NAVY SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, No. 1. . US (3 33257 (. A ASTRONOMY: COMPRISING SUGGESTIONS TO U, S, NAVAL OFFICERS, BEARING UPON POINTs connecTED witH NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, ASTRONOMICAL GEOGRAPHY, AND GENERAL ASTRONOMY. BY PROFESSOR: WILLIAM CHAUVENET, Chancellor of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. B U R E A U O F NAVIG ATION. N A WY DEPARTMENT. WA. S. HIN GT ON: GOVE R N MENT PRINT IN G OFFIC E. 1868. ASTR0 N () MY. BY PROFESSOR WILLIAM CHAUVENET, Chancellor of Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. I. NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY.—The navigator who is disposed to contribute to the advancement of science will naturally direct his efforts first to the branches with which he is most familiar in the daily practice of his profession. His attention will therefore be first directed to the improvement of methods of find- ing a ship's place at sea by astronomical observation; for much as this subject has been studied, it is far from being exhausted. The researches of mathemat- ical navigators, such as our distinguished Bowditch, during the first half of this century, were directed chiefly to the abridgement of the processes of navigation, on the ground that the practical seaman has little leisure, even if he have the taste, for long numerical computations. But to satisfy the demands of the nav- igator of the present day, we must furnish him with methods not only brief but accurate; and it is therefore to be hoped that those who attempt to make improvements will keep in view both these essential qualities of a good nautical method. The following remarks upon some of the leading methods in actual use, and upon some proposed for adoption, are not to be regarded as absolute dicta, but as suggestive of the course of inquiry which may head to improve- ment. - 1. Latitude by meridian observations.—The meridian observation of the altitude of the sun is so simple, the subsequent computation of the latitude so brief, and the result so certain, that no improvement of this method seems pos- sible. It may be worth while, however, to direct attention to the precautions to be observed in those special cases where extreme accuracy is desired. In the open sea, indeed, where the determination of the ship's place within one minute is even more than sufficient, the usual mode of observing the maximum altitude, by beginning before noon and following the sun until it begins to descend or “dip,” may be regarded as quite accurate. Time, however, is often wasted in this way, by beginning the observation unnecessarily soon, (as early even as 11”. 30”.,) the observer being uncertain as to the ship's time. This uncertainty arises from the usual practice of determining the time by an altitude of the sun near the prime vertical or as far from the meridian as possible, after which the ship's change of position, known only from the dead reckoning, introduces more or less error by the time the meridian observation arrives. This defect will be obviated in many cases by finding the time from circum-meridian altitudes, of which we shall speak more particularly hereafter. But when the greatest accuracy is sought, the observer must no longer regard the maximum altitude of the sun as the meridian altitude, but must remember that since the sun's declination is continually changing, (excepting when exactly 4 ASTRONOMY. at the solstices,) the greatest altitude is reached either before or after noon. If the ship is not moving during the observation, or at least does not change her latitude, this source of error is insignificant, (never reaching 1';) but if the ship's change of latitude is rapid—say from 10' to 15' per hour, as may often happen—this change not only produces a sensible error itself, but also causes the error arising from the change of declination to become sensible. For exam- ple, if the ship is in latitude of 70°, and is running south so as to decrease her latitude 12 per hour, the sun's declination being 0°, and the change of declina- tion 1’ per hour, the greatest altitude differs from the meridian altitude” by (12-1-1)*-i- (0.7 × 4)=60". If we neglected the change of declination, the dif- ference would be (12)”--(0.7 × 4)=51". If the ship did not change her lati- tude, the difference would be 1--(0.7× 4)=0".3, which is altogether insignifi- cant. Hence the change of declination which produces no sensible error when the ship is at rest, has produced an error of 9", the ship being in motion at the supposed rate. Again, the method of observing the greatest altitude by following the sun's increasing altitude with the sextant until the sun “dips,” is subject to another kind of inaccuracy when the ship is in a heavy sea; for the height of the eye and consequently also the dip of the horizon are then variable, and it is impos- sible to cause the sextant reading to follow the sun's altitude exactly. For ex- ample, with the eye 16 feet above the ship's water-line, the dip of the horizon with a smooth sea will be 3/56!/; but if the waves cause the ship to rise and fall, say 4 feet, above and below the mean height, the dip will vary from 2'47" to 3' 56”.f The remedy in this case appears to be to observe a succession of altitudes in the vicinity of noon, as rapidly as possible, making an independent contact of the sun's limb and reading off the sextant at each observation. After it is apparent (from the altitudes thus read off) that the sun is declining, we may either select the greatest recorded altitude as the meridian altitude, and allow the dip for the height of the eye above the ship's water-line, (which amounts to assuming that this greatest altitude was obtained when the ship was on the top of a wave,) or we may select this greatest and the two adjacent ones, take the mean of the three, and allow a mean dip corresponding to the height of the eye above the water-line diminished by one-half the height of a wave. 2. Latitude and time by circum-meridian altitudes of the sun.—When clouds have prevented the observation of the meridian altitude of the sun, and yet altitudes near the meridian have been observed, the method of Bowditch's Navigator, (p. 201,) by means of his Tables XXXII and XXXIII, is the most convenient for use at sea, and is sufficiently exact when the local time is toler- ably well known. But the occasions when circum-meridian altitudes have to be resorted to are mostly on those days when no observations for the local time * See rule in Bowditch's Navigator, p 169. f This is upon the supposition that the sea horizon is then determined by the tops of the distant waves; so that when the ship is on the top of a wave, the observer's eye is to be considered as 16 feet above the horizontal surface, and when the ship is in the trough his eye is but 8 feet above this surface; and therefore the proper dip to be deducted from an average of a number of altitudes is that corresponding to 12 feet in this case, or, in general, that which corresponds to the height of the eye above the ship's water-line diminished by one-half the height of the wave reckoned from the bottom of the trough. ASTRONOMY. 5 have been possible, and the reduction by Bowditch's method (or by any of the methods now in use) is then liable to such uncertainty as often to be abandoned as wholly impracticable. A simple method of using such circum-meridian alti- tudes of the sun, when the time is not known, is the following,” which is ex- plained here because it has not yet found its way into our practical works. First, to find the latitude.—The chronometer time of each altitude of the sun’s limb near noon is noted, as we wish to use the chronometer intervals, although the correction of the chronometer on the local time is unknown. Select any two altitudes thus observed that are not more than 26 minutes apart by the chrono- meter. Correct these altitudes for refraction, and find their mean and their difference. Also find the difference of the corresponding chronometer times, or the chronometer interval. With the sun's declination and the approximate lati- tude find the change of altitude in one minute from noon by Bowditch's Table XXXII. With one-half the chronometer interval take the number from Table XXXIII, with which multiply the change in one minute; the product is the first reduction. Take the square of one-fourth the difference of the altitudes, (reduced to seconds,) and divide this by the first reduction; the quotient is the second reduction. Add these two reductions to the mean of the two altitudes; the sum is the meridian altitude of the sun’s limb, which is then (having already been corrected for refraction) to be further corrected for the dip of the horizon, parallax, and semidiameter, and the latitude deduced as in the case of a meridian altitude directly observed. Calling h and h' the two observed altitudes of the sun's limb corrected for refraction, t one-half the chronometer interval, a the change of altitude in one minute from noon, and hi the meridian altitude of the limb, the above rule is expressed by the formula— h1 = }(h+ h') + at? -- [{{h-h')]. - at? When the difference of the altitudes is small and the refraction therefore (sensibly) the same for both, it will not be worth while to correct the observa- tions for refraction before reducing to the meridian. All the reductions (includ- ing also the index correction of the sextant) will then be applied to the reduced meridian altitude of the limb, as in the following example: ExAMPLE.—The approximate latitude being 38° N., the declination at noon 1° 48' 9" S., the height of the eye above the sea 19 feet, suppose the following observations taken : Chronometer. G) Sh Om 225.5 } = 50° 10' 0" 8 10 13.5 h/ = 50 11 40 2) 9 51 h—// = — 1 40 cºsmºmºmºsºs #(h—h') = — 25 t = 4 55.5 B. XXXIII. tº — 24.2 #(h+h/) = 50 10 50 B. XXXII. a = 2//.4 at” = 1st reduction = 58 [#(h—h')]* = 625 * = 2d reduction = 11 Meridian altitude G) = 50 11 59 * The investigation of this method will be found in Chauvenet's Spherical and Practical Astronomy, Vol. I, Art. 204.—ED. 6 n ASTRONOMY. Dip = — 4 16 Semidiameter = + 16 6 Refraction and parallax = — 42 h1 = 50 23 7 Zenith distance = 39 36 53 N. Declination = 1 48 9 S. Latitude = 37 48 44 N. The accuracy of the result depends in a great degree upon the accuracy with which the difference of altitude is obtained. If in the above example this differ- ence had been 2' 40", or 1' too great, we should have found #(h—h') = 40", and the second correction = 1349 = 28"; consequently the resulting latitude would have been only 17" too small. Since the same causes of error, such as displacement of the sea horizon by extraordinary refraction, unknown instru- mental errors, &c., affect both altitudes alike, the difference will usually be obtained, even at sea, within less than 1'. The most favorable case is that in which the altitudes are equal, and the second correction, consequently, zero. It will be well, therefore, always to endeavor to obtain altitudes on opposite sides of the meridian. - When several circum-meridian altitudes have been observed, they may be reduced in pairs as above, and the mean of all the resulting meridian altitudes will be taken. Secondly, to find the time.—Employing the same two circum-meridian alti- tudes as have just been used to find the latitude, divide one-fourth the difference of altitudes (in seconds) by the product of the change of altitude in one minute and the chronometer interval (in minutes;) the quotient is the number of min- utes from noon of the mean instant between the two observations, and it will represent a time before or after noon according as the second altitude is greater or less than the first altitude. Thus, in the preceding example we have *T*) = F^* = -2.1 at T 2.4× 4.9 T • L. 9 and therefore the middle instant between the two observations was (approxi- mately) 2* 6* before noon. Suppose now that the equation of time was H- 8* 55° (i. e., additive to apparent time,) and that the chronometer correction to Greenwich mean time was -- 27” 21°, we shall then proceed as follows: - Mean of chron, times = 8h 5m 185 Appar. time at mean inst. = — 0" 2" 6° Chron. correction- - = +27 21 Equation of time - - - = + 8 55 Mean Gr, time - - - = 8 32 39 Mean local time - - - 0 6 49 Mean local time - - - = 0 6 49 Longitude - - - - - = 8 25 50 = 126° 27' 30" W. ASTRONOMY. 7 If the ship has changed her latitude between the two observations, it will be proper to correct the first altitude by adding to it the ship's change of latitude in the chronometer interval if the ship has sailed towards the sun, or subtracting the change if the ship has sailed from the sun. 3. Littrow's method of finding the time by circum-meridian altitudes.—The method just given is adapted to the reduction of observations which may be called strictly circum-meridian, namely, those so near to the meridian as to admit of reduction on the principle that the differences between the observed altitudes and the meridian altitude vary as the squares of the hour angles. In the Comptes Rendus of the French Academy for March 7, 1864, M. Faye discusses at great length a method of using circum-meridian altitudes for finding the time, suggested by Littrow, the present director of the observatory of Vienna; and as this method is adapted to observations at somewhat greater distances from the meridian than the above, it may often be very useful. We do not think that it admits of the high degree of precision ascribed to it by M. Faye, but nevertheless it will be found accurate enough for the wants of the navigator in the open sea, when employed in proper circumstances (especially in low lati- tudes) and with suitable limitations. It is as follows: Two altitudes of the sun's limb are taken near the meridian with a chro- nometer interval which may vary from 5 minutes to 30 or 40 minutes according to the latitude, the interval being made longer in high latitudes. Deduce the true altitudes of the sun’s centre and form their half sum and half difference; also form the half sum and half difference of the chronometer times of the two observations. Take the sun's declination for the Greenwich time corresponding to the half sum of the chronometer times, i. e. for the middle instant between the two observations, and bring up the latitude by account to the same instant. Add together the logarithmic cosecant of the half chronometer interval, the log. sine of the half difference of the altitudes, the log. cosine of the half sum of the altitudes, the log. secant of the declination and the log. secant of the latitude : the sum is the log. sine of the apparent time from noon at the mean of the chronometer times, from which the longitude will be deduced in the usual way.* This time is before or after noon, according as the second altitude is greater or less than the first. Calling the true altitudes h and h', the apparent hour angles of these altitudes T and T', the latitude j and the sun's declination 6, this rule is expressed by the formula— sin #(h—h') cos #(h+h') sin #(T-HT')= sin #(T—T") cos @ cos Ó EXAMPLE.—(We give M. Faye's example, adapted to our own Ephemeris and * This rule is very easily used with the aid of Bowditch's Table XXVII; for to find the log. cosecant of the half chronometer interval, we have only to enter that table, in the col- umn P. M., with the whole chronometer interval: and by entering the column sine with the above sum of the logarithms we find in the P. M. column a number of hours, minutes, and Seconds, one-half of which is the required apparent time from moon. 8 ASTRONOMY. Bowditch's Tables.) In latitude 20° N. by account, August 25, 1864, the fol- lowing observations were taken : - Chronometer. True alts. G) 3h 18m 435 h = 780 6' 1977 3 33 43 h/ = 79 52 49 Middle chron. time, = 3 26 13 Chrom. slow - - = 3 40 Middle Gr. time - = 3 29 53 for which time we find from the Ephemeris 6–10° 32' 57" N., and the equation of time = +1 ºn 45°. The computation is then as follows: TV, T = Oh 15m 0s #(T/–T) = 0 7 30 Log. cosec 1.48520 #(h—h/) = 0° 53' 15" “ Sin 8.19001 #(h+h/) = 78 59 34 * COS 9.28090 6 = 10 32 57 ** Sec 0.00740 = 20 0 0 “ Sec 0.02701 4(T-HT')= Oh 22m 275 (A. M.) “ Sin 8.99052 Hence we have Local apparent time - - - - - =23° 37* 33° Equation of time - - - - - - = + 1 45 Local mean time - - - - - - =23 39 18 Greenwich do. - - - - - - - = 3 29 53 Longitude from Greenwich - - - = 3 50 35 W. The correction for any run of the ship between the two observations, when necessary, will be made as in the method of the preceding article.* 4. Sumner's method.—As this method, though published long since and well known to some of our navigators, is not sufficiently explained in our practical works, it may not be out of place here to direct the attention of navigators to its merits. It not unfrequently happens that after a long period of cloudy weather, the navigator sees the sun for the first time at a considerable distance from the meridian, and yet wishes to use an observed altitude for the determi- nation of his position immediately, that is, without waiting for a meridian alti- tude which would give him his latitude with certainty. The only use commonly made of an altitude remote from the meridian is to find the longitude by chro- * The examples cited by M. Faye, from actual observations on board the Novare, under the command of the Austrian Admiral Wüllerstorf, seem to us to be calculated to give an exag- gerated opinion of both the importance and accuracy of the new method. The first series of observations, the results of which present the most surprising agreement with each other, was taken in the low latitude of 12° N., when the sun was within less than 69 from the zenith. The second series in which the sun was nearly 40° from the zenith, the latitude being 34° S., though evidently taken with the greatest care and combined so as to make the chronometer intervals nearly forty minutes, give results varying nearly 5' in longitude. Ordinary observers under the same circumstances would probably find that their results could not be depended upon within 10'. Sumner's method we think will be found to be more generally useful as well as more accurate, though we recommend Littrow's method for a full trial by our navigators, as the object of this article is to direct attention to all possible means of improvement. ASTRONOMY. 9 mometer; and to do this we must know the latitude with more or less accuracy according to the distance of the sun from the prime vertical. But in the case supposed the latitude is almost always very uncertain, and the longitude found will therefore also be erroneous; consequently the navigator will not be able to determine either latitude or longitude with any precision. Now Sumner's method, while it furnishes neither latitude nor longitude, gives what is just as valuable as either, namely, a line on the globe on which the ship is situated at the time of the observed altitude. When we have found the latitude, we have only placed the ship on a certain east and west line; when we have found the longi- tude, we have only placed the ship in a certain north and south line ; and in neither case do we locate the ship at any particular point of the line. A Sum- ner line (or circle of position) in general makes an oblique angle with both par- allels and meridians, but it is a line on which the ship is certainly situated, and it can be easily laid down on the chart with all the precision necessary. The importance of being able to determine such a line when approaching a danger- ous coast must be obvious to every navigator of experience. As it may not be otherwise accessible to the reader, it will not be superfluous to state here the rule for using any single altitude of the sun (or indeed of any celestial body) according to this method, when the time has been noted by a chronometer regulated to Greenwich time. Find the true altitude, and for the Greenwich time given by the chronometer take the sun's declination from the Ephemeris. Assume two latitudes, embracing between them the ship's probable position as nearly as can be estimated by the dead reckoning; they may differ 10, 20', or even 30'. With each latitude find the corresponding “longitude by chronometer” by the usual method, employing in each computation the same altitude and declination. Mark the two positions of the ship thus found on the chart and join them by a straight line; this is the required Sumner line, and although the ship is at neither of the two points computed, she must be some- where on this line or on the line produced. Strictly speaking, a Sumner line is curved, (being in fact a circle,) and two points are not sufficient for its entirely accurate projection on the chart; but the curvature will not be of importance unless a very long line has to be drawn in consequence of the assumed latitudes differing very widely, which will of course be the case when very great uncertainty exists as to the latitude. In any such case we have only to assume three, or more, latitudes, and find as many corre- sponding longitudes; then, putting down all the positions thus found on the chart, a curve traced through them all will be the required circle of position or Sumner line. The same method may be applied to the determination of a second line of the same kind from a second altitude observed after a suitable interval on the same day, and the intersection of this with the first line will be the ship's actual posi- tion; but it is not necessary to occupy our space with these details, especially as the common method of “double altitudes” will give the same result. We have given above all that is peculiar and distinctive in Sumner's process, which is the determination of a circle on which the ship is situated, having all the 10 ASTRONOMY. practical advantages of either a circle of latitude alone or a circle of longitude alone. - - 5. Latitude by the rate of change of the sun's altitude near the prime vertical– This is a method suggested by Prestel”, which confessedly affords but a rude approximation, yet may be of great value in an emergency, because it can be applied when other methods of finding the latitude fail, namely, when the Sun is near the prime vertical. We think that, taken in connection with Sumner's method, its value will prove even greater than was supposed by its author; for while Sumner's method will determine a line on which the ship is situated, Prestel’s method will, from the same observation, if near the prime vertical, give an approximaton to the latitude and thus confine the position of the ship to a certain limited portion of the Summer line. - The simplest mode of observing for this method is as follows: In the morning, when the sun is near the prime vertical, bring the image of the sun's upper limb reflected from the sextant mirrors into contact with the sea horizon and note the time by the chronometer or a good watch; let the sextant reading remain un- changed, and note the time when the contact of the lower limb with the horizon occurs. In the afternoon begin with the lower limb. Then take the sun's semi-diameter from the Ephemeris and reduce it to seconds; also find the chronometer interval between the two contacts in seconds. To the constant log, 9.12494 add the log. of the sun's semi-diameter, and the arithmeti- cal complement of the log. of the chronometer interval. The sum is the log. cosine of the latitude, if the sun is very near the prime vertical. But if the sun is not very near the prime vertical, observe its bearing as nearly as possible with the compass, allowing for the variation; and to the above logs. add also the log. secant of the Sun's amplitude: the sum will be the log. cosine of the latitude. ExAMPLE.—Suppose that on June 10, 1865, in latitude 42° N., longitude 126° west by account, about 8" 20" A. M., the sextant being set at 41° 0' 0", the two contacts of the upper and lower limbs of the sun with the horizon are ob- served as follows: Chronometer. Upper limb - - - - - - - 4” 40” 32° Lower limb - - - - - - - 4 43 23 the amplitude of the sun at the middle time being about 5° S. Then the computation will stand as below : Constant log. - - 9.12494 Sun’s semidiam - - - = 15' 47"=947// Log. - - - - - 2.97635 Chron. interval - - - = 2* 515 =1718 Ar. co. log. - - 7.76700 Sun's amplitude - - - = 5° Log. Sec. - - - 0.00166 Latitude - - - - - =42° 10' Log. cos - - - 9.86995 This result must be admitted to be but a rough approximation, since an error of one second in the chronometer interval would change the computed latitude in this case about 20'. In higher latitudes the method gives more accurate results. However, a knowledge of the latitude within about 20' may often be of * Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. xxxvii, p. 281. ||||||II ASTRONOMY. 11 the greatest value; for suppose, in the present case, the navigator, knowing he is near the coast of Oregon, but being in consequence of continued bad weather very uncertain as to his position, is anxious to determine at once the probable bearing of the land; he will use the altitude at which the sextant was set in the preceding observation as an ordinary altitude for time and proceed to find his line of position by Sumner's method, employing in the two computations two latitudes, each differing from the one just computed by 20', namely 41° 50' and 42° 30'; and finding the corresponding longitudes by chronometer, will put down the two resulting positions on his chart. He may then safely assume that he is on the line joining these two positions, and (not on this line produced but) somewhere between them ; since the computation of the latitude puts him midway between them with a probable error of not more than one half their difference. If the reader wishes to carry through this example, let him assume that the dip, refraction, and parallax amounted to —5' 0", and that the index correction of the sextant was -- 5' 0": the observed altitude will be that of the sun’s centre at the middle instant, so that 41° 0' will be the true altitude of the sun’s centre at the chronometer time, 4” 41* 575.5. The chro. mometer being fast, say 2" 0°, we shall have the Greenwich mean time 4h 39” 57°.5, for which the sun's declination is 23° 3' 26" N., and the equation of time — 0" 48*. With these data, he will find that the latitude 41° 50' gives the longitude 125° 1'.5 W., and the latitude 42° 30' gives the longitude 124° 57' W.; and the ship must be assumed to be on the line between these two positions. It must not be forgotten, however, that this result is reliable only so far as dependence can be placed upon the chronometer; but if the chronom- eter has gone wrong, the line of position thus determined will still have the same direction on the chart, but will be shifted in longitude east or west by an amount equal to the deviation of the chronometer from its supposed error. We must not omit to notice one remarkable feature of Prestel’s method, which is that it requires no knowledge of the sun's declination, and may there- fore be resorted to in cases where there is no copy of the Ephemeris on board ship. In such cases we may also dispense with a knowledge of the sun's semi- diameter, by setting the sextant successively at two readings 30' apart and ob- serving the times of contact of the same limb with the horizon; then in the computation by the above rule we use 15' in the place of the sun's sémidiameter. 6. Lunar distances.—While we have various methods of determining a ship's latitude which are both simple and sure, we have but two methods of finding the longitude which are sufficiently simple for use at sea, and of these but one can be pronounced sure. Nothing more simple can be desired than the method “by chronometer,” but unfortunately it cannot be regarded as sure. To use the words of Sir John Herschel,” “the chronometer, though greatly and indeed wonderfully improved by the skill of modern artists, is yet far too imperfect an instrument to be relied upon implicitly. However such an instrument may preserve its uniformity of rate for a few hours, or even days, yet in long ab- sences from home the chances of error and accident become so multiplied as to destroy all security of reliance on even the best. To a certain extent this may, * Outlines of Astronomy, Art. 258. 12 ASTRONOMY. indeed, be remedied by carrying out several, and using them as checks on each other; but besides expense and trouble, this is only a palliation of the evil.” On the other hand, the method of lunar distances, by which the Greenwich time is read from the face of the heavens and not from a frail piece of human mechanism, is (within assignable limits of precision) an absolutely certain method, in the hands of any navigator of average skill in observation and computation. This being incontrovertibly true, we are led to inquire, why is it that both in our navy and the mercantile marine the method has of late years so nearly gone out of use altogether ? We shall attempt to answer this question, and in doing so give reasons why the method should be rescued from the neglect into which it seems to have fallen. (1.) The observation of a lunar distance is subject to an unavoidable error, greater or less according to the skill of the observer, but always of considera- ble magnitude. Even with the greatest skill, the probable error of observation cannot be re- duced much below 10" in the distance. For, let us consider the components of this error, understanding here by error of observation the combined effect of all causes that render the recorded apparent distance of the moon’s limb from the sun or a star different from its actual value. We have (a) the error of the pointing, or actual error of the observer in making the contact of the images; an error whose mean value in each single contact, observed on board ship at sea, appears to be seldom less than 10", according to the experience of good observers. Assuming this value as the average one for good observers, let us suppose a complete observation to consist of sia: observed contacts, (which is perhaps as great a number as it is judicious to combine in one group;) then the mean error of pointing is reduced to 10" divided by the square root of 6, or to 4". But this is upon the supposition that the limb of the moon observed is so perfectly defined in the sextant telescope that the point where the contact is ob- served is strictly the point whose distance from the star is given in the ephem- cris. Now we know, from the most accurate series of transits of the moon’s limb observed at Greenwich and elsewhere, that the precise position of the limb cannot be observed even with the largest and best telescopes within 1/.5, an error which is constant during a transit, but may vary at different transits. In the small telescope of the sextant, it is probable that the error thus constant during any number of successive contacts on the same day would be much greater; but that we may not be supposed to exaggerate the effect of errors, let us assume it to be only twice as great as in the transit, and that we have as our second error (b) the constant 3". We have also (c) the error of the index correction, which, with the greatest care, using a number of observations, will seldom be less than 3”. Then we have (d) the error of division, the errors of the mirrors, and the eccentricity (usually unknown) of the sextant, the com- bined effect of which may be estimated as not less than 4" in the best instru- ments. The mean error of observation representing all these effects combined will therefore be about V [(4)” + (3) + (3)” + (4)* } = 7”. ASTRONOMY. 13 This is even less than the estimate of experienced observers in regard to the total effect of these errors, as found on shore by comparing the results by lu- nar distances with those obtained by more exact methods, so that we are justi- fied in assuming the total mean error of observation of a set of lunar distances (carefully taken by the best observer) to be not less than 7". (2.) The methods of computation commonly used at sea have been inaccurate. We say commonly used, for although methods have long been known which are sufficiently accurate, designated in nautical works as “rigorous” methods, they are so tedious that navigators will not (and usually cannot) employ them. These (so called) rigorous methods require the use of tables of six or seven figure logarithms, and even with these are far from being in a strict sense rig- orous, for they do not consider the moon’s parallax in a strict manner, since they neglect the parallax in azimuth ; nor do they take into account with absolute rigor the effect of the spheroidal figure of the earth and the true figure of the disks of the sun and moon as affected by refraction ; still, with the aid of sup- plementary computations, embarrassing to any but the most skilful computers, they are rendered accurate enough, and therefore do practically fulfil the condi- tions required in a rigorous or perfect method.* But the labor attending them and the doubt attaching to any result which is obtained by long and intricate computations, made amid the distractions of a ship, must ever prevent such methods from being generally adopted. The great majority of navigators will therefore continue to rely, as they have heretofore done, upon what are called approacimative methods. Of these Bowditch’s “ First Method '' is as accurate as any now in general use, so far as the effects of the moon's parallax and the mean atmospheric refraction are concerned. But even this method furnishes only a rude approximation to these effects, inasmuch as cases are quite com- mon in which an error of 10% in the resulting true distance remains, in conse- quence of the inaccuracy of the formula on which the rule is based. Again, this inaccurate formula is tabulated upon the supposition of a mean state of the air, so that when we wish to take into account its actual state as shown by the barometer and thermometer at the time of the observation, we have to re- sort to troublesome supplementary computations; and as the necessity for these is not insisted upon in connection with the rule, most navigators have been in the habit of neglecting them altogether. Now, this neglect entails even greater error than the inaccuracy of the formula, for it will often produce errors of 10", 15", 20" in the distance, and may in extreme (though indeed unusual) cases produce errors of 40" or even more We are, therefore, quite within bounds when we assert (what we could prove satisfactorily, if our space permitted) that the mean error of computation of a lunar distance by the meth- ods heretofore most commonly used at sea is at least 15". (3.) The ephemeris of the moon has until within a few years been inaccurate. It is well known that for a number of years previous to the first publication of ... “The objections here stated do not apply to Bessel's method of lunar distances, which is in fact the one really rigorous method. It requires, however, a different ephemeris from any now published, and even with this peculiar ephemeris is still too long and intricate for com IO, OIl llS6. 14 ASTRONOMY. the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac in 1855, the ephemeris of the moon in the British nautical almanae (of which the American almanacs at that time were only reprints,) and in other European publications of the same kind, was greatly in error. For example, the solar eclipse of July 28, 1851, proved that the moon's right ascension as given in the British almanac was on that date in excess 28” (of arc,) and consequently the distance of the moon’s limb from any star in her path on that date, could it have been used at that time, would have been given in the almanac with an error of about the same amount. The error of the ephemeris, however, was not constant, but varied during each lunation, so that the error of the lunar distances was usually less than 20", and sometimes even under 5", but it never disappeared entirely. Hence, even if the navigator had taken a perfect observation and had computed it by a perfect method, he was still liable to this unavoidable error of the ephemeris, at that time unknown and by most navigators not even suspected, as they were in the habit of relying upon the almanac as an absolutely perfect publication. Let us then suppose what was at that time a common case at Sea. The navi- gator having found his longitude “by chronometer,” wishes to verify it by “lunars.” He takes a set of distances with the utmost care and reduces them by Bowditch’s First Method or some equivalent reputed reliable method. His result is liable to the three sources of error above named, i. e., mean error of observation =7", mean error of computation=15", and mean error of epheme- ris = (say) 10"; and thus he was liable to the total mean error, v[(7,” + (15)” + (10)”] = 19", and this error of 19" in the distance would produce in the longitude a mean error of 38 seconds of time. Now his chronometer must have performed very badly to be in error 38 seconds; yet this discrepancy is only the mean error to which his result is liable. He takes another set of distances and finds a still greater discrepancy; again a set which (in consequence of a happy balancing of errors) happens to agree very nearly with his chronometer; then a set in which the discrepancy (in consequence of all the errors happening to fall in the same direction) runs up to double the mean, or nearly 80 seconds; and after considerable experience of this kind finds that his lunars differ from his chro- nometer on the average as much as 38 or 40 seconds of time, and upon making port finds that his chronometer is right. Occasionally, indeed, he will find that his chronometer is totally wrong and his lunars, rude as they are, may have saved his ship ; but the frequent experience of the discrepancies between his lunars and his chronometer, with the subsequent proof of the greater accuracy of the latter, must inevitably destroy his confidence in the value of lunar obser- vations. The constant improvement in the manufacture of the chronometer has also contributed to this result; and certainly if this instrument were liable to no accident which could derange it, no more simple and perfect method of find- ing the longitude could be desired than the chronometric. But it may go wrong, totally wrong , and this possibility, however remote, makes it the imperative duty of every navigator to whom the safety of his crew and passengers is in- trusted, to resort to the only available check upon the chronometer's result ASTRONOMY. 15 namely, the lunar method. And this was his duty even when the lunar method afforded no better check than we have shown it to have been before the year 1855, when it was liable to a mean error of about 40 seconds of time and to possible errors of more than twice that amount; for the experienced navigator would always allow a large margin to his results and make the land with cor- responding caution. But if we turn to a consideration of the present condition of the methods of observation and computation and of the ephemeris, we shall find that now more than ever the lunar method is available as a check on the chronometer. First. As to the error of observation, it is not probable that its amount can be reduced much below that above estimated. The attention of the navigator should, however, be directed to the means of reducing this error. The eccen- tricity of the sextant ought to be eliminated by the use of a complete circle reading with two opposite vernieºs in the prismatic circles of Pistor and Martins. Distinctness of vision should be sought by the use of the best tele- Scopes and most perfect mirrors, and in these respects also the prismatic instru- ments of Pistor and Martins are very excellent. It may also be found possible to devise some mode of suspending a chair so as to afford a steady seat to the observer, as suggested by Sir John Herschel, who recommends for the purpose, not a perfectly free suspension, “which tends to prolong and perpetuate oscil- lations once impressed,” but a “stiff suspension, as, for example, by a rigid rope or cable, or by a Hook's joint, purposely made to work stiffly (and that more or less at pleasure) by tightening collars,” &c. For the present, we assume the mean error of observation with the best instruments to be 7” as above given. Secondly. The new method of computation proposed by the writer of this article and published in the American Almanac for 1855* belongs to the class. of approximative methods and is very little longer than the briefest methods heretofore used, while it takes into account all the corrections in so simple a manner that any navigator of average dexterity can work the true distance in a few minutes with great accuracy and certainty. The method is based upon a rigorous formula, but in consequence of the use of only four figure logarithms and the neglect of fractions of seconds, it is in fact only approximative; but its mean error is not more than 2", and thefore it is practically perfect. Since this method is now available and can only be supplanted by one which gives as accurate a result with less labor, we shall assume that the mean error of com- putation is now reduced to 2". Thirdly. The improvement in the lunar ephemeris, first introduced in the American Almanac, by the use of Peirce's Tables of the Moon, and subsequently in the British Almanac and other European Ephemerides, by the use of Hansen's tables, reduces the mean error of the lunar distance to about 5". Hence, the result obtained from an observation, consisting of six individual contacts of the moon's limb with the sun or a star, computed by the most accurate method and with the new ephemeris, is subject to the mean error V[(7)” + (2)” -- (5)”] = 9 /; [* Chauvenet's New Method of Lunar Distances is also separately published, and can be obtained at the nautical booksellers.-ED.] 16 - ASTRONOMY. that is, about one-half its former amount. The mean error of the longitude de- duced will thereforébe only 20 seconds of time, or 5 minutes of arc, a degree of accuracy that must be regarded as quite satisfactory, and nearly fulfilling all the requirements of modern navigation. The object of the preceding discussion will have been gained if our naviga- tors will resume the habitual practice of observing lunar distances as a check upon the chronometer; and if at the same time they will study the sources of error we have indicated, with the view of discovering means of reducing their effects to still smaller amounts, and also endeavor to shorten the method of computation, without impairing its accuracy, they will contribute at once to the security of navigation and to the facility of its practice. II. AstroNOMICAL GEography.—The navigator frequently has opportuni- ties of contributing to the imp. 7&ment of this department, when visiting places whose positions have not been well determined. 1. If the only astronomical instrument he possesses is the sextant, he will endeavor to determine the latitude of the place by a good series of circum-meridian altitudes of the sun, or of stars, with the artificial horizon. The observation of the sun for this purpose is usually to be preferred, because most observers with the sextant can make a contact of the limbs of the two images of the sun with more accuracy than that of the images of a star, and, moreover, any error arising from a faulty habit of observing this contact will be eliminated by taking the mean of the results of two distinct series, in one of which the lower limb is used, and in the other the upper limb. The observation of the sun is also to be preferred on account of the greater certainty in the sextant readings by daylight. How- ever, when the observer is experienced in night observations and has proper facil- §ties, there are some advantages in their use; for the sextant is at night less liable to the errors produced by changes of temperature, and constant instrumental errors and errors in the refraction may be eliminated to a great extent by com- bining results from stars north and south of the zenith. In all cases a set of circum-meridian altitudes should consist of a number of pairs of nearly equal zenith distances, east and west of the meridian, so that any small error arising from imperfect determination of the chronometer correction will be eliminated in the mean. This condition is irr practice sufficiently well satisfied when the same number of altitudes are taken on each side of the meridian, the in- tervals between them being made nearly equal by taking the successive observa- tions as rapidly as may be consistent with accuracy. “The observer, whether he reduces his own observations or not, should be careful to report all his data just as they were observed; including, also, the state of the barometer and thermom- eter, as noted both before and after each set of altitudes, the observations for determining the index correction of his sextant and the chronometer correction, together with notes of any circumstances which may affect the character of the observations, either favorably or unfavorably. He must remember that in order that any determination of position should have authority and be received with confidence, it must be communicated to the scientific world in such a shape that it will carry with it the evidence of its accuracy. ASTRONOMY 17 In low latitudes, when the meridian altitude of the sun is too great to be ob- served with the artificial horizon, and it is not convenient to observe stars, resort may be had, with advantage, to equal altitudes of the sun, from which both the time and the latitude may be deduced with great accuracy. The most favorable case for determining both these elements with precision, from equal latitudes, is that in which the azimuth of the sun is about 45°; for determining the latitude only, the nearer to noon the better. 2. For finding the longitude, the observer having only the sextant must em- ploy lunar distances, which, as we have shown, may with proper care give a result subject to a mean error of 20 seconds of time, by a single set of distances; and by taking a large number of observations of the sun, in both the first and second half of a lunation, and forming two separate means from the observations in each half, the final mean of these two means will be free from constant unknown instru- mental errors. The errors of the ephemeris will be finally eliminated by obtain- ing from the observations at some standard observatory the corrections of the moon's right ascension and declination on the date of the observation, and cor- recting the longitude according to known methods. But if the observer has the means of observing occultations of stars, he will be able to deduce a more precise result from two or three such observations than from the most extended series of lunar distances. 3. The scientific explorer who wishes to determine the positions of fixed points with the greatest accuracy should be furnished with the zenith telescope, as now constructed and used in our Coast Survey and the interior surveys of the United States. This instrument is specially designed to furnish the latitude, which it does with a degree of precision unequalled by any other portable instrument. It may also be used for determining the longitude by observing with it equal altitudes of the moon and a neighboring star, according to the method first pro- posed by Professor Kaiser, of the Netherlands.” 4. A portable transit instrument is also one of the most useful auxiliaries. It may be arranged so as to answer the purposes of the zenith telescope, as sug- gested by Professor C. S. Lyman;f and then it will serve to determine both longi- tude and latitude by observations in the meridian—the longitude, by moon cul- minations in the usual manner; and the latitude, by using the instrument as a Zenith telescope. If not adapted as a zenith telescope, the transit instrument may still be used to find the latitude with great precision by mounting it in the prime vertical, and observing according to Bessel's method. For this purpose, it is desirable to have the instrument provided with a horizontal circle, so that after it has been adjusted in the meridian it may be revolved through precisely 90° by this circle, and thus brought at once into the prime vertical. When used in this manner, marks should be set up at suitable distances in both the meridian and prime vertical, and the in- strument should be set upon one of these marks in all observa.ions; or at least if ... “This method, with the modifications adapting it to practice with the zenith telescope, is $xplained at length in Chauvenet's Spherical and Practical Astronomy.—ED. :*:Amerſºn: Jºurnal of Science, Vol. XXX, p. 52. * * s 2 18 ASTRONOMY. it is provided (as it always should be) with a micrometer, its position with respect to each mark should be measured and recorded with each set of observations. 5. When the navigator has opportunities of making several runs between two important stations, he should carefully determine the error of his chronometer at each place, (by equal altitudes or transits,) and thus determine their difference of longitude. The observations themselves, as well as the results, should be com- municated in full to the Bureau of Navigation. III. GENERAL ASTRONOMY.—The navigator will seldom find opportunities for contributing to general astronomy not possessed, in a superior degree, by observers on land and in fixed observatories. Occasionally, however, he will be able to make observations which may prove of great importance. 1. A comet may suddenly appear in high south declination, and be observed on board a ship in south latitude, when it may wholly escape the attention of observers on land, and even (by reason of clouds) those at the observatory at the Cape of Good Hope; or the comet may be seen just after sunset or before sunrise, very near the horizon, and can be observed at sea when it could not be seen on land. The position of the comet, as determined by a careful observer at sea, will sometimes be of great importance in determining its orbit. The only observations practicable with the sextant will be those of the distance of the comet from at least two, but always when possible three, conspicuous fixed stars. The three stars should be selected, when the position of the comet permits, so that great circles drawn from them to the comet will make angles at the comet of about 120° with each other. If but two stars are used, one should lie east or west of the comet, the other north or south of it; or, if that is not practicable, the circles drawn from them to the comet should make an angle of about 90°. Care must be taken to record the approximate position of the comet with respect to the stars, (east, north, &c.,) as judged by the eye, as a check against gross errors. Each star should be identified by means of a star-chart or good globe; and if any uncer- tainty exists, its position with respect to some known stars should be recorded. The observations of the distances of the comet from the several stars should be made as nearly simultaneous as possible. If one person takes all the observa- tions, he should, after measuring the three distances, repeat the measure of the first two—taking them in reverse order; and it will then be easy to reduce all the measures to the instant at which the third was observed. - The altitude of at least one of the stars should be carefully observed at the same time with the distances; indeed, it will always be well to observe the altitudes of all the stars and of the comet at the same time, as this will serve the purpose of a final check and facilitate the computation of the effect of refraction. The state of the barometer and thermometer must be recorded, together with the index cor- rections of the sextants used and the height of the eye above the level of the sea. The navigator will not attempt to reduce such observations as these at sea, but should communicate them to the Bureau of Navigation precisely as they have been taken; and to guard against misapplication of the index correction, he should give both the distance, as read from the sextant, and the distance corrected. The same method should be followed in reporting the altitudes, applying.bothº index correction and the dip of the horizon. The chronometer timé, ºf back obº. ASTRONOMY. 19 vation must be stated, together with the supposed correction of the chronometer on Greenwich time. Finally, the latitude and longitude of the ship should be given with as great accuracy as possible. If the time at the ship has been determined not long before the observations on the comet, and the latitude of the ship is well known, the observation of the altitudes may be dispensed with ; in that case, the observations by which the time was found should also be reported in full. In addition to these observations, it will be useful to make a drawing of the whole outline of the comet, putting down upon the drawing the stars near the outline, or within it, as accurately as possible. A drawing on a star-chart will be the best. 2. When an eclipse of the sun occurs while the ship is lying in port, the local time of the instants of first and last contact should be observed; if the eclipse is total or annular, also the instants of beginning and end of totality or annularity. If the latitude of the port has not been well determined, observations should be taken for the purpose. During the eclipse, any attending phenomena should be carefully observed and described. At the beginning, observe whether the indentation of the sun's disk is a regular curve, or whether any indentations appear in advance of the moon's general outline. As the eclipse progresses, observe the contacts of the moon's limb with prominent spots on the sun's disk, and record any special phenomena that may present themselves. The distance between the two cusps may also be ob- served with the sextant, especially near the beginning and end. The phenomena occurring just before totality deserve special attention, and particularly the mode in which the last trace of the sun's light disappears—whether breaking up into points, “bead-like,” or vanishing in a well defined, crescent-shaped line, &c. During totality, observe any colored projections that appear around the moon's dark edge, and make an accurate drawing of them in situ, if possible. In estima- ting their dimensions, compare them with the apparent diameter of the sun; state their color and successive changes of color and form. Observe the luminous corona that always surrounds the moon during the total phase, noticing specially its apparent breadth in various directions, compared with the sun’s apparent diam- eter, and whether it is concentric with the sun or with the moon. At the end of totality, observe the phenomena attending the reappearance of the sun's light; and as the moon’s disk passes away, make similar observations to those made when it was coming on. If the observer is at sea, his attention may be directed exclusively to these attending phenomena, as the observation of the precise instants of the constants will then be of no special value. 3. Occultations of stars and planets by the moon, observed in a port whose latitude and longitude are well known, will also be useful. In observing an oc- cultation of Jupiter and Saturn, a telescope should be used of sufficient power to show a well-defined disk of the planet, and the two instants of contact of the two opposite limbs of the planet with the moon's limb should be observed if ::Rºle; In the occultation of Saturn it will occasionally happen that the 20 ASTRONOMY. instants of contact of the moon's limb with the outer and inner edges of the planet's ring can be observed, as well as with the body of the planet. 4. Eclipses of Jupiter's satellites may also be useful, especially if both disap- pearance and reappearance of the same satellite are observed. The transits of the satellites and their shadows over the disk of Jupiter, and the occultations of the satellites by the body of the planet, may also be observed. But in order that these observations may be of real value to science they should be carefully observed with a telescope of not less than six inches aperture. 5. Observâtions of the dip of the horizon can be made with a dip-sector or Pistor and Martins's prismatic sextant. Such observations will be of use in perfecting the theory of terrestrial refraction and the common nautical tables of the dip. Every observation should be accompanied by a record of the temper- ature of the air and of the water, as well as the height of the barometer. It is quite possible that from a good series of such observatious a formula may here- after be constructed by means of which the dip may be computed for any given case with accuracy, even where the horizon is much displaced by extraordinary refraction, and thus a frequent source of error in observations at sea will be removed. 6. Observations of the apparent magnitude of variable stars may be made; but most of these stars are now so assiduously observed on land that the navi- gator will not be able to add anything of value to the knowledge already pos- sessed, unless he devotes much time to the subject and pursues it with special interest. 7. The navigator may contribute to the advancement of the theory of atmo- spheric refraction by observing the rising and setting of the sun and moon. The ship time being well determined, let the instants of the contact of the upper and lower limbs of the sun and moon with the sea horizon be observed with the sextant telescope or any small telescope which will sharply define the limb and is furnished with suitable colored glasses. The latitude of the ship must be accurately known, and the approximate longitude, so that the true zenith distance of the observed body may be computed for the time of the observations. Special observations of the actual dip of the horizon should also be made at the same time if possible; but whether this is practicable or not let each observation be accompanied by a record of the temperature of the water, the temperature of the air, and the height of the barometer. It is also desirable that the state of the air as to moisture should be examined with some hygrometric instrument; the wet bulb thermometer will usually be most convenient. 8. The navigator often has excellent opportunities for observing the zodiacal light. The plan of observation followed by Chaplain George Jones,” of the United States Navy, may be recommended. It may be well to draw on the star chart not only the outline of the light, but the line of maacimum intensity of the come of light from the vertex to the base. *United States Japan Expedition, vol. 3. C :... ... : : " :