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Author of “ Watching and Waiting on the Border” WITH A FOREW OR D BY MAJoR ROGER MERRILL Adjutant, I51st Infantry Brigade, Seventy-Sixth Division, National Army, Camp Devens With photographs taken by the author under the official authorization of the Committee on Public Information and the War Department, and with the endorsement of the authorities at Camp Devens Kº §3 |scińE: OVOD SSCIENDVMT º slºgae- BOSTON SMALL, MAYNARD & COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1918 By SMALL, MAYNARD & CoMPANY (Incorporated) & eº; // X- 0 //, 7, 42% 42 - 6 - F O R E W O R D MR. Rog ER BATCHELDER, Sir:-You are to be congratulated for this accurate and complete description by pen and lens of Camp Devens. For us who are here it will be valued as a record of our early days when the National Army was in its swaddling-clothes. Later we will search it for a sight of the familiar train- ing areas, knowing that the unpainted exterior of Camp Devens mothered and trained lion-hearted men for the great duty to which America has set her will. Very truly yours, ROGER MERRILL Major A. G. R. C., I5 Ist Infantry Brigade CAMP DEVENS, December 21, 1917 THE BUILDING OF CAMP DEVENS Six months ago, the traveller on the road between Ayer and Fitchburg saw little to attract his attention. About a mile from the former town began a stretch of scrub and brush, populated only by an occasional rabbit. There was nothing unusual about this tract. It had its quota of hills and swamps, two or three ponds, a11d here and there a farmhouse. At that time the passers-by merely noticed that it was a particularly drab and unattractive bit of waste. There are hundreds of areas of similar appearance and topography in New England. The little town of Ayer was then merely an ordinary New England village. The fact that it was the junction of the Fitchburg, Worcester, and Portland branches of the Boston and Maine Railroad added little to its importance. In appearance the center of Ayer was not unlike that of a Maine village of the “backwoods” type. Commercially, there was only a single street, lined on one side, for a space of a few blocks, with the business enterprises of the town. The village had neither declined nor advanced during the last half-century; independent of the outside world and the vaguely distant metropolis of Boston, it had maintained a placid and unruffled existence, the tranquillity of which was interrupted only by the arrival of an occasional train, and the advent and the departure of the United States mail. The two or three hundred dwellings, small, neat cottages belonging, for the most part, to the respectable, hardworking class, were the only other evidences of life in the little village. As I heard a native say: “In those days Ayer was present, but not voting.” Upon our entrance into the war of the world, the order of things changed. The military authorities, searching diligently for a favorable site for the projected divisional cantonment, came to Ayer, viewed the nearby waste, and pondered. When the reports went to Washington, some- one stuck a pin with a little red flag on it at the dot on the map marked “Ayer.” The real history of the town began. More military experts came, accompanied by engineers and men skilled in planning enormous projects. Eventually they agreed that the wilderness tract on the Fitchburg 7 road should be the training-camp of the youth of New England. Early in June the leases of the land were signed, the contract awarded to Fred T. Ley Company of Springfield, and on June 18 the vanguard of the army of laborers arrived at the future Camp Devens. The construction of the cantonment of the Seventy-sixth Division was a triumph of engineering and contracting skill, and a monument to American efficiency and industry. Nearly nine thousand acres of virgin brush and swamp, a tract seven miles in length and two in breadth, was trans- formed into a huge city of soldiers within ten weeks. Five thousand workers, the pick of the skilled and unskilled labor of the state, were shipped to the grounds. Before any work could be done, quarters for these men had to be constructed and they were housed in long shed-like structures of wood, covered with tar paper. Then the actual work began. Under the supervision of Captain Edward L. Canfield, Jr., the quartermaster of construction, the brush was cleared, the swamp drained, the terrain levelled. As soon as conditions allowed, the carpenters set to work erecting buildings On the cleared areas. Surveyors laid out lines of barracks and mapped out the many miles of roads. Day after day the work went on unceasingly; the wilderness lost its desolate aspect of former times, and hummed with industry. Throughout the day there came the sounds of tire- less hammering, of digging and blasting. Steam-rollers toiled in every section of the camp. A great squadron of motor trucks ran in a continuous line to and from the spur of the tracks which had been extended to the camp, distributing endless supplies and equipment. The contractors did everything in their power to insure the health and comfort of the workmen. Their quarters were completely fitted out with the necessary equipment which they were com- pelled to keep in the best of condition. A great dining-hall was erected, where they might obtain good food at nominal prices. The skilled laborers and office-workers had a restaurant near the headquarters, with a la carte service. For the benefit of the Italian workers a special restau- rant was built; here Italian chefs prepared Italian foods to suit the taste of the most discriminating. In the vicinity of the restaurants there sprang up the commercial center of the camp. A barber shop opened for business; an Italian store, a tobacco shop, and canteens selling every variety of small merchandise made this center a true shopping-district. 8 In Order to assure the contentment of its employees, the contractors paid phenomenally high wages, and liberally rewarded overtime work. Unskilled laborers earned up to thirty dollars a week; some members of the skilled trades earned as much as a hundred dollars weekly. The pay- roll Of the contractors amounted to over $1 oo, ooo a week. As Soon as the buildings were erected, electricians, plumbers and steam-fitters started their work. Shortly after the carpenters left a barrack's, the men of other trades took possession and it was soon ready for Occupancy. It is difficult for the uninitiated to conceive the magnitude of the work. In those ten short weeks, five thousand men built 14oo buildings, laid twenty miles of road, installed 2200 shower baths, 4oo miles of electric wiring, and 60 miles of heating pipes. Over forty million board feet of lumber were necessary for the stupendous building operations. The electric lights were switched on for the first time on August 30. Two days later the contractors announced that the camp was ready for Occupancy. New England had the unique distinction of being the first section to complete its cantonment. Major-General Harry Foote Hodges was appointed commander of the new unit, the Seventy- sixth Division, and ordered to Ayer. The subordinate officers were, for the most part, those who had received commissions at the Plattsburg camp, with a scattering from the regular army. In honor of General Charles Devens, the illustrious Civil War soldier of Worcester County, the military authorities announced that the cantonment of the Northeastern military department should be called “Camp Devens.” The first draft men arrived at Camp Devens from Maine on September 5; from that time on, the flow from all parts of the district continued until 4o,ooo men were within its borders. The authorities distributed them immediately into the various organizations of the camp till each had its full quota. Four regiments of infantry were established: the 301st, 302d, 303d and 304th. These were installed in barracks on the further side of the divisional headquarters. A depot brigade of thirteen battalions was formed. There were three regiments of field artillery: the 3oist and 302d of light artillery, and the 303d of heavy artillery. Three machine-gun battalions the 3o Ist, 3ozd and 3ogd; the Headquarters Train, comprising the 3orst Ammunition Train, the 9 3orst Supply Train, the 3oist Engineers' Train and the 3orst Sanitary Train; the 3oist Signal Battalion and unattached units of the Quartermaster's and Medical Corps, and the 23d Engineers, completed the roster of organizations in the camp. In general, the assignments were as follows: 3orst Infantry: Boston. 302d Infantry: Southeastern Massachusetts. 303d Infantry: Eastern New York. 3o4th Infantry: Connecticut. Field Artillery: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. Depot Brigade: Western Massachusetts. Machine Gun Battalions: Connecticut and Northeastern Massachusetts. 3orst Engineers: Rhode Island. Headquarters Train: Central Massachusetts. There are some specific exceptions to this summary, which is, Of course, subject to change at any time. - At first the men were scantily equipped with rifles, uniforms, and other military accoutre- ments. Eventually the supplies poured in so freely that there were enough uniforms and equip- ment to outfit properly each man. There are now thirty thousand soldiers at Ayer; the average has been forty thousand, and at one time there were forty-eight thousand within the borders of the Camp. Take all the inhab- itants of Fitchburg, or half the people of Springfield or Hartford, put them in a field of 9ooo acres and you have some idea of the population of Camp Devens. And it is not only a city in terms of population, but also in many other ways. This military city has a post-Office, a telegraph office, a telephone switchboard, several police stations or guard-houses, an adequate fire department, an excellent hospital, a restaurant, a theatre and many other like institutions. Its police system is perfect, and is far better than any municipal department in the country. - IO The spirit of the draft men has been admirable. Few wanted to leave their families, their homes, their businesses; but when they found that they were needed, they responded to a man. There are many discomforts in the life of a soldier, and these men were most of them untried and untrained by hardships. Nevertheless, they are contented and, if they complain, it is with a smile on their faces. The transition from civil to military life has been abrupt, the difficulties of training men at Ayer have been many, but the path ahead is clear and when the crucial test comes, the enemy will find that the American Citizen, trained as a soldier, is second to none. This book is intended primarily for the soldiers at Ayer, and for their friends and families at home. To the boys in camp it is hoped that it may serve as a memento of their army life, their companions, their work and their play. Those who are unacquainted with military life will be able better to appreciate what it all means. They will see where their boys live, how they live, and will realize the progress they have made and are making. Are the boys happy? In answer to that question SO often asked, I refer you to any one of the pictures. Most of the men have broad grins; all are smiling. These pictures illustrate the Ayer spirit, and the spirit which will bring us peace with victory. For permission to reprint several pictures of the incoming draft increments, I wish to acknowl- edge the courtesy of the Boston Herald ; I am also indebted to R. W. Barton of Cambridge, and to the following Officers of Camp Devens: Major Roger Merrill, I 51st Brigade; Captain Leslie E. Thompson, Adjutant, 304th Infantry; Captain Charles D. Case, 304th Infantry; Captain Weston B. Flint, Depot Brigade; Lieutenant Russell Codman, Depot Brigade; Lieuten- ant E. C. Wynne, Adjutant General's Department; Lieutenant Julian Lathrop, 3ogd H. F. A.; Captain Brown and Lieutenant Hal S. White of the Intelligence Department, and above all, to the enlisted personnel of the camp whose aid and co-operation enabled me to prepare this volume. December 20, 1917 ROGER BATCHELDER THE MOBILIZATION On June 5, 1917, each one of these men registered at a booth in his city or town. He answered innumerable questions about his past, present and probable future history. Then he went home and, perhaps, forgot all about it. But Uncle Sam did not forget. On an eventful day in July,– the twenty-eighth —that national guardian Of Ours picked a multitude of slips from a huge bowl in Washington. On each slip was a number; one of these numbers was 458. The machinery of war then started to move. Number 458 in one district was, let us say, John Jones of Boston. For five years, John had been working in a grocery store, driv- ing a taxi, or selling tickets in a theatre. He received a letter from an exemption board order- ing him to appear for examination. He was physically fit and was passed by the doctors. Then John went home and waited. Several weeks later he received another letter, telling him that he was to be a soldier and ordering him to report at the board office at eight o'clock the next day. That afternoon he called on his OF THE CITIZENS friends and said good-bye, and in the evening he went to see the one girl in the world and then returned home to have a chat with the folks. The following morning he awoke at six o'clock. He laid his best suit on the top shelf of the closet and put on an old suit of working clothes. At the breakfast table, his father was unusually silent; the small brother cast envious glances at the hero; mother and sister began to cry softly. John told them not to worry; he'd have the Germans beaten by spring at the latest. Soon he kissed the family good-bye and started for the office of the board. There he found a group of twenty other John Joneses, Harry Browns and Bill Smiths, and he learned that their experiences had been identical with his own. The chairman of the board spoke a few words to them, several political leaders shook their hands, slapped their backs, and marched them down the street to the station. And now John and his newly-made friends are waiting for the train, under the watchful eye of the board chairman. I2 "All ABoARD For Ayer" THE ARRIVAL AT AYER When Jones and his companions get into the cars, they find many others from adjacent dis- tricts with them. Some cannot speak English well; but nevertheless, they all talk at once. “Did you claim exemption?” “Are you married?” “What do you do with these checks?” The last question refers to the tags which had been distributed by the board official. They bear the district number and the num- ber which has been assigned to the prospective soldier. These were given out for identification purposes, so that the camp officers will know where the man comes from if he forgets his dis- trict, or is unable coherently to express himself. “I haven't got a ticket,” declares someone. Then it is explained that tickets are not necessary, as the government has provided transportation facilities without charge to the draft men. “This is the first free ride I ever had,” an- nounces another with a broad grin. One man produces a pack of cards and starts a game of “pitch.” There is soon a group around the players, watching critically every phase of the game. Other men follow this example and shortly there are several games in progress. Then comes singing. After an hour the brakeman enters the car and cries: “Ayer. All out, boys.” - There is a wild scramble for the bundles and suitcases. Eventually the men are Out On the platform. A sergeant comes up to our group and asks Jones: “District 2 I ?” “Yes, sir,” answers Jones, saluting in Boy Scout fashion. “Don’t salute and call me 'sir,’” says the sergeant, one of the regular army men. “I’m not an officer. Better wait until you know how, anyway.” “This way, boys,” shouts a cavalryman, mounted on a spirited Western horse, which bears the brand “U.S.” On its flank. “Fall in line and follow me.” Then he leads them majestically from the station. y I4. LEAVING THE STATION AT AYER EN ROUTE TO THE CAMP “Gee, what a hick town ſ” With this announcement the Boston men greet Ayer. Many of them have never before been in the rural districts of the state, and the lack of movement and excitement is to them in- conceivable. The few pedestrians – natives, for the most part — stare curiously at the new arrivals, and the 1atter in turn stare back. The curiosity of the people of Ayer is only natural, for the draft men have an astounding variety of clothing. Here is a machinist with a flannel shirt and woolen suit stained with grease; next to him is a college man, who, disregarding the advice that old clothes be worn, has dressed himself in the height of fashion. There are all kinds of hats: derbies, straws, caps, and soft hats of every style, color and degree of an- tiquity. Conscript Thorndike of Boston chats amiably with his former boot-black, Tony Peroni, of Summer Street. And at the end of the line is a taxi driver who has often driven the rich man about town. Some of the men have been soldiers before and wear their old uniforms; others, desiring to “cut a dash” in a military way, have purchased ready-made uniforms of doubtful quality and fit. The men regard curiously every soldier whom they see. The only soldiers now at camp are members of the regular army. They are per- fectly uniformed and precisely correct in their every move. It is only natural that they should regard the novices with the slightest bit of disdain; they cannot realize that within a year these men will occupy the same trench with them, “Somewhere in France.” And similarly, the draft men look up to the soldiers as demi-gods; their perfection is only too ob- vious to the “rookies,” and they understand that these soldiers are trained men, those who have carried the colors in the Philippines, in Cuba, or even in Mexico. “Is that feller a colonel?” asks Jones of a companion who has seen service with the mil- itia. He points to the leader of the line. - “Naw, of course not, he's only a private. You don't suppose a colonel would bother about us, do you?” I6 “Camp Devens, Next!" ENTERING THE GROUNDS The men walk down the street for half a mile, cross the railroad tracks, and come in sight of the camp. “Well, will you look at that?” cries Brown in an awe-struck voice. “Some little camp, what?” “I thought we were going to live in tents. Wooden buildings, it looks to me.” The procession halts at the main gate. The trooper dismounts, salutes an officer, and asks for instructions. The major consults a book. “District forty-four, depot brigade,” he an- 11OU111CeS. “Orderly, have these men examined and then report to Captain Reed, 4th Battalion. North Adams men, aren't you? District twenty-one goes —” The column goes through the gate and up the main highway. A bugle blows. At this, the first sign of military activity, the men glance around dubi- ously. - “What's that?” asks one. “Mess-call,” answers the cavalryman curtly. “MeSS-call?” “Yes, mess, chuck, grub, food, don't you get that?” Soon they come to the cross-roads and are enabled to get a good view of the camp. To the left are the artillery barracks, and further along, Baldwin’s Restaurant. Thousands of laborers, their white badges pinned conspicu- ously on their hats, are making a mad rush for dinner. From all parts of the camp they come, leaving their implements behind them. They regard the coming soldiers in a friendly man- ner and wave their arms in every direction as if to say: “See what I’ve done for you. good job?” Around the bend the column goes, every man hot and perspiring. On the right is the parade ground, stretching along for half a mile. On one side of it the men see long lines of infantry barracks laid out in perfect order. In front of them is the depot brigade, – their desti- nation. Isn't it a 18 THE ARRival. At the CAMP EXAMINING THE NEW ARRIVALS This picture shows a lieutenant of the medical corps examining a group of newly-arrived draft men. It is illustrative of the care which the men have received from the beginning. Each man who was drawn in the draft was examined by a local board and passed or re- jected by them. Every man who underwent this primary examination, and was subsequent- ly accepted by the local board, was theoretically in good physical condition. The army regu- lations stated specifically that none but the physically fit should be taken into service. The medical authorities were greatly surprised and annoyed when, on superficial examina- tions like this one, they found men who were obviously unfit for service. After the men had been in camp for a few days, they were thoroughly looked over by the officers of the medical corps. In many cases the latter found that flagrant violations of the rule had been made by the local physicians. Men came to the camp who could see nothing without glasses. Some had missing fingers Or toes. I saw one man whose right leg was three inches shorter than the left. A medical Officer told me that certain districts were worse than others. This state of affairs caused much unneces- sary trouble for the authorities. When a super- ficial examination was so fruitful in bad results, complete examinations were of course necessary. Men who could not be retained were sent home immediately; those whose condition might be remedied by treatment went to the base hos- pital until they were fit for duty. The great majority of the district boards did their work well, according to the officers; many have clean records. Those which refused to comply with the regulations in order to fill the quota from their districts not only ham- pered greatly the efforts of the camp doctors, but also caused great and unnecessary expense to the government. 2O º “LET's SEE Your TEETH PHYSICAL It is axiomatic that perfect physical condi- tion is requisite to military efficiency. Army leaders not only encourage exercise On the part of the men but also require a certain amount of physical training as a part of the day's work. The systems and the methods of carrying them out differ in many organizations, but in each of them a certain procedure is religiously and regularly followed. Some company commanders have a so-called “setting-up” exercise before the morning mess, directly after the reveille roll-call. This is in charge of a sergeant who has been designated by the commanding officer. The company is extended so that there is an interval of two paces between each two men, and four paces between ranks. First the sergeant illustrates and explains the exercises to be performed; then the company joins him. There are certain groups of four different exercises prescribed in the manual, and after the company has prac- tised for some time the sergeant has merely to say: “Company, attention. First group, one- two-three —” TRAINING The men then go through the entire group without command. Sometimes the “setting-up” is performed by battalions, as in this picture. The men march to an open field, remove their hats, coats, and blouses and go through the movements en masse. When the soldier has mastered the minor exercises, he is taught to perform others with a rifle. This training is not carried on in a super- ficial manner, but in accordance with certain definite principles of physical development. Each movement has for its object the building up of some member or set of muscles; by a combination of all, every part of the soldier's body receives benefit, and whatever minor de- ficiencies he may have are overcome. And so, if upon your arrival at Camp Devens you perceive a body of half dressed men, gyrating and bending in an astounding manner, do not concern yourself as to their sanity; they are merely having “setting-up drill.” 22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - - After the SETTING-Up DRILL LOOKING NORTH FROM BOULDER HILL In the foreground, on the further side of the road, is the commercial center of the camp. The large sign of Baldwin's Restaurant is visible through the trees. Formerly this cafeteria was controlled by the Baldwin Company, a private concern, under the supervision of the military authorities and contractors. Recently, however, it was taken over by the government; it is now under the dominion of the Quarter- master's Corps and the ticket sellers, cooks, and waiters are all enlisted men in the department. The interior of the building is most interest- ing at meal-time. It is filled with soldiers who prefer the food here to that of their own mess- halls, and those who have been assigned to this place by the authorities. The men pass through a gate at the left and receive the food from a counter in the rear. There is no choice of dishes; certain menus are prescribed for each meal. As the diner enters the main hall by another gate, he receives a check on which the amount due is punched. He then eats at one Of the long wooden benches, and pays his check as he leaves the hall by a third gate. In the rear of Baldwin's can be seen the bar- racks of the 3oist Light Field Artillery, and in the distance, the top of the Hostess House and the administrative building of the Y. M. C. A. The two chimneys are those of the plants which heat the buildings in the vicinity. The road in front runs by the quarters of the 303d Heavy Field Artillery, to the Quartermasters' Corps and the railroad. The road at the extreme left, running perpendicular to it, is the main highway of the camp and runs from the Depot Brigade, in the rear, to the main gate, which lies in the direction of the center of the panorama. 24. º - BALDwin's AND THE 301st L. F. A. A BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF CAMP DEVENS Looking due west from Boulder Hill, one can see a greater part of the cantonment. Directly in front, behind the pines, are the bar- racks of the 3oist Engineers. Beyond the pond, at the right, is one end of the huge Y. M. C. A. Auditorium. Past the engineers' quarters, looking across the clearing to the buildings at the left of the prominent smoke- stacks, are the barracks of the Depot Brigade. Below the sky-line, in the center of the picture we have the 303d and 3o4th Infantry, and look- ing over the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium at the right, one sees the barracks of the 361st and 302d Infantry. The conspicuous chimneys mark the situation of the various heating- plants of the camp. 26 - - - - |- ºr --- Looking WEST FROM Boulder Hill, TOWN AND CAMP (1) MAIN STREET OF AYER The little town has changed greatly since June, 1917, when business was humdrum and life was unexciting. Now the soldier-popu- lation of 3o, ooo men has removed from this street many traces of its former rusticity. Boston merchants rented stores and equipped them in the true metropolitan fashion. The town merchants, fearing this competition, brushed the cobwebs from their windows, stocked up with every necessity and luxury, and installed electric milk-shakers and cash registers. There now seems to be a race be- tween the natives and the visiting merchants to . See which can charge the highest prices for their wares; at last reports the local tradesmen were miles ahead. (2) AUTOMOBILE ROW, AT THE STATION The prospective visitor at Camp Devens, upon arriving at the station, falls prey to that species of vulture commonly known as the jitney driver. These motorists were formerly the farm hands, station agents and second-story men of the vicinity. When the troops came to Ayer, they purchased jitneys which were in every stage of dilapidation and inaugurated a motor service to and from the camp. At first, they charged the soldiers atrocious prices, but eventually the various units purchased huge 'busses of their own and ran in competition. The stranger will do well to assure himself before embarkation that he will be charged only the fixed price of twenty-five cents, and to renew his life insurance policy before venturing on the perilous journey. (3) A SUPPLY WAGON It is a common thing to see the heavy, rumbling supply wagons in the streets of Ayer, bringing rations and other necessities to the camp. They are drawn by the most efficient, yet the most vicious, beasts of burden on earth – the government army mules. (4) THE MAIN GATE If the visitor arrives by trolley at the camp, he leaves the car at this gate; practically all traffic enters and leaves here, with the excep- tion of the Sunday rush, when the upper gate is pressed into active service. Military police, wearing the blue arm band inscribed “M. P.,” are constantly on guard. 28 (1) “Broadway” (3) A SUPPLY WAGon (4) The MAIN GATE THE DIVISIONAL This building is the military center of the camp, and the headquarters of the 76th divi- sion. Here are the offices of the commanding general and his staff, and the headquarters of the principal administrative departments of the camp. The officers who comprise the staff and “make the wheels go round” at Ayer are: Major-General Harry Foote Hodges, Division Commander; Lieutenant W. W. Cowgill, Aide- de-Camp; Lieutenant-Colonel M. B. Stewart, Chief of Staff; Major J. M. Wainwright, Assist- ant Chief of Staff; Captain Arthur F. Brown, Assistant Chief cf Staff; Major Harry L. Hodges, Division Adjutant; Captain T. E. Burleigh, Assistant Division Adjutant; Lieuten- ant-Colonel D. M. Dalton, Division Quarter- master; Major A. M. Pardee, Division In- spector; Lieutenant-Colonel E. K. Masse, Divi- sion Judge Advocate; Major G. M. Peek, Division Ordnance Officer; Colonel F. A. Pope, Division Engineer Officer; Major Chas. A. Lewis, Division Signal Officer; Lieutenant- Colonel John W. Hanner, Division Surgeon; HEADQUARTERS Major J. L. Siner, Division Sanitary Officer; Captain A. E. Foote, Division Post Exchange Officer. These officers are the experts of their branches of the service and it is through them that all orders and memoranda are promulgated and distributed to the various departments of the Camp. The headquarters is on a high hill about a half-mile from the main entrance. The flag on its tall pole, the largest banner in the camp, is visible from nearly every part of the canton- ment. The interior of the building reminds one of the offices of a big corporation. Orderlies are running to and fro, bringing in reports, or taking out memoranda to be quickly distributed by motor-cycle riders. The doors in the front of the building open into the administrative offices, which are equipped with desks and office-chairs, and are literally filled with official documents; the walls of the rooms are covered with maps, notices and typographed memo- randa. 3O HEADQUARTERs, 76th Division A Y. M. C. A. HUT The greatest non-military organization which has ever become attached to the army is the Y. M. C. A. To the soldier, the Y. M. C. A. Hut is a fraternity, a church, a theatre, a com- mon meeting-place, possessing none of the Or- dinary disadvantages of some of those institu- tions. As soon as the workers learned that an encampment was to be built at Devens, they made plans to organize. Fourteen buildings were constructed in the various sections of the camp. There is one main administrative build- ing near the field artillery quarters, an auditor- ium to accommodate 3ooo men, and nine huts similar to that in the picture. At one end of the building there is a stage where the entertainments and performances are produced. The main part of the room is filled with benches on which there is an ample supply of writing paper, pens and ink. Movies are shown frequently; often the local talent of nearby units entertain their companies, and there are frequent boxing and wrestling matches, and similar forms of exercise and amusement. The walls are lined with book- cases which contain every type of book which a “live” man might care to read. In a box near the center of the room are piled the current magazines and newspapers. On Sunday, the Association holds three services, which are the only religious activities on the weekly calendar. The rest of the week, the Y men seek to entertain, amuse and gain the confidence of their protegés, and thereby exert a beneficial influence over them. The success of this organization is undoubted; men who have never been in a church or a Y. M. C. A. building before naturally flock to the army huts. Ask the soldier what he thinks of the Y. M. C. A., and his enthusiastic answer will surprise you. The men realize that these huts are for them, and that every one of the fifty workers in Camp Devens is their friend, and is doing his best to make them comfortable and happy. - Kenneth Robbie, the General Camp Secre- tary, assisted by an administrative staff of seven, has charge of the Camp Devens Associa- tion. Y HUT, NUMBER 29 THE HOSTESS HOUSE The Hostess House, which was built under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A., stands on a high bluff near the 3oist Light Field Artillery, a short distance from the main road. It was erected for the benefit of women who visit the camp. Formerly the wives and woman visitors of the soldiers had no place of meeting; the barracks and Y huts were obviously inconven- ient for them, and when they desired to eat, it was necessary for them to return to the town. On November 26, 1917, this new house was opened to the public, and was placed in the charge of several lady attendants. All women who come to the camp are invited to share the hospitality of the Association. If a mother ar- rives at nine in the morning and finds that her son will not be at liberty until noon, she goes to the Hostess House until that time comes. Not only women and their escorts are welcome, but also any of the boys who wish to wait for friends, Or taste a little home cooking. The dining room, which is of the cafeteria type, is becoming more popular every day. Men are accustomed to bring their friends for dinner, tea or supper. A special breakfast is served on Sunday. This Organization has charge of the Woman's Employment Bureau, and is doing excellent work in that field. The Board attempts to obtain positions as housekeepers in the neighbor- hood for Soldiers' wives, so that they can be near their husbands. Thus far, every applica- tion has been filled and many women have been enabled to earn money and at the same time remain in the vicinity of the camp. The Board stipulates that all people who hire sol- diers' wives shall allow the husbands to visit them at the homes. 34 The Hostess House THE KNIGHTS This organization is doing excellent work at the camp. One notices on each of its signs the inscription: “All Welcome.” “I want to emphasize the significance of those two words,” one of the secretaries told me. “Some people think that the K. of C. building is for Catholics alone, but that is by no means the case. It makes no difference whether a man is a Catholic, a member of the society, or not; if he isn’t, he will receive the same cordial treat- ment as any one else. We are not doing this work for the K. of C. men alone; we are doing if for our soldiers, and we want every American soldier to make our house his headquarters.” This is a typical example of the co-operative spirit of the non-military workers at the camp. The Knights of Columbus have three large huts at Ayer, and a dozen men in charge of them. The interior of the huts is similar to that of the Y. M. C. A. buildings. Each one is fitted with basket-ball apparatus, and has a piano, OF COLUMBUS a complete library, and writing materials. Thomas C. Moore, of the Ayer Council, has charge of the cantonment work and is assisted by men from other New England Councils. An innovation at Devens is the organization of an elimination basket-ball league. Each unit in the camp has been invited to form a representative team and will play at the K. of C. buildings for the championship of the division. There are also frequent boxing matches under the supervision of experts. The entertainments are given not only by 1ocal talent, but also by visiting groups from the K. of C. Councils. Each Sunday a field Mass is held at building Number I. On one oc- casion the service had an attendance of 18,000 men. The building shown in this picture is No. 3, near the base hospital; each morning the workers go from here to the hospital with writing paper and stamps and do what they can to make the sick men comfortable. 36 \, \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ſ)) |-| (…) () ſºſ \,||- |-\|-ſ. |-----№|-|-ſ.ſ.|×|- №№, | `-._^a, №. ZOE,:()---- | … … - ſae … :) ---- "…| ---- |- |-) | …|- - |- |- - |-|- |(11) ) - . K. of C. Hut, NUMBER 3 CAMP INSTITUTIONS (1) DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS This picture shows the administrative build- ing from the side facing the 301st Infantry barracks. In the rear of the headquarters are the barracks of the Headquarters Troop, the Only troop in camp. It is generally reputed to be the “crack unit” of the cantonment. As One of the members said to me not long ago: “Why, I'd rather be right where I am, a private of the troop, than in the boots of any ‘shave-tail' lieutenant in the cantonment.” (2) A TYPICAL OFFICERs' QUARTERs BUILDING The officers’ quarters are ordinarily in a line behind the barracks of the organization to which their Occupants are assigned. They are about sixty feet long and their capacity, at the most, is thirty officers; few of them have this number, however. Majors and captains have private rooms, while the lieutenants bunk two in a compartment. At the extreme end of the quarters (in this case, at the left) is the officers' mess and the kitchen. The officers are re- quired to provide for their food from their pay; cooks and waiters, – called kitchen police — are assigned from the enlisted men of the battalion. Other orderlies clean the quarters, make the beds and keep in condition the equipment of their superiors. (3 AND 4) THE BASE HOSPITAL The base hospital is in the rear of the camp, and is completely isolated from the other Organ- izations. It consists of an administrative build- ing, and long rows of hospital barracks for the patients. Certain houses, apart from the main group, are intended for such contagious diseases as may occur from time to time. On an average, eight hundred men are treated at the hospital every day. This number docs not betoken an alarming percentage of illness, as every man with the slightest disorder Or complaint is sent to the base, and many are found to be afflicted by trivial or by imaginary indispositions; it would be difficult to find a civil community of 30, ooo people, each individ- ual leading an active life, with Only 8oo in imperfect physical condition. 38 (2) OFFICERs' QUARTERs (3) HEADQUARTERs, BASE Hospital (4) BARRAcks, BASE Hospital EXCHANGE, HEAT, GRUB AND GUARD-HOUSE (1) THE Post Exchange The great joy of the soldier's life is the regi- mental post exchange. At his company Can- teen he can buy tobacco, candy or other minor luxuries, but at the exchange he can get any- thing from a needle to a washtub. Every article which the man in khaki needs or likes is on sale. There are all kinds of food, mostly put up in packages, a variety of cigarettes which would rival that of a city tobacconist, stationery, books, post-cards, toilet articles, ad infinitum. (2) A HEATING PLANT Probably there has been no matter more widely discussed than that of heat at the can- tonment. During the cold days of October, the pipes were not yet ready, and the tempera- ture of the barracks was not very high. At that time there was considerable complaint, principally from the newspapers of the small cities and towns. It is too cold at Ayer, they said. The heating system once in operation, there soon came to be little cause for complaint. The barracks are cold in the morning because the windows are open at night, but by the time breakfast is over the sleeping rooms are reason- ably comfortable. This picture shows One of the heating plants from which the steam is piped to the barracks in the vicinity. (3) GETTING GRUB FOR THE DAY Each morning the supply wagons bring to the kitchen the commodities for which the mess sergeant has requisitioned. One wagon brings bread, another meat, and so on. Here we have one of the kitchen police receiving the alloted amount of meat for his company. The sergeant who accompanies the wagon has just checked off the allowance of that company. (4) “TURN Each regiment has a guard-house, and under ordinary circumstances, a different company is daily assigned to guard duty. One-third of the entire number are always at their posts; the remainder wait at the guard-house until their turn comes for active duty, or until an alarm is sounded. This picture shows two- thirds of the guard of a light field artillery regi- ment in front of the guard-house, OUT THE GUARD '' 40 | - - *- (3) A QUARTER o' BEEF (4) “TURN OUT THE GUARD." THE CAMP FIRE DEPARTMENT When the camp was being built, the authori- ties realized the great danger from fire in the hundreds of wooden buildings and made pro- visions for a camp fire department. By the time the draft men had arrived, the several fire stations were finished, and a number of Ford trucks, the property of the Quartermas- ter's Corps, completely equipped and ready for any contingency which might arise. Those draft men who had previously had experience as firemen were attached to the fire department and supplemented by men from the Quarter- master's Corps. Lieutenant George H. Whit- ney, a Harvard man from Boston, who had previously attained much notoriety as a “fire fiend,” was appointed chief of the department. He Organized his men, formulated elaborate Schemes for fire prevention and planned care- fully to cope with any possible conflagration. A numerical system of fire alarms, similar to that employed in the cities, was adopted, and a loud whistle which can be heard for several miles, installed in one of the power-houses. There was little need of the department until the cold spell of October came on. All the bar- racks and officers' quarters were then heated by small oil stoves, which proved to be of the high- explosive variety. For no apparent reasons these stoves exploded regularly and with lam- entable results. A number of the buildings caught fire, and several burned to the ground; it was due to the efficiency of the department alone that a general conflagration was averted. The responsibility for putting out fires is not limited to the fire department, but extends to every soldier in camp. When the fire-alarm sounds, all the companies in the vicinity come to the rescue and aid the firemen. In order that the hydrants may give the greatest possible pressure, the water supply is turned off in the buildings until recall blows. The authorities have drawn up a set of drastic rules for fire prevention, particularly adapted to the existent conditions at camp; these are strictly enforced. 42 ºf station Nº1 QUARTERS CONCERNING TRUCKS AND FATIGUE (1) AN ARMY TRUCK. This huge truck, belonging to the Quarter- master's Department, is one of the hundred such vehicles which are at Camp Devens. More speedy than the mules of former days, and of greater capacity than the mule-drawn Sup- ply-wagons, they are almost universally used for trucking in places where the condition of the roads permit. One sees many of them daily at Ayer, rumbling along, the chains jing- ling noisily, and at a rate of speed which makes life miserable for the unwary pedestrian. (2, 3 AND 4) FATIGUE DUTY The next three pictures illustrate the sig- nificance of the term “fatigue duty.” If any manual labor has to be done about the camp, details are called for. The men thus selected perform the required work, whether it be to unload a truck Or to build a road. The first “fatigue” picture shows a detail of M Company, 302d Infantry — men from Rock- land and Quincy — building a road, or at least trying to build One. It was zero weather and the ground was like so much solid rock. Never- theless, they were working away cheerfully. “A little gunpowder might help,” I suggested. “Lord, man, it would take another Halifax disaster to loosen this dirt.” Number three is a group of men from the Headquarters Train, trying to make the roads passable after a snowstorm. They are now in front of the unit headquarters and are working more industriously than ever, because they have only one more load to shovel. When they finish, they will take the first train for Worcester, for a week-end visit. The last picture shows a detail from Ambu- ance Company Number 302, loading the ac- cumulated garbage of the day into one of the Quartermaster's trucks. The man in the fore- ground, who is saluting with a cigarette in his mouth, unquestionably realizes the gravity of the situation. Each morning these trucks go to the kit- chens, collect the refuse and carry it to the transfer station in the rear of the camp. (1) “GANGway!” (3) THE LAst Load (4) “ANY GARBAGE” TWO IMPORTANT FUNCTIONARIES (1) THE BUGLER One of the most ardent ambitions of the small boy, in these times of wars and rumors of wars, is undoubtedly some day to be an army bugler. This enthusiasm and envy is by no means limited to the youth; it is shared by people of mature years, and even by the Sol- diers themselves. There is something pictur- esque about the bugler, and something that suggests romance in his notes. Before any- one is astir, with the exception of the cooks, the bugler comes from his barracks in the dim morning light, and shrills the “first call,” which precedes reveille. It then seems as if some one turned on an electric switch which rouses inanimate beings to activity, and changes darkness into light. The lights in the barracks flash; there comes from all sides the sound of closing windows, the dropping of shoes, and inharmonious yawns. The bugler has awakened the camp. Throughout the day he announces mess, sick-call, drill-call, and numerous others until taps blows, when the same magic notes turn out the lights and silence the songs and voices of thirty thousand men. Owing to the wide area over which the buildings are distributed, the men blow their instruments into a megaphone. In this pic- ture, the bugler of the 3o4th Infantry is announc- ing to his comrades, who have just returned from drill, that mess is waiting for them. (2) THE SENTRY Another interesting figure is the sentry. The camp proper is patrolled by the military police, who have “billies” instead of rifles. Some of the regimental guards, however, carry rifles, and patrol certain posts, as in an ordinary war-time encampment. This guard, with his bayonet fixed, is patrolling the vicinity of a battalion headquarters of the 303d Infantry. It is a cold job because his post is not extensive and has not much walking space. It will be noticed that the home-made helmet and gloves, quantities of which the women of America have been industriously knitting for their boys, are doing good service. 46 gº (1) “Soupy, Soupy, Soupy!” (2) “HALT! Who Goes THEREP" (This is the orthodox translation of mess-call) RELIEVING THE GUARD According to the ordinary procedure of guard duty, a man is on duty for two hours and off for four, until the prescribed twenty-four hours have elapsed. Each shift is under the control of a corporal—the well-known “corporal of the guard.” After one shift is over, the corporal of the guard who is to go on duty and the corporal whose men are about to be relieved, visit each post with the relief. At Post No. 1, they pick up Smith and leave Jones, and so on. When the corporals return to the guard-house, they have an entirely different set of men; those they started with are now scat- tered at the various posts. This picture shows the relief of the guard. In the quadrangular group, the man on the left is the old guard at Post No. 6; he has been on duty for two hours. Facing him is the relief who will take the post for the next two hours. The first one is explaining to his relief the limits of the post, and is communi- cating any orders which may have becn given him. The man with his back towards us is the corporal of the old guard; facing him, with the smile, is the corporal of the relief. The six men are partly of the old guard and partly of the relief. When the column moves on, the man who has been relieved will fall in at the rear and return to the guard-house for four hours of rest. In case of any trouble on a post, the guard summons assistance. If he is undecided what course to pursue in a minor disagreement, he cries, “Corporal of the guard; No. 6!” If the sixth post is distant from the guard-house, the man on the next post passes on the cry and eventually the corporal arrives to settle the difficulty. If the guard is taken ill, he cries “Corporal of the guard; No. 6; relief!” The corporal then comes with a man to relieve him. If there is serious trouble, the guard cries: “The Guard! No. 6.” The corporal at the guard-house reports to the commander of the guard (usually a sergeant), who turns out the entire guard and rushes to the scene of disorder. 48 THE RELIEF BAYONET One of the most important branches of mili- tary science which soldiers must master is the skilful use of the bayonet. Before the men leave for France, every one of them will know how to defend himself from another bayonet, how to conduct an offensive, and how to com- bine skilfully the two movements. Quite naturally, this work has been very popular at Camp Devens. There is nothing that the American likes better than hand-to-hand, man- to-man fighting. For that reason he excels in football, in wrestling, in boxing, and in every other sport in which the element of per- sonal contact and aggression is predominant. That is the reason why he must learn this science thoroughly, and that is why, when he has learned it, he will make the best bayonet fighter on the Western Front. There is nothing particularly inspiring about shooting at a forest two miles away in the hope of hitting some one, or in firing at a trench, the Occupants of which are not in sight. But when the American meets his adversary face to face, when it is skill against skill, there he will be at his best. But there is another feature of American fighting which will hinder our men. The Anglo- PRACTICE Saxon likes to fight fair; he plays a clean game and expects his adversary to do the same; hence he is not looking out for fouls. Accord- ing to the German code of fighting, a man fouls whenever possible. The Huns surrender and then shoot their captors in the back, and have innumerable other little tricks which “are not being done” in clean fighting. Our boys are being trained how to deal with these methods. The American soldier is not encouraged to emulate Prussian barbarism; he is being taught how to cope with it, how to overcome that barbarism, and thereby save his own life. Every element of warfare which the authori- ties teach your son, your brother, your friend, is for his own good and is likely to save his life at one time or another. The bayonet work of Camp Devens is under the tutelage of Major Reginald Barlow, of the 3ozd Infantry. Major Barlow is a veteran fighter and has seen service in South Africa. When the war broke out he was an actor play- ing in “Old Lady 31.” He is now regarded as one of the most expert bayonet instructors in the country. As yet, the United States has not evolved. 50 - - - - " - - º º º ºl - . “Over the Top – AND Give 'Em HELL" BAYONET PRACTICE—Continued any particular form of bayonet fighting for this war, but the authorities are constantly experimenting. When the perfected system is adopted, it will probably be a combination of the English, French, and Canadian codes. The men are being trained according to Cer- tain principles which the English have found most successful and efficacious. - The bayonet fighters in these pictures are men of the 13th Company, Depot Brigade. The preceding picture shows them coming over animaginary “top,” and gives some idea of what a bayonet charge in skirmish line looks like. The picture opposite shows the same men receiving instruction in thrusting from Lieuten- ant Russell Codman of the 4th Battalion. The dummies are of burlap sacks filled with straw. The man on the end seems to be making a par- ticularly determined and deadly thrust. 52 - - GETTING READy For – “DER TAG” GRENADE Another constituent of the modern art of warfare is the hand grenade, an offensive arm hitherto practically unrecognized by our regu- lations, which has become an important fea- ture in the fighting on the Western Front. The grenade is made of cast iron and is about the size and shape of a lemon. The outside of the casing is corrugated, so that when it ex- plodes, it bursts into fragments. The grenadier holds it in his right hand, removes the safety pin with his left, and hurls the grenade in the direction of the enemy trenches. Five seconds after the grenade leaves the hand, it explodes, scattering some fifty bits of iron in all direc- tions, with such force that they are danger- ous at a distance of a hundred yards. It is sometimes used preliminary to the attack, in order to clear the opposing front-line trench, but more often to “mop up” an enemy trench, after it has been taken. The French company formation, adopted since the beginning of the war, substitutes a number of grenadiers for the customary riflemen, and the newly adopted English and Canadian formations also have PRACTICE squads of men skilled in throwing the danger- ous missiles. Our formation for action on the Western Front has not yet been perfected but when the final decision is made, there will be a large number of these grenadiers attached to each company. Accordingly, the military authorities at Ayer, leaving no stone unturned in the thorough preparation of the men, have already begun to teach them the art of throw- ing the grenade. Lieutenant Mallet of the French Mission, assisted by Lieutenant A. W. Wright, is superintending the grenade work at the camp. The group in the picture are non-commissioned officers from the 7th Bat- talion, Depot Brigade. They are learning the rudiments in advance of the privates so that they will be able to instruct their charges when the time comes. The Americans find it rather difficult to throw the dummy grenade; they are tempted to throw it like a baseball, but it must be done with a circular overhead move- ment, by swinging the arm as the pitcher does in the English game of cricket. 54 CLEARING AN IMAGINARY GERMAN TRENCH SIGNALLING The knowledge of the methods of signalling is not restricted to the Signal Corps, but is necessary to men in every branch of the serv- ice. The two principal codes used by the United States army are the wig-wag, which is a visual adaption of the International Morse code, and the semaphore two-arm or two-flag code, which is illustrated in the accompanying picture. - Certain movements and formations are also regulated by signals, the knowledge of which is imperative to their proper execution. Often in the trenches or on the battlefield, the noise or distance is so great that oral communication is impossible, and written notification not feasible. On this account it is absolutely neces- sary that the soldier, whether engineer, cavalry- man or artilleryman, be able to communicate with his officers or companions in another part of the field by arm signals. Ordinarily, flags are used, as they are more easily seen, but in this picture where the train- ing is taking place, they are not necessary, and Only two men seem to be equipped with them. The Semaphore code is very simple and the letters follow certain movements of the arms in logical sequence. The man in front is signalling the letter O. Of the three men on the right whose arms are raised, the first is giving the letter J, and those behind him are both signalling the letter A. The signallers are members of the 14th and 15th Companies of the Depot Brigade. 56 SEMAPHORING SANITATION, BAYONETS AND HOUSE-MOVING (1) The sanitary officer of Camp Devens has decreed that as a health precaution all blankets and mattresses shall be suspended during the hours of morning drill from the win- dows of the barracks, and that every window in the building shall be open. That is the reason for the rather astounding display of sleeping accoutrements in this barracks of the 3ozd Light Artillery. (2) The medical authorities have also taken strict precautions to prevent the spread of any epidemic among the draft men. The few and scattered cases of measles have resulted in the wholesale quarantine of the companies to which the sick men belonged. This picture shows the quarantined barracks of a caisson company of the Ammunition Train. A promenade has been fenced in for the guard; he will allow no One to come within the outside fence, and the patients are restricted to that area enclosed by the inside barrier. (3) Here we have First Lieutenant H. D. White instructing his men in bayonet drill. In Order to illustrate the many varieties of offen- sive and defensive positions, the lieutenant has Ordered each pair to assume a different pose. The men on the end are executing the preliminary movements, but in the center we can See a man who has come to close quarters with his adversary and is, so to speak, “after him tooth and nail.” This platoon is from H Company of the 302d Infantry, and the combatants formerly lived on Cape Cod. (4) These men from the 3o4th Infantry realize that a soldier is expected to do every kind of work on the calendar. A building which was formerly used as sleeping quarters for the civilian workmen was needed near the regi- mental headquarters for a motor-cycle garage. Accordingly, a detail was called to transfer it, and now the moving is in full progress. They have about three blocks farther to go, but judging from the happy expressions on their faces, the distance does not seem to be of much CO11Cer11. 58 (1) “OUT THE WINDow You Must Go” (2) QUARANTINED (3) UP AND At 'EM (4) Moving DAY THE MEDICAL CORPS Since the Red Cross has come under the dominion of the War Department, the am- bulances and equipment have become adjuncts to the Medical Corps, and the workers enlisted men in the army. The Medical Corps at Camp Devens is under the direction of Lieutenant- Colonel Powell, the divisional surgeon, who has under him 23 o officers and IIoo men. Besides the base hospital there are twenty-six infirma- ries, attached, for the most part, to the regimental units. Each of these smaller hospitals has a staff of officers and trained men to take care of the trivial cases or to administer first aid upon event of an emergency. Each morning, after breakfast, the men who are not well answer “sick-call” and are marched by a non-com- missioned officer to the regimental infirmary. If their illnesses are imaginary or obviously only temporary, the staff treats them there; any men whose condition is really not normal, or who might develop sickness through lack of proper care, are sent to the base hospital in ambulances. It lends a touch of realism to the ordinary commonplace incidents of the camp to see these ambulances, with large red crosses on the side, go tearing along the road. The “rolling stock” of the Medical Corps consists of thirty ambu- lances like those illustrated and four field hos- pitals. The drivers of these vehicles belong to the four ambulance companies, whose quar- ters are adjacent to those of the Headquarters Train. The picture shows three of the ambulances waiting near one of the regimental infirmaries for patients to take to the base hospital. 6O THE AMBULANCES THE FIELD Camp Devens has three regiments of field artillery: the 303d, heavy artillery, the 3oist and 302d, light artillery. Colonel A. S. Conk- lin is the commanding officer of the combined regiments. The enlisted men are those drafted from Northern Maine and New Hampshire. (1) BATTERY F, 303D. H. F. A. Captain Gallaudet of Waterbury has just ordered his organization, Battery F, to fall in for fatigue duty. It is early afternoon, and the entire regiment is about to pick up the grounds and do odd jobs in the vicinity. A quarter- mile away, there is a huge supply of wood, scattered promiscuously over the landscape; these boys from the north will spend the after- noon gathering and placing it in piles for the trucks to distribute. BLUE OVERALLs (2) At the same time Battery D is rounding the corner. A road not far away must be opened before night and the soldiers have donned blue overalls to keep their uniforms ARTILLERY from getting dirty. They surely present a Strange appearance, with their campaign hats and the blue, loose-fitting clothes, in place of the regulation khaki. (3 AND 4) ARTILLERY PRACTICE. Lieutenant Julian L. Lathrop, the former Harvard athlete, who has been in the ambulance service at the Western Front, is drilling a squad from Battery E. In the absence of horses and artillery, they use wooden imitations and themselves drag the “big guns” around. They are now ready to fire; there is a goodly supply of theoretical ammunition in the wooden caisson at the right of the gun, and the Sergeant is about to give the signal which will (also theoretically) cause a shell to disturb the peace- ful quiet of the town of Clinton, ten miles away. On the “camouflaged” horses the same squad is learning the fine points of equestrianism. When the genuine articles arrive, all that will be necessary will be to get on good terms with the animals. 62 (3) “READy–FIRE” (4) THE GENTLE ARt of EQuestriaNism THE DEPOT BRIGADE “What is the Depot Brigade?” comes the query from all sides. Some people seem to harbor the impression that it is an organization which camps in the railroad station, or uses the freight yards as a drill-field. But such is not the case. It is not even remotely connected with the railroad depot or with the freight and passenger serv- ice. The Depot Brigade is a clearing-house for soldiers, – a training school which never takes a vacation, although many of its graduates daily receive their degrees as first-class soldiers. To the Depot Brigade come all the recruits; to it are sent all those men who do not readily pick up the elements of military training in the line regiments. In a way, it may be compared to the foundry which receives crude iron and odd lots of old metal, and molds it step by step until the finished product is perfected. The Depot Brigade is the reserve upon which the line regiments depend to replenish troops which have been transferred or sent away. While the infantry line trains the same men day after day until they are proficient as a unit, this clearing-house trains individuals until they are fit for the line, and then sends them away; the vacant places are necessarily filled by green men, and the whole process has to be duplicated. If a certain company of the line requires fifty men to fill its ranks, an appeal is made to the Depot Brigade; accordingly, fifty well- trained men appear the next morning at the roll-call of the infantry, organization. If two hundred men must leave for Georgia, if ten men suited for engineers are needed, the Depot Brigade comes to the rescue. This training school is numerically the largest organization in the camp; it prepares men for every branch of the service. The officers are the hardest-worked men at Ayer. They do not drill the same men day after day, but often have several different companies pass through their hands in a month. They must have on the tip of their tongue every detail of the regulations, for while Brown has been in the service two months and Green one month, Black has had only two weeks’ training and White did not come to camp until the day before yesterday; the officer must therefore be ready to explain the principles of grenade throwing to Brown, the elements of bayonet 64 THE MAIN STREET, DEPot BRIGADE THE DEPOT BRIGADE—Continued combat to Green, the intricacies of company and platoon drill to Black, and the manual of arms to White, – and all within an hour if need be. There is no time to glance at the regulations; he must know what he is talking about every minute. The constant transferring of men from the brigade necessarily entails constant practice in army paperwork, a most important element of military science. Again, every detail must be clearly graven in the officers' minds. Such constant practice in every branch of the art of soldiering cannot but bring about an efficiency which would not otherwise be obtained. The preceding picture shows the main street of the depot brigade. The headquarters is on the knoll at the left, and the battalion streets, in lines of barracks, run perpendicularly to the right from this thoroughfare. The officers' Quarters are some distance from the road and parallel to it, on the left. It can be seen that the brigade is on the side of a long slope; from its summit one can gain a view of the entire Cantonment. The picture opposite shows a Depot Brigade battalion, comprising in this case about 500 men, and made up of four skeletonized com- panies. 66 A Depot BRIGADE BATTALION THE HEADQUARTERS TRAIN —THE SIGNAL CORPS The 3o Ist Headquarters Train and Military Police embraces four other organizations: the 3oist Supply Train, the 3oist Ammunition Train, the 3oist Sanitary Train and the 301st Engi- neers' Train. The members of these motorized units come principally from Worcester, Spring- field, and the central part of Massachusetts. Many experienced drivers and skilled mechan- ics have been transferred to the Headquarters Train and are employed at their old trades. This is in accordance with the plan of the authorities to put every man where he will do the best work. The Commanding Officer is Colonel G. H. Estes, formerly of the infantry. The signalling department of the camp is under the control of Major C. A. Lewis, the divisional signal officer. Captain John F. Fan- ning commands the 3o Ist Signal Battalion, the only detachment of the Signal Corps at Ayer. This battalion is unlike the other units in that its members are, for the most part, vol- unteers who were recruited last spring and early summer, before the draft became effec- tive. The equipment of the Corps includes a complete wireless outfit which communicates frequently with other stations in all parts of the country. (1) The main street and some of the bar- racks of the Headquarters Train. (2) The 204th Ambulance Company at right dress. This unit is a part of the Medical Corps, but its barracks are adjacent to those of the Train. These boys are mainly from Worces- ter and Springfield. (3) A view of the barracks of the 301st Signal Battalion. The first three belong to Companies A, B and C, respectively; the building beyond, which resembles an officers’ quarters, is that of the headquarters detach- nent. (4) Another view of the Signal Corps, show- ing the drill field. The building in the back- ground, upon which the antennae of the wire- less are seen, is for the Overflow from the three other buildings. The wireless, which is now in the officers' quarters, will also be moved into the new structure. 68 (1) THE MAIN STREET (2) 204TH AMBULANCE CoMPANY SIGNAL CORPS BARRAcks (3) THE SIGNAL CoRPs (4) THE INFANTRY THE 3oist REGIMENT Like the now censored expression “Sammy,” which so aroused the wrath of the American soldier in France, the designation “Boston's Own,” as applied to the 3orst Infantry, has caused much heated discussion at Camp Devens. The members of that regiment are Greater Boston men, for the most part; upon their arrival at Ayer, the unit was christened “Bos- ton's Own” by one of the newspapers. The phrase appeared again and again in the columns of the press until it became a fixture at the camp, and a tradition among the people of Boston. Immediately the other infantry or- ganizations and the Depot Brigade, which has many units made up solely of Boston men, took exception to the term and were annoyed by the notoriety which was extended by the press to that regiment alone. Some men of the 3oist, also wearied by the constant repetition of the phrase, and the subsequent loss of mili- tary identity as a unit, became indignant. When asked where they had been assigned, men of other units declared: “We're from the 302d (303d or 3o4th), not from Boston's Own.” The Depot Brigade cries hotly: “Forget the “Boston's Own' stuff when you're around here.” And an officer of the 3oist explained to me: “Such nicknames, though novel at first, be- come unpleasant when overworked. We prefer to be the plain 301st until we have a record be- hind us. Then they may call us what they like.” Such are the opinions! Visitors at the camp are strongly advised to ask for the 3oist In- fantry, if they wish to find that unit; should they ask the direction of “Boston's Own,” they might be sent to the opposite side of the camp. The 3oist Infantry is situated a hundred yards to the south of the Divisional Headquar- ters. The commanding officer is Colonel Frank Tompkins. This picture shows the barracks of the regiment, taken from the rear. 7o THE 301st, of Boston THE QUARTERS OF THE SUPPLY COMPANY, 301ST INFANTRY The lower floor of the typical barracks is devoted to the mess hall and kitchen, the first sergeant's office and the recreation room; the top floor is used for sleeping quarters. The Ayer men are particularly fortunate in regard to their bunks and equipment. Each man has an iron cot, equipped with a spring and a straw mattress (a luxury unknown to the soldiers of the “good old days” of a year or two ago.) Be- sides these, he has as many blankets as are requisite for his comfort. No pillows are fur- nished, but the soldier may buy one for his per- sonal use if he so desires. Pajamas are not in vogue. As there are no closets or mahogany bureaus, the men deposit their personal belongings under their cots; there they are as safe as in a vault, for, according to the soldier's code of honor, theft is classified with murder and arson and is unknown in an army camp. In the center of the room there are pegs on which overcoats may be hung; but all other personal belongings are restricted to the area of the cots. At night every window is opened six inches as a result of the recent order of the Sanitary Officer. Directly after mess in the morning, the soldier makes his bed. It is not “made’’ in the ordinary way, but, rather, in accordance with the military regulations. All blankets and bed clothing are neatly folded and deposited in a pile at the head of the bed; personal ar- ticles must be in similarly neat piles beneath each cot. The barracks are inspected daily by an officer; any man whose bunk is not in good condition, or who has neglected to comply with any of the rules, is given a reprimand and extra “fatigue duty.” The boys in this barracks are of the Supply Company of the 3oist. When the picture was taken, they had just finished “tidying up” the big room for inspection. 72 SUPPLY CoMPANY, 301st INFANTRY THE MESS-HALL The lower floor of each barracks contains a spacious mess-hall and kitchen for the members of the company. The mess-hall is filled with long wooden benches and seats. In the rear is the kitchen, where the food is prepared and cooked on large ranges. The cooks are per- manent members of the culinary department, and were originally selected on account of previous experience in that field, but the waiters and helpers, the “kitchen police,” as they are called, are only on duty temporarily. Each day a detail is selected from the company roster to act as kitchen police. These men are re- lieved from military duties and are under the Orders of his Majesty, the Cook. They carry in the supplies from the trucks, peel potatoes and Onions, and at meal time act as waiters, bringing the food to the tables from the sideboard which separates the kitchen and the dining hall. This duty is not sought by the men and hence is often given for days at a time as punishment for Some laxity in discipline. When the mess-call blows the men throng to the tables upon which the food has already been placed. As soon as they are allowed to sit down there is one grand rush for the plates of food. Smith has the potatoes, and Jones the platter of meat. After Smith has taken all the pota- toes he wants, he gives the dish to Jones, who in turn passes back the meat. Meanwhile, Brown, Green and Black are industriously heaping their plates with bread, beans and prunes. After a while this mutual interchange is completed and most of the men are happy. Those who have not obtained enough howl for the distracted orderly to bring them more. It is all done good-naturedly, however, and no matter how hard a time a man may have in getting what he wants when he wants it, he is never hungry when he leaves the mess-hall. For this is one of Uncle Sam's cardinal rules for the health and happiness of his boys, - good food and plenty of it. t The mess-hall shown here is that of a company of the 303d Infantry. The kitchen police, one of whom has a mop in his hand, are in the foreground; the cooks can be seen behind the sideboard. . 74 is tº * |-- º - |º | - The Most Popular Place IN CAMP THE 302D INFANTRY The 3ozd Infantry, Colonel C. C. Smith commanding, comes from the southeastern part of Massachusetts. Some of the men came from Quincy, Hingham and towns near Bos- ton; others lived in Provincetown and the vil- lages of Cape Cod, on Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. These are the men whose fathers and grandfathers sailed from New Bedford and Nantucket on long whaling voyages, or earned their subsistence by fishing trips to the banks of Newfoundland. And their sons and grandsons, strong and sturdy young men who have spent their lives on the shores of Massachusetts, have forsaken the sea, and are preparing to fight by land the great war of democracy. The street in the picture runs through their barracks, and connects the regimental street in front with the highway in the rear. The latter encircles the barracks of the 3oist and the 3ozd. LOOking down the hill, one can See the great parade ground, or drill field, which these two regiments overlook. This picture illustrates the manner in which all the infantry sites are laid out. For instance, the barracks of A and E Companies are on the main street below, while B, C and D, and G, H and I, are situated in tiers behind them. One of the Officers' quarters is seen on the other side of the road at the bottom of the hill. The Small buildings along the side of the barracks are latrines, which contain the toilets and shower baths. 76 A STREET of THE 302D RETURNING FROM THE TRENCHES At seven-thirty this morning a detail from the 3ozd Infantry was formed, and was ordered to don Overalls and take picks and shovels, in- stead of rifles, for the morning drill. The unit had representatives of nearly every company in the regiment. “Squads right, march,” commanded the officer in charge, and the column moved up the road. After ten minutes' walk the men arrived at the trenches, and spent the morning in dig- ging, and receiving instruction in the forma- tion and construction of trenches from the Canadian and French officers. It is Saturday noon and now they are returning to their bar- racks. For most of them, the week's work is over, and a day and a half of rest is in prospect. 78 - - - - º | - - - - - º, ºx- - * "…º.º. -- | - - - - - - ... . . . . - - A DETAIL FROM THE 302D THE 303D The quarters of the 303d and 304th Infantry are at some distance from those of the other two units of infantry, and stretch along the road which runs parallel to the adjacent Depot Brigade, in the southeastern part of the camp. The men of the 303d are the only ones at Ayer who were not residents of New England; they come from northeastern New York state, from Albany, Schenectady, Johnstown and other towns and cities in that section. In imitation INFANTRY of the Boston regiment, they call themselves “New York's Own,” but from the jocular man- ner with which they pronounce this designa- tion, one understands that they do not mean it seriously, but are merely poking fun at their neighbors. The company in the picture is returning to the barracks for mess, after several hours of strenuous “fatigue duty.” The regiment is commanded by Colonel J. F. Preston. 8O “When the Day's Work is O'ER" THE 304TH From Connecticut comes the 3o4th Infantry, under Colonel J. S. Herron; a large number of its men were formerly employed by the indus- trial plants of Bridgeport, Hartford, New Britain and Waterbury. Some of the men were unable to speak English, and others had never learned to write. I saw the roll call of Company G, commanded by Captain Charles D. Case; parts of it resembled a list of Russian fortresses and similarly unpronounceable names. The sergeant who calls the roll did not find it easy to enunciate clearly patronyms which begin with “Kryz—,” or “Crmn—”. These examples are by no means exaggerated; similar arrays of consonants are common things on the company rosters. Such conditions are not confined to this regiment, but are found in every Organization at Ayer; they are more than ordi- narily prevalent in the 3o4th because of the large number of men from the industrial cities which contributed their quota to that unit. The authorities have made every effort to bring to these men of foreign birth the same Knowledge of the English language enjoyed by INFANTRY their native-born comrades. Schools teaching written and spoken English were formed, and those men who had not been educated were required to attend. The results have been remarkable, as the pupils have shown, from the first, a keen desire to learn. And although, on account of their lack of knowledge of English, they were at first somewhat slow in mastering the elements of drill, they soon acquired a proficiency which rivalled that of their Ameri- can-born fellow soldiers. - It is hard to realize that many members of this column of platoons, which is now marching like a veteran body, were working at machines three months before and had not the slightest idea of military regulations. Then some of them could not understand spoken English, and their only idea of discipline was that of the factory. Now they are living under better conditions than some of them enjoyed in the factory towns from which they came, keeping regular hours, taking continuous exercise and eating good, wholesome food. Is it any wonder that they make such a good showing? 82 - - A Column of PLATOONs THE REVIEW OF THE 304TH INFANTRY In a military cantonment, reviews of regi- mental units are held frequently, both for the delectation of the higher officers and other digni- taries, and also for practice in mass drilling and formations. These pictures present the general aspects of a regimental review. In the course of the morning, the Order comes to the company commanders to be ready for a review of the regiment at 11.30. Drill is ordi- narily suspended and the men are given an opportunity to clean their uniforms, polish their shoes, and prepare their rifles and equip- ment for the usually attendant inspection by the person or persons in honor of whom the formality is held. At II. I5, the company com- manders order their units to form in company line. He then conducts an informal inspection of the men. - (1) “A” company has just formed and the captain is explaining the procedure that is to follow. At the same time the other companies are likewise forming and receiving the same instructions. The captain then marches the company to the place where the battalion is to assemble. He reports to the major, who takes charge of the battalion, and marches it to the designated place on the parade ground. (2) The first battalion has taken its place, and the line in the rear is standing at attention. (3) The entire regiment is now in position before the reviewing stand. An officer with a megaphone is explaining certain details which must be learned before the next formation. (4) The formality being over, the battalions are returning to their barracks in column of platoons, that is to say, several squads abreast. The Order comes “Platoon right by squads.” The platoon on the left is changing its formation and instead of marching in platoon line, like the second unit in the picture, it is forming a column of squads, – one squad behind the other, the usual marching formation. In this formation, the captains take their men to their barracks. 84 (1) CoMPANY A, 3o4TH INFANTRY (2) CoMPANY FRONT - --- º 'º () ºl (3) At ATTENTion (4) “PLAToon RIGHT BY SQUADs” CAMP ACTIVITIES (1) THE SUPPLY TEAM Once more we have one of the mule teams; this one is an adjunct to the Supply Company of the 303d H. F. A. The transportation and distribution of company supplies comes within the province of the supply company, a unit which is attached to each regiment. The men usually selected for this Organization are those who have had previous experience in tak- ing care of horses and mules, or in driving carts. In the regular army, the supply men have the longest working hours of any enlisted men in the service. Directly after breakfast, they harness their teams and drive away; they do not appear again at their quarters until Supper time. (2) POLICING THE GROUNDS The word “police,” taken as a verb, means, in military parlance, to “clean up.” The “policing” of a mess hall signifies the sweep- ing of the floor and washing of the tables. The “policing” of the camp grounds denotes the cleaning up of all papers and rubbish in the vicinity. Two men carry a box or a sack for the refuse; the rest pick up every scrap which might arouse the wrath of the vigilant inspector or sanitary officer. Here we have a group of men from the 302d Field Artillery, putting their grounds in good Order for an expected inspection by the colonel. THROWING THE MEDICINE BALL (3) Outdoor games are often substituted for the setting-up exercises. This circle of men from the Signal Corps is engaged in throwing about a heavy medicine ball. The physical training of the camp is superintended by R. F. Nelligan, a civilian instructor, who was formerly the Profes- sor of Hygiene and Physical Exercise at Amherst College. Mr. Nelligan offered his services to the War Department and was sent to Ayer in November. MARCHING (4) The fourth picture shows the first bat- talion of the 3o4th Infantry, which is about to march to the drill field for practice in battalion formations and movements. 36 (1) SUPPLY TEAM (2) Police DUTY (3) “TossING THE PILL” (4) A BATTALION of THE 3o4th DRILL FIELD, RANGE AND TRENCH (1) “THE PRIZE SQUAD '' When members of companies I and K, 302d Infantry, came down with the measles, the other members of the unit were placed under strict quarantine. In order to prevent loss of valuable time while waiting for the quarantine to be lifted, the officers took groups to isolated parts of the camp and conducted the drills. The picture shows a group of non- commissioned officers of the two companies in- dulging in a quiet, private drill, “far from the madding crowd.” The lieutenant in charge informed me that they were the “prize squad of the camp.” . (2) AT THE TRENCHES Men from the 303d Infantry are seen digging a first-line trench. While one shift of men is working, the rest receive explanations and instructions. (3) THE 301st AT THE RANGE This picture gives a good idea of the appear- ance of the rifle range in the afternoon. The crowd of men who are waiting behind the firing line are from the 3orst Infantry. They are On the hundred yard range, and the men are shooting from a standing position. (4) KEEPING WARM When the temperature drops at the trenches, the men gather brush and old boards and do their best to keep warm. The large number of men around the fire is good proof of its popu- larity at the present chilly moment. When the cold becomes intense, the captains send for hot coffee from the company kitchens. This is brought to the trenches in huge boilers by the supply wagons. Such acts of forethought and kindness to the men are indicative of the spirit of the officers at Ayer; they make every effort not only to train their men, but, at the same time, to keep them comfortable and contented. 88 (1) “THE PRIZE SQUAD” (2) A FRONT LINE TRENch UNDER Construction (3) “CoMMENCE FIRING” (4) ONLY Four Below THE RIFLE RANGE After the camp was coumpleted, the authori- ties scanned the neighborhood for a suitable rifle range for the draft men and eventually selected an immense field about two miles dis- tant from the camp. A number of short ranges were established, some of Ioo yards, some of 200, and others equipped with apparatus de- signed for practice with low calibre rifles. Every man in camp will take his turn at the ranges. The soldiers go for practice in Com- pany or battalion units, and their efforts are carefully supervised by officers and expert riflemen. For those who are unacquainted with the equipment of a rifle range, a short des- cription might be welcome. The men fire from three positions: prone (i.e. lying on the stom- ach), kneeling, and from a standing position. The targets have a black bulls-eye in the center, with larger rings encircling it. A bulls-eye counts five points, and the corresponding rings, four, three, and two; a hit on any part of the target counts two. After the man has shot, the markers, who are in a trench beneath the targets, pull them down and examine them; then they raise them again by a system of pul- leys, and designate with a disk, which is on a long pole, the position of the hit. A scorer, standing behind the firing line, keeps a careful record of the score. Ten shots are fired, and the percentage is figured on the basis of a pos- sible total of fifty. The men in the picture, belonging to the 3o4th Infantry, are firing from a trench which is an exact copy of a firing trench on the western front. When standing on the floor of the trench, the soldiers are not in range of the enemy's rifle fire; the firing step enables them to shoot over the top of the parapet. The scores of the men have been most grati- fying; at the Ioo-yard range, some Organizations Of the 3o4th have had an average of forty out of a possible fifty points. 90 º | º - | - W. | º - | º º THE FIRING “TRENch" THE TRENCHES In order to train the draft men under con- ditions resembling as closely as possible those that they will later encounter in France, the authorities have ordered that a complete set of trenches be built, both for the practice in con- structing them, and for the training in their use which will follow. All the men of the line will take part in the exercises. Officers and non-commissioned officers from the French and Canadian armies, who have seen active service, and realize the actual conditions of trench war- fare, are supervising this work at Camp Devens. The United States has no standard trenches; those which will be eventually adopted will be a combination of the best points of the systems used by the allied forces. The trenches at Ayer are really only experimental. but they answer their purpose in demonstrating to the infantrymen the characteristics and uses of those which are employed at the western front. The soldier will learn to distinguish the first, Second and third-line trenches and the communi- cation trenches which connect them. He will 1