} کا ARTES 1817 VERITAS LIBRARY SCIENTIA OF THE | UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | TUEBOR SI QUÆRIS PENINSULAM AMⱭNAM CIRCUMSPICE THIS BOOK FORMS PART OF THE ORIGINAL LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BOUGHT IN EUROPE 1838 TO 1839 BY ASA GRAY A : ་ NEW METHOD OF STUDYING HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND 1362 CHRONOLOGY. WITH A CATALOGUE of the Chief HISTORIANS of all Nations, the beft EDITION of their Works, and Characters of them. Written Originally in French by M. LANGUET DU FRESNOY, Librarian to Prince EUGEN E. And now made English, with Variety of Improvements and Corrections. To which is added, A DISSERTATION by Count SCIPIO MAFFEI of Verona, concerning the Ufe of Inſcriptions and Medals, by Way of Parallel. VOL. II. By RICHARD RAWLINSON, LL. D. and F. R.S. LONDON: Printed for CHA. DAVIS, in Pater-nofter-Row. M. DCC. XXX 2 2 = THE PREFACE OF THE AUTHOR. A SI could not mention all the Hifto- rians in the Body of this Work, which would have engaged me in an Affair, more tirefom and tedious, than exact, I thought it neceffa- ry to put a Catalogue of the most confide- rable Hiftorians at the End of this Work. I have generally obferved the fame Order, as in the Method, and have also begun with those, which are either Hiftorical Draughts, or General Hiftories, and fhould be read before the particular Hiftories. I defire Excuse for my Freedom, in fo much charac- terizing the Works, as well as pretending to determine the beft Editions. My Ob- fervations, being short and fuccinct, Í have VOL. II. Reason B The PREFACE. Reaſon to fear, they'll be taken for Abridge. ments, and in their Brevity and Decifive- ness have the nature of Oracles. But I have not done this for Vanity's Sake, as I well know, that nothing is more taking than fuch a Modefty, which every virtu- ous Man fhould profefs. I have thought it my Duty not to firay wide of this Cha- racter, which is more neceſſary to me, than to almost any other Perfon, that I may avoid fpeaking in a diffufe and languid Manner, to which, I find, I am too natu- rally inclined. I fee well, with how much Eafe 1 could have made a long and tedi- ous Work, and I doubt not but my Readers are fenfible of the Violence I used to my Self, to keep within the prefent narrow Limits. Let none be furprized, if they find fome Works mentioned more than once; I have not done this by Neglect, so much as to range fome Works under feveral Claffes, which belong to feveral Provinces, or treat on different Subjects. I have been rather willing to make Repetitions, although it may feem ufelefs, than give Room to think, that I have omitted one neceffary Book. But this does not occur fo often, as to tire out the Attention and Diligence of my Rea- ders. CATA EF A CATALOGUE Of the principal HISTORIANS. CHA P. I. Authors who have treated on the Method of writing Hillory. UCIANUS de fcribenda Hiftoria. This moft excellent and exact Piece of Lucian is to be found amongſt his other Works. Joan. Antonius Viperanus de fcribenda Hiftoria. 8vo. Antverp. 1569. This is alfo printed at Bafil, with many of the fame Sort, in a Book, inti- tuled, Penus Artis Hiftorica. Chriſtophori Mylai Theatrum fcribenda Hiftoria uni- verfa, 4to. Florentiæ 1548. Idem in fol. Bafileæ 1557. This is alfo re-printed in the Penus Artis Hiftorica; and though the Edition of Florence be the beſt and moſt beautiful, the Work it felf being but little valued, it is no longer enquired after.. B 2 Francefcd 4 A CATALOGUE of the Franceſco Patrizio della Storia Dialoghi X. in 410; in Venetia 1560. This is the Original Edition of this excellent Work, the Latin of Giannicola Stup, being on- ly a Tranſlation, as is that printed in the Penus Artis Hiftorica. I- Ubertus Folieta de Ratione fcribenda Hiftoria, 4to; Romæ 1574. This is one of the ableft Writers of I taly, and is reprinted in the Penus, &c. as well as a- mongſt the Author's Works. Antonius Riccobonus de Hiftoria, 8vo. Venetiis 1568. Though Mr. Frefnoy fays this is printed in the Penus, I do not find any fuch Treatife therein. Paulus Benius de Hiftoria. 4to. Venetiis 1607, & 1611. This Work is little enquired after. Joan. Cofta de confcribenda rerum Hiftoria. 4to. Cæfar- Auguftæ 1591. This Piece is little looked after, as little known, and lefs read. Sebaftianus Maccius de Hiftoricis Libri III. in 4tc. Venetiis 1613. This is as little valued as the laft. Luis Cabrera de Cordova Hiftoria para entendarla, y efcrivirla, 4to. Madrit, 1611. Le Roy, des Vertus & des Vices de l'Hiftoire, & de la maniere de la bien ecrire, 40. Paris 1620. This is not much read. Agoſtino Maſcardi dell' Arte Iftorica Trattati, 4to. in Roma 1636. This is a curious Piece, though ſomewhat tedious and long. Paul Pirani has made a Continuation at Venice in 1646, 4to. and 1662, 120. Our Author Mafcardi, though efteemed the beſt Pen of Italy in his time, by Printing at his own Expence this Piece, had much damaged himſelf, had not Cardi- nal Mazarin caufed a Quantity of Copies to be fold in Paris. See Dial. Naud. pag. 70. Bartholom. Keckermannus de natura & proprietatibus Hiftoria, in 4to. Hanoviæ 1610. Guill. Soffius de Numine Hiftorie, 120. Paris 1622. Giovanni chief HISTORIANS. 5 Giovanni Felice Aftolfi della Officina Hiftorica. 4to. in Venezia 1642. Gerard. Joan. Voffius de Arte Hiftorica, in 4to. Lug- duni Batavorum 1653. This is the fulleft and beſt Edition, and is re-printed in the Corpus of the Works of Voffius. Aleffandro Sardo; Precetti ftorici, 8vo. in Venezia 1586. Theſe are Rules for writing of Hiftory, printed with other Diſcourſes of the fame Author. M. De la Motthe le Vayer, Difcours de l'Hiftoire, in 8vo. Paris 1636. Idem 1647. Or in his Works printed together in Folio, or in 120. The fame Au- thor has wrote a Difcourfe concerning the Uncertain- ty of Hiſtory, in which, though he may perhaps have advanced his Notions too far, yet we cannot deny but at the Bottom there is fome Foundation. Le P. Le Moyne; de l'Hiftoire, 120. Paris 1670. This Book has never been well confidered, and at prefent is little fearched for. * M. De Silhon; de la maniere d'ecrire l'Hiftoire. 120. Paris. This excellent Differtation is become very fcarce. M. De Cordemoy; de la maniere d'ecrire l'Hiftoire. This Piece wrote with Judgement, is to be found amongſt the Works of Mr. Cordemoy, or in a Collec- tion of the fame Author printed at Paris in 120, under the Title of a Treatife of Metaphyficks. Le P. Rapin Jefuit; Inftructions fur l'Hiftoire, 120. Paris. And in a Collection of the Works of Mr. Ra- pin. I am at prefent more Concife, as I have ſpoke elſewhere of this excellently well penned Treatife. This large Catalogue of Authors, who have given Rules for the better Writing of Hiſtory, puts me in Mind of thofe Verfes of the French Poet, 7 # La Cour en Counfeillers foifonne, Mais vient-on à l'Execution, On ne rencontre plus perſonne. B 3 Το 6 A CATALOGUE of the t To conclude, There are fewer of excellent Hiftorians, than of Writers, who have laboured on the Subject of forming them. CHA P. II. Authers who have treated on the Mannes of Studying of HISTORY. CLASS I. Such who have given us Historical Extracts, or rather Common-place Books. Ple Of Ierre Droit de Gaillard, methode qu'on doit tenir en la lecture de l'Hiftoire in 120. Paris 1604. this we have ſpoke in the Preface to the former Vo- lume. M. l'Abbé de S. Real, de l'Ufage de l'Hiftoire in 120. Paris 1672. Or in the Works of Mr. Abbe St. Real. Le P. Thomaffin, Methode pour Etudier Chretienne- ment les Hiftoriens, in 8vo. Paris 1690. 2 Vol. We have mentioned this in the Preface to the firft Volume. CLASS II. Authors of Hiftorical Abridgments. Reineri Reineccii Methodus legendi Hiftoriam Sacrar: Profanam, in Fol. Helmæftad. 1583. Confult the Preface laſt mentioned. Andr. Franckenbergeri, Inftitutiones antiquitatis & hiftoriarum in 8vo. Witteberga 1586. Matt. Drefferi, Ifagoge hiftorica, in 8vo. Lipfiæ 1587. Jo. chief HISTORIANS. 7 Jo. Bapt. De Rocoles, Introduction generale à l'Hif toire; in 120. Paris 1664. 2 Vol. Idem Paris 1672. 3 Vol. Read the Preface of the former Volume concerning this Author. There have been alfo other Editions of this Work, but not on this Account are we to efteem it the more. This Author, who was a Canon of the Order of St. Benedict, has printed the Defcription of the World, wrote by Daviti, in fix Volumes, a Work of equal Stupidity with its Author. He afterwards turned Huguenot, and retired into Holland, where he has handed into the World fome ill wrote Pamphlets. Samuel Puffendorf; Introduction à l'Hiftoire des prin- cipaux Etats de l'Europe, 120. Utrecht 1685. 4 Vol. Idem in 120. Amfterdam 1711. 4 Vol. We have ta- ken Notice of this excellent Work in our firft Vo- lume. The third and fourth Volumes refpect only the Hiſtory of Sweden, the two firft the other States of Europe, and even the firſt Monarchies. L'Hiftoire reduite à fes Principes, in 120. Paris 1685. 2 Vol. This Book is as little efteemed, as it is known. * M. de Lelevel; Entretiens fur l'Hiftoire de l'Univers, in 120. Toloufe 1696. 2 Vol. This Piece is wrote by Way of Dialogue, and though very little read, its Principles are good. Read the third Chapter on the Head of Univerfal Hiſtory. CLASS III. Authors who have wrote Introductions to the Study of HISTORY. * Joannis Bodini Methodus ad facilem Hiftoriaram cognitionem, in 4to. Paris 1569. Idem, in 120. Amftelo- dami 1640. It has been printed feveral Times in France and Germany, and particularly in the following Work. Penus Artis Hiſtorice in quo funt B 4 Joan. 8 A CATALOGUE of the Joan. Bodini Methodus Hiftoriarum ; Francifci Patricii Dialogi X. de Hiftoria ; Joan. Pontanus de Hiftoria; Francifcus Balduinus de Hiftoria univerſa, & ejus cum Jurifprudentia conjun&tione ; F Sebaftianus Foxius de Hiftorica Inftitutione ; Joan. Anton. Viperanus de fcribenda Hiftoria, Antw. 1569, 8vo. Peruf. 1570. 4to. Bafil 1576, 8vo. Francifc. Robortellus de Hiftoria ; Dionyfius Halicarnaffenfis de Thucydidis Hiftoria ; ж * Chriftophori Mylæi, Confilium Hiftoria Univer- fitatis fcribenda; Ubertus Folieta de Ratione fcribenda Hiftoriæ ; David Chytræus de recte inftituenda Hiftoriæ lecțione 3 Simon Grynæus de utilitate legenda Hiftoria; Cœlius Secundus Curio de Hiftoria; *Chriftophori Pezelii Oratio de Hiftoria; Theodorus Zwingerus * Joannes Sambucus *Antonius Riccobonus. } de Hiftoria; In 8vo. Bafileæ 1574. 2 Vol. Idem 8vo. Bafileæ 1579. 2 Vol. Item alia Editio 8vo. Bafileæ 1576. 1 Vol. There are feveral Editions of this Collection, viz. thofe of 1574 and 1579, which contain the eighteen laft mentioned Pieces. An Edition of 1576 in ope Volume, which contains only thirteen. Thofe mark- ed with a Star are omitted; and this laſt, though not fo full, is not lefs valuable, as the Authors left out are not esteemed, and it is the beft Piece of this Nature, Morzillus de Hiftoria Inftitutione, 8vo. Paris 1557• David Chytræus de lectione Hiftoriarum rectè inſtitu- enda, in 8vo. Roftochii 1567. Confult the Preface of the firft Volume. Chr. de la Ruelle; fuccints adverfaires contre l'Hif zoire & fes Profeffeurs, 8vo. Poitiers 1574. Johan. Bernartius de utilitate legende Hiftorie, 8vo. Antverpiæ 1593. This Book is of very little Confi- ↑ deration, chief HISTORIANS. 9 deration, as it only is a Sort of Declamation in Praiſe of Hiftory, and the different Opinions of the World Concerning fome Hiftorians. Menckenus is of Opini- on, that this Cenfure is not juft on this nor juft on this young Au- thor, the learned Scholar of Juftus Lipfius. Fridericus Tilemannus de Hiftoricorum delectu, in 8vo. Witteberge 1597• Lancelot Voifin de la Popeliniere; Hiftoire des Hif toires avec l Idée de l'Hiftoire accomplie, in 8vo. Paris 1599. The Author has not put his Name to it; and we have ſpoke more of it at large in the Preface to the firft Volume. Philippi Glaferi Syngramma Hiftoria Theoretica, fen introductio ad hiftoriam, in 4to. Argent. 1611. René de Lufinges des Alymes; maniere de lire l'Hif- toire, in 8vo. Paris 1614. Degoreus Whear; Prælectiones Hyemales de ratione,& methodo legendi Hiftorias, in 8vo. Cantabrigiæ 1684. In English by Mr. Bohun, in 8vo. 1685 and 1694. We have mentioned this Piece in the Preface. A German Author, by Name Neu, has published a Supplement at TUBING in 1704, 1706, and 1708. Michaelis Routartii Oculus hiftoria, feu Ifagoge Hifto- rica, in 120. Bruxellis 1659. La Science de l'Hiftoire, in 120. Paris 1665. We have fpoke of this Book in the Preface to the firft Vo- lume. Cafparis Sagittarii Tractatus Varii de Hiftoria legenda, in 4to. Jenæ 1675. This Author was efteemed as a Man of Learning in Germany, but always a true High Dutchman in all Points. Andreas Bofius de Prudentia, & Eloquentia civili com- paranda cum notitia fcriptorum hiftoria univerfalis, in 4to. Jenæ 1699. Idem, Introductio ad Notitiam Rerumpublicarum, in 4to. This Author, though a learned Man, is too fuper- ficial. ¥ Le 10 A CATALOGUE of the Le P. Meneftrier Jefuite. Les divers caracteres des ouvrages Hiftoriques, ou introduction à la lecture de l'Hif toire, in 120. Lyon 1694. We have mentioned this Piece in the Preface to the firft Volume. CHA P. III. CHRONOLOGY and UNIVERSAL HISTORY. The Latin, French, or English Chronologi- cal Tables extracted from Father Petau's Rationarium Temporum, Archbishop Ufher, and others, will be very neceffary. D Ifcours fur l'Hiftoire univerfelle de M. l'Eveque de Meaux, in 4to. and in 120. The Edition in 4to is the most beautiful and fcarce; but the Con- tinuation to it is a very mean Performance. We have long expected that begun by the late Right Reverend the Bishop of Meaux himfelf; left unfiniſhed. This Work was turned into Itakan, and printed in 120. at Venice 1715. Dionyfii Petavii Rationarium Temporum, 120. Paris. Cramoifi 1652. Idem 1663. Idem 8vo, Franeckeræ, & Amftelod. Theſe two Editions are preferable to that printed at Paris in 1703, as has been obſerved in the first Part of this Work. But the best is that of Leyden in 1710. Philippi Brietii Annales Mundi, 120. Paris. 7 Vol. This is a good Book, and is a Sequel to Father Pe- tau. The Edition of Paris is uncommon. There is one printed in Folio in Germany, very little known; and ano- ther chief HISTORIANS. I I ther larger and more correct in feven Volumes in 120. at Venice, in the Year 1693. Philippi Labbai & Brietii Concordia Chronologica, fol. 5 Vol. 1670. Printed at the Louvre. This Edition is remarkable for its Beauty, and though but of little Ule, is very dear. Marſhami Chronicus Canon Egyptiacus, Hebraicus, Græcus in fol. Londini 1672. Idem Lipfiæ, 1676, 4to. Idem Franecker. 1696, 4to. The Edition of London is fcarce and beautiful, and that of Franeker, though very incorrect, exceeds that of Leipfick. This is a large Fund of Learning. Mr. Menckenius thinks the Au- thor miſtaken in his Cenfure of his Leipfick Edition, which he fays is correct, and was reviſed by a Man of good Learning. Jacobi Ufferii Annales utriufque Teftamenti, fol. Londini 1650, 1654. Idem Parif. 1673. Idem Bre- mx 1686. The London Edition is the most beauti- ful, and that of Paris, though not fo correct, is aug- mented with a Geographical Table by Father Lubin, and fome other Pieces. Jofephi Scaligeri Opus de Emendatione Temporum, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1598. Id. fol. Genev. 1629. This is a Work of deep Learning, though at prefent but little ufed, the beſt Editions are thofe printed at Leyden and Geneva. Eufebii Chronicon ab Arnaldo Pontaco editum, fol. Burdigalæ 1604. This Edition is recommended by Scaliger himself, who has made Notes on this Author. Eufebii Chronicon cum notis Scaligeri, fol. Ludg. Bat. 1658. This is better than the Edition of 1606. LANCELOTTI Chronologia Sacra. This is to be found at the End of Vitre's Bibles, or joined to thofe printed in Latin and French at Liege. Joan. Clerici Compendium Hiftorie univerfalis, in 8vo. Amftelod. 1698. This is a poor Performance; of which we have treated more at large, and one would think 12 A CATALOGUE of the think the Name of an Author ſhould not be able to fupport fuch Stuff. Eduardi Simfoni Chronicon, Hiftoriam Catholicam com- plectens, ab orbe condito ad ann. Chrifti 71. fol. Oxon. 1671. This Piece is more learned, than clear, or exact. Jacobi Tirini Chronicon facrum. This Chronology, which is good, may be found in the Beginning of his Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures. Sethi Calvifii Chronologia, fol. 1650. Francof. Idem Francof. 1685. This Author, who follows the Prin- ciples of Scaliger, is very exact, but at prefent little ufed. Jacobi Capelli Hiftoria Sacra,& exotica, 4to. Sedani. 1614. Ludovici Capelli Chronologia facra, 4to. Paris 1655. Ubbonis Emmii Opus Chronologicum novum, fol. Groning. 1619. A Work efteemed and ſcarce. Abregé Chronologique du P. Labbé, 120. Paris 1666. 5 Vol. This is an excellent and exact Piece, with very few Errouis. Chevreau, Hiftoire du Monde, in 4to. Paris 1686. 2 Vol. Ibid. in 120, 5 Vol. 1698. This Book was re-printed in Holland in 1699, tranflated into English in four Volumes. Although this is a learned Piece, yet is it not read fo much as it fhould be, perhaps be- cauſe not entirely regular in its Method. The Editions of 1698 and 1699, are the beft. Joan. Georgii Herwarti Chronologia, 4to. Monach. A Work very exact, but ill digeſted. 1612. Joan. Baptift. Riccioli Chronologia Reformata, fol, Bonon. 1699. This Book anfwers not well its Ti- tle, nor is valuable, or deferves eſteem. Henrici Noris Epoche Urbium Syro Macedonum, 4to. Florentia 1690. Ibid. 1692. or 94. Lipfiæ 1696. A Piece of profound Learning and great Accuracy. The Edition of Florence in 1692, is the largeſt and moft beautiful. * Joan. chief HISTORIANS. 13 4 Joan. Cluverii Epitome Hiftoriarum totius mundi, 410. Amftelod. 1668. Idem Roterodami 1672. Theſe are the beſt Editions of this valuable Author. Chrift. Matthiæ Theatrum Hiftoricum in IV Mo- narchias, 4to. Amftelod. 1656. Thefe two laft Au- thors are very good, though they deſcant more on the Affairs of Germany, than on the other Monarchies: The Method this laft follows is very fingular, he is no lefs a Moralift than Hiftorian. Marci Zuerii Boxhornii Hiftoria univerfalis Sacra & Profana, Lugd. Bat. 4to. 1650. & 1652. Idem Co- lonix Allobrog. 410. 1674. Idem Lipfiæ 4to. 1675. This is no extraordinary Book, nor needed to have been re-printed fo often. If our Author runs not out fo as Vignier and others, on the antient Hiſtory, his Defign was not to rake into high Antiquity, but rather to launch out into the more modern. This is a very ufeful Piece to all fuch who look after the Originals and Priviledges of Nations. And the ten Years Continuation in the Leipfick Edi- tion, were wrote by Otho Menckenius, my Father. Bibliotheque Hiftoriale de Vignier, fol. 5 vol. 1587. 1650. A Piece of a very diffuſed Nature, and but little Ufe. Hug. Robinfoni Annales Mundi, fol. Lond. 1677. A Book very confufed and inaccurate, and ends with the Deſtruction of Jerufalem. Joan. Gualteri Chronicon Chronicorum, 8vo. Fran- cof. 1614. 4 vol. This Book might be of fome Ufe, were it not ftuffed with fo many Trifles. Amongſt other Things, there is a Catalogue, with the Succeffi- ons of all the Princes of Europe. The Author is John Gruter. Conringii & Oldenburgeri Thefaurus Rerum Publica- rum, 8vo. 4 vol. Genev. 1675. Although this Book be not fo accurate, as could be wifhed, it is yet ufe- ful 1 14 A CATALOGUE of the ful for the Study of the new Monarchies. Conringius has difowned it. Elemens de l'Hiftoire par M. l'Abbé de Vallemont, 120. Paris 1702. 3 vol. We have mentioned thefe two Works in the eighth Chapter of the firſt Vo- lume. ད Atlas Hiftorique, on nouvelle introduction à l'Hiftoire, à la Chronologie, & à la Geographie ancienne, e mo- derne reprefentée dans de nouvelles Cartes par MR. C*** avec les differtations de Geudiville, fol. Amfterd. 1708. 2 Tom. or 3 vol. This Piece, in three Volumes, has the Recommendation of a great Number of Figures, and is much enquired after. Le Grand Theatre Hiftorique, fol. Leyde 1703. $ Vol. La nuova Galleria Storica, 8vo. [in High-dutch] Norimberga 1697. The firft of thefe two Books is on- ly a Tranflation of the laft, adorned with many Copper. Plates, which are more beautiful in the French than in the Original. Mr. Imhoff, a Counsellor of Sultz- bach is the Author, and gives us an exact Hiſtory from the Creation to the Year 1699. Some Time after was added a fixth Volume, for which we are obliged to the happy Pen of Rinck, publick Profeffor of Law in Altdorft, which is not yet tranflated into French. Dr. Heylin's Cofmography, Lond. 1652. 1682.1703. & Oxon 1622. in 4to. under the Title of Microcosm. Sir Walter Raleigh's Hiftory of the World, Lond. t. 1. 1614. t. 2. 1652. & in 8vo. 1708. 4 vol. A fecond Volume was wrote and burnt by the Author. This learned Perfon has brought down his Hiſtory no far- ther than to the Kingdom of Matedon. Alexander Rofs has made a Continuation to 1640. And others down to the Year 1707. John Lewis Gotofredus, Hiftorical Chronicle Frankf 1682, in High Dutch. This Piece, embellished with Figures chief HISTORIANS. 15 Figures by Menan, contains the Hiftory of the four Monarchies, down to the Year 1682, where begins a Piece entituled, the Theatre of Europe, which may ferve as a Continuation. The Theatre of EUROPE. Francf. 1583. 15 Vo- lumes fol. in High Dutch. The Author of the firft Volume, John Philip Abelin, (who publifh'd the fol- lowing Book under the Name of Gotofredus) fucceeded well in this Work; the like Fate the Continuators of the ſubſequent Volumes had not. He begins in 1684, and ends in the Year 1700. The Diary of EUROPE. Francf. 1659, 1683. in 45 vol. fol. Here is a wretched Detail of the Affairs of Europe, from the Year 1657 to 1681. How- ever the original Papers, and other Memorials at the End of each Volume, are of great Ufe to a Reader. It is to be wifhed that fome one would attempt: an exact Index. Fob Ludolphus. Theatre of the World, in High Dutch, in fol. at Francf. vol. 1. 1699. vol. 2. 1701. vol. 3. 1713. This Author (who was a Member of the Imperial Hiſtorical College, founded in the Time of the Emperor Leopold) propoſed to give us a compleat Hiftory of the laft Century, but has not reach'd half Way in the two firft Volumes; and Mr. Jonc- ker added a third, which comes down to the Year 1662, and flatters us with the Hopes of a Continua- tion. Everard Happel. The modern Hiftory of EUROPE, in High Dutch. Ulm. 1691. fol. Without any Method this Author has collected feveral memorable Facts from 1649 to the Year 1671. Henry Anfelm Zeigler. The Hiftorical MERCURY Lipf. 1700. fol. in High Dutch. This Author, who was ever eſteemed one of the beft Pens in Germa- y, follows a very peculiar Method, in relating the Months and Days on which each Fact happened. The 16 A CATALOGUE of the The Hiftorical Labyrinth. Lipf. 1701. fol. in High Dutch. Zeigler, whofe Name appears in the Frontif- piece of this Book, left only an imperfect Sketch, found after his Death amongſt his Papers. To which, an able Man put the laft Hand, and published it as it appears at prefent. This is a Work equally di- verting and inftructive, in which he defcribes what has paſſed moſt remarkable in Europe, in a moft neat concife Style, without wearying his Reader. In a fhort Time we are promifed the third and fourth Volumes. John Hubner. Short Questions of Political History. Lipf. 1702. 1703. 10 vol. 120. This univerfal Hif- tory was fo well received by the publick, that the Bookfeller foon reprinted it feveral Times. It is diffi- cult fufficiently to commend the Method of this Author, who has a wonderful Talent in unravelling great Events, and relating them with a Clearnefs ad- apted to every Capacity; and in this he is almoft inimitable. Befides, we are obliged to him for hist moſt uſeful Labours in Geography and Heraldry, which we ſhall mention in their proper Place. In 1709, He began a fhort and fuccinct Relation of what happened the Year before, under the Title of a Sup- plement to his Hiftorical, Geographical, and Genea- logical Queftions, which he continues yearly. Chriftophori Cellarii Hiftoria univerfalis breviter, ac perfpicue expofita, in antiquam, medii avi, ac novam divifa, cum notis perpetuis, 120. Jen. 1711. This is the beſt Abridgement we have in the Latin Tongue. The Edition, now mentioned, which fucceeded many o- thers, was reviſed and continued by Struvius. Ulrici Huberi Inftitutionum Hiftoria Civilis, Tomi tres, 8vo. This Hiftory ends with the Year 1650. Perizonius has difcovered numerous and grofs Errours in it. † Eberh 1 chief HISTORIANS. 17 Eberh. Rud. Rothi Hiftoria univerfalis pragmatica I. Civilis, II. Ecclefiaftica, III. Literaria ab O. C. ad A. 1706. 8vo. Ulme 1706. This Abridgement is very good. Compendium Hiftoria Civilis ab O. C. ufque ad fi nem Sæculi XVII. 8vo. Uratifl. 1709. Gotlob Kran- is is the Author, and he compiled it from the beft Writers, whom he cites in his Notes. S. Antonini Chronicon, in fol. Tom. 3. Lugduni 1587. The beſt and moſt improved Edition. Nicolaus Angelus Cafrerius, Synthema Vetuftatis, five flores hiftoriarum, in fol. Romæ 1667. Francefco Bianchini, Iftoria univerfale provata co' Monumenti, e figurata co Simboli degli Antichi, in 4to. Rome 1697. A curious and learned Piece. M. Antonii Coccii Sabellici Rhapsodia Hiftorice ab crbe condito ad annum 1558. fol. Bafil. 1558. Tom. 2. Tom. 4. fol. 1560. This Edition is augment- ed by the Author with fome finall Treatifes. Luca di Linda, Defcrizioni univerfali, e particolari del Mondo, in 4to. Ven. 1660. It was firft wrote in Latin, and printed amongſt other places at Jena, in 2 Vol. 1660, 8vo. and at Amſterdam in 1665. It was tranflated into Italian, and augmented by Majolino Bifaccioni. Alfonfo Lofchi Compendj Storici, 4to. Tom. 2. Vicenza 1668. The Edition in Folio of this Work is not fo ample as this mentioned. Pier Francefco Giambullari Storia d'Europa dall' anno 800. fino al 913, 4to. Ven. 1566. Gio. Tarcagnota, Iftorie del Mondo dal fuo prin cipio fino al 1513. parte prima, Tomi due, e parte fe- conda, in 4to. Vol. 3. Ven. 1598. It is very con- fufed. Mambrino Rofeo, e Dionigi da Fano. Aggiunte alla Storia del Tarcagnota fino al 1583. in 4to. Ven. 1598. 2 Vol. This makes a third Part to the Hifto VOL. II. C ry 18 A CATALOGUE of the ry of Tarcagnota. Thefe five Volumes have been fre- quently printed, and particularly by the Giunti at Fe- nice. Cefare Campana, Ilorie del Mondo dal 1570. al. 1596. 4to. Ven. 1607. Vol. 2. Theſe two Vo lumes are often added to Tarcagnota. Dionigi da Fano, Iftorie del Nícndo dal fuo prin- cipio fino al 1606. 4to. Vol. 2. Venczia 1650. This is a Sort of an Abridgement of Tarcagnota. Aleffandro Zilioli, Iftorie de' fuoi Tempi, e princi- piano dal 1600. e vanno al 1636. 4to. Vol. 3. Ven. 1642. This is a Continuation of the Hiſtory wrote by Dionyfius of Fano. Majolino Bifaccioni, Continuazione delle Storie de fuoi tempi del Zilioli, e giungono al 1650, 4to. Ven. 1643. Gio. Battiſta Birago, Sollevazioni di Stato de' no- ftri tempi, 410. Venezia 1643. This is generally ac- counted as a fifth Volume to Zilioli's Hiftory. Girolamo Brufoni, Guerre d'Italia de noftri tempi dal 1635. al 1655. 4to. Ven. 1645. This is com- monly eſteemed a fixth Part to the Hiftories of Zi- lioli. Pietro Gazzotti, Iftoria delle Guerre d'Europa dal 1643. al 1680. 4to. Ven. Tom. 2. 1681. Antonio Forefti, Mappamondo Iftorico, 4to. Ve- nezia 1691. 1707. vol. ii. The fix firft Volumes 11. only were wrote by Father Forefti. The firft Part of the ſeventh Volume was lately publiſhed, which is indeed the twelfth, which treats of the Emperours of China, and the fecond Part of the fixth Volume will continue the Series of the Ottoman Line. Horatii Turfellini Epitome Hiftoriarum. This celebra- ted Abridgement has been printed feveral Times, and in different Places, in Twelves, and was tranflated alfo into Italian by Lewis Aureli, who added a Supplement to the Author (who ends at 1600) to the Year 1634. Bernard chief HISTORIANS. 19 Bernard Oldoini, and others, made Additions and Con- tinuations. The laft is, I believe, that of 1675. CHAP. IV. Authors, who have wrote CHRONOLO- GICAL DISSERTATIONS. H' Iftoire du Calendrier Romain, par Blondel, 4to. Paris, 120. la Haye 1684, 120. In this Piece, the general Principles of Chronology are very well explained: The Edition of Paris is the most beauti- ful, and not uncommon. Dionyfii Petavii Rationarii Temporum pars ultima. This Part of Father Petan's Labours is, though con- cife, very exact. Dionyfius Petavius de Doctrina Temporum, fol. Pa- ris 1628. 2 vol. Idem fol. Amftelod. 1703. This is a Work of moft extenſive and deep Learning; and is the beſt Book yet publiſhed on the Subject of Chronology. Gravii Epocha celebriores, 4to. Londini 1650. Ægidius Bucherius de Cyclo Pafchali, fol. Antverp. 1634. Roberti Baylii opus Hiftoricum,& Chronologicum fol. Amftelod. 1662. Though this Piece is not accu- rate, yet has it many good Things. Humfridi Prideaux Marmora Oxonienfia ex Arun- dellianis, Seldenianis, aliifque conflata, fol. Lond. 1677. This is a moſt learned Work. The great Authority of the antient Greek Chronology has not been forgot to be mentioned, in the Notes to the Comparifon between INSCRIPTIONS and MEDALS, in the firft Volume; all I fhall now add, is, that it is very rare to be found, if not in the Libraries of the curious, and C 2 20 A CATALOGUE of the and bears an exceffive Price: It is not without ma- ny and grofs Errours, which we expect corrected from Mr. Michael Mattaire, M. A. who has, fcme Time fince, publiſhed Propofals for that End. Samuelis Petiti Ecloga Chronologica, 4to. Paris 1651. Hermanni Coniingii Adverfaria Chronologica, 4to. Helmæftad. 1650. Joan. Kepleri Ecloga Chronica ex Epiftolis Dočtiff. Vi- rorum, de Temporibus Herodis, Herodiadumque, Baptif mi, & Miniſterii Chrifti, Paffionis, & Mortis, &c. in 4to. Francof. 1615. Gerardi Joan. Voffii Ifagoge Chronologia Sacra, 4to. Haga-com. 1693. This Piece is to be found amongſt the Works of Voffius; as alfo, in the Abridgement of Univerfal Hiſtory, but is not very confiderable. If. Voffius de Vera Atate Mundi, 4to. Hagæcom. 1659. Leo Allatius de menfura Temporum Antiquorum, 8va. Colon. 1645. L'Antiquité des tems retablie, par le P. Pezron, 4to. or 120. Paris 1687. A learned and well wrote Book. Defenfe de l'Antiquité des tems, par le P. Pezron, 4to. Paris 1691. This is an Apology for the forego- ing Book. L'Antiquité des tems detruite, par le P. le Quien, in 120. Paris 1693. A moſt accurate and judicious Piece. Idem, Defenſe du Texte Hebreu, 120. Paris. Le P. Martianai, Defenfe du Texte Hebreu, 120. 2 Vol. Paris 1689. Very inaccurate. Henrici Philippi Quæftiones Chronologice, 4to. Colo- niæ 1630. A Book of little Efteem. Guil. Beveregii Inftitutiones Chronologica, 4to. Lon- dini 1669. Henrici Noris Epiftola Confularis. Pagi Differtatio Ypatica, de Confulibus, 4to Ludg. CHAP DIT chief HISTORIANS. 1 21 PT CHA P. V. GEOGRAPHERS. TOLOMEI Geographia in Theatro Geographico Petri Bertii, fol. Amftelod. 1618. This is the beſt Edition of Ptolomy, and is very rare. We have an Edition of Ptolomy in Italian collated, corrected, and augmented with Figures and Notes by Anthony Ma- gini, and printed at Venice 1598, fol. and before by Jerome Rufcelli, who added an Explanation and Fi- gures in two Volumes at Venice in 1566 and 1599, 4to. The Edition by Magini is the moſt eſteemed, and the Plates are Engraven by Jerome Porri. Strabonis Geographia ab Ifaaco Cafaubono, fol. Ge- nevæ 1587. Idem, fol. Paris 1620. or in fol. Amftelod. 2 Vol. 1707. This is a moft excellent Geography, and the laft Édition is the moſt beautiful, as augment- ed with fome Treatifes, and better regulated than the first; notwithſtanding this, the Learned have always preferred the Editions of Geneva and Paris. It was tranſlated into Italian by Alphonfus Bonacciuoli, and print- ed in two Volumes in 4to, in 1562. Stephanus Byfantinus de Urbibus ed. à Thoma de Pinedo, fol. Amftelod. 1678. Idem cum notis Bercke- hii, & Gronovii, fol. Amftelod. 1688. This laſt E- dition is the beft. Lucæ Holftenii Note in Stephanum Byfantinum de Urbibus, fol. Amftelodami 1684. A moft curi- ous Book, a proper Addition to Stephanus Bizantinus, publiſhed in the Year 1688. e * Geographie Veteris Scriptores Graci Minores, 8vo. Oxon. è Theatro Sheldoniano 1698, 4 Vol. The late learned Dr. Hudſon, chief Keeper of the Bodleian Library in Oxford, publiſhed this Collection. C 3 Pomponius 22 A CATALOGUE of the Pomponius Mela de Situ orbis, cum notis Variorum, Ludg. Bat. 120. 1646. Ifaaci Voffii Obfervationes in Pomponium Melam de Situ orbis, 4to. Haga 1658, & 1668. Petri Bertii orbis Terrarum ex mente Pomponii Mela delineatus, fol. Paris. Ejufdem vcteris Geographix Tabule, fol. Paris 1628. Ejufdem Theatrum Geographic veteris, fol. Amftelod. 1618. This excellent Corpus contains Ptolomy, the Itineraries of Antonine, the Tables of Peutinger, the Maps of Ortelius. It is become very fcarce. It is the fame Work, of which I fpoke under the Head of Ptolomy. Athici Cofmographia: Antonini Aug. Itinerarium Provinciarum, &c. e Bibl. P. Pithoei cum fchol. Jof. Simleri, 120. Bafil. 1575. Itinerarium Antonini Augufti, & Burdigalenfe cum Hieron. Surite Commentariis, Svo. Colonia 1600. A very rare Book, and moft neceffary for the antient Geography. Abrahami Ortelii Theatrum Orbis terrarum, fol. Ant- verp. 1624. This Edition is much better than that of 1592. Ejufdem Thefaurus Geographicus, in 4to. Hanoviæ 1612. Idem in 4to. Antverp. 1624. This laſt Edi- tion is the beſt of all: It is an excellent Dictionary, confidering the Time when publiſhed, but at prefent wants Correction. Philippi Brictii Parallela Geographic veteris, & no- ve, 4to. Paris 1649, c. 3 Vol. A moft excellent &c. and exact Work, of which we have but a part, the reft being not yet printed. Philip. Ferrarii Lexicon Geographicum au&tius editum à Michaele Baudrand, fol. Paris 1682. 2 Vol. This laft Edition, though very incorrect, is much prefera- ble to that of 1670. Le Dictionnaire Geographique de M. Baudrand, 4to. Amfterd. 1701. This is a Tranflation of the laſt Book. Le chief HISTORIANS. 23 Le Dictionnaire Geographique de M. Baudrand, fol. Paris 1706. This alfo is a Tranflation from the Latin of Baudrand, augmented, but worſe, and more full of Faults than the former. Dictionaire Geographique de Thomas Corneille in fol. Paris, 3 Vol. 1709. This is the Labour of an Au- thor, well known for the Number of his Poetical Performances; and it may be faid to his Honour, that we have not as yet had fo diffufive a Geographical Dictionary: And as vaft Materials were fent him from the principal Cities of France, we may imagine, that he has spoke more to the purpoſe than former Authors. Les Cartes Geographiques du meme, fol. 4 Vol. Thefe Maps are the beſt of all. Nor can any compare with them but thoſe of Monfieur de Lille. Chriftophori Cellarii Notitia orbis Antiqui, 4to. Cantabr. 1703. 2 Vol. This Work is admirable for the Underſtanding of antient Writers; we have not on this Head any equal. The Edition at Leipfick, re- vifed by the Author, is better than the former. Philippi Cluverii Introductio ad Geographiam, in 120. in 4to. and in 240. This Abridgment is much efteem- ed, and has had many Editions. M. Sanfon Introduction à la Geographic, 120, Paris 1689. Le Monde par M. Duval in 120. Paris, 2 Vol. An Author very inaccurate. Methode pour apprendre la Geographie, par M. Robbe, 120. 2 Vol. Paris. This Geographical Compendium is paffable. Geographie Universelle du Sr. De la Croix, Lyon 1705, 5 Vol. A very wretched Book, tho' too much read. Defcription de l'Univers par Alain Maneffon Mallet, 80. 5 Vol. Paris 1683. A Work very ill put to- gether, as being only plundered from Daviti and o- thers. His Figures render him moſt remarkable, and yet it is become rare and dear. C 4 * Geogra 24 A CATALOGUE of the Geographie nouvelle, par M. Martinau, 120. 3 Vol. Amfterd. 1700. This Geography is very good, even the beſt Abridgement yet printed. Joan. Luyts Introductio ad Geographiam, 4to. Ul- trajecti 1692. This Author, who treads in Sanfon's Steps, is much valued. M. Audifret Geographie Ancienne, & Moderne, & Hif torique, 4to. Paris 1689, 3 Vol. or in 120. Hollande, 3 Vol. This Book is too prolix for an Abridge- ment, and too concife for an Atlas: It contains but one Part of Europe. Le monde par Daviti, fol. Paris, 6 Vol. 1660. Piece very unexact, ill digefted, and equally tirefome. A Le Grand Atlas, fol. 12 Vol. par Jean Bleau, Am- fterd. 1667. The Maps are for the moſt part very good, the Expofition paffable, and this is the largeſt Geographical Work yet extant. It is fearched after, becauſe rare, and rare, as part of the Edition and the Copper Plates were deftroyed by Fire. But intelli- gent Perfons make a proper Allowance, and do not cry it up too much. There is an Edition in Latin, in II Volumes, which is more valued. Geographia Nubicnfis ex Arab. in Latin. verfa, 4to. Paris 1619. Joan. Bapt. Riccioli Geographia, & Hydrographia re- formata, fol. Bonon. 1661, & Venet. 1663. 3 Vol. John Hebner, fhort Queftions concerning the antient and modern Geography, Lipf. 1714, in 120. High- Dutch. It is amazing, that within a very few Years this Book should have been printed three and twenty Times, and not only tranflated into Low-Dutch, but into French and Italian. Jo. Lodovicus Gotofredus, Archontologia Cofmi ea, Tom. II. in fol. Francof. 1628. Part 3. Tom. I, Paulus Merula, Cofmographia generalis, in fol. Am- tel. 1621. And in feveral Volumes in 120. TJO. chief HISTORIANS. 25 Jo. Baptifta Nicolofius, Hercules Siculus, five Stu- dium Geographicum, in fol. Romæ 1670. 2 Vol. Ravennas Anonymus, qui circa Saculum feptimum vixit; de Geographia libri V. cum notis Placidi Porche- ron, in 8vo. Paris 1688. Bernardus Varenius, Geographia generalis, in 120. Amftel. 1664. CHAP. VI. Of the different Cufioms, Ufages, and Reli gions in the World. Jo OAN. BOEMUS Aubanus, de Moribus, Ritibus omnium gentium, Genev. 1591, in 160. There are other Editions of this valuable Book, but this is augmented with fome Treatifes that are in none of the former. Alexand. Sardi, de Moribus, & Ritibus Gentium, Lib. III. 120. Lipfiæ 1619. A valuable and rare Book. Alexandre Rofs, des Religions du monde, 4to. or in 120. Amfterd. A curious Book, but ill tranflated into French, and to be read with much Caution: It was wrote in English, and printed in 8vo. at London feve- ral Times. Gerard. Joan. Voffius de Theologia Gentili, feu Ido- lolatria, fol. Amftel. 1668. This Piece is very Learned, and though imperfect, yet gives us an excel- lent Account of the Pagan Worship; this and the fol- lowing Editions in Holland are the beſt. Van-Dalen de Oraculis Ethnicorum, 4to. Amftelod. 1700. A Work full of Erudition and Curioſity. This Edition is the beſt. Iden 26 A CATALOGUE of the Idem Idololatria, 4to. Amftelod. 1696. Lilii Gyraldi de Diis omnium Gentium. Printed in the Edition of his Works collected together. Eduard. Herbert de Religione Gentilium, 4to. Am- ftelod. 1663. Joan. Baptifta Cafalius de Ritibus Chriftianorum, Ægyptiorum, & Romanorum, 4to. Romæ 1646. A fuperficial, though curious Piece. Andr. Schottus de Prifca Religione, & Diis Genti- lium, fol. Antverp. 1617. This is added to the Dia- logues of Antony Agostini, on the Subject of Medals. Joan. Barclai Icon Animorum, Bonon. 1657, 240. Printed feparately at Bologna 1657, 4to. or with his Satyr. It is uſeful to make us acquainted with the Characters of the different Nations. Intcrets, maximes des Princes, 120. Cologne 1667. This Book is full of Errours, though otherwife very ufeful. Joan. Bodinus de Republica, fol. Colon. 1603. Idem, 8vo. Francof. 1622, & 1640. Juft. Lipfias de Republica, 8vo. Noriberg. 1594. Idens Politica, 240. Lugd. 1650. And with his Works. There are excellent Notices in this. fmall Treatife. Henningus Arnifæus de Republica, 4to. Francof. 1615, & Argent. 1636, & 1648. Ejufd. Do&rinas Politica, 120. Amftel. 1643, & 1651. Trajan. Bocalini Lapis Lydius Politicus, 120 Amfte- lod. 1640. Or in Italian under the Title of the Pietra del Paragone Politico di Trajano Boccalini, in 240. 1653. A very inftructive and well-penned Book, of which there are feveral Editions. Joan. Henr. Bæcleri Differtationes de Politicis Lipfia- ais, 120. Argent. 1642. Adami Contzen S. J. Politicorum, Lib. X. fol. Mo- gunt. 1620. Colon. 1621, & 1629. This Book is chief HISTORIANS. 27 it. is full of Quotations, and has very little that's good in The Germans ſearch much after it. Hermannus Conringius de Frudentia Civili, 4to. Helmæltas. 1662. A Piece well efteemed. Georg. Schonbornerus de Politicis, Lib. VII. Am- ftelod. 1650. Short, confufed, and tedious. Petrus Gregorius Tholofanus de Republica, fol. Lugd. 1609. There are good Things in this Work, but, like many others, hardly worth our Notice. Hugo Grotius de Jure Belli, & Pacis, 8vo. Am- ftelod. 1663. Idem, fol. Franecker. 1700. 3 Vol. Idem, fol. Francof. 1696. Idem, 8vo. Amftelod. 1701. The Francfort Edition in Folio in 1696, is the beſt, and particularly esteemed for fome Notes of Obrecht. That of Amfterdam in 1701, is efteemed for its Conveniency, as having the Notes under the Text; fome of which, wrote by Gronovius, are injurious to Monarchy, and the Authority of Kings. That of Franecker in 1700, in three Volumes, has the Notes of Vandermeulen, which are differently efteemed by the Learned, and there is a good Tranflation of this Work in French very little regarded. Wicquefort, Memoires touchant les Ambaffadeurs, in Svo, or in 120. A curious, but confufed Work. Idem L' Ambaffadeur, & fes fonctions, 4to. 2 Vol. Amfterd, 1690. This Book is in good Repute, and of it this is the beft Edition. It has been lately tran- flated into English. Gregorio Leti, Il Cerimoniale, 8vo. Amft. 1685. VI. Tom. Il Livello, 120. Caftel. 1678. IV. Par. CHA P. 28 A CATALOGUE of the CHAP. VII. Of the Sacred Hiftory of the Old and New Teftament. L ES Mœurs des Ifraelites, par M. l'Abbé Fleu- ry, 120. Paris. This Piece is wrote witha great Exactneſs. Ben. Arias-Montanus de Antiquitatibus Judaicis, 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1603. Carol. Sigonius de Republica Hebræorum cum No- tis Joan. Nicolai, 4to. Amftelod. 1701. This is the beft Edition of an excellent Book. The Notes of Mr. Nicola are efteemed. + Petrus Cunæus de Republica Hebræorum, 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1617, 240. Ludg. Bat. 1624. Idem cum Notis Joan. Nicolai, 4to. Amit. 1703. This laft Edition is the beft, it was tranflated into French, and a wretch- ed Continuation added. Cornel. Bonav. Bertramus de Republica Hebræorum, 240. Ludg. Bat. 1641, & 1651. Joan. Steph. Menochius de Republica Hebræorum, fol. Paris 1648, 1652. This is exact and e- fteemed. Herman. Conringius de Nummis, & Repub. Ha- breorum, 4to. Helmæftad. 1676. Conftantinus l'Empereur de Legibus Hebrorum Fo- renfibus, 4to. Leid. 1637. Joach. Lud. Reimerus, Refpublica Hebrorum, 120. Hafniæ 1657, Altemb. 1671. Idem, Ecclefia Hebra orum, 4to. Hafniæ. Idem, Schola Hebreorum, 8vo. Hafnia. Idem, Antiquitates Hebræorum, 4to. Hafniæ. Melchior chief HISTORIA N s. 29 Melchior Leidekker de Republica Hebreorum, fo!. Amftelod. 1704, 1709. 2 Vol. A Book of lit- tle Value. & Joan. Spencerus de Legibus Hebrorum, fol. Can- tabr. 1685. A learned Piece, though with many Singularities. Wilhel. Schickardi Jus Regium Hebræorum, 4tc. Lipfiæ 1674. Joan. Seldenus de Synedriis Hebræorum, Amftelod. 1679, 2 Vol. A Work of prodigious Learning, beau- tifully, but moſt incorrectly reprinted in Page of the-Volume of his Works, printed at Lond. 1726. Bern. Lami Apparatus Biblicus, 8vo. Lugd. 1696. A fuperficial Work, and tranflated into French. Thomas Godwinus de Ritibus Hebrorum, 8vo. Ul- trajecti 1690. This Edition is better than that of Bremen, and larger than that printed at Oxford in 1616. Leon de Modene Ceremonies des Juifs, avec des Re- marques de M. Simon, 120. At Paris, Lyons, and in Holland: This Book and its Notes are equally excellent. Adrichomii Theatrum Terra Sancte, fol. Colon. 1590, & 1612. A Book exact for the time in which it was wrote. Samuelis Bocharti Geographia facra, five Phaleg & Cainan, fol. Cadomi 1646, & in 4to. Lipfiæ. Or in the Collection of his Works. It is a Piece of pro- found Learning, and extreamly neceflary for facred and prophane Hiſtory. Frid. Spanhemii Introductio ad Geographiam facram, Fatriarchalem, Ifraeliticam, & Chriftianam, 4to. Fran- cof. 1698. Or in the Edition of the Works of Spanheim, printed together in three Volumes in Folio. Nicolai Sanfon Geographia facra, fol. Amftelod. 1705. This is a fine Edition, with the Notes of Mr. Le Clerc. It is alfo reprinted at the End of i- tre's * 30 A CATALOGUE of the tre's Folio Bibles, and in thofe printed in France and at Leige in Folio. Francifci Quarefmii Elucidatio Terra Sancta, fol. Ant- verp. 1639, 2 Vol. A Morallift as well as Hiftorian. Jo. Quiftorpii Terra Sancta, 4to. Roftoch. 1657. Jacobi Bonfrerii Onomafticum Urbium, & Locorum S. Scriptura, fol. Paris 1631. Idem fol. Amft. 1706. This is a very good Book, and is really the Labour of Eufebius Cafarienfis, to which F. Bonfrere, a learned Jefuit, and Le Clerc, Paftor of the Arminians at Am- fterdam, have added Notes. Chriſtophori Heidmanni Palaftina, 4to. Wolfemb. 4to. 1656, & 1665. Joh. Lightfoot Hora Hebraica, & Talmudice in Geographiam Terre Ifrael, 4to. Cantabrigiæ 1648. Or in the Edition of all his Works. It is a Piece of great Curiofity, and different from all the reft of the Geo- graphers. De la Situation du Paradis Terreftre par M. Huet, izo. Paris. This is tranflated into Latin, with a Piece. on the Navigation in the Time of Solomon. Flavii Jofephi Antiquitates Hebraice Gr. & Lat. fol. Genev. 1611, & 1634. Idem, Gr. & Lat. Lip- fiæ fol. 1691. Idem, Gr. & Lat. ab Eduardo Ber- nardo, Oxon 1687. The two Editions at Geneva are very good. Ittigius has taken Pains in that printed at Leipfick, which is correct. He has made a new Pre- face, and fome Additions. An Edition was begun in England by Dr. Bernard, and only one Volume printed. We expect, with Impatience, that from Boivin, Sen. and Dr. Hudson. This laſt has been actually finiſhed fince the Publication of our Author. Les Antiquitez Judaiques de Jofephe traduites $ par M. Arnauld d'Andilly, fol. Paris 1666, 2 Vol. Idem, 120. Paris 1668. Idem, 120. Bruxell. 1676. Idem, fol. Amſterd. 1681. With Figures. Theſe are the beft Editions as yet made of this Tranflation of Jo- Sephus's chief HISTORIANS. 31 fephus's Antiquities, and hath bore a numerous Im- preffion, although not univerfally eſteemed, nor al- together incorrect. It was alſo tranflated into Ita- lian by Francis Baldelli, whofe Edition printed at Ve- nice by Giolito in 1581, is most valuable. In an Eng- lift Dreſs it came from Sir Roger L'Eftrange and Dr. Crull. M. Jacques Bafnage, Hiftoire de la Religion des Juifs depuis F. C. jufqu'à prefent pour fervir de continuation à l'Hiftorre de Jofephe, in 120. Rotterdam 1707, 5 Vol. A Piece, which excepting what regards the Roman Ca- tholick Religion, is highly inftructive, and contains a large Fund of Learning, and moft ufeful for the Know- ledge of the Jewish Opinions and Ceremonies. It was reprinted in France with Alterations and Corrections, which no way hurt the Dutch Edition. Idem, Antiquitez Judaiques, ou remarques critiques fur la Republique des Hebreux Tome I. ou quatrieme de la Republique des Hebreux, Svo. Amfterd. 1713. This is an excellent Supplement to the three Books of the Republick of the Jews by Cunu15. Joan. Jacob. Schudt Compendium Hiftoric Judaica, 8vo. Francof. ad Mon. 1700. This is a Work equally learned and confufed. Jacobi Saliani Annales Ecclefiaftici veteris Teftamenti, fol. Paris 1641, 6 Vol. A voluminous Work almoft ufelefs. Epitome Annalium Saliani, fol. Rothomag. 1655, & Lugd. 1664. This Abridgement is not efteemed by the Learned. Auguft. Tornielli Annales facri veteris Teftamenti, fol. Antverp. 1620, 2 Vol. & Francof. 1611. This Piece is but one Degree better than that wrote by Sa- lianus. Epitome Annalium Sacrorum Veteris Teftamenti ed. ab Henrico Spondano, fol. Paris. This is an Abridge- ment of Tornielli, Bibliotheca すえ ​A CATALOGUE of the Bibliotheca Hiftoria facre Veteris Teftamenti à Chriſt. Schotano, fol. Franecker 1662, 2 Vol. A very con- fuſed Work is this Comment on Sulpicius Severus. Chronologia Veteris Teftamenti ad vulgatam verfionem exacta a Joan. Harduino, juxta exemplar Parifin. 1700. Hiftoire Sainte de 'Ancien, & du Nouveau Teſtament, par le P. Talon, fol. 2 Vol. Paris 1665. The Me- rit of this Work is not equal to its large Size. Hiftoire de 'l Ancien Teftament par M. d'Andilly, 4to. or in fol. Paris. This Book is paffable. Hiftoire de l'Ancien, & du Nouveau Teftament, avec des figures, fol. Anvers 1700, 2 Vol. The Figures of this Book are fine, the Hiftory very exact; but as the Author is a Proteftant, he has fome Paffages inju- rious to the Romish Religion. M. Jacques Bafnage, Hiftoires du Vieux, & di Nouveau Teftament, reprefentées en tailles douces, deffi- fcés par Romain de Hogue, in fol. Amfterdam 1704. Idem, in fol. Amfterdam 1707. This Work, which is very entertaining, and valuable, has often been print- ed in Holland and Geneva, one Edition there is printed in Spanish Flanders. The two French Editions we have taken Notice of, are the beft, and particularly that of 1707, larger than the former. Catholicks ought not to fcruple reading a Book that is ſo very inftructive, and where fo few Exceptions may be taken. Hiftoria Veteris Teftamenti, ed. a Natali Alexandro, 8vo. Paris, 6 Vol. or in fol. In the Body of his Ec- clefiaftical Hiftory, there are Differtations upon the chief Difficulties occurring in the Old Teftament, which Father Alexander has with great Pains and Ap- plication collected. G. C. Kirchmaier de Paradifo, Imperio Ante-Dilu- viano, &c. 8vo. Vitteberg. 1662. Differtatio Proluforia de Diluvii Univerfalitate, 1zo. Genev. 1667: De chief HISTORIANS. 33 1 De Tempore Diluvii, ab Egidio Strauchio, 4to. Wit- teb. 1653. Hiftoria Noachica fcripta a Balthafar. Bebelio, Marburg. 1666. Diluvium Noachi Univerfale, ed. a Mart.Schook, 120. Genev. 1662. Athanaf. Kircheri Arca Noe, fol. Amft, 1675. -Ejufdem Turris Babel. fol. Amftelod. 1679. Thefe are two curious and learned Works. Joan. Buteo de Arca Noe, This is a very good Book, and printed in the Collection of Criticks in England. M. Pelletier, Traité fur l'Arche de Noè, 120. Rouen. 1700. This is a curious Treatife. Henr. Baumann, de Statua Salis, 4to. Witteb. 1665, 1674. Joan. Saubert, de Statua Salis, & Lothi ex Sodoma e- greffu, 4to. Helmft. 1674. David Conftans, de Vxore Lothi; de Rubo ardente, Serpente Aneo, Laufan. 1693. Vie de Moyfe, 8vo. or in 120. Luxembourg. A Piece very litcle enquired after. De vita & morte Moyfis Hebr. & Latin. cum No- is Gilberti Gaumin. 8vo. Paris 1629. This is the Work of a Jewish Rabbin, and in it are a Multitude of Jewish Whimfies. Jacob. Schmalzii de Uxore Moyfis Ethiopiſſa. 4to. Lipfie 1674. Hiftoria facra Patriarcharum a Joan. Henr. Hei- deggero, 4to. Amftelod. 1666. In this Book there is much excellent Learning. Hiftoria Balaam a Georg. Moebio. Lipfiæ 1676. Vita Davidis à Joan. Bofchio. 8vo. Antwerp. 608. Hiftoria politica de Perfecutione Davidis à Virg. Mal- Vezzio, 120 Ludg. Bat. 1660. A Book worth little, VOL. II. D ¿ 34 A CATALOGUE of the Vie de David par M. l'Abbé de Choifi. This is in the Beginning of his Paraphrafe on the Pfalms of Da- vid. Idem. Vie de Salomon, 8vo. Paris 1687. Joan. Cognatus de Profperitate, & Exitio Salomonis, 8vo. Duaci 1599. An Author of ſmall Eſteem. Pineda de rebus geftis Salomonis, fol. Antverp. 1620. A valuable Work, little read, but deferves to be more ftudied. Concordia Libror. Regum, & Paralipomenon. 4to. Paris 1691. Here should a Reader add the 54th and 55th Chapters of the ninth Book of Father Petan de Doctr na Temporum. Familie Regum Judæorum à Rein. Reineccio. 8vo. Lipf. 1572. Effai d'un Commentaire Historique fur les Prophetes par le P. Pezron. The Method of this fmall Piece is admirable; it is to be wished that we had the Pro phetick Hiſtory on this Plan. Verite de l'Hiftoire de Judith, par le P. Bernard de Montfaucon, 120. Paris 1690. This, as well a the other Works of this learned Benedictine, is very exact. Vie de Jefus Chrift, par M. l'Abbè de S. Real, 4t or in 120. Paris. It was not a proper Province for the Abbé St. Real, a Man only of excellent Humour and polite Learning, to write a Life of Chrift, for which Reaſon, it is but little inquired after. Vie de Jefus Chrift, par le P. Montreuil, corri gée par le P. Brignon, 120. Paris 2 or 4 vol. Thi Life is good, and well wrote, fince Father Brigno interpofed; and is beyond all the Harmonies that hav been attempted of the Evangelifts. Concordia Evangelica, 120. Paris 1660. This Ed tion is valuable. Unit ! chief HISTORIANS. 35 ris. Unitas Evangeliftarum par le P. Amelot, 120. Pa- Harmonia quatuor Evangeliftarum a Bernardo Lami. 1689. 120. Paris. This Concordance is very good for fome Particularities. Hiftoire Evangelique par le P. Pezron, 120. Paris 1696. 2 vol. This Concordance is excellent, and con- tains much prophane Hiſtory, more perhaps than is neceffary for one, who would be acquainted only with the Life of Chrift. Francifc. Gomarus de Genealogia Chrifti, 120. Gro- ning. 1631. Or in the Collection of his Works, and is of no Value. Sylveftri Steyer Hiftoria Genealogia J. C. fol. Francof. 1594. Eman. Thefaurus de Genealogia Chrifti Salvatoris, fol. Mediol 1661. A very mean Performance. Ger. Joan. Voffius de Genealogia, & annis Chrifti, 4to. Amftel. 1643. A A poor Piece. Hiftoria Apoftolica a Jacobo Capello. Annales Paulini a Joanne Pearfon, 4to. Lond. 1687. Printed with his other pofthumous Works by a learned Divine of the Church of England. CHAP. VIII. ECCLESIASTICAL Hiftorians. Uſebii Pamphili Hiſtoria Ecclefiaftica Gr. & Lat. ab Henr. Valefio, fol. Paris 1659. Socratis & Sozomeni Hiftoria Eccleſiaſtica Gr. & Lat. ab Hen. Valefio fol. Paris 1668. And fince publish'd D 2 18 36 A CATALOGUE of the ད ན J:ཀུན པ པ in 3 Vol. in fol. at Cambridge by the Reverend Mr. Reading, Keeper of the Library, belonging to the London Clergy, in Sion College. Theodoreti, & Evagrii Hiftoria Ecciefiaftica, cum excerptis Philoftorgii, & Theodori lectoris Gr. & Lat. ab Henr. Valefio, fol. Paris 1673. This is alfo pub- lith'd by Mr. Reading. The Text of thefe Editions. of the Ecclefiaftical Hiftorians is very exact, the Tranf lation faithful and elegant, and the Notes very learned. All theſe Hiftorians have been alfo reprinted in Ger- many, but far worse than thofe at Paris. They were well tranflated into French by the Prefident Coufin, and printed at Paris in four Volumes, and in Holland in fix fmall Tomes; Theodoret is rare, as having been. printed but once, whereas there have been two Editions of Eufebius and Socrates. Our English Tranflation we owe to the Reverend Dr. Shorting, late Mafter of Mer- chant-Taylors School in London. Philoftorgii Ecclefiaftice Hiftorie a Conftantino M. ad fua ufque Tempora, Libri XII. a Photio in Epitomen contracti, cum Differtat. Jac. Gothofredi, 4to. Genev. 1643⋅ Lactantius de Mortibus Perfecutorum cum variorum Notis, 8vo. Ultraject, 1693. This is a Book of great Ufe to Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. The Notes of learned Men amafled together in this Edition are very curi ous. Lucilius Cæcilius, de Mortibus Perfecutorum cum Notis D. Nicholai Nourry, 8vo. Paris 1710. This is the fame Book with the former, compared with a M.S. in the Library of Mr. Colbert, by Father Nou ry, a Monk of the Order of St. Benedict. This Re- ligious has added a long Diſſertation to prove that this Piece was not wrote by Lactantius, and to clear up fome Hiftorical Points. There are learned Men of a different Opinion about this Matter. Marii chief HISTORIANS. 37 } Marii Mercatoris opera cum notis Garnerii, fol. Paris 1673. Idem cum notis Baluzii, 8vo. Paris 1684. It may be neceffary to have both thefe Editions, as the Notes are different, and both are good. That publifh- ed by Mr. Baluze is augmented with fome Frag- ments. Liberati Breviarium Hiftoric Neftorianorum cum notis Garnerii. 8vo. Paris 1675. This Book is uſeful for the Hiſtory of the Neftorian Hereſy. Victor Vitenfis de Perfecutione Vandalica, cum No- tis Theodor. Ruinart. 8vo. Paris 1699. This is ex- cellent for the Hiftory of Arianifm, and Father Chifflet has publiſhed an exact Edition of it. Nicephori Callifti Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica a Langio, & Frontone Ducao, fol. Paris 1630. 2 vol. A very inaccu- rate Author, and beyond Meaſure credulous, but yet to be preſerved. Joan. Zonaræ Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica a Carolo du Cange, fol. Paris e Typog.regia 2 vol. 1646.This Piece is very good for the middle Ages, was tranflated into Italian, and published by Giolito in 4to. in 1569. Anaftafii Bibliothecarii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica cum Notis Fabroti. fol. Paris e Typog. Regia 1642. Acta Martyrum vera & fincera, cum Notis The- odorici Ruinart. 4to. Paris 1689. Id. fol. Amft. 1713. This is an excellent Collection of authentick Acts of the Martyrs of the three firft Centuries. The laft Dutch Edition is augmented by the Au thor. Cardinalis Baronii Annales Ecclefiaftici, fol. 12 vol. Romæ. Idem 12 vol. Antverp. Plantin. Idem 6 vol. Moguntie 1601. Idem 6 vol. Colon. Agripp. Jo- feph Scaliger, he, who once boafted, that there was nothing more for him to learn, confeffes, that he ne- ver read Baronius, without gaining fome new Light. And D 3 38 A CATALOGUE of the And it is an Opinion, almoſt univerfal, that confider- ing the Time, nothing fo large or better methodized, on the Subject of Ecclefiaftical Hiſtory, has yet ap- peared. The fineſt Editions are thofe of Rome and Antwerp, but the moſt uſeful, that at Mentz, as the Authorities of the antient Authors are put in a diffe- rent Character, from the Text of Baronius, and it is printed in two Columns. In this Work there are ſome Errours, which have been corrected by diffe- ren Authors. Odorici Raynaldi Continuatio Annalium Baronii, in fol. Romæ 10 vol. 1646, 1648, &c. Idem Colon. Agripp. 8 vol. Though this Work is not a Con- tinuarion equal to Baronius, yet is it of great Ufe, as it was compiled from the Vatican Archives, and has in it many original Papers. To the Edi- tion printed at Cologn, are wanting the two laft Volumes, which relate to the Council of Trent. Odorici Raynaldi octo priora Volumina in epitomen redacta. fol. Rom. 1668. I hough this Abridgement is very mean, yet wants it not Buyers at a very high Rate. Abrahami Bzovii Annales Ecclefiaftici poft Baronium, fol. Colon. Agripp. 1616. &c. 9 vol. This Author is very inaccurate, and rather gives a Hiftory of the Order of St. Dominick, of which he was a Fryar, than of the Church. Henrici Spondani Epitome Annalium Card. Baronii, fot 2 vol. Paris. า dem Continuatio Annalium Card. Baronii, fol. Paris or vol. The beſt Edition of Spondanus his Works was publiſhed by Nože, in fix Volumes in fol. After- works was printed by the Bookfellers of Paris, and the lafond worft is that of Lyons. Ami Pagi Critica in Annales Baronii, fol. Genev. 1705 4 vol. This Book, of Uſe to correct the Chrono- chief HISTORIANS. 39 Chronology of Baronius, is very exact: The firft Vo- Volume published at Paris is valued. M. de Godeau, Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique, fol. 3 Vol. Paris, or in 120. 6 Vol. Holland, & Lyons. This History reaches only to the tenth Century, and is eſteemed very little, fince Mr. Fleury publiſhed another on the fame Subject. Memoires pour fervir a l'Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique par M. de Tillemont, 4to. Paris 15 vol. Had the Author lived, we had Reafon to hope for a Continuation of this Work, which, though a little tirefom, is full of prodigious Learning. After forty Years Study, we have only fix Centuries compleat, and even for that two Volumes have been added. It was begun to be re-printed at Bruſſels, in fix Tomes, or rather in eigh- teen fmall Pocket Volumes. Some Years fince, Pro- pofals were publiſhed for a Tranflation of this Work by the Reverend Mr. Deacon, which afterwards dwin- dled into one Part, the Hiftory of Arianifm, as it is fuppofed the Tranflator met not with the defired En- couragement. Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique par M. l'Abbé Fleury, 4to. Paris 16 vol. This is a Compofition of great Exact- nefs, wrote in a moft edifying and inftructive Method, Part of it has been tranflated, and in March, 1727, publiſhed by the Reverend Mr. Herbert, who, it is to be hoped, will give the World a faithful and honeſt Tranflation of his Author, without Caftrations of what is heterodox, but rather apply by his Notes an Antidote to the Poifon. It is a very juft, and I with not unanswerable, Objection, made by our Enemies, that we give them Authors, not fuch as they really are, but modelled as we approve of them. Inftan- ces are invidious, I fhall therefore omit them. Hiftoire de l'Eglife par M. l'Abbé de Choifi, 4to. 6 vol. Paris. This is wrote in the Author's own Style, D 4 brisk 40 A CATALOGUE of the brisk and polite. He acknowledges how much he is obliged to Tillemont, and F. Alexander. Natalis Alexandri Differtationes Hiftorico-Chronologice, & Critica in Hiftoriam Ecclefiafticam, fol. Paris 8 vol. or in 8vo. 36 vol. This Hiftory is of a very great Ufe, being a Collection of all the Authorities of the Fa- thers on the controverted Points of Ecclefiaftical Hi- ftory. Many of the Criticks differ from him in their Notions. The Edition in fol. is the beſt. That re-printed laft at Paris is more correct than the for- mer. Antiquitas Ecclefix illuftrata per Eman. Schelftraten, in 4to. Antverp. or in fol. Roma 1692. This Book is a Mixture of good and bad. Traité Hiftorique du Chef de S. Jean-Baptifte, 4to. Paris 1665. This is a curious Piece of du Cange, and in Efteem. Eclairciffemens fur l'Hiftoire des deux premiers fiecles de l'Eglife, par M. Faydit, 8vo, 1695. There is a good deal of Learning, and fome Whims in this Book. The fame Author had begun a Critick on Mr. Tilic- mont, under the Title of Memoires fur les Memoires de M. de Tillemont. The firft Volume, which was more merry than wife, was fuppreffed, but foon after conti- nued. Vic de S. Jean Chryfoftome de M. Hermant, 4to. or in 8vo. Paris, Savreux, and in 8vo. Lyon. Vie de S. Athanafe par M. Hermant. 4to. or in 8vo. 2 vol. Paris. Vie de S. Bafile, & de S. Gregoire de Nazianze, par M. Hermant, 4to. 2 vol. Paris 1674. Vie de S. Ambroife, par M. Hermant, 4to. Paris 1678. All theſe feveral Lives wrore by Hermant contain the Ecclefiaftical Hiſtory of the Times, they are wrote in too copious a Style, and Matters are not fufficiently clear'd up. L'ita chief HISTORIANS. 41 Vita S. Auguftini a Monachis Benedictinis. In the laft Volume of S. Auguftin's Works of the laſt Edi- tion. Joannis Cabaffutii Notitia Ecclefiaftica, fol. Lugdu- ni 1600. This, though not very exact, may be made uſe of as an Introduction to Church Hiſtory. La Rocque Memoires d l'Eglife, 4to. Paris 1690. A Book of fmall Confideration. Auberti Mirai Chronicon Ecclefiafticum a Chrifto nato, 4to. Antverp. 1608. In this Work are Fragments of the Chronicles of Eufebius, Sigebert, and Anfelm of Gemblours. This Edition is eſteemed. CHA P. IX. Ecclefiaftical Hiftory wrote by Proteftants, and therefore to be read with Cau- tion. H ISTORIA Ecclefiaftica congefta per Magde- burgenfes,& alios, fol. Bafil. 13 vol. 1562. Idem fol. Bafil. 1626. 3 vol. Theſe Centuriators, a- mongſt many bad Things, have fome good, but it is not a Work much enquired after. The beft Edi- tion is that of 1562, though that of 1624 is not bad. Ifaaci Cafauboni Exercitationes in Baronium, fol. Londini 1614. Idem 4to. Francof. 1615. This Piece has not hit much the Tafte of the Learned, nor is it efteemed by Proteftants themſelves. Jo. Henr. Ottii Examinis perpetui in Annales Baronii Centuria III. 4to. Tig. 1676. Richardi 42 A CATALOGUE of the Richardi Montacutii Analecta Ecclefiafticarum Exer- citationum, fol. Londini 1622. Idem, Apparatus ad Origines Ecclefiafticas, fol. Oxon 1635. Idem, Vita Jefu Chrifti, five Originum Ecclef. Pars po- fterior, fol. Lond. 1640. Thefe Works of Bishop Mountague are not very much valued; they are a Continuation of Cafaubon. Joan. Henrici Hottingeri Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Novi Teftamenti, 8vo. Hanoviæ 1655, 8 Vol. Le Sueur Hiftoire de l'Eglife, & de l'Empire, 4to. Genev. 8 Vol. or in 8vo. 8 Vol. Some eſteem this Hiſtory at a high Rate. Samuel Bafnage de Rebus Ecclefiafticis contra Baronium, 410, Ultrajecti 1692. This is no more valued than Cafaubon, whom he continues. Idem, Annales Ecclefiaft. fol. Roterod. 1705, 3 Vol. This, which is neither better nor worſe, than the for- mer, comprizes only the five firft Centuries of the Church. François Bourgoin: Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique, in fol, Geneva 1653, & 1665, 2 Vol. This Hiftory is not much enquired after. Jacques Bafnage Hiftoire de l'Eglife, in fol. 2 Vol. Roterdam 1699. A Book very much cried up by Proteftants, and as cagerly defired by many Catho- licks, although dangerous to fuch who are not well confirmed in the Doctrines and Principles of their Communion. I cannot but here do Juftice to this Author, who has in his Jewish Antiquities corrected fome Paffages of his Annals relating to the Chaldean and Syrian Kings, in which he found himſelf mifta- ken. Thomæ Ittigii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftic.c primi a C. N. Se- culi Selecta Capita, 4to. Lipf. 1709. Idem, Hiftorie Ecclef. fecundi a C. N. Saculi felecta Capita, 4to. Ibid. 1711. Even Catholicks themfelves very chief HISTORIANS. 43 $ very much eſteem this Author. We may obferve, that he only publiſhed the firft, and left the fecond to Lewis his Son-in-Law, who has publiſhed, (wrote by him,) the Hiftoria Concilii Niceni at Leipfick, 4to. 1712, and fome other Pieces. Friderici Spanhemii Introductio ad Chronologiam, & Hiftoriam facram, ac precipue Chriftianam ad tempora proxima reformationi, cum neceffariis caftigationibus Caf. Baronii, 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1683. Or in the Collec- tion of his Works made by Spanheim, in 3 Vol. fol. Chriſt. Kortholti Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Novi Teft. a C. N. ufque ad Sac. XVII. 4to. Hamb. 1708. Jo. Henichii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, & Civilis, 4to. Rinthel. 1669. It contains only the four firft Cen- turies. Jo. Fechtii Hiftoriæ Ecclefiaftica Scculi XVI. Supple- mentum, 4to. Durl. 1684. This is a Collection of Letters wrote by many Divines in the thirteenth Cen- tury. Jo. Wolffgangi Jægeri Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Sculi XVII. cum parallelifmo profane, Tom. II. fol. Hamb. 1709. Frid. Spanhemii Summa Hiftorie Eccl. a C. N. ad Sac, XVI. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1689. Jo. Andr. Schmidii Compendium Hiftorie Ecclefi aftica 8vo. Helmft. 1701. Adami Rechtenbergii Summarium Hiftoria Ecclefiafti- fe, 120. Lipf. 1699. 8 СНАР. 44 A CATALOGUE of the CHA P. X. Hiftory of H ERE SIE S. TH Homas Ittigius de Harefiarchis primorum Saculo- rum, in 4to, Lipfiæ 1690. An exact, judi- cious, but dangerous Author. Alphonfus á Caftro de Herafibus Liber. in fol. Paris 1560. Idem in fol. Paris 1578. This laft Edition is the beft. Guido Perpinianus de Harefibus, in fol. Paris 1528. Bernardi Lutzemburgi Catologus Hereticorum omni- um, in 4to. Paris 1524. Thefe Works are not very exact, or eſteemed. Gabriel Prateolus Elenchus Hæreticorum omnium, in fol. Coloniæ 1599. Idem in 4to. Coloniæ 1605. A Book very rare, and much enquired after; the Rea- fon I cannot conceive, as the Author is not exact, and makes a mighty Merit to multiply Here- fies. Iconica & Hiftorica Defcriptio præcipuorum Harefiarcha- rum, in fol. Arnhæmii 1609. Theodor. Petreii Catalogus Hæreticorum, in 4to. Co- loniæ 1628. This Book is valued as little as it de- ferves. We impatiently expect the general Hiſtory of Herefy, which Mr. James Bafnage has had fo long on the Anvil. Conrad.Schluffelburgii Catalogus Hereticorum, in 8vo. Francofurti 1597. 7 vol. It is rather Controverfal than Hiftorical. Alexandre chief HISTORIANS. 45 A Hiſtory of the Religions of the World by Alex. Rofs. tranflated into French, and printed at Amfterdam in 4to. 1668. A curious Book, but none of the moſt accurate, and to be read with Caution. Georgii Hornii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, in 120. Lug- dun. Batav. 1671. This Book is moft curious for what regards the Hiſtory of the Herefies of the latter Ages. Michael Siricii Pravitates Simonis Magi, feu Diſqui- fitio Hiftorica de ejus Hærefi, in 4to. Gieffæ 1664. Maimbourg Hiftoire de l'herefie des Iconoclaſtes, 120. Par. 1683. Le P. Doucin Hiftoire de l'Origenifme. 120. Paris 1700. This learned Jefuit's Work is much efteem- ed. Petri Siruli, Hiftoria Hærefis Manichæorum, in 4to. Ingolftad. 1604. Rare. Joan. Henr. Horbii Hiftoria Origeniana, in 4to. Francofurti 1670. Chriftoph. Sandii Nucleus Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, fen hiftoria Arianorum & Socinianorum, in 4to. Coloniæ 1676. This Author, himfelf a Socinian, pretends to derive in this Piece a continued Succeffion of his own Party, and the Arians, from the earlieft Ages of Chriſtianity. Henr. Noris Hiftoria Pelagiana, in fol. Patav. 1676. Idem in fol. Lovan. 1702. This laft Edition is the beft, containing feveral Pieces not before prin- ted. Gerar. Joan. Voffii Hiftoria Pelagiana, in 4to. Am- ftelodam. 1655. Of little Value. Le P. Doucin hiftoire du Neftorianifme, in 4to. Pa- ris 1696. Idem Rott. 1698. A valuable and well wrote Work. Theod. Althufii hiftoria Harefis Eutychianæ, in 4to. Lipfiæ 1659. Francifci 46 A CATALOGUE of the Francifci Combefis Hiftoria Monothelitarum, in fol. Paris 1648. Joan. B. Tamagnini Hiftoria Monothelitarum, in 8v0. Paris 1678. This Piece, though common, is good. Franc. de Roye Hiftoria Vita, Harefis, & Pæniten- tia Berengarii, in 4to. Andegavi 1656. Jacobi Ufferii Hiftoria Gotheſchalci, & Harefis Pra- deftinarians, in 4to. Dublinii 1639. Cellot Hiftoria Gotheſchalci, in fol. Paris 1655. There are excellent Fragments in this Work. Gilberti Mauguin Hiftoria Controverſie Gotheſchalcane, in 4to, paris 1650. 2 vol. Joach. Hefterbergi Hiftoria Ecclefia Valdenfium, in 4to. Argentina 1668. Hiftoria Perfecutionum Ecclefie Bohemica ab an. 894 ad an. 1632. in 120. Lugdun. Batáv. 1647. Petri Vallis-Sarnenfis Hiftoria Albigenfium, & Sacri Belli anno 1209, in 8vo. Trecis 1615. Jean Chaffanion Hiftoire des Albigeois tirée de deux vieux Manufcrits, in 8vo. Geneve 1595. Jean Paul Perrin Hiftoire des Albigeois, in 8vo. Genev. 1618. Idem. Hiftoire des Vaudois, in 8vo. Genev. 1619. Le P. Benoiſt; Hiftoire des Albigeois, & des Vaudois, in 120. Paris 1691. 2 vol. Jean Bapt. Langlois Hiftoire des Croisades contre les Albigeois, in 120. Paris 1703. Pierre Gilles Hiftoire des Eglifes Reformées des Vallées de Piemont, in 4to. Genev. 1656. Jean Leger Hiftoire des Eglifes des Vallées de Piemont, in fol. Leyde 1669. Andrea Wengerfcii Libri IV. Slavonix Refor- mata, continentes Hiftoriam Ecclefiarum Slavonicarum, Polon. Boh. Lithuan. Ruff. Pruff. Morav. &c. 4to. Amft. 1679. Zachariæ chief HISTORIANS. 47 Zachariæ Theobaldi Chronologica Bohemica Ecclefiæ adumbratio, in 4to. Witteberga 1611. Joach. Camerarii Hiftorica narratio de Fratrum Orthodoxorum Ecclefiis in Bohemia, Moravia, & Po- lonia, cum aliis ad Waldenfium, Huffitarum, & alio- rum hiftoriam fpectantibus, in 8vo. Heidelberg. 1605. Hiftoire de la Perfecution des Vallées de Piemont en 1686. in 120. Rotterdam 1688. P. Boyer Abregé de l'Hiftoire des Vaudois, in 120. La Haye 1691. M. Boffuet Evêque de Meaux, Hiftoire des Variati- ons des Eglifes Froteftantes, in 4to. Paris 1688. 2 vol. Idem in 120. Paris 1690. 4 vol. An excellent Piece, and according to our Author, fufficient to work ma- ny Converſions amongſt Proteftants. Bafnage has at- tempted to anſwer it. It contains the Hiftory of the Vaudois, of the Bohemian Brethren, Luther and Calvin. The Edition in 120. at Paris is the moft exact, and it has been often reprinted in Holland. M. Jacques Bafnage; Hiftoire de la Religion des E glifes Reformées, pour fervir de Refponfe à l'histoire des Variations de M. l'Ev que de Meaux, in 120. Rotter- dam 1690. 2 vol. This is reprinted in Bafnage's fecond Volume of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. Jean Cochliæ Hiftoria Huffitarum, in fol. Moguntiæ 1549. Very rare. Joannis Hus, & Hieronymi Pragenfis Hiftoria, & Monumenta, in fol. Norimberg. 1558. 2 vol. This Work, which was become very fcarce, was reprinted at Leipfick. Zacharias Theobaldus de Vita & Doctrina Joannis Huffi, in fol. Francofurt. 1621. Le P. Maimbourg Hiftoire du Lutheranisme, in 4to. Paris 1680. Idem in 120. Paris 1681. 2 vol. Ludovici à Seckendorf Hiftoria Lutheranifmi & Re- formationis adverfus Maimburgium, in fol. Francofurt. 1692. 2 vel. Historica 48 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftorica Relatio de ortu & Progreffu Hærefuum in Ger- mania, in 4to. Ingolft. 1654. David Chitreus Hiftoire de la Confeffion d'Augfpourg, in 4to. Anvers. 1582. Georgii Cæleftini Hiftoria Comitiorum Augufte celebratorum an. 1550. in fol. Francofurt, 1597. 2 vol. Hiftoire des Anabaptiftes, in 120. Par. 1695. Amfterd. 1700. Arnoldi Meſhovii Hiftoria Anabaptiftica, in 4to. Co- lon. 1617. Joan. Henr. Ottii Annales Anabaptiftici, in 4to. Bafi- lex 1672. Conrad. Heresbachii Hifloria Anabaptiſtica ab an. 1534, accedunt Lambert. Hortenfii Tumultus Anabaptiftici, in 8vo. Amftelod. 1637. Joan. Crifpini Actiones, & Monumenta Martyrum a Wiclefo, ad an. 1560. in 4to. Geneva 1560. A very rare, but bad Book. Hiftoire des Martyrs, in fol. Geneve 1582, There are three Editions of this Book, where may be feen the Proceedings againſt the Lutherans, Calvinifts, Fol- lowers of Wicliff, and other Hereticks. John Fox Acts and Monuments of the Church, &c. c. 3 vol. in fol. And reprinted in as many Vo- lumes in A Work of great Pains, though the Pu- ritanical Turn the Author was byaffed by, which is very evident in his whole Work, has given good Reaſon to ſuſpect his Honefty, as well as Capacity : In troubleſome and noify Times, when Smithfield Fires were ſcarce extinguiſhed, this Author's Reputation be- gan to rife fo high, as to procure his Work a Poft in the Parochial Churches, almoft equal to that of the Holy Scriptures; but in after Days, when fome of his Martyrs appear'd alive to confront their Regifter, the Book was fuppreffed, new modelled, and came out in a larger, though ſomewhat more modeft, Drefs; with a thinner chief HISTORIANS. 49 ' thinner red-lettered Calandar. Though I would not be thought here to defend many of the Abfurdities, Faltehoods, &c. with which Father Parfons charges our Author, yet no Party-Zeal will juftify what is not de- fenfible: To do him all the Justice imaginable, it is no fmall Satisfaction to fee fo many original Papers, concerning our Reformation, preferved, which we owe to his Care. Simon Fontaines Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique de notre temps, on des Troubles arrivez dans le XVI. fiecle en maiure de Religion, 8vo. Paris 1558. Jean Le Frere: Vraye & enticre Hiftoire des troubles ad- venus de n tre temps pour le fait de la Religion, in 8vo. Paris 1575. Hiftoire des Eglifes Reformées au Royaume de France de- puis 1521. jufque en 1563. in 8vo. Anverf. 1580. 3 vol. This is attributed to Theodore Beza, and is uncom- mon. Le P. Maimbourg Hiftoire du Calvinifme, in 4to, Paris 1612. Idem in 120. Paris 1682. 2 vol. P. Bayle: Critique generale de l'Hiftoire du Calvinifme de M. Maimbourg, in 120. Villefranche 1684. z vol. 3d Edit. This is the best Edition. Idem. Nouvelles lettres de l'Auteur de la Critique du Calvinifme, in 120. Villefranche 1685. 2 vol. In this Piece of Criticism, is a good Fund of Wit, and genteel Learning, and it has been of great Ufe to render more confpicuous Father Maimbourg's Me- rit. Soulier Hiftoire du Calvinisme, in 4to. Paris 1682. This Hiftory is good, and of excellent Autho- rity. Idem, Hiftoire des Edits de Pacification, in 8vo. Paris 1682. This is a very curious and eſteemed Piece. Idem. Explication de l'Edit de Nantes, in 8vo. Paris $585. VOL. II. E Floris 50 A CATALOGUE of the Florimond de Remond Hiftoire de la Naiffance, & pro- grés de l'herefic, in 4to. Rouen. 1623. 2o. This is the beft Edition: In it, the Work of Fa- ther Richcome, a Jefuit, are many good Re- marks. Jacques Le Fevre Recueil de tout ce qui s'est fait pour, &contre les Proteftans de France, in 4to. Paris 1686. This is a Collection of Royal Edicts and Declara- tions. M. Benoit Hiftoire de l'Edit de Nantes jufqucs à fa Revocation, in 4to. Delft. 1693. 5 vol. This is wrote with as much Bitterneſs as Partiality: Proteftants themſelves complain of it, and it never had any Run. Le P. Thomaffin Traité des Edits, & des autres moys ens pour maintenir l'unité de l'Eglife Catholique, in 4to. Paris, in the King's Printing-houſe, 1704. 3 vol. The Author would have this taken for an Anſwer to the laft of Father Benoit. Tableau naif des Perfecution qu'on a faites en France à ceux de la Religion Reformée, in 120. Cologne 1684. Etat des Reformez en France, in 8vo. La Haye 1686. 2 vol. Jeanne de Juffie Le Levain du Calvinisme, ou com mencement de l'herefie de Geneve, in 8vo. Chambery 1611. The fame, reviſed by the Abbé St. Real, was publiſhed in Twelves at Paris, in 1682, un- der the Title of Relation de l'Apoftafie de Geneve. Abregé de la Vie de M. Claude, in 120. Amſterdam 1687. Vita & doctrina Davidis Georgii Hollandi Hærefiar. cha, in 8vo. Antverp. 1560. Joan. Conr. Dannhaweri Colluvies Quackeria norum, feu Hiftoria Quackeriana, in 4to. Argentor, 1665. Hiftoire chief HISTORIANS. 51 Hiftoire abragée de la naiffance, & du progr's du Kota- kerifme, in 120. Cologne 1692. Gerar. Croelii Hiftoria nackeriana, in 8vo. Amfte- lod. 1695. Brueis Hiftoire des Fanaticifm: de notre temps, in 120. Par.1692. Vie d'Antoinette de Bourignon, in 8vo. Amfterdam 1683. 2 vol. This Life full of Whims, and throughout extravagant, has been tranflated into English. Trois Lettres contenant l'Hiftoire de Molinos, & de Quietiftes, in 120. Cologne 1688. Thefe Letters were wrote in Engliſh, and by Dr. Burnet, the pre- fen: [1716] Heretical (as the Author terms him) Bishop of Salisbury; a Man of bitter Style, and a- mongst many, of more Credit, than his Knowledge en- titles him to. Hiftoire Generale des Janfenifme par Monf. l'Abbé, 8vo. Amfterd. 1700. 3 vol. This fhould be com- pared with the Hiftoire des cinq Fropofitions de Janfe- nius. Mr. Mas is believed the Author. Jean Colerus Vie de Spinofa, in 120. La Haye 1706. This Life of Spinofa, is wrote with a good deal of Temper, and the Author confutes his Principles in a Difcourfe added. Vita Faufti Socini Senenfis defcripta ab Equite Po- ono, in 4to. 1639. Chriftophori Sandii Bibliotheca Anti-Trinitariorum, in 8vo. Freiftadii 1684. A curious and learned, but impi- ous Piece. Staniſlai Lubienicii Hiftoria Reformationis Polonicæ, 8vo. Freiftadii 1685. This is generally added to the Bibliotheca Anti-Trinitariorum. Our Author concludes his Remarks, that theſe Hiftories are wrote by Here- ical Authors, and ſhould not be read at all, or at leaft with Caution. E 2 CHAP. 52 A CATALOGUE of the CHA P. XI. EREMITICAL and MONASTI- CAL Hifiory. HE Eriberti Rofweidi Vita Patrum, feu hiftoria Ere- mitica, in fol. Antverp. 1615, & 1628. Thefe are the Lives of the antient Hermits, a curious, and now, rare Collection, the Fragments contained in it are excellent. M. Arnaud. d'Andilli; Les Vies des SS. Peres des deferts, in 4to. Paris 1647. 2 vol. Idem in 8vo. Pa- ris 1668. 3 vol. The Edition in Svo is in the mofti Efteem, and is a Tranflation of Part of the Col lection made by Rofweid. It is rather a Devotional, than Hiftorical Treatife: The Tranflation is not al ways faithful, but fometimes deviates inuch from the Original. Lovis Buiteau: Abregé de l'hiftoire Monaftique d'Ori ent, in 8vo. Paris 1680. This is a moſt exact and va luable Book. Benedictus Gononus Vita Patrum Occidentalium, in fol. Lugduni 1625. This is a Collection much of the fame Nature with that made by Rofeid. M. de Villefore: Abregé des Vies des peres des de ferts d'Orient, in 120. Paris 1707. 2 vol. Idem: Abregé des Vies des Peres des defertes d'Occi dent, in 120. Paris 1708. 2 vol. Thefe two afore mentioned Pieces are well wrote, though to be read ra ther as Works of Piety than Hiftory. Ant chief HISTORIANS. 53 Ant. Dadini Altefterræ Origines Monaftice, in 4to. Paris 1674. Crecelli Collectanea de Origine Monafticorum Ordinum, in 4to. Francofurti 1614. Rud. Hofpinianus de Origine & progreſſu Monacha- tus, in fol. Tiguri 1588. Although this Piece is wrote by a Proteftant, in it are many curious Notes, but fuch as ſhould be perufed with Caution. Silveftro Marulli: Storia fagra di tutte le Religioni del mondo, in fol. Meffina 1613. Profper. Stellartii Annales Monaftici, in 4to. Duaci 1627. A very inaccurate and little valued Piece. Auberti Mirai Origines Monaftica, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1620. This little Piece, as well as all wrote by Miraus, is much efteemed. Gafpar. Brufchii Chronologia Monafteriorum Germa- nix, in fol. Ingolftad. 1551. This is good for the Time it appeared, but at prefent there are others much fuperiour. Jacob. Middendorpii Hiftoria Monaftica, in 8vo. Co- loniæ 1603. Nebridi à Mundelheim Antiquarium Monafti- cum, in fol. Viennæ 1650. A valuable and Piece. rare Brevis notitia Italiæ, Hifpaniæ, Galliæ, Originumque Monafticarum ex actis San&torum Bollandi, in 8vo. Ant- verp. 1658. A Work much fought after by the Learned. Jean Mabillon Traité des Etudes Monaftiques, 8vo. Paris 1691. A very curious Work. Of the Order of St. BENEDICT. Louis Bulteau: Abregé de l'Hiftoire de l'Ordre de Saint Benoift, in 4to. Paris 1648. 2 vol. This Book, which E 3 54 A CATALOGUE of the which is in itſelf very good, had not the Run which might have been expected. Jo. Mabillonii Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti, in fel Paris 1700. 5 vol. Sufficient is the bare Name of Father Aabillon to induce us to believe the greatest Ex anels. We are deprived of a Continuation of this Work by the Death of that learned and exemplary Religious, as well as of Theod. Ruinart. De Lucas D'Acheri, & Jo. Mabillon Alta Sancto. rum Ordinis Sani Benedicti, in fol. 1669, &c. 9 Vol. Father Ruinart published the two laft Volumes. The Prefaces to this Work, a´e compleat Difcourfes on thofe Points of Hiftory and Difcipline of which they treat. Thefe two Works are fufficient to give an Infight into the antient Hiftory of the Order of St. Benedict. Arnoldi Wion Lignum vite de Initiis Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, in 4to. Venetiis 1595. vol. A moft mi- ferable wretched Work. Gabriel. Bucelini Aquila Imperii Benedictina, in 4to. Vienna 1651. · Idem. Aienologium Benedictinum, in fol. Vienne 1655. ! Idem. Annales Benedictini, in fol. Vienna 1655. The Works of Bucelin being very inaccurate, are not entirely approved by the learned World. Antonii Yepes Chronicon generale Ordinis S. Bene dicti, in fol. Coloniæ 1645, & 1651. 2 vol. The Original of this Book is printed in Spanish, in feven Volumes, but at prefent little regarded. Caroli Stengelii Monafteriologia S. Benedicti, in fol. Auguftæ Vindelicorum 1619, & 1648. Defenfio Abbatie Imperialis S. Maximi Treviris, in fol. Treviris 1638. : Henr. Meibomii Chronicon Monafterii Riddagshu- fani Ord, S. Bened. in 4to. Helmæftad. 1605. Idem. chief HISTORIANS. 55 Idem. Chronicon Monafterii Bergenfis ad Albim pro- pe Magdeburgum, 4to. Helmæ ftad. 1666. Id. ad Sim. Frid. Wolff-hardt Abb. continuatum a Sim. Frid. Hanrio, fol. Franc. 1708. Diploma fundationis Bergenfis ad Albim Cœnobii, refenfuit, & adnotationibus Hiftoricis res avi præfertim an- tiquioris complectentibus illuftravit Simon Frid. Hannius, 4to. Magdeb. 1710. Chriftophor. Hartmanni Annales Eremi DeiparæMa- tris Monafterii in Helvetia, in fol. Friburgi 1612. Brevis Hiftoria Eremitorii Montis S. Petri juxta Salisburgum, in 4to. Salisburgi 1661. Joan. Trithemii Chronicon Hirfaugienfe, in fol. Sancti Galli 1691. This Chronicle, never before. prin- ted, is a great Curiofity. Origines Murenfis Monafterii in Helvetiis Ordin. S. Bened. in 4to. Spirembergii 1618. This moft fcarce Book contains many curious original Pa- pers. Clementis Reineri Apoftolatus Benedictinorum in An- glia, in fol. Antverp. 1626. Rog. Dodsworth, & Gul. Dugdale Monafticon Anglicanum, five Origines Monafteriorum Angliæ, pre- cipu S. Benedicti, in fol. Londini 1655. 3 vol. Idem in fol. Londini 1673. 3 vol. This Book is become fcarce, and more particularly, in England, where it was printed. They have been carefully collected by Ro- man Catholicks, English as well as Foreigners, and indeed it is one of the beft Conventual Repofitories. ever yet published: The laft Volume is moft rare, as many of the Copies were deftroyed in a Fire at London in 1666. Additional Volumes, as they are called, have been printed, and Abridgements, all which are of fome Ufe in English Monaftical Hifto- ry. E 4 Leonis 56 A CATALOGUE of the Leonis Oftienfis, & Petri Diaconi Chronicon Monafte rii Cafinenfis Ord. S. Benedicti. Neap. 1716 410. and in fol. Paris 1688. vol. Bullarium Caffinenfe, in fol. Venetiis 1650. 2 Secundi Lancelotti Hiftoria Olivetana, feu Congre gationis Monachorum Benedictinorum Sanctæ Mariæ Montis Oliveri, in 4to. Venetiis 1623. D. Placidi Puccinelli, Origo, & progreffus Hiftoricus de Illuftribus Abbatiæ Florentinæ viris, in 4to. Medio- lani, 1645. Jac. Cavacii Hiftoria Cœnobii D. Juſtinæ Patavinæ, in 410. Venetiis 160 and in 1696. Auberti Miæ Origines Coenobiorum S. Benedi&i in Belgio, in 8vo. Antverp. 1608. Idem. Chronicon Benedictinum, in 8vo. Colonia 1614. Mir us was exact for the Time he wrote. Gauffridi Groffi Vita B. Bernardi Fundatoris, & pri- mi Abbatis SS. Trinitatis de Tironio Ordinis S. Bene- dicti, in 4to. Paris 1649. Jac. du Breul Supplementum Antiquitatum Urbis Pa- rifiacæ, quoad SS. Germani a Pratis, & Mauri Foffa- tenfis Coenobia, 4to. Paris 1614. Dom. Filibien: Hiftoire de l'Abbaye Royale de S. Denis, in fol. 1706. This well wrote Hiſtory, foon deftroyed the Credit of that by Father Dou- blet, printed in 1625, in 4to. and is embelliſhed with many beautiful Copper Plates. Vincentii Baralis Chronologia San&torum, & aliorum Virorum illuftrium, & Abbatum Infule Lerinenfis, in 410. Lugduni 1613. Matth. Marrier, & Andr. Quercetanus (Andrea Duchefne) Bibliotheca Cluniacenfis, in fol. Paris 1614. A rare Book, in which are excellent Fragments re- lating to the Hiftory of the Benedictine Order. Matth. Marrier Hiftoria Monafterii Regalis S. Mar- tini à Campis, in 4to. Paris 1636. Martiniana chief HISTORIANS. 57 Martiniana, feu Privilegia S. Martini à Campis, in 3vo. Paris 1606. Bullarium Cluniacenfe, in fol. Lugduni 1680. Laur. le Pelletier Epitome rerum fcitu digniffima- rum Monafterii S. Nicolai Andegavenfis, in 4to. An- degavi 1635. D. Michel Germain Hiftoire de l'Abbaie Royale de nêtre Dame de Soiffons avec les Preuves, 4to. Paris 1675. This Hiftory is efteemed. Petrus Roverius S. J. Reomaus, feu Hiftoria Mo- nafterii S. Joannis Reomaenfis in tractu Lingonenfi, in 4to. Paris 1637. Cl. le Laboureur Les Mazures de l'Abbaie Royale de l'Ifle Barbe lés Lyons, ou l'Hiftoire de cette Abbaie jufqu'à prefent, avec le Catalogue de ſes Abbez tant Re- guliers, que Seculiers, 4to. Lyons Tom. I. 1665, & in 4to. Paris Tom. II. 1683. 2 Vol. This curious Work is uncommon to be found. Le P. Chifflet Jef. Hiftoire de l'Abbaye Royale, & de la Ville de Tournon, in 4to. Dijon 1664. Sebaftien Rouillard: Li Huns en Sang Ters, ou Dif- cours de l'Antiquité, Privileges, &c. du Monaftere de Li Huns. vulgairement Li Hons en Sang Ters, in 4to. Paris 1627. Joannis Launoii Inquifitio in Cartam Immunitatis S. Germani Pratis, in 8vo. Paris 1657. Idem. Affertio inquifitionis in Cartam Immunitatis S. Germani à Pratis, in 8vo. Paris 1658. Idem. Examen du Frivilege de S. Germain des Prez, in 4to. Paris 1672. Idem. Inquifitio in Privilegium S. Medardi Sveffionen- fis, in 8vo. 1657. Idem. Affertio Inquifitionis in Privilegium S. Medardi Sveffionenfis ord. S. Bened. in 4to. Paris 1661. Idem. Inquifitio in cartam fundationis, & Privilegia Monafterii Vindocinenfis, in 8vo. Paris 1661. Joan. 58 A CATALOGUE of the 1 Joan. à Bofco Floriacenfis Vetus Bibliotheca Benedicti- na, five opufcula varia de Origine & Statu Ordinis S. Be- nedicti, in 8vo. Lugduni 1605. This Book has been often fold at an extravagant Rate, but without Rea- fon, as its Contents are of fmall Importance. Nicolai Haberti Epitome Chronicorum Monafterii B. Marie Mofomenfis Ordinis S. Benedicti in Diœcefi Rhemenfi, in 8vo. Carolopoli 1628. Francifc. Mofchus Coenobiarcha Ogniacenfis, five Antiftitum Ogniacenfium Catalogus, & Elogia, in 8vo. Duaci 1598. Prudentio de Sandoval Las fondationes de los Mona- fterios del Orden de S. Benito, que los Reyes de Eípanna fundaron, y de los Santos, y claros Varones defta Re- ligion defile el anno 540, hasta el de 714, in fol. Ma- drid 1601. Benedictina Lufitana, in fol. Coimbra 1644. * Benignus Viſdomini-Hiftoria Ordinis Vallembro- fanæ. * Pet. Diaconi Monachi, &c. de Viris illuftribus Caffientibus Opufculum, in 120. Rom. 1655. * Matthæus Lauretus de vera Exiftentia Corporis S. Benedicti in Caffinenfi Ecclefia, &c. in 4to. Nap. 1607. *Fil. Mar. Macchiarelli La Favola che'l facro Cor- pedi S. Beneditto dorma nel Sepolchro Floriacenſe 4to. Nap. 1713. Marc. Ant. Scipione Elogia Abbatum facri Monafte- Caffinenfis, &c. in 4to. Neap. 1647. * Ludovico Jacobilli Cronica della chiefa e Mona- stero di Santa Croce di Saffovino, di Foligno, in 4te. Folign. 1653. Venantius Simius Catalogus Sanctorum, &c. Con- gregationis Vallis Umbrofæ, in 4to. Rom. 1693. Sebaftiano Fabrini Breve Cronica della Con- gregazione de' Monaci Silveftrini, in 4to. Rom. 1706. Ang, chief HISTORIANS. 59 * Ang. Sagrinus Vita B. Patris Benedi&i, &c. in 4to. Florent. 1586. CISTERTIANS. Auberti Miræi Chronicon Ciftercienfe, in 8vo, Colc- niæ 1613. Barnabas de Montalvo Chronica del Orden de Ci- fter, e inftituto de San Bernardo, in fol. Madrid 1602. Cafparis Jongelini Notitia Abbatiarum Ordinis Ciftercienfis per totum Orbem, in fol. Coloniæ 1640. Idem. Origines & progreffus Ordinis Ciftercienfis, & Ordinum Equeftrium de Calatrava, & Alcantara, in fol. Coloniæ 1641. Idem. Purpura Divi Bernardi, id eft, Summi Pon- tifices & Cardinales Ordinis S. Bernardi, in fol. Coloniæ 1644. Angeli Manrique Annales Ciftercienfes, in fol. Lug- duni 1642. 4 Vol. This Book is valued, though not wrote with that Exactness, fo common at prefent, in theſe Sort of Works. Chryfoftomi Henriquez Fafciculus Sanctorum Ordinis Ciftercienfis. in fol. Bruxell. 1624. 1630. Menologium Ciftercienfe, in fol. Antverp. Lilia Ciftercii, in fol. Duaci 1634. Phoenix refufcitatus, Lov. 1632. In two Books: the Firft of which contains the antient Eng- if Writers of this Order, the Second, the modern Spaniards. Caroli de Viſch Bibliotheca Scriptorum Ordinis Ciſter- cienfis, in 4to. Coloniæ 1656. *Alphonfus del Bene de Origine Familia Ciftertianæ, in ato, Chamb. 1594. * De 60 A CATALOGUE of the - De fundat one Altacombe Starnedii, &c. Cœ- nob. in Sabaud. in 4to. Chamb. 1594. L'Ancien Gouvernement de Citeaux, in 8vo. Paris 1674. P. Le Nain Hiftoire de Citeaux, in 120. Paris 1696. 9 Vol. This Book is admirably well and exactly wrote. Father Le Nain, a Religious, of the Order of Le Trappe in Normandy, was Brother of Mr. Tillemont. M. Le Maitre Vie de S. Bernard premier Abbé de Clairvaux, in 4to. Paris 1648. Idem in 8vo. Paris 1649. This Book, formerly fo much cried up, is only kept alive by its Author's Name, being in the main very unexact. M. de Villefore Vie de S. Bernard, in 4to. Paris 704. This Piece is judicioufly and well wrote. P. Franc. Chiffletii S. Bernardi Genus Illuſtre, in 4t0. Divione 1660. Ant. Muldrac Compendiofum Abbatis Longipontis Sveffionenfis Chronicon, in 8vo. Paris 1652. M. Felibien: Defcription de l'Abbaye de la Trappe, in 120. Paris 1671. Relation de la mort de quelches Religieux de l'Ab- baye de la Trappe, in 120. Paris 1688, &c. 4 Vol. M. Marfolier Vie d'Armand Jean le Bouteiller de Rancé, Abbé de la Trappe, in 4to, & in 120. Paris 1703. 2 Vol. This Book is well wrote, and with more Exactneſs than the Life of the fame Abbot by Mr. Meaupeou. Morotii Ciftertium reflorefcens, in fol. Augufte Taurinor. 1690. Cl. Chalemot Series Sanctorum, ac Beatorum, illu- ftriumque Virorum Ordinis Ciftertienfis, in 4to. Paris 1666. Auguftini Sartorii Ciftercium bis tertium, feu Hifto- ria Elogialis, in qua Ordinis Ciftercienfis Anno 1691. feries chief HISTORIANS. 68 feries facularis, primordia, incrementa, gefta, Cœnobio- rum feries, perfona fanctitate, doctrina, &c. illuftres novA methodo illuftrantur, fol. Vetero-Pragæ, 1700. Order of S. BASIL. Alonſo Cravel Antiquedad de la Religion, y Regla de San Bafilio Magno, in 4to. Madrid 1645. Gregorio Bitio Relazione del Principio, eftato continu- ato della facra Religione de' Frati di San Bafilio de gli Ar- meni in Italia, in 4to. Paviæ 1640. Pauli Emilii Sanctorii Hiftoria Monafterii Carbonen- fis Ordin. S. Bafilii, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1601. Idem in Svo. Romæ 1601. Order of S. JEROM. Jofeph. de Siguenca La Vida de San Geronimo, e la primiera parte de la Orden de S. Geronimo in 4to. Madrid 1595. Idem. La fegonda, e tercera parte della Hiftoria de la Orden de San Geronimo, in fol. Madrid 1600, & 1605. 2 Vol. Chronica de Orden dos Heremitas de San Geronimo, in fol. Lisboa 1642. 3 Vol. Order of the PREMONSTRA. TENSES. Auberti Mirai Chronicon Præmonftratenfe, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1613. Maur. Du Pre Annales Breves Ordinis Præmonftra- tenfis, in 8vo. Ambiani 1646. Joan, 62 A CATALOGUE of the Joan. Chryfoftom. Vanden Sterre Natales Sancto- reth Ordinis Præmonftratenfis, in 4to. Antverpie 1625. 1624. Vita Sancti Norberti, in 4to. Antverp. Le P. Hugo: Vie de S. Norbert Fondateur de l'Or- dre de Premontre, in 4to. Luxembourg 1704. This Hiſtory is exact, and efteemed. Jo. Le Paige Bibliotheca Præmonftratenfis Ordinis, in fol. Paris 1633. 'Tis common, and of fmall Account. Joan. de Launoy Inquifitio in Privilegia Præmon- ftratenfis Ordinis, in 8vo. Paris 1658. Midoffus de antiquo Rigore Communitatis Norbertine, in 4to. Muffiponte 1632. Order of CAMALDOLI. Andr. Mugnotii Eremi Camaldulenfis Defcriptio, in 4to. Romæ 1570. Auguftini Florentini Hiftoriarum Camaldulenfium Li- bri III. & Vita Ambrofii Camaldulenfis, in 4to. Flo- rentiæ 1575. Hiftoria Camaldulenfium pars pofterior, in 4to. Venetiis 1579. Thomas de Minis Catalogus Sanctorum & Virorum illuftrium Ordin. Camaldulenfis, in 4to. Florentiæ 1606. La Storia dell'Ordine Camaldolefe, in 8vo. Venetia 1590. Archangeli Haftivillii Romualdina, feu Eremi- tica Camaldulenfis Ordinis Hiftoria, in 8vo. Paris 1631. Hiftoria Ordinis Camaldulenfis, in 8vo. Patav. 1597. Venantii chief HISTORIANS. 63 Venantii Simii Catalogus Sanctorum, &illuftrium Con- gregationis Vallis-umbrofæ Camaldulenfium, in 4to. Ro- mæ 1693 * Auguft. Fortunius Tranflatio Corporis S. S. P. Ro- mualdi Camaldulenfium Ordinis Inftitutoris, in 8vo. Ve- net. 1562. Afterwards tranflated into Italian. Hiftoria Camaldulenfis in tribus libris in 8vo; Florent. 1575. Order of FONTEVRAL D. Baldric Eveque de Dol: Chronique de l'Ordre de Fontevrauld, in 4to. Honorat Niquet Hiftoire de l'Ordre de Fontevrauld, in 4to. Paris 1642. 1641. Apologia Ordinis Fontis-Ebraldi, in 8vo. Paris Cofnier Vita Roberti de Arbriffellis, in 4to. Flexiæ 1641. Joan. de la Mainferme Clypeus Ordinis Fontis Ebraldi, in 8vo. Salmurii 1684, 1688, & 1692. 3 Vol. B. Roberti Arbriffellenfis, Ordinis Fontebraldenfis conditoris, vita, tranfitus, elogia, miracula, in 8vo, Ro- thomagi 1668. P. de Soris Differtation Apologetique pour Ro- bert d'Arbriffelles, addreffeé à M. Bayle, in 120. An- vers 1701. Order of CARTHUSIANS. Auberti Mirai Origines Carthufianorum, in 8vo. Colon, 1609. 1 Statuta 64 A CATALOGUE of the Statuta Antiqua Ordinis Carthufianorum. An old E- diaion, and exceeding fcarce, becaufe fuppreffed by the Carthufians as much as poffible. Annales Carthufianorum cum eorum Conftitutionibus in fol. Coreriæ Carthufianorum 1687. This was printed at the chief Convent of the Order, near Gre- noble. Car. Jof. Morocii Theatrum Ordinis Carthufienfis, in fol. Taur. 1681. In the fourth Part is the Athen.cum Scriptor. Ord. Carthuf. Petri Dorlandi Chronicon Carthufienfe, in 8vo. Co- lon. 1608. Jacques Corbin Hiftoire facrée de l'Ordre des Char- treux, in 4to. Paris 1653. This Book is very incon- fiderable. Ludovici Turriani Generales omnes Ordinis Carthufi- ani, Coloniæ 1597. Joach. Alfaure Origines omnium Domorum Ordinis Carthufiani, in 8vo. Valentiæ 1670. Petrus Sutorius de Vita Carthufianorum, in 8vo. Coloniæ, 1625. At the End of this Book is a Piece. wrote by Boftius, of the Illuftrious Men of the Carthu- fian Order. Andreæ du Sauffay Epiftola de caufa Converfionis Sancti Brunonis, in 8vo. Paris 1646. Joan. Launoius de vera caufa feceffionis S. Brunonis, in 8vo. Paris 1656, & 1672. Arnoldi Rayffii Origines Carthufianorum Belgii, in 4to. Duaci 1632. This Book is ufeful for the Num- ber of original Papers of feveral Convents. Theodori Petreii Bibliotheca Carthufiana, in 8vo. Co- loniæ 1609. TRI chief HISTORIANS. 65 1 TRINITARIANS; Or, Fathers of the REDEMPTION of CAPTIVES. Baronis Annales Ordinis SS. Trinitatis Redemptionis Captivorum, in fol. Romæ. Diego de la Madre de Dios: Chronica de los Defcalios de la Santiff. Trinidad redentoren de Cattivos, in fol. Madrid 1652. 2 Vol. Bernardi de Vercas Chronica Sacri, & Militaris Ordi- is B. Mariæ de Mercede Redemptionis Captivorum, in fol. Panormi 1619. Alonzo Remon: Hiftoria General de la Orden de ftra Sennora de Mercede, in fol. Madrid 1618. 2 Vol. Felippe de Guimeran: Breve Hiftoria de la Orden de la Mercede, in 4to. Valentia 1591. $ Marco Salmeron: Recuerdos Hiftoricos y Politicos de los Servicios que los Generales y Varone Illuftres de la Religions de la Mercede han hecho a los Reyes de Efpanna, in fol. Va- lentia 1646. Hiftoire de Notre Dame de la Mercy, in 120. Paris 1691. AUGUSTINIANS. Giovan. Marquez: Origine delli Frati Eremitani dell' Ord. di S. Agostino, in fol. Tortona 1620. Auguftini Lubin Orbis Auguftinianus, in 4to. Paris 1659. Pedro del Campo Hiftoria general de los Ermitanos de la Orden de San Auguftin, in fol. En Barcelona 1640. VOL. II. F Nicolai 66 A CATALOGUE of the Nicolai Crufenii Monafticon Auguftinianum, in qu omnium Ordinum S. Auguftini feries explicatur, in fol. Monachii 1623. Philip. Elffii Encomiafticum Auguftinianum, in fol. Brux. 1654. The Affection Elfius bore to his Or der, drew him into many Errours, as Mr. Labbce a knowledges in Page 178 of his Bibliotheca. Jofephi Pamphili Chronica Ordinis Eremitarum S. Au guftini, in 4to. Paris 1581. Cornel. Curtii Elogia Virorum illuftrium c Ordine Eremitarum S. Auguftini, in 4to. Antverp 1639. * Pet. Bonaccioli Pifana Eremus, Vita & Gefta Ere mitarum D. Hieronymi Religionis B. Petri de Pifis, " 8vo. Venet. 1692. Thomæ de Herrera Alphabetum Auguftinianum, quo præclara Eremitici Ordinis Germina Virorumque,& Fœminarum domicilia recenfentur, in fol. Madrici 1644 2 Vol. Jacob Brulii Hiftoria Peruana Ordinis Eremitar Sancti Auguftini, in fol. Antverp. 1652. Thomæ Gratiani Anaftafis Auguftiniana, in qua Scriptores Ordinis Eremitarum S. Auguftini, in 8 Antv. 1613. Chriftiani Lupi Tractatus de Origine Eremitarum Clericorum. & Sanctimonialium Ord. S. Auguftini, 8vo. Duaci 1651. Le P. Pierie de S. Helene: Abregè de l'Hifto des Auguftins Déchauffez, in 120. Roven 1672, CARMELITE S. As the Carmelites carry up their Hiftory to th Times of the ancient Prophets, it muſt be doubtlefs ve ry curious and fingular: and this they have not blufhe chief HISTORIANS. 67 broach in the Conclufions they defended in their Schools, at Beziers, in 1683. Joan. Bapt. Lezana Annales Ordinis Carmelitani, in fol. Roma. 4 Vol. A moſt credulous and careleſs Author. Danielis à Virgine Maria Speculum Carmelitanum, frue Hiftoria Eliani Ordinis, in fol. Antverp. 1680. 4 Vol. This is a Collection of Carmelite Hiftorians, in which are many extravagant Stories. Marc. Anton. Alegre de Cafanate Paradifus Carme- tic Decoris, in fol. Lugduni 1639. This Book was cenfured by the Faculty of Divinity at Pa- Tis. La Succeffion du Saint Prophete Elie, in fol. Paris 1662. This is a curious Piece, being ſtuffed with feveral Particulars, relating to the Antiquity of the Carmelites. Emanuel Roman Elucidationes varias de Antiquedad y Ecritores Illuftres de la Orden del Monte Carmelo, in 4to. Madrid 1618. Diego de Coria Maldonata: Chronica y antiquedad del Orden de la Madre de Dios del Monte Carmelo, in fol. Cordova 1598. Philippi à Sanctif. Trinitate Hiftoria Carmeli- tani Ordinis ab Elia Propheta inftituti, in 8vo. Lugduni 1656. Giovanni Maria Penfa Teatro degli Uonimi più Illuftri della Famiglia Carmelitana di Mantova, in 4to. Mantova. 1618. * Pet. Tho. Puglifius: Antique Calabrienfis Provincie Exordia & Progreffus, &c. in 120. Neap. 1696. Petri Lucii Bibliotheca Carmelitana, in 4to. Florentiæ $593. This is no other than, Joach. Trithemii de Viris illuftri- s Ordinis Carmelitarum libellus cum notis Petri Lucii. This Piece, attributed to Trithemius, is inferted in the ourth Volume of the Works of Jo. B. Mantuanus, F 2 printed * X 68 A CATALOGUE of the " printed at Antwerp in 1576; but Dorfcheus in his Syll. Sem. Mifcellan, pag. 100. and others, think that Trithemius was not the Author. Danielis Papenbrochii Refponfio ad Sebaftianum à Sancto Paulo pro Hiftoria Carmelitarum ab ipfo in actis Sancto rum relata, in 4to. Antverp. 1697, &c. 3 Vol. A gainſt this Father Papenbroch, who had fpoke with much more Modefty and Judgement of the Antiqui ty of the Carmelites, thefe Fryars wrote with much Heat, and intereſted in the Affair the Spanish Inqui fition, who obliged him to make an Apology, which is no way favourable to the Order. Hiftoria generalis Fratrum Carmelitarum Difcalceato rum in fol. Romæ 1668. Francefco di Santa Maria Chroniche de' Patri Carme litani Scalzi, in fol. in Genova 1654. Franceſco di Santa Maria: Reformata de los Defcalco del noftra Sennora, del Carmen della primitiva obfervantia in fol. Madrid 1644. 2 Vol. Theſe two laft are the fame, the firſt being only a Tranflation from the laft. Annales des Carmes Defchauffez, in fol. Paris. 2 Vol This Book is not much eſteemed. Marillac de l'Inftitution de l'Ordre des Carmelites, 8vo. Paris 1622. FRANCISCAN S. Luce Wadingi Annales Ordinis Minorum, in f Lugduni 1635, &c. 8 Vol. quorum ultimus Rom 1650, prodiit. This diffufive Work is the beft Extan for the Hiftory of the Order of St. Francis of A The original Papers of Proofs are at the End of each Volume. The Author has not been able to forbe broaching fome idle Stories, which run amongſt hi Order. The eighth Volume is an exact Catalogu of chief HISTORIANS. 69 of the Writers of the Order, and therefore to be met with feparately. It was revifed and augmented by the learned Francis Arold. Franc. Haroldi Epitome Annalium Wadingi, in fol. Romæ. 2 Vol. Joannis Michaelis Chronologia Hiftorico-Legalis Ordinis Minorum S. Francifci ufque ad annum 1622, in fol. Neapoli 1650. Horatio Diola, e Bartolomeo Cimarelli, Chroniche dell' Ordine de' Frati Minori, in 4to. in Venetia 1593, ☺ 1617, &c. 5 Vol. Les Chroniques des Freres Mineurs, in 4to. Paris 1623. 4 Volumes. This is only a Tranflation of the laſt Book. Thefe Chronicles are fo full of childiſh Tri- fles, that I knew many Men of Letters read nothing elfe, when they had a Mind to divert them- felves. Le P. Sylveftre Caftet Les Annales des Freres Mi- neurs tirées de Luc. Wadinghes, in 4to. Toulouse 1680. 4 Vol. This is fomething better, and more plaufi- ble than the laft. It begins to be rare, a Misfortune we fhall never lament. Arturi à Monafterio Martyrologium Francifcanorum, in fol. Paris 1653• Petrus Radulphus Hiftoria Seraphica Religionis, in fol. Venetiis 1586. Francifcus Gonzaga de Origine Seraphica Religionis Francifcane, in fol. Romæ 1587. Bartholom. de Pifis Liber Conformitatum vit e Fran- cifci cum Vita Jefu Chrifti, in foi. Mediolani 1513. Idem correctus & illuftratus à Jeremia Bucchio, in fol. Bonon. 1590. Idem, ibid. 1620. In the Editions of 1590, and 1620, are many Affairs omitted. That of 1513, which is the beft, is exceeding ſcarce. Henric. Sedulii Apologia adverfus Alcoranum Fran- cifcanorum, pro Libro Conformitatum, in 4to. Antverp. 1607. F 3 درة * Petr. { 70 A CATALOGUE of the * Petr. de Alva & Aftorga Nature Prodigium, gra tia portentum, hec eft, S. Francifci vita acta ad Chrift vitam & mortem regulata, in fol. Matriti 1651. Henr. Sedulius: Hiftoria Seraphica, vita S. Francifci illuftriumque perfonarum, in fol. Antverp. 1613. Martin de San Jofeph: La Hiftoria de las Vidas y mila gros del Beato Pedro de Alcantara, y de los Religiofos infig nes en la Religion del Serafico San Francefco, in fol. Ar cuala 1644, 2 Vol. Guilielmi Eftii Hiftoria Martyrum Gorcomienfium, majori numero Fratrum Minorum, qui pro fide Catholica à perduellibus interfecti funt an. 1572, in 8vo. Duad 1603. Chronographica Defcriptio Provinciarum, & Conven tuum omnium Ordinum Capucinorum, in fol. Oblongo, Au gufta Taurinorum 1634. Marcellini de Pifis Annales Capucinorum, in fol. Lug duni 1676, 3 Vol. * Bonavent. Theuli Apparato Minorico della Provin cia di Roma, 4to. Velletri 1648. * Lucas Waddingus Scriptores Ordinis Minorum, fol Rom. 1650. * Curtius Navarrus Vita S. Francifci, 4to. Rom. 1670. *D. Bonaventura Vita S. Francifci, 8vo. Rom. 1686. *Vita di S. Francefco d'Affifi, 4to. Rom. 1711. Franc. Mar. Ang. a Torto Sacri Conventus Affi fienfis Hiftoria, Lib. 2. fol. Montefalifco 1704. Franc. Perez Racconto Iftorico del Sacco di S. Fran- cefco confervato in Montella, Part 2. 4to. Benev. 1715. * Diony. Genuenfis Bibliotheca Scriptorum Capucci norum, &c. fol. Genuæ 1691. Of chief HISTORIANS. 71 Of the Order of St. DOMINICK. Thomas Malvenda Annales Sacri Ordmis Tradicato- rum, in fol. Neapoli 1627. Fernando de Caſtillo, e Juan Lopez; Hiſtoria Ge- neral del Santo Domingo, y de fu Orden de Predicatores, in fol. Valladolid. 1612. 1615. 1621, & 1622, 5 Vol. This Author is tranflated into Italian, and print- ed in two Volumes at Florence in 1645. Antonii Senenfis Chronicon Ordinis Prædicatorum, in Svo. Paris 1585. Leander Albertus de Viris Illuftribus Ordinis Prædica- torum, in fol. Bononiæ 1517. This Author might claim fome Merit, was he not fometimes bigotted to · Annius of Viterbo, a Member of the fame Order. Michaele Pio Delle Vite de gli Huomini Illuftri dı San - Domenico, in fol. in Pavia 1613. Giovanni Michaele Progenie de San Domenico in Ita- lia, con le vite di tutti gli huomini Illuſtri per bontà, di- gnità, e dottrina dell' Ordine fuddetto, in fol. Bologna 1615, 3 Vol. Ambrof. Altamura Bibliotheca Dominicana ufque ad Ann. 1600. in fol. Romæ 1692. Vincent. Maria Fontana Syllabus Alagiftrorum Sacri Palatii Apoftolici, in 4to. Romæ 1663. Antoine Mallet Hiftoire des hommes Illuftres du grand Couvent des Freres Prêcheurs de Paris, in 8vo. Paris 1634, & 1645, 2 Vol. Hyacinthi Choquetii Hiftoria Sanctorum Illuftrium Predicatorum in Belgio, in 8vo. Duaci 1618. Andr. Rovetta de Brixia, Bibliotheca Chronologica Il- uftrium Virorum Provincia Lombardia Ordin. Fradica- torum, in fol. Bononiæ 1692. Ambrofii Gozzai Catalogus l´irorum ex familia Pra- dicatorum literis infignium, 8vo. Ven. 1605. * Vinc. Maria Fontana de Romana Provincia Ordinis Prædicatorum, 4to. Romæ 1670. F 4 * Mich. 7 2 A CATALOGUE of the I 1 * Mich. Cavalieri Galleria de' Sommi Pontefici, & dell' Ordine de Fredicatori, Tom. 2. 4to. Benev. 1696, * Antonino Lembo Cronica del Convento di S. Do menico in Soriano, &c. 4to. in Soriano 1665. * Monumenta Dominicana, &c. fol. Romæ 1675. * P. P. Quetif & Echard: Scriptores Ordinis Prad catorum notis Criticis, &c. fol. 2 Vol. Paris 1719. MINIMS of St. FRANCIS of PAOLA. Francifci Lanovii Chronicon generale Ordinis Min morum, in fol. Paris 1635. Lovis d' Attichi: Hiftoire generale de l' Ordre des Mi nimes, in 4to. Paris 1624. Triftan: Cronica de los Minimos, in 4to. En Barcelona 1618. Luc de Montoya: Cronica de la Orden de los Mini- mos, in fol. Madrid 1619. Hilarion de Cofte: Le Portrait en petit dé S. Françoi de Paule, Instituteur, & Fondateur de l'Ordres des Ai imes, in 4to. Paris 1655. Francifc. Giry Differtatio Chronologica de Anno Ne tali, & Etate S. Francifci de Paula, in 8vo. Paris 1680. * Ifidoro Tofcano Vita di S. Franceſco di Paola, 4t Venet. 190. * Jof. Mar. Perimezzi Vita S. Francifci Paulæ Al nimorum Ordinis Inftitutoris, Part 2. 4to. Romæ 170% * Regiftrum omnium Scripturarum Convent. S. Fran- cifci de Paula in Oppido Pifini, 4to. Romæ 1712. Order of the CELESTINS. Lovis: Beurrier Hiſtoire du Monaftere des Celeftins di Paris, 4to. Paris 1634. * Cæleft. Telen: Hiftorie fagre degli Uomini Illuftri de Celiftmi, 4to. Bologn. 1648. Nap. 1689. Julia chief HISTORIANS. 73 *Julius Stantoni: Additio ad Catalog. Abbat. General. Congregationis Celeſtin. 4to. Nap. 1687. Other ORDERS. Aimari Falconis Hiftoria Antonianæ Compendium, in fol. Lugduni 1534. Paolo Morigi Hiftoria de gli huomini Illuftri che furo- no Gefuati, in 4to. Venezia 1604. Benedetto Leoni: L'Origine e Fondatione dell' Ordine de Crociferi, in 4to. in Venetia 1599. Joan. Levefque: Annales Ordinis Grandimontenfis, in 8vo. Trecis 1662. Girard: La Vie de S.Jean de Dieu Inftituteur des Re- ligieux de la Charité, in 4to. Paris 1691. Auguftinus Tortura de Vita Hieronymi Æmiliani Congregationis Somafchæ fundatoris, in 8vo. Mediolani 1620. Vie de S. Gaetan de Thienne Inftituteur des Theatins, in 120. Paris 1698. CHA P. XII. CANONS, SECULAR CLERGY, and other CONGREGATIONS. Abrielis Pennoti Hiftoria totius Ordinis Clericorum, I in fol. Roma 1624, & Coloniæ 1630. Jofeph de Silos: Hiftoria Clericorum Regularium, in fol. Romæ 1650, & 1655, 2 Vol. Giovanni Battiſta Tuffo: Iftoria della Religione de' Pa- dri Chierici Regolari, in fol. Roma 1609. 贸 ​Auberti i ་ ་་་ 74 A CATALOGUE of the Auberti Mirai Codex Regularum, & Conftitutionum Clericalium, in fol. Antverpiæ 1638. niæ 1632. De Congregationibus Clericorum, in 8vo. Colo- De Collegiis Canonicorum,in 8vo. Coloniæ 1615. Carolus à Mansfeldt de Canonicorum Origine, & Vita, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1625. Chronicon Monafterii Reichterfpergenfis in Bajoaria ante annos 400. congeftum, cum Diplomatibus variis Roman. Pontificum, ex MS. codice editum à Chriftoph. Gewoldo, 4to. Monachii 1611. Jof. Mozzagrugni Narratio Rerum geſtarum Canoni- corum Regularium, in 4to. Venetiis 1622. Difquifitiones Hiftorica de Canonicorum Ordine, in 4to. Paris 1697. Celfi Rofini Sacri Ordinis Canonicorum Regularium Salvatoris Lateranenfis duodecim Reformatorum Venerabiles Memoria, in 4to. Cafene 1652. Lyceum Lateranenfe Scriptorum Clericorum Ca- nonicorum S. Salvatoris Lateranenfis, in fol. Cæfena 1652, 2 Vol. Joan. Bapt. Signius de Ordine, & ftatu Canonico, in 4to. Bononiæ 1600. Joan. Trullus de Ordine Canonicorum Regularium, Cæfarauguftæ 1571, & Bononiæ 1605. Jacobi Philippi Thomafini Annales Canonicorum Se- cularium S. Georgii in Alga, in 4to. Utini 1642. Hiftoire des Chanoines, ou Recherches Hiftoriques de l'Ordre Canonique, in 120. Paris 1699. Cofmæ Leuzi Annales Religioforum Clericorum mini- ftrantium infirmis, in fol. Neapoli 1641. Sanctio Cicatelli Vita del Padre Camillo de Lellis Fon- datore de' Chierici Regolari Miniftri de gl' Infirmi, in 4to. Viterbo 1612. This was tranflated into Latin by Fa- ther Halloix, a Jefuit. Claude chief HISTORIANS. 75 Claude du Molinet Reflexions Hiftoriques fur les Anti- quitez des Chanoines, tant Seculiers que Reguliers, in 4to. Paris 1674 La Vie du P. Faure, Reformateur des Chanoines Re- guliers de la Congregation de France, in 4to. Paris. Antonii Gallonii Vita B. Philippi Nerii Fundatoris Congregationis Oratorii, in 4to. Romæ 1600. Habert de Cerify: Vie du Cardinal de Berulle, in 4to. Paris 1646. Vie du P. de Gondren de la Congregation de l'Ora- toire, in 4to. Paris 1643, & in 8vo. Paris 1657. * Giovanni Marciano Memorie Iftoriche della Congre- gatione dell' Oratorio 5. Tom. fol. 1, 2, 1696. L. P. Morin Des Défauts du Gouvernement de l'Ora- toire, in 8vo. 1653. This Book, which is very rare, is no Credit to the Fathers of the Oratory. Le P. du Mas: Vie de Cæfar de Bus Fondateur de la Doctrine Chretienne, in 4to. Paris 1703. Louis Abelli La Vie du Venerable Vincent de Paul Inſtituteur de la Congregation de la Miſſion, in 4to. Paris 1664. * Carlo Solfi : Compend Iftorico della Religione de Chierice Regolari Miniftri degl' Infermi, &c. 4to. Mondovi 1689. * Pet. Jac. Baccii Vita S. Philippi Neri Florenti- ni, 4to. Romæ 1614. * Jof. Ramirez Vita Candidiffima S. Philippi Neri, 4to. Valentiæ 1678. * Bernardino Paccinelli: Vita del Beato Bernardo To- lomei Seneſe Inftitutore de Monaci Olivetani, 4to, Lucca 1659. *Franc. Maria Galluzzi: La Vita, Virtu, &c. dell V. P. Sebaft. Grandi, Fondatore della Congregazione detta dell' Ofpizio in Camerino, 4to. Romæ 1719. * Vita di San Franceſca Romana Fondatrice dell' Ob- late di Torre de Specchj, 4to. Romæ 1675. * Arcan- 96 A CATALOGUE of the * Arcangeli Giani Annales Sacri Ordinis Servorum B. Mariæ ab Inftitutione 1233 ad 1433, fol. Flor. 1618. Pars Secunda a 1433 ad 1610, fol. Flor. 1622. * Dion. Baldocci Nigetti Vita del Beato Hippolito Galantini Florentino, Fondatore della Dottrina Chriftiana in Frenze, 4to. Rom. & Fiorenz. 1625. * Jacobus Cavacius Illuftrium Anachoretarum Elogia, 4to. Venet. 1625. * Ercole Campana: Il Beato Riniero Inftitut. dell' Il- luftriff. Archiconfraternita della Vita di Bologna, 120. Bolog. 1684. *Paolo da Como: Ordini & Capitoli della Compag- nia dell' Oratorio, 4to. Ven. 1568. CHA P. XIII. The Hiftory of the Society of JESUS. HERE has been no Congregation of Priefts fubject to Rules, which has afforded fo much Matter for Hiſtory, as the Jefuits; but we ſhall take Notice here only of their principal Hiftorians. Nicol. Orlandini Fr. Sacchini Hiftoria Societatis Jefu, in fol. Romæ 1615. Idem, In fol. Antverp. 1620. & 4to. Colon. 1620. This Hiftory is well wrote, and to it was added at Rome a Continuation. Hiftoria Societatis Jef Pars quinta, in fol. Rome 1661. Hiftoria Societatis Jefu Pars fexta à P. de Juvenci, fol. Romæ 1710. Pars fexta 1711. Imago Primi Seculi Societatis Jefu, in fol. Antverpie 1640. This is a Piece fingular for the Style and pe- culiar Manner of its Writing, and is rare. Eufebi chief HISTORIANS. 77 Eufebii de Nieremberg: Hiftoria de los Varonės Illu- ftres de la Compania de Jefus, fol. Madrid 1645, 4 Vol. Daniel Bartoli dell' Iftoria della Compagnia di Gefu; L'Europa, in fol. Roma 1677, & 1673, 2 Vol. Dell' Iftoria della Compagnia di Gefu; L'Aſia, in fol. Roma 1663, & 1667, 2 Vol. * Dell' Iftoria della Compagnia di Gefu d'In- ghilterra, fol. Roma 1667. Daniel. Bartoli Hiftoria Societatis Jefu Europæa, Lug- duni 1671. Hiftoria Societatis Jesu Afiatica, in 4to. Lug- dun. 1666. Idem, In 4to. Romæ 1667. This is tranflated from the Latin into Italian, and is valued much. Petr. Ribadeneira: Vita S. Ignatii, in 8vo. Neapoli 1572. Vita Ignatii Loyolæ cum Scholiis Chri- ftiani Simonis Lithi Mifeni, in 8vo. 1598. The Notes on this Book are fo many Satyrs on St. Ignatius Loyola, and the Pieces following wrote by Gretfer, op- poſe this Heretical Commentator. Jacobi Gretleri Soc. Jefu Apologia I. pro Vita S. Ig- natii, in 8vo. Ingolftad. 1599. Apologia II. pro Vita S. Ignatii, in 8vo. In- golftad. 1601. Apologia III. pro Vita S. Ignatii, in 8vo. In- golftad. 1604. Hiftoria Jefuitici Ordinis, in 4to. Ingolftad. 1594. All Gretfer has published, as well dogmatical as hiftorical, is rare and efteemed. Jo. Petri Maffei Hiftoria Societatis Jefu in Indiis cum Vita S. Ignatii, in fol. Romæ 1588. Idem, In folo Coloniæ 1593. Vita S. Ignatii, Separatim, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1585, & in 8vo. Paris 1641. Jacob. 78 A CATALOGUE of the 1 Jacob. Payva: Libellus de Origine Societatis Jefu, in 8vo. Lovanii 1566. This, with its Orthodox Expo- fition, is a curious and rare Piece. Chriſtoph. Gomez Elogia Soc. Jefu, in fol. Antv. 1681. This contains not only the Elogia, given to the Society by Popes and other Men of Figure, but even thofe of Angels and Devils. Conftant. Cajetani de Religiofa S. Ignatii Fundatoris S. J. per Patres Benedictinos Inftitutione, deque Libello Exercitiorum ejufdem, in 8vo. Venetiis 1641. In this Book is one Thing fingular, that the Author pretends to prove that the Book of Exerciſes was not the Work of St. Ignatius, but of Cisneros, a Spanish Benedictine Monk; but fo ill does he maintain his Argument, that it has not raiſed the leaft doubt againſt the gene- ral Opinion. Though the Book is fcarce, it is nei- ther well wrote, nor much eſteemed. Daniel Bartoli: Vita di S. Ignazio, in fol. Roma 1650. & 1659, fol. Le P. Bouhours: Vie de S. Ignace, in 4to. Paris 1679. Idem, In 120. Paris 1680. This Life, as well as that of St. Francis Xavier, wrote by the fame. Bouhours, is well wrote, and much efteemed. Collegium Germanicum [Romæ] S. J. de Vita S. Ig- natii, in 4to. Romæ 1609. Jof. Juvencus Hiftor. Societat. Jefu, fol. Rom. 1710. Petr. Ribadeneira Vita Jacobi Laynis, fecundi So- ciet. Jefu Generalis, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1604. This Je- fuit was one of the ableft Governours this politick So- ciety ever enjoyed. Vita Francifci Borgiæ, tertii Societat. Jefu Generalis, in 8vo. Antverp. 1598. Le P. Verius: Hiftoire de S. François de Borgia, in 4to. Paris 1671. Idem, In 120. Paris 1672. Horatius Turfelinus de Vita Sancti Francifci Xaverii, in 8vo. Lugduni 1607. Le chief HISTORIANS. 79 Le P. Bouhours Vie de S. François Xavier, in Faris 1682. 410. Sancti Francifci Xaverii Epiftola per Poffinum, in 8vo. Romæ 1667. Matthæi Raderi Vita Petri Canifii Societat. Jef. in Evo. Antverp. 1615. Idem, In 8vo. Monachii 1623. The laft is the beft Edition. Francifc. Sacchinus de Vita, & rebus geftis Petri Ca- wifii Societatis Jefus, in 4to. Ingolftad. 1606. De Fita, & Moribus Leonardi Leffii, in 120. Parif. 1644. La Vie du P. Antoine Poffevin, 120. Paris 1712. This Life is curious, for the Account of the Labours and Negotiations of this able Jefuit, for the Holy See of Rome in Muscovy, Poland, and other Northern Countries. Jacq. Fuligati: Vie du Cardinal Bellarmin, Jefuite Traduite de l'Italien en François par Pierre Morin, in 8vo. Paris 1625. In 4to. In Latin Leodii 1626. Theſe two Editions, with that in Italian, are more rare, and beſt wrote. : Le P. Frifon La Vie du Cardinal Bellarmin, in 4to. Nancy 1709. This is a curious and well penned Life, but must not be read without confulting that by Fuligati. Petrus Roverius de Vita Petri Cotoni Societ. Jefu, in 8vo. Lugduni 1660. Le P. Jof. d'Orleans Vie du P. Cotton, in 4to. Paris 1688. This Author, though not bad, has o- mitted in this Life many important Facts, mentioned by Father Roviere. Catalogus Provinciarum, Domorum, Collegiorum, ac Se- minariorum Societ. Jefu, 8vo. Coloniæ 1627. Emanuel. Acofte Commentarii Rerum à Societ. Jefu in Oriente geftarum, in 8vo. Dilinge 1571. Francifci 80 A CATALOGUE of the Francifci Bencii Anna Littera de rebus Societatis Fe- fu in India, in 8vo. Romæ 1589, 4 Vol. Sebaſtiani Barretarii Littere Annua Societatis Jefu an 1594, & 1595, in 8vo. Neapoli 1604. Idem, Epiftola anni 1596, in 8vo. Neapoli 1605. Joannis Nadafii Annux Littera Societatis Jefu Anni 1650, & quatuor fequentium, in 8vo. Dilingæ 1658. Lettres édifiantes, & curieufes ecrites de Miffions étran- geres par quelques Miffionnaires de la Compagnie de Jefus, recueilles par le P. le Gobien, in 120. Paris 1707, &c. 9 Vol. Balthafaris Tellez Chronica Societatis Jefu in Provin cia Lufitania, in fol. Uliffipone 1644, & 1647, 2 Vol. Petri à Ribadeneira, Philippi Alegambe Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jefu, in fol. Antverp. 1643. Idem, Aucta & recognita à Nathanaele Southwell, in fol. Romæ 1676. This is one of the moſt ample Works on the Subject, and I have noticed the beſt Editions. That at Rome is the largeſt. Father Bonanni, the well known modern Medalift, defigned to write on this Head, but changed his Mind, but entring upon more entertain- ing Studies till his Death, left this Province to others. Recueil des Lettres Patentes Otroyées aux Jefuites pour leur Rétablissement, avec les Romontrances du Parle- ment, les Oppofitions de la Faculté de Theologie, & de l'Univerfité, in 4to. Paris 1612. There have been continual Jars between the Jefuits and the Univerfity of Paris, even from the Foundation of the Order, which probably will never be entirely qualified. Nicol. Bailly: Hiftoria Vita Edmundi Augerii S. J in 8vo. Parif. 1652. Nicol. Orlandinus de Vita Petri Fabri, in 8vo. Lug- duni 1617. We have mentioned already, and fhall again, what regards the Jefuit's Miniſtry, when we treated of the Hiftories of America, China, Japan, and other Nations. CHAP chief HISTORIANS. 81 CHA P. XIV. Hifiories of the feveral ORDERS of KNIGHT HOOD. Ernardo Giuftiniani: Storie Chronologiche dell' Ori- gine de gl' Ordini Militari, di tutte le Religioni Ca- valleresche, in fol. Venezia 1692, 2 Vol. Gio. Franc. Abela: Defcrizione di Malta, in fol. Malta 1647. Giacomo Bofio: Storia dell' Ordine di S. Giovanni Gerofolimitano, in fol. Roma 1621, 3 Vol. This was tranflated into French by Mr. Baudovin. Naberat: Hiftoire des Chevaliers de Malte, in fol. Pa- ris 1643. This is alſo a Tranflation from Bofius by Mr. Bandovin, augmented in feveral Places by Mr. Naberat. Matthieu de Gouffancourt: Le Martyrologe des Cheva- hiers de Malte, in fol. Paris 1643. Henric. Pentaleo Hiftoria Nova Ordinis Johannita- rum, in fol. Bafileæ 1581. Marulli: Vite de Gran Maeftri della Religione Gerofo- limitana, in fol. Neapoli 1636. Guilielmi Caourfin: Defcriptio Obfidionis Urbis Rho- die .. Mahomete II. ann. 1480, in fol. Ulma 1496. Le P. Bouhours: Hiftoire du Grand Maitre d'Au- buffon, in 4to. Paris 1676. Idem, In 120. Paris 1677- Tranflated into English at Lond. 8vo. Statuta Ordinis S. Joannis Hierofolymitani, in fol. Romæ 1584. A curious and fcarce Work. P. Boiffat: Hiftoire des Chevaliers de l'Ordre de l'Ho- pital de S. Jean de Jerufalem,on de Malte,4to. Lyon 1612. Pierre de Beloy de l'Origine, & Inftitution de divers Ordres de Chevallerie, 120. Montauban 1604. 1 Petr. de Dusbourg: Chronicon Ordinis Teutonici cum jufdem Ordinis Privilegiis, & Antiquitatibus Prufficis, VOL. II. G in 82 A CATALOGUE of the in 4to. Francofurt. 1679. This is a curious Piece, and well efteemed for the Hiftory of Pruſſia and Germany. Henr. Leonh. Schurtzfleifchii Hiftoria Enfiferorum Ordinis Teutonici, in 8vo. Vitteberg. 1700. We have fpoke of this Author in feveral Places, and his other Works. He is an able Pen, and is well eſteemed in Germany, and in feveral other places. Mr. Menckenius ob- ferves, that the Author mentions his Brother Conradu Samuellus. Francifci Menenii Origines, Statuta, & Infignia om- nium Ordinum Militarium, in 4to. Maceratæ 1623. Idem In Svo. Coloniæ 1638. Auberti Miræi Origines Equeftrium, five Militarium Ordinum, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1638. André Favin, Theatre d'Honneur, & de Chevalleri on Hiftoire Heraldique des Ordres de Chevallerie, in 4to. Paris 1620, 2 Vol. M. Hermant Hiftoire des Religions, ou Ordres Al taires de l'Eglife, in 120. Roven. 1698. This is a dif- ferent Perfon from Mr. Herman Canon of the Church of Beauvais, and very much inferiour to him in al moft all Refpects. Hiftoire des Ordres Militaires, in 8vo. Amfterdam with Figures 1688. This inconfiderable Work is become rare, and in it are Engraven feveral Habits of military Orders. Chriftiani Gryphii kurzer Entwurff yon geislum weltlichen Ritter-Orden, in 8vo. Leipz. 1709. A Picc much cftcemed. Touffaint de Saint Luc: Memoires des Titres de l'O dre de Nitre-Dame du Mont Carmel, & de S. Lazare de Jerufalem, in 8vo. Paris 1681. Nicol. Gurtleri Hiftoria Templariorum, in 8vo. Am ftelodami 1692. Second *Bart. del Pozzo Hiftoria della fagra Religione, & di Malta, 4to. Verona parte prima 1703. I arte 1715. A Continuation of the Work of Bofius. * Ptolom chief HISTORIANS. 83 *** * Ptolom. Veltronius: Statuta Hofpitalis Hierufalem Infula Melitenfi, fol. Rom. 1588. * Vincent. Caftellani Foro-Sew pronienfis de bello Me- lienfi Hiftoria, 8vo. Pifaun. 1566. *Joan. Anton. Viperani de bello Melitenfi Hiftoria, 410. Peruf. 1567. * Laurentii Hafcia de poftrema Melitenfi Lue Praxis Hiftorica, 120. Panormi 1677. * Andrea Minutolo Memorie del Priorato di Mefſi- l, fol. Meffin. 1699. * Gioſeppe de Zuniga Epitome Hiftorica della Religi- ne e Cavalleria di Calatrava, 4to. in Lecce 1668. * Gio. Battiſta Ricci : Iftoria dell Ordine Equeftre di S. S. Mauritio e Lazaro, &c. 4to. Torino. 1714. * Piet. Franc. Bergamafchi: Breve Notizia Iftorica de' Cavalieri dello Sprone d'Oro, 4to. Torino 1695. * Phil. Bonanni : Ordinum Equeftrium & Militarium Catalogus cum 164 Figuris Eneis, 4to. Rom. 1711. * Franc. Mennenius: Militarium Ordinum Origines, Statuta, Symbola, &c. Col. Agr. & Macerat. 1623- Ato. * Ludovico Araldi: L'Italia Nobile, &c. ne' Cava- eri di San Giovanni e S. Stefano, 120. Venez. 1722: * Aldigherio Fontana : Origine della Religione Gerofo- omitana con Caferie de' Gran Alacftri, &c. 120. Bologn, 704. * Ant. Mar. Serfale: Vita di Fra. Agoftino Grimaldo Roffo Cavalier Gerofolomitano, 4to. Mellina 1662. * Paolo del Roffo Statuti della Relig. Gerofolomitant, vo. Firenze 1570. * Apollinare di S. Gaetano : Il Cavaliere Romito Storia Panegirica del ven. P. F. Ambr. Mariano di S. Bene- etto Cavaliere Gerofolomitano e Carmelitano Scalzo, &c. to. Nap. 1694. * Dom. Mar. Curione Il gloriofo Trionfo della Religi Milit. de' Cavalieri di S. Gio. di Malta, 4to. Milano 16178 G 2 * Vertet! 84 A CATALOGUE of the * Vertot (Mr. L'Abbe) L' Hiftoire des Chevaliers de Malthe, Tom. avec Fig. 1726, 4to. and in more Volumes in 120. This is now tranflating by feveral Hands, and if the Tranflators do Juftice to the Original, there need no Recommendation of this Work, as the Au- thor's Abilities and Merit are very well known to the World. Elias Afhmole Hiſtory of the Order of the Garter, fol. Lond. abridged in 8vo. in 1715, and uſed much by Mr. Salmon and Dr. Dawson in their Labours on the fame Subject. Of the other Orders, which are only Marks of Ho nour, I fhall ſpeak when I come to the Kingdom: where they are in Efteem, as of the Golden Fleece in the Hiſtory of the Low Countries, the Holy Ghost in that of France, thofe of Alcantara and Calatrava is Spain, and fo of the reft. CHA P. XV. Of the Hiftory of EGYPT, 0 GREECE, ASSYRIA, and the firft Monarchies. Iov. Mich. Vanflebio: Relazione del prefente St to dell' Egitto, in 120. Fioren. 1670. Idem Parig. 1671. Gio 120. Jo. 5. Mich. Vanflebio Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyag fait en Egypte en 1672,& 1673, in 120. Paris 1677 Thefe are very curious and inftructive Voyages, and have been tranflated into English. The fame Autho has wrote an excellent Hiftory of the Church of A lexandria. Joan. Bapt. Cafalius de Veterum Ægyptiorum more bus, in 4to. Romæ 1644. This Piece is tolerable though fomewhat ſhallow. Phlegonts chief HISTORIANS. 85 Phlegontis Tralliani opufcula, cum notis Meurfii, in 4to. Lugdun. Batav. 1620. In it is a Letter on the Cuſtoms of the Egyptians, printed before at Venice in 1525. Athanafii Kircheri Oedipus Ægyptiacus, in fol. Ro- mæ 1652, 1653, & 1654, 4 Vol. In this Book is much ufeful and neceffary, as well as mere Curiofity. It is very rare, not having been reprinted in Holland, as were the other Works of Father Kircher. Joann. Marſhami Canon Chronicus Hebraicus, E- gyptiacus, Græcus, in fol. Londini 1672. This is a beautiful and fcarce Edition, but thoſe printed at Leipfick and Franeker are not fo much efteemed. Flavii Jofephi Refponfio ad Appionem Grammaticum. This may be met with amongſt the Works of Joſe- phus, and in it are feveral Fragments very neceffary for the antient Hiftory of Egypt, and the firft Monar- chies. Hermanni Conringii Adverfaria Chronologica de Afia Ægypti Dynaftiis, in 4to. Helmeftad. 1650. This Differtation is curious and uncommon. Conradus Samuel Schurtzfleifcius de genuina etate Affyriorum, & Regno Medorum. This Piece is to be found amongst the Author's Works, printed at Berlin in 4to. in 1699. Ulrici Huberi Differtationes feptem, in 8vo. Franeker. 1663. This Author follows the Account of Crefias, who allows fix hundred Years to the Duration of the Affyrian Monarchy. Jacobi Perizonii Origines Babylonicæ. Idem, Ori gines Ægyptiacæ, 8vo. Lugd. B. 1711. Chriftophor. Cellarii Differtatio de Principio Regno- rum, & Rerumpublicarum, in 4to. Hale 1697. This Writer defends Herodotus againſt Huberus on the Con- tinuance of the Affyrian Monarchy, to which he al- lows no more than five hundred and twenty Years. G3 Paufania 86 A CATALOGUE of the Paufaniæ Græcia Defcriptio Græc. Latin, cum notis Sylburgii, in fol. Hanov. 1613. Cum notis Kuhnii Grec. Latin, in fol. Lipfix 1696. This Edition is the beft, and all know well the Ufe this Author is of for the Hiftory of all Greece. It was tranflated in:o Italian by Alphonfus Buonacciuoli, and printed at Mantova in 4to. 1593. Jean. Laurembergii Gracia Antiqua cum tabulis Geo. graphicis ari incifis, edente Samuele Puffendorf, in 4%. An esteemed Book. Oblongo, Amftelodami 1666. Jacob. Palmerii Grentmenillæi Defcriptio Antique Gre cia, in 4to. Lugdun. Batav. 1678. A deep and ex act Author. Carolus Sigonius de Republica Athenienfium, in 8. Venetiis 1565. This is one of the moſt practifed Men in the old Greek and Roman Hiſtory, and thi Work was reprinted with the other Things wrote by Sigonius. De Republica Lacedæmonienfium, in fol. To be found amongft his Works collected. Thomas Cragius de Republica Lacedæmoniorum, is 8vo. Lugdun. Batav. 1671. There are older Ed tions of this Book, which, though learned, is fome what confufed. Guillet Athenes Ancienne, & Nouvelle, in 120. Pa ris 1676. This Author has fucceeded very well, but the Book is little read, and its Author has been bu ill rewarded for his Trouble. Nicolaus Sienicius de Politia, feu Republica Spartan in 4to. Dantifci 1606. Ubbo Emmius Fetus Gracia Illuftrata, feu de R bufpubl. Gracor. in 8vo. tribus Tomis Lugdun. B tav. 1626. This is good for a beginning to the Stu dy of the antient Gracian Hiftory. Hiftoire General de la Grece, in 120. Paris 1669, Vol. This is but little valued, and as little enquire after. Dicty chief HISTORIANS. 87 Dictys Cretenfis, & Dares Phrygius de Bello Trojano, cum Interpretatione Annæ Daceriæ, in 4to. Paris 1680. -Cum eadem Interpretatione, ac variorum notis, cus- râ Jac. Perizonii, in 8vo. and in 4to. Amftelodam. 1702. Although theſe are fpurious Authors, yet in them are Matters of Ufe. The laft Edition is the largest and beft. There is an Italian Verfion of Tho- mas Porcacci, printed by Giolito, in 4to. 1570. Herodoti Halicarnaff. Hiftoriarum Libri IX. cum Crefie fragmentis, Græc. Lat. in fol. Francofurt. 1608. Grec. Lat. curâ Thomæ Gale, in fol. Lon- dini 1679. This, though a beautiful and exact Edi- tion, does not exceed that at Francfort. This Hifto- rian was tranflated into French by Mr. Ryer. It may be obferved, that the former Part of Dr. Gale's Work is very laboured; but it is well known, that he him- felf acknowledged, that he could not carry on the Work according to his Defign, becaufe of the Troubles that broke out in the Nation. We have an Italian Tranf lation by Count Matteo Maria Boiardo, in 8vo. Ve- nez. 1533, 1539, and 1565. The laft Edition is the beft. Gronovius in 1715, publiſhed this Author in Greek and Latin in Holland. Thucydides de Bello Peloponnefiaco, Grec. Lat. in fol. Henr. Stephan. 1588. Idem, In fol. Francof. 1594, and 1599. Idem, In fol. Oxonii 1696. Both thefe Editions are good; that of Oxford, though the moſt beautiful Letter, is not the beft. This excellent Au- thor was tranflated into French by Mr. Ablancourt, and by Mr. Claude de Seyfell, 120. Paris 1545. It is faid, that the Emperour Charles the Fifth read it in French, recommended it to his Counfellours, and of- ten enquired, if they had not found great Ufe in it, It was tranflated into Italian by Francis Strozzi, print- ed in 8vo. at Venice 1545, and in 4to. 1564. This fecond Edition is the beft. There is an English Ver- fion by Mr. Hobbes. fol. Reprinted in 2 Vol. in 8vo. at Lond. 1723. G 4 Xeno- 88 A CATALOGUE of the Xenophontis Opera omnia Grac. Lat. in fol. Francof. 1596. Idem, In fol. Grac. Lat. Paris 1625. Idem, Ed. Ed. Wells, in 8vo. Oxonii 1691, 1693, 1696, 1700,1703.5 Vol. The Gracian Hiftory, wrote by this Author, is tranflated into French by Mr. Ablancourt. Theſe three Editions are the beft, but that of Paris is to be preferred (according to Mr. Fresnoy) to the other at Oxford. It was tranflated into Italian by Francis Strozzi, by Louis Domenichi, and by Mark Anthony Gandini. The beft and moſt beautiful Editi on is by Duſinelli in 4to. at Venice 1588. The Hil tory of the Affairs of Greece in feven Books is tranfla ted by Mr. John Newman into English, 8vo. Lond. 1665. Diodori Siculi Bibliotheca Hiftorica Libri V. Grac. Lat. per Laurentium Rhodomannum, in fol. Hanov. 1604. This Author is confiderable for the Hiſtory of the antient Monarchies. Mr. Amyot has tranflated him into French, a Work not fo well efteemed as his Plutarch. The Greek and Latin Edition of 1604, the beft and very ſcarce is reprinted in Holland, tranflated into Italian by Francis Baldelli, and printed by Giolito in 2 Vol. 4to. at Venice 1715, the beſt and moſt com pleat Edition. Arrianus de Expeditione Alexandri Magni à Jacob. Gronovio Gras. Lat. in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1704. Idem, In 8vo. Cum notis variorum, Amftel. 1668. Gronovius his Edition is very beautiful. Mr. Ablan court has given him a French drefs, and is efteemed one of his belt Works. Peter Lauro of Modona tranf lated it into Italian, which was printed in 8vo, at Ve Nice in 1544. Plutarchi Opera omnia Greco-Latin. ftudio Henr. Ste- phani, in 8vo. 1572, 12 Vol. Grec. Lat. Cura Herman. Cruferii, & Guil Xilandri, in fol. Francofurtì 1599. Ibid. 1620, Grace Lat. 2 Vol. Grec chief HISTORIANS. 89 Grac. Lat. Curà Mauffaci, in fol. Paris, z Vol. 1624. Les Vies des hommes Illuftres de Plutarque, traduites par Jacq. Amyot, in fol. Paris Vafcofan. 1559. In 8vo. Paris Vafcofan. 1567, 6 Vol. Les Oeuvres Morales, & mêlées de Plutarque, tra- duites par Jacq. Amyot, in fol. Paris Vafcofan. 1575. In 8vo. Paris Vafcofan. 1574, 7 Vol. Plu- tarch's Works are a Treaſure of Greek and Roman Hif- tory. I have taken Notice of the beſt Editions. That of Paris Gr. Lat. of 1624, is the beft, though in the Opinion of many of the Learned it is very incorrect. The French Tranflation by Mr. Amyot, 150 Years fince, has a certain beautiful Air, which time has no ways injured. The two Editions by Vafcofan are good, but that in 8vo. in thirteen Volumes, is the moft fearched for, and is very dear as well as fcarce. Several other Editions in different Sizes have been made of this Author in 8vo. and fol. The Abbće Tallemont has attempted a new Tranflation, or rather Paraphrafe on the Lives of Plutarch, but he well de- ferves the Title given him of a ſtupid Mimick of Mr. Amyot. It is reported that Mr. Meziriac has made a new Tranſlation not yet publiſhed: And Da- cier has begun, and printed one Volume before 1716, which the World wishes to fee finifhed. Plutarch's Works have had ſeveral Editions in the Italian Lan- guage. Louis Domenichi tranflated the Lives, whofe beautiful Edition on a Royal Paper was printed by Giolito at Venice, in two Volumes, 4to. 1565, into English. The Lives were firft tranflated, and printed at Lond. fol. and fince introduced, a Joint-labour of feveral, by Mr. Dryden into the World in the Year 1684, in 5 Volumes in 8vo. fince reprinted in 120. Lond. The Morals are alſo publiſhed in English by feveral Hands, in five Volumes, Lond. 1684, 8vo. Georgii 90 A CATALOGUE of the Georgii Gemiſti Plethonis Gracorum gefta poft pug- nam ad Mantineam, in fol. Baf. 1540. After Hero- dotus ard Thucydides, his Tranflator Mr. Antonius An- tinachus prefers him to the reft of the Gracian Hifto- rians. Cornelius Nepos de Vitis Imperatorum Græcorum, & I atinor. in fol. Francofurt. 1608. Ibid. In fol. 1609. Ide. 8vo. cum notis Varion Anftiod. 1687. Nicolai Courtin, In Idem, zu jin Delphs; min 28 ai, in 4to Paris 1675. Idem, In 120. Oxonii 1687. Idem, Cum Notis Effenii, in 120. Trajecti ad Rhenum 1691. All theſe Editions of this valuable Work are good; but thofe at Oxford and Frencfort are the beft, we have two English Tranflations of it, the one intro- duced by the Honourable Dr. Fiach, in 8vo. by differen Hands, the other printed in 120. Lond. Quintus Curtius de Rebus geftis Alexandri Magni Commentarii, cum Matt. Raderi Commentariis, in fol. Francof. 1628. Idem, In 4to. cum Notis Freinthe- mii, Argentorati 1670. Idem, cum Notis Variorum cura Samuelis Pitili, in 8vo, Ultrajecti 1685, & 1696. Idem, In 120. Lugd. Batavor. Elzevir 1633. Idem, Ad Ufum Sereniff. Delphini cum notis P. Le Tel- lier, 4to. Paris 1680. This esteemed Author was tranflated by Vaugelas into French in a moſt inimitable manner. The Edition at Strasbourg, that by Father Tellier, and thofe cum Notis Variorum of 1685 and 1696, are the beft. That by Elzevir is valuable for nothing but the Beauty of the Types and its Portable- nefs. In reading this Author it may be worth while to obſerve what Mr. Le Clerc has faid in his Ars Cri tica, and what Perizonius has wrote against him, who was one of the most learned and converfant Men in the antient Learning that Europe for fome time has produced. It was tranflated into Italian by Thomas Forcacci, and printed in 4to. by Gioloto 1559, but be fore chief HISTORIANS. 91 fore by Peter Candido, in 8vo, at Florence in 1570. In English there are two or more Tranflations. Juftinus Hiftoriarum Philippicarum, & totius mundi ex Trogo Pompejo Libri XLIV. cum notis Bongarfii, in 8vo. Paris 1581. Idem, ad Ufum Delphini à Jofeph. Cantel. Soc. Jef. in 4to. Paris 1677. Idem, cum notis Variorum à J. G. Grævio, in 8vo. Lugd. Ba- tav. 1683. Idem, In 120. Lugd. Bat. Elzevir 1640. This Author is of Ufe for the antient Hiftory, al- though there are fome Facts, which we muft not en- tirely depend on upon his fole Authority. It is tranf- lated into Italian by Thomas Porcacci, and printed in 4to, by Giolito at Venice in 1561. An English Verfion we have by Mr. Brown, Lond. , 120. Excerpta ex Nicolao Damafceno, Polybio, &c. ab Henrico Valefio, Grec. Lat. in 4to. Paris 1634. Legationes excerpta ex Polybio, Dionyfio Halicarnaff. Diodoro, &c. Grec. cum notis Fulvii Urfini, in 4to. Antverp. 1582. Wolfgangi Lazii rerum Græcarum libri duo in fol. Hanov. 1605. Lazius was not a Man of much Judge- ment: He has given into many idle Stories, but his Works are fearched after by the curious, and are un- common. Joan. Meurfius Cecropia, feu de Athenarum arce, & ejus Antiquitatibus, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1621. Athens Attica, feu de Antiquitatibus ejus Urbis, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1622. Fortuna Attica, feu de Athenarum Origine, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1622. Areopagus, five de Senatu Areopagitico, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1623. Regnum Atticum, five de Regibus Athenienfium, eorumque rebus geftis, in 4to. Amftelod. 1633. Solon, feu de ejus vita, legibus, dictis atque fcri- ptis, in 4to. Hafniæ 1632. Thefeuss, 92 A CATALOGUE of the 1684. Thefeus, & Themis Attica, in 4to. Ultrajecti Pififtratus, five de ejus vita, & Tyrannide, in 4to. Amft. 1623. De Populis Attica, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1616. Gracia Feriata, five, de feftis Gracorum, in 4to. Lugdun. Batav. 1619. Mifcellanea Laconica, in 4to. Amftelod. 1660. Meurfus is the beſt modern Author who has wrote on the Greek Hiftory, and all his Works are reprinted by Gronovius in his Thefaurus. De Regno Laconico Libri II. de Piræo, &c. edente J. G. Grævio, in 4to. Ultrajecti 1687. 1675. Creta, Rhodus, Cyprus, in 410. Amftelodam. Jacob. Gronovii Thefaurus Gracarum Antiquitatum, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1697, 1698, &c. ufque ad 1703. 13 Vol. This is one of the moſt compleat Collecti- ons of the Differtations and Treatifes wrote by the Moderns on the Hiftory and Antiquities of Greece, but yet is not ſo much efteemed as that made by Gravius of the Roman Antiquities. Joan. Vaillant Hiftoria Ptolemæorum Ægypti Regum, in fol. Amftelod. 1701. This is a learned Performance, and founded upon Medals. Joan. Vaillant Hiftoria Scleucidarum, five Regum Sy- ris, in 4to. Paris 1681. Henrici Noris Epoche Syro-Macedonum, in 4to. Flo- rentiæ 1687. Idem, Florentiæ, in 4to. 1692. Idem, In 4to. 1696, Lipfia. The Edition of Florence in 1692, is the largest, moft correct, and moſt beautiful. Guilielmi Loydii Series Chronologica Olympiadum, Fythiadem, &c. in fol. Oxonii 1700. A Piece of good Ufe for the Gracian Chronology. Tho. Hind, the Hiftory of Greece containing the Space of about 1660 Years from the firft Plantation to the Peloponesian War, 8vo. Lond. 1707. CHAP chief HISTORIANS. 93 CHA P. XVI. ROMAN HISTORY. PET ET. Jofeph. Cantelii Refpublica Romana, in 120. Ultraj. 1696. This is an excellent Compen- dium of the Roman Antiquities, and fufficient for one who would not dip deep. There are Editions print- ed at Paris in Latin and French, but that I have men- aioned is the beſt. Henr. Kippingii Antiquitatum Romanarum Libri IV. Svo. Brem. 1664. Idem 8vo. Maj. Lugd. Bat. 1713. The laft Edition is more valued than the others as adorned with Figures, and many Notes by a learned Man. G. H. Nieupoort Rituum, qui olim apud Romanos obtinuerunt, fuccincta Explicatio, in 8vo. Ultraject. 1712. Idem 8vo. Budiffe 1713. This Work was received with univerſal Applauſe. Joan. Rofini Antiquitates Romane, cum Thomæ Dempfteri Faralipomenis, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1663. There have been many Editions of this admirable Work, but a better there is not than that I have men- tioned. This is a Treatife fufficient for the Know- ledge of the Roman Antiquities. Wolfgangi Lazii de Romana Republica Libri XII. in fol. Bafileæ 1551. Idem, In fol. Francofurt. 1598. This laft is the fulleft and beft; the Author is lear- ned and indefatigable, though not always accurate. Notitia Imperii Romani cum Commentariis Guidcnis Pancirolli, in fol. Venetiis 1593, and in fol. Lugduni 1608. This Piece is reprinted by Gravius in his Col- lection, and it is an uſeful and learned Work. Alexandri 94 A CATALOGUE of the vis. Alexandri Donati S. J. Roma Vetus, ac Recens, iti 410. Romæ 1639. Idem Romæ 1663, and Am ftelod. 1694. Or in the Collection made by Gravi- This Defcription of Rome is learned and exact. For an English Reader, the Roman Antiquities collected and methodized by Bafil Kennet, D. D. late Prefident of Corpus-Chrifti College in Oxford, Lond. 1696. are deemed very exact, and the Author who travelled, and was converfant with the Antiquities themſelves, which he carefully ſtudied, and has happily given us his Thoughts of, with as few Errours,and more Judgement than any before him, and the Succefs has been fufficiently pro- ved by the feveral Editions it has bore. Lud. de Montiofii Galius Roma Hofpes, ubi multa Antiquorum Monumenta Explicantur, in 4to. Romæ 1585. Jacobi Lauri Romani, Antique urbis fplendor, hoc eft, pracipua Urbis Rome Templa, Amphitheatra, Thea- tra, Circi, Arcus Triumphales, in 4to. Romæ 1612. Franc. Albertini Opufcula de Mirabilibus nova, & veteris Romæ, in 4to. Romæ 1615. Barth. Marliani Urbis Rome Topographia, in fol. Bafil. 1550. Juftus Rycquius de Capitolio Romano, in 4to. Gan- davi 1617. This is a valuable Work, and there are feveral Editions of it. Jani Jacobi Boiffardi Urbis Rome Topographia, & Antiquitates Romana, in fol. Francofurti ad Monum 1597, 1598, 1600, 1602, 1627, and 1628, 6 Vol. The Topography is that of Marliani enlarged by him: His Antiquities are very curious and learned. Flavii Blondi Roma Triumphantis Libri X. in fol. Bafileæ 1559. This is a learned Author, and what is wonderful, though he died about the Middle of the fifteenth Century, he has fucceeded well. Francifc chief HISTORIANS. 95 Francifci Robortelli de Romanorum Provinciis, Ma- giftratibus, &c. Difputationes XI. in fol. Bononiæ 1559. The Works of this Author are not always correct. Sigonius has wrote againſt him. Onuphrii Panvinii de Republica Romana Libri III. in 8vo. Venetiis 1558. Idem, In 8vo. Paris 1588. and in fol. Francof. 1597. We have not feen an Au- thor better verfed in the Roman Antiquities, and won- derful is the Knowledge and Judgement of one who died at thirty-nine Years of Age. Carolus Sigonius de Antiquo Civium Romanorum ju- re, in 4to. Venetiis 1560, in fol. Paris 1576, and in fol. Hanoviæ 1609. In the Collection of his Works made by Sigonius. De Antiquo Romanarum Provinciarum Jure, in 4to. Venetiis 1567, in fol. Paris 1576, and in fol. Hanoviæ 1609. In his Works collected by Sigonius. This learned Man was not inferiour to Panvini in his Skill in the Roman Antiquities, and antient Hiftory of Italy. Julius Cæfar Bulengerus de Romano Imperatore, in 4to. Paris 1614, & Lugduni 1617. -De Romano Imperio, Magiftratibus, Officiis, &c. in fol. Lugduni 1618. This, though a learned, is not the moſt exact Author, but good Ufe may be made of his Works. Paulus Manutius de Romano Senatu, in 4to. Venetiis 1581. Or at the End of the Roman Antiquities by Rofini, printed in 1663. This was a learned, judici- ous, and exact Author. Andreas Schottus de Romanorum Tribubus. This Piece is added to the Edition of the Roman Antiquities by Rofini in 1663. This learned and ftudious Jefuit was a great Friend to the learned Men of his Time, to whom he was well known. Antonius Auguftinus de Romanis Familiis, in fol. Romæ 1577. Idem, In fol. Paris, cura Caroli Patin 1693. 96 A CATALOGUE of the 1663. This laſt Edition is the largeſt and beſt, at Mr. Patin has given us therein a vaft Quantity of Medals. Jo. Vaillant Numifmata Imperatorum Praftantiora à Julio Cæfare ad Pofthumum, 4to. Paris 1682, 4tc. 2 Vol. 1692. The Author has made fome Alterations in this laft Edition, of which take this remarkable In- flance: In that printed in 1682, pag. 12, 13, 14. 16, are Medals of Germanicus, Nero Drufus his Father, the Emperour Claudius, Julia Wife to Severus, and of Gordius Africanus the Son, which he mightily cries up; but in pag. 49, of the fecond Edition, he ac- knowledges the three firſt to be fufpicious, and the laft abfolutely ſpurious. In the fame Piece, pag. 71, he launches out into Commendation of a Medal of Trajan, with the Reverſe of his Pillar, and an Ow! on its top; but in his Remarks on the Selecta Numif- mata Seguini, he acknowledges that he was miſtaken. Nummi Antiqui Familiarum Romanarum perpe- tuis Interpretationibus Illuftrati, fol. Amft. 1703, 2 Vol. A moft learned Piece. Fulvius Urfinus de Romanis Familiis. This Piece of Orfini is always added to another wrote by his Friend Anthony Agostini. Richardus Streinnius de Romanarum Gentium, Fami- liarumque Stemmat. in fol. Parif. 1659. This Piece, the Labour of the Author's Youth, is well eſteemed. Nicolaus Gruchius de Romanorum Comitiis, in fol. Parif. 1555, and in 8vo. Venet. 1559. This was a learned Man, and his Work is in great Reputation. Carolus Sigonius de Romanorum Judiciis, in fol. Pa rif. 1576. Idem, In fol. Hanoviæ 1609. Paulus Manutius de Romanis legibus, in 8vo. Vene- tiis 1569. Or at the End of Rofinus's Roman Anti- quities, printed in 1663. Antonius Auguftinus de Romanorum legibus, print- ed with the following Treatife. De chief HISTORIANS. 97 -De Romanorum Senatufconfultis, in fol. Paris 1584, and in 410. Lugdun. 1592. Everardi Ottonis de edilibus Coloniarum, & Mu- nicipiorum Liber fingularis, in 8vo. Franc. 1713. A Book exceeding ufeful, for thofe who would enter deep into the antient Roman Laws. Juft. Lipfius de Militia Romana, in 4to. Antverp. 1596, & 1602. This, as well as all the reft of the Works of Lipfins are learned, and exceeding curious. * Henricus Savilius de Militia Romana, in 1żo. Am- ftelod. 1649. The Name of that Ornament of Eng- land, the learned Sir Henry Savil is fufficiently known to recommend this Treatife, printed with his Notes on Tacitus. Claudius Salmafius de Romanorum Re Militari, in 4to. Lugdun. Batav. 1657. This pofthumous Piece is well efteemed. Onuphrius Panvinius de Ludis Circenfibus, in fol. Ve- netiis 1600. Idem, In fol. Patav. 1642. With a Treatife of the Roman Triumphs, by the fame Author. This laft Edition is beft for the Notes of Argoli and Pinelli. Petri Ciacconii de Romanorum Triclinio, five Corvi- viorun apparatu, & Convivendi modo Liber, cum Fulvii Urfini Appendice, in 8vo. Lugdun. Batav. 1590. Joan. Kirchmannus de Romanorum Funeribus, in 4to. Hamburg. 1605. Jacobus Gutherius de Jure Manium, ſea de Funeribus Romanis, in 4to. Paris 1615. Joan. Meurfii Roma Luxurians, five de Romanorum Luxu, in 4to. Hafnie 1631. This Edition at Co- penhagen is larger than that at the Hague in 1605. Jacobus Gutherius de Domus Augufte Officiis, in 4to. Paris 1627, and in 8vo. Lipfiæ 1672. De Veteris Rome Pontificio jure, in 4to. Paris 1612. This was a learned, judicious, exact Author, and a well efteemed Antiquary. VOL. II. H Octavianus 4 S A CATALOGUE of the Octavianus Ferrarius de Romanorum Origine, in 8vo. Mediolani 1607. Jufti Lipfii Opera omnia, in fol. Antverp. ex Offici na Plantin. 1638, 4 Vol. The greatest Part of this excellent Author's Works relate to Hiftory, or the Ro man Antiquities. Corpus Antiquitatum Romanarum, edente Joanne Geor gio Grævio, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 12 Vol. This Col lection contains feveral of the Authors before-menti oned, with many others. It is more than fufficient to ftudy to the Bottom the Roman Antiquities. But dreadful are the Preliminaries required for the Study of a particular Hiftory, to run through twelve bulky Volumes in Folio; and yet the Collection is good, much fuperiour to that of the Gracian Antiquities made by Gronovius, and for fome time paft it has rail its Price. Nicolas Bergier: Hiftoire des Grands Chemins de l'Em pire Romain, in 4to. Paris 1622. This is a rare, cu rious, and ufeful Piece, ill tranflated into Latin, and inferted into the Collection of Roman Antiquities. Carolus Sigonius in Faftos Capitolines, in fol. Frat cofurt 1588. In Sylburgii, T. 1. Script. Hift. Ro man. Hannov. 1609. Franc. Robortellus de convenientia fupputationis Liv anæ cum Faftis Capitolinis, in fol. Pat. 1557. This an Anſwer to the laft Book. Vinandi Pighii Annales Romanorum cura Andit Schotti, in fol. Antverp. 1615. 3 Vol. This is learned and curious Work, of which this is the be Edition. Onuphrii Panvinii Faſti Romanorum, in fol. Heidel berg. 1588. Antonius Pagi Differtatio Hypatica, feu de Confules in 4to. Lugdun. 1682. Henrici de Noris Epiftola Confularis, in niæ 1682. 4to. Bone Hiftoricor chief HISTORIANS. 99 Hiſtoricorum Veterum Fragmenta ab Antonio Augufti- no collecta; emendata à Fulvio Urfino, in 8vo. Ant- verp. 1595. Or in the Editions of Saluft, publish- ed by Elzevir, and thoſe fince. Titi Livii Patavini Hiftorie, à Sigonio, in fol. Ve- netiis 1572. Idem à Grutero, in fol. Paris 1625, Francofurti 1628. Idem, cum notis Robortelli, Godelevæi, in 4to. Londin. 1589. Idem, ex re- cenfione Heinfii, in 120. Lugduni Batav. Elzevir. 1634. 3 Vol. Idem, à Gronovio. Lugduni Batavorum. El- zevir 1645. 4 Vol. Idem, à Gronovio, in 8vo. Amftelodam. 1665, & 1679. 3 Vol. cum notis va- riorum. Idem, cum notis Johan. Doujat. ad uſum Del- phini, in 4to. Paris 1682. 6 Vol. Idem, cura Thomæ Hearne, A. M. in 8vo. Oxon. 1708. 6 Vol. In this Edition is engraved a Roman Shield, which has much exerciſed the Pens of the Learned. Mr. Hearne thinks it genuine, which is fince confirmed by Mr. Dod- well, in a Work left imperfect, and fince published at Oxford, under the Title of Henrici Dodwelli de Parma equeftri Woodwardiana Differtario-Oxon 1713. Idem. Cum notis Joan. Clerici, in 8vo. Amftelodami Wetstein 1711, 10 Vol. Theſe are the beſt Editions of Livy. In that of Doujat are the Supplements by Freinfheim, but theſe are more entire and correct in the Edition of 1711, printed by Wetstein, one of the moſt learned Bookfellers in Europe. The Variorum Edition of 1679, is one of the beft; that printed by Elzevir in 1645, is neat, portable, and much preferable to another by Elzevir in 1634. The Edition of Doujat was reprinted at Venice in 1714 and 1715, much more correct than that at Paris, with feveral Figures of the famous Men, the Notes and exact Index of Le Clerc. It was formerly tranflated into Italian, and printed at Venice 1547. fol. Tite Live traduit en François par Blaife de Vigeneres, vec des Commentaires, in fol. Paris 1606, 2 Vol. H 2 Le 100 A CATALOGUE of the Le même traduit en François par M. Du Ryer, in fol. Paris, 2 Vol. 1653. Idem in 120. Paris and Holland. The old Tranflation of Vigenere is the beſt. The Notes are very good. That of Ryer is valued as the moft Modern, but this Author de ferves a much better Tranflatour. Dionyfius Halicarnaffeus de Antiquitatibus Romanis Grac. Lat. in fol. Francofurt. 1586, 2 Vol. Idem Lipfiæ 1691, 2 Vol. Idem Oxoniæ 1704, 2 Vol. per Joan. Hudſon, S. T. P. Thefe are the beſt Edi- tions of an Author learned and uſeful, but tirefome. That printed in England, though the moſt beautiful, is not the best, but judged Inferiour to that at Franc• fort. It was tranflated into Italian by Francis Venturi, and printed at Venice, 4to. 1545. Polybii Hiftoria ex Cafauboni Recenfione, in fol. Pr ris 1609. Idem, in 8vo. Amftelod. 1670, 3 Vol. This is a judicious and exact Author, and is often co- pied by Livy. It was tranflated into French by Mr. Ryer, and into Italian by Lovis Domenichi, in 8vo. Giolito 1546, and in 4to. 1564, which laft Edition is the largeſt and beft. It was tranflated into English by Ed. Grimston, fol. 1634, and fince by Sir Hen. Sheeres, recommended by Mr. Dryden, 2 Vol. 8vo. 1698. Appiani Alexandrini Hiftoria Romana Grac. Lat. in fol. Henric. Stephan. 1592. Idem, Amftelodami 1670. 2 Vol. This Author is eſteemed, though much mil taken in his Deſcriptions of Places, as he was a Fo- reigner of Egypt, and alfo in other Affairs of Rome. It was tranflated into Italian by Alexander Braccio, and printed in 120. by Giolito 1554, 3 Vol. Caii Saluftii Crifpi Hiftoria, in fol. Bafil. 1564 Idem In 8vo. Antverp. Plantin. 1579. Idem Fran- cof. 1607, in 8vo. Idem in 120. Lugdun. Batav. Elzevir. 1634. Idem, ad Ufum Delphini, Paris 1674, in 4to. Idem cum notis variorum, in 8vo. Amftelod. 1686. Idem cum notis integris ex recenfione Wafe, in chief HISTORIANS. ΙΟΙ 410. 4to. Londini 1710. This is one of the beſt Roman Hiftorians, though we have him not entire, the Edi- tions I have mentioned are the beft. It was tranflated into Italian by Agostino Ortica, and printed feveral Times in 4to. and afterwards by John Bernard Boni- fazio, Marquefs of Oria, and printed at Florence in 1550, and laft of all by Lelio Carani, and printed at Venice, 8vo. 1556. and into Engliſh by Julii Cæfaris Commentarii rerum ab fe geftarum, cum Annotationibus Glareani, Hotomanni, Urfini, Manu- cii, in fol. Lugduni 1574. Idem, in fol. Francof. 1575. Idem in 8vo. Venetiis ap. Aldum 1575. I dem in 4to. cum veteri interprete Graco, Francof. 1606. Idem in 120. Lugdun. Batav. Elzevir. 1635. Idem, in fol. Paris Vaſcolan. Idem, ad Ufum Del- phini, in 4to. Paris 1678. Idem cum notis Variorum, in 8vo. Amftelod. 1697. Idem cum notis Davifii, 40. Cantab. 1704. Idem, in 120. Lugd. Batav. Elzevir. 1635. Idem in fol. Charta Regia Londini 1712, per Samuelem Clark, S. T. P. cum Figuris. in 410. Les Commentaires de Jules Cefar de la Verfion de Blaife de Vigenere, avec Annotations, in fol. Paris 1589, and in 4to. Paris 1625. The fame by M. d' Ablancourt, ia Paris 1650, and in 120. This Author is va- luable for his Sincerity and the Purity of his Style. We have mentioned the beſt Editions, and leave the Reader to his Choice. Thofe at Francfort in 1605 and 1606 are the moſt eſteemed. That at London is confiderable for its curious Plans, which lets us in- to the Manner of Encamping, the Sieges, and Milita- ry Art of the Romans. There is alfo an Italian Tranf lation, with the Sculptures engraved by Falladio, and printed in 4to. at Venice 1575, without the Name of the Tranflator: It was afterwards tranflated into Itali- an by Agostino Ortica and Francis Baldelli, which laft Verfion was printed by Giolito, in 8vo. 1572. We have two Tranflations of this Author, the firſt by H 3 Sir 102 A CATALOGUE of the Sir Clement Edmonds, in 1604, fol. the latter by Colu Bladen, in 8vo. Traduction de Livre I. de Jules Cefar, par Lovis XIV. fol. Paris 1661, at the Louvre. But a few Copies, and very rare. Selceta de Legationibus ex Polybio, Dionyfio Hali- carnaff. Græcè ex Bibliotheca Fulvii Urfini, in 4to. Antverp. 1582. Excerpta ex Polybio, Nicolao Damaſceno, &c. Grac, Lat. ex Verfione, & cum notis Henrici Valefii, in 4to. Paris 1634. Theſe Extracts contain ſeveral noted Parts of Roman Hiſtory, to be placed to their feveral Times, Lucii Annæi Flori Epitome Rerum Romanarum, in 4to. Paris Vafcofan. 1539. Idem in fol. Bafil. 1557 Idem à Salmafio, Lugdun. Batav. Elzevir. 1638. I. dem, ad Ufum Delphini, in 4to. Paris 1674. Idem cum notis Variorum, in 8vo. Amftelodami 1692. This laft Edition is the beft, though the Author himſelf bears no great Reputation. It was tranflated into French by Coeffet and Philip of France Duke of Or- leans. John Dominick Tarfia has tranflated it into Italian and it was printen v. at Fenice in 1546, and again by Seignior Santi Conti, and printed at Rome in 120. 1672, and elfew here. The Edition of Alad. Dacia for the Ufe of the Dauphin of France, reprinted at nice in 1715, is very beautiful. Laurence Begerus pub- lifhed the first two Bocks in Folio, Col. March. 1704. and embelliſhed them with Medals and other Monu- ments of Antiquity; but as the Author is dead, the Work remains imperfect. Sexti Aureliictoris Fiftoric Romane Breviarium ab urbe condita, cum notis Andreæ Schotti, in 8vo. Ani- verp. 1579. Idem, cum notis Variorum, in 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1671. Idem, cum notis Sam. Pitifci, in Svo. Ultraject. 1696. Idern ad Ufum Delphini, in 4to. Paris 1681. Thefe are the beft Editions of an Au- thor not too highly efteemed. Velleil chief HISTORIANS. 103 Velleii Paterculi Hiftoria Romana cum notis Gerardi Vollii, in 120. Lugdun. Batav. Elzevir. 1539. Idem, cum Cornelio Tacito Jufti Lipfii, in fol. Antverp. 1607, 1637, &c. Idem, cum notis Variorum, in Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1663, & 1667. Idem, in V- fum Delphini, in 4to. Paris 1675. This excellent Au- thor was tranflated into French by Doujat, who has at- tempted to fupply ſeveral Chaſms therein. This Tranf- lation was uncommon till reprinted, and is even yet efteemed. Berofus Sacerdos de Antiquitatibus Italis, cum Com- acatar. Annii Viterbienfis, in Svo. Commelin. 1599. This is a fictitious Author, as are the reft, viz. Fa- biss Pictor, Cato, Xenophon, &c. put together by An- ius of Viterbo, who was famous for his Impofitions on the World. It was tranflated into Italian by Peter Lauro of Modona, and printed at Venice in 8vo. There is alfo an Edition in 4to. tranflated by Francis Sanfovino. Curtii Inghiramii Antiquitatum Etrufcarum Fragmen- ta, fol. Fran. 1637. Thefe are only fpurious Frag- ments, as is proved in the next Book. Leon. Allatii Animadverfioncs in Antiquitatum Etru- Earum Fragmenta ab Inghiramio edita, 4to. Paris 1640. Ciceronis Epiftole Familiares, cum Grævii notis, in Svo. Lugdun. Batav. 1676, 2 Vol. Ciceronis Epiftola ad Atticum cum Grævii notis, in 8vo. Amftelod. 1684, 2 Voi. The Letters of Ci- cero are neceffary for the Hiftory of his Time, and this Edition is undoubtedly the beſt; but Manutius's Commentaries are of fingular Ufe. The familiar Epiftles are tranflated by Aldus Manutius the younger into Italian, with fome fhort, learned, marginal Notes of the Tranflator; thofe wrote to Atticus are rendered into Italian by Matthew Senarega, and printed at e- nice 1555, 8vo. Hiftorie Romane Scriptores Latini Minores, à Fride- rico Sylburgio, in fol. Francof. 1588, 2 Vol. H 4 Hiftoric 104 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftoria Romana Scriptores Graci Minores, in fol. Francof. 1590. This Collection made by Sylburgius in three Volumes, contains the greateſt Part of the be fore-mentioned Authors, and fome others. Corpus Hiftoria Romana Scriptorum Latinorum Vet. rum, in foi. Genev. 1609, 2 Vol. and 1653. This Collection alfo contains many of the foregoing Au- thors, and others. CHAP. XVII. The ROMAN Hiſtory before, at the Time of, and after AUGUSTUS. H ISTOIRE Romaine depuis Augufte par M. Co- effeteau, in fol. and in 120. This Hiſtory for merly esteemed, is not now read. Le Nain de Tillemont Hiftoire des Empereurs depuis Auguste jufqu' à l'Empereur Honorius, in 4to. Paris 1700, &c. 5 Vol. This is a very accurate Piece, and is fufficient to give us a perfect Idea of the Em- perours, without Recourfe to the Original Langua ges, and is alfo an Introduction and Guide to thofe, who would Study the Originals. Citri de la Guette Hiftoire des Triumvirats de Cefar, & d'Augufte, in 120. Paris 1686, 5 Vol. and in 110, Amfterdam 1694, 2 Vol. This Hiftory is wrote with great Exactnefs, and equal Politeness. M. de Larrey Hiftoire d'Auguste, in 8vo. Rotter- dam 1690. This is wrote with much Solidity and Force. Suetonii Duodecim Cæfares, in fol. Paris 1610. I dem, ex Typographia Regia, in 120. 1644. Idem, cum motis Gravii, in 4to. Ultrajecti 1672. Idem, cum ejufdem Gravii Notis, in 4to. Haga-Com. 1691, Idem, chief HISTORIANS. 105 ? Idem, cum notis Variorum, in 8vo. Ultrajecti 1690, 2 Vol. Idem, ad Ufum Delphini, in 4to. Paris 1684. This exact and fincere Author (of whom it has b.en commonly faid, that he wrote the Cafars Lives with the tame Freedom that they led them) was tranflated into French: The beſt we have noted here; thofe of 1610, at Paris, and in 1691, by Gravius, are the moſt eſteemed. It was tranflated into Italian by Mambrino Rofeo, 8vo. Venez. 1544, and by Paolo del Roffo, 8vo. Venez. 1556, and Firenze 1611. 1 Cornelii Taciti opera ex recenſione Juſti Lipfii, in fol. Antverp. 1607, 1627, 1637, & 1648. Idem, cum diverforum Commentariis, in fol. Paris 1608. Idem, in 120. Lugdun. Batav. Elzevir. 1634. idem, ex re- cenfione Grotii, in 120. Lugdun. Batav. Elzevir. 1640. Idem, in 8vo. ex recenfione Joan. Frider. Gronovii Amftelodamı 1672. 2 Vol. Idem, ex recenfione Theo- dori Ryckii, in 8vo. Lugduni Batav. 1687, 2 Vol. Idem, ad Ufum Delphini, in 4to. Paris 1682. 168+, & 1687, 4 Vol. This Author was tranflated into French by Mr. Ablancourt, and Amelot de la iouffaye. The Tranflation of the firſt, rather a Paraphrate, is much eſteemed: That by Amelot is entirely literal, and a little rough, and no ways valuable but for the political Notes: It was tranflated into English by all the Latin Editions we have taken Notice of are good, except that Ad Ufum Del- phini, which is neither valued nor deferves to be e- fteemed. The Text of the Edition by Ryckius is ve- ry exact, after that we have one by Gronovius, general- ly termed the Variorum. After this we may rank an Edition printed by Elzevir in 1640, though thofe who are fond of thefe Pocket Volumes without Rea- fon, prefer that printed by the fame Elzevir in 1634. This laft was Revifed by Grotius, and is better Piels- work than that of 1634, committed to the Care of Fuftus Lipfius. There are an infinite Number of Commen- 106 A CATALOGUE of the Commentators on this Book, efpecially Political, The Germans are beyond meafure bigotted to Poli ticks, which they apply themfelves to, more than all the rest of the World. Houffaye has taken much Pains to gratify them in his political Difcourfe on Tiberius. I fhall take no more Notice of them, as in thefe kind of Works there is much more Shew than real Ufe. Tacitus has created more Dabblers in Poli- ticks than real Politicians, who have attempted to equal him. In Italian are three Tranflations, one by George Dati in 4to. Venez. 18% worher by Adrian With Aphort by Bud ffar Alamo Varken, tamilated from the Caftium by Ferom Canni in 410. Venezi by Bernard Luvan zati at Firenze 1637, fol. There is alfo a Tranflation. much older without the Name of the Editor in 8vo. Venez. 1544. Th Las obras de Cornelio Tacito, traduzidas, con aforif- mos, por Baltafar Alamos, fol. Madrid 1614. This Caftilian Edition is esteemed for the political Apho- rilms of Alamos. Hiftoria Augufte Scriptores Latini minores. This is the fecond Volume of the Collection by Sylburgius, of which we have fpoke before. Hiflorie Augafla Scriptores à Julio Cæfare ad Caro- lum Magnum. Opera Jan. Gruteri, in fol. Hanovic 16II. Hiflorie Augufte Scriptores fex: Elius Spartianus ; Volcatius Gallicanus; Julius Capitolinus; Trebellius Pollio; Ælius Lampridius; Flavius Vopifcus; cum autis Salmafii, & Cafauboni, in fol. Paris 1620, and in 8vo. Lugdun. Bar. 1671, 2 Vol. Thefe Au- thors are exact, but come not up to the Beauty of the former Hiftorians. Dionis Caffii Hiftoria Romana, Grec. Lat. in fol Hanovia 1606. A moſt exact and judicious Writer, whofe Hiftory is of great Ufe: We have given the beſt J chief HISTORIANS, 107 beſt Edition. He has obferved many Things omit- ted by Tacitus and Suetonius, but is prejudiced againſt Cicero and Seneca, and many other great Romans, as The alſo treats very partially the primitive Chriftians. It was tranflated into Italian by Baldelli, and printed in 4to. by Giolito 1565. Joan. Xiphilini compendium Hiftoria Dionis Grac. in 4to. Paris, Robert. Stephan. 1551. Or with Dion Caffius, or the Collection of Greek Hiftorians by Syl- burgius, of which I have spoke before. This Author was tranflated into French by the Prefident Confin, and into Italian by Baldelli. Herodiani Hiftoria, in 4to. Græc. Lat. Paris 1581. Idem, in 8vo. Græc. Lat. à Beclero, 8vo. Argentin. 1644, 1662. Idem, Grac. Lat. in Sve. Oxon 1704. Or in Sylburgius's Collection. This is an ufeful, though partial Author. There is a very good French Tranflation printed at Paris in 1700. One in Italian without the Tranflator's Name, printed in 8vc. at Firenze 1522, and Venez. 1524, as another by Lelio Carani, printed by Giolito in 8vo. 1552. into Englis in Svo. 1698. Zozimi Comitis Hiftoria nova, Gr. c. Lat. in 8vo. Cize 1679. Idem, in 8vo. Oxon. 1680. Or in the Collection by Frederick Sylburgius. This Author is prejudiced against Conftantine the Great, who was a much better Prince than this Hiftorian makes him. Eutropii Hiftoria Romana Breviarium, cum Peani Metaphrafi Graca, in 8vo. Cizæ 1678. Idem, Oxon. 1710. Idem, ad Ufum Delphini, in 4to. Paris 1683. Or in the Collection by Sylburgins or Gruter in 1611. The Greck Verfion of Panius is little cfteemed. Ano- ther Tranflation was printed in Italian without any Name of Tranflator in Svo. at Venice 1544. Theodori Metochite Hiftoria Romana à Julio Cæfare ad Conftantinum Magnum, Grac. Lat. Joanne Meur- fio, in 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1618. Juliani 108 A CATALOGUE of the Juliani Imperatoris Opera à Dionyfio Petavio, in 4to. Paris 1630. Idem, cum Spanhemii aliorumque no- tis, in fol. Lipfiæ 1696. Les Cefars de Julien l'Apoftat avec des Remarques de M. De Spanheim. in 4to. Paris 1683. In this Work are many Things of the Hiftory of the Emperours, which must be read with Caution, as it is rather a Piece of Satyr than Truth, and for this End very ufeful are the Obfervations of Spanheim. 畲 ​Ammiani Marcellini Hiftoria cum notis Valefii, in fol. Paris 1681. Idem, in fol. Lugdun. Bat. 1693. This is an Author much valued, the laſt Edition was Re- vifed by Cronovius: The Italian Tranſlation printed by Giolito in 8vo. 1550, was made by Remigins of Florence. Pauli Diaconi Hiftoria ex editione Pauli Merulæ, in 8vo. Lugdun. Bat. 1592. With Eutropius: There are many Editions of this Hiftorian, who is only e- fteered for the Times of the Lower Empire. It was tranflated into Italian by Lodovicus Dominicus, and Antonius Rennullus. The firft was printed by Giolito, 8vo. 1548. the fecond in 8vo. Ven. 1584. • · Caroli Sigonii Hiftoria de Occidentali Imperio ab An. 2.84. ad An. 565. in fol. Francofurti 1693, & Ha- novia 1609. Amongst the Works of Sigonius. CHAP. XVIII. Differtations, or Treatifes, which relate more directly to the ROMAN Hiftory. OAN. Bapt. Cafalius de Urbis ac Romani olim Imperii fplendore, in fol. Romæ 1650. Alphonfi Ciacconii Hftoria utriufque Belli Dacici a Trajano Cafare gefti, ex fimulacris, quæ in columna ejufs ! dem chief HISTORIANS. 109 dem Romæ vifuntur, collecta, in fol. Romæ 1576, & 1616. This is a moft curious and valuable Work: At the End of it is a Piece exceeding whimfical, in which Ciacconi attempts to prove that the Soul of the Emperour Trajan was delivered from Hell by the Interceffion of St. Gregory the Great, the Fope. Raphaelis Fabretti Syntagma de Columna Trajani, in fol. Romæ 1683. This is an Apology for Ciacconi. Fafti Magiftratuum, & Triumphorum Romanorum re- flauti ab Huberto Goltzio, in fol. Brugis 1566. C. Julius Cæfar, five Hiftoria Imperatorum Romano- rum ex antiquis Numiſmatibus, ab Huberto Goltzio, in fol. Brugis 1563. Cæfar Auguftusb Huberto Goltzio, in fol. Brugis 1574. Though this Author is efteemed, yet is a good Judgement neceffary to difcover the fpurious Medals here given for true. Infcriptionum Romanarum Corpus a Jano Grutero, in fol. Commelin. 1616. Idem, in fol. Ex recenfione Grævii 1708, 4 Vol. Infcriptiones Antique a Reineſio collecta, in fol. Lip- fiæ 1682. Theſe are Works uſeful to all, who would enter deep into the Roman Hiſtory. Jacob. Sponii Mifcellanea erudite Antiquitatis in qui- bus Marmora, Statue, Muſiva, &c. illuftrantur, in fol. Lugduni 1685. Raphaelis Fabretti Infcriptiones antique, in fol. Ro- ma 1698. This is a curious Book, and well e- fteemed. mæ Joan. Bapt. Ferreti Mufe Lapidaris, antiquorum ix Marmoribus carmina, feu Infcriptiones, fol, Verona 1672. Flavii Blondi Hiftoria ab Imperii Romani Inclinatione, in fol. Bafileæ 1559. Though this Author fhews more Good-will than Exactneſs, yet is he uſeful. Joan. Bapt. Fontejus de Prifca Cafiorum inter Ro manos gente, in fol. Bononiæ 1581. This is a Work of 110 A CATALOGUE of the of Learning, in which the Author hands to us the Hiftory of the Family of Cafi, fo noted in old Rome, to the eighth Century of Chriftianity. M. Flechier; Hiftoire de Theodofe le Grand, in 4to. Paris 1679. This Hiftory is wrote with great Accuracy and Politenefs, and one of the most valua- ble Labours of the Age we live in. Le P. Sainte Marthe Hiftoire de Caffiodore, in 120. Paris 1694. This Life is exactly and well penned, but not of the moſt Uſe. CHAP. XIX. The Hiflory of the Weftern, or GERMAN Empire, with its neceffary Preliminary Treatifes. I Oannes Georgii Kulpis Differtatio de ftudio Juris publici rect inftitue, & de jiptoribus eò perti- nentibus, in 8vo. Argent. 1700. This Book is well wrote, and proper for the Study of the publick Law of the Empire, which is requifite to be converfant in, for the Underſtanding of the Affairs of Germany. The Author publiſhed this under the Name of 7. G. Sulpicius, in the Year 1688. Gabrielis Schwederi Introductio ad Jus Publicum, in 8vo. Tubingæ 1701. This is the beſt Piece for the publick Law of the Empire, and I have here cited the most valuable Edition. Phil. Reinh. Vitriarii Inftitutiones Juris Publici, cum notis Joan. Frid. Pfeffinger, in 4to. Gothæ 1698, 1699. An exact and well efteemed Book: There are other Editions, which are much inferiour to this. Joannis chief HISTORIANS. i 111 Joannis Schilteri Inftitutiones Juris Publici, in 8vo. Argentorati 1696, 2 Vol. Sprengeri Inftitutiones Jurifprudentia publice, in 4to. Francofurt. 1659. This is not a Tract much cried up, though there are good Things in it. Joan. Frid. Rhetii Jurifprudentie Romano-Germa- nice Libri IV. in 8vo. Francofurti 1683. This is much valued. Samuelis Rachelii Otium Noviomagenfe, 120. Amft. 1685. This is nothing but an Introduction to the Jus Fublicum, wrote by the Author at leifure Hours at Nimeguen. Frid. Bockelmanni Synopfis Juris Publici Imp. Rom. Germ. 8vo. Gron. 1698. This is a very concife Abridgement: His Obfervations on the Capitulations of the Emperour Leopold, make up the Bulk of this Volume. Henrici Cocceii Juris Publici prudentia, 8vo. Franc. ad Viadr. 1700. This Book well deferves a Place amongſt thoſe which treat on the Jus Publicum of the Empire, and the rather, as the Author touches on a Method for the Study of German Hiftory. Cocceius is the firſt who has urged the Neceffity of being ac- quainted with this Hiftory, and its Conveniency, in Order to make a Progress in the Study of the Jus Publicum. Gottlieb Gerhardi Titii Specimen Juris Publici Rom. Germ. a confueta ordinis materiarumque confufione va- riifque Scriptorum præjudiciis reftituti, 8vo. Lipf. 1705. This Author admirably well confutes the Opinion of Puffendorf, who affirms Germany to be a Compofition of feveral Republicks. He had fome Difference with Fitriarius about the Tribonian Method, which the laft purfued; for which Reafon he added to his Book the Annotationes ad Vindicias pro Vitriario. Cafp. Heinr. Hornii Juris Publici Rom. Germ. cjufque prudentiæ liber unus, 8vo. Berol. 1707. This Book 112 A CATALOGUE of the Book gave fo much Satisfaction, that Lectures have been read upon it, to the Youth in fome Univer fities. Burcardi Gotthelff Struvii Syntagma Juris Publici Imperii noftri Rom. Germ. ex fontibus Faftoriarum, Le- gibus Imperii fundamentalibus, Altis publicis, Diplomati- bus, & obfervantia Imperii collectam atque ad præfentem ftatum accommodatum, 4to. Jen. 1711. This Book anfwers fufficiently its Title: The Author makes a proper Ufe of Hiſtory, but purfues a Road different from Cocceius. Jacobi Brunnemanni Examen Juris publici Germa nici noviffimi, 8vo. Hal. 1710 This is a fhort Abridgement made by Way of Queſtion and Anſwer. Eitel. Fred. d'Herden Fundamenta Sacri Romani Imperii (in High-Dutch) Regensb. 1663. Idem, Francf. 1688. A Book well efteemed, though the Author is not certainly known, fome attributing it to George Schwarzkopf, or Tobias Henry Heidenreich; but other on better Grounds to Rodulphus Heiden, a Counsellor of Safe Weimar. Ludov. Seckendorf Principum Germanorum Status, 8vo. Francf. 1670. (High-Dutch) This Book is well efteemed, as is the next by the fame Author. S. R. Imperii Germanici Defcriptio, 8vo. 1687. (High-Dutch) This Compendium was made for the Ufe of young Princes's Sons to Erneftus Fius Duke of Saxony. Fred. Ludolph. de Franckenbergh Facialis Euro- pæus, 2 Vol. Lipf. 1705. fol. (High-Dutch) It would be fuperfluous to form an Elogium here of a Book fo well known, and fo juſtly applauded by all, * As the Tranflators of this Book into French and Italian have publiſhed the Tities of thefs High-Dutch Bocks in their own Languages, Latin is here made ufe of as more univer fal. who chief HISTORIANS. 1 13 who have heard of his Excellence Bernard Zich, Coun- fellour to the preſent King Auguſtus of ioland. The important Poft he fupplies is a fuli Proof of what I have faid; although this Edition is much enlarged, in the former are feveral original Papers herein omit- ted. Chriftoph. Laurent. Bilderbeck Imperii Germanici Status, 2 Vol. Lipf. 1709, 1710, 4to. (High-Dutch) This Author, who gave great Content, is very ufeful for his fine Account of the Authors, who have wrote on this Subject. Jacob. Lampadius de Republica Romano-Germanica, cum notis Hermanni Conringi, in 4to. Helmftad. 1671. Idem, cum Supplem. Jo. G. Kulpis, in 8vo. Arg. 1686. Though this Author is old, he is very exact and efteemed; and the firft Edition is the beſt. Johan. Henr. Bæcleri Notitia Sacri Romani Impe- i, in 8vo. Argentorati 1681. This This is rather an In- dex of Authors and Subjects, than a juft Piece on the Subject; but is a good Guide to one who would en- ter deep into the Affairs of the Empire. Dominic. Arumæus de Jure Publico Imperii, in 4to. Jena 1620, 5 Vol. This was the firft Author who gave methodical Treatifes on the Jus Publicum of the Empire: He is eſteemed, though not blindly fol- Lowed. Joannes Limnæus de Jure Imperii Romano-Germa- nici, in 4to. Argentorati 1629, &c. 5 Vol. In this are comprized the Additions made by the Author: the Edition published at Strasbourgh by Schilter is the beft. Though a good Scholar and Philofopher, he has not always obferved true methodical Rules, as in his treating on the Jus Civile, he intermixes Things foreign to his Subject, which he had obferved in his Travels. VOL. II Ahaueri 114 A CATALOGUE of the Ahafueri Fritfchii additiones ad Limnaum, in 46. Noriberga 1680. Philip. And. Oldenburgeri Limmaus Enucleatus, in fol. Geneva 1670. This Work is valuable, and ve ry neceffary for the underſtanding of the Imperial Laws. Mr. Mencken fays, that it is the Opinion of many, that he has not fucceeded well in his Abridge. ment of Limmaus, who affirm, that he has omitted very many uſeful and even neceffary Things, and has inferted Trifles, or what's to be found better in other Pieces on this Subject. Hermanni Hermes Fafciculus Juris Imperii R. in 4 Salisburgi 1663. Idem, 1674. Mr. Mencken ou ferves, that as this Author was a Roman Catholick, t had no other view, than to hinder the learned Mea of his own Religion from the Study of Frotefta Authors, who have appeared on this Head, although himſelf has made no fmall Ufe of many of them, and in particular of Limnaus. Bafil. Joan. Heroldus Opus Legum Antiquarum C maniæ, in fol. Bafileæ 1557. This Collection is a be found in the next mentioned Book. Friderici Lindenbrogii Codex Legum Antiquarum, i fol. Francofurti 1613, 2 Vol. This is the Work Herold, reprinted with confiderable Additions. Melchioris Goldafti Haiminsfeldii Statuta, & B fcripta Imperialia à Carolo M. ad Carolum V. in fe Franc. 1607. Idem, Rationale Conftitutionum Imperialium, in Franc. 1607. This is only a Comment on the laf filled with the Teftimonies of many Hiftorians, whi explain the Original Papers inferted in the other. Statuta, & Refcripta Imperialia à Carolo V. Rudolphum II. in fol. Franc. 1607. There is a tignale of two Leaves only added. Maou Ide chief HISTORIANS. II 115 Politica Imperialia, five Difcurfus politici, Acta publica, & tractatus generales, in fol. Franc. 1614. -Imperii Negotia Folitica, fol. Francof. 1614. (High- Dutch) Some have thought this only a Tranflation of the laft, but upon comparing, nothing will be found, except the Method, the fame. Regia S. R. Imperii Refcripta & alia a&ta Publica, fol. (High-Dutch.) —Imperii Leges, fol. Hanov. Tom. I. 1609. Tom. II. 1613, 2 Vol. (High Dutch.) -Monarchia S. Rom. Imperii, five Tractatus de Jurifdictione Imperiali, & Fontificia, fol. Hanov. Tom. I. 1611. Tom. II. Franc. 1614. Tom. III. Ibid. 1613. Collectio Conftitutionum Imperialium, fol. Franc. 1673, 3 Vol. Much Caution fhould be uſed in read- ing this Collection, as Goldaftus has been impoſed on by falfe Records. Confuetudinum ac Legum Imperialium, fol. Francof. 1674. (High-Dutch.) Thefe Books are all fo different, that to be rightly informed of the jus Tublicum we must have them all. Francif. Fridericus ab Andlern Corpus Conftitutionum Imperialium, fol. Ratisbonæ 1675. An excellent Work wrote in High-Dutch, but has yet bore no Tranfla- tion. Conftitutionum S. R. Imperii Corpus, fol. Francof. 1692. (High-Dutch.) This is the largeſt Edition. Georg. Theod. Dieterichus ad Bullam Auream, in to. Francofurti 1658. Henr. Gunth. Thulemarius de Bulla Aurea, Argen- ea, Plumbea, & Cerea, in 4to. Heidelberga 1682. Mart. Rumelinus ad Bullam Auream, in 4to. Stut- gardiæ 1655. Domin. Arumæus Difcurfus Academicus de Bulla Aurea, in 4to. Jenæ 1660. I 2 Jo i 116 A CATALOGUE of the : Jo. Limnæi Commentarius ad Bullam Auream, in 4to. Argentorati 1666. Ad Capitulationes Imperii, in 4to. Lipia 1691. This is become the largeſt Edition, by the Additions made to it by Limnaus. 4to. Herman Conringius de Capitulatione Cæfarea, in Jo. Chriftiani Muldeneri Capitulatio Harmonica, 410. Hal. 1697. In this Piece the Author compares the Capitulation of the Emperour fofeph, with all the reft fince Charles the Fifth. He has alſo added fome Ori ginal Inftruments from the Elector's Archives. It is a Book of great Ufe. Meditationes ad Capitulationem Jofephi, 4to. Ha 1711. Some make Henniges the Author of th Work, of whom we ſhall ſpeak more hereafter: On this Capitulation we alfo have the Notes of Abafur Fritfch. Capitulatio Electionis Caroli VI. Lipf. 1712, 171 fol. (High-Dutch.) Of theſe two Editions, to which are added very ufeful Notes, the laft is moft efteen ed: As befides a Compariſon of the Capitulatio Perp tua with that of Charles VI, there are a great Numbe of Original Papers, which were prefented to the Dia of the Electors: The Author Bernard Zech the young er, Counsellor of his Polish Majefty, was there pre fent in the Quality of one of the Secretaries, and thu was let into every Thing that paffed there. Joan. Philippi Datt Volumen rerum Germanicarum novum, five de pace Imperii Publica, in fol. Ulmæ 1698 A Book very much valued. Joan. Schilterus de Pace Religiofa, in 8vo. Argentor 1700. This is a valuable Piece. Chriftoph. Lehmanni de Pace Religiofa Alta public & Originalia, 4to. Franc. 1631. Idem in fol. Ibi 1707. (High-Dutch.) This laft Edition is that de chief HISTORIANS. 117 ded to the fecond Volume of the Corpus Juris Publici made by Cortreius. Lehmannus fuppletus, & continuatus, in fol. Franc. 109. This is a Collection of fome publick Acts re- ating to Luther, more particularly to his Eftablifh- ment in Silefia: There are alfo added fome Differtati- ons as follows. H. A. Cranii Differtat. de i ace Reli- gionis, G. J. Schuzii Manuale Pacificum, Jo. Schilter de Pace Religiofa, Gabr. Schvveder de Pacis Religiofe conftantia, perpetuitate, Viti Breitſchwerd de jure im- mediati Ord. Equ. S. R. Imp. circa exercitium Religio- nis, E. Gockelii de Majeftatico Religions jure, &c. Wilhelmi Ignatii Schutzii Manuale Pacificum, in 120. Gothæ 1689. Chriſtoph. Forſtneri Epiftola de Negotio pacis Olna- brugenfis, in 120. Monſpelgarti 1656. Philippi Andreæ Burgoldenfis Difcurfus in Inftrumen- tum Pacis Olnabrugo-Monafterienfis, in 4to. Freiftadii 1669. A bold and learned Piece. Adam Adami Relatio Hiftorica de Pace Ofnabrugo- Monafterienfi, in 4to. Franc. 1707. Meditationum ad Inftrumentum Pacis Cæfareo-Sueci cum Specimina X. in 4to. 1706,—1712. Mr. Hen- ges was Envoy of the King of Pruſſia at Ratisbon, and the Author of this Book, which was the more defer- vedly and better received in the World for the feve- ral Original Papers inferted given him by Minifters of State. Ifaaci Volmari, L. B. De Rieden Diarium five Pro- tocollum Actorum Publicorum Inftrumenti lacis Weft- phalica Mon. & Ofnabr. ab A. 1643, ad 1648, in fol. Franc. 1710. Adami Cortreii Corpus Juris Publici, in fol. Franc. Tom. I. & II. 1707. Tom. III. 1709. Tom. IV. 1710, 4 Vol. The principal View of this Author is to give his Obfervations on the Agreement at Faffas, the Treaty of Religion, thofe of Nimeguen and Ryf- I 3 wick 118 A CATALOGUE of the wick, in which it cannot be denied, but he has fuc ceeded tolerably. Tobiæ Pfanneri Hiftoria Pacis Weftphalicæ, 8v. Gothæ 1697. Memoires, & Negociations fecretes de la Cour de France touchant la Faix de Munfter, 8vo. Amft. 1710. 4 Vol. De S. Didier, Hiftoire des Negociations de Nimegue, 120. Paris 1680. Actes, & Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Nimegue, 120. Amftel. 1680, 4 Vol. Altes, & Memoires des Negociations de la Faix i Ryfwick, 120 Haye 1699, 4 Vol. Memoires Politiques pour fervir a la parfaite Intelli. gence de l'Histoire de la Paix de Ryfwick par Mr. Du Mont, 120. Haye 1696, 4 Vol. Theſe two laft Books, though on the fame Subject, are very diffe rent from each other, as the laft Hiftorian-like, relates the feveral Debates during the Treaties of Peace; whereas the other only gives us the Memorials prefent- ed to the Congress. Ahafuer. Fritfchii Annotata in Pacem Ryfwicenfem, 4to. Franc. 1699. Herm. Conringii Exercitationes de Republica Imps- rii Germanici, in 4to. Lipfiæ 1671. Hippolitus a Lapide de Ratione Status Imperii Fom no-Germanici, in 4to. 1640. Idem in 120. Freifta- dii 1647. This Book is uncommon, of it are three Editions of the fame Date, one in 4to, and two in 120. The third Edition, which is in a larger Lerrer, contains 583 Pages. I have spoke of this Work for merly in the firſt Volume. As to the true Name of the Author, there are fecret Memoirs, which affirm him to be James de Steinburgh, a Nobleman of Lunt burgh, Counsellor of His Majefty King Charles XII. of Sweden (1716,) and Father of the Count of the fame Name: A Fact which feems confirmed from a MSS. j chief HISTORIANS. 119 } MSS. in the Archives of Sweden, by which it is found he owed much of his Succefs to the Affiftance of John Dominick Lilieftrholm, Prefident of the Royal Regency in Pomerania. He was anfwered by Slater in 1653, 120. and by Boecler in 4to. 1674, by Brug- geman in 4to. 1697. All of them Authors of more Sincerity and lefs Artifice, than Hippolytus. Joan. Henr. Boecleri Annotationes in Hippolytum à Lapide, in 4to. Argentorati 1674. Severinus de Monzambano (id eft Samuel Puffen- dorf) de Statu Imperii Germanici cum notis, & ftrictu- ris Pacifici Lapide (id eft Philippi And. Oldenburgeri) acceffit Samuelis Puffendorffi Difquifitio de Republica Irregulari, in 8vo. 1671. ! Cum notis Ulrici Obrechti, 8vo. 1684. -Sub Nomine Samuelis Puffendorf, Svo. Lip- fie 1706. This Diflertation of Monzambanus, or Puf- fendorf, is curious and valuable, and exceeding bold. Joan. Georg. Kulpis in Severinum de Monzambano de Statu Imperii Germanici Commentationes Academica, in 8vo. Stutgardiæ 1682. Joan. Wolfgang. Textoris Ratio Status Germaniæ, in 4to. Altdorfi 1667. Henr. Boeclerus de Sacro Romano Imperio, in 410. Argentorati 1663. Herm. Conringius de Finibus Imperii, in 4to. Helm- ftadii 1696. This is the beft Edition of this Work fo univerfally eſteemed. Chriftophori Lehmani Chronicon Spirenfe, in fol. Francofurti 1697. This is the beft Edition, is wrote in High-Dutch, and treats exactly of the Affairs of the Empire with Solidity and Judgement. Gafpar Zieglerus de Furibus Majeftatis, in 4to. Wit- tebergæ 1668. Chriſtophorus Gewoldus de Septem-Viratu S. Roma- ni Imperii, in 4to. Auguftæ Vindelicor. 1621. I 4 Henricus 120 A CATALOGUE of the Henricus Guntherus Thulemarius de Octo-Viratu S. Romani Imperii, in 4to. Francofurti 1688. Joan. Chriftoph. Wagenfeilius de Sacri Romani Imperii Summis Officialibus, in 4to. Aldorfi 1686. Deux Lettres für le Neuviéme Electorat, in 4to. Rot- terdam 1698. Hemanni Conringii affertio Juris Moguntini in Co- ronandis Legibus Romanorum, in 4to. Helmft. 1656. Caftigatio Libelli, cui Tutulus eft Anti-Conrin- giana defenfio Juris Colonienfis, in 4to. Helmftad. 1664 Examen Iteratum vindiciarum Juris Coronands Archidiacef. Colonienf. in 4to. Helmftad. 1664. Berna dusa Mallincrot de Archi-Cancellariis S. R. I in 4to. Jena 1666. pro Nicolaus Mylerus ab Ehrenbach de Principibus, & Statibus Imperi Romano-Germanici, in 8vo. Tubinga 1685. Archologia ordinum Imperii, in 4to. Tubinga 1663. He treats of the Original of the Empire, and its Prerogatives. Nomologia Ordinum Imperialium, h. c. de Ob. ligatione legali Principum Germ. 4to. Tubing. 1663. Etologia Ord. Imp. h. e. de are Irinc. conce dendi veniam ætatis, 4to. Stutg. 1664. Gamologia perfonarum Imperii Illuftrium, 4to. Stutg. 1664. Metrologia, h. e. de jure ftatuendi de menfuris, ponderibus, & molatrinis, 4to. Tub. 1668. 1668. Afylogia, feu de jure circa Afyla, 4to. Tubing. Hyparchologia, h. e. de miniftris Principum, 4to. Tubing. 1678. Stratologia Germ. Imp. Trincipum, feu militandi libertas, 410. Uim. 1710. A Pofthumous Work. Henr. Henniges de fumma Imperatoris poteftate circa facra, 8vo. Norib. 1676. ! De chief HISTORIANS. 1 2 1 De fumma Imp. Rom. poteftate circa profana, 2vo. Ib. 1677. J. W. Relfendío de fumma Principum Germaniæ poteftate, in 120. 1669. The Author John Wolf- fang Rofenfeld allows the Princes of Germany an ablo- lute Soveraignty, but he was anſwered by Scurzfleisch under the Malque of Huno of Hunefeld Teutoburghus. Nic. Chriftoph. L. B. de Lyncker Libertas Sta- tuum Imperii, & que perperam libertatis ejus effae dicun- tur, in fol. I I 1706, & 1712. Cæfarinus Furftenerius de jure Suprematus, ac Lega- tionis Principum Germaniæ, 8vo. 1677. It was once fufpected that Mr. Spanheim, Hugh Aleſſandri and Ifaias Iuffendorf were the Authors of this Book, but we are now fatisfied that the famous Leibnitz was the time Author. He was anfwered by an Anonymus, viz. Mr. Jena, Counsellor of Brandenburg in 1682, and by another Perfon in 1683, printed at Hyeropolis, viz. Ratisbon. Nic. Chrift. Lynckerus de Superioritate Territoriali, ia 4to. Jena 1699. Joan. Schilterus de Sacri Romano-Germanici Impe- rii Comitum Prarogativa, ac jure, in 4to. Argentorati 11 1702. ' Philippus Knipfchildius de Civitatum Imperialium ju- ribus, ac Frivilegiis, in fol. Ulmæ 1687. Ahafverus Fritſchius de Diatis Comitum Imperii, in 410. 1670. Jo. Wilh. Itteri J. L. de Feudis Imperii, in 8va. Franc. 1685. Id. 1714. This is a moft valuable Piece. Jac. Wilhel. Imhof Notitia Procerum S. R. Impe- rii, in fol. Tubingæ 1699. This is the largeſt Edi- tion. Joach. Hagemayerus de Comitiis Imperii, in 4tc. Francof. 1676. 122 A CATALOGUE of the ! Gio. Joach. Mullerus Negotia Stat. Germanic, 4to. Jen. 1709. This is only a Draught of a larger Work, which he began afterwards: It contains what paffed in the Dier from 1501, to 1508. Stat. General. Theatrum, fol. Jen. 1713. This is the firft Volume of the Hiftory of the Diet: The Author begins with the Reign of Frederick III, or V. and finishes with Rodulphus II. In this large Vo- lume is only what paffed under Frederick from 1440 to 1493, as the Author was Keeper of the Archives of the Duke of Saxeweimar, from thence he has drawn a good Part of the Original Papers he has in- ferted. It is wrote in High-Dutch. Jac. Wenckeri Apparatus, & Inftru&tus Archivorum, ex ufu noftri temporis, 4to. Arg. 1713. It contains. Ge. Ebblin Tract. de Archivis & Regiftraturis Marci Ot- tonis de Regiſtratura, and fome other Differtations of the fame Nature, with Obfervations of the Author, and a vaft Number of Original Papers from the Archives of Strasbourgh. Godofi. Guil. Leibnitii Codex Juris Gentium Di- plomaticus, in fol. Hannov. 1693. Mantiffa Codicis Juris Gentium Diplomatici, in fol. Ib. 1700. This is an excellent Collection of Treatifes of Alliance, Inftruments of Inveftitures, and Original Papers, which not only relate to Germany, but other Countries, and particularly to France: They are moftly taken from the fine Library of Wolfen. buttel. Cafp. Londorpii Acta Publica, in fol. Franc. 1668. 14 Vol. Comprizing one, which is a Table of Mat- ters added to the other thirteen in 1702. The Au- thor publiſhed but four Volumes in 1627, which contain many good Papers, most of which are in High-Dutch, and relate to the thirty Years Wars in Germany. The first Edition of the four firft Volumes is preferable to the fecond, in which are omitted fome Paffages, chief HISTORIANS. 123 Faffages, which bore hard upon fome particular Prin- ces: After the Death of the Author were added ma- ny other Volumes, not equal to the former, notwith- fianding which the whole Work is at prefent much looked after. This Book was in fome meafure conti- nued by the Author of the Diarium Europaum, whom we have mentioned formerly. Jo. Chriftiani Lunig Publicorum Negotiorum ab Im- peratore, & univerfis Europe Frincipibus Latina lingua tractatorum Sylloge, in 4to. Franc. 1694. Idem, Con- tmuatio, & Supplementum, 4to. Ib. 1702. Thefe two Volumes contain many Particulars that happened from 1474, to the Year 1697. Imperii Germanici Archiva, fol. Lipf. 1710, 1714. This Collection, in High-Dutch, of which there was (1716) a Continuation in the Prefs, is to be in fixteen Volumes, comprizing the Index of Matters. It contains many excellent Memoirs of great Ufe, to one who would ftudy the German Laws. In it a good Progrefs is made. Orationes Procerum & aliorum virorum illuftri- um (High-Dutch) Lipf. 1709, 1712, 6 Vol. Orationes Frocerum Eur. Latina lingua exarate, 8vo. Lipf. 1713, 3 Vol. Litere Procerum Europæ ab An. 1552, ad An. 1712. Latina lingua exarata, 8vo. Lipf. 1712, 3 Vol. Principum Archiva, (High-Dutch) Francof. 1691, 3 Vol. In this Work are moft of the Let- ters wrote by feveral German Princes to each other for the laft Century. Principum Epiftolarum Scrinium Novum (High- Dutch) Jen. 1710, 1714, 3 Vol. Ant. Fabri Cancellariatus Statuum Europæorum (High-Dutch) 8vo. 1697, 1704, 22 Vol. Statuum Speculum (High-Dutch) Svo. Auguft. 1699, 1709, 2 Vol. The firft of thefe contains the Buſineſs of the Diet from 1691 to 1716; the fecond from 124 A CATALOGUE of the from 1698 to 1709, not to mention feveral Memoirs inferted in both Volumes, in the fecond are many curious Original Papers which have been received fa vourably by the Publick. In 1708, an Attempt was made to fupprefs it, for which Reafon we have but eight Months Proceedings of that Year, afterwards the Year 1709 was added, in which the Book ends. Speculum Novum Saculi & Germaniæ (High-Dutch) Hag. 1710, 1714, 6 Vol. Soon after the laſt Book was difcontinued, another Continuation was begun at Leipfick in 1710, and there purfued. The Book is ett med good. Electa Furis Fublici Curiofa, 4to. Col. 1696, 1697, 2 Vol. High Dutch. Here are collected together all the Differences between the King of Denmark and the Duke of Halftein, as alfo concerning the Succeffion of Saxe Lawenburgh, and fome others. I lecta Juris Iublici, 8vo. 1709, 1714, 5 Vol. (High mich.) This Work is printed at Jene, and & continued down to 1714, it contains fome remarkable Papers prefeared to the Diet. Here may be added the Fama Europa, in 8vo. that fo much applauded the Undertaking, which began in the Year 1691, and has been continued fince. Herein are many authen- tick Papers, but as the Author launches out into the Affairs of all Europe, in the fame Manner as the Hif- torical Aercury, the Key to the Cabinets of Princes, and other Works of the fame Nature, I have thought proper only to ſpeak of it en paſſant. Zachariæ Zwanzig Theatrum Fracedentia, fol. Francf 1709, in High Dutch. Chriftoph. Hardin Schwederi Theatrum Hiftori- cum Pretenfionum, utroverfiarum Illuftrium in Eu- ropa, fel. Lipf. 712. in High-lutch. As thefe two laft Books have been received with univerfal Applaufe, I thought it convenient to give them a Poft in this Chapter, although they relate moftly to the Rights of chief HISTORIANS. 125 of the Princes of Germany. Here might be added fe- veral Differtations on the Jus Fublicum of Germany; as thoſe by Conringius, Strauchius, Fritsch, Cocceius, Hertz, Tommafi, Tizi, Wildvogell, Horni, Gribner, and o- thers, who were printed feparately. There are allo feveral Collections of the fame Nature. CHAP. XX. Accounts of the Cuftoms of antient and modern GERMANY. PH Hilippi Cluverii Germania Antiqua, in fol. Lugd. Bat. 1630. This is a learned Work, though Cluver builds often too much upon Conjectures. Pauli Hachenbergii Germania Media, in qua Mores, Ritus, Leges, facræ Profaneque Ceremonie à Trajano ad Maximilianum I. recenfentur, 4to. Jen. 1686. Petri Bertil, Libri III. Commentariorum Rerum Ger- manicarum, in 4to. Amftelodami 1635. An excel- lent Piece. Gabriel. Bucelini Germania Topo-Chrono-Stemmato- graphica facra, & profana, in fol. Augufta- Vindelic. 1655, & Francofurt. 1671. Three Tomes in one. Volume. An Author, according to Mr. Fresnoy, nei- ther exact, nor enquired after, though Mencken afferts his Influence in Germany. Martini Zeileri Itinerarium Germaniæ, in fol. Fran- cofurti 1674, High⋅ Dutch. Cornelius Tacitus de Moribus Germanorum cum Prafatione Conringii, in 4to. Helmftad. 1652. Ma- ny other Writers have made Obfervations and Notes on this Part of Tacitus. Mr. Schardt has in his firft Volume of Writers on Germany preferved the beſt. Matthias 126 A CATALOGUE of the Matthias Berneggerus in Tacitum de Moribus Gerina- norum, in 8vo. Sore 1646. Idem in 8vo. Argentor. 1648. Elias Schedius de Diis Germanis, in 8vo. Amftelod. 1648. A rare and excellent Work to acquaint with the Religious Rites of the antient Cermans. Joan. Henric. Urfinus de Ecclefiarum Germanicarum origine,& progreffu, in 8vo. Noribergæ 1664. Herm. Conringius de Germanorum corporum habitus antiqui, & novi caufis, in 4to. Helmflad. 1671. Joann. Strauchius de Germanorum Armis, eorumque ad Rempublicam ufu, in 4to. Lipfiæ 1651. CHAP. XXI. Collections and general Hiftories of the GERMAN EMPIRE. Ichaelis Herzii Bibliotheca Germanica, five No- M² titia Scriptorum rerum Germanicarum, in fol. Erfurti 1679. This Book contains feveral German Hiftorians, as alfo old Chronicles difperfed in different Collections. They are methodized in a very natural Order, and convenient for thoſe who delight in fuch Fragments, to which may be added Mart. Zeileri Hıf- torici, Chronologi, & Geographi celebriores, 8vo. Ulm. 1652, & Herm. Diet. Meibomii Or. de Genuinis Hif- toria Germanice Fontibus, 4to. Helmft. 1701. Joannis Trithemii Opera à Marqu. Frehero collecta, in fol. Francofurti 1600. Simonis Schardii Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, in fol. Bafileæ 1574, 4 Vol. Idem in fol. Gieffæ 1673, 4 Vol. This is the firft Collection that was ever made of the Cerman Writers, and is much valued. The first Volume relates only to antient Germany. The other three contain feveral Pieces on the Reigns of chief HISTORIANS. 127 of the Emperours Charles the Fifth, Ferdinand his Bro- ther, and Maximilian the Second. Joannis Piftorii Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, in fol. Francofurti 1582, 1584, & 1607, 3 Vol. Id. Han. Tom. I & II. 1613. Fr. Tom. III. 1653. This Collection contains feveral Chronicles, in which the Affairs of Germany are very minutely treared of. Reineri Reineccii Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, in fol. Francof. 1677. Jufti Reuberi Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, in fol. Francof. 1584. Idem in fol. Hanoviæ 1619. This contains feveral Pieces on the Reigns of Charles the Greaty Otho the First and Second, Henry IV. Fre- derick the First, and Henry the Seventh. Chriftiani Urftifii Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, in fol. Francofurti 1585. Idem in fol. Francof. 1670. 2 Vol. This Collection comprizes feveral Writers on the Reign of Henry the Fourth, to the Year 1400, and the Authors themſelves are valuable. 3 Marquardi Freheri Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, in fol. Francofurti 1600, & 1602, & Hanoviæ 1611, Vol. This Collection made by a good Hand, and grown rare, contains the beft Hiltorians from Charle magne to Charles the Fifth; a new Edition, according to: Mr. Mencken, was preparing with Additions at Strasbourgh by Struvius. Melchioris Goldafti Scriptores Rerum Alemannica- rum, in fol. Francofurt. 1606. Idem, Francofurt. 1661. This Collection is chiefly of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. Erpoldi Lindenbrogii Scriptores Rerum Germanica- rum Septentrionalium, in fol. Francofurti 1629. Idem, curante Joan. Alberto Fabricio, in fol. Hamburgi 1706. con Figure. This Collection, as well as that made by Goldaft, concerns the German Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, and to this laft Edition are added the Origines ambur- gice by Lambecius, and the Infcriptiones Hamburgice by Ankelman. Henrici 128 A CATALOGUE of the Henrici Meibomii Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, în fol. Helmftad. 1688.3 Vol. This is a moft curious Col lection, and befides the Authors publiſhed by Mei- bomius the Father, comprizes many confiderable Wris ters on the general and particular Hiftory of Germa- ny, with fome Differtations by the Son. There are many Pieces and Authors on the Hiftories of Pruffia, Saxony, and Brunſwick, and it is not very rare. Joannis Schilteri Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum à Carolo Magno ad Fridericum III. in fol. Argentorati 1702. This is a valuable Collection, and comprizes many excellent Papers, moſt of which were not print- ed before, and thoſe reprinted, are more correct. We may obferve, that this is the fame Book which the Author mentions hereafter under the Title of eÆnee Sylvii vita Friderici III. As the Undertaker who print- ed this Collection under this Title in the Year 1685, found his Expectations baulked, he changed it in 1702, therefore in many Libraries they have Duplicates under different Title Pages. Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum collecti à Joh. Michaele Heineccio, & Joh. Georg. Leuckfeldo, in folio, Francofurti 1702, 2 Vol. The Books wrote by Heineck, intituled, Antiquita tes Goflarienfes, & Nummi Goflarienfium Antiqui, make up the beft Part of this Collection. Chrift. Franc. Paullini Rerum, & Antiquitatum Germanicarum Syntagma, complectens variorum fcripto- rum Annales, Chronica, & Differtationes, ab eodem Paul- lino e tenebris eruta, in 4to. Francofurti 1698. in Godofredi Guillielmi Leibnitii Acceffiones Hiftorice, 4to. Hanoveræ 1700, 2 Vol. This Collection is curious, and amongſt other Things has the Chroni- cle of Albericus, which was a Manufcript very com- mon in the Libraries, though not before printed, and is valuable. We fhall treat elfewhere of other Pieces of this Author, as of his Codex Juris Gentiun iplo- maticus chief 129 HISTORIANS. maticus, and Scriptores Rerum Brunfvicenfium, which deferve a Place here. Henrici Canifii Lectiones Antiqua, in 4to. Ingolfta- di 1601, in 6 Vol. This Collection, befides many Pieces of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, contains many mate- rial Memoirs of German Civil Hiftory. Being become very ſcarce for fifty Years paft, Mr. James Bafnage, Paſtor of a Congregation at the Hague, reprinted it with very ufeful Notes. He divides the whole into an eafy and natural Method, and has compared many of the Papers with the Original Manuſcripts in feveral places, which Canifius had not an Opportunity to confult. A great Progrefs was actually made in the Prefs in 1716. Though the Hiftory of Germany has more Writers in its Collection than any other Part of Europe, and it is to be wished we had more, particularly thofe promifed by Lambecius, Neffel, Tentzel, and Weber. I am furprized that the Bookfellers of Francfort, or Holland, who have printed the Antiquities of feveral particular Parts of Italy, have had no Inclination to make a Collection of what relates to Germany, which though it filled thirty Volumes in Folio, would be a more vendible Commodity than the Grecian and Roman Antiquities. Mr. Mencken applauds Frefnoy's Scheme on this Head, and affures us, that there were Bookfellers at Leipfick, who only waited an Opportų- ty favourable to them to put this Project in Execution. Joan. Bapt. Egnatius: Hiftoria Cæfarum à Julio. Cafare ad Maximilian. I. in 8vo. Francof. 1588. Joan. Cufpiniani Vita Imperatorum à Julio Cæfare. fque ad Maximilianum I. in fol. Francof. 1601. This is a curious Book, contains many Particularities of Moment, little known. Carolus Sigonius de Regno Italiæ, in fol. Hanov 1609. This Hiftorian well verfed in what he fets about, united to his Hiftory of Italy much relating to the Empire. VOL. II. K Le 130 A CATALOGUE of the Le Sr. Heifs Hiftoire de l'Empire d' Allemagne, in 4to. Paris 1684, 2 Vol. Idem in 120. Paris 1711, 5 Vol. This, though Concife, is good, the firft Part contains the Hiftory of the Empire, the fecond the exact State of Germany, and the third the Proofs and Original Papers, the laft Edition is the beft, and wa much augmented by Mr. Abbée Vertot. By M. Mencken it is remarked, that this Book is not valued by the Germans, who with great Reafon complain much of the Partiality of the laft Edition. Le S. de Prade Hiftoire d'Allemagne, in 4to. Paris 1677. This Book was printed in two Volumes in 120. and excepting fome few Errours, contains a good Account of the State of the Empire. There is allo an Abridgement of the Lives of the Emperours. Joan. Philippi Vorburgi Hiftoria Romano Germ nica, in fol. Francofurti 1645, &c. 12 Vol. A moſt wretched and contemptible Work. Octavius Strada de Vitis Cæfarum à Julio Cæfare a Imperatorem Matthiam, in fol. Francof. 1615. Id. a Ferdinandum II. in fol. 1629. John Savage Compleat Hiftory of Cermany, com prehending the Lives and Reigns of all the Emperous from its Original to this Time, Lond. 1702, 8v0. The antient and prefent State of Germa Lond. 1702, 8vo. Jo. Palatii Aquila inter Lilia, in fol. Ven. 1671. Aquila Saxonica, fol. Ven. 1673. Aquila Suevica, fol. Ven. 1679. Aquila Bavarica, fol. Ven. 1679. Aquila Auftriaca, fol. Ven. 1679. The Volumes contain the German Hiftory from Charles the Great to the Emperour Leopold. This Author rathe ſtudied to embelliſh his Work with Figures and M dals, and thofe of his own Invention, than to di deep into Hiftory, upon which Account it deferve zot the Price it bears; he has alfo publiſhed an A bridgema chief HISTORIANS. 13 1 bridgement full of Figures, under the following Title: Gio. Palazzi, Aquila Romana, Ovvero Monarchia Cccidentale da Carlo Magno fino alla Coronazione di Leopoldo I. fol. Ven. 1679. Speculum Prerogativarum Imperii Germanici (High- Duich) Berl. 1703. Although the Title promifes much, the Author is not fo very large on the German Hiftory, (of whofe Particulars he only treats to the Year 1689,) as on the Affairs relating to the Family of the Counts of Hohenzollern. The Empire of Ger- many abounding in Collections of Hiftorians, has not one good general Hiſtory, as none of thoſe I have men- tioned are fatisfactory, and the Germans feem unequal to undertake any exact Hiftory of their own Nation : As they are fonder of Abridgements, Differtations, and Fragments, Matters very oppofite to an exact and regular Hiftory. There are alfo many Difficulties Juan Attempt of this Nature on Account of the Revolutions happened in a Body, compofed of fo ma- ny different States. Though we have the Nucleus Hiftoria Germanica by Sagittari, and a Piece of another able Pen under the Title of, Introductio ad Hiftoriam Romano-Germanicam, we cannot be faid to have a compleat Syftem of German Hiſtory. Ludovici and Gandling, both well verfed in the Hiftory of this Country, have given us Hopes of fomething of this Nature, which is impatiently expected. Befides, the karned Charles James Spener, a Profeffor in the Uni- verfity of Hall, attempts a Work of this kind in four Volumes, of which the first is now [1716] in the Prefs, and bears the following Title, Hiftoria Germa- nje Veteris, Media, Recentiores, & Hodierna. K 2 CHAP. 132 A CATALOGUE of the CHAP. XXII. Particular Hiftories of the EMPEROURS. C Hriftophori Ott: Laurus Carolina de geftis Carol. M. & fequentium Cæfarum, in 4to. Ingolftad. 1655. Johan. Joach. Frantzii Hiftoria Caroli Magni, in 4to. Argentorati 1644. Eginhartus de Carolo Magno, ab Joh. Henrico Bæclero, in 4to. Argentorati 1644. Idem in 40. Ultrajecti 1711. Gr. Lat. cum comm. This and the former are printed together at Strasbourgh, but not in fo beautiful or ample a manner as the Edition at Utrecht in 1711, which is explained by the Notes of feveral learned Men. For the Reign of Charles the Grea, and fome of the Emperours his Succeffors alfo Kings of France, may be confulted the Collections before-men- tioned, as well as feveral of the Hiftorians mentioned under the Article of France. Auctoris inċerti Annalium de geftis Caroli Magni Im perat. Libri V. edente Reinero Reineccio, in 8v. Helmftad. 1594. Mark Wagner, John Letzner, and Erpold Lindenbruch have wrote the Lives of Charles the Great in High-Dutch; but the laft has fucceeded ill in purſuing the Steps of Pfeudo Turpinus. Reinerus Reineccius de Witichindo Magno, in fol. Helmftad. 1583. For the Hiftory of Lewis the Pious, and his Sons, there are no better Hiftorians either near er or farther from their Times than Teganus and Notar dus, which are in the Collection made by Pithaus in 8vo. We have alfo a Hiftory of this Emperour High-Dutch, wrote by Lefaner. Joan. In chief HISTORIANS. 133 Joan. Henr. Bæcler. Commentarius de rebus Seculi IX. & X. per feriem Germanicorum Cæfarum, a Ca- rolo M. ad Ottonem III. in 4to. Argentine 1656. Luitprandi Subdiaconi opera, in fol. Antverpiæ 1640, In this Work are feveral Pieces of Hiftory concerning the middle Age of the Empire. Nic. Hier. Gundling de Statu Reipubl. Germ. fub Conrado I. 4to. Hal. 1706. Jo. Petri Ludewig Germania Frinceps fub Conrado I. 40. Hal. 1710. N. H. Gundling de Henrico Aucupe Liber fingu- laris, 4to. Hal. 1711. J. P. Ludewig Henricus Auceps Hiftoria Anceps, 40 Hal. 1713. Theſe are valuable Pieces, and re- late to the middle Age of the Empire, though they fometimes difagree. Theodori Engelhufii Hiftoria Imperatorum, e Tomo Brunswicenfi, a Joach. Joan. Madero edita, in 4to. Helmft. 1661. Ditmari Epifcopi Merseburgi Chronicorum Libri VII. de Imperatoribus Germanicis ftirpis Saxonicæ, Henri- co I. Ottonibus tribus, & Henrico II. edente Reinero Reineccio, in fol. Francofurti 1580. Idem, cum no- tis Joachin. Joan. Maderi, in 4to. Helmftad. 1667. This contains Remarkables from the Year 876 to 1018. Jo. Conr. Dieterichii Hiftoria Imperatorum Ger- manicorum Familie Saxonicæ Henrici I. Ottonis Mag- ni, Ottonis II. Ottonis III. Henrici II. in 410. Gieffæ 1666. Jo. Philippi à Vorburg Hiftoria rerum Germanica- rum fub Ottone M. Ottone II. & Ottone III. gefta- rum, in fol. Franc. 1709. A Pofthumous Work. Francifc. Guillimannus de vera Origine, & ftem- mate Conradi II. in 4to. Friburgi 1609. The beft Hiftory of the Emperour Conrad the Second, is his Life handed down by Wipon, an Author cotempo-. K 3 rary', 134 A CATALOGUE of the rary, and to be found in the Collection made by Piftorius. Lovis Maimbourg Hiftoire de la Decadence de l'Em- pire, 120. Paris 1679, 2 Vol. It was tranflated into Latin and High-Dutch. Gerhodi Abbatis Reichersberg. Syntagma de Henri- co IV. & V. Imperat. & Gregorio VII. Pontifice à Jacobo Gretfero, in 4to. Ingolftad. 1611. Melchioris Goldafti Replicatio pro Imperio adverfu: Jac. Gretferum; accedunt quorundam Imp. Principum Apologie pro Henrico IV. Imperat. adverfus Gregori- um VII. in 410. Hanov. 1611. Jeremias Hofmannus de Ignominia quam Friderico Enobardo intulit P. Alexander III. in 4to. Vitteberga 1661. Ludovic. Liebhardi Apologia pro Friderico Impera tore, quem Romano Iontifice pedibus conculcatum effe nonnulli fcribunt, in 4to. Baruthi 1668. Joann. Daniel. Artopæi Differtatio Anti-Baroniana, an Alexander III. Fridericum Barbaroffam conculcave- rit pedibus, in 4to. Lipfiæ 1673. Felicis Cantelorii Concordia inter Alexandrum III. & Fridericum I. Fenetiis confirmate narratio, in fol. Paris 1632. This Affair has given Birth to many Volumes: The Affimative, the fervile Submiffion of the Emperour Frederick is much infifted on by the Venetians and Peo ple of Rome, who have loaded their Walls and Canvas. as well as naufeared the World with Reprefentations and Defcriptions of a Fact, which the Germans as loudly deny to have had any Exiftence; I fhall not here examine this Controverfy, which has employed ſo many abler Pens, and which has, is, and will be a bone of Contention to all Ages: How far Intereft may have given Birth, or propagated the fpreading of this Fact, I pretend not to determine, the claim of Dominion in the Adri stick Seas and Privileges granted to the Roman See by Pope chief HISTORIANS. 135 Pope Alexander III. have given a Foundation to Su- fpicions not fo fully difperfed, as could be wifhed. Henr. Meibomii Apologia pro Ottone IV. 4to. Helmft. 1624. and in his Script. Rer. Germ. T. III. Petri de Vineis Epiftole, in 8vo. Bafileæ 1566. Hem in 8vo. Ambergæ 1609. Peter de Vineis was Chancellour to the Emperour Frederick II. the laſt Edition in 1609 is the beſt, and it is alfo to be met with in Collections of the German Hiftorians. Joannes Joach. Zentgrafius de Inter regno Imperii Geṛ- manici ab Exceffu Conradi IV. ufque ad Rudolphum Habsburgicum, in 4to. Vitteberga 1668. Joan. Henr. Bæcleri Differtatio de Rudolpho Im- peratore, in 4to. Argentorati 1672, and in Tom. II. of his Differt. Acad. Albertini Muffati Hiftoria Augusta Henrici VII. in fol. Venetiis 1636. This Book is valuable and ſcarce; in the fame Volume are many other Writers, moft of which relate more particularly to the Hiftory of Italy. Moſt of the Copies of this Book being caftrated by the Italians, who have taken out whole Pages, the Purchaſer muſt be careful in procuring one entire, which is very difficult. Mart. Difenbach de vero mortis genere, quo Henri- cus VII. obiit, 4to. Franc. 1685. Nicolai Burgundi Hiſtoria Bavarica, feu Ludovicus IV. Imperator, ac ejus vita, & res gefte, ab Anno 1313, ad Ann. 1347, in 4to. Ingolftadii 1636, and in 470. Amftelodami 1645. The Hiftory of Lovis of Bava- ria is one of the moft confiderable for its great Events, and this is good; another was promifed, not yet pub- lished. Joann. Georgii Herwarti Ludovicus IV. defenfus Contra Bzovium, in 4to. Monachii. 1618. 2 Vol. This Work of the Chancellour of Bavaria, is a learn- ed, but tirefome Piece. K 4 Joan. 136 A CATALOGUE of the Joan. Francifci Buddæi Differtatio de Ludovico IV. Imperatore, in 4to. Jenæ 1689. This is a curicus Differtation, and one of the beft wrote by this learn- ed Man. Ahafueri Fritschii Guntherus Schwarzburgicus Im- perator Romanus (Poft Ludovicum IV. An. 1349. Electus) Difcurfu Hiftorico exhibitus, in 4to. Lipfiæ, & Jenæ 1677. Syntagma Hiftoricum de Gunthero Schwarzburgico Rom. Reg. Wezlar 1703. It is believed that Mr. Eyben was the Author. Henr. Meibomii de Friderici Brunfuic. in Rom. Imperatorem Electione, & mifera cade, 410. Helmft. 1581, and in Script. Rer. Germ. T. III. Conrad. Samuel. Schurtzeleifchii Differtatio, quod Carolus IV. non diffipaverit Imperii Iatrimonium. Æneæ Sylvii (oftea Pii II. Papa) Hiftoria Fride- rici III. Imperat, e cod. M. S. nunc primum edita cum Specimine Annotationum Joan. Henr. Bæcleri, & cum Diplomatum Documentorumque rebus ejufdem Imperat. illuftrandis appendice, &c. edente Joan. Georg. Kulpis, in fol. Argentorati 1685. This is a curious and va Juable Collection, and is the fame with the Schilteri Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores. Fuderici III. Etarium Vite. This Lambecius has inferted in his Diarium Sacrum Itineris Cellenfis, 4to, Venet. 1666. Jo. Ant. Campani Epiftolæ una cum Poematibus, & vita auctoris, ed à Jo. Burchardo Menckenio, 8vo. Lipf. 1707. In thefe Letters is much Life: He was of the Nuntio's Train, who was fent by the Pope to the Emperour Frederick III. an Occafion that gave him Opportunity of knowing fully what paffed at that Time in Germany under this Prince, and to ob ferve that prodigious Slownefs he acted by. Defcriptio Vite Maximiliani I, Aug. in High-Dutch, The Anonymous Author has added this Life to his 3 Piece chief HISTORIANS. 137 : Piece, entituled, Thurdanck, which poetically de- Icribes the Dangers undergone by Maximilian. J. Sleidanus de Status Religionis, & Respublice, in fol. Argentorati 1555. This Hiftory has always been, and even ftil is efteemed; though Charles the Fifth in fpeaking of Slerdan, always termed him a Lyar. It is tranflated into High-Dutch, fol. Francf. 1618, with a Continuation by Gothard Arthuys to 1618, and again to 1620 we have another Continuation by Ofeas Schadt, who denies Arthuys to be the true Au- thor of what is given to him. Hieronymi Gebvilleri Ortus Caroli V. in 8vo. Lo- vanii 1650. Chriſtiani Eberhardi Collectio Scriptorum de Electione, Coronatione Caroli V. in 4to. Helmftadi 1660. Selectum Hiftoricum, hoc eft Hartmanni Mauri, &t Georgii Sabini Defcriptio Coronationis Caroli V. acceffit Defcriptio Coronationis ejufdem Imperat. Bononie, a Cle- mente VII. An. 1530, in 4to. Francofurti 1612. Wilhelmus Zenocarus (vulgo Snouckart) a Shauen- burge, de Vua, Republica, & Moribus Caroli V. in fol. Gandavi 1560. Idem in fol. Antverpiæ 1594. A Book full of ftrange Stories and ridiculous Mira- cles. Jo. Vorthufii Phanix; feu Apotheofis Confecrationis Augusta, qua Caroli M. & Caroli V. res geft defcri- buntur, 4to. Antverp. 1562. This is of the fame Temper with the former, who frequently quotes him. Lod. Dolce Vita di Carolo V. Imperadore, in 4to. in Venetia 1561. This is wrote by one of the beſt Italian Hiftorians, is much valued, and rare. Alphonfo Ulloa vita del Imperator Carlo V. in 4to. in Venezia 1566. Charles the Fifth, that great Em- perour, has not had an Hiftorian worthy of him, as I cannot think, that Leti, who has wrote his Life, me- fits Imp 138 A CATALOGUE of the rits this Character, or has done Juftice to fo great a Captain, and fo confummate a Politician. Prudencio de Sandoval Hiftoria de la Vida y hechos del Emperador Carlos V. fol. en Pamplona 1614. This is tranflated into English by Captain Stevens, in 8vo. Lond. 1703, and has feveral Particulars, which we must not always Credit. I refer the Reader to a Difcourfe printed amongst the Works of Mr. Mothe le Payer, in fol. Vol. 1. pag. 213. It was tranflated into Latin by Mr. Irbert, but never printed. i Pedro Salazar Cronica del Emperador Carlos V. fol. Hifpali 1552. Here is nothing defcribed but the War of Smalcalde, and that with much Partiality. Ludovici ab Avila & Zunniga Commentarii de bello Germanico à Carolo V. gefto, in 8vo. Antv. 1550. Though this is a Book but of fmall Importance, yet Charles the Fifth thought himfelf as happy as Alexander, in having found an Hiftorian equal to him, (who wrote the Wars of the Macedonian,) to hand down his Feats against the Proteftants: He was of the Privy-Council, and Captain of the Guards. to that Prince. Gregorio Leti Vita di Carlo V. 8vo. Amft. 1700. Vol. It has been tranflated into High-Dutch, with gerd Notes, by Mr. Rabener at Leipfick, 8vo. 3 Vols. 4 1712. ad Epifiole due, altera Clementis VII. Papa ad Caro- lum V. altera Caroli V. Refponforia An. 1527, & pro Carolo V. ad Epiftolam Francifci I. Galliarum Fegis Imperii Irincipes tranfmiffam, nec non ad Apologiam Ma- driciæ Conventionis diffuaforiam Refponfio, in 8vo. Ant- verp. 1527. Recueil d'aucunes Lettres, & écritures par lesquelles fe comprend la verite des chofes paffées entre l'Empereur Charles V. & François I. in 4to. Anvers 1536. Rerum chief HISTORIANS. 139 Rerum Carolo V. in Africano Bello geftarum An. 1535, & feqq. Commentarii, ex varis Scriptoribus in unum congefti, edente Cornelio Sceppero, in 4to. Ant- verpiæ 1554. Lamberti Hortenfii de Bello Germanico Caroli V. Libri VII. in 4to. Bafileæ 1560. Fridericus Hortlederus Acta Fublica Germanica de caufis, juftitia, initio, progreffu, & exitu belli Germanici fub Carolo V. Imperat. ab Ann. 1546, ad Ann. 1558. cum figuris Aneis, fol. Gotha Typis Endteri 1645. This is a moft curious and fcarce Book, and to be on- ly found in the beft Libraries. It is to be obferved, that the Edition at Francfort of 1617 and 1618, with- out the Figures, is much fuperiour to that at Gothe. It is thought that the Author in collecting thefe Acts, had in view the Injuftice done in the Deprivation of John Frederick, Elector of Saxony: We have at pre- fent but fix Books, a feventh being feized in the Prefs, and ftifled: To this Work the Archives of Weimar were of great Ufe. Laurentius Surius de rebus in orbe geftis, in 8vo. Co- Jonix 1575. This Author, who was a Carthufian Monk, is fometimes very credulous. Jacobi Mafenii Anima Hiftoriæ hujus Temporis, h. e. Hiftoria Caroli V. & Ferdinandi 1. in 4to. Coloniæ 1672. Ib. 1709. It will not be foreign to our pur- pofe here to add the Opinion of the Journalists of Taris, which runs thus in the Journal of October 1709. Father Maffen, who was fixty-five Years of Age, when he finished his Work, feems to have applied to it with great Care: His Thoughts are ſtrong, and his Style equal to his Notions of Things. He writes like a true Hiftorian, and Mafter of the Latin Diction. Petri Gnodalii Hiftoria Tumultuum Rufticorum Ann. 1525, per univerfam fere Germaniam, & bellorum inde fecutorum, in 8vo. Bafileæ 1570. Alphonfo 140 A CATALOGUE of the Alphonfo Ulloa Vita di Ferdinando I. Imp. in 4to. Ven. 1565. We have here a long Account of what happened under Charles the Fifth, whofe Life he wrore. Bafilii Joan. Heroidi rerum contra Turcas aufpiciis Ferdinandi Auftriaci Cæfaris geftarum Hiftoriola, in 8vo. Hanoviæ 1613. Michael. Gafpar. Londorpii Sleidani continuatio ab Ann. 155$, ufque ad Ann. 1610, in fol. Francofurti 1619. Idem Francof. in 8vo. 1619, 3 Vol. Bellum Sexennale Civile Germanicum inter Matthiam, & Ferdinandum II. Imp. & alios Principe: ab Ann. 1617, ad An. 1623, in 4to. Francofurti 1623. This is one of the beft and ableft German Writers: Mr. Mencken had before treated on the Acta Publica by Londorp, and has therefore omitted it here, and the rather, as he fays, he obferved Mr. Fresnoy was not fufficiently acquainted with them. Franz. Chriftoph. Khevenhuller Annales Ferdinan dei, in fol. T. I.-VIII. Ratisb. 1640-1644. T. IX. Vien. 1646, 9 Vol. In High-Dutch. This is the rareſt Work we have in Relation to the Hiftory of Germany, as no more than forty Copies were ever printed, and thoſe preſented to Princes and Great Men. In 1716, a tenth Volume was in the Prefs. The Count Revenbuller, a Privy-Countejlour to the Emperour Ferdinand II. was the Author. As he was employed in State-Affairs, his Defign was to give in twelve Volumes an Account of what had paffed from the Year 1598 to 1639, from the Birth of Ferdinand to his Death His Family ftill preferve the remaining Part of this Hiſtory in MSS. and defigned to re- print the Work entire; but as they have not been able to obtain a Permiffion, it muſt ftill continue fcarce. Ambaffade de Meffieurs le Duc d'Angouleme, & de Chateuneuf, avec des Obfervations Politiques de Mr. De Bethune, in fol. Par. 1667. This Piece is very ufe : fu! chief HISTORIANS. 141 ful to let us into the Knowledge of the Means made Uſe of by Louis XIII, of France, on the Side of the Emperour Ferdinand II. to hinder the Froteftants of Germany from efpoufing the Caufe of the Electour Palatine Frederick V. and to confirm the Treaty of Ulm, of fo fatal confequence to the Bohemians. Aubertus Miræus de Bello Bohemico Ferdinandi II. in 8vo. Coloniæ 1622. Joan. Frider. Matenefii de Electione, & Coronatione Ferdinandi II. in Regem Romanorum An. 1619. Li- bri III. in 4to. Coloniæ 1621. Everardi Waffenbergii Florus Germanicus, de Bello inter Imperatores Ferdinandos II. & III. & eorum hoftes geſto ab Anno 1617, ad Annum 1640, in 160. Francofurti 1640. He has fucceeded very ill in his Attempt to imitate Florus. When he mentions the Proteftants, he does it in a moſt bitter and fevere man- ner, and gives us nothing uncommon; but there is a Tranflation in High-Dutch at Amfterdam, with large Notes, which are very remarkable, and are deſervedly preferable to the Original. The Author of theſe Notes is the Count Furftembergh. Status Peculiaris Regiminis Ferdinandi II. in 240. 1637. Tranflated into English by R. W. and printed at Lon- don in 1637, 4to. Jacobi Damiani Bellum Germanicum, in 4to. Duaci 1648. Petrus Baptifta Burgus de Bello Suecico, ab Anno 168, in 4to. Leod. 1633, in 120. Coloniæ 1644. It was tranflated into French by Mancroy, in 8vo. at Paris 1653. The firft Edition is the beft. The Au- thor, who treats only of what paffed from the break- ing out of this War to the Year 1623, fpeaks as an Eye-witnefs. As he relates Matters very faithfully, he deferves Credit; and although he was a Partizan of Ferdinand II. he allows Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden his Share of Glory. P. Lanf 142 A CATALOGUE of the P. Lansbergius de Bello Germanico Guftavi Magni, in 120. Roterodam. 1652. He deferves to be read with Attention. Jofeph. Riccius de Bellis Germanicis, ab Anno 1618, ad Annum 1648, in 4to. Venetiis 1648. An excel- lent Oratour this, who undertook the Hiftory of his Time; but in treating of foreign Affairs, he dif courſes not ſo exactly, as that there are not very dif cernible a want of Judgement, and fometimes honefty, Ingredients effentially neceffary to make a good Hif torian. Nicolai Vernulæi Caufa Belli Sueco-Germanici, in 4to. Amftelod. 1646. Jufti Afterii Examen Comitiorum Ratisbonenfium, five difquifitio politica de nupera Electione Ferdinandi III in Regem Romanorum An. 1636. in qua oftenditur ne- que conventum Electoralem Ratisbonæ rite inftitutum, neque defignationem Regis Romanorum legitimam, in 4to. Hanoviæ 1637. A curious and ſcarce Book. John Stella, Refident of the King of France at Strasburgh, publiſhed this Piece in Favour of the Electour of Treves, who was excluded from Voting in the Elec- tion. He is alfo thought to have been the Author of the Deploratio Pacis Germanicæ five Differtatio de Face Pragenfi Anni 1635, in 4to. Lutet. 1636, which was Midwifed into the World under the fictitious Name of Girst After. Petri Oftermanni Legitima Corona Romana, Ferdi- nando III. ab Electoribus impofita, feu Anacrifis Exami- nis Comitiorum Ratisbonenfium, in 4to. 1640. Majolino Bifaccioni: Memorie Iftoriche della Moffa d' Armi di Guft. Adolfo in Germania l'Ann. 1630, in 4to. Venet. 1642. He is efteemed very little, as are the two next Books. Galeazzo Gualdo: Iftoria delle Guerre di Ferdinando II. & Ferdinando III. dall' Anno 1630, fino all' Anne 1636, in 4to. Ven. 1646. Pictro chief HISTORIANS. 143. Pietro Pomo: Saggi d' Iftoria, ovvero Guerre di Ger- mania dall' Invaſione del Re di Svezia fino alla morte di Woleftano, in 4to. Ven. 1640. Phil. Chemnitius Bellum Suecicum in Germania, in fol. Tom. I. Stetin. 1648. Tom. II. 1653, (High- Dutch.) The fecond Volume is more efteemed than the firft, as while the Author was compiling that, the Count Offenstern affifted him largely with Memoirs. He is as much admired for his Style as Politicks. Joannis Gilenii Germania reformata, deformata, re- flaurata, in 8vo. Vefaliis 1659. Caroli Caraffæ Germania Sacra reftaurata atque atque ad Annum 1641, continuata, in 4to. Francofurti 1641. Idem in 8vo. Coloniæ 1639. This Author was fent Nuntio by the Pope to the Emperour Ferdinand the Second: The pretended Edition of Cologn, in 8vo. though really printed in Holland, is the beſt. Epitome rerum Germanicarum ab A. 1617, ad 1643, geftarum. Editio emendata. 120. 1669. This fmall Piece contains many remarkable Things, uſeful to one who is a little verfed in this Hiftory: All agree, that Pappias Dean of the Cathedral of Conftance, a learned Man, and very moderate in regard to the Proteftants, is the true Author. Jean le Laboureur Hiftoire du Marechal de Guebri- ant, contenant le recit de ce qui s'eft paffé en Allemagne dans la Guerre de France, & de Suede, & des Estats Alliez contre la Maiſen d'Autriche, in fol. Paris 1684. This Marthal of France, after having fignalized him- felf in this War, died at the Siege of Rothville in 1643. This Book compofed from his Memoirs is eſteemed, and to it may be added, Les Memoires de Mr. De Sirot; e l'Histoire du Marechal de Gaffion. Of which we fhall treat elfe- where. Galeazzo Gualdo : Iftoria della Vita d'Alberto Valleſtein Duca di Fritland, in 4to. A Lion 1643. This Book was 144 A CATALOGUE of the I was tranflated by Arndt into Latin, who published it with the Trutina Statutum Europe, wrote by the Duke of Rohan Roftoch 1668. To this may be allo joined, the Confpiration de Waiftein, amongst the Works of Sarrafin, which is tranflated into English in 8va. at Lond. Adolphus Bracheliùs de Hiftoria noftri Temporis, ab Anno 1618, ufque ad Annum 1651, in 8vo. Coloniz 1651. A Book well efteemed. Cum Thuldeni & Breweri Continuatione, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1672, 6 Vol. Joannes Petrus Lotichius de rebus Germanicis, al Ann. 1617, ad An. 1643, in fol. Francofurti 1646, 4 Vol. This Work, which comprizes the Reigns of the Emperours Matthias, Ferdinand II. and III. is very little valued. T. Pfanneri Hiftoria Comitiorum Imperatoriorum, An nis 1652, 1653, & 1654, celebratorum, in 4to. Vi- nariæ 1694. Joan. Auguftin. Paftorius Laurus actorum publico- rum Europe Annis 1657 & 1658, emifforum, electio- nem Leopoldi I. præcipue ſpectantium, in 4to. Franco- furti 1658. 2 Theatrum Europæum, in fol. Francofurti 1649, &c. ufque ad Ann. 1700, 15 Vol. This moſt cui- ous Hiſtory comprizes Affairs from the Year 1617 to 1700, which has been formerly mentioned in fpeaking of the Collections of Lunigi, and others of the like Nature, which might otherwife claim a Place here, thither we now refer our Readers. Galeazzo Gualdo Iftoria di Ferdinando III. in fol. Vien. 1672, 2 Vol. Iftoria di Leopoldo Cefare, in fol. Vien. 1674, 3 Vol. It comes down to 1670. Gio. Battiſta Comazzi: Iftoria di Leopoldo Primo Imperatore, 8vo. Vien. 1689. Id. 1697. Tranflated into High-Dutch, at Augsburgh 1690. It is little more than chief HISTORIANS. 145 than an Abridgement of Gualde, who reaches thus far. D. M. G. P. Vida di Leopoldo, in fol. Milan. 1696, 3 Vol. A Spanish Book little known. Life of the Emperour Leopold, 8vo. Lond. 1706. Finding this Piece well methodized, I have thought fir to tread in the Paths of this Author, and to add to him, what, as an Englishman, he could not come to the Knowledge of, and then published my Abridge- ment under the following Title. Gio. Burcardo Menkenio Fita, e Fatti di Leopoldo Imp. 8vo. Lipfia. 1707. Carl. Giuf. M. Reina Vita, e Imperio di Leopol do L. 8vo. Milano 1710. This Compendium is ex- cellent. Fita, e Fatti di Leopoldo il Grande, 8vo. Lipfia. 1708. Id. Colon. 1713. The laft Edition is much enlarged The Anonymous Author fhews he was well acquainted with the Court of Vienna, of which he gives a fine Sketch: This Book contains feveral very curious Particularities, as do the following. Vite, e Fatti di Giuſeppe, 8vo. Colon. 1712. Fita, e Fatti di Giuſeppe I. 8vo. Lipf: 1712. This is rather a Collection of Authentick Inftruments, than a methodical Hiftory. G. B. Comazzi Coronazione del Ré dell' Ungaria Giufeppe, 8vo. Vienna 1697. Memoire del General Frincipe di Montecuccoli, 8vo. Col. 1704. This Book was lately tranflated into French. Memoires du Comte de Vordag, General des Armees de l'Empereur, 8vo. Paris 1703. Mr. Cavard is the true Author of theſe Memoirs from 1680 to 1693 ; fome fay, that Mr. Vauban, one of the Emperour's Generals, who died at Gaieta in the Year 1707, had Home Hand in it. VOL. II. 146 A CATALOGUE of the } La Vie due Prince Eugene de Savoye, 120. Haye 8vo. 1702. Tranflated into English, Lond. 17 , Memoires pour fervir à l'Hiftoire du Prince Eugene de Savoy, 8vo. Haye 1710. Aloyf. Ferdin. Marfili Ianubius Pannonio Myficus Obfervat. Geog. Aftronom. Hydrograph. Hiftor. &Thyf. Perluftratus, Amft. 1725, fol. 6 Vol. CHAP. XXIII. Hiftories of the ECCLESIASTICAL Princes and States of the Empire. A Lberti Krantzii Hiftoria Fcclefiaftica five Metro polis de primis Chriftiane Religionis in Saxonia ini tiis, in fol. Francof. 1576. 1 Gafpar Brufchius de pifcopatibus Germaniæ, in Sv. Noriberge 1549. Martini Zeileri Topographia Archiepifcopatus Mogun tini, Trevirenfis, & Colonienfis, in fol. Francofurti 1646. In High-Dutch. Nicolaus Serrarius de Febus Moguntinis, in 4t Moguntiæ 1605. This Hiftory is very much va lued. Georgius Helvichius de Nobilitate Ecclefie Mogun tinæ, in 4to. Moguntiæ 1614. 1624. 1630. Icones Electorum Moguntinorum, fol. Franc Chronicon Rerum Moguntiacarum, 8vo. Franc Aurea Moguntia Religione, & Sanctitate inclyta, nopfi delineata a fodalitate majore Academica, 1ze. Mog 1705. Chril 1 chief HISTORIANS. 147 Chrift. Gotth. Blumberg Eichelftein h. e. Neronis Claudii Drufi Monumentum Moguntiæ, 120. Chem- niz 1698. In High- Dutch. Joannis Mauritii Gudeni Hiftoria Erfurtenfis, in 800. Erfurti 1675. Notitia Civitatis Ertortenfis, 8vo. In High Dutch Franc. 1713. A well wrote Book; but diftafteful to the Court of Mentz. Guillelmi Kyriandi Annales Auguſta Trevirorum, in fol. Biponti 1619. This Author is not much eftemed. He is well verfed in the Anriquiries of the antient Kingdom of Auſtrafia; bur in feme Places is very much mistaken, and allows too ample Privileges to the City of Treves, for which his Book was fup- prefed by the Elector. Chriftoph. Broweri & Jacobi Mafenii Antiquitates, Anales Trevirenfes, in fol. Leodii 1671 2 Vol. This is one of the beft Pieces of particular Hiſtory re- lating to Germany. Jacobi Melbæi Sylva Academica, feu de Antiquitate Urbis,& Academie Trevivenfis, in 8vo. Treviris 1658. Archiepifcopatus, & Electoratus Trevirenfis per Te- altarios Monachos Maximinianos turbati, in 4to. Tre- viris 1633• Nicolaus Zyllefius Defenfio Abbatia S. Maximini Trevirenfis, in fol. edita in Abbatia S. Maxinini $38. Nicolai Heefii Manipulus rerum memorabilium Clau- i Hemmenrodenfis, Ordinis Ciftercienfis in Archi- ecefi Trevirenfi, in fol. Coloniæ 1641. Egidii Gelenii Sacrarium Agrippinæ, feu de admi- da Sacra & Civili magnitudine Coloniæ, in 4to. Co- nia 1645: Everhardi Weinheimii Sacrarium Coloniæ Agrip- ne, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1607. Stephani Broelmanni Epideigma, feu fpecimen Hifto- Civitatis Coloniæ Agrippinæ, in fol. Coloniæ 1608. L & 148 A CATALOGUE of the 1608. This chiefly concerns the Antiquities of this City. Commentatio Brevis de Caufa Colonienfis Archiepifcopi Gebhardi contra caufam Fontificis Romani, in 4to. Co- loniæ 1588. Michael ab Iffelt de Bello Colonienfi, in 8vo. Co- loniæ 1584. Idem in 8vo. Coloniæ 1620. This is a curious and rare Book, and contains the Hiftory of the famous Truchfes Archbishop of Cologn, who chan. ged his Religion, and was deprived, with the Electi on of a new Elector of the Houſe of Bavaria. Auberti Mirai de Sanctis Virginibus Colonienfibus, in 4to. Antverpiæ 1608. Herm. Crombach Fita, & Martyrium S. Urfule, & Sociarum undecim millium Virginum, in fol. Colo- niæ 1647. Though there are many Fables in this Book, there are fome ufeful Things. Wegulei Hundi, & Chriftoph. Gewoldi Metropo lis Salisburgenfis, in fol. Monachii 1620, 2 Vol. An exact and valuable Author. The laft Editions are much more sugmented than that at Ingolstadt of 1582. Jofephi Mezger Hiftoria Salisburgenfis, in foi. Sa lisburgi 1692. This contains the Lives of the Biſhops and Archbishops from 582 to 1687. Joann. Cygnei Annalium Bambergenfium Prodro mus, in 8vo. Moguntiæ 1603. Jacobi Gretferi Divi Bambergenfes, in 4to. Augufts Vendelicor. 1612. Georgii Helwichii Annales Wormatienfes, in 4. Moguntiæ 1615. Scriptores Hiftoria Epifcopatus Wursburgenfis, viz. Joh. Mullerus, Johan. Trithemius, &c. cum Fraf tione Petri Ludovici, in fol. Francof. 1713. (High Dutch.) There is not a better Collection of German Hiftorians than this: Here may be found the excel lent Chronicle of Friefe, and others before-mentioned, which have continued long unprinted. Jacobi chief HISTORIANS. 149 Jacobi Greferi Philippus Epifcopus Aiftatenſis 39, in ato. Ingoiitad, 1617. In this Book are many lear- ned Obfervations, with a Catalogue of the Biſhops of Aflet. Chriftophori Lehmanni Chronicon Spirenfe, in fol. Francofurti 1612, in High Dutch. Idem in fol. Fran- cofurti 1698. Idem in 4to. Francofurti 1662. The first of these three Editions in 1612, is the moſt beau- tiful and correct; that of 1698, is the largeſt; and the moft faulty that of 1662. I have before touched on this Book, which gives great Light into the Hiſtory of Cermany. Francifcus Guillimannus de Fpifcopis Argentoratenfi- bus, in 410. Friburgi 1608. This is a very curious, and rare Book. Jacobi Wimphelingii Catalogus Epifcoporum Argenti- Denfium, in 4ro. Argentorati 1660. Balthafaris Bebelii Antiquitates Germanicæ prime, & in hac Argentoratenfis Ecclefia Evangelicæ, in 4to. Ar- gentorati 1669. Wolfgangi Hartmanni Chronicon Auguftanum, in jul. Bafileæ 1596. Caroli Stengelii Rerum Augulle Vindelicorum Com- imentarii, in 4to. Auguftæ 1650. Achillis Pyrminii Annales de vetuftate Originis, A- mænitate fitus, fplendore eÆdificiorum rebufque geftis Republica Augspurgenfis, in fol. Hanoviæ 1593. This is a very fcarce Piece. Marcus Velferus de Rebus Augufto- Vindelicis, in fol. Venetiis 1594. It was reprinted amongſt the Works of Welfer, in 12 Vol. fol. Norimb. 1682. The Author was learned, exact, and judicious, and one of the beſt Writers Germany has afforded. Hieronymus Ambrofius Langmantel de forma Kei- publice Auguftana, in fol. Auguftæ 1672. Engelberto Werlichio Chronica d'Augufta, fol. Francf. 1595. I 3 Antonius 150 A CATALOGUE of the Antonius Mocherus de Hildefia Saxoniæ, in 8vo. Francofurti 1573. Ferdinandi Fuftenbergii Monumenta Paderbornen. fia, Editio II. in 4to. Amftelodami 1672. This is a ſcarce and curious Book for German Hiſtory; but be ing reprinted in a beautiful Character, with fine Cop. per Plates, in 4to. at Francfort in 1713, it is now more common. Nicolai Schatenii Annales Paderbornenfes, in fol. Neuhufii 1693. Janus Pirrhus de Epifcopis Urbis Tridentinæ, in fol. Mantuæ 1546. Gabriel Bucelinus de Rhætia Ethrufca, Romana, Gallica, Sacra, & Profana, in 4to. Auguftæ Vindeli- corum 1666. Joannis de Chapeauville Scriptores Fpifcoporum, & Rerum Leodienfium, in 4to. Leodii 1616, 3 Vol. Jacobi Lobbetii Gloria Leodienfis Ecclefi, in 8vo. Leodii 1660. Bartholomæi Fifenii Hiftoria Ecclefic Leodienfis, in fol. Leodii 1642. Joannis Erhardi Fullonii Compendium Hiftoria Leo- dienfis, in fol Leodii 1642. Ertuini E dmanni Chronicon Ofnabrugenfe, in fo Ofnabuga 1677: Academia Carolina Ofnabrugenfis, in fol. Ofnabru gæ 1630. Joannis Biltfeini Atheneum Encyclopedic à Carolo M. Inſtitutum, & à Frincipe Francifco Guillelmo I pificpo Ofnabrug. Inftauratum, injol. Coloniæ 1632. de Le Vie de Chriftophe Bernard de Galen Evêque Munſter, in 120. Cologne 1681. This Book is filled with Slander, at which we fhall not be furprized when we are told the Author's Country: It was tranflared into English, Lond. 1680, 120. But the next Piece collected from Archives, and put toge thes chief HISTORIANS. ISI ther, with a good Share of Judgement, demands a Preference. Johannes ab Alpen de l'ita, & rebus geftis Chrifto- phori Bernhard: Ep. Monaft. Partes du, in 8vo. P. I. Coesfeldia 1694. P. II. Monafteri 1703. 2 Vol. Helmoldi Chronicon Slavorum cum notis Henrici Bangerti, in 4'0. Lubecæ 1659. Gafparis Sagrarii Hiftoria Lubecenfis, in 4to. Jenæ 1677, & 1678. Thele are Differtations, but no methodical Hiftory of Lubeck: Valentini Muntzeri Chronicon Fuldenfe, in 8vo. Hildefiæ 1550. Chriſtophori Broweri Antiquitates Fuldenfes, in 4to. Antverpiæ 1612. Eberhardi Fabricii Gloria Fulde i. e, Vite Abba- tum Fuldenfium, in 8vo. Gieffæ 1655. Chriftiani Francifci Paullini Theatrum Illuftrium Vi- Torum Corbeja Saxonicæ, in 4to. Jenæ 1686. Defcriptio Civitatis Lindavienfis, fol. Lind. 1643, (High Dutch) This Book is frequently quoted under the Title of, The Act Lindavienfium. And Daniel Hoider Syndick of Lindo was the Author, though he has not put his Name to it; and it was anfwered by another, entituled, Stabilis Fundamentalis Declaratio, &c. Emb. 1647, without any Name, though it is well known to be the Work of Henry Wageneck, a Je- fuit, and a Profeffor at Dilingh. Herm. Conringii Cenfura Diplomatis, quod Ludovi co Imperatori fert acceptum Coenobium Lindavienfe, in 4to. Helmft. 1672. Jufta Defenfio Antiquiffimi Diplomatis, quo Ludovi- cus Imp. Cœnobium Nobilium Virginum Lindavienfe nunc abhinc Saculo ftabilivit, contra iniquam Cenfuram Herm. Conringii fufcepta, in 4to. Conftantiæ 1691. Father Rafler was the Author, as he acknowledges in his laft Book. L 4 Hiftorica 152 A CATALOGUE of the 1 Hiftorica Vindicia pro Herm. Conringii Cenfura in Diploma Fundationis Fictitium, &c. in fol. Lindaugia 1700. Mr. Tentzell was the Author of this Book, and in it had the Affiftance of Thomas Weltz Syndick of Lindo. Maximiliani Raffler Vindicatio contra Vindicias Hif toricas Wilh. Ern. Tenzelii, artes dus, in fol. Cam pedona 1711. Jo. Reinhardi Wegelini S. R. J. Libere Civitatis Lindavienfis Fr rogativa Antiquitatis contra iniqua Max. Rafleri Argumenta retecta, in 4to. Jenæ 1713. 2 CHA P. XXIV. HISTORIES of Auftria, Carinthia, M and Carnicla. Atthæi Meriani, & Martini Zeilleri Topogra phia Provinciarum Auftriacarum, in fol. Fran cofurti 1649. In High-Dutch. Joan. Cufpiniani Defcriptio Auftriæ, in fol. Franco furti 1601. This is a valuable and curious Book. It is not, according to Mr. Mencken, Topographical, but a fuccin& Hiftory of the Houle of Auftria, which is added to the Cfares à Julio Cafare ad Maximilianum Ï, and has its Ufe. Wolfgang. Lazius de Rebus Viennenfibus, in fol. Bafileæ 1546. Tranflated into High-Dutch by Henry Abermann, fol. Ven. 1619, Commentarius in Antiquas Viennenfis Orbis Defcriptiones, in fol. Vienne 1560. A curious, tho' too credulous Author. Gerardi de Roo Annales Rerum ab Auftriacis Pri cipibus geftarum à Rudolpho I. ad Carolum V. in fol. Oeniponti .: chief HISTORIANS. 15 3 Jeniponti 1592. This was a curious and rare Piece, but reprinted fome few Years fince in Germany, viz. at Hall in 1709. It is efteemed alfo for the Ele- gancy of the Style, and Fidelity. Sigifmundus Berken Speculum Frerogativarum Do- mu: Auftriacæ Archi-Ducalis, (Figh-Dutch,) fol. No- rimb. 1668. A large Account is herein of what happened from the Emperou Rodulphus to 1520.. Joan. Jacob. Weingarten Monarchiæ Iomus Au- ftriace Speculum, (High-Dutch,) Prag. 1673. This comprizes the fame Point as the former, and is fcarce.. Collectanea Genealogico-Hiftorica ex Archivis Auftriæ Inferioris: Acceffit de H reditariis Irovinciarum Auſtria- carum Officialibus Commentatio, in fol. Vien. 1705. It is well known, that this Work, which treats of the moſt Illuſtrious Families of Auftri, was wrote by William Count Wurmbrand. Nicolai Vernulei iftoria Auftriaca, in 4to. Lova- aii 1640, & 1651. Apologia pro gente Auftriaca contra ejus Æmu- los, in 4to. Lovanii 1635. This Apology is well wrote. Erycii Puteani Theatrum Heroicum Imperatorum Auftriacorum, &c. in fol. Bruxellis 1642. Jacobi a Mellen Sylloge Nummorum ex argento un- cialium, vulgo Thalercrum, five Imperialium, in 4to. Lubecæ 1698. Ponti Heuteri Res Burgundice, atque Auftriacæ, in Svo. Antverpiæ 1598. Vitus Beringius de fortuna Auftriace Domus, in fol. Patavii 1648. Phosphorus Auftriacus, in 120. Lovanii 1665. Varillas, Politique de la Maifon d'Autriche, in 120. Paris 1658. This is the leaft faulty Work of this too fabulous Author. Memoires Hiftoriques, & Politiques de la Maifon Autriche, in 120. Paris 1670. Les 154 A CATALOGUE of the Les Affaires qui font aujourd' buy entre les Maifons de France, & d'Autriche, in 120. Paris 1649. Joann. Georgius Layritzius de Bellis inter Auftria cos, & Gallos geftis, in 4to. Baruthi 1667. Joan. Ludovici Schoenleben Annus Sanctus Habl burgo-Auftriacus, in fol. Salisburgi 1696. Didacus de Lequille Le Pietate Auftriaca, in fol. Oenipont: 1660. Wenceflai Adalberti Czerwenka Annales, & Alta Pietatis Habsburgo-Auftriaca, Tom. I. in fol. Prage 1695. Petri Lambecii Diarium Sacri Itineris Cellenfis, in 4to. Vindobonæ 1666. Hieronymi Megiferi Annales Carinthiæ, in fol. Lip- fiæ 1608, 2 Vol. In High-Dutch. Theophrafti Paracelfi Chronicon Carinthia. This is printed amongſt the Works of this celebrated Phy- fician. Jo. Weichard Valvafor Topographia Archiducatus Ca rinthiæ, in fol. Norimb. 1688. In High-Dutch. -Ducatus Carnienfis Prerogative, (High- Dutch,) fol. Laybach 1689, 4 Vol. Thefe Topographies of Ca- rinthia and Carniola are well efteemed, and the Plates are very exact. Joan. Ludovici Schoenleben Carniola Antigua & Nova, in fol. Labaci 1681. CHAP chief HISTORIANS. CHA P. XXV. "ovies of HUNGARY, BOHEMIA, TRANSYLVANIA, SILESIA, ANä MORAVIA. Ho Ungaricarum Rerum Scriptores Varii, Hiſtorici, & eographici, in fol. Francof. 1600. It is print- ed in a bautiful Character, but has many Errours of the Pref, and chiefly in the life of S. Stephen. Gog Cfipkes Hungaria Illuftrata, in 120. Ul- trajecti 1655. Johan. Ferdinandus Behamb Notitia Hungariæ An- tiguo Moderna, in 8vo. Argentorati 1676. Le Royaume de la Hongrie, 120. Coi. 1686. Hftoire de l'1 tat prefent du Royaume de la Hongrie, 120. Col. 1686. Thus is only a Defcription of the City. Francifci Foris Otrockocfi Origines Hungariæ, in Svo. Franeckeræ 1693. 3 Vol. This is a moft cu rious and valuable Book. Antonii Bonfinu Hiftoria Pannonica, five Res Hunga ricæ cum prifcorum Hungariæ Regum Decretis, in fol Ha- noviæ 1606. Idem in fol. Coloniæ 1690. Theſe two Editions are the beft: Befides, their Correctnefs and Exactneſs, they contain feveral Treatifes, and fome particular Authors on the Hiftory of Hungary. Cor- vinus King of Hungary, that Favourer of learned Men, brought the Author into that Country on purpofe to draw up its Annals, and it is the beft Hiftory we have of it; but then he is fomething too affected in is Style, and fpares none of his Heroes, not even Corvus himfelf, whofe fmalleſt Defects he touches upons Lud. 156 A CATALOGUE of the Lud. Tuberonis Commentariorum de Rebus fui tem- poris in Pannonia, & finitimis Regionibus, Libri XI. ab An. 1490, ad An. 1522, 4to. Francof. 1603. Nic. Ifthuanfii Rerum Hungaricarum Libri XXXIV. in fol. Col. 1685. This is a Continuation of Buon- finius, and from 1490 comes down to 1606. Petri de Rewa Monarchia, & Corona Sacra Regni Hungariæ, cura Francifci de Nadaſti, in fol. Francf. 1659. Theſe are the beft Annals of Hungary from the Eſtabliſhment of this State to the Year 1655. Here Mr. Mencken Notices an Errour in Mr. Fresnoy, which, he fays, he muſt have diſcovered, had he ever feen this piece which reaches but to 1619, it having been carried on to the Year 1655, by Gafpar Longe- lin, who has added alfo a Caralogue of the Falatines. Gafp. Ens Rerum Hungaricarum Hiftoria, in 8vo. Col. 1648. Jo. Nadanyi Florus Hungaricus, in 120. Amftel. 1663. This Abridgement is very exact. Jac. à Mellen Series Regum Hungariæ è Nummis Aureis, quos vulgo Ducatos appellant, in 4to. Lubecæ 1699. Nic. Reufneri Narrationes Rerum Memorabilium in Pannonia fub Turcarum Imperatoribus geftarum, in 4to. Francf. 1603. Goth. Arthufii Hiftoria Chronologica Pannoniæ, in 4to. Francof. 1596. Franc. Ant. de Simeonibus de Bello Tranfylvanico & Pannonica Libri Sex, 4to. Rom. 1713. Chriftoph. Parfchitii Tabella Hungariæ Ducum, ac Regum, in 8vo. Witteb. 1702. Melchioris Inchoferi Annales Ecclefiaftici Hungariæ, in fol. Roma 1644. This Hiftory, though not en- tire, is very valuable. Hiftoire des Troubles d' Hongrie depuis 1655, jusque à prefent, in 120. Paris 1686, 4 Vol. Hiftoirs chief HISTORIANS. IS7 : " : Hiftoire du Prince Ragotzi, in 120. Paris 1708. I have not taken Notice of the Life of Count Teckeli, as mixed with very little Truth, there is much Falle- hood. A Reader will find what is worth his Notice. in the laſt Book mentioned of the Troubles of Hunga- Mr. Mencken obferves, that the Life of Teckeli, printed at Cologn in Twelves, reaches to 1691, whereas the Troubles of Hungary ceafed in 1683. It ſhould not be forgot, that this Life of Ragotzi is very injuri- ous to the Houſe of Auſtria. ry. Memor es de la Guerre de Tranfilvanie, & de Hon- grie, 120. Amft. 1680. Laur. Toppeltini Origines, & Occafus Tranfylvano- rum, 120. Lugd. 1667. Jo. Betlenii Rerum Tranfylvanicarum Libri IV. Continentes Res Principum ab A. 1629, ad 1663, 120. 1664. Georgii Beati Defcriptio Bohemiæ, in 4to. Lipfie 1617. Martini Zeilleri Topographia Bohemiæ, Moraviæ, & Silefiæ cum Figuris per Matthæum Merianum, in fol. Francof. 1650. In High-Dutch. Bohuflai Balbini Epitome Hiftorica Rerum Bohemi- carum, in fol. Pragæ 1677. Niifcellanea Hiftorica Regni Bohemiæ, Tecas prima, que Naturalem Hiftoriam continet, in fol. Pragæ 1679. Liber Secundus, feu de Bohemiæ Incolis, in fol. Praga 1680. Liber Tertius, feu de Finibus, & Terminis Bo- hemiæ, in fol. Pragæ 1681. Liber Quartus, five de Sanctis Bohemiæ, in fol. Praga 1682. Liber Quintus, feu de Parochiis, & Sacerdotiis Bohemiæ, in fol. Praga 1683. Liber Sextus, feu de Archiepifcopis Bohemiæ, in fol. Prage 1684. -Liber 158 A CATALOGUE of the Liber Septimus, feu de Regibus, & Lucibus Bo- hemiæ, in fol. Pragæ 1687. Liber Octavus. jen Epiftola Publica de Bohe- mia, in fol. Page 1688. Afcellanea Bohemica; Deradis Secunda, Liber Primus & Secundus, in fol. Prage 1687, 1 Vol. The two laft Volumes contain the Genealogies of Bohemia, What Boeflaus Balbinus has wrote on this Kingdom is very exact, and much enquired after, and is fufficient for an Account of this Monarchy. Some indeed charge him with Partiality, but others, to give us Proofs of the contrary, refer us to the first Decad of the fifth Book, Chap. 35. pag. 614, and Chap. 16. pag. 619; as alfo to pag. 620, 621, 625, and moſt of all to pag. 630. Marquardi Freheri Scriptores Rerum Bohemicarum, in fol. Hanov. 1602. Id. Francf. 1714. This Col- lection is good, and contains chiefly Eneas Sylvius, and Dubravius. Jo. Dubravii Epifcopi Olomucenfis Hiftoria Regni Bohemiæ, in fol. 1552. Idem in fol. Bafil. Idem in fol. Hanov. 1602 This Author holds a principal Rank amongst the Bohemians, and Goldaftus puts a great Value upon him. Zachar. Theobaldi Series Genealogica, & Chronolo- gica Judicum, Lucum, & Regum, Bohemiæ, in 4to. Vitteb. 1617. Cofmæ Tragenfis Chronica Bohemorum Libri III. ab Origine ad Vratiflaum I. Regem Anno 1126, fol. Hə nov. 1621. Julii Solimanni Elogia Ducum, Regum, Inter Re¿um, qui Bohemis Prafuerunt, 4to. Prag. 1629. This Author was a Native of Italy, and his Book was re÷ printed at Frague 1673, under the following Title, Imago Principum Bohemiæ in Novum Decus ropofita M. F. F. Com. ab Althann. But Balbinus, who makes Panegyricks on this Author, is not aſhamed of the Theft committed on him. Georgii ' chief HISTORIANS. 159 Georgii Bertholdi Pontani Bohemia Fia, in fol. Franc. 1608. Adriani Regenvolfcii Syftema Hiftorico-Chronologicum Ecclefiarum Slavonicarum, Libri 14, ad annum 1650, in 4to. Trajecti ad Rhen. 1652. Alberti Chalousky Veftigium Bohemiæ Pie, cum notis Joannis Tanneri, in 120. Prage 1659. Jo. Coch'e: Hiftoria Fuffitarum, in fol. Mogunt.' 1549. This Book is rare and curious, though not always exact. Joach. Camerarii Hiftorica Narratio de Fratrum Bo- hemorum Ecclefiis, in 8vo. Francof. 1625. This Piece is weil wrote, and eſteemed even by the Right Revd. the Bishop of Meaux, in his Treatife of the Variati- ons of the Proteftant Churches. Jo. Lafitius de Ecclefiaftica difciplina, Moribus, & In- ftitutis Fratrum Bohemorum, in 8vo. Amftelodami 1660. J. Amofii Comenii Hiftoria Fratrum Bohemorum, in 4to Halæ 1702. Hiftoria da 1648. erfecutionum Ecclefix Eohemica, in 120. Lei- Zach. Theobaldi Bellum Huffiticum, in fol. Francof. 1621. in Melchioris Goldafti Commentarius de Bohemia Regno, 4to. Francof. 1627. Infermato de Statu Bohemie quoad Jus, & Succeffionem in eo Archi-Ducum Auftria, in 4to. Francof. 1627. Theſe two Volumes are very rare, and ne- ceffary for the Bohemian Hiſtory; but very difficult, if at all to be found throughout Germany: They began for this Reaſon in 1716, to reprint them at Frankfort. Martini Boregk Chronica Bohemia, in fol. Witteb 1517. In High-Durch. Wencesla Hagecti Chronica Bohemia, in fol. Prag 1596. In High-Dutch. The 160 A CATALOGUE of the The Germans value much thefe two Chronicles. Paulus Gefchinius de Majeffare Carolina, feu Con ftitutionibus Caroli IV. quibus Regnum Bohemiæ forman- dum, ornandunque cenfun, in fol. Hanov. 1617. Nicol. Henelii Silefiographia renovata, cum animad- verfionibus Michaelis Jofephi Fibigeri, in 4to. Uratifi. 1704, 2 Vol. -Breflographia,hoc eft Uratif aviz Silefiorum Metro- poleos Delineatio, in 4to. Francof. 1513. Joach. Curæi Annales gentis Silefiæ, in fol. Witteb, 1571. This was not only the firft, but is the beft Writer on Silefia, and others only follow in his Steps. Laur, Mulleri Annales Gentis Silefiæ, in compendium contracti, in 4to. Witteb. 1587. This is an Abridg. ment of the laft Book. Jac. Schickfufii Continuatio Annalium gentis Silefix, in fol. Jenæ 1625. This Work is not always exact, and has been frequently criticifed on. Mr. Menc ken takes Notice, that from the Title one would na- turally think this Piece wrote in Latin, as if only a Continuation of Curaus, whereas it is wrote in gh Dutch, under the Title of Chronica Silefie, and the Author in it makes good Uſe of Cureus. Nicol. Polii Hemerologium Silefiacum, in fol. Lipf. 1612. Martini Hanckii de Silefiorum Nominibus Antiquitates, in 4to. Lipfix 1702. De Silefiorum Majoribus Antiquitates, in 4to. Lipfie 1702. This Work reaches not the Middle of the fixteenth Century, and as Mr. Hanckt is admi- rably skilled in the Antiquities of his Country, fo we have Reaſon to expect the Hiftory of Silefia he has promiſed. We have at prefent a Continuation of this Work under the following Title. De Silefiorum rebus ab An. 550. ad 1170, in 4tos Lipf. 1705. Gottifredo chief HISTORIANS. IGI Gottifredo Dewerdeck Silefia Numiſmatica, in 4to. Javer. 1711. In High-Dutch. This is a good Book, adorned with a great Number of Medals, which the Author explains very well. Jo. Peflinx de Czechorod Mars Moravicus, in fol. Praga 1577. This Piece contains all the foreign and civil Wars, that have happened in this Kingdom. Jo. Georgii Stredowsk Sacra Moraviæ Hiftoria, ve vita SS. Cyrilli, & Methudii, in 4to. Solisbaci 1710. CHAP. XXVI. Of the Hiflory of BAVARIA, and the PALATINATE. M ARTINI Zeilleri Typographia Bavariæ cum Figuris per Mathæum Merianum, in fol. Francof. 1644. In High-Dutch. Jo. Politus de Bojorum origine, geftis, & Bavariæ praftantia, in 8vo. Colon. 1583. Jo. Aventini, Annales Bojorum ab origine ufque ad inum 1508. cura Nicol. Cifneri. in fol. Bafil. 1580. Bafil 1615.Bafileæ 1627. This Hiftory is much efteemed, and theſe three Editions are the beft; thofe published before were all caftrated. It is obfervable, that this Author is more exact in his Accounts of the Middle, than of his own Times, and fo, that he has committed fome Errors in Points. of Chronology. He is alfo accufed of having rob- bed the Archives, where he was trufted, of many valuable original Papers of the greateſt Impor- tance. VOL. II. M Marci ! 162 A CATALOGUE of the ! Marci Velleri Rerum Boicarum libri, in 4to. Au guftæ Vindelic. 1602. And amongst the Works of Welfer, printed ar Norimberg, in 1682. in fol. This is a learned and judicious Author. And. Brunneri Annalium Boicorum, ad an. 1631. Partes III in 8vo. Monachii, T. I. 1626. T. II. & III. 1637. 3 Vol. Idem, reprinted with the An- nals of Adelzreiter, in fel. Franc. 1610. Jo. Adzreiteri Cancellarii Bavarici Annales Boica gentis, ufque ad annum 1652, in fol. Monachii 1662. 3 Vol. Idem. fol. Francf. 1710. This is a moft ſcarce and exact Piece. It is collected from the Ar- chives of Bavaria. But all here is not of equal Au- thority, as the Author did not do all himſelf, but committed it to the Care of Perfons unequal to the Work. It was reprinted in Holland. A few Years fince, Leibnitz has reprinted it at Francfort, or rather Leipfick, with the Annals of Bruner. He fays in the Preface, that Warfufæus, and John Ferveaux of Lorain, have been thought the Authors, while others give the Honour of it, to Father Forquevaulx, a Jefuit. Marquardi Freherdi Chronicon de Frincipibus terra Bavarorum, in 4to. Ambergæ 1602. Synodus Bavarica fub Taffilone Bavariæ Duce, in 4to. Ingolftad. 1600. Taffilonis Diploma Monafterio Cremfmufter conceffum cum Notis Henrici Meibomii, in 4to. Helmft. 1660. Mathæi Raderi Bavaria Sancta, & Bavaria Iia, in fol. Ingolftad 1581. 2 Vol. It was reprinted in Ger- many a few Years fince. Chronicon Monafterii Reichefpergenfis in Bojoaria, cum Diplomatibus per Chrift. Gewoldum, in 4to. Mo- nachii 1611. I have not noticed Le Blanc's Abridg. ment of the Hiftory of Bavaria, printed at Paris in four Volumes in Twelves, as a Book that deferves not the Efteem of any. Martini chief HISTORIANS. 163 Martini Zeilleri Topographia Palatinatus Rheni, Vicmarum Regionum, in fol. Francof. 1645. In High- Duch. Marquard Freheri Origines Palatinæ, in fol. Hei- delb. 1613. Ibid. in 4to. 1686. This is a very cu- rious and accurate Piece, and the two Editions I have mentioned are the largeſt. In it are the Antiquities of the Palatinate, by Ubert Thomas, of Liege, and the Origin of the Counts Palatine by Peter Pi- theus. Marquardi Freheri de Lupoduno antiquiffimo Ale- manniæ Oppido Commentariolus. in fol. Heidelb. 1618. This is a valuable Collection of Diplomas, and publick Acts. Georg. Helvichii Antiquitates Monafterii Laurifha- menfis, in 4to. Francf. 1631. Jo. Trithemin Chronicon Hirfangienſe, in fol. San&i Galli 1700. This Chronicle, never before printed entire, is very much efteemed. Car. Lud. To'neri Hiftoria Palatina, in fol. Francof. 1700. This Hiftory is exact, but coming down on- ly to 1295, it wants a Continuation. Daniel. Parei Hiftoria Palatina, 120. Franc. 1633. A ſmall, but excellent Book. Jo. Trithemii Res geft. Frederici Palatini I. Electo- ris, in 4to. Heidel. 1602. This Hiftory is exact, and well wrote. Huberti Thomæ Leodii Vita, & res gefta Frederici Palatini, in 4to. Francof. 1624. Idem in 4to. Fran- cofurti 1665. This is a curious and accurate Piece. Le Tableau d'une Princeffe reprefentant divers mysteres, Intrigues de nos tems, in 4to. Without any Date or Place where printed. Thefe are the Memoirs of Lovifa Julienne Electress Palatine, publish'd at Leyden, in 1645. in 4to. as Griffius afferts in his Apparatus ad Script. Sac. XVII. pag. 76. This Book is a Proof, M 2 164 A CATALOGUE of the Proof, that this Princefs, Mother of Frederick V. Elector Palatine, ufed her utmoft Endeavours, to dif fwade her Son from accepting the Crown of Bohemia, We are obliged for this Book to the learned Spanheim, the Elder. Jo. Parkenii Hercules Prodicius, feu Carolus Jul. Cliv. ac Mont. Princeps in Jo. Wilhelmo Com. Palat. Rheni Nepote, poft Seculum redivivus, in 4to. Col. 1679. This is an Account of a two Years Tra vels, which the Prince John William performed in feveral Parts of Europe. Monumenta Pietatis, & Literaria Virorum in Re publica Literaria illuftrium, in 4to. Francof. Thefe are exact Collections of the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of the Palatinate, and Letters of learned Men of the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Century. 1 CHAP. XXVII. Of the Hiftories of PRUSSIA, and BRANDENBURG H. AC. Lydicii Notitia Ducatus Pruffiæ Delineatio generalis, & fpecialis, in 120. Witteb. 1677. Jo. Phil. Hartmanni Hiftoria Succini Pruffici, in 8vo. Francof. 1677. Martini Zeilleri Topographia Electoratus Brandenbur- gici, & Ducatus Pomeranici, in fol. Francof. 1652. In High-Dutch. Gafparis Schutzii Hiftoria Rerum Borufficarum, cum Davidis Chytræi Continuatione. in fol. Lipf. 1599. In High-Dutch. Petri chief HISTORIANS. 165 Petri Dusburg Chronicon Boruffiæ, in 4to. Francof. 1679. Chrift. Hartnoch PRUSSIA Vetus & Nova [In High-Dutch] fol Francof. 1684, This is the beſt Hiftory of Pruſſia. To it the Author has added moſt ufeful Obfervations, and Differtations on the Chro- nicle of Diisburgh. Boruffiace Coronationis Alta [In High-Dutch] fol. Cologn. 1702. Which has been tranflated into Eng- , though I know not whither ever publiſhed. Jac. Henr. Zerneke Chronica Thornica [High-Dutch] 4to. Thorn. 1711. Jo. Cernitii Electorum decem e Familia Burggravio- rum Norinbergenfium Icones, & Res gefta cum Gene- aionis, in fol. Berol. 1628. This is tranflated into French by Anthony Teffier, in fol. Berl. 1707. Reineri Reineccii Origines Stirpis Brandenburgicæ. Commentarius de Marchionum, & Electorum Bran- denburgicorum, Burggraviorum Familia, in fol. Francfort 1581. I & non Scriptores varii de Originibus Pomeranicis, nec Diplomata vetufta I atria Antiquitates illuftrantia cum No- tis Martin. Rangonis, in 470. Colberge 1684. Laur. Peccenfteinii Enarratio Hiftorica Marchionum Brandenburgicorum ex Stirpe Burggraviorum Norin- bergenfium, in fol. Jena 1597. This is a very ſcarce and learned Piece. Gafp. Sagittarii Hiftoria Marchionum, & Electorum Brandenburgenfium, in 4to. Jenæ 1684. This is exact and curious. Greg. Leti. Storia della Cafa Elettorale di Brandebur- go, in 4to. Amft. 1687. 2 Vol. Tranflated into French in 120. Amft. 1617. Jo. Wolfgang Arbor Domus Brandenburgenfis [High- Dutch] Bareuth, 8vo. 1682.This is a good Abridgment. Samuelis Pufendorfii Res gefte Frederici Wilhelmi Magni, Electoris Brandenburgici, in fol Berol. 1695. M 3 This 166 A CATALOGUE of the This valuable Book was compiled from the Archives of the Houfe of Brandenburgh. The King of Fruf fia has fuppreffed as much as poffible this Book, fo that it is become very rare. Mr. Mencken feems fur- prized at this Obfervation, and fays, that the Book is neither rare, nor was it ever fuppreff:d. True indeed it has been altered, and in fome Places caftra- ted. Georgii Gotzii Vita, & Gefta Alberti Brandenbur gici Electoris, dicti Achillis Germanici, in 4to. Jenæ 1670. Gafp. Sagittarii Vita, & Res gefte Alberti Urfi, in 4to. Jenæ 1685. Jo. Frid. Durrii, Georgii Frederici Marchionis Brandenburgici Pietas. in 4to. Jena 1683. Gafp. Sagittarii Antiquitates Archiepifcopatus Magde- burgici, in 4to. Jenæ 1684. Wolfg. Henr. Steverfdorf Frimas Magdeburgen- fi feu Series Archiepifcoporum Magdeburgenfium, in 4to. 1633. Werneri Tefchenmacheri Clivia, Julia, Montia, Ravensbergia antiqua, & moderna, in fol. Arnhemii 1638. An exact and much fought for Author, one who has fhewn great Skill and Induftry, but not equal Exactneſs in his Hiftory, particularly in the Parts relating to the Romans and Francks, as is vifible in pag. 74. where he treats of Pharamond. Adelarii Erichii Chronica Julienfis, in fol. [High. Dutch] Lipf. 1611. As he begins with Noah, he is very fabulous, yet in his Account of the noble Families of Fuliers, he is to be valued. Lewoldi a Northof Chronicon Comitum de Marka, & Altera, cum Notis Meibomii, in fol. Hanovia 1613. Conr. Sam. Schurzfleifchii Origines Pomeranica, 4to. Witteb. 1673. Chriſt, chief HISTORIANS. 167 Chriſt. Hartknoch de Originibus Pomeranicis. This Differtation is at the End of his Piece de Republica Polonica, 8vo. Lipf. 1678. Geo. Valent. Wintheri Rerum Pomeranicarum, Libri IV. in fol. Lugd. 1640. This Work is well wrote, and is very inſtructive. Andreæ Hilderbrandi Genealogia Ducum Pomera- niæ, in fol. Stettini 1623. Joan. Micræi Chronicon Pomeranienfe [In High- Dutch] 4to. Stetin. 1640. This Author fucceeded better in his Hiftory of the Middle Ages, than of thoſe more antient. Danielis Crameri Chronicon Magnum Pomeranienfe [High-Dutch] 4to. 1602. Chronicon Ecclefiafticum Pomeranienfe [High- Dutch] fol. Stettini 1628. Gafp. Sagittarii Hiftoria Halberftadienfis, in 4to. Jen. 1675. Jo. Crufii Chronicon Mindenfe, in 4to. Mindæ 1675. CHA P. XXVIII. Of the Hiftory of SAXONY. M ARTINI Zeilleri Topographia Saxoniæ Su- perioris Thuringia, Mifniæ, & Lufatiæ, in Francof. 1650. In High-Dutch. fol. Laurentii Peckenftein Theatrum Saxonicum. Partes III. in fol. Jen. 1608. In High-Dutch. Wittikindex Familia illuft. Sax. Profapia Com- pendio Hiftorico illuftrata, in fol. Jen. 1597. In High- Dutch. An eſteemed Author, who had diligently fearch- M 4 ed 168 A CATALOGUE of the ed the Archives; difcourfes of the Cities and noble Families of Saxony, but is fomething too dry on the laft Article. And. Hoppenrodii Genealogia Principum & Nobilium Familiarum, que intra 1000 Annos in Saxonia vixerunt, in fol. Argent. 1570. Wrote in High-Dutch, and known under the Title of Stammuch, and treats of the Hiftory of Lower Saxony. The learned Herman Hamelmann makes much Ufe of him in his Piece de Familiis emortuis inferioris Saxoniq, in 4to. 1592, and amongſt his Opera Hiftorica. Wolf. Frantzius de Reliquiis Ecclefiæ Sanctorum Wit- tebergæ, in 4to. Witteb. 1617. Jo. Meifneri Defcriptio Ecclefiæ omnium Sanctorum, Wittebergenfis Collegiate, in 4to. Witteb. 1668. Geor. Guil. Kirchmaieri Commentatio de Witteber- ga Saxonum, 4to. Witteb. 1713. Hieron. Cypræus de Saxonum, Cimbrorum, An- glorum, Origine, Nomine, prifcis Sedibus, in 4to. Haf- niæ 1622. Reineri Reineccii Commentatio de Saxonum Origi ribus, in 4to. Hanov. 1612. Gio. Andr. Angelini Bontempi Hifloria dell' Origine de' Saffoni 120. Perugia 1697. Gafp. Sagittarii Hiftoria Bardevici, in 4to. Jen. 1675. This Book is mentioned, as the Author dif- courfes much in it on the antient State of Saxony. Erneftus Cafimirus Wafferbachius de Statua Armi- nii, in 8vo. Lemgoviæ 1698. Chriſtoph. Cellarii Origines, & Succeffioncs Comitum Wettinenfium ufque ad Saxoniæ Duces, Electores, qui ab illis orti funt, 4to. Halæ 1697. Elie Reufneri Stemma Wittikindeum, in fol. Jen. $598. Geor. Fabricii Origines Stirpis Saxoniæ, ex Recogni vione Nicolai Reufneri, in fol. Jen. 1598. Id. Lipf. 1606. Mr. chief HISTORIANS. 169 Mr. Frefnoy in this Article is miſtaken by follow- ng others into the fame Error; as in the Title of the laft Edition, there occurs not the Name of Reufner, though it is known, that Elias, not Nicholas Reufner, revifed this Book, fince the Death of the Author. He made uſe of the M. S. S. of Ceorge Agricola, whom he fucceeded in his Poft of Hiftoriographer, and the Book may be termed, an univerfal Hiftory of Saxony. Reineri Reineccii Epiftola due de Wittekindo Mag- no, cum Appendice, in fol. Helmftad. 1583. Jo. Henrici Boecleri Differtatio de Wittekindo, in 4to. Argentorati 1671. & meus Differt. T. II. Andreæ Crufii Wittekindus magnus, in fol. Mindæ 1679.& in the Collection of the Script. Rer. Germ. del Leuckfeld. Wittichindi Monachi Corbejenfis Annalium Saxoni- corum Lib. III. ab ipfius Gentis Origine ad An. 927. Cum Notis Meibomii fol. Franc. 1621. & in Meibom. Script. Rer. Germ. T. I. Chronicon Montis-Sereni five Lauterbergenfe, ante 400 Annos collectum, cum aliorum Monafteriorum Chro- nicis & Tabulis general. editum a Joach. Joanne Ma- dero, 4to. Helmft. 1665. This Book is ufeful for the Hiftory of the Margraves of Mifnia, whofe Acti- ons he relates. Pauli Langii Chronicon Citizenfe. In the Collection made by Piftorius, Vol. I. This is an Author of the fifteenth Century, a good Friend to Trithemius. He defigned only to have given us the Series of the Biſhops of Zeitz, but it is alſo a good Account of the whole Country. i Alberti Krantzii Saxonia, in fol. Francof. 1621. Metropolis, five Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Saxonica, in fol. Francof. 1590. This Author is more exac than thoſe who lived in the Times of which he treats. Georgii 170 A CATALOGUE of the Georgii Fabricii Saxonia illuftrata, fol. Lipf. 1606. 2 Vol. This is the fame Book with his Origines, before-mentioned, as I have taken Notice of for- merly. Davidis Chytræi Chronicon Saxoniæ ab An. 1500, ad An. 1611. in fol. Lipf. 1611 1628. This is the beſt Edition of this valuable Chronicle. It was publiſhed under the Title of Vandalie & Saxonie Alb. Kranzii Continuatio cum Præfatione Davidis Chytrai, fol. Witteb. 1586. As he was unwilling the Publick fhould know him for the Author. Gregorio Leti. Iftoria della Cafa Elettorale di Saffo- nia, in 4to. Amfteld. 1688. 2 Vol. Jo. Georgii Wilckii Nepos Saxonicus, in 120. Lipf. 1700. The fame before in High-Dutch, in 8vo. Lipf. 1682. He was well skilled in our Hiftory, but it wants a little more regular Method. The Annals of John Frederick the Firft, were found after his Death in his Cloſet. Cyriaci Spangenbergh Chronicon Saxonicum, fol. [High-Dutch] Francof. 1595. This Chronicle was first printed under the Title of Chronicon Mansfeldi- enfe, fol. 1572. The Author is much efteemed a- mongst his Country-men. Joh. Sebaft. Mulleri Annales Domus Electoralis Saxo- nicæ ab Anno 1300, ad An. 1700, in fol. Weimar. 1700. fol. [High-lutch] Thefe Annals of four Cen- turies contain many curious Particularities, extracted from the Archives of Weimar. Wilh. Ern. Tenzelii Saxonia Numifmatica Linee Albertinæ in 4to. Diefde 1605. 4 Vol. In Latin, and in High-Dutch. Saxonia Numifmatica Linea Erneftinæ, in 4to. Drefdæ 1705, 4 Vol. In Latin and High-Dutch. This Book is full of Figures. In 1713 were added fome very uſeful Indexes. The laft Volumes were not publiſhed by Tentz. Auguft. chief HISTORIANS. 171 Auguft. Brunnii Trias Electoralis, feu Hiftorica Nar- ratio Electorum, Palat. Saxonicorum, & Brandenbur- gicorum a prima Electorum Inftitutione, 8vo. Franc. 1600. Mich. Boemi Vita Alberti III. Animofi D. Sax. cum animadverf. C. S. Schulzfleifchii, in 4to. Witteb. 1676. Gafp. Sagittarii Vita Jo. Friderici, in 4to. Jen. 1678. Mich. Haflobii Auguftus Saxoniæ Dux, in 8vo. Francof. 1578. Marthei Lungwitzii Admiranda divina Saxonica, fen Opera Ecclefiaftica, & Folitica, quibus Deus Jo- hannem Georgium Electorem exornavit, in 4to. Lipf. 1052 In High Dutch. Jo. Rofini Exempla Pietatis illuftris, feu Vite trium Electorum Saxoniæ, Frederici III. Sapientis, Joannis Conftantis, Joannis Frederici Magnanimi, in 4to. Jen. 1602. Eliæ Martini Eyringi Vita Ernefti Pii, in 8vo. Lipf. 1704. Galp. Zeiglerus de fingulari Electorum Saxoniæ Emi- mentia, in 4to. Witteb. 1663. Car. Ottonis Rechenbergii Merita Saxonum fub Au- fpicis Marchionum Mifniæ in S. R. Imp. & Domum Auftriacam, 4to. Lipf. 1713. Geo. Paul. Hoenn I efcriptio Familia, ở Infig- nium Domus Electoralis Saxon. in High-Dutch, 8vo. Lipf. 1704. Perr. Albinus Chronicon Mifnienfe, fol. in High Dutch, Drefd. 1689. He was a Man of great Lear- ning, Hiftoriographer and Secretary to the Elector. It is to be hoped that he will publish his other Chronicles of the Bishops, noble Families, and Cities of Saxony. Mifniæ illuftranda Prodromus, 120. Dreſd. 1692. In High-Dutch. John Conrad Knauth published this Syftem 172 A CATALOGUE of the Syſtem of a compleat Work, of which I can fay little more. He alſo publiſhed in High-Dutch, in the Year 1708, a Piece in which he treats of the Hifto- rians of Mifnia. Antonius Weck Chronicon Drefdenſe, fol. Dreſd. 1680. In High- Dutch. This Perfon was Keeper of the Archives, which enabled him to give in this Book fome noble Remains of Antiquity. It begins to grow ſcarce. Geor. Fabricii Rerum Mifnicarum Lib. VII. fol. Witteb. 1609. Id. in 4to. Lipf. 1660. Thefe are the Annals of the City of Meiffen. Davidis Peifferi Lipfia, in 8vo. Martisburgi 1689. Tobiæ Heidenreich Cronicon Lipfienfe, in High- Dutch, Lipf. 1655. Zacharia Schneider Chronicon Lipfienfe, 4to. Lipf. 1635. In High-Dutch. Befides thefe three Authors, Mr. Vogel has finished in High-Dutch a Chronicle of Leipfick, which was foon fuppreffed, for what Reaſon I never could underſtand. Andr. Molleri Theatrum Freibergenfe Chronicum, in 4to. Freyberg. 1653. In High-Dutch. This Book is alfo of Ufe for the general Hiftory of Mif- nia. Tobie Schmidt Chronica Cygnea, 4to. Zwickau 1656. In High-Dutch. Chriftianus Melzer Cronicon Schneeburgenfe 4to. Schneeberg 1684. In High-Dutch. Ernefti Brotuffi Hiftoria Martisburgica, fol. Lipf. 1606. In High-Dutch. This Author has made good Ufe of the Chronicles of feveral Monafteries, but as he has fometimes follow'd Erafmus Stella, Gar- zoni, and others, fo there are fome Imall Errors. He left behind him a Chronicle of Saxony, in M. S. now in the Library of Mr. Mencken. Jo. Vulpii Megalurgia Martisburgica, in 4to. Qued- limb. 1700. In High-Dutch. He tells us in his Preface chief HISTORIANS. 173 Preface that he made Ufe of two M. S. S. one wrote by Mr. Brotuff, and the other intituled, Azzonis Vi- ta Henrici Aucupis. Jeremia Simon Cronicoa Eulenburg. 4to. Lipf. 1696. In High-Dutch. Joh. Fiedlers Memoria Miglianæ, in High-Dutch, 4to. Lipf. 1709. Chriſt. Schlegelii de Cella Veteri, Marchionum Mif- nentium Conditorium 4to. Drefd. 1703. There are other curious Books, as Erafmi Stellæ de Origine, & Regionibus Mifnienfium. Jo. Garzonis Rerum Saxoni- carum Libri II. cum Notis Tenzelii. Wilh. Ern. Tenzelii Vita, & Fata Frederici Fortis, five Admorfi. Ge. Spalatini Vita Electorum Frederici I. & II. Er- nefti I. Frederici III. Johannis, & Jo. Frederici. Georgii Arnoldi Vita Mauritii El. Bernh. Freidiger. Vita Henrici de Sax. &c. All which are in Mr. Mencken's Library in M. S. S. befides feveral others in the Bibliotheca Paulina, of which he defigned a Col- lection, under the Title of Rerum Mifnienfium Scrip- tores, to which he alfo intended to add fome very fcarce printed Books, fuch as, Chronicon Montis Sere- ni. Pauli Langii Chron. Citizenſe. Monachi Pega- vienfis Vita Viperti Com. Groicenfis. Hier. Em- feri Vita Bennonis Ep. Mifn. and others. Valent. Lolli Chronicon Lommatienfe, in 4to. Drefd. 1629. In High-Dutch. Gafp. Sagittarii Istoria Eccardi II. in 4to. Jen. 1680. 1683. Hiftoria Epifcop. Numburgenfium, in 4to. Jen. Juft. Pertuchii Chronicon Portenfe, in 4to. Lipf. 1612. Jo. Chriftoph. Olearii Rerum Thuringicarum Syn- tagma, in 4to. Francof. 1704, 1707. 2 Vol. Jo. Mauritii Gudeni Hiftorie Erfurtenſis Libri IV. in 8vo. Durdorftadii 1675. Gaſp. 174 A CATALOGUE of the Gafp. Bonifacii Vinaria, in 4to. Jen. 1598. Gafp. Sagittarii Memorabilia Hiftoria Gothanæ, 410. Jen. 1689. Hiftoria Gothana plenior, cum Supplemen- tis Wilhelmi Ernefti Tenzelii, in 4to. Jen. 1700. Wilh. Ern. Tenzelii Supplementum Hiftoria Gothane primum, 4to. Jen. 1701. Supplementum Hift. Gothane fecundum, 4to. Jen. 1702. Petri Albini Hiftoria Thuringorum nove Specimen, in 4to. Jen. 1685. This was publiſhed with the fol- lowing Book. Gafp. Sagittarii Antiquitates Regni Thuringici, 4to. Jen. 1685. In High-Lutch. This Author has di- ligently traced out the Antiquities of Thuring, and left behind him many M. S. S. on the fame Sub- ject. Antiquitates Gentilifmi, & Chriftianiſmi Thu- ringici, 4to. Jen. 1685. In High-Dutch. Antiquitates i ucatus Thuringici, 4to. Jen. 1688. In High-Dutch. Ciriaci Spangenberg Cronicon Henneberg. in High- Dutch, in fol. Argent. 1599. Mr. Junker has fi- nished his Hiftory of Henneberg, but I don't know whither it is yet publifhed. Cronica di Erffurt, in 4to. Erffurt 1590. In High Dutch. G. P. H. Hiftoria Saxonia-Coburg. in 4to. Co- burg. In High-Dutch 1700. The Author is Geo. Paul Hoenn. Jo. Sebaftian. Guthe Poligraphia Meiningenfis, 4to. Gothæ 1676. In High-Lutch. Gafp. Sagittarii Hiftoria Lufatica, in 4to Jen. 1675. Cor. Sam. Schurzfleiſchii Differtatio de Lufatia, 4to. Wit. 1676. In the Poffeffion of Mr. Mencken, is a M. S. intit. Chriftoph. Manlii Rerum Lufaticarum, Lib. chief HISTORIANS. 175 Lib. VI. A well wrote Piece, which deferves to be publiſhed, as Rabener has promifed. I muſt not forget to advertiſe the Publick, that Mr. Samuel Groffer, was, in 1716, actually printing a compleat Hiltory of Lufatia, in fol. in High-Dutch. CHAP. XXIX. Hiflories of the House of BRUNS- WICK-LUNENBURGH. M ARTINI Zeilleri Topographia Brunfvicen- fis & Luneburgenfis, in fol. Francof. 1653. In High Dutch. This is one of the moſt valuable Pieces of Topography wrote by this Author, and the more eſteemed, as it met with the Encourage- ment of Auguſtus Duke of Brunswick, who bore all the neceffary Expences to render it a compleat Work. Joan. Bapt. Pigna de Principibus Ateftinis Lib. VIII. in 4to. Ferrariæ 1585. & in fol. Ibid. 1596. This Author is not always exact. I have taken further Notice of him, in fpeaking of the Writers of Mo- dona. Gafp. Sagittarii Origines Ducum Brunfvicenfium, in 4to. Jen. 1684. This, as well as all the other Works of this Author, is accurate, but he comes not lower than 1235. Memorabilis Hiftoria Luneburgicæ, 4to. Jen: 1688. The Continuation of this Hiftory to 1598, is not yet printed. Mich. 176 A CATALOGUE of the Mich. Geringeri Genealogia Ducum Brunfvicenfi- um, & Luneburgenfium Linea Cellenfis, in fol. Cel- læ 1630. Joh. Onr. Buttner Genealogia Familiarum Patriciarum Luneburgen. in fol. In High-Dutch. Luneb. 1704. Joach. Jo. Maderi Antiquitates Brunfvicenfes, in 4to. Helmft. 1661. Jo. Jac. Libnitzii Scriptores Rerum Brunfvicenfium, in fol. Hanov. 1707. Tom. I. Id. in fol. 1710, Tom. II. & Tom. III. 1711. This is a very exact and curious Collection of the firft Writers of the Hiftory of the Dukes of Brunswick, and we expe from the fame Hand a Hiftory of the Country. Guil. Mechovii Laurus Guelphica, in fol. Luneb. 1675. This Author is well known for his Learn- ing. Arrigo Bunting Cronica di Brunfwic, in fol. Magd. 1620. Though a plain low Author, yet has his Ule. Phil. Julii Rehtmeyer Antiquitates Ecclefiaftica Incly- te Urbis Brunfvige, 4to. Braunfchweig P. I. & II. 1707. P. III. 1710. In High-Dutch. Gerar. Stederburgenfis de Henrici Leonis poftremis Rebus geftis. In the Collection made by Meibomius, Tom. I. Joach. Hildebrandi Augufta Cæfaris Octaviani Au- gufti, & Ducis Augufti Brunfvicenfis, & Luneburgen- fis, in 4to. Helmftad. 1662. Caffandri Thucelii Electa Juris publici curiofa, in 4to. Francof. 1694. This Work relates to the Ninth Electorate, that of Hanover-Brunfvick, to underſtand which it will be neceffary to have two Letters I have before taken Notice of. Gafp. Sagittarii Origines, & Incrementa Sulziæ Lu- neburgenfis, in 4to. Jen. 1675. Hermanni Conringii Conjectura de antiquiffimo Statt: Helinftadii, in 4to. Helmftad. 1665. Chronicon chief HISTORIANS. 177 Chronicon Coenobii Montis-Francorum Goflaria, 4to, Franc. 1698. Henr. Eckftormii Chronicon Walcken icdenfe, in 4to. Helm. 1617. This Author, a Man of great Re- putation, inferted fome original Papers in his Chroni- cle, which made it much enquired after, and foon farce; but thefe Proofs being not found good, Mr. Hoffman, Keeper of the Archives of Zell, began a new Edition, but was prevented by Death, to that thefe Papers, paffing into the Hands of a learned Man, they rerurned into the World under the following Title. Jo. Geor. Leuckfeld Antiquitates Walkenredenfes, in 410. Lipf. 1705. This Author has wrote other Books relating to fome Monafteries, and Bishopricks Sæcularized. I have thought proper to place him here, although he might have been mentioned in the thir- teenth Chapter. Antiquitates Poldenfes, 4to. Wolffenb. 1707. In High-Dutch. Antiquitates Blanckenburgenfes, 4to. Lipf. 1708. In High-Dutch. Actiquitates Gander fheimenfes, 4to. Wolffenb. 1709. In High-Dutch. To it was added, then firſt published, Hrofwithe Canoniffe Gandcfheim, de Conftructione Canobii Ganderfheimenfis Carmen. Antiquitates Ilfeldenfes, 4to.Quedlinburg. 1709. In High-Dutch. and Laurentii Rhodomanni Ilfelda Hercynica. Antiquitates Græningenfes, 4to. Quedlingburg. 1710. In High-Dutch. This was rmerly the Re- fidence of the Bishop of the See, of which this Au- thor treats. nenfes. Antiquitates Michaelfteinfes, & Amelunxbor- 4to. Wolffenb. 1710. In High-Dutch. Antiquitates Bursteldenfes, 4tv. Lipf. 1713. In Hgh-Dutch. VOL. II. N - Anti- 178 A CATALOGUE of the ! -Antiquitates Katelenburgenfes, 4to. Lipf. 1713. In High-Dutch. All thefe Books are compiled from original and authentick Papers. 4to. Jac. Frid. Reimmanni Idea Hiftoria Afcanienfis, Queld. 1708. This was a Scheme for an Hiftory of this Province. Chriſtiani Knaut Antiquitates Comitatus Ballenfta- dienfis, & Afcanienfis, 4to. Coethen. 1698. In High Dutch. Fed. Ern. Kattner Hiftoria Canobii & Ecclefia Quedlinburg, Reformationis, 4to. Quedl. 1710. In High-Dutch. Antiquitates Quedlinburgenfes, in 4to. Lipf. 1712. This is a Collection of Bulls and original Papers belonging to this Abbey, to which the Au- thor added a Preface, and fhort Notes in Dutch. CHA P. XXX. Hiflories of other Princes of GER A MANY. LBERTI Krantzii Vandalia, in fol. Francof. 1613. Nic. Marefchalli Annalium Herulorum ac Vandalo rum Libri VII. in fol. Roftoch. 1521. The Author a Counſellor of the Duke of Mecklenbergh, one of the moſt learned Men of the Age he lived in, has yet fallen into fome Chronological Errors, and been too much inclined to Fable. He has alfo left behind him a Chronicle of Mecklenberg. Jo chief HISTORIANS. 179 Jo. Boceri Duces Mecklenburgenfes, in 8vo. Lipf. 1556. Petri Lindenbergii Topograph. Roftochii, in 4to. Roft. 1596. Frid. Thomas Analecta Guftrovienfia, in 8vo. Guftr. 1706. This is a Defcription of the City of Gouftrou, the Author at the End treats of the learned Men born there. He mentions his having two Chronicles of Mecklenbourg, the one wrote by Bernardus Latomus, the other by John Frederick Chemnitz. Documenta rediviva Monafteriorum præcipuorum in Ducatu Wartenbergico fitarum, in 4to. Tubinge, 1636. Virginum facrarum Monimenta, 4to. Tub. 1636. Theſe two Books are very ſcarce. They only con- tain the Grants made to the Monafteries of Wittem- bergh, by Popes, Emperors, and other Princes. The famous Chriftopher Brfold, having borrowed, or rather ftole them from the Archives, retired afterwards to In- golstadt, and abjured the Proteſtant Religion. Martini Zeilleri Topographia Halfix, in fol. Francof. 1646. in High-Dutch. Joan. Juftus Winckelmannus de Principibus Haffiæ, &corum Genealogia, in 8vo. Gieffe 1636. --Defcriptio Principatus Haffienfis, &c. in fol. In High-Durch. 1711. This Book, though printed in 1697, was not publiſhed till 1711, in five Books, we expect the fixth to compleat a fecond Part. Gulielmi Dilich Cronicon Haffienfe, 4to. Wefel. 1617. In High-Dutch. Jo. Balthaf. Schuppii Hercules Togatus, feu de Georgio II. Cattorum Landgravio, in 4to. Marpurgi, 1640. Conr. Samuelis Schurtzfleifchii Differtatio de Rebus Badenfibus, in 4to. Witteb. 1677. Jo. Burch. Maii de Rebus Badenfibus, in 4to. Wit- teb. 1677• N 2 Joi 180 A CATALOGUE of the し ​Jo. Molleri Ifagoge ad Hiftoriam Cherfonefi Cim- brica, in 8vo. Hamb. 1691. Adamus Bremenfis de Situ Daniæ, & reliquarum que trans Daniam funt, Regionum, in 4to. Helmft. 1670. And in the Collection by Lindenbroght. Gafp. Danckwerth Chorographia DucatusSlefvicen fis, & Holfatici, in fol. 1652. In High-Dutch. This Book, printed on Royal Paper, contains very exact Maps, and begins to be ſcarce. Rutgeri Hermannidis Defcriptio Holfatiæ Hiftorico- Chorographica, in 120. Amftelod. 1669. Adami Olearii Compendium Chronici Holfatici ab Anno 1448. ad An. 1663. in 8vo. Slesvig 1663. In High-Dutch. Id. in 4to. Slefv. 1674. The laft Edi• tion is the beſt. Nicolaus Pertejus de Cimbrorum, & Gothorum Originibus, Migrationibus, Bellis, in 8vo. Lipfix 1695. Pauli, & Johannis Adolphi Cypræi Annales E- pifcoporum Slefvicenfium, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1634. Jo. Laurentii Præfules Epifcopatus Ripenfis, in 41. Hafn. 1591. Gafp. Sagittarii Hiftoria Principum Anhaltinorum, in 4to. Jen. 1686. Jo. Chriftoph. Belmanni Hiftoria Principatus An- haltenfis, in High-Dutch, in fol. Zerbft. 1710. 2 Vol. The learned Author takes into his Work the To- pographies and Hiftory of Anhalt, has adorned it with Copper-Plates of all the Princes who contributed to that Expence. But he met with fome Oppofition from the Family of Anhalt Coethen, and the Author was obliged to anfwer the Objections made by Mr. Knaut. He has promiſed a third Volume. Gafp. Helmerici Libri III. de infigni antiqua familia Comitum Zellerenfium, & Burggraviorum Norimber- genfium, in 4to. Magdeburgi 1635. Johan chief HISTORIANS. 1 8 1 Johan. Pregizer Speculum & Frerogative Imperii Germanici, in fol. Berol. 1703. In High-Dutch. We have taken Notice before, that this Book was prin- cipally an Hiſtory of the Family of Hohenzellern. Nicolai Reufneri Are Speculares Familie Salmenfis, in fol. Argentorati 1586. Tilli Ifagoge Chronologica Lichtenfteinix Genefis, ex Cufpiniani Auftria, in fol. Ingolftad. 1631. Giuſeppe Mayer Genealogia Domus Principum, & Comitum Lamberg. in fol. Wien. 1709. In High- Darch. Although a fabulous Author, he is of Ule. CHAP. XXXI. Hlories of the COUNTS, CI TIES, NOBILITY, and other Members of the EMPIRE. G E EORGIUS Adamus Struvius de Ducibus I& Comitibus S. R. Imperii, in 4to. Helmftadii 1543. Jo. Schilterus de Sacri Romano-Germanici Im- perii Comitum Prarogativa, in 4to. Argentor 1702. Feder. Luca de Comitibus Imperii Romani, 4to. Francf. 1702. In High-Dutch. Th. Reinefii de Palatio Lateranenfi ejufque Comitiva. 4to. Jen. 1679. Henricus Giintherus Thulemarius de Burggraviis Im- perii, in 4to, Francofurti 1691. And Ockel de Palatio Regio, & Juribus Burggra- Fiorum, Magdeburgenfium, 4to. Franc. 1700. N ぶる ​3 Cafp. 182 A CATALOGUE of the Cafp. Henr. Hornii de Burggraviis Magdeburgicis, 4to. Witteb. 1709. 1709. Le Comitibus Palatinis Saxoniæ, 4to. Witteb. Cinaci Spangenbergs Cronicon Mansfeld. In High-Dutch. in fol. Eifleb. 1571. I have noticed before, that this Book, which contains chiefly the Hiftory of the Counts of Mansfeld, has been for merly under the Title of Chronicon Saxonicum. Chronicon Comitum Holftein-Schaumburg, in fol. Stadthagen 1614. In High-Dutch. Petri Berkier Illuftre Stemma Ruthenicum, in fol. Schlein 1684. In High-Dutch. Matthiæ Pappenheim de Origine & Familia il luftrium Dominorum de Calatin, in fol. Augufta Vind 1533. Chriftiani Weiffe Genealogia Comitum Leinungen- fium, in 4to. Weinffenfeltæ 1677, & in 8vo. Coburgi 1696. Ahafverus Fritfchius de Antiqua Origine, Dignitate & Præeminentia, furibus ac Privilegiis Comitum Schwartz, burgenfium, in 4to. Rudolphftadi 1667. Hiftoria Guntheri Schwartzburgici, in 40. Lipf. 1677. Hub. Th. Leodii Stemma Leoftenianum, in 4to. Franc. 1634: Petri Albini Wipertus fen Origines Rantzovianæ, in 4to Witteb. 1588. Alberti Lombieri Defcriptio Hereditarii Rantzovio- rum Fradii ab Henrico Rantzavio inftaurati, in 4to. Iflebiæ 1593. Joan. Jufti Winckelmanni Arboretum Genealogicum: Heroum Europæorum ex unica Oldenburgica Familia, in fol. Oldenburgi 1664. De Pace & Bello Oldenburgenfi ab Anno 1603, ad An. 1667. in fol. Oldenb. 1671. In High- Dutch. Hermann chief HISTORIANS. 183 Hermanni Hamelmanni Chronicon Oldenburgenfe, Oldenb. in fol. 1599. In High-Dutch. Chronicon Archi-Comitum Öldenburgenfium, in fol. apud Meibomium Rer. Germ. T. II. Jo. Angeli a Werdenhagen de Rebufpublicis Hanfe- aticis tractatus cum Urbium earum Iconifmis, Tabulis Geographicis & Nauticis, fol. Francof. 1641. Philippus Knipfchildius de Civitatum Imperialium Fu- ribus ac Privilegiis, in fol. Ulmæ 1687. This a moſt exact, and valuable Piece. Gafp. Sagittarii Hiftoria Noriberga, in 4to. Jenæ 1679. jo. Chriftophorus Wagenfeilius de Sacri Roma- ni Imperii Libera Civitate Noriberga, in 4to. Altdorfi 1697. Gebhardi Floriani Civitatis Francofurtenfis, Chro- nicon a Leufnero Ampliatum, Francof. 1706. In High Dutch. Gabr. Bucellini Conftantiæ Urbis antiquiffime, & Provincic adjacentis Defcriptio, in 4to. Francof. 1667. Petri a Beck Aquifgranum, in 4to. Aquifgran. 1622. Levoldi a Nothof. Origines Marcanæ, five Chroni- con Comitum de Marka, & Altena, ab An. 1000 ad An. 1391, cum Annotationibus Henrici Meibomii, in fol. Hanov. 1613. We have fpoke elſewhere of theſe Annals of Tefchenmaker. Martini Zeilleri Suevie Topographia, in fol. Francof. 1643. In High-Dutch. This is the largeſt and beſt Edition. In it are the Annals of Suabia. It may be obferved, that the Author being a Native of this Country, and living at Ulm, took more Pains about this, than all his other Works. Melchioris Goldafti Scriptores aliquot veterum Re- rum Svevicarum, in 4to. Francofurti 1605. This is the moſt ſcarce of all the Works of Goldaftus. NA Erneftus 184 A CATALOGUE of the Erneſtus Gochelius de Imp, Romano-Germanici Cir culo Sveviæ, Receſſibufque Circularibus, in 4to. Auguſtæ Vind', 1672. Martini Crufii Annales Sucvici, in fol. Francof. 1595. cum Libre Coralipomenon Rerum Svevicarum, exponentes Svevines, &c. in fol. Francofurti 1596. 4 Tom. 2 Vol. Belides having been affifted by M. rufch, this Author made good Ufe of the An nals of ventions, and as the Book was publiſhed without the Knowledge of the Author, there are feveral Miftakes in the Ranging of the Original Pa pers. Franc. Petri Suevia Ecclefiaftica, in fol. Aug. Vin- del. T O This is a very exact Defcription of the Monafteries of Suabia. Martini Zeilleri Allatie Topographia, in fol. Francof. 1654. In High-Dutch. Jo. Jacobi Chiffletii Alfatia vindicata, in fol. Antv. .1650. Ulrici Obrechti Alfaticarum Rerum Prodromus, 4to. 'Arg. 1681. Matthee Berneggeri Forma Feipublice Argentoraten- fis, auétior edita per Joan. Gafp. Berneggerum, in 240, Argent. 1674 Libertas Argentoratenfium Stylo Ryfvicenfi non ex- puncta, five Jura Libertatis tum in Eccleftafticis tum in Foliticis per Capitulationem, An. 1681. cum Gallis Initam confervatia, &c. adjuncta funt Documenta, in 4to. 1707. Nullitas Iniquitafque Reunionis Alfaticæ, five Revifo Actorum praparatoria, &c. adjuncta funt Documenta pub- lica, 4to. 1707. Jacobi Konifhoven Chronicon antiquiffimum Alfatia & Argentorati 410. Argentor. 1698. In High-Dutch. This was publiſhed by the Learned Mr. Schilter, with curious Obfervations. + Bernerdi chief HISTORIANS. Bernardi Herzogs Cronicon Alfatienfe, fol. In High- Dutch. Strasb. 1592. Jo. Goes Opufcula varia de Weftphalia, 4to. Helmft. 1648. This is a Collection of the fmall Treatifes of Chitreus, Hamelmannus, Meibomius, Domannus, Lipfius, Cafelius, & Reineccius. Hemanni Hamelmanni Opera Genealogico-Hiftorica de Weftphalia, Saxonia inferiori, in 4to. Lemgoviæ 1711. A moft valuable Work. Jo. Neowaldus de Antiquis Weftphalia Coloniis, in 4to. Ofnab. 1674. Hermanni Stangefol Annales Circuli Weftphalici, in 4to. Col. 1656, 2 Vol. This contains feveral curi- ous Particulars, deduced from authentick Papers. It comes down to 1656. Nic. Schatenii Societ. Jefu Hiftoria Weftphalia, in fol. Neuhufiii 1690. The Author was a learned, though partial Writer. His Annals of I adderborn, mentioned formerly, are a good Continuation of theſe. Petri Lambecii Origines Hamburgenfes, in 4to. Hamb. 1652, 2 Vol. And in the new Edition of the Col- lection made by Lindenbroch. Jac. Wencker Differtatio de Plalburgeris ad Cap. XVI. Aur. Bull. in 4to. Argent. 1608. Cyriaci Spangenbergs Nobilitatis Speculum Smalcald, Tom. I. 1591. Tom. II. 1694, 2 Vol. In High- Dutch. After the Author has treated of Nobility in general, he defcends to the principal noble Families of Germany. Georgii Ruxneri Liber Turneamentorum, in fol. Francof. 1576. In High-Dutch. As the Author de- figned to court feveral new-fangled Nobility, he has inferted Matters about them without Foundation. He boafts much of an old M. S. found at Magde- bourg, which the World at prefent has detected for & Forgery. Franc. 186 A CATALOGUE of the Franc. Modii Pande&te Triumpholes. in fol. Franc, 1586. He treats of the German Tuinament of the Middle Ages, and is more efteemed than Rux- ner. Michaelis Praun Europa Nobilis, & N. bil ffima Ger- mania, 8vo. Spir. 1585. In High-Dutch. -Familiarum Nobilium Civitatibus Imperii Libe- ris Genealogia, in 4to. Ulm. 1667. In High- Dutch. Jo. Steph. Burgemeifter Status Equeftris Cæfaris, & Imperii Romano. Germanici, in 4to. Ulm. 1709. In High-Dutch. This is a Treatife on the Privileges and Antiquities of the Nobility of the Empire, in the Circles of Suabia, Franconia, and the Rhine. Genealogia Familiarum Imperii Nobilium, in 4to. Ulm. 1707. In High-Dutch. Theſe are the Proofs of the former Work. Joh. Maximilian. Humbracht de Germaniæ Pre- rogativis & Germane Nobilitatis Excellentia, in fol. Francof. 1707. In High-Dutch. Theſe are Genealo- gical Tables of the noble Families lying on the Rhine, extracted from the Imperial Archives at Mentz. Luneburgi Mufhard Monumenta Nobilitatis Antiqua in Ducatibus Bremenfi, & Verdenfi, in fol. Brem. 1708. In High-Dutch. I had once fome Thoughts of publishing a Treatife on the noble Families of Saxony, but as I have been prevented by other more important Affairs, I gave my Collections to Mr. Valentin Konig, a ftudious Gentleman, who has la- boured fome time indefatigably on this Subject. CHAP chief HISTORIANS. 187 : CHAP. XXXII. The BYZANTINE and TURKISH Hiftories. TETRI Gyllii de Bofphoro Thracio Libri III. 4to. Lugd. 1651, and in 240. Lugd. Batav. 1632. Topographia Conftantinopolitana, Lib. IV. 4to. Lugd. 1562, and Lugd. Batav. 1632. Befides Zo- zymus, Eutropius, Ammianus Marcellinus, and Paulus Diaconus; the other Authors comprized in the Byzan time Hiſtory ſhould be read. Phil. Labbe Corpus Hiftorie Byfantinæ, five Delinea- tio Apparatus Hiftoria, Byfantine, in fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1648. This was the Scheme of the Authors of the Hiſtory of Conftantinople, afterwards printed at the Louvre with the Notitia Authorum. Excerpta de Legationibus e notis Caroli Cantoclari, & H. Valefii, fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1648. Procopii Cæfarienfis Hiftoriarum fui Temporis Lib. VIII. fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1662. De Edificiis Juftiniani Imperatoris, & ejufdem arca na Hiftoria, fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1663. Wẹ have fpoke of this Author in the other Volume. Agathias Scholafticus de Imperio, & rebus gestis Jufti- niani Imperatoris, fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1660. Theophilati Simocattæ Hiftoria i Car. Annib. Fa- broto, fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1648. Chronicon Pafchale ab orbe condito ad An. 20. Imp. Heraclii à Car. Du Cange, fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1688. This is a moft curious and valuable Chronicle. It is called Cronicon Pafchale, as the Au- thor 188 A CATALOGUE of the thor counts his Years by the Pafchal Cycles, formerly called the Cronicon Alexandrinum, and fo termed by Mr. Rader, who found the Word Alexandrinum in the firſt Page. It was published with the Chronicle of Eufebius, by Jofeph Scaliger, under the Title of Emiloun zeópor, and before by Surita and Agostini, who brought it from Say, under the Title of the Fafti Siculi. Georgii Syncelli Chronographia: & Nicephori Pa- triarchæ G P. Breviarium Chronologicum à Jacobo Goar. fol. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1652 Theophanis Chronographia à Jac. Goar. & Franc. Combefis, Paris è Typogr. Regia 1655. This Author's Hiftory begins with Dioclefian, and ends with the Emperour Leo Armenus. Georgii Cedreni Synopfis Hiftoriarum à Car. Annib. Fabroto, & Jac. Goar. fol. Paris e Typogr. Regia 1647, 2 Vol. This Author has wrote a Hiftory from the beginning of the World to the Year 1057. Jo. Scylitze Curopalatis Compendium Hiftoriarum. Printed with Cedrenus. His Hiftory begins at 811, and ends with 1081. Michaelis Glyce Annales à Phil. Labbe, fol, Paris, è Typogr. Reg. 1660. This exact Writer comes down to the Reign of Alexius Commenus. Jo. Zonaræ Annales à Carolo du Cange, fol. Vol. 2. Paris è Typogr. Regia 1686. Although this Au- thor be fomething credulous, he is in his third Part of good Ufe for the Byzantine Hiftory, and reaches to the Reign of Alexius Commenus. It was tranflated into Italian, and printed by Giolito in 4to. Vol. 2 1572 • Annæ Commenæ Alexias, five de Rebus ab Alexio Imperatore geftis à P. Poffino, fol. Paris è Typ. Reg. 1651. 1° chief HISTORIANS. 189 Jo. Cinnami Hiftoria de Rebus geftis à Jo. & Ma- nuele Comnenis Imp. a Car. du Cange, fol. Paris è Typogr. Reg. 1670. Conftantini Manaffis Synopfis Hiftorica à Car. Annib. Fabroto, fol. Paris è Typ. Reg. 1655. Niceta Acominati Hiftoria á Car. Annib. Fabroto, fol. Paris è Typ. Reg. 1647. This Continuator of Zonoras begins at 1118, and ends in 1206, and is one of the moft judicious Writers of Hiftory. This Work was tranflated into Italian, and with the others. printed by Giolito in 4to. 1569. Nicephori Briennii Commentarii de Rebus Byfantinis, in fol. Paris è Typ. Reg. 1667. This Author gives us a Hiftory from 1204 to 1341, was tranf- lated into Italian, and printed by Giolito in 1569. Georgii Acropolitæ Hiftoria, fol. Paris 1651. Georgii Pachymeris Hiftoria Rerum à Michaele Pa- lologo geftarum à Petro Pollino, fol. Rome Typis Barberinis 1666. Hiftoria Rerum ab Andronico Palæologo gefta- rum, in fol. Roma Typis Barberinis 1669. Thefe two Volumes, very fearce in the large Paper, make a Part of the Byzantine Hiftory. Jo. Cantacuceni Imp. Hiftoria, in fol. Paris, e Typog. Reg. 1645. 3 Vol. Laonicus Chalcondilas de Origine, & Rebus geftis Turcarum à Car. Ann. Fabroto, in fol. Paris, e Typ. Regia 1650. This Author defcribes the Ruin of the Empire of Conftantinople. At the End of this Editi- on, are the Annales Sultanorum, tranflated into La- tin by Leunclavius. It was tranflated into French, by Mr. Figinere, and continued by Mr. Mezeray. Hiftoric Byfantinæ Scriptores poft Theophanem à Franc. Combefis, in fol. Paris, e Typ. Reg. 1685. Chronicon Orientale Lat. ab Abrahamo Ecchellenfi, cum Suppl. fol. Paris e Typ. Reg. 1685. Georgi 190 A CATALOGUE of the Georgii Codini, & alterius Anonymi excerpta Anti- quitatibus Conftantinopol. in fol. Paris e Typ. Reg. 1665. Georgius Codinus Curopalata de Officiis magna Ec- cleſia, & Aulæ Conftant. à Jac. Goar. fol. Par. e Typ. Reg. 1648. Notitia Dignitatum Imperii Romani à Labbe, 120. Paris, é Typ. Reg. 1651. Anaftafii Bibliothecarii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, fol. Par. è Typ. Reg. 1649. Michaelis Ducæ Hiftoria Byfantina, fol. Paris, è Typ. Reg. 1649. Nicephori Gregoræ Hiftor. Lib. XXIV. fol. 2 Vol. Paris, è Typ. Reg. 1702. Caroli du Freine Hiftoria Byfantina, fol. Paris 1680. This Piece of Du Cange is curious and efteemed, but very rare. De Imperatorum Conftantinop. fen de Inferioris Avi Numifmatibus Differtatio. This is to be found at the End of the Gloffary of the fame Author, published at Faris in 1638, reprinted at Francfort in 1681, and laft of all in 1711. Anfelmi Bandurii Imperium Orientale, fol. 2 Vol. Paris 1713. All the before-mentioned Authors com- pofe the Corpus of the Byzantine Hiftorians. Martinus Hanckius de Byfantinarum Rerum Scrip- toribus Græcis, 4to. Lipfix 1677. Thefe are critical Obfervations on the Byzantine Hiftorians. Jornandes Hiftoria Gothorum, in fol. With Caffiodo- rus of the laft Edition. M. Aurel. Caffiodori Varie Lectiones, fol. Rotho- magi 1679. With the other Works of this Author. Thefe are Letters and authentick Papers, which are of great Ufe for the Hiftory of the Empire, to the Sixth Century. Franc. Combefifii Originum Rerumque Conftanti- nopolitanarum Manipulus, in 4to. Paris 1665. Hiftoire chief HISTORIANS. 191 Hifloire de l'Empire de Conftantinople fous les Em- percurs Francois par Geofroy de Villehardouin, & Philip. de Mouskes, donnée par M. du Cange, in fol. 1657. Geſta Dei per Francos, five Orientalium Expeditionum, Regni Francorum Hierofolymitani Hiftoria à variis illius Avi Scriptoribus, edita à Jac. Bongarfio, in fol. Han. 1611. Chronicon Hierofolymitanum, id eft, de Bello Sacro Hiftoria Alberici Aquenfis, & aliorum à Rein. Re- ineccio Collecti, in 4to. Helmeftad. 1584, & 1585. 2 Vol. Hiftoire de Conftantinople depuis le Regne de Juftin jufqu' a la Fin de l'Empire, traduite fur les Origineaux M. le Prefident Coufin, in 4to. Paris 1672, &c. 8 Vol. Idem. in 120. Holland. 8 Vol. par Pauli Ramnufii de Bello Conftantinopolitano, & Imperatoribus Comnenis per Gallos, & Venetos refti- tutis Hiftoria, ab An. 1198. ad An. 1207, fol. Venet. 1634. Chriftoph. Befoldi Hiftoria Conftantinopolitana poſt avulfum a Carolo M. Occidentem ad noftra ufque Tem- pora deducta, 8vo. Arg. 1634. Paul Ricaut, Hiftoire de l Etat prefent de l'Empire Ot- toman traduit par M. Briot, in 4to. Paris 1670. Id. in 120. Paris 1670. Tranflated into French by Mr. Befpier, in 120. Roven. 1677. 2 Vol. With Notes. This is an excellent Piece; and none better to give us an Infight into the State of the Empire. The beſt Tranflation in French, is that by Mr. Briot, but the other by Mr. Befpier, is more eſteemed for the cu- rious Notes. De la Croix Memoires contenans diverfes Relations de l'Empire Ottoman, in 120. Paris 1684. 2 Vol. M. du Vignau Etat prefent de la Puissance Ottoma ne, in 120. Paris 1687. Augerii 192 A CATALOGUE of the Augerii Giſlenii Busbequii Legatio Turcica, in 8vo. Antv. 1595. And amongſt his Letters. He was ar exact and judicious Author. Georgii Elmacini Hiftoria Saracenica, Latine reddi. ta a Thoma Erpenio, accidit Roderici Ximenes Hifto- ria Arabum, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1625. Annales Sultanorum Othomanidarum Latine reddi- ti a Joan. Leunclavio, in fol. Francof. 1596. Jo. Leunclavii Hiftoria Mufulmanæ Turcorum de monumentis ipforum exfcripta, Lib. XVIII. in fol. Franc. 1591. Joach. Camerarius de Rebus Turcicis, in fol. Fran- cof. 1598. Phil. Loniceri Chronicorum Turcicorum Tomi tres, in fol. Francof. 1578. Martini Crufii Turco-Græciæ Libri VIII. Græc. Lat. quibus Græcorum Status fub Imperio Turcico de- fcribitur, in fol. Bafil. 1584. This is a rare and cu rious Book. Hiftoria Orientalis, feu de Rebus in Oriente geftis à Chriftianis, Saracenis, Turcis, Tartaris, Auctores diverfi in unum collecti a Reinero Reineccio, in 4te. Helmft. 160z. Gregor. Abulpharaji Specimen Hiftoria Arabum, Arab. & Lat. ab Edvar. Pocokio, in 4to. Oxor.. 1650. Hiftoria Orientalis, five Dynaftiarum, Arab. & Lat. ab Edvar. Pocokio, in 4to. Oxon 1672. Jo. Henr. Hottingeri Hiftoria Orientalis ubi de Mu- hammedifmo, de Saracenifmo, de Chaldaifmo, de Sta tu Chriftianorum, & Judæorum Tempore Muhamme- difmi, acceffit Genealogie Muhammedis plenior Illuftra- tio Ben Adam, 4to. Tiguri 1660. Guillet, Hiftoire du Regne de Mahomet II. Em- pereur des Turcs, in 120. Paris 1681, 2 Vol. Hiftoire de Mahomet IV. depoffedé, in 120. Amft. 1688. 2 Vol. Storia chief HISTORIANS. 193 Storia univerfale dell' Origine, Guerre, & Imperio de Turchi, raccolta da Franc. Sanfovino, & accrefciuta del Conte Majolino Bifaccioni, in 4to. Venezia, Vol. 2. 1654. Thefe are very accurate Authors. Gafp. Maureri Chronicon Turcicum in 8vo. Norib. 1659. Georg. Pontani Hiftoria Rerum Turcicarum, Francof. 1597. in 4to. Gio. Sagredo Memorie Storiche de' Monarchi Ot- tomani, 4to. Ven. 1677. This Edition and Book is valuable. Paul Ricaut Hiftoire des trois derniers Empereurs 'Turcs, depuis juſqu' en 1577. traduit en François par M. Briot, in 120. Paris 1683. 4 Vol. Hiftoire des Turcs depuis 1679. juſqu' en 1699, in 120. Amfterdam 1709. 3 Vol. Vol. All that Sir Paul Ricant has wrote on this Subject, is very exact and valuable, and has been tranflated into different Lan- guages. Nicolai Reufneri Epiftolarum Turcicarum Libri XVI. in Francof. 1600. Imperii Ottomanici Hiftoria, in fol. Aug. Tom. I. 1694. Vol. 2. 1700. 2 Vol. fol. In High-Dutch. This is a compleat Hiftory, drawn from Rycaut, Sa- Predo, Bereganus, and others, and adorned with Copper Plates. Le Miroir Ottoman avec un fuccinct recit de tout ce qui s'eſt paſſé confiderable pendant la Guerres des Turcs en Pologne, jufqu' en 1676, par le C. de la Magdaleine, 8vo. Bafle 1677. La Vie de l'Imposter Mahomet, in 8vo. Paris 1699. Charles Ancillon Hiftoire de la Vie de Soliman II. Empereur des Turcs, 8vo. Rotterd. 1706. Ottaviano Bulgarini: Vita del P. Domen. di S. Tom- mafo, detto primo Sultan Ofman Ottomano, figlio d'I- braim Imper. di Turchi, 4to. Napol. 1689. VOL. II. O Georgii 194 A CATALOGUE of the Georgii Doula de Itinere fuo Conftantinopolitano Epiftola; acceffere veteres Infcriptiones nunc primum edita, 8vo. Antv. 1599. CHAP. XXXIII. HISTORIANS of FRANCE. Authors who have treated of the old GAULS, before the Settlement of the FRENCH. A NDRE du Chefne Bibliotheque des Autheurs qui ont ecrit l'Hiftoire, & Topographie de la France, 8vo Paris 1637. A rare Book. Raymundi Marliani Veterum Galliæ Locorum, lo- pulorum, Urbium, Montium Alphabetica Defcriptio, in 8vo. Venetiis 1575, and in 4to. 1606. Itinerarium Antonini, & Burdigalenfe cum Hiero- nymi Suritæ Commentario, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1600. Libellus Irovinciarum Galliæ, atque Civitatum Me tropolitanarum. Printed with the Itinerary of An toninus. Jo. Ifacii Itinerarium Galliæ Narbonenfis, 120. Lugd. 1606. Fragmenta Tabulæ antique, in quibus aliquot per Ro nanas Provincias Itinera, ex Putingerorum Bibliotheca; à Marco Velfero, in 4to. Ven. 1591. Or in the Collection of Works by Velferus, in fol. To thele Authors may be added, Bergier's Hiftory of the great Roads through the Roman Empire, with the Geogra phical Obfervations of Sanfon on the Commentaries of Cefar as alfo the Notes of Mr. Biafe di l'iginere upon Cafar. Nick chief HISTORIANS. 195 Nic. Sanfon Remarques fur le Carte de l'Antienne Gaule tireé des Commentaires de Cæfar, in 4to. Paris 15520 Gaudentii Merule Antiquitates Galliæ Cifalpinæ, in fol. Francef. 1600. Idem. in 8vo. Lugd. 1638. Bonav. Caftillioneus de Gallorum Infubrim antiquis Sedibus, in fol. With the foregoing Book. The fame at Bergomo in 1594. Again at Milan in 4to. 1641. Works but little read, though juſtly to be valued. Petri Rami Liber de Moribus Veterum Gallorum, in Svo. Paris 1559. The fame Book was at this Time tranflated into French. La Religion les Antiens Gaulois tireé des plufpures Sources de l'Antiquite, 2 Vol. 4to. Paris 1727. Steph. Forcatulus de Imperio, & Philofophia Veterum Gallorum, in 4to. Paris 1579. Jo. Goropii Becani Francica, & Gallica, in fol. Antverp. 1580. This was a learned Man; his Works are fought after, though by fome defpi- fed. Jo. Picarti de Prifca Celtopædia, Lib. V. in 4to. Paris 1955. Ant. Schonhovii Commentatio Epiftolica de Origine, Sedibus Francorum, in 8vo. Apud Ant. Matthæum in Analectis Vet. Evi. Claude Fauchet Antiquitez Gauloifes, contenant les Chefes Advenues en Gaule, jusques à la Venue des Fran- Cois, in 4to. Paris 1610. This is a learned, though not exact Author, and often too credulous. He Wrote his Hiftory in a Style fo tirefome, that Lovis XIII. began to perufe it, but was fo naufeated, that he could never be perfwaded to purſue his firſt Defign. Antoine de l'Estanc Hiftoire des Gaules, & Conquê- tes des Gaulois en Italie, Grece, & Afic, in 4to. Bour- deaux 1618. Ο Scipion 196 A CATALOGUE of the Scipion Dupliex Memoires des Gaules depuis le De- luge jufques & Etabliffement de la Monarchie Françoife, in 4to. Paris 1619. Or in the Beginning of the first Volume of his Hiftory of France. This is the beſt Piece this injudicious and unaccurate Author ever wrote. Marci Zuerii Boxhornii Origines Gallicæ, in 4to. Amft. 1654. This is a valubale Piece. Ant. Goffelini Hiftoria veterum Gallorum, in 8vo. Cadomi 1636. This was an Author fo celebrated, that Mr. Samuel Bochart never dared to publiſh a Piece he had wrote against him; tho' after his Death it was inferted amongſt his Works. Jo. Ifaaci Pontani Origines Francicæ, in 4to. Har- derwic. 1616. A curious and valuable Work of Tontanus, who has made himſelf known by other Hi- ftorical Pieces. Fr. Eudes de Mezerai Hiftoire de France avant Clovis. It is in the Beginning of his firſt Volume of his large Hiftory of France, printed in 1685, or printed feparately in Holland, in one Volume in Twelves. This Piece is exact, and preferable to all who have wrote on this Subject. Addigier Origine des François, in 120. Paris 1676. 2 Vol. Guill. Marcel Hiftoire des Gaules. In the firft Vo- lume of the Hiſtory of France, of which I fhall treat more hereafter. There are fome few good Things in this Volume. Adrian Schrieckii Origines Celticæ, & Belgica, in fol. Ipris Flandr. 1615. This is a learned, curious, and fcarce Piece. Elias Schedius de Diis Germanorum, in 8vo. Am- ftelod. 1648. In this learned Treatife we have much of the Hiftory of the Religion of the antient Gauls. Le P. Pezron Antiquité de la Nation, & de la Lan- gne des Celtes, 120. Paris 1703. Ægidii chief HISTORIANS. 197 Egidii Lachari Hiftoria Galliarum fub Præfectis Gal- liarum, a Conftantino M. ufque ad Juftinianum Im- peratorem, in 4to. Claram. 1675. This fmall Piece is much efteemed, but little known or read, except by the Learned. very Hiftoria Coloniarum a Gallis in exteras Natio- nes miſſarum, tum exterarum Nationum in Galliam de- ductarum, in 4to. Clarom. 1677. A valuable, though little ftudied Piece. P. Daniel. Hiftoire de la Milice François jufques a la fin de Lovis de Grand, in 4to. Tom. I. 1724. CHAP. XXXIV. Authors, who have wrote the Topogra- phy, and State of FRANCE. Hiftory of FRANCE after the Set- tlement of the prefent FRENCH-NA- ΤΙ Ο Ν. HADRIANT, ADRIANI Valefii Notitia Galliarum, in fol. Paris 1675. This is a Work neceffary for the Knowledge of France, under the two firft Families of their Kings. Mr. Valois, who knew to the Bottom the antient Hiftory of his own Coun- try, has fhewed as great an Exactnefs, as he has Learning. To this fhould be added, the fourth Book De Re Diplomatica, by Father Mabillon, where there is alfo a Difcourfe of the Palaces of the firft Kings of France, wrote by the Reverend Father Mich, Ger- pain, a Benedictine Monk, of the Reform of St. Manr. O 3 198 A CATALOGUE of the Maur. This Piece was fo valued. that Mr. Valoi pretended, that this learned Father had extracted it from his Notitia Galliarum. Martini Zeilleri Topographia Galliæ, in fol. Francof. 1655, 4 Vol. In High-Dutch. This Work is confi derable for the Number of the Plans of the Cities of France in it, though the Alterations they have under- gone, render them lefs ufeful at prefent. Topographia Galliæ, 120. Amft. 1662, 5 Vol. In High-Dutch. Papirii Maffoni Defcriptio Fluminum Galliæ, qua Fran cia eft, in 8vo. Paris 1618. Idem in 120. Paris 1685. This Piece, which was tranflated into French, is much efteemed, though Mr. Valois condemns it as confufed, and no Ways exact. André du Chefne les Antiquitez, & Recherches des Villes, & Châteaux de France, in 8vo. Paris 1624. Id. in 120. Paris 1668, 2 Vol. This ill wrote Piece has fome Things curious in it. The Edition in Twelves is the beſt. Les Delices de la France, ou Defcription de fes Provin ces, Villes, &c. depuis la paix de Ryfwick, in 120. Am- fterd. 1669, 2 Vol. This Work, whofe Scheme is excellent, is ill executed, wrote in a languid and in- accurare Method, Papirii Maffoni Notitia Epifcopatuum Galliæ, que Francia eft, in 8vo. Paris 1610. J. Grangierii Differtatio de loco ubi victus Attila olim fuit in Galliis, 8vo. Paris 1641. Deſcription de la France, in fol. Amfterd. 1706, 2 Vol. Thefe are two Volumes full of Figures, as large as the Atlaſſes. Jo. Limnæi Notitia & Argent. 1655, 2 Vol. udicious Collector. Regimen Regni Galliæ, in 4to, This is an exact Author, and Bernard Girard du Haillan de l'Etat, & Succez des Affaires de France, in 8vo. Paris 1594. Idem in 80. Pariz I chief HISTORIANS. 199 Paris 1609. Idem in 8vo. Paris 1613. This is a very curious Piece, and contains a particular Account of what relates to the State of France. He gives us very fingular and bold Strokes, and is ufeful to begin a Study of the Hiftory of France. There are many Editions before that here mentioned, but that of 1613 is the fulleft. L'Etat de la France, in 120. Paris, 3 Vol. This Book, which is reprinted every two Years, fhould be run over to acquaint the Student with the prefent State of the Pofts and Offices in the Kingdom. Nicolas Vignier Traité de l'Etat, & Origine de an- cients François, in 4to. Troyes 1582. This curious Piece was tranflated into Latin, and printed in the firft Volume of the French Hiftorians. Franc. Hotomanni Franco-Gallia, in 8vo. Paris 1576. Id. Francof. 1665. In this Book are many diligent Enquiries into the Original and Government of the Kingdom of France. This Piece, which is valued, is tranflated into Latin, and printed by Sleidan in Ger- many. It is tranflated into English, in 8vo. 17 Ad Franc. Hotomanni Franco-Galliam Refponfio, in 8vo. Paris 1576. In 1576. Two Learned Men of Paris under- took to confute Hottoman, viz. Anthony Matarel, whofe Anſwer is printed with all the German Edi- tions of Hottoman's Book, and Teter Turrel. The fame Year was publiſhed a bantering Anſwer to Ma- tarel, under the following Title. Matagonis de Matigonibus Monitoriale adverfus I- talo-Galliam five Franco-Galliam Matharelli, in 120. 1576. Charles du Moulin, Traité de l'Origine Progés, & Excellence du Royaume de France, in 8vo. Paris 1651. This valuable Piece is alfo tranflated into La- tin. 04 Claude 200 A CATALOGUE of the Claude de Seyfiel. La Grande Monarchie de France, avec un Traité de la Loi Salique, in 8vo. Paris 1540, 1558. Sleid in has tranflated and printed this Book in Germany. Jerome Bignon de l' Excellence des Rois, & du aume de France, in 8vo. Paris 1610. Roy CHA P. XXXV. COLLECTIONS of Hiftorians, or Ge- neral Hiflories of FRANC E. M Arquardi Freheri Corpus Francicæ Hiftoria Ve teris, in fol. Hanov. 1613. This Collection compri izes the firt Hiftorians of France, from the Beginning of their Monarchy, to Charles the Great, and his Sons. Petri Pithoei Annalium, & Hiftoria Francorum, ab Ann. 708, ad Ann. 990. Scriptores Coætanei XII. in 8vo. Francof. 1594. Hiftoria Francorum ab Ann. 900, ad Ann. 1285. Scriptores Francorum Veteres IX. in fol. Fran cof. 1596. Thefe Works were inferted in the Col- lection made by Andrew du Chefne, which fol lows. Andr. du Chefne Hiftoria Francorum Scriptores Co- ætanei ab ipfius Gentis Origine ad Phillippum Pulchrum, in fol. Paris 1636, 1641, 1649, 5 Vol. This is an excellent and fcarce Collection. It is a Misfortune that Mr. Du Chefne did not purfue his Defign, which would have made at least twenty-four Vo lumes of criginal Authors of the Hiftory of France. It chief HISTORIANS. 201 It ſhould not be forgot, that the fifth Volume was not publiſhed by du Chefne, but by his Son. Mr. Mencken fays, that he has a Copy of this Work, compared with ſeveral M. S. S. by the famous Blon- del, which might be of good Ufe in the publiſhing of a new Edition. Aimonii Monachi de Geftis Francorum Libri quin- que a Jacobo Dubreul, in fol. Paris 1603. In this Book are many Authors on the Hiftory of France. To which may be added, Canifii Var. Lectiones, and Tom. I. Monachi Langellenfis de Geftis Caroli M. Alcuinæ Epift. ad Carolum M. in Tom. XI. An- nales Francorum ab A. 741, ad 793, and in Tom. V. Defiderii Ep. Cadurceni Epiftola. Robertus Gaguinus Annales Rerum Gallicarum, in fol. Franc. 1577, & 1580. A fuperficial and very credulous Author. He is the firft Author who has mentioned the Reign of Ivetot. Paulus Emilius de Rebus Gallicis cum Arnoldi Fer- roni Continuatione, in fol. Paris Vafcofan. 1566. This Author, though fuperficial, writes a pure Style. Les Chroniques de France Vulgairement de S. Denis finiffuns au Regne de Charles VI. in fol. Paris 1493• Lettre Gothique, 3 Vol. Though here is much fabu- lous Hiftory, it is confiderable for the later Times ; The Book is rare and much enquired after, and the M.S.S. Copies are as common as the printed. Nicole Gilles Annales, & Chroniques de France de- puis la Deſtruction de Troyes juſqu' à François I. in fol. Paris 1520. Idem in fol. Paris 1544, & 1547. Idem in 8vo. Paris 1552, 2 Vol. Idem in fol. Paris 1560. Idem in fol. Paris 1569. This Author is credulous, what is good in him is the Account of the later Ages. Jean le Maire de Belges: Les Illuftrations des Gaules, &fingularitez de Troyes, in fol. Lyon 1549. A ve- ry fabulous and partial Writer. Jo. 202 A CATALOGUE of the і Jo. Tilii de Rebus Francorum Chronicon à Phara- mundo ad Henricum II. in fol. Paris 1555. This is a learned and exact Author. Jean du Tillet; Recueil des Rois de France, ieur Couronne, & Maiſon, &c. in fol. Paris 1586. Idem in 4to. Paris 1618. This Author, Brother to the laft, was well verfed in the French Hiftory. It is a Work full of Treaties of Peace, Publick Acts, and Negotiations of great Ufe. The Edition in 4to. in 1618, is the fulleſt, and better than that of 1586. Roberti Cenalis Epifcopi Abrincenfis Gallica Hiftoria, in fol. Paris 1557. This is little known, and equally regarded. Joan. Papir. Mafſoni Annales, quibus res gefta Fran- corum explicantur, in 4to. Paris 1577. This Author is very exact, but fhallow, and little read. Nicolas Vignier. Sommaire de l'Histoire de France avec un Traité de l'Origine des François, in fol. Paris 1 579. Bernard Girard du Haillan; Hiftoire generale des Rois de France, in fol. Paris 1615, 2 Vol. Idem in fol. Paris 1627. This is a valuable and accurate Au- thor, and is one of our beft Hiftorians: There are other Editions, but thofe here mentioned are the beft. Franc. Belleforeft; les Grandes Annales, & Hiftowe generale de France, in fol. Paris 1579, 2 Vol. -L'Hiftoire des Neuf Rois Charles, in fol. Paris 1568. This Author is much lefs efteemed than Haillan, as he was too credulous. 2. Jean de Serre; Inventaire general de l'Hiftoire gene- rale de France, in 8vo. Paris 1608, 4 Vol. Idem in fol. Paris 1648, 2 Vol. Idem in fol. Rouen. 1660, Vol. The fame tranflated into Latin by Marcus Caffiodorus Reinius, fol. Franc. 1627. This Author, who is otherwife efteemed, is too partial to the Hugu- Mots, whofe Religion he profeffed. I have remarked here the beſt Editions of his Hiftory, but the two laft are most valuable, as revifed by able Men. But as chief HISTORIANS. 203 as fome free and bold Paffages were ftruck out, the firft Editions are ftill fought for. Scipion Dupleix; Hiftoire generale de France, jufqu à la mort de Louis XIII. in fol. Paris 1634, & 1648, Vol. This Hiftory, as it is wrote in a languid and carelefs manner, is but little read: The Obfervations of Mr. Baffempiere on the Lives of enry IV. and i Louis XIII. thould be added. This Author wrote against Mr. Du Serres, the Inventaire des Erreurs & Deguisement de l'Inventaire de Jean de Serres, before he published his own Hiftory: But to be well acquaint- ed with him, we need no more than what Mr. Baf fompiere has faid in Page 735, of his Memoirs. Franc. Eudes de Mezerai; Hiftoire de France de- puis Pharamond jufqu'à la Paix de Vervins, in fol. Pa- ris 1643, 1646, & 1651, 3 Vol. Idem in fol. Paris 1685, 3 Vol. Franc. Eudes de Mezerai; Abregé Chronologi- que de ! Hiftoire de France, in 4to. Paris 1668, 3 Vol. Idem in 12c. Paris 1668. 8 Vol. Idem in 120. Amít, 1673, 6 Vol. Idem in 120. Amft. 1682, 7 Vol. Id.in 120. Amft. 1688,7 Vol. Id. in 120. Amft. 1696, 7 Vol. This is the beſt Modern Writer of the Hif- tory of France. He was learned, well verfed, and impartial. His Body of Hiftory, though very good, is not fo much valued as his Abridgement. The firft Edition, published in 1643, is more valuable than that of 1685. In this laft, he was obliged to omit fome bold Paffages, which favoured too much of Re- publicanifm. The laft Edition is fuller in his Hifto- ry of France before Clodoveus; and in other Pieces in- ferted in the Body of the Work. The Abridgement of Mezeray is much prized, and its Chronology is famed for its Exactnefs. The Editions here men- tioned are the beft. That of 1668 is very rare, and bears a great Price. Next to this is the Edi- tion printed in Holland in 1673. The others bear an 204 A CATALOGUE of the an equal Reputation. The Sincerity, or to speak more properly, the Boldneſs of this Author, made him lofe his Penfion of Hiftoriographer of France. He is deficient only in a Want of Style, in which he is very ſtiff. Of the Abridgement there are fe- veral Editions printed at Paris in Quarto and Twelves. But here many Paffages are left out, and others add- ed. At the beginning of the Dutch Edition is reprint ed his Hiftory before Clovis, which is at the begin- ning of his Body of Hiſtory, printed in the Year 1685. M. de Cordemoy, Hiftoire de France, in fol. Pa- ris 1685, & 1686, 2 Vol. This Hiſtory, though well wrote, has not hit the Tafte of the Age, and comes down only to the End of the fecond Race of Kings. Guillaume Marcel; Hiftoire de l'Origine, & des Progrés de la Monarchie Françoife, in 8vo. Paris 1686, 4 Vol. This is not, properly ſpeaking, a Hiſtory, but rather Chronological Tables of the Kings, of their great Actions, firft Minifters, proved by Hiftorical Extracts, and Original Papers, and has its Ufe. Vol. Hiftoire de France depuis l'Etabliffement de la Nío- narchie Françoife dans les Gaules, par le P. G. Daniel de la Compagnie de Jefus, in fol. Paris 1713, 3 He begins with Clovis, and ends at the Death of Henry IV. This Author has well obferved the Rules he lays down in his excellent Preface concerning a Mc- thod of writing Hiftory. He does not affect, like Varillas, to enter deep into the furprizing Parts, but relates all in fo fine an Order, and fo judicious a Style, as never to be tedious to his Reader. His greateſt Fault is, that we do not obferve that Impartiality re- markable in Thuanus, when he fpeaks of the Protef tants. I do not here take any Notice of feveral compen- dious Hiſtories of France, as they are very unexact, and but of little Ufe; fuch are thofe by Father Buffieres in Latin, chief HISTORIANS. 205 Latin, by Mr. Prade, and fome others; a Detail of which would be too tirefome, I fhall therefore only take Notice of thoſe who bear any credit. CHA P. XXXVI. Particular Hiftories of FRANCE rela- ting to the Two First Races of KINGS. S. Gregorii Turonenfis Opera omnia ex Recenfione D. Theodorici Ruinart Benedictini, in fol. Paris 1699. This is the beſt and moſt correct Edition, and indeed, only to be trufted. Befides Fredegarius, and the Continuators added, there are ſeveral Authen- tick Papes and Memoirs relating to the Hiftory of France. Andreæ Dadini Alteferræ Note, & Obfervationes in X. Libros Hiftoric Francorum Gregorii Turonenfis, & Supplementum Fredegarii, in 4to. Tolofa 1679. Andr. Sylvii Marcianenfis, Hiftoria Merovingica Synopfis ante Annos 433, confcripta cum variorum Conti- nuatione, edita ab Raph. de Beauchamps cum Notis in 4to. Duaci 1633, 2 Vol. This Work is as little en- quired after, as it is known. Hadriani Valefii gefta Veterum Francorum ufque ad Chlotarii Senioris mortem Libri VIII. in fol. Paris 1646. 3 Vol. This is an exact and well wrote Hiftory, a Continuation to this Day would be very acceptable. Joan. Joc. Chiffletii Anaftafis Childerici I. Franco- rum Regis, five Thefaurus Sepulcralis Tornaci effoffus, Commentario Illuftratus cum Figuris Ereis, Antverp. 1655. Jean. 206 A CATALOGUE of the Jean. Savaron de la Sainteté du Roi Louis dit Clovis, in 4to. Lyon 1622. This is a learned and judicious 410. Author. Le Fevre Chantereau. Difcours Hiftorique concernant le Mariage d'Ansbert, & de Blitilde prétendue fille dr Roi Clotaire, in 4to. Paris 1647. I have mentioned this Differtation before. Marc. Ant. Dominici Ansberti Familia rediviva, in 4to. Paris 1648. This Piece is wrote against Chante- reau; and the Author pretends to fupport the Marri- age of Ansbert and Blitilde. Gothofredus Henfchenius de Tribis Dagobertis, in 4to. Antverp. 1655. Jodocus Coccius de Dagoberto Rege, Argentoratenfi: Ecclefie Fundatore, in 4to. Molfheimi 1623. Alcimi Aviti Vienn. Archiepifc. Epiftole à Jacob. Sirmondo, in 8vo. Paris 1643. Or in the Collecti on of the Works of Father Sirmond, in five Volumes in Folio. Epiftole Francice Remigii Kemenfis ad Clodoveum, &c. Amongst the Hiftorians of France published by Freher and Mr. Du Chefne. Defiderii Epifcopi Cadurčeni ad Sigibertum e Dago- bertum Reges Epiftole, &c. Amongſt the Hiftorians of Du Chefne. Venantii Fortunati Epifcop. Tictavienf. Epiftola à Chriftophoro Brouvero, in 4to. Moguntie 1603, & 1616. Marculfi Monachi Formula, in 4to. Par. 1666. Or in the ſecond Volume of the Capitulars published by Mr. Baluze, and is very ufeful for the Hiftory of the firft Race. Claude Fauchet, les Antiquitez Gauloifes, & François fes, in 4to. Paris 1610. Adrien Jourdan Hiftoire de France, & l'Origine de la Maiſon Royale jufqu' à Charles Martel, in 4to. Paris 1679, 3 Vol. This Book, though moft pompously printed 1 chief HISTORIANS. 207 printed, is not efteemed: In it we have revived the old Fable of the Defcent of the Kings of France, from fome of the Princes concerned in the Siege of Troy. M. Le Gendre Chanoine de Paris Hiftoire de France, in 120. Paris, 3 Vol. This is a fhort Account of the Hiſtory of our Kings of the two firft Races, and the Author feems to have no Defign of making a Continuation. Le P. Daniel Hiftoire de France, in 4to. Paris 1696. In the Year 1716, Father Daniel began a new Hifto- ry of France, fince publiſhed with Obfervations and Differtations to clear up the most remarkable Diffi- culties. The firſt Volume comes no lower than Clo- vis, and fome few of his Succeffors: He at once takes off from the French Monarchy Pharamond, and three of his Succeffors. As to the Second Race of Kings, befides the general Hiftories of France, it would be proper to confult the Hiftorians printed by Du Chefne, or in fome of the Collections of German Hiftorians; and I fhall here mention fome of the principal. Annales Fuldenfes ab Anno 614, ad Annum 900. In the first Volume of German Hiftorians publiſhed by Freher. Fragmentum Annalium ab Anno 741, ad Annum 79. In the third Volume of the old Readings of Canifius. Annales Francorum Regum Pipini, Caroli Magni, & Ludovici Pii per Annos 87. In the firft Volume of the German Hiftorians publiſhed by Giuſtus Reuber, where they are more ample than as given us by Freher. Eginhardus, de Vita, & Geftis Caroli Magni, in 4to. Lipliæ 1616. Idem in Helmeftad. 1667. Idem in 4to. Ultrajecti 1711. Or in the Collections by Mr. Freher and Reuber. This is an exact and judicious Hiftorian, and we have nothing fo good for this Point of Time. Theganus 208 A CATALOGUE of the Theganus Chor-Epifcopis Treverenfis de geftis Ludo: vici Pii Imperatoris. In the Collection made by Pi- thaus in 8vo. which I have mentioned before. Flodoardi Chronicon ab Anno 919, ad Annum 966. In the Collection made by Fithaus. De Geftis Caroli Magni. In the firſt Volume of the Antique Lectiones by Canifius. This was wrote by a Monk of St. Gall. Donati Acciajoli de Vita Caroli Magni Commenta- rius. In the Collection of French Hiftorians by Fre- her and Du Chefne. Nithardus Nepos Caroli Magni de Diffenfionibus Filio- rum Ludovici Pii. In the Collection made by Pi- thaus: Chriftophorus Ott. Laurus Carolina de geftis Caroli M. & Filiorum, in 4to. Ingolftad. 1654. Jo. Henr. Bæclerus de Rebus Seculi IX. & X. in 4to. Argent. 1656. This is a moft exa&t and judici- ous Hiſtory. Jo. Joach. Frantzius; Hiftoria Caroli Magni, cum Notis Henrici Bæcleri, in 4to. Argent. 1644. Marq. Freherus de Staturâ Caroli Magni, in 4tc. Norib. 1657. Paul. Petavius de Nithardo Caroli Magni Nepote, ac ejus Profapia, in 4to. Paris 1613. Henric. Guntherus Thulemarius de Sororibus Ca- roli Magni, in 4to. Heidelb. 1681. Epiftole S. Bonifacii Martyris fub Pipino Rege, per Nicolaum Serrarium, in 4to. Mogunt. 1605. Volumen Epiftolarum, quas Romani Pontifices miferunt ad Principes, & Leges Francorum Carolum Martellum, Pipinum, & Carolum Magnum, à Jacobo Gretzero, in 4to. Ingolftadii 1613. Theſe Letters are good, and very ſcarce. Albini Flacci Alcuini Caroli Magni Magiftri Epifto- læ, & alia Opera, in fol. Paris 1617. Lupi chief HISTORIANS. 209 Lupi Ferrarienfis Epiftola, à Baluzio, in 8vo. Paris 1664. This Mr. Fresnoy judges the beſt Edition, as he knew not of the other, publiſhed at Antverp, or rather Leipfick, in 1710, which, having been carefully Reviſed, and containing all in the former, with Addi- tions, ought to be preferred; though after all, this Book contributes very little to the Hiftory. Hincmari Rhemenfis Epiftole, printed with his Works publifhed by Father Sirmond, a Jefuit. Capitularia Regum Francorum a Stephano Baluzio, in fet. Paris 1577, 2 Vol. Theſe are Pieces very neceffary to ftudy exactly the Hiftory of the Second Race of the Kings of France. I forbear feveral others, as thofe who have time, may confult the Collections in which they are to be met with. CHA P. XXXVII. ! Hiflorians of the THIRD RACE of the Kings of FRANCE. M Atthæus Zampinus de Origine, & Atavis Hugo- nis Capeti, in 8vo. Paris 1581. De la Nobleffe, Ancienneté, & Merites d'Honneur de Troifiéme Maifon de France, in 8vo. Paris 1587. This Piece is wrote by the famous Mr. Nicholas Vig hier. Extrait de la Genealogie de Hugues furnommé Capet, 8vo. Suo. Paris 1594. Font du Thiard Bishop of Chalons s thought to have been the Author of this fmall Trea- life. VOL. II. P. De 210 A CATALOGUE of the J P. De S. Julien; Difcours, & Paradoxe de l'Ori gine de Hugues Capet, extrait du differend d'entre Louis XI. & Marguerite de Bourgogne, in 8vo. Paris 1585e Alphonfi Delbene Epifcopi Albienfis de Gente, ac fa milie Hugonis Capeti Origine, juftoque Progreffus ad Di gnitatem Regiam, in 8vo. Lugdun. 1595. Claude de Rubis ; Hiftoire de l' Ancienne Extraction, Source, & Origine de la Maiſon Royale de France, in 8vo. Lyon. 1613. About the End of the fixteenth Century, there was a great Controverfy concerning the Third Race of the French Kings; as the Partizans of the League, Enemies to this Race endeavoured all they could, to prove, that Hugh Capet, and all his Suc- ceffors, were Ufurpers to the Crown of France. They made loud Exclamations, that this Kingdom was wreft- ed from the Houfe of Lorain by Hugh Capet. But the Battle of Ivry, in which Henry the Fourth was Conqueror, was a ftronger Argument than all their Paper War, that this Prince was the true and lawful Defcendant from the antient Kings of France. M. le Duc d'Efpernon; De la veritable Origine de la Troisieme Race des Rois de France, in 120. Paris 1680. This is a well penned and curious Piece: The Autho- rities feem to be juft, as taken from Authentick Wri tings, or good Hiftorians: He brings down the De- fcent of the third Race of the Kings of France from St. Amand Bishop of Mentz, who was a Prince of the Blood Royal of France. It is a great Rarity to fee a Piece of fo much Learning publiſhed by a Duke and Peer. Le P. Adrien Jourdan; La Critique de l'Origine de l'Augufte Maiſon de France, in 120. Paris 1684. This Piece has not much pleafed. The Author has at tempted a Rout different from that taken by Mr Ffpernon. The Collections made by Pithaus and D Chefne thould be confulted on this Head. Vincenti chief HISTORIANS. 21I l'incentii de Burgundia Speculum Hiftoriale, in fol. 474. It comes down to 1244. Glabri Rodulphi Hiftoria fui Temporis, apud Pithæum inter XI. Script. in fol. & Du Chefne, T. IV. This is the Life of Hugh Capet; there are other Co-tempo- rary Writers in the Collections of Pithaus and Du Chefne. Guillelmi Britonis Philippidos Lib. XII. cum Notis Cafp. Barthii, 4to. Lipfiæ 1657, & apad Pithæum, & Du Chefne. L'Heritiere de Guienne, on Hiftoire d'Eleonore fille de Guillaume dernier Duc de Guyenne, Femme de Louis VII. Roi de France, par M. de Larrey, in 8vo. Rot- terdam 1691. This is a well wrote and curious Hif- tory. Michiel Bautier. Hiftoire de l'Administration de Su- geri fous Louis VI. & Louis VII. in 4to. Paris 1645. Vite Sugerii Abbatis S. Dionyfii, Summi Franciæ Minifiri, Regnantibus Ludovico VI. & VII. An. 1150, mortui, ex veteri Codice edita à Franc. du Chefne, in 8vo. Paris 1648. Hiftoire de Philippe Augufte, in 120. Paris 1702, 2 Vol. This Hiftory is very much efteemed. Jean Sire de Joinville; Hiftoire de S. Lovis Roi de France, avec les Obfervations de Claude Menard, in 4to. Paris 1617. Or amongst the Differtations of Du Cange in fol. Paris 1668. This is a very faithful Hif torian, and Du Cange's Edition is very good. in M. de la Chaife; Hiftoire de S. Lovis Roi de France, n 4to. Paris 1688, 2 Vol. or in 120. Bruxelles 1688. As this Hiftory is wrote in a tireſome Style, though in it felf exact, it is but little read. M. l'Abbé de Choifi; Vie de S. Lovis, in 4to. Paris 1689. This Hiftory, though well wrote, is 410. or fo full as the former. Gerberti Rhemenfis Epiftole, in 4to. Paris 1611. P 2 Abbonis 212 A CATALOGUE of the : Abbonis Floriacenfis Epiftola. Thefe were printed at the Louvre in 1687, fol. with old Collection of Canons of the Latin Church, and ſeveral other Pieces put together by Pithaus. Fulberti Carnotenfis Epiftola, in 8vo. Paris 1608. Ivonis Carnotenfis Epiftole à Cl. Jureto, in 8vo. Paris 1610. Or in the Collections of the Works of Ivon a Carthufian, printed at Paris in 1647. Goffridi Abbatis Vindocinenfis Epiftola à Jac. Sir- mondo, in 8vo. Paris 1610. Or in the Collectica of Father Sirmond's Works, printed at the Louvre in five Volumes in Folio. S. Bernardi Epiftola. In the Edition of this Saint. Hildeberti Cenomanenfis Epiftola. In the Edition of his Works printed at Paris in 1706. Sugerii Abbatis Epiftole. In the Collection of French Hiftorians made by Du Chefne. Petri Mauritii Venerabilis Abbatis Cluniacenfis Epifto la. From the Library of Clugny, printed in Folio at Paris in 1614. Petri Cellenfis Epiftole, in 8vo. Paris 1613. Joannis Sarisberienfis Epifcopi Carnotenfis Epiftola, in 4to. Paris 1611. Stephani Tornacenfis Epifcopi, Epiftola à Claudio du Moulinet, in 8vo. Paris 1678. Le Baron d'Autevil. Hiftoire de Blanche Infante de Caftille, Mere de S. Lovis, Reine de France, in 40 Paris 1644. Alta inter Bonifacium VIII. Benedi&um XI. & Philippum Pulchrum, 4to. Paris 1613. Hiftoire du Differend de Philippe le Bel, & de Boni face VIII. produite par les Actes, & Memoires Origi maux, in fol. Paris 1655. This Collection of M Dupuis is very well digefted, and contains all the A of this Difference. M. l'Abbé de Choifi, Hiftoire de Philippes de Va Jois, & du Roi Jean, in 4to. Paris 1689. i M. PAbb chief HISTORIANS. 213 M. l'Abbé de Choifi; Hiftoire de Charles V. Roi de France, in 4to. Paris 1689. Jean Froiffart, Hiftoire, & Chronique revue, & cor- rigée par Denis Sauvage, in fol. Paris 1514, 3 Vol. Gothick Black Letter. Idem, fol. Lyon de Tournes 1559, 1560, 1561. This Author, though eſteem- ed, is not unprejudiced. The Edition of 1559, is thought the beft by fome, though others prefer the old black-lettered Editions, and affert Mr. Sauvage has rather fpoilt, than mended this Author. Jear. Juvenal des Urfins; Hiftoire de Charles VI. avec des Notes, & des Preuves par Theodore, & Denys Godefroy, in fol. At Faris in the Royal Printing- Houfe 1653. As this Author who was Archbishop Rheims, had feen much of what happened in this Reign, he should be preferred to Froiffard and Monftreiet. Hiftoire de Charles VI. Ecrite par un Auteur Contem- porain, traduite, & illuftrée de Commentaires par Jean le Laboureur, in fol. Paris 1663. This Author is much efteemed, and contains many remarkable Particulari- ties. M. Dupuis: Traitez concernant l'Hiftoire de France, de la Condamnation des Templiers, de l' Hiftoire du Schifme, in 4to. Paris 1654• Hiftoire de Bertrand du Guefclin Connétable de France, fous les Rois Jean, & Charles V. miſe en lumiere par Cl. Menard, in 4to. Paris 1618. M. Du Chaftelet. Hiftoire de Bertrand du Guefclir, in fol. Paris 1666. This is a different Hiſtory from the former, and is confiderable for the Proofs and curious Fragments added to it. Hiftoire du Marechal de Boucicaut, 120. Haye 1699. As the following Life of Boucicant comes down but to 1408, the Author in a later Edition has brought it to 1415. The first Edition was printed at Paris. P 3 Hiftoire 214 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftoire de Meffire Jean de Boucicaut Marechal de France, fous les Rois Charles V. & VI. mife en lumiere Theod. Godefroy, in 4to. Paris 1620. par Recueil de Diverfes pieces fervant à l'Histoire du Roy Charles VI. par le Sr. Beffe, in 4to. Paris 1660. This Piece was for the moft part printed formerly, though the Author boaſts a Collection of Original Papers. Nicolas Camufat; Mêlanges Hiftoriques, ou Recueil d'Actes, Traitez, Lettres, & autres Micmoires depuis ∙1390, jus, u' en 1580, in 8vo. Troyes 1519. Thi is a curious Collection, and eſteemed. Hiftoires de la Vie de Lovis III. Duc de Bourbon fous les Rois Jean, Charles V. & Charles VI. mifs en Lumiere par J. Maffon, in 8vo. Paris 1612. Nicolai de Clemangis Epiftola. Printed very incor rectly with the fame Author's Works, at Leyden in 1515, in 410. : Alain Chartier Ses Oeuvres qui contiennent l'Hiftoire de Charles VI. & Charies VII. Corrigées par Andre du Chefne, in 4to. Paris 1617. This Hiftory of Charles VI. and VII. was thought by Du Chefne to have been the Work of Chartier, till from Original and Authentick Manufcripts, it was found to be the Labour of Mr. Berry, chief Herald to thofe Kings It was reprinted by Gothefroy in his Hiftory of Charles VII. in 1661. Mr. Mencken obferves, that Du Chefno is twice miſtaken as to the true Name of this Author, as he has been lately difcovered to be Mr. Giles de Bouvier, as Mr. Thaumaffiere has fully proved in his Hiftory of Berry, lib. 1. cap. 97. pag. 79. # Enguerrand de Monftrelet, Chronique, Liflow: depuis 1400. Where Froiffard ends to 1467, in fol. Paris 1512, 3 Vol. in the black Letter. Again, fol Paris 1572, 2 Vol.-fol. Paris 1603. This laft E- dition is moſt eſteemed, but as of Froiffard, fo of this, the Learned rather chufe the Cothick Editions, as more correct than the later. Hiftoire chief HISTORIANS. 215 Hiftoire du Roi Charles VII. par Jean Chartier, Jac- les Bouvier dit Berry, Matthieu de Couci, & au- ques tres, enrichie de Titres, & autres pieces, par M. Denis Godefroi, in fol. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale 1661. Hiftoire d'Artus III. Duc de Bretagne, & Connéta- ble de France, contenant fes memorables faits depuis 1413, juſque en 1457, mise en lumiere par Theodore Gode- fro1, in 4to. Paris 1622. Hiftoire du Siege d'Orleans mis par les Anglois le 1 a dobré 1428, in 4to. Paris 1576. Id. in 8vo. Orleans 1606. Ludovic. Micquellus; Aurelia Urbis Memorabilis ab Anglis Obfidio, An. 1428, in 8vo. Paris 1560. Jolii Caufa Puelle Aurelianenfis difceptata, in 8vo. Pa- ris 1609. que de Difcours fommaire tant du nom, & des Armes, la Naiſſance, & parentè de la Fucelle d'Orleans, in 8vo. Paris 1612. Melchior Goldaftus de Sybilla Francica, feu tractatus varii de Joanna Puella, in 4to. Urfellis 1606. viz. Landayani Clerici de Sybilla Franciæ Rotuli duo. Henrici de Gorickheim propofitionum de Puella mi- litari in Francia Libri II. Joannis Gerfon Apologis pro Joanna Puella; Petri Cameracenfis Dialogi II. de querelis Franciæ, & Angliæ, & jure Succeffionis utro- rumque Regum in Regno Franciæ. Jo. Hordal; Heroine Nobiliffima Joanne d'Arc Lo- tharinge, vulgo Aurelianenfis Puellæ Hiſtoria, in 4to. Pontimuffi 1612. Le Livre de la Pucelle, Native de Lorraine; ensemble le jugement, & comme elle fut brulée au Vieil Marché a Roven, in 8vo. Roven. 1610. With the Hiſtory of Normandy. Valerandi Veranii de Geftis Joannæ Virginis Francia Egregia Bellatricis Libri IV. in 4to. Paris 1516. This is an inconfiderable Poem. P 4 Hifoire 216 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftoire memorable de la Vie de Jeanne d'Arc. appel- lée la Pucelle d'Orieans, extraite des Interrogatoires, & Reponses à iceux contenus au Procés de fa Condamnation, des Depofitions des Temoins ouis pour sa Justification, in 8vo. Paris 1612. This Hiftory was wrote by John Maſſon, the Brother of Papirius, both Men of Learn- ing, and verfed in French Hiftory. La Hiftoria de la Ponzella d'Orleans, y de fus grandes bechos, facados de la Chronica Real por un Cavallero dif- creto, embiado por Embaxador de Caftilla à Francia par les Reyes Don Fernando y Ifabel, in 4to. Burgos 1562. The Hiftory of the Maid of Orleans is one of the greateſt Events of the fifteenth Century. There are fome of the prefent Age, who begin to doubt of her Execution; and Mr. Naude has infinuated fomerhing like it in his Piece, entituled, Coups d'Etat, as well as feveral Differtations in the Mercures Galantes of 1683. Mr. Marceau relates and clears up this Fact in the third Volume of his Hiftory of France at Page 420. But this is one of thofe Propofitions which have died almoft as foon as born. Jean Chapellain la Pucelle, ou la France delivre, in fol. Paris 1656. As the Author had a large Penfion to encourage this Poem, fo he long raiſed the Expec tations of the World before he published it, and when at laft it was printed, Mr. Monmor made the follow- ing Epigram on it. Illa Cappellani dudum expectata puella Poft longa in lucem tempora prodit Anus. Le S. Du Pleffis: Les Vies de Meffire Jacques, & Antoine de Chabanes, tous deux grands Maitres de France, in Svo. Paris 1617. Martial de Paris: Les Vigiles de la mort de feu Roy Charles VII. contenant la Chronique, & les faits advenus durant la Vie dudit feu Roy, in fol. Paris. In the Go- thick chief HISTORIANS. 217 bick Character. This Author was a Procurator in the Parliament of Paris, a judicious and fprightly Ge- nius, and to him we owe the Publication of thoſe in- genious and polite Pieces called, The Decrees of Love. Hiftoire de Charles VII. Roy de France, in 120. Pa- ris 1697, 2 Vol. This Hiftory is well wrote. Memoires de Philippe de Comines, contenant l'Hif- toire de Lovis XI. & de Charles VIII. reveus par De- nis Sauvage, in fol. Lyon 1559. Idem in 120. Leide Elzevier 1648. Idem in fol. avec les Notes, & preuves par M. Denis Godefroy. Paris de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1649. Idem avec les memes Notes, in 120. la Haye 1683, 2 Vol. Idem avec les memes Notes, augmentè de la Chronique Scandaleufe, & de Nouvelles preuves par M. Godefroy fils de Denis, in 8vo. Bruxelles 1706, 3 Vol. This is the moft judicious and able Hiftori- an France can boaft. He has been compared to Thu- cydides, and the greateſt Hiftorians of all Antiquity; and with Reafon is he courted by the beft Politicians. We have here taken Notice of the beft Editions; that by Elzevir is neat and portable; but none of them are comparable for Correctness, Exactnefs, felect Notes, and Authorities to that publiſhed by Mr. Godefroy. That printed at the Louvre is very pompous and fcarce; and that in 8vo. at Bruffels, is without Compa- rifon the moſt correct, and full. It was published there, by Mr. Godefroy, Director of the Chamber of Ac- counts at Life, who added feveral Corrections, Notes, and Authorities from the Papers of Mr. Denis Code- froy, his Father. Philippi Cominei Opus de Febus geftis Ludovici XI. á Sleidano Latinum factum, in 8vo. Paris 1545. Idem in 120. Lugdun. Batavor. 1640. This is a Tranfla- tion of the Works of Philip de Comines. The Latin is pure, but the Verfion is not faithful. He is accu- fed by Foſſevin of having fuppreffed the Paffages of Comings in Favour of the Catholicks. But let that be as 218 A CATALOGUE of the 1 as it will, it must be confeffed that Sleidan was as bad a Writer as Tranflator, wherefore Barthius has given us a new Tranflation, at Francfort, more exact in 1629, though he is fomething obfcure. This Work was tranflated into English in 1674, 8vo. and after- wards by Mr. Dvedale in two Volumes in 8vo. 1712. Pierre Matthieu; Hiftoire du Roy Lovis XI. in fol. Paris 1610. Idem in 4to. Paris 1628. This is the beſt Piece wrote by this Author, and is valued. Gabriel Naude; Addition à l'Hiftoire de Lovis XI. in 8vo. Paris 1630. Idem avec les Notes, & des Frau- ves par M. Godefroy, in 8vo. Bruxelles 1712. This is a very curious Treatise, and being become rare, Mr. Gothefroy reprinted it, with feveral Original Papers and valuable Fragments, and prefixed a very learned Preface, in which he has undertaken to examine the Hiftory of Louis XI. by Varillas, and to correct fome of the innumerable Errours he has fallen into. La Chronique du Très Chretien, & Victorieux Roy Lovis XI. depuis l'An. 1461, jufqu' en 1483, in fol. Paris, Black Letter. Idem in 8vo. Paris 1558. The fame under the Title of the Chronique Scandalenfe écrite par un Greffier de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris imprimée fur le vray Original, in 4to. Paris 1620. This Chro- nicle, which is very good, went generally along with the Additions to the Chronicle of Monftrelet, and the Hiſtory of Haillan. Mr. Gothefroy caufed it to be reprinted in his Edition of Ihilip de Comines at Pruffel; in 1706. Mr. Croix at Maine fays in his Bibliotheque, that John de Troyes writ the Chronicle of Louis X. commonly called the Scandalous Chronicle, as he men- tions all the Actions of that Prince, and difcovers fe- veral Things not too favourable to his Character. J. Bapt. Hermite de Soliers; Le Cabinet du Roy Lovis VI. ou plufieurs Fragmens, Lettres, & Intrigues Du Regne de ce Monarque, in 120. Paris 1661. There is 1 chief HISTORIANS. 219 La more exact Edition by Mr. Gothefroy, partly in his Edition of Philip de Comines at Bruſſels, and partly in the Additions made by him to Mr. Naude's Hifto- ry of King Lovis the Eleventh. Le Rofier ou Epitome Hiftorial de France divife en trois parties. La feconde partie desquelles à eié compilée par ordre de Lovis XI. in fol. Paris 1582. Idem in 8vo. Paris 1618. This laft Edition is very imperfect, and worth nothing. Remontrances faites au Roy Lovis XI. fur les Frivileges de l'Eglife Gallicane, & les plaintes, & doleances dis peuple, in Svo. Paris 1561. Inftitution, & Ordonnance des Chevaliers de l'Ordre de S. Michel, in 8vo. Paris 1561. Francifci Belcarii Metenfis Epifcopi Rerum Gallica- zum Commentarii ab Ann. 1461, ad An 1580, in fol. Lugdun. 1625. Though this Hiftory is neither much enquired after or read, yet it contains fome Mar- ters of great Curiofity. To judge by the Title, one would imagine, this Hiftory came down to 1580, and we know the Author defigned it fo low, but his Death prevented him, ſo that it reaches only to 1567. Hiftoire du Roi Charles VIII. par Guillaume de Ja- ligni, Andre de la Vigne, & autres Hiftoriens avec des Obfervations, & des Freuves par M. Denis Godefroi, in fol. Paris de l'Imprimerie Royale 1684. Mr. Theodore Gothefroy, Father of Mr. Denis, printed fome of thefe Hiftorians at Paris in 1617, but this Edition is much the moft beautiful and full; and we muſt confefs, that the Death of Mr. Denis obftructed the finishing of this Work; and indeed, in it are too evi- dent Signs of this ſudden and unexpected Misfortune. Extrait des Regiftres du Parlement touchant les Flaintes de Lovis Duc d'Orleans contre l'Enlevement du Roy Charles VIII. par la Comteffe de Beaujeu en 1484, 4to. Paris 1652. ; De 220 A CATALOGUE of the De Caroli VIII. Regis Francorum Expeditione Ita- lica, Legatio Gallicana ad Pontificem Romanum, &c. in 4to. Hanoviæ 1613. Ótavien de S. Gelais Eveque d'Angouleme; Le Vergier d'Honneur de l'Intreprife, & Voyage de Naples du Roy Charles VII. in 4to. Paris 1526. In this Work are many Hiſtorical Particularities of the Reigns of Charles VII. Lovis XI. and Charles VIII. Kings of France. Alexandri Pæantii Benedi&i Diaria de Bello Carolino Neapolitano, 40. Venet. 1496. Il Fatto d' Armi del Tarro fra i Principi Italiani e Carlo Ottavo Re di Francia, infieme con l'Affedio di Novarra di M. Aleſſandro Benedetti, tradotto per Meffer Lo- dovico Domenichi, in 8vo. Venet. 1549. La forme, & ordre de l'Affemblée des 3. Etats tenus en la Ville de Tours fous le Fegne de Charles VIII. & ce qui y fut Remmontré, Decidé, & Ordonné, in 8vo. Paris 1561, & 1614. Les faits, & geftes du Chevalier fans Puæur, & fans Re- proche, par fon Loyal Servicur, 8vo. 1527. This is the Life of Mr. Bayard, published by his Secretary but three Years after his Death. Hifloire du Chevalier Bayard, & de plufieurs chofes memorables arrivees en France, Italie, Efpagne, & Pays- bas, depuis 1489, juſqu' en 1514, mise en lumiere par Theodore Godefroy, in 4to. Paris 1619. This fame Hiſtory was reprinted, with Additions, under the following Title. Hiftoire du Chevalier Bayard, fous les Regnes de Charles VIII. & Francois I. avec fon Supplement par Claude d'Expilly, & les Annotations de Theodore Go- defroy Augmentees par Lovis Videl, in 8vo. Grenoble 1551. This is the beft Edition of this Hiftory. Les Epitaphes des Rois Lovis XI. & Charles VIII. in 4to. An old Edition. Memoires chief HISTORIANS. 221 Memoires fervant à l'Hiftoire de France durant les Regnes de Lovis XI. Charles VIII. Lovis XII. Fran- çois premier, & Hen. II. commencant au Traité d'Arras entre Lovis XI. & le Duc d'Autriche en 1482, in 800. Divers extraits fervant a l'Histoire de Charles VIII. & Lovis XII. tirez de l'Hiftoire de Symphorian Cham- pier, in 4to. Paris 1617. Symphoriani Champerii Lugdunenfis, Trophæum Gallorum Quadruplicem eorundem complectens Hiftoriam de Ingreffu Ludov. XII. in Urbem Genuam, &c. in fol. Lugd. 1507. Georgii Flori Mediolanenfis de Bello Italico, & Re- b: Gallorum præclare Geftis fub Carolo VIII. & Lu- dov. XII. in 4to. Luter. 1613. The Wars, here treated on, are thofe of Charles VIII. and Lovis XII. Claude de Seiffel: Hiftoire finguliere du Roi Lovis XII. in 8vo. Paris 1587. -Hiftoire de Lovis XII. Roy de France, jufques en 1515, mise en lumiere par Theodore Godefroi, in 4to. Paris 1615. In this Volume are feveral very curious Fragments, fuch as the Panegyricks on, and Apologies for, Louis XII. Jean d'Auton Hiftoire de Lovis XII. dans les Années 1499, 1500, & 1501, mife en lumiere par Theodore Godefroy, in 470. Paris 1620. Hiftoire de Lovis XII. depuis l'Ann. 1506, juſq' en 1508, in 40. Paris 1615. This Work is printed with the Hiftory of Louis XII. wrote by Mr. Claude Seiffel, and published by Mr. Theodore Gothefroy in the Year 1615. Jean de Saint Gelais Hiftoire de Lovis XII. Roi de France; Pere du Peuple, jufqu' en 1510, miſe en lumiere par Theodore Godefroy, in 4to. Paris 1622. Lettres du Roi Lovis, Svo. Bruxell. 1712, 4 Vol. Theſe are not only the Letters of Louis XII. but thoſe of other Princes and their Prime Miniſters of that 2 2 2 A CATALOGUE of the : that time, as alfo of the Emperour Maximilian I. and Margaret his Daughter; of Ferdinand the Catholick, Popes Julius the Second, and Leo the Tenth; of Henr VIII King of England; the Cardinal d'Amboife, and others. Lovis de Bony: La Vie de Jeanne de Valois Reine de France, 8vo. Paris 1684. Memoires de Louife de Savoye Ducheffe d'Angou leme. In this we have what paffed at Court from the Beginning of the Reign of Louis XII. to the Year 1520. The Author of the Effays of Literature, thought thefe Memoirs were never published, but he is miftaken. Read the Memoirs of Trevoux for the Year 1704. Lettre de la Tres-excellente Princeffe Mad. Marie d'Angleterre Reine de France, en la Noble Ville de Pa- ris le 6 Novembre 1514, in 8vo. Paris 1514. L'Ordre des Joutes faites a Paris a l'Entrée de la Reine, femme de Lovis XII. Ecrit par Montjoie Roi d'Aimes, in 8vo. Jean Bouchet Epitres Familieres du Traverfcur, fous Lovis XII. & François I. in fol. Poitiers 1545. Thefe Letters are curious and fcarce, and in them are the two following very remarkable. Epitre envoyée du Champ Elifee par feu Henri VII. autrefois Roy d'Angleterre à Henri VIII. fon fils, fur l'Entreprise par lui faite contre Lovis XII. Epitre au nom d'Illuftre Dame Mad. Marie Reine Douairiere de France, qu'elle refcrit au Roy d'Angle- terre fon frere, Henri VIII. touchant le trepas du Roy Lovis XII. fon Epoux. Guill. Briconnet Epifcop. Lodovienfis coram Julio II. pro Ludovico XII. Francor. Rege, adverfus Ca- lumniatorem Apologia, in 4to. Lugd. 1507. Jean Marot: Les Deux Heureux Voyages de Gennes, & Venife par le Roy Lovis XII. in 8vo. Paris 1532. Les chief HISTORIANS. 223 Les Triomphes de France, fous le Roy Lovis XII. traduits du Latin de Charles Curre Mamertin, par Jean d'Yvri Bachelier en Medicine, in 4to. Paris 1508. Eutrevue de Lovis XII. & de Ferdinand Roy d'Ar- agon a Savone, in 4to. Paris 1613. L'Ordre qui fut tenu aux obfeques de Lovis XII. in 8vo. 1514. Jean Bouchet Le Panegyrique du Chevalier fans Re- proche, Mcffire Lovis de la Trimouille, fous Charles VIII. & Lovis XII. in 4to. Roberti Guagnini Fpiftola, in 4to. Paris. Idem in 160. Paris. Thefe Letters are fcarce and curious. Religiofiffimi Viri Frat. Joannis Raulin Epiftole Illu- frium Virorum, in 4to. Paris 1521. Thefe Letters are rare and curious. Caroli Bouilli Samarobrini Epiftole aliquot Hiftorica, in 4to. Parif. Typis Afcenfianis 1514. Theſe are fcarce and curious. Guil. de Mara Juris Utriufque Doctoris Epiftola, & Carmina Hiftorica. An old Edition, all thefe Letters are scarce. Baudier Hiftoire du Cardinal d'Amboife Miniftre d'Etat fous Lovis XII. in 4to. Paris 1634. Vie du Cardinal d'Amboife par Des Montagnes, in 8vo. Paris 1631. The Life wrote by Mr. Bandier, is moſt eſteemed. Arnoldi Ferronii de Geftis Gallorum Libri IX. à Ca- rolo VIII. ad Francifci I. mortem, 8vo. Paris 1550. Steph. Doleti Francifci Valefii Gallorurn Regis fata, ab Anno 1513, ufque ad Annum 1539, in 4to. Lug- dun. 1539. This is the fame Stephen Dolet, the fa- mous Bookfeller, who was burnt at Paris in 1543, up- on Account of his Religion. He was accuſed of A- theifm. I have fomewhere read, that he was a Natu- ral Son of Francis the Firſt, but not owned by him; but I fear there is no Proof of this Affertion. Er enne 224 A CATALOGUE of the Etienne Dolet: Les Geftes de François I. Roy de France, depuis l'An. 1513, jusq' en l'An. 1539, in 4to. Lyon 1540. Idem in 8vo. Paris 1543. This is a Tranfla- tion made by Stephen Dolet himſelf of the Work I juſt now mentioned. Les Chroniques de France Abregées contenant les Vail- lances, & Proveffes du Noble Roi François premier, plufieurs Additions tant de guerre que d'Autres chofes, de- puis le Commencement de fon Regne, juſqu' en l'An. 1544; in 4to. Paris 1544. Les Faits, & Geftes du Roi François I. in 8vo. Paris. 1546. L'Ordre du Sacre, & Couronnement du Roy François I. a Reims en 1514, in 8vo. L'Ordonnance faite a l'Entrée du Roy François I. dedans fa Ville de Milan, in 8vo. 1515. Forme du traite fait entre François I. & Maximilien Sforce Duc de Milan, in 8vo. Pafquier le Moine, called, The Monk without his Frock: Le Couronnement de François I. Voyage, & Conquete d la Duche de Milan en 1515, &c. in 4to. Paris 1520. François Guicciardin Hiftoire des Guerres d'Italie ad venue fous les Kegnes de Charles VIII. Lovis XII. & François I. traduite de l'Italien en François par Jerome Chomedei, in fol. Paris 1612. This Hiftory, origi nally wrote in the Italian Language, is much efteemed, and is one of the beft we have of that Age. It was published in Italian in 1561, one Year after the Death of the Author; but the moſt valuable Edition is that printed by Thomas Porcacci in 4to. at Venice, in 1640. John Baptift Leoni publifhed fome Obfervations on this Book, under the Title of, Confiderazioni fopra la Storia di Francefco Guicciardini, Ven. 1600; and John Bap- tist Adriani continued this Hiftory in his Storia de' fuoi Tempi, Flor. 1583. A Book, though little known, was much efteemed by Thuanus. Guicciardini was tranflated chief HISTORIANS. 225 tranflated into pure Latin by Calius Secundus Curio, at Bafil, fol. 1556. Lettre du Roy François I. à Madame ſa mere Regente de France, de la defaite des Suiffes à Marignan. This Letter may be found printed in a Book, intituled, Deffeins & Profeffions Nobles d'Antoine de Laval, in 410. a Paris 1613. A curious Work, in which are preferved many good Fragments. Exemplaria Literarum quibus Chriftianiffimus Rex Galliarum Francifcus ab adverfariorum malcdictis defen- ditur, & controverfiarum caufæ, ex quibus bella inter ip- fim, & Carolum V. Imperatorem emerferunt, explicar- tur, in 4to. Paris 1537. Thefe are curious Letters, which correfpond with feveral Pieces in French, which the Emperour Charles the Fifth cauſed to be printed against Francis the Fifi, at Antverp. Epifiole Hortatoric ad Facem, Pauli III. ad Carolum V. & Caroli ad eas Refponfio, & Francifci I. adverfus Carolum V. Apologia, in 8vo. Paris 1543• Francifci I. Actitata per Legata,& Litteras cum Impe- ratoris Principibus. Printed with the German Hifto rians. Hiftoria Captivitatis Francifci I. Gall Regis & Vita Caroli V. 8vo. 1711. M. Nicole Volkir de Serouville: L'Hiftoire de la Victoire obtenue contre les Lutheriens d'Aulfais par An- toine Duc de Lorraine, in fol. Paris 1526. Guil. Paradini Memoria Noftra Libri V. in fol. Lugd. 1548. Hiftoire de France, depuis François I. jufques a l'An. 1550, in 16c. Paris 1556. This is a Tranflation-of the laft Work by the Author himſelf, is ſcarce and valuable. Pro Carolo V. Imperatore Apologetici Libri II. Epif tole, &c. in Svo. Antverp. 1525. VOL. II. 郎 ​Lettre 226 A CATALOGUE of the * ↑ Lettre d'un Serviteur du Roy François I. a un Secrc- taire Allemand, fur les Differends entre le Roy, & l'Em- pereur, in 8vo. Memoires de Martin du Bellai Sr. de Langrey, de- puis 1513, jufq' a la mort de François I. in fol. 1569, & 1572. Thefe Memoirs are very curious, and there are other Editions of them printed in Octavo. Guil. & Martini Bellajorum Hiftoria Latine falta ab Hugone Suræo, in ful. Francof. 1574. Thefe are the Antecedent tranflated into Latin. Hiftoire de la Maifon de Bourbon contenant entre au- tres chofes memorables, la vie, & les geftes fignilez de Monfeigneur Charles dernier Duc de Bourbonnois, & d'Auvergne, qui mourut devant Rome; écrite par jon Secretaire Marillac. This Hiftory is printed entire in the Book entituled, Diffeins & Profeffions Nobles, ☺ Publiques d'Antoine de Laval, in 1613, at Paris, 410. We have mentioned this Book formerly. Chriftianiffimi Francor. Regis (Francifci I.) adver fiss Imperatorem Electum prorogati duelli defenfio, A. 1528. Nic. Coutereau Vie de Lovis de Bourbon Duc de Montpenfier fous Francois I. in 4to. Roven. 1642. Le Trepas, & obfeques de Francois I. in 4to. and in 8vo. Paris 1548. Les Lettres de Francois Rabelais avec les Notes de M. de Sainte Marthe, in 8vo. Paris 165 1.-In 120. Bruxelles 1710. Thefe Letters are in themselves good, but more valuable for the Notes. Pierre Matthicu Hiftoire de France depuis François I. jufa a Lovis XIII, in fol. Paris 163 1, 2 Vol. This Hiftory is much fearched for, and has been Abridged, but is not very exact, notwithstanding which it may be of Ufe to one who would enter deep into this Study, and aims to know all he can. Faits, & Dits memorables de plufieurs grands Perfonna ges, Seigneurs François, des chofes rares advenues en France chief HISTORIANS. 227 France fous Francois I., Henry II. Francois II. & Charles IX. in 4to. 1565. Emile de Piguerre: Hiftoire de France fous les Rois Henri, & Francois II. Charles IX. '& Henri III. in fol. Paris 1582. Though this Hiftory is rare, it is not much enquired after. Lance'or Vo fin de la Popeliniere: Hiftoire de France depuis 1550, juſqu' en 1580, in fol. imprimé par Abra ham H. 1581, 2 Vol. This curious Hiftory is wrote by a Proteſtant, and printed at Rochelle, although there is no Name of Place in the Title: The Printer was Mr. Abraham Hautin. It was reprinted alfo in four Volumes in Octavo, D'Aubigne Hiftoire Universelle depuis 1550, jusqu' en 1610, in fol. a Maille 1616, & 1618, & 1620. This is the beſt Edition of this Hiftory, which is curious and fatyrical. The Edition printed at Leyden in 1626, though caftrated in fome Places, is thought the beft; wherefore a Man of Curiofity fhould not want ei- ther. Mr. Aubigne was Grandfather of Madam De Maintenon. The Book having difcovered fome Se- crets of King Henry the Fourth, it was burnt at Paris by a Decree of the Parliament.. Des Faits, & Geftes d'Henri II. in 8vo. Blois 1556. Thomæ Cormerii Alenconii, rerum geftarum Hen- rici II. in 4to. Paris 1584: Le Sacre, & Couronnement du Roy Henri II. in 8vo Paris 1584. Ordre, & forme tenue au Sacre de Catherine de Me- dicis Reine de France, en l'Eglife St. Denis, in 4to. Paris 1549. Memoires du Sr Richer Ambaffadeur pous les Rois Francois I. & Henri II. en Suede, & en Dannemark, Svo. Troy. 1625. Auberi Hiftoire de l'Execution de Cabrieres, & de Merindol, in 4to. Paris 1645. This is one of the moft Tragical Events of the Sixteenth Century. I Q 2 Cannot 228 A CATALOGUE of the cannot think this an Honour to Catholicks, though it be ranked with the famous Maffacre on St. Bar- tholomew's Day. may Franc. de Rabutin Commentaires fur le fait des Guer. res en la Gaule Belgique entre Henri II. & Charles V. Empereur, in 8vo. Paris Vafcofan. 1559.—Continuati- on de fes Commentaires depuis 1550, jufq' en 1556, in 8vo. Paris 1575. Thefe Memoirs were afterwards printed in one Volume. Memoires de Francois de Boivin Baron de Villars depuis 1550, jufqu' en 1559, in 410. Paris 1606. In 8vo. Lyon 1610. Continued down to 1562, in 8vo. Paris 1629, 2 Vol. This laft Editi on is better than the others. Guillaume Paradin Continuation de l'Hiftoire de Notre temps depuis l'Année 1550, jufqu' en 1556, in fol. Lyon 1556. In 8vo. Paris 1575. Guil. Paradini de motibus Galliæ, & expugnatio Ilio Caletorum, Commentarius, in 4to. Lugd. 1558. La Reduction de Calais au Royaume de France, in v. Paris 1558. Commentaires de Blaife de Monluc Marechal de France, in fol. Bourdeaux Millanges 1592. — In 8vo. Paris 1594. In 120. Paris 1661, 2 Vol. Tranflated into English, in fol. Lond. 16-. It was tranflated into Italian, and printed at Florence 1630, 4to. Mr. Naude, in his Remains, fpeaks thus of him: The Affairs treated of by Mr. Monluc in his Commenta ries, are not ſo wonderful as he would have them thought. He was a Gascoign, and great Braggadocio, though in them there are fome good Things. Barthelem. de Salignac Hiftoire du Siege de Mets en Ann. 1552, in 4to. Paris 1553. Relation d'un Voyage du Roy Henri II. aux Pays- bas en l'An. 1554, in 4to. Paris 1554. Defenſe pour le Roy Tres-Chretien (Henri II.) contre les Catomnies de Jacques Omphalius, in 4to. Paris. Apologi chief HISTORIANS. 229 Apologia altera pro Rege Henrico II. contra Cæfaria- Tranflated into French, in nos, in 4to. Paris 1552. 4to. Paris 1552. Guil. Ribier Lettres, & Memoires d'Etat fur les Reg- nes de François I. Henri II. & Francois II. in fol. Blois 1665, 2 Vol. As thefe Memoirs were printed after the Death of the Author, many confiderable Errours have crept into them; but yet to one who would ftudy the French Hiftory, it may be uſeful to conduct him from 1537, to 1560. Hiftoire de l'Etat de France fous le Regne de François II. in 8vo. Paris 1576. Mr. La Ilanche, a Protef tant Minifter, is thought to have been the Author of this Work. Franc. Rabelais les Faits, & Dits Heroiques du bon Pantagruel, 120. amongſt his Works 1675. I mention here this Satyr, as all feem agreed, that under the Name of Pantagruel, the Author defigns King Henry the Second. Difcours de ce qui eft advenu a Vaſſi, y paffant M. le Duc de Guife, in 8vo. Paris 1552. Recueil des chofes memorables avenuesen France fous les Regnes de Henri II. Francois II. Charles IX. & Henri III. depuis 1548, juſqu' en 1597, in 8vo. 1598. 1603. Recueil des chofes advenues en France depuis 1548, jufqu' en 1588, in 8vo. 1595. Joan. Serranus de Statu Religionis, & Reipub. in Regno Galliæ fub Henrico II. Francifco II. & Carolo IX. in 8vo. Geneva 1572, & 1573, 2 Vol. This is the fame Mr. John Serres, of whom we have fpoke for- merly. Jacobi Augufti Thuani Hiftoriarum fui Temporis Li- bri 138, ab An. 1543, ad An. 1607, accedunt Com- mentariorum de Vita fua Libri VI. in fol. Aurelia Al- lobrogum (Geneva) 1620, 4 Vol. Q 3 Pars 230 A CATALOGUE of the - Pars prima quæ Libros XVIII. ufque ad Annu 1560. complectuur in fol. Parif. Patiffon 1604. Hiftoriarum fui Temporis Libri 138, in fol. Parif. Drouart 1606, 4 Vol. Hiftoria fui Temporis, in 8vo. Aurelia, 11 Vol. Though this Edition is imperfect, it is valued. Index Nominum propriorum, que in Jac. Aug. Thuani Hiftoriis leguntur cum vernacula expofitione, in 4to. Ge- neve 1634. The fame Book was reprinted in Cer ny, under the Title of, Clavis Hiftoriæ THUANA. Joan. Baptift. Galli Notationes in Hiftoriam Thuati, in 4to. Ingolftadii 1614. He accufes Thuanus of Lu- theranifm, and after his Book was Burnt at Paris, the Author difcovers his Name. Fratoris Parifienfis Sententia adverfus Libellum in- fcriptum J. B. Galli Notationes in Hiftoriam Thuani, in 4to. Paris 1614. J. P. Titii Jacobi Augufti Thuani Voluminum Hif toricorum Recenfio, in 4to. Gedani, Rhetii 1685. have none Thuanus Reftitutas, five Sylloge locorum variorum in Hiftoria Thuani defideratorum, in 120. Amftelodam. 1663. The Collection of the caftrated Paſſages in Thuanus's Hiſtory is not compleat. I have ranged thefe Pieces in Order, as abfolutely neceffary to be added to the Hiftory of Thuanus. This is the molt exact and faithful Hiftorian we have of the Six teenth Century; In the prefent Age we that can come in Competition with him. He is uni- verfally efteem'd by French and Foreigners, by Catho licks, and I roteſtants, excepting fome few, fuch as Futus Lipfius, who cenfure this Hiftory as too bold and honeſt, and indeed he wrote as much to Mr. himfelf. Some Errours cannot be denied Editions, that printed at Geneva in 1620, is the beft. The others are not fo perfect. But to have a coin- pleat Edition, it will be neceffary to he the first Volume .inted at Paris in 1604, by Mamert Patiſſon, Thou Of all the Son- F chief HISTORIANS. 231 Son-in-Law to the famous Robert Stephens. This Edi- tion by Patiffon is the firft, and in thote that followed many excellent Paffages were omitted; then fhould we have the two Volumes printed at Erouart, and the Forth and Fifth of the Edition at Geneva. Here fhould be added the little Piece, entituled, THUANUS RESTITUTUS, which is a Collection of the caftrated and altered Paffages in Thuanus's Hiftory. There are allo fome Manufcripts of thefe Alterations much more full, and thoſe who have an Opportunity of a Tran- fcript, fhould not flip it. John Baptift Machaut is faid to be the Author of a Book publiſhed at Ingol- ftad, under the fictitious Name of J. B. Gallus, which was wrote againft Thuanus, foon after its Publication; and, according to the Opinion of Mr. Caftelet at Pa- ris, deferves a Reading. Again, as Thuanus has ftrange- ly changed the French Names into Latin, a Dictiona- ry was neceffary to explain them, and this is the Index publiſhed at Ceneva in 1634, and Reprinted in Ger- wany under the Title of, Clavis Hiftorie THUANE. It is wonderful that fo many thouſand worthless Books meet with fuch a Variety of Editions, and that none have attempted a good Edition of this fo ufeful and valuable Hiftory, which, in my Opinion, would be much better than that vaft Corpus of Roman Antiquities, which Gravius has printed in Holland. Many Tranflati- ons of this Hifterin have been defigned, but none have pufued fo far as Mr. Ryer, who has tranflated above half, though his Verfion is not much fought for, bc- cauf, as is objected, an unfinished Piece. par Michel de Caftelnau Aíemoires des chofes les plus Re- marquables, qu'il à vies,& negociées fous les Foys François II. Charles FX. avec des Commentaires M. Le Laboureur, in fol. Paris 1659, 2 Vol. Thefe are excellent Fragments of Hiftory, and kindly recei- ved, fince Mr. Laboreur has adorned it with ufeful Notes, and inſerted ſeveral Letters, Papers of Inftruc- Q 4 tions. -A 232 A CATALOGUE of the į t tions, Publick Acts, and Negotiations, which we had not formerly. They have been lately translated into English by the Reverend Mr. Kelly. Commentaires de l'Etat de la Religion, & Republique fous les Roys Henri, & Francois II. & Charles IX. in 8vo. 1565. Thefe Memoirs are attributed to Mr. Peter de Flace, firft Prefident of the Court of Aids. Memoires de la Troifiéme Guerre Civile fous Charles IX. en III. Livres, in 8vo. 1570. Autres Memoires fur la Troifiéme Guerre Civile en IV. Livres, in 8vo. 1570. le Recueil des chofes memorables faites, & paſſées pour fait de la Religion, & Etat de ce Royaume depuis la mort du Roy Henri II. jufques a l'An. 1665, in 8vo. and in 160. Strasbourg 1566, & 1567, 3 Vol. Brief Difcours fur la mort de Jeanne d'Albert Reine de Navarre avenue à Paris le 9. Juin 1572, in 800. 1572. Joan Albert, Mother of King Henry the Fourth, was a Lady who made her felf feared by all. Alta Tumultuum Gallicanorum ab Anno 1559, ad An. 1569. This Hiftory is printed in a Book, en- tituled, Illuftria Ecclefie, Catholice Trophaa, ex recenti bus Anglicorum Martyrum, Scoticæ proditionis, Gallico- rumque furorum Rebus geftis, in 8vo. 1573. Memoires de l'Etat de France fous Charles IX. de- puis 1570, jufqu' en 1574, in 8vo. Meidelbourg. 1578, 3 Vol. Theſe are very curious Memoirs, but muſt be read with Caution. Richardi Dinothi de Bello Civili Gallico Religioni caufa fufcepto Libri VI. in 4to. Bafil. 1592. Hiftoria Tumultus Ambofiani, in 4to. 1560. Georg. Bolquetus Huguoneorum Hæreticorum To- lofe conjuratorum profligatio, in 4to. Tolofa 1563. Abel Jouan Recueil, & Difcours du Voyage du Roy Charles XI. en Champagne, Bourgogne, Dauphine, c. in 8vo. Par. 1566. Recueil chief HISTORIANS. 233 Recueil des chofes Notables qui ont été faites à Bayonne à l'Entrevue du Roy Charles IX. & la Reine fa Mere, avec la Reine Catholique fa Sœur, in 4to. and in 8ve. Par. 1566. Fapire Maffon: Difcours des chofes qui ſe ſont paſſées à la Reception de la Reine, & Mariage de Charles IX. in Svo. Par. 1570. André Sorbin, dit de Sainte Foy: Hiftoire de la Vie, Mœurs, & Vertus du Roy Charles IX. in 8vo. Paris 1574• Memoires de Gafpar de Coligni Seigneur de Cha- fillon Admiral de France, in 120. Paris 1565. La Vraye,& entiere Hiftoire des Troubles, & chofes me- morables advenues tant en France, qu' en Flandres depuis l'An. 1562, in 8vo. Bafle 1578, 2 Vol. This Book is faid to have been wrote by Mr. Fopeliniere. Jean le Frere. La Vraye, & entiere hiftoire des Trou- bles, & guerres Civiles advenues de nitre temps, tant en France qu' en Flandres, depuis l'An. 1560, jusqu' ek 1577, in 8vo. Paris 1584, 2 Vol. Oratio perftringens Hiftoriolam Laniene Gallicæ Anni 1572, in 4to. Londini 1619. ་ Vidi Fabri Pibracii de Rebus Gallicis ad Staniflaum Elvidium Epiftola, in 4to. 1573. This excellent Let- ter, which has been tranflated into French, touches on the Maſſacre began on St. Bartholomew's Day. It is thought, that by the Name Elvidius, is meant the famous Joachim Camerarius the Elder. Erneftus Varamundus de Furoribus Gallicis, Ami- vallii Caftillionei, aliorumque cade, in 8vo. Londini 1573. Some take Theodore Beza, and others Hubert Languet Author of this Work. + Eufebii Philadelphi Dialogi de Statu Galliæ fub Ca- rolo IX. in 8vo. Edinburgi 1574. Two Years be- fore this fame Satyr was published in France, under the Title of, Le Reveil Matin des Francois, & de leurs Voisins. Vera, 234 A CATALOGUE of the # Vera, & brevis Defcriptio Tumultus poftremi Gallici Luteriani in дцо occidit Admirallius cum aliis non paucis, 4to. Cracoviæ 1573. It is very vifible, that this Book was publiſhed by Order of Henry III, then King of Poland. Mr. Mencken fays, that he has in his Poffeffion a valuable Manuſcript-Defcription of the Maffacre on St. Bartholomew's Day, wrote in Latin by a German Nobleman, Joh. Williams of Bonheim, who was an Eye-witneſs of what was done at Orleans: I know no Fact in Hiftory that fo much diſcovers a bafe, inhumane Bigotry, as this barbarous Maſſacre, which indeed, good and impartial Men of the Romish Communion are very much aſhamed of, though how far it was countenanced, if not commanded by Charles IX. and Applauded afterwards at Rome by Pope Gre gory XIII. let the famed Medal of HUGONOTORUM STRAGES, (which they do not yet blufh to own) and others ftruck by the French King in France, de- clare, while we are filent. Joan. Cypriani Difputatio de Statu, & Motibus Gal- liæ in Lanienam Parifienfem definentibus, contra Gabriel. Naudæum, in 4to. Lipfiæ 1674. Memoires touchant les Differens d' Entre les Maifons de Guife, & de Chatillon du Sr Richer, mis en lumiere par Camufat, in 8vo. Les Lettres d' Etienne Pafquier, in 8vo. Paris 1619, 3 Vol. Thefe Letters contain many important Facts of Hiſtory, and are not common, eſpecially the Edi- tion here mentioned. Jean Choiffin Difcours de ce qui s'est fait, & palle pour l'Entiere Negociation de l'Election du Roy de Pologne (Henri III.) divifé en III. Ltures, in 4to. Paris 1574. Le Cabinet du Roy de France, on détail de la France fous Henri III. in 8vo. 1581. 08 Nicol. de Montand Le Miroir des Francois, o Etat du Royaume de France fous Henri III. in 8vo. 1582. i Le chief HISTORIANS. 235 Le Martyre des deux Freres, ou recit de l'Affaffinat de Duc, & Cardinal de Guife, in 8vo. Paris 1589. 1 Les Mœurs, & Comportemens Sacrileges de Henri de Valois, jadis Roy de France, 8vo. Paris 1589. This was the Dialect of the Holy League, or Confederates; Fanaticks, rather than Chriftians. La Vie, & Faits Notables de Henri de Valois, Hi- pocrite, Ennemi de la Religion Catholique, in 8vo. Paris 1589. This Book is of the fame Spirit with the former. Augerii Giflenii Busbequii Epiſtola, in 240. Am- ftelod. 1660. In 120. Oxoniæ 1660. Thefe are Letters very proper for the Reigns of Charles the Ninth, and Henry the Third; and we have no where a better Account of Matters, than what this Embaſſa- dour has given. Henrico Caterino'd'Avila: Storia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, in fol. Paris è Typograph. Regia 1642, 2 Vol. In 4to. Venet. 1634. H. C. d'Avila Hiftoire des guerres Civiles de France fous les Roys Francois II. Charles IX. Henri III. & Henri IV. juſq' à la Paix de Vervins, traduite de l Ita- lien en Francois par Jean Baudoin, in fol. Paris 1641, 2 Vol. In 120. Paris, 4 Vol. Davila is one of our beft Hiftorians, and was a Mafter in the Art of Writing Hiſtory, fo that he engages his Readers in what he lays down. He is accufed, as they fay, of attempting to enter too deep into the Counfels of Princes. As he was a Foreigner, he is indeed fome- times miftaken in his proper Names of Places and Per- fons. The Tranflation made by Mr. Baudovin is much eſteemed, and we have an English Verfion print- ted in Folio, Lond. . Memoire de la Reine Marguerite, in Svo. Par. 1629. -In 120. Goude 1646. Thefe are curious and valuable Memoirs. Difcours 236 A CATALOGUE of the Difcours de ce qui s'eft passé au Siege de Poitiers, écrit par un homme qui étoit dedans, in 8vo. Paris 1560. Les Memoires de Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne Duc de Bovillon, in 120. Paris 1666. Thefe Memoirs contains feveral fecret Particularities of the Reigns of King Charles IX. and Henry III. Camillo Capilupi: Defcrizione dello Stratagema di Carlo IX. contro gli Ugonoti, Ribelli di Dio, in 8vo. 1574, This Piece deſcribes the famed Affair of St. Bartho lomew's Day. Sommaire Difcours des Troubles de ce Royaume, in 8vo. Par. 1573. Copie des Lettres du Roy de Navarre, du Prince de Conde, & du Cardinal de Bourbon Envoyées au Pape, in 8vo. Par. 1573. Jean de Lery Hiftoire memorable du Siege de la Ville de Sancere, in 8vo. 1574 De Sacro Cæfarei Obfidione, in 8vo. Heidelb. 1576. Homero Tortora: Storia di Francia, nella quale fi Con- tengono le cofe auvenute fotto Francefco II. Carlo IX. Arrigo III. Arrigo IV. in 4to. Ven. 1619, 3 Vol. Commentari d'Anton-Franceſco Cirni, ne' quali fi de- fcrive la Guerra ultima di Francia, in 4to. Roma 1567. Nicol. Lucangeli Succeffi del Viaggio d'Arrigo III. Re di Francia dalla fua partita di Cracovia fino all' Ar• rivo in Turino, in 4to. Ven. 1574- Difcours de l'Etat des Affaires de France depuis l'Edit. de Pacification de 1576, in 8vo. Reims 1577. Summa Legationis Guifianæ ad Pontificem Maximum deprehenfa nuper inter chartas Davidis Parei, in 8vo. 1577- Avifo Piacevole dato alla Bella Italia Sopra la mentita data dal Re di Navarra à Papa Siſto V. da un Nobile Francefe, 4to. Monaco 1586. Sixti V. Pontificis fulmen adverfus Henricum Na- varræ Regem, & Henric. Borbonium, in 8vo. 1585. In ↑ chief HISTORIANS. 237 " In 8vo. 1586. This was wrote by the famous Civilian Francis Hottoman. Moyens d'Abus contre la Bulle de Sixte V. contre Henri Roi de Navarre, & Henri de Bourbon Prince de Conde, in 8vo. Cologne 1586. This is a Tranſla- tion of the Brutum Fulmen. De Galliæ poftremis Motibus varia utriufque Partis fcripta, in 8vo. Francof. 1586. Fr. Fabricius de Motibus Gallicis, in 8vo. 1587. Hiftoire des derniers Troubles fous Henri III. & Henri IV. in 8vo. Lyon. 1597. Guilielm. Soffus de Vita Henrici III. Francorum Polororumque Regis Libri IX. 8vo. Paris 1628. Memoires de la Ligue depuis l'An. 1584, juſqu' en l'An. 1590, in 8vo. Geneve 1598, 6 Vol. In 8vo. Geneve 1602, 6 Vol. Theſe are very curious Memoirs, and contain the beſt Part of what was done in the Affair of the League in Favour of the Kings of France. Memoires, & Inftructions fervans à l'Hiftoire de France fous les Regnes de Henri III. & Henri IV. depuis 1586, jufqu' en 1591, in 4to. Paris 1626. Recueil concernant les Troubles qui Commencerent en 1588, in 4to. Paris 1652. Journal de Henri III. avec plufieurs autres pieces cu- rieuſes, in 120. Cologne 1699, 2 Vol. This curi- ous Hiſtory contains feveral valuable Papers relating to King Henry III. and IV. This Edition is the beſt for the Learned Obfervations made by Mr. Duchat from the Confeffions of Sanci, though the whole ſhould be read with fome Caution. Mr. L'Etoile, a Notary of the Chancery of Paris, was thought to have been the Author of this Journal. The Confeffion of Sanci was publiſhed by Mr. Aubigne. Le Catholicon ou la Satyre Menippée, in 120. Ratisb. 1664. In 120. Ratisb. 1709, 3 Vol. This is a curious and ufeful Piece, In 120. 1696. the تحله 238 A CATALOGUE of the the beſt we have to diſcover to us the true Spirit of the League, which was not fo much a Religious Contro- verly, as an Intereft formed by the Houfe of Lorain againſt the Royal Family of France; this was not the Work of one Man, but the Joint-Labours of fome of the greatest and brighteft Genius's of the Age: Nei- ther is the Criticifm fo clean and judicious as the Sarcafm. It is enriched with excellent Notes, and cu rious Fragments, neceffary to be acquainted with this League. It was published by one, who had no In- clination to be known, and the Proofs are not infe- riour to thoſe annexed to the Edition of Philip de Comines in 1706. And I believe both were the Work of the fame Prefs, that I mean of Mr. Foppens of Bruf fels. Mr. Duchat, a French Refugee at Berlin, took fome Care of the Edition of 1696, as did Mr. Du- puis of that of 1664. Nicholas de Neuville Seigneur de Villeroy: Memoires fervans à l'Hiftoire de Notre temps; avec la Continuation fous le titre de Memoires d'Etat à la fuite de ceux de M. de Villeroy, in 8vo. Sedan 1622, & 1624, 4 Vol. In 120. Paris 1665, 4 Vol. Thefe Memoirs are very curious, and contain a great Number of Pa- pers very uncommon to be met with. Remarques d'Etat, & d'Hiftoire fur la vie, & les Ser- vices de M. de Villeroy, in 120. Paris 1618. This little Piece is curious. Les Lettres de Paul de Foix Archeveque de Thou- loufe, Ambaſſadcur du Roy pres le Pape Gregoire XIII. in 4to. Paris 1628: Thefe are good Letters, but yet not to be eſteemed as a great Mafter-Piece of Poli- ticks. Philippe Huraut de Chiverni Chancelier de France: Memoires d'Etat de fon temps fous Henri III. & Henri IV. in 4to. Paris 1636. In 4to. Paris 1641. In 120. Paris, 2 Vol. ་་ In 120. La Haye 1669, t chief HISTORIANS. 239 3669,2 Vol. Theſe are good Memoirs, though not the beſt we have. Du Pleffis Mornay: Memoires depuis l'An. 1572, juſqu' en l'An. 1623, in 4to. Amft. Elzevir. 1624, 1651, & 1652, 4 Vol. The Memoirs of Du Pleffis Mornay, are the more curious and ufeful, if we take Notice of the great Share he had in the Affairs. He was a learned Man, and one of our beſt Writers, and a Favourite of King Henry IV. but yet fo firm a Pro- teſtant, that he was frequently termed the POPE of the Huguenots. Though this Book was printed in four Volumes, the two firft were not printed at Am- fterdam, but at La Forest in 1624 and 1625, and the two laft are a Continuation to the firft. Memoires du feu Meffire Gafpar de Saulx, Sieur de Tavannes, in 8vo. Paris 1574. And in fol. The Author was one of his Nephews by Name, Mr. Charles de Neuf Chaifes, who commits feveral Errours in treat- ing of Foreign Affairs. Aubery Hiftoire du Cardinal Duc de Joveufe, avec plufieurs Memoires, Lettres, Depeches, Inftructions, &c. in 4to. Paris 1654. This Hiftory is more confidera- ble for the Additional Papers, than the Story it felf. Negociations on Lettres écrites au Pape Pie IV. & au Cardinal Charles Borromée par Hippolite d' Efte Cardinal de Ferrare, traduites de l'Italien par J. Baudovin, in 4to. Paris 1658. Hiftoire des Guerres Civiles es pays de Poitou, Auldis, &c. depuis 1574, jufqu' en 1576, in 8vo. Paris 1578. La Legende de Charles Cardinal de Lorraine, in 8vo. 1576. This is a good Invective againſt the Deſigns of that Houſe. Jo. Buchaæri de jufta Henrici III. Abdicatione, è Francorum Regno, in 8vo. Paris 1589. This is a moft wicked Difcourfe, but yet ufeful to fhew us the Bent of the League against the Authority of their lawful Prince. It was wrote by Mr. John Bucher, Curate 240 A CATALOGUE of the Curate of the Parish of St. Benedict in Paris, who ra ther chofe a voluntary Exile from his own Country, than to acknowledge Henry the Fourth for King. of France. Difcours Merveilleux de la Vie, & Actions de la Reine Catherine de Medicis, in 8vo. Paris 1649. This curious Piece is reprinted with the Journal of Henry the Third, and Mr. Brantome has fully proved, that the Author of it was a Villain. Memoires de M. Le Duc d'Angoulefme pour fervir à l'Histoire de Henri III. & de Henri IV. in 120. Paris 1667. Thefe Memoirs are inconfiderable. Matthias Zampini De la Succeffion du droit du pre- mier Prince du Sang de France, deferée par la Loy du Royaume à Charles Cardinal de Bourbon, in 8vo. Paris 1588. M. de Perefixe Hiftoire de Henri IV. in 4to. Paris 1661. There are many Editions of this moft Rhe- torical and Inftructive Hiftory. But Mr. Perefixe, who bears the Honour of this Work, had not the La- bour of it. There are fome yet alive, to whom Mr. Mezeray has declared, that himſelf was the Author. Guill. Soffi de Vita Henrici Magni Libri IV. in 8vo. Par. 1622. Cl. Barth. Morifoti Henricus Magnus, in 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1624. Guil. Stuckii Carolus Magnus redivivus, hoc eft, Caroli Magni cum Henrico Magno comparatio, in 4to. Tiguri 1612. This is a Compariſon between the Actions of these two Princes. Jerome de Benevent Difcours des faits Heroiques de Henri le Grand, in 8vo. Paris 1611. Julien Peleus l'Hiftoire des faits, & de la Vie de Henri le Grand, in 8vo. Paris 1613, 4 Vol. Baptifte le Grain Decade contenant, la Vie, & Geftes de Henri le Grand, in fol. Paris 1614. Rodolphus * i chief HISTORIANS. 241 Rodolphus Botoreus, Henrici Magni, Augufti, Pii, &c. Vita in 8vo. Paris 1611. De Rebus in Gallia, & pene toto orbe Geftis ab Henrico II. ujque ad Ludovicum XIII. in 8vo. Paris 1610. Hiftoire des Derniers Troubles de France fous Henri III. & Henri V. avec un Recueil d' Edits, in 8vo. Paris 1613.- In 4to. Paris 1622. This Book was wrote by Father Mattien, and is remarkable for the Edicts of King Henry IV. for the Re-union of his Subjects. in Veritable Narration de ce qui s'eft paffe depuis la prifes des Faux-bourgs de Paris en 1589, juſqu' en 1593, 4to. Orleans 1589. Difcours, & rapport de la Conference tenue entre les De- putez de M. le Duc de Mayenne, & ceux du Parti du Roy de Navarre, in 8vo. Paris 1593. This is an Account of the Affairs of the pretended States-Gene- ral convened by the League, by one of whom, this Book was wrote. It was writ in Latin alſo. Guil. de Saux Seigneur de Tavannes, Memoires de plufieurs chofes advenues en France depuis 1560, jufqu' en 1596, in 4to. Paris 1625. Difcours de la Negociation de Meffieurs de Bovillon, & de Sancy en Angleterre, pour le fait de la ligue Offen- five, & Defenfive contre le Roy d'Espagne en 1596. This Work may be found with thoſe of Mr. Fair, Keeper of the Seals, printed at Paris, in fol. 1625. Arnauld Cardinal d' Offat Lettres au Roy Henri le Grand & à M. de Villeroy depuis 1594, juſqu' en 1604, in fol. Paris 1627. In 4to. Avec les Remar- ques de M. Amelot de la Houflaye, Paris 1697, 2 Vol. Again printed with Additions, in 120. Amft. 1708, 5 Vol. Thefe Letters of this great Cardinal contain all the Negotiations relating to the Affair of the Abfolution of King Henry the Fourth; and, according to the Politicians, may be a Model VOL. II. R to 242 A CATALOGUE of the to thoſe who treat with the Court of Rome. The two Editions of 1697, and 1708, here mentioned, are the beſt. The Number of the Letters is augment- ed, and the Notes are curious; but that of 1708 is more full in the Notes. The Character of Secretary under Mr. Paul oix, gave him an Opportunity to finiſh himſelf: Mention has been made before of theſe Letters, to which may here be added the Opinion of Mr. Perrault concerning them. "Thefe Letters are "fo beautiful, ftrong, and fraught with excellent Max- ims, that an Idea too lofty cannot be formed of «them. They have been the principal Study of the "Politicians fince his time. Le Cardinal Du Perron, fes Ambaffades, & Negocia tions, in fol. Paris 1623. Thefe Negotiations of Car- dinal Perron are not eſteemed any Credit to their Author. They fhew us, that this Cardinal, as great a Genius as he was, had not a Capacity neceffary to fathom, or enter into Negotiations. Memoires du Duc d'Efpernon, in 4to. 1626. Julii Cæfaris Bulengeri Hiftoriarum fui Temporis Li bri XIII. ab Ann. 1560, ad Ann. 1612, in fol. Lugd. 1619. Hiftoire des Guerres entre les deux Maifons de France, & d'Espagne, depuis Francois I. jufqu' à la Paix de Vervins 1598, in 8vo. Paris 1600. Pierre Matthieu Histoire de France, & des chofes me morables advenues aux Trovinces Etrangeres, durant fept Années de paix, in 4to. and in 8vo. .Paris 1605. Hiftoire veritable de la Reduction de la Ville de Mar- feille a l'Obeiffance du Roy Henri IV. in 8vo. Anvers 1616. Joan. Cantoclari Hiftorica a Pace Anno Domini 1598, conftituta, in 4to. Lutetiæ 1616. Aleffandro Campiglia delle Turbulenze della Fran cia, nella Vita del Re Henrico il Grande, Lib. X. in 4to. Ven. 1617. Memoires chief HISTORIANS. 243 1 Memoires de M. le Duc de Nevers, pour les Regnes de Henri III. & Henri IV. enrichis de plufieurs Pieces du Temps; par M. de Gomberville, in fol. Paris 1665, 2 Vol. Though very rarely read, thefe Memoirs are curious and uſeful. De la Popeliniere Hiftoire de la Conquête de Pays de Breffe, & de Savoye par Henri IV. in 8vo. Paris 1601. Proces Criminel fait au Marechal de Biron par M. de la Guelle. And is printed in the Third Volume of the Memoires of Mr. Canage. Phil. de Canaye Sr. du Freſne ſon Ambaſſade de Ve- nile depuis 1601, juſques en 1607, in fol. Paris 1635, 3 Vol. Thefe Memoirs are good and valuable, but of Uſe to very few, as they contain only the Nego- tiations on the Differences between Pope Paul V. and the Republick of Venice, with fome very curious Par- ticularities in the Third Volume. Bar. Pafchalii Legatio Rhetica, in 8vo. Paris 1620. Memoires des Sages, & Royales Oeconomies d' Eftat Do meftiques, Politiques, & Militaires de Henry le Grand, & des Servitudes Loyales de Maximilien de Bethune Duc de Sully, Marquis de Rofny, in fol. Amſt. 2 Vol. In fol. Paris 1664, 2 Vol. Theſe Memoirs are very curious, and in them are feveral Pieces of fecret Hiftory relating to the Reign of King Henry the Fourth; but we muſt be careful in the Choice of Editions, which are not equally valuable. It is ne- ceffary then with that of 1664, to have the two firſt Parts faid to be printed at Amfterdam, as that of 1664, and the two following are caftrated. Mr: Patin, in his Letters, takes frequent Notice of thefe Caftrations, though indeed they are of no great Confequence to the Hiftory, but yet Men care not for caftrated Books- Mr. Mencken obferves, that Mr. Fresnoy was not well informed of the different Editions of this Book; as he ought to have known, that the firft Edition of R 2 Amſterdam, 244 A CATALOGUE of the Amsterdam, which comes down to the Year 16c5, being well approved of, Mr. Laboureur, who had difcovered the Supplements, publiſhed them at Paris in two Volumes in 1662, which comes down to 1626; and as the Dutch Edition began to grow rare, the Bookfellers of Paris reprinted them there in 1664, in four Volumes in Folio. About the fame time this Book received another Edition at Rouen in 120. in 1663, in Eight Volumes, which is as perfect as that of Paris. Recueil tire des Regiftres du Parlement, concernant les Troubles commencez en 1588, juſqu'en 1594, in 4to. Paris 1652. Recueil des Pieces Hiftoriques de l'Année 1589, in 4to. Tours 1589. Memoires de Meffieurs de Bellievre, & de Sillery fur la paix de Vervins en 1598, in 120. Paris 1677, 2 Vol. Les Negociations de M. le Prefident Jeannin fur la Treve des Pays-bas, in fol. Paris 1656. In 120. Hollande 1659, 2 Vol. Thefe Negotiations almoſt entirely relate to the Truce of Spain with Holland. They are in fo great Efteem, as to be thought one of the beft Models of Negotiations for a Politician. Memoires de M. de Beauvais Nangis on l' Hiftoire des Favoris Francois depuis Henri II. jusqu'à Louis XIII. avec des Remarques fur les Hiftoires de Davila, & Bentivoglio, in 120. Paris 1665. Thefe Memoirs are fo very inconfiderable, and worthless, that they have nothing remarkable, except fome particular Ob- fervations of fmall Errours in Davila, Bentivoglio, or ra- ther Enlargements on their Hiſtory. Jean Boucher Sermons de la fimulée Converfion de Henri de Bourbon, in 8vo. 1594. Of this John Boucher, a moft inveterate Leaguer, Curate of St. Be nedict in Paris, Canon and Arch-Deacon of Tournay, who chief HISTORIANS. 245 who left France, becauſe he would not acknowledge his lawful Prince, I have spoke before. Bourdeille Sr. de Brantome Memoires des Grands Ca- pitaines Francois, in 120. Leyde 1666, 4 Vol. Memoires des Grands Capitaines Etrangers, in 120. Leyde 1665, 2 Vol. Memoires des Dames Illuftres, in 120. Leyde 1665, 2 Vol. Theſe Memoirs were moft unfaith- fully printed. They are caftrated in very many places, and it is to be wifhed, that they were reprinted from better Manufcripts. Many there are who have the caftrated Paffages wanting in the printed. They are curious Memoirs of the fecret Hiftory of Charles the Ninth, Henry the Third and Fourth. Mr. Mencken takes Notice they were reprinted at Leyden in 1699, in four Volumes, comprifing thoſe two of the Me- moirs des Dames Galantes; but yet this Edition is, like the firft, caftrated. Leon du Chaſtelier-Barlot Memoires pour fervir a l'Hiftoire depuis 1536, juſqu' en 1596, in 4to. Fonte- nai 1643. Recueil de plufieurs Pieces des Sieur de Pibrac, d'Efpeiffe, & Bellievre, in 8vo. Paris 1635. Hiftoire de l'Affaffinat Entrepris fur le Roy Henri IV. par Pierre Barriere, in 8vo. 1594. Procedures faites contre Jean Chaſtel, pour le Parricide par lui attente fur Henri IV. avec les Arrefts rendus cone tre lui, in 8vo. Paris 1695. Apologie pour Jean Chaſtel, & pour les Peres, & Ef- coliers de la Societe de Jefus par Francois de Verone, in Svc. 1610. Pierre Matthieu Hiftoire de la mort deplorable de Henri IV. in fol. and in 8vo. Paris 1621. Jerome de la Garde, detenu Prifonnier en la Concier- gerie: Memoire fur la mort d'Henri IV. 1610. This Piece fupplies us with the Intrigue of the Death of King Henry the Fourth, and gives us the Original R 3 Springs 246 A CATALOGUE of the Springs of an Action, which our Hiftorians, not even Le Vaffor himſelf in his Hiftory of Lovis the Thirteenth, have taken no Notice of. This Piece is exceeding rare, and I never faw but two Copies of it, the one printed, and the other written. Pyramides dua, Una nova, de perpetrato: Altera Vetus de attentato Patricidio in Henrico IV. in 4to. 1610. This is a curious and fcarce Piece. Arthufii de Creffoneriis Epiftola ad Dominum de Pa- rifiis, fuper Atteftatione fua nitidante Patres Jefuitas de morte Henrici IV. in 8vo. 1611. Le Courrier Breton, on Difcours au Roy fur la mort d'Henri IV. in 8vo. 1626. L'Affaffinat du Roy, on Maximes du Viel de la Mon- tagne pratiquées en la perfonne de Henri le Grand, in 8vo. Par. 1614. Augmented in 8vo. Par. 1617. The Uncertainty there was, who were the Authors of the Murder of King Henry IV. made People attribute it to feveral, to Queen Mary of Medici, and even to the Pope himſelf. But all theſe Varieties are a Proof of the Uncertainty in this Affair. Remarques fur le Gouvernement du Royaume durant les Regnes de Henri IV. de Lovis XIII. & de Lovis XIV. 120. Col. 1688. Victor Cayet Chronologie Novennaire, ou Hiftoire d' Henri IV. depuis 1589, juſqu' en 1598, in 8vo. Par. 1608, 3 Vol. Chronologie Septennaire, ou l' Hiftoire depuis la Paix de 1598, juſqu' en 1604, in 8vo. Paris 1605. Theſe two Works of Mr. Victor Cayet are very curi ous, and as fuch valued by our Authors and Writers of Hiftorical Differtations. This Author was once a Proteftant, but becoming Roman Catholick, was very much hated and defpifed by that Party in France he had deferted. This Book was wrote before the Chronologia Novenarie. Le chief HISTORIANS. 247 Le Mercure Francois, ou la Suite de l'Hiftoire de la Paix depuis 1605, juſqu' en 1638, in 8vo. Paris Ri- chier, 25 Vol. This Collection is one of the moſt curious we have: Although the Work it felf often flags, there are preferved excellent Papers and Memoirs, at that time publiſhed. It is of good Ufe to any who would enter deep into the Hiftory of this time. There are in it ſome bold Paffages. The Collector was Mr. Peter Richier, a Bookfeller, and afterwards put together by Mr. Malingre, and others. It was defigned as a Continuation to the Chronologie Septennaire of Mr. Cayet. The latter Volumes are very fcarce, the firſt very common. John Richier publiſhed the firft Volume, and Stephen Richier the Eighteen follow- ing, and Claude Malingre continued it, though not with an equal Succefs. Memoires de la Regence de la Reine Marie de Medi- cis, in 120. Paris 1666. Theſe Memoirs are very curious, and highly inftructive. They are faid to have been wrote by Cardinal Richelieu, whofe high Poft and Character feemed to fhine throughout, but it was afterwards difcovered to be Mr. Francis d'Etrée. The Letter at the beginning is by Father Le Moyne. Baptifte le Grain Decade commencant l'Hiftoire de Lovis XIII. in fol. Paris 1619. This Piece was much fought after, as it was filled with Invectives a- gainst the Minifters of State of thofe Times; but as he comes no lower than the Year 1617, he is at pre- dent but little eſteemed. Gabr. Barthol. Gramondi Hiftoriarum ab exceffu Henri IV. Libri XVIII. in fol. Tolofæ 1643.- In Svo. Amft. 1658, and in 8vo. Lipfiæ 1674. The Prefident Gramont wrote this Hiftory as a Continuati on to Thuanus, but the Succefs it met with, foon fhewed the difference of Pens. That of Gramont is a ftrong Incenfe of Flattery offered to Cardinal Riche- lien, who died before the Work was publiſhed: It is R 4 very 248 A CATALOGUE of the very inaccurate and injudicious, but is of fome ufe, as he has fome bold Paffages, which put a stop to the defigned Continuation. He comes no farther than 1628. Charles Pernard Hiftoire du Roy Louis XIII. in fol. Paris 1646. Before this Book the Author had pub- liſhed another, entituled, Hiftoire des Guerres du Roy Lovis XIII. contre les Religionaires Rebelles, of which were printed only two Copies, which were prefented to the King. This obtained him the Poft of Hiftoricgra pher-Royal. As his Hiftory was fent into the World after his Death, a learned Man wrote a Preface to it, in which he treats of the Difference between the Hiftoriographers of the Crown, and thofe of the King- dom of France. Scipion Dupleix Hiftoire de Louis le Jufte XIII. Roy de France, in fol. Par. 1635. This is the laft Volume of the Hiftory of France. Hiftoire du Regne de Louis XIII. par D. J. D. S. in 8vo. Paris 1633, 4 Vol. Les Triomphes du Roy Louis le Jufte, par Charles Beys, le P. Nicolai, & Jean Valdor, avec les Figures, in fol. Par. 1649. Michel le Vaffor Hiftoire de Louis XIII. in 120. Amft. 10 Vol. This Hiftory anfwers not the great Noife it made. It is wrote in a languid Style, bitter, and partial. It is a large, though not always juft Collection of printed Memoirs relating to Lovis XIII. The Author has wrote an excellent Preface, but has not purſued the Rules he has laid down in it. Vittorio Siri Memorie Recondite dall' Anno 1601, fino all' Anno 1640, in 4to. in Ronciglione 1677, The four laft Volumes are printed at Lyons. Thefe Memoirs are curious and well efteemed." Though in the perufal it is very plain, that Mr. L'Abbe Siri was penfioned Hiftoriographer to Gafton of France, Duke of Orleans. This is much more fcarce than the Mercurio 8 Vol. wrote chief HISTORIANS. 249 wrote by the fame Author, of which I fhall fpeak hereafter. Hiftoire de la Rebellion excitée en France par les Preten- Aus Reformez les Années 1620, 1621, & 1622, par C. M. N. in 8vo. Paris 1623, 2 Vol. Hiftoire de notre Tems, ou fuite de l'Hiftoire des Guerres contre les Rebelles, depuis 1623, juſqu' en 1626, in 8vo. Paris 1626, 3 Vol. Gab. Barthol. Gramondi Hiftoria proftrate à Ludo- vico XIII. Sectariorum in Gallia Rebellionis, in 4to. Tolofæ 1623. Defpeiffes Memoires des chofes les plus confiderables advenues en France depuis 1607, on finit M. de Thɔu, in 8vo. Paris 1634. M. Deageant Memoires depuis la Mort de Henri IV. jufqu'au Miniftere du Cardmal de Richelieu, in 120. Grenoble 1668. Thefe Memoirs are very curious, though they comprize only the Cabinet Counfels un- der the Regency of Mary of Medicis. Hiftoire des chofes les plus memorables de ce qui s'eft paffé en France depuis la mort de Henri le Grand jufqu? en 1617, in 120. Paris 1617. Loifel. Trefor de l'Histoire generale de Nôtre Temps, depuis la mort de Henri le Grand jufq' à la Paix de 1626, in 8vo. Paris 1626. Hiftoire du Cardinal de Richelieu, in 120. Cologne 1696, 2 Vol. In 8vo. Amft. 1714. This Hifto- ry is too general, and in it are wanting many Facts; it is very fuperficial, and is the hafty Off-ſpring of Mr. Le Clerc, an Arminian Teacher at Amfterdam, who has put his Name to the third Edition, Reviled and Aug- mented. Lovis Aubery Hiftoire du Cardinal de Richelieu, in fol. Par. 1660.In 120. Cologne 1665, 2 Vol. This Book, though founded on good Authorities, is very little valued. The Author has drawn his Cardi- nal too much a Man of Honour, and too little a Poli- tician. 250 A CATALOGUE of the tician.. Mr. Le Clerc charges him with abominable. Flattery. Memoires pozdr L'Hiftoire du Cardinal de Riche- lieu, in fol. Paris 1660, 2 Vol. -In 120. Cologne 1667, 5 Vol. Thefe Memoirs are curious, and con- tain feveral Letters, Negotiations, and fecret Inftruc- tions. The World is obliged for theſe Memoirs, maf qued under the Name of Mr. Aubery, to Mr. Anthony Bertier, who collected them, and obtained Leave from the Queen-Mother to print them. - Le Miniftere du Cardinal de Richelieu avec des Re- flexions Politiques, in fol. Paris 1650. In 120. Paris 1670, 3 Vol.-In 120. Amfterd. 1671, 3 Vol. In this Work are feveral Letters, publick Acts, and other curious Pieces. Fournal du Cardinal de Richelieu fait en 1630, & 1631, & autres pieces fur les Affaires de fon Temps. in 120. Troye 1657.- Amfterd. 1664, 2 Vol. This is the moſt beautiful Edition, others there are, but none to compare with it; it is curious, and gives us fome View of the Cardinal's Politicks. Teftament Politique du Cardinal de Richelieu, in 120. Amft. 1688. In 120. Amft. 1708. This is a well-wrote Piece, and enters deep into State-Affairs, if not the Labour of Cardinal Richelieu, as fome think, it is not unworthy of him, or at leaſt fome as great Politician. Lettres du Cardinal Duc de Richelieu, in 8vo. Par. 1695. Recueil de diverfes Fieces pour fervir a l'Hiftoire, depuis 1620, jufqu' en 1634, in fol. Paris 1635. 1643. This Collection, though made in Favour of Cardinal Richelieu, is very curious. The Preface wrote by Mr. Chaſtelet is excellent. This Collection was Reprinted in 1643, in 4to. to which was added whatever had been publiſhed in Favour of the Cardinal fince 1634. But foon after appeared the following Collection of thirty, chief HISTORIANS. 251 thirty-three Satyrs again the Miniftry of Cardinal Richelieu. Recueil de diverfes Pieces pour fervir a l'Hiftoire de France fous le Regne de Louis XIII. in fol. 1644. Recueil de plufieurs Pieces fervant a l'Hiftoire moderne, in 120. Col. 1663. Here fome fcarce Pieces may be found from 1604 to 1660, which treat of the Death of Thuanus, the Actions of the Prince of Conde, Dukes of Soiffons, Bovillon, and Guife. There is alfo a curious Piece relating to the War of Sweden, under the Title of, Motifs de la France pour la Guerre d'Al- lemagne, & quelle y a etè fa conduite, e una Reponse aux Memoires de Mr. de la Chaftre. Recueil de Pieces faites pendant le Miniftere du Conne- table de Luynes, in 8vo. Paris 1612, & 1624. Memoires du Duc de Rohan fur les chofes advenues en France depuis la mort de Henri le Grand juſqu'en 1629, in 120. Par. 1621, 2 Vol. Par. 1665. Amft. 1693. - • Hiftoire de Henri Duc de Rohan, par F. D. in 120. Par. 1667. This was one of the greateſt Generals. and Politicians that France ever bred. Recueil de diverfes Pieces concernant le Duc de Rohan, les Guerres faites contre les Reformez, in 8vo. 1627. Memoires du Marechal de Baffompierre, contenant P'Hiftoire de fa Vie, in 120. Col. 1665, 2 Vol. — Amit. 1693, 2 Vol. · Ambaſſades du Marechal de Baffompiere en Eſpagne 1621, en Suiffe 1625, & en Angleterre 1626, in 120. Cologne 1668, 4 Vol. This Book is not faithfully printed: An Inftance we have in the Journal of the Learned of the Month of February 1665, where he fays this Marſhal attempted to prove one Day, that the Protection afforded to the Dutch by King Henry IV. would be hereafter highly prejudicial to him, and that this Difcourfe fo much pleaſed the King, that he ordered him to commit it to Writing, which he did, 252 A CATALOGUE of the did, though now not to be found in his Memoirs. Colomefius alfo points out feveral Paffages, which clear- ly fhew, that they are not faithfully publiſhed. M. de Baffompierre Remarques fur l'Hiftoire d'Henri IV. & Louis XIII. par Dupleix, in 120. Paris 1685. Memoires de feu M. le Duc d'Orleans contenant ce qui s'est passé en France depuis 1608, juſq en 1636, in 120. Amft. 1685. Memoires d'un Favori de M. le Duc d'Orleans, in 120. Leyde. Theſe Memoirs are curious and valu able, Memoires de M. de Montrefor, avec diverses Pieces fur le Miniftere du Cardinal de Richelieu, & l'Affaire de M. le Comte de Soiffons, in 120. Cologne 1663, 2 Vol. Theſe are very curious, and equally inftruc- tive. Recueil de Memoires, Harangues, Remontrances, & Lettres, fervants a l'Hiftoire de notre Temps, in 4to. Paris 1623. Claude Malingre Hiftoire des Guerres fous Louis XIII. in fol. Par. 1638, 2 Vol. Hiftoire de Louis XIII. durant la Regence de la Reine Marie de Medicis, in 4to. Paris 1616. This Writer is a grofs and fordid Parafite. Henri Grebin Ordre obferve en la Convocation, & Affemblée des Etats Generaux de France tenus à Paris en 1614, in 8vo. Paris 1614. Florimond Rapine Recueil de ce qui s'eft paſſé en l'Af femblée generale des Etats tenus à Paris en 1614, in 4to. Paris 1651. L'Affemblée des Notables tenue à Paris en 1626, and in 4to. Paris 1652. Recueil de diverfes Pieces pour fervir a l'Hiftoire depuis 1626, jufqu'en 1634, in 4to. 1639. Divers Memoires concernants les dernieres Guerres d' Italie, in 120. Paris 1669, 2 Vol. This Collection iş chief HISTORIANS. 253 is curious. It begins with the War of 1629, which was finished by Mazarin, afterwards a Cardinal. Matthieu de Mourgues Sieur de S. Germain: Recueil de Pieces pour la Defenſe de la Reine Mere Marie de Me- dicis, in fol. Anvers 1637. — In 8vo. 1637, 5 Vol. In fol. Paris 1643. This Author deferves our Commendation for having fo conftantly followed, and fo nobly defended this unfortunate Queen. His Apo- logies are very curious, and efteemed neceffary al- most to let us into the Hiftory of that Age. Mr. Patin obferves, that Mr. de Mourgues had wrote a Hiftory of his own Time, in which were many curious Things: But the Book is not yet printed, and this might have been done fafely fince his Death, though fome think it would make Diſcoveries not proper to be published. Hiftoire, & Journal du Siege de Montauban en 1621, in 8vo. 1624. Abelis Sammarthani Expeditio Rupellana, 8vo. Par. 1629. Francois Gerfon Hiftoire Rocheloife, ou la prise de la Rochelle, in 8vo. Grenoble 1629. Georgii Revelli de Rupella ter Obfeffa, Dedita demum, capta, & Subacta Libri III. 120. Amfterd. 1649. Hiftoire des deux derniers Sieges de la Rochelle l'un en 1573, & l'autre en 1627, & 1628, in 8vo. Par. 1630. The Journal of this remarkable Siege may be feen in the 13th and 14th Volume of the French Mer- cury. Abelis Sammarthani Expeditio in Vallem Tellinam, in 4to. Paris 1630. Ambaffade de Meffieurs le Duc d'Angouleme, & de Chateauneuf, avec des Obfervations Politiques de M. De Bethune, in fol. Paris 1667. This Affair which prin- cipally relates to the Infurrections in Germany in 1619, and 1620, is curious and inftructive. To it are add- ed ſeveral excellent Papers relating to the Subject. Les 254 A CATALOGUE of the Les veritez Francoifes oppofees aux Calomnies Epag- noics, in 8vo. Beauvais 1639, 3 Vol. In 4to. Pa- ris 1643. The Author of this curious Piece was Mr. Beinzille, a Gentleman of Beauvais, a Zealot in his Country's Cauſe. Le Proces du Marechal de Marillac; & fon Executi on, in 4to. This Gentleman was accufed for imbez- zling the publick Money, and condemned for it ; and at the fame time it was affirmed, that in his whole. Procefs there was not the leaft Caufe fhewn of Offence, but he fell a Sacrifice to the Spleen of Cardinal Riche- lieu, after whofe Death juftice was done to his Me- mory, of no Ufe indeed to his Perfon. Obfervitions fur la Vie, & la Condamnation du Mare- chal de Marillac, in 8vo. Paris 1633. Nicolai Rigaltii Apologeticus pro Ludovico XIII. in 4to. Paris 1626. Gregorio Leti Teatro-Gallico, in 4to. Amfterd. 169, 7 Vol. This contains the Hiſtory and State of France under the Reigns of King Henry IV. Lovis XIII. and Lovis XIV. Memoires de Claude de Letouf, Baron de Sirot, de- puis 1605, juſqu' en 1650, in 120. Paris 1683, 2 Vol. Thefe Memoirs are inconfiderable, unregarded, and little read. Le P. du Londel les faftes des Maisons d'Orleans, & de Bourbon, in 8vo. Par. 1698. This is an ex- cellently methodized Chronicle of Affairs fince Lovis XII. King of France. Les faftes de Louis le Grand, in 8vo. Par. 1697. This is a Chronological Piece of Affairs in the Reign of Louis XIV. and is comprized in the Book laft mentioned. Il Conte Galeazzo Gualdo Iſtoria di Luigi XIV. dall' Anno 1648, fino al 1655, in fol. 1655. Le P. Menetrier Hiftoire du Roy Louis le Grand par les Medailles, in fol. Par. 1691, & Amfterd. 1691. 113 chief HISTORIANS. 255 Infol. Par. 1693. That printed at Amfterdam in 1691, is the beft; tho' it contains Medals, but little valued, and its Credit was deftroyed by the following. Hiftoire du Roy par les Medailles, par l'Academie Royale des Infcriptions, in fol. Par. de l'Imprimerie du Louvre 1702. - In 410. Paris 1702. Vaft was the Expence of this Book, in which the Medals and Ornaments round are Engraven by the beft Hands, and the Prefs- Work is moſt pompous. In it are all the Medals re- lating to the Reign of Louis XIV. with ſhort and plain Explanations of the Occafion of each. The Edi- tion in Folio was not printed for Sale, and the King keeps them for Prefents, fo that two hundred French Crowns have been given for fome Copies fold by thoſe to whom they were given by the King. The Edition in Quarto was printed at a Bookfeller's Expence, and fold publickly. There is one Particu- larity in this Book, that it is printed but on one Side the Paper. L'Hiftoire du Roy Recueillie par M. de Vife, in fol. Paris, in 20 Volumes. Of this Collection made by the Author of the Mercure Gallante, were printed ve- ry few, and thoſe not to be fold. It has been given to great Men, and fome few others. L'Hiftoire de Louis le Grand par M. l'Abbe le Gen- dre Chanoine de Paris, in 4to. and in 120. Paris 1699. Of this wretched Book have been printed feveral Edi- tions in France and Holland, and a plain Proof is this Book, that Variety of Editions are no Certainty of a good Work. Roger de Rabutin Comte de Buffy Hiftoire Abregée du Roy, in 120. Paris 1700. This is a miferable Hif tory, dry and ufelefs, and fcarce giving us the great Actions of the King. There is little more in it than Catalogues of the Marshals of France, of the Knights of 256 A CATALOGUE of the of the Holy Ghost, and fome other Trifles. One who has Patience fufficient to enter upon it, will not find two Hours Entertainment. And yet Buffy for this mighty Affair had leave from the King himfelf. And this verifies what a great Man ufed to fay, that to write, fomething more than Inclination was neceffary. M. de Reincourt La Monarchie Francoife on Hiftoire de Lovis XIV. in 120. Paris 1697, 3 Vol. Facts are fufficiently noted in this Book, which however is little more than Extracts from Gazettes, ftuffed with Flattery, and very little Spirit. Henri Beffe Sieur de la Chapelle, Relation des Gam- pagnes de Rocroy, & de Fribourg en 1643, & 1644, in 120. Paris 1673. We have not a Relation wrote better than this for its Plainnefs and graceful Hiftori- cal Style. It is an excellent Work. He who wrote the Life of the Prince of Conde, has almoft given us it Verbatim in his Hiſtory. La Meſnardiere Relation de la Guerre contenant le Siege d'Arras de 1654, de Valence 1656, & de Dunc- kerque 1658, in 8vo. Paris 1662. M. Sarafin Relation du Siege du Dunckerque. This is printed amongſt the Works of Mr. Sarafin in 4to. or in 120. at Paris, is a fine Piece, well wrote, and worthy its Author. Edme de la Chaftre Memoires de la Minorité de Louis XIV. in 120. Ville-Franche 1688. Thefe Me- moirs are penned with great Judgment and a compre- henfive Knowledge. In this Volume, fome of the Materials are attributed to Mr. Rochefoucault, which are as valuable as the curious Fragments. Added are feveral little Pieces, viz. the Retraite de Mr. le Duc de Longueville, a Piece wrote by St. Evremont, and the Apologie du Duc de Beaufort, wrote by Mr. Girard, the Author of the Vita del Duca d'Eſpernon. Take here the Opinion of Mr. Marville concerning theſe Memoirs. chief HISTORIANS. 257 Memoirs. The Brevity and Elegancy of the Style, the Brightness of the Thoughts, and the Method of relating are admirably adapted. > Memoires de M. D. L. R. in 120. Cologne 1662. This is the first Edition of the Memoirs before men- tioned, in a different Method, but the Edition of 1688, is far the beft: Theſe four Letters. of the Ti- tle fignify the Memoirs of Mr. de la Rochefoucault, but the Heirs of this Gentleman have difavowed thefe Me- moirs: I must not forget here what the Journaliſts of Paris in June 1707, have noticed, that it has been fre- quently thought that Mr. Rochefoucault was a fecret Interpreter of Tacitus, and that his Memoirs were only the fine Paffages of that Author well tacked together. Memoirs du Sieur de Pontis fur pluſieurs choſes arri- vies fous Henri IV. Lovis XIII. & Louis XIV. in 120. Paris 1676, 2 Vol.- Amft. 1694, 2 Vol. They, who where acquainted with Mr. de Pontis, fay, that his Memoirs are partial, and Affairs magnified. They were wrote by Mr. Thomas de Foffe, who continued Saci's Labours on the Bible, and as thefe Memoirs were wrote by a godly Man, fo has the Author taken avery pious Freedom in fpeaking ill of many People, The Author of the Key to the Cabinets of Princes in his Month of March of 1708, affirms, that Mr. Caftelmone is the Author of thefe Memoirs. Many have found fault with the Chronology, and other Im- probabilit es in this Author. Memoires de M. L. C. D. contenant ce qui s'eſt paſſe plus particulier fous les Minifteres des Cardinaux de Richelieu, & Mazarin, in 120. Cologne 1687. Theſe Papers commonly called Rochefort's Memoirs, are well and agreeably wrote, though there is much Romance and Falfhood in it. Notwithstanding this, they are read, and pleafe all thofe who have no Regard to the Truth, but only to gratify their Tafte. VOL. II. S Memoires 258 A CATALOGUE of the Memoires de M. de Chaftenet Sr. de Puyffegur, fous les Rois Louis XIII. & XIV. in 120. Paris 1690, 2 Vol. Theſe Memoirs are but little read, and as little valued. M. de Silhon Eclairciffemens fur quelques difficultez touchant l'Administration du Cardinal Mazarin, in fol. Paris 1650. Journal de ce qui s'eſt paſsé en la Cour de Parlemen de Paris depuis le mois de May 1648, in 4to. Paris 1649. This is a well wrote and curious Work. Proces Verbaux des deux Conferences tenues à Ruch à S. Germain en Laye en Fevrier, & Mars entre les Deputez du Roy, & du Parlement, in 4to. Paris 1649. Recueil des Arrefts, Remontrances, & Lettres du Par- lement de Paris, & de Roven pendant les mouvemens de 1649, in 4to. Paris 1649. Hiftoire du Temps, ou recit de ce qui s'eft passé en 1647, 1648, & 1649, in 4to. Journal du Parlement depuis 1649, jufq'en 1651, in 4to. Paris 1651. Apologie pour Meffieurs les Princes envoyée par Madame de Longueville à Meff. du Parlement de Paris, in 4. 1650. Factum pour Meffieurs les Princes, in 4to. Hiftoire de la Prifon, && de la Liberté de M. le Prince, in 4to. 1651. Gab. Naude' Le Mafcurat, on Jugement de tout ce qui à été imprimé contre le Cardinal Mazarin, depuis le 6 Janvier jusqu'au 1 Avril 1649, ou Dialogue de S Ange, & de Mafcurat, in 4to. Paris 1650. This is a learned and amufing Piece with good Judgment, and very rare. Of it are two Editions, which are fo like, as hardly to be diftinguifhed, but by the Number of Pages, which in the laft and largeſt amount to 717. Fontencil; Hiftoire des mouvemens de Bourdeaux 1649, 1650, & 1651, in 4to. Bourdeaux 1651. Memoire chief HISTORIANS. 259 Memoires de M. d'Avaux touchant la Paix de Mun- fter, in 120. Cologne 1674. Lettres de M. d'Avaux, & de M. de Servien', in 8vo. 16;0. Benjamini Prioli de Rebus Gallicis ab Exceffu Ludo- vici XIII. Libri XII. in 4to. Caropoli 1665.-In 129. Ultraject. 1669. This Hiſtory is well wrote in a free and fatyrical Stile. Mr. Prioli was in publick Em- ploys, and this Hiſtory was talked on long before its Publication. The firſt Edition, which was only a rough Draught, appeared at Paris in 1662, and amongſt the latter, that of Lipfick in 1686, is the moſt eſteem- ed, as the learned Franckenstein has added a Table of proper Names, which is as uſeful as any Comment. He had better wrote in French, as affecting to imitate Lipfius; but has the Misfortune to diſpleaſe all that ad- mire a fine Latin Diction. Joan. Labardæi Hiftoria Rerum Gallicarum ab Anno 1643, ad annum 1652, in 4to. Paris 1671. The Au- thor was in publick Pofts, and has wrote with good Judgment. Memoires de M. le Marechal du Pleffis, in 4to. Paris 1675. Memoires de Meffire de Jaques de Saulx Comte de Tavannes depuis l'An 1649, jufqu'en 1653, in 120. Par Col. 1691. Vittorio Siri: Il Mercurio, ovvero Hiftoria de' correnti tempi, in 4to. Cafale 1648, & Parigi 1674, in 13 Vol. Often bound in fifteen or more Volumes. This Work is very curious for its original Papers, and very difficult to be found compleat. They are excellent Memoirs for Hiſtory, but in all Works of this Na- ture, a Man muft ufe his Judgment as well as Eyes. That he was paid for writing is vifible, from more than one Pallage. We have mentioned before another Work, wrote by this Author, of which, this is a Continuation, altho' firſt publiſhed. S & Memoires 260 A CATALOGUE of the Memoires de M. de Marolles, in fol. Paris 1656, Vol. Theſe Memoirs are curious, but rather of Ufe for the Study of Polite Learning, than Civil Hiſtory. Hiftoire de la Paix conclue entre la France, & l'Ef• pagne en 1659, avec un Recueil de Pieces concernant le Dur de Lorraine, in 120. Cologne 1667. Lettres du Cardinal Mazarin, ou l'on voit le Secret de la Negociation de la Paix des Pyrenées, in 120. Amft. 1690, & 1693, 2 Vol. Thefe Letters are wrote with good Judgment, and an extenfive Knowledge of Affairs, and are an Evidence of the Cardinal's great Zeal for the King his Maſter's Honour. Le Comte Galeazzo Gualdo: Hiftoire du Miniftere du Cardinal Mazarin, in 120. Par. 1668, 2 Vol.-In 120. Amfterd. & Cologne 1671, 3 Vol. In 129. Haye 1681, 2 Vol. This is a Tranflation from the Italian, and much Superiour to that wrote by Mr. Aubery. Louis Auberi: Hiftoire du Cardinal Mazarin, in 120. Paris, & Rotterd. 1695, 2 Vol.-In 120. Amfterd. 1695, 2 Vol. This is a moft inaccurate ill-wrote Life of this great Minifter, little efteemed, and not read. Lettres du Cardinal Mazarin, in 120. Amft. 1690. 1693, 2 Vol. The Edition of 1693, is the best. Le Teftament du Cardinal Jule Mazarin du 7. Mars 1661, in 120. Col. 1663. Tranflated into English in 1663, 240. Memoires de Frederic Maurice Duc de Bovillon, in 120. Paris 1692. Memoires de M. le Duc de Guiſe, in 470. Paris 1668. In 120. 1681. Theſe Memoirs are wrote with Judgment, and contain a large Account of the Revolution of the Kingdom of Naples under Maſſa niello. Roger de Rabutin Comte de Buffy; Ses Memoires, in 4to. Paris 1696, 2 Vol. In 120. Paris 1697 3 Vol chief HISTORIANS. 261 3 Vol. Theſe Memoirs, though tolerably penned, do not ftrike the Reader, or Intereft him in the Caufe, and indeed in fome Parts a diligent and careful Reader may frequently tire himſelf. They are not truly State-Memoirs, but rather of a private Man, who amidft fome Intrigues and Amours, ftuffs in the Affairs of a Campaign. They begin with 1634, and end in 1666. Memoires du Duc de Novailles depuis 1653, juſqu' en 1683, in 120. Amft. 1701. Memoires de Gafpar Comte de Chavagnac, in 120. Amft. 1701. This contains Affairs from 1670, to the Peace of Nimeguen. Memoires de Meffire Jean Baptifte de la Fontaine, in 8vo. Col. 1699. This is a jumble of true and falfe. Memoires de Mr. d'Artagnan, in 8vo. Col. 1701. -1712, 3 Vol. Thefe Memoirs are fo partial, that they are not valued. Memoires de Mr. le Marquis de Montbrun, in 120. Amft. 1701. M. Le Comte d'Eftrades Memoires, & Negociations, in 120. la Haye 1709, 5 Vol. Thefe Memoirs, if more perfect, would be valuable: Half of them only is printed, and what remains in MS. in Relation to the fe- cret Negotiations in Holland is the moft curious. The ignorant Wretch, who printed it, has committed an infinite Number of very enormous Errours. Regnier Defmarais: Hiftoire des Demelez de la Cour de France avec la Cour de Rome au fujet de l'Affaire des Corfes, in 4to. Par. 1707. This is a curious and well wrote Piece. Legatio Marchionis Lavardini Romam ejufque cum Pont. R. Innocentio XI. litigium, in 120. 1688. An excellent Book, of which it is now well known, that the Marquifs Celeftin Sfondrati is the Author. Joann. Moreleti Bellum Sequanisum Secundum, in 8vo. Divione 1668. S 3 Alemoires 262 A CATALOGUE of the Memoires de M. de Lyonne au Roy, interceptez par ceux de la Garnifon de Lille en 1667, avec quelques autres Pieces, in 120. 1688. This is This is a very small Piece. Memoires pour fervir a l'Hiftoire de Louis de Bour- bon, Prince de Conde, in 120. Col. 1691, 2 Vol. Le Teftament Politique de M. de Colbert, in 120. la Haye 1693. This Teftament is an Hiſtory of fome part of the Reign of Lovis XIV, but is not the Work of Colbert, or worthy the Name of that great Man. In English 1694, 8vo. Le Teftament Politique de M. de Louvois, in 120. Cologne 1695. Hiftoire de la Guerre d'Hollande depuis 1672, juſqu' en 1679, in 120. la Haye 1679. La Campagne de Lovis XIV. avec les Particularitez des Sieges de Valenciennes, Cambrai, S. Omer, & la Bataille du Mont Caffel, in 120. Paris 1677. Froces Verbal entre les Procureurs des deux Rois, de- vant les Commiſſaires de leurs Majeftez, depurez a la Con- ference de Courtrai, in 120. 1681. Memoires des Contraventions faites par la France as Traite de Nimegue, in 120. 1682. Relation veritable de ce qui s'eft peffé a Conftantinople, avec M. de Guilleragues Ambaffadeur de France, in 120. Chio 1682. Lettre d'un Officier du Grand Vifir fur l'Expedition de M. du Quefne à Chio, & la Negociation de M. de Guilleragues, in 120. Ville-franche 1683. L'Eſpion du Grand Seigneur, ou fes Relations fecrettes Envoyécs an Divan, fur ce qui s'eſt paffé en France de- puis 1637, par Jean Paul Matana, in 120. Amfter- dam 1684, &c. 6 Vol. In thefe Letters are feveral very curious Points of Hiftory, but not to be entirely depended upon. England boafts the Author, and the Undertaker received very great Benefit from the moſt favourable Reception the World gave it. Remarques 1 chief HISTORIANS. 263 Remarques fur le Gouvernement du Royaume durant le Regne: de Henri IV. Louis XIII. & Louis XIV. in 120. Col. 1688. Linage de Vauciennes Memoires fur l'Origine des Guerres qui travaillent l'Europe, depuis cinquante ans, in 120. Paris 1677.—In 120. Cologne 1678, 2 Vol. Relation de ce qui s'est passé au Siege de Namur avec le Plans, in fol. Paris 1692. The Account of this Siege is fine. The Prince of Orange took this City three Years afterwards, of which there is another Relation printed. M. de S. Difdier Hiftoire de Negociations de Nime- gue, in 120. Paris 1680. Altes, & Memoires de la Paix de Nimegue, in 120. Amft. 1680, 4 Vol. Actes, & Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryfwick, 120. Haye 1699, 4 Vol. — 1707, 5 Vol. The laft Edition of this is much larger than the firft, and to it was added a Piece, entituled, The Proces d'Arbitrage entre fon Alteffe Elect. Palatine, & fon Alt. Royale Madame la Dutcheſſe d'Orleans. Actes, & Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryfwick, in 120. Haye 1699, 4 Vol. This Book is different from what follows, Du Mont: Memoires touchant la Paix de Ryfwick, in 120. la Haye 1699, 4 Vol. Thefe Memoirs are inſtructive and curious, but imperfect, the Author having promiſed a Continuation. -Memoires touchant la Guerre prefente de 1700, in 120. Haye 1703. Thefe Memoirs are not favoura ble to France, but amongst them are fome valuable Papers. Actes, & Memoires de la Paix d'Utrecht, in 120. Utrecht 1713, 4 Vol. Thefe publick Acts are not well methodized. S Lettres 264 A CATALOGUE of the Lettres d'un Suiffe a un Francois fur les Interefts des Princes de l'Europe dans la Guerre prefente de 1709, in 120. Bafle 1703, 8 Vol. Thefe Letters are printed at Paris, the Author was Mr. La Chapelle, a Member of the French Academy, well known for his other Works. They are well and judiciouſly wrote, and want not excellent Proofs. But to conclude a War, there muſt be ſomething elſe befides the beſt Wri tings. De Vife' Hiftoire du Siege de Toulon, in 4to. Paris 1707. This was wrote by the Author of the Mer- cure Galante. Memoires de la Guerre de Baviere, & d'Italie, in 120. la Haye 1707. A fabulous Author. Memoires de la Guerre d'Eſpagne, & de Flandres, in 120. Haye 1708, 2 Vol. Third Edition. Theſe Works, which are exceeding partial, are alfo ftuffed with Variety of the moſt ſtupid amorous Intrigues and Falsehoods. 1 Hiftoire Secrete des Intrigues de la France en diverfes cours de l'Europe, 8vo. Lond. 1713, 2 Vol. A cu- rious Piece, though not very favourable to France. Although Mr. Fresnoy, at the End of the next Chap- rer, gives a Reaſon for not inferting in his Catalogue the Works of Varillas relating to the Hiſtory of France ; it may be of Uſe to a Reader to be informed, that he has published apart, as follows: 'La Minorite de S. Louis: Hiftoire de Louis XI. Hiftoire de Charles VIII. Hiftoire de Louis XII. Hiftoire de Francois I. Hiftoire de Henri II. & de Francois II. Hiftoire de Charles IX. & Hiftoire de Henry III. The Edition of which is printed in Quarto at Paris, and in Twelves in Holland. Befides what is mentioned in this Chapter of the Lives of great Men, I fhall be more particular in the following. CHAP, chief HISTORIANS. 265 7 CHA P. XXXVIII. Hiftories of Illuftrious Men, which relate to the Hiftory of FRANCE. L E Laboureur: Tombeau des Perfonnes Illuftres, in fol. Paris 1643. Dupuy Hiftoire des Favoris, in 4to. Leyde 1659. Afterwards Reprinted in three Volumes in Twelves. La Gallerie des Peintures ou Recueil des Portraits du Roy, de la Reyne, des Princes, Daines, Illuftres, &c. in 120. Par. 1663, 2 Vol. Les Portraits des Hommes Illuftres Francois, qui font peints dans la Gallerie du Palais du Card. de Richelieu, Avec leur Vies, par M. de Vulfon Sieur de la Colom- biere, in 120. Paris 1668. Sebaſtien Rouillard Vie de Mad. Sainte Iſabelle de France Sœur de S. Louis, Fondatrice de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, in 8vo. Paris 1618. Hiftoire d'Artus III. Duc de Bretagne publièe par M. Theod. Godefroy, in 4to. Paris 1622. La Vie de Jean Comie d'Angouleſme, Ayeul de Fran- cois I. in 4to. Paris 1589. Le P. Louis Dony d'Attichi: Tableau de la fainte Vie, & Mort de Mad. Jeanne de France, Fondatrice de Ordre de l'Annonciade, in 120. Paris 1625. L. P. Ives Magiftri: Les Vies de Mad. Jeanne de France, & Marguerite de Lorraine, in 4to. Paris 1585. La Vie, Mort, & Tombeau de Philippe de Strozzi Colonel General de l'Infanterie Francoife, & Admiral, in 8vo. Paris 1608, 4 Mauroi 266 A CATALOGUE of the Mauroi Difcours de la Vie, & Faits Heroiques de M. de la Valette Admiral de France, in Metz 1624. 410. Le P. Hilarion de Cofte: Hiftoire Catholique, on font decrites les Vies, Faits & Actions Heroiques des Hommes, & Dames Illuftres par leur Piete, in fol. Paris 1625. Malingre Hiftoire Chronologique de plujieurs grands Ca pitaines, Princes, Seigneurs, &c. depuis Louis XI. juf ques a Louis XIII. in 8vo. Paris 1617. Le P. du Breuil: La Vie du Cardinal Charles de Bour- bon Oncle de Henri IV. in 4to. Paris 1612. Legende de Charles Cardinal de Lorraine, & de fes freres, in 8vo. Reims 1579. In English 1580. . Legende de Dom Claude de Guife Abbé de Cluni, in 8vo. 1581. Theſe two Pieces are very little Credit to the Princes of the Houſe of Lorain; and this laft is a Satyr on their Conduct as to the Affairs of France, though not fo good as the former. Moyfe Amiraut; La Vie de Francois de la Noue, dit Bras de Fer, in 4to. Leyde 1661. La Vie de Gafpar de Coligni Admiral de France, in 410. Amft. 1643. Vie de Gafpar de Coligni Admiral de France, in 8vo. Col. 1686. This Life is valued. Vita Cafparis Caftilionai Franciæ Admiralii, in 120. Ultraj. 1644. The Life of the Admiral Castillon ought to be well confidered, as he was one of the greateſt Men of his Age, and was deeply concerned in all the Affairs of the Times. Le Prince de Conde, in 120. Paris 1675. This is rather a Romance than a Hiftory. L'Hiftoire de Filippe Emanuel de Lorraine, Duc de Merccur, in 120. Col. 1689. 1697. This Hifto- ry is of fmall Value. Nerveze Hiftoire de la Vie de Charles de Lorraine Duc de Mayenne, in 8vo. Paris 1613. A Work of little Value. Hiftoire chief HISTORIANS. 267 Hiftoire de la Vie de M. du Pleffis Mornay, in 410. Leyde 1647. Neither the famous John Daille, nor Mr. De Ligues wrote, as the Publick thought, half this Work. David Liffe began, and the two Secreta- ries of Mornay finiſhed it. La Vie, & Innocence des Duc, & Cardinal de Guife, in 8vo. Paris 1589. Louis Videl Hiftoire du Connetable de Lefdiguieres, in 8vo. Grenoble 1649. In fol. Par. 1638.-In 120. Par. 1666, 2 Vol. Callieres: Hiftoire du Marechal de Matignon, in fol. Paris 1661. Chorier: Vie de Charles Duc de Crecqui, in 120. Grenoble 1695, 2 Vol. Michel Baudier: Hiftoire du Marechal de Toiras, in fol. Paris 1644, and in 120. Paris 1666. Le Laboureur: Hiftoire du Marechal de Guebriant, in fol. Paris 1657. Hiftoire de Henri II. Dernier Duc de Montmorenci, in 4to. Paris 1643. Hiftoire de Henri II. Dernier Duc de Montmorenci, in 120. Paris 1699. This Hiftory is different from the former, is not ill wrote, but has fome grofs Mif- takes. Girard: Vie de Duc d'Efpernon, in fol. Paris 16559 and in 120. Paris 1663, & 1673, 3 Vol. This is a curious and well penned Hiftory. Vie du Marechal de Gaffion, in 120. Par. 1675, 4 Vol. In 120. Amfterd. 1696, 2 Vol. This Hiſtory is well wrote. Du Buiffon: La Vie du Vicomte de Turenne, in 120. Haye 1688. This Hiſtory is neither exact nor judici- ous, and in it are many Falihoods and Romances. Buif- fon, who has bore the Reproach, never had any Hand in it; and the curious value but little this Work. Hiftoire 268 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftoire de Louis de Bourbon Prince de Conde, 2d Edit. in 120. Col. 1695. The fecond Edition of this Hiſtory is beft, the Author has wrote with Judgment, and made very proper Uſe of the printed Relations of Affairs. Richard: Hiftoire de la Vie du P. Jofeph le Clerc du Tremblai Capucin, in 120. Paris 1702, 2 Vol. A fecond Edition, with the Addition of an Antwer to a Piece, intituled, The Veritable Jofeph, was print- ed at Paris in 1704, 2 Vol. in 120. Le Veritable Pere Jofeph Capucin, contenant l'Hiftoire Anecdote du Cardinal de Richelieu, in 120. à S. Jean de Maurienne, viz. in Rouen 1704. Theſe two Works, faid to be of the fame Author, give a very different Character of their Subject. The firft reprefents Fa- ther Jofeph as a good Man, who was always at his Devotions, and did nothing but with a good view. On the other Hand, the fecond paints him as a Po- litician and Courtier. Hiftoire des Diables de Loudun, in 120. Amfterdam 1693. This is a curious and very fingular Piece of Hiftory, which made much Noife in France, and if truly repreſented, feems calculated for the Ruin of a few People, who honeftly oppofed fo bafe an Im poſture; it is tranſlated into Engliſh at Lond. 1694, 8vo. Vie du Marechal Fabert, in 120. Amfterdam 1697. Vie de M. de Colbert, in 120. Cologne 1695. This Author is not always exact. I will not here amongst the Hiftorians mention Varillas his Works, as I fhould be obliged to ſpeak of him as he deferves, or deceive my Reader; and enough has been faid before. } CHAP. chief HISTORIANS. 269 CHA P. XXXIX. Mifcellaneous Pieces, and Treatifes relating to the General History of FRANCE. Es Stienne Pafquier: Recherches de la France, in fol. Paris 1621. In fol. Paris 1633, & 1643. This Book contains feveral Things of great Curiofity, and neceffary for the Hiftory of France; and one who defires to know that Hiftory, muſt have the beſt Editions I have noticed. Claude de Rubis: Conference des Prerogatives d'Anci- ennete, & de Nobleſſe de la Monarchie, Roys, & Mai- fon Royale de France, in 8vo. Lyon 1614. Jean Guyart de l'Origine, Verite, & Ufance de la loy Salique, in 4to. Tours 1590. Traite de l'Origine, & Ancienne Nobleſſe de Hugues Capet Roy de France, fous les Roys de la Maifon de Bourbon, in 4to. Tours 1590. Abel Sammarthani Confultatio de Jure Gallica Coronæ. Examen d'un Difcours publiée contre la Maiſon Royale de France, & Particulierement contre la Branche de Bour- bon, feule refte d'icelle, in 8vo. Paris 1587. Savaron de la Souverainete du Roi, in 8vo. Paris 1620. This is the largeſt Edition. Examen du Traite de Savaron, in 8vo. Paris 1620. Savaron Erreurs, & Impoſtures de l'Examen du Traite de Savaron, in 8vo. Paris 1616. Andre du Chefne: Les Antiquitez,& Recherches de la Grandeur, & Majeſte des Roys de France, in 8vo. Paris 1609. This is a curious and rare Book. Gilles 270 A CATALOGUE of the 1 Gilles Corozet le Trefor des Hiftoires de France, in Svo. Par. Difcours non plus Melancolique que divers, des chofes qui Appartiennent a Nôtre France, in 4to. Poicters 1557. Renati Choppini de Domanio Franciæ, Libri III. in fol. Paris 1605. This Book is tranflated into French. Renaud d'Orleans Sr. de Since: Obfervations de di- verſes chofes Remarquées fur l'Etat, Couronne, & Peuple de France, in 4to. Viennes 1597. Symphorianus Campegius de Monarchia Gallorum, in fol. Lugdun. 1537- Jacobi Gothofredi Diatriba de Jure Præcedentia, in 4to. Genev. 1627. Nicolaus Vignier: Raifons, & Caufes de Prefeance entre la France, & l'Espagne, in 8vo. Paris 1608. Francois Pithou: Traitez pour la Prefeance du Roy d'Efpagne de la Grandeur, & droit des Roys, & du Royaume de France: d'Aucuns droits de Philippe es Eftats qu'il tient a prefent, in 8vo. 1599. C. Bulteau: Prefeance des Rois de France fur les Rois d'Espagne, in 4to. Par. 1674. This is a curious and well wrote Piece. De la Religion Catholique, & Foy Chretienne des Roys de France, in 8vo. Paris 1572. Hieronymus Perbonus de Excellentia Chriftianiffimi Nominis ad Francifcum I. Galliæ Regem, in fol. 1529. Nicolas Houel les Memoires, & Recherches de Devo- tion, & Piete des Reines de France, avec les Fondations qu'elles ont faites, in 8vo. Paris 1586. Ferri de Locres: Difcours de la Nobleſſe, ou eſt Traite de la Piete, & Vertu des Rois de France, in 8vo. Arras 1605. Pierre du Puy de la Majorite des Rois de France, avec un Traite des Regences, in 4to. Paris 1655. This is a folid, curious, and exact Work. Antoine chief HISTORIANS. 271 Antoine de la Sale Ceremonies obfervées au Sacre, & Couronnement des Rois de France, in 4to. Par. In black Gothick Letter. Le Sacre, & Couronnement du Roy de France, avec Toutes les Ceremonies, Frieres, & Oraifons qui s'y font, in 8vo. Reims 1575. Frere Jean Champagne: Difcours du Sacre, & Cou- ronnement du Tres-Chretien Roy de France, in 8vo. Reims 1575. Sacra Rhemenfia, in quibus omnia Sacre Inaugurationis Ornamenta defcribuntur, in 4to. Pictav. 1611. Joan. Jacob. Chiffletius de Ampulla Rhemenfi, in fol. Antverp. 1651. Jac. Alex. Tennevrii Tractatus Apologeticus de Sa- cra Ampulla Rhemenfi, in 4to. Paris 1652. Theodore, & Denys Godefroy : Le Ceremonial Fran- cois, in fol. Paris 1649, 2 Vol. This is an excellent Collection of the Ceremonies uſed on publick Occa- fions by the Kings of France, or their Commiffion. It was formerly printed in Quarto, but this Edition is far more compleat. Triftan de Lafcagne Le Lys Tres-Chretien, Floriffant en la foy Chretienne, in 4to. Paris 1540. Traite des Armes de France, in 120. Paris 1673.7 Difcours de la Dignite,& Precellence des Fleurs de Lys, in 8vo. Nantes 1615. Joan. Jac. Chiffletius de Lilio Francico, in fol. Antv. 1658. Joan. Ferrandi Epinicion pro Aureis Franciæ Liliis, con- tra Chiffletium, in 4to. Lugdun. 1663. Galland des Enfeignes, & Etendarts de France, in 4to. Par. 1637. Matthieu Zampini des Etats de France, & de leur Puiffance, in 8vo. Paris 1588. Jean Savaron: Chronologie des Etats Generaux depuis l'An 422, jusques a 1615, in 8vo. Paris 1615. Charles 272. A CATALOGUE of the Charles de Figon: Difcours des Etats & Offices de France, in 8vo. Paris 1608. Andre Favin: Traite des premiers Offices de la Couronne de France, in 8vo. Paris 1613. Girard des Dignitez, & Offices de France, in fol; Par. 1648, 2 Vol. De S. Lazare: Hiftoire des Dignites Honoraires, de France, in 8vo. Paris 1635. Charles Loifeau du Dron des Offices, Seigneuries, &ão Ordre, in fol. Paris. In the Collection of his Work. Bartholom. Chaffanæi Catalogus gloria mundi, in fol. Francof. 1579, and in 4to. 1615. Although this Book is not fo exact, as might be wifhed, it fupples us with many uſeful Notices concerning the Honours, Offices, and Poſts relating to the Crown of France. Jean le Feron, & Denys Godefroy: Catalogue de Noms, Surnoms, & Vies des Connetables, in fol. Paris, At the Royal Printing-Houfe 1658, is the beft Edi- tion, the former not being comparable to it, as Mr. Godefroy has to this added feveral Original Papers and Records. : Amathas Recherche des Connetables, Marechaux, & Amiraux de France, in 8vo. Paris 1623. Le P. Anfelme des grands Officiers de la Couronie, in 4to. Paris 1674, 2 Vol.-In fol. Paris 1712, 2 Vol. This laft Edition is the beſt. Pierre de Miraumont Traite de la Chancellerie, avec un Recueil des Chancelliers, & Gardes des Sceaux, in 8vo. Par. 1610. Herman Kirchneri Morvillerius, feu de Dignitate, & Officio Cancellarii, in 4to. Marpurg. 1613. Jacques Ribier: Memoires des Chancelliers,& Gardes des Sceaux, in 4to. Paris 1629. Teffereau Hiftoire de la Chancellerie, in 4to. Paris 1676, & 1707, 2 Vol. This Book is filled with curious Remarks, the firſt Volume is very rare, but a Deſign is on Foot to Reprint it. Francois chief HISTORIANS. 273 Francois du Chefne: Hiftoire des Chancelliers, & Gar- des des Sceaux de France, in fol. Paris 1680. La Popeliniere L'Admiral de France, in 4to. Paris 1585. Pierre Bardin le Grand Chambelan de France, in fol. Paris 1623. Sebaftian Rouillard: Le Grand Aumonier de France,in Svo. Paris 1607. Pierre de Miraumont: Le Prevoft de l'Hotel, & grand Frevost de France, in 8vo. Paris 1615. Bernard de la Rocheflavin, treize Livres des Parle- ment de France, in fol. Bourdeaux 1617. Pierre de Miraumont Memoires fur l'Origine, & In- ftitution des Cours Souveraines, in 8vo. Paris 1612. Traite des Treforiers Generaux, in 4to. 1618. Andre Favin: Le Theatre d'Honneur,& de Chevallerie, on !'Hiſtoire des Ordres Militaires des Roys, in 4to. Paris 1620. L'Inftitution des Chevaliers de l'Ordre, & Milice du Saint Elprit, avec le Serment des Chevaliers du dit Or- dre, & les Articles à Obferver par Iceux, in 8vo. Paris 1579. Du Chefne: Recherches Hiftoriques de l'Ordre du S. Efprit, in 120. Paris 1695, 2 Vol. La Rocque: Traite de la Nobleſſe, in 4to. Paris 1678. This is a learned and curious Piece, and was Reprint- ed at Rouen in the Year 1710. Jean le Feron: Traite de la primitive Inftitution des Roys, Heraults, & Pourfuivans d' Armes, in 4to. Paris 1545. Le Heraut de la Guerre, ensemble fon Election, Préemi- mence, Dignite, &c. in 120. Paris 1610. Antoine de la Salle : Hiftoire, & plaifante Chronique du petit Jean de Saintre, in 4to. Paris 1517. In this Book, which is not common, may be feen the Names and Coats of Arms of feveral of the French Nobility and Gentry. VOL. II. I Jean 274 A CATALOGUE of the ' Jean Savaron Traite contre les Duels, in 8vo. Paris 1610. In 8vo. Paris 1614. Traitez, & Advis de quelques Gentils hommes Fran- cois fur les Duels, & Gages de Batailles, a Scavior de M. Olivier de la Marche, de M. Jean de Villiers, de l'Ille Adam, & M. Hardouin de la Jaille, in 8vo. Pa- ris 1586. Jean Savaron: Traite de l'Epée Francoife,in 8vo. Par. 1610. David de Solemne de la Charge de Marechal de Ba taille, avec Figures, in fol. Haye 1632. M. du Puy Traite touchant les Droits du Roy fur piu- fieurs Etats, & Seigneuries poffedées par plusieurs Princes Voifins, in fol. Paris 1655. -In fol. Roven. 1665. Though this Book bears the Name of Mr. Dupuy, it is not all his, but partly wrote by Mr. Theodore Co- defroy. This is now confirmed from the Original Manufcript in the King's Library at Paris. Here are preferved ſeveral Pieces wrote by an Amanuenfis of Mr. Godefroy, where we find his Name in the Middle of the firft blank Leaf before each Book, which has been very carefully attempted to be erafed with a Pen- knife; but on the out-fide of the Book, under the Title, are the two Letters T. G. wrote by Theodore Go- defroy, the fame Mark which he put to all the Manu- fcripts of his own Compofition. Notwithſtanding all this, Mr. Dupuy reaped much Honour for the moft extenfive Knowledge confpicuous in it of the Affairs of France. Caffan la Recherche des Droits du Roy, fur les Royau mes, Duchez, & Comtez occupez par les Princes Etrangers, in 4to. Paris 1634. Defenfio Imperii adverfus Caffanum, in 4to. Ham- burgi 1636. This is an Anfwer to a particular Part of the Book laft mentioned. Zypes chief HISTORIANS. 275 Zypei Caffani Hiatus obſtructus. Printed in the Col- lection of Zupans's Works. Memoires, & Inftructions pour fervir dans les Negocia tions touchant les Droits du Roy, in fol. Paris 1665.—In 120. Amſterdam 1665. Mr. Denis Gothefroy wrote this Piece by the Order of the Chancellor Seguier: There are but few Copies of the Edition printed at Paris. Some afferted Mr. Seguier to have been the Author, but without any Grounds: It is a curious and well wrote Piece. Memoires touchant les Ambaſſadeurs, & les Miniftres publics par L. M. P. in 120. Col. 1676. Divers Traitez fur les Droits, & Prerogatives des Rois de France, in 120. Paris 1666. In this Book are two Treatifes concerning the Precedency of the Kings of France, another on Lorain, and another on the Rights of the King in Flanders. Auguſtin Galland: Memoires pour l'Hiftoire de Na- varre, & de Flandres, contenant le Droit du Roy au Roy- aume de Navarre, & fur la Comte de Flandres, in fol. Paris 1648. Autevil Hiftoire des Miniftres d'Etat, in fol. Par. 1642. This Book contains feveral curious Particu- lars. Fauvelet du Toc Hiftoire des Secretaires d'Etat, in fol. Par. 1668. Traite des Droits de la Reine fur divers Etats de la Mo- narchie d'Espagne, in 4to. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale 1567. Bouclier d'Etat, & de Faftice contre les Pretentions de la Reine, in 4to. 1667. — In 120. George d'Aubuffon, Defenfe du Droit de Marie Therefe Reine de France, in 4to. Paris 1674. Le Proces de M. Fouquet, in 120. Paris 1671, 15 Vol. This Book has been alfo printed in Quarto ; but the Edition in Twelves is the most common, which was printed in Holland. Thefe are excellent Memoirs T 2 276 A CATALOGUE of the - Memoirs, for all who would be acquainted with the Affairs of the Finances and Treaſury. Claude de Bouteroue Recherches des Monnoyes de France, in fol. Paris 1666, & 1675. This is a learn ed and folid Work, in which are many fine and curi ous Enquiries. Conftans: Traite de la Cour des Monnoyes, in fol. Par. 1668. An excellent and ſcarce Piece. Le Blanc Traite des Monnoyes de France, in 4to. Par. 1690. This is a learned and curious Work. The Affair of the Monys is handled with great Skill and Judgment, though it had not the Success it ae- ferved. Petri Firmiani Genius Seculi, in 120. Paris 1653. Gyges Gallus, in 120. Paris 1657. Somnia Sapientis, in 120. Paris 1659. In thefe three Works are fome curious Particularities in Relati-i on to the Character of the French, and the Revoluti ons, that have happened in France. The Author was a Capucin Fryer, by Name F. Zaccarias of Lifeux. The Style is good, and the Method very genteel and polite, though not much read. Barthol. Germon de Veteribus Regum Francorum Diplomatibus, in 120. Par. 1704, &c. 3 Vol. This is an Examination of Father Mabillon's Piece, De Re Diplomatica, where he treats of the Kings of France of the two firft Races, and a more judicious and accurate Piece is hardly to be met with. Alexandri Patricii Armachani Mars Gallicus in 120 1637, & 1639. This was wrote by the Right Re verend Mr. Fanffen, Bishop of Ipres. He oppofes in it the League of France, Sweden, and Holland, againit the Houſe of Austria. The Editions in Folio and Quarto are not fo full as that in Twelves. Vindicia Gallicæ adverfus Alexandrum Patricium Ar machanum, in 8vo. Par. 1638. This is an Anſwer to Mr. Janffen's laft Book. CHAP $ chief HISTORIANS. 277 CHA P. XL. General HISTORIES of the Church of FRANC E. Aroli le Cointe Annales Ecclefiaftici Francorum, in fol. Paris è Typographia Regia, Ann. 1665, 1666, 1668. 1670. 1673. 1676. 1678, & 1683, 8 Vol. This Hiftory contains the Affairs from the Year of Chrift 235, to 845. Thefe Annals are exact, though fomewhat too diffufive; and for this Father Simon gives a Reaſon, that Father Le Cointe fpun out his Hiftory, to protract the Time of the Temporary Penfion fettled on him by the Clergy of France. Scævolæ, & Ludovici Sammarthanorum Gallia Chri- fina, five Series Archiepifcoporum, Epifcoporum, & Abbatum Franciæ, in fol. Paris 1656, 4 Vol. This is a moft ufeful and fcarce Work, and might be Re- printed with feveral Emendations, as the St. Marthes too eafily credited fome fpurious Memoirs communi- cated to them. Joan. Chenu Archiepifcoporum, & Epifcoporum Gal- lie Chronologica Hiftoria, in 4to. Par. 1621. Claud. Roberti Gallia Chriftiana, in fol. Paris 1626. This Work is valued and enquired after, although not ſo copious as that wrote by Mrs. St. Marthe. L'Origine des Eglifes de France prouvée par la Succef- fion de fes Eveques, in 8vo. Paris 1688. Frifon Gallia Purpurata, in fol. Paris 1638. Franc. du Chefne: Hiftoire des Cardinaux Francois, in fol. Paris 1660, 2 Vol. Ꭲ ; Andr. 278 A CATALOGUE of the Andr. du Sauffay: Martyrologium Gallicanum, in fol. Paris 1637, 2 Vol. Guillaume Peyrat: Antiquitez de la Chapelle du Roy, in fol. Paris 1645. M. Archon: Hiftoire de la Chapelle du Roy de France, in 4to. Paris 1704. Tom. I. Paris 1712. Tom. II. Du Bofquet: Hiftoria Ecclefia Gallicanæ Liber pri mus, in 8vo. Paris 1633. In 4to. Paris 1636. Status Ecclefie Gallicanæ in Schifmate, à Petro Pi thoco, in 8vo. Paris 1594. Hadriani Valefii Difceptatio de Bafilicis, quas primi Francorum Reges condiderunt, in 8vo. Paris 1657. Joan. Launoii Judicium de Hadriani Valefii Difcen tatione de Bafilicis, in 8vo. Paris 1658. Hadriani Valefii Defenfio Difceptationis de Bafilicis adverfus Launoium, in 8vo. Paris 1660. Gabr. Bartholomæi Gramondi Hiftoria proftrata a Ludovico XIII. Sectariorum in Gallia Rebellionis, in 4to. Tolofæ 1623. A very fcarce Piece this. Benedicti Bonnefoy Hiftoria Herefis in Gallia Orte, & Oppugnate fub poftremis Valefiæ ftirpis Regibus, in 40. Tolofa 1667, 2 Vol. I am not fure, that the Au- thor, who is a Jeſuit, anſwers that Character. He be- gins at 1634, and concludes at 1665. Commentariorum de Statu Religionis, & Reip. Sub Henrico II. Francifco II. & Carolo IX. Libri IX. in 8vo. 1572. 1575, 3 Vol. The Author, after Du Chefne, attributes this Book to Mr. John de Serres, but others think it was Mr. Francis Hottoman. Mr. Maimbourg Hiftoire du Calvinisme, in 4to. Par. 1682. In 120. in Holland. It contains all the Affairs of Religion in France, from 1520, to the Edict of Nantes. I 20. Hiftoire de la Ligue, in 4ro. Paris 1684. -In This is printed in Holland, and is a Continuation of the forme Remarques chief HISTORIANS. 279 Remarques fur l'Histoire du Calvinifme de Mr. Maim- bourg, in 120. Haye 1682. M. Rom is the Author. Memoires de la Ligue depuis l'An. 1584, juſque en 1590, in 8vo. Geneve 1598, 6 Vol. Franc. Varillas: Hiftoire des Revolutions Arrivées dans l'Europe en Matiere de Religion, in 4to. Par. 1686. 1690. In 120. Holland, 6 Vol. Jaqu. Ben. Boffuet Hiftoire des Variations des Eglifes Proteftantes, in 4to. Paris 1688, 2 Vol. Although thefe two Authors treat in general of the Reformation in the Church, yet they are more copious in that of France, than of other Countries. Hiftoire de l'Edit de Nantes, in 4to. Delft 1693. 1695, 3 Vol. Nouveau Recueil de tout ce, qui s'est fait pour, & con- tre les Proteftans par Jaques le Fevre, in 4to. Paris 1686. CHAP. XLL Ecclefiaftical and Civil Hiftories of the feve- ral Provinces of FRANCE. Of PARIS, and its Province. Ibliotheque des Autheurs qui ont efcript l'Hiftoire & Topographie de la France, à Paris 1618, in 120. Germain Brice Defcription de Paris, in 120. Paris 1706, 2 Vol. This is the beft Edition of this Book, which is good for the prefent State of Paris. B iro M. le Maire Paris Ancienne, & Nouveau, in 120. Par. 1684, 3 Vol. This, befides giving the prefent State of Paris, points out its Antiquities, but is moft- Copied from the next Book. I 4 Jacques 280 A CATALOGUE of the Jacques du Breuil: Antiquitez de la Ville de Paris, in 4to. Paris 1612. In 4to. Paris 1618. This is a good Book, and the Edition in 1612, is the beft; ano- ther Edition, with Additions, was publiſhed in Folio, Paris 1640, by Mr. Claude Malingre. Claude Malingre: Les Annales de la Ville de Paris, in fol. Paris 1640. This Book is penned in a mean, languid, and uncorrect Method. Gerard. du Bois: Hiftoria Ecclefia Parifienfis, in fol. Paris 1690, 2 Vol. This Piece is exact, and well wrote. Andr. du Sauffay: La Metropole Parifienne, ou Trai des Caufes Legitimes de l'Erection de l'Eveche de Paris en Archeveche, in 8vo. Par. 1625. Le P. Jean de Thouloufe: Abrege de la Fondation de l'Abbaye de S. Victor Prez-Paris, in fol. Paris 1640. Cæfar Egaffus Bulæus: Hiftoria Univerfitatis Parifien- fis, fol. Par. 1665, &c. 6 Vol. This Piece, which is very curious, at firft met with great Oppofition, but has got the better of it. Memoires pour le Reglement de l'Univerſite, in 4to. Par. 1610. Recueil des Privileges de l'Univerfite de Paris, accordes par les Rois depuis fa Fondation, in 4to. Par. 1674. Partie des Pieces, & Actes qui concernent l'Etat prefent, e Ancien de l'Univerfite de Paris, Appelle le Livre bleu, in 4to. Paris 1653. Cæfar Egaffe du Boulay: Remarques fur la Dignite, Rang, Prefeance, Autorite, & Jurifdiction du Recteur de l'Univerſite de Paris, in 4to. Paris 1668. Reformation de l'Univerfite de Paris, in 8vo. Paris 1667. Guillaume Duval: Le College Royal de France, o Inftitution, Etabliffement, & Catalogue des Lecteurs, & Profeffeurs du Roy, in 4to. Paris 1644. Joan. Launoni Regi Navarræ Gymnafii Hiftoria, in ·400. chief HISTORIANS. 281 410. Par. 1677. This is a learned, valuable, and exact Treatife. Sebaſtien Rouillard: Traite de l'Antiquite, & Pri- vileges de la Sainte Chapelle du Palais de Paris, in 8vo. Paris 1606. Hieronymi Paris 1603. Seguierii Prafidis Lutetia Liberata, in 4to, Jacob. du Breuil Chronicon Abbatum Regalis Monafte- rii S. Germani à Pratis, in fol. This Chronicle is to be found in the Edition of Aymon, publiſhed by Fa- ther Breuil in 1603. La Barre: Antiquitez de Corbeil, in 4to. Paris 1647. Sebaſtien Rouillard: Hiftoire de Melun, in 4to. Par. 1628. Morin: Hiftoire du Gaſtinois, in 4to. Paris 1630. Recueil des Gouverneurs, & Lieutenans Generaux en life de France, in Svo. Paris 1591. Recucil de plufieurs Titres, Memoires, & Antiquitez de la Chaftellenie de Marcouffi, de la Prevote, & Comie de Mont-le-Hery, du Chapitre de S. Merry de Linas, &c. 8vo. Par. 1694. Caroli Sauffey Annales Ecclefia Aurelianenfis, Seculis, Libris Sexdecim, in 410. Paris 1615. Fr. le Marie: Hiftoire, & Antiquitez de la Ville d' Orleans, in fol. Orleans 1648. Rodolphi Boreri Aurelia, in 8vo. Paris 1615. Symphorien Guyon Hiftoire d'Orleans, in fol. Or- leans 1550. Leo Triputius Sylva Antiquitatum Aurelianenfuum, in 8vo. Aurelianis 1573. Leon Tripaut Antiquitez de la Ville d'Orleans, in 8vo. Orleans 1572, & 1606. ·Hiftoire, & Difcours au Uray du Siege qui fut miş devant la Ville d'Orleans par les Anglois, in 4to. Orleans 1576. In 8vo. Orleans 1606. R. Hubert: Antiquitez de S. Agnan d'Orleans, in 4to. Orleans 1661. Joan. 282 A CATALOGUE of the Joan. à Bofco Floriacenfis Vetus Bibliotheca Benedicti na, i. 8vo. Lugduni 1605. Privileges de la Ville de Montargis, in 8vo. Par, 1608. Jean Bernier Hiftoire de Blois, in 4to. Par. 1682. This is a curious Hiftory, and well wrote. Recherches de l'Antiquite de la Ville, & Baillage de Chateau-Landon, in 8vo. Paris 1661. Morigny Antiquitez d'Estampes, in 4to. Sebaftien Rouillard Parthenie, ou Hiftoire de la Tres- Auguste, & Tres-Devote Eglife de Chartres, in 8va, Par. 1609. Rod. Botereii Urbis Gentifque Carnutum Hiftoria, in 8vo. Paris 1624, Jacq. de Lelcornay: Memoires de la Ville de Dour- dan, in 8vo. Paris 1624. Les Chartres, ou font contenus les Droits, & Privileges donnez, & Octroyez à la Ville de Dreux, in 4to. Claude de Rubis: Hiftoire des Princes fortis des deux Maifons Royales de Vendofme, & d'Albret, in Svo. Lyon 1614. Dan Trefor des Merveilles de Fontainebleau, in fol. : Par. 1642. PICARD Y * Le Coutumier de Picardie contenant les Commentaires de Hen. de du Frefne, & de Richard fur les Contume: d'Amiens, &c. Paris, 3 Vol. 1727, fol. Adrien de la Morliere: Les Antiquitez, & Hiftoires de la Ville d'Amiens, in 4to. Paris 1627. -Les Antiquitez de la Ville d'Amiens, avec le Cata- logue des Eveques, in fol. 1642. Nicol. Sanfon: Britania ou Recherches des Antiquitez. d'Abbeville, in 8vo. Paris 1635. Hiftoire des Comtes de Ponthieu, & Mazeurs d'Ab- beville, in fol. Paris 1657. LC chief HISTORIANS. 283 Le P. Ignace de Jefus-Maria: Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique de la Ville d'Abbeville, in 4to. Paris 1646. Jacques Grevin: Defcription du Beauvoifis, in 8vo. Par. 1558. Antoine Loifel: Memoires des Beauvais, & du Beau- voifis, in 4to. Paris 1617. Perri Louvet Nomenclature, & Chronologia rerum Ecclefiafticarum Diœcefis Belvacenfis, in 8vo. Par. 1613. Pierre Louvet: Hiftoire de la Ville, & Cite de Beau- vais, & des Antiquitez de Beauvoifis, in 8vo. Roven 1614. De la Nobleſſe Beauvoifienne, in 8vo. Beauvais 1640. Two Volumes were formerly printed at Bean- cais in 1631. The fecond, which treats of the No- bility of Feauvais is rare. M. Simon Supplement aux Memoires de l'Histoire du Beauvoifis d'Antoine Loyfel, & Pierre Louvet, in 120. Par. 1704. Mr. L'Herman has alſo wrote an Hifto- ry of Beauvais in two Volumes in Folio, in which are Original Inftruments as Proofs. But this Work is not yet, nor perhaps, will ever be published. Catalogus Beneficiorum in Civitate, & Liaci Belva- cenfi Exiftentium, in 8vo. Paris 1613, & 1626. Jean Pillet: Hiftoire de la Ville, & Chateau de Ger- beroy dans le Beauvoifis, in 4to. Roven 1679. Le Vafleur Annales de l'Eglife de Noyon, in 4to. Paris 1633, 2 Vol. Claudii Hemerei Auguſta Feremanduorum Vindicata, Antiquitates Urbis, & Ecclefiæ S. Quintini, in 4to. Par. 1643. -De Scholis Preblicis, earumque Magifteriis, pro Re- gali Ecclefia S. Quintini, in 8vo. Paris 1633. Claude Bendier Defende des Prerogatives de la Fille, Eglife de S. Quentin, in 4to. S. Quentin 1671. Les Privileges, Franchufes & Libertez données par le Roy anx Bourgeois de Peronne, in Svo. Paris 1530. Sebaftien 284 A CATALOGUE of the Sebaſtien Rouillard Libuns en Sang-terre; ou les An. tiquitez, & Prerogatives du Monaftere de Libuns on Li- hons pres de Roye, in 4to. Paris 1627. Guiberti Abbatis de Nogento: Hiftoria Ecclefia Laudu- nenfis. In the Collection of the Works of Mr. L Abbée Guibert, published in Folio by Luke Dachery. Charpentier Le Sejour Royal de Compiegne, in 4to. Paris 1647. : Melchior Regnaut: Abrege de l'Hiftoire de l'Ancienne Ville de Soiffons, in 8vo. Paris 1633. Dormay: Hiftoire de Soiffons, in 410. Soiffons 1663. 2 Vol. Dom Michel Germait: Hiftoire de Notre Dame de Soiffons, in 4to. Paris 1677. Petri Grilii Chronicon Abbatia S. Joannis apud Vi- peas-Sueffion, in 8vo. Paris 1619. Gilles Beys: Le Valois Royal extrait des Memoires de Nicolas Bergeron, in 8vo. Paris 1583. Charles Jaulnay: La Vie de S. Rieule premier Eveque de Senlis, avec l'Hiftoire, ou Annales des Eveques de Senlis, in 8vo. Paris 1648. CHAMPAGNE. Claudii Moiffant Geneographica Hereditariorum Cam- pauis Comitum Defcriptio, in 870. Paris 1605. Pierre Pithou: Le premier Livre des Memoires des Comtes Hereditaires de Champagne & Brie, in 4to. Par. 1572, and in 4to. Paris 1619. Printed in the Work, intituled, Petri Pithai Opera. There are alfo the Ge- nealogies of the Hereditary Earls of Champagne, and a Catalogue of the Bishops of Troyes in the fame Pro- vince. Flodoardi Presbyteri Hiftoriarum Ecclefie Rhemenfis Libri IV. cura Jacobi Sirmondi, in 8vo. Paris 1611. Cura Colvenerii, in 8vo. Duaci 1617. Bergier Hiftoire de Reims, in 4to. Reims 1635. Guillelmi chief HISTORIANS. 285 Guillelmi Marlot Metropolis Rhemenfis, in fol. In- fulis 1666. -Tomus Secundus, in fol. Rhemis 1679. This Hiſtory is eſteemed. Titres, Chartres, Lettres, Patentes dès Roys de France «oncernant l'Univerfite de Reims, in 410. Reims 1620. Nicolai Camuzat Promptuarium Antiquitatum Tri- caffinarum, in 8vo. Trecis 1610. Charles Rapine: Annales Ecclefiaftiques du Diocefe de Chalons en Campagne, in 8vo. Paris 1636. NORMANDY Andr. du Chefne Normannorum Hiftorie Scriptores Antiqui ab Anno 838, ad An. 1220, in fol. Paris 1619. Jean Nagerel: Defcription du Pays & Duche de Nor- mandie, in 8vo. Rouen 1578, & 16 10. In it is a very excellent Account of that impious Proceſs againſt Joan d'Arc of Orleans, who had no other Demerit, but her Victories over the English. Danneville: Inventaire de l'Hiftoire de Normandie, in 4to. Rouen 1645. Gabriel du Moulin Hiftoire Generale de Normandie, in fol. Rouen 1631. De Maffeville Hiftoire Sommaire de Normandie, in 8vo. Rouen, T. I. 1688. T. II. 1691. T. III. 1693, 3 Vol. This Book is eſteemed. Gabriel du Moulin: Les Conquetes & les Trophées des Normans Francois, in fol. Rouen 1658. Arturus du Monſtier Neuftria Pia, five de omnibus, is fingulis Abbatiis, & Irioratibus Normanniæ, in fol. Rothom. 1663. Abbonis Difcipuli Aimonii, de Obfeffa a Normannis Lutetia. Printed with Aymon, in the Edition pub- liſhed in 1603, by Father Breuil. Thomas 286 A CATALOGUE of the Thomas Walfingham Hypodeigma Neuftris vel Nor thmanniæ ab Irruptione Normannorum ufque ad Reg- num Henrici V. in fol. Londini 1574, and in fol. Francof. 1602. Wilhelmus Gemeticenfis de Ducum Normannorum Geftis Printed with the Hiftorians of England and Normandy. Roberti Abbatis S. Michaelis de Monte Chronicon. With the Works of the Abbot Guibert, printed at Paris in 1651. L'Hiftoire, & Chronique de Normandie, finiſſant au Roy Henri III. in 8vo. Rouen 1610. Alberti Krantzii Normannorum res Gefte in Anglia, Francia, & Italia, in fol. Argentorat. 1546. Jean Dadre: Chronologie Hiftoriale des Archeveques de Rouen, in 8vo. Rouen 1618. Fr. N. Taillepied: Les Antiquitez & Singulari- tez de la Ville de Rouen, in 8vo. Rouen 1587, and in 120, 1610. Requeſtes & Autres Pieces du Proces de M. l'Arche- veque de Rouen contre M. l'Archeveque de Lyon, in 4to. Rouen 1705. In feveral of theſe Works are ma- ny curious Particulars relating to the Hiftory of the Church of France, and more efpecially to that of Rouen. Rob. Denyaldi Rothomagenfis Cathedra, in 4to. Par. ·1633. Le P. Pommeraye Hiftoire de l'Eglife Cathedrale, Metropolitaine de Rouen, in 4to. Rouen 1678. Le P. Pommeraye: Hiftoire des Archeveques de Ro- ven, in fol. Rouen 1667. Hiftoire des Abbayes Saint Ouen, Sainte Cathe- rine & S. Amand de Rouen, in fol. Rouen 1662. In theſe two Works are feveral curious Pieces, but ill put together, and connected in a very languid Style. Franc. chief HISTORIANS. 287 Franc. Farin La Normandie Chretienne, on Hif- toire des Archeveques de Rouen, in 4to. 1659.- In 120. Rouen 1668, 3 Vol. This is the fulleft Edi- tion. G. Valdory Difcours du Siege de la Ville de Rouen en 1591, in 8vo. Rouen. Hiftoire de l'Origine, & Fondation du Vicariat de Pontoife, in 4to. Paris 1633. Hiftoire Veritable du Vicariat de Pontoife, in 4to. Paris 1636. This is an Anſwer to the foregoing Book. Taillepied: Antiquite de la Ville de Pontoife, in 8vo. Rouen 1587. Charles Bourgueville: Les Recherches & Antiquitez de Normandie, mais Principalement de la Ville de Caen, in 4to. Caen 1588. Cahagnefii Elogia Civium Cadomenfium, in 4to. Cadomi 1608. Pierre Huet Eveque d'Auranches: Origine de la Ville de Caen, in 8vo. Rouen 1706. This fecond Editi- en is fulleft and beſt of this curious Book. M. Herman Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique du Diocefe de Bayeux, in 410. Caen 1705. This is a good Book, and the two other Volumes are moſt impatiently ex- pected. The Author is no ways allyed to Mr. Her- man, Canon of Beauvais, and is known for feveral other Works. Franc. Feuardent Hiftoire de la Fondatione d'Eglife, & Abbaye du Mont S. Michel, in 240. Coutances 1611. Antiquitez de la Ville de Harfleur, in 8vo. Gilles Brie Sr. de la Clergerie: Hiftoire des Pays & Comte de Perchre & Duche d'Alencon, in 4to. Paris 1620. J. le Jau: Series Epifcoporum Ebroicenfium, in 8vo. Ebroicis 1611. Zanchus 288 A CATALOGUE of the Zanchus de Origine Cenomanorum, in 8vo. Ven. 1531. Trovillart Memoires des Comtes du Mayne, in 8vo, au Mans 1643. Antoine le Courvaifier de Courteilles: Hiftoire des Eveques du Mans, in 4to. Paris 1648. Jean Bondorinet Benedictin: Les Vies des Eveques du Mans, in 4to. Paris 1615. De falfa Regni Ivetoti Narratione ex majoribus Com- mentariis Fragmentum, in 8vo. Paris 1615. Du Ruaut: Preuves de l'Hiftoire du Royaume d'Ive. tot, in 4to. Paris 163 1. Hiftory of the NORMANS in APULIA and SICIL Y. G Uilielmi Apuli Hiftoria Rerum Normannicarum, in Italia, in 4to. Rothomagi 1582. Hugonis Falcandi Hiftoria de Rebus Geftis in Siciliæ Regno, in 4to. Paris 1550. The Writers in the third Volume of the Hifpania Illuftrata may be here con- fulted. Le P. Buffier: Hiftoire des Royaumes de Naples & de Sicile, avec les Conquetes des Princes Normans qui les ont Etablis, in 120. Paris 1701. BRETAGNE. Grande Chronique de Bretagne, in fol. The first Edition. Annales de Bretagne, in fol. Paris 1531. Argentre' Hiftoire de Bretagne, in fol. Paris 1588. -In fol. 1608. In fol. Paris 1618. Auguſtin du Paz Hiftoire Genealogique de Bretagne, in fol. Paris 1620. Picr. chief HISTORIANS. 289 Pier. de Baud: Hiftoire de Bretagne mise au jour par d'Hofier, in fol. Paris 1638. Dom Guy Alexis Lobineau Benedictin: Hiftoire de Bretagne, in fol. Paris 1707, 2 Vol. Tho' this excellent Book is fufficient for the Hiftory of Bretagne, yet it flags in fome Parts. In the fecond Volume are the In- ftruments, Acts, and Authorities. Traite Hiftorique de la Mouvance de la Bretagne pour fervir de Reponse a ce qu' en a ecrit le P. Lobineau, in 8vo. Par. 1710. Vignier: Ancien Etat de la petite Bretagne, in 4to. Par. 1619. This Book is efteemed. Le Pere Touffaint de Saint Luc: Memoires fur Etat du Clerge, & de la Nobleffe de Bretagne, in 8vo. Tar. 1691, 2 Vol. TURENNE and ANJOV. Defcription de la Touraine, & Antiquitez de la Villej Cie de Tours, Tours 1592. De Commendatione Provincia Turonicæ, & de Nomi- nibus & Actibus Epifcoporum Civitatibus Turonicæ, in 8vo. Par. 1610. Martin Marteau Le Paradis delicieux de la Tou- raine, on Hiftoire de Tours, in 4to. Paris 1660. Johan. Maan: Sancta, & Metropolitana Eccleſia Turo- nenfis, in fol. Turon. 1667. La Vie de S. Martin Eveque de Tours, avec l'Hiſtoi- re de la Fondation de fon Eglife, in 4to. Tours 1699. Thibaud de Pleigney: La Decoration du Pais & Duche de Touraine, in 8vo. Tours 1541. ſacobi Scotteri Agri Turonenfis, & Ambaſianæ Ar- cis Amanitas, in 4to. Paris 1615. Mich. de Marolles: Hiftoire des Anciens Comtes d' Anjou, & de la Construction d'Amboife, in 4to. Paris 1681. Bourdigne: Hiftoire d'Anjou, in fol. Paris 1529. VOL. II. U Bernard 290 A CATALOGUE of the Bernard Girard du Hailland: Hiftoire fommaire des Comtes & Ducs d'Anjou, in 8vo. Paris 1573. Jean Hiret: Les Antiquitez d'Anjou, in 120. An- gers 1609. Du Fau Robin: Bref Difcours fur l'Excellence, Gran deur & Antiquite du Pays d'Anjou, in 8vo. Paris 1582. Laur. le Pelletier Breviculum Fundationis, & Series Abbatum S. Nicolai Andegavenfis, in 4to. Andegavi 1616. Gilles Menage: Hiftoire de Sable, in fol. Paris 1683: BORGOIGNE, and FRANCHE COMTE. Bartholom. Chaffanei Antiquitates quarumdam Bur- gundiæ Civitatum, & Urbium. This Work is printed with a Comment by the Writer on the Statute of Burgundy, in fol. Paris 1647. Guilielmus Paradinus de Antiquo Status Burgundiz, in 4to. Lugduni 1542. 1546. Annales de Burgogne, in fol. Lyon Rerum Burgundicarum Chronicon ex Bibliotheca Hifto rica Nicolai Vigneri, in 4to. Bafileæ 1575. Pierre de Saint Julien de l'Origine des Bourgignons, in fol. Paris 1581. Ponti Heuteri Rerum Burgundicarum Libri Sex, in fol. Antverp. 1584. And alſo amongſt the Works of M. Heuter. Andre du Chefne: Hiftoire des Rois, Ducs & Contes de Bourgogne & d'Arles, in 4to. Paris 1619, & 1628, 2 Vol. Or in the Collection of his Works. Pierre deSaint Julien: Melanges Hiftoriques & Recueil de diverfes Matieres, in 8vo. Lyon 1588. In this Book are feveral Particulars relating to the Hiftory of Burgundy. Alphon chief HISTORIANS. 291 Alphonfi Delbene Epifcopi Albienfis, de Regno Bur- gundiæ Transjuranæ, & Arelatis, Libri III. in 4to. Lugd. 1602. Louis Gollut: Memoires de la Republique Sequanoiſe, des Princes de la Franche Comte de Bourgogne, in fol. Dole 1592. Cognati Defcriptio Comitatus Burgundiæ, in 8vo. Bafil. 1552. Claude Jurain: Hiftoire des Antiquitez & Prerogatives de la Ville & Comte d'Auflone contenant plufieurs Belles Remarques du Duche & Comte de Bourgogne, in 8vo. Dijon 1611. Fabert Hiftoire des Ducs de Bourgogne, in 120. Co- logne 1689, 2 Vol. Eftienne Perard, Recueil pour l'Histoire de Bour- gogne, in fol. Paris 1664. This is a curious Col- lection of a large Quantity of publick Inſtruments from 1482, to 1571. Philiberti de la Mare Hiftoricorum Burgundiæ Confpectus, in 4to. Divione 1689. Joan. Richardi Antiquitatum Divionenfum Liber in 8vo. Paris 1585. Recueil de Pieces pour fervir l'Hiftoire de la Ville de Dijon, in 8vo. Dijon 1649. Claudii Roberti Divio. This is printed with the Gallia Chriftiana, wrote by the fame Author. Hiftoire de l'Abbaie de S. Etienne de Dijon, in fol. Dijen 1696. Hugh Mathoud de vera Senonum Origine Chriſtia- na, adverfus Jo. de Launoy, in 4to. Paris 1687. Catalogus Archiepifcoporum Senonenfium, in 4tos Paris 1688. Jacob Tavelli: Vita & Altus Senonenfium Archie- pifcoporum, in 4to. Senonis 1608. Jacobus Severtius de Matifconenfibus Epifcopis, in 4to. Lugduni 1607. U 2 Philibertà 292 A CATALOGUE of the Philiberti Bugnonii Chronicon Urbis Matiſfanæ, in 8vo. Lugduni 1559. que Claude Peury Jefuite: Hiftoire Civile, & Ecclefiafti. de Chalon fur Saone, in fol. Chalons 1659. Lud. Jacob de Scriptoribus Cabilonenfibus, in 4t Par. 1652. Hiftoire de Chalons, in 4to. Chalons 1662, 2 Vol. Saulnier: Hiftoire d'Autun, in 4to. Ladonei Antiquitates Heduorum, in 8vo. Augufto- duni 1640. Edmundus Thomas de Antiquis Alonumentis A. guftoduni, in 4to. Lugduni 1650. Mufnier Memoires fervants a l'Hiftoire d'Autun, in 4to. Dijon 1660. Gaultherot Hiftoire de Langres, in 4to. Langres 1649. Jacob. Vignierii S. J. Chronicon Lingonenfe, in 8vo. Lingonis 1665. Emmanuel Philibert de Rymon: Traite des Pays & Comte de Charolois, & des Droits que la Couronne de France a eu de tout Temps fur Iceux, in 8vo. Paris 1619. Etienne le Grand: Hiftoire Sainte de la Ville de Chi- tillon fur Seine en Bourgogne, in 8vo. Autun 1651. Joan. Jacob. Chiffletii Vefuntio Civitas Imperialis, in 4to. Lugdun. 1618. Differtation fur la Ville d'Antre, in 8vo. Bezancon 1698. This is a City of the Franche Comte, of which we have been long promiſed a Deſcription. La Decouverte entiere de la Ville d'Antre, 120. Amft. 1709, 2 P. Apologie pour la Vieille Cite d'Avenche, on Aventicum, opposée a la Decouverte de la Ville d'Entre, in 8vo. Berne 1710. The Author was Marquard Wild. ETONS chief HISTORIANS. 293 LYONS, and its PROVINCE. дио Pierchami Gallia Celtica campus, in de Lugdu- nenfi Origine, ac Confulatu, in fol. Lugduni 1537. Per. de Marca, de Primatu Lugdunenfi, in 8vo. Paris 1644. Symphorianus Campegius de Hierarchia Ecclefie Lugdunenfis, que eft prima Sedes, ac Metropolis Fran- corum, in fol. Lugduni 1537. Jacobi Severtii Chronologia Hiftorica Succeffionis Hi- erarchica Antiftitum Lugduni Ecclefie, in 4to. Lugduni 1608. Jean Marie de la Mure: Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique du Dio- caje de Lyon, in 4to. Lyon 1671. Guillaume Paradin Memoires de l'Hiftoire de Lyon, in fol. Lyon 1573. Les Privileges, Franchifes & Immunitez de la Ville de Lyon, in fol. Lyon 1574. Claude de Rubis : Hiftoire veritable de la Ville de Lyon, contenant ce qui a ete omis par Champier, Paradin, Autres, in fol. Lyon 1604. Jean de Saint Aubin: Hiftoire de la Ville de Lyon, in fol. Lyon 1666, 2 Vol. Le P. Menetrier: Hiftoire de la Ville de Lyon, in fol. Lyon 1697, 2 Vol. M. Spon Recherches des Antiquitez & Curiofitez de la Ville de Lyon, in 8vo. Lyon 1673. La Prife de Lyon per les Proteftans, in 4to. Lyon 1542. Gabriel de Saconay Hiftoire des premiers Troubles de la Ville de Lyon, avec l'Apologie de cette Ville, in 8vo. Lyon 1569. Symphorianus Campegius de Antiqua Nobilitate Do- us Turnonicæ, in fol. Lugduni 1537. Claude le Laboureur: Les Mafures de l'Abbaie de Lille-Barbe, in 4to. Paris 1665, & 1681, 2 Vol. U 3 In 294 A CATALOGUE of the In this Book are feveral Particulars relating to the No- bility of many Families of Lyons, Beaujolois, Purgun- dy, &c. Hiftoire de la Souverainete de Dombes, in fol. 1696. Jean Marie de la Mure: Hiftoire du Pais de Foreft, in 4to. Lyon 1674. Memoire de ce qu'il y a de plus Remarquable dans l'ile. franche Capitale de Beaujolois, avec Figures, in 4to, Villefranche 1671. AUVERGNE, BORBONNE, NIVER NE. Gabriel Simeoni Defcription de la Limagne d'Aus vergne, in 4to. Lyon 1561. Papirii Maffoni Arverni Municipii Deſcriptio, in 4to, Par. 1611. Durand Hiftoire de Clermont, in fol. Jean Savaron: Les Origines de Clermont en Au vergne, in 8vo. Clermont. In fol. Paris 1672. This is a curious Book, and the laft Edition is the largeſt and beft. -De Sanctis Ecclefiis, & Monafteriis Claromonti, in 8vo. Paris 1608. Amable Faidit: Fie de Saint Amable, Fretre & Cure de Riom, in 120. Par. 1702. In this Book are fome Particularities relating to the Antiquities of Auvergne, but it was fuppreffed for lafhing feveral Perfons of Me rit and Quality. Noel Coulin, Ephemerides Bourbonnoifes, on Hif toire Journaliere des Princes, Ducs, Comtes, Barons, & Autres Seigneurs de la Royale Maiſon de Bourbon. Jean Aubery: Les Bains de Bourbons-Lanci & PArchambaut, in 8vo. Paris 1604. In this Piece is much relating to the Antiquities of the Bourbonnois. Pierre chief HISTORIANS. 295 Pierre Marcaille: Antiquitez du Prieure de Souvigni Bourbonnois, Ordre de Clugni, in 8vo. Moulins 1610. Here are many Particulars of the Antiquities of the Bourbonnois. en Michel Cottignon: Catalogue Hiftorial des Eveques de Nevers, in 8vo. Paris 1616. Guy Coquille: Hiftoire du Nivernois, in 4to. Paris 1612.In 4to, Paris 1622. Or in the Collection of his Works. Fondation faite par les Seigneur & Dame, Duc & Du- cheffe de Nevers, pour Marier 60. pauvres filles, in 4to. Nevers 1588. This Work is Reprinted in the Me- moirs of the Duke of Nevers. BERRY Philippi Labbe, Biturici, Nova Bibliotheca Manu- fcriptorum Librorum, in fol. Paris 1657, 2 Vol. I take Notice of this Book here, which I might have alfo ranged amongst the Collection of the general Hiſtory of France, but the fecond Volume bears for its Title, Rerum Aquitanicarum, præfertim Bituricenfium, Uber- rima Collectio, and contains feveral old Chronicles of Berry. Mr. Labbé, before he published thefe Manu- fcripts, left out what was ufelefs. Jean Chenu: Hiftoria Brevis R. R. Ecclefie Bituricen- fis Archiepifcoporum, in 8vo. Paris 1603. Jean Chenu: Recueil des Antiquitez & Trivileges de la Ville de Bourges, in 4to. Paris 1621. Les Libertez & Immunitez de l'Eglife Patriarchaie de Bourges, in 8vo. Paris 1618. Jean Chaumeau; Hiftoire de Berry, in fol. Lyon 1566. Le P. Labbe: Hiftoire du Berry, & de la Ville de Bourges, in 120. Paris 1647. Gafpard Thaumas de la Taumaffiere: Hiftoire du Ber- Ty, in fol. 1689. U 4 POITOU 296 A CATALOGUE of the POITOV. Scevole de Sainte-Marthe: Lovange de la Ville de Poitiers, in 8vo. Poitiers 1573. Belly Hiftoire des Comtes de Poitou, in fol. Paris 1647. Hiftoire des Eveques de Poitiers, avec les preuves, in 4to. 1647• Paris 1647. This Book owes its Birth to a folid, exact, and judicious Author. f Hiftoire & Urai Difcours des Guerres es Pays de Poi- tou, Aulnis, &c. depuis 1574, jufqu' en 1575, in 8vo. Paris 1578. Liberge Hiftoire du Siege de Poitiers en 1569, in 40. Poitiers 1570. Galland Diſcours au Roy fur la Ville de la Rochelle, in 4to. Paris 1628. Franc. le Prouft de la Ville & Chateau de Loudun, & du Pays de Loudonois, in 4to. This is printed with the Comment of the fame Author upon the Statute of Lyons. ANGOLEM ME, and SANTOGNE. Gabrielis Carlonii Engolifmenfes Epifcopi, in 4to. En- golifmæ 1597. Francois de Corlieu : Recueil en forme d'Hiftoire de la Ville, & des Comtes d'Engoulemes, in 4to. Engou- leme 1576.1629. Recherches de l'Antiquite d'Engouleme, in 4to. Poi- tiers 1567. Elie Vinet: L'Antiquite de Saintes & de Barbefieux, in 4to. Bourdeaux 1571. Alanus de Santonum Regione, in 4to. Santonibus $598. Armand Maichin: Hiftoire de Saintonge, in fol. à S. ean d'Angeli 16719 Jean PERE chief HISTORIANS. 297 PERIGORD and LIMOUSIN. Dupuys Etat de l'Eglife de Perigord, in 4to. Peri- gueux 1629. Le P. Bonaventure de Clermont Capucin: Hiftoire de S. Martial Apotre des Gaules, & Principalement de 'Aquitaine & du Limoufin, in fol. 1676. This is a very wretched and ill wrote Book. GUIEN N E. Pierre Louvet: Traite Abrege de l'Hiftoire d'Aqui- taine, Guyenne & Gaſcogne, in 4to. Bourdeaux 1659. Jean Befly Genealogie des Comtes de Poitou, & Ducs de Guyenne, in fol. Paris 1647. Ant Dadini Alteferræ: Rerum Aquitanicarum Li- bri X. ab Anno 514, ad An. 1142, in 4to. Tolofe 1648, T. I. and T. II. 1657. Jean Bouchet Annales d'Aquitaine, in fol. Poitiers 1513. In fol. Paris 1537.-In fol. Poitiers 1607. In fol. Poitiers 1644. The laft Edition is the lar- geſt and beſt. Jean de la Haye: Les Memoires & Recherches de France, & de la Gaule Aquitanique, in 8vo. Paris 1581. Mr. Du Chefne has obferved, that this Book is ftuffed with forged and fpurious Inftruments; it was afterwards reprinted at Poitiers in 1643. Bajole Hiftoire Sacrée d'Aquitaine, in 4to. Cahors 1644. Gab. Lurbeus de Illuftribus Aquitaniæ Viris, in Svo. Burdigalæ 1591. L'Antiquite de Bourdeaux Augmentée par Elie Vi- net, in 4to. Bourdeaux 1574. Gabriel. Lurbei Burdigalenfium Rerum Chronicon, in to. Burdigalæ 1590. * Gab. 298 A CATALOGUE of the • 4to. Gab. le Lurbe La Chronique Bourdeloife, in Bourdeaux 1594.In 4to. Bourdeaux 1619. This is the fulleft and beft Edition. Supplement de la Chronique Bourdeloife, in 4to. Bour- deaux 1620. Jean Darnait: Antiquitez de la Ville d'Agen, & Pays d'Agenois, in 120. Paris 1606. Guilielmi de la Croix: Series & Acta Epifcoporum Cadurcenfium, in 4to. Cadurci 1617. Henri le Bret: Hiftoire de la Ville de Montauban, in 40. Montauban 1668. Here may be added, Labbe Nova Bibliotheca Manufcriptorum Librorum, in Folio, as in the fecond Volume are Matters relating to Guienne. GASCOIGNE, &c. Arnaldi Oihenarti Notitia Vtriufque Vafconiæ, in 4to. Paris 1638. In 4to. Paris 1656. This laft Edition is the largeft. Bertrand de Compaigne: Dyptiche, on Catalogue des Eveques d'Acqs, in 8vo. Orchez 1661. Pierre de Marca Hiftoire de Bearn, in fol. Paris 1640. Guillaume de la Perriere: Les Annales de Foix, in 4to. Toulouze 1539. Bertrandi Elix Hiftoria Fuxenfium Comitum, in 410, Tolofe 1540. LANGUEDOC. Nicolaus Bertrandus de Tolofanorum Geftis, in fol. Tolofa 1505. This Piece was tranflated into French. Ant. Dadinus Alteferra: De Ducibus & Comitibus Provincialibus Gallia, in 4to. Tolofæ 1643. Antoine Noguier Hiftoire Tolofaine, in fol. Tou loufe 1556, and in 4to, Toulouſe 1612. G. 1 י chief HISTORIANS. 299 G. la Faille: Annales de la Ville de Toulouſe, in fol. Touloufe 1687, & 1710, 2 Vol. The Inhabi- tants of Toulouſe erected a Statue of this Author in his Life, an Argument of the Goodneſs of the An- nais, or at leaft that they were agreeable to the Ci- tizens of that Age. Guillaume Catel Hiftoire des Comtes de Touloufe, in fol. Touloufe 1623. -- Hiftoire du Languedoc, in fol. Toulouſe 1633- Andoque Hiftoire du Languedoc, in fol. Beziers 1648. Jean Poldo d'Albenas: Difcours Hiftorial de l'Antique Cite de Nifmes, in fol. Lyon 1569. Joan. Grafferus de Antiquitatibus Nemaufenfibus, in 8vo. Paris 1607. -In 8vo. Coloniæ Munatianæ 1614. Deyron: Antiquitez de la Ville de Nifmes, in 4to. Nilm. 1663. David Defos: Traite des Comtes & Comtes de Ca- tres, in 4to. Toulouſe 1633. Pierre Borel Antiquitez & Raretez de la Ville & Comte de Caftres, in 8vo. Caftres 1649. Beffe Hiftoire des Comtes de Carcaffone, in 4to. Be- ziers 1645. - Hiftoire des Ducs, Marquis, & Comtes de Narbon- ne, in 4to. Paris 1660. De la Pife: Hiftoire de la Principaute d'Orange, in fol. Haye 1640. Traite Hiftorique de la Succeffion a la Principaute d' Orange, in 8vo. Paris 1702. Franc. Noguier Hiftoire Chronologique de l'Eglife, E- veques, & Archeveques d'Avignon, in 4to. Avignon 1660. Seb. Fantoni Caftrucci: Iftoria della Citta d'Avignon, del Contado Venufino, in 4to. Venet. 1678. 2 Vol. Jofephi Maria Suarefii Defcriptiuncula Avenionis, Comitatus Venafcini, in 4to. Lugd. 1658. Stephani 300 A CATALOGUE of the Stephani Baluzii: Vite Paparum Avenionenfium, in 4to. Par. 1693, 2 Vol. Plantavitii de la Paufe Chronologia Prafulum Lodo- venfium, in 4to. Aramontii 1634. Petr. Gariel Hiftoria Prafulum Megalonenfium, in fol. Tolofa 1675. Joan. Columbi de Rebus Geftis Epifcoporum Vivaren- fium, in 410. Lugdun. 1651. De Epifcopis Vafconenfibus, in 4to. Lugduni 1656. PROVENCE. Honore Bouche: Hiftoire de Provence, in fol. Aix 1664 2 Vol. Aymar du Perier: Difcours Hiftorique touchant l' Etat General des Gaules, & Principalement du Dau phine, & de la Provence, in Svo. Lyon 1610. Petri Quiquerani De Laudibus Provincie, Libri III, in 4to. Paris 1551 • Antoine Arena: Les Villes & Chasteaux de Pro- vence, in 4to. Lyon 1545. Genealogie des Comtes de Provence, in 8vo. Aix 1598. Ruffi Hiftoire des Comtes de Provence, in fol. Aix 1655. Cefar de Noftradomes Hiftoire & Chroniques de Pro- vence, in fol. Lyon 1614. Jean François Cautide: Hiftoire de Provence, in fol. Aix 1699, 2 Vol. Pitton: iftoire de la Pi d'Aix, en Provence, in fol. Aix 1666. Privds, & Franchifes de la Ville d'Aix, in 4to. Aix 1620. Pearl Saxii Pontificium Arelatenfe, fen Hiftoria Prima qur. Frclefia Arelatenfis, in 4to. Aquis-Sextiis 1629. Hiftoire de l'Eglife d' Arles, in 1209 Ruffy chief HISTORIANS. 301 Ruffy Hiftoire de Marfeille, in fol. Marſeille 1696, 2 Vol. This fecond Edition is fuller than that print- ed in the Year 1642. * Petri Hendreich Maffilia. Argentor. 1658, 240. J. B. Guefnay: Annales Provincie Maffilienfis, in ol. Lugduni 1657. Jofephi Antelmi De Initiis Ecclefia Foro-Julienfis Differtatio, in 4to. Aquis-Sextiis 1680. Simonis Bartel Hiftoria Prafulum Regienfis Ecclefia, in 410. Aquis-Sextiis 1636. Petrus Gaffendus: Notitia Ecclefia Dinienfis, in Par. 1654. 4to. DAUPHINY Claude de Rubys Hiftoire des Dauphins, & Comtes de Viennois, in 8vo. Lyon 1614. Genealogia Delphinorum Viennenfium, in fol. Gratia- nopoli. Hilarion de la Cofte: Eloges des Dauphins de Vien- vois, in 4to. Paris 1643. Nicolas Chorier Hiftoire du Dauphine, in fol. Gre- noble & Lyon 1665, & 1672, 2 Vol. Memoires pour fervir a l'Histoire de Dauphine, in fol. Par. 1711. This is an ufeful Work, and contains many Authentick Original Papers. Mr. Falbonnas is the Author. Joan. à Boſco Antique, Sanete, ac Senatoria Vien- næ Antiquitates, in 8vo. Lugdun. 1605. Jean le Lievre: Hiftoire de l'Antiquite & Saintete de la Ville de Vienne, in 8vo. Vienne 1623. : Nic. Chorier Recherches des Antiquitez de Vienne, in 120. Lyon 1654. M. de Maupertuy Hiftoire de l'Eglife de Vienne, in 4to. Lyon. 1708. Boiffat: 302 A CATALOGUE of the X Boiffat De la Proueffe & Reputation des Anciens Al- lobroges, a prefent le Baillage de Viennois, in 4to. Paris 1603. Claude Expilli: De l'Antiquite de Grenoble. Printed with the Pleas of the fame Author at Paris 1619, 4to. Joan. Columbi, Libri IV. de Rebus Geftis Valentino- rum, & Dienfium Epifcoporum, in 4to. Lugduni 1638. Or in the Collection of Father Colombes's Works, printed at Lyons. Samuel Guichenon Hiftoire de Breffe & de Bugey, in fol. Lyon 1650. -Bibliotheca Sebufiana, in 4to. Lugduni 1660. Theſe are the publick Acts and Original Papers rela- ting to the Province of Bugey. - Epifcopi Bellicenfes, in 4to. Paris 1662. This is an exact Author, and all his Works are excellent. NAVARRE, and ROUSSILLON Jof. de Moret Investigaciones Hiftoricas de las Anti- guedades del Regno de Navarra, in fol. Pampel. 1665. Pierre Olhagaray: Hiftoire de Foix, Bearn, & Navar re, in 4to. Paris 1609. Gabriel Chappuy Hiftoire de Navarre, in 8vo. Paris 1596. Andre Favin Hiftoire de Navarre, in fol: Paris 1612. J. P. de Lefcun Genealogie des Seigneurs Souverain des Bearn, in 4to. Paris 1616. Samblancati Index Comitum Rufcinonenfium, in 8vo. Tolofæ 1642. Mr. L'Abbée Raguet, who in 1716, was one of the Journaliſts of Paris, published in the Year 1699, the Project of an Hiftory of Rouf fillon, which muſt be curious: One Part is already, wrote, though nothing is yet publiſhed. Petr. chief HISTORIANS. 303 Petr. de Marca: Marca Hifpanica, five Limes Hif- panicus, in fol. Paris 1690. M. Pech Differtation fur la Metropole de Narbonne, ou l'on fait voir, que l'Eveche de Perpignan eft de fa De- pendance, in 4to. 1691. ARTOIS, and FRENCH FLANDERS. Baldericus Noviom. & Tornac. Epifcop. Chronicon Cameracenfe, & Atrebatenfe, in 8vo. Duaci 1615. This uncommon Chronicle is valuable. Guill. Gazet: Ordre & fuite des Eveques d'Arras, & la Succeffion des Comtes d'Artois, in 8vo. Arras 1604• Andr. Hoyus de Gentis Urbifque Atrebatum laudi- bus, ac de Duaco, & Bethunea, in 8vo. Duaci 1595. Ferreoli Locrii Chronicon Belgicum ab An. 258, ad Ann. 1600. Fomi III. in 4to. Atrebati 1616. The third Part of this Book, which is efteemed, contains the Hiftory of Artois. Joannis Bucelini Galle-Flandria Sacra & Profana, in fol. Duaci 1625. This learned Author is not accoun- ted Accurate. Jean Coufin: Hiftoire de Tournai, in 4to. Douai 1619, 2 Vol. This is a curious, though not exact Work. Andree Catulli Tornacum Nerviorum Civitas & Ca- thedra Epifcopalis, in 4to. Bruxelle 1652. This Work is of fmall Confideration. Floris Vander Haer: Les Chatelains de Lille, in 4to. Lille 1611. Ferry de Locre: Hiftoire Chronographique des Comtes, Pays & Ville de S. Paul en Ternoy, in 4to. Douai 1613. Jacques de Guife: Les Illustrations de la Gaule Bel- gique, Antiquite du Pays de Hainault, & de la Grande Cite de Belges, a prefent dite Bavay, in fol. Paris 15319 3 Vel Charpentier 304 A CATALOGUE of the Charpentier Hiftoire de Cambrai, & du Cambrefis, in 4to. Leide 1664, 2 Vol. Annales de la Province & Comte de Haymant ou l'on voit la Suite des Comtes, les Antiquitez du Pays, enfer ble les Eveques de Cambrai, & les Defcentes de la No- bleſſe juſqu' en 1555, par Franc. Vinchant, & Augmen tées par Ant. Rúteau, föl. Mons 1648. Henri d'Outreman: Hiftoire de la Ville & Comte de Valenciennes, depuis l'An. 366, juſqu' en 1598, fol. Douai 1639. ж * Abrege de l'Hiftoire de Valenciennes, Lifle 1688, in 4to. LORAIN, and the Three BISHOPRICKS. Chantereau le Fevre : Question Hiftorique, fi les Pro- vinces de l'Ancien Royaume de Lorraine, doivent etre appellées Terres de l'Empire, in 8vo. Par. 1644. Symphorien Champier: Le Recueil on Chroniques des Hiftoires des Royaumes d'Auftrafie, on France Orientale, dite a prefent Lorraine, in fol. Lyon 1510. Charles Eftienne: Difcours des Hiftoires de Lorraine's depuis l'An. 460, jufqu' en 1552, 4to. Paris 1552. N. Remy: Difcours des chofes Advenues en Lor- raine depuis les decez du Duc Nicolas jufqu' a celui dis Duc Rene, in 4to. Pont-a-Mouffon 1605. Edmond du Boullay: Le Genealogies des tres Illu ftres tres Puiffans Princes les Ducs de Lorraine, in 4te. Mets 1547. This Edition is larger and better than that at Paris in 1549. Richard de Waffebourg: Antiquitez de la Gaule Belgique, Royaume de France, d'Auftrafie, & Lor raine, in fol. Paris 1549. This Book is uncommon, uncorrect, and ftuffed with falfe Authorities. Francifci de Rofieres Stemmata Lotharingia & Barri Ducum, in fol. Paris 1580. This Work, which is injurious to the Houfe of France, was fuppreffed; and in chief HISTORIANS. 395 in Regard to the warm Recommendations of the Princes of the Guife Family, King Henry III. then on the Throne of France, pardoned the Author, and fufpended the Sentence paſſed on him. Memoires du Marquis de Beauvau pour fervir a l' Hitoire de Charles IV. Duc de Lorraine, & de Bar. in 120. Col. 1687. This deferves to be read. La Vie de Charles V. in 120. Amft. 1691. 1691, Evo. Duc de Lorraine, & de Bar. Tranflated into English in Le P. Benoift de Toul Capucin: L'Origine de la Tres- Illuftre Maifon de Lorraine, in 8vo. Toul 1704. Tho' the Style of this Author is careleſs, without Order or Method. Yet his Sentiments are juſt, and generally better grounded than any of the Lorain Hiftorians I ſhall ſpeak more of this luftrious Family in the Chapter of Genealogical Authors. Le P. Meuriffe: Hiftoire des Eveques de Mets, in fol. Mets 1634. Auguſte Bafilique de l'Abbaye Royale de S. Arnoul de Mets, in 4to. Paris 1615. Le Siege de Mets en l'An. 1552, in 4to. Paris 1553 Le P. Benoist de Toul Capucin: Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique & Politique de la Ville & Diocefe de Toul, in 4to. Toul. 1707. M. Riguet Syfteme Chronologique des Eveques de Toul, in 120. Nancy 1702. Boherius Virdunenfis Epifcopatus, in 4to. Virduni 1592. * P. le S. Laguille: Hiftoire de la Province d'Alface, depuis Jules Cæfar jufques au Mariage du Lovis XV. 1727, fol. Something might be perhaps left out of this Catalogue, though, I think, little added. Paris VOL. II. X CHAP. 306 A CATALOGUE of the CHA P. XLII. Hiflorians of S PAIN and PORTUGAL. Icolai Antonii Bibliotheca Hifpana Antiqua, in fol. Rom. 1696, 2 Vol, Nicolai Antoni Bibliotheca. Bibliotheca Hifpana Nova, in fol. Rom. 1672, 2 Vol. This Book is not only uſeful for the Hiftori ans, but for the other Writers of Spain. The Biblio thece of Deſſelin and Scotus may be alfo of much Service. Ambr. de Salazar Almoneda general de las mas Curio fas Recopilaciones de los Reinos de Efpanna, in 8vo. Paris 1612. Ambr. de Morales: Las Antiguedades de las Civita des de Efpanna. A valuable Book, to be found in the fecond Volume of Spanish Chronicles by the fame Author, of whom I fhall fpeak more hereafter. We have alfo the Antiquities of Madrid by Quintan, thofe of Sevilla by Caro, of Salamanca by Gonsalvo d'Avil and of Granata by Pedraza. Gabr. de Henao Averiguaciones de las Antiguedades de Cantabria, in fol. Salam. 1689. Bern. Aldrede del Origen y Principio de la Lengus Caftellana. 1606. Delices d'Espagne, & de Portugal, avec Figures, 120. Leyde 1707, 6 Vol. This Book, which is well wrote, gives an exact Defcription of thefe King ders. Ludovici Nonii Hifpania, fcilicet Populorum, Urb um, Infularum ac Fluminum Defcriptio, Antverpia, i vo. 1607. This moft valuable Piece may be me with in the Collection of Spanish Writers made by Scotus. Foyd chief HISTORIANS. 307 Poyage d'Eſpagne fait en 1655, in 4to. Paris 1665. This Voyage contains feveral very excellent Remarks on the State of the Kingdom of Spain. Tranflated into English in 1670, in 8vo. and fince with the Ad- ditions of a View of the Spanish Monarchy in 1700, printed in 8vo. in 1708. Mad. la Comteffe Daunoy: Relation dun Voyage d' Efpagne, in 120. Paris 1691, 3 Vol. There is much Romance, as well as curious in this Work, which has allo been tranflated into English in 8vo. Lond. - 4 ki 1592. Andreas Schottus S. J. Hifpania Illuſtrata, in fol. Vol. The two firft Volumes were printed in 1603, the two latter in 1606. This moft curious Col- lection contains almoft all the Hiftorians neceflary for a general Hiftory of Spain, and is much preferable to that publiſhed in 1579, by the Care of Robert Belli. Joannes Mariana: De Rebus Hifpanicis, in fol. To- In 4to. Moguntiæ 1605. Thefe are leti the two beft Editions of this Work. The first print- ed at Toledo, contains but Twenty Books. Mariana wrote the Ten following, after thefe were published, and the Edition at Mentz contains the whole Work, di- vided into Thirty Books. As Mariana in this Work goes not beyond Ferdinand the Catholick, it will be neceffary to have a ſmall Piece wrote by Mariana himfelf, entituled, Summarium de Rebus Hifpania, in which he carries on his Hiftory from the Year 1515, to 1612. This Piece was printed at Mentz in 1619, and is to be met with at the End of feveral of the Copies of the Hiftory of the Mentz Edition. This Writer, who pares not Kings themfelves, when they were bad, has tranflated his Hiftory into Spanish, and the Verfi- on is as much efteemed as the Original Latin. He has been charged with too much Moderation thewn to the French, and to Proteftantifm, and accuſed of fe- veral Miftakes in Geography. X 2 Hiftoria 308 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftoria general de Efpanna en XXX, Libros comprests primero en Latin, despues buelta en Caftellano por Juan de Mariana, in fol. Madrid 1608, 2 Vol.-In fol. Madrid 1668, 2 Vol. This is the Author's own Verfion, and he added feveral Paffages not in the La- tin. It was publiſhed alfo at Toledo, in fol. 1601, and has had feveral Continuators, the laft was Bafil Sotus, who carried it down to the Year 1670, Ma. drid, fol. Pedro Mantuano: Advertencias à la Hiftoria de Juan de Mariana, en Madrid, in 4to. 1613. Thomas Tomajo de Vargas: La Hiftoria general d' Efpanna del D. Juan de Mariana defendida en Toledo, in 4to. 1616. Mayerne Turquet: Hiftoire generale d'Espagne, in fol. 2 Vol. Paris 1635. This Hiftory, wrote cn the Plan of Mariana, though larger, is not fo judi cious. Inventaire general de l'Hiftoire d'Efpagne, in 4to. Paris 1628. This is a mean Performance, and lit- tle enquired after. Verdier and Vanell have wrote Abridgements of the Hiftory of Spain, which are but little valued, and a Chronological Abridgement of Mariana's Hiſtory, was printed in three Volumes, a Work attributed to the Countefs Daunois; which, tho' no deſpicable Performance, is not much fought after. Ambrofio Morales: Cronica general de Efpanna, in fol. en Alcala 1577, 4 Vol. This Perfon was Co- temporary with Mariana, to whom he communicated part of his Memoirs. Finding the Manufcript of Florianus Decampus, he made ufe of it in this Chronicles but it comes no lower than Veremundus III. and is eſteemed one of the moft valuable Hiftories of Spain; by the particular Command of King Philip III. Mr Sandoval continued it down to Alphonfo VII. Martin chief HISTORIANS. 309 Martin Carillo: Annales y Memorias Chronologicas, contienen las Coffas mas Notables Succedidas en Eſpanna, in fol. en Huefca 1622. Eftevan de Garibays: Compendio Hiftorial de las Cronicas y Univerſal Hiftoria de todos los Reynos de Efpan- na, en Amberes 1571, 4 Vol. in fol. and in Barcelona 1628, in fol. 4 Vol. As this Author has been frequently Reprinted, it is probable, that he is efteemed. Illuftrationes Genealogicas de los Reyes de las Efpannas, por Eftevan de Garybay, en Madrid 1596. Florian de Campo: Los cinco Libros primeros de la Cronica general de Efpanna, in fol. Medina del Campo 1553, & Alcala 1578. Cronica de Elpanna del Don Alonfo el Sabio, Vista y Emenda, per Florian de Campo, in fol. en Valladolid. 1604. J. B. Lambertini Theatrum Regium, five Regum Hifpaniæ Series, in fol. Bruxell. 1628. Bernardo Giuftiniani : Storia Generale della Spagna, in 4to. Venezia 1674. Franc. Tarrafa de Origine, & Rebus Geftis Regum Hifpaniæ ufque ad Caroli Cæfaris Inaugurationem, una cum brevi Rerum a Philippo II. geftarum Defcriptione, 8vo. Antverp. 1553. It is in the firft Volume of the Collection by Scotus, and in the fecond by Belli: The Author gives in too much to the Fables of Berofus. : Alphonfi Sanchez Anacephalaofis de Rebus Hifpa- niæ, in 4to. Compluti 1634. This is an Abridge- ment of Mariana. Michaelis Riccii de Regibus Hifpaniæ, Hierufalemi, utriufque Siciliæ, &c. Hiftoria, in 4to. Neap. 1645 It is in the firft Volume of the Collection by Scornis and the ſecond by Belli. Pauli Bombini Breviarii Rerum Hifpanicarum a Hifpania Revivifcente Enneas prima, in 410. Venet. X 3 1634 1. 310 A CATALOGUE of the 1634. This Book is publiſhed by his Grandfon John Bambini, begins at 712, and ends with 1350. Abrege Nouveau de l'Hiftoire generale d'Espagne, in 120. Paris 1688, 3 Vol. Hiftore d'Elpagne depuis le Commencement de la Mo- narchie jufqu' a Philippe V. in 120. Bruxell. 1704, 3 Vol. The Author has followed good Guides, but in his Language has too much of the Flemish brogue. Laurentii Vallenfis: Hiftoria Ferdinandi Regis Ar- ragoniæ, in 4to. Paris 1521. Eli Antoni Nebriffenfis : Rerum a Ferdinando, & Itabella Hifpaniarum Regibus Geftarum Decades due: Nic non Belli Navarenfis Libri duo, in fal. Granatæ 1545. It is in the firft Volume of the Collections of Belli and Scotus. Hernando de Pulgar: Cronica de los Reyes Don Fer nando, y Donna Ifabel, in fol. en Zaragoca 1567. This is the fame Book with the laſt, and Nebriffenfis only tranflated this Chronicle into good Latin, though he was fo impudent as to publish it under his own Name. Ant. Varillas: La Politique de Ferdinand le Catholi que, in 120. Amft. 1688. Lucii Marinæi Siculi Epiftola Familiares, in fel. Pinciæ 1514. A curious and rare Book, it was printed with the Orations and Poems of the fame Author. Petri Martyris Epiftola, in fol. Amftelod. 1670. I know no Book, where may be found fo many Par ticulars of the Reign of Ferdinand and fabella, as in thefe Letters. The old Editions are very rare, and extravagantly dear, till the Prefident of Lamoignon ge neroufly facrificed his own Copy to reprint it in Hol land. Prudencio de Sandoval: Hiftoria de la Vida y hechos del Emperador Carlos V. in fol. en Pincia P. I. 1604. P. II. 1606, en Pamplona, in fol. 1614, 2 Vol. This i chief HISTORIANS. 311 This Hiftorian is accuſed of Impertinence and Partia- lity, otherwiſe he is confeffedly a great Chronologer, and one of the moft polite Spanish Hiftorians. I have treated in Chap. 22, of thofe who have wrote the Life of the Emperour Charles the Fifth, to which I refer my Reader. Juan Chriftoph. Calvete: El Viajel del Principe Don Phelippe, Hijo del Emperador Don Charlos V. in 4to. Ambers 1552. This is a Hiftory of Philip II. before he came to the Crown. Luis Cabrera: Hiftoria del Rey d'Efpanna Don Phe- lippe II. in fol. en Madrid 1619. Mr. L'Erbert, a Profeſſor at Francfort, has tranflated it into Latin, and defigns to print it. To the Author is imputed too great a Partiality to his King and Country. Antonio de Herrera: Primera, Segunda, Tercera parte de la Hiſtoria del Mundo del Tiempo del Rey Don Phe- lippe II. in fol. 3 Vol. en Valladolid 1606. Francif. Guillimannus: De Felici exceffu Philippi II. Hifpaniarum Regis, e Cervera Turriani Hifpanice Scripto, in 4to. Friburgi Brifgox 1609. Gregorio Leti: Vita di Filippo II. in 4to. 2 Vol. Thefe Lives of Charles V. and Philip II. are not the beft Performances of this Author. Cæf. Campana : La Vita di Filippo II. Re delle Spagne, Part. I. and II. in Vicenza, in 4to. 1608. Part. III. and IV. Venezia, in 4to. 1608. -Supplemento all' Hiftoria di Filippo II. in Venez. 1609, in 410. Recueil des Actions & Paroles Memorables de Philippe Il. in 120. Col. 1571. Matute Pennafiel; Genealogia del Rey Philippo III. in 410. 1614. Gonfalez de Cefpedes: Hiftoria del Rey Don Philippe III. 1631.- In fol. en Barcelona 1634 X 4 Mad. 312 A CATALOGUE of the M. Daunoy: Memoires de la Cour d'Espagne, in 120. Paris 1698, 2 Vol. There is much Romantick in this Book. Memoires particuliers touchant le Mariage de Charles II. avec la Princeffe Marie Lovife d'Orleans, in 120, Paris 1681. Teſtament de Charles II. Roy d'Eſpagne, in 40. Paris 1700. Ulricus Obrechtus: Excerpta Hiftorica & Juridica de Natura Succeffionis Hifpanice in Monarchiam Hifpaniæ, in 4to. 1700. Theſe are Extracts from Civilians at d Hiftorians, to Support the Right of King Philip V. to the Crown of Spain. Joannes Francifcus Buddeus: De Teftamentis Sum- morum Imperantium, fpeciatim Caroli II. Hifpania Regis, in 4to. Halæ 1701. -Ulterior Difquifitio de Jure Gentis Auftriace in Regnum Hifpaniæ, in 4to. Hala 1702. Jus Auftriacum in Monarchiam Hifpanicam af fertum, in 8vo. Vienna 1702, and Jenæ 1703. This is an Author entirely devoted to the Houle of A- ftria. Juan de Bleda: Cronica de los Moros de Efpanna, in fol. en Valencia 1615, Luis de Marmol: Hiftoria de la Rebellion, y Caftige de los Morifcos del Reyno del Granada, in fol. en Mala ga 1609. Marco de Guadalaiara y Xavier: Memorable Expul fion de los Morifcos de Eſpanna, in 4to. en Pamplona 1613. Damiano Fonfeca del giufto Scacciamento de Mori dalla Spagna, in 4to. Roma 1611. Adolphi Occonis: Infcriptiones Antiqua in Hifpania reperta, in fol. Heidelbergæ 1596. Ant. Guil. Brignole della Storia Spagnuola, Libri IV. in 4to. Gen. 1640. CHAP ! chief HISTORIANS. 3 13 } ! CHAP. XLIII. Hiftories of Illuftrious Men, and other Par ticulars relating to the Hiftory of the Kingdom of SPAIN. A Lvarus Gomezius de Rebus Geftis Francifci Xi- menis, in fol. Compluti 1569. And in the Collection by Scotus, Tom. I. and Belli, Tom. II. A valuable Piece. Michel Baudier: Hiftoire de l'Adminiſtration du Card. Ximenes, in 4to. Paris 1635. M. Efprit Flechier: Hiftoire du Cardinal Ximenes, in 4to. and in 120. Paris 1693. M. de Marfolier: Hiftoire du Miniftere du Card. Ximenes, in 120. Paris 1704, 2 Vol. This is the moſt correct and fulleft Edition. Mr. Marfolier had not fo charitable a Pen as Mr. Flechier. He has drawn his Cardinal a better Politician than Chriftian, and the Life is admirably well wrote. Eugenio de Roblez: Compendio de la Vida y Hazan- nas del Cardinal Francefco Ximenes de Cifneros, del Oficio y miffa Muzarabe, in 4to. Toledo 1604. Le Parallele du Cardinal Ximenes, & du Cardinal Richelieu, par l' Abbe Richard, in 120. Paris 1704. Ant. Varillas: La Pratique de l'Education des Princes, Contenant l'Histoire de Guillaume de Croy, Seigneur de Chieures, in 120. Amftelodami 1684. Vita Ferdinandi Toletani Ducis d'Albani, Salam. 1669. This Book was tranflated into French under the following Title. Hiftoire 314 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftoire de Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo Duc d' Albe, in 120. Paris 1699, 2 Vol. This Book de ferves a Perufal. Joan. Genef. Sepulveda: Res Gefta Egidii Albor- notii Carilli Conchenfis Hifpani, in 8vo. Bafileæ 1542. Baltafar Porreno: Vida y hechos del Gran Cardenal Don Gil de Albornoz, in 8vo. en Cueva 1616. This Cardinal was one of the greateſt Men that Spain ever produced. Pedro de Salazar: Cronica del Grand Cardenal de Efpanna Don Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoca, in fol. Toledo 1625. This Cardinal, of a Family in Spain, noted for the great Men it has given the World, was looked upon as one of the ableft Miniſters this King- dom ever enjoyed. Lorenzo Vander Hammen y Leon: Hiftoria del Don Juan de Auftria, in 4to. en Madrid 1627. L'Hiftoire de Don Jean d'Autriche fils de l'Empe- reur Charles V. in 120. Amft. 1690. Greg. Leti: Vita di Don Pietro Giron, Duca d Offuna, in 8vo. Amſt. 3 Vol. La Vita di Don Giovanni d'Auftria, in 120. Col. 1686. This is a Hiftory of a Natural Son of Philip IV. Hiftoire di Miniftere du Conte Duc d'Olivares, avec des Reflexions Politiques, in 120. Col. 1673. This is tranflated from the Spanish by the Count Della Rocça. Virgilio Malvezzi: Il Ritratto del privato Politico Chriftiano Eftratto dall'Originale d'alcune Attioni del Co. Duca di S. Lucar. In the Works of this Author, printed at Venice in 1656, in Twelves. Relation de ce qui s'eſt paſſe en Espagne a la Difgrace du Comte Duc d'Olivares, traduite de l'Italien, in 8vo. Par. 1658. Hiftoire chief HISTORIANS. 3 IS Hiftoire des differens Arrivez en Eſpagne entre D. Juan. d'Autriche, & le Card. Nithard, in 120. Col. 1677. Didacus de Lequiliis de Rebus Auftriacis, Origine, Antiquitate ac Nobilitate Auftriacæ Familia, & de ejus Unitate cum Borbonica Regum Francorum Sobole, cum Figuris Æneis, in fol. Oeniponti 1660, 2 Vol. Camilli Borelli in Arbores Genealogie Auftriacæ & Gothorum, ac Lufitaniæ Regum Commentarii, in 4to. Neapoli 1609. Roderico Mendes Silva: Catalogo Real Genealogico de Efpanna, in 4to. en Madrid. 1647. Alonfo Lopez de Haro: Nobilitario Genealogico de los Reyes y Titulos de Efpanna, in fol. Madrid 1622. Although by a publick Decree of the Royal Council, an Attempt was made to blaſt the Credit of this Book; yet has it bore up againft all Oppofition, and is much valued by the Learned. Jac. Wilhelmi Imhof: Corpus Hiftorie Genealogice, Italiæ, & Hifpaniæ, in fol. Norimb. 1702. He had published a Year before a Sketch under the Title of, Stemma Defiderianum, unde Italiæ & Hifpaniæ Reges Trocerefque pullularunt. Genealogie Viginti Illuftrium in Hifpania Familia- rum, in fol. Lipf. 1712. This is the laſt and beſt Work publifhed by this learned Author. Recherches Hiftoriques & Genealogiques des Grands d'Espagne, in 8vo. Amft. 1707. Juan Benito Guardiola: Tratado de Nobleza de los Varones Claros y Grandes d'Efpanna, in 4to. en Ma- drid 1591. Barnabe Moreno de Vargas: Difcurfos de la Noble- za de Efpanna, corregida y mui Amplicada por Diego Perez de Meffa, in fol. Alcala de Henares 1595. Benito de Penalofa y Mondragon: Libro de las cin- quo Excellencias de Efpannol que defpueblan a Efpanna, in 4to. Pamplona 1629. In Thom. 316 A CATALOGUE of the Thom. Campanella de Monarchia Hifpanica, in 120. Amftelodami 1640. This Author is very erroneous in his Geography. Jo. Valdefius de Dignitate Rerum Regnorumque Hil- paniæ, in fol. Granatæ 1602. Jac. Mainoldus Galeratus de Titulis Philippi Au- ftrii Regis Catholici, in 4to. Bonon. 1573. A valua ble Piece. Johannis de Laet de Regis Hifpaniæ Regnis & Opibus, in 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1619. Joan. Jacob. Chiffletii: Vindicie Hifpanica, in quibus Arcana Regia publico pacis bono luce donantur, in fol. Antverp. 1647. M. Antonii de Dominis: Affertor Gallicus, contra Chiffletii indicias Hifpanicas, in 4to. Paris. Joan. Jacob. Chiffletius: Lampades Hifpanica, in 4te. Antv. 1649. This is an Answer to the laſt mentioned Book. Gregorio Lopez Modera: Excellencias de la Monar- chia y Reynno de Efpanna, in fol. en Madrid. 1625. This is better than the Edition printed at Valladolid in 1597. Camillus Borelli de Regis Catholici preftantia, & ju- ribus, in fol. Mediolani 1611. Ludov. Molina de Hifpanorum Primogeniorum Ori- gine & Natura, in fol. Mog. 1603.- Lugd. 1613. This is an excellent Book, and has been ufeful in eſtabliſhing the Succeffion of Philip V. to the Crown of Spain. * Anton. Caftagnola: Filippo Quinto Monarco Le- gittimo delle Spagne, &c. 4to. Nap. 1704. CHAP. chief HISTORIANS. 317 CHA P. XLIV. The Ecclefiaftical and Civil Hiftories of the Kingdoms of SPAIN, CASTILE, and LEON. P Rudentio de Sandoval: Hiftoria de los cinco Reyes de Caftilla, y de Leon, in fol. Pamplona 1643. Cronica de Don Alonfo Setino, in fol. en Madrid 1600. This is a Continuation of a General Hiſtory, began by Morales, as I have noticed before. Gonzalez Davila: Theatro Ecclefiaftico de las Iglefias Metropolitanas y Catedrales de los Reynos de las dos Ca- ftillas, in fol. en Madrid 1640. 1645. 1648. 1650, 4 Vol. Salazar de Mendoza: Origen de las Dignidades Segla- res de Caftilla, y Leon, con Relation de los Reynes de eftos Reynos, in fol. en Madrid 1658. Alonfo Carillo: Origen de la Dignidad de Grand de Caftilla, Pre-eminencias de que Goza en los actos publicos, in fol. en Madrid 1657. Cronica de Rey Don Sancho el bravo Quarto defte Nom- bre, in fol. en Valladolid 1554. Grovica del Santo Rey Don Fernando Tercero, in fol. en Medina del Campo 1568. Juan de Pineda Memorial de la excellente Santidad del Don Fernando Tercero, in fol en Sevilla 1627. Hipolito de Vergra: Vida y hechos del Santo Rey de Efpanna Don Fernando Tercero, in 8vo. en Offuno 1630. Daniel Papebrochius: Alta Vita S. Ferdinandi Re- gis Caftellæ & Legionis, in 8vo. Antverp. 1684. It is 318 A CATALOGUE of the is alfo inferted in the Acts of the Bollandifts, under the Month of May, and this Prince was Canonized in 1671. Cronica del Rey Don Fernando IV. de Caftilla y de Leon, in fol. en Valladolid 1554. Juan Nunez: Cronica del Rey Don Alonfo el Onzeno, in fol. en Toledo 1595. Cronica del Don Pedro de Caftilla, del Rey Don Hen- rique, del Rey Don Juan I. Rey de Caftilla y Leon, in fol. en Sevilla 1549. Juan Antonio de Vera: Vida del Rey Don Pedro de Caftilla, in 4to. en Madrid 1648. Gonzalez Davila: Hiftoria de Vida y hechos del Rey Don Henrique Tercero de Caftilla, in fol. en Madrid 1638. Lorenco Galvidez de Carvail: Cronica del Juan el Segundo, Corregida, in fol. en Longrono 1517. Centon Epiftolario del Fernand de Gomez: Efcrittas al muy poderofo Rey Don Juan el Segrindo, &c. in 4to. en Burgos 1600. Franciſco de Pifa: Defcription de la Imperial Ciudad de Toledo, y Hiftoria de fus Antiquedades, in fol. en Toledo 1605. Diego de Caftrion y Fonfeca: Primatia de la Santa Iglefia de Toledo, fol. en Madrid 1645, 2 Vol. Anton. Quintanaduenas de la Comp. de Jef. Santos de la Imperial Ciudad de Toledo, y su Arcobispado, in fol. en Madrid 1651. Hiero. Roman. de Higuera Societ. Fef. Dypticon Toletanum de Epifcopis Toletana Sedis, in fol. Antverp. 1640. Pedro de Royas: Hiftoria de la Imperial Ciudad de "Toledo, in fol. en Madrid 1654. Geronimo de Quintana: Hiftoria de la Antiquetad de la Villa de Madrid, in fol. en Madrid 1629. Gonzalez Davila: Theatro de la Grandezas de In Villa de Madrid, in fol. en Madrid 1623. Francifco chief HISTORIANS. 319 Francifco de los Santos: Defcripsion breve del Mo- mafierio da S. Lorenzo el Real del Escorial, in fol. en Madrid 1657.-Madrid 1681. Ilario Mazzolar: Le Reali Grandezze dell'Efcuriale di Spagna, in 4to. en Bologna 1648. Diego de Colmenares: Hiftoria de la Ciudad de Se- govia, in fol. en Segovia 1637. Juan. Pablo Marrtyrico: Hiftoria de la Ciudad de Cuenca, in fol. en Madrid 1627, & 1629. Alfonfo Ruvez: Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica y Seglar de Ciu- dad de Guadalaxara, in fol. en Madrid 1653. Luis de Ariz: Hiftoria de la Grandeza de la Ciudad, de Avila, in fol. en Alcala 1607. Alonzo Fernandez: Hiftoria y Annales de la Ciudad, Obispado de Placentia, in fol. en Madrid 1627. Bernabe Moreno de Vargas: Hiftoria de la Ciudad de Merida, in 4to. en Madrid 1633• Athanafio de Lobera: Hiftoria de las Grandezas de la Ciudad y Iglefia de Leon, in 4to. en Valladolid 1596. Gil. Gonzalez de Avila: Hiftoria de las Antiqueda- des de la Ciudad de Salamanca, in 4to. en Salamanca 1606. Pedro de Juneo Fondacion, Nombres y Armas de Cis- dad de Aftorga, in 4to. en Pamplona 1639. ANDALUSIA. Pablo de Efpinofa: Primera y Segunda parte de la Hiftoria, Antiguedades de la Ciudad de Sevilla, in fol. Mad. 1627, 2 Vol. Rodrigo Caro: Antiquedades y Principado de Ciudad de Sevilla, in fol. en Sevilla 1634. Alonfo Morgado: Hiftoria de Sevilla, fus Antique- dades, Grandezas, y cofas Memorables, in fol, en Sevilla 1687. Juan. 20 A CATALOGUE of the Juan. Batt. Suarez de Salazar: Grandezes y Antique- dades de la Ifla y Ciudad de Cadiz, in 4to. en Cadiz 1610. Martinus de Roa: De Cordubæ in Hifpania Betica, Principatu, in 4to. Lugduni 1617. Pedro Dias de Ribas: Antiguedades y Excellentias de Cordova, in 4to. en Cordova 1627. Martin de Roa: Hiftoria de la mui Antiqua y Noble Cindad de Eciia fus Santos, in 4to. en Sevilla 1629. Andrez Florindo: Addicion al Libro de Eciia y fus Grandezas, in 4to. en Sevilla 163 1. Martin de Ximena: Catalogo de los Obispos de las Iglefias Catedrales de la Diocesi de Jean, in fol. en Ma- drid 1654. Gonzalo Argote: Nobleza de l'Andaluzia, in fol. * Sev. 1588. GRANAT A. Franciſco Vermudez: Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica de la Cin- dad de Granada, in fol. en Granada 1639. Franciſco Vermudez: Antiquedad y Excellencias de Granada, in 4to. en Madrid 1608. Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoca: Hiftoria del Monte Celia de Nueftra Sennora de la Salceda, in fol. en Gra nada 1616. Diego de Mendoca: Guerra de Granada hecha por el Rey Don Felippe II. contra los Morifcos, in 4to. en Lisboa 1627. Collection by Scotus. Caroli Verardi de Expugnatione Regni Granatæ, in fol. Bafileæ 1533. And in the fecond Volume of the This is the fame Work which was acted on the Stage, and printed at Rome in 1492, in Quarto, under the Title following, In laudem Sere- niff. Ferdinandi Hifp. Reg. Bethicæ, & Regni Granada Obfidio, Victoria & Triumphus. Julian chief HISTORIANS. 321 que Julian del Caftillo: Hiftoria de los Reyes Godos, Venieray de la Scythia de l'Europa contra el Imperio Ro- mano, a l'Efpanna, con la Succeffion dellos hafta Cato- lico: Reyes Don Fernando, y Dona Ifabel, &c. in fol. en Mad. 1624. This Edition is larger than that of Bur- gos in 1582. Cronica del Rey Don Rodrigo poftremero Rey de los Godos, in fol. en Valladolid 1626. VALÈN ŻĄ Anton. Beutero: Cronica general de tota Elpanna, 3 Specialmente del Reyno de Valencia, in fol. en Valencia 1604. Gafpar Efcolano: Hiftoria de la Ciudad y Reyno di Valencia, in fol. en Valencia, 2 Vol. 1610, & 1611. Franc. Diago de la Orden de Pred: Annales del Rey- no de Valencia, in fol. en Valencia 1613. Juan Damero: La Hiftoria general del Reyno Balea- rico, in fol. Malorca 1632. Vincente Mutdefde: Tomo Segundo de la Hiftoria del Reyno de Malorca de Juan Dameto, in fol. en Ma- lorca 1650. Francifco Ifoil: Hiftoria de la Fundacion del Mona- fterio puche de Camera Angelica de Maria Santiffima Patrona de la Ciudad de Valencia, in 4to. 1631. Jacob. de Bleda: Defenfio Fidei in caufa Neophyto- rum, five Morifchorum Regni Valentiæ totiufque Hifpa- nie, in fol. Valentiæ 1610. Francifco de Cafcales: Difcurfos Hiftoricos de Murcia fu Reyno, in fol. en Murcia 162 1. ARA G Q NA Gafpar Scioppius de Aragoniæ Regum Origine, Poſtė- fitate, &c. in 8ve. Mediolani 1628. VOL. II. Lucus 322 A CATALOGUE of the 1 Lucas Marineus de Aragoniæ Regibus, in fol. Cæfar- Auguftæ 1509. Hieronym. Blancas : Aragonenfium Rerum Com mentarii, ab An. 714, ad An. 1588, in fol. Cæfar Auguftæ 1588. A Book much valued as a Spanish Hiftory. Cronica Antiqua d'Aragon, in fol. en Valencia 1524. Geronim. Surita: Anales de la Corona de Aragon, in fol. en Zaragoça 1610, 7 Vol. This valuable Au- thor contains the Hiftory of the Kingdom of Arra gon, from 710, to the Year 1616. Here Mr. Mencken obferves two Errours of the Prefs, as the Work is only in Six Volumes, and reaches but to the Year 1516, to the Death of Ferdi mand the Catholick. To the laſt Volume of this Edi- tion was added, the Cenfure of Mr. St. Croix, and the Apologies of Ambrofe Morales, and John Perez de Caftro. He is accufed of reckoning too many Perfons preſent in the Battles he relates, and this only to do Honour to fome particular Families. Hieron. Surita Indices Rerum ab Aragoniæ Regibus Geftarum, in fol. Cæfar Auguftæ 1578. A valuable and ſcarce Piece, and in the third Volume of the Hifpania Illuftrata by Scotus. Vicen. Blafco de Lanuza: Hiftorias Ecclefiafticas, y Seculares de Aragon, en que fe continuan los Annales de Zurita, in fol. en Zaragoça 1622, 2 Vol. It is not much eſteemed, and comes down to 1622. da Barthol. Leonardo de Akgenfola: Primera parte los Anales de Aragon, que profigue los de Zurita, in fol. en Zaragoca 1630. It is the Misfortune of this Book, that it is only compleat as to the four fir Years of the Reign of Charles the Fifth, and begins with the Death of Ferdinand the Catholick. He is more eſteemed than Surita. Juan Franc. Andres de Uztarroz, y Diego Jofep Dormer Progreffos de la Hifteria en el Reyno de Ara gon chief HISTORIANS. 323 gon, que contienen varios Succeffos des de el Anno 1512, hafta el de 15.80, in fol. en Zaragoca 1580. Ramon Muntaner: Cronica del Rey Don Jaume pri- mer Rey d'Aragon, &c. in fol. en Valencia 1558.-In fol. en Barcelona 1562. Bernard. Gomefius Miedes de Vita Jacobi I. Regis Aragonum, in fol. Valencia 1582. This Book is wrote in a Ciceronian Style, and was Dedicated to Prince James, Son of Philip II. to whom the Author recommends his Heroe as proper for Imitation. Ant. Panormita de Lictis & Factis Alphonfi Regis Aragon, in 4to. Bafileæ 1538, & Vitteberge 1585. This laft Edition is the beft. Alonfo de Caſtillo: Epitome de la Vida y hechos del Rey Don Pedro de Aragon Tercero, in 8vo. en Zaragoca 1639. Trofees y Antiquedades de la Imperial Ciudad de Zara- goca, in 4to. Barcelona 1639. Juan de Arruego: Catedra Epifcopal de Zaragoca, in fol. Zaragoca 1653. Diego Murillo: Fundacion Milagrofa de la Capella de la Madre de Dios del Pilar, in fol. Barcelona 1616. This Image of the Bleffed Virgin of Pilar, is the great Object of the Devotion of all Spain. Taion Obispo de Zaragoca; Piler de Zaragoca Co- amna Firmiffima de la Fe de Efpanna, &c. con Notas, or Luis Lopez, in 4to. Alcala 1649. Jo. Bapt. de Lezana: Columna Immobiles, feu de Antiquiffima & continuata Cathedralitate Ecclefie S. Ma- e Majoris de Columna, de Pilari Cæfar-Auguftanæ, 40. Bracciani 1655. Juan Anton. Lopez: Memorial a fu Majestad y tificacion de las Casas de la S. Iglefia de Zaragoca, on la Collegial de noftra Sennora del Pilar, in fol. Zara- oca 1556. Y 2 Francifco 324 A CATALOGUE of the + Francifco Diego de Aynfa: Fundacion, Excellentias, Grandezas, y cofas Memorables, de l'Antiquiffima Cin dad de Huefca, in fol. Huefca 1619. Juan Brits Martinez: Hiftoria de la Fundacion y An tiquedades de San Juan de la Penna, in fol. Zaragoca 1620. Juan Franciſco Andrez: Hiftoria de San Domingo de Val Martyr Cæfar Auguftano, in 40. Zaragoca 1643. Geronimo Ximenez: Difcurfo del Officio de Bacle General de Aragon, en que fe declaran Muſchas fieras, y Attos de corte de dicho Reyno, in 4to. Zaragoca 1630. Geronimo de Blancas Coronaciones de los Sereniffimer Reyes de Arragon, &c. in 4to. Zaragoca 1641. CATALOGNA. Geronimo Pujades: Chronica Univerfal del Principat de Catalaunna, in fol. Barcelona 1609. Francifco Diago de la Orden de Predic. Hiftoria de los Antiguos Condes de Barcelona, in fol. Barcelona 1603. Pere Tornich: Hiftorias e Conqueftas de los Reyes de Aragon, & de lurs Anteceffores los Contes de Barcelona, in fol. Barcelona 1634. Bernardo Defclot: Hiftoria de Catalunna, Traduzi da, de fu Antiqua lengua Catalana en Romance Caftellana por Raphael Cervera, in 4to. Barcelona 1616. Petr. de Marca Archiep. Parif. Marca Hifpanica, five Limes Hifpanicus, id eft, Geographica & Historica Defcriptio Catalonia; a Steph. Baluzio Edita, in fo Paris 1688. A valuable Work this, and neceflary for the Hiſtory of Spain. Francifcus Calca de Catalonia, in 8va. Barcinone 1-588. Jofeph. Pellizer: Idea del Principado de Catalunna in 8vo. Amberez 1642. ftevan chief HISTORIANS. 325 Eftevan Barellas: Hiftoria de los Famofos hechos del Gran Conde de Barcelona, D. Bernardo Barcino, &c. in fol. Barc. 1600. Luys de Ycart: Libro de las Grandezas de la Metro- politana Ciudad de Tarragona, in 8vo. Lerida 1572. Francifco Martorel: Hiftoria de la Santa Cinta, con- que la Madre de Dios honro la Catedral y Ciudad de Tor- tofa, in 8vo. Tortola 1616. Libro de la Hiftoria y Milagros hechos a Invocacion de Nuestra Sennora de Monferrat, in 8vo. Barcelona 1555. Luca Affarino delle Revoluzioni di Catalogna Libri II. in 4to. Genova 1644. -Delle Revoluzioni di Catalogna Libri III. & IV. con le Annotazioni d Alberto Carozano, in 1647. " 4to. Genova Plainte des Catalans au Roi Philippe IV. traduite de Efpagnol, in 4to. Rouen 1642. Francifco Ortiz de Valdez: Gratulacion Politico-CA- tolica en la Felix Restauracion de Lerida, in 40. Madrid 1641. Vincente de Miraval y Forcardel: Tortofa Ciudad Fideliffima, in 4to. Madrid 1641. Hiftoire de ce qui s'eſt paſſe en Catalogne en 1640, & 1641, in 4to. Rouen 1642. Defenfe de Catalans, avec les Droits du Roy fur la Catalogne & le Rouffillon, in 8vo. Paris 1642. Ludovic. Mefplete: Catalonia Galliæ Vindicata, five Differtatio Hiftorica de Legitimo Rerum Francorum ineam Provinciam Imperio, in 8vo. Paris 1643. Jo. Nicolai Galliæ Dignitas contra Lud. Mefplede Vindicata, in 4to. Paris 1644. Franc. Marti & Viladamor: Prafidium Inexpugna bile Principatus Cataloniæ pro Fure Eligendi Chriftianiffi mum Monarcham, in fol. Perpiniani 1644. Cafeneuve: La Catalogne Francoife, in 4to. Tou louſe 1644. Y 3 And. 326 A CATALOGUE of the And. Bofcho Perpinianenfis, de Titulis Honorificis in Catalonia, Rufcinone, &c. in fol. Perpiniani 1628. GALIZI A, and N AV ARRA. Deferipcion del Feyno de Gallicia; por el Licenciado Molina, in 4to. Valladolid 1550. Prudenci Sandoval, y Anton. Freyre: Antiguedad de la Cinaad y Iglefia Catedral de Tuy, in 4to. Braga 1610. Luys Correa La Conquista del Reyno de Navarra, in fol. Toledo 1513. • Andre Favin Hiftoire de Navarre; l'Origine, les Vies & Conquestes de fes Rois, in fol. Paris 1612. Prudencio de Sandoval: Catalogo de los Obispos de Pamplona, in fol. Pamplona 1614. Garcia de Gongora y Torreblanca: Hiftoria Apo- logetica, y Defcripcion del Reyno de Navarra, in fol. Pampl. 1628. Jofef de Moret: Investigaciones Hiftoricas de las An tiquedades del Reyno de Navarra, in fol. Pamplona 1665. Jofephi de Moret de Obfidione Fontifarabica, in 4to. Fontifarabia 1655. PORTOGALLO S. Le Quien de la Neuville: Hiftoire generale du Roy aume, de Portugal, in 4to. 2 Vol. Paris 1696. Antonius Vafconcellus: Societ. Jef. Anacephalicofis, id eft Summa capita actorum Regum Lufitaniæ, in 40 dear, Antv. 1621. This Book, though fold very contains only Elegia; but the Figures of the Kings inferred in it, make it efteemed. Manuel de Faria y Soufa: Epitome de las Hiflori Portuguefas, desde el diluvio hasta el Anno 1628, in 4to. en Lisboa 1674. L. And chief HISTORIANS. 327 L. And. Refendii: Antiquitates Lufitaniæ, in 8vo. Colon. Agripp. 1600.1613. Bernardo de Brito: Monarchia Lufitana, primera parte, defde a criacao do Mundo, a te o Nafcimiento de Chrifto, in fol. No Mofteiro de Alcobaca 1597. - Segunda parte de Monarchia Lufitana, a te Conde Dom Henrique, in fol. en Lisboa 1609. Ant. Brandao: Tercera parte de Monarchia Lufitana a te o Rey Don Afonfo Henrique, in fol. en Lisboa 1631. Quarta parte, a te o Rey Don Afonso III. in fol. en Lisboa 1632. Eman. Conftantinus: Hiftoria de Origine, atque Vita Regum Lufitaniæ, in 4to. Romæ 1601. Anton. Paez de Viegas: Principios del Reyno de Por- tugal, con la Vida, y hechos de Don Alfonfo Henriquez fus primero Rey, hafta la fu Muerte en el Anno 1185, in fol. Lisboa 1641. This contains only the Life of Alphonfus the First. Petri Johannis Perpiniani de Vita, & Moribus B. Eli- fibethe (Dionyfii conjugis) Lufitaniæ Regina, in 8vo. Colon. 1609. This Piece is wrote in a Ciceronian Style. Ruy de Pina Cronica de el Rey Dom Alfonfo IV. depois do Anno de 1325, a te o de 1357, in fol. Lisboa 1653. Fernando de Menezez: Vida e Accones del Rey Dom Joano I. depois do Anno de 1385, ate o de 1433, in 470. Lisboa 1677: Garcias de Refende: De Vida del Rey Dom Juan ho Segundo de Portugal, in fol. Evora 1554.- Lisboa, in fol. 1596.-Lisboa 1622. In this laft Edition are the reft of the Works of Garzias de Refende. Criftoval de Ferreria y Sampayo: Vida del Principe perfetto Dom Juan II. Rey de Portugal, in 4to. Ma- drid. 1626. Y 4 Auguftio 328 A CATALOGUE of the Auguftin Manuel Vafconcellos: Viday Acciones del Mesmo Rey Dom Juan II. in 4to. Madrid 1639. This Work has been tranflated into French. Juan Carillo: La Hiftoria de Sancta Iſabel, Reyna de Portugal, in 4to. Zaragoca 1625. Theodore Godefroy de l'Origine des Rois de Portu- gal, in 4to. Paris 1612. Jofeph Texeira de Portugallie Ortu, Regni Initiis, rebufque a Regibus geftis, Compendium, in 4to. Par. 1582. This is a very ſcarce Book. Hieronymus Oforius de Rebus Emmanuelis Regis Lufitaniæ, in fol. Olyffipon. 1571, and in 4to. Co- lon. 1574. A well wrote and valuable Book. Damiano Goes: Chronica del Rey Don Emmanuel de Portugal, in fol. Lisboa 1566, 1629. The Au thor has made Ufe of the Manufcripts of Rodrigo de Piro, who has alfo wrote the Lives of Alphonfus V. and John II. which have never as yet been printed. Sebaſtien de Mefa Jornada de Africa, por el Rey Don Sebaftien, y Union del Reyno de Portugal a la Corona de Caftilla, in 4to. Barcelona 1630. Jerome Coneftaggio: Hiftoire de la Reunion de Por tugal a la Couronne de Caftille, traduit de l'Italien en Fran- cois, Besancon 1596, 8vo. in 120. 2 Vol. Paris 1680. This curious Book is in Italian and Latin, The Italians who published this Book firft at Genoua in 1585, 40. had no Reaſon to give the Honour of it to Coneftaggio; as it is well known, that John de Sylva, who was Em- baſſadour from the King of Spain to Emanuel King of Portugal in Africa, was the real Author. It was tranflated into Latin at Francfort in 1602, and is to be found in the fecond Volume of the Hifpania Illuftrata. Michael ab Aguiree de Succeffione Regni Portugallia, pro Philippo Hifpan. Fege, in 4to. Venet. 1599. Hiftoire de Com Antoine Roy de Portugal, in 120, Amfterdam 1696. This Prince was only a Nominal King, and a Wanderer. Many Treatifes were wrote chief HISTORIANS. 329 ia Favour of his Right to the Kingdom of Portugal HVerfion of the Pfalms are moft devout and pathetick. Explanatio juris, quo Rex Lufitaniæ Antonius I. Ni- rat ad Bellum Philippo Regi Caftelle pro Regni Recupe- ratione inferendum, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1587. The fame Work was printed in French. Alexandri Raudenfis Refponfum primum, & Secun- dum de legitima Succeffione in Portugallie Regnum, in 4to. Mediol. 1579, & 1580. Ant. de Herrera: Conquista de Portugal, en los An 0 1582, 71583, in 4to. Madrid 1591. Excellent & Libre Difcours du Droit de la Succeffion Royale au Royaume de Portugal, & de la Succeffion Legi- time du Roy Antoine, in 120. Paris 1607. Joan. Caramuel a Lobkowitz; Philippus Frudens Le- gitus Rex Lufitaniæ demonftratus, in fal. Antverp, 1050. jo. Anton. Viperani de obtenta Portugallia a Rege Catholico Hiftoria, in 4to. Neapoli 1588, and in Hifp. Illuftr. Tom. II. Gio. Batt. Birago: Hiftoria della Difunione del Reg- 10 di Portogallo della Corona di Caftiglia, in 40. Lugd. 1644. In 8vo. Amftelod. 1647. L'Abbe de Vertot: Hiftoire de la Conjuration de Portugal en 1640, in 120. Paris 1689. Tranflated into English in 1700, in 120. And reprinted in French in 1711 Cajerani Paffarelli Bellum Lufitanicum, in fol. Lug, duni 1684. This Author gives us the true Motives of the Revolution of Portugal. Ludovicus de Menezes: Hiftoria de Portugal Re- ftaurado, in fol. Lisboa 1689. The Original Manu- fcript of this Work, which contains the Hiftory of the Revolution of Portugal, confifted in four Volumes in Folio, with the Authentick Acts and Proofs, but only the first ever was published. Francifc 330 A CATALOGUE of the Francifc. Velafci Goveani Joannes IV. Portugallie Rex juſte Confalutatus a fuo Regno, in fol. Oly flipone 1645. Anton. de Soufa de Macedo: Soc. Jef. Genealogia Regum Lufitaniæ, in 4to. Londini 1643. Lufitania Liberata a Caftellanornm Dominio, & Re- ftituta Joanni IV. in fol. Lond. 1645. Jus Succedendi in Regnum Lufitania Catharinæ Regis Emanuelis ex Eduardo filio Neptis, cum Appendice de actu poffidendi, & Jure poftliminii Regis Joannis IV. ir. fol. Par. 1641. Panegyris Apologetica pro Lufitania Vindicata a Servi- tute, & Tyrannide immani Caftellæ, in 4to. Paris 1641. Joan. Caramuel a Lobkowitz: Joannes Braganti- nus Lufitaniæ Illegitimus Rex demonftratus, in 4to. Lo- van. 1642. Fr. Macedo: Propugnaculum Lufitano-Gallicum, contra Calumnias Hifpano- Belgicas, in fol. Pari 1647. M. Fremont d'Ablancourt: Memoires contenant Hiftoire de Portugal depuis le Traite des Pirenées de 1659, jusqu'en 1658, in 120. Amfterdam 1701. Cafparis Barli: Rerum per Octennium (ab An. 1637, ad An. 1644.) in Brafilia, & Alibi geftarum fub pra- fectura Comitis J. Mauritii Hiftoria, in 8vo. 1647.- Clivis 1660. Giov. Giuſeppe à S. Terefia: Storia delle Guerre del Regno del Brafile, in fol. Roma 1698. This is an excellent Account of what paffed between the Flemings and Portuguese in Brafil, from 1626, to 1654, and is adorned with feveral Copper-plates. Relation des Troubles Arrivez a la Cour de Portugal en 1667, & 1668, in 120. Paris 1674. Catastrophe de Portugal na Depoficano del Rey Dom Alfonfo VI. & Subrogacano de Dom Pedro no Anno 1668, Eferita par fuftificacano dos Portuguefes, per Le- andro Dorea Caceres e Faria, in 4to. Lisboa 1669. A Relation of the Court of Portugal, in 8vo. Lond. 1700. chief HISTORIANS. 3 2 1 1700. In this Hiſtory is an Account of the Depofi- tion of King Alphonfus VI. and the State of the Court of Peter II. This Book was reviewed by the Author, and tranflated into French under the following Title, Relation de la Cour de Portugal, in 120. Amft. 1702. Duardi Nonii Leonis: Regum Portugalliæ Genealo- gia una cum cenfuris in Libellum de Regum Portugallie Origine, qui Jofephi Teixere Nomine circumfertur, in 4to. Olyffip. 1585, and in Hifpania Illuftr. T. II. Ifmael Bullialdus: Pro Ecclefiis Lufitanicis ad Clerum Gallicanum, in 4to. Paris.-Argentin. 1657, and 1670. Antonius de Soufa de Macedo S. J. Lufitania In- fulata, & Purpurata, in 4to. Paris 1663, and 1673. Manoel Severin de Faria: Notitias de Portugal, in fol. Lisboa 1655. Manoel Severin de Faria Varios Difcurfos Politicos, que contem varias Antiquidades e Coftumbres dos Portu- guefes, com as Vidas de Joano de Barros, de Luis de Camones, & de Diego do Conto, in 40. Evora 1624. Chriftovao Rodriguez d'Oliveira: Summario de Al- gunas concas Ecclefiafticas y Seculares da Cidade de Lif- boa, in 4to. Lisboa 1551, Luis Marinho de Azevedo: Primeira parte da Fun- dacano, Antiquedades e Grandezas da Cidade de Lisboa, in fol. Lisboa 1652. Rodriguo da Cunha Arcebispo de Lisboa: Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica da Iglefia de Lisboa, in fol. Lisboa 1642. - Primeira, y Segunda parte da Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica dos Arcebispos de Braga, in fol. Braga 1634. Catalogo e Hiftoria dos Bifpos do Porto, in fol.. Porto 1623. * Girolamo de Franchi Coneftaggio dell'Unione del no di Portogallo allo Corona di Caftiglia, in 4to. Gen. 1585. CHAP. 332 A CATALOGUE of the T CHAP. XLV. Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of SPAIN. Jofep Ofephi Saenz de Aguire: Card. Notitia Concilio rum Hifpaniæ, in 120. Salmant. 1686. Collectio Maxima Conciliorum Omnium Hifparia, & Novi Orbis, in fol. Rom. 1693, and 1694,4 Vol. Garfiæ Loaifæ: Concilia Hifpanica cum Scholiis, jo Annotationibus, in fol. Madrid 1593. Joan. Tamayo de Salazar: Martyrologium Hifpani- cum, in fol. Lugduni 1651, &c. 4 Vol. This Book is ſtuffed with almoft numberlefs Fables and Falfe- hoods, which the Author thought proper to gratify the irregularly fervent Devotion of the Spaniards. Francifco de Padilla: Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica de Efpan na, in fol. Malaga 1605, 2 Vol. Mauro Caſtella, & Antonio Calderon: Hiftoria del Şan-Iago Zebedeo Patron de las Efpannas, in fol. Ma- drid 1658, 2 Vol. The Spaniards are bigotted to two particular Species of Devotion, which they never give up; their firſt darling Notion is the Arrival and Preaching of St. James in Spain, and the fecond is their prodigious Regard to a particular Blessed Virgin [Nuestra Senora del Pilar] in Saragoffa. Thefe are Articles of fo great Importance in Spain, that one who disbelieves them, would be efteemed an Heretick: And the Spa- niards have wrote more Treatifes in Support of thefe two Points, than in Defence of the moſt important Articles of Faith: Even Mariana himſelf, amongſt his Theological Pieces, printed at Cologne in 1609, in Folio, has fomething on the Subject. Antonio chief HISTORIANS. 3 3 3 Antonio Calderon: Excellencias de San-Iago, Madr." 1658. Dos Difcurfos, en que fe Defiende la Venida y Predi- Gacion de Apoftol San-Iago en Eſpannas, in 410. Valla dolid 1605. Diego de Caftillo: Defensa de la Venida, y Predica- cion Evangelica de San-Iago en Eſpanna, in 4to. Zara- goca 1608. Hifpaniarum Vindicia Tutelares, veniffe in hac Regna, Jacobum Apoftolum, adverfus Baronium, e Bibliotheca Jo. Fer. Velafci Comitis-Stabuli Caftellæ, ab Ericio Pu- teano Latin donate, in 4to. Lovan. 1608. Baronius, in his Martyrology, maintained the common Spanis Notion of St. James's Arrival in that Country; but after- wards being better informed on this Head, he retracted his former Opinion in the Ninth Volume of his Annals'; which raiſed fuch a Storm againſt him in Spain, that the Spaniards to Revenge themſelves, have befpattered him with Ribaldry, rather than confuted him by Ar- guments. Francifco de Jefus y Xodar: Cinco Difcurfos de la Venida de San-Iago a Eſpanna, in 4to. Madrid 1612. Hernando Cxea: Hiftoria del Apoftol San-Iago Patron de Efpanna e de fu Venida en ella, in 8ve. Madrid 1615. Antonii Caraccioli: Biga luftrium Controverfiarum de S. Jacobi Apoſtoli Acceffu ad Hifpaniam, & de F- mere S. Martini a S. Ambrofio procurato, in 8vo. Nea- poli 1618. Miquel de Salivas: Efpanna Primogenita de Fefu Chrifto, con Decifion de la Venida, y Predicacion del Sar- lago contra la Nueva Opinion del Cardinal Baronio, in 40. Madr. 1640. Miquel de Erce Ximenes: Prueva Evidente de la · Predicacion del Apoftol San-Iago en los Reynos de Eſpan- na, in 4re. Madrid 1648. Alonfo ! 334 A CATALOGUE of the Alonfo de Requens: Venida del Apoftol San Pablo a Efpanna, in 4to. Madrid 1644. Prudencio de Sandoval: Primera parte de las Funda- ciones de los Monafterios del Padre San Benito, in fol. Madrid 1601. Francifco de Radere: Cronica de las tres Ordenes, 7 Cavallerias de San-fago, Calatrava, y Alcantara, in fol. Toledo 1572. Francifco Caro de Torres: Hiftoria de las Ordenes Militares de San-Iago, Calatrava, y Alcantara, in fol. Madrid 1629. 1 Juan Ped. Guittierez: Definiciones de la Orden Cavalleria de Alcantara, con Relacion de fu Origen, in fol. Madrid 1579, & 1609. Gafpar. Jongelini: Origines, & Progreffus Ord. Ci ftercienf. Abbatiar. Ordinum Equeftrium de Calatrava, Alcantara, &c. in fol. Bolon. 1641. Flavii Lucii Dextri: Chronicon a Chrifto nato ad An. 430. cum Notis Francifci Bivari, in fol. Lug- dun. 1627. This Chronicle is fpurious, and not that wrote by Dexter, Son of St. Patianus, Biſhop of Barcelona, and Friend of St. Jerome. It was wrote in Spain towards the clofe of the Sixteenth Century. About that time, the People of very little Learning, to pleaſe the Vulgar, and gratify fome whimfical Notions took fome Pains in bringing to Light, or Forging anti- ent Pieces, fuch as this Chronicle, which maintains moſt of thoſe peculiar Fancies which diſtinguiſh the Devo- tion of the Spaniards from the reft of Mankind. Marci Maximi Cæfar-Auguftani Continuatio Chro nici Flavii Lucii Dextri, una cum Additionibus S. Brau- lionis, Tajonis, & Valderici, cum Francifci Bivarii Com- mentariis, in fol. Madriti 1651. This Chronicle is. the Iffue of the fame Principles and Perſons as the laft mentioned. Joan. Calderoni Fragmentum Chronici Flavii Lucii Dextri cum Chronico Marci Maximi, & Additionibus S. Brau- chief HISTORIANS. 335 S. Braulionis, & Helecæ, in 4to. Cæfar-Auguft. 1619. This is the first Edition of the Chronicle of Dex- ter, and fome think that Calderoni was one of the chief Managers of this Forgery. Mr. Mencken fays, that the Author might have eafily known, that this falfe Coiner was Hieronymus Romanus Higuera, and not Cal- dereni, who was very much pleafed with the Notion of having recovered thefe antient Manufcript Chroni- cles, which had fo long lain hid, as Dexter lived in the Fifth, Braulius in the Seventh, and Heleca in the Ninth Century. Higuera publiſhed alfo two other Pieces of the like Nature, of which take the following Ti- tles. Juliani Petri, (feu Perez) Chronicon, Adverfaria, de- que Eremitoriis Hifpanis, & Variorum Carminum Col- iectio, Ed. à Laur. Ramirez à Prado, in fol. Paris 1628. Poblacion Ecclefiaftica de Elpana, in fol. Madrid. 1667, & 1668, 3 Vol. This is another fpurious Chronicle, from the Creation of the World to the Year 1119. Anthony Cupiano Zapata, pretending to have ftole the Chronicon Hauberti, an Author of the Ninth Century, from the Treasure of the Church of St. Denis of Paris, fent it to Gregorius de Argaez his Friend in Spain, who published it in Spanish, under the afore-mentioned Title. But here the Affair did not end. As Andrew Garfias of Molina, (whofe true Name was Francis Andrew de Palacios,) and Molina de- nying the Authentickness of this Book: Argacz, to defend it from farther Attacks, added a fourth Vo- lume, in which he inferted another fpurious Chroni- cle of Liberatus, wrote in Spanish, which comes down to 610; but this Forgery was alfo foon diſcovered. Luitprandi; Sive Eutrandi Chronicon, e Bibliotheca D. Thome Tomaio de Vergas, in 4to. Mantuæ Car- pentanorum 1635. This Chronicle is thought by the Learned equally spurious with the former, which be- ing 336 A CATALOGUE of the ing allowed, it diſcovers the Nature of the People. and the Hiftorians they are moft fond of, are here taken Notice of. Gafpar Ibanez de Segovia: Differtationes Ecclefiafti cas por el Honor de los Antiguos Tutelares de Eſpanna, Contra las Ficciónes Modernas, in fol. Zaragoca 1671. This is a moft curious Piece; and is wrote with great Judgment, and a good Tafte. The Author; who was a Knight of St. John of Alcantara, oppoles all the falfe Traditions and vulgar Errours of the Spaniards, and quotes the beft critical Works that France has produced. Thomas Tomaio de Vergas: Flavio Lucio Dextro Defendido, in 4to. Madrid 1624. Pennot having de- clared in his Hiftory of the Canons Regular his Opi- nion, that Dexter's Chronicle was fpurious, fome of the Spaniards were fo touched to the quick, that they published this Apology, to which Pennotes gave an Anſwer in the following Piece. Gabrielis Pennoti Defenfio cenfura Illuftriff. Cardd. Baronii & Bellarmini, cum Refutatione Libelli Apologe tici recens Editi, pro Afferto Chron. Lucii Dextri, in 4to. Ven. 1630. PH CHA P. XLVI. Hiftorians of ITALY. Hilippi Cluverii : Italia Antiqua, in fol. Lugduri Batav. 1616.-1624. This is a learned and exact Author, though he fometimes builds too much upon Conjectures. Athanafii chief HISTORIANS. 337 Athanafii Kircherii Latium, in fol. Amftelodami 1671. This is a Work of greater Curiofity than Accuracy. Abrahami Ortelii Italia Antiqua, fel. Antv. 1595. Antonio Magini: Nova Italiæ Defcriptio, in 410. Arnh. 1617. Ludovici Guicciardini: Defcriptio Italiæ, in 120. Amftelodami 1612. This is a valuable Book. Leandro Alberti: Defcrizione di Tutta l'Italia, in 40. Ven. 1568. e Bologna 1580, in jol. There are other Editions of this Book in Latin. Leandri Alberti Defcriptio Totius Italiæ, in fol. Co- lon. 1567. A curious and efteemed Work, though fomewhat uncorrect. Martini Zeilleri Itinerarium Italiæ Nov- Antique, in fol. Col. 1620. Andrew Schotti Itinerarium Italia Germaniæque, in 120. Col. 1620. In Italian, with a 3d Part, Pad. 1629. In 120. Jo. Henr. a Pflaumern: Mercurius Italicus per Ita- lix præcipuas urbes Dex, in 8vo. Auguftæ Vind. 1650. Francifci de Seine: Noveau Voyage d'Italie, in 120. Lyon 1699, 2 Vol. Jo. Mabillonii: Muſeum Italicum, in 4to. Par. 1678, 2 Vol. Bern. Montfaucon : Diarium Italicum, in 4to. Par. 1702. Twice tranflated into English, in 8vo. and fince with Additions, in fol. Jacobi Tollii: Infignia Itinerarii Italici, in 4to. Tra- jeti ad Rhenum 1696. The Author, Mr. Fresnoy, never faw this Book, or he had not inferted it as an Hiftory, as it confifts only of unpublished Frag- ments found by Tollins in his Travels into Italy. Miffon Voyage d'Italie, in 120. Haye, 3 Vol. 3d Edition. This Work is curious, and not ill wrote, though the Author is very credulous as to what makes against Catholicks, and incredulous to every thing unfa- VOL. II. vourable Z 338 A CATALOGUE of the vourable to Proteftants. The Edition here mentioned is the beſt, and it has been tranflated into English, with large Additions at Lond. 1710, 4 Vol. in 8vo. Gregorio Leti: L'Italia Regnante, in 120. Geneve 1676, 4 Vol. Cypriani Eichovii Delitia Italiæ, in 4to. Urfell. 1603. Delices d'Italie, in 120. Leide 1708, 5 Volumes. This, which is the fecond Edition, printed at Leyden, is much preferable to the firſt, as well as to another wretchedly publiſhed at Paris. Ludov. Rudolphinus de Sabloneta de Origine, Dig nitare ac poteftate Ducum Italiæ, in 4to. Argentorati 1624. Francifci Mariæ Florentini Hetrufca Pietatis Origi nes, in 4to. Lucæ 1701. *Laur. Schraderi Monumenta Italiæ, Lib. IV. in fol. Saxon. 1692. Edmundus Dickinſonus de Noc adventu in Italiam, in 8vo. Oxonii 1655, and in 8vo. Lipfiæ 1670. Petrus Leo Cafella de primis Italiæ Colonis, in Sv. Lugduni 1606. Italia Illuftrata feu, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, in fol. Franc. 1600. Andreæ Schotti: Scriptores Rerum Italicarum, in fol. Francofurti 1605. Joan. Grævii: Thefaurus Antiquitatum & Hiftoria rum Italiæ, Mari Liguftico & Alpibus Vicina, in fol Lugduni Batavor. 1704, 6 Vol. Although this Col lection is not compleat, yet has it the beft Authors on the Hiſtory of Lombardy and Genoua. Girolamo Briani: Iftoria d'Italia, in 4to. Ven. 1624. This Book treats of the Univerfal Hiftory of Italy of his time. Girolamo Brufoni: Storia d'Italia, in fol. Torino 1580. This is the Seventh Edition of this Hiſtory, Reviſed and Corrected by the Author himſelf. Erycii chief HISTORIANS. 339 H Eryci Puteani Hiftorie Infubrice Libri VI. ab An. 157, ad An. 973, in fol. Lovanii 1630.-In 4to. Lipf. 1687. This Book moftly treating of the Irruptions of the Barbarians into Italy; was again reprinted under the Title of, Hiftoria Barbarica, in 240. Antverp. 1634. Flavii Blondi Hiftoriarum ab Imperii Romani Incli- hatione Libri XXXI. in fol. Bafileæ 1559. This learn- ed Work contains chiefly the Actions of the Goths, Vandais, Lombards, Saracens, Germans, French, and Spa- hiards in Italy. Caroli Sigonii de Occidentali Imperio (ab An. 281, ad 565.) Libri XX. in 4to. Bafil. 1579. -Hiftoriarum de Regno Italia Libri XX. ab Ann. 579, ad in. 1300, in fol. Hanoviæ 1613, and 1618. Eman. Tefauro del Regno d'Italia ſotto l'Barbari Epitome con le Annotat. di Valeriano Caftiglione, in 120. Ven. 1707. The beſt Edition is that at Turin, in fol. 1664. Francefco Guicciardini della Iftoria d'Italia dopo Anno 1494, fin al 1526. Lib. XVI. in fol. Fiorenza 1561, and in 8vo. 2 Vol. -Della Medefima Iftoria di Francefco Guicciardini gli Ultimi IV. Libri infino al 1532, non piu Stampati, in 4to. Ven. 1587, and in Parma 1564. - Da Remigio Florentino, in 4to. Venice by Giolita 1567, and reprinted by Thomas Porcacci in 4to. en. 1574, and corrected by Sansovino, in 4to. at Geneva 1636, and in 2 Vol. in Sve. Theſe are the eft Editions, but that at Florence in 1581, exceeds all the reft, and the next in Order is that of 1567, and hat in Latin of 1566. -Il Sacco di Roma, in 120. Parig. 1664. Francifci Guicciardini: Hiftoriarum fui Temporis Li XX. in fol. Bafileæ 1566. Guicciardini wrote his aluable Hiftory in Italian, and it was tranflated into Satin by Celfus Secundus Curio, and this is the Verfion Z 2 now 340 A CATALOGUE of the now mentioned. The Author extends from 1494 to 1532. In all the Editions, three long and confi derable Paffages are omitted, which may be feen at the End of a Book, intituled, Thuanus Reftitutus, printed at Amfterdam in 1663, in Latin, Italian, and French. Thefe Paffages had before been feparately printed, but the Editions of them were fcarce. It was tranflated into English by Geffray Fenton, Lond. 1599, in 4to. Giambattista Leoni: Confiderazioni fopra la Storia d'Italia di Francefco Guicciardini, in 4to. Ven. 1600. The fecond Edition is enlarged. Ferdinandi Ughelli: Italia Sacra, in fol. Roma 1642, 1645, 1648, and 1704, 9 Vol. The Works of Mr. L'Abbée Ughelli are abfolutely neceffary for the Ecclefiaftical Hiſtory of all Italy. Giambattista Adriani: Iftoria de' fuoi Tempi, info. Firenze 1583. Tommafo d'Aquileja della Guerra d'Attila, in 4to. Ferrara 1668. It is a fpurious Piece forged by Jon Baptift Pigna. Gafpero Bugato: Storia Univerfale, in 4to. Ven. 1570. There is an Addition to this Hiſtory feparately printed in Quarto. Jo. Janffonius: Theatrum Urbium Italiæ, in fol. Amftel. Ortenfio Lando: Comentario d'Italia, in 8vo. Ven 1569. Luca Affarini: Guerre d'Italia dall' Anno 1513, d 1630, in fol. Torino. 1665. Piergiovanni Capriata: Succeffi d'Italia dal 1613, 1634, in 4to. Tom. III. Genova 1663. Jofephus Riccius: Narrationes Rerum Italicarum An. 1613, ab Annum 1653, in 4to. Ven. 1655. Memoires des dernieres Guerres d'Italie, in 120. P rif. 1669, 2 Vol. Роза Ludov chief HISTORIANS. 341 *Ludov. Anton. Muratori : Rerum Italicarum Scrip- tores ab Anno 500, ad 1500, in fol. Tom. II. Me- diolan 1720, 1721, and Tom VI. 1725. *Jodocus Hondius: Nova & Accurata Italie Ho- derne Defcriptio, in 4to. Amftel. 1626. Hiftorians of Modern R O ME. Roma in ogni Stato di Gafparo Alveri 2 parti 1664, in fol. In the fecond Part is a very juſt Account of the Churches, &c. of Rome. Profp. Mandofii: Bibliotheca Romana, in 4to. Rom. 1682, Vol. 1. Vol. 2. 1692. -De Medicis Roman. Pontif. Vol. 3. in 4to. 1696. Augufti Oldoini Athenæum Romanum, in quo Pontificum, Card. &c. fcripta Exponuntur, in 4to. Pe- ruf. 1678. Ludovici Jacobi a S. Carolo Bibliotheca Pontificia : Acceffit Elenchus Hereticorum, in 4to. Lugd. 1643. It is plain in this Work, that the Author had a good Knowledge of Heretical Authors, as may be feen in page 455, where he ſays, that Alfmacaldus, Germanus, Lutheranus, edidit de Primatu, & poteftate Pape Li- brum. : Alexandri Donati Roma Vetus & Nova, in 4to. Romæ 1639, and Amftelod. 1694. This excellent Book has been often printed at Rome, and in Holland, and I have mentioned the two beft Editions. Famiani Nardini Roma Vetus. This was printed in Italian by Ottaviano Falconieri, and afterwards in Latin by Tolli, and inferted in the Fourth Volume of Roman Antiquities, collected by Grevins, and re- printed with Additions in 1704, in Quarto, and is a good Guide to a Student in Antiquities. Caroli Fontana: Templum Vaticanum, & ipfius Oris go, in fol. Romæ 1694. This Book is no ways Hiftorical, Z 3 342 A CATALOGUE of the Hiftorical, but rather a noble Treatife of Architec ture, and may be well fupplied by the following. Philippi Bonann. Numifmata Summorum Pontificum Templi Vaticani Fabricam Indicantia, in fol. Rom. 1696. 1700. 1715. Antonii Bofii & Pauli Aringhi Roma Subterranea, in fol. Romæ 1651, 2 Vol. & Coloniæ 1651, 1 Vol. This Work was first printed in Italian, but the Latin Verſion is better and more enlarged. In it we may fee the Sepulchres and Epitaphs of the Primitive Chriftians found in the Catacombs, in, or near Rome. This is alſo uſeful to inftruct us in the Ceremonies ufed by the first Chriftians, as for the Hiftory of that Metropolis. Anaftafii Hiftoria de Vitis Romanorum Pontificam, in 4to. Moguntiæ 1602. - In In 4to. Paris 1620.- In fol. Parif. è Typographia Regia 1647. This laft Edition is the beft, but the two next mentioned Books may be uſeful on this Head. Antoni Dadini Alteferra in Anaftafium de Vitis Romanorum Pontificum Nota, & Obfervationes, in 4to. Paris 1680. Joannis Ciampini Examen Libri Pontificalis, fen Vitarum Romanorum Pontificum, quæ fub Nomine Ana ſtaſii Bibliothecarii Circumferuntur, in 4to. Rom. 1688, · Martini Icioni: Chronicon Imperatorum & Pontificum, fol. Coloniæ 1616. A credulous and fabulous Author. Baptifte (Bartholomæi) Platina: Hiftoria de Vi tis Pontificum Romanorum, in fol. Venetiis 1479 Other Editions printed at the End of the Fif teenth and Beginning of the Sixteenth Centuries, fhould be procured of this faithful Author. Hal- lerwodt, and others, have been miftaken in their Opini on, that the Edition at Nuremburgh in 1481, was the firft, as Anthony Koburger, the Printer, endeavours to perfuade the Publick, whereas the Journaliſts of Venice have fully proved, page 426, of the 14th Volume, that chief HISTORIANS. 343 that the Venetian Edition was the First, and the Notes of the Author following only ferve to confound Man- kind. Onuphrius Panvinius de Vitis Romanorum Pontifi- cum, in 4to. Coloniæ 1626. This may be met with in the Edition of Platina, printed at Cologn in 1625, and of it there are other fpurious Editions, but this I havd mentioned is the moft valuable, as the Edition at Ve nice in 1557, is very incorrect, and full of Erreurs. That which Panvinius himſelf published at Venice in the Year 1566, is the beſt. Robertus Barns de Vitis Romanorum Pontificum c Joannis Balæi Romanorum Pontificum Alta, in Svo. Lugduni Batavor. 1615. This is the beft Edition of theſe two Works, the firft of which is very good. Joannes Stella de Vitis & Moribus Pontificum, in 8vo. Venet. 1503. This is a valuable, tho' little known book. Papirius Maffonus de Epifcopis Urbis, in 4to. Paris 1586. This Author has undertaken to give us the Omiffions of Platina, and others. Andre du Chefne: Hiftoire des Papes, in fol. Paris 1658, 2 Vol. This Book, of which this is the beſt Edition, is not much efteemed. Alphonfi Ciacconii Vita & res gefta Pontificum Ro- manorum, & Romanæ Ecclefie Cardinalium, in fol. Roma 1630, 2 Vol.-In fol. Romæ 1677, 4 Vol. This Book is valued, affords us good general Memoirs of the Popes and Cardinals, with feveral Medals well executed. * Vittorio Baldino: Vite de' Sommi Pontefici da S. Pietro fino a Clemente VIII. in 8vo. Ferrara 1600. *Jo. Franc. Bordinus : Pontificum Romanorum i te & Series ex Baronii Annalibus, Tom. II. in 4to. Pa- ris 1604. * Jacobus Riccius: Hiftoria Pontificum Romanorum ad Annum 1632. This Book is prohibited by the Inquifition. Z 4 * Au- 344 A CATALOGUE of the * Auguftinus Oldoinus: Atheneum Romanurn five Tefcriptis Pontificum & Cardinalium, S. R. E. in 4to. Perchæ 1676 * Necrologium Pontificum ac Pfeudo-Fontificum Ro- manorum, in 8vo. Rom. 1671. * Antonio Cicarelli: Le Vite de Pontifici, in 4to. Rom. 1688. * Joan. Palatii Gefta Pontificum Romanorum à S. Petro ad S. Pafchalem. Vol. 1. Venet. 1687. Tom. II. III. IV. V. 1687. It is a Work but little efteemed, being rather Panegyricks on the Popes, than Hiftories of their Lives; notwithſtanding which, fe veral Parts of it were prohibited the 22d of December 1700, the 12th of March 1703, and the 4th of March 1709. * Tomaſo Coſto: Le Vite de Tutti Pontifici da S. Pietro inqua, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1592. Francifci Joanneti: Pontificum Romanorum Liber. in 4to. Bononiæ 1570. Stephani Baluzii: Vite Paparum Avenionenfium, in 4to. Tom. II. Paris 1693. This is a valuable Book. Claudii du Molinet: Hiftoria Pontificum à Martino V. ad Innocentium per Numifmata, in fol. Paris 1679+ Philippi Bonanni: Hiftoria Pontificum Romanorum cum Numiſmatibus, in fol. Romæ 1699, 2 Vol. This Book is much more perfect than that by Father Moli- net. It begins at Martin V. in 1417, and ends in 1699. The Author defigned a Continuation, but Death prevented him in 1725. Antonio degli Effetti dei Borghi di Roma, e Luoghi Convicini al Soratte, in 4to. Roma 1675. Hiftories of Churches in ROME. * Nicolaus Alemannus: Differtatio Hiftorica de La teranenfibus Parietinis, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1625. * Reliquie Capella Nominate Sancta Sanctorum, in 120. Rom. 1648. * Cæfar chief HISTORIANS. 345 *Cæfar Rafponus de Bafilica & Patriarchio Lateranenfi Libri IV. fol. Rom. 1656. * Benedetto Millino dell' Oratorio di S. Lorenzo nel Laterano Oggi detta Sanita Sanctorum, in 8vo. Rom, 1666. * Stato della Chiefa Papale Lateranenfe nell' Anno 1723, in 4to. Rom. 1723. To which is added ano- ther Piece by * Gio. Mario Crefcimbeni: Riftretto delle cofe pin Notabili che Oggi fi vedono in S. Gio Laterano. * Jof. Marius Sorefinus de Scala Sanița ante Sanita Sanctorum in Laterano culta, in 8vo. Rom. 1672. Tranflated into Italian under the following Title. *Giovacchino Rota della Scala Santa avanti il Sanita Sanctorum, &c. in 120. Rom. 1674. * Gio. Battiſta Gizzi: Breve Defcrizione della Baſi- lica Vaticana, in 120. Rom. 1721. * Franc. Mario Torrigio : Le Sacre Grotte Vaticane, Second Impreffion, in 120. Rom. 1639. *Franc. Maria Phoebeus de Identitate Cathedra, in- qua S. Petrus Romanæ primum Sedit, in 8vo. Rom. 1666. * Carlo Fontana: Defcrizione della Capella del Fonte Battefimale nella Bafilica Vaticana, in fol. Rom. 1697. * Jo. Chriſt. Battellus: Ritus Annue Ablutionis Alta- ris Majoris Bafilicæ Vaticana, &c. in 8vo. Rom. 1702. * De Sarcophago Marmoreo Probi Anicii, & Probe Faltonia in Templo Vaticano Differtatio, 8vo. Rom. 1705. *Ludov. Algardi: Ragguaglio della Traflazione di S. Leone Magno alla Bafilica Vaticana, in 4to. Rom. 1715. * - Diſcorſo fopra il Nuovo Ornato della Guglia di San Pietro, in fol. Rom. 1723. This Piece gives an Account of fome Ornaments put upon an Obelisk, which were very ill adapted, during the Pontificate of Innocent XIII. of the noble Family of Conti. *Paulus de Angelis: Bafilica Veteris Vaticana De- fcriptio cum Ichnographia Novi Templi, fol. Rom. 1646. * Bafi- 346 A CATALOGUE of the Bafilicæ S. Marie Majoris a Liberio I. ad Paulum V. Defcriptio Lib. XII. in fol. Rom. 1621. * Agoſtino Fafcina: Raccolta delle Memorie delli Be- nefattori di S. Maria Maggiore, in 8vo. Rom. 1634. * Memorie Notabili della Bafilica di S. Maria Maggio- re e di Alcuni fuoi Canonici, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1647. Pietro Marcellino: L'Abbadia di S. Giovanni a Piro unita alla Cappella del Prefepe di N. S. in 4to. Rom. 1700. * Vinc. Guizzardi: Breve Relat. delle Reliquie di S. Lorenzo in Lucina in Roma, in 8vo. Rom. 1675. * Jacopo Alberici: Compendio delle Grandezze della Chiefa di S. Maria del Popolo, in 4to. Rom. 1600. * Ambrogio Landucci: Origine del Tempio Dedicato alla Madonna del Popolo, in 410. Rom. 1646. * Afcenius Valentinus: Sacelli Gregoriani Defcrip- tio, in 4to. Florent. 1583. *Fioravante Martinelli: Diaconia S. Agathe in Suburra Defcripta & Illuftrata, in 8vo. Rom. 1638. Ecclefia S. Laurentii in Fonte in Vico Patricio, in 8vo. Rom. 1629. * * Julii Hortini Emblemata Sacra S. Stephani Calii Montis Intercolumniis Affixa, in 8vo. Rom. 1589. * Franc. Mario Torrigio dell' Origine della Chiefa di S. S. Michele & Magno, in 120. Rom. 1639. *-Note ad Infcriptionem Urfi Togati Pile Vitree Inventoris, in 4to. Rom. 1630. * Antonio Filippini dell' Antichita e Veneratione della Chiefa de S. S. Silveftro e Martino de Monti, in 410, Rom. 1639. * Dell' Antichita ed Origine della Chiefa e Monaftero di S. Silveftro de Capite di Roma, in 4to. * Fioravante Martinelli: Difcorfo delle Chiefe di S. S. Stefano, e Ciriaco, e Niccolo, in 4to. Rom. $655. Franc. chief HISTORIANS. 347 Franc. Maria Torrigio: Hiftoria della Chiefa Pa- rochiale e Archiconfraternita del S. S. Corpo di Criſto in S. Giacomo in Borgo, in 4to. Rom. 1649. * Ludov. Maracci: Memorie della Chiefa di S. Ma- ria in Portico, in 8vo. Rom. 1667, 1675. * Domenico Maoro: Defcrittione della Chiefa Paro- chiale del S. S. Salvatore di Roma nel Rione di Traſte- vere, 2 Parts in 4to. Velletri 1677. * Bonaventura Maluafia: Compendio Iftorico della Bafilica di 12 Apoftoli Roma, in 8vo. Rom. 1675. *Jacobi Laderchii de Bafilicis S. S. Martyrum Mar- cellini & Petri Differtatio, in 4to. Rom. 1705. * que * Philippus Rondininus de S. Clemente Papa, ejuf Bafilica in Roma, in 4to. Rom. 1706. *De S. S. Johanne & Paulo, Eorumque Bafilica in Urbe Roma Vetera Monimenta, in 4to. Rom. 1707. * Fioravante Martinelli: Diſcorſo dell' Edifizio della Chiefa della Madonna dell' Orto, in 120. Rom. 1715. * Clem. Ceccarini: Frerogative Singolari della Chie- fa di S. Maria in Domnica, detta la Navicella, Rom. 1715. This is a Broad Sheet. * Gio. Maria Crefcimbeni: Iftoria della Bafilica Diaconiale Collegiata, e Parrochiale di S. Maria in Cof- medin, in 4to. Rom. 1715. * - Stato dell' Ifteffa Chiefa con Appendice all' Iftoria della Chiefa di S. Gio Avanti Forta Latina, in 4to. Rom. 1719. * L'Iftoria della Chiefa di S. Giovanni Avanti Porta Latina Titolo Cardinalizio, in 410. Rom. 1716. * Orazio Pifelli Ciucciali : Notizie Iftoriche della Chiefa Parochiale di S. Maria in Monticelli, in 4to. Montefiafcone 1719. * Filippo Cappello: Notizie dell' Antico e Moderno Stato di S. Anaftafia di Roma, in 8vo. Rom. 1722. * Gio. Maria Crefcimbeni: L'Iftoria della Bafilica d S. Anaftafia, in Rom. 1722. 410. * Carlo 348 A CATALOGUE of the * Carlo Padredio: Mifure delle Sette, e Nove Chiefe di Roma, del Circuito, Strade Maestre, &c. in 120. Rom. 1687. *Joan. Ciampini: De Sacris Edificiis a Conftantino Magno Conftructis Synopfis Hiftoria, in fol. Rom. 1693. Marfilio Honorati: La Fida Scorta de' Pelegrini, in 120. Rom. 1650. * Bartol. Piazza: Le Sette Chiefe di Roma, in 120. Rom. 1694. * - Delle Opere Pie di Roma, in 8vo. Rom.-In 4to. 1698. Writers on particular Antiquities and Pa- laces in, or near ROME. * Jofeph. Caftalio; Explicatio Obelisci ante Portam Flaminiam, in 4to. Rom. 1589. * Raph. Fabretti de Columna Trajani Syntagma, &c. in fol. Rom. 1690. * Joannis Vignolii de Columna Antonina Differtatio, in 4to. Rom. 1705. * Michel Agnolo de la Chauffe: Prima Lettera circa la Colonna Antonina, in 8vo. Nap. 1704.-2da Lette- ya, in 8vo. Nap. 1705. * Camillo Agrippa Trattato di trasportar la Guglia in fu la Piazza di San Pietro, in 4to. Rom. 1583. * Familiaris quædam Epiftola è Roma in Hifpaniam miffa, in qua quid actum fit Die 29 Aprilis, 7 Maii, & 17 Septembris in Tranflatione Obelifci breviter Explica tur. Brevis item Rerum in hoc primo Anno a Sanctiff. D. N. [Sixto V.] geftarum Enumeratio, in 4to. Rom. 1586. * Hieron Catena de Magno Obelifo Circenfi, Circoque Maximo Epiftola & Carmen Sixto V. P. M. Beatiff. Feliciter Regnante, in 4to. Rom. 1587. J * Fil. chief HISTORIANS. 349 * Fil. Pigafetta Difcorfo d'intorno all'Iftoria della Guglia, & alla ragione della Muoverla, in 4to. Rom. 1586. * Gio. Mario de Crefcimbeni: Racconto dell'Eleva- ione ed Abaffamento della Colonna Antonina, in Rom. 1705. 4+0. * Franc. Poſterla: Ragguaglio dell' Inalzamento &o Abaffamento della Colonna Antonina, in 4to. Rom. 1705. Franc. Efchinardi: Lettera al Ciampini Sopra il Monte Testaccio e Via Oftienfe, in 4to. Rom. 1697. *Joannis Olive in Marmor Ifiacum Romæ nuper effoffum Exercitationes, in 8vo. Rom. 1719. x Agostino Martinelli: Rifpofta ad una Lettera del Monte Teftaceo, ò Teftacio, in 120. Rom. 1686. * Difcorfo del Lupanare del Circo Agonale, dove la Chiefa di S. Agnefe, in 4to. Rom. 1697. * Giacomo Manili: Villa Borghefe fuori di Porta Pinciana defcritta, in 8vo. Rom. 1650. Republished with Prints of the principal Statues by Domenico Mon- elatici, in 8vo. Rom. 1700. * Andrea Brigentius: Villa Burghefia, vulgo Pinciana, Poetice Deſcripta cum Fig. in 8vo. Rom. 1716. * Epiftola de Comite de Tranfnitz excepto in Villa Burghesia, 27 Maii 1716.—In 4to. Rom. 1716. Matteo Maier: Villa Benedetta Defcritta, in 120. Rom. 1687.-In 120. Augufta 1694. *Joan. fac. de Rubeis: Villa Pamphilia, ejufque Palatium cum fuis Profpectibus, &c. delineata. * Pietro Santi Bartoli: Difegno della Loggia di San Pietro in Vaticano d'effer dipinto da Lanfranco, in fol. Rom. 1655. * Dichiaratione delle Pitture nella Sala de Barberini, in 8vo. Rom. 1570. *Franc. Contini: Filla Adriani Defcripta, in fol. Rom. 1568. * Carlo 350 A CATALOGUE of the Carlo Cartari: Biblioteca delli Opufculi Volanti Con fervati nel Palazzo d'Altieri-Parte prima, in 4to. Rom. 1694. Seconda 1696. * Jo. Bapt. Brafchii de Tribus Statuis in Romano Capitolio Erectis Anno 1720. Ecphrafis Iconographica, ini 4to. Rom. 1724. * Hieronymus Tezius: Ades Barberinæ ad Quiri nalem Defcriptæ, in fol. Rom. 1657. * Ludovico Davide: Dichiarazione della Pittura della Capella del Collegio Clementino di Roma, 4to. Rom. 1695. Gio. Pietro Bellori Defcrizione delle imagini di pinte da Rafaelle d'Urbino nelle Camere del Palazzo Apo- ftalico Vaticano, in fol. Rom. 1695. *Francifc. Blanchinus de Nummo & Gnomone Cle- mentino [in Ecclefia Cartufianorum S. Mariæ de An gelis in Roma] Differtatio per Epiftolam ad amicum, in fol. Rom. 1703. *Conftantinus Cajetanus de Erectione Collegii Gre- goriani in Urbe Epiftola Encyclica, in 4to. Rom. 1622. * Ferdinandus Carolus: Typus Vaticani Templi, in fol. Rom. 1620. * Templum Vaticanum Ferdinandi Caroli Stylo Marti- ni Ferrabofci Calo Expreffum, in fol. Rom. 1622. Joan. Tomcus: Villa Sacchetta Oftienfis Cofmographi cis Fabulis & Notis Illuftrata, Rufticanis legibus, Officina- rumque Infcriptionibus adnotata, in 4to. Rom. 1630. * Imago Sacelli quod S. Ignat. Loyol. Condit. Soc. Jef. Erectum eft in Templo Domus Profeffa Romana ejufdem Societ. in quo Sacra ejus offa venerantur, in 4to. Rom. 1697. A Hiftories of the feveral Parts of the Eccle fiaftical States. I. BOLOGNA. Gianbattiſta Agocchi: L'Antica Fondazione e Domi nio della Citta di Bologna, in 4to. Bolog. 1638. Leandro chief HISTORIANS. 35x Leandro Alberti delle Storie di Bologna. Two Books, in 4to. Bolog. 1541. Father Lucius Cacciane- mici, printed the Five following Books in Quarto at Bologna 1588, 1589, 1590, and the laſt at Vicenza in 1591. Carolus Sigonius de Rebus Bononienfibus, & de Epifcopis Bononienfibus, in 4to. Bolog. 1586, and in fol. Francof. 1604. Celfo Faleoni : Memorie Storiche della Chiefa Bolognefe, e de' suoi Paftori, in 4to. Bolog. 1649. Antonio Magini Bologna Perluftrata, Par. III. IV. Bolog. 1669. Bartholomæus Dulcinus de Vario Bononiæ Statu, in 4to. Bonon. 1631. Fondazione di Bologna, in 4to. Bologn. 1638. Gafparo Bombaci: Storia di Bologna, in 4to. Bo- log. 1668. Ovidio Montalbani: Le Antichita pin Antiche di Bo- logna, in 4to. Bologn. 1651. Chembino Ghirardacci: Storia di Bologna, in fol. Bologn. Part I. 1596. Part II. 1669. Pompeo Vizzani: Storie di Bologna, in 4to. Bolog. 1596: In Ten Books, with two others added at Bologna, in 4to. 1608. Petrus Marcellinus Corradinus: Vetus Latium Pro- fanum, & Sacrum, in fol. Romæ 1704, & 1707, 2 Vol. Athanafii Kircheri Latium, in fol. Amftel. 1671. This is rather a curious than exact Work. Gafparo Sardi: Storie Ferrarefi, in 4to. Ferrara 1 1556. With an Addition by the fame, Author, and Agostino Fauftini in 4to. at Ferrara, 1646. Faustini continued the Hiftory wrote by Sardi, from 1520, to 1589, in Four Books, printed in 1646, at Ferrara; a Fifth and Sixth were added, which come down to 1655. Je- rome Baruffaldi made a farther Continuation to 1700, in one Volume, at Ferrara 1700, in 4t0. Francesco 352 A CATALOGUE of the Francefco Berni: Memorie degli Eroi della Cafa d Eſte, che ebbero il Dominio in Ferrara, in fol. Ferrara 1640. Comp. Iftor. dell' Origine, Accrefcimento, e Prerogat, delle Chiefe e Luoghi per la Citta e Diocesi di Ferrara per Marc Antonio Guarini, in 4to. Ferrara 162 1. Supplemento da Borghini, in 4to. Ferrara 1670. I. B. Pigna de Principibus Ateftinis, in fol. Ferrarig 1584. This Book was firft wrote in Italian, and printed at Ferrara in 1570. The Hiftory of the Houfe of Efte, from the time of Forreftus, until the Death of Alphonfus, the laft Duke of Ferrara; with an Account of the pretended De- volution of that Dutchy unjustly Ufurped by Pope Clement VIII. wherein likewife the moft confiderable Revolutions of Italy from the Year 542, to the Year 1598, are chiefly touched, Lond. 1681, in 8vo. This Piece is collected from the beſt Authors Italy boaſts, ſuch as Sigonius, Jovius, and Guicciardini, and is compiled with more Sincerity than good Manners, where the Drift of the Author is vifible against Image Worship, which he terms Superftition, in a Piece dedicated to d Roman Catholick Princefs: His Preface is moftly a Pa- negyrick on Scotland, his Native Country, and her learned Heroes, and reprefenting Ferrara unfortunate only in being deprived of her Native Prince's Refi dence, in that Defect (as he thinks) too much refem- bling Scotland: The Author is fo much Bigotted to the Scotch Title of Albany, that he ftudioufly forgets the Superiour, that of Tork, which we may Pardon his placing laft. 1 Giambattiſta Giraldi: Comentario delle Cofe di Fer- rara Tradotto di Latino in Volgare da Lodovico Domeni chi, in 8vo. Venezia 1597. - De Ferraria, & Ateftinis Principibus Commenta riolus, &c. in 4to. Ferrariæ 1556. This Book is wrote in excellent Latin. Giuſeppe chief HISTORIANS. 3 5 3 Giuſeppe Maria Pannini: Compendiofi Ragguagli della Nobiliffima I atria di Cento, in 8vo. Bologna 1655. Bartolamio Ferro, under the Name of (Gian-Francefco Ferro) Storia di Comacchio, in 4to. Ferrara 1701. -Supplemento alla Medefima, in 4to. Roma 1705. Scipionis Claramontii Hiftoria Cefenæ, in 4to. Cef. 164. Bernardinus Manzonius: Cefenæ Chronologia, in 4to. Pifis 1643. Simone Chiaramonti : Cefena Trionfante, in 4to. Ceſ. 1641. Gregorio Zuccolo: Cronica di Faenza dal 700, fine al1236, in 8vo. Bologna 1575. Giulio Cefare Tonduzzi: Storie di Faenza, in fol. Ferrara 1675. Petrus Maria Kavina: Faventia Rediviva, in 4to. Fav. 1670. Hieronymus Rubeus: Hiftoric Ravennates, in 4to. Venet. 1605. This Hiftorian is eſteemed, he is rare- ly to be met with, and the Venetian Edition in Folio of 1589, is the beſt: And though this is enlarged, it is neceffary to have the firft printed at Venice in 1572, in which, though one Book is wanting, the feve- ral Paffages in this, omitted in later Editions, make ample Amends. Defiderius Spretus: De Amplitudine, Vaftatione, & Inftauratione Urbis Ravennæ, in 4to. Ven. 1588. This Book was firft tranflated by Boniface Spreti, a Deſcendant of the Author, into Italian, and printed at Pefaro in 1574. Tomafo Tomai: Storia di Ravenna, in 4to. Pefaro 1574. Serafino Paſolino: Luftri Ravennati, Parte I. in 4to. Bologna 1678. Part. II. 1679. Part. III, IV. 1682. Part. V. 1684. Girolamo Fabri: Memorie Sacre di Ravenna, in 4to. Ven. 1664. VOL. II. A a Cefare 354 A CATALOGUE of the Cefare Clementini: Raccolto Iftorico della Fondazione di Rimini, in 4to. Rimini 1617. Tom. II. This Work is rare. Rafaello Adimari: Sito Riminefe,in 4to. Brefcia 1616, Matteo Valli Relazione dell' Origine, e Governo del La Repubblica di San-Marino, in 4to. Padova 1633. Filippo Antonini: Supplemento della Cronica di Ver rucchio, Terra della Diocese di Rimini, in 40. Bologna 1621. Vicenzo Cimarelli: Storia dello Stato d'Urbino, in 4to. Brefcia 1642. Girolamo Mutio: Storia de' Fatti di Federico Duce d'Urbino, in 4to. Venezia 1605. Bernardino Baldi: Encomio d'Urbino, in 8vo. Urbino 1706. Nicolaus Craffus de Pifaura gentis Origine, & Praftan tia, in 4to. Ven. 1652. Gabrielis Naudæi: Exercitatio, quod Sena nomen now Cefenæ, fed Senogallia conveniat, in 8vo. Paris 1642. Pietro Nigrofanti: Origine, e Storie di Fano, in 4t Ven. 1640. Giuliano Saracini: Notizie Iftoriche d'Ancona, in fol. Roma 1675. Pompeo Compagnoni: La Regia Picena, ovvero Sto ria dei Prefidi della Marca, in fol. Macerata 1661. Natale Medaglia: Memorie Iftoriche della Citta di Cluana, oggi Terra di S. Elpidio nella Marca, in 4to. Macerata 1692. At the end of this Book are two fmall Pieces, the one in Italian on the Original of this City, by Andrew Bacci; the other in Latin by Natalis Medaglia, entituled, Municipii S. Elpidii Liber Pri- mus. Pietro Grizio Riftretto delle Storie di Jefi, in 410.1 Macerata 1578. Tommafo Baldaffini: Notizie Iftoriche di Jefi, in fol. Jefi 1703. Orazio chief HISTORIANS. 355 Orazio Avicenna: Memorie della Citta di Cingoli, in 4to. Jefi 1644. Gianfranceſco Angelita: Origine, e Storia della Citta di Recanati, in 4to. Venetia 1601. Diego Calcagni: Memorie Iftoriche della Citta di Re- canati, in fol. Meffina 1711. Luigi Martorelli: Memorie Iftoriche della Citta d' Olimo, in 4to. Venezia 1705. Francifcus Adamus de Rebus in Civitate Firmana geftis, in 8vo. Romæ 1591. Cæfar Ottinellus de Firmo Piceni Urbe, in 8vo. Roma. Camillo Lilli: Storie di Camerino parti due, in 4to. Venezia. This Book is not to be met with perfect, but wants feveral Leaves, and all the Figures. . Paolo Bonoli: Storia di Forli, in 4to. Forli 1661. A very fcarce Book. Sigifmondo Marchefi: Supplemento Iftorico dell' An- tica Citta di Forli, in fol. Forli 1678. Bartolommeo Riceputi: La Verita Rediviva a Favo- della Citta di Forli, in 4to. Forli 1633. This is an Apology against the Faenza Rediviva, by Peter Maria Kavina. Federico Giacobilli: Difcorfo della Citta di Foligno Cronologia de' Veſcovi, &c. in 4to. Foligno 1646. Fabio Pontano: Difcorfo fopra l'Antichita di Folig- no, in 4to, Perugia 1618. Pietro Farulli: Annali, e Memorie dell Antica, e No- bile Citta di S. Sepolcro, in 4to. Foligno 1713. Filip. Antonino: Delle Antichita di Sarzina, in 4to. Sarz. 1607. Jo. Baptifta Brafchius: Relatio Status Ecclefie Sarfi- atenfis, in 4to. Romæ 1704. . Sebaftianus Andreantonellus Hiftoria Afculana, in 4to. Patavii 1672. Felice Ciatti: Memorie delle Cofe di Perugia, in 4to. Perugia 1638. Never but one Volume printed. Да A a 2 Cefare 356 A CATALOGUE of the Cefare Crifpolti: Perugia Augufta, 4to. Perugia 1648, Pompeo Pellini: Storia di Perugia parte prima e Se conda, in 4to. Venezia 1664 There is alfo a third Part, in which the Author treats of the Noble Families of Perugia ; but as foon as printed, it was fup- preffed, and deftroyed, fo that but very few Copies efcaped, which are exceeding rare. Faufto Donnola: Storia di Spello, 4to. Foligno 1621. Lodovico Giacobilli : Storia di Nocera nell' Umbria. Pompeo Angelotti: Defcrizione della Citta di Rietij in 4to. Roma 1535. Monaldo Monaldefchi: Comentari Storici d'Orvieto, in 4to. Venezia 1584. A fabulous Author. Cipriano Manente: Storie della Citta di Orvieto, Tom. I. dall' Anno 970, fino al 1400, e Tom. II. dat 1400, fino al 1563, in 4to. Venezia 1561, e 1566, 2 Vol. Alfonfo Ciccarello: Dell' Origine, & Defcrizione della Citta d'Orvieto, in 8vo. Afcoli 1980. Francefco Angeloni: Storia di Terni, in 4to. Roma 1646. Mattheo Vecchiazzani Storia di Forlimpopoli, in 4to. Rimini 1648, Tom. II. -La verita Difefa contro Bertinoro Rimproveran te, in 4to. Faenza 1661. Difende la fua Patria di For- limpopoli dalle Rifleffioni Storiche di Giacomo Befi Ber tinorefe. Juftus Fontaninus de Antiquitatibus Horta, in 4to. Rom. 1707. Jofeph. Maria Suarefius: Preneste Antiqua, in 4to. Rom. 1656. Teodoro Valle: La Regia, ed Antica Piperno, in 4to. Napoli 1637 - La Citta Nuova di Piperno, in 4to. Napoli 1646. Bernardino Campelli: Storia di Spoleto, in 4to. Spol. 1672. Only one Volume ever was printed, another is yet in Manufcript in the Poffeffion of the Familys Giuleppe chief HISTORIANS. 357. } Giuſeppe Ciamarucone: Defcrizione della Citta di Sezza, in 4to. Roma 1641. Petrus Marcellinus Corradinus: De Civitate, & Ec- clefia Setina, in 4to. Roma 1702. Dominicus Antonius Contator: De Hiftoria Ter- racinenfi Libri V. in 4to. Romæ 1706. Michele Giuftiniano de' Vefcovi, e de' Governatori di Tivoli, in 4to. Roma 1665. Francefco Marzi: Storia di Tivoli Ampliata, in 4to. Rom. 1665. Antonio Del Re' Antichita Tiburtine, in 4′0. Ro- ma 1641. Only one Chapter. Famiano Nardini: L'Antico Vejo, in 4to. Roma 1647. Domenico Mazzocchi: Vejo difefo, in 4to. Roma 1646. -Lettera, e Apologia del Difenfor di Vejo, in 4to. Roma 1653. Buonaventura Theuli: Teatro Iftorico di Velletri, in 4tc. Velletri 1644. Felice Cantelori: Memorie Iftoriche della Terra di Cefi, in 4to. Roma 1675. Sebaftiano Fantoni: Caftrucci Storia d'Avignone, in 4to. Venezia 1678, Tom. II. Pompeo Sarnelli: Memorie Cronologiche de' Vefco- vi, ed Arcivescovi di Benevento, con la Serie de' Duchi, Principi Longobardi della fieffa Citta, in 4to. Na- poli 1691. * Luigi Serafini : Il Foro di Caffio, in 4to. Viterb. 1648. * Ant. Giulianelli: Eſſame dell' Acque di Civita Fec- chia e di Trevi, in 120. Rom. 1701. * Philippi a Turre Monumenta Veteris Antii, &c. 40. Rom. 1700. With the Author's Life added 1723. Ааз * Joannes 358 A CATALOGUE of the * Joannes Paftritius: Patene D. Petri Chryfologi i Ecclef. Cathed. Foro-Cornelii affervate Defcriptio, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1706. * Jof. de Profperis: Differtat. Hiftorico Legalis de Re- gimine Civitatis Veliterne Par. 3. in 40. Rom. 1773. * Aleff. Borgia: Iftoria della Chiefa e Citta di Velle. tri Defcritta in Libri IV. in 4to. In Nocera 1723. * Auguftinus Oldoinus: Atheneum Auguſtum Pe rufinorum, in 4to. Peruf. 1678. * Agoftino Martinelli: Difcorfo della Navigatione da Perugia a Roma, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1676. * Francifcus Blanchinus de Aureis & Argenteis Cime- i is in Arce Perufina Effoffis, Jan. 1717 Epiſtola, in fol. Rom. 1717. * Domenico Perazzia La Difefa dell'Antico Veio del Nardini, in 4to. Ronciglione 1654. * Rifpofta alle Memorie Hiftoriche della Terra di Cefi di Contelori, in 4to. Nap. 1676. * Anti-riſpoſta per le Memorie Hiftoriche della Terra di Cefi, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1680. * Lauretus de Franchis: Hiftoria Avenionenfis Cor tagionis Annis 1629, & 1630, in 4to. Avenione 1633. * Dom. Barnaba Mattei: Memorie Iftoriche dell'A tico Tufcolo, oggi Frafcati, in 4to. Rom. 1711. * Niccolo Nardini: Il vero Sito degli Antichi Veienti Falifci, e Capenari, in 4to. Rom. 1677. * Anibale Camilli del Bagno di Nocera nell' Umbria Trattato, in 4to. Perug. 1638. * Giulio Anneo: Dialogo tra Camillo Privernate Re- ginade Volfci, e Sezza Colonia Antica de Romani, in 410. Ronciglione 1641. * Franc. Maria Vannotius de Aqua Minerali in Piceno prope Afculum, in 4to. Rom. 1642. Gabriel Faber: Opus Panegyricum Sacra Aſſiſienſis Ecclefiæ, in 4to. Rom. 1627. Pietro Martire Frofciante del Sacro Chiodo di N Signore a Spoleto, in 120. Rom. 1644. * Girolamo chief HISTORIANS. 359 *Girolamo Baruffaldi: Commentario Iftorico-Edito all Infcrizzione Eretta in 1704, in 4to. Ferrara 1704. Jof. Malatefta Garuffius: Monumenta Epitaphia, &c. Via Flaminia & Arimini Accenfa, in 4to. Arim. X 1691. * Francifcus Dinus de Antiquitatibus Umbrorum Thufcorumque Sede, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1700. * Vincentii Civis de Rubicone Antiquo Differtatio, in 4to. Cæfen. 1643. *Domenico Mazzocchi: Suplimento a Civita Caftel- lana circa la fua Distanza da Roma, in 4to. Rom. 1663. *Carlo Fontana: Antio e fue Antichita dalla Porta di S. Giovanni a i Volfci, in fol. Rom. 1710. * Francifcus Blanchinus de Lapide Antiati Epiſtola, in 4to. Rom. 1698. *Juftus Fontaninus: Differtatio Hiftorica de fummo Apoftolica fedis Imperio in Urbem Comitatumque Comacli, in 4to. Rom. 1709. * - Il Dominio Temporale della fede Apoftolica fopra la Citta di Comacchio, in 4to. Rom. 1709. *-Difefa Seconda del Dominio Temporale, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1711. *Fr. Ant. Borzacchi: Hiftoria della Beata Vergine della Quercia di Viterbo, in 8vo. Venet. 1696. * Dominicus Pafferi: Aeris Salubris Specimen Spec- tatum in Qualitatibus Aeris Interamne, in 120. Narnie 1712. * Filippo Ciamaricone: Santuario Anagnino, in 4to. Velletri 1704. * Francifci Pamphili: Picenum: Vulgo Marchia Anco nitane Nobilitas & Laudes, in 120. Macerat. 1575. * Bernardino Baldi: Memorie concernenti la Citta d' Urbino, dedicate alla Maefta del Re Giacomo III. &c. in fol.Roma 1724. *Cathedralis Narnienfis Ecclefia Capituli, &c. in 410. Narn. 1720. A 2 4 * Filippa 360 A CATALOGUE of the * Filippo Lelti Relazione dell' Acceſſo, e Defcrittione del Condotto di Civita Vecchia, in fol. Rom. 1699. * Ludovicus Jacobilus: Bibliotheca Umbria, ſive de Scriptoribus Frovincia Umbri, in 4to. Fulgin. 1658. * Fulgor Fulginei in Splendoribus Sanctorum, in 410. 1702. * Giacomo Lauro; Hiftoria & Pianta della Citta di Terni. Prohibited. Ludovico Giacobilli: Vite de' Santi di Umbria, in fol. Folig. 1696. * Jofeph. Lentus: Preclara Facinora Clarorum Afcu- lanorum, in 8vo. Rom. 1622. * Marfil. Cagnatus de Romani Aeris Salubritate Commentario, in 4to. Rom. 1599. * Gregor. Rofcius de Poftrema Peftilentia Urbis Ro- mæ, in 120. Rom. 1685. * Ang. Grimaldi de Novo Terra Motu Umbria, &c. in 4to. Tuderti 1703. * Pellegrino Antonio Orlandi: Notizie degli Scrit tori Bolognesi, &c. in 4to. Bologna 1714. * Gio. Niccolo Alidofi: I fommi Fontefici, Cardinali, &c. Bolognefi dall Anno 270, a 1621, in 4to. Bolog 1621. *-Li Dottori Bolognefi all' Anno 1519, di Legge Canonica e Civile, &c. in 4to. Bologn. 1620. * — Appendice alli Dottori Bolognefi all' Anno 1623, in 4to Bolog. 1623. X Collegii Bononienfis Doctorum Pontificii, fcilicet Cæfarei & Juris Origo, &c. in 410. Bonon. 1710. * Gio. Niccolo Alidofi: Li Dottori Foreftieri, che in Bologna hanno letto Teologia, &c. in 4to. Bolog. 1623. * Inftruttione delle Cofe Notabili della Citta di Bo logna, &c. in 4to. Bolog. 1621. * Registro de' Gonfalonieri della Citta di Bologna dall Anno 1500, a 1680, in 4to. Bologn. 1680. * Gio, 1 chief HISTORIANS. 361 * Gio. Niccolo Alidofi: Li Canonici della Chiefa di Bologna dall' Anno 1014, fino all' 1616, in 410. Bo- log. 1616. Blanco Negri: Bafilica Petroniana, con la Defcrit- tione della Chiefa, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1680. *Fulvio Alberti: Santa Maria del Soccorfo, detta del Borgo San Pietro. Second Edition, in 410. Bolog. 1631. *Alex. Niger: Maniliani Bononienfis Monumenti Hiftorica Myftica Lectio, &c. in 4to. Bonon. 1661. *Car. Cæfar Maluafia: Alia, Lalia, Crifpis, non nata, Refurgens in Expofitione, &c. in 4to. Bonon. 1683. * Franc. Rebellatus: Commentum fuper Ænigma Ae- lix, Lælia, Crifpidis, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1702. *Marcello Davia: Lettera per Ragguaglio del Nuovo Ornamento nella Sala Publica di Bologna, in 410. Bolog. 1674. *Jo. Anton. Bumaldus: [i. e. Ovidio Montalbani] Minervalia Bononienfium Civium feu Bibliotheca Bono- nienfis, &c. in 240. Bonon. 1641. *Carlo Caf. Maluafia: Le Pitture di Bologna, in 120. Bologn. 1686. 1706. *-Felefina Pittrice: Vite de' Pittori Bolognefi, Tom. II. in 4to. Bolog. 1678. *-Il Clauftro di S. Michele in Bofco di Bologna dipinto dal Ludovico Caracci, &c. in fol. Bologn. 1694. * Marmora Felfinea, in fol. Bonon. 1690. * Petrus de Grandis: Syndicorum Nomenclatura Me¬ dice Facultatis ab Anno 1508, ad 1641, in 4to. Bonon. 1641. *Niccolo Tebaldini: Breve Defcrizione delle Cofe Notabili di Bologna, &c. in 8vo. Bol. 1623, and 1712. *Ovidio Montalbani: Clarorum aliquot Doctorum Bononienfum Elogialia Cenotaphia, in 450. Bonon. 1640. Le 362 A CATALOGUE of the * - Le Antichita piu Antiche di Bologna, in Bol. 1651. 4to. * Pompeo Vizani: Defcrizione della Citta, Contado, Governo, & altre Cofe Notabili di Bologna, in 4to. Bol. 1602. This Book is publiſhed without the Author's Name, under the Notion of a Foreigner. * Ridolfo Camegg!: Racconto degl' Iconomiafti Eres tici Guiftiziati in Bologna, in 8vo. Bol. 1622. *Tomafo Ferrari: Iftoria della Sacra imagine della B. V. dipinta da S, Luca, &c. in 8vo. 1603, 1604, and 1614. * Valezio Zani: I Signori Anziani, Conſoli, e Gon- falonieri di Giuſtizia di Bologna, in 4to. Bol. 1670. * Bologna Sacra Defcrizione delle vite de' Santi Bolognefi, in Svo. Bol, 1680. Under the Name of Aurelio Degli Anzi. £ Vittorio Benacci Compendio della Citta di Bolog na, in 8vo. Bol. 1660. *Gio. Battiſta Agocchi: L'Antica Fondazione e Do- minio della Citta di Bologna, in 4te. Bol. 1638. *Leandro Alberti: Iftorie di Bologna, Lib. 84, or according to Ghilini 62, divife in piu Deche, parie Prima, in 4to. Bol. 1541, Libro Secondo, in 4to. Bol. 1588. Libro Terzo, in 4to. Bol. 1589. Supplemento al Libro Quarto, in 4to. Bol. 1590. Libro Quinto, in 4to. Vicenza 1591. *Tavole delle Principali Famiglic Bolognefi, in 410. Vicenza 1592. * Caccianemici Lucio: Libri Suffeguenti ai Libri XI. di Leandro Alberti, Bol. 1588. * Antonio Cafale: Iftoria della Chiefa di S. Stefano, &c. in 4to. Bol. 1637. ** Giulio Cefare Croci: Cronica di Bologna in Otta va Rima, Defcrizione del Nobile Palazzo detto di Tofcu Jano, in 4to. Bol. 1582. * Bartol. Dulcinus de Vario Bononiæ Statu ab Ea Condita, ufque ad Annum 1625, in 4to. Bonon. 1626. * Celfo chief HISTORIANS. 363 *Cello Faleoni: Memorie Iftoriche della Chiefa di Bologna, e fuoi Paftori Lib. VI. in 4to. Bol. 1649. * Bartol. Galeotti: Trattato degli Huomini Illuftri di Bologna, in 4to. Ferrara 1590 and 1609. * Auguftin. Caravinus de Viris Illuftribus Caftri Bo- nonienfis, in 4to. Bon. 1608. * Gio. Vincenzio Imperiali: Il Ritratto del Cafali no, Ovvero fia Defcrizione del Palazzo detto Degli Ari- enti, di Signori Paleotti, in 8vo. Bol. 1637. *Paolo Mafini: Bologna Illuftrata, in 120. Bol 1650, and in 4to. 1666. Giof. Maria Metelli: Notizia dei Portici che con- ducono alla Madonna di S. Lucca, &c. Bol. 1707. A fingle Sheet. * Giacomo Monti: Compendio Iftorico, e Miracoli della S. S. imagine della Madonna di S. Luca, in 4to. Bol. 1545. * Benedicti Morandi de Bononiæ Laudibus Oratio, Bon. 1481, in 4to. Rom. 1589, in 4to. Bon. 1640. * Fedele Onofri: Cronologia Fellinea, in 120. Bol. 1638. *Afcanio Perfio: Iftoria della Madonna di S. Luca, in 8vo. Bologna 160i. * Zaccaria Pontini: Condizioni di Bologna, in 440. Bol. 1659. * Donato Pullieni: Cronica della Chiefa di S. Stefa- no, in 8vo. Bol. 1600. di * Giof. Rofaccio: Compendio della Nobiliſſima Citta Bologna, in 8vo. Bol. 1663. * Jo. du Ruzier: Bononienfium Bononia, five de Glo- ria Bononienfium, in 4to. Bonon. 1650. * Camillo Scaligeri: Origine delle Porte, Strade, e Borghi di Bologna, in 8vo. Bol. 1630. Reprinted 1712. *Aniello Soldano: Fondazione e Origine di Bolog- na, in 4to. Bol. 1610. Marc 364 A CATALOGUE of the * Marc. Antonio Viani: Compendio di Tutte le Re- liquie che fono nella Chiefa di S. Giacomo di Bologna, in 4to. Bol. 1600. * Defcrizione della Citta, Contado, Governo, & altre Cofe Notabili di Bologna, in 4to. Bɔl. 1602. * Iftoria della Miracolofa Immagine di M. V. detta del Barracano, in 4to. Bol. 1674. * Nomi delle Strade, Famiglie, e Torri che sono nella Citta di Bologna, Bolog. 1580. Writers on the Holy Houfe of LORETO. * Niccolo Bargeleti: Trattato Utile fopra la Vera e Sincera Iftoria de S. Caſa di Loreto, in 8vo. Bologn. 1558. 2 * Vittorio Brigonti della Traflatione della Santa Caſa di Loreto, in 120. Fermo 1587. Macerata 1590, 1593. * Antonio Salt: Il Santuario Loretano, in 120. Lo- reto 1647. * Carolus Francifcus de Luca: Iter Lauretanæ Do- mus, five Pax per Caftra Movens, in 4to. Rom. 1657. *Silvio Serragli: La vera Relatione della Santa Cafa, di Loreto, &c. in 8vo. Macerata 1671. * Notizie della Santa Cafa di Loreto, in 8vo. Venet. 1718. * Mich. Benvenga: La Santa Cafa in Italia, Poema Heroico, in 8vo. Venez. 1683. * Hieronymus Angelita: Hiftoria Lauretanæ Do- mus, in 4to. * Horatius Turfellinus; Lauretana Hiftoria, in 8vo: Mogunt. 1567. Rom. 1597. Venet. 1715, in 8vo This Hiftory is the beft on the Subject, and was tranflated into Italian by Bartholomew Zucchi, and print- ed in Quarto at Milan 1600, and elfewhere. It is allo tranflated into French and English. General chief HISTORIANS. 365 1 General Hiftories of the POPES. * Ignatius Urfulinus: Florentine Familia Pontifices Sunmi, & Cardinales, &c. Part 2. in 8vo. Rom. 1706. * Abr. Bzovius: Silveſter II. Cafius Aquitanus Pon- tifex Max, in 4to. Rom. 1629. * Benedict. Bacchinius: Liber Pontificalis feu Vite Pontificum Ravennatum, Vol. 2. in 470. Mutin. 1708. * Steph. Baluzius: Vita Paparum Avenionenfium ab An. 1305, ad 1394, Tom. II. in 4to. Paris 1693. Prohibited the 22d of December 1700. Lives of Particular POPE S. * Franc. Antonio Giorgi: Vita del Papa S. Pietro Celeftino, Parti 2. in 4to. Nap. 1689. Prohibited at Rome the 29th of May 1690. *Godef. Guil. Leibnizius: Hiftoria Arcana frue de Vita Alexandri VI. Papæ, &c. Hanov. 1696. Ex Dia- rio Joh. Burchardi. Prohibited the 12th of Mar. 1703. For a Life of this Pope have been very lately publiſhed Propoſals by Mr. Gordon. * Anton. Maria Bonucci: Iftoria del Pontefice O. M. il B. Gregorio X. in 4to. Rom. 1711. [Ob. 3 De- comb. 1275.] * * Florim.Remondus Fabula Joannæ,quie Pontificis Roma- ni fedem Occupaffe falfo credita eft, in 8vo. Burgig. 1606. Joan. Rubeus: Bonifacius VIII. e Familia Caje- tanorum Principum Romanus Pontifex, in 4to. Rom. 1651. * Bonifacii VIII. Papa Acta cum Philippo Pulchro de Poteftate Paparum, in 8vo. Paris 1616. *Francefco Velli: Difesa di Papa Paolo IV. Pro- hibited. * Joi 366 A CATALOGUE of the *Jo. Anton. Gabutius de Vita & Rebus geftis Pii V. Pont. Max. in fol. Rom. 1605. * Riftretto della Vita di Ven. Pio V. Sommo Pontefice, in 8vo. Rom. 1672. With Additions, in 8vo. Rom. 1712. Juftinianus Chiapponus: Alta Canonizationis S. Pii V. Pont. Max, 12 Maii 1712, in fol. Rom. 1720. *Tho. Maria Minorellus: Vita S. Pii V. &c. in 8vo. Rom. 1712. * Ludov. Jacobilli: Iftoria di Pio V. 1661. * Girolamo Caténa: Vita di Pio V. P. Clemente XI. in 4to. Rom. 1712. in 4to. Todi Santificato da * Paolo Aleffandro Maffei : Vita di S. Pio V. Som- mo Pontefice dell' Ordine de Predicatori, in 4to. Venez. 1712. * Giuf. Maria Leoni: Vita del Pontefice Pio Quinto, in 120. Milan. 1675. * Ignatius Bomplanus: Hiftoria Pontificatus Gregorii XIII. Summi Pontificis, in 120. Rom. 1655. [Ob. 4, Id. April 1585.] * Gregorio Leti: Vita di Sifto V. Vol. 2. in 120. Genev.1661, 1669. Reprinted 1664. 1682. Tranflated into English in 1664. 1667, and 1704, in 8vo. Re- printed again at Amfterdam, with Additions in 1689, in 3 Vol. In 1693, in Dutch, 2 Vol. In 1694, again in the fame Language. In 1697, at Venice, in Italian, 3 Vol. In 1698, at Amfterdam, 3 Vol. And in 1721, in Italian, at Venice, tho' it bears Amfterdam in the Title. *Franc. Tolofa: Innocenzo X. Tra i fuoi Grandi, in 8vo. Rom. 1646. * Auguftinus Oldoinus: Clementes Titulo Sanctita- tis, vel Morum Sanctimonia Illuftres, in4 to. Peruf. 1675. * Marc. Anton. Ciappi: Vita di P. Gregorio XIH. in 4to. Rom. 1596. * Pandolfi Pifani: Gelafii Papæ II. cum Commentario, &c. Vita, in 4to. Rom. 1638. * Pet chief HISTORIANS. 367 * Pet. Marc. Campio: Gregorii X. ex Familia Vice Comitum Placentina Pont. Max. Vita Italice Defcripta, a Silv. Petra Sanita Latine reddita, in 4to. Rom. 1655. X Theoph. Raynaudus: S. Joannes Benedictus Paftor ret Pontifex, in 8vo. Avenione 1643. * Arcangelus Caraccia: Vita Pii V. Pap. 1615. *- Brevis Enarratio Geftorum Pii V. Rom. 1629. * Gio. Bapt. Caſtaldo: Vita di Paulo IV. in 4to. Rom. 1615. * Lælius Guidiccionus: Breve Racconto della Traf portatione del Corpo di Papa Paolo V. dalla Bafilica di S. Pietro a quella di S. Maria Maggiore, in fol. Rom. 1623. *Franc. Marchefius: Clypeus fortium five Vindicia Honorii Pape, in 4to. Rom. 1680. *Gio. Batt. Pittoni: Vita d'Innocenzo Undecimo, Sommo Pontefice, in 4to. 1716. Seventh Editi- on. * Gio. Palazzi: Vita di S. Pietro Principe degli Apofto , Capo della Chiefa, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1687. Angelus Maria Medici de Falfitate Johannæ Pa- * pillæ. * Battiſta Fregofo: La Vita di Martino V. Somma Pontifice. * Filippo Scaglia: La Vita di Bonifatio IX. Sommo Pontifice. * Paolo Panfa : Le Vite d'Innocenzo IV. & Adria- no V. Sommi Pontefici di Cafa Fiefchi, in 4to. Nap. 1601. *F. Archangelus Caraccia: Brevis Enarratio geftorum Sanctiffimi Pontificis Pii Papæ V. &c. in 120. Rom. 1529. * Felibien: La Vie du Pape PIE V. ecrite en Ita- lien par Agati di Somma, & mife en Francois, in 120. Paris 1672. * Otho 368 A CATALOGUE of the * Ottho Sperling: Monumentum Hamburgenfe Be nedictinum, feu de Infcriptione, & Tumulo Benedicti Quinti Pontificis Romani, qui in Choro Majoris Ecclefie Cathe- dralis Beata Virginis Mariæ apud Hamburgenfes olim fuit & Hodiernum Spectatur, Differtatio, in 4to. Kiloni 1675. * Joan. Angelus Dux ab Altemps: Vita S. Ani- ceti Papa & Martyris, in 4to. Rom. 1617. Felix Contelorius: Vita Martini V. ex Legitimis Documentis Collecta, in 4to. Rom. 1641. A * Wibertus: Vita S. Leonis IX. Papa, Leucorum an tea Epifcopi, in 8vo. Parif. 1615. * Julius Pogianus: Laudatio Marcelli II. Pontificis Max ad Sacrum Collegium Recitata, in 4to. Rom. 1592. * Leonis Allatii: Confutatio Fabule de Joanna Pa- piſſa ex Monumentis Gracis Bartoldus Nihufius recen- fuit, Prologo atque Epilogo auxit, necnon Teleſcopium ad- junxit, in 4to. Colon. Agrippin. 1645. General Accounts of CARDINALS. Geo. Jof. Eggs: Purpura doƐta, ſeu Vita, Res Gefta, &c. Cardinalium, qui præ Cæteris Inclaruerunt ab Anno 540, ufque ad Ætatem noftram, in fol. Monach. 1714 * Aubery: Hiftoire Generale des Cardinaux, in 4to. Vol. 2. Paris 1642. *Lud. Caftan. Ryripozæus: Nomenclatura Cardi- nalium Scriptorum ab Anno 1000, in 4to. Folof. 1614. Pictav. 1616. in 4to. Joan. Palatii: Fafti Cardinalium a S. Petro ad In- nocentium VI. Vol. I. Venet. 170r. *— Vol. II. ab Urbano V. ad Hadrianum VI. Ven. 1701. *—Vol.III. a Clemente VII. a Leonem XI. Ven. 1701. A * - Vols chief HISTORIANS. 3 69 *-Vol. IV. 4 Paulo V. ad Innocentium XI. Ven. 1701. + Vol. V. ab Alexandro VIII. ad finem, Ven. 1701. Prohibited the 4th of March 1709. Lives of particular CARDINALS. * Martio Febonio: Vita di S. Berardo Cardinale in 4to. Rom. 1673. [Ob. Novemb. 3. 1130.] * Joan. Genefius Sepulveda: Hiftoria belli gesti in Iralia a Cardinale Egidio Albernotio, in fol. Bonon. 1559. [Ob. August. 20. 1367.] * Andreas de Pitillas: Appendix ad Caput Ultim: Lib. III. Hiftoria Ægidianæ, in 40. Bonon. 1679. *Bonaventura Cavallo: Vita del B. Niccolo Alber- gati Cardinale, in 4to. Rom. 1654. [Ob. May 9: 1443.] Tranflated into Latin, and printed at Paris 1659, in 400.. * Giacomo Fuligatti: Vita del Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino, 4to. Rom. 1624. [Ob. Septemb. 17. 1621.] *- Vita Cardinalis Rob. Bellarmini, in 8vo. Antw. 1631. * Hieronymus Barnabeus: Vita Cæfaris Baronii Cardinalis, in 4to. Rom. 1651. * Jofephus Caftalio: Silvii Antoniani Cardinalis Vi- ta, in 4to. Rom. 1610. *Gio. Antonio Cagiano: Vita di Paolo Burali d' Arezzo Cardinale, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1649. [Ob. Junii 17. 1578.] * Elpigio Benedetto: Raccolta di Memorie Vita del Cardinale Giulio Mazarino, Lione. per la Aubery: Hiftoire du Cardinal de Richelieu, 2 Vol. Paris 1660. *Gio. Pietro Giuffano: Vita di S. Carlo Borro meo Cardinale, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1613. Reprinted in 4to. Rom. 1679. VOL. II. B b Form 370 A CATALOGUE of the * Verona Auguſtin Cardinalis: Vita B. Caroli Bor romæi, in 4to. Veron. 1602. * Franceſco Cirocci: Vite d'Alcuni Cardinali della Cafa Colonna, in 4to. Foligno 1635. * Lucas Bertolotius: Joannis Bona Cardinalis S.R. E. Vita, in 120. Aftæ 1677. [Ob. 5. Kal. Novem. 1674.] * Lud. Maria Pandolfini: Riſtretto della Vita di Mar- cello Cardinale d'Afte, in 4to. Rom. 1711. [Ob. Juni 1709.] II. 1709. * Domenico Bernini: Vita del Cardinal Giuſeppe Maria Tomafi, 4to. Rom. 1714. [Ob. Jan. 1. 17.3.] * Januarius Jannelli: Hiftoria Morbi Cardinalis Ca- roli Columnæ, in 4to. Rom. 1719. * Gio. Maria Crefcimbeni: Vita di Monfig. Ga brielle Filippucci Macerateſe, in 4to. Rom. 1724. [Ob. Ful. 21. 1706.] * Giovanni della Cafa: Vita del Cardinale Bembo. * Raffaello Grilenzoni: Riftretto della vita del B. Niccolo Albergati Monaco, Cardinale, in 8vo. Bol 1644. * Carolus Sigonius: Vita Cardinalis Laurentii Cam- pegii, in 4to. Bolon. 1581. Franc. Maria Turrigio: Vita del Cardinale Ro berto de Nobili, Nipote di Papa Giulio III. in fol. Rom. 1532. * Alexand. Ladeſma de Vita & Rebus geftis Gabrielis Palaeotti S. R. E. Cardinalis Bononiæ Archiepifcopi, 4to. Bonon. 1647. * Ant. Mar. Gratianus: Vita Joan. Franc. Com mendoni Cardinalis, &c. Acceffere Vita Petri Bembi & Gafpari Contareni Cardinalium a Joan. Cafa, in 120. Pa tav. 1685. * -Vita del Cardinale Lorenzo Brancati di Lauria, in 4to. Rom. 1699. *Memorie del Cardinale Bentivoglio, in 1668. 4to. Venet. *Franc chief HISTORIANS. 37 1 * Franc. Maria Bordocchi: L'Azzioni Effemplarif- Time del Cardinal Alfonfo Litta, &c. in 4to. Bologn. 1691. *Car. Bafilica Petri: Vita del Cardinale Car: Borro- mei, in 410. Ingolftad. 1592. in Franc. Rivola: Vita del Cardinale Fed: Borromei, 40. Milan. 1656. *And. Duditius: Vita Reginaldi Poli Britanni S. R. E. Cardinalis & Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopi, in 4to. Vener: 1563. William Joyner: Some Obfervations upon the Life of Reginaldus Polus, Cardinal of the Royal Blood of England, fent in a Packet out of Wales, in 8vo. Lond. 1686. -Bacatellus: Vita Cardinalis Poli, Archiepifcopi Can- tuarienfis, Ven. in 4to. Lond. 1690, in 120. Cavendish (Tho.) The Negotiations of Thomas Wool- fey, the great Cardinal of England, in 4to. Lond. 1641. Hifiories of the Republick of V E NICE. Apoftolo Zeno Serie Cronologica di tutti gli Storici Veneziani, con Rifleſſioni. This Work is to be feen, g. 165, of the firſt Volume of the Galleria di Mi- herva. M. Antonii Sabellici: Hiftoria Rerum Venetarum Lib. XXXIII. ad Annum Circiter MCCCCLXxxx. in fol. Ven. 1487, 8vo. Bafil. 1556, and Venet. 1668 & 1718, in 4to. The first Edition is very ſcarce, it is Tranflated into Italian, of which the Edition in Quarte Venice in 1668, is the beſt. Petri Bembi Hiftoria Patriæ Lib. XII. ab Ar. 480, ad Ann. 1513, in fol. Venet 1551, in 4to. Paris aris 1551. Venet. 1718, in 4to. And with the other Pieces of Bembo, in 8vo. Bafil 1556. It was tranfla- ed into Italian in 4to. Venet. 1552, and 1570, by he Author himfelf. Of the Latin Editions, that printed B b z 372 A CATALOGUE of the 1 printed at Paris, with an Index, is the beſt; and the other by Alemmanno Fini in 1570, was augmented with feveral Tables. Paolo Paruta: Storia Veneziana, in 4to. Ven. 1605, and in two Parts, in 4to. Ven. 1718. This Author who begins at 1513, and ends at 1573, is much va Jued: Ŏther Editions there are, but thofe mentioned are the moſt beautiful and correct: This has been tran flated into English, in fol. 1658. Andreæ Mauroceni Hiftoria Veneta ab An. 152 ad An. 1615, in fol. Venet. 1623, 2 Par. and in 1719, 1720, Venet. in 40. When this Work is compleat, there should be eighteen Books, and before the laſt Impreſſion it was become very rare. Giambattista Nani: Storia della Repubblica Veneta dell' Anno 1613, fin al 1671, in 4to. Ven. Tom. I. 1662. Tom. II. 1679. And both together fince, Ven. 1720, in 4to. Other Editions there have been of it, and as the Author had been employed in feveral Embaffies, his Work is eſteemed. Mr. L'Abbéc Tallemant tranflated it into French, and publifhed it at Paris in 1679, in 120. but as he caftrated the Pafla- ges which were not in Favour of France, another Mar of Learning very faithfully tranſlated and printed it in Four Volumes at Cologn 1662, in 8vo. Two more Volumes were added at Amsterdam in 1702. It was tranflated into English by Sir Robert Hongwood, in fel Lond. 1679. Michiel Foscarini: Storia della Repubblica di Venezia in 4to. Venez 1696, and 1722, in 4to. Pietro Garzoni: Hiftoria della Repubblica di Venezia in 4to. Venez: 1705. Second Volume, in 4to. 1716 and 1719. The feven fore-mentioned Hiftorians have wrote by publick Direction, and are a Series of Vent tian Hiftory. The three laft were printed in two Sort of Paper; the larger is the beft, and moft beautiful. Flavius chief HISTORIANS. 373 Flavius Blondus de Origine, & Geftis Venetorum, in ul. Ven. 1481, & Bafileæ 1559. L Bernardus Juftinianus de Origine Urbis Venetorum Rebufque a Venetis Geftis, in fol. Venet. 1492. The fame tranflated by Lodovico Domenichi into Italian, in 8. Ven. 1545, and 1608. This fecond Edition is enlarged with an Index, and the Hiſtory comes down to the Year &oy. Petri Juftiniani: Hiftoria Rerum Venetarum, in fol. Ven. 1560, & 1576, & Argentorati 1611. With either of theſe two latter Editions, it well be neceffary to have the firft, which, though not fo full, contains Historical Facts caftrated in the others. It is tranfla- ted into Italian, and printed in 4to. at Venice 1676. Natalis Comitis: Hiftoria Veneta, in fol. Argento- rati 1622. This Author is not exact, and is rather an Hiftorian of his own Times, than of Venice, first printed in fol. Ven. 1581. Jo. Baptiftæ Veri: Rerum Venetarum Libri IV. in 4to. Patavii 1638, and in 120. Amftelod. 1644, and again, in 4to. Venet. 1678. And at Padova rouch enlarged in 1698; as in it is the Continuation made by Jofeph Scarella, to the Year 1692. Gio. Niccolo Doglioni: Storia Veneta dalla Prima Fondazione fino all' Anno di Chrifto 1597, in 4to. Vene- zia 1598. Paolo Morofini Storia della Città, e Repubblica di Venezia, in 4to. Venezia 1637. He comes down to 1486. Giambattista Contarini: Storia Veneta, in 4to. Tom. II. Ven. 1663. Aleffandro Maria Vianoli: Storia Veneta, in 4to. Venezia 1680, & 1684. Tom II. This would be an excellent Book, had not the Author ftuffed it with too tedious Harangues. Origine di Venezia, in 8vo. Ven. 1558. The Author is Nicholas Zeno. Francefco B b 3 374 A CATALOGUE of the Francefco Verdizzotti de' Fatti Veneti dall' Origins della Repubblica fino al Anno 1504, in fol. Vol. 1. Ven. 1674, Vol. 2. in fol. Venezia 1686, reaches to 1570, Vol. 3. in fol. Ven. 1698, reaches down to 1644. The Style of this Author is too lofty and metaphorical. Giulio Faroldo: Annali Veneti, in 8vo. Venet. 1577, va fino al 1486. It is for the moft Part an Abridgement of Sabellicus. Ferdin. Fougaffes; Hiftoire de la Republique de Venice, Paris 1611. Tranſlated into English by W. Shute, Gent. in fol. Lond. 1612. Fedele Onofridi: Cronologia di Venezia, in 120. Ven. 1563. Publii Francifci Modefti: Venetiados Libri XII. in fol. Arimini 1501. A very fcarce Book. Gabriello Symeoni: Commentari di Vinegia, Milano, Mantova, e Ferrara, in 8vo. Ven. 1546. Andrea Morofini: Imprefe, e Spedizioni di Terra San ta, e Acquiſto di Conftantinopoli fatto dalla Republica di Venezia, in 4to. Ven. 1627. Barth. Facius de Bello Clodiano inter Venetos, & Genuenfes, in 8vo. Lugd. 1568. Georgii Merulæ : Bellum Scodrenfe Turcarum contra Venetos, in 4to. Ven. 1474. Marinus Barletius de Obfidione Scodrenfi, in 4. Ven. 1504. Paulus Ramnufius de Bello Conftantinopolitano,& Imperatoribus Comnenis per Gallos, & Venetos Reftitutis, in fol. Ven. 1634. Second Edition tranflated into Ita lian in 1644, in 410. by Jerom Ramnuſi, Son of Paul, Gio. Francefco Olmo: Relazioni della Republica de Venezia, in 4to. Ven. 1628. Iftoria della Venuta à Venezia di Papa Aleffandio III. in 4to. Ven. 1629. Girolamo chief HISTORIANS. 375 Girolamo Bardi: Vittoria Navale ottenuta dalla Re- publica Veneziana contra Federico I. Imperatore per la Reftituzione del Papa Aleſſandro III. in 4to. Ven. 1584, and in 4to. 1619. This Hiftory of Pope Alexander III. has given Birth to feveral Treatifes, between the Venetians and Germans; and indeed the Truth of it (though no Honour to the Pope) is a mighty Advan- tage to the Republick, as the claims the Dominion of the Adriatick Sea from a Ceffion then made, the con- fequence of their Victory over the Emperor Frederick I. This is indeed denied by Mr. Ameblot, who founds their Dominion on a much more forcible Argument, that of Ratio Ultima Regum, Power: And time was, when the See of Rome, during the Venetian Interdict, (thundered out by Pope Urban VIII.) thought fit to Erale the Infcription in Favour of themfelves, as well as the Republick, painted under a Repreſentation in Fresco on the Walls of the Vatican Palace, fince indeed reſtored by Innocent X. a Pontiff more favourable to theirs, and better acquainted with his own Intereft, which his Predeceffor by this Fact very much prejudiced. Andrea Mocenici: Bellum Cameracenfe adverfus Venetos geſtum ab An. 1500. ad An. 1517, in 8vo. Ven. 1525. Tranflated into Italian, in 8vo. Ven. 1560. Hiftorie de la Ligue de Cambray, in 120. Parif. 1710, 2 Vol. This Piece is wrote by Mr. L'Abbée Bos, the Author of the Interests of England ill Under- flood, and is a political Piece on the then State of Europe, as well as of Italy; it was tranflated into Italian, and though pretended to have been printed at Antverp, was for feveral Reaſons privately printed at Venice 1718, in Quarto, tranflated from the French into English by R. F. 1712, in 8vo. S. Real: Conjuration des Espagnols contre la Repub- lique de Venife en 1618, in 120. Parif. 1674. Tran- flated into English in 120. 1674. Bb 4 Pomponio 375 A A CATALOGUE of the Pomponio Emigliani: Guerre d' Italia tra la Repub lica di Venezia, e gli Arci-Ducali di Cafa d'Auftria, in 4to. Conr. Wengeri de Bello inter Sigifmundum Archiftra regum Auftriæ, & Venetos, in 8vo. Bafil. 1544. Girolamo Diedo: Lettera, Ove fi defcrive la Batta- glia Navale Seguita Anno 1571, in 4to. Ven. 1588. Biagio Rith: Comentari delle Guerre paffate nel Fris li, e ne' Confini dell' Iftria, e di Dalmazia, in 4to. Trieſte 1629. Antonius Maria Gratianus de Bello Cyprio, in fal. Romæ 1624, and in 120. Noriberge 1661. This curious Work was tranflated into French, and printed in Quarto at Paris. Jo. Anton. Guarnerii de Bello Cyprio, Lib. III. in 4to. Berg. 1602. Pietro Contarini: Iftoria Veneta delle cofe Succeffe dal principio della Guerra Moffa da Selim Ottomano d Veneziani fino alla Gran Vittoria ottenuta contra i Turchi dopo l' Anno 1569, al 1571, in 4to. Ven. 1572, and 1645, and Bafiliæ 1673. This laft Edition was tran- flated into Latin by Nicholas Stupano. Aleffandro Vernino: Iftoria della Guerra di Dalma zia fotto il Generalato di Leonardo Fofcolo; dopo l'Anno 1644, al 1648, in 8vo. Ven. 1648. Andrea Valiero: Iftoria della Guerra di Candia dopo l'Anno 1644, infino al 1669, in 4to. Ven. 1669." Hiftoire des Conquetes des Venetiens depuis 1684, juf- qu'en 1688, in 120. Bruxelles 1688. Tranflated in- to English in 1688, in 8vo. + : Succeffi dell Armi Venete in Leyante, in 8vo. Ven. 1686. # Locatelli: Iftoria della Veneta Guerra in Levante fot to la Condotta di Francefco Morofini, 4to. Ven. 1695. Frammenti Storici della Guerra in Dalmazia, in 120. Venezia 1692. The Author is thought to be Jerome Brufoni Francefco chief HISTORIANS. 377 Franceſco Sansovino: Venezia Defcritta, in 4to. Ve- let. 1581, and 1604. And in 4to. 1683, by Giuftiniano Martinoni, which is the laſt Edition, and much preferable to the other of 1604, by John Stringa: Leonico Goldioni: Cofe Maravigliofe della Città di Venezia, in 8vo. Venezia 1603. The Author is Nicholas Doglioni. Niccolo Doglioni: Cofe Notabili della Città di Vene- zia, Ampliate da Zuanne Zittio, in 120. Venezia 1662. Domenico Martinelli: Il Ritratto di Venezia, in 120, Ven. 1684. Girolamo Bardi: Dichiarazione di Tutte l'Iftorie, che fi Contengono nei Quadri pofti nelle Sale dello Scrutinio, e del Grand Configlio Ducale, in 8vo. Venezia 1602. Jacobi Simancæ: Collectanea de Republica Veneta, in Sve. Antverpiæ 1579. La Politique Civile, & Militaire des Venetiens Sieur de la Haye, in 120. Paris 1668. par le Gafpar Contarenus de Magiftratibus, & Republica Ve- netorum, in 4to. Parifiis 1543, and Lugd. Batav. in 240. 1628. And other Editions. It was tranflated into Italian, in 8vo. Ven. 1563. Donati Giannoti de Venetorum Republica, &c. Liber fingularis, in 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1631, and in 240. Amftel. 1653. The Dutch Edition in 240. has the Notes of Nicholas Craffi. It is alfo in Italian. Diſcorſo Aristocratico fopra il Governo de Veneziani, in 120. Venezia 1670. It is printed in Germany. · Relazione della Città, e Repubblica di Venezia, in 120, Colonia 1672. Printed in Geneva. Opinione di Paolo Sarpi, [Paolo] come debba Gover- narfi la Repubblica Veneta, in 120. Venetia 1681. Tranflated into English, in 120. Lond. 1689. Theodorus Granfvinkelius de Libertate Veneta, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1634. -Differ 378 A CATALOGUE of the -Differtatio de jure Præcedentia inter Venetam Re- publicam & Ducem Sabaudiæ, in 8vo. Lugd. Batav, 1644. Lo Squitinio della Libertà Veneta, without Place or Date: This was wrote by the Marchefe de Bedmar, then Embaſſadour from Spain to the Republick, and the Contriver of a Confpiracy, which executed, had been the Deſtruction of Venice. It is a refined and ſtudied Satire, yet handled with fuch Moderation, as to ex- tort Applaufe: The Sufpicion fell on the Court of Rome, and the greateſt Men expected, as well as feared, the Effects of it. Father Paul, who had been victorious. ever before, declared, that this Piece was by no Means. to be anſwered, it being inconvenient and dangerous to enlighten the World in Matters, which fhould ftill remain in the dark Bofom of Antiquity. Rafaello della Torre: Squitinio della Republica di Ve- nezia d'Autore incognito Squitiniato, in 4to. Genova 1653. Zoroaftro Roiter: Specchio di Libertà, e Rifpofta alli Calunniatori di Venezia, in 4to. Bengodi 1616. Scipione Errico Antifquitinio, in 8vo. Meffina 1650. Angelo Portenari: Apologia della Libertà delli Popoli Veneti Antichi, in 4to. Padova 1649. Allegazion in jure di Cornelio Frangipane per la Vit. toria Navale contro Federico I. Imperatore, & Atto del Papa Aleffandro III. per il Dominio della Repubblica Ve- neta del fuo Golfo contra Alcune Scritture de' Napoletani, in 4to. Venezia 1618. Jo. Palatius de Dominio Maris, in 120. Venezia 1663. Angeli Mattheacii de Jure Venetorum, & Jurifdic tione Maris Adriatici, in 4to. Venezia 1617. Julii Pacii de Dominio Maris Adriatici Difceptatio pro Republica Veneta, in 4to. Lugd. 1619. Franc. chief HISTORIANS. 379 1 Franc. de Ingenuis de Jurifdictione Venetæ Reipublica in Mare Adriaticum, in 4to. Genevæ 1619. Petri Marcelli de Vitis Principum, & Gefis Veneto- rum Liber, in fol. Ven. 1502, and in 8vo. 1554, & Francofurti 1574. This laft Edition is much larger than the firft, which is more fcarce; it was tranflated into Italian by Lovis Domenichi, in 8vo. Ven. 1558. Nicolai Reufneri Liber Principum, & Ducum Ve- netorum, in 8vo. Lavinge 1579. Jo. Palatii: Fafti Ducales, in 4to. Ven. 1696. This Author by fome has been judged the beft for the Hif- tory of the Doges of Venice, though the Venetians al- low not his Authority: In it are preferved the Ofelle, or Silver Medals diftributed by thofe Princes on parti- cular Occafions. Fulgenzio Manfredi : Dogi di Venezia in Ritratto, e Compendio con varie Particolarità intorno la Città. This is a Collection of Copper-Plates in an Oblong Form, printed at Venice in 1598. Dignità Procuratoria di S. Marco di Venezia, in 410. Ven. 1602. Bernardi Georgii: Epitome Principum Venetorum, in 4to. Venezia 1547. Periocha in XIV. Publicas Solemnitates, in quibus Princeps Venetus quotannis in Publicum prodit, in 8vo, Ven. 1559. Jo. Meurfii Junioris Majeftas Veneta, in 120. Lug- dun. Batav. 1640. Gio. Niccolo Doglioni: Venezia Trionfante, in 4to. Ven. 1615. Giulio Cefare Beaziano: Araldo Veneto, in 410. Ven. 1680. Cafimiro Freſchot: Pregi della Nobiltà Veneta, in 120. Venezia 1682. Jacopo Fiorelli: Detti, e Fatti Memorabili del Senato, de' Patrizi Veneti, in 4to. Ven. 1672. Ja 380 A CATALOGUE of the Jo. Baptifta Egnatii de Exemplis Illuftrium Virorum Venetæ Civitatis, in 4to. Ven. 1554, and in 160. at Paris the fame Year. Antonii Stellæ Elogia Venetorum Navali pugna Il- luftrium, in 8vo. Ven. 1558. Domenico Codagli: Iftoria dell' Ifola, e Monafterio di S. Secondo di Venezia, in 4to. Ven. 1609. Paulino Fiamma: Origine della Chiefa di S. Loren- zo di Venezia, in 4to. Ven. 1645. Cronichetta dell'Origine, e Fondazione della Chiefa, e Monafterio della Madonna de' Miracoli di Venezia, in 4to. Venezia 1664. Domenico Bozzoni: Silenzio di S. Zaccaria Snoda- to, cioè Iftoria della Chieſa, e Monafterio di S. Zaccaria di Venezia, in 4to. Venezia 1678. Bernardo Trevifan: Trattato della Laguna di Vene- zia, in 4to. Venezia 1715. F. Paolo Storia Particolare delle Cofe paffate tra il Sommo Pontefice Paolo V. & la Repubblica di Venezia, gli Anni 1605, 1606, 1607, in 4to. Mirandola 1624, and in Lione 1624, ( Trattato dell'Interdetto di Paolo V. e la Repubblica di Venezia, nel quale fi dimoftra, che egli non e Legittima- mente Pubblicato, in 4to. Venezia 1606, and 1673, in Bvo. F. Paolo: Confiderazioni fopra le Cenfure di Paolo V. contro la Repubblica di Venezia, in 4t Ven. 1606, and 1673, in 8vo. Apologia per le Oppoſizioni fatte dal Cardinale Bel- larmino alli Trattati di Gio. Gerfone Sopra la Validità delle Scomuniche, in 4to. Venezia 1606, and 1675, in 8vo. F. Fulgentio Confermazione delle Confiderazioni del P. M. Paolo di Venezia contra le Oppofizioni di M. Gio. Antonio Boccio Carmelitano, in 4to. Venezia 1606. 11 1.4 Venture chief HISTORIAŃS. 381 Venture Vincentini: Confilium fuper Controverfia vertente inter Paulum V. & Rempublicam Venetam, im 410. Ven. 1606. Hieron. Vendrameni Affertiones contra Venetæ Rei- publica Maledicos, in 4to. Venetiis 1606. Jo. Marfilii Opufculum de Controverſia inter Pau- lum V. & Rempublicam Venetam, in 4to. Refponfa J. C. M. Antonii Peregrini, Anton. Or- thelii, & Joach. Scayni Reddita pro decretis Principis Veneti, De non Alienandis bonis Immobilibus in Perfonas Ecclefiafticas, de non Erigendis de Novo Monafteriis; de Funiendis & Judicandis Clericis pro Criminibus gravibus, in 4to. Ven. 1606. Nicolai Vignerii de Venetorum Excommunicatione ad- verfus Baronium Differtatio, in 4to. Francof. 1607. Antonio Querini: Avviso delle Ragioni della Repub- blica di Venezia intorno alle Difficoltà promoffe da Paolo V. in 4to. Venezia 1606. Amongſt the reſt, one under the Name of Paul Anafeftus, answered this Book, in 4to. Bologn. 1607. Raccolta degli Scritti Ufciti fuori nella Caufa del Papa Paolo V. co' Veneziani, in 4to. Ven. 1606, and Coira 1607. This fecond Edition is the beſt and fulleft. Efame Composto da Gio. Marfilio fopra Tutte quelle Scritture, che fin ora fono State Mandate alle stampe fopra le Differenze tra Paolo V. e la Repubblica di Venezia, in 4to. Venezia 1607, 2 Vol. This Difpute between the Pope and Venetians produced a vaft Quantity of Treatifes, of which I have named the most confi- derable. * Franc. a S. Auguftino Macedo: Pictura Veneta Urbis, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1670. * Marco Bofchini: Le Ricche Minere della Pittura Veneziana, in 120. Venet. 1664. With large Ad- ditions 1674. *Francefco Zamboni: Del Dominio del Mare Adria- rics Difcorfo, in 410. Venezia 1676. * I 382 A CATALOGUE of the * Il Ritratto, Ovvero le cofe più Notabili di Venezia, 2 Parti da Befaggio, in 120. Venez. 1705. * Pietro Antonio Pacifico: Cronica Veneta, ò fuc- cinto Racconto delle Cofe più cofpicue di Venezia, in izo Ven. 1697. * Vicenzo Coronelli: La guida de' Foraftieri per Ve- nezia, &c. in 240. Venet. 1700. * Caginio Benenato Il Gran Maeftro de Forafticri per vedere Venezia, in 120. Venet. 1712. * Gafparo Contarini della Republica & Magistrati di Venezia, Lib. V. in 120. Venet. 1650. * Gio. Maria Zilotti del Chiodo di S. Chiara, che Trafiffe i Piedi di Crifto, in 4to. Venet. 1666. * Gio. Thiepolo: Trattato delle Reliquie nella Chie- fa di S. Marco in Venezia, in 4to. Venet. 1617. Jac. Maria Januitius: Bibliotheca Conventus S. S. Joannis & Pauli Venetiarum, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1683. * Promiffio Sereniffimi Venetiarum Ducis Sereniffimo Franciſco Contareno Duce Edita, in 4to. Venet. 16236 Carla Caterina Patina: Pitture Scelte & Dichiarate di Venetia, Padoua, Verona, &c.] in fol. Colon. 1691. * Camillo Contarini: Iftoria della Guerra di Leopol- do primo Imperadore, e del Principi Collegati contro il Tur- co dall'Anno 1683, fino alla Pace, Parte Prima,-Parte Seconda 1710, in 4to. * Vinc. Bianchi: Il parere delli Caratteri ful Manico del Coltello nella Chiefa Ducale di S. Marco in Venezia, in 4to. Venet. 1620. * Ludovico Tefti: Raggioni Fifiche full Aria di Ve- nezia, in 4to. Cologn. 1694. * Nic. Craffi jun. Elogia Patritiorum Venetorum, in 4to. Venet. 1612. * Andræ Mauroceni: Senatoris Præftantiſſimi Vita. * Franc. chief HISTORIANS. 383 * Franc. Zamboni: Difcorfo del Dominio del Mare Adriatico, è Golfo di Venezia, in 4to. Venez. 1676. * Marco Bofchini: Il Navigar Pittorefco, in 4to. Venet. 1660. * Agoſtino [Superbi]: Trionfo d' Heroi Illuftri & Eminenti della Citta di Venezia, Tre Parti, in 4to. Ve- ner. 1629. * Francefco Roffi: La Vita di Gierolamo Foscarini Procuratore di S. Marco, in 4to. Venet. 1629. * Pietro Angelo Zeno: Memorie de' Scrittori Vene- ti Patritii, Ecclefiaftici & Secolari, in 120. Venet. 1662. *Silveftro Rovere: Vita del Sereniff. Principe Silve ftro Valiero Doge di Venetia, in 4to. Venet. 1704. * Agoftino Umicalia: Guerre tra Carlo VI. d'Au- ftria, e Achmet III. Gran Signore de' Turchi, &c. in Svo. Venet. 1724. * Vendramino Bianchi: Iftorica Relazione della Pace di Polarowitz, in Pad. 1719. 4to. * Girol. Ferrari: delle Notizie Iftoriche della Lega delt Imp. Carlo VI. e Venezia contro il Gran Sultano Ach- met III. dall' Anno 1714, fino alla Pace, in 4to. Venez. 1723. *And. Maurocenus: Leonardi Donati Venetiarum Principis Vita, in 4to. Venet. 1628. Of the Cities belonging to the Republick of VENICE. Angelo Portenari della Felicita di Padova, in fel. Padova 1623. Lorenzo Pignoria: Origini di Padova, in 4to. Padova 1625. L'Antenore, in 4to. Pad. 1625. Bernardus Scardeonius de Antiquitate Urbis Patavii, in fol. Bafileæ 1560. A valuable and fcare Book. Albertini 384 A CATALOGUE of the 3 Albertini Muffati: Hiftoria Augufta, & alia Opera quibus Pramiffa funt Chronica Rolandini Monachi Pa- duani, Gerardi Maurifii, Antonii Godii, Nicolai Smeregii, Laurentii de Monachis, & duorum Cartufio. xum de Novitatibus Paduæ, & Lombardiæ, in fol. Ven. 1636. This is rare. Pietro Gerardo Vita, e Gefti d'Ezzelino da Ro- mano III. Tiranno di Padova in Libri IX. in 8vo. Ven. 1544. This Book is tranflated into French. Sertorio Orfato Storia di Padova, in fol. Padova 1678. There is as yet only one Part printed, the other remains ſtill in Manufcript in the Poffeffion of the Fa- mily at Padova. Cronologia de' Reggimenti di Padova, in 4to. Pa- dova 1660. Monumenta Patavina, in fol. Patavii 1652, Jac. Philippi Tomafini: Urbis Patavinæ Infcriptio nes, in 4to. Patavii 1649. Gymnafium Patavinum, in 4to. Útini 1654. Jacobi Salamonii: Agri Patavini, & Urbis Patavii Infcriptiones, in 4to. Patavii, Vol. I. 1696, Vol. II. 1701, Vol. III. in 4to. 1708. Jac. Cavacii Libri VI. Hiftoriarum, Oenobii D. Juftinæ Patavii, in 4to. Ven. 1606, & Patavii 1696. Andrea Nicolio: Storia di Rovigo, in 4to. Verona 1582. Francifci Bruſoni de Origine Urbis Rhodigina Liber primus, in 4to. Tarvifii 1589. Girolamo Ateftino: Storia di Efte, in 4to. Ven. It is tranflated into Latin. Giacomo Marzari: Storia di Vicenza, in 4to. Vi cenza 1604. Franceſco Barberano de Mironi: Storia Ecclefiaftica d Vicenza, in 4to. Vicenza 1649, Vol. 3. Battiſta Pagliarini: Croniche di Vicenza Volgarizzate," in 4to. Vicenza 1665. The Original Latin, in which this chief HISTORIANS. 385 this Piece was wrote, was never printed, and this Tranflation cannot be confided in. Torello Saraina: Storie, e Fatti de' Veronefi nel Tem po de' Signori Scaligeri, in 4to. Verona 1542, & 1586. This fecond Edition is augmented, but the laft was prir.ted in Quarto at Verona in 1649. -- De Origine, & Amplitudine Urbis Veronæ cum Fig. in fol. Veronæ 1540. This Work was tranfla- ted into Italian by Orlando Pefcetti, and may be found at the End of the laſt Edition of Sareina in 1649. Girolamo della Corte: Storia di Verona, in 4to. Verona 1596, 2 Vol. This is rare. Gio. Franc. Tinto: La Nobiltà di Verona, in 4to. Ver. 1592. Onuphrii Panvinii: Antiquitatum Veronenfium Li- bri VIII. in fol. Patavii 1648. Raph. Bagatæ S S. Epifcoporum Veronenfium Antigua Monumenta, in 4to. Venet. 1576. Pauli Scalckii de Genealogia, feu de Antiquiffima Scali- ckiorum gente, five a Scala, ab An. 80. ad An. 1561, in 400. Lodovico Mofcardo: Storia di Verona dall' Origine fua fin al 1668, Verona 1668. Aleffandro Canobbio: Breve Compendio cavato dalla fua Storia di Verona, in 4to. Verona 1598. tà, -Tavola di quanto è Stato Raccolto intorno la Nobil- ti, Antichità, e Fatti di Verona, in 4to. Verona 1587. Maurizio Moro Cronica delle Cofe Notabili di Ve- rona, in 8vo. Verona 1611. Adriano Valerini: Le Bellezze di Verona, in 8vo. Ver. 1586. Ottavio Roffi: Memorie Brefciane, in 4to. Bref- cia 1626. Augmented 1693. Elias Capriolus: Chronica de Rebus Brixianorum Li- bri XII. in fol. Brixiæ. No Year of this Edition is mentioned. Two more Books, viz. the 13th and 14th by the fame Author were printed in Folio at Brefcia, VOL. II. Сс and 386 86 A CATALOGUE of the and are more ſcarce than the others. This was a Tran- flation into Italian at Erefcia, in 4to. 1585; and to it is added a Supplement by Patrick Spini. Leonardo Cozzando: Riftreito Profano, e Sacro deliz Storia Brefciana, in 4to. Breſcia 1694. Gio. Battiſta Nazari: Breſcia Antica, in 4to. Bref- cia 1658. Fulgenzio Rinaldi: Monumenti Storici del Caftello d'Ifeo, in 4to. Breſcia 1685. Bongiani Grattarolo: Storia della Riviera di Salo, in 4to. Brefcia 1599. Lago, Fortezza, e Rocca di Garda, e Gardefara, in 4to. Verona 1679. The Author is Julius dal Pozzo. Domenico Codagli: Storia Orceana, in 4to. Bref cia 1592. Bartolomeo Farina: Bergamo, fua Origine, &c. in 4to. Berg. 1703. Bellafinus de Origine Urbis Bergomi, in 4to. Ven. 1532. P. Celeftino: Storia di Bergamo, in 4to. Bergamo, e Breſcia 1617, & 1618, 3 Vol. 3 Achillis Mutii Theatrum, quo Domorum, Rerum, Virorumque Illuftrium Bergomatum Monimenta referun tur, in 4to. Bergomi 1596. This is an Apocryphal Author. Vincentii Mariæ Coronelli Synopfis Rerum, ac Tem. porum Ecclefie Bergomenfis, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1696. Donato Calvi Efemeridi di Bergamo, in : III. Milano 1676. 410. Tomi Bartholomæus de Peregrinis de Sacra Bergomenfi Vinea, in 4to. Brixiæ 1553. A very fcarce Book. Jo. Chryfoftomus Zanchius de Origine Orobiorum, five Cenomanorum, in 8vo. Ven. 1531. Ven. P. Gregorio, Ragguagli Sacri, e Profani de' Popoli Comuni, Oggi detti della Valcamonica, in 4to. 1698. Pietro chief HISTORIANS. 387 Pietro Paolo Ormanico: Confiderazione ſopra Alcune Memorie della Religione Antica dei Popoli di Valcamonica, in 4to. Erefcia 1639. : Alemani Fino Storia di Crema, in 410. Venezia 1566. Reprinted in 8vo. Crema 1571. And again at Crema in 1711, in 8vo. with two new Bocks, and other Additions. Gio. Bonifacio Storia Trivigiana infino all' Anno 1591, in 4to. Trivigi 1591. Barth. Burchelati Commentarii Memorabiles Multi- plicis Hiftorie Tarvifinæ, in 4to. Tarvifii 1616. Georgio Graziani: La Vera Deferizione della Citta di Ceneda, in 120. Trevigi 1621. Criftoforo Cieco da Forli: Cronica della Marca Tri- vigiana, in 8vo. Ven. 1574. Gir. Bertondelli: Storia della Citta di Feltre, in Ven. 1673. 4to. Antonio dal Corno: Memorie Storiche di Feltre fino all'Anno 1710, in 4to. Ven. 1710. Georgio Piloni Storia di Tutti i Succeſſi della Città di Belluno con Tavole de' Vefcovi, e de' Rettori della Medefima Città, in 4to. Ven. 1607. Gio. Battiſta Barpo: Defcrizione di Cividal di Bel- Juno, e fuo Territorio, in 4to. Belluno 1640. Doglioni Origine di Cividal di Belluno, in 4to. Ven. 1588. Ercole Partenopeo: Defcrizione del Friuli, in 4to. Udine 1604. Henr. Palladii de Olivis Rerum Foro-Julienfium Libri XI. ab orbe Condito ad Annum Chrifti 452, in l. Ucini 1659. Gianfrancefco Palladio: Storie della Provincia del Fri- dal 452, al 1658, in fol. Udine 1660. Tom. Cc 2 Fauftino 388 A CATALOGUE of the Fauftino Moifeffo: Storia dell'Ultima Guerra del Friuli Libri due, in 4to. Ven. 1623. With two Maps of the Country. Jo. Candidus: Commentarii Aquilejenfes, in fol. Ven. 1521. Tranflated into Italian, in 8vo. Ven. 1544. Giangiuſeppe Capodagli: Udine Illuftrata, in 40. Ven. 1666. One Part only printed. Antonio Lupis: Memorie infigni della Moita, in 4to. Ven. 1677. Ifchia: Storia di Goritia, in 4to. Udine 1684. Ireneo della Croce: Storia della Città di Trieste, in fol. Ven. 1698. Janus Pyrrhus de Geftis Ducum Tridentinorum, de Origine Urbis Tridentinæ, & de Appellatione, & tranfun Alpium, & de Confinibus Italiæ, in fol. Mantuc 1546. Michiel-Angelo Mariani: Storia di Trento, in 4to. Trento 1673. Theſe three laft Cities are not fubjec to the Venetian Government, but Neighbours only. Niccolo Manzuoli: Nuova Defcrizione della Provin cia dell'Iftria, in 8vo. Ven. 1611. Piero Copo: Sito dell' Iftria, in 4to. Venezia. They who fancy this Author a Venetian, are miſtaken, as he was of Ifola, a Village in Iftria. Paolo Naldini: Corografia, ò fia Defcrizione della Cita tà, e della Diocese di Giuftinopoli, detto Volgarmenië Capo d'Istria, in 4to. Venezia 1700. Antonii Deville: Defcriptio Portus, & Urbis Pole, 4to. Ven. 1633. Palladius Pufcus: De futu Ora Illyrici, in 4to. 1540. Roma Mauro Orbini: Il Regno degli Slavi, oggi Corrotta mente detti Schiavoni, dalla loro Origine, infino all' Ant 1370, in fol. Pefaro 1601. Jo. Lucii de Regno Daimatiæ, & Croatia Libri VI a Gentis Origine ad An. 1480, in fol. Amftelod. 1666 Minuci chief HISTORIANS. 3 8 9 Minucio Minucci: Storia degli Ufcocchi co i Progreffi di quella gente fino all' Anno 1602, in 4to. Venezia 1616. This Hiftory of the Ufcocchi was tranflated in- to French by Mr. Amelot de la Houffaye, and printed at Parts; to it have been made an Addition and Suppis- ment down to the Year 1616, in 4to. Venet. 1616. Polper Urbani: Difesa della Repubblica di Venezia contra le Oppofizioni di Emanuel Tordefiglia in Materia degli Ufcocchi, in 4to. Gio. Lucio: Memorie Iftoriche di Tragurio, ora det- to Trau, in 4to. Ven. 1673. To which are added the Infcriptiones Dalmaticæ. Andrea Marmora Storia di Corfu, in 4to. Ven. 1572. Andrea Morofini: Corfi di penna ſopra l'Ifola della Cefalonia, in 4to. Ven. 1628. Lucari: Annali di Ragula, in 4to. Venezia 1605. This is a Republick, and has its own Government. Stefano Lufignano: Corografia dell' Ifole di Cipro dal Principio all Anno 1572, in 4to. Bologna 1573. Enrico Giblet Cavalier: Storie de' Rè Lufignani, in 4to. Bologna 1647. The Author was John Francis, (not Peter, as Mr. Fresnoy fays) Loredano, a Fenetian Nobleman. *Jac. Phil. Tomafini T. Livius Patavinus Illuftra- tus, &c. in 120. Patav. 1630. * Giacomo Zabarella: Tito Livio Padovano, in 4to. Pad. 1669. * Jac. Phil. Tomafini Parnaffus Euganeus, in 4to: Pat. 1647. *Car. Patini Lyceum Patavinum, &c. in 4to. Pa- tav. 1682. *Joan. Gratiani Thermarum Patavinarum Ex- men, cui Acceffit Differtatio de Fonte Lalio Acido Recoba- nii, in 8vo. Patav. 1701. *Val. Polidoro : Le Religiofe Memorie della Chiefa di S. Antonio Confeſſore, in 4to. Venet. 1590. C c 3 * Sertorio 390 A CATALOGUE of the * Sertorio Orfato: Le Grandezze di S. Antonio di Padova, in 4to. Pad. 1653. * Pietro Saviolo: Arca del Santo di Padova, in 4to. Pad. 1653. *Thefaurus Urbis Paduane, Vocatus S. Mons Pietatis, & Monumenta in Delubro S. Antonii eruta, in 4to. Patav. 1682. * Confagratione di 32 Vergini nella Chiefa di S. Stefa no di Padova, 11 Settembre 1616, in 4to. Padova 1616. * Giuſeppe Betuffi: Defcrizione del Catajo luogo dei Marchefe Obizzi 1572, con l'Aggiunta del Conte Berni, &c. in 4to. Ferrara 1669. Marco Bofchini: Indice di Tutte le Pitture Pub. bliche nella Citta di Vicenza, in 120. Venet. 1677. * Scipione Maffei dell' Antica Conditione di Verona Ricerca Iftorica, in 8vo. Venez. 1719. * Bartolomeo Pozzo: Le Vite dei Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Veroneſi, con Aggiunta delle Pitture di Ve- rona, in 4to. Veron. 1718. * Gio. Battifta Lanceni: Ricreazione Pittorica, òfia Notizia della Pitture nelle Chiefe, &c. di Verona, Tom. II. in 120. Verona 1720. * Ventura Minardus de Balneis Calderii in Agro Ve- ronenfi, eorumque Antiquitate, &c. in 8vo. Venet. & Veron. 1689. : *Joan. Pierii Valeriani Bellunenfis Antiquitatum Bellunenfium Sermones Quatuor, in 8vo. Venet. 1620. * Domenico Vettorazzi: Grand' Hofpitale di Trevi- gi, detto S. Maria di Banuti, Defcritto, in 4to. Trevigi 1681. * Antonio del Corno: Memorie Iftoriche di Feltre, in 4to. Venez. 1710. * Bernardini Fayni: Gloria Brixiæ, Calum Sanela Brixianæ Ecclefiæ, &c. in 4to. Brix. 1658. * Guil. chief HISTORIANS. 391 Guil. Anton. Averoldo: Le Scelte Pitture di Bref- cia Additate al Foraftiere, in 4to. Brefcia 1700. At the End are feveral antient Marbles and Infcriptions. * Ambrofio Geroldi: Efpofitione del Marmo di Vit- tore Mauro, ed Alcuni altri Marmi Antichi, in 120. Brefcia 1688. * Maria Muzio Sacra Iftoria di Bergamo, Divifa in are Parti, in 4to. Milano 1719. * Jacopo Grandi: Lettera di S. Maura, e la Prevesa, in 120. Venez. 1686. * Girol. Bruffoni: Hiftoria dell' Ultima Guerra tra Veneziani e Turchi, &c. dall' Anno 1644, fino al 1671, in 410. Venet. - Bolog. 1674, in 4to. * Gio. Batt. Tramontin: Compendiofa Narrativa di Padova Esposta in 17 Figure in Rame, &c. in 8vo. Venezia 1706. * Nicolai Commeni Papadopoli Hiftoria Gymnafii Patavini cum Auctario de Claris Profefforibus & Alumnis, in fol. Ven. 1726, 2 Vol. Hiftorians of MILAN. Andreæ Affaraci: Chronicon Rerum Mediolanenfi- um, in fol. Mediolani 1616. : Georgii Merule Antiquitates Vicecomitum Medio- lanenfium, Libri X. in fol. Mediol. 1630. Scipione Barbuo: Sommario delle Vite dei Duchi di Milano, in fol. Ven. 1584. Bernardino Corio: Storia di Milano, in fol. Milano 1503, and in 410. Ven. 1646, and 1554, and 1565. I have taken Notice here of the beſt Editions of this valuable Author; but the firft is the beft and moft compleat. * Jufti Vicecomitis pro Bernardino Corio Mediol. Hift. Differtatio, in 8vo. Bergom. 1712. Cct Joi 392 A CATALOGUE of the Jo. Simonetta De Rebus Geftis Francifci Sfortia, in fol. Mediol. 1486. This Book is valuable, and very fcarce, and the Author notwithstanding the great Services done to Duke Francis Sforza, could not obtain his Brother's Life from Lovis, Son of that Prince, which gave Occafion to the following Epi- gram. Cur Fitam in paucos fratri non impetrat Annos, In multos patri quam dedit ipfe tuo? Triftani Calchi Hiftoria Patria Lib. XX. in fol. Mediol. 1628. Ejufdem Refidua Hiftorie Patria, in fol. Mediol. 1644. It is inferted in the Second Volume of the Collection made by Grævius. Jofephi Ripamontii Hiftoria Mediolanenfis, in fol. Mediol. 1648, 5 Vol. Hiftoria Ecclefie Mediolanenfis, in 4to. Mediolani 1617. 1625, and 1628, 3 Vol. This Author is very much efteemed for the Purity of his Style, as a happy Imitator of Livy and Cafar. He is alfo to be found in the Second Volume of the Collection made by Gravins. Ericii Puteani Hiftoria Cifalpine Libri II. in 4. Lovanii 1614. Andreæ Alciati Rerum Patria Libri IV. in 8vo. Mediol. 1625. Donatus Boffius de Epifcopis, & Archiepifcopis Mediolanenfibus, in fol. Médiol. 1493. Jo. Petri Puricelli Monumenta Ambrofianæ Bafili- cæ, in fol. Mediol. 1645. Placido Puricelli: Memorie Antiche di Milano, in 4to. Milano 1650.: Jo. Antonii Caftellionæi Antiquitates Mediolanen fes, in 4to. Mediolani 1625. In the Third Volume of Gravius's Collection. Bugati : chief HISTORIANS. 393 Bugati: Aggiunta alla Storia di Milano, in 4to. Milano 1587. Paolo Morigia Storia di Milano, in 4to. Ven. 1592. Nobiltà di Milano con l'Aggiunta di Girolamo Bor- fieri, in 8vo. Milano 1619. La Nobiltà di Milano, in 4to. Milano 1595. And again with a Supplement by Borfieri, in 8vo. Milan. 1619. Pauli Jovii Vite Duodecim Vicecomitum Principum Mediolani, in 4to. Paris 1549. Vite dei Dodici Viſconti, in 4to. Milano 1645. Galeatius Capella De Rebus Geftis Francifci Sfortia II. Ducis Mediolani, in 4to. Ven. 1535. It was tranſlated into Italian, and printed in Quarto by Giolito in 1539. *Ant. Campo: Hiftoria delle Vite de Duchi e Du- cheffe di Milano, in 4to. Milan. 1642. *Gio. Franc. Bezozzo: Hiftoria Ponteficale di Mi- lano, in 8vo. Milano 1623. * Agostino Sant' Agoftini: Catalogo delle Pitture in- figni in Milano, e la Certosa di Pavia, in 240. Milano 167 * Carlo Torre: Il Ritratto di Milano Divifo in tre Libri, in 4to. Milano 1674, and with Additions in Quarto 1714. *Pietro Franc. Scarabelli: Muſeo ò Galleria del ſigni Canonico Manfredo Settala, in 4to. Tortona 1666. * Filippo Picinelli: Ateneo dei Letterati Milanefi, in 4to. Milan. 1670. * Galeazzo Gualdo: Relatione della Città e Stato di Milano, in 4to. Milano 1666. * Paolo Morigi: Il Duomo di Milano Defcritto, in 120. Milano 1642. *Piet. Franc. Nava: Ragguaglio del Duomo di Mi- Jano, in 120. Milan. 1723. * Petrus 394 A CATALOGUE of the * Petrus Paulus Bofcha de Origine & Statu Bibliothe ca Ambrofianæ, in 4to. Mediolani 1672. * De Serpente Enco Ambrofiane Bafilicæ Medi- olani Micrologus, in 8vo. Mediolan. 1675. * Jufti Fontanini Differtatio de Corona Ferrea Langobardorum, in 4to. Romæ 1717. * Paulus Jovius: Larii [Lago di Como] Lacus De- fcriptio, in 4to. Venet. 1559. Carolus a Bafilica Petri De Metropoli Mediola- nenfi, in 120. Med. 1596. ж * Erycius Puteanus de Rhetorica & Scholis Palatinis Mediolanenfibus, in 120. Mediol. 1603. * Placido Pucinelli: Il Zodiaco della Chiefa Mila nefe, in 4to. Mil. 1650. * Cronica Abbatum S. S. Petri & Pauli de Glaxiate, in 410. Med. 1655. Gio. Gud. Vagliano: Ceter. delle Vite, &c. Degli Arcivescovi di Milano di S. Barnaba, fino al Governo prefente, in 4to. Milano 1715. Hiftorians of the MILANESE, * Franc. Maria Pirogallo: La Pavia Liberata dall' Affedio nell' Anno MDCLV, in 4to. Pavia 1656. Aurelio Corbellini: Vite de Vefcovi di Vercelli, in 4to. Milan. 1643• ж * Spirito Rainaudo: Racconto de' Bagni di Vinaglio, in 8vo. Milan. 168.. Ant. Campo: Iftoria di Cremona, con le Vite del Du- chi, e Duchaffe di Milano, in 4to. Milano 1645, and in fol. Cremona in Cafa dell' Autore 1585. The Editi on in Folio is very rare, and no lefs valuable for the Prints engraved by Agoflino Caracci, a moſt celebrated Painter of Bologna. Ludovici Cavitelli: Annales Crernonenfes, in 4to. Cremona 1588. Clemente chief HISTORIANS. 395 Clemente Fiammemo: Iftoria di Caftelleone, infigne Caftello nella Diocesi di Cremona, in 4to. Cremona 1636. Bern. Sacci de Italicarum Rerum Varietate, & Ele- gantia Lib. X. in quibus præcipui de Ticini Urbis pri- mordiis, ac de Ticinenfium Rebus Geftis, in 4to. Ticini 1587. Ant. Gatti Gymnafii Ticinenfis, Hiftoria, in 8vo. Mediol. 1704. X Jufti Vice Comitis Colon. Ticin. Roman. Comment. adverfus Gattum, in 8vo. Bergomi 1712. Stefano Breventano: Iftoria dell Antichità Nobiltà, e delle Cofe Notabili della Città di Pavia, in 4to. Pavia 1570. Romualdus a S. Maria: Papia Sacra, in fol. Ticini 1699. Antonio Maria Spelta: Vite de' Vefcovi di Pavia, in 410. Pavia 1597, Aggionta alla fudetta Iftoria, in 4to. Pavia 1602. Benedicti Jovii Novocomensis Hiftoria Patrie Libri duo, in 4to. Ven. 1629. Francefco Ballarini: Compendio delle Croniche di Como, in 4to. Como 1619. Tommaſo Porcacchi: La Nobiltà di Como, in 4to. Ven. 1569. Primo Luigi Tatti: Annali Sacri di Como. Deca Prima e Seconda, in 4to. Como 1673, and 1683. Niccolo Montemerlo: Storia di Tortona, in 4to. Torcona 1618. Otho, & Acerbus Morena: Hiftoria Rerum Lau- denfium, in 4to. Ven. 1629. Giambattista Villanova: Iftoria di Lodi, in 4to. Padova 1657. * Giovanni Bonanome: La Riviera del Lario Def critta, in 120. Como 1668. Defendente Lodi: Difcorfi Iftorici intorno la Città di Lodi, in 4to. Lodi 1629. Lazari 396 A CATALOGUE of the Lazari Auguftini Cotte Verbani Lacus, Locorum. que Adjacentium Chorographica Defcriptio, in 4to. Medio- lani 1699. The Author of this Work has taken on him the Name of Statius Trugo, a Catalonian. Giangiuſeppe Vagliano: Le Rive del Verbano, in 120. Milano 1612. Paolo Morigia Iftoria della Nobiltà del Lago Mag giore, in 8vo. Mil. 1603. Cefare Tettamanzzo: Storia del Sacro Monte Sopra Varefe, in 8vo. Milano 1614. Emanuello Lodi: Breve Storia delle Cofe Memorabili di Trevi, in fol. Milano 1647. -Storia di Meda, in 4to. Milano 1629. Defcriptio Urbis, ac Diacefis Novariæ, in 4to. 1623. Some of thefe Hiftorians are alſo preferved in the Se- cond and Third Volumes of the Antiquities of Italy by Gravius. Hiftorians of NAPLES. Theatrum Civitatum, nec non Admirandorum Neapo- lis, & Siciliæ Regnorum, in fol. Amftel. forma At- lantica. Angelo di Coſtanzo: Storia del Regno di Napoli, in fol. Aquila 1582. This Edition is printed in Quarto, has twelve new Books, not in the firſt of 1572. The Author ſpent fifty-three Years in the Writing it, and Collenuzzi frequently tranfcribes him. Jo. Albini de Geftis Regum Neapolitanorum ab Ar- ragonia Lib. IV. in 4to. Neapoli 1588. Felini Sandei Epitome de Regibus Siciliæ, & Apuliæ, in 4to. Hanoviæ 1611. De Regibus Siciliæ, & Apuliæ, in 4to. Romæ 1625. Giovanni chief HISTORIANS. 397 Giovanni Villano: Croniche di Napoli 1526. This Author is different from his Names fake a Florentine, and this Book was reprinted in Quarto 1680. Bart. Facius: De Rebus Geftis ab Alphonfo I. Nea- politano Rege, in 4to. Lugduni 1560, & 1562. The aft Edition of this efteemed Book is much better and larger than that of Mantova in 1563. Giambattista Caraffa: Storia del Regno di Napoli, in 4. Napoli 1580. Never more than one Part was printed. Antonii Surgentis Neapolis Illuftrata, in fol. Neapoli 1605. Here is a good Account of the Ma- giftrates, the Antient and Modern of the City of Naples. Scipione Mazzella: Defcrizione del Regno di Napoli, in 4to. Napoli 1601. This is a curious and valuable Work. Le Vite de i Rè di Napoli, in 4to. Napoli 1594. Pandulfi Collenutii Hiftoria Neapolitane Libri VI. in 4to. Bafileæ 1572. This was printed firſt in Ita- Lian at Venice in 1551, in Quarto, by the Tranflator Nicholas Stupano. He is fomething too much Attach- ed to Blondes, otherwife a Man admirably verfed in the Study of Antiquity and Infcriptions. Pandolfo Collenuccio: Compendio della Storia del Regno di Napoli con le Annotazioni di Tommaſo Coſto, in 4to. Ven. 1613. Mambrino Rofeo: Compendio della Storia del Regno di Napoli Parte 2. che Seguita la Parte Prima del Col- lenuccio con le Annotazioni di Tommafo Cofto, e col Libro Settimo di Colanello Paca, in 4to. Ven. 1613. Tommaso Cofto: Compendio della Storia del Regno di Napoli parte Terza, che Seguita la 1 & 2. del Collenuc- cio, e del Rofeo, in 4to. Venezia 1613. Apologia Iftorica del Regno di Napoli, in 4to. Na- poli 1613. in Cornelio Vitignano: Cronica del Regno di Napoli, 4to. Nap. 1595. Julis 398 A CATALOGUE of the Julii Cefaris Capacii Hiftoria Neapolitana, in 4to, 1607. The true Author of this Book is Fabius Gordiani, not Capaccio, who only tranflated it into La- tin. Giulio Cefare Capaccio: Il Foraftiero, in 4to. Na- poli 1634. Michael Ritius de Regibus Neapolis, & Siciliæ, in fol. Bafil. 1617. Antiqui Chronologi quatuor Hiftoria Neapolitana, Editi ab Antonio Caracciolo, in 4to. Neapoli 1626. B. I. Hiftoire de l'Origine du Royaume de Sicile & de Naples, in 120. Paris 1701. This Piece reaches to the Year 1700. Franceſco de Pietri: Storia Napoletana, in fol. Na- poli 1634. A very fcarce Book, though we have but one Part. Matthieu Turpin: Hiftoire de Naple & de Sicile depuis l'An. 1127, juſqu' es 1559, in fol. Paris 1640. Gianantonio Summonte: Storia della Città, e Regno di Napoli, in 4to. Napoli 1601, & 1634, Vol. 4. & 1676. Tom. V Vol. 4 The firft Edition is the beft, though the laft is fulleft, and prohibited by the Inquifition at Rome. Ottavio Beltramo: Defcrizione del Regno di Napoli, in 4to. Napoli 1644. Jo. Joviani Pontani Hiftoria Neapolitane Libri VI. ab Anno 1458, ad An. 1494, in 8vo. Roterdami. 1617. This may be met with alfo in the Third Vo lume of the Works of Pontanus, and tranflated into Italian in Octavo, Ven. 1544, and Quarto, Napol. 1590. Camillo Portio: Congiura de Baroni del Regno di Napoli contra Ferdinando I. dopo l'Anno 1480, infino al 1487, in 4to. Roma 1565. And reprinted in 1724, in Twelves, was alfo tranflated into French. Enrico Bacco Defcrizione del Regno di Napoli am- pliata da Cefare Eugenio, in 8vo. Napoli 1618. Francefco chief HISTORIANS. 399 Francefco Capecelatro Storia di Napoli, in 4to. Napcl. 1640. A very fcarce Book, of which we have only the firft Part. : Agoftino Nicolai Storia della Rivoluzioni di Na- poli, in 8vo. Amfterdamo 1660. Gregorio Roffo: Storia delle Cofe di Napoli dal 1526, al 1537, in 4to. Napoli 1635. Gregorio Leti: Vita del Duca d'Offuna, 3 Vol. in 120. Hiftoire du Duc d'Offone, in 120. Amfterd. 1699, 3 Vol. Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato: Hiftoires des Revolutions, & Mouvemens de Naples en 1647, & 1648, in 4to. Parif. 1654. Memoires de M. le Duc de Guife, in 4to. and in 120. Parif. 1668. Gabriel Tontoli: 1648. Maffaniello, in 4to. Napoli Nicolai Parthenii Giannettafii Hiftoria Neapolitana, Tom. II. in 4to. Neapoli 1713. Antonio Bulifon: Cronicamerone, Ovvero Annali, e Giornali Storici delle Cofe accadute nella Città, e nel Reg- e di Napoli, in 120. Napoli 1690. 00 Compendio delle Vite dei Rè di Napoli, in 120. Napol. 1688. Cefare d'Eugenio Caracciolo: Napoli Sacra, in 4to. Napol. 1624. Carlo de Lellis Supplemento alla Napoli Sacra del Suddetto, in 4to. Napoli 1654. Antonius Caracciolus de Sacris Ecclefie Neapolitane Monumentis, in fol. Neapoli 1645. Bartholomæus Chioccarellus: Antiftitum Neapoli- tanæ Ecclefie Catalogus, in fol. Neapoli 1643. Gio. Tarcagnota: Sito e Lodi della Città di Napoli, in Svo. Napoli 1566. Aleffandro Giraffi: Le Rivoluzioni di Napoli, in quo. Ven. 1648, & Ferrara 1796, in 120. * Niccolo 400 1 A CATALOGUE of the * Niccolo Dati: Frammenti Storiali del Tribunale del la Real Camera di Napoli, in 4to. Nap. 1693. * Girolamo Maria di S. Anna della Antica Cattolica Religione, e Chiariſſima Nobiltà della Fedeliffima Città di Napoli Difcorfo, in 4to. Nap. 1707. * Camillo Tutini dell'Origine e Fondatione de Seggi di Napoli, in 4to. Nap. 1644. * Nomi delle Provincie, Città, Terre, & Caftelli, Ar- civescovati & Vefcovati nel Regno di Napoli, in 120, Nap. 1579. Pietro Lafena dell'Antico Ginnafio Napoletano, in 4to. 1641. * Giovanbattiſta Pujadies: Memoriale Iftorica dell Entrata dell' Armi Auftriache nell' Anno 1707, in 120. Nap. 1708. *Dom. Ant. Parrino: Memorie dell'Entrata delle Truppe Cefaree nel Regno di Napoli, in 120. Nap. 1708. * De Governi de' Vice Re di Napoli, 3 Vol. in 120. Nap. 1692. * Vincenzio Lodi: Il Compendio Iftorico de' Re di Napoli, in izo. Vienn. Auftr. 1704. * Benedetto di Falco: Defcrittione de' i Luoghi An- tichi di Napoli, e del fuo Ameniffimo Diftretto, in 120. Napoli 1568. And reprinted in Quarto, Nap. 1680. * Pompeo Sarnelli: La Vera Guida de' Foraftieri di Napoli, in 120. 1685. Augmented in 1697, and printed in 1713, miferably mangled, and without the Prints. * Pietro di Stefano: Defcrittione de i Luoghi Sacri della Città di Napoli, in 4to. Nap. 1560. * Carlo Celano: Notitie del Bello, dell' Antico, e del Curiofo della Città di Napoli, in 120. Nap. 1692. Se- veral fmall Volumes. * Dom. Ant. Parrino: Napoli Città Nobiliffima, Antica, e Fedeliffima, in 120. Nap. 1700. 1 : * Jo chief HISTORIANS. 401 * Jo. Bapt. Sagefius: Conftitutiones, & Statuta Capi- tuli Neapolitani fub Annis 1534, & 1662, in 240. Neap. 1662. * Autographus Tabelleæ Sacrarum Reliquiarum Cathe- dralis Neapolitani, in 120. Neap. 1709. * Giulio Cefare Averfano: La Fondatione della Chie- di S. Anna de' Lombardi di Napoli, in 4to. Neap. 1626. * Cipriano di Gregorio: La Cifterna difcoperta della famofa Lapida ne' Chioftri di S. Domenico Maggiore in Napoli, in 4to. Nap. 1668. * Pompeo Sarnelli: Il Filo d'Arianna contro alla Ci- fterna Difcoperta, &c. in 4to. Nap. 1672. * Nic. Topius de Origine omnium Tribunalium nunc in Caftro Capuano Neapolis, in 4to. Neap. 1655. * Francifcus de Magiftris: Status Ecclefiæ Civitatis Neapolitanæ in duas Partes divifus, in fol. Neap. 1670. And again with the Addition of an Index, and new Frontispiece in 1678. In Hiftorians of the Kingdom of NAPLES. Salvadore Maffonio: Origine della Città de Aquila, 40. Aquila 1594. There is an Addition made of the Lives of the Learned Men of this City. Bernardi Cirillo: Annali della Città di Aquila, in 4to. Roma 1570. Ambrofii Leonis de Nola Opufculum, in fol. Ven. 1514, and in the Italia Illuftrata by Scoto. Julii Cæfaris Capacii Puteolana Hiftoria, in 4to. Neapol. 1604. -Vera Antichita di Pozzuolo, in 8vo. Napoli 1607-1657, in 8vo. Giuſeppe Mormile: Antichità di Napoli, e di Poż◄ zuolo, in 8vo. Napoli 1625. VOL. II. D d Scipione 402 A CATALOGUE of the Scipione Mazzella: Antichità di Pozzuolo, in Sv. Napoli 1595, & 1606. Sebaftiano Bortolo: Ragguaglio de' Bagni di Poz zuolo, in 4to. Napoli 1667. Mutii Phobonii Hiftoria Marforum, & Eorum Epifcopi, in 4to. Napoli 1678. This is a learned and curious Piece. Girolamo Marafiotti: Croniche, ed Antichità di Calabria, in 4to. Padova 1601. Gabrielis Barii de Antiquitate, & fuu Calabriæ Libri V. in 8vo. Romæ 1571. This is printed in the Italia Illuftrata. Camillo Pellegrino: Antichità di Capova, in 4to. Napoli 1651. A very uncommon Book. Pauli Antoni de Tarfia Hiftorix Cuperfanenfes, in 4to. Mantuæ Carpetanorum 1649. Giambattista Perfico: Defcrizione della Città di Maſſa Lubrenfe, in 4to. Napoli 1646. Gianvicenzo Ciarlanti: Memorie Iftoriche del Sannio, in fol. Ifcernia 1644. Jo. Juvenis De Antiquitate, & varia Tarentinorum Fortuna, in fol. Neapoli 1589. Girolamo Nicolino: Iftoria di Chieti, in 4to. Napoli 1657. This is not the Work of him, whofe Name it bears, but of Sinibado Baroncini, though the Editor has altered and inferted many of his own Whims againſt ſeveral Noble Neapolitan Families, as Toppi aflerts in his Bibliotheca. Giambattista di Nola Molifi: Cronica di Crotone, in 4to. Napoli 1649. Antonio Beatillo: Storia di Bari, in 4to. Napoli 1637. Bernardo Clavelli: Antica Arpino, in 4to. Napoli 1623. Antonii Mazzæ Hiftoriarum Epitome de Rebus Salernitanis, in 4to. Neapoli 1681. Antonio chief HISTORIANS. 403 Antonio Ricchi: La Reggia de' Volfci, in 4to. Napoli 1713. Lodovico Paglia: Storia della Città di Giovenazzo, in 4to. Napoli 1700. Jofephi Bifogni Hipponii Hiftoria in 4to. Neapoli 1710. Tommafo Cofto: Storia dell' Origine del Luogo di Monte-Vergine, in 4to. Ven. 1591. Jacopo Gordiano: Croniche di Monte-Vergine, in fol. Napoli 1649. Domenico Majone, Defcrizione della Città di Somma, o. Napoli 1703. Giacomo Antonio del Monaco: Lettera intorno all' Antica Colonia di Grumento, oggi detta la Saponara, in 40. Napoli 1713. Buonaventura Tauleri: Memorie Storiche dell'Antica Citta d' Atina, in 4to. Napoli 1702. Peregrino Sgardino: Difcorfo intorno all'Antichità, fito di Lecce, in 4to. Bari 1607. Giulio Cefare Infantino: Lecce Sacra, in 4to. Lecce 1634- Pietro Roffetto: Defcrizione delle Cofe di Gaeta, in 8vo. Napoli 1673. Franc. Maria de Afte: Epitome de Memorabilibus Hydruntinæ Ecclefie, in 8vo. Beneventi 1700. Antonio Galateo: Storia d' Otranto. Antonius Maffa De Origine & Rebus Falifcorum, in 4to. Romæ 1546. Cefare Molegnano: Defcrizione dell'Origine, Sito, Famiglie Antiche della Citta di Sorrento, in 4to. Chie i 1607. Gio. Paolo Matthia Caftrucci: Defirizi ne d'A'- to, in 8vo. Roma 1633, & 1686. Girolamo Sambiafi: Ragguaglio di Ccfenza, in 8vo. Napoli 1639. Ddz Herculis 404 A CATALOGUE of the Herculis Ciofani Antiquiffima, & Nobiliffima Vi. bis Sulmonis Defcriptio, in 8vo. Aquile 1578. Lucii Camarræ de Theate Antiquo Libri tres, in Romæ 1651. 4to. Lucio Sacco L'Antichiffima Setia Pometia, in 4to.) Napoli 1633 and 1640. Marci Antonii Lucchitti Corfinii quondam Peligno. rum Metropolis, brevis Elucidatio, in 4to. Sulmone 1583. Ottaviano Melchiori: La Defcrizione dell' Antichif fima Citta di Cajazza, in 4to. Napoli 1619. Scipione Bellabona: Ragguagli delle Città d' Avelli no, in 4to. Trani 1656. Vincenzo d' Amato: Memorie Iftoriche della Città di Cantazaro, in 4to. Napoli 1670. Andrea della Monaca: Memoria Iftorica della Città di Brindifi, in 4to. Lecce 1674. Pompeo Sarnelli: Cronologia de' Vefcovi, & Arci- vefcovi Sipontini colle Notizie Storiche della Vecchia, e Nuova Siponto, in 4to. Manfredonia 1680. * Cœleftini Guiccardini: Monachi Cæleftini Mercu rius Campanus, in 120. Neap. 1667. * Gio. Battiſta Pacichelli: Il Regno di Napoli in Profpettiva, 3 Vol. in 4to. Nap. 1703. Sebaftianus Bartolo: Hiftoria Naturalis Therma rum inter Panfilipum & Mifenum Scatentium, in Sw Neap. 1679. Pozzol *Pompeo Sarnelli: Guida de Forastieri per Baia, Mifeno, Cuma, c. in 120. Nap. 1685, 1697 1702. * Giulio Cefare Capaccio: La Vera Antichità Pozzuolo Defcritta, in 8vo. Roma 1652. *Dom. Ant. Parrino: Nuova Guida de Forastier per Pozzuoli, in 120. Nap. 1709. In Dr. Conner's Treatife De Antris Lethiferis, Oxon 1695, in 8vo. is an Account of the Grotta del Cane. * Antonio chief HISTORIANS. 405 * Antonio Bulifon : Ragionamento intorno ad un An- tico Marmo Difcoverto l'Anno 1693, nella Citta di Pozzuoli, in 120. Nap. 1698, 1701. * Giovanni Fiore: La Calabria Illuftrata, in fol. Nap. 1691. * Agoſtino Pafcale: Racconto del Sacco di Capova fa 24 di Luglio 1501, in 120. Nap. 1682. *Michael Monachus: Sanctuarium Capuarum, in 9:10 Sacra Res Capua continentur, in 4to. Neap. 1630. *Gio. Pietro Pafcale: Iftoria della Chiefa di S. Maria Maggiore in Capova, in 4to. Nâp. 1666. * Marius de Vipera : Chronologia Epifcoporum & Ar- chiepifcoporum Ecclefia Beneventanæ, in 4to. Neap. 1636. X Pompeo Sarnelli: Memorie Cronologiche de' Vefcovi ed Arcivescovi di Benevento, in 4to. Nap. 1691. * Franceſco de Franchi: Avellino Illuſtrato da' Santi e da Santuari, in 4to. Nap. 1709. * Gio. Paolo Matthia Caftrucci: Defcrittione del Ducato d'Alvito nel Regno di Napoli in Campagna Felice 2 Parti, in 8vo. Roma 1633.- Napoli 1686. * Agnello Polverino: Defcrizione Iftorica della Città di Cava, Libri V. Parte 1. in 120. Nap. 1716. Parte Seconda da Domenico Rofelli, in 120. Nap. 1717. * Franc. Balzano: L'Antica Ercolano, ovvero la Torre del Greco defcritta in Libri III. in 4to. Nap. 1688. * Lodovico Paglia: Iftoria della Città di Giovenazzo, in 410. Nap. 1700. * Antonius Galateus: I. De Situ Japygiæ. II. De- fcriptio Urbis Callipolis. III. De Villa Laurentii Vallæ, &c. in 120. Bafil. 1558. *Luigi Taffelli: Antichità di Lecca Città nel Capo Salentino, in 4to. Lecce 1693. * Andrea Ferraro: Del Cemeterio Nolano, con le Vite di alcuni Santi, che vi furono Sepelliti, in 470. Nap. 1644. D d 3 * Jofephus 406 A CATALOGUE of the ж Jofephus Capialbus: Montis Leonis Geographica Hiftoria, in 4to. Neap. 1659. * Francefco Lombardi: Notitie Iftoriche della Città e Vefcovi di Molfetta, in 4to. Nap. 1703. * Gio. Battifia di Palo: Defcrittione della Terra di Palo Parti due, in 4to. Nap. 1681. * Giacinto Gimma: Elogi Accademici della Società degli Spenfierati di Roffano, 2 Vol. in 4to. Nap. 1703. Pauli Emili Sanctorii Hiftoria Monafterii Carbo- nenfis Ordinis S. Bafilii, in 8vo. Rom. 1601. * Mariano Rende: Cronistoria del Moniftero e Chiefa di S. Maria del Patire, dell'Ordine di S. Batilo, in 8v. Nap. 1717. *Amatus Maftrullus: Il Sagro Tempio di Monte Vergine, in 4to. Nap. 1663. * Bernardo Conti: Ifloria del Sagro Monte del Vallo di Novi de Monaci Celeftini, in 120. Nap. 1718. * Giulio Jafolino De Rimedi Naturali nell' Ifola d' Ifchia, in 4to. Nap. 1588. Reprinted Nap. 1688, in 410. * Joan. Jacchettus: Apulia Terra motus An. 1627 Deploratio, in 4to. Rom. 1632. * Pompeo Sarnelli: Memorie del Collegio di S. Spirito in Benevento, in 4to. Nap. 1688. * Bafilio Gianelli: Difcorfo nel quale fi prova, che ! Corpo di S. Bartolomeo Apoftolo ftia in Benevento, in 4to. Benev. 1695. * Gabriel Tontoli: Memorie Diverse Ecclefie Me- tropolitana Sypentina, in 4to. Romæ 1654. * Bart. Maranta: De Aqua Neapolit na in Lucullia- no [viz. Pizzo Falcon:] Scaturienti, 120. Neap. 1681. Michaelis Flori Cladis Epidemic Neapolim De vaftantis Lacrymabilis Laconifmus, in 120. Verone 1661. Petri Antonii Corfignani De Virorum Illuftr. Marforum Liber, &c. necnon Marficane Infcriptiones, in 4to. Romæ 1712. * Jo. chief HISTORIANS. 407 *Jo. Bapt. Cavallarius: De Morbo Epidemiali, qui Nolam & univerfam Campaniam vexavit, in 4to. Neap. 1602. * Philippus Rondininus: Monafterii Sanctæ Mariæ Sanctorum Johannis & Pauli de Cafemario brevis Hiftoria, in 4to. Romæ 1707. * Carlo Tiberii: Relatione del Terre Muoto fucceffo nella Città di Matrice, 7 Ottob. 1639, in 4to. Rom. 1639. * Pietro Giannone; Iftoria Civile del Regno di Na- poli Libri, in 4to. Nap. 1723, in 4to. Vol. IV. Prohibited at Rome by the Inquifition, 1 July 1723. This Book is much valued by all who have any Regard to the publick Liberty againſt the Papal En- croachments, which this Author very justly, and with equal Warmth oppofes, and plainly proves the Monaftick Wealth to be the Caufe of the great Poverty of this Kingdom. The Author was Excommunicated, and his Book prohibited at Rome, while he was obli- ged to retire to the Imperial Court at Pienna, by whom he was not very warmly received, though he fo well defends their Rights. All the Care imagina- ble is taken to fupprefs this Book, and it is already very rare and dear. A Propofal has been lately pub- lifhed for a Tranflation by Captain Ogilvie. Writers on Mount VESUVIUS, commonly called Montagna di SoMMA. *Vinc. Alfar. Crucius: Vefuvius Ardens, 16 Dec. 1631, &c. in 4to. Rom. 1632. in * Anton. Santorelli: Incendia del Monte di Somma, 4to. 163 1.- Nap. 1632. * Gregorii Carafe Opufculum de Novillima Ve- fuvii Conflagratione, in 120. Neap. 1632. D d 4 * Mich. 408 A CATALOGUE of the * Mich. Ang. Maffino: Relatione del Incendio di Vefuvio alli 16 Decembre 1631, in 4to. Neap. 1632. * Salvatoris Varronis Vefuviani Incendii Hiftoria Lib. III, in 4to. Neap. 1634. * Joan. Bapt. Mafculus De Incendio Vefuvii excitato, 17 Kal. Jan. 1631, in 4to, Neap. 1633. * Pietro Caftelli: Incendio del Monte Vefuvio, in 4to. Rom. 1632. * Giulio Cefare Recupito: Avviso dell' Incendio di Vefuvio, in 120. Nap. 1635. * -De Vefuviano Incendio, & de Terra Motu Cala brie Nuntius, in 8va. Rom. 1670. * Jofephus Macrinus: De Vefuvio Opufculum, in 120. Neap. 1693. * Gafpare Paragallo: Iftoria Naturale del Monte Ve fuvio, Lib. II. in 4to. Nap. 1705. * Antonio Bulifon: Compendio Iftorico degli Incendi del Monte Veluvio al Giugno 1698.— Nap. 1698, 1701, in 120. Amongst Dr. Conner's Pieces printed at Oxford 1695, in 8vo. is a Piecé, Entituled, Mons Vefuvius, & Noviffimum ipfius Incendium, quod contigit Anno Ara Salutis 1694. * Athanafius Kircherus De Crucibus Comparfis fopra Veftes hominum poft Ultimum Incendium Vefuvii, in 4to. Rom. 1664. * Gian. Bernardino Giuliani: Trattato del Monte Vefuvio, e di fuoi Incendi, in 4to. Nap. 1632. * Gabriel Naude: Difcours fur les divers Incendies du Mont Vefuve, & particulierement fur le dernier, qui Com- mencà le 16 Decembre 1631. In 8vo. Paris 1631. * Gio. Orlandi: Dell Incendio del Monte di Somma compita Relatione, e di quanto è fucceduto infino ad boggi, in 4to. Nap. 1631. Hiftorians chief HISTORIANS. 499 Hiftorians of SICILY. Philippi Cluverii Sicilia Antiqua, in fol. Ludg. Barev. 1619. Sicularum Rerum Scriptores, in fol. Francof. 1579. Thomæ Fazelli De Rebus Siculis Decades due, in fol. Panormi 1558. This valuable Author may be found in the Italian Illuftrata; was tranflated into Italian by Remigio Fiorentino, in quarto, Ven. 1574, and in Folio, Palermo 1628, which laft Edition is much en- larged with feveral Hiſtorical Facts by Martin Lafarina. Giuſeppe Buonfiglio Storia Siciliana, in 4to. Ve- nezia 1604, and Meffina 1613, Par. 2. A valuable Book, whofe Third Part was printed at Meſſina in quarto, Ven. 1615. Maurolyci Sicanicarum Rerum Compendium, in Mellanæ 1562. 4to. Rocchi Pyrrhi Notitia Sicilienfium Ecclefiarum, in fol. Panormi 1630.-Sub Titulo Siciliæ Sacre, in fol, Panormi 1644, 3 Vol. This Book is very fcarce, and the Second Edition of it is the largeſt and beft: At Rome it was Prohibited, as many think, becauſe it oppoſed the Devotion paid towards the pretended Letter of the Virgin Mary to the City of Meſſina, which is mentioned in Page of the firſt Volume of this Work, and which is maintained, as if it were pro Aris & Focis, by the Citizens of Meffina. Giuſeppe Carnevale Storia, e Defcrizione di Sicilia, in 4to. Napoli 1651. Hugo Falcandus: Hiftoria de Rebus Geftis in Sicilie Regno, in 4to. Paris 1550. Georgius Gualterus: Siciliæ, objacentium Infula- *km, & Bruttiorum Antique Tabule cum Notis, in 4to, Meffanæ 1624. This Piece is fcarce. Filadelfo 410 A CATALOGUE of the ! Filadelfo Mugnos: Ragguagli Storici del Vefpro Si- ciliano, in 4to. Palermo 1645. Felinus Sandeus: Epitome de Regno Apuliæ, & Siciliæ, in 4to. Romæ 1495. -De Regibus Sicilia, & Apuliæ, in 4to. Hano- viæ 1611. Giovanni Villani: Antica Cronica del Regno di Sici- lia, in 4to. In the old Gothick Black Letter. Hubertus Goltzius in Siciliæ, & Magnæ Græciæ Numifmata cum Commentariis Ludovici Nonnii, in fol. Antv. 1618, & 1672. This is a learned and valua ble Work. Philippi Paruta Siciliæ Numifmata, in fol. Panor mi 1602. This Edition is much inferiour to one publiſhed under the following Title. Leonardo Agoſtino: La Sicilia di Filippo Paruta Defcritta con Medaglie, in fol. Roma 1649. Which Edition is fcarce and dear. Hiftoire de l'Origine du Royaume de Sicile, & de Na- ples, contenant les Avantures, & les Conquetes des Princes Normans, in 120. Paris 1701. This was the Work of Father Buffieres, a learned Jefuit. Auguftini Inveges ad Annales Siculos Preliminaris Apparatus, in 4to. Panormi 1709. This is a very neat Differtation relating to the general Hiſtory of Sicily. Vincenzo Auria: La Sicilia Inventrice, con le Giunte d'Antonio Mongitore, in 4to. Palermo 1704. Octavii Cajetani Ifagoge ad Hiftoriam Sacram Sicu- lam, in 4to. Panormi 1707. Vincenzo Auria Storia Cronologica de' Vicere di Si- cilia, in fol. Palermo. Gianandrea Maffa: La Sicilia in Prospettiva, Parti due, in 4to. Palermo 1709. This is a very good Geo- graphical Dictionary of Sicily. Pietro Carrera: Memorie Iftoriche di Catania, in fol. Catania 1639. Jo. chief HISTORIANS. 4.1 I Jo. Baptifta de Groffis: Catanenfis Ecclefia Notitia, in fol. Catanæ 1642, & 1647, 2 Vol. * Agatha Catanenfis, in fol. Catan. 1656. Catana Sacra, five de Epifcopis Catanenfibus, in fol. Caten. 1554. Vicenzo Auria: Origine, e Antichità di Cefalu, in 410. Palermo 1656. Eartholomæi Carandini: Defcriptio Ecclefia Cephie- ditanæ, in 4to. Mantuæ 1592. *Franc. Alibrand: Termine Rimeffa in Stato, &c. in 40. Ven. 1664. Franc. Baronii de Majeftate Panormitana Libri IV. in fol. Panormi 1630. Mariano Valguarnera: Antichità di Palermo, in 4to. Palermo 1614. Aguftino Inveges: Annali di Palermo, in fol. Paler- mo 1649, 3 Vol. A Fourth Volume of this Work under the Title of, Palermo Spagnuolo, was prepared for the Prefs; but the former had given fo much dif guit, even to the People of Palermo themfelves, that it was fuppreffed. This Author deferved a better Ufage than he met with from his Native Country, whofe Honour he nobly defended againſt Meſſina, by whoſe Advocates it had been, as ufual, attacked. Between the two Cities of Palermo and Meffina have been long Disputes, and Animofities have been very high, which to this Day are not entirely extinguiſhed: A like Inftance we have of Florence and Siena in Italy, and in Countries fomewhat nearer. Andrea Pocili; Rivoluzioni di Palermo, in 4to. Ve- Tona 1649. Second Edition enlarged with what happened in the Year 1648. Placido Carafa: Sicania Defcriptio & Delineatio, in 4to. Pan. 1653. 1670. Compendio Iftorico di Meffina, in 4to. Venezia -Motuca Illuftrata Defcriptio, in 4to. Panom. 1653. 1 Conftanzo 412 A CATALOGUE of the Conftanzo Buonfiglio: Meffina Defcritta, in 4to. Ven. 1606. Gianbattiſta Romano Colonna: Congiura dei Mini- ftri del Rè di Spagna contro la Città di Meffina, in 4to. Tom. III. Meffina 1676. With Figures, prohibited. Placido Reina: Notizie Iftoriche di Meffina Parte Prima, e Seconda, in fol. Meffina 1658, & 1668. Caroli Morabiti Annales Ecclefia Meffanenfis, in fol. Meffanæ 1669. Gianpaolo dall'Epifania: Compendio Iftorico della Città di Meffina, in 4to. Meffina 1670. His Name is not mentioned in the Title or Book. Benedetto Chiarelli: Memorie Sacre della Città di Meffina, in 4to. Meffina 1705. Gianluigi Lello Storia della Chiefa di Monreale, in 4to. 1588, and 1596, and in fol. at Palermo 1702. This Second Edition is finely printed, and much en- larged by the Reverend Abbot D. Michael del Giudice, *Vite dell' Arcivescovi, Abbati, &c. di Monreale, in 4to. Rom. 1596. * Mariano Perello Cafmeneo: Difesa dell' Antichità di Scicli Anicamente Chiamata Cafmena Seconda Colonia Siracufana, in 4to. Napol. 1641. * Pietro Carrera: Rifpofta a Perellos all' intorno di Scicili, in 4to. Catan. 1641. * Leonardo Orlandini: Trapani in una Brieve De- fcrittione tratta fuori del Compendio delle Antiche Città di Sicilia, in 4to. Palermo 1605. * Giacomo Cita; Hiftoria della Città di Trapani MS. Franceſco Solito: Termini Himerefe Città della Sici lia, in 4to. Palerm. 1669. Vincenzo Solito: Storia della Città di Termini, in 4to. Palermo 1669, and in Meffina, Tom. II. 1671. Agoſtino Inveges: Cartagine Siciliana, in 4to. Pa- lermo 1650. Vincenzo chief HISTORIANS. 413 Vincenzo Mirabella: Dichiarazione dell' Antiche Sira- cufe con le Fig. in fol. Nap. 1613. This Book was very rare, but with the next of Bonanni was reprinted in two Volumes at Palermo, in fol. 1717, by the Prince of Rocca Fiorita Catolica, at his own Expence, and moſtly diſtributed as Preſents by that generous Nobleman. Giacomo Buonanni: L'Antica Siracufa, in 4to. Meffina 1624. Palermo 1717, in fol. * Petri Pauli Morettæ: De Calatagirono Urbe Gratif fima brevis Notitia, in 4to. Venet. 1663. * Benedictus de Paffaflumine De Origine Ecclefie Cephaleditanc ejufque Urbis & Diocefis Brevis Defcrip- tio, in 4to. Venet. 1645. *Cataldo Rozzo: Lettera in cui fi Defende la Patria del Beato Agoftino Novello Terminefe contro Auria, in 300. Meffin. 1713. * Hieron. Grandis : Chronicon Sicilie M. S. * Barthol. Grandis: De Siciliæ Infule Situ Monti- bus, Fontibus, &c. M.S. * Giacomo Agliata : Notamento di Tutti i Capitani, Pretori, &c. di Palermo a 1282, ad 1626, in fol. Palermo 1697. * Hieron. Nicolofi e Biafini: Catania in Lutto per le Terre Muoto al 11 Gennaro 1693.-In 4to. Neap. 1693. * Hieron. Ragufa: Elogia Siculorum, in 120. Lugd. 1690. Reviſed and reprinted under the Title of, * Siciliæ Bibliotheca Vetus Continens Elogia Siculorum, &c. ab Anno 1500, ad Annum 1700, in Centurias XV. Ordine Alphabetico digefta, in 4to. Neap. 1723. * Annales Catanenfes M.S. * Lycæum Catanenfe: Sive de Scriptoribus Cata- nenfibus M.S. * Angela Cruxa S. S. Trinita: Iftoria dell' Origine e Fondazione del Monaſtero di S. Maria di Tutte le Gra- ie in Palermo. * Ignazio 414 A CATALOGUE of the * Ignazio S. Raymundo: Fondazione del Conferva torio delle Monache Scalze nella Città di Palermo M.S. * Giuſeppe de Evola: Le Tragiche Sventure della Sicilia per il Terre Muoto, Sortito al di 9. ed. 11 di Gen- naro Poema Siciliano, in 8vo. Catan. 1693. * Abb. Palizi: Carta della Nobilta di Sicilia che en tra in Parlamento, in fol. Palermo 1637. * Aleſſandro Burgos: Lettera del Terre Muoto di 1693, in 4to. Palermo.-Napol. 1693. Pietro Paolo Moreta: Storia della Città di Calatagi- rone, in 4to. Venezia 1664. Mario Pace delle Antichità di Calatagirone, in 4to. Napol. 1631.. Franceſco Vita: Innefto Iftorica della Città d'Aofta, in 4to. Venezia 1653. Vitus Carvinus: De Origine, Antiquitate, & Stat Civitatis Erycis, in 4to. Panormi 1687. Philippi de Amico: Reflexiones Hiftorica fuper Civi- tatem Myralum, in 4to. Catane 1700. Vincentius Littara De Rebus Netinis. Panormi 1593. Gianpaolo Chiarandano: Piazza Citta di Sicilia An- tica, Nuova, Sacra, e Nobile, in 4to. Meffina 1654. * Joan. Franc. Aflanis: Hiftoria della Citta di Pi- azza. * Joan. Franc. Auria: Succeffi nel Tempo della Pefte di Palermo 1624, M.S. Penes the Canon Mongitore. * Dom. Botterus: Idea Hiftorico Phyfica de Magno Trinacria Terra Motu. *Joann. Nafo: Supplementum ad Chriftoph. Scobar de Rebus præclaris Syracufanis, in fol. Venet. 1520. * Joan. Petr. Marchefius: Brieve Difcorfo delle vere Qualita di Meffinæ Vico Equenfi 1584, in 4to.- In 4to. Meffanæ 1622. *Joan. Pet. Villa de Canibus: L'Antichita di Mef- fina e gli Nomini Illuftri di eſſa. * Sup- chief HISTORIANS. 415 Supplemento ad Hift. Sic. Abb. Franc. Manuroli, in 4to. Vol. 1. * Giuſeppe Bonfiligli: La Meffina Citta Nobiliffima Defcritta in Libri VIII, in 4to. Venet. 1606. Apologia alla Topografia dell' Ifola di Sicilia Palermo, in 4to. Meffina 1611. *Joanni Jacobi Adria Topographia Mazarie cum additionibus Notifque Jof. Centorbi M. S. * Car. Morifcianus: Il Torchio delle Offervationi della Pefte di Napoli nell' Anno 1656, in 410. Neap. 1659. * Cyrinus Maurus: Lentimi Abbatuio da Terre Muoti, Poema in 5 Canti Divifo, in 8vo. Meffanæ 1700. * Dom. Staniſlaus Albertus dell'Iftoria della Compag- sia di Giefu della Sicilia: Parte Frima Panormi 1702, 4to. Parte II. III. * Hyacinthus Montaltus: Hiftoria della Religione di S. Dominico nella Sicilia. This is an M. S. in the Con- vent of S. Dominick at Palermo. * Innocentius Roccafortis: Giornale Iftorico di Sici- lia dalla Creatione del Mondo all' Anno 1700, Tom. II. in fol. * Aggiunte alle Chiarezze Iftoriche di Sicilia di Don Pietro Carrera. * Balthafar Paglia: Lettera del Terre Muoto in Sicilia Tom. III. Lettere Iftoriche Politiche, &c. di Bolifon. *Leonard Amati: Difcorfo dell'Origine & Antichità di Sciacca M.S. *Leon. Campagna: Bibliotheca Sicilia, Vol. 2. * -Breve Difcorfo del Caftagna di Mon-Gibello e delle lodi di Sicilia, in 4to. Panor. 1611. * Marcus Alegambius: Iftoria di Piazza M.S. * Maria Madd. S. Agostino: Fondazione e Traflatione del Monastero di S. Tereſa delle Carmelite Scalze a Palermo, in 4to. Venet. 1627. * Marianus Perellus: Defcrizione della Sicilia Greca M.S. LA 416 A CATALOGUE of the * La Sferra invettiva alle Dichiarazioni delle Me daglie Catanefi di D. Pietro Carrea M.S. L'Antichita di Scicilli, anticamente Chiamata Caf mena, Seconda Colonia Siracufana, Meffanæ, in 4to. 1640. * Difesa dell' Antichita di Scichilli, &c. in 4to. Neap. 1641. Marianus Valguarnera: Difcorfo dell' Origine ed Antichità di Palermo, e de' Primi Abitatori della Sicilia, e dell'Italia, in 4to. Panorm. 1614. * Martinus Anaftafius: Hiftoria dell' Antichità dell' Monaftero di S. Martino de Scalis in Palermo M.S. *Martinus Ciaurella: Defcrittione della Maraviglio- fiffima Villa del Signor Duca di S. Giovanni nel fuo Contato detta S. Michiele, in 4to. Panormi 1607. * Martinus Fauna: Sommario delle Chiefe Cattedrali, e Badie del Regno di Sicilia di Jus Patronato Reale, &c. in fol. Panormi 1628. * Matthæus Candidus: Hiftoria de Rebus Siculis ab Anno 1435, ad 1445. * Matth. de Caftillo: Iftoria de Regolari Palermi- tani Illuftri in Santità e Dottrina M. S. * Matth. Catalanus: Hiftoria della Madonna d' Iftriz, Ovvero di Conftantinopoli, in 8vo. Rom. 1596. * Matth. Ciaccius: Hiftoria Urbis Meffane M.S. * Matth. Lubinus: Hiftoria de Templo B. Virginis Meffan. in Monte Alto, Volatu columba e Cœlo dilapfe di fignato M. S. * Mauritius de Gregorio: Ifola di Sicilia Beata di S. Domenico, cioè Compendio delle Vite de' Frati fin- golari Beati Siciliani dell' Ordine di detto Santo, in 8vo. Neap. 1611. * Domenico ò Commeindo Guglielmini : La Cata- nia Deftrutta, in 120. Palermo 169. * Michael Angelus Manchanefus: Iftori de Santi Siracufani M.S. & Siracufa Sotteranea M.S. * Michael chief HISTORIANS. 417 *Michael Platienfis: Hiftoria Sicula ab Exceffu Fri- derici Arragonii hujus Nominis 11. Regis Sicilia ufque ad Annum 1361. More Siculo, & 1362, More Romano M. S. *Nic. Anton. Coloffus: Brevis Defcriptio infignium lecorum Urbis Panormi Carminibus Hexametris Complexa M. S. ¥ Rhegyas feu Turcharum Expeditio in Siculum Fre- tum, in 8vo. Meffan. 1593. * Nicol. Anton. de Federicis: Selinunte Illuftrata M1. S. *Nicol. Blafcus: La Navigatione per le Montagne di Sicilia, in 8vo. Panormi 1610. *Nic. Coxa de Cofciis: Series Archiepifcoporum Meffanenfium M. S. *Nic. Maugerius: Hiftoria Comitis Rogerii in Si- cilia M. S. *Antonius Mongitore: Memorie Iftoriche della Fon- dazione del Monafterio di S. Maria di tutte le Grazie in Palermo, Pal. 1710. * Octav. Abruzzus: Caftribonium five Hiftoria Ca- ftriboni. M. S. * Octavio Arcangeli: Città di Catania. * Octavius Cætarus: Idea Operis Siculorum Sancto- Tum, in 4to. Panormi 1617. *-Vita S.S. Siculorum, in fol. Panormi 1657. * - Vitæ S. S. Siculorum Tom. II. in fol. Panormi 1657 X -Ifagoge ad Hiftoriam Sacram Siculam Opus Pofthu- mum & diu expetitum, in 4to. Panormi 1707. * Olympius Julianenfis: Hiftoria Monafter:i S. Ma- ne de Nemore, five de Bofco Ordinis Olivetanenfis M. S. * Paulus Catana: Chronica della Chiefa di Monreale, *fuo Real Monafterio. M. S. *Paolo Ortalis: Relazione Genealogica della Famiglia sle' Signori Denti di Sicilia, in fol. Pan. 1703. * Pietro Capera della Familia Tedeschi Catanese. VOL. II. I € * Petrus 418 A CATALOGUE of the * Pietro Forte: Vite de S. S. Palermitani, in 4101 Pal. 1666. * Pet. Paulus Moretta De Calatagirono Urbe Gra tiffima Brevis Notitia, in 4to. Venet. 1663. * Petrus Ranzanus De Origine Antiquitate, Primor. diis, & Progreffu Felicis Urbis Panormi M. S. * Petrus Salermus: Vita S. S. Siculorum Tom. II. in fol. Panormi 1657. * Pietro Tognoletti dell' Origine della Riforma de' Mi- nori Offervanti in Sicilia, Parte Ima. fol. Panormi 1667. Parte Seconda, in fol. Panormi 1687. * Sanctorum Epifcoporum Ecclefia Agrigentina Vitarum perbreve Compendium M.S. * Philadefus Mugnos: Ragguagli Iftorici del Vef pro Siciliano, Panormi 1645, and 1669, in 4to. * Placido Samperio: Iconologia della Gloriofa Vergine Madre di Dio Maria Protettrice di Meffina, in fol. Meffan. 1644. * Profper Jambertonus alias Joannes Bertonius: Hif toria Civitatis Platia. * Silvius Bocconus: Iftorie Naturali di Sicilia. *Simon Leontinus: Defcrittione ò Pianta della Sicilia, Palermo 1610. * Vincentius Littara De Rebus Netinis, in Svo Panormi 1593• * Vitus Albertus Muftacius De Origine, Antiqui tate, &c. Ecclefia Matricis Erycis, hodie Montis S. J liani, &c. in 4to. Panormi 1687. ж liano. Relatione del Tempio di S. Vito a Monte S. Giu- Relationi del Tempio di S. Maria di Cuftonaci Monte S. Giuliano, in 4to. Palermo 1687. * Xaverius Acciarellus: Vite de' Veſcovi di Catania M. S. 1702. Writers chief HISTORIANS. 419 Writers concerning the Virgin MARY's Letter to the City of MESSINA. *Aleffandro Calarnati: Grandezze e Prerogative di Maria Vergine, &c. in 4to. Meſſina 1630. * Andrea Cirinus: Difcorfo nella Solennità della Let- ters, in 4to. Monteleone 1649. * Meffanenfis Anonymus : Confilium adverfus Differ- tationem contra Epiftolam Virginalem, in fol. Meffane 1668. *Barthol. Pifa: La Lettera Provata, in 4to. Mef- fina 1670. *Domenico Argananzio: Veritiera Relazione della Sa- ra Lettera, in 120. Meflina 1689. *Flaminio Pate: Cenfura contro Rocco Pirro della Sa- gra Lettera, Venet. 1652, & 1655, in 8vo. In o. Meffina 1655. *Franc. Agliata: Difcorfo della Sagra Lettera, in 4to. Monteleone 1667. *Franc. Maria Joan. Grandis Mufara: Difcorfo Academico della Lettera, in 4to. Neap. 1669. * Joan. Anton. Reitanus: De Epiftola Beatiffime ginis, in 4to. Venet. 1629. Giuſeppe a Matre Dei: Difcorfo fopra la Lettera, in to. Melfina 1640. *Octavio Balfami: Difcorfo fopra la Lettera, in 4to. Melfina 1646. *Paulus Belli: Gloria Meffanenfium five de Epiftola Beste Virginis Maria Differtatio in Lib. II. in fol. Mellan. 1647. *Placido Reina: Relazione delle Fefte della Sagra Let- , in 4to. Meffina 1657. * Pietro Eez 420 A CATALOGUE of the * Pietro Menniti: L'Antica e pia Tradizione della Sagra Lettera, in 4to. Roma 1718. In 410. Meifina 1720. * Melchioris Inhofer: Epiftola B. Virgine Maria ad Meffanenfis Veritas Vindicata & Illuftrata, in fol. Meffa næ 1629. This is a Book of Curiofity, and very peculiar Erudition: It was printed at Viterbo in 1632, and is condemned by the Holy Office. Writers on Mount ETN A, commonly called MONGIBELLO. Anton. Philoth. de Homodeis: Etne Topogra phia incendiorum Hiſtoria, in 4to. 1591. Tranflated into Italian by Leonardo Orlandini, in 4to. Palermo 1611. and in the Italia Illuftrata, in fol. Francof. 1600. * Balthafar Paglia: Relazione del Mongibello in pag. delle Lettere Iftoriche Politiche ed Erudie d' Ant. Bolifon, Tom. II. in 120. Neap. 1697. * Erafmo Xacca: Brieve Narrazione del Incendio dell' Anno 1669, in 8vo. Neap. 1671. * Giovanni Andrea a Cruce: Dell' Inondazione del Fuoco a di 11. di Marzo 1669, Palermo 1670, in 120 Lorenzo Bolani: Difcorfo di Mongibello. * Aleff. Chiarenza: L'Incendio del Monte Etna: Po metto M.S. * Catanenfis Anonymus: Relazione del Incendio di Mongibello dal 11, Marzo al 11. Luglio 1669, in 4to. Catania & Meffina 1699. *Pietro Carrera: Il Mongibello, in 4to. Catania 1636. JI Carlo Mancino: Narrativa del Fuoco ufcito 11 Marzo 1669, in 4to. Meffina 1669. *Tomafo Tedeſchi e Paterno: Breve Ragguagli de gli Incendi 1669, in Napoli.In 4to. 1669. Hiftorians chief HISTORIANS. 421 Hiftorians of SARDEGNA. Salvatoris Vitalis Annales Sardiniæ, in fol. Flo- rena 1639. De Vico: Hiftoria general de la Iſla y Reyno di Sar- denna, in fol, en Barcelona 1639, 2 Vol. Dionis Bonfant Triumpho de los Santos de Reyno de Sardenna, in fol. Caller. 1635. Philippus Cluverius: Sicilia Antiqua, Sardinia, & Cortica, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1619. Jo. Francifcus Fara: De Rebus Sardois, in 4to. Ca- lari 1580. Ambrofii Machin Defenfio Sanitatis B. Luciferi Archiepifcopi Calaritani, in fol. Calari 1639. Hiflorians of SAVOY and PIEDMONT. Theatrum Statuum Sabaudie Ducis, in fol. Cum Figuris, Amftelod. Bleau. 1682, 2 Vol. Forma At- lantica. This moſt accurate and valuable Work was tranſlated into French, and printed at the Hague in two Volumes in Folio, in the Year 1700. Symphorian Champier: Les Grandes Chroniques de Savoye, in fol. Paris 1516. Chronique de Savoye Revue, & Augmente par Guil- laume Paradin, in fol. Lyon 1561, & 1602. The Second Edition is the beſt. Lamberti Vanderburchii Sabaudorum Ducum, Princi- pumque Hiftorie Gentilitiæ, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1599. Bellum Sabaudicum, five Narratio Belli ab Henrico IV. contra Emmanuelem Carolum Sabaudiæ Ducem Annis 1600, & 1601, in 4to. 1602. E e 3 Le ¡ 422 A CATALOGUE of the $ Le Cavalier de Savoye, ou Reponse au Soldan Francois, & un Difcours contre les Fauffetez du Cavalier de Savoye, in 8vo. 1605. Relation des Guerres de Piemont, & Monferat, in 419. en 1630. Premiere, & Seconde Savoy fienne, dans les quelles font montrée les Ufurpations du Duc de Savoye fur la France, in 8vo. Grenoble 1630. Apologie Françoife pour la Maifon de Savoye, contre la Premiere, & Seconde Savoy fienne, in 4to. Chambery 1631. Apologia Seconda della Cafa di Savoja contra le Medefime Invettive, in 4to. Torino 1632. The Author is Peter Monodo. Michiel Baudier: Le Soldat Piemontois racontant du Camp de Turin, ce qui s'eft paffe en la Campagne d Italie en l'Année 1640, in 8vo. Paris 1641. Jo. Papirii Maffoni Elogia Ducum Sabaudiæ, in 8vo. Par. 1619. Philiberti Pingonii Augufta Taurinorum, in fol. Taurini 1577. Continued by John Peter Giroldi. Emanuel Tefauro: Storia di Torino, in fol. Torino 1679. Campeggiamenti del Piemonte, in fol. Torino 1640. Andrea Pauletti: Storia di Torino, in 4to. Padova 1676. Jo. Tonfi Vita Emmanuelis Philiberti Allobro- gum Ducis, in fol. Taurini 1596, and in 4to. Mc diolani 1602. Aloyfii Giuglaris Notitia Regia Celfitudinis Caroli Emmanuelis II. Sabaudiæ Ducis, & Incliti generis, il fol. Monachii 1650. Petrus Monodus De Regio Titulo debito Domus Sa- baudiæ, in fol. Taurini. And in Italian. Trattato del Titolo Regio dovuto alla Cafa di Savoja con un Ristretto delle Rivoluzioni di Cipro, in fol. Torino 1633. Lettre chief HISTORIANS. 423 Lettre fur le Titre d'Alteffe Royale donne au Duc de Savoye, in 120. Paris 1703. This curious Book is attributed to the Prefident De Lefcherenne, and was fuppreffed as foon as publiſhed. Agostino della Chiefa: Corona Reale di Savoja, in 4to. Cuneo 1655, 2 Vol. This is a Defcription of the Provinces annexed to the Crown of Savoy. 416. * Fran. Agoſtino della Chiefa: Relatione dello Stato prefente del Piemonte, in 4to. Torino 1635. * Catalogo de Scrittori Piemontefi, Savoiardi, e Nizzardi, in 4to. Carmagnola 1660. Auguftini ab Ecclefia: Cardinales, Archiepifcopi, & Epifcopi Pedemontanæ Regionis, in 4to. Taurini 1645. Samuel Guichenon: Hiftoire Genealogique de la Royale Maifon de Savoye, in fol. Lion 1660, 2 Vol. Lodovico della Chiefa: Compendio delle Storie di Piemonte, in 4to. Torino 1601. Delle Storie di Piemonte Libri III. in 4to. Torino 1608. In the fame Year, and at the fame Place, this Work was reprinted with Additions. -Dell' Origine della Sereniffima Cafa di Savoja, in 4to. Torino 1608. Gio. Botero: Seconda parte de' Prencipi Criſtiani, che contiene i Prencipi di Savoja, in 4to. Torino 1603. Onorato Paftorello: Storia del Monaftero di S. Chi- ara di Nizza, in 4to. Nizza 1608. In it the Author gives feveral Particulars relating to the City. Petrus Jofredus: Nicaa Civitas Sacris Monumentis Illuftrata in, fol. Taurini 1658, and 4to. Franceſco Voerfio: Storia di Cherafco, in 4to. Mondovi 1618. Carlo Antonio Coda: Riftretto del Sito, e Qualità della Città di Biella, e fua Frovincia, in 4to. Torino 1657. Gio. Negri: Origine, e Fondazione della Città di Foffano, in 8vo. Torino 1650. E e 4 Lodovico 424 A CATALOGUE of the Lodovico dalla Chiefa: Compendio della Storia di Saluzzo, in 4ta. Saluzzo 1604. Vite Marchionum Salutiarum, in 4to. Saluti 1598, & 1603. With fome Additions, and a Re- gifter of the Bishops of Saluzzo. Hiflorians of TUSCANY. Guillelmus Poftellus De Etruria Originibus, Infti- tutis, Religione, & Níoribus, in 4to. Florentiæ 1551. A very rare Book. Petrus Leo Caffella de primis Italiæ Colonis, ac Tuf: corum Origine, in 8va. Lugd. 1606. : Criftoforo Cieco da Forli Cronica Univerfale dell Antica Regione di Tofcana, in 8vo. Fiorenza 1572. Athanafii Kircheri Iter Hetrufcum, in fol. Amft. 1675. Curtii Inghiramii Etrufcarum Antiquitatum Fraz- menta, quibus Urbis Romæ Aliarumque Gentium Primor dia, Mores, res Gefte indicantur, reperta Scornelli prop Vulterram, in fol. Florentiæ 1636, and Francofuri 1637. Thefe Remains were early fufpected by the Learned, but Leo Allazzi, and others have now fully proved the Forgery. Vul- Vincentius Renerius: Difquifitio Aftronomica de Etrufcarum Antiquitatum Fragmentis Scornelli prope terram repertis, in 4to. Florentiæ 1638. Francifci Contareni: Hiftoria Etruria, five de Rebus . Etruria à Senenfibus Geftis, in 4to. Lugd. 1562, Vanch. 1623. The laft Edition is the belt. Vincenzo Borghini : fcorâ Storici cioè dell' Origine di Firenze, della Città di Ficole, della Tofcana e f fa Città, de Municipi, e Colonie Romane, delle Colonie Latine delle Colonie Militari, della Spianazione di Firenze da dulla, Ro odificazione da Carlo M. e della fua Liberia Ricovratis 1 chief HISTORIANS. 425 Ricovrata da Ridolfo Imperatore, della Chiefa, e Vefcovi Fiorentini, in 4to. Fiorenza 1584, 2 Vol. Storia delle Cofe avvenute in Tofcana dal 1300, al 1340, in 4to. Firenze 1568. Cofimo della Rena: Serie degli Antichi Duchi, e Mar- chefi di Toſcana, in fol. Firenze 1690. Only one Part is printed. Biagio Buonaccorfi: Diario de' Succeſſi ſeguiti in Italia, e Particolarmente in Fiorenza dal 1498, al 1512, in 4to. Fiorenza 1568. *Trattato della Chiefa e Vefcovi Fiorentini, Fiorenza 1585. * Tho. Dempfteri a Muresk Scoti Pandect. in Pifano Lyceo Profeff. Ordin. de Etruria Regali Libri VII. wunc primum Editi curante Tho. Coke Arm. in fol. Florentiæ 1723. Donato Acciajuoli: Storia Fiorentina, in fol. Ve- nezia 1476, and in 4to. 1561. The Author of this Piece was Peter Aretin, and Acciajuoli only the Tran- flator. The Edition of 1561, is augmented with a Continuation and Notes by Francis Sanfovino. Leonardi Aretini Hiftoria Florentina, in fol. Ar- gent. 1610. The Florentines were to pleafed with this Hiftory, that after the Author's Death, they, to Ho- nour his Memory, placed a Laurel on the Head of his Statue, and this Book in his Hand. Jo. Michaelis Bruti Hiftoria Florentina, in 4tu. Ludg. 1562. This Book is very fcarce, as all the Copies have been collected in Order to be fuppreffed, which is no ill Sign of the Impartiality with which it is wrote, and the Author was obliged to quit Italy for the Liberty he took in this Hiftory. Poggio Storia Florentina, in 4to. Firenze 1598, and in fol. Ven. 1647. This Hiftory was firft wrote in Latin, but not printed in that Language till the Year 1715, when at Venice it was published by John Baptift Recanati, a Nobleman of that City, and aug- mented 426 A CATALOGUE of the mented with feveral Notes: The Italian Verfion was made by James, Son of Poggi, and another Tranflation into French with the Life of the Author we have printed in two Volumes at Amſterdam 1720, in Evo. Gio. Villani: Croniche nelle quali fi Tratta dell Ori- gine di Firenze, e de' Fatti de' Fiorentini, in fol. Venezia 1537. This is but one Part of the following Hiftory. Gio. Villani: Storie de' fuoi Tempi fino al 1348, in 4to. Ven. 1559, and in Firenze 1587. This is the beft Edition, and contains twelve Books. Matteo Villani Storia che continua quelle di Giovan ni fuo Fratello, con l'Aggiunta di Filippo fuo Figliuolo fin all' Anno 1364. Libri Undici, in 4to. Firenze 1581, and 1584. Niccolo Machiavelli: Iftorie Fiorentine, & altre Opere, in 8vo. Vol. 3. Aldo 1540.- In 4to. Franc- fort 1550. The Edition at Florence of 1532, is pre- ferable to any other, and has been Sold ar an immenfe Price. It is reprinted in fome Editions of his Works, and alfo feparate in Quarto and Twelves, and is tranfla- ted into English at London in 1720, in Folio. * Notitia della Libertà Firentina, Part I. 1724, in fol. Part 2. 1725. Part 3. 1726. Privately printed at Milan by the Emperour's Connivance, if not En- couragement, upon the Succeffion to the States of Tuscany, &c. parcelled out by the Quadruple Al- liance. * Giulio Negri: Iftoria degli Scrittori Fiorentini, in fol. Ferrara 1722. Pietro Buoninfegni: Iftoria Fiorentina, in 4to. Fio- renza 1580. The Author of this Work was not Peter Buoninfegni, but Dominick his Father, who alfo printed a Hiftory of the City of Florence from 1410 to 1460, in quarto, Firenze 1637. Jacopo Nardi: Le Storie della Città di Firenze dal 1494, fin al 1531, in 4to. Frenze 1484, and Lione nd of this best Edition is a Cata- logue Ο A chief HISTORIANS. 4.27 logue of the Confaloniers of Juftice of Florence, and a Difcourfe on the State of the City of Lyons. * Bernardo Segni: Storie Florentine dall' Anno 1527, all' Anno 1550, Colla Vita dell'Autore da Niccolo Cap- poni, in fol. Augufta 1723. Scipione Ammirato: Iftorie Fiorentine, in fol. Fi- renze 1600, 2 Vol. 1647, 3 Vol. This Work is divided into twenty-two Books, which come down to the Year 1574, and the Second Edition is the ful- left and beſt. * Michaelis Poccianti Catalogus Illuftrium Scriptorum Florentinorum cum Additione Ducentorum Annorum, Florent. 1589. in 4to. Barthol. Scale Hiftoria Florentinorum, in Romæ 1677. Ferdinando Leopoldo del Migliore: Firenze Illu- ftrata Parte 1, 2, & 3. del primo Libro Solamente, in 4to. Firenze 1684. No more was ever publifhed. Ricordano Malefpina: Iftoria Fiorentina, in 4to. Fiorenza 1568. This is not fo much an Hiftory of Florence, as a Defcription of its Fabricks. Ugolinus Verinus: De Illuftratione Urbis Florentinæ, in fol. Lutetiæ 1582. in 4to. Florentiæ 1568. This Second Edition is better than the firft, but however is very uncorrect. Paolo Mini Difcorfo della Nobiltà di Firenze, e de' Fiorentini, in 8vo. Firenze 1593. Avvertimenti, e Digreffioni fopra il detto Difcorfo, in 8vo. Fiorenze 1594. Difefa della Città di Firenze, &c. 8vo. Lione 1577. Rafaello del Bruno; Riftretto delle Cofe piu Notabili di Firenze, in 120. Firenze 1698. To this Edition is added a fecond Part, containing fome Account of the Suburbs and Adjacent Parts, by Anthony Francis Marmi. Francefco Bocchi: Bellezze di Fiorenza, in Svo. Fiorenza 1592, and 1677. This Edition is enlarged by John Cinelli, and is a ufeful Work. Stephani 428 A CATALOGUE of the Stephani Joanninenfis in Mediceam Monarchiam Pen- tateuchus, in fol. Anconæ 1524• Erycii Puteani Hiftoria Medicea, in 120. Antverp. 1634. Jean Neftor: Hifture des Hommes Illuftres de la Maiſon de Medicis, iu 410. Paris 1568. Varillas: Les Anecdote de Florence, ou fiture Secrete de la Maifon de Medicis, in 2 Haye 1685. In this Work are many curious Paticulars, which want nothing but Truth to recommend them. Placido Pucinelli: Iftoria d'Ugo il Grande Duca di Tofcana, &c. con la Cronica dell' Abadia di Fiorenza: Il Trattato dell' Ifcrizioni Sepolcrali, e con le emorie di Pefcia, Terra cofpicua di Tofcana, in 4to. 1664. Miluno Aldo Manucci: Vita di Cofimo de Medici, inf Bologna 1586. * Sebaftiano Sanleolino: Cofmi Medicis, &c. Allio- nes, Florent. 1578. Bacio Baldini: Vita di Cofimo de Medici, in fol. Fiorenza 1578, and in 4to. 1615. Giambattifta Cini: Vita Cofimo Medici, in 40. Firenze 1611. Domenico di Guido Mellini: Trattato dell' Origine, Fatti, Coſtumi, e Lodi di Matilda Conteffa di Tofcana, in 4to. Fiorenza 1589 Franc. Maria Fiorentini: Memorie di Matilda La Gran Comeffa, &c. in 4to. Lucca 1642. Benedetto Luchino: Cronica della Vera Origine, & Azioni della Conteffa Merida, in 4to. Mantova. 1592. Niccolo Valori: Vita de! Magnifico Lorenzo de' Me- dici il Vecchio. in 4to. Fiorenza 1568. Silvano Razzi: Vite di 5 Huomini Illuftri Fiorentini, in 4to. Fiorenza 1602. Francifcus Bocchius de Illaribus Florentinis, 4to. Florentiæ 1607. Lib. Primus, & 1609. Lib. Secundus. Jean chief HISTORIANS. 429 Jean Baptifte l'Hermite de Souliers: La Tofcane Francoile, in 4to. Arles 1658. Franceſco Rondinelli: Relazione del Contagio di Fio- renza l'Anno 1630, and 1643, in 4to. Fiorenza 1714. Giambattista Cafoti: Memoric Iftoriche della Miraco- ofa Imagine di Maria Vergine dell' Impruneta, in 4to. Fiorenza 1714. Francifcus Dinus de Situ Clanarum, in 4to. Seno- galliæ 1696. Girolamo Beraldi: Relazione d'Alcuni Succeffi Occor alla Republica di Lucca, in fol. Coloniæ 1640. Difefa della Republica di Lucca, in fol. Colonia 164c. * Giuſeppe Duccini: Trattato de Bagni di Lucca, in 8vo. Lucca 1711. * Cefare Franciotti: Hiftoria delle Vite de Santi di Lucca, &c. in 4to. Venet. 1629. Spunelio Benci Istoria di Montepulciano, in 4to. Firenze 1646. Auguftinus Dathus de Rebus Senenfium, in 8vo. Francof. 1503. Orlando Malavolti: Iftoria di Siena, in 4to. Siena 1574, & Venezia, 1599. Tom. III. Vol. 1. I. This Book is rare in it felf, though much rarer to be met with perfect, with the Plans, Profiles, &c. of this City. * Flaminio Pinelli: Lettere de' Bagni di Petrivolo [Stato Senefe] in 4to. Rom. 1716. Giugurta Tommaſi Istorie di Siena, in 4to. Ven. 1625, 2 Vol. Bartolomeo Benvoglienti: Origine di Siena, in 4to. Roma 1574. Francefco Cionacci: Memorie dell' Infigne Madonna di Provenzano di Siena. in 8vo. Firenze 1681. Lancillotto Politi: La Sconfitta di Monteaperto data dai Seneſi ai Fiorentini, in 4to. Siena 1502. Paolo 430 A CATALOGUE of the 4 Paolo Tronci: Memorie Storiche di Piſa, in 4to, Livorno 1682. Camillo Renier Borghi: L'Oplomachia Pifana, ovve ro la Battaglia del Ponte di Piſa, in 4to. Lucca 1713. Iftorie Piftojefi dall' Anno 1300, al 1348, in 4to. Fi- renze 1578. This was wrote by a Cotemporary Au- thor, and his Language for its Purity, is cited in the Vocabolario della Crufca. Michelangelo Salvi: Iftorie di Piftoja, in 4to. Roma 1656. Tomo Primo in Piſtoja 1657. Tomo II. & Ven. 1662. Tomo III. Gio. Miniati: Narrazione, e Difegno della Terra di Prato, in 8vo. Firenze 1596. Domenico Tartaglini: Defcrizione della Città di Cor- tona con l'Aggiunta di Diverfi Fatti d'effa, in 4to. Pc- rugia 1700. Agoftino Fortunio: Cronichetta del Monte San-Savi- no di Toſcana, in 4to. Firenze 1583. Gianvicenzo Coppi: Annali e Memorie, ed Huomini Illuftri della Terra di S. Geminiano, in 4to. Fiorenza 1695. Scipione Ammirato: Vefcovi di Fiefole, di Volterra, e di Arezzo, in 4to. Fiorenza 1637. * Matthæus Palmieri : De Captivitate Pilana, in 8vo. Slefv. 1656. * Giuſeppe Zambeccari: Trattato de Bagni di Pifa, e di Lucca, in 4to. Padova 1722. * Nicola Magri: Difcorfo Chronologico della Origine di Livorno in Tofcana dall' Anno della fua Fondazione, fino al 1646, in 120. Napoli. 1647. This Book is fo rare, that it is fcarce known in Leghorn, or any other Part of Italy. Ant. Cavalieri: Coronazione di Livorno, in 4to. 1613. Mario Giovanelli: Cronistoria dell' Antichità, e No biltà di Volterra, in 4to. Pifa 1613. * Pietra chief HISTORIANS. 43 I * Pietro Farulli: Annali di S. Sepolcro, &c. in 4to. Folig. 1713. * Giuſeppe Bianchini: Notitie Iftoriche della S. S. Cintola di Maria Vergine in Prato in Tofcana, in 4to. Firenze 1722. * Serie de' Senatori Florentini con Tutte le Armi lero, in 4to. Firenze 1722. Buonacorfo Pitti: Cronica con Annotazioni de' Sig. Abbate Antonio Maria e Canonico Salvino Salvini, e Can. Co. Giovanbattiſta Cafotti, in 4to. Firenze 1720. A Piece was put into the Prefs 1725, Intitul- cd, Infcriptiones Antique Graca & Romane, que in Etruria Civitatibus, & Præfertim Florentiæ, hodie reperi- untur adnotationibus Illuftrate à Cl. V. Dom. Anto- nio M. Salvinio in Patrio Lycao Græcarum Literarum Publico Profeffore, fummo labore, fide & diligentia Collecta A Dom. Anton. Franc. Gorio Presbytero Baptifterii, & Ecclefie S. Johannis, in fol. With feveral Copper Plates. * Memoires fur la Liberte del Etat de Florence, in 4to. 1711. Avec la Refutation de ce Livre en Latin par Berger, in 4to. 1723. Hiftorians of MANTOVA. Baptiftæ Platine Hiftoria Urbis Mantuæ, in 4to. Vindebonæ 1675. This Book is fo very rare, that the learned Mr. Naude doubted whether it was ever prin- ted. M. Equicola: Comentari della Storia di Mantova, in 4to. Mantova 1521, & 1607. Corrected and Re- printed by Benedict Ofanna, in 4to. Mantova 1610. Scipione Agnello Maffei : Annali di Mantova, in fol. Tortona 1675. Stefano Gionta: Fioretto delle Croniche di Mantova, in 8vo. Mantova 1587. Antonii 432 A CATALOGUE of the Antonii Poffevini Junioris Gonzagarum Mantuæs & Montis-Ferrati Ducum Hiftoria, in fol. Mantuæ 1628, Ejufdem Belli Montis-Ferratenfis Hiftoria ab Anno 1612, ad An. 1618, in fol. Geneva 1637. Fr. Nigri: Difquifitio Ducatus Mantuæ pro Carolo Duce Mantuæ, in 4to. Francof. 1629. De Montis-Ferrati Ducatu pro Mantuæ Duce contra Confultationem Antonii Fábri, in 4to. Mantuæ 1622. Ippolito Donefmondi della Storia Ecclefiaftica di Man- tova, in 4to. Mantova 1612, & 1616, 2 Vol. - Vita di Francefco Gonzaga Vefcovo di Mantova, in 4to. Ven. 1625. Hiftoria dell' Origine, &c. di S. Maria delle Gratie di Curtatone, fuori di Mantova, in 4to. Cafale 1603. Benevenuti Sangeorgii Monti-Ferrati Marchionum, & Principum Regie Propaginis Succeffionumque Series, 4to. Afte 1515, & Tridini 1521. Another Piece on the fame Subject this Author wrote in Italian fuller and more copious, which has not yet been ever printed. Cefare Campana : Arbori delle Famiglie, le quali hanno fignoreggiato con diverfi Titoli in Mantova, in tc. Mantova 1590. Relazione degli Affari di Mantova dal 1627, al 1629, in 4to. Francof. 1629. Virgilio Pagani della Guerra di Monferrato Fatta da Carlo Emmanuele Duca di Savoja, in 4to. Torino 1613. Luca Probo Blefi: Acqui Città Antica del Monfer rato con le Addizioni del P. Ant. Ruba, in 4to. Tor- tona 1614. Hiftorians of PARMA, MODONA, MIRANDOLA, and CON- CORDIA. * Giuſto Fontanini: Della Iftoria del Dominio Tem- porale della Sede Apoftolica nel Ducato di Parma e Piacenza, Lib chief HISTORIANS. 433 Lib. III. in fol. Rom. 1720. This Author by advan- ting the Rights of the See of Rome to a great Heighth, advanced himself to a Biſhoprick, which his Learn- and Politeneſs had indeed long deferved. ing Buonaventura Angeli: Iftoria di Parma, in 4to. Parma 1591. Vicenzo Carrari: Iftoria de' Roffi Parmegiani, in 40. Ravenna 1583. Pier-Maria Campi: Iftoria Ecclefiaftica di Piacenza, in fol. Piacenza 1662, 3 Vol. Umbertus Locatus de Placentia Urbis Origine, Suc- ciju, & Laudibus, in 4to. Cremona 1564. This was tranflated into Italian, in Quarto at Cremona in 1564. * Iftoria de' Scoltori, Pittori, & Architetti di Modona, in 4to. Modona 1664. Lodovico Vedriani: Iftoria di Modona, in 4to. Modona 1666. Parte Prima, e Parte Seconda. 1667. *-Vefcovi Modonefi, &c. in 4to. Modona 1669. Gafpar Sillingardus: Catalogus Epifcoporum Muti- nenfium, in 4to. Mutinæ 1606. Informazione de' Succeffi per l'Invafione dell' Armi Spag- Duole negli Stati del Duca di Modona, 4to. Mod. 1655. Jacobi Mariæ Campanacii Bellum Mutinenfe Hencio Rege Duce,cum Bononienfibus geftum, 4to. Bononiæ 1590. Fulvio Azzari: Compendio della Istoria della Città di Reggio, in 4to. Reggio 1623. Jo. Baptifta Guarnopius de Nobili Picorum Familia, in 4to. Venet. 1574. Ugolinus Verinus de Comitibus Concordiæ, in 8vo. Venet. 1576. COMACCHIO. Giufto Fontanini Il Dominio Temporale della Sede Apoftolica fopra la Citta di Comacchio, per lo spazio Con- VOL. II. Ff tinuata 434 A A CATALOGUE of the *innato di X Secoli, in 4to. Roma 1708. To a third Edition was added by the fame Author a Defence in quarto in 1711. Offervationi fopra una Lettera Intitolata, Il Dominio Temporale della Sede Apoftolica, &c. in 4to. 1708. This is wrote in Favour of the Houfe of Efte, by the cele- brated Ludovico Antonio Muratori, the prefent Duke's Librarian. Differtatio Hiftorica de fummo Apoftolica Sedis Imperio in Urbem Comitatumque Comacli, in 4to. 1709. Sig. Lorenzo Zacagni, Librarian to Pope Clement XI. is the Author. Giufto Fontanini: Difefa Seconda del Dominio Tem porale della Sede Apoftolica fopra la Città di Comacchio, in 4to. Roma 1711. Alla S. Real Maefta di Giofeffo I. Imp. Umili ma Supplica di Rinaldo d' Efte Duca di Modona per le Crotroverſie di Comacchio, in fol. 1710. Of this Muratori is the Author. Succinta Efpofizione della Ragioni del S. R. Imperio e della Sereniffima Cafa d'Efte fopra Comacchio, in fol 1710. Quiftioni Comacchiefi, in fol. 1711. Ser Animadverfiones pro S. Roman. Insp. & pro Duce Mutine in Monitum Lectori, quod pramittitur T bule Chronologice favore Rev. Cameræ Romanæ Edi in Caufa Comaclenfi, in 4to. 1711. This Chronolo gical Table is at the End of Mr. Fontanini's fecon Defence. que Quanto fia Giufto & Convenevole Comacchio confervi al S. Rom. Imper. &c. in fol. Many of the Pieces are wrote against the Temporal Power, or ther Invafion, of the Church of Rome: The two l Pieces were reprinted at Francfort, and prefented to th Diet at the Election of the Emperour Charles VI. the Count d'Olivazzi, Miniſter of the Duke of M dona. There is alfo reprinted at Francfort a Collectio thou chief HISTORIANS. 435 though very imperfect, of feveral Pieces on this Affair of Comacchio. Copia Investiture Mantuane, in fol. This Piece was printed at Mayence; fome few Years fince, and con- tins the Inftruments of the Inveftiture of Comacchio. Les Droits de l'Empire fur l'Eſtate Ecclefiaftique Re- cherches & pleinement Eclaircis l'Occafion de la Difpute de Comacchio &c. in 4. Utrecht 1713. is a Tranflation from a Piece wrote in Italian by Muratori. This Hiflorians of GENOVA, and its REPUBLICK. Pet. Bapt. Burgi De Dignitate Genuenfis Reipublice Difceptatio, in fol. Gen. 1646. *Mich. Giuftiniani: Gli Scrittori Liguri, in 4to. Rom. 1667. *Rafaelle Soprani: Li Scrittori della Liguria, in 4to. Gen. 1667. * Epifanio di Ferrari: Liguria Trionfante delle prin- iple Nazioni del Mondo, in fol. Gen. 1643. Agostino Giuftiniani: Annali della Repubblica di Genova, in fol. Genova 1537. Uberti Folieta Hiftoric Genuenfium Libri XII. n fol. Genua 1585. This Hiftory was tranflated nto Italian by Francis Serdonati, and printed in Folio at Genova 1597. Uberto Foglieta della Republica di Genova, in 8vo. Lione 1575. Petri Bizari Senatus Populique Genuenfis Hiftoria que Annales, in fol. Antv. 1579. Jacobi Bonfadii: Annales Genuentum ab An. 1528, bi definit Folieta, ad Annum 1550, in 4to. Papie 86. Thefe Annals were tranflared into Italian by Bartholomew Pafchetti, and were printed at Genova 1597, Ff = in 436 A CATALOGUE of the in Folio. This Author was ill rewarded for his La bours, for having ſpoke but indifferently of fome Per- fons of a Noble Family; he was, notwithſtanding his Innocence, accufed and condemned to the Flames for a foul Act, which retarded the Publication of this Book for fome Time. Paolo Interiano: Riftretto delle Storie Genovefi, in 4to. Lucca 1651. Le Chevalier de Mailly: Hiftoire de la Republique de Gennes, in 120. Paris 1696, 3 Vol. Filippo Cafoni: Annali della Repubblica di Genovi del Secolo XVI. in fol. Genova 1708. Bartolomeo Pafchetti: Le Bellezze di Genova, in 8vo. Genova 1583. Petrus Bapt. Burgus de Dominio Reipublice Genuenfis. in Mari Liguftico, in 4to. Romæ 1641. Hieronym. de Marinis: Genua, five Dominii, G bernationis, &c. Reipublice Genuenfis Compendiaria De fcriptio, in 120. Genuæ 1666. Uberti Folietæ Conjuratio Jo. Ludovici Flifci, in 4to. Genuæ 1587. It is alfo in Italian. Agoſtino Mafcardi: La Congiura del Co. Gio. Luigi Fiefchi, in 4to. Anverfa Venezia 1629, Milano 1629 & Bologna 1639. The Edition at Bologna is the bet and fulleft, and this has been tranflated into French and into English by Hon. Hugh Hare Efq; Lond 1692, in 120. Jacobi Marie Campanacii Genuenfis Reipublice Motus à Jo. Aloyfio Flifco excitatus, in 4to. Bononie 1588. Odoardo Ganduci : Ragionamento della Converfion de' Genovefi, in 4to. Genova 1615. -Difcorfo fopra i Governi Antichi di Genova, in 4to. Genova 1614. Federigo Fedrici: Lettera fopra Alcune Memorie dell Repubblica di Genova, in 8vo. Milano 1634. chief HISTORIANS. 437 Gio. Bernardo Venerofo: Genio Ligure rifvegliato, in fol. Genova 1650. Agoftino Maria Monti: Compendio di Memorie Sto- riche di Savona, in 8vo. Roma 1697. Franceſco Cicala: Difcorfo fopra le Convenzioni di Sarzana con Genova, in 4to. Lucca 1654. Philippi Cluverii Corfica Antiqua, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1619. Anton. Pietro Filippini: Storia di Corfica, in 4to. Turnon 1594. Giambattiſta Marzolaccio: Deſcrizione delle Cofe di Bonifazio Terra Principale in Corſica, in 8vo. Bologna 1625. Michiele Merello: Della Guerra Fatta da' Francefi, e de' Tumulti fufcitati poi da Sampiero della Baftellica nella Corfica, in 4to. Genova 1607. Benedetto Cocarella: Cronica Iftoriale di Tremiti, in 40. Venezia 1606. Francefco Abela: Defcrizione di Malta Ifola nel Mare Siciliano, con le Antichità, e altre Notizie, in fol. Alalta 1647. * Ang. Franc. Colonna: Commentario delle Glorie, &c. di Corfica, in 4to. Rom. 1685. * Aurelio d'Iftria Sorba: La Defcrittione della Città Golfo d'Ajaccio in Corfica, in 8vo. Ronciglione 1619. CHA P. XLVI. Hiftory of the SWISS CANTONS. M 1672. Artini Zeilleri Topographia Helvetia, Rhetix, & Valefiæ cam Figuris Mariani, in fol. Francof. F f z Tot 438 A CATALOGUE of the Jo. Henrici Hottingeri Afethodus Legendi Hiftorias Helveticas in cjuflem Ientade Differtationum, in 8vo. Tiguri 1654. Ranuzio Scotti: Elvezia Sacra, e Profana, Farti II. cio Relazione del Tominio Temporale de XIII. Cantoni Svizzeri, e de' Vefcovati, Abazic, e altre Dignità Subor- dinate alla Nonziatura Elvetica, in 4to. Macerata 1642. Defcription des Cantons, Villes, Bourgs du Pays de Saifles, Lar. Franc. avec Figures, in 4to. Paris 1635, Jofa Simleri Refpublica Helvetiorum, in 8vo. Tiguri 1574, & in 240. Lugd. Batav. 1627. This is a valuable Piece. Valefiæ, & Alpium Defcriptio, in 8vo. Tiguri 1574, and in 240. Ludg. Batav. 1633. Joan. Bapt. Plaatini Helvetia Anuqua, & Novia in 8vo. Bernæ 1656. This was printed in French at Geneva in 1666. J Francifci Guillimanni de Rebus Helvetiorum Libr V. in 4to. Friburgi 1598. n 4to. Amiterni 1623. This laft Edition is fuller than that of Friburgh. Joan. Henrici Suiceri: Chronologia Helvetica, in 4te, Hanoviæ 1602. 1607. Joh. Stumpf: Schweizer Cronica, in fol. Tig, 1548. This is the beft Hiftorian extant of the Surizers, he has committed indeed fome few Eirours in his Defcriptons of Places, but begins to grow fcarce. Michaelis Stertleri Annales Helvetico-Bernenfes, au Anno 815, in fol. Berne 1626, 2 Vol. [High Dutch. Although in the Title this Author promiles us only a Hiflory to 1626, yet he comes down to 1630; an evident Proof, that the Title of his Book was printed fift, and not as ufual, at the Conclufion of his Work. Chrifliani Urftifiii Epitome Hiftoria Bafileenfis, una cum Epifcoporum Catalogo, in 8vo. Bafil 1577- This Author has alfo wrote under the Name of War- ftifen chief HISTORIANS. 439 fifen, a Chronicle of Bafle, printed in 1580, in fol. in that City, which is much efteemed. Bafilea Sacra, five Epifcopatus, & Epifcoporum Bafi- keenfium Series, in 8vo. Bruntruti 1658. Bafileenfium Monumentorum Simonis Grynai Bafileenfium Antigrapha, in 8vo. Lignitii 1602. Gabrielis Bucelini Rhætia Etrufca, Romana, Gal- lica, Germanica, Sacra, & Profana, in 4to. Aug. Vind. 1666. Fortunati Sprecheri Hiftoria Motuum, & Bellorum poftremis hifce Annis in Rhætia excitatorum, in 4to. Col. 1629. CHA P. XLVII. Hiftories of the SEVENTEEN A PROVINCES. Driani Pars Index Batavicus, of Naamrol Van de Batavife en Hollandfe Schryvers, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1701. This Author treats of all the Writers of the Hiftory of the Low Countries; but to be better informed, it may be neceffary to confult the more copious Works of Deffell, Swertz, Meurfins, and others. Petri Kærii Germania Inferior, in fol. Amftelodami 1622. This is the Labour of that skilful and exact Geographer Abraham Ortelius. Alberti Golnitzii Vlyffes Gallo-Belgicus, in 120. Amít. 1655. Jo. Bapt. Grammaye Peregrinatio Belgica, in 8vo. Col. 1623, in fol. 1708. This Author has wrote with a good Share of Exactnefs what relates to the Low Countries. F f 4 Ludovici I 440 A CATALOGUE of the Ludovici Guicciardini Belgiographia, in 4to. Arne hemii 1616. — In 120. 1635, & 1660. Theatrum Urbium Totius Belgii, five Germaniæ Infe rioris, in fol. 2 Vol. Dictionaire Geographique des Pais-bas, in 8vo. Amft. 1695. Les Delices de la Hollande, in 120. Haye 1710, 2 Vol. Ric. Verftegani Niderlandse Oudheden, in 8vo. Antv. 1613. Antonii Sanderi Flandria Illuftrata, in fol. Colonie Agripp. 1641, 2 Vol. Brabantia Sacra, & Prophana, in fol. Ant. 1644. Chorographia Sacra Brabantiæ, in fol. Bruxellis 1659. Theſe three Works by Sanders are much efteemed, and very dear, though the Author was ruined by Printing them. Menfonis Altingii Defcriptio, fecundum Antiquos, Agri Batavi, & Frifii; à Julio Cæfare ad Juftinianum, in fol. Amft. 1697. This Work relates only to the antient Geography. Martini Zeilleri Topographia inferioris Germaniæ, in fol. Francof. 1667. In High-Dutch. Marci Zuerii Boxhornii Status Foederati Belgii, in 120. Haga 1659. Martini Schoockii Belgium Foederatum, in 120. Amft. 1665. Joannis de Laet Refpublica Belgii Fœderati, in 240. Lugd. Batav. 1630. Guillaume Temple: Remarks on the State of the United Provinces, Lond. 1672, in 8vo. So impartial a Writer was this, that his Book has been frequently reprinted in Holland, and tranflated into the Frends, 1672, in 120. Utrecht. In 120. Haye 1680. and into Italian. Annales, ļ chief HISTORIANS. 441 Annales, five Hiftoria Rerum Belgicarum à diverfis Auctoribus confcripta, & edita Impenfis Sig. Feyrabend, in fol. Francof. 1580. Rerum Belgicarum Annales, Chronici, & Hiftorici Antiqui, & Recentiores, editi à Franc. Swertio, in fol. Francof. 1620. Adriani Schrieckii Origines Celticæ, & Belgica, in fol. Ipris 1614. Monitorum Secundorum Libri V. in fol. Ipris 1615. This is a curious and uncommon Book. Egidii Bucherii Belgium Romanum, Ecclefiafticum, Civile, in fol. Leodii 1655. This learned and ju- dicious Author begins about the Time of Julius Cafar, and comes down to the Year 511. Richard de Vaffebourg: Antiquitez de la Gaule Bel- gique, in fol. Verdun 1549. This credulous and fa bulous Author is very ſcarce. Petri Divæi Hiftoria de Antiquitatibus Galliæ Bel- gica, in 8vo. Antverp. 1566, & 1584. This Au- thor writes the Hiſtory of Flanders under the Romans. Jacobi Meyeri Annales Rerum Flandricarum Libris XVII. ab Anno 445, ad Annum 1476, in fol. Antverp. 1561. This Author would be more efteemed, if he was lefs partial. Auberti Miræi Rerum Belgicarum Chronicon à Ju- lio Cæfare ad An. 1636, in fol. Antverp. 1639. 1622. Fafti Belgici, ac Burgundici, in 8vo. Bruxellis Ponti Heuteri Opera omnia, in fol. Lovanii 1643. This learned Author has taken in almoft all that can be faid in his Piece, De Veterum, ac fui Sæculi Belgio, &res Belgicæ, atque Auftriæ, which is good. Ferreoli Locrii Chronicon Belgicum, in 4to. Atre- bati 1616. This eſteemed Writer begins at the Year 257, and ends in 1604. Gregorio Leti: Teatro Belgico, in 4to. Amfterd. 1699. There are fome entertaining Scenes in this, but 442 A CATALOGUE of the but as little Accuracy as in the other Works of this Author. Pierre d'Oudegherft: Les Chroniques, & Annales de Flandres depuis 620, jufqu' en 1476, in 4to. Anvers 1571. This Work is vained, though its Author has given too much into Fable. Pantaleonis Cand.di Belgicarum Rerum Epitome ab An. 700, ujqne ad An. 1606, in 4to. Francof. 1606. Les Chroniques de Flandres mifes en lumiere par Denis Sauvage, in fol. Lyon 1562. con les Memoires d' Olivier de la Marche. This is a good Edition of a valuable Book. Ant. Sanderi Gandavum, five Rerum Gandavenfium Libri VI. in 4to. Bruxellis 1627. La Legende des Flamcns, & Artefiens, in 4to. Paris 1512. Jacobi Marchantii Flandria Libris quatuor defcripta, &de Geftis Comitum à Balduino Ferreo, ad Philippum II. An. 1559, in 8vo. Antverp. 1596. - De Rebus Flandriæ Memorabilibus Liber Singularis ab Anno 531, ad An. 1488, in 8vo. Antverp. 1567% Auberti Mirai Donationes Belgicæ cam Notis, in 4to. Antverp. 1629. Cox Donationum piarum, præfertim Belgicarum, in 4to. Bruxellis 1624. 1628. Diplomata Belgica cum Notis, in 4to. Bruxellis Notitia Ecclefiarum Belgii, in 4to. Antverp. 1630. This is a valuable Collection of Original Inftruments, which are uſeful to the General, as well as Particular; and Ecclefiaftical Hiftories of thefe Countries, though fome of them are deemed fpurious: All the Writings of this Author are efteemed. Arnoldi Raiffii Belgica Chriftiana, five Synopfis Suc ceffionum, & Geftorum Epifcoporum Belgica Provincia, in 410. Duaci 1634. Guillaume chief HISTORIANS. 443 Guillaume Gazet: Hiftoire Ecclefiaftique des Pays Bas, in 4to. Arras 1614. Memoires d'Olivier de la Marche, in 4to. Bruxelles 1607. This is the beft and fulleft Edition. Ludovico Guicciardini: Comentari delle cofe più Me- morabili feguite ne' Paefi Baffi dalla Pace di Cambrai del 1529, in fino à tutto l'Anno 1560, in 4to. Anverfa 1565. Although the Author dedicated this Book to the Duke d'Alva, yet he never received ought from him, but the Favour of a Prifon, for being too free on the Subject of the new Impofitions, which gave that remarkable turn to the Affairs of thefe Coun- tries. Jo. Bapt. Grammaye Antiquitates Belgica, in fol. Bruxellis, & Lovanii 1708. This Author carefully ftudied the Antiquities of thefe Parts, and he had Access to all the publick Archives of Cities, Convents, and Churches. His Works, which had been printed ſeparately, were become fcarce; but the late Édition fupplies the Defect, and this Work is curious and eſteemed. Olivarii Uredii Hiftoria Comitum Flandriæ, in fol. Bruxellis 1650, 2 Vol. Sigilla Comitum Flandriæ, & Infcriptiones Diplo matum, in fol. Bruxellis 1639. Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ, in fol. Bruxellis 1642, & 1643, 2 Vol. This was a learned and well read Author; his Hiftory of the Earl of Flan- ders has in it fine Hints, and the Seals and Genealo- gies are very useful to the Nobility of thefe Countries. Hiftoire de Comtes de Flandre, in Svo. Haye 1698. Jo. Bucelini Gallo-Flandria Sacra, & Profana, in fol. Duaci 1625. I have taken Notice formerly of the Inaccuracy of this Author, which I could not here forbear once more to mention. Jac. 444 A CATALOGUE of the Jac. le Roy Topographia Hiftorica Gallo-Brabantia, in fol. Amftel. 1693. This is a Collection of Views of Fortreffes, Palaces, and Cities of Brabant. Petrus Divæus de Rebus Brabanticis, in 4to. Antverp. 1610. This Writer, publiſhed by Aabertus Miraus, is learned and exact. Hadrianus Barlandus: Chronica Ducum Brabantiæ, in fol. Antverp. 1600. This Work, though rare, is in it felf inconfiderable. Franc. Haræi Annales Ducum Brabantiæ, & Utri- ufque Belgii, in fol. Antverp. 1623, 2 Vol. Ericii Puteani Bruxellæ Defcriptio, in fol. Bruxellæ 1646. This is of little Value. Joan. Molanus de Militia Sacra Ducum, & Princi- pum Brabantiæ, in 8vo. Antverp. 1590. Joan. Van Waesbergen Gerardi Montium Defcrip tio, in 4to. Bruxellis 1627. Davidis Lindani Teneramonda, in 4to. Antverp. 1612. This is reprinted in the Edition of Grammage, in Folio. Joan le Roy Notitia Marchionatus S. R. Imperii, five Urbis, & Agri Antverpienfis Defcriptio, in fol. Antverp. 1678. This is nothing but Defcriptions of Cities, Caftles, and Palaces. Joan. Goropii Becani Origines Antverpienfes, in fol. Antverp. 1580. This fabulous Author is ftrange- ly fought for. Caroli Scribanii Antverpia, & Origines Antverpi enfes, in 4to. Antverp. 1610. Jufti Lipfii Lovanium, in 4to. Antverp. 1605. This Piece is valuable, and it is much to be lamented, that we have not this Author's Hiftory of the Low Countries fo long promiſed to us. Le Theatre de la Noblesse du Brabant, in 4to. Luttich 1705. Jacques chief HISTORIANS. 445 Jacques de Guife: Les Illuftrations de la Gaule Bel- gique, Croniques, & Annales, du Pays de Haynaut, in fol. Paris 1531, 3 Vol. Balduini Arennenfis Chronicon Hannoniæ, cum No- is Jacobi le Roy, in fol. Antverpiæ 1693. This thin and fmall Chronicle is very much efteemed. Henri, & Pietre d'Outreman: Hiftoire de la Ville, Comte de Valencienne, in fol. Douay 1639. Huberti Loyens Synopfis Rerum à Lotharingia, Bra- bantiæ, & Limburgi Ducibus geftarum cum Iconibus, in qi0. Bruxellis 1672. Jo. Bertelii Hiftoria Luxemburgenfis, in 410. Col. 1605, & 1639. Nic. Vignier: Hiftoire de la Maifon de Luxem- bourg, in 4to. Paris 1647. Pierre Colins: Hiftoire des Seigneurs d' Enghien, de l'Ancienne Maifon d' Enghien, de Celle de Luxembourg, de Bourbon, in 4to. Mons 1634. De Guife: Mons Hannoniæ. This is reprinted in the Folio Edition of Grammaye's Works in 1708. Pierre le Boucq; Hiftoire de la Terre, & Vicomte de Sibourcq, jadis poffedée par les Comtes de Flandres, & Haynaut, in 4to. Bruxell. 1645. Jean Coufin: Hiftoire de Tournay, in 4to. Douay 1619, 2 Vol. This is an inaccurate, eafy, credu- lous Author, of ſmall Judgment. Jacobus Malbranc de Morinis, & Morinorum Rebus, in 4to. Tornaci 1639, 3 Vol. This Work is valued. Floris Vander Haer des Chatelains de Lille, leur An- cient Etat, Office, &Famille, in 4to. Lille 1611. Baldrici Chronicon Cameracenfe, & Atrebratenfe, in Svo. Duaci 1615. This old Chronicle is very fcarce, and in it felf valuable. Ҫ НА Р. 446 A CATALOGUE of the CHAP. XLVIII. Particular Hiftories of HOLLAND, or the UNITED PROVINCES, and their Revolutions. H UGO Grotius de Antiquitate Reipublice Batavicæ, in 240. Lugd. Batav. 1630 M. Zuerii Boxhornii Theatrum Urbium Hollan diæ, in 4to. Amft. 1632. This is a valuable Work. De Statu Foederati Belgii, in 120. Hagæ 1659. Petri Scriverii Batavia Illuftrata, feu de Batavo- rum Infula, Hollandia, Zelandia, &c. in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1609. Simon Van Leevven Batavia, ofte Hollandfche Chro- nyk, in fol. Hag. Com. 1685, 2 Vol. In this Book are many Original Papers. Johan. Heemskerke: Arcadia Batavifche, in 8vo. Amft. 1637. Though this Book bears a Romantick Title, yet may it be uſeful for the Antiquities of this Country. Saxonis Grammatici Oud Batavien, in 8vo. Ludg 1606. James Duyn publiſhed this Book under the fictitious Name of Saxo, though it is well known that Scriverius was the true Author. Johan Van Someren Herftelde Oudheid, ofte Bef chryvinge Van Batavia, in 4to. Noviom. 1657. Adriani Pars Catti Aborigines Batavorum, in 8vo. Leyd. 1697. Jean Franc. Petit: La grande Chronique Ancienne, & Moderne de Hollande, Zelande, Wefttrife jufques à la fin de l'An 1600, in fol. Dordrecht 1601, 2 Vol. Jani chief HISTORIANS. 447 Jani Douza Batavia Hollandiæque Annales, in 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1601. Matthæi Voffii Annales Hollandiæ, Zelandiæque, in 4to. Amftelod. 1635, & 1641, 2 Vol. joan. Meurfii Hiftoria Belgica, in fol. Amftel. 1638. Mich. Vofmeri Principes Hollandiæ, & Zelandiæ cum genuinis ipforum Iconibus, in fol. Antverp. 1578. Hadriani Junii Batavia, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1588. Corn. Haemrodii Batavia, totiufque Hollandiæ, & Urbium ejus brevis delineatio, cum Notis Jo. Ifaaci Pontani, in fol. Amſt. 1611. Jac. Eyndii Chronicon Zeelandiæ, in 1634. 4to. Middleb. Joan. Ifaaci Pontani Rerum, & Urbis Amftelo- dimenfis Hiftoria, in fol. Amft. 1611. Theodori Schrevelii Harlemum, in 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1647. Gafp. Commelini Defcriptio Urbis Amftelodamenfis, in 4to. Amft. 1694. Lamberti Hortenfi Succeffiones Civiles Ultrajectenfes ufque ad Tranflationem Epifcopatus, in fol. Amftel. 1649. Jo. de Beka, & Wilh. Hede Hiftoria Epifcopatus Ultrajecti cum Appendice Suffridi Petri, in fol. Ul- trajecti 1643. Ant. Matthæus de Rebus Ultraje&tinis, in 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1690. ·Rerum Amerfortiarum Scriptores duo, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1693. -Veteris Aevi Analecta, in 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1698. In this is the Conclave Ultrajektinum, &c. Goth. Henfchenius de Epifcopatu Trajectenſi, in 410. Antverp. 1654. * Monumenta Ultrajectina Illuſtrium Virorum & Elo- gia, in fol. Traj. ad Rhen. 1671. * Description 448 A CATALOGUE of the * I 20. Deſcription del Hotel de Ville d'Amſterdam, in Bern. Furmeri Annales Frifici, in 4to. Franek. 1609, & Leovardiæ 1612, 2 Vol. Suffridus Petrus de Frifiorum Antiquitate, & Origine, in 4to. Col. 1593. Apologia pro Antiquitate, & Origine Frifiorum, cum Furmeri Peroratione contra Emmium, in 120. Frane- queræ 1699. Ubbonis Emmii Rerum Frificarum Hiftoria, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1616. This Author is valued. -De Origine, & Antiquitate Frifiorum contra Suf- fridum Petrum, & Furmerum, in 8vo. Groningæ 1603. Bernardi Schotani Hiftoria Frifica, in fol. Amft. 1660. In Low Dutch. Pierii Winſemii Rerum ab Exceffus Caroli V. per Frifiam geftarum, Libri IV. in 4to. Leovardiæ 1646. This Book is eſteemed by Strada, and others. Jo. Ifaaci Pontani Hiftoria Gelrica, in fol. Har- derwici. 1639. This is a faithful and polite Writer, admirably well verfed in the Antient and Modern Hil tory of the Low Countries. He made ufe of the Pa- pers of Paul Merula and John Leontz. Arend Van Slichienhorft tranflated it into Low Dutch in Folio, at Arnheim, in 1654, and made an Addition of above three hundred Chapters. Jo. Smith Oppidum Batavorum, fets Novioma gum, in 4to. Amft. 1644. Joan. de Leydis Chronicon Egmondanum ab Anto- nio Matthæo editum, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1692. Ubbo Emmius de Urbe Groningenfi, in 8vo. Gro- ning. 1646. Jac. Revii Daventria Illuftrata, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1651. Joan. Lindebornii Hiftoria, five Notitia Epifcopatus Daventrienfis, in 8vo. Col. 1670. This Work is excellent chief HISTORIANS. 449 excellent for the publick Acts and Original Papers in it. Jo. Mantelii de Haffeleto, five Hiftoria Loffenfis Compendium, in 4to. Lovanii 1663. Libellus fupplex Imperatori, & Imperii Ordinibus No- mine Beigarum in Comitiis Spirenfibus exhibitus, in 8vo. Ann. 1570. Richardi Hall Opufcula quædam de tribus primariis caufis Tumultuum Belgicorum, in 8vo. Duaci 1581. Florentinus Vander-Haer de Initiis Tumultuum Belgi- corum, in Svo. Duaci 1587. In 8vo. Lovanii 1640. Francifci Harai Sincera Declaratio caufarum Belli belgici ab An. 1566, ad An. 1608, in 8vo. Antverp. 1612. Ernefti Eremundi Origo, & Hiftoria Belgicorum Tumultuum, in 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1619. — In 120. Amftel. 1641. Difcours fommaire des Raiſons, qui ont contraint les Etats Generaux des Pays-Bas de pourvoir à leur Defenſe contre le Seigneur D. Juan d' Autriche, in 4to. Anvers 1577. Pieter Bor Oorsprong begin ende vewolg der Neder- landfeborlogen, in fol. Ludg. & Amft. 1621. This Author is valued by the Dutch. Emmanuel Meteren Hiftoire des Pays-Bas depuis 1315, juſqu'en 1612, in fol. Haye 1618. at Emmanuelis Meterani: Hiftoria Belgica, in fol. Col. 1597. Tom. I. & Amft. 1618. Tom. II. 2 Vol. [In Low Dutch.] This Book has been tranflated into almoſt all the European Languages; into High Dutch Amfterdam, or rather Franckfort in 1669, in four Volumes in Folio, which comes down to the Year 1638. The Author, who was a Merchant, fpared neither Coft nor Pains to perfect his Work, though his Credulity led him into feveral Miftakes, which were not Corrected till in a fourth Edition. VOL. II. G g Galp. 450 A CATALOGUE of the Gafp. Ens Belli Civilis in Belgio per 40 Annos gefti Hiftoria ufque ad Annum 1609. Belgicis Meterani Commentariis concinnata, in fol. Col. 1610. Gabriel Chappuis: Hiftoire generale de la Guerre de Flandres depuis 1559, jusqu' en 1609, in fol. Paris 1633⋅ Bonaventura Vulcanii Hiftoria Belgicorum T- multuum, ab An. 1556, ad An. 1577. Girol. Coneftaggio: Hiftoria delle Guerre della Ger mania Inferiore, in 4to. Ven. 1614, and in 8vo. Ley. den 1634. Avvertimenti fopra la Storia di Girolamo Coneftag- gio, in 8vo. 1619. Cefare Campana della Guerra di Fiandra dall' Anno 1559, fino al 1600, in 4to. Vicenza 1602. Mich. ab Iffelt Sui Temporis Hiftoria ab Initio Tu multuum Belgicorum ad An. 1586, in 8vo. Col. 1602. Michaelis Aitfingeri de Leone Belgico Topographica, & Hifiorica Defcriptio, in fol. Col. Ubiorum 1583. In his Hiſtory the Author begins at 1559, and ends in 1583. But all that can be faid of him is, that he was Buffoon to the Kings of Spain of his own Time. Everardi Reidani Belgarum Aliarumque Gentium Annales, in Latin. verfi à Dionyf. Voffio, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1633. This Book bears a great Reputation, was firſt publiſhed at Arnheim in 1626, in quarto, and twenty-four Years after the Death of the Author who was well acquainted with the Secrets of the Time he lived in, in Low Dutch. Some prefer him to Grotius. The Tranflation here mentioned, made by Voffius, in which he too much affects to imitate Tacitus, is obfcure. Famiani Strada de Bello Belgico Decas prima ab Ex ceffu Caroli V. ufque ad Ann. 1578, in fol. Roma 1640. ↑ Ejufdem chief HISTORIANS. 45 I Ejufdem Decas Secunda ab An. 1578, ad An. 1590, in fol. Romæ 1647. There are feveral other Editi- ons of this celebrated Author, but this laft is the moſt efteemed. The firſt Volume of this Hiftory was tranflated into Italian by Carlo Papini, and the fecond by the greateſt modern Orator Italy boaſts, Father Paul Segneri, and printed in two Volumes in quarto at Rome in 1638, with Figures, Plans, c. He is eſteemed much in the Intereft of the Spaniards. Some have cried up his Style for a Mafter-piece and Model, but Scioppius has difcovered feveral Solecifms in his Piece, De Infamia Famiani, and it may be worth a Reader's Pains to peruſe the Character of him drawn at full Length, by the great Cardinal Bentivoglio in his Memoirs, pag. 156, &c. Angelus Galluccius de Bello Belgico ab Anno 1593, ad An. 1609, in fol. Romæ 1673. — 1676, 2 Vol. & Noriberg 1677.-1705, in 4to. This Conti- nuation of Strada, much inferiour to him, was tran- ated into Italian by James Cellefi, and printed in two Volumes in quarto at Rome 1673. Hiftoire de la Guerre de Flandres traduite de Strada Pierre du Rier, in fol. Paris 1644, & 1649, 2 Vol. Joan. Balinus de Belgio fub Aufpiciis Ambrofii Spi- nola, in 8vo. Bruxellæ 1609. Henricus Paulinus de Rebus Belgicis fub Philippo II. in 8vo. Embda 1663. Janfonii, Lorchani, Arthufii, & Philippi Abel Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus, in 8vo. Coloniæ 1596, &c. 35 Vol. Hugonis Grotii: Annales, & Hiftoria de Rebus Bel- cis ab obitu Philippi Regis ufque ad inducias Anni 1609, in fol. Amft. 1657. In 8vo. Amft. 1655. This is the moſt able and experienced Author of any ho have attempted the Hiftory of Holland, nor was here a Man of his time, except himself, equal to the G g 2 Under- 452 A CATALOGUE of the Undertaking. As he is an Imitator of Tacitus, he is fometimes obfcure, and difficultly underſtood by a Stranger to the Hiftory of this Country. Mr. Sarra, once offered two thoufand French Livres for it, when in Manufcript, but was rejected. It is tranflated into English by T. Manley, at Lond. 1665, in Octavo. Pieter Cornelifzoon Hooft: Nederlandfche Gefchie deniffen, in fol. Amft. 1677, & 1703, 2 Vol. This Author is much valued by his Countrymen. In his Book have we exact Draughts of all the Intrigues of a Court, and the Art of War; but he comes down no lower than the Year 1588. Johannes Vander Sande de Waekende Leeuw des Niederlanden Leeuwerd 1651. It was afterwards tran flated into Latin under the Title of, Rerum Belgicarum Epitome, Ultraj. 1652, in 120. Leo Van Aizema: Saken van Staet en Oologh, in 14 Volumes in quarto; afterwards at Leyden in Folio, Vol I. II. III. IV. in 1669, Vol. V. 1670, Vol. VI. 1672. This is an excellent Work, and comprizes fe veral Original Papers of Tranfactions between 1621) and 1669. The Edition in quarto is moft valued, to which might be added the fame Author's Hiftory of the Peace, of which I fhall fay more hereafter, and his Book, Intituled, Herftelde Leuur, where he gives an Account of the Affairs of 1650 and 1651. This laft indeed may be feen at the End of the Folio Editi on. The two following Books are a Continuation to the Year 1686. C. Sylvius Hiftorien on es Tyds Behalzende faken va Staat en Oorlogh, in fol. Amft. 1685, 2 Vol. Vewolgh Van Saken Van Staat en Oorlogh, in fol Amft. 1688. Petri Valckenier Venvirtes Europa, in fol. Amit Vol. I. 1677. Vol. II. 1680. Vol. III. 1683 This Author remarkable for his Negotiations and Embaffies, wrote only the firft Volume, which com prize chuf HISTORIANS. 453 prizes from the Year 1664 to 1674. Mr. Andrew Muller has continued it down in two more Volumes to the Year 1682. : Le Noble Hiftoire de la Republique d' Hollande, in 120. Paris 1689, 2 Vol. This is almoft an Abridge- ment of Grotius's Hiftory; but as Mr. Le Noble has inferted fome Paffages injurious to the Dutch, the Book was prohibited by the States-General in Holland. Balt. Hezeneil de la Neufville: Hiftoire d' Hollande depuis la Treve de 1609, on finit Grotius: jufqu' a No- we Temps, in 120. Paris 1693, 4 Vol. This Piece wrote by Mr. Baillet, well known for his great Itch of fcribling, is but little efteemed, and like his other Pieces, much more promifing when in Embryo, then when born. The Name of Balthazar Hezeneil de Neufville, is an Anagram for Baillet of Neufville in Hez. This Neufville being a Village near Clermont in the Beauvoifis, from whence Baillet's Family came. Hiftoire d' Hollande depuis la Paix de Nimegue jufqu' celle de Rifwick, in 120. Amfterd. 1704. This is a fort of Continuation of Mr. Baillet. à Hiftoire des Provinces Unies depuis leur Etabliſſement jf en 1795, in 120. Amft. 1707, 4 Vol." This Abridgment is very much eſteemed. Hollandfe Alercurius, in 4to. Harlem-Amft. 1660, 1690, in 41 Volumes. This comprizes the Dutch Affairs from 1650 to 1690, and was continued the fame Year by one ftiling himſelf, Philologo-Politicus. Antoine Aubery du Maurier: Memoires pour fervir Hiftoire d'Hollande, in 120. Paris 1682.-Paris 1688. Thefe Memoirs contain many Paffages, which gave to great Difguft in Holland, that they were pro- hibited under the most fevere Penalties. Guillaume Temple: Memoires de ce qui s'eſt paſſe dans la Chretiente depuis le Commencement de la Guerre 1672, jusqu'à la Paix conclue en 1679, in Svo. Haye 1692. Firft wrote in English, and from that G g 3 tranflated 1 454 A CATALOGUE of the tranflated into Italian at Grenoble 1675, in 120. As this polite Author was employed in feveral Embaffies in Holland, and other Parts, in him we may fee feveral curious Particulars, and to him may be added the Letters wrote by the Earl of Arlington. Bizot: Hiftoire Metallique de la Republique de Hol- lande, in fol. Paris 1687. In 8vo. Amft. 1689, & 1690, 3 Vol. Of this curious Hiftory the laft Edi- tion is the largeft, and beft: prefixed is an ingenious Differtation, fhewing the Value the Learned have put on Modern Medals, and their great Ufe in Hiftory, particularly the Branch of Chronology. Mr. le Clerc Hiftoire des Provinces Unies des Pays-Bas avec Medailles, &c. Amft. 1723, in fol. A Tranfla- tion into English was defigned by Mr. Burridge, but it proved Abortive. 410. Card. Bentivoglio della Guerra di Fiandra, in Col. 1633. In 8vo. Col. 1635. Tranflated into English by H. Carey Eſq; of Monmouth, Lond. 1652, in fol. and at Lond. 1678. Memorie, Overo Diario, in 8vo. Amft. 1648. Raccolta di Lettere del Cardinal Bentivoglio in Tempo delle fue Nunziature di Fiandra, e di Francia, in Svo. Col. 1646. In fol. Parigi 1645. This is one of the moſt judicious and beſt Hiftorians we have of the Rebellion in the Low Countries, has been re-pub- liſhed with Notes by Alexander Inglife, L. L. B. of Trinity-Hall in Cambridge 1727. Bernardino de Mendoca: Commentarios de lo Sucedi do en las Guerras de los Payfes Baxos de adde el Anno 1576, hafta el de 1577, in 4to. Madrit. 1592. Re- printed at Paris in Octavo 1591. Hiftoire des Guerres Civiles du Pays-bas, in 8vo. 1582. Hiftoire des Princes d' Orange, in 120. Amft. 1692. Tranflated into English by Tho. Browne, 8vo. Lond. 1693. Apologie on Defenfe de Guillaume Prince d' Orange contre le Ban & Edit publie par le Roi d' Efpagne, in 4to. Anvers chief HISTORIANS. 455 1 Anvers 1581. In Octavo in Latin at Antverp 1581. A valuable and rare Book. Diverſes Lettres Interceptées du Cardinal de Granvelle, in 4to. Anvers 1580. La Deſcription de l'Etat, Succes, & Occurrences ave- mies au Pays-bas au fait de la Religion, in 8vo. 1596. Affaffinat commis en la Perfonne du Prince d' Orange par Jean Jaureguy Eſpagnol, in 4to. Anvers 1582. Jo. Jans Orlers ende Henrich Van Hauftens Naf- Lure Laurekrans, in fol. Leyd. 1610. Les Lauriers de Naffau, ou Description des Victoire gances par les Etats du Pays-bas fous la Conduite dus Prince Maurice de Naffau, in fol. Leyden 1615. This is only a Tranflation of the laft Piece from the Dutch. Pierii Winfemii Vita, res geftæ, & Mors Mauritii Primcipis Auriaci, in 4to. Franequeræ 1625. Joan. Meurfii Guilielmus Auriacus, in 4to. Lug- duni Batav. 1621.-In fol. Amft. 1638. Ferdinandus Albanus, five de Rebus in Belgio per Sexennium geftis Libri IV. & Liber de Induciis, feu Re- um Belgio Liber V. in fol. Amſt. 1638. Hiftoire de Don Jean d' Autriche, 120. Amft. 1690. Hiftoire de l' Archi-Duc Albert, in 120. Col. 1693. D. M. Hiftoire d' Alexandre Farnefe Duc de Parme, in 120. Amft. 1692. De Monpleinchamp ! Hiftoire di Emmanuel Philibert Duc de Savoye, in 120. Amft. 1692. Martini Antonii Delrio Commentarius Rerum in Belgio geftarum à Petro Henriquez Comite Fontano, in 4. Madriti 1610.-In 4to. Lovan. 1611. La Vie de Corneille Tromp, in 120. Haye 1694. Gerard Brand het Leven en Bedryv van den Heer Michiel de Ruiter, in fol. Amft. 1687. Ant. Thyfii Hiftoria Navalis, five Celebriorum Pra- liorum, que Mari ab Antiquiffimis Temporibus ufque ad pacem Hifpanicam Batavi, Foederatique Belgæ, ut pluri- mum Victores gefferunt, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1657. Gg 4 Hugonis 456 A CATALOGUE of the Hugonis Grotii Obfidio Bredana Anni 1615, in fol. Antverp. 1629. Obfidio Grollæ, An. 1627, in fol. Amftel. 1629. Danielis Heinfii Rerum ad Sylvam. Ducis, atque alibi An. 1629, geftarum Hiftoria, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1631. Hermani Hugo Obfidio Bredana fub Ambrofio Spinola, in fol. Antv. 1629. Marci Zuerii Boxhornii Obfidio Bredana Anni 1637, in fol. Lugd. Batav. 1640. Hugonis Grotii Epiftole, in fol. Amft. 1687. After the Death of Mr. Tuffendrof, was found in his Ca- binet, a Copy of Grotius's Letters, much better me- thodized than thofe printed, with an excellent Key to explain them, as alfo feveral others never yet printed. Alta Pacificationis inter Regem Hifpaniarum, Ordinef- que Belgii, in 8vo. Antv. 1580. Memoires' concernant les Affaires des Pays-Bas, in 8vo. 1583. In thefe Memoirs are feveral curious original Pieces relating to the Peace of Ghent in 1579. Traite de Reconciliation des Provinces d' Artois, in &vo. Douai 1579. Ericii Puteani Belli, & Pacis Statera, in 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1633. Jacobus Eindius ab Haemftede de Pace à Batavis Anno 1609, oblata, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1611. Joannes Meurfius de Inducis Belgicis, in fol. Amft. 1638. 1 Dominicus Baudius de Induciis Belgicis Anni 1609, in 120. Lugd. Batav. 1629. Negotiations du Prefident Jeannin, in fol. Paris 1651. Thefe are excellent Negotiations, managed by this Gen- tleman, employed in concluding the Truce between Spain and Holland, in 1609. Leonis ab Aitzema Hiftoria Pacis à Federatis Belgis ab Anno 1621, conclufa, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1614, The chief HISTORIANS. 457 The Author run this Work out into Seven Volumes in Folio, in Low Dutch, but this Edition is the beſt. It is evident by what has been faid before, Mr. Menc- hen takes Notice, that Mr. Frefnoy confounds two Books together, as the fame in themſelves, which are very different. Memoires de Jean de Wit grand Penfionnaire de Hol- lande, in 120. Haye 1709. Thefe Memoirs are the Work of a true Friend to his Country, a great Ra- rity at this Day in Holland. La Vie de Corneille & Jean de Wit, in 120. Utrech 1709, 2 Vol. * Jac. Wilde: Signa Antiqua Muſei Amftelodami, in 4to. Amft. 1700. CHAP. XLIX. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY of the LOW COUNTRIES. Elias Schedius de Diis Germanis, in 8vo. Amft. 1648. M. Zuer. Boxhorn Nederlandse Hiftorien, in 4to. Leyden 1649. As this Author published only the first Book, he treats only of the firft Changes of Reli- gion, and the Perfecutions before, and during the Go- vernment of the Emperour Charles V. Jacobi Bafelii Sulpitius Belgicus, in 120. Lugd. Bat. 1657. He gives an Account of Ecclefiaftical Affairs from the Birth of Chrift to 1600. Paul Merula Tydtrefor, in fol. Lugd. Bat. 1627. Wilhelm Baudaftius Memorien ofte Kort verhael det Gedenckweer digften foo Kerkeliike alias Wereltbike Gefchic ! 458 A CATALOGUE of the Gefchie deniffen Van Nederland, in fol. Arnhem 1624. He begins at the Year 1603, and ends in 1624. Jo. Uytembogaeft Kerckeliike Hiftorie, in fol. Roterd. 1647. This Book is well efteemed, though its Author was no Scholar. Jacob Trigland Kercheliike gefchi e deniffen, in fol. Leyden 1650. This is an Anfwer to the laft, but the Author had no Succefs. Gerard Brand Kort verhael van de Reformatie, in 120. Amft. 1658. Verhaal van de Herstellung der Godſdienſt, in 8vo. Amft. 1663. Hiftorie der Reformatie, in 4to. Amft. Tom. I. 1671, & 1677. Tom. II. 1674. Tom. III. & IV. in 1704, 4 Vol. This Book is valued, as in it are all the Ecclefiaftical Affairs of the Twelfth Century to 1624; fome Part of it has been tranflated and pub- lifhed in English, in 8vo. Henrich Ruil Brands Stoutdgeveinstheid en Liefdel rosheid, Amft. 1674. G. Brand Verantwoordinge der Sake van Syne Hiftoric der Reformatie, in 4to. Amft. 1675. H. Ruil Verdediging van de Waarheid Synet Bef chyldigingen, in 4to. Amft. 1676. Ata Synodi Nationalis Auctoritate Ordinum Belgii Dordrechti Habite 1618, & 1619, in fol. Lugd. Borav. 1620 And in Law Drach at Dort 1621. Poft acta ofte Nahandelingen, in 4to. Gravehaaug. 1669. Alta Synodalia Remonftrantium, in fol. Harderwii 1620. Oorfprong en de Voodgang der Nederlandfe Ker- keliike Verschillen, in fol. 1623. Pr. ftantium, ac Eruditorum Virorum Epiftola Ecclefia- Alice & Theologica, in 8vo. Amft. 1660. Amft. 1684. In fol. Joan. chief HISTORIANS. 4.59 Johan. Wrenbogaerts Leven, Kerckeliike Bedien ende Zedighe Verantwoordinghe, in 4to. 1654. Philippi a Limborch: Hiftoria Vita Simonis Epifco- pii, in 8vo. Amft. 1701. To which may be added, Pieras by Hugo Grotius, Sibrandi Luberti Refponfio ad Pietatem & Decretum Ord. Hollandi contra Luberti Libellum; and other Books of the like Nature. CHA P. L. The Hiftory of GREAT BRITAIN. 1. ENGLAND. HE English Hiftorical Library by Dr. Nicholson, Bishop of Carlisle, afterwards Biſhop of Lon- don-Derry, and Archbishop of Caffel in Ireland, 3 Vol. Lond. 1696, 1697, and 1699, 3 Vol. and in 1714, in Folio. This Author gives us an Ac- count of most of the Hiftorians of England, as well Manufcript as printed, with his own Thoughts. and Obfervations on feveral of them. He then pro- mifed the Scottish and Irish Hiftorical Libraries, which he has fince publiſhed. On this Head it may be pro- per to confult Leland, Eale, Pitfeus, Anthony à Iood, and fome other English Writers on this Head. The English Topographer, Lond. 1720, in Svo. *Jo. Lelandi Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britan- nicis ab Ant. Hall, S. T. P. in 8vo. 2 Vol. Oxon 1709. This valuable Work is much mangled by the Editor, who carelefly trufted the Tranfcript to ano- ther, nor compared it himſelf with the Original; fo that in general, with feveral Omiffions, it is very in- correct, as may be feen by the Original Manufcript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. joannes 460 A CATALOGUE of the * * Joannes Balæus de Scriptoribus Illuftribus Britanniæ, 2 Vol. in fol. Lond. 1548. *Joannes Pitfeus de Rebus Anglicis, in 4to. Paris 1619. * Guil. Baxteri Gloffarium Antiquitatum Britanni- carum, in 4to. Lond. 1719. Athenæ Oxonienfes: Or, Hiftory of the Oxford Writers, c. from 1500 to 1690.-Lond. 1690, in fol. 2 Vol. reprinted, as is affirmed, without any Al- terations, but great Additions to the Year 1694, com- municated by a Reverend Dignitary, in two Volumes in Folio, Lond. 1721. *Miles Davies: Athenæ Britannica, Lond. 1716, 2 Vol. 8vo. This is only a confufed Account of English Authors, collected from Books, and thrown together without either Method, or Style. Rutgeri Hermannidis Britannia Magna, in 120. Amft. 1661. Guilelmi Camdeni Britannia, in fol. Lond. 1607, & Amft. 1659. This is one of the moſt judicious and able Writers any Age or Country can boaſt. It was tranflated by Philemon Holland, M. D. at London, in 1610, & 1637, in Folio; and fince by Biſhop Gibſon, with feveral Additions in 1695, Lond. in Folio. reprinted and enlarged by the fame into two Volumes in Folio, Lond. 172 It is the best and moſt authoritative Account of the Antiquities of England, confirmed by Medals and Infcriptions, and Illuftrated with Maps. It was firft printed at London in 1582. 1585. 1587, in 8vo. 1590. 1594, and 1600, in 4to. John Speed: Theatrum Magne Britanniæ, &c. Amft. 1616. 1646, in fol. This is a diligent and exact Work, and is of equal Ufe for the Hiftory as the Topography of England. William chief HISTORIANS. 461 William Neile Britannia Baconica: Or, The Na- tural Rarities of Great Britain, in 8vo. Lond. 1661. Memoires & Obfervations faites par un Voyageur en Angleterre, in 120. Haye 1698. Les Delices de le Grande Bretagne, in 120. Leyde 1707, 9 Vol. With Draughts. Though this Work by fome is eſteemed, yet in my Opinion it is rather ſtuffed with Prints, than other Matter. Jacobi Howel Differtatio de Præcedentia Regum (in qua pracipue Regis Magnæ Britanniæ Jura, Prerogative, & Pre-eminentia vindicantur) ex Anglico Latine verfa B. Harrifium, in 8vo. Londini 1664. per Thomas Smith de Republica & Adminiftratione An- glorum, in 240. Lugd. Batavorum 1641. Wrote firſt in English in 1560, in 4to. Guilielmi Toockeri Chariſma, ſive Donum Sanationis, ubi pracipue agitur de folemni, & facra Struma fanati- one Regibus Angliæ Divinitus conceffa, in 4to. Londini 1597. Ratio conftituta nuper Reipublica Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hiberniæ, una cum Infulis aliifque locis ejus ditioni fub- jectis, penes Protectorem & Parliamentum, in 120. Hage Comitum 1654. This Work gives an Account of England under the Ufurpation of Cromwel. The prefent State of England by Dr. Chamberlain, in Octavo. Of this Book there have been very frequent Editions fince the firſt in the Reign of King Charles II. and thofe before the Year 1688, are much valued, for feveral Paffages omitted in the following. Will. Petyt Jus Antiquum Communium Angliæ Aſſer- tum, ubi dilucide probatur eos conftituere Parlamenti par- tem effentialem, in 8vo. Lugd. 1680. Breviarium Hiftoria Parlamenti, in 120. Lugd. Batav. 1651. Sir Robert Filmer's Difcourfes, Lond. 1684, in 8vo. Dialogus de Fundamentis legum Angliæ & de Confcien- ția, in Svo. Lond. 1528. La 462 A CATALOGUE of the La Defense des Droits des Communes d' Angleterre; traduite de l'Original Anglois, in 120. Rotterdam 1702. Henrici Spelmanni Opera Pofthuma, in fol. Oxonii 1698. Bishop Gibson has preferved feveral curious Treatifes of a learned Author in this Collection. John Selden: A Brief Difcourfe of the Office of the Chancellor of England, and thofe, who have borne it, &c. Lond. 1672, in fol. Robertus Sheringhamus de Origine gentis Anglorum, in 8vo. Cantab. 1670. Hieronymus Cypræus de Origine Saxonum, Anglo- rum, Cymbrorum, in 4to. Hafniæ 1637. William Camden: Remains concerning Britain: Languages, Names, &c. in 4to. and 8vo. Lond. 1637. and feveral other Impreffions. Rich. Verftegan: Reftitution of loft Intelligence, &c. in 4to. Ant. 1605, in 8vo. Lond. 1653, 1674. Robert Vaughan: Antiquities of England, in 410. Oxf. 1662. Dan. Langhornii Elenchus Antiquitatum Albionen- fium, in 8vo. Lond. 1673. Of this there remains in Manuſcript the laft Part. Aylet Sammes: Britannia Antiqua Illuſtrata, in fol. Lond. 1676. This Book is worth little, being only Collections ill digefted from Sheringham, and others. There are feveral who have wrote particular Hifto- ries of Counties, Cities, Towns, &c. of which take at preſent only fome of the Principals, as Berkshire by Afhmole, in 1719, in 8vo. Chefire by King, in 1656, in fol. Cornwall by Carew, in 1602, and 1721, in 4to. and Norden's Survey in 1728, 4to. Devonshire by Rifdon, 1714, 2 Vol. 8vo. Glofterfire by Sir Robert Atkins, in and 1712, in fol. Hertfordshire by Norden in 1598, 4to. Sir Henry Chauncy 1700, in fol. Kent by Lambarde in 1596, 4to. Kilburne in 1659, 4to. Alex. Philipot in 1659, in fol. and by Dr. Harris in 1719, in folo Leicestershire chief HISTORIANS. 463 Leicestershire by Mr. Burton, in fol. 1622. Middlefex by Norden, at Lond. 1593, in 4to. and fince by Bowack, in two Parts, Lond. 1705, in fol. Northamp- tonfire by Norden in 1720, in 8vo. and Moreton in 1712, in fol. Nottinghamshire by Dr. Thoroton in 1671, in fol. Oxfordshire by Flott in 1677, and 1705, in fol. Rutlandfire by Wright in 1684, and 1687, in fol. Staffordshire by Dr. Plott in 1686, in fol. Surrey by Mr. Aubrey in 1719, in 8vo. Warwickshire by Sir William Dugdale, Lond. 1656, in fol. Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores Vetuftiores, in fol. Heidelb. 1587. This is an excellent Collection, and contains the beſt and moſt antient Authors printed from the Heidelbergh Library, when it was in its glory, and before its Tranfportation to the Vatican at Rome. Anglicarum Rerum Scriptores poft Bedam præcipui editi ab Henrico Savilio, in fol. Lond. 1596.-In fol. Francof. 1601. There are many Errours of Ortho- graphy of the English Words in the Francfort Edi tion. Anglicarum, Hibernicarum, & Cambricarum Re- rum Scriptores editi à Guil. Camdeno, in fol. Francof. 1602. Hiftoria Anglicanæ Scriptores Antiqui decem, à Ro- gerio Twyfdeno, & Joanne Seldeno, in fol. Lond. 1652, 2 Vol. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum veterum Tomus I. Ingulfi Hiftoria, Petri Blefenfis Continuatio, Chronica de Mailros, &c. in fol. Oxon 1684. This was publiſh- ed by Dr. John Fell, Bishop of Oxford, without his Name. Hiftoria Anglicanæ Scriptores V. nunc primum evul- gati, Volumen II. in fol. Oxonii 1687. This is the Second Volume of the foregoing Book, according to Mr. Fresnoy. Here, as Mr. Mencken well obfe:ves, Fresnoy is miſtaken, it being a Second Volume to the next 464 A CATALOGUE of the next mentioned Book. As the learned Dr. Thomas Gale, pointed out by the Letters T. G. publifhed this four Years before the First Volume, and calls it the Second, as it contains Authors of a more Modern Era. Hiftorie Britannice, Saxonica, Anglo-Danica Scri- ptores quindecim a Thoma Gale Collecti, in fol. Oxonie 1691. A compleat Hiftory of England, in fol. Lond. 1706, and 1720, in fol. This is a Collection of English Wi- ters, who have feparately wrote the Reigns of feveral of their Kings, as Daniel, Truffell, Habington, Morc, Buck, Lord Bacon, Herbert of Cherbury, Heyward, Bishop Godwin, Camden, Wilson, and others. To fupply the earlier and darker Ages, Milton is prefixed, and the learned Strype has added fome very curious. notes, but I don't know, whether he wrote the Lives of King Charles II. King James II. and William III. in the Third Volume of this Collec- tion. * Foedera, Conventiones, Litera & cujufcumque generis Acta publica inter Reges Angliæ & alios quofvis Imperato- res, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates ab Auro 1101, ad noftra ufque Tempora habita & tractata, accH- rante Thoma Rymer, Lond. 1704 to 1723, 17 Vol. in fol. This is a noble Repofitory of publick Re- cords, and fuch as the World cannot boaft any equal to, of them were printed only two hundred Copies at the Expence of the Crown, of which few were ever fold. I have one Copy given me † by my Lord Hali fax: After Rymer's Death, it was continued by Mr. Sanderfon, Keeper of the Rolls, whofe Character is much These are the Words of the Author. who according to the prefent Opinion, is miſtaken; but as rhi. Book bears a doubtful Character, I forbear more on this Head. ↑ Mr. Mencken. fuperior chief HISTORIANS. 465 fuperior to his Predeceffor in the Undertaking; but fee more of this Work, pag. 229, of the firft Volume. Chronicon Saxonicum cum Verfione & Notis Edmundi Gibſon, in 4to. Oxon. 1692. It was first printed with venerable Bede's Hiſtory in 1644, but the latter Edition is the beſt. Eadmeri Monachi Hiftoria Novorum, five fui Saculi ab Ann. 566, ad An. 1122, cum Notis & Spicilegio Joan. Seldeni, in fol. Lond. 1623. This Work is printed at the End of the Edition of St. Anfelm, published by Father Gerberon at Paris in 1675. Matthæi Weftmonafterienfis Flores Hiftoriarum de Rebus Britannicis ad An. 1307, edita à Matthæo Parker, in fol. Londini 1570. Florentii Wigornienfis Chronicon ad Annum 1118, editum à Guil. Howard, 4to. Londini 1592. Thefe two Books are reprinted together at Francfort. Guilielmi Nubrigenfis Res Anglicæ, cum Notis Jo. Picardi, in 8vo. Antw. 1567.- Paris 1610, in Svo. This laft Edition is better than the former, but the Learned Oxford Antiquary, Mr. Thomas Hearne, M. A. of Edmund-Hall in Oxford, has publiſhed, from an Manufcript in the Library of Sir Thomas Sebright of Hertfordshire, Bart. a more compleat Edition in 1719, in 8vo. 3 Vol. Matthæi Paris Hiftoria Major à Guilielmo Con- queftore ad ultimum Annum Henrici III. in fol. Lond. 1640. In fol. Paris 1644.-In fol. Lond. 1684. The laft Edition of this moft excellent Hiftorian is › the beſt. Thomæ Walfingham Hiftoria Brevis ab Eduardo I. ad Henricum V. in fol. Londini 1574. Joannis Majoris Hiſtoria Majoris Britanniæ, in fol. Paris 1521. lex Polydori Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana, in fol. Bafi- 1579.-In 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1649, & 1651, VOL. II. Hh William 466 A CATALOGUE of the William Harriſon and R. Holinfhead's Chronicle of England, in fol. Lond. 1577 & 1587, 3 Vol. The Chronicle of England, by John Stow, Lond. 1631, in fol. This Perfon travelled on Foot over England, to collect Materials for his Deſign. Samuel Daniel's Collection of English Hiſtory, in fol. Lond. 1618, continued by Truffel, in fol. Lond. 1685. Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle of the Kings of Eng land, Lond. 1641, in fol. Continued by Edward Phi lips, in fol. Lond. 1696. William Martin's Hiftory of the Kings of England, in fol. Lond. 1628. John Milton's Hiftory of England; the beſt Edition of this Book is printed amongſt his Works, in fol. Amft. 1698, 3 Vol. He comes down only to the Norman Conqueſt. Robert Brady's Introduction to the Hiftory of Eng land 1684, and afterwards under the Title of, A Com- pleat Hiſtory of England, Lond. 1685. His chief Aim is to prove the Crown of England Hereditary, and Unalienable. บ Fames Tyrrell's General Hiftory of England, both Ecclefiaftical and Civil, in fol. Vol. I. Lond. 1697 Vol. II. III. 1700, 3 Vol. He is much cried up by the Favourers of a Republican Scheme, and is a ftrong Oppofer of the Principles of Dr. Brady, and others, but comes no farther than the Death of King Richard II. Bulstrode Whitlock's Memoirs of the English Affairs, from the fuppofed Expedition of Brate, to the End of the Reign of King James II. in fol. Lond. 1682 & 1709. Lawrence Echard's Hiftory of England, in fol. Lond 1707. This is the laft Piece wrote on the Subject of English Hiſtory. He comes down to the Revolution in 1688 chief HISTORIANS. 467 1688, and is much efteemed by his Countrymen; and here I'll add fome fhort Abridgments, as James Howell's Medulla Hiftoria Anglicane, in 8vo. Lad. 1679. A well wrote Piece. Lamberti Sylvii Florus Anglicus, in 120. Amft. 1652. David Chambre: Hiftoire Abregée de France, An- gleterre & d'Ecoffe, in 8vo. Paris 1579. This was the firft Author who broached thofe remarkable per- nicious Principles, which Buchanan has explained more clearly, and at large. Abrege de l'Hiftoire d'Angleterre, in 120. Haye 1695. Vanel: Abrege Nouveau de l'Histoire generale d' An- gleterre, d'Ecoffe & d'Irlande, in 120. Paris 1689. He begins with the Reign of King Henry VIII. and comes down to the Revolution under King James II. Jouvenel: Methode facile pour Apprendre l'Histoire d' Angleterre, in 120. Amfterd. 1706. This Author oppofes with much Warmth the Republican Scheme. Sir William Temple's Introduction to the Hiftory of England, in 8vo. Lond. 1695. Tranflated into French Amfterdam the fame Year. This is only a Sketch of a General Hiftory, which, it is to be feared, will never fee the Light. The true fecret Hiftory of the Lives and Reigns of all the Kings of England, from King William I. to King James II. Lond. in 8vo. 1702, 1721. In this Book are fome Pieces of Hiftory no where elſe to be found, but fo blended with Falfehood, Scandal, and the blackeft Calumnies, that without good Judgment and Precaution, it may inftil dangerous Notions in- to the Readers. Alain Bouchard: Hiftoire des Pays d' Angleterre, & Bretagne, in fol. Paris 1531. Richardi Viti Hiftoria Britannia Infulæ ad Annum Chrifti 800, in 8vo. Duaci 1602. Hh2 Andre 468 A CATALOGUE of the Andre du Chefne: Hiftoire d' Angleterre, d'Ecoffe & Irlande, in fol. Paris 1634. -In fol. Paris 1666, 2 Vol. Larrey Hiftoire d' Angleterre, d'Ecoffe & d'Irlande, in fol. Rotterdam Tom. I. 1706. Tom. II. & III. 1697. Tom. IV. 1712, in Four Volumes. This is eſteemed a well methodized and regular Hiftory of England. P. d'Orleans: Hiftoire des Revolutions d'Angleters, in 4to. Paris 1693, 3 Vol.-In 120. Amft. 3 Vol. Tranflated into Italian, and printed at Venice 1724, 3 Vol. in 4to. This Hiftory is wrote with fo much Judgment, and in fo polite a Style, that it has been al moft univerfally applauded both by Proteftants and thoſe of the Roman Communion, there are Particulars relating to the Revolution of 1688, which the Author had from the Mouth of King James II. then unfortu nately Exiled in France. The Third Volume was tranflated into English by Capt. Stevens, and recom mended by Mr. Arch-Deacon Echard, and printed at London in 1711, and 1722, in 8vo. Geor. Lillii Chronicon Regum & Principum Britan niæ, in 4to. Francofurti 1565. Joannis Twini de Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis & Anglicis ad finem Romani Imperii in Britannia Commen tariorum Libri II. in 8vo. Lond. 1590. Joan. Seldeni Analecten Anglico-Britannican Li bri II. in 410. Francofurti 1615. This is an Account of the State and Government of England, to the Reign of William the Conqueror. Joan. Dickinfoni Mifcellanea ex Hiftoriis Anglica nis, in 4to. Lugd. Batav. 1606. Galfredus Arturius de Rebus Britannicis ufque a Saculum Septimum, in 4to. Paris 1517. Joan. Spelman: Alfredi Magni Anglorum Reg Vita ab Anno 871, ad Anno 899, in fol. Öxonii 1678 This chief HISTORIANS. 469 This Book, tho' originally wrote in English, was never publiſhed till many Years after with curious Notes, it came from the Accuracy of Mr. Thomas Hearne in- to the World at Oxford, in 8vo. 1709. Edward Ayfcu: A Hiftory of the Wars, Treaties, Marriages, &c. between England and Scotland, from King William the Conqueror, to the happy Union un- der King James, Lond. 1607, in 4to. Joſhua Barne's Hiſtory of King Edward III. from the Year 1325, to 1377, Cambridge 1688, in Folio. This Book is not ill efteemed for the Figures therein, and its Bulk. Gregorio Leti: Teatro Britannico, 4to. Lond. 1682, in 2 Vol.-Amft. 1684, 120. 5 Vol. His Character of Queen Elizabeth is well drawn; but as we have fpoke more amply in pag. 162, of the firſt Volume of this Work, I now forbear more than this, that him- felf fays he was for it banished the Kingdom, and feven hundred Copies of the Work were feized. Francis Sandford's Genealogical Hiſtory of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to 1677, in fol. Lond. 1677, and reprinted with large Additions in 1707, in fol. This is a Book well efteemed by thofe converfant in Heraldick Studies. Gio. Francefco Biondi: Storia delle guerre Civili d' Inghilterra tra le due Cafe di Lancaftro & di Iorck dopo l'Anno 1377, al An. 1509, in 4to. Ven. 1637, 3 Vol. Tranflated into English at Lond. 1641, in fol. He had a Penfion of 3000 French Livres from King James I. but was obliged to leave England be- fore he could finish his Work, becauſe he had raiſed the Royal Prerogative to a great Height. See in the third Volume of the Lettere del Signore Vincenzo Ar- manni, in 4to. Rom. 1674, a large Account of this Author. George Buck's Hiftory of King Richard III. Lond. 1646, in fel. H h 3 Wilhelmi 470 A CATALOGUE of the Wilhelmi Fleetwood Elenchus Annalium Regum Eduardi V. Richardi III. Henrici VII. & Henrici VIII. in 12. Lond. 1597. Guili.Im Fleetwoodi Elenchus Annalium Eduardi V. & Richardi III. in 4to. Lond. 1597. Gisbert van der Hoolk het Leven van Eduard de Zefte, in 8vo. Gravenhaag 1690. Rofemond: Hiftoire des guerres Civiles d'Angleterre entre les Maifons de Lancaftre, & d'Iorck, in 120. Amft. 1690, 2 Vol. Francifci Baconis de Verulamio Hiftoria Henrici VII. Angliæ Regis, in 120. Lugd. Batav. 1647. In English, in fol. Lond. 1622. And amongst the Lord Bacon's Works. Marfolier: Hiftoire de Henri VII. dit le Sage, ou le Sal mon d'Angleterre, 120. Paris 1699. This is the beſt Work that Monfieur Marfollier has ever executed. Franc. Godwini Ierum Anglicarum Henrico VIII. Eduardo VI. & Maria Reguantibus innales, in fol. Lond. 1616. In 120. Haga Comit. 1653. This has been tranflated into French. Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Hiftory of the Life and Reign of King Henry VIII. Lond. 16.49, 1666, and 1683, in Folio. Thomas Cavendif: The Negotiations of Thomas Woolfey, the great Cardinal of England, 410. Lond. 1641. Life of Cardinal Woolfey by Dr. Fiddes, fol. Lond. 1724. & Guilielmi Camdeni: Annales Rerum Anglicarum Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha, in fol. Lond. 1615. Tom. I. Tomus Secundus, in fol. Lond. 1627. In 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1625. Since reprinted with large Ad- ditions, fuch as the Times of Camden would not bear, with a large and valuable Preface, by Mr. Hearne, in 3 Vol. Oxon. 1717, in 8vo. For fome Paffages the Editor met with fevere Ulage in the Court of chief HISTORIANS. 471 of the Chancellor of the Univerfity at Oxford. This is a judicious and well wrote Hiftory, but its Author was obliged to conceal and diſguiſe many Facts, with whofe Springs he was perfectly accquainted. The Character of Queen Elizabeth, Lond. 1641, in 4to. Tranflated into French, in 120. Haye 1694. Edmund Bobun: A Character of Queen Elizabeth, Lond. 1693, in Svo. Roberti Jonftoni Hiftoria Rerum Britannicarum ab Anno 1572, ad An. 1628, in fol. Amft. 1655. Franc. Walfingham: Le Secret des Cours, in 120. Colog. 1695. Memoirs and Inftructions for Embaffadors, Lond. 1655, in fol. Tranflated into French at Amſterdam, in 410. 1700. Gregorio Leti: Storia di Elifabetta Regina d' Inghil- terra, in 120. Amft. 1693, 2 Vol Tranflated into French, in 120. Amft. 1694, 2 Vol. James Melvill's Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Lond. in fol. 1683. Tranflated into French at Lyons, 1695, 2 Vol. in 120. Cabala: Myfteries of State in Letters of the Great Minifters of King James and King Charles, wherein much of the publick Manage of Affairs is related, Lond. 1636, 1654, and afterwards with Additional Letters of King Henry VIII. Queen Elizabeth, &c. in one Volume in Folio. This is a valuable Treaſure of Original Papers, which gave great Light into the Intrigues of feveral Reigns. Guilielmi Camdeni Actio in Henricum Garnctum, & ceteros pulveraria Conjurationis in Regem Jacobum complices, in 8vo. Londini 1607. Sir Anthony Weldon: The Court and Character of King James I. Lond. 1650, in 120. This is rather an impudent Satyr, (and as fuch received a juft An- wer,) than to be depended on for any Particulars It pretends to communicate. it Hh 4 Rogeri 472 A CATALOGUE of the 1 Rogeri Afchami Epiftole, in 8vo. Oxon. 1703. Lord Bacon's Letters, in 4to. Lond. 1702. James Howell's Hiftorical, Political, &c. Letters, in 4to. Lond. 1656, &c. William Sanderson's Hiſtory of Mary Queen of Scor- land, and of King James VI. in fol. Lond. 1656. Sir Philip Warwick's Memoirs of the Reign of King Charles I. with a Continuation to the happy Reftau- ration of King Charles II. in 8vo. Lond. 1701. Sir William Dugdale: A fhort View of the late Troubles in England, in fol. Oxf. 1681. This is an Account of Affairs from 1637, to 1660; but the Author was eſteemed a better Antiquary, than Hiftorian. Joan. Berkeley Collectanea Hiftorica complexa ipfius Negotiationem Anni 1647, cum Olivario Cromwel, Ireton, & aliis exercitus Parlamenti præfectis pro Revoca- tione Caroli I. in Regni Adminiſtrationem, in 8vo. Lond. 1699. Georgii Hornii Res gefta in Anglia, Scotia, & Hibernia Annis 1645, 1646, 1647, in 8vo. Lugd. Batav. 1648. Fofbuah Sprigge: England's Recovery, being an Hif tory of the Parliament Forces, in fol. Lond. 1647. Roberti Manlii Commentarii de Rebellione Anglica na ab in. 1640, ad An. 1685, in 8vo. Lond. 1686. Georgii Batei Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in An- glia ab Anno 1625, ad An. 1659, in 8vo. Lond. 1663, Tom. II. Vol. 1. Thomæ Skynner Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia Tomus Tertius ab An. 1659, ad An. 1669, in 8vo. Londini 1676. Rob. Pugh Elenchus Elenchi, five Animadverfiones in Georgii Batei Elenchum Motuum Angliæ, in 8vo. Paris 1664. Perfecta chief HISTORIANS. 473 Perfecta Narratio totius Proceffus Tribunalis Juftitia in Examine Regis in Aula Weſtmonaſterienfi, & ad præver- tendum falfas & incongruas Narrationes, in 4to. Lond. 1649. This Book is printed in the following Col- lection in Holland. Sylloge variorum Tractatuum, quibus Caroli Innocentia illuftratur, in 4to. 1649. John Runworth's Hiftorical Collections, in fol. Lond. 1659, 1680, and 1722, 6 Vol. The firſt Volume was Dedicated to Richard Cromwell, Son of the Protector; but this Dedication foon became rare, by the Management of Rushworth's Friends, and as the Author was accuſed of great Partiality, the fol- lowing Collection was publiſhed. John Nalfon: An Impartial Collection of the great Affairs of State, Lond. 1682, 1683, in fol. Collection of Conferences, Treaties, &c. between King Charles I. and his Rebellious Subjects, in 4to. Oxon. 1641. Hiſtorical Difcourfes upon feveral Occafions, in fol. Lond. 1705. This is a Collection of feveral curious Pieces, in Relation to King James I. Charles I. and II. James Welwood's Memoirs of the moſt material Tranfactions in England, in 8vo. Lond. 1700. Edward Earl of Clarendon's Hiſtory of the Rebelli- on, &c. Oxford 1702, 3 Vol. in Folio, afterwards reprinted feveral Times in Six Volumes in Octavo. Tranflated and printed in French at the Hague 1704, and 1709, in 120. This Hiftory has met with a ve- ry different Ufage from different Parties, fome have mightily extolled it, and others with no lefs Spleen have decried it. Of it we have ſpoken before in the firſt Volume: The moſt ſevere Character gi- ven, is by Mr. Bevil Higgons, in his Appendix to his Review of the English Hiftory. A later Author in 474 A CATALOGUE of the Abbée Mr. Page 51 Abbo Floriacenfis 21 1, Aelnothus 503 Aemilius Paulus 61, 200 28, Aethicus 22 Abel Philippus 451 Agathias 187 Abela Giovanni Francefco 81, Aggo Sueno 502 437 Agliata Franceſco 419 Abelin John Philip. 15 Giacomo 413 Abelli Lovis 75 D' Ablancourt 87,88,101,330 Abrincenfis Robertus Coenalis Epifcopus Agocchi Gianbattiſta 350,362 S.Agostino Maria Maddalena 415 202 Agostino Leonardo 4.10 Abruzus Octavius 417 Agrippa Camillo 340 Abulpharaius Gregorius 192 Aguirre Michael ab 328 Acciaiolus Donatus 208, 425 Aimonius Monachus 200 Acciarellus Xaverius 418 Aitfingerus Michael 450 Acofta Emanuel 79 Aizema Leo 452,456 Adamannus 506 Akgenfola Bartolomeo Leonar- Adami Adamus 117 do de 322 -Annibale 537 Alamos Balthafar 106 Francifcus 355 Alanus 296 Addigier 196 Alberici Jacopo 346 Adimari Rafaelle 354 Albertus Dominicus Stanillaus Adria Joannes Jacobus 415 415 Adriani John Baptift 224,340 Albertinus Francifcus 94 Adrichomius Adrianus 29 Alberti Fulvio 361 Alberti INDE X. Alberti Leandro 71,337,351, Amyot Jacques 89 362 Anaftafius 37, 190, 34E Albinus Joannes 396 Martinus 416 Petrus 171,182 Ancillon Charles 193 Albizius Antonius 526 Anderſon James 480, 481 Alcarotti Giovanni Francefco D'Andilly Arnaud 30, 32, 52 506 Andoque 299 Alciatus Andreas 392 Alcuinus Albinus Flaccus 208 Aldiberti Vittorio Aldrede Bernardo 539 Ab Andlem Francifcus Fride- ricus Anneo Giulio 115 358 306 Andreantonellus Sebaftianus Alegambe Marcus Philippus Alemannus Nicolaus 415 355 80 Andrez Juan Francefco 324 Alegre Marcus Antonius 67 Angeletti Andreas 503 344 Angeloni Francefco 547 D'Alerac 493 Angelus Buonaventura 433 Alexander Natalis 32,40 Joannes 367 Alfaura Joachim 64 Paulus de 345 Alford Michael 484 Petrus 507 Algardi Ludovico 345 Anglerius Petrus Martyr 517 Alibrand Francifcus 411 Alidofi Giovanni Niccolo 360, Anglita Gianfranceſco Hieronymus 355 304 361 D'Angoulefme le Duc 240, 531 524 Allard G. Allatius Leo 20, 103,368 D'P'Alovette Francois S. Anna Girolamo Maria Anfalonius P. Petrus 253 400 538 Ab Alpen Joannes Altamura Ambrofius Ab Althan Comes. 151 Anfelme de Gemblours 41 71 Anfelme le Pere 272,525,529 158 Antelmus Jofephus 301 Alteferra Antonius Dadinus Antonius Nicolaus 306 53, 205, 297 S. Antoninus 17, 194 Althufius Theodorus 45 Aitfingerus Michael 450 Antoninus Auguſtus Antonini Filippo 22 354, 355 Altimario Biafio 527, 536 Anzi Aurelio 520 Altingius Mens 440 Apollinaris Gaetano 83 Alva & Aftorga Petrus de 70 Apollonius Levinus $18 Alvari Gafpar 341 Appianus Alexandrinus 100 Amathas 272 Apulus Gulielmus 288 Amato Leonardo Vincenzo 404 415 Aquino Carolus de Araldi Ludovico 542 83 Ambrofio Giuſeppe 544 Arbreffellenfis Beatus Robertus Amelot le Pere 35 63 Ametrano Scipione 536 Arcangeli Ottavio 417 Amicus Philippus 414 Archon M. 278 Amyraut Mofes Ammirato Scipione 266 Arena Antoine 427, Aretinus Leonardus 300 425 430, 527 Argananzio INDE X. 501 28 342 Argasanzio Domenico Argentre Argote Gonzalo Arrhenius Claudius Arias Montanus Aringhius Paulus Arifuis Francifcus 419 Auguftinus Antonius 95, 96, 288 320 Auguſtus Cæfar Avicenna Orazio 99, 548 109 355 D'Avila Gonzalez 317, 318, 319 Henrico Caterino 235 Ariz Luis de Arlington Earl of 319 Avila Ludovico ab 138 476 Armanni Vicenzo 469,536, D'Annoy la Comteffe 307 Averoldo Gulielmo Antonio 537 391 Arnaud d'Andilly 52 Arnifæus Henningius Arnoldus Joannes Georgius Fridericus 26 173 Arrianus 88 Auvergne Henri de la Tour 236 Averfano Giulio Cefare 401 Auria Vincenzo 410,411,414 D'Auteville le Baron 212,275 D'Auton Jean 221 Arruego Juan de 323 Aynfa Francifco Diego de 324 Artagnan Mr. de 261 Ayfcu Edward 469 Arthufius Gothardus $13 Azzari Fulvio 433 Gotofredus 156 Azevedo Luis Marinho 331 Affaracus Andreas Affarino Lucas Arumæus Dominicus 113,115 Affaris Joannes Francifcus Afchamus Rogerus 472 392 B. 414 Baazius Joannes 501 325,340 Bacatellus 37 I' Baccius Petrus Jacobus 74 Afhmole Elias 34, 462 Bacci Andrew 354 Afte Francifcus Maria 403 Bacon Francifcus 470 Aftolfi Giovanni Felice 5 Bacchinius Benedictus 365 Aftaxius Juftus 142 Bacco Enrico 398 Aftorga 70 Bagata Raphael 385 Ateftino Girolamo 384 Baily Nicholas 80 Atkins Sir Robert 462 Baiolle 297 Attichi Lovis Dony de 72, 265 Baker Sir Richard 466 Atwood William 480 Balaeus Joannes 460 D'Avaux Mr. 259 Balbinus Bohuflaus 157 D'Aubigne 227 Baldaffini Tomafo 354 Auberi Jean 227, 239, 248, Baldelli Francefco 31, 88, 260, 294, 369,453 101, 537 Aubin Jean de St. 293 Baldericus 3°3› 445 -Aubrey John 463 Baldi Bernardino 354, 359 D'Aubuffon George 275 Baldini Bacio 428 Audiffret Audigier Auton Jean Aventinus Joannes 24 Baldino Vittorio 196 Baldric Eveque de Dol 221 Balduinus Arennenfis 445 161 Balduinus Francifcus 8 343 63 Baleicourt INDE X. Baleicourt Sieur de 535 Baudaſtius Wilhelmus Balinus Joannes 457 451 Baudeau Jacques 531 Ballarini Francefco 395 Baudelot de Dairval 519 Balfami Ottavio 479 Baudier Michel 223, 267, Baluzius Stephanus 209, 300, 313, 422 344, 365, 530 Baudius Dominicus 456 Balzano Francefco 405 Baudovin 235, 238 Bandurius Anfelmus 190,547 Baudrand Baralis Vincentius $6 Bauman Henricus Barbuo Scipione 391 Bautier Michiel Bardi Girolamo 375, 377 Baxter Gulielmus 22 33 211 460 Bardin Pierre 273 P. Bayle 49 Barclaius Joannes 26 Beatiano Giulio Cefare 379, Barellas Estevan 325 536 Bargeletti Niccolo 364 Beatillo Antonio 402 Barlandus Hadrianus 444 Beatus Georgius 157 Barlaeus Gafpar 330 Beajeu Chevalier de 493 Barletius Marinus 374 Beauvais Beinville de 254 Barnabeus Hieronymus 369 Nangis de 244 Barnes Joſhua 469 Bebelius Balthafar 33, 149 Barns Robertus 343 Becanus Joannes Georgius Baroncini Sinibaldo 402 195, 444 Baronius Cardinalis 37 Beinville M. 254 Francifcus 411 A Beck Petrus 183 Barpo Giovanni Battista 387 Beckler Petrus 182 La Barre 281 Beda Venerabilis 483 Barrettarius Sebaftianus 80 Barriere Pierre 245 Begerus Laurentius 102, 548 Behamb Joannes Ferdinandus Barrius Gabriel 402 155 De Barros Joanno 513 Beka Joannes de 447 Bartel Simon 301 Bellabona Scipione 404 Barthius Gafpar 218 Bellafinus 386 Bartoli Daniel Bartholinus Thomas 502,503 Pietro Santi Belcarius Francifcus 218 77,78 Bellay Martin du 226 349 Belleforeſt Francois 203 Baruffal di Girolamo Bafelius Jacobus 457 359 De Bellegarde l'Abbée De Bellievre 519 244 Bafnage Jacques 31,32,47 Bellmannus Joannes Chrifto- Samuel 42 phorus 180 Baffani Antonio 494 Belli Robert 307 De Baffompiere Marefchal 251 Bellori Giovanni Pietro 350, Bateus Georgius 472 549 Battellus Joannes Chriftopho- Beloy Pierre de I rus 344 Beltramo Ottavio 398 Baud Pierre le 289 Beltrando Gioachino 537 Bellunenfis INDE X. lerianus Belius Paulus Pellunenfis Joannes Pierius Va- Bertius Petrus 398 bertondelli Girolamo Bertramus Cornehus 22, 125 387 418 Bona- Eembus Perrus 371 ventura 28 Fenacci Vittorio 362 Bertraneus Nicolaus 298 Benci Spinelli 429 Belaggio 382 Bencius Francifcus So Belly Jean 296,297 Bender Claude 283 betolcus Chriftophorus 179, 220 Benedetti Aleffandro Elpidio Benedetto Elpigio 543 Bespier 369 beffe Henri Sieur de la Cha- Benedictus Alexander Poean- tius De Bethune M. 140,243.253 191 191 pelle 299 220 Benetti Antonio 505 Petlenius Joannes 157 Benenato Caginio 382 Betuffio Giuſeppe 390 Benevent Ger. de 240 Beveregius Gulielmus 20 Benius Paulus 4 Beurrier Lovis 72 Benoit le Pere 47,305 Beutero Antonio 321 Bentivoglio Cardinalis 454 Beze Theodore 49 Benvenga Michael 364 Bezzi Giuliano 544 Benvoglienti Bartolomeo 429 Beys Charles 248 Benzoni Girolamo 429, 517 Gilles 284 Bergier Nicholas 98, 284 Biacus Jacobus 548 Berckelius Bianchi Vendramino 383 83 Beringius Vitus Bergomaski Pietro Francefco Bianchini Francesco 17.350, •Vicenzo 383 153, 503 358, 359, 431 472 153 8 538 Berkeley Sir John Berken Sigifmundus Bernardus S. 212 Bernardus Edoardus 30, 545 Bernartius Joannes Bilderbeck Chriftophorus Lau- Birago Giovanni Battista 18, 126, Biondi Giovanni Francesco Bignon Jerome 200 rentius Biltfeinus Joannes 113 150 Bernaudo Franceſco 329 Berneggerus Matthæus 184 469 Berni Francefco 352 Birken Sigifmundus 153 Bernini Domenico 370 Bernier Jean 282 Bifaccioni Majolino 18, 142 Bitio Gregorio 6I Berolinus Vincentius 201,506 Berofus Berozzo Giovanni Francefco Bertelotius Lucas, Bizardiere Michael David de la 102 494 Bizarrus Petrus 435 393 Bizot Mr. 102 370 Bladen Mr. 102 Bertelius Joannes Bertier Anthony VOL. II. 445 Le Blanc Vincent 276, 521 250 Bleau Jean 24 Blancas INDE X. Blancas Geronimo de 324 D. Bonaventura 70 Blancas Hieronymus de 322 Bondonnet Jean 288 Blanchart Francois 531 Bonfadius Jacobus 435 Blafio Agnello Aleffio de 558 Bonfant Dionyfius 421 Bleda Jacob de 321 Bonfinius Antonius 155 Bleda Juan de 312 Bonfrerius Jacobus 30 Blefi Luca Probo 432 Bongarfius Jacobus 506 Blondell 19 Bonifazio Gafpar 174 Blondellus David 528 John Bernard 101,387 Flavius 94, 109, S. Bonifacius 208 339, 373 Bonnefoy Benedictus 278 Blount Sir Henry 523 Bonnor Honore 325 Blumberg Chriftophorus Got- Bonoli Paolo 355 tofredus 147 Boccalini Trajano Bocerus Joannes 26 Bontempi Giovanni Angelini Andrea 168 179 Bochartus Samuel 29, 196 Bocchi Francefco Bocconus Silvius 427,428 Bony Lovis de Bor Pieter 418 Bonucci Antonio Maria 365 Borchelatis Bartholomaeus 222 449 Bodinus Johannes 7,8,26 387 Boecelmannus Fridericus 111 Boeclerus Joannes Henricus 26, 113, 119, 133, 135, 169, 208, 500, 512 Boemus Joannes Bordinus Francifcus 343 Borellus Camillus 315, 316 Petrus 299 Boregk Martinus 159 25 Bordocchi Francefco Maria Michael 171 37 I Boethius Hector 478 Boherius 305 Borghi Camillo Renier 430 Borghinus Vincentius 352.424 Bohun Edmund 471 Borgia Aleffandro 358 Boiardo Matteo Maria 87 Borgo Antonio del 539 Bois Gerard de 280 Boiffard Janus Jacobus 94,546 Bortolo Sebaftiano 402, 404 Borzacchi Francefco Antonio Boiffat 81 359 Boivin 30, 228 Bolani Lorenzo 420 Bombaci Gafpare 351,539 Bombinus Paulus 309 Bomplanus Ignatius 366 Bonacciuoli Alfonfo 21 Du Bos L'Abbé Boſcha Petrus Paulus Boſchius Joannes Bofchini Marco 381, 383, Bofcho Andreas 375 394 33, 282 390 9,326 Petrus 66 A Bofcho Joannes 58, 301 Bonanome Giovanni 395 Bonanni Giacomo 413 Bofio Antonio Giacomo $45 81 344, 549 Bonaventura de Clermont 297 Bonanni Philippus 83, 342, Bofquetus Georgius 232,278 Boffus Bolius Andreas 9 Antonius 342 INDE X. Girolamo 541 Boffuet Eveque de Meaux 47, 279 Botero Giovanni 423 Boffius Donatus 392 Du Brevil Jacques 57, 266, Boterus Rodulphus 241, 281, 280, 281 51 Breydenbach Bernardus de 506 338 279 Brewey Brianis Girolamo Brice Germain 282 Briconnet Guillaume 222 Botterus Domenicus 414 Brie Gilles 287 Bouchard Alain 467 Briennius Nicephorus. 188 Bouche Honore 300 Boucher Joannes Du Bouchet Bouchet Jean 222, 223, 297 Boucq Pierre le P. Bohours 222,223,297 Bovillus Carolus Samarobrinus 244 Brietius Philippus 10, 11, 22 Brignol Antonio Guglielmo 528. 530 312 Brigentius Andreas. 349 445 78, 79, 81 Brigonti Vittorio Brignon le Pere 364 34 Briot M. 191 223 Brito Bernardo de 327 Du Boullay Francois le Gonz. Gulielmus 211 280, 304, 521 Brooke Ralph 534 Bourbon Lovis de 262 Bourdigne 289 Broelmannus Stephanus Broniovius Martinus 147 512 Bourgoigne Francois 41 Brotuffus Erneftus 172 Bourgueville Charles 287 Browerus Chriftophorus 147, De Pourges 510 151 Bouterave Claude de 276 Brown Dr. Edward 522 Bouvet Jean 496 .Sir Thomas 454, 477 Bouvier Gilles de 214 Bruce Alexander 488 144 466 Boxhornius Marcus Zuerius 13, 196, 440, 446, 456, 457 Bozzoni Domenico 380 Boyer Mr. Braccio Alexander Brachelius Adolphus Prady Robertus 47.477 Brulius Jacobus Bruno Raffaelle de Brunnemanus Jacobus. Brunnerus Andreas 100 Brunnius Auguftinus Brufchius Gafpar Brutoni Girolamo 18, 338, 66 427 112 162 175 53, 146 Brand Gerard Brandao Antonio 455.458 376, 384, 391 327 Brantome Bourdelle Sieur de Brafchius Joannes Baptifta Breitſchwerd Vitus Bremenfis Adamus 180, 496 245 Bruffius Gulielmus Brutus Joannes Michael 425 De Bry Theodorus 516 Buchinus Gabriel 512 54, 125, 350, 355 117 150, 183,439, 443 Joannes 303 Buchananus Georgius 478 Brerewood Edward Bret Henri le 546 Buchaerus Joannes 239 298 Breventano Stefano 395 Bucherius Aegidius Buck Georgius 19.441 469 002 Buddacus INDE X. Buddaeus Joannes Francifcus Bzovius Abraham 38,365 136, 312 Buffier le Pere 288 Bugari Gafparo C. 340, 393 B∙gnonius Philibertus 192 Bacus Caefar Degaffe 210 Bulengerus Julius Caefar 95, Cabaffutius Joannes 41 242 Cabrera Luis 4, 3· E Bagarini Ottavio 193 Bul fʊn Antonio 399,405,408 Bullatus Ifmael 331 Caecilius Lucius Caeleftinus Georgius Padre 36 48 386 Du Buffon 267 Cactar Julius 101, 168 Bubicau Charles 270 Cactarus Octavius 417 Lovis 52,53 Cagnano Giovanni Antonio Bumaldus Joannes Antonius 369 361 Cagnatus Marfilius 360 Butt 176 Cahagneſius 287 Bonfiglius Jofephus 409,415 Cajetanus Conftantinus 78, Buonfigito Coftanzo 412 350 Bonaccorsi Biagio 425 Octavius 410 Bonaruotti Filippo 549 Calarnati Aleſſandro 419 Buoninfegni Pietro 426 Calaorra Giovanni de 507 Bunting Henricus 176 Calca Francifcus de Catalonia Buraeus Andreas 496,497 324 Burgemafter Joannes Stepha- Calcagni Diego 355 186 414 nus Burgoldenfis Phil. Andreas 1 17 Burgundus Nicolaus de 135 Burglandia Vincentius de 211 Burgus Joannes Baptifta 141 Petrus Baptifta 434, 436, 501 Burgos Aleſſandro Burnet Gilbertus 51,477,485 Burridge Ezechiel 454, 476 Busbequius Augerius Gillenius Buffieres Bufnot Dominique Buffy Roger Rabutin de 255, Callires Calvete Juan Chriftop. Calvi Donato Cameggi Ridolfo Camerarius Joachim 432, 450, 540 Ercole 192, 235 192, 233 204 Camilli Annibale 358 516 Campana Caefare 18, 311, 260 76 Buteo Joannes Butkens Francis Chriftophorus 33 Campanaccius Jacobus Maria 433, 437 534 Euttner Joannes Henricus 176 Campanella Thomas Campanile Philippus 316 527 Campanus Calchus Triftanus Calderon Antonio 392 332, 333, 334 267 311 386 Calvifius Sethus Camdenus Gulielmus 12 460, 462, 470 362 159, INDE X. 136 356 Campanus Joannes Antonius Campelli Bernardino Campegius Symphorianus Cefare d'Eugenio 399 Caraffi Carolus 143 Gregorius A 407 270, 293 Carani Gianbattiſta Campiglia Aleffandro 242 Campio Petrus Marcus 366, 432 i-lacidu Lelio Caravi us Auguftinus 363 Cardin Francois le Pere 411 397 101, 107 510 Campo Antonio 393, 394 Carew Richard 462 Florian de 309 Carillo Alonfo 317 Pedro del 65 Juan 328 Camulat Nicholas 214, 285 Martinus 309 Canaye Philippe de 243 Carli Giovanni Rinaldo 505 Candidus Joannes 388 Carlonius Gabriel 290 Matthaeus 416 Caro Rodrigo 319 Pantaleon 442 Carolus Ferdinandus 350 Peter 91 A S. Carolo Ludovicus Jaco Du Cange 40 bus 341 414 106 129 81 398, 401, 404 399 Canibus Joannes Petrus Villa de Canini Jerome Canifius Henricus Cannobbio Aleffandro 383 Cantacucenus Joannes 189 Cantelius Petrus Jofephus 93 Cantelorius Felix 134, 357, 368, 527, 536 Caourfin Gulielmus Capaccius Julius Caefar Capecelatro Francefco Carvaille Lorenco Galvidez Carrari Vincenzo 433 Carre M. 523 Carnevale Giuſeppe 409 Carrera Pietro 410,412,417, 420 Cartari Carlo 350 Stefano 536 318 Carve Thomas 481 Carvinus Vitus 414 Cafà Giovanni della 370 Cafale Antonio 362 Capella Galeacius 393 Capellarius Michael Capellus Jacobus 12, 35 Filippo Ludovicus 347 12 499 Catalius Joannes Baptifta 26, Cafaubonus Ifaacus Cafcales Francifco Cafella Petrus Leo 338, 424 84, 108 21, 41 321 Capialbus Jofephus 406 Cafeneuve 325 Capilupis Camillo 236 Capitolinus Julius. 106 Cafmeneo Mariano Perello Cafoni Filippo 412 436 Capodagli Gian Giuſeppe 388 Cafoti Gianbattiſta 429 Capriata Pier Giovanni 340 Caffan 274 Capriolus Elias 383 Caffius Dion 106 Caraccia Arcangelus 367 Caffidorus Marcus Aurelius Caputi Ottavio 543 190 Caracciolus Antonius 333. Caftagnola Antonio 316 398, 399 Caftalio INDE X. Caftalio Jofephus 348, 369 Caurioio Elia 385 546 Ca.et Victor 246 Caftella Mauro 332 Ceccarini Clemente 347 Caftellani Vincentius 83 Cedrenus Georgius 188 Caftelli Pierro 408 Celano Carlo 400 Caftelitonaeus Joannes Anto- Celeſtino Padre 386 nius Caftelmagius Joannes Baptifta 392 Cellarius Andreas 490 Chriftophorus 16, 23, 539 85, 168, 506 Caftelmore 257 Cellefi James 451 Caftelnau Michael de 231 Cellonefe Andrea 538 Cafter le Pere Silveftre 69 Cellot 46 Caftilionaeus Bonaventura 195 Cenfini Arcangelo 536 Caftillo Alonfo de 323 Centuriatores Magdeburgenfes Diego de 333 41 Fernando de 71 Cerify Hubert de 175 Julian del 321 Cernitius Joannes 165 Matthaeus 416 Cefpedes Ġonfalez de 311 Caftrion У Fonfeca Diego de Chaife Pere de la 211 318 Chalcondilas Leonicus A Caftro Alphonfus 44 Chalemot Claude 189 69 I Caftrucci Giovanni Paolo Chalonski Albertus 159 Mattia 403, 405 Sebaſtiano Fantoni 299, Chamberlaine Edward Chambre David 461 465 357 Catana Paulus 417 Champagne Frere Jean Champerius Symphorianus 271 Catandinus Bartholomaeus 41 1 221, 304, 421 Catalanus Matthaeus 416 Chantereau le Fevre 206, 304 Catanefis Anonymus 420 Chapeauville Joannes de 150 Catell Guillaume 299 Chapellain Jean 216 Carrou le Pere 513 Chapelle Henri Beffe 256, 264 Catena J. Hieronymus 348, Chappuy Gabrielle 382,450 366 Chardin Sir John 507 Catullus Andreas 303 Charpentier 284,504 Cavacius Jacobus 57, 76, Chartier Alain 214 384 Chaffanaeus' Bartholomaeus Cavalier Henri Giblet Antonio 272, 290 430 Chaffanion Jean 46 72 Du Chattelet M. 213, 350 407 Cavallo Buonaventura 369 Cavafius Joannes Antonius 514 Cavendish Thomas 371, 470 Cavitelli Ludovici Gaumartin Cavalieri Michael Cavallarius Joannes Baptifta Du Chaſtelier Barlot Leon 245 Chaftre Edme de la 256 Chateauneuf 253 Chavagnac Gafpar Comte de 261 394 Chaumeau Jean 531 Chauncey Sir Henry 295 462 Chauffe INDE X. Chauffe Michel Agnolo de la 348 Cimarelli Bartolomec Vincenzo 69 354 Chemnitz John Frederick 179 Philippus 143,49 Cini Gianbattiſta 428 Cinelli Jobn 427 Chenu Joannes 277, 295 Cinnamus Joannes 189 Cherbury Lord Herbert of 464 Ciofanus Hercules 404 477 12 366 412 Chevalier Nicholas Cheureau Chiapponus Juftinianus Chiarelli Benedetto Chiarenza Aleffandro 420 Chiefa Franceſco Agoftino della 423 Lodovico 423,424 Chifflet le Pere 57, 60, 541 Chiffletius Joannes Jacobus 184,205,271,292,316,542 Chioccarellus Bartholomaeus 399 Ciuccioli Orazio Pifelli Civis Vincentius Claramontius Scipio Clarendon, Edward Earl of 473, 482 Cionacci Francefco 429 Cirillo Bernardi 401 Cirinus Andreas 419 Cirni Antonio Francefco 236 Cirocci Francefco 390 Cita Giacomo 412 347 359 532 Chiverni Philippe Huraude de 238 Choifi l'Abbée de 34, 39, 211, Clarke, Dr. Samuel Clavelli Bernardo Clemangis Nicolaus de Clementini Cefare Clericus Joannes 11,99,249, ΙΟΣ 402 314 354 SIO 454 Choiflin Jean 234 Cluverius Joannes 13 Choifrin Jean 412 Philippus 23, 125, Chomodei Jerome 224 336, 409, 421, 437 Choppinus Renatus 270 Coccarella Benedetto 437 Choquetius Hyacinthus 71 Cocceius Henricus III Chorier Nicholas 267, 301 Coccius Jodocus 206 Chwalkowo Chwalkowisky Nicolaus de Chytraeus David 8, 48, 170 Ciacconius Alphonfus ro8 Petrus 97, 343 Ciaccius Matthaeus 416 Ciamarucone Giuſeppe 357, Ciampini Joannes 342, 348 Ciappi Marco Antonio 366 Coda Carlo Antonio Codagli Domenico Coeffeteau Coenalis Robertus Cognatus Joannes Cointe Carolus le Coke Roger Cochlias Jean 47 490 423 380, 386 104 202 34, 291 277 359 476 Colbert 36,262 Colerus Jean SI Ciarlanti Gian Vicenzo 402 402 Ciatti Felice 355 Coligny Gafpar de Colins Pierre 233 445,534 Ciaurella Martino 416 Cicala Franceſco 437 Cicatelli Sanctio 74 Collenutius Randulphus Collier Jeremias Colmenarez Diego de 397 486 319 Ciccarelli Antonio 344 Colombiere Marc de Vulfon Ciccarello Alfonfo 356 de la 265, 525 Colonna INDE X. Giambattista 412 Coloffus Nicolaus Antonius Colonna Angelo Franceſco 437 Corbinelli De Cordemoy Mr. 529 5, 204 Coria Diego de Maldonara 67 417 Corio Bernardino 391 Columbus Joannes 300, 302 Comazzi Giovanni Battista Corlieu Francois de 296 Cormerius Thomas 227 144, 145 Corneille Thomas 33 Combefis Francifcus 46, 189, Cornelius Nepos 90 190 Cornelifzoon Hooff Pieter Comenius Joannes Amolius 452 159 Coronelli Vicenzo 382, 386, Comes Natalis 373 505, 538; 544 Cominaeus Philippus 216 Corozet Gilles 270 Commelinus Gafpar 447 Corradinus Petrus Marcelli- Commenus Papadopolis Ni- nus 351, 357 colaus Comnena Anna 391 Correa Luys 326 188 Corfettus Bartholomaeus 538 Como Paolo da 76 Corfignanus Petrus Antonius Compagnoni Pompeo 354 406 Compaigne Bertrand de 298 Corte Girolamo della 385 Le Comte Pere 508 Cortreius Adamus 117 Conaeus Georgius 482 Cofma Pragenfis 158 Coneftaggio Jerome 328, 331, 450 Connor, Dr. Bernard 404, 408, 491 Conringius Hermannus 13, 13, 20, 27, 28, 85, 116, 118, 119, 120, 126, 151, 176 Conftans David 33, 276 Conftantinus Emanuel 287 Contarenus Francifcus 424 Gafpar 377,382 Gianbattifta Contarini Camillo Tomazo 344, 397,4°3 Coſtanzo Angelo de Buonfiglio 295 Cotta Lazarus Auguftinus 396 Cottignon Michael Courvaifiere Antoine le 288 Coulin Noel Cofmier 62 Cofte Hilarion de 72,266,301 Cofta Joannes 4 396 412 294, 303 Coulin Jean 445 373 Le Prefident 191 382 Pietro 376 Contator Dominicus Antonius Coutereau Nicholas 226 Coxa de Cofciis Nicolaus 417 Cox Richard 482 357 Cozzando Leonardo 306 Conti Bernardo 406 Cragius Thomas 86, 480 Contini Franceſco 349 Cramerus Daniel 167 Contzen Adam 26 Craffinus Joannes 494 Copo Pietro 388 Craffus Nicolaus 354, 382 Coppi Gian-Vicenzo 430 Cravel Alonfo 61 Coquille Guillaume 295 Crawford G. 542 Corbellini Antonio Corbin Jacques 394 Creccelius 53 64 Creſcenzi : INDE X. | Creion Andre Crefcenzi Giovanni Pietro 527 Crefcumbeni Giovanni Maria 345, 347, 349, 370 509 Crefloneris Arthurius de 246 D. Dacier 102 Creuxius Francifcus 518 Dacherius Lucas 54 Cristoforo 424 Dadinus Antonius 342 Criftoforo Giacinto de 537 Dadre Jean 286 Crifpinus Joannes 48 Van Dalen บา ct Crifpolti Cefire 356 Damafcenus Nicolaus 102 Croce Ireneo de la 388 Dameto Juan 321 Croci Giulio Cefare 362 Damianus Jacobus 141 Croelius Gerardus 51 Dampier William 519 + Croix Guillaume de la 22, Dan 282, 514 191, 298 Danckwerth Gafpar 180 Crombach Hermannus 148 Daniel 196, 204, 207 Cromerus Martinus 489,491 Cruce Giovanni Andrea a 420 Crull Dr. (rufenius Nicolaus Crufius Andreas Daniel S. 464 Daniel Samuel 466 31 Daniel a Virgine Maria 67 66 Danneville 169 Dannhawarus Joan. Conradus 285 -Joannes 167 50 Martinus 192 Dapper O 514, 516 Vincentius Alfarez 407 Dares Phrygius 87 Chipkes Georgius 155 Darnalt Jean Cunaeus Petrus 28 Dati George 298 106 Cunha Rodrigo da Curaeus Joachim Curatolo Marco Antonio 538 Curione Domenico Maria 83 Curita Geronimo Curopalata Georgius Codinus Curre Charles 331 Niccolo 400 100 Dathus Auguftinus 429 Datt Joannes Philippus 116 Davanzati Bernard 106 539 Davia Marcello 361 David e Ludovico 350 189 Davies Miles 461 223 Davila Guil. Gonzalez 516 Curtius Cornelius 66 Daviti 24 Curtius Quintus 90 Deacon Thomas 39 Cxea Hernandez de 333 Deageant 249 148 462 Cygneus Joannes Cypraeus Hieronymus 168, Adolphus Joannes 180 Cyprianus Joannes 234 Czechorod Joannes Peffin de 161 bertus VOL. II. Czewenka Wenceslaus Adal- 154 1 Delbene Alphonfus 59, 210, Demfterus Thomas 425,481 Denyaldus Robertus 286 Defcot Bernardo 324 Defiderius PP Defos David 299 291 Dellon M. 523 Dellrio Martinus Antonius 455 1 INDE X. } Defiderius Desmarais Regnier 206 Dormay 284 161 Dorio Durante 537 Defpaffe 249 Doucin le Pere 45 Deverdeck Gotifredus 161 Doujat Joannes 99 Deville Antonius 388 Doufa Georgius 194 Dexter Lucius 334 -Janus 447 Deyron 299 Drake Francis 519 Diaconus Petrus 56, 58 Dr. James 479 Diago Francifco 321,324 Theatre of Europe 15 Diaz Bernard 518 Drefferus Matthaeus Drummond John Dryden John 6 479 88 Dickinſonus Edmundus 338, Dubravius Joannes 158 468 Duditius Andreas 371 Dictys Cretenfis 87 Ducaeus Fronto 37 Didier de Sainte 118,263 Ducas Michael 190 Diedo Girolamo 376 Duccini Giuſeppe 429 Diego de la Madre de Dios 65 Dieterichus Joan. Cunrad, 133 -Georgius Theodorus 1 15 Difenbach Martinus Du Chefne Andre 194, 198, Diodorus Siculus Diola Horatius DionyfiusHalycarnaffeus 8,100 Ditmarus 133 Divaeus Petrus 441, 444 Divio Claudius Robertus 291 Dlugloffus Joannes 491 Doddefworth Roger 55,484 Doglioni Giovanni Niccolo 373, 377, 379, 387 Durand Durnius Joan. Fridericus 166 Dusbourg Petrus de 81,165 Dixval Guillaume de 22, 280 137 Eadmerus E. 135 Dilich Gulielmus 179 Dinothus Richardus 232 472, 48+, 534 Dinus Francifcus 359, 429, 538 Dumont 88 Dupliex Scipin 203,248 196 69 Dupuys 213, 265, 274, 297, 520 294 200, 269, 285, 290, 343, 468, 529, 539 Francois 272, 273, 277 Dugdale Sir William 55,463, Dulcinus Bartholomaeus 351 Dolce Ludovico Doletus Stephanus 465 223 Eberhardis Chriftophorus 137 Dolfi Scipione 541 Echard 72 Dominicus Marcus Antoni- 466 us 206 Dominici Lovis 88, 89, 100, 220 Dominis M. Antonius de 3 16 Donatus Alexander Echard Laurence Ecchellenfis Abrahamus 189, Ab Ecclefia Auguftinus Eckftormius Henricus Edmunds Sir Clement Effetti Antonio 504 423 177 94, 341 102 Donnola Faufto 356 344 Doneſmondi Hippolito Dorlandus Petrus 432 Egardus Paulus 502 64 Egnatius INDE X. Egnatius Joan. Baptifta 129, Eyndius Jacobus 447,456 Eyringus Elias Martinus 171 Eginhartus 380 132, 207 Eggs Georgius Jofephus 368 Eichovius Cyprianus Elmacinis Georgius Elias Bertrandus 338 192 Faber Antonius 298 Gabriel 526 Fabert F. 432 66 Fabretti Raphael 109,348,545 Emigliani Pomponio 376 358 291 353 500 151 237 Elius Francifcus Elfius Philippus Fabri Girolamo Emmius Ubbo 12, 86, 448, Fabricius Daniel 526 Eberhardus Errico Scipione 378 Francifcus Emfer Hieronymus 173 Engelhufius Theodorus 133 Ens Gafpar 156, 450, 503 529 D'Epernon le Duc Epifania Gian Paolo del 412 L'Epinoy Philippe de Equicola Mario Georgius 168, 170, 172 58 Fabrotus Carolus Annibal 189 Facius Bartholomaeus 37 4,397 Faidit Amable Fabrini Sebaftiano 534 294 431 Faille G. la 299 Erdmannus Ertuinus 150 Falcandus Hugo 288,409 Eremundus Erneftus 449 Fulco Aimarus 73 Erichius Adelarius 166 Benedetto de 400 Erpenius Thomas 192 Falconerius Octavius 545 Efchinardi Franceſco 349 Faleoni Celfo 351 Escolano Gafpar 321 Fano Dionigi da 18 D'Efpeiffes 249 Fanelli Francefco 505 D'Efpernon le Duc 210 Efpinofa Paolo de 319 D'Efte Hippolito 239 Fara Joannes Francifcus 421 Farial y Soufa Manuel de 326 De Faria Manuel Severin de L'Estanc Anthoine de 195 331 D'Eftrades le Comte 261 Farin Francois 287 L'Eſtrange St. Roye 31 Farina Bartolomeo 386 Eftius Gulielmus 70 Faroldo Giulio 374 Etienne Charles 304 Farulli Pietro 355,431 D'Etrees Francois Anne 247 Faſcina Agostino 346 Evagrius 36 Fauchet Claude 195, 206 Evelyn John 547 Fauna Martinus 416 Evremont St. Evola Giuſeppe de 256 Favin Andre 82, 414 272, 273. 302, 326 Eufebius 11, 35 Faure Pere le 75 Eutrandus 335 Faydit 40 Eutropius 107 Faynus Bernardinus 390 Expilli Claude 302 Fazelius Thomas 409 Eyben 136 Febure Giuſtiniani 505 Fechtus Joannes PP 2 43 Federici 1 INDE X. Federici Federigo 436, 541 Florindo Andrez 320 Felibien Dom. 60, 367 Florus Georgius Mediolanenfis Fell Dr. John 463 221 Fenat Tobias 544 Lucius Annacus 102 Fernandez Alonfo 319 Michael 406 Diego 518 Foix Paul de 238 Feron Jean le 272, 273 Folietta Ubertus 4, 8, 435, 436 Ferrandu Joannes 271 Fonfeca Damiano 312 Ferrari Girolamo 383 Tomafo 362 Fontaine Baptifte de la Simon 261 40 Ferrarienfis Lupus 209 Fontana Aldigherio 83 Vincenzo Maria יו Ferrarius Epiphanius de 435 Octavius 98, 539 Philippus 22 405 Ferraro Andrea Ferreria y Sampayo Chriftoval 327 Ferrero Francifcus Maria 540 Ferretius Joannes Baptifta 109, 546 Carolus 341,345,359 Fonteius Joannes Baptiſta 109 258 195 18 Fonteneil Forcatulus Stephanus Forefti Antonio Forli Criftoforo Cieco da 387 Forstnerus Chriftophorus 117 Fortebracci Giovanni Vincen- zo Giobbi Ferronius Arnoldus Ferro Bartholomaeus 223 540 353 Forte Pietro 418 Ferveaux Joannes 162 Fortunius Auguftinus 63,430 Fevardent Francifcus 287 Foscarini Michael de 372 Fevre Jacques le 50 Foffe Thomas Sieur de 257 Feyrabend Sig. 441 Fougaffes Ferdinand 374 Fiamma Paulino 380 Fouquet Mr. 275 Fiamemmo Clemente 395 Fox John 48, 485 Fiedler Joannes 173 Foxius Sebaftianus 8 Figon Charles de 272 Franchis Lauretus de 358 Filippini Antonio Pietro 346, Francefco di S. Maria 68 437 Franciotti Cefare 429 Filmer Sir Robert Fino Alemanni Fiore Giovanni 461 Franckenberg Fridericus Lu- 387 dolphus 405 Franckenberger Andreas 379 Frankius Joannes Joachim 132, I 12 6 Fiorelli Jacopo Firmianus Petrus 276 208 Fifenius Bartholomaeus 150 Wolfgangus 168 Flechier L'Abbée 110, 313 Fredegarius 205 Fleetwood Gulielmus 470,546 Fleury L'Abbée Flodoardus Florentinus Auguftinus 62 Francifcus Maria 338, Fredro Andreas Maximilianus 28, 38 492 208, 284 Fregofo Battiſta 367 Freherus Marquardus 127, 428 Florianus Gebhardus 183 158, 162, 163, 200, 208 Freidiger Bernhardus 173 Frere Jean le 49, 233 Frefchot INDE X. Frefchot Cafimiro Freyre Antonio Frifon 379 Garzon Joannes 173 326 Garzoni Pietro 372 79,277 Gaffendus Petrus 301 Fritſchius Ahasuerus 114, 118, Gaffildus Jacobus 504 121, 136, 181 Gatrus Antonius 395 Froiflirt Jean Frois Aloyfius Frofciante Pietro Martire 358 Fugerius Raymundus. Fulbertus Carnotenfis Fuidenfes Annales 212 207 511 Gauffride Jean Francois 300 213 Gaultherot 292 Gaumin Gilbert 33 545 Gazet Guillaume 303, 443 Gazotti Pietro 18 Fulgentio Franceſco 380 Fuligati Jacques 79, 369 Gelais Jean Fullonius Joannes Erhardus Gebvillerus Hieronymus 137, 532 221 Octave de Saint 220 150 Gelenius Aegidius 147 Furmerus Bernardus 448 Gemelli Giovanni Francefco Count Furstenburgh 141 505 Furftenerius Caefarinus 12 [ Gemeticenfis Wilhelmus 286 Fuſchus Angelus 540 Gendre l'Abbée 207, 254 Genuenfis Dionyfius G. Gabutius Antonius 366 Gerardo Pietro S. Gaetano 73 Gaguinus Robertus 201 Gaillard Pierre droit de 70 Georgius Bernardus 379 Geraldinus Alexandrinus 520 Gerbertus Rhemenfis Gerhodus 6 Geringerus Michael 384 21E 134 176 Galateo Antonio 403, 405 Germain Dominique Michel Gale Dr. Thomas 464 57, 197, 284 Galeotti Bartolomeo 363 Galeranus Jacobus Mainoldus Germon Bartholomaeus 276 Geroldi Ambrofio 391 316 Gerfon Francois 253 Galland 271, 275, 296 -Joannes 215 Gallicanus Vulcatius 106 Gervaife Nicholas 510 Gallonius Antonius 75 160 451 Gallucius Angelus Gallus Joannes Baptifta 230 Galluzzi Francefco Maria 75 Gamurrini Eugenio 527,536 Gandini Mark Anthony Ganduci Odoardo Garcilaffo de la Vega Inca 517, SS Gefchinius Paulus Gewoldus Chriftophorus, 119, 148, 533 Ghirardacci Cherubino 351 Giacobilli Federigo Lodovico 355 356 436 Gianbullari Pier Francefco 17 Gianelli Bafilio 405 518 36 Garde Jerome de la 245 Garzel Petrus 300 Garuffius Jofephus Malatesta Gianius Arcangelus Giannetafius Nicolaus Parthe- nius Giannone Pietro 359 Giannottus Donatus 399 407 377 Giblet 言 ​INDE X. Giblet Enrico Gibſon Edmund Gigli Conftantino Giintherus Henricus 181 Gilenius Joannes 143 Gilles Nicholas 201 389 Gomarus Francifcus 465 Gombervile M. de 536 Gomez Chriftophorus Fernando de 3$ 243 78 318 313 De Gongora y Torre Blanca Gomezius Alvarez -Pierre 46 Garcia 326 Gimma Giacinto Gionta Stefano 406 Gononus Benedictus 52 431 Gonzaga Francifcus 69 Giorgi Francefco Antonio 365 Gorickheim Henricus de 215 Giovanelli Mario 430 Goffelinus Antonius 196 Giraffo Aleffandro 399 Gotzius Georgius. 166 Giraldi Gianbattiſta 352 Godefroy Denys 213, 217, Girard 72 Giry Francifcus 72 422 Giuglaris Aloyfius 357 Giuliani Gian-Bernardino 408 Giulianelli Antonio Giuffano Giovanni Pietro 369 Giuftiniani Agoftino 435 Bernardo 81, 309, 540 Michaele 220, 271, 272 Theodore 214, 218, 219, 265, 271, 274, 275, 328 Gordiano Jacopo Gottofriedus John Lewis 14, 403 24 357, 435 Goveanus Francifcus Velaſcus Jacobus 270 Gizzi Giovanni Battiſta 345 330 Glaferus Philippus 9 Gloverus Robertus 524 Gouffancourt Matthieu Gozzaeus Ambrofius 8 1 71 Glycas Michael 188 Graevius Joannes Georgius 94, Gnodalius Petrus 139 98, 338 Gobien le Pere 508 Grain Baptifte le 240, 247 Gockelius Erneftus Godeau Mr. de 39 Godefroy Theodore 214, 220, 271 Godwinus Francifcus 470, 184 Grammaticus Saxo Grammaye Joannes Baptiſta 439, 443, 504, 514 446 Gramond Gabriel Bartholo- maeus 247, 249, 278 484, 485 Le Grand Eftienne 292 Thomas 29 Joachim 486 Goes Damiano 328 Grandi Jacopo 399 Joannes 185 Grandis Bartholomaeus 413 Goffridus Abbas Vindocinenfis Hieronymus ibid. 212 Grangierius J. 198 Golius Jacobus 512 Grafferus Joannes 299 Goldaftus Melchior 114, 127, Gratianus Antonius Maria 370, 134, 159 376 Goldioni Leonico 377 Gollut Lovis 391 Joannes Thomas 389 66 Golnitius Albertus 439 Goltzius Hubertus 109,410, Grafwinckelius Theodorus 377 Grattarolo Bongiani 386 548 Graziani INDE X. S. Gregorio Cypriano Mauritius 401 416 386 27 205 Graziani Giorgio Greaves John Grebin Henri -P Gregorius Petrus Turonenfis 387 Guette Citri de la 104, 517 515 Guedeville Mr. de 14 252 Guglielmini Domenico 416 Guibertus Abbas Guiciardini Francefco Caeleftinus 234 224 404 Ludovico 337, 440, 443 Greflon Adrien 509 Gretferus Jacobus 77, 148, Guichenon Samuel 302, 423, 528, 530 208, 506 Guidiccionus Laelius 367 Grevin Jacques 283 Guido Perpinianus 44 Grilenzoni Rafaello 370 Guilielmus Apulus 288 Grimaldus Auguftinus 360 Guilleragues Mr. 262 Grimefton Edward 100 Guillet S6, 192 Grifius Petrus 284, 354 Guillimannus Francifcus 133, Gronovius Jacobus 27,87, 149, 301,438, 532 $8,92 Guimeran Felipe de 65 Groffer Samuel 175 Guife Duc de 235 Groffis Joannes Baptifta de 411 -Jacques de 303, 445 Groffus Gaufridus 57 Guittierez Juan Pedro 334 Grotius Hugo 27, 446, 451, Guizzardi Vincenzo 346 456, 497, 518 Gumble Thomas 476 Gruchius Nicolaus 96 Gundling Nicolaus Hierony- Gruterus Janus 109, 545 mus 133 Grynaeus Simon Gryphius Chriftianus 8, 439 Gurtlerus Nicolaus 82 82 Gufman Lius de 511 De Guadalaja y Xavier Marco 312 Guthe Joannes Sebaftianus Gutherius Jacobus 174 97 Guagninus Alexander 489,490 Robertus 223 Gualdo Galeazzo 142, 143, 144, 254, 260,393,399.499 Gualterus Georgius Joannes Guyart Jean 269 Gyon Symphorien Gyllius Petrus Gyraldus Lillius 281 187 26 409 13 H: Guardiola Juan Benuto 315 Guarnerius Joannes Antonius Habertus Nicolaus 58 376 Habington William 464 Guarnopius Joannes Baptifta Hackenbergius Paulus 125 433 Hackluyt Richard 520 Gubernatis Giacinto de 540 Guderius Joannes Mauritius Haemrodius Cornelius 447 Haer Floris Vander 303,445, 147, 173 449 Gudicanus Auguftinus 489 De la Guelle M. 243 Hagecius Wenceslaus Hagemayerus Joachim 159 121 Guefnay Jean Baptifte 301 Hahnius Simon Fridericus $5 Du INDE X. Du Haillan Bernard Girard 71, 198, 202, 256, 290 Hall Dr. Anthony Richard 459 Heidenreich Tobias Heidenftenus Reinoldus Heider Daniel 172 492 151 449 Heidmannus Chriftophorus Hamelarius Joannes 548 30, 506 Hamelmannus Hermannus Heilting Peregrinus 506 183, 185 Heineccius Joannes Michael Hammen y Leon Lorenzo 128 van Haackius Martinus 160, 190 Hanmer Meredith Hannemannus Joannes Ludo- 314 Heinfius Daniel Heifs le Sicur 456 130 482 Helene le Pere Pierre de Saint 66 vicus Happelius Everardus 515 Helmericus Gafpar 15 Helmoldus 180 151 Harduinus Joannes 548 Helvichius Georgius 146, Harmer Anthony 485 148, 163 Haro Alexander Lopez de 315, Hemeraeus Claudius. 283 534 Henao Gabriel de 306 Haroldus Francifcus 69 Hendreich Petrus 301 Harris Dr. John 520 Harrison William 466 160 43 149 475 83 Hartnock Chriftophorus 165, 167, 490 Hartmannus Chriftophorus 55 Joannes Philippus 164 Wolfgangus Hartnaccius Daniel Hafcia Laurentius Henelius Nicolaus Henichius Joannes Henninges Hieronymus 120, 526, 533 Henriques Chryfoftomus 59 Henfchenius Gotfredus 206, Herbert de Cherbury Edward 26, 470 4.47 Haflobius Michael 171 Thomas 523 Haftivilius Arcangelus 62 Haudiquier le Sieur de Blan- Herbert court 531 Hauteville Hawes G. Haye Jean le 297 Haym Niccolo Franceſco 549 Hayward Sir John Herbert de Fulftin Joannes 49 1 Heresbachius Conradus 48 490 Herden Eitel Fridericus de 112 $22 Herman Hermannides Rutgerus 180, 496, 501 39 287 464 Hermant 40,82 Hearne Thomas 99, 465, 469, 470 Heath James 475 Hebmer John 24 447 147 Heda Wilhelmus Heemskerk Joannes van 446 Heefius Nicolaus Heideggerus Joannes Henricus 33 107 Herodotus Halicarnaffenfis 8 Herrera Antonius de 311, 329, 516 Hermes Hermannus L'Hermite du Souliers Jean Battifte 218, 429, 530 Heroldus Bafilius Joannes 114, 114 140, 501 Herodianus Herrera INDE X. Herrera Thomas 66 Hotel Nicolaus Hervartius Joannes Gerardus Herzius Michael Herzogs Bernardus Hefterbergius Joannes Houlaye Amelot de la 270 105 12 Howel Jacobus 461, 467 126 Hoyns Andreas 303 185 Hubert R. 281 46 Huberus Ulricus i6,85 Heuterus Pontus 153, 290, Hubner John 16,533 441 Hudson Dr. John 21,30,100 Heylin Petrus 14, 475,485 Huet 30, 287 Higgons Bevil Higuera Hieronymus Rom. de Hildebertus Caenomanenfis Hugo Hermannus. 456 318, 335 Hugo le Pere 62 473 Huitfeldus Heraldus 503 Humbracht Joannes Maximi- 212 lianus 186 Hildebrandus Andreas 167 Hume David 478 -Joachim 176 Hundus Weguleus 14 Hincmarus 209 Hunefeld Huno 121 Hind Thomas 92 Huyffen Baron 492 Hipponius Jofephus Bifognus Hyde Dr. Thomas 507 403 Hiret Jean 290 Hoelius Jacobus 478 I. Hoenn Georgius Paulus 17 t Hoffmannus Jeremias 134 Holinfhead Raphael 466 Holftenius Lucas Homodeis Antonius Philotheus 420 de Hondius Jodocus Hoolk Gisbert Vander 470 Hoppenrodius Andreas 168 Hoppius Samuel Joachim 489 Horbius Joannes Henricus 45 Hordal Joannes Jaligny Guillaume de Jambertonus Profper Janelli Januarius Janfenius 21 Jacchettus Joannes Jacob Ludovicus 292, 360 Jacobilli Ludovico 58,366 Jaegerus Joannes Wolfgangus 465 43 341 219 418 370 276 215 Hornius Gafpar Henricus i, Janfonius Joannes 340, 451 Janvitius Jacobus Maria 382 Jariccius Petrus 517 182 Jafolino Giulio 406 Georgius 472,518 Jau Jean le 287 Hortenfius Lambertus 48, 139, Jaubray Charles 284 447 Ibanez de Segovia 336 Hortinus Julius 346 Jeanin Mr. le Prefident 244, Hortlederus Fridericus 139 456 Hofpinianus Rudolphus 53 Jebb Samuel 480 Hottomannus Francifcus 199, De Jena 121 547 Jefus y Xodar Francifcus de Hottingerus Joannes Honricus 333 42,192 VOL. II. Ignace Jefus Maria le Pere 283 Imhoff Q9 INDE X. Imhoff Jacobus Wilhelmus 14, 121, 315, 533, 534 Imperiali Giovanni Vicenzo 363 Inchoferus Melchior 156,420 Infantino Giulio Cefare 403 Inveges Agoftino Inett Dr. John Ingenius Francifcus de 379 Inghiramus Curtius 103,424 Inglife Alexander 410,411 Julianus Imperator 108 Julien le Pere de St. 210, 290 Juncker Chriftianus 15,174 Juneo Pedro de Junius Hadrianus Ivo Carnotenfis 319 447 211 291 483 454 Jurain Claude Juffie Jean de Juftellus Chriftophorus Juftinianus Bernardus Petrus 50 530 373 ibid. Interiano Paolo Ingulfus Joaninenfis Stephanus Joannetus Francifcus Joannes Magnus Joannes Sarisberienfis 501 212 436 Juftinus 91 463 Juvencus P. de 76,78 428 Juvenis Joannes 402 344 K. Joffredus Petrus 423 Joinville Jean de 21I Kadlubko Vincentius 491 Jolius 215 Kaerius Petrus 439 Jonas Arngrimus 500 Kattner Federicus Erneftus 178 Jones David 477 Keckermannus Bartholomaeus Jongelinus Gafpar 59,334 4 Jonfton Robert 47 I Kavina Petrus Maria 353 Jorenfon Erneftus 499 Keepe Henry 488 Tornandes 190 Kempenskiold Samuel 499 Jofeph Benedictus a S. 494 Kennet Dr. Bafil 94 Jofephus Flavius 30,85 Dr. White 516 -Benedictus 345 Keplerus Joannes 20 Joubert Pere 546 Kempiter 511 Jovius Paulus 393, 394 Khevenhuller Frantz. Chri- Jovan Abel 232 ftoph. 140 Jourdan le Pere Adrien 206, 210, 529 Kilcanus Wolffgangus Kippingius Henricus 532 93 Jouvenal 467 Kirchmagerus Giovanni Giu- Ifchia 388 feppe 32, 168 Ifacius Joannes 194 Ifidoro Tofcano 72 Kirchmannus Joannes 502 Kircherus Athanafius 33, 85, Ifoil Francifco de 321 Iffelt Michael ab 148,450 Ifthuanfius Nicolaus Iftria Sorba Aurelio d' 156 437 Itteta Joannes Wilhelmus 121 Ittigius Thomas 42,44 Julianenfis Olympius 337,408,424, 351, 508 178 Kirchnerus Hermannus 272 Knaut Chriftianus Knauth Joannes Cunradus 171 Knipfchildius Philippus 121, 417 Knox John 183 488, 513 A Ko INDE X. A Kochowsky Vefpafianus 493 Konifhhaven Jacobus 184 Kortholdus Chriftopherus 43 Krantz Gottlob Krentzius Albertus 146, 169, 178, 286, 498, 503 17 Lapide Hippolytus a 118 Larrey Mr. Larry Bernardus Lafcagne Triftan de Lafena Pietro Lafitius Joannes Lafitzki Joannes. 104, 468 29, 35, 21 1 271 400 159 495 Latornus Bernardus Lavardinus Marchio 179 261 147 Laval Antonius de 225 Laudayanus 215 Kulpis Joannes Georgius 110, Kyriandus Gulielmus L. 119 Launoius Joannes 57, 62, 64, 78, 280 Labbardaeus Joannes Labbacus Philippus II, 12, 259 Laurembergius Joannes Laurentius Joannes 86 180 187,294,528 Lauretus Matthaeus 58 Le Laboreur Claude 57, 143, Lauro Peter 88, 103 265, 267, 293 Laurus Jacobus 94, 360 Jean Lacharis Aegidius 212, 492 Layritzius Joannes Gerardus 197 154 Lactantius 36 Lazare de St. 272 Laderchius Jacobus 347 Lazius Wolfgangus 91,93, Ladeſma Alexander 370 152,532 Ladoneus 292 Lechias Albertus Ines 49 I Laet Joannes de 316,440, Leewen Simon Van 446 516,518 Leger Jean 46 S. Laguille Pere 305 Lehmannus Chriftophorus Lambecius Petrus 154, 185 116, 119 Lambertinus Joannes Baptifta Leibnitius Godofredus Guliel- 309 mus 128 Lampadius Jacobus 113 Leidekher Melchior 29 Lampridius Aelius 106 Leland John 459 Lancelottus C. 548 Lelevel Mr. de 7 Secundus 11,56 Lanceni Giovanni Battiſta 390 Lando Ortenfio Landucci Ambrogio 346 169 Langius Paulus Langhornius Daniel 462, 502 L'Anglois Jean Baptiste Langmantel Hieronymus Am- 340 Lellis Carlo de 399,527,540 Lello Gian-Luigi L'Empereur Conftantin 28 Lengueglia Giovanni Agoftino 412 46 della Lentus Jofephus Leo Africanus 537 360 514 Ambrofius 401 brofius 149, 538 Leoni Benedetto 73 Lanovius Francifcus 72 Lansbergius 142 Giuſeppe Maria 366 -John Baptiſta 224, 340 Lanuza Vincenzo Blafco de Leo Duardus Nonius 322 Leo Oftienfis Qq2 331 56 Leodius INDE X. Leodius Hubertus Thomas Livius Titus Patavinus 99 163, 182 100 Leontinus Simon 418 Loaifa Garcia 332 Leontz John 448 Lobera Athanafio de 319 Lequilliis Didacus de 315,532 Lobertius Jacobus 150 Lery Jean de 236 Lobineau Guillaume Alexis Lefcornay Jacques de 282 289 Lefcun J. P. de 302, 531 Lobkowitz Joannes Caramuela LeЛlacus Joannes 478, 480 329 Leti Gregorio 27, 138, 165, Locatelli 376 170, 254, 311, 314, 338, 366, 394, 441, 481 Letouf Claude de Lerzner Leuckfeld Joannes Georgius Leven Joan Wrenbogaert 459 254 1-32 Locatus Umbertus Loccenius Joannes Locres Petrus de Locrius Ferrius de Lodi Defendente 433 498 270 303,441 395 128, 177 Emmanuello 396 Vincenzio 400 Levesque Joannes 73 Loiſeau Charles 272 Leunclavius Joannes 192 Loifell Antoine 249,283 Leuzas Cofma 74 Lombardi Francefco 406 Leydis Joannes de 448 P. 486 Lezana John Baptift 67, 323 Liberatus 37 Lombierus Albertus Du Londel Pere 182 254 Liberge 296 Londorpius Michael Gafpar Liebhardus Ludovicus 134 1 40 Lievre Jean le 301 Longelin Gafpar 156 Lightfoot Dr. John 30 Longinus. 491 Lilieftrholm John Dominick Lonicerus Philippus 192 119 Lopez Juan 71 Lille Mr. de 23 Juan Antonio 323 Lilli Camillo 355 Lorichanus 451 Lillius Georgius Limborch Philippus a 459 Limnaeus Joannes 113, 116, 468 Lofchi Alfonfo Loffius Valentinus 17 173 198 Lotichius Joannes Petrus 144 Loubere de la 510 Linda Luca de 17 Lovis XII. 221 Lindanus David 444 Lovis XIII. 248 Lindebornius Joannes Lindenbergius Petrus 448 Lovis XIV. 255 179 Louvet Petrus 283,297,531 Lindenbrogius Eroldus 127 Lloydius Gulielmus 92 Fridericus 114 Loyens Hubertus 445 Lipfius Juftus 26, 97, 98, Lubertus Sibrandus 459 444, 545 Lifieux Zacharias de 276 Liffe David 267 Lubienecius Staniſlaus Lubienski Staniſlaus Lubin Auguftinus 51,494 494 65 Littara Vincentius 414, 418 Matthaeus 416 Luca INDEX. Luca Carolus Francifcus de Macchiavellus Nicolaus 426 364 Machin Ambrofius 421 Fridericus 181 Macchioni Bartolomeo 537 Luc Touffant de Saint 82, 289 Macrinus Jofephus 408 Lucangelus Nicolaus 236 Maderus Joachim Joannes 169, Lucari 389 176 Lucas Paul Luchini Benedetto 524 Maffei Scipione 390, 431 540 Maffeus Joannes Petrus 77, Luchino Benedetto 428 512 Luchittus Marcus Antonius Paolo Aleffandro 366 404 Lucianus I Lucius Caccianemici 362 Magaillans Gabriel de Magdaleine Comte de Maginus Anthony 21,337, 508 193 Joannes 388, 389 351 Petrus 67 Ludewig Joannes Petrus 133 Magiftris Francifcus de Magiftri Ives 401 265 Ludlow Edmund 474 Magni Cornelio 505 Ludolphus Job 15, 515 Magnus Joannes Gothus 498, Ludovici M. 43 501 Luithprandus 133, 335 Olaus Gothus 498 Lunig Joannes Chriftianus 123 Lungwitzius Matthaeus 171 Lupis Antonio Maichin Armand 296 388 Mailly le Chevalier de Maimbourgh le Pere 45, 47, 436 Lupus Chriftianus 67 49, 134, 278 Lurbaeus Gabriel 297, 298 Mainferme J. de la 63 Lufignano Stefano 389 Majer Matteo 349 Lufinges Rene des Aylmes 9 Lutzemburgus Bernardus 44 Majone Domenico 403 Luyts Joannes 24 Major dan Joannes Le Maire Jean 548 201, 279 Lydicius Jacobus 164 Le Maitre Mr. 60 Lyonne Mr. de 262 Maius Joannes Buchelatus 179 Lynckerus L. B. de 121 Malavolti Orlando 429 Nicolaus Chriftophorus Malbranc Jacobus 445 ibid. Malefpina Ricordano 427 Lyfcander Cl. Chrift. 500 Malingre Claude 247, 252, Joannes 502 266, 280 Mallet Alain Mareffon 23 M. Mallet Antoine 7 I Mallincrot Bernardus a 120 Maan Jean 289 Malvafia Buonaventura 347 Mabillon Jean $3,54,197,337 Maccius Sebaftianus 4 Macedo Francifcus S. Auguf- 381 tinus Machant John Baptiſt 231 Macchiarelli Filippo Maria 58 Carolus Caefar Malvezzi Virgilio 33, 314 Manaffes Conftantinus Mancino Carlo Mandeville Jean de 189 420 522 Manfredis 361 Malvenda Thomas 71 INDE X. Manfredis Fulgenzio 379 Marlot Gulielmus 285 Mandofius Profper 341 Marmi Anthony Francis 427 Manente Cipriano 356 Marmol Lucas de 312,514 Manchanefus Michael Angelus Marmora Andrea 389 416 Marnavitius Joannus Tomcus Manili Giacomo 349 538 Manley T. 452 Marolles Michel 289 Manlius Chriftophorus 174 Marot Jean 222 Robertus 472 Marquez Giovanni 65 Manrique Angelus 59 Marnier Matthieu 56 Mansfeldt Carolus à 74 Marthamus Joannes 11, 85 Mantelius Joannes 449 Marfilius Aloyfius Ferdinandus Mantuano Pedro 308 146,505 Manutius Aldus 103, 428 Joannes 381 Paulus 95, 96 Marfolier M. Manzini Luigi 60,313,470 544 Marteau Martin 289 Manzuoli Niccolo Manzonius Bernardinus 353 Maoro Domenico Martianai le Pere 20 388 Martin de St. Joſeph 70 347 Martin William 466 Mara Gulielmus de ? 223 Martineau 24 Maracci Ludovico 347 Martinelli Agostino 358 Marana Jean Paul 262 Fioravante 346, 347, Maranta Bartholomaeus 406 349 Marafiotti Girolamo 402 Martinius Martinus 508 Marca Petrus de 293, 298, Martorelli Franceſco 325 303, 402 Luigi 355 Marcel Guillaume 196,204 Martyr Petrus 310,506 Marcellinus Ammianus 108 Martyrico Juan Pablo 319 Marcellus Petrus 379 Marulli Silveſtro 53,81 Marchantius Jacobus 442 Marzari Giacomo 384 Marche Olivier de la 443 Marzi Franciſco 357 Marchefi Sigiſmondo 355 Marzolaccio Gian Battista 437 Marchefius Francifcus 367 Mas le Pere 75 Joannes Petrus 414 Maffa Antonius 403 Marciano Giovanni 75 Gian-Andrea 410 Marculphus Monachus. 206 Mafcardi Agostino 4,436 Mare Philippe de la 291 Mafculus Joannes Baptiſta 408 Marefcallus Nicolaus 178 Mafenius Jacobus 139, 147 Mariana Juan de 307 Maffeville Mr. de 285 Michiel Angelo 388 Mafini Paolo 363 Marillac 68 Maffino Michelagnolo 408 Marinis Hieronymus 436 Maffonio Salvadore 401 Marinaeus Lucius 310, 322 Maffonus John Marino Felice 544 Marlianus Bartholomaeus 94 216 Papirius 198, 233, 294, 343,422 Raymundus 194 Maftrullus Amatus 406 Mata- INDE X. 272 141 Matagonibus Matagoni de 199 Matare Anthony 199 Mattei Domenico Barnaba 358 A Mathas Mathenefius Joannes Frideri- cus Mellen Jacobus a 153, 156 Mellino Domenico di Guido 428 Melvil James 471 Melvin Andreas 478 Melzer Chriftianus 172 Mathoud Hugo 291 Menage Gilles 290 Mattheacius Angelus 378 Menarde Claude 213 Matthaeus Antonius 447 Mencken Joannes Burchardus Matthias Chriftophorus 13 145 Matthieu Pierre 218,226,242, Otho 13 245 Maugerius Nicolaus 417 Diego de Mauguin Gilbertus 46 Mendoza Bernardino de 454 Petrus Gonzalez de 320 Maundrell Henry 521 ibid. Maupertuy Mr. de 301 Mendoza Salazar de 317 Maurerius Gafpar 193 Menenius Francifcus 82, 83 Maurocenus Andreas 372, 382, 383 Menetrier le Pere 10,254,293 Menenez Ferdinando de 327 Mauroi 266 Maurolycus Francifcus 409 Menniti Pietro Maurus Cyrinus 415 Ludovicus de 329 420 Menochius Joannes Stepha- Hertmannus 137 nus 28 Maximus Marcus 334 Meoni Domenico 543 Mayer Joſeph 181 Mercator Marius 37 Mazza Antonius Mazarine Cardinal Mayersberg Auguftinus Mazzella Scipione 397, 402 Mazzocchi Domenico 357, Jacobus 495 Merelli Michiele 437 402 Merianus Matthaeus 152 260 Merula Gaudentius. 195 Georgius 374,391 Paulus 24, 448, 457 359 Mela Sebaftien de 328 546 Mellanenfis Anonymus 419 Mazzolari Ilario Meaux l'Eveque de Mechovius Gulielmus Medaglia Natalis 319 ΙΟ Mefhovius Arnoldus Mefnardiere 48 256 176 354 548 Mechovias Matthaeus de 491 Medici Angelus Maria 367 Mediobarbus Megiferus Hieronymus 154 Meibomius Henricus 54,128, 134, 136 Meifnerus Joannes Mela Pomponius Melbaeus Jacobus Melchiori Ottaviano 168 22 Meurfius Joannes 91, 97, 107, 379,447,455,502, 505 Meyerus Jacobus 441 Mezerai Francois Eudes de 147 Mezger Jofephus 404 Michael Joannes 196, 203 148 69,71 Michael Meffenius Jacobus 534 Joannes 498 Metelli Giovanni Maria 363 Meteren Emanuel 449 Meuriffe le Pere 305 INDE X Michael Robertus 286 Molina Ludovicus 316 Micquelius Ludovicus. 215 Molinaeus Ludovicus 47$ Micraelius Joannes 167 Molinet Claude du 75,344 Middendorpius Jacobus 53 Molifi Giovanni Battiſta di Midoffus 62 Nola 402 Mildes Bernardus Gomezius Mollerus Andreas 172 323 Joannes 180 Migliore Bartolomeo del 427 Millini Benedetto Milton John 466, 475,495 Minardus Ventura Mincrellus Thomas Maria Monaca Andrea della 404 345 Monaco Giacomo Antonio 403 390 Monacus Michael 405 Monaldefchi Monaldo 356 366 A Monafterio Arturius وه Mini Paolo 427 Monconys Gafpar de 522 Miniati Giovanni 430 Mongitore Antonius 417 Minis Thomas de 62 De Monluc Blaiſe 228 Minuccius Minuccio 389 Monlucius Joannes 492 Minutolo Andrea 413 Mirabella Vincenzo Miraeus Aubertus 41, 53, 56, 59, 61, 63, 74, 82, 141, 148, 441, 442 Mirani Francefco Barberano Monnypenny John Monodus Petrus De Monpleinchamp Monftrelet Enguerrand Du Monftrier Arthurus Du Mont 83 178 422 455 214 285 263 384 Des Montagnes 223 Miraval Vincente de 325 Miraumont Pierre de 272, Montalba Francifcus de 544 Montalbani Ovidio 351, 361 273 Montaltus Hyacinthus 415 Miffon Maximilian 337 Montalvo Barnabas de 59 Mocenicus Andreas 375 Montand Nicholas de 234 Mocherus Antonius 150 Montbrun Marquifs 261 Mocquet Jean 521 Montemerlo Niccolo 395 Modena Leo de 29 Montfaucon Bernard de 34. Modera Gregorio Lopez de 337 316 Monti Agoftino Maria 437 Modeftus Publius Francifcus Giacomo 363 374 Montiofius Ludovicus de 94 Modius Francifcus 186 Montoya Lucas de 72 Moebius Georgius 33 De Montrefor 251 Le Moine Pafquier 224 Montrevil le Pere 34 Moiffant Claudius Molanus Joannes 284 Monzambano Severino de 119 444 Morales Ambrogio 306, 308 Molegnano Cefare 403 Morandus Benedictus 363 Molefworth Mr. Molina 501 More Sir Thomas 464 326 Morelettus Joannes 261 Andrew Garfias 335 Morellus Caftiglione Fabricius Gonfalo Argote de 538 534, 541 Morena INDE X. 315, 319 302, 326 Morena Otho & Acerbus 395 Moreno de Vargas Barnabe Moret Jofeph de 323 543 Murillo Diego Mufantius Dominicus Mufara Francifcus Maria Jo- annes Grandis 419 Moretta Petrus Paulus 413, Mufcry Riordan de 474 414, 418 Morgado Alonfo 319 Morigi Paolo 73, 393,396 maeus Morigny Morin le Pere Morifcianus Carolus 415 Morifotus Claudius Bartholo- Mutio Girolamo Mutius Achilles Maria 282 Mufhard Luneburgus Muffatus Albertinus 135,384 Muſtatius Vitus Albertus 418 Muffy Jean de 186 536 75, 281 Mutdefde Vincente 321 354 386 240 391 Morliere Adrien de la 282,531 Mormile Giuſeppe 401 Mylaeus Chriftophorus Mylenus Nicolaus 1, 8 120 Morocius Carolus Jofephus 64 Morofini Andrea 374,389 N. Moro Maurizio 385 Morotius 60 Naberat Mr. 81 Morus Alexander 475 Nadanygius Joannes 156 Morzillus 8 Nadafius Joannes 80 Mofcardus Ludovicus 385 Nagerel Jean 285 Mofchus Francifcus 58 Le Nain Pere 60 Moulin Charles du 199 Naldini Paolo 388 Gabriel du 285 Nalfon Dr. John 473 Mourgues Matthieu du 253 Nangis Beauvais 244 Mouskes Philippe de 191 Nani Giovanni Battiſta 372 Moyne Pere le 4 Nardi Jacopo 426 62 116 Mozzagrugnus Jofephus 74 Mugnos Filadelfos 410, 418, 539, 540, 541, 542 Mugnotius Andreas Muldenerus Joannes Chriftia nus Nardinus Famianus 341,357 Niccolo Ifidoro 537 358 Nafo Joannes 414 Nava Pietro Francifco 393 Naude Gabriel 218, 258, 354, Muldrac Antoine 60 408 Mullerus Joannes 148 Joannes Sebaftianus 170 Navarrus Curtius Nazari Giovanni Battiſta 386 Nebriffenfis Aelius Antonius 70 Laurentius 160 310 Mundelheim Nebridius a 53 Negri Blanco збі Muntaner Ramon 323 Giovanni 423 Muntzerus Valentinus 151 Giulio 426 Mure Jean Marie de la 293. VOL. II. Muratori Ludovico Antonio Negro Taddeo de 341, 434,435 Neile William Neowaldus Joannes 294 Nerveze 481 4 185 R S 266 Neftor INDE X. Neftor Jean 428 Occo Adolphus 312 Neufchaifes Charles 239 Ockel Andreas 181 Neve John le 486 O-Flahertus Rodericus 482 Neugebaverus Salomon 491 491 Ogerius Carolus 504 Neuville Balthafar Hezeneil de Oihenartus Arnaldus 298 la 453 Oifelius Jacobus 548 Newman John $8 Okolski Simon 493-534 Nicephorus Calliftus 37 Olaus Magnus 498 Gregoras 190 Oldenburgerus Philippus An- Nicetas 189 dreas 13, 114 Nicholfon William 459,478, Oldoinus Auguftinus 341,344, 481 358, 366 Nicolai Agostino 399 Olearius Adamus 480,495,508 Joannes 325 Joannes Chriftopho- Pere 248 rus 173 Nicolini Girolamo 402 Olhagaray Pierre 302 Nicolio Andrea 384 Oliva Joannes 349 Nicolosi e Biafini Hieronymo Olivazzi Comte 434 413 Oliveira Chriftovao Rodriguez Nicolofius Joannes Baptifta 25 Nieremberg Eufebius de 331 77 Nieuport G. H. 93 Olivis Henricus Palladius de 387 Niger Alexander 361 Francifcus 432 Nigettus Dionyfius Baldoccius Olmo Giovanni Franceſco 374 Olon Mr St. Omphalius Jacques A 516 228 76 Onofri Fedele 363 Nigrofanti Pietro 354 Onofridi Fedele 374 Nihufius Bartholomaeus 504 Orichovius Stanislaus 492 Niquet Honorat 63 Orlandi Giovanni 408 Nithardus 208 Pellegrino Antonio 360 Noble Mr. le 453 Noguier Antoine 298,299 299 306 Orlandini Leonardo 412 Orlandinus Nicolaus 76,80 Orleans le Pere de 79, 468, -Francois Nonius Ludovicus Noris Henricus Cardinalis 12, 20,45,92,98 Northof Lewoldus à 166, 183 Noftradamus Caefar de la 300 Nouailles Duc de Nourry Nicolas 261 Renaude de 509 270 Orlers Joannes Jans 455,533 Ormanico Pietro Paolo 387 Orfato Sertorio 384,390,545 Ortalis Paolo 417 36 Nubrigenfis Gulielmus Nunez Juan 465 Ortelius Abrahamus 22, 337, 516 318 Orthelius Antonius 381 Ortica Agostino ΙΟΙ 0. Obbrechtus Ulricus 119, 184, Ortiz de Valdez Franceſco 325 Oforius Hieronymus 328 Offat Arnaud de 312 241 Offullevannus INDE X. Offullevannus Philippus 489 Pannini Giuſeppe Maria 353 323 Oftermannus Petrus 142 Panormita Antonius Oftienfis Leo 56 Panfa Paclo 367 Otrockocfus Francifcus Foris Panvinius Onuphrius 95, 98, 155 343, 385 Ott Chriftophorus 132, 208 Ottinellus Caefar Paolo Sarpi Fra 377, 380 355 Ortius Joannes Henricus 41,48 Otto Everardus 97 Marcus Ovaglie Alonfo de 122 518 Papafava Robertus Papenbrochius Daniel 68,317 Pappenheim Matthaeus Paracelfus Theophraftus 154 Paradinus Gulielmus 225,228, 505 182 Oudegherft Pierre d' 442 290, 293, 421 Outreman Henri d' 304, 445 Faraeus Daniel 163 445 414 Pierre P. Pace Mario Pachymeras Georgius 189 Pacificus Petrus Antonius 382 Pac chelli Giovanni Battiſta Paccinelli Bernardino Padilla Franciſco de Parrino Domenico Antonio 400, 404 404 Parſchitius Chriftophorus 156 75 Partenopaeo Ercole 387 332 I aruta Paolo Paragallo Gafpare 408 Paris Martial de 216 Matthaeus 465,486 Parkenius Joannes Parkinfon A. 104 487 372, 410 Padredio Carlo 348 Pafchale Agoſtino 405 Paez de Viegas Antonio 327 Giovanni Pietro ibid. Pagani Virgilio 432 Pagano Niccolo 544 Pafchalius Bartholomaeus 243 Pafchetti Bartholomew 435i Pagius Antonius 20,38,98 436 Paglia Balthafar 415, 420 Paſolino Serafino 353 Ludovico 403, 405 Pafquier Etienne 234,269 Pagliarini Battista 384 Paflaco Franceſco 538 Paige Joannes le 62 Paffaflumine Benedictus de Palaeologus Andronicus 189 413 Palafox Julian de 509 Paffarellus Cajetanus 320 Palatius Joannes 130, 131, Patricius Joannes 358 344, 367, 368, 378 Paftorello Onorato 423 Palizi Abb. 414 Paftorius Joachim 493 Palladio 101, 512 Joannes Auguftus 144 Gian-Francefco Pallu Palmerius Jacobus Palmieri Matthaeus 387 Pate Flaminio 511 Paterculus Velleius 87 Patina Carla Caterina 430 Patinus Carolus Palo Giovanni Battista de 406 Pamphilus Francifcus 419 103 382 389,547 Patricio Franceſco 4 359 Patricius Alexander 276 Jofephus 66 Pancirollus Guido Pavillon Nic. George 93 Pauletti Andrea 529 422 Rr 2 Paulinis INDE X. Paulinus Chriftophorus Fran- Perrin Jean Paul 47 cifcus 128, 151 Perron le Cardinal du 242 Henricus 450 Ferfico Gian-Battiſta 402 Laurentius 499 Perfio Afcanio 363 Paulus Diaconus 108 Pertuchius Juftinianus 173 Paufanias 86 Petavius Dionyfius 10, 19 Pauſe Plantavitius de la 300 Paulus 208 Payva Jacobus 78 Petit Jean Francois 446 Paz Auguftinus de 288 - Samuel 20 Pearfon Joannes 35 Petyt William 461 Pech Mr. 303 Petra Sancta Silvius 526 Peccenfteinius Laurentius 165, Petreius Nicolaus 180 167 Petrus 495 Peclinus Joannes Nicolaus 515 Theodorus 44, 64 Pedrufi Paolo 547 Petricius Joannes Innocentius Pegavienfis Monachus 173 492 Peifferus David Pellegrino Camillo 402 172 Petrus Cameracenfis 215 Carolus a Bafilica 371, Fulvio 539 394 Pelletier Laurent le 33, 57, -Cellenfis 212 290 Diaconus 56 Pelleus Julien 240 Francifcus 8 Pellizer Jofephus 324 Julianus 335 Penalofa y Mondragora Be- Mauritius 217 nito de 311 Siculus 45 Pennafiel Matute ibid. Suffridus 448 Pennotus Gabriel 336 Vallis Sarnenfis 46 Penfa Giovanni Maria 67 Peury Claude 292 Pentaleo Henricus 81 Peyrat Guillaume 278 Perard Etienne 291 Perazzi Domenico Perbonus Hieronymus De Perefixe 270 240 Peregrinus Bartholomaeus 386 Marcus Antonius 381 Perellus Marianus Perez Antonio Francefco Pezelius Chriftophorus 8 Pfannerus Tobias Pflaumern Joannes Henricus a 337 Phoebaeus Francifcus Maria 415 345 543 70 Feri Giovanni Domenico 541 Perier Aymar du 300 Phoebonius Mutius 369, 403 Philadelphus Eufebius 233 Philip of France, Duke of Orleans 102 Philippus a Sanctiffima Trini- 358 Pezron 20, 34, 35, 196 118, 144 Perimezzi Jofephus Maria 72 Perizonius Jacobus 85 tate 67 Pernard Charles 248 Perpinianus Fetrus Joannes Philippus Henricus 20, 480 Philoftorgius 327 Perriere Guillaume de la 298 Phlegon Trallianus Photius mos m 36 85 36 an a Piafecius INDE X. Piafecius Paulus 493 Platienfis Michael 417 Piazza Bartolomeo 348 Platina Baptifta 342, 43I Pibracius Vidus Faber 233 Picartus Joannes 195 Pleigney Thibaud de 289 Du Pleffis le Sieur 216,239, Picinelli Filippo 393 259 Pierchamus 293 Pletho Georgius Gemiftus go Pietro Franceſco de 398 Plot Dr. Robert 463 Pigatetta Filippo 349 Plutarchus 88, 89 Pigaretta Philippus 512 Pocciantus Michael 427 Pighius Vinandus 98 Pocili Andrea 411 Piguerre Emile de 227 Pocockius Edoardus 192 Pigna Joannes Baptifta 352 Poggio 425 Pignoria Lorenzo 383 Pogianus Julius 368 Pilea Antonius de 490 Poldo Jean d'Albericus 299 Pillet Jean 383 Polidoro Valerio 389 Piloni Giorgio 387 Politi Adriano 106 Pimenta Nicolaus 511 Lancelotto 429 Pina Ruy de 327 Politus Joannes 161 Pineda 34 Polius Nicolaus 160 Pineda Juan de 317 Pollini Girolamo 484 Pinelli Flaminio 429 Pollio Trebellius 106 Pingonius Philibertus 422, Polverino Agnello 405 527 Polybius 100 Pinto Fernando Mendez 533 Pommeraye le Pere 286 Pio Michael 71 Pomo Pietro 143 Pirani Paul 4 Pontanus Fabio 355 Pirogallo Franceſco Maria 39 4 Georgius Bertholdus Pirrhus Janus Pifa Bartolomeo 150, 388 159,193 419 Joannes 8 Francefco Pifani Pando'fi Pife de la 318 Joannes Jovianus 398 366 Joannes Ifacius 196, 299 Pifis Bartholomaeus de 69 Pontini Zaccaria Marcellinus de 70 Pontis Sieur de Piftorius Joannes 127,490 447,448,501, 502 Popeliniere Lancelot Voifine 363 257 Pithoeus Petrus 22, 200, 284 de la 9,227,273 Pitbou Francois 270 Porcacchi Tomafo 90, 91, Pitti Buonacor fo 431 224,395 Pitillas Andreas de 369 Porrheno Baltafar 314 Pitifcus Samuel 102 Porri Jerome 21 Pitfeus Joannes 460 Pietro Paolo 541 Pitton 300 Portenari Angelo 378, 383 Pittoni Giovanni Battista 367 Porterus Francifcus 489 Pizarro Fernando 518 Portio Camillo 398 Place Peter de 232 Poffevinus Antonius 79, 432, Plantinus Joannes Baptiſta 438 496 Poffinus INDE X. Foffinus Fetrus 189 Quetif le Pere 72 Poftellus Gulielmus 424 Quien le Pere 20, 326 Pofterla Francefco Pozzo Bartolomeo 82 Julio 386 Prade le Sieur de 130,500 349 Quintana Geronimo de Quintanaduenas Antonio 318 Quiqueranus Petrus 300 Quiltorpius Joannes 318 30 Praetorius Matthaeus 497 Prateolus Gabriel 44 R. Praun Michael 186 Pre Maurice de 61 Rabelais Francois 226, 229 Pregizer Joannes Ulricus 181 Rabutin Francois 228 Prideaux Humphredus 19, Rachelius Samuel III 330 Radere Francifco de 334 Priolus Benjaminus 259 Raderus Matthaeus 79, 162 Procopius Caefarienfis 187 Raguenet 475 Profperis Jofephus de 358 Ragufa Hieronymus 413 Le Prouft Francois 296 Raho Carolus M. de 538 Ptolemaeus 21 Rainaudo Spirito 394 Puccinelli D. Placido 56, 394, Raleigh Sir Walter 14 428 Rall Ignatius Chriftophorus Pugh Robertus Puffendorf Samuel 7, 119, 165, 500 Puglifius Petrus Thomas 67 Pujades Geronimo Guarient 495 Ramirez Jofephus 75 472 Ramnufius Paulus 191, 374 Ramufio Giovanni Battiſta 324 520 Giovan Battiſta 400 Ramus Jonas 504 Pullieni Donato 363 Petrus 195 Pulgar Hernando de 310 392 Puricelli Placido Puricellus Joannes Petrus 392 Randulphus Emualdus Nico- laus 502 Rango Martinus 165 Purchas Samuel Pufchus Palladius 520 Ranzanus Petrus 418 388 Rapin le Pere Florimond s. Puteanus Erycius 339,392,394,428,444,456 Du Puy Pierre de Du Puyffegour Pyrard Francois Pyrminius Achilles Pyrrhus Rocchus 1 49 153,333, 252 Charles 285 270 Rafponus Caefar 345 258 Raffler Maximilian 152 521 Ravennas Anonymus Raudenfis Alexander 25 329 409 Raulino Franceſco 543 S. Raymundo Ignazio 413 Q. Raynaldus Odoricus. 38 Raynaudus Theophilus 367 Qual Petrus a Quarefmius Francifcus 548 Rayffius Arnoldus 64, 442 30 Razzi Silvano 428 Quercetanus Andreas Querini Antonio 56 Reading William. 36 381 Re Antonio del 357 Real INDE X. Real l'Abbe de St. 6, 34, 375 Rebellatus Francifcus 361 Recanati John Baptiſt Rechtenbergius Adamus Carolus Otto 425 43 171 Recupitus Julius Caefar 408 Regenvolicius Adrianus 159, Rhodomannus Laurentius 177 Ribadeneira Petrus 78, 80, 484 Ribas Petrus Dias de 320 Ribier Guillaume Jacques Ricaut Sr. Paul Ricchi Antonio 229 272 191, 193 4°3 494 Regnaut Melchior 284 Ricci Giovanni Battiſta 83 Ricciolus Joannes Baptifta 12, Rehtmeyer Philippus Julius 24 176 Riccius Jacobus 340 Reidanus Everardus 450 Jofephus 142 Reimmerus Joannes Ludovi- cus -Michael 309 28 Riceputi Bartolomeo 535 Reimmannus Jacobus Frideri- Richard l'Abbe 313 cus 178 Joannes 268, 291 Reina Carlo Giuſeppe Maria Richelieu Cardinal de 249, 145 250 Placido 419 Richier John 247 Reineccius Reinerus 6, 127, 132,165,168,169,191,526 Peter ibid. Stephen ibid. Reinefius Thomas 109, 181, Richcome 70 545 Riccobonus Antonius 4, 8 Reitanus Joannes Antonius 419 Rieden Ifaacus Volmarusde 117 Relandus Hadrianus 507 Riencourt de 256 Relfendfo J. W. 121 Rigaltius Nicolaus 254 Remigius Remenfis 206 Riguet Mr. 305 Remon Alonfo 65 Rinaldi Fulgenzio 386 Remond Florimond de 50 Riordan de Mufcry 474 Remy N. 304 Ripamontius Jofephus 392 Rena Cofimo della 425 Rith Biagio 376 Renerius Vincentius 424 Ritius Michael 398 Rende Mariano 406 Ritterfhufius Conradus 534 Rennullus Antonius 108 Ritzi Stannovic Stanislaus 490 Requens Alonfo de 334 Rivola Francefco 375 Refcius Staniſlaus 492 Roa Martinus de 320 Reſende Garfias de 327 Robertus Claudius 277 Refendius L. And. 327 Robin du Fau 290 Reuberus Juftus 127 Robinſon Hugo 13 Revellus Georgius 253 Roblez Eugenio de 313 Revius Jacobus 448 Robortellus Francifcus 8, 95 Reufnerus Elias 168, 526, 533 Nicolaus 156, 181, 193 Reutenfels Jacobus 495 156 Rewa Petrus de Rhetius Joannes Fridericus III 506 Rocheflavin Bernard de la 273 De Rochefort De la Rochefoucault 257 257 Rocoles Roccafortus Innocentius 415 Rocchetta Aquilante INDE X. Rocoles Jean Battiſte 7 La Rocque Gilles Andre 41, 27 3, 524,529,530 Rodulphus Glabrias Rohan Duc de 211 432 Ruba Antonio Rubeis Joannes Jacobus 349 Rubeus Hieronymus 353 Joannes 365, 541 251 Rubis Claude de 210, 269, Roiter Zoroaftro 378 293, 301 Roman Emanuel 67 Rudbeckius Olaus 497,500 Romualdus a S. Maria 395 395 Rudolphinus Ludovicus 338 Rondinelli Francefco 429 Ruelle Chr. de 8 Rondininus Philippus 347,407 Ruffy 301 Roo Gerardus de 152 Ruffius 300 Rofaccio Giuſeppe 363 Ruill Henry 458 Rofatis Giovanni Battista de Ruinart Theodore 37 536 Rumelinus Martinus 115 Rofcius Gregorius 360 Rufcelli Jerome 21 Rofemond Mr. 470 Rushworth John 473 Rofenfeld John Wolfgang 121 Ruteau Antoine 304 Rofeo Mambrino 17,397 Ruthen Lord 479 Rofieres Francois 304 Ruvez Alfonfo 319 Rofinus Celfus 74 Ruxnerus Gerardus 185 Joannes 93,171 Ruzier Joannes 363 Rofs Alexander 25, 45 Rycquius Juftus 94 Roffetto Pietro 403 Du Ryer 100 Roffi Flaminio 526 Rymer Thomas 464, 478 Francefco Ottavio 383 Rymon Emanuel Philibert de 385 292 Roffo Gregorio 399 Paolo del 83, 105 S. Rofweidus Heribertus 52 Rota Giovacchino 345 Sabellicus Marcus Antonius Rothus Eberhardus Rudolphus 17, 371 17 Sabinus Georgius 137 Rou Mr. 279 Sabio Alonſo 309 Le Roux J. 540 Sacchinus Francifcus 79 Roverius Petrus 57,79 Saccus Bernardus 395 Silveftro 383 Lucius 404 Rovetta Andrea 71 293 Rougemont Francifcus de 509 Rovillard Sebaftien 57, 265, 273, 281, 282 Routartius Michael Le Roy Jacobus 4, 46, 444 Royas Pedro de Roy Francois de Rozzo Cataldo Du Ruaut Saconay Gabriel de Saenz Jofephus d'Aguirre 332 Sagittarius Gafpar 9,151,165, 166,168,173,174,176,183 193 9 Sagredo Giovanni Sagrinus Angelus 59 318 46 De St. Luc Touffant le Pere 82, 289 413 De St. Marthe le Pere 110, St. 288 296,528,53 INDE X. St. Martin le Sieur de Sant Roman Antonio de 512 531 Salazar Ambrogio Joan. Tomayo 306 Sarafin Mr. 256 332 Sarafini Giuliano 354 Jo. o. Bapt. Suarez de 320 Sarayna Tore:lo 385 Pedro de 138,314 Sardi Aleffandro 525 Sale Antoine de la 271,273 Gafpare 351 Salernus Petrus 418 Sarnelli Pompeo 357, 400, Salignac Barthol. de 228 401,404,405, 406 Salivas Miquel de 333 Sarnitius Stanillaus 491 Salinafius Claudius 97, 474 Sartorius Auguftinus 60 Salmeron Marco 65 Savage John 130 Salmonet Robert Mentet de Savaron Jean 206, 269, 271, 474 273,294 Salomonius Jacobus 384 Savary Francois 521 Salt Antonio 364 Saubert Joan 33 Salvi Michel Agnolo 430 Sauffay Andreas 64,278 Saluftius Cajus 100 Savil Henricus 463 Sambiafi Girolamo 403 Saviolo Pietro 390 Sambacus Joannes 8 Savot Lovis 546 Sammarthanus Abel 110, 253 Saulmer 292 Ludovicus 528, 529 Saulx Gafpar de 239 Scaevola 296,528,529 Guillaume de 241 Sammes Aylett 462 ·Jaques de 259 Samperio Placido 418 Saxius Petrus 300 Samfon P. A. 477 Saxo Grammaticus 502 Sanchez Alfonfus 309 Scaal Jacobus 509 Sanctorius Paulus Aemilius Scaglia Filippo 367 406 Scala Bartholomacus 427 Sanctyon le Sieur de 512 Scalckius Paulus 385 452 472 Sande Joannes Vander Sanderſon William Sanderus Antonius 440,442 Sandeus Felinus 396,410,485 Sandford Francifcus 469,543 Sandius Chriftophorus 45, 51 Sandoval Prudentio de 58, 131, 138, 300, 328,334 Sandys Georgius 521 San Georgius Benevenutus 432 San Leolino Sebaftiano 428 Sanfon Nicolaus 29,195,282 Sanfovino Francefco 103, 193, 377, 526, 527 Santorelli Antonio 407 Santos Francefco de los 319 Santos Joanno dos 515 VOL. II. 185 Scarabelli Pietro Franceſco Scardeonius Bernardus Scaynus Joachim Scepperus Cornelius Schadt Ofeas Schardius Simon Schatenius Nicolaus. Schedius Elias 126,196,457 Schefferus Joannes 500, 501 Schelftraten Emanuel Schickardus Wilhelmus Schickfufius Jacobus Schilterus Joannes 111, 116, 128, 181 40 29 160 Schlegelius Chriftophorus 173 S s Schluffel Scaliger Camillo 363 Jofephus 11,37, 188 393 383 381 139 137 126 INDE X. Schluffelburgius Conradus 44 Schneider Zacharias 172 Schmyalzius Jacobus 33 Schmydius Joannes Andreas 43 Schoenleben Joannes Ludovi- Seifridus Joannes Seldenus Joannes 29,462,468 Seller Abednego Senarega Matthew Sepulveda Joannes 532 508 103 Genefius 27 cus 154532 Schonbornerus Georgius Schonhovius Antonius 195 Schookius Martinus 33, 440 Schotanus Bernardus Serranus Joannes 448 Serrarius Nicolaus 146,208 Serres Jean de Chriftophorus 32 Schotterus Jacobus 289 Schottus Andreas 26, 95, 102, Serfale Antonio Maria Seyffell Claude de 202 314, 369 Serafini Luigi 357 Serdonati Francis 435 229 83 87,200 307, 337, 512 Sgardino Peregrino 403 Schouten Guillaume 524 Sheeres Sir Henry 100 Schraderus Laurentius 338 Sheringhamius Robertus 462 Schrevelius Theodorus 447 Shorting 35 Schrieckius Adrianus 196,441 Sibbaldus Robertus 478 Schudt Joannes Jacobus 31 Sienicius Nicolaus Schuppius Joannes Balthafar Sigebert 87 41 179 Sigillo Schurtzfleifckius Henricus Le- Sigifmundus Auguftus 539 492 onardus 82 Conradus Samuel 85, 136, 166, 174, 179 164 Schutzius Gafpar -Wilhelmus Ignatius 117 Schwarzkopf George Schwederus Gabriel Signius Joannes Baptifta 74 Sigonius Carolus 28, 87, 95, 96, 108, 129, 339, 35 1, 37° Siguença Jofephus De Silhon Mr. Silingardus Gafpar Sillery Mr. de 61 5,258 112 433 110 244 Chriftophorus Her- Silos Jofephus de 73 mannus 124 Silva Mendez 315 Sciarra Antonio Tomafo 537 Simanca Jacobus 377 Scipione Barbuo 391 Simeoni Gabriel 294, 374 Marcus Antonius 58 Simconibus Antonius de 157 Scioppius Gafpar 321 Simius Venantius 58,63 Scohier Jean 534 Simler Jofias 22,438 Scotti Ranuzio 435 Simocatta Theophilus 187 Scribanius Carolus 444 Simon Jeremia 173, 283 Sculitza Joannes 188 Simon Fray Pedro Scriverius Petrus 446 Simonetta Joannes 517 392 Seckendorf Ludovicus 47, 112 Secundus Curio Caclius 8,224, Simfon Edovardus 12 Siri Vittorio 248, 259 339 Siricius Michael Sedulius Henricus 69,70 Sirmondus Jacobus Segni Bernardo 427 De Siros 45 211 143 Seguierius Hieronymus 281 Sirulus Petrus 45 Skynner INDEX. Skynner Thomas Sleidanus Joannes 472,476 Spondanus Henricus 31, 38 137 Sponius 109, 293, 522 Smidt Tobias 172 Spotfwood John 488 Smith George Joannes 483 Sprecherus Fortunatus 439 448 Sprengerus Joannes Theodo- Thomas 461,505:51 5 Jus III, 489 Smithaeus Ricardus 483 Spretus Defiderius 353 Sobieski Jacobus 492 Sprigge Jofhuah 472 Socrates 35 Stangefoll Hermannus 185 Soldano Aniello 363 Staniburtus Ricardus 482 De Solemne David 274 Stantoni Julius Solfi Carlo 75 Starovolfcius Simon 78 73 489 Solimannus Julius 158 Stedenburgenfis Gerardus 176 Solis Antonio de 517 Steetlerus Michael 438 Solito Francefco 412 Stefano Pietro 400 Vincenzo ibid. Steinburgh James 118 Someren Johan van 446 Stella Antonius 380 Somerfet 524 Erafmus 173, 343 Somner William 487 Stellartius Profper 53 Soprani Rafaelle 35 Stengelius Carolus 54, 149 Sorefinus Jofephus Maria 345 Sorbin Andre De Soris le Pere Soffius Gulielmus 4,237, 240 233 Stephanus Byzantinus 21 Stephanus Henricus 88 63 Stephanius Stephanus Joannes 501, 504 Sotus Bafil 308 Sterre Joannes Chryfoftomus Southwell Nathanael 80 Vander 62 Soulier 49 Steverfdolf Wolfgangus Hen- De Soufa de Macedo Antonio ricus 166 330 Steyer Silvefter 35 Sozomenus 37 Spalatinus Gerardus 173 Spangenbergh Cyriacus 170, Stiernhelmius Gerardus 498 Stillingfleet Dr. Edward 483 Stow John 466 174, 182, 185 Strabo 21 Spanhemius Ezechiel 546 Strada Famianus 450 Fridericus 29, 43 Octavius 130 Spartianus Aelius 106 Speed John 460 Strauchius Aegidius Joannes 33 126 Spelmannus Henricus 462 Stredowsky Joannes Georgius Joannes 468 161 Spelta Antonio Maria 395 Spencerus Joannes 29 Streinnius Ricardus 96, 526 Strozzi Francis 88 Spener Charles James 131 Struvius Burcardus Gotthelf Spenerus Philippus Jacobus I [ 2 525, 533 Georgius Adamus 181 Sperling Otho 368 Struys Jean 495 Spitzelius Theophilus 509 Strype John S s 2 464 Stuckius INDE X. Stuckius Gulielmus 240 Stumpff Joannes Sturla Snorro 438 503 356 104 Sturlonides Snorro Suarefius Jofephus Maria 299, Suetonius Le Sueur Sugerius Abbas S. Dionyfii 42 211, 212 Suicerus Joannes Henricus 438 Sulikovius Demetrius 492 Summonte Giovanni Antonio 330 Terlon Chevalier de 503 Terzi Magio 506 Tebaldini Niccolo Tedeſchie Paterno Tomafo 420 Telen Coeleftinus Tellez Balthafar 497 361 72 85,514 Temple Guillaume 440, 467, 553 Tennevrius Jacobus Alexander 271 Tenzelius Wilhelmus Erneftus 170, 173, 174 A. S. Terefia Giovanni Giu- feppe 398 Superbi Agoſtino. 383 Tefchenmakerus Wernerus 166 Surgens Anthonius 397 Teffereau 272 Surita Hieronymus 22,322 Surius Laurentius Tefti Ludovico 382 139 Tettamano Cefare 396 Sutorius Petrus 64 Texeira Jofephus 328 Schwaningius Joannes Janus Textor Joannes Wolfgangus 502,503 119 Swertius Francifcus 439 Tezius Hieronymus 350 Sylburgius Fridericus. 103 Syncellus Georgius Sylvius Aeneas 188 Theganus Chore-Epifcopus Treverenfis 208 136 Theobaldus Zacharias 47,158, Andreas 205 159 Lambertus 467 Theodoretus 36 T. Tacitus Cornelius 10s, 125 Theodorus Metochita 107 Theophanes 188 Tachard le Pere 510 Taillepied Fr. N. Tajon 286, 287 323 Pere Talon 32 Thiard Pont, de Thefaurus Emanuel 35,422 Theuli Bonaventura 70,357 Thevenot Melchifedec520,523 209 Tamagninus Joannes Baptifta Thiepolo Giovanni 382 46 Thomaffin le Pere 6,50 Taraffa Francifcus Tarcagnota Giovanni 17,309 Tarfia John Dominick de 102 309 Thomas Edmundus 292 Fridericus 179 Thoroton Dr. Robert 463 Paulus Antonius 402 De Tholouſe Jean de 280 Tartaglini Domenico 430 Taffelli Luigi 405 Thuanus Jacobus Auguftus 229 Thucelius Caffander 176 Tatti Primo Luigi 395 Thucydides 87 Tavellus Jacobus 291 Thuldenus 144 Tavernier Jean Battiſte 523 Tauleri Buonaventura 403 Thulemarius Henricus Gun- therus I 115, 120,208 Taumaffiere Gafpar Thomas Thyfius Antonius de la 295 454 Tiberii INDE X. Tiberii Carlo Tilemannus Fridericus 407 9 Tilius Joannes 181, 202 S.S. Trinità Angelus Cruxa 413 Tripaut Leon Trithemius Joannes 55, 67. 281 Tillemont Mr. le Nain de 39, 126, 163 104 Triſtan 72 Tillet Jean du 202 Tronci Paolo 430 Tinto Giovanni Francefco 385 Trovillart 288 Tirinus Jacobus 12 Troyes John 218 Titius J. P. 230 Trullus Joannes 74 Titius Gottlieb Gerhard 111 Truffell John 464 Toc Favelet du 275 Tubero Ludovicus 156 Tognoletti Pietro 418 Tuffo Giovanni Battiſta 73,538 Tolofa Francifcus 366 Turrell Peter 199 Tollius Jacobus 337 Turlay Uladilaus 491 Tolner Carolus Ludovicus 163 Turpin Matthieu 398 Tomai Tomaſo 353 Turquet Mayerne 308 Turre Philippus a 384, 389 Tomcus Joannes 350 429 Tomaio Thomas de Vargas308 Tomafi Giugurtha Tomafini Francefco 540 Jacobus Philippus 74, Turrianus Ludovicus 357 64 Turrigio Francefco Maria 370 Turfellinus Horatius 18,78,364 Tutini Camillo 400, 537 468 Twinus Joannes Tonduzzi Giulio Cefare 353 422 399, 406 Torfaeus Thormondus 480, 503, 504 Tonfus Joannes Tontoli Gabriel 401 Tookerus Gulielmus 461 Topius Nicolaus Toppeltinus Laurentius 157 Torelli Carlo 540 Tyrrell James Vaillant Joannes 92, 96, 548 Valckenier Petrus Twyfdenus Rogerus 453,485 Tymme Thomas Typotius Jacobus 550 497 465 V. Vagliano Giovanni Giuſeppe 394, 396 452 Tornacenfis Stephanus 212 Valdor Jer. 248 Tornich Pere 324 Valdory G. 287 Torniellus Auguftinus 31 Valguarnera Mariana 41 1,4 16 Torpheus Snabiornus 500 Valerini Adriano 385 Torre Carlo 393 Valefius Hadrianus 197, 205 Rafaello della 378 Henricus 102, 278 Torres Francefco Carlo de 3 34 Torrigio Francefco Maria 345, Valiero Andrea 376 Valle Teodoro 356 346, 347 Vallemont l'Abbée de 14 Torto Francifcus Maria Ange- Vallenfis Laurentius 310 lus 70 -Matteo 354 Tortura Auguftinus 73 Vallis Sarnenfis Petrus 46 Tournefort M. 520 Valori Niccolo 428 Trevifan Bernardo 380 Valvafor Joannes Weichardus Trigaltius Nicolaus 509 154 Trigland Jacobus 458 Vanel INDE X. + Le Vaffeur Le Vaffor Vafconcellos Auguftin Manoel 283 246, 248 328 Vafconcellus Antonius 326 Vattier P. 515 Vauban Mr. Vanel 467 Vanfleb Giovanni Michael 84, Verdizotti Francefco Verelius Olaus 374 498 515 Vanderburchius Lambertus 421 Vandermeulen Vergas Bernardo de Tomaio de 65 336 27 Vergilius Polydorus Vannotius Francifcus Maria 465 Vergra Hippolito de 317 358 Verinus Ugolinus 433 233 78 320 376 Varamundus Erneftus Vargas Bernardo de Machuca 517 Varenius Bernardus 25, 510 Varienti Baldaffar Alamo 106 Varillas 153,279,310,313,428 Varro Salvater Vaffebourg Richard de 441 408 Verius le Pere Vermudez Franceſco Vernino Aleſſandro Verona Auguftinus Cardinalis de 370 Verone Francois de 245 Verfteganus Ricardus 440,462 Vertot l'Abbée 83, 329, 499 Verus Joannes Baptifta 372 Ughelli Ferdinando 340, 537 Viara Marco Antonio 354 Vianoli Aleſſandro Maria 373 Vicecomes Juftus 145 Victor Sextus Aurelius 102 391 Vico Enea de 421, 546 Vauciennes Linage de 263, Videl Lovis 267 493, 500 Vaughan Robert 462 Viegas Antonio Paez de 327 Vigenere Blaiſe de 99,101,194 Le Vayer de la Mothe 5 Vignau Mr. 191 Ubaldini Petruccio 478 Vigne Andre de la 219 Udall William 279 Vignier Nicolas 13, 199, 202, Vecchiazzani Matteo 356 209, 289, 381, 445, 528, Vedriani Lodovico 433 529,532 Velli Francefco 365 Vignolius Joannes 348 Velferus Marcus 149,162,194 Villadamor Franc. 325 Veltronius Ptolomaeus 83 Villani Giovanni 397,410,426 Venantius Fortunatus Venacque Carolus de Vendramenus Hieronymus de 381 Venerofo Giovanni Bernardo 200 Matteo 426 527 Villanova Gian-Battiſta 395 437 Venetus Marcus Paulus Venturi Francis 504 --Giovanni Benedetto 539 Villars Francois de Boivin 218 Villefore Mr. de Ville Hardovin Geofroy 191 Villeroy Nicholas Neuville de 52,60 100 328 Vera Juan Antonio de 318 Vincenti Pietro 538 Veranus Valerandus 215 Vincentinus Ventura 381 Verardus Carolus' 320 Vineis Petrus de 135 Du Verdier Mr. 308 Vinet Elas 296 Vipera INDE X. Vipera Marius de 405 W. Viperanus Joannes Antonius Waddingus Lucas 68, 70 1, 8, 83, 329 Vifch Carolus 59 Waesbergen Joan van Wafer Lionel 444 518 Vifdomini Benignus 58 Wageneck Henry 151 Vife Mr. de 254, 264 Wagenfeilius Joannes Chrifto- Villaboas Antonio de 534 phorus 120, 183 Vita Franceſco 414 Wagner Mark 132 Vitalis Ordericus 483 Walker Obadiah 547 Salvator 421 Walfingham Thomas 286, Vitenfis Victor 37 465, 471 Viterbienfis Annius 103 Vitus Ricardus 467 Vitignano Cornelio 397 Vitriarius Philippus Reinhe- Waraeus Jacobus 48 1,482,489 Warwick Sir Philip 472 Warfevicius Chriftophorus 489 Waffenbergius Eberardus 141, mius 110 492 Vizzani Pompeo Ulfeldus Jacobus 351, 362 495 Wafferbachius Erneftus Cali- mirus 168 Ulloa Alfonfo 137, 140 Umicalia Agostino 383 Waffebourgh Richard de 304 Watrungius Michael Joannes Voerfio Franceſco 423 497 Volckir Nicolaus 225 Weck Antonius 172 Volmarus Ifaacus 117 Weever John 487 Vopifcus Flavius 106 Vorburgus Joannes Philippus Wegelinus Joannes Reinhe mius 152 130, 133 Weingarten Joannes Jacobus Vorthufius Joannes 137 153 Volmerus Michael 447 Weinheimius Everardus 147 Voffius Gerardus Joannes 5, Weiffe Chriftianus 182 20, 25, 35, 45 Weldon Sir Anthony 47 I Ifaacus -Matthaeus Urbani Profpero 20 Welwood Dr. James 473 447 Weltz Thomas 152 389 185 Urbanus VIII. Pont. Max. 376 540, 541 Uredius Olivarius 443, 533 Urfatus Sertorius 384 Urfins Jean Juvenal des 213 Urfinus Fulvius 96, $47 Joannes Henricus 126 Urftifius Chriftianus 127,438 Urfulinus Ignatius 365 Ufferius Jacobus 11,483,489 Vulcanius Bonaventura 450, 497 Uytembogaeft Joannes 458 Uztarroz Juan Franc. And. 322 Wencker Jacobus Wengerus Conradus Wengerfcius Andreas 46, 494 Werdenhagen Joannes Angelus 183 Werlichius Engelbertus 149 Weſtmonafterienfis Matthaeus 465 496 Wexionius Michael Wharton Henricus 475, 485 Whear Degoreus. 9 Wheeler Sir George 522 Whiikkojaloviz P.Albertus494 Whitlock Bulftrode 466 Wibertur INDE X. + Wipon Wit Jean Wittichindus 169 Wolfgang Joannes 165 Wolfey Cardinal 371, 470 Wolfius Janus Laurentius 504 Wood Anthony a 488 Wibertus 368 Z. Wicquefort Mr. 27 Wigornienfis Florentinus 465 Wilckius Joannes Georgius 170 Wild Jacobus -Marquard Zabarella Giacomo 389,539 Zacagni Lorenzo 434 457 292 Zalafzowsky Nicolaus 490 Zaluski Chryfoftomus Zambeccari Giuſeppe 494 439 Zamboni Francefco 381 234 482, 487 Wilhelmus Gemeticenfis 286 Williams John Willis Browne Wimphelingius Jacobus 149 Winckelmannus Joannes Juftus 179, 182 Winsemius Pierius 448, 455 Wintherus Georgius Valenti- nus Wion Arnoldus 167 54 Zamolxis Carolus Lundius 498 Zampinus Matthaeus 209,271 Matthias Zanchius Joannes Chryfofto- mus 240 386 288- 362 Zanchus Zani Valerio Zapata Antonio Cupiano 335 Zarate Auguſtin de $17 133 Zawadsky Cafimirus 457 Zazzera Franceſco 493 526 113, 116 Zeillerus Martinus 125, 126, 146, 152, 157, 161, 163, 164, 167, 171, 179, 183, 184,198,337,437,440,50 1 Zech Bernardus Wormius Olaus 501,503 Zeno Apoftolo 371 Wren Sir Christopher 549 Nicholas 373 Wright James 463 Pietro Angelo 383 X. 420 Wurmbrand William Count Zenocarus Wilhelmus Xacca Erafmo 153 Zentgraphius Joannes Joachim 137 135 Xavier Marco de Guadalaira Zerneke Jacobus Henricus 165 Zieglerus Gafpar 119 312 Henry Anfelm 15 Xaverius S. Francifcus Xenophon 79 Zilioli Aleſſandro 88 Zilotti Giovanni Maria 382 18 Xilander Gulielmus ibid. Zilio Zuanne 377 Ximena Martino de 320 Zonaras Joannes. 37, 188 Ximenes Geronimos 324 Miquel de Erce 333 Rodericus Zozymus Comes Zuallardo Giovanni 107 506 192 Zucchelli Antonio 515 Xiphilinus Joannes Y. Ycart Lyis de Yepes Antonius Yvri Jean 107 Zuccolo Gregorio Zuniga Giofeppe de 325 Zwanzig Zacharias 54 Zwingerus Theodorus 223 Zyllefius Nicolaus Zypeus FINI S. 353 83,138 124 8 147 275 BOUND JUN 27 1940 UNIV. OF MICH. LIBRARY