State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY MARCUS H. HOLCOMB GOVERNOR iſ rurlantafiult \N the present national crisis the opportunity for | destruction by fire is greater than ever before. The abnormal strain upon production is itself an element of fire hazard. Fire at a time like this is a public misfortune, destroying food- stuffs and limiting production through the destruction of factories. A recent analysis of fire causes in Connecticut by the National Board of Fire Underwriters shows 32.3% to have been preventable, 37.9% partly preventable, and 29.8% unknown. It becomes, therefore, a public duty to utilize every means to conserve the resources of the state by fire pre- vention. So imperative is the need of a realizing sense by the public of the possible prevention of negligent property destruction that the General Assembly has directed that a day be set apart as 3fire irrurutiun and in conformity therewith, I designate as such day Tuesday, October ninth, and commend to the consider- ation of civic organizations, schools and churches, the press and individual citizens of this state the consideration of conditions of danger, elements of safety and possible measures of prevention. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-fifth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and seventeen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. By His Excellency’s Command: Governor. Secretary. b d z \; , $ b b +· •b bZ Ļ68 888/09 Ļ06 8 L5) |||||||||||||||||| --A /|×· ·NW5)|HO|W -JO Å LISHE/\|Nf] � „-” „~“