State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR rur lantatin it UR generation has made good use of the gifts of God. All about us are evidences of the ingenuity and the industry of Men of our own time, by whose accomplishments the oppor- § tunities of life have been multiplied and enriched. We may V with propriety honor our scientists, our statesmen and our pioneers for their devotion to the cause of human progress; but we may not with justice fail in our gratitude to God, by whose providence all such progress is made possible. Our New England forefathers first gathered together to give voice to their thankfulness for the simplest blessings; for food and shelter and the freedom to worship in their own way. The occasion for such expression has not lessened as the measure of God's gifts has filled to over-flowing. In conformity with ancient custom therefore, I designate Thursday, the twenty-ninth day of November next, as a day of (Ulpattkagiuittu and I urge the people of Connecticut to gather on that day in their several places of worship, and in their homes, there to give thanks to Divine Providence for the many benefits with which He has blessed the least of us. It should be a day also for visiting the sick, for relieving the needy, and for befriending the homeless. By such good works is God praised most sincerely and most effectively. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this nineteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-third. >4 ºzºa, By His Excellency’s Command: Secretary. NyĐIHOIW HO Å LISH BAINT- 2-___--~~~~ }à ſ či № © ö ä Ë LLI È Ë Ë ſae -->Qfº<. ſű zſ№s = ſ^2 | 3 5§º, | –;*NS | • C-T- roºp 1 j <>^a v4 vì Q Jr?!).^) ºd =#¿? fºſſ, Iſiſſill § ||||||||||||| V ~ * ~ *-----wºº, ºr - r + -- a-- wºrrºwwºw-vº-errºr--ºr- * ***** ------------------------------- - - - - * --v-rºws arrºr “rº-ºr- ºr-