State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR A # rur lantafiult YARVEST time is not a special privilege of those ...' . |who till the soil. The healthy smiling faces sal of children who have spent weeks in the ăilout-of-doors; bodies toned up to a renewed zest for living; more energy to face and solve every-day problems; these, no less than well filled barns, are the fruits of the summer. There is never a time when one may not properly thank God for all those blessings which are common to most of us. But the harvest season seems to afford occasion for special gratitude, and a happy custom gives me the privilege of designating a special opportunity for the expression of it. I therefore proclaim Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of November next, to be a day of Uhankaniuittu throughout the State; and I urge all of the people of Connecticut to gather on that day in their several places of worship, there to render hearty thanks to Almighty God for His continued care and providence. It will need no word from me to further the gathering of families on that day, or to stimulate those festivities which are a part of our New England tradition. Let us, however, not fail to remember at this time the homeless and the unfortunate, knowing that he is most surely blessed who shares with others the bounty with which God has favored him. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this tenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-second. >4 ºzºc, By His Excellency’s Command: Secretary. 1, 7 b | _L^2/Lºa» u «º yd < y · º lº b \, 1406 888/09||06 € |||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| *** --~~~~ II