of east and west road at, 10 feet north to centre of triangle, ................ 41 17 08. 9 8 0 00 40.7: 41 20 51 80 01 44.9 41 20 53 80 02 41 20 50.0 80 03 01.6 41 20 53.9 80 03 31.0 41 20 55.1 SO 04 56.1 41 20 31.8 2. 80 06 SO 06 19.6 0 ........... 41 20 20.9 SO 06 25.0 41 20 53.2 80 07 46.9 41 21 06.0 80 08 26,2 Magnetic Declination of East border of quadrangle is 3° 34' west. Magnetic Declination of North boarder of quadrangle is 3° 41' west. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 189 Stations. Latitude Longitude. 41 21 05.5 80 09 13.$ 41 21 03.2 80 10 31.3: Coulson, 0.5 miles west of, Four-corners; 10 feet north to centre of triangie, 25 fcet northwest to fence post painted "1280", ... ................... Coulson, 2.0 miles west of, crossroads : 20 feet north to Jno. E. Vernon's mailbox, 35 feet north- west to sign “Clarks Mill 3 miles—Mercer 10 miles -Stoneboro 3 miles," ........................ Store and schoolhouse, 25 feet northwest to sign “Stoneboro 5 miles-Greenville 11 miles—Clarks Mill 4.5 miles--Mercer 8.5 miles," 25 feet east to telephone polc;; four-corners at, .............. Pittsburg and Dric Pike and District Line road, crossing of; 20 feet northwest to sign “Sandy Lake S miles-Greenville 10 miles—Mercer 8.5 miles,” 20 feet south to small bridge, 28 feet east to small bridge, .... ............... St. Paul Schoolhouse, 300 feet east of, centre of crossroads, ..... T road north; 5 feet north to centre of triangle, 30 feet northeast to guide board “Kilgore 1 mile," .. 41 20 59.8 80 12 27.1 41 20 58.1 80 13 30.9 41 15 00.1 80 01 14.3 41 15 01.1 80 00 17.7 FRANKLIN QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 16 55.4 79 59 56.9 41 16 13. 2 7 9 59 38.2 41 135 31.7 79 59 29.7 Mercer-Venango County Line, large elm tree on south side of road, 870 feet west of T road north, Barn, Troad east at; 5 feet east to centre of triangle, 20 feet northeast to sign, ............. Crossroads, 10 feet south to small bridge, 20 feet northeast to guide board "Sandy Lake 9 miles- Mechanicsville 3.5 miles--Ray Milton 6 miles Mer Road 1.5 miles,” .................... Mecbanicsville, 1.5 miles northwest of, T road southwest at brick house ; centre of triangle at,.. Millbrook, 4 miles east of, south edge of Millbrook- Kumerdell road, opposite junction with T road north; 1.5 miles northeast to Kilgore, 500 feet west to T road south; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2-PENNSYLVANIA," ...... St. George, 1. 5 miles east of, public crossroads, 25 feet northwest to post, 30 feet: southeast to two mail boxes, ... cm 41 15 08. 8 7 9 58 19.4 41 15 02. 0 7 9 59 28.5 41 15 12.5 79 46 14.8 190 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 41 15 05.3 79 45 24.4 41 17 41.5 79 45 27.0 Pittsville, 1.5 miles west of, 4-corners, public road south, second class road north, 10 feet south to a three-plank bridge, ..... ...... Floyd Post-office, 1.0 miles southeast of, T road to northcast, 35 feet north to sign “Franklin road 1 mile,” 25 feet south to rail fence, .............. Floyd Post-Office, crossroads at; 15 feet south to telephone pole, 30 fcet north to telephone pole and sign “E. Sandy 3 miilcs-Scrubgrass 5 miles -Brandon's Ferry 5 miles Davis' Coiners 2.5 miles," .... ........ East Sandy, 1.0 mile south of, second class cast and west road, 25 feet east to leaning oak tree, 80 feet northwest to corner of old log stable, 75 feet east to corner of buggy house, ............ 41 17 57.6 79 46 22.4 41 19 08.6 79 46 18.0 Geographic Positions along Pennsylvania R. R. Stations. Latitude. II Longitude. » o 0 41 19 57.6 79 46 08.0 41 20 37.2 41 21 01. 0 79 46 21.4. 7 9 47 14.6 41 21 48.7 79 47 15.2 East Sandy Station, 650 feet north of, in coping of west wing wall to south abutment of Penna. R. R. two-span bridge over Sandy Creek; bronze tablet stamped “970—PITTSBURG,” ......... Astral station, road crossing 70 feet south of station board, centre of track at, .................... Milepost 12, centre of track opposite, ............ Yard Limit sign, 75 feet south of, centre of track opposite a second class road leading up hill to northeast, 50 feet east to small house, 30 feet north to oil well, ............................ Highway and Electric Railroad bridge over Alle- gheny River, 1.0 mile southeast of Franklin, centre of Pennsylvania Railroad main track at road crossing, at north end of bridge, .......... Franklin, Pennsylvania Railroad freight and pas- senger stations, 100 feet northwest of the north- west corner of, on bank of Allegheny River, 68 feet west of centre of main track, 40 feet south- east of south end of shore pier to highway bridge orer river ; iron post stamped “PRIM. TRAV. STA. No. 5-PENNSYLVANIA," ............ Prentice station board, 120 feeet northeast of, south rail of main track at road crossing, ............ Milepost 5, centre of track opposite, ............ 41 22 31.2 79 48 46.6 • 41 23 23.0 79 49 05.6 41 24 32.2 41 24 48.7. 79 47 18.9 79 46 08.9 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 191 Geographic position along highways. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 41 24 41. 8 7 9 45 20.9 41 29 45.7 79 49 32.0 Roos, T road to north, 350 feet south of Electric Street Railway, 50 feet north to corner of front yard fence, 50 feet northeast to same, ......... Ilazleton Schoolhouse, 200 feet southeast of, T road west; 20 fect cast to oak, 30 feet southwest to Hecary and sign “Cooperstown 2.5 miles-Sun- ville 3 miles," Cooperstown, 1.25 miles east of, second class T road southwest, centre of east and west road at, Oooperstown, 2.0 miles west of, crossroads; 25 feet southwest to sign “Cockranton 8 miles "Cooperstown 2 miles Sugar Creek 5 miles- Donation 2 miles," 15 feet north to small drain, Carlton, 1.5 miles northeast of, public crossroads, 30 feet northwest to large chestnut tree, 30 feet southeast to sign “Turnpike Road 1 mile-Coch- ranton 4 miles, ...... 41 29 53.1 79 50 33.1 41 29 44. 3 7 9 54 08.4 41 29 25.5 79 59 38.3 Along highways east and west through centre of quadrangle. Stations. Latitude. Longitude: 79 49 53.4 · 79 50 55.3 79 52 08.3 79 53 17.8 .... 79 54 55.4 Franklin, city monument in centre of street car track, at crossing of 13th and Elk streets, ...... 41 23 56.9. Franklin, 1.5 miles west of, small apple tree in centre of triangle at forks on top of hill, ......... 41 23 13.4 Franklin, 2.5 miles west of, T road north ; 35 feet northeast to signpost, 110 feet west to T road south, ....................... .......... 41 22 59.1 Blacks Schoolhouse, 4-corners at, 15 feet west to telephone pole painted "1508,” .... 41 22 45.0 T road north, 15 feet north to small bridge, 25 feet southwest to telephone pole painted "1091,” ..... Polk, forks at north edge of, 400 feet northwest to iron bridge, 35 feet north to sign “Utica 6 miles,” 41 22 17.1 Polk, in south face of southeast corner of adminis- tration building of State Institution for Feeble- Minded; aluminum plate stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1-1909-PENNSYLVANIA," ...... 41 22 16.8 Polk, 300 feet north of station ; Lake Shore Rail- way at street crossing, 41 22 05.8 Polk, 1.5 miles southwest of, forks; 35 feet west to signpost, 25 feet northeast to small oak, ........ 41 21 17. 7 Bridge over small stream, 40 feet east to second class crossroad, ....... ................. 41 21 10.4 79 55 26.7 79 55 48.7 79 55 38.4 7 9 56 26.2 79 58 22.5 Magnetic Declination of West border of Quadrangle is 3° 34' west. Magnetic Declination of South border of quadrangle is 4° 46' west. 13_No. 7 192 TOPOGRAP HIO TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. LOGIO URVEY. BUTLER QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions near north border of quadrangle. Stations. ' Latitude. Longitude. 41 21 05.0 79 59 16.0 40 59 53. 6 7 9 45 21.4 Raymilton, 1.0 mile north of, crossroads ; 20 feet west to signpost "Polk 4 miles-Sandy Lake 5 miles-Raynilton 1 mile-I'tica 8 miles," ...... Haysville, guidepost in centre of triangle at 3-cor- hers; guidepost reads "Trautman 1 mile-Fair- view 1 mileButler 14 miles," ................ Elora Grange Hall, 0.5 miles north of; crossroads 40 feet northwest to forked maple tree, 45 feet northeast to maple at corner of front yard, .. .. Elora, at junction of Butler and Mercer Pike at road leading west to West Liberty ; 25 feet south of southeast corner of the Grange Hall; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2-1906,” .... 40 59 37. 9 7 9 59 21.7 40 59 13.60 79 59 14.30 HILLIARDS QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. ! Stations. Latitude Longitude. 41 14 06.2 79 59 32.9 41 09 58.7 79 59 59.9 Wesley, 1.5 miles west of, 10 feet south of east and west road and in centre of north and south road ; large maple tree at four-corners, ......... Centre of north and south road at T road west; 35 feet northwest to guide board "Grove City 5 miles," 35 feet southwest to guide board "Hen- derson road 1 mile,” ......................... Keister, 150 feet west of station, centre of north track of Bessemer railroad at pike crossing, ..... Keister, 1 mile south of, T road west ; 20 feet west to centre of triangle, 30 feet east to stump, 35 feet east to telephone pole, .. Halston, 0.5 mile west, Troad east; 35 feet west to corner of buggy house, 35 feet southeast to telephone pole,.... ..... 41 02 53.1 59 51.1 ........ 41 01 57.0 79 59 52.4 41 01 08.9 79 59 58.7 Geographic positions along highways ncar north border of quadrangle. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 14 49.0 79 57 37.1 Mechanicsvile, 1.5 miles north of; crossroads; 30 feet southeast to oak tree, 10 feet west to a two- plank bridge, ....... .... Mechanicsville, 1.25 miles northeast of; centre of crossroads ; 30 feet southwest to guide board “Roy Milton road 1 mile," 20 feet east to three- plank bridge, ...... 41 14 38.1 79 57 00.3 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 193 . Station's. Latitude. Longitude. 41 14 37.0 79 56 01.3 41 14 47.3 79 53 53.1 .................... 41 14 48.6 79 52 17.3 Mechanicsville, 2.0 miles northeast of; centre of crossroads ; 20 feet southeast to corner post of wire fence, 20 feet northeast to corner rail fence, Bullion Store, T road east at; 15 feet south to small bridge, 35 feet northeast to telephone pole, .... Bullion, 1.4 miles east of; T road south ; 30 feet southeast corner fence, .... Kennerdell, in stone coping to north wing wall at west end of highway bridge over Scrubgrass Creek ; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 3 PENNSYLVANIA 1908,” ....... Cyrus, 2 miles west of ; large oak tree in east and west road at T road south, ................... Cyrus, crossroads at; 30 feet southwest to guide board . "Kennerdell 4 miles-Emlenton 9 miles," 23 feet south to centre of bridge, ...... 41 14 18.0 79 51 16.0 I10 IJVO, .................. 41 14 22.8 79 49 45.2 41 14 23.4 79 48 35.6 Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 41 13 12. 8 7 9 48 07.1 41 13 07.6 79 48 04.9 .... 41 12 15.0 79 47 41.0 41 11 46. 2 7 9 47 35.5 Schoolhouse, 300 feet northwest of; T road east, .. Cyrus, 1.5 miles south of, 300 southwest of school; T road west; 30 feet northwest to guidepost "Ken- nerdell 3 miles_Emlenton 7 miles-Scrubgrass 5 miles, re...n .. Lisbon, 0.5 mile north of; R. T. Atwell's mail box at T road east, ....... Lisbon Church, 125 feet southeast of; forks of road 35 feet southeast to telephone pole, 20 feet south- west to stump, 55 feet northwest to post in angle, Suttons Mill, Troad southwest at; 25 feet south- east to guideboard “Eauclair 4 miles,” 90 feet northeast to front door of mill, 110 feet east to west end of bridge over Little Scrubgrass Creek, . East Unity Church, 1,700 feet northeast of ; centre of road at Butler-Venango County Line crossing; 10 feet east to small bridge; 40 feet west to stone on County Line, 15 feet south to mail box, 70 feet northwest to barn door, ...... East Unity Church, 100 feet west of; centre of tri- angle at forks; 30 feet southwest to guidepost "Farmington 3 miles~Clintonville 5 miles,” .... Cherry Valley Schoolhouse, crossroads at; 50 feet southwest to watering trough, 40 feet northwest to large oak tree; 60 feet northeast to corner of schoolhouse, ......... ........ .. 41 11 27.4 79 47 04.2 41 10 22. 9 79 47 37.9 41 10 09.7 79 47 51.7 41 09 26.2 79 47 56.7 194 TOPOGRAPHIO AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Longitude. 79 47 54.6 79 47 55.1 ................. 79 48 07.2 .................. 79 47 14.1 79 47 51.5 Stations. Latitude. o Farmington (Eau Clair post-office), in north face at northwest corner of foundation of A. 0. Miller's store at southeast corner of Main and Washington streets; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 12-PENNSYLVANIA 1908,” ........ 41 08 10.0 Farmington (Eau Clair post-office), centre of inter- section of Main and Washington streets at; 40 feet northeast to corner of store, 35 feet north- west to corner of hotel porch, ...... 41 08 10.3 Farmington (Eau Clair post-office), 1 mile south of crossroads; 25 feet northeast to telephone pole, 30 feet northwest to guide `post “Eau Clair-Wash- ington-Parker 7 miles," ..... .. 41 07 23.0 Telephone pole in centre of triangle at forks of road to north and northeast, guide board “N. Hope 4 miles-Eau Clair 3 miles," .................... 41 06 26.5 Shira post-office (Annsville), crossroads at; 12 feet west to centre of bridge, 12 feet east to centre of bridge, 40 feet northwest to company store, 30 feet southeast to locust tree and guideboard “Par- ker 7 miles Hilliards 2.5 miles-Eau Clair 4.5 N. Hope 2.5 miles," .......................... 41 04 56.8 Parsonville, 0.8 mile north of; T road east; 40 feet west to large oak tree, 15 feet east to centre of triangle, 40 feet southeast to telephone pole, .... 41 04 23. 0 North Washington, 1 mile north of; crossroads; 10 feet east to two-plank bridge, 40 feet southwest to three-pronged maple, .......................... 41 03 34.5 North Washington (N. Hope post-office), crossroads at; 30 feet northwest to southeast corner of brick house, 40 feet northeast to southeast corner of store, .............. ....................... 41 02 52.5 North Washington, 1 mile (about) southeast of; crossroads; 300 feet west of Emery schoolhouse; 20 feet southwest to guidepost "Bruin 6 miles Butler road 1 mile-Fairview 5 miles—N. Hope 1 mile—," 70 feet northwest to telephone pole, .. 41 02 28.8 North Washington, 2 miles southeast of; large chest- nut tree on south edge of east and west road at four-corners, ... .... 41 02 05.0 Ray Run schoolhouse, 0.33 miles north of; cross- roads, 40 feet west to centre of bridge, 30 feet southwest to S. R. McRockens mail box, ....... 41 01 05.0 Fairview, 0.8 mile southwest of; T road west; 12 feet east to Walnut tree, 35 feet south- west to corner of fence and guide board “Fair- view 0.8 mile-Washington 4.5 miles,” fence painted “U. S. 1354," ........................ 41 00 37.4 7 9 48 08.3 79 48 30.0 79 48 49.1 79 47 58.9 S, ......................... 79 47 03.6 79 46 24.5 79 45 33.9 Magnetic Declination of west border of quadrangle is 4° 19' west. Magnetic Declination of north border of quadrangle is 4° 46' west. Magnetic Declination of west border of quadrangle is 4° 19' west. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.! 195 Geographic positions along highways. . Stations. Latitude. Longitude. Cyrus post-office, 1.25 miles southeast of, large tree in triangle at forks of old roads near old house place about 0.5 mile west of Allegheny River, ... St. George station, centre of P. 'R. R. main track at crossing, 1,200 feet north of milepost 30, .... 41 14 09. 9 79 47 26.1 41 14 57.1 79 47 31.8 OIL CITY QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 15 23.3 79 44 26.7 . 41 15 22.7 79 44 26.8 41 15 19.9 79 42 59.3 41 15 22.2 79 42 09.0 41 15 22.8 79 41 09.4 Pittsville, 150 feet north of hotel; public T road east; 30 feet northeast to telephone pole painted "G. S. 1312,” 30 feet west to northwest corner of shop, ...... ....... Pittsville, in northeast corner of front yard of Bishop's hotel, 60 feet southwest of T road east; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4 1908–FENNSYLVANIA,” .................. Pittsville, 1.4 miles east of; T road west; centre of north and south road at, 10 feet west to centre of triangle, 25 feet southwest to sign “Freedom 1 mile-Salina 7 miles-Dotter's Station 3 miles,” Three-corners, second class T road north, 75 feet east of small bridge over stream, .............. Beels triangulation station, 2 miles west of, cross- roads, 15 feet south to sign “Emlenton 7 miles," 10 feet north to water trough, ................ Beels triangulation station, 1.25 miles west of, T road east, 5 feet west to centre of north and south road, 30 feet north to telephone pole painted “G. S. 1447,” 20 feet north to sign “Edenburg 7 miles,” ............................... ...... Beels triangulation station, 0.5 mile west of, cross- roads at schoolhouse, centre of triangle at .... · Beels triangulation station, about 3 miles north of Salem, in Salem Township, on a bare knob with timber on north side. On an east and west line fence, which is also the county line between Clar- ion and Venango counties ; stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inchies set 30 inches in ground, in centre of top which is cemented a bronze tablet stamped “U. S. G. S.-PENNSYLVANIA,” ................. Rockland post-office, 0.5 mile south of; cross-roads, 20 feet southwest to sign "St. George 3 miles,” 30 feet north to telephone pole, ....... ........ 41 15 13.6 79 40 08.9 41 15 13.9 79 39 13.5. 41 15 14.00 79 38 47.07 41 16 18.8 79 44 57.2 · 196 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 16 39.2 79 44 56.8 41 25 51.7 79 44 40.7 Rockland post-office, crossroads at; 25 feet south- west to telephone pole and sign "Nickleville 6 miles -Scrubgrass 6 miles—," 30 feet northwest to telephone pole and sign “Franklin 12 miles-Em- lenton 9 miles,” ...... ... Reno, 1.8 miles northeast of, three-corners, at bend of main road to west, second class road to east, 40 feet south to stream (rossing, 50 feet east to willow, ...... ............ Reno, 2.25 miles northeast of, three-corners T road west, centre of triangle at; 30 feet south to oak and sign “Twomile Run road 1.5 miles--Reno 2 miles-Dempseytown 7 miles,” ................ Oil City, 2 miles northwest of; forks of road south- west and southeast, centre of triangle at; 35 feet southwest to oak tree and sign “Oil City 2 miles -Reno 3.5 miles," ...... ........ Rynd Farm, 2 miles west of, crossroads ; 35 feet northwest to front yard fence, 25 feet northeast to sign “Oil City 3 miles—Cherrytree 4 miles Franklin 8 miles—Rynd Farm 2 miles," ........ White Church, 600 feet northwest of, T road south- west; 15 feet south to sign "Franklin road 1 mile." ... 41 26 31.3 79 44 44.9 41 27 27.8 79 44 16.4 41 28 29.8 79 44 06.0 41 29 24.9 79 44 40.5 TOWNVILLE QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways. 41 30 08. 9 7 9 45 06.4 Dempseytown, 2 miles southeast of, in southeast corner 30 feet south of intersection of Franklin- Titusville road with the Oil City-Dempseytown road, about 6 miles northwest of Oil City; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 0-1908 PENNSYLVANIA,”: .......................... · Dempseytown, 2 miles southeast of, intersection of Franklin-Titusville road with the Oil City-Demp- seytown road ; 30 feet south to Prim. Trav. Sta- tion No. 6,” ...... .............. Dempseytown, 1.5 miles southeast of, T road north ; centre of small bridge at, ....... ... Dempseytown, crossroads at store; 50 feet north- west. to corner of store, 30 feet east to sign "Franklin 9 miles—Titusville 10 miles—Twomile Run 2 miles--Sunville 4 miles,' .............. Dempseytown, 1.0 mile west of, four-corners; 110 feet northwest to oak, 12 feet southwest to corner of fence, 80 feet southeast to sign "Franklin road 1 mile,” ......... .. 41 30 09.2 41 30 24.1 79. 45 06.4 79 45 31.1 ............... 41 30 41.5 79 46 48.3 41 30 39.7 79.47 58.4. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 197 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 79 49 20.5 79 52 26.1 79 53 10.6 79 55 19.0 Dempseytown, 2.0 miles west of, guidepost in angle of forks, sign reads "Sunville road 0.5 mile," .. 41 30 20.8 Cooperstown, in north corner of yard to hotel in southwest corner of intersection of Main and Mill, street, 22 feet west of center of Main street, and 25 feet south of intersection of streets ; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 7-1908– PENNSYLVANIA," .......................... 41 30 04.8 Cooperstown, 0.8 mile west of, T road south, cen- tre of triangle at, 35 feet west to sign "Hannaville .6 miles—Cochrantown 10 miles,” .............. 41 30 06.9 Schoolhouse, 150 feet northeast of, T road north- east, centre of triangle at, 15 feet west to two mail boxes, 30 feet south to sign "Deckard 3 miles -Cooperstown 3 miles,” .. ........ 41 30 14.0 Four-corners at top of small hill, crossroads, stone in centre of intersection of; 60 feet southeast to oak, 15 feet northeast to sign “Cochranton 6 miles Cooperstown 4 miles-Deckard 2 miles—Hanna- ville 1.5 miles," ................ ........... 41 30 05.8 Schoolhouse, 1,500 feet east of, Troad south, north edge of east and west road at; 20 feet north- west to chestnut tree, 15 feet south to centre of triangle, .. ............ 41 30 00.9 Cochranton, about 4.0 miles southeast of, on east edge of Franklin-Meadeville turnpike, 20 feet south of junction with road leading east to Coop- erstown, near Crawford-Venango County Line; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 8— PENNSYLVANIA–1908,” ..... NIA-1900," ................... 41 30 03.6 Cochranton, about 4.0 miles southeast of; junction of Franklin-Meadeville turnpike with road east to Cooperstown on or near county line, ........... 41 30 03.8 79 57 01.4 ..... 79 58 22.9 79 59 35.4 79 59 35.4 MERCER QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 13 33. 1 8 0 13 32.8 Mercer Station, 300 feet east of: centre of street crossing Pennsylvania Railroad, ............... Crossing of Bessemer and Pennsylvania railroads, centre of Pennsylvania track between Bessemer double tracks, ...... Turners Station, 50 feet west of; road crossing, .. Turners Station, 1 mile east of; centre of triangle at Troad west, ............... Turners Station, 2 miles east of; crossroads, 30 feet to guidepost "Pardoe 2 miles—Millbrook 5 miles,” ...... 41 13 54.1 41 14 28.3 80 12 31.3 80 11 12.8 41 14 39.6 80 10 20.2 41 14 31.5 198 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 41 14 54.0 80 07 29.5 41 14 55.6 80 06 26.4 41 14 55.3 80 06 25.4 Barnes crossroads, 35 feet southeast to guide board "Sandy Lake 8 miles-Grove City 7 miles," .... Hazzard Schoolhouse, at southwest corner of, at T road north, 4 miles east of Turners Station, 400 feet to T road south; iron post stamped "Prim. Tray. Sta. No. 1 PENNSYLVANIA 1908,” .. Hazzard Schoolhouse, at Troad north; centre of triangle, ...... ......... Hazzard Schoolhouse, 1.2 miles east of, centre of T road north, 10 feet north to centre of triangle, 25 feet northeast to guide board “Bradley Road 1 mile,” .......... Milbrook, 0.8 miles west of, four-corners; 40 feet northwest to guide board “Millbrook 0.8 mile Mercer 10.25 miles-Sandy Lake 8 miles-Grove City 7 miles,"............................... Millbrook, centre of iron bridge over Wolf Creek at, Millbrook, 0.8 mile east of, crossroads; 35 feet northeast to guidepost "Henderson 3.8 miles Harris 7 miles—Wesley 6 miles-Millbrook 0.8 miles,” 41 14 56.1 80 05 04.5 41 14 56.5 41 14 57.4 80 04 29.8 80 03 42.0 41 14 58.2 80 02 43.4 Geographic positions along highways near east border of quadrangle. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 13 54.0 80 00 00.7 41 13 11.1 80 00 13.5 41 11 49.3 80 00 13.6 Crossing of Mercer-Venango County Line at fence row 1,600 feet east of T road south, .......... Bridge over stream, 400 feet east of, north edge of east and west road at T' road north, 20 feet south- east to centre of triangle, 15 feet north to wire fence, ...................................... Crossroads; 30 feet southeast to corner rail fence, 20 feet northeast to corner rail and wire fence, .. Crossroads, 15 feet south to small bridge, 25 feet southeast to signboard "Kohlmyers Hardware Grove City 4.8 miles,” 20 feet northwest to peach tree, ........... Crossroads ; 35 feet northwest to two mail boxes; 20 feet east to gate, ... Harrisville, 1.5 miles north of, centre of Pittsburg pike at T road west; 20 feet west to centre of small bridge, 40 feet southwest to guide board "Hendersonville Road 0.5 mile,” ............. Harrisville, intersection of the Pittsburg-Franklin and Mercer Roseburn pikes at Central House; 45 feet southwest to front door of store; 45 feet northwest to southeast corner of Central House, 41 11 17.0 80 00 18.6 .......... 41 10 37.2 80 00 24.1 41 09 14.0 80 00 15.6 41 08 12.3 80 00 34.2 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIAANIA. 199 . . Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 41 08 08.4 80 00 39.3 41 06 21.6 80 00 21.9 ......... 41 05 59.6 80 00 16.3 Harrisville High School Grounds, in the northeast corner of, 25 feet northeast to school building and 420 feet west of the Pittsburg pike; iron post stamped "Priun. Trav. Sta. No. 11 PENNSYL- VANIA 1908,” .............................. Forestville post-office, 4 corners at blacksmith shop, 40 feet northeast to corner of shop, 30 feet south- east to guide post "Harrisville 2 miles—Butler 18 miles—Courtneys Mills 3.5 miles-Murrens 7 miles," ....... Center of pike at Mercer-Slippery Rock township line crossing at T road east to barn at end of Macadam road, ............................. Forestville, 1 mile south of, centre of triangle at roads to southeast and southwest ; 35 feet south- east to centre of bridge, 60 feet south to guide board “Harrisville 3 miles,” 70 feet north to cen- tre of bridge, ...... East edge of pike at T road east; 25 feet south to corner plank fence and guide board “New Hope 2 miles—Harrisville 4 miles—Keister 2 miles,” . Keister, 1 mile north of, crossroads, 35 feet north- east to double elm and guide board "Slippery Rock 3 miles—Branchtown 1. mile-Keister 1 mile- Harrisville 6 miles,” 30 feet southwest to corner rail fence, .... .......... Stonehouse, crossing of Mercer-Butler pike and Pittsburg pike at; 40 feet southeast to J. J. Gills mailbox, 60 feet southwest to large stone on west side of pike, ......... ........ 41 05 37.9 80 00 09.5 41 05 03.4 80 00 04.2 , 41 04 28.2 80 00 08.3 41 00 40.8 80 00 08.7 Magnetic Declination of north border of quadrangle is 3° 16' west. Magnetic Declination of east border of quadrangle is 4° 19' west. FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA. EMMITSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN QUADRANGLES. FREDERICK AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES, MD. The following geographic positions on U. S. standard datum were determined by Geo. T. Hawkins from primary traverse run in 1909. The line starts from Quirauk triangulation station and follows high- ways westward, southward, eastward and northward near borders of quadrangle. Another line was run through the centre of the quad- rangle from south to north and a tie was also obtained by a line run from southeast corner of quadrangle to a point near Hansonville, lo- cated by primary traverse in 1907. 200 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. HAGERSTOWN QUADRANGLE. (Pennsylvania Portion). Geographic positions along highways in northern part of quadrangle. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 43 50.2 39 43 51. 3 77 40 01.3 7 7 41 31.4 ....... 39 43 38.6 39 43 20.4 77 42 43.9 77 43 28.8 Greenerton (a station on W. M. Ry.), 0.25 mile south of, road west at three corners, ........... Trolley line crossing 14 miles west of Greenerton, .. Good road to north, three corners, 450 feet east of house, ......... State line, four corners at, ... ....... Quirauk triangulation station, on line between Fred- erick and Washington counties about 2 miles south of Pen-Mar, Pa., and about two miles southeast of Blue Mountain, Md. On highest point of moun- tain locally known by same name. Station mark: A bronze tablet marked “U. S. Geol. Survey- Penna.,” countersunk in a dresesd stone 4 feet long and 10 inches square, set flush with top of ground under centre of tower, which is made of iron and 84 feet high, ..... Ringold, 0.8 mile east of; T road west, ...... Ringold, crossroads at, ...... T road south near row of large willows, Second class road north, ..... Centre of crossroads Leitersburg, . 77 30 45.72 77 33 05.6 39 41 47.92 39 41 49.2 39 42 34.6 39 42 28.1 39 42 05.9 ........... 77 34 46.6 77 36 18.7 77 37 22.6 77 37 29.4 burg, ... ...................................... 77 38 37.2 77 39 14.1 Turn northwest. Leitersburg, Md., 850 feet north of crossroads at, in solid limestone ledge on east side of road leading north from and 30 feet from front door of Mr. Myers; aluminum tablet, .......... 39 41 40.1 Cross pikes 1 mile north and 1 mile west of Leiters- .. 39 42 39.2 Stone 12 inches square marked “M” on south and "P" on north (State line), ......... ........... 39 43 14.2 State line, on west side of pike, 15 feet from middle of pike, 60 feet northwest of pike and state line road leading to railway stations, set in solid rock on state line; aluminumi tablet, no marks, .... 39 43 17.1 State Line, 1 mile south of, fork to northeast, north and south, ...... Concrete post on state line, marked “MD," on south and “P” on north in south part of state line, ... 39 43 15.5 Toll gate 3 miles south of state line, .............. 39 40 13.8 Hagerstown, about 1.5 miles north of, on County Farm, set in driveway from pike to main building ; south stone, marble 8 by 8 by 42 inches set 38 inches in ground : stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. Md.,” ............... ........ 39 39 50.0 77 43 28.6 18.4 77 43 23.0 77 43 28.0 77 43 11.4 77 43 07.0 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 201 Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 77 43 08.6 Hagerstown, corner of W. North street and Jona- than street, ...... .... 39 38 53.2 Hagerstown, corner N. Locust and E. Franklin streets; 1 block north and 1 block east of square, 39 38 31.2 Hagerstown, crossing Sharpsburg pike and Balti- more and Ohio Railway, south part of, ........ 39 37 40.3 77 43 02.3 77 43 30.9 Geographic positions along highways in west border of quadrangle. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 39 37 23.3 39 36 43.8 39 35 48.0 39 35 16.0 39 33 55.7 77 43 43.3 77 43 52.8 77 43 50.9 77 43 55.7 77 43 52.8 39 33 13. 3 7 7 44 16.8 Toll gate on Sharpsburg pike at road west, ..... Crossroads, log house in southeast corner, ...... T west gate on east side road, ................ Three corners near schoolhouse, .............. Toll gate and T road east, ... Crossing Sharpsburg and Hagerstown pike with Wil- liamsport and Boonsboro pike, ................ Tilghman, about 0.25 mile north of, on east side of pike, 720 feet towards Hagerstown pike crossroad, in north edge of, 15 feet to telephone pole on east side of road, on top of little hill, in solid rock; aluminum tablet, no marks, ..... Bitner's station, 300 feet south of, crossing B. &0. Ry., ........ East End of iron bridge over Antietam Cr., ...... Monroe Church, 200 yards northeast of, first three corners from church, ..... Hotel Boonsboro, four corners at, ............... 39 32 23.9 77 44 22.2 39 31 26.8 39 31 02.2 77 43 14.6 77 42 07.0 39 31 01.2 39 30 22.1 77 41 26.2 77 39 09.4 Geographic positions along highways in southern border of quadrangle. Stations." Latitude. Longitude. 39 30 57. 9 7 7 37 54.0 39 31 39.1 77 36 47.6 39 31 42.8 39 31 06.2 77 35 33.9 77 34 47.3 Three corners 200 feet east of two mail boxes, .... Narrow summit where road crosses divide old fields north and south of road, Centre of triangle at three corners on north of Cr. House, 600 feet southwest, on west side of road Crossing electric railway just west of three corners, Meyersville, in north part of, three corners, at Mt. Zion Church, ..... ....... Churchhill, 600 feet southeast of St. John Lutheran Church, three corners at small bridge, Ellerton, south end of iron bridge at, .... Three corners on top of hill, ...... Highland Church, 500 feet north of, T road east, . Second class fork north, ......... 39 30 43.1 77 34 10.5 39 31 28.5 39 31 36.7 39 31 05.9 39 31 24.7 39 32 01.3 77 33 09.2 77 32 37.2 77 31 30.4 77 31 07.8 77 30 37.1 202 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG LINE THROUGH CENTRE OF QUAD- RANGLE, NORTH AND SOUTH. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 39 40 57.0 77 37 45.0 39 39 32.7 39 38 34.2 39 38 05.2 77 37 48.7 77 38 07.8 77 37 52.4 Chemia e cor S. . Iron bridge, ..., ...... T road to southwest, 400 feet northwest of big stone house, ................. Chewsville, forks south from pike in, at post-office, Chewsville, 0.5 mile south of; three corners, .... Crossroads near Beaver Creek, 30 feet southeast to Barnhart's mail box, .......................... Mt. Etna, crossroads at schoolhouse, .. Three corners north end of Beaver Creek, ........ Four corners at Lt. Ry. junction at Crossroads post- ........ 39 37 21.2 39 36 08.0 39 34 59.4 77 36 32.9 77 37 28.1 77 38 35.3 office, ...................................... ...'' Forks to southeast at trolley station, ............ Mapleville, T road west at Brown Church, ...... Second class T road east between house and harn. .. Boonsboro, north part of, junction of Smithburg road and Hagerstown pike, .... 39 34 25.9 39 33 08.0 39 32 29.3 39 31 37.9 77 38 48.8 77 38 48.2 77 38 51.1 77 38 50.5 39 30 44.5 77 39 22.2 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS IN EAST BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. Big Spring, 200 feet north of the five forks at, on east side of north and south lane, 50 feet north- west of Mrs. Jackson's house and 20 feet east of large cherry tree, set in large rock in place 4 by 6 feet; aluminum tablet, no marks, ............ Five forks at big Springs, Forks of road to east 70 feet north to mail box Nos. 47 and 48, ........ Forks of roads northwest and northeast, Well traveled road to southeast at mail box, G. B. 39 32 57.7 39 32 55.7 77 30 04.9 77 30 05.4 ................................. 39 35 29.6 39 36 01.4 77 30 00.2 77 30 16.3 G reen. ...................................... 39 36 30.6 39 39 45.4 77 30 04.0 77 30 17.9 ................... ............... 39 39 48.9 77 31 51.4 Forks of roads on top of hill, Forks of roads about 200 feet southeast of trvo- story brown house, .............. Edgemont, 0.5 mile southwest of, road under trestle of W-M, ........ Three corners at Lutheran Church and Ry. school- house, . ..... T road at brick schoolhouse, 39 39 57.9 77 33 01.2 use, ..................................... 39 40 28.2 39 41 25.5 77 33 12.7 77 33 23.0 Magnetic Declination of north edge of quadrangle 5° 06' west. Magnetic Declination of north edge of sheet 5° 06' west STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 203 ADAMS AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA, CARROLL FRED- ERICK AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES, MARYLAND EMMITTSBURG QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS IN WESTERN EDGE OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 39 34 10.0 77 29 58.4 39 34 46.0 77 29 54.7 Road to west down hill 1.5 miles north of Big Spring, ..... Well traveled forks at sharp bend to west-other road goes to northeast, .... .............. Crossroads, lanes east and north, roads south and . west, ...... Foxe's store, 1,070 feet north to, crossroads at Fox- ville, Pike east and west, 60 feet north and east to small store, T road east, south of Lutheran Church, ......... 39 37 17.3 77 29 29 39 38 10.2 39 38 50.0 77 29 50.0 77 29 45.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS IN SOUTH EDGE OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 39 32 04.8 Second class road north, S'econd class road to south, 500 feet to sawmill, .. Three corners north of creek near old sawmill site, Crossroads at concrete church, Mountaindale, .... Railway crossing at flag station on Thurmount .and Frederick Ry., ....... ... 77 28 25.6 77 28 11.1 77 27 05.4 77 26 13.7 39 31 11.3 39 31 12.3 39 31 05.3 77 25 32.5 PENNSYLVANIA-NEW YORK, ERIE COUNTY. NORTHEAST QUADRANGLE AND QUADRANGLE NORTH OF NORTH- EAST QUADRANGLE. The geographic positions in the following list were determined by G. T. Hawkins in 1911. The line started from the Lake Survey tri- angulation station in Erie, Pennsylvania, and runs along the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway to the edge of the Northeast quadrangle. This line was duplicated. Another line follows the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway to a north-south road about 1 mile west of the New York-Pennsylvania State line, thence along highways southwest and north near borders of quadrangle to starting point on Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway near west border of quadrangle. A line was run in duplicate from a point on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway near the northeast corner of the quadrangle to the astronomic pier which marks the corner of Pennsyl- vania. 204 TOPOGRÁPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. NORTHEAST QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR EAST BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 42 13 48.3 79 46 17.8 Crossing of the Nickel Plate Road near siding, .... Four corners, near signboard "Sherman 9 miles Northeast 3 miles," .......................... Four corners, near signboard “Mina 7 miles-Findley 42 12 18.0 79 46 18.3 42 11 34.0 42 10 46.2 42 08 22.7 79 46 55.2 79 47 06.9 79 46 59.9 Four corners, near C. F. Corndt's mail box, ....... White schoolhouse, T road east at, .............. Ashtons corners, 0.5 mile north of, on east side of north-south road near Mr. Wilson's house, which is on east side of road and 1.5 miles west of New York-Pennsylvania State line, 42 feet to southwest corner of Wilson's house, 28 feet to center of road ; iron post stamped "Prin. Trav. Sta. No. 1, Pa., 1911,” ........ ......... Ashton, four corners at, .... Ashton, 1 mile south of, near white schoolhouse, four corners, ......... T road east on township line, ...... Church and schoolhouse, four corners, .. .... Two story frame house, 70 feet southeast of four corners, .................................... Wattsburg, 1.5 miles northeast of, three corners, near schoolhouse where road goes up steep hill to north, 42 07 52.7 42 07 17.6 79 46 59.2 79 46 55.4 42 06 13.3 42 05 09.8 42 04 17.4 79 46 54.9 79 46 54.2 46 54.4 42 02 32.7 79 47 21.9 42 00 54.9 79 47 15.6 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR SOUTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude Longitude. 1 42 00 19.6 12 00 06.4 79 47 49.4 79 48 40.0 .. .......... 42 00 35.9 79 49 57.4 Wattsburg, 0.5 mile east of, on lawn of Mr. Gil- more's house, 75 feet to north corner of house, 20 feet to center of road ; iron post stamped “Prim. Tray. Sta. No. 2 Pa. 1911," Wattsburg, four corners at hotel, .... Wattsburg, 1 mile west of, four corners at H. Moore's house, ... Wattsburg, 1.5 miles west of, house in southeast corner, barn in southwest corner; three corners, Lake Pleasant, 2.5 miles to, schoolhouse, four corners, signboard “2.5 miles to Lake Pleasant,"' T road east, large house on east side of road 600 feet north, ........ Three corners, two telephone poles standing to- gether in grass plot, ..... Lake Pleasant Church, four corners at, .......... 42 00 54,0 79 50 34.0 42 00 48.2 79 52 42 00 48.5 79 53 26.4 42 01 18.6 42 00 43.6 79 53 34.1 79 54 16.2 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 205 Stations. Latitude. 110 Longitude. 11 .O Wattsburg, 5.5 miles west of, on west side of north south road, 600 feet south of Lake Pleasant Church, on grass plot near T road west, 18 feet west of north- south road; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta, No. 3 Pa, 1911," ............ Lake Pleasant, 0.8 mile west of, T road south, .. Brick schoolhouse, three corners at, ... T road north, 30 feet northeast to mailbox, ....... T road east, 30 feet northeast to two mail boxes, .. ..... 42 00 36.2 42 00 35.0 42 00 38.5 42 00 14.1 42 00 13.8 79 54 17.1 79 55 11.2 79 56 32.7 79 57 30.7 79 58 23.9 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG HIGHWAYS NEAR WEST BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 42 00 29.2 42 00 56.5 79 58 26.9 79 59 02.3 42 03 33.2 79 58 26.4 42 04 00.5 79 58 41.3 Southwest corner of northeast quadrangle, about 1 mile northeast of, directly in front and cross the road from Mr. Coover's house, 21 feet from center of road; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4. Pa. 1911," ..... Four corners, 70 feet northeast to large maple tree, T road south, small house 60 feet southwest, 100 feet southeast to small house, 20 feet north to telephone pole, ....... .......... T road south, 30 feet southeast to blacksmith shop 60 feet northeast to store, .... Hammet, Troad north, 40 feet southwest to bar- ness shop, 260 feet southeast to store, ........... J. Darnell's mailbox, T road west at, ... District school house No. 3, 1887, T road west at, Four corners, 200 feet northeast to yellow frame house, ............ .............. District schoolhouse No. 7, four corners at, ....... T road southwest, 30 feet southwest to N. H. Frazie's mailbox, ..... Wesleyville, 2 miles east of, 1.5 miles southwest of Harbox Creek, on west side of north-south road and 600 feet south of Nickel Plate Road, 75 feet to northeast corner of frame house, 18 feet west of center of road; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5 Pa. 1911,” ........ 42 03 58.4 42 04 33.6 42 05 19.9 79 58 08.0 79 57 53.0 79 57 52.4 42 06 05.8 42 07 08.5 79 57 51.7 79 37 51.0 42 07 55.1 79 58 16.6 42 09 11.1 79 79 05.5 GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS ALONG LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTH- ERN RAILWAY NEAR NORTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 42 09 39.3 Harbor Creek, 1 mile west of, main road crossing south rail of south passenger track, ........... Harbor Creek Station, road crossing, south rail of south passenger track, ....... ... 79 58 15.3 42 10 03.4 79 57 09.7 206 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Stations. Latitude. Longitude. 42 10 23.9 79 56 14.0 42 10 47.6 79 55 09.5 42 11 08.2 79 54 13.6 0 0 Harbor Creek, 1 mile east of, road crossing south rail of south passenger track, ....... Frame house, 400 feet n'orth of, road crossing south rail of south passenger track, .................. Morehead Station, road crossing, south rail of south passenger track, ..... ......... Northeast, 2.5 miles southwest of, on right of way of Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Ry., 18 feet south of south rail of four track railway 320 feet east of road crossing, 60 feet north of Nickel Plate Road, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 6, Pa., 1911," .... Cedro Station, road crossing at; south rail of south passenger track, ..... ... Northeast Station, first street crossing, east of, south rail of south passenger track, ......... Northeast, I mile east of, 400 feet south of house, south rail of south passenger track, ........... Remington, road crossing at, south rail of south passenger track, ...... Northeast, 3 miles east of, road crossing street car line and north-south road just east of the gulf, ...... ................ 42 11 38.0 79 52 51.3 42 12 12.0 z oo 79 51 19.4 42 12 35.7 79 50 14.8 42 12 55.3 79 49 21.7 42 13 31.7 47 44.9 42 14 25.9 ....... 79 46 17.4. Magnetic declination east border of quadrangle is 4° 42' W. Magnetic declination south border of quadrangle is 4° 52' W. Magnetic declination west border of quadrangle is 4° 49' W. QUADRANGLE NORTH OF NORTHEAST QUADRANGLE. GEOGRAPHIC POSITIONS NEAR SOUTH BORDER OF QUADRANGLE. Stations. Latitude. i I Longitude. o . " o ................ 42 15 48.4 79 46 37.2 ........ 42 16 04.7 79 45 43.0 Northeast, 4 miles northeast of, elbow in road near Lakeshore Inn, ........ Northeast, 5 miles northeast of, at northeast cor- ner of Pennsylvania ; astronomic pier, .. Astronomic pier, marked on east side "Meridian of the west end of Lake Ontario, State of New York, 18 mile 52.5 ch. from the north boundary of Pa, Aug. 23, 1790,” on the west side; “Terri- tory annexed to the State of Pa. Lat. 42° 18' 13" variation 25' W," on south side "1869. Erected by the States N. Y. and Pa., 440 feet south of a monument now dilapidated on which were inscriptions on the east and west of this monument” on north "1869, Latitude of this 42° 15' 57.9", longitude 79° 45' 54.4”, variation 2° 35' W;" granite post 8 by 30 by 48 inches above ground (Astronomic position), ............ 42 16 02.8 79 45 54.4 TTTLETON SESVIL LÁMERONX STEUBENVILLE COLUMBIANA- YOUNGSTOWN KINSMAN MANNINGTON ANDOVEREX CONNEAUTX ROGERSVILLE CLAYSVIE X WHEELINGX BURGETTSTOWN HENANGO BEAVERYX NESHANNOCK GERARD LAWRENCE BUT LINESVIVET BLACKSVILLE GARNEGIE KNX FALAKE ERIE SEWICKAY A STONEBORO LIENOPLES MERDVILLE FO MORGANTOWAX BYELER FRANKLIN WAVNSBURG X BROWNSVILLEX OEW KENSINGTON X JOWNVILLE VENANG UNION CITY NORTH EAST BRUCETON UNIONTOWN CONNELLSVILLE FREEPORT ATTANNING OXFOXBURG OIL CITY TITUSVILLE DORRY A WEST MON EL AND RICHARD R. HICE, STATE GEOLOGIST GEORGE W. McNEES, ANDREW S. McCREATH, E. V. D'INVILLIERS, COMMISSIONERS. TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA CONFLUENCE STAHLSTOWN DRAL VALLEY R CLARION TIDNUTE X CHAUTAUQUA GRANTSVILLE SOMERS E MEYERSDALE SOMERSET INDIANA IDT JEFFE OLETKY SHEFFIELD STOWN FROSTBURG BERLIN WINDBER CUNSTOWN NI BROCKWATER PUNXSUTANNEY X RED HOUSE MBRI X FLINTSTONN AREYNOLDSVILLE X SALAM HYNDMAN BEDFORD PATTON CURWENS EBENSBURG PENFIELD RIDGWAY W MT. KWETE ( CLEARVILLE PARX EVERETT CLEARFIELD HOUTZONE CALEDONI CALESROVE HOLLIDAYSBUNGA SMETHPORT CAMERON KARTI CR SIDELING HILL GOALHONT PHILIPSBURG Aug BIRMINGHAM DRIBTWOOD BELMONT HUNTINGDON X COUDERSPORT EMPORIUM OY NTINGDON MERGERSB ORBISONIA MENNO INDEX MAP SHOWING LINES OF PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVEL NET. SNOW SHO BITUMEN IAMSPORN SHORTRUN GENESEE WELLSVILLE BELLEFONTEA ASERSTOWN FRANKLIN X GAINS MATAWANA SHIPPENSBURG LEWISTOWN WARD C GALEJON REXVILLE CHAMBERSBURLA MINGOVILLEPU X EMMITSBURN COB F IRFIELD NEWVILLE LOYSVILLE ON LOCKHAVEN RAMSEYVILLE HOYTVILLE MIFFLIN VNIAT ELKLAND RATHBONE TANEYTOWN MBERLAND EW BLOOME GÉTTYSBURG CARLISLE MIFRUINBURG TROUTRUN WILLIAMSPORT BLOSSBURG CORNING WESTMINSTER QIRA HANOVER RALSTON PARRISBURG ) DAUPHINE MILLERSBURG סעאתבאר TROMBRIDGE PARKTON X YORK WIDDLETOWA BRA D FOR SAYRE VRE BARCLAY WAVERLY EAGLES MERE NEW CUMBERLAND X HUMMEKSTOWN X LLIVAN BELAIR OWEGO LEONON CATAWISSA PINEGROVE MECALLS FERRY TOWANDA BLOOMSBURY TE LANCASTER X X LLVINEX LAPORTE 17 QUARRYVILLE APALACHIN POTTSVILLE MAHONEY LERAYSVILLE NEW HOLLAND X HERNERSVILLE X X X HINNYX X S QUE KTON 9 READING KAMBURG HAZELTON MONTROSE PITTSIDE WILKESBARRE BINGHAMPTON COATESVILLE A Α SI Ν LAGKAWANNA! NINEVEH DUNDAFF SCRANTON P OCK Y SUSQUEHANNA BOYERTOWN Ν. PHOENIXVILLE MAUCH CHUJON STODDARDSVILLE) ORTHHA MONTGOMERY NUNES HHAMP MON DEPOSIT POCONO ARIEL ESTER ALLENTOWN H ONESDALE "STARRUCCA ORRISTOWN A QUAKERTOWNX o AWIEY ASTON SHOEMAKERS DELAWARE WATER GAP DAMASCUS LONG EDDY PHILADELPHIA GERMANTOWN BOYLESTOWN Y PHILADELPHIAI WALLPACK CS.H & CON Y BURLINGTON GAMBERTVILLE PORT SERVIS PLATE IN BORDENTOWN STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 207 PRECISE AND PRIMARY LEVELING, SPIRIT LEVELLING. The following list of points in the level net of Pennsylvania is data regarding the vertical control for those portions of the State mapped by the United States Geological Survey prior to the co-opera- tive agreement are available, the levels given hereafter are believed to include all accurate determinations made since that time. The following description by S. S. Gannett and D. H. Baldwin is taken from Bulletin No. 288 of the United States Geological Survey and gives the description of the bench marks used and other inforina- tion regarding the manner of running level lines. "The leailjustment in 1903 of the precise-level net in the eastern portion of the United States by the United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey necessitated a corresponding readjustment of all spirit- level heights of the United States Geological Survey dependent thereon. “The elevations are arranged according to the degree of accuracy of their determination, precise and primary. The former are de- termined by lines of levels run either in both forward and backward directions or by simultaneous double-rodded lines, a high-grade in- strument being used and special precautions being taken in obser- vations and reductions to correct errors and make the line contin- uously good throughout. The latter or primary levels are deter- mined with the Y level, precautions. being taken against only the principal errors and the levels being run mostly in circuits of single lines. The allowable limit of error observed on the precise work in feet by 0.03VD and that for the primary work by 0.05VD, in which D is the length of circuit in miles. “The bench marks described in the following list are of two general forms. First, a circular bronze or aluminum tablet 31 inches in diameter and one-fourth inch thick, appropriately lettered, having a three-inch stem cemented into a drill hole, generally in the vertical walls of public buildings, bridge abutments, or other substantial masonry structures. The second form, employed where masonry, or rock is not accessible, consists of a hollow wrought iron post 4 feet in length and 31 inches in outer diameter, split at the bottom and 14--No.:7 208 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : expanded to 12 inches, so as to prevent both the easy subsidence of the post and its being maliciously pulled out of the ground. The iron is heavily coated with asphalt, and over the top of the post is riveted a bronze tablet similar to that described above. “The numbers stamped upon the bench marks as described in the following lists represent the elevations to the nearest foot above mean sea level, as determined by unadjusted levels in the field. They have been subjected to change resulting from the adjustments neces- sary to close circuits and to those resulting from reduction to mean sea level through readjustment of the precise-level net of the United States. In some cases the finally accepted elevations as printed herein differ from those submitted as bench-mark numbers by 1 or 2 feet. This method of numbering bench marks has been adopted where many to lead to confusion in identification of bench inarks than any attempt at serial numbering, and because the bench mark number at the same time gives an approximate statement of the elevation. It is assumed that engineers and others finding these bench marks so stamped in the field will communicate with the director of the United States Geo- logical Survey in order to obtain the accepted elevation to hundredths or thousandths of a foot.” PRECISE LEVELING. BEDFORD QUADRANGLE. ................... BENCH MARKS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BEDFOED TO MANN'S CHOICE. Feet. R. R. B. M. No. 20, Bedford, capstone of pier, southeast corner of freight station, chiseled square, .......... 1,059.650 Bedford, in northwest abutment of wagon bridge over river 250 feet south of railroad; aluminun tablet stamped "1064,"..... 1,063,560 Wolfsburg, 500 feet south of station, east end of box culvert; R. R. B. M. No. 18; copper bolt, ..... 1,096.42 Wolfsburg, west end of, in northwest foundation of schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped "1122,” ...... ...... 1,121.633 Napier Station, 0.7 mile from, on rock, copper bolt, R. R. B. M. No. 17, ... ....... 1,095.13 Napier, 350 feet north of station, northeast abutment of bridge No. T ; aluminum tablet stamped "1106,” ....... 1,104.315 Napier, in front of station; top of rail, ... 1, 108.4 Mount Dallas, 14.3 miles from, north abutment, east end of coping, copper bolt, R. R. B. M. No. 16, ......, 1,116.23 Mann's Choice, R. R. B. M. 15, north abutment of open culvert, copper bolt, 1,135.20 Mann's Choice, 690 feet south of station, in southeast corner of foun- dation of grist mill; aluminum tablet stamped "1136,” .......... 1,135.352 ............. .......... ....... ... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. : 209 ËLTON SOUTHEAST TO LOVELY THENCE NORTH TO PAVIA. Feet. 2,839.688 : Felix, 3.3 miles north of, 600 feet east of Felix road, in large rock on north side of Barefoot road; aluminum tablet stamped "2840,"? Elton, 10.1 miles east of, 530 feet west of intersection of Old Johns- town road with road to Lovely, on north side of Barefoot road, on rock; aluminum tablet stamped “2015," ...................... Lovely, in northwest corner of stone wall of building used' as post- office at southeast corner of crossroads; bronze tablet stamped “1314 PITTSBURGH,” ....... 2,014.637 1,312.801 BEDFORD NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO WEYANT THENCE WEST TO LOVELY. . 1,082,563 1,079.2 1,076.531 1,089.2 Belden, northeast corner of crossroads, in large round stone at en- trance to store; aluminum tablet stamped "1083,” .............. Cessna, road crossing at station; top of rail, ........... ........ Cessna, 930 feet west of station, on northeast abutment of bridge over Dunning Creek; aluminum tablet stamped “1077,” ........ Fishertown, in front of station; top of rail, Reynoldsdale, in northwest corner of foundation of post office 100 feet south of railroad station, on east side of track; aluminum tab- let stamped “1105,” ........ ........ Osterburg station, 4,500 feet west of, iu foundation of covered bridge over Bobbs creek, on northwest side of bridge, 6 feet from water; · aluminum tablet stamped "1144," ...... · Weyant, in northwest foundation of building used as post office; aluminum tablet stamped “1256," ..... 1,104.622 1,143.692 1,256.201 MANNS CHOICE WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO COUNTY LINE. 1,258.322 Schellsburg, in building used as post office at cross roads, northeast corner of step; aluminum tablet stamped "1259," ......... Fyan,. in foundation of mill, in southeast corner of, 500 féet north of Pittsburgh and Baltimore pike; aluminum tablet stamped “1399," 21 1,398.631 FROM COUNTY LINE 4 MILES WEST OF FYAN NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO B. M. 4 MILES NORTH OF FELIX. 2,616,378 2,559.947 . Daley, in step of building used as store, northeast corner of cross-- roads; aluminum tablet stamped “2617," ... Daley, 3.3 miles north of, at old log house in field and small build- ings along road, east side of road, in large rock; aluminum tablet stamped “2560,” ........ ........................... Crumb, 1.1 mile north of, 240 feet north of intersection opposite spruce tree, west side of road, in large stone ; aluminum tablet stamped "2507,” ..... Felix, in foundation of building used as post office, in southeast cor- ner of; aluminum tablet stamped “2326," ... ............................. 2,506.437 2,325.471 210 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . .. BELLEFONTE QUADRANGLE. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BENCH MARKS. Feet. . . .... 649.34 670.68 664.56 682.65 697.26 .... 703.55 721.81 749.37 706.46 B. M. N.. 18, on northwest foundation of water tank east of Curtain station; square, ....... B. M. No. 19, in northwest bridge seat of bridge 40, copper bolt, B. M. No. 20, in northwest bridge seat of bridge 37; copper bolt, B. M. No. 21, in southeast bridge seat of bridge 36; copper bolt, B. M. No. 22, in southwest bridge seat of small bridge, 360 feet west of milepost 31-24; copper bolt, .............. B. M. No. 22a, 2,575 feet south of milepost 31-24, west side of track; on shelf of limestone rock,' ...... B. M. No. 22b, 1,520 feet north of milepost 33-0, east side of track; on northwest bridge seat of county bridge; square, ..... B. M, No. 22c, at Bellefonte, on window sill of ticket office; on shelf, ...... B. M. No. 23, in northwest bridge seat of bridge 34; copper bolt, B. M. No. 24, in southwest bridge seat of bridge 33 at Snowshoe intersection; copper bolt, ... .................... B. M. No. 25, in southeast bridge seat of bridge 31; copper bolt, B. M. No. 26, in southwest bridge seat of bridge 30; copper bolt, B. M. No. 27, at Unionville, in southeast bridge seat of bridge 27; copper bolt; .............. ........ B. M. No. 28, in southwest bridge seat of bridge 25; copper bolt, B. M. No. 29, 770 feet east of milepost 24-31, in northeast bridge seat of small bridge; copper bolt, ...... B. M. No. 30, in northwest bridge seat of bridge 24, copper bolt, B. M. No. 31, at Julian, in southeast bridge seat of bridge 23; copper bolt, ...... B. M. No. 32, in southwest bridge seat of bridge 22; copper bolt, B. M. No. 33, in northwest bridge seat of bridge 21; copper bolt, B. M. No. 34, in northwest bridge seat of bridge 19; copper bolt, 723.07 745.63 761.86 .... ....... 771.87 797.37 798.31 830.68 848.10 852.48 879.87 901.18 JULIAN SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY AND RAILROAD, TO STATE COLLEGE, THENCE EAST, TO LAMONT, THENCE NORTH ALONG RAILROAD, TO MILESBORO. 848.100 849.958 1,618.37 Julian, at North Julian, in southeast bridge seat; copper bolt, .. Julian, 180 feet east of station, in southeast bridge seat of bridge 23 on Bald Eagle Valley Branch of Pennsylvania Railroad, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim, Trav.-850–1907," .. Julian, 2.2 miles southwest of, 2.0 miles north of Waddle, at.west side of road at road forks, on rock; chisel mark, .............. Waddle, at southeast corner of road forks, in northeast corner of east face of large barn owned by D. L. Meek; aluminum tablet stamped "1113-1908,” ............... Waddle, 3.0 miles southeast of, 4.9 miles northwest of State Col- lege, 510 feet north of railroad, in northeast corner of east face of foundation of barn owned by Geo. B. Thompson on Pondbank Farm; aluminum tablet stamped "1197-1908,” . State College, 3.5 miles northwest of, 10 feet south of tracks, at road crossing, on rock; chisel mark, .. 1,112.934 1,196.855 1,091.35 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 211 ......... Feet. State College, in north face at northwest column base at east entrance to Engineering Builidng; aluminum tablet stamped "1154- 1908,” ........................... 1,153.994 State College, 1.8 miles northeast of, 1.0 mile west of Lemont, on east side of road at T road to west, on rock; chisel mark, .... 964.30 Lemont, at southeast corner of road crossing opposite station, in southwest corner of northwest face of buttress of Lemont Presby- terian Church ; aluminum tablet stamped "1046-1908,” ......... 1,045.778 Peru station, , 4.0 miles north of Lemont, 360 feet west of railroad, in north face of stone foundation of house owned by Wm. E. Crust; aluminum tablet stamped "1020-1908,” ................ 1,020.241 Pleasant Gap station, 0.5 mile north of, 3.8 miles south of Belle- fonte, 150 feet east of railroad, in southwest corner of west face of large stone house on pike owned (house) by Dr. R. G. Hayes of Bellefonte; aluminum tablet stamped "880-1908,” .......... * 879.640 Bellefonte, at intersection of Allegheny and High streets, at east side of Allegheny street, in southwest corner of west face in water tablet of courthouse; aluminum tablet stamped “809-1908," 809.135 Milesburg, opposite station, on south side of road, in northwest corner of north face of residence of J. W. Peace; aluminum tablet stamped “700-1908,” 699.954 SNOWSHOE INTERSECTION NORTHWEST, TO RUNVILLE AND RETURN. Runville, 500 feet west of station, in southwest abutment of bridge No. 57; aluminum tablet stamped "874-1908,” ...... 873.571 ................ UNIONVILLE NORTHWEST, TO BELLEGROVE SCHOOLHOUSE AND RETURN. Unionville, 240 feet west of road crossing, in northeast bridge seat. of bridge No. 26; aluminum tablet stamped “Prim, Tray. Sta. No. 13–780–1907," 779.984 Unionville, 2.1 miles northwest of, 0.5 mile southeast of road forks, in southeast face of stone foundation to Bellegrove school- house; aluminum tablet stamped "1024-1908,”. 1,023.892 JULIAN NORTHWEST, TO BELLEVIEW SCHOOLHOUSE AND RETURN. Belleview schoolhouse, 2.0 miles northwest of Julian, 330 feet north of road forks, in centre of south face of schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped "1003-1908,” 1,002.750 BROOKVILLE QUADRANGLE. HOLDEN, SOUTHEAST ALONG PITTSBURGH, SUMMERVILLE AND CLARION RAILROAD, TO SUMMERVILLE THENCE SOUTHWEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD (LOW GRADE DIVISION) TO MAY-.. PORT. (MEAN OF TWO LINES.) Holden, 1.2 miles southeast of, on east end of south abutment of small bridge just south of private crossing (county road: 75 feet east of); aluminum tablet stamped "1433 ADJ 1903,” .......... 1,432.338 Summerville, on northwest corner of railroad bridge over Redbank Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1160 ADJ 1903,"............ 1,159.890 212 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. .... 1,157.456 Heathville, in coping at west end of north abutment of bridge No. 51, over Beaver Run; aluminum tablet stainped "1158 ADJ 1903,” ........................ ..... · Heathville, 0.7 mile southwest of, in coping at northwest corner of north abutment of bridge No. 52 over Redbank Creek; railroad bench mark, 1,154.69, Pattons Station post office, in north pier of water tank; copper bolt stamped "1137.255," ............ Mayport, (New Mayville post office), 1 mile east of, in north coping of stone arch bridge over run and road; aluminum tablet stamped "1108 ADJ 1903,” .... 1,153.994 1,136.554 ........................................ 1,106.892 SPRANKLES MILLS NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAYS TO PATTONS STATION. 1,271.334 ....... Sprankles Mills, west end of, in foundation of house owned by Wm. Eisenhart Estate, opposite to store, in east side of ạt southeast corner; aluminum tablet stamped "1271 ADJ 1903," ... Worthville, northwest end of, in second step of S. W. Geist store, west side of southwest corner; aluminum tablet stamped "1193 ADJ 1903," ....... Langville, 100 feet west of, 5 feet west of T roads, in top of large rock; aluminum tablet stamped “1200 ADJ 1903,” ............ 1,192.681 1,199.594 BROWNSVILLE QUADRANGLE. ELBEN, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO TIPPECANOE. 750.0 750.6 754.7 759.0 . .. ............. Shire Oaks, in front of station, north-bound track; top of west rail, Coal Bluff, in front of station, south-bound track; top of east rail, Huston Run, in front of station, north-bound track; top of west rail, ........ Courtney, in front of station; top of east rail, ....... Riverview, 0.3 mile north of 'flag station, south end of large stone- arch culvert, west side of track, second step below coping stone, 2.5 feet below top of rail; bronze tablet stamped "753 PITTS- BURG 1899," ... Riverview, in front of flag station; top of east rail, Monongabela city, in front of station; top of rail, .... Black Diamond flag station ; top of west rail, .... Baird, 150 feet south of flaş station, signpost, second step below. coping stone of stone-arch, culvert, north side of track, 4.8 'feet below top of rail; bronze tablet stamped “755 PITTSBURG 1899," ................ Baird, in front of flag, station; top of east rail, .......... Webster, in front of station; top of west rail, ... West Columbia, in front of flag station ; top of west rail, Bamford, in front of station; top of cast rail, : ......... Lock No. 4, on coping near heel of west gate at south end of west lock, on circle; chisel mark, ...... Lock No. 4; top of west rail, ....... 752.988 755.2 753.7 753.8 , ........ 754.839 759.9 761.0 772.8 763.8 743.522 764.6 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 213 : F'eet. 764.0 757.586 767.1 763.3 764.3 761..6 766.5 764.8 Charleroi, in front of station; top of west rail, ...... Charleroi, 0.5 mile south of station, 150 feet south of city pumping station, coping stone at northwest corner of large stone-arch cul- vert; bronze tablet stamped “760 PITTSBURG 1899," Belle Vernon, in front of station; top of east rail, ...... Dunlevy, in front of flag station; top of west rail, ..... Allenport, in front of station; top of west rail, ... Stockdale, in front of flag station; top of east rail, .... Lucyville, in front of station ; top of west rail, .... Wood's Run flag station, in front of; top of west rail, .......... Wood's Run flag station, 0.5 mile south of, bridge seat at east end of north abutment of open culvert, 25 feet south of milepost 47'; · bronze tablet stamped “764 PITTSBURG 1899,” ....... Coal Center, in front of station ; top of west rail, .... California, in front of station; top of cast rail, .............. West Brownsville Junction, in front of station ; top of east rail, ... West Brownsville Junction, 0.25 mile south of, 4-span truss bridge across Monogabela river, bridge seat at east end of north abut- ment; bronze tablet stamped “778 PITTSBURGH 1899," .... Braznell, in front of flag station ; top of east rail, . Grindstone, in front of flag station ; top of west rail, .... Tippecanoe, in front of flag station; top of west rail, ............ Tippecanoe, 0.5 mile south of flag station, bridge seat at southwest corner of small girder bridge 15 feet long over roadway at south end of truss road bridge over Redstone creek; bronze tablet stamped "868 PITTSBURG 1899," 765.063 768.7 766.2 778.1 777.378 - 798.6 825.2 859.2. ........ 867.240 BUTLER QUADRANGLE. BARTLEY NORTH ALONG PITTSBURG, BESSEMER AND LAKE ERIE : RAILROAD TO BUTLER THENCE NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO CHICORA. 1,140.2 1.140.2 1,144.612 1,056.263 : 952 .......................... West Saxonburg, in front of station; top of rail, .. Olavivu, LUP OL rall, ................ West Saxonburg, 0.17 mile north of, west side of railroad, 40 feet center of track, in sandstone outcrop; aluminum tablet stamped "1145 ADJ 1903," ... Rockdale, in sandstone abutment of bridge over county road; alum- inum tablet stamped “1056 ADJ 1903,” ...................... McBride, road crossing; top of rail, .. McBride, 0.57 miles north of, 60 feet from center of track, on west side of railroad, in sandstone wing wall of county bridge; alum- inum tablet stamped “985 ADJ 1903," ......... ......... Odel, on east side of railroad, in sandstone outcrop; aluminum tab- let stamped "1016 ADJ 1903,".. ...... Butler, Butler County National Bank, at entrance at northeast corner of building, in sandstone pillar; aluminum tablet stamped "1077 ADJ 1903,".......... East Butler, 0.21 mile north of; 60 feet west of Baltimore and Ohio railroad, in sandstone abutment of plate-girder bridge of Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg railroad; aluminum tablet .stamped "1028 ADJ 1903,"........... 984.984 1,015.851 .. .... ....... ............... 1,077.080 1,028.025 214 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . Feet. Carbon Center, 1.26 miles north of, northwest corner of railroad bridge, in sandstone abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "1123 ADJ 1903,". North Oakland, road crossing; top of rail, .... 1,122.461 1,326 BUTLER SOUTHEAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA R. R. TO BRINKER STATION. 1,232.0 Brinker, road crossing at station : top of rail, .................. Brinker station, 300 feet east of station, south side of road, in sandstone culvert; aluminum tablet stamped "1232 ADJ 1903,".. 1,231.949 BUTLER NORTHWEST ALONG PITTSBURG, BESSEMER AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD TO QUEEN JUNCTION. . 1,021.302 1,030 · Butler, 3.48 miles north of, in concrete abutment of railroad bridge, southeast corner of bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "1021 ADJ .1903," ........ .. Oneida, road crossing; top of rail, ..... Oneida, 1.9 miles north of, in northeast corner of railroad bridge abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "1110 ADJ 1903," ........ Jamisonville, in front of station; top of rail, .. ........... Queen Junction, at junction of Bessessemer and Western Allegheny railroads, in concrete bridge abutment railroad bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "1226 ADJ 1903," 1,109.409 1,169.2 1,225.945 CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS QUADRANGLE. Cambridge Springs, in front of station; top of rail, ........... Venango, in front of station; top of rail, ......... Venango, 0.8 mile southwest of, in southeast end of bridge abut- ment bronze tablet stamped "1128 PITTSBURG 1899," ........ 1,161.6 1,161.1 1,128.717 ...... 1,366.676 1,374.2 CORRY QUADRANGLE. · LOVELL TO HORN. Lovell, 0.84 mile west of, northeast corner of Bridge No. 34, on foundation wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 69), ....... ............ Lovell, in front of station; top of north rail, ....... Lorell, 0.16 mile east of, southwest corner of Bridge No. 37, on foundation stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 68), .. Corry, 2.68 miles west of, southeast corner of Bridge No. 38, on foundation stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 67), .............. Corry, 1.13 miles west of, northwest corner of Bridge No. 40, bot- tom of coping stone of wing wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 66), ....... Corry, in front of station ; top of north rail, ....... 1,372.610 1,382.199 1,412.769 1,429.1 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . : 215 Feet. .............. ....... ............ 1,432.341 1,397..526 1,400.7 1,381.2 1,384.170 1,395.5 Corry, 0.05 mile southwest of station, northeast corner of Phoenix Hotel,' on base water table; aluminum tablet stamped "1432 PITTSBURG 1902," ..., Colza, 0.34 mile west of, southeast corner of Bridge No. 41, on top of foundation wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 64), ....... Colza, in front of station; top of north rail, .. Roach, in front of section house; top of north rail, Roach, 0.24 mile cast of, southwest corner of Bridge No. 42 (large steel-truss bridge), on parapet wall; chiseled square (Pennsylvania bench mark No. 62), ... Spring Creek, in front of station; top of north rail, ....... Spring Creek, 100 feet northeast of station, southwest corner of Donaldson Brothers' general store, in water table; aluminum tablet stamped "1406 PITTSBURG 1902,” .. Spring Creek, 0.26 mile east of south side of track, on coping stone at culvert, chiseled square (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 58), ......... Spring Creek, 0.70 mile east of, west side of open culvert, north side of track, on foundation stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 57), .......... Spring Creek, 2.09 miles north of, northeast corner of girder Bridge No. 423, on wing wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 56), ............. Horn, 0.17 mile west of, southwest corner small girder bridge, on foundation stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 55), .......... Horn, flag crossing; top of north rail, ......... .............. 1,405.594 1,390.04 ........... 1,394.893 1,375.846 1,366.593 1,372.8 DAMASCUS QUADRANGLE. MASTHOPE, ALONG ERIE RAILROAD, TO WESTCOLANG. 667.5 Masthope, in front of station, north-bound track; top of rail, .... Westcolang Park, 100 feet. east of station, railroad bridge, top of west abutment, south side; bronze tablet stamped "665 ALBANY 1900," ........ 665.618 ERIE QUADRANGLE. ERIE, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO SAMSON. 577.591 636.179 Erie Harbor, army engineers' bench mark, southwest corner of foundation of light-house keeper's dwelling; chisel mark, ........ Erie, northwest corner of hospital wing of Soldier's Home, in water table; aluminum tablet stamped “635 ERIE, ....... Erie, at junction of Pennsylvania and Lake Shore Railroads; top of foundation of water tank, marked “685,” ....... Belle Valley, in front of station; top of rail, ... Belle Valley, 1.1 miles south of, overhead highway bridge, in north end of east side of foundation of bent; aluminum tablet stamped :"1103 PITTSBURG 1899,” ...... Langdon, railroad crossing at station, main track; top of rail, .... 685.01 1,015.5 ..... ......... 1,103.430 1,134.8 210: . TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . Feet. 1,229.4 Jackson, in front of station, main track; top of rail, ............. Samson, 0.8 mile south of, north end, east side of railroad bridge No. 8, in top of arch masonry; aluninum tablet stamped “1214 PITTSBURG 1899,” ............. Samson, 0.8 mile south of, Bridge No. 8; copper bolt Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 85), .. .... 1,215.286 1,212.035 FAIRFIELD QUADRANGLE. BIGLERSVILLE WESTERLY ALONG HIGHWAY, TO HILLTOWN, THENCE SOUTH TO NEAR FAIRFIELD. .. .. ........ ... 683.60 ................................. .731.22 709.936 S05.29 Biglerville, 1.0 mile west of, on rock on north side of road at T road to south; chiseled mark, ... Biglerville, 1.9 miles west of, Clear Springs schoolhouse at north- east corner of crossroads, in centre of crossroads, on stone; chisel mark, ........ Arendtsville, at southwest corner of crossroads, in northwest corner of west face of Zion Reform Church ; aluminum tablet stamped "710-1908," : ................ Arendtsville, 0.5 mile west of, Paradise schoolhouse at southeast corner of crossroads, on rock at southwest corner, chisel mark, Arendtsville, 2.0 miles southwest of, on rock at northwest corner of road forks; chisel mark, ...... Hilltown, on flag stone in front of M. J. Miller's store at T road to south; chisel mark, ..... Cashtown, 170 feet west of T road south, in southeast corner of south face of Rocky Top Hotel; aluminum tablet stamped "745- 1908, .......... ......... Orrtanna, 660 feet south of station, on east side of road, in north- west corner of west face, of Orrtanna M. E. Church; aluminum tablet stamped "669-1908,” ............................. 769.75 ................................... 752.50 745.067 L 669.519 NEAR TAIRFIELD EAST ALONG ROAD, TO GETTYSBURG. 620.75 607.555 Fairfield, 2.0 miles north of, on west side of road about 80 feet south of small streamcrossing, on rock outcrop; chisel mark, .. Fairfield, in southeast corner of east face of Lutheran Church ; aluminum tablet stamped "608-1908," . Fairfield, 3.0 miles east of, 400 feet north of road, in southeast corner of east face of old stone Church ; aluminum tablet stamped "558-1908," .. (Gettysburg, 3.0 miles west of, Old Black Horse Tavern, on rock at centre of road at T road to north, Fairview schoolhouse, 2.5 miles west of Gettsburg, at northwest corner of road forks, in northeast corner of east face of school- house ; aluminum tablet stamped “527-1908,” .... Gettysburg, 1.0 mile west of, at northwest corner of Reynolds avenue; on top of cannon ball, .... 557.925 492.18 ................ 526.338 555.81 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 217 TRANKLIN QUADRANGLE. UTICA, ALONG DRIE RAILROAD, TO FRANKLIN. Feet. 1,033.6 ..... 1,038.323 1,017.8 Utica, in front of station; top of rail, ........ Utica, 300 feet south of station, in east abutment, north side of highway bridge bronze tablet stamped "1038 PITTSBURG 1899," .... i............ Takitezy, at railroad crossing by station; top of rail, ............ . Sugar Creek, 1,200 feet southeast of, in northeast end of abutment of railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1013 PITTSBURG 1899,' ....... ....... Tranklin, in northeast corner of belt course of Erie Station ; alumi- num tablet stamped “989 PITTSBURG 1899,". 1,013.628 .............. 989.349 FRANKLIN, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO BRANDON. Franklin, Pennsylvania Railroad station, 90 feet west of center of track, at point 60 feet north of north end of station, in second step below coping-stone at end of south wing wall of east abut- ment of road bridge across Allegheny river, aluminum tablet stamped “987 PITTSBURG 1899, ..... Franklin, 'in front of Pennsylvania Railroad station ; top of west 987.777 ............. rail, ...... ............ ................ . ......... .. 984.3 978.1 973.8 ...... ......................... 970.905 970.5 965.3 957.5 ..... Cochran, in front of station; top of south rail, ................ Astral flag station ; top of rail, ..... East Sandy, 650 feet north of station; coping stone of abutument at southwest corner of 2-span steel-truss bridge across Sandy Creek, 1.2 feet below top rail 10.5 feet west of center of track; bronze tablet stamped "970 PITTSBURG 1899,".. ............... East Sandy, in front of station ; top ºf east rail, ......... Foster, in front of flag station; top of north rail, ............ Brandon, in front of station ; top of south rail, ... Brandon, 1.3 miles south of station, face of rock ledge 20 feet south- east of center of track, 3 feet above top of rail, 1,100 feet south of milepost 112; bronze tablet stamped “957 PITTSBURG 1899," Prentice, in front of fag station ; top of west rail, ...... Franklin, 60 feet north of north end of station, 90 feet west of center of track, cast abutment of highway bridge across Allegheny river, second step below coping stone at end of south wing wall, 3.4 feet above top of rail; aluminum tablet stamped “987 PITTS- BURG 1899,” 957.715 990.5 ...... 1987.777 SUGAR CREEK, NORTH ALONG HIGHWAYS, TO COOPERSTOWN; THENCE EAST TO TWOMILE RUN; THENCE SOUTHWEST TO FRANKLIN. 1,013.628 Sugar Creek, 1,200 feet southeast of, in northeast end of abutment of railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1013 PITTSBURG 1899," .................. .......... ...... Sugar Creek, 1.0 mile north of at southeast corner of bridge at road forks; chisel mark, ...... ........................................ Wyattville, driveway to house on east side of road at T road west; chisel mark on curl, ....... 1.043.99 1,057.64 218 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. ............................... 1,083.773 1,101.25 1,121.04 ......................... 1,145.759 1,130.78 1,486.37 1,528.773 1,397.32 Cooperstown, 3.0 miles south of, in top of wing wall at southwest corner of iron bridge over Sugar Creek; aluminum tablet stamped “1084 1908," .... ............. Cooperstown, 2.0 miles south of, in south root of 18-inch black oak at northwest corner of T road west; nail, ..................... Cooperstown, 0.8 mile south of, on rock at northwest corner of road forks by schoolhouse; chisel mark, ... Cooperstown, north end of town, in hotel yard at southwest corner of crossroads; iron post stamped "1146 1908,” .. Cooperstown, on wing wall at northeast corner of bridge over Sugar, Creek; chisel mark, ..... Cooperstown, 2.5 miles east of, on large rock at east side of road, 50 feet north of road to west; chisel mark, .... Oakland schoolhouse, 2.0 miles south of Dempseytown, in north face of northwest corner of school house at southwest corner of crossroads; aluminum plate stamped "1529 1908,” ...... Oakland schoolhouse, 1.0 mile east of, on lock at southwest corner of road forks; chisel mark, ..... Pritchard schoolhouse, 2.0 miles southeast of Dempseytown, in east face of southeast corner of schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped "1251 1908," ..... Pritchard schoolhouse, 0.5 mile south of, on rock at centre of road forks; chisel mark, ... Pritchard schoolhouse, 1.5 miles south of, on stone at west side of road forks; chisel mark, ...... Pritchard schoolhouse, 2.5 miles south of, on stone at southwest corner of bridge over west fork at road forks; chisel mark, .... Eclipse station, 2.5 miles north of, in stone at northwest corner of bridge over Two Mile Run; aluminum tablet stamped "1100 1908,” Eclipse, 0.5 mile east of, in bridge seat at southeast corner of Erie R. R. bridge over Two Mile Run; aluminum tablet stamped "981 1908,” ........ Franklin, in belt course of Erie Railroad station, northeast corner ; aluminun tablet stamped "989 PITTSBURG 1899," .... Franklin, 40 feet south of Pennsylvania Railroad tracks, 70 feet west of station ; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5," .. 1,250.968 ....................................... 1,329.96 1,240.01 1,149.71 1,099.550 981.103 989.349 984.737 FRANKLIN, WEST ALONG LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILROAD, TO COUNTY LINE. 1,151.476 .... Miles station, in top of concrete retaining wall at southwest corner of railway and road crossing and close to right-of-way; aluminum tablet stamped "1151 1908," ...... ............ Polk, in south face of southeast corner of Administration Building of State Institution for Feeble-Minded; aluminum tablet stamped "1116 1908,". Polk, 1.0 mile west of, on wing wall at northeast coner of road bridge over Big Sandy Creek, 300 feet north of railroad; chisel mark, Raymilton, in top of northwest corner of concrete culvert about 100 feet east of undergrade road crossing ; aluminum tablet stamped "1123 1908,” .. ...... 1,116.099 1,069.83 1,123.385 1,142 STATE 11 219 OF PENNSYLVANIA. RAYMILTON, SOUTH TO NEAR WESLEY. Feet. 1,310.02 . Raymilton, 0.8 mile south of, on large rock at southwest corner of crossroads; chisel mark, ............. ............. Raymilton, 2.5 miles south of, 0.5 mile north of South Sandy Creek, on rock at northwest corner of bend to west, ............ Raymilton, 3.0 miles south of, in bridge seat at northwest corner of small wooden bridge over South Sandy Creek 100 feet south of T road west; aluminum tablet stamped "1196 1908," 1,400.67 1,195.772 KENNERDELL STATION SOUTHWEST TWO MILES. Kennerdell, 1.5 miles south of, 300 feet west of milepost 106, 10 feet north of centre of track, 2.4 feet above rail, in large boulder; bronze tablet stamped “941 PITTSBURG 1899," (nothing left of this tablet but the shank), ...... 942.373 UTICA NORTHWEST TO RAILROAD BRIDGE. Utica, 300 feet south of station, in east abutmeut, north side of highway bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1038 PITTSBURG 1899," ....... ......... Utica, 2.25 miles north of, on stone at southwest corner of railroad bridge; chisel mark, .. 1,038.323 1,041.79 FREEPORT QUADRANGLE. LOGANSPORT, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO VALLEY CAMP. Logansport, in front of station ; top of west rail, ... 781.7 Rosston, 0.2 mile south of, in east abutment of bridge over river; bronze tablet: stamped "786 PITTSBURG 1899," .......... 785.855 Kelley, in front of station; top of west rail, ..... 778.3 White Rock, in front of station, main track; top of east rail, .. 780.6 Donley, in front of station; top of south rail, .. 782.2 Garvers Ferry, in front of station ; top of west rail, .. 783.7 McKain, in front of station ; top of west rail, .... 776.6 Metcalf, in front of station ; top of west rail, . 773.5 Braeburn, in front of station ; top of west rail, ..... 759.7 Edgecliff, 1,000 feet south of, in north abutment east side of bridge over creek ; bronze tablet stamped "764 PITTSBURG 1899,".. 703.478 Crag Dell, in front of station; top of west rail, .... 776.2 Valley Camp, in front of station, main track ; top of west rail, .. .. . 787.1 ................. • ..... FOXBURG QUADRANGLE. KENNERDELL, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO CATFISH RUN. 944.0 Kennerdell, in front of station; top of west rail, ...... Kennerdell, 1.5 miles south of station ; 300 feet west of milepost 106, large bowlder 10 feet north of center of track, 2.4 feet above rail ; bronze tablet stamped “941 PITTSBURG 1899,” .... 942.373 220 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : Feet. 926,181 920.792 917.4 913.1 906.125 910.9 · St. George, 0.3 mile south of, 150 feet south of whistling post, in rock on west side of rail; bronze tablet stamped “925 PITTS- BŪRG 1899,” ................ Rockland, 0.1 mile south of; in northwest wing of abutment of bridge over small creek, 600 feet south of station on west side of railroad: bronze tablet stamped “919 PITTSBURG 1899," .. Wood Hill, in front of station sign; top of west rail, ............ Shippingport crossing; top of east rail of middle crossing, ........ Dotter, 600 feet north of, in north abutment of west wing of rail- road bridge; bronze tablet stamped “905 PITTSBURG 1899,".. Dotter, in front of station; top of east rail, ..... Emlenton, 0.4 mile south of, in wing wall of railroad bridge abut- ment, south end, west side ; bronze tablet stamped "898 PITTS- BURG 1899,".... Emlenton, at road crossing at station ; top of south rail, Foxburg, in front of station; top of east rail, ... ...... Parker, in top of abutment of road bridge at station, cast abutment, south side; bronze tablet stamped “883 PITTSBURG 1899," .. Monterey, in front of station ; top of south rail, ...... Monterey, 900 feet south of station, in bridge abutment, north end, east side; bronze tablet stamped "869 PITTSBURG 1899," Upper Hillville, in front of station ; top of south rail, ....... Lower Hillville, in front of station; top of west rail, Lower Hillville, 1 mile south of, in top of culvert wall of small stream, northeast side; bronze tablet stamped "855 PITTS- BURG 1899," . Catfish Run, in front of station; top of east rail, ....... 899.079 901.2 891.9 .... 884.014 870.8 ..:. 870.043 863,7 860.6" ......... 856.387 854.7 PARKER, NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD (NARROW GUAGE) TO SHIPPENVILLE. LU S92.544 Foxburg, in stone door sill of baggage room at Pennsylvania sta- tion; copper, .... Foxburg, in east wall near entrance to "The Inn," opposite sta- tion; aluminum tablet stamped "885 ADJ 1903," ............. Richmond, (Alum Rock P. 0.), opposite, in door step of hotel building; bronze tablet stamped “1190 ADJ 1903,” ........ 884.494 1,190.389 ............................. 1,156.826 end of west abutment, by flouring mill;. bronze tablet stamped "1157 ADJ 1903,” .... Knox, at southeast corner of Main and State streets, in foundation wall at northeast corner of B. A. Kribbs & Co.'s brick building; aluminum tablet stamped "1382 ADJ 1903," ............ 1,381.839) PARKERS LANDING NORTHEAST TO CALLENSBURG THENCE SOUTH- EAST VIA TOBY TO CHERRY RUN. Freedom, wagon bridge at south end of; southeast wing wall of ; aluminum tablet stamped "1262,” ......... Callensburg, 0.5 mile southwest of; in southeast corner of Prospect 1,262.005 schoolhouse foundation, aluminum tablet stamped "1069," ..... 1,068.685 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 221 Feet. 1,146.724 Toby, post office, iron wagon bridge spanning Cherry Run in, northwest bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped “1147,” ...... Cherry Run (Hurley P. 0.), in store building and station ; bronze tablet stamped (1241," ..... 1,240.6077 PARKERS LANDING SOUTHWEST VIA BRUIN TO PETROLIA TÉLENCE: EAST TO FREDERICKSBURG THENCE NORTH TO WEST MONTEREY. ..... 1,055.388 Stonehouse station, 500 feet northeast of; cast side of track, in large boulder, aluminum tablet stamped "1055,” ...... Bruin, in southeast wing wall of iron wagon bridge over Little Bear Creek, aluminum tablet stamped “1092,” ....... Petrolia, southwest corner of foundation of residence of Mrs. Mary Duffy, aluminum tablet stamped “1264,” ... Fredericksburg, in northeast corner of stone foundation of Mrs. • Margaret Shakeley's l'esidence, aluminum tablet stamped "1299,” 1,091.840 .... ...... ..... .... . 1,299.092 GETTYSBURG QUADRANGLE. IDAVILLE SOUTH ALONG GETTYSBURG AND HARRISBURG RAILROAD TO ROUND TOP. 614.510 576.700 · 651.810 Bendersville, 0.6 mile south of, in north end of east abutment of concrete arch bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “615,” ...... Centerville, 0.7 mile south of, in west end of south abutment con- crete railroad bridge ; aluminum tablet stamped "577," ........ Biglerville station, in foundation of Reading Dairy Company Build- ing, 500 feet north of station ; aluminum tablet stamped "652,” . Goldenville, 150 feet west of station, in southeast corner of founda- tion of Milus A. Wilson's residence; aluminum tablet stamped "613," ... Gettysburg, on large stone at left side of entrance to courthouse; aluminum, tablet stamped "553,” ... Round Top station, south side of road at corner of Tipton Park and U. S. Battlefield, in large boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "545," ..... ........................ 613.228 .................. ................. 552.269 544.423 ROUND TOP SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO LITTLESTOWN. Gettysburg, 5.0 miles southeast of, norih side of street at Two Taverns, in southeast corner of stone residence of J. J. Epley ; aluminum tablet stamped “510,”. 510.114 LITTLESTOWN NORTHEAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MCSHERRYSTOWN THENCE NORTHEAST ALONG WESTERN MARY- LAND RAILROAD TO NEW OXFORD THENCE ALONG HIGHWAY TO YORK SPRINGS. Sells station, in southwest corner of Colvin Good's residence ; aluminum tablet stamped "573,” ..... 572.572 McSherrystown, corner Main and Third Sts., at ladies entrance to Union Hotel; aluminum tablet stamped “571," ............ 570.987 Bettinger, station and post-office; southeast corner of; aluminum tablet stamped “529,” . 528.642 ............................ .............................. ...... 222 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. 559.392 New Oxford, corner of Pitts and Boulon Sts., northwest corner of Oxford House; aluminum tablet stamped "560," ............... Hampton, northeast corner of square, in southwest corner of J. P. Myers' brick house ; aluminum tablet stamped "550," Round Hill, in northeast corner of J. · H.. Evans' brick store; aluminum tablet stamped “564,” ..... 549.189 563.577 1,358.5 1,358.847 1, 255.2 GROVER QUADRANGLE. COWLEY TO ROARING BRANCH. Cowley, main track, in front of station ; top of east rail, ........ Cowley, 0.5 mile south of, in top of coping stone of railroad creek culvert on east side of railroad; bronze tablet stamped "1358 HARRISBURG 1899,” ...... Canton, main track, front of station; top of rail, ... Canton, 0.4 mile south of, in south abutment of old railroad bridge masonry, 20 feet east to railroad; bronze tablet stamped "1246 HARRISBURG 1899,” ........ Cedar Lodge, at railroad crossing near station; top of rail, ....... Grover, in front of station ; top of rail, ...... Pennryn, in front of station; top of east rail, ... Roaring Branch, 600 feet north of station, east abutment of steel highway bridge, on bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped “966 HARRISBURG 1899," .............. Roaring branch, in front of station; top of rail, 1,246.334 1,204.8 1,229.4 1, 223.5 "' 966.236 959.3 HANOVER QUADRANGLE. : BENCH MARKS ALONG NORTHERN CENTRAL BRANCH PENNSYLVA- NIA RAILROAD. Brillhart, door step of station, copper bolt R. R. B. M. No. 54, 410.82 Brillhart, in northwest doorsill of station; aluminum tablet stamped “411,".. 410.753 Glatfelter, 120 feet north of, east center of arch, copper bolt, R. R. B. M. No. 51, ........... ....... 439.16 Glatfelter, 225 feet east of railroad crossing, in north west wing wall of bridge over Codorus creek; aluminum tablet stamped "439,” .... 438.809 Larue, 150 feet south of, south center coping of arch bridge 78, copper bolt R. R. B. M. No. 46, .... 512.760 Larue, 140 feet east of station, on west side of stone arch bridge on N. C. R. R.; aluminum tablet stamped “513," ............ 512.683 ........ ..... HILLIARDS QUADRANGLE. QUEEN JUNCTION, NORTH ALONG ROAD, TO BRANCHTON; THENCE EASTERLY VIA ANNANDALE AND NORTH HOPE, TO BRUIN. Queen Junction, at junction of Bessemer and Western Alle- gheny Railroad, in concrete bridge abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "1226 ADJ 1903," . 1,225.945 Queen Junction, 0.7 mile north of, east of north bound track, base of switch signal, letter "s" in word works; painted “1249," ......... 1,248.77 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. - Feet. 1,274.18 1,285.737 1,236.2 ............. ... 1,196.103 1,183.5 1,196.2 ..... 1,189.863 1,190.9 ........................ 1,192.720 1,202.4 Sherwin, 0.2 mile south of, 100 feet south of abandoned coal mine west of south bound 'track, emergency rail track, most southerly of three posts; piece of iron in post; painted "1274,” .......... Sherwin, 250 feet along highway west of railroad, 20 feet west of House of Peter Sherwin, in bowlder ať side of road; aluminum tablet stamped "1286 ADJ 1903,". Claytonia, in front of station ; top of rail, ...... Halston, 0.5 mile north of, 50 feet east of railroad along bighway, in boulder at road side; aluminum tablet stamped "1196 ADJ 1903," Keister, in front of station; top of rail, ........................ Branchton, in front of station; top of rail, ... Branchton, 100 feet back of station, in concrete foundation under porch to house of Ames Hall; aluminum tablet stamped "1190 ADJ 1903," ... Bovard, in front of station; top of rail, ...... Bovard, 2.4 miles cast of, 200 feet south of track, in field of James M. Hogg, in boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "1193 ADJ 1903,” .................................................... Annandale, at station, grade crossing; top of rail; painted "1202,” Annandale, 300 feet south of railroad, along highways, at residence of Reuben Byers, in retaining wall in front of house; aluminum tablet stamped "1214. ADJ 1903," ....... ............. Hilliard, 0.1 mile porth of station, at grade crossing, 100 feet north of track, at rear of M. E. Church, in foundation stone ; aluminum tablet stamped "1264 ADJ 1903," .... ........ Hilliard, 0.9 mile south of, midway to summit, in boulder; chisel mark; painted "1420," : ....... North Hope, 1.2 miles north of, at intersection of roads, at fence, on rock; chisel mark; painted "1457,” ......... North Hope, 0.8 mile north of, at intersection of roads, 200 feet e east of church, in root of tree; tacks; painted "1488,” ........ North Hope, at crossroads, in foundation stone on' west side of store., building owned by Julia Henden ; aluminum tablet stamped "1503 ADJ 1903," ......... North Hope, 0.7 mile east of, southeast corner of bridge in hollow on stone abutment; chisel mark; painted "1365,” ..... Bruin, 3.4 miles west of, at intersection of Bruin, Glenora and north Hope roads, in boulder at vertex of “Y,''; aluminum tablet stamped “1278 ADJ 1903,” ............. Bruin, in southeast wing wall of iron bridge over Little Bear Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1092,”. . 1,214.084 1,263.721 1,420.29 ..... 1,457.56 1,488.26 1,503.094 ............ 1,365.68 ........ 1,277.824 1,091.846 0 0 0 0 0 0 ANNANDALE, NORTH ALONG ROAD, TO BULLION. Murrinsville, 300 feet west of crossroads, north side of road, in stone steps at front of residence of James C. Murrin; aluminum tablet stamped "1441 ADJ 1903,"... 1,141.088 Murrinsville, 2 miles north of, in hollow, 5 feet south of bridge, on stone at side of road; chisel mark; painted "1414," ......... 1,413.88 Clintonville 1.5 miles south of 130 feet south of intersection on east side of road in stone steps west of house of W. C. Hovis; aluminum tablet stamped "1467 ADJ 1903" .... 1,466.989 15-No. 7 224 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY.. Feet. 1,467.05 1,437.88 Clintonville, 0.9 mile south of, 100 feet south of T road going west, on west end of stone culvert; chisel mark; painted "1467,"...... Clintonville, at crossroads, at southeast corner, on flagstone cross- ing; chisel mark; painted "1435,” (disturbed August 7, 1909), .. Clintonville, 2 miles north of, on summit, east side of road, in foundation stone on south side of residence of I. J. Clay; alumi- num tablet stamped "1442 ADJ 1903," .... Bullion, 1.5 miles south of, at brow of hill, on stone at side of road, chisel mark; painted "1383;" .. Bullion, in foundation (1 foot above ground) in centre of north side of J. A. Dewoodey's store building, 50 feet south of road forks; aluminum tablet stamped "1466 1908,” ...................... 1,442.090 1,383.45 1,465.725 .................................... KENNERDELL, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO COUNTY LINE. Kennerdell, 2.5 miles southwest of station, in top of wing wall at northeast corner of iron highway bridge over Scrubgrass Creek at Pump station; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 3 1029," 1,029,360 Kennerdell, 3.5 miles west of, on rock at southwest corner of private road to left; chisel mark, ...... 1,308.28 Bullion post-office, in foundation 1 foot above ground, in centre of north side of J. A. Dewoodey store building, 50 feet south of road forks; aluminum tablet stamped "1460 1908,” ................ 1,165.725 Pike schoolhouse, 0.5 mile east of, 1.8 miles west of Bullion, 600 feet west of culvert, on fence corner stone; chisel mark, ....... 1,411.900 Wesley, 1.0 mile north of, on Pittsburg and Franklin road, in east face of southeast corner foundation of J. C. Allen's house at south- west corner of crossroads; aluminum tablet stamped "1443 1908," 1,443.594 Millbrook, 3.5 miles east of, on south side of road ať T road north ; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2 1473,” ........ 1,472.755 JOHNSTOWN QUADRANGLE. BORDER STATION NORTHWEST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL- . ROAD TO INGLESIDE. Walsall station (Ingleside), in front of station platform ; top of rail, 1,282.22. Walsall station (Ingleside), 0.2 mile north of station, in east end of north abutment of railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1275– PITTS.," 1,275.570 FROM A POINT 2.70 MILES NORTHEAST OF THOMAS' MILL NORTH- EAST ALONG HIGHWAYS TO KRING, THENCE SOUTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO INGLESIDE. Thomas' Mill, 3.6 miles northeast of, at junction with road running northeast and southwest, east of road, 30 feet north of forks, point on rock; marked 1558," ... 1,557.70 Thomas' Mill 4.1 miles northeast of, east of road, west of creek, on ground of Wm. J. Sala, in large flat sandstone rock; aluminum tablet stamped "1527-1908," .. 1,526.959 Thomas' Mill, 5.5 miles northeast of, 500 feet southwest of main forks at church and schoolhouse, east of road, point on rock; marked "1286," ., 1,286.03 ................. .Propripreman................. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA... 225 225 Feet. Kring, 30 feet west of station sign, south of small railroad bridge; top of rail section; marked "1241," ............... ......... Kring, 0.2 mile north of, on southeast end of culvert, chiseled square; marked “U. S. 1237,” (old bench mark), ............ 1,240.84 1,236.95 KINZUA QUADRANGLE. CORYDON, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO TUTTLETOWN. TO 1,281.865 1,281.2 1,271.25 1,267.1 ... Corydon, 0.33 mile north of station, at southeast corner of steel bridge over Willow Creek, on foundation coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1281 DUNKIRK 1899,” ...... Corydon, in front of station, top of north rail, ... Corydon, 2.04 miles south of southeast corner of Bridge No. 758, on foundation coping stone; chiseled square, ........ ....... Gawanga, in front of station; top of rail, .... Sugar Run, 1.4 miles south of, southwest corner of Bridge No. . 114, on foundation coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1233 DUNKIRK 1899," ........ Sugar Run, in front of station ; top of south rail, .............. Sugar Run, 0.13 mile south of station, southwest corner of bridge No. 113, on para pet coping stone; chiseled square, .......... Kinzua, in front of station; top of south rail, ................... Kinzua, 500 feet south of station, at northwest corner of steel- truss bridge across Kinzua Creek, 2.5 feet west of chord, on foundation coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1229 DUN- KIRK 1899," .................... Tutletown, 400 feet south of, at northeast corner of four-span bridge over Allegheny river, on parapet coping stone; chiseled square, ........ 1,254.403 1,244.7 1,245.20 1,237.1 1,230.206 1,232.1 KITTANNING QUADRANGLE. EAST BRADY, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO RIVERVIEW. 852.645 846.2 East Brady, in east abutment wing wall of steel highway bridge; bronze tablet stamped “852 PITTSBURG 1899," Redbank in front of station ; top of west rail, ......... Redbank, 600 feet south of station; in north abutment of railroad bridge, west side of abutment; bronze tablet stamped "844 PITTSBURG 1899," ...... ..... Riverview, in front of station; top of rail, .................... 844.746 835.4 NEALE, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO ROSSTON. Neale, on last crossing south of station ; top of west rail, ........ 805.3 Wick City, crossing at pottery works; top of west rail, ........ 805.3 Kittanning, in front of station; top of east rail, ... S06.4 Kittanning, on corner of McKain'and Vine streets, public school, northwest corner of front face; bronze tablet stamped “S03 PITTSBURG 1899,". 803.500 Garrett Run, in front of statiou ; top of west rail, .. 796.1 Manorville, in front of station; top of east rail, ......... 796.0 226 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . .................. Graff, in front of station ; top of west rail, ... Ford City, in front of station ; top of east rail, Rosston, in front of station ; top of west rail, Feet. 790.4 784.8 786.6 MILFORD QUADRANGLE. LACKAWAXEN TO MILLRIFT. 646.8 648.992 626.5 570.8 Lackawaxen, in front of station, north-bound track; top of rail,.. Shohola, between Shohola Glen and store, stone steps opposite cast end of station, third from bottom; bronze tablet stamped "648 ALBANY 1900,” ......... Parkersglen, in front of station, north-bound track; top of rail, .. Pond Eddy, in front of station, northbound track; top rail, Pond Eddy, 0.2 mile east of ; 350 feet east of whistle post, cut on south side of railroad, face rock; bronze tablet stamped “573 ALBANY 1900," ... Millrift, in front of station, northbound track; top of rail, .... Millrift, 0.3 mile east of; long bridge over Delaware river, top of west abutment, south side ; bronze tablet stamped “491 ALBANY 1900,” ..... 574.233 494.4 1900. .......................... ........................ 491.874 r MASONTOWN QUADRANGLE. SMOCK, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO WALTERSBURG. I . .................... Smock, in front of station ; top of east rail, .... Rothbuck, in front of station; top of west rail, . Waltersburg, in front of flag station; top of west rail, ........ 877.45 892.1 900.0 FAIRCHANCE, ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, TO GANS. Fairchance, 550 feet north of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station, bridge seat at corner of small girder Bridge No. 338; aluminum tablet stamped "1065 PITTSBURG 1899,". Fairchance, in front of station ; top of west rail, Smithfield, in front of station ; top of west rail, Outcrop, in front of flag station; top of east rail, ...... Outcrop, 0.2 mile south of flag station, northeast of Baltimore and Ohio tunnel, east of track, 3.7 feet above rail; bronze tablet stamped "1084 PITTSBURG 1899," *... Summit of grade; top of rail, .......... 1,064.578 1,059.5 985.2 1,067.1 .... .................... 1,083.507 1,089.5 MEADVILLE QUADRANGLE. SAEGERSTOWN, ALONG ERIE RAILROAD, TO COCHRANTON. 1,114.0 Saegerstown, in front of station ; top of rail, ......... Saegerstown, 0.7 mile south of, in north abutment, cast side of railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1109 PITTSBURG 1899" (reported as having been removed), ........ 1 .......... 1,109.236 *Reported as having been disturbed by reconstruction of bridge; may be several feet lower than here given, : STATE OF PENNSYLVANIALL 227 . Feet. 1,078.6 . ................ Meadville, in front of station ; top of rail, .......... Meadville, 1.8 miles south of, north end of culvert abutment west side of railroad; bronze tablet stamped "1071 PITTSBURG 1899;" .... .............. ......... Buchanan, in front of station; top of rail, .... Shaws, in front of station ; top of east rail, ... Cochranton, 1,000 feet northwest of, in abutment of railroad iron bridge, north end, east side; bronze tablet stamped "1062 PITTS- BURG 1899,".......... Cochranton, in front of station ; top of rail, . 1,072.114 1,073.3 1,090.5 .................... .......... 1,062.391 1,062.3 .......... MERCER QUADRANGLE. COUNTY LINE, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO MILLBROOK. ................... 1,406.34 Millbrook, 2.0 miles east of, on culvert stone at northeast corner of crossroads by schoolhouse; chisel mark, ... Millbrook, 1.5 miles east of, on top stone at northwest corner of small iron bridge; chisel mark, ... .. .............................. Millbrook, in bridge seat at southwest corner of iron bridge between road forks at west edge of town; aluminum tablet stamped "1306 1908,“ .................. ..................... 1,336.70 1,306.560 TURNER STATION, SOUTHWEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO MERCER. 1,097.391 Mercer, in bridge seat at southwest corner of Pennsylvania Rail- road bridge over Otter Creek, about 1,000 feet north of Penn. R. R. station; aluminum tablet stamped "1097 1908,” ........ Mercer, northeast corner of courthouse steps; aluminum tablet stamped "1277 ADJ 1903." (This elevation was taken on the same stone but about 6 inches from where the tablet was set, it having been set in a piece of stone that was broken off in clearing up the debris after the courthouse was burned, ....... 1,276.839 MEYERSDALE QUADRANGLE. UT ROCKWOOD NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO SOMERSET. ........... 1,810.193 1,811.4 1,822.40 Rockwood, south end, mud wall, east abutment of bridge No. 34; copper bolt; (B. & 0. Precise Levels), ....... Rockwood, in front of station; top of rail, .................... Rockwood, 0.9 mile northeast of, at signal house No. RX, 30 feet east of tracks, on sandstone rock, cross; marked "11823,” .... Rockwood, 1.7 miles northeast of, . south of tracks, on large boulder, point; marked "1853,” ...... Shamrock, 0.4 mile northeast of station, 72 feet east of railroad, 60 feet south of stream running west, in limestone rock, alumi- num tablet stamped "1881-1908,” Shamrock, 1.5 miles northeast of, 30 feet north of road crossing, west of railroad, on sandstone rock, point, marked "1913," ... ................ 1,852.60 .......................... 1,880.944 1,912.9 228 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. Milford, 0.9 mile northeast of, 80 feet east of railroad, 250 feet south of house occupied by Samuel Walters, in sandstone boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "2013-1908,” ........ Milford, 2.1 miles northeast of, east of tracks at south end of fill, on oblong sandstone boulder, point; marked “2058,” ........ · 2,013.089 2,058.00 MIDDLETOWN QUADRANGLE. MIDDLETOWN VIA WALTONVILLE AND LAWN TO MT. JOY. 311.04 311.009 493.300 766.027: 610.841. Middletown, on railroad bridge, copper bolt (R. R. B. M.), .. Middletown, south east wing wall stone arch bridge of P. R. R. over Swatara creek, in coping stone, aluminum tablet stamped "31).,” ......................... Round Top Mill, intersection of roads, in front of M. S. Baum's residence, in large boulder, aluminum tablet stamped "494,” .. Waltonville, in southwest foundation stone of Leander Ridee's barn south of road, aluminum tablet stamped "766," .... Bachmanville, 3 miles west of; in southeast corner of foundation of Benjamin Coley's residence, aluminum tablet stamped "611,”. Bachmanville, in southwest corner of Martin B. Brant's brick resi- dence, aluminum tablet stamped "613,” ........... I.awn station, in northwest corner of foundation of hotel, alumin- um tablet stamped "464," .... Milton Grove, in southeast corner of foundation of hotel of C. H. Wittie, aluminum tablet stamped "503,” .................... Florin, in southeast corner of foundation of Mrs. Metzroth's hotel, primary traverse station No. 3, aluminum tablet stamped "396," ....... Marietta Street Bridge, at Mt. Joy (R. R. B. M), .......... 613.246 464.220 502.843 395.777 360.10 COLUMBIA ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO HELLAM THENCE ALONG HIGHWAYS TO EMIGSVILLE. 252.04 ......................................... 259.051 Columbia, under front window of station (R. R. B. M), .. Columbia, 300 feet east of station; on stone door step of Columbia Grocery Co., owned by Miller and Hartman, aluminum tablet stamped “259," .... West end of south side of track of stone arch bridge No. 8 over 100 feet mill race, aluminum tablet stamped “296,” ......... Bridge No. 11, R. R. B. M., . Hellam, corner of Maiñ and National Broadway, in southeast cor- ner of stone foundation of John Goble's stone building, aluminum tablet stamped “385," .. Mt. Zion, in northwest corner of Mt. Zion Lutheran & Reformed - church, aluminum tablet stamped "770," ... 296.255 326.23 ........................... 384.524 770.439 The following tablets were set from bench marks of the Pennsylvania railroad near each place respectively. L'lizabethtown, in third tier of stone from bottom of southwest wing wall of subway at Grafton warehouse, aluminum tablet stamped “457," 457.176 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.. 229 Feet. Conewago Junction station, opposite, in large boulder aluminum 441.048 272.509 291.946 Bainbridge, 120 feet east of station ; on north side of track, in ledge of rock in cut, aluminum tablet stamped “273,” ............ Falmouth station, in southeast cornerstone of bridge spanning Cone- wago creek, aluminum tablet stamped "292,' ...... Emigsville, 500 feet south of station; in southwest abutment of bridge No. 102, aluminum tablet stamped "375,". ............ Mt. Wolf, 420 feet southeast of; in southeast wing wall of stone arch bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “368," .............. Marietta, in northwest corner of porch at entrance to railroad house, aluminum tablet stamped “261,” .. 375.083 260.472 MORGANTOWN QUADRANGLE. GANS, ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, TO THE STATE LINE. 1,009.1 938.7 835.0 Gans, in front of station; top of west rail, ......... Atchison, in front of station; top of east rail, ................ Cheat Haven, in front of station; top of west rail, ........... Point Marion, 0.25 mile north of station, coping stone at east end of north pier of 6-span truss and girder Bridge No. 356 across Cheat river ; bronze tablet stamped "813 PITTSBURG 1899,". Point Marion, in front of station; top of west rail, ....... State line (W. Va.-Pa.); top of east rail, ...... NEW CASTLE QUADRANGLE. 812.527 814.9 814.9 AT FRISCO. Frisco, '0.25 mile west of, in northeast corner of railroad bridge, in sandstone mud wall at east end of tunnel; aluminum tablet. stamped “894 ADJ 1903," ...... Frisco, at road crossing; top of rail, ......... 893.726 892 NEW GALILEE, SOUTHWEST ALONG RAILROAD TO DARLINGTON AND RETURN. New Galilee, northeast corner of east back wall of bridge No. 42, bench mark No. 2116 (Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago rail- road precise levels), ...... New Galillee, 1 mile southwest of, Pittsburg, Lisbon and Western R. R. bridge over Little Beaver, northeast corner of ....... 959, 265 930.925 Darlington, at intersection of Market and Second streets, in front of Darlington Hotel, on top of stone, bronze tablet stamped “912.5 PITTSBURG 1901,” ... · 911.777 AT BEAVER FALLS. Beaver Falls, bench mark 1596 (Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R. precise levels), ... Beaver Falls, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R. bridge over Eleventh street, west end of south abutment, in coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped “789.8 PITTSBURG 1901,” ..... ................... 789.374 789.485 230 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLÒGIC SURVEY. . ................ - ............ ............... ENON NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA MOUNT JACKSON TO NEW- CASTLE THENCE SOUTHEAST ALONG PITTSBURG AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD VIA WAMPUM TO HOMEWOOD. Feet. Enon, bench mark 2385, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R. precise levels, ... 995.149 Enon, 400 feet south of railroad tracks on Main St., in top of county line stone; bronze tablet stamped "1013.4 PITTSBURG 1901," .. 1,012.701 Mount Jackson, at post office, 60 feet north of street intersection in side of square stone hitching post; bronze tablet stamped "1165 PITTSBUᎡG , ° . 1,164.301 Mahoningtown, highway bridge over the Mahoning, on wing wall of south abutment (nearest Pittsburg, Youngstown and Ashtabula R. R. track); seat cut in corner of, ................ 785.527 Mahoningtown, in front of station, Pittsburg, Lake Erie south- bound track; north rail, ... 779.1 Newcastle, in front of station; top of rail, S06 Wampum, in front of station ; top of rail, ................ S02.8 Wampum, 500 feet south of station, northeast corner of arch bridge over Wampum Run, on coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped “S04.7 PITTSBURG," 804.200 Homewood, benchmark 1840, (Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chi- cago R. R. precise levels), ....... 949.950 ..... ...... all, ...... OIL CITY QUADRANGLE. HUNTER TO SEDGWICK. 1,058.7 1,043.9 ............... ..... . ................ 1,042.696 1,044.8 1,043.0 1,035.9 Hunter, near flag station, at road crossing; top of west rail, .... Raum, in front of flag station ; top of east rail, ................. President 0.3 mile north of flag station, 17.5 feet east of center of track, 2.4 feet below top of rail, top of large bowlder 5 feet high and 12 feet along; aluminum tablet stamped "1042 DUNKIRK 1899," .... President, in front of flag station; top of east rail, ............ Eagle Rock, in front of station; top of east rail, ... Riverview, in front of flag station; top of south rail, ...... Oleopolis, 0.3 mile northeast of flag station, at northwest corner of one-span steel-truss Bridge No. 74, 13 feet north of center of track, on coping stone of abutment wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1030 DUNKIRK 1899,” ....... Oleopolis, in front of flag station; top of south rail, ............ Walnut, in front of flag station ; top of east rail, Rockwood, in front of flag station; top of west rail, ....... Sneily, in front of flag station; top of east rail, .............. South Oil City, 0.4 mile east of railroad station, bridge seat at northeast corner of large three-span steel-truss bridge across Allegheny river, 7 feet north of center of track, 5.1 feet below top of rail and 6 inches from end of chord; aluminum tablet stamped "1009 PITSBURG 1899," ..... South Oil City, in front of railroad station ; top of north rail, .. Sedgwick, in front of flag station; top of east rail, ............ 1,031.339 1,208.1 1,020.6 1,013.4 1,006.6 1,009.664 1,006.0 999.8 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PITTSBURG QUADRANGLE. PITTSBURG, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO ELBEN. Feet. ................ 755.6 $18.184. 913.7 919.9 922.2 923.367 922.0 022.1 921.7 881.1 ....... Pittsburg, in front of Twenty-eighth street station; top of south rail, .............. Benvenue, 0.25 mile west of station, bridge seat at south end of west abutment of girder bridge over Pittsburgh Junction Rail- way tracks; bronze tablet stamped “818 PITTSBURG 1899," East Liberty, in front of station; top of west rail, ... Fifth avenue, in front of station ; top of west rail, ............. Homewood, in front of station ; top of west rail, ........... Homewod, in doorsill of station, copper bolt (Pennsylvania Rail- load bench mark), ............... .................. Wilkinsburg, in front of station ; top of west rail, .............. Edgewood, in front of station ; top of west rail., .... Swissvale, in front of station; top of west rail of west track, .... Hawkins, in front of station ; top of rail, ......... Braddock statiou, in doorsill of door to ladies' waiting room ; copper, bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), .... Bessemer station, Pennsylvania' Railroad, about 1 mile east of, east end of north abutment of double-track bridge of Union Rail- way over main line of Pennsylvania Railroad, in face of abut- ment; bronze tablet stamped “760 PITTSBURG 1899," .... Thompson, 0.33 mile south of flag station, at south end of west · abutment of Port Perry Railroad bridge across Monongahela river; . copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 13), .. Thompson, 125 feet south of flag station, at signal tower,. 25 feet west of south-bound track, 4 feet above top of rail, north wing wall of west abutment of double-track truss bridge of Union Railway crossing over tracks of Pennsylvania Railroad; bronze tablet stamped "767 PITTSBURG 1899,” .................. Thompson, .in front of flag station, south-bound track; top of west rail, ................. S28.737 759.455 763.845 706.866 762.9 ................................... 761.1 746.7 753.7 736.259 track; top of east rail, ........ Dravosburg, in front of station, south-bound track ; top of west rail, Camden, in front of station, north-bound track; top of east · rail, ...... Coal Valley, county bridge over creek; chiseled square on coping stone of wall (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 19, eleva- vation 736.60), . Coal Valley, in front of station, south-bound track; top of west rail, .......... Wilson, in front of station, south-bound track; top of west rail, Peter's Creek, in front of flag station, south-bound track; top of east rail, ......... Peter's Creek, 0.25 mile south of flag station, 2-span stone arch culvert, first step below coping stone at southeast corner, 12 feet below top of rail; bronze tablet stamped “740 PITTSBURG 1899," ...... 754.2 756.5 752.5 739.395 232 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. .... 757.5 ...................... 754.8 Blair, in front of flag station, north-bound track; top of east rail, ..... Central Park, north-bound track at road crossing; top of west rail, .......... East Elizabeth, in front of station, north-bound track; top of west rail, ..... West Elizabeth, in front of station, north-bound track ; top of east rail, .... Jones flag station, north-bound track; top of east rail, ........ Walton flag station, south-bound track, top of east rail, ........ Elben, in front of station, north-bound track; top of west rail, . 750.0 rail. ...................................................... 746.3 754.2 756.3 751.5 SANDY CREEK, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO PITTSBURG. 744.8 745.7 748.829 746.5 Sandy Creek, in front of station; top of west rail, .............. Wildwood, in front of station ; top of west rail, .. Wildwood, doorsill of west door of Pennsylvania Water Company house; copper bolt, ...... ............... Brilliant, in front of station ; top or north rail, .... Brilliant, 0.3 mile south of, in wall of small culvert south side of railroad; bronze tablet stamped “745 PITTSBURG 1999," .... Pittsburg, in front of Butler Street Station; top of west rail, .. Pittsburg, in front of Forty-third Street Station ; top of west rail, Pitssburg, south side of Allegheny Avenue, 15 feet west of Alle- gheny Valley Railway; top of curbstone, stamped “B. M.," .... Pittsburg, Liberty street, south side foundation of Washington street footbridge; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ....... ............. Pittsburg, in foundation of Seventh Avenue Hotel, north side, at main entrance; aluminum tablet stamped "738 PITTSBURG 1899," :............................. 745.354 742.9 730.5 736.621 743.762 738.383 RALSTON QUADRANGLE. RALSTON TO MARSHHILL.. Ralston, 0.2 mile north of station, in south abutment, west side of railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped "851 HARRISBURG 1899," ....... Marshhill, in front of station ; top of west rail, 852.116 795.9 RURAL VALLEY' QUADRANGLE. RIMER, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO COWANSHANNOCK. Rimer, 2 miles south of, in north abutment, west side of iron bridge ; bronze tablet stamped "820 PITTSBURG 1899,” ....... 820.810 Mahoning, in front of station ; top of east rail, ...... 818.8 Templeton, in front of station; top of west rail, ; -819.1 Mosgrove, in north abutment, east end of railroad bridge, 900 feet north of station; bronze tablet stamped "806 PITTSBURG 1899," ............ 807.227 Cowanshannock, in front of station; top of east rail, ........ 805.4 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . . 233 . 233 NEW KENSINGTON QUADRANGLE. ARNOLD, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO SYLVAN. Feet. 786.0 775.0 763.0 ..................... 755.7 759.0 Arnold, in front of station, main track; top of west rail, ....... New Kensington, in front of station; top of west rail, ...... Parnassus, in front of station; top of west rail, ................ Logan's Ferry, in front of station, north-bound track; top of east rail, ........... Barking, in front of station, south-bound track; top of east rail, Black's Run, 300 feet south of Bessemer steel railroad bridge over Allegheny river, in face of stone milepost marked "P. 13, 0. C. 119-5-10;" bronze tablet stamped "770 PITTSBURG 1899." (Re- ported as having removed, though shank still remains), ........ Hulton, in front of station ; top of east rail, ........ Oakmont, in front of station ; top of west l'ail, ...... Edgewater, in front of station ; top of west rail, .. Verona, in front of station; top of west rail, ...ci.. Sylvan, in front of station ; top of west rail, ... ........ 771.194 776.6 763.6 753.6 744.8 744.1 SMICKSBURG QUADRANGLE. LA VALIER, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA AND NORTHWESTERN. RAILROAD, TO DAYTON. 1,225 1,190 1,187.015 Valier, road crossing; top of rail, ..... Hamilton, road crossing, top of rail, .... Hamilton, 60 feet west of, 5 feet south of track, in top of large rock, aluminum tablet stamped "1183 PITTSBURG," ... Loop, 0.25 mile west of, high bridge over Mahoning Creek, in south end of east abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "1183 PITTS.," Goodville, crossing at station; top of rail, ......... Dayton, 900 feet west of station, northwest wing wall of Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Railroad bridge over small stream, on second coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1326 PITTS- BURG,' ........................ 1,182.458 1,215 1,326.118 DAYTON SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAYS TO MARION CENTER THEN SOUTH ALONG THE BUFFALO, ROCHESTER AND PITTSBURG RAIL- ROAD TO HOME STATION BY HIGHWAYS TO GAIBLETON. . 1,365.408 1,220.292 Dayton, 3 miles south of, 500 feet south of crossroads, in founda- tion of W. R. Spur house, at end of east side of; aluminum tablet stamped "1365 ADJ 1903," .......... Barnards, 2 miles south of, in southeast corner of foundation of Dunkards church ; aluminum tablet stamped "1219 ADJ 1903,” Plumville, at schoolhouse, in northeast wing wall of iron wagon bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "1168 ADJ 1903,” .......... Ambrose, in northeast corner of foundation of .D. R. Lewis' store building; aluminum tablet stamped "1161 ADJ 1903,” ........ Marion Center, 960 feet north of station, on cast side of southeast abutment of bridge over stream; aluminum tablet stamped "1259 ADJ 1903," 1,169.359 1,162.566 . 1,260.190 234 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. Marion Center, in front of station ; top of rail, ....... Home station, in front of; top of rail, ...... 1,259.0 1,197.2 HAMILTON SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAYS TO MARION CENTER. (ONE FOOT ADJUSTMENT IS THROWN AT END OF THIS LINE.) 1,531.159 Carode, in west foundation wall of Neff & Warusbuis store building; aluminum tablet stamped "1531 ADJ 1903," ....... Hamil, in southwest wing wall of iron bridge spanning Little Ma- honing Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1225 ADJ 1903,".... Hamil, road crossing at station; top of west rail, 1,226.599 1, 251 TT HAMILTON NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAYS TO SPRANKELS MILLS. Grange, 400 feet north of post office, in east side of southeast cor- ner of barn foundation owned by L. V. Means; aluminum tablet stamped "1713 ADJ," .. .................................... 1,712.883 . SOMERSET QUADRANGLE. SOMERSET NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO RAILROAD CROSSING 1.10 MILES NORTHEAST OF GEIGER. •••••• 2,092.52 2,103.77 2,105.338 Somerset, south of, at road crossing, 150 feet east of railroad, on northwest abutment of iron highway bridge, top of bolt head; marked "2093," ............ Somerset, in front of station ; top of rail, ..... Somerset, in northeast corner of stone foundation wall of Balti- more and Ohio station, on east side'; aluminum tablet stamped “2106-1908.” .............................................. Somerset, 0.99 mile northeast of, at road crossing, 30 feet east of railroad, 10 feet south of wagon road, 5 feet east of fence cor- ner, point on rock; marked on post “B. M. 2129,' .......... Geiger, 300 feet south of station, west of railroad, 50 feet south of overhead highway bridge, in northwest corner of stone arch, un- der old South Pennsylvania Railroad, in fourth tier of stone above ground; aluminum tablet stamped “2207-1908,” ........ 2,128.83 2,206.133 STONEBORO QUADRANGLE. Carlton, in front of station; top of west rail, ....... ........ 1,045.3 TROM NEAR UTICA, NORTHWEST TO CARLTON; THENCE WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO SUNOL; THENCE SOUTHWEST TO HADLEY. 1,052.034 . Carlton, in top of stone at northeast corner of road bridge over French Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1052 1908,” ........ Milledgeville, in south face of southwest corner of Presbyterian Church, 500 feet cast of crossroads; aluminun tablet stamped "1280 1908,” ... Milledgeville, 1.0 mile west of, on rock at northwest corner of crossroads; chisel mark, ........... Milledgeville, 1.8 miles west of, at southeast corner of road to south; chisel mark, ....... ............................................. 1,279.937 1,423.13 1,325.79 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 235 Feet. : ................ .............. ................... 1,380.15 Sunol, 1.0 mile east of, at southwest corner of crossroads; chisel mark, ........ Sunol, 4.0 miles northeast of Sheakleyville, in west face of south- west corner of J. F. Turner's dwelling at road forks by store; aluminum tablet stamped "1408 1908,” ...... Chisel mark on rock at southwest corner of small iron bridge over Sandy Creek, . Sheakleyville, in south face of southeast corner of U. P. Church at south edge of village ; aluminum tablet stamped "1282 1908," .. ... 1,407.808 . ..... .... .... .... .. 1,194.69 1,282.351 FROM COUNTY LINE NEAR RAYMILTON, WEST ALONG LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILROAD, TO HADLEY. 1 1,153.90 U 1,157.97 1,153.128 Raymilton, 2.0 miles west of, on top of parapet wall at northeast corner of railroad bridge No. 227 over road (road 1130 feet); chisel mark, ........ Sandy Lake, 2.0 miles east of, on large boulder at northwest cor- ner of road crossing; chisel mark, Blairs crossing, 1.0 mile east of Sandy Lake, in bridge seat at southeast corner of iron bridge over Big Sandy Creek about 30 feet north of railroad; aluminum tablet stamped "1153 1908," Stoneboro, in foundation stone 1.7 feet above step at left side of entrance to First National Bank at northeast corner of Lake and Walnut streets; aluminum tablet stamped "1184 1908,” ........ Clarks Mills station, in, next to top stone in back wall at northwest corner of railroad bridge over Little Shenango River, 500 feet east of station; aluminum tablet stamped "1160 1908," ........ Hadley, in bridge seat at northwest corner of iron bridge over Lit- tle Shenango River; aluminum tablet stamped "1049 1908,” .... Kashner, 3.0 miles north of, in northwest wing wall of iron bridge spanning Otter Creek; aluminum tablet stamped “1005,” ...... 1,184.519 1,160.122 1,048.072 1,005.329 STONEBORO SOUTHWEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO TURNER STATION. .............................................. 1,384.870 . . 1,266.71 Lyon, 0.5 mile north of, 200 feet east of railroad, in north face of northwest corner of Centre school house; aluminum tablet stamped "1385 1908," ...... Jackson Center station, 1.0 mile north of, about 500 feet north of crossing, on northwest corner of concrete bridge, ............ Jackson Centre station, 0.4 mile north of, on rock at northeast corner of crossing; chisel mark, ..... ............ Turners station, 0.5 mile north of, in wing wall at southeast cor- ner of small iron bridge of Pennsylvania Railroad; aluminum tab- let stamped "1133 1908,” ..... 1,263.03 · 1,132.597 MILLBROOK, NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO JACKSON CENTER. Bowie schoolhouse, at southwest corner of, at northwest corner of road to north ; iron post stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1,” .. Jackson Center, 0.8 mile east of, on bridge seat at southeast cor- ner of iron bridge at crossroads by railroad; chisel mark,....... 1,378.415 1,275.55 236 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . . Feet Jackson Center, in south face of water table at southeast corner of C. P. Church at east end of village; aluminum, tablet stamped "1318 1908," ............... · 1,317.633 SUSQUEHANNA QUADRANGLE. GREAT BEND, ALONG ERIE RAILROAD, TO LANESBORO, 879.9 880.778, Great Bend,. at milepost J. C. 200 D. 224, north-bound track; top of rail, Great Bend, 200 feet north of station, in face of southeast founda- tion stone of railroad water tank; bronze tablet stamped "880 ALBANY 1900," ..... Hickory Grove, 600 feet north of station, top of southeast abutment of iron bridge; bronze tablet stamped "893 ALBANY 1900," .. Hickory Grove, in front of station, north-bound track; top of rail, Susquehanna, in front of station, north-bound track; top of rail,.. Lanesboro, 1.3 miles northeast of Susquehanna, long iron bridge over highway and stream, top of south abutment, west side; bronze tablet stamped “955 ALBANY 1900,” .... 893.621 S96.0 909.9 956.139 TANEYTOWN QUADRANGLE. AT LITTLESTOWN. Littlestown, opposite Catholic Church, on South Queen St., in northwest corner of Huff Hotel; bronze tablet stamped "635,".. 634.431 TIDIOUTE QUADRANGLE. COBHAM TO JAMISON. 1,131.4 ..... 1,110.5 1,116.939 1,096.0 Cobham, in front of flag station ; top of east rail, ...... Tidioute, in front of Pennsylvania Railroad station; top of north rail, Tidioute, 100 feet east of station, 270 feet south of center of track at north end of suspension bridge across Allegheny river, on face of west cable anchor; aluminum tablet stamped “1116 DUNKIRK 1899," Trunkeyville, in front of flag station; top of east rail, .......... Trunkeyville, 350 feet south of flag post, 45 feet west of center of main track, 4.5 feet south from large chestnut tree, in large bowlder; aluminum tablet stamped "1098 DUNKIRK 1899," ... Hickory, 0.2 mile north of, at northeast corner of steel truss com- bination railroad and highway bridge across Allegheny river, on foundation wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1086 DUNKIRK 1899,” .................... •.•. Hickory, in front of station; top of west rail, . Dawson, in front of station; top of east rail, ...... Jamison, in front of flag station ; top of east rail, .. 1,098.647 1,086.578 1,088.6 ' 1,073.0 1,070.5 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 237 Feet. TIONESTA QUADRANGLE. Tionesta, 180 feet north of station, 70 feet east of main track, at southwest corner of highway bridge across Allegheny river, on coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1063 DUNKIRK 1899," Tionesta, in front of station, main track; top of east rail, ...... 1,064.289 1,057.5 . 760.5 TROUT RUN QUADRANGLE. BODINE TO HEPBURNVILLE. Bodine, in front of station ; top of rail, .......... Fields, 0.1 mile north of, in south abutment east side of iron rail- · road bridge ; bronze tablet stamped “732 HARRISBURG 1899," Gray, at north end of switch, at road crossing; top of west rail, .. Trout Run, in front of station, main track; top of rail, ......... Powys, in front of station; top of rail, ....... Powys, 0.7 mile south of, in northwest wing abutment of small creek culvert; aluminum tablet stamped "620 HARRISBURG 1899," ....... Cogan Valley, in front of station; top of rail, .. Hepburnville, at road crossing near station; top of rail, ........ 732.512 717.0 677.9 629.7 ................ 620.554 598.7 582.9 TROWBRIDGE QUADRANGLE. NEW YORK-PENNSYLVANIA BOUNDARY POST, ALONG NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD TO TROY. State boundary (N. Y.-Pa.), opposite line post; top of rail, .... 1,096.7 Fassett, at road crossing near station ; top of rail, 1,122.9 Gillett, in front of station ; top of rail, .. 1,201.7 Dunning, in front of station; top of rail, ... 1,237.5 Snediker, 50 feet west of railroad, in foundation wall of store and railroad station; bronze tablet stamped “1265 HARRISBURG 1899," .... 1,265.220 Columbia crossroads, in front of station; top of west rail, ...... 1,130.7 Columbia crossroads, 1.8 miles south of, top of north wall of cul- vert and cattle pass, west side of railroad; bronze tablet stamped "1099 HARRISBURG 1899," ..... 1,099.855 Troy, road crossing at cemetery ; top of east rail, ......... 1,074.6 Troy, in front of station; top of west rail, ..................... 1,136.1 Troy, 0.2 mile south of station, north side of railroad water tank, in top of coping stone of foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "1139 HARRISBURG 1899," .... 1,139.758 ................ UNION CITY QUADRANGLE. LEBOEUF, EAST ALONG ERIE RAILROAD TO UNION CITY, THENCE ALONG PITTSBURG AND ERIE RAILROAD TO ELGIN. Leboeuf, 1.5 miles west of, north side of tracks, arch culvert, on coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1193 PITTSBURG 1899," ......................................... 1,194.210 Leboeuf, 1 mile southwest of, near railroad crossing, southwest corner of highway bridge, on foundation stone; chiseled square, 1,201.31 238 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : Feet. ....... ......, 1,259.60 1,284.37 1,299.9 · Union City, 1.69 miles west of, on Erie Railroad, on top of stone milepost 74; chiseled square, ... Union City, 0.64 mile west of, Erie Railroad, on top of stone mile- post 73; chiseled square, ...... Union City, in front of Erie station ; top of north rail, .......... Union City, 0.31 mile east of Erie station, top of stone milepost 72 chiseled square, ... Union City, 0.78 mile east of Pennsylvania Railroad station, Bridge No. 27, northeast corner, on parapet wall; chiseled square, ... Union City, 1.97 miles east of, northeast corner of Bridge No. 29, on foundation stone; chiseled square, ........ ...... 1,302.92 1,289.13 1,302.06 1,307.892 1,346.1 1,369.58 foundation wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench wark No. 72), .......... ............. Reilly, flag road crossing; top of north rail, ..... Elgin, 1.09 miles west of, northwest corner of Bridge No. 32, on parapet stone; chiseled square (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 71), ..... ............ Elgin, 0.13 mile west of, northeast corner Bridge No. 33, on foun- dation stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 70), ........................................... ........ Elgin, 330 feet west of station, north of track, store of D. S. Lyon, southeast corner of foundation wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1382 PITTSBURG 1902,” ... Elgin, in front of station ; top of north rail, ...... 1,379.496 1,381.794 1,386.4 ........ 1,191.014 ........ 1,192.3 • SAMSON TO MILLERS STATION. Samson, 4.3 miles south of, on Bridge No. 14; Pennsylvania Rail- road bench mark No. 82, ....... Waterford, in front of station; top of rail, .. ....... Leboeuf, 1.5 miles west of, on New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio (Erie) Railroad, in culvert masonry on northwest side of railroad ; aluminum tablet stamped "1193 PITTSBURG 1899," .......... Mill Village, in front of station ; top of rail, .................... Millers, in front of station, main track; top of rail, ............ Millers, 0.9 mile southwest of, in top of southwest end of bridge abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "1148 PITTSBURG 1899," 1,194.210 1,214.3 1,169.8 1,148.237 .UNIONTOWN QUADRANGLE. WALTERSBURG, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO UNIONTOWN Upper Middletown flag station, 675 feet north of, in face of rock in place, 26 feet east of center of track, 4.2 feet higher than top of rail; bronze tablet stamped “920 PITTSBURG 1899," ...... 919.449 Upper Middletown flag station; top of rail, .................. 913.5 Vance Mill Junction, in front of station ; top of east rail, .... 927.0 Redstone Junction, in front of station; top of east rail, ..... 956.1 Uniontown, court-house, corner of Main and Court streets, founda- tion wall 4 feet above ground between Main street entrance and southwest corner and building; aluminum tablet stamped "999 PITTSBURG 1899," ..... 998.556 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. : 239 UNIONTOWN, ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, TO FAIR- CHANCE. Feet. Uniontown, in front of Pennsylvania Railroad station ; top of east rail, 980.1 Leith, in front of Pennsylvania Railroad station; top of west rail, 1,005.6 Hutchinson, in front of flag station; top of east rail, ........ 1,105.9 Brownfield, in front of station; top of west rail, ....... 1,136.2 Oliphant, in front of station; top of west rail, ...... 1,170.3 Johnson, in front of flag station ; top of west rail, ....... 1,098.3 ... WARREN QUADRANGLE. GREAT BEND TO IRVINETON. 1,222:7 1,221.2 1,208.4 1 C ...... 1,205.768 1,199.2 1,191.9 Great Bend, at flag crossing; top of south rail, ....... Great Bend, 0.80 mile south west of, northeast corner of Bridge No. 644, on foundation stone'; chiseled square, ..... Hemlock, at flag crossing; top of rail, ......................... Hemlock, 0.2 mile southwest of, at northwest corner of steel-gir- der Bridge No. 110, 5 inches from bed plate, on foundation coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1205 DUNKIRK 1899," Glade, in front of station; top of southeast rail, ....... Struthers, in front of station; top of north rail, ................ Warren, 300 feet south of station, at northwest corner of double- track stcel-truss Bridge No. 54 over Allegheny river, on coping of parapet wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1193 DUNKIRK 1899," .. Warren, at station, Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 33, in doorsill of waiting room; copper plug, .......... Starbrick crossing; top of south rail, Jackson crossing, 650 feet east of, Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 37, southwest corner of Bridge No. 53, coping stone; copper plug, .... Jackson crossing; top of south rail, Irpineton, 1.48 miles east of, Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 38, southwest corner of small girder Bridge No. 52, top of second step from top of wing wall; copper plug, ..................... ..... 1,193.485 1,194.813 1,189.5 ....................... . . ..... 1,180.778 1,181.5 ........ 1,166.172 WILLIAMSPORT QUADRANGLE. AT WILLIAMSPORT. 528.50 ... Williamsport, general superintendent's oflice building, north side of east entrance, on water table; chiseled shelf (Pennsylvania Rail- road bench mark, elevation 528.35), ............. Williamsport, northwest corner base of Soldiers' monument; chis- eled square (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 46, elevation 525.04), ...... Williamsport, city hall, in front face near main entrance; alum- inum tablet stamped "528 HARRISBURG 1899," ..... 525 19 528.266 16-No. 7 240 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. WINDBER QUADRANGLE. AT CROSSROADS 4 MILES WEST OF FYAN. Feeto Fyan, 4 miles west of, at northeast corner of crossroads, on Alle- gheny Mountain, in large rock; aluminum, tablet stamped “2594,"? 2,593.118 . IGOR : FROM RAILROAD CROSSING 1.10 MILES NORTHEAST OF GEIGER NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD VIA HOOV- ERSVILLE TO BORDER STATION. 2,101.30 2,053.232 2,031.243 2,027.10 2,014.965 1,848.41 1, 809,038 Listie, in front of station; top of rail, Wells Creek, 237 feet east of station, in north end of east abut- ment of railroad bridge over stream; aluminum tablet stamped “2054-1908,” ........... .................................. Quemahoning Junction, at junction with Boswell Branch of Balti- more and Ohio Railroad, 100 feet south of station sign, on east side of tracks, in base of switch lock, top of spike; marked "B. M. 2032,” ....... .............. Friedens, in front of station, top of rail; marked "2038,” (?).. Coleman, 60 feet south of station, 75 feet east of northeast corner of store and post-office kept by W. W. Dafall, 80 feet west of wagon road running east and west, in lock; aluminum tablet stamped "2016-1908,” .... Mostoller, 0.8 mile north of, 15 feet west of railroad, on gray sand- stone rock, point; marked "1849,' ..., ......... · Mostoller, 1.6 miles north of, 30 feet east of railroad, 200 feet north of milepost R. 21-J. 24, in sandstone rock; aluminum tab- let stamped "1810-1908,” .. Stoyestown, 2.3 miles north of, 680 feet north of milepost R. 24-J. 21, 40 feet east of railroad, in large flat boulder; aluminum tab- let stamped "1713-1908,” ..... ........................... Hooversville, in front of station ; top of rail; marked "1679," .. Hooversville, 0.4 mile north of, in east end of north abutment of railroad bridge No. 230; aluminum tablet stamped "1667-1908,” Landstreet, in front of sstation, top of rail; marked "1575,"... Landstreet, 380 feet north of station, SO feet west of railroad, 95 feet northwest of milepost R. 30-J. 15, in north end of east abut- ment of lighway bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “1572-1908,”. Landstreet, 1.1 mile northwest of, at milepost R. 31-J. 14, 30 feet south of milepost, point on rock; marked "B. M. 1557,” . Holsapple, 235 'feet north of station, east end of south concrete abutment of railroad bridge No. 246; marked “B. M. 1535," ... Holsapple, 1.4 northeast of, 40 feet east of railroad, 415 feet south of Livingston Union Baptist Church, on north side of old road, in rock; aluminun tablet stamped "1505-1908,” ........ Border, in front of station; top of rail, ..... Border station, 422 feet north of station, in east end of south abut- ment of railroad bridge No. 252; aluminum tablet stamped "1351- 1908,” .......... 11, 712.160 1,678.24 1,666.555 1,574.63 1,571,541 1,556.29 1,534.45 1,504.300 1,352.30 1,350.172 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 241 FROM FRIEDENS NORTHWEST ALONG RAILROAD AND COUNTY ROAD TO BOSWELL, THENCE ALONG PUBLIC ROAD VIA JEROME TO A POINT 2.70 MILES NORTHEAST OF THOMAS MILL. Feet. 1,852.200 .................. ......... 1,996.09 ...................... 2,015.498 ................................ 1,917.35 2,005.07 .................. 2,000.847 1004. ................................... ..... 1,833.55 O DO ...... 1,813.57 Friedens, 3.1 miles north, west of, in south end of east abutment of stone arch under railroad, over wagou road, 100 feet northwest of oil derrick, in lower tier of stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1853- 1908,” 1908,” ..... .................................................. Triedens, , 4.5 miles north west of, west of railroad in cut, point on rock; marked "1997," Ralphton, 0.4 mile north of, 20 feet west of railroad, 300 feet west of Crist's farm, in sandstone culvert; aluminum tablet stamped “2016-1908,” ....... Critchfield Farm, at junction with turnpike running east and west, 70 feet east of three-corners, 30 feet north of barn, point ou brownrock, marked "1918,” ...... Main road running north at cemetery, point on large flat rock ju centre of forks; marked "2005.5," ... Critchfield Farm, 1.4 miles northwest of, at top of hill just east of Boswell, north of road, 226 feet west of load, runinng north, at graveyard, in sandstone outcrop; aluminum tablet stamped “2001-1908,” ............... Boswell, in front of Baltimore and Ohio station, top of rail; marked "1834,” ....... Boswell, on north end of west abutment of highway bridge over Quemahoning Creek, chiseled square; marked "1814," Junction with main road running east at signboard “Johnstown Pike 3 mi.-Davidsville 6 mi.," near foot of signboard, point on rock; marked "1877.5," ...... ........ Boswell, 2.0 miles northeast of, at crossroads at frame church, at northeast corner of crossroads, 50 feet west of southwest corner of church, in wock; aluminum tablet stamped “1896-1908,” .... Boswell, 4.0 miles northeast of, at four corners at signboard read- ing “Boswell 4 mi.—Johnstown Pike 1 mi.," at southeast corner of crossroads, at northwest corner of barn, point on oblong rock; marked “1904,” ..... Jerome, at east edge of town, 425 feet north of forks, east of road, in south foundation wall of Ira J. Moon's store; aluminum tablet stamped "1797-1908,” ....... Jerome, 1.8 miles north of, at junction with Johnstown turnpike, at Thomas' Mill, at signboard reading “Maple Spring Church 2 mi.,” 50 feet north of forks, point on rock over mill-race; sign- board marked "B. M. 1410,” .......... Thomas' Mill, 1.1 miles northeast of, west of road, in south foun- dation wall of church on south side; aluminum tablet stamped "1388-1908,” Thomas' Mill, 2.7 miles northeast of, west of road, point on sand- stone outcrop; marked "1810,” ...... 1,877.04 1,895.048 1,904.0 1,796.257 1,409.54 1,387.939 1,810.06 242 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. ............ ............... . FROM COLEMAN SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAYS TO SHANKSVILLE, THENCE NORTHEÀST AND NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA REITZ, ARROW AND WINDBER TO SCALP LEVEL. , Teet. Coleman, 3.5 miles southeast of, 690 feet east of forks, 30 feet: north of road, on ground of Chas. Shank; in rock; aluminum tablet stamped “2225-1908," ................. 2,224.078 Shanksville, centre of town, 30 feet south of four corners, 10 feet west of southwest corner of large barn, on sandstone outcrop; chiseled, square; marked “2227,” ............................ 2,226.81 Shanksville, 1.4 miles northeast of, west of road, 40 feet south of road running northeast and southwest, in hub on 36-inch maple tree, nail; marked "2518,” (hub is old coal land survey bench mark), ... 2,517.06 Shanksville, 1.7 miles northeast of, 30 feet west of road, 200 feet southwest of house owned and occupied by L. I. Harding; alum- inum tablet stamped "2481-1908,” ..... 2,450.534 Shanksville, 2.8 miles northeastóf, at junction with road running west, at southwest corner of forks, point on rock; marked “B. M. 2423," ... 2,422.22 Buckstown, at southwest corner of crossroads, in east foundation wall of store kept by Daniel Wagner; aluminum tablet stamped “2428-1908,” ......... ........... 2,427.794 Buckstown, 1.2 miles northeast of, 60 feet east of junction with T shaped road, on south side of road, 8 feet east of spring, point on rock; fence marked "B. M. 2540,” ........ 2,539.07 Forks of road, at west edge of woods, in hub on oak tree standing in centre of forks, nail; marked "T. P. 2551," (Coal Survey bench mark), ............................. .......... 2,550.83 Road running east', point on old hub on 3-inch maple tree; marked “2427,” (Coal Land Survey bench mark), ..... 2,426.48 Buckstown, 3.3 miles northeast of, west of road, 35 feet north of road running east, in large sandstone lock; aluminum tablet stamped “2384-1908,” ..... 2,383.148 Reitz, at forks of road, north of post-office, east of road, in large sandstone, boulder shaped like a stone bench ; aluminum tablet, stamped “2139-1908,”. 2,138.743 Reitz, 1.9 miles nothwest of, at forks at top of divide, 30 feet south of forks, point on rock; marked "2340.5," ........ 2,340.09 Reitz, 3.2 miles northwest of, in south end of west abutment of highway bridge over. Shade Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1942- 1908," ... 1,941.220 Reitz, 5.6 miles north of, at Berwind-White's coal mine, 20 feet north of railroad crossing, west side, point on rock; marked "B. M. 2139," ...... 2,138.54 Arrow, at forks of road, at bridge north of, in rock on east side of road and 50 feet south of forks; aluminum tablet stamped “2043-1908," ............. 2,042.909 Ashtola, south end of town, 65 feet north of railroad crossing, west of wagon road, in root of 12-inch pine tree, nail; marked "2085," 2,084.71 Rummel, front entrance to German Baptist (Dunkard) Church, in south end of third stone step from bottom; aluminum tablet stamped "1857-1908,” ....... 1,856,619 1908.” ..................................... STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 243 Feet. 1,683.097 Windber, 25 feet northwest of northwest corner of Grand Central Hotel, in south end, of cast abutment of highway bridge over Paint Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1683-1908," .......... Scalp Level, 0.5 mile north of, 30 feet west of railroad, 75 feet southwest of toolhouse, in sandstone boulder; aluminum tablet stamped "1719-PITTS. ," ............ ... 1,719.185 YORK QUADRANGLE. BENCH MARKS ALONG NORTHERN CENTRAL BRANCH OF PENNSYL- VANIA RAILROAD. 372.63 372.264 371.26 Milepost 59, 2,100 feet north of, southwest wing wall of bridge 98, R. R. B. M. No. 62, copper bolt, ... Milepost 59, 2,100 feet north of, in southeast abutment of bridge 98, aluminum tablet stamped "372," ... York, doorstep of baggage room', R. R. B. M. No. 60, copper bolt, York, 100 feet west of Western Maryland station, on south west abutment of wagon bridge over Codorus creek; aluminum tablet stamped "368," ... Glen Rock, south of, R. R. B. M. No. 43, 180 feet south of mile- post 42, north west back wall of bridge 74; copper bolt, ...... Glen Rock, 180 feet south of milepost 42, northeast wing wall of bridge No. 74; aluminum tablet stamped "548,” ....... Shrewsbury, on station step, R. R. B. M. 40, copper bolt, ... Shrewsbury, Traction Hotel, northwest corner of, 35 feet cast of railroad; aluminum tablet stamped “741," .... ........................................... 367.543 547.953 547.624 737.700 740.948 BENCH MARKS ALONG FREDERICK BRANCH PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD. 441.12 436.206 Heistand, overhead bridge, south side, projecting bolt, R. R. B. M. No. 9, ........ Heistand, northwest pier of overhead bridge, 0.6 foot from ground; aluminum tablet stamped "436,” ........ Hellam, 1,250 feet west of station, northwest abutment bridge 14, R. R. B. M.; copper bolt; ....... Hellam, 1,250 feet west of station, on northeast abutment of bridge 14 aluminum tablet stamped “354," ...... ................ 354.48 354.167 • STONER SOUTH TO YORKANA. (SINGLE SPUR LINE.) Milepost 5, 1,125.7 feet west of, in southeast abutment of bridge 12, R. R. B. M. No.'12; copper bolt, ....... Yorkana, east end of at crossroads, road running north to Hellam station, in stone at entrance to residence to Wilton Myers, north- cast corner of crossroads; aluminum tablet stamped "648,” .. ................. 326.239 617.908 STONER ALONG HIGIIWAY SOUTHEAST TO EAST PROSPECT THENCE SOUTH TO BITTERVILLE THENCE SOUTHWEST TO GLEN ROCK. . IIIII 493.146 East Prospect, north end of, in east end of foundation of school- house ; aluminum tablet stamped "493," ....... Bittervsille, in northeast foundation of United Evangelical Church ; aluminum tablet stamped "567,” ......... 566.711 244 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Teet. 897.7 910.660 927.9. Red Lion, in front of station; top of east. rail, ................ Red Lion, 125 feet south of railroad, in stone step of Myers build- ing, southwest corner of; aluminum tablet stamped “911,” .... Dallastown, on summit of hill at cross streets, top of rail, ......" Rye, in southwest foundation of house of C. A. Hess at crossroads; aluminum tablet stamped “733," ......... Loganville, in southwest corner of foundation of P. O.; aluminum tablet stamped "782,” ... 732.844 782.166 ...................... SHREWSBURY ALONG HIGHWAY EAST TO STEWARTSTOWN THENCE NORTHEAST TO DOLF THENCE NORTH TO BITTERSVILLE. Sheffer, at road crossing near; top of west rail, ...... 793.95 Tolna post office, in stone step of post office north side of railroad; aluminum tablet stamped “774,” .......... 774.035 Orwig, in front of station; top of north rail, ................. 765.3 Stewartstown station, top of south rail, ..., 844.0 Stewartstown, in stone step at entrance to Methodist Episcopal Church on Main St. and College Ave. ; aluminum tablet stamped “S86,” .. S85.131 Dolf, in southeast corner of foundation of barn owned by John A. Wilson, aluminum tablet stamped "775," ........ 774.152 Parke, postoffice 1.5 miles west of, in northwest corner of foun- dation of Glessic schoolhouse at crossroads; aluminum tablet stamped "755,” ...... 754. 162 Keys, 100 feet east of post-office, in northwest foundation of barn owned by G. B. Murphy; aluminum tablet stamped “839,” .. 839.104 ........................... YOUNGSVILLE QUADRANGLE. NEAR IRVINETON. Irvineton, 0.75 mile cast of, Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 39, southeast corner of open drain, on foundation stone; copper Diug, ................................................... 1,168.951 Irvineton, 0.24 mile east of station, east abutment of double-track steel-girder Bridge No. 50 across Brokenstraw creek, north side of middle girder, on foundation coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1167 DUNKIRK 1899," 1,167.948 IRVINETON TO THOMPSON. 1,167.948 Irvineton, 0.24 mile east of station, east abutment of double-track steel-girder Bridge No. 50 across Brokenstraw creek, north side of middle girder, on foundation coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1.167 DUNKIRK 1899," ..... Thompson, 0.12 mile northeast of Western New York and Pennsyl- vania station, at east end of south abutment of small girder Bridge No. 85 A, on coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped “1135 DUNKIRK 1899," Thompson, in front of station ; top of west rail, ....... HORN TO IRVINETON. 1,136.115 1,139.8 Horn, 1.18 miles north of, south end of box culvert on coping stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 54), ...... Quarry, flag crossing ; top of north rail, ..... 1,322.334 1,328.7 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 245 Feet. 1,308.8 1,285.041 1,264.709 1,244.249 1,240.6 1,237.68 1,231.197 Garland, in front of station, main track; top of south rail, ...... Garland, 1.12 miles east of, southwest corner of “Blue Eye,” bridge over Blue Eye Creek, on foundation stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 51), ...... Pitsfield, 1.83 miles west of, at southwest corner of bridge, on top of foundation wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 50), . Pittsfield, 0.52 mile west of, large steel through-truss bridge over creek, southeast corner of foundation stone; bronze tablet stamped “1244 PITTSBURG 1902," ...... Pittsfield, in front of station; top of north rail, ...... Pittsfield, 0.13 mile east of, northwest corner of Bridge No. 46, on foundation wall; chiseled square (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 47), ....... Pittsfield, 0.75 mile cast of, southwest corner of small bridge, on foundation wing wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 46), ....... Youngsville, 0.86 mile west of, southwest corner of Bridge No. 47, · on foundation wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 45), ... Youngsville, 0.32 mile west of, southwest corner of 6-span girder bridge over Brokenstraw creek; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Rail- road bench mark No. 48), ...... Youngsville, 0.15 mile west of, northeast corner of Dunkirk, Alle- gheny Valley and Pittsburgh Railroad bridge, on projection of bot- tom foundation stone of pier; chiseled square (Pennsylvania Rail- road bench mark No. 43), ...... Youngsville, in front of station; top of rail, Youngsville, in front of Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburgh Railroad station; top of north rail, .......... Irvineton, 0.70 mile west of, southwest corner of Bridge No. 49, on foundation wall; chiseled square (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 42), .......... .......... Irvineton, in front of station ; top of south rail, .... Irvineton, 0.24 mile east of station, east abutment of double-track steel-girder Bridge No. 50 across Brokenstraw creek, north side of middle girder, on bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped "1167 PITTSBURG 1899,". 1,221.601 ........ ..................... 1,207.025 ............... ............. 1,211.305 1,210.8 .................. 1,205.8 1,173.032 1,167.3 1,167.948 ZELIENOPLE QUADRANGLE. DOWNIEVILLE NORTHWEST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL- ROAD TO FRISCO. (B. & 0. bench marks were destroyed on this route and a connection should be obtained in 1908 with Ellwood City B. Ms. of B. & O. R. R.) Callery Junction, street crossing; top of rail, .... 974.8 Callery Junction, 0.75 mile west of, north side of railroad, in con- crete abutment of trolley bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "988 ADJ 1903,". 988.061 246 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feeti. 939.159 925.444 908 Evans City, 70 feet cast of station, north side of railroad, in sand- stone abutment of county bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "939 ADJ 1903,” .............................................. Harmony, in sandstone door stoop to High School building; alum- inum tablet stamped “925 ADJ 1903,". Zelienople, at road crossing; top of rail, ........................ Old Furnace, 0.39 mile west of, southeast corner of railroad bridge, in sandstone abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "896 ADJ 1903,". Fombell, road crossing, ..... Gohering, road crossing, top of rail, ......... Celia, northwest corner of bridge, in concrete mud wall; aluminum tablet stamped "875 ADJ 1903," ..... Hazen, road crossing; top of rail, ......... McKimms, road crossing; top of rail, ... North Sewickley, in front; top of rail, .. 895.694 886 . 875 874.831 869 ........... 866 885 HARMONY NORTH ALONG HIGHWAYS TO ISLE THENCE EAST ALONG . RAILROAD TO QUEEN JUNCTION. ....................... 938.147 Whitestown, 5.47 miles south of, in sandstone wing wall of county bridge, northwest end of bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “938 ADJ 1903,” ......... Whitestown, 1.71 miles south of, at sharp bend, 30 feet center of road, west side of road, in stone outcrop; aluminum tablet stamped "1206 ADJ 1903,” ..... .......... Prospect, in sandstone door stoop to public school building; alum- inum tablet stamped "1369 ADJ 1903,". Isle, in foundation of private house owned by E. A. Watson, stone foundation; aluminum tablet stamped "1189 ADJ 1903," ....... 1, 206.479 1,369.148 1,189.129 YTT FRISCO NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAYS TO PROSPECT. ONE FOOT ADJUSTMENT THROWN AT BEGINNING OF THIS LINE. $50.231 1,277.486 Wurtemburg, north end of, at county bridge over Slippery Rock Creek, in sandstone abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "851 ADJ 1903," .... Wurtemburg, 3.20 miles north of, 100 feet from center of road, on west side of road, in sandstone foundation of large barn; alum- inum tablet stamped "1278 ADJ 1903," ........ .......... Wurtemburg, 5.6 miles north of, 50 feet west of road at road fork on east, in sandstone foundation at private house ; aluminum tablet stamped "1321. ADJ 1903," ................ Portersville, in front of Kennedy Hotel, in large round sandstone; aluminum tablet stamped "1381 ADJ 1903,".. Portersville, 2.83 miles east of, road fork on north, in front of Oak Grove schoolhouse, in sandstone boulder, aluminum tablet stamped “1403 ADJ 1903," .. 1,320.452 1,380.550 1,402,449 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 247 PORTERSVILLE ALONG HIGHWAYS TO POINT 2.8 MILES NORTHWEST OF PORTERSVILLE AND RETURN. Feet. Portersville, 2.83 miles northwest of; on east side of road; in sand- stone boulder; aluminum tablet stamped. “1191 ADJ 1903,” ..... 1,190.324 PRIMARY LEVELING. ALTOONA QUADRANGLE. Utahville, in front of station ; top of rail, 1,669 PATTON, EAST ALONG PUBLIC ROAD TO FRUGALITY. Frugality, 0.25 mile south of, west end of south abutment of rail- road bridge No. 408, at junction of . wye track, on capstone; chiseled cross, .......... 1,475.48 NA AMITY QUADRANGLE. BEALLSVILLE, NORTHWEST ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, VIA SCENERY HILL AND VANCEVILLE TO EIGHTY-FOUR. 1,135.820 Beallsville, 50 feet southeast of center of crossroads, Greenfield's Hotel, 30 feet west of corner of porch, in middle step; bronze tab- let stamped "1137 PITTSBURG," .. Scenery Hill, Hillsboro triangulation station, at top of; bronze tab- let stamped "1467 PITTSBURG,". ............... Vanceville, 1.7 miles northwest of, bridge over Pigeon Creek, 235 feet south of center of crossroads, set in north end of southwest abutmnt; bronze tablet stamped "1044 PITTSBURG," ..... 1,466.703 An 1,042.304 1. WASHINGTON, NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD CITI VIA EIGHTY-FOUR TO FINLEYVILLE STATION. NAJ 1,155.914 ................ 1,112.284 1,034.2 Washington, Cherry and Main streets, southeastern end of bound- ary wall of court house, in south side; bronze tablet stamped "1156 PITTS,” ..... Washington, 3.5 miles east of, bridge No. 153, northwest corner of east abutment; chisel mark, ................ Zediker, in front of station; top of rail, . Eighty-four, post-office, 7 miles east of Washington, bridge No. 140, on southwest wing wall; bronze tablet stamped “992 PITTS,” ... Gilkeson, north end of platform ; bench mark, Thomas station, southeast end of platform; benchmark, ...... Venetia postoffice (Anderson station), northwest bridge seat of iron wagon bridge at road crossing; aluminum tablet stamped ................. 991.604 1,092.43 1,135.45 “986 PITTS,” ........................................... Hackett, road crossing; top of rail, ...... 984.923 954.2 248 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . WASHINGTON, SOUTH ALONG WAYNESBURG AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD AND PUBLIC ROADS, VIA AMITY TO RUFF CREEK. Feet. Amity, postoffice and store of F. 1. Iams & Son, in stone door- step, on north side of door, east side of road; aluminum tablet stamped "1204 PITTSBURG,” ...... 1,200.748 BARNESBORO QUADRANGLE..'. Cookport, southwest of McCoy's store, top of stone over cellar door; aluminum tablet stamped "1609 PITTSBURG," 1,606.622 COOKPORT, EAST ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, TO CHERRY TREE (GRANT POSTOFFICE.) Cherry Tree, railroad bridge No. 314, southeast end of bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped “1360 PITTSBURG," 1,363.943 CHERRY TREE (GRANT POSTOFFICE), ALONG RAILROAD, VIA BAR- NESBORO AND. ELMORA TO EBENSBURG. Barnesboro, 0.1 mile north of station, south abutment of railroad bridge No. 308, in east end of bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped "1447 PITTSBURG," .... 1,445.601 EBENSBURG, WEST ALONG ROAD VIA PINDLETON AND STRONGS- TOWN TO PENN RUN. 2,299.643 Pindleton postoffice, in southeast corner of foundation of church; aluminum tablet stamped "2301 PITTSBURG," ............ Strongstown, in southeast corner of Methodist church; aluminum tablet stamped "1890 PITTSBURG," ... Greenville, 4 miles southeast of 2.5 miles north of Nolo, south- west corner of large barn of M. A. Sleepy, in top of large stone; aluminum tablet stainped "172.5 PITTSBURG," 1,889.435 1,724.560 BEAVER QUADRANGLE. BEAVER, WEST ALONG HIGHWAYS, VIA DAWSON TRIANGULATION STATION, TO BLACK HAWK, THENCE SOUTH, VIA FAIRVIEW TO INDUSTRY. 686.444 Beaver, Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad bridge over Ohio river, land pier on right shore of river, 3 inches below top of nineteenth course of stone froin top of pier and 3 feet east of west side of pier; seat and southwest end of land pier marked thus: “U. S. B. M." (United States Engineers' bench mark “25 C"), .. West Bridgewater, Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad, west bound track at station; top of north rail, ...... Beaver, in foundation stone east of entrance to court house; alum- ipum tablet stamped “798 PITTSBURG," Black Hawk, at crossroads, at corner of barn, on large rock ; aluminum tablet stamped "1169.3 PITTSBURG,” ........ 708.7 797.654 1,169.013 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 249 Feet. Industry, Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad bridge No. 117 over State road, south end of west abutment, in end of second stone from top; bronze tablet stamped "696 PITTSBURG," ........ Industry, 600 feet above landing, 400 feet above Safe Harbor ferry landing, on left shore of river, on large rock under bank; seat cut (United States Engineers' bench mark “32 B”), ........... PITTSBURE second 696.060 ut (United left shore landing, 400 673.344 INDUSTRY, SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAYS, .VIA HOOKSTOWN, TO KEN- DALL, THENCE EAST TO PATTON'S BRIDGE, THENCE NORTH- EAST, VIA SHEFFIELD TO WOODLAWN. 988.220 Hookstown, stone bridge on Washington road over small stream, on southwest corner (corner by the Robertson House); aluminum tablet stamped “988.6 PITTSBURGH,” ...................... Kendall, 1 mile east of (about 5 miles southeast of Hookstown), on Big Traverse Creek, red brick 'house of James Buchanan, in foundation stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1069.7 PITTS- BURG,” .................. Clinton, 4 miles northwest of, 6 miles northeast of Frankfort Springs, in south end of west abutment of Patton's bridge over Raccoon Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "848,” ..... New Sheffield, in northeast corner of Johnston's mill; aluminum tablet stamped "943.7 PITTSBURG," .. ........ 1,069.360 .......... 847.022 943.666 AT FREEDOM (SET FROM PITTSBURG, PORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD LEVELS, CORRECTED.) 703.415 Freedom, . at northwest corner cast bridge seat of bridge No. 203 railroad bench mark, Freedom, at northeast corner of railroad bridge over Eighth street, postoffice building; bronze tablet stamped "1314 PITTSBURG,". 1,312.801 BEDFORD QUADRANGLE. ELTON, SOUTHEAST ALONG PUBLIC ROADS TO LOVELY. Elton, 8.9 miles east of, 2,000 feet from top on side of Allegheny Mountains, on west side of New Road; chiseled square on rock, Lovely, southeast corner of crossroads, at northwest corner of 2,591.35 postoffice building; bronze tablet stamped "1314 PITTSBURG," 1,312.801 250 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. BLACKSVILLE QUADRANGLE. CORE, W. VA., NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO MOUNT MORRIS. Mount Morris, 150 feet west of unill, in northwest abutment of : bridge over Robinson Run, 8 feet from north end of bridge, 10 feet from center of road; bronze tablet stamped "904 GRAFTON," 903.840 BROWNSVILLE QUADRANGLE. WEST NEWTON, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO BAIRD FLAG STATION. West Newton, wagon bridge over Youghiogheny river, north side of east end of wing wall; aluminum tablet stamped “771 PITTS- BURG," .... West Newton, in front of station ; top of rail, ...... Gambles (formerly Gambles postoflice), west side of front entrance to James Torren's brick house, on stone in retaining wall; bronze tablet stamped "1134 PITTSBURGII," ...... 770.572 767.0 1,133.712 WEST BROWNSVILLE, WEST-NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO BEALLSVILLE. Centerville (East Bethlehem postoffice), 35 feet east of H. L. Smith's store, 30 feet cast of center of street, Mrs. Deaves' residence, in northwest corner of retaining wall; bronze tablet stamped "1178 PITTSBURG,' .... .......... 1,177.651 BURGETTSTOWN QUADRANGLE. YA *MCDONALD, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD* TO HANLIN. 1,024.10 Primrose, 500 feet west of station, on south end of east abutment of bridge No. 24; chiseled square (railroad bench mark), ...... Midway, on north end of cast abutment of bridge No. 25 over county road at west end of station; aluminum tablet stamped “1111 ADJ 1903," ... 1,110.666 *The adjustment of railroad levels between Pittsburgh and Steubenville involves the Geological Survey leveling from Pittsburgh to Burgettstown. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 251 Teet. ....................................... 1,156.04 Bulger, 0.3 mile west of, on catol-basin at northeast end of tun- nel; chiseled square, .... · Burgettstown, on south foundation wall of Burgettstown National Bauk building; aluminum tablet stamped "1000 ADJ 1903," .. Harilin, on coping at northeast corner of bridge No. 32 over county road and 200 feet cast of station ; bronze tablet stamped “942 ADJ 1903,” ...... 999.180 · 942.181 / BURGETTSTOWN, NORTII ALONG HIGIIWAY, VIA MURDOCKSVILLE TO PATTON'S BRIDGE. 946.63 Burgettstown, 2.0 miles northeast of, in south end of east abut- ment of iron bridge over Raccoon Creek, at forks to West; cliiseled square, ....... ............................ Bavington, 0.2 mile north of, on east end of south abutment of iron bridge over Raccoon Creek; aluminum tablet stamped “921 ADJ 1903,” ............ .................. Murdocksville, on north end of cast abutment of iron bridge over Racoon Creek; bronze tablet stamped "S77 ADJ 1903," ....... Murdocksville, 2.5 miles north of, on south end of west abutment of iron bridge over Big Traverse Creek; chiseled square, ...... ................. 920.874 $77.083 845.47 T 1 NITIV 1. 1 MURDOCKSVILLE, EAST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO CLINTON, TIINCIO NORTHWEST TO PATTON'S BRIDGE. Clinton, on foundation wall at southeast corner of J. E. McCul- lougli's store and post office; bronze tablet stamped “1234 ADJ 1903," . 1,233.882 MURDOCKSVILLE, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO COMETTSBURG. - VO, ..... .... .... .... ... 1,185.604 Frankfort, on north foundation wall of brick dwelling of Andrew Vance's heirs, on west side of street at south end of town; alum- inum tablet stamped "1186 ADJ 1903,". Trankfort, 2,3 miles west of; spot on abutment at northwest cor- ner of covered bridge at crossroads south of pump station, .... Comettsburg, in foundation wall at southeast corner of Fresh- water's house; bronze tablet stamped "1150 STBNVI," ...... 987.074 11,149.920 FRANKFORT, SOUTH-SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO BURGETTS- TOWN. Florence, on east foundation wall of 0. K. Simpson's dwelling on south side of street opposite road to Frankfort; aluminum tablet stamped "1282 ADJ 1903," .......... 1,282.534 BURGETTSTOWN, SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY, TO NEAR CROSS CREEK VILLAGE, THENCE SOUTHEAST, VIA HICKORY, TO CANONS- BURG. Burgettstown, 3.5 miles south of, 1.5 miles east of Cross Creek village, in wing wall at northeast corner of covered bridge over Raccoon Creek; aluminun tablet stamped “1037 ADJ 1903,".. Hickory, on south wall at Southwest (orner of J. VI. Griffith's • dwelling; aluminum tablet stamped "1303 ADJ 1903," ........ 1,036.776 1,302.800 252 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. Westland, on east end of south abutment of railroad bridge, 300 feet north of Pittsburg Coal Company's Midland Mine No. 3 tipple bronze tablet stamped "1024 ADJ 1903,” ..... 1,024.795 HICKORY, WEST ALONG WABASH RAILROAD TO NEAR INDEPEN- DENCE. 1,170.584 1,134.622 1,046.98 Hickory, 2.2 miles southwest of, on east end of north abutment of sewer 100 feet west of tunnel; chiseled square, .............. Woodrow; 0.6 mile east of, in south end of west abutment of bridge over county road; bronze tablet stamped “1.134 ADJ 1903," ...... Woodrow, 1.8 miles west of, on bridge seat of bridge over county road, just south of second covered bridge at crossroads; railroad bench mark, ..... Woodrow, 3.8 miles west of, 2 miles of West Middleton, on bridge seat at southwest corner of bridge over county road; railroad bench mark, Patterson Mills, 1 mile south of, on south end of west abutment of large iron bridge over Cross Creek; railroad bench mark, .... Patterson Mills, 1 mile south of, on north end of east abutment of railroad bridge over Cross Creek, just west of road crossing, bronze tablet stamped “905 ADJ 1903," ...... Twin tunnels, second bridge west of; railroad bench mark on south end of west abutment, .. .............. ................ 977.46 912.966 ................ 904.828 $26.732 CARLISLE QUADRANGLE. CARLISLE, VIA MOUNT HOLLY, TO IDAVILLE. Mount Holly Springs, in southwest corner of Philadelphia and Reading station ; bronzé tablet stamped "556 HARRISBURG 1900," - 555.440 IDAVILLE, VIA YORK SPRINGS AND DILLSBURG, TO MECHANICS- BURG.. ...................... 804.975 606.473 Ida ville, in east side of P. L. Houck's house; bronze tablet stamped "805 HARRISBURG 1900," ... York Springs in southwest corner of brick hall; bronze tablet stamped "607 HARRISBURG 1900,” ....... Dillsburg, in southwest corner of brick schoolhouse; bronze tablet stamped "613 HARRISBURG 1900," ........ Mechanicsburg, west side of brick school, at right front entrance ; bronze tablet stamped “456 HARRISBURG 1900," 613.071 455.729 MECHANICSBURG TO CARLISLE. V i in simili, (arbston: in front of Doctor l'aulk's house ; chiseled .. cross, ... . 4:53.35 TYT VITOTT 20 XT HOLLY TO WILLIAMS GROVE Leidighs station, 0.33 mile east of, right side of track, capstone of" abutment of bridge; chişeleď mark, ... 451.71 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 253 CARNEGIE QUADRANGLE. SMITHFIELD STREET BRIDGE, PITTSBURG, NORTHWEST TO Mc- KEES ROCKS, THENCE SOUTHWEST, ALONG PITTSBURG, CHART-. IERS AND YOUGHIOGHDNY RAILWAY AND · HIGHWAY TO CAR- TON. Teet. 726.730 726.84 717.905 747.4 745.78 777 763.53 766.18 768.6 .................... Pittsburg (south side), south end of Sinithfield Bridge, in north face of abutment facing Pittsburg and Lake Eric Railroad, 17 feet east of west side of abutment, 9 courses of stone from top; seat cut, marked “U. S. B. M." .......... Smithfield Street Bridge, 1 mile west of, on signal foundation, .. McKees Rocks, Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bridge over mouth of Chartiers Creek, on bridge seat, north end of west abutment; . aluminum tablet stamped "720 PITTSBURGH,” Scully, in front of station ; top of rail, ........ McKees Rocks, 3.2 miles south of, on northeast abutment of rail- way bridge (railroad bench mark), ............ Pike, road crossing at station ; top of rail, .. Thornburg, in front of station; top of rail, McKees Rocks, 5.2 miles south of, small Bridge over Lewis Run on coping stone at southeast corner; chiseled squarc, .. Lockton, on southwest wing wall of railroad bridge over Chartiers Creek, on coping stone; chiseled square, Carnegie, in front of station; top of rail, ........ Carnegie, iron wagon bridge spanning Chartiers Creek at Main avenue, south end of southeast wing wall; aluminum tablet stamped “773 PITTSBURG," ... Glenn station, in front of; top of south rail, ... Heidelburg, small arch bridge at station, on coping stone; railroad bench mark, ....... Woodville, in front of station; top of rail, ......... Bridgeville, bridge No. 5 spanning Chartiers Creek, northeast wing wall of cast abutment; railroad bench mark, ....... ..... Marshalsea, in front of; top of rail, .......... Boyce, 3 miles south of, bridge No. 9 spanning Chartiers Creek on west end of north abutinent; aluminum tablet stamped "857 PITTS," ........ ............ .......... Hill, road crossing at station ; 'top of west rail, . Vaneman, in front of station; top of west rail, Vaneman, bridge No. 13, on west wing wall of north abutment; railroad bench mark, . Canonsburg, iron road bridge over Chartiers Creek, Jefferson avenue, in east end of north abutment; aluminum tablet stamped “931 PITTS," .... 772.836 802.9 ..... U ........... 791.97 803.2 S01.32 851.3 856.205 868.8 922.9 ............... 928.60 ........................................... 930.659 CARNEGIE, WEST ALONG PANHANDLE RAILROAD TO MCDONALD. Carnegie, 1.2 miles west of, bridge No. 13; railroad bench mark, 798.88 Rennerdale, in front of station ; top of rail, ........ $55.5 Greggs, 600 feet. west of, bridge No. 19, on northeast coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "893 PITTS,” 892.402 254 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. .. Feet. 905.9 ........ Oakdale, road crossing at station; top of rail, ...... McDonald, northeast wing wall of McDonald street bridge; alum- inum tablet stamped “980 PITTSBURG,” ..... 979.631 CHAMBERSBURG QUADRANGLE. CHAMBERSBURG TO FAYETTEVILLE. . Fayetteville, in foundation stone east side of Union brick church; bronze tablet stamped “702 HARRISBURG 1900," .......... 791.600 MY CHAMBERSBURG, VIA SCOTLAND AND GREENVILLE TO WEST FAYETTEVILLE. Scotland, southeast wing wall of bridge over Conococheague creek, - · between Soldiers' Orphans Industrial School and Scotland sta- tion; capstone, chiseled cross, ...... Green Village, in southeast cornerstone of brick schoolhouse; bronze tablet stamped "678 HARRISBURG 1900,” ...... ................... 670.64 679.917 GREENCASTLE, VIA MARION JUNCTION, TO MERCERSBURG JUNC- TION. Marion Junction, 1 mile west of, Cumberland Valley Railroad, southwest of milepost 60; top of iron support of standard, .... 578.0.0 GREENCASTLE TO WAYNESBORO. Zullinger, stone horse block in front of Louis Hovis' house; chiseled cross, 748.31 FAYETTEVILLE TO WAYNESBORO. Mount Alto (Funkstown or Altondale), entrance M. E. Church, in left side of stone step; aluminum tablet stamped “848 HARRIS- BURG 1900,” ..... Waynesboro, in stone in north foundation of Western Maryland Railroad station; aluminum tablet stamped "712 HARRIS- BURG 1900,” ........................................... 847.38.5 711.921 CLARION QUADRANGLE. SHIPPENSVILLE, SOUTHEAST ALONG PITTSBURG, SOMERVILLE AND CLARION RAILROAD TO HOLDEN. 1,209.266 0 Shippensville, 0.5 mile northwest of, on north end of east abut- ment of iron county bridge over Deer Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1209 ADJ 1903," .. .................. Clarion Junction, 2.7 feet in front of entrance to schoolhouse, in rock; bronze tablet stamped "1439 ADJ 1903," .... Clarion, 1.3 miles northwest of, in coping at southeast corner of large iron bridge over Clarion river; bronze tablet stamped "1088 ADJ 1903," ........ .............. 1,438.900 1,088.020 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 205 Feet. 1,490.687 1,484.068 Clarion, in north meridian stone near northwest corner of court house; bronze tablet stamped "1491 ADJ 1903,” .... Clarion in south meridian stone in southeast corner of park oppo- site court house; bronze tablet stamped "1485 ADJ 1903," .... Strattonville, 1,500 feet south of, on south end of east abutment of railroad bridge over county road; aluminum tablet stamped "1438 ADJ 1903," .... Holden, 1.6 miles west of, in south end of abutment of railroad bridge over Piney Creek; bronze tablet stamped “1516 ADJ 1903," ..... 1,437.542 ............. ........................... 1,515.276 HOLDEN, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO NEAR SLIGO, THENCE NORTH TO ELK CITY. 1,386.944 1,269.697 Kingsville, in foundation wall at southwest corner of M. G. May's store and postoffice building; aluminum tablet stamped "1387 ADJ 1903," ... Greenville (Limestone postoffice), in foundation wall at northwest corner of flouring mill; aluminum tablet stamped "1270 ADJ 1903,” ....... Greenville, 4 miles west of, 2.5 miles south of Reidsburg, in south foundation wall at southwest corner of J. Monreau's dwelling; aluminum tablet stamped "1325 ADJ 1903,"................. Burma, 1,000 feet south of, in west foundation of Five Point schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped "1279 ADJ 1903," ...... Piney on north wing wall of south abutment of large iron bridge over Clarion river; aluminum tablet stamped "1022 ADJ 1903," 1,324.660 1,278.874 1,021.831 tablet stamped "1477 ADJ house at cross roads; aluminum 1903," . ....................... .......................... 1,476. Izy.. LAWSONHAM, NORTH ALONG SLIGO BRANCH OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO SLIGO. : 1,268.544 Rimersburg, 1.1 miles southeast of station, in north bill pier of coal tipple of Acme Coal Company; aluminum tablet stamped “1269 ADJ 1903,". ................................. Cherry Run (Huey postoffice), in southeast corner of foundation wall of station, postoffice and store building; bronze tablet stamped "1241 ADJ 1903,". Sligo, at northwest corner of Main and Clarion streets, in doorsill of H. Holdid's brick store building; aluminum tablet stamped "1159 ADJ 1903,” ... .................... ....... 1,240.605 1,158.415 AT LEATHERWOOD. (ON LINE LAWSONHAM TO CLIMAX, WHICH IS MOSTLY IN RURAL VALLEY QUADRANGLE.) let stamped “1000 ADJ 1903,” .... 999.326 17-No. 7 256 : TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. CLIMAX, EAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD (LOW-GRADE D1- VISION) TO MAYPORT, (MEAN OF THRÉE LINES INCLUDING RAIL- ROAD LEVELS.) 1,066.693 1,077.101 Bethlehem, 0.5 mile west of, in southeast corner of south coping of stone arch bridge opposite South Bethlehem; aluminuin tablet stamped "1067 ADJ 1903," New Bethlehem, in baggage-room doorsill; copper bolt (railroad bench mark marked 1077.83 B. M.), ....... Oak Ridge, 0.6 mile west of, in coping at northeast corner of bridge No. 58; copper bolt (railroad bench marked 1086.56. B. M.), ..... Oak Ridge, at northeast corner of bridge No. 57, over county road near station; aluminum tablet stamped "1089 ADJ 1903," Mayport, 0.7 mile west of, in coping at north end of east abutment bridge No. 56; copper bolt (railroad bench mark), ...... ....... Mayport, in north end of east abutment of bridge No. 55; copper bolt (railroad bench mark), ..... 11,085.826 1,088.401 1,096.723 1,104.796 CLAYSVILLE QUADRANGLE. VALLEY GROVE, W. VA., NORTHWEST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD IN PENNSYLVANIA, VIA COON ISLAND AND CROTHERS TO WASHINGTON. 1,156 180 Valley Grove, 3 miles northeast of, State line (W. Va.-Pa.) monu- ment, at the base of northeast side of Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road bridge No. 170, ... Coon Island (Vienna postoffice), in front of station, railroad bridge No. 166, in northeast capstone; bronze tablet stamped "1000 PITTS," ........................ Tunnel No. 4, at east end of; cut on ledge of rock, Crothers, 0.5 mile southeast of, railroad bridge No. 160, Pittsburg division, east abutment, set in capstone; bronze tablet stamped “1011 PITTS;” ........................................... Finney, 120 feet north of station, southwest corner of E. T. Boone's dwelling, in foundation wall; bronze tablet stamped "1190 ADJ 1903," ... 1,000.092 1,126.69 1,010.698 1,189.709 PRYOR, SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA WEST MIDDLETOWN AND TAYLORSTOWN TO CROTHERS. 1,332.005 West Middletown, in foundation wall at northeast corner of M. M. Hemphill's brick dwelling; bronze tablet stamped "1332 ADJ 1903,” ............................... West Middletown, 3.7 miles south of, on large rock on east side of road, 360 feet south of covered bridge over Brush Run; bronze tablet stamped “903 ADJ 1903." (On a double-spur line 0.6 mile), ... Buffalo, 2.7 miles southwest of, ou abutment at southwest corner of covered bridge over Brush Run on Buffalo and Taylor'stown road; bronze tablet stamped "1028 ADJ 1903," ....... m ile). ...................................................... 903.310 1,027.810 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 257 • Feet. : .................... 1,307.652 Buffalo, in foundation wall at southeast corner of H. W. Leeche's dwelling, on west side of street. opposite postoffice and store; bronze' tablet stamped "1307 ADJ 1903,” (On a double-spur line from preceding), ......... Taylorstown, 1.3 miles north of, cast of large steel oil tank at northeast corner of large iron bridge over Buffalo Creek, on bridge seat; bronze tablet stamped “975 ADJ 1903,” ....... Taylorstown, 0.6 mile northwest of, east of three corners on abut- ment at extreme northwest corner of large iron bridge over Buffalo Creek; chiseled square, ....... 975.714 981.63 COON ISLAND(VIENNA), NORTH ALONG PUBLIC ROAD, TO DUTCH FORK SCHOOLHOUSE AND RETURN. 977.92 Coon Island, 1.1 miles northwest of, on abutment at southwest cor- ner of iron bridge over Dutch Fork, just south of forks to west; chiseled square, ....... Budaville, 0.3 mile southwest of, northside of road fork to east from schoolhouse situated west of main road, on northwest corner of iron bridge over Dutch Fork; bronze tablet stamped “917 ADJ 1903," ... 917.276 CLAYSVILLE, SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO BURDETTE. 1,465.580 Fargo, 0.5 mile north of, on east side of road just north of point: op- posite road fork to west, on culvert abutinent; bronze tablet stamped "1466 ADJ," .... East Finley, 2 miles north of, west of three corners, on west abutment of covered bridge over Templeton Run; bronze tablet stamped “1092 ADJ," ...... Good Intent 2.8 miles southeast of, in face of sandstone ledge on west of road, west side of Templeton Run; bronze' tablet stamped "1037 ADJ,” ...... ...... 1,092.207 1,037.277 FROM POINT 4.5 MILES SOUTH OF FARGO, WEST TO GOOD INTENT AND RETURN. Good Intent, southeast corner of foundation wall of school building; brouze tablet stamped "1052 ADJ," ...... 1,052.128 ENO. NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO PROSPERITY, THENCE EAST TO AMITY. d o 100 , ..................... 1,117.820 Old Concord, on step of entrance to church; bronze tablet stamped "1118 ADJ," ........ Prosperity, 1 mile southeast of, 0.1 mile south of three corners, on abutment at northeast corner of covered bridge; bronze tablet stamped “993 ADJ," .. 992.884 258 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. WEST WASHINGTON, SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO PROSPERITY. Feet. ..... 1,075.886 Lagonda, on east wall of brick schoolhouse at crossroads; bronze tablet stamped "1076 ADJ 1903,” .... Van Buren, in foundation wall at southeast corner of Bethel Church ; bronze tablet stamped "1325 ADJ 1903," 1,325.510 CLEARFIELD QUADRANGLE. CLEARFIELD JUNCTION, NORTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CLEARFIELD. ................. 1,119.34 Clearfield, 2.3 miles south of, Pennsylvania Railroad bridge over the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad; chiseled cut in abutment, ......... Clearfield, 0.1 mile south of office of New York Central and Hudson River Railroad station, highway bridge over the Susquehanna river, in coping of the northeast wing abutment; aluminum tab- let stamped "1113 PITTSBURGH," Riverview, highway bridge over Susquehanna river, on the south- west capstone; chiseled mark, .... 1,112.326 1,113.08 COATESVILLE QUADRANGLE. COATESVILLE, SOUTHEAST ALONG PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD, TO GLENHALL. 305.12 Coatesville, road crossing; top of rail, Mortonville, 2,700 feet south of, southeast abutment of railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped “245 HBG,” .... Laurel, in front of station; top of rail, 245.094 241.1 KENNET SQUARE, WEST ALONG PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD), TO OXFORD, THENCE NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY, TO PARKSBURG. ................... 272.084 277.1 390.1 450.305 545.7 Avondale, 450 feet east of station, railroad Bridge No. 33, on northeast bridge seat; bronze tablet stamped "272 HARRISBURG 1903,” ............. Avondale station, road crossing ; top of rail, ....., West Grove, 200 feet south of station, road crossing; top of rail, West Grove, 1.2 miles south of, on northeast abutment of overhead bridge; copper bolt, ............. Kelton station, road crossing; top of rail, ....... Kelton, 600 feet south of, on east side of track, on stone pier of overhead vagon bridge; bronze tablet stamped "554 HARRIS- BURG 1903,” Lincoln Univesrity, 100 feet south of station, at road crossing; stone marker, ......... Oxford, 2 miles north of, Bridge No. 47, over Elk creek, on north- west wing wall; copper bolt, ... Oxford, 1,200 feet east of station, north side of track, on small cul- vert, bronze tablet stamped "507 HARRISBURG," ...... 554.058 . .... 487.0 ........ 405.784 506,534 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 259 Feet. 630.700 Russelville, 1.2 miles north of, at northeast corner stone of porch of S. P. Martin ; bronze tablet stamped “631 HARRISBURG," Parksburg, 1,200 feet west of Pennsylvania Railroad station, culvert under street railroad, Bridge No. 62, northeast abut- ment; aluminum tablet stamped "542 HARRISBURG 1903," .. 543.161 COATESVILLE, NORTH ALONG PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL- ROAD TO BIRDSBORO. Coatesville, 200 feet north of stone-arch railroad bridge, southeast end of east abutment of railroad bridge over Brandywine creek; aluminum tablet stamped "314 HBG," ........ Valley station, road crossing; top of rail, ....... Valley, small bridge 0.6 mile north of station, west end of north abutment, 314. 110 340.0 375.SS CONFLUENCE QUADRANGLE. ............................. ..... Ohiopyle, south face of north' abutment of Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road bridge over Youghiogheny river; bronze tablet stamped “1218 PITTSBURG," ....... Somerfield, * corner of Main and Water streets, foundation wall of brick building owned by J. W. Endsley; aluminum tablet stamped “1386 0,".. 1,217.282 ...... 1,390.000 CONNELLSVILLE QUADRANGLE. SOUTH CONNELLSVILLE, NORTHWEST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. 884.508 859.2 851.100 Connellsville, Main street, between Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and river, on top stone of south end of pier of wagon bridge over Youghiogheny river; aluminum tablet stamped "885 PITTS- BURG," ................................. Broadford, in front of station ; top of rail, .. Dawson, in face of entrance to First National Bank; aluminum tablet stamped "851 PITTSBURG," ............. Layton, 600 feet south of station, at north end of Fayette brick works, in stone on north side of railroad arch culvert; alumi- num tablet stamped "806 PITTSBURG," .. Layton, in front of station; top of rail, ..... Jacob's Creek, 1,200 feet south of station, on southwest corner of railroad bridge over Jacob's Creek, south abutment; alumni- 805.988 · 806 num tablet stamped "782 PITTSBURGH,” ....... Jacob's Creek, in front of station; top of rail, .. Smithton, in front of station; top of rail, ...... 783.292 781.5 . 781.5 *This bench mark was determined by levels extended from the Accident quadrangle. 260 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. BROADFORD, NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO MOUNT PLEASANT, THENCE NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO HUNKERS, THENCE WEST TO WEST NEWTON. Feet. 1,224.2 1,039.361 1,039.0 1,071.1 Summịt mines, in front of station; top of rail, ................ Scottdale, H. C. Frick Coal Company's building, in second stone be- low water table, at left side of entrance; aluminum tablet stamped "1040," PITTSBURG," ..... Hammondville, in front of station ; top of rail, ................ Mount Pleasant, in front of station; top of rail, ............... Mount Pleasant, left side at entrance to Farmers' and Merchants' National Bank, on foundation stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1222 PITTSBURG,"... Tarrs, in front of station ; top of rail, .... Ruffsdale, in front of station; top of rail, ..................... Hunkers, 150 feet south of station, west end of south abutment of railroad bridge, on coping stone; bronze tablet stamped “939 PITTSBURG,” ............ Mendon, east end of, northwest corner of brick house owned by F. F. Grove, in second stone from top of foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "1104 PITTSBURG," ....... 1,222.270 1,088 1,042.? 939.04 1,104.024 CURWENSVILLE QUADRANGLE. COALPORT, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA AND NORTHWESTERN RAIL- ROAD TO MAHAFFEY. 1,380 1,553 1,542.766 1,315 Irvona, road crossing at station; top of rail, ...... Berwinsdale crossing at station; top of rail, ........ Berwinsdale, 0.2 mile northwest of, in west end of south abutment of culvert, in corner stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1543 PITTS,” ................................. Lajose, crossing east of station ; top of rail, ... ........... Lajose, between, and Lajose junction, railroad bridge No. 33, in northwest coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1297 PITTS," Ostend, at crossing; top of rail, ............... Mahaffey, Pennsylvania and Northwestern Railroad bridge over Susquehanna river, in coping stone at east end, south abutment; aluminum tablet stamped “1272 PITTS,” ....... 1,296.461 1,387 1,271.674 MAHAFFEY, EAST ALONG NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD TO CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. 1,221.235 Curry Run, railroad over Susquehanna river, in north end south abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1222 PITTS,” ............. Kerrmoor, 0.1 mile west of, in north end south abutment of rail- road bridge No. 44; bronze tablet stamped "1356 PITTS,” ..... Olanta, in northwest abutment of highway bridge over Clearfield Creek ; bronze tablet stamped-“1296 PITTSBURG,” .......... 1,355.917 1,295.216 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 261 .. CURWENSVILLE, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO GRAMPIAN. Feet. Curwensville, 0.2 mile east of, in step of abutment of Buffalo, Ro- chester and Pittsburgh Railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped “1143 PITTS,” 1,142.628 Grampian, highway bridge over Littel Anderson creek, in southeast capstone of east abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1535 PITTS- BURG,” ............................ ........ 1,535.185 ...... LAJOSE, SOUTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO WESTOVER. Westover, northwest corner of Baptist Church, top cornerstone of foundation, in west face; bronze tablet stamped "1368 PITTS- BURG," 1,369.074 AT EBENSBURG (ON LINE FROM GALLITZIN). Ebensburg, west front of court house, in base of center column of double entrance; aluminum' tablet stamped “2138 PITTSBURG," 2,138.173 WILMORE, SOUTH ALONG PUBLIC ROADS AND PENNSYLVANIA , RAILROAD TO SALIX. Wilmore, in front wall of railroad station; chiseled square (Penn- sylvania Railroad bench mark No. 14), ....... 1,562.663 Wilmore; 1,090 feet north of station, highway bridge over creek, in south end of east abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1555 PITTS,” .. .......... 1,554.329 Lovett, 0.7 mile south of, east of north parapet of railroad bridge; copper bolt stamped "1725 U. S.," 1,724.932 LOVELY, NORTH ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, TO BLUE KNOB, THENCE NORTHWEST TO PORTAGE. 1,402.389 Pavia, highway bridge over Bob's Creek, in east end of face of north abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1403 PITTSBURG," ...... Blue Knob, at southeast corner of crossroads, on east end of north wall of Mount Sinai Church; bronze tablet stamped "2375 PITTS- BURG.” ................................................. Blue Knob, * Union Township, Bedford county, 2.5 miles northeast of Pavit postoffice, ..., ...... Hughes mine tipple, 10 feet west side of track, on top of bowlder; chiseled cross, ....... 2,373.770 3,136 1,814.45 ELDERS RIDGE QUADRANGLE. CREEKSIDE WEST TO SHELOCTA, THENCE SOUTH VIA KENT TO LIVERMORE. Shelocta, at west end of covered bridge over Crooked Creek, north- east wing wall, on coping stone; bronze tablet stamped "992. PITTSBURG,” ............................................ 991.414 *A flying-level spur line run from Blue Knob postoffice to the summit of Blue Knob determined this elevation, which is the highest known in the State of Pennsylvania. It is about 4 miles east of the main crest of the Allegheny Plateau and 200 feet higher. 0 0 202 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. , Feet. Kent, 3 miles north of postoffice, W. I. Neal's brick house, on upper foundation stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1167 PITTS- BURG,” ........ Kent, 2 miles south of postoffice, James M. Jack's brick residence, on stone doorstep; bronze tablet stamped "1029 PITTSBURG," 1,167.098 ........................ 1,028.344 SHELOCTA, ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA ELDERTON, COCHRAN MILLS AND ELDERS RIDGE TO JACKSONVILLE (KENT POSTOFFICE). 991.414 1,264.510 Shelocta, in wing wall of covered bridge over Crooked Creek; bronze tablet stamped “992 PITTSBURG,” ....... ..... Elderton, opposite hotel, on street corner, in west side of square hitching post; aluminum tablet stamped “1265 PITTSBURG," Cochran Mills, old covered bridge over Crooked Creek, in northwest wing wall of east abutment; bronze tablet stamped "871 PITTS- BURG," .... Elders Ridge, Presbyterian Church, in southwest corner foundation stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1226 PITTSBURG," ........ Clarksburg, at corner of front of hotel, on stone; chiseled square, .......... 870.429 1, 225.639 917.85 ELDERS RIDGE TO EDRI. Edri, 0.1 mile west of station, in northwest corner of bridge seat of railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped “834 PITTSBURG,” . 833.732 ELKLAND QUADRANGLE. ADDISON, N. Y., SOUTH ALONG BUFFALO AND SUSQUSHANNA RAIL- ROAD TO ELKLAND, PA., THENCE WEST, VIA ACADEMY CORNERS, TO WESTFIELD. 1,134.432 1,216.725 Elkland, on west Main street, in front face of Pattison Bank; tablet stamped "1134 HARRISBURG 1899," ......... Academy Corners, in southeast corner of district schoolhouse; tab- let stamped "1216 HARRISBURG 1899,” ................. Knoxville, in about the middle of foundation of chimney on resi- dence of H. I. Brewster, on south side of East Main street, being the third building from corner of Main and Water streets ; aluminum tablet stamped "1239 HARRISBURG 1899," ....... 1,240.368 ACADEMY CORNIORS, SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAYS TO LITTLE MARSH, THENCE SOUTHEAST TO MIDDLEBURY CENTER. 1,393.184 Little Marsh, at east end of village, in top of third stone from east end of north abutment of iron highway bridge over Crooked creek ; bronze tablet stamped "1392 HARRISBURG 1899,".. Middlebury Center, in top stone at south end of west pier of iron highway bridge over Crooked creek; bronze tablet stamped “1149 HARRISBURG 1899,” .... ................ 1,150.004 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 263 GAINES, EAST ALONG BUFFALO AND SUSQUEHANNA. RAILROAD AND NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD TO STOKESDALE, THENCE NORTH ALONG LATTER TO MIDDLEBURG CENTER. Feet. ent of hisailway, 17SBURG Ansonia, on north side of east abutment of highway bridge over Marsh creek 200 feet west of Fall Brook Railway, in top of · bridge seat stone; bronze tablet stamped "1136 HARRISBURG 1899,” .............. 1,136,884 STOKESDALE, SOUTH ALONG NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD, TO WELLSBORO (SINGLE-SPUR LINE.) Wellsboro, bronze tablets in stone monuments set in public square as meridian marks; stamped "1308 HARRISBURG 1899"_ North monument (about 7 feet from Central avenue and 42 feet from Main street), South monument (about 13 feet from Pearl street and 26 feet from Charles street), ... 1,308.638 t), ................................... 1,309.305 DRIE QUADRANGLE. GODARD, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO FAIRVIEW, THENCE NORTH- EAST, ALONG LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY, TO ERIE. 905,300 Sterrettania, in southeast corner of foundation of Cook's flouring mill; aluminum tablet stamped “904 ERIE," ... Erie, in water table northwest corner of hospital wing of Soldiers' Home; aluminum tablet stamped "635 ERIE," ...... 636.179 EVERETT QUADRANGLE. MOUNT DALLAS, VIA HUNTINGDON AND BROADTOP RAILROAD, TO COVE. 1,045.98 Mount Dallas, Pennsylvania Railroad bridge over Juniata river, southwest abutment; chiseled square in stone, ...... Everett, in northeast corner of front wall of Union Hotel; aluminum tablet stamped "1015 HARRISBURG," ........... Everett, 2.7 miles north of, Huntingdon and Broadtop Railroad 1,016.373 1,097.316 927.67 896.81 north abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1097 HARRISBURG,".. Cypher station, 1,310 feet. east of, iron railroad bridge over Jun- iata river, west wing wall, coping stone; chiseled square, ...... Cypher, 2.6 miles north of, 300 feet west of eleventh milepost, stone culvert near water station, east wing wall; chiseled square, Hopewell, 75 feet north of station, I. 0. 0. F. block, in southwest corner of south wall; bronze tablet stamped “902 HARRIS- BURG," .... Riddlesburg, 500 feet north of station, stone culvert over creek, on southeast corner coping stone; chiseled square, Saxton, corner of Church and Litetis streets, in center of north wall of schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped 918 HARRISBURG," 901.428 860.44 917.314 264 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. 876.91 Saxton, 1.5 miles north of, culvert over highway, northeast corner of east abutment, coping stone; chiseled square, ............. Foxton postoffice, Cove station, stone culvert over creek and high- way, east wall, 3 feet above surface of highway ; bronze tablet stamped "906 HARRISBURG," ........ ......... . 905.818 HENRIETTA, WEST CURRYVILLE, THENCE SOUTH, ALONG RAIL- - ROAD TO STEELTOWN. 1,291.144 Woodbury, brick schoolhouse, at northwest corner of foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "1.292 HARRISBURG," ..... Loysburg, northeast corner foundation of M. E. Church ; bronze tablet stamped "1127 HARRISBURG," .......... Steeltown, 0.1 mile northeast of, bottom step of front entrance to Steele's flouring, mill, square stone; chiseled mark, .... 1,126.444 937.55 FAIRVIEW QUADRANGLE. FAIRVIEW, WEST ALONG LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY, TO STATE LINE. Fairview, in southwest corner of foundation of store owned by David Yeagle; aluminum tablet stamped "795 ERIE," ....... 796.283 FOXBURG QUADRANGLE. PARKER, NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD (NARROW GAGE), TO SHIPPENVILLE. 892.544 884.494 1,190.389 Foxburg, in stone doorsill of baggage roon at Pennsylvania station; copper bolt, ...... Foxburg, in east wall near entrance to "The Inn," opposite station : aluminum tablet stamped "885 ADJ 1903," ..... Richmond (Alum Rock postoffice), opposite, in doorstep of hotel building; bronze tablet stamped "1190 ADJ 1903,” .............. Blair's Corners, 1,000 feet east of, bridge over Beaver Run, north end of west abutment, by flouring mill; bronze tablet stamped "1157 ADJ 1903,” ......... ........ Knox, at southeast corner of Main and State Streets, in foundation wall at northeast corner of B. A. Kribbs & Co's. brick building ; aluminum tablet stamped "1382 ADJ 1903,".. 'J 1905,” .................. 1,156.82€; 1,381.839 FREEPORT QUADRANGLE. EDGECLIFF, ALONG HIGHWAY EAST, VIA MCLAUGHLINSVILLE (MER- WIN), TO PAULTON. 763.468 Edgecliff, 400 feet south of station, in north abutment, east side of bridge over creek ; bronze tablet stamped “764 PITTS 1899," ... Edgecliff, 0.93 mile east of, in southeast corner of foundation of barn of F. E. Blair; point in projection stone, ....... Merwin, in northeast corner of foundation of house of Philip Love; aluminum tablet stamped "1244 PITTS 1903," ....... ... 806.79 1,244.127 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, 265 Feet. 809.532 Paulton, county bridge, in southwest wing wall; copper bolt, .... Paulton, county bridge, in northeast corner of west abutment; : aluminum tablet stamped "810 PITTS 1903,” ........ 809.364 LEECHBURG, NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY (KITTANNING ROAD), TO ROSSTON. 788.625 Leechburg, wagon bridge spanning Kiskiminitas Creek, on northeast corner stone; bronze tablet stamped “789 PITTS,” ........ Neale postoffice, 1 mile south of, 50 feet south of coal drift on right side of road, in sewer stone; aluminum tablet stamped “984 PITTS,” ........................ 984.044 GAINES QUADRANGLE. I WESTFIELD, WEST ALONG NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD, TO POINT 2.5 MILES WEST OF MILLS. 1,372.510 Westfield, at corner of Main and Church streets, in east face of top foundation stone at northeast corner of brick building; aluminum tablet stamped "1372 HARRISBURG 1899," Harrison Valley, in south face of top foundation stone at the south- east corner of brick building owned by G. E. and D. T. Stone; bronze tablet stamped "1618 HARRISBURG 1899," Mills, 2.5 miles west of, in top of cornerstone on north side of east abutment of bridge about, 1,100 feet east of milepost 109-4; bronze tablet stamped “2022 HARRISBURG 1899," ....... 1,619.263 2,022.877 FN WESTFIELD, SOUTH ALONG BUFFALO AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- ROAD, TO GAINES, THENCE WEST TO WEST PIKE (SINGLE-SPUR LINE.) 1,602.209 Sabinsville, at north end of village, in top of cornerstone on north side of east abutment of highway bridge over Mill Creek ; bronze tablet stamped "1601 HARRISBURG 1899," ...... ....... Gaines, at southeast corner of Hotel Vermilyea, in south face of foundation stone; bronze tablet stamped "1294 HARRISBURG 1899,” ..... West Pike, , in top of stone at north end of west abutment of steel railroad bridge over Genesee Fork of Pine Creek; a square hole, 1,294.945 1,461.97 GAINES, NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO SUNDERLINVILLE (SIN- GLE-SPUR LINE.) Sunderlinville, at the southwest corner of forks of road, northwest corner of building used as hotel, in west face of foundation stone; aluminum tablet stamped “1738 HARRISBURG 1899,” ....... 1,739.003 GALETON QUADRANGLE. Galeton, in window sill on east end near southeast corner of building used as general office of Buffalo and Susquehanna Railroad; alum- inum tablet stamped "1330 HARRISBURG 1899,” .......... 1,330.778 ,266 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. GIRARD QUADRANGLE. Feet. 649.72 Girard Junction, 6.5 miles west of, southeast corner of coping of.. west abutment of culvert under Lake Shore and Michigan South- ern Railway, at crossing; bench mark, stamped "Br. No.8,".. State line (Pa.-Ohio), on south side of pedestal of monument, 1.25 miles north of Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway; alum- inum tablet stamped "635 ERIE," 635.595 STATE LINE, SOUTH-SOUTHEAST OVER HIGHWAY, VIA TRACY, TO CONNEAUTVILLE, THENCE NORTHEAST TO HICKERNELL, THENCE NORTH TO GIRARD. ... ... 712.772 953.120 1,030.316 West Springfield, in foundation west side of A. J. Thomas' barn ; aluminum tablet stamped "712 ERIE,” Tracy, 1 mile south of and just south of creek bridge, in northwest corner of foundation of house owned by Mr. Culberson; aluminum tablet stamped “952 ERIE," ... Beaver Center, store owned by L. L. Fuller, in northeast corner of foundation; aluminum tablet stamped "1029 ERIE," ....... Conneautville, in southeast corner of foundation of bank building; aluminum tablet stamped “948 ERIE,” ...... Hickernell, on northeast corner of foundation of postoffice; bronze tablet stamped "1127 ERIE." Pont, in front foundation of United Brethren Church; bronze tablet stamped "1090-ERIE," ... Platea, in southwest corner of foundation of Methodist Church ; bronze tablet stamped "876 ERIE," Girard, Dobler's farm; north west corner of stone flag foundation of fountain and watering trough, ....... 949, 142 ............ 1,128.134 ...... ..... 1,090.699 876.400 799.22 GREENSBURG QUADRANGLE. MOSS SIDE (OLD LINE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD), ALONG RAIL- ROAD VIA STOWART STATION AND MURRAYSVILLE, TO EXPORT, THENCE ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA DELMONT AND HARVEYS FIVE POINTS TO GREENSBURG. 763.111 ............ 782.621 817.91 Moss Side, at station, near northwest corner of fence of dwelling; stone monument (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), .......... Stewarts, 600 feet west of station, in capstone north end stone : bridge over creek, 50 feet east of west end; copper bolt (Pennsyl- vania Railroad bench mark No. 80), ........ Saunders Junction, 0.84 mile west of, bridge over Turtle Creek, on southeast corner of abutment, west end of bridge; tip cut, ...... Murraysville, 800 feet west of station, west end of bridge over Tur- tle Creek, south end of stone abutment, in top of next to top step; bronze tablet stamped "897 PITTS,” .. Export, 0.3 mile west of station, power house at Elizabeth coal tipple, on southwest corner of water table; tip cut, ............ Export, 0.1 mile east of, in south end of coal building at tipple of Westmoreland Coal Company, 2.5 feet west of door, foundation of boiler room; aluminum tablet stamped “983 PITTS,” ........ 0 0 897.143 973.56 982.220 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 267 Feet. 1,265.82 Delmont, at southeast corner of National Bank building, ou uorth- west corner of cross streets, west side of corner post; top of water table, .... Harveys Five Points, frame house of A. B. Huff, 5 feeet.west of southeast corner of foundation; bronze tablet stamped "1327 PITTS," .. Millers schoolhouse, on foundation, 10 feet east of southwest cor- ner; square cut, .... Greensburg, 350 feet south of station, in water table of Monabam Hotel, 1 foot south of northwest corner; aluminum tablet stamped “1079 PITTS," ...... 1,327.279 ........................... 1,289.67 .............................. 1,078.290 AT JEANNETTE AND IRWIN. 1,059.561 Grapeville, 300 feet east of station, brick house, base course in bay window; Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 71, .......... Jeannette, 120 feet east of station; south of track and west of over- head bridge, in angle of stone wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1040 PITTS," ... Irwin, Youghiogheny Railroad bridge, west end of north back wall; Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark, .. Irwin, south side of station, in center of third capstone east of west end of west wing wall of highway bridge over street; aluminum tablet stamped "888 PITTS.,” ..... 1,039.87 879.107 888.025 HANCOCK QUADRANGLE. CHERRY RUN, W. VA., NORTH ALONG HIGHWAYS THROUGH MARY- LAND TO NEAR SYLVAN, PA. Sylvan, 1.5 miles south of, in south side of Yeakle mill, near south- west corner, 5 feet above ground, in foundation stone; aluminum tablet stamped "407 C.," .. 466.575 HOLLIDAYSBURG QUADRANGLE. YI 11 T HENRIETTA, VIA MARTINSBURG AND HOLLDIAYSBURG TO ALTOONA BEING SPUR LINES FROM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BENCH MARKS. Henrietta, foundation at north end of Pennsylvania Railroad pas- senger station shelf in rock (Pennsyivania Railroad bench mark No. 20), ....... 1,394.01 Henrietta, passenger station of Morrison's Cove Branch of Pennsyl: vania Railroad, corner of foundation; bronze tablet stamped "1393 HARRISBURG,". 1,392.679 Martinsburg, Morrisons Cove Bank, north wall, northeast corner of foundation stone; bronze tablet stamped "1407 HARRISBURG," 1,407.050 Roaring Spring, Church of God, cornerstone of northwest corner of building; bronze tablet stamped "1237 HARRISBURG," 1,236, 143 Hollidaysburg, Blair county court house, near soldiers' monument, northeast corner of front wall of foundation; aluminum tablet stamped "1010 HARRISBURG," 1,010.174 16 268 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Heet, Canaan station, Pennsylvania Railroad, red brick schoolhouse, in front wall, 3 feet west of door; bronze tablet stamped "1075 HARRISBURG," .... 1,074.921 MARTINSBURG, VIA WILLIAMSBURG TO FRANKLIN FORGE. Martinsburg, 0.75 mile south of, north leg of east end of culvert, in top stone; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 16), 1,342.91 NOYI DRANGLE. HONEYBROOK QUADRANGLE. PARKSBURG, NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA COMPASS, TO BEAR- TOWN. 519.66.J : 856.08 464.1 ............. 548.0 ................................................... ....................... ......... 547.85 571.1 593.1 601.2 645.0 Compass, at entrance to P. E. Church, in stone doorsill; aluminum tablet stamped “520 HARRISBURG 1903," .. Churchtown road, 0.3 mile west of station, northwest abutment of the Downingtown and Lancaster Railroad bridge No. 17 over pike; top of coping stone, ...... ........... Wagontown; top of rail, ........ Cedar Knoll, in front of station; top of rail, ......... Cedar Knoll, 0.8 mile north of, railroad bridge over Brandywine Creek, east end of south abutment; bronze tablet stamped "548 HBG,” .......... Brandamore, road crossing; top of rail, ...... Ferndale station; top of rail, ........ Birdell, road crossing; top of rail, Suplee, 250 feet north of station, road crossing; top of rail, .... Suplee, 2,400 feet north of overhead highway bridge, 15 feet from south end of west pier, on top stone; bronze tablet stamped "644 HARRISBURG 1903,” ...... Fountain station, road crossing; top of rail, ... Isabella, road crossing; top of rail, .......... Conestoga, road crossing; top of rail, Dlverson station, road crossing; top of rail, ...... Dlverson, southeast corner of wareroom of cannery, on top stone in foundation ; aluminum tablet stamped "634 HARRISBURG," Kenny station, road crossing; top of rail, ...... Joanna station, road crossing; top of raail, Joanna Heights, road crossing; top of rail, .... Cold Run station, road crossing; top of rail, ...... Geigertown, road crossing at station ; top of rail, ........ White Bear station, road crossing; top of rail, White Bear, 100 feet north of station, railroad bridge over Hay Creek, on southeast wing wall, aluminum tablet stamped “345 HARRISBURG," ... Trap Rock station, in front of, top of rail, ...... South Birdsboro station, road crossing; top of rail, ....... 644.294 647.0 645.2 645.3 645,3 ................. 634.423 626.9 625.6 600.3 512.7 424.8 349.4 ....... 345.264 256.61 214.9 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 269 SUPPLEE, WEST ALONG DOWNINGTOWN AND LANCASTER RAILROAD TO BEARTOWN. Feet. Buchanans Road station, road crossing; top of rail, ............ 671.1 Honey Brook station, 200 feet west of, road crossing; top of rail, 739.7 Honey Brook, 1.4 miles west of Bridge No. 16, northeast bridge seat, .................... 817.62 Churchtown, road crossing; top of rail, ..... 875.8 SPUR TO BEARTOWN. Beartown, in east pier of platform of railroad station, aluminum tablet stamped “773 HARRISBURG 1903," Beartown, load crossing, top of rail, ... ............... 773.484 771.4 WHITE BEAR (SCARLETS MILL POSTOFFICE), WEST ALONG HIGH- WAY, TO HUMMEL'S STORE. White Bear, .100 feet north of station, southeast wing wall of rail- road bridge over Hay creek; aluminum tablet stamped “345 HAR- RISBURG," ..... Plowville, 2 miles west of 0.25 mile east of Hummel's store large stone step at entrance to schoolhouse, bronze tablet stamped “730 345.262 730.322 HOUTZDALE QUADRANGLE. OSCEOLA MILLS, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD TO BECCARIA. 1,460.431 Osceola Mills, highway bridge over Moshannon creek, in southeast wing wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1461 PITTSBURG,".. Sterling, 0.1 mile southwest of, 0.5 mile northeast of Houtzdale, Bridge No. 304, in south end of west abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "1500 PITTS,” .............. Houtzdale, crossing at station; top of rail, ... McCauley, crossing at station; top of rail, .. West Moshannon, crossing at station ; top of rail, ..... Kendrick, crossing at station; top of rail, ....... Beulah, crossing at station; top of rail, .. Smoke Run, 0.1 mile east of, Bridge No. 309, in north end of east abutment; aluminun tablet stamped "1351 PITTS,” ........ Becarria, at crossing; top of rail, ....... •............ 1,499.553 1,518 1,535 1,540 1,553 1,575 ....................... 1,350.973 1,374 OSCEOLA MILLS, NORTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND - BEECH CREEK RAILROAD. 1,543.650 Blueball, corner stone of water-tank house, beside station, bronze tablet stamped "1544 PITTSBURG," .......... Woodland, 200 feet north of station, in southeast capstone of Penn- sylvania Railroad Bridge No. 217 bronze tablet stamped "1463 PITTSBURG," 1,462.964 270 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. CLEARFIELD JUNCTION, SOUTH ALONG BEECH CREEK RAILROAD, CLEARFIELD RAILROAD, PUBLIC ROADS AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, VIA CLEARFIELD BRIDGE, FAUNCE AND BELSENA MILLS, TO SMOKE RUN. Feet. Clearfield Bridge, 1.3 miles north of, railroad bridge No. 28, near crosing, on northwest capstone; cbiseled square, ............ 1,163:14 Clearfield Bridge, over Clearfield Creek, in northwest capstone of highway bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1172 PITTSBURG," 1,171.876 Faunce, in northwest capstone of highway bridge over Clearfield Creek; bronze tablet stamped "1250 PITTSBURG,” .......... 1,249.963 Faunce, 3.25 miles west of, southwest corner of church ; cut on top of foundation wall, ................... 1,613.25 Belsena Mills, in northeast capstone of turntable; bronze tablet stamped "1335 PITTSBURG," ......... .......... 1,334.537 Smoke Run, in southeast top captsone of railroad Bridge No. 39, aluminum tablet stamped "1351 PITTSBURG," ....... 1,350.973 Susquehanna Bridge, railroad station, Pennsylvania Railroad bridge over Susquehanna river on northeast capstone; chisel mark, . 1,124.97 ........................ HUNTINGDON QUADRANGLE. 884.157 Williamsburg, northwest corner of brick schoolhouse, in corner stone; bronze tablet stamped "884 HARRISBURG," ......... Franklin Forge, south abutment of Bridge No. 24, southeast cor- ner of bridge seat; bronze tablet stamped “862 HARRISBURG,” 862.125 HUNTINGDON, SOUTHWEST VIA PUBLIC ROAD AND BROADTOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD (VIA ENTRIKEN), TO COVE STATION (FOX- TON POSTO'FFICE.) 624.368 715.230 Huntingdon, Pennsylvania Railroad station, ladies' waiting room, on east window sill; chiseled square, ...... McConnellstown, front face of brick hall and band room; bronze tablet stamped "716 HARRISBURG,".. Marklesburg (James Creek postoffice), front face of brick school- house ; aluminum tablet stamped “917 HARRISBURG," ........ Foxton (Cove station), in face of north wall of overbead bridge; bronze tablet stamped "906 HARRISBURG 1901,” ...... 916.511 905.958 ENTRIKEN, SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO CASSVILLE; THENCE · NORTH TO HUNTINGDON. ............... 959.136 Trough Creek, 2 miles north of, at Paradise furnace, H. P. Rey- nold's stock farin, southwest corner of foundation of large barn, in south face of corner stone; bronze tablet stamped “959 HAR- RISBURG,” ...... Cassville, 100 feet east of postoffice, northwest corner of brick store of Sarah A. Heaton ; bronze tablet stamped "1247 HARRIS- BURG,".. Fink's Bridge, 2.5 miles east of, on south side of road; point on top of large lock stamped “U” on east side and "P" on west side (township boundary post), .... ................ 1,246.304 1,670.40 271 Feet. Hawns Bridge, 500 feet east of, at Lutheran brick church, in face of stone doorstep of entrance; aluminum tablet stamped “664 HARRISBURG 1901,” .. Huntingdon, in water table near main entrance of court house, aluminum tablet stamped "642 HARRISBURG 1901," ...... .............. 664.223 642.219 INDIANA QUADRANGLE. 1,060 Graceton, in front of station; top of rail, ........... Homer, 600 feet south of station, bridge over Yellow Creek, north- west wing wall, on coping stone, aluminum tablet stamped "1019 PITSBURG," ...... Homer, in front of station; top of rail, ......... Two Lick, in front of station ; top of rail, ....... Reed, in front of station ; top of west rail, ...... Normal, 1 mile south of, northwest wing wall of bridge; chiseled square, .. Indiana, Normal school campus, on north meridian stone; bronze tablet stamped "1299 PITTSBURG 1900,” ..... ........ 1,019.092 1,023 1,057.4 1,149.1 e, ................................................... 1,227.89 1,299.022 INDIANA, VIA CREEKSIDE, GAIBLETON, PENN RUN AND BRUSH VAL- LEY TO HOME. 1,309.3 1,033.678 ...... 1,086.388 Indiana, in front of station; top of west rail, ................... Newville, entrance to .M. E. Church, in southwest corner stone; bronze tablet stamped "1034 PITTSBURG,” ..... Gaibleton ,.. 650 feet south of- postoffice, west side of road, double arch stone bridge, on coping stone of north arch; aluminum tab- let stamped “1087 PITTSBURG,". Tanoma, Tahoma House, in top foundation stone of bay window; aluminum tablet stamped "1132 PITTSBURG," ...... Tanoma, 4.25 miles south of, southeast wing wall of covered bridge, : on coping stone; cbiseled square, .. Penn Run (Greenville), on lower stone step of Presbyterian Church ; bronze tablet stamped "1475 PITTSBURG," ...... Brush Valley, entrance to Union House, in south end of top stone step; bronze tablet stamped "1447 PITTSBURG," 1,132.225 1,191.61 ........ 1,474.578 1,448.267 JOHNSTOWN QUADRANGLE. .JOHNSTOWN, SOUTH ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO INGLESIDE. 1,180.231 1,180.222 Johnstown, at west end of north parapet of railroad bridge; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ......., Johnstown, east end of south parapet of Pennsylvania Railroad bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "1180 PITTS," ............ Johnstown, railroad ticket office, on window sill; chiseled shelf (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ......... ....... Johnstown, road crossing at Pennsylvania Railroad station; top of rail, ...... Johnstown, in front of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad station; top rail, .......... 18—No. 7 1,187.561 1,184 1,169 272 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVDY. Feet. 1,194 Honey Creek, road crossing at station; top of rail, ...... Johnstown, 3 miles south of, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and trol- ley grade crossing, top of rail, ........ ...... Kring, road crossing at station; top of rail, .................... Ingleside, 700 feet north of, northeast corner of small railroad bridge; copper bolt marked “1275 PITTS,” 1,191 1,241 1,275.570 INGLESIDE, NORTHEAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD VIA ELKTON TO SALIX. 1,719.135 Scalp Level, 0.45 mile north of, west side of track, 75 feet west of tool house, in large sandstone; aluminum tablet stamped "1719 PITTS," Salix, 870 feet north of station, under Pennsylvania Railroad cul- vert, west wall; bronze tablet stamped “2050 PITTS,” ...... Salix, railroad bridge at station, north parapet, east end; alum- inum tablet stamped "2077 PITTS,” .... 2,049.415 2,077.722 SEWARD, NORTHEAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, VIA VIN- TONDALE AND NANTY GLO TO EBENSBURG. ........................ 1,091.531 1,122.105 1,120 1,360 ................. Seward, 0.17 mile west of V. K. tower, railroad bridge No. 226 over Piney Run, north parapet, east end of arch; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ... Seward, doorstep of waiting room of station; copper bolt marked. "1122 U. S.," ...................... Seward, crossing at station; top of rail, .... Webrum, crossing at station ; top of rail, ....... Vintondale, 150 feet east of station, iron bridge, south end of west abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "1403 PITTS," ... Twin Rocks, crossing at station ; top of high rail, .............. Nanty Glo, 200 feet south of station, iron bridge, west end of north abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1706 PITTS," i...... ... Nanty Glo, crossing at station; top of high rail, .. Benlah Road, in front of station; top of rail, ........ 1,402.701 1,668 ................ 1,703.721 1,710 1,894 KITTANNING QUADRANGLE. LAWSONHAM, WEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO REU BANK. 880.127 Shannon, in face of stone milepost at east side of coal tipple, marked "3 and 107;" aluminum tablet stamped “881 ADJ 1903," Redbank, 1 mile east of, in coping at northeast corner of bridge No. 69; copper bolt marked "856.04” (railroad bench mark), .... Redbank, in coping at northwest corner of railroad bridge over Red- bank Creek (Allegheny division); copper bolt marked "845.21" (railroad bench mark), ...... 855.64 844.786 STATE OF PENNSYLVÁNIA. 273 KITTANNING, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO WEST WINFIELD, THENCE NORTH TO CHICORA AND EAST TO EAST BRADY, (THE ERROR DIS- TRIBUTED IN THIS LINE IS SLIGHTLY EXCESSIVE). Feet. Kittanning, public schoolhouse ; bronze tablet stamped "S03 PITTS- BURG," 803.500 West Winfield, 100 feet west of railroad tracks, in foundation of trestle; aluminum tablet stamped “950 PGH 1900,” ........... 949.940 Fennelton, 375 feet west of station, in foundation of water tank; aluminum tablet stamped “1068 PGH 1900," ..... 1,068.572 Chicora, corner Main street and Central avenue, directly opposite Unión Hall; in sandstone post; aluminum tablet stamped "1246 PGH 1900,” ..... 1,245.543 ............. ..................................... LANCASTER QUADRANGLE. LANCASTER, NORTH ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, VIA LITITZ AND BRUN- ERVILLE, TO BRICKERVILLE. 367.006 Lancaster, on northeast corner of foundation wall of court house, corner North Duke street and alley; aluminum tablet stamped "369 HARRISBURG," ..... Lancaster, on west doorsill of Pennsylvania Railroad station ; cop- per bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 81), .. Lititz, west side of fountain, on wall; aluminum tablet stamped "385 HGB,” ........ Brickerville, northeast corner foundation of hotel; aluminum tablet stamped “538 HGB,". 357.80S ....................... .............. 385.223 ........................ ............. 538.794 BRICKERVILLE, WEST ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, TO MOUNT HOPE. · THENCE SOUTH ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, VIA OLD LINE, SALUNGA, AND SILVER SPRING, TO MOUNTVILLE. LI 595.968 583.691 Old Line, 1.3 miles north of, at intersection of roads, set in rock ; iron post stamped “U. S. 596 (Not U. S. Geol. Survey), ... Old Line (discontinued postoffice), 650 feet northwest of, southeast corner of foundation of large barn; aluminum tablet stamped "584 “AGB," ......... Salunga, overhead bridge, south pier, east end; aluminum tablet stamped “405 HGB,".. Salunga, overhead bridge, south pier, west end; copper bolt (Penn- sylvania Railroad bench mark No. 88), ....... Mountville, 0.4 mile west of, south paråpet of culvert; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 123), Mountville, west of, on south parapet of culvert; bronze tablet stamped "391 AGB,', .. .............. 404.536 ..... 404.599 390.529 390.525 CLAY TO BRICKERVILLE. . Clay, Grant Steinmetz Hotel, in southeast corner stone; bronze tab- let stamped “363 ADJ 1903,” ........ 362.400 274 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. LATROBE QUADRANGLE. SALTSBURG, SOUTH VIA NEW ALEXANDRIA TO LATROBE. 848.547 Saltsburg, wooden covered bridge over Kiskiminitas river, on north- east wing wall, west end; aluminum tablet stamped "848 PITTS- BURG," ..... New Alexandria, wooden covered bridge over. Loyalhanna Creek, southeast wing wall, on coping stone; tablet stamped “945 PITTSBURG,” ........................................... New Alexandria, 500 feet north of Pennsylvania Railroad station, east side of road; nail in root of large oak (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 407), ......... . 944.960 975.41 FIVE TABLETS SET FROM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BENCH MARKS. Georges station, on north pier of overhead bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "1199 PITTSBURG," 1,199.100 Latrobe, high school building; aluminum tablet stamped "1026 PITTSBURG," .... 1,026.186 Millwood, south abutment of overehad bridge, on southwest coping stone; tablet stamped "1175 PITTSBURG," ........ 1,175.266 Livermore, 0.2 mile east of, in southeast wing wall of overhead bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “934 PITTSBURG," 933. #12 Blairsville, northeast corner of Pennsylvania passenger station, on foundation of off-set; chiseled square (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 60), ..., 1,011.892 Blairsville, northeast wing wall of Walnut Street Bridge, on coping stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1003 PITTSBURG," ....... 1,003.060 YTYS BLAIRSVILLE, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, VIA HOMER CITY TO INDIANA. Blairsville, Maple street crossing; top of rail, ......... ......... 1,010.0 MASONTOWN QUADRANGLE. POINT MARION NORTH TO GREENSBORO. 799.58 Point Marion, 3.1 miles north of, on stone in west side of south abutment of bridge over Dunkard Creek ; chisel mark, ........ New Geneva, on west side of north abutment of bridge over creek ; chisel mark, .......... Greensboro, on southeast corner of foundation of Crawford's block ; bronze tablet stamped "806 PITTSBURG," 793.14 S06.194 BROWNSVILLE, SOUTHWEST VIA EAST RIVERSIDE TO CARMICHAELS Carmichaels, on stone step of entrance to schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped "1004 PITTSBURG," ..... 1,003.947 ....................... . "MICR Y CIRCU TILMING ON TO HORMITA MERCER QUADRANGLE. AT MERCER (BY CIRCUIT NEW WILMINGTON TO HERMITAGE.) Mercer, on northeast corner of court house steps; aluminum tablet stamped "1277 ADJ 1903," ..... 1,276.839 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 275 MERCERSBURG QUADRANGLE. CHAMBERSBURG TO LOUDON. Feet. St. Thomas, in northeast cornerstone of brick hotel; bronze tablet stamped "645 HARRISBURG 1900," ...... 644.595 LOUDON TO RICHMOND. . 616.990 . Loudon, 1.25 miles north of, east side of capstone of culvert; chis- eled cross, ......... Richmond, in southeast cornerstone of schoolhouse foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "676 HARRISBURG 1900," ....... 670.106 LOUDON, VIA MERCIERSBURG JUNCTION TO MERCERSBURG. Mercersburg, 2.5 miles northeast of, at southeast corner of railroad bridge over west branch of Conococheague creek; capstone, chis- eled square, ...... .......... 536.72 MERCERSBURG TO COVE GAP. Mercersburg, 1.75 miles west of, Fruit Hill schoolhouse near north- west corner of foundation; chiseled cross, .. 705.00 MERCERSBURG, VIA UPTON TO GREENCASTLE. 594.780 Mercersburg, Mercersburg Academy, in northwest corner of dining hall; aluminum tablet stamped "595 HARRISBURG 1900," ................................................... Mercersburg, 1 mile east of, stone in front of tollgate house; chis- eled cross, ....... Upton, in southeast cornerstone of brick schoolhouse; aluminum tab- let stamped "620 HARRISBURG 1900," ... Greencastle, 0.75 mile west of, schoolhouse at corner of roads in foundation stone; chiseled cross, ........ .............. . 557.79 619.594 550.60 MILLERSTOWN QUADRANGLE. THOMPSONTOWN, NORTH ALONG HIGIIWAY, TO EAST SALEM. (TWO DIRECT LINES). Thompsontown, north abutment of overhead bridge; Pennsylvania. Railroad benci mark, 420.041 276 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. 464.660 Thompsontown, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, in stone stép; bronze tablet stamped “465 ADJ 1903,” ..... Dast Salem, top of stone step of schoolhouse; bronze tablet stamped "620 ADJ 1903," ..... ...... 619.970 MILLERSTOWN, NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO PFOUTS VALLEY, THENCE SOUTH TO BERLEE, THENCE SOUHWEST TO POINT OPPO- SITE OLD FERRY STATION, THENCE NORTHWEST TO MILLERS- TOWN. Feet. Millertown, overhead bridge, Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark, 409.116 Millerstown, in foundation of the Ward House; bronze tablet stamped "432 ADJ 1903," ......... 432.152 Pfouts Valley, in east foundation of postoffice; bronze tablet stamped "694 ADJ 1903," 694.177 Berlee (discontinued postoffice), 800 feet northeast of, in east side of foundation of schoolhouse; bronze tablet stamped "504 ADJ 1903," ...... 503.690 Old Ferry station, opposite, in southwest corner of foundation of barn ; bronze tablet stamped “428 ADJ 1903," ........... 427.507 ............. .............. .................... MILLERSTOWN, NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY, TO EVENDALE THENCE EAST TO ORIENTAL, THENCE SOUTH TO PFOUTS VALLEY. 714.411 657,862 Evandale postoffice, brick house of J. H. Yordira, in northeast cor- ner of foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "714 ADJ 1903," .... Richfield, northwest corner of Richfield Lutheran Church, in foun- dation stone; bronze tablet stamped "658 ADJ 1903,” .. Oriental postoffice, 4 miles west of, 4 miles east of Richfield, in abutment of bridge over Mahantango creek ; bronze tablet stamped "553 ADJ 1903," ...... Oriental postoffice, 300 feet west of, in wing wall of, wood and iron bridge; bronze tablet stamped "468 ADJ_1903," 552.912 467.776 TTT IOVENDALE, SOUTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO BROWN'S MILL (CO- COLAMUS POSTOFFICE) AND RETURN. Cocolamus postoffice (Brown's mill), just below, in wing wall of iron bridge over Cocolamus creek ; bronze tablet stamped "636 ADJ 1903," ....... . . 635.994 Y NESHANNOCK QUADRANGLE. Edensburg, 2 miles west of, on southeast pier of switch tower of l'ittsburgh and Lake Drie Railroad, and 2,000 feet west of Carbon brick works; bronze tablet stamped "801 ADJ 1903," ......... 800.662 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIATY 277 . NEWCASTLE, NORTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TO NEW WILMINGTON, THENCE NORTHWEST ALONG SHARPSVILLE RAIL- ROAD TO SHARPSVILLE. Feet. 903.644 VỤy ••••••••••••••••••••• 930.853 Eastbrook, on southeast bridge seat of highway bridge; bronze tab- let stamped “904 ADJ 1903," Wilmington Junction, 1,200 feet northeast of, on northwest bridge seat of railroad bridge over Neshannock river; bronze tablet stamped (931 ADJ 1903," New Wilmington, 1,800 feet east of, on northwest wing wall of iron highway bridge over Neshannock river; bronze tablet stamped “957 ADJ 1903," ..... New Wilmington, street crossing at station ; top of rail, ........ Lyle, road crossing at station; top of rail, ..... Carbon, road crossing at station ; top of rail, ........... Bethel, 700 feet east of, northwest wing wall of iron highway bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1071 ADJ 1903,” ......... Neshannock, road crossing at station; top of rail, .. Oakland, road crossing at station ; top of rail, Hermitage, road crossing at station ; top of rail, ...... Hermitage, on stone door step at entrance to school ; aluminum tab- let stamped "1099 ADJ 1903," ................ ....... 956.650 970.5 1,010.6 1,040.4 1,070.270 1,101.5 1,129.3 1,096.1 1,098.930 NEW WILMINGTON, NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO MERCER, THENCE WEST TO HERMITAGE. 1,315.637 Mercer, 3 miles southwest of, in northeast corner of Shannon's resi- dence; aluminum tablet stamped "1316 ADJ 1903," .......... Charlestown (Hill postoffice), primary traverse station No. 1, on south side of street, at intersection of streets; aluminum tablet stamped “1263 ADJ 1903,” ..... ...... 1900 1,262.496 NEWCASTLE, NORTHWEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO WHEATLAND. 807.239 . 805.30 Newcastle, north wing wall of west abutment of Washington Street Bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "808 PITTSBURG 1901,” .. Newcastle, southeast abutment of small culvert near yard limit; railroad bench mark, .. Newcastle, 4 miles north of, iron wagon bridge known as Harbor Bridge, northwest corner stone of bridge seat; bronze tablet stamped "807 ADJ 1903," i.. Nashua Junction, on southwest abutment of small railroad culvert; bronze tablet stamped "810 ADJ 1903,” .. Pulaski, on southwest abutment of iron highway bridge; bronze tablet stamped “828 ADJ 1903," ... West Middlesex, in northhwest wing wall of iron highway bridge ; bronze tablet stamped "841 ADJ 1903,” ...... 806.333 309.455 ... 827.378 840.880 278 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. · NEW BLOOMFIELD QUADRANGLÈ. COVE FORGE STATION, SOUTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO KEYSTONE THENCE WEST VIA SHERMANSDALE TO FALLING SPRINGS, THENCE NORTH TO NEW BLOOMFIELD. Feet. 351.546 597. 123 Cove Creek arch; copper bolt Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 12, ........... Keystone postoffice, 0.5 mile west of, Rye township, schoolhouse district No. 2, in foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "598 ADJ 1903," .... Sherman's Dale, 150 feet west of Union Hotel, opposite south end of covered bridge, in corner stone of old wall; aluminum tablet stamped "445 ADJ 1903,” .... Falling Springs, 0.5 mile east of, in northeast corner of stone mill of M. L. Rice; aluminum tablet stamped “471 ADJ 1903," .. 445.111 471.262 DUNCANNON, WEST ALONG PERRY COUNTY RAILROAD, VIA NEW BLOOMFIELD, TO MANNSVILLE JUNCTION, THENCE NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO MARKETSVILLE, THENCE EAST TO NEWPORT.. 348.896 355.234 415.592 Duncannon, railroad bridge over Sherman creek, in bridge seat of northeast wing wall; aluminum tablet stamped “349 ADJ 1903,"" Duncannon, northeast wing wall of bridge over Sherman creek; Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark, .......... Sulphur Springs, 600 feet west of, in southwest corner of abutment of railroad bridge ; bronze tablet stamped “416 ADJ 1903,” ... Hoffman station, 700 feet west of, 300 feet south of track, in north- cast corner of foundation of barn; aluminum tablet marked "568 ADJ 1903,” ......... New Bloomfield, on west side of main entrance of court house, in top stone of foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "679 ADJ 1903," .. Valley station, bridge of Newport and Sherman Valley Railroad, in 568.380 678.674 717.194 543.134 494.197 Sylvan station, 0.25 mile north of, 300 feet south of road forks, wooden bridge over Little Buffalo creek, northwest corner of north abutment; bronze tablet stamped "543 ADJ 1903," .... Marketville, covered bridge over Big Buffalo creek, in northwest cor- ner of north abutment; bronze tablet stamped “494 ADJ 1903," - Juniata postoffice, near village Milford, 80 feet east of covered · bridge over Big Buffalo creek, top of wing wall of small bridge ; bronze tablet stamped "441 ADJ 1903," .... Newport, square cut on tank house (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), so ...................... Newport, Little Buffalo creek bridge, northeast wing wall; copper .. bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ...... Newport, in southeast wing wall of Little Buffalo Creek Pennsyl- 440.474 396.141 · 394.023 vania Railroad bridge; bronze tablet stamped "394 ADJ 1903," 394.031 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 279 NEW CUMBERLAND QUADRANGLE. MECHANICSBURG, SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA SHEPHERDS- TOWN, TO MOUNT TOP, THENCE SOUTHEAST TO DOVER, THENCE NORTHEAST TO ZION VIEW, THENCE. NORTH TO CLY. Feet. 632.SSI 720.050 593.872 460.000 Shepiierdstown, on southeast corner of brick schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped "633 ADJ 1903," .................. Bowmansdale, 5 miles south of, in north end wall of porch at en- trance of W. H. Lerew's store; aluminum tablet stamped “720 ADJ 1903," ........ Mount Top postoffice, on southeast corner of store of W. E. Wiley ; bronze tablet stamped "594 ADJ 1903," ....... Wellsville, 1 mile west of, southwest wing wall of highway bridge over Doe Run; bronze tablet stamped "460 ADJ 1903,” ...... Roler, on southeast corner of Emig's mill; aluminum tablet stamped "364 ADJ 1903,".... ......................................... Dover, Peter Brunhous' Hotel, in stone pier to porch at ladies en- trance; primary traverse station No. 8, stamped “453 ADJ 1903" Zion View, southeast entrance to Zion Church ; aluminum tablet staamped "378 ADJ 1903,” .... Strinestown, at northwest corner of schoolhouse; bronze tablet stamped “450 ADJ 1903,” ...... Cly, east side of an arch 675 feet north of milepost 70; copper bolt Northern Central Railroad bench mark No. 74, ...... 364.136 452.SSO 377.777 ............. 449,307 302.66 NEW HOLLAND QUADRANGLE. GAP, NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY, TO REAMSTOWN, THENCE WEST TO CLAY. 549.360 383,560 ......... 473.289 Gap, in doorsill of passenger station; copper bolt, ......... Gap, 3 miles northwest of; in fifth stone step to entrance to Hess' mill near Pequea creek; bronze tablet stamped "384 ADJ: 1903," ........ New Holland, 3 miles south of, in brick building of John Ells- worth, to left of entrance; aluminum tablet stamped "473 ADJ 1903," ...... New Holland, opposite side of street from station, in south side of D. M. Rutter & Co.'s grain warehouse, in stone doorsill ; bronze tablet stamped “493 ADJ 1903," ....... New Holland, at Styre House, at street crossing ; top of rail, .... Hinkletown, near mill and hotel, on coping stone of north end of west pier of iron highway bridge over Conestoga creek at west end of town; aluminum tablet stamped “331 ADJ 1903,” ...... · Reamstown, in upper stone steps at entrance to Reamstown Hotel; bronze tablet stamped "391 ADJ 1903,” ..... 493.106 521.9 330.941 391.354 280 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. . 393.391 Stevens, 0.3 mile west of, in southeast foundation of Adam Sleigh- baugh’s barn ; bronze tablet stamped 393 ADJ 1903,” .......... Stevens, 2.5 miles west of, near Mennonite Church, in northeast foundation stone of Abraham Eberly's stone barn; bronze tablet stamped “419 ADJ 1903," ... 418.515 WITMER, NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA OREGON, TO CLAY. 381.78 391.9 315.306 297.076 Witmer, 0.5 mile west of; copper bolt on overhead bridge, i ...... Harmon, railroad crossing; top of rail, ......... Leacock postoffice, 1 mile west of, southwest wing wall of double stone arch bridge over small stream in top coping stone; bronze tablet stamped "315 ADJ 1903," ...... Oregon, southeast corner of H. Hosteder's stone mill; bronze tablet stamped "297 ADJ 1903," .. Brownstown, 0.5 mile north of, in southeast corner foundation of Blackbill's Hotel; bronze tablet stamped “360 ADJ 1903," .. Millway, in west doorsill at entrance to F. S. Bruboker's stone mill; bronze tablet stamped "316 ADJ 1903," ...... ... Millway, 2.5 miles north of, in limestone at southeast corner of J. F. Zell's garden, along side of road at intersection of roads; bronze tablet stamped “323 ADJ 1903," ....... 360.354 316.084 323.090 PATTON QUADRANGLE. Coalport, crossing at station; top of rail, .... ...... 1,414 GALLITZIN, NORTHWEST VIA PUBLIC ROAD TO ĻORETTO, THENCE WEST TO EBENSBURG. Loretto, northeast corner of Catholic Church, on corner of lowest step; cross cut, ....... ..................... 1,942.55 . Winterset station, at road crossing; top of north rail, .......... 2,111 LORETO, *VIA PUBLIC ROAD TO PATTON, THENCE WEST TO ELMORA 1,968.649 Chest Springs, southeast corner of frame schoolhouse, on corner stone of foundation; bronze tablet stamped "1969 HARRIS- BURG," .......... Patton, 2 miles southeast of, Clarke schoolhouse, southeast corner of cloak room, on face of foundation corner stone; cross cut, Patton, main entrance to Good building, stone at right side; alum- inum tablet stamped "1756 PITTSBURG;" 1,945.78 1,757.295 *Loretto is checked by two other lines from Cresson. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 281 Feet. 2,173.27 Carrolltown, at left entrance steps to St. Benedict's Catholic Church, on corner stone of foundation walls square and cross cut, ......... ...... Elmora, 600 feet south of, in valley, southwest corner of school- house, in foundation stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1765 PITTSBURG," ... ...... 1,763.966 PATTON, VIA PUBLIC ROAD NORTH TO HASTINGS, THENCE WEST TO BARNESBORO. Hastings, opera house, northeast corner of foundation, north face of top .corner stone; aluminum tablet stamped "1736 HARRIS- BURG, ".... 1,734.503 Garway, 1.7 miles north of north side of railroad bridge No. 28, on masonry; chiseled cross, ........ 1,361.55 FRÚGALITY, SOUTH ALONG CAMBRIA AND CLEARFIELD RAILROAD TO SYBERTON. .................................. 1,514.25 Frugality, 2.5 miles south of, crossing at Dean station, 100 feet south of north abutment of railroad bridge No. 407, west cap- stone; chiseled square, ... Ashville, 0.1 mile south of, on last capstone, middle pier of rail- road bridge No. 403; chiseled square, Syberton, .0.25 mile west of, east abutment of iron bridge across Clearfield creek, on west coping stone of north corner, cross cut, square, .............. ....... 1,643.36 1,764.80 PHILIPSBURG QUADRANGLE : . Summit, S00 feet south of, 300 feet south of milepost 13, Pennsyl- vania and Northwestern Railroad, west of track, top of bank, in top of stone; bronze table stamped “2045 PITTS.," ......... Philipsburg, in northeast ca pistone of bridge over Moshannon creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1428 PITTSBURG,” ....... 2,044.573 1,428.093 PHOENIXVILLE QUADRANGLE. GLEN LOCH TO WEST CHESTER. Glen Loch, 0.2 mile east of, Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 27, in south parapet of King Road Bridge, copper bolt, .. 458.92 DOWNINGTOWN, NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA MILFORD MILLS AND PUGHTOWN, TO POTTSTOWN. . 235.0.13 Downingtown, Viaduct avenue arch, north end, copper bolt, .... Downingtown, west side of north end of Viaduct avenue arch, 720 feet east of station; bronze tablet stamped "255 HARRIS- BURG,” ....... 255.263 282 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. ................... Feet. 242.19 274.3 288.2 289.24 315.62 East Downingtown station, road crossing, top of rail, .......... Dowlin station, road crossing; top of rail, ..... Dorlan station, road crossing ; top of rail, ....... Dorlan, 0.1 mile north of, Bridge No. 6; southeast bridge seat, . Milford Mills, covered wagon bridge over Marsh Creek, near black-. smith shop; east end stone of northeast wing wall, ........ Pughtown, south end of, at entrance to schoolhouse, on stone step; bronze tablet stamped "273 HARRISBURG 1903," ......... Pottstown, passenger station; copper bolt on doorsill, .......... Pottstown, 150 feet west of station, stone arch bridge of Pennsylva- nia Railroad, in southeast corner of coping stone; bronze tablet stamped "136 HARRISBURG 1903," ......... Spring City, west of, canaal bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt, Spring City, 1 mile west of, 480 feet west of Pennsylvania Rail- road bridge over canal, in southeast bridge seat of undergrade wagon bridge ; boonze tablet stamped “117 HARRISBURG 1910," 273.365 138.59 135.798 114.09 ............................................. 117.481 AT PHOENIXVILLE. 128.487 Gay Street Bridge, south of track, capstone of pier of east column; square, ... Phoenixville, 900 feet east of passenger station, northeast coping stone of bridge over Main street; aluminum tablet stamped "127 HARRISBURG 1903," 127.160 AT FRAZER. 487.418 North end of undergrade bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt, .. Frazer, at station, north end of undergrade railroad bridge, west bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped "487 HARRISBURG 1903," ............ 487.227 PITTSBURG QUADRANGLE. FINLEYVILLE, NORTHEAST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL- ROAD TO THOMPSON FLAG STATION. 882.546 894.3 903.8 ..... Cochran Mills, southwest coping stone of arch bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “884 PITTS," ... Cochran Mills, road crossing at station ; top of rail, ............ Wallace, road crossing at station; top of rail, Bruce, 0.5 mile north of bridge No. 90, on bridge seat; railroad benchi mark, ........ Willoch, iron highway bridge at station, on southeast wing wall; aluminum tablet stamped “926 PITTS,” ........... Hayes, near station, south side of land pier of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad overhead bridge; railroad bench mark, ...... . .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... 1,002.16 925.060 760.49 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 283 HULTON, SOUTII ALONG PITTSBURG, BUFFALO AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD TO BESSEMER. TTTTT YTI Feet. North Bessemer, 1 mile south of, north end of tunnel, on west side, third stone from bottom; aluminum tablet stainped "1023 LITTS," Bessemer bridge ; bronze tablet stamped “759 PITTS,” .......... 1,022.321 759.492 PUNXSUTAWNEY QUADRANGLE. McGEES MILLS, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA AND NORTHWESTERN RAIL- ROAD TO PUNYSUTA WNEY. TIIT 1. Al ......... 1,307 1,621.624 1,698 ....... McGees Mills, in front of station; top of rail, ......... Sydney, 0.5 mile northwest of, in top of rock, east of track; bronze tablet stamped "1622 PITTS,”. Flynn, crossing; top of rail, .. Winslow, southeast corner of station, in top of stone; aluminum tablet stammped "1649 PITTS,” Elbell, crossing at station; top of rail, Canoe Creek, crossing at station ; top of rail, ........ Punxsutawncy, in northeast wing wall of Mahoning Street Bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “1236 PITTS,” .. Punxsutawney, in front of station ; top of rail, 1,648.127 1,483 1,260 1,235.906 1,236 CHERRY TREE (GRANT POSTOFFICE) NORTH ALONG PUBLIC ROAD AND RAILROAD, VIA PATCHINSVILLE AND BURNSIDE TO McGEES MILLS. 1,369.367 Patchinsville, grain house opposite postoffice, southwest corner of foundation wall, aluminum tablet stamped "1370 PITTS,” ..... Burnside, upper iron bridge over river, northwest abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1328 PITTS,” Glen Campbell, abutment of bridge No. 42, at intersection of Brady run and Cush creek; bronze tablet stamped "1344 PITTS,” .... 1,327.388 1,343.830 ROSSITER JUNCTION, SOUTH ALONG RAILROAD AND PUBLIC ROADS VIA ROSSITER STATION AND ROCHESTER MILLS, TO ORD POST OFFICE. 1,323.595 Rossiter station, 350 feet north of, west side of track, west end of culvert; copper bolt stamped "1324 PITTS,” ... Rochester Mills (Richmond), iron bridge over Little Mahoning. creek, southwest abutment; bronze tablet (stamping obliterated,) East Run, 0.2 mile west of postoffice; south side of road, flat rock near blacksmith shop; aluminum tablet stamped "PITTS 1539,” 1,273 1,538.203 284 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. 284 ROGERSVILLE QUADRANGLE. ROGERSVILLE, NORTH TO NINEVEH, THENCE WEST ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, VIA TIME, ENO AND SIMPSON STORE TO BURDETTE. Feet. 977.137 Rogersville, highway bridge over Tenmilc Creek, in capstone of southwest abutment; aluminum, tablet stamped “978 PITTS,”.. Nineveh, entrance to Van Oliver Hotel, in southeast top of founda- • tion wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1023 PITTS,” ......... Eno, on top step of entrance to church ; chiseled square, .......... Eno, 1.5 miles west of, on northwest abutment of iron bridge over Enslow Fork Wheeling Creek; chiseled square, ....... Burdette, Braden's mill (formerly Clansen's mill), highway bridge 1,021.980 997.39 ........ 963.00 abutment; bronze tablet stamped “918 PITTS," ... 917.011 BRADEN'S MILL, SOUTH ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, VIA RYERSON STA- TION AND ALEPPO, TO DEEP VALLEY. 974.73 McCracken, 0.5 mile north of, near Earnests residence, on abut- ment of covered bridge over South Fork Dunkard Fork Wheeling Creek; chiseled square, . Aleppo postoffice (Bridgeport), in southwest abutment of highway bridge over South Fork Dunkard Fork Wheeling Creek; bronze tablet stamped "1060 PITTS,". Morford postoffice, 4.4 miles south of, at forks of road leading to. Bellton, New Freeport and Aleppo, covered bridge over Wagon- road Run, on southwest abutment; chiseled square, ............ 1,059.388 1,004.47 BELLTON, W. VA., EAST ALONG PUBLIC ROADS, VIA DEEP VALLEX AND NEW FREEPORT, TO PINEBANK, THENCE NORTH TO ROGERS- VILLE. 1,015.61 1,030.97 Deep Valley, public bridge over Pennsylvania Fork Fish Creek, on northeast abutment; chiseled square, .......... New Freeport, 2 miles west of, public bridge over Laurel Run, near Methodist Church, on southeast abutment; chiseled square, New Freeport, bridge over Pennsylvania Fork Fish Creek, in south- west abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1062 PITTS," .. Pinebank, highway bridge over Tom's Run, in southeast abutment; bronze tablet stamped "1006 PITS," ...... 1,061.806 ..... 1,005.254 RURAL VALLEY QUADRANGLE. KITTANNING, VIA RURAL VALLEY AND DAYTON TO MAHONING. NO NYU ...... 1,026.19 Kittanning 4.5 miles east of, 50 feet east of road northeast, north side of road, on rock; chiseled square, ..... Kittanning, 5 miles east of, southeast corner stone of stone house; aluminum tablet stamped "1011 PITTSBURG," Rural Valley, southeast wing wall of bridge, in coping stone; bronze tablet stamped "1112 PITTSBURG,” ...... 1,010.491 1,111.610 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 285 Feet. 1,326.118 1,018.69 992.284 Dayton, 900 feet west of station, Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Railroad bridge over small stream, on second coping stone of northwest wing wall; aluminum tablet stamped "1326 PITTS- BURG," ... Eddyville, 2 miles south of, on southeast abutment of iron bridge over Mahoning creek; chiseled square "1019," ................ Eddyville, iron bridge over Big Mahoning, on bridge seat, southeast wing wall; aluminum tablet stamped “992 PITTSBURG," ..... Putneyville, iron bridge over Mahoning creek, on coping stone of northwest wing wall; chiseled square, ...... Mahoning, 6 miles east of, iron bridge over Mahoning Creek known as "Mack's Bridge;" chiseled square on southeast bridge seat, .. Mahoning, 2 miles east of, iron bridge, on coping stone of south- west wing wall; chiseled square, ... Mahoning, in front of Allegheny Valley Railroad station; top of rail, ......... Rimerton, 2 miles south of, northwest abutment of railroad bridge ; bronze tablet stamped “820 PITTSBURG 1899,” .............. 940.42 863.50 833.17 ...... 818.7 820.810 CLIMAX, WEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD (LOW GRADE DI- VISION), TO LAWSONHAM. (LEATHERWOOD IS GIVEN UNDER CLAR- ION QUADRANGLE.) 1,045.973 ...... .......... ..... 1,045.644 Climax, in doorsill of Climax Fire Brick Company's office, by sta- tion; copper bolt marked "1046.765” (railroad bench mark), .... Climax, in foundation wall at southeast corner of Climax Fire Brick Company's office, by station; aluminum tablet stamped “1046 ADJ 1903," .......... ....... St. Charles, in coping at northeast corner of bridge No. 63, just east of station; copper bolt marked "1023.595” (railroad bench mark), ............. .............. Lawsonham, 2.5 miles east of, in west end of arch tunnel; alumi- num tablet stamped “946 ADJ 1903," ...... Lawsonham, on south coping of arch bridge east of station; copper bolt marked "909.33,” (railroad bench mark), ................ Lawsonham, on coping at southeast corner of arch bridge just east of station; aluminum tablet stamped "909 ADJ 1903," ..... 1,022.953 945.554 908.833 908.768 SEWICKLEY QUADRANGLE. VALENCIA, NORTH ALONG PITTSBURG AND WESTERN RAILROAD, TO MARS, THENCE WEST ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA BRUSH VALLEY TO FREEDOM. 1,035.341 Downieville, 1,400 feet north of station, on northwest bridge seat of small culvert bridge ; bronze tablet stamped "1036 PITTS,” .. Brush Creek, 3 miles east of, south side of road, northwest corner of J. F. Martin's barn, in foundation ; bronze tablet stamped "1245 PITTS,” ........ Brush Creek, stone arch bridge over Brush Creek, in southwest cop- ing stone; bronze tablet stamped "1066 PITTS,” ...... 1,245.234 1,066.096 286 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY.. : Feet. 1,137.771 Lovi, southeast corner of store and postoffice, in foundation wall ; bronze tablet stamped "1138 PITTS,” ..... Conway, 2 miles east of, iron highway bridge over Crow's Run near Park's store, on north end of southwest wing fall; aluminum tablet stamped "802 PITTS,” ....... 801.792 BRYANT, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA PERRYSVILLE TO DIXMONT. Emsworth, 3.7 miles east of, iron bridge over Lowrie Run, on northeast wing wall; bronze tablet stamped "881 PITTS,” ... Dixmont, northeast corner of gas house ; east sill of window, ..... Dixmont, 75 feet east of entrance to hospital, in coping stone of re- taining wall; bronze tablet stamped “727 PITTS,” 880.918 719.46 ............ 726.930 AT ECONOMY AND BEN AVON. (SET FROM PITTSBURG, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD' LEVELS CORRECTED.) 711.55 Economy, 2,000 feet north of; northeast corner of north coping of bridge No. 15, Economy, 2,000 feet north, of, on second step from top of bridge No. 15, on northwest wing wall; bronze tablet stamped 6710 PITTS,” .................. .............................. Ben Avon, northwest corner Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway station, in foundation wall; bronze tablet stamped "728 PITTS,” (1.96 feet higher than railroad bench mark on bridge No. 6), ...... 710.119 727.871 AT STOOPS FERRY. (SET FROM ARMY ENGINEERS' PRECISE-LEVEL LINE.) Stoops Ferry station (opposite Sewickley,) northwest abutment wall of Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad bridge over Narrows Run, on top of third course of stone below top; bronze tablet stamped “721 PITTS,” ..... 721.266 NEW KENSINGTON QUADRANGLE. CHESWICK, NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY AND PITTSBURG, BESSEMER AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD TO BARTLEY STATION. 974.406 Grey's mill, iron bridge over wagon road, southwest bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped " PITTS,” ....... Bartley, south side of door catrazice to store of T. G. Kennedy, in foundation wall; aluminum tablet stamped “1171 PITTS,” .... 1,171.013 BARTLEY STATION, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO VALENCIA. (DOUBLE LINE.) Glade Mills, brick residence of J. W. Starr, in northeast founda- ·tion stone; aluminuın tablet stamped "1087 PITTS,” ....... 1,086.348 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 287 ........... ...................... VALENCIA, SOUTH ALONG PITTSBURG AND WESTERN (BALTIMORE AND OHIO) RAILROAD TO SHARPSBURG Feet. Gibsonia, 1,200 feet south of station, east end of south abutment of small bridge No. 336; aluminum tablet stamped "1031 PITTS," . ............... 1,030.880 · Wildwood, 1 mile north of, northeast bridge seat of small wooden bridge; copper bolt, ... 959.007 Wildwood, southwest bridge seat of bridge No. 329; copper bolt (railroad bench mark), . 915.171 Bryant, 1 mile west of, northwest bridge seat of bridge No. 327; copper bolt (railroad bench mark), ....... 902.511. Bryant, 1.5 miles south of station, Pittsburg and Western bridge No. 323 over Pine Creek, southeast bridge seat; alumnium tablet stamped "853 PITTS,” ...... 853.125 Elfinwild, 300 feet west of station, southeast bridge seat; copper bolt (railroad bench mark), ... 833.237 Glenshaw, 300 feet north of, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (railroad bench mark), ..... ............ 789.110 Pine Creek, 0.1 mile east of station, railroad bridge spanning Pine Creek, northwest abutment; .copper bolt (railroad bench mark), 733.04 .... .... SHEFFIELD QUADRANGLE. AT TIONA. Tiona, 600 feet north of station, in southeast bridge seat of iron bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "1358 ADJ 1903,” ........ 1,358.305 SLATINGTON QUADRANGLE. MACUNGIE, NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY, VIA FOGELSVILLE, TO LYON VALLEY. 383.728 Macungie station, 0.5 mile west of; square cut on top of stone of the middle of the south side of Philadelphia and Reading Rail- road bridge over small run, marked “XXII B. M. 1881," U. S. C. G. S. B. M. .......... 'Fogellsville, German Reformed Church; aluminum tablet south- west corner of foundation wall under corner stone, stamped “514 • HARRISBURG 1900," ......... Claussville, on south end of doorstep of schoolhouse; chiseled square, .......... ... 514.269 683.95 LYON VALLEY, NORTH WEST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO NEW TRIPOLI, THENCE NORTHEAST ALONG PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL- ROAD, TO SLATINGTON. New Tripoli, 0.5 mile northeast of bronze tablet set in south- east corner of stone basement of barn owned by A. Bennikoff, stamped "573 HARRISBURG 1900," ........ 572.722 Germansville depot; top of rail at road crossing, marked "608” on plank, ............. 607.6 19-No. 7 288 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. ... Feet. are, ................................. 600.97 Germansville, 600 feet north of crossing by station, on north end of bridge seat, east abutment of railroad trestle bridge over Jor- dan creek; chiseled square, Best, 500 feet northeast of railroad station; bronze tablet set in north end of bridge seat, west abutment of small railroad bridge stamped "548 HARRISBURG 1900,".. 548.218 SLATINGTON, SOUTHEAST ALONG LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD TO ROCKDALE, THENCE SOUTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO LYON VALLEY. Slatington, 0.8 mile south of; iron bolt in west pier of Lehigh and New England Railroad, overhead crossing bridge over Lehigh Valley Railroad, marked “U. S. G. S. B. M. 358" (Lehigh Valley Railroad bench mark No. 92), ..... 357.73 Rockdale, 250 feet north of station, at southeast corner of water tank of Lehigh Valley Railroad, in foundation stone under pil- lar; bronze tablet stamped “354 HARRISBURG 1900,”. 353.685 Unionville (Neff's postoffice), Union Church ; east end of lower stone step of front entrance, .... - 687. STEUBENVILLE QUADRANGLE. Independence, 2.5 miles northwest of 0.1 mile east of State line in southeast corner of county bridge over Cross Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "784 STBNVL," ....... 784.024 TIOGA QUADRANGLE. ELKLAND, EAST ALONG NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD TO LAW- RENCEVILLE, THENCE NORTH TO CORNING. Nelson, in southeast corner of Nelson schoolhouse; tablet stamped "1077 HARRISBURG 1899," ........ 1,077.978 Lawrenceville, at northwest corner of Main and Cowanesque streets, in top foundation stone on south side near southeast corner of building; aluminum tablet stamped "996 HARRIS- BURG 1899," .................... 996,792 ................. MIDDLEBURY CENTER, SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO EAST CHARLESTON, THENCE EAST TO MANSFIELD. ............................ 1,656.891 East Charleston, at northwest corner of brick residence of Seymour Whitney, in west face of foundation ; aluminum tablet stamped "1656 HARRISBURG 1899," ... Covington, in west face of foundation near northwest corner of I. 0. 0. F. hall, being third building south of State street, on east side of Williams street; bronze tablet stamped "1196 HARRIS- BURG 1899," Mansfield, bronze tablets set in stone monuments on the grounds of the Mansfield State Normal School for meridian marks-- North monument marked "1207 HARRISBURG 1899," .... 1,197.015 1,207.706 1,196.804 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 289 MANSFIELD, NORTH ALONG ERIE RAILROAD, TO TIOGA. Feet. 1,062.13 Tioga, 2.5 miles south of; top of coping stone at west end of north abutment of steel-plate girder railroad bridge over Mill Creek, .. Tioga, in front face of buttress on south side of south entrance of St. Andrews Episcopal church; bronze tablet stamped "1036 HARRISBURG 1899," :.. 1,037.041 SPUR LINE, SOUTHEAST ALONG MILL CREEK, TO PAINTER RUN. Painter Run, in south face of foundation near southwest corner of Free Methodist Church, at forks of load where signboard reads "Summit 6 miles;" aluminum tablet stamped "1257 HARRIS- BURG 1899," 1,258.241 MIDDLEBURY CENTER, NORTHEAST ALONG NEW YORK CENTRAL 1. AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD, TO TIOGA. Crooked creek, 1.25 miles north of, about 1,800 feet south of mile- post 85-86, on west side of north abutment of small bridge; top of coping stone, ..... 1,103.80 Hammond, 0.75 mile north of, about 600 feet north of milepost 83-$8, at west end of north abutment of small bridge; top of , coping stone, ... 1,075.52 TIOGA, NORTH ALONG ERIE RAILROAD, TO LAWRENCEVILLE. Tioga, near Erie Railroad station, at north end of west abutment of highway bridge over Tioga river; top of coping stone, ...... 1,038.41 Lawrenceville, south of east abutment of highway bridge over Tioga river, near railroad station ; top of coping stone, ........ 993.43 TIOGA JUNCTION, EAST ALONG ERIE RAILROAD TO JACKSON SUM- MIT (SINGLE SPUR LINE.) Jackson Summit, in north face of foundation near northeast corner of residence of O. B. Morrill, nearly opposite Erie station; bronze tablet stamped "1585 HARRISBURG 1899," .......... 1,586.080 TYRONE QUADRANGLE. TYRONE, ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND PENNSYLVANIA AND NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD TO VANSCOYOC (DOUBLE-ROD- DED LINE.) ..... 910.609 Tyrone, in front of passenger station; chiseled shelf in base course (Pennsylvania. Railroad bench mark No. 110), .......... Tyrone, 2 miles north of, northeast wing wall of bridge No. 5; chiseled square, Bail, in front of station; top of rail, ...... Vanscoyoc, just southeast of, 100 feet southeast of cut, 15 feet north of track; chiseled square in top of rock, ...... . 941.20 989 1,395.72 290 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. UNIONTOWN QUADRANGLE. UNIONTOWN, SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO FARMINGTON: . Feet. Summit, 75 feet east of, steps in front of Summit House, in large bowlder in field south side of National pike, 20 feet south of fence; bronze tablet stamped “2418 L’ITTSBURG," ...... 2,417.337 FARMINGTON, SOUTHWEST TO ELLIOTSVILLE. Elliottsville, in north side of east abutment wing wall of stone arch bridge over Sandy Creek; bronze tablet stamped "1569 PITTS- BURG," ..... 1,568.475 FARMINGTON, NORTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO OHIO PYLE, THENCE NORTHWEST ALONG RAILROAD TO SOUTH CONNELS- VILLE THENCE SOUTHWEST TO UNIONTOWN. 1,835:076 Farmington, in southwest corner of foundation of Thomas Rush's hotel ; bronze tablet stamped "1835 PITTSBURG,” ........... Indian Creek, on south, bridge seat, west abutment of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bridge over Indian Creek; bronze tablet stamped “970 PITTSBURG," ........ South Connellsville, on northwest corner of abutment of bridge 969.925 913.84 998.164 mark, Dunbar, in water table at northeast corner of George Swearingen's store ; bronze tablet stamped “999 PITTSBURG,” ....... Ferguson (flag station), 0.25 mile north of, on west side of north abutment of bridge over creek; chisel mark, ........ Lemont Furnace, in water table at northeast corner of Union Sup- ply Company's store; bronze tablet stamped "1059 PITTS- BURG," ..... 1,110.00 1,058.826 WARREN QUADRANGLE. WARREN, NORTH ALONG DUNKIRK, ALLEGHENY VALLEY AND PITTSBURG RAILROAD, TO FENTONVILLE, N. Y. Warren, at street crossing, Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pitts- burg Railroad; top of rail, ..... 1,209.4 North Warren station, road crossing; top of rail, ....... 1,218.5 Warren Asylum, at north side of railroad entrance to powerhouse, west side of building, on window. sill; bronze tablet stamped “1225 ADJ 1903," .. ........... 1,224.538 1,237.461 1,238.8 bridge over Conewago creek ; bronze tablet stamped "1237 ADJ 1903," .... .. ........................... ..... Ackley, road crossing station; top of rail, ...., Ackley, 600 feet west of station, southeast bridge seat of highway and trolley bridge over Conewago creek; bronze tablet stamped "1241 ADJ 1903," ........ Ackley, north end of siding at switch ; top of rail, ............ 1,240.745 1, 248.5 . 291 . STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. RUSSELL, EAST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO CORYDON. Feet. 1,519.282 Russell, 4 miles east of, southeast bridge seat of wooden bridge over Ackley Run; bronze tablet stamped "1519 ADJ 1903," ... Russell, 6.5 miles east of, in southeast foundation stone of Hiram Lonsburry's residence ; bronze tablet stamped "2097 ADJ 1903," 2,096.602 RUSSELL, NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO MARSHS CORNERS, - THENCE SOUTH' TO PUTNAMVILLE, THENCE SOUTHEAST TO MOUTH OF RHIMES RUN. 1,547.012 Russell, 4 miles nortli west of, at Marshs Corners, in northwest foundation stone of Herbert Phillips' residence; bronze tablet stamped "1548 ADJ 1903," ..... Putnamville, 1,300 feet east of schooolhouse, in northwest founda- tion stone of Fletcher's frame residence; bronze tablet stamped “1063 ADJ 1903,” .. 1,662.580 WARREN, SOUTIIDAST ALONG PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD, TO TIONA AND RETURN. 1,218.84 1,304.35 1,342.7 Warren, 2 miles southeast of; railroad bench mark on rock, .... Stoneham; railroad bench mark No. 28 (description not given), Stoneham, road crossing; top of rail, ........ Stoneham station, 150 feet north of, at west entrance of stone building of Elk Tanning Company, in stone doorsill; bronze tab- let stamped "1358 ADJ 1903,” ... Clarendon, railroad crossing; top of rail, ....... 1,357.971 1,391.5 WAYNESBURG QUADRANGLE. CARMICHAELS, WEST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO KHEDIVE, THENCE NORTH TO CLARKSVILLE, THENCE WIST TO RUFF CREEK, THENCE SOUTII TO WAYNESBURG, TIIENCE SOUTHEAST TO POINT MARION. 1,013.055 813.917 Khedive, in west end of residence of Mrs. Sarah Yoder, on founda- tion stone under bay window; aluminum tablet stamped "1013 PITTSBURG," .......... Clarksville, 1 mile south of, covered bridge over Tenmile Creek, northwest wing wall, on coping stone (next to bridge); bronze tablet stamped "814 PITTSBURG," ... Ruff Creek, northeast corner of wooden dwelling house of John Breston, in upper foundation stone; bronze tablet stamped “999 PITTSBURG," Waynesburg, northwest corner of stone court House veranda; bronze tablet stamped “1035 PITTSBURG," Newton, on northeast wing wall of iron bridge, 2 coping stones from bridge; bronze tablet stamped "1010 PITTSBURG," .... 997.447 1,034.196 1,009.275 292 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. Feet. . 931.924 Davistown, in ledge of rocks at end of middle (wooden) bridge, northeast wing wall; bronze tablet stamped “932 PITTSBURG," Davistown 1.5 miles southeast of, iron bridge over Dunkard Creek, on northwest wing wall; chiseled square, ......... 871.62 Y WAYNESBURG, WEST ALONG PUBLIC ROADS TO ROGERSVILLE. Waynesburg, 3 miles west of highway bridge on Rogersville road on southeast abutment; chiseled square, 952.53 I I e ...................... WERNERSVILLE QUADRANGLE. WOMELSDORF, VIA HOST POSTOFFICE, SCHAEFFERSTOWN TULPE- HOCKEN POSTOFFICE), BERNVILLE, GARFIELD AND BROWNS- VILLE, TO WERNERSVILLE. 483.343 433.442 Womelsdorf, 1.5 miles west of, at Philadelphia and Reading Rail- road overhead bridge, at north wall, east side; cut in base (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey bench mark), ........ Womelsdorf, at northwest corner of Main and Second streets, in east side of foundation, south end of Filbert & Bros. store; aluminum tablet stamped “433 HARRISBURG," Host postoffice, west side of Jacob Shaffner & Co.'s store, in top wall; bronze tablet stamped "309 HARRISBURG,”. Schaefferstown (Tulpehocken postoffice), St. Paul's Church, in west side of stone doorsill; bronze tablet stamped "491 HARRIS- BURG,” ... Garfield postoffice, in northeast corner of stone house belonging to postmaster; bronze tablet stamped “367 HARRISBURG,”.... Brownsville (Lower Heidelberg postoffice), in the east side of south front of schoolhouse; bronze tablet stamped “380 HARRIS- : BURG," ....... 368.666 ....... 491.287 367.176 379.472 WERNERSVILLE, WEST ALONG PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL- ROAD AND HIGHWAY, VIA ROBSONIA FURNACE, TO COUNTY LINE. 387.496 394.64 Wernersville, 800 feet west of station, ledge of rock on north side of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad under highway bridge at base of north abutment; bronze tablet stamped “388 HARRIS- BURG," ..................... South Mountain, in front of station; top of rail, ...... Robsonia station, 0.1 mile east of, Philadelphia and Reading Rail- road bridge over creek, north side, middle pier; United States Coast Survey bench mark No. XXIV, ...... Berks-Lancaster County line, about 0.9 mile south of house at road forks, in large bowlder; bronze tablet stamped "983 HAR- RISBURG," .... 432.685 , 982.642 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 293 Feet. WEST CHESTER QUADRANGLE. WEST CHESTER TO WESTTOWN. 458.765 West Chester, near northwest corner of county court house grounds, Market and North High streets, in top of wall; alumi- num tablet stamped “HARRISBURG 459," .................. Westtown, 500 feet west of station, at west end and north side of bridge over Chester creek, in top of approach to wall; bronze tablet stamped “263 HARRISBURG," ...... A 263.118 WESTTOWN, VIA THORNBURY AND DILWORTHTOWN, TO BRANDY- . WINE SUMMIT. theast of West stone. Brandywine Summit, at northeast corner of crossroads, D. B. Martin's residence, in south face of west stone gatepost; bronze tablet stamped “427 HARRISBURG 1900,". 426.944 SPUR LINE, WEST FROM BRANDYWINE SUMMIT TO CHADS FORD STATION. ......... 168.247 Chads Ford, 200 yards east of station, on west abutment of rail- road bridge, south side; bronze tablet stamped "168 HARRIS- BURG 1900,” ....... Elam (discontinued postoffice), 1.25 miles south of, 120 feet west of Wilmington pike, in top of State line stone No. 16; aluminum - tablet stamped “384 HARRISBURG 1900," .. .......... 384.004 STATE CORNER NO. 6 VIA KENNETT SQUARE, WILLOWDALE, UNIONVILLE, GLENHALL AND MARSHALLTON, TO WEST CHES- TER. 387.542 210.6 Willowdale, 350 feet south of postoffice, east side of road to Ken- nett Square, at northeast end of stone chapel, on stone doorsill; bronze' tablet stamped “387 HARRISBURG 1900," ............ Glenhall, Pennsylvania Railroad crossing at station; top of rail, Glenhall, 565 feet north of, 245 feet north of north end of high- way bridge over Brandywine creek, east side of road near spring, in ledge of rock; bronze tablet stamped “216 HARRISBURG 1900," 216.227 WILPEN QUADRANGLE. 1,100.1 967 Turner, in front of station; top of west rail, ....... Black Lick, in front of station; top of west rail, Black Lick, 6 miles north of station, railroad bridge over Two Lick Creek, southwest corner of south abutment, on coping stone; bronze tablet stamped “981 PITTSBURG," .......... Rugh, in front of station; top of west rail, .......... 980.510 1,028.5 294 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLÓGİC SURVEY. YOUNGSTOWN QUADRANGLE. WHEATLAND, NORTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO : SHARPSVILLE.. Teet. Wheatland, 0.25 mile west: of, on southeast bridge seat of iron highway bridge over Shenango river; bronze tablet stamped "842 ADJ 1903," ..................... 841.547 South Sharon (Farrell), in front of station; top of rail, .......... 852.2 Sharon, near high school building, on northeast abutment of iron highway bridge over Shenango river ; bronze tablet stamped "856 ADJ 1903," 855.721 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 2010 MERIDIAN LINES AND MAGNETIC DETERMINATIONS. The following list embraces the description of the meridian marks established by the United States Geological Survey in the course of its work. The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey has also made a number of magnetic observations throughout the State. In this work several meridian lines were established and the true bear- ings of prominent objects determined. These lines being intended for use in testing compasses, extreme accuracy was not required, the intention being to have them correct within one minute of arc, sufficiently accurate for the purpose. This data is compiled from the annual reoprts of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. MERIDIAN LINES AND MAGNETIC DETERMINATIONS. ALLEGHENY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, 1885. The station is 171 feet 7 inches due north of the center of the transit instrument at Allegheny Observatory. (Old.) ALLEGHENY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the public park (Riverview) south of the new Allegheny Observatory. It is marked by a stone 2 feet long and 6 inches square at the top, set flush with the ground, and 229.4 feet south of the south wall of the front stairway to the main entrance of the observatory. A church spire about 27 miles away bears 30° 57'.9 west of true south. ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the northwestern part of the Highland Cemetery, on the north side of the path between lots 934 and 902, being 32.6, 50.7, 10.8, 11.7, 34.1 and 26.1 feet, respectively, from the maple tree at the north west corner of lot 933, the center of the face of the grave stone of Jacob Keyser on lot 937, the southwest corner of lot 935, the northwest corner of lot 903, the maple tree at the southwest corner of lot 901, and the southwest corner of lot 933. The statiori is marked 5 by 7 inch sandstone monument lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902, and set flush with the ground. The mark used was the ball on the spire of Zion's Reform Church, about 1.1 miles distant, which bears 60° 24'.9 east of true south. The Washington school house tower bears 87° 43'.2 east of true south, and the Fifth ward school house tower bears 75° 23'.8 east of true south. 296 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a copper tack in a stub driven almost flush with the ground. It was located on land owned by Mr. Scott Gwines, a surveyor of Altoona. It is about 11 or 2 miles in a northerly direction from the Penn- sylania Railroad station on the Juniata Gap road. This stub was located 304.6 feet in the rear of Mr. James Young's house, and is distant 196.6 feet from the fence just south of the station. The mark or range used was the point of the cupola of the Fairfield school house. This mark or range bears 26° 47'.2 east of true south. The chimney of Mr. James Young's. house bears 64° 22'.2 east of true south. ANDERSONBURG, PERRY COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a point located in the pasture field of the Loys, about 800 feet east of the postoffice. This pasture is second field from Judge Garber's property and across the road from the Loys' barn. The point is distant 161 and 119 feet, respectively, from the northwest corner of the Loys' barn, southeast of the sta- tion, and from a large apple tree north of the station. It is also distant 109, 28, and 109.7 feet, respectively, from the fences south and west of the station and the southwest corner of this pasture field, next to the road. The mark or range used was the eastern ridge of Mr. McKee's barn. This mark or range bears 88° 39'.4 west of true south. BEAVER, BEAVER COUNTY.. Location of station: In public park, eastward from court house. Station mark: An octagonal sandstone post 60 by 15 by 15 inches, set 40 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. Distant mark: North of station 603 feet; an octagonal sandstone post 70 by 15 by 15 inches, set 40 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. Residence referee: The County surveyor. BEDFORD, BEDFORD COUNTY, 1902. The merdian line established by the county surveyor in 1877 back of the court house was tested and it was found that the south stone bore from the north stone 0° 03'.4 west of true south. As this station is not suitable for magnetic observations the magnetic sta- tion was located on the grounds of the Arandale Hotel south of town. It is in the large field back of the hotel, across the brook about 200 feet. It is about 150 feet east of the line joining the first two apple trees and about 10 feet southeast of a stump projecting STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 297 about 6 inches out of the ground. It 'is 152.0 feet, 173.6 feet and 181.8 feet, respectively, from the nearest three apple trees. It is marked by a marble stone 3 feet long and 94 inches square, set flush with the ground and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The laiſ- inch hole drilled in the center marks the point. The mark used was the spire of the Methodist church (the one with a cross), bearing 17° 51'.5 west of true north. The spire of the Catholic Church bears 12° 12'.5 west of true north. BELLEFONTE, CENTER COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made over a sandstone post located in a field owned by Mr. T. A. Shoemaker, of Bellefonte, and known as "Half Moon Hill,” The post is 7 by 8 inches at the top, projects about 4 inches above the ground, and is lettered U. S. C. & G. S. It is about one-quarter of a mile west of the Pennsylvania Railroad station, and is between the house of George Meese and Mrs. Rapp. It is 113.8 feet from the west corner of George Meese's yard and 113.2 feet from the south fence of the field next to the road. The tallest church spire visible bears 63° 13'.4 east of true north. The church spire with the cross on it bears 36° 50'.9 east of true north. spire . BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, 1902. The station is on the property of the Sixth District State Normal School, or “Bloomsburg Normal School," being 114 feet from the west fence and 49.4 feet from the north fence. The station is marked by a marble poșt, 48 by 38 by 41 inches, and letter U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the Presbyterian Church spire, which bears 27° 31'.2 west of true south. The tip of the town hall bears 32° 38'.8 west of true south. The tip of the tower of the. High School bears 52° 03'.8 west of true south. BROOKVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, 1902. The station is west of the county meridian, in the town reserve for church purposes. It is 175 feet more or less northwest of the Free Methodist Church, and about 13 feet northeast, 9 feet south- east, 38 feet west, and 35 feet northwest, respectively, of four large oak trees. The station is marked by a white marble post, 8 by 8 inches, set flush with the ground, and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was a spire of the Methodist Church, which bears 2° 26'.9 east of true south. The Catholic Church spire bears 21° 41'.1 west of true south. The tip of the tower of the court house bears 6° 39'.4 west of true south. Declinations were made also over the south stone of the county meridian line. 298 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the North Side Cemetery, on Monument avenue, between blocks 17 and 18. It is 2.5 feet from the north edge of the avenue, 67:4 feet from the southeast corner of block 17, and 64.7 feet from the southwest corner of block 17. The place is marked by a piece of Cleveland sandstone 3 feet long and 6 inches square, set flush with the ground and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. ' The mark used was the court house spire, which bears 6° 06'.5 east of true south. The Presbyterian Church spire bears 19° 22'.4 east of true south. The tip of the Berg monument bears 22° 23'.0 west of true north. CHAMBERSBURG, FRANKLIN COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over the center of a granite post about midway between the north and south meridian stones of the meri- dian line which had been established at the almshouse farm. It is 206.1 feet north of the south meridian stone and about 130 feet east of a large tree. Its position is well known. The almshouse is about 11 miles east of Chambersburg, and is adjacent to a small village called Stoufferstown. The inark or range used was the western ridge of a frame building, and it bears 8° 12'.) east of true south. CLARION, CLARION COUNTY. Location of station: In court house grounds west of the building. 'Station mark: A stone post 48 by 12 by 12 inches, set 42 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. Distant mark: South of station 401.2 feet, in public park, south of Main street; a stone post 48 by 12 by 12 inches, set 42 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. Resident referees: The county commissioners. . . CLARION, CLARION COUNTY, 1902. The station is at the south stone of the county meridian line, es- tablished by the United States Geological Survey, in the park op- posite the court house. The center of the clock dial on the court house': bear's 7° 05².7 west of true south. The old Presbyterian Church steeple bears 77° 55'.5 west of true south. Declination ob- servations were also made at the north end of the meridian line, showing a large local disturbance. II CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian line established in 1895 by the county surveyor near the county home. :his stone is about 50 feet beyond the drive leading from the road STATE OF PIONNSYLVANIA, into the home. It is of brown sandstone 0.9 by 1.5 feet on top and projects about a foot above ground. A similar stone about one- fourth “mile distant marks the north end of the line. The instru- ment was centered over the middle of the west edge of south stone. The west corner of the county home bears 29° 18'.1 west of true south. The south corner of the same bears 44° 32'.2 west of true south. COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the Eulalia Cemetery, in the grass path to the east of the Armstrong lot. It is 2.4 feet from the point of the northwest corner stone of the lot east of the Armstrong lot and 2.8 feet northeast from the point of the letter A on top of the north- east corner stone of the Armstrong lot. It is also 18.1 feet north- east of the northeast corner of the base of the Armstrong monu- ment. The station is marked by an oak post 8 inches square, set flush with the surface of the ground and with a copper rivet on its top, which is lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the Catholic Church spire, which bears 71° 48'.0 east of true north. The brick stack of the Pentaning tannery bears 61° 28'.3 west of true south. ( . CARLISLE, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made at the south stone of the meridian line, located on the fair grounds north of town. The line is about 700 feet long and is marked by two marble posts 6 inches · square and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. S. M. (or N. M.) The south stone is 85 feet from the south post of the gate leading into the grounds at the south- of the track, and also 164.6 feet from the southeast corner of the stand within the race track. CURWENSVILLE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, 1902. The station is in Oak Hill Cemetery, almost in the west line of Robert Neeper's lot, being 26.4 feet from the southeast corner of the southeast marker of J. Hartshorn's lot, 11.8 feet from the southwest corner of the base of the Bilger monument, and 16.5 feet from the southwest corner of the southeast corner stone of the Bilger lot. The station is marked by a sandstone post 5 inches square, set flush with the ground, and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the higher steeple of the Methodist church, which bears 30° 29'.1 west of true south. The tip of the tower of the Patton graded school bears 35° 13'.3 west of true south. The north gable point of John Robinson's house bears 57° 58'.2 east of true south. 300 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. 7 DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the Reform Church Cemetery, on the south edge of the grass-covered east and west main road, being 1 foot north of the north line of the third lot from the west side of the cemetery, 80 feet from the west fence, 110 feet from the south fence, and 34.7 feet south of the southwest corner of the base of the Bergner monu- ment. The station is marked by a granite post 6 by 6 inches at the top, set flush with the ground, and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the Grove Presbyterian Church spire, which bears 84° 48'.2 west of true north. The tip of the tower of the State Asylum main building bears 0° 46'.9 west of true south. The tip of the tower of the German Catholic Church bears 78° 22'.5 west of true north. DOYLESTOWN, BUCKS COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the northern part of the grounds of the National, Farm School, almost in the line of the memorial elms planted on the west side of the institution road leading from the public high- way to the main building. It is some 190 or 200 feet from the center line of the public road to the north, 18.5 feet west of the center line of the institution road, and is 8.9, 37.7, 49.9, and 31.7 feet, respec- tively, from elms "planted in memory of Mrs. J. Miller, Alex. Rein- stine, Milton Mayers, and F. Greenburg. The station is marked by a 6 by 6 inch marble monument, lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902, and projecting 6 inches above the ground. The mark used was the gable point on the southeast side of a large barn on a distant knoll, which bears 33° 15'.6 west of true north. The base of flag pole on the main institution building bears 47° 17'.1 west of true south. The north- west edge of the east brick chimney on Burpee's Seed Company ware- house bears 85° 10'.1 east of true south. Declination observations were made also over the south stone of the county meridian line, showing considerable local disturbance. EBENSBURG, CAMBRIA COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made over a marble post located in the south- east corner of the court house yard. This post is 64 inches square on top, projects about 3 inches above ground, and is lettered U. S. C. & G. S. A church spire bears 26° 01'.3 east of true north. The steeple on the third house south of the southwest corner of the · court house yard bears 47° 28'.9 west of true south. ERIE, ERIE COUNTY, 1885. The station is located in the grounds of the marine hospital, 138 feet one inch east-southeast of the southeast corner of the hospital building. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 301 EASTON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the western part of the Lafayette College athletic grounds, inside the 14-foot track. It is probably 700 feet northwest from Bache's station of 1841, which was "in yard south of Lafayette College." The distances to the center of the track are, on the north 148 feet on the east 295 feet, and on the west 70 feet. The station is marked by a marble monument, 6 inches square, let- tered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902, and set one-half inch below the surface of the ground. The mark used was the spire of St. Mark's Church, which bears 37° 25'.9 west of true south. The west tower on Pasa- nosa Inn bears 28° 26'.5 east of true north. The ball on chapel clock tower bears 53° 35'.4 east of true south. ELULALIA POSTOFFICE, OR SHEFFIELD JUNCTION, FOREST COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the grounds about Elulia or Howe township northwest corner of the school and 45.2 feet from the southwest corner of the same. It is about 60 feet north of the Standard Oil Company's pipe line. The station is marked by a white marble post 8 inches square on top, which is lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902 and set flush with the ground. The mark used was the east point of the Pittsburg and Western Railway station roof, which bears 38° 54'.8 bears 34° 53'.3 east of true south. . EAST EMPORIUM, CAMERON COUNTY, 1902... The station is in the Wiley Cemetery, 47.6 feet a little north of west from the northeast corner of the base of the Colson monu- ment, 57.4 feet northwest of the northwest corner of the water table of the Dr. S. S. Smith vault, and 2.5 feet from the center of the marker at the northeast corner of the “W” lot. The station is marked by a 4 by 8 inch flagstone, marked U. S C. & G. S. 1902, and projecting 2 inches above ground. The mark used was the tip of the bell tower of Shippen township school, which bears 57° 24'.0 west of true north. The south gable point of the house of Mark German bears 77° 19'.0 east of true north. The large stack of Brady's fur- nace bears 78° 44'.1 west of true north. The station is in Evergreen Cemetery, at the north corner of lot 69, at the junction of three 4-foot paths, being 908 feet from the northwest corner of the base of the Mack monument, and 92 feet from the northeast corner of the Bowman monument. The station is marked by a stone post 54 by 54 inches, set flush with the ground, the top being rounded off and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The 302 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. mark used was the Lutheran Church spire in Upper Mauch Chunk, which bears 13° 44'.5 west of true south. The iron chimney of the power station bears 38° 46'.8 west of true south. EAST STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, 1902. - The station is in Prospect Cemetery, about 650 feet southwest of the entrance gate, and on aboạt the highest point of the main east and west road. It is 44 feet from the bottom of the letter T in the main name on the Brutzman monument, and 40.4 feet from the top of the letter A in the main name on the Dereamer monument and 21.7 feet from the first small dogwood tree to the southwest. The station is marked by a marble monument, about 71 inches square at the top, set flush with the ground, and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the Methodist Church spire in Strouds- burg, which bears $1° 46.8 west of true south. The base of flag pole on State Normal school bears 8° 12'.9 east of true north. The Stroudsburg court house tower bears 86° 17'.3 west of true south. VI FANNETTSBURG, FRANKLIN COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a point located in the pasture field of the Rev. Mr. Gordon, about 300 or 350 yards from the hotel. It is distant 133.4 and 44.3 feet, respectively, from the northwest cor- ner of this pasture field, and from its north fence line. It is distant 79.2, 63.5 and 46.9 feet, respectively, from three cherry trees north of the station, and north of the fence line. It is also distant 48.6 feet from an apple tree east of the station. The mark or range used was the ridge of a barn. This mark or range bears 24° 48'.4 east of true south. GREENSBURG, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Location of station: In park connected with the high school, just west of the northwest corner of the building. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, on center of top of which is cemetend a bronze tablet. Distant mark: South of station 234.4 feet; a stone post similar to that at station, set 38 inches in the ground just south of driveway and east of Main street. Resident referee: The county surveyor. GREENSBURG, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made at the south stone of the meridian line located in the field back of the east wing of the county home. This fine is marked hv two marble posts 6 inches square and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. S. M. (or. N. M.) The south stone is about 90 feet from the hedge fence and about 350 feet distant from the south stone. The mark or range used was the right edge of a school STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 303 building about a mile distant. This mark or range bears 69° 03.3 east of true north. C 'T 1 GREENSBURG, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, 1902. The station of 1901 was re-occupied. It is the south stone of the meridian line established at that time in the field back of the east wing of the county home. This line is marked by two marble posts 6 inches square and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. S. M. (or N. M.) The south stone is about 90 feet from the hedge fence and about 200 feet from the wooden fence along the road at the back of the home. The north stone is about 350 feet from the south stone. The right edge of a school building is about a mile distant bears 69° 03'.3 east of true north. GETTYSBURG, ADAMS COUNTY, 1901. Observation were made at the south stone of the meridian line about 700 feet long, located on the county farm at the northeast edge of the town. The line is marked by dark grained marble posts 6 inches square and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. S. M. (or N. M., The south stone is in the large field northwest of the barn. It is imme- diately north of the small orchard and 25 feet from the wooden rail fence. The mark or range used was the tip of the tower on the main college building. This mark or range bears 40° 40'.6 west of true south. HARRISBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made at the north stone of the meridian line located on Hargests (or Forsters) Island. The line is marked by 2 marble posts 54 inches square and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. N. M. (or S. M.) The north stone is 77.5 feet from the south corner of the stable and 77.7 feet from the north corner of the grand stand. The mark or range used was the east edge of a tall brick chimney across the river. This mark or range bears 8° 15'.0 east of true south. The flagstaff on the opera house bears 54° 08'.4 east of true north. HATBORO, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1900. . Observations were made over a copper tack in a small stake lo- cated on the farm of Mr. Harry Woodfall, about a mile east of town. This stake is driven in the ground about the center of a pasture field south of Mr. Woodfall's house. It is distant 89.5, 186.8, 216.2 and 230.1 feet, respectively, from the west, from the south, from the east fences of this pasture field, and from its northwest corner next to the road. It is also distant 301.2 feet from a cherry tree near the southwest corner of Mr. Woodfall's house. The mark or range used was the lighting rod on the cupola of Mr. John Lloyd's barn. This mark or range bears 21° 54'.8 west of true south. 20—No. 7 304 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. HONESDALE, WAYNE COUNTY, 1902. The station is on the property of Henry Z. Russsell, on Irvin Cliff, some 320 feet above general elevation of the town, and about 1,400 feet northeast of the court house. It is east of the Lackawaxen River on a projection of red shale overhanging the river, and about in line of the railway water tank and the flag pole on Irving Cliff. The station is marked by a one inch square stub about 8 inches long. Five holes were drilled in the rock ledge as reference marks, the station being 25.9 feet in a northeasterly direction from one of these holes drilled in the surface of the ledge and 36.9 feet in a southwesterly direction from a second hole drilled in the face of the ledge. The mark used was the Bethany Church steeple, about 31 miles distant which bears 35° 56'.O west of true north. The Epis- copal Church spire in Honesdale bears 24° 40'.5 west of true south. The German Catholic Church tower in Honesdale bears 5° 18'.8 west of true south. Declination observations were made also over the south stone of the county meridian line in the court-house grounds. . 2 HUNTINGDON, HUNTINGDON COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a tack in a stub located on the farm of Mr. J. Murray Africa, C. E., situated on the Lower Rock Creek road, east of Huntingdon. Mr. Africa established a meridian line on his farm in 1880 and marked it with meridian stones about 2 by 5 inches on top. The center is marked with a cross in a lead bolt. On account of the nature of the ground these stones could not be occupied. The stub is distant 21.46 feet south of the north meridian stone and 244.5 feet north of the south meridian stone. It is also distant 21.6 feet from a fence near the north stone and 81.3 feet from a fir tree southeast of the station. The mark or range used was the cupola of the court house tower. This mark or range bears 48° 47'.2 west of true south. INDIANA, INDIANA COUNTY.. Location of station: In Normal School grounds, eastward from the main building. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 'by 8 by 8 inches, set 38 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is cemetented a bronze tablet. Reference mark: Southeast corner of Normal School building; S. 88° 03' W., distant 156.75 feet. Distant,mark: North of station 627.3 feet; a sandstone post simi- lar to station mark, set 38 inches in the ground. Reference mark: Southeast corner of Model School building, S 70° 10' W., distant 156.5 feet. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 305 INDIANA, INDIANA COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian line established in 1999 by the United States Geological Survey on the campus of the Indiana State Normal School. This stone is in front of the south front of the main building and about 75 feet nearly south of the fountain. The stones are 6 inches square on top and have copper disks sunk into them. They project several inches above ground. The mark or range used was the spire of the United Presbyterian Church. This mark or range bears 41° 52.7 east of true north. INGLEBY, CENTER COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a large rock, a corner of which projects above the ground. This rock is marked by a cross with a small hole marking the center. It is located in a clump of trees about three-eighths of a mile north of the railway station and about one fourth of a mile east of the Baker stock farm. It is distant 65.5, 60.5, 73.5 and 59 feet, respectively, from a small cherry tree, from a chestnut tree, from a pine tree, and from an oak bush. The mark or range used was a pine tree on the mountain. This mark or range bears 7° 42'.3 west of true south. KEATING, CLINTON COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the yard of the Keating School, being 36.2 feet southwest from the northwest corner of the schoolhouse, 38.5 feet from the southwest corner of the same, 31 feet north of a pine tree, and 24 feet east of a blazed tree. The station is marked by a 4 by 8 inch flagstone, set flush with the ground and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the north gable point of the store near the station, which bears 37° 26'.2 east of true south. The tip of the Philadelphia and Erie Railway tank bears 2° 59'.9 west of true south. The center of the west end tie bolt in the upper south corner of the west truss of the Philadelphia and Erie Railway bridge bears 68° 16'.2 east of true south. KITTANNING, ARMSTRONG COUNTY.', Location of station; In grounds connected with city reservoir, about one-fourth mile north of court house. Station mark: Stone post 36 by 8 by 8 inches, set 33 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. Reference marks: Board fence, east 68.1 feet; board fence, south 4 feet. Distant mark; North of station (across the reservoir), about 400 feet, a post similar to that at the south station. Reference marks: Board fence, east 49 feet; board fence, north 4.2 feet. 306 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. . . KITTANNING, ARMSTRONG COUNTY, 1902. The station is on the reservoir grounds of the water company and is in the meridian line established by the United State Geological Survey. The station is marked by a copper nail in the top of a stub, which is 24.5 feet south of the north stone of the meridian line, 28.5 feet from the north fence, and 50.8 feet from the east fence. The mark used was the spire of the Lutheran Church, seen just to the right of a large brick chimney, and bears 54° 28'.4 west of true south. LANCASTER, LANCASTER COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made at a point 328 feet east and 2 feet north of the south stone of a meridian line on the grounds of the Chil- drens' Home in the southeast quarter of the city. This line is about 400 feet long and is marked by two limestone posts 8 inches square, projecting 3 inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. N. M. (or S. M.) The centers of the drill holes in the stones designate the meridian line. - LEBANON, · LEBANON COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made at the south stone of the meridian line 500 feet long located in the first field west of the county almshouse. The line is marked by marble posts 61 inches square, projecting 4 inches above ground and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. N. M. (or S. M.) The south stone is on the south side of the creek and 9 feet from the fence along the road. The north stone is on the other side of the creek and 10 feet from the fence. The mark or range used was the church spire, which bears 1° 17'.8 west of true north. LEWISBURG, UNION COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a point located in the college cam- 'pus, about 300 feet south of the college building, on the right-hand side of the road leading to the main building, and near the fork in the roads. It is in line with a row of shade trees and is distant 31.2 and 65 feet, respectively, from the first tree east and from the first west of the station. The mark or range used was the central light- ning rod on. Mr. Frank Miller's barn. This mark or range bears 48° 04'.2 west of true south. TTY LOCK HAVIN, CLINTON COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made over a white marble post 63 inches square, projecting 31 inches above ground, and lettered U. S. C. &. G. S. This post is on a piece of public land along the river front, east of the wooden bridge. It is 16 feet from the river bank and 62 feet east of the canal. The southeast edge of a house with four pil- lars, across the river, bears 23° 00'.4 east of true north. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 307 LEWISTOWN, MIFILIN COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over the south stone of the county meri- dian line established on the almslıouse farm, about three-fourths of a mile northeast of town. These stones are five inches square, and they can be easily found. One is near a private road and thejother is near a public road. The mark or range used was the tip of the court house dome. This mark or range bears 72° 24'.6 west of true south. MANSFIELD, TIOGA COUNTY. Location of station: Southwest of South Hall, State Normal School. Station mark: Sandstone post 42 by 8 by 8 inches, set 40 inches in the ground, in center of stop of which is cemetend a bronze tablet. Reference mark: Academy street (curb), 14 feet west. Distant márk: North of station 213.5 feet; a sandstone post sim- ilar to station mark. Reference marks: Walk, 4.5 feet north ; South Hall, 87.7 feet east. 7 1 . MASON AND DIXON LINE, TAYETTE COUNTY, 1897. The observations were made at a point in the field 273 feet north of the Michler monument, which marks the intersection of the Mich- ler meridian line with the Pennsylvania or Mason and Dixon line. MEADVILLE, CRAWFORD COUNTY, 1902.. The station is in St. Bridget's Catholic Cemetery, in the prospec- tive addition, east of the older portion, being 75.1 feet from the northeast corner of the base of the Gary: monument and 96.6 feet from the northeast corner of the base of the Lyons monument. The station is marked by a white marble stone 7 inches by 78 inches at the top, which is lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902, and projects 1 inch above ground. The mark used was the State Street Church tower, which bears 17° 19'.5 west of true north. The Presbyterian Church spire bears 18° 03'.3 west of true north. The tower of Allegheny College bears 18° 46'.5 west of true north. MERCER, MERCER COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the cemetery at the south side of a road and to the north of the Pearson lot, being 42.9 feet from the northwest cor- ner of the base of the Wallace monument, 42.1 feet from the base of the James McKee monument, and 37.6 feet from the base of the Howard monument. The station is marked by a white marble stone, 6 inches square at the top, which is flush with the ground and let- tered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the Methodist Church tower, which bears 21° 29'.2 east of true north. The court . 308 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. house tower bears 5° 57'.6 west of true north. The high school tower bears 19° 19'.7 east of true north. Declination observations were made also over the south stone of the county meridian line in the court house grounds. MILFORD, PIKE COUNTY, 1902. • The station is in the Milford Cemetery, almost in the straight line joining the Beam and Kleinhaus monuments, between which it is located, being 40.5 feet from the center of a star on the south face of the Kleinhaus monument, 46.6 feet from the top of the “A” in the main name on the Beam monument, about 85 feet east of the Baker vault and 4 feet north of the edge of the main cemetery road. It is marked by a copper rivet set in a cedar post 41 inches in diameter, set flush with the ground. The mark used was the south gable point of the Villa Inn, which bears 31° 08'.5 east of true north. The south gable point of Doctor Reed's residence bears 26° 08'.4 east of true north. The south gable point of Doctor De Place's residence bears 36° 24'.3 east of true north. Observations for declination were made also at the south stone of the county meridian, showing a large local disturbance. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, 1901. into the ground. This stub is located in a small orchard back of the house and stable of Mr. J. F. Stetler. It is 43.3 feet from the corner of the stable, 17.2 feet from the line of the stable produced on the west side, and 28 feet from a small apple tree (the one closest to the stable). The center of the ball on the church tower bears 32° 53'.3 west of true north. MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, 1902. The station is the south stone of the county meridian line. It is about 300 feet northeast from the court house, in the public square. The meridian line is marked by two granite posts, 64 by 10 inches at the top and projecting 2 feet above ground. The mark used was the south gable point of a small frame house to the north- west, which bears 30° 51'.5 west of true north. The court house tower bears 58° 55'.8 west of true south. NEWCASTLE, LAWRENCE COUNTY, 1902. The station is in Graceland Cemetery, in the reserve, and in the approximate center of a large circular plat some 250 yards west of the sexton's house. It is 7.1 feet northeast of the center stake of the circular reserve plat and 71.7 feet northwest from the north- west corner of the base of the monument on the southeastern edge of the same plat. The station is marked by a black marble stone STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. ... 309 8.1 inches square, chamfered at the top, which is lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902, and projects 1.5 inches.. The Methodist Church spire in Croton bears 19° 224.4 west of true south. The spire of the ceme- tery chapel bears 74° 26'.6 west of true north. The south gable point of the McKee house bears 1° 35'.9' west of true north. NEWPORT, FERRY COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a point located on the property of Mr. Gibson Fickes, about three-eight of a mile north of the town, about 350 feet east of the Pennsylvania Railway, and northeast of the ball grounds. This point is in line with the Fickes ’farm house and the chimney of a brick factory. It is also in line with Mr. Fickes' barn and the residence of Mr. Myers. It is distant 252.8, 291.2 and 134 feet, respectively, from the southeast corner of the foundation of the large barn northwest of the station, from the southeast corner of a farmhouse southwest of the station, and from the center of North Fourth street, east of the station. It is also distant 27.5, 113.3 and 108.5 feet, respectively, from the fences north, south and east of the station. It is distant 78.4 and 64.8 feet, re- spectively, from two large cherry trees northeast of the station. The mark or range used was the spire of the Presbyterian church. This mark or range bear 44° 35'.6 east of true south. PENBRYN OR CARPENTER POSTOFFICE, LYCOMING COUNY, 1902. The station is in the school grounds of the Carpenter school, being 40 feet northwest from the northeast corner of the school foundation and 41.8 feet from the northwest corner of the school foundation. Six holes were drilled as reference marks in the out- croppings of red shale. The station is 5.5 feet southeast of one of these drill holes and 5 feet northwest of a second. The chimney of the Kiff house about 21 miles distant bears 29° 36'.1 east of true north. The west gable of the Northern Central Railway station bears 6° 40'.5 east of true north. PHILADELPHIA, PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, 1890 (GIRARD COLLEGE.) The station is marked by a dressed marble post 18 inches long and 4 by 4 inches on top and lettered U. S. C. S. It is sunk flush with surface of the ground, and is distant 109 feet from the outer edge of the curbstone of the paved road running through the college grounds, just south of the mechanical school building. It is also distant 295 feet from the inner edge of the western stone wall around these grounds. No longer suitable for magnetic observa- tions. 310 .. TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : PHILADELPHIA, PHIILADELPHIA COUNTY, 1895. Observations were made over a dressed marble post 4 inches by 4 inches by 30 inches, with intersecting grooves, sunk flush with sur- face of the ground. This post is located in the grounds of the Penn- sylvania Hospital for the Insane, near Forty-first and West Market streets, distant 50 yards from the center of the Doric Summer House. The mark or range used was the spire of the Reformed Episcopal church and bears 14° 55'.3 east of true south. Rod on the .. chimney of the "Fisher Ward North” bears 79° 47'.0 west of true north. · POTTSVILLE, SCUYLKILL COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a point located on the farm of Mrs. Germy, about one-half mile northwest of the court house. This point is on the south slope of a hill southwest of Mrs. Germy's house, distant 51.4 feet from a lone tree which is in line between this point and the court house tower. The mark or range used was the cross on St. John's Church, which is seen over Mrs. Germy's house. This mark or range bears 27° 28'.1 east of true south. READING, BERKS COUNTY, 1900. Observations were made over a point located on the farm of Mr. William Irwin, which is about 2 miles from Reading in a southerly direction, and is about 1 mile east of the "Kicks House.” The point is located in the field west of Mr. Irwin's house and orchard. It is near the public road in the north west corner of his field, and is dis- tant 14.5 and 84.8 feet, respectively, from its north and west fences. It is also distant 86.5 and 46 feet, respectively, from the central trees of two clumps of cherry trees across the road from this station. The mark or range used was the ridge of an old barn over the ridge to the southward. This mark or range bears 9° 39'.0 west of true south. . RIDGWAY, ELK COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the Catholic Cemetery in the path to the south of lot 89 and is 2.7 feet northeast of the northwest corner of the lot southeast of lot 89 and 2.2 feet southeast of the southwest corner of the lot east of lot 89. The station is marked by a white marble post 5 by 7 inches, set flush with the ground and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the spire on the residence of N. T. Arnold which bears 62° 40'.5 west of true south. The north gable point of the Elk County General Hospital bears 46° 12.7 east of true south. The Lutheran Church tower bears 5° 46'.6 east of true south. Declina- tion observations were made also at the north end of the county meridian line, showing considerable local disturbance. - STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. : 311 - ... ROCKY GROVE (FRANKLIN), VENANGO COUNTY, 1902. The station is in Franklin Cemetery, in a path between lots 16 and 17 of section S, being 3 feet from the southwest corner of lot 17 and 2.8 feet from the southeast corner of lot 16. The station is marked by a blue marble stone 5 inches square at the top, which is lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902 and projects 11 inches. The mark used was the north gable point of H. J. James' residence, which bears 84°- 16'.5 east of true north. The southeast corner of the hos- pital bears 37° 53'.3 west of true south. The east gable of the F. Mitchell vault bears 28° 14'.5 east of true south. TTY SATTERFIELD, SULLIVAN COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the yard about the Satterfield school, in what is known as Cherry Flats, Cherry township, being 71.5 feet northeast of the northeast corner of the foundation of the school building, 48.6 feet a little south of east from a maple tree, and 66 feet a little south of west from a second maple tree. The station is marked by a marble post, 6 by 6 inches, projecting 1 inch and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The north gable point on P. Hennessey's barn bears 37° 25'.7 west of true south. The flag pole at Liken's, colliery bears 24° 36'.3 east of true south. The north gable point of M. Waldron's house bears 4° 37'.9 east of true south. SCRANTON, LACKAWANNA COUNTY, 1902. A meridian line was located in' Nay-Aug Park, to be used as a county meridian line. It is marked by granite posts 51 feet long, dressed to 1 foot square for 1 foot from the top. The two stones are about 544 feet apart on opposite sides of Nay-Aug Creek, the line joining them passing over the tunnel of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. The north stone projects about 8 inches above ground, and has a top in the form of a flat pyramid, a drill hole at the apex marking the exact point. It is 800 or 900 feet southeast from the merry-go-round. The south stone projects about 1 foot 'above ground, and has a north and south groove in its top surface. It is capped by a bronze plate. Magnetic observations were made at the north stone. From it the tower tip to the right of the chimney on L. A. Watres' mansion bears 81° 09'.0 east of true north. - SILVER LAKE, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, 1902. . The station is on the Rose Bros. property. The station is in the orchard to the southeast of the Rose house, and almost in line of the westernmost row of apple trees, being between the ninth and tenth trees, counting from the north end of the row. The station 312 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. : ГОРО is marked by a marble monument 6 by 6 inches, set with the top somewhat below the general surface of the ground, and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The west gable point of the Casville house bears 65° 22'.6 east of true north. The north gable point of the Rose sawmill bears 63° 59'.3 east of true south. The south gable point of the Rose house bears 55° 17'.7 west of true north. SLATE RUN, LYCOMING COUNTY, 1902. The station is in a cemetery reserve, across the creek from the railway station, on the Tomb property. The station is 55.9 feet northeast of a blazed pine, 24.7 feet a little north of east from the southeast corner of the base of the Dan Sander monument, 22.8 feet a little east of south from the southeast corner of the base of the Tomb monument, 54.4 feet southwest of a blazed pine and 76.1 feet north west of a double apple tree. The station is marked by a copper rivet set in a 1 by 1 by 30 inch stake, driven flush with the ground and surrounded by a cairn of stone. The mark used was the spire of the Methodist Church, which bears 32° 47.5 east of true north. The southwest corner of the Slate Run schoolhouse bears 62° 43'.7 east of true south. SMETHPORT, McKEAN COUNTY, 1902. The station is located in the approximate center of the Oak Hill Cemetery, in the grass footpath at the northeast corner of the Wil- liams lot. It is 12.1 feet northeast of the northeast corner of the base of the Williams inonument and 42.5 feet a little south of west from the southwest corner of the base of the Thomm monument. A sandstóne slate marker, 53 inches square, tapering to 1.3 inches marks the station. The mark used was the court house tower, about three fourths of a mile distant, which bears 58° 25'.3 west of true north. The Episcopal Church spire bears 58° 40'.9 west of true north. The west gable point on Coombs' barn bears 50° 45'.9 east of true south. SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made over the wooden post midway between the ends of the meridian line established in the court house yard. The ends are marked by cast iron bars about 4 feet long, firmly set in stones. This line was established by the county sureyor in 1875. SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, 1902. . The station of 1901 was reoccupied. It is in the court house yard at a wooden post midway and in line between the north and south monuments of the county meridian line. The station is 20.5 feet east of the west fence of the court house yard and 66 feet from the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 313 south meridian monument. The left edge of Mr. Dice Woy's house bears 35° 03'.7 east of true north. 1 TIONESTA, FOREST COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the Riverside Cemetery of the I. 0. O. F., at the intersection of the main avenues of the cemetery, being at the north- east corner of lot 42, section D, belonging to Robert Hunter. It is 30.3 feet from the northeast corner of the base of the Hunter monument, 24.7 feet from the northeast corner of the base of the Wenk monument and 72 feet from the northwest corner of the base of the Robinson monument. The station is marked by a marble post 57 inches square at the top, which is flush with the ground and letter U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the east gable of J. F. Proper's house, which bears 7° 42'.6 east of true south. The north gable of Q. Jamison's house bears 10° 51'.6 west of true south. The west gable point of Mrs. Kennison's house bears 33° 42'.3 east of true north. TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, 1902. The station is in Oak Hill Cemetery, in the third triangular grass- plat on the east side of the cemetery, counting from the entrance gate. It is 99.3 feet north west of the northwest corner of the base of the Putnam monument, and $7 feet a little south of west from the northwest corner of the base of the Pratt monument. The station is marked by a marble post 6 by 6 inches projecting 2 inches and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. ' The mark used was the Hornbrook Church steeple, which bear's 24° 53'.5 west of true north. The Meth- odist Church spire in North Towanda bears 7° 55'.0 west of true. north. Tlie north gable point on George H. Wood's house bears 76° 03'.1 east of true south. TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING COUNTY, 1902. The station is in Sunnyside Cemetery on a piece of reserve ground at the center of the cenietery, being 22.3 feet southeast from the Kunzman monument, 30.4 feet east of the northeast corner of the base of the Billings monument and 15.3 feet west of the small Wal- ter monuument. The station is marked by a St. Lawrence marble post 6 by 6 inches, projecting about 1 inch and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the cross on the Methodist Church spire, which bears S8° 06'.6 west of trụe, south. The court house tower bears 89° 04'.0 west of true south. The west gable point on Charles Lane's house bears 83° 04'.1 east of true north. ITT - - 314 TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. UNIONTOWN, FAYETTE COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made at the South stone of the meridian line located on the fair grounds, north of the town. This line was es- tablished by the county in 1851. It is about 1,200 feet long and is marked by dřill holes in two rough stone posts 4 by 7 inches and projecting 6 inches above ground. The north stone is 21 feet from the wooden fence opposite the north end of the race track. The south stone is within the track and is 3 feet from the south end of the track. The tip of the court house tower bears 8° 43':3 east of true south. WARREN, WARREN COUNTY, 1.902. The station is in the Oakland Cemetery of the 1. 0. 0. T. It is ini dice center of a path between lots 24 and 23, belonging to J. R. Bowers and L. P. Rogers, respectively. The station is 31 feet southeast of the southeast corner of the base of the Eddy monu- ment, 61.1 feet west of the south west corner of the base of the Burgie monument and 34.4 feet northeast of the northwest corner of the base of the Boon Magee inonument. The station is marked by a white marble post, 5 inches square at the top, which is three- fourths inch below the general surface and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The mark used was the court house tower, which bears 16° . O finery bears 31° 05'.9 east of true north. The large brick stack at the center of the Cornplanter Refinery bears 76° 03'.3 east of true. south. Declination observations were made ‘also over the south stone of the county meridian line, showing considerable local dis- turbance. WASIIINGTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY. . ; Location of station: A few feet north of sidewalk, on the south . side of and near the south west corner of the campus of Washington and Jefferson College. Station mark: A sandstone post 48 by 12 by 12 inches, set about 40 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze meridian tablet. Distant mark: North of station 482 feet, a sandstone post about 48 by 12 by 12 inches, set about 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze meridian tablet. WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian line located on the front campus of Washington and Jefferson Col- lege. This stone is near the southwest corner of the campus, and the north stone is about 500 feet distant. The line was established by the United States Geological Survey in 1900. · STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 315 WAYNESBURG, GREENE COUNTY, 1902. Observations were made over the north stone of the meridian line. This is a stone set in a larger stone about 2 feet square. It is about 300 feet north of the public school and Waynesburg College. The south stone is in the sidewalk near the northwest corner of the court house. This line was established by the county in the year 1850. This station was reoccupied in July, 1902, for the purpose of testing the meridian line established by the county surveyor in 1850. It was found that the south stone instead of bearing due south from the north stone bears 0° 34'.8 west of true south. WAYNESBURG, GREENE COUNTY, 1901. The station is at the north stone of the county meridian line es- tablished in 1850. This north stone is about 300 feet north of Waynesburg College and the city public school, in the street run- ning north and south and just west of the courthouse. The spire of the Presbyterian Church just to the left of the court house bears 6° 25'.0 east of true south. The spire of the Baptist Church bears 44° 38'.5 west of true south. The tip of the highest monument in the cemetery to the north west bears 27° 03'.8 west of true north. The south stone is in the sidewalk near the northwest corner of the court house yard, and bears 0° 34.8 west of true south. WELLSBORO, TIOGA COUNTY. Location of station: In public park, southeast of court house. Station mark: Marble post 46 by 6 by 0 inches, set 43 inchies in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. .. Distant mark: North of station 335.9 feet; a marble post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. Resident referees: The county commissioners. 1. . WELLSBORO, TIOGA COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the public square on the west side of the United States Geological Survey meridian line, being 120.08 feet from the south monument and 231.93 feet from the north monument. The sta- tion is not marked by any stone. The mark used was the southeast edge of main chimney on H. B. Packer's residence, which bears 42° 07'.3 west of true north. The north monument of the meridian line bears 12° 18'.9 east of true north and the south monument bears 24° 19'.6 east of true south. Declination observations were made also over the south monu- ment of the meridian line. 316. TOPOG AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY. PHIO TOPOGRAPHIC WESTOVER, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, 1902. The station is in the cemetery adjacent to the Baptist Church in a north and south path between the Mitchell and Rishel lots, being 21.7 feet north of the west corner of the base of the Rishel monument, and 27.7 feet southeast of the southeast corner of the Tubbs monument. The station is marked by a copper rivet set in a hard-wood post 2 inches square, set flush with the ground. The mark used was the steeple of the Ashurite Church, which bears 57° 11'.0 west of true south. The steeple of the Baptist Church bears 69° 13'.8 west of true north. The west gable of the house of Ellis Westover bears 76° 24'.8 east of true north. . WEST CHESTER, CHESTER COUNTY, 1901. The station is on the athletic grounds of the West Chester Nor- mal School. It is 57 paces west of the starting posts for the 100- yard dash, and 13.5 feet north of the straight cinder track, and is marked by a block of marble 12 inches square, projecting several inches above the ground. The Episcopal church tower bears 5° 09'.4 west of true north. The base of the flag pole on the public school- house bears 1° 16'.2 east of true north. WILKES-BARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY, 1902. The station is in Ashley Cemetery in a path between two lots off the main road, being 38.8 feet southwest of the southwest cor- ner of the base of the Auman monument, 41 feet north of the north- east.corner of the base of the O'Connell monument and 39.8 feet southeast of the south corner of the base of the Biggs monument. The station is marked by a marble post 6 by 6 inches at the top, set flush with the ground and lettered U. S. C. & G. S. 1902. The The Methodist Episcopal Church spïre bears 56° 46'.6 east of true north. The Presbyterian Church spire in Ashley bears 64° 14'.9 east of true south. WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Location of station: In Brandon Park, about 300 feet east of west, or main, entrance to the park. Station mark: Sandstone post 40 by 8 by 8 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is cemented a bronze tablet. Distant mark: North of station 519.3 feet, a sandstone post simi- lar to station mark. . Resident referee: R. H. Faries, civil engineer. Location of station: Pennsylvania Park. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 311 31 WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, 1901. .. Observations were made over the south stone of the meridian line established in Brandon Park by the United States Geological Survey. The line is about 500 feet long and is marked by stone posts 0.40 by 0.65 foot cross section. These posts project about 4 inches above ground and have copper mark the exact points. The south stone is about 100 feet east, slightly north, of a large granite drinking fountain. YORK, YORK COUNTY.. Station mark: A standstone post, 40 by 6 by 6 inches, baving a bronze tablet cemented in its top, and set 36 inches in the ground, 430 feet east of center of Water street and 57 feet north of center of Fulton street. Distant mark: North of station 506 feet; a sandstone post, 40 by 6 by 6 inches, having a bronze tablet cemented in its top and set 36 inches in the ground, SS feet from the flagstaff and 205 feet from Soldiers' and Sailors' monument. YORK, YORK COUNTY, 1901. Observations were made at the south stone of a meridian line 700 feet long, located in a field owned by Mr. Small. The line is marked by two granite posts 6 inches square and let- tered U. S. C. & G. S. S. M. (or N. M.) The south stone is south, a little east, of the only tree in the interior of the field, 19 feet from the tree, 510 feet from the wooden fence along the road, and 452 feet from the creek bank. The mark or range used was the flagstaff on the foundry across the top of an iron bridge. This mark or range bears 12° 29'.3 west of true south. (318) APPENDIX. Since the foregoing report was prepared and sent to the printer the following additional elevations have been published by the United States Geological Survey. Some of these are the results of the work done for topographic control in the State, some are elevations ad- justed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from precise leveling. The latter are from the reports of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. The following statement regarding them is made in the report of the U. S. Geological Survey: "The bench marks were established by the Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey, by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., and by the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Co., and were included in the 1907 adjustment of the precise level net by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. There are also included in this appendix bench marks along lines of the Penn- sylvania Railroad, not forming part of the precise level net, whose elevations are sufficiently well determined to use as base levels for future topographic mapping. The elevations are likely to be changed but slightly by any future adjustment.” These elevations are arranged by quadrangles, in alphabetical order, using the provisional names for quadrangles where the final topographic map has not as yet been prepared. ALLENTOWN QUADRANGLE. NEAR ALLENTOWN. Feet. 321.210 Allentown, cut on sill of basement window on south side of front entrance of jail, marked "I. [] B. M. U. S. & G. S. 1881." (C. & G. S. "I"), ...... Allentown, 1.5 miles west of, cut on northeast corner of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad bridge over wagon road, marked "B. [] M." (C. & G. S. No. XXI), ........ 295.897 ALTOONA QUADRANGLE. TIRONE ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO KITTANNING POINT. Little Juniata bridge 13, 1,000 feet west of west abutment; scuth side; square in rock (P. R. R. T), ....... 942.948 Grazierville, 0.6 mile west of, south end arch, bridge 182; copper bolt (P. R. R. 113), ...... 950.587 Tipton, in front wall of station; square (P. R. R. 114), ......... 993.206 Fostoria, 0.2 mile east of, in north end of arch, bridge 184; copper bolt (P. R. R. 115), ..... 1,027.435 Bellwood, in south abutment of overhead road bridge ; shelf (P. R. R. 116), ........ 1,062.033 Bellwood, 1.2 miles west of station, north wing wall, east abutment Sugar Run bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 117), ............ 1,058.151 .................. 319 No. 7—21. 320 APPENDIX. 1,075.350 Elizabeth Furnace, north end of east bridge seat, undergrade farm road; copper bolt (P. R. R. 118), ...... ...... Milepost 233, south end of back wall, east abutment of girder bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 119), ....... ....... Blair Furnace, in doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 120), .. Red Bridge, north abutment; shelf (P. R. R. 121), .... Haggerty Run, north end of arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 122), .... Altoona, south doorsill of roundhouse ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 123), .. Altoona, Fourth Street Bridge, south pier; shelf (P. R. R. 124), .. 1,099.780 1,117.919 1,132.628 1,142.067 1,161.216 1,162.656 1,181.056 Altoona, in doorsill of passenger station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 126), Altoona, north abutment, Seventeenth Street Bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 127), ..... ... Kittanning Point, in rock opposite watchhouse; copper bolt (P. R. R. ............................. 1,191.806 2), .. ..................................................... 1,626.161 KENWOOD ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MONACA. 749.376 752.557 Kenwood, about 1 mile east of Bearer Falls station, on northeast corner of east back wall of bridge 29; an outlined square marked “B. M.” (C. & G. S. Br. 29), .................. New Brighton, on southeast corner of water table of Pennsylvania Railroad station ; seat cut in beveled surface (C. & G. S. New Brighton Depot), ........... .............. New Brighton, about 0.7 mile east of, on Pennsylvania Railroad right of way, at north end of east back wall of bridge 271, over a public highway ; outlined square marked “B. M." (C. &G. S. Br. 271), ...... New Brighton, about 1.8 miles east of station, on northwest corner of east bridge seat of bridge 26; outlined square marked "B. M.” (C. & G. S. Br. 26), ....... Monaca, on top step of southwest wing wall of Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad bridge over Ohio River; seat cut in south face of stone, about 3 inches below the top surface, and marked “U. S. B. M.” The bridge is assumed to be north and south. (C. & G. S. No. 25A), 734.234 712.422 • IV. e U u N . W I . -0), .............................. 753.734 BELAIR QUADRANGLE. CARDIFF NORTH ALONG MARYLAND & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT 1.4 MILES NORTH OF DELTA. Cardiff, on Pennsylvania State road bridge, 200 feet west of station, east end of south abutment, in top; aluminum tablet stamped "414," ............ ................ 414.132 Delta, in front of station ; top of rail, ....... 401.7 Delta, 1.4 miles northwest of, north end of west side at milepost 45-33; top of bolt in guard rail, marked "269," ...... 268.60 ... APPENDIX. 321 BERLIN QUADRANGLE. HOBLITZELL ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO FOLEY. Feet. Hoblitzell, 600 feet east of, in east end of south coping of culvert; copper bolt (B. & 0. 170), ..... ....... 1,094.629 Hoblitzel, about 1 mile from, along line between Bedford and Somer- set counties, in rock on north side of tracks, opposite watch box, about 500 feet west of milepost “Cumberland 17 miles ;" copper bolt (B. & O. 171), ... 1,179.826 Williams, in bowlder on north side of tracks, about 500 feet west of milepost "Cumberland 18 miles ;” copper bolt (B. &0. 172), 1,253.928 Fairhope, 0.5 mile east of, in rock on north side of tracks, about 200 feet east of milepost “Cumberland 19 miles ;" copper bolt (B. & 0. 173), .... ....... 1,330.114 Fairhope, 0.8 mile west of, in rock on north side of track, 30 feet east of milepost “Cumberland 20 miles ;" copper bolt (B. & O. 174), .............. 1,401.409 Fairhope, 1.25 miles southwest of, between tracks in east abutment of bridge 17, Falls Cat Tunnel; copper bolt (B. & 0. 174A), 1,443.721 Foley, 0.3 mile north of, in north end of east abutment of bridge 19A ; copper bolt (B. & 0. 175), ....... ....... 1,499.464 Foley, between tracks in east abutment of bridge 19B; copper bolt (B. & O. 176), 1,526.084 ........... ........... .... ... GLENCOE ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO KEYSTONE. Glencoe, southwest corner of south end of east abutment of bridge 23 (B. & O. 177), ... 1,605.333 Glencoe, 0.6 mile west of, in native rock, south side of track, 50 feet west of telegraph pole 201-35; copper bolt (B. & O. 178), 1,647.681 Glencoe, 1.5 miles southwest of, between tracks, in mud wall of north- east abutment of bridge 25, 50 feet southwest of telegraph pole 202-25; copper bolt (B. &0. 179), ....... 1,688.664 Philson, opposite west end of station platform, in rock; copper bolt (B. & O. 180), ...... 1,791.480 Philson, 1.25 miles northwest of, south side of tracks, about 40 feet from tracks and about 40 feet west of watch box; copper bolt set in native rock (B. & O. 181), . 1,884.414 Philson, 2.5 miles northwest of, at telegraph pole 206-20; section of rail set vertically in ground (B. & O. 182), ....... 1,987.166 Mauce, 1 mile southeast of, at telegraph pole 206-27, in rock; copper bolt (B. & O. 182A), ..., 2,002.546 Mance, 0.2 mile southeast of, opposite telegraph pole 207-26; section of rail set vertically in ground (B. & 0. 183), ............. 2,062.859 Mance, 0.4 mile west of, near center of first cut west of station, nearly opposite end of cut on south side of tracks; copper bolt set in rock (B. & 0. 184), ........ 2,103.250 Mance, 2 miles southwest of, in rock in place on southeast side of track, 125 feet northeast of northeast portal of Sand Patah tunnel ; copper bolt (B. & O. 185), ............... 2,219.314 Sand Patch, 1 mile northeast of, in rock, at summit southwest end of Sand Patch Tunnel; copper bolt (B. & O. 186), ......... 2,273.947 ...... 322 APPENDIX. Feet. Sand Patch, between first and second sidings, about 150 feet northeast of tower, 50 feet northeast of milepost 211; rail section (B. & O. 187), ....... Keystone, 375 feet northwest of, in rock; copper bolt (B. &0. 188), 2,254.848 2,168.250 BIRMINGHAM (TYRONE) QUADRANGLE. WARRIOR RIDGE ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO TYRONE. 668.154 675.543 ................... 675. 162 680.632 ........................................ 692.351 693.550 699.580 720.519 728.888 759.038 760.937 782.776 Warrior Ridge, 0.7 mile east of water station, square on rock in borrow pit (P. R. R. D.), .. Warrior Ridge, in doorsill of pump house; copper bolt (P. R. R. 90), ........ Petersburg, 1.4 miles east of station, in south end of box culvert : copper bolt (P. R. R. 91), .. Petersburg, in doorsill of freight room; copper bolt (P. R. R. 92), Neff's overhead bridge, on retaining wall 20 feet west of; copper bolt (P. R. R. 93), ........ Shelf in southwest wing wall of overhead bridge, public road (P. R. R. 94), ....... ........ Shuman's bridge, square in northwest wing wall (P. R. R. 95), .. Barree, 0.3 mile east of station, 50 feet from west end of rock cut; square (P. R. R. 96), .... Barree, 0.4 mile west of station, in south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 97), ..... Tunnel, north side, east end; shelf (P. R. R. 98), .. Tunnel, south side, west end; shelf (P. R. R. 99), .......... Little Juniata bridge 1, 30 feet east of back wall, east abutment of bridge, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. E.), .............. Little Juniata bridge 2, in north end of back wall, west abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 101), . Union Furnace, Arch Run, in culvert, north end of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 102), ............ Little Juniata bridge 6, east abutment of, 90 feet east of back wall, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 103), ..... Shoenberger, in north end of east abutment of undergrade road crossing; iron bolt (P. R. R. 104), ..... Little Juniata bridge 10, in west end of south parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 105) (raised 1 foot), ......... ........ Birmingham, 200 feet east of, north end of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 106), .. Little Juniata bridge 11, west end of south parapet; copper bolt (P. R. f. 107), .......... ....... Little Juniata bridge 12, west end of south parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 108), ....... Tyrone, in north end of box culvert at water station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 109), ..... Tyrone, 0.7 mile west of station, in south end of box culvert; copper 786.355 798.745 821.274 838.273 857.943 866.472 887.791 890.500 895.799 921.949 bolt (P. R. R. 111), ........ Little Juniata bridge 13, east abutment wall, south end of bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 112), ........ 934.088 APPENDIX. 323 BRIDGE 14 ALONG TYRONE DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO TYRONE. Feet. 1,077.22 ........ ........... 1,109.02 1,083.29 1,070.27 1,054.60 1,022.56 Bridge 14, southwest bridge seat; square (P. R. R. 43), ........ Dix station, 1,083 feet east of milepost 8-47; square on set stone (P. R. R. 44), .. Bridge 13, northwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 45), ...... Bridge 12, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 46), .... Bridge 11, northwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 47), ... Bridge 9, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 48), ...... Milepost 3-52, 1,135 feet east of, northeast ridge seat of open cul- vert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 49), ....... Bridge 6, southeast bridge seat of; copper bolt (P. R. R. 50), .... Milepost 1-54, 130 feet east of, northwest coping of stone arch ; square (P. R. R. 51), ........... Tyrone, west of base course of brick repair-shop, west end of yard; shelf (P. R. R. 52), .............. Tyrone, at Eleventh Street and Washington Avenue, southwest bridge seat of undergrade foot bridge ; cooper bolt (P. R. R. 53), .. Tyrone, at station, base course, front of tower; shelf (P. R. R. 54, or bench mark 110, Middle Division), ..... 990.38 944.67 923.15 ........ 932.98 905.33 910.61 L BOYERTOWN QUADRANGLE.. POINT NEAR DOUGLASSVILLE ALONG SCHUYLKILL DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MONOCACY. Douglassville, Schuylkill River Bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 34), ..... 152.64 Douglassville, near, open bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 35), ...... 154.00 ..... BROOKVILLE QUADRANGLE. SPRANKLES MILLS NORTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAYS TO PATTONS STATION. Sprankles Mills, west end of, opposite store, in east side of founda- tion, at southeast corner of house owned by William Eisenhart estate; aluminum tablet stamped "1271 ADJ 1903" ........ 1,271.334 Worthville, northwest end of, in second step of S. W. Geist's store, west side of southwest corner; aluminum tablet stamped "1193 - ADJ 1903," ............................................. 1,192.681 Langville, 100 feet west of post office, 5 feet west of T roads, in top of large rock; aluminum tablet stamped "1200 ADJ 1903,".. 1,199.594 BROWNSVILLE QUADRANGLE. PORT ROYAL ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO SUTER. Port Royal, 0.8 mile southeast of ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 261), ....... ..................... 777.368 Port Royal, 0.2 mile north of, opposite milepost 291 ; -section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & (). 262), ....... 774.032 324 APPENDIX. Feet. 773.888 0 C 770.418 766.992 768.705 767.049 Reduction, 0.3 mile southwest of, opposite milepost 292; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 263), ..... Reduction, 0.8 mile northeast of, opposite milepost 293 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. &0. 204), .......... Griffin, in south end of east coping of arch culvert, 1,000 feet north of tank 14; copper bolt (B. & O. 264A), .................. West Newton, 0.8 mile southeast of, opposite milepost 294 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 265), ...... West Newton, 250 feet north of station, opposite milepost 295 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. &0. 266), West Newton, near, in east side of lower circle of masonry of turn- table; copper bolt (B. & 0.266A), ............... West Newton, 1 mile north of, opposite milepost 296 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 267), .............. Gratztown, 0.1 mile east of, in south end of bridge seat of east abut- ment of twin bridge at milepost 297; copper bolt (B. & O. 268), Gratztown, 1 mile west of, at milepost 298; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 269), ...... Suter, in southwest end of bridge seat of northwest abutment of bridge 57; copper bolt (B. & 0. 270), ...... 764.032 765.204 759.999, .... 765.262 761.368 SUNNYSIDE DISTILLERY ALONG MONONGAHELA DIVISION OF PENN. SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO SMOCK. 747.66 749.14 ..................... 736.98 ................................................ 762.46 755.64 750.56 745.52 751.15 Shire Oaks, 300 feet south of, northeast corner of culvert; square (P. R. R. 27), Coal Bluff, 300 feet south of, west end of box culvert ; square (P. R. R. 28), ............................ .................. Huston Run, northeast corner of arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 29), ........ ....... Courtney, north of, northwest bridge seat, bridge 19; square (P. R. R. 30), ... Mingo Creek, bridge 20, northeast parapet; square (P. R. R. 31), Riverview, 2,000 feet south of, northeast box culvert; square (P. R. R. 32), ........ Monongahela City, north of, northeast corner of bridge 21; square (P. R. R. 33), ... Monongahela City, turntable; square (P. R. R. 34), ..... Monongahela City, south of, northwest back wall of bridge 22; square (P. R. R. 35), .... Black Diamond, 400 feet south of, northeast corner arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 36), ... Baird, northeast corner arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 37), ...... Tower W. F., 1,650 feet north of, east end box culvert; square (P. R. R. 38), ....... Donora, passenger station, north door sill; square (P. R. R. 39), West Columbia, north end retaining wall; square (P. R. R. 40), ... Bamford, 700 feet north of, northwest corner arch culvert: square (P. R. R. 41), ........... Lock No. 4, north of, southwest corner arch culvert at tower B. D.; square (P. R. R. 42), Lock No. 4, at station, east end of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 43), 759.70 752.85 757.30 753.69 762.01 777.53 760.69 ... 747.72 761.97 APPENDIX. 325 761.27 759.47 760.56 ................................... 761.10 756.10 758.47 763.78 ................................. 767.26 751.79 767.42 ........................ ......... 779.98 Charleroi, 500 feet north of station, west side of track, pier of over- head bridge; square (P. R. R. 44), ....... Charleroi, south of, northwest parapet of bridge 25 over Maple Creek ; square (P. R. R. 45), ...... Belle Vernon, north of, northwest bridge seat of bridge 251, square (P. R. R. 46), ... Belle Vernon, south of, southeast bridge seat of bridge 26; square (P. R. R. 47), ......... Milepost 43, 100 feet south of, southwest corner of arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 48), .. Allenport, 900 feet north of, northeast corner of arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 49), . Stockdale, Acme Mine tipple, north end of middle pier; square (P. R. R. 50), .... Lucyville, 1,000 feet north of, west end of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 51), ........... Wood Run, 500 feet north of, northeast corner of arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 52), ... Milepost 47, northeast back wall of bridge; square (P. R. R. 53), Coal Center, north of, northwest back wall of bridge 27, square (P. R. R. 54), .... Coal Center, south of, northwest parapet of bridge 28, square (P. R. R. 55), .. California, northwest back wall bridge 29; square (P. R. R. 56), .. Tower F. I., 2,000 feet south of, northeast corner box culvert; square (P. R. R. 57), ........ Tower G. X., 2,000 feet south of, northwest corner arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 58), ... Bridge 3u, Monongahela River, north abutment, east end of bridge seat; square (P. R. R. 59),...... Bridge 30, Monongahela River, south abutment, east wing wall, second step from top; square (P. R. R. 60), .. Brownsville Junction, 4,000 feet south of, bridge 31, northwest back wall; square (P. R. R. 61), ........ Braznell, 3,000 feet north of station, northwest back wall bridge 33 ; square (P. R. R. 62), ..... Milepost 55, 500 feet north of, east parapet of stone arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 63), ...... Grindstone Mine tipple, north side, doorsill of small stone building; square (P. R. R. 64), .... Milepost 57, 1,400 feet north of, northwest corner of bridge 34; square (P. R. R. 65), .......... ............. Tippecanoe, northwest corner of bridge 35; square (P. R. R. 66), .. Tippecanoe, 2,600 feet south of, retaining wall at northwest corner of bridge 36, at undergrade crossing; square (P. R. R. 67), Smock, 3,000 feet north of, northwest bridge seat; square (P: R. 0 0 0 11 766.71 767.49 769.10 760.64 778.17 778.21 772.48 ...... 787.93 ................................... 802.62 .............................. 824.60 826.20 853.40 869.19 .......... ................ ......... S:46.22 Smock, 1,000 feet south of, northwest corner box culvert; square (P. R. R. 69), .... Smock, 7.000 878.58 320 APPENDIX. BURLINGTON QUADRANGLE. ................ MORRISVILLE ALONG NEW YORK DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO ANDALUSIA. Feet. Morrisville, south parapet wall at east end of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 58), .... 21.01 Penn Valley, north parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 59), 19.00 Wheat Sheaf, northwest corner of station ; square on stone manument (P. R. R. 60), ... 18.92 Tullytown, 0.5 mile east of, north parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 60a), ....... 20.42 Edgely, northwest corner of station, square on stone monument (P. R. R. 61), ....... 28.59 Bristol, northwest corner of station, in foundation offset; copper bolt (P. R. R. 62), ......... 21.35 Bristol, 0.6 mile west of, northeast wing of arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 63), ..... 16.85 Neshaminy Creek Bridge, northeast wing; copper bolt (P. R. R. 64), 30.68 Eddington, 0.1 mile west of, north parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 65), . 41.05 Cornwells, doorsill of passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 66), 44.66 Andalusia, northwest corner of station, in foundation offset; copper bolt (P. R. R. 67), ...... 39.06 .... ..........., 0 0 .. .... . CARLISLE QUADRANGLE. AT CARLISLE. Carlisle, cut on base of column at west side of jail entrance, marked “M. U. S. C. & S. B. [] M. 1881" (C. & G. S. “M”), ... 473.106 CHAMBERSBURG QUADRANGLE. AT CHAMBERSBURG AND GREENCASTLE. ...................... 620.424 Chambersburg, cut on pedestal at base of northernmost pillar of front of courthouse, marked "N. U. S. C. & G. S. B. M. 1881" (C. & G. S. “N”), ............ Greencastle, south of entrance and 7 inches above level of sidewalk at station, center of cross cut in stone in front wall of station, marked “B. M." (C. & G. S. XXXI), 588.406 CHESTER QUADRANGLE. DARBY ALONG MARYLAND DIVISION OF PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE · AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD (PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD) TO CLAYMONT. 43.21 76.47 76.45 Darby, doorstep of station ; cooper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ......... Folcroft, east wing wall of overhead road bridge 21; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ......... Glenolden, doorstep of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 6), .......... Norwood, east end of north wall of culvert, north of Moore; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), Ridley Park, end of east retaining wall at station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 8), ......... 84.68 73.41 . ................................................. APPENDIX. 327 Feet. 52.67 29.66 32.12 42.66 40.87 Crum Lynne, doorstep of station, copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), ...... Eddystone, doorstep of passenger station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. . R. 10), .............. Hinkson Street Bridge, northeast back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10a), ....... Edgmont Avenue Bridge, southwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), ...... Penn Street Bridge, southeast corner of back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11a), ... Lamokin, doorstep of passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12), Tilghman Street Bridge, southeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12a), ........ Jeffrey Street Bridge, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12b), ........ Highland Avenue Bridge, northeast bridge seat; copper · bolt (P. R. R. 13), ... Thurlow, doorstep of passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. . 13a), 13a), .......................... Trainer, doorstep of passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14), Linwood, doorstep of passenger station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14a), Linwood, 800 feet south of, southeast coping of culvert; (P. R. R. 41.52 45.30 45.28 35.05 31.29 33.19 15), ................................................... .. 29.72 COATESVILLE QUADRANGLE. POINT NEAR DOWNINGTOWN WATER STATION ALONG PHILADEL- PHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CHRISTIANA. 283.03 295.25 325.20 .... ........ 353.07 369.73 Dowingtown, 300 feet west of water station, south head wall, iron pipe; copper bolt (P. R. R. 37), ....... Gallagherville, 0.4 mile west of, undergrade bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 38), .... Thorndale, 0.2 mile west of, east bridge seat, undergrade bridge, north end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 39), .. ... Caln, 0.2 mile east of, south end of culrert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 40), ..... ....... Caln, 0.6 mile west of, north end of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), ........ Lancaster Pike, overliead bridge, northwest step; copper bolt (P. .: R. R. 42), .......... Coatesville station, in doorsill ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), ........ Coatesville, on bridge, northwest wing (old line), copper bolt (P. R. R. 44), ... Coatesville, 0.7 mile west of, south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), ....... Coatesville, 2.3 miles west of, south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 46), ....... Pomeroy, 0.6 mile east of, north head wall of iron pipe; copper bolt P. R. R. 47), ......... Pomeroy, 0.25 mile west of, south parapet of Sadsbury road arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 48), ....... 376.43 380.99 ...:... 382.40 ..... 392.56 428.32 ...................................... 464.88 487.67 328 APPENDIX. Feet. 509.97 540.65 Parkesburg, 0.9 mile east of, north end of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 49), ... Parkesburg station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 50), ........ Lenover, 0.4 mile east of, north head wall of iron pipe; copper bolt (P. R. R. 51), ............. Lenover, 0.3 mile west of, south parapet of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 52), ... .................. 547.92 525.15 POINT NEAR POMEROY ALONG LOW-GRADE FREIGHT LINE OF PENN- SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BRIDGE 407. Parkesburg 765 feet west of milepost 44, south end of east bridge seat of U. G. bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 49), ............. 542.66 Lenover, 0.3 mile west of, 572 feet east of milepost 46, west end of north coping of. 6 foot arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 50), .... 517.68 Atglen, 613 feet east of milepost 47, east end of south coping of road arch, bridge 402; copper bolt (P. R. R. 51), .. 505.29 Milepost 48, 119 feet west of, end of south coping of 60 foot arch, bridge 405 : copper bolt (P. R. R. 52), ....... 497.30 Milepost 50, 1,213 feet east of, south end of east bridge seat, bridge 406; copper bolt (P. R. R. 53), .. 526.56 Milepost 50, 1,849 feet west of, south end of east bridge seat, bridge 407; copper bolt (P. R. R. 54), .......... 537.14 OXFORD WEST ALONG LANCASTER, OXFORD & SOUTHERN RAILROAD TO PEACH BOTTOM (PORTION OF LINE). Oxford, in front of Pennsylvania Railroad station ; top of rail, .... 534.9 Oxford, 1.3 miles west of, 210 feet west of road crossing, on top of west concrete bridge abutment of railroad cattle pass, south side of track; marked "U. S. [] G. S. B. M. 131,” ...... 430.63 Y CHRISTIANA SOUTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO KINGS BRIDGE. 5 486.43 Christiana, Aon Street bridge, west abutment at north end; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ........ Christiana, southeast corner of Christiana Hotel; aluminum tablet stamped "494,” ... Christiana, 0.7 mile south of, large arch under low grade railway track, north end of retaining wall of highway; top of marked "U. S. B. M. 453,” .... 493.401 452.82 CONFLUENCE QUADRANGLE. FORT HILL ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO INDIAN CREEK. 1,581.400 1,549.186 Fort Hill, on east end of south coping of arch; shelf (B. &0. 212), Fort Hill, 1.25 miles southwest of, in water shelf, east portal of Brook tunnel, south side of tracks; copper bolt (B. & O. 213), Fort Hill, 2.25 iniles west of, at side of track, at milepost 238; section of rail set vertically in ground (B. & O. 214), ...... Ursina, 0.2 mile northeast of station, in bowlder at milepost 239; copper bolt (B. & O. 215), Confluence, 1.25 miles east of, at milepost 240, set in bowlder; copper bolt (B. &0. 216), ..... 1,502.319 1,450.972 ..................................... 1,396.412 APPENDIX, 329 Feet. 1,331.989 1,321.738 1,299.870 1,295.536 1,285.686 1,288.041 1,291.480 1,260.544 Confluence, in south end of east abutment of bridge 42; copper bolt (B. & O. 217), ..... Confluence, 1.5 miles north west of, in southeast end of southwest coping of arch culvert 43, copper bolt (B. & 0. 218), ...... Confluence, 2.6 miles northwest of, on culvert at tank 8, in abutment of culvert; copper bolt (B. & O. 219), ...... Bidwell, 1.2 miles southeast of, in rock about 100 feet southeast of milepost 247; copper bolt (B. & 0. 220), ................ Bidwell, in east end of south coping of arch culvert 45; copper bolt (B. & O. 221), ... Bidwell, 1 mile west of, at milepost 249; top of rail section set ver- tically in ground between tracks (B. & O. 222), ............. Sipes, 0.25 miles east of station, near milepost 250, in bowlder; copper bolt (B. & O. 223), .. ... Sipes, 1.5 miles southwest of, in base of signal, 0.25 mile east of tower H. K.; copper bolt (B. & 0. 224), ......... U. 224), .................. Ohiopyle, 0.8 mile south of, on small culvert 0.8 mile northwest of tower H. K., in abutment of culvert; copper bolt (B. & O. 225), ............ Ohiopyle, 0.5 mile northeast of, in bowlder 200 feet southwest of borrow pit; copper bolt (B. & O. 226), Bear Run, 1 mile southeast of, in east end of masonry over 36 inch pipe culvert, 0.5 mile north of tank 9; copper bolt (B. & O. 227), .................................................... Bear Run, 400 feet northwest of station, in large rock on southeast side of tracks; copper bolt (B. & O. 228), ................. Bear Run, 1.25 miles northwest of, in small rock, west side of tracks, 0.3 mile north of milepost 257 ; copper bolt (B. & O. 229), .. Stewarton, 0.5 mile south of, in lock on west side of tracks, 0.2 mile north of Yough tower and at beginning of first cut north of same; copper bolt (B. & 0. 230), . ...... LOV),..................... Stewarton, 0.5 mile north of, in bowlder 50 feet north of watch box; copper bolt (B. & 0. 231), ..... ......... Stewarton, 1.5 mile north of, in bowlder 500 feet north of milepost 260; copper bolt (B. & O. 232), .. ..... Indian Creek, 1.5 miles southeast of, in bowlder 8 telegraph poles northwest of watch box; copper bolt (B. & (). 233), ........ 1,231.233 1,208.903 1,177.445 1,152.063 Bear Raw, on tracks 1,123.369 1,095.714 1,073.736 1,045.427 1,017.280 CONNELLSVILLE QUADRANGLE. CONNELLSVILLE ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO SMITHTON. ID ...... 884.355 ............. 876.441 Connellsville, 0.2 mile north of roundhouse, on bridge 49. in abut- ment; copper bolt (B. & O. 240), ....... Connellsville, 0.3 mile northwest of, in northeast end of northwest end of bridge 51; copper bolt (B. & O. 241), ... Connellsville, 1 mile northwest of, in northeast end of cement pier to overhead main bridge, on northwest side of tracks; copper bolt (B. & O. 242), .... Broadford, 0.5 mile southeast of branch intersection, at watch box; section of rail set vertically, between track. B. & O. 243), 873.596 865.404 APPENDIX. Feet. 857.282 854.744 854.433 850.349 847.313 836.494 839.332 834.722 Broadford, in east corner stone of south abutment of overhead Pitts- burg and Lake Erie Railroad bridge;. copper bolt (B. & 0. 244), ....... Broadford, 1.25 miles west of, opposite milepost 274; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 245), .............. Broadford, 2.25 miles west of, opposite milepost 275 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 246), .............. Dawson, 0.5 mile southeast of, in southwest end of bridge seat, south- east abutment of bridge 53; copper bolt (B. & 0. 246A), ..... Dawson, 0.5 mile northwest of, in center of southwest coping of arch; copper bolt (B. & 0.247), ....... Dawson, about 2 miles northwest of, in south end of bridge seat of west abutment of bridge 54; copper bolt (B. & O. 248), .. L'awson, 2.5 miles northwest of, at milepost 278; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 249), ....... Lavenia, 0.6 mile east of station, opposite milepost 279; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 250), .......... Lavenia, 100 feet southeast of station, in large rock on southwest side of tracks; copper bolt (B. & 0. 251), ...... Layton, 1 mile southeast of, on northwest side of tracks, at stone and saud works, two telegraph poles southwest of milepost 282; point on large rock (B. &0. 253), ....... Layton, at milepost 283 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O: 254), ....... Layton, 1 mile northwest of station, in southeast pedestal of water tank; copper bolt (B. & 0. 255), .. Layton, 2 miles northwest of, opposite milepost 285; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. &0. 256), .............. Banning, 0.25 mile southwest of, opposite milepost 286; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 257), ....... Jacobs Creek, 0.25 mile south of, in west end of mud wall of south abutment of bridge 55; copper bolt (B. & 0. 258), ........ Eureka, about 1,000 feet south of, opposite milepost 288; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 259), ........... · Smithton, in south end of bridge seat of east abutment of highway bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 260), ........... 833.530 809.150 S05.506 802.173 792.326 790.061 783.348 775.619 DASTON QUADRANGLE. AT EASTON. Easton, cut on one of central piers of railroad bridge across Lehigh River, marked “U. S. [] B. M. XIX" (C. & G. S. No. XIX), Easton, cut on foundation stone at west corner of jail, marked “U. S. [] B. M. XX” (C. & G. S. No. XX), ....... Easton, on sill of a blind window on east side of courtliouse, marked “H. B. [] M. U. S. C. & G. S. 1851" (C. & G. S. “H”), 214.432 357.241 363.546 EBENSBURG QUADRANGLE. BENNINGTON ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO WILMORE.' Bennington, 650 feet east of, in rock in south side of cut; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ........ ............... 2,030.607 · Allegheny Tunnel, in second course, north side, east end of; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ...... 2,126.316 APPENDIX. 331 Feet. 2,164.566 2,021.703 1,950.330 Gallitzin, in doorsill of supervisor's house; copper bolt (P. R. . R. 6,) ...... Cresson, in south parapet of road arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), .. Lilly, 1 mile east of, in north parapet of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. S), ... ................ Lilly, so0 feet west of, girder bridge, in bridge seat, west abutment, between track 3 and siding; copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), ...... Portage, 8T0 feet east of, shelf in rock on south side of cut (P. R. R. 12), ........ ...... New Portage, 1.15 miles west of station, shelf in rock on south side of cut (P. R. R. 13), ..... 1,888.830 1,687.166 1,623.354 ..... ELDERS RIDGE QUADRANGLE. SALINA ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO EDRI. Salina, 0.2 mile east of, east abutment, south end of bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), ........ ........... 830.267 Salina, 0.8 mile east of, west end of tunnel, north side, second course; shelf (P. R. R. 44), ....... 844.768 Salina, 1.1 mile east of, east end of tunnel, north side, second course; shelf (P. R. R. 45), ....... 844.109 Edri, 1.3 miles west of, rock on north side; copper bolt (P. R. R. 46), .......... 840.951 Edri, 0.1 mile west of, west abutment, south end of bridge seat; . . copper bolt (P. R. R. 47), .. 834.534 Edri, 0.98 mile east of, 70 feet north of center line, on rock; square (P. R. R. 48), ... 841.506 .. ..... ..... .... ...... .... .... .. EMMITSBURG QUADRANGLE. AT BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT ON WESTERN MARYLAND RAILWAY. Blue Ridge, rear of station, in southwest corner of Mentzer & Maurer concrete building; aluminum tablet stamped "1407,” ........ 1,407.075 Blue Ridge, in front of station ; top of rail, .. 1,406.8 EVERETT QUADRANGLE. BEDFORD ALONG BEDFORD DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO WOODBURY. . 1,052.17 1,036.16 11,028.69 Mount Dallas, 6.8 miles from, southeast corner of bridge seat of deck girder bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 21), .... Lutzville, 3.4 miles from, east end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 22), ...... ........ Ashcom, undergrade road crossing, north bridge seat; copper bolt · (P. R. R. 23), .......... Mount Dallas, northeast wing wall of bridge; square (P. R. R. 24), Mount Dallas, 210 feet north of milepost 0, on rock west of tracks; shelf (P. R. R. 24a), ..... Yellow Creek village, east abutment of lower county bridge; square (P. R. R. 25), ... Pattonville Gap, south end of, southeast wing wall of county bridge; square (P. R. R. 26), ........ ....... 1,045.89 1,054.49 935.86 1,061.18 332 APPENDIX. Feet. 1,117.66 Loysburg, 1,000 feet south of, box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 27), ......... ...... Waterside, church near tollgate; northeast corner of bottom step (P. R. R. 28), ................. Woodbury, southeast corner of Lecrone & Hoffman's mill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 29), ......... 1,164.47 1,236.02 FREEPORT QUADRANGLE. .................................. ........... WEST PENN JUNCTION ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO SALINA. West Penn Junction, 0.8 mile east of, water station, foundation of tank; square (P. R. R. 27), ...... 780.096 Bagdad, 0.9 mile west of, box culvert, south end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 28), .... 775.427 Bagdad, 0.87 mile east of, rock, south side; shelf (P. R. R. 29), 784.410 Leechburg, 0.9 mile west of, east abutment, south end of bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 30), ...... 778.724 Leechburg, window sill of station ; square (P. R. R. 31), .. 789.056 Leechburg, 0.5 mile east of, west abutment, north end of bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 32), ....... 780.027 Hyde Park, 1.2 miles east of, box culvert, south end; copper bolt (P. K. R. 33), ......... 795.481 Vandergrift, 1.5 miles west of, southeast wing wall of bridge, east end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 34), ........... ....... 811.284 Vandergrift, on doorsill of baggage room; square (P. R. R. 35), .. 801.067 Vandergrift 1.2 miles east of, box culvert, south end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36), .......... 798.209 Paulton, 0.8 mile west of, northeast, west pier of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 37), .. 806.123 Paulton, 0.2 mile west of, county bridge, southeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 38), ...... 809.524 Paulton, 0.7 mile east of, southside of track, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 39), ...... 820.516 Roaring Run, 0.51 mile east of, rock, south side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 40), .. 826.588 Roaring Run, 0.49 mile east of, rock, south side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), ... 828.008 Salina, 1.1 miles west of, rock, south side of track ; square (P. R. R. 42), ...... 834.994 ................. ............................................. ............................. POINT NEAR TARENTUM ALONG PITTSBURG BRANCH AND MAIN LINE OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR BAGDAD. Tarentum, 0.6 mile east of, south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 17), ......... 760.58 Breckenridge, 0.2 mile west of, north end of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 18), ..., 766.06 Natrona, 0.6 mile east of, south end of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 19), ........ 767.38 Sligo, 0.4 mile west of, north side of track, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 20), ................ 770.21 APPENDIX. 333 Feet. 767.94 ..... 771.91 765.79 777.82 Sligo, rock opposite station ; square (P. R. R. 21), ...... Butler Junction, 0.7 mile west of, 40 feet south of center line, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 22), .... Butler Junction, 0.1 mile east of, west abutment, north end of back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 23), ..... Rye, bonded warehouse, northwest corner; square (P. R. R. 24), Allegheny Valley Junction, 0.2 mile west of, west abutment, north end of bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 25), ............ Kiskiminetas Junction, south end of east abutment to Allegheny River bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 26), ...... Allegheny Valley Junction, 0.8 mile east of, water station, on founda- tion of tank; square (P. R. R. 27), 783.25 783.25 ...................... 780.096 FROSTBURG QUADRANGLE. NEAR COOKS MILLS. Cooks Mills, 1.5 miles south of, between the tracks in bridge seat of east abutment of bridge 7; copper bolt (B. & O. 161A), .... 749.254 GERMANTOWN QUADRANGLE. ANDALUSIA ALONG NEW YORK DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO POINT NEAR NORTH PENN RAILROAD CROSSING. Torresdale, in doorsill of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 68), .... 35.90 Pierson's (old station), northwest corner of building in foundation offset; square (P. R. R. 69), ....... 34.11 Holmesburg Junction, 0.8 mile east of, north parapet of culvert; cop- per bolt (P. R. R. 70), ..... 26.39 Holmesburg Junction, in doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 71), ........ ................. 33.04 Tacony, on string course east side of police station; shelf (P. R. R. 72), ........ 33.07 Wissinoming, on doorsill of station ; square (P. R. R. 72a), ...... 30.70 Bridesburg, in west abutment, south end of Bridge Street Bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 73), 34.94 Frankford, in doorsill of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 74), ....... 32.60 Harrowgate, south end of bridge seat of west abutment of Kensington Avenue Bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 75), .. 49.54 North Penn Railroad crossing, 0.2 mile east of, in northwest wing of overhead bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 76), ............. 102.44 ................. MANAYUNK ALONG SCHUYLKILL DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO CONSHOHOCKEN. Manayunk, in doorsill of passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), 90.27 Shawmont Avenue arch, north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), 97.32 Philadelphia, 11.7 miles from, south parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), 73.23 Spring Mill, in doorsill of passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 56.80 8), . 334 APPENDIX. CARPENTER ALONG PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN & CHESTNUT HILL BRANCH OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CHESTNUT HILL. Feet. 317.72 Allen Lane, north abutment of overhead bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 608), ......... Wissahickon Heights, in doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 609), ........ Highland, in doorsill of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 610), ....... Chestnut Hill, in front of station ; shelf (P. R. R. 611), ........ 336.99 391.63 424.18 GREENSBURG QUADRANGLE. GREENSBURG ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO ARDARA. 1,085.868 1,113.509 1,162.051 68), ... 1,164.681 1,157.541 0 1,147.101 OC .......................... ................ 1,140.801 1,103.142 Greensburg tunnel, on east end of north side; shelf (P. R. R. 65), Greensburg, on east wall of freight station ; square (P. R. R. 66), .. Radebaugh, 8 feet inside east end of new tunnel; shelf (P. R. R. 67), Radebaugh, at west end of old tunnel ; on south side ; shelf (P. R. R. ........ Radebaugh, 10 feet inside of west end of new tunnel; shelf (P. R. R. 68a), ...... ...... Radebaugh, on northwest wing wall of double box culvert; square (P. R. R. 69), ....... Radebaugh, on west end of box culvert, east leg of wye; square (P. R. R. 69a), ..... Grapeville, 0.8 mile west of, in south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 70), ........ Grapeville, 300 feet east of station, on base course in west bay window of brick dwelling; square (P. R. R. 71), ......... ......... Penn, 34 feet from center line, on stone monument opposite station ; square (P. R. R. 72), ......... Penn, 0.58 mile rest of, south side of rock cut, 120 feet east of retaining wall; square (P. R. R. 72a), ....... · Manor, 0.28 mile east of, in east end of south parapet of Brush Creek bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 73), .................. Irwin, in west end of north back wall of Youghiogheny Railroad bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 76a), .. Larimer, 0.58 mile west of, on retaining wall at north side; shelf (P. R. R. 77a), ....... Ardara, 600 feet west of, in west end of north parapet of Brush Creek bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 78), ..... 1,059.354 973.587 983.887 947.168 879.102 862.164 ....................... 835.556 HAGERSTOWN QUADRANGLE. MIDVALE NORTH ALONG WESTERN MARYLAND RAILWAY TO WAYNESBORO. 698.3 Midvale, 10 feet south of station, at railroad crossing top of rail, .. Midvale, brick store and station building west of track, in southeast corner of brick wall, in east face, just above freight platform; aluminum tablet stamped “702 MD,” ...... Midvale, in front of station ; top of rail, ........... Midvale, 0.5 mile north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, .... Midvale, 0.8 mile north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, .... 701.853 697.9 658.4 637.0 APPENDIX335 . . Feet. 635.06 633.8 621.5 608,0 607.4 610.14 ............. ...... Midvale, 0.8 mile north of, 75 feet north of road crossing, east of track, on top of south abutment of small bridge, chiseled square; marked "G. S. [] 635 B. M.," Midvale, 0.8 mile north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, ...... Midvale, 1.2 miles north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, ....... Cress, 100 feet south of, railroad crossing; top of rail, .......... Cress, in front of station; top of rail, ...... Cress, 0.3 mile north of, west of track, on top of north abutment to trestle over Antietam Creek, chiseled square; marked "G. S. 611 B. M.,” ...... Cress, 0.4 mile north of, in front of freight station (no name); top of rail, .. Cress, 1.1 miles north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, ... Cress, 1.3 miles north of, railroad crossing ; top of rail, .......... Cress, 1.3 miles north of, in road corner just north of Waynesboro yard limit sign, in base of telegraph pole; spike marked “G. S. 659 B. M.,” ..... .................... Waynesboro city limits, railroad crossing; top of rail, ............ Waynesboro city limits, 0.1 mile north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, Waynesboro city limits, 0.2 mile north of, railroad crossing ; top of rail, ....... Waynesboro city limits, 0.5 mile north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, .......... ........ Waynesboro city limits, 0.6 mile north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, ....... Waynesboro city limits, 0.7 mile north of, railroaa crossing; top of 620.2 670.7 664.3 658.18 675.3 673.3 670.0 691.9 699.7 rail, 702.3 710.0 ................... Waynesboro, in front of station ; top of rail, ... Waynesboro, in stone in northwest foundation of Western Maryland Railway station; aluminum tablet stamped "712 Harrisburg 1900," ....... 711.801 HAMBURG QUADRANGLE. NEW TRIPOLI ALONG PHILADELPHIA & KEADING RAILROAD TO PORT CLINTON. 505.29 : 481.01 New tripoli, 11.7 miles southwest of, 1.3 miles north of Lynnport, 210 feet southwest of railway crossing, on north abutment of bridge 60; chisel mark, ....... Lynnport, 0.25 mile northeast of, 100 feet east of railway crossing, on southwest bridge seat of bridge 58; chisel mark, .......... Lynnport, in center of south face of stone foundation of store owned by S. J. Mantz at northeast corner of road crossing near station; aluminum tablet stamped “477-1908," ... Jacksonville, 1.4 miles southwest of Lynnport, west of track at road crossing near station, on rock; chisel mark, ..... Jacksonville, 0.5 mile southwest of station, 230 feet southwest of road crossing, on south abutment of bridge 54 over creek; chisel mark, 476.703 451.84 442.31 . No. 7–22. 336 APPENDIX. Feet. . ...... .... .... ..... .... ... ...... .... ... ..... 441.519 411.30 415.00 ......... 389.98 384.385 616.12 600.53 568.305 392.76 .................................. 387.56 Wanamaker, 0.6 mile southwest of station, in west face at northwest corner of brick dwelling owned by L. P. Kistler, 550 feet southwest of road crossing, aluminum tablet stamped "442- 1908," Kempton, north of station, between and 50 feet distant from each of two road crossings, on southwest bridge seat of bridge 49; chisel mark, Kempton, road crossing at station; top of rail, ... Greenawald station, 280 feet northeast of road crossing, on southeast bridge seat of bridge 42; chisel mark, .. Lenhartsville, 400 feet north of main road, in west face of southwest corner of brick schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped “384- 1908,” ............ Lenhartsville, 1.3 miles west of, on stone post at northeast corner of cross-roads; chisel mark, Lenhartsville, 2.5 miles west of, 2.3 miles east of Hamburg', on rock at southwest corner of crossroads; chisel mark, ............ Hamburg, 1.9 miles east of, 400 feet west of crossroads, on south side of road, in northeast corner of north face of St. Paul's Re- formed Church ; aluminum tablet stamped “568-1908,” ...... Hamburg, east part of town, on coping stone of wall at north side of road at T road south; chisel mark, ... Hamburg, at northeast corner of State and Main Streets, on curbing; chiseled square, ........ Hamburg, 400 feet north of corner of State and Third Streets, in southwest corner of south face of Armory Building, in water table at entrance; aluminum tablet stamped “373-1908,” .... DREHFERSVILLE ALONG RAILROAD TO SITTLER. Rausch, 100 feet south of station, on culvert stone east of track (line run east of road 400 feet to road to Lehigh railroad station); chisel mark, ....... Rausch, 450 feet north of Philadelphia & Reading Railroad station, in northeast bridge seat of Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge over Philadelphia & Reading Railroad; aluminum tablet stamped "556-1908,” ................ Kepner, 1.3 miles southwest of station, 270 feet northeast of railway road crossing, in second stepstone of northeast abutment to stone bridge over creek; aluminum tablet stamped "728-1908,". Dorset, road crossing at station; top of rail, .... Dorset station, 130 feet north of road crossing, in north face of stone foundation to store and dwelling owned by H. H. Staudt; aluminun tablet stamped "729-1908,” ........ .......... West Penn Station, 0.3 mile northeast of, 150 feet east of road cross- ing, on top stone of north abutment to bridge 121 ; chisel mark, Miller's station, at southeast corner of road crossing, in center of north face of stone foundation to Lehigh Valley Hotel owned by George Hartung; aluminum tablet stamped "623-1908,” .... Miller's station, 1.0 mile northeast of, 0.8 mile southwest of Andreas station, on large rock at southwest corner of railway crossing; chisel mark, .... Andreas (Sittler post office), 300 feet west of station, on northeast bridge seat of bridge 122; chisel mark, ...... 372.424 ................. 526.00 .................................. 556.219 728.202 735.00 728.664 676.07 622.908 ..................................... 599.26 587.46 APPENDIX. 337 ............ LENHARTSVILLE VIA. VIRGINVILLE TO POINT TWO MILES EAST OF KUTZTOWN. Feet. Lenhartsville, 0.5 miles southwest of, 70 feet north of road crossing, on northeast bridge seat of bridge 37, chisel mark, .......... 364.58 Dreibelbis, 100 feet north of station, on northwest abutment of bridge 36; chisel mark, ...... 342.93 Virginville, 1,140 feet east of station, south of road, in northeast corner of north face of St. Janies Evangelical Church; alumi- num tablet stamped "354-1908,” ......... ......... 354.311 Virginville, 1.4 miles southeast of, at T road north, on rock west of road; chisel park, 580.59 Kutztown, 2.7 miles west of, south margin of road at T road north, ou rock; chisel mark, ......... 594.21 Kutztown, 2.0 miles west of, on rock in center of T road east; chisel mark, ...... 466.17 Kutztown, in west face of Keystone State Normal School building, left of main entrance, 2.5 feet above ground line; aluminum tablet stamped “514-1908,” 513.868 Kutztown, 0.6 miles east of, on rock beside track at overhead road crossing; chisel mark, 419.85 ................................... ....... .............. ................................. ... HANOVER QUADRANGLE. POINT NEAR MILEPOST 43 ALONG BALTIMORE DIVISION OF PENN- SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BRILHART. Milepost 43, 2,310 feet north of, southwest bridge seat of bridge 76; copper bolt (P. R. R. 45), ............... 515.06 Milepost 45, 750 feet north of, northeast bridge seat of bridge 79; copper bolt (P. R. R. 47), .. ... 497.95 Hanover Junction, southwest wing of bridge 81; copper bolt (P. R. R. 48), ..... 479.85 Smyser, south wall of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 49), ........ 174.15 Milepost 48, 480 feet south of, southeast bridge seat of bridge 83; copper bolt (P. R. R. 50), .... 453.47 Milepost 50, 180 feet south of, northeast wing of bridge 85; copper bolt (P. R. R. 52), .......... 441.24 Milepost 51, $10 feet north of, southwest coping of bridge 86; copper bolt (P. R. R. 53), 426.50 .................................... HARRISBURG QUADRANGLE. AT HARRISBURG. Harrisburg, center of top surface of monument in capitol grounds) marking the astronomical station of the Coast and Geodetic Survey (C. & G. S. XXXIX), ..., .......................... 356.758 HARRISBURG ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO COVE. Harrisburg, shelf at northeast corner of passenger station (P. R. R. 319.939 Harrisburg, square on sill of east front window of district engineer's office (P. R. R. 2), ... 337.051 1), 1), ................................. .. 338 APPENDIX. Feet. 331.772 ........... .................... 349.292 349.412 Harrisburg, canal bridge, copper bolt in south end of east bridge seat (P. R. R. 4), .. Harrisburg, Susquebanna River bridge, copper bolt in northeast wing wall (P. R. R. 5), ..... ........ Harrisburg, Susquehanna River bridge, copper bolt, northwest wing . wall (P. R. R. 6), ...... Fishing Creek Arch, copper bolt in southwest end of coping (P. R. R. 7), ............... Perdix, copper bolt in east abutment, south end of open culvert, 1,000 feet west of station (P. R. R. 8), .... Cove, copper bolt in south end of box culvert (P. R. R. 9), .. Cove, 1,500 feet west of, square in doorsill of brick schoolhouse (P. R. R. 10), ...... .............. 345.360 348.037 345.047 ...... 348.526 HECK'S ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO HALIFAX. .......................................... 346.194 347.894 .......... 346.679 349.001 347.543 350.714 349.336 352.368 ....... 364.780 IIeck’s near, east end, north abutment of railroad bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1), ... Heck's foundation of Heck's Tower, at southeast corner; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1a), ...... Dauphin, near, bridge 148, east end, south abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), ....... Dauphin, 1.4 miles north of, east side of track, 2,055 feet north of milepost 94-44, in red shale rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), .. Dauphin, near, bridge 150, southeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ...... Geiger Point, near, east side of track, 20 feet south of milepost 96-42, in sandstone rock; copper bolt, ...... Clarks Ferry, near bridge.151, southeast back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 6), ....... Clarks Ferry, 0.9 inile south of, coping of culvert, west side of track, 760 feet north of milepost 98-40 ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7),.. Clarks Ferry, near, east side of track, 15 feet south of milepost "99- 39," in shaly sandstone; copper bolt, Clarks Ferry, near, retaining wall, opposite Clarks Feriy; shelf (P. R. R. 9), ..... Clarks Ferry, north of, northwest corner, foundation of water tank ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), ...... Clarks Ferry, bridge 152, northwest back wall; shelf (P. R. R. 11), Clarks Ferry, near, bridge 153, east end, north abutment; shelf (P. R. R. 12), .......... ........ Inglenook, east side of track, 3,570 feet north of milepost 102-36, in sbaly sandstone rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12a), .. Halifax, nçar, east side of track; milepost 104-34, in shaly rock; shelf (P. R. R. 13), .... Halifax, near, east side of track, milepost 105-33, sbaly rock ; shelf (P. R. R. 14), . Halifax, near, culvert, east side of track, 485 feet north of milepost 106-32; square (P. R. R. 15), ......... Halifax, 0.3 mile north of, large rock, east side of track, 1,705 feet north of milepost 106-32 ; square (P. R. R. 16), ...... Halifax, near east end of coping, south wingwall of bridge 156; copper bolt (P. R. R. 17), ....... 365.710 371.291 366.233 369.215 373.378 373.871 377.582 ........ 376.545 379.065 , ...................................... 377.797 APPENDIX. 339 Feet. ................................... IC Halifax, near face of northwest back wall of bridge 157 ; shelf (P. R. R. 18), ....... Halifax, 2.9 miles north of, foundation of barn, 310 feet south of milepost 190-29; copper bolt (P. R. R. 19), ...... .......... 376.099 388.840 HAZLETON QUADRANGLE. SITTLER NORTH ALONG LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Andreas, 1.3 miles northeast of station, 500 feet north of road cross- ing, in north face of northwest wing wall of county bridge over Lizard Creek; aluminum tablet stamped “564-1908," .. German's station, 1.2 miles southwest of, 250 feet east of road cross- ing, on north west bridge seat; chisel mark, ................ 563.936 560.51 HILLIARDS QUADRANGLE. CENTERTOWN SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAYS TO POINT 1.7 MILES NORTH OF HARRISVILLE. 1,472.755 1,503.41 Millbrook, 3.5 miles east of, on south side of T road north ; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2, 1473," .. Wesley, 1.7 miles northwest of, northeast corner of crossroads at : north end of town; chisel mark on rock marked "1503,” ...... Wesley, 1 mile northwest of, at road north ; chisel mark on rock marked "1545," ....... ............ · Wesley, 0.25 mile northwest of, south side of road, 300 feet west of house to south; chisel mark on large rock marked "1494,” .. Wesley, crossroads at north end of town, on stone culvert on Pittsburg and Franklin Road; chisel mark with figures "1422,” ...... Wesley, on culvert opposite blacksmith shop; chisel mark with figures "1439.5," ....... Wesley, in stone step to front porch of Huffman's Hotel; aluminum tablet stamped "1438-1910," .. 1,493.93 1,422.03 1,439.43 1,375.65 1,359.70 1,416.63 1,364.81 1,356 in stone marked "1376," ..... Wesley 1.2 miles south of; chisel mark in bridge seat of bridge over small stream at turn to east; marked “1360,” ............... Barkeyville, 1.3 miles north of, at southwest corner of crossroads; chisel mark on rock marked "1417,” .......... Barkeyville, 1 mile north of, in wing wall of steel bridge; chisel mark .. . with figures “1365,” ....... ............ Barkeyville surface of water under steel bridge ; July 25, 1910, .... Barkeyville, 0.6 mile north of, southeast corner of T road east; chisel mark in rock marked "1421.749," ...... ....... Barkeyville, 0.4 mile north of, northwest corner of T road west; chisel mark in rock marked "1434.851,” ... Barkeyville, in northeast corner of east face of foundation of Evangeli- cal Church; aluminum tablet stamped. "1479-1910,” ........ Barkeyville, 0.2 mile south of, northwest corner of crossroads at Beaty's store; chisel mark on culvert, marked "1427.945," .. Beaty's store, 0.8 mile south of; chisel mark in wing wall at small bridge, marked "1318.726,” ...... 1,421.76 1,434.75 1,479.318 1,427.83 120, ............................ 1,318.60 340. APPENDIX. Feet. 1,357.85 1,316.65 Barkeyville, 1 mile south of, on summit of hill, house to east; chisel mark on rock marked "1357.980," ...... Barkeyville, 1.5 miles south of, at T road east; chisel mark in rock marked "1316.794," ..................... Harrisville, 2 mile north of, southeast corner of crossroads; chisel mark on rock marked "1423.185," ........ Harrisville, 1.7 miles north of, in southwest corner of south face of foundation to White Oak schoolhouse; aluminum table stamped “1428 1910," 1,423.01 1,428.069 POINT 0.5 MILE SOUTH OF HARRISVILLE SOUTHEAST ALONG BES- SEMER & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD TO BRANCHTON. Branchton, 100 feet back of station, in concrete foundation under porch to house of Ames Hall; aluminum tablet. stamped "1190 ADJ 1903,” ... ....... 1,189.863 HOLLIDAYSBURG QUADRANGLE. AT ALLEGRIPPUS. Allegrippus, 400 feet west of, 30 feet north of center line of track; east end of cut; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ................ 1,935.358 ............ ........... .......................... POINT THREE MILES FROM ALTOONA PASSENGER STATION ALONG HOLLIDAYSBURG AND MORRISON'S COVE BRANCHES OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO HENRIETTA. Altoona, 3 miles from, north bridge seat of open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), ....... 1,103.74 Canaan, north abutment of bridge 4, west end of back wall; square (P. R. R. 3), ........ 1,059.25 Bridge 5, north end of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ... 1,002.09 Bridge 6, north end of pier; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ............ 982.73 Hollidaysburg, sill of north front window of passenger station; shelf (P. R. R. 6), ......... 956.50 Bridge 9, northwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), .. 938.86 Bridge 10, northeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 8), ........ 943.97 Altoona, 12.8 miles from, west end of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), . 969.06 Brooke's Mills, south side of public road, on rock ; square (P. R. R. 10). .......................................... McKee, northwest wing wall of bridge 11; square (P. R. R. 11), .. 1,033.03 Roaring Spring, doorsill of church ; square (P. R. R. 12), ........ 1,202.80 Roaring Spring, rock at tool-house; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12a), .. 1,202.88 Bridge 14, northwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 13), ...... 1,264.06 Erb, east side of cut, in rock at summit; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14), 1,355.55 Martinsburg wye, near, opposite south end of barn, in rock west of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), ..... 1,346.00 Bridge 15, south abutment, west end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 17), .. 1,348.78 Flenrietta, near, west of track, in rock in small quarry; copper bolt (P. R. R. 19), . 1,430.24 Henrietta, foundation at north end of passenger station ; shelf (P. R. R. 20), ...... ..... 1,394.01 10), ..., R w 12 APPENDIX. 341 HOWARD QUADRANGLE. ................................................ POINT NEAR MILEPOST 50-5 ALONG BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH, TYRONE DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MILEPOST . 39-16. Feet. Milepost 50-5, 1,210 feet west of, square on set stone; (P. R. R. 6), ....... 595.32 Milepost 48-7, square on set stone (P. R. R. 7), ................ Bridge 43, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 8), ...... 620.42 Beech Creek, near station, 120 feet west of milepost 46-9, in coping of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), .................... 608.001 Eagleville, southeast bridge seat of bridge 42; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), ..................... 631.94 Milepost 43-12, 43 feet east of, south side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 11), .... 623.30 Milepost 42-13, 118 feet west of, north side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 12), ... 623.06 Milepost 41-14, south side of track ; square on set stone (P. R. R. 13), 622.08 646.61 HUMMELSTOWN QUADRANGLE. POINT 1.25 MILES WEST OF ANNVILLE ALONG PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD TO POINT BETWEEN BEAVER AND HUMMELSTOWN. ..... 405.211 Annville, 1.25 miles west of, at southwest corner of bridge over "Joe Crider's dam,” cut; marked "XXVII B. [] M. 1881” C. & G. S. XXVII), ........ Beaver and Hummelstown Station, between, cut on stone parapet of bridge over Swartara River and Canal, marked "XXVIII B. [] M. 1881" (C. & G. S. XXVIII), ........ 367.660 HUNTINGDON QUADRANGLE. AT HUNTINGDON. Huntingdon, in south end of head race arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 88), ....... 624.497 HYNDMAN QUADRANGLE. STATE LINE ALONG BEDFORD DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO MANN'S CHOICE. State Line, north abutment of Wills Creek bridge, on back wall; shelf (P. R. R. 1), ..... 732.91 Hyndman, near, west end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), 747.66 Hyndman, near, 20 feet east of track, on rock; shelf (P. R. R. 3), 835.45 Hyndman, 0.4 mile south of, north pier of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ..... 909.11 Hyndman, 0.3 mile north of, south abutment of bridge, in bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5) (C. & G. S. 1907 value), .. 945.285 342 APPENDIX. Feet. 1,002.87 1,267.98 1,290.82 Hyndman, near, southwest corner of south abutment of bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 6), ........ ....... Bard, east end north abutment on coping; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), Mount Dallas, 20.7 miles from, north abutment of open bridge, in bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12), .................. Sulphur Springs, east end of open culvert, on north abutment; square (P. R. R. 13), . Mount Dallas, 16.8 miles from, west end, center pier of half through girder bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14), ................ Mann's Choice, north abutment of open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), ............................................. .................................. 1,183.84 1,147.32 C 1,135.20 COOK MILLS ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO HYNDMAN. 779.368 ............... ................... 841.525 Cooks Mills, 0.3 mile north of, between tracks, in east abutment of bridge 8; copper bolt (B. & O. 163A), ....... ......... Cooks Mills, 2 miles north of, in south coping of culvert across Walley farm, about 11.5 miles from Cumberland; copper bolt (B. & O. 165A), Hyndman, 0.6 mile southeast of, on south end of east abutment of bridge 9; copper bolt (B. & O. 167A), Hyndman, 0.3 mile north of, in bridge seat of south abutment of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ....... ........... Hyndman, 0.5 mile northwest of, between tracks in east abutment of bridge 10; copper bolt (B. & 0. 168A), ........... 903.774 ................. 945.285 957.948 ...... JOHNSTOWN QUADRANGLE. WILMORÐ ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO SANG HOLLOW. Little Conemaugh bridge 1, east end of north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), ....... ....... 1,558.802 Little Conemaugh bridge 3, east end of north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 16), ..., ........ 1,562.361 Ehrenfield, in east end of retaining wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 17), 1,519.101 Little Conemaugh bridge 5, in east end of north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 18), ......... .......... 1,483.909 Conemaugh Viaduct, east end of south parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 20), .......... ............. 1,457.588 Mineral Point, in doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 21), .... 1,415.777 Mineral Point, 1.3 miles west of station, east face of rock (P. R. R. 22a), ................................. .............. 1,360.896 Mineral Point, 1.52 miles west of station, corner of coping, Cambria Iron Co's dam ; square (P. R. R. 23), ....... ......... 1,326.546 Little Conemaugh bridge 6, west end of south parapet; square (P. R. R. 24), ....... ............... 1,310.715 Conemaugh, in doorsill at east end of roundhouse; copper bolt (P. · R. R. 26), ....... ....... 1,226.803 Woodvale, north pier, Third Street Bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 27), .... 1,185.242 Sang Hollow, 0.09 mile east of, in rock at spring, south side ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 30A), .. 1,147.878 ...... .................................... APPENDIX. 343 LOVETT ALONG PITTSBURG DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO ELTON. Feet. Lovett, northeast corner of water tank foundation; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1), .... ....... 1,036.48 Yellow Run Bridge, east end of south abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), ....... 1,724.60 Lovett, 2.1 miles from, in rock on west side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ..... .................... 1,882.07 Summit, rock on west side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), .... 2,154.74 Elton, east end of south abutment of overhead bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ..... 2,034.54 ........ LANCASTER QUADRANGLE. ................... ....... 339.54 325.93 ON ......... 304.80 309.87 314.76 SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO FLORIN. Witmer, 3 miles west of, east bridge seat of undergrade bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 77), .... Conestoga Junction, west end of north peir of overhead bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 78), ...... .............. Big Conestoga Bridge, 2 feet from end, northwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 79), ...... Lancaster, 1.3 miles east of station, north parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. SC), ......... Dillerville, north side, wall of turntable pit; square (P. R. R. 82), Dillerville, west end of water station, north parapet of culvert, center of water trough ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 83), ........ Dillerville, 1.2 miles west of, north parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 84), Landisville, 2.4 miles east of, east bridge seat, south end of under- grade bridge, farm crossing; square (P. R. R. 85), ........ Landisville, 1.1 miles east of, west abutment, north end, back wall of undergrade bridge, at farm road crossing; copper bolt (P. R. R. 86), ............. Landisville, in doorsill of Railroad Hotel; square (P. R. R. 87), .. Big Chiques Bridge, south parapet, east end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 89), ........ Little Chiques Bridge, south parapet, east end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 90); .... R. 90), ............................................... Mount Joy, Marietta Street, overhead bridge, rock face, north abut- ment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 91), ....... 319.21 353.94 375.96 404.55 361.78 349.28 V. 360.10 IV. III, ........................ NEW HOLLAND PIKE ALONG LANCASTER CUT-OFF AND COLUMBIA BRANCH OF PHILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO COLUMBIA PASSENGER STATION. New Holland Pike, undergrade bridge, bridge seat, west abutment, north end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 116), 310.71 Lititz pike bridge, rock face, north abutment; shelf (P. R. R. 117) 339.29 Tower D-V, 0.1 mile east of, south abutment of overhead bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 118), ...... 356.33 .................................. 344 . Y APPENDISFeet. Little Conestoga bridge, northeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R . 119). .............................................. 324.91 364.38 368.28 . ........................... 422.69 Rohrerstown, 0.3 mile west of, south abutment of overhead bridge, west end; square (P. R. R. 120), .......... Rohrerstown, 0.8 mile west of, north end, east bridge seat, under- grade farm crossing; copper bolt (P. R. R. 121), ...... Mountville, 1.3 miles east of, overhead bridge, north abutment; shelf (P. R. R. 122), Mountville, 0.4 mile west of, south parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 123), ....... Glen Manor, 0.1 mile west of, undergrade bridge, west abutment, north end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 124), ... Strickler Run bridge, 1.3 miles east of Columbia, northeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 125), .. .................. 390.52 .... 346.74 289.45 STRICKLER'S RUN ALONG LOWGRADE FREIGHT LINE OF PENNSYL- VANIA RAILROAD TO COLUMBIA. Milepost 82, 1,123 feet east of, northwest corner of coping of bridge No. 450 over Shawnee Creek; copper bolt (P. R. R. 87), .. 242.800 ............................. 231.30 SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO COLUMBIA. Washington Borough, southeast back wall of open bridge at sawmill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 40), ..... Milepost 42, 1,410 feet east of, northwest bridge seat of open bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), ...... Milepost 43, 210 feet east of, southwest back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 42), .......... Milepost 43, 2,880 feet west of, south coping of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), ............... ............................ 231.13 ............... .................... 240.10 242.80 LANCASTER EAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 2.8 MILES. 304.800 Lancaster, 1.6 miles east of, railroad bridge over Conestoga River, in top of west abutment, north side; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad benchmark 79), .... Lancaster, 2.1 miles east of, in top of overhead bridge, in north pier, west side; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 78), Lancaster, 2.8 miles east of, in top of mud wall, cast abutment, south end of railroad bridge 78 over road; aluminum tablet stamped “345," 325.930 342.666 BENCHI MARKS SET FROM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BENCH MARKS ALONG SUSQUEHANNA RIVER. 229.767 Washington Borough, in west end of coping of north abutment of - Stamans Run Bridge; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 40), ........... Washington Borough, 200 feet east of Stamans Run bridge, 8 feet east of west end of stone wall, ju front of Geo. Brush's barn, top of, aluminum tablet stamped "233," ...... .................... 233.106 APPENDIX. 345 LATROBE QUADRANGLE. MILLWOOD ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO GEORGES STATION. Feet. Millwood, shelf, north abutment, overhead bridge (P. R. R. 51), 1,165.557 Millwood, 0.47 mile west of station, in arah culvert at south end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 52), .. ................... 1,150.297 Derry, in north end of pier of open bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 53), 1,168.688 Derry, on base course on east side of roundhouse; square (P. R. R. 54), .......... ....... 1,182.058 Bradenville, 300 feet west of station, on rock on north side of track; square (P. R. R. 56), ... .... 1,085.992 Bradenville, 500 feet west of station, on rock on south side of track; square (P. R. R. 56a), .... .......... 1,085.102 Loyalhanna, on north pier of overhead bridge; square (P. R. R. 57), 1,039.293 Latrobe, on doorsill of passenger station; square (P. R. R. 58), .. 1,008.445 Latrobe, on northeast wing wall of county bridge over Loyalhanna Creek; square (P. R. R. 58a), .................. ........ 988.796 Latrobe, 1.48 miles west of, on north abutment of overhead bridge ; shelf (P. R. R. 59), .... 1,063.747 Beatty, on front wall of freight station, square (P. R. R. 60), .. 1,077.188 Carney, on rock at toolhouse; shelf (P. R. R. 61), .. 1,153.022 Carrs Tunnel, west end, south side; shelf (P. R. R. 62), ........ 1,209.573 Georges Station, on south pier of overhead bridge; square (P. R. . R. 63), ...... ...... 1,199.314 .................. ממוו'' abolf (P SALTSBURG ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BLAIRSVILLE. 840.868 855.550 ..... 872.206 ............ ...................... 867.070 ........................................ 901.356 904.206 Saltsburg, 1 mile west of, west abutment, south end of bridge seat; square (P. R. R. 49), ...... Saltsburg, passenger station, on doorsill of baggage room; square (P. R. R. 50), ... White Rock, 0.5 mile east of, north line of railway; copper bolt (P. R. R. 51), ........ ................ Tunenlton, 1.1 miles west of, northwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 52), ...... Bow, 0.4 mile west of, east end, northwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 53), ........ Bow, 0.3 mile west of, east end, north side Coad's Tunnel; shelf (P .R.R. 54), ...... ...... Livermore, 0.7 mile west of, southwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 55), ...... Livermore, 0.2 mile east of, southeast wing wall; bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 56), ...... Social Hall, 0.8 mile west of, iron pipe drain, south wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 57), ... Social Hall, bridge, southwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 58), Blairsville, 0.4 mile west of, Walnut Street Bridge, northeast wing wall, third course; copper bolt (P. R. R. 59), ............ Blairsville, passenger station, northeast corner, foundation offset; square (P. R. R. 60), ...... Blairsville, 1.6 miles east of, iron pipe drain, north wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 61), ....... ............ 922.919 933.481 962.474 964.196 999.361 ............................ 1,011.892 979.066 346 APPENDIX. LEWISTOWN QUADRANGLE. NARROWS ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MCVEYTOWN. Feet. Narrows, 0.7 mile west of station, in northeast wing of box cul- vert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 51) ...... 466.004 Narrows, 1.5 miles west of station, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 52) ........ 473.563 Bixler water station, in retaining wall at west end of troughs; copper bolt (P. R. R. 53) ....... 476.192 Lewistown Junction, square in foundation of tower (P. R. R. 54) 498.351 Mayes bridge, in second step of northwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 57) ......... 499.590 Granville, 1,500 feet west of station, in north end of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 58) ................ 493.738 Anderson, 1,200 feet west of passenger station, in arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 59), ...... 492.836 Longfellow, 0.1 mile east of station, in south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 61), ... 497.203 Horingford, 0.3 mile east of station, 7 feet from south end, in east bridge seat of cattle pass; copper bolt (P. R. R. 62), ...... 500.062 Horingford, 1.2 miles west of station, at south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 63), ........ 523.501 ............................. BRIDGE 4 ALONG LEWISTOWN DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO BRIDGE 1. 513.03 516.36 Bridge 4, northwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 40), ...... Milepost 46-4, 1,800 feet west of, north side of track, in rock ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), ......... Milepost 48-2, 1,570 feet east of, north side of track, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 42), ...... Bridge 3, northwest wing wall, second step; square (P. R. R. 43), Lewistown, opposite station, west end of doorsill of store; square (P. R. R. 44), ...... Bridge 1, northeast back wall; shelf (P. R. R. 45), ........ 536.80 496.94 495.26 481.09 LEBANON QUADRANGLE. . 474.577 Lebanon, at south side of southernmost front entrance to Saint Mary's Catholic Church; center of cross on white marble block built into front wall (C. & G. S. XXVI), ............ Lebanon, southwest corner of Lighth and Church Streets, in grounds of Mr. P. L. Weiner; marble post bearing on south side the letter "K” (C. & G. S. "K"), 465.755 LINESVILLE QUADRANGLE. CONNEAUTVILLE SOUTHWEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ERIE & PITTSBURG DIVISION TO JAMESTOWN. Summit, at road crossing; top of rail, .......... 1,143.8 Summit, in northeast corner of foundation of Isaac Lyman's residence; aluminum tablet stamped "1148," 1,148.084 APPENDIX. 347 Feet. 1,041.1 Linesville, street crossing; top of rail, ..... ....... Linesville, 150 feet west. of Pennsylvania Railroad, in southeast corner 1,093.797 Espyville, 100 feet west of station, in southeast foundation of Smith McGranahan's residence; aluminum tablet stamped "1094,” .. Westford, in southwest corner of J. N. Martin's store building; aluminum tablet stamped "1105," Westford, 2.4 miles south of, in north side of west end of stone-arch bridge 23; aluminum tablet stamped "1028," .............. ..................... 1,104.693 ( 1,027.737 ATLANTIC NORTH ALONG ERIE RAILROAD TO STONY POINT, THENCE EAST NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO CONNEAUT LAKE, THENCE NORTH ALONG BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD TO CONNEAUTVILLE. . 1,147 1,141.045 1,215.719 1,285.492 1,283 1,085.91 Atlantic, road crossing; top of rail, ....... Atlantic, in southeast corner of foundation of Atlantic House, south- west of station; bronze tablet stamped "1141," .............. Unger, (Shearer Run), in northwest corner of water-tank foundation; aluminum tablet stamped "1216," ........ ......... Stony Point Station, in southeast corner of foundation stone of water tank; bronze tablet stamped "1286” (stone is marked "1 1906'), Stony Point, road crossing; top of rail, .... Conneaūt, Lake outlet, canal bench mark (This description is not complete enought here to identify bench mark in Canal lists), .. Conneaut Lake, in southeast wing wall of iron wagon bridge over Lake outlet; aluminum tablet stamped "1080,” ........ ......... Meadville Junction, 0.5 mile east of station, in southwest corner of foundation of Chas. Shakespear's residence; aluminum tablet stamped "1088,” ........ ........ Harmonsburg, 1 mile north of station, in southwest bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped “1061," ..... Dicksonburg, road crossing near station ; top of rail, .............. Dicksonburg, 1 mile north of station, in northwest wing wall of iron wagon bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "1000," ............ 1,079.814 1,087.867 1,061.099 1,014 1,000.114 LOCK HAVEN QUADRANGLE. POINT NEAR MILEPOST 236-52 ALONG ERIE DIVISION OF PENNSYL- VANIA RAILROAD TO LOCK HAVEN. Milepost. 236-52, 1.,053 feet west of, north side of track, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 63), ........ Bridge 136, coping of northeast wing wall of stone arch; copper bolt ..... 596.24 P. 'R. R. 63a), ................. 560.94 572.12 533.81 .. ..... .... Milepost 235-53, 2,059 feet west of, in rock; shelf (P. R. R. 64), Bridge 134, northwest wing wall of stone arch, second course; copper bolt- (P. R. R. 65), ......... Milepost 233-55, 2,050 feet west of, south side of track, in rock ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 66), ... Bridge 133, southeast back wall; shelf (P. R. R. 67), ............ 553.60 560.44 348 APPENDIX. Feet. 561.26 560.95 565.97 561.13 02 Bridge 132, southwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 68), .... Overhead bridge of New York Central & Hudson River R. R., south side of track, retaining wall; shelf (P. R. R. 69), .......... Milepost 229-59, 2,442 feet west of, north side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 70), ........... Bridge 131, southeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 71), .... Bridge 130, south side of track, in coping of stone arch; square (P. R. R. 72), ......... ............... Milepost 226-62, east end of middle pier of water tank; square (P. R. R. 73), ....... Milepost 225-63, 220 fcet west of, southeast wing wall of Bald Eagle Creek bridge, second course; copper bolt (P. R. R. 74), .... Milepost 224-64, 170 feet west of, north side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 75), ..., 555.11 .................. 569.06 557.94 .................................. 553.63 LOCK HAVEN ALONG BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH, TYRONE DIVI- SION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR MILEPOST 50-5. 559.14 552,46 552.97 Lock Haven station, east window sill of women's waiting room, square (P. R. R., or bench mark No. 76, Erie division, Pennsyl- vania R. R.), ...... Bridge 50, at milepost 54.1, southwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1), ............. Bridge 49, northwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), ........ Bridge 47, south end of west pier, in coping; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), .......... Mill Hall, southeast bridge seat of bridge 46; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ...... .............. Bridge 44 over New York Central & Hudson River R. R., northwest wing wall, copper boli (P. R. R. 5), 560.03 571.13 590.22 MCCALL FERRY QUADRANGLE. POINT 1.4 MILES NORTH OF DELTA NORTHWEST ALONG MARYLAND & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO LAUREL. 244.16 235.4 Delta, 1.8 miles northwest of, road crossing at wood covered bridge, 15 feet east of track, north margin of road; square on large rock outcrop, narked "244," ... Bryansville, in front of station; top of rail, ...... Bryansville, 0.6 mile northwest of, in top of south abutment on west side of railroad bridge over creek; aluminum tablet stamped “231," ............ Castle Fin, in front of station ; top of rail, ..... Castle Fin, 1.2 miles north of, 70 feet north of milepost 30-48, 4 feet west of track; top of bowlder marked "U. S. [] B. M. 272," Castle Fin, 2.2 miles northwest of, 600 feet north of switch, at road crossing, 20 feet east of track, north margin of road, in rock outcrop; aluminum tablet stamped “295,” ........ Woodbine, in front of station ; top of rail, ........ 230.598 240.4 271.81 ...... 294.742 304.3 APPENDIX. 349 Feet. 312.0 ..... .................... 321.616 Bridgeton, in front of station; top of rail, ...... Bridgeton, 0.6 mile northwest of, 180 feet south of milepost 26-32, 10 feet east of track, in top of large bowlder; aluminum tablet stamped "322," Muddy Creek Forks, 900 feet south of station, on railroad culvert, north wall, between tracks, in top; aluminum tablet stamped “370," Muddy Creek Forks, in front of station ; top of rail, ..... SO 369.849 372.77 ........ BENCH MARKS SET FROM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BENCH ALONG SUSQUEHANNA RIVER. 229.513 230.271 230.735 233.574 .................. .................. 208.967 ...... 211.198 Creswell, arch at station, coping, east end; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), .. Creswell, arch bridge under low grade railway, south end of east wall used as guard wall to driveway under bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “230,” ........ Creswell, 2.6 miles south of, 550 feet east of milepost 36, west wing of head wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), Creswell, 2.6 miles south of, 580 feet east of milepost 36, east end of heavy retaining wall under low grade railway, in face ; aluminum tablet stamped "234,” Safe Harbor, 1 mile south of, bridge over Boatman's Hollow Creek, in west end of coping, copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark, ........ Safe Harbor, 1 mile south of, Boatman's Hollow bridge, 60 feet north of arch, in face of retaining wall under low grade railway; aluminum tablet stamped “211,” York Furnace, 0.5 mile south of, 400 feet east of milepost 29, north bridge seat east end of girder bridge; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), .......... York Furnace, 0.5 mile south of, 210 feet south of milepost 29, 160 feet north of small girder bridge, 20 feet east of track, top of large rock; aluminum tablet stamped "186,” ............... McCall Ferry, 300 feet north of, east coping of arch; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ........ McCall Ferry, 400 feet west of station, highway bridge over Kelley's Run, west abutment, north side, top of parapet wall; alumi- num tablet stamped "188,” ..... Mud Run, east end, coping of arch; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Rail- road bench mark), .. Mud Run, 600 feet west of, north side of track, in face of vertical rock wall; aluminum tablet stamped "166," Fishing Creek, east coping of arch; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark), ............. .................. Fishing Creek, in stone foundation of porch of store, 150 feet north of station, in front face, aluminum tablet stamped "122," ... ....... 180.980 185.535 182.642 187.754 147.664 .............. 165.634 133.297 121.802 350 APPENDIX. BENCH MARKS SET FROM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BENCH MARKS ALONG LOW GRADE FREIGHT LINE. Feet. Smithville, 2.5 miles west of, tower S. F., 475 feet west of milepost 66, on shelf of rock; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 71), ...... 385.532 Smithville, 2.5 miles west of, 200 feet east of tower S. F., railroad culvert, south side of track, in top of parapet wall; aluminum tablet stamped “384," ... 383.477 ......................... LANCASTER SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO SMITHVILLE. YT: 484.145 323.355 Willow Street, northwest corner of Reform Church, in top of water table; aluminum tablet stamped “486,” ................... Willow Street, 2.1 miles south of, 150 feet north of railway crossing east side of road, north end of arch bridge wall; marked “U. S. B. M. 325," ..... ........... Herrville, southwest corner of brick store; aluminum tablet stamped *305," ........... Smithville, 0.2 mile west of, in tunnel under Pennsylvania Railroad track, east end, top of retaining wall to creek; aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4, 1907, 346,". 303.575 344.823 STRICKLER'S RUN ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND SUS- QUEHANNA RIVER TO BENTON. 240.176 231.130 ..................... 229.767 228.729 ................................. 234.163 ...... 232.487 Strickler's Run, north abutment, in coping of bridge 42; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), ....... ......... Milepost 42, 1,410 feet east of, northwest bridge seat of open bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), ...... Staman's Run, coping west end of north abutment of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), .......... Milepost 39, 380 feet east of, east end of coping of 10 foot arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), ...... Milepost 37, 400 feet east of, face of rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), Milepost 35, 1,280 feet east of, copper bolt in rock (P. R. R. bench mark), ...... Safe Harbor, north end of east abutment of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), ... Pequea Creek, east coping, south end of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), ................ ..... Milepost 28, 230 feet south of, 15 feet east of track; copper bolt in rock (P. R. R. bench mark), Tucquan arch, north end, east coping ; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench inark), ................... ........................ Mingua, south corner, east coping of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), ........ Cully, east end of coping of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), Fites Eddy, stream, 100 feet west of, copper bolt in rock (P. R. R. bench mark), ..... ............... ...... Benton, west coping of arch at; copper bolt (P. R. R. bench mark), 270.869 184.858 181.890 182.768 182.641 169.388 153.222 105.860 APPENDIX. 351 .......................... POINT NEAR SMITHVILLE ALONG LOW GRADE FREIHT LINE OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAI TO STRICKLER'S RUN. Ieet. Milepost 65, 2,584 feet east of, uorthwest pedestal of overhead bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 69), ... 411.83 Milepost 65, 94 feet west of, south end of west parapet of road bridge 433; copper bolt (P. R. R. 70), ...... 398.62 Milepost 66, 475 feet west of, on shelf of rock at tower SF; copper bolt (P. R. R. 71.), ..... 385.48 Milepost 67, 180 feet west of, east corner of north coping of 24 foot arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 72), ...... 369.48 Milepost 68, 1,010 feet east of, south end of west abutment of Pequea Viaduct; copper bolt (P. R. R. 73), ... 357.15 Milepost 69, 90 feet east of, southwest corner of coping of arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 74), ........ 339.35 Shenk’s Ferry, 820 feet east of milepost 70, on ledge of rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 75), ....... 331.83 Gardner's Huilow, 2,450 feet east of milepost 75, on rock east of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 76), .. 323.85 Milepost: 71, 2,646 fect west of, north end of west abutment of Conestoga Viaduct; copper bolt (P. R. R. 77), ..... 308.14 Mulepost 72, 1,148 fect west of, on face of rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 78), ........ 300.69 Sowers Point, 12 feet west of milepost 73, in face of rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 79), .......... 289.81 Buzzards Rock, 776 feet west of milepost 74, head wall for iron pipe; copper bolt (P. R. R. SO), ........... 276.68 Mann's Run, 936 feet west of milepost 75, northeast back all of girder bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 81), ...... 268.74 Turkey Hill, 1,977 feet west of milepost 76, rock east of track ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 82), ....... ............ 260.19 Creswell Jump-over, 797 feet west of miltpost 77, northeast corner of bridge seat of bridge 444; copper bolt (P. R. R. 83), .... 250.29 Blind Run, 2,092 feet west of milepost 78, middle of west coping of bridge 446; copper bolt (P. R. R. 84), ......... 234.26 Shuman's Run, 2,187 feet west of milepost 79, or middle of west cop- ing of bridge 448; copper bolt (P. R. R. 85), .............. 231.890 Strickler's Run, 1,235 feet west of inilepost 81, northeast corner of coping of bridge 449; copper bolt (P. R. R. 86), .......... 242.090 ...................... 7 MASONTOWN QUADRANGLE. ROTHRUCK ALONG MONONGAHELA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO VANCE MILL JUNCTION. Rothruck, north of, northwest back wall of bridge 38; square (P. R. R. 70), ...... 890.86 Waltersburg, South of, northwest back wall of bridge 39; copper bolt (P. R. R. 71), ........ 903.88 Upper Middletown, 0.6 mile north of, northwest corner of bridge 41; square (P. R. R. 72), .. 908.80 Upper Middletown, 200 feet north of, west parapet of arch culvert; square (P. R. R. 73), ....... 911.57 No. 7–23. 332 APPENDIX. MAUCH CHUNK QUADRANGLE. SLATINGTON ALONG LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD TO POINT 3 MILES NORTHEAST OF SITTLER. SI - Feet. .......... 357.73 429.388 Slatington, 0.8 miles south of, in west pier of Lehigh & New England Railroad bridge over Lebigh Valley Railroad ; iron bolt (Lehigh Valley Railroad bench mark 92), ........ Lizard Creek Junction, 1.9 miles east of, 50 feet south of east bound track, in top face of west wall to reservoir on hill; aluminum tablet stamped "430-1908,” ..... Lizard Creek Junction, 1.3 miles west of, on sandstone bowlder to south of track ; chisel mark, .... Belliet's station, 0.3 mile west of, in northeast bridge seat of small bridge over stream; aluminum tablet stamped “528-1908," .... German's station, 150 feet west of road crossing, on southeast bridge seat to small bridge; chisel mark, . 483.13 527.540 541.38 MATTAWANA QUADRANGLE. MCVEYTOWN ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO RYDE. McVeytown, square in window sill of ticket office (P. R. R. 64), 525.440 McVeytown, 1.1 miles west of, in north end of bridge 141 ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 65), ... 505.979 McVeytown, 1.9 miles west of, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 66), ... 506.238 Ryde, 1.1 miles east of station, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 67), .. ...... 510.758 Ryde, in north parapet of Shanks Run arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 68), ......... 515.246 Ryde, 0.8 mile west of, in south abutment, east end of overhead bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 69), ........ 533.265 MERCER QUADRANGLE. POINT 1.7 MILES NORTH OF HARRISVILLE SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY 2.2 MILES. 1,341.72 1,339.22 Harrisville, 1 mile north of, in third stone step from top of steps leading from road to yard of Fuhrer's house; chisel mark with figures "1342,” ....... Harrisville, 0.5 mile north of, on rock at northwest corner of T road west; chisel mark marked "1339.4," .... Harrisville, north end of town; chisel mark on culvert, marked "1301.9," ..... Harrisville, schoolhouse yard; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 11, 1908, 1314," ...... .......... Harrisville, south edge of town, on northeast wing wall of iron bridge at T road west; chisel mark, with figures "1302.525,” ...... Harrisville, 1 mile south of, on coping of concrete bridge over Cran- berry Run; marked "1280,” ........... ......... 1,301.66 1,313.677 1,302.31 1,279.79 APPENDIX. 353 Feet. 1,327.28 Harrisville, northeast corner of bridge seat of railroad bridge; chisel mark, with figures "1327.0," .. .......... Harrisville, 0.27 mile south of, 600 feet east of railroad, northwest corner of north foundation wall of Sunnyside schoolhouse ; aluminum tablet stamped "1330 1910,” .................... 1,329.286 MILLBROOK ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTHWEST AND SOUTH TO POINT NEAR GROVE CITY, THENCE NORTHWEST TO MERCER. ....... .. ............ .............................. Millbrook, in bridge seat at southwest corner of iron bridge between road forks at west edge of town; aluminum tablet stamped "1307 1908,” .. 1,306.560 Perrys Corners, 3 miles north of, at northeast angle of T road east; chisel mark on rock marked "1303,” ....................... 1,302.58 Perrys Corners, 2.2 miles north of, four corners, 100 feet west of corner, on north side of road; chisel mark on stone under fence, marked "1335," ....... 1,335.29 Perrys Corners, 1.5 miles north of, northwest angle of four corners ; chisel mark on rock marked "1359," .... 1,359.43 Perrys Corners, 0.1 mile north of, in bridge seat at southwest corner of iron bridge over Perrys Run; aluminum tablet stamped “1256 PA," ... 1,255.791 Perrys Corners, 0.2 mile south of, on east side of road opposite T road west; chisel mark on bowlder marked "1283 ," .......... 1,283.27 Perrys Corners, 1.3 miles west of, at southeast corner of crossroads; chisel mark on bowlder marked "1319," ........ 1,319.29 Cranberry schoolhouse, 2 miles northwest of Grove City, in water table at east corner; aluminum tablet staniped "1282 PA," .. 1,281.588 George Junior Republic, at north west angle of four corners; chisel mark on stone marked "1291," ... 1,290.65 McDowells Corner, Chestnut Ridge, in rock at northeast corner of crossroads; aluminum tablet stamped "1336 PA," .......... 1,335.654 Mercer, 2.5 miles southeast of, in south west corner of crossroads, on top of concrete wall over culvert; aluminum tablet stamped "1352 PA," ............. ....... 1,351.871 Mercer, at southwest corner of highway bridge over Otter Creek, on bridge seat; chisel mark, with figures “1097,” .............. 1,097.38 GROVE CITY ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTHEAST AND EAST TO HARRIS- VILLE. ........... 1,256.237 Grove City, Carnegie Library at corner of Broad and Main streets, in face of western wall at north side of steps about 3 feet above ground; aluminum tablet stamped "1256," ................ Swamproot, about 300 feet east of fork in road at west edge of town, on top of concrete wing wall at southwest corner of iron bridge ; aluminum tablet stamped "1262,” .... ................ Swamproot, 300 feet cast of fork of road at west end of town, on 1, 261.888 1,261.87 chisel mark, marked, ..... .............. Swamproot, at east end of town, in bridge seat at southwest corner or iron bridge about 200 feet cast of grade crossing of Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad, chisel mark, marked "1263," .... 1,263.24 354 Heet. 1,323.49 Harrisville, 1.1 miles west of, in southwest angle of four corners, on top of concrete wall over culvert; paint mark "1324," ......... Harrisville, schoolhouse yard; iron post stmped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 11, 1908, 1314," ... .... 1,313.677 BRANCHTON ALONG HIGHWAY WEST TO SLIPPERY ROCK, THENCE SOUTHWEST TO ELLIOT'S MILL, THENCE NORTH TO PLAIN- GROVE, THENCE WEST TO JORDAN SCHOOLHOUSE, THENCE NORTH TO OTTER CREEK, THENCE ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MERCER. Branchton, 100 feet back of station, in concrete foundation under porch of house of Amos Hall; aluminun tablet stamped "1190 ADJ 1903," ..... 1,189.863 Branchton, 1 mile west of, on north side of road, about 50 feet east of four corners; chisel mark on face of rock marked "1352,” 1,351.66 Slippery Rock, 1.4 miles east of, in southwest angle of four corners; chisel mark on large stone marked "1338,” ................. 1,338.01 Slippery Rock, 0.7 mile east of, in angle of fork in road; chisel mark on large bowlder marked "1410," ... ......... 1,409.73 Slippery Rock, in northeast corner of New Central Hotel, about 3 feet above ground; aluminum tablet stamped "1302,".. 1,301.777 Slippery Rock, 2.1 miles west of, in southwest corner at T road south; chisel mark on stone marked "1221," ....... 1,221.43 Slippery Rock, 3.4 miles west of, in northwest angle of four corners, in water table in southeast corner of house of B. P. McConnel; aluminum tablet stamped “1168," ........ 1,168.376 Plain Grove, 1.2 miles south of, about 500 feet east of four corners, on bridge seat at northeast corner of iron bridge over Jamison Run; chisel mark, with figures "1096," . 1,095.97 Plain Grove, in Presbyterian Church, on stone about 3 feet above ground at right side of main entrance to Church; aluminum tablet stamped "1174," ......... 1,174.320 Plain Grove, 1.1 miles west of, in bridge seat at northeast corner of iron bringe over Taylor Run; chisel mark with figures "1162," 1,161.73 Plain Grove, 1.3 miles west of, in southwest corner at T road south to Harlansburg; top of nail driven in base of large oak tree, marked "1181," .... .........1,181.24 Plain Grove, 2.5 miles west of, in northeast corner of T road north, chisel mark on stone, marked "1260," .... ......... 1,260.16 Jordan Schoolhouse, about 1,400 feet south of, on east side of road, in northwest corner of barn of John Jordan, about 3 feet above ground; aluminum tablet stamped "1277," . 1,277.264 Jordan Schoolhouse, 0.1 mile north of, in southwest corner at T road west, on low stone; chisel mark, with figures “1315," .. 1,314.92 Jackson schoolhouse, in water table at southwest corner; aluminum tablet stamped "1355," .... 1,354.955 Leesburg, 2.2 miles south of, in northeast angle of four corner, on granite bowlder; chisel mark, with figures "1378," ........... 1,377.98 .................................. APPENDIX. 355 Feet. 1,363.05 .................. 1,294.21 1,304.975 Leesburg, 1.5 miles south of, on east side of road opposite T road west; chisel mark on bowlder marked "1363,” ..... Leesburg, 0.6 mile south of, in northeast corner at T load east; chisel mark on bowlder marked "1294,” ....... Leesburg, in Presbyterian Church, in water table at left side of en- trance; aluminum tablet stamped "1305,” ..................' Leesburg, 0.8 mile north of, in northeast angle of four corners, on low stone; chisel mark, with figures “1204,” ....... Leesburg, 1.7 miles north of, in bridge seat at southwest corner of iron bridge over Otter Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1055," Mercer, in bridge seat at southwest corner of Pennsylvania Railroad bridge over Otter Creek, about 1,000 feet north of station ; aluminum tablet stamped “1097 1908,” ... 1,204.39 1,054.808 .................... 1,097.391 MEYERSDALE QUADRANGLE. MEYERSDALE ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO FORT HILL. 2,106.929 2,053.665 1,995.151 1,943.661 1,937.578 . ..... .... .... 1,930.778 1,928.698 ....... 1,912.820 Meyersdale, 1 mile southeast of, in rock, 30 feet east of telegraph pole 213-30; copper bolt (B. & O. 189), ...... Meyersdale, on northeast side of tracks at southeast end of plat- form; vertical rail section (B. & O. 190), ...... ..... Salisbury Junction, 0.25 mile southeast of, opposite milepost 216; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 191), ó. Salisbury Junction, 0.8 mile northwest of, copper bolt in southwest end of mud wall, suutheast abutment of bridge 26 (B. & 0.192), Garret, 2 miles southeast of, opposite milepost 218; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 193), .... Garret, 0.8 mile southeast of, in southwest end of mud wall, south- east of abutment of bridge 28; copper bolt (B. & 0. 194), . Garret, 0.25 mile southeast of, in southwest end of southeast abut- ment of bridge 29; copper bolt (B. &0. 195), ....... Garret, 0.8 mile northwest of, on bridge 30, in bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & O. 196), ...... Garret, 1.5 miles northwest of, on bridge 34, in bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & O. 197), ..... McSpadden, opposite tower; section of rail set vertically between tracks, ......................... McSpadden, 0.8 mile northwest of, in large bowlder on north side of tracks; copper bolt (B. & O. 190), ........ Rockwood, 2 miles southeast of, set in southwest end of bridge seat of southeast abutment of bridge 32; copper bolt (B. & 0.200), .. Rockwood, 0.8 mile southeast of, opposite milepost 226; top of rail section set vertically in ground between tracks (B. & 0. 201), Rockwood, 1.25 miles southwest of, in southeast end of mud wall of northeast abutment of bridge 35; copper bolt (B. & 0. 203), Rockwood', 2.25 miles southwest of, 125-feet west of milepost 229, in rock; copper bolt (B. & O. 204), ...................... Casselman, 1 mile north of, between tracks in mud wall of northeast abutment of bridge 36 ; copper bolt (B. & 0. 20.5), ........ Casselman, 500 feet southwest of station, in southeast corner of coping of culvert; copper bolt (B. & 0. 206), ............... .......... ......................... 1,893.118 1,868.046 1,858.288 1,845.640 1,827.043 1,796.391 1,780.990 1,763.469 1,736.417 356 APPENDIX. Feet. 1,716.048 1,695.972 Casselman, 1.25 miles southwest of station, in southeast end of bridge seat of northeast abutment of bridge 38; copper bolt (B. & 0. 207), ..... Markleton, 0.8 mile north of, opposite milepost 233; top of rail section set vertically in ground between tracks (B. & O. 208), Markleton, near station; top of rail section set vertically in ground between tracks (B. & (). 209), ....... Pinkerton, in northeast pedestal of water tank; copper bolt (B. & 0. 210), ........ Pinkerton, 1.6 miles southwest of, in foundation, northeast portal of Shoo Fly tunnel, southeast side of tracks; copper bolt (B. & O. 211), . 1,676.548 1,640.226 1,608.204 ............................................... MIDDLETOWN QUADRANGLE. T FLORIN ALONG PHILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO WHITE HOUSE FREIGHT CROSSING. 338.41 382.28 397.62 436.84 443.41 Florin, west side of public road, north side of track, in corner stone; copper bolt (P. R. R. 92), ....... Florin, 0.8 mile west of, Farrisburg pike, undergrade bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 93), ....... Florin, 1.5 miles west of, southwest step of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 94), ........ Rheems, west doorsill, Warehouse ; square (P. R. R. 95), ........ Rheems, 0.4 mile west of, Harrisburg pike, undergrade bridge, north parapet, west end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 96), ............ Elizabethtown, 0.8 mile east of station, north abutment, west end, overhead bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 97), ................ Elizabethtown, in doorsıll of B. G. Groff's warehouse, copper bolt (P. R. R. 98), .......... Elizabethtown, 1.5 miles west of, in rock south side of track, copper bolt (P. R. R. 99), . Conewago, in doorsill of kassenger station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 100), ................. Conewago, northeast wing wall of bridge (old line); copper bolt (P. . R. R. 101), ................ 479.14 462.12 500.05 436.09 417.85 394.36 360.79 353.34 copper bolt (P. R. R. 102), ......... Concwago, 2.1 miles west of, Hillsdale Road, top step of arch, west abutment, south end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 103), .......... Conewago, 2.4 miles west of, bridge crossing farm road, south end, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 104), ....... Branch Intersection, 1.4 miles east of, undergrade farm and crossing, south end, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 105), .... Branch Intersection, 0.8 mile east of, parapet, north end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 106), .. Branch Intersection, 1,300 feet east of, Young's undergrade bridge, west seat, south end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 107), .......... Canal Bridge, Young's warehouse, east bridge seat, north end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 109), ...... 345.29 337.77 319.53 312.88 APPENDIX. 357 ............ 0 0 0 ......... COLUMBIA PASSENGER STATION ALONG LANCASTER CUT-OFF AND COLUMBIA BRANCH OF PHILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVNIA RAILROAD TO SWATARA BRIDGE. Feet. Columbia, near, tunnel retaining wall, west end, rock face; shelf (P. R. R. 127) 248.39 Chiques Bridge, east bridge seat, north end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 128), ...... 249.17 Watts, string course on front of station ; shelf (P. R. R. 129), .... 262.57 Marietta, doorsill of ticket office; copper bolt (P. R. R. 130), ...... 260.86 Wild Cat Falls, south end of east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 131), .. 257.95 Shock's Mills, 250 feet east of, east bridge seat, south end, under- grade bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 132), ...... 264.69 Shock’s Mills, 1.2 miles west of, east bridge seat, north end of open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 133), .......... 270.66 Bainbridge, 1.7 miles east of, south end, west abutment of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 134), ......... 275.18 Conoy Creek arch, east end of north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 135), ...... 273.56 Bainbridge, 200 feet east of, on rock, south side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 136), ........ 273.43 Bainbridge, 0.7 mile west of, north end, east abutment, open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 137), ......... 270.03 Bainbridge, 1.7 miles west of, north end, east abutment, open cul- vert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 138), .. 275.59 Collins, 0.5 mile west of station, south end, east bridge seat, open bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 139), 284.02 Falmouth, Conewago Bridge, corner northeast wing wall and back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 140), ........ 292.53 Falmouth, 1 mile west of, south end of coping, head wall, iron pipe ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 141), ... ......................... 291.96 Branch Intersection, 1.6 miles east of, 300 feet west of Buck Lock, north end, east abutment, open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 142), .... 297.95 Branch Intersection, south end, east bridge seat, 300 feet east of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 143), .... 307.97 .............. CODORUS MILLS LONG BALTIMORE DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MIDDLETOWN FERRY STATION. ............................ 374.99 375.83 Bridge 100, 2,730 feet north of milepost 60, northeast back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 64), ... Emigsville, 500 feet south of station, in bridge 102; copper bolt (P. R. R. 65), ..... Milepost 62, 1,365 feet north of, east end of coping, in culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 66), ...... Milepost 63, northwest pier of overhead bridge 106; square (P. R. R. 67), ..... Milepost 64, 375 feet north of, west side of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 68), ....... .................. 415.46 403.62 C 412.54 358 APPENDIX. Feet. 370.08 ..... 313.27 286.17 .................... 287.24 Mount Wolf, 420 feet north of station, west side of bridge 111 ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 69), ......... Milepost 66, 118 feet north of, northwest wing of bridge 116; copper bolt (P. R. R. 70), .......... Milepost 67, 625 feet north of, southwest abutment of bridge 71 ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 71), ... Milepost 68, 1,000 feet north of, west side of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 72), ....... Milepost 69, 1,255 feet north of, east side of rock 70 feet from track; : copper bolt (P. R. R. 73), ... Milepost 70, 675 feet north of, east side of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 74), ... Milepost 71, 500 feet north of, rock opposite west side of bridge 121'; copper bolt (P. R. R. 75), ... Milepost 72, 750 feet north of, east side, opposite mill, in arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 76), ..., Milepost 73, 2,250 feet north of, middle of coping, west side of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 77), ........ 292.81 302.68 .... 290.31 .... 300.22 299.23 COPPET W IL ( . 1 . 11. 1 1 , ............................... WRIGHTSVILLE STATION ALONG YORK BRANCH OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO HELLAM STATION. 257.35 267.68 Wrightsville, south end of station, doorsill of ladies waiting room; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1), ...... Milepost 2, northeast abutment of bridge 3; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), .................... ....... Milepost 3, northwest abutment of bridge 6; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ....... Milepost 4, northwest abutment of bridge 9; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ...... 4), .......................................... Milepost 5, 1,125 feet west of, southeast abutment of bridge 11; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), . 287.98 301.19 326.23 MIFFLINBURG QUADRANGLE. POINT NEAR MILEPOST 16-34 ALONG LEWISTOWN DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BRIDGE NO. 7. Milepost 16-34, 1,075 feet east of, southwest bridge seat of small bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12), .......... 488.06 Middleburg, southwest foundation of oil tank; shelf (P. R. R. 13), 507.36 Middleburg, south doorsill of Eagle Hotel; square (P. R. R. 13a), 514.59 Milepost 18-32, 1,170 feet east of, southwest bridge seat of open cul- vert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14), ....... 500.95 Milepost 19-31, 735 feet east of, southwest bridge seat of open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), ....... 501.32 Bridge 15, southwest back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 16), ........ 509.55 Milepost 21-29, 1,250 feet east of, southwest bridge seat of open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 17), ....... 534.33 Milepost 22-28, 1,000 feet east of, northwest bridge seat of open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 18), ...... ............................. APPENDIX. 359 Teet. 18a), ....e ....... 606.88 614.92 Milepost 23-27, south side of track, square on set stone (P. R. R. ................................ Bridge 13, northwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 19), ...... Beavertown, north end of foundation of storehouse opposite station ; shelf (P. R. R. 20), .... Milepost 26-24, 670 feet west of, south side of track; square on set stone (P. R., R. 21), ...... Bridge 9, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 22), ........ Bridge 8, shelf in northeast back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 23), 651.28 e 618.70 585.06 614.58 MIFTLINTOWN QUADRANGLE. VANDYKE ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO DENHOLM. 425.619 425.778 429.988 429.036 432.655 I DR Vandyke station, east end of doorsill (P. R. R. C), Vandyke, 0.5 mile west of station, in south end of pier, double box culvert; coper bolt (P. R. R. 39), ....... Tuscarora, in foundation offset, northwest corner of tower; square P. R. R. 40), ........... Mexico, in north end of east bridge seat, undergrade road crossing ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), .. Port Royal, 1.1 miles east of station, in south end of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 42), ........ Port Royal, in east end of south parapet of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), ........ ... Mifflin, 0.3 mile east of station, 100 feet west of road crossing, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 45), ...... Miffin, north face of pier of coal tipple; shelf (P. R. R. 46), .... Mifflin, 1 mile west of, in south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 47), .................................. Denholm, 450 feet east of station, in south parapet of arch culvert ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 49), Denholm, 1.5 miles west of station, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 50), ... 440.854 442.472 444.642 ............. 446.901 453.649 465.557 .......................... .... BRIDGE 7 ALONG LEWISTOWN DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TO POINT NEAR MILEPOST 44-6. Bridge 7, shelf in northeast back wall (P. R. R. 24), ...... 633.95 Raub's Mills, bridge at, southeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 25), ............................................... 679.83 Bridge 6, northwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 26), ...... 690.18 Milepost 32-18, 400 feet west of, north end of box culvert; shelf (P. R. R. 27), ....... 732.75 McClure, west end of north middle foundation of water tank; square (P. R. R. 28), ....... 700.14 Milepost 34-16, 165 feet west of, south end of box culvert; copper bolt . (P. R. R. 29), ..... 722.33 Milepost 35-15, north side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 29a), l. ....... 704.0 Milepost 36-14, 1,100 feet east of, south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 30), .... 747.vi Milepost 37-13, 500 feet east of, south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 31), ..... 892.04 ............................... ............................ ............. 0 360 APPENDIX. Feet. 664.39 ............................... 623.62 ......................... .. 590.52 Milepost 37-13, 1,800 feet west of, north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 32), ... Milepost 38-12, 1,330 feet west of, south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 33), ............... Milepost 39-11, 930 feet west of, southwest bridge seat of small bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 34), Milepost 40-10, 2,600 feet west of, southwest bridge seat of small bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 33), ....... Painterville, 150 feet east of station, shelf on north face of box culvert; coper bolt (P. R. R. 36), .......... ......... Bridge No. 5, southwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 37), .. Milepost 43-7, 2,520 feet west of, north end of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 38), .............. Milepost 44-6, 1,770 feet west of, north end of box culvert, second step; square (P. R. R. 39), ..... 568.13 Bridepost 43. B. Stet me 558.97 541.96 ...... 544.63 531.68 MILLERSBURG QUADRANGLE. MILLERSBURG ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO HERNDON. 394.485 390.956 ............................... ... 394.968 2 C 398.650 395.931 397.624 401.835 Millersburg, 1.2 miles south of, south end of retaining wall, east side of track, 1,140 feet south of milepost 111-27; shelf (P. R. R. 20), ..... Millersburg, near, coping, west end, on north pier of bridge 159; copper bolt (P. R. R. 21), ....... .Millersburg, near, bridge 160, southwest wing wall; square (P. R. R. 22), ........ ...... Liverpool, near, face of west abutment of overhead bridge 160a ; shelf (P. R. R. 23), ......... Liverpool, rock, east of track opposite Liverpool station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 24), ......... Liverpool, 1.2 miles north oi, rock at load crossing, 1,080 feet north of milepost 115-23; copper bolt (P. R. R. 25), .. Liverpool, 1.9 miles north of, rock, east side of track, 300 feet south of milepost 116-22; copper bolt (P. R. R. 26), ...... Liverpool, 2.6 miles north of, rock, east side of track, 2,970 feet north of milepost 116-22; copper bolt (P. R. R. 26a), ...... Mahantago, 64 feet south of station, set stone, west side of track; square (P. R. R. 27), ..... Mahantago, near, bridge 162, face of southwest back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 28), ... Georgetown, 2.6 miles soutls of, face of retaining wall, west side of track, 2,536 feet north of milepost 119-19; shelf (P. R. R. 29), ........................... Georgetown, 2 miles south of, limestone rock, east side of track, 120 feet south of milepost 120-18; square (P. R. R. 30), ........ Georgetown, 1.1 miles south of, rock, east side of track, 300 feet south of milepost 121-17; copper bolt (P. R. R. 31), ...... Georgetown, 0.1 mile soutli of, east end of south abutment of open culvert, 480 feet south of milepost 122-16; copper bolt (P. R. R. 32), ...... 403.197 401.567 H11 402.121 406.262 413.014 415.515 410.717 APPENDIX. 361 Feet. 414.648 415.659 417.971 ........................ 419.924 419.715 Georgetown, near, bridge 165, west coping of stone arch; square (P. R. R. 32a), . Georgetown, 0.8 mile norih of, northeast bridge seat of open culvert, 1,185 feet south of milepost 123-15; copper bolt (P. R. R. 33), Georgetown, near, bridge 106, northwest wing wall; shelf (P. R. R. 34), ...... Herndon, 2 miles south of, rock cut, 10 feet north of milepost 125-13 ; shelf (P. R. R. 35), .... Herndon, near, bridge 169, east coping, stone arch; copper bolt .(P. R. R. 36), ....... Herndon, near, bridge 170, northeast wing wall of stone arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36a), Herndon, set stone, immediately north of station; square (P. R. R. 37), .................... Herndon, bridge 171, southwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 38), ......... Herndon, 2 miles north of, red sandstone outcrop 78 feet north of milepost 129-9; copper bolt (P. R. R. 39), .... Herndon, near, southeast abutment of bridge 172, copper bolt (P. R. R. 40), ........ 419.407 ........................... 427.768 424.490 431.162 431.484 MILLERSTOWN QUADRANGLE. MILLERSTOWN ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO THOMPSON- TOWN. Old Ferry station, 0.3 mile east of, in north end of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 29), ......... 400.488 Durward, 0.8 mile east of, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 32), ........ 410.205 Durward, in north end of triple box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 33), ...... 422.644 Durward, 0.8 mile west of, in north end of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 34), ........ 421.224 Thompsontown, 0.6 mile west of, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36), ..... 418.691 Thompsontown, 1.9 miles west of, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 37), ... . 420.160 ............................... MILTON QUADRANGLE. DOUGAL ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR WILLIAMSPORT. Dougal, set stone at milepost 276-12, north side of track; square (P. R. R. 16), .......... 468.245 Milton, middle window sill of passenger station ; square (P. R. R. 17), 476.317 Milton, near, west end of retaining wall, 2,460 feet east of milepost 274-14; shelf (P. R. R. 18), ...... 473.338 Milton, near, north coping of stone arch, bridge 157; copper bolt (P. R. R. 19), ........ 468.501 .............. 362 APPENDIX. Teet. 469.932 471.174 486.055 ....... 484.505 Watsontown, near, west side of wall culvert, 2,610 feet east of mile- post 272-16, north side of track; square (P. R. R. 20), .... Watsontown, near, back wall of culvert, 1,690 feet west of milepost 272-16, north side of track ; shelf (P. R. R. 21), .. Watsontown, opposite freight station, west end of doorsill of J. M. Montgomerry's residence square (P. R. R. 22), ............ Watsontown, west of station; east end of water tank foundation (P. R. R. 23), ................ ......... Watsontown, near, northwest wing wall of bridge 155, second course ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 24), ... Dewart, near, northwest wing wall of stone arch, bridge 154; copper bolt (P. R. R. 25), ...... Dewart, near, rock, 2,135 feet east of milepost 267-21, north side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 26), ...... Montgomery, near, culvert, 408 feet west of milepost 266-22, south side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 27), ... Montgomery, near, northeast wing wall of bridge 153; copper bolt (P. R. R. 28), ........ 482.538 483.280 490.513 487.046 489.468 484.048 493.980 491.662 501.344 (P. R. R. 29), ........ Montgomery, south end of east doorsill at Montgomery House; square (P. R. R. 30), .... Montgomery, near, southwest bridge seat of bridge 151 ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 31), ..... Montgomery, near, south coping of stone arch, bridge 149; square (P. R. R. 32), ...... Muncy, near, north coping of stone arch, bridge 148; copper bolt (P. R. R. 33), .... Muncy, near, northeast bridge seat of bridge 147; copper bolt (P. R. R. 34), ... Duncy, near, culvert, 410 feet east of milepost 259-29, north side of track; shelf (P. R. R. 35), ......... Muncy, near, large rock, 955 feet east of milepost 258-30, 30 feet north of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36), .. Muncy, near, back wall of culvert, 510 feet west of milepost 257-31, 505.056 512.158 513.620 ............. 511.652 ........ 515.835 517.106 518.508 516.250 Loyalsock, near, back wall of culvert, 1, 143 feet west of inilepost 256-32, south side of track; square (P. R. R. 38), .......... Loyalsock, near, back wall of culvert, 86 feet east of milepost 255-33, south side of track; shelf (P. R. R. 39), .... Loyalsock, near, east end of retaining wall, 480 feet west of inilepost 254-34, south side of track; copper bolt in shelf (P. R. R. 40), Loyalsock, culvert, 75 feet east of milepost 253-35, north side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), ... Loyalsock, near, back wall of culvert, 2,140 feet east of milepost 252- 36, south side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 42), .......... Williamsport, near, northwest bridge seat of bridge 146; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), ....... Williamsport, near, northeast bridge seat of bridge 145; copper bolt (P. R. R. 44), .... 518.542 519.054 ....... 515.035 522.707 ....................... ................. APPENDIX. - 363 MINGOVILLE QUADRANGLE. MILEPOST 39-16 ALONG BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH, TYRONE DIVISION, OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CURTIN STATION. Feet. Milepost 39-16, north side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 663.31 Milepost 38-17, north side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 675.42 Mount Eagle, milepost 37-18, 1,545 feet west of station, south side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 17), . 661.52 Curtin, northwest foundation of water tank east of station; square (P. R. R. 18), .... 640.34 15), ................ .................................. 16), .... T T ................................ ............... ........ .............................. ........ .......... ........... MOUNT UNION QUADRANGLE.. RYDE ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO HUNTINGDON. Manayunk, in southeast corner of west abutment of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 70), ....... Vineyard, 1 mile west of station, in south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 71), ....... 563.063 Vineyard, 2 miles west of, in east end of retaining wall; copper bolt . (P. R. R. 72), ........ ...... 584.562 Newton Hamilton, 0.8 inile cast of, in north end of west bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 73), ........ 589.960 Newton Hamilton, square in foundation offset, northwest corner of station porch (P. R. R. 74), ....... 599.181 Mount union, in south end of west abutment of bridge; copper bolt 601.529 Mount Union, front of bay window of brick house 200 feet east of station ; east end of marble window sill (P. R. R. 76), ...... 600.428 Mount Union, 1.4 miles west of station, 200 feet east of lock 33, in west end of retaining wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 77), ...... 582.537 Jackstown, 200 feet east of water station, in «north end of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 78), .. 593.746 Mapleton, in doorsill at east end of freight station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 79), ........... 597.005 Vandevander's bridge, in south parapet of east end; copper bolt (P. . R. R. 80), ....... 600.914 Bridgeport, 500 feet west of canal bridge, in south end of box culvert ; copper bolt (P. R. R. S1), ..... 600.374 Mill Creek, square in frout wall of station (P. R. R. S2), ........ 606.512 Mill Creek, 3,000 feet west of, in south end of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 83), ...... 601.212 Mill Creek, 1.7 miles west of, in south end of pier of plate girder bridge 156 ; copper bult (P. R. R. 84), ....... ....... 602.331 Ardenheim, 300 feet west of station, in north end of culvert; copper. bolt (P. R. R. 85), .. 603.350 Standingstone Creek bridge, in east end of south parapet; copper holt (P. R. R. 86), ....... 620.778 ..... .............. .............................. ........ .......................... ......... 364 APPENDIX. NESHANNOCK QUADRANGLE. EDENBURG ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO OHIO-PENN- SYLVANIA STATE LINE. Feet. Edenburg, 0.5 mile east of, west of through line station S40, in foundation of signal; copper bolt (B. & 0. 365), .......... 790.761 Edenburg, 0.5 mile west of, at through line station 2880, in foundation of signal; copper bolt (B. & O. 366), ..... 794.027 Edenburg, 1.25 miles west of, near through line station 2920, in foundation of signal; copper bolt (B. & (). 367), ....... 798.683 Edenburg, about 2 miles west of, near through line station 2960, in foundation of signal; copper bolt (B. &0. 368), ... 800.736 Edenburg, about 3 miles west of, near through line station 3000, in foundation of signal; copper bolt (B. & 0. 309), ........... 807.596 Edenburg, about 3.5 miles west of, about 2 miles east of Lowell- ville, near through line station 3040, in foundation of signal; copper bolt; (B. & 0. 370), .......... SOS. 460 Edenburg, about 4.25 miles west of, about 1 mile east of Lowellville, near through line station 3080, in foundation of signal; copper bolt, B. & O. 371), ... 809.349 ......... UT NETT BLOOMFIELD QUADRANGLE. COVE ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO NEWPORT. 346.986 367.073 359.262 .............................. 362.941 372.881 371.1.0 . . .. ...................... ...... ... ..... . ................................... 377.199 373.328 Tower, C. K., 600 feet east of, in south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), .................................... Duncannon, in front wall of freight station; square (P. R. R. 14), Juniata Bridge, coorsill of station (P. R. R. B), ..... Juniata Bridge, 0.8 mile west of station, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), .. Aqueduct, 1,700 feet east of, in north end of bos culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 16), .... Aqueduct, in south wing wall of canal aqueduct; square (P. R. R. 17), ...... Alters Run bridge, in east abutment, north end of back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 18), ....... Loshs Run bridge, in north end of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 19), Loshs Run, 0.7 mile west of station, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 20), ........ Bailey, 300 feet east of station, in south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 22), .... Bailey, 11.1 miles west of station, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 23), ..... Trimmers Rock, 700 feet cast of tower at, in northeast wing wall of arch culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 24), ...... Little Buffalo Creek bridgt, in northeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 25), ........... Big Buffalo Creek, in north parapet of bridge, 14 feet east of east springing line; copper bolt (P. R. R. 27), ....... Newport, 2 miles northwest of, in north end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 28), ..... ................. 385.687 .. ...... . ..... ..... .............. 384.526 395.285 ..... 392.454 .... ........................................ 394.023 396.650 .................................... 401.489 APPENDIX. 365 NEW CASTLE QUADRANGLE. HAZEN ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO MAHONINGTOWN. Feet. ......................... 866.924 ............... 867.328 .................. 866.748 878.349 890.417 900.857 876.378 872.535 860.227 ...... 847.887 Hazen, 0.3 mile west of, at milepost 41; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 346), ....... McKimms, 0.5 mile southeast of, at milepost 42; section of rail set vertically between tracks ( B. & O. 347), .... McKimms, 0.5 mile northwest of, at milepost 43; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 348), ..... North Sewickley, on bridge 362, in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & 0. 348A), .......... Ellwood, about 0.8 mile southeast of, between tracks in bridge seat of north abutment of bridge at south portal of Ellwood tunnel; copper bolt (B. & 0. 349), .... Ellwood City, 0.3 mile east of, under overhead highway bridge; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 349A), ........ Ellwood City, 0.5 mile west of, in south end of mud wall of west abutment of high bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 350), ........ Rock Point, 0.2 mile north of, in rock northeast of track southeast of cut; copper bolt (B. & 0. 351), ....... ..... Rock Point, 1 mile north of, between tracks in mud wall of north abutment of bridge 365 ; copper bolt (B. & 0. 352), ........ Chewton, 100 feet southeast of station, in northwest end of northeast coping of culvert; cupper bolt (B. & 0. 353), ........ Chewton, 1.5 miles northwest of, at old limekiln ; section of rail set vertically between. tracks (B. & O. 353), . Chewton, about y miles northwest of, undergrade crossing bridge 366, in abutment of bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 355), ........ Wiest Pittsburgh, in south end of bridge seat, east abutment of highway over Pittsburgh & Luke Erie Railroad; copper bolt (B. & 0. Job), 356), .......... ....................... West Pittsburgh, 0.8 mile north of, on undergrade highway crossing bridge 369; in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & 0. 357), New Castle Junction, about 0.25 mile northwest of, on Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroaci bridge over Shenango River, in abutment of bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 359), ...... New Castle, 0.5 mile northwest of, in concrete foundation of Pitts- burg & Lake Erie Railroad signal bridge, in more easterly of two northern pedestals of first bridge east of Mahoningtown; copper bolt (B. & O. 359A), . Mahoningtown, 0.5 mile northwest of, on first bridge signal west of Mahoningtown, in foundation; copper bolt (B. & 0. 360), .. Maloningtown, 1.25 miles northwest of, on second signal northwest af Mahoningtown, in foundation ; copper bolt (B. & O. 360), Mahoningtown, about 2 miles northwest of, northwest of Pittsburg & Luke Erie Railroad, through line station 2720, third signal northwest of Mahouingtown, in foundation ; copper bolt (B. & O. 362), .... $18.769 804.593 804.948 800.169 793.183 797.446 ........ 789.823 786.902 787.371 360 APPENDIX. Feet. 787.123 Mahoningtown, 2.8 miles north west of, west of Pittsburg & Lake Eric Railroad, through line station 2760, fourth signal west of Mahoningtown, in foundation ; copper bolt (B. & O. 363), Mahoningtown, 3.6 miles northwest of, northwest of through line station 2800, fifth signal northwest of Mahovingtown, in foundation; coper bolt (B. & (). 364), .................... 790.91.) ELLWOOD ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROADS TO BEAVER FALLS. West Ellwood Junction, about 5 miles north of, on spur line of Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad to Ellwood City, on west abutment of bridge over Beaver River, in south end of back wall; surface within square (C. & G. S. No. A-2), ........ 779.981 Summit, on Pennsylvania Railroad right of way, extreme northeast corner of the back wall to east abutment of bridge 40 ; the bridge number is anchored to tbe stone (C. & G. S. Br. 40), 1,047.956 Homewood, about 0.25 mile west of, on Pennsylvania Railroad right of way, top of northeast corner of east concrete bridge seat of bridge 39. Not marked (C. & G. S. Br. 39 1906), ...... 957.922 Homewood, on Pennsylvauia Railroad right of way, northeast corner of east stone of the north coping of bridge 38. Not marked. (C. & G. S. Br. 38, 1906), ...... 951.900 Mayfield, on Pennsylvania Railroad right of way, on north end of east bridge seat of bridge 34; outlined square (C. & G. S. Br. 34), ...... 858.840 Genera, north of Pennsylvania Railroad tracks, on soutseast corner of most eastern doorsill of station ; surface within square (C. & G. S. Genera Depot 1906), ......... 828.799 Beaver Falls, at Pennsylvania Railroad station, on northeast corner of doorsill of main entrance to waiting room; surface within square (C. & G. S. Beaver Falls Depot 1906), 789.237 NEW CUMBERLAND QUADRANGLE. MIDDLETOWN FERRY STATION ALONG BALTIMORE DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BRIDGEPORT. Milepost 74, 2,000 feet north of, west side, north of toolhouse, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 78), ....... 309.99 Milepost 75, 1,150 feet north of, west side, rock; copper, bolt (P. . R. R. 79), ...... 318.08 Milepost 76, 154 feet south of, east side, rock; shelf (P. R. R. 80), ...... 312.46 Milepost 77, 450 feet south of, west side of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 81), ........ 306.10 Marsh Run, 360 feet north of station, west side of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 82), ........... 304.90 Milepost 79, 750 feet north of, west side of culvert; square (P. R. R. R. R. 83), 83), .. ............................................ 319.53 Bridge 135, 268 feet south of, west side of ledge; shelf (P. R. R. 84), ...... 315.14 .................... APPENDIX 367 Feet. 309.70 New Cumberland, southeast abutment of bridge 137; copper bolt (P. R. R. 85), ..... ..... Milepost 82, 450 feet south of, west side of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 86), ........ Bridgeport, east side, south abutment of bridge 140A; copper bolt (P. R. R. 87), ..... 318.40 349.81 TTT WIIITE HOUSE FREIGHT CROSSING ALONG PHILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR STEELTON. 322.13 305.08 White House, freight crossing, south end of east abutment bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 110), ..... White House, freight crossing, south wing wall, east abutmen': shelf (P. R. R. 111), ... Highspire, 0.2 mile west of, north parapet of bridge, east end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 112), ....... Highspire, 1 mile west of, vorth parap.i of culvert, east end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 113), ...... Steelton, west doorsill of passenger station; square (P. R. R. 114), Steelton, 1.2 miles west of, open bridge, southeast wing wall, east end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 115), 298.0 301.20 309.88 305.67 NEW HOLLAND QUADRANGLE. GAP NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO REAMSTOWN, THENCE WEST TO CLAY. ni TY -- 549.180 383.380 Gap, in doorsill of passenger station ; copper bolt, ...... Gap, 3 miles north west of; in fifth stone step to entrance to Hess's mill near Pequea Creek; bronze tablet stamped "384 ADJ 1903,” ..... New Holland, 3 miles south of, in brick store building of John Ellsworth, to left of entrance; aluminum tablet stamped “473 ADJ 1903," New Holland, opposite side of street from station, in south side of D. M. Rutter & Co.'s grain warehouse, in stone doorsill; bronze tablet stamped “493 ADJ 1903,” .................. New Holland, at Styre House, at street crossing; top of rail, ...... Kinkletown, near mill and hotel, on coping stone of north end of 473.109 492.926 521.7 330.761 ..... 391.174 vest end of town; aluminum tablet stamped "331 ADJ 1903,". Reamstown, in upper stone steps at entrance to Reamstown Hotel ; bronze tablet stamped "391 ADJ 1903,"! ........... Stevens, 0.3 mile west of, in southeast foundation of Adam Sleigh- baugh’s barn; bronze tablet stamped “393 ADJ 1903,” ...... Stevens, 2.5 miles west of, near Mennonite Church, in northeast foundation stone of Abraham Eberly's stone barn; bronze tablet stamped “419 ADJ 1903,” ... 393.211 418.335 No. 7—24. 368 APPENDIX. WITMER NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA OREGON TO CLAY. Feet. 381.60 391.7 .............. ................... 315.126 Witiner, 0.5 mile west of; copper bolt on overhead bridge, ........ Harman, railroad crossing; top of rail, .. Leacock post office, 1 mile west of, southwest wing wall of double stone-arch bridge over small stream in top coping stone; bronze tablet stamped "315 ADJ 1903," ... Oregon, southeast corner of H. Hosteder's stone mill; bronze tablet stamped "297 ADJ 1903,” .......... Brownstown, 0.5 mile north of, in southeast corner foundation of Blackbill's Hotel; bronze tablet stamped “360 ADJ 1903," .. Millway, in west doorsill at entrance to F. S. Bruboker's stone mill; bronze tablet stamped “316 ADJ 1903,” .................... Millway, 2.5 miles norch of, in limestone at southeast corner of J. F. Zell's garden, beside road at intersection of roads; bronze tablet stamped "323 ADJ 1903,” .. 296.896 360.174 315.904 322.910 POINT 2.8 MILES FAST OF LANCASTER, EAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO KINZER. 381.57 377.9 Lancaster, 4.6 miles east of, in east end of north pier of overhead bridge; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 74), .. Witmer, in front of station; top of rail, ........................ Birdinhand, west of station, in front face at east end of south abut- ment to overhead bridge; aluminum tablet stamped "359," .. Birdinhand, in front of station ; top of east bound track, .......... Konk, in front of station; top of rail, ..... Gordonville, in front of station ; top of rail, ........ Gordonville, opposite station, northwest corner of Herman's ware- house; aluminum tablet stamped "389,". Gordonville, 0.6 mile east of, in top, of south end of east abutment of bridge 75; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 357.221 360.2 384.3 385.3 ................. .................... 387.451 67), ..C ................................................. 367.50 383.0 ................. 400.20 Leaman Place, in front of station; top of rail, . Leamau Place, 0.9 mile east of west abutment of bridge 71, at south end, on top of mud wall; marked “U. S. [] B. M. 402,': ... Leaman Place, 1.5 miles east of. in east end of north pier of over- head bridge; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 64), 1............ Leaman Place, 1.8 miles east of, bridge 70, in top south end of west abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "441," Leaman Place, 1.8 miles east of, bridge 70, in top of west abutment at north end; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 63), ................... 425.19 . • 438.608 437.220 TY KINZER ALONG PFIILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD 799 POINT MILES WES L' CIF WITNER. McIlvaine's, overhead bridge, north pier, east end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 64), ... 425.19 Leaman Place, 0.8 mile east of, Belmont Road, undergrade bridge, northeast step; copper bolt (P. R. R. 65), ............... 398.95 Leaman Place, in doorsill of freight station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 66), ... 385.53 ....................................... ..... APPENDIX. 369 Feet. 367.50 384.17 391.19 389.65 Pequea Creek bridge, in first step, east abutnient; copper bolt (P. R. R. 67), ....... Gordonville freight station, third pier from west end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 68), ....... Gordonville, 0.5 mile west of, north end of box culvert (old line); .copper bolt (P. R. R. 69), . Gordonville, 0.9 mile west of, north parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 70), .......... Ronk, north abutment of overhead bridge on rock face; shelf (P. R. R. 71), ........ Bird-in-Hand freight station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 72), Mill Creek bridge, northeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 73), Witmer, 0.5 mile west of, east end of north pier of overhead bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 74), ........ Tower W-M, stone nonument at feuce line, south side ; square (P. K. R. 75), ... Witmer, 2 mile west of, center of north pier of overhead bridge; square (P. R. R. 76), ... 379.36 364.22 354.20 ) 381.57 375.91 367.68 NO NEW KENSINGTON QUADRANGLE. SHARPSBURG ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO DOWNIE- VILLE.. Sharpsburg, 0.6 mile northwest of, on bridge 318, in end of bridge seat; copper boli (B. & O. 311A), ....... 738.858 Sharpsburg, 1 mile north west of, 30 feet north of north portal of Aetna tunnel, în rock; copper bolt (B. & 0. 312), ........ 757.347 Wittmer, 400 feet north of milepost 7; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 313), ... 775.516 Mount Royal, in west end of bridge seat of north abutment of bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 314A), ...................... 814.396 Allison Park, in west end of bridge seat of north abutment of highway bridge opposite station; copper bolt (B. & O. 316), S41.575 Allison Park, 0.6 mile lorth of, on bridge 323, in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & O. 316A), .............. 853.099 Allison Park, 1.5 miles northwest of, on bridge at telegraph pole 11-30, in left end of bridge seat of abutment farther from Allison Park; copper bolt (B. & (). 317), .................. 872.396 Eryant, 0.27 mile north of, between tracks, in bridge seat of north abutment of bridge at telegraph pole 12-36; copper bolt (B. & 0. 318), .......... 892.813 Allegheny, 0.8 mile north of, on bridge 327, in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & O. 318A), .... 902.511 Wildwood, 0.25 mile north of, in bridge seat of bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 319A), .......... 930.032 Wildwood, about 1 mile north of, at telegraph pole 14-33, in end of bridge seat; coper bolt (B. & O. 320), ......... 959.007 Wildwood, 2 miles north of, 100 feet north of milepost 16, in abutment of bridge or culvert; copper bolt (B. & O. 321), ............ 1,003.402 Gibsonia, 0.25 mile north of, opposite telegraph pole 17-00; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 322), ........ 1,067.912 ...... ......... 370 APPENDIX. Feet. 1,150.097 1,175.900 Bakerstown, 0.25 mile south of station, at telegraph pole 18-00; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 323), .. Bakerstown, 1 mile northwest of station, at telegraph pole 18-35, 800 feet northwest of northwest portal of Bakerstown tunnel; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 324), s. Valencia, 0.25 mile northwest of, at telegraph pole 20-00; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 325), ........ Downieville, 0.25 mile south of, opposite telegraph pole 21-00 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 326), ........ Downieville, 0.25 mile north of, on small bridge near telegraph pole 21-16; in abutment of bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 326A), 1,103.954 1,053.234 1,037.969 POINT NEAR PINE CREEK STATION ALONG PITTSBURG BRANCH AND MAIN LINE OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR · TARENTUM. 739.32- 742.17 739.95 745.36 745.45 S 738.23 Etna, near station, northwest wing wall of county bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 6), ......... Sharpsburg, passenger station, capstone of foundation; shelf (P. R. R. 7), ........... Aspinwall, 0.5 mile east of, southeast wing wall of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 8), ......... Claremont, 0.5 mile west of, south end of Squaw Ruu arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), ..... Claremont, wall at east gate of workhouse grounds; shelf (P. R. R. 10), ..... .... Montrose, 0.46 mile east of, northwest wing wall, coping of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), ...... Harmarville, 0.2 mile west of, oorth end of back wall, east abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1.2), ..... Cheswick, 0.4 mile west of, base course, west end tannery, 14 feet from northwest corner; square (P. R. R. 13), ............ Springdale, wall of turntable pit, northside; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14), Springdale, 0.3 mile east of, north parapet of county bridge; square (P. R. R. 14a), ...... Hite, 0.23 mile east of, southwest wing wall of county bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), .......... Tarentum, 0.28 mile west of, south end of Bull Run arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 16), .. 741.20 747.54 750.16 753.66 755.46 752.34 BENCH MARKS ISTABLISHED AT WEST SAXONBURG. West Saxonburg, in front of station; top of rail, ....... ............ 1,140.2 West Saxonburg, 0.2 mile north of, west side of railroad 40 feet from “1145 ADJ 1903,", 1,144.612 APPENDIX. 371 ................... NORRISTOWN QUADRANGLE. MERION ALONG PHILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO PAOLI. Feet. Merion, 0.25 mile west of, east end of overhead bridge, in north pier; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), .... 268.10 Narberth, at station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 8), 288.90 Wynnewood station, on base course, middle of front; shelf (P. R. R. 9), ...... 316.31 Ardmore station, doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), ... 358.36 Haverford station, doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), .......... 385.75 Haverford, 1,000 feet west of, north end of east bridge seat of under- grade bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12). 389.34 Bryn Mawr, in wall of turntable pit; copper bolt (P. R. R. 13), 412.94 Bryn Mawr, in doorsill of tower W. H.; copper bolt (P. R. R. 13a), 410.65 Rosemont, 2,000 feet west of, north parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14), ........ 406.24 Villa Nova, north abutment of overhead bridge, on rock face; shelf (P. R. R. 15), ........ 429.93 Radnor station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 16), ....... 410.50 St. David's station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 17), ...... 398.55 Wayne station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 18), ....... 405.83 Strafford, in west bridge seat, north end of undergrade bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 19), ......... 427.23 Devon station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 20), . 465.64 Berwyn station, in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 21), .......... 498.87 Berwyn, 3,000 feet west oi, in doorsill of Robert Glenn's house; copper bolt (P. R. R. 22), ... 521.40 Paoli, north abutment or overhead bridge, on rock face; shelf (P. R. R. 23), ..., 540.79 ........ CONSHOHOCKEN ALONG SCHUYLKILL DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO PORT PROVIDENCE. 67.58 66.04 83.39 91.58 Conshohocken, doorsill of passenger station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), ... Philadelphia, 15.6 miles from, open bridge at quarry, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), ........................ Norristown, doorsill of baggage room at passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 12), ...... Franklin Avenue, east bridge seat at undergrade street crossing ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 13), ....... Port Indian, south parapet of Indian Creek arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 14), ............... Philadelphia, 20.6 miles from, open bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), Perkiomen Bridge, back wall, west abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 17), ............ Philadelphia, 25.5 miles from, south parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 18), ....... Port Providence, east bridge seat, undergrade road crossing; copper bolt (P. R. R. 19), ....... 80.65 79.81 ........................... 116.55 ........ 100.32 111.43 372 APPENDIX. PARKTON QUADRANGLE. POINT NEAR MILEPOST 35 ALONG BALTIMORE DIVISION OF PENN- SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO SHREWSBURY. Milepost 37, 750 feet south of, east center of arch ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 38), ........ 829.48 Milepost 38, 1,530 feet north of, southeast bridge seat of bridge 68; copper bolt (P. R. R. 39), ......... 754.10 PHILADELPHIA QUADRANGLE. POINT NEAR NORTH PENN RAILROAD CROSSING ALONG NEW YORK DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO THIRTY-FOURTH STREET BRIDGE. .. .. 110.89 ...................... 102.12 Broad Street Bridge, north end of bridge seat, east abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 77), ........ York Street Bridge, south end of bridge seat, east abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 78), ........ Philadelphia & Reading Railroad bridge, east end, north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 79), ........ Thirty-fourth Street, overhead bridge, rock face, north side of pier; shelf (P. R. R. 80, or bench mark 2 of Philadelphia division), ................... 82.45 71.54 NORTH PHILADELPHIA ALONG PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL BRANCH OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CARPENTER. LU 121.94 125.75 143.47 North Philadelphia, on vase course near northwest corner of station ; square (P. R. R. 600), ...... Bridge 3, south end of bridge seat, east abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 601), ....... Westmoreland, in dovrsill of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 602), Queen Lane, south abutment of overhead bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 603), ............... Chelten Avenue, in doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 604), Tulpehocken, in doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 605), .. Upsal, in doorsill of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 606), . Carpenter, in doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 607), ...... ....... 190.37 225.14 220.11 248.52 286.99 FRANKFORD YARD BRIDGE ALONG DELAWARE RIVER & UNION RAIL- ROAD AND BRIDGE OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO PIER NO. 3 OF DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE. Frankford Yard Bridge, east end of bridge seat of south abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1), ... 45.96 Frankford Creek, south end of coping course on east side of arch over; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), ............. 38.75 Richmond Street Bridge, east end of bridge seat of south abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ...... 35.54 Carbon Street Bridge abutment, east end of bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), .......... 35.74 ...................... Richmocopper bolt path end ......................................... APPENDIX. 373 Delaware River Bridge; copper bolt in pier No. 1 (P. R. R. 5), .. Delaware River Bridge; copper bolt in pier No. 2 (P. R. R. 6), .. Delaware River Bridge; copper bolt in pier No. 3 (P. R. R. 7), ... Feet. 45.08 48.35 48.19 ......... WYNNEFIELD AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA, ALONG SCHUYLKILL DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MANAYUNK. Philadelphia, Wynnefield Avenue, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), ............. 190.34 Bala, City Avenue Bridge, capstone north side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2a), ....dievo.10 ....... 256.11 Bala Summit, ledge of rock.north .side of track under Union Avenue Bridge; copper bolt (P :1 R): 'H. 2b), ...... 280.18 Philadelphia, 6.7 miles from, arch, north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ......... 206.26 ........................... ........................................... AT PHILADELPHIA. 5.23 Philadelphia, City datum (P. R. R. No. 1, Philadelphia division), Fifty-ninth Street tower, east bridge seat, north end, undergrade, bridge, at Lancaster pike; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5, Phila- delphia divisiou), ..... Overbrook, north parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 6, Phila- delphia division), ....... ................................ 187.29 217.90 GRAYS FERRY ALONG MARYLAND DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO DARBY. Grays Ferry, east of, southwest pedestal of overhead road bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. No. 1), ....... 31.85 Mount Moriah, 520 feet south of, north end of east pier, Sixty-third Street overhead bridge ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 2), . 56.40 Paschall, doorstep of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ........... 55.92 . ...... PHILIPSBURG QUADRANGLE. 36), Hooi... ................ ................ MILEPOST 16-39 ALONG BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH, TYRONE DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BRIDGE 14. Milepost 16-39, north side of track, on set stone; square (P. R. R. 946.40 Milepost 15-40, 163 feet east of, north side of track, on set stone; square (P. R. R. 37), ..... ................. 973.60 Port Matilda, northwest foundation of water tank; shelf (P. R. R. 38), ................ 1,004.22 Milepost 13-42, 326 feet west of, southwest bridge seat of open culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 39). . 1,010.49 Milepost 12-43, 295 feet west of, northwest bridge seat of open cul- vert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 40), ..... 1,031.12 Milepost 11-44, 138 feet west of, southwest bridge seat of open cul- vert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), ... 1,040.45 Bridge 15, in southeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 42), .. 1,065.62 .............................. 374 APPENDIX. PHOENIXSILLE QUADRANGLE. PAOLI ALONG PHILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO POINT NEAR DOWINGTOWN WATER STATION. Feet. 545.51 545.80 .... 383.97 359.41 ..... Green Tree station, north end of undergrade bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 24), .. Malvern station, in dvorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 25), Whiteland, undergrade bridge, east bridge seat, south end; copper bolt (P. R. R. 29), .... Whitford station; in doorsill; copper bolt (P. R. R. 30), ... Whitford, 0.8 mile west of, south abutment of.overhead bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 31), .................obiz. aldtog.. Bradford Hills, east abutment of undegrade bifidget north step; copper bolt (P. R. R. 32), ......... Valley Creek quarries, overhead bridge, south abutment; shelf (P. R. R. 33), ......... Woodbine, 300 feet west of, south end, head wall to iron pipe ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 34), ........ 339.50 312.02 ....... ..... ................. 304.81 ..................................... 278.53 ......... PORT PROVIDENCE ALONG SCHULYKILL DIVISION OF PENNSYL- VANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR DOUGLASSVILLE. Tunnel, north wall, 6 feet east end, fourth course, below springing line; shelf (P. R. R. 22), ........... 146.36 Stony Run arch, south parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 23), ........ 119.39 Spring City, near, north parapet of arch ; copper bolt (P. R. . 24), 113.85 Spring City, east of, canal bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 25), ... 114.65 Trick's Lock, canal bridge, back wall, east abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 28), ......... 158.29 Schuylkill River bridge, back wall, west abutment; copper bolt (P. R. Rp. 29), "...... 157.03 Pottstown, near north parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 30), 139.74 Pottstown, near, north parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 32), 141.67 ........................... ........ PICKERING VALLEY RAILROAD BRIDGE ALONG PHOENIXVILLE BRANCH OF SCHUYLKILL DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD BRIDGE. ...... ........... 133.33 175.66 Pickering Valley railroad bridge, south leg of Y, bridge seat of west abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 80), .... Phoenixville, 2.5 miles from passenger station, south parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 81), ....... Phoenixville, 3.8 miles from, south end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 82), .. Phoenixville, 6 miles from; south parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 83), ................. Bacton, 500 feet west of, south parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 84), ..... ........... 239.14 267.38 354.54 R. 368.45), ....... 368.45 APPENDIX. 375 PITTSBURGH QUADRANGLE. MOSS SIDE ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BRINTON. Feet. 763.208 751.420 Moss Side, 75 feet suuth of center line at station ; square on stone monument (P. R. R. 81), ........... Wall, east side of station; square on stone monument (P. R. R. 82), Turtle Creek, 625 feet east of, 33 feet south of center line of track; square (P. R. R. 84), ............. Brinton, 0.23 mile west of East Pittsburg, shelf on pier of overhead bridge (P. R. R. 85), .... Brinton, square on doorsill of stá tion (P. R. R. 86), ..... ...... ......... 749.183 752.144 756.654 YO ......................... BRADDOCK ALONG PITTSBURG DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO PITTSBURG. Hawkins, overhead bridge, capstone of southeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 89), 886.42 Wilkinsburg, near, overhead bridge, capstone of southeast pier; square (P. R. R. 90), .... 923.84 Wilkinsburg, doorsill of station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 91), ........ 923.18 Last Liberty, Penn Avenue Bridge, southeast wing wall; shelf (P. R. R. 93), .... 912.36 Shadyside, overhead bridge, south abutment; shelf (P. R. R. 94), 851.35 Pittsburg Junction, railroad bridge, north end of back wall, west abut- ment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 95), ...... 818.23 Twenty-eighth Street, pier of bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 97), ........ 758.41 Pittsburg, pier of Seventeenth Street, at foot of incline; shelf (P. R. R. 98), ................ 759.09 Pittsburg, union station, west end of south abutment, Liberty Street, undergrade; copper bolt (P. R. R. 99), ......... 757.97 Pittsburg, Penn Avenue, Pennsylvania Co. office, southeast corner of building; shelf (P. R. R. 100), .. 743.932 Pittsburg, city datum, above Pennsylvania Railroad datum, 696.32 ...... .............. ........................... .............................................. BIRMINGHAM ALONG MONONGAHELA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TO SUNNYSIDE DISTILLERY. Birmingham, Brownsville Avenue Bridge, southwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1), ....... ....... 762.76 Twelfth Street Bridge, northeast wing wall; shelf (P. R. R. 2), .. 792.92 Twenty-second Street Bridge, northwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ..... 792.50 Thirtieth Street Bridge, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 4), ......... ........... 780.15 Beck's Run, east bridge seat of north abutment, west viaduct; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ... 765.93 Walton's coal incline, face of west pier; shelf (P. R. R. 6), ........ 765.72 Hays, north pier, overhead bridge, Pittsburg Southern Railroad; shelf (P. R. R. 7), ........... 760.62 Howard, seventh step of southwest wing wall of railroad bridge ; square (P. R. R. 8), ..... 739.62 ................... .......... ......... .............. 376 AIPENDIX. Feet. 760.76 ................ 754.05 743.68 763.70 0 0 0 0 774.11 ..................... 759.91° 764.78 Homestead, water table, brick store, diagonally opposite station; shelf (P. R. R. 9), ................ Munhall, middle of north bridge seat, coal railroad; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), ........ Green Spring, 500 feet north of, top of stone monument, opposite point of tangent; west side (P. R. R. 10a), ....... Port Perry bridge, west end of back wall, north abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), ........ Port Perry tunnel, ring stone at north end, east side; shelf (P. R. R. 12), ....... Oliver, 210 feet south of passenger station, east of railroad, on south end of stone doorsill of south building of double brick store; top (P. R. R. 13), ............... Oliver, 210 feet south of footbridge, retaining wall, west side; shelf (P. R. R. 14), ......... Cochran, Howard Plate Glass Co.'s office, on water table; shelf (P. (P. R. R. 15), ..... Birmingham, 12.96 miles from, 20 feet east of center line of track, square on stone monument (P. R. R. 16), ....... Birmingham, 14 miles from, at milepost; square on stone monument (P. R. R. 17), ... Camden, Allequippa tipple, north end of pier, east side of track ; shelf (P. R. R. 18), ....... Coal Valley, south pier of bridge, west end; square (P. R. R. 20), Peters Creek, southwest parapet of bridge 15; square (P. R. R. 21), ....... Clairton, north doorsill of passenger station; square (P. R. R. 22), Clairton, 1,400 feet south of water plug, retaining wall; shelf (P. R. R. 23), ... East Elizabeth, 200 feet south of, lower step in retaining wall, west side of track; square (P. R. R. 24), ...... Walton, northwest parapet of bridge 17; square (P. R. R. 25), .... Sunnyside Distillery, doorsill of engine room; square (P. R. R. 26), ..................................... 759.60 748.57 738.02 751,79 751.73 ... 749.73 764.31 754.45 1 .... 750.10 748.17 753.53 SCOTT HAVEN ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO SHARPSBURG. 764.725 ... 764.007 758.804 ........ 753.332 Scott Haven, 0.25 mile south west of, opposite milepost 300; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 271), ...... Vista, opposite milepost 302; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 273), ............. Shaner, 300 feet northeast of, opposite milepost 303; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 274), ...., Guffey, in west end of bridge seat of north abutment of bridge 58; copper bolt (B. & 0. 275), ...... Coulter, 0.8 mile east of, opposite milepost 305; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0.276), ...... Coulter, 0.25 mile north of, opposite milepost 306; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 277), ....... Coulter, 1.25 miles northeast of, opposite milepost 307; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 278), ............ Coulter, 2.25 miles north of, opposite section post 29-30; section of rail set vertically betweeu tracks (B. & O. 279), ... 753.598 752.637 752.548 752.591 APPENDIX. 377 Feet. 753.664 749.584 ...... 747.920 Versailles, 1.25 miles east vf, opposite milepost 309 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 280), ............... Versailles, 0.5 mile southeast of, in east end of bridge seat of pier south of tracks of the overhead highway bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 280A), ...... Versailles, in lower circle of masonry of turntable, opposite east approach; copper bolt (B. & O. 281), . .............. Christy Park, 0.5 mile southeast of, opposite milepost 311; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 282), ........ McKeesport, 1.2 iniles south of, opposite milepost 312; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 283), .......... McKeesport, 0.2 mile south of, opposite milepost 313; sextion of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 284), .......... McKeesport, 0.8 mile east of, in north pedestal of overhead street car bridge, 200 feet east of milepost 314; copper bolt (B. & 750.005 749.917 750.949 750.063 750.475 752.307 .... 746.560 752.360 749.016 754,522 751.902 750.258 Demmler, opposite milepost 315 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 286), ... Bessemer, 11.25 miles southeast of, at milepost 316, between main tracks; section of rail set vertically (B. & O. 287), ........ Bessemer, 0.6 mile southeast of, on bridge 63; in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & O. 287A), Bessemer, 100 feet southeast of, in west pedestal of bent north of tracks of Union Railroad overhead crossing; copper bolt (B. & 0. 288), ........ Braddock, 0.25 mile southeast of, opposite milepost 318; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 289), ....... Rankin, 100 feet north west of, in north pedestal of bent for overhead bridge, 50 feet southwest of tracks; copper bolt (B. & O. 290), Rankin, 0.9 mile north west of, opposite milepost 320 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. &0. 291), ................ Highland, 0.5 mile northeast of, opposite milepost 321 ; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 292), ......... Highland, in northwest end of southwest pier of bridge 66; copper bolt (B. & O. 292A), .............. Wheeling Junction, in lower step of east end of concrete abutment of overhead bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 293), Glenwood, 0.8 mile nortli of, in north pedestal of bent overhead bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 294), ...... Marion Junction, set between main tracks in southeast wall of small culvert; copper bolt (B. & O. 295), .. Laughlin Junction, in bridge seat of northwest abutment of bridge 67, just northeast of tracks to Pittsburg; copper bolt (B. & O. 296), ...... Pittsburg, in southeast corner of bridge over Maurice Strect, 1,000 feet west of milepost 326; copper bolt (B. & O. 297), ....... Pittsburg, on pier of bridge directly under Brady Street Bridge, over river, in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. &0. 298), .... Pittsburg, in bridge seat, west abutment of railroad bridge over Second Avenue; copper bolt (B. & . 299), .............. 740.476 760.870 770.144 765.778 755.012 746.049 749.278 743.592 378 APPENDIX. Feet. ........... 747.117 767.737 817.360 841.298 822.618 ............................. 800.435 ........................ 754.069 784.123 Pittsburg, in southwest end of retaining wall, northwest side of tracks at southwest end of track in shelf; copper bolt (B. & 0. 300), ............... Laughlin Junction, 0.3 mile north of, on viaduct bridge, in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & 0. 301), Laughlin Junction, 1 mile north of, opposite milepost “Laughlin Junction 1,” section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 302), .......... Laughlin Junction, 1.8 miles north of, in foundation of portal of Pittsburg Junction tunnel, east of tracks; copper bolt (B. & 0. 303), .............. Laughlin Junction, 2.5 miles north of, east of tracks in foundation at end of Pittsburg Junction tunnel; copper bolt (B. & O. 304), Laughlin Junction, 2.8 miles north of, in south end of west abutment of Pennsylvania Railroad overhead bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 305), ..... Pittsburg, about 0.5 mile from Allegheny River, in west pedestal of first bent north of pier north of tracks of overhead bridge 33 ; copper bolt (B. & 0. 306), ...... Lawrenceville, west end of south abutment of Thirty-third Street Bridge; shelf (P. R. R. 947), .... ............. Pittsburg, in south end of cast shore pier of Allegheny River Bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 306A), ....... Pittsburg, near, in northeast end of mud wall of southeast abutment of backwater bridge, Herrs Island; copper bolt (B. & 0. 307), Allegheny, 1.6 miles northeast of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad station, in southwest coping of northwest abutment of Thirtieth Street river bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 308A), .. Allegheny, 0.25 mile east of Baltimore & Ohio Raiiroad station, in west end of coping to retaining wall, Sixteenth Street river bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 308B), ............. ......... Allegheny, 600 feet west of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad station, in northwest end of pier between railroad tracks of Eighth Street river bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 308C), ...... Allegheny, 0.8 mile northwest of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad station, in east end of north abutment of point bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 308D), ................. Sharpsburg, 0.8 mile southwest of, in north end of west abutment of Pennsylvania Railroad bridge over Pine Creek (B. & 0. 310 and P. R. R. 5, West Penn R. R.); copper bolt ,.......... Sharpsburg, 0.3 mile west of, in bridge seat between tracks on east abutment of bridge; copper bolt (B. & 0. 310A), ....... Sharpsburg, set between tracks in bridge seat of east abutment of bridge 316; copper bolt (B. & 0. 311), .... ...... ........ 745.116 743.539 732.988 722.180 717.520 725.411 ............. 733.032 726.872 730.502 POTTSVILLE QUADRANGLE. PORT CLINTON NORTH TO DREHERSVILLE. Port Clinton, 500 feet north of station, in northwest bridge seat of large iron bridge over Schuylkill River; aluminum tablet stamped “403-1908,' ............................................. 402.800 APPENDIX. 379 Feet. .................................................. . 450.4 Milano, 300 feet north of station, at railroad crossing; top of north rail, .... Miller's station, 1.3 miles south of Drehersville, on cement base of signal post east of north bound track at railway road crossing; chisel mark, .... Drehersville, 100 feet north of station, 60 feet south of road crossing, in second stepstone of southeast abutment of bridge 5; aluminum tablet stamped "490-1908,” .... Sandsiding block tower, in front of; top of rail, 474.82 489.957 514 QUARRYVILLE QUADRANGLE. CHRISTIANA ALONG PHILADELPHIA DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO KINZER. . 486.36 511.73 Christiana, north end of Ann Street Bridge, bridge seat, west abut- ment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 55), ...... Christiana, 1 mile west of, west end of north parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 56), .......... Gap (old line), 1 mile east of, in north parapet of culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 57), .................. .......... Gap, 1 mile west of, east end of north parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 59), ....... Kinzer, on west doorsill of hotel, chiseled square (P. R. R. 62), .. 540.25 ........................................ 499.86 468.58 ............ BRIDGE 407 ALONG LOW-GRADE FREIGHT LINE OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR SMITHVILLE. Milepost 51, 1,036 feet west of, south end of east bridge seat of • bridge 409; copper bolt (P. R. R. 55), ...... 552.63 Milepost 52, 2,075 feet east of, east end of south coping road arch, bridge 411; copper bolt (P. R. R. 56), ..... 562.46 Milepost 52, 2,228 feet west of, south end of east bridge seat, viaduct, bridge 412; copper bolt (P. R. R. 57), ....... 575.25 Milepost 53, 691 feet west of, south wing east abutment of viaduct, bridge 413, copper bolt (P. R. R. 59), . 575.56 Milepost 56, 2,375 feet east of, east end of north coping of creek arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 61), . Milepost 56, 786 feet west of, on ledge of rock on south side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 62), ...... 529.57 Milepost 58, 2,477 feet west of, west end of south coping of road arch of bridge 422; copper bolt (P. R. R. 64), ...... 492.45 Milepost 60, 1,304 feet east of, on west end of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 65), ........... 474.91 Milepost 61, 1,340 feet east of, south end west abutment of over- head bridge, east end Beck's Cut; copper bolt (P. R. R. 66), 470.53 Milepost 63, 411 feet west of, west end of south coping of bridge 428, road arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 67), ..... 437.80 Smithville, east of, 1,635 feet east of milepost 63, northeast pedestal of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 68), ....... 438.99 538.33 ................... ......... 380 APPENDIX. KINZER SOUTHEAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CHRISTIANA. Feet. Kinzer, in front of station ; top of rail, ...... 465.8 Kinzer, bridge 69, north end of west abutment, in top of second step from top; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 61), ........................ 466.350 Kinzer, 0.5 mile east of, in top of south abutment at west end of overhead bridge; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark No. 60), ... 486.33 Gap, in front of station ; top of south high rail, .................. 548.0 Gap, in doorsill at ladies entrance to station; copper bolt (Pennsyl- vania Railroad bench mark), ..... 549.12 Gap, 660 feet east of station, in top of north pier at west end of over- head bridge; alumiuuia tablet stamped "560," ....... ....... 557.885 Gap, 1.9 miles east of, at railroad culvert, south side of track at milepost 49-304, west end of mud wall; marked "U. S. [] B. M. 509," ... 506.894 .... .......................................... OXFORD WEST ALONG LANCASTER, OXFORD & SOUTHERN RAILROAD TO PEACH BOTTOM (PORTION OF LINE). Hopewell, highway stone bridge over Tweed Creek, west end, south side, in top of retaining wall; aluminum tablet stamped "345." 344.655 Hopewell, in front of station ; top of rail, 342.3 Tweedale, in front of station ; top of rail, ... 279.1 Tweedale, 0.6 mile west of, railroad bridge over creek, in top of abutment at west end and north side; chiseled square, marked “U. S. B. M. 254,” ......... 253.36 Point Lookout, in front of station; top of rail, .................. 254.0. 270.685 293.9 316.054 312.4 390.52 497.9 ......... in front of parapet wall; aluminum tablet stamped "271,” .... White Rock, in front of station ; top of rail, ....... Kings Bridge, 450 feet east of station, west abutment of highway covered bridge, north side, just inside bridge; alıııniuun tablet stamped "316,” ........ Kings Bridge, in front of station ; top of rail, .. Kings Bridge, 1 mile wese of, east abutment of railroad culvert, north side of track; top of abutment marked "U. S. B. M. 391," Fairmont, in front of station top of rail, ........ Fairmont, 0.6 mile west of, Ralph Clendenin's house at road cross- ing, southwest corner at front, in foundation; aluninun tablet stamped *480," ......................................... Fairmont, 1.3 miles west of, on railroad culvert, west abutment, north side; top of bridge seat marked "U. S. B. M. 401,” Fulton House, in front of station; top of rail, Goshen, in front of station; top of rail, Goshen, 0.2 mile west of, at railroad culvert, east abutment, south end, top; marked "U. S. B. M. 410," ...... Eldora, in front of station, top of rail, .... Eldora, at station, southwest corner of Housekeeper's store, front face; aluminum tablet stamped “407,” .... 479.735 400.73 390.5 411.2 409.77 399.4 406.351 APPENDIX. 381 Feet. 296.5 214.4 217.465 142.1 96.3 Westbrook, in front of station ; top of rail, .......... Arcadia, in front of station; top of rail, ..... Arcadia, directly opposite station, in northwest corner of J. T. Greeg's house; aluminum tablet stamped “218," .... Dorsey, in front of station; top of rail, ...... Peach Bottom, in front of station; top rail, ....... Peach Bottom, 250 feet west of station, railroad bridge east abutment, north side, top; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5 1907, 97," ... Peach Bottom, 2,550 feet east of milepost 18, 250 feet west of station, southwest back wall; copper plug (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 17), 96.776 ............................................. 96.76 CHRISTIANA SOUTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO KINGS BRIDGE. 723.727 Nine points, southeast corner of concrete steps to hotel; aluminum tablet stamped "724,".. Bartville, southeast corner of store porch ; aluminum tablet stamped "681,". Bartville, 2.5 miles south of, in southeast corner in front face of Colerain Baptist Church ; aluminum tablet stamped "561,” .. 680.717 560.391 D SMITHVILLE SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO EDORA. Smithville, 2 miles south of, 150 feet north of Philip Snyder's house, at summit of bill, east side of road'; chiseled square on rock outcrop, marked "U. S. B. M. 870,” ....... 868.15 Smithville, 2 miles south of, 0.3 mile north of Truce, 150 feet north of Philip Snyder's house, east of road, in face of outcrop; aluminum tablet stamped "869," ......... 867.727 Buck, at northeast corner of stone hotel building; aluminum tablet stamped "699,". 697.626 Hensel, 1.1 miles north of, in front face at southwest corner of R. J. Simes's brick house on east side of road; aluminum tablet stamped “594," 594.080 ................... ......................................... BENCH MARKS SET FROM THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BENCH MARKS ALONG LOW-GRADE FREIGHT LIND. Quarryville, 2 miles west of, on low grade railway, 480 feet east of milepost 60, overhead bridge, south abutment, east end; top of parapet wall; aluminum tablet stamped "505,” .......... 504.314 Quarryville, bridge over Lancaster-Quarryville railway, 1,155 feet east of milepost 58, cast abutment, south end, bridge seat; copper bolt (Pennsylvania bench mark 63), ....... 500.086 Quarryville, arch bridge 421, over highway, east end, south side, top of parapet; aluminum tablet stamped “502," ............ 502.086 Quarryville, near bridge 414, 1,657 feet east of milepost 55, south end, back wall; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 549.43 ...... 60), .. .................................................... 382 APPENDIX. Feet. 538.343 588.55 Quarryville, 2.5 miles east of, 2,375 feet east of milepost 56, east end, north coping, at top of arch over creek; aluminum tablet stamped “539,” ...... Milepost 53, 1,180 feet east of, east end of bridge, south pier, top; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 58), ........ Quarryville, 5 miles east of, overhead bridge, 1,180 feet east of milepost 53, north abutment, center face; aluminum tablet stamped "586,” .................. Bridge 406, 1,213 feet east of milepost 50, south end east bridge seat; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 53), ........ Bridge 407, 1,845 feet west of milepost 50, southeast end; copper bolt (Pennsylvania Railroad bench mark 54), ....... Atglen, 3 miles west of, bridge 406, 1,183 feet east of milepost 50, west abutment, north side, top of bridge seat, aluminum tablet stamped “527,” ...... 585.822 526.627 537.202 526.731 READING QUADRANGLE. MONOCACY ALONG SCHUYLKILL DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ŘOAD TO READING. 180.72 182.07 ............................... 187.89 190.54 228.36 Monocacy, canal bridge, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36), Monocacy, near, north parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 37), Birdsboro, pier of bridge, east side of street at passenger station ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 38), ....... Allegheny Creek, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), ...... Allegheny Creek, near, south parapet of arch; copper bolt (P. R. R. 42), ....... Schuylkill River bridge, east abutment of, back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), .. Lancaster Pike, east bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 44), ...... Reading, 1 mile south of Schuylkill River bridge, second course from top of back wall, norcheast wing; copper bolt (P. R. R. 45), .. Reading, in doorsill of baggage room at passenger station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 46), ..... 245.03 225.07 213.41 ..................................... 207.65 AT READING. Reading, eastern abutment of northeastermost railroad bridge at Phila- . delphia & Reading Railroad station ; cut on coping stone marked "J B M. U. S. C. & G. S. 1881" (C. & G. S. “J”), ...... 264.002 SEWICKLEY QUADRANGLE. MARS ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO CALLERY JUNCTION. Mars, 800 feet southeast of, at telegraph pole 22-6, in abutment of bridge or culvert; copper bolt (B. &0. 327), ................ 1,025.524 Mars, 0.8 mile northwest of, in northwest wing wall of box culvert at telegraph pole 23-5, at county road crossing; copper bolt (B. & 0.328), ...... 1,003.703 APPENDIX. 383 Feet. 988.449 Mars, 1.8 miles west of, opposite telegrap! pole 24-00; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & n. 329), ............. Callery Junction, 700 feet southeast of, in end of. bridge seat of bridge; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 330), ... Callery Junction, 0.5 mile southeast of, opposite telegraph pole 25-00; copper bolt (B. & 0. 330A), 978.420 972.222 SHENANGO QUADRANGLE. POINT NEAR JAMESTOWN SOUTH TO SHENANGO, THENCE NORTH TO ATLANTIC. a988.853 983.5 Railroad Jamestown, 100 feet north of station, in east side of Griffin Hotel, right side of entrance; bronze tablet stamped “989," ........ Jamestown, Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad crossing; top of rail, .. Greenville, in water table of Commercial Hotel, east end of side facing Main Street; bronze tablet stamped “961," ........... Greenville, street crossing at Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad station, Greenville, Erie Railroad station, top of rail at street crossing, .... Osgood, road crossing ; top of rail, ..... Osgood (Amasa), 250 feet north of Erie Railroad station, in third tier of southeast abutment of iron railroad bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “976,” .... Kennard, at road crossing near station; top of rail, ....... ......... Kennard, 600 feet north of, in southeast abutment of railroad bridge ; bronze tablet stamped "1041," ....... 960.726 950 983 984 976.077 1,040.4 1,040.806 y SHARPSVILLE NORTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO GREEN- VILLE. 950.770 ............................................ 907.77 Sharpsville, 300 feet north of station, in south end of east abutment of overhead wagon bridge ; bronze tablet stamped "951," ...... Clarkesville, 400 feet south of station ; floor of small bridge (railroad bench mark), .... Clarkesville, 800 feet corth of station, in southwest bridge seat of iron railroad bridge spanning Shenango Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "896," ............... Transfer, at freight station, road crossing; top of rail, ............ Transfer, 800 feet north of station, in northeast bridge seat of small bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “989," ......... Transfer, 3.2 miles north of, iron bridge 33 spanning Shenango Creek, in northwest bridge seat; aluminium tablet stamped “940," .. Tower, crossing of Erie Railroad; top of rail, ........ ..... 895.129 991.1 988.641 939.565 937.2 JAJESTOWN SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA. MEADOWS TO TRANSFER. 1,095.138 Jamestown, 2.8 miles southwest of, in southeast corner of water table of John Motz's brick residence; aluminum tablet stamped "1095,” .... Maysville ( Meadows), in northwest corner of brick schoolhouse ; alumi- nun tablet stamped "1045," .............................. Maysville, 4 miles south of, in step at north entrance to M. D. Artherhold's residence; aluminum tablet stamped "1105," ..... 1,044.932 1,105.043 a. Report destroyed in 1912. No. 7—25. 384 APPENDIX. TYY ........... POINT NEAR MERCER NORTHWEST ALONG ROAD TO NEW HAMBURG, THENCE NORTH TO POINT NEAR SALEM, THENCE WEST ALONG RAILROAD TO OSGOOD. Feet. Big Bend, in northeast wing wall of iron bridge spanning Shenango Creek; bronze tablet stamped “911," ........ 911.254 New Hamburg, south end of town, iron wagon bridge spanning small stream, in northwest bridge seat; aluminum tablet stamped "921," ................. 920.725 Kremis, at west entrance to store basement, in stone step; aluminum. tablet stamped “1170," .... 1,170.083 Kashmer, at right side of east entrance to schoolhouse, in stone water table; aluminum tablet stamped "1298,” ....... 1,298.096 Kashmer, road crossing, ... 1,282.6 Kashmer, 3 miles north of, in northwest wing wall of iron wagon bridge spanning Otter Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "1005," 1,005.329 Salem, 0.3 mile east of station, in northwest abutment of iron bridge spanning Little Shenango Creek; aluminum tablet stamped "987," ........... 987:375 Salem, at road crossing; top of rail, 994.8 CS : ...... .................... SHIPPENSBURG QUADRANGLE. Shippensburg, cut on water table of house and store of Mr. C. J. · Reddig, northwest corner of Main and Railroad streets, marked “B. M.".(C. & G. S. XXX), 653.711 SIDELING HILL QUADRANGLE. Y FANCOCK, MD. NORHEAST ALONG PUBLIC ROAD TO MCCONNELLS- BURG, THENCE NORTHWEST TO HARRISONVILLE, THENCE SOUTHWEST TO NEEDMORE. (SINGLESPUR LINE; CIRCUIT NOT COMPLETED.) 420.714 531.886 Hancock, Md., 0.2 mile east of bridge across Chespeake & Ohio Canal, north side of canal, on middle of coping stone of aqueduct; chiseled square (U. S. C. S. B. M.), .......... Dickeys Mountain, iron bridge across Licking Creek, west end of south abutment; aluminum tablet stamped "532 HBG," ..... Big Cove Tannery, 400 feet south of covered bridge, 125 feet north of foot bridge, east side of creek, in ledge of rock; aluminum tablet stamped "651 HBG,” .... McConnelsburg, in front of entrance of Presbyterian Church, in cop- ing stone; aluminum tablet stamped "905 HBG," .......... Harrisonville, southeast corner of crossroads, in foundation wall of Dr. Wishart's house ; bronze tablet stamped "782 HBG," ..... Sipes Mills post office, stepstone in front of store owned by Mrs. M. Akers; bronze tablet stamped “781 HBG," ..... 651.420 904.856 782.177 780.670 SLATINGTON QUADRANGLE. . POINT 3 MILES EAST OF KUTZTOWN EAST TO SHAMROCK. Hinteleiter's station, at road crossing; top of south rail, .......... 440.3 Alertztown (Hancock), 0.9 mile northeast of, on culvert at southwest corner of road crossing, left of tracks; chisel mark, .......... 448.79 APPENDIX. 385 .................... ................... ....... ...................................... SUNBURY QUADRANGLE. FISHERS FERRY ALONG PENYSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MONTANDON. Feet. F'ishers Ferry, west coping, box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 41), 431.486 Selinsgrove Junction, near, rock, east side of track, 90 feet north of milepost 132-6; shelf (P. R. R. 42), .. 436.708 Selinsgrove Junction, rock, east side of track, 2,010 feet south of milepost 133-5; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), 437.229 Selinsgrove Junction, northeast bridge seat of bridge 21, Lewistown division; copper bolt (P. R. R. 44), 433.330 Selinsgrove Junction, near, bridge 176, southeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 45), ............. 436.172 Selinsgrove Junction, near, rock east side of track, 510 feet north of milepost 135-3; copper bolt (P. R. R. 46), 441.075 Sunbury, near, rock, east side of track, 58 feet north of milepost 136-2; shelf (P. R. R. 47), ... 441.886 Sunbury, near, west end of south back wall of bridge 179; copper bolt (P. R. R. 48), .......... 440.398 Sunbury, north end of foundation of water tank, south end of Sunbury yard ; square (P. R. R. 49), .. 441.261 Sunbury, passenger station, doorsill of women's waiting room ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 50), .......... 444.700 Sunbury, near, southwest wing wall of bridge 164-3-4; square (P. R. R. 1), ........... 444.472 Sunbury, near, foundation of roundhouse, north side; square (P. R. R. 2), .......... 444.452 Northumberland, near, northeast wing wall of bridge 164; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ....... 451.894 Northumberland, near, southeast wing wall of bridge 163; square (P. R. R. 4), ..... 451.334 Northumberland, near, southwest wing wall of bridge 163; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ....... 453.556 Northumberland, near, north end of arch culvert, 800 feet west of milepost 285-3; (P. R. R. 6), .... 451.677 Northumberland, near, soath end of east bridge seat of bridge 161; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), ... 450.298 Kapps, near, back wall of culvert, 906 feet north of milepost 284-4, north side of track; shelf (P. R. R. 8), ..... 454.589 Kapps, near, side wall of culvert, 510 feet west of milepost 283-5, north side of track; square (P. R. R. 9), ... Kapps, near, capstone of pier of double box culvert, north side of track, 223 feet west of milepost 282-6; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), ......... ...... 450.233 Montandon, near, southwest wing wall of bridge 160; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), ....... 451.345 Montandon, near, set stone at milepost 280-8, north side of track ; square (P. R. R. 12), .... 452.657 Montandon, southeast wing wall of box culvert, 1,520 feet west of milepost 279-9; copper bolt (P. R. R. 13), ........ 459.039 Montandon, north face of box culvert, 1,410 feet west of milepost 278-10; shelf (P. R. R. 14), ...... 462.952 Montandon, near, northeast wing wall of bridge 159, second course; copper bolt (P. R. R. 15), ...... 466.663 ......................... 456.557 ......... ............................. 386 APPENDIX. BRIDGE 21 ALONG LEWISTOWN DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO POINT NEAR MILEPOST 16-34. Feet. Bridge 21, northwest back wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 1), ...... 438.26 Bridge 20, southwest wing wall; shelf (P. R. R. 2), ............ 437.28 Bridge 19, southwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 3), ....... 460.95 Milepost 8-42, 1,630 feet west of, northwest corner box culvert, square on stone (P. R. R. 4), ......... • K. 4), ............................ 511.61 Milepost 9-41, 1,035 feet west of, southwest bridge seat culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 5), ..... 561.19 Milepost 10-40, 250 feet east of, south face of box culvert; shelf (P. R. R. 6), ....... 538.71 Milepost 11-39, 700 feet east of, south face of box culvert; shelf (P. R. R. 7), ....... 497.34 Bridge 17, southeast back wall; square (P. R. R. 8), 469.26 Kremer, northeast bridge seat of small bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), ......... 471.57 Milepost 14-36, 1,845 feet east of, portheast bridge seat of small bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), ..... 491.67 Milepost 15-35, 1,900 feet east of, northeast bridge seat of small bridge; coper bolt (P. R. R. 11), ... ........... 485.38 .................................................. ...... TANEYTOWN QUADRANGLE. KINGSDALE NORTHEAST TO LITTLETOWN. Kingsdale, railroad station, in top stone uear east end of south abutment of culvert; aluminum tablet stamped "559 Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 37,” .................. Kingsdale, in front of station ; top of rail, ........ Kingsdale, 0.4 mile north of, railroad crossing; top of rail, ...... Kingsdale, 1.2 miles north of, on top of south abutment on west side of railroad bridge over road, chiseled square; marked "U. S. [] B. M. 607," ..., 558.786 559.1 577.1 606.63 UNIONTOWN QUADRANGLE. INDIAN CREEK ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO SOUTH CONNELLSVILLE. Indian Creek, in abutment of bridge 46; copper bolt (B. & 0. 234), 969.062 Indian Creek, 1.2 miles west of, opposite milepost 264 in rock ; copper bolt (B. & 0. 235), ...... ... 951.163 Indian Creek, 2.2 miles west of, 200 feet west of milepost 265, in rock; copper bolt (B. & O. 236), ...... 940.452 Indian Creek, 3.2 miles west of, in small loose sandstone bowlder, north side of tracks, opposite milepost 266; copper bolt (B. & 0. 237), ....... 937.803 Indian Creek, 4.2 miles west of, one telegraph pole southeast of mile- post 267, in rock; copper bolt (B. & 0. 238), ..... 918.928 South Connellsville, near, in south end of east abutment of new bridge, south of Connellsville yards; copper bolt (B. & 0. 239), .... 910.387 ...... APPENDIX. 387 ........ VANCE MILL JUNCTION ALONG MONONGAHELA DIVISION OF PENN- SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO UNIONTOWN. Feet. Vance Mill Junction, 3,300 feet north of, northwest bridge seat of bridge No. 42; copper bolt (P. R. R. 74), ... 916.87 Vance Mill Junction, 700 feet south of, northwest back wall of bridge No. 43; copper bolt (P. R. R. 75), .......... 929.13 Milepost 67, 2,600 feet north of, northwest wing wall of bridge No. 45; square (P. R. R. 76), .. 941.40 Walkers, 1,200 feet north of, southwest corner of box culvert; square (P. R. R. 77), ... 952.47 Redstone Junction, overhead railroad bridge, seat end of first pier; square (P. R. R. 78), .................................. 964.35 Redstone Junction, 300 feet south of, northwest wing wall (S. W. P. Ry.); square (P. R. R. not numbered), 952.94 Uniontown, Adams Express Company's office, west window sill; square (P. R. R. not numbered), ......... 985.81 WERNERSVILLE QUADRANGLE. SHAMROCK ALONG PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILROAD TO POINT 1.5 MILES WEST OF WOMELSDORF, Shamrock, about 0.25 mile east of station ; cut on southeast corner of railroad bridge, inarked "B. [] M." (C. & G. S. No. XXIII), 424.322 TY 11 11. 11 WEST CHESTER QUADRANGLE. STATE LINE CORNER NO. 16, GRANOGUE, CENTERVILLE, CORNER 10, AND YORK LYNN TO CORNER 6. Centerville, 2.5 miles northwest of, 1.5 miles west of Line House, Pa., in top of state line corner 10; bronze tablet stamped "267 Harrisburg,” ........ 267.701 Hockessin, about 1.1 miles northwest of, 50 feet north of Avondale pike, 50 feet west of lane to Wingate's residence, in field, in top of state line corner No. 6; aluminum tablet stamped “356 Harrisburg 1900," ...... 356.057 . WILLIAMSPORT QUADRANGLE. AT WILLIANISPORT. Williamsport, near, northwest bridge seat of bridge 145; copper bolt (P. R. R. 45), ... Williamsport, doorsill of brick dwelling, 314 Fourth Street, 450 feet west of milepost 249-3, south side of track; square (P. R. R. 525.079 45a), .. ....... 522.431 Williamsport, north end of doorsill at east end of freight station; square (P. R. R. 46a), .. 528.242 WILLIAMSPORT ALONG ERIE DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR MILEPOST 236-52. Williamsport, south side of track, on foundation of R. P. Blackburn's Drug Store at Fourth and Green streets; shelf (P. R. R. 48), -780.61 Bridge 142, southeast back wall of, third course; copper bolt (P. R. R. 49), ....... 525.09 388 all'PENDIX. Feet. 530.06 540.38 527.06 ......... 531.65 530.27 530.11 ................ 525.99 Newberry, opposite station, north side of track, ou foundation of fire engine houst No. 5; shelf (P. R. R: 50), .... Milepost 245-43, 175 feet west of, south side of track, on culvert; square (P. R. R. 51), .......... Bridge 140, northwest bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 52), I'all Brook, overhead railroad bridge, north side of track; shelf on abutment (P. R. R. 53), ... Bridge 138, northeast bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 54), . Bridge 138, northwesu bridge seat; copper bolt (P. R. R. 55), .... Milepost 242-46, 80 feet. west of, south side of track; square on culvert (P. R. R. 56), ...... Milepost 241-47, north side of track; square on set stone (P. R. R. 57), ............ Bridge 137, southeast wing wall of stone arch, second course; copper bolt (P. R. R. 58), .. Milepost 239-49, 305 feet east of, south side of track, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 59), ..., Milepost 238-50, 477 ieet east of, south side of track, in rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 60), ...... Milepost 238-50, 2,316 feet west of, south side of track; shelf on face of culvert (P. R. R. 61), .... · Milepost 237-51, 184 feet west of, south side of track; shelf on face of culvert (P. R. R. 62), .... ................ 531.14 ........ 535.69 0 0 ................................... 544.30 ......... 558.83 559.84 572.18 ............... WILPEN QUADRANGLE. SANG HOLLOW ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO MİLLWOOD. Sang Hollow, east end of retaining wall; shelf (P. R. R. 31), .... 1,144.388 Tower N. R., 0.11 mile east of, rock in cut, south side; coper bolt (P. R. R. 34), ........ 1,126.576 Big Spring Run, east end of arch, south parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36), ....... .......... 1,094,274 Piney Run, 0.17 mile west of tower V. K., east end of arch, north parapet of bridge 226; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36a), ......... 1,091.542 New Florence, 1.7 miles east of station, in soutili end of double box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 36b), ........... ...... 1,080.660 New Morence, 0.57 mile east of station, arch, northeast end of parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 37), .. 1,073.179 New Florence, in doorsill of brick hotel; square (P. R. R. 37a), ... 1,080.199 Tower J. D., noith end of, in box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 40), 1,042.487 Lockport, 1.2 miles east of, in rock, south side of cut, opposite mile- post 292; shelf (P. R. R. 41), ..... ........ 1,050.786 Lockport, on doorsill of station; square (P. R. R. 42), ........... 1,054.815 Bolivar Junction, in south end of west end of parapet of road arch ; coper bolt (P. R. R. 43), .. ....... 1,032.893 Bolivar Viaduct, northeast wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 44), .. 1,035.373 Bolivar Viaduct, southwest wing wall; copper bolt (P. R. R. 44a), 1,035.753 Tower I. J., 0.09 mile west of, in rock on south side; copper bolt (P. R. R. 45), ........ 1,085.291 Pack Saddle, 600 feet west of station (30 feet north of center line, on rock; square (P. R. R. 46), .......... 1,105.250 Pack Saddle, 50 feet east of watch house, south of track, on rock; shelf (P. R. R. 46a) .... 1,106.970 .......... .......... APPENDIX. 389 Feet. .............. 1,119.708 Blairsville Intersection, 26.5 feet south of tool-house; on stone monu- ment; square (P. R. R. 47), ......... Blairsville Intersection, 1.1 miles west of, in arch east end of north parapet; copper bolt (P. R. R. 48), 1,113.730 NEAR BLAIRSVILLE. ....... 967.649 Blairsville, 2.8 miles east of, Toms Run arch, in south end, coping; copper bolt (P. R. R. 62), .... .............. Bolivar Junction, 2.23 miles from, in rock 30 feet south of center line of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 63), ... ..................... 1,003.593 VTT ............... WINDBER QUADRANGLE. ELTONBURG ALONG SOUTH FORK BRANCH, PITTSBURG DIVISION, OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO BABCOCK'S MILL. Junction Big Paint branch, east end of foundation of water tank; coper bolt (P. R. R. 6), ..... 1,714.15 Scalp Level, Johnstown pike bridge, south end of pier; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), ... 1,672.46 Windber, Seese Run bridge, eåst end of south abutment; copper bolt (P. R. R. 8), ....... .......... 1,692.93 Lovett, 13.75 miles from, rock at side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 9), ........ 1,884.27 Lovett, 15.3 miles from, west end of box culvert; copper bolt. (P. R. R. 10), ........ 2,042:41 Babcock's Mill, southwest corner of boiler shop; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), 2,101.71 ........................... ........... ........ ........................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 11 YORK QUADRANGLE. SHREWSBURY ALONG BALTIMORE DIVISION OF PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO POINT NEAR MILEPOST 43. Milepost 40, 180 feet north of, west center of arch bridge 70; copper bolt (P. R. R. 11), .. 033.23 Seitzland, 150 feet north of, in rock on east side of track; copper bolt (P. R. R. 42), ...... 596.29 Milepost 42, 180 feet soutiha of, northwest back wall of bridge 74, south of Glen Rock; copper bolt (P. R. R. 43), ..... 548.02 Milepost 42, 2,580 feet north of, southwest wing of bridge 75; copper bolt (P. R. R. 44), .. 531.81 ........... ......... • • • • • ...... TT POINT NEAR LEPOST 51 ALONG BALTIMORE DIVISION OF PENN- SYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CODORUS MILLS. Brilhart, in doorstep of station; copper bolt (P. R. R. 54), ...... 410.81 Milepost 53, 950 feet north of, northeast back wall of bridge; copper bolt (P. R. R. 55), ... 393.65 Milepost 54, 870 feet north of, northwest wing of bridge 91; copper bolt (P. R. R. 56), ....... 396.90 ........ ...... 390 APPENDIX. Feet. .......................................... 391.41 377.77 .. ..... .. Milepost 53, 970 feet north of, east center of box culvert; copper bolt (P. R. R. 57), ..... Milepost 56, 570 feet north of, northwest coping of bridge 93 ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 58), ..... York, tobacco warehouse of Croll & Co., on doorstep; square (P. R. R. 59), ............... York, doorstep of baggage room ; copper bolt (P. R. R. 60), ...... Note:-Pennsylvana Railroad Co.'s elevation at court-house, ....... 398.665 York City Elevation at court-house, ...... 392.975 Milepost 58, 1,650 feet north of, at bridge 95, southwest bridge at; copper bolt (P. R. R. 61), ...... Codorus Mills, square on step on mill (P. R. R. 63), ....... 373.47 371'.26 ...... 357.30 379.23 HELLAM STATION ALONG YORK BRANCH OF PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD TO YORK. 354.48 368.80 Hellam, 1,250 feet west of station, northwest abutment of bridge 14; copper bolt (P. R. R. 6), ... Campbell, box culvert, south side; copper bolt (P. R. R. 7), ...... Stony Brook station, in north side of overhead bridge west of; shelf (P. R. R. S), ....... Heistand, overhead: bridge at, south side; projecting bolt (P. R. R. 416.53 9), .................... ............... ........ 441.12 Milepost 11, 750 feet west of, northeast abutment of bridge 18; copper bolt (P. R. R. 10), York, southwest end of coping of bridge 20; copper bolt (P. R. R. 387.92 12), ... 383.31 LAUREL WEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO PARKE. Laurel, at railroad station, 50 feet east of track, 6 feet south of highway, in rock outcrop; aluminum tablet stamped "Prim. Trav, Sta. No. 2 1907, 425," ...... Laurel, in front of station ; top of rail, ... 424.302 425.1 ZELIENOPLE QUADRANGLE. CALLERY ALONG BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD TO CELIA. 970.160 954.231 Callery Junction, 0.5 mile northwest of, in southwest end of bridge seat of southeast abutment of bridge 45; copper bolt (B. & 0. 331), .......... Evans City, about 1 mile southeast of, set between tracks in mud wall of southeast abutment of bridge 45 ; copper bolt (B. & 0. 332), Evans City, in east end of abutment of county road bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 333), ....... Evans City, 0.5 mile northwest of, at milepost 29, section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 334), ....... ...... Evans City, 1.5 miles northwest of, opposite nilepost 30; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. &0. 335), .. 938.327 929.489 923.880 APPENDIX. 391 Feet. 913.680 915.685 912.843 915.344 ... .... ..... .... . Evans City, 2 miles northwest of, set betwen tracks in bridge seat of northwest abutment of bridge at telegraph pole 30-9; copper · bolt (B. & 0. 3,35A), ...... Harmony Junction, 0.3 mile southeast of, opposite milepost 31; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & O. 336), Harmony, 0.8 mile east of, opposite milepost 32, section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 337), .................. Ilaimony, west of, in first course of masonry at west end of north retaining wall ; copper bolt (B. & 0. 338), ... Zelienople, 0.25 mile east of, at milepost 34; section of rail set verti- cally between tracks (B. & O. 339), ..... Zelienople, 0.8 mile south west of, on small bridge at telegraph pole 34-26, in abutment of bridge; copper bolt (B. & O. 340), .... Old Furnace, 100 feet west of, at milepost 36; section of rail set • vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 341), ...... Old Furnace, 0.5 mile northwest of, on undergrade crossing bridge ; in abutment of bridige; coper bolt (B. & O. 341A), .......... Fombell, 1 mile east of, in north end of stone culvert at telegraph pole 908.870 897.374 899.848 891.109 ..... ..... .... .... ...... 885.326 ........... ........... .................. 878.004 Fombell, on bridge: 358, in abutment of bridge; copper bolt (B. & (). 343), ......... Goehring, at milepost 39; section of rail set vertically between tracks (B. & 0. 344), .... Celia, on bridge 360, telegraph pole 39-34, in end of bridge seat; copper bolt (B. & O. 345), ....... 574.089 871.626 (592) INDEX A. Page. Adams County, see list of Elevations ......... magnetic determinations . triangulation stations........ Allegheny County, see list of Elevations ......... magnetic determinations triangulation stations ....... Armstrong County, see list of Elevations ......... magnetic determinations triangulation stations Astronomic locations ... Azimuth observations ..., (D .." 145 Beaver County, primary traverse in Sewickley quadrangle 177 Zelienople quadrangle ..... 177 see list of Elevations ..... magnetic determinations triangulation stations Bedford County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations . triangulation stations ..... Belair quadrangle, primary traverse in ......... 135 Bellefonte quadrangle, primary traverse in ..... 164 Bench marks, description of .... 207 Berks County, primary traverse in Honeybrook quadrangle .. New Holland quadrangle 152 see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations ... triangulation stations ... Blair County, see list of Elevations ..... magnetic determinations triangulation stations .. Bradford County, see list of Elevations ..... magnetic determinations .. triangulation stations ...... Bucks County, see list of Elevations ........... magnetic determinations ....... triangulation stations ... Butler County, primary traverse in Butler quadrangle ...... 177, 185 Freeport quadrangle . 177 Hilliards quadrangle 185 Kittanning quadrangle ..... 177 Mercer quadrangle .. ...cccccccc 185 Sewickley quadrangle ....... 177 Sharpsburg quadrangle ... 177 ........................... . ...... (393) 394 INDEX. 394 . Page. .141, 185 .......... 177 Butler County, primary traverse in Stonoboro quadrangle Zelienople quadrangle see list of Elevations ..... magnetic determinations ... Butler quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... 185 C. 12 . . . . . . . . . . 164 164 164 . . . .......................... . . . 139 145 . 158 . 143 . 158 . 136 . . . Calculations ...... Cambria County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations . triangulation stations ...... Cameron County, see list of magetic determinations Carbon County, see list of Elevations .......... magnetic determinations ...... triangulation stations ........ Centre County, primary traverse in Bellefonte quadrangle ...... Philipsburg quadrangle Snowshoe quadrangle see list of Elevations: magnetic determinations ....... Chautauqua County, New York, see list of triangulation stations . Chester County, primary traverse in Coatesville quadrangle ....... Honeybrook quadrangle, ...... McCalls Ferry quadrangle ... Phoenixville quadrangle Quarryville quadrangle ..... West Chester quadrangle ......... see list of Elevations ........ magnetic determinations .... triangulation stations Clarion quadrangle, see list of Elevations .......... magnetic determinations .. triangulation stations ........ Clearfield County, primary traverse in Bellefonte quadrangle . Philipsburg quadrangle Snowshoe quadrangle see list of Elevations ...... magnetic determinations ....... triangulation stations ........ Clinton County, see list of magnetic determinations Coatesville quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... Columbia County, see list of Elevations ............ magnetic determinations .. triangulation stations Crawford County, primary traverse in Linesville quadrangle see list of Elevations ...... magetic determinations .. Cumberland County, primary traverse in New Cumberland quadrangle see list of Elevations magetic determinations .. triangulation stations . ... ...... ..... ... ..... ...... . . . . .............. . . 164 164 . .......... 164 . . . . . 139 . . . . 137 . . . 149 INDEX. 395 Page. 1:55 149 .... .... Dauphin County, primary traverse in Middletown quadrangle ......... New Cumberland quadrangle ... see list of Elevations ... magetic determinations .. triangulation stations ........... Delaware County, primary traverse in West Chester quadrangle see list of Elevations ....... triangulation stations ..................... Delaware (State of) see list of triangulation stations ....... 136 E. 207 ......... ............. ............. ... .. ... ... .. .... ..... 199 Elevations ....... Elk County, see list of magnetic determinations .... Emmitsburg quadrangle, primary traverse in Erie County, primary traverse in North East quadrangle see list of Elevations ...... magetic determinations . triangulation stations ... 203 ............................. F. 199 199 Fayette County, see list of Elevations .......... magnetic determinations ..... triangulation stations ... Forest County, see list of Elevations ........ magnetic determinations .. Franklin County, primary traverse in Emmitsburg quadrangle Hagerstown quadrangle ... see list of Elevations . magnetic determinations ... triangulation stations ........ Franklin quadrangle, primary traverse in Freeport quadrangle, primary traverse in ....... Fulton County, see list of Elevations ... triangulation stations ......................... 185. 174 .............................. Greene County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations ....... triangulation station: ........ Garrett County, Md., see list of triangulation stations ....... • H. 199 135 Hagerstown quadrangle, primary traverse in ... Hanover quadrangle, primary traverse in ....... Hilliards quadrangle, primary traverse in ....... Honeybrook quadrangle, primary traverse in Huntingdon County, see list of Elevations ......... magnetic determinations ...... triangulation stations .... ........................ 145 TUU S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 INDEX. Page. Indiana County, see list of Elevations ........ magnetic determinations ... triangulation stations ...... Instruments used ............. Introduction ....... 12 ................................................... Jefferson County, see list of Elevations .... magnetic determinations .... triangulation stations Juniata County, see list of Elevations .... triangulation stations ....... stations ......................... K. Kittanning quadrangle, primary traverse in ....... 177 IS .............................. 155 Lackawanna County, see list of Elevations .......... magnetic determinations .... triangulation stations ... Lancaster County, primary traverse in Honeybrook quadrangle ...... 145 New Holland quadrangle 152 see list of Elevations ...... magnetic determinations ... triangulation stations .... Lawrence County, primary traverse in Neshannock quadrangle .... 147 Zelienople quadrangle .... 177 see list of Elevations ... magnetic determinations ......... Lebanon County, primary traverse in Middletown quadrangle . see list of Elevations magnetic determinations ..... Lebanon County, primary traverse in Middletown quadrangle 155 see list of Elevations magnetic determinations triangulation stations ... Lehigh County, see list of Elevations .......... magnetic determinations triangulation stations .... Leveling ........... ..14, 207 Precise ................ 208 .. 137 Luzerne County, see list of Elevations magnetic determinations triangulation station ....... Lycoming County, see list of Elevations .. magnetic determinations triangulation stations ............ > ......... US ............................. INDEX. 397 Page. M. 295 OUS ............................................ oor ............... 35, 158 185 185 185 147 41, 185 ......... Magnetic determinations ....... Maps, topographic ..................... features of ....... ....... Maps, list of completed topographic ..... Maryland (State of) see list of triangulation stations McCalls Ferry quadrangle, primary traverse in ....... McKean County, see list of magnetic determinations ....... Mercer County, primary traverse in Franklin quadrangle ... Hilliards quadrangle Mercer quadrangle Neshannock quadrangle ... Stonoboro quadrangle see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations ... Mercer quadrangle, primary traverse in .. Meridian Lines ........ Methods, topographic ....................... Middletown quadrangle, primary traverse in .... Mifflin County, see list of Elevations ... magnetic determinations . triangulation stations ....... Monroe County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations ..... triangulation stations Montgomery County, see list of Elevations ...... magnetic determinations .. triangulation stations Montour County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations ....... 185 295 155 S ................... .. N. 147 149 152 Neshannock quadrangle, primary traverse in ....... New Cumberland quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... New Holland quadrangle, primary traverse in .. ......... New Jersey (State of) see list of triangulation stations Northampton County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations .. triangulation stations .. North East quadrangle, primary traverse in ........ Northumberland County, see list of Elevations ...... triangulation stations ..... 203 0. Oil City quadrangle, primary traverse in ... 185 P. 135 Parkton quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... Perry County, see list of Elevations 398 INDEX. Page. ....................... .. IS ....... ............... 164 Perry County, see magnetic determinations ....... triangulation stations .. Philadelphia County, see list of Elevations . magnetic determinations Philipsburg quadrangle, primary traverse in Phoenixville quadrangle, primary traverse in Plane Table, use of ................ Pike County, see list of Elevations ... magnetic deterimnations triangulation stations ... Primary traverse ...... . ... ..... ..... .... . 143 13 ..12, 135 158 H - 177 15 164 ......................... 141, 185 Quarryville quadrangle, primary traverse in .... Schuylkill County, see list of Elevations ......... magnetic determinations triangulation stations Secondary Traverse ........ Sewickley quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... Sharpsburg quadrangle, primary traverse in Sketching ........ Snowshoe quadrangle, primary traverse in .. Snyder County, see list of Elevations ........ magnetic determinations ... triangulation stations ... Somerset County, see list of Elevations ... magnetic determinations ...... triangulation stations .... Stoneboro quadrangle, primary traverse in ........ Sullivan County, see list of magnetic determinations triangulation stations .. Susquehanna County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations triangulation stations Tioga County, see list of Elevations magnetic determinations ..... triangulation stations ..... Topographic Map .... features of .. Topographic Methods .. Townville quadrangle, primary traverse in Traverse, primary .... Traverse, secondary. Triangulation ...... Triangulation stations ....... Triangulation stations, list of. . . • . • . • . ............................... • . • . • . 1 . . . . . 185 . . . . ofis . . o . . .............................................. . . . • U. Union County, see list of Elevations ....................... magnetic determinations ............. INDEX. 399 Page. 185 185 185 185 Venango County, primary traverse in Franklin quadrangle ........... Hilliards quadrangle .... Mercer quadrangle ..... Oil City quadrangle ... Stonoboro quadrangle .. Townville quadrangle .. see list of Elevations .... magnetic determinations ....... triangulation stations .......... 185 185 W. ............................ Warren County, see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations ..... triangulation stations ....... Washington County, see list of Elevations ... magnetic determinations triangulation stations Wayne County, see list of Elevations magnetic determinations ..... triangulation stations . West Chester quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... West Moreland County, see list of Elevations .......... magnetic determinations triangulation stations ..... Wyoming County, see list of Elevations ............. magnetic determinations ...... triangulation stations LLIOUS ............ ........... ... . 136 ..... .... ......... . Y. 135 135 135 155 149 135 York County, primary traverse in Belair quadrangle ....... Hanover quadrangle McCall Ferry quadrangle Middletown quadrangle ..... New Cumberland quadrangle. Parkton quadrangle .. Quarryville quadrangle ....... York quadrangle see list of Elevations ....... magnetic determinations ...... triangulation stations ... York quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... 158 135 ............................ 135 Zelienople quadrangle, primary traverse in ...... ..... 177 No. 7—26. 400 INDEX. INDEX OF ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS IN QUADRANGLES. 248 ........................................ ....211, 323 ................................................. 255 ............................................ Page. Altoona quadrangle ..... .247, 319 Allentown quadrangle ...... 319 Amity quadrangle 247 Barnesboro quadrangle Beaver quadrangle ........ ...248, 320 Bedford quadrangle ........ 208, 249 Bellefonte quadrangle ... 210 Berlin quadrangle ............ 321 Birmingham (Tyrone) quadrangle 289, 322 Blacksville quadrangle 250 Boyertown quadrangle 323 Brookville quadrangle ... Brownsville quadrangle 2, 250, 323 Burlington quadrangle 326 Burgettstown quadrangle ... 250 Butler quadrangle 213 Cambridge Springs quadrangle 214 Carlisle quadrangle .... 326 Carnegie quadrangle 253 Chambersburg quadrangle .. ...254, 326 Chester quadrangle ... 326 Clarion quadrangle 254 Claysville quadrangle Clearfield. quadrangle ...... Coatesville quadrangle ..... Confluence quadrangle, .. .259, 328 Connellsville quadrangle . 259, 329 Corry quadrangle ....... Curwensville quadrangle 260 Damascus quadrangle 215 Easton quadrangle ................................................ 330 Ebensburg quadrangle .... 330 Elders Ridge quadrangle 331 Elkland quadrangle ....... 262 Emmitsburg quadrangle 331 Erie quadrangle ..... ..215, 263 Everett quadrangle .. 363, 331 Fairfield quadrangle 216 Fairview quadrangle 264 Foxburg quadrangle .... 264 Franklin quadrangle Freeport quadrangle Frostburg quadrangle ... 334 Gaines quadrangle 265 Galeton quadrangle ...... 265 Germantown quadrangle .. Gettysburg quadrangle. ..... 221 Girard quadrangle ......... 266 258 ...2.58, ........................................ 327 214 ........................................... 261, .... ...... .... 217 219, 264, ................................................. 333 INDEX. 401 Page. .......266, 334 ............................................... 222 Greensburg quadrangle ........ Grover quadrangle Hagerstown quadrangle .. Hamburg quadrangle ..... Hancock quadrangle .. 334 335, 337 267 ...222, 337 339 .222, 339 ...267, 340 .......................................... 268 ............................................. angle ...... 269 Hazelton quadrangle ....... Hilliards quadrangle Holidaysburg quadrangle Honeybrook quadrangle ... Houtzdale quadrangle Howard quadrangle ....... Hummelstown quadrangle ... Huntingdon quadrangle Hyndman quadrangle Indiana quadrangle ....... Johnstown quadrangle .. e ......................................... 341 341 .270, 341 .... 341 .... 271 224, 271, 342 .....225, 272 .. 225 226 .273, 343 274, 345 ... 346 346 00 00 ..... ........ ........................................... 348 226, 274, 351 ..... 352 352 226 227, 274, 352 ...... 275 ..227, 355 ..228, 356 ..... Kinzua quadrangle ....... Lackawaxen quadrangle .. Lancaster quadrangle Latrobe quadrangle ...... Lebanon quadrangle ..... Lewistown quadrangle Linesville quadrangle ....... Lock Haven quadrangle .. McCall Ferry quadrangle Masontown quadrangle, Mattawana quadrangle Mauch Chunk quadrangle Meadville quadrangle ...... Mercer quadrangle ....... Mercersburg quadrangle Meyersdale quadrangle Middletown quadrangle .... Mifflinburg quadrangle Mifflintown quadrangle . Milford quadrangle ....... Millersburg quadrangle Millerstown quadrangle Milton quadrangle ......... Mingoville quadrangle Morgantown quadrangle Mount Union quadrangle Neshannock quadrangle New Bloomfield quadrangle. New Castle quadrangle ....... New Cumberland quadrangle. New Holland quadrangle New Kensington quadrangle . Norristown quadrangle .... Oil City quadrangle ....... Patton quadrangle ........ 358 359 ..275, 361 363 ......................................... 229 363 .276, 364 278, 364 229, 365 279, 366 .279, 367 ..223, 286, 369 ................................... 371 230 280 402 INDEX. ន្ន ៖ ........................................ ...................................... 372 ....281, 373 1.281; 374 231, 282, 375 378 283 379 232 ............................................... d 382 284 ..232, 284 285, 382 287, 383 .......................................... ........................................ 384 ........................................... 384 ตัว 84 234 ............................................... Philadelphia quadrangle .... Philipsburg quadrangle Phoenixville quadrangle Pittsburg quadrangle ....... Pottsville quadrangle ...... Punxsutawney quadrangle Quarryville quadrangle Ralston quadrangle ... Reading quadrangle Rogersville quadrangle Rural Valley quadrangle Sewickley quadrangle Sheffield quadrangle Shippensburg quadrangle Sideling Hill quadrangle Slatington quadrangle Somerset quadrangle .. Smicksburg quadrangle Steuben ville quadrangle Stoneboro quadrangle .. Sunbury quadrangle Susquehanna quadrangle .... Taneytown quadrangle Tidioute quadrangle .. Tioga quadrangle ... Tionesta quadrangle ... Troutrun quadrangle Trowbridge quadrangle Tyrone (Birmingham) quadrangle Union City quadrangle Uniontown quadrangle Warren quadrangle ... Waynesburg quadrangle .... Wernersville quadrangle West Chester quadrangle Williamsport quadrangle Wilpen quadrangle ... Windber quadrangle Youngstown quadrangle. Youngville quadrangle York quadrangle ........ Zelienople quadrangle .... 233 288 234 385 236 .236, 386 236 288 237 ................................................ 237 ........................................... 0 0 . .. ......................... .... ... ... ...................................... 237 ....289, 322 237 238, 290, 386 ....239, 290 ..... 291 ....282, 387 ....293, 387 ....239, 387 ....293, 388 ....240, 389 .... 294 .... 244 .243, 389 ....245, 390 ............................................ ........................................... ............................................... LIST OF ELEVATIONS. A. 262 Academy Corners Ackley Aleppo ....... Allegheny 290 284 369, 378 Y ........................ ............................. INDEX. 403 Page. 382 330 Allegheny Creek .......... Allegheny Tunnel ... Allegheny Valley Junction Allegripus Allen Lane ..... Allenport i ........ Allentown Allison Park Alum Rock Alters Run Bridge ......... Altoona A llentown .......................................................... ..................... .............................................................. ................................... 333 340 334 .213, 325 319 ....... 369 ......220, 264 ...... 364 320, 340, 341 233 248 326 346 336, 339 223 341 263 364 381 363 334 371 216 233 242 A ndreas ........................................................ Ville ................ ...................... .... ................. A rdennern Amity Andalusia Anderson ...... Andreas Annandale ... Annville ..... Ansonia Aqueduct .... Arcadia ...... Ardenheim .. Ardara ....... Ardmore Arendtsville Arnold Arrow Aschorn ... Ashville Ashtola Aspinwall Astral Atchison Atglen Atlantic Avondale ......................................................... 331 .......................................................... 281 242 370 217 229 .328, 382 347 258 374 D a il ............................................................. Bachmanville 228 Bacton Bagdad 332 Bail .. 289 Bailey .............................................................. 364 Bainbridge 229, 357 Baird ....... ..212, 324 Bakerstown 370 Bala ...... 373 Bamford Banning ... 330 Bard 342 Barkeyville .........339, 340 Barking ....... 233 12, 324 404 INDEX. ................. ....................................... 0 ......................................................... ....... 322 286 ........................................................... 230 . ....................................................... 266 ...... Beech Creek ....................................................... 209 Page. Barnards 233 Barnesboro 248 Barree Bartley ...... Bartville 381 Baum Bavington ... 251 Beallsville 247 Bear Run 329 Beartown .... 269 Beatty ............................................................. 345 Beatys ...... 339 Beaver 248 Beaver Center Beaver Falls 229, 366 Beavertown 359 Bebcocks Mill. M il ...................................................... 389 Becarria 269 Becks Run ...... 375 Bedford .208, 209 Beech Creek -341 Belden Bellefonte .. .....210,211 Belle Valley 215 Belle Vernon ......... ....213, 325 Belleview Schoolhouse 211 Belliet's Station 352 Bellwood 319 Belsena Mills Ben Avon ....... 286 Bendersville 221 Bennington 330 Benton 350 Benvenue .... Berks-Lancaster County-line Berlee ....... Berwinsdale 260 Berwyn 371 231, 283, 377 Best 288 Bethel 277 Bethlehem 256 Bettinger 221 Beulah ........ 269 Beulah Road ... Bidwell 329 Big Bend ....... 384 Big Cove Tannery . 384 Biglerville 221 Big Spring Run 388 Bittersville ...... 243 Birdinhand 368 Birdsboro ....... 382 ................................................... 270 e ....................................................... 231 292 276 Bessem er .................................................... .... ........................... .... ... .... .. .. ... .. ... 272 ........................................................ INDEX. 405 N Page. .322, 375, 376 ....... 346 212, 324, 326 248 293 233 232 .220, 264 . . . .............................................................. . . 235 . ...... 325 .........274, 345, 389 389 ............................................ 351 . .... ...... ... ..... ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 269 201 331 237 388, 389 240 ..... 268 241 223 ............................................................. .............................................................. 235 ...................................................... Birmingham ...... Bixler ......... Black Diamond Black Hawk Black Lick Blacks Run Blair Blairs Corners Blairs Crossing ... Blairs Furnace Blairsville Blairsville Intersection Blind Run Blue Ball Blue Knob Blue Ridge Bodine ......... Bolivar Junction Border Bordell Boswell Bovard Bow Bowie ....... Bowmansdale Boyce Braeburn Braddock Braden ville Bradford Hills .... Branch Intersection Branchton Brandamore ........ Brandon Brandywine Summit Braznell Breckenbridge Brickerville Bridgeville Bridgeport .... Bridgeton Brillhart Brilliant Brinker .... Brinton Bristol ...... Broadford Broad Street Brookes Mills Brownfield Brownsville Brownsville Junction Brownstown . 1 .......................................................... ....................................................... 279 253 219 231, 377 345 374 ..356, 357 230, 340, 354 268 ........................................................... 217 293 213, 332 325 273 .. .. ............. ................... ....... ..... ..... ... 253 367 349 389 232 214 375 326 59, 329, 330 372 340 239 292 325 ..280, 368 ............ ... .. ..... .......... ... .. ............. ... . 406 INDEX. ..... 269 381 Page. Bruce 282 Bruin ....... ................................................ 21, 223 Brush Creek 285 Brush Valley 271 Bryansville ..... 348 Bryant .......... 87, 369 Bryn Mawr I M aw r ....................................................... 371 Buchanan ........ 227 Buchanan's Road ... Buck . ........................................................... Buckstown YU ...................................................... 242 Budaville Buffalo ........................................................... Bulger .......................................................... 251 Bullion 224 Burdette .... 281 Burgettstown 1 ...................................................... 251 Burma ........ ................................................... 255 ....... Burnside ....... Iside ........................................................... Butler ............................................................ ..213, 214 Butler Junction ..... 333 Buzzards Rock ...... 351 Iv o k ........... ......................................... 34999999999999999999999 257 56. 257 283 C anoe C ...... Callensburg 8 .... ........ ......... .......................................... ..... 220 Callery Junction ... 244, : 53 390 California ......... ...:13, 325 Caln ..... 327 Cambridge Springs .. 214 Camden .. 231, 376 Campbell ..... ........................................................... 390 Canaan ....... 340 Canal Bridge 356 Candan ....... 268 Canoe Creek 283 reek ....................................................... Canonsburg 253 Canton 222 Carbon 277 Carbon Centre 214 Cardiff 320 Carlisle 326 ........................................................ Carlton ............................................. ............... Carmichaels 274 Carnegie ........................................................... 253 Carney Carpenter .... 372 Carrolltown 281 Carrs Tunnel 345 Cashtown 216 Casselman elman ... ..................................................... ....355, 356 Cassville ..... 270 Castle Fin ..... 348 010000000002932 1993 20000 234 345 ن INDEX. 407 268 ..................................... ............... PAIK .................... ............................... .................................. 293 .................................................... ... ... ..................................................... VICK .......... ............................................... a . Page. Catfish Run .. 220 Carode .......... 234 Cedar Knoll .. Cedar Lodge .... 222 Celia 246, 391 Centerville. 221, 250, 387 Central Park 232 Cessna 209 Chads Ford Chambersburg ..... 326 Charleroi 213, 325 Charlestown ... 277 Cheat Haven 229 Chelton Ave 372 Cherry Run 221, 255 Cherry Tree 248 Chestnut Hill 334 Chest Springs 280 Cheswick ..... 370 Chewton ...... 365 Chicora ..... Chiques Bridge 357 Christiar 379 Christy Park 377 Churchtown .. 269 Churchtown Road, 268 Clairton 376 Claremont ....... 370 Clarendon Clarion ...... Clarion Junction Clarksburg 262 Clarks Ferry .. 338 Clarks Mills 235 Clarkesville .... 383 Clarksville 291 Claussville 287 Clay ........ Claytonia Clearfield ........... Clearfield Bridge 270 Climax Clinton .249, 251 Clintonville .... 223 Cly ........ 279 Coal Bluff .... . 212, 324 Coal Centre ...................................................... ..213, 325 Coalport ....... ....... 280 Coal Valley ...... 376 Coatesville ...258, 259, 327 Cochran ....... .217, 231, 236, 376 Cochrans Mills ... ............262, 282 Cochranton ............ 227 291 • 254 255 254 ......................................................... ... UiarKesville ....................................................... C lay ............................................................ un lo 285 11I1L011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .................................................. 408 INDEX. U s .................... ............ .......................... Page. 276 .... 390 237 268 240, 242 357 228, 357 237 215 251 268 eau t ........................................................... 347 266 342 268 .......................................................... W I IS ...................................................... Cocolamus ...... Codorus Mills Cogan Valley Cold Run .... Coleman Collins ...... Columbia Columbia Cross Roads Colza Comettsburg ...... Compass Conneaut Conneautville Conemaugh Conestoga Conestoga Junction Conewago ...... Conewago Junction Confluence Connellsville Canoy Creek Conshohocken Conway Cooks Mills ....... Cookport Coon Island Cooperstown .... Cornwells Corry Corydon ..... Coulter Courtney ..., Cowanshannock Cowley Cove Cove Creek ..... Covington Crag Dell Cress Cresson Creswell ........ Creswell Jump-over Critchfield Farm Crooked Creek Crothers Crumb ......... Crum Lynne Cully Curry Run ..... Curtin ...... . Curwensville ... Cypher. 343 356 229 328, 329 59, 329 357 371 286 .333, 342 248 256, 257 218 326 214 225 376 212, 324 232 222 0,338 278 I'SLOW ........................................................ .......................................................... 288 219 U ress ............................................................... 335 0 0 0 1 349 351 241 289 D ............................................................. u n e ....................................................... 209 327 350 260 .210, 363 ....................................................... 261 263 INDEX. 409 Page. 209 244 326 229 338 D A W SON .................. ............. ...... ............. 292 236, 259, 330 ........233, 285 284 .. 373 Daley Dallastown . Darby Darlington Dauphin Davistown Dawson Dayton ....... Deep Valley Delaware Run Bridge .. Delmont Delta Demnler Denholm Derry Devon Dewart Dickeys Mountain Dicksonburg Dillerville ...... Dillsburg 267 220 348 377 ............................................................ 359 D E TIJ .............................................................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 100 345 371 362 384 347 w NCO D ix .............. 219 324 282 220 Dixmont 286 Dolf 244 Donley Donora Dorlan ............................................................. Dorsey 381 y ............................................................. Dorset 336 Dotter ............................................................ Dougal 361 .......................................................... Douglassville 323 Dover Dover .............................................................. 279 Dowlin 282 Downieville .285, 370 Downington . 281, 327 Drawsburg ..... Drehersville .... Dreibillis 111IS ........................................................... 337 Dunbar 290 Duncannon ... 278, 364 Dunlevy 213 Dunning ...... 237 Duquesne 231 Durward ...... 361 .... 231 379 UeSIC ............................. ............................ .. Eagle Rock Eagleville East Bethlehem . 230 341 250 ......... ................ ... ................... ..... ... beinlenen .......................... ....................... 410 INDEX. d a y ..................................... ..... ............... 282 243 ...................................................... 283 ......................................................... ........................................... 326 ........................................................., .......................................................... 219, 326 ............................................................ 231 Page. East Brady ...... 225 East Brook 277 East Butler ..... 213 East Charleston 288 East Downingtown . 1 ................................................ East Elizabeth 371 East Finley ....... 257 East Liberty ...... 375 East Prospect East Run ....... East Salem 276 East Sandy 217 Easton ....... 330 Ebensburg .... 261 Eclipse 218 Economy 286 Eddington ..... Eddystone 327 Eddyville 285 Edenburg 276, 364 Edgecliff 10 ....................................................... 264 Edgely Edgmont Ave 327 Edgewater 233 Edgewood Edri 262, 331 Ehrenfield Eighty Four. Elain .. 293 Elbell 283 Elben ...... 232 Elders Ridge 262 Elderton 262 Eldora 380 Elfinwild ... Elgin 238 Elizabeth Furnace 320 Elizabethtown 356 Elk City 255 Elkland Elliotsville 290 Elmora ..... 281 Elton ......... 209, 249, 343 Elverson .... 268 Elwood 365 Emigsville ..... ....................................................... 229, 357 Emlenton 220 Emsworth 286 Eno ..... 284 Enon 230 Erb ........... Erie ...215, 263 Erie Harbor 215 342 ............................................................ 287 ............................................................ 228, 262 ......................................................... N O IL ............................................................. 340 DOT ...................................................... INDEX. 411 Page. 347 370 .......................................................... Espyville ...... Etna .......... Evansdale Evans City Evertt .......... Export ..... 276 246, 390, 391 ....... 263 266 226 216 321 ......................................................... ......................................................... 380 264 k ......................................................... 388 278 357 257 290 294 237 270 1 ............................................................ 254 Felix .......................... ................................... 20.9 273 290 ........................................................... 268 237 270 256 P e TTY ....... .... .. .... ................. ....... ......... 385 ... . Fairchance ..... Fairfield Fairhope Fairmont ..... Fairview ....... Fall Brook Falling Springs . Falmouth ......... Fargo. Farmington Farrell (South Sharon) Fassett Faunce ......... Fayetteville Felix Fennelton Ferguson ...... Ferndale Station Fields Finks Bridge .. Finney .. Fishers Ferry Fishertown Fishing Creek Fites Eddy ... Florence Florin ....... Flynn ....... Fogellsville Folcroft Foley ....... Fombell Ford City Fort Hill Foster Fostoria Foxburg Foxton Fountain Frankford Frankford Creek Frankfort Springs .. Franklin . Franklin Forge. 1 ...................... 209 349 251 I TOTCU . .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... ... . .... .. ... .. .. 110 ......................................................... 28, .............................................................. 356 283 287 326 ......................................................... 391 226 328 P oster ............................................................ 217 319 264 20, ....... .......................................................... 270 0 0 1 0 H ran KTOTO Greek . ... . ... .. ... ... ... .. .. .... .. .. ... ... ... .. .. ... . .. . . 268 333 372 251 .........217, 218 ....... 270 412 INDEX. Page. Frazer 282 Fredericksburg 221 Freedom .. ....................................................... 220, 249 Frieks Lock .. ..... 374 Friedens 240, 241 Frisco ............................................................. 229 Frugality .247, 281 Fulton House .... .. 380 Fyan ........ .209, 240 271 ........................................................... ..................................................... ; 1 282 234 338 ........................................................... Gaibleton Gaines 265 Gallagherville 327 Gallitzin 331 Gambles ..... 250 Gans ....... 229 Gap Gardners Hollow 351 Garfield 292 Garland ............................................................ Garrett 355 Garrett Run Garvers Ferry 219 Garway ...... Gawanga 225 Gay Street . Geiger Geiger Point Geigertown 268 Gellett 237 Geneva ....... 366 Georges ....... 345 George Junior Republic 353 Georges Station 274 Georgetown .......... 360, 361 German 339 Germans Station ...... 352 Germansville ..... ...287, 288 Gettysburg ....216, 221 Gibsonia ....287, 369 Gilkeson ....... 247 Girard 266 Girard Junction 266 Glade ........... Glade Mills IIIS ......................................................... 286 Glatfelter .. 222 Glen Campbell Glencoe .......................................................... Glenhall 293 Glen Lock ...... 281 Glen Manor G erm a n ........................................................... 0 0 8 .................................................... ..... ........................................................... ............................................................. .................................................. 239 283 321 G len M a nor ........................................................ INDEX. 413 Page. u e l ..... .. ........... ... ... .... ........... .. 326 .......... ..... . .... 243 . Glenolden Glen Rock Glenshaw Glenwood Goehring ... . 000 .......................................................... 377 391 221 265 . 257 233 368, 369 380 ............................................................. 271 .............................................................. 226 261 234 346 Ville ........................................................... ville ........................................................ , 334 324 ............................................................... Galeton ...... Good Intent Goodville .. Gordonville Goshen Graceton ..... Graff ....... Grampian Grange Granville .... Grapeville Gratztown Gray ....... Grays Ferry Grazierville Great Bend Greggs Greenawald Greencastle ...... Greensboro Greensburg Green Springs ... Green Tree Greenville .... Green Village .... Greys Mills Griffey Grifin ......... Grindstone Grove City ...... 373 319 236, 239 ..... S ............................................................. 253 . G reen Tree ................................. . ....................... 336 275, 326 ...... 253 .. 267, 334 ......... 376 ...... 374 .........248, 255, 271, 383 254 286 376 324 ......213, 325 353 . . ys M I IS ........................................................ W illey ............................................................ . G IIII .............................................................. . . . 247 235 . H u n .......... ....... ......... .. ... ........ .............. . . 336 . . Hackett ...... Hadley ........ Haggerty Run 320 Halifax 338, 339 223 Hamburg Hamil Hamilton Hammond ........ Hammondville 260 Hampton .......... 222 Hancock (Maryland). ............................................... Hanlin ..... ..................................................... Hanover Junction ...... 233 . 289 . . . 384 . Oy 337 . 414 INDEX. Tan ...................................................... 337 0 0 0 267 ...................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... elburg ......................................................... 381 Page. Harman ...... 280, 368 Harmarville ...... 370 Harmonsburg ........ 347 Harmony • 246 Harmony Junction 381 Harrisburg ........ Harrison Valley ... 265 Harrisonville 384 Harrisville 340, 352, 353, 354 Harrowgate 333 Harveys Five Points ... Hastings 281 Haverford 371 Hawkins 375 Hawns Bridge 271 Hayes 282 Hays .. 375 Hazen ......... 390 Heathville 212 ......................................................... Hecks . 338 Heidelburg ... 253 Heistand ....................................................... ...243, 390 Hellam ... 228, 243, 390 Hemlock ..... .... 239 Henrietta ......................................................... ..267, 340 Hensel Hepburnville Hermitage ......................................................... 277 Herndon Herrville ..... 350 Hickernell 266 Hickory 6, 251, 252 Hickory Grove .. 236 Highland ..334, 377 High Spire 367 Hill ....... 253 Hill P. O. 277 Hilliard 223 Hilltown 216 Hinkletown D ......................................................... 279 Hinteleiters 384 Hite ....... 370 Hoblitzell ..... 321 Hockersin ...... Hoffman Station. 278 Holden 211, 255 Hollidaysburg .... Holsapple 240 Home ....... 234 Homer 271 Homerburg 237 361 ..... ....................................................... 387 g ..................................................... 340 e .............................................................. T 333 Homestead 376 Homewood .230, 231, 366 ............................................................. Ś ......................................................... ..: .................................................. INDEX. 415 269 375 Page. Honeybrook 269 Ok ....................................................... Honey Creek 272 Hookstown 249 Hooverville 240 Hopewell 263, 380 Horn .215, 244 Horningford 346 Host .......... 292 Houtzdale Howard ...... Huey .............................................................. Hughes 261 ........................................................... Hulton ....... 233 Hunkers F 260 unkers ........ ............................................................ Hunkson St 327 Hunter ........ Huntingdon .... ................................................. 270, 271, 341 Hurley ...... 221 Huston Run .... ..212, 324 Hutchinson 1 ......................................................... 239 Hyde Park ...... 332 Hyndman ...... ..........341, 342 230 h u u ......... .. ... .......... ....... ............... ....... ... T u a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Idaville ... ............................................................. ....... 252 . Independence. uence ..................................................... 288 Indiana ....... 271 Indian Creek Creek ............................................... 290, 329, 386 Industry ......... 249 Inglenook ..... ................................................... ......... 331 Ingleside ..................................................... .....224, 2772 Irvineton ......239, 244, 245 Irvona 260 Irwin ..267, 334 Isabella ...... 268 Isle .......... 246 Ouville ...... Jackson ........ 216 Jackson Center ... ..................................................... 235 Jackson Crossing .................................................. 239 Jackson School House .. 354 Jackson Summit .................................................... 289 Jacksonville 335 Jackstown ....... 363 Jacobs Creek ... ..259, 330 James Creek 270 Jamestown .... 383 Jamison ...... Jamisonville ....................................................... 214 Jeanette ....... 267 STOW ................................................... 236 No. 7–27. 416 INDEX. Jed e .... .......... .... .... ................ .. ... ... ......... ...... Jerome Joanna ... Page. 241 268 239 Ison ............................................................ 271 ASTOW O ......................................................... Johnstown Jones Jordan Schoolhouse Julian Juniata .... Juniata Bridge ..., 232 354 210 278 ... ............................................................ 364 235, 384 268 Kapps 385 US .............................................................. Kashmer .. Keister 223 Kelley 219 Kelton 258 Kempton ... 336 Kendall ............................................................ Kendrick 269 .......................................................... Kennard 383 Kennerdell ....................................................... 224 Kenny Kent ...... 262 Kenwood 320 .......................................................... Kepner ..... 336 Kerrmoor .... 260 Keys ....... 244 ............................................................... Keystone 322 e ......................................................... Khedive Kings Bridge .. ....................................................... Kingsdale ..... 386 Kingsville ... Kinkletown ...... 367 Kinzer 380 lizer ....................................................... Kinzua ........ 225 Kiskiminetas Junction . .... 333 Kittanning 25, 273, 284 ................................................... Kittanning Point ....... 320 Knox :..... 220, 264 Knoxville 262 ......................................................... Kremer .... 389 Kremis ...... 384 Kring , 272 ............................................................ Kutztown .... 337 CS 291 380 255 valid 8 ...... 226 Lackawaula Lackawanna ... ....................................................... Lagonda 258 ............................................................ Lamokin .................... 327 Lancaster ..273, 343, 344, 368 Lancaster-Berks County line ......... ....................................... 222 INDEX. 417 334 285 280 368 Page. Lancaster Pike ... 327 Landisville . 343 Landstreet ...... 240 Lanesboro Langdon. 215 Langville 212, 323 e ......................................................... Larimer Larue ........... 222 Latrobe . ......................................................... .274, 345 Laughlin Junction .377, 378 Laurel ..258, 390 Lavenia ........................................................... ....... 330 Lawn 228 1 .............................................................. Lawrenceville 288, 289, 378 Lawsonham Layton .259, 330 Leacock Leaman Place Leatherwood 255 LeallerW000 ........................................................ Lebanon .... 346 Leboeuf .237, 238 Leechburg ....................................................... 265, 332 Leesburg 354, 255 ...................................................... Leidighs 252 Leith .......... 239 Lemont ........................................................... Lemont Furnace 290 Lenhartsville ...... le .................................................... 36, 337 Lenover 328 Lewistown ......... 346 Lewistown Junction ... ................................................. Lilly ........... Limestone ....... Lincoln University .................................................. Linesville ........................................................ 347 Linwood ........ Listie ....... 240 Lititz ....... 273, 343 Little Buffalo Creek ...... 364 Little Conemaugh Bridge . .. 343 Little Juniata Bridge .319, 322 Little Marsh .... Littlestow. 236 Livermore ........ Dore ...................................................... 274, 345 Liverpool ....... 360 Lizard Creek Junction 352 Lock Haven .. 348 Lock No. 4 ....... 324 Lockport ....... Lockton LOCKTON ...... ............................................................ 253 Logans Ferry .. 233 ..................................... Logansport ...... 219 Loganville Ville .......................................................... 244 211 346 331 255 258 327 .... 262 388 418 INDEX. ..................................... 233 280 ............................................................. ........................ . ............................................................. 214 . ......................................................... .......... ......... .... ............................................................. Page. Logrose ... 260 Longfellow ... 346 Loop ....... Loretta Losh's Run. 364 Lovell Lovely 249. Lovett . 389 Lovi 286 Lowdon ....... 275 Lower Heidelberg 292 Lower Hillville 220 Loyalhanna 345 Loyalsock 362 Loysburg ..... 264, 332 Lucyville 213, 325 Lutzville Lyle ....... Lyon 1 ............................................................... Lynnport ...... 395 ............................................................ S ................................................... da ........................................................ ......................................................... ...................................................... ....................................................... 331 ........................................................... 277 235 ............ ...... ... ...... ... .................. .......... M . 213 269 283 219 3.77 253 McBride ...... . ..................... ... .... .. ..... ........ ... ... ....... McCall Ferry .. 349 McCauley ......... McClure e ........................................................... 359 McConnellsburg 384 ........................ McConnellstown ISTOW O ............................................ ...... 270 McCracken acken .......................................................... 284 McDonald .... ......................................................... 254 McDowells Corner er ................................................... 353 McGees Mills M IIIS ....................................................... McIvaines les ........................................................... 368 McKain ........ McKee .............................................................. 340 McKeesport ..... McKees Rocks ... McKunns ......................................................... 365 McSpadden 355 McSherrystown 221 McVeytown ......................................................... Macungie ..... ......................................................... Mahantago .. 360 Maheffey ....................................... 260 Mahoning ....................................................... 232, 285 Mahoningtown ... 365, 366 I ................................ ............ Malvern rn ............................................................ .... 374 Manayunk ...... 352 287 ...................................... Mance ........... ...... 321 Manns Choice ............................................... ...208, 209, 342 Manns Run .. M 351 A UUS R UU ........................................................ Manor .... 334 ..... INDEX. 419 Page. 225 288 363 : 270 278 ........................................................ ..................................................... ... 356 229, 357 228 .. 233 245, 377 .382, 383 253 ................................................. U .......................................................... 366 22 215 67 268 340 346 366 256 ........................................................ . : 383 le .......................................................... Manorville Mansfield Mapleton ........... Markesburg ....... Marketville ...... Markleton ....... Marietta ....... Marietta Street Bridge Marion Center . .. Marion Junction .. Mars .......... Marshalsea .... Marsh Run Marshhill Marthope ...... Martinsburg Martinsburg Wye. Mayers Bridge ... Mayfield Mayport Mayville ....... Meadville Meadville Junction Mechanicsburg ..... Mendon ...... Mercer ............... Mercersburg Merion Mertztown Merwin Metcalf ..... Mexico Meyersdale ...... Middleburg Middleburg Center Middletown ... Midvale Midway Mifflin Milano ..... Miles ....... Milford ..... Milford Mills Milesburg Mills Millbrook ....... Mill Creek . Milledgeville .... Millers ......... Millersburg ... Millers Station Millerstown Millrift ........ 227 347 252 260 227, 277, 274, 353, 355 275 ............................................................. 371 384 1 .......................................................... 264 219 .............................................................. 359 358 262 ........................................................ 228 335 250 359 379 218 ..... . 282 . 8 .......................................................... . Co lle ........................................................ 255 ...224, 227, 339,4253 ...... 363 234 238, 336 360 379 276 ...................................................... 226 420 INDEX. Nov ..... 228 382 385 . . 362 . . . 258 . . Page. Mill Village . .. 238 Millway 280, 368 Millwood ...... 345 Milton .............................................................. 361 Milton Grove .... Mineral Point 342 Mingo Creek 324 Minqua 350 Monoca .......... 320 Monocacy ocacy ......... .......................................................... Monongahela City ...................... 212, 324 Montandon ...... Monterey ........ 220 Montgomery .. Montrose ...... 370 Morford 284 Morrisville 326 Mortonville Mosgrove ve ........................................................... 232 Moss Side 66, 375 Mostoller ........ 240 Mount Alto .. ......................................................... 254 Mount Dallas ...... 208, 263, 331, 342 Mount Eagle ....... 363 Mount Holly Spring 252 Mount Jackson . ................. .................................. 230 Mount Joy 343 Mount Moriah N Mount Morris O M O ITIS ....... ... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... ...... . 250 Mount Pleasant Mount Royal 369 Mount Top 279 Mount Union 363 Mountville .. ile ....................................................... 344 Mount Wolf .................................................... 229, 358 Mount Zion 228 U101 ....................................................... Muddy Creek 349 Mud Run 1 .......................................................... 349 Muncy 362 Munhall ....... 376 Murdocksville 251 Murraysville .. a 266 ysville ........................................................ Murrinsville 223 373 260 273, .......................................................... Narberth . Narrows Nanty Glo Napier Station ..... Nashua Junction . Natrona Neale ............ 371 346 272 208 277 332 .225, 265 aC 101 .................................................... ........................................................... INDEX. 421 Page. 288 326 277 n ueia .................................... ................ 365 367 284 274 384 Nelson Neshaminy Creek .. Neshannock ... New Alexandria 274 Newberry 385 New Bethlehem .... 256 New Bloomfield 278 New Brighton ....... 320 New Castle .......... 230, 277 New Castle Junction New Cumberland New Florence .. 388 New Freeport New Galilee 229 New Geneva ..... New Hamburg 8 ....................................................... New Holland 279, 367 New Kensington ... 233 New Kingston 252 ....................................................... New Oxford 222 Newport ........ 364 New Portage New Sheffield 249 Newton ................ Newton Hamilton 363 New Tripoli ...... 335 Newville .......... New Wilmington Nine Points 381 Ninevah 284 Normal 271 North Bessemer ... 283 North Hope 223 North Oakland . 214 North Penn R. R. Crossing 333 North Philadelphia 372 North Sewickley 246, 365 Northumberland 385 North Warren .. 290 Norwood 326 331 292 271 277 al ............................................................ .................................................... Oakdale 254 Oakland 218, 277 Oakmont .................................................. ........ 233 Oak Ridge .......................................................... 256 Odel ........ 213 Ohiopyle 259, 329 Olanta .............................................................. 260 Oliphant 239 old Concord 257 Old Ferry ....... 1.276, 361 ...................................................... 422 INDEX. Old Furnace ..................................................... Page. .246, 391 273 230 376 Uresou ........................................................ Old Furnace old Line Oleopolis Oliver Oneida Oregon Oriental ..... Orrtanna Orwig Osceola Mills Osgood Ostend Osterburg Outcrop ..... Oxford ....... ............................................................ 214 368 276 216 244 269 383 260 209 226 U S Ceola. IVI IIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................... 58, 328 388 289 360 ........................................ .................... 371 373 244 220 328 ralker .............................................................. Pack Saddle. Painter Run Paintersville Paoli Parchall Parke Parker Parkersburg .. Parkersglen ...... Parksburg Parnassus ........ Patchinsville Patterson Mills .. Patton ............ Pattons Station Pattonville Gap Paulton ......... 226 259 233 ville ..................................................... 283 252 280 212 331 ...................................................... ...................................................... 332 Pavia ............................................................... 261 Telul . .............................................. 1 0 0 ............ Penn ............................................................... Penn Penn Run. n u n ........................................................... 222 Tea C leen ................................................... Peach Bottom 381 Pendleton ..... 248 334 271 Penn Valley .... 326 Perilyn ............................................................. Pequea Creek 350, 369 Perdix 338 Perkiomen Bridge 371 Perrys Corners 353 Peru 211 Petersburg ...... Peters Creek 231, 376 Petrolia 221 Pfouts Valley ..... 276 Philadelphia Philadelphia City Datum ...... 373 322 ........................................................ 371 INDEX. 423 ......................................................... Page. 281 321 ....282, 374 374 224 I ike ............................................................... 284 255 Illey ...... Pinkerton ........................................................... 388 356 245 231, 232, 253, 377, 378 375 .................................... ... 375 ................ .... .................. .... ............... ... . 354 266 211 269 233 380 274 218 I IK ......................... ............ ....... ................... 327 Philipsburg S Philson Phoenixville Pickering Valley Pike ........ Pinebank Pine Creek Piney Piney Run Pinkerton ..... Pitsfield Pittsburg Pittsburg City Datum ... Pittsburg, Penna. Station Plain Grove . Platea ............ Pleasant Gap .... Plowville ...... Plumville ....... Point Lookout Point Marion Polk .......... Pomeroy ...... Pond Eddy ... Pont .......... Portage ....... Port Clinton . Portersville .... Port Indian Port Matilda Port Perry Port Providence Port Royal Pottstown in Powys Prentice President Primrose Pritchard .... Prospect Prosperity Paughtown Pulaski ....... Punxsutawney Pursin's ........ Putnamyille ..... Putneyville 226 266 331 378 247 371 ..... 373 376 371 23, 359 82, 374 237 217 230 250 218 246 257 . 282 277 283 333 291 285 Quarry ....... Quarryville ...... Queens Junction ::..244 381, 382 ..214, 222 QI01 . ... . .. . .... .. .... .. .. .. .... . ... ... ... .. .. .. ... 424 INDEX. Queen Lane ....... Quemahoning Junction ..... Page. 372 240 . . . 334 371 241 232 377 . . ..... . 359 . 336 . • ...... ....................................................... ...218, 219, 235 382 ..279, 367 225, 272 320 244 238, 387 324 271 ......................... ............................................................. K ieenis ........................................................... Radebaugh ........... Radnor ..... Ralphton Ralston ...... Rankin Raubs. Mills Rausch Raymilton .. Reading Reamstown ... Redbank Red Bridge Red Lion Redstone Junction Reduction Reed ........ Reilly ...... Reitz Rennerdale Reynoldsdale Rheems Richfield ...... Richmond ...... Riddlesburg Ridley Park Rimer ........ Rimersburg ..... Rimerton Riverview ..... Roach ............. Roaring Branch Roaring Run ....... Roaring Spring ... Robsonia Rochester Mills ... Rockdale ...... Rockland Rock Point Rockwood Rogersville Roherstown . Roler Ronk Rosemont Rossiter Rosston Rothbuck Round Hill ...... 253 209 356 276 .220, 264, 275, 283 263 326 232 255 285 .................................................. 225, 230, 258, 324 215 222 332 267, 340 292 283 213, 288 220 365 27, 230, 355 281 344 279 368 371 283 226 226, 351 222 ............................................................... ............................................................ INDEX. 425 260 Page. Round Top ..... 1 221 0 ...... ..................... ................ ....... ....... Round Top Mill .. 228 Ruff Creek 291 Ruffsdale Rugh ....... 293 ............................................................ Rummel ..... 242 m e r ............................................... .......... Runville le ............................................................ 211 Rural Valley 284 Russell 90, 291 Russelville ........................................................ 259 Ryde ..... 352 Rye ....... 333 265 226 ..349, 350 285 371 220 Saint Charles ...................................................... ... ....... ... ..... .... ...... ... ..... ...... .... .... ..... 275 ga ........................................................... 384 .331, 332 355 272 ..274, 345 273 ...216, 238 321 232 235 ..342, 388 266 Sabinsville .. Saegerstown ..... Safe Harbor ..... Saint Charles Saint Davids Saint George ..... Saint Thomas Salena Salina: ...... Salisbury Junction Salix ........ Saltsburg ... Salunga ..... Samson Sand Patch. Sandy Creek Sandy Lake Sang Hollow Saunders Junction .. Saxton Scalp Level . Scenery Hill Schaefferstown Schellsburg ....... Scotland Scottdale Scott Haven Scully ........ Sedgwick Seitzland .... Selinsgrove ..... Sells Station Seward Shadyside ..... Shamrock ..... Shaner Shannon ....... Shanksville ........... ... ...................... 0 0 ... .... ............ .... .......363, 264 243, 272, 389 247 292 209 254 260 ........................................... .............. 376 253 230 ...... 389 Tove ...................................................... ·385 ...................................................... 221 272 TOCK ........................................................ ....................... 227, 38.7 376 272 ;. 242 Chan lysville ............................................. : 294 426 INDEX. Page. I a lon ........................................ ......... ............ 294 369, 370, 378 383 333 227 235 262 351 279 278 223 244 384 324 357 S noeuverger ............. ........................................... 322 226 . ......................... .... ... ............. ..... . .... a majina 384 336 Sharon Sharpsburg ...... Sharpsville ... Shawmut Ave .... Shaws Sheakleyville ... Shelocta Shenks Ferry .... Shepardstown Shermansdale Sherwin Sheffer Shippensburg .... Shippenport Shippensville Shire Oaks Shocks Mills .. Shoenberger Shohola Shrewsbury Shumans Bridge Shumans Run ..... Sipes Sipes Mills .. Sittler ...... Slatington ..... Sligo .......... Slipperyrock Smithfield ...... Smithton Smithville Smock ....... Smoke Run Smyser Snediker Sneily Snowshoe ..... Social Hall Somerfield Somerset ........... South Birdsboro ...... South Connellsville South Mountain South Oil City South Sharon Sowers Point ....... Sprankles Mills Spring City Spring Creek ..... Springdale, ...... Spring Mill ..... Spruce Grove ..... Stamans Run ..... 288, 352 .......255, 332, 333 354 226 259, 330 379, 381 26, 325 ......269, 270 337 237 Il el l er . .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ... . .... . ... .. .... .. ... .. .... .. .. .. ... .. 230 210 345 259 234 268 290, 386 292 230 South Bilasboro ................................................... 294 357 212, 323 .282, 374 215 370 333 ......................................................... 380 350 INDEX. 427 210. 0 C 263 325 Page. Standing Stone Creek One Ureek ................................................ 363 Starbrick Crossing .... ................................................. 239 State College .... 211 State Line ... ......................................................... 341 State Line (W. Va.-Pa.) ............................................ 229 State Line (Pa.-Ohio) 266 Sterling 269 Steelton teelcon ......................................................... 64,367 Sterrettania Stevens ........ 280, 367 Siewarton ................ ......................................... 329 Stewarts 266 Stewartstown .. 244 Stockdale Te ...................................................... Stoops Ferry 286 Stoneboro ....... 235 .. ...... .... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... . Stoneham ........ enland ........................................................... 291 Stonehouse Ouse ......................................................... 221 Stony Brook .... TOOK ........................................................ 390 Stony Point .................................................. ..... 347 Stony Run ....................................................... Stoyestown COW L ......................................................... 240 Strafford ........ 371 Strattonville 255 Strickler Run Strinestown ...... 1 ....................................................... 279 Strongstown .... ........................................................ 248 Struthers 239 Sugar Creek ...... ........................................................ 217 Sugar Run 225 Sulphur Springs 278, 342 Summerville ....... 211 Summit Summit Mines .... 260 Sunbury. . ............................................................ Sunderlinville ... 265 374 226, 281, 290, 343, 346, 366 385 Sunol . 235 268 Suplee Susquehanna Susquehanna Bridge Suter ..... Swamproot ............................................................... DOT ......................................................... 236 270 324 353 231 283 .233, 267, 278 Sydney Sylvan Sylveston ... 1 ....................................................... ....... 281 281 Tacouy ............................................................. 333 217 Takitezy ...... Tanoma Tarentum 271 a ............................................................ Tarentum ........................................ .......332, 370 428 INDEX. 11 . .................................................... 361 327 319 Toby 244 333 1 1ac y ...................... ..... .................................. Page. Tarrs ....... 260 ................................ ............... ...... ..... ... . Taylorstown ... 257 Templeton 232 Thomas ....... 247 Thomas' Mill ... 224, 241 Thompson ...... Pson ...................................................... ..231, 244 Thompsontown ... Thornburg ...... 253 Thorndale .......................................................... 327 Thurlow .... Tidioute ... 236 Tioga ...... 289 Tiona ...... 287 Tionesta .. 237 Tippecanoe aloe ..................................................... 325 Tipton ............................. .............................. 221 Tolna ...... Towesdale Tracy 266 Trainer ....... 327 Transfer ....... 383 Trap Rock 268 Trimmers Rock .. 364 Trough Creek 270 I ....................................................... Trout Run 237 Troy ......... 237 Trunkeyville ....................................................... Tullytown 326 Tulpehocken Tuttletown 225 Tunnelton 345 Turkey Hill ..... 351 Turners ........ Turtle Creek 375 Tuscarora Tweedale ........................................................... Twin Rocks ... Twin Tunnels Two Licks 271 Tyrone ...289, 322, 323 236 372 ... ....... ... ..... ........... ... .. ....................... UI 9 3 eis ....................... ............. ................ . 252 ... Unger ........ Union City ........ Union Furnace Uniontown ........ Unionville Upper Hillville Upper Middletown Upsal Upton ...... ................................................... 347 238 322 .238, 239, 387 210, 211,288 ..... 220 .......238, 351 ...:::372 ..... 275 Ville ................................................. V 100 e toW A ................................... .......... . .............................................................: INDEX. 429 Page. ........ 328 Ursina ....... Utahville .... Utica 247 .......217, 219 ... ....... ...... 370 233 278 219 374 256 ..................... 258 D urell ......................................................... ............................................... 363 359 8,387 247 Valencia Valier Valley ...... Valley Camp Valley Creek Valley Grove ....... Van Buren Vandevanders Bridge Vandyke Vance Mill Junction Vanceville Vandergrift ......... Vaneman Vanscoyoc Venango .... Venentia Verona Versailles Vienna .. Villa Nova ... Vineyard .. Vintondale Virginville Vista ....... 253 289 214 247 377 uiles .... 256 ........................................................ 371 363 272 337 376 : ............................................................ Waddle Wagontown Walkers .... Val ............................................................... ............................................................ Wallace Walnut ...... Walsall Waltersburg Walton .............. Waltons Coal Incline Waltonville Wampum ......... Wanamaker ...... Warners Ridge ... Warren ............ Washington ......... Washington Borough Waterford .... Waterside Church Watsontown 210 268 387 375 282 230 226 .226, 351 232, 376 375 228 230 336 322 290 . ...................................................... ........................................................ 247 ............................................... 344 238 332 362 430 INDEX. Page. 357 ..... 371 ....254, 335 291, 292 ........................................................ 263 240 279 292 24, 339 248 381 ............................................................ Watts ........ Wayne .... Waynesboro Waynesburg Webster Wehrum .... Wellsboro ..... Wells Creek Wellsville Wernersville ..... Wesley West Bridgewater .. Westbrook ............ West Brownsville Junction West Chester Westcolang Park West Columbia West Elwood Junction Westfield Westford ....... West Grove ...... Westland ........ West Middlesex ... Westmoreland ...... West Moshannon .. West Newton ..., 213 293 215 ... 366 265 347 ve ........................................................ LOCO mOTO 10 ......... 252 00n .............. .. ....... 372 269 250, 324 jewLO1 .................................................... 261 336 370 266 209 .... West Penn Junction 332 West Pike. 265 West Pittsburg . 365 West Saxonburg West Springfield Westtown ......................................................... 293 West Winfield 273 Weyant ............................................................ Wheatland 294 Wheat Sheaf 326 Wheeling Junction .................................................. 377 White Bear ear ..................................................... 269 White House .. 367 Whiteland w niteland .......................................................... White Rock 9, 345, 380 Whitestown ... Whitford ........................................................... Wick City 225 Wild Cat Falls 357 Wildwood 32, 287, 369 Wilkinsburg ..... ...231, 375 Williams ...... .... 321 Williamsburg . ......................................................, ...... 270 Williamsport 239, 362, 387 Willoch .... 282 374 374 ..... INDEX. .431 261 231 283 ...... W I CU CI ................................ ............. .... V IIller .. . .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. . Page. Willowdale ......................................................... 293 Willow Street ...... 350 Wilmington Junction .. 277 Wilmore 1ore ................................ Wilson Windber 43, 389 Winslow Winterset 280 Wissahickon Heights 334 Wissinoming 333 Witmer 280, 343, 368, 369 Wittner 369 Wolfsburg ..... 208 Womelsdorf 292 ....................................................... Woodbury 264, 332 Woodbine .... 348, 374 Wood Hill Woodland 269 Woodrow ...... 252 Woods Run un ....................................................... 213, 325 Woodvale 342 Woodville 253 Worthville ................................................... 212, 323 Wrightsville Wurtemburg .... 246 Wyattsville ......................................................... 211 Wynnewood 371 220 .................................................... .... 358 . . Y. . w e ek ............ ... ............... ................ .. .. ...... . 331 345 43, 390 . . 243 . Yellow Creek ..... Yellow Run York .......... Yorkana ....... York Furnace York Springs York Street .. Youngsville ace ....................................................... . 349 252 372 245 . ......................................................... . N ........................................................... Zedicker . . Zelienople Ziellinger .... Zion View 247 . .246, 391. 254 279 View .... No. 7—28. 432 INDEX. INDEX OF MAGNETIC DETERMINATIONS MAGNETIC DETERMINATIONS BY COUNTIES. ...................................................... ....................................................... Page. 303 295 .305, 306 296 296 310 296 313 300 298 300 301 301 ...297, 305 316 298 9, 299, 316 ..305, 306 Adams County ....... Allegheny County ..... Armstrong County Beaver County Bedford County Berks County ... Blair County ....... Bradford County .... Bucks County ... Butler County Cambria County .... Cameron County .. Carbon County Centre County ...... Chester County.. Clarion County Clearfield County ..., Clinton County .. Columbia County ...... ..................................................... y .................................................... 297 ................................................... Cumberland County .. Dauphin County Elk County Erie County ....... Fayette County Forest County Franklin County Greene County ....... Huntingdon County Indiana County ...... Jefferson County Lackawanna County Lancaster County Lawrence County Lebanon County Lehigh County ...... Luzerne County ..... Lycoming County McKean County ..... Mercer County ..... Mifflin County ...... Monroe County ..... Montgomery County Montour County Northampton County . Perry County .......... Philadelphia County Pike County 307 299 303 310 300 307, 314 :301, 313 .298, 302 315 304 .304, 305 297 311 306 308 306 295 316 09, 312, 316, 317 ......................................... .................................................... 312 307 307 302 303 300 301 296, 309 309, 310 308 ................................................. . INDEX. 433 Page. 299 310 308 . ...................... .. ...... ............ .. .. Potter County Schuylkill County .... Snyder County ..... Somerset County Sullivan County ....... Susquehanna County .. Tioga County. Union County ......... Venango County ... Warren County Washington County ..... Wayne County .... Westmoreland County Wyoming County ...... York County .............. 312 311 308, 311 .307, 315 306 311 314 314 304 302, 303 313 317 C ......................................……... .... LIST OF MAGNETIC DETERMINATIONS. ........................................................... 297 ............................................................. 298 Allegheny ...... 295 Allentown 295 Altoona 296 Andersonburg 296 Beaver 296 Bedford 296 Bellefonte 297 Bloomsburg .. 297 Brookville .... Butler ........ 298 Chambersburg .. 298 Clarion Clearfield 298 Coudersport . .......................................................... 299 Carlisle 299 ......................................................... Carpenter ... 309 Curwensville. 299 Danville 300 Doylestown ....... 300 East Emporium ...... 301 East Mauch Chunk 301 Easton .......... 301 East Stroudsburg ..... 302 Ebensburg 300 Elulalia 301 Erie ............. 300 Fannettsburg 302 Gettysburg ....... 303 Girard College (Philadelphia) 309 Greensburg .302, 303 Harrisburg 303 Hatboro 303 Honesdale ......................................................, OD DOO ......................................................... 304 434 INDEX. Page. 307 307 308 308 308 308 309 309 09, 310 Huntingdon ......................................................... 304 Indiana .......................................................... ....304, 305 Ingleby 305 ••••••••••••••••••........................ Keating ...... ............................................................ 305 Kittanning Alng ..................................................... 305, 306 Lancaster ..................... 306 Lebanon ....... O D .......... .. .. ..... ............... ..... ............... .. .... 306 Lewisburg Lewisburg .......................................................... 306 Lewistown 307 Lock Haven .. 306 Mansfield ........................................................... 307 Mason and Dixon Line Meadville 307 Mercer ........................................................... Middleburg ... lepuls ......................................................... M Milford ....... T I1OTA ....................................... ..................... Montrose rose ........................................................... New Castle. ................. ..................................... ... Newport Pennbryn ......................... ............................. Philadelphia Pottsville 310 Reading . ............................................................ 310 Ridgway ....... Rocky Grove ... 311 Satterfield . ...... .................................................... Scranton ............................................................ Sheffield Junction 301 Silver Lake 311 e ......................................................... Slate Run ...... 312 Smethport 312 ................................................ Somerset ... 312 .......................................................... Tionesta ........................................................ Towanda 313 Tunkbannock ................................................... Uniontown LOW I . .. .. .. .. . ... ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. . .. ... .. Warren .................. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .... .. .. ... .. ... .. Washington ..... Waynesburg Wellsboro 315 ........................ ................................ Westover ...... 316 .................................................. West Chester 316 nester ....................................................... Wilkes-Barre ...................................................... Williamsport ... 310 311 311 313 313 314 . Co Co wo 316 , 317 YOIK ............................................................... 317 INDEX. 435 INDEX OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS TRIANGULATION STATIONS BY COUNTIES. Page. 28 .............................................. 30 ........................................... 52 Adams County: Big Flat .......... Bishop ..... Pickle : Gettysburg (Round Top Greene .... Plainview Pulpit Rock ...... Round Hill ..... 55 o o 98 103 20 20 22 36 40 47 58 Allegheny County: Allegheny, new observatory ...... Allegheny, old observatory .... Bakerstown ... Calhoun ....... Christy ....... Dixon Greentree ..... Heverline Hickman Indian ........ McKelvey Natrona ...... Sampson ...... Shannon ...... Terrace Union U. P. Church .. 62 62 86 105 108 Terrace ............................................ 117 121 124 Weir ... 42 Armstrong County: Clever ....... Graham ............................................ Leister Miller ...... Shrader ............................................ Templeton 79 110 116 . Beaver County: Big Knob .. Bunker Hill Dawson Gilliland ..... Gordon McCleary Smiths Ferry ..... Walker . .......................................... .. . . i... 111, 133 ......... 122 . 436 INDEX. Page. 48 E verett ............................................. 51 57 66 e Tree .......................................... Bedford County: Dunning ..... Everett Government Hyndman ... Lour Lohr ....... Lone Tree. Martin Pigeon Rattlesnake. Ray ....... St. Clair .... Tussey, Wills .... ...................................... ......... ... 94 100 100 104 120 128 sey, ............................................. Berks County: Black Spot Tower, . Fancy Hill, Long, Port Clinton, ....... Topton, ......... .......................................... 119 Blair County: Altoona (Astronomical Station), Beavertown, .. Brush Mountain, Duncan, .. Foot of Plane Eight, Hartman, Hicks, ...... Lytle, ....... Point View, Rattlesnake, Wapsononack, 100 ...................................... 129 • Bradford County: Athens, ..... Litchfield, .. Warren, 133 133 133 • • Bucks County: Haycock, ... Newtown, ... Cambria County: Carrolltown, ..... Chicory, ... Ebensburg, Fye, .... Scalp Level, . Sherbine, . Swope, ..... ........................................ ............................................... 54 106 109 116 INDEX. 437 Page. Cambria County: . Thomas, ...... Tunnel Hill, ..... Wess, ........ 117 119 125 Carbon County: Coler, ..... Knob, ............ 37 ....... 132 Chautauqua County, New York: Busti, Meas, ...... Peterson, ...... SOU, ........................................... ..... Chester County: Dev , ........................................... 47 Hamorton, Londonderry, .... White, 134 75 133 26 47 58 76 Clarion County: Beels, ................... Clarion Court House, ... Groce, Lucinda Catholic Church, Myers, ...... McCall, McNaughton, ... Reynolds, Weaver, ...... CO 8 101 123 o ................. .. ...................... ..... . 45 ............................................. 69 11 Clearfield County: Beck, Davis, ....... Girard, Kephart Kephart Tree, Kyler, Morrisdale, McDowell, Neeper, ..... Pardee, Patterson, Spangle, .. Walls, 84 86 LI 92 112 122 Columbia County: Buck, Catawissa, Knob (2) Nescopeck (3).... ..... 438 INDEX. Page. 5 ? ......................................... 59 Cumberland County: Flat Rock, ..... Hammond, ... Lee, ........ Prospect, .. Shippensburg, ... 73 97 110 ..........................................: Dauphin County: Berries, ... Big Lick, Broad, ..... Dauphin, ... Harrisburg, ........................................... 133 28 Delaware County: Bethel, Villanova Dome, ..... Yard, ...... 122 131 .............................................. 133 .................... Delaware (State of): . Centerville, ....... Granogue, ..................... Initial Point (Penna.-Delaware), .. Leach, Masonic Hall, .................... New Castle Court House, ....... Tangent Monument (Delaware-Md.) 134 133 134 133 133 134 Erie County: Edenboro, .......... Erie, ...... 133 133 ..... I, ............................................ Fayette County: Dunbar, ... Fast, Keener, .... Mellon, .... Moore, ..... Overton, .... Pondfield, Prospect, Shipley, Steyer, ..... 90 96 98 .............................................. 109 113 130 Work, Franklin County: Alto, ...... Blair, ..... Chambersburg, Cove, Parnell, ... Pike, ...... INDEX. 439 Page. Franklin County: Roxbury, . Strasburg, ...... Timber Hill, ....... 104 114 118 Fulton County: 94 Cove, .... Pike, ..... Ray, ...... Smith, ..... 100 ............................................ 111 33 67 Greene County: Bristoria, ..... Call, Hughes, .... Jefferson, Morley, Morris, Oak, Shriver, ... Time, Turkey, Union, ... Southwest Corner of Pennsylvania, 90 , ......................... 110 T u le, .............................................. 118 119 ....................... 121 133 Garrett County, Maryland: Meadow (2) .. Rich, .......... 78 101 25 Huntingdon County: Beavertown, Hicks, Lytle, Terrace (2) ...... 76 117 Indiana County: Broadview, ..... Coleman, ......... Evans Hood, Indiana Normal School, Kelly Kunkle McCoy ..... voy Nolo 104 115 Tabernacle .......................................... 116 Palmer Rowland Strong ....... Tabernacle. Warner Watt Widow Widow (2) YY d i l o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w a tu ............................................... 123 123 126 ......... 127 440 INDEX. Page. 32 Jefferson County: Bowser, McGregor, . Valair, ..... 85 121 Juniata County: Blair, ......... Shade, Tuscarora, ........ ........................................... 31 108 120 ..... Lackawanna County: Bald Mountain, ....... Jermyn, Moosic, Lancaster County: Beartown, . Rawlinsville, 25 100 ..... Lebanon County: Governor Dick, ... Womelsdorf, Swatara Gap, -, ..................................... 57 ...................................... 129 132 Lehigh County: Bake Oven, ..... Big Rock, Kreutzer, .............. ........................... 36 71 Luzerne County: Glenn Summit, Kocher, Nescopeck (1), . Nescopeck (2), Panther, ....... Penobscot ..... Shickshinny, Wilkes-Barre, .. ................................... 88 132 93 109 133 Lycoming County: Buckhorn Mountain, ... Crawford, .... Hesse, Howell, ..... Searl, ...... 107 Zucker, 131 Maryland (State of): Grays Hill, ...... North-east Corner, ... Tangent Monument, .. 133 133 134 INDEX. 441 Page. Mifflin County: Shade, ..... 108 32 95 Monroe County: Brickyard, Pimple Hill, .:... Smiths Gap, Strawberry, Wire, ......... 111 114 128 ...... . ........................................ Montgomery County: Fairview, ...... Willowgrove, .... 51 128 New Jersey (State of): Culvers Gap, ...... Mt. Olivet, 134 134 Northampton County: Bethlehem Observatory, ........... Smiths Gap, ..... 133 111 ........................................ 12 ................................... 76 Northumberland County: Little Mahonoy, ..., Mahonoy (1), Mahonoy (2), Mahonoy (3), Montour, ....... Woodruff, .. ..................................... 77 80 129 ........................................... Perry County: 29 B owers, ............................................ Big Knob, ... Bowers, Eschol, Millerstown, Newport, Peters, Spruce, Tuscarora, . .............................................. 93 113 120 Potter County: Harrison, 60 bariy, ............................................. ...................................... Schuylkill County: Barry, .. Bears Head, ...... Frackville, ...... Pottsville Court House, ..... White Horse, 133 126 Sayder County: Beavertown, ...... 25 442 INDEX. 23 b ear, ............................................... ............................................. ........................................... ........................................... ha ...................... S, ............................................ 62 Somerset County: Barkley, is Bear, Berlin Cole, Eppley, Forward, Gardner, ... Groves, ..... Highland, .. Hostetter, ... Koontz, ..... Laurel, Lohr, Negro, ..... Peck, Savage ..... Schaffer, Somerset, ... Steyer, ...... Weible, ..... 65 ............................................. 75 ....................... . ............................................... 93 ................. ............................................ 106 106 112 113 .......................................... .... ...... .... .... .. .................. .......................... Sullivan County: North, Ricketts, .... 89 102 Susquehanna County: . Elk, Tioga County: ................................................ ............................................ .......................................... ....................................... ..... Belfor, .. Bly, Brier, Butts, ..... Cedar, ...... Chamberlain, Clark, Davis, Karl, Putnam, Rarick, Robb, Sampson, Stiles, .. ............................................. .............................................. ............................................ ............................. ................ 105 114 ..... .. ... ... .. .... .. ... .... Venango County: Beels, .... 26 Warren County: Bull, Clarendon, .. Crippin, .... Nelson, ............ .......................................... 44 INDEX. 443 Page. Warren County: Quaker Hill, ..... Wilcox, .. Yankee Bush, 99 127 .......................................... 130 36 55 Washington County: Cannonsburg, ...................................... Claysville, Cross Creek, Garrett, .......................................... Hillsboro, ...... Krepp, ..... McDonald, ........................................ Pollock, ............................................ West Middleton, .. Wheeler, 63 71 83 96 125 126 Wayne County: .......................................... 23 Bald (3), ... Salem, ........ 105 21 ...................................... 23 Co LU 50 59 63 63 64 Westmoreland County: Altman, 1, .......................... Alverton, Barkley, Bush, ...... Clearfield, ......................................... Cole, . Donegal, Edsell ............................................ Eppley, Harmon, .... Hillside, North Base, Hillside, South Base, . Hilty, .. Jellison, .... Kepple, Laurel, ..... Ligonier School, Marshall, McGinnis, .... Parks, Regantown, Rose, ....... Secrest, ..... Shepler, Steel, Stroble, ..... Wiley, Yeter, 67 70 73 ........................................ 84 ............................................ 91 ........................................... 101 103 107 108 113 115 127 131 ...... ............................................ Wyoming County. Miller, 80 444: INDEX. Page. York County: ....................................... 98 Pulpit Rock, ....... Round Top, ... Winterstown, 103 132 LIST OF TRIANGULATION STATIONS. 20 ...................................................... 21 21 a, ............................................................ 21 133 N CO A A ifa or or ou .................................... a ... Allegheny New Observatory, .. Allegheny Old Observatory, Altman, Alto, .......... Altoona, Alverton, Athens, ....... Bake Oven, ... Bakerstown, .... Bald (3), Bald Mountain, Barkley, Barry, Bear, .......... Bears Head, Beartown, Beavertown (Blair and Huntingdon Counties), Beavertown (Snyder County), Beck, Beels, ........ Belfor Bellevue, Berlin, ...... Berries, Big Flat, ...... Bethel, ................ Pethlehem, .. ........ Bethlehem Observatory, Big Knob (Beaver County), Big Knob (Perry County) Big Lick, ..... Big Rock, .... Bishop, Black Spot Tower, Blair, Bly, ......... Bowers, Bowser, Brickyard, .... Brier, Bristoria, ..... Broad, ...... 27 132 27 28 . .......................................................... 28 132 133 ......................................... 29 ............................................................. 31 27 bo w ser , ............................................................ 32 3 ......................................................... 32 ............................................................ INDEX. 445 Page. ........................................................... Co co w O 35 36 36 .............................................................. I, ............................................................ 37 .............................................................. 37 UTS, .................................................... 37 38 I, ........................................................ 38 39 ............................................................ 133 ....................................................... 39 39 40 ............................................................. 40 A A ........................................................ A pons A A Broadview, ...... Brush Mountain, ...... Buck, ................ Buckhorn Mountain, Bull, .. Bunkerhill, Bush, ..... Busti, .... Butts, Calhoun, Call, Coler, Cannonsburg, Catawissa, ..... Carrolltown, Cedar, Centerville, .... Chamberlain, Chambersburg, Chicory, ...... Christy, Clarendon, .... Clarion Court House, Clark, ........ Ciaysville, Clearfield, Clever, ...... Cole, ........ Coleman, Cove, Crawford, Crippin, Cross Creek, ..... Culver Gap, ... Dauphin, ...... Davis (Clearfield County), Davis (Tioga County), . Dawson, .... Devon, ...... Dickson, ..... Donegal, ..... Dunbar, ..... Duncan, ...... Hunning, .... Ebensburg, Edenboro, .. Elsell, Elk, Eppley, Erie, Itschol, Evans, Everett, ...... .. .............................................................. ............................................................... 0 0 0 0 A A A or within two wo Cou A A A ........................................................ 133 45 A n A ............................................. A o A ............................................................ A . ............................................................ A A co os cand A A A 133 49 .............................................................. 50 .............................................................. 133 50 50 ............................................................ 51 446 INDEX. Page. 52 53 54 54 54 55 55 ........................................................... 56 56 56 57 1. ......................................................... 57 134 133 ......................................................... 132 58 58 132 ............................................................ 58 ........................................................... 59 Fairview, ... Fancy Hill, .. Fast, ........ Fickle, ... Flat Rock, ....... Foot of Plane Eight, Forward, Frackville, Fre, ........ Gardner, Garrett, Gettysburg (Round Top), .. Gilliland, Girard, Glenn Summit, .... Government, Governor Dick, Graham, ......... Granogue, ...... Grays Hill, Gravity Road, Greene, Greentree, Girard College (Philadelphia), Groce, Groves Hammond, Hamorton, Harmon, Harrisburg (Old Capitol), .. Harrison, Hartman, Haycock, ...... Hesse, Heverline, Hickman, .... Hicks, .......... Highland, ......... Hillsboro, ........ Hillside, North Base, Hillside, South Base, Hilty, Hood, ... Hostetter, Howell, Hughes, ..... Hyde Park, Hyndman, Indiana, Indiana Normal School, .. Initial Point (Penna. and Delaware), Jefferson, ... Jellison, . 59 .......................................................... 134 59 133 ............................................................. ............................................ ............. VOItn base, ............................................... South Base, ............................................... 66 ...... .67 133 ........................................................., . ........................................................... INDEX. 447 Page. 70 132 71 71 . 72 132 73 134 73 0 14 133 on or 75 c Jermyn, IY , ................................................... ......... Jordan, ....... Karl, ............................................................... Keener, Kelly, ........ .. ..... ..... ... .... ..... .. .......... Kephart, ....... Kephart Tree, ...................................................... Kepple, ................................. Knob (2) ...... ......................................................... Knob (Carbon County), . ............................................ Kocher, ... . ...... . .. .... ... ................................... Koontz, ..... ............................................................ Krepp, ........ P, .............................................................. Kreutzer, .. .................... ................ Kunkle, ..... ........................................................... Kyler, ............................................................ Lancaster, .................................................... ... Laurel, .. ............. ... Leach, ...... ............................................................. Lee, ....................................................... Leister, ... Ligonier School, ................................................... Litchfield, ........................................................ Little Mahanoy, . Lohr, ........... .............................................................. Londonderry, y, ..................................................... Lone Tree, ...... Lone Tree (Carbon County), ...................................... Long, ......... .......... .......................................... Lucinda Catholic Church ... ............... ............... Lytle, ......... ............................................................ Mahonoy (1) ...................................................... Mahonoy (2) ..................................................... Mahonoy (3) Marshall, ......................................................... Martin, Masonic Hall, .. Meadow (2) ........................................................ Meas, Melton, ........................ Miller (Armstrong County), ....................................... Miller (Wyoming County) ....................................... Millerstown, ...... ......................................... Montour, ........ Monument (one-half), .............................. Moore, ......................................................... Moosic, Morley, .... ............................................................. Morris, .................................... Morrisdale, Mt. Olivet, ........................................................ Mt. Jefferson, Meyers, ......... No. 7–29. 132 76 76 77 77 77 133 80 80 134 80 132 81 ...... 134 132 82 448 INDEX. Page. 83 84: ♡ ♡ с стст ♡ ........................................................ 3 , ............................................................. 86 ............................................................ 87 88 88 89 .......................................................... 89 133 89 90 133 132 .... 90 McCall, .. McCleary, .... McCoy, ...... McDonald, McDowell, McGinnis, McGregor, McKelvey, .... McNaughton, .. Nanticoke, Natrona, ...... Neeper, Ncison, Nescopeck (1) Nescopeck (2) Nescopeck (3) Newport, ..... Negro, ....... Newtown, . Nolo, -North East Corner, Maryland, North, Oak, Old High School Observatory, Olyphant, Overton, Palmer, ..... Panther, ..... Pardee, Parks, Parnell, ..... Patterson, Peck, Penobscot, .... Peters, Petersburg, .. Peterson, Pigeon, ...... Pike, ........ Pimple Hill, Plainview, Point View, .. Pollock, Fondfield, ....... Fort Clinton, ... Pottsville Court House, . Prospect (Cumberland County), Prospect (Fayette County), Frovidence, Pulpit Rock, ... Putnam, .. Quaker Hill, Rarick, 90 132 .......................................................... COLULU ............................................................ 93 132 94 94 95 go 96 ..... .................... ...... .... .. .. ...... .... ..... . 96 96 97 1, ....................................................... ..................... 133 97 98 132 .. ............................................................ INDEX. 449 100 ........ Page. Rattlesnake, 100 Rawlinsville, 100 Ray, ......... 100 Regantown, .. 1, ......................................................... Reynolds, ........................................................... 101 Rich, 101 Ricketts, .. 102 Robb, 102 Rose, 103 Round Hill, ...... 103 Round Top (York County), ........................................ 103 Rowland, 104 Roxbury, .. 104 St. Clair, . .......................................................... 104 Saiem, 105 Sampson (Allegany County, Md.) 105 Sampson (Tioga County), 105 Savage, ............. ................. 106 Scalp Level, .............. 106 Schaffer, .......................................................... 106 Scranton Court House, 132 Searl, ....... 107 Secrest, ...... 107 Shade, 108 Shiannon, .... 108 Shepler, .... 108 ............................................................ Sherbine, ... 109 Shickshinny, ... 109 Shipley, ...... Shippensburg, 110 Shrader, 110 Shriver, ........ 110 Smith, .............. 111 Smiths Ferry, ..... 111 - Smiths Ferry (near) 133 Smiths Gap, ..... 111 Somerset, 112 Spangle, 112 Spruce, ........ 113 Siate House (Philadelphia), 132 Steel, ....... 113 Steyer, .. 113 Stiles, ...... 114 St. Peters Church (Philadelphia) 132 Strasburg, ...... ............. ..... Strawberry, ...... 114 y, ......................................................... Stroble, ....... 115 Strong, ........ Summit Hill, 132 Swatara Gap, 132 Swope, 116 Tabernacle, ...... 116 Tangent Monument, . 109 ...... ........ .................. ... ..... .... ......... .... ... 114 ..................................................... .... or .................. .................................... 134 ................................................ 450 INDEX. Page. 116 117 117 117 118 118 119 119 119 120 120 121 121 122 122 122 122 123 133 123 123 124 124 Templeton, ...................................................... Terrace, .................................. ...................... Terrace (2) Thomas, ........................................................ Timber Hill, ...................................................... Time, ...... ........................................................ Topton, ....... ............................................................ Tunnel Hill, ...................................................... Turkey, Tuscarora, Tuscarora, .. .......................................................... Tussey, ....................................... Union, ....... ........................ Union U. P. Church, ................................................ Valair, ....... ........................................................... Villanova, ... Walker, ker, ............................................................. Valls, .............................. ............................ Warner, Warren (Bradford County), ........................................ Watt, ........................................................... Weaver, ............................................................ Weible, ...... Weir, ......... .............................................................. Wess, ........... ....... West Middleton, ... .................................................... Wheeler, ..........................................................., White, ............................................................. White Horse, e, ....................................................... Widow, ............................................................. Widow (2) .. ........................................................ Wilcox, : ....... Wiley, Hon....... Hon.......................................................... Wilkes-Barre, ... 125 125 126 133 126 126 127 127 127 132 es-barre, ....................................................... Wilkes-Barre Court House, Willowgrove, ..... rove, ........................................................ Wills, ........ .............................. ............................ Winterstown, Wire, ... ............. ......................................... Womelsdorf, Woodruff, Woodside, ......................................................... Wopsononack, Work, Wyoming, ........................................................ Yankee Bush, Yard, .... ... .... ... ....... ... ............... ............. Yeter, .. , .............................................................. Zucker, is 133 128 128 132 128 129 129 132 129 130 130 130 131 131 131 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 11 1 IT 3 9015 07031 1538 , ” 軍事者​, “ 看看 ​*其事 ​, ,事 ​事 ​|- ” 。 量 ​t. 華書​「書畫​, 美學上​, 量​。 不了了 ​44. 十年一 ​“ 我 ​- - 動畫​: - , 十一 ​重 ​事工 ​鲁事​, 事事 ​不 ​上一章 ​: 本​: 4 : : 14 重重重重作事 ​上看 ​香 ​t. 重量​: 學 ​th 重擊 ​a .….…… 代 ​, 14 生重重 ​量產事​, 鲁一鲁 ​中一中 ​事事是 ​“事​。 syn 4 重 ​( 4. - 賽事 ​重量 ​事重重 ​4 。 等等​” 时事 ​1, 量​。 華語 ​爭奪​,事 ​“ 是 ​青 ​军事​: 4 - 、 事 ​3 - 畫書 ​。 重​。 事 ​% 重量​1 要事​, 重量 ​, ,事 ​是了​, 重 ​。 ..… 事 ​“ ” - 事書​, 中学 ​車重 ​14集 ​。 重重 ​考 ​律事集 ​事事 ​, EN 重 ​重重​, 工厂 ​tra 女 ​北美 ​重与 ​作曲​: , ret … 重量 ​- 重重重 ​學 ​事書 ​。 : 《一 ​一事​,看 ​事​。 》 A 4 三重 ​了​。 111 其 ​力量​, 畫畫 ​AAH 事重重 ​「 。 量 ​毒毒 ​毒事 ​直擊量​, . , : hai 書中​,在重要 ​爭奪 ​是​。 主要功​; 了​,人生​, : 賽事重重重重 ​重的​, : 到 ​帶 ​屯門市 ​: 严 ​重要賽事​, 。 書畫 ​事事 ​重量 ​事​。 重其事 ​完善 ​會出事​? , , 看看 ​", 。 事​。”11月 ​自售​, 没事​, , YA - } 看​, 臺鲁鲁 ​* 是严重 ​一是​, 「要事事​,事事 ​LE r身上​。 中 ​- 。 -- 15: 重重 ​4 : | 重要 ​重量 ​事書 ​其中​, 本書導- ​董事​。 重量 ​, 了基本 ​看到​, 1 A : 件 ​重量​。 青年​,重 ​七 ​重量 ​事​。 1事了​。 * 重量​: 4 * 掌管 ​, 、 」 “ 重重 ​「是 ​。 事 ​他 ​我 ​事事​,着重重 ​身​”董事實是​, 自動車 ​一月 ​事事​:”最握拳​, 。 本書是 ​了 ​事​。 “是的​” 第畫 ​。” 」 事主 ​。 重 ​」 。 , 1991 中​, , 事事 ​得了​, 《 一下​: 人​。 "nt la , “事业​, 主力 ​3 重量重量​, 中 ​Lu ,451 : : 十七 ​重量​: 第一 ​量​, 作​; 。 重 ​, 青書 ​专 ​半生 ​单身​"基 ​轟動 ​看​, 了 ​重生 ​· 畫 ​, 。 TE - “ 香 ​重​”。 - - 再看看 ​重量​: 重重重​“套重量 ​“单 ​共事务 ​可​: - 三事 ​卜一 ​重重重 ​得主鲁 ​14 「重看一 ​44 重重重 ​1。 ” * CAN 重 ​- 。 軍工事 ​都是 ​-- 「, * 重量 ​重量 ​1 . 事​, 一生​。 ** 書中​, 当A “ 畢書畫 ​導​。 在 ​事 ​鼻​, , ” , ·单 ​事 ​本書​, . , 能量 ​有事​, , 444 中 ​書畫 ​, 上 ​华为 ​4, 重 ​量​。 。 看​。 重量举重量 ​事事事 ​體會​, 書 ​是非 ​新 ​。 , , , 首 ​重重重​。 - 重 ​业单​, 作者​, 本書 ​」 。 事 ​行 ​事 ​·基里​, 事 ​= 無我​, 我在 ​事實是 ​事 ​重量 ​。 中學 ​。 一事​, 事 ​: 書 ​重量 ​It', 事事 ​产 ​14 事事​,为書 ​其中​, 之中 ​有重重​。 , 重重重重​, its. 1 等 ​重量 ​, 1 「是非 ​重重重重重​。 事是重量​;重 ​青 ​是​, , 。 。 事 ​重 ​;鲁番 ​“ , 費 ​量 ​量 ​,無 ​. 事​。 書卷​」 重量 ​. 臺 ​。 事事 ​重量 ​重重 ​能量​! ” 人事 ​重量重量 ​事業一 ​本書​, 4 重量​- 十 ​了 ​鲁鲁​。 !” 中書事半 ​在重 ​最重 ​事事​, 書 ​: , 事件 ​一 ​: 重量表 ​ht 鲁 ​是事​”了 ​, ,, | | 主 ​* 1. * N 量 ​4 , 重量 ​: A 重建者 ​, 事事​, 鲁鲁 ​- A1 : 1 : “是是 ​事​。 其中​, 重 ​: ( , 。 地 ​鲁鲁鲁 ​重重重 ​上一集​, * “ 事 ​:: 真事 ​。 重量 ​理事 ​「 - , , 售重奪目 ​鲁肃特 ​事 ​; 。 x 重重 ​為了 ​”。 一 ​重重重重 ​了 ​事 ​。 面 ​非會學一 ​。 - 理事 ​- 重量 ​14 本書- ​:: 書 ​事学 ​华中 ​- 本 ​重量​, , ….. - 其中​,有4 于是​,鲁鲁​, 。 - 建 ​事 ​重要​。 里​。 重重一 ​了 ​量非 ​, 重賽​。 傳严重​。 一鲁 ​F * .. 「馬 ​直 ​. 1 , - 而事非​,事 ​- - 重量 ​事實​。 事业​”。 ” 1 - 華 ​, “無量​。 第119 . - 1. 第一重重毒是音 ​L , * 世事 ​重量 ​13: - A 年1) ty 重重重重 ​4 1 重量 ​.看​, 多 ​- 事情是​: 中​。 中學 ​重量​: 基 ​第1集 ​身體​, いかっ ​。 … 等了一會主管​。 L4 - 要事書 ​-- 。 11) 。 。 。 学 ​重 ​“是重 ​- - - 学基 ​- “ 上能事​。事事​。 了​。 看一看​。 . 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