DEC 22 1924 State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY RLES A. TEMPLETON GOVERNOR NDUR country has greatly prospered. From coast to | \) || coast we are a united, happy people. Never has ºutrº our material welfare been greater. Never have the lº) comforts of life been so wid ely distributed among our citizens. Liberty and learning are the heritage of all. Peace and plenteousness are within our borders, Gratitude befits commonwealths and individuals alike. In accordance with ancient usage and the law of the State, I designate Thursday, November 27th next, as a day of public gº Chaukaniuittu. From earliest times the people of Connecticut have met together once a year in church and home to give thanks to the Author of their blessings. It is fitting that they do so. Religion and the family have ever been the founda- tion stones of American life. Without them no nation can live, no prosperity can endure. Around them this festival has always centered. To their perpetuation it is dedicated. Let us therefore on this day, in the manner of our fathers, gather to renew the bonds of family and of home, and give thanks to God for all those good things which so bountifully He has bestowed upon us. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this thirteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-ninth. | Secretary. }ı ? b | _]*(?, 122* 499 *bd -2} 8906 888/09 106 8 NV9|HOI'W HO Å LISHEAINT |× ſº