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". … r 3 ::::::::::c-- * - - , e." - >†ºr * * , t.* ...” ". . . 2. as “STATE OF MICHIGAN As º GENERAL LIBRARY |als University of Michigan £, , , . Y- à - * 3 * - •=s** =s* • ºf sº - º, y \, * . § f º & “... ". . . . * & : - * , ... ..., , is -- -- –4 * , ' 's ".., " - } vº. C. 5, , ; ' '...'. .- - ... $3 jº. . * ' } } $ ; : , º * . × *. * : T LAWS RELATING TO SALE : s OF FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ". l .: º : 1913 Compiled by FREDERICK C. MARTINDALE Secretary of State f AN ACT to prevent fraud and deception in the sale of Michigan grown fresh fruits and vegetables, and to provide penalties for violations of this act. [Act 207, P. A. 1913.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. In this act, unless the contents otherwise requires, the term “closed package” shall be construed to mean a barrel, box, basket, carrier or crate, of which all the contents cannot readily be seen or inspected when such package is prepared for market, Fresh fruits or vegetables in baskets or boxes, packed in closed or open crates, and packages covered with burlap, tarlatan or slat covers shall come within the meaning of the term “closed package.” None of the provisions of - this act shall apply to other than Michigan grown fruits and vegetables, X sº 2 i ; SEC. 2. Every person who, by himself or by his agent or employe, packs or repacks fresh fruits or vegetables in closed packages intended for sale in the open market, shall cause the same to be marked in a plain and indelible manner, as follows: . First, With his full name and address, including the name of the state where such fresh fruits and vegetables are packed, before such fresh fruits or vegetables are removed from the premises of the packer or dealer; Second, The name and address of such packer or dealer shall be printed or stamped on said closed packages in letters not less than one-quarter inch in height. SEC. 3. No person shal) sell or offer, expose or have in his possession for sale, in the open market, any fresh fruits or vegetables packed in a closed package and intended for sale, unless such package is marked as is required by this act. SEC. 4. No person shall sell or offer, expose or have in his possession for sale, any fresh fruits or vegetables packed in a closed or open package, upon which package is marked any designation which repre- sents such fruit as “No. 1,” “Finest,” “Best,” “Extra Good,” “Fancy.” “Selected,” “Prime,” “Standard,” or other superior grade or quality, unless such fruit or vegetables consist of well grown specimens, sound, of nearly uniform size, normal shape, good color, for the variety, and not less than ninety per cent free from injurious or disfiguring bruises, diseases, insect injuries or other defects, natural deterioration and decay in transit or storage excepted. SEC. 5. No person shall sell or offer, expose or have in his possession for sale, any fresh fruits or vegetables packed in any package in which the faced or shown surface gives a false representation of the contents of Such package, and it shall be considered a false representation when more than twenty per cent of such fresh fruits or vegetables are sub- stantially smaller in size than or inferior in grade to, or different in variety from, the faced or shown surface of such package, natural de terioration and decay in transit or storage excepted, SEC. 6. Every person who, by himself; his agentvor employe, know. ingly violates any of the provisions of this act shall, for each such offense, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars, or by imprison- ment in the county jail for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, AN ACT to regulate the packing for shipment and sale of table grapes, and providing penalties for violation thereof. [Act 107, P. A. 1913.] The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. No grapes that are not ripe, or are the fruit of unhealthy Vines, or are for any reason unhealthy or in a state of decay shall be packed for shipment by any grower, packer or shipper in any package or basket of less than sixteen pounds capacity. SEC. 2. Any person or persons found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this act, in any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by im- prisonment in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion Of the court, SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the state dairy and food commis- sioner, his deputies and assistants, to enforce the provisions of this act. T 9015 07377.86% lº sº .*.*.*. . º s º . ſº º ſº : ; : º . §º : º § # s".º ſae****--ſae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- ****************=\ſ*:)*)*)*)*)*)*)( )( * -ae ? ----n.!<!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+4*{ ∞ √° √æ√≠ √æ <!• '^-★sº ſaecae !!!-º-, §§ §§§@₪ĒĒĒĒĒĒžā ...š.“ – … - ← → • ,**) = − →→→ •– → → → ← → • • • • • • • • • • • • • *** º,∞…º…:…, ſve- № • • •* • g ** ;g ¿º * §§§§§: ¿; '; ::: *)(&: && :}: $$$$ș