GäßAt | #: ‘A’zy APR 33 gº State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY MARCUS H. HOLCOMB GOVERNOR §[I]N accordance with the provisions of the statute, I hereby designate Friday, April the sixteenth, as Arlinr attà l'iro ſlau. In no respect perhaps have the people of this State so sacrificed the welfare of the future to the needs and desires of the present as in their ruthless destruction of its trees and woods, and in their failure to protect its birds. Gradu- ally, however, there has come about a deeper appreciation of the beauty that this wild life gives to the State, and a broader understanding of the economic importance of its protection. But the lesson is not yet learned, and it is particularly important to impress it upon the minds of those who are young. # In recognition of this fact the legislature has provided for the annual appointment of an Arbor and Bird Day, and I now request that the Day be observed in the schools, and elsewhere as occasion may offer, in such manner as will best serve to accomplish the purpose of its establishment. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-ninth. By His Excellency’s Command: CHARLES D. BURNES, Secretary. MARCUS H. HOLCOMB. _9 lb | bd -> # ( 5538 5382091058) e b b * ||||||||||||||||||||||||)(|)), NW/g)|HOI'W -JO ALISHE/\|Nf]|-l /~overo vuø) ±