State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY EVERETT J. LAKE GOVERNOR rurlantatin it tº N compliance with an act of the General Assembly l I hereby designate Tuesday, the fourteenth day of June of the present year, being the one hundred and forty-fourth anniversary of the adoption by Congress of the flag of the United States as 3Flag ſlag and direct that all who are engaged in training the youth of this State for intelligent citizenship and in promoting activities which make for a broader and saner patriotism, either in the schools or through any society or organization, plan suitable exercises for impressing upon the minds of those who come under their influence the benefits and privileges which they enjoy under the American flag, and the obligation which rests upon them to perpetuate the ideals and institutions of which it is the symbol. The American flag stands for freedom and for truth. It represents a government which guarantees equal rights to all. It means justice. It means liberty. It means happiness. Our flag signifies liberty through law, and laws for liberty. “No man can stand beneath its folds with- out becoming and remaining free.” I ask also that the people of the State join upon that day in its general display and thus show their honor and respect for the flag and their loyalty to the principles for which it stands. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-fourth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-One, and of the independence of the United States, the one hundred and forty-fifth. By His Excellency's Command : sº (0aa-za Secretary. –5 b b \;ț7 106 888/09 ļ06 8 | || ||||||||||| N\/5)|HO|W -IO Å LISHEAINT!