State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY SIMEON E. BAL D WIN GOVERNOR A # rurlantafiult Pursuant to the statutes of this State, I hereby designate Friday, the fourteenth day of June next as 3Flag ſlau and direct that it be made the occasion in every public school within the State, which may then be in session, of exercises to commemorate the adoption by Congress on June 14, 1777, during the first year of the existence of the United States, of the flag that should forever symbolize the new nation, constituted by the Declaration of Independence. Its thirteen stripes represent the thirteen States which joined in making that Declaration. The fact that Connecticut was one of these is the proud heritage of her citizens, among whom the children in her schools have as rightful a place as any of their elders. Let their teachers, then, use Flag Day as a time to impress upon them the full meaning of the stars and stripes: one star for every State; one stripe for each of the “old thirteen”, which fought the seven years struggle of the Revolution for freedom and independence. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol in Hartford, this seventeenth day of May, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-sixth. SIMEON E. BALDWIN. By His Excellency's Command: MATTHEW H. ROGERS, Secretary. ~€/l) | # GG58 E8E2091068 |||||||||||||||||| NwpIHOIWN -JO ALISH BAINT || |