ES HICAL Y RS ARTES 18 17 VERITAS LIBRARY SCIENTIA OF THE [ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN | PLURIBUS UN TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM AMLIHAM CIRCUMSPICE THIS BOOK FORMS PART OF THE ORIGINAL LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BOUGHT IN EUROPE 1838 TO 1839 BY ASA GRAY 46 A 1633 46 A1633 Kender Mason Jun 4 KM 24 June. 1704. THE PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY रा AND 37 MEMOIRS OF THE Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris: O.R, An ABRIDGMENT of all the PAPERS relating to Natural Philofophy, which have been publiſh'd by the Members of that Illuſtrious Society. Illuftrated with COPPER PLATES. The Whole Tranflated and Abridged, By JOHN MARTY N, F. R. S. Profeffor of Botany in the Univerſity of Cambridge; AND EPHRAIM CHAMBERS, F. R. S. Author of the Univerſal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. VOL. I. LONDON: Printed for JOHN and PAUL KNAPTON, in Ludgate-frect; and FRANCIS COGAN, and JOHN NOURSE, near Temple- Bar. M.DCC.XLII. To the READER. T HE Bookfellers having been in- formed, fince the Publication of this Abridgment, that the late Mr. Cham- bers, Author of the Cyclopædia, or Univer- fal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, had made fome Progrefs in the fame Defign, were defirous to make uſe of the Papers left by an Author fo well efteemed by the Publick. In the Courfe therefore of this Work, fuch Papers of Mr. Chambers will be inferted, as come within the preſent Defign. But as I am unwilling to affume to myſelf the Labours or Merit of another, Care will be taken to diſtinguiſh each Pa- per, which was written by Mr. Chambers: which I believe will be acceptable to the Reader; as he will be able by this means to know, which Parts were compoſed by that ingenious Author, and which by Chelfea, Nov. 30, 1741. John Martyn. THE PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY AND MEMOIRS OF THE Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris: OR, An ABRIDGMENT of all the PAPERS relating to Natural Philofophy, which have been publiſh'd by the Members of that Illuftrious Society. CONTAINING Many Remarkable ACCOUNTS of the NATURE and PROPERTIES of the Thunder, Lightning, Loadſtone, Magnetical Needle, Flux and Reflux of &c. the Sea, The feveral Improvements and Diſcoveries in Air, Winds, Rains, Earthquakes, Opticks, Mechanicks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, 1 Geography, Navigation. With many Curious OBSERVATIONS relating to the Natural Hiſtory and Anatomy of Animals, &c. The Whole Tranſlated and Abridged, By JOHN MARTY N, F. R. S. Profeffor of Botany in the Univerſity of Cambridge. VOL. I. LONDON: Printed for FRANCIS COGAN, and JOHN NOURSE, near Temple-Bar. M.DCC.XLII. THE PREFACE. T HE knowledge of nature affords fo great a delight to the mind of man, and is of fo much importance to the well being of fociety; that there is hardly any confiderable ſtate in Europe, where it has not been thought neceffary to affemble a body of learned men, whoſe chief employment it ſhould be to improve natural hiſtory and phi- lofophy. The ROYAL SOCIETY of London was founded for this pur- poſe, about fourſcore years ago, by King Charles the Second: and what improvements have been made by that learned body, not only with relation to fpeculative knowledge, but even to the common ufes of life, may be ſeen in thoſe excellent pa- pers, publiſhed from time to time under A 2 iv PREFACE. under the title of Philofophical Tranfactions. Soon after the foun- dation of the Royal Society, the late King of France, who was unwilling to omit any thing which might con- tribute to his glory, affembled a confiderable number of the moſt able men in his kingdom, to whom he gave the title of the ROYAL ACA- DEMY OF SCIENCES ; and engaged them in the purfuit of natural and mathematical knowledge. But this learned affembly was not eſtabliſh- ed, as a regular fociety, till that monarch, in the beginning of the year 1699, thought fit to give them new eſtabliſhment, and to regu- late their conduct by a body of laws framed for that purpoſe. From the time of this new efta- bliſhment of the Royal Academy of Sciences, a volume of their difco- veries and obfervations has been pub- liſhed every year, under the title of A Hiftory of the Royal Academy of Sciences, PREFACE. A Sciences, by their perpetual fecre- tary, the celebrated M. Fontenelle. This Hiftory confifts of two parts: the firſt is what is particularly called the Hiftory. In this part, M. Fonte- nelle gives a fhort account of every remarkable tranfaction, either in writing or by word of mouth, that has paffed in the academy. The other part contains the Memoirs, or pieces that have been read in the academy, fuch as have been judged to be of the greateſt importance, and the moſt worthy of being communi- cated to the publick at full length. The papers contained in this cu- rious Hiftory are ranged under feve- ral heads: the firft of which com- prehends thoſe which relate to natu- ral philofophy in general. Under this head the reader will find many remarkable accounts of the nature and properties of the air, obferva- tions on the thermometer, barometer, &c. difcourfes on the cauſes and ef- fects of winds, on the flux and reflux of vi PREFACE. of the ſea, relations of the effects of thunder, lightning, &c. confidera- tions on the aurora borealis, and other remarkable appearances in the heavens; curious difcoveries of the various and furprifing properties of the loadſtone; inquiries into the na- ture of the magnetical needle; and many other entertaining as well as inftructing particulars, which we ſhall not here detain him with enumerating. To thefe papers on natural philo- Sophy in general, we have added many others, which we thought would be efteemed to be moſt uſeful and en- tertaining to the generality of readers. Theſe contain the natural hiſtory and anatomy of animals, many uſe- ful diſcoveries relating to geography and navigation, a great variety of optical, dioptrical, and mechanical diſcoveries and obfervations, with many other mathematical papers, which relate to common ufes of life, paffing over thoſe, which are merely fpeculative, or of leſs general uſe. The PREFA C E. vii The Abridgment of the Philofophi- cal Tranfactions has been fo well re- ceived by the publick, that we flat- ter ourſelves the preſent work, which is fo nearly allied to it, will meet with a no lefs favourable reception. It is an Abridgment of all the Me- moirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences, which relate to natural philofophy in general, to the natural hiftory of animals, and to the practi- cal parts of the mathematicks; to which we have prefixed fuch accounts in M. Fontenelle's Hiftory, as are not to be found in the Memoirs themſelves. As for thofe accounts in the Hi- ftory, which are found more at large in the Memoirs, we have thought proper wholly to omit them; be- cauſe they are generally no more than a hiftorical account of what is contained in the Memoirs themſelves. And as we have contracted each of thofe Memoirs, into as narrow a compaſs as we could, without injur- ing vin PREFA CE. ing their ſenſe, we thought it would be unneceffary to add the hiftorical account of them too, which would fwell the bulk of theſe volumes too much; it being our defign to lay before the reader the philofophical difcoveries and obfervations of the Royal Academy of Sciences, with re- lation to the particulars above-men- tioned, in as concife a manner as we could, without diminiſhing any part which really conduces to that end. If the prefent undertaking meets with the fuccefs which we hope for, it will be an encouragement to us to proceed in abridging the other papers, which, tho' they are of lefs general uſe than theſe now publiſhed, will, however, be of the greateſt ſervice to fuch as are engaged in thoſe parti- cular ftudies. A A TABLE OF THE PAPERS contained in the ABRIDGMENT of the HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at PARIS, for the Year MDCXCIX. I. In the HISTORY. Comparisons ma Omparisons of the obfervations made in different places on the barometer, the winds, and quantity of rain. II. Obfervations on the fingularities of the natural history of France. III. Of infects. IV. On the feathers of birds. V. Of the tigers in China. VI. The pofition of fome towns in Turkey, China, and Armenia. VII. The effects of burning glaffes three or four feet in diameter. VIII. On a machine made to prove the proportion of the fall of bodies. In the MEMOIRS. 1. Reflections on light and colours, and on the ge- neration of fire, by Father Mallebranche. II. A defcription of a new fort of flood-gate uſed in the undertaking of the new navigation ef the Seine, by M. Des Billettes. VOL. I. No. 1. B III. X A TABLE, &c. III. An explanation of fome fingular effects, which happen to plain glaffes, fuch as looking-glaffes, by M. de la Hire, at the obfervatory. IV. A commodious way of fubftituting the action of fire, instead of the force of men and horſes, to move machines, by M. Amontons. L V. A defcription of a level, which is used by M. Couplet, more exact in this fecond edition. VI. A method to centre telescope glaſſes in working them, by M. de la Hire at the obfervatory. VII. Obſervations on the infects called adder-bolts, by M. Homberg. VIII. An inquiry into the ftrength of man to move burdens, either by lifting, carrying, or draw- ing, confidered abfolutely and with comparison to that of animals which carry and draw, as borfes, by M. de la Hire at the obfervatory. IX. Two forts of wheels to draw water, by M.Des Billettes. X. Of the refiftance caused in machines, both by the frictions of the parts of which they are compofed, and by the stiffness of the cords em- ployed in them; and the manner of calculating both of them, by M. Amontons. XI. A defcription of the heart of the tortoife, and of fome other animals, by M. du Vernay. AN AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE Philofophical Diſcoveries AND OBSERVATIONS IN THE HISTORY of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at Paris for the Year 1699. I. Comparisons of the obfervations made in different places, on the barometer, the winds, and quantity of rain. M. MARALDI having feen the ob- ſervations made by Dr. Derham on the barometer and on the winds at Upminster, in England, during the years 1697 and 1698, compared them with thoſe which were made at the obfervatory during the fame years; and this is the reſult of the com- parifon. Tho' the winds which reign at Paris, and at Upminster, are commonly different, yet there are many days in the different feafons of the year, in which the winds have been the fame in both theſe places. When the wind has been the fame in B 2 Both 12 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the both, it has uſually been violent, and of fome continuance; tho' even theſe have fometimes varied. There is found alfo fome conformity in the conftitution of the air, and it hath often happened to rain, or fnow, or to be fair weather in both theſe places on the fame days. There is a great agreement between the varia- tion of the height of the barometer obferved at Paris and at Upminster. We generally find it to riſe or fall at Paris, when it rifes or falls at Up- minster; tho' theſe variations are not always equal. In each month the days on which the quickfilver has been higheft or loweſt, have been the fame both at Paris and Upminster; but com- monly when it has been loweft, it has been 3 or 4 lines lower at Paris than at Upminster, the Engliſh meaſure being reduced to that of Paris. It appears by the obfervations: 1. That the quickfilver riſes ſometimes, when the wind is N. N. E. or N. W. and that it falls with a S. S. E. and S. W. wind. It has how- ever rifen and fallen at the fame time in both thefe places, tho' the winds have often been dif- ferent, and fometimes even oppoſite. 2. In theſe two laft years, when the quick- filver was at the loweſt in both places, there fell fome fnow; it fometimes alfo fnowed, tho' the quickfilver did not fall more than ufual. 3. When the quickfilver rofe, it was often fair weather, and it fell when it was rainy weather; it was often fair weather alfo when the quickfilver was low, and cloudy when it was high. 4. When the quickfilver fell at the fame time in both places, and it rained in one and was fair in the other, the quickfilver often fell in pro- portion where it rained. In like manner when I it ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 13 it roſe in both places, it roſe higher in proportion where it was fair. Laſtly, it appears, that the quickfilver rofe in one when it fell in the other, and that it fell in like manner, whether the wind and weather were the fame in both places, or different. M. de Vauban having fent the academy a memoir on the quantity of rain that fell in the citadel of Lille for 10 years, from 1685 to 1694, M. de la Hire has compared the 6 laſt years of the obfer- vation at Lille with the fame years, which he has obſerved very exactly at Paris. Years, At Lille. At Paris. Inches. Lines. Inches. Lines. 1689 18 9 18 I I 1690 24 8/2/2 23 1691 15 2 14 1692 25 42 I 22 1693 30 32 22 35790 2 8 1694 19 3 19 9 121 9 6 Years 133 6/2/2 By the compariſon of theſe 6 years we fee in general, that it rains rather more at Lille than at Paris; and that the mean year at Lille will be 22 inches, 3 lines, and at Paris 20 inches, 3 lines. But M. de la Hire has found in 1695, 19 in- ches, 7 lines; in 1696, 19 inches, 5 lines; in 1697, 20 inches, 3 lines; in 1698, 21 in- ches, 9 lines; and taking a mean year for thefe 10, we find 20 inches, 3 lines for each of the 6 firft; whereas at Lille the 6 laft give for a mean 14 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the mean 22 inches, 3 lines, and the 10 together give 23 inches, 3 lines. II. Obfervations on the fingularities of the natural history of France. The academy having a deſign to examine the wonders of France, has begun with Dauphiny, and with a very famous burning fountain in that province, four hours diftant from Grenoble. Saint Auguftin* has mention'd it, and feems to treat it as a ſupernatural miracle. But as it is good to be well affured of our facts, and not to feek for the reafon of what does not exift; M. de la Hire wrote to M. Dieulamant, the king's engineer in the department of Grenoble, from whom he re- ceived an information, as well circumftanced as could be wiſhed. M. Dieulamant went upon the fpot, and examined it with a philofophical eye. It is no fountain; but a fmall fpot of ground, 6 feet long, and 3 or four broad, where may be feen a light, wandering flame, like that of brandy, fixt to a dead rock, of a fort of rotten flate, which crumbles in the air. This fpot is upon a pretty ſteep declivity; about 12 feet below it, and as much on one fide, there falls from the neigh- bouring mountains a little rivulet or torrent, which perhaps may formerly have flowed more high, and near the burning earth, which might have given room to think that the water burned. 'The flame is not obſerved to come out of any hole or cleft in the rock, by which it might be ſuſpected to have a communication with fome lower cavern that might be inflamed. There is no matter found which may ferve as nouriſhment to the flame, and it is only perceived to have a ftrong * De civitate Dei, lib. xi. cap. 7. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 15 ftrong ſmell of fulphur; and it leaves no afhes. There is a very hot, white fort of ſalt petre about the place where the fire appears. M. Dieulamant has been affured, that this fire burns moft in winter, and in moift weather, that it diminiſhes gradually in great heats, and often goes out near the end of fummer, after which it rekindles of itſelf. It is very eafy alſo to make it kindle by another fire, which it does readily with a noiſe. M. Dieulamant obferved in the laſt place, that about the fire the earth cleaves, gives way, and finks down. He does not afcribe this however to the fire, but to the waters which flow among the dead rocks, and hollow the earth, or carry it away. This effect is fo confiderable in Dauphiny, and eſpecially in the country called le Chanfeaux, that fometimes two villages fituated upon two different mountains, which could not be feen from each other, becauſe other higher mountains were between them, have begun at once to be ſeen, from the finking of the interpofed mountains. III. Of infects. Infects appear contemptible to the vulgar, who neither know how to place their admiration nor their contempt. They are moft commonly treated as imperfect animals, but philofophy judges them fo much more worthy of her attention, as they feem to have been formed by nature on a quite particular idea. None but they, for example, change their fpecies, and after having crept on the ground rife up into the air, and take a new and more noble life. What M. Homberg * has obſerved of the * See the memoirs for this year, Art. vii. odd 16 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the odd copulation of adder-bolts will fhew how fruit- ful and unexhauftible nature is in mechanical in- ventions, to obtain her ends. To be of both fexes at once, and to perform the functions of both at the fame time, is another circumſtance peculiar to infects. M. Poupart has enumerated all the fpecies in which he is fure of this particularity. They are the earth worms, the round worms in the human inteſtines, thoſe in the inteſtines of horſes, the flugs or fnails with- out ſhells both of the land and the freſh waters, all the fpecies of fnails with fhells, all the fpecies of leeches. And as all theſe infects are reptile and without bones, M. Poupart concludes, that pro- bably the reſt, which have theſe two characters, are alſo hermaphrodites; for nature, which varies fo much from one kind of animals to another, ob- ferves uniformity enough between the fpecies of the fame kind, as to their principal characters. Not but that there are reptiles without bones, which are not hermaphrodites, as the worms which change to flies, filk-worms, and other ani- mals. But far from being hermaphrodites they are of no fex at all; and, to fpeak properly, are not animals, being nothing but cafes or masks that wrap up and hide real animals, which after- wards come out with wings. And tho' theſe worms may ſeem to be fenfible, yet perhaps their fenfibility belongs only to the concealed animal, and not to that which appears. But, however, the worm which is to change to a fly or to a butterfly, is neither male nor female, and does not engender fo long as it is a worm; but itays till it is metamorphofed. To give an example of the obſervations that may be made on the hermaphrodite animals, fee how M. Poupart has made his on the copulation of ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 17 of earth-worms. Thefe little ferpents flide by pairs into a hole that fuits them, there they ad- juft themſelves in fuch a manner, that the head of one is turned towards the tail of another; they apply themſelves to each other in a right line, and a little button of one in form of a little cone is inferted into a little aperture of the other reci- procally. The mutual infertion of thefe little but- tons is eaſily ſeen, by taking the two worms gently, drawing them gradually in the space between the buttons, and furveying them in a full light. They are found in copulation in the fpring; and you muſt look for them in fat and moift paftures, if you defire the biggeſt. As theſe animals are male at one extremity of the body, and female at the other, and as they can eaſily bend, M. Homberg does not think it impoffible, but that an earth-worm may couple with itſelf, and be both father and mother of the fame animal. This would be a ſtrange fort of generation; but what is ftrange may perhaps be fo only through our ignorance; and do we know the bounds of the diverfity with which nature has thought fit to adorn her works? IV. On the feathers of birds. M. Poupart has obferved, that feathers are nouriſhed by blood and by lymph. We may be fure of this by diffecting with a little ſkill a great feather of a young bird before it has loft its down; but it is ftill more eaſy to prefs this feather length- wife, and ſee the lymph and the blood come out of it. It must be a young bird, as it muſt always be a young animal, when one would obferve how the nouriſhment of the bones is formed. Feathers. and bones are parts whofe veffels diſappear, and VOL. I. No. 1, whoſe C 18 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the whoſe mechaniſm grows lefs vifible as they become more perfect. At the end of the quill there is a little hole, by which the blood-veſſels enter, juſt as they enter into a tooth by a little hole that is at the extremity of the root. The pith, which is taken from the infide of a quill when we cut it to make a pen, in young birds is a great fleſhy ca- nal, juſt like a vein filled with lymph, about which the blood veffels, which entred at the end of the quill, ſpread themſelves and divide into a thouſand little branches, But if we would know what this great fleſhy canal is, we muſt not examine it in young birds, but in ſuch as are full grown; the point of view in which it is to be placed being no longer the fame. An explanation of the figures. Plate I. Fig. 1. The great feather of the wing of a large young bird, which has not loft its down, being almoft wholly inclofed in the long cartilaginous tube a b, which preferves the vanes of the feather, which at prefent are only a fort of pap. Fig. 2. Reprefents the fame feather, with the quill opened lengthwife, to fhew in its cavity a large and long cavernous fleshy body, cd, upon which are ſpread an infinite number of ſmall blood- veffels, which enter by the lower hole d, to pour their lymph into the caverns of this body, to be carried into all the parts of the feather to nouriſh them. Fig. 3. The pith taken out of the quill of a large young bird, to fhew them more cafily and diftinctly. Fig. 4. Cavernous bodies compofed of funnels towards the upper part, and cups in the reft, I which ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 19 which are feen in the great quills of young birds, when they begin to dry and become tranſparent. Fig. 5. Three funnels boxed into one another, which are taken out of the canal a of Fig. 4, to fhew how the canals of theſe funnels enter after- wards into their pavilions, to carry the lymph into the veins and pith of the feather Fig. 2. to which the canal e is faftened at the place c. Fig. 6. Little bags or cups of which the body repreſented in Fig. 4. is chiefly compofed. We fee then in grown birds, that this canal is compofed of feveral little tranſparent cups, pla- ced one above another, and difpofed in fuch a manner, that the bottom of the lower one is ar- ticulated, or faftened into the opening of the up- per one, and fo upwards on to the top of the quill. But when we come near to the vanes of the feather, theſe little cups become like funnels, at leaſt in ſome fpecies of birds, as in turkeys. The tube of the lower funnel enters into the pa- vilion of the upper one, and faftens itſelf to the bottom of it, and the tube of the laft funnel enters into the pith of the feather. The blood-veffels pour their lymph into theſe little cups, and thence it is filtred to the top of the quill, whence it enters into the pith of the feather, which being only a fpongy ſubſtance ea- fily imbibes it, and diftributes it on both fides into the vanes. In turkeys this pith is nothing but an affemblage of an infinite number of pretty fenfible canals; for the parts of the organs of an animal are themſelves organifed, and the complication of the mechanifm is infinite; and there is hardly any room to queſtion, but that the other birds whofe canals of the pith of the feather are not vifible, C 2 are 20 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the are found there only in fmall, and perform the fame functions. M. Poupart has obferved that one fingle fea- ther of a young vultur, with the down ftill on, weighed more than fix other feathers of the fame bignefs that were in their perfection, it was fo loaded with nutritious juices; and thence he con- cludes, that as feathers are inftruments abfolutely neceffary for birds to feek their ſubſiſtance, nature makes hafte to bring them to perfection, and la- bours about them with more diligence than fhe does in moſt of her other works. One might be contented with ſeeing that the cavity of the quill had been wrought by nature, to reconcile at once ftrength, fupplenefs and lightneſs; but we fee befides that this void ferves for a magazine to the nourishment which is to be diftributed thro' the whole feather, and that the fame mean anſwers to feveral views at once. It is another curiofity, to obſerve the care that nature takes to preferve the fprouting feathers of young birds. The vanes of thefe feathers are at firſt ſo tender and delicate, that they ſeem to be meer pap. They are alfo rolled up in a long cartilaginous tube, full of moisture, that they may not be expoſed to the air, which would fo dry them and ſhut up their pores, that they could not receive any nouriſhment. But when they are ſtrong enough to be no longer afraid of the action of the air, the cafe, in which they were rolled up, becoming no longer neceffary, dries up and falls off of itſelf in ſcales. V. Of the tigers in China. F. Gouye has communicated an anatomical de- fcription of a friped tiger, made at China by the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 21 the Jefuits. We hardly know in Europe any tigers, but fuch as have their ſkin marked with fpots; but in Tartary and China they have a fort which is marked with black ſtripes; and in thoſe countries it is pretended that they are two diffe- rent fpecies, tho' they do not ſeem to have any other difference. The ftriped tiger, which the Jefuits of China diffected, had been killed in hunting by the emperor, together with four others: It weighed but 265 pounds, fo that it was none of the biggeft; one of the others weigh'd 400 pounds. That which was diffected, had of its ftomach full of worms, and it could not be faid to be corrupted: One of the company faid he had found the fame thing in another tiger, which he had feen opened at Macao. Y M 3 VI. The pofition of fome towns in China, Turkey, and Armenia. F. Gouye having collected the obfervations made by the Jefuits in theſe countries, has calcu- lated them all, and drawn from them the pofi- tions of ſeveral towns: He has chofen the leaft doubtful operations, has had regard to the error which may be fufpected in the inftruments, he has taken the mean numbers between the greateſt differences, which refult from different obferva- tions made for the fame end. We fhall not give here either the obfervations of the Jefuits, or the calculations of F. Gouye, but only the reſults of them. The longitudes were taken from the immerſions or emerfions of the fatellites of Jupiter, which F. Gouye has reduced to the meridian of Paris, by M. Caffini's tables, and by the neareft obfer- vations 22 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the vations which he has found to have been made at the obſervatory. The pofitions of fome towns in China. Pekim. Lat. N. at the houfe of the Jefuits Longitude It muſt be obſerved, that we here fuppofe, and always fhall here- after ſuppoſe the longitude of Pa- ris to be 39 54 136 46 30 22 3 Ning-po or Liampo, in the province of Chekiam. Lat. N. Longitude The cape of Ning-po is about 5 leagues more to the E. than Ning- po, which gives almoſt 15′ of a degree in longitude. The Cape-Vert is more W. than Paris by Which gives the difference in lon- 29 56 141 18 } 19 30 gitude between Cape Vert and 138 33 Ning-po However F. Coronelli in his great 1163 37 globe makes it 1 Kiam-Cheu, a town of the firſt rank in the province Lat. N. Longitude Lat. N. Longitude of Xanfi. Nan Kim. 1 "} 35 37 131 39 15 32 4 139 Xambay, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 23 Xambay, a town of the third order on the E. coaft of China, and upon a great river named Ho- ampou, 4 leagues from the fea, Lat. N. The obfervations from which this latitude was taken, are not abſo- lutely certain. There may be 2 minutes difference. Longitude 1 31 16 141 41 45 Sing-ghan-fu, capital of the province of Xenfi. Latitude N. Longitude 34 16 45 129 6 45 Nam-cham-fu, capital of the province of Kiamfi. Latitude. 28 40 Kam-cheu-fu of Kiamfi. Latitude 28 49 54 Nan-ghan-fu of Kiamfi. Latitude 25 27 31 $ Xoacheu. Latitude 24 44 10 It is doubtful. } Canton. Latitude Longitude 23 746 133 13 15 } ! Tho' the latitude is different from all thoſe that have hitherto been affigned to this city, yet we may depend more upon this, becauſe it is drawn from the moſt exact and numerous obfervations. Su-cheu-fu, in the province of Namkim. Latitude Longitude ( 11 1 1 O 1 31 17 50 140 16 15 The 24 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the The obfervations, from which F. Gouye has concluded theſe latitudes and longitudes, which will ſerve to rectify the map of China, are received from the Fathers de Fontanay, le Comte, Bouvet, Gerbillon, and Vifdelou. ! The academy received alfo in June a letter from F. de Fontenay, dated Nov. 8. 1697, at Tchaot- cheou, a city of the first order in the province of Canton. He gave an account of an obſervation he had made of mercury in the fun at Tchaotcheou, Nov. 3, 1697, Tho' he did not think it himſelf entirely exact, F. Gouye calculated it, in order to compare it with the obſervation at Paris. He found by this compariſon, that the total emerfion of mercury from the difk of the fun, which was feen at Tchaotcheou at 3 48 44 afternoon, was h 1 h ſeen at Paris at 8 10 24 in the morning, and that confequently the difference of the meridians of h Tchaotcheou and Paris, is 7 38 20, which be- ing valued in degrees, and added to the longi- tude of Paris, gives the longitude of Tchaotcheou F. Fontenay judges alfo by efti- mation, that Tchaotcheou is more eafterly than Canton Whence the longitude of Canton would refult It has been found by the Satellites to be 137 5 30 3 30 } 133 35 30 }: $133 13 15 // Which is a fufficient conformity for fuch great diſtances, and in fuch nice operations. The ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 25 The pofitions of fome towns of Turkey and Armenia, Smyrna. Latitude 38 12 39 Coronelli makes it 39 15 L Trebifonde. Latitude Riccioli makes it Longitude 41 3 54 43 11 65 0 45 o Coronelli makes it 71 30 Erzeron. Latitude Longitude 39 56 35 68 45 45 Eruan. 40 19 33 · Latitude F. Gouye has drawn thefe conclufions from the obfervations of F. de Beze. VI. The effects of burning glaſſes of three or four feet in diameter. M. Tfchirnhaus has cut fome burning glaffes, the effects of which are above all that has yet been feen. What he has communicated to us is as follows. 1. You muſt place the glaſs ab, * ſo that it may receive the rays of the fun full, which may be known by the focus or image of the fun E, appearing perfectly round on the plank cd, which muſt be parellel to the glafs a b; and if this fi- gure fhould be oval, you must bend and turn the glaſs till it arrives at this perfect roundneſs; and then wood will catch fire in a moment, lead will *Plate I. Fig. 7. VOL. I. No. 1. Fiz. D melt, 26 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the melt, flates will vitrify, &c. and this at the dif- tance of 12 feet, the focus being 1 inch in dia- meter. To render this focus more vivid, you muſt contract it by means of a fecond lens, which muſt be placed at fg, parallel to the firſt glaſs a b, and then the focus, which was at E, will be at H, and whereas it had a diameter of 1 inch, it will have one of 8 lines; but its force will be much augmented, fo that the fubftances, which were not fufible at E, will melt at H. I 3. This glaſs muſt be mounted on a foot like that which bears the great burning mirrour of the obfervatory, that it may be turned every way, and placed in a convenient fituation to receive the rays of the fun always full upon the glafs. Thefe rays are always ftrongeſt from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, both in fummer and win- ter. It muſt be obſerved alſo to expoſe leſs mat- ter in winter than in fummer, and that the ef- fects are a little flower in winter. Theſe effects are: 1. Every fort of wood, let it be ever ſo hard, or ever fo green, nay, tho' it be foaked in water, will catch fire in a moment. 2. Water in a ſmall veffel will boil in a mo- ment. 3. Bits of metal being of a proportionate big- nefs will melt, not in a moment, but immedi- ately after the whole bit of metal has attained to a certain degree of heat. For example, a bit of lead, if it is too big, will not melt at all, but be- ing of a proportionate bignefs, it muſt be held a little while in the focus; and when it begins to melt in one place, all the reft will continue to melt. The iron muſt be in very thin flakes, and then ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 27 then it will grow red in a moment, and after- wards melt alfo. 4. Tiles, flates, pumice-ftones, earthen ware, &c. of any bignefs whatſoever, grow red in a moment and vitrify. 5. Sulphur, pitch, and all forts of refins melt under water. 6 When you expofe to it in fummer any ten- der wood, fuch as fir, under water, it does not ſeem to change it on the outfide; but when it is cleft in two, it is found burnt within to a coal. 7. If you make a hollow in a coal of hard wood, and put the fubftances into it that you would expofe to the fun, the effect will be infi- nitely more violent. 8. Any metal whatſoever put into the hollow of a charcoal melts in a moment, and fire fparkles in it as in a forge; and if you keep the metals in this manner in fufion for fome time, they fly quite away, which happens particularly and very readily to lead and tin. 9. The afhes of wood, herbs, paper, linnen, &c. turn to a tranfparent glafs in a moment. 10. If any fubftances will not melt when they are in pieces, you muſt expoſe them in powder; and if they do not melt in powder, you muſt add fome falt, and the whole will melt. 11. The fubftances, which are moſt altered by this fire, are fuch as are black, and remain black in melting; the more difficult are fuch as are white and become black in melting; ftill more difficult are thofe which are black and become white in melting; the moſt difficult of all are the white fubftances, which remain white in melting, fuch as flints, Engliſh chalk, lime, &c. 12. All D 2 28 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 12. All metals vitrify on a China plate, pro- vided it is thick enough not to melt itſelf, and the fire is given it by degrees that it may not crackle. Gold receives a fine purple colour in its vitrifi- cation. 13. If you put in a great receiver a b c fome fubftances in which melt eafily, fuch as herbs, fulphur, antimony, zink, biſmuth, &c. by ap- plying a fingle burning glafs, you may obſerve very curious effects in the receiver; but you muſt take care that the part of the receiver a b, which gives paffage to the rays of the fun, may not be near enough to the focus c, for the heat to break the receiver. 14. Salt petre in a fuitable dofe volatiliſes en- rely, and goes off in fmoke; fo that by this means one might make ſpirit of nitre readily in a great receiver. 15. To melt the greateft quantity of matter at once, you muſt put but a little at a time, and when it is melted, add a little more, and fo on. In this manner, you may keep 4 ounces of filver in fu- fion at once. 16. A ſolid ſubſtance which is eaſily put in fufion, may ſerve as a flux to another, which is melted with difficulty, if you expoſe them to the focus together, even tho' there might be but a little of that which is eafily fufible. 17. It is obfervable alfo, that two fubftances, each of which is difficult to melt feparately, when they are expoſed together in a certain dofe, melt very eaſily, as flints and English chalk. 18. A little copper melted in this manner, and thrown quickly into cold water, produces fo vio- lent a ftroak in this water, that the ftrongeſt earthen veffels break, and the copper flies away divided into fuch fmall parts, that there cannot I the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 29 the leaft grain be found, which does not happen to any other metal. 19. As metals evaporate in the fufion, fome fooner than others, fome of them may thereby purify others; for example, filver may be puri- fied by lead, as well as by the ordinary cuppel. 20. You may make by it all forts of coloured glaſs. 21. All bodies, except metals, loſe their co- lours in this fire, and even precious ftones are quickly deprived of theirs; fo that an oriental ruby lofes all its colour in a moment. 22. Some bodies vitrify immediately, and be- come as tranſparent as cryftal, and when cool they become as white as milk, and loſe all their transparence. 23. Some bodies on the contrary, which are opake in the fufion, become finely tranfparent when they are cold. 24. Some fubftances are very tranfparent in the fufion, and remain fo when cold; but fome days after they become opake. 25. Some ſubſtances, which the fire changes into a glaſs, that is tranfparent at firſt, and after- wards becomes opake, being melted with other fubftances that are always opake, will produce a fine glaſs, which will always remain tranfparent. 26. Thoſe bodies, which change into a tranf parent glaſs, become much more beautiful, if they are left a little longer in the focus. 27. Some ſubſtances turn to fo hard a glaſs, that being cut in facets, it cuts common glaſs. 28. When you melt lead and tin together on a thick plate of copper, there comes out a great deal of imoke; but if there is only one of them, and they do not go off entirely in fmoke, there remains always a vitrified fcorium. 29. You 30 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 29. You may concentrate the rays of the moon by theſe glaffes, but they will give no fen- fible heat, tho' they make a great brightneſs. 30. You may make alfo with thefe glaffes curious reprefentations in opticks, and better than with the concave mirrours; and you may make alfo glaffes for teleſcopes and microſcopes, much better than any that have hitherto been feen. VII. On a machine made to prove the pro- portion of the fall of bodies. The ingenious hypothefis of Galileo, on the proportion according to which the quickness of falling bodies increaſes, is from henceforth efta- bliſhed in phyficks. By dividing into equal parts the time of the fall of a body, we know that in the ſecond moment it goes thro' 3 times more ſpace than in the firft, 5 times more in the third, and fo on, according to the odd numbers. But this hypotheſis, ſo convenient for calculation, and fo probable in reafoning, is however not good at the bottom, any other wife than as it agrees with experience, and this is not very eafy to prove in a great degree of exactnefs. For this purpoſe, F. Sebastien has conceived and very exactly executed a machine, which feemed to him more fit to prove the fyftem of Galileo, than the other experiments which have been made with the fame defign. This machine is compofed of 2 or 4 equal pa- rabolas, which interfect at their top by making equal angles, and have a common axis perpen- dicular to the horizon. This forms a para- boloid, about which there turns a fpiral, com- pofed of two parallel brafs wires, which make a very narrow inclined plane, and fo dif pofed, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 31 pofed, that the firſt turn of the ſpiral being I inch in diameter, the fecond is 3, the third 5, the fourth 7, &c. Thefe turns of the fpiral, which are to each other as their diameters, are the unequal spaces which the falling bodies muft go thro' in equal times. We fee therefore, that if we let a little ivo- ry ball of 6 inches in diameter fall from the top of the paraboloid, and paſs thro' the whole inclined fpiral plane, it will pafs thro' all the turns in the fame time; and this will appear ftill better, if 2 equal balls turn about a paraboloid at the fame time, and at fome diftance from each other; for when one has ſeen them pafs in the fame inftant over the fame arch of one of the parabolas, one fees that they continue to go always together, and to be found at the fame inftant over every other arch whatſoever, tho' being at different heights they go through very unequal turns of the fpiral. ୮ ΑΝ ΑΝ ABRIDGMENT OF THE Philofophical Memoirs OF THE HISTORY of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at Paris for the Year 1699*. 1. Reflections on light and colours, and on the generation of fire, by F. Mallebranche. IN N order to explain my notion of the natural cauſes of light and colours, let us imagine a great ball preffed on the outfide by an infinite force, and filled with a fluid matter, the motion of which is fo rapid, that not only the whole turns with a great deal of quickneſs, about a common centre, but alſo, that each part, to ful- fil its whole motion, that is, to move as much as it has force to do fo, is obliged either to turn upon the centre of an infinite number of little vortices, or elfe to flow among them, and all this with an extraordinary rapidity. In a word, let us imagine the matter contained in this ball to be nearly fuch, as M. Defcartes has affigned to our vortex; excepting that the globules of his fecond element, which he ſuppoſes to be hard, are them- felves only little vortices, or at leaſt that they have no hardneſs, but by the compreffion of the * April 4. 169 matter ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 33 1 matter which furrounds them. For if theſe globules were hard of themſelves, which I think I have fufficiently proved * to be falſe, they could not, as we fhall fee hereafter, tranfmit the light and dif- ferent colours thro' the fame point, where the rays croſs. But if this fuppofition meets with any difficulty, it is fufficient at prefent to imagine a ball full of water, or rather of a matter infi- nitely fluid, and extremely compreffed on the outſide. The circle ABC† is the ſection of this ball thro' the centre. This being fuppofed, if we make a little hole. in this ball, as at A, I fay, that all the parts of water, as thoſe, for inftance, at R, S, T, V, will tend towards the point A, in right lines RA, SA, TA, VA. For all theſe parts, which were equally preffed, ceafing to be fo on the fide which an- fwers to the hole A, they muſt tend thither; fince every body that is preffed muft tend to move it- felf by the fide where it finds the leaſt reſiſtance: But if we put a pifton to the aperture A, and drive it quickly in, the fame parts R, S, T, V, &c. will all endeavour to remove from the hole by the fame right lines A R, A S, &c. becauſe when the pifton advances, they are more preffed by the fide which anfwers to them directly, than by any other. In fine, if we conceive that the pifton advances and retires very quickly, then all the parts of the fluid matter which fills the ball exactly, the elaf- ticity of which I fuppofe to be very great, or that it ſtretches or extends itfelf with great diffi- culty, will receive an infinite number of fhocks, which I call vibrations of preffure. Ch. Dernier de la Recherche de la Verite, Plate II. Fig. 1. VOL. I. No. 1. E As 34 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the As every thing is full, our eyes are actually preffed, tho' fhut or in the dark. But this com- preffion of the optic nerve does not excite any fenfa- tion of colours, becauſe this nerve is always equally compreffed: for the fame reafon that we do not feel the weight of the air which furrounds us, tho' as heavy as 28 inches of quickfilver. But, if we imagine an eye at T, or elſewhere, turned towards a flambeau at A; the parts of the flame being in a continual motion, will prefs without ceafing more ſtrongly than in the dark, and by very quick ſhakes or vibrations, the fubtile mat- ter on all fides, and confequently becauſe of the plenum, quite to the end of the eye; and the op- tic nerve, being more preffed than ufual, and fhaken by thefe vibrations, will excite in the mind a fenfation of light, and of a lively and glaring whiteneſs. If we ſuppoſe at S, a black body M; the ſub- tile matter not being reflected towards the eye turned that way, and not fhaking the optic nerve, we ſhall fee black, as when we look into the mouth of a cave, or the hole of the fight of an eye. If the body M is fuch, that the fubtile matter, which the flambeau fhakes, is reflected from this body towards the eye, without the quicknefs of the vibrations diminishing, this body will appear white, and fo much the more white, as there are more rays reflected. It will alfo appear luminous like the flame, if the body M being polifhed, the rays are all reflected, or a great part of them, in the fame order, becaufe the brightneſs comes from the force of the vibrations, and the colour from their quickneſs. But if the body M is fuch, that the ſubtile matter being reflected has its vibrations lefs quick in ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 35 in certain degrees, which I do not think we can determine exactly; we fhall have fome one of the colours which are called primitive, yellow, red, or blue, if all the parts of the body M equally diminish the vibrations caufed by the flame in the fubtile matter. And we fhall fee all the other colours which are formed by the mixture of the primitive, according as the parts of the body M fhall unequally diminish the quicknefs of the vibrations of the light. This is what I meant, when I advanced in fome of my books, that light and colours confifted only in different fakes or vibrations of the etherial matter, or in † more or lefs quick vibrations of preffure, which the fubtile matter produced on the retina. * at This plain difcovery of my opinion will per- haps make it appear fomething probable; leaſt to thoſe who are acquainted with the philo- fophy of M. Defcartes, and are not contented with the explication which that learned man has given of colours. But that a more folid judgment may be formed of my opinion, it will be necef- fary to give fome proof of it; and therefore we fhall obferve: 1. That found is heard only by the medium of the vibrations of the air, which fhakes the audi- tory nerve: for when we have drawn the air as much as we can out of the pneumatic engine, the found does not pafs thro' it, but is louder as the air is condenfed, and lefs in proportion as it is rarefied. 2. That the difference of tones does not come from the force of the vibrations of the air, but from their greater or lefs quicknefs, as all the world knows. * Recherche de la Verite, tom. 2. pag. 364. Entretiens fur la Metaph 12. Entr. n. 1. E 2 3. Thar f 36 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 3. That tho' the impreffions, which objects make on the organs of our fenfes, differ fometimes only as to more and lefs, yet the fentiments, which the mind receives from them, differ effentially. There are no fenfations more oppofite than pleaſure and pain; yet he that fcratches with pleaſure, will feel pain if he fcratches a little harder: be- cauſe the greater or lefs motion in our fibres dif fers effentially with refpect to the well being of the body, and our fenfes inform us only of this relation. It is very probable, that ſweet and bit- ter, which caufe fuch oppofite fenfations, often differ only as to more and lefs; for there are fome who think bitter what others think fweet. There are fome fruits which to-day are fweet, and to- morrow will be bitter. A little difference there- fore in the bodies renders them capable of caufing very oppofite fenfations. In a word, the laws of the union of the foul and body are arbitrary, and there is nothing in the objects like the fenfations that we have of them. It is certain, that colours depend naturally on the ſhaking of the organ of the fight. Now this fhaking can be only ſtrong and weak, or quick and flow. But experience fhows, that the more or leſs ſtrength or weakneſs of the fhaking of the optic nerve does not alter the fpecies of the co- lour; fince the more or lefs light, on which de- pends the more or lefs of this force, does not ufually fhew the colours of a different and quite oppofite fpecies. It is therefore neceffary to con- clude, that it is the more or lefs quickneſs in the vibrations of the optic nerve, or of the fhocks of the fpirits contained in them, that changes the fpecies of colours, and confequently that the cauſe of theſe fenfations comes primitively from the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 37 the more or less quick vibrations of the fubtile matter, which compreffes the retina. Thus it is with light and different colours, as it is with found and different tones. The great- ness of the found comes from the more or less force of the vibrations of the grofs air, and the diver- fity of the tones from the more or lefs quickness of the fame vibrations, as all agree. The force or brightnefs of the colours comes therefore alfo from the more or lefs force of the vibrations, not of the air, but of the fubtile matter, and the diffe- rent fpecies of colours from the more or lefs quick- ness of the fame vibrations. When one has looked at the fun, and the optic nerve has been very much fhaken by the bright- nefs of its light, becauſe the fibres of this nerve are fituated in the focus of the tranſparent humours of the eye; then if one fhuts the eyes, or enters into a dark place, the fhaking of the optic nerve will alter only as to more and lefs. However, we fhall fee different colours, white at firft, yel- low, red, blue, and fome of thofe which are formed by the mixture of the primitives, and in the laft place black. Whence we may conclude, that the vibrations of the retina, which are very quick at first, become flower by degrees. For once more, it is not the greatness or force of thefe vibrations, but their quickness that changes the fpecies of the colours; fince red, for example, ap- pears red to a weak as well as to a ſtrong light. We might therefore judge perhaps by the feries of thefe colours, if it was very conftant, that the vibrations of the yellow are more quick than thofe of the red, and of the red than of the blue, and fo of the other colours that fucceed. But it feems to me impoffible to difcover precifely by this means, or even by any other, the exact relations of 38 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the of the quickneſs of theſe vibrations, as they have been diſcovered in the confonances of mufick. We can therefore only conjecture, and have re- courfe to the probable. As the air is compreffed only by the weight of the atmoſphere, there must be fome little time allowed for every particle of air to remove the next to it. Therefore found tranfmits itſelf pretty flowly. It travels no more than about 180 toifes in a fecond. But it is otherwife with light, be- caufe all the parts of the ethereal light touch one another, and are very fluid, and especially, be- cauſe they are compreffed by the weight, if I may ſo ſpeak of all the vortices. So that the vibrations of preffure, or the action of the lumi- nous body, muft communicate from a great dif- tance in a very little time. And if the compref- fion of the parts, which compofe our vortex, was infinite, then the vibrations of preffure muſt be made in an inſtant. M. Huygens, in his treatife of light *, concludes from the eclipfes of the Satellites of Jupiter, that light tranfmits itſelf about 600,000 times fafter than found. Thus the weight or preffure of the whole celeftial matter is without comparifon greater than that which is produced on the earth by the weight of the atmofphere. I think I have fufficiently proved elſewhere †, that the hardneſs of bodies can come only from the preffure of the fubtile matter. And if this is fo, it must be ex- tremely great, feeing fome bodies are fo hard, as to require a very great force to feparate the leaft parts of them. It appears to me, that the pro- portion of the weight of the ather to that of the atmoſphere, is yet greater than that of 600,000 * Page 9. + Recherches de la Ferite, Ch. dernier. to t ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 39 + to 1, and that we may even look upon it as in- finite. Let us therefore now fuppofe, that all the parts of the ather, or fubtile and invifible matter of our vortex are compreffed with an infinite force by thoſe which encompass it, and that each of its parts is very fluid, and has no hardneſs but by the motion of thoſe which encompaſs or compreſs it on all fides. And let us fee how it is poffible in the fyftem that I propofe, that the impreffions of an infinite number of rays, or of different co- lours, communicate without confounding each other. Let us fee how 10,000 rays, which croſs each other in a phyfical, or fenfible point, tranf- mit all their different vibrations thro' the fame. point, fince I have juſt proved, that the difference of colours cannot come but from the more or Jefs quickness of the fame vibrations. Probably the fyftem of the world, which may clear up this grand difficulty, will be conformable to the truth. Let* APE N be the fection of a chamber painted with an infinite variety of colours, and let them be the moſt diftinct that can poffibly be that is, let there be at A white next to the black n; blue b next the red r; yellow i next to the violet v. If from all theſe points A, n, b, r, i, v, there be drawn right lines interfecting each other as in Q, and the eye be placed beyond as at E, c, d, f, g, h, we fhall fee all thefe different colours by the intermiffion of the point of interfection Q: and as this figure reprefents only one row of co- lours, whereas we ought to imagine as many as there are parts that the eye can diftinguifi in a ſphere, the point of interfection Q muft receive Fig. 2. and 40 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the and tranfmit a very great number of different in preffions, without their deſtroying each other. If the phyſical point, or the globule Q was a hard body, as M. Defcartes fuppofes, it would be impoffible for the eye at E to fee the white at A, and another eye at c to fee the black at n. For when a body is perfectly hard, if fome part of this body advances a little, or tends directly towards the optic nerve, as from A towards E, it is neceffary that all the other parts tend thither alfo. Then we fhall not be able to fee the black and the white at the fame time by the rays that in- terfect in Q. M. Defcartes pretends again, that the red is formed by the turning of little globules, which communicate together in the whole ray from the object to the eye. This opinion is infupportable for many reafons. But it is enough to overthrow it, if we do but confider, that if the globule Q turns upon the axis P N from r where there is red, toƒ where the eye is, it will not be able to turn at the fame time upon the axis rf, from N where I again fuppofe red, to P where I fuppofe another eye. I Moreover, when I fay that the rays interfect in the globule, or vortex Q, I do not pretend that theſe little vortices are exactly fpherical, nor that the viſible rays have the fame thickneſs with a globule of the fecond element or a vortex, do not determine what muſt be the bignefs of theſe rays, for them to be able to fhake the optic nerve fufficiently to fhew the colours. But what I have faid of one fingle globule, must be under- ſtood of a thouſand, or a million, if one ray, in order to be fenfible, muft be extended as far as a thouſand or a million of globules. It ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 41 It is not therefore poffible, that the globule Q, or its like, can tranſmit the action of the light proper to fhew all forts of colours, fuppofing theſe globules to be hard. But if we conceive them in- finitely fluid or foft, fo that the fimple idea of the matter reprefents all the bodies, fince reft has no force, and it is indifferent to each part of a body to be or not to be near its neighbour, and it muft part from it eafily, if fome force, that is, fome motion does not reftrain it; for we do not conceive in the bodies any other force than their motion: if, I fay, we imagine theſe globules very foft, or rather, which I think is the truth, like little vortices, compoſed of a matter almoſt infi- nitely fluid, or extremely agitated, they will be fufceptible of an infinite number of different im- preffions, which they may communicate to others on which they reſt, and with which they are al- moft infinitely compreffed. This I muſt endea- vour to explain and prove. In order to this, it is neceffary perfectly to comprehend, that the re-action, which like the action communicates itſelf at firft in a right line, is here neceffarily equal to the action by this rea- fon effential to the effect in queftion, that our vortex is almoſt infinitely compreffed, and that confequently it cannot have any vacuum in it. If, for example, I was to push my cane againſt an immoveable wall, my hand and cane would be repelled with the fame force which I puſhed with. The reaction will be equal to the action. Now, tho' the rays are not hard like fticks, the fame thing happens with regard to the reaction, be- cauſe of the preffure and plenitude of our vortex. For if we ſuppoſe a barrel full of water, or the ball of the first figure full of air, and that having adapted a pipe to it, we pufh a pifton into the VOL. I. N° 2. F pipe, 42 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the pipe, this piſton will be as much repelled as it is puſhed forward. And if we make beſides in this piſton a little hole, for the water to get out of the barrel, and puſh this pifton, all the water, that fhall be compreffed by it, will tend at the fame time, becauſe of its fluidity, to remove itſelf from each point of this pifton by the action, and by the reaction it will approach the hole in the mid- dle. For if the pifton was puſhed with fufficient force and quicknefs, the barrel would burft in the weakest place, wherefoever it was, a certain mark, that by the action of the pifton, the water would prefs the barrel every where, and if the piſton is puſhed ever ſo little, the water will immediately fpout out of the little hole in confequence of the reaction. And all this, becauſe the reaction is equal to the action in the plenum, and the water or fubtile matter is foft enough or fluid enough for each part to form itſelf in fuch a manner as to anſwer all forts of impreffions. It muſt be obſerved, that the more ftrongly we puſh the piston that is let into the barrel, by fo much more is the water, tho' driven toward the concave furface of the barrel, ftrongly repelled toward the piſton, and ſpouts at its aperture with the more force. Whence it is eaſy to judge, that a black point on a white paper muſt be more vi- fible than on a blue paper: becauſe the white re- turning the light more ftrongly than any other colour, not only fhakes the optic nerve very much, but is the caufe that the fubtile matter tends by the reaction toward the black point with more force; but if the ethereal matter was not infi- nitely foft or fluid, it is clear, that the globules which tranfmit the impreffion of the white, being hard, muſt hinder that of the black; becauſe thefe globules fuftaining each other, could not terd ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 43 ۲ tend toward the black point: and if this ethereal matter was not compreffed, there would be no reaction. What I have juſt ſaid of the white and black, may be applied to the other colours. But it would be very difficult to do it particularly, and to anſwer the difficulties which many people might form on this fubject; for it is eaſy to make ob- jections on obfcure fubjects. I think however, that I have clearly proved, that the different co- lours confift only in the different quickness of the vibrations of preffure of the fubtile matter; as the different tones of mufick come only from the dif- ferent quickness of the vibrations of the grofs air, as we learn from experience, which vibrations alfo crofs without deftroying each other. It ought not to be imagined, that what I have faid of the globules of the ſecond element, which far from thinking hard, I rather look upon as little vortices of a fluid matter, can overthrow the philofophy of M. Defcartes. On the con- trary, if my opinion is true, it perfects what is general in his fyftem. For if my opinion may ferve to explain light and colours, it feems to me alfo very proper to refolve, conformably to the principles of this philofopher, other general quef- tions in natural philofophy; as for example, to ex- plain the generation and furprifing effects of fire, which I fhall now endeavour to do. On the generation of fire: As bodies cannot naturally acquire any motion, unless it is communicated to them by fome others, it is plain, that fire cannot be kindled without the communication of the motion of the fubtile matter to the groffer bodies. M. Defcartes, we know, ſuppoſes, that it is only the firft element that com- municates F 2 44 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 く ​municates its motion to the third, of which the groffer bodies are compofed, and which by agi- tating them fets them on fire. According to him, when we let off a gun, we forcibly detach a little part of the flint. (I ſhould rather it was a part torn from the fteel that kindled; for when we examine with a microſcope the fparks of fire ga- thered together, we fee that it is the fteel that has been diffolved and reduced to globules, or little ferpents; and I have not obſerved any alteration to be made in the fparks detached from the flint.) This little part being detached from the iron whirling round with force, drives the globules of the ſecond element, and makes the first flow back upon it, which encompaffing it on all fides, com- municates to it a part of its rapid motion which makes it appear in fire. This is pretty nearly the opinion of M. Defcartes on the generation of fire. But if the globules are hard, and all of them touch, as he ſuppoſes for the explication of co- lours; it is difficult to comprehend how the firſt element could flow back towards the part detached from the iron; and that with a fufficient abun- dance to encompaſs it and fet it on fire; and not only it, but all the powder of a cannon or of a mine, the effects of which are violent. For the firſt element that can flow back can be at moſt but a very ſmall portion of the fubtile matter, which fills the little triangular and hollow ſpaces, which the globules leave between them. I fhall therefore thus explain the generation of fire and its violent effects, on the fuppofition that the globules of the fecond element are in effect only little vortices, of a fluid matter very much agitated. But it muſt firſt be obſerved, that tho' the air is not neceffary to excite any little ſpark of fire, yet without ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 45 without air the fire foon goes out, and cannot fo much as communicate itſelf to the gun-powder, which is fo ready to catch fire. When we dif charge in vacuo a piftol well primed, we learn by experience, that for want of air the prime does not take, and that it is very difficult to fee fo much as one ſpark from it. In fhort, every one knows that fire goes out for want of air, and kindles by blowing. This being fuppofed, I ex- plain the generation of fire, and its quick effect in mines after the following manner. If one lets off a firelock in vacuo, the force of the ftroke beats off a ſmall part of the iron or fteel. This little part whirling round, and ſtrik- ing quickly on fome little vortices of the fecond element, breaks them, and confequently deter- mines their parts to encompaſs, and afterwards to agitate it and fet it on fire. But the matter of theſe vortices, which we cannot imagine too much agitated, after having had in an inſtant a great number of irregular motions, partly replaces itſelf quickly in new vortices, and partly eſcapes into the intervals of the furrounding vortices, which intervals become greater, when theſe vortices ap- proach the detached part of the iron: and theſe laft vortices are not broken, becauſe the part of the iron which is rounded or almoft cylindrical, turning upon its centre or length, does not ſhock the encompaffed vortices in a manner fit to break them. All this is done, as it were in an inftant, when the iron and flint fhock each other in a place void of air, and the ſpark is then hardly viſible and does not continue. But when we let off the firelock in the open air, the part torn from the iron, by whirling ſtrongly, not only meets and ſhakes fome little ortices, but a great many parts of air, which were 46 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the were branched, meet, and confequently break bý their motion many more vortices, than the little part of the iron could by itſelf. So that the fub- tile matter of theſe vortices, coming to encompaſs the fire and the air, it gives them a fufficient num- ber of different motions, to repel the other vor- tices ftrongly. Thus the fparks muſt be much brighter in the air than in vacuo: they muft alfo continue longer, and have force enough to fet fire to the gun-powder. And this powder cannot want fubtile matter to ſet it on fire, what quantity of powder foever there is, fince it is not only the matter of the first element, as M. Defcartes be- lieved, but much more that of the fecond, or of the ſmall broken vortices, that produces the ex- traordinary motion of the fire in the mines. If we reflect upon what happens to the fire, when a great deal of air is driven againſt it, we fhall not queftion but that the parts of air are very fit to break a great many of the vortices of the ſecond element, and confequently to determine the fub- tile matter to communicate a part of its motion to the fire. For it is only from this matter, that the fire can draw its force or its motion; fince it is certain, that a body cannot move but by the action of thoſe which encompafs or fhock it. The prodigious effects of the great burning mirrours fufficiently prove, that the fubtile matter is the true cauſe of fire. The rays of light croffing each other at the focus of theſe mirrours, the little vortices of the ethereal matter of which theſe rays are compofed, muft change their circular motion different ways, and tend to move themſelves all the fame way, that is, according to the axis of the cone of reflected light, and to pierce alfo and ſhake the parts of the body which they meet, and to inflame them. II. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 47 II. A defcription of a new fort of flood-gate, ufed in the undertaking of the new navi- gation of the Seine, by M. des Billettes *. This gate is quite fingular, and has no relation to any that has been ſeen in any of the other na- vigations, The principal properties of it are: 1. It faves at leaſt a foot of excavation, which is known to be a great advantage in this fort of works. 2. It is of extraordinary ftrength, and in a manner invincible. 3. It is not faſtened to the piles, and confe- quently independent on the inconveniences of all thoſe that are fo. 4. A fingle man can open it with ſo much eaſe and quickneſs, that a mariner, when he is within a hundred toifes above or below, need only blow a horn, and he finds it open before he gets to it. Thus the navigation is never interrupted, as it uſually happens at other gates, where whole hours are often loft whilft they are opening them. 5. If there are any repairs to be made, two men can get it out of the water in of an hour; and as ſoon as it is mended, they replace it in an inftant. 6. There can be no gathering of fand or other things, to hinder the opening of it, but what may be taken away in a moment. 7. Tho' it is very fimple, and more certain than any that has been made till now, it cofts much lefs, and is not ſubject to the accidents of other conftructions. It was invented by the late duke of Rouanez. * May 2, 1699. 2 The 48 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the The construction. We fhall here only give a geometrical plan of this gate, with a profile of one of its arms, with- out entering into the explication of thoſe parts, which are neceffary to all forts of fluices. گرام Having therefore fuppofed the excavation to be as it ought, and the two floors above and below proper for the emplacement of this gate, whether open or fhut, with all the conditions requifite to hinder the water from paffing underneath, or da- maging the piles of the canal, we fhall content ourfelves with obferving here, that theſe two floors are in a manner made into one, being joined by a platform common to both, and making part of them. * This platform is here reprefented by 4 pricked lines, and marked A. B. B. A. It is made of 4 pieces of crooked wood, placed end to end, and making together 48 feet in length, and 18 inches in breadth. Its bend is 2 portions of a circle, which meet in the middle of the canal at the points B. B. the centres of which are about 30 feet be- low, and a little without its alinement. This canal is here marked by the 2 parallel pricked lines c. c. c. €. Into each of theſe two centres is driven a great ftake 15 or 16 feet long, and 18 or 20 inches thick, of which there remains out of the ground. only the length of about 2 feet, rounded into a trunnion of 10 inches diameter. Theſe two ſtakes are the pivots of the gate, and marked P. P. It has fince been found more proper (in- ſtead of making this trunnion out of the thickneſs of the wood) to cut the head of the ftake quite Plate II. Fig. 3: fmooth, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 49 Imooth, and place in the centre of it a pin of iron about 4 inches in diameter or a little more. We ſhall now fhew in what the gate alone confifts. It has 2 leaves, each of which is compoſed of 2 great arms and 2 fmall ones. The great arms marked D. D. D. D. are pieces of wood, 30 feet long, and 10 or 12 inches fquare, joined and bound together with great ferrels and iron pins at the lower end, and fepa- rated at the upper end by a diſtance of 5 or 6 feet. At a little above the diſtance of a foot from the extremity of their union, they are cut in fuch a manner as to form a round hole, into which the trunnions of the pivots enter. At their feparated ends they are mortifed into 2 curbs of wood, 12 or 13 feet long to 7 inches fquare, marked E E, which are arched like the platform, and meet in like manner at the points B. B. when the gate is fhut. And on both fides they are faftened to the curbs by mortifed binders F. At 10 feet from the curbs, the arms are faf- tened by croſs quarters GG; and in like man- ner alfo at about 8 or 9 feet from the extremity of their lower ends. At about 6 feet from their lower extremity, there arife alfo 2 other ſmaller arms of which the tenons below enter into the mortifes H; and feparating afterwards by a very acute angle, rife at their other end about 4 feet higher, and are mortifed into another curb raiſed parallel above the firft. They are again fupported by upright poſts, mortifed into the great arms at the places I. One of thefe little arms joined to the great one, and at once to the upper and lower curbs, may be ſeen in the profile mentioned afterwards. VOL. I. No. 2. G As 50 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the As the great arms are faſtened by binders to the lower curbs which reft on the platform, the fmall ones are likewife faſtened by like binders, to curbs 4 feet higher than theſe, and are likewife held by a cross quarter like that at G. Theſe upper and lower curbs are connected with upright pofts, and binders mortifed into each. The place of theſe mortifes may be ſeen in 12 places of thefe lower curbs. Against thefe curbs are faftened vertically, on the fide of their convexity, fome planks, which make a kind of fection of a portal and it is thereby that the water is kept up on the floors above and below. They are allowed to be 6 or 7 feet high or more, according as there is water to fuftain in proportion to the piles and cham- bords of the canal. One of theſe planks is marked in the profile, at** e e. The two upright pofts, which are at the extre- mity of each curb, bear at the bottom each of them on a roller, or cylinder, 10 inches in dia- meter, and 7 long. And it is by thefe 4 rollers. that the gate turns upon the platform: one of thefe rollers is in the profile marked j. At the bottom of the planks in the fore part, or above the ſtream, there are little boards applied refting on the chant, and faſtened by hinges, fo that they play like the lid of a box againſt the tringle of wood raiſed and nailed along the whole bend of the platform. So that by this means the water cannot enter under the gate by the intervals of the rollers; and yet when any weeds, fand, wood, or other fubftances ftop before or above theſe boards, they are let under the gate in a mo- Fig. 4. ment, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 51 ment, by raiſing theſe little boards with a chain or hook. To open and ſhut the gate eafily, there is placed on each fide a vertical windlafs, or capftan, near the edge of the canal. About this windlafs is an iron chain, the two ends of which are faftened near each other on the curb above, after having made a turn on a roller or pully faftened to the pile; and by this means one man alone turning the capftan, by a lever, one way opens the gate, and the other way fhuts it in a very little time. Each leaf of the gate, when it is open, places itſelf in an excavation as low as the floors, repre- fented by the triangles of pricked lines * A. K. L. This emplacement is called the étang, or pond, becauſe the water has no courſe. To keep the boats from ftriking against the pivots, there are two ftakes Q. Q. placed before them, which are called pieux de garde, or pieux de defenfe; that is, guarding ftakes. It This gate may be made fimple, and has fome- times been made fo; that is, of one leaf only, which bars the whole breadth of the canal. has only 2 great arms at the extremities, that is, to right and left, and two others fhorter between them, butting only on a croſs quarter which holds the first; and very little different alfo in its con- ſtruction, wherefore it is not neceffary to ſpeak of it here, becauſe the former is much better. This fimple one has but one leaf, which extends over the whole breadth of the canal; it turns alfo on a ſingle pivot, and has need only of one pond to place itſelf when it is open. But tho' this fingle pivot muſt ſuſtain the whole effort of the water of the canal; whereas the two-leaved gate has 2 pivots, each of which fuftains but half this effort, Fig. 3. G 2 yet 52 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the yet the fimple one is however very excellent, and may be neceſſary on fome occafions, where we can have the pond but on one fide. An explanation of the profile of one of the leaves, which muſt be imagined to be elevated on the geometrical plan of the others. a a DDIR is the affemblage of the great and little arm, with one of the upright pofts of the gate, which is marked R. H is the place of the mortife marked in the plan of the gate: I one of the upright pofts which holds the upper and lower arms together. P is one of the great ftakes ferving for pivots to the gate T is the trunnion. M is a brace of 2 large pieces joined together to hold the trunnion. N is one of the ſtakes which hold the brace in notches, and ferve together with the brace to make the pivot ftronger againſt the force of the water ſuſtained by the gate. j is one of the 4 rollers. They are faftened to the bottom of the upright pofts by blocks and gudgeons. ee is one of the planks which form the leaf of the gate. III. An explanation of fome fingular effects which happen to plain glaffes, fuch as look- ing-glaffes, by M. de la Hire, at the ob- fervatory. When we look at an object thro' a plain glaſs, that is well poliſhed on both fides, as a looking- glafs, we do not perceive that it is multiplied fe- *Fig. 4. 1 veral ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 53 veral times but if it is in darknefs, and the ob- ject is a luminous body as a candle, we may fee it multiplied at leaſt 4 times; and the multiplied object appears ſo much the more diftinctly, as the glafs is more oblique to the line drawn from the eye to the object. This repetition of the object feems fometimes. on one fide and fometimes on the other of the luminous body, and thefe appearances diminiſh a little in vivacity, in proportion as they are far- ther diftant; and at laft they become fo weak as to be no longer perceived. But there is an oblique pofition of the glaſs in which the candle does not feem multiplied; and there are ſome glaffes alfo, thro' which we cannot fee any multiplication of the object, tho' it is very much inclined. I firſt obſerve, that this appearance is fenfible only when the glafs, tho' plain, is unequal in thickness. And as looking-glaffes generally have their furfaces undulated, which comes from the manner of poliſhing them, for they are generally well wrought and fmoothed, by rubbing them a- gainſt one another; which fhews the object mul- tiplied in ſome poſitions of the glaſs, ſometimes on one fide, fometimes on another, and in ſome pofitions there does not appear a ſenſible, if any, multiplication. 17 I fay now, that the most diftinct multiplication of the luminous object is made in the line, which is the ſection or meeting of a plane, which paf- fing thro' the eye and thro' the object, is perpen- dicular to both the furfaces of the glafs together, and that this multiplication is made by the diffe- rent reflections of the light within the glafs, and by the refractions in coming in and going out, as I fhall demonftrate. bi In 54 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the In the first place, it is eafily known, that the luminous rays cannot make feveral turns and re- turns both within and without the glafs, unleſs it be in plain furfaces, perpendicular to each furface of the glafs, and which pafs thro' the ray within the glaſs, feeing all thefe turns, both in reflection and refraction, are always in a plane which paffes thro' the perpendicular to the furface, which makes the reflection or refraction; and fince there are two furfaces, there will be alfo two perpendicu- lars; and if thefe perpendiculars are in the fame plane, all the rays, both refracted and reflected, will be in the fame plane, and they will make angles with each other more obtufe, than if they were on different planes, and inclined to each other; which must be understood only of the rays, which coming from the object may meet the eye. I ſay now, that if the glafs was all over of equal thickness, or if the fection of its furfaces was two lines parallel to each other on a plane per- pendicular to the glafs which paffes thro' the eye and the luminous object, this object could not appear fenfibly multiplied, provided it was at a confiderable diftance from the glafs. * A SALE CALGA Let the fection of the glafs be EMBD, of which the 2 lines E M, B D are parallel; let the luminous point be C, and the eye O. It is evi- dent, that all the rays, as CA, which coming from the object C, meet on the furface of the glaſs EM, are refracted and turn as at A B, as they approach the perpendicular within the glafs, ac- cording to the rules of refraction, and come out afterwards at BO; in fuch a manner that the an- gle of incidence CAE is equal to that of the exit D BO, feeing the refracted angle EA B is * Plate III. Fig. 1. equal ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 55 equal to DBA, becauſe of the parallel ſurfaces. Thus the eye being at O, will fee the luminous point C, by the ray O B parallel to CA. If the furfaces are not parallel, but the ſection EM, GD is two parallel lines, it will be almoft the fame thing, feeing the whole difference will lie only in the reflected rays, which will not be on one furface, by which this demonftration is not affected. But for the fame reafon, if another ray CF, which may be confidered as parallel to CA, if the point C is at a confiderable diftance from the glaſs, tho' the ſpace A F is large enough, falls on the part A E of the furface E. M of the glafs, it will have its refracted ray F G within the glaſs, which will alfo be parallel to A B; and that as GH which fhall go out of the glafs, being alfo parallel to BO, will not be able to enter the eye O, unless it is very near to BO, which I do not ſuppoſe here. It would be the fame with another ray, which ſhould meet the furface of the glaſs on the other fide of A towards M. But if one part of the ray F G is reflected at I by the laws of ca- toptricks, and if another part of the fame ray GI is reflected at IK, which will alfo be parallel to A B, becauſe of the parallel furfaces EM, BD, goes out of the glafs at K, being refracted at KL, it is as evident, that this ray KL will either meet the eye at O, or not at all; and if it does meet it, it will not make a different image from that of the ray BO, ſeeing it enters the pupil with the fame direction as BO, wherefore in this cafe the object will not appear multiplied. But if we fup- poſe, that CF makes the angle CF E much more obtufe than the angle CA E, then it may be that the ray KL, which will alfo make the angle DKL equal to CFE, will meet the eye in O, under 2 56 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the under another direction than BQ whicho willį form an image of the luminous point, different from that made by the ray BQ Niw and I But this fecond image formed by K.L, will be a little weak, becauſe the greateſt part of the rays will be loft in coming out of the glafs at Giand at I. 3: It muſt be obſerved, that if the glafs is not very thick, or the object not far enough off the ray K L will be very near BO, and confequently the image formed by KL will be fo much the more eaſily confounded, as it is more weak, with that which is formed by BO; and that fo the ob- ject will not appear fenfibly multiplied. It is not neceffary to demonftrate that the ray, which coming from the point C would fall upon the part A M of the furface of the glafs, would make a more obtufe angle than CA M, and could never meet the eye after one or more reflections, feeing it would always feparate more and more from BO, Now if the glafs is fuppofed to be of un- equal thickness, and to be thicker towards the object C than towards the eys O; 1 The ray CABO, which will come to the eye after two refractions, will come to the line BO, which be- ing prolonged will meet the incident ray CA for the ray A B refracted within the glafs, being more perpendicular on B D, than A M, the ray alfo OB will make with AB a more obtufe an- gle than CA with the fame A B, wherefore OB being prolonged will meet CA towards the object C. And if the bignefs of the glaſs does not hinder the rays immediately, from the object Citos wards the eye O, we fhall fee the object C fims 址 ​* 196 ply Fig 2. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 57 ply out of the glaſs, and on the fide the object thro' the glass by the ray OB. יו 2. There will be other rays as CR, which coming from the object C, after a refraction RN and two reflections N M, M P, and a re- fraction PO, may come to the eye O. For fup- pofing CR as parallel to CA, R N will be alfo parallel to A B. But the furface B D being able to meet the furface A M in D, the ray N M will be more perpendicular to the furface A M than the ray N R, which does not merit demonftra- tion; and the ray M P making the angle PMD equal to the angle NMA, the angle MPD will be lefs obtufe than the angle RND or ABD: wherefore the refracted ray PO making the an- gle D P O greater than the angle DBO, it may meet BO at the point O, which is the eye. We fhall find alfo other incident rays at C R, which meeting the furface A D beyond R towards D and after two refractions both in coming in and going out, and 4 or 6 or 8 reflections within the glafs, may fall on the fame point Ơ, which will fhew the object as many times multiplied as there are different rays, which come to the eye O. And thefe rays will come to the eye in the fame man- ner as if the luminous object was placed in the rays OP, prolonged to a diftance from the point O equal to the fun of all the rays OP, PN, MN, NR, RC; for they will enter the eye with the fame direction, as if they came effectively from a point placed at this diftance. It is known by what I have juſt demonſtrated, that the laſt images of the object, which are thofe that come to the eye after a greater number of re- flections, and confequently after a longer way, will appear fmaller than thoſe which are nearer the firſt O B, becauſe coming as it were from a Vol. I. N°.2. H greater 58 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the greater diſtance, the rays enter the eye more pa- rallel to each other, which makes the object feen 16285120 oe of the farther off; and the faintnefs of the image objects moſt diſtant from OB, contributes alſo very much to make them appear fmaller. 3127 It is eafy to fee, that the rays which come to the eye, after a greater number of reflections within the glafs, muft appear much fainter than thofe which come thither after a lefs number: feeing at each meeting which the ray makes with one of the inner fürfaces, the greateft part of the rays comes out of the glafs, and as very few are reflected, fo the laft that come out and make only part of thoſe which are reflected, muſt be very faint: it is for this reafon alfo, that if the body was not luminous, and, if it was not in the dark, we fhould not perceive any multiplication. JAE S It muft now be demonftrated, why there ap- pears a greater diftance between each multiplied object, when the glafs is more oblique to the ray which goes from the object to the eye, than when it is lefs oblique. 100 ان in, Let there be the ray CABO, which meets the eye in O after two refractions, one in coming and the other in going out of the glaſs, and ano- ther ray CRN MPO, which comes alfo to the eye in O after two refractions and two reflections. in the glafs. Let there be alſo another ray Ko, of another luminous point K, more inclined to the glafs than CA, and paffing thro' Ka B, and ano- ther Ke Nur, which coming alfo from K after two refractions and two reflections, meets B in where the eye would be I fay that the angle B is greater than the angle BOP, and confequently the two images which come to the eye by the rays OB, OP, and their ordinates, will appear lefs fe- Fig. 3. T H } M a parated ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 59 parated from each other, than thofe which fhall be formed by the rays wB, wπ. a མ } The ray B in the glaſs makes with AB the the angle &BA, fmaller than the angle BO formed by the fame refracted rays in coming out of the glafs, which is known by dioptricks; for the rays as BO which are the refracted of the incidents AB, approaching much quicker to the furface of the glafs BD, than the incidents in the fame glafs do to the fame furface HB. But the line N be- ing as a parallel to aB, becaufe we fuppofe the rays K, Ke as parallels, it follows that the an- gle NR will be equal to the angle MN; and confequently the difference of the angles DMP, D will be alfo equal to the angle «BA. AY But the rays MP, 7, being more perpendicu- lar to the furface BD than AB and aB, the re- fracted rays PO and T will make between them a fmaller angle that OB, and if we draw I pa- rallel to PO, the angle I will be equal to that which is contained by the rays PO and Tw, πω, which will be ſmaller than the angle OB which is plain from the reafon juſt given. πω Now becaufe the external angles are equal to the two internal oppofite ones in the triangles, the angle Dr minus the angle DB will be equal to the angle B; and the angle DPO minus the angle DBO will be equal to the angle POB: but the difference between the angle D and DPO, or its equal DI, which is the angle I was de- monftrated above to be fmaller than the angle OB: wherefore if from the angle Dre we take away the angle DB; and if from the fame angle Dow plus the angle I, we take away the angle DB, and the BO, which is greater than I, as has been demonftrated, it follows that the firft re- mainder is greater than the fecond, feeing in the fecond છે. ய A H 2 1. 60 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fecond there is more taken away than added g but the firſt remainder is equal to the angle B and the fecond-equal to POB; therefore the angle B is greater than the angle POB, Q. En D. en sy It will be the fame with the other angles made as TB by incident rays which will fall towards D. " こ ​E Experience confirms what I have juſt démon- ftrated of the images which appear by the rays OB, OP, OQ, &c. which are formed by the incident rays CA, CR, CS, and thoſe which are of the fame ordinance, or which coming from the fame point of the luminous object, can enter the pupil: for if a paper is applied to the furface of the glaſs AD, and it is drawn forward from D towards A, when the paper hall cover the place S of the incident ray CS the luminous image in Qwill diſappear. Afterwards when it is come to R, the light in P will diſappear in its turn, and fo on. And it will be obferved, that no re- gard is to be had to the image of the paper, which is feen doubled becauſe of the refraction, which is not ſeen out of the darkneſs but it is a parti- cular cafe which I fhall explain afterwards. し ​The diſtances between the images BPQ appear almoft equal among themfelves for thefe images are formed by reflected rays, which furpafs one another by a feries of two, and the incident rays CA, CR, CS, which form them, are very near to each other but this appearance can only be when the furfaces of the glafs are almoft planes; for if one or both of them are curves, the diſtances between the images will appear very unequal; which is eafy to know by the difpofition of the rays which can come to the eye w I have already demonftrated, that the images appear more faint in proportion as they are far- ther removed from thofe which are neareſt the lu- minous ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 61 $1 8 minous object, by the quantity of rays which elcape out of the glafs and I have faid alfo, that they appear ſmaller, becauſe they come to the eye as if they were farther off but I demonftrate at prefent, that they appear larger in proportion as they are farther feparated from the luminous object, which must always be underſtood of the images multiplied in the plane, which paffing thro' the object and thro' the eye is perpendicular to the two furfaces of the glafs. We fhall explain this phenomenon, as we did the preceding. For the rays, which come to the *eye *O from the two points CK, which are on the two fides of the luminous body, after two re- fractions only, are more inclined to the furface of the glafs which is turned towards the eye, than thofe which come thither after two refractions and two reflections within the glass, which appears by the figure, and by what has been already de- monftrated. But fince the rays more inclined to the furface BD make angles much more acute in proportion, as they approach to the furface of the glafs, than thofe of inclination are, becauſe the refractions follow the proportion of the fines of the angles of inclination; it follows that the rays OB, O3 will make an angle BQ3 much more acute in proportion than the rays OP, Or, which comprehend the angle POT. For the ray 03 muſt be more inclined with regard to its incident ray, than the ray Or with regard to its incident: thus the angle BO3 will be more acute in propor- tion to the length of the ray which goes to the object by the point B, and by its turns within the glafs, than the angle PO in proportion to the length of the ray which goes to the object by the ray OP and by all its turns. Therefore, laftly, Je doule Fig. 4. } the 62 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the the image repreſented to the eye by the angle PO, will appear larger than that which is reprefented by the angle BO3, in proportion to the height of thefe images. For the height of the image of the body, which I have fuppofed to be a candle, muft diminiſh only in proportion to the ways which the rays take both within and without the glaſs to come to the eye, feeing the ſection of the glafs, which determines the greateſt indlination of its furfaces, is fuppofed horizontal. It muſt be obferved, that in all which is here explained of the rays that come from the points of an object as CK, I fpeak only of the principal rays; tho' we muſt always conceive an ordinance of the rays of thefe fame points, which come all to the eye to enter the aperture of the pupil, which make a fort of cones or pencils as fome call them, which affemble on the retina to make the pic- ture of the object; for it is demonftrated in diop- tricks, that the point, where they affemble after their refractions in the eye, is always upon one of theſe rays called the principal. * As for the paper which hides the multiplied images as faft as it advances, as I have faid before, it is certain that we could not fee its edge MN multiplied, if it was not the luminous body that makes it appear. For if the paper MN begins to hide the incident rays VT, which fhew the breadth of the image D of the candle, the edge of the pa- per, which will appear at OP will hide alfo a part of this image; but if the fame edge of the paper MN hides the greatest part of the rays SR, which fhew the image Q, it is evident that only a fmall part of this image will be ſeen as at Q, where we may perceive the image of the edge of Fig. 5. the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 63 1 the paper that hides it, which one could not per- ceive without the light which appears at Q. Joam now to demonftrate how the multiplica- tion of the object is made, when the angle of the fection of the glafs is turned towards the lu- minous object; but after what has been faid a- bove, the figure may be fufficient to explain what ought to happen. 7 Let the fection of the glaſs therefore be EDB, of which let the concurrence of the fur- faces in D be turned towards the object C, and let the eye be placed oppofite towards O. Firſt let the incident ray be CA, which being refracted in the glafs at AB, in going into it, and refracted again at BO in coming out of it, comes to the eye O; I fay, that if the glafs fhould be cut in B, and the part BD taken away; we could not then fee the object Cause 2 and t JA י ! } For the ray AB within the glafs, being more inclined on the furface DB than on DAE, the angle ABO will be lefs obtufe than the angle BAC; wherefore the ray CA will concur with the ray OB towards O, and confequently there can be no direct ray which comes from the object C to the eye Of de pesona chaud i s But it is as evident, that all the rays which com- ing from the luminous object C, and meeting the furface of the glafs towards E, can never come to the eye, which we fuppofe placed in the ray BO, after two or more reflections in the glafs, feeing they will be always more and more inclined to the furface DB, and confequently they will come out of the glafs in parting from the ray BO. The rays therefore which fall upon AD towards the con- currence of the furfaces of the glafs, will be gba na tu gemi pale using Fig. 6. thofe 64 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the thoſe which make the multiplication of the ob ject. For in the fecond place, let the incident ray be CR, which coming from the luminous object C as parallel to CA, meets the furface DA in R, the refracted ray RN will therefore be alfo as parallel to the refracted ray AB; but the reflected ray NM will be more inclined to the ſurface DA than NR, and placed counter to the quantity of the angle P of the two furfaces of the glaſs, as I have demonftrated in the firft cafe: wherefore the reflected ray MP will make the angle EMP more acute then the angle ERN or its equal EAB; therefore the ray MP in coming out of the glaſs by PO will make the angle XPO more acute than XBO; and confequently PO may meet BO at the point O, where the eye is in the ray BO. It will be the fame thing with the other rays which coming alfo from the object, may meet the eye after two refractions of 4 or 6 reflections within the glafs, which it is not worth the while to explain more at length. 1 If we draw a paper on the furface of the glafs from the part E towards A, we fhall fee that the ftrongeſt image formed by the ray CA will difap- pear first, and the reft afterwards, as faft as the edge of the paper fhall advance towards D; and we fhall fee the image alfo of the paper multi- plied as in the preceding cafe. For in the fame figure, if the edge of the paper MN covers the greateft part of the fpace SR, which compre- hends the rays which form the image Q. alfo the image XY of the edge of the paper will appear to hide the greateſt part of the image Q of the lu- ninous body. And if the fame edge of the pa- per MN in the fame pofition covers alſo a great part of VT, by which the rays enter that form the } image ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 65 image D, we shall fee alfo the edge of the paper repreſented in OP, which will cover a part of the image P, which is eafy to underſtand. By means of this multiplication of the objects, we may know the different thickneffes of a piece of looking-glafs which is uſed in working the great teleſcope glaffes, and in a much more fure and juſt manner, than by all the meaſures that can be taken for it: But to make this explanation more complete, we muſt ſtill examine how the multiplication of the object is made, when it is placed on the fame fide with the eye, with regard to the fame fur- face of the glaſs. Every body knows, that when we look at a candle placed near a looking-glafs which has been tinned, the eye being alfo near the glafs, we fee the image of the candle multiplied feveral times. It is very eafy to fee the reafon of it; for the anterior furface of the glaſs reflects the firſt image, and the other fends back the fecond, after two refractions of the rays in coming in and going out of the glafs, and a reflection on the tin. But what is more difficult to be known, is the reafon why there appear more than two images. This experiment and its explanation ferve no doubt for a proof of what I have already advanced concern- ing the luminous rays which are reflected within the glafs in meeting its furfaces, tho' they are not tinned. It is eafy to fee, that if the glass is tin- ned, all the rays, which fhall enter the glafs, can- not go out of it, and that they muſt all be reflect- ed, and confequently the image which fhall be formed by this reflection and after two refractions, will be much more vivid than that which is made by the reflection alone on the anterior furface, be- caufe in this the greatest part of the rays having VOL. I. N°. 2. I pene- 1 66 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the penetrated within the glaſs, cannot meet the pupil of the eye in going out, if the reflected only have met it, and eſpecially if the glafs has a little thick- nefs. But as the fame thing happens to a glaſs which is not tinned, as to one that is, and as fome particular obfervations may be made on that which is not, that are not found in that which is, I fhall here explain only what happens to a glafs which is not tinned. As the different images of the fame object may be formed by rays which have different inclina- tions to the eye, thefe rays muft neceffarily come from different parts of the furface of the glafs, which cannot be without the firft incident rays of one point being different from each other, we ſuppoſe the ſurfaces of the glafs to be planes, and parallel to one another; and theſe different inclinations of the rays cannot meet the pupil, which is as a point, till after feveral reflections within the glass. But if thefe rays which come out of the glaſs, are, as it were, parallel to each other, which happens when the object is far enough from the eye, and the glafs is of equal thicknefs, or when they are on the fame plane, which be- ing equally inclined on each fide to the furfaces of the glaſs, and paffing thro' the eye and the ob- ject, makes parallel fections, it is evident, as I have already demonftrated, that the rays of the fame point having fuffered feveral reflections. within the glafs, cannot meet the eye; there will then in this cafe be only one image formed by thefe forts of rays. But if in the fame cafe of parallel furfaces, the object is near the eye and the glafs, there may fall on the furface of the glafs fome rays from one and the fame point of the object differently inclined to form feveral images, as is fhewn by experience. I If ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 67 If the glaſs is of unequal thickneſs, and the right lines which are the fection of the glafs by a plane perpendicular to its furfaces paffing thro' the eye and the object, concur on both fides, we fhall fee ſeveral images of the object, at least if it is luminous, and in the night; fince at whatſoever diftance from the eye the object is placed, there will be found feveral rays which coming as pa- rallels from the fame point of the object, and having ſuffered ſeveral reflections within the glafs, will come out of it with different inclinations, which will form different images, which has no need to be explained after what I have faid already; and thefe images will be found fometimes on one fide, fometimes on the other, with regard to that which is made by one ſingle reflection, according as the angle of inclination of the glafs fhall be either towards the eye or towards the object. We may alſo by this means know with a very great exactnefs, whether the glaffes poliſhed on both fides are of the fame thickneſs, tho' in a very ſmall ſpace; which it would not be poffible to obferve any other way. For if we obſerve on the furface of a glafs the image of a bright line in the dark, or of a black line in the light, and if it is at a. pretty confiderable diftance, and if the eye and the object are on the fame fide of the furface, and alſo if in turning the piece of glaſs different ways, we fee this image only fingle, in one fingle pofition, we may be fure that the piece of glafs is of equal thickness according to the difpofition of the bright or dark line, and that it is of unequal thicknefs every other way, the greateft angle of which will be in the fection, which fhall cut the image of this line perpendi- cularly. Alfo in every other pofition of the glafs but that where the image of the line is fingle, I 2 it 68 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the it will be feen double; and they will appear far- ther diſtant from each other, when they fhall cut at right angles the pofition where it appeared fingle. It will alſo be obſerved, that one of the two images of the line appears much more vivid than the other, and that it is this which is made by re- flection, becauſe there are more rays that come to the eye. بازد It will not therefore be difficult to know by this means, what place of the glafs, will be the thickeſt. For if the fainteft, image appears to- wards the object, I fay, that the part of the glafs which is turned towards the object is the thinneft; and if the fainteft image is towards the eye, that part of the glafs will alſo be the thinneft. For if the object is * B, and the eye O, and a luminous ray BD meeting the ſurface of the glafs HE in D is reflected towards the eye at O, it is eaſy to fee, that if another incident ray com- ing alfo from the point B, and as it were parallel to BD, meeting the furface of the glafs in F, is on either fide of D, and penetrating on the infide to K, meets the other furface KI, which concurs towards the firft in M, on the fide of the object, the greateſt part of this refracted ray FK will go out of the glaſs; and a very fmall part only being reflected in K, will return towards the furface HE in H, or being refracted in HL, it can never meet the eye in O. For the ray KH, being more in- clined to the ſurface HE than the ray KF, alfo the ray HL will be more inclined to the fame furface than the incident ray FB; and confe- quently this ray HL, which parts more and more from the ray DO, can never meet the point O, * Fig. 7. if ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 69 if the point H is farther from the top of the angle M than the point D. It will not be the fame with another ray as BE, which having fuffered a refraction in E, a reflec- tion in I, and a fecond refraction in G, comes out at the point G between D and M; for this ray refracted in G may meet the eye in O, becauſe the inclination HGO is always greater than BEM, or BDM, or ODH, as has juſt been demon- ftrated; wherefore the fainteft image which is formed by the ray OG, which has fuffered two refractions and pne reflection, will appear in G towards the part M, which is the thinneft of the glafs. The demonſtration will be the fame, if the thinnest part of the glafs is turned towards the eye. IV. A commodious way of fubftituting the action of fire, instead of the force of men and horfes to move machines, by M. Amon- tons*. Experiment I. Of the rarefaction of the air by the beat of boiling water. } 4 Wet immerged in a kettle full of water, the balls of three glafs tubes ACD, ACD, ACD, of equal length, each open at A, bent at. C, and ending in a ball D; the capacities of the balls were to each other as the numbers 1, 2, 3, as well as thofe of the tubes AB, which befides were pretty narrow, the mean one being but half a line diameter within; there was in each glafs fome quick filver from the entrance E of the balls up to B, where the quickfilver was three inches higher than at E, becauſe the air of which the balls were * June 20, 1699. + Plate IV. Fig. 1. 7 full, 70 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the full, having found no out-let when the quickfilver was poured in by the apertures A, fuftained it by its fpring, and hindered it from going down to the level of that of the entrance of the balls. The whole was fet on the fire, and the quick- filver at B rofe equally in equal times in all the three glaffes; ſo that when the water began to fimper, it was 9 inches higher than B, and 9 in- ches 10 lines, when it boiled out, after which it entirely ceaſed to rife. From this experiment it follows: 1. That the heat of boiling water has bounds which it cannot pafs. 2. That unequal maffes of air increaſe equally the force of their fpring by equal degrees of heat, and on the contrary. 3. That the heat of boiling waterdoes not increaſe the force of the fpring of the air any more than to make it fuftain the weight of about 10 inches in height of quickfilver, or 11 feet 8 inches of wa- ter more than the weight of the atmoſphere*. For the quantity by which the air diminishes its fpring in dilating itfelf to replace the quickfilver which rifes from В to F, equals almoft the two lines which are wanting to the 10 inches in this experiment. 4. That if the air has the liberty of extending itſelf, being preffed only by the weight of the atmoſphere, it will not increafe its bulk by the heat of the boiling water by any more than about of its mafs; for according to M. Mariotte's ex- periments, the air making an equilibrium by its fpring to weights proportioned to the bulks, to which thefe weights are reduced by their preffure, and the bulks being to each other in an inverted *The weight of water is fuppofed to be to that of quickfilver as I to 14. ratio ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 71 ratio of theſe weights, if the height of the quick- filver is fuppofed at 41 inches, as indeed it may be in this experiment, and if the bulk of air is ex- preffed by the number 3; when the height of the quickfilver fhall be no more than 31 inches, the bulk will be 3 31. 30 But as the weight of the atmoſphere is here fup- pofed equal to 31 inches of quickfilver, which it really is not, this weight being hardly equal to more than 28 inches of quickfilver, the fraction ought to be reckoned as an integer; becauſe the air lofing the force of its fpring lefs when it is but little loaded, than when it is more, it must not augment its bulk fo much to reduce itfelf from the preffure of 41 inches to that of 31 inches, as it muſt in reducing itſelf from the preffure of 38 inches to that of 28 inches. Ι 5. That if the air, being rarified by the heat of the boiling water, has not the liberty of augment- ing its bulk fo far as to be bigger, the force of its fpring will always be equivalent to a greater weight than that of the atmoſphere, and this weight will always be to that of the atmoſphere in an inverted ratio to that of the bulks; and if the bulk of this air is expreffed, for example, by the number 7, and the height of the quickfilver which refifts the force of its fpring is 41 inches when this bulk fhall be augmented by, that is, ſhall be expreffed by the number 8, the force of the fpring of the air will be equivalent to 353 of quickfilver, and what it has loft will be equi- valent only to 5 inches of quickfilver, or 5 feet II inches of water, and only 5 feet 6 inches, 6 lines, the calculation being made upon 38 in- ches, inſtead of 41 inches. 3 + ; Experiment 72 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Experiment II. Another time the thermometer being almoft at temperate; we immerged in cold water the balls of the 3 tubes of the preceding experiment, and the quickfilver fell but to about a line below B, in the glafs which had the biggeſt ball, to two lines in the next, and to three in the leaft; after which it left falling entirely in all the three glaffes; they were afterwards taken out of the water, and the quickfilver continued to fall about a line in the glafs with the ſmalleſt ball, two lines in the next, and about three lines in the glafs with the biggeſt ball; ſo that the quickfilver remained for a time in all the three glaffes about 4 lines lower than B, and roſe again by degrees as fast as the balls dried. This experiment being conformable to ano- ther which I made 12 years ago in August, when the heats are very great, with the zymofimeter; the ball of which was immerged in cold water, and yet the air did not diminiſh any more the force of its fpring, it follows: 1. That the air immerged in the water dimi- niſhes the force of its fpring only in fuftaining but one line in height of quickfilver leſs than the at- moſphere. 2. That the air diminishes its fpring by the coldness of the water in proportion to its bulk; but that the greateſt loſe leſs than the ſmalleſt. 3. That the water, which is ready to evapo- rate, diminiſhes the force of the fpring of the air more than when it is in a fufficient quantity to encompaſs it on all fides, which is confirmed by this other experiment of the zymofimeter: for having immerged the ball in the fpirit of wine, the spring of the air diminifhed and fuftained the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 73 the weight of 4 ounces in height of water lefs than the weight of the atmofphere; being withdrawn from the fpirit of wine, it ftill diminiſhed fo as to fuftain 5 inches of water lefs, which made in all g'inches of water lefs than the weight of the atmoſphere; being put again into the fpirit of wine, the fpring of the air increafed the 5 inches which it had loft out of it; and being put again out of the fpirit of wine, it loft the 5 inches again. This experiment was made at the fame time of the year with that mentioned above, that is, during the heats of fummer. 4. That this fecond diminution of the force of the fpring of the air is made alfo in proportion to its bulk; and that it is greater in the biggeft, and fmaller in the leaft. Experiment III. We cauſed a cube to be conftructed of tin * ABCD, exactly cloſe on all fides, and divided equally into two, by the feparation EF; the lower part EBCF has no communication with the upper AEFD; but by the tube GH. incloſed in a big ger IL, fhut at L, and ftopped and foldered at I, to the upper part of the cube. MN is another tube, which penetrates into the upper part, and reaches near the bottom EF, and is foldered to this part in O, and ftopped and foldered by its extremity N to a little bucket or refervoir P; there is alſo towards A, a little cock to give air to the upper part. This cock being opened, we poured fome water into the little bucket P, this water defcended by the canal NM, into the up- per part of the cube; when this part of it was quite full, we fhut the cock, and immerged for 6 feconds the lower part of the cube in boiling wa- *Plate IV. Fig 2. VOL I. N°. 2. K ter, 74 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the We ter, and a confiderable part of the water contained in the upper part of the cube being driven by the force of the fpring of the air, rofe with precipi- tation into the bucket P. At the end of 6 fe- conds, having taken it out of the boiling water, the water of the bucket began to go down again; but in the ſpace of 300 feconds, it was not yet reduced to the ſtate in which it was before. afterwards put this lower part into cold water to finiſh the reducing of the air to its firft bulk, after which we put it into boiling water during 6 fe- conds more, and the water rofe again, as before, into the bucket P; after which it was immerged into cold water, and the air refumed its former bulk in 18 or 20 feconds, which was repeated ſeveral times; and very near the fame thing hap- pened always, whether this lower part of the cube was always kept during 18 or 20 feconds in cold water, or whether after having been dipped in it, it was taken into the air. It follows from this experiment: 1. That the hard bodies which are not very thick, as tin, receive very readily the heat of the boiling water. 2. That it is not always the cold alone of the medium that destroys the action of the heat, feeing by the preceding experiments, the air and the water are of almoft the fame temperature. 3. That theſe thin bodies are three or four times. as long in lofing in the cold water the heat received in the boiling water, as they were in receiving it. I call that water cold, which is almoft of equal temperature with the air. Experiment IV. In the preceding experiment, the tubes NMGH were but a foot in height, but afterwards they were ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 75 were prolonged to eight; and having repeated the fame experiments, they produced the fame effect again, excepting that the water did not rife in altogether fo large a quantity, which muft ne- ceffarily happen, becauſe of the greater height or load of water, which by its weight oppofed the dilatation of the bulk of air inclofed in the lower part of the cube. After this, we put the part BC upon burning coals, which made the water rife into the bucket P, juft as the boiling water had done, but it did not riſe ſo quickly, becauſe the heat was imme- diately applied only to the bottom BC, whereas in the boiling water it was immediately applied to the four fides BE, BF, FC, CE, which made to- gether a double furface BC. We could not therefore well obſerve the time which the water took in rifing into the bucket P, becauſe we were not careful enough, that the folder fhould not melt, which happened at laft, but the water was then in the bucket, at leaſt as high as it had been by the effect of the boiling water, and would have rifen higher without it. It follows from this experiment, that we may, by the heat of fire applied immediately to the capacity which inclofes the air, increaſe the force of its spring much more confiderably than by boiling water, provided what inclofes the air is able to refift the action of the fire; and that effect of it is fo much more quick, as the action is made in a greater extent. Experiment V. Five men were applied to the motion of a ma- chine, who in pufhing by the levers to which horſes are uſed to be faftened, employed their whole force to make it move. K 2 Suppofing 76 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Suppofing the force of each man to be 200 lb. the total is 1000 lb. 1 1 Horfes were afterwards put to work at this machine, they laboured for three months; and tho' 4 horfes were put to at a time, and they were relieved every three hours, and afterwards every hour and half, fo that each horfe laboured but 6 hours in 24, and went all this time no more than about 6 leagues, yet they were not able to under- go this fatigue, and died under it. From this experiment it follows, that to con- tinue a like labour night and day, there was need of 16 horfes; and that we cannot reckon that a a horſe ſupplies the place of a continual power of 60 lb. making one league an hour. Experiment VI. The workmen who poliſh glaffes, to press their poliſhers make uſe of an arrow or bow of wood, one of the ends of which being rounded refts upon the middle of the poliſher; and the other, which is an iron point, preffes againſt a ſtrong oaken plank refted upon their work: the fimplicity of this machine caufes the whole force of the work- man to be folely employed in difpatching his work. The polishers moſt commonly uſed are of three bigneffes, and require three different degrees of ſtrength, of which the mean quantity is about 25 lb. now thefe operators ufually begin their work at 5 in the morning, and finish it at 7 in the evening, taking two hours at three times for their meals; fo that in 24 hours they regularly work 12, interrupted every 3 hours by their meals; the flight of their arrow, or the way that their poliſher makes every time they pufh it, or draw it back, is uſually a foot and half, and the time employed at each flight half a ſecond; but as they ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 77 they ftop from time to time to look at their work, and to brush their polifhers, and befides as they employ fome time in turning their glaſſes, about of the time is to be fubftracted from their work, fo that out of the 12 hours we can hardly reckon above 10, during which their labour is equivalent to the continual elevation of a burthen of 25 lb. at 3 feet in a fecond. It follows from this experiment: that to keep up a like labour for 24 hours would require two men; and therefore that a fingle man is in lieu only of a continual weight of 12 lb. 1, making i of a league an hour; that is, about part of the & labour of a horfe. The following experiments were made with poliſhers of different bigneffes, preffed by at- rows of different forces. A poliſher 6 inches in ſurface preffed by 28 lb. was drawn by 23 in its fort, that is, when the arrow was plumb, or in the middle of its flight, and by 20 lb. in its feeble. The fame preffed by 30 lb. was drawn by 26 lb. in its feeble. Another poliſher 11 inches in furface, preffed by 28 lb. was drawn by 25 lb. in its fort, and by 23 lb. in its feeble. Another poliſher 24 inches in furface, preffed by 28 lb. was drawn by 25 lb. in its fort, and by 23 lb. in its feeble. The fame loaded with 30 lb. was drawn by 28 lb. in its fort, and by 25 lb. in its feeble. From theſe experiments we may obſerve, by the by, that it is an error to think, that the fric- tions in machines increaſe or diminiſh in propor- tion, as the parts which rub are more or lefs ex- tended; and that the wheels, for example of a mill turn fo much the more eafily as the gudgeons 2 are 78 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the are fhorter, which befides is a faulty conftruction, becauſe they continually eat the boxes, in which they turn. But that theſe frictions augment or diminiſh in proportion to the burthens which are moved, and to the ratio of the length of the levers, which ferve to move them, to the length of thoſe by which they are fupported. Problem. Any number of equal weights being given B, G, H, I, L, on the femicircumference of a vertical wheel, from the plumb line which paffes thro' the centre of the wheel, to find the refifting force, which being applied to the circumference of the wheel, fhall make an equilibrium to the given weights. The folution demonftrated. Let the horizontal diameter be AB, becaufe of the equal rays AC, CB, an equal weight to B, being applied at A, will make an equilibrium to the weight B. Befides, the weights which hang at the extre- mities of a balance being between them, as is demonftrated in the mechanicks, in a reciprocal ratio of their diſtance to the point of ſupport, a weight which fhall be at the weight B, as CD, equal to the right fine of the angle GCL, to the ray CB, will make an equilibrium to the weight G. By the fame reafon a weight which fhall be to the weight B, as CE to CB, will make an equi- librium to the weight H; another weight which fhall be to B, as CF to CB, will make an equi- librium to the weight I, and fo of the reft in any quantity whatſoever; if the weight L, being in the plumb line, has no need of any weight in A, * Plate IV. Fig. 3. to ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 79 " to make an equilibrium to it. Now as in what- foever place of the circumference of the wheel the refifting force is applied, it is always thought to act by the direction of a tangent to the extremity of a ray equal to AC, it follows, that the refift- ing force, or the fum of the weights which being applied at A, make the equilibrium to the given weights is to theſe fame weights as the fum of the right fines of the angles, by which thefe weights are removed from the plumb of the cen- tre of the wheel, to the total fine multiplied by the number of the weights. QE. D. 6 A defcription of the commodious way of making ufe of fire to move machines. All that is faid above being fuppofed, if * A, B, C, D, E, F, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &. are two circular and concentric ranges of cells diſpoſed about a horizontal and moveable axis. G, and exactly clofed on all fides, excepting that each of the cells A, B, C, D, E, F, &. may communicate with each of the cells, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, &. by means of the tubes, HI, LM, NO, PQ RS,TV,&. and that the cells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & have communication with each other by the valves 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, &. which are all placed and open the fame way, fo that they permit the wa- ter to enter out of the first into the fecond cell, out of the ſecond into the third, and fo on to the laft, and again from this laft to the firft; but refuſe it entrance the contrary way. 1 If moreover the cells A, B, C, D, E, F, &. have no communication directly with one another, and 2 of the cells 1, 2, 3, 4, &. have 2 aper- tures, as X, T, by which they have been filled with water, and thefe apertures have afterwards. *Plate IV. Fig. 4. been 80 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS, of the been cloſed exactly, if the capacity of each of thefe cells, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &. is near of that of the cells A, B, C, D, E, F, &. and if the refifting force is fuppofed to make an equi librium with the water of the cells, 1, 2; if laftly. we apply at BB, the flame coming out of the furnace AA, driven by the air which enters by the grate of the furnace, and if the bottom, of the barrel made of the cells ABCDEF, &. dips in the cold water of the refervoir, &.&. I fay: 1. That the air of the cell B, will increaſe its fpring fufficiently to fuftain not only the height of water Ir, but alfo to make the water pafs out of the cell into the cell 3, if this height Ir is but near 5 feet. 2. That the weight of this water will make all this conftruction turn the way BAF, about the centre G, if the refifting force is lefs than this weight. 3. That as faſt as by the motion about the centre G, the water in , aims to defcend, new cells prefent themfelves at BB, and new air aug- ments its fpring to repel it, and fuftain it at the fufficient height, that its weight may be continually fuperior to the refifting force; during which the air that had been dilated refumes its former bulk, as faſt as the cells which contain it, pafs thro' the water of the back, &. &. and from thence thro' the air, where it ceafes to reduce itfelf, to be anew dilated every time thefe cells return to BB; for by the firſt and fourth experiment, the air increaſes its ſpring by a quantity equivalent to a load of 11 feet 8 inches in height of water:: Now of thefe 11 feet 8 inches, according to Mi Mariotte's rule for the preffure of the air, there are but 10 inches and employed in the preffure 1 neceffary ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 81 neceffary to make place for the augmentation of the bulks of air, dilated by the heat of the fire, which added to 5 feet 6 inches, which this augmentation makes the fpring of the dilated air to fofe, by Exp. I. Cor. 5. make in all 6 feet, 4 inches, 10 lines, which being taken from 11 feet, 8 inches, there remain 5 feet, 3 inches, 2 lines in height, to which the fpring of the air dilated by a heat equal to that of boiling water can ſuf- tain the water in Y. Now by the preceding problem, the refifting force being applied in any place of the circumfe- rence, which paffes thro' the middle of the cells I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &. is to the weight of this wa- ter, almoſt as 11 to 14; and if this weight is 12000, this refifting force will be 9428. Now in allowing 12 feet of diameter to the barrel made of the cells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &. to a like length of 12 feet, and 2 feet of depth taken on the fide of the centre of the wheel, thefe cells contain a space of 754 cubical feet of which is 188, which being multiplied by 70 lb. weight of a cubical foot of water, make 13200 lb. But as in machines the moving force ought to be fu-, perior to the refifting force, and as there is al- ways fome friction to furmount, the 1200 lb. muſt be counted for that; fo that the effect of this motion may be reputed 9428‡, which would be equivalent at leaft by Exp. V. to the force of 157 horfes, if the refifting force made a league of way in an hour; but as to do this, the con- ftruction had need to make 400 revolutions in an hour, that is, employ but 9 feconds in each, whereas by Exp. III. it cannot employ less than 36, it follows that this mean would at leaft be in- ſtead of 39 horfes, or of 234 men, by Exp. VI; which fuppofes the degree of heat, equal to that VOL. I. N° 3. L of 82 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the of boiling water, for otherwife the effect would become fo much more confiderable, as this de- gree of heat would be greater; and the profit in making uſe of this fort of fire-mill, would be fo much the more confiderable, as the price of wood would be less than that of labour; and be- fides the furnaces might be alfo applied to other purpoſes, as vitrifications, founding of metals, and other chymical operations, or mechanical works, that demand the affiftance of fire. I fhall not enter into a farther detail of the conftruction of this machine, only I fhall juſt mention, that it would be proper to make the cells which contain the air of great plates of cop- per rivetted and luted; and that all the reft, ex- cept the tubes of communication, may be of wood. The advantages of this way are: 1. That we can ftop and refume the labour at pleaſure, without being encumber'd with the care and feeding of the horfes, and without being fubjected to the danger of lofing them. 2. That we have always an equal and uninter- rupted power, when we pleafe, which cannot be had in wind-mills and water-mills, the firft being often ſtopped for want of wind, and the others by the ice and inundations of the water. 3. That we are not confined to any places, becauſe combuftible materials are found almoſt every where. The defcription of Fig. 4. The fire at BB dilates the air inclofed in A, and making it pals thro' the canal HI, preffing the furface of the water in, makes the valve or fucker 18 cloſe itſelf, and the valves, 7, 8, and 9 open to let the water rife towards Y, and charge 2 this ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 83 this fide, which makes the wheel move on its centre G, and the cell B fucceed the cell A, whilft this laft enters the water, &. to make the air which it contains return to its firſt ſtate. And it has been demonftrated, that in making Q19 of 8 feet, 20, 21 of 12, 22 L of 18 and 23, 24 of 30, the whole on a depth of 12 feet, and that the heat at BB is equal to that of boiling water; it will answer to 39 horſes. V. A defcription of a level which is used by M. Couplet, more exact in this fecond edition.* This level is compofed of a teleſcope AB, of 2 veffels CD, joined together by one or two tubes 00, which I call the canal; of 2 other veffels o b, o c, called callebaffes, becauſe they carry the teleſcope, and float in the water with which this canal is filled. The teleſcope is 2 feet 8 inches long; its tube fhould be of tin, tho' the reft is made of copper: in one end A of this tube, as in all the other tubes of teleſcopes, the object glafs is placed; and in the other end 3 eye glaffes are placed, if we would have the teleſcope confift of 4 lens's. One eye-glafs alone would be fuffi- cient here, becauſe it does not fignify whether the object is inverted or not. The opticians ufually put the 3 eye-glaffes into little fcrew-boxes, which they glue and fit in a tube of paſtboard called porte oculaire, and they puſh it into the end B of the teleſcope. However the teleſcope of the level differs from the others only in having a bar on the infide, which traverſes it diametrically and horizontally. This bar is nothing but a hair ftretched in fuch a place c, that he who looks thro' the teleſcope June 27. 1699. + Plate V. Fig. 1. L 2 Fig. 2. fees 84 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fees it very plainly on the objects to which he points it. J This hair is ſtretched in the middle of a ring or crown of tin 4, the greateſt diameter of which is equal to that of the eye-glaffes of the teleſcope, that it may be put into a ſcrew-box as each eye- glafs. On the edge of this crown are made two little incifions, which are covered with fome drops of wax, after having twifted the ends of the hair. But becauſe we muſt ſometimes turn and return the porte-oculaire to place the horizontal hair, and this turning would divide or unglue the boxes -5, I put this porte-oculaire into one end of a tin tube 6, which I call foureau du porte-oculaire; and at the end of this foureau, I folder a fort of funnel which may be fqueezed to turn the porte-oculaire juft as one will; and I put this foureau with the porte-oculaire in the end B of the teleſcope. It is eafy to conclude, that the end B of the te- leſcope is much heavier than the end A; to coun- terbalance this greater weight, a leaden ring is foldered at the end A. At CD is a vertical fection of the two veffels + CD. Thefe veffels, a little above the middle of each of their ſquare faces, have points entering within, about a line, and a little foftened; the water, with which, thefe veffels are filled, has a communication, with both of them by two tubes too, the ends of which are foldered above the joining of their fquare parts with their truncated pyramidal parts; one tube might fuffice, but two maintain thefe veffels better. The calebaffes ob, in their cylindrical part, are less by three or four lines than each fide of the fquares CD, that they may float at liberty between the points, of each of thefe veffels. Their Fig. 3. + Fig. 2. + Fig. 3. Fig. 1. height, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 85 да height, to the edge of their lid, (which must be a very flat dome, without being enough fo to fee the water reft upon it) is lefs by about two inches than the depth of the veffels CD: thefe calebaf- fes must be fo well foldered, that not a drop of water can get into them; and to be fure of this abfolutely neceffary condition, they muſt be tinned on the infide before they are covered with their domes das al bebas, go # When they are covered, the canal is filled with water; they are pur in; and to make them float even, fome lead must be drop'd thro' a little hole in their domes, and then thefe holes muſt be cloſed with wax. I have chofen this fort of ballaſt, becauſe notwithſtanding any bruiſe, or other acci- dent that might happen to theſe calebaffes, they might be made to float always even by fhaking them, to make the too great quantity of lead on one fide roll to the other, which could not be done, if they were charged with any liquor. If they were found from any flight caufes to leave floating even, they might be immerged deeper by dropping in more lead. } The tube of the teleſcope AB, which is placed on the domes of the calebaffes, muft be, as we have faid, of tin, which is much lighter than cop- per, to have their greateſt weight below the centre of gravity of thefe calebaffes; and thereby to ren- der them more capable of refifting what would hinder them from floating even. To feat the tube of the teleſcope on the domes ob, oc of the calebaffes, you muſt endeavour to hold it there for a moment, whilft you mark the place where the hooks are to be foldered, as may be feen under A, B, and better in 8. Thefe hooks have an opening of about a line, which is Fig. 7. * pro- 26 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the L prolonged to fome lines near the domes and it is near the foldering of thefe hooks upon the domes that the holes are, by which thefe cale baffes are filled. * la. The hooks being foldered, the teleſcope being put in, its end B being fet as far diftant from the end of the canal as is neceffary to put the eye to the eye-glaſs of this teleſcope, and having obferved that this pofition of the teleſcope does not hinder the calebaffes from floating even and very freely among the four entering points, there are made thro' the flits of thefe hooks four repairs on the tube of the teleſcope;, on theſe repairs are foldered wings 7, filed and adjuſted in fuch a manner, that they may enter freely to the very bottom of the flits of the hooks, and bear the telescope equally to fome lines above the bottom of theſe hooks. Theſe four wings are formed with a fharp bottom, and the bottom of the four flits is fmoothed with a fine-toothed file: thefe wings ferve to hold the teleſcope in the fame pofition on the calebaffes. } M+ is the ſection of a portion of a ſphere taken in a trunk of afh, or other proper wood. Under this portion of a ſphere, or in the ſection repre- fented by 0, p, q, the diameter of which fhould not exceed the height of the canal, three branches of wrought iron are faftened together, having at each of their ends a hinge and a fcrew; theſe fcrews P, o, q, enter into three fockets at the ends of the three fupporters of the fphere M. As for the other ends, there is no neceffity that they ſhould be ſcrewed... > 1 This pedeſtal being placed almoſt horizontally, which is done by moving one of the legs nearer or farther off, the fupport ESE of the canal is + Fig. 6. * Fig. 3. || Fig. 4 : to ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 87 to be placed upon them. It was at firſt a plank about two inches thick, equal in breadth to the diameter of the portion of the fphere M; its plan ESF, and its profile Gr K/H fhew how this plank has been finiſhed by hollowing the fquares 7 E, F, or G, H, for the veffels ** C, D to go exactly in, up to o, os The fides of thefe fquares, which are at the two ends of the fupport, are only locked with an iron ring, put about the ends of the fupport, not fo much to ftrengthen theſe ends, as to keep the fupport from being longer than the canal which it bears! This profile fhews alfo, that this fupport is rendered flighter, by making in its thickneſs a cavity r, K, t, fo deep, that only the edge r, t, of its circumference rubs a- gainst the convexity of the portion of a ſphere ++ M, that it may not have any more frictions to overcome, when the inftrument ſhall be turued to either fide upon this fupport; there are other parts of this fupport ſcooped away alſo from ‡G tor, and from to H, to give it the better play. } Before the three branches of irono, p, q, are faſtened under the portion of a fphere M, it is traverſed by a great iron pin long enough to go thro' the thickness of the fupport, and the hole *† KorS is made larger than is neceffary for the thickneſs of this pin, that the fupport may be drawn to either fide on its pedeſtal* M, to hin- der the water, with which the canal is filled, from being ſpilt over either of its fides) { • The inftrument is then prepared in a conve- nient place to diſcover feveral very diſtant objects, * Fig. 5. tt Fig. 6. * Fig. 6. + † Fig. 4b } | |Fig.50** Fig. t. Fig. 5Big Fig. 5. Fig 4- 't 6. but 1 88 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the * but not fo far off that we cannot well diftinguifh whether the hair in the teleſcope refts upon the top 5 of fome building, upon the funnel 7 of fome chimney, upon fome crowning of a work 8; or laftly, upon fome elevation well limited and diftinguiſhed; for wherefoever the hair refts, it has always little vibrations, which leave a little thread of light between it and the greateſt height. of the objects to which it is pointed, whereby we may judge the better whether the hair exactly reft up- on them. Theſe objects thus chofen are ſo much the more neceffary, as a hair which is but of a line in thickneſs covers about a foot of the ob- ject, which is near 3000 toifes from the obferver. 24 To fee whether the hair conftantly touches the fame object, its reft is interrupted by gently fhak- ing the canal, and obferving whether it refumes the fame place; or for a ftronger proof, the tele- fcope is taken out of its hooks and put in again. Care must be taken that there be no wa- ter on the domes of the calebaffes, or any thing that hinders the wings † 7 from refting on the bottoms of the hooks; that the water in the canal is high enough, that there may be no danger of the calebaffes touching at the bottom, or either end of the teleſcope on either edge of the canal. If one ſhould fee, that among feveral obſerva- tions there was one where the hair did not return exactly on the fame object, one might fufpect that the difference came from the refractions, which differ often and from one moment to another; eſpecially when it rains, when it is very hot or very cold, when the viſual ray, which parts from the inftrument, paffes from a place where there is a fog, to one where there is not. * Fig. 8. + Fig. 3. Tho' ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 8g Tho' the hair fhould return conſtantly to the fame object, yet we cannot conclude, that this object is in a level with the eye of the obſerver; but only that the viſual rays* H 9 directed by this inftru- ment always make equal angles 9HO, with a plumb line HO, which is imagined to defcend from the eye of the obferver to the centre of the earth. With this inftrument put in the ftate juft men- tioned, we may find as many true points of level between them as we defire, provided the places to which the teleſcope is pointed, are equally dif tant from the inftrument. To have only two, which we ſhall mention how all the perfection may be given that can be defired, plant upright a ftaff c4, at 300 or 400 toifes from the inftrument, on the bank of a ri- ver, a lake, or a canal, along which your affif- tant ſhall preſent you a fignal, or a little fquare of iron, white on one fide, and black on the other; for in any fituation whatfoever the black is feen more eaſily than the white: let him raife or lower this fignal, till the hair of your teleſcope juft touches its upper edge 4, and reckon how many feet, inches, and lines there are from the edge 4 to the baſe of the ftaff c; then let the affiftant preſent in like manner in another place e, as far diftant from the inftrument as c, another fignal 5; and knowing by your fign that the hair of your teleſcope touches the edge of his fignal, he writes how many feet, inches, and lines there are from this edge 5 to the bafe e of his ſtaff. By means of theſe points 4 and 5, which it is eafy to find by all forts of levels, how defective foever they may be, the inftrument may be ad- juſted in the following manner, and difengaged * Fig 8. VOL. I. No. 3. M® from 90 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the from the troubleſome neceffity of always chooſing points equally diſtant from it. Cauſe the inftrument to be carried near one of the ftaves c 4, or e 5, and count how many feet, inches, and lines there are from the upper edge of the fignal 4 to p, where you fhall have obferved the centre of the object-glafs of your teleſcope to be, or the hair to be cut by the ftaff c 4: let your affiftant then go and place upon the ſtaff e 5 a fig- nal q, as much below 5 as p is below 4: then turn the object-glafs of the teleſcope of your inftrument towards q, without making any alteration in the pedeſtal of this inftrument. We ſee that the proper places to plant theſe two ſtaves, ſhould be chofen along a river, that their baſes may not be far from being upon a le- vel. Having thus on each of theſe ftaves two o- ther points p, q, on a true level, as the points 4 and 5 are, obſerve whether the hair of the tele- fcope, which is at p, touches the upper edge of the fignal q. If it touches it, the inftrument is perfect; but it is a great chance. If the hair refts higher than q, take fome of the lead out of the calebafs oc; or if it did not feem too much immerged in the water of the canal, put fome in the calebafs ob, which bears the object-glafs. In short, take out of one, or put into the other, till the hair of the teleſcope approaches the fignal 9; then begin again to obferve where the hair of the teleſcope is cut by the ſtaff c 4; reckon, as in the preceding operation, how many feet, inches, and lines there are from the fignal 4 to this point, and place on the ftaff e 5 a fignal as much below 5, as the centre of the teleſcope is found to be below 4; and if you obferve the hair to touch the edge of this fignal, you may conclude this inftru- ment to be perfect; if not, leffen by degrees with ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 91 with a knife, and not with a file, the leaden ring foldered at * A; charge or diſcharge the calebaffes, and repeat theſe operations, till the meaſure of the point of the level † 4, in the centre of the teleſcope, is equal to the meaſure of the point of level 5, where its hair cuts the ſtaff e 5; and then you will be fure, that the viſual rays which the inftrument directs, whether long or fhort, make right angles with lines HO, ima- gined to defcend from the eye of the obferver to the centre of the earth. This is all that can be required in the moſt juſt inftrument that ever was feen. The ſcale || gives the meaſures of each part of this level. If the length of the fupport, and that of its three feet are reduced to the length of the canal, and if the diameter of the portion of a fphere is reduced to the breadth of the fupport, and to the height of the two veffels of the canal, it is only to incloſe the whole in one caſe, VI. A method to centre telescope-glaſſes in working them, by M. de la Hire ‡, at the obfervatory. After what I have faid on the manner of know- ing the inequality of the thickneſs of the glaffes, ufed to make the object-glaffes of teleſcopes, it will not be difficult to centre them in working; that is, to caufe the greateſt thickneſs of the glaſs to be found in the centre of the figure, when it fhall be wrought. First, the piece of glaſs, of which an object- glafs is to be made, being cut in a circular figure, *Fig. 1 and 2. ‡ July 22, 1699. + Fig. 8. M 2 Fig. 9. mark 92 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the mark the centre as at * C: and by the method which I have given, and as I fhall afterwards ex- plain, trace upon this circle the diameter AB, which will determine its greateſt thickneſs in B, and its leaſt in A. Secondly, begin to form the glafs according to the figure which you would give it, by gradually diminishing the part B, fo much as you can guefs it to be thicker than the part A; and this fide of the glaſs being at laſt entirely finiſhed and poliſh- ed, unglue it, and fearch again for the thickeſt part, if it is not equal every where. But as it is cut on one fide, the centre may be determined by the ſame method; that is, mark the point where the greateſt thickneſs of this glafs is. This will be done by tracing a diameter firſt, as I have juſt fhewed, in which a clear or black line does not appear multiplied, which may always be found; and if this line does not appear doubled in all the diameters, we are fure that the glaſs is well cen- tered, and that we may work it equally on the other fide to give it its entire perfection. But if we trace on the glafs another diameter DE, per- pendicular to AB, which is that where the image of the clear or black line does not appear multi- plied, and the image of the fame line does appear multiplied in the diameter DE, we ſhall know that the glafs is not centered. We muft then make the image of the line on the glafs, which is parallel to the diameter DE, appear, and make it move thereon till it no longer appears doubled, which we may always find and this line must be marked as at FG on the furface of the glafs, which will cut at right angles the diameter AB at the point H, which will be then the centre of this glafs. Now tranſport the magnitude CH to CI on the other fide Plate VI. Fig. 1. of ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 93 of the centre of the diameter AB, and having faſtened the glaſs with maftick as before, begin to cut it on the fide which is ftill flat, and wear away gradually its part towards B, more than that towards A; fo that being almoſt cut all ſpherically, there remains only the little point I, which is not cut on the furface. Then this fide of the glafs may be finiſhed, and you may be fure that it will be well centered. On the ſurface of the glafs, which is firft cut, a little bit of white paper may be pafted, where the point I is marked, that this point may always be known when you cut the other ſide. The demonſtration of this practice is not diffi- cult: for let * ABMN be the ſection of the glafs by the diameter AB of its figure, and perpendicu- larly to the plain furface AB, if we imagine a plane parallel to this furface, which touches it in O the fide NOM of the glaſs which is wrought, it is evident that the point O will be the centre of the glaſs, or its oppofite point H; and feeing the point C is in the middle of the diameter AB, if we take CI equal to CH, and make the point I be the place where the curve PIQ equal and fimilar to NOM, touches the plane AB, the line IO be- ing bifected at K, will give the point K, for the centre of this glaſs. Q. E. D. Now as for the manner of finding the greateſt thickneſs of the glafs, as it depends only on one multiplication, you must only make uſe of the reflection of a bright line in the dark, or of a black one in a ſtrong light. We must therefore expoſe one fide of the glafs + AB to the black or bright line RS, fo that it may be perpendicular to the plane, which paffes through the eye O, and the line RS, and that this furface of the glafs * Fig. 2. + Fig. 3. may 94 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the may be alſo very little inclined to this line to be able to perceive the image of it more eaſily; and when the image AB of the line RS appears fingle, you will know that the diameter AB of the circular piece of glaſs will thereby determine its greateſt and leaft thickneſs. But if the image AB appears double, and the moſt vivid is towards X, and the fainteft towards Y, then the part X will be thicker than the part Y, as I have already demonftrated. VII. Obfervations on the infects called adder- bolts or dragon-flies, by M. Homberg.* As my obſervations were made only on one fpecies of adder-bolts, I fhall endeavour to di- ſtinguiſh it from the reft in the firſt place, and defcribe the parts which principally belong to my obfervation. The males and females are of the fame bignefs, being about 20 lines long: the body of each of them is equally flender; except that the end of the tail, or extremity of the belly in the female † b is a little bigger than that of the male ‡ a. They are both very lively, and keep ufually on the banks of rivers. The males are of a fhining violet colour all over their bodies; their 4 wings are tranfparent, a little gilded, with a great fpot almoft in the middle of each wing e, of the fame violet colour with their whole body, which makes this part of the wings opake. The females are all over their body of a fhin- ing gilded grey, approaching to green. Their 4 wings f are transparent, of the fame colour, and without any (pot. *Aug. 22, 1659 Fig. 4. + Plate VI. Fig. 5. || Fig. 4. Fig 5. I When ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 95 When they are at reft, or do not fly, their 4 wings draw cloſe to each other, fo as to feem but one, whereas ſeveral other ſpecies of adder- bolts keep their wings always extended, as well when they are at reft as when they fly. The head of this animal, which is very big in compariſon of its body, joins to the breaſt only by a very flender thread: its belly * a c, or that part which reaches from the place where its wings are planted, to the other extremity, is divided into 10 joints, the motion of which is only up and down, and from fide to fide. The place, on which the wings are planted, I fhall call the breaft. It has its lungs about the middle of the belly towards, which appears by this part's heaving continually at fmall intervals, as the parts of re- ſpiration commonly do. The extremity of the belly of the male || a, or the tenth joint of its belly, is a fimple ring, which makes its anus; it is furniſhed with 4 little hooks, 2 large above, about a line in length, and 2 fmaller below, which it can open and fhut, juſt as lobſters do their claws. The extremity of the belly of the female † b, I feems to confift of 2 tubes placed one below the other. The upper one is the anus, which is placed as in the males, and the lower one is the female organ, or entrance into the matrix. This laft is about a line long; and rifes from the lower part of the eighth joint of the belly: each of theſe tubes are furniſhed at the end with 2 very fmall points; whereas the anus of the male has 4 hooks. The 2 ends of the tube, being placed one above the other, make the extremity of the female's belly bigger, and not to be fo much pointed as in the male. * Fig 4• I + Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 5. 96 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the I have ſeen theſe animals perform an action, which has apppeared to me very extraordinary, and has raiſed a curiofity in me to examine them attentively; the male finding the female fitting on fome leaf or branch by the water-fide, took her as he flew, with the hooks of his anus, by the neck between the head and breaſt, and ſo carried her off hanging by the head at the end of his tail. I thought at firft, they had been two different fpecies of animals, and that they were quarrelling ; but as I faw no refiftance made by one of them againſt its being carried off, but on the contrary, that one of them preſented itſelf, and feemed to expect the other, to be carried off more commo- diouſly, I thought quite otherwife. I followed them, and faw that the male feated himſelf not far off, on a leaf of a ruſh, and at the fame time he raiſed his tail, with which he held the female by the neck, to place her on the fame leaf where he was. The female being thus feated behind the male, bent her belly, turning it be- tween her legs, and with the end of her belly, fhe thruſt her parts againſt the breaſt of the male, whofe genital parts are in that place*: the male fupporting the head of the female with his tail, during this whole action. They continued in this poſture for about three minutes, and then the male lifted up his breaft ftrongly, and the genital parts of theſe two ani- mals ſeparated, as if they had been forced afun- der the male alfo let the head of the female go at the fame time, and flew away immediately. The female being at liberty, put herſelf in order again, and remained without motion in the fame place for a full half quarter of an hour, and then The flew away alſo. *Fig. 6. I ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES: 97 4 I have caught feveral of thefe animals, to exa- mine their genital parts; and this is what I have found. The upper part of the belly, in both lexes, is convex thro' its whole length. The un- der part of the belly is folded and bent inwards, and forms a gutter, lengthwife, almoft like the inner part of a feather between its vanes. This gutter begins in the males at the third joint, and is continued quite to the anus. The first joint of its belly, next the breaft, is only a round and very narrow ring, about the breadth of a large pin; and it does not feem to have any other ufe, than to give a more free and large motion to the reſt of the belly. } The fecond joint in the males** C, is two lines long, very much, hollowed in the fore part under- neath, making a fort of a bag, the edges of which are fet with hair, and the bottom is towards the breaſt. } " From the bottom of this bag proceeds a ſmall hard and black body, of the fize of a hog's briſtle, two lines long, with a hard and very fmall white pearl at the end. This little body feems to be im- planted into the breaſt of the male, and to per- form the office of a penis. It is lodged length- wife in the bag, in fuch a manner, that the little white pearl is always vifible when we prefs the end of a feather into, this bag, the penis comes out of itſelf, about a line in length; which hap- pens alſo when the anus is preffed. I have cut the breaſt of the male tranfverfly with fciffars above the wings, and found in the fleshy part within the breaſt a hollow cone, the bafe of which was towards the head of the animal, and its vortex bordered within on the root of the penis; I have driven a little needle into the vertex of this hol- * Fig. 4. VOL. I. N°. 3. N low 98 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the low cone, which has made the whole length of the penis come out of the bag. I have opened the breaft in feveral males to ex- amine this cavity, but I have found it only in two; all the reſt had their breafts full. One of theſe had juſt done coupling when I took him, and the other I took at hazard. This difference made me think, that this cavity might be the re- fervoir of the feed of this animal, which being but juſt emptied, made the cavity ftill viſible but before the copulation, this place being full, or fometime after it, the fides of this veffel being fal- len, there would not appear any ſenſible mark of it. ; The bag, in which the penis is lodged, is only â continuation of the gutter which runs along the whole belly almoſt underneath, with the diffe- rence, that in this place the gutter is deeper and wider, than in all the reft of its extent, and that it is hairy, whereas all the reſt is ſmooth. The under part of the belly of the females is in like manner folded into a gutter, which begins at the ſecond joint of the belly * d, which is not hairy, like the males, and continues along the 6 following joints : The two laft joints but one of the female hold its external genital parts b underneath. They are formed after the following manner the ninth joint underneath has an aperture furniſhed on each fide with a light grey little wing. Theſe two little wings cover this aperture, and have a mo- tion of opening and fhutting; and when they are fhut, they ſeem to form a little tube i. At the root of the eighth joint, there arifes a little bunch, up to the root of the ninth joint. On the extremity of this bunch are planted two little crooked horns, black, very hard, a little above a line long, fhaped almoft like the fangs of Fig, 5. # ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 99 a viper, but a little more crooked, and its points are turned towards the anus. They are articula ted, and have a motion every way; they are u- ſually lodged under the little wings juſt deſcribed, and are entirely hidden by them; they are laid fo near each other, that they appear like one fingle hook. I believe theſe two little horns may have the two following uſfes. Firſt, as they are couched between the two little wings, which cover the female parts, and as they have a motion every way, they can, by parting from each other, open the two little wings, and thereby diſcover the a- perture of theſe parts. The ſecond uſe may be, to direct the parts of the female in copulation towards thofe of the male, and that in the following manner : We have ſeen that the parts of the male are very near its breaft, whereas thofe of the female are placed at the other extremity of the belly, fo that the female is obliged, in copulation, to bend her belly and bring it between her legs and under her breaſt, to reach the parts of the male, as is reprefented in Fig. 6. which is a very uneafy poſture, in which fhe might often miss the parts of the male, without the affiftance of thefe two horns but when theſe horns rife under the little wings, they prefent their convexity to the gutter, which poffeffes the whole under part of the belly of the male, in which they very easily engage themſelves; and after they are entered into this gutter, they ferve for an infallible guide to the parts of the female, to arrive furely to thofe of the male. I have fhut up feveral of thefe females, to fee if they would produce any eggs; but as they flood in need of nourishment, which they would } N 2 not 100 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the not take in their prifon, they all died, fo that I could not extend my obſervation any farther. $ • I never found any eggs in them on diffection, which makes me believe the females hide them- felves foon after copulation, to lay their eggs, and that they perifh afterwards. The males alfo muſt perish foon after copulation; which I gueſs, becauſe I have found a great many wings of males in feveral places, where it is probable, that they died; and as I found no bodies, it is probable, that they were eaten by other infects. 1 I obferved, that the firft, of theſe animals, which I took about the 18th of July this year, particularly the males, were longer and ftronger than thole which I took a fortnight afterwards, that there were hardly any three weeks after, and that theſe few were very poor ones; which makes me believe, that theſe animals could not all hatch at the fame time, and that the first fight is better than the last. VIII. An inquiry into the strength of man to move burdens, either by lifting, carrying, or drawing, confidered abfolutely, and with comparison to that of animals which carry and draw, as horfes, by M. de la Hire, at the obfervatory * في I fuppofe, in the first place, that a ſtrong man of a midling ftature weighs 140 lb. of our weight. บุ ) } I confider firft, that fuch a man, having his knees on the ground, can raife himſelf, by reft- ing only on the point of the feet, and the two knees being continually joined together; and as *Nov. 10, 1699. AN " this ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 101 " this effort is made by means of the mufcles of the legs and thighs, it is evident, by the fuppofition juft made of his weight, that the mufcles of the legs and thighs will have ftrength to raife 140 lb. But a man having the hams a little bent, can recover himſelf, tho' loaded with a weight of 150 lb. together with the weight of his body which he raiſes at the fame time; fo that the force of the mufcles of the legs and thighs can raiſe a weight of 290 lb. that is, 150 lb. of the weight with which it is loaded, and 140 lb. of the weight of his body, when the elevation is but two or three inches. Such a man, as we have already fuppofed and confidered, can alfo raiſe from the earth a weight of 100 ib. which fhall be placed between his legs, by only bending the body, and taking this weight with the hands as with two hooks, and then recovering himſelf. Whence it follows, that the muſcles of the loins alone have ftrength to raiſe a weight of 170 lb. that is, 100 lb. of the weight, and 70 lb. which is half his own weight; for he must not only raife the weight of 100 lb. but all the upper part of his body, which I efti- mate at 707. feeing he bent down to lift the weight. As for the force of the arms in drawing, or raiſing a burden, it may be reckoned at 160 lb. which depends on the force of the mufcles of the fhoulders and arms. For if a man takes with both his hands any fixt body, placed above his head, he can eaſily enough, by the fole effort of his arms, raiſe his whole body, and 20 lb. beſides, as if he was loaded with the weight of 20 lb. The experiment of this may eaſily be made, if there is a weight of 160 lb. which is faftened to the ex- tremity of a cord, which paffes over a pully; 2 and 102 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the and if a man who weighs but 140 lb. draws the other extremity of this cord, it is evident that he can never raile the weight of 160 lb. feeing all that he can do is to hang upon this cord, and the weight at the other extremity, weighing more than he, will keep him fufpended; for the pully is nothing but a continued ballance with equal arms but if this man is loaded with a weight of 20 lb. he will then make an equilibrium with the weight on the other fide; and if we add to this 20 lb. then he will raiſe the weight, for the muſ- cles of his fhoulders and arms have ftrength enough to raiſe all this weight. Altho' the muſcles of each part of the body, are able to make fuch great efforts to raiſe burdens, yet we must not compute the ftrength of a man by that of all his muſcles together, tho’ the fpirits which ſwell the muſcles ferving to mo- tion in general, by contracting themfelves, and drawing the tendons of their extremities, could diftribute themſelves equally into all theſe parts, and in the fame manner with a feparated part, ſeeing each part ufually ferves for a fupport to that which is joined to it. For example, the muſcles of the arms and fhoulders contracting themſelves, can raiſe a weight of 160 lb. But if the body is bent, the arms cannot ſuſtain this weight, unleſs the mufcles of the loins have ſtrength at the fame time, to fuftain the upper part of the body with the weight with which it is loaded; and if the hams were alfo bent, then the muſcles of the legs and thighs, muſt ſtill make a greater effort, as they muft fuftain the weight of 160 lb. and at the fame time that of the whole body. Whence it happens, that in this difpofition of the whole body, the ftrength is divided by the diftri- bution of the fpirits into all the parts, which is the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 103 the cauſe that a man cannot raiſe from the ground a weight of 160 lb. Not but that there may be fome men, whoſe fpirits flow in fuch abundance, and with ſo much rapidity into their muſcles, that they make efforts triple and quadruple of what is ufual; and this feems to me the natural reafon of the ſurpriſing force that we ſee in fome men who carry and lift fuch burdens, as 2 or 3, men together would be at a loſs to ſupport; tho' thefe men are fome- times of a moderate fize, and feem outwardly ra- ther weak than ftrong. There was one not long ago, in this country, who was faid to carry a great fmith's anvil, and of whom ſeveral won- derful actions were related: but I faw another at Venice, who was young; and did not feem to be able to carry above 40 or 50 lb. with all poffible advantages, who getting upon a little table raiſed an afs from the ground, and held it up in the air, by a large girt that went under the belly, and was faſtened at each end to hooks, which hung at the end of 2 little twiſts made of ſmall cords, and a few hairs on each fide of the head of this young fellow and all this great ftrength depended only on the muſcles of the ſhoulders and loins; for he ftooped at firft whilft the hooks were faſtened to the girt; and afterwards he lifted the animal off the ground, leaning his hands upon his knees. He again raifed in the fame manner other bur- dens, which feemed heavier than this animal, and ſaid he found lefs difficulty in it, becauſe the afs ftruggled when it was off the ground. I now examine the effort of a man to carry a burden on his fhoulders; and I fay the weight of this burden may be 150 lb. and that he can walk, with this load eafily enough on a horizontal plane, provided he does not make great ftrides; but he cannot 104 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the cannot go up a hill or a ladder with the fame weight. For the action of walking with a bur- den on the fhoulders, muft be confidered as the circular motion of the centre of gravity of the body, and of the weight joined together, on the foot which advances as centre of the arch of motion; the effort of the mufcles of the other . leg ferving only to push this centre forwards; and if the arch defcribed by this centre is fmall, the effort of the hinder leg muſt not be great, to make it be defcribed, feeing the whole burden of the body, and of the weight, is not to be raiſed by more than the quantity of the verfed fine of half the arch; which is not confiderable in this çafe, with regard to the arch which is the path in which the whole burden advances. Thus we fee that a man well loaded can walk the more eaſily, as he makes lefs ftrides, feeing the fine will be ſo much the leſs, and that he could not advance by making fuch large ftrides, that the effort of the hinder leg could not raife the bur- den of the body, and of the weight by the quan- tity of the verfed fine of the arch, which would be half the ftep. It is eafy alfo to fee that the fame man cannot go up a ladder, or ſteep hill with this load, feeing according to what we have already explained, the effort of the mufcles of his legs being able to raife a weight of 150 lb. only to the height of ? or 3 inches, he could not raife it to 5 inches which is the height of the ufual ſteps, nor go up a hill without making fuch fhort fteps, as to rife but 2 or 3 inches at each. + It therefore now remains for me only to confider the effort of a man to draw or puſh horizontally. But to render this explication more clear and in- telligible, I confider his ftrength applied to the handle f ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 105 handle of a roller the axis of which is horizontal, and over which a cord is turned which fuftains a weight, having fuppofed the diftance from the centre of the roller to the elbow of the handle, equal to the femi-diameter of the roller, that the force may be compared being applied without any augmentation on the fide of the machine, I have alſo had no regard to the frictions of the axis of the roller, nor to the difficulty which the cord may have to bend. Firft it is evident, that if the elbow of the handle is placed horizontally, and that it is about the height of the knees, the effort of the man who raifes it in drawing, may at the fame time lift the weight of 150 lb. which fhall be faftened to the extremity of the cord, taking all poffible advantages, feeing it is the fame as to raife the weight, as I have already explained. But if it is to deprefs the handle, his effort can be no more than 140 lb. which is the weight of his whole body, that he can apply by bearing upon it, un- lefs he is loaded; for then he could make a much greater effort. Secondly, if the elbow of the handle is placed vertically, and is at the height of the fhoulders, it is certain that a man can make no effort to turn it, by drawing it or pufhing it with his hands, if the 2 feet are against each other, and the body trait, which is reprefented by the line AP, and if the line of the arms reprefented by AM is ho- rizontal, and makes a right angle with AP, fince in this pofition, neither the force of the whole body or if its parts, nor its weight, can make any effort to push or draw, which is known by me- chanicks, for I confider the breadth of the feet only as a fingle point. P. Bat if the handle is * Plate -VI. Fig: 7. VOL. I. N°. 3. O higher 106 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the higher or lower than the height of the ſhoulders, then the line which goes from the fhoulders to the hands, which is AM, and that which goes from the fhoulders to the end of the feet, which here is AP, will make an obtuſe or an acute angle, and the man may have fome force to draw or puſh the handle; and this force depends wholly on the weight of the body, as is eafy to know and demonſtrate; and this weight or this force muſt be confidered as reunited in his centre of gravity, which is near the navel within the body, fay that regard muſt be had only to the weight of the body to determine the equilibrium, for the effort of the muſcles of the legs and thighs ferves only to preſerve this equilibrium in walking. * Let the handle D be at the height of the ſhoulders A, and let the centre of gravity of the body be at C, the body being very much inclined towards the handle; but let the end of the feet be at P: we muſt confider 1ft this point P as the fulcrum of a lever or ftrait rod PCH, which paffing thro' the centre of gravity C of the whole body, meets the line of the arms MA at the point H; 2. That this point C of the lever being loaded with the weight of all the body 140 lb. with its natural direction, its extremity H is fuftained with the horizontal direction MAH; whence it will be eaſy to conclude by mechanicks, what effort the weight of the body at C with its natural direction, can make on the handle ac- "ording to the horizontal direction DH. For first, let PH be of 240 parts and PC of 80; fince the effort of all the body at the point C is 140 lb. it will be but 80 lb. at the point H, as if at the point H there was a weight of 80 lb. fufpended with its natural direction, which must be, Fig. 8. in ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 107 in the fuppofitions that we have made, perpendicular to MA. Wherefore if we draw from the point of fupport P the line PF perpendicular to MAF, the weight of 80 lb. at H with its natural direction, will be to the effort of the fame according to the horizontal direction MAH on the handle, in the ratio of PF to HF, which very much dimi- niſhes the effort of the 80 lb. in a moderate incli- nation of the body ACB. And if we fuppofe for inftance, that the line PCH makes with MAF the angle PHF of 70 degrees, the line of the body ACB will then be inclined to the horizon, or with MF, an angle of more than 60 degrees, which is at moſt the inclination in which the body can be to be able to walk; and the fine of 70 degrees which is PF, will be to the fine of its complement which is HF, very near as 3 to 1; and confequently the effort of the 80 lb. at H ac- cording to the natural direction, will be to that which they make according to the horizontal di- rection, only of 80 lb. which is a little lefs than 27 16. 1 Thoſe who have not made the experiment of the ſtrength of a man, to puſh horizontally with the arms, or to draw a horizontal cord in walking, the body being inclined forwards, whether the cord be faftened towards the fhoulders or about the middle of the body, for the effort will be no greater in the fame inclination of the body, fince the fines of inclination and its complement are al- ways in the fame ratio, cannot perfuade them- felves that the whole ftrength of a man, is reduced to draw only 27 lb. with a horizontal direction. Not but that a man being bent can ſuſtain a much greater weight than 27 lb. ſeeing if the line PH made with HF an angle of 45 degrees, it is certain that the weight of the body would fiftain O 2 ;ך י ! 7 108 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 70 lb. but as he would be bent according to a line as AB, which would be much more inclined to the horizon than 45 degrees, it is certain that far from being able to walk, he would hardly be able to fuftain it. The fame demonftration ferves alfo to fhew, that a man will have much more ftrength to draw in walking backwards than forwards. For in this fituation of the body, the line* PCH which paffes from the end of the feet P thro' the centre of gravity C, and whereon depends the augmen- tation of the force, will be always more inclined to the horizon, than the line of the body ACB, quite contrary to what it was in the preceding pofition. But this manner of drawing could not be put in practice, unless it was only to draw a cord, the man continuing always in the fame place; and one ſhould not fail of putting one's felf in this poſture in ſuch a cafe, for nature and experience have taught us to take always all poffible advan- tages in common operations. It is for the fame reafon alfo that our mariners, and in general all who row on the fea, always pull their oars from before backwards, for they have much more force than if they puſhed them forwards, as the gondeliers of Venice do, for which I fee no other reafon than that of feeing before them; which is much more neceffary for them than great force, becaufe of the frequent turns they are obliged to make in the canals, and to avoid running againſt one another. It remains for me in the laft place to compare the ſtrength of men with that of horfes in draw- ing which are the ftrongest of all drawing ani- mal but as it does not entirely depend upon Fig. 9. their ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 109 their weight, as that of men does, but princi- pally on the muſcles of their body, and on the general difpofition of its parts, which have a very great advantage in pufhing forwards, we muit be contented with the common experiment, that a horfe draws horizontally as much as feven men; and thus a horfe can draw horizontally only a little less than 200 lb. Not but that, when loaded, he can draw a little more; but it is but little in proportion to our idea of the great ſtrength of this animal. But as it is ufually con- fidered as being applied to fome wheel-carriage, fuch as carts, we cannot make fuch a juft eftima- tion of it, becauſe on a fmooth and horizontal plain they need no more force than is neceffary to overcome the frictions of the axle-trees. We may obferve again, that three men will do more than a horfe in carrying a burden up a ſteep hill; for three men loaded with 100 lb. each, will rife more quickly and eafily than a horſe loaded with 300 lb; which comes from the difpofition of the parts of the human body, which are better adapted to afcend than thofe of a horſe. We fee alfo by this demonftration, that thofe who have thought to obtain a very great advan- tage from the weight of the horſe, by applying it to a ſwipe, to move the piftons of a pump, have not found in the execution all that they had concluded by the calculation of the weight of this animal, fince at each ftep it muſt be obliged to go up a fort of ladder. 瞥 ​IX. 110 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the IX. Two forts of wheels to draw water, by M. des Billettes *. The first. It is quite clofed on one fide by a circle of eight feet in diameter, made of planks 1 inch thick, faſtened on a crofs of eight pieces of wood, which in the centre of their affemblage leave a hole eight inches fquare, in which the end of an arbor of like bignefs is inferted, which turning round makes the wheel turn with it. The oppofite fide is void from the centre to about 13 inches from the circumference. This fpace of 13 inches is occupied by 14 buckets nailed on the planks, being on the infide 15 inches long, 14 high, and 11 broad. The length is underſtood of the fpace, which they poffefs on the turn of the circumference, the height of their perpendi- cular elevation on the plane, and the breadth of their ſpace from the circumference to the centre. The outer plank of their length is cut fome in- ches, and confequently leaves an opening to give entrance to the water, every time each bucket im- merges, all the other five fides being exactly clofed. That which covers their height confifts of two pieces; one of which is immoveable; the other is faftened by two pair of hinges; fo that it can open and fhut like the lid of a box. On this lid is alſo faſtened a latch, made alfo like the common latches of doors, and which being pref- fed by a ſpring placed on the fame lid, engages itſelf under an iron catch faſtened to the plank on the fide of the bucket towards the centre, or the void of the wheel. And thus the water, which has entered the bucket by its aperture, remains fhut up as long as the latch holds the lid. But as • December 9, 1699. foon 1 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. III } foon as it unlatches, the weight of the water makes it immediately difgorge into a trough un- derneath. This trough is a foot high, and two broad, and has an iron hook ſtrongly fixed, cal- led the decrochoir; becauſe, as the wheel turns, this hook catches at the latches of the buckets fuc- ceffively, and forcing their fpring, difengages or unhooks them, from below the catches which held the lids cloſe down. Then as the wheel continues to immerge, the lids fhut, both becauſe of the lofs of their own weight, and becauſe of the water which ſtrikes them on the outfide, and gives liberty to the play of the fprings, which hook the latches under the catches again. The fecond: It is lefs compound than the other. For it is formed of two hoops which cloſe it pa- rallelly, and contain between them an arbitrary number of volets, clofed at the bottom, fides, and ends but quite open at the circumference of the wheel. What is moſt particular, is a curve-trough, which embraces both its planes by a fegment of a circle of about 100 degrees, fo that below it riſes a little above the horizontal ſpoke of the wheel, and confequently conducts all the water that it draws to a place above, where it has a ſpout, at which the water difgorges itſelf into a gutter pre- pared for the voidance. D - The advantage of the fecond wheel above the other is its having a little more fimplicity in its conftruction; but it has alfo a great deal more friction, becauſe the trough muft touch the fides exactly, or elſe there will be a great lofs of wa- ter. And this friction is much more confider- able, when towards the end of the drawing, the water having funk very confiderably, the wheels must be inclined to the horizon. But the first has neither friction nor lofs of water, and fo is in all 112 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the all poins the beft. With both of them one may draw 5000 muids of water in an hour.. F X. Of the refiftance caufed in machines, both by the frictions of the parts of which they are compofed, and by the stiffness of the cords employed in them, by M. Amontons * Experiment. *. We put upon fome planes † AA, of copper, iron, lead, and wood, anointed with old lard, other planes BB of like materials, and different bigneffes they were preffed one upon another differently by ſprings, like that repreſented by CCC, of which the quantity of preffure was known. Theſe planes were changed all poffible ways, putting ſometimes thoſe of iron on thoſe of copper, lead, and wood, and ſometimes thefe laſt on thofe of iron; and at each time we obferved with a fpring balance D, the quantities of force neceſſary to make them move, and we found, 1. That the refiftance caufed by the friction increaſes and diminishes only in proportion to the greater or lefs preffures, according as the parts which rub have more or lefs extent. 2. That the refiftance caufed by the frictions is nearly the fame in the iron, the copper, the lead, and the wood, let them be varied how you will, when theſe fubftances are anointed with old lard. 3. That this refiftance is nearly equal to of the preffure. To thefe remarks we may add a fourth, that thefe refiftances are between themfelves in a ratio compounded of the weights or pref fures of the parts which rub, of the times and of the velocities of their motion. * Dec. 19, 1699. + Plate VII. Fig. 1. For ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 113 For if, for inftance, the plane * A is preffed on the horizontal plane BBBB by a quantity equal to 30 lb. according to the third remark it muſt have a power equal to 10 lb. to move it, whether this plane is moved according to any right line whatſoever as AD, or according to a circular line as AE; for we may fuppofe this plane A fo fmall, that the determination about the centre C does not produce an effect which fen- fibly differs from that which it would produce ac- cording to the determination of a right line. Now it is evident, that if inftead of applying the power at A, or any place of the radius CA, we apply it at F, or any place of the radius FC, as far diftant from the point C, as the place where this power ſhould have been applied towards A or to- wards F, provided it is at an equal diſtance from thefe points, or from the centre C. But as it is demonftrated in mechanicks, that two forces do not act equally, but when they are between them- ſelves in a reciprocal ratio from the centre of fup- port, it follows that if the power, which being applied at A was equal to the refiftance cauſed by the friction of the plane A, was 10 lb. it muſt be 20 lb. equal to the refiftance, when this power is applied at G, fo that GC is to AC as one to two: on the contrary, fuppofing the refiftance at G, and the power at A, this power needs be no more than 5 lb. to equal this refiftance; and if both at A and G, we fuppofe a preffure equal to that of the plane A, the power which ſhall be applied at A or F, needs be no more than 15 lb. to equal theſe two refiftances caufed by the two preffures, each of 30 lb. whence we fee that thefe reſiſtances are between themſelves, when the pref- fures are equal, in proportion to the ſpaces run * Fig. 2. VOL. I. N°. 3. P thro' 114 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the thro' at the fame time, and confequently that they are alſo between themſelves in an inverfe ratio of the times of their motions, when the ſpaces run thro' are equal; whence it follows, that if a plane is doubly preffed, and runs thro' a double ſpace in half the time that another plane does, the friction of the firft will equal eight times that of the laſt. It is by reaſoning according to the above prin- ciples, that we know that the friction in the fledge makes a reſiſtance at leaft equal to of the weight of the fledge, and of the burden with which it is loaded; that in the waggon, this refiftance is lefs than in the fledge, according to the ratio of the circumference of the wheel to the hole of the nave which receives the axle; and that if this ratio is as 18 to 1, the refiftance cauſed by the friction, is in the waggon equal to part of the weight of the body of the waggon, and of the burden with which it is loaded. I 5+ It is in ſhort by theſe principles, that we know why in all machines, and in all weights which are moved horizontally on a pivot, the friction is fo inconfiderable, as well as in ballances, let the weight be ever fo heavy; for the ratio of the bigness of that part of the pivot which rubs, to the length of the lever by which the power acts, is fo fmall, that it is almoft infenfible. But tho' all the experiments above related ſeem to prove fufficiently, that the refiftance cauſed by the friction of the furfaces which rub, increaſes or diminiſhes according to the greater or lefs pref fures, and not according to the greater or lefs ex- tent of theſe ſurfaces; as this does not always fuf- fice to convince a reaſonable mind, it is good however to eſtabliſh this truth by demonftrating Now, it. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 115 Now if we meditate carefully on the nature of friction, we fhall find it is nothing but the action by which a body which is prefed against another, is moved on the furface of that which it touches; and that as the furfaces, which rub againſt one ano- ther, cannot be confidered either as rugged and un- equal, or as perfectly fmooth, and as it is impoffible in the firft cafe that thefe inequalities fhould be partly convex and partly concave, and that the firſt entring into the laft they fhould not pro- duce a certain refiftance when we would make them move, fince to do that they muft remove what preffes them against one another, and that the action of theſe inequalities or otherwiſe the ef- fect which they may produce, is the fame with that of the inclined planes, which are uſed to raiſe bur- dens; it follows, that the greater the preffure, the more confiderable is the refiftance to the mo- tion: beſides, in the cafe before us, we muſt fup- poſe the preffure to be equally diftributed in the whole extent of the furfaces: it follows alfo, that of different furfaces of different extents loaded with equal weights, each of the parts which com- pofe the great ones is lefs loaded than each of the parts of the fame extent which compoſe the ſmall ones, and this according to the ratio between their furfaces, and that fo, for example, if a fur face of a foot fquare or 144 inches, is loaded with a weight of 144 lb. each fquare inch will be loaded only with 1 lb. whereas the fame weight of 144 lb. being fupported by a furface of foot, or 36 fquare inches, each fquare inch will ſupport 4lb. and as it is the fame thing to raiſe to a cer- tain height in a certain time 36 times 4 lb. or to raife in the fame time 144 . to the fame height, it follows alfo that the refiftance cauſed by the friction of the furfaces of different extents is always P 2 4 116 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the always the fame when they are loaded with equal weights, or, which is the fame thing, when the preffures are equal; and as when the preffures are unequal, the forces which they muſt have to raiſe different weights to the fame height in a certain time are between themſelves as theſe weights or theſe preſſures, it follows alfo, that the refiftances cauſed by different preffures are among themſelves as theſe preffures. First remark. This demonftration always fubfifts, whether thefe inequalities are fuppofed rigid, or whether they are ſuppoſed capable of elaſticity, fince the power which would furmount the ftiffnefs of a ſpring, and would make it move, for example, from A to B, does not differ from that which would raiſe to an equal height, a weight equal to the force of this fpring. Second remark. But if we fuppofe that the furfaces which rub. are without any inequalities, and confider them as mere mathematical planes, we ſhall find alſo, that this propofition is true, fince how eaſy ſo ever the lateral motion may be of heavy bodies, which are not removed from the centre of the earth, the laws of motion inform us, that the more gra- vity theſe bodies have, the more refiftance they make againſt being moved; add, that it is not true abfolutely fpeaking, that two mathematical planes can be moved upon one another, in in any fi- tuation that they are put, without one of them re- moving from the centre of the earth more or lefs, according to the fituation of thefe planes, and that fo the greater the weights are with which • Fig. 3. they ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 117 they are loaded, the more force they require to move them, which has no need of demonſtration. Third remark. Tho' it has juſt been demonftrated, that the refiſtance cauſed by the frictions augments ac- cording to the preffure, and not according to the extent of the ſurfaces which rub, here is however a very particular cafe; in which, if we attend fufficiently to it, it appears to be the quite con- trary. Let there be as many planes as you pleaſe, * AAAA, preffed between others BBBB, by the weight C taken at will. If the planes as AAAA, can be drawn all together by the fame power D, without the planes BBBB being able to move otherwife, than to tranſport the preffure of the weight C to all the planes AA and BB, ſuppo- fing befides all theſe planes without any gravity, and that we know the refiftance cauſed by the friction of one of the planes A, againſt one of the planes B, by the preffure of the weight C; the power at D, which will furmount the refift- ance caufed by the friction of all theſe planes, will be to the weight C multiplied by the number of all the planes ÃA BB, minus 1, as the refift- ance cauſed by the friction of 2 planes A and B, preffed by the weight C, is to the fame weight C; and if the particular refiftance caufed by the friction of 2 of thefe planes, is, for inftance, as 1 to 1, let the number of the planes be 11, the power at D muſt be decuple of the weight C, whence it follows, that a very little preffure may make a reſiſtance, greater and greater to in- finity, by augmenting alfo the number of the planes which rub against one another; which feems at firſt a meer paradox, but the truth of *Fig. 4. it 118 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the it is eafily known, by confidering that if to over- come the particular refiftance caufed by the friction of 2 planes as A and B, the power, which draws one of the planes, muft raiſe the weight C by a certain quantity, then the power, which fhall make a greater number of thefe planes move, rnuft raiſe this weight by a quantity, double, triple, quadruple, and fo thefe powers must be among themſelves as the heights to which they raiſe the weight. Now as it is the fame thing to raife a certain weight to a height double, triple, quadruple of another height, or to raiſe the double, the triple, the quadruple of this weight to this height at the fame time, it follows that the great elevation of the weight C, in the cafe. in queftion, ferves inftead of gravity, and fo that it is always true to fay, that the refiftance. cauſed by the friction. changes in proportion to the greater or lefs preffures, and not according to the extent of the furfaces that rub. What we have juft faid of the great refiftance cauſed by ſeveral planes engaged one in another, tho' preffed by a very fmall weight, may ferve exceedingly well to explain the caufe of the hard- nefs of the bodies called hard, and by oppofition that of the fluidity, or liquidity of thoſe which are called fluid or liquid; but we referve the dif courfing on it for another time. After having fufficiently eſtabliſhed what fric- tion is, its nature and its laws, there remains only to fay fomething of the rules by which we may reduce it to calculation, to know the quan- tity of it in the most compound machines. First rule. In machines where there are feveral frictions, we must examine them in order one after another beginning ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. I10 beginning with the neareft to the moving force, comparing the firft with the moving force, and afterwards all the reft with the firſt, to know the value of each in particular. This order is fo much the more natural, as the parts, which tranfmit the motion to the reft, are nearer to the moving force, and as there is no friction, where there is no motion, as has been already obſerved. Second rule. We ſhall have the value of the firft friction of a machine, by comparing the ſpace run thro' by the part which rubs, to the ſpace run thro' by the moving force, in the fame time, and tak- ing the fuitable proportional part in the of the moving force. 2 We shall eaſily conceive the reafon of this, if we confider, that in the experiment of the frictions above related, the power was immediately applied to the part which caufed the friction, and that the ſpaces run thro' by this part, and by the power in the fame times, were confequently equal; and that in the calculation of a friction, we muſt neceffarily have regard to this circumftance; it being very evident, that if the fpace run thro' by the part which rubs, is for inftance, but of that which fhall be run thro' by the power in the fame time, the friction alfo will be but of what it ſhould have been, if it had run thro' an equal fpace, by this axiom, that every effect is propor- tioned to the caufe from which it refults; and that fo a friction by a ſpace leſs than another in the fame time, is an effect lefs than the other, which has been alfo demonſtrated in another man- ner, in confequence of the 4th maxim of the above mentioned experiment. Now by the third I maxim 120 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the maxim of this experiment, the friction of the parts which rub is equal to of their preffure, and this preffure in the part of a machine the neareſt to the moving force, being always double of this force, becauſe the refiftance makes a like. effort with the moving force upon this part, it follows that the firft friction of a machine is al- ways equal to of this moving force, when the ſpace run thro' by it, is equal to the ſpace run thro' by the part which rubs in the fame time; and that this friction is lefs than the of this force, in proportion as the firſt ſpace is lefs than the fecond, and on the contrary; and that ac- cording to the ratio of the ſpaces run thro' by both in the fame times. 3 Third rule. 3 We ſhall have the value of the moving force, when only the reſiſtance is given, by calculating aud comparing according to the principles of mechanicks, the ſpace which this force has to run thro' by the difpofition of the machine, with the ſpace which the weight, or the refifting force ought to run thro' in the fame time; upon which it is to be obferved, that when the refifting force, or the moving force is a weight, the ſpace, which they muſt run thro', is always meafur'd by a plumb line, whereas, when there are other powers, this ſpace is meaſured according to the determination of the motion of theſe powers. Fourth rule. We fhall have the total frictions of a machine, when after having compared each friction with the firſt and neareft to the moving force, we add all theſe particular frictions in a fum; but we muft not expect that in augmenting the moving. force ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 121 er force by a quantity equal to this value, it ſhould be fufficient to furmount the refifting force; for this addition to the moving force immediately pro- duces a new friction, of which we muſt find the value, and afterwards that of the augmentation of it, and that till this quantity of friction proceed- ing from the augmentation made each time to the power is ſo ſmall that we muſt have no farther regard to it; for example, if the refifting force was 100, the moving force 64, the total value of the frictions 16, this addition would produce alſo a new friction, the value of which would be 4, and upon this another friction, the value of which would be 1, if in order to furmount the refifting force, and all the frictions of the machine, the moving force ought to be equal to 64 plus 16, plus 4, plus 1, that is, equal to 85 and plus. Experiment on the stiffness of cords. We faftened to a fixt body, as to the floor of a chamber, the extremities *A, A of two cords AC, AC, 5 or 6 inches diftant from each other; the ends of theſe cords hanging freely at the bot- tom, bore the bafon D of a ballance. We engaged in thefe cords a cylinder of wood BB, making each cord take a turn the fame way about each end of the cylinder in the manner re- prefented in Fig. 6. we afterwards put at Da pretty conderable weight, and twitted about the middle of the cylinder, the contrary way to the cord AEFG, that is, the way EGF, a very flexible tape, at the end of which was another little fcale hanging freely at H, in which we put a fufficient quantity of weights, to make the cy- linder BB defcend notwithstanding the refiftance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cords AC, AC. Fig. 5: + Fig. 5. ‡ Fig. 6. VOL. I. No. 4. Q We 122 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the We made theſe experiments with cylinders and cords of different bigneffes, charged with different weights, and after having reduced the action of the weight H to an equal diſtance from the point of contact E, in all the cylinders, having regard to the weight of each cylinder, and of the bafons H and D, we found that at inch diſtance from the point E, 45 ounces furmounted the refiftance of two cords, each three lines diameter, loaded with a weight of 20 lb. and turned about a a cylinder of inch; that 90 ounces furmounted this refiftance, the weight being 40 lb. and 135 ounces, the weight being 60 lb. Whence it follows, that the reſiſtance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cords about the fame or equal pullies, increaſes in proportion to the weights which hang at the ends of the cords, Continuing the experiment, we always found that at inch from the point E, 30 ounces furmounted the refiftance of two cords, each of two lines diameter, loaded at D, with a weight of 20 lb. and turned about the fame cylinder. 15 ounces furmounted the refiftance of two cords of one line diameter, loaded in like manner at D, with a weight of 20 lb. and turned about the fame cylinder. Whence it follows, that the reſiſtance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cords increaſes not only in proportion to the weights, which hang at the ex- tremities of theſe cords, but alſo in proportion to the thicknefs of thefe cords, and that fo upon equal pullies theſe refiftances are between them- felves in a ratio, compounded of thoſe of the weights and of the thickneſs of the cords. It ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 123 It muſt be obſerved, that the reſiſtance cauſed by the thickneſs of the cords, proceeds only from this thickness removing or bringing nearer the ac- tion of the weights to the point of fupport, and not from their containing more or leſs matter; for if it was fo, theſe refiftances would increaſe or di- miniſh according to the fquares of the diameters. Continuing the experiment, we always found that at inch from the point E, 90 ounces furmounted the refiftance of two cords of three lines diameter, loaded at D with a weight of 60 lb. and turned about a cylinder 1 inch in diameter I that 14 ; 114 ounces furmounted this refiftance with the fame weights and cords, turned about a cylinder of one inch in diameter, and 135 ounces, the cords turned about a cylinder inch in diameter. Whence it follows, that the refiftance caufed by the ſtiffneſs of cords of equal bignefs, loaded with equal weights, increaſes as the diameter of the pullies, about which they are turned, dimi- niſhes, but not according to the fame proportion; for in the cafe now under confideration, tho' the diameters of the pullies are between themſelves as the numbers 1, 2, 3, yet the refiftances increaſe only according to the numbers 90, 114, 135, whereas they ought to increaſe according to the numbers 90, 180, and 270, if they followed the proportion of the pullies. We fhall find the overplus of the experiment in the following table. Q 2 The 124 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the The weight with which the two cords were loaded. The refiftance of the cords about a cylinder of inch diameter. The refiftance of the cords about a cy- linder of 1 inch diameter. The refiftance of the cords about a cy- linder of 1 inch diameter. Thickness of the cords. 135 ounces. 114 ounces. 60 lb. 90 ounces. 90 76 60 45 38 30 324 3 lines. 40 lb. { 90 76 60 60 503 40 30 2535 20 29 16. { 45 30 15 32 ∞ 52 38 25 123/3 30 20 I 327f 10 321 I It ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 125 It were to be wifhed, in order to determine well the proportion of the reſiſtance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of cords of equal thicknefs, loaded with equal weights, about pullies of unequal bignefs, that we had a greater number of experiments than thofe here related; but in the mean time, in or- der to find theſe reſiſtances, as well as to find all the others already mentioned, we may make uſe of the following rules. Rules for the calculation of the stiffness of cords in machines. 32 In the examination and compariſon which fhall be made of the reſiſtance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cords of a machine, we fhall follow the fame order as in the frictions, and make uſe of the 1ſt, 3d, and 4th rules related above, which ferve equally for both, and which it would be needleſs here to repeat but to have the firſt reſiſtance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cords of a machine, we fhall divide the moving force by 10, and multiply the quotient by the quantity of lines con- tained by the diameter of the cord, then we fhall take the of the product, if the diameter of the pully is but 6 lines, the if it is 12, and the if it is 18, and upwards; we ſhall divide this laft product by the quantity of inches contained in the diameter of the pully, and the quotient of the divifion will be what is fought; the reafon of which is, that the reſiſtance cauſed by the ſtiff- nefs of the cords augmenting according to the ratio of the weights with which they are loaded, and according to that of the diameter of thefe cords, and that, according to the above experi- ment, the weight hanging to the extremity of a cord 1 line in diameter, being 10 lb. when the 16 48 re- 126 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the refiſtance is 7 inches on a cylinder of an inch, 6 ounces on a cylinder of one inch, and only 5 ounces of a cylinder of 1 inch and upwards, it follows that dividing by this weight of 10 lb. the weight equal to the moving force, we have the ratio of this weight to the weight of the experi- ment, and afterwards the ratio compounded of theſe weights and of the thickneffes of the cords, by multiplying the quotient by the number of lines contained by the diameter of the cord; fo that the product of this multiplication expreffes the augmentation of the refiftance caused by the ſtiffneſs of the cords, which are above a line in diameter, and are loaded with more than 10%. And as by the above experiment this refiftance is 7 ounces, on a pully of inch, 6 ounces on a pully of 1 inch, and only 5 ounces on a pully of 1 inch and upwards; it follows, that according to the diameter of the pully, we need only mul- tiply either of theſe quantities by this product, or, which is the fame thing, take either the or the or the of it, to have the quantity of this refiftance; but as in this experiment the dif- tance of the action of this reſiſtance from the point of fupport, or the length of the lever by which it refifts is inch, it is proper alfo to have regard to that of the pully; and if its radius or lever is more than inch, that is, if the pully is more than an inch in diameter; divide alfo the laft pro- duct by the number of inches contained in the femidiameter, or, which is the fame, by the number of inches contained in the whole diameter. 12 48 1 2 % I 6 32 But if neither the divifion of the weight equal to the moving force, by 10 lb. which is the leaſt weight, as a line is the leaft thicknefs of the cord, in the experiment which ferves for a foundation to this calculation, nor the multiplication of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 127 I 3 the quotient by the lines of the diameter of the cord have place, becauſe both of them, or one only may be lefs, we ſhould need only to take the proportionate part of the leaft refiftance which is found in the table of the above experiment; for example, if we would know the refiftance cauſed by a cord of a line in diameter, and loaded only with of 10 lb. we need but take or 7 ounces, if the diameter of the pully was inch, or of 6 ounces of this diameter was I inch, or only of 5 ounces, if this diameter was 1 inch and upwards; having alfo regard to the diameter of the pullies, that is, dividing alſo the quotient by the number of inches contained in the diameter of the pully about which the cord fhould be thrown; and if the weight, not only was less than 10 lb. but alfo the cord was lefs than a line in diameter, we muſt alſo, after having taken the proportional part for the weight as above, without having regard to the diminution of the cord, take alfo from the quotient another proportional part for the diminution of the cord: for example, if the cord being loaded only with 3 lb. was but line thick, after 1 butline having taken or 7 ounces, or 6 ounces 3 or 5 ounces as before, we muſt alſo take the one or other of theſe quantities, and divide it by the number of inches, contained in the diameter of the pully, to have the refiftance caufed by the ſtiffneſs of this cord about this pully. 1 3> of To facilitate the calculation of the reſiſtance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cords in machines, I have drawn up the following table, wherein you may find thefe refiftances for all fizes of cords from 1 line to 30 lines, loaded with all forts of weights from 1 lb. to 100,000. I The 128 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the The ufe of the following table. Seek in the margin of this table the diameter or bigness of the cord expreffed in lines, and at the top of the table the weights fupported by this cord; of what you fhall find under each weight, over-againſt the diameter of the cord, make a fum, and divide it by the quantity of inches con- tained in the diameter of the pully; the quotient of the divifion will be the reſiſtance cauſed by the ftiffneſs of this cord. Example. Seek the refiftance caufed by the ſtiffneſs of a cord of 18 lines in diameter, loaded with a weight of 12393 lb. and paffing about a pully 2 inches in diameter. For 10,000 lb. you will find over- againſt 18 lines 5625 2,000 300 90 3 1125 168 12 50 10 I II All theſe fums added together make I 6971 1 diameter of Which being divided by 2 inches the pully give 3485 lb. 8 ounces for the re- fiftance fought. 2 Moreover, when the fame cord is not equally flexible throughout, we must not expect that the cal- culation will always agree exactly with experience, this not being morally poffible, but only very near we may fay as much of the frictions, be- caufe the different confiftences of the greafe, which វ ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 129 A which is more or leſs thick, and the parts which rub intercepting more or lefs, make theſe refif- tances vary; this does not hinder the uſe of theſe rules from fhewing pretty exactly the effect to be expected from a machine, to reckon certainly upon it, this extreme exactneſs being other wife of no uſe; and we may make uſe of the prefent, till more ample experiments give us room to eſtabliſh ſome that are more certain. The uſe of pullies being very common, it will not be improper, before I finish this difcourfe, and to make trial of our rules, to compare the re- fiſtances cauſed, both by the friction of the rundles, and by the ſtiffneſs of the cords in pullies of different bigneffes; and the rather becauſe thoſe, who do not uſually attend to theſe reſiſtances, will fee by the calculation, that it is not fo indiffe- rent a thing as they imagine to prefer ſmall pul- lies to great ones, becauſe of the fmall ſpace that they occupy. Let it be propofed therefore to raife a load of 800 lb. with a pully of 24 inches, or with one of 3 inches only in the first place, it is evident, that in both thefe pullies the rundles muſt be of equal ftrength, as well as the cords, fince they have an equal weight to fupport: let the rundle therefore of each pully be one inch in dia- meter, and the cord 20 lines; we fhall find by making the calculation according to the above rules, that in the pulley of 24 inches, befides the 800 lb. which is wanted to equal the weight of the load propofed to be raifed, the mov- ing force muft alfo be augmented by that of 21 lb. to furmount the refiftance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cord, by that of R VOL. I. N° 4. 22 130 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 22 lb. to furmount the reſiſtance cauſed by the friction of the rundle, and alfo by that of 1 lb. to furmount the refiftance cauſed by the ſtiffneſs of the cord, becauſe of the aug- mentation of 21 lb. and 22 lb. and laftly by that of 1 lb. to furmount the refiftance caufed by the friction of the rundle, becauſe of the ſaid augmentation of 21 lb. and 22 lb. all theſe weights together making that of 845 lb. ſo that a moving force fuperior to this weight will raife with the pully of 24 in- ches diameter, the weight propofed of 800 lb. But with the pulley of 3 inches, the fame cal- culation fhews us, that befides the weight of 800 lb. neceffary to equal the load, there muſt alſo be that of 167 lb. to furmount the refiftance caufed by the ftiffneſs of the cord; that of 178 lb. to furmount the refiftance caufed by the friction of the rundle; that of 37 lb. to furmount the refiftance caufed by the ſtiffneſs of the cord, becaufe of the aug- mentation of the 167 lb. and 178 lb. 3816 38 lb. I that of to furmount the refiftance caufed by the friction of the rundle, becaufe of the faid augmentation; that of 8 lb. to furmount the refiftance caufed by the ftiffneſs of the cord, becauſe of the aug- mentation of the 37 lb. and 38 lb. }; }; and laftly, that of 8 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 131 8 lb. to furmount the refiftance cauſed by the friction of the rundle, becauſe of the aug- mentation of the faid 37 lb. and 38 lb. 3. 2 All which weights together make that of 1236 lb., that is, 391 lb. more than with the pully of 24 inches, in which the cord and the rundle do not make a refiftance equal to of the I 6 burden, whereas in that of 3 inches the fame re- fiſtance is more than the fame load. 플 ​R 2 Weights Uork Diameters of the cords. *. 132 Weights ſupported by the cords. lb. lb. lb. lb. Ib. Ib. lb. Jb. 1b. lb. 6 7 8 9 10 I 2 3 4 5 oun, dr 1. oun,'l. oun. dr. l. oun. I. oun. dr. \l. oun. 1. oun, dr.\l. oun. ¡l. oun, dr.\l. oun. I 4 I 1 4 2 24 3 34 4 4 4 5 2 1 O ลง 2 3 0 3 I 4 3 4 4 46 5 0 6 7 0 8 9 이 ​10 7 4 9 10 4 12 13 4 15 4 20 4 60 8 10 O 12 14 01 ΟΙ 2 ΟΙ 524 5 7 4 10 12 4 151 I 41 630 6 90 12 15 01 21 5 01 +18 4I 6 41 9 81 II OI 14 7 3 4 7 10 4 141 1 4 I 840 8 12 OI OI 4 OI 500 51 8 41 121 15 42 81 12 02 02 40 4 02 8 944 9 13 4 I 21 6 41 111 15 42 42 8 42 13 10 5 0 IO 15 01 41 II 5 4 III 04 I 61 12 60 13 6 14 7 0 15 7 4 40 131 121 2 OI 81 3 41 102 141 5 01 122 9 01 142 3 02 1142 112 6 42 14 02 42 10 03 82 13 03 2 123 1 43 7 013 6 03 12 042 72 13 43 302 103 1 03 43 10 44 1 I 15 I 6 41 16 8 01 ΟΙ 17 8 41 18 9 01 19 941 II 94 21 11 0:2 2 142 802 O'2 22 10 43 33 11 44 42 13 03 6 3 15 04 5 42 133 4 43 8 03 013 8 04 83 15 04 04 3 44 11 805 0 44 12 45 5 85 I 05 10 124 44 31 12 4 2 62 15 43 94 2 44 125 LA LA 5 45 5 2010 01 4 1 14 02 83 2 03 124 605 015 5 10 06 2110 41 5 I 15 5 42 103 2211 OI 62 N 4 43 154 9 45 45 14 46 91 1 02 123 7 014 24 13 05 86 306 14 2311 41 72 2 4 2 143 9 44 2412 01 82 4 03 03 12 04 Ln00 55 0 45 126 7 47 3 85 4 06 06 12 0 07 8 25 12 41 9/2 6 03 44 26 13 01 102 5 43 23 14 445 603 2713 41 112 7 43 28 14 01 122 903 2914 41 132 10 43 104 104 145 11 06 3 415 15 14 4 7 4 47 0 47 13 6 ++ 87 508 4 6 127 127 94 9 48 7 84 6015 4 16 2 07 07 14 0812 8 45 76 5 47 4 4'8 249 3015 01 14/2 12 03 124 11 05 106 9 07 88 709 Weights Weights fupported by the cords. 133 lb. lb. Jb. lb. lb. 1h, lb. lb. lb. IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 lb. 100 I 5 ΙΟ I I 4 2 ΙΟ Ι 4- 1. oun§ 1. oun.] 1. ouu. 1. cun. 1. oun.] 1. oun. 1. 15 9 I 14 2 83 23 124 oun. 1. cun. 1. oun. 1.1. 1. oun 3 2 8 2 13 3 I 14 2 2 6 5 05 106 10 6 4 3 15 I 14 42 +8 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9788 79 6 46 8 3 12 5 5 93 61 14 3 12 5 10 7 24 116 o 6 4 7 13 9 47 8 8 1210 011 412 co 8 610 1512 84 115 10 89 611 2 7 34 82 8 5 9 2 13 5 10 8 66 9 O 7 8:10 711 8 OI 2 413 1210 1513 215 517 819 1121 14 8,15 0,17 820 022 215 016 1418 12 825 о II 103 216 49 113 6 7 14/10 123 12 7 811 415 3'4 14:4 ++ 1 8 212 در 3 16 4,20 ΟΙΟ 681213 4 119 165 217 821 1426 414 116 1419 1122 825 612 815 1018 12 21 1425 028 513 1217 320 1024 018 1222 826 524 628 430 1035 039 528 2 231 4 127 830 1534 430 032 1237 8 732 836 940 10 43 12 614 015 020 118 1223 7 28 232 1337 842 346 14 025 030 035 040 045 050 17.5 5 185 1011 5:10 10 15 15 21 426 931 1437 342 847 1353 2 19.5 15 20'6 21 6 4. 913 237 416 1422 11 1417 1323 1229 1135 1041 I 2 818 1225 031 219 1126 22 6 14 13 12 20 1027 3.14 6/21 828 233 1239 45 050 1056 947 857 759 759 6 437 843 1250 056 432 1239 645 1552 859 834 641 928 1235 1543 462 8 165 10 448 255 061 1468 12 250 557 864 1171 14 2417 815 022 830 037 8,45 0,52 860 067 875 Diameters of the cords. 2 27 8 7 116 14/25 8 40 1046 1256 1465 073 533 1242 348 1059 288 12,17 826 435 043 12 50 861 O 25 7 13 15 1023 731 439 144 1454 1162 870 578 2 2618 16 424 632 281 4 167 875 1584 6 470 078 1287 8 2919 118 227 336 309 618 12/28 237 445 552 552 663 846 1454 465 1075 084 772 881 990 10 695 12 Weights 134 16. lb. lb. Jb. lb. lb. 100 200 Weights ſupported by the cords. Ib. Ib. Ib. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 lb. 1. oun. 1. oun. 1. oun. 1. oui. ound 1. oun. 1. oun. 1. 1. oun. 1. oun. 13 2 26 4 12 8 18 12 25 0 319 6 18 12 28 237 8 46 14 56 412 825 037 850062 8 75 0 87 465 10 75 84 6 8100112 8125 O - 515 10 31 4 46 14 62 8 78 2 93 12 109 6125140 10155 4 618 12 37 8 56 4 75 75093 121 12 8131 4150168 12187 8 721 14 43 12 65 10 87 8109 6131 4153 2175196 14218 12 8125 9 50 o 75 0100 0125 0150 0175 0 200 225 0250 O 928 103! 2 56 4 84 893 113 L 61 68 12 103 462 Diameters of the cords. 1237 8 75 0112 6112 8140 10168 12196 14225253 12125 0156 4187 8218 12250281 2137 8171 14206 14206 8,150 0187 8225 2281 4312 48 0262 4240 10275309 8300337 6343 12 8375 O 13:40 10 81 14162 8203 2243 12284 4175 0218 12262 10187 8234 6281 4328 4121 1443 12 87 8131 46 14 93 12140 2375421 14468 12 1650 0100 0150 0200 0250 0300 0350 0400 450 9500 753 2106 4159 6212 8265 10318 12371 14425478 1856 4112 8168 12.225 0281 4337 8393 12450506 1959 6118 12178 2237 8296 14356 4415 10 475534 2062 8125 0187 8250 0312 8375 0437 2165 10131 4196 14262 8328 6325 365 10406 4 8306 8306 4350393 12437 8 O 2531 4 4562 +8 8 6593 12 8500562 8625 O 2393 12459 6 525590 10656 4 22 26181 2784 68 12137 8,206 4,275 0353 2371 14143 12215 10 287 8369 2475 0150 0300 0385 2578 2156 6312 8400 10468 12546 14625703 4162 0225 4234 8243 12325 0416 4487 8568 12 650731 6168 12253 2337 8431 14506 4590 10675759 2887 8175 0262 8350 0447 8515 0612 2990 10181 14 362 8463 2533 12634 4375 0478 12552 8656 4271 3095 12 187 8/281 8700787 8876 0 6725815 10907 4 47501843 12938 8 Weights 12412 8481 4550618 12687 8 6431 4503 0450 450 0525 2575646 14718 13 600675 0750 O 2781 4 4812 *100 8 6844 12 Diameters of the cords. 2 3 I 135 Weights fupported by the cords. lt. lb. 7000 8000 9000 Ib. lb. Ib. lb. lb. Ib. lb. 6000 ”. 1. oun. 1 1. oun. 1. 1. oun. 1. gun. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1. oun. 1. oun. 1. oun. lb. 10000 1. oun. 0 750 01125 13406 4 812 81218 4 312 8 468 4/125 이 ​250 이 ​5156 6187 8 375 12 562 8 750 7218 12 437 8 656 9281 8250 이 ​500 이 ​750 4 562 8 843 10312 8 625 0937 12 687 81031 11343 12375 4 875 1093 121125 1406 812501562 81875 02187 12 0 1000 1250 01500 0 41687 81968 812501562 122250 825002812 83125 0 41375 1718 122062 82406 427503093 123437 015001875 015001875 02250 02625 02250 02625 030003375 03750 0 1216252031 42437 82843 1232503656 44062 S 16500 14437 8 875 01312 5468 12 937 81406 01000 01500 0 2000 2500 03000 3500 17531 41062 81593 1221252656 43187 83718 18562 81125 01687 822502812 83375 3937 19593 12 1187 81781 423752968 123562 84156 20625 01250 01875 025003125 03750 04375 21656 41312 81968 1226253281 22687 81375 02062 81375 02062 827503337 84125 04812 81750 2187 81750 2187 82625 03062 82625 03062 835003937 84375 0 418752343 122812 83281 437504218 124687 8 4000 4500 1242504781 05000 0 45312 8 43937 84593 845005062 85625 447505343 125937 050005625 05250 0 1252505906 4 6552 8 855006187 86875 23718 121437 82156 428753493 124312 85031 457506468 127187 8 24750 01500 02249 030003650 04500 05250 06000 6750 07500 0 25781 1562 82342 123125 3806 231253806 44687 85468 1262507031 47812 8 26812 81625 2436 832503962 84875 05687 865007312 88135 0 27844 12 1687 82530 28 876 01750 02624 35004275 05259 06125 291907 4 1812 82717 1236254431 30938 81874 02811 837504587 433754118 12 5062 85906 467507593 128447 8 07000 7874 08759 0 45437 86343 1272508155 49071 8 85625 06562 8750c8436. 89384 Weights 136 - I 2 3 4 Diameters of the cords. 56 2 Weights fupported by the cords. 1b. 10000 lb. 20000 lb. 30000 lb. Ib. lb. Ib. 40000 50000 60000 70000 lb. 80000 lb. lb. 90000 100000! 1. oun 7. 1, oun. 1. oun. 1. ount. 1. 01419. 1. 7 720 8 9 10 3125 0 11 3437 8 12,3750 7500 134062 8 8125 1443750 8750 54687 8 9375 14072 8 5000 010000 15000 0 175312 81062515937 8 185825 01125016875 022500 19 5937 81187517812 823750 206250 01250018750 025000 216562 81312519687 8 2625032812 8 226875 01375020624 027500 34375 0 23 7187 81437521561 82875035937 842125 24 7500 01500022498 030000 37500 044000 257812 815625 23435 83125039062 84587554687 8 26 8135 016250 24473 032500 40624 04775056875 0 27 8447 816875 25410 833750 42186 849625 59062 8,67500 3375042186 288759 017500 26348 0 35000 44749 5150061250 070000 299071 818125 27285 83625046311 85337563437 872500 81562 8 309384 01875028223 03750047874 05525065625 07500084385 093759 XI ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 137 XI.A defcription of the heart of the tortoiſe,and of fome other animals, by M. du Verney* Part. 1. Sect. I. The structure of the heart of the tortoife. Before I opened the heart of the great tortoife, I obſerved, that the fcale, which cover'd it, was 2 feet, 3 inches long, to 2 feet 1 inch broad, and its under fcale 1 foot 5 inches long, to 1 foot 2 inches broad; whereas the upper fcale of our common tortoifes is but 6 or 7 inches long to 5 broad, and the under one 3 inches broad, to 5 or 6 inches long. The pericardium of thefe animals is a mem- brane of a very cloſe texture. Thro' all its cir- cumference, it is clofely united with the perito- neum, and its capacity is very large in tion to the bulk of the heart †. propor- This heart is fituated in the upper part of the thorax, above the liver: there is no mediaftinum. In the ſmall tortoifes, there is a ligament, which goes from the apex of the heart, and is faſtened to the bottom of the pericardium; there is none in the American tortoife. This ligament is a prolongation of the membrane which wraps the fibres of the heart ‡. The figure of the heart of the great tortoife is hemiſpherical; its lower part being convex, and the upper plain, but a little dented in the middle, which is the place where the auricles and arteries are implanted, fo that this heart pretty much re- fembles the kidney of a fheep; but in our imal tortoifes it is drawn out a little into a point . * Dec. 23. 1699. 1 Fig. 3: VOL. I. No. 4. S + Plate VIII. Fig. 1. Fig. 2 and 3. In 138 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the In the great tortoife, the heart being meaſured from the middle of the basis to the apex is inch 5 lines; and about 3 inches from one of the fides of the bafis to the other; but in one of the parts, the diſtance from the middle of the bafis to the apex is but 6 lines, and 9 lines from one of the fides of the basis to the other. A › - We fee under the right auricle of the heart of theſe animals, a fort of refervoir of an oblong. figure, and pretty like that of a blown up blad- der; it is formed by the concourfe of feveral veins. The right axillary, and the vena cava inferior open into the right fide of this refervoir, one at top and the other at bottom. On the other fide we fee in a like fituation the left axillary, and a vein which returns the blood from the left part of the liver. The coronary vein and fome other veffels, which proceed from the neighbouring parts, empty themfelves alfo into it; and as the jugulars difcharge themfelves into the axillaries, this caufes the blood of all the veins to be brought back into this refervoir, except that of the veins of the lungs*. 1 This refervoir is furnished on the infide with ſeveral fleſhy fibres, which croſs and interlace one another, almoſt like thofe on the inſide of the au- ricles of the human heart. All the veins, which ſerve to form this refervoir are alfo furniſhed with fibres, which are interlaced in the fame manner +. da, quivi dans > This refervoir alfo towards its middle, opens into the right auricle, on the fide towards the up- per fcale. . The 2 pulmonary veins rife along the lower fide of each branch of the trachea Mel'i box.. * Plate IX. Fig. 3. and Plate X. Fig. 2. the right, + Plate IX. Fig. 4. Fig. 1 and 2. having ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 139 having run thro' the pericardium, paffes behind the refervoir, and advances to the left auricle. The left pulmonary vein having alfo run thro' the pericardium, hides itfelf behind the axillary on the fame fide, and unites with the right pulmo- nary, to the pofterior part of the left auricle, near its neck, where they form a fort of refervoir*. # At the opening of the great refervoir into the right auricle, there are 2 valves fituated ſomething obliquely with regard to the right auricle. They refemble 2 eye-lids, and are compofed af flefhy fibres produced by thofe of the auricle. At their exterior angle, they are faftened by a bundle of fibres, which rifing a little obliquely towards the bottom of the auricle, expand themfelves and are loft in it.aduh the The lower valve has a little more extent than the upper one, and when they join, they fhut this aperture exactly The bafon of the little refervoir, is alfo furnifhed on the infide with fleshy fibres, but in leſs quan- tity than that of the great refervoir. In the fmall tortoifes. (which I have not feen in the great one) there is at its outlet a fleshy valve in form of a half moon, turned fo that the angles are towards the right auricle. It is like that which is found in birds that have the opening of the trunk of the pulmonary vein into the auricle ||. The auricles are of different bignefs; the right has a greater capacity than the left: they refemble two purfes, which lying fide by fide, are joined together at their aperture, that is, at the fhorteſt part they are, feparated from each other at this place by a membrane: this feparation is a little { *Fig. 1 and 5 08 903 20 1 " Plate XI, Fig. 1. Plate IX. Fig. 2. and Plate VIII. Fig. 3. S 2 ཨཱཝཱ leaning 1 140 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the leaning towards the middle of the basis of the heart, bur more to the left fide than the right. This membrane ooteared in its greatest part with flefhy fibres, which are continuations of thofe of the auricles: the bafi of it is quite ten- dinous, and fo thin that yousmay fee thro? it; it is faſtened between the 2 valves, which are at the outlets of the auricles, and of which we fhall fpeak afterwards*. 1 The bottom of thefe auricles is fpherical, and much bigger than the place where they join: they contract themſelves towards the basis of the heart, and form a fort of neck, which is divided into two by the membranous partition fpoken of abovet. 1 L All the infide of thefe auricles is furnished with mufcular fibres, which are interlaced fo many different ways, that they compofe, efpecially in the ſmall tortoifes, a very spongy texture; which makes them, when fwoln and dried, in fome mea- fure reſemble the fubftance of the dungs: the mem- brane, which ſeparates them, is quite fimooth. At the outlet of each auricle there is a valve, and thefe 2 valves are joined together by one of their extremities, and covered with flefby fibres, directed from one fide of the baffs of the heartto the othe:. The membrane between the au icles, is faftened on the outfide to the middle of thefe 2 valves, as has been faid, and thus makes the fepa- ration in this place. By the fide, which they have at liberty, they may, by falling and be- coming concave, let the blood paſs from the au- ricles into the heart, and on the other they hinder the return of it by rifingio Thus we fee, that tho' theſe 2 valves joined together make a fort of *Plate VIII. Fig. z. Plate X. Fig 3 and Plate XI. Fig. 1 and 2. Plate X. Fig. 2 and 3. + Plate X. Fig. 2 and 3. Plate XI. Fig. 1. I long ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 141 long ſquare, when they are applied againſt the apertures of the auricles, yet, when the blood paffes thither, each reprefents feparately the ter of a concave oval, oppofed and joined to ano- ther by the fummit*. quar. Thefe valves have this in common with that of the foramen ovale of the fetus, that, when they open the paffage to the blood, they become hol- low like gutters, and when they cloſe and apply themſelves against the hole, they become flat. Two things alſo contribute to apply them againſt the hole: the firft is the impulfe of the blood; the ſecond is the action of the fleſhy fibres, which compofe them: theſe fibres from crooked becoming ftrait, and the blood which ſtrikes againſt theſe valves thus flatted, and applied againſt their holes, maintaining them in this ftate. There are 3 cavities in the heart of this animal, one is in the right fide of the part which I call the anterior, which is that towards the under ſcale; the 2 others occupy the part which I call the pofterior, which is towards the upper fcalet. Of the 2 cavities in the pofterior part of the heart, I fhall hereafter call the first cavity, that which receives the blood from the right auricle; the fecond cavity, that which occupies the whole left part, and receives the blood from the left auricle; and the third cavity, that which is to- wards the right fide of the anterior part of the heart, and into which the pulmonary artery - opens. t The texture of the infide of the heart, is fur- miſhed with fleshy columns of different fizes, in- terlaced with each other 09 There are ſeveral which rifing from the mid- dle of the pofterior face, up to the bafis on the Plate XI. Fig. 1and5. † Fig, 1, and 2. fume 142 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fame fide, leave under the valves of the auricles a paffage, by which the first and fecond cavity communicate together; for that we may truly fay it is but one. As the first cavity communi- cates likewife with the third, we muſt alſo fay that all the 3 make but one the blood which is emptied into the heart by the right and left auricle, being able to mix eafily, and to enter from one cavity into the other.vt star wars ล } The valve of the outlet of the right auricle is fo difpofed, that the blood which paffes into it flowing from left to right tends, only to fill the first cavity; which communicating with the third, the blood enters at the fame time: but the valve of the left auricle being turned from right to left, the blood, which comes from it, fills at firſt only the fecond cavity *. 6 We have faid that the texture of fleshy fibres, which feparates the first cavity from the fecond, leaves a paffage for the blood to go from one to the other. This paffage is of the fame length with the basis of the valves, and is about 3 lines in diameter; ſo that the valves being depreffed,, there always remains an aperture, and the com- munication of the first and fecond cavity is not entirely hindred by it*. It must be obſerved in this place, that the com- munication of the firft cavity, with the third, is made by an arched aperture, compofed of fleshy fibres about 2 lines in diameter. This aperture is on the right fide of the anterior face of the heart, near the outlet of the artery, which I fhall call the left branch of the defcending aorta, The furface of the heart appears all over of an equal thickneſs: thence it comes that there being 2 cavities one upon the other in its right part, Plate XI. Fig 5. T L their ROYAL ACADEMY, of SCIENCES. 143 their fides are lefs thick than thofe of the fecond cavity; but the fides of the firſt are alfo thicker than thofe of the third * A 7. ご ​This heart is confpofed of feveral orders of fi- bres; the exterior ones defcribe curve lines, and appear to be directed from left to right; the in- terior ones form feveral columns, as has been faid, whence arife thefe forts of partitions, which ſeparate the cavities of the heart; and being inter- laced various ways leave as it were fo many little cells, which communicate with each other; which makes the heart when fwoln and dry to appear all over spongy amictals in ogn ? Towards the right part of the anterior face of the baſis of the heart there proceed 3 confiderable arteries: 2 of thefe arteries compofe the aorta, and open into the first cavity of the heart. The orifices of this are placed between the outlet of the right auricle, and the aperture which makes the communication of the firft cavity with the third, and they are fo near as to touch one another t mine payl 1 The third artery which is that of the lungs, proceeds immediately from the third cavity of the heart t.. 10 The outlets of thefe 3 veffels are fupported by an almoſt femicircular cartilage, to which alfo their valves are faftened and at each of thefe outlets there are 2 figmoidal valves, which have the fame ufe as in other animals t Thefe arteries are cloſely united; two of them are almsoft in front, namely that which I call the left branch of the deſpending dorta, and the pul- V Fig Land 2. of Plate VI Fig. 2. Plate IX. Fig. 1. Plate X. Fig. 1. and Plate XI. Fig. 5. ↑ Fig 2, 3, and 4. monary 144 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the monary artery, and behind thefe is that which I call the first trunk of the aorta*. In our fmall land tortoifes, theſe arteries are embraced at their origin by a ring of fleſhy fi- bres: there was none in the heart of the American tortoise +. Thefe 3 veffels, after having rifen to a certain height, are bent back again. This artery, which makes the first trunk of the aorta, foon after its origin divides into 2 branches, one of which rifes, and diftributes itſelf to the fore parts, and to all the upper parts, I fhall call it the afcending aorta; the other defcends bending under the ventricle, without making any branch, and joins itſelf to the left branch of the deſcending aorta, I fhall call it the right branch of the deſcending aorta ‡. The left branch of rhe defcending aorta bends alfo on the left fide of the heart, and without making any branch, it defcends alfo under the ventricle, and in this place furniſhes 2 arteries, the fuperior of which is in the room of the cœ- liac, and the inferior in the room of the mef- enteric; afterwards it is united with the right branch of the defcending aorta, and theſe 2 branches thus re-united form the trunk of the defcending aorta, which is diftributed into the parts of the lower belly, and all the lower extre- mities t The pulmonary artery, which immediately touches the left branch of the defcending aorte, arifes, as has been faid, from the third cavity of the heart: this artery is very big, and is as much in diameter as the first trunk of the aorta: after having rifen a little, it divides into two branches, *Plate X. Fig. 1. Plate VIII. Fig. 3. Fig. 2. and Plate IX. Fig. 1. which d ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 145 which are bent alfo, one of which goes to the left part of the lungs, and the other to the right*. The coronary artery is compofed of one fingle trunk, which proceeds from the first trunk of the aorta, a little above the figmoid valves, and it is diftributed to the heart and auricles . 1 Sect. II. The ftructure of the beart of the frog. The heart of the frog is of a conical figure, like that of moft animals, and incloſed in a peri- cardium, which has lefs capacity in proportion, than that of the tortoife.. 2 There is under this heart, a fort of round reſer- voir, about three lines in diameter. 7:1 The vena cava inferior, proceeding from the liver, receives a great vein on each fide; one be- longing to the right and the other to the left part of this bowel. The concourſe of theſe three veffels ferves prin- cipally to form this refervoir, which receives the axillaries on each fide: the coronary vein is alfo diſcharged into it †. This refervoir opens above and towards the right fide of the auricle: its outlet is furnifhed with two valves, fituated obliquely with regard to the auricle: they form together as it were two eye-lids: the upper is larger than the lower, as well as in the tortoife, and they have the fame ufe f. To each part of the lungs towards the back, is faftened the trunk of the vein which returns the blood from it; both, thefe veins, in quitting the Jungs, proceed about two lines, inclining to- wards each other; and uniting form but one Fig. 2. Plate IX Fig. 1. and Plate X. Plate X. Fig. 3 and 4, + Plate XII. ↑ Fig 2. *Plate VIII. Fig. 1. Fig. 1. VOL. I. N°. 4. T trunk, 146 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the trunk, which is ftuck to the upper part of the refervoir. This trunk alfo opens into the au- ricle immediately above the outlet of the refer- voir into the auricle . There is but one auricle in the heart of this: it is fpherical, and it not only covers the whole bafis of the heart, but has a great deal more ex- tent. Its outlet is very large, and furniſhed with two valves, one of which is faftened to that part of the basis of the heart towards the fpine, and the other to the oppoſite part of the fame baſis: they are femicircular, fhaped almoſt like thoſe which we call figmoid; fo that the blood being driven upwards in the contraction of the heart fwells them, and brings the two edges exactly toge- ther *. In this heart there is only one ventricle, and the fides of it are very thin; the flcfhy fibres of its inner part interlace in fo many different man- ners, that they compoſe a very ſpongy texture. There is alfo but one artery which proceeds immediately from the right bafis of the heart: this veffel from its origin lies on the right fide of the auricle, of which it covers almoſt }; and it goes obliquely to the length of about two or three lines; and afterwards divides into two branches, one of which goes to the right, and the other to the left, bending a little each of theſe branches is fubdivided into three others †. Of theſe three the upper one towards the head is divided into two branches, one of which is diſtributed to all the parts under the throat, and the other rifes to the brain. Plate XII. Fig. 3. * Fig. 4. + Fig. 5. The ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 147 1 The branch of the middle one, which is the biggeft, bends, and forms the defcending aorta. Over-againſt the arm-pit it is divided into two great branches, the ſmalleſt of which is diſtributed to the muſcles under the fhoulder, upon the back and on the head; the other, which is much big- ger, forms the axillary. Afterwards this branch. defcends below the heart, throwing off ſeveral branches, which go to the fpine; and uniting with that on the oppofite fide, they form but one trunk, whence proceeds a great branch, which is inftead of the coeliac and mefenteric: this trunk is afterwards diftributed to all the lower parts. The third branch, which is the lower, divides alfo into two others, the fmalleft of which is di- vided into two branches, which diftribute them- felves among the muſcles, ferving for the motions. of the head: the other branch is divided into three or four confiderable branches, which at their origin are faftened to the lungs, and make an infinite number of other ſmall branches, which communicate together, and embrace on all fides above and below *. This corta has two figmoidal valves at its open- ing into the heart; and, as we have faid, it rifes obliquely the fpace of about three lines, and in this place it is covered again with circular fleshy. fibres. Within this veffel, there is in the middle a cartilaginous lamina, faftened only to the part of the canal towards the fpine, and turned fpi- rally from left to right. This lamina is terminated in a figmoidal valve, and on the fide there are two others of the farme figure, each fuftained by a little cartilaginous but- ton: they are all three fituated at the place where *Plate XII Fig. 5. T 2 this 148 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the this veffel begins to divide; and when they are raiſed, they cloſe the entrance very exactly †. This mechanifm, which is very fingular, has however a great fimilitude with that of the aorta of fome fishes. For in the ſkate, and feveral o- thers, the aorta, at its origin, is alfo cloathed with very thick circular fleſhy fibres, to the length of about an inch; and there appear on the infide four rows of cartilaginous tubercles, be- tween which the blood flows which comes out of the heart each of theſe tubercles fupports a valve, and theſe valves being open, hinder the return of the blood: thofe of the meſt diſtant row from the heart are the biggeft. The figure of theſe tubercles is fo irregular, and the Lignefs of the valves fo different, that it would be te- dious to enumerate them particularly *. Sect. III. The ſtructure of the heart of the viper. The heart of the viper is formed like that of the Frog; but is more flat, and the left fide is more elevated than the right: it is placed at about fix inches diſtance from the head, and one inch above the liver . The pericardium is of a great capacity, and fo thin, that the heart may eaſily be feen thro' it. There are three vena cave, one inferior and two ſuperior. The vena cava inferior is the big- geft; the Superior on the right, fide inofculates with the inferior, and in this place, each of theſe veffels is a little bent t.. A 99701 The fuperior on the left fide paffing above the defcending aorta, fticks to the left auricle; and making a little elbow, defcends under the bafis of + Fig. 6. Fig. 9. * Fig. 7. ||Fig. 8. the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 149 the heart, to open into the vena cava inferior near its outlet +. The trunk formed by the union of theſe three veffels has its outlet towards the middle of the right fide of the right auricle, and this outlet is fur- niſhed with two valves formed like eye-lids, as in the tortoife and frog, fituated obliquely with regard to the auricle 1. • The pulmonary vein is compofed of two branches, one which returns the blood from the upper part of the lungs, and is the biggeft; and the other which returns it from the lower part. Theſe two veins meet on the left fide of the left auricle, and the trunk formed by their union goes obliquely above the lower part of the auricle, to which it is cloſely ſtuck, to open itſelf into the fame auricle by a very oblique infertion* The two auricles of the heart of the viper do not differ from thoſe of the ſmall land-tortoife, except in being longer and narrower; they are feparated by a partition of the fame figure. At the opening of each auricle into the heart, there is a valve, and thefe valves have exactly the fame conformation with thofe in the heart of the tortoise. Lastly, there are three cavities in this heart, the inner configuration of which is entirely like that of the cavities of the heart of the tortoife; and they have the fame communication with each other. Three arteries proceed from the right fide of the basis of the heart: there are two in front, and a third behind them, and of theſe three, there are two likewife, which form the aorta. The first trunk of the aorta rifes to the height of four or five lines, and is divided into two + Fig. 10. ‡ Fig. 11. * Fig. 10. Fig. 8. branches, 150 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the branches, of which the biggeſt that is on the right fide bends, and deſcending about three lines, throws off a branch, which makes the right ca- rotid; it then defcends, and having furnished fome branches to the fpine, it receives the aorta, which is on the oppofite fide. The other branch produces the left carotid. We may call this firſt trunk of the aorta, as in the tortoife, the afcend- ing aorta, becauſe it furniſhes blood to all he upper parts . The fecond trunk of the aorta rifes to the height of about three lines, croffing the two o- thers it bends afterwards and defcends about inch below the heart, to unite itſelf with the aorta on the oppofite fide. In defcending it throws off a branch, which goes to the ven- tricle. This branch of the artery may alſo be called the defcending aorta, becauſe it diftributes itfelf only to the lower parts *. The third artery, which is that of the lungs, rifes to the height of four lines: it lies on the middle part of the lungs, and is there divided into two branches: this divifion is immediately under the afcending aorta. The branch which is intended for the upper part of the lungs, is much bigger than the other; and accompanies the vein thro' its whole extent. Sect. IV. The ftructure of the heart of files. Being about to defcribe the heart of fiſhes, I have made choice of the cap, becauſe it is eaſily procured. The heart of this fish is fituated below the fauces, which are above the ears, at the bottom of the mouth. The cavity, in which the heart is incloſed, is covered with a very ſmooth mem- * Fig 8. Fig 8. + Fig. 8. brane, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 151 brane, which is in the place of the pericardium in feveral other fifhes, but cannot be called fo here, becauſe the heart is alfo incloſed in a very thin pellicle, which is properly its pericardium 1. The basis of this cavity is clofed by a mem- brane, which feparates the heart from all the o- ther vifcera, and is a continuation of the pre- ceding. Under the heart there is a refervoir formed by the concourfe of feveral veins, three of which proceed from the liver, and ferve only to return. the blood from the vena porte, and from one part of the ovaries of theſe three there are two, which open on each ſide into the bottom of this refer- voir, and the third diſcharges itſelf into it alfo by a very large outlet. Two other veins rife on each fide of the fpine, accompanying the aorta; and unite an each fide of the refervoir with the veins which proceed from the fides of the liver: thus theſe two veffels have on each fide, in this place, but one outlet. The trunk of the vein, which returns the blood from the gills, lies above the acrta: it defcends on the right fide of the heart, it is ſtuck to the fides of the cavity where the heart is incloſed, and making a turn, it opens into the right fide of the reſervoir * This refervoir opens above towards the middle. of the lower part of the auricle: at its outlet it has two valves, in form of eye-lids, like thofe of the animals already defcribed, and thofe which are at the outlet of the vena cava inferior of birds, of which we ſhall fay nothing, becauſe it is fo fo- reign to the ſubject we are treating on †. } This heart has but one auricle, but of a great capacity. It is applied to the left fide; and in its upper part it forms on each fide a procefs or Plate XIII. Fig. 1. *Fig. 2. ↑ Fig. 3. horn, 152 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the horn, of which the left is bigger than the right: its outlet is in the upper part of the left fide of the heart* There are two valves at the opening of the au- ricle into the heart, the one above, and the other below, faftened by all the femicircle which they form, and open on the fide of the apex of the heart; which caufes the blood, that flows back by the contraction of the heart, to raiſe them, and join them to each other, as in the frog †. This heart is of a femicircular figure, and flatted pretty much like a chefnut: it is placed in fuch a manner with regard to the head, that the two flat fides are towards their gills: its bafis is articulated with the aorta by a fort of gynglimus; thefe two parts having eminences and cavities, which re- ceive each other mutually . The fides of this heart are very thick, in pro- portion to its bulk, and its fibres are of a very compact texture. To have the diftribution of the veffels in this fish well understood, we muſt have fome notion. of the ſtructure of the gills. Wherefore we ſhall fay, that the gills, which are known to ſerve for lungs to fishes, are, as I may fay, divided into two lobes, each of which is compofed of four lamina, placed near one another, and fuftained by four bony arches. We fhall call that the firſt arch on each fide, which is neareſt the heart. The convex part of theſe arches is hollow like a gutter, along which the veffels flow, which I fhall fpeak of afterwards. The lamina fuftained by thefe arches occupy the whole ſpace between the maxilla and the fauces; they are compofed of a double row of offeous lamella. Each of theſe lamella is formed like a little fcythe; and at its + Fig. 5. *Fig. 4. I || Fig. 6. origin ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 153' origin has a little fort of foot, which is thicker than the reft, and hollow underneath in form of. a gutter: this foot leans only by its extremity upon the edge of the arch, to which it is faftened only by means of the very thick membrane which covers the arch: the convex fide of this lamina is furnished quite to the point with threads, which diminish in length as they approach this point; and the concave fide has them much fhorter, and is furniſhed with them only as far as the middle *. Theſe threads are bound together on each fide, by a very fine bony membrane, which gathers them by the middle almoſt thro' their whole length; but as the extremities are not joined, they repreſent the teeth of a faw †. We have faid that each lamina is compoſed of a double row of lamella; we muft add, that the concave of each of thefe lamelle is applied to the convex of that which is oppofite to it, and that they are all bound together by a membrane, which reaches from their origin to the middle of their height, where becoming thicker it forms a fort of ligament, above which it is faftened to the lamella by the ends, of as many lunula, as there are ſpaces between them. The reft of the lamelle is free, and ends in a very fine and fupple point ‡. The refting of thefe lamelle on the edges of the arch, being by the extremity of their foot, as has been faid, there remains in the middle a little void in form of a triangular canal, which reaches the whole length of the arch, and ferves to lodge the veffels . Thefe lamella are covered with a very fine membrane, and ferve only to fupport the ramifi- cations of all the veffels of the gills. Thefe vef- * Fig. 7, 8. + Fig. 8. VOL. I No. 4. ‡ Fig. 9.. Fig. ro. U fels, 154 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the , fels, which run in the gutter of each arch, are an artery, à vein,yand a an & I Before we fpeak of the diftribution of the ar- teries, we fhall obferve that the part of the aorta which riſes from the heart, and has 2 figmoidal valves, like that of the tortoife, is of no great bulk, in proportion to that which it has a little above; for at firft it fpreads fo as to cover the whole bafis of the heart, then contracting by de- grees it forms a fort of cone, from the point of which proceeds the veffel which is the continuation of the aorta. The infide of its dilated part is filled with feveral fleshy columns, which diminish continually towards the top; and they have be- tween their baſes fome interſtices, which form ca- vities, where the refluent blood is received; which ſtrengthens the action of the valves juſt mentioned, and produces the fame effect with the valves in the mufculous part of the aorta of the ſkate and frog *. The canal, which comes out of the point of the cone of the aorta, runs between the two lobes of the gills. Over againft the first pair of arches of thefe lobes, it makes on each fide a great branch, which is fubdivided again into 2 others, the first of which runs on each fide in the gutter of this first pair of arches, and the fecond in the gutter of the fecond pair. The fame trunk, in its courfe, divides again into 2 branches, each of which goes on its own fide to the third pair; and more forward into 2 others, which go to the laft pair of theſe arches. Each artery running along the baſe of each lamina, throws off as many pairs of branches as there are pairs of lamellas and lofes itſelf entirely in the extremity of the laminato that the aorta Fig. 11. } and ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 155 and its branches mmonly from the heart to the extremity of the gills, where they end. For the diftribution of each pair of arteries, fee 15h an Fige014, and 115, *** L ? j 1. wide but I On the edge of each lamella there is a vein, and each vein difcharges itſelf into a trunk, which runs in the gutter of each arch, the ramifications of which are plainly feen in the figures. Theſe veins coming from the extremity of each arch, which is towards the basis of the eranium, take the confiftence of arteries; and are reunited by pairs on each This, for inftance, which comes out of the fourth arch, after having fur- niſhed branches, which diftribute the blood to the organs of fenfation, to the brain, and to all the other parts of the heads joins itſelf with that of the third arch. Thus they make but one branch: This branch, after having gone about 2 lines is united with that on the oppofite fide, and both form but one trunk, which running under the bafis of the cranium, receives alfo foon after on each fide another branch, formed by the reunion of the veins of the fecond and firft pair of arches. This trunk continues its courfe along the vertebre, and diftributing the blood to all the other parts, performs the office of a defcending aorta. Thefe veins, by their other extremity, which is to- wards the origin of the arches, difcharge them- felves into a trunk which is inferted into the re- fervoit J * 33 947 1 The conformity, which is found in the ſtructure of the heart of thefe animals, has obliged us to defcribe them at the fame time. pos But before I explain the ufes of them, it will not be amiſs to obferve, that by the term refer- voir, I mean nothing but a trunk of veins formed * Fig. 12, 13. + Fig. 16, 17. U 2 by 156 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the by the concourſe of ſeveral others, which is in- ftead of the upper and lower vena cava in the tortoife and carp; and in the frog, it is nothing but the trunk of the vena cava inferior, which receives the 2 axillaries; for tho' this reſervoir or trunk is furniſhed with fleshy fibres, we do not pretend to fay that it is not of the kind of veins, feeing thofe, which open into the auricles and ca- vities of the heart of other animals, are alfo covered in this place with like fibres. Part II. The uses of the heart of the tortoife. In the deſcription which we have made of the ftructure of the heart of the tortoife, it may be obſerved, that it differs in many things from that of most other animals. The firft difference is that of the ventricles: for tho' the three cavities of the heart of the tor- toiſe are ſeparated by partitions, yet there being openings of communications between them, they make properly but one ventricle; whereas there are two in men, quadrupeds, and birds; becauſe the partition between thefe ventricles feparates them entirely. We cannot give the cavities of the heart of the tortoife, the name of right and left ventricle, fixing the ufual ideas to thefe 2 words; becaufe on one fide, if we confider them with regard to the auricles, and the courſe of the venal blood, one of them might really be called the right ventricle, and the other the left; but if we confider them with regard to the origin of the arteries, the fame cavity, which we call the right ventricle, fhould alfo be called the left ventricle, be- cauſe it gives rife to the 2 arteries which fupply the place of the aorta; that which we call the left ventricle would then have no arteries, and what ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 157 ' what we call the third ventricle would have nei- ther auricles nor veins, which is contrary to the conformation of the heart of man, and of moſt animals. The ſecond difference regards the circulation of the blood in the cavities of the heart; for in men, quadrupeds and birds, all the blood, which is returned by the vena cava, paffes thro' the right ventricle, and from thence into the pulmo- nary artery; and all that returns from the lungs enters again into the left ventricle, and from thence into the 2 arteries which ſupply the place of the aorta. But in the tortoife, the blood which is returned from all parts of the body, except the lungs, en- ters' into the right auricle, by the great refervoir, which contracting itſelf by the action of the fleſhy fibres, with which it is lined on the infide drives it into the auricle; and as the valve, which is at the opening of this auricle into the heart, is fo difpofed that the blood which it drives by con- tracting itfelf, runs from left to right, it is ma- nifeſt that every time the auricle empties itſelf, it fills not only the first cavity, but alſo the third which is only a continuation of it. There are 2 valves in form of eye-lids, at the outlet of this reſervoir, which in the contraction of the auricle join together, and clofing this aperture exactly, hinder the blood with which this auricle is filled, from returning into this re- fervoir; which obliges it to flow entirely into the ventricle of the heart. We find in birds fuch like valves at the opening of the vena cava into the auricle; and in quadrupeds, inftead of valves, we fee between the 2 vene cave and within their opening, fome returns formed by bundles of fleshy fibres, which difengage 158 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the A difengage themſelves in fuch a manner about thefe veffels, that they form as it were fo many fplinters, feeing they embrace not only the space between the vena cave, but alfo their outlet, and they cannot contract, without binding in a manner thefe 2 veins at their entrance into the auricle. In man thefe returns are lefs diftinct. V We fee by this, that theſe ſphincters and theſe valves have the fame ufe: for as thefe valves per- mit the blood to enter from the refervoir into the auricle, and hinder the return of it; in like manner theſe ſphincters being relaxed, permit the blood of the veins to fill the auricle; but when they contract, they clofe the apertures of thefe veffels, and hinder the return of the blood. The blood, which is brought back by the pulmonary vein, fills the left auricle. In the fmall tortoifes, and in birds, there is a fleshy valve at the outlet of this vein," which hinders the return of the blood: and afterwards the left auri- cle contracting, tends only to fill the fecond ca- vity, becauſe of the valve being turned from right to left, which is at its outlet. " " By the compreffion of the heart, all the blood contained in the fecond cavity is forced to enter again into the firſt, this cavity having no arteries, by which it may difcharge itfelf. At the fame time that the heart contracting itſelf drives the blood out of the fecond cavity into the first, it drives alfo into the principal trunk of the aorta, and the left Branch of the defcending aorta, the blood which was contained in this firft cavity to diftribute it into all its parts laftly in the time that the first cavity empties itself, the blood of the third cavity is alfo driven into the artery, which goes to the lungs, and diftributes itself into their whole fubftance. We fee thereby, that ( thefe ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 159 thefe 3 cavities empty themfelves at the farne time, and concur to drive the blood into the arteries. The ring or ſphincter at the origin of the aorta in the fmall tortoife, clofing itself imme- diately after the contraction of the heart, gives room to believe, that its principal ufe is to acce- lerate and augment the motion of the blood to- wards the extremities. In frogs and ſeveral fishes, this circular ring occupies a confiderable part of the aorta; which makes us judge, that by its contraction it drives the blood alfo with more force towards all the parts of the body; and it ſeems that the valves, which are found in greater number in this part of the aorta, are intended to hinder the reflux of it. The third difference is in the manner in which the blood is mixed in the cavities of the heart. In man, all the blood, which is deprived of its active parts, enters into the right ventricle, to be carried thence into the lungs, where it muſt receive all the preparations neceffary to animate and vi- vify the parts; and it is afterwards carried into the left ventricle, and into the aorta, which di- ſtributes it thro' the whole body. ? In the tortoiſe, at each circulation, a little more than of the blood paffes into the lungs, where 13 it receives all the preparations neceffary for its ufes; and the blood, which flows into them, is principally that which is inclofed in the third ca- vity, and is almoft wholly venal: the other por- tion of the blood of the veins, which is in the first cavity, mixes itſelf with that of the fecond cavity, which is returned from the lungs; and by this mixture it is gradually impregnated with the active parts, with which the first was charged in the lungs, as much as is neceffary for the oc- cafions of the animals; thus all the blood, which 2 returns 160 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the returns from the lungs, is mixed in the cavities of the heart of the tortoife with that of the veinss but in the ventricle of the human heart, there is no fuch mixture made; and all the blood, which returns from the lungs, paffes from the left ven- tricle into the aorta. Let us here make fome reflections, in order to perceive the differences better, which are be- tween the heart of the tortoife, and that of the other animals, of which we have ſpoken. Three things particularly eſtabliſh this diffe- rence: the firft is the communication between theſe cavities: the fecond is, that the aorta de- rives its origin from the right cavity: and the third is, that the left has no arteries. To diſcover the reafon of this difference, we muft obferve, that the body of man, and of the animals which we have fpoken of, fuffers a diffi. pation and a confiderable lofs of fubftance, by all the functions performed when awake, and by the rapid motion of the blood and fpirits; and this lofs cannot be fufficiently repaired, unlefs the whole blood difcharged by the vena cave into the right ventricle circulates thro' the lungs, in order to go into the left ventricle, and from thence into the aorta; becauſe it is in the lungs that the air communicates to the blood fome parts fo ac- tive and fo penetrating, that its heat, fluidity, and fermentation depend upon them; it is by this mixture that it is rendered fit for nourish- ment, and that it can, by circulating in the brain, furnish it with thefe quick and fubtile parts, called animal fpirits, and ferve in fhort for all the other uſes. We muſt not therefore be furprized, if man (who ſtands in need of abundance of nourishment, and of a prodigious quantity of fpirits, to furnish fo ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 161 I ſo many different fenfations, and all the motions of a perfon awake, which are fo violent, and of fo long a continuance) has need alſo, that all the blood furniſhed by each of the vena cava fhould circulate alfo thro' the lungs; but it is fufficient for the tortoife, which fpends the whole winter in reſt and in a fort of numbnefs, which can alſo live feveral months during the greatest heats of fummer, incloſed in a vetfel, without taking any nouriſhment, which has but very flow motions, and but feldom pulfations of the heart, and which hardly perfpires at all: it is fufficient, I fay, that of the blood, which comes out of the heart, ſhould be carried into the lungs, there to receive the preparations neceffary for the life of the animal, and that this portion of blood ſhould be mixed again, with that which is to be driven thro' the aorta into all the parts of the body. In frogs the 2 pulmonary veins diſcharge themſelves into the auricle: in falamanders they are emptied into the vena cava inferior near its opening into the heart thus in all thefe animals the mixture is made, before the blood enters into the heart; but in tortoifes, ferpents, and vipers, the 2 pul- monary veins empty themfelves into the fecond cavity, and thus this mixture is made in the heart. We may therefore fay that it was necel- fary, that theſe cavities fhould have a communi- cation, that the blood, which returns from the lungs, might mix itfelf with that of the veins; and the aorta was to derive its origin from the first cavity, which is the place where this mixture is made, becauſe it is to diftribute the blood im- pregnated with thefe active particles to the whole body. Tho' fishes have a great analogy to thefe animals, yet the circulation is performed in them after a different manner, feeing the blood, which VOL. I. N°. 5. X comes 162 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the comes out of the heart at each pulfation, is dif tributed into the gills by an infinite number of fmall arteries, which cover the furfaces of all the lamella, of which they are compoſed; and ſince the veins, which bring back this blood, dif- tribute it to all the parts, after the manner of ar- teries. The reafon of this difference is, that the fmall quantity of air engaged between the parts of the water, which feparates from it only with difficulty, and by the compreffion, which it re- ceives between the lamella of the gills, muſt be applied to a greater furface of blood, to furnish fufficiently thefe active particles to the occafions of theſe animals. Altho' the 3 cavities of the heart of the tor- toiſe muſt be confidered as one fingle ventricle, yet there is room to believe, that all the blood which is brought thither by the rena cava and pulmonary vein, is not exactly mixed there; the forts of partitions which diftinguiſh the'e cavities, hinder the perfect mixture of it; and the blood, which comes from the lungs, emptying itfelf by the contraction of the heart into the cavity, whence the acrta derive their origin is probably deter mined to fill theſe veffels, and above all the prin- cipal trunk of the aorta, the aperture of which is the largeſt, and the moſt expoſed to the di- rection of this vivified blood; and it is this, which fupplies the head, and the upper parts, where there is need of a greater abundance of active parts. But the pulmonary artery being de- rived from the third cavity, which could be fil- led only with the blood of the firſt cavity, which is almoſt all venal, brings into this bowel only fuch blood as has been deprived of the active parts, with which it muft there be impregnated. An ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 163 An explanation of the figures. Plate VIII. Fig. 1. reprefents the heart of the tortoife inclofed in its pericardium, and ferves only to fhew the great capacity of the pericar- diu, in proportion to the bulk of the heart. All that appears thro' it will be explained in the next figure. Fig. 2. repreſents the heart, its auricles, and veffels, in their natural bignefs; and we have ad- ded to it a portion of the trachea, and of the branches of the pulmonary arteries and veins. A. The great refervoir formed by the con- courfe of the following veins. B. The vena cava inferior. C. The right axillary. D. The jugular on the fame fide. E. A vein which brings back the blood from the left part of the liver. F. The left axillary. G. The jugular on the fame fide. H. H. Two veins which come out of the two partition lobes. I. The heart. K. The right auricle. L. The left auricle. M. The pulmonary artery. N. The left branch of the defcending aorta; behind thefe 2 veffels is hidden that which I call the principal trunk of the aorta. O. The bend of the right branch of the de- fcending aorta. P. The branch which rifes a little before it makes a bend; it is divided on each fide into 2 others, which are, Q. The right axillary. 1 1 X 2 R. 164 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the R. The carotid on the fame fide. S. The left axillary. T. The carotid on the fame fide. b. b. Two little arteries which proceed from the carotids, and diftribute themfelves into a gland which fills the ſpace left between them. V. The right branch of the defcending aorta, which after having made a bend defcends into the lower belly, to unite itfelf with the aorta on the left fide. X. The left bend of the defcending aorta. Y. The fame veffel, which having defcended below the ventricle throws off d. The branch which ferves for a coeliack. e. That which ferves for a mefenterick. Z. The place where the 2 branches of the de- fcending aorta are again united. 2. The place where the pulmonary artery goes off. 3. The right bend of this veffel, which paffes behind the 2 trunks of the aorta, and is inclofed under the bend of the deſcending aorta. The fame veffel which defcends on the ex- terior fide of the bronchia, to be implanted at e into the lungs. 5. The left bend of the pulmonary artery placed under the left branch of the defcending corta. 6. The fame veffel which defcends to the left fide of the lungs. 7. 7. The pulmonary veins, which rife again to the interior fide of the bronchia. Fig. 3. reprefents the heart of a fmall land tortoife. A. The heart. B. B. Its auricles. C. C. The arteries with their bends. D. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 165 D. A ring of fleshy fibres, which embraces theſe arteries at their coming out of the heart. E. A ligament which parts from the apex of the heart, and faftens it to the bottom of the pericardium. F. A fmall gland placed between the carotids. Fig. 4. reprefents the 2 auricles cut from top to bottom, to fhew the outlet of each refervoir, with their valves. A. The heart. B. B. The auricles opened. C. C. The valves, which are at the outlet of the great refervoir. D. The femilunar valve, at the outlet of the fmall refervoir, which is the third particularity contained in the fmall land tortoife. E. The partition, which feparates the auricles. Plate IX. Fig. 1. reprefents the refervoirs, the veins which compofe them, and the arteries: the whole feen thro' the upper fcale, as the ani- mal is in the poſture of walking. A. The right auricle. B. The left. C. The great reſervoir. D. The vena cava inferior. E. The right axillary. F. The vein which brings back the blood from the left part of the liver. G. The left axillary. H. The place where the great reſervoir is im- planted into the right auricle. II. The two pulmonary veins. K. Their refervoir. L. The place where it is implanted into the left auricle. M. The principal trunk of the aorta, which did not appear in the preceding figures, which reprefent 166 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the repreſent the animal reverfed, becauſe it is then hidden by the two other arteries. The reft of the diftribution of thefe veffels was defcribed in Plate VIII. Fig. 2. Fig. 2. reprefents the great and fmall refer- voirs. A. The great refervoir. B. Its union with the right auricle. C. The outlet of the ſmall refervoir opened. Fig. 3. reprefents the great refet voir naked, and fhews nothing new but A. The form of its outlet, and E. The infertion of the coronary vein. Fig. 4. repreſents the fame refervoir opened, to fhew the fleshy fibres, with which it is lined on the infide. Fig. 5. reprefents the little refervoir formed by the concourfe of the pulmonary veins, and its outlet. Plate X. Fg. 1. reprefents the three arteries already defcribed, cut at the bafis of the heart, to fhew their origin and connection. A. The principal trunk of the aorta. B. The left branch of the defcending aorta. C. The pulmonary artery. Fig. 2. reprefents the heart reverſed on its auri- cles, to fhew the diftribution of the coronary vein. A. The heart. B. B. Its auricles. C. The trunk of the coronary vein. D. Its infertion into the great refervoir. E. E. Its ramifications. Fig. 3. reprefents the heart, the three arteries of which are cut at their origin, with its auricles fwoln; it ferves principally to fhew how each auricle, in contracting itfelf, makes a fort of canal, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 167 canal, which inofculates with the cavities of the heart. It diſcovers alfo the origin of the coro- nary artery. A. The heart. B. B. B. Its three arteries cut. C. C. The auricles fwoln. D. D. The place where they contract them- felves, and make a canal. E. The origin of the coronary artery, which comes out of the principal trunk of the defcend- ing aorta, immediately upon the basis of the heart. Fig. 4. reprefents the heart in the fame view, the tract of the auricles, and the aperture of their infertions into the heart with the partition laid down, becauſe being in front it is hardly feen. Plate XI. Fig. 1. reprefents the auricles, a part of which has been removed to fhew their in- ner texture, the partition that feparates them, and the valve at the outlet of the great refervoir. It repreſents the heart alfo with three pieces re- moved, one on the right fide to fhew the third cavity, and its hole of communication with the firft; the other on the left fide, to difcover the fecond cavity. Theſe fections at the fame time fhew the different thickneſs of the fides of theſe cavities. The third piece is removed from the bafis of the heart, to difcover as much as poffible. the fituation of the valves of the auricles, the fleſhy fibres which compofe them, and the faften- ing of their partition to the middle of thefe valves. A. The right auricle. B. B. The two valves in form of eye-lids, at the outlet of the great refervoir. They are fhewn more diftinctly above this figure, at the place marked B B. I C. 168 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the C. The partition which feparates the auricles. D. The outlet of the fmall refervoir. E. The heart. F. The third cavity. G. Its hole of communication with the firft. H. The ſecond cavity, II. The two valves of the auricles: they are ſeen more eaſily under this figure, marked with the fame letters. Fig. 2. reprefents the third cavity of the heart, and the pulmonary artery, half of which has been removed, from the place of its origin to its divi- fion. A. The heart. B. The third cavity opened. C. The pulmonary artery, which opens im- mediately into this cavity. D. One of the two figmoidal valves, which are at its outlet. They may be feen better in Fig. 3 and 4, under the fame letter. In Fig. 3, one of theſe valves is placed on, one fide, and in Fig. 4, they are both in their fituation and blown up. Fig. 5. reprefents the heart feen thro' the upper fcale, and opened fo as to fhew under its bafis the two valves at the outlets of the auricles; and a fmall part of the fame outlets. The orifices alfo are diſcovered of the two trunks of the aorta, and a little on one fide, and above the hole of communication of the firft cavity with the third. In the laft place are fhewn the firft and fecond cavity of the heart in their whole extent, and the paffage of communication between them. A. A. A. A. The fides of the heart which have been ſeparated. B. B. The two valves of the auricles. C. C. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 169 C. C. A part of their outlets, which appears under theſe valves. D. The orifice of the principal trunk ofthe aorta. E. That of the left branch of the deſcending aorta. F. The hole of communication of the firft ca- vity with the third, which is altogether on the right fide. G. The firft cavity. H. The fecond. IIII, The pillars of fleſh which in rifing make a fort of partition, and have been ſeparated from the upper part of the heart. K. K. The paffage of communication. L. The cartilage, which is faſtened to the outlet of the arteries. It has been deprived of a portion of the membrane which covers it, and only one part of it is fhewn. Fig. 6. fhews the two valves of the auricles in particular, marked B. B. Fig. 7. repreſents the fame valves, with the outlets of the auricles, and of the two aorta, and alfo the cartilage partly divefted, and its mem- brane reverſed. Plate XII. The heart of the frog Fig. 1. A. The refervoir. B. The vena cava inferior. C. C. The veins which return from the liver. D. D. The axillaries. E. The coronary vein. F. The outlet of the refervoir into the auricle. Fig. 2. reprefents the outlet of the reſervoir in- to the auricle. A. The refervoir. B. Its outlet. C. C. Two valves in form of eye-lids. VOL. I. No. 5. Y Fig. 170 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Fig. 3. A. The reſervoir ſeen on the fide of the fpine. B. B. The pulmonary veins. C. Their trunk. D. Its outlet into the auricle. E. The auricle. Fig. 3. reprefents alfo the fame parts feen on the fide of the belly, with the auricle, one half of which is cut down from top to bottom. A. The refervoir. B. B. The two pulmonary veins. C. The outlet of the trunk of the pulmonary vein above the ſuperior valve of the refervoir. D. D. The half of the auricle towards the fpine. E. E. The two valves of the refervoir. Fig. 4. A. The heart opened. B. B. The two valves, which are at the outlet of the auricle. C. The auricle opened. Fig. 5. repreſents the heart, the auricle, its re- fervoir, the aorta, with its principal branches, and the lungs, of which the right lobe is drawn very faint, to fhew the veffels that paſs under- neath. A. The heart. B. The reſervoir. C. C. The auricle. 'D. The trunk of the aorta. EE. Its two branches, which diftributing themſelves equally to right and left, are fubdivi- ded into three others. F. The fuperior branch, which divides itſelf into two, of which the exterior makes the carotid. G. The carotid. The interior goes to the mufcles which are under the throat. H. The interior. I. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 171 I. The branch of the middle, which is the biggeft. In defcending it throws off three con- fiderable branches, of which the firft marked K makes the axillary. The fecond marked L, running under the arm-pit thro' the muſcles of the back divides into two branches, of which the firſt marked M rifes again, and diftributes itſelf to the muſcles which cover the fhoulders, and the head. The fecond marked N defcending behind the tranfverfe apophyses of the verte- bra, throws off fome branches to right and left; fome of which go to the mufcles of the back and loins, and the reft entering by the holes of the vertebra, go to the ſpinal marrow. We muſt thus correct this part in the defcription, where theſe laſt veffels are not juftly deſcribed. The third marked O goes to the cefophagus. P. The meeting of the two branches of the aorta, Q. The artery which fupplies the place of the cœliack and mefenterick. R. R. The third branch of the aorta. It di- vides into two others. The fmalleft marked R diftributes itſelf into the mufcles of the head. The biggeſt marked S is the pulmonary artery, which is divided into feveral branches. Fig. 6. A. The heart. E. The fleshy fibres of the aorta. Fig. 6. A. The aorta opened. B. The cartilaginous lamella in the middle of the canal. C. C. The figmoidal valves at the origin of the aorta. D. The valve at the extremity of the lamella. E.E. Two other valves, which occupy the reſt of the canal. Fig. 7. A. The aorte opened. B. B. The circular flefhy fibres. Y 2 C.C.C.C. 172 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the C. C. C. C. The four rows of valves, with the tubercles which fuftain them. Thofe of the laſt row are much bigger than the reſt. Fig. 8. A. The heart of the viper, the veins of which have been taken out, to avoid confuſion. a. a. The auricles. B. The defcending aorta. C. C. The afcending aorta. D. D. The pulmonary artery. E. A branch which goes to the ſtomach, and comes from the defcending aortar F. The reunion of the two dorte. G. The left carotid H. The right carotid. st I. A branch of the afcending aorta, which goes to the ſpine. 17 від K. K. The branches which go to the lungs, of which the upper one is the biggeſt. By the fide of this figure are fhewn the heart and its auricles difengaged from all the veffels. A. The heart. B. B. Its two auricles. ال الاسلام Fig. 9. reprefents the heart a little reverfed on the left fide. A. The vena cava fuperiori B. The inferior. C. Their union. D. The right auricle. E. The left. F. The heart. ご ​) Fig. 10. repreſents the heart reverſed on the right fide, to fhew the left vena cava fuperior, and the pulmonary veins. A. The right vena cava fuperior. B. The inferior. C. The left auricle feen fidewiſe. D. The left vena cava fuperior. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 173 3. Its outlet into the vena cava inferior. E. The vein of the upper part of the lungs. F. That of the lower part. G. The trunk formed by their meeting, and its infertion into the left auricle. H. The heart. Fig. 11. A. The right auricle opened. B. The meeting of the two vena cave on the right fide. C. C. The two valves which are at the open- ing of this vein into the auricle. Plate XIII. The heart of the carp. Fig. 1. A. The pericardium. B. The aperture, at which the aorta goes out. Fig. 2. AA. The refervoir. B.B. Two veins, which fupply the place of the vena cava inferiores, C. C. The two vena cava fuperiores. D. D. D. The three veins, which return from the liver. E. A vein which brings back a part of the blood from the gills, and neighbouring parts, F. The auricle. On the fide of this figure are the two vena cava, and thoſe of the liver, reunited at ſome diſtance from the refervoir. Fig. 3. repreſents the auricle cut from top to bottom, to fhew the outlet of the reſervoir. A. The refervoir. B. The auricle cut. C. C. The valves in form of eye-lids. Fig. 4. reprefents the heart reverſed on the right fide, to fhew the form of the auricle. A. The auricle. B. The heart. C. The aorta dilated. Fig. 5. A. The heart. B.B. 174 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the • B. B. The two valves which are at the outlet of the auricle. C. The aperture which is between theſe valves. Fig. 6. reprefents the heart reverſed on the left fide, to fhew its form better, and in what man- ner the aorta, which is very much dilated at its origin, reſts upon its baſe. A. The heart. B. The dilatation of the aorta. Fig. 7. repreſents one of the arches feen above, to fhew the gutter, and the two parts which com- poſe it. A. The first part of the arch. B. The fecond part. C. The gutter. Fig. 8. reprefents one of the lamella in parti- cular, we fpeak of it here before the veffels, be- cauſe they are made to fupport their ramifications. A. The ftalk of the lamella. B. The threads of the convex part. We fee that they are tied together by a very fine mem- brane, but that their extremities are not joined. C. Thoſe of the concave part. D. The foot with its gutter. Fig. 9. repreſents two lamella feen in front, and furniſhed with their threads. A. The lamella, which makes the convex fide of the lamina. B. The lamella, which makes the concave fide of the fame lamina. We fee by this, that the bony threads are lon- ger in the concave fide of the lamella A, and fhorter in the convex fide of the lamella B. So that theſe two lamella always have their ſhorteſt threads towards each other. This is what has not been fufficiently explained in the defeription, where we have ſpoken only of the lamella, which make the convex fide of the lamina, Fig. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 175 Fig. 9. reprefents the lamella feen fidewife, and parted, to fhew the membrane which con- nects them, and cord which terminates it. A. A. A. The membrane, which connects the lamella. 1 B. The cord which terminates it. We fee how this cord forms as many lunula, as there are ſpaces between the lamella. Fig. 10. reprefents the canal formed by the meeting of the gutter with the two feet of the lamellæ. Fig. 11. repreſents the aorta opened, to fhew the fleshy columns, with which it is furniſhed on the infide, which makes it very much fwoln in this place. Fig. 12. repreſents the diftribution of the corta. A. The heart. B. The auricle, C. The aorta dilated. D. Its divifion into four branches on each fide. We fee that each of theſe branches running thro' the whole length of the lamina terminates entirely in its extremity. E. E. E. E. Four twigs which detach them- felves from each branch about an inch from their origin, and diſtribute themſelves to the beginning of each lamina. The fame figure fhews how each branch is divided into as many twigs as there are lamellæ. Fig. 13. reprefents a portion of a lamina de- tached from one of the fides of the gutter, and a little reverfed, to fhew how the artery is inclofed in the middle of the void, which the feet of the lamella leave between them. It is difengaged from the vein which covers it, and a little drawn downwards, 176 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the downwards, for the better difcovery of the pairs of branches which it gives to the lamella. A. A. The gutter. B. A portion of the lamina. C. The artery with its branches. Fig. 14. A. A. repreſents a pair of lamina de- prived of their veffels. Fig. 14. A. The trunk of the artery incloſed in the gutter of the arch. B. B. The two branches of the fame artery, which rife along the inner edge of each lamella. C. The place where the two branches make an anaſtomoſis. D. D. D. Their little tranfverfal arteries, which cover the flat of each lamella. E. E. The tube which ferves for a vein, and is depreſſed on the exterior edge of each lamella, in which alſo their little tranfverfal arteries imme- diately inofculate. F. The trunk of the vein incloſed in the gut- ter of the arch. Fig. 15. reprefents the fame arteries detached from the lamella. Fig. 16 and 17. reprefent the diftribution of the veins of the gills. We there fee, that the vein incloſed in each arch receives almoſt of the distance from each of its extremities two branches, each of which returns from each row of the lamina to which it is ap- plied, whereas it is the middle of this vein that furniſhes itſelf to the part of the middle of this lamina, under which it is couched. This diſtri- bution is made thus differently, only to make the courſe of the veffels, which go to the lamella, more fure and eaſy. A. A. A. The trunk of the vein of the gills, which is couched above the aorta. B. B. B. B. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 177 B. B. B. B. The place where each vein divides into three. C. C. C. C. The place where theſe veins are inferted into the trunk marked A. D. D. D. D. The place where each of theſe veins fubdivides into three more; of which there are two alfo, which return from the lamella. E. E. The place, where thefe veins are re- united by pairs on each fide. F. The trunk formed by their meeting. It is to be obſerved, that as foon as each of theſe veins comes out of the extremity of the gutter of the arch, the fides of their canal become thicker, and take the fame confiftence with the arteries, where- as all the reft of thefe veins is as thin and fine as the finest lymphatic veffel. G. The branch of the laft arch, which before the reunion cafts off feveral branches, which go to the eye, the noſe, the brain, and to all the neigh- bouring parts of the head. It fupplies the place of the afcending aorta, and the trunk formed by the meeting of thefe veins, which are become arteries, ferves for a defcending aorta. VOL. I. Nº. 5. N A A TABLE OF THE PAPERS contained in the ABRIDGMENT of the HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at PARIS, for the Year MDCC. In 'the HISTORY. 11. ON Some fingularities of France. II. On the apparent largeness of the hori zontal moon. III. On a body of fire feen in Normandy. IV. On the yellow amber. V. On a change made in the texture of bodies by exterior motion only. VI. Of the trembling of the nerves of a frog after death. VII. Of a stone found in the bladder of a mare. VIII. Of a monftrous double leveret. IX. On a new telescope-glass. X. On the centres of converfion, and on frictions. XI. On the bodies which fwim in liquors. XII. A falſe report of the perpetual motion being difcovered, and the impoffibility of it demon- ſtrated. In the MEMOIRS. I. An obfervation on the barometer, thermometer, and quantity of rain and fnow-water, that fell at Paris in the royal obfervatory, during the year 1699, by M. de la Hire. ་་ 2 II. 180 A TABLE, &c. II. A new manner of rendering barometers lumi- nous, by M. Bernoully, profeffor at Gro- ninguen. III. Remarks on the construction of pendulum clocks, by M, de la Hire. IV. An extract of fome letters written from Por- tugal and Brazil, by M. Couplet the fon, to the Abbé Bignon, prefident of the Royal Aca- demy of Sciences. V. A general method of throwing bombs, in all cafes propofed, with an univerfal inftrument for this purpofe, by M. de la Hire. AN A N ABRIDGMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOVERIES and OB- SERVATIONS, in the HISTORY of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at Paris, for the Year 1700. A • I. On fome fingularities of France. S the academy continues its defign of ex- amining all the wonders of the natural hiftory of France, there has been mention made of the Montagne de l'Aiguille in Dauphiny, other- wife called the inacceffible mountain. The fitu- ation of it is reverfe, and it is pitched if I may fo ſpeak, on its fummit and point, for it is but 1000 paces round at its baſe, and yet is 2000 at top. Hence it obtains the name inacceffible: However when Charles VIII. went into Italy in 1492, he fent fome perfons of fufficient courage and dexterity, to climb up to the top of this mountain. They found only Chamois upon it, and it is not eaſy to comprehend, how theſe ani- mals, which had ufed no induftry, could get thi- ther. There were no trees feen upon it, there being only a meadow. The way that they took to go up might be about half a league. Upon the platform of this mountain there is a pointed elevation, on which account it is called Montagne de l'Aiguille, or the needle mountain. Another fingularity of Dauphiny is the grotto of Notre Dame de la Balme near Grenoble. It opens with a pretty high arch; and leads to a lake 182 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the lake incloſed under the mountain, and ſeeming to be a league broad. When Francis I. was in Dauphiny, he fent thither fome people in a boat, who went above 2 leagues upon the lake, but be- ginning to hear a great noiſe they were afraid, and proceeded no farther, and placed fome lighted torches upon planks, which they faw diſappear in a certain place, which probably was a whirl- pool. A clergyman of that country went thi- ther a few years afterwards, and whether he took another way in the grotto, or was lefs eaſily frighted, or had an imagination lefs difpofed to the marvellous, he has left a very different, and much more fimple relation of this voyage. He faw fome falls of water, he found fome places that were dry, and others where the arch was fo low, that there was no paffing without lying down flat in the boat. This laft circumftance may give us fome trouble, but in fhort the marvellous finks confiderably in the fecond relation. This is what has been related in books con- cerning this grotto, and the inacceffible moun- tain. But M. Dieulamant has given himſelf the trouble to fend the academy a relation of the grotto, which he has examined with his own eyes, and it preferves no farther remains of its ancient wonders. It is irregularly hollowed in the rock, and its entrance may be 4 or 5 toifes in breadth, and 5 or 8 in height. At the bottom of this entrance, there comes out a little rivulet which flows into the Rhone: This rivulet was almoſt dry in August, when M. Dieulamant went to fee the grotto, but he judged by the channel, that it was always very fmall. The grotto is forked. In the part on the right hand, there are a great many congelations of the water that diftills thro' the rocks. In the part on the left hand, fome I waters ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 183 waters diftil, which make part of the rivulet. They fall at firſt into a pretty large natural baſon, below which there are feveral other fmall ones, which make a pretty agreeable cafcade. At the end of this grotto is a fort of opening hollowed alfo in the rock, at the bafe of which is the wa- ter that forms the greateft part of the rivulet. This is what is called the lake, becauſe the water is dormant. It is half a foot, or at moſt a foot in depth. The alley, where this fort of lake is, appeared to M. Dieulamant to be not above 29 toifes in length, contracting itſelf a little; for from the beginning where he was, he thought he faw the end with torches. The people of the country affirmed that there was nothing beyond. This however is the abyfs where the torches were fwallowed. If M. Dieulamant had examined the inac- ceffible mountain, perhaps that alfo might have been reduced. The floating islands in a lake near St. Omer, have alfo been reviewed, and found to be lefs wonderful. They are properly nothing but tufts of the roots of grafs mixt with a little fat earth. II. On the apparent largeneſs of the hori- zontal moon. 1 It ſhould ſeem that the apparent largenefs of an object, muft depend on the largeneſs of the image that it traces on the bottom of the eyes and yet fometimes the contrary happens, and the moon of which our eye receives a fmaller object at the horizon than at the meridian, becauſe it is then farther from us, appears much larger at the horizon, A This 184 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the This Phenomenon has very much embaraffed the greatest philofophers among the moderns, as it often happens that when we give very diffe- rent explications of one and the fame thing, none of them is true. F. Gouye has not been contented with what has hitherto been imagined on this fubject: Descartes fays that when the moon rifes or fets, a long feries of objects oppofed between us, and the extremity of the fenfible horizon, make us imagine. it farther off than when it is in the meridian, where our eye fees nothing between it and ourfelves, that this appearance of a greater diftance makes us imagine the moon larger, becauſe an object that we fee under a certain angle, and think at the fame time to be very far off, na- turally makes us judge it to be very large, to ap- pear fo far off under that angle, and thus a mere, tho' neceffary judgment of our mind, which is common to all men, makes us fee the moon lar- ger at the horizon, in fpite of the fmaller image that is painted on the bottom of the eye. But F. Gouye at once deftroys this fo ingenious an explication, by affirming that the more the hori- zon is bounded, the more large the moon appears to us. M. Gaffendi pretends that the pupil of the eye, which is conftantly moft open in the dark, being more fo in the morning and evening, becauſe thicker vapours are commonly fpread over the earth, and becauſe it muſt alfo traverle a longer way to look at the horizon, the image of the moon enters the eye under a greater an- gle, and paints itfelf really larger. But notwith- ſtanding this dilatation of the pupil caufed by the darkneſs, if we look at the moon thro' a little tube of paper, we fhall fee it fmaller at the horizon, To 1 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 185 { } To find any reafon therefore for fo odd a Phænomenon, F. Gouye conjectures that when the moon is in the horizon near the earth, the thicker vapours, with which this planet is then encompaſſed with regard to us, have the fame effect with a wall placed behind a column, which then appears much bigger than if it ftood by itſelf, and was encompaffed on all fides by an enlightened air. Befides a fluted column appears bigger than a plain one, becauſe the flutings make fo many par- ticular objects, which by their multitude give room to imagine, that the total object which they compofe is of a greater bulk. It is much the fame with all the objects that are ſpread on that part of the horizon, with which the moon correfponds when it is near them; which caufes it to appear greater when it rifes behind trees, the intervals between which being cloſer and more obſervable, have almoft the fame effect on the apparent diameter of this planet, as a greater num- ber of flutings would have on the body of a pillar. III. On a body of fire feen in Normandy. The 7th of Jan. an hour before day, there ap- peared to the inhabitants of la Hague in lower Normandy, a body of fire fo bright that it eclip- fed the light of the moon, and that the inhabi- tants of S. Germain des Vaux, and of Auderville, two great villages fituated on the banks of the fea, thought it at firft to have been day, and were much frightened at fuch a prodigious light. The figure of this fire was like a great tree, and ran from W. N. W. to E. S. E. it did not fall till an hour after day-light, and then with fo great a noife, that the houfes of thofe two villages fhook VOL. I. No. 5. A a with 186 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the with it. They who were 12 leagues from Cher- bourg, thought it had fallen on Valognes, and they of Valognes thought it had been on Cherbourg. But as the inhabitants of la Hague were the only ones who heard the noife, and felt the fhock caufed by its fall, they are the more credible, witneffes in this point, It appear'd to them as if this flame was loft in the fea, near the little ifle of Origni, and this appearance was not much unlike that of a great ſhip on fire. The academy was obliged to M. de Seneffey a gentleman of lower Normandy for the information they received of this phænomenon. IV. On the yellow amber. It is commonly thought that yellow amber, which is found in the Dantzick fea, is a gum which is produced, and falls from certain trees fituated on the banks of this fea. But M. Tournefort re- ceived an account from Aix, that yellow amber is to be found in the moft bare and barren cliffs of the rocks of Provence; which fhould incline. us to believe that this gum is mineral and not vegetable; and that the amber which is in the fea of Dantzick, did not fall therein from trees, but was conveyed thither by land floods. V. On a change made in the texture of bodies by exterior motion only. It is well known what force an inward motion hath, when diffufed thro' all the infenfible parts of a body to change the texture of it, and pro- duce great alterations. But that a meer outward motion, which feems to terminate in the whole mafs without agitating the parts, fhould produce the fame effects, is fomething more furprizing, B A #, at ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 187 at leaſt to a natural philofopher. M. Homberg fays, that having tied a bottle of wine to the clapper of a mill, he found that the motion of this clapper alone had changed the wine into very good vinegar in the fpace of three days; and that a pound of quickfilver had by the fame means in three months time, given 4 or 5 ounces of a blackish powder. VI. Of the trembling of the nerves of a frog after death. M. Du Verney fhewed a frog juft dead, which in taking the nerves of the belly of this animal which go to the thighs and legs, and irritating them a little with a fcalpel, trembled and fuf- fered a fort of convulfion. Afterwards he cut theſe nerves in the belly, and holding them a little ſtretched with his hand, he made them do fo again by the fame motion of the fcalpel. If the frog had been longer dead, this would not have happened, in all probability there yet re- mained fome liquor in thefe nerves, the undula- tion of which caufed the trembling of the parts where they correfponded, and confequently the nerves are only pipes, the effect whereof depends upon the liquor which they contain, VII. Of a stone found in the bladder of a • mare. The academy has feen in the hands of M. Le- mery, a ftone found in the bladder of a mare, which weighed 23 ounces 7 drams. It is 4 in- ches in diameter one way, and 4 the other. It is the fize of a midling melon, covered with a lot of fmooth and fhining fkin. Its fubftance A & 2 is 188 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the is afh-colour, and it is hardened fince it has been drawn from the animal, altho it is ſtill very fri- able. It has alſo loft in drying a very ſtrong ſmell of urine, which it had at firft. ment. VIII. Of a monftrous double leveret, - M. Lemery brought alfo to.the affembly a mon- ftrous leveret, or rather two leverets joined toge- ther from the head to the breaft. They had but one head and one face, tho' they had four ears. In the place for the mouth there was only a little. cavity without any opening to receive the nouriſh- Nevertheleſs they lived, and even out of their mother's belly; for they were taken with the hand by a huntſman. This double animal was walking in a wood, but one of the leverets drew one way, and the other another way, ſọ that they did not get forward at all. They told M. Lemery, that in opening them, they had found in each a heart, lungs, and ftomach, all found, IX. On a new telescope-glass. M.Tfchirnhaus has informed the learned of the effects of a new glafs, which he has made. This glaſs is convex on both fides, and 32 feet of focus, but it is extraordinary by the largeneſs of its diameter; for as the greateſt glaffes of the fame focus, which have hitherto been uſed are only 4 or 5 inches in diameter, this is more than a Rhe- nish foot, and at first it had two feet, but it was injur'd by accident. From hence we may judge what the machine, muft, be that M. Tchirnhaus has invented to cut fuch great glaffes. > ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES, 189 1 All dioptricks feem to be reverfed by the ef- fects which it produces. For example, the com- mon object glaffes of teleſcopes, tho' fmall enough already, have very little aperture left them, and yet M. Tfchirnbaus leaves his quite open, not- withſtanding it is fo large. ! To underſtand the reafon of the common prac- tice, and the particularity of this of M. Tfchirn- baus; you muſt know exactly how the image of a luminous point, the rays of which have traverfed it, is made in the focus of a convex glaſs. Let us fuppofe this glaſs to be an entire hemifphere. The rays that the luminous point fends upon the fur- face of this hemifphere, do not reunite them- felves, after having croffed it, upon one fingle point of its axis, as we might imagine, from the rules of the focus, and of the reunion commonly ufed in this fubject. On the contrary they have a pretty large space, but much less than the furface of the hemifphere on which they were before fpread. Thus altho' they are not exactly reunited, they are more clofe one to the other than they were. Moreover, in the extent of the fpace which they fill, they are unequally cloſe, leſs fo toward the extremities, and much more toward the middle, that is toward the axis of the hemi- fphere, and there one would think they were en- tirely united in one point. Theſe rays nearly united upon the axis, are thofe which are entered toward the axis, that is, towards the middle of the hemifphere, and as all the others, which fall upon the reft of the furface, unite very ill, they take away all this remainder of the hemifphere, and preferve only the middle of it to make the objects. But there is alſo another obfervation to be made. The rays which have heen refracted, } 森 ​• natu- 190 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the naturally form colours and Iris's, unless they are not reunited by the refraction, or at leaft extremely locked against each other. Thus an object glafs, which is only a little remnant of the hemifphere, is nevertheless commonly very large, becauſe it receives rays towards its edges, which after being refracted do not again cloſe themſelves enough, and make Iris's very inconvenient to the obfer- vers. It is for this reafon they cover the edge of the object glaſs, and that they leave only a little round extent about its axis. M. Tfchirnbaus difapproves of this practice, in all appearance ſo well founded, and ſuppoſes there are many other errors in opticks, which fhould be rooted out. He does not leffen at all the great furface of his object glafs, but he has fome fecret about it, which he has not yet difcovered. It is always cer- tain, that it would be advantageous to leave a larger aperture to the object glaffes provided there is no other inconveniencies, becaufe there would come more rays to the fame point. M. M. Tfchirnhaus's object glafs may be uſed without an eye-glafs, which is a very great ad- vantage, for the more glaffes there are in a te- leſcope, the more rays there are reflected upon their furfaces which are loft to the obſervers. Tſchirnbaus alſo affures us, that the objects fhew themſelves more clear with his fingle glafs, than they have yet been feen with teleſcopes. He af- firms alfo, that they appear more clear, than to the naked eye, altho? fome reflections of rays are neceffarily made upon this glafs, but this lofs is probably more than recompenfed by the great number of rays in the fame point, which the great extent of its ſurface and focus caufes to enter into the eye. This ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 191 This glafs may be uſed without a tube, and in another manner than that which M. Huygens men- tions in his aftrofcopy. For the object fhews it- felf always diftinctly, notwithstanding the rays of the fun which pass between it and the eye. 《 The fpace which may be feen at once with this glafs, is of an incredible fize. M. Tfchirnhaus affirms, thats without tube or eye-glafs, he has feen very diftinctly at noon, an entire town at the diſtance of a German mile and So many fingularities of M. Tchirnbaus's glafs foretel great and happy novelties in dioptricks. mua bsbuzo. is C ' X. On the centres of converfion, and on ५ frictions. DIAL { } If a ſtick be laid upon a ftagnant water, and drawn by a thread fixed to it, fo that the thread makes always the fame angle with the ftick, for example, always a right angle, the ſtick will be found to turn upon one of its points which will be immoveable, which M. Parent calls the centre of converfion. We may fuppofe for the greater eafe, that the thread be faftened to one end of the ſtick. COIN. This effect arifes from the refiftance of the fluid, and from the manner wherein it divides. For let us imagine the first moment of the traction; it is certain, that the refiftance of the parts of the fluid which are to be difplaced, tends to make the flick turn about the point where the thread is faſtened, as about a centre, fo that in the prefent fuppofition, the ſtick defcribes exactly a quadrant of a circle, after which the fluid would no longer refift the ftick lengthwife. But if this circular motion is executed, the free end of the ſtick, and the 192 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the the parts which are nearest to it, would defcribe longer arches of circles than the others, and have a greater velocity. The refiftance therefore of the fluid, which tends to imprefs a circular motion on the ſtick about the point where the thread is tied, tends to imprefs a greater velocity on the parts, which are towards the other extremity, or, which comes to the fame thing, theſe parts have need of a greater velocity, to furmount the refiftance of the fluid, fo that the ftick does not take this cir- cular motion about the point where the thread is, or the refiftance of the fluid is greater towards the free end of the ſtick, and ftill leffens from thence towards the other end. Now we muſt fuppofe, that all the columns or threads of water, which refift the ftick, are of the fame length, or of the fame mafs. Therefore we may find upon the ftick fuch a point, that taking a greater number of theſe threads on the fide where they refift leaſt, and a lefs number on the fide where they refift moſt, there will be an exact compenfation, and the forces will be equal on both fides. It is this point which is the centre of converfion, and ast the fame reaſoning has place in all moments of the traction, which is made always in the fame manner, this centre is always the fame point. If the angle of the thread with the ſtick fhould ceaſe to be a right one, and become obtufe, the centre of converfion would nevertheleſs be always at the fame point, becauſe the refiftance of the fluid, altho lefs in itſelf, is always according to the fame proportion, greater towards the free end of the ſtick, and lefs towards the other end, which appears vifibly by the circular motion which it always tends to imprefs on the ſtick, al- tho' this motion need not be an entire quadrant of a circle. But if, after having drawn the ſtick by its ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 193 its thread under a right angle, we draw it under an obtufe one, the centre of converfion, which would not change its place upon the ſtick, would change it in the fluid, becauſe the whole ſtick would make a motion, and we fhould not fee it turn any longer upon the fame immoveable point. 15 The grand queftion is to know precifely at what point the centre of converfion is to be found, and it is this, which M. Parent has determined by an algebraical calculation, adding fome other general confiderations of mechanicks, befides. thoſe which are particular to this phænomenon, and which are the only ones that we have related ; he finds that if the ftick drawn by one extremity be a fingle line, divided into 20 parts counting from the thread, the centre of converfion will be nearly on the 13th. If it be not any more a line, but a furface, or a folid that is drawn, there will be fome change in the fituation of the centre of converfion, according to the furface or the folid. All this requires a great detail of algebraical cal- culations, into which M. Parent has entered. If inſtead of fuppofing here that the body drawn fwims upon a fluid, we fuppofe it upon a rough uneven plane, the refiftance of the plane to the motion of the body will always divide itſelf in the fame manner, and determine the fame centre of converfion. This refiftance is exactly what they call the friction, fo prejudicial to the effect of all ma- chines; and the theory of centres of converfion which might appear at firſt very little uſeful, has been of fervice to M. Parent, in the inqui- ries and determination of the force of frictions. To confine in certain bounds this queftion, which makes innumerable and confequently in- VOL. I. No. 5. B b folvable } 194 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the folvable, the endless differences of furfaces which may rub together, M. Parent confiders only one body perfectly hard, which rubs either upon a very hard body, or a very foft one, that is, a' fluid. Theſe two extremes being once known, we fhall judge pretty nearly of all thofe which are between them. Each of theſe two cafes divides again in two, for it is a queſtion to know the neceffary effort either to move the leaft that is poffible, that is to begin to move one body upon another, or to move them with a certain given quickness. If the body, upon which the very hard body muſt move, is fluid, experiment alone can de- termine the fize of the firſt effort, but this firſt effort being once found, thoſe which will be necef- fary to impreſs fuch velocity as we would, will be between themſelves as the fquares of theſe ve- locities, for the refiftance of the fluid does not increaſe only, becauſe the body, which is moved upon it, is moved fafter, but alſo becauſe being moved fafter, it meets and fhocks many more particles of the fluid, which makes a double ratio, or fquares. If the body upon which the very hard body is moved, be alfo very hard, M. Parent confiders the two ſurfaces of them as quite fet round with equal hemifpheres, fo that the hemifpheres of the upper bodies are engaged in thofe of the lower. They muſt be difengaged and raiſed to begin the motion. This figure helps M. Parent to make a calculation, and he finds by pure geometry that in this fuppofition, to raiſe a weight of 20 lb. there would be required a force which was either 14 lb. when one of the hemifpheres of the upper body muſt be raifed above two of the lower, or, only 7 lb. when it was to be raiſed above one. I Now ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 195 Now as theſe two cafes meet at once with regard to the different parts of the fame furface, there is then required a mean force between 14 and 7, or between 11 and 10. This proportion is ex- actly that which M. Amontons has determined by the experiment of glaffes and their polifhers, which are very hard bodies, and which wear very little by one fingle friction, which brings them very near the fuppofition of M. Parent, When the lower body is covered with any fat fubftance, the intervals of the hemifpheres of its furface are filled in fuch a manner, that thofe of the upper body do not engage themſelves any more, and may begin to move themſelves with- out being fenfibly raiſed. Then in this caſe, the force, which moves the weight of 20 lb. muſt be lefs than the fmalleft which can move in the cafe where it fhould raife the hemifpheres to their whole height; that is, this force muſt be lefs than 7 lb. M. Amontons has found by the expe- riments related in the memoirs of 1699*, that it is the third part of the weight, and confequently in the preſent fuppofition 6 lb. which is under 7. M. Parent's geometry, altho' in a matter which ſeems to have eſcaped geometry, has conducted him to the fame point where M. Amontons is ar- rived by experiment. 3 The compariſon of different velocities with which we would move one of theſe bodies upon the other, always according to the hypothefis of the hemifpheres, has thrown M. Parent into a yet more complicated and delicate geometry. All that we can here gather which is clear and and fen- fible enough, is, that the refiftance of the lower bodies to the motion of the upper does not increaſe in the fame ratio with the velocity of the upper Pag. 69. of this abridgment. * Bb 2 one 196 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the one, and even does not increaſe more fenfibly be- yond a certain point, altho this velocity increaſes alfo as much as you will br - { Let us imagine with M. Parent, the upper body entirely reduced to only one of the hemi- ſpheres of its furface, without lofing any of its weight, and that this hemifphere paffes fucceffively, and with a horizontal motion, upon a row of lower hemiſpheres, equal to it, falling at each moment between their intervals, and raiſing it felf continually. If the weight of this upper hemifphere be fuch, that it muft in a fecond make it run over a vertical ſpace equal to the height or depth of the intervals, which are between the lower hemiſpheres, and if the horizontal motion of the upper hemifphere is fuch, that it makes in a ſecond but one interval of two lower hemi- fpheres, it is certain that at each fecond it will fink entirely into one of theſe intervals, that is, it will infert it felf as much as poffible. But if by its horizontal motion, it can run over two in- tervals in one fecond, it will enter into each but half of its depth, becauſe theſe two halves put together will make all the height, which its weight ought to cauſe to fall in one fecond. It is then viſible that the more the horizontal motion, (which may increaſe without end) is great with reſpect to the vertical motion of the weights, which cannot change, fo much the lefs will the upper hemifphere fink and infert itſelf into the lower ones, and in fine the horizontal velocity may be fuch, that the upper hemifphere will not touch the lower one but by their fummits, after which the friction will not encreaſe more fenfibly by the increaſe of the velocity. But it muſt be well obferved, that the friction will never be null, becauſe let the horizontal velocity be ever fo great, TE ? as ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 197 as it cannot but be finite and determined, that of the vertical motion of the weight is always fomething with regard to it. The more quick a body moves in a fluid, the more parts it meets, the multitude of which is a greater obftacle; and on the contrary the more quick a body moves upon a very hard body, the lefs it is engaged in the intervals of its parts, and confequently is lefs detained by them. XI. On the bodies which fwim in liquors. It is well known, that a body of the fame fpecific gravity with a liquid in which it is im- merged, remains in whatfoever place it is put; but if it is lighter than the liquid, it ſwims upon it, having one part immerged more or lefs, ac- cording to the proportion of its gravity, to that of the liquid, and if it is heavier, it goes to the bottom. All mathematicians have demonſtrated the neceffity of thefe effects. ་ This is only with regard to the place of a body in a liquid, but the fituation of this body in the fame liquid, is different from the place which it there occupies. For example, a ſphere which there makes a half turn upon its centre, would change its fituation, becauſe the upper part would become the lower, but it would not change its place. 1. Let us imagine a body compofed of two dif ferent parts immerged in water, one lighter, and the other heavier than the water, as of wood and lead, fuppofe alfo the quantity of theſe two parts fo proportioned, that the whole together weighs exactly as much as an equal bulk of water. Ima- gine laftly the body to be ſpherical. It is plain that more than the fphere will be wood. This 198 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the } } This body will have two centres; one, its centre of figure and extent, that is, the point of the middle of the fphere: the other, its cen- tre of gravity, that is, the point of a horizontal diameter by which it fhould be fufpended, that the two parts of wood and lead, of unequal weight, may remain in equilibrio. Now we know that to put them in equilibrio the point of fupport, or which is the fame thing, the cen- tre of gravity, muſt be neareſt to the heavieft, and confequently the centre of gravity of this fphere, heterogeneous in its parts would be more toward the fide of the lead, and would not be the fame point with the centre of the figure. 1 This fphere being immerged in water, fo that its centre of gravity be above it, it is afked what will happen to it. It is certain that a body which has liberty to move itſelf, cannot reft till its centre of gravity is funk as low as it is poffible. The centre of gravity of the fphere, that is, the fphere itſelf must then fink, fince it can. On the other fide, fince it is of the fame fpe- cific weight with the water, it ought neither to rife nor fall, but remain exactly in the fame. place where it was laid. To reconcile thefe two things, M. Borelli in his excellent treatife of the motion of animals,* determines, that the ſphere will turn upon its cen- tre of figure, until its centre of gravity be funk to the lower part, and toward the earth, pro- vided the body changes the fituation, and not the place. This decifion of fo great an author, and in appearance fo convincing, has not however feemed fo to M. Parent and he has not been *Part I. Cap. 3. Prop. 207. $ afraid ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 199 afraid to advance this paradox; that the body, notwithſtanding the equality of its fpecific weight with that of the water, would defcend to a cer- tain point, and what will appear yet more fur- prizing, that the figure of the body would rife, while the body it felf deſcended. That two equal forces, acting by lines parallel to each other, draw a rod by one end two oppo- fite ways, is certain, fince we do not fuppofe any fixed point of this rod, that it will turn upon one of its points, and that this point will be the middle, becauſe theſe two oppofite forces are equal. If they were not, it would turn upon ano- ther point, as much nearer the greater force, as this greater force fhould exceed the other. The ſphere immerged in water is driven down- ward by its own weight, of which all the action. is united again in the centre of gravity. It is at the fame time driven upward, by the weight of a bulk of water equal to it, which always endea- vours to defcend, and take its place, and all the action of this equal body of water, muſt be con- ceived as reunited in the centre of figure of the ſphere; for we are confidering the extent of the bulk, and it is this which determines the quantity of water of which we are confidering the action. Here are two oppofite forces which act parallel, as theſe are two weights, they are equal by the fuppofition, they are applied at two different points taken on the fame diameter of the ſphere. The ſphere therefore muft turn upon a middle point, between thefe two, and it muſt be equally diſtant from them. As the centre of gravity of the fphere had been placed above, it cannot turn upon this middle point, without the centre of gravity defcending, and at laft when it has defcended to + the 200 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the the vertical line, its action ceaſes becauſe it cannot defcend any more, and the ſphere ftops. On the other fide, it is plain, that in this dif pofition the centre of the figure which was below the centre of gravity, rofe, and from thence M. Parent concludes, that the body, which is confi- dered as entirely gathered together in its centre of gravity, defcended, while the figure of the fame body rofe. The ſpherical figure was only taken for an ex- ample, and it is clear, that the fame reafoning fubfifts with all other figures. It fubfifts again when the two forces are une- qual. If the weight of the heterogeneous body im- merged in water, is greater than that of an equal bulk of water, and its centre of gravity has been placed above, not only this body muft immerge itſelf in the liquid, but it muſt make a half turn in immerging, becauſe its centre of gravity muft defcend as low as is poffible; after which the body continues to immerge, but without turning any more. It turns round upon a point which is not equally diſtant from the centres of gravity and of figure, becauſe the two forces which are applied to it are unequal. Hence it comes, that cats, and many other animals of the fame kind, as martins, pole-cats, foxes, tigers, &c. when they fall from a high place, generally fall upon their feet, altho' at firſt they were uppermoft, and confequently they fhould have falled upon their heads. It is very certain, they could not turn themſelves thus of their own accord in the air, where they have no fixed point to help themſelves. But the fear with which they are ſeized makes them bend the ſpine of their back, fo that their entrails are driven upwards ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 201 upwards at the ſame time they ſtretch out the head and legs toward the place from whence they- are fallen, as if to find it again, which gives to thefe parts a greater action to raiſe themfelves. Thus their centre of gravity comes to be different from the centre of figure, and placed above it, from whence it follows by the demonftration of M. Parent, that theſe animals muft make a half turn in the air, and turn their legs again down- wards, which commonly faves their lives. The niceft knowledge of mechanicks would not do bet- ter on this occafion, than this confufed and blind fenſe of fear does. If the weight of the body is lefs than that of the water, only one part will be immerged, and we muft confider only the part immerged as a centre of figure, becauſe it is that alone which tries and receives the action of the water, one of the two unequal and oppofite forces. As for the centre of gravity, it is always that of the entire body, becauſe it is always the whole weight that acts. After this, it is eafy to judge by what has been faid how it turns round. While the body makes its half turn, if we ſup- poſe the centre of turning fixed, as it is naturally and by itſelf, the part immerged in the water will be always equal, if this body be a ſphere; but if it be of any other figure, the action of turning will cauſe this part immerged to be fometimes greater and fometimes lefs. On the other fide, the equilibrium of the body with a certain deter- minate bulk of water requires, that its part im- merged fhould always fill the place of it, which is always of the fame fize. Thus the action of turning round appears contrary to what the equi- librium would, but what fettles all is, that when by the turning round the part immerged is too little, VOL. I. No. 6. C c this 202 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the this equilibrium makes the body fink more, and confequently its centre of turning defcends in a vertical line. If the part immerged be too great, the body raiſes itſelf, and alfo its centre of turn- ing. It is manifeft, that in both thefe motions, the centre of the whole figure rifes or falls in a right line, and at the fame time turns circularly, and confequently deſcribes a cycloid, for it is formed by a direct and circular motion mixed in this manner. To theſe proofs, which fhew plainly enough that in all theſe cafes the bodies turn, not upon their centre of figure, but on a mean point be- tween this centre and that of gravity, M. Parent adds another, as convincing, but falling into a greater geometrical difcuffion. The principle is, that the common centre of gravity, both of the liquid and of the body immerged, muſt always be as low as is poffible, after which M. Parent demonſtrates, that it has this ſituation only in his ſyſtem. He finds by the fame ways, what fituation heterogeneous bodies immerged at the fame time. in feveral liquors of different weights, muft take. The principals do not change at all, but the ap- plication of them becomes more difficult. The different figures which we may imagine of this body, throw alfo this problem into a greater detail of geometry; Archimedes has refolved it for the right paraboloid placed only in a liquid. But M. Parent refolves it for all the conoids fitu- ated in ever ſo many liquors. XII. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 203 XII. A falſe report of the perpetual motion being difcovered, and the impoffibility of it demonftrated. There was in this year a report ſpread, that the perpetual motion was found. It was feen in a place where the difficulty of the thing was not well known, where the invention was not ex- amined, as it would have been in an academy, where an air of ſcience fucceeds fometimes, and the air of confidence almoſt always. M. Sauveur explained the invention to the academy, who were very much furprized at it. A little while after the noiſe that this difcovery made, the per- petual motion difappeared with its author. On this occafion, M. Parent proved the impoffibi- lity of it by this fingle reaſon, that all the parts of a machine have a common centre of gravity, that while they turn round an axis or fixed point, which ever it be, this common centre of gravity finds itſelf neceffarily in one fituation, where it is lower than in any other, and that preſently all muſt ſtop. For fince there is a point where the force, which many bodies have to defcend, is entirely reunited, as foon as this point cannot de- ſcend any more, all theſe bodies must remain fixed. M. Parent determined in general, that there must inevitably be this point of reft for all the machines poffible, Cc 2 ΑΝ ; A N ABRIDGMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL MEMOIRS of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at Paris for the year 1700. 1. An obfervation on the barometer, ther- mometer, and quantity of rain and fnow- water, that fell at Paris in the royal ob- fervatory, during the year 1699. year 1699. By M. de la Hire * AH E obfervations on the quantity of rain THE water which fell in the obfervatory, have been made in the fame manner with thoſe of the preceding years. For this purpoſe, they placed in the open tower a veffel of tin, whofe furface was 4 feet, and which was furrounded with a rim 6 inches high. This veffel is a little bent near one of its angles, where there is a little hole with an end of a pipe, which conveys all the wa ter which falls in the veffel, into an earthen pot placed underneath; and as foon as it has rained, great care is taken to meaſure exactly all the wa- ter which is gathered in this earthen veffel, of which a particular regiſter is kept. This mea- fure is made in a little veffel of a cubical figure, whoſe fides were three inches, ſo that 32 lines heighth of water in this little veffel, are anfwer- able to half a line's heighth on the furface of the great tin veffel wherefore there is drawn near the brim of this cubical veffel, which has no * Jan. 16. 1700. + cover ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 205 cover, a line within 4 lines diſtance of the brim, that in filling this little veffel to the height of this line, there may be the value of half a line's heighth of the water which falls. This is the ftate of what fell in each month of this year. Jan. Feb. Lines. 11 / Lines. Mar. I I 11 I I I July Aug. I I I Apr. 36 Sept. Octob. 3- 5 2 May June 22 + Nov. 18 21/20 35 12 9 29 4 Dec. 15 A ~+~+~+ 1 + The fum of the height of the water which fell in the whole year, is 224 lines, or 18 inches 8 7.4 Though this year appeared to be extremely dry, we ſee nevertheleſs that the quantity of rain-wa- ter is but little lefs than what falls in the mean years but it muſt be obſerved, that commonly the greateſt rains happen in the months of July and August; whereas this year they happened in the months of April, May, June, and September; and that the greateſt did not exceed 36 lines in a month, which is but little in compariſon of what frequently falls in fummer. But, in fhort, the three firſt months and the three laft of this year together, have only given very near as much as the months of April and of September together. We may obferve, that the moft plentiful rains this year happened in one and the fame day, and were not continual, and that very confiderable intervals of time paffed without rain. As to the barometer, which is placed at the top of the great hall of the obfervatory, and near 20 toifes above the river, the greateſt height of the quickfilver therein was but 28 inches 3 lines, 3 206 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the lines, the 21 of Nov. and the 31 of December; and its loweſt was but 26 inches 9 lines, on the 14 of Jan. and the 14 of December; and con- fequently the difference of the heights of the quick- filver between the greateſt and leaft height was 18 lines. The thermometer, which I uſe to make obfer- vations of heat and cold, is placed in the E. tower of the obfervatory, which is uncovered in fuch a manner as to be fheltered from the wind, and that the fun never fhines either on the ball nor on the tube. All the obfervations which I daily make are a little before fun-rifing, which is the time wherein the air is commonly the moſt cool. I have made obfervations on this thermometer to determine its mean height, and after having left it fome days in the bottom of the cave of the ob- fervatory, I found that the ſpirit of wine therein remained at the height of 38 parts, which I take for a mean height; fo that when it is of this height in a place where it is expofed, I judge that the temper of the air is between cold and hot. I have found that during this year from the first day of Jan. to the 5th of June, there has but little variation happened in the height of the liquor, and that theſe two days it was the fame. from 42 to 43 parts, and that it froze very little, and that only in the beginning of Feb. the ther- mometer not falling lower than 29 parts, which is commonly the time when it is moft cold, as the greateſt heat happens at the beginning of July. But the 11 of Dec. the thermometer fell to 25 parts, which was the coldeft of the year; and the 25th of July, which was the hotteft, the thermometer rofe to 63 parts: by which we fee that the heat of the fummer, compared to the mean ftate of the air, was near double the cold. compared ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 207 compared even with this mean ftate, though the obfervation of the heat of the air was made only before the fun-rifing. I alſo obſerved the 23d day of Ocher the declination of the needle to be 8° 10' in the fame place, and with the fame needle with which I uſed to obferve. This needle is 8 inches long, and is one of the beſt which was ever made; but though it was very lightly hung, I do not find in the obfervations of the fubfequent years, the fame progreffion of declination; whether it be that the declination does not keep an equal motion, or that there may be any other caufe of irregularity, which may alſo proceed from the ob- fervation, though I ufe all the precautions I am ca- pable of: but it is always difficult to obferve the minutes on an inftrument, whofe degree is but one line at the moft; it will be much more diffi- cult to obferve them, when the degree has but half a line, fuch as are the common compaffes of three or four inches diameter. All that can be done in this caſe, is to take a long ſeries of obſer- vations, as of ten or twelve years, made with the fame needle, and in the fame place, and di- vide the difference by the number of years, and then they muſt be alfo certain, that the declination does not either diminiſh or increafe. Example. At the end of the year 1686, I found that the declination of the needle was 4°. 30′ towards the W, and that at the end of last year 1699, it was 8°. 10', -and confequently the diffe- rence was 3°. 40'. or 220'. for 13 years, which gives for each year 17. motion from N to W. II. Jean Bemontli 1700 208 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the II. A new manner of rendering barometers luminous, by M. Bernoully, profeffor at Groninguen, extracted from one of his letters written from Groninguen, June 19, 1707. After having read in a little book, entitled, A treatiſe of barometers and notiometers, or hygro- meters, the extraordinary phænomenon which hap- pened in 1675, to the barometer of the late M. Picard, which was that interrupted light which he perceived by chance in the motion of the quickfilver, by carrying the barometer from one place to another, when it was very dark, I judged it worthy to make fome reflections upon it; and the more, becauſe the author of this treatiſe, invites the curious to perfect this difco- very; and fays, that in thofe experiments which have been already made of it, on many other barometers, to fee if the fame thing would happen, there was but one found which came near that of M. Picard: probably it might be that of M. Caffini, in which M. du Hamel fays there had been obſerved the fame effect, tho' lefs vifible than in the other. I have therefore applyed my felf to it; and after having made fome obfervations on this fubject, accompanied with, neceffary ex- periments, the fuccefs of which anſwered to my defires, and conformable to the reaſoning which I had made à priori, I feem to have diſcovered the true caufe of this phenomenon, and a way of making a very lively light appear in all barome- ters without diftinction, at all times and in all places: fo that here is a new kind of perpe- tual Phosphorus, which does not confume like thofe made by the chymifts. Before ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 209 Before I explain my reafoning to you, I will tell you that the fame evening on which I read this phenomenon in this little treatife, I would make a tryal of it on my barometer, which had been tried about a month: I carried it then into the dark, I balanced it lightly at firft, but without any fuccefs, not obferving in it the leaft light: but at last having balanced it violently (which I can do without danger of breaking the tube or fpilling the quickfilver, the tube being fet in a piece of wood, as in a frame, and the quick- filver at the bottom fhut up in a wooden box fixed to the board, and cloſe every where, fo that it is only through the pores of the wood, that the air enters to prefs upon the quickfilver) I obfer- ved that when the quickfilver (rifing and falling with great quickneſs through a long part of the tube) was quite at the bottom, it caft a very weak light, which vaniſhed as ſoon as the quick filver began to re-aſcend. This made me think, that thofe conjectures which the author of the treatife alledges, to give the reafon why this light had not yet appeared in any but in one barometer only, which was, that as to the others, they had not perhaps been long enough tried, could have no weight, fince my barometer had been tried but four weeks or thereabouts. After this experiment, I would try, whether the other conjectures of the author were to be admitted: he fays, that the other barometers had not the fame effect, whether it was that they were not fufficiently cleared of the air, or that the quickfilver was not pure enough. To be certain of this, atter having carefully cleaned the quickfilver, by forcing it to pafs through the pares of a bit of leather, I put it again into the receiver, from which I drew out the air, and left VOL. I. No. 6. D d it 210 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the par- it therein 24 hours, to give it time to let the ticles of air which were mixed with the quick- filver evaporate. After having thus purified it, I filled a tube with it in the common manner, with all the precaution poffible to hinder any fmall bubbles of air from remaining; but the baro- meter thus mounted had not any better effect, for let me balance the quickfilver never fo violently, hardly could I draw that weak glimmering which fhewed it felf, and vanifhed away almoft in the fame inſtant. : A ť I left the barometer in this ftate for common ufe, having thought it a pity to take it to pieces, after having taken fo much trouble and care in putting it together fo exactly, that I am certain, neither in the empty part of the tube, nor among the quickfilver, there was not the leaft particle of grols air. I then concluded from this fecond experiment, that the other conjectures of the author of the treatiſe, were no more valid than this; or at leaft, that neither the purifying of the quick- filver, nor the perfect vacuum of the upper part of the tube, were the principal caufe of the ap- pearance of this light. I therefore fought for the true cauſe of it, and thus I reafoned. As the light does not appear every time that it is balanced, but when the va cuum is made, that is, only in the defcent of the quick filver, I comprehended that when the quick- filver defcends there must go out of it, and reaf cend at the fame inftant, a very thin and fubtile matter to occupy, and fill part of that ſpace of the tube, which the quickfilver leaves I fay a part, becauſe we may well believe, that the pores of the glais being without doubt larger than thofe of the quickfilver (as it appears by the lightneſs of the { one, 1 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 211 L one, and the great heaviness of the other) there enters at the fame time thro' the pores of the tube, another matter much more fubtile than the grofs air, but much lefs fo than that which goes out of the quickfilver and thefe two matters mixing together immediately, fill the space which the quickfilver by its defcent leaves to them; it is of no confequence what names you give to theſe two matters: you may if you pleafe, call with M. Descartes, that which penetrates through the pores of the tube, the matter of the fecond element, or celeftial, globules; and, that which is fo fine, that it efcapes from the quickfilver, the matter of the first element.. In effect, M. Defcartes has well enough fhewn in his principles of philofophy, part the 4th art. 58. that the particles of quickfilver leave among them fuch acute angles, that they cannot be filled except by the fineſt matter, that is, by that of the firft element. #t 10 201 Now you know how M. Defcartes explains the production of light,, making it confift in the moſt rapid motion of the matter of the firft ele- ment, affembled only in fome fpace, and in the effort which it makes on the celeftial globules. I fay, therefore, that while the particles of the firſt element are diſperfed in theſe little interſtices, and parts in a manner opprefs'd by the terreſtrial of the quickfilver, they cannot acquire this rapid motion, or act or make joint efforts to produce the light, but as foon as by the defcent of the quickfilver, theſe go plentifully out of it, they unite together; and being thus at once difengaged from all other matter, they take that rapid courfe, which is common to them when they are free; and by the effort, which they make on the celeftial globules which meet them, they produce Dd 2 # this 212 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the A this light; from thence the reafon is feen why this light is only obferved in the defcent of the quickfilver . for when it rettfcends, the matter of the firft barnent is fo far from going out, that there rather enters again, apart of that which went out at yes preceding fall; and the rest is abits driven away with the celeftial globules, out of the tube, through the pores of the glass. This is alfo the reaſon why this light always accompa- nies the top of the defcending quickfilver, and is in a manner fixed to its upper furface; why the light produced in a defcent is not lafling; and why on the finishing of cach defcent, this light is at an end, and immediately vanishes alfo. This proceeds from the particles of the firft element, which were united at the going out of the quickfilver, and having made a very lit- the way in getting diftant from the furface of the quickfilver, being immediately fcatter'd and dif perfed by the crowd of celeftial globules, which with their impetuofity bear them down, and thus take from them the force of producing this effect of light fo that it cannot laft but in proportion, as there comes out of the quickfilver a continual and new matter of the firft element, to fucceed that which is alfo continually wafting, not much unlike the fame manner which a flame of a candle waeg and rettews each moment. It is therefore manifefty that the light in queftion can- not at the moſt laft any longer than each defcent of the quickfilver lafts. 1 "i A $ I muſt now fhew the principal, which is, why this light does not fhew it felf in all barome- ters and why it has not been obſerved till now except in two or three as alfo, the way of reme- dying this, and making it infallibly appear in all barometers at all times, and with a furprizing vivacity, 2 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 213 vivacity, provided they do it in a very dark place, both theſe will ſtrengthen and confirm perfectly well the reaſons which I have made ufe of in the explanation which I have juft made of the caufe of this phenomenon. Α I have obferved, that if we expofe quickfilver in any veffel to the open air, we fhall find at the end of fome time. the furface, where the air touches it, quite difturbed and covered with a very thin pellicle, which being taken away with a clean feather, the primitive brightneſs returns on the furface, and it will be again poliſhed like a looking-glats; but if we leave the quickfilver expoſed to the air, another pellice immediately like a cobweb, which thickens by time, will fpread over it. And if this is well examined with the microſcope, we fhall fee that it very much refem- bles leaf filver: and indeed, it is nothing but a very fine texture of a kind of mofs or moffy hair, which is formed of little filaments, which having been feparated from the quickfilver, by the continual agitation of the air, and yet being not able to follow its motion, fall again with other impurities which it finds in the air, on the furface of the quickfilver; and intermingling by degrees, compoſe this pellicle. We obferve the fame thing in all kinds of liquors, which, if we let them ftand, fo that the air may dry the top of them, will at laſt be covered with a ſkin more or lefs thick, according to the conftitution of the corpufcles, which exhale from, and afterwards fall back on the liquors. All this being well confidered, I fay, that it is this pellicle which hin- ders the appearing of the light in thofe barome- ters, which have been filled in the common man- ner. In this manner I conceive the thing. When they make the barometer, they take a tube her- metrically 214 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the { : } fealed at one end, and into the other they pour quickfilver, which falls drop by drop along the tube, fo that each drop by penetrating and di- viding the air from the top to the bottom, wipes it, if I may fo fay, and draws away with it all the impurities; which is the cauſe that in this moment employed in running along the tube, the quickfilver is more loaded with this mofs, than it would be in two or three days, if fimply expofed to the air. What I have here faid is fo true, that if you let only one drop of quickfilver, cleanted and purifyed as much as poffible, fall from the height of one foot only into a veffel, wherein there is more of it, which has alſo been fo well purified that the furface thereof is fmooth, and polifhed like a looking- glafs; you fhall fee that the drop falling on this poliſhed ſurface, will obfcure the luftre of it in that part where it fhall enter into the mafs of the quickfilver, and leave there a viſible ſpot, which is a certain mark that the drop, clean as it was, had been infected by the impurity of the air. It is thus that the drops of quickfilver poured into the tube, while they are running are covered with this pellicle; but by the fall of the drops one upon another, and by the preffure of the quickfilver, thefe particular pellicles easily break to permit a continuity in the quickfilver; and thefe impurities not being able to agree with the motions, nor with the figure of the particles of the quickfilver, are obliged, as excrements, to retire out of the inner fubftance of the quick- filver, and place themſelves on every fide between the concave furface of the tube and the convex of the quickfilver. Thus then is the whole mer- curial column involved in this very thin ſkin as with a cuticle. Surely, there is great appearance : 2 that ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 215 that the thing is, as I have faid; for the tube be- ing filled in this manner, if it is inverted to make the barometer by ftopping the aperture with the end of the fingen, till it is immerged in the quickfilver contained in the veffel; it will be obferved by taking away the finger, that the quickfilver defcending in the rube, will leave be- hind fome remains of this cuticle adhering to the fides of the glafs on the empty parts of the tube, like the fcum of melted lead. It is not therefore difficult to conceive, that the barometer being made, the horizontal and upper furface of the mercurial cylinder may be covered with a thicker palliole than any other part of the furface of this cylinder, becauſe it thickens partly by thoſe remainders which may continue ad- hered to the empty part of the tube, and which are at the laſt laofened; and fall again on the top of the mercurial columns and partly by thofe which are below and are thruft up by the weight of the quickfilversport } Therefore, for a laft conclufion, it is fufficient for me to fay, that this pellicle which occupies the upper part of the quickfilver, as thin as it ap- pears to our eyes, covers fo well the pores of the furface of the quickfilver, that it fhuts up either wholly, or in a great part, the paffage to the matter of the firft element, which by its violent motion alone can produce light; whence it fol- lows, that in barometers which are filled in the common manner there will appear none, or very little, and that with great balancings, as in mine, which I have fpaken of above, it muſt not be thought ſtrange that fo fmall and delicate a pel- licle can hinder the particles of the firft cle- ment from going out of the pores of the quick filver, or at leaft from going out in fuch abon- dance. ? 216 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the [ dance, and with fo much vehemence; fince we fee daily that the quick filver itfelf paffes eafily through the pores of the fkin of almoſt all ani- mals; but that the paffage fhould be entirely clofed, if they do not feparate that tender web, which the phyſicians call Epidermis, or Cuticula. What contradiction is there then, that fuch a thing may not happen in the ſubject we are upon? Thus have I reafoned on the cauſe of ſo ſtrange an effect. But as we are very apt to be deceived in reaſoning on phyfical fubjects, unless they are confirmed by experiments, I have contrived two ways of hindering the mercurial column from being covered with this cuticle, both which have fuc- ceeded very well. 1. I took a glafs tube 3 feet long, open at both ends, which I took care to fcour and cleanſe well on the infide, that I might leave therein neither filth nor moisture, having plung'd one end thereof a little way in quickfilver, contained in a large veffel the moft obliquely that the rim of the veffel would permit; fo that the angle which the tube made with the horizon, contained about 18 or 20 degrees; which having done, I ap- plied my mouth to the other end of the tube, and began to fuck; in this manner, I eafily made the quickfilver afcend to the top, and having even drawn fome drops of it into my mouth, I made a fign to one of my fcholars, whom I had inftructed for this purpoſe, to ftop quickly with his finger the lower end which was dipped in the quick- filver. I muſt tell you here by the way, that I finiſhed raiſing the quickfilver by what I fucked with one breath alone, lett had I fetched my breath and fucked again, there might have entered into the tube a little breath or fpittle. The tube be- ing ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 217 ing then filled in this manner, while my fcholar held the lower end ftopped with his finger, I after- wards cloſed the upper end with the cement, which I make uſe of to confolidate broken cups or glaffes. After having cloſed it well, I bid this fcholar take away his finger from the end which was yet dipped in the quickfilver; I then raiſed the tube perpendicular, and the quickfilver defcended to its equilibrium as ufual; but I had the pleaſure to fee that it left no fcum adhering to the empty part of the tube, as in tubes which are filled in the common manner which I immediately took for a good fign. Indeed I forefaw that this would be the confequence; for in the manner with which the tube had been filled, it is well feen that the air could not touch the quickfilver in aſcending in the tube, except at the first drop which was a kind of fhield, by the help of which all the remainder of the mercurial column could aſcend without fuffering the leaſt approach of air; but this one drop, befides that it could not be much infected, having not divided and penetrated the air with violence, like a drop which falls, did not remain in the tube: for, as I have faid, I drew fome of the firft drops of the quickfilver into my mouth. Thus was I fure of having a barometer whoſe mercurial column was entirely diveſted of this cu- ticle fo fatal to others. Mean while to make the experiment more conveniently without running the hazard of fpilling the quickfilver by the re- moving or balancing of it, I took the tube out of the large veffel, keeping the lower end of it clofed with my finger, and put it into a narrower and deeper veffel, which was half filled with quick- filver; all being finiſhed, I impatiently waited for night, which being come, I took my barometer VOL. I. No.6. E e thus 218 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the thus prepared, the tube in my left hand, and the veffel in which the lower end of it was dipped in my right hand; as foon as I was in the dark, I already perceived, without having yet balanced the barometer, very vivid lights, which were cauſed by a little fhaking, impreffed on the mer- curial column by the motion of removing it: but when I began, tho' very gently, to balance the barometer, that I might give to the quick- filver a more confiderable reciprocation than it had by the fole motion of removing it, there appeared at each defcent fuch an exquifite light, that it il- luminated the neareſt objects, in fuch a manner that I could well enough difcern, by the help of this light, letters of a moderate fize at a foot dif tance. I own to you, that I was very much contented to ſee the event anfwered fo well to my expecta- tion, and fo much the more as it was an experi- ment not made by chance, but a deliberate act founded on the principles of my own reafoning. I muſt alfo fay, that this light appeared fo eafily, that the most infenfible balancings, which hardly made the quickfilver rife and fall the thicknefs of a knife, produced nevertheleſs the most vivid lights. The following days I repeated this ex- periment with 3 or 4 other tubes, which I filled in the fame manner; but all performed their ef fect equally with much vivacity, and never failed; which makes me boldly advance, that all baro- meters thus prepared as I have faid, will fhew at all times the phænomenon, which happened in that of M. Picard, and perhaps much more vi- gorously } The fecond way which I contrived to fill the tube with quickfilver, without the mercurial co- Jumn being covered with the abovefaid pellicle, was this in few words. I took a very clean tube, I open ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 219 open at one end only, which I plunged into quick- filver contained in a veffel, which I erected per- pendicularly; fo that there was yet nothing but air in the tube. To draw the air out of the tube, I covered the tube and the veffel in which the open end of the tube was dipped, with a glafs receiver made in the form of a bell, the top of which was extended into a long tail hollow on the infide, to contain the tube, as the fheath contains the blade of the fword (this receiver is made pur- pofely to make thefe forts of experiments with the barometer.) I then applied the receiver with the tube, and the veffel within it on the copper plate of the air-pump; by means of which I drew the air out of the receiver, and thus at the fame time out of the tube, which not being able to go out by the upper end which was ftopped, went out with a little bubbling thro' the end which was dipped in the quickfilver. After having drawn the air from the receiver and from the tube, the moſt exactly I could poffibly, I let it again enter into the receiver; but being not able to make it again enter into the tube, becaufe of the qnickſilver in the veffel which hindered it, by its preffure it thruft the quickfilver into the tube to the height of 24 or 25 inches; fo that it wanted but little of afcending to the common height of the baro- meter; which fhewed that the air had been with care enough drawn out of the receiver. The quickfilver being thus raifed, I judged that it muſt be quite ſtripped of its cuticle, fince the very top of the mercurial column could not touch the air, except by that little which remained in the tube, but which by reafon of its extreme rarefac- tion, could not alter the top of the quickfilver, and much leſs the remainder of the mercurial co lumn, the leaft part of which had not been ex- } Eez P pofed i. 220 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the poſed to the air in afcending. In effect, when I made the experiment the night following, the light appeared in this tube with the fame ftrength, and in like manner as in the other which had been prepared in the preceding method. By which may be alfo feen, that the air which re- mained in the empty part of the tube could not at all hinder the light from appearing; and thus, if it does not appear in the barometers filled in the common manner, it is not becauſe they are not cleanfed from the air, but only becauſe the quick- filver contained in the tube is fo wrapped up in this pellicle, as to stop the paffage of the matter of the first element. A Mean while I have found by experience, that there is nothing fo prejudicial to the appearing of this light, as humidity; for after having con- tinued fome weeks to balance every evening one of theſe barometers prepared according to the first method, to ſee if there was any difference, either in the vivacity, or in other circumftances; and being not able to obferve the leaft difference to my great fatisfaction, I contrived to pour a little. water into the veffel below, to cover therewith the furface of the quickfilver contained therein, and then I lifted up the tube gently, till the lower end coming out of the quickfilver in the veffel reached the water; but as foon as a few drops of water were entered into the tube, I dipped it again into the quickfilver, and thefe drops afcending to the top, covered the fummit of the mercurial column. I was then curious to fee if this little water would not hinder the appearance of the light, and indeed it hindered it fo much, that with the moſt violent balancings, there was no way to produce the leaft trace of light. I after that tried the fame thing with rectified fpirit of I ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 221 J of wine, thinking that being of itſelf inflammable, it would perhaps rather help to produce our light then to deftroy it: but in vain; for a few drops of ſpirit of wine had no fooner occupied the fum- mit of the mercurial column, but the light which had before appeared with all poffible vivacity at the leaſt ſhaking of the tube, ceafed to appear even with the greateft balancing: from whence I conclude, that all moisture and heterogeneous matter may either ftop the pores of the quick- filver, and hinder the violent motion of the mat- ter of the firſt element, as the pellicle does; or at least partly ftop the great rapidity with which the firſt element ought to be moved in order to excite the light for it is vifible, that a foreign matter occupying already a little fpace, directly above the mercurial column, where the matter of the firſt element is to affemble, it is, I fay, vi- fible, that it cannot move in conjunction, nor confequently with the rapidity which is common. to it when it is alone, without paffing through the pores of a groffer matter. III. Remarks on the construction of pendulum clocks, by M. de la Hire *. Altho' it does not feem poffible to add any thing to the conftruction of the great pendulum clocks as they are at prefent, to make them more perfect and juft in the meaſure of time; yet we may make fome remarks, which may ferve to correct fome inequalities that are found in them. Firſt, it feems that the rod of the pendulum might be fufpended to a little fine fpring inſtead of filk, to avoid the inconveniencies which hap- pen to the filk, as of its lengthening by the * May 22, 1700. heaviness 222 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the heaviness of the weight, which is hung to it, and chiefly when the weather is dry; and on the con- trary, of its ſhortening when the weather is moiſt, as it is with all threads and ftrings compofed of many threads twiſted together: for the ſhortening or lengthening of the filk, fhortening or ftretching out the length of the pendulum, will make the clock go fafter or flower. We might alſo add, that at each vibration, the filk makes a little twiſt at the place where it is tied to the rod of the pen- dulum, by the effort which the fourchette makes to entertain the motion of the pendulum. But the experiment which I have made for fome years, of a ſpring applied to the rod of the pendulum inftead of filk, has convinced me, that there are more confiderable irregularities with that than with the filk, which I can attribute only to the different alterations of the fpring by cold and heat, which making elaftic bodies more or lefs ftiff, cauſe in them very confiderable alterations; for the ſtiffer a ſpring is, the more frequent vi- brations it makes; on the contrary, when it is limber, it makes them flower. I was then obliged to take from a great pendulum of feconds, the fpring which fupports the rod of the pendulum, to put a filk to it, and I did not afterwards find all the irregularities which I had obferved before, which convinced me entirely, that theſe inequalities were caufed only by the fpring. Secondly, I confidered, that if in the pendulum of half feconds, when the irregularities were not fenfible, the little fpring * A was fixed very faft to the rod of the pendulum, thefe forts of clocks might be rendered more portable than they com- monly are with filk, in long voyages by fea, which may perhaps be of ufe in the knowing of + Plate XIV. Fig. 1 the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 223 the longitudes; for in the common motion of a veffel, the pendulum fupports itſelf, and will not be fo much interrupted in its vibrations as when it is only fufpended by a filk. But if inſtead of a fpring A, which is applyed by its breadth according to the length of the arbor, the pendulum was fufpended to a ſtiff and firm rod, the breadth of which fhould cut the axis of the arbor perpendicularly, and it fhould be ſtopped by the arbor, then the motion of the pendu- lum would entirely govern the motion of the clock. * In ſhort, if in the pendulums of feconds, to avoid the accidents of the filk and the fprings, the pendulum was fufpended, as I have juft faid, to a firm and ftiff rod, which was engaged and held faſt in a little particular arbor A, which moves itſelf freely upon its pivots, the arbor of the pallet which would bear the fourchette, would give the motion to the pendulum by the means of this fourchette, which being governed by the vibrations of the pendulum, would rectify the motion of the clock. I am perfuaded that this manner of applying the pendulum to the clocks, will be better than thofe which are in ufe. The axis of the pivot A muſt be in the fame right line, with that of the arbor which bears the pal- let to avoid the friction of the fourchette, along the rod of the pendulum, which muft neceffarily happen to the pendulums, which have cycloids; and this friction caufes a confiderable inequality in the motion of the pendulum, when the oil in this place thickens, or it gathers a little ruft. It might be objected, that the vibrations of the pendulum, which might be of unequal lengths, would not be reduced all to equality, there be- ing no cycloid in this conftruction. To this I anfwer Fig. 2. 1 ! 224 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the anſwer, that thoſe who have a great while ma- naged with care the great pendulum clocks, know well that theſe vibrations are fo equal, that they have no need of cycloids, and eſpecially if theſe vibrations are not of a long extent: but when we would have regard to the inequalities of the vi- brations of the pendulum in this conftruction, I fhall explain hereafter the manner in which they muſt be corrcted. Some pendulums have been made, the four- chette of which was placed above the pallets, and met the rod of the pendulum below the weight of the pendulum, in a part of the rod which paffes beyond the weight: but this con- ftruction is faulty, and cannot ferve for great clocks to make obfervations; for the vibrations being very fhort, the weight of the pendulum has but little motion, and it may be ftopped and turned very eaſily by a very weak power; thus the unequal motions of the fourchette, communi- cating with the motions of the pendulum, it cannot be rectified, nor the clock be juft, as fome of our academicians then obferved, in comparing thefe clocks with thofe we commonly uſe. But after the great clocks, which ſerve for celeſtial obſervations, were reduced to a point of per- fection, to which one would not have believed they could ever arrive, fince we often' fee for ſeveral days together, that they do not vary from the equal motion which they mark, one fingle fecond of time; there only wanted to be found the invention of reducing to a regularity, thofe which are commonly carried in the pocket; and to regulate the motion of the balance, which is generally very unequal, a way was thought on to apply a little fpring, which in bending and un- bending might rectify the motions of it. This principle ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 225 principle of regularity is founded upon this, that the vibrations of the fprings put into motion aré nearly equal; at leaft when thefe vibrations are very near of equal extent. At firſt they applied to thefe clocks a little fpring quite ftrait, which being held faft by one of its extremities, bore at the other extremity which was free, a little fourchette which governed one of the radii of the balance meeting it in a mean diſtance from its centre; and by this means the motion of the balance, was reduced to a fort of equality by the regularity of the vibrations of the fpring. But as the length of this little ſpring could not be at moſt above of the diameter of the watch, it muſt needs be extremely weak to have its vibrations nearly equal to thofe of the balance, and if it was fo weak, it could not re- gulate the inequalities of the balance, which muft make about four vibrations in a fecond of time. They have therefore quitted this ftrait ſpring, to ſubſtitute one of a ſpiral figure, which takes but little room, tho' it is of a confiderable length. The extremity the fartheft diftant from the eye of this fpiral is held faft in two places to be there fupported, and the other extremity toward the eye, is alfo fixed in the arbor, which bears the pallets and the balance, that the motion of the fpring, which is entertained by the motion of the balance, may at the fame time communicate its regularities to it; but when we carefully examine the motion of this balance regulated by the motion of the fpiral plate, we perceive that there yet re- mains a great deal of inequality in it, fo much that the motions of the pallets acting against the extremity of the fpiral plate, and there making an effort in proportion to the length of the femi- diameter of the arbor, at the place where this VOL. I. N°. 6. fpring Ff 226 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fpring is engaged, they fubdue the fpring, which yields and gives way to the inequality, becaufe it is weak and flight, and cannot refift the mo- tion of the balance; which is eafy to underſtand, by what I have already explained above in fpeak- ing of the great pendulums fufpended to a ſpring. I then confidered that the motion of the fpring muft neceffarily be applied at a distance fome- thing confiderable from the centre of the balance, to be able to govern its unequal motions with more force, and not to receive the inequalities of it. It was neceffary therefore to cut the fpi- ral ſpring pretty far from the eye, and to apply a little fourchette to this extremity, which was en- gaged in one of the radii of the balance, at about a quarter part from the circumference of the centre; and the balance was to be placed in fuch a manner, that when the fpiral is at reft, and not conſtrained by the balance, the radius where the fourchette is engaged, was already perpendicular to the line traced by the point where the four- chette is applied, when the fpring bends and unbends, that the fourchette might have lefs friction along the radius of the balance, as may be ſeen in Fig. 3. *But here is yet another way to apply a ſpring to the balance of a common watch. This fpring muft, be thin and broad as the common fpirals are, but its figure is waving with the waves very cloſe, by this means we have a great fpring which takes up but little room in length, fo that its vibrations may be flow, without filling a great pace. The waves are formed according to the breadth of the plate, which is placed upon the third wheel, which makes it fupport its great length eaſily; one might even give it much Fig. 4. xd ** d more ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 227 more breadth than to the common ſpirals, that it may ſupport itſelf more eafily. I have proved that theſe fort of fprings bent into waves, have very great advantages above the other fprings, in their being very foft, very long, and making but little effort in each of their parts. They have yet a very great advantage above the wire- fprings, which have alfo length in a little ſpace, in this, that thefe fprings in their prolongations and contractions, cannot extend this fpire without the wire of which they are compoſed, or made, twifting or untwifting, which foon fpoils them in a continued motion, which does not happen tò the waved fprings, even when they are made with a wire inſtead of a plate, as I have here fuppofed. To make application of this waved fpring to the balance of the watch, it muſt be held faft by one of its the upper plate of the watch, in the fame manner with the fpiral fprings; and by the other extremity where the waves end, it bears a little fourchette, which paffes into one of the radii of the balance near a quarter part of the diftance from the centre, as may be feen in fig. 4. As for the manner of fhortring for lengthening this fpring, that it may make its vibrations ei- ther longer or fhorter, it must be done as in the fpiral fprings, by the means of a little bridle faft- ened to a piece which runs in a groove, to draw it nearer or farther from the place where the fpring is fixed to the plate of the watch. 1 We may make this fpring long or short, ac cording to themdmber aid fize of its waves, to make its vibrations agree with the alternate moz tion of the balanced for thefe two motions must Fig. 4. Ff 2 1 be A 228 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the be very nearly equal, that the one may entertain the other more eaſily. See now how we may rectify the motion of the pendulum, when there is no filk to fuftain it, and the rod which fuftains the pendulum is held faſt in the pivot upon which it is moved, as I have before propoſed. Let * AB be the length of the pendulum, from its point of ſuſpenſion A, to the centre B the total weight, which I fuppofe to be that of ofcillation, whofe motion must be made by a cycloid, as M. Huygens has laid down. From the centre B with the radius BA, I defcribe the circle AD, and having bifed AB in E, I draw EF perpendicular to AB, which may be the baſe of a cycloid AGF, which has for a diameter of its generating circle the magnitude EA, which will be the axis of it. Now let there be AH the curve defcribed by the evolution of the cycloid, beginning the evo- lution at the top A, and let there be the cycloid BIF deſcribed by the evolution of the cycloid AGF, beginning the evolution upon the bafe at F. I fay that the pivot, which must fuftain the rod of the pendulum, muſt be hollow under the circular figure AD, and that it must move upon the convex part of the curve AH. I fay nothing of the manner of applying this pivor, and that which fupports it, for there is no difficulty in it, and it does not fignify whether the concave part rolls or flides upon the convex AH, fince the point B will always be found in the cycloid BIF. The demonftration of this conftruction depends upon the nature of the curves defcribed by evo- lution. For it is certain, that if the right line AB * Fig. 5. roils ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 229 rolls in applying itfelf upon the cycloid AGF, its extremity B will defcribe the cycloid BIF, and its extremity A the curve AH, and that this line AB will be different in all its pofitions, as IGH perpendicular on both fides to each curve BIF and AH. But when any point as D, of the circle AD, fhall be applied upon the curve AH at the point. H, the circle and the curve will touch in the fame point H, and the line HGI drawn from this point H for a tangent of the cycloid in G, being per- pendicular to the curve AH and to the circle, will be equal to BA by the defcribing of the circle; and confequently the extremity I of this line will agree with the point B, placed in I upon the cy- cloid, altho' the rod AB is found in fome other pofition, as AR; for it is no matter what point D of the circle AD with refpect to the point A, where the rod of the pendulum is applied, is found in H upon the curve AH, fince all theſe lines are radii of the fame circle. But as this fort of hollow pivot may ſeem dif- ficult to be excuted, I fay that it may be made of an infinite number of different figures convex or concave, and fuch as you will, which deter- mines at the fame time the figure of the curve of the hole, or fupport, on which it moves, which will be eafy to do, by the methods that I have explained in my treatife of epicycloids. { + } 1 t XI. ' ' 230 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the IV. An extract of fome letters written from Portugal and Brazil, by M. Couplet the jon, Abbot Bignon, prefident of the royal aca- demy of Sciences. The longitude of Lisbon. Among many obfervations of the fatellites of Jupiter, which I made at Lisbon in 1698, there was one, which was likewife obferved at Paris, in the royal obfervatory by M. Caffini. It was an immerſion of the firft fatellite into the fhadow of Jupiter on May 7, 1698, as follows. It is well to obſerve beforehand, that I placed myſelf upon St. Katherine's mount, fituated to the S. S. W. of the town, in a convenient place. for theſe fort of obfervations; that I was per- fectly affured of the ſtate of my pendulum, and that I made my obfervation with a teleſcope of 17 feet, and exactly of the fame force with that which M. Caffini ufed at Paris for his. May 7, 1698. The total immerfion of the firft fatellite into the shadow of Jupiter, obferved At Paris at At Lisbon at } L The difference of the merid. is- Which comes to h 1 "1 I I 9 21 P.M. 10 17 30 0 51 51 12 57 45 by which Lisbon is more easterly than Paris. {} Suppofing the longitude of Paris 21° only, as there are ftrong prefumptions to make it, that of Lisbon will be 8 2 15 This difference of the meridians between Paris and Lisbon, is much greater in Sanfon's maps, which have paffed without contradiction for the bef ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 231 beſt theſe thirty years. Lisbon appears in them more wefterly than by our obfervations by 52 15 of degrees, which are equivalent to 16 or 17 leagues in this parallel. On the contrary the new fea-charts, printed by order of the king fix years ago, make Lisbon lefs wefterly than our obfervations by 27 45 of degrees, which is above 9 leagues. Thus the diſtance between the meridians of Paris and Lisbon, marked in the new fea charts, is diffe- 1 "} rent from that of Sanfon's maps i 20; which is confiderable, being more than of their true diſtance which refults from our obfervations. The latitude of Liſbon. As there is no great difficulty in obferving the latitude, it is not fo eafy to miſtake it, provided one has inftruments of a reaſonable fize. The ob- fervations that I have made of the latitude of Lisbon, will ferve to confirm that which is marked in the new fea-charts. As for the lati- tude of Lisbon, marked by Sanfon in his parti- 1 11 cular map of Portugal in 1654, at 38 27, it is fo far from truth, that I do not believe any. body can be miſtaken in it; alfo in a general map of Spain which he has made fince, he has increaſed it all at once, 23. 1 I obferved the polar ftar at the end of ber 1697, with an inftrument of 1 foot furniſhed with glaffes with threads, found at Lisbon, Decem- radius, and I The 232 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the The greateſt meridian height of the polar ſtar The leaft height of the fame The difference of the two heights is The half of this difference is Adding this half difference, with the leaft height of the polar ftar, we fhall have for the apparent height of the pole From which fubftracting the fuitable refraction There remains © } 4° 1 41 5 40 36 28 4 37 40 2 18 50 38 46 50 } 0 1 25 38 45 25 for the true height of the pole at Lisbon. The declination of the needle at Lisbon. Dec. 26, 1697. I obferved at Lisbon the de- clination of a magnetical needle 6 inches long by the means of a meridian line, which I had drawn fome days before with great exactnefs, and I found it to be 4 18 N. W. 1 The difference of the length of the pendulum at Liſbon and at Paris. Before I left Paris, I had regulated my clock at the royal obfervatory in July and the begin- ning of Aug. 1697, and I had put it to the mean motion, where it had remained a confiderable time to be affured of it. Having left it in the fame ftate, I fet it a going at Lisbon the Nov. following, and I obferved, that it loft 2 13 in 24 hours. As I had found that in raifing the little weight as high as it could, it did not acce- lerate the motion of the pendulum an entire mi- nute, which was not fufficient; I determined to fhorten ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 233 fhorten the pendulum, and after many attempts, I found that the pendulum of the clock fhould be fhorter at Lisbon than at Paris by 2 lines 4. The latitude of Paraiba. As the fky was often cloudy, I was above a month in regulating my clock, becauſe there wanted a great many obfervations to have the length of the pendulum, and during this I took the height of the fun ſeveral times; from whence 658 I conclude, that this town is at fouthern latitude. 11 6 58 18 of The declination of the needle at Paraiba. May 20, 1698, having firſt carefully drawn a meridian line, which I uſed for aftronomical ob- ſervations, I obſerved the declination of the mag- 0 netical needle to be 5 35 N. E. The difference of the length of the pendulum at Paraiba and at Paris. When I arrived at Paraiba in March 1698, my firſt care was to regulate my clock, and to put it exactly into mean motion, as well to know the difference of the length of the pendulum, as to prepare myſelf to make the obfervations of the fatellites of Jupiter for determining the longitude. of this town. At firſt, I put the pendulum again into the ſtate where it was when I left Paris, and fet it a going, I found that it loft of its mean motion 4 12 in 24 hours. I then ſhortened the pendulum feveral times, and at laft having re- gulated it upon the mean motion, I found that the pendulum muſt be ſhorter at Paraiba than at Paris by 3 lines. VOL. I. No. 6. G g العمر 234 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the I afterwards put the fame clock in the ſtate where it was, when I uſed it to make my obfer- vations at Lisbon, where I had regulated it upon the mean motion, and I obſerved that in this ſtate it loft at Paraiba 2 5 in 24 hours. 1 Altho' the difference which is found between the two pendulums of feconds taken at Paraiba and at Paris, is, as we have obferved, but 3 lines, which is not confiderable in a length of 3 or 4 feet, as were thoſe which we compared ; nevertheleſs it caufed a fenfible error, (as it is eafy to fee, fince we know that the times employed in the vibrations of the pendulums are between them- felves as the roots of their heights) by which we fee, that if at Paraiba we made ufe of a pendulum of feconds, like that at Paris, that is, 3 feet 8 lines, inſtead of 3 feet 4 lines 2. which it ſhould have in this part of Brazil to fwing the feconds. Then its motion would be flackened, that in the ſpace of an hour it would not give more than about 3585 ofcillations inftead of 3600, which it gave at Paris, which is near 6 69 15 difference in an hour; and on the contrary, if the pendulum of feconds of Paraiba, that is 3 feet, 4 lines & was put into motion at Paris, where it ought to be 3 feet, 8 lines, it would accelerate and give 3615 vibrations in an hour, inſtead of only 3600 which it gave at Paraiba. Theſe obſervations, added to thoſe which have been made by many of the learned, fufficiently confirm, that the nearer we are to the equator, the more we muſt ſhorten the pendulum; but the relation between thefe different contractions, which do not follow the proportion of the diffe- rent latitudes, with which they agree, is hitherto unknown to us; altho' many able philofophers have ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 235 have endeavoured to explain it to us; and to ar- rive at it, there must be yet a great number of obfervations on this fubject, which altogether may perhaps at laſt, by their numerous compariſons, diſcover to us the true caufe which has been long fought for. The attention that we muſt have to know the true length of the pendulum, proper for the place where we obferve it, is not confined to aftrono- inical obfervations, but is alfo effential in an in- finite number of things; as for example, in the gauging of current waters, in the practice of which we commonly uſe the fimple pendulum, whofe length is meaſured, as we know from the centre of the ball to the point of fufpenfion, and this length of the pendulum, proper for the place where we are to make obfervations, muft be meaſured with exactnefs, fince, that ſpring, for example, which at Paris would ſupply 3600 in- ches of water in one hour, determined by the mean of the pendulum of the true length, that is, of 3 feet, 8 lines would feem to fupply 3615 inches, if 14 we uſe there a pendulum of 3 feet, 4 lines & fuch as we muſt at Paraiba, thus we fhall be miſtaken 15 inches of the running in each hour. 69 I cannot caft my eyes upon thefe aftronomical obſervations that I made at Paraiba, without re- collecting an accident which happened to me at the fame time. As I do not believe any author has ever ſpoken of the fame thing, it will perhaps be agreeable to find it here. There is in Brazil a fort of ferpent, about 2 feet long, and 3 or 4 inches round, called by the Portugueſe cobra de los cabeças, or two headed ferpent; not that it really has two heads, as I found after having ex- amined it carefully, for it has only at the end of the tail a thickneſs, which has at a distance the G g 2 ap- 236 The HISTOLY and MEMOIKS of the appearances of a head. The Brazilians or Ma- zombes, and after them the Portugueze, have taken it for a head fo much the more eafily, be- caufe they extremely feared this fort of ferpent, for they fuppofe there is no cure for the fting of it. They know even that it is dangerous to touch it after it is dead, and probably it is this which has kept them from examining it. They told me, that only the touching of it would bring the itch; I neglected this wholefome advice, which I looked upon as an effect of their fear, but I was puniſhed for my boldness; for having killed feveral of theſe ferpents, I flayed fome of them to examine them, and preferve the fkin; and 2 or 3 days after, I faw myfelf really covered with puftules, which were filled with a red wa- ter they remained a long while, and even three months after, I was not entirely free from them. There are in the country ferpents of an extra- ordinary fize, I killed one with a gun in the woods between Paraiba and Pernambouc, which was above 15 feet long, and 16 or 18 inches round; it was all covered with fcales, black, white, grey, and yellow, which altogether made a very beautiful appearance: the bite of theſe ferpents is venemous, nevertheleſs the Brazilians and Blacks made no difficulty of eating the flesh. This ought not to appear more ftrange, than that which is obferved in the manibot, the meal of which is the most common food in Brazil, and the juice is a poiſon, as I have tried upon a dog, which I made drink lefs than half a tavern-glaſs of it at eight o'clock at night. I obferved him for fome time, without perceiving any fenfible alteration. I ſhut him up that night, and the next morning I found him dead. * ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 237 V. A general method of throwing bombs in all cafes propofed, with an univerfal inftrument for this purpofe, by M. de la Hire * This + inftrument confifts only of a femicircular plate ABD, which has a rule or tail BE fixed upon the edge of the circle, which anſwers to the centre C, and of which the fide BE being pro- longed, meets the centre C of the circle, and is perpendicular to the diameter ACD of the femi- circle. The femidiameter CD of the femicircle is divided into 9 equal parts, and upon CE there are alſo marked the fame divifions, as upon CD. Each of theſe divifions reprefents 100 toiſes, and they may be fubdivided by little points into o- ther leffer parts; but it will be eafy to judge by the eye alone, which is fufficient for thefe forts of operations. Through the divifions of the dia- meter 7, 8 and 9, draw femicircles with their centre in C. To the centre C of the inftrument, is fixed a rule CF, which is flit in the middle, that it may let the pin G run in it, with the head turned to- ward the plate; the middle of this flit anfwers to the centre C of the femicircle. This pin G paffes alfo into the flit of another rule IH like the firft, ſo that theſe two rules may be held faft by the fame pin, with a little fcrew with ears, to what length, and in what angle you pleaſe. At the extremity H of the rule IH, there is a little round plate, the breadth of the rule, which fhould be of fome white metal, as filver, upon which is marked a black point, which anfwers to the middle of the flit of the rule. Upon this * July 24, 1700. + Plate XIV. Fig. 6. 1 rule 238 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the rule IH, from the centre H of the filver pin are alſo marked the magnitudes C7, C8, C 9. The rule CF, which may turn freely upon its pin C, which is placed in the centre of the femi- circle, may be held faft in what pofition you pleaſe, upon the plate of the femicircle, by the means of a ſcrew at the end of the pin, which locks the plate and rule together, it muſt be obſerved, that theſe pins C and G muſt be pointed at their ends, and raiſed a little above their ſcrew. Along the femidiameter CD, there is upon the plate a flit, into which paffes or runs a fliding piece O, with a pointed head, to which is faf- tened the thread of a plummet: the middle of this flit muſt be upon the diameter ACD of the femicircle. As for the uſe of this inftrument, it may ferve at firft to determine the diftance from the ſtation where the mortar is, to the mark, without its being neceffary to know the number of toifes of this diſtance. This is done by taking ſome baſe of 3 or 4 hun- dred toifes on the fide of the place where one is, and aiming at fome known object at this diſtance, by the pin C and the fliding piece G; aim alfo at the mark by the pins C and G, fix the rule CF, in this poſition on the plate, by means of the fcrew at C. Afterwards remove the inftrument to the ſtation where you aimed at firſt, and then place the ſliding piece O at the number of toifes from the point C to the other ſtation and aiming alfo by the ſliding piece and by the pin C,make the pin G run upon the rule CG, till you fee by the fliding piece O and the pin G, the mark you aim at then ftop the pin G in this pofition, and the diſtance CG will be in the parts of CO the number of toifes from the ſtation where you ſhoot, to the mark; which is not neceffary to know, 3 pro- ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 239 provided the pin G is ftopped upon the rule CF in this pofition. But if this diftance was given, you need only place the rule CF upon the line CE, and ſtop the pin G in the number of toiſes there marked. To have the elevation or depreffion of the mark, with relation to the horizon of the place from whence you are to fhoot, the plate muſt be held faft in fuch a fituation, that the thread of the plummet P be applied to the point A, or upon the diameter AD, and move the rule CF, fo that you may ſee the mark by the point of the pins C, G. You muſt then ſtop the rule CF very faſt upon the plate of the femicircle. Theſe are the two things we muſt always know, together with the force of the powder in whatſoever me- thod it be. As for the force of any certain quantity of powder, or of the height to which the caft can be raiſed in aiming toward the zenith; as it can- not be known by experiment, we know by the demonſtration that the point of the horizon where the bomb may come, when it is caft in an angle of 45°, or half a right one, is alway diftant from the place where you aim, double the elevation of the vertical caft; this is what is called the am- plitude of the caft; wherefore one fingle obfer- vation made in this manner, and with its con- veniencies, may ferve for all forts of cafes. For example, if the caft is 1600 toifes, the ver- tical or perpendicular caft will be raiſed to 800 toifes. This inftrument may alſo ſerve to make this caft, as will be feen hereafter. Now for the practice of cafts, and the ufe of the inftrument, you muſt place the fliding piece O upon the number of toiles of the vertical caft, as in the figure, upon the point of goo toules, 240 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the toiſes, if the vertical caft is 900 toifes, or elſe if the amplitude of the caft be 45°, 1800 toifes. Af terwards move the rule IH in its groove upon the pin G immoveable upon CF, till the fame divi- fion of goo toifes of this rule HI meet upon CE, when IH will be pretty near parallel to AD, or IH perpendicular to CE; which will be known by turning the rule IH, if its divifion of 900 touches the line CE. Then if you turn the rule IH upon the pin G, the length GH re- maining always the fame, that you found it. When the centre of the plate H fhall touch the circle OLL of goo toifes, ftop the rule IH very faft to the rule CF with the fcrew which is at G. Now if you apply one of the fides of the tail BE, which we fuppofe of equal breadth every where, within the mortar or cannon, and after- wards raiſe or deprefs it as much as is neceffary to make the thread of the plummet P pafs by the point L, the caft will fall at the mark defigned. If the point H cannot meet its circle but in one point, there is but one fingle caft, which can go to the mark; but if it can meet it in 2 points, theſe 2 points, as L, will ferve to make 2 different cafts in the fame manner, that we have explained for one, which will both go to the fame mark. If the point H cannot meet its circle, there is not any caft which can go to the mark. The demonftration. *The demonftration of this practice depends upon a propoſition of the parabola, which I have demonftrated, and which M. Blondel relates from me in Chap. 7. of part III. of his treatife. For the point G being the mark aimed at, and by *Fig. 7. my ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 24 1 my conſtruction GH being equal to the difference, between the height of the vertical caſt CO, and the height of the mark G above the horizon, which paffes by C, or elfe the fum of the fame, if the point G is below the horizon; or under the level of the point C, that is, if GH is per- pendicular to the horizon, the line OH will be the level therefore the points of interfection LL of the two circles OL, HL, are the foci of the parabola's, which will pafs by C. and G, and it is this figure which M. Blondel has only re- verfed in his fquare inftrument, which does not alter the conſtruction. Now I fay that the line OL being vertical or perpendicular, will make with OH or CE of my inftrument, which is parallel to it, the angle that the direction of the caft muft make to the point C, without there being need to make a new operation, and it is in this chiefly that the fim- plicity of this practice confifts. For if you draw LM perpendicular upon OH, and bifect it in S, the point S muſt be the fummit of the parabola of the caft. But alfo by the properties of the parabola, we know that the line LC being drawn, and OC being a diameter, the tangent CN of the parabola at the point C, will bifect the angle OCL, and con- fequently the angle OCN determines the angle of the caft, if OC is confidered as vertical. But I fay alſo that the angle HOL is equal to the angle OCN, which is evident, fince the 2 rect- angular triangles CON, OLM, have one equal angle CON, OLM, the two lines CO, LM, being parallel, and cut by the fame OL: there- fore in the inftrument, if the thread of the plum- met paffes by OL, it is plain that OH or CE, VOL. I. N°. 7. Ꮋ h er 242 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the or any other which is parallel to them, will give the inclination of the mortar, or the line by which the caft muſt be made. It may be obſerved by the cafts of bombs or bullets, that as there are in almoſt all cafts 2 points as LL, there will be alfo 2 different cafts which go to the fame mark, but the upper one will be more fit, to make its effort againſt bodies which are placed in a level, and the other caft will have more effect againſt bodies that are perpendicular, as walls. A TABLE OF THE PAPERS contained in the ABRIDGMENT of the HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at PARIS, for the Year MDCCI. I. II. In the HISTORY. N the declination of the needle. ON A method propofed for obferving the flu and reflux of the fea in the ports. III. On the continuation of motion. IV of an extraordinary fort of ants in Surinam, V. Of a black fand found in Italy. VI. Of another fort of fand found in the mountain of Pifaro, which being viewed by the mi- croſcope, appears like precious stones. VII. Of the fatal effects of the damps in a well at Rennes. VIII. An improvement in the art of dialling. IX. On the pofition of the axis of windmills, with regard to the wind. In the MEMOIRS. I. Of the new phofphorus, by M. Bernoully, profeffor at Groninguen, Extracted from one of his letters written at Groninguen, Nov. 6, 1700. II. Obfervations on the rain-water, which fell at the royal obfervatory in 1700; with some remarks on the thermometer and barometer by M. de la Hire. Hh2 III 244 A TABLE, &c. 20. III. A letter from M. Bernoully, profeſſor at Gro- ninguen, concerning his new phofphorus. IV. Remarks on the measure and weight of water, by M. de la Hire. ¿ V. Anatomical obfervations made on the ovaries of cows and sheep, by M. du Verney, jun. VI. On the circulation of the blood of thofe fishes, which have gills, and on their refpiration, by M. du Verney, fėn. ; * AN AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOVERIES and OB- SERVATIONS, in the HISTORY of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at Paris, for the Year 1701. 1. On the declination of the needle; tranflated by Mr. Chambers. R. Halley, a learned English philofopher, D'having made a voyage to the fouthern. parts, has, among other philofophical treaſures, brought with him a general theory of the varia- tion of the loadftone. In the vaſt fea which feparates Europe and A frica from America, he finds four feveral places wherein the needle does not decline at all. First, In 18 2º of northern latitude. Secondly, In 4° 2 and 379 1/ Thirdly, In 10°1 and 169A Fourthly, In 64°. and 31°1 of western longitude and of western longitude. of fouth latitude. of weſtern longitude, of western longitude, of fouth latitude. of north latitude. The longitudes being all reckoned from the meridian of London. Having theſe four points, he imagined that they might be comprehended in a curve-line, which ſhould furround the terreftrial globe, and under which the needle fhould have no variation, but in all places on one fide of the variation fhould 246 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fhould be eaſtern, and in all thofe of the other weſtern. This notion, fo new and pleafing to the mind,on account of that order which it introduces into a matter, whereof there was before no appearance, would be ftill further defirable for the improve- ment of navigation in long voyages, where it is very inconvenient to be in a perpetual diftruft of the needle, and not to dare intirely to credit any calculus depending thereon. Dr. Halley had the fatisfaction to find, that all the other obfervations in his whole voyage agreed with and confirmed this fyftem, the declination being always found eaſtern or weftern, and greater or lefs, according as the places whereon this or that fide of the curve line exempt of all varia, tion, and as they were more or lefs diftant there- from. But M. Caffini the younger, being employed in continuing the meridian of Paris thro' the fouthern provinces of France, and obferving at the fame time the ſeveral declinations of the load- ftone in the ſeveral places, did not find them al- together fuch as they fhould have been by Dr. Halley's fyftem; for continuing the lines, which that author had drawn on the ocean thro' the inter- mediate lands and Mediterranean fea into the continent of Europe, it appeared, that the decli- nation, for inſtance, in the gulph of Lyons is 2° greater than it fhould be by the new doctrine- But the reafon may be, that the laws of variation undergo fome change between the ocean and fuch diftant continents, and it would be well worth our attention to obferve this defect of uniformity, and find the meafure and quantity thereof; the leaft we can do is to favour, as far as nature will allow us, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 247 us, fo beautiful a diſcovery, and never to give it up till we can no longer hold it. If it be true, that the line of no variation will be movable on the furface of the earth, fince the variation changes in the fame places at the rate of 11 or 12 minutes in a year; but it may be added, that this variation feems confined within certain bounds, for in the whole courfe of time that the needle has been known to point towards the north, it has altered fo little as to leave the ob- fervers till of late in the error of believing it di- rected precifely to the north; and upon the whole, 'tis not improbable, but that the motion of the line of no variation is included between a kind of tropicks. II. A method for obferving the flux or re- flux of the fea in the ports, tranflated by Mr. Chambers. Tho' the tides have pafs'd for a myſtery al- moſt impenetrable to the human mind, yet the cauſe thereof ſeems at length diſcover'd; but what will appear furprizing, we have more room to flatter ourſelves upon having the true ſyſtem, than upon exact obfervations of its phænomenon. The academy therefore bethought themſelves of procuring fuch obfervations from different places, and accordingly a memoir was drawn up by Fa- ther Gouye and M. de la Hire, upon the hints and fuggeftions of the whole company, and pre- fented to the co untde Pontchartrane, who having the direction of marine matters, fent it into all the ports of France; its tenor is as follows: A 248 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the A method of obferving the flux and reflux of the Sea in Sea ports. i. A place is to be pitch'd on well fhelter'd; where the fea has no other motion befides its flux and reflux;here a ftake is to be planted, fur- paffing the greateſt height to which the water rifes in fuch place. 2. This take to be divided into inches, reckoning from the furface of the ground, and parallel lines to be drawn thro' each divifion. 3. At each tide it is to be noted in a journal, what divifion. of the ftake the fea was at, when either higheft or loweſt, and if this happen to fall between 2 divifions, the interval to be eſti- mated as nearly as may be. 4. The hour and minute when the fea appear'd either higheſt or loweſt on the ſtake, is likewife to be obferved by a well regulated watch. 5. If the fea at low-water retire from the ſtake, it may fuffice to mark, the divifion it is at when higheft, and the time thereof. 6. Let it be obſerved, as often as may be, at what preciſe time the fea arrives at the fame de- vifion both rifing and falling. 7. Obferve what winds blow while the fea rifes and falls, and in what direction the tide drives both rifing and falling. 8. Obferve the crofs wind of the road, as alfo that which ranges the entrance of the port; Laftly obferve a few times in a year, whether there be not a little reft between the times, when the fea rifes and falls, in order hereto it will be proper to moor a floop in the road in calm wea- ther, and a-crofs the edges of the floop to place a little wooden axis fitted to turn readily, at each end, whereof may be a little turn-pike whofe arms ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 249 arms to enter 5 or 6 inches in the water, between the 2 contrary motions of the fea, it will be eaſy to obſerve whether this machine do not remain fome time, without turning, and in caſe it do, how long ſuch ceffation continues. III. On the continuation of motion; tranflated by Mr. Chambers. The first notions of phyficks, for instance, the effence of matter, and the nature of motion, tho' the moft fimple in themſelves, are not yet the cleareft, and thofe principals which it feems ought to be perfectly known before we go farther, re- mains ftill in great meaſure unknown, and we advance nevertheleſs. Why a ftone thrown upwards by a hand, con- tinues to move after the hand has quitted it, is no eafy queftion, and perhaps may be longer e'er it be folved, than the caufe of the ebbing and flow- ing of the tide. Descartes maintains, that motion is a kind of being, which by its nature ſhould always continue as well as reft, and that the ftone once put in mo- tion, would always perfift therein, if it did not communicate its motion to other bodies it meets withal, and ceas'd at length to have any motion itſelf, by this continual communication of it to others. An author whoſe differtation on the fubject is printed in the memoirs of Trevoux, difapproves this fyftem of M. Defcartes, and after combating it very ingeniouſly, fubftitutes another in its place. He alledges, that at the time when the hand moves, and raiſes itſelf with the ftone, a column of air defcends to take the place of the lifted hand, that the motion of this defcending column VOL. I. No. 7. I i muft 1 250 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the muſt be accelerated like that of all other bodies, that this acceleration of motion, continues after the cauſe of the motion has ceas'd acting, and confequently, that the ſtone when it has quitted the hand, continues rifing not by vertue of its being impell'd by the hand, but by the reafon the air which takes its place continues to defcend. But M. de la Hire hereupon obferved, that a heavy body only weighs in a fluid it floats in, by reafon fuch fluid is lighter than the body, con- fequently that a maſs of air does not weigh in air of the fame nature, that if it move and fall therein 'tis by the impulfe of fome foreign power; that it is no fooner abandon'd thereby than it ceaſes to move; and laſtly, that there is no room for acceleration, fince it is not the weight that acts. M. Parent likewife attack'd the new fyftem, by a great number of difficulties, which arife from it. What for inftance ſhould be the cauſe of horizontal motion, fince here is no acceleration of falling air? and why, when the motion is both horizontal and circular, as when a bowl, faſten'd to a horizontal rod, is ftruck perpen- dicularly to the rod, why here does the bowl turn round, fince the air is not moved circularly, but only in a right line; if the ball come of the rod it would continue moving according to the tangent, to the point of the circular circumfe- rence where it was then found; did the air defcribe this tangent or rather all the poffible tangents, in which the bowl would continue moving if it came off, and what fhould be the cauſe of re- flection on this hypothefis? The air you will fay, which goes before the moving body, being reflected upon meeting the obftacle, carries the body back with it; but if the obſtacle were removed ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 251 removed as foon as the air has made its impulfe, ere the body be arrived, would it be reflected not- withſtanding? IV. Of an extraordinary fort of ants in Surinam. M. Homberg received a letter dated Jan. 24. 1701, from Paramaribo, a Dutch fettlement in the province of Surinam, on the N. coaft of S. America. This letter relates, that there are in that country a fort of ants, which are called by the Portugueze vifiting ants, and with good rea- fon. They march in troops, and like a great army. When they fee them appear, they open all the boxes and cabinets in their houſes; they enter and extirpate rats, mice, cackerlacs, which are infects of the country, and in fhort, all the noxious animals, as if they had a particular mif- fion from nature, to punifh them and deliver men from them. If any one is ungrateful enough to anger them, they fall upon him, and tear in pieces his ſhoes and ſtockings. The misfortune is, that they do not make their proceffions often enough. They would be glad to fee them every month, and they are fometimes three years without appearing. { V. Of a black fand found in Italy. M. Geoffroy being in Italy obferved a black fand, which they commonly ufe for writing. It is very much mixed with little flat, and fhining particles, like enamel, all the others which com- poſe it are without any glofs. In putting fome of this fand near a loadftone, M. Geoffroy faw, that it had only the little obfcure particles which fixed themfelves to it; from which he judges, that they I i2 are 252 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the are iron or loadftone; but he is fure they are not loadſtone, becauſe iron does not draw them at all. As for the fhining particles, he believes them to be a black talky powder, and indeed they find talc in many places in Italy; and M. Geoffroy has obſerved, that about Rome, when the fun begins to appear after rain, all thefe little atoms of talc, which have juft been waſhed, glitter, and have a very agreeable effect. The ferruginous particles of the black fand thrown into the fire, do not flame at all, as file- ings of iron do. This comes from their being half vitrified, and cloathed with a very earthy bitumen, which ferves them for a varniſh, and defends them from the action of the fire. The great quantity of black fand which they find in Italy, is upon the furface of the earth as a fort of indication of its compofition within, and the volcanos which make fuch ravages there, de- pend on the fame caufe with thefe ferruginous particles, mixed with a little bitumen, and half vitrified. VI. Of another fort of fand, found on the mountain of Pefaro, which being viewed by the microscope appears like precious fones. Another fand heaped upon the mountain of Pe- faro, crew alfo the curiofity of M. Geoffroy. It is by its extreme hardneſs very fit for working perfpective-glaffes, for it refifts a great while at this work, whereas the other fand turns very foon to a powder fo fine, that it does not grind any longer upon the glafs, and they are obliged to change it very often. This fand of Pefaro is mixed with little particles, fome as clear as cryf- tal, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 253 * tal, others as green as emeralds, others like ame- thyfts, topazes and jacinths; and when we view this duft with a microſcope, it is a furprizing col- lection of precious ftones. There is however a confiderable quantity of particles of iron, as in the black fand of Rome. VII. Of the fatal effects of the damps in a well at Rennes. 1 There is in the city of Rennes, near the gate Morlaix, a well made three or four years ago, into which a maſon let fall his hammer. A la- bourer, who would fetch it up again, going down, was fuffocated in approaching to the wa- ter. A fecond, who went thither to draw up the dead body, had the fame fate; and likewife a third. At laft, they let down a fourth, half drunk, and well tied, whom they had charged to cry as foon as he perceived any diforder. He cried as foon as he was near the water, and they drew him up quickly; but he died three days after. They let down a dog, which cried at the fame place, and died three days after having been drawn up. When they threw water upon the dog while it was dying, he recovered, like thofe which are thrown into the famous Grotti di Cane near Naples. The three bodies were drawn up with hooks and opened; but they could not find any caufe of their death. What is very furprizing is, that this is not new ftirred earth, which is the cauſe of theſe fatal accidents; and that they drink every day the water of this well without incon- veniency. F. Louvard, a benedictin of the abbey of St. Denys, received this account from Rennes, and communicated it to M. Varignon. VIII. 254 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the VIII. An improvement in the art of dialling. When we make a dial, we muſt begin by find- ing what the pofition of the plane is, for example, of the wall where we would make it, with regard to the fun, and the principal circles of the heavens. At firſt the compaſs prefents itſelf for this ufe; but experience foon undeceives us. The iron which is almoſt every where in buildings turns the magnetick needle irregularly, and gives it ano- ther declination than that which we know it ought to have, and upon which we reckon ; and if it had only its natural declination, the compafs is too fmall an inftrument, to give exactly the divi- fions and the parts of a degree, which will be neceffary to the juftnefs of the operation. We had then recourfe to 2 or 3 points of fha- dow taken upon the plane of the dial. They ferve to determine the poſition of it, and to find after- wards by the theory of gnomonicks all the lines that we would reprefent. It is upon them that all the juſtneſs of the dial depends. They are taken in the fame day at 3 or 4 hours frorn one another. They muſt be taken as diftant as pof- fible, becauſe all the other points, and the inter- mediate lines are afterward orè difintangled. To have theſe points as diftant as they can, there muſt be two things: 1. They muſt be taken in the folftices, or within 10 or 12 days of them at most, becauſe the farther the fun is diftant from the equator, which is commonly repreſented upon the dial by a right line, the more the lines which repreſent the circles parallel to the equator, are fenfibly curves, and confequently their points which answer to the fame hours, are farther dif tant from one another. I 2. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 255 2. The ftile muſt be long, for the ſhadow of its extremity makes fo much the more way, and the points which mark the fame hours are much far- ther diſtant. But the ſeaſon of the folftices, and the length of the ftile, have their inconveniences. It is very troubleſome to work in the air in either folftice. The fun does not often appear long enough, or often enough in a day; and in- deed it is a great confinement to have but theſe two very fhort times to make a good dial in. It is exactly the extremity of the fhadow of the ftile that muſt be had, that is, the fhadow of a fingle point. But it is very difficult to have it exactly, becauſe the extremities of a fhadow are always ill terminated, and uncertain, and beſides light has a certain trembling, which becomes more fenfible at the extremity of the fhadow of a greater body. Therefore the late M. Picard, and M. de la Hire have each invented a different plate, to take more exactly the end of the fhadow of the ftile. The defcription of it may be ſeen in M. de la Hire's treatiſe of gnomo- nicks, printed in 1698. But however ingenious thefe methods may be, M. Parent has obferved, that with their help, it is yet difficult to have the fhadow of the end of the ſtile very juſt, and he has thought of another method, which gives this fhadow very exactly, and at the fame time renders the conftruction of the dial independant of the folftice. Beſides, the points of fhadow, which by the common method are obliged to be taken in the fame day, may be taken at very diftant times, even at fix months, * M. Parent's method confifts in the ufe of an inftrument DBHFG, which is a kind of frame, Plate XV. Fig. 1. * of 256 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the of which the two fides BH, FG, are ſtrongly joined and parallel between themſelves. FG muft be about two feet long, and there put a teleſcope which has two threads croffed at its focus. Upon the fide HBD, in its whole length BD, it muſt have at the face oppofite to the teleſcope a groove, exactly parallel to the axis of the teleſcope. BD muſt end in a point D, which muſt be in a right line with the groove. Chooſe in the night any fixed ftar. The ob- ſerver ſees it with the teleſcope FG, and at the fame time carries the inftrument DBHFG upon his fhoulder, the fide HBD being that which lies upon the ſhoulder, which determines the dif- tance of two parallel fides of the inftrument to be only one foot at moſt. The obferver muſt have engaged in the groove the end of the ftile that he deſigns for the dial, and at the fame time turn his back to the wall where he would draw it. Con- fequently the point D will be in the air, and in this fituation, not lofing fight of the ftar, which he fees at the interfection of the threads, he walks by degrees backward toward the wall, till he ftrikes it with the point D. It is vifible, by the conſtruction of the inftrument, and by the nature of the operation, that this point D marked upon the wall, is the very exact extremity of a ray conducted from the ftar to the wall by the end of the ftile, and we fee at the fame time by this prac- tice what are the principal attentions required, both by the conftruction of the inftrument and the operation. In like manner we take a fecond or third point of fhadow of the fame ftar, but at as diftant hours as we can. It does not in the leaft fignify that it be in the fame night, becauſe the motion of the fixed ftars being very flow, in proportion to ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 257 to that of the fun, we fhall find it again at the end of fix months, in the fame fenfible pofition, whereas we ſhall not find the fun again from one day to another. The ftar muſt be taken as near the equator as it can; it is plain that the points of fhadow at different hours will be moſt diftant. 1 To be more fure of the operation, you may take with different ftars the points of fhadow that you have occaſion for. have occafion for. If the lines that are to be drawn by the means of theſe points, are found to be the fame in ufing the points of dif- ferent ftars, the operation has been made with all poffible juftnefs. If they are not the fame, there muſt be others drawn which keep exactly the middle. In adding to the inftrument upon BD, a groove oppofite and parallel to that which is abfolutely neceffary, we ſhall put it in a ſtate of proving itſelf. For you may turn it upon the two oppo- fite faces of the fide BD, and in theſe two fitu- ations fee the fame ftar, the end of the ftile be- ing always engaged in one or other of the grooves. And if you find always the fame point upon the wall, the two fides HBD, GF, are in an exact paralleliſm, which is all the perfection of the inftrument. To this new invention, which is only for the practice of dials, M. Parent has added two others which regard the theory. There is a portable dial very ingenious, and very ufual in compaffes, invented by M. de Vaulefard. It is an azimuthal one joined with a horizontal. It has very great advantages, but it is always determined to a certain height of the pole, and is ufelefs out of that. M. Parent having ftudied a great while to remove this VOL. L. N°. 7. Kk fault, 4 258 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fault, and to render it univerſal, is at length ar- rived at it. M. Parent's new dial has alfo the convenience of not having need of any foreign meridian, and to find out the eaft itſelf. But it is true that it is charged with a great number of lines, of which many are curves, and difficult to defcribe. M. Parent has therefore. thought of another, which preferves all the ad- vantages of the firft, is univerfal and finds the eaft itſelf, and with all this is only rectilineal. VIII. On the poſition of the axis of windmills, with regard to the wind. A windmill, confidering merely the 4 fails which turn by the impulfe which they receive from the wind, is a more ingenious machine, depending upon much finer principles than we think, and whoever fhall reflect upon them for the firſt time, will fee that it is not very eaſy to fay why the mill turns. In order to this, we muſt fuppofe the theory of compound motions. A body which moves. perpendicularly against any furface, ftrikes it with all the force that is in it; if it moves pa- rallel to this furface, it does not ftrike it at all; in fine, if it moves and meets it obliquely, this motion which partakes both of the perpendicular and the parallel, and is compounded of them, has no effect upon the furface, but fo far as it is perpendicular, and according to the proportion of what perpendicularity it has to what it has of parallelifin, and drives the furface only according to the perpendicular direction, which enters into its compofition. Thus every oblique direction of a motion, is the diagonal of a parallelogram, 1 of ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 259 of which the perpendicular and parallel directions are the two fides. Again, when a furface, which being obliquely ftruck, has received only the perpendicular im- preffion, is faftened to fome other body, in fuch a manner that it cannot follow this perpendicular direction, but ſome other which approaches more or lefs to it, then the perpendicular itſelf becomes the diagonal of a new parallelogram, one of whofe fides is the direction, that the furface ftruck may follow, and the other fide that which it cannot follow. Thus, when a rudder faſtened obliquely to the keel of a veffel, is ftruck by the current of water parallel to this keel, and confequently it is ftruck obliquely by it, we fee that in drawing upon the furface the line of the perpendicular impreffion, that it tends to dif engage itſelf from the keel, and to get from it, and that this direction perpendicular to the rudder, is oblique to the keel. It would get from it then by an oblique motion: but as it cannot difengage it felf,nor confequently get from it, it muſt only take, in this oblique motion, that of the two directions which compoſe it, by which it may be moved without getting from the keel, and leave as uſeleſs that which would have removed it. Now the direction, according to which it may move with- out getting from the keel, is that which makes it move circularly about its extremity as a centre; then all the effect of the oblique ftroke of the water upon the rudder is reduced at firft to a per- pendicular impreffion, which is again reduced to make the rudder turn, or, if the rudder is im- moveable, to make the veffel turn. In an oblique and compound motion, where only one of the directions is ufeful, the greater ratio the other has to it, the lefs effect will the Kk 2 motion. 260 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the motion have, and on the contrary. In examining the compound motions of the rudder, we fee that the more oblique it is to the keel, the ratio of the direction, which ſerves to turn it on the other, is the greater; but, on the other fide, the more oblique it is to the keel, and confequently to the courfe of the water, which is fuppofed to be pa- rallel to it, the weaker it is ftruck. The obli- quity of the rudder has then at the fame time an advantage and a difadvantage: but as they are not equal, and as each of them is always varying with every different pofition of the rudder, they are differently complicated; fo that it is fometimes one, and fometimes the other which prevails, and that more or lefs; it has been a queftion to find the poſition of the rudder, where the advantage ſhould be greater than in any other pofition. M. Renau, in his famous theory of the working of fhips, has found, that the rudder, to be in its beſt ſituation, muſt make an angle of almoft 55 degrees with the keel. If a windmill, expofed directly to the wind, fhould have its four fails perpendicular to the com- mon axis to which they are fitted, they would receive the wind perpendicularly, and it is vifible that this impreffion would tend only to overturn them. It was therefore neceffary to make them oblique to their common axis, that they might re- ceive the wind obliquely. Let us confider only one vertical fail. The oblique impreffion of the wind upon this fail is reducible to a perpendicular direc- tion. This direction, which cannot be intirely fol- lowed by the fail, is compofed of two, one of which tends to make it turn upon the axis, and the other to fall backwards. But only this first direction can be followed, and confequently all the impulfe of the wind upon the fail has no other effect, than to ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 261 to make it turn from right to left, or from left to right, according as its acute angle turns either way. And the invention of this machine is fo happy, that by the ſame reaſons the other three fails are determined to turn the fame way. The obliquity of the fails with refpect to their axis, has exactly the fame advantage and difad- vantage, with the obliquity of the rudder to the keel; and M. Parent having ftudied by the ana- lyfis the moft advantageous inclination of the fails upon the axis, found it to be exactly the fame angle of almoft 55 degrees. Probably the experience of thofe who have invented mills made them find this angle after long trying: but as experience teaches us, that theſe common and grofs practices are by no means infallible, and that they often are wide of the mark, it is well to examine them by geometry, and be affured if what we do is the beſt that can be done. M. Parent has even fearched if there was no- thing to correct in the common practice of putting the axis of the mill exactly in the direction of the wind. Theſe are not eafy inquiries. We muft find, by mechanicks, the proportion of all the different forces, which enter into the motion of a machine, according to all its different difpo- fitions poffible, and having given them algebraic or analytic expreffions, we muſt by the fame analyfis find of all theſe expreffions that which de- termines the greateſt force. By this learned cir- cuit, M. Parent has arrived only to juftify the common practice. The axis of the mill muft be put in the direction of the wind; and they were put fo before we were fure that it was right. } ΑΝ Jean Bernoulli A N ABRIDGMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL MEMOIRS of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at Paris for the year 1701. I. Of the new phofphorus, by M. Bernoully, profeffor at Groninguen. Extracted from one of his letters, written at Groninguen, Nov. 6, 1700. TH HE objections, which fome gentlemen of the academy have made to my diſcovery of the light of the barometer, have been the occa- fion of my making a new one, of much greater importance and curiofity: it confifts in making of the quickfilver a portable and perpetual phof- phorus, which I can carry about, and fend con- veniently and without danger wherefoever I will, and at all times; for it will laft for ever, and yet its light, to the ftrength of which that of the ba- rometer is not to be compared, never diminiſhes. As this diſcovery, tho' very cafy, as you will fee hereafter, has been drawn from the principles by which I have believed, and ftill believe, that I have explained the light of the barometer. verily perfuaded, that I am not fo much miſtaken in my judgment, as you may perhaps think, with thofe gentlemen, who attribute the light of my barometer to the nature of my own quickfilver; for you faid not a word upon the explication which I have given; it is apparent, that you have ta- ken it for a conceit, feeing that my experiment I am done 1 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 263 my done again by fome of your gentlemen, had not the wiſhed fuccefs; and that on the contrary, the barometer of M. le Marechal de Villeroy, that Lord Portland gave him, produced light even after having been filled with his quickfilver in the common manner. Theſe are objections I own, which feem to deftroy all my reafonings. I ought then to anſwer them, if I would fupport my in- vention: but what fhould I fay, if I had been preſent at theſe experiments: I fhould perhaps have taken notice of a hundred circumſtances, in which they had not well obferved my method of filling the tube: for example, the manner of filling it by the means of a leathern purfe, which you fay is equivalent to mine, has however this difference, that here it is the quickfilver that muſt drive the air before it, which in making fome. little refiftance, may let fome little remains or bubbles of air fix themſelves to the fide of the glafs, which will already fuffice to engender the pellicle of the quickfilver, which I have faid hin- ders the light; whereas by the fuction it is the outward air, which drives the quickfilver up, and which confequently only follows the motion of the air within, which by its rarefaction goes out of the tube, as I may fay, voluntarily. It is not that I would abfolutely difapprove this manner of filling the barometer by the means of a leathern purfe, I imagine it must be proper enough for the exciting of the light. This is then ano- ther fault in the circumstances; it may be that the tube which they uſed was not dry nor clean enough; for the leaft moifture or greaſe hinders the appearance of the light. This tube was alfo too flender, not being, as you fay, above a line and half diameter within; the largeſt tubes are the beſt for this purpofe, as I have known by I expe- 264 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the experience. The reafon of it is evident; for be- fides, that the quickfilver in a large tube balances more freely than in a narrow one, where the Friction of the quickfilver againſt the glafs leffens the quickneſs of the defcent: the pellicle which covers the quickfilver, if it makes any, muſt be more thick in a narrow tube than in a wide one, becauſe not being able to extend itſelf in breadth, it thickens in height. 7 8 As for the other experiment, I queftion whe- ther they were able to fill the tube of quickfilver with the mouth as I do, without fuffering a little breath or ſpittle to get in, it being very difficult to hinder it, feeing others have not fucceeded there- in. It requires a particular dexterity; for my part, it is not difficult for me to do it, being able be- fides by a fort of habit to draw with my mouth out of a little receiver of the air which it contains; fo that there remains only part, and without ftraining myſelf too much. I have yet other con- jectures, which make me fufpect the experiments you mention, but as I was not prefent, I can fay nothing for certain: I hope nevertheless, that if the gentlemen will make a fecond trial of my ex- periment, in obferving well what I have juft now faid, they will have better fuccefs. But I had rather that they would do it at night than in the day, altho' in the dark; for you know, that if in the day one goes 'fuddenly into a dark place, the eyes being dazzled with the too great bright- nefs of the day, do not fo well perceive a faint light, fuch as is that of the barometer, tho' other- wife it may be brifk enough in the night. M. de Villeroy's barometer, which you fay made the light, after having been filled in the common way, throws me I own into fome diffi- culty but I fhould have been glad to have feen it ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 265 it filled; and then I do not doubt but that I ſhould have been able to find ſome anſwer; per- haps when they threw in the quickfilver, they held the tube very obliquely to the horizon, to let the drops of quickfilver run foftly, as in a channel, which must have hindered the air from affecting it ſo much as it would have done, if they had let the drops fall in vertically with im- petuofity. In effect, after having filled a tube in this manner with my quickfilver, I have perceived the light more than ordinary; but always much lefs than by the manner of fuction, or of the air- pump. In all cafes, why may I not fay, that the quickfilver of M. de Villeroy is fo exceeding well purified, that there is no more heterogenous matter of which the contact of the air can form a pellicle; and thus my manner of explaining the cauſe of the light of the barometer, will be rather confirmed than deftroyed. nary Befides, if my explanation was not the true one, and it was to the particular nature of the quickfilver, and not to the manner of my having filled the tube, that the production of the light ſhould be afcribed, pray tell me, why my ordi- barometer filled in the common manner, al- tho' very much fhaken, makes little or no light; whereas the other tubes, filled in my manner with the fame quickfilver, make an excellent light with the leaft balancing? I made again for the fecond time, many experiments upon it, as foon as I received your letter. And to con- vince myſelf entirely, that this light was not the effect of a fingular property of my quickfilver, which all other has not, I borrowed fome other, with which I made the fame experiments again, and with the fame fuccefs as with my own. Now it is morally impoffible, that the fecond quick- VOL. I. N°. 7. filver L. 1 266 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the filver fhould be exactly of the fame nature with my firft; fince, as they pretend, it must be of fo extraordinary a quality, that among a hundred forts of quickfilver, they fhall not perhaps find one which makes a like effect. To come now to the diſcovery of my new phosphorus, I thought that one of the principal reaſons, by which the pelliclè hindered the ap- pearance of the light in the barometer, might be the two great uniformity of the motion of the quickfilver in fo uniform a tube. For in rifing and falling thus the length of a cylindrical tube, its pellicle muſt never change its thickneſs, nor break, but on the contrary, remain always fixed to the upper furface, with which it rifes and falls without ever quitting it; in fuch a manner, that it makes no opening, by which the matter of the firſt element, as I call it with M. Defcartes, may get out of the pores of the quickfilver, after the manner mentioned in my laft letter. But it being fo difficult to avoid this pellicle in a full barometer, even according to my manner, I con- clude, that notwithſtanding this pellicle, provided it is not too thick, the like muft always ap- pear, if by any means I could make it burft, or difperfe in pieces by the motion of the quick- filver, which makes me judge that nothing would be more proper for this purpoſe, than a very violent, irregular, and not uniform motion of the quick- filver, inclofed in a glafs a little bigger, and of an unequal figure, from which the air has been emptied as well as poffible. This reafoning was confirmed by the following lucky experiment, which makes the fubject of my difcovery. 1 I took a clean fair phial, which held about half a pint, and ſtrong enough to fuftain the agi- tation of the quick filver; I put into it 5 or 6 ounces ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 267 ounces of quickfilver well purified; after that, I cemented on the neck of the phial with great ex- actneſs, a cock, which I afterwards applied to the air-pump, to draw the air out of the phial; hav- ing done this as carefully as I could poffibly, I fhut the cock to hinder the air from entering into the phial again, when it was feparated from the air-pump: this is all the artifice. To try then if I had reafoned juftly, I carried the phial the fame night into the dark, and hold- ing it faft by the neck, I began to ſhake it ſtrong- ly, as they do in rinfing a bottle, to give a great agitation to the quickfilver. And prefently the phial appeared full of a fire, the light of which was not interrupted, nor intercepted, like that of the barometer; but lafted as long as the quick- filver was in agitation, and with fo much vivaci- ty, that I could eafily fee the faces of the fpectators enough for to know them: I repeated this expe- riment many times, with more than one fort of quickfilver, and always with the fame fuccefs; except when I had not been exact enough in draw- ing the air out of the phial, or that I had let a little get in again; for then not only the light ap- peared much fainter, but it leffened by degrees, notwithſtanding the continual fhaking of the phial, till it diſappeared intirely. After that, there was no way to make it appear again, with- out drawing the new air out of the phial. Having examined by day, what was the caufe of the faintnefs of the light, I found all the fur- face of the quick filver covered with a pellicle, not only visible, but fo thick, that it was like a paſte made of dirt: notwithflanding before the agi- tation the phial was very clean within, and the furface of the quickfilver polfhed like a looking- glaſs. From whence I judge, that the air being L12 agitated, 268 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 agitated, altho in a fmall quantity, might ex- tremely infect the quickfilver, and that for this reaſon, as fast as this pafte formed itſelf, the light grew fainter, and intirely difappeared, when this paſte acquired fuch a confiftence, as not to be broken in pieces by any violent agitations that were given the quickfilver. It is alfo by this, that you may know whether the air is well taken out of the phial or not; for if it is well emptied, not only the light does not leffen, and the quickfilver does not cover itſelf with dirt, but the light itſelf becomes more excellent in time; and the pellicle of the quickfilver, if it had any at the firſt, dif- perfes intirely, in fuch a manner, that the quick- filver polishes itſelf fo well at last, by frequent ufe, that there does not remain any fpot; and when this happens, then the light is in the higheſt degree of vivacity, and appears always with the fame force every time that you shake the phial in the dark. à I do not believe, that they have found till now the perpetual phosphorus, that is, which does not confume by time, or at leaft which does not in the end lofe its virtue; but here is one which muſt laft as long as you will without lofing any of its own, provided the phial remains always well ſtopped, and that the air does not enter; for the quickfilver inclofed in the vacuum is not fub- ject to any alteration, fo that there is no reafon why it ſhould not have its effect at all times. It is true, that the cock which I had cemented upon the phial, with which I made the firft ex- periment, began to fpoil by the quickfilver, be- cauſe it was of brafs; but I have fince found the fecret of ftopping the phial after having drawn out the air, without having occafion for the cock. Among many ways which I thought on, the moſt ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 269 > moft fure and expeditious is, firft to ſtop the phial before you draw out the air, with a cork and a proper wax over it, and then to make a little hole with a pin through the wax and cork, to give an opening to the air which you are going to draw out of the phial; this being done inclofe the phial in a receiver, out of which the air muſt afterwards be drawn, as exactly as poffible, to get it at the fame time out of the phial by the aper- ture of the little hole: the greateft difficulty is how to cloſe this little hole, before you let any air get into the receiver. To perform this eafily, you muſt expoſe the receiver thus empty to the fun, and with a convex-glafs melt the edges of the wax about the hole, in this manner the hole is filled with the melted wax, and ftops itſelf per- fectly well of its own accord. This being done, you may ex abundanti, apply the receiver again to the air-pump, to fee, if during the operation, there has not a little air flipped into the receiver by fome invifible aperture: the fureſt way is dur- ing the operation to hold all the parts of the re- ceiver, by which the air can flip in, under water. Being thus affured, that all is done well, let the air enter again into the receiver to take out the phial, which being thus prepared, ferves then for a phosphorus whenever you will take the pains to ſhake the phial in the dark. I kept 5 or 6 weeks two of theſe phials filled with two different forts of quickfilver, which had their effect admirably well. The curious, to whom I have fhewn them, have declared, that they have feen nothing more wonderful. In fhort, the whole phial is in a flame, and the quickfilver like a burning li quor. If you have a mind to make one of them, you muſt carefully obferve thefe three things 1 That 3 the 270 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the the phial be very clean and dry within; and if you doubt of its being fo, it would be better to take a quite new one, as it comes from the glaſs- houſe. 2. That you do not ftir the quickfilver much before the air is drawn out of the phial. 3. That you empty the air out of the phial as carefully as is poffible. This third point muſt be obferved with all the exactnefs imaginable, or elſe it will not make any phofphorus, or if it does, it will be faint, and not last long. The air- pump muſt be very good; mine, which was made in Holland, is fo nice, that the piston, be- ing drawn from the bottom of the cylinder to the mouth, and remaining fo for 24 hours, does not let in the 1000oth part of air into the cavity of the cylinder, as I have known by experience, a certain fign of very great exactneſs. II. Obfervations on the rain-water which fell at the royal obfervatory in 1700; with Some remarks on the thermometer and baro- meter, by M. de la Hire * During the whole year 1700, inches of water at the obfervatory, mean quantity that falls every year. There fell in there fell 20 which is the Lines. Jan. Feb. 4 Mar. 13 Apr. 27 ~+~+~+~t 11 1 July 13 Aug. Lines. 35 4 9 3 May 17 June I 44 4 Sept. Octob. Nov. Dec. 1 1/ 24 2.5 16 ++++ 2 2 456 1 * Jan. 8, 1700. We 7 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 271 → > We may obferve, that in the two months of June and July alone there fell 80 lines, which is of that which fell in the whole year: but the month of August gave only 9 lines altho' there are generally the greatest rains in it, as I have obferved for many years fince I have made theſe obſervations. What is alfo remarkable in the rains of this year is, that there fell but I line in September, whence the drought was very 44 great towards the end of fummer. The thermometer fhewed us, that the greatest cold of the months of January and February, was on the 9th of February, when my thermo- meter fell only to 28 parts, the mean ſtate of heat or cold being at 48 parts, as I have proved for fome time in the bottom of the caves of the obfervatory, where my thermometer always re- mained at this height. This thermometer falls ſometimes in the winter below 15 parts. It is expoſed to the air, but fhelter'd from great winds. and the fun. All the reft of theſe two months it was commonly at 40 parts; we muſt take notice, that all the obſervations that I made every day, were about fun rifing, when the air is commonly the coldeft. But on the 19th of December the thermometer fell to 25 parts, a little lower than it did at the beginning of February, which is generally the coldest time. By theſe obferva- tions it appears, that the cold has not been very confiderable during all this year. As for the heat, it was the greatest on the 21st of July, the thermometer marking 61 parts 4. We ought not to judge of the coldnets of the air, by the impreffion which it makes on our bodies; for a great wind makes the air always appear colder to us, than it really is, becauſe it makes the air pafs through the cloaths, and drives away 272 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the away that which is about the fkin, and which is warmed by it. This experiment proves that the violence of the wind does not augment the cold of the air. I blowed with a pair of bellows againſt the ball of a thermometer for fome mi- nutes, and I did not obferve any fenfible altera- tion in the height of the fpirit of wine. This experiment would have been more juſt, if it had been made with one of Santorius's thermometers, where the impreffion of heat and cold is made on the air it felf. For the barometer, that which I ufe is fixed at the top at the great hall of the obfervatory. The greateft height was on the first day of Jan. at 28 in- ches 4 lines and more than 3, with a gentle wind at ENE, and it always kept very high during this month, altho' the wind was often toward the W. but always inclining a little to the N. yet it was not then cold, for the air was commonly in a temperate ftate, and fometimes hotter, the barometer at the loweſt was at 26 inches 8 lines 1, November 26 with a high S. wind and a little fnow, which foon melted, the air not being cold. Thus the difference between the greateſt heights, and the greateft falling of the quick- filver during this year, was 1 inch and a little more than 8 lines. I found the declination of the needle 8° 12' to- ward the W. November 20, of the last year 1700. This obfervation was made against the S. wall of the terrafs of the obfervatory, which I found was placed exactly according to the me- ridian line, and the needle which I ufed was 8 inches long, and very well hung. } III. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 273 III. A letter from M. Bernoulli profeſſor at Groninguen, concerning his new phosphorus.* I read the paper which you fent me, but I do not know whether I ought to be forry for the bad fuccefs, which it contains of the experiments upon the light of the quickfilver; I think I have rather reafon to be glad myſelf, that no body can yet effect that which I do very easily, either by my fkill, if I have any, or by the goodneſs of my pieumatic machine. For is it not ſurpriſing, that the experiments of the aca- demy have never fucceeded, and that mine have never failed? you ſend word, that it is ſome par- ticular accident, which happens to fome quick- filver, which may render it capable of light in a place void of air; but pray confider that I have made my phosphorus with 5 or 6 forts of quick- filver, which I have known were brought here from different places and at different times, which nevertheleſs have fucceeded very well with me, ex- cept one only which did not give light at the firft, but which I rendered luminous by washing, it, as I fhall mention hereafter. I do not find it neceffary to anſwer in order to the experiments in this paper, nor to the re- flections and confequences which are drawn from them. To end the difpute, I defire the academy to fend me fome of the fame quickfilyer, which they have uſed without fuccefs. I engage to make a phofpborus with it as good as thoſe which I have already made hitherto. And that the aça- demy may be affur'd that it is the fame quick- filver that they ſend me, with which I make the phosphorus; I will do it in the prefence of au-" thentick witneffes, and fend it again to the aca- * July 5.1701. VOL. 1. N°. 7. M m demy 填 ​50 274 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the $ demy. What makes me thus bold is, that I fee fome circumftances that the paper mentions, which makes me believe, that theſe experimeuts have not been made exact enough, and that con- fequently the ill fuccefs of it muſt be imputed en- tirely, either to the machine of the academy, which perhaps may not be the most juft, or to fome miſtake. One of thefe circumftances is. that the quickfilver in a phial emptied of air being very much fhaken, really gives a little light very faint, that it was ftrong at the begin- ning, that it diminiſhed by little and little, but without any air entering again into the veffel, and that after having let the air in again, and then emptying the machine immediately a fecond time, this quickfilver had not given any more light, altho' very much fhaken. I fee by this, that the quickfilver had not been purified as it cught from the heterogeneous matter, of which had been formed that pellicle which I spoke of in my preceding, by the gathering of the air which was left in the phial, which was thought to have been emptied enough; it was by this that the light was fo weak and vaniſhed by de- grees, whereas it would have been very lively and lafting, if the phial had been well emptied, and the quickfilver well purified; for I have tried more than once, that the quickfilver in- clofed in a veffel void of air, where it fhone very much for a long time with an equal force, has ceafed to fhine by lofing its light by degrees, as foon as I have let a little air into it. However, we may conclude from the experiments which they object to me, that the quick filver, which was not fhining in the barometers, for as the pa- per does not mention that they had different quickfilver, I believe that they uſed only the 4.1 * } fame 3 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 275 fame, was at leaſt ſo in a phial emptied of the air: if they had then made this experiment with the barometer alone, and had declared that the quickfilver was not luminous, would they not have been miſtaken, fince it really was fo? It is the fame with the fecond experiment, by which they did not fee any more light in the fame phial, after having emptied the air a fecond time, becaufe that, according to the paper, perhaps in letting the air again into the veffel, a little of the moif- ture of the air had faſtened itſelf to the fides of this veffel, which they know, as well as I, to be prejudicial to the light of quickfilver." Let us fee then what would have happened, if from the first time there flipped fome moiſture infenfibly into the phial; there is no doubt, that the light not appearing at all from this firſt time, it would have been faid, that this quickfilver was not at all luminous, altho' it had been the fault of him who had made the experiment, and not that of the quickfilver. I fay this, that you may obferve that the experiments which did not fucceed, prove nothing to fuftain a negative propofition'; becauſe it may always be 'doubted in making of theſe experiments, that fome miſtake has been com- mitted. I fhall fay nothing concerning the experiments upon the barometer, both becauſe I have already anſwered to theſe objections in my fecond letter, and becauſe I entirely neglect making of other obfervations upon the light of the barometer, fince I have found the way to render the quickfilver luminous in a phial; which, in my opinion, is far more curious, as it furniſhes a fort of perpe- tual phosphorus, and convenient to carry about, befides that the light of it is much more lively than that of the barometer: I fhall only fay fome- M'm 2 thing 276 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the thing upon the ſecond barometer, made in the pneumatic machine of the academy. They may reaſonably ſay, that the quickfilver was not rifen to the fame height in this laſt barometer, as it is commonly in a barometer well made, it not being poffible to empty in this manner all the air out of the tube; becauſe the weight of the quick- filver, preffing upon the open end of the tube, hinders the going out of the air. I fee by this, that they have let the open end of the tube dip too deep into the quickfilver; whereas when I made this experiment, I placed the tube in fuch a manner, that its end was near the furface of the quickfilver, and very little dipped. For this pur- pofe I took a veffel, broad and a little flat, to the end that in letting in the air again, which by its preffure had made the quickfilver riſe in the tube, this quickfilver might not fail; by this means, I raiſed the quickfilver to the height of 26 inches, fo that it wanted but little of the com- mon height. Altho' it be true, that it is not ab- folutely neceffary that the quickfilver be in a place perfectly void of air to become luminous, as they have very well obſerved in the paper in queſtion; however, it muſt be known that there did not remain fo much air in the tube, as they perhaps thought: and befides that the light, altho' very brifk the firſt night, was very much weakened the nights following, without doubt becaufe of this little air which remained in the tube, which I had not ob- ferved till after my laft letter. From whence it follows, that the more perfect the vacuum is, the more excellent and durable the light will be; fo that the quickfilver in a phial perfectly emptied of air (or at leaft if it be fo to the tenth thou- fandth part or more, for it is impoffible to draw the air intirely out of any veffel) fhines as lively as ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 277 as poffible; and very far from the lights growing fainter, it increaſes to certain degrees, and then it continues and fhews itſelf with equal force every time that you ſhake the phial, provided alſo that the quickfilver be well purified from its dirt; I own that it is a conjecture, which appears true to me, when they fufpected that my firſt quickfilver, which the moment it was expofed to the air, co- vered itſelf with a pellicle, which became like duft if it was fhaken, was not fo clean as it might be: I will agree, that this pellicle formed itſelf of a foreign matter, either metallick or other, which came from the quickfilver rather than from the air, nevertheleſs that does not at all invalidate the general explication, which I give of the pro- duction of the light of the quickfilver, nor even deſtroy my idea of the generation of the faid pel- licle; for it is always conftant, as I have obfer- ved in my preceding, that the air, if it is not al- ways the material caufe, is at leaft the efficient cauſe, ſeeing that the fame quickfilver, when it is incloſed in the vacuum, remains always bright and poliſhed, altho' very much fhaken; and as foon as you have admitted the air, it grows thick as uſual. But I have found the ſecret of purifying it fo well from all its dirt, that it does not thicken any more, even when it is expofed to the air, and fhaken very ſtrongly. I put 4 or 6 ounces of quickfilver into a phial, and pour common wa- ter upon it, till it covers the quickfilver to the thickneſs of two fingers or thereabouts; then I ſhake the phial ſtrongly for a great while, as in rinfing it, I empty the water out, which is quite black and dirty, at the top of the quick filver, and put freſh upon it, and begin again to fhake the phial, till the water becomes dirty again; I then change the water a fecond time, and do the # ! fame 278 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fame thing; which being repeated till the water is no longer black, or very little, I dry the quick- filver by paffing it feveral times through a clean cloth if you uſe fpirit of wine inftead of water, you will fooner have cleaned the quickfilver. By this means I took all the dirt out of it, fo that be- ing fhaken in the open air, as much as you would, it does not leave any traces of pellicle or of duft, only it tarnishes a little in fome days, as if it was by the team that apparently comes from the touching of the air, which is always a little in- fected with humidity. The phofphorus made with the quickfilver thus cleanfed, was much finer than thofe made before; which confirms my explication of the production of this light, which I have faid was hindered by the hetero- geneous matter, poffeffing the top of the quick- filver. I have faid above, that I have tried 5 or 6 forts of quickfilver, which all fucceeded with me, of which fome were alfo infected with duft by the motion, like my firft, and the others remained clear and polifhed, like thofe of the academy. Among theſe there was one, which, at firſt, gave no light but I fufpected that, even before I made the trial; for it feemed to be more thick, or leſs fluid than the others, fince, when it was agi- tated, it made no bubbles upon the furface, as I obferved in the others, which I'attributed to its vifcidity, which hindered the feparation of its parts. This made me fufpect, that there was perhaps in that quickfilver fome oily or fulphu- rous matter, which becaufe of its vifcofity, did not fhew itfelf upon the furface, as the other im- purities did, which more eafily feparated them- felves from the little parts of the quickfilver to be thrown out: thus this oily matter remaining al- ways 7. 1. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 279 ways mixed within the quickfilver, is taken to be very pure, tho' it is by no means fo; and much lefs fo, than that which covers itſelf at firſt with a viſible pellicle. Then having well waſhed it in the above manner with ſpirit of wine, rather than with water, becauſe I thought it better than wa- ter to take our the vifcocity, the quickfilver, which was not at all luminous, became as fhining as any other but what is ftill more wonderful, the firſt quickfilver, which grew thick with the leaft motion, became fo pure with waſhing, al- tho' with water alone, that I have ſeen it make light even in a phial full of natural air, without its having any drawn away. It is true, that the light was not fo lively as that which was made in the vacuum, and it appeared only like ſeparate fparks, which arofe fucceſsfully, and perifhed almoſt at the fame time; whereas the light in the vacuum is like a continual flame which lafts inceffantly while the quickfilver is in agitation, I conclude from thefe experiments, that the quick- filver, if it is perfectly purified, may let the fub- tile matter (which I call with M. Descartes, by the name of the firft element) go out of its pores in fuch a quantity at once, that for all the re- fiftance of the air, it has ftill motion enough to produce fome light. If they then take the pains to wash the quickfilver well, which they fay is not luminous, and after having well dried it (for the leaſt moiſture will occafion bad fuccefs) pour, it into a clean and dry phial; if they then draw out the air carefully, I am fure they will fucceed, Tho' this quickfilver is thought to be perfectly pure, becauſe it remains clear after the agitation: I have nevertheleſs obferved, that it may be in- fected with a concealed glutinous matter, which fhutting up intirely the pores of it, or at leaft TO 14 making- 280 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the making them ftiff, hinders or keeps back the particles, which ought to cauſe the light, from going out. I fay, that the ſtiffneſs of the pores may hinder or keep back theſe particles from go- ing out; for it is very vifible, that altho' the quickfilver be in very great agitation, if never- theleſs the pores of its particles are not flexible enough to change their fhape, the matter of the firſt element cannot be driven away from it, for the pores muſt often fhrink that this matter may go out. It is therefore very likely, that the quickfilver, which is faid to become luminous by the diſtillation through quicklime, is one of thofe whofe pores are thus ftiff, becauſe of fome ful- phurous or glutinous matter. And therefore very far from being of the opinion with thofe who believe they are igneous particles, that the quick- lime has given to the quickfilver in paffing thro' it, which produce the. light; I am ſtrongly per fuaded on the contrary, that the true reafon of it is the purification alone, fo that the lime has con- tributed nothing to it but its pores, thro' which the quickfilver paffing has left behind all the fo- reign and glutinous matter, and is thus delivered from it there is then nothing done by the diftil- lation than what I have done by washing alone. In fhort, thefe igneous particles appear to me great paradoxes for many reafons, of which I fhall only mention fome. 1. This new phosphorus muſt at laſt loſe its virtue, becauſe theſe igneous particles become at laft of no fervice by frequent ufe, as you fee by other phosphori which are luminous, by the means of fuch igneous particles. 2. If thefe igneous particles are fo fine, that they can lodge in the little fpaces of the quick- filver, and pals through them, as is pretended, without ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 281 without doubt they could pafs much more eaſily through the pores of the glafs, which are much larger then thoſe of quickfilver, how comes it then that in fhaking the phial, they do not dif perſe themſelves immediately by flying off thro' the pores of the glafs, let them be in ever fo great quantity in the quickfilver? 3. We can no more explain why the light in the barometer appears only in the defcent of the quickfilver: for if it is caufed by theſe igneous particles, which fwim upon the furface, why have they not their effect when the quickfilver riſes, as well as when it falls, if there wanted nothing but motion to make them fucceffively upon the furface of the quickfilver. Now all thefe difficulties are avoided by my way of explaining this light; for in faying that it is produced by a very fine matter, which being univerfal and found every where, never fails, we fhall fhew that this phosphorus muft laft perpetu- ally, the quickfilver only lending its pores, which are very narrow, aud ferve as a fieve to the matter of the firſt element, to feparate it from the fecond and third, (I make uſe of thefe terms be- cauſe they are convenient to explain myſelf) from which being delivered, and afterward driven out of the quickfilver by the agitation which is given it, it takes at firft its rapid motion, which is ufual with it, when it is alone and difengaged from all other matter, and fo produces in our eyes the ef- fect which caufes in us the fenfation of light. Therefore this luminific matter, altho' it is dif perfed in a moment, yet is immediately followed by another which has the fame effect, and fo on, which will always continue. This explication proved itſelf alfo by one of theſe phofpkori, with which I have made the experiment almoft every VOL. I. No. 8. N n night 282 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the night for about a year, and I can truly fay, that I have never obferved any fenfible change in it, but quite on the contrary, that the light was always equally bright, as it ftill is; and very far from its having fuffered any diminu- tion, it ſeems at prefent to be a little more lively than it was at the beginning, perhaps be- cauſe the quickfilver is become more fluid by the frequent agitations, and the reft of its dirt is ſeparated from it by degrees, and is fixed to the fides of the glaſs, as the glafs being a little thick within, plainly fhows; fo that the quickfilver being entirely purified, gives light for the future to the higheſt degree of vivacity. My explica- tion appears to me in other refpects fo plaufible, that I am fully perfuaded, that another pure liquor as heavy as the quickfilver, if there was one, would make without doubt the fame effect; fo that I believe gold would be the fittest to make the like phosphori, if we knew the way of rendering it fluid, without lofing any of its ſpecifick gravity: for as I make this effect depend on the ſmallneſs and flexibility of the pores, it is certain, that gold having the ſmalleſt of any body, it wants only the flexibility of its pores, which we cannot procure it but by a perfect fluidity of its mafs. Perhaps melted lead put into a vacuum, would give alſo a light, at leaſt if the dirt, with which it is always infected, does not hinder it. As for the quickfilver, which is faid to be made luminous by the artificial liquid phosphorus, I believe that it was not the quickfilver which was luminous, but the particles themſelves of the ar- tificial phosphorus. Now that would have hap- pened to many other bodies, which we fee fhine by the friction alone of folid phosphorus; and as the light of it does not laft long, I imagine alfo that the quickfilver bere mentioned, has not always ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 283 always kept this light borrowed from the artifi- cial liquid phosphorus; fo neither does that light belong to our fubject. 1 By all theſe reaſonings, joined to the obferva- tions which I have alledged, it appears that the three confequences which they have drawn from it cannot fubfift. For, 1. we fee that the quick- filver is not only capable of becoming luminous. in a place emptied of air; but that it is in effect already luminous, provided its light be not hin- dered by fome foreign caufe either internal or external. 2. Alfo all quickfilvers are equally luminous, provided again their lights are not hindered in fome more than in others, by any caufe whatfo- ever, I made a remarkable obfervation upon this fubject: I took two phials both alike, and equal, into which I put an equal quantity of quickfilver taken from the fame mafs; I drew the air equally and in the fame hour from each phial. Would one not fay, that the light ought to appear equally ftrong in both phials, fince in all appearance every thing was perfectly equal and alike? but the effect fhewed quite the con- trary, for one of thefe phials made the light very lively with the leaft motion, but the other did not till after much fhaking, and then having once began to fhine, it wanted only the leaft motion to make the light appear again, and after ha- ving let this phial reft for two or three hours, it wanted to be ſtrongly fhaken before the light began to appear again; whereas the firſt phial al- ways gave light without any trouble. What can we fay to this? unleſs that perhaps there entered a little moiſture into one of the phials, altho' imperceptible to my eyes, either from the breath, or from the fweat of the hands in touching it; Nn 2 4 which 284 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the which was fufficient to cauſe ſo great a difference in the light. It does not then follow from hence, if one quickfilver gives more light than another, that it is more capable of giving it than the other; for here where the quickfilvers were taken from the fame maſs, and confequently equally capable of fhining, yet they fhined differently. 3. Laſtly, we ſee that the fame quickfilver, if it be well prepared, muſt always be equally lumi- nous, and that if it is fometimes much, fometimes little, fometimes not at all, it is a fign that there is an alteration happened to it, which augments, diminiſhes, or hinders the appearance of the light, which without that, would be always the fame: witneſs the phosphorus which I have mentioned above, that gave light a year without any fen- fible alteration. I can confirm what I have faid by another obſervation, which I made not long ago: I had a phial prepared with phosphorus, which fhone equally for about 6 weeks; without opening or letting the air into the phial, I burned with the fun by a convex glafs, a little bit of cork that had been ſeparated from the reft, and fwam upon the quickfilver. It made a little fmoak in the phial, which otherwife remained in its firft ftate, without being at all changed. One would not believe how much this little fmoak diminiſhed the vivacity of the light, befides that it wanted to be fhaken much more ftrongly than before to make it appear; which fhews the alteration of the light obferved at the academy, muſt not be taken for an effential quality, but for the effect of an accidental cauſe. I agree that all common quickfilver is perfectly alike, as all gold and all filver is alike, from whatſoever part of the world it comes, provided skat it be pure: for this is the foundation of my ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 285 3 $ my explication of this light, to maintain that it is general, and that it comes only from the quickfilver which gives way to the matter of the firft element, to the exclufion of another more grofs matter. I agree alfo, that it fol- lows from my explication, that all quickfilver muſt be luminous, and at all times; it is alſo both, as I have now proved, provided the light be not hindered by fome foreign caufe, as the fun is always luminous, although its light may be taken from us by an eclipfe or other caufe. I conclude then, that it is not, as is believed, a particular acci- dent happened to fome quickfilver, which can render it capable of fhining in a place emptied of air; but on the contrary, that it is natural and effential to all quickfilver, as to all other li- quids equally heavy, if we had any fuch, to be luminous and it would be rather a particular acci- dent happened to the quickfilver, which hindered the appearance of its light. That if after all this they ftill find difficulties, without being able to fucceed in making my new phosphorus as perfectly as I have done it; I only wish to have the fame quickfilver, which ſo obftinately darkens itſelf; I hope to diſperſe the darkneſs, and that I fhall have the good luck to fupport this quickfilver in the greek title of phosphorus, with as much juſtice as the planet Venus bears the Latin title of Lucifer. IV. Remarks on the measure and weight of water, by M. de la Hire. * Extract of the memoirs of M. Picard. 171 inches of water of Arcueil weigh 6 lb. 14 oun. 4 dr. 2 gr. * September 2. 1701. Hence 286 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Hence I find that the cubical foot of water of Arcueil weighs 1113 oun. 3 dr. 20 gr. or 69 lib. 9 oun. 3 dr. 20 gr. M. Picard adds that the Paris pinte of the meaſure of the Hotel de ville contains 47 inches . But that the Chopine of the Hotel de ville con- tains almost 24 inches. And if we fuppofe that the pinte contains 47 inches, it will weigh of the fame water 30 oun. 3 dr. 1, or 1' lib. 14 oun. 3 dr. 1 But if we fuppofe it to contain 48 inches, in proportion to the chopine, then we fhall find it to weigh 30 oun. 7 dr. 1, or 1 lb. 14 oun. 7 dr. §. I Aug. 5, 1701, at M. Boulduc's, we weighed a pinte of river water in a quite new pewter pinte pot. 42 The water being warm weighed 31 oun. 4 dr. Being cold it weighed រ 31 6 Aug. 20, 1701, at the Hotel de Ville, with M. Boulduc, we meaſured in the braſs ſtandard a pinte of river water; and having weighed it ex- actly with a good balance, after different man- ners, it weighed 1 lb. 14 oun. 3 dr. 2 gr. The water was neither cold nor hot 1 This meaſure agrees exactly with that which I had concluded from M. Picard's obfervations; for the difference of a few grains may come from the water of Arcueil, which M. Picard ufed, weighing a little more than the river water, and perhaps it might be a little colder than the river water, which we made ufe of the last time. よ ​;" محمد } , 1 bodorushylt... ز A 4 ༴ ན ! P 1 V. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 287 V. Anatomical obfervations made on the ova- ries of cows and keep, by M. du Verney junior * Having met with the uterus of a cow, which incloſed a fœtus of about a fortnight or three weeks, which however had all the parts very di- ftinct, I applied myſelf with care to diſcover where this fetus had got out of the ovary. The tubes and their expanfions appeared a little more. fwoln and ſpongy than ufual, one of the ovaries was about the bignefs of a wallnut, a little pointed at the end, and the fides were of a hard ſubſtance, fet with veficles and fome whitish points. All the reft of the ovary was of a ſpongy nature, covered with a ſmooth and very thin membrane, inter- mixed with ſeveral blood-veffels. On one of the fides of the veficular fubftance, there appeared a dark yellow fpot, of the fize of a lentil, and I thought it might be the place where the fatus got out. I blowed into it with a pipe, the air got in, and fwelled the whole ovary, I preffed it to make the air go out, and drove in freſh. Not only the ovary fwelled up like a veficular texture, but alſo a number of veffels, which feemed to come out of it. I found them to be blood-veffels. I made ufe of this aperture to enter into the ovary. I there found feveral cavities, very fmooth, which appeared like little bafons. I blowed into them as faft as they prefented themſelves, and all the veifels, which I had ſeen before, fwelled in like manner. The whole middle of this ovary was a ſpongy body, which was very eafily detached; it received veffels at its bafe, and fome at its point. Sept. 7, 1701. There 288 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the There ufually appears at this place a little dent, fo difpofed, that one would always expect to find an aperture. At laft, being willing to be fure that I was not deceived, and thinking of a good way to difcover the ova without breaking their outer covering, and how this membrane grows thin, and opens where the point of the egg is, I faw two fits at fome diftance from each other, very exactly cloſed by the membrane itſelf, one edge of which paffed under the other in form of the fcale of a fifh. To know whether thefe apertures are always found, I took another ovary, which feemed to me to be much of the fame nature, and not being able to find them either with the pipe or probe, I made one myſelf with the lancet. But it was in vain to blow into it, for the air did not paſs either in the ovary or its veffels. I pierced other ovaries in ſeveral places, and always in vain, which made me judge that theſe apertures are not always found and at all times. However, I have found them fince in ſeveral ſubjects, as I fhall mention after- wards. To demonſtrate the ova without breaking their outer covering, the ovary muſt be parted into two by degrees, at the place where the veffels enter it. Then moſt of the ova prefent themſelves, and we have the pleaſure of feeing and obferving in what manner the membrane is thinned, the places where it is opened; and to conceive eafily how it may be opened at the time of maturity. This did not ſeem to me more difficult to comprehend, than the manner in which moſt pods open, to let out their feeds. Having opened an ovary, the bignefs of which depending on that of the fpongy body, I found in the inner membrane a fit covered by a tuin of 3 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 289 of the fame coat in form of a fcale, and on blow- ing into it, I obferved that the air raiſed the outer membrane, and made it play. Jo Continuing to labour on the fame fubject, I found an ovary, in which the membrane of the point of the spongy body was open again. I was willing to be fure whether this aperture com- municated with the blood-veffels, as in the pre- ceding obfervation. I blowed in at the fpermatic vein, the whole ovary fwelled, and I faw the wind get out at this aperture. The ſpongy body juſt mentioned feems to rife from the extremity of the veffels, juft as fome muſhrooms grow upon trees, the fponges upon briars, and the galls upon oaks, by the aperture made by the puncture of fome infect in fome veffel of thefe trees: we may fay alſo, that the little bafon-like cavities were like cups, or the lodges of fome ova, which had gotten out, with the mouths of their veffels remaining open; perhaps at laft they were recep- tacles, which were to be filled with air and fpi- rits, at certain times, to give more play to theſe parts in the time of enjoyment, and to facilitate in others the exit of the ova. Thefe facts, not- withſtanding their being fo manifeft, were con- teſted at the academy by part of the anatomiſts, and they were defirous to fee them upon new fubjects. Happily I met with three uteri of cows, one of which inclofed a fatus of about 3 weeks or a month. In another, I found each ovary co- vered with the hood, and embraced by the ex- panſions of the tube; but there did not appear any thing particular in the third. The ovaries of the portion, which inclofed a fatus, were very different from each other. VOL .I. No. 8. ! ' That 290 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the That on the fide where the fetus was, feemed withered, and not very veficular, and the upper part was even, ſmooth, and of a dark yellow. The other ovary was ftretched, entirely vefi- cular, and in a manner tranfparent. There was obferved at the point of the firſt o- vary a little aperture, fhaped like a half crefcent, of which one return fell upon the other; I drove fome air into it, but it did not fwell the ovary. ap- At the lower part of this ovary, we perceived near an ovum, a little red cicatrix, the fkin peared thinned, and we difcovered a little aper- ture in it, which was alfo fhaped like a half cre- fcent. The wind, which was driven into it, made one of the edges rife, but it did not pene- trate quite into the ovary. As this little aperture was at the place of the egg, where the skin is ufually found thinned, and as the air did not penetrate, I opened the ovary into two parts, at the place where the veffels en- tered, and the ovum ftill half covered with its cup, remained faftened only to the place where it appeared externally tranfparent. After having emptied the liquor, I drove in fome air, the membrane rofe, and the air got out from between the cup and the ovum, by the exterior aperture, which I have defcribed, and the wind filled the membrane of the ovum. To confirm myfelt in this experiment, I re- peated it feveral times, and it always fucceeded. I afterwards examined the ovaries wrapped up in the expanfions of the tube, I blowed into it, and the hood rofe. Having opened one of thefe o- varies, I found a great many fibres in it, fo clofe- ly faftened to its membrane, that, when we would have feparated them, they tore in feveral places, which made me fufpect this difpofition not to be 3 natural. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 291 natural. This ovary incloſed a ſpongious body, and a great number of veficles, the greateſt part of which feemed half come out of their cups; and when I blowed, the aimpaffed between the mem- brane of the ovum and the cup. I afterwards opened the covering of the other ovary; on one of its fides, the point appeared red, like a fruit of the winter cherry in its bladder; it was the ſpongy body, the point of which was ex- tremely foft, and open on one of its fides. Very near to a ſmall red cicatrix there was an ovum raiſed, which prefented itſelf like the point of an acorn, when it begins to come out of its cup. When we blowed againft the little cicatrix, we faw a fmall membrane, fhaped like a half creſcent, which paffed over the place. of the ovum, that was ftill in the ovary. This ovary being kept for fome days, the eggs grew wither- ed, and when we went to prefs them, they rofe again, and partly came out of the membrane. On the other edge of the ovary there appeared alfo two other eggs raiſed. 1 There were ſeveral fibres of the expansion of the tube about the bafe of the fpongy body; fo that we could fee but one half of them. After having found feveral other ovaries, opened at the point of the fpongy body, I drove fome air into them, which made them fwell, and came out either by the blood-veffels or spermatic veffels. There was in one of the biggeft ovaries that could be found, a red procefs, the point of which rofe out of the furface, when it was preffed on the fides; it was the membrane that covers the ovum before its getting out. It was alfo to empty, that, when we blowed againſt it, it was O02 im- 292 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the immerged in the ovary, and eafily fhewed the whole cavity of the ovum which had got out. L In another large ovary, which I had preſerved in brandy, I obferved that the ova were all wi- thered, and that the exterior membrane funk in- wards, in fuch a manner that we could eafily count them. Having dipped this ovary in wa- ter, I blowed by the fpermatic vein, and faw that not only the ovary fwelled, but that there was alfo two large ova among others, which fwelled as far as their coverings could extend, thefe eggs feemed externally diftinguished from the reft, by their figure and by their circum- ference, as long, ph All that I have faid here has been obferved by me alfo in theep, in the beginning of their preg- nancy. conor } An explanation of the figures. Plate XV. Fig. 2. A. The ovary, upon which are fhewn ova of different fizes, which are known by their tranfparence. h B. The extremity, or the point of the ſpongy body,"open at its upper part marked C. D. D. The aperture of the expanfion of the tube. wods m Flefhy fibres about the expan- fion of the tube. گی۔ E. The expanſion of the tube, as it appeared when it was blown into, fupported by the mem- brane, which forms the hood. F. F. F: The tube al G. The infertion, or entrance of the tube into the cornu uteri. } H. One end of this horn. I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I.' The fpermatic veins blown up by the air driven in by the natural aperture 1 C; ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 293 C; which I have difcovered and demonftrated upon ſeveral ſubjects. K. The fpermatic artery. Fig. 3. A. The extremity of the cornu uteri. B. B. B. The tube. F C. The expanfion of the tube raiſed to fhew the aperture, the flefhy fibres, and other neigh- bouring parts, faſtened to the ovary marked 0.0. D. D. D. D. D. Fleſhy fibres, feveral of which are faſtened to the ovary marked O. O. E. E. Two ova, a part of which was on the outfide, the membrane of the ovary and the other part on the infide, appearing like the point of an acorn out of its cup. 1, } F. An aperture fhaped like a half crefcent, which has been mentioned feveral times. Fig. 4. Is an ovary uncovered. A. A. A. A great fpongy body, of which, I. I. Is the point. R. The aperture, which is found fometimes, and almoſt always at certain ſeaſons. N. The entrance of a cavity, which leads to the outer part, which is feen only by blowing. P. P. Half the ovary, wherein are feen fe- veral eggs, almoſt detached from their cup. Fig. 5. Is an ovary feparated at the place where the veffels enter, where eggs of different fizes are ſeen. ار T. T. Is an ovum emptied of liquor, to fhew how much the membrane of the ovary is thinned, at the place where the egg muft go out. Fig. 6, A. A. A. A. A. A. A part of the cornu uteri. S. S. S. S. S. The hood, which exactly em- braces the ovary on all fides. 1 0. 0. 0. O. Q. Q. The tube, of which the ex- panſion is hidden by the hood. Fig. 294 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 Fig. 7. fhews another ovary, which was alſo embraced and hidden by the hood. A. A. A. A. Part of the cornu uteri. B. B. B. B. The hood opened. C. C. C. The ovary, upon which are feen fe- veral eggs, one of which appeared to be raiſed. D. The fpongy body. I. The place where it was opened. X. An aperture ſhaped like a half creſcent, of which the edge was raifed, which paffes over the egg when it is blown into thro' a pipe. Fig. VIII. and IX. reprefent an ovary on the outfide and infide. Fig. VIII. A. A. The fpongy body feparated from the veficular membrane or ovary. B. B. The part of the ovary, where the ova were. C. C. The two apertures fhaped like a half crefcent. Fig. IX. A. A. The fame ovary feen on the infide, in which feveral ova are difcovered. B. B. An egg emptied of the liquor, which fhews by blowing in with a pipe the neareſt ex- ternal aperture to the fpongy body. VI. On the circulation of the blood in those fishes which have gills, and on their refpi- ration, by M. du Verney ſenior* It is known by every body, that the heart of all fishes, which do not breath air, has but one cavity, and confequently but one auricle, at the outlet of the veffel which returns the blood. That of the heart of the carp is applied to the left fide. The flesh of the heart is very thick in Nov. 29, 1701. propor- tion ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 295 tion to its bulk, and its fibres are very compact: thus it has need of a very strong action for the cir- culation, as we ſhall fee hereafter. Every one knows what gills are; but every one does not know, that theſe parts ſerve for lungs to fifhes. Their fabrick is compofed of 4 ribs on each fide, which move upon themſelves in opening and ſhutting, and alfo with regard to their upper and lower fupports, in receding from and approaching towards each other. The con- vex fide of each rib is charged on both its edges with two forts of lamina, each of which is com- poſed of a row of narrow lamella, ranged and locked againſt each other, which form as it were fo many beards or fringes, like the vanes of a feather; and thefe fringes are properly called the lungs of the fishes. Here is a very extraordinary, and very fingu- lar fituation of the parts. The thorax, as well as the lungs, is in the mouth: the ribs bear the lungs, and the animal breaths water. The extremities of thefe ribs, which are to- wards the throat, are joined together by feveral little bones, which form a fort of fternum'; in fuch fort however, that the ribs have a much freer play upon the fternum, and can recede from each other much more eaſily than thoſe of men, and that the sternum can be raiſed and depreſſed. The other extremities, which are towards the baſe of the ſkull, are alfo joined by fome little bones, which are articulated with this bafe, and can recede from it, or approach to it. Each rib is compofed of two pieces, joined by a very fupple cartilage, which in each of thefe parts is what the hinges are in mechanical works. The first piece is bent into an arch, and its length 296 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the length is about a fixth portion of the circle of which it would be a part. The fecond almoft defcribes a capital Roman S. The convex part of each rib is hollowed like a gutter, and the veffels, which I fhall mention afterwards, run along this gutter. Each of the lamine, of which the lamelle are compofed, is of the figure of a fcythe, and at its origin it has a foot, which refts only by its extremity on the edge of the rib. Each of thefe lamine is compofed of 135 lamelle, thus the 16 contain 8,640 furfaces, which I reckon here, becauſe the 2 furfaces of each lamella are cloathed all over with a very fine membrane, upon which are made almoſt innumerable ramifications of the capillary veffels of thefe forts of lungs. I have fhewed the company, that there are 46 mufcles employed in the motions of theſe ribs; 8 of them dilate the interval, and 16 con- tract it, 6 inlarge the arch of each rib, and 12 contract it, and at the fame time deprefs the fternum; and the other 4 raife it up. The gills have a large aperture, upon which is placed a cover compofed of an affemblage of feveral pieces; it has the ufe of the leather of a pair of bellows, and each cover is formed with fuch artifice, that, in feparating from each other, they bend outwards to augment the capacity of the mouth, whilft cne of their pieces, which plays on a fort of knee, keeps the apertures of the gills clofe, and opens them only to give paffage to the water which the animal has re- fpired, which is done at the fame time that the cover is deprefied and contracted. There are 2 muſcles, which ferve to raiſe this cover, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 297 cover, and 3 which ferve to deprefs and con- tract it. I have juft faid, that the affemblage, which compoſes the ſtructure of the covers, makes I fhall them capable of bending outwards. add 2 other circumftances. 1. That the That the part of this cover, which affifts in forming the under part of the throat, is plaited like a fan upon lit- tle bony lamella, to ferve, as it unfolds, for the dilatation of the throat in the infpiration of the water. 2. That each cover is cloathed both within and without by a ſkin which adheres very cloſely to it. Thefe 2 fkins joining together, are prolonged to about 2 or 3 lines beyond the circumference of the cover, and diminifh con- tinually in thickneſs. This prolongation is much larger under the throat, than towards the top of the head. It is very fupple, that it may be ap- plied the more exactly to the aperture upon which it refts, and to keep it ſhut at the firſt moment of the dilatation of the mouth for refpiration. The artery, which comes out of the heart, dilates itſelf in fuch a manner, as to cover the whole basis of it; and then contracting gradu- ally it forms a fort of cone. At the place where it is thus dilated, it is furniſhed on the infide with feveral fleshy columns, which may be con- fidered as fo many mufcles, which make of this part of the aorta a fort of fecond heart, or at leaft a fort of fecond ventricle, which joining its preffure to that of the heart, doubles the force ne- ceffary for the diftribution of the blood, in order to the circulation. This artery rifing by the interval between the gills, makes over against each pair of ribs on each fide, a great branch, which runs in the VOL. I. No. 8. Pp gutter 258 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the A تم ؟ gutter hollowed on the outer furface of each rib, from one extremity of the lamina to the other. This is the courfe of the aorta in the animals of this kind. The aorta, which in other animals, carries the blood from the centre to the circumference of the whole body, runs in thefe, no farther than from the heart to the ex- tremity of the gills, where it ends. 2 " This branch furniſhes as many twigs, as there are lamelle on each edge of the rib. The great branch ends at the extremity of the rib, as has been faid, and the twigs end at the extremity of the lamelle, to which each of them is diftri buted, selan J { ← Each twig of an artery, rifes along the inner edge of each lamella of the 2 lamine placed upon each rib, that is, along both edges of the lamella, which are towards each other, thefe 2 twigs in- ofculate in the middle of their length; and con- tinuing their courfe, reach as I have faid, to the point of each lamella. There each twig of the extremity of the artery, finds the mouth of a vein; and thefe 2 mouths being immediately ap- plied to each other, and making but one canal, notwithstanding the differefft confiftence of the 2 veffels, the vein goes down upon the exterior "edge of tach lamella, and being come to the bottom of the lamella, it pours its blood into a great venal veffel, couched near the branch of the artery, in the whole extent of the gutter of the rib, But it is not only by this immediate inof Culation of the extremities of the artery and the vein, that the artery difcharges itſelf into the vein, But alfo by its whole courfe; in the fol- Towing manffer! upon quind The twig of the attery upon the edge of each tamelle throws off, thro its whole courfe, upon the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES, 299 I the flat of each lamella on both fides an infi- nite number of veffels; which parting by pairs from this twig, one on one fide, and the other on the other, each of them on its own fide goes ftrait to the yein, which defcends upon the op- pofite edge of the lamella, and inofculates, with it by an immediate contact. It is thus that the blood paffes in this kind of animals, from their pulmonary arteries into their veins from one end to the other Their arteries are true arteries, both by their structure, and by their carrying the blood. Their veins are true veins, both by their receiving the blood from the arteries, and by the extreme delicacy of their confiftence. Thus far there is nothing but what is in the ufual ceco- nomy. But the fingularities are the imme- diate inofculation of the arteries with the veins, which is found indeed in the lungs of other ani- mals, eſpecially in thofe of frogs and tortoifes, but is not fo manifeft as in the gills of fishes. 2. The regularity of the diftribution, which ren- ders this inofculation more visible in this kind of animals; for all the branches of arteries, rifing along the lamelle upon the ribs, are as ftrait, and as equally diftant, from each other, as the lamella. The tranfverfe capillary twigs, which part from theſe branches at right angles, are equally diftant from each other; fo that the direction and the in- tervals of thefe veffels, both the upright and the tranfverfe, being as regular, as if they had been drawn by rule and compass, we follow them with the eye and with the microfcope. We fee.there- fore that the tranfverfe, arteries end immediately in the body of the defcending vein, and each of theſe veins, having received the blood from the tranverſe capillary arteries on each fids of the W PP2you lamella, to y } 1300 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the lamella, inofculates directly with the trunk of the vein couched in the gutter.i W ons ¿ J It muſt be confeffed, that this diftribution is very fingular: but what follows is more fo. Theſe trunks of veins, full of arterial blood, coming out on each fide by their extrernity, which is towards the basis of the cranium, take the confiftence and thickness of arteries, and unite themfelves again by pairs on each fide. That of the firft rib furniſhes, before its reunion, fome branches, which diftribute the blood to the or- gans of fenfation, the brain, and neighbouring parts, and by this means performs the functions, which belong to the afcending aorta in quadrupeds, then it joins itſelf again to that of the ſecond rib, and theſe two together make but one trunk, which running along the bafis of the cranium, receives again on each fide another branch formed by the reunion of the veins of the third and fourth parts of the ribs, and altogther make but one trunk. ་ Afterwards this trunk, all the roots of which were veins in the lungs, becoming an artery, by its coat and office, continues its courfe along the vertebra and diftributing the arterial blood to all the other parts, performs the function of a defcending aorta, and the arterial blood is by this means equally diftributed to all the parts, to nourish and animate them and there are roots of veins every where, which take up the refidue again, and carry it back by feveral trunks formed by the union of all theſe roots, to the common refervoir, which must return it to the heart; thus the circulation is finiſhed in thefe animals. But what increales the fingularity, is that theſe very pulmonary veins coming out of the gutter of the ribs by their extremity towards the throat, proferve the coat and function of veins, by bring- ing ROYAL ACÁDEMY of SCIENCES. 301 ing back, into the recepticle of all the venal blood, a portion of the arterial blood, which they have received from the pulmonary arteries. As the motion of the jaws contributes alfo to the refpiration of fiſhes, it will not be amifs to obferve, that the upper one is moveable, that. it is compofed of feveral pieces, which are naturally engaged in each other, in fuch a man- ner, that they may, by unfolding, dilate and pro- long the upper jaw. All the parts, which ferve for the refpiration of the carp, amount to fo furprifing a number, that it cannot be amifs to enumerate them in this place. کرار The bony parts are in number 4386 and there are 69 mufcles. The arteries of the gills, befides their eight principal branches, divide into 4320 twigs; and each twig makes on each fide, on the flat of each lamella, an infinite number of tranfverfe capil- lary arteries, the counting of which will not be difficult, and will much exceed num- all thefe bers together. I There are as many nerves as arteries, the rami- fications of the firft exactly following thofe of the reft. The veins, as well as the arteries, befides their eight principal branches, make 4320 twigs, which are mere tubes, and differ from the twigs of the arteries, in not forming any tranfverfe ca- pillary veffels. The blood, which is brought back from all the parts of the body of fiflies, enters the recep- tacle, into which all the veins empty themselves into the auricle, and thence into the heart; which, by its contraction, drives it into the aorta, and into all the ramifications, which it makes upon the 302 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the the lamelle of the gills: and as at its origin it is furniſhed with feveral very thick fleshy columns, which contract immediately afterwards; it fe- conds and fortifies by its compreffion the action of the heart, which is to drive the blood with much more force into the tranfverfe capillary twigs, fi- tuated on each ſide, upon all the lamella of the gills.was quq o pengad 1 ก It has been obferved, that this artery and its branches run only from the heart to the extre- mity of the gills. Thus this redoubled ſtroke of a pifton muſt fuffice to drive the blood, with inpetuolity, into this infinite number of little ar- réries, fo ftrait and fo regular where the blood finds no other dbftacle than meer contact; and not the fhock and the reflections,pas in other ani- mals, where the tarteries are ramified a thoufand ways, efpecially in their luft fubdivificns. So much for the paffage of the blood into the lungs it remains for me now to fpeak of the preparation of litur subɔem smet sé I fuppofey that the particles of air, which are in water as water is in a fpongedare able to dif engage themselves from it feveral ways.. 1. By heat, as we fee in boiling water. 2. By the weakening of the ſpring of the air, which preffes the water, in which thefe particles of air are en- gaged, as we feed in the air pump. 3. By the agitation and extreme divifion of the water, when it has any degree of deaths eg, mode */\ We cannot queftion there being a great deal of air in the bodies of fishes, and that this air is very neceffary for them. Both thefe dre fhewn by the air-pump÷mos 67 ingud nos silo s Kliput a very brifk tench into a veffel full of water, which was placed under angeceiver; and after having given 5 or 6 furoaks of the pifton, 3 We ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 303 A L we obſerved that this tench was quite covered, with an infinite number of little bubbles of air, which got out from between the fcales; fo that the whole body feemed fet with pearls. There alſo got out a very great number by the gills, much bigger than thofe on the furface of the body. At last fome came out by the mouth, but in lefs quantity. Beginning to pump anew two or three times fucceffively, we obſerved that the fiſh was agitated and tormented in an extraordinary manner, and that it breathed more frequently. After having ſpent a full quarter of an hour in this condition, it grew languid, the whole body and even the gills having no longer any fenfible motion. Then taking the veffel from under the receiver, we threw the fish into common water. where it began to breath and fwim, but faintly, and it was a long time in returning to its natural ftate. H I made the fame experiment on a carp.. I put it into the fame machine, and having pumped the air 3 or 4 times, as we had done from the tench, the fish began at firft to be agitated; the whole furface of the body became pearled, there came out of the mouth and gills an infinite num- ber of very large bubbles of air, and the region of the air-bladder fwelled very mucha gydy Tho' this carp was bigger than the tench, the beating of the gills ceafed fooners When we be- gan to pump again, the gills began to beat again, but only for a little while, and very faintly At laft it continued without any motion); and, the region of the bladder became fo foln and fo ftretched, that the row began to come out at the anus. This dafted about Biofdan hour, when it died, being growthmary flat, Having we penesh, it we found the bladder burb. novig prived 2006 We 304 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the We also found by experiment, that a fish be- ing put into water purged of air, cannot live there long. Befides thefe experiments, which may be made in the air-pump, here are others, which prove alfo that the air, which is mixed in the water, has the principal fhare in the reſpiration of fishes. If you inclofe fome fifhes in a glafs-veffel full of water, they live for fome time, provided the water is renewed: but if you cover the veffel, and ſtop it, fo that the air cannot get in, the fifhes will be ftifled. This proves that the water ferves for their refpiration, only fo far as it has liberty to be impregnated with air. Put feveral fishes into a veffel, which is not entirely filled with water, if you cloſe it, theſe fishes, which before fwam at full liberty, and were brifk, will be agitated, and prefs towards the upper part, to refpire that portion of the wa- ter, which is nearest to the air. We obferve alfo, that when the furface of the ponds is frozen, the fifhes die fooner or later, ac- cording as the pond is of greater or lefs extent and depth; and we obferve, that when the ice is broken any where, the fishes preſent themſelves haftily to breathe this water impregnated with new air. Thefe experiments manifeftly prove the neceffity of air for the refpiration of fifhes. Let us fee now what paffes in the time of this re- ſpiration. The mouth opens, and the lips advance, and thereby the cavity of the mouth is prolonged, the throat fwells, the coverings of the gills, which have the fame motion with the leathers of a pair of bellows, feparating from each other, arch out- wards by their midille only, whilft one of their pieces, which plays upon a fort of knee, keeps the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 305 the apertures of the gills fhut, continually raiſing themſelves a little, without permitting the water to enter; becauſe the little fkin, which edges each covering, clofes the aperture of the gills ex- actly. All this increaſes and inlarges every way the capacity of the mouth, and determines the wa- ter to enter into its cavity, juſt as the air enters by the mouth and noftrils, into the trachea and lungs, by the dilatation of the breaſt. At the fame time the ribs of the gills open, by feparating from each other; their arch is enlarged, the fternum is withdrawn from the palate; and fo every thing confpires to make the water enter the mouth in greater quantity. Thus the infpiration of fiſhes is performed. Afterwards the mouth fhuts; the lips, which before were prolonged, contract them- felves, eſpecially the upper one, which folds like a fan, the lower lip fticks to the upper one by means of a little fkin in form of a crefcent, which falls down like a curtain, and hinders the water from getting out. The cover is flatted upon the aperture of the gills. At the fame time the ribs cloſe againſt one another, their arch is contracted, and the sternum finks upon the palate. All this contributes to comprefs the water which is entered into the mouth. It then prefents itfelf to get out by all the intervals of the ribs, and by thoſe of their lamella, and it paffes like fo many wires; and by this motion the membranous bor- der of the covers is raiſed, and the water being preffed eſcapes by this aperture. Thus the ex- piration is performed in filhes. We here fee, that the water goes in at the mouth, and out at the gills by a fort of circulation, quite contrary to what happens in quadrupeds, in which the air goes VOL. I. No. 8. Q.9 in 306 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the in and out alternately by the fame aperture of the trachea. This is all that concerns the motions of the re- fpiration of fishes. Let us now purfue the courfe of the blood in the gills, and fee what preparation it there receives. The blood, which comes out of the heart of the carp, fpreads itfelf in fuch a manner upon all the lamella, of which the gills are compofed, that a very ſmall quantity of blood preſents it felf to the water under a very great furface; that by this means each of its parts may more eafily and in lefs time be penetrated by the particles of air, which are difengaged from the water, by the extreme divifion that it fuffers between theſe la- mella. It is for this that it was neceffary not only that each lamina fhonld have fo great a number of them, but alſo that all their furfaces fhould be covered with tranfverfe capillary branches of the aorta. We obferve in fome meaſure the fame mecha- nifm in the lungs of other animals; for they are formed of a prodigious number of fmall mem- branous veficles, which fupply the place of la- melle, they are interwoven with an infinite num- ber of ſmall veffels, which make the blood ſpread itſelf in the fubftance of the lungs in fuch a manner, as to prefent itfelf to the air under a very great furface. But the number of thefe veffels in the veficles of the lungs does not come near the number of thofe of the lamelle. It is alfo more difficult to draw air from water, than to breathe pure air, fuch as en- ters into the veficular lungs. If we confider the extraordinary concuffion and livifion, which the parts of air fuffer in the time of expiration, we fhall be apt to believe, that it 1 3 is ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 307 is then that the air enters into the capillary veffels of the gills. It is therefore probable, that the fame thing happens in the lungs of other animals; for as the air muſt have fome force to infinuate itſelf into the veffels, it does not appear that it can enter them in the time of infpiration, that is, when it enters naturally into the lungs. On the contrary, when it is repelled by the expiration, it endeavours to eſcape on all fides; and forcing all the obftacles that it meets, it paffes through the thin and fine membranes, which compofe the veffels, whilft the greateſt part of this air goes out again by the trachea. The difficulty, with which theſe fmall parts of air paſs through the pores of thefe veffels, com- preffes their ſpring; whence it follows, that when they are entered, this fpring muft diſcharge with impetuofity against the particles of the blood, which are then depreffed, agitated, and pounded with violence; which makes them fhock toge- ther every way; and it is by this that they ac- quire a new motion of liquidity and heat. If this is true in the animals that breath air, it muſt be ftill more true in the animals that breath water; becauſe here the air is otherwife compref- fed, than the free air is which they firtt refpire; fo that the great feparation of theſe particles of air fo compreffed, muft in fome meafure fupply the lefs quantity of air, which enters into the veffels of the gills. When we confider that the blood of the veins. of the gills is of a more vermillion red, than that of the aorta, we eafily judge, that it is there charged with fome particles of air. We obſerve in other animals the fame difference between the blood of the pulmonary artery, which is always Q ૧ 2 of 308 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the í 1 of a dark red, and that of the pulmonary vein, which is always of a very bright red. The blood thus impregnated with particles of air, and thereby become truly arterial, enters into the veins of the gills; and theſe veins com- 'ing out of the gutter of the ribs by the extremity, which is towards the bafis of the cranium, take the confiftence of arteries, and diftribute this blood to all the parts. It is afterwards taken up again by the veins which carry it to the heart. It muſt not be forgot, that the artery which proceeds from the heart, has a pulfation, whereas the veffels, which perform the function of the aorta, have none at all, or at leaft none that is fenfible. 1. Becauſe they have no immediate communication with the heart. 2. Becauſe the blood paffes from a fmall tube into a great one, But it muſt alſo be confidered, that the throwing of the blood is not neceffary for the nutrition of the parts, for which it is fufficient that the blood flows with a gentle courfe; as it is al- fo neceffary, that it fhould flow otherwife for its diftribution and circulation, eſpecially in thoſe animals, where it is much flower, which perfpire but little, and can live a long time without any nouriſhment! i It is eafy to judge by all that has been juſt ſaid, that the fituation and conformation of the lungs "and their commerce with the heart, are very dif- ferent in the different fpecies of animals, which was not unknown to Malpighi. 4 In the fetus, there are particular ducts, which have fo near a communication with the ventri- cles of the heart, and the head of the veffels of the lungs, that they make almoſt all the nutri- tious juices of the mother pafs immediately into the aortay which diftributes them to all the reft of ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 309 of the body: whereas, after the birth, all the blood of the veins enters into the right ventricle, which drives it immediately into the lungs; from whence, after it has in a long circuit been im- pregnated with particles of air, it paffes into the left ventricle, which ſpreads it immediately by the aorta into all the parts. کلمه 14 HOWE In tortoifes, frogs, and other animals analo- gous to them, of the blood paffes through the lungs at each circulation, and there receives all the preparations neceffary for the functions of life. This blood, which returns from the lungs, mixes afterwards with that of the veins in the ca- vity of the heart, where this laft being impreg- nated with the active parts of the air, which the firſt received in the lungs, is afterwards diftribu- ted by the aorta to the whole body. In fifhes, all the blood, which comes out of the heart, paffes through the lungs, where being alſo impregnated with the active parts of the air, it afterwards diftributes itſelf through the whole body, and fo far this circulation is conformable to that of man. Fishes however have but one fingle ventricle but this fingular circulation is occafioned by the aorta, performing the office of the pulmonary artery, and by the pulmonary veins becoming arteries and performing the office of the aorta. In infects, the trachea, which ferve them for lungs, are fpread through all the parts, where they are ramified after the manner of the bran- chia in the veficular lungs, fo that whereas in other animals the air borrowed from the branchia is diftributed into all the parts by the arteries, it is here immediately diftributed into the juices which are actually in each part. to avort moin The reafon of fo furpriſing a diſtribution comes from 310 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the from the nature of the liquors contained in the tubes of theſe animals, which, that they may be extremely glutinous and vifcid, and confequently very fit to be connected together, and ftuck to the furface of their veffels, ought to be impregnated, in their whole courſe, with the active parts of air, to facilitate their circulation, and render them fit for nutrition, We fee by this enumeration, that the functions of the lungs have not always a cloſe connection with thoſe of the heart, and that each of theſe parts have very different ufes, with regard to the blood. The heart is only for the motion, which we call circulation. The lungs favour it by the in- troduction of the particles of air, and alfo by the impulſe of the water into the animals in queſtion. But its principal office is to impregnate the blood with air, and thereby to render it capable of car- rying the aliment, life, and heat all over. It is for this reaſon, that we have juft fhewn, 1. That in all animals, except infects, the blood never paffes from the heart into the aorta, without hav- ing paffed through the lungs, even in the fatus, in the manner that we have explained. 2. That in moſt it muſt neceffarily pass thither entire, as in men, quadrupeds, birds, and fishes. 3. Or that it paffes thither in part, as in tortoifes, frogs, &c. And it is neceffary, that at leaſt of the blood ſhould paſs through the lungs of thefe ani- mals, to be vivified as much as their functions re- quire. 3 Laſtly, we have fhewn, that if in infects there are no lungs for the blood to pafs through, it is becauſe the air is neceffarily mixed in all their parts with the nutritious juices; fo that by this mechanifm each part ferves for lungs to itſelf. A STAP. A damian stode to TABL AB LEVE OF THE ttt le annual 1 aludy usb ME PAPERS contained in the ABRIDGMENT of the HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at PARIS, for the Year MDCCII. I. ** In the HISTORY. ... N the effects of the elasticity of the air in gunpowder and thunder. II. On the cause of refraction. III. Of the tarantula, and the cure of its bite by mufick. 1 aj IV. Of a very valuable loadſtone. V. Of a pyramid of falt formed in a cryftalliſa- nales? tion. VI. Of a woman delivered of four children at a birth. wlady gets ling VII. Of the tides on the coast of Bretagne and t 2967 Aura » Normandy. VIII. Of the making of allum, fine u. IX. Microfcopical obfervations on a cheese-mite." X. Of two kittens joined together from the bead to the naveli, + * 2 * ba A XI. On an ancient communication of the Medi terranean with the Red Sea. V r XII. On the manner of cutting moulds for hyper- bolical glaſſes, and for turning all conoids in general. * L at tỏi gnul on zuz XIII. Of the reduction of the motions of animals to the laws of mechanicks X uw ring vy algo milum XIV. 312 A TABLE, &c. XIV. Of the refiftance of hollow and folid cylin- ders. XV. Of machine invented by F. Sebaſtien, In the MEMOIRS. I. Obfervations on the quantity of rain, which fell at the royal obfervatory in 1701, with fome remarks on the thermometer and barometer, by M. de la Hire. II. A difcourfe on fome properties of the air, and the means of knowing the temperature of it, in all the climates of the earth, by M. A- montons. III. A comparison of the ancient itinerary mea- fures with the modern, by M. Caſſini. IV. Reflections on the measure of the earth, re- lated by Snellius, in his book intitled, Era- teſthenes Batavus, by M. Caffini the fon. V. Remarks on the different manner of managing the common oars, aud the turning oars, lately proposed by the Sieur du Guet, by M. Chazelles. VI. An obfervation on a column of light feen at the obfervatory, May 11, 1702, in the morning, by M. de la Hire. VII. Obfervations made by means of the burning- glass, by M. Homberg. VIII. A deſcription of the labyrinth of Candy, : with fome obfervations on the growth and ge neration of ftones, by M. Tournefort. IX. An estimate of the power neceſſary to move boats, both in ftagnant and running waters, either by a rope or by oars, or any other ma- chine, by M. de la Hire. AN AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOVERIES and OB- SERVATIONS, in the HISTORY of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at Paris, for the Year 1702. I. On the effects of the elasticity of the air in gunpowder and thunder, tranflated by Mr. Chambers. HE air, which, till of late, appeared a TH fluid almoſt void of action, is now found one of the moſt violent and univerfal agents in all nature. The force, for inftance, of gunpowder, how furpriſing foever, is only the force of the air. There is air inclofed, or rather crowded and impriſoned, in each grain of the powder; and there is likewife air in all the intervals be- tween the grains, and when the powder takes fire, the fprings of all theſe little portions of air open and unbend themſelves all at once. Thefe fprings are the only caufe of fuch prodigious effects, the powder only ferving to light a fire to put the air in action; after which 'tis the air alone that is to do all. + ? Hence M. de la Hire has ventured to afcribe *! all the phenomena of gunpowder to the proper- ties of elasticity, the principal whereof, or at leaft thoſe of moft importance in his enquiry, are as follow. A fpring, for inſtance, a bended leaf, or la- mella of fteel, tends to unbend itſelf on the two VOL. I. No. 8. Rr op 314 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the AL 2: Re bas oppofite fides with equal violence, it requires as certain refiftance to enable it to exercife its whole force, and it acts fo much the lefs, as the body it acts againſt yields or gives way more eafily. A fpring, in fine, has a greater effect on one fide, when it meets with a refiftance on the oppofite one. On theſe fuppofitions, M. de la Hire firft con- fiders all the ſprings of the air put in action by the fire which lights the powder in the barrel of a gun fome philofophers have imagined, that when lighted fucceffively, its effort is greater in the part where it was firft kindled, by reafon its violence is here augmented by that which kindles afterwards: but this muft be a mistake; for ac- cording to the remark of M. de la Hire, a fpring refting upon another equal fpring, and refifted by it, has all the force it is capable of, nor will receive any addition by any number of other fprings fucceeding each other, either to ſuſtain it, or to fuftain thoſe it bears upon. On the contrary, the force of the firft may perhaps be diminiſhed, while the others are put in motion; and if during this fpace of time, the body againſt which they are to act begins to give way, their action of con- fequence will be fo much the weaker. 'Tis better therefore that the fprings all unbend together, even though one would only have them act in the place where the powder firft begins to take fire 'tis evident befides, that if the powder kindle all at once, a greater heat will arife, and confequently the ſprings be put in a greater ten- fion; and that as they will hereby fuftain each other at the fame time, they will be capable of the greater effort towards every fide, all we have to be apprehenfive of is the cannon's burfting, by a too hafty and fudden inflamation of the whole powder; ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 315 powder; on which account it has been found pro- per to have it a little diminished. de The cannon being fuppofed thick enough to refift all the impulfe.directed from the axis of the barrel towards its circumference, there only re- mains that which is in the direction of the breech and mouth, the fprings drive equally in thofe two contrary ways, and hence it happens, that the cannon rebounds or flies backwards, while the ball iffues the other way. · 量 ​T The force therefore, which caufes the rebound, is the fame as that which caufes the motion of the ball, whence then does it proceed, that the motion of the ball is of fo great an extent, and that of the rebound fo little? The reafon is, that the cannon finds much more oppofition to its moving backwards, than the ball to its moving forwards; and as the two effects arife from an equal power, the way paffed over by the ball, is fo much greater, than that paffed by the cannon, as the difficulty of its moving backwards furpaffes that of the ball's moving forwards. } Hence there muſt be a great refiftance made to the rebound of the cannon. This reſiſtance we ſeem to have from the friction of fo heavy a ma- chine, as a cannon with its carriage against the ground; but this is not all, for the refiftance of a motion is ſo much the greater, as this motion is quicker; and when its quickneſs is fuch, as that the refifting power has no time to give way in this cafe, a body very weak of itſelf may do the office of any movable obftacle. Thus it is, that the air and water, when ftruck fo haftily, and with fuch nimblenefs, that they have not time to recede, become fixed points; one of them for the flight of birds, and the other for the action of oars; ſo a ſtaff fufpended at the two ends, by Rr J < ✓ flor w ( two 316 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 Canto 7 two flender threads, may be ftrnck in the middle with fo quick a motion, as to break it in two without injuring the threads it was fuftained by; for the fibres of fuch threads require a certain time to be lengthened and extended, fo as to feparate, which time is not here allowed them; befides, that the air not having been able to efcape quick enough from behind the ftaff, fuftained it as it were, and thus expofed it to receive the whole im- preffion of the ftroke, the extreme velocity there- fore, or as I would rather call it, the extreme fuddennefs of the motion, which the powder gives the cannon, muft augment the refiftance made to its rebounding, either by the ground, or even by the air, if a cannon were fufpended, experience fhews us, that the rebound would be very great. A rocket, whofe conftruction I here fuppofe known, is only a little light cannon, which by the impulfe of the lighted matter it contains, re- bounds upwards in the direction of its breech, and this with the fame velocity, as that where- with the combuflible matter ftreams out at its mouth, which looks downwards in effect; this rebound is the rife of the rocket. When the rocket is charged with all its matter, if its centre of gravity were above the centre of its figure, with regard to the clofe end, which is what goes foremoft, it would follow from fome reafons, laid down in the hiftory of 1700*, that as foon as the rocket began to rife, it would defcribe a femicircle in the air, till it became upfide down, and after this would fall back again, by reafon the clofe end which makes the rebound, would be turned towards the earth; now it being impoffible in the practice to deter- mine the precife place of the centre of gravity and Pag. 191. of this abridgment. · its ROVAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 317 ? chussult jobrol of MORDIY 102970n 77 ex- its poſition, with regard to its centre of magni- tude, recourſe is had to a fhorter and eafier ex pedient, a ftick is tied to one end of the rocket, whoſe weight is fuch, as that the centre of gra- vity of the rocket and ftick taken together, falls a little below the aperture of the rocket; if this centre be below that aperture when the rocket is intire, it will be more below it ftill when it rifes, fince it is continually difcharging its combustible matters, and thus becomes lighterand lighter. This centre therefore is always defcending in proportion as the rocket rifes, and thus makes it preferve a direct motion. K. ud bas M. de la Hire confeffes to the glory of that vague and inaccurate experience, which produced the arts, that he believes the moft fubtil fpecula- tion cannot add any thing to the conftruction of rockets; only he obferves, that the ftick being faſtened to one of the fides, the centre of gravity of the whole cannot be in the axis of the rocket, and confequently that it can never rife quite ver- tically; but that in order to give it this direction, it would be better to faften two flicks to the two fides, both of them only weighing the fame as one ſhould have done.' 'Tis eafy to apply the principles which obtain in cannons and rockets to petards. To augment the effect of a petard against a gate or wall, it is faſtened to, M. de la Hire propofes, that it be rendered perfectly firm and immovable on the oppofite fide; this will prevent its rebounding, and redouble its violence on that fide it is to act on.. 1 Thunder itſelf is only a kind of lighted gun- powder, and men may without prefumption boaft they have imitated it. 'Tis a mixture of fulphur and ſalt petre, or other matters, near a- kin to them, and the air dilated, and its fprings put 318 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 } put in action by the inflammation thereof, pro- u ces the principal phenomena of thunder. ' If this air, when it dilates and unbends, meet with nothing to refift it, we find lightening pro- duced, but hear no noiſe; if it meet with clouds, which oppofe its motion, there arifes a friction or collifion of the air, which occafions the noiſe, and this noife is fo much the greater, as thefe clouds being formed of little particles of ice, are lefs difpofed to receive motion from an inflamed air, when the fire produced by thunder moves with fo much violence, as to compreſs and ftrain the fprings of the grofs air around it, this air be- comes capable hereby of refifting and driving it back again, which happening feveral times to- gether, makes the lightning appear like waving darts of fire. The air neareſt the earth being the groffeft, muſt make the moft refiftance to the motion of thunder,that is,muft tend moft to make it reafcend; and hence the flame must be frequently repelled towards the place it arofe from, and thus fpend itſelf without effect. We fometimes find water fpout through the adjutage of a fountain, three or four times higher than the height of the refervoir can occafion, tho it quickly returns again to the regular height; if it be enquired how it came to exceed it, M. de la Hire attributes it to the air incloſed in the pipe, which having been compreffed by the water con- tinually defcending, unbended itſelf againſt that which was afcending, and gave it this momen- tary velocity; fo he alfo imagines, that the vio- lence of thunder may fometimes be increaſed by the air, which after a ftrong compreffion, occa- fioned by the fire of the thunder, itfelf refumes its natural extenfion: were one to purfue all the effects ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 319 SOUTH effects of the air, it would be found, as it were, the only foul of the world, if by world we mean that which we inhabit, and which furrounds us neareſt. II. On the cauſe of refraction, tranflated by Mr. Chambers. The difpute about refraction between Meff. Defcartes and Fermat is famous; they had each of them their way of demonftrating, that an oblique ray paffing out of air into water, muſt be refracted towards the perpendicular. But in Def cartes's demonftration, it was fuppofed, that the rays penetrate water more eaſily than air. Where- as it followed from that of Fermat, that the rays penetrate air more eafily than water; this was the chief point in difpute between thoſe two great men, and it afterwards divided the otherphi- lofophers. ; M. Carré has efpoufed Defcartes's fide, affert- ing, that the air makes more oppofition to the paffage of light than water does, notwithſtand- ing that it receives a much greater quantity thereof, and reflects it lefs; for thoſe two things may be eaſily ſeparated. According to this author, air is the only body penetrable by light, all other bodies are folid with refpect thereto, and reflect it; and when light paffes through water, or glafs, it only paffes through the air contained in their pores, the proper particles of the glafs or water reflecting it back again; and hence that multi- tude of reflections in tranfparent bodies, the par- ticles of that fpacious fluid, which we properly call air, have a liberty of moving beyond all compariſon greater than thofe of air inclofed and imprifoned in water or glafs, now the extreme mobi- 320 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the mobility of the particles of free or open air, and their continual agitation every way, proves a great impediment to the motion of a ray of light, diſturbing, interrupting, and confequently weak- ning and diminiſhing its velocity; whereas the air incloſed in tranfparent bodies, being lefs mova- ble, proves leís detrimental to the motion of the rays; and hence it follows, that of all bodies pe- netrable by light, free air is the most difficultly penetrable, and that all other give it the eafier paffage, as they contain lefs air and are more denſe. • Accordingly glafs, which contains lefs air than water, is more favourable to the paffage of light, and refracts it more; fo boiling water, which has emitted a great quantity of air, occafions a greater refraction than cold water, and the re- fraction of oil is but little different from that of glaſs, by reaſon it only contains little air, as we find by putting it in vacuo; 'tis true fpirit of wine in thoſe circumftances bubbles extremely, and confequently feems to contain a deal of air, yet its refraction is equal to that of oil; but this ebullition is of no continuance, and the air which arifes from it all at once is but fmall in quantity. To eſtabliſh this fyftem of M. Carré, a greater number of experiments fhould be made upon the magnitude of refraction, in refpect of the weight and the quantity of air contained in fluids, and the denſity of folid bodies which are tranfparent. In the mean time it is fome prejudice in behalf of this opinion, that a mufket-ball fhot off lightly upon the water, feems to be refracted from the perpendicular; now 'tis certain, that water being more difficult to divide, makes more refiftance to the motion of the ball than air does; if it like- wife made more refiftances to the motion of a ray, I ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 321 ray, this too would be refracted from the per- pendicular, whereas it is really refracted towards it. J III. Of the tarantula, and the cure of its bite by mufick, tranflated by Mr. Chambers. M. Geoffroy, being returned from a journey to Italy, has fhewn the academy fome dead taran- tulas he brought with him. The tarantula is a large fpider, with eight eyes and as many legs; but what is moft fingular in it, are two horns or trunks, which it is continually moving, efpeci- ally when in fearch of food; whence M. Geof- froy conjectures them to be movable noſtrils. The tarantula is not only found about Taren- tum, from whence its name is taken, and through- out Apulea, but alfo in feveral other parts of Italy, and in the iſland of Corfica; only thofe of Apulea are the moſt dangerous, tho' none are much fo but thofe on the plains, where the air is confiderably hotter than on the mountains; and ſome even affert, that the animal is never ve- nemous, except in coupling time. Soon after a perfon has been bitten by a ta- rantula, there enfues a very acute pain in the part, and fome hours after a numbnefs; then he falls into a profound fadneſs, refpiration grows difficult, the pulfe weakens, the fight becomes dim, and the eyes look wild; at length all fenfe and motion are loft, and the patient dies unleſs he be relieved. 嗤 ​All the help phyfick affords confifts in a few operations on the wound, with the ufe of cor- dials and fudorifficks; but another much furer and more efficacious remedy, which reafoning and art would never have attained to, as being accidentally difcovered, viz. mufick:: VOL. I. N°.9. Sf 1 When *. 322 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the When the perſon bitten is left without ſenſe and motion, a muſician tries different tunes, till he meets with that whofe notes and modulation fuit the patient; upon which a flight motion or tremor appears in his body, then his fingers be- gin to move in cadence, then his arms, legs, and by degrees his whole body, till at laſt he rifes on his feet, and falls a dancing, in which he con- tinues, ftill increafing both in activity and ftrength. Some will even dance fix hours together without refting; after this the perfon is put to bed, and when he is judged fufficiently recovered from his firſt dance, they draw him out of bed by the fame tune for a new dance. This exercife holds feveral days, fix or ſeven at moſt, till fuch time as the patient finds himſelf fatigued, and unable to dance any longer, which is the indication 'of his cure; for fo long as the poifon acts on him, he would dance if they would let him, without any diſcontinuance, till his ftrength being utterly exhauſted, he ſhould die on the ſpot. When the patient begins to find himſelf a weary, he comes a little to his fenfes, and recovers as from a pro- found fleep, without remembering any thing of what paft during his accefs, not even his dancing. The patient thus recovered from his first acceſs, is ſometimes intirely cured; if he be not, there remains a black melancholly and alienation of mind upon him; he fhuns the fight of man, and feeks for water; and if he be not carefully watched, throws himfelf into the firft river that falls in his way. To the other fymptoms of this difeafe muſt be added an averfion for black and blue; and on the contrary, an affection for white, red, and green. If ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 323 If the perfon do not die, the fit returns at the year's end, much about the time when he was bitten; fo that he muft go to dancing again; fome have had thefe periodical returns for 20 or 30 years running. Each patient has his peculiar and fpecifick tune; but all the airs or tunes in general are of very briſk meaſure. Thus much is attefted by perfons of the utmoſt veracity; and was alfo confirmed to the academy, not only by what informations M. Geoffroy could procure in Italy, but alfo by the letters of a Jefuit of Toulon to F. Gouye, who related, that he had feen an Italian foldier bitten by a tarantula danced feveral days together. To facts fo very extraordinary, 'tis no won- der if a few fables be added; fuch, for inſtance, as this, that the patient is only affected fo long as the tarantula that bit him is alive; and that the tarantula itſelf dances to the fame tune. 'Tis not unreaſonable to ſuppoſe with M. Geof- froy, that the poifon of the tarantula may occa- fion an extraordinary tenfion of the nerves, much greater than is fuited to their reſpective functions, and hence the lofs of memory and motion; but at the fame time, this tenfion being equal to that of fome ftrings of an inftrument, puts the nerves in motion to a certain tone, and obliges them to vibrate when ftruck by the un- dulations peculiar to that tone; and hence the cure by mufick; for motion being thus reftored to the nerves, by a proper mode, the fpirits are recalled, which before had almoft intirely aban- doned them. It may perhaps be added, with fome proba- bility, and pretty much on the fame principles, if the patient's averfion for certain colours arifes Sf2 324 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the from this, that the tenfion of his nerves, even out of the accefs, being ftill different from its natural ſtate, the vibrations thofe colours occafion in the fibres of the brain, are too contrary to their difpofition, and make a kind of diffonance therein, which is pain. * IV. Of a very valuable loadftone. M. Carré read a letter written from Holland, wherein mention was made of a loadftone, which weighs 11 ounces, and lifts 28 pounds of iron, that is above 40 times its own weight. They afk 5000 livres for it. V. Of a pyramid of falt formed in a cryf tallifation. M. Homberg fhewed a little pyramid of falt, which had formed itſelf in a cryftalliſation. It was not very high in proportion to its bafe; it was hollow within, and in forming itfelf, had its baſe turned upwards. M. Homberg explained the fact thus. At first, there was formed on the furface of the falted water a little cube of falt, which is the figure naturally affected by falt. This cube, tho' heavier than the falted water, did not fink, any more than a needle would do, if laid on gently, and for the fame reafon; for when a needle is thus laid on the water, there is a little. hollow formed about it, filled only with air, where it is, as it were, in a little boat, becauſe the bulk of the little hollow, and of the needle together, is lighter than a like bulk of water. There was formed a like hollow about the cube of falt, which plunged a little in the water without fink- ing fo that its upper furface being not fo high as ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 325 as that of the water, it continued dry. Along the four fides of this dry furface, other cubes of falt were cryftalliſed, which began by forming a lit- tle hollow fquare, of which the firſt cube formed the baſe. All theſe little cubes together, being heavier than the first fingle one, and being en- compaffed with lefs air in proportion, becauſe they joined the firſt by their inner fides, plunged a little more in the water, that is, to the upper furface of the little cubes which touched the firft. About thefe, other cubes were cryftallifed, which plunged ftill deeper in the water. This conti- nuing for fome time, as the hollow fquare grew bigger, fo it plunged more and more, and formed the inverted pyramid, which growing at laſt too heavy, precipitated itſelf down to the bottom of the water, where it left increafing. A VI. Of a woman delivered of four children at a birth. M. Lemery has related, that on the 19th of June, a young woman of Lyons, aged 23, at her firſt lying in, at the end of 7 months, was de- livered of 3 boys and girl, all of them 14 in- ches and fix lines in length, and they lived long enough to be baptifed. VII. Of the tides on the coast of Bretagne and Normandy. M. Carré had a queftion fent him from Bre- tagne, why on the N. coaft of that province the tides continually increaſe from Breft to St. Malo, where they are fo high at the new and full moons, as to rife 60 and 80 feet; and why from St. Malo they 326 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the they continually diminiſh along the coafts of Nor- mandy? 1 M. Carré anſwered this queſtion by the figure only of the coafts and ftraits. The tide, which from the great extent of the Atlantic ocean, ſpreads itſelf on the N. coaft of Bretagne, meets at the fame time the outlet of la Manche, which is a much narrower fpace than that from which it comes. It muft fwell therefore at the entrance of this channel, and take in height what the channel wants in breadth, to contain the water that it brings. The channel is afterwards more con- tracted, and confequently the water rifes ftill more. The town of St. Malo is ſituated in a fort of returning angle, formed by the coaft of Bre- tagne and Normandy, the tide is obliged to take the fame direction with the N. coaft of Bretagne, that is, a S. W. direction; having this courfe, it goes directly againſt the English coaſt of Corn- wall; whence it is ftrongly beat back exactly to the corner where St. Malo is. There the waters. being retained, and in a manner fhut up, muft neceffarily rife. But beyond St. Malo the tide muft find more liberty in its courfe along the coafts of Normandy. VIII. Of the making of allum. M. Geoffroy informed himſelf exactly in Italy of the manner of making roch allum at Civita Vecchia. There are near that city fome quarries of a greyish or reddiſh ſtone, pretty hard, and like the Travertin. They calcine it in ovens, and then diffolve the lime in water over a great fire, the water gets all the falt out of it, and this falt is allum'; there feparates an uſeleſs earth from it, and at laft they leave this water to reft im- pregnated ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 327 pregnated with a falt, which for fome days cryf- tallifes of itſelf, as tartar does about the cafks, and makes what is called roch allum. This is only a general account of the operation; but M. Geoffroy relates all the particulars. Allum is made alfo at Solfatara near Puzzoli, in the kingdom of Naples. Solfatara was for- merly a burning mountain, of which there now remains nothing but ruins, and a crown or cinc- ture of white, yellowish, dry, half burnt and calcined rocks, from which there comes out a very thick fmoak in ſeveral places. The tradition of the country is, that the earth between thefe rocks, which made the top of the mountain, funk down to a certain height. They go up over burning rocks to go down again into a little low plain, which muſt have been the top. It is almoft oval, 1246 feet long in its greateft extent, and 1000 feet broad. The foil of this plain is a yellow and white fubftance, very falt, and fo hot in fome places, that one cannot hold ones hand long upon it. In fummer, there arifes on the furface of this earth a falt flower or duft, which they need only ſweep, and fhove into fome pits of water, which are at the bottom of the plain; after which, to evaporate this water, being well loaded with falt and purified from the earth, there needs no other fire than that which burns under the mountain; the water is put into cauldrons funk into the ground, without any other trouble. This allum is not fo much efteemed as that of Civita Vecchia. They make fulphur alfo at Solfatara, and thence the place has obtained its name. M. Geoffroy, to render his hiſtory of allum more complete, has added the manner of making it in England, in Yorkshire and Lancashire, and alfo in Sweden. It 328 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the € It appears by all the preparations of allum, that the fame mine which affords it, does alfo, or may at leaſt afford fulphur, nitre, and vitriol. Perhaps theſe different minerals are at the bottom only one principle, difguifed under theſe four falts, according as it has been mixed by nature with certain fubftances, or according as it has been managed by men. M. Geoffroy thinks, that the English and Swedish allums may partake more of vitriol, and the Italian of ſea falt, which may cauſe a variation in fome nice operations, or change the effect of fome medicines, which re- quire a great exactnefs. IX. Microfcopical obfervations on a cheeſe- lvos pal f } mite. M. Sauveur imparted to the company a fact that M. Farger had writ to him from Breft. M. Mollard, chief engineer, had fhut up in a little common microſcope, a cheeſe-mite to ſee what would become of it. This worm lived above feven months without taking any nouriſhment, unleſs the little air, which was in the microſcope, fupplied it with any. It always moved. fenfibly, chiefly when it was expofed to the fun; then it turned and agitated itſelf a hundred different ways. At laft it died, and from day to day, from white, it became redo This little carcafs dried like a chrysalis of filk worm, and at the end of 12 days, there came out of it a fly as big as the worm. It was not at all made like the common Alies, butallinle longer, cand. of the figure of thofe which we forbetimes fee about neceffary houſes. It neverytda any nouriſhment, unless it was that of the abryfalis which it came out of. It died at 3 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 329 at the end of ten days, and afterward dried and wafted. X. Of two kittens joined together from the head to the navel. M. Mery fhewed to the company two kittens, which were united in the belly of their mother They were joined from the head to the navel, and made in all this extent but one fingle body; but in all the reft, they were two very diftinct, and well feparated. We fhall not enter into a more parti- cular detail of this monſter; it is eaſy to imagine in general, that two ova, or if they are not admitted to be ova, two little fætus's in their firſt formation, finding themſelves of equal ftrength, and alfo meeting too near in the uterus, may faften and ftick together, after which the liquors that ought to nouriſh and ſtrengthen them, being become common to them, they intirely quit, in one or other, certain courfes in which they would flow with difficulty, which abfolutely makes certain parts in one of the fetus's periſh, and renders them fingle for both, while thefe liquors flowing in the other parts of the two fetus's with equal eafe, keeps them always double. The meeting of the 2 fætus's is only chance, and from certain directions of the veſſel more or leſs favourable to the courſe of the liquors, which makes them quit certain ways, and always follow others; and as this chance is fufceptible of an infinity of diffe- rent combinations, the double monsters are infi- nite. M. Mery's two kittens are in another reſpect more worthy of the attention and furprize of philofophers. They had but one oefophagus and one trachea; but theſe two canals were joined in VOL. I. N°. 9. T: fuch 330 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 907 J Not nopu J00 ſuch a manner, that they made but one, and this fingle canal had no communication but with the ſtomach, and no ways with the lungs, and confe- quently was only one fimple oefophagus. The monſter could not therefore take in any air; and yet it lived about an hour after being out of the mother's belly. M Hardw dbirlw dono JiiИ adi XI. On an ancient communication of the Me- diterranean with the Red-fea. M. le Comte de Pontchartrain, making uſe of his authority to affift the progreſs of the fciences, had fent into Egypt fome memoirs made by M. Delifle, which pointed out what was to be wifhed, in order to rectify the map of that country. Theſe memoirs were accompanied with very ftrong re- commendations to the confuls and vice-confuls. It was in the execution of thefe orders of M. de Pontchartrain, that M. Boutier travelled over the whole Delta, and fent to that minifter a map of it, with a little account which explained it. M. Delifle, to whom M. le Comte de Pontchartrain had done the honour to fend the whole, fpake of it to the academy. The modern Egypt is but little known, altho' fufficiently near and frequented; and we may reckon, that it is the fame with all countries, where the inhabitants are in ignorance, and where learned ftrangers feldom travel, at leaft to make obfervations. Altho' M. Boutier has not tra- velled over the Lower Egypt, fo much as it would be neceffary, he has neverthelefs, in M. Delife's account, confiderably reftored the map, which was very much disfigured. He begins with con- fidering the Delta of the ancients, thofe mouths which they have afcribed to the Nile, the greateſt 7 god part ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 331 part of which had been loft by the ignorance of the modern geographers, a great number of towns, whoſe names are not yet much altered; for example, Samanout, or according to the Coptes, Sebennetu, which is the ancient Sebennitus, Ab- boutfier, or Butfir, which is Bufiris, &c. But what is moſt remarkable in this map, is an ex- tremity of a canal, which goes out of the moft eaftern arm of the Nile, and which M. Delifle judges to have been a part of that which formerly made the communication of the Nile and the Mediterranean with the Red-fea. A As this ancient communication, which M. De- lifle eſtabliſhed for an indubitable fact, is unknown at this time, even by many of the learned, we were glad to fee the proofs which he had of it ; he gave them fo plainly, and took the greateſt part of them in places fo well known, that all the difficulty that remains is, to know how they have eſcaped the obfervation of every body. Herodotus, in his fecond book, fays, there was in the plain of Egypt, a canal drawn from the Nile, a little above the town of Bubafte, and below a mountain, which went on the fide of Memphis, that this canal was extended very far from Weft to Eaft, that afterwards it turned to the South, and flowed into the Red-fea; that Nechus, fon of Pfammiticus, was the firft that undertook this work, where 120,000 men had perifhed, that they had quitted it upon the an- fwer of an oracle; but that Darius, fon of Hyf- tafpes, had finiſhed it; that it was four days na- vigation and that two gallies might paſs abreaft in it. Diodorus fpeaks of it in the firft book of his Bibliotheca, and agrees with Herodotus, except in this, that he makes the canal to be left unfi Tţ 2 nished 332 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the i nished by Darius, to whom very bad engineers had reprefented, that the Red-fea, being higher than Egypt, would overflow it; and in this, that he does not make the work to be finiſhed but by Ptolomeus Philadelphus. He adds, that this canal had been called the river of Ptolomy, that this prince had caufed a town to be built at its outlet into the Red-fea, which he had named Ar- finoe, from one of his fifters that he loved, and that the canal might be opened or fhut, according as it was neceffary for navigation. * Strabo, lib. 17. of his geography, agrees with Diodorus, in every thing, it only remains to reconcile Herodotus, who makes the work to be finiſhed by Darius, with Strabo and Dio- dorus, who give that honour only to Ptolomy; but there might happen to a work of this nature, as foon as it was finished, an infinite number of inconveniencies, which rendered it ufelefs, till a new work was made. } At the point of the gulf, which they have called the Red-fea, were two cities, Hernopolis and Arfinoe, which, according to Strabo, was alfo named by fome Cleopatris. Befides Strabo, ſpeaking of the expedition made into Arabia by Alius Gallus, the firft Roman governour of Egypt, fays, that Gallus caufed veffels to be built at Cleopatris, near an ancient canal derived from the Nile. In another place, he fays alfo, that Heroopolis was upon the Ne, and at the extre- mity of the Red-fed.u After this, we may pals over fome other autho- tities, which were alfo related by M, Delifle. E- very body knows the defign that, fome princes had of making this communication; every body knows, that it was croffed by the chimerical fear of the inundation of the Red-fea; and as if the greateſt ROYAL ACADEMY of Sarences. 333 greatest part of readers had been ftruck with the fame fear, they have not feen bin authors the in- tire execution of the canal.o binow Aque and 3 M. Delifle has carried his inquiries even to the Arabian authors Elmacin, lib.. capuge fays, that under the Caliph Omar, toward the year 635 of the chriftianæra, Amr cauſed a canal to be made to tranfport the corn from Egypt into Arabia; probablys he only renewed the old one, the navigation of which might cally have been neglected in the decline of the Roman empire. But in the year 150 of the Hegira, which agrees with the year 775 of Chrift, Abugiafar Alman- zor, 2d caliph of the Abboffides, cauſed this canal to be ſtopped on the fide of the feat If ever this union ſhould be renewed, the world would change its face; China and France, for example, would become neighbours, and our poſterity would la- ment the fate of the barbarous ages, when the Europeans were obliged to go round Africa to get into Afia 30 m2 M ! XII. Of the manner of cutting moulds for hyperbolical glaffes, and for turning all conoids in general $ The rays coming from a diftant point, as the centre of the fun, and for this reafon thought to be parallel, having paffed through a glafs, which is a portion of a ſphere, do not retinite at all in a fingle point. Their foci have fo much more ex- tent as the glaffes are portions of greater fpheres, and as they are greater portions of them." It would not be the fame with glaffes, that ſhould be portions of folids, either conoid, ellip- tical or hyperbolical, provided nevertheless that the ellipfes or hyperbolas, of which thefe folids !! fhould 334 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fhould be formed, had a certain condition, that is, that the ratio of the great axis of the ellipfis to the diſtance of its foci, or the ratio of the dif tance of the two foci of the hyperbola to its deter- mined diameter, was the fame, with the conftant ratio of the fine of incidence of a ray upon the furface of the glafs, to its fine of refraction in the glafs. Then the rays of a diftant point, which had paffed through the elliptical or hyperbolical glafs, would gather together in a fingle point, which would be one of the foci of the ellipfis, or of the hyperbola. * 11 2002 A 4 Է This confiderable advantage of reuniting into a fingle point the rays from a fingle point, has made M. Descartes prefer the elliptes and hyper- bolas to circles, and other particular reafons have made him prefer the hyperbolas to the ellipfes. He had even given the defign of a machine for fhaping glaffes into hyperbolas; but it did not appear convenient for practice, and we have con- tented ourſelves with fpherical glaffes, of which we only take fuch a portion as reunites more rays in the fame ſpace than any other portion, and re- unites them in a ſpace fo fmall, as not to be fen- fibly more than one point. It is partly for this realon, that in the uſe of the great teleſcopes, we do not leave the furface of the object-glafs en- tirely uncovered; we had rather receive fewer rays from the fame point, and have them more exactly reunited In the hyperbolical figure, a greater furface will not reunite the rays lefs exact into a ſingle point, than a lefs furface, and confe- quently we fhall have at the fame time a perfect reunion, and as great a light as we pleaſe. $ But it is well to obferve, that the hyperbola would reunite in one point, only the rays from the fingle point of the object, which would be in its ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 335 its axis, and that all the rays from all the other points of the fame object, would be ſo much leſs exactly reunited, as theſe points would be diſtant from the axis.On the contrary, circles which do not reunite exactly into a point the rays which come from any point of the object, reunite into an equal extent, and exactly in the fame manner the rays which come from all the different points. of the object, and confequently the image of the object formed by the hyperbola, will be moſt lively and moſt perfect in the middle point; but in the other points it will be fo confufed, that it will not perhaps be any more an image, whereas thoſe which are formed by the circles, lefs lively and lefs perfect in the middle, are at leaſt equal in all their parts. Thus the fpherical glaffes are probably beſt for fight, but the hyperbolical ones would have the advantage in burning; for one fingle point is fufficient for this effect. However, as M. Defcartes was defirous to ap- ply hyperbolical glaffes to teleſcopes, and as the hyperbola has at leaft the advantage in burning, M. Parent was not willing to leave the proper- ties of this figure ufelefs, and thought of a way of bringing them into practice. In the first place, there muſt be hyperbolical moulds, fome convex and other concave, against which the pieces of glafs must be ground, which will take one of theſe figures.. But firſt, it is not eafy to fhape thefe moulds into hyperbolas at one fingle ftroke; for if this figure is given them only by trying, and placing one point after another, we fhould make a work not very ex- act, but uneven and irregularly curved. 2. As we are accuſtomed to hyperbolas, of which the de- termined diameter has to the diſtance of the foci, the ratio of the fines of refraction to thoſe of in- cidence, 336 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the cidence, the moulds must be made fo, that the conftruction may preferve this proportion with extreme exactneſs. 3. We muſt take care, that the figure of the moulds do not alter by the fame motion, and by the friction, which we ufe to grind the glaffes, which fhall be applied to them. M. Parent has fhewn what method he took to overcome theſe difficulties, he has alſo done more than his defign obliged him to do, he has found a practice for turning upon the cominon turn, and without a model, all forts of conoids, that is of folids, formed by the revolution of fome conic fection about an axis, which embraces the hyper- bolical mould as a fort of fpecies. But without taking the round of the general method, that which is for the hyperbolical moulds in particular is reduced to holding against the furface of the mould a folid rule, which makes with the axis an angle of which the tangent is to the whole fine, as the great axis of the hyperbola fought is to the fmall ones. XIII. Of the reduction of the motions of ani- mals, to the laws of mechanicks, tranflated by Mr. Chambers. The fame laws reign every where. The works of nature turn on the fame principles as thofe of art; and when I barely lift up my arm, there is a power raiſing a weight by means of a lever. This mechanifm, tho' concealed from the eyes, and rendered ſtill more infenfible by the facility of natural motions, is not the lefs real. When my arm, or rather that part thereof between the el- bow and the wrift, having before been pendant, comes to be raiſed on high, it moves circularly about the elbow, or rather about a point to be 2 conceived ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 337 conceived in the centre of the articulation of the upper jomt of the arm with the lower. This motion is effected by means of a muſcle arifing out of the former, inferted into the latter; which fwelling, and confequently fhortning, raifes up the arm, and thus overcomes not only the weight of the arm, but that of the hand likewife; which we compute at 616.0 ? If the arm and hand were a mere right line, they would only make a lever, whofe fixed point might be fuppofed in the centre of the elbow: but as they have a fenfible bulk or thickneſs, they are at the fame time a weight to be fuftained. On this fuppofition, if their weight or thick- nefs be every where equal, their centre of gra- vity will be in the middle of their bulk, that is about 8 inches diftance from the elbow: fo that here we are to confider a weight of 6 pounds, fufpended at 8 inches diftance from the fixed point. If the muſcle that acts be fixed to the arm an inch below the elbow, and pull perpendicularly upwards, while the weight draws perpendicularly downwards, the power is only one inch diftant from the fixed point, while the weight is diftant 8 inches. And as this weight is 646. the power muſt be 48 lb. to fuftain it, and more to raile it. But the power does not pull perpendicularly. The muſcle is fixed very obliquely to the arm, and confequently retains the fame obliquity of direction. when vit ads and as the diftance of a power from the fixed point is meaſured, by a per- pendicular, drawn from the fixed point to the di rection of the power;pand this perpendicularis: ſo much ſhortor, as the direction is more, obo lique; the ftrength of the mufele will be required confiderably to exceed 48 lb. If the perpendicu- VOL. I. No. 9. 9.9. U u lar, • 338 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the lar, drawn from the fixed point to the direction, be only equal to the diſtance from the infertion, that is, be only an inch, the force muſt be 96 lb. Who would imagine, that in only lifting up the arm, we employ a force of 96 lb. What furprizes moft is, that nature, notwith- ſtanding her ufual oeconomy, which never fails to take all poffible advantages, fhould here, contrary to the rules of mechanicks, place the power be- tween the fixed point and the weight; and thus make it draw obliquely: which gives it the ut- moſt diſadvantages, and obliges it to be incom- parably greater than the weight. -Which fame fuppofition being that moft ufually in muſcles would almoſt feem at firft fight, that the fove- reign wiſdom had here forgot itſelf. But let it be confidered, that a fmall power applied advantageouſly to a lever to raiſe a great weight, muft have a great velocity, and pafs over a deal of ſpace, while the weight only raiſed. a little and flowly. On the contrary, a great power applied to its lever difadvantageously, and having only a fmall weight to fuftain, travels over a fmall ſpace, while the weight travels a deal. If now a large bell, for inftance, be to be raiſed to the top of a fteeple, 'tis enough gene- rally it be raiſed thither, nor matters it much in what time. And as any powers we have to uſe are ſmall and inconfiderable, compared to the large- nefs of the weight, 'tis a fine advantage to have the bell riſe fome 20 or 30 fathom in a day, while e. g. the men who raiſe it travel perhaps fome leagues. But if my hand, confiderered as a weight, be to move for fonie office ufeful or neceffary for the prefervation of life; the great buſineſs uſually is to have it move quickly not to fpare ftrength; which confifting in the contraction of a muſcle, and ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 339 and the quantity of fpirits that fwell it, is always greater than needs for the ordinary motions. 'Tis true, nature might have given the fame velocity to the weight, by having the mufcle faf- tened at the fame diſtance from the fixed point; and yet have faved fomething in the ftrength of the muſcle, by giving it a perpendicular direc- tion. But 'tis clear, that in this direction, it would have required a deal more room, than when couched or laid, as it now is, along the bone it is to pull. Now an animal being an aſſemblage of an infinite number of different machines, the faving of room is a very material confideration. Befides, the ſtrength of a mufcle depends on the quantity of fpirits, whereby it is put in con- traction, ſo that the advantageous direction of a muſcle, could in reality have only ferved to fave fomething in the quantity of fpirits. Now a great quantity of this juice was indifpenfibly ne- ceffary on other accounts, particularly for the offices of fenfation; fo that the excefs of ftrength is provided for without any particular expence. From the whole, it appears, that tho' the me- chaniſm of animal motion departs fomewhat from the common mechanicks, in reſpect of the poſi- tion of the moving power, yet it is finally redu. cible to the fame laws: and the ftrength of a mufcle may be exactly computed, provided we know the weight it is able to fuftain, the fixed point on which it moves, and the divifion where- in it acts. gol al Now the weight a mufcle fuftains is either the mere weight of the part it draws, eg that weight with fome foreign load fuperadded thereto. Thus by the weight fuftained by, the mufcle, which bends the arm, we either mean the natural weight of the hand, and the first joint of the # Uu2 arm; 340 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the arm; or befide this weight, the greateſt foreign weight which can be bore in that action. And take which way you will, 'tis experiment only, tho' an experiment eafy made, that muft deter mine what this weight is. } But there is fome difficulty in finding the fixed points, and directions. The mechaniſm of theſe motions is fo complicated, that the application of rules thereto become very precarious, or at leaft difficult; the intelligence which directed thefe works, not having confined itſelf to thofe fimple cafes, which we are accuſtomed to. The celebrated Borelli was the firſt that engaged in enquiries of this kind, in his treatife De Mo- tibus Animalium; a work truly laudible, both for the merit of being the firft, and for the many curious truths difcovered therein. Yet M. Pa- rent hath ventured to charge it with want of exact- nefs in certain points, and even gives us a new general theory, whereby a further degree of light is brought into the whole matter; a little fketch whereof we here fubjoin. When the concave end of one bone, receives the convex end of another, and this fecond being pulled by a muſcle, moves upon the firſt, if their figures be fuch, that during the whole motion the fecond only bears upon the firſt by a fingle point: it is evident, that in cafe of an equilibrium produ- ced by an equality of two oppofite powers, their common direction would pals through this point, which therefore is the fixed point. And it is evi- 'dent withal, that in the motion of the bone, this point is continually changing place, which is one of the peculiarities of thefe mechanicks. If the concavity and convexity of the two bones were perfectly fpherical and concentrical, they would touch in all their points; and yet ftrictly ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 341 ftrictly speaking, the two furfaces would reſt or bear on each other only in one point of their cir-" cumferences, which point would be the fame, as if, having been neither fpherical nor concentrical, they were rendered fo in fome inftant of their motion, it being viſible, that this would make no alteration in the point of fupport. Accord- ingly, tho' the common centre of two concentric fpheres, be really immovable, during their mo- tion, it is not properly and abfolutely the point of fupport, but that which is a point of the circum- ference, which is continually fhifting every mo- ment of motion. Tis therefore from this point that we are to meaſure the diſtances of the mufcle, and of the weight which pull against each other. 'Tis true, in meaſuring them from the common centre of the 2 fpheres, as Borelli has done, we come at the fame conclufion, by reafon this com- mon or compound direction does alfo pafs thro' the centre but this is only by accident, which would not obtain in other figures and it is necef- ſary to know precifely and univerfally where the real point of fupport is found. This being had, the directions of the weight and the muſcle muft likewife be found, in order to draw perpendiculars to the fame from the point of fupport. As to the weight, its direction of courſe is the vertical line, whereby it tends downwards. But the mufcle being frequently tra verſed by other mufcles, its direction in fuch caſes is compounded of its own, and that of the others, fuppofing them to act at the fame time. How- ever, as they terminate in the fame tendon, which is their common cord whereby they pull; this tendon naturally reprefents their compound di- rection, which therefore is eaſily found. ་ } Thus 342 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Thus much only regards the fimple articulations, that is where only two bones are joined together to perform fome motion. When there are ſeveral bones, as for inftance, the vertebræ of the fpina dorfi, which confpire to bend the back inwards, the ar- ticulation is compounded: and the application of the rules may be faid to be fo likewife, tho' at bottom they amount to the fame.- When the back is bent, we may fuppofe that too contiguous vertebræ, which before touched in the whole fur- face of one of their fides, begin to feparate or open outwards, and continue to widen further and further, as their difpofition will admit; and dur- ing fuch motion, only touch by a fingle line which remains common to them in their baſe, in the middle of which is the fixed point. But in fact, the cafe is not fo fimple. The bones which move by withdrawing them before contiguous furfaces, leave no vacancy between them. They are bound together by cartilages, which may be conceived as adhering, on both fides, to their whole furface. Thefe cartilages, being dilatable and compreffible, neceffarily di- late as the bones tend to divaricate. And for as much as this dilatation requires a certain force, the muſcle which produces the whole motion, muft have this over and above what is required. merely to raiſe the weight. To eſtimate the power neceffary to dilate the cartilage, M. Parent is obliged to confider the re- fiftance which the cartilage makes to a dilatation, as a power applied at a certain diftance from the fixed point, and pulling against the mufcle. And by reafon the dilatation is greater in different parts of the fame cartilage, in proportion as they are farther diſtant from the fixed point; the di- latation may be confidered as velocities, and be taken ROYAL ACADEMY of , SCIENCES: 345 taken for the point where the whole force is u ted; which would be the centre of agitation of the plane of the cartilage. ** If two or more bones be fo difpofed, that upon opening them, or their upper fide, they approach on the lower; and of confequence dilate one half the cartilage, which binds them, and comprefs the other; the fixed point will be in the middle of the cartilage and the points whereon the refi- ſtances of the cartilages both to their being com- preffed and dilated unite, would be found in each of their halves, after the fame manner as the point of union of a ſingle refiftance would have been in the whole. A compound articulation having feveral fixed points, there must be the fame number of per- pendiculars drawn from each, both to the di- rection of the weight, the direction of the muſcles. whether fimple or compound, and thoſe of the cartilages. M. Parent divides the compound articulations into confecrative, where all the motions tend the fame way, alternate, where they are by turns diffe- rent ways: Thefe laft motions are eafily reduced to the laws of the firft. From this theory may the ftrength of that pro- digious number of machines, which are played either feparately or together in the body of an animal, be computed, and the relation of one to another, either precifely or pretty nearly, be found. If we could but likewife enter into all the views which required fuch different relations powers, and the advantages arifing from them, what intelligence would not be confounded there- with? of " XIV. 384 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the } XIV. Of the refiftance of hollow and folid cylinders. If this queſtion was propofed, which of two ticks equal in length, and cylindrical, is the eafieft to break upon the knee, that which is en- tirely folid, or that which is hollow, having the fame quantity of matter with the other, moſt people would not hefitate at all to decide that the hollow ftick would be the eafieft to break. Nevertheless it is quite the contrary, as foon as we confult the principles of mechanicks. When we reſt a ſtick upon the knee to break it, we reft it by fome one of its points, and it is the point diametrically oppofite, which will take a circular motion about the point of fupport, while the fracture is made. Here then is a lever, and this point which moves circularly, defcribes an arch fo much the greater, as it is farther diftant from the point of Tupport, or from the fixed point, and confequently it has fo much more force to refift the power, which tends to make the frac- ture. A thicker cylinder full is then more dif- ficult to break, not only becaufe it contains more matter, upon which we must act, but alſo becauſe the diameter of its bafe is greater, and the extre- mity of its diameter, which moves in the fracture, is farther diftant from the fixed point. If this cylinder preferving the fame quantity of matter, became hollow, it is vifible, that its total diame- ter, that is, th diameter, as well of the hollow part, as of the folid, would necellarily increafe, and confequently ali one of the caufes, which made its force, and its refiftance againſt being broken. } Every ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 345 { Every hollow cylinder is then ſtronger than a full cylinder, which has only the fame quantity. of matter; and this, according to all appearance, is one of the reafons why the bones of animals and the culms of corn and grafs are hollow. Galileo, the firft author of theſe forts of in- quiries, has confidered in the full and hollow cy- linders, having their bafes formed of the fame quantity of matter, only the inequality of their diameters, and confequently he has eftablifhed, that the refiftance of a hollow cylinder, is to that of a full cylinder, as the total diameter of the hollow one is to the diameter of the full one. : But this confideration is imperfect in this, that the extenfions of the fibres of which the cylinders are compofed, are not taken in. Thefe exten- fions, and confequently the refiftances of all the particular fibres; continually increaſe from the fixed point to the moſt diftant fibre, which muſt break the firft, and which we may fuppofe in the greateſt extenfion that it can fuffer. It is the fum of all theſe unequal refiftances that makes the re- fiftance, which all the fibres together oppofe to the power, which tends to break them. Thus the total refiftance of the cylinder. de- pends upon three things; on the quantity of matter that compofes the bafe; on the refiftance that all theſe fibres together bring to their exten- fion, and on the magnitude of the diameter of the cylinder. There remains to determine and exprefs geo- metrically thefe magnitudes; and it is this that M. Parent has done. The circles of the baſe. of the full cylinders must be made equal, to the full bands or zones of the hollow cylinders, and we muft find the infinite fum of the unequal re- VOL. I. No. 9. Xx fiftances 346 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fiſtances of all the fibres, which is a particular cafe of the general method of M. Varignon. ...M. Parent being arrived to a general formula, which contains all the poffible refiftances of hol- low cylinders, compared to the full, has calcula- ted upon this formula, a table, where he fup- pofes that the total femi-diameter of a hollow cy- linder is always 100 parts; and that the refiftance of the full cylinder, which contains in its bafe as much matter as the other, is alfo divided into 100 parts. We fee by the table, 1. That in proportion as the hollow cylinder, of which the radius can have but 100 parts of a certain determinate magnitude, has more void, and confequently lefs matter, it makes a greater refiftance than the correfpondent full cylinder. 2. That this inequality of refiftance always di- miniſhes in proportion as the hollow cylinder is lefs hollow, and contains more matter; that, for example, a cylinder, of which the void is 99 ra- dius, and 1 in thickness, and to which confe- quently a full cylinder anfwers, which is only 14 radius, has a refiftance, which is to that of the full cylinder, as 848 to 100, that is, as 8 to 1; and that the cylinder, which has 50 in void and 50 in thickneſs, and to which a full cylinder of 87 radius anſwers, has a refiftance, which is to that of the full one, only as 121 to 100. That the hollow cylinder of 99 void, the refiftance of which, compared to that of the full one, which is 14 radius, would be, according to Galileo, 7 times greater, has one 8 12 times greater ac- cording to the hypothefis, of M. Parent, which sis alſo that of M. Mariotte. bonspyd dordw # 1 7 12 2 j 3. XV. 'ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 347 > XV. Of a machine invented by F. Sebaſtien This machine, invented by F: Sebastien, was only made to try if the fall of bodies followed the proportion of Galileo, or rather to fhew by expe- riment, that it did follow it, for the machine was folely conftructed upon this hypothefis it was formed by the revolution of a parabola about its axis, and the circumferences of circles of fmall fpiral planes, which were the different ſpaces run over by the falling bodies, reprefented the "feries of uneven numbers.* * did for my fuel 3 But as it is not abfolutely impoffible to eſta- bliſh, or at leaſt to be willing to try fome other hypothefis than that of Galileo, upon the fall of bodies, M. Varignon found the thought of F. Se- baftien too ingenious not to extend it to all the hypotheſes imaginable. 3 1 Whatfoever hypothefis therefore we take upon the fall of bodies, M. Varignon requires us to ex- prefs by the ordinates of a curve, the different velocities acquired at each inftant, that afterward we cauſe this curve to make a revolution about its axis perpendicular to the horizon, like that which the parabola makes in the hypothefis of Galileo; and lastly, that round the folid, formed by this revolution, we direct from the top to the bottom an inclined plane, which makes always the fame angle with the curve, that it always meets after it has formed the folid; after that, he demonftrates that if the hypothefis that we have taken is the true one, a body that ſhall fall from the top of this machine, by the inclined plane, will make all its revolutions round the machine, altho' unequal, in equal times, which happened at leaft fenfibly, in that of F. Sebaftien. *See pag. 30 of this abridgment. Xx 2 The 348 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 The effential principle of this property of the machine is the perpetual equality of the angles of the inclined plane with the generating curve. From this equality all geometricians will very eafily conclude, that all the different portions of the inclined plane, taken between the fame arches of the folid, and if we may ufe the expreffion, between the fame meridians, are always between themſelves as the ordinates of the curve which anfwers to them. Now thefe ordinates exprefs the acquired velocities, and the portions of the inclined plane are the fpaces run over by the means of theſe velocities; therefore the fpaces are always as the velocities, therefore different ſpaces are run over in the fame time. In F. Sebafien's machine, all the angles of the inclined plane, and of the arches of the curve, were very near right ones, which was fufficient for the fenfible equality of the time of the fall. M. Varignon eafily found, that in his general machine, the length of the inclined plane will al ways be to that of the general curve, as the total fine to the fine of the complement of the angle of the inclined plane. t 6 * ON BO ala bene front gen 24 ul 7 Lux .1900 こい ​mua phlaura * * 1 AN } } 1 1 N brinshad ABRIDGMENT abamogg Ato 裔 ​HOF THE shufanos fire PHILOSOPHICAL MEMOIRS of the ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES at Parts for amilion ound adi mowied the year 1702rade en ze zavlátnads : Rede word nor of mawine 1. Obfervations on the quantity of rain which fell at the royal obfervatory in go with Jome remarks on the thermometer and baro- meter. By M. de la Hire TH ちょ ​di a zpowie I O! 1970 MEN SIC HE year 1701 feemed extraordinary for the dryness of the fpring; it was however in general one of the moft rainy years that we have had a long time. For there fell in the months of 1 1 for nongren? N Ernest bgnol ada Liñėstion - 113 4 Jan. Feb. 4 Mar. 22 Sept. Apr. I Octob. May 20 Nov. June 38 Dec. *** 17292 July Jadi Cad 119 Aug. 0 en 94500 and 24 19 10 +10 + 11f þes The fum total is 256 lines, or 21 inches 4 lines. We find hereby that there was no rain in April, and that this might have rendered the year very unfruitful, if the earth had not been moiftened by the rains of the three preceding months. For the fnows which ufually fall in winter, and remain upon the ground in this feafon, hardly penetrate * Jan. 7, 1702. it 350 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the baloqxe jon 1 it at all, and there would be need of a very great quantity to fupply as much water as fell in the three firft months of this year for the 5 inches of water of thefe months muft have been fupplied by 2 feet of ſnow, which would have been very extraordinary, without reckoning, that the great- eft part of the fnow dries before it is melted, ef- pecially in winter when the air is very dry; and this is what cannot happen to the water, which has entered into the earth, and has, penetrated it long before. The three months of June, July, and August, have commonly fupplied almost as much water as all the rest of the year; but thefe great fummer rains are quickly diffipated by the great heat of the air, and by the drynefs of the ground. The cold was not confiderable; for it hardly froze. My thermometer marks the beginning of the froft, when it is at 30 degrees, and it fell at the loweſt but to 28, whereas, in a great cold, fuch as we have fometimes in this country, it falls to 7 degrees, as it was in Feb. 1695. Towards the end of Jan, and beginning of Feb. 1701, which was the coldeft feafon, my ther- mometer was often at 40 degrees, which is not very diftant from the mean ftate of the air, as I have found upon leaving the fame thermometer at the bottom of the cave of the obfervatory for fome days, where the liquor always kept at 48 degrees. We may alfo obferve, that on the laft day of Nov. the heat was as great as on the 12th of June. } The heats of the months of July and Aug, were extraordinary for the fame thermometer rofe pretty often to 65 degrees, and Sept. 1. it was at 65 degrees at the higheft. This thermometer is always expofed to the air, but in a place much 2 fheltered, ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 351 ! heltered, and not expofed either to the wind or fun and all the obfervations that I have made on it, are always about the riling of the fun, which is the time of the day when the air is moft cool: for the hottelt time is generally at 3 in the afternoon. Wherefore to know the greateſt heat of the air, in a place not affected by the fun, I have obferved, that my thermometer rofe to 77 degrees with a ſtrong S. E. wind, Aug. 17. at 3 in the afternoon, which is a mark of extreme heat. This thermometer is very long, and may be expofed to the hot fummer fun, without the liquor's rifing' to the top of the tube, that I may mark the more eafily upon it the degrees of heat and cold, even when it is expofed to the fun. We may hence conclude, that the cold of the air in this country is in general greater than the heat in the abſence of the fun. For the mean ftate of the air being 48 degrees on my thermometer, and the greateſt heat 77, there are but 29 degrees of difference, which being taken from 48, there would remain 19 degrees for the mark of a cold at the fame degree below the mean that the heat is above it; and yet it fometimes happens here, that the fame thermometer falls to 7 degrees. We may obferve, that the greatest heat of the day does not always follow the heat of the morn- ing, as may be feen in thefe obfervations t for the greatest heat of the morning was Sept. 1. the ther- mometer marking 65 degrees, and that of the afternoon Aug. 17, and on that very day it was in the morning a little lefs than on Sept. 1. for the thermometer marked but 63 degrees, which may happen from feveral particular caufes. The barometer which I ufe is fimple, as ufual, having a tube of moderate thickneſs, that the quickfilver may have the more liberty to move in 352 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the` in it; the bottle at the bottom is proportioned to the bigness of the tube, fo that the falling or rifing of the quickfilver of i inch in the tube, is not fenfible in the bottle. This barometer is always placed at the height of the great hall of the obfer- vatory, which is near 22 toifes above the level of the furface of the river in a mean ftate. I ob- ferved it was at the lowest this year at 26 inches, 10 lines March 6. and the higheſt at 28 inches, 2 lines Feb. 9. The difference therefore be- tween the higheſt and the loweſt was but 1 inch, lines, which is fomething lefs than the com- mon, which is 1 inch, 6 lines. 4 But the moſt confideráble thing that has hap- pened this year is the hurricane of Feb. 2. the wind was very violent, and the barometer was in an almoſt mean ſtate at 27 inches, 4 lines, and there was but I line of rain, which may be ob- ferved as an extraordinary thing; for in great mo- tions of the air, the barometer falls very low. I-found the declination of the needle to be 3° 48′-Sept: 22. W. variation. I made ufe alfo of the fame compafs, of which the needle is 8 inches long, and very well fupported on a very flender pivot. I always make the obfervations againft one of the pillars of the lower terrafs of the ob- fervatory, by applying the fide of the box to it, wherein the needle is inclofed, and by this means I avoid all the errors that could happen from the pofition of the compafs on the meridian. I have formerly proved the pofition of the fide of this pillar, by the fun's pafling the meridian, applying a great rule to it, which had at its extremities two fights for the rays of the fun to paſs thro'; the aperture of the objective fight, and the tract marked on the other, were in a line exactly pa- ! rallel ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 353 rallel to the fide of this rule, which was applied againſt the face of the pillar. II. A difcourfe on fome properties of the air, and the means of knowing the temperature of it in all the climates of the earth. By M. Amontons *. The experiments, which I have made three years ago on the dilatation of the air by the heat of boiling water, fhewed me, that uneqtral maffes of air loaded with the fame or equal weights, augmented equally the force of their fpring by equal degrees of heat; and as my principal end in theſe experiments was to know, how much the heat of the boiling water increafed the fpring of the air above what it has in the water, which we call cold, theſe experiments led me at that time to think, that it was but in a quantity capable of fuftaining to inches of quickfilver in height be- yond the weight of the atmoſphere but having fince carried my experiments farther, I have found, that the fpring of the air augmented by the heat of boiling water, was not fixed to fuf- tain no more than 10 inches of quickfilver, be- fides the weight of the atmofphere; but that it fuftained more or lefs in proportion to the weights with which it was loaded, and that this augmen- tation was always about the third part of thefe weights, when the air is at firft in the ftate which; we here call temperate, and lefs than a third part when the air is hotter; and on the contrary, more than a third part when it is colder. För inftance, if, when it is temperate, a maſs of air loaded with 30 inches of quickfilver, comprehending the load of the atmoſphere, has augmented its fpring by * june 28, 1702. VOL. I. N°. 9. Y Y the 354 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the } the heat of boiling water, fo as to fuftain 10 in- ches of quickfilver, befides the load equal to 30 inches of quickfilver when this mafs fhall be loaded with 66 inches, it will augment its fpring 20 inches and 30 inches when it fhall be loaded with gay and fo of the rettWhence in feems, that we may draw this confequence, that the fame degree of heat, let it beeders fo little, may conti- nually increaſe the force of the spring of the air, if this air is continually loadedy with a greater and greater weight. And as we have already obfer- ved, that, unequal maffes of air equally augment the force of their fpring by equal degrees of heat, we may draw this other confequence, that a very fmall parcel of air, let it be ever fo little, may ac- quire a greater elafticforces and greater and greater continually by a very small degree of heat, if this little parcel is continually loaded more and more. Theſe properties of the air may perhaps hereafter ferve us, to explain feveral phyfical effects, of which we do not at prefent know the caufes. J A { I have juft now faid that experience had taught me, that unequal maffes of air, loaded with equal weights augmented the force of their fpring equally by equal degrees of heat, and that the elaftic forces. which they acquired, were fo much more confi- derable, as the weights with which they were preffed were great; the reafon of which is, that the maffes of air, either being in the fame medium, or confidered as fuch, and loaded with equal weights, there is no nepfomwhy one fhould ac- quitel atomorenoonfiderable élaftic force than the other. ey Forghofit is trueochat if thefe maffes of air had the liberty of extending themfelves, the greater would increase their bulk more than the Impller this ought not hatever to take place in the hugmentation of theirdpring, fince, accord- ibropor 2.7 کرم L ing ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 355 J { ing to M. Mariott's rules unequal maffes of air equally loaded mufti reduce themſelves to bulks proportioned to their first maffes, to ncquire new equal degrees of elaſtic force and that, by the reverſe of this very tuleprif equalmaffes of air unequally loaded have a liberty of extending themſelves they will really poffefs ſpaces pro-. portioned to the weights with which they are loaded; but not being able to extend themfelves, they muſt neceffarily acquire elaftic forces pro- portioned to the fame weights. } 17 ! ! і When I had difcovered thefe truths, I endea- voured to apply them; and thought I could make an advantageous ufe of them in bringing ther- mometers to perfection. · ' Few perfons are ignorant, that the first ther- mometers made with air acted not only by the heat and cold of the external air, but ftill more by its greater or lefs weight, and that the motion of thefe thermometers, caufed by the weight of the air, was at leaſt as fenfible as that which was cauſed by the heat, which rendered the obferva- tions on them uncertain, and confequently of no ufe. It is true, that there have fince been inven- ted thermometers of fpirit of wine, fealed herme- tically, which feem to act only by the alterations of the air, as to cold or heat; but befide the fpirit of wine's not receiving the impreffionsfo quickly as the air, and the great imaffes receiving it more flowly than the lefferrones, it is almoſt impoffible for their tubes to be equal from one end to the other; whereby the fame quantity of liquor, which towards the bottom might perhaps poffefs no more than 40 parts of their graduation, when driven up towards the top may fometimes poffefs 45 or 50 more or lefs. Whence it comes to pats, that if thefe thermometers were regulated only according i Y y 2 356; The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the t according to the greatest heat and greateſt cold of a climate, the temperate degrees of the thermometers would be all different from each other, tho' they ought to be exactly the fame. But farther, let us fuppofe, what is not true, that theſe thermo- meters have none of the above-mentioned defects; what is a degree of heat of thefe thermometers? what knowledge do thefe degrees give us of the temperature of our climated It is certain, that they give us none, the first of thefe thermome- ters were graduated, just as it happened, on the greateſt heat and cold of fome years, and can only ferve at most to fhew us, that fome are hotter or colder than others: which is of no great ufe, as we cannot certainly know the difference, and thefe inftruments are not at all proper to tranfmit to poſterity the obfervations, that may be made on the different temperature of the climates: for to fay, for example, that laft year the thermometer rofe 7 or 8 parts more than the preceding, is giv- ing no better intelligence how much this year was hotter than the other, than if one fhould tell a perfon, who is folicitous about knowing the length of a pendulum that fwings feconds, that it- is as long as fuch a ſtick, of which he does not know the length but if one fhould tell him, that the length of this pendulum is 3 feet, 8 lines; then as thele meafures are known and fixt by ufe, and by the comparison that may be made of them to all forts of dimenfions; he has no longer any reaſonable doubt, that may require to be cleared upon It is not fo with a degree of the thermome- ters that have hitherto appeared; we cannot fay that there is, for example, the 100th part of the difference between the greateſt heat and the great- edcold of one year, feeing theſe differences are hardly ever equal; and if they were fo, it would " J ܬܵܐ be ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 357 be at moft but for a certain climate; thus la de- gree of the thermometer cannot be compared to any degree of heat, and confequently cannot be the meaſure of it. On the contrary, if fay the greateſt heat of laft fummer was, for example, of that of boiling water, this degree of hear being known by thoufands of daily effects, that which I would have known becomes for alfo, and I can draw all the confequences from it that I want. We must then agree upon a certain degree of heat, conftant and invariable, khown by every body, to which we may compare, and which comprehends all the other degrees of heat that can be in the air which we breathe. This is proba bly what the late M. Colbert intended, when he had a project of having a confiderable number of thermometers conftructed, and to fend them into different parts of the world for obfervations to be made upon them but probably that great mi- nifter gave over the defign, only becauſe he juftly thought, that the fpirit of wine thermometers, fuch as they had then, were improper for the purpoſe, and that it would have been almoſt im- poffible to eftablifh a fufficient uniformity in thefe thermometers. wy w na dovi un gi The degree of heat, neceffary to eftablish an uniformity in the conftruction of thermometers, might be that ofwcommon boiling water, expe- rience having fhewn me, that it cannot acquire a greater degree of heat, let it bebever ſo long on the fire, and let the fire be ever ſoftongda olson * ABCD is one of the glass tubes which I made ufe of forfome former experiments, 27tb know the increase of the spring of the air by the heat of boiling water sopen at Awbenar land ending in a balbDgaThe bigüe of this be is * Plate XVI. P. Yadu i bas loups tɔve ylbint about 358 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the C about line within, that lofinthe ball g inches, a little more or less withoutp confequence; and herein theſe thermometers Have a great advantage above others, by the equality of their motion, fo eafy to find in thefe new thermometers, fo. diffi- cult to find in the old ones the length of this tube from AftoB fhall be 46 linoles, that the to- tal AC may be about 48worLetthere be quick- filver from the entrance Eof the ball, and in all the rest of the tube quite to the aperture A; fo that the balbDbeing in the boiling water, the air which it inclofes may fuftain by its elafticity 73 inches of quickfilver, comprehending the weight of the atmosphere, whichisoalways. fuppofed equal to 28 inches, and only 148 inches without comprehending it, beginning at the level of the quickfilvers which fhall beat Eg then the furface of the quickfilver in the tube AB, near the aper- ture A, fhall be the term from whence we may begin to reckon all the other degrees of heat, which fhall be lefs than that of boiling water: for as there is no climate upon the earth, that can be fuppoſed to be as hot as boiling water, we fhall confequently have as high a degree of heat, as is known in any country, which will compre- hend all below it, and from which we may be- gin to reckon. So that to exprefs the greater or lefs degree of heat of any climate, we need only count the number of inches and lines, by which the furface of the quickfilver towards A, fhall be fower than the place to which the heat of the boiling water had made it rife, having a regard alfo to the weight of the atmoſphere at the time of the obfervation, whether it is more or lefs heavy than 28 inches of quickfilvery becauſe the furface of the quick filver towards A will be too low by the quantity by which the weight of the atmo- fphere J ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 359 ſphere ſhall exceed that of 28 inches of quickfilver, or too high by the quantity which fhalle fall fhort of thoſe 28 inches. Wherefore, in the first cafe, we muſt fubftract this excefs of inches and lines, contained from the degree of the heat of the boil- ing water; and, in the fecond cafe, we niuft add it. It will be eafy therefore, by the affiftance of thefe thermometers, totskhow the temperature of all the climates of the earth, and to conftruct other thermometers with fpirit of wine for each climate which may be compared with thefe bewcair ther mometers. The degrees marked on them will be no longer unknown, and we may tranſmit your knowledge to pofterity, to obtain the advan tageous ufes from them, which there, is room to promife, not only for all philofophical ufes, but alfo for our own prefervation: The thermometer must be prepared after the following manner. mor শ ས་ T f 1 11 * ABCD is a little bit of afh, walnut, or any other wood of like nature, about an inch fquare, and inch in thickness; in the thickneſs of which 44 holes muſt be bored from fide to fide, as EF a- bout 3 or 3 lines in bignefs, and another of like bignefs as GH, to communicate only with the firft, and no farther. Then apply with fome maftick at G a glafs tube + ILG, about 4 feet long, open at both ends IG, and bent at L, a- bout an inch from the extremity Guapply after- wards at F another tube as FMNO, open alfo at the two extremities F and O, fwóin toward F into a ball M, of about two inches in diameters at inch from the extremity Fobent at N s near the ball M as poffible, and defcending)da gain towards O with 6 or 7 inches apply at another end of a tube only 2 or 3 inches long: * Plate XVI. Fig. 2. } 7 Fige 3. 1 * LUN 小 ​all 360 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the all theſe tubes must be but about a line or two on the infide, except the extremity O, which muſt be a little widened to receive the other tubes more eaſily that are to be applied to it. Theſe 3 tubes muſt be fo applied to the little piece of wood with maftick, that the quickfilver let in with a funnel at I may flow freely towards F and E, and may pafs, according as it fhall be necef fary, either thro' the tube FMNO, or the tube EP. Obferve to cover this whole piece of wood well with maftick, for fear the quickfilver fhould get thro' its pores. This little machine being thus prepared, apply it against a wall, making the ball M reft upon two nails, and tying the tube * IL loofely, a little below its extremity I, with a piece of packthread to another nail faftened alfo in the wall. Apply alfo with fome mattick at O the extremity A of the thermometer, into which you would introduce the quickfilver, making the bottom of it lean upon fomething folid, as at C, after which clofe the extremity P with maftick, and then with a funnel pour the quickfilver in at the extremity I, which will gradually fill the ball M, and pro- portionably condenfe the air of the ball D. When the ball M is quite full, and the quickfilver be gins to pafs by the bending N, and go down to C, leave off pouring in the quickfilver, and open the extremity P by heating it with the flame of a candle, driven thro' a little pipe, as when we feal hermetically, then withdraw the quickfilver from the ball M by the extremity P; and if the quickfilver in the tube AC is about 27 inches a- bove Et, when the heat of the air is the fame with that of temperate of the eighth climate, and f Fig. 1. * Fig. 4. the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES, 361 the weight of the atmoſphere is equal to 28 in- ches of quickfilver, then you need only loofen the tube of the thermometer from the tube NO, by heating the maftick as before but if the quick- filver was not 27 inches above E, the aperture P muſt be cloſed again with maftick, and the quickfilver poured again by I, till you judge there is fome air, entered into the ball D, fuffi- cient to fuftain the quickfilver in the tube AC, 27 inches above E, which may eafily be known by the height which the quickfilver will keep in the tube L1; if on the other fide the quickfilver in the tube AC fhould be found the first time" much above the 27 inches, it would be a fign that the capacity of the ball M is too large; then the glafs of the thermometer above the ma-,- chine muſt be taken away, and emptied, to be- gin to fill it anew, obferving, before you put the maftick again on the tube NO, to put into the ball M a fufficient quantity of quickfilver, to diminiſh its capacity by about the quantity that may have been thought too great. If there were any perfons who had the mufcles of refpiration strong enough to reduce the air in D, by blowing thro A, into the fame ftate of condenfation with thefe 27 inches of quickfilver, they need only make the machine ILMNO, and after having intro- duced a little quickfilver into the ball D with a funnel, blow itrongly thro' the aperture A, till the quickfilver could rife in the tube AG 27 in- ches above E: but few, if any, are capable of fo much force, and the fureft way is to make ule of.. the machine above-mentioned.. In the laft place, to finish the preparation of:: the thermometer, obferve with a fingle barome... ter, what is then the weight of the atmoſphere, and what height of quicksilver it will fuftaine VOL. I. N°. 10. fubftract Z z 362 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fubftract it from 73 inches, and mark with ſome colour on the tube * CA, beginning over-againft E, the number of inches and lines remaining from the fubftraction. Afterwards dip the ball D in a kéttle full of cold water, and fetting the whole over a pretty good fire, keeping the tube AC always even, leave it till the water boils very brifkly; as faſt as the water heats, you will fee the quickfilver rife, fo that when the water is ready to boil, it will begin to difgorge by the aperture A, if the weight of the 'atmofphere does not then exceed 28 inches of quickfilver; and when it is quite boiling, and there comes out no more quickfilver, it must be inclined a little at feveral times, to make it come out again, and reduce it to the mark made towards A, that is, to the neceffary height, to equal with the weight of the atmoſphere a load of 73 inches of quick- filver. Then this thermometer will be finiſhed, and there is no more to do but to take it gradually out of the boiling water, for fear the too great cold of the external air fhould break the glaſs. ' J I have obſerved with thefe thermometers, that the air, which we call temperate, fupports about 19 inches of quickfilver lefs than that which is driven by a degree of heat equal to that of boil- ing water. I have faid, that which we call tem- perate, becaufe we are not fure that it is true, this knowledge prefuppofing that of extreme heat and cold, which we do not know yet: but in the mean while, till we can eftabliſh the neceffary correfpondences, thofe who have a mind to know more on this fubject, may with thefe thermome- ters make feveral experiments to carry their con- jectures farther. Fig. 1. # # 1 Obfer فات ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 363 1. Obfervations. 3 June 16, 1702. I expoſed to the fun at noon one of thoſe ſpirit of wine thermometers, which being fet out in the open air, without being always in the fun, extend 33 inches from the greatest cold to the greateſt heat experimented at Paris. I ex- pofed near it at the fame time the new thermo- meter, which I have juft defcribed, and obfer- ved that the degree of the fun's heat fuftained 13 inches, 2 lines of quickfilver leſs than that of boiling water, and 5 inches, 9 lines more than that of the temperate air of our climate. During the obſervation, there was a fmall N. E wind, which made the quickfilver fometimes fall and fometimes rife half an inch, whilft the ſpirit of the other thermometer always rofe in a pretty e- qual motion; fo that being arrived to the very top of the glaſs, I was obliged to take it away from the fun, for fear it fhould break; the weight of the atmoſphere at that time was equal to about 28 inches of quickfilver. I placed this new thermometer another time in water, where there was a good quantity of ice, and the quick- filver fell but 2 inches below temperate; that is, 21 inches below the degree of heat of boiling water; whence we may probably conjecture, that there ſtill remains in the ice a very confiderablė degree of heat; which we may eafily know, if we confider, that after the firft frofts the common thermometers fink very confiderably, > When the quickfilver rifes into the tube BA, the capacity poffeffed by the air in the ball D, is greater in ftrictnefs than when the quickfilver falls from this tube, which it fhould not be, ab- folutely speaking, if the different fizes of the balls Z z 2 364 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the $ balls did not hinder the motion of the quick- filver in theſe thermometers from being exactly equal in all. Wherefore in the following expe- riments, which were made with lefs balls than that already mentioned, and with tubes of a pretty large aperture, which had no proportion to their balls, we muſt not be furprised if the motion of the quickfilver is not exactly fuch as has been men- tioned; for the inequalities of thefe very experi- ments have ſhewn the neceffity of determining more exactly the proportion of the tubes to the balls. We muft not expect, however, that the differences which proceed from the different fizes of the balls are very confiderable, much leſs that thofe differences follow thofe of the balls; fince fuppofing balls of thermometers, one of 3, and the other of 2 inches in diameter, and that the ball of 3 inches is applied to a tube of an aperture lefs by half than that of the tube applied to the ball of 2 inches, if the quickfilver defcends in the firft 19 inches below the place to which the boiling water had made it rife, it will defcend in the fecond at leaſt 18 inches whereas, according to the proportion of the balls and tubes, it muſt have defcended only 3 inches in this laft. ( I Saturday, July 1,1702, There were incloſed in two glaffes of new, thermometers 2 unequal maffes of air, one about double of the other, each of them loaded with 14 inches, 4 lines of quick- filver, and befides, with the weight of the atmo- fphere, which was found to be 27 inches, 6 lines, which made in all 41 inches, olines, of which the third part 13 inches, 11 lines was the height to which it was,eftimated that the quickfilver ought to rife, on the air of the two glaffes being heated by the heat of boiling water. Theſe mea- fures were fo regulated, the glaffes dipping in the $ water, 2 F ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 365 are. water,cold as it was then; for by feveral experiments made afterwards, it has been found that liquids follow the temperature of the air in which they The whole was afterwards fet on the fire, which was raiſed till it made the water boil pretty. brifkly for a confiderable time; and it was ob- ferved, that when the quick filver was rifen in the glafs with the biggeft ball to 13 inchies, line; and only to 12 inches, 3 lines in the other, the quickfilver ceafed entirely to rife in both: thus the quickfilver rofe in the firft 10 lines lefs than HM was expected; and in the last 20 lines 4. As thefe experiments were made in hafte, and without preparation, the company defiring at firft only to ſee theſe new thermometers loaded with quick- filver, feveral circumſtances were neglected, which cauſed theſe differences. 1. It was not obferved whether the ſtate of the cold water, into which the glaffes were plunged to regulate them, was that which we here call temperate; for the experiments, which ferved as a foundation to determine this augmentation of the elaſticity of the air to about of its charge were made in this circumftance, it being proba- ble, that this augmentation is more than, when the ſtate of the air incloſed in the balls is colder than the temperate, and less than when it is hotter. We had not alfo ufed the precaution to have the tubes of Bignefs proportioned to the capacity of their balls, becaufe we thought theſe tubes ſmall enough not to caufe any confiderable augmentations in the bulks of the air inclofed in thefe balls. J J 1 Wedneſday, July 5, 1702. The 2 glaffes of the preceding experiment were put again theo cold water, but yet hotter than temperate, there was added a fpirit of wine thermometer," and" an' dir 3 one 366 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the } one after the new manner, to know by their means the ſtate of this cold water, and fo make the correction neceffary to the height of the quick- filver contained in the 2 firft glaffes, and it was found: 1 1. That the ftate of the water held the ſpirit of wine thermometer át 60 degrees, that is, 10 de- grees above temperate, or the ftate of the air in very deep places, as for inftance, the caves of the obfervatory. 2. That the air thermometer fuftained 15 lines of quickfilver more than the temperate, that is, that the furface of the quickfilver in the tube was 27 inches, 3 lines above the ſurface of the quick- filver in the ball. 3. That the furface of the quickfilver in the two tubes of the glaffes of the preceding experi- ment, was 14 inches, 8 lines above the furface of that of their balls. In the laft place, it was obferved on the baro- meter, that the weight of the atmoſphere was then equal to 27 inches, 5 lines of quickfilver; fo that to this weight there was added that of 14 inches, 8 lines, which made 42 inches, 1 line, of which the third part 14 inches, and of a line, was the quantity which the quickfilver would have rifen in theſe tubes above 14 inches, 8 lines, if the ſtate of the cold water, in which thefe balls plunged, had been that of temperate up- on which it may be remarked, that tho' the quickfilver of the air thermometer was 15 lines. higher than temperate, yet there were taken but 12 lines from the height of the quickfilver of the glaffes, becauſe the air of their balls not being fo loaded as that of the ball of the thermome- ter, it must not have increafed its fpring fo con- fiderably fo that it was determined, that the quick- ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 367 quickfilver in the two glaffes of the experiments muſt have rifen only 13 inches, of a line, by the heat of the boiling water. 1 3 As it was wanted only to know by experience, whether unequal maffes of air, equally loaded, increaſed the force of their fpring equally by the fame degree of heat; but alfo to know, whether this augmentation was fo much the greater, as thefe maffes were the more loaded, and whether it was always about of the loads of the air in the ſtate of temperate: to be certain of this by the fame experiment, it was determined alfo to what height the quickfilver ought to rife in the air thermometer, by the heat of the boiling wa- ter; and as the height, at which it was then found in the cold water, was 27 inches, 3 lines, which being added to 27 inches, 5 lines, the weight of the atmoſphere at the time of the expe- riment, made in all 54 inches, 8 lines; of which the third part 18 inches, 2 lines, was the quantity which it ought to have rifen by the heat of the boiling water: but as the cold water, tho' war- mer than temperate, in which it was dipped, kept it up 15 lines above temperate, it was deter- mined that the quickfilver could not rife again more than 16 inches, 11 lines, by the heat of the boiling water. 71 > 3 After having thus determined on thefe three glaffes the height to which the quickfilver ought to rife, namely, in the 2 firft to 13 inches, of a line, and in the laft to 16 inches, 11 lines the whole was fet on the fire as before, till the wa ter quite boiled and the quickfilver rofe to the height that it ought in that of the two firft glaffes, where the ball was biggeft, and where the dif- ference was but lines in the preceding ex- periment but in the fecond, there wanted, about : $ + 6 368 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 6 lines; and in the thermometer, or third glafs, there wanted 2 lines, which, without doubt, proceeded from the bignefs of their tubes of three glaffes, being confiderably difproportioned to the bignefs of their balls, and from the bulks of air not remaining conftantly the fame, but altering as the quickfilver of the balls is driven into the tubes, as was faid before; for tho' it is proved by all theſe experiments, that the air does not dilate in proportion to its bulk, as fpirit of wine, and all other liquors do, and that therefore it does not feem neceffary, that the balls and their tubes fhould be fo proportioned to each other, as to acquire equal degrees of elaſti- city, the bulks of air muſt remain the fame, or at leaſt increaſe proportionably from what they were before the heat had acted upon them; and tho' it is impoffible, let the tubes be ever fo narrow, that the quickfilver driven in ſhould not alter theſe bulks a little; yet it is neceffary, in order to obtain a perfect uniformity in the motion of the quick filver of theſe thermometers; that the tubes ſhould be nearly proportioned to their balls; for the little exactneſs is here of no confequence. Saturday, July 8, 1702. A glaſs of the new thermometer was charged with quickfilver, after the fame manner, and with the machine defcribed in the former part of this paper. The glafs was afterwards put in water over the fire, which was increaſed as ufual till it quite boiled. In this ſtate we finiſhed the reducing of the height of the quickfilver, which was rifen higher than the 45 inches above that of the ball exactly at thefe 45 inches as was faid before, except that there was no regard had to the weight of the atmoſphere, which was then 27 inches, 4 lines, that is, 8 lines lighter than it ought to have been, and that confequently there ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 369 there muſt have been 45 inches, 8 lines of furface to the other to make the total charge be 73 in- ches. I have faid before, that the air which we call temperate, ſuſtained 19 inches of quickfilver lefs than the heat of boiling water. The day before theſe experiments were made, I placed two of thefe new thermometers in the caves of the obfervatory, one fell to 18 inches, 10 or 11 lines, the other only to 18 inches, 6 or 7 lines. From all thefe experiments therefore we may conclude, 1. That when the bigness of the tubes is not proportioned to the capacity of the balls, unequal maffes of air increaſe almoft equally the force of their ſpring by the fame degree of heat. 2. That the more thefe maffes of air are loaded, the more they augment the force of their fpring by the fame degree of heat. That this augmentation would probably be a- bout of the loads at the time of temperate, if 155 theſe maffes did not increaſe their bulks, by driv- ing into the tubes a part of the quickfilver con- tained in the balls. 4. And that laftly, it is probable alfo, that the effects would be uniform in all thefe glaffes, of what fizes foever the balls may be, if the capa- cities of theſe balls were proportioned to the big- neſs of their tubes, as I have really found by ex- periment; upon which it may not be amifs to obferve, that having broken the glaffes ufed in the experiments of July 5, in which the quick- filver ought to have rifen to 13 inches, of a line by the heat of boiling water, tho' it did not rife to this height, except in the first of the two glaffes, and only to 12 inches, 6 lines in the fecond; and that having exactly meaſured with quickfilver the capacity both of the tubes and the VOL, I. N. 10. Aaa balls, 370 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 67 balls, I found that on the length of 31 inches the capacity, of the first tube was part of the capacity of its ball, and that the capacity of the tube wherein the quickfilver, rofe only to 12 in- ches, 6 lines was part of the capacity of its ball; whence we fee, that tho' this laft tube was almoft twice as big as it ought to have been, yet the difference was but 6 lines, that is, about 2 part of the height to which the quickfilver rofe, whereas it should have been near half, that is, about 6 inches, if the motion of the quickfilver in thefe two glaffes had been made according to the proportion of the tubes to the balls, as it would have happened, if they had been full of fpirit of wine, or any other fluid than air. We fee allo by this experiment, that the fmaller the capacity of the tubes is, in comparison of the balls, the more the increafe of the fpring of the air, by the heat of the boiling water above what it is in the tem- perate ftate, approaches more truly to the third part of the load which this air fupports: but as thefe tubes were already fo fmall, that it is not convenient to leffen them, it would be better to increaſe the bignels of the balls, and to make them 3 or 4 inches in diameter. M. Mariotte's rule for the equilibrium of the air by its spring. 1 When the height of the quickfilver with which we propofe to load a.mals of air, preffed at firft "only by the weight of the atmosphere, which he fuppofes with me equal to 28 inches of quickfil- ver, is given, and we would find the bulk to which the ait would be reduced by this load, M. Martoute confiders this mals of air as inclofed in the branch EC, of the tube ABC of equal bigness Fig ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 371 ร bigneſs in its whole length, open an A, bent fquare at D and E, and clofed in C, the part B is full of quickfilver to the prickt line DE, the branch DA ſerving to contain the loads which ferve to prefs the air at EC after this, M. Ma- riotte makes the following analogy As the fum of the weight of the atmoſphere and of the height of the quickfilver, with which we propofe to load the maſs of Wir EC is to 28 inches of the atmoſphere, fo is the bulk of air EC to the bulk to which this load reduces it: + 1 Now to make application of this rule to our experiments, let us fuppofe 3 tubes, as ABC, in which the tubes EC are to one another in the proportion of 1, 2, 3, and confequently the maffes of air which they inclofe: let us fuppofe alfo the load, with which thefe maffes of air are to be preffed, equal to 45 inches in height of quickfilver; then to have the bulk to which the air will be reduced in the firſt glafs, it must be, 1. as 73 inches (the fum of the weight of the at- mofphere 28 inches and of the load 45 inches) is to 28 inches (the weight of the atmosphere) fo is 1 (the bulk of air preffed only by the atmo- ſphere) to the bulk of air loaded with 45 in- ches in this first glafs. 2. To have the bulk to which the quickfilver will be reduced in the fe- cond glaſs, it muſt be as 73 inches to 28, fo 2 to 2 1 the bulk of air loaded with 45 inches in the fecond glaſs. 3. In the laft place to have the bulk to which the quickfilver will be reduced in the third glaſs, it must be as 73 inches to: 28 in- ches, fo 3 to the bulk of air loaded with 45 in- ches in the third glafs. Now as thefe fractions (18 2 + are to one another as the numbers 1,2,3, thefe unequal maffes of air by acquiring equal forces of elafticity, have not changed the proportion 73 Aaa 2 fi that 372 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the i S { } that they had to each other, and confequently they muft, continuing the fame, acquire equal force of clafticity,g.feeing the caufe which produces them is equal, ag the degree of heat is here fuppo- fed to be. 400 } Befides we can hardly have any other idea of the parts of fire, than that they are in a continual and very violent motion; nor can we conceive how theſe parts can heat thofe of the moft folid bodies, but by fuppofing that by the effort which they make to penetrate them, they communicate a part of their motion to them... But as in the experiments which fhew that un- equal maffes of air acquire equal forces of clafli- city by the fame degree of heat, it is eafy to judge by the preceding calculation, that all the parts of air which compofe the three different bulks of air, are neither more nor lefs cloſe the one than the other, and that befides, the parts of fire, which put them into motion, being in like manner the fame, they cannot communicate more to one than to another. It is true, that unequal maffes of air cannot acquire unequal forces of e- lafticity by the fame degree of heat, but on the contrary, they muſt acquire equal ones, and this is what is confirmed by experience. 1 As for the fame maffes acquiring fo much greater forces of elafticity, by the fame degree of heat, as they are more loaded, it is eafy to con- ceive, that the more the maffes of air are loaded, the more parts of air they contain in the fame fpace, and confequently the parts of fire cannot infinuate themſelves: between theſe parts of air, with the violence, which we know they employ in feparating the moſt immoveable parts of the moft folid bodies, without separating theſe parts of air from each other; whence it neceffarily follows, Knott 3 that ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 373 that the more parts of air there are in the fame fpace, the greater the augmentation of the bulk, to which the heat reduces it, ought to be: but as the caufe, which would augment the bulk of an elaſtic body, fuch as the air is if it had liberty to extend itſelf, would in like manner augment the force of its fpring if it had not this liberty; it neceffarily follows, that the more the maffes of air are loaded, the more the fame degree of heat muſt make them acquire a greater elaſtic force, this is what really does happen, As for the experiment fhewing that the elaftic force, which the air acquires, when it is heated by the warmth of boiling water, is about of what it has been when temperate; we do not yet fufficiently know whether this happens by a neceffary confe- quence of fome principles, or whether it is a mere effect of chance. In the mean time all that we can do therein, is to affure ourſelves, by a long ſeries of experiments, of the truth of the fact. III. A comparison of the ancient itinerary measures with the modern, by M. Caffini * 1 As the deſcription of all the earth is made by the dimenfions, that have been taken in diverfe places and at diverfe times, as well in the heavens as in the earth, and as the meaſure of the earth' is determined variously by various people, and changes with time; nothing is of more confe- quence in geography, than to know the propor- tion of the itinerary meaſures, which the metent geographers uſed in the defeription of a country to the modern meafures: Pem odi gnoutopl The itinerary menfures are fometimes différent Jan, 28, 1702. sale, so bus wor * < i from 374 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the * from thofe, which are ufed in commerce and in architecture. We fall into great errors, when we uſe them indifferently in geography. } The measure of the distance from, Narbonne to Nifmesub In the last journey that we made by the king's order into feveral provinces of France, we have compared the distances that we have found be- between the ancient towns and 'thofe of the fame towns, related by the ancient geographers. We fhall here relate fome examples of them. The di- ſtance from Narbonne to Nifmes, by our dimen- fions, is 67500 Paris toiles in Strabo places Narbonne 88 miles from Nifmes; the road from one of thefe towns to the other is pretty straight, and there is but little reduction to make. Divide 67500 toifes by 88 miles, there comes to each 767 22. We throw out this fmall fraction, becaufe we cannot pretend to have ex- actly the fame bounds of theſe two towns, which were taken by the ancients. Each pace was 5 feet, and the mile 5000 feet, the foot is divided into 12 inches. The toife is 6 Paris feet, there- fore 767 toiles make 4602 feet. Rejecting two feet in fo large a number, of which it is difficult to be certain in the practice, in round numbers 4600 Paris feet will be equal to 5000 ancient. geographical feet, which are as 46 to 50, or 23 to 25. 1 ין 2 } $ > ་ Thus the Paris foot of 12 inches will be equal to à foot and an inch and of an inch of the ancient meafire, and the ancient foot will be e- qual to 11 inches and of the Paris foot. If we fuppofe the ancient mile be 764 toifes it will be ſmaller by 3 toifes than by this comparifon, and the ancient geographical foot will be exactly 1 2 j to ROYAL ACADEMY of SOLENCES. 375 to the Paris foot, as II to 12. We must now fee if the other ancient geographers agree with Strabo in this meaſure. sitio. 1 By the itinerary of Antoninus, they reckon one time between Nimes and Narbonne 87 miles, ano- ther time 91; the dimenfion of Strabo is between the two. By the ancient table of Peutinger, they reckon it 95. We fhall prefer the dimenfions of Strabo, who lived in the time of Auguftus and Tiberius, the meaſures of the great roads having then been made with care. We have neverthelefs examined which of theſe meaſures agree moft with others, which have been taken in Italy, as well at the time of the Romans, as in our time. : } { ་ The meaſure of the distance from Bolonia to Modena. Antoninus's itinerary marks many times the diſtance from Bolonia to Modena, and always makes it 25 miles., The table of Peutinger makes it alfo 25 miles, * Thefe two cities are croffed by the Emilian way, which in this interval was ftraight. The fort Urbano, which they have built upon it, makes it at prefent turn a little. But we fhall make ufe of the fame, which has been taken by the means of triangles in a right line, F. Riccioli and Grimaldi have carefully taken the diſtance between the towers, which are in the middle of theſe two cities of a great height. I affifted at fome of the obfervations that, they made at Bolonia, and I examined their ftations at Mar dena. They found the diftance between these two towers 19,666 paces of Bolonia, which are 5 feet each. The Balanian foot drawn from the fame original, from whence F. Riccioli took his, qom pared to the Paris foot by us, is to the Paris { foot. 376 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the foot, as 701 to 600. Thus 600 feet of Bolonia are equal to 701 Paris feet. The pace of Bolo- nia is 5 Bolonian feet; and the Paris toife is 6 Paris feet: divide 600 feet by 5, we fhall have 120; and multiply that by 6, and we ſhall have 720 paces of Bolonia, equal to 701 toifes of Paris. Now, as 720 is to 701, fo is 19,666 paces of Bolonia to 19,147 toifes of Paris, which is the diſtance from Bolonia to Modena, by the dimen- fion of F. Riccioli and Grimaldi réduced into toifes. But this diſtance, by the agreement of the ancient itineraries, is 25 ancient miles: dividing then 19,147 toifes by 25 miles, we ſhall have 766 toiſes for a mile, within almoſt one toife of 767, which we found before, by the compariſon of the diſtance between Nifmes and Narbonne given by Strabo, with thoſe which we have determined by our obfervations. An inquiry into the fituation of the temple of the Pyrenean Venus. We made ufe of this meaſure of the ancient miles to find the place where the temple of the Pyrenean Venus formerly was, which Strabo places on the confine of the Narbonnefe Gaul with Spain, 63 miles diftant from Narbonne. This diſtance at the rate of 767 toifes for a mile, following the dimenfions drawn from that of Narbonne to Nifmes, would be 48,321 toifes. Altho' the ety- mology fhews, that Port-Vendre is the port of Venus, as Vendredi is the day of Venus, yet this diſtance does not agree at all with that of Port- Vendre, which is near Colioure. Perhaps the port of Venus was diftant from the temple of Ve- nus, or there were two ports on that fide a little diftant from one another, which had the fame. name. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 377 name. There was another Port-Vendre, called now l'Etang de Vendre near Narbonne. The diſtance that is between Port Vendre, which is near Colioure and Narbonne, according to our di- menfions, is 41,000 toifes lefs than that which we have juft found by 7,321 toifes. At the diſtance of 48,300 toifes from Nar- bonne is the Selve, where there is a port capable of a good number of gallies, with a tower to defend the road. It is larger than Port-Vendre near Co- lioure, and is fituated on the N. fide of Cape Creux which is the celebrated Aphroditic promontory, which Strabo alfo calls the Pyrenean promontory. Mela fays, that between the promontories formed by the Pyreneans, there is the port of of Venus, celebrated on account of the temple; which might be underſtood as well of one as the other port. Pliny places the temple of the Pyrenean Venus XL miles diftant from the river Tichis, now Ter, in Catalonia. This diftance is without doubt too great, and almost double of that which comes from the preceding comparifon. M. de Marca, inſtead of XL, reads XI, fup- pofing that the I has been changed into L, but this diſtance is too fmall, and does not agree even with the diſtance between the Tech and Port- Vendre, near Colioure, which is but 5500 toiles, a little above 7 miles. Probably, inſtead of XL miles it fhould be read XX miles; and the laft X has been changed to an L. Thus the port of Venus will be the port of la Selva. The measure of the ftadia in France. Strabo places the diftance between the temple of the Pyrenean Venus, and the outlet of the Var, which he gives for the two bounds of France, at 277 miles. He fays, that to this diſtance is reckoned" VOL. I. N°. 10. Bbb 2600 378 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the I 2600 ftadia and that others add alſo to it 200 Stadia, which would make in all 2800 ftadia. We fee by this, how different the proportion of the miles is to the ftadia. In dividing theſe two numbers of ftadia by 277 miles, the first number gives 9 ftadia, and a little more than for a mile; and the fecond, to ftadia and above for a mile. Altho' in other places, Strabo, and the reft, commonly give but 8 ftadia to a mile; this comparifón however fhews, that we cannot here allow less than 9 ftadia to a mile, divide 765 toifes, which make an ancient mile, by 9, we fhall have a stadium in France of 85 toifes, which make 510 Paris feet. Herodotus makes the ftadia 600 feet, the foot of Herodotus will then be to the Paris foot, as 51 to 60, fuppofing the Stadium of Herodotus equal to the stadium of France. * } } The measure of the pyramids of Egypt in feet and ftadia... Herodotus makes the breadth of the baſe of the greateſt pyramid of Egypt to be 800 feet, and confequently one stadium and, and as 60 is to 51, fo 800 is to 680 Paris fect, for the breadth of the baſe of the pyramid. At the rate of 9 ftadia for a mile, of which each has 510 feet, this bafe would have a ftadium and, as by the di- menfion of Herodotus. M. Chazelles has actu- ally measured the bafe of this pyramid by a line, and found it 690 feet, upon an unequal ground raifed in the middle; from whence he fays, there must be fomething taken away to have the juft bafe. If we take away 10 feet, we fhall have for the breadth of the bafe 680 Paris feet, as we W have before calculated.. བྷི॰, ཙ, སྱཱནཾ,, 建 ​IQ M. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 379 هم M. Gemelli, who lately went round the world, relates the meaſure of this pyramid, which he faw in 1693, as he had them from F. Fulgence of Tours, a mathematical capucin, who found the breadth of this pyramid on each fide to be 682 Paris feet, which agrees with the meaſure that we have juſt found at the rate of 9 stadia for a mile. The meaſures which he gives of it agree with thofe that M. Jeangeon has had from M. de Noin- tel, the king's ambaffador to the Porte, and which he has communicated to the academy. It is furprizing, that Mr. Greaves, an English mathe- matician, in his Pyramidographia, has found the baſe of this great pyramid meaſured, by triangles, to be 683 English feet, which are to the Paris feet, as 15 to 16. In this proportion, having fuppofed the breadth of the pyramid: 680 Paris feet, it muſt be 723 English feet, from whence we may ſee the difference, that there is between the meaſures of the fame magnitude, taken by diverſe perfons, and reduced to the fame feet. 1 Strabo himſelf, whofe meaſures taken in France, we have compared with our own, and who was in Egypt with Ælius Gallus about the chriftian epoch, makes the breadth of this pyramid one Stadium. He therefore makes the ſtadium here greater than Herodotust or the geographers, from whom he has drawn the dimenfions of the fouthern coafts of France. 1 1 Diodorus Siculus, who was in Egypt: 60 years before the chriftian epoch, fays, that the greateſt pyramid had on each fide of its lower part 7 ju- gera; 6 jugera make a stadium according to He- rodotus: therefore each fide of the base of the pyramid was one stadium and . We have there- fore three different dimenfions, of the pyramid in Stadia; one of an exact ſtadium, one of a sta- dium Bbb 2 A 380 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the dium and, and one of a ftadium. The mea- fure of the ftadia was therefore as different and as equivocal among the ancients, as the meaſure of the miles and leagues are among the moderns. The meaſure of miles was more uniform, as we have found by the compariſon of the fame dit- tances taken in France and Italy, by the ancients and by the moderns. We have from this compari- fon drawn a conclufion of no ſmall importance, which is, that the modern Roman foot of a palm and, is equal to the ancient foot uſed in the mea- fure of the diftances of the towns of France, and that both are to the Paris foot, as 11 to 12, hav- ing neglected a. fmall fraction, which is infenfible in the practice. " of But the foot of Herodotus, with which he mea- fured the pyramid, being to the Paris foot, as 51 as 60 is equal to 10 inches, 2 lines and the Paris foot. It is the large foot of a man of tall ſtature, and fuch must be the foot of Hercules, with which he meaſured the ſtadia for the Olympic games, allowing them 600 of his feet, which made 100 paces according to Herodotus. This author divides the pace into 6 feet, as we divide the toife into 6 feet. It is probable, that Era- tofthenes, who allowed 700 ftadia to a degree of the circumference of the earth, having drawn it from the distance between Alexandria and Syene, made uſe of theſe ftadia of Herodotus. Thus a degree, according to Eratofthenes, would be the product of 85 toiles by 700, which makes 58,500 toifes. This meature of a degree is greater than ours by about 44 part. } Pliny allows 883 feet to the length of each ſide of the bafe of the largest pyramid. Theſe are not the feet of the itinerary meaſure, that we have found by many compariſons to be to the Paris foot, } 1 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 381 4 £2. 1 foot, as 11 to 12. For in this proportion the bafe, which has been found to be 780 Paris feet, ought to be 702 feet of the ancient itinerary mea- fure, inftead of 883 that Pliny allows them. There is then 1810 feet difference,' which makes more than of 702. This meaſure is therefore to the ancient itinerary foot, which we found be- fore to be equal to the modern Roman foot, as 12 to 15, and a little more, and exceeds the mo- dern Roman palm only, which is to the Roman foot, as 12 to 16. It is therefore probable, that Pliny's was a foot of architecture of different mea- fure, from the Roman foot and palm.^ flokka Z 3 J There is alſo a more confiderable difference in the meaſure of the fquare place, which remains at the top of this pyramid. Pliny makes its breadth 25 feet; Gemell relates it to be 16 feet. In proportion to the meaſure of the bafe, as 682, the meaſure of Gemelli is to 883 the meaſure of Pliny, fo 16 feet are to 21 feet, inftead of 25 that Pliny gives us. There is 3 feet difference, we may attribute it to the deftroying of the cruft of marble with which this pyramid muſt have been covered, in the time of Pliny, as the other pyramids, one of which remains at pre- fent covered at the point, the reft having been de- moliſhed. The thickness of this cruft muſt have been a foot and of Pliny's meafure. This di- minution of the bafe, which has happened fince Pliny's time, does not fenfibly vary the proportion of diverfe feet that we have examined, and does not fettle the different dimenfions that are given. 靠 ​If it is fo difficult to make the meatures of the fame bafe agree, which fubfift always without fenfible variation, and which we may meaſure exactly without difficulty, we may judge how difficult it is to be affured of the diftances of រ towns 382 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the } towns which have not actually been meaſured, but have been determined by the grofs eftimate of the time commonly spent in paffing from one to the other. We must nevertheleſs have the diftances from one place to two others, of which the fituation is known to determine with re- fpect to them the pofition of a third by triangles. Inevitable errors multiply according to the mul- titude of places, and there remains no better way of correcting them, than by the obfervations of ftars made in places very diftant from one another. 1. The measure used by pilots. S The pilots of the Mediterranean allow 75 miles to a degree: Thofe of the ocean allow only 60. The ancient Italian miles are to the modern miles as 60 to 75 for the ancients make the di- ftance from Bolonia to Modena 25 miles; and the modern reckon only do miles from one of thefe towns to the other. Therefore thofe of the Mediterranean make use of the ancient miles, which are to this day in ufe in feveral provinces of Italy; and thofe of the ocean make ufe of the modern miles, which are in ufe in other provinces. The modern meafure has this convenience, that it takes a minute for a mile whereas the ancient ¹allows' to 'each' minute a inile and a quarter. We may accommodate ourſelves to the ufe of both. If we give 5 feet to the ancient pace, as they do In Italy a degree of 75000 paces will be 375000 feet and fuppofing a degree of the circumfe- rence of the earth 343,000 Paris feet, as we o have found pretty near this ancient Italian foot would be to the Paris foot, as 343 to 375, órkasını təl hope and if we give to the mo- dern Italian pade 6 feet, the degree of 60 miles wil be 360 obo feet, the modern Italian mile of Enthute, will be 6000 feet, which will be to the SW I 9 V Paris ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES: 383. Paris foot, as 344 to 360, or as 44 to 45. If there are more or lefs Paris feet in a degree, the pro- portion of the Paris foot to the Italian foot will be a little different, unless there happens fome va-. riation in the number of the ancient or modern, Italian feet in a degree. For we obtain it, as the feamen do from the divifion of the degree, by the approximation of theſe meaſures to thofe of fome country of Italy, from whence they have. taken the name altho' the feet, which we call modern, approach more to the common feet of France, than to thofe which are in ufe in the greateſt part of the towns of Italy. We allow 6 of them to a pace, as Herodotus has done, con- trary to the ancient and modern cuftom of Italy, by this means bringing it nearer to the Paris foot, and imitating the divifion of the toife into 6 feet, having feen that the pace of Bolonia is much nearer to the Paris toife, than the Paris foot is to the Bolonian foot. By this means a minute of a thouſand paces has 6000 feet; a fecond has 100 feet, as a degree of 60 minutes has 60,000 toiſes, which are very convenient numbers to ufe, and eafy to be calculated; + 1 Of the trigonometrical measure.. ३ It muſt be obſerved, that in the trigonometrical table, where the femi-diameter of the circle is ſuppoſed to be divided into 10 millions of parts, a minute as well as its fine and tangent, which do not fenfibly differ in fo fmall an arch, is marked with 2909 parts. Doubling the radius and the arch, we ſhall have the femi-diameter of 20 million of parts, a minute of 5818 parts. But a minute is 6000 geometrical feet, and 5818 is to 6000, as 32 10:33. We may then eſtabliſh a trigonometrical foot, which fhall be to the geo- metrical or modern Italian foot,las 33 to 32. We 384 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the t We may find the proportion of this foot to any other, when we have found how many other feet make a minute of a great circle of the earth. We may, in fine, eſtabliſh a fathom of 2 trigo- nometrical feet, of which there will be 10 mil- lions in the femi-diameter of the earth; thus all the numbers of the table will be fo many trigono- metrical fathoms of two feet, of which there are 2909 in a minute, and 48 in a ſecond, as we fee without calculating at the head of the table. The third part of the numbers of the table will be fo many trigonometrical toifes, of which there. are 970 in a minute, and 16 in a fecond. Theſe meaſures of geometrical and trigono- metrical feet and fathoms, are means between different feet and fathoms, which are eſtabliſhed by different nations. We may then take them for univerfal invariable meafures. Thus, if it is afked how many miles, feet, or toifes are in a determinate arch of the circumference of the earth, we need only take the number of minutes contained in the arch propoſed for the number of geometrical miles, multiply them by 1000 to have the number of geometrical paces or toiles, or by 60,000 to have the number of feet; thus a degree of 60 minutes will be 60,000 toifes. The whole circumference of the earth, which is 360 degrees will therefore be 21,600 000 geometrical toiles, or 21,600 Italian miles; and becauſe the cir cumference is to the femi-diameter as 44 to 7, or as 220 to 35, or 21,600 to $3,436, the femi-diameter of the earth will be 3436 geome- trical miles or modern Italian ones. The half 1718, will be the number of geometrical leagues almoft equal to the fmall league of France, as thofe which they reckon from Paris to Orleans. We may take a third for the mean ones which + 3 approach ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 385 1 approach to thoſe of Auvergne, and a quarter for the greatest which approach to thofe of Languedoc. As for the trigonometrical meaſures, the femi- diameter of the earth being fuppofed of 10,000,000 trigonometrical fathom, the circumference will be 62,831,852 fathoms. The third part of thefe numbers will give the trigonometrical toifes. The femi-diameter of the earth will then be 3,333,333 trigonometrical toifes, and the circumferences will be 20,943,950 trigonometrical toifes. The ro。 part of thefe two numbers will give the trigonometrical miles. I 1000 The femi-diameter of the earth will then be 3333 trigonometrical miles, and the circumfe- rence 20,944 trigonometrical miles. Of the borary meaſures. I have tried feveral times in going to Fontain- bleau, and back again a good pace in a coach, that in the plain of Longboyau, which has been meaſured exactly, one travels 5 minutes of the circumference of the earth in an hour. A man on foot would go this way in the fame time, and a degree in 24 hours; and if he was to tra- vel 12 hours in a day, in a like road, with the fame quickneſs, he would go round the world in two years. IV. Reflections on the measure of the earth, related by Snellius, in his book intitled, Era- tofthenes Batavus, by M. Caffini the fon*. Snellius † meaſured on a plain near Leyden, a baſe of 326 Rhinland perches and 4 feet: (the * March 1, 1702. VOL. I. N°, 10. + Plate XVI. Fig. 6. Ccc perch 386 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the perch contains 12 feet, and the proportion of the Paris foot to the Rhinland foot is, according to M. Picard, as 1440 to 1390) he took from the extremities of this bafe, with a femi-circle of 3 feet, the angles with the towers of Leyden and Soeterwoude, and he determined their diſtance to be 1092 perches. By this diftance, he determi- ned the fituation of the greatest part of the towns in Holland, and of fome in Flanders by trigono- metry. The two towns where he obferved, which are moſt to the N. and Sare thofe of Alkmaer and Bergen op Zoom. He transferred to Alkmaer a meridian line, that he had drawn at Leyden, and having found the angle that the line drawn from Alkmaer to Bergen op Zoom made with the meri- dian, he determined the part of the meridian in- tercepted between the parallels of theſe towns to be 34,018 perches. T 1 He afterwards obferved with a quadrant of 5 feet radius, the height of the pole at both thefe towns. He found that of Alkmaer to be 529 40′, and that of Bergen op Zoom 51° 29, which is lefs than the preceding by 1° 11', and having fubftracted 25 perches of the diftance between Alkmaer and Bergen op Zoom, for the re- duction of the places where he had made his ob- fervations, he determined the magnitude of the 'degree" of "the "circumference of the earth to be 28,473 perches. Having alfo obferved the height of the pole at Leyden, he determined by the arch of the meridian intercepted between theſe two towny, the magnitude of the degree to be 28,510 perches! Taking a mean between theſe two de- tethinations, we have the magnitude of the de- gree 2835 Rhinland perches, or 55,021 Paris 'toiles. A gnum ad to custom butte A Snellius's adi ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 387 Snellius's method is the fame that we ufed in the prolongation of the meridian. The bafe which he actually meafured, appears however very ſmall, which might have occafioned confi- derable errors in the feries of his triangles; but as he has verified his meaſures by a new bafe, pretty near the fame magnitude, we ſhall fuppofe his obfervations to be fuch as he relates, and we fhall ſee hereafter what refults from them, being com- pared with the heights of the pole, that I have obſerved in fome towns in Holland, which are contained in his triangles. $1 C - During my stay in Holland, whither I had carried an octant of 3 feet radius, which we have fince uſed in our laft journey, I obferved, the 10th of Nov. 1697, the meridian height of the polar ftar to be 54° 16'5" at Rotterdam, which is one of the moſt fouthern cities of this province. Going afterward to Alkmaer, which is the capital of North Holland, I obferved the meridian height of the polar. ftar to be 54° 58' 10". The difference between thefe heights is 42' 5", which is the arch of the meridian inter- cepted between the parallels of Alkmaer and Rot- terdam, neglecting the difference of refraction, which does not amount to 2". The bufinefs, is then to know how many toifes this arch of the meridian is, that we may afterwards determine in toifes the magnitude of the degree of a great circle of the circumference of the earth. We may thus draw it from the obfervations of Snellius. Snelluis determines the difference of the arch of the meridian intercepted between the parallels of - Alkmaer and Leyden to be 14,215 perches. From Leyden he obferved, that the tower of Goude de clines from the meridian 44° 49' towards the E. And he determined in the feries of his triangles, Ccc 2 the 388 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 f the angle between Goude and Rotterdam of 43° 36, by which Rotterdam is more to the W. The tower of Rotterdam declines therefore from the meridian. of Leyden 1° 13' toward the eaft, and the diſtance between Leyden and Rotterdam be- ing, according to Snellius, 6972 perches, we fhall have the arch of the meridian between Ley- den and Rotterdam 6970 perches, which being added to the diſtance of Alkmeer and Leyden up- on the meridian, of 14,215 perches, give the diſtance between Alkmaer and Rotterdam of 21,185 Rhinland perches, which being reduced to Paris feet, make 40,913 toifes. The place where I obferved at Akmaer, drawn from the plan of this town, is 20 or 30 toifes more to the S. than the great church where Snellius ob- ferved; and the place where I obferved at Rot- terdam, is 30 or 40 toifes more to the N. than the tower of the great church, which is probably that where Snellius obferved, fince it is diftin- guifhed from all the reft by its height, as I have obferved in my journal. } # 1 The places where Snellius obferved being there- fore one more northward, and the other more fouthward than thofe of my obfervations, by ad- ding their difference, we fhall have 60 toifes, that must be retrenched from the distance between Alkmaer and Rotterdam, and we fhall have in the interval 42' 5", which have been obferved between theſe two towns 40,833 Paris toifes, and 58,245 toiles for a degree. This meaſure ex- ceeds that which we have determined by the ob- fervations made in the laft journey, by more than 1000 toifes, pretty near agreeing to that which Snellius determined by his obfervations. This difference appeared fo confiderable to me, that I thought my felf obliged to examine the me- -thod 1 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 389 thod which Snellius ufed, and calculate his tri- angles upon the obfervations that he has made, and related in his book. I have been alfo led to it by fome errors of the prefs, which immedi- ately ſtrike the eye, and among others, lib. I. p. 173. 1. 20 and 21. inftead of diftantia inter Leydam & Rotterodamum, we should read inter Goudam & Rotterodamum, I have therefore firſt calculated upon his bafe actually meaſured the diſtance between Leyden and Soeterwoude, which agrees with what he has marked. Upon this di- ftance, I have calculated that between the Hague and Leyden, which I have found, as well asche, to be 4103 perches, and in the triangle: AEF made by the Hague, Leyden, and Rotterdam, the diſtance AE, between the Hague and Leyden, being already known, the angle AFE, which Leyden and the Hague make with Rotterdam, being obferved to be 39º 53", and the angle AEF, that Rotterdam and the Hague make with Leyden, being obſerved to be 53° 40', I found the diſtance EF, between Leyden and Rotterdam, 6386 Rhinland perches, and the diftance AF from the Hague to Rotterdam 5154. Snellius, lib.II. P. 173. 1. 12. in the fame triangle, where he re- lates the angles obferved which I ufed, gives the diſtance AF between the Hague and Rotterdam of 5616, and the diftance EF from Leyden to Rot- terdam 6972, greater than that which refults from the calculation by 586 Rhinland perches, which make more than 1100 toifes., " i 33 Suppofing the diſtance A-E between the Hague and Leyden 41030, He afterwards determines in the triangle AES made by the Hague, Lorden, and Goude, the diftance ES from Leyto Goude 5898 perches and having dbferved from the two extremities of this baſe, the angles at Rotterdam, ? 390 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Rotterdam, he determines in another triangle EFS made by Leyden, Goude, and Rotterdam, the diſtance EF between Leyden and Rotterdam to be 4883. In calculating this triangle upon his obfervations, I found the diſtance from Leyden to Rotterdam 6972, the fame as he had marked in the preceding problem mifplaced, and the dif tance between Goude and Rotterdam 4883, which fhewed me, that inſtead of Leyden, it muſt be read Goude, and that it is only an error of the prefs. But I know not how to reconcile theſe two determinations of the diftance EF from Leyden to Rotterdam, which refult from two different triangles, one of 6386, the other 6972. The firſt determination is the most immediate; but the fecond is that, upon which he has eſtabliſhed his meaſure, and is verified by other triangles; but there is no angle obferved at Rotterdam. We may therefore conclude, either that the obfervations. of the angle of the first triangle AEF are faulty, or that he has miſtaken another place for Rotterdam; and then there would be no error in his meaſure. This would be at leaſt a fact that would de- ferve to be proved, and this might be eaſily ex- ecuted by a perſon, who fhould be upon the ſpot, by making a ftation upon the top of the tower of Rotterdam, and obferving from thence the an- gles between the Hague and Leyden, Goude, Dort and Willemstadt. Let us now examine the reſult of the diſtance from Leyden to Rotterdam determined by the first triangles. I have already faid, that the tower of Rotterdam declines from the meridian of Ley- den 1 13" toward the eaſt, and fuppofing the diſtance EF, from Leyden to Rotterdam 6386 perches, as we have juft found by the triangle AEF, we fhall have the arch the meridian between 3 Leyden, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 391 Leyden and Rotterdam 6384, which being ad- ded to the arch of the meridian between Leyden and Alkmaer of 14215, gives the diftance be- tween the parallel of Alkmaer and that of Rotter- dam of 20,599 Rhinland perches, or 39,767 Paris toifes; and retrenching 60 toifes, for the difference between the places where I obferved and thofe of Snellius, we fhall have 39,707 toifes for 42′ 5″, and for a degree 56,612 toiſes. This meaſure differs very much from that which we found at firft; it exceeds that of Snel- lius by 1600 toifes, and is lefs by above 400 toifes than that which M. Picard has determined be- tween the parallels of Sourdon and Malvoifine. f } ふ ​But, to leave nothing that may ferve to clear this fubject, I fhall here examine what refults from the obfervations made at Alkmaer and the Hague. I have not obferved in the laft town the height of the polar ftar; but I have feveral times taken the meridian height of the fun, by which I have determined the height of the pole to be 52" 4 13". The height of the pole at Alkmaer drawn from the obfervations of the polar ftar, is 52° 38′ 34″, the difference between the parallels of this town and of the Hague, is therefore 34 21". Snellius has obferved from Leyden, that the tower of the Hague declined 52° 22 from the me- ridian. The diſtance from Leyden to the Hague being therefore allowed to be 4103 perches, we fhall have the difference between the parallels of theſe two towns 2505, which being added to 14,215, the distance from Leyden to kmaer up- on the meridian, gives for the difference between Alkmaer and the Hague 16, 720, perches, which agree with 34 21" of latitude, Neglecting the difference between the ftations of Snellius, and thoſe where I obferved because they are hardly Tenfible 392 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the fenfible; we ſhall have the magnitude of the de- gree 29205 Rhinland perches, or 56,382 toiſes; which gives a ftill lefs determination than that which reſults from the laft comparifon, wherein we fuppofed the diſtance from Leyden to Rotter- dam 6386 perches, the fame as we have found by the calculations from the rules which he relates. V. Remarks on the different manner of ma- naging the common oars, and turning oars, lately propofed by the Sieur du Guet, by M. Chazelles * Tranflated by Mr. Chambers. To judge of the effect of common oars, and the velocity they are capable of giving; we are to confider them in a galley, a veffel to which in all ages men have endeavoured to give all the advantages poffible. Now a common galley has 26 oars, on each fide; each oar being 36 feet long: whereof 24 feet are out of the galley, and 12 within; but the part within is proportionably bigger, and be- fides is fortified with wood in order to balance the part without the fulcrum or point of fup- port, being on the edge of the galley. The end of the oar which enters the water, called the blade thereof, is half a foot broad, and about 5 feet long; fo that each oar ſticks on a furface of water 2 feet, and the 26 oars on 65 feet, and that there are 5 men to each oar. We may therefore con- fider that 26 oars as all connected, acting at the ſame time, and impelling 65 fquare feet of water with the ſtrength of 130 men. The rowers exert unequal forces. He at the end of the oar works hard, as moving at each #March 1, 1702. ftroke ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 393 ſtroke or ſtretch of the oar, the ſpace of 6 fect, but the others lefs in proportion, and the next the fulcrum ſcarce ſtirs; fo that when they are to continue rowing any time, they are obliged to relieve and fucceed each other, which makes a little hindrance. The ſtroke may be confidered, as confifting of 3 parts in the firft, the men recover and raiſe themſelves; in the fecond, they carry the oar forwards; the foreman advancing a ſtep, and ftretching his body before the ftern; in the third, they recline or throw themfelves backwards, with the arms upwards, in order to plunge the blade in the water: which laft motion alone tends to make the galley advance. It muſt be obſerved, that at the fame time the fall of the whole crew of 260 men, makes another impulſe or impreffion on the galley, tending to fink it deeper, which of conſequence muft retard its velocity; fo that the motion is performed in jirks, or fhakes. We have obferved, that a galley rowed with all the ſtrength it can maintain for a continuance of time, in a ſtanding water, does not give a- bove 24 ftrokes in a minute and that the firſt oar falls into the fame part of the water, as the ſeventh ſo that at each ftroke the galley ad- vances the ſpace of 6 banks, which is 3 *fa- thoms; and confequently 72 fathoms in a mi- nute, and 4320 fathoms in an hour, which makes 5 good miles or 1 league in an hour. This calculus I have compared with feveral experiments and obfervations, from all which I am confirmed, that a galley in a full calm, cannot go 2 leagues. an hour, for a continuance: fuch is the rate at which the common oars will carry us. *It is toifes in the original. VOL. I. Nº. 10. Ddd Now 394 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Now fuppofing the turning oars to be 12 feet from the centre of their motion, to the tip of the blade, making them dip 6 feet in water; and placing the point of fupport 5 or 6 feet above The water line; the blade may be 3 feet broad, if required, or even more, which will impel 18 fquare feet of water continually, and without in- terruption, with a force greater or lefs, according to the number of perfons applied to the handles, who all exert an equal force, and only move 3 feet, which they may continue to do much lon- ger than the foreman of the common galley, who moving at double this rate, is foon thrown into a fweat, and obliged to work naked. The velocity of the galley in this cafe of turn- ing oars, is eaſily eftimated, if they only make one turn or revolution in 10 feconds, the velocity will equal that of the common galley, by reafon the turn. is equal to 12 fathoms: fuppofing, as we have done for the common oars, that the water does not give way in the leaft. But for a greater juftnefs in the eftimate, we fhould find by repeated experiments in known diſtances, how much the water yields or gives way in propor- tion to the velocity of the turns, and we fhall have the greater accuracy the more of the turn of thefe oars exceeds the fpace advanced at a ftroke with the common ones. There is no doubt but the ftrength, for inftance, of 100 men, acting contiru Hy on a bulk of wa- ter of 18 fquare feet on a fide, will foon put the largeſt veffel in motion; fince a common cha- loop makes itfelf felt, notwithſtanding the incon- veniences of fuch towage. I am perſuaded therefore, that fuch oars would be of great advantage to large veffels, and even more than to fmall ones, by reaſon befides the { great ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 395 great number of hands they have in readiness to work them, there is more room for the flights of the handles, to make them move without any embarraſs, which cannot eafily be done in a fmall veffel, where the fpace between the two decks is but low, and uſually much encumbered. VI. An obfervation on a column of light feen at the obfervatory, May 11, 1702, in the morning, by M. de la Hire* I obferved a great luminous ray perpendicular to the horizon, and equal to the diameter of the fun, in its whole height, which was about 9 or 10 degrees. This light appeared fome time be- fore the rifing of the fun, and we faw it again after it rofe. The heavens were overcaft with little clouds, lying along the horizon, which did not hinder the fun from being feen very plainly; they only made little black bands and jaggs to ward the edges but the vertical diameter of the fun at its rifing, appeared to me at leaft equal to the horizontal. In the memoirs of the academy for the year. 1692, there is related an obfervation of M. Caf fini's, of a light almoft like this. M. Caffini fays, that this phenomenon is very rare, and that he never faw but one like it, which was in 1672. But both theſe obfervations having been made af- ter fun-fet, he could not fee the proportion of the fun with this light. We may explain the light that I have ob ſerved in this manner. It is certain, that all the parbelia, and thefe appearances of light, never appear when the air is very ferene, and that we fee them generally toward the horizon, when it + Plate XVII. Fig. 1. Ddd 2 May 17, 1702. is 396 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the is full of little, long, thready clouds. Befides,' it is manifeft, that there happens to the rays of the fun, which met thefe clouds, the fame thing, as that which we perceive when we look at the light of a candle through a glafs that is a little. greafy; and when we rub it a certain way with the hand; for it then makes an infinite number of little furrows, of which the elevated part re- turns the light toward the eye, and we ſee theſe rays extended according to the perpendicular in the direction of the furrows. The ray of light muft appear pretty near equal to the diameter of the luminous body; for only thoſe which meet the direction of the furrows perpendicularly, can be reflected toward the eye, the others which are oblique turning away from it, as we may try up- on a thread of glafs, by looking at a candle through it. The fame thing muft happen to the little threads of the clouds, or to the little long parts lying this way, of which they are compofed, as to the little furrows juft mentioned. VII. Obfervations made by means of the burning-glass, by M. Homberg. The great burning mirrours, which we have ufed till now, have been concave, which reunite exactly the rays of the fun, and make a very burning focus: but as this focus is made from re- flected rays, which are united upwards, we are obliged to hold the fubftance in the air which we would expofe to it, without being able to fup- port it in any veffel. As foon as this fubftance is affected by the heat of the focus it begins to melt; 1 when it is melted, not being fupported by any thing, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 397 thing, it runs and quits the focus, and conſequently receives no more impreffion from it, fo that we cannot make any continued experiment by thefe fort of burning mirrours. Thus they have only ſerved for a curiofity without any ufe; this has made us wifh for great glafs lens's, thro' which the rays of the fun paffing, would make a focus downwards, to which we might expofe the ſub- ſtance ſupported in convenient veffels, as long as we pleaſe which would not only give an op- portunity of making continued obfervations, but alfo experiments, which are abfolutely impoffible with the concave mirrours. 1 The duke of Orleans having fix months ago brought one of thefe glafs lens's, of 3 feet diame- ter, made by M. Tſchirnhauſen, one of our affo- ciates, ordered me to make ufe of it for examining all fort of ſubſtances, which I do as often as the fun permits me. I relate here fome of the moſt extraordinary obfervations that this glafs has fur- nifhed us with; by which we fhall fee that gold and filver are volatile metals in the fire of the fun, as other metals are in the fire of our furnaces. t اد Gold eaſily melts with the burning-glafs; and it diſappears at length three ways, which differ from one another according to the degree of heat to which they are expofed. Fine gold reduced to a calx by fpirit of falt melted with the fun, fumes at firft very much, and changes a part of it quickly into a glass of a very deep violet colour. 2 } Fine gold, reduced to a calm by quickfilver, melted with the fun fumes at firft very much, and quickly changes a part of it into a tran- fparent cryftalline glafs without colour; but if we hold this glafs for fome time in fufion with the gold, it lofes its tranfparence, and becomes opake 3 398 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the opake by degrees, at firft the colour of opal, then white as milk, afterwards it grows brown at the fummit of the drop, and at laft the drop of glaſs becomes of a deep brown, inclining to a green. This glaſs ſwims upon melted gold, fometimes whirling about all ways, fometimes running over it in a right line, and waving, changing place with a very great velocity, without fixing to the veffel which contains the gold, unleſs the veffel itſelf begins to vitrify. Then the glaſs of the gold, and that of the veffel mix together, and fix themſelves to the veffel. When the fine gold, that we would melt with the fun, is not in a calx, but in a mafs, there does not at firſt appear any glaſs upon it, but it is formed by degrees; as thus: The gold which I fuppofe to be pure, when firft it is melted, appears in a drop, fair and clean like a looking glafs, but foon after its furface be- comes as if we had thrown duft upon it: this duft very quickly gathers into a little drop of whi- tish glaſs, upon the middle of the melted gold, leaving the whole furface of the gold for a mo- ment very clean and clear, as it was in the begin- ning of its fufion; after which the furface of the gold appears again dufty: this powder at firſt co- vers the whole furface of the gold, like a general fpot, which diminishes its breadth by degrees, but pretty quickly, till it terminates upon the middle of the mafs of gold, and enlarges a little the first drop of glafs that was formed by the firſt duft. It does this fucceffively, during the whole time that we hold the gold in fufion to the fun. When the little drop of glafs is come to the fize of a very ſmall pea, its weight makes it run towards the edges of the melted gold, and then the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 399 the duſty ſpots make a new little drop of glafs, which becoming a little bigger, runs alfo towards the edges of the melted gold; this joins to the firft and makes it bigger, and then the third little drop of glaſs begins to form itſelf. The whole mafs of gold will change this way into glass; but to the end that this may happen, it muſt be obſerved not to hold the melted gold exactly to the focus of the two burning-glaffes; it is well to prefent it to it from time to time to ſtrengthen the fufion, and then to take it away a little; for the true focus of our two glaffes is too violent to hold long in fufion any metal what- foever. For the metals which are hard to melt, there are three ways of placing them to the focus, which produce three different effects. The firft is to the exact point of the focus. The gold be- ing held in this place a little while, begins to crackle and throw out little drops of its fubftance, to 6, 7, and 8 inches diſtance, the furface of the melted gold becoming very fenfibly prickly, like the green fhell of a chefnut. All the fubftance of the gold lofes itſelf this way, without fuffering any alteration; for if you fpread a fheet of paper under the veffel which contains this gold that crackles in fufion, we fhall gather upon this paper a gold powder, of which the little grains being viewed through a microfcope, ap- pear to be little round balls of gold, which may be again melted into a maſs. The fecond way to place the gold in fufion, is to draw it a little from the true focus, till you fee that the gold does not appear any longer prickly nor fparkles. In this place the gold vitri fies, as we have just mentioned, which is a true changing of the fubftance of a heavy, malleable, and 400 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the and ductile metal, into a light, brittle, and ob fcurely tranſparent glaſs. The third way to place the gold in fufion, is to draw it ſtill a little farther from the true focus, than it is in the vitrifying place, and here it only fumes; its lofs there is very flow, and we are obliged now and then to bring it nearer to the focus, to prevent it from fixing. Theſe are the 3 different changes that fine gold fuffers at the burning-glafs; namely, to evapo- rate in fume, to change into glafs, and to fly into the air by little grains. It is pretty near the fame with fine filver, but with thefe differences, that filver fumes much more than gold, that it goes away incomparably fafter in fume, that it fparkles at the leaft heat, and that it does not vitrify entirely in the fame man- ner as the gold. Silver refined with lead fumes confiderably, and the furface becomes dufty, as we have ob- ferved in that of the gold; but the powder which it makes does not melt into glafs, as it does with the gold, for it is white and light as flower, it gathers in fo great a quantity, that there is the thickneſs of more than a line over all the furface of the filver, when we hold it about a quarter of an hour together to the fun, and during this time a dram of filver has loft 26 grains, that is, more than of its weight. 438 Silver refined with antimony fumes yet more than that which is refined with lead, and the pow- der that it makes upon its furface, melts into glafs as does that of gold; but this glass does not keep in a drop upon this filver, as the glass of gold does; on the contrary, it fpreads over the whole furface, as if it was a yellow varnish. This glafs is volatile, and evaporates in fume, with the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 401 the mafs of its filver, in which it differs from the glaſs of gold, which does not go off in fume, and differs alfo from the powder gathered upon the filver refined with lead; for this powder in- creaſes more and more upon the filver expoſed to the fun, but this varnifh does not feem to in- creaſe by expofing it a great while to the fun upon the filver. When fine gold and filver have been for fome time melted with the fun, they are with difficulty melted with the common fire, and their diffol- vents do not diffolve them fo faft, nor with fo much ebullition as they did before, which is ob- ſerved more fenfibly in gold than in filver. It would be well here to give the reaſon why a glafs is formed upon gold and filver refined by antimony, and why upon filver, refined with lead, it only makes a powder which does not vitrify at all? Why thefe glaffes and this powder have not the fame weight as the metals, which have pro- duced them? Why gold melted for fome time in the fun, melts with difficulty with the common fire? And why fpirit of falt diffolves it almoft with out ebullition ? To give the reaſon of all thefe facts, I find myſelf obliged to fay before hand, 1. What the fire of our furnaces appears to be. 2. In what manner it acts. And, 3. the difference I believe there is between the common fire, and the fire of the fun. I fay therefore, that the fire, which we com- monly uſe, or flame, is nothing but a liquid com- pofed of the matter of light and of the oil of the wood or coal; this fluid, or flame, is much lighter than the air that furrounds it, and being preffed on all fides but unequally by the air, it is driven by it continually to the tide where it is VOL. I. No. II. Eee leaft 402 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the MINH leaft preffed, which is ufually upwards with re- gard to us, or from the earth. The particles of the flame are very fmall, and capable of paffing into the folid bodies," beings of the moſt driven violently against thefe bodies by the air, of which the preffure is more or lefs violent, according as this air is more or leſs condenfed by the cold, by the wind, or by an artificial blowing, fuch as bellows, reeds, &c. The violent paffage of the flame acroſs the bodies, which are penetrated by it, diforders and difunites the parts of thefe bodies this difunion produces in fome an entire diffolution of their parts, as it happens to all bodies reduced to afhes; in the others, it only produces a fimple fufion, as it happens in metals and bodies, that vitrify, of which the particles reunite and become again a folid body, as foon as the violence of the flame begins to ceafe: but as the interftices of thefe fu- fible bodies preferve the traces of the flame which has penetrated them, thefe interftices remain greater or leffer in the coagulation of thefe bo- dies, according as the flame has been more or lefs great, and as there remain more or lefs parts in its interftices. Thus much for the common fire. The fire of the fun is only the fimple matter of the light, which is difperfed in the air, without the mixture of any oily fubftance of wood, or the like, driven by the fun. This matter being reunited by a burning-glafs, and driven in a pretty large quantity against any fubftance whatſoever, penetrates it, croffes it, and difunites the parts almoft in the fame manner, as we fee the common fire to act. The firft fenfible difference of thefe two fires, confifts in this, that one, which is the fun, is a fimple matter, whofe parts are infinitely fmaller * ง : than TAIN ་ ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 403 1 hidw betivo than thoſe of the common fire, which confifts, as we juſt ſaid, in a grofs mixture of the oil of the wood with the matter of the light p The fecond fenfible difference of theſe two fires is, that the air, which is heavier than the flame, drives the flame according to the laws of the equilibrum of fluids, without which the flame would have no motion; whereas the fire of the fun is driven by the fun, without the air contribu- ting any way to its action, which is plainly proved, becauſe the flame cannot fubfift nor act in a place void of air, and becauſe the rays of the fun act with as much violence in a vacuum, as in the open air. Knowing therefore the principal differences of the nature of thefe two fires, we must examine alfo their different effects. We have obferved before, that the pores or in- terſtices of fufible bodies, preferve after their fu fion, the traces as well of the common fire, as of that of the fun, which is plainly feen by the in- duration and boiling of the metals., We have alfo obferved that the flame, accord- ing as it is more or lefs thick, leaves in the pores of the body which it penetrates, a part of its fub- ftance, which is proved alfo, as well by the weight that certain bodies acquire in their calci- nation, as becauſe certain metals which are foft under the hammer, become brittle if we melt them, or if we make them red hot in a coal fire. $ This being fuppofed, we muft imagine that a me tal, for example, gold, having been melted with the fun, muft have its pores or interfaces more, clofe, than if it had been melted by the common firs, fince the fubftances, which have pafled through the pores of thefe two different maffes of gold, Eee2 ID are 404 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ป ན are very different in thickneſs. And as thefe pores do not remain void, the matter which is introduced into thofe of gold melted by the com- mon fire, which are large, muſt be in a greater abundance than they are in the pores of gold melted by the fun, which are fmall. 4 We muſt alfo confider, that the points of the fpirit of falt, which are diffolvents of gold, muſt drive out its foreign matter which poffeffes them, and that a greater quantity of this matter muft go out of the pores which contain much of it, 'than there muft out of thofe which contain but a little. And as it is only this foreign matter, which is introduced into the pores of a metal, that makes the bubbles which appear in the diffolution of a me- tal, there muſt be much more ebullition in the dif folution of gold that has been melted by the common fire, than in that which has been melted by the fire of the fun. Befides, we fee that in the diffolution of this firft, there are many more of theſe bubbles very fenfible, and that in the other, there are fo few, that thofe who have been prefent at this ex- periment have hardly feen any. - We have allo obferved, that gold which has been melted with the fun, melts with much more difficulty at the common fire, than it did before it had been melted with the fun. It is eafy to underſtand the reafon of it, if we fuppofe, as we have done, that the pores of gold melted by the fun are more clofe than thofe of gold melted by the common fire, and that the parts of the flame, or of the commion fire, are groffer than thofe of the fire of the fun." It must follow from hence, that the cloſe pores of gold melted by the fun, give a more diffi- cult paffage to the grofs parts of the flame, than do the larger pores of gold melted by the common fire ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 405 fire; or which is the fame thing, the common fire with greater difficulty puts in fufion the gold which has been melted by the fun, than that which has not. TA We have alfo obferved, that the glafs of gold is lighter than a like bulk of gold is. To underſtand the reafon of it, we muſt imagine that the parts which a perfect metal is compofed of are of quickfilver, of a metallic fulphur, and fome terreftrial matter, that the quickfilver is always volatile, and that the metallic fulphur and the terreſtrial matter are fixed. We may alſo imagine, that the parts of the matter of light, or of the rays of the fun are fmall enough to be introduced even into the compo- fition of the metal, to difunite the principles, a- mong which the quickfilver being naturally vola- tile, finding itſelf difengaged from the metallic fulphur which held it, is carried away in fume by the violence of thefe rays: but that the me- tallic fulphur being thus fixed, and remaining with the earth of the metal, they melt together and appear afterwards in the form of glafs; fo that in this glafs of gold, there is only found the earthy fubftance of the gold, melted or vitrified by its fulphur, and as the heavy part of a metal is its quickfilver, which does not make any part of the glafs of the gold, this glafs muſt be lighter than the gold itſelf which contains all its quick- filver. We have alfo obferved, that the earth of filver does not vitrify as does that of gold, which pro- ceeds probably from this, that filver has much lefs fulphur than the gold; that the fulphur muft ferve for a flux to its earth, and that there is not enough found in the filver to put the earth in fu- fion, and to vitrify it. 1 This 406 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the This is confirmed by filver that has been re- fined by antimony, the earth of which vitrifies as does that of gold, becauſe there remains in this filver a part of the fulphur of the antimony, which ferves for a flux to this earth: but the ful- phur of antimony not being fixed as that of gold is, the glafs which is made with the earth of filver is raiſed in fume with its quickfilver. We fee by theſe obſervations, that the idea which we had formed in chymiftry of the invin- cible fixedneſs of gold and filver does not fubfift any longer. VIII. A defcription of the labyrinth of Can- dia with fome obfervations on the growth and generation of stones, by M. Tourne- fort. Tranflated by Mr. Chambers. 4 The labyrinth of Candia is a fubterraneous paf- fage, in manner of a ftreet, which, by a 1000 turns and meanders on every hand, without the leaſt regularity, traverses the whole inſide of a hillock, fituate at the foot of mount Ida, 3 miles from the ancient city of Gortina. The entrance of this labyrinth is by an aperture 7 or 8 paces wide, but fo low, that a man of moderate fize can hardly paſs without ftooping; the bottom of the entrance is very uneven, but the top quite flat, and naturally terminated by feveral beds or Strata of ftones, placed horizontally over each other. The firft thing we meet withal, is a kind of ruftic cavern, the defcent whereof is very gen- tle: but upon advancing further, the place ap- pears perfectly furprizing. Among the multitude of turnings, there is one alley, much lefs intricate than the reft, which by a path about 1200 paces long, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 407 long, whofe extremity divides into two, leads to a large beautiful hall at the farther end of the la- byrinth: to find this alley, we are to turn en the left, about 30 paces from the entrance, if any other paffage be taken in lieu of it, after travel- ling a good way, we find ourfelves engaged in a multitude of nooks and blindholes, which we have much ado to recover ourſelves from. In half an hour's time we advanced 1160 paces in the principal alley, without turning either to the right or left; it is or 8 feet high, and roofed with a horizontal Atratum of rocks, tho' in fome places one is obliged to ftoop a little, and par- ticularly in a place about the middle to walk on all fours, it is commonly broad enough for two perfons to walk in front, and the floor very even, without any confiderable rife or fall; the walls are cut perpendicularly, or formed of ftones which had obftructed the paffage, and have fince been ranged very neatly, as in walls where no mortar is ufed; but there are fome partings to encounter withal, that a perfon would be inevitably loft, without the neceffary precautions. As we had a great defire to come back again, we, firft, pofted one of our guides at the entrance of the cavern, with order to fetch people from the neighbouring town to come to our deliverance, in cafe we did. not return before night. Secondly, each of us carried a large flambeau in his hand. Thirdly, we fattened papers, marked in all the paffages on the right, which appeared difficult to be hit again. Fourthly, one of our Greeks left little bundles of thorns provided for the purpofe on the left, and another took care to ftrew chaff along. the road, of which he carried a bag, full under his arm. 1 . Tyoll de docq 5 day! 1 al gaiara|| D By it duta da adi ofer 408 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 " By this means we made a happy journey, but after having well examined the place, we were all agreed, that there was no appearance of its be- ing an ancient quarry from whence ftones have been dug to build the cities of Gortina and Gnof fus, as Bellonius and fome modern authors have imagined, what probability is there, that they would feek for ftones in the recefs of a narrow alley above a mile long, and interfecting by fuch a multitude of other roads, which run through a whole mountain, that a perfon is in danger every moment of being loft? They would much ra ther have opened the quarry in the uſual manner, as we find practifed in the famous quarries of Paros and Scio, how would they get the ftones along in a place only paffable upon the hands and feet, and which yet is upwards of 100 paces long, and is certainly all natural? Add that the moun- tain is fo rough and fharp, that we had much a. do to mount it on horfeback; we looked but in vain for the ruts of the waggons, which Bello- nius affures us he had obferved therein; fuch ruts however could only fhew, that they had made uſe of waggons to clear the alleys of the laby- rinth, not that they had dug in it for ftones for building; it may even be obferved, that the ftone of this labyrinth is neither hard nor beautiful, be- ing of a dirty coloured white, like that in the mountain, at whole foot the city Gortina ſtands » and as to the city Gnofus, it was a great diftance off. 'Tis much mone probable therefore, that the Labyrinth is only a natural paffage, which fome wealthy people had amefyd themiclves many ages ago with ming paflable, by opening moft of the places which had been too narrow to raife the roof, they had only to pull down fome beds of I 1 itone ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 409. ſtone, which naturally lie in horizontal ftrata, through the whole thickneſs of the mountain; and they were at the pains of cutting the walls perpendicularly in fome places, and to range moft of the ftones which obftructed the paffage of the low place, where we are to creep on all fours, they might poffibly leave untouched, as a document to pofterity, what all the reft had na- turally been; for beyond this place the alley is as beautiful and commodious as on this fide. As the ancient Greeks were ftruck with every thing which had the appearance of grandeur, eſpecially in matters of building, 'tis probable they undertook. to perfect what they found nature had only fketched out. Some fhepherds perhaps firft difcovered theſe fubterraneous paffages, and gave room for the great men of thofe times to enlarge them; and thus to make that wonderful labyrinth, which now only ferves as a retreat to bats, though it may anciently have afforded ſhelter to feveral fa- milies during the civil wars, or under the reigns of tyrants; for the place is quite dry, and void both of drains and congelations. It may be added to this conjecture, that there are two or three o- ther very deep natural paffages in the hills, near the labyrinth, which might be formed into the like wonders, if it were found worth while. Ca- verns are very frequent through the whole ifle of Candia; and moft of the rocks, efpecially thoſe of mount Ida, are pierced with holes, into which one may thrust the head, and through them we frequently difcern deep perpendicular caves; nor can any reafon be alledged why there may not be horizontal paffages between them, eſpecially in places where the banks of ftones are laid horizon- tally over each other. 'Tis probably, that they who dug the amphitheatre of Douvai in France, VOL. I. N°. II. Fff were 410 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the were invited thereto by fome cavern, whofe aper- ture might be like that of our wells, and the beauty, or perhaps the oddneſs of the place, én- gaged them to enlarge it, and give it the form of an amphitheatre, which ftill poffeffes the cavity of a large mountain, all the outfides whereof are covered with earth; nor is this lefs wonderful than the labyrinth of Candia. Be this as it will, 'tis certain the labyrinth, which is now feen in that ifland, is not the famous labyrinth men- tioned by the ancients. This latter was built by Dedalus, upon the model of the labyrinth of Egypt, which was one of the moſt celebrated buildings in the world, being adorned at its en- trance with a vaft number of columns, and 100 times bigger every way than that of Candia, as we are affured by Pliny, who adds, that there was no remains of this latter extant in his time. I cannot quit the labyrinth without mentioning a very remarkable obfervation, which I had long been feeking for to confirm a ſyſtem, which I have formerly advanced concerning the vegita- tion of ftones. Thofe of this labyrinth do fenfi- bly grow, and and augment augment without without any room for fufpecting any foreign matter employed externally to them; they who engraved their names on the walls of this place, which are all of living rock, and are hewn perpendicularly, little imagined, that the ftrokes of their chizels would gradually fill up, and in procefs of time, they fhould be- come raiſed or prominent 2 or 3 lines above the naked of the ftone; fo that the characters, which at first were indented, are now fo many baffo relievos, the matter thereof is whitifh, tho' the ftone they arife from be greyish; and I can no "'otherwife conceive them, than as a kind of cal- lus formed by the natural juice of the flone, 心 ​which ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 411 *.. which had gradually oozed or extravafated into the wound, cut in their fubftance much like the callus formed between the fibres of fractured bones, tho' as the fubftance of thefe prominences is all rough, and as it were grained, it might likewiſe be compared to young flesh, which every body knows rifes much in this manner. Some- thing of this kind is alfo obfervable in the bark of trees, whereon names have been graven by the point of a knife; the poet had reafon to fay, that the characters grew as the tree grew. Crefcent illa crefcetis amoris. Before my departure I fhewed the academy an eagle's ftone, wherein there were callus's of the like kind. Upon breaking this ftone to ob- ferve its inward ftructure, I found it covered in certain places with feveral ancient callus's, which had cloſed the parts which had been broken at the ſame time when it was growing. Thefe callus's were only the nutritious juice of the fame ftone, which, after uniting the parts, had thruſt about half a line thick beyond the fame, and were at length hardened into a kind of folder. The fame thing had befallen one of thofe ftones brought from the Indies, wherein we frequently find chry- ftals, and fometimes little diamonds. This ftone having been cloven by fome accident into feveral pieces, they had been knitted together again by a natural callus. OL NA Theſe three obfervations evidently hew, that there are ſtones which grow in the quarries, and which confèquently are nourished, and that the fame juice which nourishes them, ferves to rejoin their parts, when they happen to be broken, Af ter the like manner, as is obferved of the bones of animals, or the branches of trees, where care Fff2 } ས བ ད་ is 412 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ་ is taken to cloſe them with a bandage, this being fo, we can hardly make any doubt, but that there are ſtones which are organized, for their nutritious juice can only be drawn from the earth; and this juice muft have been filtrated thro' their ſurface, which we may here confider as a kind of bark, and conveyed thence into all the other parts. 'Tis more than probable, that the juice, which filled up the cavities of the cha- racters graven in the labyrinth of Candia, had been conveyed to the furface of this rock from the bottom of its roots; nor is there any more difficulty in conceiving this, than in conceiving how the fap paffes from the roots of the largeſt oaks and pines to the tips of their higheft branches. The heart of theſe trees, 'tis certain, is extremely hard; and that of ebony guaicum, and the lignum ferri much harder. Coral is as hard in the fea, as out of it; and what we call fea-mufh- rooms, whoſe ſtructure is fo much admired, and which have the confent of all mankind for their growth, are really ftone, and fo like the common ftone, that they are uſed in America to make " lime of. No body, I fuppofe, will deny but that fhells likewife grow, by means of a nutri- tious juice yet this juice, as well as that, where- by the other hard bodies above-mentioned are fed, is convey'd into the tubes of fuch bodies how nar- row foever they be, as easily as into thoſe of plants, which are much fofer. { It cannot be denied therefore, but that fome ftones feed themfolves like plants; and there is even room to fufpect, that they are likewife pro- pagated after the fame manner, at leaft we have a multitude of ftones, whofe generation can hardly be conceived, without fuppofing that they arite drumasikind of feed, it may uſe the term, # that ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 413 } that is, from a germ, wherein the organical parts of thofe ftones are contained in miniature, as thofe of the largeſt plants are in the embryos of their feeds. The ftones called cornu ammonis, lapis judai- cus, toadſtone, aftroites, ferpent's eyes, with the Bolonian and Florentine ftones, the feveral fpecies of pyrites, fea-muſhrooms, chryftals of the rock, and an infinity of other ftones, fuppofe their fe- veral feeds as much as common muſhrooms, truf- fles, and feveral fpecies of moffes, whofe feeds have not yet been diſcovered; how ſhould the cornu ammonis come to be conftantly in the figure of a ſcroll or volute, unleſs we fuppofe a feed wherein the fame ftructure was contained in little? Who was it that moulded it fo accurately? Where are the moulds? So far from this, that thefe ftones are found in the ground like common peb- bles, notwithſtanding all the enquiry I have been able to make in Provence, Poitou, and Norman- dy, where theſe ftones are common enough, I have found none of their moulds, nor any thing like them. The ftructure of the metallic cornu ammonis is ftill more remarkable than that of the ftony ones; the former are likewife fpiral; but there are fome ſpecies of them, where each fpire confifts of feveral pieces, articulated together by fuitures, like thofe of the fkull, as is eafily per- ceived upon breaking them. we wor ! 1 i The lapis judaicus is in the figure of an olive, but flatted on the outfide, and roughened with little grains; in breaking it always dleaves oblique- ly, and glitters like talc to the genus whereof it muſt be referred; fince by calcination, it becomes plaiſtered, like the fpecies of talo, taalled lapis Selenites: now the jews ftones, are not cortainly moulded thus, and confequently recourfe muſt be had to their feed. The 414 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the The toad-ftone, and thofe called ferpent's eyes, which are naturally of a beautiful poliſh are alfo formed by their peculiar feeds, faftened upon rocks, which furniſh a juice proper to dilate them. The feveral fpecies of eagle-ftones, which are commonly in figure of an egg, and have a chore in their cavity, like the ball of a little bell, can- not be produced without a feed; and the fame may be faid of the belemites, otherwife called lapis lynfis, wherein we find radii iffuing from the fame centre, and terminating in the circum- ference and a baſe, ufually hollowed in form of a cone. Such a ftructure fuppofes either feeds, or moulds; but no moulds are found; or if they were, who was there to break them, in order to difengage the ftones? If we fometimes find thefe kinds of ftones in rocks, tis by reafon the rock happened to involve them in its growth; as likewife befalls thofe, called fhell-rocks, whofe genefis may be explained from the inftance of thofe ftones, which are fometimes found in the trunks of large trees. The aftroites is called by Gefner lapis aftereas, by reafon its figure always confifts of fix radii. Thofe ftarry ftones, which are radiated like a fifh's bones, are commonly found ſeveral of them faftened together, in horizontal ftrata. The ftones called entrochi, are alfo in ftrata, but their cir- cumference is round. Some of them are jointed together, as it were, with mortices and tenons. The fpecies of pyrites, both oval, fpherical and cylindrical, whofe furfaces are either polifhed, or cut like diamonds, are penetrated by radii, which terminate in a fpecies of axis, which pafs thro' their centre, traverfes, them from pole to pole. Thele pyrites, I lay, were not certainly caft in a mould, any more than the ftones of Bologne or Florence, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 415 Florence, which commonly reprefent the fame landſcapes, or the fame ruins of towns; and it is not more probable, that thofe fpecies of agates, which, from their reprefenting little thrubs, or foliages, dendroides, arife from their peculiar feeds. Theſe ftones are found in the earth fepa- rate from each other. Chryſtals of the rock may likewife probably be produced from feeds. Thefe chryſtals are na- turally cut in flat fides, and their figure is confe- quently the fame in all the fame fpecies; that is, all the pieces of the fame block of chryſtal con- fift of 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 faces; yet there is no room. to fufpect either their being moulded, or formed by any coagulation like chymical falts: for, be- fides that we evidently fee thefe chryftals come out of the rock, where they are faſtened variouſly againſt the fides of caverns, with their points turned upwards, downwards, or fide-ways. It cannot be alledged, that the juice, which produ ced thefe ftones, had been caft in the caverns like diffolutions of nitre, for inftance, evaporated in earthern pans, that of the chryſtals muſt have ne- ceffarily paffed thro' the rock; and we cannot fuppofe that it paffed all at once, and fixed there- on by little and little, efpecially if we confider, that there are pieces of chryftal, which weigh upwards of 60 pounds, as is obferved by Hottin- ger, in the country Valais; thofe brought from Madagaſcar are very maffive. Father Kircher affures us, he had met with fome which weighed above 100 pounds; and Pliny relates, that Livia, the wife of Auguftus, carried fome to the capitol, which weighed above 50 pounds. If fo large a quantity of liquor was fhed all at once, out of the pores of rocks, 'tis evident, it would run down every way, and form a lump of ice, in lieu 416 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 9 lieu of a cylindrical body, regularly hewn in flat fides. 'Tis certain therefore, that the juice, which contributes to the growth of the chryftal, tranſpires by little and little through the rock and this being fo, how can we conceive it to rife ip tall columns, from an inch to upwards of a foot high, without fuppofing feeds, which gra- dually fwelling by the nutritious juice they re- ceive from the rock, unfold and difplay the regu- lar ſtructure which they included, perhaps, under the furface of a point. There feems to be a good deal of relation between the genesis of theſe chryf- tal columns, and that of teeth; each feed, as it fwells, may perhaps form a kind of hexagonal trunk, whoſe infide only hardens by little and little. This ftructure might be treated as imagi- nary, were it not known that diamonds them- ſelves cut more eaſily one way than another; that marbles have their veins; and that rock-chryſtal has its pores open enough, to imbibe the colours which are given it; but after ſeveral enquiries upon the figure affected by chryftals, concludes it as natural to thofe ftones, as that of the leaves. and flowers of plants; and he attributes both the one and the other to an architectonical fpirit, and a plaſtic power, how much eafier is it to fuppofe a kind of eggs, fince every body agrees, that the feeds of plants are as much eggs, as the parts of birds or fishes, which, in all ages, have bore that name? And what is an egg, if it be not the bird, fifh, plant, or perhaps ftone in miniature? We may therefore fuppofe, that chryſtals vegitate, like feveral other tones; that is, begin with a feed, or germen, and that the fame juice, which is communicated to them by the rock, from whence they arife, hatches and makes them grow 3 as ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 417 as far as their folid texture is capable of ftretch- ing; and what can we think of thoſe found near Allenfon and Medoc, the former whereof are hexagonal and pyramidal, at the two ends having a colour withal much like diamonds, and found in fprings, while the latter are almoft oval, of a darker colour, and found in the ground; do not both of them fuppofe real-feeds, as much as thoſe naturally found in the lentil form, or which, with their lenticular figure, have a ridge like an afs's back? * → We are not to conclude that rock chrystals are form'd as large as we find them, from there being piles of hay, hogs briſtles, and the like matters fometimes found in them, for befides that what we call hogs briftles, &, may only be defects of matter found in the feeds, 'tis poffible that thefe feeds in the courſe of their growth, may have fallen upon fuch bodies, and gradually inclofed them. Ificles begin by a round hollow tubercle, which in thofe fufpended from above downwards, lengthens as a tube, and grows or fwells by rinds, like the ftems of young trees; fuch as begin from below upwards, grow likewife by rinds, but their cavity neceffarily fills up, on account of the fituation; the congelations themſelves be- gin with a kind of germ or femen, and 'tis pro- bable the generality of thefe germs remain hollow ever after. What we call fluores lapidum may perhaps be referr❜d to the fame caufe, efpecially fuch as are form'd in thofe oval or roundifh pebbles found in the Levant, feparate from each other, their outer furface is fmooth, and as hard as Aint, but the infide is hollow and lin'd with chrystals or other matters, whofe figure and colours are wonderfully beautiful; does it not appear that VOL. I. No. 11. Ggg thei 418 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the + 1 their germs had been dilated by little and little, and their parts open'd and difplay'd from each other, by means of a juice imbib'd from the earth. 11 .. را 4 7 That immenfe quantity of common pebbles which covers the Craudarles, feems to confefs the fame principal; that tract of ground, which is upwards of feven leagues around, is fo full of roundifh pebbles, that we find them in plenty wherefoever we dig. M. de Peiresc, who firft ftarted this notion of the feeds of ftones, tho' he fhewed that term in a different ſenſe from ours, alledges this plain as a proof of his opinion, for how fhall we fuppofe all theſe pebbles were form'd; it must not be pretended that they are as old as the world, unless we maintain, that all the ftones upon the earth were produced at the fame time, whereas the obfervations already deliver'd upon the vegetation of ftones, afford a proof that there are new ones produced every day; and the fame M. de Peireft, while he was yet very young, made a notable remark to the fame purpoſe; bathing one day in the Rhone, -near the city Avignon, he perceived that the bottom of the river was become all uneven, and cover'd with little foftifh pebbles like hard eggs, ftripped of their fhells; but he was ftill farther furpriz'd, when he found fome days after, that not only thoſe which he carried home with him, but thofe which had remained in the Rhone, were become as hard and folid as any other pebbles on the edge of the river; he fuppofed that thefe germs or young ftones had been turn'd up by an earthquake, which was felt fome days before, and had thrown them out of the bowels of the earth. ! t } ! To ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 419 To thefe 邵 ​which we obfervations may be added another } } * → 4 which we made in an ifland of the Arabipelago, called Antiparos, becaufe fituate overagainst the famous inland Paros. From the bottom of one of the fineſt grottos imaginable, lined all over with beautiful congelations, arife feveral marble pillars, the higheft whereof is upwards of fix feet, and one foot in diameter, being pretty cy- lindrical, and equally thick everywhere; there are other little ones all about it like fo many young horns, and shot far off there is half a one remaining, which had been broke off, and now repreſents the trunk of a felled tree; the middle, which is a fpan broad, bonfifts of a brownish marble, and reprefents the woody part of the tree; this is furrounded with a blea and bark, and even with old bleas of different co- lours, which are diftinguiſhed by fix concen- trical circles, two or three lines thick, whofe fibres proceed from the centre to the circum- ference; theſe marble trunks feem to have ve- gitated, and perhaps ftill continue to vegitate; for befides that there fall no drops of water in this place, 'tis inconceivable that any fuch drops falling 25 or 30. fathoms high, fhould have been able to form regular cylinders, termi- nated uniformly domewife. In the fame grotto to the left hand we find a pyramid more fur- prifing than any thing, it is 24 feet high in- fulated, and made like a tiara, being adorn'd with feveral capitals in relievo, which are fluted lengthwife, and fuftain'd on their pedeſtals. This pyramid, whofe bafe is 12 or 15 feet broad, is all full of enrichments, the tops whereof are bigger than the bottoms; and it may be obſerved that their branches, like thofe of cabbage flowers, ſhoot from below upwards, and terminate in Ggg 2 large 1. { } { 420 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the large cluſters; 'tis next to impoffible all this fhould be perform'd by the drop of falls of wa- ter, where the laft would always cover the work of the firft. What has been faid concerning the generation of ftones, may be extended to metals; 'tis very probable theſe bodies are likewife propa- gated by their feveral germs; nor will this con- jecture be thought too daring by fuch as will ob- ferve this natural vegetation of pure gold, which has fhot, in manner of foliages, thro' a hard, as it were, chryftallized ftone; there likewife prefents you a piece of filver, which fpringing of it felf thro' a piece of chryftal, fubdivides into feveral threads, all of which catch upon pieces of the fame chryftallization. Another piece which I offer you, feems ftill more furpriſing, being little germs of filver inclos'd in a lump of marble; thefe germs are fhap'd like flat plates, about the third of a line thick, radiated like fiſhes bones. A little piece of copper which I likewife lay before you, has fhot into branches in the ground, as here you find it; 'tis fcarce poffible to explain all theſe productions, by veins of metals running in the vifcera of the earth; nor can it be objected that theſe foliages have no determinate figure, and are only imperfect vegetations; let, their name be what it will, our bufinefs here is to account for their generation, fuppofing there were fluid metals in the ground, they could not pafs thro' pores of chryſtallized rocks, and thus fhoot into foliages. 1 The arbor Diana, or thofe icy branches found on the glafs in a fudden fit of froft fucceeding a fog, will give no affiftance towards explaining thefe phenomena; every body knows that 'tis with fogs much as with diftill'd waters: if a piece ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 421 • # piece of linnen dipt in cold water be applied on the capital of a glafs alembic, the fpiri- Euous parts of the diftilled matters having more motion than the reft, will be. reflected back again, and paſs thro' them in different ways, fo as to form tolerable ramifications; but what imports all this to rock chryſtals, for instance, which line the fides of a cavern as well as the top, and are always fhaped in one uniform manner; the inftances above do indeed fhew, that all things which are naturally figur'd, do not ariſe from any peculiar feeds, but this is what we have not alledged, and how fhould the inftance of branches on glafs be applied to account for metallic vegetations, will any one ſay they are form'd of vapours rifing in ca verns? vapours would make a metallic cruft or ftratum, inftead of leaves of gold or filver, which have feveral inches projecture, and whoſe roots penetrate the rock. As to the arbor Diane, all naturalifts are agreed that it arifes either from chryftalifations of particles of nitre, to which metallic particles precipitated on account of the weakness of their diffolvent faften themſelves, or from the effects of mercury, which by the heat it is agitated with, carries off the particles of the metals it is amalgumated withal; our fubject is of a quite different nature, the foli- ages I juſt prefented to you being perfectly folid, they are pure gold, fpringing from a hard rock, where nothing like what paffes in the arbor Diane can be fufpected. 1 Among the feeds of ftones and metals, there are fome which not only foften by the juice of the earth, but become quite liquid, and if in this ftate they penetrate the pores of certain bodies, they harden and petrify therein, as has befallen 422 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 A 1 befallen the piece of fern here prefented, as well as thefe lobſters, which are turn'd to meer ftones by this accident. If the ftony feeds be lodged in the cavities of certain bodies, they harden and affume the figure or moulding there- of; thus what we call pectinites, conchites, mytu- lites, oftracites, nautilites, echinites, are are real ftones, whofe liquid feeds had been received into the cavities of the fhells, called pecca, con- ca, mytulus, oftrea, nautilus, echinus, &c. whofe figure they still bear in thefe cochlites; we fee a piece of a fnail, and there are multitudes around Paris, where the fhell feems as if it had been infenfibly turn'd to duft; when the feeds of different ftones happen to be mingled together, they always retain their proper characters; thus the feed of chryftal produces chryftal, and what was intended to form ftone produces ftone, as we may fee in this cornu ammonis, and this con- chites, whofe cavities are all chryſtallized. · C On the contrary, if thefe liquid feeds be fhed on pebble fhells or fand, they incloſe thoſe bo- dies by degrees, and infinuating between them, form a kind of cement, which continues grow- ing, notwithſtanding its hardness, like other liv- ing ftones. 'Tis probable that thefe rocks, which are only cluſters of pebbles cemented together, were originally form'd by a multitude of fuch liquid feeds like the quarries, which are full of fhells, unless we fuppofe that the rocks had in- clofed theſe bodies in the courfe of their growth. 音 ​We also find the feeds. of real stones in the ſpawn of certain fhell fishes, together with that hard folid matter intended to make the covers of thofe animals. All the fishes inclofed in fhells either fpawn or lay eggs, but there are few of this latter kind, and I know of none but the buc- $ cinum, · ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 423 $ cinum, which is reputed oviparous; be this as it will, the feeds both of the one and the other muft contain the matter of the fhell, how hard and thick foever it may afterwards become, as much as the feed of an elephant includes all the folid maffive bones thereof. There is a kind of fhell called pholas, never found but in the cavities of pebbles, which cavities are of the fize proper to receive them; yet it is hardly conceivable that thefe fishes fhould have come and dug their cells, we rather fuppofe that the ftones they are inclo- fed in were once foft, and that the kind of jelly they began withal was found in the ſpawn, as the matter which afterwards becomes the egg-fhell, is found in the firft feed thereof; and certainly the fhell of an oftrich's egg is incomparably harder than the rocks we are fpeaking of. After all the obfervations hitherto rehears'd, we may fuppofe the feed of ftones and metals to be a kind of duft, which perhaps feparates from the ſtones and metals while they are yet alive, that is, while they grow, as we have found that fome of them do really grow. This feminal duft of ftones may be compar'd to the feeds of feveral plants, for inftance, thofe of ferns, ca- pillaries, moffes, truffles, and the like, whofe feeds were never yet difcoverable by a microfcope; yet theſe feeds propagate as well as the largeft, and pebbles may perhaps be among ftones, what truffles are among plants. This notion is not quite new; Pliny affures us, that Mutionus and Theo- phrastus believ'd that stones produced other ftones; and Gregory Nazianzen affures, that there were ſome authors who held that flones made love. How many fishes are there, whofe fpawns are at leaft as inall as grains of fand? yet the 424 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the the naturalifts allow that whole fishes are couch'd in miniature, in the germs of theſe grains of fand; the bufinefs here therefore is only as to more and lefs, and who doubts but that the author of nature, who has inclos'd the huge fifh narwel, called the fea unicorn, which is up- wards of 20 feet long, in the germ of an egg a of a line big, may not have inclos'd a bank of ftone, in a germ no bigger than a grain of fand. Nothing fhews the grandeur of the deity more, than this fimplicity and uniformity found in the production of all bodies; what can be more glorious than to fee men, fiſhes, birds, quadrupeds, reptils, plants, ftones, and metals, all fpring from infenfible molecules? And as there are ftones which evidently grow by an inward principal, depending intirely on their particular organization, which receives and diftri- butes the juice, furnish'd them by the common mother of all creatures, why may we not admit the fame principal in the other foffils? not that we are to conceive the largeſt moun- tains as only confifting of a fingle piece; thofe huge maffes of rocks are ufually compofed of a multitude of feparate blocks, which were pro- duced by ſo many germs, or perhaps by feveral germs, which had blended together as they grew. Banks of ftone are commonly horizontal, and thoſe which are vertical or oblique, 'tis probable are only render'd fuch by fome extraordinary fhock; we may fuppofe that it is the preffure of she atmoſphere, which bearing equally on the Laid of the earth, makes the growing feeds wys fpread horizontally. IX. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 425 IX. An estimate of the power neceffary to move boats, both in ftagnant and running waters; either by a rope, or by oars, or any other machine; by M. de la Hire * Tranflated by Mr. Chambers. The power neceffary to tow a boat in ftagnant water by a rope faftened thereto, and pulled by a perſon on the ſhore, is the fame as is required merely to hold or fuftain the boat in a running water, whofe velocity is the fame, as that where- with the boat is towed in the ftagnant one. This propofition is felf-evident; by reaſon the impulfe or reſiſtance of the water againſt the boat, is the fame in both caſes. But it is likewiſe the fame, either to tow a boat in a dormant, or to hold it in a current water, tho' the power be placed in the boat itſelf, and act by a rope faſtened to fome fixed point, fuppofing the velocity of the water impinging on the boat, to be equal in both cafes. To determine the power neceffary to this ef fect, we muſt know the furface of the boat, which is prefented to the direction of the motion of the water; and the velocity wherewith either the boat is pulled, or the water runs. What is known of the nature of water and of motion, we here fuppofe as principles to build on : as, 1. That heavy bodies in falling any given height, acquire thereby a velocity, which uni- formly continued, would carry them double the fpace in the fame time that their accelerated velocity has carried them. *Nov. 22, 1702. VOL. I. No. II. Hhh 2. 426 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ! 2. That theſe velocities are in a fubduplicate ratio, that is, are to each other, as the fquares of the spaces they paffed thro' in falling. ནྡྷུ རྩ 3. Thatthe fame laws of motion obtain in fluid bodies, as in folid ones. the root w ť 4. That a heavy body falling with an accelera- ted velocity, moves 14 feet in a fecond of time. Hence we learn, that water, after falling 14 foot high, will have acquired a 'velocity thereby, which would carry it 28 feet in a fecond of time; and confequently that water, iffuing from the a- perture of a tube 14 feet below the level of the water of a reſervoir, has a velocity which will carry it with an uniform motion, the ſpace of 28 foot in a fecond of time. Which property of wa- ter is confirmed by all experiments. 701 } From an experiment made in the middle of the river Seine, and the molt rapid part thereof, M. Mariofte found, that it ran 3 feet in a fe- 44 cond of time. From a fecond experiment, made in the fame place, to learn the force of the wa- ter in that velocity; by making it ftrike or puſh againſt a thin plate 36 inches in furface, he found the fame equivalent to a weight of 3 pound and FORE 7 From thefe experiments together with the principles above laid down, may feveral confe- quences be reduced. —— For fince a heavy body falling 14 foot in a fecond of time, acquired a velocity thereby capable of carrying it in the fame time, with a uniform motion, the space of 28 feet: fuppofe A D the height of a refervoir 14 feet, the water muft fpring out in D, with a ve- locity, which uniformly continued, would carry it 28 feet in a fecond of time. And fuppofe it were WOSA AT THIS. Plate XVII. Fig. 2. enquired, ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 427 > 4 enquired, what height the refervoir A B muft have, that the water in B may fuftain 3 pounds under a furface of 36 inches, or of a foot? It will be found, that taking 17 pounds for the weight of a cubit foot of water, AB need only be the height of 31 lines, or 2 inches 7 lines nearly. The fame lines AD, and AB, being fuppofed together with the velocity in D, fuch as above determined; Ifay } rep at live A 1. Rule for finding the velocity of water from the height of the refervoir That the root of AD, is to the root of AB, as the velocity in D to the velocity in B or which is the fame thing, AD is to AB, as the fquare of the velocity in D to the fquare in the velocity in B. TO DHODS/ And in our inftance, we fhall have we fhall have 14 feet, or 2016 lines, a conſtant number; or elfe 18 to 31 lines as 784, which is the fquare of 28 feet, that the water in D is to run in a fecond, and which will be alfo a conftant number, or even to 12, and fomewhat more, which will alfo be the fquare of the fpace, which the water is to move in a ſecond in its fall from A to B. 90 A But the fquare root of 12, is fomewhat lefs than 31, which therefore is the way in feet that water moving uniformly will pafs in a fecond of time, under the given depth of AB below the le- vel of the refervoir. Jor Hence we advance, that water running in wa- ter itſelf, has the fame velocity, as if iffuing at an aperture at a certain depth below the furface of a refervoir, which is determinable by the ftroke or impulfe of the water againft an oppofing body: which is a piece of knowledge of great confe- quence, for afcertaining the motion and impulfe Hhh2 of 428 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the of waters, which run at large, and unconfined by any obftacle. By means hereof we may learn the different efforts or impulfes of the water againſt floating muſcles, and of confequence the ftrength required to hold, e. gr. a boat in running water, or make it proceed either in ftanding or running water; the velocity of the water againſt the boat in the feveral cafes being given, fuch power being reducible to that required to fuftain a load of wa- ter at a certain depth below a refervoir, deter- minable by the velocity propofed. But in examining the refiftance of the water a- gainst a boat; in lieu of a boat we fuppofe a plain furface perpendicular to the ftream or cur- rent of water; which will amount to much the fame as that irregular furface, which the boat prefents thereto. Suppoſe then, a furface immerged vertically in a running water, the current whereof ſtrikes directly against the fame, and that in the middle thereof, a cord is faftened, whofe other extreme is hung on a fixed point G*. Here it is evident, the force wherewith the water impels or ftrikes againſt the ſurface B, is the fame as that where- with the fixed point G is pulled or drawn: by reafon the whole refiftance of the furface B, to the current of water is derived originally from this fixed point, without which there would be no refiftance at all. To find what this power is, the furface B, as alfo the velocity of the water, or the way it makes in a fecond of time being given, we muſt ule, + Fig. 3. 2. ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 429 2. Rule for finding the force of water from its velocity. Take the fquare of the number of feet the wa- ter moves in a fecond of time, and divide it by 56, which is a conftant number, and obtains in all cafes; the quotient will be the number of feet, which the water muſt be fuppofed above the given furface, to find the effort or impulfe thereof. For multiplying this height by the given fürface, the product is the cubie or folid bulk, which will be fuftained thereby, which is the force required. Now for every cubic foot we are to take 17 pounds; and for every cubic inch 5 drams,23%, tho' in ordinary computations, it may fuffice to take 5 drams, which amounts to nearly 17 pounds the foot, which number we fhall keep to in what follows. If the velocity be given in inches, and the ſquare thereof be divided by 56, the quotient will be the number of lines which the water is to be above the propofed furface. To demonftrate the rule, it has been already noted, that the velocity of water iffuing at an a- perture 14 feet below the furface of a refervoir, is fuch as carries it 28 feet in a fecond of time, and confequently the fquare of the velocity of 28 feet, is to the fquare of the number of feet, which will be moved in a fecond, with the propofed ve- locity; as the height of the refervoir, 14 feet, is to the height required: or thus; the fquare of the velocity of 28 feet is to the height of 14 feet, (which is a conftant ratio in all cafes, and is the fame as 56 to 1) as the fquare of the feet moved with the propofed velocity, to the re- quired height of the water, in feet. But if in lieu of feet, you take the given velocity in inches, the 430 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the the number muſt then be divided by 56, multiplied. by 12, to have the inches dividing only by 56, the quotient will be but twelfths of inches, i.e. lines. I 4 Suppoſe, for an example, a velocity of water propofed to be fuch as carries it 6 feet in a fe- cond of time. The fquare of 6 is 36, which di- vided by 56, gives or ofica foot; amount- ing to 92 lines, or 7 inches, 8 lines, for the height of water above the propofed furface. And the fame arifes upon fuppofing 72 inches velocity in lieu of 6 feet. 1 ' Now, if the propofed furface be 36 inches fquare, that number must be multiplied by the height found, which will give a folid bulk of 277 inches, and a weight of 480 drams, or II pound, 9 ounces of water: the quantity of the effort or impulfe of the water againſt the furface propoſed. 1. nowa &** It follows hence, that if the furface, which a boat prefents to the current of water, be one fa- thom or 36 feet, which is 144 times more than that of the foregoing inftance, and the velocity of the water the fame, i, e. moves 6 feet in a fe- cond; there be a power required 144 times greater than the above power of 11 pound, 9 ounces, which will amount to 1665 pounds. Such power therefore of 1665 pounds, will be required to hold or retain a boat of the magnitude here fuppofed, in a water that runs at the rate of 6 feet in a fecond. If the water only make 4 feet in a ſecond, (which may be the velocity of the Rhone, there being no ordinary river that runs fo faft as 6 feet in a fecond) and the boat be fuppofed to run a- gainst the ftream at the rate of 2 feet in the fame time; it follows, that the water will ftrike againſt the boat with a velocity of 6 feet in a fecond; fo that ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 431 that on this fuppofition a power of 1665 pounds will be required! conte ed the An estimate of the strength of horses employed in towing or drawing barges, boats, and other bodies, either in running or standing waters. A large barge on the river Seine, prefents about three fathoms, or ro8 feet furface to the ftream of water, which, taking it about the middle of the river, may be computed to move at the rate of 2 feet in a fecond of time; 12 horfes yoaked 플 ​to fuch a veffel tow it againſt the ſtream at the rate of 1 foot in a fecond; which amounts to 900 fathom in an hour, and 9000 fathom, or 4 leagues in to hours; the fpace of time the horſes are able to work per day, that 1 ' Now on a fuppofition, that the ftream of water runs 2 feet in a fecond, and that the barge rifes 플 ​againſt it at the rate of 1 foot in the fame time, the velocity of the water impinging, or ſtriking on the barge, may be raiſed at 4 feet in a fecond; agreeably now to the foregoing rule, the fquare of 4 feet, or 48 inches, being 23045 this divided by 56, yields 41, the height of the water in lines amounting to 3 inches, 5 lines This height, therefore, multiplied by the furface of the barge 108 feet, yields 26 cubic feet of water very nearly. So that fuppofing the cubic foot of wa ter to weigh 72 pounds, we fhall have 1896 pounds for the quantity offered, required to tow the barge in the prefent cafe; confequently each horſe muſt fuftain an effort of p58 pounds, on the fuppofition of its walking one foot in a fee Soqqot w I bas (book) & ai What is here fhewn of a running water will hold equally of a ftanding water; fuppofing the barge to be towed therein at the rate of sulfeet ind fea cond. - 17 2 6 Gond, 432 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the cond, the velocity of the water ftriking againſt the barge, being the fame in both cafes. And further it will be the fame ftill, if you ſup- poſe ſome fixed point, either in a running or ftanding water; and that the barge being faftened thereto by a rope, is pulled towards the fame by a power placed in the barge itſelf. For the bufi- nefs here, is only to overcome the refiftance of the water ſtriking against the barge with a certain velocity, which determines the quantity of the power. But of all the various ways of applying a power to a machine, in order to pull a body by a rope, 'tis certain, there is none whereby any thing can be gained. For if the power be finall, it will pull the body faftened to the rope the more flow- ly; if great, the more fwiftly, and fuppofing the ſame power to be employed, the motion will al- ways be in proportion to the time. We now proceed to the motion of boats, and other veffels rowed with oars: but by the way, it may not be amifs to note, that all firength arifes from fome refiftance, as may be feen in levers : for if you pull one end of a lever kept faft by the other end, the efort you make on the middle parts of the lever, is derived wholly from the refiftance of the part where the lever is fixed. It being evident, that if this end was not fixed, you could make no effort on the middle of the lever, by any power applied to the other end. In like manner, if you pull a rope, in order to move a weight faftened thereto, you will not ftir it in the leaſt, whatever power you employ, o- therwife than by an effect arifing from the fixed points were you ftand; and you exert an equal hat fixed point towards the body, newly towards the fixed point. powe as to } is ppoſe ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 433 Suppoſe now two boats in a ſtanding water, and let one of them have a rope faftened to it by one of its ends, the other end being pulled by a power placed in the other boat. Here the power pulling the rope makes an equal effort to puth from it the boat wherein it is, as to pull toward it the other, to which the rope is faſtened; fuppofing the direction of the power to be the fame as that of the rope: In confequence whereof, the two boats muft approach equally to each other; and if the effort of the power be given, as alfo the furface of the boats immerged in water, the velocity of their appulfe may be determined. But in regard the fame effort is made on both boats, to pull the one and puſh the other, the quantity of water which de- termines or meafures fuch effort, would be the fame for the motion of each, and confquently the heights of water, as in the cafe of reler- voirs, which would produce this cdot, would be to each other, in the reciprocal ratio of the furfaces of the boats, prefented to the motion; but the roots of thele heights give the velocity, and therefore the velocity of the boats would be to each other in the reciprocal ratio of the roots of the furfaces of the boars. After the like manner, if the velocity of the boats, together with the furfaces, were given, the effort of the power that would move them might be determined; one inftance or two will make this propofition clear. Suppofe two boats in a tanding water, and let the furface of one of them be 16 feet, ard that of the other 64: I mean only the furfaces preſented to the motion, or which are directly oppofite one to the other. If the boat of 16 feet furface, either puſhed or pulled, with a force VOL. I. No. 11. Iii equal A 434 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS ! of the IN equal to that which pufhes or pulls the other of 64 feet, the powers which pufh thofe furfaces may be confidered as 2 folid parallel epipeds of water, equal to each other, confequently their heights will be reciprocally as their furfaces, whatever the quantity of thefe folids may be. But we have demonſtrated, that the velocities of the boats will always be as the roots of the heights of the folids of water, and confequently the velocity of that of 16 feet furface, will be 8, the root of 64, and the velocity of that of 64 feet furface, will be 4, the root of 16 Thus let what powers foever be employed to move the boats, the velocity of the boat of 64 feet furface, being exprefs'd by 8, the other of 16 feet furface, will advance with a velocity exprefs'd by 4, which is the ratio of 2 to 1- Hence, I ned If the boat of 64 feet furface move with a velocity which would carry it two feet in a ſe- cond, that of 16 feet furface will move with the velocity of 4 feet in a ſecond. But thefe velocities being given, the effort ne- ceffary to make the two boats move towards a fixed point, placed between them in the line of their motion, may be determined by the rule above laid down. For fuppofe the boat of 16 feet to have a velocity of 2 feet, or 24 inches in a fecond, its fquare will be 576, which divided by 56, gives 10, the height of the water above the furtage of the boat in lines, which gives the effort required for taking 72 pounds for a foot of water, we have 82 pound very nearly for the power required to move this boat 2 feet in a fecond, as was fuppofed, w " ? But fince the velocity of this boat of 16 feet furface, is to be to the velocity of the other boat, as ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 435 } m BIH as two to one; the fame calculus must be made for the other, by dividing the fquare' of one foot, or 12 inches, by 56, and multiplying the quo- tient, which is the height of water in lines, by the furface of the boat, the product gives the fame 82 pounds, for the power required to move this boat the space of 1 foot in a fecond. The two boats therefore will be each moved with the fame force of 82 pounds, by one fingle power, and will approach each other 3 feet in a fe cond, one of them moving 2 feet, and the other I foot. 16/13 Ada } But as in the prefent example, we have only one power of 82 pounds, which being placed in a boat, pulls a rope to which another boat is faftened, it follows, that this power will ga. ther three feet of rope in a fecond, whereas with the fame power, one of the boats being fuppos'd immoveable, we fhould only gather the quantity of rope answering to the motion of the other for it is not the quantity of rope we gather, that determines the effort to motion, as is eafy to be obſerved; for that if there was nothing faften'd to the rope, we fhould gather it as fast as we pleas'd, without making any effort at all; fuppofing the rope void of weight, as is here done. boat; If any doubt remain, as to what we have faid of the greater or leffer quantity of rope gather'd, not having any effect towards diminiſhing or augmenting the effort, you need only attend to what befalls the weights * A, B, and F, two of which A and B, are falten'd to the two ends of a rope, which paffes over two pullies C and D, and fuftains a third pully E, to which is hung the weight F; for whether you raife or lower the * Y Fig. 416 14 20 4- e vipi zelo ad or 2 weight 436 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 weight A, the weight F will have the fame effect on the weight B, tho' F rifes or falls. 1 ตัว ! Perhaps a clearer idea of what we have faid, in relation to the effort of a power pulling a -boat, may be formed by confidering it in a machine. Imagine therefore two furfaces * A and B, immerged perpendicularly in a standing water, and conceive a little pully D faften'd in the middle of the furface B, with its plane per- pendicular to the plane of the furface B; the axis of the pully being laid horizontally on the fame furface B; if now a rope be faſtened to the middle of the furface A, and pafs horizontally over the pully D, and afterwards fuftain a weight E, 'tis evident this weight E will make two efforts at the fame time, each equal to the whole weight, one to pull the furface A, and the other to puſh the furface B; and further, theſe efforts will be the fame, whether one of the fur- faces be moveable or both; with this difference, that in the cafe of only one moveable furface, the weight will defcend a space equal to the mo- tion of fuch furface; whereas, if both be move- sable, it will defcend a ſpace equal to the mo- tion of both together-For we here overlook that little acceleration the weight will have at the beginning of its defcent; fince it can only odefcend fo far as the furfaces moves along the whter. Befides, in the prefent compariſon of a weight to a power, the acceleration of the weight bras not concern'd, by reaſon the power to which the weight is compar'd, has no acceleration; and for the like reafons we difregard the friction of to the pully on its axis, and the refiftance arifing from the fliffness of the rope. r * Fig. 5. 1 Hence X ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 437 Hence we learn that whatever yelocity a fall- ing weight may have action depending on its weight, will have the fame effect on both fur- faces, and either puth or puſh them alike fince it cannot act on one of them to pull without act- ing at the fame time on the other to puſh it. Y And the cafe would be the fame, if a power ſupported on any fultrum, or fixed body, were to lift perpendicularly a weight faftened thereto, for whether the power only fuflained the weight, or whether it raided fowly or quickly the ful- crum would have the load of this weight, befides that of the powerbSuppofing the medium, where- in the weight is ruifed, makes no refiftance. 1 { } This fort of niechanifm is quite different from that of bedies faftened to the arm of a lever, where the weight of the body and the space it is able to paſs thro',, being multiplied by each other, yield a quantity of motion to be confidered in order to find the reciprocal effort of thofe bodies, and deduce the balance thereof. But here we are confidering bodies in an uniform and continued motion, without any effort of percuffion. There are alfo different kinds of motions to be confidered in bodies immerged in water: as if a furface* A be immerged perpendicularly in wa- ter, and to the middle thereof Ba rope be faftened, which paffing over the pully P, is turned back to D, where a power is applied. Here it is evident, that the power pulling the rope in D, and in fo doing pufhing the furface A, exerts the fame force to push the furface towards P, as to pull it towards P, and confequently the furface A is im- pelled towards P, with a force double to that of the power. Fig. 6. L 2 1 1 Note 438 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the A24 36 Note alfo, that in this difpofition of machines a weight might be applied in lieu of a power, by fitting a little pulley in the furface A, and paffing a rope over the fame to which a weight is faſtened. ? Hence appears the great advantage of this me- thod of application, fince in virtue hereof one and the fame power placed in the boat has an effect double of what it would have in walking on the ground, and thus pulling the boat or even of what it would have, tho placed in the 'boat, but fo as to pull a rope faftened to axed point, in order to make the veffel advance thereto. ་་སྙ Indeed this power, which is only of the other, muſt move double the fpace of that other in the fame time: but fuch excefs of the ſpace of the power is not to be confidered as an augmentation of force, as has been already obferved. iL We fee alfo, that this way of applying a power, by a returning pully, amounts to the fame, as the 2, boats made to approach one another; tho' in that cafe, the power is applied to 2 furfaces, and in this only to one; for which reafon, if the fingle furface be lefs than the 2 others together, either a lefs power will fuffice to give the fame velocity, or the fame power will fuffice to give a greater velocity. The following experiments confirm what we have advanced concerning the augmentation of the power, by means of returning the pully; feat- ing myſelf on a fort of fledge, in a place paved with ſmooth ſtones, I fixed a rope on a wall 5 or 6 fathoms from me, and about the fame height with myfelf, fo that the rope was horizontal; in this difpofition I pulled the end of the rope to draw myſelf, towards the fixed point; but all my ftrength was Tcarce able to make me advance. Upon this a pullly was fixed in the place of the fixed point, over which I paffed the rope, then faften 1 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 439 faftening one of its ends to the fledge, and pull- ing by the other, I found no difficulty in draw- ing myſelf, along -- for it is evident, from what has already been faid, that only half the force im- ployed in the former cafe, was required here. } But the great friction of the fledge upon the pavement, induced me to make another more fimple experiment, to the fame purpoſe.—Faſten- ing a rope to a high place, I endeavoured to clamber up the fame by ftrength of arms: but finding myfelf too weak thus to raife my whole body on one arm, by holding with one hand, and taking higher hold of the rope with the o- ther, I faftened, a pully in the place, where the rope was faftened before; andpafling the rope over this pully, made a fort of ring with one end thereof, where putting my foot, and pulling the other end of the rope, I drew myfelf on high with a deak of eafe. いい ​سیدیم Here it is obvious, that in fuftaining the body by fuch rope and pully, the arms only make half the effort which they muft to fuftain the body by a rope only. For the pully in fuch cafe, has the effect of the fulcrum of a balance, at the extremes of whofe arms the whole weight of the body is fuftained, but fo as to be diftributed equally on bath fides, in which ſtate of equilibrium the ef fort of the arms need only be half the weight of the body; fo that the finalleft effort more, a pound, will discharge, the other half of fo much, upon which the arms will furmount the weight of the body by two pounds, fo that gathering the rope at the fame time, the body will enfily be hoisted up the pulley. Hereto we overlook the friction of the axis of the pully, and the ther difficulties, which may arife on the part of the rope. IT e- As 440 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the As the velocity wherewith the body is raifed, it depends on that of the arms in gathering the rope; nor need there any augmentation of power on that account, fince the refiftance of the medium is not increaſed thereby. Indeed if the experi- ment be made in the water, and the power be placed for inftance in a boat, where it pulls a rope; which paffing over a pulley, has its other end faftened to another boat. Here, fuppofing the two boats equal, the power muſt be twice as great, as would be required, if the rope was faf- tened to the fame boat where the power is; by reafon the refiftance of the water againſt the two boats is double of what is againſt one, which does not hold in air, the refiftance whereof to any mo- derately flow motion is too inconfiderable to be regarded. Befides, that this fame refiftance of the water requires an effort proportional to the velocity of the motion. But theſe two motions may be diverfified, and confidered in other manners. Suppofe a boat in a ſtanding water pulled by two oppofite powers, applied to two ropes in the fame right line, 'tis evident, that if the powers be equal, the boats will remain immovable. If one exceed the other, the boat will approach towards the fame, and fuppofing the two powers given, the way or ſpace it will pass over may be determined. For feek- ing by the above rule, that two velocities belong- ing to the 2 powers, the difference thereof will be the velocity wherewith the boat approaches the greater power, and confequently gives the quan- tity of rope this power gathers, and the other lofes. What has been faid of boats drawn by ropes, holds equally of boats, if the fame be pushed, or ** fhoved ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 441 fhoved directly by oppofite powers, whether they be equal or unequal. It remains to fhew the application of this doc- trine to the operation of rowing, i. e. the motion of boats, &c. by means of oars.-'Tis not eafy to frame a fimple machine, which fhall fhew the furface a boat prefents to the motion of the water, and fit oars therein, whofe fulcrum, or point of fup- port, called by mariners the filling, fhall be in the middle of this furface: but it is more difficult ftill, to apply the moving power to the end of fuch oars, and contrive that this fame power, i. e. the rowers, fhall be fuftained precifely on the mid- dle of this furface. However, as the length of the boat only bears a fmall proportion to the fur- face it oppoſes to the motion of the water; it will make no great difference, tho' the oars be refted on the edge of the boat, inſtead of the mid- dle of the furface, which is the true point of fup- port, or even tho' the power, which pulls the end of the oars, do not act in a direction perpendicular to the oar, and to the furface at the fame time. For as to the direction of the power, there can only arife hence a fmall diminution of the force that acts on the one and the other, fince it is to be confidered withal that thefe directions are conti- nually changing. To bring the matter to an eafy calculus, with- out entering into a long and intricate difcuffion; fuppofe* A the furface, which the boat prefents to the motion, whofe length we have no regard to, in as much as this makes no effort againſt the motion of the water. To the middle of this fur- face is faftened perpendicularly a fulcrum, or fill- ing A B, upon whofe extreme B, the oar DC Fig. 7. Vol. I. No. 12. K kk bears, 442 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the ** bears, whoſe broad end or blade, is reprefented by the furface C. Lafiy the power is fuppofed in D, pulling perpendicularly that end of the fbank of the oar, and bearing alfo perpendicularly against the power A of the furface A. Here then it is evident, that the power pulling the end D of the oar towards G, and bearing against the fur- face in A, will bring the blade C towards F. But the abfolute power wherewith this is done, muft Be, reduced to a relative one, according to the Tength of the arms BD, BC, of the oar confidered as a lever for BC will always be to BD, as the abfolute power to the relative power applied in C, to push towards F. But the fulcrum itſelf B, or the furface A, is alfo impelled towards G, with a force, which is the fum of the abfolute and rela- tive powers added together: and, on the con- trary, the fame furface A, being puſhed by the abfolute power towards B or F, the equal and op- pofite efforts deftroying each other, nothing re- mains of the effort wherewith the furface A is im- pelled towards G, but that of the relative power, which is the fame as that wherewith the furface C is impelled towards F; fo that theſe two efforts will be equal in all cafes. 象 ​*> Now to determine the velocity of the motion. of thofe furfaces, the power being given, or elfe the velocities and the way being given to deter- mine the power: we fhall make a calculus ac- cording to the preceding rules. } Suppofe, for example, the furface A be 80 feet, and the power be 1oco pounds; i. e. able to futain a weight of 1000 pounds, dividing 1000 by 80, the quotient 12 will be the weight belonging to each foot of the furface and fuppofe 72 pounds, the weight of a foot high of water 15000 under ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 443 PIL + 110 201 YLO under a foot furface, i. e. a cubic foot of water, as 72 lb. are to 12 lb. fo is I foot, or 144 lines height of water under a foot furface to 2.5 lines height of water, under the fame furface. I fay therefore by the firft rule, as 2016 lines, a conftant or given number in all cafes (or elfe as 18 lines) to 25 fines height of water; ſo is 784 a conſtant number for elſe 7) to 94, whoſe ſquare root is fomewhat above 3 feet, the velocity ar way the boat will make in a fecond of time. But now if the furface C be triple the furface A, 2. e. be 240 feet; we fhall find, fuppofing the fame power of 1000 lb. acting against the fame fur- face a quantity of water 416. Therefore as 72 lb. are to 46 lb. height of water, under a furface 8 lines and fomewhat more height of water; which is a third part of the height found for the other furface. For the power being the fame, the heights of water muft be reciprocally as the furfaces; and this furface is fuppofed triple of the other. for each foot. foare fo are 144 lines of one foot, to Now by the rule, as 2016 lines a conftant num- ber (or even 18) is to 8 lines, fo are 784 a conftant number (or even 7) to 3 nearly; whofe fquare root is 1 foot nearly, which is the ve- locity or way the oar C will make in a fecond, by the effect of the power. But we have found, that the fame power which is always the relative, with regard to the abfolute power, impells both the boat and oar, and throws them both off with regard to a fixed point, found betweeen the two; viz. the boat at the rate of 3 feet in a fecond of time, and the oar i foot in the fame time. It follows therefore, that the boat and oar will recede from each other the face of K kk 2 3 4 444 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the + F ; 4 feet in a fecond of time, being the fum of the ways of the boat and oar: but if the velocity or way of the boat, a determinate in time, be given with regard to a fixed point, the power required thereto, will be found by the fecond rule: fup- pofe, e. gr. the way to be go fathoms in a minute, and that the furface of the boat, which it prefents to the motion, be 4 feet, the boat then will go 3 feet in a fecond; fo that by the fecond rule, the ſquare of 3 feet or 36 inches, which is 1296, being divided by 56, a given number, gives 234, the lines in the height of water to be fuppofed over the furface of 4 feet. But an inch high of water upon a furface of one foot, weighs at the rate of 72 lb. the cubic foot; the 23 lines there- fore will yield 11 lb. 15 ounces nearly, which multiplied by 4, the feet in the furface of the boat yield 47 lb. for the effort of the power, which would make the boat advance, as if it fuf- tained fuch weight. ; 1 But it mulb be obſerved, that this effort is only that of the relative power; and that the abfolute power may be greater or lefs, according to the different lengths of the arm of the oar; fo that the relative power must be reduced to the abfo- lute one, by faying, as the length of the arm of the oar, from the point of fupport to the hand, is to the length of the other arm, from the fame point of ſupport to the middle of that part of the blade of the oar which enters the water; fo is the power found by the calculus to the abfolute power. An application of the above rules to the motion of in boats crolling the Seine, and other rivers. Here we have no regard to the current of wa- ter, but confine ourſelves to the confideration of the 4 ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 445 the way the boat makes directly a-crofs, tho' it be all the while driven downwards by, the ftream. And we fuppofe withal, that no part of the ef- fort made by the rowers, is employed againſt the current of water. Now a waterman will row a boat about 20 fathoms or 120 feet in a minute of time, the furface fuch boat prefents to the mo- tion of the water is about 3 feet; and the furface of the 2 oars immerged in the water, may be a- bout 7 feet. Laftly, the diſtance from the point of fupport to the rower's hand, is nearly the fame as that from the middle of the oar immerged in the water, to the fame point of fupport fo that in this caſe the relative power is equal to the ab- folute one. { By the velocity of the boat here fuppofed, we have 2 feet or 24 inches for each fecond of time; and by the rule, the fquare of thefe 24 inches is 576, which divided by 56, a ftanding number, gives 10 lines for the height of water over the furface propoſed an effort not very confiderable, fince a man, by means of a fimple pully, will eafily raiſe 15 or 16 lb. weight the ſpace of 2 feet 1 in a ſecond of time. As to the motion of the hand, it muſt be twice as much with the fame power, viz. 4 feet in a fecond, for that the blade of the oar recedes from the fixed point, as far as the boat itſelf, but ina contrary direction. ' We have no regard here to the interruptions in the motion of the rewer; for if he only works half the time, he will be enabled to make double the effort in that half, by refting the other; ef- pecially in the prefent fituation, for remaining in the fame place,is arm only makes half the ef- fort that would be required, were he to tow a boat. on the edge of the water; befide the further fa- tigue 446 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 1 tigue of walking, and fupporting of the weight of his body. V OX Another application to the motion of gallies. £ F { The furface a galley prefents to the motion of the water, is 80 feet, and it has 26 oars on each fide, or 52 in all; each oar being 36 feet long, and the blade 9 inches broad. There is ufually 4 feet and in the water, and the diftance from the fulcrum of the oar to the hand, is only a third of that from the fulcrum to the middle of the part of the blade which dips in the water: fo that the furface of that part of the oar, which in the wa- ter is 3 feet, and this furface in all the oars together 175 feet. Now a galley with 3 men to each oar, ufually makes 2800 fathoms in an hour, and confequently 46 fathom, 4 feet, or 280 feet, in a minute: or laftly, 4 feet, 8 inches, or 56 inches, in a fecond. Now it is required to find the power which the rowers exert in order hereto. } By the fecond rule, we take the fquare of 56 inches, viz. 3136, which divided by 56, a ſtanding number, gives 56 lines for the height of water over the 80 feet furface propofed, confe- quently multiplying 56 by 80, we have 4480 lines height of water on a foot furface, which di vided by 144 lines for a foot height, give 31 feet, 1 inch, 4 lines, for the whole load or refiftance, which being reduced to weight, at the rate of 72 pound the cubic foot, yields 2240 lb. for the effort of the relative power of the rowers, which acts equally on the blade of the oars, and the ledge of the galley. Now dividing this weight among 156 rowers, there only will be 14 lb. 1 for ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 447 for the relative power of each, reducing therefore the relative power, by faying as 1 is to 2, which is the ratio of that part of the oar between the fulcrum and the hand, to the part from the fame fulcrum to the middle of that part plunged in the water; fo is the relative power 14. to the abfolute 28 16.2/ 3 3 Ocenia 1 Farther, each rower making fuch effort. of 28 lb. in a fecond, needed only pufh the extre- mity of the oar with his hand the ſpace of 2 feet, 4 inches, provided the fhank of the oar reſted on a fixed point, by reafon the way of the oar is to the way of the hand, as the diftances of the ful- crum, which are 2 to 1. But in regard the oar does likewife recede from the fame fixed point, between the galley and the oar, with regard to which the way of the hand has been found to be 2 feet, 4 inches, we muft alfo determine, what way. the fhank of the oar makes in a fecond. It has been already found, that the power acting againſt the furface of a galley of 80 feet, is 2240 lb. and 'tis this fame power which acts againſt all the oars, which are 175 feet in furface. The height of water therefore theſe oars, upon will be reciprocal of that on the furface on the galley, which we have found to be 56 lines. Confequently we may fay, as 175 feet is to 80 feet, fo are 56 lines 플 ​to 25 lines nearly, which muſt be the height of 플 ​water on the furface of all the oars, or each there- of; wherefore by the firſt rule, as 2016 lines, a given number, are to 25 lines height of water; fo are 784, agiven number, to 10 nearly, whofe fquare root is 3 feet, or 38 inches, which the oars must make in a fecond, at the fame time that the body of the galley advances 56 inches But 448 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the 3 But on account of the different lengths of the arms of the oar," which are as 2 to 1, the hand need only make 1 inches, or 1 foot, 7 inches in a fecond, with regard to, the motion of the oar, and, con- fequently the rower's hand, which makes 2 feet, 4 inches in a fecond, with regard to the motion of the galley, will make in all 3 feet, 1 inches in each fecond of time, with the fame force of 28.16.3. } This effort and motion have nothing in them extraordinary; and as in the common practice of oars, the labour is interrupted, it will be eafy to make up for the time loftshereby by pulling, when the ftroke returns with fo much the more vigour. Twill now be eafy to determine the power re- quired to row a veffel up a river, and what will be the velocity thereof with any power affigned for, if both the power and the time be given, there needs only to find, as already taught, the way it muſt make in a ſtanding water, and deduct from this the way or drift of the ftream, the remainder will be the way the boat makes up the river in the given time; provided the motion of the boat confidered as in a ftanding water, be greater than that of the water; for if it be lefs, is evident the boat will drive notwithstanding the rowers. 4 If the way be given which a veffel is to be rowed in a given timesup a river, whoſe motion or velocity is alfa given, thofe two motions muft be joined togethers; and it made found by the preceding rates, that will fuf- tain thein, actie on the surface of the boat pre- fested to the notion ofthe water, which fame power aftings alle against the oars, must be rec- koned for in theinction of the arm or hand of the ? ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 449 the rower, as was before done in gallies. For an in- ſtance, if a river runs 3 feet in a fecond of time, and you would have the veffel likewiſe afcend 4 feet in the fame time againſt the ftream, here will be a velocity given of 7 feet in a fecond, which muſt be confidered, in order to make the calculus as in ftanding water. As to any machines that may be uſed to this end, we know in the general, that they are of no other advantage but to take the benefit of natural powers, as the motion of water and wind by ufing fails, &c. and that by their means we can fave time by uſing a greater power, or improve a little power, fo as to produce a great effect. But in the motion of boats and gallies, by means of oars, it is eaſy to fee, that no great motion can ever be produced by a weak power; for if the machine increaſe the effort, it will take up the more time, fuppofing the time and the way to be always in the fame ratio. But the cafe is otherwife in animals, which pull or thrust in walking or moving; for it is an hypotheſis of fome mechanicks, whereby they would prove, that a man, who can lift 100 lb. 10 feet high in a minute, might lift a weight of 1 lb. 1000 feet high in the fame time; tho' this be really impoffi- ble, fince a man can only move a certain fpace in a given time, even without any additional weight at all. From the whole, we may learn what is to be expected from the generality of engineers, who can undertake to bring boats up any very rapid rivers, by the uſe of fome machine, whofe effects they are not always over well acquainted withal, imagining the force of their genius, without ftudy, fufficient to enable them to determine the effort neceffary to VOL. I. No. 12. L11 furmount 450 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the furmount their refiftance of fluid bodies, either in a state of reſt, or moved by fome machine, which is a mechaniſm of a higher kind, and a more dif- ficult confideration than that of folids, where the equilibrium is all that is ufually to be confi- dered! # ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 451 esrbod biuß to concilier mol An EXPLANATION of the TERMS of ART fed in this Volume. H on vilay an id lin ** AVING fet down the weights and mea- fures among the terms of art, with the pro- portion of them to thofe ufed in England, I fhall take this opportunity of informing the reader, that all the weights and meafures, which are mentioned in this tranflation, are to be underſtood of thoſe uſed at Paris. I did not think it con- venient to reduce them, in the body of the work, to the English ftandard; becauſe it would have continually occafioned the ufe of a great number of fractions, which would have made the reading troubleſome. Thofe, who have curiofity enough to defire an exactneſs in theſe particulars, may eafily reduce them by the proportions here fet down. In papers, where no very great exactneſs was required, I have tranflated pinte a quart, and chopine a pint ; but where exactneſs was required, I have preſerved the French words, pinte and chopine. A Adjutage, of a fountain, is a tube fitted to the mouth of the veffel, through which the water is to be played, and determined to any figure. Aorta, the great artery, from which all the reft rife. Apex of the heart, the lower point which is turned a little toward the left fide. Apophyfis, an eminence or protuberance. Arbor the principal part of a machine, which ferves to fuftain the reft; alfo a fpindle or axis upon which a machine turns. Afpera arteria, the wind pipe. L112 Au- 452 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the Auricles, the two appendages of the heart. Axillary veins and arteries are thofe which paſs under the arm-pits. B 20 Basis of the heart, the upper and broader point of it. Sys flowers didwadin sul the broad thin part, with Blade of an oar is which they ſtrike the water. Bronchial the little tubes, into which the tra- chea is branched. - and end Cook d Carotids, two arteries, one on each fide of the neck, which convey the blood from the aorta to the brain. un 10 7 -Chopine, half a Paris pinte SAL * Chryfalis, called alfo aurelia and nympha, is that ſtate of an infect between a worm and a fly, in which it lies incloſed in a hufk, as if it was dead toda to 31sed s Celiac artery, the firft artery, which is fent from the defcending trunk of the aorta into the abdomen. The caliac vein is that which runs through the inteftinum rectum. A Coronary. The coronary veffels are the arteries and veins, which furround the heart, to nouriſh and fupply it with blood. The coronary arte- ries carry the blood into the furface of the heart. The coronary vein returns the blood into the vena 'tava. voleno 30 1...ndion 31 cent Culmpel have hade ufe of this word, to ex- Cranium the ſkull prefs the fall of any called in Latin culmus. fort of corn or grafs it is D 426 & 20% It con- Dram, the 8th part of a Paris ounce. tains 72 of their grains,, or 59 grains troy. The ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES. 453 The dram is divided into into 24 grains deniers; the denier the grain into 24 carats. E Eye-glafs of a telescope is the glafs placed at that end of the tube, which is neareft the eye. F Foot, a meaſure containing 12 inches, or 144 lines. The Paris foot, or pied de roy, is longer than the English foot, which contains but 11 in- ches, 4 lines The Rhinland, Rhonife, or Leyden foot is to the Paris foot, as 1390 to 1440. The ancient geographical foot and the modern Roman foot, are to the Paris foot, as 110, 12. The Bolonian foot is to the Paris foot, as por to 600. a haarmul d” sim na to steff wi Foramen ovale, an oval aperture, or pallage. through the heart of a fetus, which cloſes up fometime after the birth. In ad Fulcrum, the prop or point of support hoftia lever. Ginglymus is that 3 771 7 n wilea sďT ramcádo das Gangifsing sdi dzwords kind of articulation, where each bone mutually receives therathem There are three forts of it: When the bones receive each other reciprocally, after the rhanner of a hinge, as at the elbow. 2. When one bone re- ceives another at one of its extremities, and is re- ceived into another at the other extremity, as the vertebræ do. 3. When one bone is received into another, after the manner of a wheel, or axle of a wheel in a box ; as the fecond vertebra of the neck in the firſt. £2 3 Is suta G Inch, the twelfth part of a footio It contains 1 parts of an English foot, and therefore is 3 454 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS of the a little more than 6 fuch parts longer than the English inch. 1 L Lamella, a little thin lamina, or plate, fuch as a fcale of a fifh; it is often ufed for a fubdivi- fion of laminaan patag des ad Lamina, a thin plate. 201L19 Line, the twelfth part of an inch, Lunule, little crefcents, or half-moons. h M Maxilla, the jaws, cow d Mediastinum, a double membrane, which di- vides the thorax and lungs into two parts. Mefenteric; the arteries are fo called, which arife from the aorta, and proceed to the mefen- tery; and the veins, which proceed from the me- fentery. Q Object-glass of a teleſcope, is the glafs placed at that end of the tube, which is neareft to the ob- ject. J 1 Ounce, the fixteenth part of a pound. It con- tains 576 Peris grains, or 476 grains troy. It is equal to 19 penny-weight, and 20 grains troy. Р Pericardium, the membrane, which inclofes the heart. { Peritoneum, a thin foft membrane, which co- vers and contains all the bowels in the lower belly. Pinte, the Paris pinte contains two of their pounds of water, that is, 15,232 grains troy, or 2 pounds, 2 ounces, and 13 grains aver- dupois therefore the Paris pinte is larger than our quart, which is fuppofed to contain 2 pounds averdupois of water. Piſton ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES, 455 Pifton the fucker of a pump; fyringe, or fuch like machine. Pivot, a foot of metal, whereby a body intend- ed to turn round bears upon another which is fixed. ol butu ah.. Pound; the Paris pound contains 16 of their ounces, or 9216 grains. It is equal to 15 ounces, 17 penny weight and 8 grains troy. R Retina, the innermoft coat of the eye, ſo cal- led becauſe it is woven like a net. Rundle, that part of a pulley, which is like a wheel. S f Sigmoidal valves, fo called from their refem- bling the Greek letter figma, which was anciently written like our C. T Thorax, the capacity of the breaft, or cheft, containing the heart and h I Toife, a meaſure containing 6 Paris feet, or 6 English feet, and to parts. Mr. Chambers tranflates it fatkom, which is a meaſure of 6 Eng- lifh feet. Trachea, the wind-pipe. V t. Vene cave, the veins which carry the blood into the heart. Vena porta, the vein which carries the blood into the liver. Ventricles of the heart, the two great cavities. of it; the tortoife is faid to have three. Vertebra, the bones of the hinder part of the neck, and of the back, commonly called the ſpine or chine. Z 456 The HISTORY and MEMOIRS, &c. : Z Zymoftmeter, an inftrument propoſed by Swam- merdam, to meaſure the degree of fermentation cauſed by the mixture of fubftances, and what heat they acquire by fermentation, and the degree of heat or temperament of the blood of ani- mals. " { } A P1 1. A Fig.1. a 1 Fig.3. Fig.4. J Fig. 2. p.15. Fig.5. H Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. он H 1 it J. Myn de fc. 2 Pl. II. Vol I. M T Fig. 1. R C: Up the river Fig.3. A K F B :C Fig. 2. B N F E F F K F I TI HH H Down the river ic r E c d f g h p.52. n A " M T Fig. 4. + D a D a A Scale of 30 feet Ukipglamran la 5 10 15 ATAREIVANEN UNTE 20 25 30 J J. Myndefc. } • 1 Pl.m. Vol. I. ୯ Fig. 1. E I M F B B G C K K H a P Fig. 3. B Mμ S/ N P • • Fig. 5. M VS TRX F D P N Y D HO L D p. 68. ୯ Fig. 2. E R M D A D P N B K Fig.6. C R D 1 L B Fig. 4. П E D B N P X K M E D H B Fig. 7. B J. Myndefe. PL.IV. Vol. I. P.84. A A 10 lines 9 inches F F AX 3 inches Fig. 1. B B D D D E L Fig. 2. H P4 IN I O E G M B Fig.3. С F E D A B 23 L Fig.4. The Fire sttil I *.*. H ....... BE J. Mynde Jr. } ! ? Pl. V. Kb. I.: T ! # H Fig. 1. B Fig. 8. 3. Η 5 7 8 X T p.gz. A Fig. 2. B Fig. 3. 70 Fig. 4. 4 Fig. 5. MAD t ME Fig. 7. 7 > Fig. 6. 1 6 12 inches Fig. S J. Mynde fo. 1 { } { { 1 I ↓ } { } { វ { 1 1 1 I 3 Pl. VI. Vol.I.A D F + 3 Fig. 1. A I P I H N E G Fig. 4. M A Е Fig.7. 1 P ļ Fig. 2. H B Τ M Fig. 5. Fig. 6. D M H I Fig.8. F H P Fig. 3. X Fig.9. p108. A M B B B J. Mynda fe. સ 2 4 } f } 3 1 量 ​1 t I t } · .E • PL. VII. VAI.. 1 1 C C Fig. 1. C B A B B B A D B A 5 10 25 20 25 30 A I Λ B A B B A: Fig. 2. A ୯ B E A # B ! - G Fig. 3. B B Á A Tig. 5: B H 1 Fig. 4. Fig. 6. (E ·B F C H A D B - p.122. J. Mynde fc. > f Plate VIII. 1 Fig:1. 1 Fig:2. P K M L n B Fig: 4 D 1 2 N ་་་ ་་ p.164. D E Fig:3 J.Myndef. 3 Plate IX. Fig: 1. K ་་་་་་ ་ འའ་་་་ཨ༔ ་་་་་ས .... ་ ་ ་ ་ . Fig:2. ' ལྟ་ Fig.3. A ་་་ ་་ད་་ ་་་་་་་་ ་་་་་་་ B.. ་་་་ ་་ཤ་་ ་ན་ ་་་་ ས་ ་་་་. ་་་་་་་་་. ༄.་་་་་... Fig: 5. p.166. B Fig. 4. ** A.. PIX. Vol.I. Fig. 1. Fig. ul. 2. 4 BC A Fig.4. མ་ A D B L .. Fig.3. """ 1108 1 J. Myndefo 1 V Pl. XI. /al.I. L Fig. 1. или Fig.3. Fig. 2. Fig. 7. ! B B B. Fig. 6. B Fig. 5. B p.16g. Fig.4. Jagmás 1 7 Pl.XII. Val.I. Fig. 3. Fig. 3. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. K Fig. 8. C G B E i M B A H C H B BO B Fig. 5 Fig.6 H A B Fig.9 Fig.6. Fig. 10. D BE B Fig. 4. Fig. 7. Fig. 11. p.172. B J.Mynda fc. ' Pl. XIII. 16I. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 1. B Fig. 1. Fig. 8. B C ་་་་་་་་ B A A D D Fig.g. Fig.14. Fig. 8. Fig. 14. E Fig. 13 W Fig.10. Fig. 6. Fig. 9. Fig.1. E Fig. 12. B Համաա • B B B で ​B \D Fig.15. Fig.15. સીધો .૧ ૧ & B כו B E Fig.17.1 འ B H E F Fig.16. E D E D p.178. J. Myndefo ካ Pl. XIV. Vol.I. B Fig.1. F A Fig.2. Fig. 5. D 900 1800 Goo +6 5 4 +3 -2 1 א Fig.6. H G 700 800 3456 7 B goo 10 R Fig. 3. R P 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Fig. 4. Verry Fig.7 N p.242. M M H E JMynde fe. Pl. XV. .I. A 里 ​Fig. 1. F B I C+ C+ D dx dx F et ех Fig. 5. m A t A A S UHAIMI Fig. 6. Fig. 2. ༈ ་་་ན་ ངོ༌* + P R. Fig. 4. Fig. 3 Fig. 8. A Fig. 9. A A F A D Fig.7 p.294. F. Myrede fo Pl. XVI. Vol. I. 1 Fig3. 1 Fig. 4. L M P Α Fig. 1. ע D I B E , "ག N L M F G P C { Triangulum AES, Leida, Haga, Gouda AE 4103.8 AES, 979 11 ASE, 32? 25! FAS, 50° 23 Triangulum ESR Leida Gouda Dordracum RES 25 49 ES 5897.8. ERS 25,49' Triangulum EAR, Leida Haga Dordracim AE 4103 3 FAR 85" 51 AFR 71.31. AR,1002. 7 ER 10634.7 AE 4103 3 Triangulum AEF Haga Leida Roterodamum Ex observatis angulus EAF 39°53′ et angulus AEF Unde reliquus AFE AF et FE 53 40 8627 5616 8 6972 3 Triangulum ESF Leida Gouda Roterodamum, Fig.5. ES. 5897. 8. SEF 43936 ESF 8090' FF 4883 Fig. 2. F H A E B B E 曰​: 1000 20 30 A Scale of 7200 Rhiland perches Alemaer Fig.6. p. 392. Haerlem Amfterdam Leyden the Hague Goude Rotterdam 1000 20 30 40 100 110 120 130 A Scale of 13000 Toises 50 Go 70 Willemstadt T R Utrecht Bommel Dort Breda 1 1 1 f 1 } Į I Pl. XVII. Vol IS Fig. 1. AB ( B Fig. 3. H · Fig. 4. ال E F B 1 Fig. 2. A $ B -3 / / a little more D- B A Fig. 6. G 28 feet D G A Fig. 5 A p. 450. B D Fig. 7. E B P Fi F J. Mynde I } A GENERAL INDEX A A OF THE CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUM E. A Dder-bolts, obfervations on them pag: A Æther, the proportion of its weight to that of the atmosphere 38 Air, the rarefaction of it by the heat of boiling water 69 the effects of its elafticity in gunpowder and thunder 313 --the means of knowing the temperature of it in all the climates of the carth -- a rule for its equilibrium 353 370 Alkmaer, the distance of it from Bergen op Zoom 386 Leyden 380 Rotterdam the Hague Allum, how made Amber, yellow 1 Amphitheatre at Douvay Ants in Surinam Aphroditic promontory Apulia, tarantulas common in that country VOL. I. Nº. 12. M in in 391 ibid. 326 186 409 35% 377 377 Arbor IN DEX. ག་ Arbor Dianæ, how formed Armenia, the pofition of fome towns in it Aftroites defcribed Suppoſed to fpring from faed Auderville, a body of fire feen there 5 ૧૩એ B ་ ཏྭཱ pag. 421 21, 25 414 413 185 Barometer obferved how rendered luminous k Belemnites fuppofed to fpring from feed 11, 204, 272, 351 208, 262, 272 Bergen op Zoom, the distance of it from Alkmaer Birth of four children at once Bite of the tarantula, its fymptoms and cure Bladder of a mare, a fione found in it Blood, the circulation of it in fuch fishes as have gills 414 386 325 321 187 294 Boats, the power neceffary to move them 425 Bolonia, the distance between it and Modena 375 Bolonian ſtones, ſuppoſed to ſpring from fecd 413 Bombs, a general method of throwing them 237 Brazil, a strange fort of ferpent there Breft, the tides there Bretagne, the tides there- Burning-glaffes of 3 or 4 feet in diameter how to be placed. their effects 235 325 ibid. 25 ibid. 26, 396 $ } C ( 、, Candy, a deſcription of the labyrinth there Cannon, why it recoils Canton, its pofition } Cap Creux, the aphroditic promontory Cats, why they fall upon their feet Centres of converfion Chamois found on the inacceffible mountain Chanfeaux (le) famous for finkings of the earth Cherbourg, a body of fire feen there \\ Cheefe-mite microſcopically obferved, China, the pofition of fame of its towns 406 315 23 377 200 191 181 15 328 186 21, 22 China, INDEXI China, the tygers in that country Circulation of the blood in fuch fifbes as Civita Vecchia, allum made there Clocks, remarks on the construction pag. teland.cl20 have gills 294 Retrolul cone 326 of their pendulums thun 5,,alia19221 Cobra de los cabeças, a ſerpent in Brazil Colours, reflections on them Column of light obferved 235 32 395 Conoids, a method of turning them 96336 Coral, a real ftone 412 Cords, their ftiffness confidered 121 Cornu ammonis, fuppofed to spring from feed 10 197413 Corfica, tarantulas found there 321 Cryſtals of the rock defcribed Cows, obfervations on their ovaries 1 fuppofed to fpring from feed Cylinders hollow and folid, their resistance 287 10415 413, 415 344 عاكم D. r 4 Damps in a well, the fatal effects of them 253 Dauphiny, the natural hiſtory of it 14, 181 Declination of the needle obferved ·207, 272, 352 at Lisbon 232 at Paraiba 233 a general theory of it. 245 Delta, or lower Egypt, the map of it corrected 330 Dendroides, fuppofed to Spring from feed 415 Dialling, an improvement in that art } Douvay in France, the amphitheatre there Dragon-flies, obfervations on them 254 409 94 E. " Eagle-ftone deſcribed + 411 414 fuppofed to fpring from feed Echinites, how formed Egypt, the map of that country, rectified the miafure of the pyramids ibid. 422 330 tabloy al 378 Mmm 2 Ela- INDE X. pag. Elafticity of the air, its effects in gunpowder and thunder 313 Entrochi, fuppofed to ſpring from feed 414 Eruan, its pofition 25 Erzeron, its pofition ibid. J F.: Fall of bodies, a machine to prove the proportion of it Feathers of birds Fire common, what it is of the fun, what it is the generation of it. its ufe in moving machines the engine defcribed a body of fire feen in Normandy. Fishes, the structure of their heart the circulation of the blood in them 30, 347 17 401 402 43 69 82 185 150 294 Flanders, the fituation of ſome of the towns of that coun- 386 try 47 413 417 قم 14 Flood-gate, a new fort Florentine-ftones, fuppofed to ſpring from feed Fluores lapidum, how formed Fountain burning France, obfervations on the fingularities of the natural hi- the distances between the ancient towns Story of that country Friction in machines confider'd Frog, the structure of its heart the trembling of its nerves after death G. S. Germain des Vaux, a body of fire feen there Gills of fishes, the use of them • their structure to 1 14, 181 374 112, 193 145 187 185 152, 295 152 52 Glaffes, fome Angular effects, which happen to them hyperbolical, the manner of cutting moulds for them teleſcope-glaffes 333 91, 188 Gold INDEX. Gold render'd volatile by the burning-glafs Goude, the diſtance of it from Leyden Rotterdam Grenoble, a burning fountain near it a remarkable grotto near it 2 Grotto, a remarkable one near Grenoble another at Antiparos. pag. 397 389 100 390 2 14 181 ibid. 419 Gunpowder, the effects of the elasticity of the air in it ... 313 H. Hague, the distance of it from Leyden 389 Rotterdam ibid. Alkmaer 391 frog viper fifbes 7 La Hague, a body of fire feen there Heart of the tortoise Holland, the fituation of most of the towns of that coun- try Horary meaſures 386 385 Hyperbolical Glaffes, the manner of cutting moulds for 185 137 145 148 150 them 333 I. Iceicles, how formed Infects, particularly worthy of our attention Inacceffible mountain are the only animals that are of both ſexes Iſlands floating Italy, a fort of black fand found there tale found there ¡ 417 181 15 16 183 251 252 comparison of the ancient and modern meaſures there Itch, produced by touching a ferpent in Brazil 375 236 Itinerary measures of the ancients compared with the mo- dern 1 373 Κ. INDEX. K. Assic Kám-cheu-fu, its pofition -24bold 1 X D Kiam-cheur, its positions ads to vis pag. 23 22 ते OPT Labyrinth of Candy Egypt Lapis Judaicus defcribed NL. JNE ぶら ​406 410 413 ibid. 414 * 235 16 83 189 fuppofed to fpring from feed Lyricis, fuppofed to fpring from feed Latitude of Lisbon Leaches are hermaphrodites Lével defcribed 1 Leveret, a monftrous double one Liampo, its pofition Light, reflections on it a column of light obſerved Lightning, how produced what falls at Paris 1 Leyden, the diſtance of it from Soeterwoude 386, 389 Rotterdam 388, 389, 390 the Hague Goude → * 1 389 ibid. 22 32 tranfmits itself 600,000 times fafter than found 38 395 318 Lille, the quantity of rain that falls there compared with Liquids, on the bodies which ſwim in them ' હું 13 197 Lisbon, the longitude of it 230 the latitude of it 231 the declination of the needle there 232 the difference of the length of the pendulum there from what it should be at Paris 233 Loadſtone, one of great value 324 230 Longitude of Lisbon · 1 M. 4 1 Machines, the reſiſtance caufed in them confider'd S. Malo, the tides there 112 325 Ma- INDEX Manihot, a plant of Brazil Mare, a ftone found in its bladder Meaſure of the earth pag. 236 187 THE 385 Od Meaſures itinerary of the ancients compar'd with the mo dern 373 Mediterranean, an ancient communication of it with the Red-fea Microſcopical obfervations on a cheeſe-mite Miles, the proportion of the ancient Italian ones to the mo dern Monſters, double, how formed a double leveret A two kittens joined together Montagne de l'Arguille Moon, the apparent largeness of it near the horizon Motion, the continuation of it. of animals reduced to the laws of mechanicks exterior, its effect on bodies 330 328 382 329 188 329 181 183 249 336 186 perpetual, the impoffibility of it demonftrated 203 Mountain, inacceffible 181 Mountains finking 15 Muſhrooms of the ſea, real stones $ 412 Suppoſed to fpring from feed 413 Mufick, cures the bite of the tarantula 32X Mytulites, how formed 3 422 N } Nam-cham-fu d Nan-ghan-fu Nan-kim, its pofition ' 23 ibid. 22 Narbonne, the distance between it and Nifmes meaſured Natural history of France Nautilites how formed 374 14, 181 422 Needle magnetical, its declination obferved 207, 272, 352 Needle mountain a general theory of it Nerves of a frog trembling after death Ning-po its pofition 245 181 187 22 Nif INDEX. pag. Nifmes, the distance between it and Narbonne meaſured Normandy, a body of fire ſeen there the tides on the coast of it. 374 185 325 O Oars, the different manner of managing them Omer (S.) floating islands near it Origni, a body of fire feen near it Oftracites, how formed. Ovaries of cows and ſheep, obfervations on them Paraiba, the latitude of it P the declination of the needle there 392 183 186 422 287 233 ibid. the difference of the length of the pendulum there and at Paris Serpents there ibid. 235, 236 Parmaraibo, an extraordinary fort of ants there 251 Paris, the difference of the weather there from what it is at Upminfter II the difference of the length of the pendulum there and at Lisbon Pectinites, boy formed. Pekim, its pofitirm Paris 232 at Paraiba 233 422 22 Pendulum, the difference of length of it at Lisbon and at 232 at Paraiba and at Paris 233 Pendulum clocks, remarks on the construction of them Pernambuc, an extraordinary large ferpent there Perpetual motion, the impoffibility of it demonfirated Pefaro, a curious fort of fand found there Petards, how to augment the effect of them Pholas, how formed Phoſphorus of quickſilver Pilots, the measures ufed by them 221 236 203 253 317 423 208, 262, 272 382 Port INDEX. Port-Vendre V Provence, yellow amber found there Pyramids of Egypt, the measure of them Pyrenean promontory Pyrenean Venus, the fituation of her temple Pyrites, defcribed fuppofed to fpring from feed е Quickfilver turned to a black powder by motion only -rendered luminous 1 376 186 378 377 376 414 413 187 208, 262,272 1 R Rain, the quantity of it obferved 13, 204, 270, 349 Rarefaction of the air by the heat of boiling water 69 Red-fea, an ancient communication of it with the Mediter- 330 319 Rennes, the fatal effects of the damps in a well there 253 ranean Refraction, the cauſe of it Refiftance of hollow and folid cylinders Refpiration of fishes Roch allum, what it is Rockets, the cauſe of their afcending Rome, a black tale found there 344 294 327 315 252 Rotterdam the distance of it from Leyden 388, 289, 390 Alkmaer the Hague Goude Rudder of a ſhip, what angle it ought to make keel 388, 39E 389 390 with the 260 S Salt, a pyramid of it formed in a ery@allifotion Sand, a black fort found in Italy Selve, a port there fuppofed to be the port of Venus Serpents in Brazil 324 255 377 235 Serpent's eyes, a fort of stone fappoſed to ſpring from feed Vol. I. No. 12: Nan 413, 414 Sheep INDEX. Sheep, obférvations on their ovaries Silver rendered volatile by the burning-glafs Sing-ghan-fu, its pofition Sluice, fee flood gate. Smyrna, its pofition Snails are hermaphrodites 287 397 23 25 16 386, 389 327 35 38 224 377 1 Soeterwoude, the distance of it from Leyden Solfatara, allum and fulphur made there Sound, how it is heard. travels about 180 toifes in a fecond Springsof clocks and watches Stadia in France, the measure of them Stiffness of cords confidered Stone found in the bladder of a mare Stones, the vegetation of them" Strength of man confidered 121 187 410 Su-cheu-fu, its pofition Sulphur made of Solfatara ། 100 23 327 Surinam, an extraordinary fort of ants in that country 251 T Ꭲ . Tarantula defcribed, and the cure of its bite by muſick 321 Tarentum gives name to the tarantula Tartary, the tigers in that country Tchaotcheou, its pofition Teleſcope glaffes, a method of centering them ibid. 21 24 91 Temple of the Pyrenean Venus, the fituation of it 376 Thermometer observed of air 206, 271, 350 355 356 357,359 -the imperfections of the old ones conftruction of the new ones Thunder, the effects of the elasticity of the air in it 313 Tides, a method for obferving them on the coaf of Bretagne and Normandy Toad-ftone fuppoſed to ſpring from feed Tigers in China Tortoife its heart defcribed Trebifonde, its pofition the uſe of its heart Trigonometrical measure Turky, the pofition of fome of its towns Turkeys, an obfervation on their feathers 247 325 20 413, 414 137 156 25 383 21, 25 19 U INDEX. * prus Spar-qur me kujutu it is at Paris Upminster, the difference of the weather there from what 1}}}} as „kougomrad ar aligne How to mopy to youth distrowie200 V Pada skaists vade Valognes, a body of fire feen near it Vegetation of ftones taa 335 Venus Pyrenean, the fituation of her temple sbuowis Ja mulle 26756lo? oi si to wood bogy zunde de reti zkiola tuzga 410 370 Vibrations of preffure explained 33 Vinegar made by motion only 187 Viper, the structure of its heart OF 148 fotosu ut W. احمد Water, remarks on the measure and weight of it Weather observed Wheels to draw water Windmill, the pofition of its axis Wine turned to vinegar by motion Worms are hermaphrodites their manner of copulation Xambay, its pofition Xoacheu 285 II 110 258 187 ៗ 16 17 X. $ 1 ་་ 13 } A 1 23 23 7 } CA ཉ(ས་ ('? 503501 Nnn 2 } { J AN borhide 5 • 1 4 A N $ INDE X OF AUTHORS NAMES. A. Amontons, 69, 112, 195, 353. M. Antoninus, 375. Archimedes, 204. S. Auguftin, 14. B. Bellonius, 408. M. Bernoulli, 208, 262, 273: F. de Beze, 25. M. de Billettes, 47, 110. M. Blondel, 240. M. Borelli, 198, 340, 341: M. Boulduc, 286. M. Boutier, 330. F; Bouvet, 24. C. M. Carré, 319, 324, 325, 326. M. Caffini, 208, 246, 373, 385, 395. M. Chazelles, 378, 392. M. An INDEX of AUTHORS NAMES, M. Colbert, 357. F. le Comte, 24. F. Coronelli, 22, 25. M. Couplet, 83, 230. D. ** M. Delifle, 330, 331, 333.. Dr. Derham, II. M. Deſcartes, 32, 35, 40, 43, 44, 46, 184, 211, 249, 266, 319, 334, 335. M. Dieulamant, 14, 15, 182, 183. Diodorus, 331, 332, 379-. Elmacin, 333. Eratofthenes, 380. M. Fermat, 319. F. de Fontenay, 24. M. Forger, 328. F. Fulgence, 379. E. F. G.. Galileo, 30, 345, 346, 347. Gaffendi, 184. M. Gemelli, 379, 381. M. Geoffroy, 251, 252, 321, 323, 326, 327, 328. F. Gerbillon, 24. F. Gouye, 21, 24, 25, 184, 185, 247, 323. Mr. Greaves, 379. Gregory Nazianzen, 423. F. Grimaldi, 375, 376. Sieur de Guet, 392. Dr. Halley, 245, 246. M. du Hamel, 208. H. Hero- A An INDEX of AUTHORS NAMES. Herodotus, 331, 332, 378, 379, 380, 383, a M. de la Hire, 13, 14, 52, 91, 100, 204, 221, 237, 247, 250, 255, 270, 285, 313 314 317, 318, 349, 395, 425. M. Homberg, 15, 17, 94, 181, 251, 324, 396. M. Hottinger, 415. M. Huygens, 38. I. + M. Jeaugeon, 379. F. Kircher, 415 K. L. M. Lemery, 187, 188, 325. F. Louvard, 253. 115 M. ་་ F. Mallebranche, 32. Malpighi, 308. M. Maraldi, II. M. de Marca, 377.. M. Mariotte, 70, 80, 346, 370, 371, 426. Mela, 377. M. Mery, 329. M. Mollard, 328. Mutianus, 423- M. de Nointel, 379. N. P. * M. Parent, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 18, 20c, 201, 202, 203, 250, 255, 257, 258, 26 1, 335, 336, 340, 342, 343, 345, 346. M. de Peirefc, 418: Peu An INDEX of AUTHORS NAMES. DATA to s Peutinger, 375. M. Picard, 208, 218, 255, 285; 286, 386, 391obl Pliny, 377, 380, 381, 410, 415, 423.1 97HA ob ha Count de Pontchartrain, 2475 330.25 YRS Lord Portland, 263. M. Poupart, 16, 1772018140 R. > 7 256.208 M giedmich n PIA .smcH MY 1 cargold iv) M. Renau, 260. Riccioli, 25, 375, 376. Rouanez, (duke of) 47. 1 S: 7. Sanctorius, 272. Sanfon, 230, 231. M. Sauveur, 203, 328. F. Sebaſtien, 30, 347, 348. M. de Seneffey, 186. Snellius, 385, 387, 388, 389, 391. Strabo, 332, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379. 1 T. Theophraftus, 423. M. Tournefort, 186, 405. M. Tſchirnhaus, 25, 188, 189, 1905 19143951 h g V. SASTOM I M. Varignon, 253, 346, 347, 348. Br. baking M. de Vauban, 13. M. de Vauleſard, 257. M. du Verney, 137, 187, 287, 294. M. de Villeroy, 263, 264, 265. F. Vifdelou, 24. [ { 1 ཀ་ FINI SO James This Day is published, Price 3s: few³d; Price~35. THE DOCTRINE of ANNUITIES and REVERSIONS, des duced from general and evident Principles: With ufeful Tables, fhewing the Values of fingle and joint Lives, &c. at different Rates of Intereft. Likewife the value that ought to be paid for rekewing of Leafes upon any Number of Lives: as also how much the Rent-Roll of an Estate ought to be in- creafed upon Account of fuch Renewals. To which is added A Method of inveftigating the Value of Annuities by Approxi- mation, without the help of Tables. The whole explain'd In a plain and fimple Manner, and illuftrated by a great Va- riety of Examples. By Thomas Simpfon. * Printed for 7. Nourfe, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar. Where may be bad, lately publif'd, by the fame. Author, in Quarto, Price 6 s. ESSAYS on feveral curious and uſeful Subjects, in fpecula- tive and mixed Mathematicks, in which are explained the moft difficult Problems of the first and fecond Books of Sir Ifaac Newton's PRINCIPIA; being a ufsful Introduction te Learners for the understanding that illuftrious Author. This Day is publif'd, in 2 Vol. Falio, (With the Licence and Recommendation of the Royal College of Phyficians, and the best Fudges in Botany of the Royal Society,) BLACKWELL'S HERBAL, containing 500 Prints of the moſt uſeful PLANTS uſed in the PRACTICE OF PHYSICKS engraved on Folio Copper-Plates after Drawings taken from the Life. To which are added, 125 EXPLANATION PLATES, containing the natural Hiftory of each Plant, with their USES IN PHYSICK. Printed for J. Nourfe, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar. 1 For the Curious who chooſe hot to purchaſe the whole at once, this Day is publish'd' (to be continu'd every Satur day) No. XI. of the above Herbal, containing Four Plants and an Explanation Plate, Price of the plain, One Shilling; colour'd, Two Shillings. A Just Published, COURSE of LECTURES in Natural Philofophy. By the late Richard Helham, M. D. Profeffor of Phyfick and Natural Philofophy in the University of DUBLIN. Fublished by BRYAN, ROBINSON, M. D. London: Printed for John Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar. BOUND OCT 211941 UNIV. CA ~H! LIBRARY Į