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Ordered, That the annexed draft of rules entitled “Rules govern- ing the classification of steam railway employees and their compensa- tion ” be approved, effective on July 1, 1915, and that all carriers by steam railway and all owners of steam railways within the scope of section 20 of the Act to Regulate Commerce as amended be governed by the said rules in the preparation and submission of their annual reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission. By the Commission. - [SEAL.] GEORGE B. McGINTY, Secretary. 96.134—15 ( 3 ) RULES GOVERNING THE CLASSIFICATION OF STEAM RAILWAY EMPLOWEES AND THEIR COMPENSATION, Effective On July 1, 1915. 1. Definition of employee.—The word employee, as used herein, is intended to include every person in the service of the reporting carrier subject to its con- tinuing authority to supervise and direct the manner of rendition of his service. It is intended to exclude persons engaged to render only specifically defined Service and not subject to the continuing authority of the carrier to supervise and control their acts, such as customhouse brokers, lawyers retained only for Specific cases and not under general or continuing retainer, etc. 2. Counting employees.—Section 20 of the Act to Regulate Commerce re- quires that carriers in their annual reports to the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion shall State “the number of employees and the salaries paid each class.” The number of employees being likely to fluctuate, carriers are required to classify and count their employees in service at four different times each year; Viz, as of the middle of each of the months of J uly, October, January, and April. . The 16th day of the month shall be considered the middle of the month, except when it falls on a Sunday or a holiday, in which case the count shall be made as of the last preceding business day. Every person sustaining to the carrier the relation of employee and actually in service or available for duty On the day of the count shall be included. Employees who are not subject to call for duty, such as those absent on definite leave or under suspension, and pensioners not bound to render Service, shall be excluded. 3. Joint employees.—Each person jointly employed shall, if carried on the pay rolls of the Several joint employers, be counted by each employer and rep- resented in its return of the number of employees by a fraction based on the number of employers reporting him ; if reported by three employers, each shall include him in the number of employees as One-third of an employee, and SO On. When the entire compensation of a joint employee is shown on the pay roll of a single joint employer and is paid the employee by that employer, Such em- ployee shall, for the purpose of these returns, be treated as if employed solely by Such employer. 4. Time on duty.—The actual number of hours on duty is to be ascertained and recorded for every class Of employees required to be on duty at regular times and not released from duty. Time allowed for meals, half holidays, holi- days, absence On leave, Vacations, etc., shall be excluded; time actually Spent in Work Or While Subject to Orders shall be included. This requirement applies to enginemen and trainmen paid on bases of trips, miles run, etc., shop em- }}loyees paid at piece rates, etc., as well as to employees paid on hourly, daily, Weekly, or other time bases. For general officers, division officers, traveling agents, and Solicitors, and certain other classes of employees whose duties are of such a nature that it is impracticable to record accurately the number of hours during which they are on duty, the return shall show the number of days On duty. Classes of employees whose time on duty may be reported in days: * , . " are indicated by the letter (D) following the title of the class in the detailed ; , ; (5) & t; 6 classification given below. In the case of any joint employee carried on the pay rolls of the several joint employers the amount of time on duty included for Such employee in the return of an employer shall be such part of the employee's total time on duty as the compensation paid him by that employer is of the total compensation paid him by the joint employers. The “total compensation ” above mentioned is that paid the joint employee in accordance with the terms of the joint arrangement under which he is employed. It is not intended to include amounts earned by him for service beyond that provided for by the joint arrangement. 5. Miles run.-For enginemen and trainmen the actual number of miles run shall be recorded as well as the number of hours on duty. 6. Classification of employees with respect to occupation.—Employees shall be classified with respect to occupation in accordance with the definitions Of classes given below. Where an employee’s duties are such as to make him in- cludable in two or more classes he shall be counted in that Class indicated by the greater part of his duties, and the return of his time on duty, compensation, etc., shall be assigned to the same class. - The classes “General officers ” and “Division officers ” shall each be sub- divided on the basis of annual rates of pay. Those paid at the rate of $3,000 per annum (or $250 per month) or upward shall be included in one subclass and those at a less rate in the other. If any person in these two classes of officers is paid on other than a time basis, he shall be included in the lower Sub- class and a memorandum giving particulars shall be attached to the report. The class “Clerks” shall be similarly subdivided, the first subclass including all clerks paid at the rate of $900 per annum (or $75 per month) or upward. 1 AND 2. GENERAL OFFICERS (D). Include under this head executive officers and other officers and their assistants having general supervision over the affairs of the company Or of the operations of a department for either the entire road Or a grand division of the road, such as: - (a) Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President in charge of the Law Department, Vice President in charge of Traffic, Vice President in charge of Operation, Vice President in charge of Accounts, Vice President in charge of Finance, Vice President in charge of Real Estate, Vice Presi- dent in charge of Purchases, Vice President in charge of Insurance, Secre- tary, Publicity Agent. (b) Comptroller, General Auditor, Auditor of Freight Accounts, Auditor of Passenger Accounts, Auditor of Other Accounts, General Accountant. (c) Treasurer, Registrar of Bonds, Registrar of Stock, Paymasters. (d) General Counsel, General Solicitor, General Attorney, District or State Attorneys, General Claim Agent, General Claim Adjuster, Tax Agent. (e) General Traffic Manager, Freight Traffic Manager, Freight Claim Agent, General Freight Agent, General Coal and Coke Agent, General Live Stock Agent, General Dairy Freight Agent. (f) Passenger Traffic Manager, General Passenger Agent, General Bag- gage Agent. - (g) Chief Engineer, Consulting Engineer, Valuation Engineer, Engineer of Surveys, Architects (when their authority is sufficiently extensive), District Engineers, Engineer of COnstruction, Engineer of Maintenance, Engineer of Bridges and Buildings, Signal Engineer, Principal Assistant Engineers, Assistant Engineers. * , (h) General Real Estate Agent, Superintendent of Relief Department. . . . . Superintendent Of Pension Department, Superintendent of Insurance De- 7 partment, Chief Surgeon, Chief Medical Examiner, Purchasing Agent, Gen- eral Storekeeper. (i) General Manager, General Superintendents, General Superintendent of Transportation, Superintendents of Freight or Passenger Transportation, Superintendent of Car Sery.ice, Inspectors of Transportation, Superintend- ents or Supervisors of Mail Traffic, Superintendent of Dining Cars, Super- intendent of Marine or Floating Equipment, Superintendent of Timber Pres- ervation, Supervisor of Locomotive or Fuel Operation, General Safety Com- mitteemen, Superintendents of Police. - (j) General Superintendent of Motive Power, Superintendent of Motive Power, General and District Master Mechanics, Superintendent of Freight Car Department, Superintendent of Passenger Car Department, General Motive Power Inspector, Engineer of Tests, Mechanical Engineer, General Boiler Inspectors, General or Chief Car Inspectors, General Road Foremen of Locomotives, Air Brake and Steam Heat Instructors or General Inspee- tors, Supervisors of Electric Lighting. NOTE A.—This head shall include any other officers, regardless of titles, when they have authority generally over the property, and perform the duties of the positions indicated ; also assistants to such officers. NOTE. B.-When the authority of any officer is less extensive than is indicated above he shall be classed as a division officer. + 3 AND 4. DIVISION OFFICERS (D). Include under this head officers whose authority is restricted to single Operating divisions, consisting of one or more train divisions, such as: Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Train Masters, Division Oper- ators, Supervising Agents, Chief Examiners, Captains or Inspectors of Police, Division (or Assistant) Engineers, Roadmasters, General Bridge Foremen, General Building Foremen, Supervisors, Master Carpenters, Divi- sion Supervisors of Signals, Master Mechanics, Superintendent of Electric Operations, Shop Inspectors, Division Car Inspectors, Road Foremen of Engines, Assistant Road Foremen. Or Traveling Firemen, Air-Brake Fore- man, Steam Heat and Lighting Foremen or Inspectors, Electric POWer- Plant Inspectors, Division Freight Agent, Division Passenger Agent, Super- intendent of Transfer, Superintendent of Ferries, Superintendent of Towing, Electric Power Directors, Signal Engineers, and General Foremen whose authority, either independently or under the direction of a Master Me- chanic or Shop Superintendent, extends over an entire shop plant. This head Shall also include assistants to the Officers listed above. 5 AND 6. CTIEREQS. Include under this head chief and other clerks in all departments (except Telegrapher-Clerks, for which see class No. 37), including Storekeepers, Crew Dispatchers, Chief Callers or Checkers, Ticket Sellers, M. E. In- structors (Apprentice School), Ticket Examiners, Postmasters or Mail Clerks, Route Agents, Stenographers, Traveling Accountants, Traveling Auditors and Claim Adjusters Or Investigators. 7. MESSENGERS AND ATTENDANTS (D). Include under this head messengers and attendants, such as: Business and Wreck Car Cooks, Janitors, Porters, Ushers, Matrons, etc., in all de- partments except station service and transportation train service. 8. ASSISTANT ENGINEERS AND DRAFTSMEN (D). Include under this head employees engaged in Office Or field work, in any department, such as: Assistant Engineers, Rodmen, Chainmen, Transit Men, and Draftsmen, except those provided for in classes Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. * 9. M. W. & S. FOREMEN. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Include under this head gang foremen in charge of bridge and building Operations, ditching Or grading gangs, and fencing gangs, and Foremen of Carpenters, Masons, Painters, Bricklayers, Plumbers, Switch and Signal Men, Telegraph and Telephone Linemen, Landscape Gardeners, and other Classes of employees in the M. W. & S. Department. Do not include under this head Section foremen or foremen of construction gangs and work trainS. SECTION FOREMEN. Include under this head employees who have immediate charge of regu- lar, extra, and floating gangs of roadway and track section forces. NoTE.—Assistant Foremen who regularly work as section men shall, while thus working, be included in class No. 26, being classed as Section Foremen only when they are actually engaged in supervisory work. GENERAL FOREMEN-M. E. DEPARTMENT (D). Include under this head employees whose authority extends over other M. E. Foremen supervising a portion of a shop plant but not the entire plant. (See classes Nos. 3 and 4.) GANG AND OTHER FOREMEN-M. E. DEPARTMENT. Include under this head all foremen in the M. E. Department other than those includible under classes Nos. 6 and 11; this class includes Gang Leaders and Work Distributors, and foremen of Fuel and Store Depart- mentS. MACHINISTS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics skilled in the working Of metals and the Operation of machine tools, including Scale Builders; also inspectors of machinists’ work. Exclude those employees provided for in classes Nos. 14, 15, and 17. - BOILER MARKERS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics skilled in the construction of boilers, including Inspectors of such work, but do not include Boiler- maker helpers or Tank makers and their helperS. NOTE.-Tank makers should be included in class No. 24, and their helpers and boiler-maker helpers in class No. 25. BLACKSMITHS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics skilled in the forging Of iron and steel, such as Blacksmiths, Firemen, Heaters, Tool Dressers, Spring Makers, and Piecework Inspectors covering forge work, but do not include their helperS. MASONS AND BRICELAYERS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics skilled in stone cutting Or Carving, and in the construction of stone or brick WOrk, excluding helperS. STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics skilled in the COnStruc- tion and erection of Structural iron and Steel. CARPENTERS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics skilled in the working of wood, such as Carpenters, Cabinetmakers, Pattern Makers, Car Builders (Wood), and Carpenter Piecework Inspectors. PAINTERS AND UPHOLSTEREFS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics skilled in painting and varnishing and in the making of cushions, mattresses, etc. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. ~ * ELECTRICIANS. Include under this head employees skilled in the construction, installation, repair, and Operation of telephones, and telephone systems, and electric machines and devices, including Wiremen, Linemen, Battery Men, Tele- phone Inspectors, and Power Operators (Electric). AIR-BRARIE MEN. * Include under this head employees engaged in the installation and repair Of air-brake equipment of Cars and locomotives. CAR INSPECTORS. Include under this head employees engaged in the inspection of cars of all Classes. CAR REPAIRERS. Include under this head employees engaged in repairing freight or pas- Senger cars; do not include car builders. OTHER SEQILLED LABOR.ERS. Include under this head journeymen mechanics and Other skilled em- ployees in the Maintenance of Way and Structures, Maintenance of Equip- ment, and Construction Departments, not provided for elsewhere, such as: Car Builders (Steel), Truck Builders, Molders, Coremakers, Tinners, Tank Builders, Tender Repairmen, Flue Welders and Caulkers, Plasterers, Sealers, Coppersmiths, Machine Hands (Wood and Metal), Stay-Bolt Inspectors, Sheet Iron Workers, Crane Engineers, Derrick Engineers, Plumbers, Pipe Fitters, Casting Inspectors, Millwrights, Tool Inspectors, Wreck Masters, and Inspectors of Work herein referred to ; also Stationary Engineers, Engine Inspectors, and other skilled employees not provided for elsewhere. MECHANICS’ HELPERS AND APPRENTICES. Include under this head Helpers and Apprentices not provided for else- where, such as: Machinist Helpers, Blacksmith Helpers, Boiler-maker Help- ers, Molder Helpers, Sheet-Iron Workers’ Helpers, Mason and Brick- layer Helpers, Shop Hands, Rivet Heaters and Apprentices, and handymen. SECTION MEN. Include under this head Track Walkers, or Watchmen, watchmen in Cuts, tunnels, and at bridges, and other Section Men except those working in construction gangs and On work trains. OTHER UNSKILLED LABORERS. Include under this head all classes of unskilled employees in the Mainte- nance of Way and Structures and Maintenance of Equipment Departments not provided for elsewhere, such as: Laborers at Shops, Storehouse At- tendants, Elevator and Crane Operators, Hammer Men, Teamsters and \Drivers, Cupolamen, Melters, Wheel Breakers, Pumpers, Car Cleaners, Oilers, Car Washers and Scrubbers, Car Spongers, Grinders, Supply-Car Conductors, Laborers, Firemen, Stokers, etc., of Steam Shovels, Dredge Ditchers, and Hoisting or other Stationary Engines. FOREMEN OF CONSTRUCTION GANGS AND WORK TRAINS. Include under this head Foremen in charge of unskilled employees en- gaged in construction work and Foremen in charge of unskilled employees engaged in loading and unloading materials conveyed on work trains. OTHER MEN IN CONSTRUCTION GANGS AND WORK TRAINS. Include under this head unskilled employees engaged in construction work and in loading and unloading materials conveyed on work trains. : 3. * * 30. 31. 32. 35. 37. 38. 40. 41. 10 TRAVELING AGENTS AND SOLICITORS \D). Include under this head employees engaged in soliciting traffic within a city or a defined district, such as: Traveling Freight Agents, Traveling Pas- senger Agents, Commercial Agents, and Soliciting Agents. EMPLOYEES IN OUTSIDE AGENCIES. Include under this head all employees in outside agencies except those includible in classes Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 30. OTHER TRAFFIC EMEPLOYEES. Include under this head all employees of the traffic department not pro- vided for elsewhere, such as: Agricultural Agents, Dairy Agents, Poultry Agents, Industrial Agents, and Field Agents of Industrial and Immigration |Bureau.S. . TRAIN DISPATCHERS AND DIRECTORS. Include under this head employees who, Over their own names or in the name Of a division officer, exercise immediate Supervision Over train move- mentS. . TELEGRAPHERS, TELEPHONERS, AND BLOCK OPERATORS. Include under this head Telegraph and Telephone Operators other than those in classes Nos. 33 and 35, including telegraph and telephone operators handling manual block signals, but not interlocking signals. TELEGRAPHERS AND TELEPHONERS OPERATING INTERLOCKERS. Include under this head Telegraph and Telephone Operators whose duties regularly require them to handle interlocking signals and switches. 5. LEVERMEN (NONTELEGRAPHERS). Include under this head employees (other than telegraphers and tele- phoners) engaged in operating levers in switch and signal towers. TELEGRAPHER-CDERRKS. Include under this head employees engaged in both clerical and telegraph work (a combined position), regardless of location, except at outside agen- cies. * NOTE.-Telegrapher-Clerks employed at outside agencies should be included in class No. 31. AGENT-TELEGRAPHERS. Include under this head Station Agents whose duties require them to per- form telegraph service (a combined position). . STATION AGENTs (NONTELEGRAPHERs) (D). Include under this head Station Agents who are not required to perform telegraph Service; also Scale Agents and Agents at transfer stations. STATION MASTERS AND ASSISTANTS (D). Include under this head employees at stations who have supervision over the making up of passenger trains, and general charge of janitors, ushers, and Other Station labor. STATION SERVICE EMPLOYEES. - - Include under this head Weighmasters and Weighmen, Warehousemen, Freight Truckers, Freight Checkers, Freight Callers, Freight Tallymen, Carders, Sealers, Station Helpers, Freight Handlers, Freight-House Fore- men, COOpers, Mail Carriers, Mechanicians, Operators of Coal and Ore Docks, Telpherage or Crane Operators, Stevedores, Longshoremen, Station Porters, Janitors, Matrons and Ushers, Train Callers and Gatemen, Bag- : gage-Room Attendants, Parcel-Room Attendants, Station Lampmen, and all . . . » - * : ; ; other station-service employees, except those provided for in classes Nos. 5, 6, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 66. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 11 YARDMASTERS (D). Include under this head employees who have immediate charge Over yard forces and yard operations. YARDMASTER'S ASSISTANTS (D). Include under this head employees who assist yardmasters in the Super- vision of yard forces and yard operations. NOTE.-Yard clerks should be included in class No. 5 or No. 6, as may be appro- priate. YARD ENGINEERS AND MOTORMEN. Include under this head employees engaged in Operating Steam or Elec- tric locomotives in yard switching service and engineers and motormen in yard work trains. YARD FIREMEN AND HELPERS. Include under this head employees engaged in firing steam locomotives and helping on electric locomotives in yard switching service; also firemen and helpers on yard work trains. & YARD CONDUCTORS (OR FOREMEN). - Include under this head employees who have direct charge of engines and crews engaged in yard and switching service, and Conductors or Fore- men (not foremen of laborers) on yard work trains. YARD BRAKEMEN (SWITCHMEN OR HELPERS). Include under this head employees who, under the direction of yard con- ductors Or yard foremen, couple and uncouple or ride cars in breaking up or making up trains, such as Yard Brakemen, Car Riders, Yard Switch- men (Brakemen), and Other employees performing similar Service ; also Brakemen on yard work trains. YARD SWITCH TENDERS. Include under this head employees engaged in tending yard switches. NOTE.--Do not include under this head employees in towers controlling switches and Signals, as this class of employees is provided for in classes Nos. 35 and 36. OTHER YARD EMPLOYEES. Include under this head employees engaged in Operating yards, such as: Air Bleeders, Bulletin-Board Attendants, Searchlight Operators, Lamp Men, and Crew CallerS. - NOTE.-This class does not include yard clerks, janitors, rest-room attendants, and other employees provided for elsewhere. Yard clerks are provided for in classes Nos. 5 and 6 ; janitors and rest-room attendants in class No. 7 or No. 41. HOSTLERS. Include under this head employees engaged in moving locomotives in enginehouse and terminal territory, and who, in addition, may also clean fires, Coal engines, Or Watch engines. ENGINEEIOUSE-MEN. - Include under this bead employees engaged in watching at enginehouses and engine terminals, and other enginehouse employees not provided for elsewhere, such as: Engine Dispatchers, Enginehouse Watchmen, Laborers, Ashpit Men, Pumpers, Stationary Engineers, Stationary Firemen, Engine Preparers, Hostler Helpers, Front-End Inspectors, Flue Cleaners, Fire Knockers, Box Packers, Grease-Cup Fillers, Boiler Washers, Engine Clean- ers, Engine Oilers, Engine Spongers, Coal Heavers, Sanders, Lamp Trim- mers, and Engine Watchmen. - NOTE.-Skilled Mechanics, Mechanics’ Apprentices and Helpers engaged in repairing locomotives should not be included in this class. 52. 53. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 65. 12 ROAD FEEIGHT ENGINEERS AND MOTORMEN. - - Include under this head employees engaged in operating steam or electric locomotives in freight-train and mixed-train Service and engineers and motormen on road work trains and wreck trains. ROAD FREIGHT FIREMEN AND HELPERS. ...sº Include under this head employees engaged in firing Steam locomotives and in helping on electric locomotives in freight-train and mixed-train service; also firemen and such helpers on road work trains and wreck trains. . ROAD FREIGHT CONDUCTORS.. Include under this head employees in charge of freight trains and mixed trains and train Crews; also COnductors on road Work trains and Wreck trainS. º - ROAD FREIGHT BRAKEMEN AND FLAGMEN. Include under this head employees in freight-train and mixed-train serv- ice who, under the direction of Conductors, assist in the handling of the train ; also Flagmen and Brakemen. On road Work trains and Wreck trains. ROAD PASSENGER ENGINEERS AND MOTORMEN. Include under this head employees engaged in Operating locomotives and motor Cars in passenger-train Service. ROAD PASSENGER FIREMEN AND EIELPERS. Included under this head employees engaged in firing locomotives and helping motormen in passenger-train Service. ROAD PASSENGER CONDUCTORS. Include under this head employees in charge of passenger trains and train CrewS. i ROAD PASSENGER BAGGAGEMEN. Include under this head employees in charge of baggage and pouch mail Service On passenger trainS. ROAD PASSENGER BRAIKEMEN AND FLAGMEN. Include under this head employees in passenger-train service who, under the direction of the conductor, assist in the handling of the train. OTHER ROAD TRAIN EMPLOYEES. . Include under this head transportation train employees not provided for in classes Nos. 52 to 60, inclusive, such as: Train Ticket Collectors, Train Auditors, Train Electricians, Train Stenographers, Train Porters, Train Matrons, etc. - CROSSING FLAGMEN AND GATEMEN. Include under this head employees engaged at Highway Grade Crossings in operating crossing gates and giving signals governing the use of such CrOSSingS. - DRAW BRIDGE OPERATORS. - Include under this head employees engaged in the Operation of draw- bridges and Of the Signals COnnected thereWith. . FLOATING EQUIPMENT EMPLOYEES. Include under this head employees engaged in operating floating equip- ment, including barges, ferryboats, tugboats, etc. EXPRESS SERVICE EMPLOYEES. Include under this head employees engaged in express Operations on rail- ways which regularly conduct an Express service. 13 66. POLICEMEN AND WATCHMEN (D). Include under this head employees engaged in policing railway property and in Watching Station buildings, Shops, yards, and CarS to prevent loss by theft or damage or loss by fire, or other cause, and those employed for the protection of the traveling public. ºf 67. OTEIER TRANSPORTATION EMPLOYEES. Include under this head all transportation employees not provided for in Other Classes. 68. ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES. * Include under this head all employees not provided for in other classes, such as: Dining Car Employees, Sleeping Car Employees, Restaurant Em- ployees, Cab Service Employees, etc. O ** **, * : . D FCUiº) --- - - - - - - - UNIV ...!!NME5 JAN 9 ºri || iii unw. of Nº. 3 9015 iii. RY O7375 2050 \LABRA 73