- B 344579 SES Nºiris |-s - --~~ 2- Translations and Reprints from Original Historicaſ Documents. No. 4.—Charter of the Province of Penn- sylvania, granted by Charles the Second of England to William Penn, in January, 1682. Edited by MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, A. M., Ph. D. Joseph S. WALTON, Ph. D. ºf ºz º. ºº º PHILADELPHIA: CHRISTOPHER SOWER COMPANY., 614 ARCH STREET. P R O P E R T Y O F ///// - / " ...A ... * < ~ Aſºº - %; zzº ///ſi/i. 2TTE STSCTE NTATV ETTAs LIBERTY BELL LEAFLETS Translations and Reprints of Original Historical Documents. No. 4.—Charter of the Province of Pennsylvania, granted by Charles the Second of England to William Penn, in January, 1682. EDITED BY MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, A. M., PH. D. Joseph S. WALTON, PH. D. PHILADELPHIA : CHRISTOPHER SOWER COMPANY., 614 ARCH STREET. Fewmvºc. cºa (Cºcºs “A.” cº-calºo as ~~ gº- le-Vºdº' Tyk SS P4 | (2852. EDITORS' NOTES. The Charter granted by Charles the Second of England to William Penn, in 1682, is worthy of careful study. It describes the limits of the grant, furnishing the language out of which the great dispute with Lord Baltimore grew, in reference to what has since been known as Mason and Dixon's Line. It recites the reasons for giving Penn the Province, one of which was to reduce the savage natives by gentle and just manners to the love of civil society and Christian religion. - It also states that Penn was expected to pay the King of England at the Castle of Windsor, two beaver skins annually as rent for the territory. Teachers will find profitable work in having their students compare this Charter with the one granted to Lord Baltimore, and note the differences in the nature of the privileges granted. Copyright 1898, by CHRIstopher Sower CoMPANY. Charter of the Province of Pennsylvania. HARLES THE SECOND by the Grace of God King C of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defend- er of the faith &c., To all to whome these presents shall come Greeting. Whereas our Trustie and well beloved Subject, William Penn, Esquire, sonn and heire of Sir Wil- liam Penn, deceased, out of a commendable desire to enlarge _ºn_r TT our English Empire, and promote such usefull comodities as may bee of benefitt to us and our Dominions, as alsoe to reduce the Savage Natives by gentle and iust manners to the love of civil Societie and Christian Religion hath humbley besought leave of vs to transport an annple colonie vnto a certaine Countrey hereinafter described in the parts of America not yet cultivated and planted. And hath likewise humbley besought our Royall majestie to give, grant, and confirme all the said countrey with certaine privileges and Jurisdiccons requisite for the good Government and saftie of the said Countrey and Colonie, to him and his heirs for- ever. Know Yee, therefore, that wee, favouring the petition and good purpose of the said William Penn, and haveing regard to the memorie and meritts of his late father, in di- vers services, and perticulerly to his conduct, courage and discretion vnder our dearest brother, James, Duke of Yorke, in that signall battell and victorie, fought and obteyned against the Dutch fleete, commanded by the Heer Van Op- dam, in the yeare One thousand six hundred sixtie-five, in consideration thereof of our special grace, certaine knowl- edge and meere motion, Have given and granted, and by this our present Charter, for vs, our heirs and successors, Doe give and grant unto the said William Penn, his heirs and assignes all that tract or parte of land in America, with (3) 4. all the Islands therein conteyned, as the same is bounded on the East by Delaware River, from twelve miles distance, Northwarde of New Castle Towne unto the three and for- tieth degree of Northern latitude if the said River doth ex- tend soe farre Northwards; But if the said River shall not extend soe farre Northward, then by the said River soe farr as it doth extend, and from the head of the said River the Easterne bounds are to bee determined by a meridian line to bee drawn from the head of the said River vnto the said three and fortieth degree, the said lands to extend West- wards, five degrees in longitude, to bee computed from the said Eastern Bounds, and the said lands to bee bounded on the North, by the beginning of the three and fortieth degree of Northern latitude, and on the south, by a circle drawn at 2:… 2 twelve miles distance from New Castle Northwards, and “ Westwards vnto the beginning of the fortieth degree of Northern Latitude; and then by a straight line Westwards, to the limitt of Longitude above menconed. Wee Doe also give and grant vnto the said William Penn, his heirs and assignes, the free and vndisturbed vse, and continuance in and passage into and out of all and singular Ports, harbours, Bayes, waters, rivers, Isles and Inletts, belonging vnto or - * *----------, -a < *s-º-º: leading to and from the Countrey, or Islands aforesaid; and all the soyle, lands, fields, woods,vnderwoods, mountaines, hills, fenns, Isles, Lakes, Rivers, waters, rivuletts, Bays and Inletts, scituate or being within or belonging vnto the Lim- itts and Bounds aforesaid, togeather with the fishing of all sortes of fish, whales, sturgeons, and all Royall and other fishes in the sea, bayes, Inletts, waters or Rivers, within the premises, and the fish therein taken, and alsoe all veines, mines and quarries, as well discovered as not discovered, of Gold, Silver, Gemms and pretious Stones, and all other whatsoever, stones, metalls, or of any other thing or matter whatsoever, found or to bee found within the Countrey, Isles, or Limitts aforesaid; and him the said William Penn, his 5 heirs and assignes, Wee Doe, by this our Royall Charter, for vs, our heirs and successors, make, this our Royall Charter, for vs, our heirs and successors, make, create and constitute the true and absolute proprietaries of the Countrey afore- said, and of all other, the premises, saving always to vs, our heirs and successors, the faith and allegiance of the said 7 --- ~~~~ . .- William Penn, his heirs and assignes, and of all other, the ^ ---- ~ . TS-- ... - - -- - * * * proprietaries, tenants and Inhabitants that are, or shall be within the Territories and precincts aforesaid; and Saving also vnto vs; our heirs and Successors, the Sovreignity of the aforesaid Countrey, To Have, hold and possesse and en- joy the said tract of Land, Countrey, Isles, Inletts and other the premises, vnto the said William Penn, his heirs and as- signes, to the only proper vse and behoofe of the said Wil- liam Penn, his heires and assignes forever. To bee holden. tº * e v >-Tº-T of vs, our heirs and Successors, Kings of England, as of. our Castle of Windsor, in our County of Berks, in free and Capite or by Knights service, Yeelding and paying therfore to vs, our heires and Successors, two Beaver Skins to bee delivered att our said Castle of Windsor, Qn the first day of January, in every yeare; and also the fifth parte of all Gold and silver Oare, which shall from time to time happen to be found within the Limitts aforesaid, cleare of all charges, and of our further grace certaine knowledge and meere mo- con, wee have thought fitt to Erect, and wee doe hereby Erect the aforesaid Country and Islands, into a province and Seigniorie, and doe call itt Pensilvania, and soe from hence- *~~ :-> --~~~~ tº e forth wee will have itt called, and forasmuch as we have hereby made and ordeyned the aforesaid William Penn, his heires and assignes, the true and absolute Proprietaries of all the Lands and Dominions aforesaid. Know Yee therefore, that wee reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelitie, wisdome, Justice, and provident circumspeccon of the said William Penn, for vs, our heires and successors, Doe grant v-S-S----- syſ. c 24. 6 free, full and absolute power, by vertue of these presents to him and his heires, and to his and their Deputies, and Lieu- tenants, for the good and happy government of the said Countrey, to ordeyne, make, enact and vnder his and their Seales to publish any Lawes whatsoever, for the raising of money for the publick vse of the said province, or for any other end apperteyning either vnto the publick state peace, or safety of the said Countrey, or vnto the private vtility of perticular persons, according wnto their best discretions, by and with the advice, assent and approbacon of the free- men of the said Countrey, or the greater parte of them, or of their Delegates or Deputies, whom for the Enacting of the said Lawes, when, and as often as need shall require. Wee Will, that the said William Penn, and his heires, shall as- semble in such sort and forme as to him and them shall and Wee doe likewise give and grant vnto the said William Penn, and his heires, and to his and their Deputies and Lieu- tenants, such power and authoritie to appoint and establish any Judges, and Justices, magistrates and officers whatso- ever, for what causes soever, for the probates of wills and for the granting of administracons within the precincts aforesaid, and with what power soever, and in such forme as to the said William Penn, or his heires, shall seeme most convenient. Alsoe, to remitt, release, pardon and abolish, or O-4/U. ...e.-- seeme best, and the same lawes duely to execute vnto, and ‘tº-> upon all people within the said Countrey and limits thereof; *2 whether before Judgement or after, all crimes and offences, Taa Are whatsoever committed within the said Countrey, against ~3. the said Lawes, treaSQQ, and wilfull and malitious murder ~~~~~ -----> * º tº tº onely §§§pted; and in those cases, to grant reprieyes untill our pleasure may bee knowne thereon, and to doe all and every other thing and things which vnto the complete estab- º tº te ~T-T-T^ --> * ~. lishment of Justice vnto Courts and Tribunals, formes of Judicature and manner of proceedings doe belong, although in these presents expresse mencon bee not made thereof; | | | $ ! | | . 7 and by Judges by them delegated to award processe, hold pleas and determine in all the said Courts and Tribunalls, all accons, suits and causes whatsoever, as well criminall as civill, personall, reall and mixt, which Lawes soe as afore- said, to be published. Our pleasure is, and soe Wee enioyne, require and command shall bee most absolute and avaylable in law, and that all the Liege people and Subjects of vs, our heirs and successors, doe observe and keepe the same inviolable in those partes, soe farr as they concerne them, vnder the paine therein expressed, or to bee expressed. Wºj989; Nevertheles, that the said Lawes bee SQRSQuant to reason, and bee not repugnant or contrarie, but as neere ºvulvº/Nºvº-' . Cºv/\2\-A/\,\e- lºn^^- as conveniently may bee agreeable to the Lawes, statutes and rights of this Our Kingdome of England, and saveing and reserving to vs, our heirs and successors, the receiving, hearing and determining of the appeale and appeales, of all or any person or persons, of, in or belonging to the terri- tories aforesaid, or touching any Judgement to bee there made or given.—And forasmuch as in the Government of v-N >~~~~ soe great a Countrey, sudden accidents doe often happen, whereunto itt will be necessarie to apply a remedie before the freeholders of the said Province, or their Delegates or Deputies can be assembled to the making of Lawes, neither will itt be convenient that instantly vpon every such emer- gent occasion, soe greate a multitude should be called to- gether. Therefore, for the better Government of the said Countrey, Wee Will, and ordeyne, and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, Doe grant vnto the said Wil- liam Penn and his heires, by themselves or by their magis- trates and officers, in that behalfe, duely to bee ordeyned as aforesaid, to make and constitute, fitt and wholesome ordi- nances from time to time within the said Countrey, to bee kept and observed as well for the preservacon of the peace, as for the better government of the people there inhabiting, and publickly to notifie the same, to all persons whome the 8 same doeth or any way may concerne, which ordinances our will and pleasure is, shall be observed inviolably within the said Province, vnder paines therein to bee expressed, SQg as the said ordinauggs bee gopsggagſ to ſeason and bee 7% ºr a r- not repu nant nor contrary, but soe farre as conveniently may bee agreeable with the Lawes giQūr Kingdome of Eng: land, and SQe as the said ºrdinances be not extended in any sort to bind, charge grºtake away the right or interest 9ſ any person, or persons, for or in their life, members, freehold, goods or Chattells; and our further will and pleasure is, that the Jawes for regulating and governing of propertie, with- in the said Province, as well for the descent and enioyment of lands, as likewise for the enioyment and succession of goods and Chattells, and likewise as to felonies, shall be and ; continue the same as shall bee for the time being, by the | Zºº A general course of the law in our Kingdome of England, vº agº, …A., till the said Lawes shall be altered by the said William Penn, Zºº.... his heires or assignes, and by the freemen ofthe said Prov- 22-4-26, ince, their Delegates or Deputies or the greater part of them. And to the End the said William Penn, or heires, or other, the Planters, Owners or Inhabitants of said Province, may not att any time hereafter, by misconstrucon of the powers aforesaid, through inadvertiencie or designe, depart from that faith and due allegiance which by the Lawes of this our Realme of England, they and all our subjects, in our Dominions and Territories, always owe vnto vs, our heires and successors, by colour of any extent or largenesse of powers hereby given, or pretended to bee given, or by force or colour of any lawes hereafter to bee made in the said Province, by virtue of any such powers, Our further will and pleasure is, thatsº. 9f all lawes | C Z% / hich shall bec SOC 3S aforesaid, made and published within . %co- the said province, shall within five yeares after the making /4, , , /4 thereof, be transmitted and delivered to the privy Councell, for the long time being, of vs, our heires and successors; 9 and if any of the said Lawes within the space of six months, after that they shall be soe transmitted and delivered, bee declared by vs. our heires and successors, in our or their privy Councill, inconsistent with the sovereignty or lawfull prerogative of vs, our heirs or successors, or contrary to the faith and allegiance due by the legall Government of this realme, from the said William Penn, or his heires, or of the Planters and Inhabitants of the said province; and that thereypon any of the said Lawes shall bee adiudged and de- clared to bee void by vs, our heirs or successors, vnder our. or their Privy Seale, that then, and from henceforth such Lawes concerning which such Judgement and declaracon shall be made, shall become voyd, ptherwise the said lawes *~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ soe transmitted, shalſ remaine and stand in full force ag- cording to the true intent and meaning thereof. Further- more, that this new Colony may be more happily increase, by the multitude of people resorting thither; Therefore, Wee, for vs, our heires and successors, do give and grant § by these presents, power, licence and libertie vnto all the liege people and subjects, both present and future of vs, our N. ' heires and successors, excepting those who shall bee espe- cially forbidden, to transport themselves and families vnto § the said Countrey, with such convenient shipping, as by the lawes of this, our kingdome of England, they ought to § $ s vse with fitting provisions paying only the customs there- fore due, and there to settle themselves, dwell and inhabitt ‘and plant for the public and their own private advantage; And Furthermore, that our subjects may bee the rather en- couraged to undertake this expedicon with ready and cheer- ful mindes. Know Yee, that wee of our especial grace, certaine knowl- edge and meere mocon, Doe give and grant by vertue of these presents, as well vinto the said William Penn and his heires, as to all others who shall from time to time repaire vnto the said Countrey, with a purpose to inhabitt there, º IO or to trade with the natives of the said Country, full license, to lade and freight in any Ports, whatsoever of vs, our heires and successors, according to the lawes, made or to be made within our kingdome of England, and into the said Coun- - AZ A trey, by them, their servants or assigns, to transport all and % • singular theire wares, goods and merchandizes, as likewise, 42.2°si sorts of graine whatsoever, and all other things what- .” soever necessary for food or cloathing, not phibited by the ławes and Statutes of our Kingdomes º; carryed out of the said Kingdomes without any lett or mo- lestacon of vs, our heires and sucessors, or of any the officers of vs, our heires and successors, Sayging alwayes tºys, our heirs and successors, the legall impossitons, customes, and other duties and ...º. dize, by any law or statute due or to be due to vs, our heirs and successors. And Wee foe further for’vs, our heires and Successors give and grant vnto the said William Penn * his heires and assignes, free and absolute power to Divide A cº- '* the said Countrey, and Islands, into Townes, Hundreds and cy (Z - Counties, and to erect—and incorporate Townes into Bor- &*z, roughs, and Borroughs into Citties, and to make and con- a stitute ffaires and markets therein, with all other convenient r privileges and imunities according to the merits of the inhab- itants and the fitnes of the places; & to doe all and every Other thing and things touching the premises which to him or them shall seeme requisite, and meet, albeit they be such as of their owne nature might otherwise require a more especiall comandment and warrant, then in these presents is expressed. Wee Will Alsoe, and by these presents for vs; our heires and successors, Wee doe give and grant licence by this charter, vnto the said William Penn, his heires and 2....…& ex' assignes, and to all inhabitants and dwellers in pvince afore- & (. A. A said, both present, and to come to import or vnlade by them- 2×e2 &– selves or their Servants, ffactors or assignes, all merchan- -- ~~~~ *. es--~~~ * dizes and goods whatsoever that shall arise of the fruites and º &22.4 comodities of the said province, either by Land or Sea, into 2– any of the Ports of vs. our heires and successors, in our Kingdome of England, and not into any other country what- sº- - * - ºvºv- —-º I I soever. And Wee give him full power to dispose of the said goods in the said ports, and if need bee, within one yeare Tiext after the unladeing of the same, to lade the said mer- chandizes and goods again into the same or other shipps, and to export the same into any other Countreys, either of our Dominions or forreigne, according to law.e.: Prøyjøed alwayes, that they pay, such customes and imposicons, sub- sidies ...º. same to vs, our heires and succes- sors, as the rest of our subjects of our Kingdome of England, for the time being shall be bound to pay, and doe observ the acts of Navigation an other lawes in à. “And 'urthermore, of our more ample and especiall grace, certaine knowledge and meere motion, Wee Doe, for vs, our heires and successors, Grant vnto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, full and absolute power and authoritie, to make, erect and constitute within the said province, and the Isles and Isletts aforesaid, such and soe many Seaports, harbours, Creeks, Havens, Keyes and other places, for dis- charge and vnlading of goods & merchandize out of the ºn shipps, boates and other vessells, and Ladeing them in such and soe many places, and with such rights, Jurisdiccons liberties and privileges unto the Said ports, belonging as to him or them, shall seeme most expedient, and that all and singuler the shipps, boates and other vessells which shall come for merchandize and trade, vnto the said pvince, or out of the same shall depart, shall be laden or vnladen onely . att such ports as shall be erected and constituted by the said William Penn, his heires and assigns, any vse, custome or 's other thing to the contrary notwithstanding: Proyided, that TA-25-a-ºr- the said William Penn and his heires, and the fieutenants and §: time being, shall admitt and receive ºf A- £-74. in and about all such ports, havens' Creeks and Keyes, all * 2^*- ºfficers. and #; who shall from time to time be ºff. appointed for that purpose, by the farmers or Commission- º; customes, for the time being. And Wee Doe i.º.º. and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, Wee Doe grant vnto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes that he the said Wil— I 2 liam Benn, his heires and assignes, may from time to time forever, baye and enjoy the customes and subsidies in the &2, 2&ntº #. and other Creeks, and places aforesaid, with- Ó-e in the pvince aforesaid, payable or due for merchandizes and /*** wares, there to be laded and vnladed, the said customes and subsidies to be reasonably assessed, vpon any occasion by themselves, and the people there as aforesaid, to be assem- bled to whom Wee give power, by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, vpon iust cause, and in a due pporcon, to assesse and impose the same, Sayging yptoys, our heires and successors, Šugh imposcons and Sustgºmes 33 by agt gi arliament are and shall be appointed; and it is our further §. that the ..º. Penn, his heires and assignes, shall from time to time constitute and # 3.11 attorney or ; to reside in or near our Citty of Tondon, occº who shall make knowne the place where he shall dwell or (AUAE cººf.” Inay be found, vnto the Clerks of Our privy Counsell, for the Jº-eſ-Kºº time being, or one of them, and shall be ready to appeare . in any of our Courtts att Westminster, to answer for any misdemeanors that shall be comitted, or by any wilfull de- fault or neglect pmitted by the said William Penn, his heirs or assignes, against our Lawes of Trade or Navigacon, and after it shall be ascertained in any of the our said Courts, what damages Wee or our heires or successors shall have sustained, by such default or neglect, the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, shall pay the same within one yeare after such taxacon and demand thereof, from such attorney, or in case there shall be noe such attorney, by the space of one yeare, or such attorney shall not make payment of such damages, within the space of one yeare, and answer such other forfeitures and penalties within the said time, as by the acts of parliament in England, are or shall be pvided, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents: Then it shall be lawfule for vs, our heirs and successors, to seize and Resume the government of the said pvince or Countrey, and the same to retaine until payment shall be _ made thereof. But notwithstanding any such seizure or re- sumption of the Government, nothing concerning the pro- I 3 priety or ownership of any Lands, Tenements or other hereditaments, or goods, or chattels of any of the adventur- ers, Planters or owners, other than the respective offenders there shall be any way affected or molested thereby: Pro- vided alwayes, and our will and pleasure is that neither the said William Penn, nor his heires, nor any other the inhab- itants of the said pvince, shall at any time hereafter haue or maintain any correspondence with any other king, prince or State, or with any of their subjects, who shall then be in warr against vs, our heires or successors; Nor shall the said William Penn, or his heires, or any other the inhabitants of the said pvince, make warre or doe any act of hostilitie against any other king, prince or state, or any of their sub- jects, who shall then be in league or amity with vs, our heires or successors. And because in soe remote a Coun- trey, and Scituate neare many Barbarous Nations, the in- cursions as well of the savages themselves, as of other ene- mies, pirates and Robbers, may pbably be feared. There- fore, Wee have given and for vs, our heires and successors, Doe give power by these presents unto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, by themselves or their Cap- taines or other, their officers to levy, muster and traine all sorts of men, of what condicon, or whatsoever borne, in the said pvince of Pensylvania, for the time being, and to make warr and pursue the enemies and Robbers aforesaid, as well by Sea as by Land, yea, even without the Limits of the said pvince, and by God's assistance to vanquish and take them, and being taken, to put them to death by the law of Warr, or to save them att theire pleasure, and to doe all and every other act and thing, which to the charge and office of a Cap- taine generall of an Army, belongeth or hath accustomed to belong, as fully and ffreely as any Captaine Generall of an Army, hath ever had the same. And Furthermore, of our especiall grace and of our certaine knowledg and meere mo- tion, Wee have given and granted, and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, Doe give and grant vnto the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, full and ab- Solute power, licence and authoritie. That he the said Wil- I4 liam Penn, his heires and Assignes, from time to time here- after forever, att his or theire will and pleasure, may assigne, alien, grant, demise or inffeoffe of the premises, soe many, and such partes and parcells to him or them, that shall be willing to purchase the same, as they shall thinke fitt. To Have And To Hold to them, the said person and persons willing to take or purchase, theire heires and assignes, in ffee simple or ffeetaile, or for the term of life, or liues, or yeares, to be held of the said William Penn, his heires and assignes as of the said Seigniory of Windsor, by such services, cus- tomes and rents, as shall seeme ffitt to the said William Penn, his heires and assignes, and not imediately of vs, our heires and successors, and to the same person or persons, and to all and every of them, Wee Doe give and grant by these presents, for vs, our heires and successors, Licence, authoritie and power, that such person or persons may take the premisses or any parcell thereof, of the aforesaid Wil- lian Penn, his heires or assignes, and the same hold to them- selves, their heires and assignes, in what estate of inheritance soever, in ffee simple or in feetaile or otherwise, as to him and said William Penn, his heires and assignes, shall seem expedi- dient. The Statutes made in the parliament of Edward, sonne of King Henry, late King of England, our predecessor, com- monly called the Statute Qui Emptores terrarum, lately pub- lished in our kingdomes of England, in any wise notwith- standing, and by these presents, Wee give and grant licence vnto the said William Penn, and his heires, likewise to all and every such person and persons to whom the said William Penn, or his heires, shall at any time hereafter, grant any es- tate of inheritance as aforesaid, to erect any parcells of Land within the pvince aforesaid, into mannors, by and with the li- cence to be first had and obteyned for that purpose vnder the hand and seale of the said William Penn, or his heires, and in every of the said mannors, to have and to hold a Court Baron, with all things whatsoever, which to a Court Baron do belong; and to have and hold view of ffrankpledge, for the conservacon of the peace, and the better government of those parties by themselves or their Stewarts, or by the I5 Lords for the time being, of other mannors to be deputed when they shall be erected, and in Same to vse all things be- longing to view of ffrankpledge; and Wee doe further grant licence and authoritie that every such person and persons, who shall erect any such mannor or mannors as aforesaid, shall or may grant all or any parte of his said lands to any person or persons, in ffee simple or any other estate of in- heritance to be held of the said mannors respectively, Soe as noe further tenures shall be created, but that vpon all further and other alienacons thereafter, to be made the said lands soe aliened, shall be held of the same Lord and his heires, of whom the alien did then before hold, and by the like rents and services, which were before due and accus- tomed. And further, our pleasure is and by these presents for vs, our heires and successors, Wee doe Covenant and grant to and with the said William Penn, and his heires and assignes, that Wee, our heires and successors, shall att no time hereafter sett or make, or cause to be sett, any imposi- con, custome or other taxacon, rate or contribucon what- soever, in and upon the dwellers and inhabitants of the aforesaid pvince, for their lands, tenements, goods or chat- tels, within the said province, or in and vpon any goods or merchandize within the said pvince, or to be laden or vn- laden within the ports or harbours of the said pvince, vnles the same be with the consent of the pprietary, or chiefe Gov- ernor and Assembly, or by act of parliament in England. And our pleasure is, and for us our heires and successors, Wee charge and comand, that this our Declaracon, shall from henceforward be received, and allowed from time to time in all our Courts, and before all the Judges of vs, our heires and successors, for a sufficient and lawful discharge, payment and acquittance, commanding all and singular the officers and ministers of vs, our heires and successors, and enjoyneing them vpon paine of our high displeasure, that they doe not presume att any time to attempt anything to the contrary of the premises, or that they doe in any sort with- stand the same, but that they bee att all times aiding and assisting as is fitting vnto the said William Penn, and his a t * f. s I6 heires, and to the inhabitants and merchants of the pvince aforesaid, their servants, ministers, ffactors and assignes, in the full vse and fruition of the beneffitt of this our Charter: And our further pleasure is, And Wee doe hereby, for vs, our heires and successors, charge and require that if any of the inhabitants of the said pvince, to the number of Twenty, shall att any time hereafter be desirous, and shall by any writeing or by any person deputed for them, signify such their desire to the Bishop of London, that any preacher or preachers to be approved of by the said Bishop, may be sent wnto them for their instruccon, that then such preacher or - *-*-*-*-* *-*- preachers, shall and may be and reside within the said pvince, without any Deniall or molestacon whatsoever; and c—sº- * are----" if pchance it should happen hereafter, any doubts or ques- tions should arise concerneing the true sence & meaning of any word clause or sentence, conteyned in this our present charter, Wee Will ordaine and comand, that att all times and in all things such interpretacon be made thereof, and allowed in any of our Courts whatsoever, as shall be ad- iudged most advantageous and favourable unto the said Wil- liam Penn, his heires and assignes: § alwayes that O interDretaCOn be admitted thereof, QX which the allegiance, §ge Vatºuš, our heires and successors, §: iudice or diminucon, although expres mencon be not made in these presents, of the true yearly value or certainty of the . premisses, or of any parte thereof, or of other guifts and grants made by vs, our pgenitors or predecessors, vnto the said William Penn, or any Statute, act, ordinance, pvision, pclamacon or restraint heretofore, had made, published, or— dained or pvided, or any other thing, cause or matter what- soever to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. In Witness whereof Wee have caused these our letters to be made patents, Witness our selfe at Westminster, the fourth day of March, in the three and thirtieth yeare of our Reigne. PIGOTT. By Writt of privy Seale. JOHN SHALER, chvr. XXVIJ die Janry, 1682, Fir. - - |\'h& : i - * — a§%5. -: . i *i l ... 1738... ... 1898. CHRISTOPHERSOWER COMPANY, PH I LADELPH 1A, THE OLDEST PUBLISHING HOUSE IN AMERICA, - PUBLISH ERS OF- THE STANDARD VERTICAL WEITING.. The newest and most simple and practical system of Vertical Writing, accept- ing and improving the good points and avoiding the mistakes of other series. BROOKS'S NORMAL MATHEMATICAL SERIES. Arithmetics in several series, algebras, geometries, and trigonometries. All written by DR. Edward Brooks, Superintendent of Philadelphia Public Schools, and all famous. VVESTL.AEE'S COMMON-SCEIOOL LITERATURE. Revised Edition. A complete manual of English and American Literature from Chaucer to Rudyard Kipling, and from Cotton Mather to Mark Twain. Of handy size and convenient arrangement. Inspiring on every page. WESTLAKE'S HOW TO WIRITE LETTERS. is a book of thorough instruction in letter-writing. It begins with such prac- tical matters as selection of paper and ink, and passes through all details of addresses, headings, punctuation, form, etc., and includes the elaborate eti- quette of social and Štate correspondence. LYTE'S PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING AND BIANKS. E. ORAM LYTE, A. M., PH. D., Principal of the Millersville (Pa.) State Normal School, has embodied in this handy book a complete common-sense system of single-entry and double-entry bookkeeping—clear, definite, and applicable to cvery business need. IMAGILL'S READING FRENCEI SERIES. By EDWARD H. MAGILL, A. M., LL.D., of Swarthmore College. A grammar and a series of choice, complete, modern French stories by Francisque Sarcey Madame De Witt (nee Guizot), Anatole France, and Jules Claretie, authorized and judiciously annotated. These books give rapidly a good reading knowl- edge of French. ge WELSEI’S ENGLISEI GRAMMARS coungrising “First Lessons in English Grammar and Composition” and “Prac- tical English Grammar.” Books which strike the happy mean between the much-abused “language lessons” and formal, technical grammar. They are written by JUDson PERRY WELSB, PH. D., Principal of Bloomsburg (Pa.) State Normal School. BEITZEL'S PRIMARY WORD-BUILDER AND AD- "VANCED WORD-BUILDER. - Two consecutive, systematic, logical spelling books, bound in cloth and illus- trated. Although recently published, these books have had a remarkable sale, because they produce results. ~ Piontgomery’s Industrial Drawing, Fewsmith's Grammars, Lloyd's Literature for Little Folks, Lyte's School Song Books, Peterson's Familiar Science, Griffin's Natural Philosophy, Sheppard's Book of the United States Constitution, Etc., Etc. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SERIES, No. 1.-Inducements and Charter from States General of Holland to Settlers on the Hudson. No. 2.-The West Jersey Constitution of 1677. No. 3.--Penn's Frame of Government of 1682 and Privileges and Con- cessions of 1701, No. 4.—Charter of the Province of Pennsylvania. No. 5.-Gabriel Thomas' Description of Pennsylvania and West Jersey. No. 6.—The Letters of a Farmer, of John Dickinson's arguments against English Taxation. No. 7–Conrad Weiser's Notes on the Habits and Customs of the Iroquois and Delaware Indians, prepared for Christoph Saur and pub- lished from 1746–1749. No. 8,-William Penn's Letter to the Free Society of Traders, 1683. No. 9.-The Ordinance of 1787. Photomount Pamphief inder Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, - *AI. Jºn zł. 1908 Inc.