State of Connecticut. BY HIS EXCELLENCY MARCUS H. HOLCOMB, GOVERNOR rurlantafiult It is a fair world in which our lines have been cast and few parts of it are fairer than this little state of ours. If it lacks the grandeur of others' mountains or the limitless expanse of others' prairies, yet here is a wonderful mingling of wooded hills, green meadows and well-watered valleys. And if the wild life about them has not the brilliant colorings of tropic lands, yet our birds are beautiful and their songs are sweet. We are apt to forget how much an understanding of these things can add to the richness of our lives and what a duty we owe to those who follow us to preserve for them the benefits we may so freely enjoy. It takes but a moment to fell a tree, it takes years to replace it; a careless stone or shot may kill a nesting bird, and with her die the generations of her kind whom her care might assure to the coming years. To emphasize these things the legislature has required that a day be set apart each year for their consideration, and in obedience to its mandate, I do now designate Friday, April the twenty-eighth, as - Arlinr attà l'irī, Bau requesting that it be so observed in the schools and elsewhere as to awaken us to a greater appreciation of nature's workings and nature's God. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this seventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and sixteen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fortieth. By His Excellency's Command: - - Secretary. Q15|| bd ºz\7� GZ88 888/09 106 8 º 9 bºv mmmmm seº, / /r/~a effºo -w