& cº., ºr &#. /2 ; ; , Séº *: ; a > * y & - A ºr " 2 & 22 S State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR A # rur lantatin A YE cannot soon forget the great sob of relief, the | storm of joy and thankfulness and solemn pride fºsza, which swept over the nation at the news of the lsº #3 Armistice on that eventful day of November, 1918. For all of us it meant a renewed sense of national security; a justification of high ideals; a consciousness of a fight well fought and honorably won. It becomes, how- ever, increasingly easy to regard phases of the late war in the light of an evil dream; to overlook the shattered remains in our hospitals; to ignore the need at our own doorsteps; to stifle even the spirit which prompted our own service. To the end that this spirit may be kept alive in our hearts, I designate Wednesday, the eleventh day of November next as Armtiatire ſlag and recommend that it be observed throughout the State as a day of thanksgiving for the victory of our arms and a day of commemoration for all the heroic men and women whose sacrifices made that victory possible. I suggest that it is an appropriate occasion to remember in terms of prac- tical gratitude our disabled soldiers, and I recommend further that on this day, in so far as may be practicable, all business and traffic be suspended at eleven o’clock for a period of two minutes in solemn tribute to the memory of our soldier dead. We cannot too often reconsecrate ourselves to the great things for which they gave their lives. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fiftieth. By His Excellency’s Command: - Secretary. UNIVERSİTY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07383 9048444 €, .* G-T·| 4| 3