WESTON PATENT, NUMBER 497,482, COVERING SHUNTS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND POWER STATIONS, SUSTAINED BY HIS HONOR JUDGE HOLT, UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, SOUTH- ERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, IN HIS DECISION RENDERED JUNE 10th, 1904. Full copy of the opinion of the Court in the case of the WESTON ELECTRICAI, INSTRUMENT COMPANY., * Complainant, vs. the EMPIRE, ELECTRICAI, INSTRUMENT COMPANY, Chas. D. Cooke, Presi- dent; Thomas E. Taylor, Treasurer and General Manager; George N. MacWilliams, Secretary; and F. A. LA ROCHE COMPANY, co-defendants. “The proof of infringement is conclusive and is not controverted.” “I think that Weston's Patent not only embodies invention, put that it embodies invention of a very high and superior order.” “In short I cannot avoid the conclusion that the testimony of I, a Roche in this case was deliberately and intentionally untruthful and that to support it he deliberately fabricated an instrument, to be used upon this trial and other trials, involving Weston's patents.” “I direct that the evidence and exhibits in this case be submitted to the District Attorney, in order that he may take under consideration the question whether a prosecution should be brought against La Roche for perjury.” We do not deem it necessary, at the present time, to issue any further remarks on this case, other than those expressed by his Honor Judge HOLT in his opinion. We do, however, desire to direct the attention of the Electrical Trade to the fact that this decision upholds Dr. Weston's inventions of the modern Station Ammeters, using shunts, that are utilized as indicating instruments for measuring the strength of current in direct current circuits. It is our purpose, also, to hereby caution users, intend- ing purchasers and all other parties making, specifying, or selling other makes of ammeters, employing the above- mentioned principles, against the further use, sale or speci- fication of such products. WESTON ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT Co., Waverly Park, Newark, N. J. (lníteo $5tates Circuit Court, SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. IN EQUITY. WESTON ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT ComPANY., Complainant, Z/S. SUIT No. 4. EMPIRE ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT COMPANY, CHARLEs D. CookE, President; THOMAS E. TAYLOR, Treasurer and General Manager ; "GEORGE N. MACWILLIAMS, Secretary, and F. A. LA ROCHE Co., ON PATENT No. 497,482. Defendants. WILLIAM Houston KENYON and RICHARD EYRE, for Complainant. PHILIP MAURO and C. A. L. MASSIE, for Defendants. Hol.T., J. : This is a suit to restrain the infringement of a patent, No. 497,482, dated May 16, 1893, issued to Edward Weston, and now owned by the complainant, for a shunt for electric light and power stations. There are no questions as to jurisdiction, parties or title. The proof of infringement is conclusive, and is not controverted. The substantial defenses relied on are that the patent in suit is invalid for lack of invention, for insufficient disclosure in the patent, and for public use more than two years before the application. An electric shunt is an additional course or side track established for the passage of part of an electric current. The use of a shunt for the measurement of small or ordinary currents of electricity was well known long before the Weston patent. The usual method of construc- tion was to introduce into the wire or vehicle carrying the electric current a metal of greater electrical resistance and to connect the two terminal portions of such metal by wires with a measuring instrument. 4. A portion of the current was thus shunted off and passed through the measuring instrument. The portion of electricity flowing over the shunt as compared with the portion flowing over the main current being ascertained, the force of the entire current could be computed by the measurement of the shunted current, and for the purposes of meas- urement the use of such a comparatively small current was found more convenient than to undertake to apply a measuring instrument to the entire current. The great difficulty was in applying a shunt to a very large and powerful current of electricity, owing to the fact that the metal of higher resistance constituting the shunt would become so heated by the resistance of so large a current as to become red hot or fused. With the gradual development of the commercial use of electric power, it became necessary to employ currents, particularly at electric light and power stations, of constantly increasing strength, and it became of great importance to devise accurate measuring instruments for such large currents. Prior to Weston’s patent in 1893, no practical method for the tise of a shunt in connection with the meas- uring instruments for such large currents had been found, although the necessity for such an instrument was thoroughly appreciated, and many electricians all over the world attempted to invent one. In actual practice, no shunt at that time was used. The measuring instrument was applied to the entire current, but the result was unsatisfactory. The measuring instruments were complicated, inconvenient and expensive, and the measurements which could be made by them were inaccurate and unsatisfactory. The essential problem in dis- covering a shunt which could be used with a powerful current was not electrical but thermal. The question was how to avoid excessive heat at the shunt. The efforts previous to Weston’s to solve the problem consisted substantially in attempts to construct a shunt which should have a sufficiently large resisting mass to heat slowly, with various appliances or methods for keeping it cool. Weston's invention consisted in constructing a shunt consisting of short plates of high resistances, arranged with air spaces between them, and directly connected with massive terminals, the object being to have the heat generated in the short plates of high resistance rapidly removed by the joint action of radiation through the massive terminals and the cooling influence of the air. Instead of making the plates of high resistance long, so that they would heat slowly, they were made short, so that they would heat quickly, but being inserted at massive terminals at each end, consist- 5 ing of a metal of 1ess resistance, and being surrounded by air, the heat was dissipated quickly. The heat generated in the short plates of high resistance reached a certain degree of temperature very quickly, and thereupon substantially all further heat was effectively dissipated, so that the degree of heat in the plate of high resistance quickly became and remained substantially uniform. The result was a shunt capable of successfully measuring an electric current of enormous power. The instruments manufactured tinder Weston’s patent immediately entered into substantially universal use in all large central electric power and light stations, and have ever since been used almost exclusively as ammeters of 1arge electric currents. The defendants claim that Weston's patent was invalid for want of invention, claiming that he borrowed all the ideas in his shunt from shunts previously patented or described. The defendants pleaded in their answer that the invention had already been disclosed and patented in certain patents, naming about seventy United States patents and thirteen French patents previously issued to Weston, and ninety-eight American patents, forty-one English patents, twenty-two French patents and four German patents previously issued to other persons. The answer also alleged that the invention was described in about fifty enumerated publications. The defendants have given in evidence a few of these patents and publications, and in their brief rely upon a previous patent for a shunt issued to Weston, and other shunts known as the Queen shunt, the Edison shunt, the Anderson shunt, the Franklin Institute shunt, the La Roche shunt, and the Vienna and Munich shunts. An elaborate argument has been made that Weston’s shunt in suit is the same in principle as all the other shunts, but in my opinion it is radically different in principle. The basic idea of a shunt, of course, is fundamentally the same; that is, some metal of higher resistance than the conducting metal is inserted for the purpose of shunting off a portion of the current; but all the shunts relied upon by the defendants were shunts which made no use of the methods which Weston used to dis- sipate the heat in the case of a large current. None of them had struck upon the idea of making the plates of high resistance short so that the heat in them would be rapidly absorbed by the terminals, and none of them had hit upon the idea of making the terminals massive so that they would radiate a large amount of heat rapidly from the plates of high resistance. I think that Weston’s patent not only embodies inven- tion, but that it embodies invention of a very high and 6 superior order. It adopted a method of dissipating heat which was not only novel but was in a line entirely oppo- site to the direction in which all other electricians had been working. The defendants lay especial stress upon the case of the Weston patent, No. 496,501, for a shunt. This patent was applied for on the same day as the patent in suit, but was issued about two weeks earlier. The defendants contend that it is, therefore, an underlying patent, which claim under the authorities, I think is correct, and that it is a patent for the same invention as the patent in suit, which claim in my opinion is entirely incorrect. The earlier patent makes no claim for short plates of high resistance, joined with massive terminals, as a method of dissipating heat. The defendants also seem to place great reliance on the Franklin Institute shunt as having anticipated Weston’s invention, but I cannot see that it anticipated it at all. It was a shunt; but its plates of high resistance were long, not short, and its terminals were not massive. It was an instrument designed for laboratory use. It was not calculated for commercial use, and was never in fact employed, and is impracticable to be employed for practical commercial purposes. The so-called La Roche shunt is admitted by the defendants' counsel to be further from Weston's invention than the Franklin Insti- tute shunt; and in my opinion the so-called La Roche shunt, and a11 the others that have been referred to have nothing in common with the Weston shunt in suit. - The defendants allege that Weston did not comply with the statute requiring his invention to be described in such full, clear, concise and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to make it. Great stress is laid on the fact that the claims of the patent do not spe- cifically state that the plates of high resistance should be short, or designate the exact length or size of the parts of the shunt. It is true that the invention must be stated in the claim, and must be fairly included within it. But the claim must be read in the light of the specifications and drawings; and if the invention as a whole is fairly stated in the claim, and the claims, with the specifications and drawings, enable a person skilful in the art to construct the thing invented, the patent is sufficient. In my opinion the claims in this patent sufficiently describe the invention, and all the parts of the patent read together afford a sufficiently clear and exact description of the thing invented to enable a person skilled in the art to construct it. The fact that no precise dimensions of the short plates or the massive terminals are given is certainly immaterial. The length of the plates of high resistance and the size --- OF MICHIGAN ſiliſi 7318 1052 7 of the metal terminals must necessarily vary to some extent with the size and force of the current and the circumstances under which the shunt is to be used. Under such circumstances, absolute precision was not feasible or necessary. The defendants allege that La Roche, the president of the defend- ant F. A. La Roche Company, made public use of the invention more than two years before Weston’s patent was applied for. I, a Roche testified that he constructed in or about 1884 an instrument called a voltmeter, and a shunt, and that from about 1884. until about 1888 or I889, he used this shunt in connection. with this voltmeter as a measuring instrument, for the pur- pose particularly of testing storage batteries, at his work- shop in Germantown or Philadelphia. In my opinion the shunt in question does not embody Weston's invention, and even if La Roche’s testimony as to the use of this shunt in 1884 and afterwards were true, it would not prove a prior use of Weston’s invention. But if the shunt produced by La Roche embodied the principle of Weston's invention, I am entirely convinced that La Roche’s entire testimony as to the use at any time between 1884 and 1893 of the shunt which he produces is incorrect. A very large amount of testimony has been taken bearing upon the accuracy of La Roche's testimony, which it is unnecessary and impracticable to consider in detail. The evidence establishes, in my opinion, that the instrument called a voltmeter was formed by putting together a number of instruments or parts embodying different inven- tions, none of which had been made or was known to electricians before. Weston applied for his patent; that it would have been a marvellous and almost impossible thing for the most skilful electrical inventor at. that time to have devised such an instrument; that La Roche is a man not only without any scientific education but without even the ordinary. electrical knowledge of a skilful electrical mechanic ; that his reputa- tion for veracity is bad ; that his shunt never was used as a measuring instrument in connection with his voltmeter between 1884 and 1889; that the various pieces of apparatus. constituting the voltmeter were put together by La Roche after the issue of the patent in suit to Weston, with the object of being used in support of his own untruthful testimony to be given in this and other suits for the purpose of attempting to invalidate this and other patents issued to Weston; that a part of the apparatus con- tained in the said voltmeter are two magnets, which are so arranged that their poles neutralize each other; that as a result it is impossible for a current of electricity in. | 8 passing through the instrument to move the coil; that therefore, the instrument is and always has been entirely inoperative, and the shunt could not have been used as a measuring instrument in connection with it. In short I cannot avoid the conclusion that the testi- mony of La Roche in this case was deliberately and intentionally untruthful, and that to support it he deliber- ately fabricated an instrument, to be used upon this trial and other trials involving Weston’s patents. It was a careful, premeditated and elaborate attempt, by tintruth- ful testimony, fortified by fabricated exhibits, to deprive Weston of his just rights in his inventions, to impose upon this court, and to pervert the course of justice. I direct that the evidence and exhibits in this case be sub- mitted to the District Attorney, in order that he may take under consideration the question whether a prosecution should be brotight against La Roche for perjury. The evidence of La Roche as to the use of this shunt in the eighties is corroborated by two witnesses, Toplis and Hanks. I am satisfied that their evidence is incorrect, but I am not satisfied that it was willfully untruthful. It may have been mistaken. I think it is proper, however, that the question of their truthfulness should also be submitted to the District Attorney. Complainant’s counsel claims that the damages in this case should be increased under the statute on the ground that the defence has been unconscionable. I think that that question will properly arise on the coming in of the report on the accounting. My conclusion is that there should be a decree for the complainant, granting a perpetual injunction, with costs and disbursements, and a reference to take an ac- count of the damages and profits. JUNE Io, I904.