@www т“ ì; ‘il Ё‘??? 231542121. т 121. @AA A TABLE 0F THE ARTS AND CRAFTS OF THE RENAISSANCE. „"_Y *y @ma bm) к ‚- д р ,l “A ч ,n C .. дуру,” l 1 ß . '_ /f .yáëìëßfs-g“ _ __» :_ . у”, ‘МЁЁ'Ф‘ _ › -:‚` ~ (Il ‚ \ ,I l/ y, ч. . ъ": у s l fi , ` \ »h ' r . -' f » mf’ f’ Ан u ‘- ~ ‘ А „дм: __ _ '. ‘v „ .: î"¿_¿Í"'/_ Epl».- 4.’ .' .'. '-Íf" ' A ` ' „д; < ' I \` ul.' . j„\ l 'o ‚ ’ s f x ._ д ‚ .- . l.I ‚ l .y 3 ч ‘ - , \ ‚6‘ д‘... у,‘ „у ‘ '._l_\"\ ¿l u 1...» x '\ ` " )i :v_:ï д l, ‘-: :A ‘A j .‚‚ 0 ч. ‘e .h \ l . ` .úëbœgfîà ‚ _ В y с: . ЗНВЕЕ. Ю и— 1893. А TABLE 0F THE ARTS AND |CRA `TS IN тын‘ 15T-a j se 16TH CENTURIES. HISTORICAL CYCLES, PATRONS, AND PERSONALITIES IN THE HISTORY 0F RENAISSANCE ART `AND CRAFT. ` HISTORICAL EVENTS BEARING ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND MIGRATION oF THE ARTS AND CRAFTS OF RENAISSANCE. The earlier Medici (cosimo pater patrias, d. 1464). Donatello Brunelleschi- Ghiberti-Alberti_Masaccio- Donatello, &c. The Early Floren- tine Renaissance. The Venetian DogeS--Tomaso Moncenigo, 1424. The Court of Edward 1V of England-Lord Rivers-Jane Shore-Canton. Henry VII of England-The Lady Margaret, Countess of Richmond, [жмут of Colleges. The Cycle of Lorenzo the Magnificent, d. 1492. .The full Florentine Renaissance. Michael Angelo. Pico della Mirandola Poliziano-Ficino, &c. The Cvcle of Louis XII (1498- I de Bretagne- Imboise--the ayard. f Henry VIII of l the Cycle of 'olsey-Sir Thomas mus-Colet- Zourts. Iulius II., Leo X., 1513-21, le of Raphael- гей—111110 Romano c. The Court of Francois I., 1515- 47. Cycle of Mme. D'Estamps -Peter Ronsard, and later, Primataccio-B envenuto Cellini Leonardo da Vinci-and the Italian Artists and Craftsmen. The Emperor Charles V. of Germany. Savonarola and the Puritan Re-action in Florence. [плавит the Art of Michael Angelo. The Court of Francesco Gon- zaga (d. 1499) at Mantua. Alberti (1405-72)-Mautegna (1431-1506)-Vittorino da Feltre, the Educationalist. Milan under the Visconti and Sforza-Ludovica ' il moro ’- Lionardo da Vinci.z . . w1'. _ I The Court of ’Urbino-the most .cultured in Italy. Federigo da Montefeltro-Baldassare Cast- iglion (Il потащив) — Guido- baldo II-the potters. 'Cosimo I., Duke of Florence, 1537. Cycle of Bandinelli- Montorsoli-Ammanati and Cellini at Florence. Decay of Florentine Renaissance. Henri II. and the Cycle of Catherine de Medicis-Diane de Poictiers-Palissy. The Fuggers of Augsburg. . The coun of Elizabeth, 155e- 1603, and the Cycle of Shakes- peare-Spenser--Burleigh- Lilly-Ascham--Zucchero- Sir Phillip Sydney (the perfect gentleman of the English Renais- sance). " The Court of Henri IV., 1589- 1610. _lames I. Inigo Tones. З-Ъ'ЪФ Б P .311 "ъ *.11* вдов пазов ha’. @ma (GIG, The fall of Constantinople, 1453. - I njlun of Greek Scholars into Italy begins the classic revival. Close of the Hundred Years' War between France and i England, 1453. The accession of Louis XI., 1461. Leads to the consolidation of France. Invasion of Italy by Charles VIII. of France, 1494. The beginning of the Northern in- vasions-Italian workmen go `back in his train to France. The accession of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spaln, and the fall of Granada, 1492. Маню the consolidation of Spain and the be- ginning of the Spanish Renaissance. Discovery of'AInerica by Columbus, 1492. The accession of Alexander VI., 1492-1503. Marks the lowest degradation of the papacy and the Protestant schism inevitable. Ocean route to East Indies dis- covered by lVasco da Gama, 1492. Leads to the decline of the Venetian supremacy of the seas. f The accession of Francois I. The King of Сидит, 1515-1547. Marks the beginning of the French Renaissance. Luther nails up his theses at Wittenberg, 1517. Begins the German Reformation. The` Emperor Charles V., 1519- 1556, holds the Diet of Worms (15 19) prohibiting all new doctrines. The Mogul Empire begins 1526. Through the trapte of the Portugese the jìrst direct Eastern influence on European Art enters. The Sack of Rome, 1527. Marks the distribution of Italian Artists over Europe. The fall of Florence, 1530. Establishes the M гейши dynasty and closes the period of great art in Florence. Calvin introduces the Reforma- tion into Geneva, 1541. From here it spreads to France and Scotland (john Knox). Pope Paul III. starts the In- quisition, 1542 (which is ultim- ately to destroy Art in Catholic as the Reformation does in Protestant countries). Abdiétion of the Emperor e Supremacy of Catherine de Medicis in France, “ the queen mother,” 1557-1574. The Hougemot Wars in France,- 1562-1598. The night of St. Bartholomew, 1572. Emigration of H uguenot craftsmen to England. tion of Hougenot craftsmen to England. Wars of Lìbteration in the Netherlands: against Spain, 1868- 1648. Infiuience of Spanish Art inFlanders.. The Englishl voyagers, Drake, ' Raleigh, Greenville, Hawkins, Frobisher, dic., from 1572 (be- ginnings of the English Colonies and Empire. The " Paciŕication of Ghent,” ‘ 1576. Union of all the Pro- vinces-regardless of religious distinctions-to repel thc - Spaniards, ends in destruction о)‘ the Spanish supremacy in N. Europe still commemorated by the most mag- „тает: 0j Pageants. Accession of Phillip III., 1576, marke the rapid decline of Spain. _ d ’ - ‘тат’:- ~ SUCH " ь 1. EVEI Ts IN ENGLISH HISTORY _ MAY SERVE As CHRONO- I_Loc-ICAI. PARALLELS. ARCHITECTURE; SCULPTURE AND " ' сдвинет. i Рез/реп; icular. :fl la _ Arc, 1429-1431. та... .L ¿1b l' . EuglanJI 01 nu ‘l l'. I'. ъ l l, l l alliance Scotland. f Mirando a in Florence. to the Crown, ass-¿ë l " " reaction., the begin“ with the l ŕ г,’ l 3.1131363111 l, 145 5-1485. Cessation of all Creative А rt in England- Destruction of the Old Nobility. „Í _ Death f William of Wykeharu, The Wolsey of Edward e greatest of English мыт—тешат of The B'ttle of Agin Court, 1415. The Eiglish Supremacy in Franceldestroyed by Joan of Henryl AI., 1422-1461. ._ _The accession of Henry VII., (1455-1509) the last M вставила King. Closes the period of Baronial Wars, establishes the Tudor dynasty and panes the way l,tor the fall Renaissance in England.| к! I' j Henry. (IIL, 1509. Beginning of the El lish Renaissance. The Field of 'he Cloth of Gold, 1520. Battle of Flodden, 1513. Defeat _ ane агат; of Э'лит IV., his ' ith France marks the injlnence of French Art in The Aétlof Supremacy, 1854. Beheadal of Sir Thomas More. With hint perish the hopes of the earlier and greater Renaissance in England J,‘ c.p. that о)‘ Lorenzo the M штата and Pico della ' Complete subservience ofthe English Church lto] the Gothic period in Благим and {мигнули the Age ofEliza' шиш domestic and Edwari)I VI., 1 547-1 5 5 3. | l 1} E l '_I . l Mary, 1,;53-1558. Spanish {плитам England and Cath clic Accessith of Elizabeth, 1558. The Desll'ruction of the Spanish A11-math? 588, by the` English and Du г1:1. Marks the break of the 'Spar ,Ih штатив? т Europe. The ЕЩЁ: Indian Company, chartered by Elizabeth. Marks gag ofthe English trade ast. The Accission of james I., 1603. Marks the Close ofthe English Renaissance period. Y161,4,._reverts to the Brunelleschi, going with Donatello `to Rome, 1401, aban- dons sculpture for architecture. The new works on the Ducal Palace, Venice, 1424-61.` The Cathedral of Milan and the Cer- tosa of Pavia com- menced by the Visconti. . Annex de Fernach and Heinrich von Gmunden, German sculptors work on Milan Cathedral. Brunelleschi builds the Duomo of Florence, 14,20. First period of Italian Renaissance Archi- tecture. Alberti, 1405-1472 (the Rucellai Palace, Florence) and the earlier palace builders of Italy, Micaelozzo, - e Benedetto da Majano, Е. de A. Sangallo, Antonio Filarete, 8:0. ___-_» King’s College Chapel, Cambridge _begun by Henry VI. 1446-continued under Henry VII. Gloucester Cathe- dral. Fan Vaulting, 1450, St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Haddon Hall in Derbyshire. The moated grange of Ightam in Kent. .Marks Transition from Baron's Castle to N obles’ Palace. Henry VII.’s Chapel at Westmin- ster, founded 1503. ' English Gothic. Wolsey's work at Christ Church, Oxford - also his palace at Hampton Court. Foundation Stone of St. Peter’s (Rome), on Bramantes plan of a Greek cross, laid by Julius II., 1506. English Perpen- dioular Kings College Chapel, Cambridge. Second period of Italian Renaissance А rehitecture. Raphael, Giulio Romano, Pal Del Te Mantua, Baldassare Peruzzi, Goorgio Varsari, jacopo, Sansovino, and the second group of Italian palace builders. The German Gothic Chuŕches, Lubeck, &c., completed about end of 16th century. G. Sangallo and Raphael, under Leo X., alter Bramantes design for St. Peter's, Latin cross, after this Baldassare, Perruzzi, Ant. Sangallo make further alterations. 1535--M. Angelo works on St. Peter‘s--reverts to Bramantes design ч but remodels the Dome. (Subse- quently Madermo, ‘ 1510. Ghiberti, 1378- 14 55, and the introduction of .perspective into Sculpture. jacomo della Querce., 1374- 1438, works at LuccaBologna and Siena. The School of Ghiberti, Michaelozzo, Averulîno, Рона] 11010. Donatello, 1386- 1466, the ‘ ap- prehension of character in Sculpture ’ the dancing chil- dren on the pulpit of Prato, Iesa»--- @- English Gothic Tomb of Henry V. at West- minster, 1430. The school of Donatello, Nanni di Banco, Desid da Settignano, the Rossellini, &с. Duccio and the Oratorio San Bernardino Perugia, 1467, marble and coloured terra cotta. Verrochio, works at Florence, 1435-' 1488. Leopardi, works at Venice, 14 88. Mino de Fessolé, 1431- 1484, works at Florence. Sansovino, 1460 1529, goes to Portugal, 1491- 1510, marks translation from the earlier to the full Renaissance sculpture. Michael Angelos Pieta in St. Peters begun 1496. . The David, 1501-4. Solari, works at Milan, about Michael Angelos, Moses the Tragedy of the Tombs. METAL woRR POT'I'ERY . TAPESTRY AND GOLDSMITHS JEÉENIÍÍEÍND MODE Ä "o AND ARMoUR AND CLOCK WEAvING AND WORK. ‘ MAJtpICA. EQUIFMENTS. MAKING. STUFFS. lì?"- ‘ f ,l f , Reviv4lo Ghiberti wins the Maro Fini- pottery'hrough Èompetiltgiontfottl the gqueïlra the Spain-2r 551511710— le 1401 ' Malaga, ’ Tapestries of ' М Flanders, Vïfeïäi' It. ‘Arazziß introduit into come under Brunelleschi and \ Вагу-131101631: the .Italian Donatello Work as Pisan Vars. mñuence early Goldsmiths in A 15th Century’ Rome. =;Í_ _ Jacque] 1e ВРП'ЮШСР Haina l. 1400- (Эк-шабаш, 1435I f d the The Baptistry ,1449- 1497: Leyden Gates Florence, .leVYeuer and Potteri The Great ‘ The Gates of Palmer at 2 ' 'Ti period of plate Регтайм,’ set up Floïfence' » " - armour 1424. ' ЁПЁЁЁС & commences. o 1a,..1400 N .B.-Soon 1481. lJdelled after the jlrst ¿giet-¿yg? William Shore- Zlaalêga'mihî IGsiîeiplnInder Nuremberg’ ‘Goldsmith of 'vetriataj in- l Peters Hele' London, husband о] vented-` .4o. 1500’ )lane Shore. ‚ 1- ’ Verrochio, ïîîkgil' ¿1010 The Dindanerie or штаны. and tablisih f'by t 1 _k f paInter, works th М mâiâayoî 0 "дн _at Florence, e е C1 __ __ _ ___________ ____ _ L ММ“ ____ " ' ц" " " гнутой: d I. ' _, ` Ш” Ы eruglno an . Da Vinci his gâlìlïli s The Great Silver pup'ls’ angl 312135- altar of the Floren- painter ,lof tine Baptistry, 1366- Nuremblrg, 1477, on which work 1441-1 F iniguerra, Ghi- т‘ berti, Pollajuolo, Micaelozzo, Georg A dreoli Fran ois L gâïîllêcpheaker) Armou fers Works at 1 . ° ' ,Fontaiub eau _ The Manteg- GlJbblO “ЖОПЕ, ârîzáââsoŕulld large Work , dll/¿itl? ëìîllëëlçls 0f azëtagalëîhçûn- about I4 5- тетрод-гама “107511511 one s Iron ne е w1 r _ come into vogue. Certosa, 1473. . 1463" piece . Franpes Henry VIII. Xantp W` rkS at wears a small T . . t glrbl ‚О: IF t 8-day watch. orrIgIano goes O aInIInIO- on - ' England and makes ana at Fl'orence, the tomb of Henry guido Sel- VII., 1512, and the vaggio, alt Lady Margaret F stenza.'i Nicolo Grossi, Florentine Iron Worker, чиж-1:5 for Lorenzo de Medici. Quentin Mazzys, works at Antwerp, 15th century. Durers father, a Hungarian Gold- smith, settles in Nurrenberg, 1502. Marcone the gold- smith. Cellini's M aster in Florence. Cellini goes to ‘ France and works for F ranggjs I. at Fontainbleau, ' the Neneh.' 1543. ‚ The bronze tombs of Innsbruck, 1521. Cellinifs Perseus at Florence, 1547. The French Gold- smiths, middle and end of 15th century, mainly the Parisian Schools, Loris, the Hersauts, _)ehan Gallant, Henri, &с. “ЬПНЁЗ'ЪЬН'ЁЁЁЭДЁЁЁ- ]аеп Goujon Pierre- Lescot in France and the Palaces of Blois, Chambord, Fontainbleau, &с. The Civic Buildings of Flanders, Town I-Iall, Antwerp, Guild Houses, nVllolsey builds Hampton Court Palace. John Thorpe in' England and the Elizabethan Palaces, Montacute, Burleigh, Audley End, Hatfield, Hardwick. Du Cerceau. Archi- tect to Henri IV. 'Third period of Italian Renaissance Architecture I „Лиепае ‘ on Inigo _5l-'ones and Wren of “ рамами ‚ А rilanciare " Andrea Palladio,_ 1518-1580 (Pal del Ragione, Vicenza), Vignola, Alessi, Ammanati, Scamozzi. Inigo jones, born 1572. “ The English Штатив," appren- ticed to a joiner, afterwards becomes “ Architectonicus Professor ” at the Court of jfames I., the and the “имевшее! plans. - for Louis XII. Palace of Whitehall. ' ,_. ‚дн‘: \.—-- ._ гни-‘ч ‚и‘ дг-в .JJ-v - .---— .- -_ __ _ ч -.---\._ __'. OmOdea, 1447- 1520, works at Pavia and Milan. The Lombardi, work at Venice, about 1498. )een Juste makes the tomb and Anne of Bretagne at Tours. Michael Angelo and the Medici Chapel, 1534. f Bandinelliîs Colossal Hercules begun 1534, finished by Ammanati, 1571, decadence. Michael Columbo makes the tomb for François II. ,at Nantes. F rangois Marchand at Chartres. __-v ._ ...1 ,__,_,_ г _ _ ._ __‚_Ш„‚ _ _,¢f\_»_«„___"‘vbrv,'... a _ . 1.. _ _ ___-m“ „__ a ‚Дн—найти „- „__-_M_ The German metal-q workers and gold- smiths of the 16th century, mainly of Nuremburg and Augsburg, Silber, “Тесты, Virgil Solis (the engraver) Daniel Mignot, Paul Vlin'dt, “Темны ` ]ашп1’сгеп. The painters Martin Schön and Israel Von Mecken, design for plate. The Spanish Gold- smiths of the 16th century, Ralph Ximenis, 1537. ' Antonio de Valdes, 1537, Francesco Vida, 1561, Narciso. Valla, 1575, Juan Pau, 1586, and the d’Arfe family (Germans. Finest instance c Spanish work, the bronze Candelabrum at Seville Bart, Morel, 1562. The Bronze Gates of Pisa Cathedral, I595- Peter Paterson, Goldsmith of Elizabeth. English Elizabethan Cast -iron Stove backs. 263560 Francia the painter designs for medals, he is master of the Mint at Bologna till 1517. Etienne Delaulne, &c., jeweller and engraver. Leonard de Limousin, Fr., enameller and painter, works at Limoges un- der Francois I. Rosso and Primaticcio paint for the Limoges works. Sperandio the n Medalist, works at Mantua, газ—шипит: '..jf l' Benvento Cellinio work at Rome, 1527, Madonna Porzia’s neck- lace, Pope's cope button medallions worked with the graver. Leone Lioni, jeweller and sculpture, knighted by Charles, V. Caradosso of Milan the skilful embosser (Cellini) medal cutter and тати”. . appear о ll' ‘l The Bea'uvais (Savigniies) Potteries developld middle la'ucgld end of 15th cpntury. Wolsey imports greemDelft tiles for Christ- Chur :h and Hampton Court V*- ` т 17 The Nurem- berg potteries much in; fluen'ccd ,by Italiins, 11520. т l I сигар et Savino 'f Castel lîurante goestî'A twerp ‘i The`s`ltoves of Ii-Ianslír'aut of ' Villige'n d the Swajan Potteries', about 1536. '4 г Огагйо‘Еощапа the Raphael of M ajoliat lworks at Gubbio, 1540 1560, ‘дарит ware perfected. Raphiel and _ desigrih Lanfrjtnço of Разгар, _intents the application of Gold to Pottery, _)ulio'Romans ` ' o it. _ S 21580. "i, maitre Bernard des Thuileries (i.e:,‘ the lotteries) disco vers his' enamel alSaintes, 1560, pr' дат ‘ injluenceêl'by ` Hirsch eigel- he dies ih the ` Bastillefa 589, for Protellantism; |'I 11 1 '| MelchiriirTatze the Saxon pot- ter, makers 0f the pulp'tt of Strecla, 311565. Dutch рвёт: drieen an. 1y by the Spain (h wars, sett e in à¿1590. England, Důrers prints re-engraved by Marc Antonio, I Urbino p шагу. l, Bellarn'liirgeŕ or grey beardtpots come to щ England l) Staffordshire potteriesl developed.. about 1€ Il. ‘ Butter pots,i ‘ Tygs,’ led-,ell glazing. ' :l The Spaniards perfeót armour and armour design The Toledo blade. ` The i petrina' orx musket of the breast ‘invented middle 16th century. Pistols or ‘ pistolets ' of Pistoja ditto. . prominence-__ I _ ,__-,_ -_ —_-,. -. _..- The great clock at Strassburg made 1573. _The English and Swiss Clock makers of the end of the 16th cent. come into Nic. Lippius of Basle makes the clock 0f St. jaen of Lyons, 1598. Primaticio tapestry designing for Francois I. “wl-,_ ,-h- -""' Henry II. starts the works at the Hospital de la Trinité, near Paris. Miolard, Pasquier, Dubourg, Laurent, work at the French ‘ gobe1in,’ middle of 16th century. CABINET MAKING, FURNITURE AND INLAY. ‚ .. г ŕl `| | I l . PRINTING, BOOKS, BINDING. _ Висим/‘ша IN WooD AND ' METAL. Paolo ucello 1397-1475 leaves Cabinet- making and takes to -I painting. Benedetto and Gulio da Majano, _ 1432-1490, bring Intarsia work to perfection. The bros. )11ste French Sculptured wood cabinets. Influence of sculpture _ through jaen Goujon and Germain Pilon. The German Cabinet makers of Nuremberg and Augsberg perfect the application of gems and inlay to furniture. Screen and Wood work in King's College Chapel, ' Cambridge. Period of Anne Boleyn. Italian workmen, 1534- 1536. The French Cabinet makers ' menuisiers ’ workers in little ‘ menus objects.’ The two great schools of Lyons aud Paris-Jean Rohan and Philibert de L. Orme. Francisco Sibecg of Carpi. settles in France, 1546. Jehan Caboche. Jehan Moreau, Pierre Coussinault, 1549. English Elizabethan furniture. Du Cerceau, the architect 0f Henry IV. influences French `Cabinet making. l’ t? | l -Use of moveable types. Faust, Schoefîer at Maintz. serve as imitation to MSS. burg); Zell (Cologne): German printers in Rome, Sweynheym, Panarts, Hahn, lerrsen. In Florence, 1471. - l. 1 lj leathers, vellum and tooling ald silk and velvet bindings of the Renaissance. Middle of 15th cent )1., l 1477, “Printers Chapel.” í' over Europe. had cast his own type. l _ l, ` l 1496-1527; The Winchels (Pa 's' Frankfort), 1530-1572; Plantin (Antwerp), 1554-15895l > 1580-1680; Josse Bade (Paris)\ 1535; The Estiennes (Paris),‘ I 1598; Salviati (Florence) 1490. l. First edition of More's Utopia, |I printed in Paris. ' l. .J'I \ l' l l Frobens press.` at Basle. - l;ì ,__Fn .- The Italian book collectors-unipi; century, Rome. Grolier (Military) Treasurer of Francois I) Italian inßuence. in Germany. Г. k erg, 1424. the first printed date. The Indulgence oJLPope Nicholas V. Printing still intend'pd t0 I, l The early German, Flemish and Dutch printers-Mentelin, Eggestein (“Таза- К01 _rger (Nurenberg); Ketelaer, De Llp .mpi ( Utrecht); Veldener, Leen, johan of Westphalia (Louvain and Utrechf) ‘ ' `5111115. In Venice, 1419--the Spires, V4ldafer, The mediaeval, massive and delayed, bookbinding gives place, to воющей the . early ury. Caxton prints in Westminster Abbey, The year 1477 marks the spread ожидает Up to this time each ‘printer With the great demand for bookslht the beginning of the 16th century begins the decline of printing, except among the great printers of the second period, as Aldus (Venice), 1490-1597; Amtrbach (Basle), 1492-1516; Froben (Basle), and Chri opher The Elzevirs (Leyden and Amst "dam), 1495- 502- 515- Schureriu's prints at Strassburg, the 1st edition of Erasmus’ Praise of Fotki/,1511. I-(olbein's Colophons designed for. ` I ‘ Block printing or xylography gradu- ally developed from hand impreisions and the writing of M.S.S. End of the 14th and beginning of the 15th century. German and Flemish block book i'. k The printers of the early or first period Guttet'b ` GLASS PAINTING. PAINTING. ' Early German Wood Engrav- ings. Martin Schongauer d. 1488, whose " Temptations of St, Anthony" inyluences the early work of Michael Angelo. The Hypnero -tomachia, Venice, 1490, characteristic of design in Wood- cut. Durer visits Italy and influences Italian engra- ving. The art of engraving in metal begins ` with Maso ,pictures of Work- Finiguerras niello impress- Ions. The lower Rehnish and High German . Schools of Engraving. Martin Schon- gauer d. 1488. Veit Stoss, the sculptor, 1437 (Pl-1533- Lucas Van Leyden, 1494- 1533- ' Jost -Amman's Stambuch and shop interiors. German. Highwater mark of Italian engraving Mark Antonio 1530-60. ment of engrav- ., датах—„тын ‘_ Dürer-.wmf .- ` »î- »Inman-_And _ i Aldegr'ever _ons of binding.' The Majioli of Flortpcei-Í Demetrio Canevari (Mecenate)§_-1_6_th~ . ]е1‘опуп1и5 АпйгЁеае‘апд theengravers .who worked under1 them. Engraving in Germany is the _ I.leading 'Art and “ дине: the place of ï" [mural decoration The binders of Francois Lathe colêhîcfoŕí, „in-Italy. Durers L'P'a`ssi01_1s, the " ' Melancholie- _`The Life of the ' A `Virgin-»The I .4“ John Reynes binds for Henry ъ _ Scots and james VI. Block and Stamped binding develiopéd Le Petit Bernard designs ,foil ,the bindings of Diane de Poictiers. . John Gibson, the Edinburgh Bilder, and the Library of Mary Qup4n__of _ 1Triumph of Maximillian- Death and the Knight, 8:0. Virgil Solis, sengraver on wood and copper, Nuren- berg. The littl'e Inasters--Pentz _the Behams, &c. Great develop- The Venetain glass of the 15th century, based on the Byzantine methods. Classic tradition. The English stained glass travelling workmen. Flemish and German ` influence. The stained glass windows of Fairford Church, Gloucestershire 1490, and King’s College, Cam- ь bridge, 1526. English work- manship, with Flemish and German шлите: (Durer). The Venetians re-discover ' ‚ filagree glass- гашиша—- beginning of 16th century. The Hirsch- vögels paint the Markgraf and Maxmillian windows in Nuremburg. 1514-1527. / The German glass engravers of the 16th century. Heraldic Tan- kards, бас. Holbeins' . designs for glass. The mediaeval period of painting (in Italy). Closes in 1400. (Cimabue Orcagna Giotto, бус.) Frescoed Theology. Cultus of St. Francis of А ssisi. Mysticism. The Dutch and Flemish Schools first period. Transition from Gothic. The Van Eycks, 1366-1440, develope the methods of oil painting and {плати Italian Art. Hugo Van der Goes d. 1482 ; Roger Van der Weyden d. 1464 ; Dirk Bouts, d. 1475; Memling d. 1495. The first or early renaissance period in Italy, 1400 to 1470, and characterised by realism as opposed to mysticism. The experimenting in new processes. Better technique. The human form. Рот/идти Initiative landscape and architecture. Mas-_ saccio, 1402-1429. P. Ucello, 1397- 147 5. Perspective : The Pollajuoli, 1429- 1498. P. della Francesca, 1420? 1506? Squarcione, 1394-1474. G. da Fab- siano, 1370 ?-145o? Fra Angelico; 1387- . 1455 (perfected). (Christian expression.) Benozzo Gozzoli, 1420-1498.- Fra F. Lippi, 1412 ?-1469. Filippino Lippi, 1457-1504. Botticelli, 1447-1510. (Story, line and colour.) Picro di Cosimo, 1462- 1521 i’ Ghirlandajo, 1449-1498. The miniature painters and illumina- tion of books of the 15th c. (Gerard Horenbout, &с. The French Schools. _lean Foucquet of Tours, d. 1480? The German Schools. First period. Steffan of Cologne, d. 1451. Martin Schongauer, d. 1488. Holbein, the Elder, 1460-1524; Wolgemuth, 1434- 1519. The second Italian period, Mantegna, 1431-1506. Roman inspiration. Purity of style. Signorelli, 1441?-1523. Anatomic grasp-the forerunner of Michael Angelo. Perugino, 1446-1524. The master of Raphael. Pinturicchio, 1454-1513; Francia, 1450-1517; Fra Bartolomeo, 1475-1517 ; Mariotto Albertinelli, 1474- 1515.\ With these and partly expres- sive of the first period, may be taken the early Venetians. The Bellini. Carpaccio, d', 1520? ' _ The Dutchl 'and'. ’Fllèlïllìsligg's Second. period-under, .: Паёшцд'дёплйёсд Quentin Massey’s; _. 1459 Í.=?-._1_`_53t.j.~îf_;ëì§l Orle'y, 1466-1541";U '-Mabnseî11470ë§154ïfïq§ jean Clouet, d.- 15411;` 'Court 'painter-Sho; Francois I. APortraits-Lucas den. 1494-1533; jan V.~Scorel, 1495-1 1562; _Ian Swart, 1469-1535. ' ъ Í' The German Schools. Second period- under Italian influence and also the Refor- mation. Hans Burkmayr, 1473-1531 ; Holbein, 1497-1530; Durer, 1471-1528 ; Cranach, 1472-1553; The Behams, T500-1540? Schaüflein, d. 1539; Репа, d. 1550; Grunewald, about 1470 to 1530 ; Balduug, 1476-1545 ; Schafïner, f. abt. 1520; Aldegrever, 1502-1556? Third period of Italian painting-the golden age. Lionardo da Vinci, 1452- 1519; Raphael, 1483-1520; Corregio, 1494-1534: Michael Angelo, 1475- 1564. Y‘With these and partly express- ive of the recond may be taken the later Venetians :--perfect colour. The later Bellini, Titian, 1477-1576. Vero- nese, 1530-66. Tintorretro, 1512-94; Giorgione, 1471-1511. i The pupils of the Golden age in Italy- as seen in Rome; Milan-Ferrara ; Gaudenzio Ferrari, 1484-1549 (Milan) ; Giulio Romano, 1499-1546 ; Рейне del Vaga, 1499-1547 ; at Rome. Andrea del Sarto, 1487-1531 ; Sebastian del Piombo, 1483-1547; Parmigiano, 1504- 1540; Bronzino, 1502-1572; Il Sodoma, 1477-1549 ; Dan. da Volterra, 1509- Peruzzi, I1481-1536. Cermona; Brescia Luini, 1460-1530; ’ 1566; Moroni, 1910-1578; Baldassare Published by ¿he Guild ё School of Handicraft, Essex House, Mz'le End Road, London.