º º º º º -- |-- CONDENSATION OF NITROMALONIC ALDEHYDE WITH º •AMINOPROPIONIC ACID. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. By Edward Mark Homan 1917 For the suggestions and direction given during the development of this research, the author expresses his kindlest appreciation to Professor William J. Hale. CONTENTS. I. HISTORY. Alkyl pyrroles. Early syntheses Isolation of homopyrrole Isomers of homopyrrole Conversion of N alkyl derivatives to C alkyl compounds Proof of position of substituents Mononi tropyrroles . -nitropyrrole -nitropyrrole Mononitro alkyl pyrroles Oxidations Diacetyl nitropyrrole Carbopyrrolic acids Hydrolysis of Pyro coll Pyrrole and (NH4)2CO3 in sealed tube Pyrrole and C014 Oxidation of pyrrole aldehyde Grignard reactio} Pyrryl glyoxylic acids, From acetyl pyrroles Pyrryl acetic acid Nitrocarbopyrrolic acids Denitropyrdcoll Nitration of carbopyrrolic acid 10 10 10 ll l2 13 13 14 l4 l4 14 14 lă 16 16 16 Nitromalonic aldehyde and glycine ester Constitution II • THEORY. Introduction - Possible condensations Identity of condensation product Attempted oxidation Free acid 3'-nitro- * -methyl pyrrole 6'-nitro- * -pyrryl acetamide 3'-amino- C -pyrryl acetamide III. EXPERIMENTAL . B -alanine hydrochloride esters 16 17 19 20 23 23 24 25 25 26 28 6 -nitro-º-pyrryl acetic acid ethyl ester 30 º 3-nitro-ºx - pyrryl acetic acid 3-nitro-º-methyl pyrrole 3-nitro-ºx -pyrryl acetamide 3-amino- -pyrryl aeetamide Summary - Bibliography B -nitro- P -pyrryl acetic acid methyl ester 30 33 33 34 34 3% zº I. HISTORICAL PART. In 1869 Lubavin'” succeeded in synthesizing an alkyl pyrrole derivative by heating the potassium salt of pyrrole with ethyl iodide. By distillation a colorless oil was ob- tained from the mother liquor. The oil which boiled at 155-175°, possessed an odor-like turpentine and upon standing took on a deep red color. It was immiscible with water and dissolved in hydrochloric acid forming a pyrrole- red color. Lubavin was unable to proºve whether or not this compound was a nitrogen or carbon alkyl substituent. Analysis showed the compound to have the formula C4H4(C2H5)N. Bell, (*) some years later, prepared an ethylpyrrole by dry distillation of the ethylamine of mucic acid. This product, when pure, boiled at 121°. Bell!”) cites the boil- ing point even by Lubavin as an error. Later, Bell made the methylpyrrole by distilling the methylamine of mucic acid. This product boiled at liz-llä”. In 1878, (+) Bell re- peated the work of Lubavin by heating the potassium salt of pyrrole with ethyl iodide. He obtained a product boiling at 121°C. Bell supposed this substance to be the N-alkyl derivative. - C4H4NK tº C2H5I ſº KV t C4H4NC2H5 It should be noted, however, that Bell made no attempt to verify his statement and, contrary to his original article, stated that long boiling with hydrochloric acid resinified the ethyl pyrrole. In the distillation products of animal tar, volatile with steam, Wéidel and ciamician") found a fraction boil- ing constantly at 145-146°. An analysis showed the formula to be C5H7N, and the name "homo-pyrrole" was given to the compound. The freshly distilled oil was colorless but, on standing, changed more rapidly than does pyrrole itself. Acids did not resinify the oil and mercuric chloride preci- pitated the white mercurio salt. Pyrrole does not form a corresponding salt of mercury. The monoacetyl derivative gave a silver salt, confirming the assumption that the acetyl group was not attached to the nitrogen of the ring. The formula of the methylacetylpyrrole was evidently GAB206HG3)4(GOCH2) NH. The methylpyrrole obtained by Bell!” differed from the product with which these investigators were working. Evidently, Bell had prepared the nitrogen substi- tution product. Later Giamician and Dennstedt") determined the boiling point of Bell's compound and found it to be 114-115° at 747.5 mm. In the year 1881. ciamician!") found that by fusing "homo-pyrrole" (b.p. 145-146°) with molten potassium hydroxide, he obtained two carbopyrrolic acids • One acid melted at 191° and had all the characteristic properties of the acid mentioned by Schwanert.'” The other acid melted at 161°. Ciamician converted these acids back to their corresponding methyl pyrroles and found the high melting acid, ºx-carbopyrrolic acid, gave a methyl pyrrole which boiled at 147-148°. He called this the " Y-homo-pyrrole". # Cr-c H #C c +! —º. U. ACS” C- « O OVA 3 \\\\ M \, g p The low melting acid was called " F-homo-pyrrole" and gave a methyl pyrrole boiling at 142-142°. # C. c + c tº H C C-C bott U. —º- U. 14|| Y\\\ By mixing these two isomeric "homo-pyrroles" it was found that the mixture distilled at 145-146°. ciamician and silber!”) later prepared the acetyl derivatives of these two isomeric "homo-pyrroles." The "homo-pyrrole" distillate boiling at 140-153° gave two acetylated compounds. One melted at 85-86° and was proved to be the G-acetyl derivative. The other acetyl-pyrrole was the nitrogen acetyl product but these authors did not state whether it was the CX or B "homo-pyrrolet that had been acetylated. The low melting compound was given the name methyl-pyrryl-methylketone or pseudo acetyl "homo-pyrrol e." The nitrogen substituted product was called acetyl "homo- pyrrole ..." sonife,” working on the constitution of pyrrole isolated a crystalline acetyl pyrrole melting at 90°, He. called the product the N-alkyl derivative C4H4NOC2H30). Ciamician and Denneteat,” in repeating Schiff's work, obtained two acetylated pyrroles. One of the se products melted at 90° and corresponded to the c-alkyl compound men- tioned by Schiff. It was found that this compound did not decompose when heated with potassium, as Schiff had stated, but it formed a potassium salt when treated with potassium hydroxide solution. The formation of the silver salt showed that the alkyl group was not on the nitrogen atom. Later,'” attempts to oxidize this acetyl compound with alkaline per- manganate gave the keto-carboxylic acid but the simple carbopyrrolic acid was not produced. C4H2(Go GHz) NH C4H2(GO GOOH) NH. The second acetyl pyrrole, an oil distilling at 177- 178°, was called simply acetyl pyrrole and conformed to the formula of an N-alkyl derivative. This compound was insoluble in water; gave a white precipitate with mercuric chloride; and readily reduced a solution of silver nitrate. It was easily resinified when treated with hydrochloric acid and boiling it with potassum hydroxide decomposed it into pyrrole and acetic acid. From the foregoing statements, it is easily seen that there were not a few irregularities in the early prepara- tions of alkyl pyrroles. It was not clear just which compounds were "N" substituents and which were "C" substituents or, perhaps it is better to say that the experimental conditions necessary for the preparation of one class of compounds, to the exclusion of the other type, were not well determined. It remained for Giamician and Magnaghi to clear up this difficulty. In 1885, Giamician and Silber!” heated acetyl pyrrole with acetic anhydride in a sealed tube at zoo”c. The result was the formation of pyrrolen-dimethyldiketone. # C H CH ch, ce. # Cr-i CH ...U., + chº" º, U.a. WW Y\\\ - To afford an explanation for this peculiar change, the authors suggested that, perhaps, the acetyl pyrrole changed into pyrryl methyl ketone tº CT-II c. lt Hct—l CAſ ...U. -> U. \ to CH2 Y ºf and that to this compound, the second acetyl group attached itself. Giamician and Magnashiº verified the preceding sug- gestion by heating acetyl pyrrole in a sealed tube. When the temperature was kept at 300° a fundamental decomposition took place, liberating ammonium salts and free pyrrole. By holding the temperature at 250-280° it was found that the desired pyrryl- methyl-ketone could be obtained. This was the first definite experimental proof to show that the "N" substituents of the pyrrole ring could be changed into C-alkyl derivatives by heating. Later, gianasian and zanetti (*) found that by heating potassium pyrrole salt with alkyl iodides both the "N" and "C" derivatives were formed and that the higher the tempe rature, the greater the tendency to form the carbon substituted compounds • Pictet and (16) Cripieux prepared the C-phenyl pyrrole by passing N-phenyl pyrrole through a heated tube. In the previous discussion we have stated that certain derivatives were C{ carbon substituted compounds but we have not given the proof necessary to substantiate such a statement. It was a long established fact that pyrrole and its derivatives were converted by halogens, in alkaline solution, into halogen derivatives of maleinimide. Ciamician and silber!”) found that many bromine derivatives of pyrrole are oxidized to dibrommaleini- mide by nitric acid. Such a reaction shows that the bromine is z Orl the 3 and º carbon atoms of the pyrrole ring, - A G By treating brominated pyrrol en-dimethyl-diketone with fuming nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.52, and heating on the water bath dibrom- maleinimide was obtained as a final product. The formation of mononitro-acetyl pyrrole was an intermediate step in the reaction. U. -> II". → "Uſ. "U" CH*%-co CH-, wo.ºkcock, 7 mSv/kWp, CŞ. JO W\ M. H. WA Y\\\ This reaction proved definitely that the alkyl substituents are on the X carbon atom. The most satisfactory method for the preparation of C. carbon substituents of pyrrole is oddo's adaptation(*) of the Grignard Reaction. By the use of acid chlorides or anhydrides, pyrryl alkyl ketones are prepared. The X -carbo- pyrrolic acids can also be prepared in the same way. The preceding paragraphs have dealt with those compounds of pyrrole whose substituent groups contained carbon. Now we -10- come to the second class of substituted pyrroles, those which do not have carbon in the substituent, e.g. , the nitropyrroles, The first nitropyrrole, whose identity can be definite- ly established, was synthesized by Angeli and Alessandri.” When an ether solution of pyrrole was boiled several hours with ethyl nitrate a & -nitropyrrole was isolated, m.p. 63.5°. Hale and Hoytſºo) found that this º -nitropyrrole readily polymerized to a dimolecular structure which melted O at lol "U. M0. —ſ "I — C U. 0. * a ** º C. WH Hale and Hoyt heated DK -nitro- OK -carbo pyrrolic acid in a sealed tube and a yellow oil, which they call & -nitropyrrolà was produced. Only a few points were given to establish the identity of this compound. These are the only references in the literature to what may be called "free" nitropyrroles. The derivatives of nitropyrrole have been widely discussed. The first alkyl nitropyrrole was prepared by Ciamician and silber(*) in 1885. It was found that, at higher temperatūres, concentrated nitric acid decomposed both acetyl and pseudo-acetylpyrrole. By cooling the reacting system to 18° C and then slowly adding the pyrrole methyl ketone a mononitropyrryl methyl ketone was formed. It melted at 196-197°. oxalic acid was a by-product. Later!” careful repetition of this work gave four nitration products, i.e. & mononitropyrryl methyl ketone, di-nitropyrryl methyl ketone, dinitropyrrole and B -mononitropyrryl methyl ketone. - •ll- The 3-mono nitropyrryl methyl ketone t; G-CH \Us U. \\\ was extracted by ether from an alkaline solution. This pro- duct was soluble in hot water and its solution was neutral to litmus. Treatment with hydrochloric acid gave no change, but with fuming sulphuric acid it dissolved readily, being reprecipitated when water was added. It was soluble in cold alkalies, and the corresponding salts could be formed by boiling the alkaline solution. All attempts to oxidize this C(-mononitropyrryl methyl ketone to the corresponding glyoxylic or to the nitro-carbo- pyrrolic acid failed. By treating with acid permanganate or potassium dichromate in acetic acid solution some of the material was oxidized to acetic acid but the larger portion was recovered unchanged. By treating with bromine in hot water solution, a resinous mass was obtained from which dibrommaleinimide was extracted. - The sodium carbonate solution from which the C( -nitro- pyrryl methyl ketone had been removed, was acidified with sulphuric acid. This acid solution was extracted with ether. Evaporation of the ether left a resinous mass which crystal- lized after standing several days in a desiccator . From this crystalline mass the º -mononitropyrryl methyl ketone W3.8 **. Yū; C H Uſ. Ó Y U. W H Yū -l?-- This product was purified by sublimation and melted at 156°. The water solution was acidic in character and the material could not be extracted from an alkaline solution with ether. The authors did not mention any attempted oxidation of this compound to its corresponding glyoxylic or carbopyrrolic acid. However, it is to be expected that such efforts would have given the same negative results as the º mononitro derivative. In the same year, Giamician and silber(*) treated pseudo-acetyl pyrrole with fuming sulphur ic acid, sp. gr. 1,88, and obtained a crystalline sulphonate, º SO2K) NH3 GOCH3 No further work was done on this compoſſind, i.e. oxidation products as well as the position of the sulphonate group were not determined. One year later, Ciamician and silber!”) treated pyrrolen-dimethyl-dike tone with cold fuming nitric acid and obtained a mono-nitro derivative which melted at 149°C. *AC C-Yuo, U. co (8. It will be noticed that in the case of 3-nitropyrrolen dimethyl diketone only one product is possible but with pyrryl methyl ketone there may be two isomers. horſ-ſtylda Wº, C tº U. Ö Y "D.", M\l MW Although Ciamician and Silber called this product a * -nitropyrryl methyl ketone they did not give any reason why it should not be the Baerivative. Thus far we have discussed the compounds of pyrrole which are not free acid derivatives. The first carboxylic acid of pyrrole was isolated by schwanert!” when he dis- tilled mucic acid. It melted at 191°. Since the structure of pyrrole had not been determined at that time, it was im- possible to show the position of the aarboxyl group . After Baeyer's formula for pyrrole was accepted, it became evident that the carboxyl group was on a carbon atom adjacent to the nitrogen. tº C c \! U. CUof W\\ Bell (*) by heating his methyl pyrrole with alcoholic potash in a sealed tube at 120-130°, obtained a carbopyrrolic acid which melted at 135°C. When the water solution of this acid was heated it decomposed liberating carbon dioxide and leaving the methyl pyrrole unchanged. (25) obtained a carbo- In 1880, Weidel and Ciamician pyrrolic acid by the hydrolysis of pyrreoll. One year later, ciamician!” oxidized potassium "homo-pyrrole" with molten potassium hydroxide and isolated two carbopyrrolic acids. one asia was identical with that prepared by Schwanert.” The other acid melted at le1° and was the B -carbopyrrolic acid. Giamician and Silber!”) affected the first direct synthesis of ^{-carbopyrrolic and by heating pyrrole and ammonium carbonate in a sealed tube at 120-130°. This method is the best, save the one by Oddo to be mentioned later, for preparing large quantities of the acid. These Sąjūe investigators” prepared small quantities of the acid by heating carbon tetrachloride with pyrrole in alcoholic potassium hydroxide for several hours on the steam bath. At this time it was also shown that heating the po- tassium pyrrole salt in a stream of carbon dioxide produced (29) oxidized pyrrolaldehyde the acid. Bamberger and Djerdjian to its acid by alkaline permanganate. The last method of preparation is that given out by Oddo in 1906(30). By using the Grignard reagent and carbon dioxide With pyrrole, oddo was able to prepare large quantities of the OK. -carbo- pyrrolic acid. The reaction is outlined as follows: "T." tº U' ºU" —y U. fl C^*( H Hººk #1C º \\C W CC00 li W \\\\ \\\\ \\ º In discussing the more complex carboxylic acids of pyrrole only two types will be mentioned: I. Pyrryl glyoxylic acid (keto-carboxylic), II. Pyrryl fatty acids. The pyrryl glyoxylic acids are prepared by oxidizing the corresponding pyrryl methyl ketone (pseudo-acetyl pyrrole) . (31) Giamician and Dennistedt obtained the pyrryl C( glyoxylic -15- acid by oxidizing with permanganate. // C CH {{C C H. Ul cock, U. to 100+ \\\\ W \\ It was not possible to convert this acid into the corres- poſſiding carbopyrrolic acid. H C CH !C C}{ > U. c cºſ H U. coºf H Y\t \\?\ (32) oxidized the diacetyl pyrrole Giamician and Silber { & X^ diacetyl pyrrole) to the carbopyrrolen glyoxylic acid by alkaline permanganate and when the keto-carboxylic acid was fused with alkali the di carbopyrrolic acid was produced. "U" H * U. º |AC. C+! ck, co- ` Cº ºt, cºcº *** cº-fº * Co-º-º/ The more complex pyrryl fatty acid derivatives were dis- covered by Piloty(*) in the decomposition of blood products. The simplest acid of the series, A-pyrryl acetic acid, was (34) When pyrrole or N-methyl synthesized by Piccinini. pyrrole was boiled with diazo acetic acid, nitrogen was evolved and an acid melting at 112-133° was isolated. Ho CH MN H C – C. H. D. f | cº-ºff ~ ||, | | || Włł #Q_g ch: Coot, W. H. -16- No subsequent reference to this acid could be found. The first nitro-carbopyrrolic acid was produced by Weidel and ciamician!” when they nitrated pyro coll and then hydrolyzed the dini tropyrro coll. From one molecule of dinitro-pyrocoll, two molecules of a nitro-carbopyrrolic acid melting at 144-146° were produced. In 1886, Giamician and silbert%) attempted to nitrate the free acid obtained by Schwanert". Dini tropyrrole was obtained and carbon dioxide was evolved. Later, Andrelini (*") showed that if the ester of carbopyrrolic acid were nitrated instead of the free acid, the reaction ran smoothly and from the reaction system, now made alkaline, an acid, melting at 21.7% could be extracted by ether. When no more acid would be extracted from this alkaline solution, the system was made acid and again extracted with ether. This yielded a second nitro- carbopyrrolic acid melting at 161°. Although the three possible mononitro-carbopyrrolic acids were known, it was not until many years later that Hale and Hoyt (*9) established the spatial relationship existing between them. By condensing nitromalonic aldehyde with amino acetic acid ester, glycine ester, these investi- gators made a nitro-carbopyrrolio acid whose nitro group was A. in the º position to the carboxyl group. ſ º, , , O C. Yu () 2. c # 0. H.) Y? **— c." C rz , , –2 | X }/// H C T C HO Hyo-coºr C - C - H -17- This acid melted at 217° and was the same as the one Andrelini had extracted from the alkaline solution. Hale and Hoyt heated the nitro-pyrrolic acid obtained from ni- trating pyrrooll with naphthalene in a sealed tube. A compound was isolated whose melting point was 63.5. This was the same º -nitropyrrole first prepared by Angeli and Alessandri'”). The acid from which this nºtropyrrole came was evidently the 6 -nitro-º-carbopyrrolic acid since the higher melting acid was the 3'-nitro compound, and the two acids gave the same 3 -nitro-pyrrole. U., -, H C L J C - Coq à * * * > *, *, \\\\ z. C "II" – Co., ºf -2 U. lſ c. c 0 H f The remaining acid must be then the 0 -nitro- º -carbo- pyrrolic acids In a brief summary of the preceding paragraphs we find, at first, the position of the alkyl substituent on the pyrroße ring was not definitely determined and all reactions gave a mixture of N and C derivatives; then it became known that heating changed the alkyl group from the N to the C atom. Much work has been done on the action of nitric acid upon the higher homologues of pyrrole as well as pyrrole itself. The simple nitro-methyl pyrrole is not mentioned. Sulphonates of pyrrole are not known. The acetyl pyrroles are oxidized to give various compounds but no oxidation products of the nitro-acetyl pyrroles have been prep ared. One N-methyl- - pyrryl acetic acid has been mentioned but nothing has been said of nitro- * -pyrryl acetic acid. It is with this acid and some of its derivatives that we shall deal presently. II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS , It has been known for some time that l, 3-dialdehydes condense with two adjacent methylene groups in juxtaposition to acetyl or benzoyl groups to form cyclic structures. These dialdehydes also condense with certain diamino compounds. Thus nitromalonic aldehyde was found to condense with urea to form a pyrimidine. H o Y\0,-C. C O H. 6. —s H\ H With guanidine an amino pyrimidine was obtained. | - H * … Bº 2 C – * N H | —5. *-ºs. ,, … ", \ "TNA 2 – WN, ſº – cHGT)-c-Mil, tas," In the work of Hale and Brill it was stated that alkyl or acyl substituted ureas gave only the straight chain compound, a monoureide; but later work upon certain di- ketones indicates that the akyl substituted pyrimidines may be formed in this reaction • , N - = M_2 > valu: Y\l, s ºr " , ºff-cº º ce whº, X = \ \\ ~ TV + - \\ ^ Scho __ - \l, Cs wº c H 0 co-MHCH, - - - C -º H. CH, Hale and Hoyt (*9) brought into condensation with l, 3- dialdehydes a compound which had an amino group adjacent to a methylene group and this latter, in juxtaposition to a carboxyl. It was found that the reaction ran smoothly and that a pyrrole derivative was produced. -20- cho ºn / C ~ | Mºcº , → mo, Q = c – C o O C, H tº Sc Ho Hºc-coot,\, # = c- • "3- In the preceding reaction between glycine ester and sodium nitromalonic aldehyde, it was found that the first product of the condensation was a straight chain compound which had involved only the amino group with one aldehyde group. This product gave a test for a free aldehyde group when this straight chain compound was treated with alkali, an intramolecular condensation was found to take place and yielded a nitropyrrole derivative -º - - C // - ci *\ - ºc º *} H c. I d \scº = W ºccº. W)0. 2% Y1 C H, C - cov (, A. \ * c \, → Q | C T C-cooc, \, . H **** When the constitution of this cyclic condensation pro- duct, - the B-nitro-3 - carbopyrrolic acid, had been es- tablished, it was thought desirable to study the condensa- tion of 1, 3-dialdehydes with a class of compounds containing an amino group adjacent to a methylene group as above, but which, in turn, was once removed from a carboxyl group by a second methylene group. In choosing such a compound, we found that ſ -aminopropionic acid, B -alanine, answered our purpose. Here we have the primary amino group on a chain of two methylenic group S and a carboxyl. From the work of preceding investigators one might expect five possible configurations for the condensation product. I. The first would involve one aldehyde group with one molecule of acid giving a straight chain compound. o A M- – C (JOC * \\\\s 2 C H M (CH), h; wº C H), Cô0 ( , h; 2 T N —º ,- tl C H (, " cut - II. Both aldehyde groups would be dondensed, each with one molecule of acid. ... nºw- H mo, cºo Hº CH), cort, R, WU, 2 : M (Ct.), Cººt, ~ --- —” H \cho tº- (c H\cº C. H.; H T \;= n-(CH), Cow C. H.- III. The two adjacent methylene groups could react with one molecule of aldehyde and a cyclopentadiene would result. ------ \t \, , C Hº º nº. 2 C- ºr "", *- C - —- 2 H ~ \ c Ho tº-coºl, || N fi 2- C-C coe, t, IV. The & carbon atom and the amino group of the acid could condense with one molecule of aldehyde forming a pyridine compound. o HMY Y10. H \,- 2 C HO º, **-ºs, A “scº "..., " " —c. * – I Wºº- t", *06 C. H. W. The 3 carbon a tom of the acid and the amino group could react giving a derivative of pyrrole. tº - T Y 03. \t, 2 c tº H\}, 3 = 2 - | → 1 \ y li h N C HO tº cºcooch, * Sol, cool, In a preliminary conden sation between molecular quanti- ties of sodium nitromalonic aldehyde and B -alanine ethyl ester hydrochloride, a yellow precipitate appeared in the aqueous solution. This product analyzed for G8Blowz04, 8. formula which excluded, at once, all consideration of -22- possibilities I and II. Formula one was also excluded because the substance at hand did not give a test for a free aldehyde. An examination of the five possible formulae shows that III, IV and W are the same empirically, GsHlo"20 º In formula III we might expect a free amino group but this was proved to be absent by negative tests with the carbylamine reaction. The presence of a possible 2-amino-cyclopentadiene is therefore excluded from further consideration. There remain for discussion the possibilities IV and W. Formula IV would indicate a 3 -nitro-P -carbopyridinic acid. Such a compound has not been mentioned in the liter- ature. However, judging from the general characteristics of the carboxylic acids of pyridine and also from the nitro- carbopyrrolic acids, we should expect that, upon heating, 8, compound of this type would liberate carbon dioxide and give as residue a º -nitropyridine.'” º \\ 2 < \ C MQ, C \c-coo Hº- mºſ Sea 1. | | — CO., f 'll º º The condensation product failed to give any such result when heated, Further tests for the presence of a pyridine ring in the condensation product were negative. Methyl iodide failed tâ give the expected addition product and the ferrous sulphate test was negative • - As a result of the various tests which gave negative results we were led to adopt formula W - the pyrrole structure - for the condensation product and with this formula in mind, we proceeded to study its properties. The first test used to identify the compound was the pine shaving test. We ob- tained the characteristic pyrrol red coloration. This indica- tion, therefore, led us to assume at once the condensation product had the structure given by formula W and is the ethyl ester of *-nitro-º-ºrry, acetic acid. W0s. C — C. * || || * Cº-C-C tº- ( 00 c. - Y\\\ ti, In the study of a compound of the type just mentioned, it was thought interesting to attempt to oxidize off the chain substituent and leave in its place the carboxyl residue. In case such a reaction could be affected, the oxidation product f A- would be the º -nitro- * -carbopyrrolic acid mentioned by Andrelina") and by Hale and Hoyt.(*9) H. C. c \\ \, g –c H U | | → H, 0 t c 0, + U ºn \\ C. c-c\, cooh. \{\ ^^\\ ciamician and silber” attempted to oxidize a similar compound, nitropyrryl méthyl ketones \) D. a. A U. a "U". t * “". HC ** “We \\\\ . 3. but no corresponding glyoxylic or carbopyrrolic acid could be obtained. We were not at all surprised to find that our compound resisted all attempts of oxidation, although with certain reagents, decomposition, not oxidation, took place. When the condensation product was dissolved in strong alkali a fundamental change occurred and the odor of an -24- isonitrile was ra- In the many attempts that have been made to oxidize this condensation product, it should be noted that the strong reagents such as permanganate, dichromate, persulphate and the like were too drastic, even in very dilute solution. The less active agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, ferric axide, ferric chloride, and dilute nitric acid had no definite effect upon the material. The action of the mild oxidizing medium, potassum ferrocyanide, was negligible • Since these attempted oxidations were futile, we did not continue the work trying to obtain the 3-nitro- * ecarbopyrrolic acid. In a study of the condensation product itself, one of the first difficulties encountered was that this pompound, an ester could not be saponified readily without a further decomposition taking place. Even when very dilute weak alkalies were used the same decomposition occurred before the system was made acid. The oily residue obtained by ethyl acetate extraction gave crystals after long standing. These crystals melted at 188° and liberated carbon dioxide from a solution of sodium carbonate • All of the brown oil which was left by the evaporation of the ethyl acetate did not crystallize. If some of the crystals which did come out of this residue were melted, carbon dioxide was evolved and the residue was an oil, in all respects, similar to the non-crystallizing substance from the ethyl acetate extraction. We assumed, therefore, that this oil is the methyl nitropyrrole which would remain after carbon dioxide had been eliminated from *-nî wo-º-eyrryl acetic acid cA wº-c-c" | | – C () + (l || º \\CºS-CW, too A * | \,8-ch, \\\\ YA \\ 1 cº- Evidently, since the acid is always accompanied by this oil and when decomposed leaves the oil as a residue, the free acid is incapable of existing as such in an alkaline solu- tion and is decomposed. We did not determine the accurate boiling point of º -nitro- (-methyl pyrrole. We found that this methyl derivative, as with the acetic acid derivative mentioned above, resisted all attempts of oxidation • We had hoped to oxidize the X-methyl substituent to the carboxyl and thus f obtain the B-nitro- %-carbopyrrolic acid discovered by Andrelini. - \tic–s" *i-fi." | "... a svº-c to H \\ * 3 W. H. The acid amide of B-nitro-º-pyrryl acetic acid ethyl ester was prepared by passing dry ammonia gas into an alcoholic solution of the ester. The introduction of ammonia turned the solution a deep red, and upon spontaneous evapora- tion, there appeared a red oil which after many days separated into red plates melting at 65°. This product gave a Hofman test for the primary amine. MU*. c.A.A -> *Aé CH U..., { ºvcon H, \\\\ WR -26- If the preceding compound is the acid amide then upon boil- ing with a mineral acid there should be liberated free / P-nitro-3-pyrryl acetic acid. Experiments gave us the / expected results and we obtained the ſ -nitro-º-pyrryl acetic acid (m.p. 188°). ww.c-ch *T)jº || || * H 0} 7 - I - - \\, we 2. t{- Coot, w ºc-‘tº, om ^^\\ Yºº We now attempted the reduction of the nitro group in order to study the derivatives of *-amino- *-methyl pyrrole • It was found that reduction was best affected by hydrogen sulphide in alcoholic ammonia solution, other reagents being too drastic • The introduction of ammonia gas into an alcoholic solution of the ester produced the ańid amide and the subsequent saturation with hydrogen sulphide brought about the reduction. When hydrogen sulphide was passed into the red ammonical solution of the acetamide of nitro-pyrrole, the color changed to a dark brown. This solution was allowed to stand for several days and then allowed to evaporate spontaneously. From the gray crystalline residue extraction by means of carbon tetrachloride gave yellow plates melting sharply at 123°. This material did not give a test for nitrogen, however, the gray erystal- line mass which remained after extraction with carbon tetrachlori de did give the primary amine test. This gray product melted sharply at 192°; was practically in-soluble in all reagents; did not give the fine shaving test for the pyrrole nucleus and evidently contained sulphur 3. We did -27 - not continue the work on the identity of this compound. From these foregoing statements it will be seen that the solid, crystalline products which result when ſº-nitro- * -pyrryl acetic acid is reduced in ammonia solution with hydrogen sulphide are not the desired amino pyrroles. We now investigated the mother liquor from which the crystalline products were obtained. When the alcoholic ammonia solution was evaporated a red oil similar to that obtained in the - preparation of the Q-awe-a-wºrry, acetamide was ob- tained - Evidently all that remained in the solution than was the unchanged nitro pyrryl acetamide. The condensation product gave all the characteristic tests the C-alykl pyrrol derivatives. The possibility of acyclopentadiene structure drops out, as well as the more probable pyridine compound. It was hoped that by the use of B -aminopropionic acid we should be able to prepare the hither to unknown nitro-carbopyridinic acid by involving the amino group and the C(-methylene group - Possibly, the influence of the carbethoxyl group is not sufficient to cause the methylene group adjacent thereto, to enter the reaction. It will remain for future work to determine the activating influence of the carbethoxyl group upon a con- tiguous CH2 group - Also, it may be that the effect of the carboxyl grºat those methylene groups not adjacent to it are more readily involved. But working under the con- àitions by which the compound just discussed was made, it is evident that the pyrrole formation is the most favored and that this derivative is formed to the exclusion of all other possibilities. -28- III. EXPERTMENTAL PART. The nitromalonic aldehyde used in this work was prepared according to the method given by Hill and Torrey”. Furfural was oxidized to mucobromic acid by means of bromine and the mucobromic acid was then converted into the sodium salt of nitromalonic aldehyde by the action of sodium nitrite. In preparing 8-amino propionic acid ester, º -alanine ester, 41 we modified Holm's } adaptation of the Hoogewerf and Van Dorp method.” We saw fit to prepare the hydrochloride of B -alanine esters directly and to save time in isolating the free £- alanine used the following methods 16 gm. of bromine were slowly added to 500 cc. of a loſſ solution of sodium were oy potassum hydroxide at o°. The hypobromite solution was allowed to stand for 30 minutes in the ice bath and then lo gm. of succinimide were slowly dissolved in it • The flask was now removed from the ice and its contents allºwed to rise to room temperature. The solution was slowly heated up to 50°. At 40° the yellow liquid became colorless. A tempera- ture between 56° and 60° was maintained for two hours. The total time required for heating was about three hours. After the period of warming was over, the solution was again put in ice, cooled to 0°, and made strongly acid with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Care should be taken that the adid is not added too rapidly and the temperature -29- should not rise. After acidification, the liquid was evaporated to dryness on the steam bath; the brown crystal- line residue washed with dry ether to remove any succinic acid which may have been present. The § -alanine Was 110 W extracted with a minimum amount of absolute ethyl alcohol. A White residue of potassium chloride and bromide remained. The alcoholic solution of 3-alanine was saturated with dry hydrogen chloride gas and the inorganic salts, thus pre- cipätated, were filtered off. The solution was then evaporated, in absence of water, to a thick syrup. The inorganic salts were again removed and after the filtrate was cooled for several hours at -lo”, white needles of * -aminoproptonio acid ethyl ester hydrochloride appeared. These crystals must be filtered from a cold solution as they are exceedingly soluble in the warm mother liquor. The crystals were very hydroscopic and melted at 65.5°. The yield was one gram. The hydrochloride of methyl ester of B-alanine was prepared in the foregoing manner by using methyl alcohol. This compound was not as hydroscopic as the ethyl derivative but it had a tendency to come out with the last precipita- tion of the metallic chloride and, thus, was lost. The yield of the methyl derivative was smaller than with the ethyl, although the former was more easily handled after it was once obtained a The hydrochloride of the methyl ester melted at 90-91°. / º -NITRO-º-PYRRYL AGETIC ACID ETHYL ESTER, GsHlonzoa. One gram of sodium nitromalonic aldehyde was dissolved in 6 cc. of water and to this solution 0.8 gm. of -alanine ethyl ester hydrochloride were added. The mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature for 5 hours. A precipitate of yellow needles appeared. This crude substance weighed 0.5 gm. and, after being purified, melted at 81°. The yield of pure material was 0.3 gm. The º'-nitro- % -pyrryl acetic acid ethyl ester was readily soluble in benzene, ligroin, chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate, warm water and acetic acid; fairly soluble in cold alcohol and gold water; slightly soluble in ether and ligroin. The product was best recrystal- lized from 95% alcohol. The water solution was neutral to litmus and did not liberate carbon dioxide from a sodium carbonate solution. Analysis. 0.1467 gm. of substance gave 19.5 cc. of moist nitrogen at 23.5° and 729.4 mm. Calculated bo 08Hloºz84 Found 14.19 W º 14.15 B-mino- C(-PYRRYL AGETIC ACID METHYL ESTER, G7H8N2O4. .25 gm. of sodium nitromalonic aldehyde were dissolved in 2 cc. of water and to this solution o.15 sm. of | -amino propionic acid methyl ester were added. The system was allowed to stand at loº over night and then the condensation product in large plates was filtered off. The crude product melted at 95°. This methyl ester was readily soluble in -31- methyl alcohol, water and acetic acid; fairly soluble in acetone, benzene and ethyl acetate; slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and insoluble in ether, chloroform, and ligroin. (3-nitro- *( -pyrryl acetic acid methyl ester was best recrystallized from methyl alcohol and the pure product melted at 112°. A We sought to oxidize 3-nitro- 0 -pyrryl acetic acid ethyl ester to its corresponding 3-nitro- * -carbopyrrolic acids. The first method of oxidation attempted was by alkali fusion • When the ester was dropped upon the molten potassium hydroxide, the substance caught fire. The odor of an isoni trile was detected. Oxidation by sodium peroxide was unsuccessful although the base, liberated when sodium periºxide was placed in water, was of sufficient strength to decompose the ester. Hydrogen peroxide had no effect whatever. It was found that potassium dichromate in sulphuric acid and in acetic acid was too strong a reagent for such a re- action and the ester was changed in such a way that no crystalline oxidation product could be obtained. When the dichromate was used in acetic acid solution the color was changed. This reduction was evidently due to the oxidizing of some of the acetic acid. If the reaction were stopped when the first green color appeared, no oxidation product could be isolated a The unchanged ester could not be re- covered from this system. By the use of potassium permanganate we failed to get any oxidized derivative • Apparently acid permanganate was too drastic. Hsing a neutral solution there was no color -32- change and when the excess acetone, used as a solvent, was distilled off, nothing could be extracted from the resi- due • When alkaline permanganate was tried an odor of isoni trile was noticed. There was no color change in the solution. When ammonium persulphate was tried the result was negative • With ferric chloride in acetic acid solution, no oxidation product could be isolated due to the large amount of ferric hydroxide that was formed. When the ester was treated with cold dilute nitric acid no reaction to ok place . If the ester were heated with nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.5l, the characteristic isonitrile odor was evolved but no oxida- tion product could be isolated. The nearest approach made toward oxidation was with potassium ferriyanide and potassium hydroxide. Q32 gm. of ester were heated with l gm. of Kaf (CN)6 and o.5 gm. KOH in 20 cc. for two hours with a free flame. The solution became yellow and a flocculent pre- cipitate appeared, The contents of the flask were cooled and acidified with hydrochloric acid. Hydrogen cyanide was evolved in large quantities and the solution became deep blue showing that reduction had taken place • The liquid was now evaporated to dryness on the steam bath and the solid remaining was extracted with ethyl acetate. When the ethyl acetate had been evaporated the solid residue was washed with ether. The ºther extract gave a dark colored solid which melted at about 2009. All attempts to repeat this experiment failed although the conditions were varied in all possible ways • -33- 2 § -NITRo-º-Merity. PyRRYE AGEric acid, C6H6N2O4 • 0.2 gm. of B-nitrºgyrryl acetic acid ethyl ester were dissolved in 5 cc. of N barium hydroxide and the solution let stand 2-3 hours. #. solution was now made strongjºy acid with 1:10 sulphuric acid. The barium sulphate was filter ed off and the solution extracted with ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate was allowed to evaporate spontaneously and an oil remained. From this heavy yellow oil crystals finally separated. This product was taken up in water from which it was easily recrystallized. The pure Gyrystals melted sharply at 188°. 3-nitro-ºº-wºrn acetic acid is readily soluble in hot alcohol, acetone and ethyl acetate • It is fairly soluble water, ether and carbon tetrachloride; in- soluble in benzene, ligroin and chloroform. This compound was readily recrystallized from water in yellow flakes. A water solution liberated carbon dioxide from a sodium carbonate solution. the silver salt of the acid is soluble in water. A preliminary analysis, while not accurate enough for publica- tion, conforms to the formula assigned to the free acid. 6-mirro- % -METHYL PYRROLE, GBH, N202. This oil appeared along with the free 3-nitro-º-pyrryl acetic acid and could not be crystallized. It is fairly miscible with water, and readily miscible with the ordinary reagents. The boiling point lies above 200° but we could not determine: it accurately since our oil apparently contained an impurity which caused decomposition • Gombustibn analyses did not check sufficiently well to warrant their publication. ſ º -NITRO-º-PYRRYL AGETAMIDE, Cºngog. 0.2 gm. of *-nitro- * -pyrryl acetic acid ethyl ester were dissolved in 5 cc. of 95% alcohol and dry ammonia gas passed in. The addition of the gas produced a deep red color. Spåntaneous evaporation of this red solution left a red oil which crystallizedon long standing. These crystals melted at 65°. The amide was readily soluble in alcohol, acetone, ethyl acetate and water, slightly soluble in chloroform, and in- soluble in ether benzene, ligroin and carbon tetra chloride. It crystallized best from ether and the pure crystals melted at 65°. It was very difficult to isolate this free body and, consequently, no analyses were made • ſ º –AMINo- + -PYRRYL AGETAMIDE, GsH3N20. 0.2 gm, of -nitro- -pyrryl acetic acid ethyl ester were dissolved in alcohol and dry ammonia gas passed in until the solution became dark red. Hydrogen sulphide was now led into the solution and the color became dark grown. The flask was now stoppered and let stand a few days and then a crop of long gray needles appeared. These crystals melted at about 200°. It was found that this compound was prac- tically insoluble in all reagents. Boiling with dilute hydro- chloric acid or with dilute sodium carbonate had no effect on the compound. However extraction with carbon tetra- chloride gave a yellow crystalline product which melted at 1239. The insoluble portion melted at 192°. The product melting at 123° did not contain nitrogen but the higher -35- melting fraction gave a carbylamine test and was evidently an amino compound. It did not give the fine shaving test, for pyrrole. However, on account of the insolubility of this material, we did not deem it advisable to continue work on the identity of compound at this time. Analysis showed the nitrogen content to be 15-20%. -36- SUMMARY. In this investigation it is shown that nitromalonic aldehyde can be involved in a condensation with p-amino- propionic acid ester in such a way that only one compound is formed. The production of this substance, a P-nitro-ºx pyrryl acetic acid derivative, shows that only the B-methylene and amino groups of the acid ester are brought into conden- sation. It is found that the free 3-nitro-w -pyrryl acetic acid is somewhat unstable and when heated or decomposed by alkalies goes over into another new compound, methyl nitro- pyrrole. The properties of these two classes of substances are studied. It is shown that the º -alkyl substituent on 8. º -nitropyrrole nucleus is resistant to all oxidizing reactions • 10 ll l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 -2'- BIBLIOGRAPHY, Iubavin, Bell Bell Bell Weidel & Ciamician Ciamician & Dennistedt Ciamician Schwanert Ciamician & Silber Schiff Giamician & Dennstedt Ciamician & Dennistedt Giamic ian & Silber Ciamician & Magnaghi Giamician & Zanetti Pictet & Cripieux Ciamician & Silber Oddo Angeli & Alessandri Hale & Hoyt Ciamician & Silber Ciamician & Silber Giamician & Silber Ciamician & Silber Weidel & Giamician Ber. 2, lol (1869). Ber. 9, 935 (1876). Ber. 10, 1866 (1877). Ber, ll, 18ll (1878). “Ber. 13, 75 (1880). Ber. 17, 2959 (1884). Ber. 14, 1056 (1881). Ann - der. Chem. lló, 274 (1860). Ber. 19, 1408 (1886). Ber, 10, 1500 (1877). Ber. 16, 2348 (1883). Ber. 17, 2949 (1884). Ber. 18, 881 (1885). Ber. 18, 1828 (1885). Ber. 22, 2518 (1889). Ber. 28, 1905 (1895). Ber. 20, 698 (1887). Ber. 43, l012 (1910). R.A.L. (5), 20, I, 311 (1911). 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