! \ ï \ ï l % /S/s £-^^{x^'}:2l z ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF ALL THE AUTHORS ACTUALLY LIVING I N GREAT-BRITAIN, IRELAND AND IN THE UNITED PROVINCES OF NORTH-AMERICA, W I T H A CATALOGUE OF THEIR PUBLICATIONS. FROM THE YEAR 1770 TO, THE YEAR 1790. SUPPLEMENT and CONTINUATION FROM THE YEAR 1790 TO THE YEAR 1803. JER: DAV. REUSS. PART I. A-K. BERLIN and STETTIN, printed for Frederic Nicolai. i8o4. DAS GELEHRTE ENGLAND ODER LEXIKON DER JEZTLEBENDEN SCHRIFTSTELLER I N GROSSBRITANNIEN, IRLAND und NORD-AMERIKA WEBST einem: VERZEICHNIS IHRER SCHRIFTEN vom Jahr 1770 bis 1790. NACHTRAG und FORTSEZUNG VOM JAHR 1790 BIS 1805, VON JEREMIAS DAVID REUSS, HOFRATH UND PROFESSOR DER PHILOSOPHIE , MITOLIED DER KÖNIGE. GESELLSCH. DER WISSENSCH. UND UNTER - BIBLIO- THEKAR BEX DER UNIVERSITÄT* - BIBLIOTHEK ZU OÖTTINOEN» TH. I. A-K. BERLIN und STETTIN, bey Fried. Nicolai. i8o4. , ~. /;> Dignum laude virum Musa vetat ttiori, Horatzuç, Lib. IF. Od. 8s Vorrede, \ / or dreyzehn Jahren habe ich es gewagt, * ein Handbuch der neueren Brittischen und Amerikanischen Litteratur von zwey Jahr- zehenden , unter dem Titel: Das gelehrte England oder Lexikon der jeztlebenden Schrift- steller in Grossbrittannien, Irland und Nord- Amerika, nebst einem Verzeichniss ihrer Schrif- ten; voln Jahr 1770 bis 1790. Berlin u. Stet- tin. 1791. herauszugeben. Dieser erste Ver- such ist von ÌPreunden der Litteratur so gün- stig aufgenommen worden , dass ich mir es sogleich zur Pflicht machte, alles was zur Ver- besserung des erfteren und zur Fortfezung desselben seit jenem Zeitpunct beytragen könn- te, mit Fleiss zu sammeln. Ein solches Un- ternehmen erfordert eine eigene Gedult und Aufmerksamkeit; einen Zeitaufwand, zU wel- chem nur eine besondere uneigennüzige Vor- liebe den Muth geben kann; aber auch diese "Würde den Nachtrag nicht zu Tage gefördert haben und meine Sammlung wäre wahrschein- lich in meinem Pult verschlossen geblieben, wenn nicht der um die Ausbreitung der Lit- )( a teratur IV teratur in Deutschland so sehr verdiente Herr Nicolai, in Berlin, zur Bekanntmachung der- selben die Hand geboten hätte. Gern hätte ich es, in mancher Rücksicht^ gesehen, wenn auch diese Fortsezung in einem massigen Band, so wie der erste Versuch, hätte geliefert werden können; da ich aber mich nicht bloss auf die neuen Schriftsteller, welche seit dem Jahr 1790 angefangen haben zu schrei- ben , allein einschränken durfte, sondern, um vollständig zu seyn, auch das Verzeichniss der Schriften, welche die älteren Schriftsteller in dem Zeitraum vom Jahr 1790-1800 oder bis an ihren Tod, geliefert haben, fortfezen musste; da ich ausserdem, so wie im ersteren Versuch auch hier, alle kleinere Abhandlungen eines Mannes, welche in den Gefellschafts- und pe- riodischen Schriften zerstreut vorkommen, mit möglichstem Fleiss zusammenstellen wollte, so Hess sich dieses nicht in einen Band zusam- menfassen. Den Freunden der Englischen neuern Lit- teratur, welche nicht allein den literarischen Fleiss eines Mannes kennen lernen oder die Geisteswerke, weiche er geliefert hat, mit ei- nem Blick übersehen wollen, sondern auch Nachricht von seiner Ausbildung, seinem Wir- ken auf andere, seinem häuslichem Leben u. dergl. zu lesen wünschen, wird es nicht un- angenehm seyn, dass ich bey Lebenden und vorzüglich bey verstorbenen Schriftstellern die Werke angezeigt habe, welche Nachrichten von ihrem Leben enthalten. Die V Die Schriftsteller, welche*in dieser Fort- sezung zum e r st e 11 m a h 1 erscheinen , habe ich mit einem. Sternclien (*)9 vor ihrem Na- men, bezeichnet; die andern Artikel ohne Sternchen, enthalten die litterarischen Arbei- ten solcher Schriftsteller, welche in meinem ersten Versuch schon vorgekommen sind. Die Berichtigungen und Zusäze zu dem er- stem Werk, die dieser Nachtrag enthält, habe ich, zur Ersparung des Raums, nicht jedes- mahl ausdrücklich bemerkt, weil sie ein jeder, bey angestellter Vergleichung, leicht selbst finden kann. Seit dem Jahre 1790 sind zwey' Schrift- steller^ Verzeichnisse von lebenden Englischen Gelehrten erschienen; Das eine mit dem Titel; Literary memoirs of living Authors of Great-Britain — in two volumes. Lon- don, 1798. 8. das andere: A new catalogue of living English authors ~ Vol. 1. London. 1799. 8. Dieser Band'enthält die Buchstaben A-C. Sechs Bände sollten das ganze Werk beschliessen, al- lein noch ist nicht der zweyte Theil erschienen. Erfteres ist sehr unvollständig und wenig ge- nau, etwas besser ist das zweyte; allein bey- de ungenannte Verfasser haben die lebenden Gelehrten und ihre angeführten Schriften gro- ssentheils mit einer partheyischen, öfters bit- tern und inhumanen Characteristick begleitet, welche nicht zur Würdigung ihrer litter ari- schen Bemühungen gehört. )( a Auch VI Auch diesesmahl kostete es mich nicht ge- ringe Mühe zu erfahren, ob ein Schriftsteller noch lebt und in welchem Jahr er gestorben ist; bey mehreren habe ich desswegen ein Frage- Zeichen (?) beygesezt, wo ich gefunden habe, dass eine Abhandlung nach seinem Tode erst gedruckt worden ist; aber dass ich nicht man- chen, der längst gestorben ist, noch unter die Lebenden gezählt habe, kann ich nicht ver- bürgen. Ich wiederhohle daher meine Bitte mich mit Berichtigungen und Beyträgen zu uhterstüzen; Möchte ich eben das Glück, wie Herr Pro- fessor Ersch in Halle, geniessen und solche Berichtigungen und Beyträge aus England selbst erhalten, wie der achtungs-würdige Lit- terator des Gelehrten Frankreichs sie so reich- lich aus Frankreich selbst erhielt! VII Erklàrung der A b k u r z u n g e n. American Museum. (Matthew Carey) The Ame- rican Museum, or, repository of ancient and modern fugitive pieces, prose and poetical. Vol. l-ii. Y. 1787 — Y. 1792. Part 1. Jan. - June. Philadelphia. 8' Arch. Archaeologia; or Miscellaneous Tracts rela- ting to Antiquity; published , by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vol. 10-13. Lon- don. 1792 - 1800. 4. Asiatic Mijcellany. The Asiatic Miscellany, con- sisting of translations, imitations, fugitive pie- ces, original productions and extracts from curious publications by TV. Chambers and Sir W. Jones — Calcutta. 1787. 8- Asiat. Res Asiatick researches; or, transactions of the society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, scien* ces and littérature of Asia. Vol. 2-4. Calcutta. 1790-1795.4. Vol.5.6. London. 1799. 1801.8. Bath Agric. 80c. Letters and papers of agricul- culture, planting etc. selected from the corre- spondance-book of the society instituted at Bath for the encouragements of agriculture, arts, manufactures and commerce. Vol. 1. Ed. 3. Bath. 1788- Vol. s. 3. Ed. 2. 1788. Vol. 4-9. 1788-1799.8. Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Collections of the Massachusetts historical society for the Y. 1792- 1801. (Vol. 1-8.) 8- )( 3 The VIII The Columbian Magazine, or monthly miscellany. Vol. 1-7. (Y. 1786. Sept. — Y. 1790. June.) Vol.8-11* The Universal Asylum and Colum- bian Magazine. ( Y- 1790. July — Y. 1792. June.) Comm. and Agric. Blag. The commercial and agri- cultural magazine for the Y. 1799 - Y. ig02. April. Vol. 1-8. London. 8» Comm. to the B. of Agr. Communications to the board of agriculture on subjects relative to the husbandry and internal improvement of the country. Vol. 1. Vol.2. Vol.3, Parti. Lon- don. 1797- 1802. 4. Duncarìs. HI. C. Duncan*s Medical Commentaries for the Y. 1791-1795. Dec. 2. Vol. 6-10. Edinb. 8- Duncarìs A. of Med. Duncan"s Annals of Méde- cine for the Y. 1796-1800. (Vol. 1-6.) Edinb. 8- The Evangelical Magazine for the Y. 1793 - 1800. Vol. 1-10. 8- Gentleman's Magazine Y. 1790-1803. The Massachusetts Magazine; or monthly museum of knowledge and rational entertainment. Bo- ston. 8- Vol. 1. for 1789. (Jan.-Dec.) Vol. 2. for 1790. (Jan.-Dec.) Vol. 3. for 1791. (jan. - Dec.) Vol.4- for 1792, (...May-Dec.) Vol.5. for 1793. (Jan.-Dec) Vol.6, for 1794. (Jan.- Dec.) Vol. 7. for 1795. (... Apr. -Dec.) Vol. 8- for 1796. (...March-Aug.) 3L C. Medical communications. Vol. 2. London. 1790. 8- M. P. of M. «S. Medical papers, communicated to" the Massachusetts medical society — pu- blished by the society. Numb. 1. Boston. ijijo. 8- 'M. Rcc. and Res. Medical records and researches, selected from the papers of a private medical association. London. 1798. 8- The Medical Repository. Vol. 1-3, New-York. 1793-1800. 8. Mem. IX Mem. of B* A. Memoirs of the American Acade- my of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 2. Part 1. Bo- ston. i793- 4- Mem. of M. Memoirs of the Litterary and Phi- lofophical Society of Manchester. Vol. 3-5. 1790- 1802. 8» Mem. of M. S. of L. Memoirs of the medical so- ciety of London instituted in the Y. 1775. Vol. 3-5. London. i792-i799- 8- The Blonthly Magazine and British register far 1796-1802. Vol, 1-14. Y. 1803. Jan.-AprU. N. A: Nautical Almanac for the Year 1790 - 1802. 1804. 8- The New-York Magazine, or literary repository,, Vol...2. (Y. 1791. Jan.-Dec.) Vol. 3. (Y. 1792. Jan.-Dec.) Vol.5. (Y. 1794. Tan.--Sept ) Vol. 6. (Y. 1795. Jan.-Dec.) New series Vol. 1. (Y. 1796. Jan,-Dec.) Vol. 2. (Y. 1797, Jan.- May ) Nicholson's Journal of natural philosophy, che- mistry and the arts, illustrated with engra- vings. Vol. 1-5. London. 1797-1801.4. Vol. 1.2. (Y. 1802. Jan.-Aug.) Vol. 3. (Y. 1802. Sept.-Nov.) 8- PhiU Tra.nsact. Philosophical Transactions of the Boyai Society of London for the Y. 1791. — 1802. 4. Public Characters of 1798- *799* Ed. 3. London. 1801. of 1799-1803. London. 1799-i8°3» (Vol. 1-5.) 8- (Simmons) Medical Facts and Observations. Vol. 1-8. London. 1791-1800.8- Tilloclïs Philos Magaz. The philosophical Ma- gazine comprehcxiding the various branche» of science, the liberal and sine arts, agricul- ture , manufactures and commerce by Ale* xander Tilloch. Vol. 1- 15. Y. 1798 — Y. 1803. 'April. Tr. of A. S. Transactions of the American phi- losophical society held at Philadelphia £qt promo- X promoting useful knowledge. Vol. 3 - 5* Phi- ladelphia. i793-i8°2*4* Transactions of the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland, Vol. 1. Edinburgh. 1792. 4. Tr. of Dublin Soc. Transactions of the Dublin Society. Vol. 1. P. 1. 2. for the Y. 1799, Bu- blin. 1800. 8» Tr. of E. S. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Part 1. Edinb. 1794-!799- 4* TV* of the Soc. for the E. of A. Transactions of the society instituted at London for the encou- ragement of arts, manufactures and commer- ce; Vol. 1-19. London. 1783-l8°i*8- Tr. of Highland Soc. Prize eiTays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland. Vol. 1. Edinb. 1799. 8» Tr. of J. A. The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. 3-8. Dublin. 1790-1802. 4. Transact, of L. S. Transactions of the Linnean Society. Vol. 1-6. London. 1791-1802.4. Transactions of a Society for the improvement of medical and chirurgical knowledge. Vol. 1. 2. London. 1793-1800. 8- 2V. of Phyf of Philad. Transactions of the Col- lege of Physicians of Philadelphia. Vol. 1. Part 1. Philad. 1793. 8- Young's A. of Agr. Arthur Young*s Annals of agriculture and other useful arts. Vol. 1-38* Wrb.i-ûi7. Bury St. Edmund's. 1784-1802.3. * ABBOT, * À B BOT, [Charles] Etq. M. P.' Lt. D. F, R A. £ X Ju Barrister at law s and Clerk of the ruUs lit thé court of King s Bench, * Rules and orders on the plea sicte of the eourf of King's Bench; beginning in eastef term Ì73Í and ending in trinity term 1795, With preface and index,'1795» 8. (2 fa. 6d. ) Jurisdiction and practice of the court of great sessions of Wales*, On the Chester circuits with preface" and 'index* Í795* 8* Hints relative to the population bill* {Youngs A, of Agr, Vol, 36- p. 4550 A treatise of the law relative to merchant - iliips and sea- men^ in four pasts, J.8Ò2. 8. (9 ill ) *ABBOT, [Charles] M. Ai K L> S: Vicar of Oakley Ray ties in tìedfor.dfkityè flora BedfordiCnfis • comprehending such plantd as grow Wild in.the comity of Bedford,, arranged according to the system of Linnaeus\ With occa* floual remarks, 1798-* 8* (6slh 6 d.) *ABBOT, [Johii] Resident in Georgia. The natural history of the rarer lepìddpterolís iiU sects of Georgia \ Including; théir systematic cha* ractera, the particulars of their several metajiloi> phofes/ and the plants Oil which they feed. Col- lected from the observations of John Abbot by James Edward Smith* Vol* i< 2* 1797* sol* (21 L.) *ABBS* [Cooper] Observations oil the remarkable failure of had* docks i on the coasts of Northumberland , Dur- ham and Yorkslíirô. (Phil* Transact* Y. Í792. 367.) *ABDY, [Thomas Abdy] Ëev* On the culture of potatoes and their nie tri faite1* iiing cattle?. ( Y'oung's A. of Agr. Vol. 10. p. 324.) Ori-thtf Esse* daines* (lb. Vol» îié p. Î22.) ABERCROMBIE, [John] Gardener. The hot-house gardener. 1789. 8. (S % 6 A.) libers. Wien. 1792. 8» The gardener's pocket journal and annual register ; in a concise monthly display of all practical works of general garde- ning throughout the year —. 1790. 12. (i íh.) N iiberf. von G. C. Reich. B. I. 2. I79Ç). 8. and Th. Mave's universal gardener and botanist: -or, a general dictionary of gardening and botany* 1797. (2L. 2sh.) The garden mushroom — 5 I803. 12 (3 Hi.) * ABE R DOUR, [Alexander] Surgeon in Aha. Observations on the small - pox and inocula- tion. To which is prefixed, a criticism upon Dr. Robert Walker's late publication on that subjeét, Edinburgh, 1791. 8. (2 sh. Ó cU) *ABERNRTHY, [John] Esq. P. R. S. Professor of anatomy to the Corporation of forgeons; A(Jt- fiant surgeon to the Bartholomew's Hospital and Lefturer in anatomy and surgery. . Surgical and physiological essays Part lv3. 1793. 8- (6 sh* 6d.) libers, vonjoach. Diet. Brandis. Leip- zig. 1795. 8- P^rt 3 1797. 8 (4sh. 6d.) úbers. m it Zus. von Dr. K. G, Kiïhn Th. 1.2. 1801. 8. r"fv Account os two instances of uncommon formation in the viscera of the human body? (Philos. Transact Y. 1793. p. 59- Simmons? Med. Facts \ Vol. 7. p* 100.) Some particulars in the anato- my of the whale; (Philos. Transact. Y; 1796. p. 27. Sin'imons's Med. Facts and Observât» Vol. 8« p. 199.) Observations on the foramina.Thebesii of the heart. (Philos. Transact. Y, 1798. p. 103.) An accoiu t of a singular disease in the upper ma- xillary sinus. (Transact, of Med, and Chii\ Soc. Vol. 2 p. 309. ) Mode of ventilating- ships. (Monthly Ma£az. Y. 1798, March, p. 175.) < ABINGDON,, Earl of, See Bertie. *ACHESON, [Nathaniel]F. A. S. Letter — on the present state of the carrying part of the coal trade. 1802. 8. ACLAND, [John] ReBor of Broad-clift —- boni .... died 1795. Aug. 14. See Gentleman s Magai. Y. 1795. Aug, p, 709. 3 An answer ío a pamphlet published by Edward Kiugi Esq. lli which he attempts to prove the public utility of the national debt; a confutation of that pernicious doctrine and a true statement of the real cause of the-present high price of pro- visions. 1795. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) * A D ÀI R, [ James ]; Serjeant. AU P. Chief* justice of Cluster. born died in London 21 July 1798. , See Gentleman's Magazine Y. 1798. Jul. p. 637. Aug. p. 720. Monthly Magaz. V. 1798. Aug. p. 148. Allg. Littcrat, Zeit. Itbl. J. 1800. S. 652. Thoughts on the distwission of officers, civil and military for their, conduct in parliament* 1764. 8» Observations on the power of abcuadon in the crown before the first of Queen Anne, supported by precedents and the opinions of many learned judges j together with some remarks on the con- duct of administration respecting the case of the Duke of Portland. 1768. 8- ADAIR, [James Makittrickj M. D. One of the Jud- ges of the courts of Kings Bench — in the Jj- land of Antigua (and subsequently of the Lee* ivard hla?tds); Sketch of the natural history of the human body and mind —. úbers. von C. Fr, Michaelis, m. d* t. Physiology nnd Diiiteuscbe Schrísten , Th. L Zittau 11* Leipzig. 8. 1788. 8* Medical cautions, chiefly for the considerations of invalids/—, Ed. 2. 1788» (fibers. \on C. F*\ Michaelis, mit dem Titel, Physiologische ùnd diatetische Schriften, Th. 2. Zittau u. Leipzig. 1791* 8. Essays on faíhio- nable diseases; the dangerous effects of hot and crowded rooms; the cloathing of invalids; Lady and Gentleman Doctors; and on quacks ând quacke» ry; 1790. 8. (3 ill* 6d.) * Essay on a non-de- * script, or newly invented disease; its nature, cau- ses and means of relief; with some very impor* tant observations on the powerful and most sur- prizing effects of animal magnetism in the cure of [' the said disease — by F. G, — 1790. 8. (I sh.) ■ Anecdotes of the life adventures and vindication pf a medical character metaphorically defunct by « A 3 Bcnj. 4 Benj. Goosequill and Peter Paragraph. 1790. 8* (5^h. ) (The anecdotes relate to Makittrick^ who has lately called himself Adair; fee Critical Review Y. 1790. Nov. p. 579 ) A candid enquiry into the truth of certain charges of the dangerous consequences of the Suttonian or cooling regimen, under inoculation for the small-pox. 1790. 8. (ish.) Curious facts and anecdotes, not contai- ned in the memoirs of Philip Tkickneffe Esq. — by Benj. Goosequill and Peter Paragraph. 1790. 8. (2 sh ) Two sermons , the first addressed to Sea- men, the second to the British West-India slaves. 1791. 8. The history of three cafes of phthisis pulmonalis, treated ,by cuprum vitriolatum and coiuium maculatum; two of which terminated fa- vourably. {Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 7. p. 473,) An essay on regimen. 1799. 8. *ADAIR, [Robert] Esq. M. P. Part of a letter from Hébert Adair, Esq. to the R. Honor. C. J. Fox, occasioned by Mr. Bur* he's mention of Lord Keppel in a recent pu- blication. 1796. 8- (I Hi.) The letter of the R. Hon. C. 5s. Fox to the Electors of Westminster Jan. 1793 with an application of its principles to subsequent events. 1802. 8. (3 sh. 6d.) *ADA1R, [William] Esq* Surgeon • General to the Gar- rison of Gibraltar, An account of the successful! treatment of a cafe in which the brachial artery was divided. (S*///- mons's Medical Facts and observations. Vol. 4. p. 21.) libers. Repertor. Chir. 11, Mediz. AbhandL B. 2. S. 3. An account of the effects of oil of turpentine in a cafe of internal haemorrhage. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 25.) A cafe of imperforated anus, (ïbid. Vol. 4 p. 27.) iibers* Repertor. Chir. 11. Mediz. AbhandL B. 2. S. Ó. ADAM? [Alexander] LL. D. ReBor of the high School of Edinburgh* Roman antiquities; or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. 1791, 8- Ed. 2. 1792* (7 sh. 6 d.) ubers. von Joh. Leonh. Meyer, Th. I. 2. Krlangcn. 1794. 1796 8- A summary of geography and history both antient and modern — X795, 8. (9 sh.) Classical biography, exhi- biting biting alphabetically the proper names, . wfth a short account of the several deities, heroes and other persons, mentioned in the ancient claflîe authors 1800. 8. (6 fh.) ADAM, [James] Esq. Architect. born .... died. 20 Sept, T794. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Nov. p. 1056. On ploughs and particularly the Rev. Mr. Coo- his new swing plough. ( Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol 5. p. 428 ) ADAM, [Robert] Esq. F. R. S. F. S. A. Architect. born at Kirkaldy in the County of Fife 1728. died 3 March. 1792. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. March, p. 282. Neue Bibl. der Sch. Wissenfch. B. 53. S. 108. Allg. Litt. Zeit. J. 1792. ItBl. Nro, 80. *ADAM, [William] Esq. Of Lincoln's Inn: a King's Counsel and formerly a Member of Parliament. Speech in the House of Commons March 10. 1794. on the moving for the production of cer- tain records and for an adddrefs to the King, to interpose the Royal justice and clemency in behalf of Thomas Muir, Esq. and the Rev. Thomas Fijfke P Imer, Í794. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) *AD A MS, [Daniel] A. An inaugural dissertation an the principle of ani- mation 1799. 8. * AD A MS, [Francis] Esq. One of his Mas Justices of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Sommerset. A plan for raising th& taxes impartially and al- most free of expence in war; and in peace for paying of the national debt at the fame time that the wealthy shall receive interest for their money and the poor be eased of taxes. 1798.8 (ifh. 6d.) fi D A M S , [George] Mathematical Instrument - maker to his Majesty and Optician to his Roy. Highness the Prince of Wales. born .... 1750. died 14 Aug. 1795. See Gentleman's Magazine Y. 1795. Aug. p, 708. Allgem. L\tteraturZeitung J. 1796. ItBl. Nro. 56. S.459: Essay on vision — Ed. 2. 1702. 8. i'tberf. mit Zuf, u. Anmerk. von Fr. Kries. Gotha 1794.5. . A 3 Aust. 6 Aufl. 2. Gotha 1800. 8. Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, considered in it's present state of improvement; describing in a familiar and easy manner, the principal phaenomena of nature and shewing, that they all co-operate in dis- playing the goodness, wisdom and power of God, Vol. 1-5. 1794. 8. (tL, iofh.) iibers, vou /. G. Geissler Th. I. 2. Leipzig. 1798. 1799» 8. Geometrical and graphical essays, containing a general description of mathematical instruments used in geometry, surveying; 1791. 8. ( 13 sh. ) New ccjition, corrected and enlarged with illu* strating plates by William Jones. 1798. 8. (14 Hi.) Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy; Ed. 2. with addition?. Vol. 1-5» 1799. 8. Essay on comets, (Massachusetts Magaz, Y, 1791. June p. 361.) -r. *ADAMS, [Hannah] A summary history of New-England from the first settlement at Plymouth to the acceptance of the federal constitution. 1799. * ADAMS, [James] S. R. E. S. The pronunciation of the englifh language vindi- cated from imputed anomaly and caprice; in two parts, with an appendix, 1,799.8. (4 fh.) ADAMS, [John] LL. D. President of the United Sta- tes of America* History of the principal republics in the world: a defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America , against the attack of Mr. Turgot, in his letter to Dr. Price dated the 22 of March 1778. Ed. 2. Vol. I-3. Ï794. 8. (I L, I fh.) Original letters, written by him , during the American revolution in the Y. 1776. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1792. Vol, r. p. Ï57. 219, 313. 314O A view °î universal hi- iiory from the creation to the present time; In- eluding an account of the celebrated revolutions in France, Poland, Sweden, Geneva &c. Vol. ï~3« 1795' 8- (18 Authentic copies of the correspondence* of Charles Qotesrvortk Pinch tiey, John Marshall and Elbridge Gerry Esq. Envoys' Extraord. and Ministres" Plenipotent. to 7 the Republick of France, as presented to the house . of Congress April 3. 179S. — 1798. *ADAMS, [John] Esq. F. lZs, of Pembroke. Iborn .... he unfortunately fell into the sea and was drowned 1798. Nov. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Dec. p. 1087. A.llg. Litt.Zçitung ItBl. J. 1800. S. 655. Th^ specific characters of some minute shells discovered on the coast of Pembrokeshire, with an account of a new marine animal. (Transact. ofL. S. Vol. 3. p. 64.) Descriptions of actinia craificornis and some British shells. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 25 2.) Descriptions of some minute shells, (lb. Vol. 5. p. Ï.) Descriptions of some marine animals fourni on the coast of Wales, (lb. Vol. 5. p. 7.) *ADAMS, [John] Esq. An answer to Paine s rights of man. 1793. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) iibers. Copenhagen. 1793. *8. ADAMS, [John] A.- M- Sckoolmaster of Putney. The English parnafsus, being a new selection of cJidaíìic , descriptive, pathetic, plaiutive and pa- storali poetry, extracted from the works of the latest and most celebrated poets. 1789. 12. Mo- dern voyages: containing a variety of useful and entertaining facts , respecting the expeditions and the principal discoveries of Cavendish, Dam- pier e; Spilbergen; Anson; 8 y r oû; JVallis; Carteret; Bougainville; Du xon; Portleck and others. Vol. 1. 2. 1790. 8. (<6 ill ) Curious thoughts on the history of man; chiefly abridged or selected from the ce- lebrated works of Lord Kaimes, Lord Mon* bod do y Dr. Dunbar and the immortal Mon' zesquieu. 1790. 8. (3 fh.) Curious anecdotes, bons mots and characteristic tracts. Vol.2 1792. 12. (4 ill. ) The death of his most Christian Majesty Louis XVI. considered, 1793. 8. (6 d.) A view of universal history , from the creation to the present time, Vol. 1 -3. X795. *8. The elements of useful knowledge: comprehending amongst other interesting particulars, shore sy- ■fteras of astronomy, mythology, chronology and rhetoric; with a brief account of the trial and execution of Louis XVI and of the late trans- A 4 actions «étions in France. 1795. 8. (3 ft. 6 d.) Ed, 3. 1799. 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) Elements of reading; being select english lestons in prose .and verse, for young readers of both sexes* Ed. 3- much en- larged. I800. 13, A new history of Great Bri- tain 5 from {he invasion of Julius Cesar to the present time—$ X$0%. 1%, (^sti. 6d.) • A 0 A M S, [John] Riding - Master, Analysis of horse manship, teaching th<.' whole art qf riding, jn the manege , military, hunting , ra* cing or travelling system; Together with the me? thocl of breaking horses and drefïìng them, to $11 kinds of manege; with plates, Vol, I, l8oi. 8< (Í2 shT) *AOAMS, [John] Teacher of the Mathematics $t E<&~ itwntQn, Middlesex. An historical account and description of an-artifi\ çial hori^Qii for-determining the apparent altitude? of the sun, moonç or a star, with H a diets s qua- drant or sextant. (Tr. of the Soc. for she E, of A, Vol, 4. p. 204 ) Paper ou subdivision os a no- nius invented by him. (ibid, Vol. 8. p. 17,5 ) «ADAMS, TJoseph] Esq, M Dr, Phyfiwn in ths Island of Madeira, Observations on morbid poifpns,, phag syllabus of a course of lectures on chemistry. 1799. 8» (l *AIKIN, [Anna Laetitia] See Barbauld, Mrs. and II f*AIKIN, [Arthur] Esq. Journal of a tour through North-Wales and part of Shropshire; with observations in mineralogy* and other branches of natural history. 1797 8» (4 ill.) Geological observations on North Wales, (Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 1. p. 220.) An account of the great copper works in the islç of Anglesey. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 367.) The natural history of the year; being an enlargement of Dr. Aikins (father) Calendar of nature. 1798. 12. (3 ft-) Travels in upper and lower Egypt - by Vivant Den 011 - translated from the original. Vol. 1.3. 1802. 4. (4L, 4ft.) Another edition, with the fame plates, in octavo Vol. I-3. (2L. 2 ih. ) Description of the schieferspath. ( Tillocfcs Phi- los. Magaz, Vol. 14, p. 293 ) «AIKIN, [C..., R....] Member of the Roy. Col- lege of Surgeons in London. A concise view of all the most important facts' which have hitherto appeared concerning the cow- pox. 18QO. 8- (2 sh.) Ed. 2- I801. 8- vibers. voa J, Hunnem ann, Hannòver i8oi. 8. libers, von F. G, Friese> Breslau igoi. 8. iibersf voa Berlin.' 1801. 8. *AIKIN, [G . . . .] Proof that rooks are not entirely carnivorous, (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. May. p. 316.) «AIKIN, [J ] M. Dr. Heads of inquiry for the description of a cotm- try. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 21. p. 374.) A IK IN, [John] M. Dr, Physician at Great - Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk. ( Brother to Mr. Bar bau Id,) Observations on the external use of preparations of lead; 1771.8. Thoughts on hospitals; 1771. 8. Cn. Julii Agric ola e vita, fcriptore C Cor- ftelio Tacito, with a translation. 1774. 8- A spe- cimen of the medical biography of Great-Britain. 1775- 4. A-manual of chemistry, translated from the French of Baume 1778. 8. Biographical memoirs of medicine in Great Britain, from the revival of literature to the time of Harvey. 1780» 8. England delineated; or a geographical de- { scriptioa / scriptiott of every county in England and Wa- les —; 1788.. 8. (4ih. 6d.) Poems. 1791. 8. Lavis materia medica. Ed. 4. 1791. 8. (13 ft.) A view of the character and "public services of 'he late John Howard, Esq. LL. D. F. R. S. 1792. 8. ( 3 ft- 6 d. ) ùbers. von Joh. Christ, Ftck. Leipzig. 1792. 8. Case of haemorrhage and purple spots, without fever or previous ill- ness, (Mem. of M. S, ofL. Vol. 3. p. 393.) Let- ters from a father to his son, on various topics, relative to literature and the conduct: of life. Vol. I- 1793* 8. (5 ft.) V0I.2. 1800. 8. (5^.) The. arts of preserving health, by John Arm fir on g9 M. Dr. to which is prefixed a critical essay on th« poem. I795. 8. (6ft. 6 d.) The spleen and other poems by Matthew Green^ with a prefa- tory essay. 1796. 8. (5 ft,) The chace, a poem, by William Som merville, Esq. a new edition, to which is prefixed a critical essay. 1796. 8» (6 ft.) A description of the country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester; the materials arranged and the work composed; Embellished with 73 plates. 1795. 4. ( 3 L. 3ft.) An essay on man hy Alex. Pope; a new edition; to which is prefixed a critical essay. 1796. 8» (Ó fli ) Ser- mons on practical subjects by the late Wm En- fields LL, D. prepared for the press by himself. To which are prefixed memoirs of the Author. Vol. 1,2. 3. I798. 8. (iL. 1 sli.) General bio- graphy; or lives, critical and historical of the most «minent persons of all ages, countries, conditions and professions, arranged according to alphabeti- cal order; chiefly composed by John Ai kin and the \m William Enfield, L. L. Vol. r-3. I799~l8o2, 4. (4L. 10ft. 6d.) Vol. 4. 1803. (I L. I ft. ) Select eulogies of member of the French academy with notes, by the late d'Alem» hert; translated from the French with a prefa- ce and additional notes. Vol. 1. 2- 1799» 8. (lO sh.) On the impreflion of reality attending dramatic representations: ( Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. I. p- 96 Explanation of Howard's plan for penitentiary houses. ( Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Apr. p. 178.) On the humour of 13 Addison and the character of Sir Roger de Cover ley. ''(Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. p. i«) A tribute to the memory oï Gilbert Wakefield* (Ibid. Y. 1801. Oct. p. 225.) (See Gilbert White,) The first six volumes of a new edition of the poets of Great- Britain, comprising the works of Edmund Spencer, with Johnsons prefaces &c. re-edited with new biographical and critical mat- ter, wish embellishments. 1802 8- The works of Abraham Cowley^ with Dr. Johnson f preface and remarks Vol. T-3. 1803 (iL I f h ) Re- marks ou the different success, with respect to health, of some attempts to pass the winter in high Northern latitudes. (American Museum Y. 1789- Jan. p. 115. April p„ 346 > Biographical account of the late Dr. Pulteney. (Titíochs Philof. Magaz* Vol. 12. p. 289.) •AIKIN, [Lucy] Mis Selection of poetry for children, consisting of such pieces as may be committed to memory at an early age. 180I* 12. (2 ih. 6 d.) The inconstancy of our desires (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1792* June p. 352.) RAILWAY, [John] Letter on preserving hay-ricks. (Ti\ of the Soc* for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 243.) Letter on de- stroying the red spider, and ants in hothouses and pinerys. (Ib. Vol. 5. p. 59.) AIT O N , [William] Principal Gardener to his Majesty at Kew. born 1731 in a small village near Hamilton, in Scotland; died the'17 Febr. 1793. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. May. p. 389*. June p. 519, Hutchinson1 s Biographia Med. Vol. 2. p. 522. Monthly Rev. Y. 1793. Febr. * p. 187. May. p. 119. See Will. Smith. *AITON, [William Townfend] Gardener to his Ma- jest y at Kew. Delineations - of exotick plants cultivated in the Royal garden at Kew; drawn and coloured and the botanical characters displayed according to the *4 the Linneau system by Francis Bauer; Nrb. T-4. 179Ó fol. ^ALBERT, [ ] Sonnets from Shakspeare. 1791. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) * AL BIN, [.!••..] Bookseller at Newport in the Isle of Wight, A new, corrett and much improved history of the isle of Wight, from the earliest times of authentic information, to the present period; comprehen- ding whatever is curious or worthy of attention in natural history, with its civil, ecclesiastical and military state, in the various ages, both ancient and modern. 1795. 8. «■AIXOCK, [Thomas] A. M. Vicar at Rancotn, Cheshire. born I7Ig. died 1798. Aug. 23. S. AlJg. J-itt. Zeitimg lift!/J. igoo. S. 652* Observations on the detect s of the poor laws and of the causes and consequences'of the great in- crease and burden of the poor. 1752. 8- Re* marks on two bills for the better maintenance of the poor 1752. 8- Observations',on that part of a late act of parliament, which lays on addi- tional duty on cyder a»d perry.. 1763. 8. Cur-* sory remarks on Dr. Baker's eííay on the ende- rnial colic of Devonshire with the observation o£ , Francis Geach. 1768. 8. The'endemial colic of Devon not caused1 by a solution of. lead in the cyder, in reply to Dr. Saunders —; 1769. 8. N^t thaniel Alcock (his brorhcrj died 1779')/the rife of Mahomet accounted for an natural and civil principles. 1796. 8. (Several single sermons.) •ALDEN, [Timothy] Jun. Memorabilia of Yarmouth. (Coll. of Massachu- setts R S. Y. 1798* p, 54-) A L D E R S O N, [Job n] M. Dr. Eifty on the rhus toxicodendron, pubescent poi- son - oak or sumach, with cases shewing its effi- cacy in the cure of paralysis and other diseases of extreme debility. 1794. 8. (ish. 6 d.) iiberf» in Samml, fur praktische Aerzte. B. 17. S. 224» fibers, von Ludw, Fried. Froriep. Jena. 1799. 8. On the improvement of poor soils —5 1802. 8. 15 (2 Aï.) Geological observations on the vicinity of Hull and Beverly. (Nicholsons journal Vol. 3. p. 285 ) ALEXANDER, [Caleb] . A'grammatical iystem of the English language. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1793. May. p. 304.) ♦ALEXANDER, [David] Surgeon at Montrose. Cafes of chorea St. Viti, terminating successfully under the use of zinc. (Duncan*s A. of Med. Y. Ì8oí. p. 303.) ^ALEXANDER, [Disney] Member of the R. Med. Soc< of Edinburgh. On the nature and <*ure of the cynanche tncheali?, commonly called the croup. 1794 8. (2 fh ) * ALE X A N D E R, [Edward] Surgeon; Halifax, Yorkshire. History of a cafe of angina pectoris; cured by the folntio arsenici, (Duncans M. C. Y. 1790. 'Dec. 2. Vol. 5. p. 373.) ^ALEXANDER, [I ] Answer to Mr Joshua Van Oven1 s letters on the present state of the jevyish poor in London. 180». 8. (ifla. 6d.) ^ALEXANDER, [William] Draftsman to Etrl Ma- cartney in his Lordship's Chinese Embassy. Costume of China; Nrh, 1.2. I798. 4. ALISON, [Archibald] IL. B: F. It 6'. On the nature and principles of taste. 1790. 4. (16 ill ) iibers. mit Auinerk. von R. //, Hei de ti- re ich. Th. 1. 2- Leipzig. 1792. 8. *ALLAN, [George] Esq, born died 1800. Jul. at the Grange, Darlington, Co. Durham. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. Ï800. Aug. p. 802. The recommendatory letter of Oliver Cromwell to PViU, Lenthall Esq. — for creeling a college and University at Durham and his letters patent for founding the fame; — I?.- 4^0. The life of St. Cuthberr. 1777. A Sketch of the life and character of Bishop Trevor. 177Ó. Col- lections relating to Shcrburn hospital. 1773, —» *ALLARDYCR, [Alexander] Esq. As, P. One of the Proprietors of the Bank of England An address to the proprietors of the bank of Eng- land. Suum cuique. 1797. 8. (I fh.jL Ed. 3, with addi- 16 additions. 1798. 4. (9 sli.), A second address to the proprietors> of the bank of England Stack* •Í801. 4. (4 sh. 6 d.) A LLC H IN, [Richard] Pastor of the Dissenting cha- vixvj school Maidstone. A familiar address to-young persons, on the truth and importance of Christianity* 1803, *ALLDRIDGE, [W. . . . J • • 0 The goldsmith's repository: containing a concise elementary treatise on the art of assaying metals, rules 4 directions and correct extensive tables, ap- plied to all the possible occasions of mixing, al- loying or finding , the value of bullion, undèr » all its various denominations of gold, fil ver; and , parting. Also an appendix, in which are contai- ned abstracts of alt the acts of parliament now in force, relating to gold and silver, anc) a view of all the changes in their respective staudardï* I79t* 8* (10 iVj. 6 d.) * ALLEN, [C ,....] School-master. New orthographical exercises, sot* the ( use of* English seminaries; interspersed with pieces oa the art of reading and speaking with propriety. Ï800, (i slu 6 d.) «ALLEN, [Charles] ;' born Ì729 died 18* Eeur. Í702. Female preceptorj 17 . . iPolite Lady; I? é. FALLEN, [Charles] A. M. • A new and improved history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the end of the 37 year of George 3, —* l?98. 12. (4 sh.) A new and improved roman history, from the foundation: of the city of Rome, to its final dissolution as the feat of empire in the year of Christ 476 —. 1^98* 12. (4 ih.) *ALLEN, [John] Esq. On gypsum. (Youngs A. of Agr. VoL 16. p. 30O.) * ALL EN, [John] Surgeon, fellow of the Roy. CoU lege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. An introduction to the study of the animal eco- nomy; translated from the French of Cuvier. 1801. 8. (3 fllO * ALLEN, f ALLEN, [John] Esq. On gypsum. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 16. p. 3O30 * ALLE N, [John Wilson] Esq, of Wheipstead. Observations in a farming tour. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.20, p. 397«) Experiment on burnet. (Ib. VoL 21. p. 171.) Farmer's cart, (Ibid. Vol. 23. p. 404.) *' ALLEN, [Jra] Esq, Major-General of the Militia in the state of Vermont, America. born in the town of Cornwall, in the County of Litchfield and state of Connecticut about the Year 175a. See Public Characters of 1802-1803. p 225. The natural and political history of the state of Vermont, one of the United states of America: To which is added, an appendix, containing an- swers to sundry queries, addressed to the author, 1798. 8. (6 sh.) *ALLEN, [Israel] M. D. A treatise on the scarlatina anginosa and dysen- tery and sketches on febrile spasm as produced by phlogiston. Leominster, Massachusetts. 179Ó. 8. *ALLEN, [Paul] y un, A. B. A poem, delivered in the Baptist meeting-house in Providence Sepr. 4. 1793. being the anniver- sary commencement of Rhode-Island College. (Massachusetts Mdgaz. Y. 1793. Oct. p. 594.) * ALLEN, [William] Adjutant of the Herefordshire Gentlemen and Yeomanry. A few minutes and observations for the use of the gentlemen and yeomanry. 1798- 8. (i sh.) * ALLEY, [Jerom] LL. B: Mr R. J. A. Chaplain to Lord Sheffield. "The widowed queen — a poem. 1778. 4» (i sh. 6 d.) Historical essays on the lives of William and Henry IV. 17... Observations on the go- vernment and -constitution of Great - Britain, in- cluding a vindication of both from the aspersions of .some late writers, particularly Dr. Price; Priestley; and Mr. Paine. 1792. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) Review of the political principles of the modern whigs. 1792. (2 sh. 6d<) *ALLEY, [Peter] Esq. The tears of the muse, an elegiac poem3 sacred touss G. £. SuppL B tQ 18 to the memory of the Right Hon. Sarah Countess of Westmorland. 1794.4.. (2 6 d.) ♦ALLINGHAM, [John Till] Esq. Fortune « frolic: a farce, in two acts. 1799. 8» (l (h ) The marriage promised, a comedy, in S a£rs 1803, 8. (2ih. 6 d.) Mrs. Wiggins, a dramatie piece; 1803. (1 fh, 6 d.) ♦ALLISON, [Burgifs] A.M. A description of a newly invented globe time- piece. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 5. p. 82.) A description of the pendent planetarium, (lb. Vol. 5. p. 87-) ♦ALLMAN, [William] A. B. Trinity-College, Dublin. On the application of a converging series to the construction of logarithms. (Tr. of I. A. Vol. 6. p-39l-> . *ALLNATT, [A Charles] Poverty > a poem, with several others on various subjects, chiefly religious and moral. 1801. (2Íh.> *ALLSTON, [William] of George- town. Essay on dropsy or the hydropic state of fever; Philadelphia. 1797. 8- *ALLWOOD, [Philipp] A. M. Fellow of Magdalen- College, Cambridge. Lkcrary antiquities of Greece; — to which are added > observations concerning the origin of se- veral of the literal characters in use among the greeks. 1799. 4. (I L. 7 fh.) Remarks upon some observations edited in the British Critic, re- lative to a work lately published under the title of Literary antiquities of Greece — intended to obviate some objections proposed by the critic and to illustrate still further the history of ancient Egypt and of the earliest ages after the flood, Igoi. 4 (8 (h ) *ALMON, [John ] Formerly a bookseller tfj Piccadilly. Trial of J. Almost upon an information filed ex officio, by his Maj. Attorney general, for felling Junius's letter to the King. 1770. 8. ( I fh. ) ♦Anecdotes .of the R. H. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and of the principal events of his time; with his speeches in parliament from the Y. 1736 to 1778. Vol. 1. 2, 1792.4. * Biographical, \u terary and political anecdotes of several of the ftiost eminent persona of the present age; never before 19 before printed: with an appendix, consisting of original, explanatory and scarce papers. VoL 1-3. 1797- 8. . HALVES, [James] The banks of Este; or, a saunter from Roslin to Smeaton, a poem: — I801. (3 fh. 6 d.) AL VE S , [Robert] A. M. born .... died at Edinburgh I Jan. 1794. Sketches of a history of literature; containing lives and characters of the most eminent writers in diffe- rent languages, ancient and modern, and critical remarki on their works: Together with several litterary essays. — to which is prefixed a short biographical account of the author. 1795. 8. (5 fh.) *AMBLER, [Charles] Esq. One of his Maj. Covnfd at larv and Aitorney General to the Queen. born .... died 1794» Febr. at his feat at Maidenhead - thicket. See Gentlemans Magaz. Y. 1794. March p 281. Report of cafes argued and determined in the high court of chancery. 1790. fol. (i L. 16 fh.) •AMBROSE, [John] of Copsord , near Colchester. South down rams. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 20. p. 542.) *AMES, [Fisher] Speech in the house of representatives of the Uni- ted states when in committee of the whole nn 28 April 1796. Boston, g. An oration on the subli- me virtues of General George ÍVa skin gt on —• Boston, igoo. 8. (25 Cent.) AMNER, [Richard] A Dissenting - Minister at Coslcy in the County of Stafford. born 1735. died 1803. June 8. at Hinckley, co. Leicester* See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. July, p 693. Considerations on the doctrines of a future state and the resurrection , as revealed or supposed to be so, in the scriptures*; on the inspiration and authority of the scripture itself; on some pecu- liarities in St. Paul's epistles; on the prophecies of Daniel and St. John. To which arc added, some strictures on the prophecies of Isaiah. 1708* 8. (5 ih.) K 3 *AMQS, *AMOS, [William] at Brotkcrtofc, Boston, Lincoln- shire* The theory and practice of the drill - husbandry, founded upon philosophical principles and con- firmed by experience; with 8 copper plates. 1705* 4- (T5 AO On the culture of potatoes. ( Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 30. p. 319. ) De- scription of a bean-drill, fib. Vol, 35. p. 22.) «AMPHLETT, [W . . . .] The triumphs of war and other poems. 1706. g. (4 no ANBUREY [Thomas] Esq. * Travels through the interior parts of America — Vol i 2. 1789.8 (I4fh.) iibers. von Georg For- fier. Berlin. 1792. 8. ANCELL, [Samuel] Clerk to the 58 Regt. born in England .... died in Dublin 1802. Oct 19 See Gentleman's Maçaz. Y. I802. Dec. p. n6l. Journal of the — blockage and siege of Gibraltar — 1786. 8 Ed. 5. I802. ÍI4 fh.) * Proposals foe a periodical work, The Monthly military compa- nion, Nrb 1-12. I80I. 1802. •ANDERDON, [Proctor] Rev. Account of a crop of turnips raised on poor clay soil, between rows of beans, hand-hoed and horse-hoed; with observations on drilling and horse - hoeing turnips. (Mem. of the Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 117.) Observations on a tour in- to Suffolk and Surry, (ibid. Vol. 6. p 31$ ) *ANDERDON, [ Robert Proctor ] Esq. of tìenlade, Somersetshire. Observations on various interesting subjects in Agriculture. (Young s A. of Agr. Vol. 2. p. I.) On the quarter evil, a disease in cattle (lb. Vol. 14. p. 314.) On weighing iheep alive, (lb. Vol. 16. p. 80. ) Experiments on gypsum. (Ib. Vol. 17. p. 295. 513.) Devonshire iheep. (Ib. Vol. 17. p. 299.) On drilling, (ib. Vol. 23- P- 312.) ♦ANDERSON, [Aeneas] Lieutenant in the Manx-fen" cibles; before in the service of Lord Macart- ney in the late Embassy to China. A narrative of the British embassy to China in J792-I794> containing the various circumstances of os the embassy with accounts of customs and manners of the Chinese and a description of the country, towns, cities. 1795- 4. ( I L. I sh. ) iibers Hamburg. 1795. libers mit Anmcrk, Er- langen, 1795. 8. A'* accurate account of Lord Macartney's embassy to China carefully abridged from the original work with alterations and cor- rections by the editor. 1795. 8- (2 sh, 6 d.) A journal of the forces which failed from the downs in April. I802 under Gen, Pigot — until the complete evacuation of Epypt by the french> with a particular account of Malta —; 1803. 4. (2 L« 2 sh.) ANDERSON, [Alexander] Superintendent of his Maj. Garden in the Island of St. Vincent. State of some of the most valuable plants in the Royal botanical gardens in the Island of St. Vin* cent. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol.ió, p. 328.) ANDERSON, [George] A. M. Accountant to the com- missioners for the affairs of India, born at Weston Turvile, in Buckinghamshire, Nov. 1760. died 30 Apr. 179Ó. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. May. p. 442» Monthly Magaz. Y. 1796* May. p. 332. The Annual Necrology for 1797. & 1798. p. 245. Allg. Litt.Zeit. ItBl. J. l8oof S. 627. *The Arcnarius of Archimedes translated — 1784. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) A general view of the variations, which have been made in the affairs of the East - India company, from the conclusion of the war in India, in 1784 to the commence- ment of the present hostilities, 1792, 8. (4 fh.) ANDERSON, [James] LU D: F. R. Si F, A. S. Scot. Farmer as MonkfliiU, ^fberdeenfliire. See Public Characters of I8oo-J8oi. p. 529. (He furnish following articles sor the Encyclo- paedia Britanuica: Dictionary; Winds; Smoaky chimneys; He transmitted to the Editor of the Weekly Magazine essays under the signatures, Agricola; Timoleon; Germauicus; Cimon; Sco- to Britannicus; E, Aberdeen; Henry Plain; Im- partial; A Scot; A Hater of Impudence, Pe- B 3 dautry, dantry, and affectation, &c, ) A proposal for establishing jhe Northern British fisheries; 1783. Essays relating to agriculture and rural affairs — Vol. 3. 1796. 8. (8 sh.) Essay on quicklime as a cement and as a manure; Edinb. 1789. 8. Miscel- laneous experiments and observations on the cul^ ture of potatoes and some other plants. (Bath Agri- cult. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 1.) On the cultivation of broad clover. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 223.) Prefatory remarks; hints respecting potatoes, a machine for bruising furze and a plan for improving the wool of thU country. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 64.) On the manage, ment of the dairy, particularly with respect to the making and curing of butter; (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 67.) ubers. in der Samml. Oekonomische Winkc —; Berlin 1792. 8- Of the scotch fir as a food for cattle. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 122.) Of raising po- tatoes'from the feed; (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 127.) Of furze or whins, ulex Europaeus, Linn: as a food for horses and cattle; Description of a machine for bruising them and hints for rearing that plant ©economically as a crop; (Ibid. Vol. 5. P« 134») Of the root of scarcity; (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. I4Ó.) ,On the utility of the leith cart; (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 460 ) Disquisitions concerning the different varieties of woolbcaring animals and other parti- culars connected with that subject. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. I.) Answer to queries from the committee of the Bath and West of England Society. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p-31.) On canal- locks, bridges, peat-moss Ac. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p» 35 ) Remarks on the coun- ty surveys, with a letter-on draining. (Ibid. Vol. p, 308.) Account of the manner in which the Lamina's festival used to be celebrated in Mid- Lothian, about the middle of the XVIII century, (Transact, of the S. of A. of Scotland. (Vol. I. p. 192.) Observations on the effect of the coal duty upon the remote and thinly - peopled coasts of Britain, tending to shew, that if it were there removed, the industry of the people would be excited, the prosperity of the country promoted and the amount of the revenue augmented to an astonish degree. Ediub. 1792.8- (éd.) A pcacti- aal treatise on peat-mose; J794. 8. (4ill.) Ed. 2. 1797- 25 1797' 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) The bee, a periodical w'ork: 1790. An account of the different kinds of sheep found in the Russian dominions and among the Tartar hords of Asia; by Dr. Pal- las. To which is added five appendices tending to illustrate the natural and economical history of sheep and other domestic animals. 1794. (5 sh.) A practical treatise on draining bogi and swampy grounds, illustrated by figures, with cursory remarks upon the originalty of Mr. Elk in g ton's mode of draining; 1797- $• (6 fh ) Bd. 2. 1799. 8. (5 Th.) Selections from the correspondence of Gen. Washington and James Anderson , in which the causes of the present scarcity are fully investigated, I800. (2 fh. 6 d.) A calm investigation of the circum- stances that have led to the present scarcity of grain in Britain: suggesting the means of allevia- ting that evil and of preventing the recurrence of such a calamity in future. 1801. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Recreations in agriculture, natural history, arts and miscellaneous literature. Vol. 1-6, 1800- 1802. 8. (3 L. 7 fh. or 6 L. 14 fh. royal paper.) A description on wool - bearing animals (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 149 153 ) On an universal cha- racter. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P.I. p. 89) An ap- proved receipt to preserve butter. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1796. April p. 231.) ANDERSON, [James] M Dr. Physician General to the Hospital board at Fott St, George Madras. Correspondence for the introduction of cochineal infects from America, the varnish and tallow trees from China, the discovery and culture of white lac, the culture of red lac and also for the intro- duction, culture and establishment of mulberry trees and silk worms; with a description and dra- wing of an improved Piemontesc reel for the manufacture of raw silk; together with the cul- ture of the finest cinnamon trees of Ceylon, Indigo and some other valuable articles. Madras. 1791. 8. The correspondence on the agricultural improve- ment! of Bengal, {Young's A, of Agr. Vol.31' p. 428-449- Vol.32, p. 4450 ^ANDERSON, [James] Sen. Surgeon at Edinburgh. B 4 frxain- â4 11 ■ 11 - Examples of the good effects from the ufë of the hydrargyria muriatus mitis, in cafes of the cy- nanche trachealis, or croup. ;Duncan's A. of Med. Y, 1799. p. 459.) On the use of the mild muriat of quicksilver in the cure qf croups. (Ibid. Y. I801. p. 388.) ANDERSON, [James] Surgeon. Account of Morne Garou &c. (Massachusetts Ma- gaz. Y. 1794. Dec. p. 735.) iiberf. im Hist. Portes. J. 1786. S. XII. nachgedruckt in der Auswahl klei- ner Reifen. B. IO. A few facts and observations on the yellow fever of the West-Indies, by \yhich it is shewn, that there have existed two species of fever in the West-India Islands for several years past, indiscriminately called yellow fever, but which have proceeded from very different causes; with the success attending the method of cure. 1798. 8. (I fh. 6 d) ANDERSON, [John] M. Dr: F. A. S: C. AL S. Physician to arid a Diretlor of the general sea' barking infirmary at Margate, A preliminary introduction to the act of sea-ba- thing, wherein is shewn its nature, power, and importance; with some necessary hints for the at- tention of vistters, at the watering places, pre- vious to and during a course of bathing, 1795. 8. (I sh.) A practical essay on the good and bad effects of sea-water aud sea-bathing. 1795* 8& (2shO ^ANDERSON, [John] F. R. SS. London and Edin- , burgh; Professor of Natural Philosophy in the, Vniverfity of Glasgow. . born 1720. died the 13 Jtm4 1796. See Public characters of 1799-1800. p. 423» Gentleman's Màgaz, Y. I79 Westminster. born 1737. died the 6 Aug. 1797, See Gentlem. Magaz. Y. 1797. Sept. p, 796. Allg, Litterat. Zcit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 64Ó. Addenda to anecdotes —' ancient and modern, With observations. 1790. 8» (.2.sh.) The history of Great- Britain , connected with the chronology of Europe, with notes. Vol. 1. Part, 1, 2. 1794» 1795,4. (2 L. 2 Hi.) History of Great - Britain from the death of Henry VIII to the accession of James VI of Scotland to the crown of England being a continuation of Dr. Henry's history of Great-Britain and written on the fame plan. Vol, - I. 1796. 4. (I L. I sh.) Account of Saxon coins found in Kintbury churchyard, Berk. (Archaeol* •mi ^ Ì 3? Vol. 7. p. 430.) Description of the rock near Roche in Cornwall. (Gentleman's Magaz. Vol. 57. p. 222.) Views in Freshwater bay, isle of Wight described. (Ibid. Vol.57, p. 3770 The account of Shaw; (In Mr.Mores1 Berkshire collections; p. 75.) The savages of Europe, translated from French; 17... The inquisitor, a tragedy, in 5 acts; altered from the german by the late J. P* Andrews and Henry James Pye. 1798» 8. (2 sh.) *ANDRE\VS, [John] Surgeon in London. Case of injury of the brain, without a fracture, relieved by application of the trephine. (Sim- mons Medical Facts and Observât; Vol. 3. p. 12.) ubers, 8,epertor. Chirurg* und Mediz. Abhandh B. 5. S. 9. ANDREWS, [John] LL. Dr. Editor of the Historical register. 1790. An hi- storical enquiry into what forms of government' are most desirable, (Columbian' Magaz. Y. 1788* Aug. p. 4370 ANDREWS, [Miles Peter] Esq. M. P. Dealer in Gunpowder. Bclphegor, or the wiflies *, a comic opera in two acts. 1778. Better late than never, a comedy, 1791. 8. ( I sh. 6 d. ) The mysteries of the castle; a dramatic tale, in three acts. 1795. 8. (*A) ^ANDREWS, [Robert] Esq. of Auberies , near Sudbury. On the advantages of mixing lime with dung. Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 4, p. 47.) Account of grazing twelve steers. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. II4O On the prosit of farming. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 252.) „On the smut in wheat. (Ib* Vol. 6. p. 173O ^ANDREWS, [T ] Vindication of the church of England, intended aa a refutation of the arguments advanced by Mr. T0 7Vgo 0 d in support of the principles on which he grounds his dissents. 1799. 8. (ish. 6 d.) Youth's scripture recorder and moral instructor: being passages selected from sacred and moral writings; designed for the use of schools. 1798* (2 fh. 6 d.) * ANNAN, 3$ *ANNAN, [Robert] Rev. Account of á skeleton of a large, animal found near Hudson's river, (Mem. of B. A, Vol. 2. P. I p. 160.) *ANNESLEY, [Alexander] Observations on the danger of a premature peace. 1800. 8. ( I ib, ) Strictures on the true cause of the present alarming scarcity of grain and other provisions; and a plan for permanent relief. — with an historical deduction of the prices of provi- sions. Interspersed with various matters connected with the commerce and navigation of Great- Britain. Together wjch a chronological account of the several statute^, proclamations and par- liamentary regulations, for/ controlling the mar- kets, and preventing monopoly, cngroiimg &c. from the Norman conquest to the present aera. I800. 8. X2 sh.) A N S P A C H , Marggravine ofy — See Elizabeth Berkeley *ANSTEY, [Arthur] Esq. of Li*co\n>r-lyn; Bar. rister at law. The pleader's guide, a didactic ,poem in two books* containing the conduct of a suit at law, with the arguments of counsellor Bother'um and counsellor Bore'um , in an action betwixt John a Gull and John a • Gudgeon, for assault and bat- tery at a late contested election; by the late John Surrebutter^ Esq, SpeciaUpleader and barrister at law. 1796. 8. ANSTEV, [Christopher] Esq, See Public Characters of I802--1803. p. 294. *The new Bath guide, or, memoirs of the Blun- derhead family , in a series of poetical epistles. 1766. 4, (5 lb.) Ed. 3. 1766,8, (3^. 6d.) On the much iameuted death of the Marquis of Tavistock; a poetical pamphlet. 1767. 4. *The priest dissected; a poem, 1774. 4. (2 ib. 6 d.) *An election ball, in poetical letters from Mr. Inkle at Bath, to his wife at Gloucester, 1776. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) Ad C. tV, Bawpfylde, Arm, epi- stola poetica familiaris in qua continentur tabulae quinque ab eo excogitatae, quae personas reprae- i'entant poeinatis cujusdam Anglwani cui titulus, Au 29 An election Ball. 1776. 4. (5 sh.) Familiar cpi- stle to C. W. Bampsylde translated 1777, 4. (I sh.) A paraphrase or poetical exposition of the 13 chapter of the I book of St. Paul epistleg to the Corinthians. 1779. * Speculation, or a defence of mankind, a poem. 1780. 4. ( 2 sh. 6 d.) Liberality, or memoirs of a decayed ma- caroni; a poetical narrative. 1788. 4. The far- mer's daughter, a poetical tale. 1795. 4. (I fh. 6d.) Fabulae selectae, auctore John Gay, lati- ne redditae. 1798- 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) «ANSTEY, [L ] Mrs. at Madras. On her introduction of the cinnamon • free into the British settlement at Madras. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol n. p. 212 ) •ANSTICE, [John] Chairman of the general,wooi- meeting in the Year 1788. Observations on the nature and necessity of intro- ducing improved machinery into the woolen manu- factury —-, 1802. 8. (2 sh 6 d ) AN STIC E, [Robert] of Bridgeware?*. An enquiry into the laws of falling bodies. 1794» 8. (3 ) k / AN ST IE, [John] Esq. Account of the good effects of friendly societies among hand - craftsmen and labourers, at Devizes. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol, 3. p. 349.) *ANSTRUTHER,; [Alexander] Esq. of Lincoln's* Inn 1 Barri/ler at Law. .Reports of cafes argued and determined in the court of exchequer from easter term 23 Geo. 3. to trinity term 33 Geo. 3. both inclusive. Vol. 1. 2. 3. 1796. 1797. a. (I L. 8 sb.) An essay on the nature and connection of heat, electricity and light. 1800. 8. (2 sh.) *ANSTRUTHEK, [Sir John] Bart. Speech — for defence of Mr. Hastings. 1788. 8. (l sh.) Account os a drill-plough of his own construction for sowing different kinds of grain. (Bath Agricult. Soc, Vol. 2. p. 280.) Account of various experiments made during a course of three years, to ascertain the increase of wheat and bar- ley. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 354J Comparative view of two crops of barley, one drilled and the other Iowa 30 J sown broad cast in the same field. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 3Ó4,) Experiments in the drill husbandry, (ihid. Vol. 4. p, 260.) Experiments on drilling. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 288.) Remarks on the drill hus- bandry, by which the superior advantages of that mode of cultivation arc pointed out, and its pro- fits ascertained, from attual experiments; also a comparison of it with the most approved methods of broadcast husbandry. 1796. 8- (4 fh. ) On roota baga. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 16. p. 175.) *'ANTES, [John] Esq. of Fulnee in York/hire. Observations on the manners and custom of the Egyptians, the overflowing of the nile and its ef- fects; with remarks on the plague and other sub- jects, written during a residence of twelve years in Cairo and its vicinity. 1800. 4. (IQ fh. 6 d.) iibers. Gera u. Leipzig. 1801. 8. ubcrf. Weimar, 1801. 8. *ANTIL, [Edward] Esq. Raising and dreifing of hemp. (Massachusetts Ma- gaz. Vol. 1. 1789. p. 311.) MANTIS, [John] Description of his improved spinning-wheel. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 11. p. 153. Vol. I3-P-2330 APPLEGARTH, [Robert] A convert from Quakerism to the eftab/isked church. Essay concerning tithes > as appertaining to the clergy of the church of England; recommended to the consideration of the people called quakers, 1791. 8. (2 fh.) Rights for man; or analytical strictures on the constitution of Great-Britain and Ireland. 1792. 12. (i fh. 6 d.) *APPLETON, [Nathaniel W...,] A. M: AA. S. Fellow of the Majjackufufs Medical Soc, and Pkyfician at Boston. born .... died 1795. April. Account of the successful! treatment of a para- lysis of the lower limbs 9 occasioned by a curva- ture of the spiue. (M. P. of M. S. Nrb. I. p. 56.) *APTHORP, [Georg Henry] A topographical description of the Dutch colony of Suriuani, - 31 Surinam. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1793, p. 61.) APTHORPE1 [East] D. D. os the town os Cambridge; Prebendary of Finsbury, in the church of St. Paul. An answer to Dr. May hew's observations on the charter and conduct of the society for the pro- pagation of the gospel in foreign parts. 1763; 8. (Several single sermons.) ♦ D'ARBLAY, [Francis] Mrs. See Miss. Bur ney. ♦ARBUTHNOT, [John] Esq. An inquiry into the connection between the pre- sent price of provision* and the size of farms, with remarks on population as affected thereby; to which are added , proposals for preventing future scarcity. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol 57. p. 8.113. 246.) A short account of the com trade of Am- sterdam. (Ib« Vol.27. p.3Óó.) ORCHARD, [ ] Essay on the French nobility. 17 . . • A philoso- phic discourse on providence; addressed to the modern philosophers of Great - Britain. 1798. 8» (I ft.) ARCHDALL, [Mervyn] ALA. Memb. of the R, Irish Academy, Retlor of Slant. born in Scotland 1726. died. 6 Aug. I791. See Gentleman's Masaz. Y. 1791. Aug. p. 780» ♦ARCHER, [Clement] Esq ^M. R. L A, of the Roy. College of Surgeons: Surgeon to the Lord Lieu* tenant's Houskold. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Aug p. 780, Miscellaneous observations on the effects of oxy- gen on the animal and vegetable systems: illu- strated by experiments and interspersed with che- mical, physiological, pathological and practical remarks, and an attempt to prove why some plants arc evergreen and others deciduous in the climate of Great-Britain and Ireland. Part. I, 1798- 8. Í3 ft.) *ARCHER, [James] A clergyman of the Romish church. Sermons on various mora! and religious subjects for all the sundays of the Year. Vol. 1-4, 1788. 83 12. Sermons for the principal festivals of the y«ar. 17... 12. Sermons. Vol. 1-5. 1794. 12» *ARCHER, [John] of Harford County, Maryland. On the use of the radix feneka (polygala seneka Linn.) in the cure of croup (cynanche trachealis QuUen) with additional remarks on the treatment of this disease. (Medical Repository, Vol. 2. p-27.) On the internal use of saccharum saturni (acetate of lead) in diarrhoea. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p 237.) On the use of the polygala seneca in croup. (Dttw- cans A, of Med. Y. 1799. p. 511.) MARCHER, [John] Jun. A dissertation on cynanche trachealis, commonly called croup or hives, Philadelphia. 1798. 8. * ARC HER, [Joseph] Lieutenant. Statistical survey of the county of Dublin, with observations on the means of improvement; 1803. 8. (8 lh.) (Comm. and Agr. Soc. Vol. 7. p. 293.) * ARCHER, [Thomas] Dr, of Harford- town, Ma~ ryland» A singular cafe of difficult parturition successfully treated. (Medical Repository. Vol. r. p. 333.) *ARKWRIGHT, [T ] of Kendal, West- mor eland. Description of a machine for raising ore from mi- nes. (Nicholsons Journal Y. 1802. April. p*3I3. Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 276 ) *'ARK WRIGHT, [Thomas] of Chorley, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. Description of his invented double bolted lock. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 18. p. 239.) *ARLEVILLE, [Bridel] M. A. Practical accidence of the french tongue; or in- troduction to the french syntax; —. 1798. 12, (0, ill.) The genders of the french substantives alphabetically arranged according to their termi- nations. 1798. (I fh. 6 d.) ARMSTRONG, [George] As. Dr. Physician to the Dispensary in the infant-poor. (Brother to John Armstrong, M. Dr.) born .... died. 178 . (?) ARMSTRONG, [John] Student in the University of Edinburgh. born bûta I77Î. died the 21 Jtil. 1797. át Leitfi near Edinhurgh* - , ^ See Genílcnian's Magaz. Y. 1797. July. p. "■ ^ 624. Sejjt. p. 731* Monthiy Magaz. Y* 1797. Aug. p, 153.' Allgem, Litterat.Zeitk J. 1797. 11H1 S. 1409. Sonnets frouì Shakespeare. • 179I. ARMSTRONG, [Mòstyn John"] Géographes aud Latîd- Jurvetfor? Membcr of the Soc. of Arts — in London, Essay 011 the contour of the eoast of Norfolk —fc IJQ2* 4* (t *ARMSTRONG, [Rohert] Kef.' _ The cléments of che latin longue * tvith ail the; rules in Englifh , for the môre rcady ituprovc- ment of yoiuh. 1798. 8. (2 ih.) ^ARMSTRONG, [Simon] M Dr. of St. Vincent U Observations 011 the use of the muriat of bary» tes in fcrofulotis afTectioiis of the Westlndies, and in a singularly painftil difeafe ariíing front the bite of a negro. (Duncarìs A* of Med> Y* I80I. p. 370.) *ARMSTRONG, [William] Aev. C'-itechetical lectures, or, the church catechifm explained. 179Ó. 8* ,(3 f h*) *ARNO, [, ;. * . .] (?) . The fruits of faction; â séries of\ pictures takeii froïíi regenerâte-d France, 1791. 4. ( 2 fh. 6 d.) •(Authór of fevtral litcle poems publistied undetf that signature in thê Orack. Crnical ReView* Y* 1791. Oct. p. â32i) • *ARNOL,D, [-R ] WrinvZ'Ma/ìer .Qhd Matke* matician; of the Manor- fionse, Chiswicà* The arithweticál preceptor* or, practical assistant; 1792, 12. (2 fh.) * ARNOLD, [Richard] Account of Hwj. Youngs fié w ihvented harrow and roller. (Youngs A. of Agf. Vol. 32. p. 637.) ^ARNOLD, [Samuel Jarties] Thetíreoleí or the haunted islâtld, â fioVel Vol. ì !"3* 1796» 8. (io íh. 6 d.) Auld Robin Gray, - a musical entertainment î 17. *# The Irilìì le- gacy. 1797* The íhipwreck, a comic opéra, in 1 Reufs tí. JS, SttppL G N tWO 34 two a#s. 1797.8. (1 ft ) The veteran tar, a comic opera. l8or. ARNOLD, [Thomas] M. Dr. Physician in tht bo- rough of Leicester; Fellow, of the Roy* Med* Soc. of Edinburgh. A cafe of hydrophobia, commonly called canine madness from the bite of a mad dog, successfully treated. 1793. 8. (4^0 fibers. Leipzig, 1794.8. iiberf. Repertor. Chir, u, Medic. AbhaudL B. 3, . S. 303. ARNOT, [Hugo] Esq. Advocate. born . . , . died ...» (?) History of Edinburgh, from the earliest accounts to the present time; Ed. 2. 1789. 4. (I L. 5 ih.) *ARROT, [James] Member of the College. Remarks orr the present mode of chirurgical at- tendance in the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh, sub- mitted to the consideration of the Roy. College of . Surgeon there. 1800. 4. *ARTHY, [Elliot] Esq. Surgeon in the African and West -India Merchant's service. The seaman's medical advocate; or, an attempt to shew , that 5000 seamen are, annually, during war, lost to the British nation, in the West-India merchant's service and on board ships of war on the West-India station, through the yellow fever, and other diseases and means, from causes which, it is conceived, are chiefly to be obviated and unconnected uith the misfortunes of war or dan- gers of the sea's; illustrated by cafes and facts. 1798. 8 (5 fh.) Observations on the griggirrys of the mandingos. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 227.) i St. ASAPH, Bishop of — See Lewis Bagot. ASH, [Edward] M. Dr. Emi&e Bemerkiifigen iiber den Basalt von £chott- land. (CrelPs Chem. Annalen J, 1792. Th. I. S. 115.) Ueber die Vèrbindung der Kohlen-Florzc mit Basalten4 in Schottland. (Ibid. J. 1792. Th. I. S. 248 ) ASH, [John] M. Dr: F. R. and A. SS. Fellow of the Roy. College of Physicians: Formerly Physician 10 the general Hospital at Birmingham. born .... died in Brompton-row, Knightibridgc the 18 June 1798. 35 See Gentlera. Magaz. Y. Î798. June. p, 544. Aug, p- 720. Duncan's Annals of Niedec V# 1798. p. 474* Allgem. Luterat. Zcit ItBL J. 1800. S. 651. Oratio anniverfaria - Harvejana, 1790. 4. (ish) ASHKURNH AM, [William] Jun. Esq. The restoration of the jews* a poem. 1794 4* (2ill.) Elegiac sonnets and other poems. 1795. 4» (5slO ■ „ *ASHBY, L^eorge] Bev. of Barrow 9 Suffolk. Invention of wheel - barrows {Yonn^s A. of Agi\ Vol. 20. p. 535.) Remarks on Mr Young f general view of Suffolk agriculture* (lb. Vol, 33Í p. 252.) ASHDOWNE> [William] An attempt to shew, that the Opinion Concerning the devil or satan, as a fallen angel and that he tempts men to sin, hath no real foundation iu scripture. 1791. 8. (l ÍK 6 d.) New and deci- sive proofs, from scripture and reason, that adults only are included in the design of the new cove- nant òr the gospel dispensation and were members of the church of Christ in the apostolic age. Of- fered as a reply to Mr, VP'il Hams* Attempt, in a late treatise, to prove that by baptism infants Were initiated into the church of Christ and Mem- bers of it, at that time. Î792. 8. (I Hi.) Two letters addreted to the Lord Bishop of Landais (Rich,, Watson), occasioned by the distinction hi*- Lord- ill ip hath made between the operation of the holy spirit in the primitive ministers of Christ and its operation in men at this day* contained in a ad* dress to young persons after confirmation' which distinction is shewn not to have any foundation in the new testament* Also that the promises of the spirit to Christ's disciples extend to the days of the apostles only. 179S. 8* (I ih.) *ASHÈ» [Robert Hoadly] D D. Letter to John Mtltier, M. At F. S. Aì AuthòÊ of the civil and eccle'siastical history of Winche- ster, occasioned by his false and illiberal aspersions on the nienaory and writings of Dr. Bettj, Hoad* ley, formerly Bishop of Winchester. 17991 8* (Sill, ô d.) C 4 *ASHHURST, 36 *ASHHURST\ [Justice] Charge to the grand jury for t\ic county of Midd- lesex. 1793. sol. (I d.) *ASHLEY, [„.... .] * The art of painiing on and annealing in glass, with the true receipts of the colours, the orde- ring of the furnace and the secrets thereunto be longing, as practised about the Year 1500 suppo- sed to be then in its perfection. 1801. 4. * ASHLEY, [J . . . .] Secretary. \ The moral and political magazine of the London corresponding society. Nrb. I. 179Ó. (6 d.) «ASHMAN, [John] of Abbey - Milton , Dorset. Description of a comb-pot, to be used with pit- coal. (Bath's Agric. Soc, Vol. 4. p. 256.) *ASHTQN, [W ] Calculation of the antients. (Monthly Magaz, Y. 1799- J"ne. P» 348.) On the jews. (Ibid, Y. 18OO. Jan. p. 9/15.) ^ASHWORTH, [John] Secretary to the Manche- fier Agricultural Society > Account of his draining - bricks. (Comm. and Agric. M<*gaz. Vol. 7. p. 5.) ASTLE, [Thomas] Esq, F. R. S. and A. S. One of the Curates of the British Museum and Keeper of the Records in the tower of London. a native of Staffordshire. Account of the seals of the kings , royal burghs and magnates of Scotland. 1792. sol. Observa- tions on a charter in Mr. AflWs library, which is indorsed, with a hand co-eval with it, Haec est carta regis Eadgari, de institutions Abbatie Eliensis et duplicatus; (Arch: Vol. 10. p. 226.) Observations on a charter of King Eadgar. (Ibid. Vol, 10. p 232.) On the tenures, customs &c. of his manor of Great Tey. (Ibid Vol; 13. p. 2Ç.) Observations on* stone pillars, crosses and crucifi- xes. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 208.) Copy of a curious record of pardon in the tower of London. (Ibid, Vol. 13. p. 313.) The origin and progress of "Writing, hierogliphic and elementary — Ed. 2* with additions. 1803 4. (2 L. 10 sh.) ♦ASTLEY, [ ] Sen. Professor of the art of Riding. 37 A general system of equestrian education, with engravings. iSoi. (iO fh. 6 d.) «ASTLEY, [Joseph] On the doctrine of heat; particularly with regard to the states of dense and clastic fluidity in bodies, (Nicholsons Journal, Vol. 5. p. 23) * A ST LEY, [Philip] Esq. formerly a Soldier and at present, Proprietor of the Royal grove, Her* cules - hall, Lambetk , London. A description and historical account of the places now the theatre of war ii: the low countries—• 1794. 8- (6 fh.) Remasks on the profession and duty of a soldier; with other observations relative to the army at this time in aófcuai service on the continent. 1794. 8. (2 sh.) *ATCHESON, [Nathaniel] F. A. S. Solicitor. Report of a cafe recently argued and determined in'his MUj. Court of King's Bench on the vali- dity of a sentence of condemnation by an enemy's consul in a neutral port, and the right of the owner of the ship to call upon the underwriters to reimburse him the money for the purchase of the ship at a sale by auction under such sentence; with an appendix containing the french laws now in force relative to maritime prizes &c. and the Danish ordinance of the 20 of April 179Ó im- posing a duty on foreign ships. 1800. 8. (6sh.) A letter-on the present state of the carrying part of the coal trade. — 1802. 8. {2 sh 6 d.) ^ATKINS, [......] Mathematical Instrument- maker. An essay on the relation between the specific gra- vities and the strengths and values of spirituous liquors — I803. 4. (5 fh.) ATKINS, [James] M. A. Reaor of St. Michael's, in Long Stanton , Cambridgeshire, The ascension, a poem. 1780: 4. A "treatise on the horizontal sun and moon, wherein is shewn, according to the principles of refraction, how it happens that those bodies seem bigger in the ho- rizons than in the zenith; — 1793. 8. (I ih» 6 d.) ^ATKINSON, [James] Rodolpho; « poetical romaace. 1801. 4. (2 fh.) C 3 *ATKIN- 38 ^ATKINSON, [Joseph] Esq. Killarney, a poem. 1798.4. (2 ill* 6 d.) *ATK1NS0N, [Thomas] Hibernian eclogues and miscellaneous poems; Du» blin, 17... A poetical epistle from Marie An* toinette, Queen of France to Leopold 3, Emperor of Germany. 1791. 8. (I sh.) * An oblique view of the grand conspiracy against social order, 1799, 8. (I sli.) ^ATLAY, [Joseph] The distillers vade m ecu m; being a complete set of tables, exhibiting at one view the exact weight of spirituous liquors; from the lowest quality to alcohol, for any number of gallons, from 50 to 252, or one ton. Together with some useful rtu les for calculating the different strengths of spi- rits, adapted to Clarke's hydrometer. 1794. 12> (5 ft-) AT WOOD, [George] Esq. M. A: F. S. Si Of Shane- street, Chelsea. Investigations, founded on the theory of motion,, for determining the times of vibration of watch balance?, (Phil. Transatt. Y. 1794. p. 119.) The? construction and analysis of geometrical proposi- tions, determining the positions assumed by ho- jmogeneal bodies, which float freely and at rest, on a fluid surface; also determining the stability of ships and other floating bodies. (Phil, Transact* Y. 1796, p. 46.) A disquisition on the stability of ships, (Ibid. Y. 1798. p.£QI.) On tho con- struction and properties of arches. 1801. 4. (7 sli. 6 d, ) Review of the statutes and ordinances of assize, which have been established in England from the 4 year of king John 1203 to the 37 of his present majesty. 1801. 4, (5^0 AT WOOD, [Thomas] History of the island of Dominica; containing a de- scription of its situation, extent, climate, moun* tains, rivers, natural productions. 1791, 8. (4ÍI1) iiberf, nut Anmerk, von G, f \ Beneçfo, Gpttingen. 179*- 8. *AUBREY, [John] F. K. S: The Oxford cabinet; consisting qf engravings from priginal piQqrçs jn the Afhmolean róuseum and other 39 other public and private collections; with biogra- phical anecdotes. I797« *AUCHINCL0SS, (J } D. D. The sophistry of the first part of Mr. Paine's age of reason; or, a rational vindication of the holy scripture as a positive revelation from God: with the causes of deism; in three sermons. 1796. 12. (I fh.) ^AUCKLAND, [William] Lord. See William Eden. *AUDLEY, [John] A companion to the .almanack —5 l802« 12. (I ft. 6 d.) AU FRERE, [Anthony] Esq. Travels through various provinces of the king- dom of Naples in 1789 by Charles Vlyjses Salts of Marfchlins! translated from the German. 1795, 8. (8 ft.) A warning to Britons , against french perfidy and cruelty: or, a short account of the treacherous and inhuman conduct of the French officers and soldiers toward the peasants of Swa- bia, during the invasion of Germany in 1796. Selected from a well authenticated german publi- cation. 1798. 8. (1 fh. ) *AUSTIN, [Gilbert] M. A. Chaplain to the Magàa* len Asyhtm, Leeson-street, Dublin, M, R. 1. A* Sermon preached on Sunday April 3. 1791.4. (ash.) Description of a portable barometer. ( Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. p. 99 ) A method of cutting very fine screws, and screws of two or more threads &c. (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 145.) Description of an ap. ratus for impregnating water and other substances strongly with carbonic acid gas. (lb. Vol. 8. p. 131.) AUSTIN, [William] M. Dr. Fell ove of the College of Phyjicians; Om of the Phuficians of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. borr at Wotton - Underedge in Gloucestershire, 28 Dec. 1754. died Jan. 21. 1793. See Gentleman's Magaz^ Y. 1793. Jan. p. 94» Sec James Earles practical observations on the operation for the stone. London 1793. 8. Preface p. VII-XXIV. On the origin and component parts of the stone in the urinary bladder; 1791. 8. Ç2 ft. 6 d.) tibers. in Samml. stir prakt. Aerzte. B. 16. 8.209» C 4 * AUSTIN, 49 * AUSTIN, [William] A. B, An oration pronounced at Charleston —<- on the 17 of June, being the anniversary of the battle of Bunker's hill and of that company. Charleston near Boston in New-England. 1805. 8. (ish* 6 d.) #AXFQRD, [Benjamin] 0a the extirpation of plants; noxious to cattle on dairy and grazing farms; and the cultivation of such as arç wholesome and nutritive recommeur ded: with some hints on the breeding and rearing miiçh cqws. (Bash Agricult. Soc. Vol. 1. p. 506.) AYSCQ-UGH, [Samuel] F. 4. S, Affiflam Librarian in the départirent of Bratsk books in the Bri- tish, Museum* horn 1745. $ A general index to the Monthly review -~ Vol. 3, 179°' 81 Shakfipeares dramatic works; with ex- planatory notes î wuh a copious index to the re- markable passages and . words, Vol: I-3. 1790.'8, (iL. II sh, 6d) Copies of two Manuscripts on the most proper method of defence against invasion by Waad. (Arch, Vol T3, pt 169,) Copy of a Manuscript in the British museum, entitled, am expedient or meanes in, want of moneys to pay the sea and landforces , or as many of them as shall be thought expedient without money in this year of an-almost universal poverty of the english ua* Btion by Jrabian Philipps. (ibid. Vol, 13, p. I8Ç.) ABÍNGTQN, [William] Esq. M, Dr. Affiflam physician and Leclurer in Chemiftry at Gutss- hûspital. formerly Apothecary to Guys-Ha* fpitaU A systematic arrangement of minerals, fouuded on (he joints consideration of their chemical physical and external characters; reduced to the form of tables and exhibiting the ^nalyfis of such species a« have hitherto been made the subject of experi- ment. 1795, 4. (3 stí. 6 d,) A npw system of mineralogy, in the form of a catalogue after the manner of Bursts systematic, catalogue pf the coU Je$iou of fosljls of pleonore de, Raah. 1799. 4. Twq eases of rabies canina, in which opium was given, without success, in uuusally large quanti- ties; the one by Wilh Babingtony the other by fVi#. fTavtlf. (M* Reç, aud Res. p, 117.) *BACHE, 4* *BACHE, [William] Grandson the late Dr. Franklin. M, A> of Philadelphia, born .... died 1797. Allg. Litter.Zeit. ItBl. J. I800, S. 649, Oration on the history, culture and qualities of the potatoe. (Columbian Magazine Y. 1790. Oct. p. 243.) An dissertation , being an endeavour to ascertain the morbid effects of carbonic acid gas or fixed air,, on healthy animals and the manner in which (hey are produced. Philadelphia. 1796. * BACKHOUSE, [Thomas j late master of H. M. S. Tkisbt. A new and accurate collection of surveys of the principal harbours on the coast of Nova Scotia between Halifax and Cape Sable, and betweea Halifax and Cape C nso; forming together with a large chart, a complete Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Pilot, with an entire new book of sailing directions. 1798. (i L, II fh. 6 d.) *BACKUS, [Azcl] . Some account of the epidemics which have occur- red in the town of Bethlem , Connecticut, from its settlement to the present time. (Medical Repo- sitory, Vol. 1. p. 523.) *BACKUS , [Isaac] Pastor of the first Baptist church in Midlebourgh. A history of New - England , with particular refe- rence to the denomination of christians called ba- ptist. Vol. 1. Boston 1777. 8* Vol. 2. a church history of New-England extending from 1690 to 1784. Providence. 1784. 8* Vol. 3. — from 1783 to 1796. — Boston 1796. 8. (4 Dollar 50 Cents). Account of Nfiddleborough, in the coun- ty of Plymouth, (Coil, of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. p. 148.) Letter on the subject of iron ore at Middleborough, (Ibid, Y. 1794. P- *75-) *BACON, [James] The libertine, a novel, in a series of letters. 1791. 12. ( 3 fh, ) The American Indian; or, virtues of nature, a play in 3 acts, with notes; founded on ^n Indian tale. 1795. 8. (2 fh.) *B A CON, [John] Esq. F. A, S. Senior Clerk and Receiver at the first-fruits office. Liber regis, vel thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum; Ç 5 witJi 43 with an appendix, containing proper direction* an J precedents relating to presentations, institu- tions, inductions, dispensations — 178Ó. 4. * BAC ON, [Matthew] Of'the Middle Ttmyle; Esq. On leases and terms for years. 1798. 8. (9 ft.) A new abridgment of the law. Ed. 5. corrected with considerable additions, including the latest: authorities; by Henry Gwillim, of the Middle Temple, Esq. Barrister at Law. Vol. I-7. 1798. 8. (5 L. 5 ill.) *BADELliY, [ ] Mr. Dr. of Chelmsford. Account of a cafe of uncommon sympathy between the skin and stomach, nearly amounting to di- sease. (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 8. p. 446.^ ^BADGER, [Charlotte] Friendly admonitions to parents and the female sex in general; — I803. 8- (6sh.) *EADGER, [Stephen] ofNatkk. Historical and characteristic traits of the Ameri- can Indians in general, and those of Natick ht particular. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S, Y. 1798. P 32 ) *BAGE, [Robert] born at Darley, a hamlet of Derby , Febr. 29, 1,728. died at Taniwortrr Sept. 1. 1801. See Huttons History of Derby. 1791. Gent- leman's Magaz. Y. 1801. Sept. p. 862. Sup- plem. p. I2o6\ fVittiam Hut ton's memoirs of Rob. Bage. 1802. Mount Heneth, a novel. 178I. Barham Downs* 17. f. The fair Syrian. 17... James Wallace; 17 • • . *BAGGS, [Jeff.] LL. Dr: F. R. and A. S. Essays on amplification, with notes, critical and explanatory and exemplified by quotations from various authors, both ancient and modern. Vol, I. 2 1802. 8» #BAGGS, [John] An illiterate Christian. A scriptural view of the millennium, or, an at- tempt to display the harmony of the bible on the latter day glory. 1798. 8. (1 fh.) *BAGNAL, [Gibbon] A. M: Vicar of Home-Lacy, Herefordshire. A new translation of Telemachus, in English verso. 43 verse. Nrb. I. 1756. 8. Ed. 2. Vol 1.3. 1791. 8. (12 sh.) A sermon — 1762. 8. Education, art essay (in verse) 1765. 4- BAGOT, [Lewis] LL. D. Lordbishop of St. Asaph* Archdeacon of St. Asapk. born . . . . died Ig02. June 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. June. p. 591. Nov. p. 1003. Sermon — 1779* 4. Twelve discourses on the prophecies, concerning the first: establishment and subsequent history of Christianity. 1780. 8. Let- ter to — William Belly D. D. — on the subject of his late publications upon the authority, nature- and design of the Lord's - supper, 178I. 8. Ser- mon — 1783. 4- *BA1LEY, [George] of Sunderland. On some courses of crops. (Youngs A. of Agr* Vol. 5. p. 361.) *BAILEY, [Jacob] Rev. of Annapolis, in Nova Scotia, Observations and conjectures on the antiquities of America. (Coil, of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1795, p. 100.) ^BAILEY, [John] ~— and G. Culley; a general view of the agri- culture of the county of Northumberland with ob* servationS on the means of its improvement, drawn up for the consideration of the board of agricul- ture. 1800. 8» (8 ih.) Remarks on waste lands in Northumberland. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 114,) and G, CutJey threshing machines in Northumberland, (Youngs A9 of Agr. Vol. 22. p. 426.) •BAILEY, [T.... B.,..] On prevention the scarcity of provisions at'Parish Mill dec. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.35, p. 283.) *BAILLIE, [Joanna] Miff. A series of plays $ in which it is attempted to dc* lineate the ^ronger passions of the mind. Vol. I. 2. 1802. 8. (16 ih.) BAILLIE, [Matthew] M. Dr: F. R. S.; Physician to St. Georges * Hospital; Fellow of the Roy. Col* lege of Physicians. Account of a remarkable transposition of the vi* iwa, (Phil. Transact. Y. J788. p. 350. London M. J, 44 M. J. Vol. X. P. 2.) iibers. Samml, dcr neuesten Keobacht. Englifcher Aèrzte: S. 142. Account of a particular change of structure in the human ova- rium. (PhiL Transact. Y. 1789. p. 71. London M. J. Vol X. P. 2. p. 271.) iibers. Samml. f. A. Th. 13. S. 354. uberf. Samml. der neuesten Beo- baeht. englifchcr Aerzre. S, 26a) On the want of a pericardium in the human body. (Transact* of Med. and Chir. Sox. Y. 1793 p. 91») Of un- common appearance* of disease in blood-vessels. (Ibid Y 1793, p. 119,) Of a remarkable devia- tion from the natural structure in the urinary blad- der and organs of generation of a male. (Ibid. Y. I793 p. 189 ) A cafe of emphysema, not pro- ceeding from local injury, (Ibid. Y. 1793. p. 202.) An account of a cafe of diabetes, with an exami- nation of the appearances after death, (Ibid. Vol. 2» p»70. ) An account of a singular disease in the great intestines. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. T44.) An ac- count of the cafe of a man who had no evacua- tion from the bowels for nearly fifteen weeks be- fore his death. (Ibid. Vol 2. p. 174-) The mor- bid human anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body. 1793. 8 (6 fh ) uberf, mit Zufàtzen von Sò'mínerin g. Berlin. 1794. 8. Appendix to the 1 Edit. 1798. 8- Ed. 2. cor- rected and considerably enlarged. 1797. 8. ( 7 sh») A series of engravings, to illustrate the morbid anatomy of the human body. Fafe. 1 - 10. 1799- I802« 4. * William Hunter s anatomical de- scription of the human gravd uterus and its con- tents, 1794. 4- (5 A1*) iibers, mit Anmerk. mid Zus. von L. F. Froriep.. Weimar. 1802. 8. *BAILLIE3 [Thomas] Esq. Clerk of the deliveries in ike civil branch of the office of ordnance at the tower of London. A solemn appeal to the public , from an injured officer, Captain Thomas Baillie, late lieute- nant-governor of the royal hospital for seamen, at Greenwich; arising out of a series of authenti- cated proceedings in the court of King's-bench, on six libels, (as it was alledged), in a printed book, entitled, the cafe and memorial of Green- wich- hospital, addressed to the general - gover- nors 45 «ors in behalf of disabled seamen, widows, and children; and the evidence given on the subse- quent enquiry ar the bar of the house of lords/in consequence of the several prosecutions discharged with costs. 1779. sol. *BAILY, [Francis] of the Stock Exchange. Tables for the purchasing and renewing of lea- ses; —; 1803. *BAIRD, [Thomas] New invented tables of interest, upon one small card, that will Uy in pocket-book; shewing the interest of any sum for any number of days of five per ccnU — 180Í. 8. Cow-keepers of Middle- sex. (Youngs A. of Agr Vol. 21. p. 112.) Lon- don Frjvk Fields, tlbid Vol. 21. p. 150.) House and grasslands, (lb. Vol. 21. p 151.) *BAKER, [... ] Apothecary: F. M £. Various cafes, of fatality front the natural small pox, in families, where inoculation, when pracii- fed, had been uniformly fuccefsfull. *(Meui. of M. S. of L. Vol 3. p. 538 ) *BAKER, [Gardiner] of New- York. born , . . . died .... (?) Meteorological observations for the Y. 1797 and 1798 made in the cupola of the exchange in the city of New-York. (Medical Repository. Vos 1. p. 99. 245. 373. 557- Vol. 5. p. 101.205. 319.) ; Natural history of the wolf. (New-York Magaz, Y. 1797. May. p. 243.) *BAKER, [George] A.M. Of the Kingdom of Ireland. The history of Rome by T. Livius, translated from the original with notes and illustration!. Vol. 1-6. 1797. 8. (2L. IÓ fh.) BAKER, [James] A picturesque guide through Wales and the mar- ches; interspersed with the most interesting sub- jects of antiquities in that principality. Vol. 1. Ï795- *BAKER, [Richard] On the black - rust in wheat. (Bath Agric. Soc, Vol. 4 p. 282.) *BAKF.R, [S ] Musleimaa Adeti, or, a description of the man- lier* iters and customs of the Turks, with a sketch of their littérature. 1796,. 8- (l sh. 6 d.) *fBAKE WELL, [Robert] A Yeoman of considerable property. born 17265 at Dishley in Leicestershire, died 1795 oa. I. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1795. Nov* p. 969. Sheep controversy between Charles Chaplin and Rob. Bakewell. (Young's A, of Agr4 Vol, io. P. 5ÓO ) • BALD PATE, [Grizzle] Esq. (? ?) The pole tax, an ode. 1795. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) i;:BALDWIN, [Christopher] Esq. Clapham Common,, On oil used as manure. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 13. p. 499.) On gypsum as a manure (lb. Vol. 14. p. 86. 89. et seq.) On oil composts and on drilling. (Ibid. Vol. 15.. p. 350.) On the state of British agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 290.) Machine for drawing up trees by the roots. (Ib. Vol. 18. p. 164,) BALDWYN, ffBdward] Rev. Farther remarks on two of the most singular cha- racters of the age. 1789. Letter to the author of remarks on two of the most singular characters of the age by John Crosse9 Vicar of Bradford in the county of York: with "a reply by the former Ï790. 8. * Remarks on the oaths, declarations and conduct of Johnson Atkinson Busfield, Esq. one of his Majesty's justices for the West-riding of the county of York. To which is added an Olla potrida. 1791. 8. Vi A congratulatory ad- dress to the Rev, John Cross, on the prospect of his recovery from a dangerous disease , to a state of spiritual health and salvation — 179I. (3sh. 6d.) ^BALDWIN, [George] Esq. Late his Majesty s Con* ful ■ General in Egypt and attacked to the Commander in Chief during the above glorious campaign. Political recollections relative to Egypt; contai- ning observations on its government under the luamaluks; — its geographical position; — its intrinsic and extrinsic resources; — its relative importance to England and France; and its dan- gers 47 gers to England in (he possession of France; with a narrative of the ever-memorable Bri.il) cam- paign in the spring of 1801* 1801. 8 ( 6 sh. ) ,Bemerk. iiber die von ibm entdeckte fpecifische Wirkung dec Einreibung des Qlivendhls gegen die Pest; —■ aus dem Italienifchcn ubers. mit Anmerk. und Zus. von Dr. Paul ScheeL* Kopenhagen. 1801. 8. BALDWIN, [Loammi] Esq. F. A. A. Directions for raising hemp. (American Museum Y. 1787. Sept. p. 293.) BALFOUR, [Francis] M. Dr: Soc. Reg. Med. Ed. S. //. Of the city of Edinburgh,: formerly a Physician at Calcutta On the .influence of the moon in fevers — iibers. von A. T. W. Laurh. Strassb. 178Ó. 8. Oil putrid intestinal remitting fevers, in which the jaws of the febrile state and sol lunar influence being investigated and defined, are applied to ex- plain the nature of the various forms crises and other phaenomena as these fevers Ed. 2. 1790. g. (6 sh.) ubers. Breslau u. Hirfchberg. 1792. 8. The forms of Hcrkern — Calcutta, 1785- 4. Ou sol lunar influence in fevers. Vol. 1. Ed 2 1795. 8. On- the diurnal variations ©f che .baromcier. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. H. p. 23.) On the barometer. (Afiat. Res. Vol. 4. p. [95.) BALGUY, [Thomas] O. D Arch Deacon and Pre- bendary of Winchester. A native of Yorkshire; died Jan. 12, 1795. See Gentleman's Magazine Y. 1795. Febr. p, 169. Marché p. 252. May. p. 368. ', Divine benevolence asserted and vindicateJ\from the objections of -ancient and modern feeprjeks. 1781. 8» (2 sh. 6 d.) iibers. mit Anmerk. voa Eberhard. Leipzig, 1782. 8. Preface to art essay on redemption by his father (John B a Iguy) 1785. 8. (Several single sermons.) *BALL* [John] Surgeolni in Williton, in the parijh of St. Decuman*, and county vf Somerset. On the growth and cure of rhubarb. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 12. p. 229. Vol. 13» p. 178O Ou opium, mode of preparing in Eng- land 48 . land &c* (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 254.) On the culture of opium... (Medical Repository. VoLl. pk 424.) •BALLARD, [E . . . .] The stock brocker's vademecum and ready Assistant to all persons concerned in the fund9, in calcula- ting the amount of any sum, capital stock, from ojie penny to one hundred pounds at any rate, from 50 to 100 per cent* — 1799* 8. (3 fh. 6 d. ) BAL M AINU [W r . * .] Chief Surgeon to thé territory of New South, fVales. On the effects of ipecacoanha in the cure of dysen- tery, at Norfolk island. (Mem, of M. S. of L. Vol, 5» p 2IO.) *BALMANNO, [John] Esq. of Lincoln* - Inn; Bar. rifter at law. born . > fc *; died at Vienna. 18ÛO. Nov. 7* See Gen tie m. Magaz. Y. 1800. Suppl. p. 1290. Allg. Litterat. Zeit. J, 180T. ItBl. S. 839. An essay, on the law of bailments by Sir PVill* •jfone?; Ed. 2. with introductory remarks and notes, . comprising the most modern authorities* 1797. 8. (5 fh.) (Some criticisms in the Critical Review.) BANCROFT, [Edward] M, D: F. R. S.; at Lon- don. (He resided, many years ago in America.) Experimental researches concerning the philoso- phy of permanent colours-and the best means ;of procuring them by dyeing., calbco-printing Vol. ié 1794. 8. (6fhu ) Aus diesem uberf. Ueber *den Gebrauclx-der Quèir Citron - Rindc. I^Sndon. 1795. 8- ùber£ mit Anmerk. von Dan* Jaeger; Th. I* Leipz. 1797 -8. Accounts of ex- periments on lake from stick-lack. (Tr, of the Soe, for the E. of A. Vbl. 19. p. 355.) *BANEN, [Francis] . < Delineation òf exotic plants cultivated in the Ro- yal garden at Réw. 1796 (5 L. 5 fh,) *BANGOR, Biskop of — See Warren *BANKS, [John] LeBurer in natural philosophy. . Remarks oil the floating of cork balls in water, (Mem. of M. Vol. 3, p. 178.) Experiments oil the velocity of air issuing out of a vessel in different circumstances j ■ with the description of 46 an instrument to measure the force of the blast ist bellows, etc. (Mem. of M Vol. 5. P 2 p 398. Nick&lsotis Journal Y. l802. Aug p, 269.) A treatise on mills in four parts I) on circular mo- tion; 2) on the maximum of moving bodies, ma- chines, engines &c. 3) On the velocity of effluent water. 4) Experiments on circular motion, water- wheels —. 1795- "hers, vou C- G. Zimmermann* Berlin. 1799. 8* •BANKS, [Sir Joseph] President of theR. & See Public Characters of 1800-180I. p. 370. Epistle to Oborea , Queen of Otaheite. 1773. 4. ( I sb. ) A speech delivered to the Royal So- ciety 011 Nov. 30* 1780 being their anniversary. (Phil. Transact. Y. T781. P. I. p. I.) Ac- count of a roman sepulture lately found in Liu- colnshirej (Arch. Vol. 12. p. 96.) Copy of an original Manuscript, entitled, a breviate touching the order and goyernmente of a nobleman's house. (Ibid. Vol. 13» p. 315*) *A project for exten- ding the breed of sine-wooled Spanish iheep, now in the possession os his Maj. into ail pares of Great Britain where the growth of fine clothing wools is found to be profitable (Nicholsons Jour- nal. Vol. 4. p. 289.) Instruction given to the Agr. Vol. 9. p. 479.) On the late season; 1790. (Ibid. Vol.15. p*7Ó.) On the Hastings turnip. (Ib. Vol. 15. p. 77.) Account of twelve Lincoln- sheep. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 357.) On the musc a punnlionis. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 176. Reply to que* ries relating to labour in Lincolnshire (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 187.) An effectual method of curing the scab in flieep. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 7. p. 9P) Effects of the equifetum palustre upon drains. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 2. p. 349.) American antiquities, (Massachusetts Ma- gaz. Y. 1795. Oct. p. 423.) An accurate account of the present state of the French republic (Monthly Magaz, Y. 1801. Febr. p. I. March, p. 105.) council against the wool bill. *BANKS, [J C ] Reus* Ct £. SitppL D *BAN-> * B A N N A N TIN E , [James ] Secretary token King's Superintendant at Honduras. Memoirs of Colonel Edward Marcus Despard, now under confinement 1799. 8» ( 1 fli. ) Opinions of his Majesty's ministers respecting the french revolution , the war — from 1790 to 1801 chro- nologically arranged. Selected from the fpeerhes in parliament; with extracts '"from the speeches of the opposition. 1800. 8- (4 fh.) *New Joe Miller; or, the tickler, containing near two thou- sand good things, many of which are original and the others selected from the best authors. Vol. 1.2. 1801. 12. (3 fh.) A list of Scotticisms; (Monthly Magiz. Y. 1798. Dec. p 434.) Account of the settlement of Hon Jura?. (Ibid. Y. 1799. May. p 286 ) Proofs of the wisdom and capa- city of his Majesty's ministers, .selected from their opinions delivered in parliament from 1790 to 180I. with extraits from the speeches of the opposition. 18CI. (3 fh. 6 d.) •BANNERMAN, [Anne] Poems. 1800. 12. (5 fh.) BANNISTER, [James] Rever. On architecture. (Massachusetts Magaz, Y. 1789* June, p 365. Juîy. p. 401. A translation of all the Pythian, Nemean and Isthmian odes of Pindari except the 4 and 5 pythian odes and those odes which have been translated by the late Gilbert Weste. Esq, 1791. 8. ( 5 H*. ) Directions for the study of divinity —. 1802. •BANNISTER, [John] Gent, of Horton Kirby, in Kent. A synopsis of husbandry; being cursory observa» tions on the several branches of rural economy—. I799- 8. (7 AO ♦BANTER, [Benjamin] Esq. An epistle of condolence and exhortation, addres- sed to general gunning; To which is added, an elegy written before the ruins of the pantheon, shortly after the burning; of that stately edifice, 1792. 4. W shO BARBAULD, BARBAULDt [Anna Laetitia] Mrs, (Daughter ùf the late Dr. Aikin of kVarrington; Stjlvr to Dr. Aikin of London.) A political sermon on a national fast. 17..* The hill of science. 17. é* Epistle to WiU. Wilberforce s on the rejection of the bill for abolishing the slave trade. 1791* 4. (i sh.) Remarks on Gilb. Wakefield*s enquiry jnto the expediency and propriety of public or so- cial worship. 1792* 8» (2sh.) * Sim of go- vernment > sins of the nation > or a discourse for the fast — by a Volunteer. 1793. 8. '( I ih.) Evening* at home» or the juvenile budget ope- ned.4 consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pie- ces for the instruction and amusement of young perfom. Vol. !-6. 1793-1796*15. (9 fh ) uberii Haelfte 1.2. Leipz* 1795. 179Ó. 8* Thopleasu* res of imagination by Dr. Mark Akenside* which is prefixed a critical essay on the poem, 2795* 8. (6 sh. 6 d.) The poetical works of William Collins, with a prefatory essay. 1797. 8, (5 sh.) Sir Bertrand í a fragment. (Colum* biati Magaz. Y. 1787. Nov. p. 743.) «BARBBR, [J.... T....] E S> A. A tour through South-Wales and Monmoutstiire — î with maps and views; 1803* (1 L. 5ill.) *BARBOR, [William] On feeding cattle with potatoes. (Tr. of the Soc» for the E. of A. Vol. 11» p. 88* 94O BAR BUT, [James] late of the Sank. born .... died May 25 1791. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791* June p. 587* ^BARCLAY, [David] An account of the emancipation of the slaves ia Unity Valley Pen f in Jamaica, 1801. 8 (6 d.) Directions for dibblinç wheat, as performed in the county of Norfolk in 1795. (Bath Agric* Soc. Vol.8, p. 356.) On haymaking. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 530.) ♦BARCLAY* [George] D*D. One of the ministers of Middleton Account of the parish oi Haddington. (Transact. D % of of she Soc. of Antiq. of Scotland. Vol. ï, p. 40») Letter to Mr. Cummyng. (Ibid, Vol. 1. p. 553.) «BARCLAY, [John] M. Dr. A ivew anatomical nomenclature, relating to the terms which are expressive of position and aspect. 1803. 8. (5 Ai.) ^BARCLAY, [Robert] On A gricola s engagement with the Caledo- , nians under their leader Golgacus. (Transact, of the Soc, of Antiq. of Scotland. Vol. I. p. 565,) On gypsum. (Youngs Á. of Agr. Vol. 24. p. 358.) ♦BARCLAY, [Robert] Esq. of Urie, M P. On labourers jh husbandry renting land. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 91.) *BARD, [John] New-York. On the danger of introducing epidemical disor- ders, through want of proper precautions. (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1788- May p. 453 ) *BARDSLEY, [Samuel Argent.] As. Dr. M. R. M. S. Miscellaneous observations on canine and sponta- neous hydrophobia; to which is prefixed, the hi- story of a cafe of hydrophobia, occurring twelve years after the bite of a supposed mad dog. (Mem. of M. Vol* 4. P. 2, p 431. New-York Ma*az, Y. 1797. March, p. Ï15.) Cursory re- marks, moral and political, on party prejudice. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P. 1. p. I.) Critical re- marks on Pizarro, a tragedy ' from the German Jamaica. 1794. #BARING, [Charles] Esq. Peace in our power, upon terms not unreasonable. 1798. 8. (I sh.) BARING, [Sir Francis] Bart. Merchant of the city of London and a Direclor to tke East - India Company. Observations 011 the establishment of the bank of England on the paper circulation of the country. 1797* 8. (I sh. 6 d«) Observations on the pu- blication of Walter Boyd on the influence of the stoppage of issues in specie at the bank of Eng* land; on the prices of provisions and other com- modities. 1801. 8. (ish.) ♦BARKER, [J • . . .] Lieutenant Colonel of the 56 Regt. Particulars concerning husbandry in the isle of Wight. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 9. p. 4a) ^BARKER, [Jeremiah] of Portland (Maine). On the febrifuge virtues of lime, magnesia and a!* kaline salts in dysentery , yellow - sever and scar- latina angina. (Medical Repository. Vol 3, p. 147.) An account of febrile diseases as they have appea- red in the county of Cumberland, district of Maine from July 1798 to March. 1800. (Ibid. 1 Vol. 3. p. 364.) Abstinate eruption over the whole surface of the body cured by chalk ^alka- line earth, or carbonate of lime); (Ibid, Vol. 3* P- 413.) BARKER, [John] Epidemics or general observations on the air and diseases from the Y. 17.40 to 1777 inclusive, fmd particular onc9 from that time to the beginning of 1795. — &c. 1796. 8. (5 ft.) D 3 *BARKER> ♦ BARKER, [Robert] Practical observations on the gonorrhoea virulent» and a new mode of treating that disease. Oxford. l8oi, 8, (2 sh. ó d.) BARKER* [Thomas] Esq, of Lyndon • ha11, in Rut* landskire, born died 1803. May, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1803, July p. 692. An account of the discoveries concerning comets, with the way to find their orbits and some impro- vements in constructing and calculating their places (with tables), 1757. 4. The meíììah: being the prophecies concerning him, methodized, with their accomplishments; Pt 1, 178Q. 8« (2 ih, 6d.) P,2. 1798» 8» (3 fh.) Abstract of a register of the barometer, thermometer and rain at Lyndon in Rutland, With the rain in Surrey and Hampshire, for the Y. 1789 et 1790. (Phil. Transact. Y, 1791, p 89.278O — for the Y. 1791, (Ibid. Y, 1793. p. 362.) — for the Y, 1792, (Ibid. Y, 1793. p. 220.) — for theY, 1793. (Ibid, Y, 1794. p. 174.) — for the Y. 1794. (Ibid. Y. 1795. p. 410.) — for theY, 1795. flbid. Y. 1796, p. 483.) — for the Y. 1796, (Ibid. Y. 1798. p. 130.) ~ for the Y. 1797, with some, remarks on the recovery of injured trees. (Ibid- Yf 1799* p. 24.) — for the Y, 1798. (Ibid. Y, X80Q. p. 46.) Th? rates of wage$ of servants, labourers and artificers, set down and assessed at Okeham* within the county of Rutland, by the justices of the peace there the 28 Day of April A, 1610, (Arch, Vol, XI. p, 200.) Abstract of a register of the barometer , thermometer and rain at Lyndpn in Rutland, 1793, (Phil, Trans* act, Y. ï794« P- 174* ^BARLQWi [James] Surgeon at Blaçkbumt Lann* shire. A cafe of the cacsarian operation performed and the life of the woman preserved, (M, Rec, and Res. p, 154.) BARLOW, [Joel] American Consul at Algiers. born in Connecticut about the Y. I758~9« The vision of Columbus, a poem in 9 books; ^ Ed, I. 1781. Ed- 5* corrected, to which u added the conspiracy of (he kings, by the fame Author. Paris, 55 Paris. 1793. 8. Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe, resulting from the neceslity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part I. 179-3. 8. (3 sh.) Part 2. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) ubers. London. 1792. 8 The conspiracy of kings; a poem, ad- dressed to the inhabitants of Europe, from ano- ther quarter of the world. 1792, 4. (I sti. 6 d.) A letter to the national convention of France on the defects in the constitution of 1791* and the extent of the amendments which ought to be ap- pJied. 1792. 8- (I fh. 6 d.) A letter addressed to the people of Piedmont, on the advantages of the french revolution and the necestity of ado- pting its principles in Italy; translated from the French. 1795. 8- (ifh. 6d.) The hasty-pudding, a poem. New-York 1796. 12. Letters from Pa- ris , to the citizens of the United states of Ame- rica on the system of policy hitherto pursued by their government, relative to their commercial in- tercourse with England and France. 1800. 8. (3 sh.) Oration delivered Jul. 4. 1787. in com- memoration of the independence of the United sta« tes. (American Museum Y. 1787. Aug. p. I3#) *BARLO W>,[John] Surgeon at Bolton in Lancashire* An account os a mode of practice which has been successfully adopted, in cafes of distortion of the pelvis, in pregnant women. (Simmons** Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 8. P« 185 ) *BARNARD, [Thomas] Barrister at Lqtp. Observations on the proceeding of the friends of the liberty of the press; and an answer to Mr. Erskin's speech of Jan. 19. 1793. 1793. 8. (1 fh.)' •BARNARD, [Thomas] 0/ Mitchclmarjh, near Romsey. River weeds for manure &c# (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 6. p. 9a.) ♦BARNBY, [ ] Mrs. Kerwald castle; or, the memoirs of the Marquis de Solanges; translated from the French, 1803^ Vol. i. 2. (8 ft.) D 4 *BAR- 56 ^BARNES, [George] near Mails, Sommerset. Account of a new drill-machine, invented hy a Sommersetíhíre farmer and of a crop sown by it. (Bath Agr. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 331.) BARNES, [Thomas] D. D. Dijsenting Ministtr at Manchester; Member of the Litt. and Philos Soc, of Manchester. On the voluntary power which the mind is able to exercise over bodily sensation. ( Mem. of M. Vol.3, p. 451.) ubers. im Auszug in Mich. Wag- ner's Beytr. zur Philosoph. Anthropologic. B. 1. Wien. 1794. Nro. 5. On the nature and essential characters of poetry, (Massachusetts Magaz. Y; 1791. July P- 4I°0 ^BARNES, [Thomas] of Leeds. On the culture of turnips, (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. iz. p. 336.) *BARNES, [William] Epigrams. 1803. 12. (3 sh.) ♦BARNETT, [Thomas] of Asps j near Warwick. On Warwickshire slicep. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 13. p. 342.) *BARRETT, [Francis] F. R. C. Professor of Che- mistry, statural and occult philosophy, the cabala l [George] Live ònd dead weight of a fix year old cow, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 24. p, I.) HARRINGTON, [Shute] LL. D. Lordbifhop of Durham. Formerly of Sarum. born about the Y.'1732. P 5 Sac 58 See Public Characters of 1798-1799. p. 214. Miscellanea sacra; — by Lord Barrington (died 1734 ) a new' edition, with large additions and corrections. Vol. 1.2 3. 1772.8- (15^ ) Some notes in Buwyer*s conjectures on the new testa, nient. 17... Letter to the clergy of the diocese of Sartim wish directions relating to orders, insti. tutions and licences. 1789. 8. ( I sh. ) On the state of tne poor. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 34. p. 225.) Kice applied in the present scarcity. (Ibid. Vol, 34. p. 344.) (Several single sermons.) *RARRIT, [Thomas] Essay on some supposed druidical remain9 near Halifax in Yorkshire. (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p. 292.) An attempt to explain the nature and ori- gin of the ancient carved pillars and obelisks, now extant in Great - Britain. (Ibid. Vol. 4. P. 2. p. * 506.) Account of some antiques lately found in the river Ribblc. (Ibid. Vol. 5. P. 2. p. 527.) Explanation of a roman inscription, found in Castle-field, Manchester, with a note on the same subject by Dr. Holme. (Ibid. Vol 5. P.2, p. 675.) *BARROW,«[Charles] Letter on oil from fun fldwer seedf (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 2. p. Il6.) *BARROW, [J , . . .) Private Teacher of the A4<- tkematiçs, A description of pocket and magazine cases of ma- thematical drawing instruments; — J1794. (3^ 6d.) #BARROW, [James] A poem on the peace between the united kingdom* of Great-Britain and Ireland and the French Re- public, Spain and Holland. 1802. 4. (I sb.) .* BAR ROW, [John] late Secretary of the Earl of Macartney, An account of travels into the interior of Sou- thern Africa, in the Y. 1797 and 1798. — I801. 4. (iL. 10 sh.) iibers. mit Anmerk. Leip- ? aig. 1801. 8. Description of the table and the paarlberg mountains in Southern Africa. (Tilloctis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 10. p. 222.) Account of the discovery 59 discovery of coal at the Cape of Good Hope. (Tilloctis Philos. Magaz. Vol. II. p. 2ÓI.) • HARROW, [William] Ll. D. F, A. S. Eight sermons, containing answers to some popu- lar objections against the necetlity or the credi- bility of the Christian revelation 1799. 8* ( 7 fh. ) An essay on education; in which are particularly considered the merits and the detects of the disci- pline and instruction in our academics. Vol. I» Z* I802. 12, (8 fh.) *BARRY, [Edward] L. L D. Th« present practice of a justice of the peace, and a complete library of parish law. Containing the substance of all the statutes and "adjudged cafes down to the Year 1790 iucluiiVe, which point out the duty and present practice of justice* of the peace, stieriffs, under - sheriffs, clergymen, church - war. dens, overseers, high constables, surveyors of the highway, constables, head - boroughs and other county, ward and pariih officers. Vol. 1-4. 179Í. 8. (I L. 6 ih.) BARRY, [Edward] M. Dr. Chaplain to the Lord Ri- shop of KMarc. (Dr, Jackson.) A native of Bristol. A letter to Mr. Richard Cumb çrlan d, occasio- ned by hi* letter to 1 Richard Lord Bishop of Landaff. 1783. 8» Coalitions and compromises \ an appeal to the electors of Great* Britain on the subject of coalitions and compromised elections; but principally to the freemen of Bristol; explai- ning the principles of a society formed to oppose a compromised representation of that city in par- liament; with an apology for accepting David Lewis, Esq. as candidate, 1790, 8- (I fh. ) Theological, philosophical and moral essays. 1791. 8* A dispaslïonate address to the subjects of Great-Britain. 1793, 8. (2 fh.) Familiar let- ters on a variety of subjects; 1794. 8. (5 fh.) On the neceslity of adopting some measures to reduce the present number of dogs; with a shore account of hydrophobia and the most approved remedies against it. X795- 8, (I fh.) Sermons- Ed. 2. with great additions. 1798. The friendly call of truth and reason to a new species of dis- senters* scnters. 1799. 8. (2 ill.) A few observations on th^ expedience of parliamentary interpretation, duly to explain the act of William aiid Mary, commonly called „the tolerating act.,, 1799. 8. (1 a.) • (Several single sermons.) BARRY, [James] R. A. Professor of painting to the Royal Academy. born at Corck, in Ireland. See Public Characters of 1800-I80I. p. 303. A letter to the — President, Vice Presidents and the rest of the noblemen and gentlemen of the society for the encouragement of arts — 1793. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) A letter to the dilettanti society, respecting the obtention of certain matters essen- tially neceslary for the improvement of public taste and for accomplishing the original views of the Roy. Acad, of Great* Britain. 1798. 4. (2Íh. 6 d.) See P ilk in gt on. *BARRY, [John Melveu] M. Dr. at Cork. Letter respecting the cow-pock in Ireland, (D//»> cans A. of Med, Y, 1800. p. 460.) An account of the nature and effects of cow-pox. Cork. 1800. 8. ^BARRY, [Thomas] Narrative of the singular adventures and captivity of Thomas Barry among the Monsisri Indians in the unexplored regions of North - America, du- ring the Years 1797-1799 including the manners, customs &c. of that tribe; also a particular ac- count of his escape, accompanied by an American female; the extraordinary handships they encoun- tered, and their safe arrival in London; writ- ten by himself. 1800. 8. ( I sll. ) *B ART ELL, [Edmund] Jun. Observation* upon the town of Cromer, conside- red as a watering place and the picturesque scenery in its neighbourhood. 1800. 8. (3 ill. 6 d.) ^BARTER, [William Brudeuell] Answers to queries respecting draining lands, de- stroying moss and planting coppices. (Bath Agric, Soc. Vol. 8. p. 333.) ^BARTLAM, [J....] Statement of a plan -carried into execution by a Com- 6i Committee of the principal inhabitants of Alcester, in Warwickshire, for the relief of the poor, in that place and neighbourhood. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol 26. p, 59 ) #BARTLETT, [JoHah] Seejedidiak Morse. BARTLEY, [Nehermah] Esq. Secretary to the Baih Agricultural society, On the culture of buck-wheat; wheat and po- tatoes, alternately, and the uses of buck • wheat. (Bath Agricult Soc. Vol. 3. p. 288.) Account of an experiment in the cultivation of buck-wheat (fa- gopyrum) made at Brislington. (lb. Vol, 3. p. 312.) Account of a series of experiments made on his farm near ttnstol. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p 267.) On the culture and valueofpotatoes. (Bath Agr. Soc. Vol.S- p«343-) On potatoe culture from feed, (lb. Vol. 8. P- 330») Observations on the conversion of pasture lands into tillage and after a certain course of crops re- laying the fame into pasture. Also-hints on the utility of applying the potatoe as food for sheep —. To which is added , a copy of a letter to the chancellor of the exchequer on the late piopofed measure of permitting starch,, manufactured from potatoes, to be exempted from the revenue duties. 1802 8 (lib 6d.) On eroding the breed of íïieep, (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. I803. Apr. p. 250.) *BARTON, [Aud-ew] The disappointement, or the force of credulity, a new comic opera in 3 acts. £d. 2. Philadelphia. I796' 8. (The first comedy 1 writteu in America.) BARTON, [Benjamin Smith] M. Dr. Profeffor of Na- tural phifosojoky and botany in the University of Pennsylvania. Member of the Roy. Soc. of Edinburgh. Account of the most effectuai means of preventing the deleterious consequences of the bite of crota- lus horridus or rattle - snake. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3- p. IOO.) Inquiry into the question, whether the apis mellihVa or true honey-bee is a native of America. (Ibid, Vol. 3. p. 241.) Botanical de- scription of the podophyllum dipbylJinn of Lin* ttaeus. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 334.) Memoir concerning the fascinating faculty which has been ascribed to the 62 the rattle-snake and other American serpents. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 74. Tilloclïs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 15, p. I93.) tibers. von E. A. PV. v. Zimmer* mantt, Leipzig. 1708. 8. Some account of an American species of Diptis or Jerboa. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 114.) Observations and conjectures concerning certain articles which were taken out of an ancient tumulus, or grave, at Cincinnati, in the county df Hamilton and territory of the uni- ted states, North-West of the river Ohio. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 181.) Hints relative to ihe stimulant effects of camphor upon vegetables. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 232 ) So,me account of the poisonous and in- jurius honey of North - America. (Ibid. Vol 5. p. 51* Tillochïs Philos. Magaz. Vol.12, p ill.) On Indian dogs. (Tillock's Philos» Magaz. Vol. 15. p. 1.136.) A memoir concerning the fascina- ting faculty which has been ascribed to the rattle- snake and other American serpents. Philad. 1796* Suppl. 1800. 8. ubers. in Biester's Berlinischen slattern. J. 1797. Nov. S. 201. in Hegetvisck tmd Ebelings Americanischen Magazin. B.I. St, 4. S. I. libers, mit Anmerk. von A, W, v. Zimmermatw* Î798. 8. Collections for an eslay towards a ma- teria mcdica of the United states. Philad. 1798. 8. New views of the origin of the tribes and na- tions of America. Philad. 1798 8- Ed. 2. 1799» Fragments of the natural history of Pennsylvania. Part, I. Philad. 1799* (4 ^0 Papers relative to certain American antiquities. Philad. 1796» 4. A memoir concerning the disease of goitre as it prevails in different parts of North* America. 1800* 8. ubers. von fVilk„ Liebsck* Gottingen. 1802» 8. ^BARTON, [Charles] Esq. of the Inner * terns U; Barrister at law. An historical treatise of a suit in equity: in which is attempted a scientific deduction of the procee- dings used on the equity sides of the courts of chancery and exchequer, from the commencement of the suit to the decree and appeal; with occasio- nal remarks on their purport and efficacy; and «n introductory discourse on the rise and progress of the equitable jurisdiction of those courtâ. 179Ó. 63 g. (5 sti.) Original precedents hi conveyancing, selected from the manuscript collection of the late Joseph Powell. Esq. revised and corrected, with notes and remarks. Vol. I-ó. I802. (3 *BARTON, [J ] Rev. On a new method of propagating potatoes. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. g. p. 366.) *BARTON, CPhilip3 B. D. Sub-Dean and Canon of the cathedral church of St. Peter) Exeter. t born .... died June 24. 1796. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 179Ó. July. p. 6l6. Allg. Litt Zeit. ItBK J. 1800. S. 627. Plutarch? s Parallel lives 17 ;Sermon on the consecration of Bishop Lowtb. 17... ♦BARTON, [Samuel] of Salem, in New-England. — — and Joseph Blaney, letter on the culture of hemp, (American Museum Y. 1787. May. p. 425 ) ♦BARTON, [W....] Rtv. of Bownesf, on the lake of Windermere^ Westmoreland. Fleets restorative for the rot in ihecp. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.29, p. 318.) "BARTON, [William] Esq. Observations on the probabilities of the duration of human life and the progress of population id the United states of America. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 25.) On the propriety of investing congress with power to regulate the trade of the United fUtes. (American Museum Y. 1787- p. 13.) Remarks on the state of American manufactures and com- merce. (American Museum Y. 1790. June. p. 284 ) *BARTRAM, [John] Esq. F R. S. a Quacker. Observations in his travels from Pennsylvania to Onondago. 1751. 8. BARTRAM, [Jfaac] Memoir on the destillation of perfimons. (Ameri* can Muleum Y. 1788. Febr. p 135 ) BARTRA Vf, [Moses] M. Dr. of St. Paul's Parish. South - Carolina. born .... died .... (?) Medical facis and observations; (Tr. of Phyf. of Philad. Vpt. I. P.I. p. 195.) Account of one of the causes of the trismus nafcentium. (ibid. Vol. I. P, I. p. 227.) Observations ou the cicada, ot locust 64 locust of America, which appears periodically once in ló or 17 years. (American Museum Y, 1788. Dec. p. 502.) *BARTRAM, [William] (Son of John Rartram;) Travels through North and South- Carolina, Georgia, East and West-Florida, the Cherokee counrry, the extensive territories of the muscogul- ges, or creek confederacy and the country of the chactaws; containing an account of the foil and natural productions of these regions, together with observations on the manners of the. Indians. Embellished with copperplates. Philad. 1791. (2 Dollars) Reprinted London. 1792. ( 7 sti. 6 d.) American natural history. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1793. Febr, p. 103.) *BARWIS, [Jackson] Esq. Three dialogues concerning liberty* Ï776. 8. (2 fh.) A fourth dialogue concerning liberty; containing an exposition of the falsity of the first and leading principles of the present revolutionists in Europe. 1793. 8. (I ft.) ♦BASELEY,[T ] A As: Chaplain to the Bi- shop of Lincoln. Sermons on various sùbjeáls, 1801. 8. (6 fh.) *BASIRE, [James] Some account of the abbey church of Bath , illu- strative often engravings. 1799. 8. (2 L. 2 ib.) *BASKERVILLE, [John] Printer. born at Wolverley, m the county of Worcester 1706 i died 1775. William Hut toil's account of John BaskervOJe. See Massachusetts^ Magaz. Vol. 3. 1791. p. 673* *BASQUIN, [Anthony] Authentic memoirs of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor - General of Bengal, with strictures on the management of bis impeachment. To which is added an examination into the causes of allarm in the empire. 1793, 8. *BASS, [G....] Captain, Account of the island Alamagan, one of the Nor- thern Mariannes. (Monthly Magaz. y. 1801. March, p. 113.) «'BASSE, 65 »BA$SEj [J.... H ] , Cateehifm of hcalth; for the iife of schools mid for domestic instruction, by 6. C\ F au ft y M.br* Translatée! frotn the Hetman. 17Q4. 1,2. (2 fh ) *BÀSSET', [Sir. Francis] /M. /\ E&periitíents in agriculture. {ìsouttg's A* of Agr4 Vol. 22. p. 145») ^BASSET, [Richard] ?ì . On the neW ìnclofure of ôlérìtv^ón'h» On tineôltì heath. (Fo«agV A* of Agr. Voh33* p<535-> *BATES, [Ely] - Observations on soitiè important poihtS òf divì-^ nity; chieíìy thofe in Controverse bètween the Ar- niíniaûs and Calvimsts; withthree dialogues in \vhich the said points are furth.ef ìlUistratéd. The whole intended as an antidote against the perni* fiotis tenets of Antinomians and Ncccfïitarians* Extracled froiti an author.of the last cermirV* l?93-. Í2. (2ÍK 6 d.) A curfory View of civil govern- inent chiefly in relation to Virtue and happinefsè 1797. 8. (3'(h. ) Rural philqsophy: or* re- fìections on knowledgèj viítue and hâppitìessj — Í8Q3- 8. (7 sti.) *BATBS,í[Joah] Es q. One 0f thè Commissions!*ì òf htt - Ma), ciistofns and a Direâor ofGreenivick Hospitah born .... died m London, July 1799* See Gentleroail's Magaz. Y. 1799* jtine* p, 532. Motithly Maga.é* Y. 1799. July. (3.495* Altg» Litter.Zeitung. ItBIÍ J. 18Û0. S. 6ÓO4 Oiì harmonies; 17 . .. *BATH and WELLS, Biíhop oí, See Ckaïles Mb)s% fi ATM, [Robert] Sìiïgeo*. On the medica I charades, fcd. 3. 1789* iibeíf* voit C. F. Michaeliï. Leipzig. 1791. 8. *BATHURST» [Henry] Earh born t7o8* dted Í794. at hî§ feafc at Oakle> gròve* Aug, 6. Seé Gentlehïán's Magaát. Y* 1794* Aug. p, 770. The case of Miss Swordfeger; Í7*. 4. Theory of évidence. Ì761* 8. *BATsON, [Robert] Esq. bf Lhîìehoufè. Oh the dry. rot itî timber. (Tr« of thé Soc. sot the Ë» óf A, VoL 12* p. 263.) neufs G. E. Suwt. fi * BATTY, 66 ♦BATTY, [R./..] As. Dr. — T Bradley, M. Dr. and A. A. Noeh- de'ti) The medical and physical journal ou sub- jects of medicine, pharmacy , surgery, chemistry and natural history i— Vol. 1-9. (Nrb; ' Í - 52.) I802. 8. (each 15 sh. 6d.) tibcrs. von Kiikn. Leipzig. *BATTY, [William] As. Dr. Physician in Genoa.' On the use of the cuprum ammoniacale, in the ciire of epilepsy. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y* 1801. Pr,3770i. «BATTYE, [Thomas] A disclosure of parochial abuse, artifice and pecu- lation in the town of, Manchester; which have been the means of burthening the inhabitants with *.-r. the present enormous parish rates: with other cxi- ; 1 sting impositions of office in a variety of facts, exhibiting the cruel and inhuman conduct of the . * hireling officers of the town towards the poor. — i 1796. 8. (2 ih.) The red Basil book , or parish register of arrears for the maintenance of the unfortunate offspring* of illicit amours; with a* farther développement of .most shameful and unprecedented acts of abuse in the town of Man- chester. Part 1. 1797. 8. (2 sh. 6d.); . BAXTER, [Alexander] Esq. of Odiham y Hants. On honesty in agriculture. (Young's A. of Ágr. Vol. 3. p. 314.) Experiment on fattening hogs, (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 482.) On the smut ,in wheat. (Ibid. Vol 4. p 201.) On tillage, (ibid. Vol.4. P- 330-) Experiments in fatting hogs. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 97-) On the North - America vviid oats. (Ib, Vol. 6. p. 390.) «BAY/Í William] Citizen of the state of New. York. An inaugural dissertation on the operation of pe- stilential fluids upon the large intestines, termed by nofologist's dysentery, New-York. 1797. 8. BAYLEY, [Ansclm] LL. D. Sub-Dean as kit Majesty S Chapels Royal. born .... died Sept. 1794. A collection of amhein* for the use of the cha- pels; 17, BAYLEY, 67 BAÏLEY, [C....] Rev.. The Swedenborgian doctrine of a trinity conside- red. 1785. 12. *BAYLEY, [James] Description of his proportional scale. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 9. p. 153.) *BAYLEY, [John] The forester, or the royal feat; a drama, in 5 - acts. 1798. 8. (r fh. 6 d.) BAYLEY, [John] Esq. Barrister at Law* Reports of cafes argued and adjudged in the courts of King's bench and common pleas, in the reigns of K. William, Q.. Anne, K. George j. and K. .' George 2. by Robert Lord Raymond. Ed, 4. cor- rected with additional references to former and later reports. Vol. 1-3, 1790. 8. (i L. 16 fh.) .. . .A summary of the law of bills of exchange cash bills and promissory notes. Ed. 3. 1797. 8. (5 |h.) <>BAYLEY, [Peter] Jun. Poems. 1803. 8. BAYLEY, [Richard] A Surgeon of the state of New- York, A account of the epidemic fever which prevailed in New - York in 1795 , with the method of cure. I79Ó. (5 fh. ) Letters from the health-office, submitted to the common * council of the city of New-York. 1798. 8. BAYLEY, [Thomas Burterworth] Esq, F. R, S. Of Hope mar Mancktfter. born 1744, died Jun. 24. 1802. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1802. July, p 689» Aug. p. 777. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Aug. p. 39. Allg, Litterat,Zcit. ItBl. J. 1803, N. 48. . S. 401. . Thoughts on the nature and advantages of cure and oeconomy in collecting and preserving diffe- rent substances for manure. Ed. 2. 1796* 8. (6 d.) (Tr. ot Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P. 2 p* 141.) On turnipe roads. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 27. p. r.) Observations in favour of a bill to empower courts of justice to award costs in cafes of misdemeanour* (Ibid. Vol. 28« p. 195.) Observations ou a bill which is said to be under consideration, to oblige the owners as tenements and houses, under tea '£ 4 potiudf pounds a year, to pay the taxes for the fame, fib, Vol.28, p. 393.) Charge delivered to the grand jury, at the quarter - feslions at Salford* April 25. 1798. (Ibid. Vol. 31. p. 182.) Obier, nations on the striking advantages resulting from sentencing convicts to hard labour and solitude, (American Museum Y. 1788. June, p, 514.) *B AY LI ES, [William] A. As: A. A. S: Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Soc. Physician at Dighton. Account of the ulcerated sore throat, as it appeared in the town of Dighton (County of Bristol) in the Years i'/85 a«ul 178Ó. (M. P. of M. S. Nrb. 1, p'. 4t.) Cafe of a calculus in the ureters, together with another of the sudden growth of the stone, consequent upon the introduction os a foreign body into the bladder. ( Ibid. Nrb. J. p. 90.) Description of gay head. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 3. P. I. p. 150.) 1 BAYNHAM, [William] Surgeon in Essex County in Virginia. Account of an extra-uterine conception. (Simmtfnïf Med. Facts. Vol. I. p 73.) iibcrf. Repertor. chi- runz, u. Medic. Abhandi. Th. I. S. 156, *BAYNTON, [George] Oration in praise of Rum-held in the University of Pennsylvania on the 30 July 1789» (Colum- bian Magaz. Y. 179a. Apr. p. 215.) *BAYNTON, [Thomas] Surgeon of Bristol Descriptive account of a new method of treating old ulcers in the legs. 1797. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) iiberf. in Schregers und Harlesf Annalen der neuc- sten Engl, und Franz. Chir. u. Geburthsh. B. I, S. 294. On nitrous acid in siphilis. (Medical Re- pository. Vol.i. p.278.) See Rich* Nayler. *BAZELEY, [T ] Sermons on various subjects. 1802. 8. (6fli.) #BEAN, [Jamcs] Vicar of Olney, in Buckingham shirt and Curate of Carshalton, in Surry, The country minister's affectionate advice to a new married couple 17.., Prayers for families; 17... Fomily worship; a course of morning and evening prayers for every day in the month. 179Ó. 8. (4sli. 6d.) (Several single sermons.) * «BEANE, 69 * B E A N E , [ ] Surgeon in the army* On the fever of Demcrary. (Mem. of M. S. of L# Vol. 5 p 333.) *BEARD, [.Henry] of the Inner - Temple. Cursory remarks on the laws with respect to the imprisonment of debtors. I801. 8. (I ih.) BEARDS LEY, [Ebenezer] As. Dr. History of a dysentery , in the 22 Regt. of the late continental army, occasioned by the barrack's being over crowded and not properly ventilated. ( American Museum Y. 1789. March, p. 249.) #B EATON, [Angus] Canongate, Edinburgh. On the art of making kelp and of increasing the growth of the marine plants from which it it made. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. 1. p. 33.) •BEATSON, [Alexander] Lieutenant - Colonel. View of the origin and cowduct of the tvar with Tippo Sultan, comprising a narrative of the ope-i rations of the army under the command of Lieut. Gen. George Harris and of the siege of Seringa* 1 patam. 1800. 4. ( l L. II 111. 6 d.) BE AT SON, [Robert] Esq. F. R. S. E. (late of his Maj. Corps Royal Engineers.) born 1742 at Dysart, in the county of Fife. Naval and military memoirs of Great-Britain from the Y. 1727. to the present time. Vol. 1-3* 1790. 8. (l8 ft.) A new and distinct view of the memorable action of the 27 of July 1778» in which the whole of the aspersions cast on the characters of the flag officers are shewn to be to- tally unfounded and the miscarriage traced to its true cause. 1791. 8, (I sh.) An essay on the comparative advantages of vertical and horizontal wind-mills: Containing a description of an hori- zontal wind* mill and water-mill, upon a new construction and explaining the manner of applying the same principle to pumps, sluices, methods for moving boats or vessels — 1798. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) On farm buildings in general. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol I. p. I.) On cottages. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. I03.) Observations on making and re- pairing roads, wherein are suggested several im- provements en their construction and on wheel E 3 carria- 7o carriages. (Ibid. Vol. i, p. 119.) Observations on embankments, explaining the nature and constrn- 'ction of those calculated for reclaiming lands from the sea, from rivers and from lakes,, or for pre- venting encroachments and guarding against inun- dations; with remarks on some embankments al. ready executed. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 331.) BE AT TIE, [James] LU Dr. F. R. S. Edin. Proses- for of Moral Pki/osophy — Aberdeen. born in the county of Kincardine, in Scotland 1735. died 1803. Aug. 18. See Public Characters of 1801-I802. p. 449. Gcntlem. Maçaz. Y. 1803. Sept. p. 88;5. Elements of moral science. Vol. 2. 1793.8. (7^h.) Essays; I/77- 4» iiberf, von C. Meiners. B. r. 2*. Leipzig. 1779. 8* Remarks on some passageg of the 6 book of the Eneid. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 2- p. 33 ) The minstrel: in two books; with some other poems; to which are added Mifcdla* nies by James Hay Reattie*', With an account of his life and character. Vol. 1. 2. 1799. 8. (6 sh.) *BEAVER, [George] S. D. Refior of Trent t in ike county of Somerset and West-Stafford, Cum Frame Billet, Dorsetskire. Several single sermons, BEAUFORD, [William] A. M. A memoir respecting the antiquities of the church of Killossy in the county of Kildare; with some conjectures on the origin of the ancient Irish chur- ches. (Tr. of J. A. 1789. p. 75. c.) A dissertation on the reflexion and réfraction of light from vapour?, fogs, mists &c. with an account of some curious phacnomcna proceeding from those causes, seen in Ireland 111 the Y. 1796. I797. a,1d 180I. (Tillocfis Philos. Magaz. Vol.13, p. 336.) Some conjectures respecting the origin of stones which have been observed to fall from the clouds. (lb. Vol. 14. p. 148.) Caoinan: or some account of the ancient Irish lamentations. (Tr. of J. A, Vol. 4 p. 41. €.) <*BEAU- + Astilront Profcfior' of Moral Philosophy mid Logic in the Marischiii- college » Aberdeen, died 1790. Nov. 19. 71 ♦ BEAUFORT, [Daniel Augustus] LL. D. ReBor of Navan in the county of M^atk and Vicar of Cóllon, in the county nf Loutk; M. R. Í. A. Memoir of a map of Ireland , ill u íì rating the to« pography of that kingdom and containing a short account of its presenr state , civil and ecclesiasti- cal; with a complete index to the map, 1792. 4; (.10 sh 6 d.) The map 16 sh. ♦ BEAUFORT, [John] LL. D. The daughter of adoption, a tale of modern ti- mes. Vol. 1-.4. 1800. 12. (iófh.): BEAUFOY, [Henry] Esq. M. P. for Great Yarmouth and Secretary to the board of Controul. born .... died 1795. May 17. at Clifton near Bristol. ì See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. May. p. 445. *BECKf [Edward] Weight of a South-down sheep. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol 26. p I84.) *BECK, [Thomas] A dissenting minister at London, The pallions taught by truth; an allegorical poem. 1795 3. (ifh.) *The roiflìonary, a poem; to which are subjoined hints on the propagation of the gospel at home and abroad, 1795. 12. (t iibers. Berlin. 1791. 8» The history of France, from the most early records, to the death of Louis XVI. The ancient part by Will. Beck for d-, Esq. — The modern part by an English Gentle- 'man, wo has been some time resident in Paris, Vol. í-4. 1794. 8. (I L. 4 fh,) iibers, B. 1-4, Leipzig. 1798, 8. E 4 *BECK* 7* *EECKFORD , [William] Esq. F. 4. S. Of %ht sm at Fontkill, in ìViltskire. * Biographies memoirs of extraordinary painters, 1780, 12. ^The history of the Caliph Vatheck, 17- • • 8. *EECKWITH, [John] F. L, S. The history and descriptions of four ue\w fpecies of phalaena. (Transact. of L. S. Vol, 2. p, I.) BEDDQES, [Thomas] M. Dr, fhysitian ap Bristol A mtive of Sçotland. Observations on the nature ànd cure of cajeusos, searfeurvy, consomption, catarrh and fever; to- gether with conjectures upon feveral other fub* jects of physiology and pathology. 1793. (4 sh,) iibers. B. 1.2. Leipzig. 1794. I79^- 8. A letter %o Erasmus Darwin, M, Dr. on a new method of treatjng pulmonary consomption and famé othçr diseases hitherto found incurable. 1793. 8. (i fli,) VÌberf. Leipzig, 1794. 8< Observations on the nature of démonstrative évidence; \yith an expia- mtioti of certain difÇculties oçcqrnng in the cle- ments of geometry and rcflectiqns pu language. Ï793- 8. (3 fh- 6 d-) A guide for self-préser- vation qnd parenta{ affection. 1793. 12, (3 d.) Letters fronj Dr. Wit kerivg, of Birmingham; Pr■ Ftvqvi! of Bath , Dr. Tkarn tê n of Lpndon »nd Dr. &iggs% latç of the islç Qf Sant* Cruz; together wîth fome ptfyer papers, sopplementary to jtwp publications on asthma, consomption, fe- Ytr and pther diseases, 1793, 8.. (I fh,) Çonside- yations on the médicinal use of factitious ajrs and on the manner Qf obtaining them in large quanti- fies, (publislied in association, wjth James Watt, pngineer pí Birmingham) P. r, 2, 3. 4. 5- I794~ T796. (II fh, fy d.) iiberf. nach der 2, Ausg. yon C. Zaí/ikojfyr von Altenkljngen, Hajlç. 1796, 8, The cléments ofmediçine of John RrQwnx M- D, Translated from the latin 1 with comment* and illustrations by the- authorj A uety editiqn , revi- se d and corrected. Wich 3 biographical préface. ?ud 9 head of the author. Vol. i« 2. 1795. 8, (l# ft.) ùbers, von T*-Ckristii* Kppenbage"t 1797*. 73 1797* 8» * Where would be the harm of a sp?e- dy peace? 1795. 8. (3d.; A word in defence •of the fcilTof rights, against the gagging bills. 1795, 8« (3 d.) A new method of operating for the femoral hernia; Translated from the Spanish of Don Antonio De G i mberuat, Surgeon to the King of Spain j To which are added, with plates by the translator, queries respecting a safe method of performing inoculation and the treatment of certain fevers. 1795. 8, O fh, 6 d.) Cafe of phlegmonic inflammation, with reflections on cer- tain effects of heat and cold on the living system. {Sfmmon$*s Medical facts and observations. Vol. 4. p. 148.) uberf. Repert. chirurg. und Medu. Ab- handh S* 16. An account of the good ef- fect? of opium iq the cafe of a person poisoned by digitalis. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 17.) Facts relative to the origin of intermittent fevers. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 26.) A letter to William Pi 11, on the means of relieving the present scarcity and preventing the diseases that arise from meagre food. 1796. 8. (i fh.) Essay on the public merits of Mr. Pitt* 1796. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) Circular letter% respecting the use of the nitrous acid in the venereal disease. (Duncan's A. of Med, Y. 1797, p. 384.) Reports principally concerning the effects of the nitrous acid in tire venereal disease hy the surgeons of the Roy. ho- spital at Plymouth and by other practitioners. 1797- 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) libers, von Dr. Fried. Gotth* Friese. Breslau. 1799.8* Alternations compared; or, what shall the rich do to be safe? to which are prefixedi remarks oh the management of the navy and on several recent occurrences. 1797. 8. (istu 6 d<) A lecture introductory to a course of po- pular instruction on the constitution and manage- ment of human body. 1797. 8. (l fh. 6d.) Con- tributions to physical and medical knowledge, principally from the West of England. 1799. 8» (8 fh.) Notiçe of some observations made at the medical pneumatic institution, 1799. 8« (lfh,'6d.) Essay on the causes, early signs and prevention of pulmonary consumption; Ed. 2. much enlar- ged. 1799. 8. libers, von1 6. S. Kramer, Halber- ítfldf. 8. A collectioq of testimonies re- E 5 specting spectiug, the treatment of the vcneral disease by nitrous acid. 1799. 8. (5 fh.) hberf. von F. G, Friese. Brcslau. 1799- 8* Communications re- specting the" external and internal use of nitrous acid; demonstrating its efficacy in every form of venereal disease and extending its use to other complaints: with original facts and a preliminary discourse. 1800. 8. (4 fh.) Observations on the medical and domestic management of the con- sumptive; on the powers of digitajis purpurea and on the cure of serophula. 1801. 8. (7 lh.) A collection of testimonies respecting the treat- ment of the venereal disease by nitrous acid. I801. 8, (4Íh.) Hygeia; or, essays, moral and medical, on the causes affecting the personal state of our middling and affluent classes. Vol. I -3. l8o#. 8. (lU 4 fh.) Blue colours obtained from a substance found in smelting furnaces. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. 2. p. 302 ) Some observations on the flints of chalk-beds; (Ibid. Vol. 4. P 2. p. 303.) On Kant's philosophy. (Monthly Ma- gazine Y. 179Ó. May, p. 265. ) Etymological observations. (Ibid. Y. 1796. July. p. 44 c Y. i8oo« April, p. 210,) Account of a new infect (curcu. lio anti - odontalgias) said to be endowed with a remarkable property. (Ibid. Y. 1796. Nov. p. 792 Y. 1797 p. 4.) Letter on the pneumatic institution. (Ibid. Y. 1798. Oct. p. 238.) On teaching arithmetic and mathematics, (ibid. Y, 1799. Oct. p 678. cf Dec. p. 851.) Method to prevent the low sever. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Apr. p. 233-} Tk. Beddoes and Bradley, an account of the discovery and operation of a new medicine for gout. I803.8. (4fh. ) Observations on the affinity between basaltes and granite. (Phi). Trans- act, Y. 1791. p. 48.) An account of some ap- pearances attending the conversion of cast into malleable iron. (Ibid. Y. I79L p. 173 ) Fur- cher observations on the process for converting cast, into malleable iron. (Ibid. Y. 1792, p. 257.) On the discovery -of sulphate of Strontian , near Sodbury in Gloucestershire, (Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 41. 94.) Letter respecting Four croys s account of the discoveries of Maycw, (Ibid. Vol. 75 g", p. 108.) Account of the strange çfíects pro- duced, by respiration of the gaseos oxide of azo- te, (ibid. Vol. 3. p. 446.) On the experiments made at the Roy. Institut, with the nitrous acide. (Ibtd. Vol. 4. p. 75.) On the means of foretelling the character of the summer season and the bene- fits to be expected from the cultivation of grasses which vegetate at low temperatures.. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 131 ) On prognostics of the weather, the effects of the nitrous oxide, and other objects. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Febr. p. 98.) ♦BEDFORD, [ ] Duke. The speech on the motion for an address to his Majesty, for the dismissal of his present ministry, with a copy of the address. 1798. 8. (6 d.) ^BEDFORD, [J ] of Birck-Manor-Essex. On malt-dust as a manure. (Bath Ágric. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 366.) *BEE, [Thomas] Esq. * Method of making soap from myrtle wax. (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1788- Nov. p. 436.) *BEEKE, [Henry] B. D. ^Letter on the meaus of securing a safe and ho- nourable peace, 1798. 8- Observations on the produce of the income-tax and on its proportion to the whole income of Great - Britain: including; important facts respecting the extent, wealth and population of this kingdom. Part I. 1799. 8- (2 sh.) A/ new and corrected edition with con- siderable additions respecting the extent, com- merce, population, division of income and capital of this kingdom. 1800. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) *BEERE, [Richard], Rettor of Sudbrooke in Lincoln- J hire. An epiíìle to the chief priests and elders of the jews 5 containing an answer to Mr. David Lev if challenge— 1789. 8- ( 3 sh- ) Dissertation on the 13 and 14 verses of the 8 Chapter of Da- nieli containing — arguments to prove that the commencement of the final restoration of the jews 'to the holy land is to take place in the ensuing year A. D. 1791. To which ia added an astro- nomical demonstration of the truth of the com- putations contained in this work —* as also, a se* cond cond epistle to the chief príeíh and ciders of the jews. 1790. 8. (2 sh.) BEEVOR, [Miles] An account of the parish of Hcthel, in Norfolk, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 8- p. 187.) An experi- ment of feeding sheep with spring.sown wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 8- p. IÇI.) Account of the parish of Ketteringham, from 1700 to 1786. (lb. Vol.8. P-345-) BEEVOR, [Sir Thomas] Bart. On the culture of turnip-rooted cabbage. (Bath Agriculr. Soc. Vol, 3. p. no. Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790. Jan. p. 37.) Of the duration of the wood of different kinds of trees, in their diffe- rent applications, when exposed to the weather* (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 155.) Account of the origin, progress and regulations with a description of the newly established Bridewell, or penitentiary house at Wymondham, in Norfolk. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 227. American Museum Y. 1789. Sept. p. 223. Dec. p. 45Ó.) On setting wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 241.369*) On the Suffolk breed of cows; raising potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 280.) Value of turnip- rooted cabbage, as a spring crop. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 38o.) On the use and value of turnip - rooted cabbage. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 290.) On the mangel- wurzel, or scarcity root. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 293.) Experiments on various forts of potatoes. (Ibid. Vol, 4. p.297.) On the mangel-wurzel and a new drill rollen. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 417.) On the turnip-rooted cabbage, roota-baga and potatoes, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 421.) On the roota-baga, the great value of potatoes to the poor and on tur- nip* rooted cabbage. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 457,) Que- ries of Mr. Le Blanc, respecting the culture of lurnip rooted cabbages, with answers to the fame. (Bath Agricult Soc. Vol. 6, p, 87.) Letter on va- rious subjects. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 89O Ou moving cabbage. (Ibid. Vol, 6, p. ÏQI,) On accuracy in the characteristick distinctions of plants. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 103.) Value of land , with the rife and fall of the different publiek funds. (Ibid, Vol. 7. p,32I>) * BEHN 77 *BEHN, [A....] Mrs. A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds, by de Fontettelle. The 7 edit, with considerable improvements. Translated by Mr, A. Behn; Mrè J. Qihnvil; John Hughes and fViil. Gardner. I801. 12. (3 fli.) ♦BELCHER, [William] Bookseller in London. The galaxy; confuting of a variety 0/ sacred and other poetry. 1790.4. (iosh. 6d.) A song, entit- led lamentations for the pope, the devil and the pretender. Ì797. BELCHER, [William] Esq. of Ulcomht, near Maid- stone , Kent. Observations pn the culture of lucerne. (Youngs A of J\gr. Vol. I. p*298.) General remarks on the hose-hoeing husbandry* (Ibid* Vol.2, p. 187.) , Miscellaneous observations. (Ibid* Vol. 2. p. 343.) - Draining and manure. (Ibid* Vol.2, p.399.) Ou the South down husbandry, i Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 133.) Summer fallowing defended. (Ibid, V0L3. P 3-2Ó. 450») Observations on lucerne. (Ibid Vol. 3. p. 435.) Reply to queries relative to mud as a ma- nure for lucerne. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 34.) Miscella- neous agricultural remarks* (Ibid. VoK 4. p. 470.) On fallowing. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 1,8* Vol. 8. p. 121.)' On hops. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 97.) Experiments in fallowing. (Ib. VoL 7. p. 336. Vol. gk p. T84.) On the evaporation of dung and earth. (Vol. 7. p. 46Ó.) Speeding sainfoin?,» (lb. Vol. 7. p. 468.) Agricultural experiments, (lb. Vol.8, p. 118.) BELKN AP, [Jeremy] D. D. Minister of the church in federal- street, Boston. Member of tke Pkilos. Soc> in Philadelphia and of the Acad, of Arts and Sc. in Massachusetts. born in Bolton, June 4. I744» died 1798. July. See the Weekly Magazine. Philadelphia. Vol. 2- Y. 1798. Nro. 23. The history of new Hampshire. Vol.2. Boston. I79I- 8- (9 fh.) Vol. 3. 1792. (12 sh.) Ubers. in Histor. Portefeuille. B. 6. 178Ó. Advantages of preserving parsnips by drying. (Massachusetts Ma* gaz. Y. 1791. Oct. p. 597- Columbian Magaz. V. 1791. p. 40.) American biography or; an hi- storical storical account of those persons who have taeu distinguished in America as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors and other remarkable characters- comprehending a re- cital of the events connected with their Jives and actions. Vol, I. 1793. (9 sh.) Vol.2. 1800. 8. Dissertations on the character , death and^ resur- rection of Jesus Christ and the evidence of his gospel; with remarks on some- senti'mentis advan- ced in à book intitled "the age of reason." Bo- ston. 1795. 8- (3 sh.) ■ American antiquities. (Massachusetts Màgaz. Y. 1795. Jul r.; p/ 195^) Sacred poetry, consisting of psalms'' and hymns, adapted to christian demotion • in public "and pri- vate: selected from the best1 authors, with varia. tions and additions. Bostónv 1795. 8. *'The fo- resters-, an american tale; being a seqiiel to the history of John Bull the clothier in a scries of letters to a friend. Ed. 2. revised and Considera- bly enlarged. Boston. 179Ó. Account of the mountain Agamenticus, fix miles from -Baldhead ond eight from York harbour. (Coll. of Massicho- setts H. S. Y. 1794. P-1*-) Letter so Dr. Kip- pis, relative to an errour in his life of Caps. Cook9 with several testimonies in evidence, (lb. Y. 1795- P- 79» 98.) Letter containing some parti-' cuIbts relative to fire-engines, sties and buildings, at different periods, in Boston. (Ibid. Y. 1795. p* í88.)' AnssVers to the queries, proposed by Tucker of Virginia, respecting the slavery and emancipation of negroes in Massachusetts, (Ibid. Y. T795. p. 191.) The discovery and description of the islands called the Marquesas, in the South pacific Ocean , with a farther account of the seven adjacent, islands —; (îbid. Y. 1795. p. 238.) * Observations on the islands of juan Fernandez, Maflafuero and St. Ambrose, in the South pacific ocean and the coast of Chili in South-America. Extracted from the journal of Mr* Bernard Ma- gee. (Ib. Y. 1795. p. 247.) An account of the discovery of a group of islands* in the North pa- cific ocean by Capt. James Magie — (Ibid. Y, 1795. p. 261.298.) *An account of the great fire in Boston in the Y. 1711. (Ibid. Y. 1798. P- 5*0 79 §2.) Advantages of preserving parsnips by drying. (American Museum1 Y. 1787. p. 455- Massachu- setts Magaz, Y. 1791. Octi'p. ;596-) Observa- tions on the aurora boreaiis March 1783- (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1788. P- 29.) Description of the white mountains in New - Hampshire. (Ibid, ■ '> Y. 1788. p. 128.) A discourse intended to com- inemorate the discovery of America by Christopher 'Columbus ;Boston 1792. 8'. (3 fb.) BELL,'.[Andrew] F. S. A. S. Engraver to'his R. Highness the Prince of Wales. ioV See 'Andrew Fyfe.'! *BELL, [Audrewj Rev. An experiment in education, mad© at the male asylum of Madras. 1798. "8- (I4 sb.) BELL, [Benjamin] F. R. S. Ed. Member vf the Col- lege*of Surgeons of Ireland and Edinburgh. On the theory and management of ulcers .-^ hd 4. Edinb. 1787. ùbers. Ncue Ausg, Loipz. 1792. 8. Zusatze von E. G. Helenjìreit. Leipz. 1/93- 8. System of Sur&cry —; fibers, Ausg. 2. Th. [-5, Leipzig. Í792-1798. On gonorrhoea .virulenta and hies venera. Vol, 1. 2. 1793- 8 (12 sh,) iibers. B. 1.2. Leipzig. 1794» 8. On the hydro- cele, on sarcocele or cancer and other diseases • of the testes. 1794:8, (4 sh.) iibers. von E. G. B. Hebenjireit. Leipzig. 1795. 8- *BELL, [Benjamin] Member of the Royal See. of Edin- burgh. Essays on agriculture; with a plan for the speedy and general improvement of laud in Great - Britain. I802. 8. Cç Th.) Insoimation respecting the pro- fits of husbandry atid the means of preventing scarcity, irs the answers of 25 gentlemen to que- ries. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1802. May, P- 348.) * B EL L, [Charles] Fellow of the R. College of Surgeons at Edinburgh. A system of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body, the manner of displaying th© the parts and their varieties in disease* With plates. Vol I. Part. 1-5. Append. P. I. 1799. 1800, sol. (1 L. II fh. 6 d.) iibers. Leipzig* 1800. 8. A series of engravings, explaining the course of nerves. 1803. 4. (I L. I sh.) BELL, [George] Surgeon 9 Edinburgh* A treatise on th« cow-pox —; 1802. 1%. (3 sh.) ^BELL, [George] M. Dr. Some remarks on the opinion that thp animal body possesses the power of generating cold, (Qq* lumbian Magaz. Y. 1791. Aug. p. 110.) , vi J * B E L L. [George Joseph] Advocate On the l#w of bankrupty in Scotland, Vol. h 1801. 8. (19 sh ) ?BELL, fjames] M. Dr: one of the Physicians of the Kelso dispensary; atid formerly Pvefident of the Med. and Nat. hiftor. Societies of EdinT burgh- ■ t born died at Bluecasttej in the parish of Westmoreland, in Jamaica. Jan. 15. 1801. See Gentlem, Magaz. Y. 1801. Apr. p. 372* Cafe of retroversion of the uterus, terminating in abortion and death. ((Simmons^) Medical facts and observations. Vol. 8* p. 32.) ^BÉLL, [James] D. D. Minister of Coldftreûïn. Sermons, preached before the University of Glas- gow. 1790. 8. (6 fh.) ^BELL, [John] M> Dr: Physician in London: (Formes* ly Surgeon to the (ate 49 and to the 50 regi- ment of foot.) An inquiry into the causes which produce artel the means of preventing diseases among British officers, soldiers and others in the West • Indies* Containing observations on the mode of action of spirituous liquors on the human body. 1791. 8' (3 fh. 6 d.) Account of the cure of ail obstinate head - ach by cold spring Water* (Duncan's M. & Dec. 2. Vohó* p. 386,) **BELL, [John] Surgeon in Edinburgh. The anatomy of the human body Vol. 1. containing the bones, muscles and joints. Vol. à. containing the heart and arterieg. 1793. 1797* 8. (lL*IosbJ Vol. 3. Part 1. containing the anatomy of the brain and description ©f the course of the net- vesi SI ves î Part 2. the anatomy of the eye and ear <&c* with plates,, published by Charks R ell. I803. 8- (15 fh.) Engravings, explaining the anatomy of the bones , muscles and joints. (2$ plates)* 1794. (I L. I fh.) Engravings pf rhe arteries illustrating the second volume of the anatomy of the human body by John Bell and serving as an introduction to the surgery of the arteries. I80Ï. 8- (I U I fh.) The anatomy of the brain explained in 2 fencs of engravings. 1802. 4> (2 L. 2 fh.) Discourses on the nature and cure of wounds. X795. 8. v7 fh. 6 d.) libers, von Dr. J. C. F. Leune, Th. 1. 2» Leipzig. 1798- 8* Answer for the junior members of the Roy. College of surgeons of Edinburgh to the memorial of Dr. James Gregory** memorial to the managers of the Royal Infirmary (of Edin- burgh) I800. 8» (4 fh*) The principles of sur- gery, as they relate to wounds, ulcers and sistu* . Jas, anevrifms and fractures of the limbs; and the duties of the military and hospital surgeon. VoK I. 2. I80I. 4» C4 L» 4 fh.) *BELL, [John] Eiq. of Maryland. Sketches of the Président of the United states Gen, Washington* (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791, March, p. 139 ) *BELL, [John] at fVoolwich. Observations on throwing a gun - harpoon. (Tr» of the hoc. for the E. of A. Vol.n. p*l850 ^BELL, '[Joseph] Eos. Advocate. A treatise on the law of bankruptcy in Scotland. 'Vol, I. 1802. 8. ( 19 sh ) *BELL, [Robert] of Huntskill^ near Jedburgh, North* Britain. born . ♦ ♦ é died **.♦(?) An account of the improvements upon an ex ten* five farm, containing a large portion of land lying waste and uncultivated. (Tr* of the SoC, for the E, of A. Vol. 17. p. 166,) BELL) [Sir Thomas] Knight: M. Dr> in Dublin. born died Nov* 1789. *BELL, [William] Surgeon in the service of the East* India Company at Bencoolen* Description of the double horned rhlnofceros of Sumatra. ( Phil. Transact* Y. I?93v p* 30 He- fattss G. Snpph F scrijUiod scriprion x>f a species of ehactodon, called, bjr the Malays, ccanbonna* (Ibid. Y. 1793- p. 7.) BELL, [William]. D. D. Prebendary of St. Peter't fVeft m instar and Vicar of Christ . churchì London. Arguments in proof of (he authenticity of the nar. ratives of the extraordinary conception and birth of John the baptist and the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus Christ; contained in the two first chapters of the gospels of St. Matihew and St. Luke, 1795. 8. (2 sh.) An enquiry into the divine missions of John the baptist and Jcfui Christ, Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (6 fh.) *IELL AMY, [Elizabeth] The young lady's assistant, or, on easy intro- duction to enghsh grammar. 1802. 12. (l sh.) ^BELLAMY, [J ] jesus Christ the only god: being a defence of that fundamental doctrine of the christian religion against Arianism and Socianism. 1792. 8- (2 sh.) •BELLAMY, [Joseph] D. D. Pastor at BeihUm, Conmclicut. born at New • Cheshire, itt the County of New Haven 1719. died 1790. March 6, See Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1799. Fcbr. p. 45. Early piety recommended, a sermon from Eccl. XII, I. 17 . . . True religion delineated; 1750, Sermons on the divinity of Christ — the millen- nium — and the wisdom of God, in the permis» sion of sin; 17... Dialogues on Tricron and Afpasio; by Paulinus; 17... Essay on the go- spel; 17... The great evil of sin; a sermon: 17... The law a school - master; a sermon; 17 . . - BELLAMY, [Thomas] Bookseller in King-street, Co- vent - Garden, London. (Editor and publisher of the monthly mirror, a magazine). The benevolent planter; a dramatic piece; Ed.2. 1792. (ish.) Miscellanies, in prose and verse. Vol. 1.2. 1795. 8- (10 sh.) The school for libertines {New - York Magaz. Y. 1795. Nov, p* Ó88-) Sadaski; or the wandering penitent; a uovel. VoL I. 2. Í798. 8- (7 sh.) *BELLEN. S3 *BELLENGER, [W.... A...,] (?) The french and cnglish idioms compared —♦ I80I. 12. (2 fh. 6 d.) BELOE, [William] B. D: F. A. S: Re ft or of shal- lows , London - Wall. (a native of Norwich) The history of Herodotus, translated from the greek, with notes. Vol. 1-4, 1701. 8. (1^ ifh.) * Ale ip hr 0 »' x epistles; in which are described the domestic manners, the courtisans and parasites of Greece; now first translated from the greek. 1791. (5 sh.) The Attic nights of Aulus Gel- lius, translated into English. Vol, 1 -3. T705* Miscellanies, consisting of poems, elastkal extracts and oriental apologues. Vol. T. 2- 3. 1795- 13. (In association with Nares, W. Tooke and the late Morrison , edited the new edition of the biographical dictionary in 15 Voll. 8- In associa- tion with Narejy a principal conductoY of the British critic, a review; An english translation of the Arabian nights entertainments and for Jo» fìph , translated from the french of Bitaubi ) *BELSH A M, [James] "Essays philosophical, historical and literary. Vol. 1.2 1789 I79Ï* 8- (14 sh.) uberf. Berlin u. Stralfund. 1798. 8. ^BELSHAM, [Thomas] A socinian Minister at Hack- ney. The importance of truth and the duty of ma- king an open profession of it; a sermon. 1790, Dishonest shame the primary source of the coif^ ruptions of the christian doctrine, a sermon. 1794. 8. «Knowledge the foundation of virtue, a sermon. 1795. 8- (6 à.) Review of Wilber- force^s treatise, entitled, a practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed chri- stians. 1798. 8. (4 fh ) Elements of the philo- sophy of the mind and of moral philosophy. To which is prefixed a compendium of logic. I80I* 8. (9 ) Reply to Herbert Marsk's vindication of a late work, styled, a history of the politics of Great-Britain and France. I801. 8. (2 so 6 d.) Remarks on the late de- finirive treaty of peace, signed at Amiens, March 25» 1802. 8. (2 so.) Two historical dissertations on the Silesian war, and on the character and conduct of Louis XVI. 18OO. 4 and 8.' *BELSHES, WELSHES, [R....] Esq. of Greenyards. Inclosures in the county of Stirling. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.29, p. 137. ) Carts. (Ibid. Vol.29, p. 142 ) Sheep. (Ib. Vol. 2Q. p. 144O The Car- ron manufactory of iron. (Ibid. Vol. 29. p. I46.) *BEND, [Joseph] A. M: Assistant-Minister of Christ* church and St. Peter's. Discourse - on occasion of the death of Mrs. Eu* cia Magaw wife of the Rev* Samuel MagtiW) D. D; Philad. (11 d.) *BENEZET, [Anthony] born .... died 1795. See American Museum Y. 1788. Aug. p. l6ll Y. 1791. Apr. p. 192. New-York Magaz. Y. 1795. Nov. p. Ó79. Y, 1797, March p. 142. The plainness and innocent simplicity of the chri- stian religion with is salutary esseèU, compared to the corrupting nature and dreadful effects of war. With some account of the bleíîings which attend on a spirit influenced by divine love, producing peace and good will to men. 1800. 12. (6 d.) The paradise of negro-slaves, a dream, (Colum- bian Magaz. Y. 1787. Jan. p. 535.) Letter on the /lave trade. (American Mustum Y# 1787. Febr. p. 128.) *BENGER, [Elizabeth Ogiluy] The female geniad, a poem; written at the ajc of thirteen. 1791. 4. (2 sh.) ^BENJOIN, [George] of Jesus'- College , Cambridge. JonaH, a faithful translation from the original: wjth philosophical and explanatory notes: To which is prefixed, a preliminary dissertation, pro- ving the genuinefs , the authenticity and the in- tegrity of the present text. 1796. 4. (10 fh. 6 d.) The integrity and excellence of-scripture3 a vin- dication of the so much controverted passages Deut. VII, 2-5 and XX, 16. 17., whereby the justness of the commands they enjoin are incon- trovertibly proved, and consequently the ob- jections of Thorn. Paine and Dr, Geddes corople* tely refuted. 1797. 8. (2 fh.) BENNE T, [Anna Maria] 'Mrs. Anna or memoirs of a welsh heiress. Vol, I - 4. 1784. \%* Juvenile indiscretions, a novel. Vol. 86 1-5* I?85. 8. Ellen, coutìrefs of Castle Howe), a novel* Vol. 1-4. 1794. 8* (14 fh«) The beg. gar girl and her benefactors. Vol. 1-7. 1797. 8, (I L. II sh.) BEN NET, [Abraham] M. A: Curate of Worksworth, in Derby]hire. F, R, S. born 1750. died May 1799. See Gemjem, Magaz, Y. 1799, May. p. 443, Allg. Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. Ó63. Letter on attraction and repulsion. ("Mem. of M. Vol. 3, p. 116.) New experiments on electricity, wherein the cause of thunder and lightning as well as the constant state of positive or negative ele- ctricity in the air or clouds are explained; 1789. 8: (4 fh.) A new suspension of the magnetic needle, intended for the discovery of minute quantities of magnetic attraction; also an air vane of great sensibility with new experiments on the magnetism of iron - filings and brass. (Philos, Transact. Y. 1792 p. 81.) *BENNET, [Andrew] of Tobago. Letters on various species of cotton. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E of A. Vol. I. p. 254.) *BENNET, [Edmund] Esq. of Trimaton, near Sal tajli, Cornwall, Note concerning the use of sea sand as a manure in Cornwall. {Veungf A. of Agr. Vol. 12. p. 34.) * BEN NET, [George] Minister of t lie Gospel in Car- lisle. A display of the spirit and designs of those who, under pretext of a reform, aim at the subversion of the constitution and government of this king- dom. With a defence of ecclesiastical establish- ments. 1796. 8. (3 fh.) Olam Haneskamoth; or, a view of the intermediate stste, as it appears in the records of old and new testament, the apo- cryphal books in heathen authors and the greek and (atin fathers; with notes. 180I. (7 fh.) BENNET, [John] Curate'of St. Marys, Manchester. Strictures on the female education; 1787. Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (3 fh.) Letters to a young lady on a variety of useful and interesting subjects, calcula* ted to improve the heart, to form the manners, and enlighten the understanding. Vol. 1.2. Ed. 2. 1796. 8? 8. (7 sh.) (See American Muséum Y. 1791. Aug. p. 72. Sept. p. 145. Oct. p. 200. Nov. p. 221. Y. 1792. Jan. p. 9. Febr. p. 70 March p, 91. Apr* p, 139. May. p. 193. June. p. 2ÓI.) (Several single sermons.) * BEN N ET, [Nehemiah] Description of the town of Middleborough, in the county of Plymouth; with remarks. (Coll, of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. P- *•) ♦BENNET, [William] formerly a D^Jsemin^ Teacher. A concise view of religious worship and of the naturt and * order of new testament churchci. J784- Í2. (Several single sermons,) * *B£NSELL, [George] Dr. of Germantorvp. Cafe of hydrophobia. (Tr. of Phys. of Philadel* phia. V0U1. P.I. p.238.) ♦BENSON, [.,..] insurance against bankruptcy, (Comm. and Agric# Mag. Y. 1799. Nov. p. 224.) *BENSÒN, [John] An apology for the people called methodists, con- taining a concise account of their origin and pro- gress, doctrine, discipline and designs. 1801. *BENSQN,l [Joseph] Preacher among the methodists. A defence of the methodists in five letters —; 1793. 12. (I sh.) A farther defence of the mo thodists, in 5 letters. Ed. 2. 1794. (8 d.) A vindication of the people called roethodifts, in answer to a report from the clergy of a district in the diocese of Lincoln. 1800. 8. (6 d.) An apo- logy for the people called methodists «r»; iSoi. 12. (4 sh.) * BEN SON, [Martin] M+ A: Minister in Tunbridgt* We\U Chapel, ReBor of Merstham , Surrey. Sermons on various subje&s, moral and theologi- cal. 1794» 8. (6 sh.) *BENSON, [William] M. A. of Su Mary-Hall, Oxotu Observations and reflections on the impropriety of interfering with the iuternal policy of othtr statei, X802. F 4 *BENT, 8S BENT, [William] Bookseller in London. A meteorological journal of the year 178$. kept in Pater Noster row. London. 1790. 4. A meteorological journal of the Y. X793» 1794-8. (I sh. 6 d.) , 1794, 1794.8.'Clsh. 6d.) , —r I?95? I7Q5f g. (o sh.) _ I796. 1797,8. (3-fh.) „ „ , 1797. — - (2Íh.) , J798, 1799.8. (2 /h.) ^— „—, J799. i8oo. 8. (2 fh.) Eight meteorological journal? of the Y.' 1793 ta I800. kept in London; to which are added obser- vations ou {hç diseases in the city and its vicinity. Also an introduction, including tables from 8 pre- ceding journals of the greatest, least and mean height of the barometer- and thermometer in every month of the years 1785 to 179:2. l8oi. 8. (15 fh. ) A meteorological journal for the Y, I802. 8. (2 fh.) BENTHAM, [James] As, At F. A. S. Prebendary of Ely , Reftor of Bow ~ brick - hill in the county of Bucks and Dome ft ic Chaplain. born 1708. died at Ely Nov. 17. 1794Ì See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Nov, p. 1062, Dec^p. I15Ï. Litteráriícher Anzeiger. Leipzig. J. 180J. N. I47. S. 1415. (cf. 'Gentleman's Magafz. Y. 1795. June. p. 579. Jul. p. 671,) jí^iiprìés offered to the consideration of the prin- cipal inhabitants of the city of Ely and towns "Adjacent and of all the gentlemen elsewhere, who 1 have any estates, or intere/t in, or regard forj ihe south part of isle of Ely. Cambr. 1757. 8. A catalogue of the principal member's of his church (Ely), viz. Abbesses, Abbots, Bifliop9, Priors, Deans, Prebendaries, and ^ArcH-Deacons, from the foundation of the church, A. D. 673^ to the prefeut Y. 1^6. 17$6. 4. Considerations and re- flections upon the present state of the fens near? Ely, Cambr. 1778. 8. BENTHAM, [Jeremy] Esq. of Lincoln's inn, Bavri* fier at Law, Supply wiihout burthen, or escheat vice taxation — to which is prefixed a protest agaiust law taxes Ihewing shewing the peculiar mischievounsess of all such impositions as add to the expense of an appeal to justice. 1795. 8. (3 sh.) Traités de legislation civile et pénale; publiés en françoia d'apres les Manuscrits, par Et. Dumvnt> T.l.2<3. à ^aris# I802. 8. * Panopticon, ,.17.. Situation and relief of the poor. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 29. P« 3930 Outline of a work entitled pauper ma- nagement improved. (Ib. Vol 30. p. 89. 241. 393.. 457- Vql, 31. p. 33.1Ó9. 273») ,1 .a»d 2 letter to ,Lord Pefham, — giving a comparative view of the system of penal colonization in New South Wales ai|d the home penitentiary system, prescri- ''bed by tw'ô acts of parliament of the Y. 1794 and "1799. I802. 8, A plea for the' constitution w# *" Ï803, 8. , . «BÊNTHAM, [Samuel] 'Esq,, London.' , Qn preserving fresh water sweet during long voya- ges. (Tr. of the Soc^ for the of A. Vol. 19. p. >. ' I9T. Tilloch's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 12. p, 12*1) «BENTLEY, £. . . .] \ (Author of sope prologues and epilogues:) The prophet, a cohiic opera. 17.. ^BENTLEY, [Elizabeth] Of the , city of Norwich: ?f lf Daughter of a journeyman cordwainer. born at Norvyich 1767. Genuine poptieal compositions, on various sub* 1 '' jects. I79Í- 8. (JZ sh,) *BENTLEY, [John] , The divine logos; or, Jehovah Elohim the only proper object of christian worship., 1803. (3 hi. ,6 0.') Remarks on the principal ;aeras and dates of the ancient Hindus, (Asiatr Res., Vol, 5,. p. 315.-) On the antiquity of the SuryaSiddhanta, and the formation of the astronomical cycles therein con* taiucd. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 540.) *BENTLET, [Richard] A grandson of the celebrated critic Dr. Rickard Bent lets. Considerations on the state of public affairs, at -sthe> beginning of the Yeai* ^796* i796, 8. Con* fiderations upon the state of public atíairs, at the beginning of the Y. 1798. Part 1-3, 1798. 8. F 5 BENT* BENTLEY, [Samuel] of Unoxeter. born 1750. died 1803. Febr. 28» Sec Gentleman's 'Magaz. Y. 1803. April, p, 382. (An able supporter of the poetical department of "the lady's diary.") An ode, on completing his 78 year. (Gentleman's Magafc. Y. 1803. April, P- 359-) «BENTLEY, [Thomas] Reason and revelation; or a brief answer to Tho» mas Paint's late work entitled, "the age of rca« son." 1794. 8. «BENTLEY, [William] Rev. Letter concerning the Abbé de MMy. (Coll, of Massachusetts H. S Y. 1795, p. I57-) A descri- ption and history of Salem. (Coll. of Massachu- setts H, S- Y. 1799. p. 212.) An address, delive- red in the Essex lodge upon the fefiival of St. John the evangelist. Salem. 1799. 8. *BENWELL, [Henry] of Caver sham > near Reading Berkshire. On beans as a preparation for wheat. (Young's A of Agr. Vol. 4. p. 483.) Bean husbandry. (Ibid Vol.5. p.47.) *BENWELL, [William] Rev. born, . , . . 17Ó5. died at Milton in Wilt* shire Sept. 6. 1796. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1796. Sept. p. 797. Y, 1797. Jan. p. 3. The siege and pillage of Rome by Alaric. 1785* The superiority of the moderns over the antients in art and science. 1787. ^BERDMORE, [Samuel] D. D. late Master of the Charter - house School, born 1739 died'20 Jan. 1802. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 94* Specimens of literary resemblance, in the works of Pope, Gray and other celebrated writers; with critical observations in a series of Setters. 1801. 8* (4 Ai-) BERDMORE, [Thomas] Surgeon .Dentist to the King. born . . • ♦ died 178. (?) *BERE, 91 * B ERE, [Thomas] M. A.. ReBor of Bubcombe Hear Bristol The controversy between Mrs. Hannah More and the Curate of Blagden (in Somersetshire) rela- tive to the conduct of her teacher of the suiuiay school in that paiiih; l8oi. 8- (3 sh ) An ap- peal to the public on the controversy bet.wen H. More, the Curate of Blagden and — A. Elton. I80I. 8- (2 sh ) An address to H. More, on the conclusion of the Blagden controversy; wirth ob- servations on anonymous tract, entitled u a state- ment of facts." 1801. 8. (2 sh.) *BERESFORD, [James] Fellow of Mer ton - College; Professor at tke University of Dorpat (He contributed the Tour of Sentiment; The imi- tations of modern history-writing, novel - wri- ting and biography; The Taylor's triumph and the subsequent mock criticism; The caricature of Harvey in Covent - garden market; and The pa- rody of Milton s Alk^o; To the Looker-on; The caricature of thë late Mr, James Boswett, as * a biographer.) The Aeneid of Virgil, translated into blank verse. 1794. 4* ( 1 ^. 5 sh ) The knights of the swan; or the* court of Charle- magne; an historical and moral tale; translated from the french of Mad. De Genlis. Vol. I, 2. 3. 1796. 8. (0 sh.) *The German Erato, or a coL ; lection of favourite songs translated into English^ with their original music. Berlin. 1797. 4. *Thc German songster, or a collection of favourite ain with their original music, dene into English by the translator of German Erato. Berlin. 1798- 4- A-collection of german ballads and songs. Berlin & Leipiig. 1799. 4. Twelve favourite fonga with their original music, done into English by the translator of the german Erato. Berlin. igOO. 8. * Elegant extracts in verse, selected from the best poets for the use of the learners of the cnglisti language; Berlin. 1801. 8. The most remarka- ble year in the life of Augustus v. Kotzebue* Vol« 1-3- 1802. 8. (15 sh ) *BERESFQRD, [John] Righp Hon. See Public Characters of 1798-1799. p. 373, Speech in the house of commons of Areltnd, on bit 93 hîs movíng the 6 article of the union, relative to the future commercial arrangement between Bri- ■ taiumnd Ircland. ,1800. 8. (l sh.) BERIN GTO N, [Joseph], Rêver. Ristory òf the lives of Abeiîlard and Heloifa — libers, von Dr, Sam. tìaknemann. Leipzig, 1789. 8. . The state am! behaviour of Enghih catholics. I780. iiberf. Tiibihgen. 1783. The mernoirs oÌGreg. Panzani; giving an account of his agency in England in the Years 1634-1636. translatée! froro the Italian original and n o w firít published. I793« 8- (Ô sh.) An examination of evehts, ter» me d mìraculous, as reported in letters froin Italy. 1796. 8- (I sh.) «BERKELEY, [Elisabeth] Mrs. £Daughter of Augustue late Earl of Berkeley; she was married May 10. 17Ó7. to William Lord Oa- % ven, who died Sept. 26. 179Í. and she married sc- condly Oct. 30. ifgl. the Margrave ©f Branden- bourgh Anspach aníí Bayreuth.) • boni .1734. died at Kcnsington Nov, 4. 1800. Se'é Genrlem. Magaz. Y. 179g. p 773. Y. 1800. Nov. p^iir^j. Allgcm. Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1801. S. 839- Hcroic epiítle; 17.. 8. Letters a son fils, tra- duites de Tanglois. a Paris. 1788» 12. Modem 3> Anecdote —; 1787. 8- Le philosophe moderne; comédie en 3 actes. 1790. 8. Poems by the late George - Monk Berkeley, Esq. LL. B; F. S. S, A. with a préface by the editor, consisting of some anecdotes of Mr. Monk Berkeley and feveral of his friendg. 1797. 4. (2L. 12 sh- 6 cl.) Dr. George Berkeley s sermons. 1799, 8. (5 sh.) ^BERKELEY, [George] LL. Dr. Prebendary of Can* terbury , Ckancellor of Brecknock, ÍUílor of St. Clément Dattes and Vicar of Coeckliain in the Diocèse of Sarum. boni Sept. 28. 1733- died Jan. 6. 1795- See Gcntlem. Magaz. Y. 1795. Jan, p. 85. Febr, p. 92, May p. 436. Sept. p. 739, Sermons. X799. 8. (5 sh.) (Scveral single sermons.) BERKE- 93 BERKELEY, [George Monk] Esq. of the Inner Tern- rU; LL. B: F. S. S. A. born, . . . . died Jan. 26. 1793. See Gentlem. Magaz. Y. 1793. Febr. p. 185. Poems — with a preface by the editor, conlisting of some anecdotes of G. M. Berkeley aiad several of his friends. 1797. published by Eliza Ber- keley. «BERKELEY, [Robert] of Virginia. An inaugurai dissertation on sedatives. 1800. BERKENHOUT, [John] As. Dr. at hlmorth in Middlesex, born 1730, at Leeds in Yorkshire, died at HeiTelsleigh, near Oxford, April 3. 1791. See Gentlem Magaz, Y. 1791. April, p 388. May. p. 485. Duncans Med. Comment. Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 418. Hutchinson s Biographia Mediça. Vol 2. p. 543. Dissertatio inauguralis de podagra. Edinb. 1765, Proposals for an hiiiory of Middlesex. Vol 1-4, sol. 17.- Dr. Campln'lls lives of the admirals; (were continued down to 1779. under ihe inspection of Dr4 Berkettkouc in a new edition). Vol. I-4. 1779. 8> Pharmacopoea mcclica. Ed, 3. 1782. Letters on education to his son at Oxford. Vol. I, 2. 179L 12. (5 fh.) BERNARD, [Sir Francis] Baronet. Governor at Boston. born .... died 16 June 1779. Letters on she trade and government of America and the principles of law and polity applied to the American colonies. 1774. 8. (2 fh.) *BERNARD, [James] Esq. of Crowcombe - Court near Taunton, Somersetjkire. On the damage of fir - plantations; in reply to the enquiry instituted by this society, as before allii- ded to by Mr. Davis of Longest. (Bath Agriculr. Sbc. Vol. p 259 ) Account of an experiment made .in the Y. 1788 in raising of the mangel- wurzel or root of scarcity. (Ibid Vol* 5, p.316.) On the cheapest mode of planting. {Youngs A. o£ Agr. Vol. 4. p. 243.) Account of a lufus naturae. (Ibid. VoL 17. p. 54.) On the parish of Crow- combe. (Ibid, Vol, 32. p. 623.) ^BERNARD, 94 «BERNARD, [Thomas] Esq. of Rom fey, Hants* Experiments on manures. (Youngs A- of Agr, Vol. 3. p. 46.) On the management of a dairy, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 240 ) An account of a cottage and garden near Tadcaster. (ibid, Vol.30, p. 1, Comm. of the B. of Agt\ Vol, 1. p 404.) ^BERNARD, [Thomas] of Mitchelmarsh. On a new wheat. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.6, p. 354.) On summer fallowing. (Ib. Vol. 7. p. 2Ó0.) ^'BERNARD, [Thomas] Esq, of Crowcombe- courts Somersetshire. An account of the mangel-wurzel, or root of scarcity. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 11. p 131.) *BERNARPi [Thomas] Esq. Treasurer of the found- ling Hospital* Use of rice. ( Youngs A. of Agr# Vol. 25- p. 559- Vol. 26. p- 194.) ♦'BERNARD, [Thomas] Chairman. State of the poor; Charge to the overseer of the hundred' of Stoke, Bucks. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.31, p*253-) Society for bettering the con- dition of the poor. (Ibid. Vol.35, p. 66.) *BERRIDGE, [John], A. M: late Fellow of Clare Halt, Cambridge: Vicar of Everton, Bedford- shire and Chaplain to the Earl of Buchan. born March 1. 1716. died Jan. 22. 1793. See Evangelical Magazine Y. 1793, Vol, 1. p. 8. The christian world unmasked j 17*. Sion's songs; 17 . . Chearful piety: or religion without gloom, exemplified in felcci letters on the most important truths of Christianity. A new edition; to \vhich are added occasion?,l notes. 1792. (6 d ) *BERRINGTON, [....] A singular medical cafe.. (Medical Repository. Vol. *BERRY, [Robert] Esq, a native of Scotland. Editor of Lord Orford's works. Vol. I - 5. 1798. 4 BERTIE, [ Wilioushby] Earl of Abingdon. Baron Norreys of Rijcote. born I740. died Í799. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. 061 p. 903. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Nov. p. $27, Allg. Littéral, Zeit. itBl. J. 1800. p. 6Ó2. Thoughts 95 Thoughts on Mr. Burke's letter to the sheriff of Bristol on the affairs of America. 1777. Dedi- cation to the collective body of the people of England in which the source of our present poli- tical distraction: are pointed out, and a plan pro- posed for their remedy and redress. 1780. Speech on his motion for postponing the further conside- ration of the question for the abolition of the slave trade; wiih some strictures on the speech of the Bishop of St. David's. 1793. 8. (6 d.) Letter to Lady Loughborough, in consequence of her pre- sentation *of the colours to the bloomsbury anil Inns of Court association, (with a public letter to the university of Oxford). 1798. 8. Constitiv tional strictures on the speeches of Mr. Pitt, in the debates on the union between Great-Britain and Ireland on the 23 et 31 Jan» 1799. 8* (i sh.) *BESANT, [J....] of Bromptort. Description of new invented under « shot water wheel. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A, Vol. 19. p. 265. Nicholson's Journal. Y. 1802. Sept. p. 49, Tilhctis Pbjlos, Magaz. Vol.13, p. 21.) Expla- nation of a carriage for conveying timber or other heavy materials over soft or boggy land and of the principle on which the mode! is constructed. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 5. p. 203- 210.) •BEST , sHcnry] M. A. Fallow of St. Mary - MagcCa* len College, Oxford. The christian religion defended against the philoso- phers and republicans of franec. 1793. 8. (I Hi.) Sermon on St. John XX, 23. 1793, 8. (I sh.) *BEST, [Thomas] Minister of the chapel at Crad- ley, near Stourbridge. A true strte of the ease; or a vindication of the orthodox dissenters fro ni the misrepresentations of Robert Foley% M. A. contained in a late publi- cation of him, entitled, a defence of the church of England: in five letters addressed to him, wherein the important subjects of schism, the di- vinity of christ and obedience to civil government are considered. 1795. 8. (I sh.) ♦BET H AM, [Mathilda] Miff. Elegies and other small poems. 1798.12. (3 fh. 6 d.) *BETHAM, *BETHAM, [ William] Rev. of Stonham Afyel Sttf. folk. . Genealogical tables of the sovereigns of the world from the earliest to the present period. 1795. sol. (3L. 13 sh. 6d. common paper; 4 L. 14 sh, 6 d. fine paper; ó L. 6 sh. best paper.) The history of English baronets, and such baronets of Scot- land as are of Euglisb families. Vol. 1.2, 1803. *BEV AN, [H ] Meteorological journal for Leightou, Jan.-Dec. 1800. (Monthly Maygaz. . Y. 1800. Sept. Y» 1801. Febr. p. 25.) Meteorology journ. for Lcigtf- ton, Y. 1801. Jan. - Dec. for the Y. 1802. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Sept. p. 91. Y. 1802, Febr. p. 3. Y. 1803. A us:, p. 14. f^br. p. 8.) *BEVAN, [Joseph Gurney] . A refutation of some of the more modern misre- presentations of the society of friends, commonly called quakers; with a life oi James Nayler; T800, 8. (3 sh.) EREVAN, [Silvanus] Esq. of Riddlefevorth. South Down iheep in Norfolk. ( Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 12r. p. 218.) Live and dead weight of fourteen Scots. (Ibid. Vol. 23» p. 386.) P'an f°r regulating the wages of labourers. (Ibid. Vol. 26. P-33-) Sheep and improvements. (Ibid. Vol. 32. P-44I-) 1 BE VER, [Thomas] Esq, LL. D. Advocate of the Ad- miralty , judge of the cinqueports, Chancellor of Lincoln and Baiigsr, and F. of All-fouls College, Oxford. born .... died 1791. Nov. 8. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791, Nov. p. 10Ó8. Y. 1798. Sept. p. 753. « BEVERLEY, [Charlotta] Mrs. Poems on miscellaneous subjects, composed and selected. 1792» 8- (4 sh. 6 d.) BEVERLEY, [John] M. A; and Protlor of the Vice* Ckancellour"s court. The trial of William Frend, M. A. Fellow of Jesus College 4 Cambridge — for writing and pu- blishing a pamphlet entitled "Peace aud union recommended to the associated bodies of repu* blicaus and aiuirepublicans4" J793» 8. (2 sh.) » BEVERLY, BEVERLY, [W M. * ;$ On planting» (Foí/wg'/ A* of Agi*. Vol. 6. p* 354*) *BEVILL, [Robert] Esq, of tkè hi ner- temple; Bat* rìster at \aví>. A treatise on thé la W of homicide and of Jarceny at eouiiìion law» 1798. 8* (ó fh,) * BEW) [George] M* Dr. Pkyjìciatì at Manchester. Aceoilnt ûf Dr, HeUrij Moyes, the blmd philofo* prier* (Coltimbian Maaaz. Y* 179L March p. 173» Massachusetts Maga'Z. Y, 179T» Febr p499*- New York Maga2. Y» í794. Aprih p. tçç») Observa-^ tiòns oh blindnesâ and òn tbc einploymeiií of the othet* sentes to fupply the lofs of íight4 (Américain Mufeitrtì Y. 1792- Jan, p, 27. Febr, p j8* Maivh» p. 10.3* Massachusetts íYïagaz. Y, 1794. Aug. p» 484* Sept* p. 521.) *BËWICKfi, [Robert] Meì-châtíu Tables of the severai Europearì e>cctianges » íîie> wíng t'he vainc of any sum of moncy m ail thtí principal places of Europe; to Ivhich is presixed an account of the ufances at which bills are draWtt fromMhe severai places. Vol. 1*5, 18*02. 4* (4 L. 4 m.) *BËWíK, [John] En graver in tpood. boni; . . k . -died at Oviíighant, hear Newcâstíe* Dec, 5. 1795, Se£ Gentleman's MagaZ. Yè 1795- Suppl. p# IÎÍ3* Allg. Litter.Zeitung. ItBl. J. 179Ó. S. ^67. General history of quadrupeds. 179Ò. $. (8 fh.) History of Britiíh birds with figures engraved ort wood. Vol* ti 1797. (îosh» 6 d. Royal hot pres- íed, 13 fli* Super-royal, 18 fh* Impérial î L, I stia) See Jofiak Relfh. . *BEWLEY, [Richard] M Dn A treatife on air, containing tìe$ experimênts and, thotlfciU* 011 combustion; being an full investigà> tion òf Lavoijurs fy stem \ and proving by foute stricking experitu'ents, its erroneotis pririciples* with strictures upon the chemical Opinions of fome éminent men. Î791* 8» (3 fh. 6 d.) ^BÎCHENO, [James] M. A: , A baftist toitiifier of Newhury hï Berkfkirei A friendly addrefs to the jews, 1787. 8* Thé íîgrts of the tîmes; or, the overthrow of the pa* Rmss tí. je. Sii^L O pal pal tyranncy in francc, the prelude of destruction to popery ami despotism. Part i. 1792. 8 ( 1 sh. 6d.) P. 2. 1794. (i sh. 6 d.) A wurd in season; or, a call to the inhabitants of Great • Britain (0 ftand prepared for the consequences of the present "war. 1795. 8- (l sh 6 d.) The probable pro- gress and issue of the commotions which hdve agi- tated Europe since the french revolution; acquired from the aspect of things and the writings of the prophets. 1797. 8 (2 sh.) A glance at the hi- story of Christianity and of English non conformi- ty; Eu. 3. with additional notes and a postscript on the present movement in the East. 1798. 8. (t sh. ) The restoration of the jews, the crisis of all nations — 1800. 8. t '2 sh. 6d) The destiny of the german empire, or, an attempt to ascertain the apocalyptic dragon and to shew that the bin- ding of the dragon, that old serpent the devil and sotan and the millenary state are likely to be altoge- ther different from what christian writers have taught us to expect. 1801. *BICKERST AFF, [....] at Newport. , On the use of bustlers. (American Museum Y, 1787. Nov. p. 482.) BIÇKNELL, [Alexander] born .... died .... (?) History of England and the British empire; de. signed for the instruction of youth, with an essay on the english constitution. 1791. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) Painting personified, or, the caricature and sen- timental pictures of the principal artists of the present times, fancifully explained. Vol. 1.2. 1792. (6 sh.) Instances of the mutability of for- tune, selected from ancient and modern history and arranged according to their chronological or- der. 1792 8. (6 sh.) *BIDDLE, [Clement] Marshal for the diftriS of Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia directory. 1791. (4 sh ) *BIDDULPH, [Thomas T ] A. M. An elegy , occasioned on the death of Will. Brom* hij tadogan A. M, who dieil Jan. 18. 1797- — I797. 4. (Ó d.) Essays on some select parts of the liturgy of the church of England > being the sub- 99 substance os a course of lectures delivered in the parish church of St. Werburgh's, Bristol. 1798. 12 (5 sh. 6.(1.) Letter to John Hey, occasioned by his late publication , entitled ?>The important , question at issue &c< 180T. 8. (9 d.) An appeal to public impartiality, ov the manner in which the dispute concerning „the important question at issue" has been conducted. iSor. 8. ( 9 d. ) *BIDLAKE, [John] B. A. Chaplain to the Duke of Clarence and Master of the Grammar schools Plymouth, See Public Characters of 18OO & 1801. p.248. Free-mason sermon. 1787. 4- (ish. ) Sermon on the slave trade. 1789 4* ( I sh. ) Sermon, sunday schools recommended. 1787. 4. (till.) Elegy, supposed to be written on revisiting the place os a former residence. 1788- 4. Ed. 2. 1790. 4. (I sh.) Poems. 1794. 4. (8 fh. 6 d ) Poems. Nrb. 1.2, 3. 1802. (3 sh.) Sermons 011 various subjects. Vol; I. 1795. Vol 2. 1799. (II fb-) The sea, a poem in 2 books. 1796. 8. (4 sh. 6 d. ) The country parson, a poem. 1797. 8. (i sh.) Eugenio, or the precepts of Prudentius, b moral tale. 1799. 12. (2 sh. 6 d. ) The sum- mer's Eve; a poem I800. 8. ( 4 sh. ) Virginia, or the fall of the decemvirs, a tragedy. 1800. g# (I sh. ó d.) Youth, a poem. 1802. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) (In periodical publications have appeared, „An ode to the snow-drop; „the natural child, au elegy , and an ode to the evening star j) (\Se^ eral single sermons.) *BIGGE, [Thomas] À. M. Considerations on the state of parties and th« means of effecting a reconciliation betvveen them, 1794, 8- (T sh.) An address to the inhabitants of Northumberland and Newcastle uponTyne, who petitioned against the two bills lately depending in parliament, 1795. 8. (2 d.) •BIGGIN, [George] Esq. Experiments to determine the quantity of tanning principle and gallie acid contained in the bark of various trees. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1799. P-259* Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p, 392. Tilloch's Philos, Magaz, ,Vol4 5. p. 331.) G 3 «BIG- 100 *BIGLAND, [John] Reflections on the resurrection and ascension of Christ; and on the probable consequences of a public exhibition of his ascension, which some think necessary to the credibility of the faéh 1803. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *BIGLAND, [Richard] Esqt (Sou of Ralph Big- land.) Historical, monumental and genealogical colle* . ctions, relative to the eounty of Gloucester; prin- ted from the original papers of the late Ralph, Bigland, Esq. Garter principal king of arms, 1791 fol< (3 L. 3 ill.) *BIGLAND, [William] The mechanic's guide; or, a treatise on the laws of mechanics as they relate Jo wheel- machines. 1797. 8- (I sh- 6 d.) *BILLING$LEY, [John] Esq. of Ashmck-grovt near Shepron - Mallet, Somersetskire, Account of the culture of carrots, and thoughts on burn baiting on mendip • hills. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. I. p. 214.) On the profit of carrots and cabbages. .(Ib. Vol. 2. p. 225 ) Remarks on the superior advantage of dairy to arable farms, by Tkomas Davis. (Ibid. Vol, 3. p. 77.) Account of the 'culture and produce of six acres of potatoes, on land of the value of 20 f. an acre. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 102.) Culture, expences and produce of 6 acres of potatoes, being a fair part of near 70 acres. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 114.) On the backwardness of the west-country farmers to use the Norfolk plough. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p.- 368.) On the culture of potatoes and feeding hogs with them, during seven years. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 339.) A particular return of an experiment made in sheep - feeding* (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 352.) General view of the agri- culture of the county of Somerset, with observa- tions on the means of its improvement. 1797. 8. (6 sh ) Culture, expence, and produce of si.t acres of potatoes , being; a fair part of near 70 acres of that root raised in the Y. 1783* 1784- {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 2. p. 439.) Culture, expences and produce of 50 acres inclosed and burthened with an entire circular fence, in which experiment a complete slimmer fallow is allowed, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 588-) On the culture of pota- toes. (Ib. Vol. 21. p, I.) On drilling. (lb. Vol. 23. P- 5OS0 Appendix to the third report from the select committee appointed to take into con- sideration the present high price of corn. (Ib, Vol. 26. p. 335. 3Ó4O E\airy farm in Somersetshire. (Ib. Vol.30, p 392 ). Rise of rents in Somerset* shire, (lb. Vol. 30. p. 436.) Uselessness of com- mons to the poor, (í)hc1. Vol.30, p. 27 ) Mode and expence of improving land lying waste. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.15, p. 172.) *BING FIELD, [William]. The voyages, shipwreck, travels —. 1799. 8. (i fh.) BIN G H A M , [George ] 8. D. Fellow, of All - souls College, Oxford, and Rettor of Pimjoerne and of More Critckell in the county of Dorset, born; «... died Oct. II, 1800, at Pimpernc. S?e Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Oct. p. 1013. Allgem. Litterat. Zeit, ItBK J. I80I. S. 838. *BINGHAM, [Thomas] The. triumph of truth; or proofs of the authen- ticity of the bible , interspersed with thoughts on modern infidelity and on the moral, political and religious revolutions of the present age. 1800. (3 sh. 6 d.) SINGLE Y , [Robert] Esq, King's Affay master , Mint, London. On the strength of acids, as indicated by the spe- cific gravity and by the areometer of M. Baume. (Tilloch's Philof. Magaz. Vol.12, p. 35.) *BINGLEY, [William] A; Fellow of the Linn. Soc, and late of St. Peter's College, ' Cambridge. A tour round North-Wales, performed during the summer of 1798, containing not only the de. scription and local history of the country but alio a sketch of the history of the welih bards; an . essay on the language; observations on the man- ner and customs and the habitudes of above 400 of the more native plants, forming the conípleatest account of that romantic country. Illustrated ■with views in aqua-tinta, by Aiken. Vol. 1. 2* I800. 8- ( I L. I fh.) Animal biography; or, anecdotes of the lives manners and economy of G 3 the the animal creation, arranged according to the system of Linnaeus. Vol. I-3. 1803. 8. (27 sh.) BINGLEY, [William] Warehouseman to Mr. John Nichols; formerly a printer and publisher. born 1738. died Oct. 23. 1799. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. p. 995- Allg, Litt. Zeit ItBI. J. 1800. S. 663. Publisher of North Briton. 1768-1771. Vellys history of France j translated from french. Vol, i. 1769. Binghys Journal. 1770. Essay on the Baultme sires in Ireland. (Gentlem. Magaz. Y. 1795 March, p. 201.) *Smithfield market; an essay against carcase butchers, monopolizers, forestal- lers and regraters; including heads of a bill for regulating the sale of cattle end other live stock in the London market. To which are added, remarks on the report of the committee of carcase butchers published by Henry King and J. Edmunds. I796. A letter on stones falling from the air, a natural phaenomenon. (Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. Sept. p. 726») An examination into the discontents in Ireland, with remarks on the wri- tings and interference, ex officio of Arthur Young* Esq. 1799. 4. (2fh. 6 d.) An examina, tion into the origin and continuance of the dis- contents in Ireland: the true cause of the rebel- lion; being a faithfuîl narrative of the particular sufferings of the Irish peasantry; with a plan "which, if adopted, cannot fail to bring back the roman catholic insurgents to their allegiance; without injury to the protestant interest; without emancipation, which they never asked; a union, or the aid of an extra military force. To which is annexed a specimen of Irish anecdotes. 1799. 4. (2 fli. 6 d.) *BlNN$, [Abraham] Reraarks on a publication intitled, a serious ad- monition to the disciples of Thomas Paine and other infidels. 1796. 8. (6 d.) ^BINNS, [Jonathan] F. M. S. Physician to tht Li- ver-pool Dispensary, History of the treatment of haemorrhages; with a succefsfull cafe of amaurosis by James Gerard* (Mem. of M. S. of L, Vol. 4. Pi 348.) BIRCH, 103 BIRCH, [John] Surgeon to St. Thomas Hospital, Lo»- don; before Army - Surgeon. On electricity, explaining fully the principles of that science and the most approved instruments and apparatus, both to illustrate the theory and render the practice useful and entertaining. With a letter on medical electricity. Ed. 4. with 6 platesé 1798. Letter to Mr. George Adams on the sub- ject of medical electricity. 1792. 8- uhcrs. Reper- tor. Chtr. 11. Mediz. Abh^ndl. K. 2, S. 439. An essay on the medical application of electricity. 1803. 8. (2 sb. 6 d.) *BIRCH, [John] On drill husbandry. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 14- P-3I9-) *BIRCH, [J.... E.... R....] Discovery of septic acid in the alimentary faeces of a person desperately sick of yellow fever. (Me- dical Repository. Vol. 3. p. 307.) f BIRCH, [Samuel] Deputy of Corn hill-ward* The mariner^, a musical entertainment, in 2 acts. 1793* The adopted child, a musical drama, in 2 acts. 1795. 8. (I fh ) The smugglers, a musi- cal drama, in 2 acts. 1796. 8» (ish.) Fast asleep, a farce. 1797* «BIRCH ALL, [Samuel] of Leeds. A descriptive list of the provincial copper coins or tokens issued between 'the Years 178Ó and 179Ó» arranged alphabetically. 1797. *BIRD, [ ] *The laws respecting landlords, tenants and lodgers, laid down'in a plain, easy and familiar niaHner> and free from the technical terms of the law; — 1794. 8. (2sh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. enlarged and improved. 1795. g. ( 2 fh. ) *The laws re- specting masters and servants, articled clerks, ap- prentices, journeymen and manufacturers; —- 1795- 8. (2 fh. ) * The laws respecting wills, testaments, and codicils and executors and admi- nistrators; — 1795. 8. (2 fh.) Ed. 3. corrected and much enlarged. 1799. 8. (.2 fh. 6 d.) The laws respecting parish matters, containing the se- veral offices and duties of church - wardens, ovcr- seere of the poor, constables, watchmen, and G 4 other ïo4 — other parifh officers —, Ed. 2. improved nná mue h enlargec|. .1799. 8- (- fh. 6 ci.) *BIRD, [Henry Mertons] Esq. Proposais for payuig of the whole of the présent I)ationa| debt and for reducing taxes jmiijediatcly, 1799- 8- (I sh. 6 40 *'J?ÍRP, [James Barry ^ Efq, çf New-inn, Cenvc^ yançer. The new pocket conveyancer, or atíorney's corn, plete pocket - book —t Vol. 1.2. 1796,, 8. (9 fh.) An aflidant to thç practice of conveyancing; con. faining indexes or références of the feveral deeds, 3greemçnts and pther assurances — from the time pf Sir Orlando ftridgman to the présent period, wirh short remarks —. 179Ó. 12. (3 fh.) Original précédents of ícttlements drawn by the most distuigUistied conveyaucers of the présent day an,d novy fi r ft publifhed. i8oot 8, (9 Th.) *BIRD, [John] The çastle of Hgrdayne, a romance, Vol, 1. 1795. (6 fh,) PIRP, [William] Surgeon at Ckehfsford, EJsepç. A çhemosis, or tumour of the tunica çonjuactiva çured by excision. (Mem, of M. S. of L. Vol. 4, p. 105,) Case of an anevrifm upon the tunica va- ginalis propria tçítis, sucçefsfully {reated. ([bic}« VoL 4. p, 406,) *PÎRRELL, [Andrew] Henry a,nd Almeria, a tragedy, 1802. (jZ fh. 6 d,) ^EIRT* [tfaiah] Minijler of the Baytist çhurck «t Plymoutk Dock, A vindication çf thç baptifts, in 3 letters. Bristol 1795, * B | S H 0 P , [Sanuiel] jtf, A, Head - mafter os Marchant Taytofs school^Reclor of St* Martin, Qutwicih l.onion and of Ditton in the County of Kent çnd Cka-phin to the Bìskop of JBangor. bprn 1732. died Nov. 17. 1795- See Gentleman'? Jvlagaz, y, 179^. Nov. p. 972, Dec. p. 994, f^nae ppeticae f. carmina. A"glicana^— latine mldit^. 1766. 4. (to fh. 6 d.) Sermon, 1783.8, (6 d.) Poetieaj works — to wicfo are presixed mçraoirs pf the Jifç pf the a^thor, pubìiíM by Thomas Clare, Vol. I. 2, 1796, 4. (2L. 2 sh. ) Sermons, chiefly upon practical subjects; published by TAowfli Clare. 1798. 8- (6 sh.) *BISHQP* [Sir William] Knight. Surgeon at Maid- ftone in Kent, A case of dropsy, in wich the water has been twice drawn off by tapping the vagina, (M. C. Vol. 2. p. 360.) An account of the good effects of a decoction of peach leaves, in some affection* of the urinary passages, (Simmonis Med, facts and observât, Vol, 8, p. 122,) ^BISHOPRIC, [Robert] Surgeon at York Case of ascites of fix months continuance, cured in a mouth by the exhibition of an infusion of tobacco. (Duncans M. C, Dec, 2, Vol,^8. p. 383-) Cafe of a general lympho r crustaceous eruption of the body, of many years continuance, cured in 5 months by a course of alterative pills, com- posed of calomel and golden sulphur of antimony. (Ibid. Dec. 2. Voi. 8- p. 387-) A cancer-like case of the uteru? cured by a course of mercurial an- timonial pills. (Ibid. Dec. 2, Vol. 9. p, 257.) A case of obstinate constipation of the bowels, ari- sing from an accumulation of faeces in the rectum, cured chiefly by manual operation. (Ibid, Dec. 2. . Vol 10. p. 340.) Account of a medicine which lie has found highly efficacious in cases of ute- rine hacmorrhagy. (Ibid. Dec. 2. Vol.10, p. 359.) BISSET, [Charles] M, Dr; Physician at Kti ay ton Yark- Jhire, , born 1717, at Glenalbert, near Dunkeld , in Perthshire, died at Kneytou near Thirsk June 14» 179T. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791, June. p. 588. Oct. p. 965, Dunçans Med. Comment, Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p, 427, An essay ou the theory and construction ôf forti- fications. 1751» 8. A cafe or an extraordinary irritable sympathetic tumor; (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 58,) •BISSET, [J,...] A poetic survey round Birmingham; with a brief description of the different curiosities and manu* factories of the place, intended as a guide 4p G 5 tfra«- IOÓ strangers. 1800. 8. (6 Th. with proof plates iosti, 6 d. coloured 1 L. I sh. printed also in colours. 2h. 2sh.) S,ongs on the signing of the prelimt. nairies and ratification of peace. I802. The con- verts: a moral tale recommending the practice of humanity, the utility of fun Jay - schools and a due observance of the Lord's day. 1802. 8. (6 d.) *BISSET, [Robert] LLa D: Master of an academy in Sloane - Street , Chelsea* See Allgcm. Littcrat. Zcit. J. 1800, Sept. S» 651. Sketch of democracy. 179Ó 8. (6 fh.) Life of Edmund Burke, comprehending an impartial ac- count of Ins literary and political effects and a sketch of the conduct and character of his most eminent associates, coadjutors and opponents, : 1798. '8. (8 Oi.; iiberf. von Joh. Christ. Fick, Leipzig uiid Oeea. 1799. 8. Spectator, new edi* tion, with illustrative notes $nd lives of the au. tkors. Vol. 1-8. 1796. 8. Douglas, or, the high- lander, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1800. 12. (18 fh.) The history of the reign of George 3 to the termi- nation of the late war — Vol. 1-6, 1803. (2 L. 12 fh. 6 d.) BIS SET, [Thomas] D. D. Minister of Logierait Co. Perth. , born 1729. died Oct. 2. 1800. See Gentleman's Magazine Y, 1800. Oct. p, IOI®. BLACK y [James] of Morden in Surry. > Letters on roman ox yoke. (Tr. of the Soe. for the E. of A. Vol.2, p. 8l.) B L A C K; [ John ] Minister of Butley, Suffolk. Poems. 1799. 8- (2 ih. 6 d.) The free school, a poem. To which is added an elegy on the death of Edmund Jenney (/\ug. 22, 1801.) Esq. e>i Bredsield; and of Philip Bowes Broke (Aug. 23 1801.) Esq. of Nacton. lgoi. 8. (I fh. ) The conjonction of jupiter and venus, in leo, on the 29 of Sept 1801. — a happy prelude to a propitious peace; a poem: Mercury's apology for the curate's blunder, an impromptu; — aid other poetical pieces. J801. 8» (I fh.) * * BLACK, 10? *BLACK, [John] Officer of the ship Lady Shore. An authentic narrative of the muting on board the (transport) ship Lady Shore; with particulars of a journey through part of Brazil; in a letter dated Rio Janeiro, 18 Jan. 1798. to the Rev. John Black. 1798. 8. (2 i'h.) BLACK, [Joseph] M. Dr. Professor of Chemistry and first Physician to his Majesty for Scotland. born about 1727. died Dec. 1799. See -Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 85* Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan. p,io2I. Dun* can's Annals of Medec. Y. i-799* p. 531. 7i7- loctis l?hilofoph. Magaz. Vol.X. p. 157. Comm. and Agrici Magaz. Y. 1800. p. 72. Àíillin , . Magaz; Ençycloped. A. 7. T. 3. p. 394. Allg. JLitterat. Zeit, ItBl. J. igoo, S. 1802. Leipzi- ger Ailgem. Litterat. Zeit. J. 1801. S* 516. Scherer's ,A(J,gem. Journ. der Çhcmje. B. 6. Heft 31. S. 198. * An analysis, of tfoe waters of some hot springs ia • Iceland. (Tr. of.E. S. Vol. 3. p. 95J * BLACK, [Robert] An inaugural dissertation on fracture*." Philadel- phia. 1797. 8.' . ' '! *BL-ACK, [Samuel] M Dr. of Newsy in Ireland. Cafe of angina pectoris. (Mein, of M. S. of L. . Vol. 4. p. 261.) BLACK, [William] As. Dr. one of the Royal college of - Physicians in London. Reasons for preventing the french, under the mask of liberty, from trampling upon Euxrope. 1792. 8» (2 ill.) ^BLACKADER, [Adam] Surgeon. Description of the great pagoda at Madura, and the choultry of Trimul Naik* (Arch, Vol. io«, p. 449.) , *BLACKALL, [Samuel] B. D. ReBor of Loughbo- rough ,, co. Leicester, late Fclloip of Emanuel College Cambr. born .... died 1792*, May 8. See Gentleman^ Magáz. Y. 1792. May, p. 483. Letter to Dr. Halifax on the. subject ot his three discourses before the University of Cambridge occa* 108 occasioned by an attempt to abolish subscripts to the 39. Art, 1772. 4. BLACKBURNE, [Francis] M A. ArcUéacon of "Cleveland,. born died 178. (?) , See Gentleman's Magaz. Y,: 1789. Febr. p, 128. Monthly Nlagaz. Y. 1796, Dec. p. 887. Y. 1797, May p. 355. Y# 1799. July p. 461, Y. 1800, Febr, p. 19, BLACKBURNE, [William] M. Dr, F, A. S. On caloric, light and colours, (TiUoctfs Philof. Maga/M Vol, 6, p, 334«) Bt-ACKLOCK, [Thomas] LL. Dr. at Edinburgh. born at Annan in Scotland 1721. died Jul. 14, 179t. (He was totally deprived of his eye. sight by the small pox.) See Gentleman's Magax. Y, 1791. July p. 685. Sept. p. 867. 'Remarks ón thé nature âìtá extent of liberty, as compatible with the genius of civil societies; on the principles of government, and the proper li- '/ wits of its powers in free states; and on the ju- stice and policy of the American war; occasioned by perusing the observations of Dr. price on these subjects, Eciinb. 1776. 8- See Elizabeth Scot and Henry Mackenzie *BLACKMANV [George] Method of making oil colour cakes. (Tr, of the ... , Soc. for the E, of A. Vol, 12. p. 271.) Bl^AGKSTONE, [Henry] Esq. of the Middle Temple. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the court of common , pleas, (from. Easter term, 1788» to Hilary term 1796) Vol. 1. 2. 1788-179Ó. sol. (4L. 4fh.) Ed. 3. corrected with additional notes and improved, indexes. Vol. x. 2* 1801, 8. (3 L« 2 ft.) ^ B L A C K W A L L , [Jonathan] at Goory near London' derry. Divine and interesting extracts; or the selected be- auties of Joseph, Hall, D. D. JJifhop of Exeter and Norwich, selected and arranged. 1796, 8- (7^0 BLAGDEN, 109 ULAGDEN, [Sir Charles] Knight; M. Dr. F. H. S; F. A. S, born 1748. April 17. Report on the best method of proportioning the excise upon spirituous liquors. (Phil. Transact. Y. I79°« P«32I.y Supplementary report — (Ibid. Y. 1792. p. 425.) Account of the tidc9 at Naples* (Ibid. Y. 1793. p. 168.) ♦BLAGDEN, [Francis] Esq. Professor of the French* Italian , Spanish, and German languages. Travels in Egypt — by Vivant Denon, translated without abridgment: ornamented with engravings and two correct maps of upper and lower Egypt. Vol. I. 2. 18«3. 18. (large paper, 14 sh. Small paper, 10 sh^ — and F. Prévost , Mooriana, or, select extracts from the moral) philoso- phical and miscellaneous works of the late Dr. John Moore; Vol. 1, 2. 1802-8. ( 10 sh. ) — and F. Prévost, Flowers of literature for 1801- I802. or, eharaéteristic sketches of human nature, and modern manners. To which is added, a ge- neral view of literature during that period; with notes, historical, critical and explanatory. Vol. 1. (to be continued annually) 1803. 12. ( 5 sh. ) Modern discoveries; or, a collection of facts and observations principally relative to the various branches of natural history — —. Vol. I. 2. I802. 12. (10 sh.) The grand contest delibe- rately considered; or, a view of the causes and probable consequences of the threatened Invasion of Great-Britain. Wi'h a sketch of the life and actions of the first Consul;, particularly since . the peace of 1802. 1803. 8. (l ih.J *BL AGDEN, [R B ] Surgeon at Pet-, woith, Sussex., Trácts relative to pemphigus; (Simmons*s Medi- cal facts and obferv. Vol. I. p. 105.) itberf. Kocfis Samml. Auscrles. Abhandl. B. 14, 673.' Case of emphysema, broughron by severe labour pains* (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 45.) uberf. Repertor. Medic. 11. Chirurg. Abhandl. B. 1. S. 234, Account of the spontaneous cure of an anevrism. (Ibid. Vol 2. P- 480 * p. 48.) ubcrs. Repert. M. u. Chir. Abb. B. r. S. 307. An account of the good efflcts of a mercu- rial sniifF in a case of gutta. serena. (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 126*) íìbers. Repertory M. u. Chir. Abh. B. 2, S. 187. ♦BLAINE, [Delabere] Professor of animal medicine. A concise description or the distemper in dogs; with an account of the discovery of an efficacious remedy for ï'<:. 1800. 18. (6 d.) The outlines of the veterinary art; Vol, 1.2. 1802. 8. A dome- stic treatise on the diseases of horses and dogs — 1803. 12. (3 sb, 6 d.) BLAIR, [Hugh] D. D: F. R. S. E. Emeritus Profeffor of Rketorik in the University of Edinburgh.. born at Edinburgh April 1718. died Dec. 27. I800, See Public Characters of 1800 <5c 1801. p. 288. Gentleman's Magaz. Y 1801. Jan. p. 84. Month- ly Magaz. Y. 1801. March, p. 182. fVieland's N. Teutscher Mercur. J. 180T. Febr, S 150. Allgem, Litter. Zeit. J. 1801. ItBL S. 739. Der Biograph. Halle. Ig02. B.I. St. 3. S. 303. Hiitt iter's Englische Misccllen. 1801. B. 2. St. I. S. 26. Sermons; Vol. 4. 1794. 8. (6 fh.) Vol. 5. to which is annexed a short account of the life ami character of the author by James Finlayson D. D. I801. 8* (7 fh.) iibers. Th. 3. 4. von Sack 11. Sckleiertnacker. Leipzig. 1791- 1795- 8. Sermons on practical subjects by Robert Walker — (died 1783) to which is prefixed, a character of the author by Hugh Blair, Vol. 1-3.'new edition 1791. 8- (I5 fh.) The oompaslion and benevo- lence of the deity, a sermon. 179Ó. 8- (I fh) *BLAIR, [Robert] As. Dr. Experiments and observations on the unequal re- , frangibtlity of light. ( Tr. of * £. S. Vol. 3- p. 3. Nicholsons Journal. Vol. I. p. I.) *BLAIR, [William] A M: Surgeon to the Lock-Ho- spital and the old Finsbury Dispensary. The soldiers friend; or, the means of preserving the health of military men; 1798, 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Essays on the venereal disease and its concomitant affections Ill affections illustrated by a variety of cafes. Essay I. Part i, 1798. 8. (4 st>0 Part 2. 1800. 8. (6 sb.) iibcrs. von Dr. C. A. Strnve, Th. f. Glogau. 1799, Th.2, 1801 8. An account of the extraction of an extraneous substance from the rectum; (Simmons*s Med. Facts; Vol. 6 p. III.) A short memoir ou the antivenereal effects of several acids and other remedies, which have been lately proposed as substitutes for mercury in the cure of siphilis. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 282 ) /Mi ob. strnction of the oesophagus removed by a tobacco glyster, on the third day after the accident. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 328.Ì On nitrous acid in venereal di- sease. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Jan. p. 5. Febr, P. 850 •BLAIRD1NN, [J ] Powers of genius. Ncwyork. 1800. 8. *BLAIREC, [ ] As. Dr. The anatomy of the horse; with plates. 179g. fol. BLAKE, [Sir Francis] Bare. born .... died 1780 March 29. On the best proportion for steam engine cylinders 1 of a given content. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1752. p, 379.) Spherical trigonometry reduced to plain, (Ibid. Y. 1752. p. 44s.) 0n tnc greatest effects of engines, with uniformly accelerated motion?* (Ibid. Y. 1752. p. I.) BLAKE, [Sir Francis] Ban: Of Ttvisel-castle, Dur- ham. The efficacy of a sinking fund of one million per annum considered. 1785. 8. ( I sh.) The propriety of an actual payment of the public debt considered. 1786.8- (l fh.) The true policy of great Britain considered. 1787. 8 O sh.) Poli- tical tracts. 1790. 8* (5fh.) Ed. 2. 1795. 8» (5 fh.) *BLAKE, [George] Superhitendànt to his Maj* brtw» eries in tke late %»ar. Strictures 011 a new mode of brewing, lately in* iroduced into his Maj, brewhouse, London, hi Long, Esq, of Dubliu. J791. 8, (3 fh.) . * BLAKB HZ ®BLAKE, [Mark] Letter to the clergy of the church of -Scotland, 1794, 8. (6 d.) **BLAKE; [Sir Patrick] Bart. Culture of.sugar in the Weir - Indies. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol* 31» p. 359L3880 *BLAKË, [Robert] M> Dr. An essay on the structure and formation of the teeth in man and various animals; the domestic as well as chirurgical treatment of the teeth and gums* from infancy to the adult stateparticu- larly explained; l8or* 8» (15 ^0 *BLAKELEY, [Josiah] Baltimore* On the retreat of swallows* (American Museum Y, 1788* May. p4 451») *BLAKEY, [w,] A short historiedi account of the invention, theory and practice of sire machinery; or, introducYtoit to the art of making machines , vulgarly called steam-engines — * 1793- 8» (I fh.) BLAND, [Robert] As. D: F. A. S. Physician man- midwife to the fVejtmtnster general dispert- Jary- Account of two cafes of haematuria* (Londotl 'M.J. Vol.4. p. 282.) ubers, SammK F* A4 Th. 15* S*3s. Some account of the invention and use of the lever of Roonhuysen, (M* C. Vol. % P- 397*) Observations on human and .00 compa- rative parturition. 1794. 8» (4 sh» 6 d») • *BLAND, [William] Esq. of Sittingbourn in Kent. , Experiment on the conversion of a hop-ground to corn land, with observations - on the culture of beans* {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol* 9* p. 23.) Om a course of crop?, (Ibid, VoL 10. p. 559») BLANE, [Gilbert] M Dr: F R. S: Physician extra* ordinary to tkè Prince of Wales * Pkifjiciatt to his Roy. Highness Household and one of the Com- miffiomrs of the sick and wounded Office. Account of the nardus Indica or fp.ke-nard, (Phi- los. Transact* Y4 1790. p« 284* Simmons*s Medi- cal facts and observât. Vol. I. p. 153.) libers. Re- pertor. Chir. u. Medic. Abhandl. Th. I. S. 336* A lecture on muscular motion; 1791.4, (2 fh.) Observations 011 the diseases of seamen* l£dr 3» with corrections and additions. 17ÇÌ9. 8. (8 sh.) Account of a case in which death was brought on by. a haemorrhage from the Jive;*, (Transact, of Med. and Chir. $oc. Vol.2, p. 18.) On the effect of the pure fixed alkalis 8nd of lime • water, in several complaints. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 132.) History of some cafes of disease in the brain, with an ac- count of the appearances upon examination after death, and some general observations on com- plaints of the head. ( Ibid. Vol 2. p. 192.) Let- ters on the present scarcity, (Youngs A. of Agr» , Vol. #6. p 28.) *BLAQUIERE> [ ] Captain of the Roy. Irish. Artillery. The history of the 30 years war in Germany; translated from the original german of Fred. ScktUer. Vol. 1.2 1799. 8. (12th,) *BLAQUI-ERK, [W..*: C ] The rudhiradhyaya, or sanguinary chapter; trans- lated from the calica pu ran. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 5. P- 37W BLAYNEY, [Benjamin] D. D: Regius Professor of Hebrew and Canon of Ckristckurck, Oxford; Retlor of Polskot. born 1728» died at Polfhot, Wilts. Sept. 20¥ 1801. , See,Gentleman's Magaz. Y. l8or. Nov, p. 1054. : Pentateuchus Hebraeo -- Samaritanus, charactere hebraeo chaldaico. Oxon. 1790. 8, Zachariah, a new translation, With notes, critical, philosophi- cal and explanatory; and an appendix in reply to Dr. Eveleigk's sermon on Zach 2, 8-11> to which is added (a new edition, with alterations) a disser- tation on Daniel 9, 20. to the end. 1797. 4. (10 sh. 6d.) .: (Several single sermont.) ^BLANEY, [Joseph] Esq. — — and Samuel Barton's letters on the culture of hemp* (American Muséum» Y. 1787. M^ay. P. 4^50 *BLEAMIRE, [William] Esq. Barrister at Law and one of tke police magistrates. Remarks on the poor laws and the riiaintenanco of the poor* 1800, {fi sh.) H BLEGBQ. *BLEGBOROUGH, [Ralph] M.Dr. Facts and observations respecting (he air pump, vapour bath, in gout, rheumatism, palsy and other diseases. I803. 8. (3 íh- 6 d.) «BLEWERT, [William] Tables for buying and selling stock; 17». Per- petual and determinable annuities reduced to a level; or, a comparative view of long and short annuities. 1792. 12, (5 í"n* 3 d-) *BLJCK, [Francis] M. A: Vicar of Tamworth in Warwickshire. Sermon on John VII, 17. delivered in the parish- church of Sutton-Coldsield, Jan. 30. 1791. with the letters that have passed between him and thé Rev. John Riland, À. M, Rector, respecting it. I791- 8. BLIGH, [William] Post Captain in his Maj. Navy. A voyage to the Sow h- Sea, undertaken by com- mand of his Maj. for the purpose of conveying the bread-fruit tree to the West-Indies in his Maj. Ship the Bounty. 1792. 4 (12 sh.) Answer to certain assertions, contained in the appendix to a pamphlet, entitled, ,,minutes of proceedings on the court-martial held at Portsmouth, August 12. 1792 on ten persons charged with mutiny on board his Maj. ship the bounty- 1794. 4. (2 sh.) A list of plants delivered by him at the botani- cal garden St, Vincent's. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 12, p 309.) Account of plants lan- ded at Jamaica, (ib. Vol.12, p. 313 ) Account of the result of his voyage to procure plants in the South - Sea. (Ib, Vol.12, p. 316.) *BLISS, [John] Surgeon. Experiments and observations on the medicinal waters of Hampstead and Kilburn. 1802. 8» (2sh.) BLIZARD, [William] F R. S: F. A. S. Correspondent of the R. S. of Gottingen; Surgeon to the Lon- don Hospital, — Observations on some epidemical effects (Simmons t Med. facts and observ. T, 2. p. I05.) Suggestions for the improvement of hospitals and other chari* table institutions. 179Ó. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) iibers tnit Zus. voq J. A. Alters. Jena. 1799. 8. A lecture on the situation of the large blood • vessels of rhô extremities , and the method of making effectual pressure on the arteries, in cafes of dangerous ef- fusions of blood from wounds. Ed. 3. to which is now added , a .brief explanation of the nature of wounds, more particularly those received from fire- arms. 1798. 12. (3 sh.) *BLOMEFtELD> [Francis] Rettor of fìerssield, Nor* folk. bom 1706; died Jan. 5. 1796* S. Allg, Litt. Zeit. ItKI. J. íSoo. S.625. History of Norfolk, Fersfield. Vol. I» 2. 3. I739. *BLOOMFlELD, [Nathaniel] An essay 011 war, in blanck verse $ Honington green > a ballad; the culprit, anelegV; and other poems, on various subjects. 1803. 12. (4 fh.) *BLOOMFIELD, [Robert] a Schoemaken born at Honington, SurTolkflnre, Dec. 3. I7Ó6. See tììUtntrs Englifche Miscelkn. J. 1800. St. 3» S. 143. The farmers boy; a rural poem, in four books5 with ornaments, engraved in wood by Anderson* 1800. 8. (5 fh,) Leipzig. 1801. (12 gr.) Rural tales, ballads and songs* 1802. 8. (4 fh.) »BLORÉ> [Thomas] Esq. F. A. S. Of the Sec. of tht Middle Temple. History of the manor and manor-house of South Winfield, in Derbyshire: (Published in Nro of the miscellaneous antiquities; hi continuation of the bibhotheca Brittaunica.) •BLOUNT, [Delabenc] A treatise on the diseases of horses and dogs* 1803. 12. (3 fh. ó d.) •BLOUNT, [J....] Surgeon of Birmingham. Cafe of fractured skull. (Mem. of M. S. of L, Vol. 3, p. 605.) •BLOWER, [Anne] Miff. The maid of Switzerland. (American Museum Y* 1790, April, p. 216, June, p 328. New-York Magaz. Y. 1796. Sept. p. 490.) BLOWER, [Eliza] Miff. born at Worcester 17Ó3. The parsonage-house\ Vol. u 3/3. 1780. 1^. H ft" . « BLUN- 116 fcBLUNDEL, [James] of Delaware. On the dyseptery. 1791. *BLUNT, [Gregory] Esq. Six more letters to Qranv. Sharp, on hi* remarki upon the uses of the article iu the greek testament. I803V 8. BLUNT, [J....] Man-midwifery dissected; or, the obstetric fa- mily instructor — in XV letters, 1790* 12. (3 sb. 6 d.) *BLUNT\ [James T ] Ensign. A description of the cuttub miliar. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 4, p. 313.) BLUNT, [Robert] Surgeon at Odiham, in Hampshire. born • . . . died 178. (?) *BOADEN, [James] of the Soc. of the Middle Temple. The prisoner, a musical romance in 3 acts. 1792.8. Fontainville forest, a play, in 5 acts. 1794. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) The secret tribunal, a play , in 5 acts. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) A letter to George Stec* Etq. containing a critical examination of the papers of Shakespeare, published by Sam. Ireland. To which is added extracts from Vortigern. 1796. 8» (2 Ch. 6 d.) The Italian monk, a play, in 3 acts. 1797- 8. (2 sh.) Cambro - Britons, art historical play in 3 acts. 1798. 8. Aurelio and Miranda; a drama, in 5 acts, with music, 1799» 8- (2 sh.) A rainy day, or poetical imprcsliong during a stay at Brighthelmstoue in the month of July. I801. 4. (2 sh.) The voice of nature; a play. I803. 8. (2 sh.) The maid of Bristol, a comedy; with an address to the patriotism of the British people, as an epilogue written by George Colmau, jun. 1803. (2 sh.) *BOAG, [William] Surgeon in the service of the East' India Company at Bombais. Observations on the fevers and dysentery of hot climates; and on the use of mercury in those di- seases. (Simmons'* Med. facts and observât. Vol, 4. p. I.) iibers. Repcrt. Chir. u. Medic. Abb. B.2. 5. 153. Observation on the poison of serpents. (Asiat. Res. Vol.6, p. 103.) *BOAK, 117 *BOAK, [John] ReEtor of Brockky. Letter to the'Rev. T. Bere , Rector of Butcombe. I801, 8. (4 d.) Elucidations of character, occa- sioned by a letter from the Rev. R. Lewis, publi- ihed in the Rev. T. Here s address to Mrs* H. More —. 1802. 8- (6 d.) * BO A RDM AN, [James] Lingueis critical analysis and review of all Mr. Voltaire's works, with occasional disquisitions on epic poetry, the drama y romance —• I79Q. 8* (3 sb. 6 d.) «BOARDMAN, [T&omas] Veterinary surgeon to the 3d Regt. of Dragoons. A dictionary of the veterinary art. Parti. I8Q2»4« ♦BOARDMAN, [William] On harrows. (Comm. and Agric, Mag. Y# 180I. p. 41.) , A system of book keeping, qu a plan entirely new. 1802..4. (5 fh.) ♦BOBBIN, [Paul] a fiditious name. . A d.fh of hodge podge, or, a collection ©f poeiiiSv I800. 8. (l fliO S. BOG ART, [David] An ^oration on tïie importance and utility of hi* story. (American Museum Y. 1792. Febr. p. 43.) On the duty and propriety of contentment in eve- ry condition of life. (New-York Màgaz* Y, 1791* July. p. 382.) «BOGLE, [Robert] Esq. On transplanting and dividing the roots of wheat and of harrowing and roiling the crop. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p.338.) On the very great advantages which may be derived from setting out plants of wheat and other kinds of corn , in the autumn, winter and spring. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 383.) On the hastings turnip. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 6* P. 424,) Roota Baga/ (Ibid. Vol. II. p. 342.) *BOGUE, [David] An essay on the divine authority of tlic new te- stament. 1801. (3 fh. 6 d.) *BQLlNGBROKE, [ ] ^ix letters, addressed to Fiizmlliam, Earl, and H 3 Lord Lord Lieut, of Ireland, Dublin, 1795-3. Letter*, addrdVed to Will Put. 1796. 8. Letter addres, fed to a noble Lord , by way of reply to that of Edmund Burke, 1796, 8- *BOLLAND, [William] As, A of Trinity College Cambridge. Miracles, a Seatoman prize poem, -Ï799, 4. (ifli.) The epiphany, a Seatonian prize poem. 1799- 4. ( I sh, ) St, Paul at Athens, a Seatonian prize poem. 18OO, 4. (I sh.) *BOLTON, [George] Esq. Teacher of Geography, ttiÊ use of the globes, , Remarks on the present défective state of fìre-arm» — with an explanation of a newly invented pa* ter/it gun lock —. 1795. 8, (X sh.) BOLTONi [James] Of Halifax, Natural history pain* ter and Member of the natural Socm at Edin< burgh. M history of fungusses — Vol, 3. 1789, Vo1' 4» Appendix or Supplement: 1791, (coloured 3 L, 2 sh. plain 18 sh.) iibers. von Dr. C, L. Wtilde* novo* Th. 1-3. Berlin. 1795. 1799. 8. Filicei Britannicae; — Appendix 1790. (18 sh,) Natu- ral history of British song-birds; Vol, 1.2, i?94< 4< * BOLTON, [William] of the navy. Description of his machine foe drawing bolts [in and out of ships. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol,16, p,3i8, TillacVs Phil, Magaz. Vol, 3. p. 189O *8QND, [Thomas] As, Dr, On the use of the bark in scrophulous cafes. (American Museum, Y. 1787. Nov. p. 464.) Ac- count of a worm bred in the liver, (lb. Y, 178/. Dec." p. 570.) BONHOTE, [Elizabeth] Mrs. Olivia; Vol, i. 2. 3. Í787- 12- The parental monitor) Vol,1-4, 1797, Bungay castle, a no* vel; Vol, 1.2. 1796, 8- (7 sh.) Rambles of Mr. Frankly; Vol. 1-4. 17 . . 12, Qn the choice of a husband, (Massachusetts Magaz. Y, 1795. May. BONNER, 119 • BONNER, [J ] On the nature aud uses of honey, fComm» and Agric. Mag. Y. 1802. p. 189 ) •BONNER, [J-...] Engraver. 1 The copper plate perlpective itinerary; or pocket port. Numb. 1.2. 1799. (15 f°0 • BONN OR, [Charles] Resident Surveyor and Deputy Comptroller General &s tke Post-Office. — Mr. Palmer's cafe explained. 1797. (I fh.) To Ben). Hohkouse, Esq. M. P. ot| the fubjeéfc of Mr. Palmer's claim. 1800. Vindication against cer- tain calumnies — on the subject of Mr, Palmer's claim, 1800. 4. (2 ih. 6 d.) BOOKER, sLuke] LL, Dr; Minister of Su Edmund's, Dudley. Sermons on various subjects, intended to promote christian knowledge and human happiness. 1792. 8. (6 fh.) Miscellaneous poems. 1793. 8 (3fh 6 d.) Malvern a descriptive and historical poem 1798.4, (3 fh. 6 d.) The Hop.garden, a didacttic poem. 1799» 8. (3 fh.) A discourse, chiefly addressed to parents on the duty and advantages of inocula» ting children — with the cow-pox. 1802. Poemst inscribed to — Lord Viscount Dudley and Ward, having a reference to his Lordship's beautiful feat of Himley. 1802. 4. (2 (h. ) Calista; or, a picture of modern life; a poçra in three parts% I803. (2sh. Ó dt) (Several single sermons,) *BOOTE, [John] of At her/ion t upon Stower, Letters on drill husbandry, (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol, 5, p. 80 ) His reason for fai- lure of some crops. (Ib. Vol. 5, p. 89.) Experi- ments to determine the comparative advantage of the drill and broad-cast husbandry, (lb. Vol. 6. p. 74. Vol. 7. p, 16.) BOOTH, [Abraham] A Dissenting Minister; (He ms formerly a journeyman - weaver.) On the reign of grace. 17.. 12- The christian triumph on the death of Mrs. Ann IVtlliams, a sermon. 1772. 8. (6 d ). The death of legal ho- pe, the life of evangelical obedience. 1770. 8. H 4 (ish. 120 (I sh. 6 d.) An essay on the kingdom of Christ, 1788. 12. (I sh.) Commerce in the human spe- cies and the enslaving of innocent persons, inimical , to the laves of Moles and the gospel of Christ, a sermon. 1792. 12. (3 d. ) A defence of paedo- baptism examined; or, animadversions on Dr, Williams's antipaedohaptifm examined, 1792. 8. (4sh.) Glad tidings to perishing sinners—; 1795. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. 1800. 8. (3 sb.) *BOOTH, [John] Rev. Medtillae sell radices insigniores linguae graecae, ordine grammatico; I80I. 4. *BOOTHBY, [Sir Brooke] Bart, of Ashbourne-Hall, in Derbyshire. A letter to — Edmund Burke. 1791. 8. (ash. 6 d.) Observations on the appeal from the new to the old whigs, and on Mr. Paine1* rights of man; Part I. 2. 1792, 8. (5 sh.) Sorrows; sacred to the memory of Penelope and miscellaneous poems. I79Ó. sol. (iL I sh.) ^BORDLBY, [John Beate] Esq. of Maryland. Account of his own and Mr. Singleton s experi- ments, designed to ascertain f with what , quantity of seed sown and at what distance wheat grows best. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 178Ó. Nov. p. 138.) Account of his experiments in sowing wheat and clover; (Ibid. Y. 1787. Jan, p. 222.) A new method of reaping wheat. (Ib* Y. 1788. Sept. p. 510.) Some account of treading - out wheat. (American Museum Y. 1790. Febr. p. 64. March, p. 121.) Observations on raising sliccp, (Ib. Y. 1791. p. 112.) Essays and notes on husbandry and rural affairs. Philad. 1799. 8. (io sh. 6 d.) The courses of crops of England and Maryland compared. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 9. p. 511.) *BORROWE, [.....] As. Dr. Cafe of lumbar abscess, remarkable for the cir- cumstances attending the discharge of pus. (Medi- cal Repository. Vol, 1. p. 371,) BORTHWICK, [George] M. Dr. Physician, Kil- kenny. The history of a cafe terminating fatally from swallowing a plumbstoue. {Duncan's ^> of Med. Y. 179Ó. p. 349.) The history of three cases, with with circumstances somewhat singular: termi. nating favourably; I) a case of wounded kidney. 2) a case of inguinal hernia; 3) a cafe of ca- tara6l, cured by extraction of the crystalline lens, (jjnd. Y. 1799. |>. 466.) *BOSANQUET, [John Bernard-] Esq. of Lincoln's- Inn. Barrister at Law. — — and Ckriftofker Puller, Reports of cafes argued and determined in the courts of common plets and exchequer chamber from easter term 179Ó to . Vol. I. I800. sol. Vol.2. I802. , (4 L. 2 fh.) Vol. 3. Part 1. 2. 3- I803. *BOSCAWEN, [William] Esq. Barri fier at Law. On convictions 011 penal statutes. 1792. 8. (4 fh.) The works of Horace, translated into engliih verse. Vol. 1. 2. 1793- 1797- 8. (16 fh.) The progress of satire, an essay m verse: with notes* containing remarks on the pursuits of littérature. 1798. 8. Supplement. 1799. 8. Poems. 1801. 12. (3 fh.) *BOSTOCK, [John] As. Dr. Outline of the history of galvanism: with a theory of the action of the galvanic apparatus. (Nichol- son's Joutnal Y. I802. Aug. p. 296. Sept. p. 3.) On the theory of galvanism. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Oct. p. 69.) ^BOSWELL, [Edward] A digest of the atls of parliament for raising a provisional force of cavalry for the defence of these kingdoms, to the end of the last seílìon 37, Gfeo. 3. with notes and observations. Part 1. 1798. 12. (t fh.) BO S WELL, [George] A treatise on watering meadows — Ed. 3. with considerable additions. 1792. (3 fh* 6 d« ) De, scription of a newly - invented machine for raking summer - corn stubbles. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 1. p. 44.) On watering meadows; and the kinds of water found most efficacious for that purpose. (Ibid. Vol 2. p. 850 Description of the model of a Norfolk plough. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 351.) *BOSWELL, [J ] Esq. Some particulars concerning the eicapo of the H 5 grandson \%% 4 grandson of King James 2. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1792. May. p. 265,) BOS WELL, [James] Esq. born in Edinburgh Oct, 29. 1740. died May 19. 1795. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. May. p. 445» June p 469. 471. 487. 525* Account of Coriica — and memoirs of Pascal Paoli — (ìetztere Ubers. im Hannoverschen Magaz. J. 1769 ) The life of Sam. Johnson, L. L. D. Vol. I. 2. 1791. 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) Ed. 2: revised and corrected. Vol. 1-4. 1799. 8. (iL. 8 f h ) The principal corrections and additions to the first edi- tion of the life of Dr, Johnson. 1793. 4. (2 fh. 6d.) «BOSWELL, [John Whitley] A description of a new instrument called the blast ventilator. (Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 4. p. 4. ) iiberf von J. C. Hofmann. Leipzig. I80I. 4. Apparatus for making the hydraulic engine at Schemnitz work itself without attendance. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 117) Jmprovements in the hydraulic engine of Schemnitz and that of Mr, Goodwyn; with comparative remarks on the most useful Applications of each and some facts relative to the invention of the pressure engine* {Nicholson s Journal Y. 1802. May. p. I,) Description of hi« machine for netting. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E» of A Vol. 14. p,273.) *BOSWELL, [T.;. ..] Answer to Forces questions relative to the manage- ment of bees. (Çomm, and Agric. Magaz, Y. 180I. p. 270.) *BOUCHER, [JonathanJ M. A; E A, S. Vicar of Epsom in Surrey. A view of the causes and consequences of the Ame- rican revolution; in 13 discourses, preached m North-America between the years 1763 and 1775 with an historical preface. 1797. 8- (9 sh.) Two assize sermons, preached at Guilford aud Carlisle. 1798. 4- *BOUGHTON, [Sir C.... W,... Rous] Bart: M. P: Chairman of the Meeting, Substance of an addrese to a parochial meeting held atChiswick in the county of Middlesex, Febr. 29, 1798. to consider the propriety of a volun- tary 123 tary contribution for the defence of the country. 1798- 8. (i sh.) *BOURNE, [Robert] Mr, Dr: Chemical Reader in the Univerfity of Oxford. An introductory lecture to a course of chemistry—- 1797. 8^ (2sh«) Oratio in theatro Coll. Reg, Med. Lond. ex Harveji instituto habita die Oct. 18. An 1797. 1797. 4. (3 fh. 6d.) *BOURNE, [Samuel] Minister of a dissenting chapel at Norwich, born I7I3# died Oct. 179Ó. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1796, Oct, p. 88T. Monthly Magaz. Y, 1796. Dec. p. 917. Allg. Litt. Zeit, ItBl. J. 1800. S. 629, Sermons. Vol. 1-3. 1758. 1777* RePlv t0 Dr- Sam. Chandler in defence of the eternity of hell torments. IJSQ. ♦BOUS FIELD, [Benjamin] Esq. Observations on Edm. Burke's pamphlet on the sub* ject of the french revolution. 1791. 8. (ifh. 6 d.) *BOUSSELL, [John] Leather • cutter at Norwich. (who for upwards of 20 years, lived an absteniotis life, refraining- from animal food and fermented liquors.) born 1725, died April 30. l8or. 1 See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. I80I« May. p. 482. June p. 5Ó9, The ram's horn sounded seven times upon lifeless hills and mountains — also remarks upon Th* Paine" s second part of the age of reason, with an appendix being a journal of seven days. 1799. (6 d.) ♦BOWDEN, [John] A fiont^mason of the city of Chester. The epitaph writer; consisting of upwards, of 600 original epitaphs, moral, admonitory, hu- mourous and satirical, with an essay on epitaph writing. P, 1.2. 1791- 8. (2 sh, 6 df) *BOWDLER, [ ] Miff. Curio — a charaóter. (American Museum Y»I79I* Jan. p- 3.1.) *BOWDLER, [John] Esq. M. Dr. Reform or ruiu; Take your choice! in which the conduct of the King, the parliament, the ministry, 124 the opposition, the nobility and gentry, the bi- shops ami clergy etc. is considered and that reform pointed out which alone can save the country. 1797. 8. 1ÌOWD01N, [James] Esq. LL. D: Govern our of she Commonwealth: President of tke American Ac&» demy ai Boston, born in Bostou Aug. 7. Î727. died Nov. 6. 1790. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1790. Nov. p. 1147, Biographical sketches of him; See the Columbian Magaz. Y. 1791. Jan. p. 73. Massachusetts Mag. Y. 1791 Jan. p. 5 Sec 'John Lowell. Observations upon an hypothesis for solving the phenomena of light —; (American Museum Y. I788 March, p. 203.) Observations 011 light, and the waste of matter in the fun and fixed starst occasioned by the constant efflux of light from them —; (American Museum Y. 1788. March, p. 206.) Observations tending to prove by pheno- mena and scripture, the existence of an orb, which surrounds the whole visible material system —; (lb Y. 1788 March, p. 213.) -BOWEN, [ ] Captain. A statement of facts, in answer to Mrs. Gunnings letter — to the Duke of Argyll. 1791. 8. (2 fh.) BO WEN, [Thomas] M. A: Chaplain of Bridewell Hospital and Minister of Bridewell - precintl% Chaplain to tke Temple - bar and St. Paul's di* strift military association. born, died Jan. 15. 1800. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan. p. g2* Allg. Litt. Zeit. ïtBl. J. 1800. S. 1803. Historical account of the origin, progress and pre- sent state of Betlehem Hospital —; 1783» 4» Thoughts on the neccslity of moral discipline in prisons, as preliminary to the religious instruction of offenders. 1798. 8. (i fh.) A companion for the prisoner. 1798. 8- (Several single sermons.) *BOWES, [Richard] Conway, North JVales. bom .... died ....(?) On millstones. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 18. p. I97J *BOWLER> 135 «BOWLER, [William] Explanation of bis improved churn, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.13. p«2j>l.) ♦BOWLES, [John] Esq* Barrister at Law. Considerations on the respective rights of judge and jury, particularly upon trials for Jibel, occaiioned by an expected motion of Charles James Fox. 1791. 8. (2 fh. ) Letter to — Ck. James Fox9 occasioned by his late motion in the house of com- mon?, respecting* libels. 1791. 8. ( I fh. 6 d.) A second letter — upon the matter of libel —. 1792. 8. (2 fh.) Brief deductions from first prin- ciples applying to the matter of libe): being au appendix to a second letter to C. J. Fox on that subject. 1792. 8- (6 d.) The real grounds of the present war with France; with a postscript. 1793. 8. (2 fh. ó d.) A short answer to the declaration of the persons calling themselves the friends of the liberty of the press. 1793. 8- (6 d.) * Dialogues on the rights of Britons, between a farmer, a sailor and a manufacturer. Part 1, 2. 3. 1793- 8. (8 d.) Reflections submitted to the consideration 1 of the combined powers. 1794, 8- (i fh.) Fur- ther reflections —. 1795. 8. ( I fh. 6 d.) The dangers of premature peace; with cursory strictu- res on the declaration of the King /f Pruflia. 1795- 8. (t fh. 6 d.) Thoughts on the origin and formation of political institutions, suggested by the recent attempt to frame another new con- stitution sor.France. 1795 8. (I fh ) A protest against Tk. Paine s rights of man. 1795. Two letters, addressed to a British merchant, a short time before the meeting of the new parliament in 179Ó. 1796. 8. (2sh.) A third letter to a Bri- tish merchant, containing some general remarks in the late negotiation with France , considered in relation to antient and established principles 1797. 8. (2 fh.) French aggression, proved from Mr. JLrskines view of the causes of war* with refle- ctions on the original character of the french rc* volution and on the supposed durability of the french republic. 1797.8. (3 fh. ) The .retrospect, or a collection of tracts, published at various pe- riods of the war. 1799. S. (6 fh.) Reflections on 126 on the political and moral state of society at the close of the XVIII. century. 1800. 8. (3 sh-) Sup. plement. IgOl. 8- (I sh.) Reflections on the po- litical state of society at the commencement of the XVIII century. 1800. (3 sh. 6d.) Reflexions at the conclusion of the war, being a sequel to renV xions on the political and mora! state of society at the close of the XVlII century. 1800. 8» (2 sh* 6 d.) Ed. 2. with additions. 180I. 8. (ash. 6d.) Reflexions on modern female manners as distingui- shed by indifference to character and indecency of dress; extracted from reflexions political and mo- ral at the conclusion of the wan i8o2» Thought* on the late general election as demonstrative of the progress of Jacobinism. 1802. 8. (2sh.) BOWLES, [William Lisle] of Don head, wear Shafts- bury: M. A: late of Trinity College) Oxford. tì Reclor of Dumbletotj, Gloucester skive. Sonnets and other poems. Ed. 3. 1794. 8- (3 sh.) — Ed. 22. 1798. Monody written at Matlock Oct. I79I* 4. (ifh, 6 d.) Elegiac stanzas; writ* ten during sickness at Bath > December 1795. 1796. '4. (I fh.) Hope, an allegorical sketch, on recovering slowly from sickness. 179Ó. 4. (2 fh.) Song of the battle of the nile. 1799. 4» (I fh. 6 d.) Coombe Ellen, a poem, written in Radnorshire Sept. 1798. 1798. 4. (2fh>) Saint Michael's mount, a poem. 1798» 4. (2 fh. 6 d. ) Poems. Vol. 1. 1798. 8. Vol. 2. l8o*> 8, (6 fh.) The sorrows of Switzerland; a poem. 180I. 4, (3 fh,) The picture; verses suggested by a magnificent landscape of Rubens. 1803. 8. (2 sh.) * B O W M A N, [Thomas] M A, Vicar of Mart ham. Caustoniana; or Xll discourses addressed to the inhabitants of the parish of Cawston in Norfolk, I79I* 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) *BOY, [John] . Remarks on waste lands in Kent. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol 8- p. 135.)' B 0 Y C E, [Thomas ] M. A. ReSor of Worlingham Magna cum Parva, co. Suffolk, and Chaplain to the Earl of Suffolk. born .... died 1793. Febr. 4. See Gentleman's Magaj. Y, J793. Febr. 0.187- BOYD* 12? BOYD, [Henry] M. A. of the Kingdom of Ireland. Poems, chiefly dramatic and lyric; Dublin. I79Ó. 8» The divina commedia of Dante Aligkieri, con* sifting of the inferno, purgatorio and paradifo, translated into english verse with preliminary no- tes and illustrations. Vol. 1. 2. 3. I802. 8. (l L, 7sh.) *BOYD, [Hugh] Esq, born in Ireland 1746. died Oct. 19. 1794* See Allg. Litt. Zeit. J, 1801. ItBl. S. 876. The Indian observer, being a series of essays and littérature, with the life of the author and some miscellaneous poems by Later, Dundas Campbelf. 1798. 8. (ÏO sh. 6 d.) libers. Gesandlchafts reifc nach Ceylon — u. dem Leben des Verfassers. Hamburg. 1802. 8. The miscellaneous works of fí. Boyd, the author of the letter of Junius; with an account of his life and writings by L. Dm Campbell. Vol. I. 2. I800. 8. (IÓ sh.) BOYD, [Robert] LL. D. bom, .... died 1793. Apr. 20. at Edinburgh. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. May p.480. The judicial proceedings before the high court of admiralty and supreme conslstorial or commis- sary court of Scotland; 17,. •BOYD, [Walter] Esq, M. P. Letter, on the influence of the stoppage of issues in specie at the bank of England, on the prices of provisions and other commodities I801. 8» (3 sh. Ó d.) *BOYNE, [J ] Letter to R. B. Sheridan, Esq. M. P. on his late proceedings as a member of the society for the freedom of the press. 1792. 8. (6 d.) *BOYS, [Henry] Esq. F. L. S. . Account of the flustra arenosa and some other ma- rine productions. ( Transact, of L. S. Vol. 5. p» 230.) *BOYS, [John]; of Betshanger; Farmer. A general view of the agriculture of the county of Kent, with observations on the means of its improvement. 1796, 8. (4 sh.) Excellence of the paring and burning husbandry, with observât, by A, Young. {Young's A. of Ajr. Vol. 5, p. 112.> 128 * On feeding hogs with potatoes* (Ibid, Vol, 8. p. 97,) Hints concerning sheep, with observât, by A. Young. (Ib. Vol, il. p n6.) On sheep. (Ib. *Vol. I2« p< 94.) Threshing null. (lb. VpL 18. p, 472.) Agricultural minutes, taken during a ride through the counties of Kent.* Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Rutland, Leicester, North- ampton, Buckingham, Bedford, Hertford, Middle* sex, Berks and Surry, in 179.3., (Ib. Vol.19, p. 1 73*) Agricultural notes, taken in a ride from tfetshanger to Bradfkld and back by the hundreds of Essex. 1793. (Ibid. Vol.51, p. 69. ) Account of Romney marih. (Ib. Vol.22, p. 388.) Expe- riments on fatting hogs. (Ib. Vol. 24, p* 403.) Fa. ring and burning,; (Ib Vol.24, p. 521.) Political arithmetic of the county of Kent. (Ib. Vol. 28. p. 156.) Notes taken from' Betshanger in the coun- ties of Kent, Midiefex and > Hertfordshire. (Ib/ Vol. 28. p. 66l.) Experiments on fattening hogs. (Ib. Vol. 29. p. 150/) Price of provisions and crops in Kent. (Ib. Vol.34, p. 113.) Brown and white bread compared. (Ib. Vol, 35. p. 58.) Ex- periments on the culture of different kinds of wheat. (Tiv of the Soc. for the E. of A., Vol. 3. p. 19.) Essay on the best means of converting grass lands on the various foils into tillage, with-* out exhausting the foil; and of returning the fame to grass,, after a certain period, in an im- proved state, or at least without injury. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 3. P. 1. p. 247.) BOYS, [William] F. A, S: Surgeon at Sandwich, Kent. born at Deal, in Kent, Sept 7. 1735. died at Sandwich in Kent 1803. March 15. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. March, p. 293. May. p. 421. Collection of minute and rare* shells discovered on the sand of the sea shore near Sandwich; 1784. Observations on Kits Coity house, in Kents. (Arch. Vol. II. p. 38 ) An-account of the loss of the Luxborough Galley by fire, on her vo- yage from Jamaica to London, with the suffe- rings of her crew in the Year 1727. published by fVHL Roys second Mate. 1787. 4. *The «ase of the inhabitants and corporation of the town 159 and port of Sandwich — etc. 1775* Collections for an history of Sandwich. Vol, I. 1788. 4. Vol. 2. Canterbury* 1792. 4» ♦ BRACKENBURG, [Edward] Rev. The prophecy of Isaiah, concerning the tnessiah> paraphrased —. 1802. *BRACKENRIDGE, [H . ... H ....] Modern chivalry, containing the adventures ofv Capt. John Farrago and Teague Oregon, his ser- vant. Vol, 1. Philadelphia. 1792. (| Dollar.) On the mistaken notions of certain philosopher» re- specting the Indian character. (Columbian Magaz* Y. 1792. Febr. p. 110.) BRADBERRY, [David] Tctelestai; the final close, a poem in 6 parts. 1794. 8* (2 fh.) *B RADFORD, [Alden] Minister at Wiscasset, S. H.S. A topographial description of Duxborungh, in the county of Plymouth. (Col), of Matldchusects H. S. Y. I793« P* 30 A description of Wiicaflet and of the river Sbeepscot. (lb. Y* 1800. p. I03,) 'BRADFORD, [j , . . *] A. B. Difference between true and false holiness: the substance of two fermons. 1797. (1 fh.) ^BRADFORD, [William] Esq. Attorney General of the United states in America* born, .... died 1795. Aug. 23. at his feat near Philadelphia. Sec Gentleman's Magaz, Y, I795* Oct. p. 879* New-York Magaz. Y. 1795. Sept. p. 540. Ebe* ling und Hcgeivisch Amerikanifches Archiv, B* I, St. 3. S. 164. r Enquiry how the punishment of death i» necessary in Pennsylvania with notes and illustrations — to which is added an account of the gaol and peni- tentiary house of Philadelphia and of the interior management thereof by Caleb Lownes. Philadel- phia. 1793. 8. reprinted London* Ì795. 8- (2sh.) ® B R A D F U T E, [ ] Minister of Duttfyre, pres* bytery of Biggar. On the fisheries, (Tr. of Highland Soc, Vol. i, p. 299.) * Kwss G. £. Suppt. , 1 *BRA- ï3o #B R A DICK, [Walter] Pensioner in the Charterhouse. born 1706. died 1794. Dec. See Gentleman's Magazine. Y. 1795. Jan. p. 83. (Author of several detached publications.) Coheleth, or the royal preacher, a poem. 17Ó5. ^BRADLEY, [Thomas] M. Dr. See R. Ratty y M. Dr. and Tk. Bed does. A new medical dictionary, compiled by Joseph Fox. M D. revised and augmented. I803. (7 ih.) Ob- servations on the external use of tartarized anti- mony. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 247.) *BRADNEY, [Joseph] Esq. Murcpsologia, or the art of the apothecary traced up to its original source in history — etc. 1796. 8. (I sh.) *BRAINES, [W ] Account of the culture, expenecs and produce of potatoes, per acre, about Ilford and the adjacent parishes, six miles east of London. (Bath AgriculL Soc. Vol. 4, p. 249.) * BR AM AH, [Joseph] Engineer. Dissertation on the construction of locks. 1787* 8. (I sh.) Letter — on the subject of the cause Bottlton and Watt v. Homblower and Moberly, for infringement of Mr. Watt's patent for an im- provement of the steam engine. 1797. 8. (2Íh. ) *BRAMLEY, [Richard Ramsden] Esq, of Leeds. On the culture of lands in the neighbourhood of great towns. (Tr. of the Soc. for thô £. of A. Vol. 13. p. 201.) On a method of constructing b inks to guard against the inundation of the sea. (Ib. Vol. 14. p 238.) *BRANCH, [J. ...] M. A. — — and W. Hollorvay, The British museum of natural history. Vol. 1* 1803. (7 sh.) *BRAND, [Hannah] Miff. Plays and poemt. 1798. 8» (7 sh.) *BRAND, [James] Esq. On the alteration of the constitution of the house of commons and the inequality of the land tax, 1793. BRAND, 131 BfrAND, [John] M. À. Peïhw and Séèrètary of theSoc* of Antiquaries at London^ (a native of Newcastle upon Tyne*) Conscience a^i ethical essayk 1772; 4. (2 ft.) Ob* servations on Mn Gilbert's bill > with remarkô deduced from Dr. Price's account of the natio- nal debh 177Ó. 8. (QÍh.) Èxplanafiort of the inscriptions on a romaii altar and tablet* found at Tinmouth - castle in Northumberland 1783. (Arch; Vol. 8* p* 326O Account of inscriptions discovered on the Walls of art apartment in the tower of Loudom (Arctu Vol, 13. p. 08; ) Ex- planation of a seal of Netley Abbey4 ( Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 193.) Explanation of a seal o( the abbey of Lundores, m Scotland* (Ibidi Vol* 13. pk 196.) On the latin terms used in natural history. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 3. p-. 70.) The alteration of the constitution of the houso of commons and the inequality of the landtag considered conjointly; 1793 8- (4 fh.) A ferniou On Luke 19, 41; 42. 1794* 41 An historical essay on the principles of political associations in a state ì chiefly deduced from the french* engliih and jewifch histories j with an application: of those principles, in a comparative vieto òf thé associations of the Y. 1792; and that recently in* stituted by the Whig-club; 1796. 8i (2 fh. 6 cli) A defence of the pamphlet ascribed to John Ree- toes* Esq. and entitled, ^thoughts on the efighsli government.,, 179Ó; 8* (3 fh; 6 d;) Gônsidera* tions on the depression of the funds and the pre- sent embarrassements of circulation: with propo- iitions'for some remedies to each. 1797. 8; (2Íh;) A determination of the average depression of thé Jmce of wheat iu war below that of the preceding peace; and of its te-advance in the fol lowing j according to its yearly raies from the revolution to the end of the last peace: with reitiarks on their greater variations in that entire perk>di J800* 8* (2 fh;) Letter on Buonaparces propo- sals for opening a négociation for peace, in which the British guarantee of the crown of France to the house of Bourbon, contained in the triple ahd quadruple alliances j and renewed by the treaty I 3 &f of the Y. 1783 is considered; together with the conduct of our national parties relating to it, 1801. 8. (2 fh.) ♦ BRAN DR ET H , [. ] M, Dr. of Liverpool. Account of the benefit of wasinng with cold wa* ter and vinegar in typhus fever. {Duncans M. C Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 382.) *BRANSBY, [John] The use of the globes, containing an introduction to astronomy and geography. 1791. 8. (2 fh. 6d.) ♦BRANSON, [John] Esq. Surgeon. Letter on the vaccine inoculation. (TiUocfcs Phi- los. Magaz. Vol. 8* P- 308.) *BRANTHWAYT, [M....S....] Galloway Scotch heifer. {Young9s A. of Agr. Vol. 32. p. 344-) ♦BRAY, [Edward Atkyns] Poems. 1799. 8, (5 fh-) Idyls, in two parts. 1800. 8. (4 A1- 6d.) BRAY, [William] Esq F.A.S. Extract from the wardrobe account of Prince Henry, eldest son of King Jame* I (Arch. Vol. II. p* 88.) Copy of a survey made of what re- mained in the armoury of the tower of London in consequence of a commission issued August 4» 1660. 12. Charles II. (Ibid, Vol. 11. p. 97.; *BRAYLEY, [E . ... W ] The grand alphabet of alphabets; being an en- graved series of running hand, every line of which contains all the letters of the engliih lan- guage. 1800. (6 d.) *BREE, [John] M. A: ReEtor of Marks Tey, County Essex and of Ryskolme in the county of Lin* coin. born, .... died 1796. D [0,....] Mariner, of Rotherhhhe, A hill and circumstantial account of the victory obtained over the Dutch fleet, by Adm. Duncan on Oct. II, 1797. including several important cir- cuinstances relative to that glorious event. 1797* 8, (6d.) *BRIPGMAN, [Richard Whalley] Esq, Thesaurus juridicus; containing the decisions of the several courte of equity, upon the suits therein adjudged and of the high court of parliament Upon petitions and appeals: to which are added, the resolutions of the barons of the exchequer ia matters touching the revenues of the crown: from the period of the revolution, to the end of eaftôr term 1798; systematically digested. Vol. I. ^799. (15 sh.> BRIGH T, [Henry] A. M: Vicar of Ckedlèhampton* iu Devonskire and formerly Master of the free* school in Abingdon and of New Qollege schools in the Univerjhy of Oxford. born 1723. died 1803. Fcbr. See Gentleman's Magai. Y, 1803.. p. 196. May. p% 475., Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. p. 194* *BRINKLEY, [John] A.M. Professor of Astronomy pi the University^ of Dublin. M. R* J. A. General demonstrations of the theorems for the? fines and cosines of multiple circular arcs., and also of the theorems for expreiïmg the powers of fines and cosines by the siiies and cosines of mul- tiple arcs; to which is added a theorem by help whereof the fame method may be applied to de- monstrate; the properties of multiple hyperbolic areas. (Tr..of J. A. VoL 7. p. 27.) A general demonstration of the property of the circle disco- vered by Mr. Gotes, deduced from the circle only,. (Ibid. Vol. 7^ p. 15K) A method of exp/essing when polliblc, the vainc of one, variable quantity l.u integral powers of another auc) constant quan- tities? having given equations expressins the rela- tion of those variable quantities —; (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 321.} Tables to improve and render more general the method of finding the latitude, by, observing two altitudes of the fun and the inter- val of time between. (N. A. Y. 1798. Append. I 4 Ibid. Ibid. Y. 1799, Append. Ibid. Y. ï8oo. Append,) On determining innumerable portions of a sphere the solidities and spherical superficies of which portions are at the fame time algebraically as. jfignable. (Tr. of J. A, Vol, 8. Sc, p. 513,) On the orbits in which bodies revolve, being acted upon by a centripetal force varying as any function of the distance, when those orbit have two apsides, (Ibid, Vol, 8, Sc, p. 5150 BRISBANE (not BRISBAINE), [John] M. Dr. Phy, fician to (he Middlesex Hospital at London, bom ,, , • died 17 . . (?) BRISTOL, Bishop of. ~ See Cornwall. *'BRISTOW, [James] A aarrative of his sufferings, belonging to the Bengal artillery, during ten years captivity with HyderAlly and Tippo- Saheb. Ed, 2» 1794- Ed, 3. 1796, 8. (3 sh.) libers, Hamburg. 1794. 8. *BRITT, LDailie,J — — and G. Turner, Thermometrical observa- tions made at Fort Washington, commencing June 1790 and ending April 1791. to which are added, for some time, the rise and sell of the Ohio, (Tr, of A, S. Vol. 4. p. 329,) *BRITTON? [John] v ® Sheridan and Kotzebue, The enterprising advan* tures of Pizarro, preceded by a brief sketch of the voyages and discoveries of Columbus and Cor- tez. 1799. 8, (5 sh,) fetlie beauties of Wilt- shire, displayed in statistical, historical and de- scriptive sketches 9 illustrated; by view? of the principal feats &c. with anecdotes of the arts. Vol. I. 2. I8ÒI, §. (iL. 4fh ) — and Edward fVedlake Breyley, The beauties of England and Wales; or, delineations topographical, historical and descriptive of each county. Embellished with engravings, Vol, 1.2. I8QI- 8, (iL. 10sh. 6 d. large paper 2 L. 8 sh ) Vol, 3. 1802. (1 L, Jarge papçr 1 L. 12 sh.) On druidical remains, (Monthly Maçaz. Y, 1303, Oct, p. 209,) • BROAD* 137 *BROADLEY, [John] Merchant. Pandora's- box and the evils of Britain; with ef. fectual, just and equitable means for their anni- hilation; and for the preservation of the peace, happiness and prosperity of the country, 1800. 8. (1 fh. 6 d.) BROCKLESBY, [Richard] M. Dr. Fellow of the College of Physicians: F. R. S. born, died Dec. 12. 1797- See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1797. Suppl, p. 1132. Duncan's Annals of Medic, Y. 1798. p 471. Cafe of an encysted tumour in the orbic of the eye, cured by Messrs, Bremfield and Ingram* (Med. Observât, Vol. 4,) A dissertation on the music of the ancients; 17,. LE BROCQL, [Philip] A. M: Domestic Chaplain to his Rots. Highness- the Duke of Gloucester. Outlines of a plan for making the tract of land called the new forest, a real forest and for va- rious other purposes of the first national impor- tance — Ï793. 8. (I fh. 6 d,) ♦BRODBELT, [George Campbell] Re8or of Aston- Sandford and perpetual Curate êf Loudwater^ Bucks. born 1760 in the Island of Nevis, in [West- India; died 1801. June ,13, See Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1801. Oct, p. 377. Doctrines of the. reformation and of the church of England: Sermons — 1793. 8. Original essays ou miscellaneous subjects in religion; 1795. 8. (2 fh.) ♦BRODBELT, [Francis Rigby] M, Dr. of Jan$uica% Account of some observations and experiment* made on the gas contained \\\ the air-bladder of the sword -fist). (Duncans A, of Med, Y. 1796. P- 393' Nicholson's Journal, Vol, 1. p, 264.) Cafe of deposition of mercury upon the boueg, (Mem. of M. S, of L, Vol, 5, p, 112.) *BRODIE, [Joseph] Shipmaster-, Leith, An easy and effectual method for mending shrouds, or oth«r ropes, accidentally cut in time of an eh- 1 5 jagC* 338 gageraient at sea, or otherwise. (New*York Ma. gaz. Y. 1791. N0V. p. Ó33.) *BRODIE, [Patrick] Tenant in Garvald near Hal dington. On green crops. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol, 1, p 96.) *ERODUM, [William] M. Dr. The guide to old age. Vol. r. 2. I?.. BROMFIULH, [William] Surgeon to the Queens 'Houskold y Late Surgeon to St, George s and tkt Lock - Hospitals. born 1712. died Nov, 24. 1792- See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Nov. p. 1063. *BROMLEY, [Henry] Engraver, A catalogue of engraved British portraits, from Egbert the great to the present time j — etc. 1793 ^ {lh I sh.) BROMLEY, [Robert Anthony] B. D. ReSor of St, MMreds in the Poultry, (born in America ) À philosophical and critical history of the fine arts, , painting, sculpture and architecture; with, occa- sional observations 011'the progress of engraving deduced from the earliest periods through every country* in which those arts have been cherished, to their present establishment in Great - Britain. Vol. 1. 1793. 4. (* 10 sh.) Vol, 2, 1795- 4» (I L. I sh.) ^BROMLEY, [Robert] Description of the pocket memorandum book, invented by him, for the use of persons depri- ved of their eye~sight. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 7. p. 106,) PRQMWICH, [Bryan Jaiifon] A. M. On mangelwurzej. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 5, p. * 308. 314O Arthur and Emma, or the first navi- gator, a poem in IV books. 1796, The doctri* lies of the church of Rome examined. 1797. 8. (2 sh.) BROOK, [Abraham] Of the city of Norwich. An Mechanics?. Miscell. exper, and remarks on electricity, [the air 139 air pump. &. 1789. 4. (i sh,) ubers, von K. Q* Kltkn. Leipzig. 1790. 8. «BROOKE, [ ] Miss. Dialogue between a lady and her pupils, descri- bing a journey- through England and Wales; in which a detail of the different arts and manufactu- res of each city and town is - accurately given; interspersed with observations and descriptions in natural history. 179Ó- 8- (3 sh. 6 d.) Emma, or the foundling of the wood; 1803. 8- (3 sh. 6 d.) *BROOKE, [ ] M. Dr. Of the city of Bath. Observations on the manners and customs of Italy, with remarks on the vast importance of British commerce on that continent, also particulars of S the wonderful explosion of mount Vesuvius, taken on the spot, at midnight in June 1794. — like- wise an account of many very extraordinary cures produced by a preparation of opium, in a variety of obstinate cafes according to the practice in Asia; with many physical remarks collected in italy —* by a Gentleman authorized to investigate the com- merce of that couutry with Great-Britain. 17981 8* (6 sh.) BROOKE, [John Charles] Esq, Somerset-Heraid; and one of the Lieutenants in the militia of the Weft , Riding , Yorkshire. F A. S. born 1749. suffocated , in attempting to get into the pit at the little theatre in the Hay* market, Febr. 10. 1794» See Gentleman's Magaz, Y, 1794, Febr. p. 187, March, p. 275» A deed of the manor of Nether Sitiington, ço# York. (Arch. Vol. 7. p. 416,) *BROOKE, [William] F. R. A. The true causes of the present distress for provi* fions; with a natural easy and effectual plan fotf the future prevention of so great a calamity. With, some hints respecting the absolute necessity of an encreased population. 1800. 8. (2 sh.) ^BROO M, [Thomas] Teacher of the classics, geography and other branches of polite littérature at Wo* kingham, Bucks, Sketches of female education , partly original and partly selected from the most aporqve4 authors^ foe for the instruction and amusement of young ladies both in public seminaries aud private families, I79T. 12, (3 00" *BROOMB, [Ralph] Esq. Captain in tke service of ikt Eaft-lndi* Company on tke Bengal Estahlifkmm and Perfian translator to tke army on ike fron- tier station , during part of tke late war in India. Elucidation of the articles of impeachment, prefer, rod by the last parliament against Warren Ha- stings. 1790. 8. 5'sn.) Examination of the ex- pedi^ncy of continuing the present impeachment. 179i. 8- (2 fh. ód.) The letters of Simkin the second, poetic recorder of all the proceedings upon the trial of Warren Hastings Esq. in Westminster* hall. 1791. 8. A comparative review of the ad- ministration of Hastings and Mr. Dundas, in war and in peace. 17,91. 8. elucidating what is said of his* lit* 143 life and character by Beddoes* (Med> Repos. Vol. *BROWN, [ j — an& .Rennies remarks on waste lands in York» shire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 127.) — Ren- nie*s and Shirr effy size of farms in Yorkshiie* (Youngs A. of Agr* Vol. 22. p. 409.) On rea- ping hip h and low. (Ibid. VoL 22. p. 413) *BROWN, [Alexander Campbell] Colony commerce; or, reflections on the com* mercial system , as it respects the West-India Is- lands, our continental colonics and the United states of America: with some remarks on the pre- sent high price of sugar and the means of redu* cing it. 1792. 8. (2 fh.) *BROWN, [Charles] Surgeon* born 1778- shot himself July 10. 1800» See Gentleman's Mag. Y. 1800. Jul. p, 701. Aug. p. 793. Ailgem. Litterat. Zeit. J. i8oi« ItBL S. 837* On fcrophuloils diseases, showing the goods effects of factitious air; illustrated with cafes and obser- vations. 1798. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) On the use of vo- mits in suspended animation* (Monthly Magaz* Y.' 1798- Oct. p. 240*) Controversy on the ni- trous acid. (Ibid. Y. 1799. Jan. p. 23*) Inkle and Yarico, a poem. 1799. 4, ( I fh; 6 d, ) De* scriptiofl of an improved german key for extra- cting teeth, ( TiUoctis Phiios* Magaz. VoL 2* 'P-73 ) *BROWN, [C.w Edgar Huntly* or the memoirs of a {leep- wal- ker. Vol. 1-3. 1802.8» Arthur Mervyo a tale, VoL 1-3. 1802. 8. (12 fli.) ^BROWN, [G...* G.../) of Bath. > Account of the good effects of cold in madness* (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1799* p*488.) ♦BROWN, [James] The importance of preserving unviolated the sy* s.em of civil government in every state; with the dreadful consequences of the violation of it. To which is added an appendix, containing some stri- ctures on the writings of Mr. Paine. 1792. 8. (3sb.) An alarm to the public and a bounty proffli* 143 promised to every Iq,yal subject who shall come forward to repel the enemy. 1798. 8* (3 d.) fiROWN, [Josiah] Esq, Barrister at Law, A new abridgment of cases in equity and of such cases at law ae relate to equitable subjects from 1735 to the present time. Vol. i„ 1793. 4. (I L4 «BROW.N, [Moses] Esq. of Providence. Brief remarks on the origin of the yellow fever in some parts of the stàte of Rhode-Island* (Me- dical Repository. Vol.3, p. 267.) ♦BROWN) [Robert] Farmer at Markle, near Had^ dington, Scotland. A general view of the agriculture of the county of the Westriding of Yorkshire. 1799» 8* (6 sh.) «BROWN, [Robert] Corporal in the Goldsireant Guards, An impartial journal of a detachment from the brigade of foot - guards* commencing 35 FeDr» 1793 and ending 9 May 1795 with a map of the feat of war, 1796. 8. (5lh. 6 d.) The cam- paign, a poetical essay. 1797, 8- Ush* 6 d.) •BROWN, [Samuel] M Dr. On the bilious malignant fever, Boston* I797« An account of the pestilential disease which pre- vailed at Boston (Massachusetts) in the summer and autumn of 1798* (Medical Reposit. Vol.2* P- 390-) On the nature, origin and progress of the yellow fever, with observations on its treat- ment; comprising an account of the disease in several of the capitals of the United states but more particularly as it has prevailed in Boston, 1800. *BROWN, [Thomas] Esq. Of tin University of Edinburgh, Observations oh the xoonomta of Erasmus Dart win, M, Dr. 1798. 8. (8 sh,) *BROVVN, [Thomas] Surgeon at Muffelhurgk. History of a remarkable inflammatory disease, terminating in a fatal affection of the bowels. {Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. VoL 8* p. 348*) Hi- story of a cafe, in which a recovery took place after a remarkable injury to the brain. ( Ibid. ;j Dec. 3. Vol. 8. p. 343.) History of a cafe of cystir- 144 cystirrhoea, cured by the use of astringent in. jeciions thrown into the bladder. (Ibid. Dec 2* Vol. 10. p. 223.) The history of a cafe, in which, after a complete inversion of the uterus, a favou- rable termination took place. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1797. p»277.) Cafe of inverted uterus, with retention of the placenta after parturition. (Mem. of M. S. ofL. Vol, 5. p, 202.) *PROWN, [Thomas] Remarks on wast lands in Derbyshire* ( Barii Agric. Soc. Vol.8, p. 152.) *BROWN, [William] M. Dr. Hints on the establishment of an universal writ- ten character. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P. 1. p. 275.) BROWN, [William] Esq. F. R. $. Deputy County- clerk of Middlesex* bom, died Apr. 26. 1794* See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1704. June. p. 57Ó. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the high court of chancery. Vol. 2. 1789. sol. (l2fh.) Vol. 3. 1792. sol. (iL. 15 ft.) Vol. 4. 17.. *BROWN, [William] M. Dr. A letter to the clergy of the church of Scotland, on domestic inoculation. Edinb. 1794. 8. * BROWN, [William Cullen] The institutions of the pra&ice of medicine; deli- vered in a course of lectures by J. Bajot. Bur- serins de Kanifeld. Translated from the latin; in five volumes. Vol. 1 - 3. 1800. 1801, 8- (I L. 4ÍI1J BROWN, [William Laurence] D. D. Principal of Marifckal College, Aberdeen. Oratio habita die 14 Febr. 1788. quum ordina- riam in academia Trajeclina, historiae ecclesia- fiicae et philofophiae moralis profeffionem publice — fufciperct. Ultraj. 1788. 4. Oratio habita die 25 Mart. 1790, cum magistratu fe academico ab- drcaret. Ultrajecti. 1790, 4, Essay on the natu- ral equality of mankind, on the rights that result from it and the duties which it imposes. 1793. 8. (3 fh. 6 d ) fibers, von Weber; Franks. 11. Leip- zig. 1797- 8- The spirits of the times considered, a sermon. 1793. 8. (ifh.) The influence of the divine judgements on the reformation of the world; a sermon. 1794* 8. The influence of re- 145 . lìgion on national prosperity; a sermon. 1796. 8. Sermon on occasion of the death of Dr. Georgè Campbell, late principal and Profelsor of divinity in Marischall-College, Aberdeen* 1796. 8. Tfie proper method of defending religious truth in ti- mes of prevailing infidelity > a sermon. Í796. 8* An essay on the folly of scepticism — Ed, 3, 1796. 8. (3 AO BROWNE, [Arthur] LL. Dr. Senior Fellow of Trinity College^ Dublin; Profeffor of Civil Law in that University and one of tke Representatives of the University in the Irifk Parliament. Miscellaneous sketches or hints for essays, Vol, 1. 2-, 1798' 8- (7 fh.) A compendious view of civil and ecclesiastical law, being the substance of a course of lectures read in the University of Dublin. Vol. 1,2. 1798*1800. 8. (r X. 4 fh.) *A compendious view of the civil law and of the lav? of admiralty. Vol I. 1799. 8- (8 fh.) Ed. 2> With great additions, Vol. I. 2. 1802. 8. ( I L. 1 fh,) Brief strictures on Certain observation* of Lord MonbodJo respecting the greek tenses. ( Tr. of J. A. 1789. II. b.) The comparative authenticity of Tacitus and Suetonius illustrated by the que* stiott, whether Nero was the author of the me*- inorable conflagration at Rome? (Ibid, Vol, 5, p, 3> b*) Some observations upon the greek ac- cents. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 359») Some account of the Vicars Cairn, in the county of Armagh. (lb* Vol, 8. Antiq, p. 3») An account of some an* cient trumpets, dug up in a bog near Armagh* (Ibid, Vol.8. Aritiq. p. 11.) *BROWNE, [Henry] Ckemifl at Derby. Description of his evaporator. (Tr. of the Soe» for the E of A. Vol. 12. p. 257,) Quick aud easy method of converting weeds and other vegetable matter into manure. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E* of A. Vol, IÓ. p. 268- Tilloctïs Philof. Magaz4 Vol. 3. p4 32.) 'BROWNE, [J ] P. M. of six lodges, and M. A, Masonic master key through the three degrees; by way of polyglot* Under the sanction of the craft in general. And an explanation of all the hiero* glyphics, The whole interspersed with illustra* Xtuss 0. e. suppt. K tion* I4Ô tîons on theology, astronomy, architecture, arts, sciences. I803. (5 Th. 6 d.) BROWNE, [John] Aí. A: late of Sidney Su fx College , Cambridge. An essay on universal redemtion, tending to prove, that the general sense of scripture favours the opinion of the final salvation of all mankind. 1798. 8. (I ih.) *BROWNE, [Joseph] As. Dr. On the yellow fever*, shewing its origin, cure and prevention. New - York. 1797.8. *BROWNE, [M . C ] A leaf out of Burk's book, being an epistle so that R. H. Gentleman on his letter to a noble Lord &c. 1796. 8. (2 sh.) ♦BROWNE, [Patrick] As. Or, born at Woodstock, in the Parish of Crossboyno and County of Mayo, about the, Y. 1720. died at Rushbrook, County of Mayo Aug. 29. 1790. Civil and natural history of Jamaica. 175Ó. sol. Ed. 3. 1789. Map of Jamaica. 1755. Catalogue of the birds of Ireland , whether natives, casual visitors, or birds of passage, taken from observa- tion; classed and disposed according to Linnaeus; (published in Exlhaw's Magazine Y. 1774. June.) Catalogue of fishes, observed on our coasts and in our lakes and rivers, classed and disposed ao cording to Linnaeus; (published in Exshaw's Ma- gaz. Y. 1774. August.) (His Mss. are: A catalo- gue of the plants growing in the sugar islands &c. classed and described according to the Lin- nean system. Fasciculus plantarum Hiberniae, or a catalogue of such Irish plants as have been observed by the author chiefly those of the coun- ties of Mayo and Galway.) -BROWNE, [Samuel] Rev. A new historical, chronological and geographical dictionary of the holy bible. Vol. 1-3. 1797-8« ( 17 sh. ) The British protestant youth's instru- ctor,, or the deliverance god hath wrought ist preserving us from popery. 1798. (I sh.) ^BROWNE, [Thomas] A. M. A new classical dictionary for the use of schools. I797« 1797. 12. (5 sh. ) Viridurium pocticum feu de- lectos epithetorum in celeberrimis Jatinis scripto- ribus sparforum — 1799- 8. (8 sh.) «BROWNE, [Thomas Gunter] Esq. , Hermes unmasked, or the art of speech founded on the association of words , and ideas; with an answer to Dr. Vincent's hypothesis of the greek verb. 1795. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) Letters 3 and 4 con- taining the mysteries of metaphysics, with an answer to le Brosse s system òf imitation sound* 1796. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) ♦ BROWNE, [W G....] Travels in Africa , Egypt and Syria from the Y. 1792 to 1798. 1799. 4. (iL. II sh. 6d.) iibers. von Sprengel. Weimar. 1800. 8. ÍBROWNLOW, [ ] Lord. Queries concerning cottages , with the answers. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. I. p. 85.) BROWNRIGG, [William] As. Dr: R R. S. Phy. Jician of Keswick in Cumberland. born, 1711. died at his feat at Orniathyraite near Keswick. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. igoo. April, p. 386. Monthly Magaz. Y. I800. June. p. 498. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBL J. l8oov S. 1802. See Joshua Dixon. *BRUCE, [A....] O11 an atmospherical phaenomenon at Edinburgh* (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. March, p. 194.) *BRUCE, [Arthur] Esq. Secretary to the natural ki- flor. Society of Edinburgh. A curious faci in the natural history of the com- mon mole, talpa Europaea Linn. (Transact. ofL." Soc. Vol. 3. p. 5. TiUoch's Philosoph. Magaz. Vol. 2. p. 36.) 1 *BRUCE, [Basil] An exhortation to all people to forsake the sin of swearing oaths &c. 1798. 8. (6 d.) BRUCE, [James] of Kinnaird, Esq. F. R. S. born about the Y. 1733. àieà Apr. 1794. See Òentleman's Magaz. T. 1794» May. p. 483. Allg, Litterat. Zeit. J. 1794, ItBl. N.73. $.569* K 2, Gem 14$ Genz Neue Deutsche Monathsfchrift, J. 1795, May. S. 241» The Annual Necrology for 1797- 1798. p. 127. BfcUCE, [John] M.A: F. R. S. of London and Edinb. Correspond, of the ft. S. of Got t in gen; now Hi- ftorio^rapher to the Eaft India Company, * Historical view of plans for the government of British India and regulation of trade of the Fast- Indies; and outlines of a plan of foreign govern- ment of commercial oeconomy , and of domestic administration for the Asiatic interests of Great. Britain. 1793. 4. BRUCE, [Robert] M. Dr, An eccount of the sensitive quality of the tree averrhoa carambola. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1788- July p. 381.) ♦BRUCKNER, [J....] Esq, Thoughts on public worihip; Part I. containing a full review of Mr. Wakefield's objectipns to this practice; with suitable answers. 1792.8. (I fh. 6,d.) *BRUEE, [William Urban] Esq. Narrative of the fuccessfull manner of cultivating the clove tree, in the Island of Dominica, one of the windward Charibbee-islands. 1797. 4. *BRUYNt [Severyn J....] Letter on the retreat of swallows and the torpid state of certain animals in winter. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 2. P. I. p. 96.) *BRYAN, [Margaret] Mistrtss of a boarding-school at Margate. A compendious system cf astronomy, in a course of familiar lectures. 1797. 4. (1 L. 7 fh. 6 d.) *BRYAN, [William] A ttstimony of the spirit of truth, concerning Ri' chard Brothers, the man appointed of God to go- vern the hebrews, the Elijah promised by the Lord in these last days, to come and restore all things. 1795. 8. (6 d ) BRYANT, [Charles] Of the city of Norwich. A dictionary of the ornamental trees, ihrubs and 149 / plants, most commonly cultivated in the planta- tions, gardens and stoves of Great-Britain, 1790. 8 (9 so. 6 d.) BRYANT, [Henry] M. A. Reiïor of Colby and Vicar of Langkam , Regis, Norfolk, born 1721. died June 4. 1799. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. June. p. 533, Allg. Litt. Zeit. J 1800. ItBl. S. 664. Letter on oil from the feeds of the great annua! fun flower. ( Tr, of the Soct for the E, of A. Vol.2, p. 113,) BRYANT, [James! Esq. Sec Ktittner's Beytrage zur Kemitniss von Eng- land. 1794, St 8. S. 107. Vihdiciae Flavianae Ed I, 1777. Ed. 2. 1780. (I so. ód.) Gemmarum antiquarum delectus ex praestautioribus defiuntus in dactyliotheca Ducis Marlburiensis. Vol.2. 1791. fol. A farther illu- stration of the analysis of ancient mythology, in answer to some foreign observations, 1778» *A treatise upon the authenticity of the scripture and the truth of the christian religion. 179 r. 8- (5 sh.) Ed. 2. ,1793, 8. (5 so.) * Observations on a con- troverted passage in Justin Martyr and upon the worso;p of angels. London, 1793, 4. Observa- tions upon the plagues inflicted upon the Egyp- tians, in which is shewn the peculiarity of those judgments and their correspondence with the rites and idolatry of that people. To these is prefixed a prefatory discourse concerning the Grecian colo- nies from Egypt, 1794. 8, (8 sh.) Observations upon a treatise? entitled a description of the plain of Troy by Mr, Le Chwalier. Eaton. 1796. 4. (3 so.) A dissertation concerning the war of Troy and the expedition of the Grecians as de- scribed by Homer, ihewing that no such expedi- tion was ever undertaken and that no such city as Phrygia existed. 1796. 4. (8 so-) fibers, von G. H. Nohden. Krauuschw, 1797. 8» The sentiments of Pktlo JudaeuS, concerning the Koyoç or word of God —. 1797. 8, (3 so. 6d,) Some observa- tions upon the vindication of Homer and of the ancient poets and historians, who have recorded the iicge and fall of Troy, written by J. B. S. K 3 Morritty ISO JMorritt) Esq. 1799. 4. (4 fh.) An expostulation addressed to the British critick. 1799. Observa- tions upon some passages in scripture, which the enemies to religion have thought most obnoxious, and attended with difficulties not to be surmoun- ted. 1803. 4» (12 sh.) *BRYÇE, [James] Of the Kingdom of Scotland; Surgeon. An account of the yellow fever, with a successful rnethod of cure. 1796, 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) Practical observations on the inoculation of cowpox, poin- ting out a test of a constitutional affection in those cases in which the local inflammation is flight and in which no fever is perceptible; illustrated by cafes and plates. 1802. 8. (6 sh. 6 d.) iibers. mit Anmerk, von F. G. Fries*. Breslau. 1803. 8. BRYDGES, [Samuel Egerion ] Esq. F. A. S. Of Denton - Court, in the county of Kent, Sonnets and other poems; a new edition, 1795. 12. (3 fh. 6 d. ) Mary de Clifford; a novel. 1792. 12. Verses on the late unanimous reso* . lution to support the constitution; to which are added some other poetns. 1794. 4. ( I fh.) Ar- thur Fitz-Albini, a novel; Vol. 1. 2. 1798. 8. * Theatrum poetarum anglicanoruni. Containing the names and characters of all the English poets from the reign of Henry III. to the close of the reign of Queen Elizabeth by Edward Philipps the nephew of Milton: First published in 1675 and now enlarged by additions to every article. 1800, 8. (8 fh,) ^BRYDSON, [Thomas] F. A. S. Edinb. A summary view of heraldry, in reference to the usages of chivalry and the general economy of the feudal system; with an appendix respecting such distinctions of rank as have place in the British constitution. 1795. 8. (6 fh.) *BRYSON, [Thomas] Rev. born at Dalkeith in Scotland 1759. died 1799* Apr. 24. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1799. May. p. 437* Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1800. March, p. 89. An address so youth; 1792. A comprehensive view of the real christian's character, privileges and and obligations: being the fubfjance of a course of sermons on the 8 Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 1794. 12. (3 sh. 6 d.) BUCH AN, Earl of\ —- Sec David Stewart Erskine. ^BUCHAN, [A .... P ] M Dr. Enchiridion syphiliticum; or directions for the conduct of venereal complaints. 1797. 12. C2ÍÎW 6 d ) BUCHAN, [William] M Dr. Letter to the patentte, concerning the medical properties of the fleecy hosiery. Ed, 3. with notes and observations. 1790. 8. (l fh.) Observation» concerning the prevention and cure of the vene- real disease —. 1796. 8. ( 3 sh. 6 d ) Ed. 2. 1797. tibers. mit Anmerk. und Zus. voa Dr. J. C. F. Leunt. B 1. Leipz. 1800. 8 B 2. 1801. 8. Observations concerning the diet of the common people, recommending a method of living less expensive and more conducive'to health than the present. 1797. 8. (1 sh. 6 d.) Advice to mothers on the subject of their own health and on the means of promoting the health, strenght and beauty of their offspring. 1803. 8. (6 fh.) «BUCHANAN, [Francis] Esq. M. Dr. A. L. $. Description of the tree called by the Burmas, Laun- zan, (Asiat. Res. Vol. 5. p. 123. ) A comparative vocabulary of some of the languages spoken îu the Burma empire. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 219.) On the religion and literature of the Burmas. (Ib. Vol. 6. p. 163.) Description of the vespertilio plicatus, (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 5. p. 2ÓI. Titioctfs Philos Mag, Vol. 7. p. 145.) An ac- count of the onehidium, a new genus of the clafi of vermes, found in Bengal. (Transact, of L, S« Vol. 5. p. 132.) BUCBA'NAN, [George] M. Dr. Diss, de causis refpirationis ejusdemque affectibus. Philad. 1789. 8. BUCHANAN, [John Lane] A. M. A native of iht Highland part of Menttitk in the shire of Penh, North Britain. See Hetike's Archiv stir die neueste Kirchengesch. B. 5. St. 2. S. 364. Travels in the western Hebrides from 1782 to K 4 J790. 1SZ -—- ï7ço. 1793. 8. (3fh. 6d.) iibers. von F. L. Jf, Meyer, Berlin. 1795* 8. A defence of the Scots Highlanders in general and some learned cha- racters, in particular; with a new and satis* factory account of the Picts, Scots, Fingal, Oslian and his poems; as also of (he macs, clans, bodo- tria and several other particulars respecting the Jiigh antiquities of Scotland. 1794. 8. (6sh.) A general view of the fishery of Great * Britain, drawn up for the consideration of the undertakers of the North British fiibtng, lately begun for promoting (ho general utility of the inhabitants and empire at laisgc. 1794. 8- (5 sh.) ^BUCHANAN, [Robertson] Engineer, Glasgow. Description of the improved pump invented by him, (Ti/Jock's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 10. p, 193.) On the velocity of water wheels. (Ibid. Vol. 10. P» 2780 Account of some improvements on wa* ter wheels, (Ibid. Vol. U. p. 79,) *BUCK, [Charles] Anecdotes religious, moral and entertaining; aN phabetically arranged and interspersed with a va- riety of useful observations. 1799. 12. (3 sh. 6 d.) *BUCKE, [Thomas] Merchant at Worlington^ Suffolk, Qu the culture of potatoes. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 5. p. 250.) *BUGKNAL, [Thomas Skip Dyot] %. M, P< Of Hampton - Cours, The orcharding; or a system of close pruning and medication , for establishing the science of orchar* ding as patronized by the society for the encourage- ment qs arts, manufactures and commerce. Ex- tracted from the II, 12, 13. 14 Vols, of the Socie- ty's transactions with additions. 1797, 8* (3 ft-) Observations relative to the pruning of orchards, (Tr. of the Sac. for the E. of A, Vols 51. p. 7* Vol, 13. p. 1ÓQ.) Letter on pruning orchards. (Ibid, Vol. 13, p. 2q6. Vol. 14. p. 207. 229. Vol. 15. p. 144. Vol. ig;. p, 325O On the cause of blight on fruit-trees. (Ibid. Vol. IJ, p. 263. Vol, 18- p. 299.) On the peculiar deficiency in the apple crop, (Comm. and Agrjc. Magaz. Y, 1802. Nov. p. 324.) An attempt at improving the fruit gar* den, (Jb. Y. 1802. Dec. p,4QÓ.) r BUCK- 153 *BUCKNELL, [James] of Knorvjlone , near Tiverton, Devon. On the potatoes for feeding cattle and sheep. (Tr# of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 9. p. 45. Vol. II. p. 98.) *BUDD, [J....] Dr. Short account of the climate Sec. of South - Caro- lina. (American Museum Y. 1790. Febr. p. 105.) Oa porter. (Ib. Y. 1792. Febr. p. 64.) *BUDD, [John] A, M. Essays and sermons oa felecV subjects. 1803. 8. (3 ft. 6 d.) *BUDD, [William] Method of raising calveg without milk. (American Museum Y. 1787. Aug. p. 177. Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. Febr. p. 86.) ♦BUDWORTH, [Joseph] Esq. F. A. $. Captain. A fortnight's ramble to the lakes in Westmore- land, Lancashire and Cumberland; 1792. 8. (5 fh.) Ed. 2. 1795. 8. (5 Middlesex. Observations on the income tax, with regulations suggested for the security of the revenue and pre- venting the waste of public money: Together , with a proposed plan of an auxiliary to the sin- king fund. I80I. 8. (I sh.) •BURD, [William] Surgeon in the royal navy. History of a Case terminating successfully, after amputation was performed at the shoulder- joint* (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 282.) BURDER, [George] of Coventry. The weaver's pocket-book, or weaving spiri- tualized; written by the Rev. Dr. Collins, Vicar of St. Stephen's, Norwich, in the Y. 1675. and nòw abridged and revised. 1794. 24, (6 d.) An abridgment of Dr. Owen s treatise ou justifi- cation by faith. 1797. 8. (3 sb. 6 d.) «BURDER, [George] The welch Indians; or, a collection of papers re- specting a people, whose ancestors emigrated from Wales to America in the Year 1170 with Prince Madoc (300 years before the first voyage of Co- lumbus) and who are said now to inhabit a beautiful country on the Westside of the Misislipi. 1797. 156 179?- S. ( I sh. ) The life of the Rev. John Machin*, A. M. — formerly Minister of the Pa. rish church of Astbury, near Congleton in Che illire, with a recommendatory preface by the late Sir Charles tVo/feley, Bart, revised and republi- shed. 1799. 12- (8 d.) Village sermons — Vol. 1-4 I800. 12. (4 sh. 6 d,) See Joseph Wki* te ko use. •BURDER, [Samuel] The moral law considered as a rule of life to believers. Designed as an antidote to Antinomia- mfm, 1795. 12. (i fh ) A concise directory for the pioritable employment of the christian's sab- bath, 1800. 12. (3 d.) Oriental customs, or an illustration of the sacred scriptures, by an ex- planatory application of the customs and man- ners of the eastern nation and especially the jews, therein alluded to; together with observations on many difficult and obscure texts, collected from the most celebrated travellers and the most emi- nent crit/ks. 1802, 8- (9 fh.) *BURDETT, [Sir Francis] See Public Characters of 1802-I803. p. 48L Speech in the House of Commons, 12 Apr. I802- for an inquiry into the conduct of the administra- tion at home and abroad during the war. 1802. 8» (I fh.) * B U R D O N , [ Wil liam ] As. A; Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Three letters, addressed to the bishop of Landais. 1795* 8 (1 fh.) An examination of the merits and tendency .of the pursuits of literature, Part. I. 1799. Hart 2- 1800. 8. (5 fh.) Various thoughts on politics, morality end literature, 180I. 8. (3 fh.) Materials for thinking, Nrb, J. (I ill.) Unanimity recommended. 1803. 8. (l fhj Ad- vice addressed to the lower ranks of society, use- ful at all times, more especially in the present, I803. (6 d.) , *BURDY, [Samuel] A. JB. Of the kingdom of Ireland. The lise of the late Rev. Phil, Skelton; with some curious * The original life of J. Machin was published in the Y. 1571» IS? curious anecdotes, Dublin. 1792. 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) See New-York Magaz. Y. 1795. Nov. p. 672. BUREAU, [James] F. M. S. Surgeon in London. Cafe of violent pains in the penis and neighbou- ring parts. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 65.) *BURGES, [Bartholomew] A series of Indostan letters, containing a striking account of the manners and customs of the Gen- too nations and of the Moguls and other Maho- medan tribes in indostan, with other polemical East-India tracts, both amusing, interesting and perfectly original. New-York. 1790. {\Dollar.) *BllRGES, [George] A B. Curate of Whittles™. Remarks on Mr. PVakefieliïs enquiry into the ex- pediency and propriety of public or social wor- ship. 1792. 8. (i fh. 6 d.) A letter to Th. Pai- ne, author of the age of reason. 1794. 8* (I fh.) A letter to the Lord Bishop of Ely on the subject' of a new and authoritative, translation of the holy scripture. 1796. 8. (ifh.) Desultory hints on •violence of opinion and intemperance of lan- guage. 1796. 8. (6 d. ) An address to the peo- ple of Great-Britain. 1798. 8. (I fh.) Several single sermons. BURG ES, [Sir James Bland] Bart. LL. Dr. Knight. Marshal of his Maj. houshold and one of the under - Secretaries of flate. (of fVeftow in Cam- bridgeshire.) The birth and triumph of love, a poem with many sine plates. 1796 4. (2 L. TO fh.) Richard the first, commonly called coeur de Lion, an epic poem, in XVI1Ï. books. Vol. I. 2. 1801. 8. (iU 5 no BURGESS, [Thomas] Prebendary of Durham and do* mestic Chaplain 10 the Bishop of Durham. Observations in quasdam Sojohoclif> Euripidis et Aeskyli traaoedias. 1778- * Evidence that the relation of Josephus , concerning Herod's having new built the temple at Jerusalem is either false or misinterpreted. Ed. 2. 1789. 8- (ifh. 6 d. ) The divinity of Christ proved from his own de- clarations, attested and interpreted by his living witnesses the jews; a sermon. 1790. 4. (i fh.) * Remarks on the scriptural account of the di- mensions 158 mensions of Salomons temple; occasioned by the supplément to a pamphlet eucitled, Evidence that the relation of Josephus concerniug Herod's ha- ving ncwbuilt the temple —. 1790. 8. (I sh, 6 d.) Jok. Toup emendationes m%Suidam et tìefychium et alios lexicographos graecos. Vol. 1^4. Oxoniî. 1791. 8- Refledions on the controveríìal wri- tings of Dr. Prieflley, relative to the re!igiou9 opinions, establishments and tests. Part I. Oxf. 1791* 8. Gravinae opufcula. 1792. 8. Aristg- ttìis TreirXoç ab H. Stephano primuni editum, nunc , pluribus auctum epitaphiis, partim nuper editis, partim mine primur.i e codice Harlejano. 1798. 12. (I fn. 6d.) * Mufei Oxoniensis litterarii cou- spectus; accedunt pro speciminibus Corayi emen- dationcs in Hippocratetn, Vu/canii, Casauboni, Vptoni , Sanctamancii, Jortìni notae in Ari/iore- ìem de poetica; variae lectiones et fupplementa Q, Curtii; variae lectiones et fupplementa Procli Lycii; anecdota graeca Procli et Tzetzis. Fafc. 1. Oxfordiae. 1792. 8- (3 fh«) Fafc. 2. Pars. 1.2. 1797. 8. (Z sh. 6 d. ) Mîfcellaneous remarks. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 3. p. 360.) ^ BURGH, [William] LL. D. of the city of York. William Mason , the Engliih garden; Ed. 2. ívith commentary and notes by IV. Burgk.. 1785. 8. ( 4 sh. ) BURGOYNE, [John] Privy Counsellor; Lieutenant gênerai in the army; Colonel of the 4 Rgt. of foot; M. P. for Prefloit. born; died Aug. 4. 1792. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Aug. p. 771. The Heirefs, a comedy. Ed. 10. 1792. (ifh. 6 cl.) «BURGOYNE, [Montagu] Esq. Mark-Hall, near Harlow. Experiments in Agriculture. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 19. p. 408. ) On comparative culture of wheat. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. II. P- 43.) *BURKE, [ ] Mrs. Ela or the delusion3 of the heart, a taie founded on facts. 1787. 12. The forrows of Edith or the hermitage of the cliffs, a descriptive taie founded on factî. Vol, 1. s. 1796, X3> (6 sh.) Adela Northing- 159 Northington, a novel. Vol. 1-3. 1796. 12. (12 sb.) Elliott; or vicissitudes of early life. Vol. 1.2. 1800. 12. (7 Ch.) BURKE » [Edmund] LL. Dr. Privy Counsellor and Member of Parliament. < born in Ireland 1729. died at his feat near Beaconsfield , Bucks, Jul. 9. 1797. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. July. p. Ô2Í» Nov. p. 979. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 16. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. July, p 41. Y 1798. Jan. p. 23. Allgem. Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1798. N. 31. S. 265. The Annual Necrology for 1797 et 1798. p. 4Ó0 Kiograph. Liter, and Po- lit. Anecdotes; —. Vol.2, p 345. Vol. 3. p. 399. — See Charles MCormick* John Chet- wood Eustace. Annual Register: (he superintended the historical Department.) Reflections on the revolution in France—. 1790. 8> uberf. Th. 1.2. Wien. 1791. I79o« 8. uberf. von Fried. Gentz. Th. 1.2. Ber- lin. 1793' 8- Letter to a member of the national assembly; m answer to some objections to his book on stench affairs. Ed. 4. X79Í. 8. (2 sti.) Two letters on the french revolution: one to the translator of his reflections on the revolution in France; the other to Capt. JV.on the seme subject. 1791. 8. (1 fh.) * An appeal from the new to the old whigs in consequence of some late discussions ju parliament relatives to the reflections on the french revolution. 1791. 8. (3 sh.) Letter to Sir Hercules Langriske, Bart. M. P. on the subject of roman caihohks of Ireland, and the propriety of admitting them to the elective franchise, consi- stently with the principles of die constitution as cstablislled at the revolution. 1792. 8. (2 sh. ) Speech on the j;8 and 19th of Febr. 1788. with explanatory notes. With a preface, containing Mr. Burke's letter to the chairman on Sir John. Shores appointment to the government of Ben- gal and remarks upon that letter. 1792. 8. (2 fh.) A letter to a noble Lord, on the attnks made upon him and his pension in the house of Lordsf early in the present session of parliament by ihc Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale. I7?ó. lóo 1796. 8. (2 sh.) iibcrs. mit Anmerk. vou Friei. Gentz. Berlin. 1796. 8. Original thoughts 011 the prospect os a regicide peoce in a series of letters. 1796. 8- (2 sb. 6 d.) Two letters — on > the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France. 1798. 8. (.3 sh. 6 d.) iibers. von Albr. _ Wittenberg, Franks, u. Leipz. 1797. 8. A third letter — 1797. 8. (3 sh.) A general reply to the several answerers — of a letter written to a noble Lord. I7QÓ. 8. (2 fh.) Letter — on the conduct of the minority in parliament: containing 54 ar- ticles of impeachment againft C. J. Fox. 1797- 8. (2fh, 6 d. ) . Three memorials on french affairs; written in the V. 1791. 1792 and 1793. 1797» 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) iibers. von Dr. J. G. TralUs. Hirsch- berg. 1798. 8. iibers. Hamburg. 1798. 8- Two letter* on the conduct of our domestic parties, -with regard to french politicks; including obser- vations on the conduct of the minority, in the session of 1793. Ed. 4. 1797. 8- (3 fh.) Thoughts and details on, scarcity, originally presented to — William Pitt in Nov'. 1799. 1800. (I sh. 6 d.) Original letters between the late Thomas Mercer Esq. of Dublin i and — Edm. Burke, (Monthly Magaz. Y.. 1802. May. p.317.) Works, anew edition. Vol. 1-8. 1802. 8. (2 L. IÓ fh.) *BURKE, [Richard] Esq. Recorder of Bristol A charge delivered to the grand jury, at a seflion of oyer and terminer, and general gaol delivery for the city — of Bristol, held at the Guildhall there April 6. 1793. 8» (6 d.) BURN, [Edward] Ai. A. Minister* of St. Mary's cha- pel , Birmingham, Letters to Dr. Priestley in vindication of the for- mer letter* 1790. 8. A reply to Dr. Priestley ap- peal to the public on the subject of the late riots at Birmingham » in vindication of the clergy and other respectable inhabitants of the town, 1792*8. (2 fh.) Pastoral hints; or the importance of re- ligious education; with a familiar plan of in- struction designed for the assistance of families, 1801. (I fh.) * BURN> ♦ BURN, [Jo'hn] Esq. One of his Maj. Justices of the Peace for the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland. A new law dictionary, intended for general use as -well as for Gentlemen of the profession by Richard Burn LL. D. — and continued to the present time by his son. Vol. i. 2. 1792. 8. (16 sh.) An ap- pendix to the 17 edition of Dr. Rick. Burn's ju- stice of the peace and parish officer, containing all the acts of parliament and adjudged cafes which relate to the office of a justice of the peace from 32 Geo. III. to the present time. 1795. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) The justice of the peace and parish officer V- by Rich. Bunt. Ed. XVHL corrected and considerably enlarged. Vol. 1-4. 1797-1800. . 8. UL. 8 sh.) *BURN, [John Ilderton] of the Inner - Temple. A practical treatise or compendium of the law of marine insurances. 1801. 12. (5 íh.) A treatise, or summary of the law relative to stock-jobbing. I803. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) BURNABY, [Andrew] D D. Archdeacon of Leicester and Vicar of Greenwich. Travels through the middle settlements of North- America in 1759 and 1760. New edition cor* rected and enlarged. 1799. 4. (12 fh.) (Several single sermons ) BURNET, [George] M. A. Minister at EUand, York- shire. born in Scotland 1733. died July 8. 1793. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1793. July, p 676» The Evangelical Magazine for 1793 p. 83. BURNET, [James] Lord Monboddo. One of the Lord of Seffion for the kingdom of Scotland. born 1714. died at Edinburgh May 36 1799. See Public Characters of 1798-1799 p. 514» Gentleman's Mag. Y. 1799. June p. 529 Dec. p. I031. Monthly Mag. Y. 1799. Aug. p 576. KUttner's Beytr. zur Kenntnifs — von England. St. 8- 1794* $• 7°- Allg. Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 998. *On the origin and progress of language. Vol, 5. 1789.8. (6fh.) Vol.6. 1792.8. (6 fh.) *Antient metaphysics; Vol. 4. Containing the history of l6% man*; with án apppcndix, relating to the fille sauvage whom the author saw in france. 1795. 4, (l L. I fh.) Vol. 5. containing the history of man, in the civilized state. 1797. 4. (15 sh.) Vol.6. 1799. (15 sh.) BURNEY, [Charles] Mus. Dr: F. R. S: Organist of Chelsea - Hospital. born at Shrewsbury 1726. See Public Characters of 1798- ^799- P-379- The cunning man 5 17.. An essay towards the history of comets; 17.. Plan of a public music school; 17.. Memoirs of the life and writings, of the Abate Metaflasto; in which are incorpora- ted translations of his principal letters. Vol. 1-3- 1796. 8. ( I L. I (It.) Striking views of Lamia, the celebrated Athenian flute player. (Mas- sachusetts Magaz. Y. 1789. Nov. p. 684.) *BURNEY, [ ] Mis Clarehtine. Vol. 1-3. 1796. 12. BURNEY, [Frances] now Mrs. D'Arblay. ® Brief reflections relative to the emigrant frcnch clergy; earnestly submitted to the humane consi- deration of the ladies of Great - Britain, 1793.8. ♦Camilla:'Vol. 1-5. 1797. 8. (iL. I sh.) libers, Th. 1-4. Berlin ti. Stettin. 1798. 8. * B U R N E Y, [Janies] Esq, Captain in the Royal Navy, Plan of defence against invasion. 179Ó. Ed. 2.1797- 4. (6 d.) Measures, recommended for the sup' port of public credit. 1797* 4> ((I sh.) Chrono- logical history of the discoveries in the South-Sea, or pacific Ocean. Part. I. 1803,4. (1 L. 4 sh.J * B U R N S, [ John ] Surgeon in Glasgow. The anatomy of the gravid uterus; with practi' cal inferences relative to pregnancy and labour. 1799. 8. (7 fh.) On inflammation. Vol. 1.2. 1800. 8- (14 sh.) BURNS, [Roberr] A Ploughman in the county of As in Scotland. born 1758. died Jul. 21. 1796. At Dumfries. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Aug. p. 7°3- Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. March, p 213» Suppl. p. 5^2. Critical Review Y. 1800 S<"pt. p. 44. New-York Magaz. Y. 1797. March, p. 118. AUgeui. Litter. Zeit. J* 1797. ItBl. N-5I- S. 4^9' ■ 163 S. 429. tVkhniït Tentscher Merkur. J. 1796-. St. 12. S. 391. Hììttner's Euglische Miscellen. 1800. St, 2. S. 70. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dia!ecVè Vol. 1. 2» 1798. 8. (7Hi.) Works; with an account of his life and a criticism on his writings (by Dr. Curry> of Liverpool) To which are prefixed some obser- vations on the character and condition of the Scot^ tisli peasantry. Vol. 1-4* Í800k 8> (l L» II sh» 6 d.) See Elitabetk Sc ó f. *BURREL> [Sophia] Lady; Wife of Willi ant Clay. born., » >*. . died Jinn 20. 1802. at West Co* wes, in the isle of Wight. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y.Ì8Ò2. July p. 688. Poemsè Vol. I. 2. 1793. 8. (l2sh.) The tyrti* briad (from XenO-pkons cyropaedia ). Ì794; 81 (6 fln) Telemachus. 1794. 8» (4 Hi.) Theo- dora; or> the spanish daughter, a tragedy. ISOO. 8* (3 Hi. ód.) Maximian, a tragedy > taken from Corneille, igoo. 8. (3 6 d.) BURROW, [Reuben] Esq. Jim. 7. 1795. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793* Aug. p. 767.* A synopsis of the different cafes that may happen in deducing the longitude of one place from, another? by means of Arnold*} chronometer and of finding the rates when the difference of longitude is gi- ven* (Asiat. Researches, Vol.2, p.473.) Memo- randums concerning an old building in the Hadjï- pore district, near the Guiidtick river. (Ibid. VoL 2. p. 477.) Observations of some of the eclipseâ of jupiter's satellites. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 483») A p.roor that thç Hindoos had the binomial theorem* (Ibid. VoL 2* p. 487.) A specimen of a method of reducing practical tables and Calculations into more geueral and compendious forms, (Ibid, VoK 3- p* 141.) A demonstration of one of the Hindoo rules of Arithmetic. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 145.) *BURR0WES, [George] M. Dr. stf. R> j> A. Account of a fistulous opening in the stomach \ (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. p. 177. Simmons'* Med. Facts and Observât. Vol.5. p. 185 ) Case of an enlarged spleen; (Tr. of Jé A. Vol. 4» p. 183* born, L 2 Sim- ÎÓ4 Simmons'* Med. Facts and Observas. Vol. 7, p. 219.) ii,rt1^WES, [Robert] D. D: F. T C. D: M. R. 1. A. ^nay 011 style in writing, considered with respeft to thoughts and sentiments as well as words and indicating the writer's peculiar and characterise disposition, habits and powers of mind. (TV. of J. A. Vol. 5. p. 39. b.) On the poetical character of Dr. Goldsmith. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 71. b.) BURT, [Adam] Surgeon at Gya. In the service of East- India Company. On the dissection of the Pangolin —. (Asiat. Re* searches. Vol. 2. p. 353.) Account of a cafe, iu which a fistula in periuaeo was healed by the in- troduction of a fcton; {Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1798. p. 354-) •BURT ELL, [Edmund] Junior. Observation* upon the town of Crotner, considered as a watering place, and the picturesque scenery in its Neighbourhood. I30I. *BURTIS, [P-ter] Letter relative to the Hessian sly. (American Mu- seum Y. 1787. Nov. p. 459.) •BURTON, [ ] Mrs. The fugitive, an artless tale. Vol. T. 2. 17.. 12, Laura, or the orphan, a novel. Vol. I. 2. 1798» 12. (6sh.) BURTON, [Edmund] As. A. * Suicide, a dissertation. 1790. 4. (l sh. 6 d.) *Bl)RTON, [John] Esq. Clerk of the rope-yard in his Majeftq's dock-yard at Chatham. Lettures on female education and manners. Vol. 1.2. 1793. 12. (ófh. ) iiherf. B. I, 2. Leipz. 1794.1795. 8- Aufl. 2. B. 1.2. Leipz. 1798. 1799-8. ÍURTON, [Philip] Esq. First Attorney in the Court of Exchequer. born 1710. died at Eltham > Kent, Nov. 17, 1792. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Nov. p. IOÓ2. The practice in the office of the court of exchequer, epitomized. 1777. 8. Practice of the office of pleas in the court of exchequer, both ancient and modern , compiled from authentic materials. Vol, 1*2. I79I. 8. (13^.) Annihilation no punish- ment 165 ment but contempt to ths wicked, aster the day of judgment, or, the curse of god on Adam's eating the forbidden fruit , as proved from scri- pture. 1792. 8. (6 Ch.) *BURY, [Thomas] Particulars and description of the Duke of Bridge- water's drain plough. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1802. Febr p 81. Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A Vol. 19. p. 117.) BUSBY, [Thomas] Mus Dr: LL. Dr. Of Lambeth. born in London 1755. Dec... 1 See Public Characters of l802-l803. -p.37i. Musical dictionary, by Dr. Arnold and Thorn. Rushy* Nr. I-197. 1786. Divine harmonist. Nr. 1-12* 17881 Melodia Britanrlica or the beauties of Bri- tish song, 17.. Monthly Musical journal; 17. * A complete dictionary of music. To which is prefixed a familiar introduction to the first prniÁ» pies of that science, 1801. 8. ( 6 fh. ) Life of Mozart^ the celebrated german musician, (Monthly Magaz Y, 1798 Dec. p. 445.) On modern mu- fic. (Ibid. Y. 1799. Ja". P- 35.) On vocal music. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Nov. p. 281.) Original memoirg of the late Jonathan Baitishills (born in London May 1738. died Dec. io, 1801.) (Ibid. Y. 1802. Febr. p. 36.) '* ^BUSFIELD, [J A...,.] A. B: Curate of Skiptón in Craven,' The christian's guide in six progressive lectures. I800. 8 (3^- à d.) * BUS HE, [Gervase Parker] Esq. M. R. J. A. An estay towards ascertaining the population of Ireland. (Tr. of J. A. 1789. p. 145.) An account of the population of Ireland. {Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 14. p,8l.) *BUSHNELL, [ ] Dr. cf ConneBicut. General principles and construction of a subma* rine vessel, (Tr. of A. S. Vol, 4. p. 303. Nic/10?- sons Journal. Vol. 4. p. 229.) * BUTCHER, [Edmund] Rev. Sermons; to which are subjoined suitable hymn*. 1798. 8. (7 sh. 6d.) Moral tales; — To which is added by a Lady, the unhappy family <>r the dreadful effects of vice, a tale. ISOI. 12. (2fh.) L 3 Tfct 166 The substance of the: holy scriptures m-ethodized and arranged upon an entirely-new plan,, in such a maimer as to form a bible with hymns, notes &c. Nrb, i. 1801. (i fh.J (to be completed in 20 uumbers). ^BUTCHER, [George] late Clerk of the dry stores, at his Maj. victualling office, Deft ford. Facts explanatory of the instrumental cause of the present high prices of provisions; formerly com- tnunicated in á letter to George Cherry Esq. then one of the commissioners for victualling the navy; with observations thereon. 180I. 8. (I fii« 6 d.) *BUTLER, [C....} , The age of chivalry; or ^ friendship of other ti- mes; a moral and historical tale; abridged and selected from the knights of the swan of Mad. Getilis; designed for youth, 1799. 8. (2 sh, Ó d.) *BUTLÈR. [Charles] florae biblicae, being a connected series of miscellaneous notes on the original text, early I versions and principal editions .of the old and new testaments 1^99- 8. (5 ft J U U T L E R j fCharles] Esq. of Lincoln*s*hw<*new-fyMt\ BarviJîçrL at Law. The institutes of tb 10^. Monthly Keview V. 18Q0. Aug* IÓ9 Majejly, Retlor of Stanford and Vicar of Kid- derminfter. born, ..... 1739. died at Stanford, co. Wor- 4 ceiter, Sept. 30. 1795. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795- Nov. p. 969. Sermons; Vol. 1.2. 17.. Poems; Vol. 1. 2. 17.. BUTTER, [William] M. Dr. Fhyfician in London, be- fore in Derby; Fellow of the Roy. College of fhyficians, Edinburgh, On the disease commonly called angina pectoris. I79I. 8. (2sh.) On the venereal rose. 1799.8- B U T T E R W O R T H , [Laurence] Thoughts on moral government and agency, and the origim of moral evil; in opposition to the doctrine of absolute, moral, christian and philo- sophical necessity. 1792. 8. (5 sh.) *BUTTS, [William] Rev. of Glemsfor^, near Sud- bury 3 Suffolk. Culture» expenses and produce of one acre of lu- cerne. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 4. p. 507, V0U5. p. 25Ó.) Rife of poor rates with observât, of A. Young. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 496.) Remarkable crop of wheati (Ibid. Vol. 18, p. IÓ8-) Danger of Ja- cobin principles in England, (lb. V0J.21, p. 212.) •" On poor » rates. (Ib. Vol.22. p-450 On dry ib- • • » wing wheat. (Ib. Vol.23. p.3I7«) *BYLAND, [William] The mechanics guide, or a treatise on the laws • of mechanics , as they relate to wheel machines. 1797. 8- (I sh, 6d,) "BYRNE, [William] Antiquities of Great - Britain with historical de- scriptions. Vol. I, 2* Nrb. I-4. 1799. 4, (each numb. 15 sb.) BYROM, [John] M, D- F. R. S. born .... died about 1763. Remarks '011 Mr, Jeakexs plan for short ha• lated from the french. 1787. 12. ^CALD W AL,L? [Thomas] Apothecary to the. çity- -dispensary. \ A seject collection,of ancient a The history of the revolutions of Ruíïïa to the a tr- ee íìì on of Catherine I. including a review of the manners and customs of the 16 and 17 centuries. I803. 8. #CARD, [W ] Schoolmaster and Mathematical Pro* fejsor at Hythe. The youth's infallible instructor; for the use of schools. Vol. 1-4. 1798. 8 yà fh. 6 d.) CARDONNRL, [Adam de] Memb. of the Antiq. of Edinb. Picturesque antiquities of Scotland. Part I. 2, 1788. 8. Part 3. 1798. 8. (The fame in 4to.) *CARDIN, [ ] Capt. Letter to Dr. Lettfom on dysentery. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 517.) •CARENDEFFEZ, [ ] Farrago of ingredients in the nitrous and nitric acids whereby they differ from the septic acid. (Medical Repository. Vol. 3. p. 413.) CAREY, [George SaviKJ Printer/ The balnea; or, an impartial description of all the popular watering places in England.1 1798» 12» (3 fh. ) Ed. 2. considerably enlarged, 1799» (3 fh. 6 d.) A choice collection of favourite songs, on serious moral and lively subjects. I.S00, ( I ih. ) On the origin of the celebrated ballad of „Sally in our alky,, and on the airhor, God save the king. (Monthly Magaz. Y# l&ou June, P 385 ) *CAREY, [John] LL. D. Latin prosody made easy, or rules and authori- ties for the quantity of final syllables in general and of the increments of noms and verbs, in- t terfperfed with occasional observations and con- jectures on th» pronunciation of the antient greeks and rorwans. 1800 8. (5 ih. ) On the greek pronunciation. (Monthly Magnz. Y 1800 Nov* p. 299. Y, l8ot* M^y. p. 313.; Reply on Dyèr't objections to my conjecture on greek pronuncia- tion. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Febr. p 23.) On, the para- gogic nu. ( Ibid. Y T8oI. July. p. 482 ) The works of Virgil, translared into English verse by Mr. Drydeni a new edition, reviled and cor- Rtuft g. E. SwppU M rccted. 11* fe&ed. VoLr-3. 1803. 8._(lL. 7^0 Skeletoa of the latin accidence. 1803. (I sh. 6 d.) SCARRY, [John] Philadelphia. Peter penny less — a fragment, (American Mil* feum, Y. 1790., Nov. p. 307,) ♦CAREY, [Matthew] Sketch of the life of the late Nathaniel Greene, Major Gen. of the forces of the United states of America. (American Museum Y. 17ç>ò Jan. p. 39* Febr. p. 107. April p. 210.) A short account of the malignant fevers, lately prevalent in Philadet- phia; with a statement of the proceedings that tooke pi »ce on the subject in dictèrent parts of (he United states. 1793. 8- ( I sh. ) Ed. 2. Philad. 1793, (3fh. 4d ) Ed. 3. improved. Philad. 1793. Bd. 4. Philad. 1794. uherf. von Carl Erdmamu Lancaster. 1794. 8- hkerf. von J. t¥. H* Zugen- beitt, im Braunfchw. Magaz. J. 1794. SU 12. 13. *'CAREY , [William] Enquiry into the obligations of christians, to use means for the conversion of the heathens. In which the religious state of the different nations of the world, the success of former undertakings and the practicability of further undertakings arc considered, 1792. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) *CA&LETON, [Osgood] The United slates ot America. Boston. (16 fh.) ^CARLISLE, [Anthony] F. L. S: Surgeon to the Westminster Hojpital. A cafe of unusiul formation in a.part of the brain. • (Transact, of Med. and Chirurg. Soc. 1793- P» 212.) Observations upon the structure and eco- nomy of those intestinal worms called taeniae, (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 2. p. 247.) Observations on the nature of corns and the means of remo- ving them; {Si?nmons"s Med facts and observât. Vol. 7. p. 29.) Account of a peculiarity in the di- stribution of the arteries sent to the limbs of flow moving animals; together with some other similar facts. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1799 p. 98-) Account of a nionstrotii lamb, (lb. Y. 1801. J39.) *CARLIS- — Ì79 - #CARLISLE, [ ] Rev. D, of Carliste. , Account of fonie roman antiqmties lately cîìscovô* i^ed in Cumberlauch (Arch. Vol.ii. p. 63.) *CARL ISLE, [.,'.. .] Expenments in galvanic electricky* ( Tilloch'ì Philos. Magaí- Vol. 7* p. 3370 CARLISLE, [Frédéric] Earl of See Fred, Howard. *CARLISLE, [John Hou&mah] A topographica! description of Ciìmberland, West* lnoreland , Lancashire and a part of the West RU ding of Yorkshire — 18OO. 8- (Iûík) *CARLYLE* [Joseph Dacre] fì, D: F. R. S. £. Ckaiï* cellor of Carliste and Prosejjsor of Àrahic itt îke Utiiverjìty 0f Cambridge» born 1759 See Public Characters of 1802 l803> p. 338. Mauret Allatafet Jemalcddini fìlii Tôgn - B-»rdií feu rerum Aegyptiacarum annales, ab A. C 971 tisque ad annum 1453. E codice Mf. Bibliofbecaei Acad. Cantabrigieníìs teXrutti ar^bicum prunus edi* dit, latine vertit , notisqlic illustravit. 1792. ^ (12 fh») Spécimens of Arabian pocîry* from íbe earliest time to the extinction of the khahfat: With fòme account of the authôrS. Ï79Ó. 4* (17 fh.) *CARMÏCH.AKL, [James] (Publiíhed varions tracts concefning the peeragê of Scotiand ;) Collected from the public records 5 Original instruments and authentk Manuscrits* Ediuburgh, 1791.4. (7 fh. ó d.) *CARNIE, [John] Letter ou culture of cochineah {Yotifigs A. oí Agi\ Vol 28* tu 304.) CARPENTER, [Benjamin] Pafìor of the Soc. béton* gittg to tke nerv diffenting ckapel itt Siourbridgè* Letter to the Rev. Robert FoUy, M. A. Rector of Old Swinford, ih anlwcr to the charges broughfc against the diisenters of Stourbridgc; with a con* cife view of the diiTciiters of Stourbridge* and a concise view of the principles of diíTehters; ìô which is addedj ah accòunt ot the proceedilig9 at the Lyewaste, by 7. Scott, 1792. 8. (I fh.) A liturgy, cOntaining forms of dévotion for cacK su 11 da y iri the month, with an office for baptisiîU Ì794. 12. (2 sh.) (Several single fermons,) M 3 *CAR* ^CARPENTER, [Thomas] Essay on the reigning vices and follies of mankind and the causes of national danger and calamity, deduced from historical evidence. To which are added succinct observations on the happiness and tranquillity that would ultimately result from a due regard to the principles of virtue and reli- gion. 1795, 8. (I sh.) ♦CARPENTER, [Thomas] Master of the Acad, at Bathing, Essex. The scholar's spelling assistant. 1798. 8. (i sh.) The scholar's orthographical and orthoepies! assi- stant; or, engltsh exercise book, on an improved plan, 1803 12 (3 ft. 6 d.) * CAR PUE, [Joseph Constantine] Surgeon to his Mnj. Forces and Teacher of Anatomy. A description of the muscles of the humane body, as they appear on dissection — with the synonyma of Cowper, fVinslow , Douglas t Albinus, hms and the new nomenclature of Dumas; with colou- red prints. 1802. 4. (12 sh,) An introduction to electricity and galvanism, with cases shewing their cfïects in the cure of diseases. To which is added, a description of Mr. Cuthberfons plate electrical machine, 1803, 8- (4 sh.) CARR, [John] D. D. Extract of a private letter to a critic. 1764. sol. Dialogues of Lucian, from the greek. Vol. 4. 5» 1798. 8- (10 sh ) *ÇARR, [John] Esq. The stranger in France; or, a tour from Devon* stiire to Paris, illustrated by 12 engravings 1803. i\. nL. I sh.) #CARR, [Samuel] D. D. Prebendary of St. Paul's etc, Sermons on practical subjects. Vol. I-4. 1795* I80I. 8. (I L. 9 sh.) *CARR, [Thomas] Esq. Bedingham, near lews, Sussex. Account of a farm. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.Ifc P 30.) #CARR, [William Windle] Poems on various subjects. I79I. 8* (5 A1*) ♦ CARRICK, [A....] M Dr. Dissertation on the ahemical and medical proper- ties 181 ties of the Bristol hot-well water. To which are added, practical observations on the prevention and treatment of pulmonary consumption. 1797* 8. (2 sb. 6 â.) *CARRIE5 [William! F. C. Phijs. A Iketch of the rise and progress of the yellow fever in Philadelphia in 1799. Philadelphia* 180O4 HARRINGTON, [ ] Lord. His speech delivered at the Board of Agriculture. 1803. 4. «CARTE, [Samuel] Three Utters concerning fonts. (Arch, Vol. IOu p. 208 ) «CARTER, [Elizabeth] Mrs. Epistetus, translated from the original greek; with an introduction and notes by the translator. 1758. 4. reprinted Vol. 1.2. in 8. Poems on se- veral occasions. 17Ó2. 8. reprinted in 12. (Con- tributor of two papers to the tlambler; No. 44 and No. 100.) *CARTER, [George] Historical Portrait Painter. A narrative of the loss of the Grosvenor East In- dia man, which was wrecked on the coast of Caffraria Aug. 4, 1782. Compiled from the exa- mination of John Htggins, one of the unfortunate survivors. 1791. 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) *GARTER, [Henry Yates] Surgeon at Kettiey, m&T Wellington 9 Shropshire. Cafe of a compound fracture of the leg , with re* marks: (Simmonsys Med. Facts and Observât. Vol* 2. p. I.) ubers Rcpert. Chir. u Medic, Abhandl. B. 2. S# 37, Cafe of a boy , whose head was pressed between certain parts of an engine em- ployed for draining a coal mine. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. II.) iiberf. Rcpert. Chir. u. Medic. Abhandl. B. 2. S. 32. Cafe ®f a boy whose left leg and thigh , together with part of the scrotum , were torn of by a slitting mill. (Ibid. Vol. 2) p. 17.) iiberf. Repertor. Chir. u. Medic. Abhandl. B. 2* S.25. An account of the good effects of a solu- tion of sal ammoniac, in vinegar, employed, a«s a topieal application, in cases of lacerated wounds (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 66.) Cafe of a diseased kidney; M 3 (Ibid. 183 ~ (ïbid. Vôl. 6. p. 85.) Cafe of a gun, shot wound of the head; (ibid. Vol.6 p. çi.) *CAKTER, [J ] Rev. ofFlempton, Suffolk. Experiments on carrots. ( Young's A. of Agr. Vol J. p. 194.) Experiment on weld. (Ibid, Vol. 1, p. 251.) On the culture of carrots, with observa- tions by A Voutig. (Ibid. Vol, 2. p. 387,) On a new modç of planting wheat, (Ibid, Vol. ,4. p, 23.5-) Annual çxpçncç of feeding an horse in confiant work upon a farm, (lb. Vol, 26, P, 533,) CARTER, [John] An essay on the use and abuse of reason in matters o,f religion; translated from the latin of Rerm% fVitJius. 1795. 8. Unwelcome thoughts to the religious world in the 19 century. I80I. 8. (6sh.) *CARTER, [John] Specimens of ancient sculpture and painting in England. Vol 1.2. X7«,fol. Antient architecture in England. Nrb. I-9. 17.. Account of sepul- chral monuments discovered at Lincoln, (Arch. Vol. 13, p 107.) CARTER, [William] As. Dr: Physician at Canterbu- ry; formerly fellow of Ovial- College, Oxford. born 1711. died Febr. 1799. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. I799, p. 258, Allg. Litt.Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. Ss 659. *CARTW RIGHT, [Edmund] As. A. Redor of .Qoadbtf^fflerwQQoliy in JLeic eft erf hire. born 3t Murnham in the County of jotting* ham, April 1743, See Public Characters of 1800-1801. p, 404. Constantiaj an elegy, to. the memory of a lady (Mrs, Langkornç) lately deceased*, 1768. 4. Ar- mine and Elvira, a legendary tale. 1771. 4« (2 fh ) The prince of peace and other poems, 1779* 4- (3 fh# 0 4.) Sonnets to eminent men? find an ode to the Earl of Effingham. 1783. 4* A memorial read to the Soc. for the Encoturag. of Arts, Manuf. and Commerce Dec, 18. 1799? ^ a speech delivered for the fame society Jan. 29, I8Q0 with an appendix, containing letters from the (ate Sir Will. Jones, Dr. Jkurlow , |ate Bu shop of Durham and other distinguished chara* $erst 1800, 8, (2 (h,) IS\\ eflay on the means 183 of extending the cultivation of corn on strong lanêJs, without diminishing their value or lessening the production of animal food. (Comm, to th* B. of Agr. Vol, 3. P.i. p. 174.) OCARTWRIGHT, [Edmund] Rev. of Mary-le- ts one. On the production of opium from lettuces. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 19. p» 197.) #CART WRIGHT, [George] Esq born 1739 Febr. 12. at JVlunihara in the coun- ty of Nottingham, Journal of transactions and events, during a resi- dence of nearly XVI years on the coast or* Labra- dor; containing many particulars, both of the country and its inhabitants, not hitherto know*. Vol. I.2.3. 1792. 4. (2 L. 12 fh, 6 d.) CART WRIGHT, [John] Esq. late Major —. See Public Characters of 1799—1800. p. 276. Letter^ to Edm, Burke, controverting the princi- ples of American government, laid down in his speech of April 19. 1774: Declaration of rights, without whifh no Englishman can be a free man, nor the English nation a free people. 1782. A Nottinghamshire farmer to his brother - freehol- ders; or, a call to the country - meeting to be holden at Newark , to consider the propriety of petitioning- the house of Commons to reform the present unconstitutional representation of the peo- ple in that house and to ihorten the duration of parliaments; 1785. Letter to the Duke of New- castle — respecting his grace's conduct in the di- sposal of commissions in the militia; together with some remarks touching the french revolution; are- form of parliament in Great - Britain and the royal proclamation of the 21 May; with an appendix, containing an effectual plan for providing navy timber; opposed to the dangerous and unprofita- ble system of cultivating the public forests under the management of officers of the crown. 1792. 8- (2sh. 6d.) Letter to a friend at Boston, in the county of Lincoln; and to all other commoners, %vho have associated in support of the constitution. Ï793» 8- (2 fh.) The commonwealth in danger; with an introduction, containing remarks on some M 4 lat« 184 late writings of Arthur Young. 1795. 8. (5 sh.) A letter to the high sheriff ot the county of Liiu coin , respecting the tills of Lord GrenviUe and Mr. Pitt, for altering the criminal law of Eng- land » respecting treason and s dition. 1795. g, (i sh.) The constitutional defence of England, internal and external. 179Ó, 8. (3 sh ) An ap- peal, civil and military, on the subject of the English constitution. 1797. 8. (6 d.) Ed. 2, to which arc added parts the 2 and 3, containing strictures on a gross violation of the constitution; a constitutional system of military defence; refle- ctions on the utter incompatibility of a standing army with national freedom d'c. 1799. 8. (5 ih.) *A letter to the electors of Nottingham. 1803. 8. On sheep and wool. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.20. P 35 ) Weekly account of a farm. (Ibid. Vol, 20. p, 40.) Comparison of merit of the new Leicester- shire and Lincolnshire sheep. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 21. p. 355.) Machiue for reaping corn ác (Ibid. Vol 21. p. 506.) CARY, [Henry Francis] A. M, born iu the Year 1772. pde to General Kosciusko* 1797. 4. (i sh.) ^CARY, [John] Surveyor of the roads to the general soft - office; Engraver and Map-feller in the Strand. Actual surveys of Middlesex, the country fifteen miles round London and ten miles round Hampton- court and Richmond; (each in Octavo, 1786.) New map of England and Wales with part of Scotland; on which are carefully laid down all the direct and principal cross - roads, the course of the rivers and navigable canals cities, market and borough towns, parishes and most considerable hamlets, parks, forests, 1794, 4* (3 L. 7 sh-) New itinerary; or, an accurate delineation of the great roads, both direct and cross, throughout England and Wales; with many of the principal roads in Scotland — 1798. 8 (8 sh.) Ed. 2, with improvements. 1803, 8- (10 sh. 6 d.) New gui- de for ascertaining Hackney coach fares , and por* teragc rates; being au actual and minute admea' 185 sûrement os every street which is a carriage way throughout the metropol.s —. 1801. 8. (3 ib. 6 d.) #CASE, [W....] Jun. of Lynn. The minstrel youth; a lyrical romance in 3 parts with other poems. I801. (I Hi.) Pictures of Bnnsti female poesy. 1803» 12. (I sh. 6 d ) ♦ CASTLE RE A G H, [ ] Lord. In ike Irish House of Commons: Speech, Fcbr. 5. 1800. on offering to the house certain resolutions proposing and recommanding a complete et entire union between Great - Britain and Ireland. 1800. 8. (I sti. 6 d.) •CASTLES, [John] Esq. _ Observations oi\ the sugar ants. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1790- P-346.) *CATCOTT, [George Symes] Sub - Librarian of the Bristol library. born 1728- died 1803. Jan. See Monthly Magaz. Y 1803. Jan. p. 567. The aged christian's final farewell to the world aud its vanities; a pious meditation — composed by — Jokti PVhitfon ,* Esq. Alderman of the city Biistol and Member in several parliaments. Col- lected fròm the -author's manuscripts, with an ac- count of the author, collected from authentic re- cords, 1792. 8. ( I sh. 6 d.) A descriptive ac- count of a descent made into Pempark - Hole, in the parish of VVestbury-upon Trim , in the coun- ty of Gloucester in the Y. 1775. now first publi- shed. To which is added, a copper plate engra- ving of that remarkable cavern. Also, the nar- ratives of Capt. Sturmey'*" and Collins, contai* ning fheir descriptions of the fame in the Years 1669 and 1682. 1792. 8 (i fh. 6 d. ) (New* Yoik Magaz, Y. 1794. Jl,W- p. 404. ) ♦CATHRALL, [Isaac] M. Dr. Physician ai Phila- delphia. History of a singular case in midwifery where dc% livery was accomplished in consequence of an in- cision * a distinguished Merchant of Bristol in the rel^n of James 1 Monthly Revs Y. 1792. May- p. 112. ** published ui Philos. Transaft. N. 143. (Y. 1083.) P' a. $9? M 5 cifien by the vagina: (Duncan*s .k. of Med. Y. 1798. p. 331.) A medical sketch of the fynochus maligna, or malignant contagious fever, as it ap. pearcd in the city qf Philadelphia. To which is added , some account of the morbid appearances observed on dissections; with a short chemical analysis of the black matter ejected from the stomach in the laiï stage of the yellow fever; •with is díífímilarUy to putrid bile and its efFectu when applied to the healthy system Philadelphia, 1796. 8. Memoir on the analysis of black vomit. ( Tr. of A. S yol, 5, p. 117.) Memoir on the analysis qf the black vomit, ejected in the last stage of tht yellow fever. I800. 8. A cafe of ruptured utérus» with-the appearances on disse- ction. (Simmons's Med, Faóh and Observât. Vol. 8. p. 14^-) CATLOW, [Smuiel] A Protestant Dissenting Mini- Jler of Mansfield; -Conductor of a litterary and commercial Seminary, at Mansfield, Nor- tinghamskire. Observations on a course of instruction for young persons in the middle classes of life. 1793. 8» (2 fh.) Outlines of a plan of instruction , adap- ted to the varied purposes of active life 1798. sol. (5 ft.) (Several single sermons.) '* CAUL FIELD, [ ] Roman Catholic Bishop. The reply of him and of the roman catholic clergy of Wexford to the misrepresentations of Sir Ku thard Musgrave, Bart: with a preface and appen- dix. 1801. 8- (I fh, 6 d.) CAULFIELD, [James] Earl of Charlemont, See Char le m on t. *CAULEFIELD, [James] Portraits, memoirs and characters of remarkable persons from the reign of Edward III. to the re- volution , collected frona the most authentic ac- counts extant. Vol.i. 1794,. Vol, 2, 1795* with plates. 8 (3 L.) The history of the gunpowder plot, with several historical "circumrtances prior to that event, relative to the plots of the roman catholics to re-establish popery in these kingdoms. Digested 18/ Digested and arranged from authentic materials. 1796. CAVENDISH, [Sir Heury] JBart: of Doveridge, ip Pesbyskire. born 1731. Oct, Statement of the public accounts of Ireland, 1791. 8. (10 ih. 6 d.) CAVENDISH, [Henry] Esq. F R. £ and A. S. On the civil year of (he Hindoos and its divisions with an account of three Hindoo almanacs belon- ging to Charles IVilkins, Esq. (Phi(of. Transact. Y, 1792, p. 383-) Experiments to determinte the density of the earth, (Ibid. Y. 1798, p-, 4ÓÇU Nickolfo7{s Journal. Vol.2, p. 446,) *CAUSTIC, [Christopher] M Dr. (?) Terrible tractoration!! a poetical petition against galvanizing trumpery and the Perkinistic institu- tion; in 4 Cantons, Ed. 2» with great additions., I803. 8> (4 fh. 6 d.) ^CECIL, [Richard] As. A. Minister of>St. Johns Bedr ford Row. Discourses of — William Bromley Cadogan^ A. M. late Rector of St. Luke's Chelsea &c. To which are now added, short observations 011 the Lord's prayer and letters to several of his friends; the whole collected into one volume, with memoirs of his life, 1798, 8. (7 ih.) Memoirs of John Bacon^y Esq. Royal Artist and Sculptor, with n?- flections drawn from a review of his moral and religious character, l8oit 8-, (2 fh, 6 d.) (Several single, sermons.) *C.H AIMERS,, [ ] Lieutenant * Colonel of Chel- sea y late Inspeclor General of. the Colonial Troops in Stt Domingo < * Letters to a nobleman on the conduct of th« Ame- rican war ; *I7 . • i;cCool thoughts on the confe* quences to Great-Britain of American indépendance 5, on the expençe of Great - Britain in the settlement and defence of the American colonies; and on the value and importance of the American colo- nies and the Welt-Indies to the British empire. X780. 8. (I ih.) * Plain truth; or, a letter to the * born hi London Nov." 24» 1740, died Aug-. 7, ^799. See Gen^a* îîi^n's Magaz. Y. 1799. Aug. p. 724. Sept, p. tfos> the Author of ^Dispassionate thoughts oh the Ame- rican war.In which the principles and argu. ments of that author are refuted and the ncces- (ity of carrying on that war clearly demonstra- ted. 1780. 8» (£ ih. 6 d.) Strictures on a pam. phlet written by Thomas Paine on the English system of finance: To which are added, some re- marks on the war and other national concerns, I79Ó. 8- (I ih. 6 d.) Remarks on the late war in St Domingo; with observations on the relative situations of Jamaica, and other interesting sub- jects. 1803. (2 sli. 6 d.) ♦ CHALMERS, [Alexander] M. A. Shakespeare* s play, printed from the text of the corrected edition, left by the late Mr. Steevms, (to be completed in 40 numhrcs < No. 1. 1803. (2 sh.) The British essayjsts, containing the Spectator, Tatler and- Guardian, the Rambler, Adventurer, World, Connoisseur, idler, Mirror, Lounger and Observer, with prefaces historical and biographi- cal. Vol. I 45 with portraits. 1803. 8. (9 L) CHALMERS, [George] Erq. R R. and A. S: Ckief Clerk of the committee of Council for trade and foreign plantations. Estimate of the comparative strength of Britain -, a new edition. 1794 8- (5 sh ) tibers. von V. A. Heiirze. Berlin. 1786. 8. Opinions on interesting subjects of public law —. Ed. 2. with additions. 1792. (3 sh.) Historical tracts by Sir John Da- vies, Attorney - General and Speaker of the house ©f Commons in Ireland , with a new life of the author from authentic documents-, 178Ó. 8. A tolle&ion of treaties between Great - Britain and ©thcr powers. Vol. 1. 2. 1790. 8- (14 sh.) The life of Thomas Ruddiman, A. M. the keeper for almost 50 years of the library belonging to the fa- tuity ■ of Advocates at Edinburgh. To which are subjoined new anecdotes of Buclunan. 1794» 8* (7 sh.) Apology for the believers in the Shak- Jrpeare papers, which were exhibited in Norfolk- street. 1796. 8- (6 sh.) A supplemental apology for the believers — being a reply to Mr. Malonts answer, which was early announced but never pu- blished; with a dedication to George Steevws 189 aud a postscript to T, J. Mat hi as y the Author of the pursuits of littérature. 179$. 8. (7 shj Ap- pendix to his supplemental apology; being the do- cuments for the opiniou that Hugh. Boyd wrote Junius's letters. 1800. 8- \3 fh.) — On illicit ho- pes; On the equalisation of follies and diseases: (See Looker-on,) — The poems oi AUan Ram- say*; a new edition, corrected and enlarged with a glossary; to wjch are prefixed , , a life of the author from authentic documents and remarks on his poems from a large view of their merits. Vol. 1.2 I800.8. (iL. 1 sb,; Chalmeriana; or a collection of papers literary and political, intit- ]ed letters, verses <5tc. ou reading a late heavy supplemental apology for the believers in the Sha- kespeare papers. Arranged and pubhsiied by Mc* Owen — assisted by his friend and clerk, Jasper Hargrave. Collection I. i8oo. 8. (ssh. ó d. ) Observations on the lato continuance of the use of torture in Great Britan. (Arch Vol 10, p. 143.) CHALMERS, [Lionel] As. Dr. of Ckatlesiown^ Svuth- Carolina, born died 17 . ( ? ) A sketch of the climate, water aud soil in South* Carolina. (American Museum Y. 1788 April p# 316.) On the weather and diseases of South- Carolina - ; ttberf. Th 2. Stendal. 1792. 8. ^CHAMBERLAIN, [Mason] Equanimity, a poem. 1800. 8. (i íh. 6d.) Har- vest, a poem. I800. 8» (6d.) Ocean, a poem, in two part*. T8o[. 8- (l sh» 6 d.) *CHAMBERL AINE, [John] Keeper of hit Maj. dra- wing* and medals. Imitations of original drawings by Hans Holbein, in the coMcctjon of his Maj, for the portraits of illustrious persons of the court , of Henry VIII With biographical tracts. Numb. I -13. 1792** I800. sol. (each Numb, to subscribers 2 L. 2 lb. — to non subscribers 2 L. 12 lb. 6d.) Imitations of original designs by Leonardo da Vinci: consisting of various drawings of single figures, heads, com- positions, horses and other animals; optics, per- spective, * died at Edinburgh on the 7 Jan. 1758. aficd upwards of 7a. {pective, gunnery, hydraulics, mechanics; and U particular of very accurate? delineations with a most spirited pen, of a variety of anatomical sub- jects; in his Majesty's collection. Nr. I-13. 1792* 1800. sol. (Each Number 2 L. 2(h ) Engravings from the original designs of Annibale* Agoitino and Ludov. Caracci, in his Maj. collection, consi- sting of elegant compositions and studies, for the various celebrated pictures in the different palaces and cabinets at Rome, bologna, Parma* Milan &c» 1797. sol. (Each Number 2 L* 2 fh*) ♦CHAMBER LAINE 5 [John] Esq. at Chester. Land recovered from the sea* ( Young s A. of Agric. Vol. II. pk55-) Account of making Che- shire cheese. (Ibid. Vol*!?, p. 47.) On roads &c* (lb. VoL 31. p. 420.) ♦CHAMBERLAIN E, [Richard] Surgeon at Jamaica* Observations on the use of gum guajacum in dropsy with remarks on the superior utility of ihzolobium in worm cafes. (^Mem. of M»-S. of L> V0I.3. P-5ÓI.) C H A M B E R L AI N E , [William] Surgeon. F. M. $• A practical treatise on the efficacy of stizolabiimt or cowhage (the dohchos prunens of Linnaeus) internally admi/nstered * in dileases occasioned by worms. To which are added, observations Oil other anthelmintic of the West-Indies. Ed. 5» 1792» 8» d fh.) New edition. 1800. 8- Histo- ry of a cafe of ascites with anasarca, relieved by the application ot common oil^ assisted by fnciion. (lylem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3, p. 571») Cale of imperforate rectum and obstruction ill the neck of the bladder* (Ibid. Vol 5. p. 20Ó.) *CHAMKERS, [Marianne] Daughter of the late Mr. Charles C ha in b e r s; (?naiiy years in the service of the East - India Company and unfottunauhj lost in the PVinterton.) He deceives himself, a domestic tale. Vol. 1-3» X799. 12. ( 10 sh. 6 dj CHAMBERS, [Sir William] Knight of the polar stav\ > Surveyor general of his Maj. Board of ivorkst Treasurer of the Royal Acad, and F* A» and A, & Hi 191 He was descended of the ancient family of Chal- mers in Scotland: by birth a Swede; died 179Ó. March. 8. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. March, p. 259. Allg. Litterat. Zeit. J. 1797. itBl. N. 51. S. 425, Milhn Magazm Encycloped. A. 3. T. 4. p. 54T- Defigns for Chinese buildings. 1758. fol. A trea- tise on civil architecture. 1759. sol. Plans, ele- vations, sections and perspective views of the gar- dens and buildings at Kew. 1763. sol. (2 L. 2 ih.) > New Edition. 17Ó9. foL A treatise on the deco- rative part of civil architecture, illustrated by 50 ■ original and three additional plates,- engraved by 'Old Kooker, Old Fondrinier, Charles Gri^nion aud other eminent hands. Fd 3.. 1791. sol. (3 L* 3 ill.) Dissertation on oriental gardening. 1773, 4. (5 ill.) Ed. 2. with an explanatory discourse by Tan Chau Qua of Quang Chew Fu, gent: 1774- ^'CHAMBERS, s William] Esq. Chief Justice of the supreme Court of Judicature at fort William in Bengal. Chambers's , H'\ Joues*s and other literary gent- lemen, now resident in India, The asiatic miscel- lany —. Calcutta. 1787. 8- (3 sh.) Account of the sculptures and ruins of Mavalipuram, a pi-ce> a tew miles North of Sadras , and kn Lincolnshire* Sheep concroverfy between Ch. Chaplin and Rob. BakewelJ with obiervat. by A, Young. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 10. p. 560,) CHAPMAN, [George] LL. D Formerly master of the grammar ^school at Dumfries. A treatise on education. Kd. 5. 1792, 8» (5 sh.) Rudiments of the Jatin tongue; or an easy in- troduction to latin grammar; to which is prefi- xed a short vocabulary ^ english and latin. Ed. 2. improved. 1793. X2. (I sh.) An abridgment of Mr. Ruddimarfs rudiment6 and grammar of rhe latin tongue. 1799. 8 (r sh. 3d.) Hints on the education of the lower ranks of the people and the appointment of parochial schoolmasters. l8or. 8. (Ó d,) *CHAPMaN, [John] Surgeon, at Amp thill, Bed- fordshire. Cafe of uterine hemorrhage, where the placenta was expelled four hours before the birth of the child. (Duncans A. of Med; Y. 1799. p 308.) Observations on the cowpox. (Ibid. Y. 1799. _ P-3I4-) *CHAPMAN, [Isaac] Physician. An account of a species of cantharis, found in Buck's county , Pcnnly 1 vania; including observa- tions on its medical qualities; (Med. Repofit. Vol, 2. p. I74. CHAPMAN, [Samuel] M. Dr. of Sudbury in Suffolk. born 1718- died at his house in Holywell, Ox* ford. 1790. Sept. 5. See Gentleman** Magaz. Y. 1790. Sept. p. 862. *«s* a. sc. Sunt. N * CHAP- Ï94 ^CHAPMAN, [William] Member of the Soc. of Civil Engineers in London and M. R. jf. A, Observations on the various systems of canal na- vigation , with, inferences practical and mathema- tical-, in which Mr. Fulton's plan of wheel - boats and the utility of subterraneous and of small canals are particularly investigated, including an ac- count of the canals and inclined planes- of China. 1798. 4. (6 fh.) Facfo and remarks relative (0 the Witham and the Welland; or, a series of ob- servations on th»ir past and present state; on the means of improving the channel of the Witham and the port of Boston. ? i. 2. 1800. 8- Obser- vations on the prevention of a future scarcity of grain , by means contributive to the benefit of the landed, commercial and manufacturing interests, 1803. 8- CHAPON E, [H .] Mrs. Maiden - name Mulfo; Sifter of the late Thomas Mulfo. born 1726. died at Hadley 1801. Dec, 25. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. ISOI. p. I2l6. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Fcbr. p. 39. «CHAPP'LE, [James] On steeping feed barley in a dry season (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 304, American M » scum Y. 1790. July. p. 46.) A method of potatoe ma- nagement for preventing the curl. (Ibid. Vol.7. P. 350.) CHARLEMONT, Earl of, f James Caulfield] Président of the R. J. A: F. R. S. born 1728 Aug. 18. died 1799. Aug. 4. See Gentleman's Mapaz. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 815. Oct. p. 899. Allgem, Litter. Zeit. J. 1801. ItBl. S. 817. Under his family name Caulfield he published: The manners of paphos; or triumph of love. 1777-4- (3 fh.) Account of a singular custom at Meteliii, with some conjectures 011 the antiquity of its ori- gin. (Tr. of J. A. Y. 1789. p. 3. c New York Ma- gazm. V. 1792, Oct. p. 613. Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1792. June, p 368.) Some considerations on a controverted passage of Herodotus. jTr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p. 3. c.j) Some hints concerning thi slate of science at the revival of letters grounded ou 195 on a passage of Dante in his inferno Canto IV* r» • 130. flbicL Vol. ó. p, 3. o.) CHARLES WORTH, [John] M. A. of OJJitigton in Nottinghamshire, Practical sermons, selected and abridged from va- rious authors. Vol. 3, 1793. 8. (3 fh. ) Two short discourses on the Lord's supper and the example of Christ, with an exhortation on the proper use of the Lord's day, 1792» 8. ( 6 d. ) Two practical sermons on private prayer and pu- blic worship, to which is added a short address on the proper manner of employing the Lord's day. 1792. 12. (6 d.) Five practical discourses on the Lord's supper, the example of Christ, mu- tual equity &c Í795. 8. (i fh.) (Several single sermons.} «CHARLTON, [Mary]^ Androuica, or the fugitive bride, a novel. Vol. I. 2. 1797» 12. (6 fh. ) Parisian, or anecdotes of distinguished characters; Vol 1» 2. 1797- 12. The pirate of Naples, a novel. Vol. I-3. 1801. ( 13 fh. 6 d. ) The wife and the mistress. VoL 1-4. 1802. 12. Phedora, or the forest'of Min- ski. VoL 1-4. 1798. 12. (18 fh.) «CHARNOCK, [John] Esq. Prospectus and specimen of an history of marine architecture; drawn from the best authorities and chronologically deduced from the earliest period to the present time — 179Ó. (6 fh,) Biographia navalis or impartial memoirs of the lives and tha- racters of officers of the navy of Great - Britain, from the Y. 1Ó60 to the present time, drawn from the most authentic sources and disposed in a chro- nological arrangement; wish portraits and othec engravings by Bartolozzi. Vol. 1-5. I794~"!797* (iL. 17 fh. 6 d.) History of marine architecture. Vol. 1-3. 1801. 4. (9 L. 9 fh.) ^CHARNOCK , [John] Jun. A letter on finance , and on national defence &c. 1798. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) *CHATER, [Thomas] A poetical tribute to the memory of iVtlliam Cow* per, Esq. 1800, 8. (1 fh.) N 3 CHAUNCY, / CHAUNCY, [Charles] D. D. Minister of the first church in Boston, Nen> - England. born Jan. I. 1705. in Boston, died 1787, Febr. 10. See American Museum Y. 1790. Febr, p. 76, *The salvation of all men. 1785- . *CHAVERNAC, [T ] Surgeon. New progress of surgery in France, or phaeno- niena in the animal kingdom — translated from the french of Imbert Delonnes, M. Dr. embelli- shed with very curious plates by W. Nutter. 180T 4 (4 sh.) * C H E E S E , [Griffith James] Description of his machine for teaching music. .(Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 5 p. 122.) *CHEETHAM, [Robert Farren] of Brafen-nofe Col- lege , Oxford, born 1777. died i8or. Jan. 13. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. l8o*. Jan. p. 92. Odes and miscellanies. 1796. 8. ( 6 sh. ) Poems, 1798. 4. (2 sh. 6d.) CHELSUM, [James] D. D. Rettor of' Dr oxford Hants and Chaplain to the Lord Bijlio-p of Winchester. born Î740. died 1801. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. Suppl. p, 1175. Y. 1802. Febr. p. 101. Apr. p. 393. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Apr. p 290. Essay on the history of Mezzotinto; 179. The duty ofArelieving the french refugee clergy stated and recommended , a sermon. 1793. 4. (I sh.) (Several single sermons ) *CHENEV1X4 [Richard] Esq. F. R. S: M. J. A. Remarks upon chemical nomenclature, according to the principles of the french neologists. J802. J2. Aoalyfis of a new variety of lead ore. (M- cholfons Journal. Vol. 4. p. 219.) Analyst of manachanite from Botany Bay. (Nicholson's Jour- nal. Vol. 5. p. 132.) Observations on the suppo- sed magnetic property of nickel. (Ibid. Vol 5t p. 287.) Observations and experiments upon Dr, James's powder-—; (Phil. Transact. Y. \%0U p-375 TiUoch's Philos. Magaz VoL II p. 108» Nicholsons Journ. Y. 1803. Jan. p, 33.) N<>ie 197 on a peculiar vegetable principle contained'in co£ fee, {Nicholsons Jonrnaal Y> 1802. Jun. p. 114. Ttlìock s Philos. Mag. Vol. 12. p. 350.) Analysis of the natural and artificial unhydroiis sulphate os lime. (Ibid. Y. 1802. July. p. 196.) Observations and experiments upon oxygenized and hyperoxi- genized muriatic acid; and upon some combina* tions of the muriatic acid in its three states. (Phi. lof. Tr. Y. 1802. p. 12Ó. Nicholson s Journal. Y. I802. Nov, p. 171.) Analysis of the arfeniates of copper and of iron, from the county of Cornwall; likewise an analysis of the red octaedral copper ore of Cornwall; with remarks on some particu- lar modes of analysis. (Philos. Transact. Y. 180I. p. 193. Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 12- p. 141- 212. 302.) Analysis of corundum, and of some of the substances which tccompany it; with obser- vations on the affinities which the earths have been supposed to have for each other, in the hu- mid way. (Ibid. Y. 18Ò2. p»327.) Observations and experiments undertaken with a view to de- termine the quantity of sulphur contained in sul- phuric acid; and of this latter contained in sul- phates in general. (Tr. of J. A. Vol.8. Sc. p. 233. Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Volil. p. 112.) CHESTER, Lord. Bishop of. — Sec William Cleaver. GHESTON, [Richard Browne] M. D: F. Rf S: PJky- fician to the Gloucester Infirmary. A cafe of retroverted uterus, in which the para- centesis vesicae was successfully performed. (M. C. Vol.2, p. 6.) A singular cafe in lithotomy. (M. Rec. and Res. p. 163.) * ♦CHEVALIER, [J...f C... .] of Aspal > near De- benhaw, Suffolk. Account of a plantation. ( Young* A. of Agr* Vol. 5. p. 145.) ♦CHEVALIER, [Mary] Mrs. On the management of Suffolk.Dairies. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol.5, p. 509.) *CHEVALIER, [Thomas] M. A. Member of the cor Tporation of Surgeons. Observations in defence of a bill lately brought N 3 WHO 195 into parliament for erecting the corporation of surgeons of London into a college and for gran- ting and confirming in such college certain rights and privileges; including a sketch of the history of surgery in England. 1797. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) An introductiomto a course of lectures on the opera- tions of surgery. iSoi. 8. (2 ih.) #CHEYNE, [John] M, Dr. Essays on the diseases of children with cafes and dissections Í Essay 1. of cynanche trachealis, or croup, 1801. 8. (16 fh.) ^CHIFNEY, [Samuel] Rider to his Roy. Highness. A full disclosure of every circumstance relative to the running of escape, a horse the property of his Roy. Highn. the Prince of Wales, at New- market on the 20 and 21 of Oct. I7ÇI. with an affidavit of the facts therein stated, l8oo, (2 fh.) *CHILD, [S ] The whole art and mystery of brewing porter, its management in bottels and other vessels — also, the best method of brewing ale, twopenny and table-beer. 1797. (2 sh.) **CHIP, [William] a Country Carpenter, Village politics; ,addressed to all the mechanics, journeyman and day labourers in Great - Britain* 1793. 12, (2 d.) *CHIPMAN, [Nathaniel] Sketches of the principles of government. Rut* land. 1793. 8. (6 fh.) CHISHOLM, [C... .] Esq, M. Dr: Surgeon in St. George's in Grenada, Observations on the influenza , as it lately appea- red in the West-Indies: (Duncans M, C. Y, I790, Dec. 2 Vol. 5. p. 325.) Essay on the ma- lignant pestilential fever introduced into the West' Indinn islands from Boullam, on the coast of Guinea, as it appeared in 1793 and 1794. 1795» 8. (5 fh.) Ed. 2. much enlarged. Vol. I. 2, I80I. 8. (16 fh.) On the malignant pestilential fever of Grenada as it appeared in 1793 and «794. <^e' dical. Reposit. Vol. 2. p. 285 ) History of an uncommon epidemic fever observed in the island of Grenada, (Duncans M. C Dec. 2. Vol. 8 p. 567,) Açcomu of a specific for ophthalmia? e|T1j 199 ployed by the Arrowawck Indians, (lb. Dec. 2. Vol. 9. p. 365.) Cafes of yaws and leprosy trea- ted with nitrous acid and oxygenated muriate of potash. {Duncans A, of Med. Y 1800. p 395,) A' curious cafe of spasmodic affection of the face, cured by the oxygenated muriate of potash. (Ibid, Y. 1800. p. 403.) A short account of the epi- demic polypus at Grenada in 1790. (Ib. Y. 1800* p. 407.) ^CHISLE sT, [John] Surgeon to the public dispett* sary at Homcastle Lincolnshire, A case of hernia situated between the recti mus* cles. (New London M. J Vol. 1. p. 337.) *CHiTTY, [Joseph] Esq. of the Middle Temple. On the laws of bills of exchange, checks on ban. kers, promissory notes, banker's caíh note» aucfr bank notes. 1799. 8. (6 sh.) «'CHRISP, [J . . . .] F. R. S. Observations on the nature and theory of vision* 1796. 8. (3 sh- 6 d.) *CHR1STALL, [Ann Batten] Poetical sketches. 1795. 8. CHRISTIAN, [ ] Lieutenant. The revolution , an historical play, I79I- U shj ♦CHRISTI AN, [Edward] 'Esq. M, A. Barrister and Professor of the laws of England in the Uni' verjity of Cambridge. Examination of precedents and principles: from which it appears that ah impeachment is determi- ned by a dilsolution of parliament: with an appen- dix, in which all the precedents are collected* Ed. 1. 1790. 8. (3sh. 6d.) Ed. 2. 1791. 8. (2 sh, 6 d.) Dissertation that the house of Lords in cafes of judicature are bound by precisely the same rules of evidence as are observed by all other courts; with an appendix, containing far- ther observations on the effect of a dissolution of parliament on an unfinished impeachment. 1792. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Commentaries on the laws of England in four books by Sir Will, Blackflone Ed. XII. with the late corrections of the author and with notes and additions. Vol. 1-4. 1795. 8. (IL. jsjtíi.) A syllabus, or heads of lectures pu- N 4 blicly 200 blicly delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1797* 8. (Z sh. 6 d ) Blackstonfs commentaries on the laws of England; Ed. 14 with notes and additions. Vol. I-4. 1803. 4. 'K2 L. 2 sh.) CHRISTIE, [Thomas] (He quitted medical pursuits and was a merchant *in London,) bom; died at Surinam Oct. 1796. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. March, p.253. April p. 345. Allgem. Litter. Zeit. J. 1797, ItBl. Dec. S. 1406. Observations on pemphigus. (London M. J, Vol. IÒ. P. 4. ) libers, in den Samml. der neuesten Beobacht. Engl, Aerzte. S. 291, Miscellanies, philosophical, medical and moral: Vol, 1. con- taining 1) observations on the littérature of the primitive christian writers. 2) reflections sugge- sted by the character of Pamphilus of Caesarea; 3) Hints respecting the state and education of the .people; 4) Thoughts on the origin of hu- - man knowledge and on the antiquity of the world. 5) Remarks on Prof. Meiners history of antient opinions respecting the deity, 6) Account of Dr. E/Jis's work on the origin of sacred know- ledge. 1789. 8. (4 sh,) Sketch of the new con- stitution of France —. 1790. sol. Letters on the revolution of France and on the new cortstitu* tion established by the national assembly, occasio- ned by the publications of — Burke and Alex, de Calonne — Part. 1, 1791. 8- (6sh.) The french constitution? — translated — being the first part of Vol. 2, of letters on the revolution —• 179^ 8. * CHRISTIE, [William] ^Essay on ecclesiastical establishments in religion — with two discourses — by a protestant distenter, 1791. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) *CHURCH, [John] As. A. Pi dissertation on camphor, Philadelphia. 1797* 8. CHURCH, [John] M A. Surgeon. Extract from a history of sphacelated scrotum. (Mem. of M, S. of L. Vol. 3, p. 529,) A cabinet of quadrupeds; consisting of highlv finished en- gravings by James Tookey and Baton Thompson* from elegant drawings, by Julius Ubctson, R- many SOI many of them sketched from the animals in their native climes; with historic and scientific descri- ptions. P.i. Nrb. i-s6. 1795. 4. P. 2. 1797. Nrb, 7-12. P. 3. Nrb. 13-36* (2 L. Ì6 sh.) «CHURCHEY, [W....] Poems and imitations of the british poets, with odes miscellanies and notes. 1789. 4. (i L. I sh.) •CHURCHILL, [ ] A compieat dictionary of the english language, by Thomas Sheridan ^ A. M. Ed. 4. (published by him) Vol. 1.2. 1797. 8. (14 sh.) ^CHURCH I LL, [Junius] Esq. Liverpool odes; or affectionate epistles for the Y. 1793. Part 1. 1793. 4. (1 sh. 6 d.) ♦CHURCHILL, [T ] Outlines of a philosophy of the history of man, translated from the germau of J. G. Herder* I800. 4. (I L. II sh. 6 ci.) CHURCHMAN, [John] Land-Surveyor — The magnetic atlas, or variation charts of the whole terraqueous globe, comprising a system of the variation and dip of the needle, by which, the observations being truly made, the longitude may be ascertained. Philadelphia. 1790. 8- Ed. 2. 1794- 4. (t L. I sh.) Ed. 3. with additions. New-York. I800. 4. On the northern and southern lights; On the attraction towards the magnetic points* (American Museum Y. 1788. Oct. p. 351, 354. 35Ó.) Address to the members of the different learned societies in America and Europe, in sup* port of the principles of the magnetic variation and their application in determining the longitude at sea; shewing wherein what Dr. Euler published on this subject at Heriin, was deficient, (ibid, Y„ 1789. May. p. 49Ó.) CHURTON, [Ralph] M, A. FelUw of Brazen-nose College*, Oxford and Rtfivr of MiddUton Chen- ey , Northamptonshire. The lives of William Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton^ Knight, Founders of Brazen-, nose College — with an appendix of letters and papers never before printed. 1800. *A postscript to an answer to Francis Eyre — occasioned by his late publication, intitlcd a reply to — Ralph N 5 Churtun, Chunonr, by (he author of the answer. 1801, 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) ^CLAP, [Noah] Town^Clerk of Dorchester. Letter to the Secretary of the Massachusetts Hiftor. Soc. (John Elliot) (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. 98.) *CLAPHAM, [ Samuel ] M. A. Vicar of Bingley, Yorkjhire and Chaplain to Lord Viscount Ri- velagk. An abridgment of the Lord Bifh. of Lincoln's ele- ments of christian theology for the use of fami- lies. 1802. (6 fh. 6 d.) Sermons — selected from minor ond scarce authors —; 1803. 8. (8 fh.) (Several tingle serinons.) * CLARE, Earl of [John] Lord High Chancellor of Ireland. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. P* 400« Speech on a motion made by the Earl of Moira, Febr 19. 1798 recommending conciliatory mea- sures to allay discontent in that country 1798. (I fh. 6 d.) Speech on a motion made by him Febr. 10. 1800, that in order to promote and se- cure the essential interests of Great - Britain and Ireland, to consolidate the strength, power and re- sources of the British Empire, it will be advisa- ble to concur in such measures as may best tend to unite the two kingdoms in such manner and in such terms and conditions, as may be establilhed by acts of the respective parliaments of Great-Bri- tain and Ireland. 1800. g, (3 fh, 6 d.) *CLARE, [M....] A. M. On the motion of fluids, natural and artificial, in which that of air and water is particularly conside- red and demonstrated revised and corrected with considerable additions. 1802. 8> (ioi'h. 6d.) CLARE, [Peter] Surgeon. born died (?) #CLARE, [Richard Augustus] Surgeon at Jamaica. Description of a mercurial air pump; and of a double, barreled air pump. (Nicholsons Journal* Vol. 4. p. 264.) GfcARE- [Thomas] M. A. See Samuel Bishop, 1 *CLA- — 503 «CLARENCE-, Duke of [William Henry]. 'Substance os his speech in the house of Lords, on the motion for the recommitment of the stave trade limitation bill on the 5 day of July. 1799. 8. (2 fh. ) Substance of his speeches in the house of Lords against the divorce bill. 1800. 8. ( I flw 6 d.) ^CLARENDON, Earl of [Edward] See William G i s b 0 r n e* ♦CLARENDON, [R V ... .] Esq. Sketch of the revenue and finances of Ireland and of the appropriated funds, loans and debt of the nation from their commencement: with abstracts of the principal heads of receipt and expediture foe 60 years and the various supplies since the revo- lution. 1791. 4# (15 sh.) *CLARIDGE, [John] of Craig f - Court, London. Extract from a general view of agriculture, in the county of Dorset, (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 7. p. 66.) *CLARK, [A ] A dissertation 011 the use and abuse of tobacco, 1797. 8. A short history of the ancient Israelites; — written originally in french by the Abbé Fleury , much enlarged from the apparatus bibli- ens of Pere Lamy, and corrected and improved throughout. I8Q2. (4 fh.) * CLARK, [Rracy] Veterinary Surgeon and F. L. S. Observations on the genus oestrius. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 3- p. 289.) *CLARK, [Emily] Grand - daughter o f the late Colonel Fr ed erik , son of Tk eodore9 King of Corsica. Janthé, or the flower of Caernarvon; a novel. Vol. I. 2. 1798.8. (8 Hi.) Ermine Montrose; or, ^ the cottage of the vale; with characters from lift Vol. 1. 2. 3- l80O. 12. (12 fh.) CLARK, [George]' An address to both houses of parliament: contai* ning reasons for a tax upon dogs and the -outlt» sies of a plau for that purpose; and for esse- ctuall/ ctuatly suppressing the oppressive practice of im. pressing seamen and more expeditiously manning the royal navy. 1791. 8. (I sh.) An address to the people of Ireland who are unfriendly to the British government. 1803. 8. (3 tL) CLARK, [George] Esq. Attorney at Law. Memoranda iegalia, or, an alphabetical digest of the laws of England adapted to the use of the lawyer, the merchant and the trader. 1800. g, (10 sh. 6 d.) 'CLARK, [James] M. Dr. Surgeon in Dominica; F.R.S, Editt. F. R. C. of Puys, of Edinh. Account of the good effects derived from the terra pouderofa muriata, in a peculiar species of scro- phula, occurring among Negroes in the West- Indies. ( Duncan s M C. Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 267,) A treatise on the yellow fever, as it appeared in the island of Dominica in the Years 1793-1796. to which are added; observations on the bilious remittent fever, on intermittents, dysentery and some other Weft-India diseases; also, the chemi- cal analysis and medical properties of the hot mi- neral waters in the fame island. 1797. 8» (3 fli. 6 d») An account of the poisonous quality of the juice of the root of iatropha manihot, or bitter cassada; and of the use of Cayenne pepper in counteracting the effects of this and some other , poisonous substances; with remarks on the efficacy of the fpigelia anthelmia in worm cafes; (Sim- mouses Med. Facts and Obferv. Vol. 7. p. 289.) An account of some experiments made with a view to ascertain the comparative quantities of amylaceous matter, yielded by the different vegetables most commonly in use in the West-India Islands; (Ibid, Vol, 7. p. 300.) 6LARK, [John] M Dr. Physician at Newcastle. Observations on the diseases in long voyages —, ilberf. Ausg 2. Kopenh. u. Leipz. 1798. 8. A collection of papers, intended to promote an in- stitution for the cure and prevention of infectious fevers in Newcastle and other populous town6, Part I. 3, I803, 15. (6 ft.) «CLARK, «CLARK, [John] •: On commons in Brecknock. (Youngs A. of Agr, Vol.22, p. 632. ) 'On watering meadows in Breck- nockshire. (Ibid. Vol.23, p. 192 ) $tCLARK, [Thomas] Surgeon, Observations on the nature and cure of severs and of diseases of the West and East Indies, and of America; with an account of dissections performed in those climates, and general remarks on diseases of the army. Edinb. 1801. 8- j&CLARKE, [ ] Mrs. of Lawrence farm, near Hedivgkam, Effex. On setting wheat. {Youngs A, of Agrt Vol. 2. p. 2890 • CLARKE, [ ] * Testimonies of different authors, respecting the colossal statue of Ceres, placed in the vestibule of the public library at Cambridge, July 1. 1803, with a short account of its removal from Eieulis Nov. 22. I801. 1803. 8. (I sh.) * CLARKE, [Charles] R S. A. Observations on the intended tunnel beneath the river Thames; shewing the many des:els in the present state of that projection. 1799 4. (4 sh.) Observations on episcopal chairs and stone feats.* as, also on piscinas and other appendages to altars still remaining in chancels; with a description of Chalk church, in the diocese of Rochester. (Arch. Vol. XI. p. 317.) «CLARKE, [Charles] of Milbank- row, Westminster, London. Treatise oh the earth called gypsum. 1792. 8» (I sh, 6 d.) *CLARKE, [Charles Mar/hall] Physician at Lowtk. The history of a cafe terminating fatally from a concretion formed in the bowels, in consequence of swallowing the stones of fruit. {Duncan** A. gf Med. Y. 1798. p. 3570 *CLARKE, [Edward Goodman] M. Dr. Medicinae praxeos compendium, symptomata, cau- sas, diagnofm, prognostn et medendi rationem ex- hibent 1800. 13. (S sh.) * CLARKfi, 20Ô * CLARKE, [George Somers] B. D. Fellow of Tri. nittj College % Oxford. Oedipus, king; of Thebes, a tragedy, from the greek of Sophocles: translated into prose with no- tes critical and explanatory. 1790. 8. (2 fh,) Verses on the installation of his grace the Duke of Portlcnd, chancellor of the university. 1793. 4, (6 d.) The relief of the french clergy, recom- mended in a discourse. 1793- 4> (i Hi.) CLARKE, [Henry] born at Salford, Manchester 1735» died at Baltimore 1793. See Monthly Magaz. Y. l(Soo. Nov. p. 334. A synopsis of a course of lectures in geography, astronomy and navigation with (hemes, from which B. Donne took the hiat of his planetarium. 17.. , * C L A R K E , [ Henry ] Letlurer in Mathematics and Philosophy. The seaman's desiderata*, or, concise practical ru- les for computing the apparent time at sea, the latitude from double solar altitudes, and the lon- gitude from the lunar observations; with a simple and expeditious method of clearing the lunar di- stances from the effects of parallax and refraction. I800. 4. (5 fh. ) A new, coneife and correct operation for clearing the apparent distance of the moon from a star or the fun of the effects of refraction and parallax; fully exemplified, illustra- ted and demonstrated*, To which is added a free1 and impartial examination of an original pro- jection for the fame purpose, as shown in the practical introduction to spheric Jand astronomkal astronomy. 1800. 4. (2 fh.) Animadversions on Dr. Dickson? translation of reflections on the theory of the infinitesimal calculus, from the french of C. Caruoz. ?8oi. 8. (6 d.) CLARKE, [ James ] Land - Surveyor , Penrith , Cum* berland. Plan of the lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire; wiih an accurate survey of the roads leading to them from Penrith , Keswick &c. - 1793. 4- (W CLARKE, *CLARK£, [James Stanier] F. R. S. Domestk Chaplah to the Privée of Wales, Vicar of Preston in the County of Sussex and Morning -Preacher at Park-street Chapel Naval sermons; — 1798- 8- (4 sn-) The pro- grefs of maritime discovery from the earliest pe- riod to the close of the 18 century. Vol. I. 1803. 4- (3 L. 8 fh.) CLARKE [John] M Dr. Physician to the General Lying Jn Hospital in Store-streets Loudon, and to the asylum"for female orphans. Essay on the epidemic disease of lying in womeu of the Y, 1787 and 17Ô8- 1788. 4. ubers. von Dr. G. W. Consbruch. Marburg. 1792. 8. Hi- story of a fatal haemorrhage from a laceration of the Fallopian íube, in a case of an extra-uterina foetus. (Transact, of Med. and Cbir. Soc, 1793. p. 215») Observations on the cafe of a woman who died with a foetus in the fallopian tube. . Ibid, Vol. 2. p. I.) A fatal cafe of hernia of some of the abdominal viscera strangulated in the cavity of the thorax. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 118.)" Observation* on the management of cases ;n which the face of the child presents towards the os pubis. (Ibid, Vol. 2» p- 229 ) Practical essays on the manage- ment of pregnancy and labour, and on the inflam- matory and febrile diseases of lying in women. 1793» 8. (3 ih* 6 d.) Description of an extra- ordinary production of human generation; with observations; (Philos. Transact Y. 1793. p 154, Simmon?s Med. Fads and Observât. Vol. 7. p. 109.) Account of a tumour found in the sub- stance of the human placenta. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1798. p.36l.) ^CLARKE, [John] Minister of a church in Boston. born 1755 Apr 13. at Portsmouth in Ne\r Hampshire; died 1798. Apr 2. See Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1799. p. III. An answer to the question, why are you a christian? I795. 12. Ed. 2. 1796. 8- (ifh. ) Sermons, (with a short account of him by Dr. Belknap)^ Boston. 1799, (3 Dollar.) CLARKE, 208 ^ CLARKE, [Joseph] M.Dr. Master of the Lying. % Hospital at Dublin; M. R. J. A. Observations on puerperal fever, more especially as it has of late occurred iu the lying-in Hospi. tal of Dublin. (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol, 5, 1790. p. 299.) Account of a disease which, until lately proved fatal to a great number -of infants in the lying-ni hospital, of Dublin, with observa- tions on its causes and prevention. (Simmonss Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 3. p. 78. Transact, of J. A, Vol. 3. 1789. p. 890 llbcrs. Report. Chir. ti. Mediz. Abhandl. 8. 2. S. 231.) Remarks on the causes and cure of some diseases of infancy; (Transact, of the J. A. Vol. 6* p. 3. Simmons s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol.8, p. 515.) * C L A R K E , [ Richard ] Minister of St. Philips Qhark- 'ft°n-> South Carolina and Lefiurer of Stoke-Ntn>< ingtou and St. Ja?ncs's Aldgate. A series of letters, essays, dissertations and dis. courses 011 various subjects. Vol. I. 1795. 3, (5 shO *CLARKE, [Richard] As. Dr. Surgeon in the RoijqI Navy, Plan for increasing the naval force of Great-Bri- tain by rendering the service a more desirable object to officers "and seamen —. 1795. 8 (I Hi. (yò.) Medical strictures, an effectual method of treating most diseases, in which the prevention, palliation and cure are pointed out. 1799. 8. (Ish.) * CLARKE, [Robert] Surgeou at Sunderland, in the county of Durham. An account of a key instrument of a new con- struction, with observations on the principles on which it acts, in the extraction of teeth, and 011 the mode of applying it. (Simmon's Med. Fails and Obfcrv. Vol. 6. p. 120.) ♦CLARKE, [R H....] Esq. of Bridwell, mat Cullompron , Devon. On draining and rearing calves. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 3. p. 3770 •CLARKE, \ 509 CLARKE* [Thomas Brooke] A. As. Secretary for the Library and Chaplain to his R. H. the Prince of Wales. LL* Dr, Statistical view of Germany in respect to the im- perial and territorial constitutions, forms of go- vernment;, legislation, administration of justice and ecclesiastical state. 1790. 8. ( 4 sh. ) The doctrine of an appeal to the people and the right of resistance, as laid down by Mr. Saurin in the Irish house of Commons, considered and ccnfu> ted. 1799. 8. C1 fh.) A letter to the Rr. IL Earl Cholmondeley 011 the civil policy of the an- cients. To which is prefixed an enumeration of the confiscations &c. of the french nation, ex- tracted from official documents: translated front the german. 1709. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Union or se- paration , written some years since by Dr. Tucker, Dean of Gloucester and now first « published in this tract, upon the fame subject: With an ap- pendix on the political, commercial and civil state of Ireland. Ed. 3, 1799 8. (2sh.) The political, commercial and civil state of Ireland. 1799. 8- (ifh. 6 d. ) Misconceptions of facts and mis— statements of the public accounts — by the Rt.» H. John Foster, Speaker of the Irish house of Commons , revised and corrected according to official documents. 1799. 8# A survey of the strength and opulence of Great- Britain; wherein is shewn the progress of the commerce , agriculture , population — before and since the accession of the house of Hannover, with observations by Dean Tucker and Dayid Hume in a correspondance with Lord Kaimes, now first published. i8oi. 8. (5 sh.) Historical and poli- tical view of the disorganization .of Europe; wherein the laws and chaiactcrs of nations and the maritime and commercial system of Great- Britain and other states are vindicated against the imputations and revolutionary proposals of M. Talleyrand and Hauterive. I8O3. 8» (5 sh.) *CLARKE, [William] late Professor of the English. language and belies lettres in the College of Alais, Languedoc. Interesting letters on the french revolution, ex- Reuss & e. SuppL O tracted hacted from the celebrated works of Mr. Makntt — translated from the french. 1795. 8. (3 sh.) CLARKSON, [T....] Rw. Letters on the slave trade and the slate of the na- tions in those parts of Africa , which are conti. guous to Fort St. Louis and Goree. 1791. 4, (5 sh. ) Some account of the new colony at Sierra Leona, on the coast of Africa. (American Museum Y. 1792. April p. 160. May p. 229.) * CLARK S ON, [William] As.' B: F. of the C. of Physic, cf Philad. Case of tetanus. (Tr. of Pbys. of Philad. Vol, I. P. I. p. 66.) *CLAXTON, [John]^ F. A. S. Description of a saxon arch with an inscription in Dinton church, Buckinghamshire and of sundry antiquities found in that parish. (Arch. Vol.10, p. 167.) *CLAY, [j.:...] Elegy, supposed to be written in the place de la revolution, after the murder of Louis XVI, 1793. 4. (I sh.) *CLAY, [Joseph] M. A. P. S. Observations on the figure of the earth. (Tr, of A. S, Vol. 5. p. 313.) «CLAYFIELD, [William] An account of several veins of sulphate of stron- sian or strontites, found in the neighbourhood of Bristol, with an analysis of the different varieties. ^Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 36.) Description of a mercurial aiç-holder, suggested by an in- spection of Mr. Watt's machine for containing facti- tious air. (TiUoclsCs Fhilof. Magaz. Vol. 7, p. 148.) * CLAY TON, [Sir Richard] Baronet. On the cretins of the Vallais. (Mem. of M. Vol.3. p. 261. Columbian Magaz. Y. 1791. Vol. £. p. 23. New"-York Mas. Y. 1792 Fcbr. p. 96.) Connu- bia florum, a poem in htiui verses from de k Croix, M. Dr. with notes and observations by him. I79Í. 8. s3 sh.) A critical inquiry into the life of Alexander the great by the ancients historians, from the french of the Baron de St, Croix, with notes and observations; illustrated with a map of the marches of Alexauder the great. 1793- 4» (18 ft.) (l8 sh.) Memoirs of the house of Medici, from its origin to the death of Francesco, the second grand duke of Tuscany and of the great men who flourished in Tuscany within that period; from the french of Mr. Tenhove, with notes and obser- vations. Vol. i. 2. 1797. 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) A snort journey in* the West - Indies, in which are inter- spersed curious anecdotes and characters. (New« York Magaz. Y. 1792. Fehr. p. 97.) *CLEAVER, [William] Lord-Bishop of Chester, Pre- bendary of Westminster, Principal of Brazen- nose College. # De rhythmo graecorum liberi — in usum juven* tutis Coll. Aen, Naf. olim conscriptus et nunc de- mum in lucem editus. Oxonii. 1789. 8- Pardon, and sanctification proved to be the privileges an- nexed to the due use of the Lord's supper as a feast on a sacrifice, a sermon. 1791. 8 (I sh.) *CLEEVE, [Alexander] A. B. Vicar of Wooler in Northumberland. A selection of psalms; from taie and brady's ver* sion. Ed. 2- 1793,12. (ish. 6d.) Robert Fleming's' christology, or, a discourse concerning christ; in himself, his government, his offices dkc. abridged in two parts. 1797. 8. (7 sh.) Devotional exer- cises and contemplations , extracted altogether from the book of psalms and suited to all classes and circumstances of mankind; in 4 parts. l8oo# 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) CLEG G , [James] at Manchester, Dole fields. Account of a substitute for verdigris, in dying black. (Tr. of tiie Soc. for the E. of A4 Vol. i# p. I8T.) *CLE0HORN, [David] Brewer in Edinburgh. Account of a method of curing burns and scaldî. (Simmons*s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 2» p. 120.) *CLEGHORN, [Robert] M. Dr. Professor of Mate- ria medica in the University of Glasgow. A case of inversion of the uterus. (M. C. Vol. 3. p. 22Ó.) ^CLEMENCE, [M ] The true lover of his country; or, a treatise on sovereignty, with respect to its origin, its object, 0 2 its 21Z its functions, and its several modifications; with a concise description of the revolutions of the roman republic, of the kingdom of England and more particularly that of France. 1801.12. (4 fh.) * CLEMENT, [Thomas] Curate of Bretidon, Devon, The key of natural philosophy, or an introduction into the knowledge of nature, being a plain philosophical treatise 1790. 8. (sfh. 6 d.) Ed. 3. improved. 1794. 8. (2 sh. 6 d,) ^CLEMENTS, [William] M. A. of Magdalen-Col lege, Oxford. born 1711. died 1799. Apr. 8. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Apr.* p. 356, Jun. p. 474. Allg. Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. s. 659. Eight sermons, preached — in the Year 1757, To which is added a latin oration, spoken July 22. 1733. 179- 8. (5 ft.) *CLENNEL. [John] at • Newcastle-upon-Tyne. On the poor laws. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1801. Febr. p. 98.) On Tyne keels. (Ibid. Y. I801. Apr. p. 251.) Reply to a country magi, strate on houses of industry. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Apr. p. 252.) On a general canal bill and parliamen- tary rewards for inland navigation. (Ibid. Y. I80I. May. p. 341.) The Newcastle mode of measuring coali and grindstones. ( Ib. Y 1801. June p. 406.) On the advantages of disclosing the process of manufactories. (Ib. Y. I80I. Jul. p, 15.) On the necessity and importance of topo- graphical information, (Ib. Y. 1801. July. p. 24.) An account of the art of making glue. (Mc/to/- son's Journal. Y. 1802. Aug. p. 235.) On the manufacture of glue. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Vol. 7. p. 34 ) On the preservation of butter in Abyssinia. (Ib. Vol, 7. p. 126.) Narae9 given to each kind of wool, by wool throwers. (Ib. Vol./. p. 131.) Ointment for fore eyes Mid reflection! on withholding useful recipes, (Ib. Vol. 7. p. 132.) *CLERK, [John] Esq. of Edinburgh; F. of A. and R. S. Edmb. Sec Public Characters of 1800 and 180I. p« 45^» Essay on naval tactics, systematical and historical, with 21$ with explanatory plates. Parti7-4. 1790-1798. 4» (I L. u sh.) ^CLIFFORD, [Henry] Esq. of Lincolns - inn , Bar- rister at Law. Reflections on the appointment of a catholic bi- shop to the London district, in a letter to the ca- tholic laity of the said district. 1791. 8. (2 sh.) Account of the two cases of controverted elections of the borough of Southwark in the county of Surry; which where tried and determined by select committees of the house of commons — with notes and illustrations: To which are added, an account of the two subsequent cases of the city of Canter- bury , and an appeudix on the right of the retur- ning officer to administer the oath of supremacy to catholics. 1797. 8 (6sh.) The proceedings of the house of Lords in the cafe of Benjamin Flo* itier, printer of the Cambridge intelligencer, for a supposed libel on the bilhop of Llandast", with prefatory remarks by Mr. Flower, to which arcad- d&d the arguments in the court of king's bench, oh a motion for an habeas corpus, and a postscript, containing remarks on the judgment of that court I800. (4 ih.) ^CLIFFORD, [M.... M ] Esq. Of the 12 or Prince of Wales's light dragoons. Egypt, a poem, descriptive of that country and its inhabitants; written during the late campaign. I803. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) . ^CLIFFORD, [Robert] F. R. & Memoirs, illustrating the history of Jacobinism by the Abbe' Barruel, translated. Vol. 1-4. 1798. 8* ^CLIFFORD, [Thomas] , An approved method of making cider. (Columbian , Magaz. Y. 1790, 06r. p. 250.) On the maple su- gar of America. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol.6, p. 311.) *CLINE, [ ] On the use of the tinctura ferri muria ti in those suppressions of urine which arise from a spasmo- dic affection of the urethra. (M. Rec, and Res. O 3 CLINTON, CLINTON, [Sir Henry] Knight of the Bath; Lieut. Gener. born, . . . 4 . died 1795. Dec. 23. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795- Dec. p. 1060. Observations on Mr. Stedmans' history of the American war. 1794. 4. (2 i'h.) *CLOBERYf [Robert Glynn] See Glynn. *CLODMAN, [John] The progress of a countryman. (Columbian Ma- gaz. Y. 1787. March, p. 3 [4.) * CLOSE, [H.... J ] Rector of Hit chain, Suffolk On the half husbandry. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 63.) On the culture of potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 104.) Remarks on Josef h fVivipey's 'practical enquiry concerning the most certain and effectual means of promoting vegetation, (Ibid, Vo'. 3. p. 203.) Experiment on horse-hocd wheat, (Ibid. Vol.3, p. 210.) A tabic for manuring land. (Ibid, Vol. 3. p. 321.) Elements of the french, latin and engliih language. 1795*8. (I sh. 6d.) On fatting with potatoes and on the advantages of dril- ling. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol, 7. p, 319.) On the comparative advantages of the drill husbandry, (lb. Vol. 9. p. 40.) On drilled turnips. (Ibid. Vol. 9, p, 46.) On the half •husbandry. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p, 50.) On the culture of the Mazagaia bean. (Ib. Vol. 9« p- 5í3.) On the value of the ruta-baga, com- pared with other turnips, (ibid. Vol. 9. p. 307.) On obtaining a knowledge of practical agriculture. (Comm. and Agric. Magax. Y. 1800. Sept. p. 204.) Experiments on potatoes. (Young*s A. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 397.) On a new culture of wheat, (Ibid. Vol.2, p. Lutter on dibbling wheat. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 6.) Essay on the conversion of grass lands into tillage. (Comm. to the B,1 of Agr, Vol. 3. P. I. p. 3^ Tilloclis Philos. Mag. Vol.15, P- 167. 2Ó8.) On tythes as owe of the most obvious impediments of agriculture and on means proposed for their .aboli- tion , equally advantageous to the clergy and land- holders. (Comm. and Agric, Mag, Y. 1803. Febr, p. 109.) «"CLOSE [William] at Dahon. Construction of a lamp for burning tallow. (Nj- ckolsons 315 íholsonf Journal. Vol. 3. p. 363.) On the lamp for tallow and the combustion of that material. (Ibid. Vol. 3. pf 547-) Description of an engine for raising water by the lateral.motion of a stream of water through*, a conical tube. (ibid. Vol, 4. p. 293. 492.) New application of the syphon to raise water above the surface of the reservoir. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 547. Vol. 5. p. 22.) Experiments and observations on the properties of wind in- struments, consisting of a single pipe or channel; with improvement in their construction. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 213.) Construction of an hydraulic appara- tus, which by means of the syphon raises water above its level and performs its alternations with- out attendance. (Ibid. Y. I802. Jan. p.27.) Com- position of writing ink, poste Hi fig the permanent colour and other essential properties, of the ink used for printing. (Ibid. Y. 1802. July. p. 146.) *CLOTHXER, [Wiltshire] F. A. Î, Wool encouraged without exportation, or practi- cal observations on woal and the woollen manu- facture, in two parts. 1791. 8. (2 fh.) *'CLOUGH, [Henry Gore] M. Dr. Cafe of the humerus of a child torn from the sca- pula by a mill. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 519-0 * C L 0 U G H, [James] Surgeon. Observations on pregnancy and the diseases inci- dent to that period; together with their remedies and some useful cautions, particularly necessary for women during a sirst pregnancy. To which are added observations on the diseases of chil- dren. 1796. 8. (I fh.) * CLOWES, [James] M. A. Rector of the Parisk church of Si. John Manchester and late fel- low of Trinity College, Cambridge. Swedenborg** celefcia arcana, translated into eng- lisli; 17.. Sermons. Vol, 1. 2. 179Ó. 8. (5 fh.) Letters to a member of parliament, on the writings of Swedenborg9 containing a full and complete re- futation of all the Abbé BarrueVs calumnies against the honourable author, 1799. 8. (4 ih.) Lord Bisliop of CLOYNE, fee Richard Woodward. O 4 *CLUBBE, 5l6 *CLUBBE, [William] LL, B. Vicar of BranMon% Suffolk. Six satirçs of Horace, in a style between free imi- tation and literal version. 1795- 4- (5 sh.) The epistle of Horace to the Piso's, on the art of poc try, translated into English verse. 1797. 4. (2 ih. 6 d.) Omnium, containing the journal of a late three days tour into France, curious and extra- ordinary anecdotes, critical remarks and other miscellaneous pieces in prose çnd verse, 1798. §. (6 no *CLULOW, [Thomas] Invention of a loom to weave figured ribbands, (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 18, p. 259.) *CLUTTERBUCK, [Henry] Esq. Member of t lie corporation of Surgeons, and Surgeon to tha Roy. universal dispensary. An account of a new and successful method of treating those affections , which arise from the poison of lead; To which is added, general ob. fervations on the internal use of lead as a trie» dicine. 1794, 8. (2 f'n.) (Tilhch's Philos. Magaz, VojL 6. p*lI9.) Observations on the small pox. (New London M. J, Vol, 2. p. 28.) Remarks on seme of the opinions of the late Mr, John Hun- ter respecting the venereal disease, 1799. 8. (i sb. 6 d.) Letter containing some objections to the Mitchilliau theory of pestilential fluid, (TiUoclis Pliilof. Magaz, Vol. 5. p. 188.) *CQATES, [Charles] tU The history and antiquities of reading. 1802. 4, COBB, [James] Esq, Secretary at the India house. born 1756, The haunted tower; 17,, The siege ofBelgrad; 17,. Rartiah, droog; or, wine does wonders, a comic opera , in 3 acts. 1800. 8. (2 fh.) A house to be fold , a musical piece; 1802. 81 (ash.) , * C O B B E T T , [William] ( Ficlitiaus name, Peter Por- cupine or James Quichfilver.) S. Wdtmantfs Gúd-ì, und Politik J. 1800, St, 2, $. 193. * Observations on. Dr. Priestley's emigration to America; 17., Ed, 4, 1798,8, (lib. 6 £•) 217 *A bone to gnaw for the democrats? 17,. Sum- mary of the law of nations founded on the trea- ties and customs of the modern uations of Europe by Mr. Martens, translated from the stench. Phi- lad. 1795. 8- Moreau de St, Mery, topographi- cal and political description of the fpamsh part of Saint - Domingo — translated from the freuch. Vol. I. 2. Philad. 1796. 8- James Quicksilver, the blue {hop or impartial and humorous observa- tions on the life and advantures of Peter Porcupine, philad. 1796. 8. A little plan eughsh addressed to the people of the United states on the treaty negotiated with his Hritaunic Maj. and on the conduct of the President relative thereto; in answer to ,,thc letters of Franklin,, ♦ With a supplement containing an account of the turbulent and factious proceedings of the late oppofers of that treaty* London reprinted 1796. Observa- tions on the debates of the American congress on the addresses to Gen. Washington on his resigna- tion. 179Ó. 8. (I fh.) A rick for a bite or review upon review; with a critical essay on the works of Mrs. S. Rowson. Philad. 1796. 8. The bloody buoy, thrown out as a warning to the poli- tical pilots of all natioin?, or, a faithfull relation of a multitude of acts of horrid barbarity — until the commencement of the French revolution; to which if addcd7 an instructive essay, tracing these dreadful essects to their real causes — 179Ó. 12. (3 fh.) The life and adventures of Peter Porcu- pine, with a full and fair account of his autho- ring transactions —. Philad. 1797., 8. ( I fh. ) Letter to the infamous Tom Paine, in answer to his letter to Gen, fVaskington. 1797. 8. ( I fh. ) Democratic principles illustrated by example. Part I. 2. 1798, (7 d.) The republican judge; or, th« American liberty of the press, as exhibited, explained and exposed in the base and partial pro- secution of WUL Qobbett for a pretended libel against the king of Spain and his Embassador, be* fore the supreme court of Pennsylvania; with an; address to the people of England, 1798. 8. (2 fh,) Detection of a conspiracy formed by the united Irishmen î with the evident intention of aiding the O 5 tyrants 218 tyrants of France in subverting the government of the United states of America. 1799. 3. (l sh.) Remarks on an explanation lately published by Dr. Priestley, respecting the intercepted letters of his friend and disciple John H. Stone; to which is added a certificate oLcivism for John Priestley, Jun. 1799. 8. (l sh.) Observations on the deba. tes of the American congress and on the address presented to Gen. Washington on his resignation, with remarks on the timidity of the language held towards France — to which arc prefixed Washing, tons address to congress and the answers of the senate and house of representatives. 1799. The American rushlight by the help of which wayward and disaffected persons may fee a complete speci- men of the baseness, dishonesty, ingratitude and perfidy of republicans and of the profligacy, inju- stice and tyranny of republican government. 1800. The trial of republicanism; or, a series of politi- cal papers, proving the injurious and debasing consequences of republican government and written constitutions; with an introductory address to Thomas Erskine. 1801. 8. (2 sh.) Letters — on the peace with Bonaparte, to which is added an appendix, containing a collection of all the con- ventions, treaties, speeches xmd other documents connected with the subject. I803. 8. (7 sh.) Let- ters on the fatal effects of the peace with Bona* parte; particularly with respect to the colonies, the commerce, the manufactures and the constitu- tion of the united kingdom. 1802. 8. (3 sh.) Let- ter 1. 2, to the Hon. James Fox on the circum- stance, the motive and the consequence of.his visit to Bonaparte, 1,802. Weekly political register. Vol. I. 2. 1802. Letters to the Chancellor of the exchequer, exposing the deception of the financial statements and shewing the fatal tendency of the peace of Amiens with respect to public credit. I803. 8. (3sh. 6d.) *COBBOLD, [John Spencer] M. A. Fel/ow of Gon- ville and Cajus College, Ipswich. Essay, tending so prove in what sense Jesus Christ hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, published in pursuance of the will of the the late Mr. Norris, as having gained the annual prize instituted by him in the university of- Cam* bridge. 1793. 8. (i fh. ) An essay, tending to ihew the advantages which result to revelation from its being conveyed to us in the form of hi- story. 1800. *COCHRAN, [Archibald] Earl of D un do n a I d. See Arckib. Dun don aid. *CO C H RANE, [ James ] Vicar of Mattsield in the 'county of York, and formerly Chaplain to ike 82 Regt. of foot. Plan for recruiting the British army. 1779. 4. (i fh.) Thoughts concerning the proper constitu- tional principles of manning and recruiting the britiih navy and army. 1791. 4. (2 fh.) • COCHRANE, [John] The seaman's guide; shewing how to live com- fortably at sea. 1797. 8- (ish. 6 d.J Manufacture of wheat flour in Bengale. ( Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 2Ó8-) *COCKBURN, [William] M. A. Saint Peter's denial of christ; a Seatonian prize poem. 1802. 4. (2 sb.) *COCKIN, [W....] born Ï736. died at Kendall, in Westmore- land: 1801. May 30. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. June. p. 575. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1801. Aug, p. 69, On arithmetic; 17.. Poems; 17.. ^COCKRELL, [Richard] Teacher of ike free school at Lartington. Introduction to plane trigonometry, with is appli- cation to heights and distances. 179, 8- (2fh.) *COCKS, [John Somcrs] M. P. Patriotism and the love of liberty defended; in two dialogues. 1791. 8. (I sb. 6 d,) Short trea- tise on the dreadful tendency of levelling princi- ples. 1793. 8- (I fh.) COETLOGON, [Charles Edward de] M. A. A me* tkodift clergyman^ Sermons; now rirst printed from the original ma- nuscripts of John f'VaUis, D. D. to which are pre- fixed memoirs of the author with some original anecdotes and a recommeudary introduction. I79T* 8. (6 sh.) A, seasonable caution against the abominations of the church of Rome. 1800 8. (2 d.) The fall of antichrist, the triumph of the christian church. 1800. 8- ( 1 sh.) (Editor of „The theological miscellany. „ ) (SeveraJ single sermom.J * CO F F IN, [Charles] M. Dr. An account of the pestilential fever which pre- vailed at Newbury - port, state of Massachusetts in r7çó. (Medical Repository. Vol. I. p. 504.) *C0FFIN, [Peleg] "Progress of the whale fishery at Nantucket. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. p. IÓ1,) COGAN, [£....] ftioscki idyllia tria, graece, cum notis in usiim stu- diosae juventutis. 1795. Reflections on the evi- dence of Christianity. 1796.12. fish. ) A passage in Virgil, „nihil iste nee ausu$ nec potuit,, explai- ned. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Apr. p. 210,) On greek articles; (Ibid. Y. 1800. Aug. p. 33.) CUsiìcaí remarks. (Ibid. Y. 1800. Sept. p. 137,) On prosody. (Ibid. Y. 18OÍ June, p 389. July. P-485.) On a passage of Virgil (fan, !ibr. 2 — Eripe, nate, fugaiu). (Ibid. Y. 1801. Dec. p. 384.) Conjectural emendations. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Fcbr. p. 6.) Correction proposed in Homer (II. I. v. 133.) (ibid Y. 1802. Fcbr. p. 27, Dec. p. 411.) Con- jectural emendations. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Febr. p.6.) Remark in preface to the 2 edit, of the Hecuba by Porsou. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Sept. p. 104.) An ac- count of the numbers in Homer 11. 16. v. 207. (Ibid. Y. 1802. March, p. 107.) On a passage in the 19 book of Hemer and on a passage in Huri* fides. (Ibid. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 477.) COGAN, [Thomas] M. Dr. The rhine or a journey from Utrecht to Frank- fort, chiefly by the borders of the rhine and the passage down that river from Menz to Bonn; de- scribed in a series of letters; written from Hol- land to a friend in England in the Years 1791 and 1792. embellished with 24 views in aqua tinta and a map of the rhine from Metz to Bonn. Vol. X-2* 1795. 8. (iL, I sh.) Memoirs of the so- ciety at Amsterdam in favour of drowned persons; 1773» 221 1773- The works of the late Prof. Camper on the connexion between the science of anatomy and the arts of drawing, painting, statuai y &c. in tWo books —, 1794- 4- (I L. I i'h.) A philosophical treatise of the passions. 1800. 8- (8 fli. 6 d.) ♦ COGGAN, [G ] Merchant of Hull. A testimony of Richard Brothers, in an epistolary address to the people of England, on the impen- ding judgments of God; with original letters la- tely sent to the Queen, Duke of Gloucester, Earl Fitçwilliam, Mr. Pitt.. 1795. 8. (l sh.) ♦COG G AN, [Samuel] Secretary of the Devon and Exeter Hospital. A journal of the weather during the severe frost 1788- 1789. ( Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 12. p. 5O70 ♦COGSWELL, [Mason F....] M. Dr. Sketch of the history of the weather and diseases of Hartford in Connecticut, during the winter and spring of 1798. (Medical Repository. Vol. 2. p. 299.) *C0IT, [Thomas] Account of the pestilential fever which prevailed at New-London (Connecticut). (Medical Reposii. Vol. 2. p. 407.) *COKE, [ ] Dr. — and Mr. Moore; the life of the Rev. John Wesley , A. M. including in account of the great revival of religion in Europe and America, of which he was the first ánd chief instrument. 179^ 8. (5 fh.) COKE, [Sir Edward] Lord chief Juftice of England. born 1549. died 1634. Sept. 3. *COKE, [Thomas William] Esq. M> P. The addresses to the freeholder* of the county of Norfolk. 1802. (3 d.) Comparison of South Down, New Leicester and Norfolk sheep. ( Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 33. p. 109.) See Edmund Wright. *COLBURNE, [Benjamin] of Bath. An inestimable dissolvent for the human calculi. (American Museum Y. 1788. Jan. P. 60.) « COLBY, * COLBY, [Thomas] Surgeon at Sorrington in Devon. shire. Account of a cafe in which the tendon of the biceps muscle was punctured in beediug. (M. C, Vol. 2. p. 18.) ♦COLDEN, [Alexander] An examination of the new doctrines in philoso- phy and theology propagated by Dr. Prieflleyi with some strictures on the power of the civil magistrate, as the ordinance of God. 1793. g, (3 fh. 6 d.) ^COLDEN, [Cadwallader] Esq. • Extract of his letter concerning the throat distem- per. (American Museum Y. 1788. Ja". p. 53.) *COLE, [Peter] H On the disappearance of swallows in sutumn. (Me- dical Repostc. Vol.2, p. 178. Tillociis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 4. p. 414.) *COLE, [Thomas] LL. B. Vicar of Dulverton hi tht county of Somerset. boni 1726. died 1796 June 14. See Gentleman's M^gaz. Y. Í79Ó June. p. 533, Allg. Litt. Zeit. ltBl. J. íSoo. S. 627. ^Discourse on luxury, infidelity and enthusiasm. Ï760. 12. The life of Hubert; a narrative, de- scriptive and didactic poem. Booki. to which are added , some original and translated poems. 1795. 8. Book 5.3. 1797. 8, (6 fh. 6 d,) The arbor, or the rural philosopher. 1756.4. (reprin- ted in Docility's collection of poems.) *COLE, [William] Rev, at Maidstone. The contradiction, J.79Ó. 8. ( 5 fh. ) A loyal poetical gratulation presented to his Majesty afe a review of the Kentish yeomanry volunteers Aug. x. 1799. 1799. 4. (I sb, 6 d.) A tear of regret to the memory of Lieut. Colon. Sfiadwell of the 25 Regt. of light dragoons, shot through the heart by a deserter the I day of june 1799. 1799, 4. (I fh. 6 d.) * COLE BROOKE, [Henry T ] Lieut, in the ser- vice of the H* East-Jndia Company , who an en* ded the army in capacity of surveyor. Twelve views of places in the kingdom of My- sore, the country of Tippoo • Sultan 7 from dra- .223 wing* taken on the spot; to which are annexed, concise descriptions of the places drawn, with a brief detail of part of the operations of the army tinder the Marq.. Cornwallis during the late war and a few other particulars. 1793. 4. (12 L9 12 sh.) On the islands Nancowry and Comarty. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 4. p. 129.) Astronomical observa- tions made on a voyage to the Andaman and Nico- bar Islands. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p.317.) Astronomical observations made on a survey through the Car- natic and Mysore country. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p, 321.) Table of latitudes and longitudes of some prin- cipal places in India, determined from astronomical observations, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 325.) On the An- daman islands. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 385.) On Bar- ren- island and its volcano. (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 397.) A dige-st of Hindu law, on contracts and successions with a commentary by Jagannathn Tcrcapancha- nana. Translated from the original Sanscrit. Vol, 1-3. iSor. 8- (2 L. 2 sh.) Enumeration of In- dian classes. (Afiai. Res. Vol. 5. p, 53.) On In- dian weights and measures. (Ibid. Vol.5, p. 91,) On the religious ceremonies of the Hindus and of the Brahmcns especially. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 345.) On the duties of a faiihful Hindu widow. (lb:d. Vol. 4. p. 209.) *COLEMAN, [ ] Casts of practice adjudged in the supreme court of New - York. 1800. «COLEMAN, [Edward] Surgeon. Dissertation on suspended respiration from drow- ning , hanging and suffocation. In which is re- commended a different mode of treatment so any hitherto pointed out. 1791. 8. (5 sh.) fibers. Leip- zig. 1793. 8. * *COLEMAN, [Edward] Professor of the veterinary College, principal veterinary Surgeon to tks British Cavalry and to his Maj. Board of Agriculture. Observations on the structure, oeconomy and di- seases of the foot of the horse and on the princi* pies and practice of shoeing; illustrated with 8 engraved copper - plates. Vol. 1. 1798. 4. Vol. 2* l8Q3o 224 ~ I802. 4. (3 L. 13 sh. 6 d.) Observations on the formation and uses of the natural frog of the horse, with a description of a patent artificial frog, t0 prevent; and cure contracted hoofs5 thrushes, can- kers arul sandcraeks. 1800. 3. (ish 6 d.) * Ve- terinaty transactions; containing observations 011 the effects and treatment of wounds of joints and other circumscribed cavities; — Numb. 1, 1801. 8 (3 ft. 6 d.) ^COLEMAN, [Jacob] of Montgomery county^ Penn> sylvania* A mode to preserve the peach tree from being in. jured by a species of worm, which for several years past has destroyed many of them in those Ha- tes. (American Museum Y. 1787. Aug. p. 177.) ^COLEMAN, [R ] of the Royal mills, Wahhm Abbey* On the manufacture and constituent parts of gun- powder. (Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 9 p. 355,) COLEMAN, [William] Surgeon at Sandwich in Km, born . , . . died .... (?) *COLEPEPER, [J Spencer] Esq. Important facts, submitted to the consideration of the people of England with some thoughts on the present situatiou of public affairs. 1793. 8. (I sh.) * COLE RIDGE, [ ] S. T. late of Jesus College Cambridge. a native of Bristol. The fall of Robespierre, an historic drama. 1794, 2. (i sh.) Condones" ad populum , or addresses to the people. 1795. 8- (I sh. 6 d,) A protest against certain bills; or the plot discovered. An address to the people against ministerial treason. I795. 12. (I sh>) Poems on various subjects. I79Ó. 8- (5 sh.) Ed. 2. To which are now added poems* by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd, 1797. 8. (6 sh.) The watchman, a weekly miscellany. Nrb. 1. 1796, (4 d.) A prospect of peace; 1796. Ode to the departed year. 1797. 4. (I sh.) Fears in solitude, written in 1798 during the alarm of an invasion; to which nre added, France, an ode; aud Frgsi at midnight. 1798. 4» (I sh. 6 d.) The Pìccolominî, or the first part of Wallcnstein a dra- ma in 5 acts; translatée! from the germ an ofFfed. Schiller, igoo. 8- (4 fh.) The death of Wallen- stein, a tragedy5 translated from the gennan of Fred. Schiller. 1800. 8. (4 sh.) *COLET, [John Annesley] An impartial review of the life and writings, pu- blic and private character, of the htc jsokit Wesley. Part I, 1791. 8* (ifh-) * Letter to the' Rev. Thomas Coke^ LL. D> and Henry More; occasioned by their proposals for publishing the life of the Rev. John Wesley, A. M. in opposition to that ad- vertised to he written by John Whitehead., M- D. —* by an old member of the society. 1792 8- (.2 fh.) *COLINTON, [Sir James FOULIS of] Baronet. Inquiry into the origin of the name of the Scottish nation. (Transact, of the Soc. of Antiq. of Scot- land. Vol. I. p. I.) Inquiry into the beverage of the ancient CaledoHians and other Noriher nations, at their feasts, and of their drinking vessels. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 12.) Of the league said to h*vô been formed between the emperor Charlemagne and the King of Scotland. (Ibid. Vol. r. p 20.) Observations on ■ the origin of the Duni paeis. (Ibid. Vól. I. p. 121.) Inquiry into the original inhabitants of Britain. (Tbid. Vol. x. p. 155,) Ac- count of a combat between the Macpherfons and the Davidsons. (Ibid. Vol. r. p 188 ) Sketch of three luminaries of the Romans. (Massachusetts Magai. Y. 1795. Oct. p. 431.) *CQLLaN 0, [John] The essentiels of logic, being a second edition of Dralloc's epitome, improved: comprising an uni- versal system of practical reasoning, illustrated by familiar examples^ from approved authors. I79Ó. 8. (5 fh. ) A praxis of logic, for the use of schools. 1799. 8- (5 fh.) *COLLEY, [Thomas] of Gregynog i near Newtomn* Montgomeryshire* Contrivance for locking carts in descending steep* hills. (Tr.oftheSoc.fortheB.of A. Vot n.p. 193.) COLLIER, [Sir George] Vice Admiral of the Blue. born, .... died 1795. April 6. See Gentletn. Magaz. Y, J795. p. 358. May. p 437. touss G> £. 'sttppL P COLLIERj 226 *COLLIER, [John] Familiar essays on the jewish history and on the new testament. Vol. 1.2. 1797. 8. (14 sh ) Hi. ftorical and familiar essays , on the scriptures of the new testament. Vol. I. 2. 1797. 8. (14 fh,) Essays on animation and intellect» 1800, (7 fh,} ♦COLLIER, [John Dyer] Account of Thoydon Garnou , in the county of Essex; (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Febr. p,2g.) An essay on patents — I803. 8. ♦COLLIER, [Joseph] Observations on iron and steel. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P, I p 109. Tilloclïs Philos. Magaz. Vol, 1, p, 46-) Experiments and observations on fermen- tation and the distillation of ardent spirit, (Mem, of M. Vol. 5. P. I. p. 243.) Description of the furnace for converting bar-iron into steel. (Ni- cholfons Journal. Vol. 3. p. 88.) Dvscription of his improved apparatus for filtering and sweetc- ning water and other fluids. {Tillock's Philos, Ma°az. Vol. 6. p 240.) *COLLl ER, [Joshua] A defence of double entry, with a new arrange, ment of the journal and objection* to Mr. Jontft plan of book keeping. 1796. 4. C7 sh. 6 d.) * COLLIER, [William] Senior Fellow of Trinity Col lege, Cambridge. born 1742. died 1803. Aug, 7. at Ncwing. ton, Surrey. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I803. Aug. p. 794. Poems on various occasions, with translations from authors in different languages. Vol. 1. 2. 1800.8. (12 fh.) ♦COLLIN, [ Nicholas ] D. D. Refior of the Swedist churches in Pennsylvania, Essay on those inquiries in natural philosophy, which at present are most beneficial to the Uni- ted stites of North - America. (Tr. of A. 8. Vol 3 p. III.) Description of a machine for saving persons from the upper stories of a house on fire. (IiMd. Vol. 4 p T43.) Philological view of some very ancient words in several languages. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 47Ó.) Description of a speedy eleva- tor*, with two drawings from a model, reprefen- 22? titlg it folded and wound tip. (îbîd. Vol. 4. p4 519.) Remarks on the amendments to the fede- ral constitution. (American Museum Y. 1789. Jan. p» 75. March, p. 277. Apr. p. 383, June p. 600. Sept. p. 234- oct- P-303-) COLLiNGWOOD, [Thomas] M. Dr. Phyfictatt at Sunderland, History of a cafe of. syphilis, cured by a very simple mercurial preparation. (Duncan's M, C. Dec 2» Vol. 6. p. 274.) Observations on the uie of elm bark, in several obstinate diseuses, (ibid. Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 28f.) History of a cafe in wb.cli singular nervous affections were cured by an in- cision in the singer. (Ibid. Dec. 2* Vol. S> p. 390.) On the fc<»ion Y. 1792. and on crops. {Young*s A. ot Agr. Vol. 19, p. 217.,' On nee bread — potatoes — commons. (Ibi;k Vc',35. p.293 ) ^COLLINS, [David] Lieutenant Colonels of the Royal Mutines; late Judge - Advocate and Secretary of the colon if. Account of the english colony in new South- Wales »— with rcmaiks on the dispositions i cu- stoms, manners &i\ of the native inhabitants of that country. To which are added i some parti*» culars of New-Zealand; — illustrated by 24 en- gravings. Vol. I. 1798. 4. (2L. 2 ih.) iiberf. von M. C. SprengeL Halle. 1799. 8. Vol.5. 1805. 4. (iL. lib.) ~ *COLLlNS, LJ..„.] On the different kinds and properties of wool. (Hath Ague. Soc, Vol. 8. p» 69. Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1803. p.,170.) On the nature of sheep and woo!. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p.113.) ♦COLLINS, [John] Esq. of the Island of St. Vincent, Two letters on the subject of a species of an- gina maligna and the use of capsicum in that and several other diseases. (M. C. Vol 2. p. 363.) *C0LLINS, [Joshua] As. A. Retior of Newport. An address to instructors and parents on the choice and use of books in every branch of edu- cation, pointing out their respective merits and the order in which they should be successively adopted, 1802. 8- ( I fh. ) A practical guide to parents and guardians, in the right choice and P % u se use of books in every branch of education. 1303 12. (I fh.i *COLLINS, [Thomas] The complete ready reckoner, in miniaturt; i8ot, 8. (1 ill. 3 d.) *COL^IS, [Edward] F. A. S. On gonorrhoea and some other effecta of the ve« nereal virus. 179Ï. 8 (i sh.) COLLINSON, [John] F. A. S: Vicar of long AJhton and Curate of Whitchurch , co. Somersets Vmr ofClanfield, co. Oxford. born , .. .. died at the hotwells Bath, 1793, A"g. 27. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. Î793, Sept. p. 865. The history and antiquities of the county of So- merset, collected from authentic records and an actual survey made by the late Edmund Rack (died 1787. Febr. 25.) Adorned with a map of the county and engravings of roman ánd other reli- ques, townseals, baths, churches and gentleman's feats. Vol. 1-3. 1791. (4 L. 14 sh. 6 d.) *COLLS, [John Henry] A poetical epistle, addreiTed to Miff. Wo fist om* crafts occasioned by reading her celebrated essay on the ri°ht of woman and her historical and mo- ral view of the french revolution. 1795. 4. (ilh. 6 d.) Ode to peace; to which is added, the nc Giro's appeal. l8or. 4. (I sh.) ♦COLLYER, [J . . . .] at Worcester. On the advantages of horse races. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y 1799. Aug. p. 17.) COLMAN, [George] Esq senior; Proprietor of tht theatre Royal, Hay market. bom about 1733. died 1794. Aug, *4» 8i Paddington. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Aug. p. 775. # G. Colman and Thornton, The connoisseur. I754-1756. Ed. 2. Vol. 1^4. 1757.12. * Poiley Honeycomb; 1760. A mid summer nights dream, altered. 1763. The spanisli harher; 1777. Tl,e' female chevalier, altered. 1778., The suicide. 1778- The separate maintenance. 1779. Some particulars of the late G. Colman written by himself and delive- red by him to Richard Jackson Esq. (one of his execu- 229 executors) for publication after his decease. 1795» 8. (2 fli.) COLMAN, [George] Junior Esq. Proprietor of the little theatre in the Haymarket. born Oct. 21. 1762. in London. See Public Characters of 1800 and l8or. p« 5°6. Battle of rfexham > a play, in 3 acts; 17.. The surrender of Calais; 17.. New hay at the old market; or Sylvester Daggewood, an occasional drama, in one act. 1795. 8- (I fh.) The moun- taineers, a play in 3 acts. 1795. 8. (2 fh.) The iron chest, a play, in 3 aó\s. 179Ó. 8- (2 fh.) My night-gown and slippers, or tales in verse, written in an elbow-chair. 1797. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) The heir at law, a comedy. 1798, Blue'devils, one act drama; from the french; 17.. Blue beard, or female curiosity, a dramatic romance, 1798. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Feudal times, or the ban- quet - gallery, a drama in 2 acts. 1799. 8- (I fh« 6 d.) Broad-grins, comprising with new addi- tional tales in verse, those formerly published un* der the title of my nigl^t-gown and flippers. 3 802. The poor gentleman, a comedy, in 5 acts, X802. 8. (2 fh. 6d.j Broad grins; comprising, ■with new additional tales in verse, those formerly published under the title of ,,My night-gown and slippers. 1802. 8- (5 fh.) Epilogue to the new play of the maid of Bristol, being an address to the patriotism of the English- 1803. (I d.) ^COLNETT, [James] Captain in the ship Rattler: A voyage to the South Atlantic and roujid Cape Horn into the pacific ocean for the purpose of ex- tending the fperma ceti, whale-fisheries and other objects of commerce —. 1798. 4. (iL, 5 fh.) *C0LP1TTS, [T ] A letter addressed to the ckizens of London and Westminster; suggesting improvements in the po- lice: congenial with the principles of freedom and the constitution, 1803. 8» (I fh.) *C0LQUHOUN, [Patrick] LL.Dr. One of the ma- gistrates of the Police of London. '*'A treatise on the police of the metropolis; ex- plaining; the various crimes and misdemeanours P 3 which 230 ^hìch at present are felt upon the% community; and suggesting remedies for their prevention by a magistrate. 1796, 8. (5 sti.) Ed. 4. 1797. Ed. 5, I79S. EJ. 6. 1800.8. (10 sh. 6d.) libers, mjt Er- îâuf. von J, W. Volkmann. Leipz. I800. 8. State of indigence in the metropolis explained; with suggestions for the relief of the casual poor, by ir.e^ns of a pauper police establishment, 1799, On the commerce and police of the river Thames, containing an historical view of the trade of the part of London and suggesting the means for pre- venting the depredation thereon by a legislative sy. stem of river police. 1800. 8. (iosh. 6d.) libers, luit prlauter, von J, W. Volkmann. Leipz. 1800, Observations on the office of constable, with a view to its improvement. 1799. (I íh.) A trea- tise on the functions and duties of a constable; — I803. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) *COLSON, [Edward] On the Hindoo manufacture of sugar. (Comm. and Agric. Mag, Y. 1799. Nov. p. 178.) * COL VIL, [Samuel] The whig's supplication; or, the\ Scots hudibras; a mock poem; in two parts. 1797. 12. (3 sh. 6d.) * COM BE, [Charles] of Exeter College, Oxford. Account of an elephant's tuik, in which the iron head of a spear was found imbedded, (Phil. Trans* act. Y. 18OÏ. p 165.) COMBE, [CharlesJ M. Dr. F.R.A.S. Of Bloomsbury square 5 London, born 1743. Sept. 23. A statement of facts relative to the behaviour of Dr. Sam. Parr to the late Mr. tì. Homer and Or, Combe. 17.. Q» Horatii opera cum variis leclio* nibus, notis variorum et indice locupictislìmo, Vol. 1.2, 1793- 4- (2L. 12sh. 6d.) * COMBE, [Taylor] Esq. F. A. S. Observations on a greek sepulchral monument in the possession of Maxwell Gartfkore M. Dr, (Arch. Vol, 13. p. 280.) ^COMBEK, [Thomas] A. B. late of Jesus College, Cambridge. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Com* for D, D. sometime dean of Durham, in which if in fro- — 23r introduced a candid view of the scope and execu- tion of the several works of Dr. Comber, as well printed as Ms. also, a fair account of his literary correspondance; compiled from the original Msc, 1799- 8. (7 sh.) SCOMBER, [William] On arch-deacon Francis Blackburn. (Monthly Ma» gaz. Y. l8oo. Febr. p, 19.) ♦ COMINGS, [Fowler] Retlor of Swords , in Ireland, Prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin y Chaplain to the Duke of Cumberland, Sermons on various subjects and occasions» VoL I. 2. 1790. 8. (12 fh.) *;COMMINS, [John] The cnglish scholar's first book. 180I. (3 d.) ] *CONCANEN, [Matthew] Jun. — and A. Morgan, the history and antiquities of St. Saviour's, Southwark. 1795. 8. (6 sb.) Let- ter to Will, GarroWy Esq. on the subject of his illiberal behaviour to the author, on the trial of . a cause (Ford against Pedder, and others) at the Lent assizes 1796; held at Kingston, in the county of Surrey—. 1796. 8. ( 6 d. ) A plan for the effectual distribution of bankrupt estates, with remarks on the losses to which the public are sub- ject, by the failure and misconduct of assignees. 1800. 8. (6 d.) *'CONCANEN, [Thomas] M. Dr. Physician at Dun da Ik. The history of an anevrifm of the aorta descen- dens, appearing under the form of a tumour at the scrobiculus cordis. (Duncan's M. C. Y. 1790. Dec. z. Vol. 5. p. 386.) *CONDER, [James] An arrangement of provincial coins, tokens and medalets, issued in Great-Britain, Ireland and the colonies within the last 20 years, from the far- thing to the penny size. 1799. 8. (7 sh, 6 d,) *CONDIE, [Thomas] —.and Richard Follwell, history of the pestilence, commonly called yellow fever, which almost de- solated Philadelphia in the months of Aug. Sept. and Oct. 1798. Philad. 1799. 8. P 4 *CONO- 233' *CONOVËR, [Samuel Forman] of New-Jersey, On íkep and dreams. Philadelphia. 1791» *CON ST, [Francis] Esq, of the Middle Terns U; Bar. rifler at Law, Decisions of rhe court of King's bench, upon the laws renting to the poor, originally published by Edmund fintt, Esq, of the inner temple —# Ed. 3. Vol, j. 2. 1793. (r L. 5 to.) Ed. 4. Vol, 1-3» 1800, 81 (iL, 11 sb. 6>d.) ^CONSTANT, [Silas] Rev. A description of a cement for preserving; wood and brick from decay and for stopping leaks and fissures in any body to which it shrill be applied and of the manner of using and of the process of compounding the fame. (Medical Repository. Vol, 3. p. 306.) CONWAY, [Henry Seymour] G over now of the Uhni ef Jersey* born 1720, died 1795. July 9. at his feat at Park-place, near Henley, co. Oxford. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. July, p. 620, *CONYERS, [Matilda] at Biggleswade. On domestic economy, (Com 111* mi Agric, Mag, Y. 1800. p. 192,) *CONYNGHAM? [Cornelius] of Virginia. Account of a cafe of tetanus, successfully treated by the use of calomel, bark and wine, (Mem, of M« S, of L, Vol, 2, p. Í14,) *CONYNGHAM, [William Burton] One of his Maj. frivy Council y Teller of the exchequer, one of the Commissioners for executing the office of hi%h treasurer in Ireland; Treasurer of the i!« Irish Açad. F. A. S, Loud. born 1732 died Dublin 1796. May 31, See Gentleman's Magaz, Y, 1796, June p. 528» July p 611, AUgem. Litterat, Zeit, J, 1796. ItBI, N.5T, S.428. The h'story of Jack Connor; 17,, (cf. Gentle* man's Magaz, Y, 1796 Oct. p. 823. That book was the composition of the late fViff. Chat gn eau.) Observations on the description of the théâtre of Saguntum? as given by Emanuel Marti, (Tr of J, A, Y. J789* p.*I,c, p- 47O * COOK, «COOK, [J ] An address to the public on a subject new and in* terestuig. 1793, 8- (I ih.) ♦COOK, [Thomas] Industry and idleness, part of a new edition of the works of Hogarth, 179Ó. (7 fh* 6 d.) *COOK, [Thomas] Method of preparing and turning a true round or spherical figure between two centres. (Tr, of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol 17. p. 335.) ♦COOK, [William] of Wilntihan. A course of crops, (Youngs A, of Agr. Vol.29. P- 3750 COOKE, [Alexander] LL. D, Advocate. Remarks on Mr. ScklegeTs work upon the visita-* ttou of neutral vessels under convoy. Jgoi. (4sh.) *COOKE, [Charles] Esq, of Tkorngrove, near Wor- cester* Preventive of the fly in turnips. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 6. p. 90.) *GOOKE, [Edward] *'Arguments for and .against an union between Great Britain and Ireland. Dublin. 1798, *COOKE, [J ] of Maidenhead. Five letters to a friend, occasioned by the death of the Rev. W, B> Çadogan, of Reading, 1797. §• (6 d.) COOKE, [James] M. A. Description and use of J. Cooke patent drill ma» chine and simple hand-hoe: with a plate. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 244.) Ascertainments of crops reaped from feed sown by M, Cookers patent drill machine, (Ibid. Vol. 4, p, 32Q. Vol. 5, p. 467.) On a new drill plough. {Youngs A, of Agr, Vol. 5. p. 265. Columbian Magaz. Y. J789. June p. 352.) Description of a patent drill machine, with a six share horse - hoe. (Ib. Vol. 14, p. 20,) COOKE, [John] M. A. Chaplain of Greenwich Ho- spital. A voyage performed by the late Earl of Sandwich round the mediterraneum in the Y, 1738 and 1739 Written by himself — embellished with a portrait of his Lordship and illustrated with several en- gravings of antient buildings and inscriptions) with 234 a chart of his course; To which are prefixed me- moirs of the noble author's life. 1799. 4« UL 2 sh.) * C O O K E , [ John ] Engraver. The circular atlas and compendious system of geo- graphy —. Part 1. 1801. 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) •COOKE, [John] of Tipperary in Ireland. M. R. J. A. Description of a steam engine, (Tr. of J. A. 1789. p. 113.) The use and description of a new in- vented instrument for navigation, by which every cale in plane, middle latitude or mercator's foiling may be performed without logarithms, tables or any numerical calculations whatsoever. (Tr. of J. A., 1789. p. 117.) Three schemes for con- veying intelligence to great distances by signals. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p« 77.) A method of measuring a ship's way at sea, with observations on other bran- ches of the art of navigation. (Nicho/sons Jour- nal. Vol. 5. p. 48.) On the measure of a ship's departure by the réaction of the fluid through which it passes. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 265.) Commu- mc^tion on the subject of navigation. (TilloMs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 12. p. 311.) A description of a new standard for weights and measures. (Tr. < of A. S. Vol.3 p. 328.) * COOKE, [John] Esq. late of Gray's - Inn. Monarchy no creature of God's making; wherein is proved, by scripture and reason, that monar- chal government is against the mind] of God. 1794. 12. (2 sh.) *COOKE, [John] at Maidenhead, Berks. Reasong paying homage to revelation , in the con* seilion of a deist at the gates of death, with rc* flections. 1796. (l ill.) *COOKE, [N....] The just proportion which each class of the peo- ple, from the peasant to the peer, have in the support and prosperity of the state, or, test of ta- xation; and schedule for assessment on income* resulting from a mathematical investigation of the value of property acquired and that fluctuating in Crade, 179g. 8- (I ill.) COOKE, 235 COOKE, [William] Greek Professor of King's College, Cambridge. (He left the university some time ago upon being presented with the livings of Hempstead and Lef- iingham in Norfolk.) See Runner's Beytráge zur Kenntniss von England. St. 8. S. 57. Sermon preached before the University of Cam- bridge on the 30 Jan. 178I. Gray's elegy in a country church-yard translated into greeck verse; 17.. OCOOKE, [William] Esq. Conversation, a didactic poem, in 3 parts. 4. (3 fli. 6 d.) COOKE, [William] Esq. of Lin coin s-hi n. The bankrupt laws; Ed. 3. including the cafes to the end of trinity term 1792. Vol. i.2. 1793- 8* (13 sh.) Ed. 4. — to the end of trinity term 1797. Vol. I. 2. 1797. 8. (14 sh.) Addenda to the 4 Edit, containing the determination to the end of the Y. 1800* 1801. 8. (5 sh.) *COOKSEY, [H ] Letter on cloth from hop stalks. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol, 3. p. 142.) *COQKSEY, [Richard] Esq. Essay on the life and character of John Lord Somers, Baron of Evesham; also sketches of an essay on the Use and character of Philip Earl of Hardwicke — 179s. 4, (10 sh. 6 d.) Miscella- neous poems, 179Ó. 8. (10 ih. 6 d.) COO MB ES , [W....] Rev. The oration delivered at the funeral of the Iste pontif Pius VI. before she Cardinals assembled at Venice, by Cesar Brancadoro — .to which if annexed the address to the present pontif delive- red in a secret consistory at Venice March I800. translated — I800, (1 ih. 6 d.) *COOPER, [ ] Mrs. of Wormley in Hertford* shire. Curious particulars respecting bees0 ( Ttllock'f Philos. Magaz. Vol. 13. p. 18I.) ^COOPER, [ ] Rev. Poetical blossoms; being a selection of shorf poems, intended for young people to repeat from ineuiory, 1793, 13. (1 ft, 6 d.) * COOPER, ^COOPER, [Astlcy] LcBurer in Surgery and Assistant Lctlurer in Anatomy at St. Thomas's Hospital. Observations on the eriectg which take phc^ from the destruction of the membrana tympaui of the car; with remarks of Everard Home. (Philos, Transact. Y. L800. p. 15ï.) Observations on the effects which take place from the destruction of (he membrana tympam of the ear; with an ac- count of an op'cratiqn for the removal of a par- ticular species of deafness. (Ibid. Y. 1801. p. 435. 'Nicholsons Journal Y. 1802. Febr. p. 105. TilUck's Philos. Magaz. Vol 8. p. 359.) A cafe of strangulated hernia, in which a part of the abdominal viscera was protruded, into the left cavity oi the chest. (M. Rcc. and Res, p. 1.) Three instances of obstruction of the thoracic duct, with , some experiments shewing the efFects of tying that vessel. (Ibid. p.86.) •COOPER, [Charles] On the present scarcity. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 34* P-435-) *COOPER, [Edward] Rev. An examination of the necessity of sundoy schooli and of the probable effects of that measure on the interests of religion, 1803. (I sh.) *COOPER, [George] Esq. of Lincoln s - Inn. Letters on the Irish nation, written during a visit to that kingdom in the autumn of the Y. 1799. London. 1800. 8. (4 sh.) Ed. 2. 1801. 8. úbers. (von D. W. Andreas) Jena. 180L 8- ^COOPER, [Sir Grey] Bart. ofGogar, in Scotland; One of his Maj. privy-council and in tke com~ mission of tke peace for tke county of Suffolk. born 172Ç. died at Worlington, Suffolk. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. Aug. p. 769, Biograph Litter, and Polit. Anecdotes —; Vol. I. p. 92 A pair of spectacles for short righted politicians. 1765, The merits of the new admi'nistratio.n truly stated; 17 . . *COOPER, [John] Esq. Sheriff of the County. A topographical description of Machias, in the county of Washington. (Coll. of Massachusetts H, S, Y. 1794. p. 144O •COOPER, 437 * COOPER, [Joseph] Esq. of Gloucester county, Neiê- Jersey. A receipt to make an excellent American wine. (Columbian Ma$az. Y. 1790. Nov. p. 325. Ame- ritan Museum Y. 1700. Nov. jp, 242.) «COOPER, [Oliver St. John] M. A. Vicar of Thur* leigh and Puddington in the county of Bed- ford. Four hundred texts of holy scripture with the corresponding passages explained to the understan- dings of common people, arranged under the se- veral heads —. 1792. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) COOPER, [Samuel] D. D. Minister of Great-Yar- mouth,; ReEtor of Morley and Yelverton} Npr* folk. born 1739. died 1800. Jan, 7. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan, p. 89. Fcbr, p. 177. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBL J. 1800. S. 1802. A letter to the clergy of Norfolk on the abolition of tithes; in which the schemes proposed for an equivalent are examined. 17.» A full refutation of the reasons advanced in defence of the petition for the abolition of subscription to the articles and liturgy, by no bigot to non against the church of England; 17.. A letter to the B.ihop of Glouce- ster, in which his Lordship's divine legation is de- {ended , both from the misapprehensions of his Lordship's friends and the misrepresentations of his enemies; 17.. Definitions and axioms rela- tive to charity, charitable institutions and the; poor laws; in which house of industry were first recom- mended to the attention of the publkk; 1790. The first principles of civil and ecclesiastical go- vernment delineated; T 791 * 8. ( 3 ill. 6 d.) (Several (ingle sermons,) •COOPER, [Samuel] M Dr. at Boston. born 1725. March 28. died 1792. See Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1792. June p. 381. On the properties and estedis of the datura stra- monium or common thorn-apple and on its use in médecine. Philadelphia. 1797. 8. COOPER, [Thomas] Eu/ Tracts ethical j theological and political. Vol. r. 1790. 8. (7 fh.) Observations respecting the hi- story story of physiognomy; (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p, 408.) Propositions respecting the foundation [of civil government; (Ibid. Vol. 3. p.481.) Obser- vations on the art of painting among the ancients. (Ibid Vol. 3. p. 510.) Reply to Mr. Burke's in- vective against him and Mr. IVatt in the house of commons on the 30 April. 1792. 1792. 8. (2Íh.) Some information respecting Amtrica. 1794. 8» (4 ft.) *COOPER, [William] On the mapple- sugar. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790. Aug. p. 133.) *COOTE, [Charles] LL. D. Member of Pembrock College , Oxford, The history of England from the earliest dawn of record to the peace of 1783. T. 1-9. 1791-1798. 8. (3L. 3 sh.) iiberf. von Dr. Gottfr. Christ, Reich. B. I. 2. Leipz. 1793. 1794. 8. Graji ele. gia sepulchralis, cultu graeco donata. 1794. 4, ( 1 ib. 6 d. ) The life of Caj. Julius Caesar, drawn from the most authentic sources of infor- mation. 1796. 12. (3 fh. 6 d.) History of the union of the kingdom of Great-Britain and Ire- land, with am introductory survey of Hibernian affairs, traced from the times of Celtic colonisa- tion. 1802. 8. (io fh. 6 d.) ^COPLAND, [Alexander] Account of an ancient mode of sepulture in Scot- land. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. I. p. 217.) On the combustion of dead bodies, as formerly practised in Scotland. (Ibid. Vol 4. P. 2. p. 330.) * C O P LAND, [ Peter ] Surgeon at Swayfield near Col- /ierwortfi in Lincoln]kire» Account of the external use of camphor, in cases of bronchocele and glandular indurations. (Dun- cans M. C. 1790. Dec. 2. Vol. 5. p. 380.) Ac- count of two cafes of amenorrhaea, with some ob- servations on the use of the root of madder in that disease. (London M.J. Vol. XL p. 230) An account of the goods effects of opium, administe- red it; clysters, in cafes of menorrhagia. (Sim- motifs Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 4, p. 118 ) iiberf. libers. Repertor. Chir. ik Medic. Ahhandl, V>. 2+ S» 174» Account of the lithontriptic power o1»ser- ved in the muriatic acid.. (Mem., of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. P- 71.) • COPLAND, [William] On the management of feed barley in a dry sea- son; (Hath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 2. p. 381.) «CORAM, [Robert] Political inquiries; to which is added a plan for the general establishment of schools throughout the United states. Wilmington. 1790. (\ Dollar.) *CORBET, [C ] at Canterbury. On the qualities of potatoes as food for horses. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 87.) *CORBET, [Edward] Esq. of Ynyfy Maengwyn, in the parish, of Towyn , in ike county of Me- rioneth, Account of improving land lying waste and un- cultivated. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 12. p. 244.) •CORBETT, [William] The empire of Germany, divided into depart- ments under the prckctoiship of the eleclor of * * * translated from tha french —; 1802. (2 sh. 6 d.) C O R DI N E R , [Charles] Minister at Bamff in Scotland. born .... died ( V ) Remarkable ruins and romantic prospects of North- Britain , with ancient monuments and singular subjects of natural history. The engravings by Peter MazelL Vol. I. 2. 1795. 4- (5 L. 5 sh.) ^COREY , [G S ] Balnea or a description of all the watering placet in England. Ed. 2. 1799* 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) *CORFE, [Joseph] Of kit Ma). Chapel Roy. and Or* ganist of the Cathedral at Salisbury. A treatise on singing. 1799. sol. (IO sh. 6 d,) *CORMACH, [John] As. A. Lives of the ancient philosophers, comprehending , a choice selection of their best maxims; written / for the education of a prince by the author of / Telema* Telemachus. Translated from the french, UIin sfcr^teJ with notes and preceded by a life of Feuelon. Vol. I. 2. 1803. 12» (8 fh ) CORNhH, [Joseph] Evangelical motives to holiness; — I7ÇO. 8. (Ód.) CORt, [William] M Dr. at tìtth. born died 1790. Oct. I0.; See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1790. Oct. p. 959, Efluy on the changes produced in ihe body iby operations of the mind. 179I. 8» (I fh.) *CORRIE, [James] M. Dr. On the vitality of the blood. 1791. 8. (2 sh.) *CORRIE, [John] An apology for the diversity of religious scnfN ments and for theological enquiries. 1805. 8. (I slu *CORRY,*|>H Satyrical view of London*, 17.. The life of Gem George Washington, interspersed with biographi- cal anecdotes of the most eminent men, who ef- fected the American revolution* 1800 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) The detector of Quackery; or, analysis of mechcal, philosophical, political, dramatic and lite- rary imposture, 1801. 8- (4 fh.) Memoirs of Al- fred Berkley; or the danger of dissipation. 1803. 1:2. (4 fh. 6 d.) Edwy and Bertha; or the force of connubial love; embellished with an engra- ving sewed; being the first number of a series of original tales for the atiiufenfent of young per* sons. 1802. *CORSE, [John] Esq. Observations on the manners, habits and natural history of the elephant. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1799* p 31. Nicholsons Journal. Vol.3. p. Igt, 193. 247 ) Observations on the different species of Astatic elephants and their mode of dentition. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1799. p. 205.) The cafe of 4 Paunchoo, an inhabitant of the village ofGundaslee, in Pergunnah Humnabad , and province of Tipe- rah> Bengal. (Transact, of Med. and Chir. Soc. Vol. 2* p. 257.) An account of the method of catching wild elephants at Tipura. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 3. p. 229. Tillock's Philos, Magaz. Vol. 3. p. 5. Vol. 4. p. 130.) * CORT, *CORT, [Henry] of Gofport. A state of facts relative to the new method of ma- king bar-iron, with raw pit coal and grooved rollers. {Young's A,of Agr. Vol. 12> p. 361.) Pro- cess for converting cast iron into malleable iron. (American Museum Y.-I78?. Sept. p. 2ÓÏ.) CO S ENS, [John] D>D. Minister of"Teddingt on, Midd- lesex; Chaplain to the Earl of Denbigh,. born .... died .... (?; Sermons on useful and important subjects — Vol. I. 2. 1793- 8. (12 sli.) COTTER, [G.... S....] A receipt for making excellent bread, with one third of potatoes, to two thirds of flour. (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P. 2. p. 71.) •COTTLE, [A.... $...♦] of Magdalen College, Cambridge. Icelandic poetry, or the edda of Saemund, trans- lated into English verse. 1797. 8". (6 sb.) A Nor- wegian ballad, translated from le Nord Littéraire; (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 968.) •COTTLE, [Joseph] Poems; 179.?. 12. (4 sb.) Ed. 2. with additions 1797. 12» (4 fh. ) Malvern hills, a poem. 1798. 4* (2 fh. 6 d.) Alfred, an epic poem in 24 books. 1800. 4 (I L I fh.) John the bap- tist; a poem. 1801. 8- (l.fh») A new version of the psalms of David. 1801. 8. (4 fh.) ^COTTON, [Nathaniel] M. Dr. Various pieces in verse and prose by the late Nath* Cotton. Vol. 1.2. 1791. 12. (6 fh.) The advan- tage and disadvantage of the marriage state; by the late Pvev. J. Macgowan: To which is added, marriage, a vision. 1801. 8. (i fh.) *COUARD, [J ] Deism traced to one of its principal sources, or the corruption of Christianity the cause of infidelity. 1796. (6 d.) *COVE, [Morgan] LL. B. Prebendary of Hereford and lUiïor of Eaton - Bishop , Herefordskire. An eisay on the revenues of the church of Eng- land. Ed. 2. 1797. 8- (5 fh.) An inquiry into the neccflity, justice and policy of a commuta- tion of tithes. 1800. 8. (3&.) Rmst 0. E% SuwU * Q. * COUL* *COULTER, [Thomas] Esq. of Bedford Cawiwy, Pennsylvania. Description of a method of cultivating peach-trees, wh a view to prevent their premature decay; confirmed by the experience of 45 years, in Oe- laware state and the western parts of Pcnnsylva. nia. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 5. p. 327.) * COUPER, [Robert] Dr. The tounfications of Malachi Meldrum, Esq. of Mel dru m Hall. Vol. L 2, 1803.13. (iosh.ód.) COURTENAY, [John] Esq. M.F. Poetical and philosophical essay on the freich re* volution,''addresied to Mr. Burke. 1793. Present state of the manners, arts and policies of France and Italy, in poetical epistles. 1794. 8. ill. 6d.) ^COURTIER, [P.... L....] Poems, consisting of elegies, sonnets, odes, can- zonets and the pleasures of solitude. 1795. 8. (4ft. 6 d. ) Revolutions, a poem, in two books. 1796. 8. (2 sh.) Pleasures of solitude, a poem. 1800. g. (sfh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. with other poems. 1805.8. (8 fli.) *COURTN G Y, [ ] Mrs. Ifabinda of Bellefield; a sentimental novel in a se. ries of letters. Vol. I -3. 1796. 8. (iosti. 6d.) ♦ COWAN, [Andrew] M. Dr. Anthropaideia, or, a treatise on general educa* tion. Vol. 1. 2. I803, 12. (8 fh.) ♦COWAN, [J N . . . .] Doctor of Physic in tht city of New-York. y Decomposition of son p-sud s by the septic or pesti- lential air of New-York in 1798 and 1799. (Me- dical Repository. Vol. 3. p. 308.) Utility of the carrot-poulrice when applied to ulcerated cancers. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p. 399.) «COWARD, [J ] Deism traced to one of its principal sources; of the corruption of Christianity the grand cause ot infidelity, containing brief reflections on the sub* jéct in a letter to the Bishop of LandafT (fVarfiv) on his late work, ei'tiiled , „an apology for the bible,, in answer to Mr. Paine9s second part of the age of reason, 1796. 8. (6 d.) *CO\VE, MS *COWE* [James] M. A. Vicar of Sunhury, Middlesex. Religious and philantropic tracls: i) on the prin- ciples, the temper and duties of christians — 2) an eisay on the state of the poor and on the means of improving it by friendly societies — 3) rules for forming and managing friendly societies with a view to facilitate their general establishment. 1797. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. revised and enlarged.- 1800. 8. (6 fh.) On the advantages, which result from Christianity and on the influence of christian prin- ciples on the mind and conduct. 1799. 8- (2 fh.) An admonition to parents and children, chiefly intended for the lower classes of society. 1802. 8- *COWIE, [George] Minister of the Gospel at Huntley. The dissenter's guide in choostng a pastor. 1799* (4 <».) COWLEY, [H ] Mrs. (Daughter of the late Mr. Park house, of Tiverton in Devonshire.) See Public Characters of Ï801 and I802. p. 437^ A day in Turkey-; or the Ruffian slaves, a come- dy. 1792. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The town before you, a comedy. 1795. 8* (2 fh.) The siege of Acre, an epic poem. l8or. 8. (9 fh.) *C0WMEADOW, [John William] Professer by the Military Academy in Berlin. born I749. May I2t at Bickuey, Gloucester- shire: died 1795. Apr* 18. An entertaining and instructing miscellany in profe and verse, for the instruction of those, who learn the English language, compiled from the best English authors. Berlin. 1788.8. Ed. 2. Altona. I791. 8» Alexina oder ein Tag in der Turkey; Schaufp. in 5 JAufzligen. Berlin. 1792* 8- Hajis und Gurgen, ein Gefpr'áeh zweier Ëauern iiber den Tod Ludwig 16. Berlin. 1793. Leichtsinn und kindliche Liebe oder der Weg zum Verder- ben; Schaufp. in 5 Aufz. nach dem Engl, voa Holcroft. Berlin. 3794. 8. Alfred, Konig der Angelfachfen, oder der patriotifche Konig, ein Trauerfp. in 5 Aufz. Nach dem Engl, frei be- < arbeitet. Berlin. 1796. 8. COW PER, [Henry] Esq. \Barrist er at Laiv, of the Middle - Tettople* Reports of cafes adjudged in the court of King'i Q_ £ bench Ì44 bench frorti Hilary term Ï774. (0 Trinity term 1778. Ed. 2. Vol. 1.2. I800. 8. (19 fli.) COWPHR, [William] Esq. of the Inner-Temple. born at Berkhamstead 5 Herts, 1722. died afc East Dereham, Norfolk 1800. Apr 25. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 539, Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. May. p. 4S7, June. p. 584. Oct. p. 951. Monthly Magaz. Y, 3 800. May. p. 409. June. p. 498. Allg, Liiter, Zeit. UBL J. 1800. S. 1804. Sec W\\\m\ Hay l éy. Poems, a new edition "with considerable addi- tions. Vol. l. 2. 1798. 12, (Ó fh.)- (cf. Gentle, •man's M^gax. Y. iSoo, July. • p. 636.) The iliad and odylTey of Homer, translated into engl.sh blank verse. Ld. 1. Vol. 1,2 ,1791. 4» (3 L« usti, ó d.) Ed. 2. with copious alterations and notes, prepared for the press by the translator and mow published with, a preface by his kinsman J, Johnson LL. Or. Vol. 1-4. -I802. 8- ( I L, 12 fh,) The power of grace illustrated in 6 let- ters, from a minister of the reformed church, to jfokn Nervton, Rector of St Mary Woolnoth, Lon» don; translated from the original latin, 1792. 12. (2 fh. 6 d.) Poems, translated from the fi cnch of Mad. De lu Mo the Gui&n. To which are added some original poems of him not inserted in his work, published by Bull of Newport-Pa&ucl. 3801, 8. (2 fh. ó d ) Adelphi, a sketch of the character and an account of the last illness of the late J. Cowper, A. M. (Fellow of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge; died 1770. See Gentlcm. lAtgw. Vol.53, p, 152.) and published from the original manuscript by J. Newton, Foolscap. 1800, 8. (f fh.) Convivalia et saltatoria, or thoughts on feasting and dancing; to which are added, an epistle in praise of tobacco, and a letter in prose, reUtive to the poem on tobacco* T800 12. (I ft-) Life and posthtmious works — by William Has ivy. Vol. 1.2. 1803. 4. (2 L. 12 fh. 6 d.) (Se9 John Nerptott.) *COX, [Huam] Captain; Resident at Ranghong. Au account of the petroleum wells iu the Burmha ws dominions L (Asiat. Réf. Vol. 6. p. Til* loches Philos. Magaz. Vol. 9. p.33Ó.) «CQX, [Johiv Henry] Esq, See A D a l r y m p le, *COXE., [John Redman] .M. Dr. Oue of the Physu cians to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Effay on inflammation. Philadelphia. 1794 Practi- cal observations on vaccination or inoculation foe :the cow-pock —; 1802. 8. (4 Hi.) -An inquiry into the comparative effects of the opium officina* rum, extracted from the papaver fomiviferum oc white poppy of Linnaeus, and of that procured from; the Jactuca fativa or common cultivated let- tuce; (Tr. of A.S. Vol. 4. p. 387.) COXE, [Samuel Compton] Esq. of Lincoln's -Inn. Will* Peere Williams's collection of reports of , cafes argued and determined in the hiçh court of chancery — Ed. 5. with additional references to the proceedings — Vol. I-3, 1793. 8. (I L. II-fh. 6 d.) *COXE, [Tench] Esq. of[Philadelphia, Commissioner of the Revenue. Brief examination of Lord Sheffield** observations on the commerce of the United States. Philadel- phia. 1792. View of the United States of Ame- rica 5 in a series of papers written at various ti- mes., between the Y. 1787 and 1794. Philadelphia. I794. 8. London. 1795. 8. (7fh..) iîbcrf, ira Aus- zug in Hagewisch's und Ebeling's - Amerik. Maga- sin B.I. St. 1. S. 6t. Address to an assembly of the fricrids of American manufactures, convened foe the purpose of establishing a society for the en- couragement of manufactures and the useful arts* ('American Museum Y. 1787. Sept. p. 548.) Thoughts on the present situation of the United states. (Ibid T. 1788* Nov, p. 401.) * Notes * * concerning the United states of America, contai- ning facts and observations relating to that coun- try , for the information of emigrants. (Ib. Y* 1790. J"iy- P-35.) ^COX£> [William] Rev. A letter on the secret tribunals of Westphalia. I796- 8. (I fbj fibers, von Ludw. Griefinger. Hailbronn. 1803. 8. CI 3 COXE, COXE, [William] A. M: F. R. S: F. A. S. Reftor os Bemerton and Stourton; Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Salisbury* born in London March 7. 1747. Travels in Swisserland, Vol, 1-3, 1789. 8. (ïL. 4(h.) EJ, 4 Vol. 1-3, 1802. 8. (IL. 7sh.) iiberC B. I. 2. 3, Zurich. 1791-1792. 8. Travels into Poland, RuOia-&c. Vol. 3-5. 1792, (iL.iósh.) Explanation of the catechism of the church of England for the use of sunday schools. 1792, 8. (6 d.) * Familiar explanation of the service of Confirmation used by the church of England. 1793, (3 sh.) The fables of John Gay illustrated with notes and the life of the author. 179Ó, 8- (4 fh.) Memoirs of the life and administration of Sir Ro. bçrt IValpoU> Earl ofOrford, with original cor» refpondeuce and authentic papers never before published. Vol, 1-3. 1798. 4. (3 L. 15 sh.) On the excellence of British jurisprudence, preached, I799. 8- (i fh.) Historical tour in Monmoutshirc illustrated with views by Sir K. C. share, Bart, a new map of the county and other engravings, Vol. 1.2, l8or> 4. (4L. 4 fh.) Memoirs of#o- ratio Lord WalpoU, selected from his correspon- dence and papers and connected with the history of the times from 167g to 1757. 1802. 4. (3 L 3 fh, large paper 5 L. 5 fh.) Encouragement of agriculture by the Empress of Russia. (Youngs A, of Agr, Vol 2, p. 233.) *COYTE, [..,..] Dr. Hortus botanicus Gippovicensis; or, a systematical enumeration of the plants cultivated in his bota- nic garden at Ipswich in the county of Suffolk}—, 1796, 4, (10 fh, 6 d,) * COZENS, [William R ] of New-Jersey. On the chemical properties of 4 atmospheric air, Philud. 1791. * COZENS, [Zarhariah] The margate hoy, which was strarrded Febr, 7. I802, a poem: to which is added, a sketch of the life and experience of George Bene, of Margate* one of the passengers who were drowned. 1802, *CRABB, £4? *CRABB, [George] The order and method of instructing ehildreu, with strictures on the modern system of education. 1802. 13. (3 sh- 6 d.) *CRACHERODE, [Clayton Mordaunt] M. A, one of the Trustees of the British, Museum % F. K. and A, S, both 1729. died 1799. Apr. 6. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. April p. 354. May- P- 373. 395- 434* Allgem. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. p Ó59. Carmina quadrigeficnalia. 1748. *CRACKNELL, [Benjamin] A.M. The christian's views and reflections during his last illness; with his anticipations of the glorious inheritance and society of the heavenly world, to which are annexed two sermons on particular oe- cafious by the late Simon Reader, published from the author's manuscript. 1794. 12. (2sh. 6 d. ) A discourse on the importance of right sentiments in religion, as to their influence on the moral character of mankind. 1796. 8. (8 d.) *CRAIG, [W,... M....] Essay on the study of nature in drawing land- scape, with illustrative prints, engraved by the author. 1793* 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) CRAKELT, [William] M. A. ReBor of hhrjled and Jfield in Kent. Latin dictionary, 17,. Spherical trigonometry. 17.. *CRANCH, [John] of Kingrbridge, in Devonshire. The oecononiy of testaments, or, reflections on the mischievous consequences generally arising from the usual dispositions of property by will; published with a preface by îVilliani Lang-worthy* I794. 8. (I sh.) *CR AN WELL, [John] M. A. Retfor of Abbots Rip* ten, Huntingdonshire born, .... died 1793. Apr. 17. Translation of Browne"s poem. 1765. De animi immortalitate. 1765. 4. Vida1* christiad in 6 books. 17Ó8. 8. a 4 CRAVEN, CRAVEN, [Elizabeth] See Elizabeth Berkeley. CRAVEN, [William] B. D. Professòr of Arabic at Cambridge. Sermons on the evidence of a future Mate of re- Wards and punishments, arising from a view of our nature and condition; in which are conside- red some objections of Hume. 1799. CRAUFURP, [George] Esq. Formerly a Commissi'0. Her from th>Q Court of London to that of Versailles, A second enquiry into the situation of the East India company and a postscript to the Indian bud- get opened 30 March. 1790. 4. (3 sh.) Enquiry înto the situation of the East India company, from papers laid before the house of commons in 1787. 1788. I/89 Qnd J-790? with, an appendix of intere- sting papers, 1792. The doctrine of equivalents, or an explanation of the nature, the value and the power of money; together with their application in organising public finance. Part 1. 1794. (3 fh, 6 d.) *CRAUFURD, [Quintin] * Sketches chiefly relating to the history, religion learning and manners of the Hindoos. 1790. 8. (6 sh.) Ed. 2. with a concise account of the pre- sent state of the native powers of Hindostan. Vol. ï. 2. Ï792. 8. (10 sb.) CRAWFORD, [Adair] M. Dr. F. R. S. Physician to St, Thomas's Hospital and Professor of Chemi' firy at Woolwich, in Kent. born 1749. died at a seat of the Marquis of Lansdown , Lymingtou , Hants. 1795. July 29. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1795. Aug, p. 706. Sept, p. 789. Experiments and observations on the matter of cancer and on the aerial fluids extricated from ©nimal substances by destillation and putréfaction together with some remarks on sulphureous he- patic air. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1790. p. 391. Simmon's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol, 2, p# 182.) On the medicinal properties of the nuiria- tcd barytes. (M. C. Vol. 2, p. 301.) libers, iu Sammi. fiir prakt Aerzíe, B, 13. S. 691. — 549 * CRAWFORD, [Charles] Esq. Observations upon negro-slavery; a new edition. Philadelphia. Dollar.) Essay upon the X[ chapter of the revelations of St. John, Philadelphia. I800. CRAWFORD, [John] of Demerary, formerly in the service of the East - India Company. Observations on native camphor, {Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 8. p. 253 ) ♦CREASE, [J....] Bath, Elegance, amusement and utility: or the whole process of verniihing on paper and wood , with every improvement. To which is added, gilding, working in black and gold, mounting drawings, cleaning, pictures òcc. 1800. 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) • CREASE, [J ] Prophecies fulfilling; or, the dawn of the perfect day; with increasing light breaking forth into alt directions. Addressed to all scoffing sectarians and others, who, in the plenitude of their folly de- spise and reject Richard Brothers, as the jews also despised and rejected Jesus Christ. 1795. 8. (6 d.) *CREASER, [Thomas] Member of the A\ College of Surgeons. Evidences on the utility of vaccine inoculation; intended for the information of parents. Bath. I80I. 12. Observations on Dr. Pearson s exami- nation of the report of the vaccine pock commit» lee of the house of Commons, concerning Dr, jfenners claim for remuneration. 1803. (3 fh.) *CREECH, [William] Edinbnrgh fugitive pieces. 179I. 8. (3 fh» 6 d.) ^CREIGHTON, [James] B. A, An enquiry into the origin of true religion* — 1803. (I fh.) *CRESPEL, [ ] Travels in North- America; with a narrative of his shipwreck and extraordinary hardships and sufferings on the island of Anticosti and of thç sliipwrecks of his Maj. ship active and others. Ï797- 13- (3 fh.) as *CRES. &$o w *CRESPIGNY, [Philip Champion] Esq. formerly King's Protlor and M. P. for Sudbury. born . . . # , . died at Bath 1803. Jan. 1, • Sec Gentleman's Mogaz. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 89. (He wrote two numbers in the periodical paper The World.) CRESWICK, [......] Teacher ef elocution ani many years a -performer at the York and other zkeaters. born • . , . , died 1791. Jan. 18. See Gentleman** Magaz. Y. 179r. Jan. p. 94. The lady's preceptor; or a series of instructive and pleasing exercises in reading; for th# particu- lar use of females; consisting of a selection of moral essays, narratives, letters, dialogues and poetical composition, materially interesting to the sex. 1792. 8. (3 ft. 6 d.) CRÏBB, [William] Surgeon in London. A caie of hydrocephalus interims. (Mem. of M. 5, of L. Vol. 4. p. 400.) CRICHTON, [Alexander] M. Dr. Physician to the Weftminfter Hospital and public Lecturer on ike theory and practice of Physic and §n Che- mistry. On the medicinal effects of the lichen islandieus — iiberf. Samml. der neuesten Beobacht. Englifcher Aerzte. S. 173, ®J* F, Blumenbacfcs essay on ge- neration) translated from the German. 1793. 12. (2 sh.) Inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement; comprehending a concise sy- stem of the physiology and pathology of human mind and a history of the passions and their effects. Vol. 12. 1798. 8. (14 fh.) uberf, im Ausz. Leipz, 1798. S. * CRICHTON, [Andrew] As. Dr, of iVestmereland parish , Jamaica, History of a cafe of cynanche, attended with sym- ptoms of a high degree of putrescency, where a favourable crisis succeeded a paroxysm of furious delirium. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 179Ó. p. 318.) * C RI C H T O N , [James] of Glasgow. On the freezing point of tin and the boiling point of 25í of mercury; with a description of a self registe- ring thermometer invented by him. (JTitiocliS Philos. Magaz. Vol. 15. p. 147O *CRIRIE, [James] E. D. Scottish scenery; or, sketches in verse, descriptive of scenes chiefly in the highlands of Scotland, with notes and illustrations. 1803. 4. (3 L. 3 sh.) *CRISP, [John] F. R. S. Observations on the nature and theory of vision, with an inquiry into the cause of the single appea- rance of objects seen by both eyes, 1796. 8. (5 sh. 6 d.) *CRISP, [John] Esq. An account of the inhabitants of the Poggy is- lands, lying off Sumatra. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 6. p. 77-) ^CRISTALL, [Ann Batten] Poetical sketches. 1795. 8. (5 ÍM CROCKER, [Abraham] Land-Surveyor at Frame. Instruction to the children of sunday schools and other charitable seminaries of learning. 1796. 12. (4 d.) The art of making and managing cyder; deduced from rational principles and actual ex- perience, 1799. 8. ( I sh. ) Miscellaneous obser- vations on a variety of plants — considered in an agricultural and commercial view. (Bath Agri- cult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 29, ) Recipe .for making rennet for cheese. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p, 284. ) Cha- racters of sundry apples known in the west of England for various uses; (Ibid. Vol.8, p-305-) Practical essay on raising apple-trees and making cyder. (Mem. of p. A. V©i. 3, P. I. p. IOO. Massachusetts Magaz, Vol. 2. 1790. p. 45 s.) An essay on farm houses, and their various appendant offices, accompanied with plans and elevations. (Comrç. to the B. of Agr, Vol.1, p, 66,) On cottages, (Ibid. Vol, I. p. 114.) S-CROFT, [ ] Mrs. Ankerwick castle; a novel. Vol. I-4» . 1800. 13. 414 ih.) tiberf. von Fried, v. QerttU Th, I. 2. Leipzig 11, Sorau, 1801. 8. CROFT, CROFT, gpeorge] D. D. fW of Arncliffc in York- - . shire '— Pians of reform proved to he visionary. 17,, „ Thoughts concerning "the mefhodists and the esta- blished church, 17*95. A short commentary, with strictures, on certain parts of the moral wrirings of Dr. Palty and Mr. Gisbome; to which are ad- ded as a supplement, observations on the duties of trustees and .conductors of grammar schools and two sermons on purity of principle and the penal laws. 1797. 8. (5 fh.) CROFT, [Sir Herbert] Bart. born about the Y. 1752. A brother's advice to his sisters. 1775* The lit* tcrary fly. 1780. Fanaticism and treason or a dispassionate history of the rife, progress and sup* predion of the rebellions, insurrections in june I780 Lite of Dr. Edward Young; (See John- sons lives of the Enghsti poet6.) 'Some account of an intended publication of the statutes on a plan entirely new: Improvement of Dr. Johnson's dictionary which in the Y. 1792 he proposed to publish by subscription: Letter from-Germany to the princess Roy, of England on the enghih and germ an languages; with a table of the different Northern languages and of different periods of the gcrman; and with an index. Hamburgh. 1797. 4. Hints for history, respecting the at- tempt oil the king's life, May 15. 1800. Chatter- ton and love and madness. 1800. (I fh.) On the necessity of regulating lazarettos, {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. X2. p. 36.) CROFT, [John] F. A, S. ^Exeerpta antiqua , or, a collection of original manuscrits. 1797. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) CROFT, [Richard] Uîc of Tutbury, now Surgeon in London, (Brother to Herbert Croft.) Account of two cafes of r.etrdverted uterus. (Lon- don M. J. Vol. XL p. 380.) *CROKE,, [Alexander] Esq. LL. Dr. Advocate in DoSio r- Co m m 0 ns, A report of the cafe of Horner against Liddiari ©u the question of what consent is necessary to the 253 the marriage of illegitimate minors; — Igoo. 8* (5 fh.) Argument in the high court of admiralty 27. Nov. I/99« in the cafe or the Hcndrick and Maria, Joh. Christ. Baar, Master, upon the que- stion of the validity of a sentence of condemnation, whilst a velíel is lying in a neutral port. 1800. 8- (2 fh.) Remarks on Mr. Sch/tgel's work upon the visitation of neutral vessels under convoy, I80I. 8. (4 sM ^CROKER, [Richard] Esq. Captain in the late 99 Regt. of Foot. Travels through several provinces of Spain and Portugal. 1799. 8. (7 fr>0 *CROMBIE, [Alexander] LL D. An essay on philosophical necessity, 1793. 8* (7Hi.) The etymology and syntax of the enghfh language explained and illustrated. 1802. 8. (5 fh. 6 d.) (See John Golled%c ) CROMPTON, [George \ Esq. of the Inner-Temple. born died (?) Praéìice common placed, or the rules and practice of the courts of Kind's bench — Ed. 3. Vol. I. 3. 1786. 8. (See Baker John Sellon.) ♦CROOK, J ] See Turn bull* *CROOK , [Thomas] at Tvftherton. On rearing calves without milk. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 465.) *CROSFIELD, [B.' T ] M. Dr. Account of some experiments on the method of injecting- fluids into the bladder, without the use of the catheter* (New London M. J. Vol. j. p. 13.5.) Observations on the chronic colic of Are* taeus, with a cafe. (Ibid. Vol.1, p. 128.) A cafe of anaphrodisia , arising from an ill treated gonor- rhoea. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 135.) On the angina ma- ligna of the Y. 1789. (Ibid. Vol.1, p. 3Ó0.) *CROSFIELD, [R ,J ] M. Dr. An cmphyema carried off by urine. (New Lon- don Med. J. Vol. 1. p. 249.) Cafe of angina pectoris. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 251.) Account of the csticacy of the carbonic acid in putrid cafes. (Ibid. Vol I. p. 34lJ Remarks on the icurvy as it appeared among; the enghih prisoners in francs / 354 in the Y. 1795 5 with an account of the effects of opium in that disease and of the methods proper to render its use more extensive and easy. 1797. 8 (1 sh. 6 d.) * C R O S S , [Peter Brady] Esq. of Lincoln's - Inn. An interesting and impartial view/ of the practical benefits and advantages of the laws and constitu- tion of England, 1797. 8. (4 sh.) Peace or war! which is the best policy? 1S00/ 8. (Í fh.) * C R O S S E, [John] 'Vicar of Bradford in the County of York. Letter to the author of remarks on two of the most singular characters of the age. 1790. 8. «CROSSE, [J..... C ] British fortitude; 17.. The purse, or, benevo- lent tar; a musical drama; 1794. 8» (i fh.) The apparition; a musical dramatic romance in two acts. 1794. 8. (I fh.) *CROSTHWAITE, [John] Watch and Clock-maker, Dublin, Account and description of three pendulums in- vented and constructed. (Tr. of J. A. Y, 1788. P- 70 ♦CROSWELL, [William] M. A. Teacher of Ma- vigation, Tables for readily computing the longitude by the lunar observations; partly new and panly taken from the requisite tables of Dr. Maskelyite; with their application , in a variety of rules and exam- ples. Philadelphia. 1791. Rules for resolving two cases in oblique spherical trigonometry. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 3. P.I, p. 18.) •CROWE, [James] M. A. The advantages which result from Christianity and the influence of christian principles on the mind and conduct. 1799. (I fh. 6 d,) .•CROWE, [James] Esq. Experiments on different breeds of sheep. (Youngs A, of Ags. Vol. 30. p. 71.) Comparison between a new Leicester and South Down fat wether. (Ibid. Vol. 59. p. 326.) CROWE, [William] LL. B. of New-College, Oxford. Oratio habita VIII Kal. Jul. 1800 in thcatro Shel- deniano Oxon. 1800. 4. (1 fh. ód.) •CROW* 355 ►♦CROWFOOT, [William] Observations on the opiniou of Dr, Langsloi», that extravasation is the general cause of apoplexy. 1801. 8. (I sh 6 d.) *GROWTHER, [Bryan] Surgeon to Bridewell and Betkletn HospiraL Practical observations on the disease of the joints, commonly called white-swelling, with some re- marks on scrofulous abscesses, 1797.8. (3^0 Observations-on the good effects of caustics in ca- ses of white swellings, of the joint?/ (Simmons'* Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 4. p. 157.) iiberf. Repertor. Chir. u. Medic. Abhandl. B.2. S. 46. *CROWTHER, [James] M. Dr. Physician to tht general Infirmary at Leeds. born ..... died 1793. May I, at York. See Gentleman's Magazine Y. 1793. May. p. 48I. Diss. De fluoré albo, Edìub. 1764. 8.' CRUIRSHANK, [William] Chemist to the Ordnance and Surgeon of Artillery. born at Edinburgh 1745. died in London I800, Jun. 27. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. July, p. 694. Aug. p. 792. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Aug. p. 82. Duncan's Annals of Médecine Y. 1800. p. 497. Ailg. Litt. Zeit, ltBl. J. 1800. S. 1804. J. 1801. S. 1683. Letter to Mr. Clare upon absorption and on the rubbing of calomel on the inside of the cheeks in the cure of syphilis. 1779. Experiments on the nerves, particularly on their reproduction; and on the spinal marrow of living animals. (Philos. Transaét. Y. 1795. p. 177. Simmons'* Med. Facts and Obscrv. Vol. 7, p. 136.) Experiments in which, on the third day after impregnation, the ova of rabbits were found in the fallopian tubes; and on the fourth day after impregnation in the uterus itself; with the first appearance of the foetus. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1797. p. 197.) Expe- riments and observations on the nature of sugar. {Nicholson's Journal, Vol. I. p. 337. Tilloch'r Fhilof Magaz. Vol. 2. p. 364.) Experiments and observations on the nature of sugar, and of ve- getable $56 — getable mucilage. (Nicholson's Jouru. Vol. 2. p. 406*) Some expérimenta and observations on gal- vanie electncíty. (Nickolsons Journ. Vol. 4, p. 187- 254* Tilloctìs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 537,) Some observations on diffèrent hydrocarhonates and conïbinations os carbone with oxygen óVc. in reply to some os Prieftlcy's late objections to the uew system oschcmíítry {Nicholsons Journ. Vol. 5. p. I. 201.) Observations in auswer to Priest+ leijs memoir irì tlefence os the doctrine os phlo giíion. (íbid. Y. 18024 May. p. 42.) Expérimenta on and the manner os uistinguishing several disea- "ses by the urine. (Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 2, p. 240.) Communication relative to a mistake in the lait édition os Dr. SmyMs treatise on the effects os nitrous vapor in preventing and deího- ying coiitagion, with an accoimt os the methods 11 ow employcd at Woolwich for fumigating with the snlphureous àeidT and with oxygenated muria- tic acid gas, (Tilhch'f Philos. Magaz. Vol. 3. p. 39Ó.) Expérimenta on the insensible perspira- tion os the human body, íhcwing its affiniíy to respiration; 1779. republiíiied with additions and corrections. 1795. 8. (3 fh.J Ubcrs. von Dr. C F. Mickaelis. 1798. 8- An accouru os two cases vî the diabètes niellifcus — by John Roìlo; with the rcsults of the triais os vanous adda and cîher substances in the treatment os the lues venerea and some observations on the nature os sugar ócc. by TViìl Cruihhank Vol. ï. 2. 1797. S. ( 12 sh.) libers. Veríuche uud Erfthr» úber die Wirksam- kett des Saucrstoffcs zur Heilung der Lustieuehe; mit einer Einleitung von J. ÌJ. F, Leun. Leipzig. l8or. 8- libers, von J. H. Jngler. Th. T. 2- Sten- daî. 1801. 8. The result os the trrals of various acids and some other substances in the treatment of lues venerea. 1797- 8. CRUISE, [William] Esq. of Lincoln* s - Inn y Barriftcr at Law. An est'iy 011 the nature and opération of fines and t recoveries. Ed. 2. 178Ó. Ed. 3. Vol. 1. 2. 1/94* §. (13 sh.) An esta y on uses. 179Ó. 8» (3 ^0 *CRUMPB, 35? *CRUMPÉ, [Samuel] Phyfician at Limerick, M. Df. m. r. y. A. boni 1766/ died at Limerick in Ireland, 1796. Jan. 27. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1796. March p. 255. Duncan? Annals of MeJeeine Y. 1796. p. 423. Allgem. Litter. Zdt. ItBh J, 179Ó. JuU S. 814. ■ Essay on the bell means of providing employ- ment- for the people: To which was adjudged the prize proposed by the R. Irish Acad. 1793. Ed. 1795. g. (6 fh») iiberf. nach dcr 2. Ausgahe von C> A. Wickmann. Leipzig. 179Ó. 8. Inquiry into the nature and properties of opium , wherein its component principles, mode of operation and ufe^or abuse in particular diseases, are experimen- tally investigated and the opinions of former au- thors on these points impartially examined. 1793» 8- (5 fh. ) iiberf* von P. Sckeel. {Copenhagen. 179Ó. 8* iiberf. Leipzig. 1797. 8. History of a cafe in which very uncommon worms were dis- charged from the stomach; with observations thereoir, (Transact* of J. A. Vol. 6* p»57. Sim* mons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 8. p* 229.) ^CRUTCH LEY, [John] of Barley, in the County of Rutland, Remarks ion waste lands of Rutlandshire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8.'1 p. 119.) Agriculture of Rut- land. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 22. p. 353.) Ma- nagement of the poor in Rutlandshire. (Ibid. Vol. 22. p. 4£0.). ' Answers tò the queries respecting; cottagers renting laud. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 93.) CRUTTWELL, [Clement] Rev. (Formerly Surgeon at Batk.) Advice to lying in women i on the custom of drawing the breasts. Ed. 2. .1779- 4. (i fh.) The holy bible — with notes by Thorn, Wilson — VoL 1-3. ,1785. 4. (4 L. 14 fh< 6 d.) A concordance off parallels, collected from bibles and commen- taries. 1790» 4. (I L 5 fh.) The new univer- sal gazetteer; or geographical dictionary"— with 20 whole (beet mapt. Vol. 1-3. 1798. 8. (2 L. 2 sh.)* *A gazetteer of France, containing every city, town and village in that country —. Vol. Muss a. £. suppi.' R i*-3* 358 I-3« 1793- 12. (io sh. 6 d.) A gazrtt*er of the Netherlands, containing a full account of all the cities, towns and villages in the 17 pro- vinces and the biihoprick of Liege — T794. 8. ( 4 sh. ) A tour through the whole islaihl of Great - Britain: divided into journeys; intersper- sed with useful observations; particularly calcula» ted for the use of those who are desirous of tra- velling over England and Scotland. Vol. 1-6, I80I- 8. (2 L. 8 sh.) •CULLEN, [ ] Miff. ^Home; a novel. Vol. 1-5. 1803. (1 L.) *CULLEN, [Archibald] Etq. of the Middle TempU, Barrister at Law; Commissioner of bankrupts. Principles of bankrupt laws. 1800. 8. (9 sh.) *CULLEN, [Stephen] The haunted priory, 17,. The castle of Inch- vally, a tale — alas! too true. Vol. 1 -3. 1796. 8. (io sh. 6 d.) CULLEY, [George] Farmer at Fenton , Northutnber* land. See J. Bailey. Remarks on waste lands. (Bath Agric. Soc, Vol. 8. p. 131.) On cattle. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 14. p. 180.) Crop of 1790 at Fenton. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 253.) Reply to the questions refpe. cling wool, sheep and corn at Fenton 1790. (Ib. Vol 14. p. 470.) On transplanting cabbages. (Ib. Vol.15, p. Ó25.) Account of crops, live stock, and the price of wool. (Ib. Vol. 19. p. 147.) A method of drilling turnips. (Ib. Vol. 20. p. 159.) Account of crops in the Y. 1793. (Ib. Vol.21, p. 223. ) Observations on live stock. (Ib, Vol. 23. p. 5 '9* Vol.24, p. 438.) Oat meal. (Ib, Vol. 35. p. 555.) Remarks upon stieep shearing at Romney Marsh (lb. Vol. 37. p. 280.) ♦CULLING WORTH, [W.... W ... .] Smut' in wheat. ( Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 26. p. 5or.) *CULLYER,[J ] of Wicklewood, Norfolk, The gentleman and faraier'g aílìítant. 1798. I2# (3 sh. 6 A) ♦CUMBER- • CUMBERLAND, [George] Some anecdotes of the life of JulU Bonasoni, a Bolognese artist, who followed the styles of the best schools in the 16 century — to which is prefixed a plan for the improvement of the arts in England. 1793. 8. ( 3 fh. ) Lewina or the maid of Snowdou; a tale and a poem on the landscapes of Great-Britain. 1793. 4. (2 fh. 6 d, with etchings by the author 5 fh.) Thoughts on outline, sculpture and the system, that guided the ancient artists in composing their figures and groupes accompanied with free remarks on the practice of the moderns and liberal hints cor- dially intended for their advantage; to which are annexed 24 designs of clalika) subjects invented on the principles recommended in the essay. 179Ó. 4. (15 sh.) An attempt to describe Hafod — aa ancient seat belonging to Th> Johties. 1796» 8. (2 sh.) Qri Tifckbein*s Homer; on national taste &c. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. March p. IOI.) CUMBERLAND, [Richard] Solicitor and Clerk — See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. P- 4°8* The fate of Pandora, or a1 trip to Newmarket. 1774. The observer: — — ûberf. Th. 1. 2. Leipzig. 1793. 8. Arundel — iiberf. Th. 1. 2. Leipzig. 1790. 1791. 8» * Songs and chorusses in the comic opera of the armorer. 1793. 8. (6 d. ) The box-lobby challenge, a comedy. 1794. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The jew, a comedy. Ed. 2. 1794. 8. (I fh. 6d.) Henry. Vol. 1-4, 1795. 12. (12 fh.) ttberf. B. 1-4. Bremen. 1796. 1797. 8. The wheel of fortune, a comedy. 1795. 8. (2fh. ) First love, a comedy, 1795. 8. (2sh.) The days of Yore, a drama, in three ads, 1796. 8» L (I fh. 6 d.) The last of the family. 1797. False impressions, a comedy in 5 acts. 1797. &• (2 Joanna of Montfaucon, a dramatic romance of the XIV century - formed upon the plan of the german drama of Kotzeùue and adapted to the engliih stage, 1800. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) * CUMBERLAND, [Richard] Esq. Calvary, or the death of Christ, a poem in 8 boojki, 1792. 4* (10 fh. 6 d.) A few plain rea- lly a sous, 2ÓO sons, why we should believe in Christ and adhere to his religion,, addressed to the patrom and pro- fessors of the new philosophy. I80I. .8. (l sh. 6 »).) Poetical veifion of certain psalms of David, I801. 8.. (2 sh.) Anecdote of Torrigiano. (M?,s. íachiìíetts Magaz, Y. 1792.. May p. 287.) Adelisa, a tale. (Ibid. Y. 1794. Aug. p. 478.) The obser- ver.. {Ibid. Y. 1794. Oct. p. 589.) *CUMING, [W....] As. Dr. tít Dorchester. Opinions on the virtue and quality of the englifli rhubarbs. (Bath Agncult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 442.) ^CUMMl NTG:, [Alexander] F. R. 5. Editt. A mechanic and formerly a Watch.- maker in London. The elements of clock and watch work. 17., 4, iibers. vqn J. G, Geijsler. Leipzig., 1802. 8. A ; dissertation on the influence of gravitation conside- red as a mechanic power** 1803. 4. (6d») Obser- vations on the effeéts which carriage wheels, with rims of different shapes, have on the roads; (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol.2, p. 353.) Short account,^(.experiments on broad wheeled carria- ges. ('ib.idv>'VoL 2. p. 3930 .«CUMMYNfi, fJames] Esq. Keeper of the Lyon Records. Disquisition into * the proper arrangement of tkc silver coins, applicable to the first four James's King's of Scotland. (Transact, of ttíè S. of A. of Scotl. Vol. I. p. 199.) *CUMMYNG, [Susanna] Mrs. Estelle*, by ÍVÍr. de Florian — with an essay on pastoral; translated from the french. Vol. 1. 3. I798. I2i, f5 sh ) Juvenile biography, or*iivei of celebrated children, inculcating virtue by emi- nent examples from real life. To which are ad- ded reflections addressed to the youth of both sexes by Mr. Josse 9 translated. Vol. I. 2. I80I. 12. (6 sh ) • CUNNINGHAM, [G ] The chcarful companion in his hours of leisure, containing upwards of £00 songs, catches, glees ác, 1797' » sh-) *CURR, * C U R R, [ John ] of Sheffield. The practical coal viewer and engine builder's practical companion. Sheffield. 1797» 4- (2 U 12 sh. 6 d.) CURRIE, [Jetncs] M. Dr. Physician to the Liverpool Infirmary. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. $21. A letter commercial and political, — to Will, Pitt> in which the real interests of Britain in the pre- sent crisis are considered and some observations are offered on the general state of Europe, by Ja- sper Wilson i'i. e. James Currie). 1793. 8. ( I sh. 6 à.) An account of the remarkable effects of a shipwreck on the mariners , with experiments and observations on the influence of immersion in fresh and salt water, hot and cold, on the powers of the living body; ( Philof. Transact. Y. 1793. p. î 99. Simmon s's Med. Facts and Obferv. Vol. 5. p. [03.) * The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefixed some observations on the cha- racter and condition of the Scottish peasantry. Vol. 1-4. 1800. 8- (iL. 11 fh. 6d.) Of tetanus and of convulsive disorders. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 147.) Medical reports on the erTícts of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in febrile di- seases; whether applied to the surface of the body or used as a drinck; with observations on the nature of fever and on the effects of opium, alco- hol and inanition. 1797. 8. (6 fh.) Ed. 2. 1798. iiberf. nach der 2. Ausg, von C. F. Muhaelif. Leipz. 1801, 8- *CURR1E, [William] M. Dr. Fellow of ihe College of Phyfician s of Philadelphia. Historical account of the diseases which occur in the different parts of the United Srates of Ame- rica; with an explanation of their nature and cau- ses, and an account of the most successful! method of treatment. 1792. 8. (2 Dollars.) A short ac- count of the influenza which prevailed in America in the Y. 1789* (Tr. of Phys. of Philad. Vol. 1. P. I. p. 150) Cafe of hydrocephalus interims, attended with equivocal symptoms, with the ap- pearances on dissection. 'Ibid. Vol. I. P, 1. p. 249.) R 3 Aa An enquiry into the causes of the insalubrity of flat and marshy situations j and directions for pre- venting or correcting; the effects thereof. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 127,) Observations on the digi- talis purpurea or fox glove. (Mem. ofM. S. ofL. Vol. 4. p. 10.) A treatise on the fynochus icteroi- des, or yellow fever, as it lately appeared in the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 1794. 8. An historical account of the climates and diseases of the United States of America, and of the remediei and methods of treatment, which have been found most useful and efficacious, particularly in those diseases which depend upon climate and situa- tion — Philadelphia. 1794. 8- On the use of mercurial preparations in the scarlatina anginosa. (American Museum. Y. 1787. Nov. p. 459.) A sketch of the principal causes which impair the constitutions, and shorten the lives of people of fashion. (Ibid. Y. 1789. Febr. p. 172. March, p. 2450 Observations on the causes and cure of remitting on bilious fever. To which is anne- ^ xed an abstract of the opium and practice of dif- ferent authors; an appendix exhibiting facts and speculations relative to the fynochus icteroides or : yellow fever. Philad. 1798. (i Dollar 50 Cents.) Memoirs of yellow fever; which appeared in Phi- ladelphia and other parts of the United States of America in the summer and autumn of the present year 1798. Philad. 1798. 8. A iketch of the rise and progress of the yellow fever and of the pro- ceedings of the board of health in Philadelphia in the Y. 1799. to which is added a collection of facts and observations respecting the origin of the yellow fever in this country and a review of the different modes of treating it. Philadelphia. I800. 8# — "and B. L. Olivery on the kine pox and a variety of other medical subjects. Philadel- phia. 1802. •CURRY, [James] M. Dr, Physician to the North- ampton Hospital. Popular observations on apparent death from drowing, suffocation, with an account of the means to be employed for recovery — 1793. 8» (2 sh.) Ed. z. 1797. 8. (2 íh. 6 d.) • CURRY, —1— 563 • CURRY, [William] of the Inner-Temple. The commentaries of Sir Will. Riackftone, on the laws and constitution of England; carefully abridged in a new manner and continued down to the present rime, with notes corrective and explanatory. 1796. 8. (8 sh.) • CURTIES, [T . . . . J . . . . Horsley] Ethelwina or the house of Fitz-Auburne; T7». Ancient records or the abbey of St. Oswythe; a romance. Vol. 1-4. 18CM. 8 (l8 fh.) The Scot- tish legend , or the isle of St. Clothair, a ro- mance. Vol. 1-4. 1802.12 (18 fh.) •CURTIS, [James] Surgeon to the Embassy to Ma* rocco. Journal of travels in Barbary in the Yf l8oi« with observations on the gum trade of Senegal, 1803. (4 sh-) CURTIS, [Sir Roger] Bart. Admired. See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p, 202. CURTIS, [William] born about 1746. died at Brompton near Knightsbridge 1799. July 7- See Gentleman's M^giz. Y. 1799. Ju^- P Aug. p. 635. Commercial and Agricultural Magaz. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 148. Allgem. Lite. 2; it. ItBl. J. I800. S. 661. 1374. Instructions for collecting and preserving infects. 1771. The Botanical Magazine; — Nrb. 25- 163. (7 L ) 8. Some observations on thistles ai injurious in agriculture more particularly the fe- ratula arvenfis of Linnaeus. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol I. p. 96.) Observations on the cow-clover and cow-wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 221.) Some ob- servation! on the natural history of the curculio lapathi and silpha grisea. (Tr. of L. S. Vol. I» p. 86.) Practical observations on the British gras- ses best adapted to the laying down or improving of meadows and pastures, to which is added an enumeration of the British gràsscs. 1790 8- Ed. 2. with additions. 1791. 8. ( 2 fh. 6 d. ) Ed. 3. 1798. 8- Directions for cultivating the crambe niaritima or sea cole for the use of the table, 1799. 8- viberf. von C F. A. MiAler. Gqttingen. I80I. 8. General observations x>a the advantage R 4 which. 3Ó4 -: which may result from the introduction of the seeds of our best grasses. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol, 12. p, 3430 Observations on aphides, chiefly intended to (ihow that they arc the principal cause of blights.,in plants awd the sole cause of the honey-dew, (Transact, of L* S# Vol.6, p. 750 *CURV£N, [John] Expence, culture, and profit of half an acre of hemp, (American Museum Y. 1791. Jan. p. 43.) *CUSHING, [John] of Askburnham in the Coutny of J-Vorckefter. Mode of destroying canker-worms, (American Museum Y, 1791. Jan. p. 45.) *CURWEN, [J.,,. C ] Erq. M. P. Speech — on the 26, June 1797, convened for the purpose of petitioning his Maj. to dismiss his pre* sent ministers. 1797, 12. (6 d.) CUTHBERSON, [John] Mathematical Instrument- maker. Description of an improved air-pump — Ed. 2< 1795. 8* U fh. 6 d.) CUTLER, [Manassch] F. A, A. and M S. Member of the Philos. Soc. at Philadelphia. Extract from an account of some of the vegeta- ble productions9 naturally growing in America, botanically arranged. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1787. Apr. p. 379. May. p. 436. June p. 469.) Method of preserving the skins of birds, (Coll. of Masta» chufetts H. S, Y« .1795» f. 9.) Da LB Y, [ïfaaç] Professor of Mathematics in the Roy, Military College. Remarks on Major-General Roy's account of the trigonometrical operation; (Philof, Transact. Y. 1790. p. 593.) The longitudes of Dunkirk and Taris from Greenwich, deduced from the triangu- lar measurement in 1787. 1788. supposing she earth to be an ellipsoid. (Ibid. Yr 1791. p, 236.) A short account of the late Reuben Bumnv's mea- surement of a degree of longitude and another of latitudep^icar the tropic in Bengal, in the Years 1790 265 1790 and 1791. 179Ó. 4. (ï sh.) An account of the trigonometrical survey carried on in the Y. 1791-1794. by Lieut. Colon. Edward Williams, Capt. Will. Mudge, and Isaac Dalby. (Philos. Transact, Y. 1795. p. 414.) Au account of the trigonometrical survey, carried on in the Y. 1795 and 1796. —î (Ibid. Y. 1797. p. 435.) An ac- count of the operations carried for accomplishing a trigonometrical survey of England and Wales, from the commencement in the Y. 1784. to the end of the Y. 179Ó, first published in and now revised from the Philos. Transact, by Isaac Dalby and Capt, William Mudge, F. R. S. Vol. 1. illustra- ted with 22 copper-plates. 1799. 4. (I L. 8 sh.) A course of mathematics, designed for the use of the officers and cadets of the royal military Col- lege. Vol. I. 1803. (14 sb.) «DALDORFF, [ ] Lieut, of Tran quebar. Natural history of perca scandent», (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 3. p. 62,) DALGLIESH, [William] D. D. Sermons on the chief doctrines and duties of the christian religion in their natural order. Vol. 1. 2, 1799. 8. (12 sh.) * DAL LAS, I* . . . .] Surgeon on board his Majesty s skip the Union. Histories of different tetanic complaints, in which the most powerful remedies were employed in vain, {Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1798- p-323.) DALLAS, [Sir George] Bart. Member for Newport. Letter — on the subject of the trade between In* dia and Europe. 1802. 4. (5 sh.) * DALLAS, [George] Esq. Thoughts on our present situation, with remarks on the policy of a war with France. 1793. 8. (2 sh.) "DALLAS, [R C ] Esq. Miscellaneous writings*, consisting of poems; Lu» cretia, a tragedy; and moral essays; with a voca- bulary of the passions; in which their sources arc pointed out, their regular currents traced snd their deviations delineated. 1797. 4. (1 L, 1, fli.) C/ fions to the ihores and islands of the Archipe- lago and of the Troas. 1797. 4. (I L. 12 ill. coloured 3 L. 3 sh.) iibers. Chemnitz. 1800. 8. Auecdq» —1— 267 Anecdotes of the arts in England; or comparative remarks on architecture, sculpture and painting, chiefly illustrated by specimens at Oxford. 1800. 8. (18 fh. 6 d.) The letters and other works of the R. H. Lady Mary Worthy Montagu, now first publiihed from her original manuscripts — with memoirs of her life — Vol. 1-5. 1803. 8. (2 L.) l2mo (1 L. 4 fh.) DALRYMPLE, [Alexander] Esq. F. R. S. (Brother to Sir David Dalrymple.) born 1737. July 24. Explanation of the map of the East-India Compa- ny's lands on the coast of Coromandel , pu- bliihed —. 1778* 4. Memoir of a map of she lands around the North-pole. 1789. 4. with a map. sol. Oriental repertory, publiihed at thft charge of the East-India Company. Vol. 1. Nrb. I-4. (3 L. 14ÍÌ1. 6 d.) Vol. 2. Nrb. 1-4, 1791- 1794. (3 L. 6 d.) iiberf. im Auszuge in Brunt u. Zitnmermanns Repositorium —. Th. I. S. 271. Historical journal of the expedition by sea and land to the north of California in 1768. 1769 and 1770. when Spanish, establishments were first made at San Diego and Monte Rey from a Spaniih Ms. translated by Will. Reveley and now publiihed. 1790. 4. (7 fh.) iiberf. in Zimmertnanns Anna- len J. 1791. St. 3. S. 220. Description of tho island called St. Paulo by the Dutch and by the English Amsterdam — by John Henry Cox, pu- blished 1790. 4. iiberf. in Zimmertnanns Anna- len J. 1791. St. I. S. 14. Nautical charts me- moirs and journals published by him. Nrb. 1-24. 4to. (31 L.) * Parliamentary reform as it is cal- led improper in the present state of this country* 1792. 8. (I fh.) DALRYMPLE, [Sir David] Lord H AILES; Bart, ont of the Senators of the College of Justice in Scotland. born died 1792. Nov. 29. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Dec. p. 1154. Sacred poems, or a collection of translations and paraphrases from the holy scripture, by various authors. Edinb. 1751. 12. The wisdom of So- lomou, wisdom of Jesus the son of SiracJ) or feccle- 268 Ecclefastes. Edinb. 1755. Ï2. Select discour- ses by Jvkn Smith, late Fellow of Queen's Col- lege, Cambridge, Edinb. 1756* 12. The World. Y. 17Ó6. Sept. 4 Nro. 140. Y. 1755. Oct. 23. Nro. I47. Y. 175Ó. Nov. 25» N'ro. 204. A discourse of the unnatural and vile conspiracy attempted by John Earl of Goftvy and his brother against his Maj. person at St. Johnstoun upon the 5 Aug. IÓOO. 1757. 12. Sermon upon the 25 Oct. 1761. on Acts 27. I. 2. Edinb. 17ÓI. 12. The worki of Mr. Jokn Hales of Eaton, now first collected together. Vol. 1-3. Glasgow 1765. A^spcciinen of a book entitled, ,,one compendious book of godly and spiritual songs, collected out of sundrie parts of the scripture with sundrie of other bal- lates changed out of prophaine songes, for avoy- ding of sin et harlotnc with augmentation of sun- dry gude-and godly ballates, not contained in the first edition; with a glossary. Edinb. 17Ó5. 8. An account of the preservation of Charles II. after the battle of Worcester, drawn up by himself; to which are added his letters to several persons. Glaigovv. 176Ó. A catalogue of the Lords of session, from the institution of the collègue of justice in the Y. 1752 with historical-notes. Edinb. 17Ó7. 4. The private correspondence of Dr. Francis Atterburij , Bishop of Rochester and his friends in 1725 never before published. 1768- 4. An examination of some of the arguments for the high antiquity of rcgiaiti majeftatem, and an in- quiry into the authenticity of the leges Malcolmi. Edinb. 1769. 4. Canons of the church of Scot- land, drawn up in the provincial councils held at Perth A. D. 1242 and 1269. Edinb. 17Ó9. 4. An- tient Scottish poems, published from the Ms. of George Bannatyne Y568. Edinb. 1770. 12. The additional cafe of Elizabeth, claiming the title and dignity of Countess of Sutherland by her Guardians. Wherein the facts and arguments in support of her claim are more fully stated and the errors in the additional cafes for the other claimants are detected 1772, Huberti Latigueti epistolae ad Phil. Sydneium Equit, Angl. Edinb. 177Ó. 8. Account of the martyrs of Smyrna and Lyons — 3Ó9 Lyons in the second century. Edirik Ì776. 12. (This is the fíríì: volume of the Remains of Chri- stian antiquity with explanatory notes.) Vol. 2. 1778.- Vol 3.. 1780. 12. L. C. F. LaBantii Di- viuarum institutionum liber 5f feu de jnílitia 1777* Qttavius, a dialogue by Marcus Minuçius Felix. Ëclinb. 178I. Of the manner in which the per- secutors died, a treatise by L, C. F. LaBamius. Edinb. 1782. Disquisitions concerning the anti- quities of the christian church. ..Glasgow 1783. Sketch of the life of John Barclay,, 178Ó. 4. -Sketch of the life of John Hamilton, a secular priest (how lived about A..D. 1600.) 17.. Sketch of the life" of Sir James Ramsay, a general officer in the armies of Gustavus ÀSoîphus9 King of Sweden, with a head. 17.. Life of George Leslie (a Capuchin friar in the early part of the 17 Gen- cury). 17.. 4to. Sketchs of tKe life of Mark AUx. Boyd. 17.. 4to. *The opinions of Sarah Dss.. dowager of Marlborough published from her original MS. 1788. 12. The a,ddress of Q. Sept. TertullUn to Scapula Tertnllus, Pro-Consul of Africa, translated. ^ E-linb. . 179Q. 8« (3 sh.) The ik'etch of the life of Dr. Ltddel of Aberdeen, Pro- fessor of Matheni. and Mcdec. in the University of Helmstedt, I790. 4. Annals of Scotland , from the accession of Malcolm 3 to the accession of the house of Stuart. Vol. 1-3. 1797. 8. (I L. 1 ill.) Remarks on the tatler. (GentleiwanV Magaz. Vol. 60. p. 679. 793, 901. 1073. IIÓ3.Ì Critique on the famous miniature of Milton; (Ibid. Vol. 6l* p 399-^03. 886.) DALRYMPLE, [Sir John] Bart, of Scotland. See Biogr, Liter, and Polit. Anecdotes; Vol. p. 182. Memoirs of Great-Britain and Irélánd from the battle of la Hogue — Ed. 3 uberf. B. I-4. Winterthur. 1792-1795. 8. Plan of internal de- fence, as proposed — to a meeting of the county of Edinburgh on the 12. Nov. 1794. 8. ( 6 d. ) * Consequences of the french invasion. 1798. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) ♦DALRYMPLE, [William] On the culture of wheat. 1800. 8t (2 AO ? DALTON, 2?o —— •D-àLTON, [John] Professor of Mathematics ani natural Philosophy at tht New College, Man- chester. Meteorological observations and essays. 1793. 8. (4 sh.) Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours, with observations. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P. I. p. 28.) Experiments and observations to determine whether the quantity of rain and dow ^ is equal to the quantity of water carried off by the rivers and raised by evaporation; with an en- quiry into the origin of springs. (Ibid. Vol. 5, P. 2. p. 346.) Experiments and observations on the power of fluids to conduct heat; with reference to Count Rumford's seventh essay on the same subject. (Ibid. Vol. 5. P. 2. p. 373 ) Experiments and observations on the heat and cold produced by the mechanical condensation and rarefaction of air. (Ibid. Vol. 5. P. 2, p.515. Nicholson's Jour- nal. Y. 1802. Nov. p. 160. TiUoth's Philos. Ma- gaz. Vol. 13. p. 59.) Experimental essays, on the constitution of mixed gases, on the force of steam or vapour from water and other liquids in diffe- rent temperatures, both in a torriceJlian vacuum and in air; on evaporation; and on the expansion of gases by heat. (Mem. òf M. Vol. 5. P. 2. p. 535. Nicholsons Journal. Y. 1802. Oct. p. 130.) Me- teorological observations, made at Manchester for J80I. (Mem* of M. Vol. 5. P. 2. p.óóó.) New theory of the constitution of mixed aeriform flukli and particularly of the atmosphere. (Nicholson's { Journal. Vol. 5. p. 241.) New theory of the con- stitution of mixed gases elucidated. (Tilloch's Phi- los. Magaz. Vol.14, p. 169.) Observations on the law of the expansion of water at temperature be- low 420. (Ibid. Vol.14, p. 355.) •DALTON, [John] Teacher of Mathematics. Elements of English grammar or a new system of grammatical institution. i8or. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) * DALTON, [John] Esq. Sleningford, near Ripon. Essay on the conversion of grass lands into tillage. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol, 3, p. 20.) DALTON, DALTON, [Richard] Esq. Keeper of the pictures and Antiquarian to the King. F. A. S. boni ..... died 1791. Fcbr. 7. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Febr. p. igg# (Account of his drawings; See ibid. Y# 1791. March, p. 195.197.528.) Remarks on the pyramids .of Egypt. (Gentlem* Mogaz. Vol. 57. p. 9,) A short dissertation on the antient musical instruments used in Egypt, with some remarks on Bruce's, travels. (Ibid. Vol 60. p. 973.) Explanation of the set of prints relative to the manners, customs Szc of the present inhabi- fcitants of Egypt, from discoveries made on the spot 1749. etched and engraved by him. 17, . Antiquities and views in Greece and Egypt, with the manners and customs of the inhabitants. 1791. sol. (2L. 12 ih 6d.) *DALYKLL, [John Graham] Scotish poems of the 16 century, collected. Edinb^ 1801. 8. (1 L. 1 sh.) DALZEL, [Andrew] M. A: R R, S. Edinb. Professor of Greek, an i Principal Librarian in the (Jni* verfity of Edinburgh. On certain analogies observed by the greeks in the use! of their letters, and particularly of the letter ciy/xot. (Tr. of E. S. Vol 2. p. 110.) Description of ihe plain of Troy — by Chevalier, translated. 179t. 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) libers, (von Karl Fried. Dornedden) mit Zus. von Heyne. Leipz. 1792. 8. Analeòìa hellynica s collectanea graeca ad usum académ. juventuûs accommodata. 1787., Ed. 2. 1789. 8. T. 2. 1797. *Analecta ellynika issona s. collectanea graeca minora cum notis philologi- cis atque lexico Ed. 2. 1791. 8. ed. jfi. G. Grobmann. Lips. 1797. 8. Sermons by the late John Drysdale D. D. F. R. S. Edin. To which is prefixed an account of the author's life and character. Vol. 1.2. 1793. 8< (12 sh ) irbers. Th. 1.2. Wien. 1796. 8. Account of John Dryr- dale, D. D, ( Tr of E. S. Vol. 3. Hilt, p 37.) X Chevalter's tableau de la pUine de Froye illustra- ted and confirmed fmm the observations of sub- sequent travellers and others., (ibid. Vol. 4, L, * DALZEL, *DALZEL, [Archibald] Formtrly Goveruour at Why- dak and now at Cap Coast Castle. The history of Dahomy, an inland kingdom of Africa, compiled from authentic memoirs, with an introduction and notes; 1793.4» (15Û1.) ubers, Leipzig. 1799. 8. *DAMON, [Jude] Rev. of Truro. Indian places in Truro. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p, 257-) *A biîí of mortality in Truro, for ..seven years, beginning Jau. 1. 1787- . * 1793. (Ibid: Y. 1794. p. 201.) DANCER, [Thomas] M. Dr. Pkyjìcìan in Jamaica, > * Catalogue.7 "of plants, exotic and indigenous, in the botanical garden, Jamaica, St<. Jago de la Vega. 1792. 4. Account of the cinnamon çrees growing in the island of Jamaica: (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.8, p. 207. 312* Vol, 9. p. 187. Vol. IO. p. 25Ó. Vol. II. p. 203.) On the che or 01- denlandia umbellata. (Ibid. Vol. II. p. 208.) The medical assistant or Jamaica practice of phy- r sic, designed chiefly for the use cf families and plantations. I80I. 4. (I L. 1 fh.) Strictures on Dr. Grant's essay on yellow fever. 1802. 13. h (6 d.) >: • • : . * DANFORTH, [Thomas] Esq. formerly Fellow of the corporation of Harvard Univerjity at Cam- 'bridge in America. The theory of chimnies and sire places investiga- ted. 179Ó. 8. (I fh.) * D A N I E L , [J ] at Batk. Reply to our correspondent, a traveller on the pe* culiar failure! of orchards. (Comm. and Agric. Masaz. Y. 1802.- Nov. p. 353-) -^DANIEL, [William B ] Rev. Rural sports, embellished with cngra-vings. Vol. I» I801/4. (2 L. 12 fh. 6 d.) Vol.2. I803. (3L. 3 ft.) * DANIELL, [Thomas] R. A: F. S. A. 1 Antiquities of India. 12 views from the drawings of Tkomas Danielle engraved by himself aiuftff/#. Daniel/; taken in the Years 1790 and 1793. Nib. I. 2- 3- (54 plates). *DANN, [William] at Gillingkam, Kent, Horn's universal five furrow sowing machine, for broad- broad-casting of drilling all sorts of grain, pulse and feed. (Young's A. of Agr* Vol.12, p. 480.) Crop of 1790. at Gillingham. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. I83-) On the blood, a disorder in stieep. (Ib. Vol* 14. p. 207.) Drill and broad-cast culture Compared* (lb* Vol. 14» p. 288») On a sainfoin Course. (Ib. Vol* 15. p'364») Account of wheat crops &c. and on fattening oxen. (Ib. Vol. 16. pi 304.) Drill husbandry compared* (Ib* Vol. i^i p. 54.) On feeding oxen* (Ib. Vol. 17. p. 225,) On fattening cattle* (Ib* Vol. î$. p. 53 ) Ha'pence: and produce of 28| acres of potatoes 1793. (Ib. Vol* 22. p. Î65*) Experiments on íîleep and wheat* (Ib* Vol.23, p. 426.) Account of the culture of turnips. (Tn of the Soc. for the Ë. of A. Vol. 9* p. 67.) Account of his farm for î?97* (Comm* to the B. of Agr, Vol. 2* p* 433-> \ *DANSËY, [William] Lieutenant-QoloneU Description of his machine for draining pondij Without disturbing the mud* (Tr* of the Soc* sot the E. of A. Vol.8* p* 188.) D'ARBLAY, [Frances] Mrs. See Frantès ÈUrtiey* •DARBY, [Samuel] M. A. Re8or of TVh at fie Id and Bredsield, co. Suffolk; formerly Tutor of Jesus* College y Cambridge. born 1722* died at Ipswich 1794. March %U Seé Gentleman4» Magaz. Y. 1794, April, p. 38Ó* He published two visitation sermons 1784 and I786 and was supposed to be the author of A letter to Mr. Warton on his edition of Milton* *Earl of DARNLËY, [ ] Comparative culture of wheat. {Young's A. ùî ■Agr. Vol. 27. P* 564.) Reply to A. Young's- pamphlet ou scarcity. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. Ó22*) On the crop and price of corn, (Ib. Vol. 35. p*> 588.) On the present scarcity Y, 1800. (lb* Voh 36. p* 92.) '%t *DARWALL, [ ] Mrs. Formerly Miff What ele y. Poems on several occasions* Vol. 1. 2* 1794* 8* (6 sb.) mss a e. suppU § DARWÎN, 374 DARWIN, [Erasmus] M Dr. F. R. S. born at Elston near Newark , in Nottingham- shire, Dec 12. 1731- died- 1802. Apr. ig. See Gentleman's Mogaz. Y, 1802. May. p. 473. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. May. p, 395. June, p. 457. Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p.117. Allg.Litt.Zeit. ltBl. J. 1802. N. 137. S. 1105. Millin Magasin Encycloped, A. 8- T. 6. P- 393. See Rick. Lovell Edge worth.. (He edited the posthumous work of his son Char* les: died in the 20 year of his age.) Experi* ments .establishing a criterion between mucilagi- nous and purulent matter, and an account of the retrograde motions of the absorbent veisels of ani- mal bodies iii some diseases. 1780. The botanical .garden, a poem, in two parts. 1789. 4. (13 ih.) Ed. 2. Vol. 1.2. 1792. 4, (iL. iftu) Ed. 3, Vol. I. 2. 1800. (l L, I sh.) Zoonomia , or the laws of organic life. Vol. 1. 2. 1794. I79Ó. 4. (2 L. io sh.) iibers. von J. D. Brandis. Th. t. AbthciL I. 2. Th. 2. Abth. 1. 2. Th. 3. Hannover. 1795.; 1799. 8. Ed. 3. corrected. Vol. 1-4. igoi. 8. (common paper 1 L. 16 sh. Royal Paper 2 L. 12 ih. 6 d.) The golden age, a poetical epistle to Tko- mas Beddoes. 1794. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding- schools. 1797. 4. ( 5 sh. ) Phytologia, or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening with th: theory of draining morasses and with an improved ^ construction of the drill plough. 1799. 4- í1 k IX fh. 6 d.) uberf. von L. B. G. tìebenjìwit. Th. I. I80I. 8- The shrine of nature, a poem. I802. The temple of nature or the origin of society; a poem, with philosophical notes, 1803» 4. (I L. 5 shO DARWIN, [Robert Waring] As. Dr. F. R. S. of Shrewsbury. (Son of Erasmus Darwin,) Account of a rupture of the urethra and of a soin» tion of a catgut bougie in the bladder. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 507. '^DASHWOOD, [ ] Lady; Bedchamber to tk Princesses and Governess of the royal-nurseryt Carlton-house. born died 1796. Oct. 6» Sec Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796 Oct. p. 883* The birth and triumph of Cupid in her Majesty's '' collection from papers cut by Dashwood, engra- ved by P. IV. Tom kin/. 1795. 4. «DAV|AN? [KingsmillJ Esq% An essay on the passions, being an attempt to trace them from their source, describe their general in- fluence and explain the peculiar effects of each upon the mind. 1799. 12. (3 sh.) *DAUBENËY, [Charles] LU D. Minister of Christ's church i Batlu A guide to the church, i,n several discourses 1798. 8. (7 sh. 6d.) Appendix Vol. I 2. 1799* g. (iû sh.) The fall of papal rotne recomtnen* ded to the consideration of England, 179S* 8» (I sh.) Letter to Mrs, Hannah More on some part of her late publication, entitled ^Strictures on female education,, to which is subjoined a dis- course on Genesis XV, 6, I799> 8. (2 sb.) A lay- man's account of his faith and praótice; with a letter from CL Daubeney. 1801» 12. (2 fh. 6 d.) VIII Discourses on the connection between the old and new testament and demonstrative of the great doctrine of atonement? with an address to the younger clergy and remarks on the late Pros* Campbell's ecclesiastical history. I8Ó2. 8» (9 fh.) Vindiciae ecclesiac Anglicanae—ï 1803» * D A U C E R, [Thomas] M. Dr. ^ '•' Catalogue of plants, exotic and indigenous in the botanical garden , Jamaica. St* Jago de la Vega* 1792. 4> *DAVERS, [Sir Charles] Barn M P. of Rusbrook- flail y near Bury > Suffolk. Account of a flock of Norfolk sheep, (KoafcgV A* of Agr* Vol. 34» p. 171.) *DAVID, [Job] A review of Dr. Priestley** letter, to an. autî» paedobaptist. 1803. 8. (I sh») * D A VID G E , [John B ] A. M: M. Dr. at Baltimore. A treatise on the-autumnal endemial épidémie of tropical climates, vulgarly called the yellow fe- ver; containing its origin, history, nature and cure; together with a few reflections on the pro- ximate cause of diseases. Baltimore. 1798* 8. S a * DAVID* *76 *D AVID S ON, [Alexander] Esq. On some roman coins found at Nelore. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 2. p. 331.) ♦DAVIDSON, [David] at Elktort, Cecil county, Maryland,. Account of an extraordinary lusus naturae; (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1789. Nov. p. 350.) DAVIDSON, [George] Observations upon the yellow fever and its pro-, ximate cause; (Medical Repofit. Vol. 1. p. 165.) Experiments with the eudiometer, made at Mar- tinique, (Ibid, Vol.2, p. 279.) Account of the cachexia Afncana, a disease incidental to negro slaves lately imported into the West-Indiei. (Ibid. Vol, 2. p. 282.) ^DAVIDSON, [Samuel] Surgeon at Rotkbury in Northumberland. History of a singular cafe of an intermittent, as- fecting the right temple; and of a remarkable tumour in the abdomen , successfully treated. {Duncan's M. C. Y. 1790. Dec. 2. Vol. 5. p. 391.) * DAVIDSON, [William] Rev. The duty and propriety of fasting to the Lord, explained and recommended; a fast sermon. 1793. 8. (6 d.) ♦DAVIDSON, [William] Apothecary in London. Case of a singular cutaneous affection , with sorac remarks relative to the poison of copper. (Sim* mons*s Medical Facts and Observât. Vol. 3. p. 61.) iibers. Repertor. Chir. u. Medic. Abhaudl. B. 2. $. 197. Two casei,of pulmonary hemorrhage, speedily and successfully cured by abstinence from liquids. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 68.) fibers Ibid. K. 2. S.203. A cafe of pulmonary haemorrhage, with remarks; (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 129.) iibers. lbid. B.2. S. I89. An account of the effects of vitriolic aether in a cafe of spasmodic affection of the stomach; and in two cafes of intermittent fever, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 68.) Observations anatomical, physiological and pathological on the pulmonary system; with remarks on some ftf the disease! of the lungs, viz. on haemorrhage, wounds, asthma, catarrh, croup and consumption. 1795. 8. (4 a.) 27? (4 Th.) A case of pulmonary consumption, atten- ded with haemorrhage, speedily cured by a limi- ted use of liquids. {Duncans M. C, Dec, 2. Vol 8. P- 3950 •DAVIES, [David] Rettor of Barkham , Berkshire. The cafe of labourers in husbandry stated and considered in three parts. 1795. 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) *DAVlES, [E ] Twelve dialogues on different subject*, between Titus, Timothy and Archippus; 18OÍ. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) ♦DAVIES, [Hugh] >Av. F. L. S. Descriptions of four new British lichens. (Trans* act. of L. S. Vol. 2. p. 2830 *DAV1ES, [John] Receipt to make cows dry. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 21. p. 508.) DAVIES', [Thomas] Major-General. F. R. S. and L>S. An account of the jumping mouse of Canada, Dipus Canadensis. ( Transact, of L. S. Vol. 4. P- 155- Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 1. p. 2850 Account of a new species of muscicapa, from New South Wales. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 4. p. 240.) Description of mentira superba, a bird of New South Wales. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 207.) ^DAVIES, [Thomas] Rtv. of Beddingkam , near Le» tves, Sussex* On working oxen in harness; on marie; and par- ticulars relating to Glynd. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. ir. p. 137.) Account of the culture of cab- bage. (Ibid. Vol.17, p. 109.) *DAVIS, [ ] The young algebraist companion; or, a new and easy guide to algebra by Dfin. Penning^ a new edition. To which is added, 38 select problems with their solution» &c. 1802. 12. *DAVIS, [Daniel] *The proceedings of two conventions, held at Portland , to consider the expediency of a sepa- rate government in the district of Maine. (Coll. of 4 Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1795. p. 25.) *DAVIS, [George] of Windsor f Berks. Description of his machine for loading and unloa- ding goods. (Tr. of the Soc. for the £♦ of A. S 3 Vol. Vol. l£. p. 276.) Tilloclïs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 5. p*392. Description of his invention for preven- ting passengers in carriages being injured when the horses have taken fright. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 18^ p. 247.) *DAYIS, [John] poems, Philadelphia. 1800. Travels of four yean and a half in the United States of America, du, ring X798 — I8Ò3. 1803. 8. (8fh.) *DAVIS, [M....] _ Thoughts on dancing; occasioned by some late transactions among the people called mcthodilts, 1791. 8. (6 d,) *DAVIS, [P ] Various modes of destroying the cock-chafer, (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1802. Sept. p. 172.) Comparison between foiling and pasturing cattle, horses. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Nov. p. 351.) On the draining of boggyland. (Ibid, Y. I803. Jan. p, 37,) *DAVIS, [Richard] Remarks on waste lands in Oxfordshire. (Bath Agric, Soc. Vol. 8t p. 114.) «DAVIS, [Samuel] Esq, . On the astronomical computations of the Hindus. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 2. p, 225.) On the Indian cycto of sixty years, (Ibid, Vol. 3. p. 209.) ^DAVIS, [Thomas] Esq. ofLongleat\ Stcivard to the Marquis of Baih. On the superior advantage of dairy to arable farms. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 74. ) Ob. fervations on the subjects proposed in a circular letter, by the Bath and West of England Society, (Ibid, Vol 5. p, 172.) Observations on the sup« posed neglect and scarcity of oak timber, (Ibid, Vol. 5, p. 177.) Observations on the management of woods and on the present state thereof, parti- cularly in the Western Counties. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 1,) Extract from a general view of the agri- culture of the county of Wilts $ with observations on the means of its improvement; drawn up foi the consideration of the board of agriculture and iMeniaJ improvement, (Ibid, Vol, 7, p. 113,) Ad- 279 td the landholders of this kingdom; with plans of cottages for the habitation of labourers in the country. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 294.) On the moil practicable mode of giving an equitable compen- sation for tithes, (Ibid. Vol. g. p. 239.) Brief ob- servations on different qualities of wool, as pro- duced by the Spanish mixture in breeding, (Ibid. Vol.8, p. 298.) On some subjects proper to be encouraged by premiums. ( Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.2, p. 441.), On Wiltshire sheep. (Ib. Vol. 22. p. 97.) Theory of watered meadows. (Ib. Vol.22, p. 108.) Fact applicable to folding sheep. (Ib. Vol.22, p. là I.) Essay on the conversion of grass lands into tillage. (Comm. to the 13. of Agr* Vol. 3 P. I. p. 75.) Remarks on the Wiltshire and South-down sheep. {Youngs A. of Agr, VoU 37- P-378.) Remarks on the disposition of sheep so fatten, on horse-tying and vale of Eveiham course of crops. (lb* Vol.37, p. 456*)< *DAV1S, [Wendel] Esq. Description of Sandwich, in the county of Barn- stable. (Coil, of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1801. P^ 119.) *DAVIS, [WilliamJ On the use of the globes. 17.» A complete treatise of land surveying by the chain > cross and offset staffs only, in 3 parts 179g. (7 fh.) The mathematical principles of natural philosophy by Sir ljaac Newton, translated into English by An* drew Motte, — with an account of his life; the whole revised and carefully corrected* Vol. 1-3. I802. 8. (iL. 7 sli-.) A key to Bonycastle's algebra.. 1803. 12. (4 fh.) *DAVISON, [.....,] * A letter to John Bowles, on the subjects of hia two pamphlets — thoughts on the late general election, as demonstrative of the progress of Ja* cobinifm; and a letter to — Ckarhs James Fox —» on the character of — Francis Duke of Bedford. 1803. §. (4 d.) Ten letters, principally upon rhe subject of the late contested election at Notting- ham. 1803. 8. (I ih.) S 4 DAULBY, 2âo *DAU!LBY, [Daniel] A descriptive catalogue of the worki of Rembrandt £nd os his scholars Bol, Livens and van V/iett cpmpiled from the original etchings and srom the cataloguas oí De Burgy, Gersaint, Helle and Glomy, Manus and Yver, 1796. 4. (15 íh,) 8vo. (10 shf 6 d.) DAVY, [Charles] M. 4, Redor of Qnehoufi? Suffo% ofr Tropçroft çof Norfolk, born f.,t, died 1797, Apr. U, $ee Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1797. May, p, 438, A% Utt. Zeit. ItBl. J? l8oo. S-645. *PAVY, [Humphry] Superintendant of f fie tnedied pneuwQtie institution. Chemical ancj philosophical refearches , chiefly çoncerning nitrous oxide or dephlogisticated ni- trous air and its respiration, 1800. 8. (IOÍh. 6d,) A syUabus of a course of lethires on chemistry, delivered at the Royal institution of Great-Britaìn, l$02. 8. (3 sh.) A discourse introductory to 3 course of lectures on chemistry, delivered in tlic théâtre of the Royal institution. 1803. 8. (i ftu 6 d.) On galvanic piles. (Duncan's At of Medt Y, 1801, p. 478 ) Experiments and observation on the silex composing the epidermjs, or çxtcrnal bark and contained in other parts of certain vc* getablcs. (Nickolsons Journal. Vol.3. p. 56,138.) Kcspirability of the gaseous oxyde of azote. (Ibid» Vol. 3. p. 93.) On the nitrous oxide, or gaseous oxide of azote, ou certain taÊts relatiug to heat and light and ou thç discovery of the décomposition of the carbonate and sulphatc os ammoniac. (Ibidf Vol. 3. p. 515.) An acçount of fome CXperi- ments made with the galvanic apparatus of , Sign, Voha. (Ibid, Vol, 4. p. 575, 326.) No- tice of fome observations on the causes of the gaU yaniç phenomeua , and on çertaiu moçles of in- creafîng the povvers of the galvanic pile of Foha, (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 337. 394,) Notices çoncerning galvarusm. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 527.) An acçount of a new eudiometer. (Ibid, Vol 5. p, 175,) QudU nçs of observations relating to nitrous oxide 1 or dephiogisticated nitrous air. (Ibid. VqI, 5, p, 381.) An a.cçouiu pf g» oew eudiometer, (Ibid, Y, 1802, - '381 Jan» pr-41-) Note respecting thé absorption of ni- trous gas, by^ solutions of green sulphate and muriate of iron, (Ibid, Y. 1802. Febr. p4 107.) An account of a method of constructing simple and compound galvanic combinations, without the use of metallic substances by means of char- coal and different fluids. (Ibid, Y, 1802. Febr» p. 144.) Account of some experiments — rela- ting to the agencies of galvanic electricity, in pro- ducing heat, and in effecting changes in different fluid substances, (Ibid. Y. 1802. Oct, p. 135.) An account of a method of copying paintings upon glass, and of making profiles by the agency of light upon nitrate of silver, invented by T, Wedg* wood. (Ihid. Y, 1802. Nov, p. 167,) An account of some galvanic combinations, formed by the arrangement of single metallic plates and fluids analogous to the new galvanic apparatus of Mr. Voha. (Philos. Transact. Y. Igor. p. 397. TiU lockys Philos. Magaz. Vol. 10. p. 202.) Account of a new eudiometer, (Tilloch's Philos Magaz. Vol, 10. p. 56■) Outlines of a view of galvanism, chiefly extracted from a cours* of lectures on the galvanic phaenomena; (Ibid. Vol. II. p«32Ó.) An account of a method of constructing simple and compound galvanic combinations, without the use of metallic substance, by means of charcoal and different fluids. (Ibid. Vol. 11. p. 340.) DAVY, [William] A. 8; of Baliol ÇùUege, Oxford. System of divinity in a course of sermons on the first institutions of religion, Ed. 2» Vol. I. 1795. 8, *DAWES, [John] Surgeon.* Pantometry; or, an attempt to systematize eirery branch of admeasurement, 1797* 12. (i sb.) •DAWES, [John Nic ] On passages in Euripides* (Monthly Magaz, Y^ I803. Dec. p. 375.) DAWES, [Matthew] Esq. of the Inner ^Ttm . S 5 *DAW- *DAWPLUCKER, [Jonathan] (a fiRhiom name.) Remarks on Mr. Jokn BclPs anatomy of the heart and arteries. 1799. 8- (2 fti. 6 d.) DAWSON, [Ambrose] M Dr. Senior Fe/Jow of the College of Physicians. born 1706. died at Liverpool 1794. Dec. 23. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Supplem, p# 1207. DAWSON, [Benjamin] Prolepfis philologiae anglieanae; or, plnn of a philological and synonymical dictionary. 1797. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) ^DAWSON, [J ] On the word rowen. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 12.) ^DAWSON, [John] of Sedbergk% near Kendal, in 'Weflmor eland. \ born in Garsdale. See Public Characters of I801 and 1802. p. 364. Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 39. Four propositions\ 17.. On the inverse method of central forces; (Mem. of M. S. Vol. 4. Part 2. p. 3Ó9. Vol. 5. Part. I, p. 102.) The doòlrine of public necessity briefly invalidated; 1781. (See in Button s Miscellanea Mathematica his letters un- der the signature PVadfon.} ^DAWSON, [William] E> (I it.) *DICK5 [Sir Alexander] Opinions on the virtue and quality of the ettglistï rhubarbs. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol, 3. p. 441.) Report upon John fVilliams^s plan for a royal forest - 389 f forest of oak in the highlands of Scotland, (Transact, of the Soc. of the Antiq, of Scotl. Vol. I- 1> 390 *DICK, [jelui] A. M: Minister of the gospel in Slat € ford. An essay on the inspirarion of the holy scriptu- res of the old and new testament. 18OO. 12. (3 ill.) (Several single sermons ) ♦ DICKENS, [Charles] LL. Dr. keftor at Hewing* ford Abbott , co. Huntingdon. born 1720. died Aug. 27. 1793. 1 See Gentleman's Maga?. Y. 1793. Oct. p. 959. (Several single sermons.) ^DICKINSON, [H ] Captain to the East* India Volunteers. instructions for forming a regiment of jnfajitry for parade of exercise,, together with the 1$ manoeu- vres as ordered to be practised by his Maj. in- fantry forces, accompanied* by , explanations and diagrams. 1798. 8. (5 fh.) *DI C K í N S O N, [John]" Esq. " \' :> Letters from a fanner in Pennsylvania, to the . ^ . inhabitants of the British colonies. American Mu- , feum Y. 1788. Sept., p. 284. Oct, p. 371. Nov. p. 454. Dec. p. 5220 *DICKJNSON, [Timothy] * . * Description of Holliston. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794, p. 18.) , * DIC KIN S O N, [William] Esq. Antiquities, historical, architectural, chorographi- cal and itinerary in Nottinghamshire and the adja- cent counties; comprising the histories of South- well and of Newark; interspersed with biographi- cal sketches and profusely embellished. with engra- vings in four parts. Part 1. Vol. r. 1801.4. (14ÍI1,) < . Part2. 1803. 4. (18 ft.) See Rastall. *DICKSON, [ ] Dr. Essay on chemical nomenclature, in which are com* posed observations on the faxne subject, by Kick* Kirwan. 1796. 8. (,5 fh, ) List of Scotticism*. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Apr. p. 23Ó* May. p. 322.) Mtufi a. e. surt'i. T DICKSON* ^DICKSON, [D M. Surgeon in his Mâjt. jlyss navy>> Account of a singular case of obstruction ío the excretion of urine. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1799. p. 412.) DICKSON, [James] Esq. F. L S. Plantae cryptogamicae britannicae. Fasc. 3. 1793, 4. (4 sh.) Fasc„4. 1801. (4 sh. 6 d.) Collection of dried plants — Fafc.3-17, sol. 1799. BotanU cal catalogue, alphabetically arranged according to the Linnean system. Ì797. 8. (5 fh.) Obser- vations on polypodium oreopteris, accompanied with a specimen from Scotland. ( Transact, of L. S Vol. I. p. I8l.) An account of some plante newly discovered in'Scotland. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 286.) Description of fagina cèrastoides, a new britifh plant discovered in Scotland. (Ibid. Vol.2. P- 343») Observations on the genus of porclla and the phafcum caulefcens of Linnaeus. (Ib..Vol, 3. p. 238.) ;; DICKSON, [Stephen] As. Dr. State-Physician, Pro- fessor of the Pratlice of Médiane in Trinity College, Dublin. M R. J. A. On the .expansion of water during congelation. (Medical Reposit. Vol.3. p 34. Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 7 p. 69.)" Estay on a system of na- tional education > adapted to Ireland. (Tr. of j. a; Vol. 4. p. 15. b.) '-DICKSON, [William] Sermons by J. B> MajJillony Bishop of Clermont, selected and translated. Vol, 1-3. 1798.8. (l8sh.) Reflections on the theory of the infinitésimal cal- culus (the method of fluxions) by Car not; trans- lated from the french and illustrated with notes. I801. 8. (3 fh.) (TiUock's Philof. Magaz. Vol.8. p.222.335. Vol.9. p.39.) Reply to a charge of plagiarism, brought by Henry Clarke against W* Dickson, (Ibid. Vol.15. P-Ó5») ♦DICKSON , [William] Strictures on Mist* Williams's memoirs of Wai* strom^ shewing that the essay on colonization wai compiled by William Dickson, LL. Dr. (Monthly Magaz, Y. 1799. Dec. p.802.) Extract from hi« letters ~ 391 letters on negro slavery. (Columbian Magaz. Y, 1790. Jan. p. 19. Febr. p. 73.) *DILL0N, [ ] Lord Viscount* Description of an ancient Irish instrument, with ait account of the fame instrument by Ralph Ouse* ley. (Tr. of J, A. Vol. 4. p. 33. c.) *DILLON, [John Joseph] Esq. of Lincoln's - Inn; Barrister at haw. Report of a cafe argued and determined in the court of exchequer chamber in eastern term 40. Geo. 3. between the — Lord Petre, plaintiff, and the — Lord Aukland and Earl Gower his Maj. postmaster's general, defendants; with an appen- dix. 1800. 4* (3 fh. 6 d.) A further supplement (occasioned by the 2 edition of Reeve's considera- tions on she coronation oath) to a pamphlet intit- led , the question as to the admission of catholics to parliament considered on the principles of exi- sting laws. 1801. 8- (I fh. 6 d.) DILLON, [John Talbot] Count of the Roman Em- pire; M. 2v. J. At and M. of the Soc. of Manche fier. History of the reign of Peter the cruel — Vol. 1. 2* 178S. 8» (10 fh.) libers. Leipzig. 1790. 8* Fo- reign agriculture; or an essay on the compara- tive advantages of oxen for tillage in competition with horses, being the result of practical husban- dry by the Cheval, de Mouroy; selected from com- munications in the french language with addition nal notes. 1796. 8- (2 fh.) Alphonfo and EJeo- nora, or, the triumphs of valour and virtue; illustrated by historical facts. Vol. I, 2. 18ÛO, 8. (7 fh.) Spanish husbandry. (Young's A. of Agr» Vol. 24» p. 396.) Translation of a fpanifh me* ihoir, on the cultivation and advantstges of lucern. (Ibid. Vol. 24, p. 429.) On' Benj. Young's newly invented harrow and roller. (Ibid. Vol. 32. p. 633. 636.) On the spanifli wheats. (Ibid. VoL 32. p. Ó39.) Letter — respecting the fleeces of the fpanifh merino sheep. ( Comm. tò the B. of Agr. Vol. 2. p* 426.) Extracts from a hydraulic essay on embankments by Al. Leon, XhHenez; translated. (Ibid. Vol. 37. p. 386.) T a DILLON, * D ILL Cm, [Theobald] Esq. The military plans of the late operation on the rhine. 1796 (io sh. 6 d.) *DILLWYN, [Lewis Weston] K L, & Synopsis of the British ronfervae. Fasc. I, 2. I802. 4. (12 sh.) ubcrs. von F. Weber und As. H. Mokr. Heft I. 2. Hótc. I803. 8- Letter respecting the effects of the oxymunatic acid on the growth oi plants. ( Ttilocfis Pbilof, Magaz. Vol. 11. p. 158.) Catalogue of the most rare plants found in the environs of Dover, with occasional re- marks. (Transact, of L. S. Vol.6, p. 177.) * DIMOND, [J ] Esq. The hero of the North, an historical play; I803. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) * DIMOND, [William] Jan. Petrarchal sonnets and miscellaneous poems. 1800. 8, «5 DIMS DA LE, [Thomas] Baron; M Dr: F. II S: Body-Phyfician find attual Counsellor of State to her Imperial Ma), of all the Ruffies. born 1711. died at Herford 1800. Dec. 30. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801.! Jan. p. 88- July. p. 669. Monthly .Magaz. Y, I801. July, p. 511. Allgem. Litterat. Zeit. J. 1801. ItBI. S. 839- 1681. The present method of inoculating for the small pox; 1766.8^ Ed. 6. 1772. Thoughts on general and partial inoculation. 1776. 8. Observations on the introduction to the plan of the dispensary for gene- ral inoculation. 1778. 8» Remarks on Dr. Lmfoms letter oh general inoculation. 1779. 8. A review of Dr. Lettsom^s observations on Baron Dims dale S remarks. 1779. 8. Tracts on inoculation. 1781.8. *DINM0RE, [R ] Jutu An exposition of the principles of the english Ja- cobins , with strictures on the political conduct of Charles James Fox>. William Pitt and Edm, Bnrke} including remarks on the resignation of G. fVaJhr ington. 1796. 8- (i sh.) *DINMOKE, [Richard] Surgeon at Watton in Nor- folk. A cale of monstrous birth. (Loudon M.J.- Partil. p. 339 y ■ «r'DINSDALR 293 *DINSDALE, [William] of Hawswell, near Bedale, Yorkshire, Letter on improving land. (Tn. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 2. p. 55 ) ♦ DIROM, [- . . . .] Lieutenant ^Colonel; Deputy Quarter-Mafter-General in North-Britain. Narrative of the campaign in India, which termi- nated the war with Tippoo Sultan in 1792. with maps and plans illustrative of the subject and a view of Seringapatam. T793 4. (I L. ish.) Ed. 2, I794. 4. Published Alexander Dirorns (Esq. of Muìreík in the county of Aberdeen, his son); In- quiry into the corn laws and corn trade of Great- Britain and their influence on the prosperity of the kingdom. To which is added, a supplement by Mr. William Mac kit, of Armiston in East-Lo- thian, bringing down the consideration of the sub- ject to the present time; investigating the cause of the present scarcity and suggesting measures! for promoting the cultivation of the waste lands and for rendering the produce equal to the increasing consumption of the kingdom. 1796. 4. (12 sh.) Ed. 2. I802. 4. (I2sh.) Plans for the defence of Great-Britain and Ireland. 1797.8. (2 fh. 6 d.) *DIRRILL, [Charles] Esq. Remarks on Shak spear es tempest; containing an investigation of Mr, Malone's attempt to ascertain the date of that play, and various notes and illu- strations of abstruse readings and paiTages. 1797.8- (2 sh.) DISNEY, [John] D. D: F. A. S. An unitarian cler- gyman. A derence of public or social worship, answer to Gilbert Wakefield and to Paine s age of reason; a sermon. 1792. 8- (6 d.) Memoirs of the life and writings of John J or tin, D. D. 1792. 8. (5 fh.) The progreflive improvement of civil liberty, a sermon. 1792. 8. (6 d.) Letter to Viccjimus Knox, D.D. occasioned by his reflections on unitarian christians in his advertisement, prefixed to a vo- lume of bis sermons. 1792. 8 (I fh.) A vindi- cation of the apostle Paul from the charge of se- dition, a sermon. 1792. 8- (6 d.) Sermons. Vol. I. 2. 1793. 8. (12 fh.) The reciprocal duty of a T 3 christian 294 stian minister and a christian congregation \ a ser- mon. 1793. 8. (6 extraftion. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 488. A poetical epistle on the abuse of satire; 17,. A defence of poetry, — with a specimen of a new version of Telemachus; 1790, 4. ( 2 (h,) * Curiosities of littérature f consisting of ancc dotes, characters, sketches and observations, litterary, critical and historical; 1791. 8* (6 ih.) Ed. 3, with large additions and considerable iro* provements, Vol. 1,2. 1793*8. (l4sh.) *A dis. íertation on anecdotes. 1793. 8. (2 sh.) Essay on the manners and genius of the litterary character, 1795* 8. (4 sh.) Miscellanies or litterary recréa, tions. 1796. 8. (7 sh.) Ed. 2. enlarged. 1801. 8. (4 sh.) Vaurien, a philosophical novel. Vol. 1.3, 1797. Romances* 1798, 8- (j8 Ih.) iibers. Th. I.! Leipzig. 1802. Ed, 2. corrected: To which is now added a modern romance. 1801. 8. (4 ih.) Narrative poems. 1803. 4. (4 sh. 6 d.) «'DIX, [Thomas] of Oundle. Qn land-surveying in six parts, 1799.-8» «DIX, [William] A. M. Inaugural dissertation on the dropsy, Cambridge, 1795- *DIXMERIE, [......] The Pyrenean hermits, (New-York Magaz, Y, X792. July p. 433. Aug. p. 496.) DIXON, [George] Captain; late Commander of the Queen Charlotte^ in a voyage round the world. Remarks on the voyages of John Meares, Esq, 1790. 4. (2sh. 6 d. ) Farther remarks on the voyages of John Meares* in which several impor. tant facts, misrepresented in the said voyages, re lative? to the geography and commerce, arc sully substantiated, with Capt. Duncan's letter, contai, ning a decisive refutation of several unsounded as- sertions of Mr, Meares; and a final reply to hi» answer. 1791. 4, (3 sh. 6 d,) *DIXON, [John] Letter 1-3, being a plan for the improvement of 395 the fisheries in the western coast* of the united kingdom. 1802. 4. *DIX0N, [Joseph] Contrivance of a preservative wheel to be fixed to a walking-wheel crane. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 11. p. 199.) * DIX ON, [Joshua] M. Dr. The litterary life of William Brownrigg, M. Dr: F. R. S. Whitehaven. 1801. 8. DOBBS, [Francis] Esq. Member for the borough of Charlemont, in Ireland. À concise view., from history and prophecy of the great predictions in the sacred writings that have been fulfilled also of those that are fulfilling and that remain to be accomplished. 1800. 8. (6 sh.) * DOB BY, [Henry] Yorkshire. On reasing potatoes from feed. (Young*s A. of Agr. Vol 18. p. 4450 * D O B S O N, [Henry] Carpenter; of Norwich. Description of the model of a barn, for which a premium was granted by the society. (Bath Agri- cult. Soc V0L3. p. 335.) DOBSON, [Mary] Mrs. born died 1795. Sept. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Oct. p. 88T. Petrarch's view of human life. 1791. 8. (6 sb.) * D O D D „ [^ ] Civil Engineer. A short historical account of the greater part of the principal canaU4n the known world; with some reflections upon the general utility of canals. 1795. 8. Reports, with plans, sections — of the proposed dry tunnel of passage from Gravcsend, in Kent, to Tilbury, iu?Eisex; demonstrating the practicability and great importance to the two counties and to the nation at large, also an ca- nal from Gravefend to Stroud; with some miscel- laneous and practical observations. Illustrated with plates. 1798. 4. (5 sh.) Letters to a merchant, on the improvement of the port of London; de- monstrating its practicability without wet docks or any additional burthens laid on shipping and at a less expence of time and money than any other place proposed. 1799. Plan of the grand Surry ca- nal, (Comm. and Agric. Maga>. Y. 1800. p. 82.) T 4 *DODDIE, zg6 *DODDIE, [James] A defence of the associate synod against the charge of sedition. 1800. (I sh.) **DODSLEY, [James] Bookseller. born 1723. died 1797. Febr. 19. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797» March, p. 254. Apr. p. 346. Monthly Magaz. Vol'. 3. 1797, p. IÓO. The muse in livery. 173. The toy-sliop. 1732. The occonomy of the human life, 17.. In con- junction with his brother Robert Dodsley, (died Sept. 28. 1794. See Gentlemans Magaz. ' Vol. 34. p. 450.) Collection of poems; 17.. The pre. ccptor &c. 17,,.. and commenced in 1758. the Annual Register &c. *DODSON, [Michael] Esq. bom 1732. ^ept. 20, died in London 1799. Nov. 13. • » Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Nov. p. 1004. Suppl. p. II8Ó. Monthly. Magaz. Y. I801. Jan, P-567. AUg. Litt.Zeit. ItBL J. 1800. S. 663. A short memoir oïMich* Dodson, 1801. A report of some proceedings on the commission for the trial of the rebels in the Y. 1746. in the County of Surrey and of other crown cafes; to which are added, discourses upon a few-branches of the crown law, by Justice Forfter. 17Ó2. Ed. 2. 177Ó. Ed.3. 1792. * A new translation oflfaiah; with notes supplementary to rmpfe of Dr. Lowtk; by a Layman. 1790. fr. (5 Th.) A letter to Dr. Sturges, author of short remahrks on a new trans* ktion oflfaiah bf a Layman. 1791. 8. (I st».) *DODSWORTH, [William] forger of the Cathedral church of Salisbury, A guide to the cathedral church of Salisbury witk a particular account of the late great improvements made therein under the direction of James IVyatt^ Esq. 1792. *DODWELL, [William] D. D. Arch-Deacon of Berks and Reclor of Shottesbrooke. born 1710. died 1785. Oct. 19. See .Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1785. Oct* p. 837» Nov* p. 878. Y. 1802. June p-534H Kipft* ttiographica Britannica Vol* 5. p. 327* The Athanafian creed vindicated and explained in 3 charges, (published by his, son Henry Dod- weli). 1802. DOGHERTY, [Thomas] Esq. of Clifford's - Inn. The crown circuit companion — by W. Stubbs and G. Talmofk; Ed. 6. with several additions, improvements and modem references. 1790. 8» (iosh. ód.) Ed. 7. 1799.8. (10 sh. 6 d.) Historia placirorum coronae: The history of the picas of the crown, by Sir Matthew Ha/e, — published from original MSS by Sollom Emlyn — with additio- nal notes and references to modern cafes concer* ning the pleas of the crown by George Wilson ~ a new edition: and an abridgment of the statutes relating to felonies continued to the present time, with notes and references. Vol. 1. 2. I800. 8* (I L. 8 ih.) *DOIG, [David] LL. Dr: F. S. S. A: Master of the . Grapìtnar-sckool, Stirling. Two letters oh the savage state, addressed to the late Lord Kaimes. 1793. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Extract from a poem on the prospect from Stirling-castle* 1796. 4. On the ancient Hellenes. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3. L. p. 131.) ^DOLBEARE, [Thomas] Cafe of curvature of the spine. (Tr. of Phyf. of Philad. Vol. r. P. I. p. 45.) *DONALDSON, [James] On the husbandry of the carfe of gowrie Sec. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 10. p. 422.) On a new threshing, machine. (Ibid. Vol.10, p. 437.) Na- tural woods in Elgin, in Scotland. (Ibid. Vol. 23, p. 14.) DONALDSON, [John] Miniature-Painter. boni at Edinburgh, 1737. died 1801. Oct. II, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. igQI. Nov. p. 1056, DONALDSON, [John] Esq. Miscellaneous proposals for increasing our na- tional wealth, 12 millions a year —. Ed. 2. 1795» 8. (i sh. 6 d.) Sketch of a plan to prevent cri- mes. 1792* 8. (6 d.) Sketches of a plan for an efseóhial and general reformation of life and man- ners. 1794, 8. (4 sh.) Letter to the magistrates, burgesses dec. of the Roy. burghs of Scotland. T 5 Ï795. 1795. 8. (6 d.) Letter to the R. H. mil Pitt, on jhe use of hair powder, 1795. 8. (6 d.) Let- ter to the R. H. mil. Pitt, shewing how crimes may be prevented and the people made happy 1796. 8. (I fli.) *DONN, [James] Curator. Hortus Gautahrigicnfis, or a catalogue of plants indigenous and foreign, cultivated in the Walke- rian botanic garden. Cambridge. 1796. 12. Ed. 2. I800, 8. PON NE, [Benjamiu] Master of mechanic! to his Maj% and many years Teacher of the Mathematics *nd Leclurer in Philosophy at Bristol born at Biddeford in the county of Devon. died 1798. June See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1798» July p. 632. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. July p. 76. Allgem. Litterat. Zeit. ItBI. J. 1800. S.655. Map of Devonshire, in 12 sheets. 17Ó5. A map of the country 11 miles round Bristol, from an actual survey, in 2 sheets and %\ sheets. 1770. Essuys on trigonometry. 1777. 8* *DONOGHUE, [J ] Juvenile essays in poetry. T797. 3, (1 ft. 6 d.) ♦DONOVAN, [E 1 F. L, S The natural history of British birds and infects, explaining them in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, oeco- nomy &c. together with the history of such minute infects as require investigation by the microscope. The whole illustrated by coloured figures, de- signed and executed from living specimens. Nro. r- 20. 1792-1795. 8. Instructions for collecting and preserving various subjects of natural history; as animal, birds, reptiles, shells, corals, plants with a treatise on the management of insects in their several states — 1794 8. (4 sh- 6 d.) iibers. mit Abanderungen 11. Zufatzen von Dr. J. J. Ro- wer. Zurich. 1797. 8. The natural history of British birds - Ac. Vol. 1-5, 1794-1798. 8. (7 L. 10 fh.) The natural history of the infects of China — 1799. 4. (3 L.) An epitome of the natural history of the insects of China, compri- sing figures and descriptions of upwards of one hundred hundred new, singular and beautiful species. Nrb. 1-7. 1800-1802.4. (4 L. 4 sh. ) ubers. von J. G. Gruber. Heft 1.2. Leipzig. 1802. I803. j The natural history of British fishes. Nrb. I. 1803. (3 ft. 6 d.) *DONOUGHUE, [A ] An essay oh the passions; with other poems. 1799. 8. (3 sh-) *DOOj [Thomas] at Bypar - Baldok y Hertfordshire. Crops in Hertfordshire. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol* 35* P- 440 *DORE, [James] A baptist Minister. Letters on faith. 1786* 12. (i sh, 6 d.) Sermon on the African slave trade. 1788. 8- (6 d.) Ser- mon by the death of Mr. John Flight. 1791. 8. (6 d.) The principles of antipaedobaptism and the practice of female communion completely con- sistent: In answer to the arguments and objections of; Mr. Peter Edwards in his candid reasons; with animadversions on hi$ temper and conduct in that publication. 1795. 12. (I sh. 6 d.) Art essay on the resurrection of Christ, in which proofs of the fact are adduced , its import is explained and its beneficial influence illustrated. 1797. 12* (I sh.) DORNFORD, [Josiah] Esq. of Lincoln s-Inn. M. A. of Oxford, LL* D. of the University of Gottin- gen* — Barrister at Law* Commissary of ac- counts to the army in the Leeward Islands. born 1763. died at Martinique July 1. 1797. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Sept. p. 80O. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. 8,646, Auspiciis Ernesti-Augusti 7 Augusti - Frìcderici, Adolphi- Fríederici, M. Britan. Regis Aug. fobolis faustiss, juvent. Princ. Gottingae. 1790. 8. Pro- lusiones nonnullae Academicae, nomine università- tis Georgiae-Augustae Gottingensis scriptae a C. G. Heyne, nunc primum uno volumine editae0 1790. * The motives and conséquences of the present war impartially considered. 1793. 8. *DORSET,[ ] Esq. Officer in the army. Essay on defensive war: 17.. The philosophic venus and condolence> an elegiac poem: 17.. *DOR. «DORTHES, [ ] F. M, £. S, Observations on the structure and oeconomy of some curious species of aranea. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 2. p. 86.) «DOUCE, [Francis] Esq. Some remarks on the European names of chess- men. (Arch. Vol. XI. p*3970 Observations on a calendar in his possession.. (Ibid. Vol. XII. p. 200.) Illustration of the reliefs at'Thorpe Salvin. (Ibid. Vol. XII. p. 209.) Observations on certain orna- ments of female dress. (Ibid. Vol. XII. p. 215.) ^DOVE, [William] Surgeon at Thome in Yorkshire, History of a cafe of anasarca, cured by the infu- fion of tobacco. (Duncan's M. C Dee, 2. Vol.8, p. 3790 *DOUGLAS, [ ] Surgeon. ; • Cafe of enlarged stomach, attended with peculiar symptoms. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 395.) DOUGLAS, [Andrew] M. Dr. at London. Andrew Douglas and Archibald Douglas, are the fame person: His christian name having been cr. roneouely printed Archibald in the Med. Obferv. Vol. 6. p. 163.) DOUGLAS, [Sir Charles] Baronet, Rear-Admiral of the blue squadron in the Royal Navy. F. R, S. born died Î789. DOUG LA Sv [James] Rev. F. A. S: of St. Peter s Col- lege, Cambridge; Chaplain in ordinary to his R. H. the Prince of WaUs. Nenia Britannica — 1786-1793. sol. (3 L. 13 sb. 6 d.) Discourses on the influence of the chriijiau religion in civil society. 1792. 8. (5 fh-) ^DOUGLAS, [Niel] Minister of the gospel at Cupar in Ftfe. Sermons on important subjects, with some essays in poetry. 1791. 8. (3 sb.) Journal of a mission to the highlands of Scotland in 1797. by appoint- ment of the relief synod —. 1799. (l sh.) DOUGLAS, [Robert] D. D. Minister of Galashiels. A general view of Roxburgh and Selkirk. Ig02.8. DOUGLAS, [Sylvester] of Lincoln s - Inn. Speech in the house of commons, Apr. 22. 1799» on seconding the motion — to an union with Ire- land. 1799» 8. (3 fli. 6 d.) * COWLING, soi; *DOWLÏNG, [Edward] The elements and theory of the hebrew language, 1797- 8. (7 ft.) DOWNING, [J ] On the disorders incident to horned cattle, to which are added receipts fop curing the gripes, staggers and worms in horses and "an appendix containing instructions for the extracting of calves. 1797. 8. (10 so. 6 d.) • DOWNING, [John] Captain in the Roy. Rcgt. of Artillery, The cafe of Capt. Downing^ with the proceedings ,of a general court martial and copies of letters to and from the Duke of Richmond Sir Charles Morgan; — with the opinion of counsel conccr- , uing the legality of the trial. 1796. 8. C1 DOWWMANN, [Hugh] M.Dr. Physician of Exeter. Infancy, or the management of children, a di- dactic .poem in 6 books. Ed. 5. 1790. 8- (4 sh.) Ed. 6. I803. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) Poems. £4. 2. 1790. 8. (4 sh.) Tragedies. 1792. 8. (3 6 d.) *D'OYLY, [Catherine] Mrs. The history of the life and death of our blessed saviour. 1794. 8. (9 sh.) Ed. 2. 1798. 8- (7^/ 6 d.) *DRAKE, [Nathan] M. Dr. Poems. 1793. 4. Í5 th.) Literary hours, or sket- ches critical and narrative. 1798. 8- (iosh. 6 d.) Ed. 2» Vol. i. 3, corrected and greatly enlarged, I800. 8. DRAKE, [William] M. A: F. A. S: ReQor at L7«- worth, Middlesex. born 1721. died 1801. May. 13. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I80I, June p. 574. *DRALET, [ ] Account of a method of clearing ground from mo* les, which is successfully practised in France; translated from the french. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1802. March, p. 172.) *DRALLOC, [N ] The life and extraordinary adventures of James Moles wort ft Hobarty alias Henry Griffin 7 alias Lord 30* '— Lord Màjsey, the New-Market Duke of Ormoni &c. involving a number of well known cha- racters, together with a short iketch of the early part of the life of Doctor Torquid. Vol. i. 2. 1794. 8. (6 fh.) An epitome of logic > in four parts. 1795, 12. (3 fh. Ó d.) *DRAPER, [Eliza] Mrs. Elegant letter. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1793. Jan. p. 21.) * DRAPER, [William] Lecturer of Allhallows, Io». don-Wall and late Curate of the nets? church' Wolverhampton* A probationary sermon. 1791. 8. (I fh.) Twenty sermons on various subjects. 1796. 8., (6 fh.) *DRENNaN> [William] As. Dr. Physician in Dublin. Letter to — Earl Fitzwilliam, Lord Lieut. — of Ireland. 1795. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Letter I. 2. to the R. H. WHL Pitt. 1799. 8. (I sh.)" Strictures on Edm. Burke. (Monthly Magaz. Y. Ì799. Sept* p. 595») On the yellow fever. (Ibid. Y. 1799. p. 849.) Letter on the yellow fever, (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1800. p. 349.) *DREW,[S ] On the immateriality and immortality of the hu- man foul, founded solely on physical and ratio- nal principles. Bristol. Ed.2. 1803. (7 fh.) Re- marks on the first pact of Thomas Paine age of reason. Ed. 2. 1803. *DREWJTT, [ ] of Chedder. ^Why are you a churchman? a plaiu question answered, in a dialogue between Mr. Fitz-Adam and John Oakley. 1799. 12. (4 d.) •DREWITT, [Thomas] Rev. Illustrations of falsehoods contained in Mr. Spen- cer s late publication (Truths respecting Mrs. Han- nah Morels meeting houses <&c.) I801. 8. (4 d.) ♦DRIVER, [A ] — — and W, Driver's remarks on waste lands in Hampshire, (Bath Agxic. Soc. Vol.8, p. 144O ♦DROUGHT, [Robert] Rev. Select odes of Ariaereon, with critical annotations. To which are added translations and imitations of other 303 other ancient authors; by the late Rev. fferculer Younge and published by Rob. Draught* 1802^ 12, (3 sb. 6 d.) #DHUMMOND, [ ] and Bromley, tobi or the history of three fingered jack. 1800. (4 sh.) 4D PvU M M OND, [George] Letter on larches. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 7. p. 46.) • DRUMMÛND, [George Hay] Verfe9 social and domestic. I802« 12. tDRUMMOND, [J ] Surgeon in the Service of the East India Company, Observations respecting the Guinea worm. (Dun- cans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol.8, p. 294.) ♦DRUMMOND, [Pet. A.... H ] A substitute for red clover. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.24, p. 533.) ♦DRUMMOND, [William] Esq. As. P. A review of the governments of Sparta and Athen. 1794. 8. (6 Hi.) The satires of Perjius , transla- ted. 1798. 8'. (4 sh.) DRURY, [Obrien] Captain. Observations on the magnetic fluid. (New-York .Magas* Y. 1796. Ian. p. 27.) *DRYDEN, [John] Jun. Esq. Flagellation of the whigs, a poem, in imitation of the first satire of JuvenaU 1792. 4. (2 sh. 6d.) * D R Y S D A L E , [ John ] D. D: F. R. S. Edinb. One of the Ministers of Edinb. One of his Maj^ Chaplain s and principal Clerk to the churck of Scotland. born at KirkalJy in the county of Fife 1718. April 29. died 1788- June l6. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1788. June p, 565. Monthly Rev. Y 1793. M-iy. p. 11. Sermons by the late John Dry (dale D. D. To which is prefixed an account of the author s life and character, published by Andrew Dalzel. Vol. I. 2. 1793. 8. (12 sn.) iibers. Th. 1. 3. Wien. I79Ó- 8- *DRYSDALe, [William] The Ucred scripture theory of the earth. New^ Castle. 1798* 8. 3°4 *0U BOIS, [Edward] The wreath, composed of selections from Sappko, Theocritus, Bion and Mofckus; accompanied by a prose translation, with notes. To which are acLted remarks on Shakespeare- &c, and a eonipa- rison between Horace and Luciari. 1799. 8« (6 ih.) DUCHE, [Jacob] Preacher at Bow church in Gheapfide. * Observations on a variety of subjects,. literary, moral and religious —; Ed. 3. 179I. 8. (3 6d.) Sermons. Vol. 1. 2. 17.. 8. 1 (Several single sermons*) • < *DUCKET, .[Mark]~>*. Account of his hand-hoe. (.Comm.,to the B. of Agr. Vol. 2. p. 424.) > ^DUDGEON, [Robert] of Tynningham. Account of culture of beans and wheat. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol-17, p. 144.) DUDLEY, [Henry Bate] Justice of the peace for the' County of Effcx. (Editor of the morning Herald.) The woodmary a comic opera; the music composed by fV. Shield. 1791. 8. (iosh. 6 d,) The travellers in Switzer- land , a comic opera. 1793. 8. ( I sh. 6 d. ) A few observations on the present state of'the poor and the defects of the poor laws, with some re- marks upon parochial assessments and expenditu- res. 1803. 8. (I sb. 6 d.) Letter on gaining land from the sea. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 6. p. 57*) '" '':" * DUDLEY, [Thomas] See Fosbrooke;' *DUFFIELD, [Benjamin] M. Dr: Fellow of the Col lege of Physicians of Philadelphia. Cafe of inverted uterus. (Tr. of Phyít of Philacl. Vol. I. P. I. P.Ï67.) *DUFOUR, [ ] On diseases in the urinary passages — to« which are added some new observations on the. venereal disease. 1795. 8- (i sh.) ^DUFOUR, [Alexander] Architect. Letter to the nobility and gentry composing the committee for railing the naval pillar or monu- ment — iu answer to the letter of John Flax- man > Sculptor. 1799. 4. (i sli, ó d.) DUGUD, 305 DU/jUD, [Patrick] Physician at Durham. born 1751. dice! at Lisbon 1783. March. 12. (He afterward added to his name that of Leslie: See Patrick Dugud Leslie; Reuss G. E. p. ng and 2390 DUIGENAN. [Patrick] Esq. LL. Dr. One of the Re* presentattves of ike city of Armagh in Par» hatnent. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 332. Lachrymae academicae; 17.- The speeches of him and of Sir Thomas Osborne, Bart, oti the ca- tholic bill in the Irish house of commons. 1795. 8- ( I sh. ) An answer to the address of the R, H. Henry Grattan to his fellow - citizens of Dublin. 1797. A fair representation of the present politi- cal state of Ireland in a course of strictures on two pamphlets, one entitled „the cafe of Ireland re- considered,, the other, «considérations on the state of public affairs in 1799 — Ireland; particularly on a pamphlet entitle i, „ the speech of Lord Mint* in the house of peers. 1799. £ (4 sh, ó d. ) Speech on the subject of an incorporating union between Great-Britain and Ireland. 1800. 8- (l sh. 6 d.) Speech in the Irish house of commons Febr. 5. 1800. on the motion for approving his Maj. condudt in declining the negotiation with the french government. 1800. (I sh. 6 d.) *DUMMER, [Jeremy] Defence of the new England charters. 17.. 8, (J Dollar.) DUN, [John] Minister at Auchinleeh, Ayrshire. born 1722. died 1792. Oct. II. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1792. Oct. p. 965. DUNBAR, [James] LL. Dr: Profeffar of Moral Phi- losophy in the University of Aberdeen. born died 1798. May. 28. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. June. p. 539. Jul. p. 622. •DUNCAN, [ ] Letter to Sir Walter Farquhar, Bart, on the sub- ject of a particular affection of the bowels very frequent and fatal in the East-Indies. 1802. 8. (2 sh.) g.«ss û. £. Surpi. U * DUNCAN, 2>o6 *DUNCAN, [Alexander] D. D. Vicar of Bolam, Northumberland, Chaplain of his Ma), skip Venerable — and now of his Maj. skip Kant of 74 guns y Lord Duncan's flag skip. Miscellaneous essays, naval, moral, political and divine. 1799. 8- (3 fh.) *DUNCAN, [Alexander] D. D. Miniser of SmaU holm. History of the revolution 16S8. giving an account of the manner in which it was accomplished and its happy effects, particularly to the kingdom and church of Scotland. 1790. 8. The devout com- municant's assistant, or, the nature and end of the Lord's supper explained and the obligations to partake of it considered. 1792. 12. (l fh.) DUNCAN, [Andrew] Sen. M. Dr. F. R, and A. S. Edin. Frofeffor of the theory of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh. Medical commentaries for the year 1790. (6 fh.) 1791. (6 fh.) 1792. (6 fh.) 1793. (6 fh.) 1794, (ófh.) 1795. (7 fh.) 8. Annals of Medicine for the Y. 1796. 8. (7 fh.) Y. 1797. (ófh.) Y. 1798. (ófh.) Y. 1799. (8 fh.) Y. 1800. (8fh.) Y.1801. (8fh.) Y. 1802. (8 fh.) Account of Sir Akx. Dick, Bart, of Prcstonsicld, late President of the Roy. College of Physic, of Edinb. and F. R. S. Edin (Tr. of E. S. Vol.2. App. p. 58.) Heads of lectures on the institutions of medicine. Ed. 5. T801. 8. *DUNCAN, [Andrew] Jun. M. Dr. Tentamen inaugurale de Swietenia Soymida. Edinb. 1794. 8. DUNCAN, [John] D. D. Reclor of South Warmh- rough, Hants. Two discourses, tending to assuage the animosity of party fpirií in religion and to explore the mer- ciful designs of providence, in the permission of the worst offences. 1792. 8. (i fh. ó d.) The condemnation pronounced against all mere preten- ces of religion; a sermon. 17Ó9. Ed. 2. 1791.8» (I fh.) The libertine and infidel led to reflection, by calm expostulation. 1799. 8. (Ó fh.) (Several single sermons.) * DUNCAN, 3o? * D U N C A N, [John] D. D. A mtthodist minister at 'JVinton, in Dorsetshire. Theatrical amusements. 17.. «f DUNCAN, [Jonathan] Esq. Historical remarks on the coast of Malabar with some description of the manners of its inhabitants. (Asiat, Res. Vol. 5. p. I.) An account of two fa- keers, with their portraits. (Ibid. Vol, 5. p. 37.) An account of the discovery of two urns in the vicinity of Benares. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 131.) *DUNDAS, [Henry] Rio ht Honourable. Secretary of the state for the war Dejoartmeîtt ìsfe» See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p.2l6. Heads of his speech in the house of Commons Febr. 25. 1793- on stating the affairs of the East- India Company with an appendix of estimates, 1793. 8. (3 fh.) Substance of his speech on the British government and trade in the East-Indies Apr. 23. 1793. 4. Speech — 15 March 179Ó. 011 the farther consideration of the report of the com- mittee upon the bill for the abolition of the strive- trade, with a copy of the bill. 1796. 8- (l sh.) Substance of his speech — in the house of Com- mons Febr. 7. T799. 0,1 tne subject of the legis- lative union with Ireland. 1799. 8- (l fh) Sub- stance of his speeches — on his Maj. message for declining to treat at present with France and his objections to an inquiry into the late expedition to Holland, With a preface, touching briefly on the state of public affair's. 1799. 8. (2 fh.) Sub- stance of his speech — on Mr. Grey^s motion for an inquiry into the state of the nation — 1801. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Letter to the court of Directors of the East-India Company, on the Indian debt, June 30. I80I. with official documents. I80Ï. (5 fh.) DUNDONALD, [Archibald] Earl of (His family name is Cochran^ A treatise shewing the intimate connection that subsists between agriculture and chemistry. —- 1795* 4* C1 L. I fh.) Directions for extracting gum from the lichen, or tree moss &c. (N/tf/zoZ- Jons Journal. Vol. 5, p. 238») The principles U % of 308 of chemistry, applied to the improvement of the practice of agriculture. 1799. 4. ( 10 ill. 6d. ) On potatoes. (Young's A, of Agr, Vol. 24. p. 5140 *DUNLAP, [J ] D. D. The lord of nile, an elegy. 1799. 4. •DUNLAP, [William] Tell the truth and shame the devil, a comedy in 2 acts. 1797. 8. The archers or mountaineers of Switzerland, an opera in 3 acts. 1797. 8. Pi- zarro, or the death of Rollo, with notes marking the variations from the original. New-York. I800. First idyl of Gesner, translated from the german. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1796. Jan. p, 490 *DUNMORE, [R.....] Jutt. An exposition of the principles of the english Jacobins. 1796. 8. (I ih.) •DUNN, [ ] Strictures on peace; The englishman and refor- mer, a dialogue. 1796* 8. (i fh.) «DUNN, [Edward] The investigator, or universal criterion of know- ledge , explaining the mysterious phaenomena of nature, .from the commencement to the conclusion of time. Numb. 1. 1797. 8. ( I fh. ) The exi- stence of God, in three persons philosophically proved, with the manner by which they influence each other and also mankind, submitted to the consideration of jews, christians, deists — 1799» 8. (3 d.) The diurnal and annual motions of the world philosophically accounted for: with the causes of the variation of time — necessary for the perusal of astronomers. 1799. 12. (4 d.) *DUNN, [Samuel] Esq. Letter on potatoes. (Tr. of the Soc# for the E. of A. Vol. 9. p. 38.) ^DUNNING, [John] Esq. Directions to a student of law. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1791. Aug. p. 81» New-York Magaz. Y, 179^. April, p. 233.) 309 vDUNNING, [Richard] Surgeon* at Vlymouth-Dock. Some observations on vaccination or (he inocula- ted cow-pox, with a view to determine the que- stion of pustules, 1800. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) *DUNSCOMBE, [T ] The tribute of affection to the memory of the late Dr. Evans1, a discourse — to which is added Dr. Evans advice to the students written and ad- dressed to them in the Y. 1770. 1792. 8. (i sh.) *DUNSFORD, [Martin] Merchant. Historical memoirs of the town and parish of Tiverton in the county of Devon, collected from the best authorities? with notes and obser- vations. 1790. 4. (12 sh. 6 d.) *DE DUNST AN VILLE, [ ] Lord. Account of a fat ox. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 33. p. 636.) Crops and prices. (Ib. Vol.34, p. 2Ó3.) Provision for the poor. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 2Ó4.) Queries on the state of poors, crops and prices, with the answers from various countries (Ibid. Vol.34, p.266. 594'6l7- 635-660. Vol.35, p. 1-22.) Crops in Cornwall. (Ibid. Vol.36, p. 106.) DUNSTER, [Charles] As. A. Cider, a poem, in two books by John Philips; with notes provincial, historical and classical; 1791.8. (4 sh.) Paradise regained, a poem in 4 books, by John Milton , with notes ot various authors. 1795. 4. ( 18 sh. ) Considerations on Milton s early reading and the prima stamina of his „paradife lost,,, together with extracts from a poet of the XVI century in a letter to Will* Falconer, M. D. 1800. 8. (5 sh.) On apple trees. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 33. p. I.) *DUPP A, [Richard] , A journal of the most remarkable occurrences that took place in Rome, upon the subversion of the ecclesiastical government in 1798. 1799. 8. (4^0 Ed.2. 1799- 8. (7 fh.) «DUQUERY, [Henry] Esq. Speech in the house of Commons in Ireland the 22 Jan. 1795. on the address to the king, on pro- U 3 poling 3ro posing an amendment to entreat his Maj. not to refuse entering into á négociation with the present government of France for the attainment of peace. 1795. 8. (I sh.) * DURHAM, Lordbijkoy of — See Shute Bar- rings on. * DURHAM, [James George] A. B. Christianity the friend of man. 1803. 8. (4 Hi,) DURNFORD, [Charles] Esq. Barrister at Law. — and Edw. Hyde East's report of cafes argued and determined in the court of King's bench — Vol. 3. 4. sol. Vol. 5. 1794. sol- (3 I" 8 sh.) Vol. 6, 179Ó. fol. (2L. 4 sh.) Vol. 7. 1798. fol. (2L. 8sh-) Vol. 8. 1800. sol. (2 L. 3 sh.) — and Edw. Uyde East's term reports in the court of King s bench — Vol. 1. 2. 1794. 8. (19 sh,). Vol. 3. I79Ó. 8. (19 sh.) Vol. 4. 1799. (19^0 Vol, 5. I800, 8. Reports of adjudge J cafes in the court of common pleas, during the time Lord Chief justice /Filles presided in that court; together with some few cafes of the fame period determi- ned in the house of Lords, Court of chancery and exchequer chamber; taken from the MSS. of Lord Chief justice WilUî with notes — 1799* sol. (I L. 18 sh.) *DUTHY, [John] Esq. Observations on the present high price of provi- sions. 1S00, 8. (I sh.) The ^different effects of peace and war on the price of bread corn, consi- dered in an examination of principles attempted to b<* established from the yearly rates of the mar- ket by J. Brand. 1801. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) DUTTON, [H.... F....] and S.... DUTTON. — . and j\nn Fletcher > the study of history rendered easy, by a plan founded on experience. Vol.1. England. Vol.2- Rome. 1799. 12. (çsti.) «DUTTON, [Thomas] A.M. A vindication of che age of reasort by Thomas Paine, in answer to the strictures of Mr, Gilbert Wakefield and Dr. Priestley on his celebrated per* formance. I/95. 8. ( 2 sh. 0 d. ) Ariel, or a picture of the human heart. 1796. 8- (I.ft.) The life and opinions of Sebaldns 'Nothanker: translated from the g^rman of Fred. Nicolai. 3U Vol. 1-3. 1796. 1798. 8. (14 sb.) The literary census; a satirical poem, with notes. &c. including free and candid strictures on the pursuits of litté- rature and its anonymous author. 1798. 8 (3 sh. 6 d.) Pizarro in Peru, or the death of Rolla: translated from the german of Aug. t>. Kotzebue, with notes. 1799. 8- (2 Hi. 6 d ) The wife man of the east, or, the apparition of Zoroaster, the son of Oromases, to the theatrical midwife of Leicesterfields; a satirical poem. 1800. 8. (2 sh, 6 d.) A brief sketch of the principal features which distinguish the character of his present Ma- jesty George ill. 1802. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) BUTTON, [Warren] Poem on the present state of littérature. Hartford. 1800. 8. *DW1GHT, [Nathaniel] A short but comprehensive system of the geogra- phy of the world; Ed. 2. enlarged and improved* Boston. 1795. 12. *DWIGHT, [Nathaniel] M. Dr. Abstract of a dissertation on the fick head-ach read before the Med. Soc. of Hartford County, Connecticut. (Medical Repository. Vol. 3. p. 180 D WIG HT, [Timothy] D. D. born in the town of Northampton, state of Massachusetts, in May 1752. See Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. July. p. I. vstisck tmd Ebelings Amerik. Mag. B. I. St, 4. S. 45. The conquest of Canaan. Hartford. 1785» reprin- ted in Loudon 178Ó. Ed. 2. Hartford. 1795. 8. (6 sh.) Greenfield hill, a poem in seven parts. New-York. 1794. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) Republished London 1797. 8. (3 sh. ó d.) Numerous smaller poems, published at various periods; but princi- pally collected in American poems, selected and original, Vol. 1. Lichtfield, Connect. 1793. A dissertation on the poetry , eloquence &c« of the bible. 17.. (this title is not exact). A sermon on the capture of Gen. Bourgoyne. 1777 or 1778. ('this title is not exact). Sermon delivered — at the general election in May 179I. A discourse U 4 on 313 — on the genuineness and authenticity of the new testament. 1794. The true means of establishing public happiness, a sermon. 1795. The nature aud danger of infidel philosophy in two discourses. 1799- (l fh. 6 d.) The friend. (American Mu- seum Y, 1789. Jan. p. 69. March p. 220. May p. 445. June p. 564, Aug. p. 154. Oct. p. 283.) Reflexions on second marriages of men —; (Ibid. Y. 1789. Dec. p. 437.) Essay on taste, (Ibid. Y. 1791. July p. 52.) *DWYER, [P. ... W....] The shield of the united kingdom of Great-Rri- tain and Ireland, a poem. 1803. 4. (2 ill. 6 d.) *DYDE, [W ] Printer of Tetpkesbury. The history and antiquities of Tewkesbury from the earliest periods to the present time — with account of the medicinal water near Tewkesbury. I790» 8- (3 shO Ed. 2. with considerable addi- tions and corrections. 1798. 8. (6 sh.) *DYER, [George] Esq. A B, late of Emanuel College Cambridge; now a Member of Clifford's - Inn, See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 480. Enquiry into the nature of subscription to the 39 articles 1790. Ed. 2. 1792. 8. (6 sh, 6 d.) Poems. 1792. 4. (3 sh.) The complaints of the poor people of England — Part 1-4. Ed. 2. 1793. 8, (2 fh.) Slavery and famine, punishment for se- dition; or an account of New South Wales and of the miserable state of the convicts, by George Thompson, who sailed in the Roy, Admiral, May 1792. with some preliminary remarks; and a Iketch of the character of Thomas Fijsche Pal' mer B. D, late senior fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge. 1794. 8. (2 fh.) Dissertation on the theory and practice of benevolence. 1795. 8» (2 fh.) Memoirs of the life and writings of Robert Robi?ison, late Minister of the dissenting congregation in St. Andrew's Parish, Cambridge, J79Ó, 8. ( 8 sh. ) libers, von Ludw. The0hid Ko* Jegarten. Leipzig. 1800. 8» The' poet's fate, a poetical dialogue. 1797, 8. (I fh. 6d.) An engliih prologue and epilogue to the latin comedy of igno- ramus, written by George Ruggle> formerly fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge, and performed by incm* 313 bers of the University, before King James in 1614 and IÓI5, with notes — 1797. 8. (I sh. 6 dj An address to the people of Great-Britain on the doctrine of libels and the office of jurors. 1799. (2 sh. 6 d.) Poems and critical essays on various branches of poetry. Vol. 1.2. 1802. 8. (ioíh.ód.) On enghih versification. ( Monthly Magazin Y. 1798. Fcbr. p. 114. April p. 260.) On coins, (ibid. Supplem. to VoL 5. 542.) On the peculiarities of the quackers. (Ibid. Y. 1798. Nov. p. 34T.) On Rcbinsons's translation of Claude. (Ibid. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 621.) On the word dramatic. (Ibid. Y. 1800. Febr. p. 8.) On igo^tjpk, a singular kind of verse in the greek anthologia, (Ibid. Y. l8oò. Sept. p. 134. Y. 1801. May. p. 318.) On greek pronunciation. (Ibid. Y. I8ÒI. Jan. p. 496.) ♦DYSON, [R R ] See H. G. Oldfield. ♦DYSON, [Theophilus] Surgeon. Extract from a description and dissection of a disea- sed spermatic vein, (Mem. of M. S. of London. Vol. 3. p. 55Ó.) A cafe of ulceration of the larynx and superior part of the trachea. (Ibid. Vol^ 4- p. 390.) El A DON, fjohn] Teacher of tht Mathematics in the free writing and grammar schools, Sheffield.. Arithmetician's guide; 17. . The arithmetical and mathematical repository, being a new impro- ved system of practical arithmetic, in all its bran- ches, designed tor the use of schools 3 academies, counting-houses. — Vol. I. 1793, 8. (6 sh. ó d.) * E A G £ R , [Richard] of Graffkam farm , near Guild- ford, Surry. Explanation of the cut of his instrument for re- lieving hoveu cattle. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 14, p. 242. 249.) *EARLE, [James] Esq. F. /?. & Surgeon extraordi- nary to his Majeftifs Household a?id Senior Sur- geon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The chirurgical works of Percival Pott's: To which are added, a lhort account of the life of the author; a method of curing the hydrocele by injection and occasional notes and observations. Vol. 1-3. 1790. 8. (I L. 1 fb.) On the hydro- U 5 celc 1 314 cclc — with the radical cure. 1791. 8* Appendix-, 1793- 8. (6 d.) fibers. Leipzig. 1794. 8. Practi- cal observations on the operation for the ftone, 1793- 8. (4 fh.) Observations on the cure of the curved spine, in which the effect of mechani- cal astiitance is considered; also an essay on the means of lessening the effects of fire on the human body. 1799. 8. (4 sh.) An account of a new mo- de of operation for the removal of the opacity in the eye, called cataract. 1801. 8. (3 fh.)' *EARLE, [John] Rever. Remarks on the prefaces prefixed to the I and 2 volumes of a work entitled, the holy bible or books accounted sacred by jews and christians, faithfully translated by Alex* Geddes, LL. D. in 4 letters addressed to him. 1799. (3 *EARLE, [William] Jan. Natural faults, a comedy. 17.. The welstimari| a romance. Vol. I - 4. 1801. 12. (16 fh*) *EARNSHAW, [C ] The wreath: or, miscellaneous poetical gleanings; including originals from respectable sources. 1801. 8 (4 Ai. 6 d.) EASON, [Alexander] M. Dr. Physician in Manchester, born .... died at Manchester 1796 May 2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. June. p. 527. Duncan's Annals of Medicine Y. 1796. p. 424. On the uses of acids in bleaching of linen. (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1789. March, p. 226.) EAST, [Edward Hyde] Esq, of the Inner - Temylc: Barrister at Latv. 1 See Charles Durnford. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the court of King's bench with tables of the names of cafes and principal matters. Vol. I. containing the casci in the forty first year of George 3. Y. 1800- I80Ï. I80I.8. slU 3 ft. 6d.) Vol. 2. P. I. 2. I802. 8. (1 L. 2 ib. 6 d.) Vol. 3- P. 1.2. 1803. 8. (iL. 2 sb- 6 d.) A treatise on the pleas of the crown. Vol. 1. 3. 1803. 8. (iL. 18 fh.) *EAST, 315 *EAST> [Hinton] Account of cinnamon. (Tr4 of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 9. p, 193.) •EASTCOTT, [Richard] Rev. of Exeter. Sketches of the origin, progress and effects of music, with an account of the antient bards and minstrels. 1793, 8- (5 stO ♦EASTON, [Jamei] Esq, Justice of the fence and Alderman of Salisbury. born 1723. died at Salisbury 1799. Dec, 2\. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800, Jan. p. 84* Al)g. Litt.Z*it, ItB). J. I800. p. 1802. Human longevity or the records of 1712 persons, who attained a century and upwards, from A. D, IÓ66 to 1799 , comprising a period of upward* 1733 years, with anecdotes of the most remarka- ble. 1799. *EATON, [. ...'.] Formerly Cotisai at Bossora. Account of the Arabian mode of curing fractured limbs. (Dunctns M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 9. p. 292.) *EATON, [David] Scripture the only guide to religious truth: a nar- rative of the proceedings of the society of baptists in York, in relinquishing the popular systems of re- ligion, from the study of the scriptures. 1800. 8. (2 ih.) Letters to John Graham in answer to hit defence of scripture doctrines as understood by the church of England and in vindication of a narra- tive of the proceedings of a society of baptists m York, in relinquishing popular systems of religion. I801. 8. (3 st>.) ^EATON, [Samuel] On the woollen, cotton and silk manufactures. (Youngs A, of Agr. Vol. 10. p, 440.) *ECCLESTON, [Thomas] Esq. of Scaresbrick- Castle, near Ormfkirk, Lancashire, Improvement of a bog, with observât, by A. Young. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 6. p. I.) Account of Martin meer, formerly a large pool or lake of frcih water. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 7. p. 51-77.) Description of his invented eugre or peat-borer, for draining boggy land. ( Youngs (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 19. p. 165.) Remar. kable culture of potatoes. (Ibid. Vol, 37. p. 87.) ^E D DIS , [William] Late Surveyor of the customs itfe. at Annapolis in Maryland. Letters from America, historical and descriptive, comprising occurrences from 1769 to 1777 in- clusive. 1792.3. f 7 sb. 6 d.) *EDDY, [J ] M. S. D. Plain and useful instructions for the relies and cure of ruptures. 1800. EDEN, [William] Lord AUCKLAND. LL. Dr. F.R.S. Privy-Counsellor in Ireland and Auditor and Director of Greenwich - Hospital, See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. I. *Some remarks on the apparent circumstances of the war in the 4 week of October 1795. 1795. 8. (I fh. 6 d,) ubers. Hamburg. 1795. 8- The sub- stance of his speech — the 3 May 1796 on the oc- casion of a motion made by the Marquis of Lans- down. 1796. 8« ( I fh. ) The substance of his speech — the 8 Ja». 1799. *n tne nol,fe of peen on the 3 reading of the bill for granting certain duties upon income. 1799. 8. (i ib.) The sub- stance of his speech — in the house of peeri, April II. 1799 — on the proposed address to hit Maj, respecting the resolutions adopted by the two houses of parliament as the basis of an union bet- ween Great-Britain and Ireland. 1799. 8. (I fh.) Substance of his speeches in the house of Lords May ló and 23. 1800. in support of the bill for the punishment and more effectuai prevention of the crime of adultery. 1800. 8- (i ib.) Discourse on banishment. (See History of New Holland from its discovery in IÓIÓ to the present time. 1787.8-) A comparative view of certain public circumstan- ces in the respective periods of 1783. 1784 and 1785. I79Ó. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 26. p. 487>> *EDEN, [Sir Frederik Morton] Bart. His Majesty's Envoy at the Court of Vienna. The state of the poor: or an history of the la- bouring classes in England from the conquest to the present period —, Vol. I-3. 1797. 4. (3 L. 3 M 317 3 fli.) Porto-Bello, or t plan for the improve- ment of the port and city of London y illustrated by 4 plates. 1798. 8. (2 fh 6 d.) An estimate of the number of inhabitants in Great-Britain and Ireland. I80I. 8. (2 fli. 6 d.) Observations 011 friendly societies, for the maintenance of the indu- strious classes, during sickness, infirmity, old age and other exigencies. 1801. 8. (I fh.) Eight let- ters on the peace and 011 the commerce and ma- nufactures of Great-Britain. 1802. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) State of the poor in the town ihip of Headingley. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol.28, p. 24Ó.) Of the diet, dress, fuel and habitation of the labouring classes. (Ibid. Vol. 28. p. 449.) Soup tor the poor. (Ibid. Vol.28, p. 581.) State of the poor at different periods. (Ibid. Vol. 29. p. 5.) Paro- chial guilds, (ibid. Vol.29. p. 105.) Employment of the poor at Shrewsbury houie of industry, (lb. Vol.34, p. 571.) <*EDGE WORTH, [Henry] Esq. at Edgeworths town in the County of Longford in Ireland. An abstrait of observation* of the weather of 1798. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 7. p.317-) *EDGEWORTH, [Marie] (Pittet lettre sur MarieEdgeworth et de fa famille; See Decade Philosophique ác. An X. Tiiin. 2* p. 489. — Ptfìet Voyage en Angleterre — &c. à Geneve. I802. p. X84.) Letters for literary la- dies; 17.. The parent's affiliant; 17.. Practi- cal education. 1798. 4. (l L. IO fh.) fibers, von G. W. Th 1. Gottingen. 1803. 8. Belinda; Vol. 1-3. 1801. 8. (IÓ sh. 6 d.) ubers. Th. I. Leip- zig- 1803. 8. Early lessons. P. I. 2. Harry and Lucy; P.3-5. Rosamond P. 6-IO. Frank. 1801. 24. ( 5 sh. 6 d.) Castle Rackrent; 17.. Three stories for young children. 1802. 24. (6 d.) — and Richard Lovell Edgiworth essay on Iriih. bulls. 1803. 8. (5 fh.) Moral tales for young people. Vol. 1-5. 1802. 12. (15 fh. 6 d.) EDGEWORTH, [Richard Lovell] Esq, F. R. S. and M. R. J. A, Letter on the telegraph and on the defence of Ireland. 1796. 8. (I fh.) Poetry explained, for the 318 the use of young people. 1802.12. (2 fh.) Atîdi, tional anecdotes of the late Dr. Darwin. (Monthly Mogaz. Y. 1802. Sept. p. 115.) Hints for per- sons travelling in France. (Ibid. Y. 1803. April, p. 205.) An essay on the art of conveying kcrct and swift intelligence. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. ó. p. 95, p. 313. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 2. p. 319.) De- scription and use of a cheap and simpJc apparatus for teaching the first principles of mechanics, (lb. Vol. 4. p. 443.) On the practicability and acl- vantages of a general system of rail roads and the means of carrying the fame into effect. (Ib. Y. I802. March, p. 221.) Description of a cheap, simple and portable instrument, for determining the positions of objects in taking a picture from the life. (Ib. Y. 1803. April p.28l.) *EDINGTON, [Robert] Plans for erecting a penitentiary house for the em- ployment of convicts and for the prevention of frauds and thefts in his Maj. Dock-yards, pu- blic works And stores; strictures on the alarming progress of the Blackwal) rock in the river Tha- mes. A description of a new invented life boat; and a plan of a railway from Loudon to Ports- mouth, on a superior construction. 1803. (10 ill. 6 d.) *EDK1NS, [Joshua] A collection of poems, mostly original by several hands. 1801. 8. ^EDMONDS, [T ] Minister of the Gospel. A scriptural representation of the abolition of the fourth command , so far as it related to the ob- servance of a particular day, and a vindication of their conduct who observe the first day as the Sab- bath. In 5 letters — in which the arguments of the Sabbatarian are considered and refuted and the observation of the christian sabbath enforced. l8or. 8. (6 d.) A further consideration of die arguments of the Sabbatarians, being a reply to the remarks of Mrs. Ann Alsop and those of her two friends. 1801. 12. (9 d.) *EDMONSTON, [^nhur] Surgeon. An account of an ophthalmia, .which appeared in the 319 the 2 regiment of Argyleshire fencibles, in the months oí Jan» Febr. March and April 1802. with sonic observations on the Egyptian ophthalmia, I802. 8. (l sli.) *EDMUNDS, [Richard] One of the Attornies of the office of pleas in the court of exchequer. The solicitor's guide to the practice of the office of pleas in his Maj. court of exchequer, at West, minitcr; in which are introduced bilk of coasts in various cafes and a variety of useful precedents, with a compleat index to the whole. 1794. 8* (6 'sh.) *ED RIDGE, [Rebecca] The lapse of time, a poem for the new year. 1802. 4. (1 sh.) EDWARDS, [Bryan] Esq. M. P: for Grampoutid, co. Cornwall. F. R. S. born died tSOO. July 16. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. July, p. 702* Al,£. P>793» Allgem. Litter. Zeit. J. I8oi. ltBL S. 838. The history civil and commercial of the British colonies in the West-Indies. Vol. I. 2. 1793-4- (2 L. 2 sh.) Additions — 1794. 4, (10 sh. 6 d.) Vol. 3. 1801. (i L. 5 sh.) List of maps and plants for the history civil and commercial of the British colonies in she West-indies. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 4.- * The proceedings of the governor assembly of Jamaica, in regard to the Maroun Negroes — to which is prefixed , an introductory account containing observations on the disposition, character, manners and habits of life of the ma- roons and a detail of the origin, progress and termination of the line war between these people and the white inhabitants. 179Ó. 8- (5 fh.) An historical survey of the french colony in the is- land of St. Domingo1, — 179?. 4. (13 fh.) ubers. Th. 1. Leipz, 1798. 8. *The crisis of the fg^r colonies; or an enquiry into the objects, and pro- bable effects of the French expedition to the West- Indies; and their connection with the colonial in- terests of the British empire. To which are sub- joined sketches of a plan for fettling the vacant lands of Trinidada. 1803. 8. (5 sh.) ^EDWARDS, *E D WARDS, [Edward] M. A. Vicar of Llanaman in Yall ami Curate of ÎVraxkam in the Dio- ceje of Sr. A sash* Browne Willis's (died 1760,) survey of St. Asaph considerably enlarged and brought down to the present time — with (he life of the author pre- fixed. Vol.I. 2. I802. 8. (18 sh.) EDWARDS, [Edward] Associate and Teacher of Per fioe clive in the Roy. Acad. A practical treatise on perspective, on the prin- ciples of Dr, Brooke Taylor. 1803. 4. ( I L. Ió sb.) «•EDWARDS, [Enoch] Introduction to a charge delivered to a grand jury for the county of Philadelphia, March 7. 1791. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1791. March, p. 153.) *EDWARDS, [George] Esq. of Bernard Castle. On perfecting the agriculture of this kingdom and on breeding calves. (Young1 s A. of Agr. Vol.3. p. 194O On the present scarcity. (Ibid. Vol 35. p. 209.) EDWARDS, [George] Esq. M. Dr. The great and important discovery of the 18 century and the means of setting right the natio- nal affairs —. 1791. 8. (5 sh.) The descriptions and characters of the different diseases of the hu- man body; to which is added an arrangement . of the medicines and preparations in the London pharmacopoeia, according to their respective vir- tues, being the first volume of the Franklivian improvement of medicine — I791* 4- ( 1° 6 d.) Effectuai means of providing, according to the exigencies of the evil against the distress ap- prehended from the scarcity and high prices of different articles of food. 1800.8. f I fh.) Practi- cal means of counteracting the present scarcity and preventing famine in future; including the proposal of a maximum sounded on a new prin- ciple: to which is prefixed an address to the le- gislature , on a plan for melioration the condition of society at large, 1801. 8. (3 A). 6 d.) The political interests of Great-Britain. — 1801. 8. (7 *M * EDWARDS, 331 ^EDWARDS, [Gerard Noel] Esq. M. P. Letter to the Secretary of the New-Town society of the friends of the people, in answer to his let- ter, inclosing, by order of the society, the reso- lutions agreed upon at their meeting, dated Edin. burgh 31 Dec. 1792. — 1793- 8. (6 d.) ♦EDWARDS, [J....] an Unitarian Minister. A vindication of the sentiments contained in a late address to the congregation of baptists, assembling in Byrom-Street, Liverpool. 1791. 8. ( I sh. ) Letter to the Rev. Mr. Medley, ( Preacher among the baptists) occasioned by his late behaviour, while engaged in the performance of divine ser- vice, in his new chapel. 1790. 8. Letters to the britiih nation and to the inhabitants of every other country , who may have heard of the late shameful outrages committed in this part of the kingdom, occasioned by the appearance of a pam- phlet intitled, „a reply to the Rev. Dr. Priestley's appeal to the public on the subject of the riots in Birmingham — P. 1-4. 1791. 1793. 8. (3 sh.) ♦ EDWARDS, [J ] On apple trees. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 33. P- 50 -EDWARDS, [Jonathan] D. D. Pastor of a church in Newkaven and Member of the Connecticut Soc. of arts and sciences. Observations on the languages of the Muhheka- ncew Indians; in which the extent of that lan- guage, in North-America, is shewn, its genius is grammatically traced; some of its peculiarities, and some instances of analogy between that and hebrew, are pointed out. (American Museum Y. 1789. Jan. p. 21. Febr. p. 141.) * E D W A R D S , [Peter ] Pastor of a baptist church at Portfea, Hams. Candid reasons for renouncing the principles of antipaedobaptism. 1795. 8. (3 sh.) EDWARDS, [T ] Law-Stationer. New table of all the stamp duties, completed tp the 9 of July 1801. Ed, 2. I801. (i sh.) *EDWARDS, [Timothy] of Stockbridge. Esq. Description of a horn or bone, lately found in Rmfs G< E. Sups I. X the t the river Chemung or Tyoga^ a western branch of the Susquehanna about 12 miles from Tyoga point. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 2. P.I. p. IÓ4.) EDWARDS, [Thomas] LL. D. born .... died ...«(?) Plutarchi de educationc liberorum liber; gr. et lat. cum variorum notis et animadveríìombug, I79I- 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) Discourse on the limits and importance of free inquiry in matters of' reli. gion, with a postscript on greek accents. 1792,8. (i sh.) Remarks on DwKi'pling's preface to Beza. P. 1. 1793. 8. (I sb. 6 d.) * EDWARDS, [Thomas] Surgeon, of Pukham. Cafe (Mem. of M. S. of London. Vol. 3. p. 555.) *EDY, [J ] M. S.D. Plain and useful instructions for the relief and cure of ruptures; — illustrated with engravings of the several instruments invented, made and im- proved by him, for the various deformities and infirmities of the human body. 1800. 8. (3sh. 6 d.) *EGAN, [James] Information of his improved method of teaching latin. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 5. p. 115.) *EGERTON, [Francis Henry] Eurifidis Hippolytus, graece cum fcholiis, ver. sione latina, variis lectionibus, Valckenari notis integrig ac felectis aliorum VV. DD. quibus suas •djecit. 1796. 4. (I L. IÓ fh.) Description of the underground inclined plane, executed at Walk- den Moor in Lancashire by the Duke of Bridge- water. (Nicholsons Journal, Vol. 4. p.454. Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 18. p. 265. TUIocIls Philos. Magaz. Vol. 9. p. 31.) *Earl of EGKEMONT, [ ] Experiment on dibbling v?heat, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 28- p. 396.) Cross of new Leicester and Dorset sheep. (Ibid. Vol. 28. p. 534») EKINS, [JefTery] D> D. Dean of Carlisle and Rettor of Sedgefield and Morpeth, co. Durham. born .... died 1791. Nov. 20. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Nov- p. iofo. * ELDER, ♦ ELDER, [Dwarf] Wonderful cure of the dropsy. (Massachusetts*! Magaz. Y. 1789- June. p. 3Ó4.) *ELGAN, [T ] The fallen farm-house. 1796. (6 d.) . *ELI0T, [Andrew] Rev. Letter, concerning the burning of Fairsield in July 1779. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. p. 103.) *ELIOT, [F P ] Esq. of Skenfione-Moss, near Litchfield, On the culture of Shenstone moss, near Litchfield. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 4. p. 414.) * ELIOT, [Jared] As. A. at Killingworth in Con- neBicut. Account of an animal surviving the loss of all the small guts. (American Museum* Y. 1788. Dec. p. 504O *ELIOT, [John] Esq. Observations on the inhabitants of the Garrow Hills, made during a publick deputation in the Years 1788 and 1789. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 3. p. 17.) *'ELIOT, [John] D. D. Topographical description of New-Bedford. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1795. p. 232.) A list of writers, who were citizens of Boston, with the time of their decease. (Ibid. Y. 1794. P« 3°°* ) * Historical scraps. (Ibid. Y. 1798. p. 20Ó.) *A narrative of the news papers printed in New-Eng- land. (Ibid. Y. 1798. p. 308. Y. 1799. P« 64.) «EUZA, [ ] Poems and fugitive pieces. 1796. 12. (6 fh.) *ELKINGTON, [ ] See John Johnstons. *ELLEN, [ ] of Exeter, The Neapolitan, or the test of integrity. Vol. 1-3. 1796. 12. (10 fh. 6 d.) *ELLERKER, [James] On the cultivation of flax and hemp. (Bath Agri- cult* Soc. Vol. 4. $.255>) *ELLIA, [Felix] Norman banditti or the fortress of Coutance; a tale. Vol, I. 2» 1799* 8. (7 fh.) X 2 *ELLI- 324 ^ELLICOTT, [Andrew] Esq, Commission Qr on tin part tf the United States, for running the line of demarcation between » them and the Spanish, territory. Description of the falls of Niagra. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1790. July. p. 387. Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790.. June. pi.331. New-York Magaz. Y. ; 3,794. Febr. p.,97.) Remarkable effect of terre- strial refraction on a distant Headland; Extract of a letter, containing observations on a singular phaenomenou, by seamen termed looming, made at lake-Erie. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 62..Nic/10/- fon's Journal. Vol. I. p. 152.) Accurate deter- núnatipn of the right ascension and declination of bootes and .the polar-Mar. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. Il6.), Astronomical observations made in the Y. ,1784 at Wilmington on the Delaware, by Kit1 en house, Page, Andrews and Lakens, Ewing Madison, Hutchins and Andr. Ellicott. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 32.) Of the aberration of the stars» nutation of the earth's axis and semi-annual equa- tion. (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 51.) A method of calcula- ting the eccentric anomaly of the planets. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 67.) Miscellaneous observations rela- tive to the western parts of Pennsylvania, particu- larly those in the neighbourhood of lake Eric. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 224. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. P* 539*) Observations on the old irench landing at Presqu' isle to determine the latitude of the town of Erie. (Tr. òf A. S. Vol. 4. p. 231.) Ob- servations for determining the latitude and lon- gitude of the town of Natchez. ( Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 447.) Astronomical and thermometrical observa- tions, made at the confluence of the M i ill ill p p i and Ohio rivers (Y. I796-I799)- (Ibid- Vol. 5. p. IÓ2.) Astronomical and thermometrical observa- tion, made on the boundary between the United States and his catholic Majesty (Y. 1798. 1799)» (Ibid. Vol. 5, p 203.) *ÊLLÎOT, [Charles Harrington] Esq. The republican confuted in a series of biogra- phical , critical and political strictures on Tlwti, Paints rights of mam 1791. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) * ELLIOT, 3^5 * E L LI O T, [E. .*...] of Kotkeram. A paraphrase on the book of Job, agreeable to the meaning of thé'(acred text, 1792. 12. (2 ill.) *ELLlOT, [Francis Fercival] 'Major of the Stafford- shire Volunteer Cavalry, Letters on the subject of the armed Yeomanry. 1794.8. (6d.) Ed. 3. 1796. Ost.) ^ELLIOT, [James] Surgeons mate. Account of a remarkable enlargement of the spleen* (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol 7. p. 495.) ELLIOT, [John] M, Dr. Apothecary at London* born .... died in Newgate. 1788- Observations on the affinities of substances in spi^ rit of wine. ( Philos. Transact. Y. 178Ó. p. 155.) Experiments and observations on light and co- lours; and the analogy between heat and motion, 1787. 8. (3 ft.) *ELLIS, [ ] On washing roads. (Comm. to the B. of Agiv Vol. 1. p. 207.) *ELLIS, [Charles Thomas] Of the Inner - Temple, Solicitor* The solicitor's instructor in parliament — to which is added an appendix of the various forms of proceedings, namely, notices, petitions, orders, brcviats, affidavits, letters of attorney, state of property, certificate, table of fees. 1799.8. (3 Hi.) Practical remarks and precedents of proceedings in parliament; comprizing the standing orders of both houses, relative to applying for and passing bills in general, with practical directions for eve- ry cafe and occasion. 1S02. 8. (7 sh. 6 d.) * ELLIS, [George] Esq. . * Specimens of the early English poets. 1790. 8. (6 ih.) Specimens of the early English poets, to which is prefixed an historical sketch of the rife and progress of the english poetry and language. Vol. 1.2. 3. 1801. 8. (iL. 1 sh.) Sec Greg. Lewis l'Vay% *ELLlS, [Henry] Fellow of St. John's College, Ox- ford, The history and antiquities of the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch and liberty of Norton FoU gate in the suburbs of London. 1798. 4. (16 sh.) X S * ELLIS, 356 *ELLïS, [Henry] Governour. Causes of hurricanes explained. [(American Mu- seum Y. 51791. Apr. p. 2T5.) **ELLIS, [John] Deputy of Broad-street ward, London. born 1705. died 1791. Dec. 31. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Suppl, p. 153g, (He wrote some Hudibrastic translations, but never put his name to any thing he published.) *ELLIS, [John] of New-Jersey. An account of a method of preventing the prema- ture decay as peach trees, (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 5, . P- 325 ) *ELLIS, [Jonathan] Rev. A topographical description of Topsham, in the county of Lincoln. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. p. 141.) *ELLIS, [William] Clerk of the Peace for the county of Sussex. Assize of bread. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 25, P. 270 * ELLIS, [William] Surgeon at Jamaica. History of a tetanic affection terminated favour!- bly. {Duncans M. C. Dec. 3, Vol. 9. p, 341,) * EL LIS, [William] Engraver. The campagua of London or view in the disse» rent parishes within the circumference of 25 miles from that metropolis, with some account of the history and topography of each parish and biogra- phical anecdotes of persons who have resided in them. The whole recollected from authentic re- cords and from local and personal information. Numb. 1-4. (each 6 fh.) 1791. 1792, 4. * ELLISON, [J s] at Hexham. Answer to Mr. Ford on planting potatoes. (Comm. and Agric, Mag. Y. l8or. March, p. 194.) * ELL MAN, [John] of Glynd, near Lewes. An account of the cxpence and produce of a flock of 560 Southdown ewes, stating the average for the last seven years, with observât, by A. Young* {Youngs A. of Agr, Vol. 11. p. 345.) Crop of 1790. at Glynd. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 1830 On sheep, (ibid. Vol. 20. p. 172.) Lewes agricultural mec* ting. Clbid. Vol. 31- p. 389.3940 Steeping wheat- 3^7 seed. (Ibid. Vol.32, p. 192.) South-Down we- ther. (Ibid. Vol.33, p. 220.) Markets and poor, Sussex. (Ibid. Vol.34. P-IÔ5-) On folding sheep. (Ibid. Vol.38, p. 50 ^ELMER, [Jonathan] M. Dr. and President of $ke medical society of New-Jersey, Dissertation on the chemical principles of bodies. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1788. Sept. p. 493.) On air, (Ibid. Y. 1788. Oec. p.677.) ^ELMORE, [H.... M.#..] Many years a Comman- der in the country in India and late Command.tr of the Varuna extra East - India man. The British mariners directory and guide to the trade and navigation of the Indian and China seas, wish an account of the trade, mercantile, habits, manners and customs of the natives. 1802. 4. ELPHINSTON, [James] Esq. Forty year's correspondence between geniufscs ov boath sexes and him; in six pocket volumes: soar ov oridginal letters, two' ov poetry. 1791. 8. ( I L. 1 fh.) Poctae sententiosi latini, Dhe sen- tencious poets; Pubblius, dhe Syrrian; C. D. La- berius, dhe roman knight; L* A. Senneca, dhe philosopher; D. Caro, dhe morralist; also, from Ausonius, dhe sayings ov dhe sevven greek sages 3 arranged and translated into* correspondent inglish mezzure. 1794. 12, (3 sh.) Fifty year's corrc* ípondence, inglish,. french and latin, in proze and verse, between geniusses ov boath sexes, and him \ including an appendix — — Vol. I. 2» 1794. 12* (7 fh.) *ELRINGTON, [Thomas] D. D: M. R. J. A. St- tiior FeUerp and Professor of Mathematics, in Trinity College-, Dublin. Sermons preached in the chapel of Trinity - Col- lege Dublin—. 179Ó. 8. (OCh.) *ELSAM, [Richard] Archhetl. An essay on rural architecture, illustrated with ori- ginals and economical designs; being an attempt also to refute by enalogy the principle of Mr* Maltons essay on cottage architecture. T& which are added, hints for rural retreat?, &c. and ^ de* sign for the naval pillar, 1803. (2 L. 2 fh.) X 4 *ELSON, 328 *ELSON, [Jane] Romance of the castle; — 17.. The village ro- mance; Vol* I. 2. I802. 12. f/fh.) *ELTON, [Sir Abraham] Bart. Letter to Thomas Bere, Rector of Butcombc, oc- casioned by his late unwarrantable attack on Mrs. Hannah More; with an appendix, containing let. ters and others documents relative to the extra- ordinary proceedings at Blagdon. 1800. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) *EMERSON, [Thomas] An Attorney of the Court of King's - Bench and one of the 4 Attornies of the Lord Mayor's Court. born .... died at Newcastle upon-Tync 1 i8or. Oct. 1. See Gentleman's Magaz. V. 1S01. Dec. p. 1149. A concise treatise on the courts of law of the city of London. 1794 8. (2 fh. 6 d. ) * EMMONS, [Nathaniel] Sermons 011 some of the first principles and doctri- nes of true religion. 1800. 8. ENFIELD, [William] LL. Dr. Pastor of the Congre- gation of Protestant Dissenters at Norwich,; formerly Letlurer in the belies Utters at tkt Academy at Warrington. born at Sudbury March 29. 174I. died 1797. Nov. 2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797, Nov. p. 98/. Dec. p. 1068. Monthly Magaz. Y. I797« N°v» p. 400. The new Annual Register. Y. 1798- P. 2. p. 36. Monthly Review Y. 1800. Sept. p. 67. Allgem, Litterat. 7eit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. iiol. See John Aiàiti. Institutes of natural philosophy , theoretical 3nd experimental, fid 2. with corrections and considerable additions. 1799. 4- ( I L- 1 sh- ) The histor^ o£ philosophy from the earliest times to *he beginning of the present century; drawn "p from Brucker's historia critica philoso- phic Vol. 1.2. 1791. 4. (2 L. 2fh.) A selection of hymns for social worship. 1795. 12. Sermons on practical subjects, prepared for the press by himself. To which are prefixed memoirs of the author. Vol, 1-3, 1798. 8* (iL. 1 fh.) The absur- 329 absurdity of those fanaticks who depreciate mora- lity. (Massachusetts Magaz, Y. 1791. Oct. p. 603.) (Several, single sermons.) ENGLEFIELD, [Sir Henry] Bart: F. R. S. and R A. S. On the determination of the orbits of cornets, ac- cording to the methods of father Boscovick and De la Place, with new and complete tables aiut examples of the calculation by both methods. 1793. 4. (15 sb.) A walk through Southampton; illu- strated with plates of its antiquities. 1801. 8. (5sh.) *ENGLEFIELD, [Sir Henry Charles] F. R. and A. S. Account of antiquities discovered at Bath. 1790. (Arch. Vol.10, p. 325.) On the effect of sound upon the barometer, with a note by Dr. Young. (Nicholsons Journal. Y. 1S02. July. p. 181.) Expe- riments on the separation of light and heat by refraction. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Oct. p. 125.) Obser- vations on some remarkable strata of flint in a chalk-pit in the isle of Wight. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 6. p. 103. 303.) ♦ENGLISH, [John George] late Teacher of the Ma- thematics in the Royal Navy. The first principles of arithmetic, vulgar and de- cimal, with the extraction of roots of different powers. To which is added, a concise compen- dium of book-keeping by Single Entry. 1795. 12. ( I sh. 6 d.) On the principles of equili- brium, and the stabilityj of floating bodies ap- plied to river and canal boats of different forms. (TiUock'f Philos. Magaz. Vol. 1. p. 393.) ^ENGLISH, [T . . . .] at Wooburn, Bucks. The dignity and uses of the moral law —; 1795. 8. (I sh.) -EN S OR, [George] Esq. The principles of morality. I80L 8. (6 sh.) * E R R A T T , [Thomas] Surgeon, Cafe of diseased kidneys and stone in the blad» den (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 53.) ERSKINE, [David Stewart] Earl of BUCHAN, in the kingdom of Scotland, See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 246. Essay on the lives and writings of Fletcher of Sal- X 5 toun 330 toun and the poet Thomson; biographical, critical and political: With some pieces of Thomson, nc. vcr before published, 1792. 8. Memoirs of the life of Sir James Stewart Den halm 9 Baronet, (Transact, of the Soc. of the Antiq. of Scoti. Vol. 1. p. 129.) Account of the parish of Up- hall. (Ibid. Vol, I. p. 139.) Account of the is- land of Ikolumkill; (Ibid* Vol. 1. p. 234.) Life of Mr. James Short, Optician. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 551.) ERSKINE, [John] D. D. Minister of Edinburgh. bom died 1803. Jan. 12. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 91. Apr. p.377- Sketches and hints of church history and theolo- gical controversy, chiefly translated and abridged from modern foreign writers. 1790. 8* (3ft) Ed. 2. 1802. Reply to a printed letter directed to him by A. C.; in which the gross and pal- pable misrepresentations, in the said letter of hii late iketches of church history, as promoting the designs of the infamous sect of the illuminati, arc considered. 1798- The fatal consequences and the general sources of anarchy, a sarmon on Isaiah 24, 1-5. 1792. 8. (6 d.) Discourses preached on several occasions. 1798. 8. (6 fh ) Letters writ- ten for comforting those bereaved , of children or friends. 1800. (i fh.) Supplement to Dr. Gills s historical collections relative to the success of the gospel. 1800. (I sh,) Discourses on various sub- jects by some of the most eminent divines of the United States. 1801. (7 fh.) (Several single sermons,) * ERSKINE, [John Francis] Esq. of Mar. . Price of corn in Scotland. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 17. p. 414O An account of the Mid-Lothian prices of oats -r with a progressive account of an average of 25 years , from 1636 to 1790. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 572.) Ploughing matches in Scotland, (Ibid. Vol.35, p. 119.) On iron roads, or wag- gon-ways. (Comm. to the B, of Agr. Vol. I. p- 203,) On Kilndrying wheaK (Young%$ A. of Agr. Vol. 37. p. 371.) * ERSKINE, tfERSKINE, [Thomas] As. P. Sec Public Characters of 1799-1800, p. 63. The argument on the right? of juries, in the case of the dean of St. Asaph, 179L 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Declaration of the friends of the liberty of the press. 1793. 8. (4 d.) His speeches at large, in defence of Thomas Hardy and John Home Tooke, Esq. tried by special commiflion on a charge of high treason; accurately taken in-short hand by Manoak Sibly. 1795. 8- (3 fh.) A view of the causes and consequences of the present war with France, 1797. 8. Ed. 1. Ed.22. (2ÍT1.) iiberf. Arcken- holz Minerva, J. 1797. May. Junius. His speeches (at length) and S. Kyd, Esq. at the court of Kings-Bench, Westminster, June 24. 1797- on the trial of T. Williams, for publishing Painis age of reason; with Lord Kenyon's charge to the jury. 1797. 8. (6 d.) Substance of his speech — on the motion for an address to the throne approving the refusal of ministers to treat with the french re- public, igoo. 8. (i fh.) Dissertation on the ori- gin of the engliih house of commons, delivered — Trinity college, Cambridge in June 1777. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. April p. 247.) Parody upon Gray's ode of the bard. (Ibid. Y. 1799. Aug. p. 545.) Description of Buxton. (Ibid, Y. 1797. Febr. p. 92.) ♦ERSKINE, [W ] On a new method of fencing. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 13. p. 482.) Police of the poor. (Ib, Vol. 13. p. 490.) An account of the price of wheat at Windsor market from 1595 to 1789 inclus. (Ib. Vol, 14. p. 227.) *ESPINASSE, [Isaac] Esq~jg Gray*s-lnu, Barrister at Law. A digest 8( the law of actions and trials at nisi prius. Vol. I. 2. 1790.8. (12 fh.) Ed. 2. cor- rected with considerable additions. Vol. 1.2. 1793. 8. (18 fh.) Ed. 3. Vol. 1,2. 1798. 8. (18 fh.) Cafes argued at nisi prius, in the courts of King's Bench and common pleas from Eastern term 33 George 3 to Hilajry term 34 George 3 with some additional cases of an earlier period. 1794. 8. (5 fh,) Reports of cafes argued and ruled at niíì 33* prius in the courts ©f King's-Bench and eommoti pleas, from Easter term 1793 to Hilary term 1795. 1796. 8* (IÓ sb. 6 d.) Vol. 2. from Easter term 1796 to Hilary term 1799. 1799. 8- (ioih.) Vol. 3, 4. P. I. from Easter term 1799 to Hilary term 1802. 1803. 8. (15 ft-) •^ESTCOURT, [Thomas] Esq. M. P. Plan for making bread. (Young^s A. of Agr. Vol. 26. p. 181.) Provisions for the poor. (Ibid. Vol. 34* P- r480 ESTE, [Charles] Rev. One of the Readers at Whin. hail-Chapel and Member of the company of Apothecaries in London, Tracts on medical subjects. 1776. 4. (i fh. 6 d.) My own life. 1787. 8. (r fh. 6 ql.) A journey in the Y. 1793. through Flanders, Brabant and Germany to Switzerland. 1794. 8. (6 fh.) (Prin- cipal Director of the news-papers, The World; The Morning post; The Telegraph.) *ESTLIN, [John Prior] Evidences of revealed religion and particularly Christianity, stated with reference to a pamphlet called the age of reason, in a discourse. 179Ó. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The nature and the causes of atheism — to which arc added, remarks on a work, en- titled origine de tous les cultes ou religion univer- selle par Dupuis. 1797. 8. (2 fh.) David J&r. diners 9 of Bath, fermons, published from the ori- ginal manuscripts. Vol. 1. 2. 1798. 8. (14 fh.) An apology for the sabbath. 1801. 8. (i fh, 6 d.) Sermons. 1802. 8- (7 st- 6 d) *ETHELSTON, [Charles Wicksted] M A: Rettor of JVorthenbury. A Pindaric ode to the genius of Britain. 1803. 4. The suicide; with other poems. 1804. 8. (5 flu) ^ETON, [William] Esq. many years Rejident in Turkey and in Russia* Survey of the Turkish empire. 1798. 8. (8 st.) On the present state of surgery in Turkey. (TiU loch's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 3. p. 127.) Observa- tions on the British trade with Turkey. (Ibid, Vol. 3* p. 562.) « EVANS, 333 «EVANS, [Cadwallader] M.Dr. Relation of a cure performed by electricity. (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1787. Nov. p. 465.) EVANS, [Caleb] D. D. many years Prefident of the Baptist Academy and Pastor of the Congrégation of Protestant Dissenters in Broad - mead at Downendi co, Gloucester, near Bristol* born 1737. died 1791. Aug. 9. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Aug. p. 7§r. (His publications were principally occasional ser- inons which are enumerated from 1771 to 1780 in Cooke's historical register.) See T.Dunscomb e. ♦EVANS, [Field] Pool-Quay, Montgomery/hire. Account of his discovery of a quarry ot burr-stone proper for mill stones. (Tr. of the Soc. for tho E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 280.) *EVANS, [J ] The conjugation of french verbs, regular and irre- gular simplified 011 a sheme entirely new. 1795. 8. (6 d.) *EVANS, [John] M. A. Master of a Seminary for a limited number of pupils ^ PuUirfs-row , I/- Ungton. An address humbly designed to promote a reli- gious revivai amongst the general baptists. 1793. 12. (4 d.) Juvenile pieces: designed for the youth of both sexes. Ed. 2. enlarged and corrected. 1794. 12. (2 fh. 6 d.) Ed. 3. 1798. (2 sh,) A briet sketch of the several denominations into which the christian worlds is divided; accompa- nied with a persuasive to religious moderation. Ed. 2. with considerable additions. 1795. 12. (i fh. 6 d.) Ed. 5. with considerable additions and improvements. 1801. 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) A pre- servative against the infidelity and uncharitable- ness of the XVIII century or testimonies in behalf of christian candour and unanimity, in 3 parts. Parti, by Divines of the church of England; P. 2. by Divines of the church of Scotland; P. 3. by Divines among the protestant dissenters. To which is prefixed an essay on the right of private judg- ment in matters of religion; the whole being a sequel to the iketch of the denominations of the christian world. 179Ó. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) Sermon — to 334 to the memoirs of the Rev, Samuel Stcttnett D. D, the Rev. Andrew Kippis, D. D: F. R. S. A. S. and the Rev. Rice Harris, D. D. To which are pre. fixed, a few particulars of their lives and writings, - 1796. Sermon on the decease of Charles BulkUy — with a stretch of his life character and writings. 1797. 8- (I fh.) An apology for human nature by the late CA. Bulkley , with a prefatory address to Will. fVilùerforce, Esq. 1797. 12* (I2ÍL. 6d.) An attempt to account for the infidelity of the late E. Gibbon, Esq. founded on his own memoirs, with reflections on the best means of checking the present alarming progress of scepticism; including an account of the conversion and death of the R. H. George Lord Lyttleton. 17.97. 8. (ish.ód.) Moral reflexions suggested by a view of London from of the monument. 1798. 12. (6 d.) On the education of youth. 1798. 12. (1 sh.) An epito- me of geography, arranged after a new manner, and enlivened by references to history; in 3 parts. ^ 1801. 8. (I fli.) Ed. 2. with considerable addi- tions and improvements. 1802. 8» (3 fh- 6 d.) An address to young people on the necessity and importance of religion. 1800. 13. (6 d.) A sketch of the denominations of the christian world, accompanied with a persuasive to religious mode- ration. To which is prefixed an account of atheism, deism, theophilanthropism , judaism, mahometanifm and Christianity, adapted to the present times. 1801. 12. (3 fh. 6 d.) Sequel to the sketch of the denominations. Ed. 2. I801. 8, (2fti. 6 d.) Original anecdotes of Goldsmith, (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Dec. p. 382.) *EVANS, [John] B. A. A tour through part of North Wales in the Year 1798'and at other times; principally undertaken with a view to botanical researches in that alpine country, interspersed with observations on its sce- nery, agriculture, manufactures, customs, history and antiquities. l8oç>. 8. (8 fh.) A nine-sheet map of North-Wales. 1796. (3 fh.) * EVANS, [Nathaniel] of Gloucester, New-Jersey. Account of Thomas Godfrey* (American Museum Y. 1789. Dec. p. 471.) «EVANS, 335 «EVANS., [Oliver] The young mill-wright and miller's guide. Phila- delphia. 1795. 8. (I sh.) «EVANS, [Robert] M. A. The dream, or noble Cambrians. Vol. 1.2. I801. 12. (8 ft.) ♦ EVANS, [Thomas] Attorney at Lam. Letter — on the actual state of the master's ma- tes, midstiipmen, inferior officers and seamen of his Maj. navy, their wives, children, executors and legal representatives —. 1791» 8- (2 fh» 6 d.) • EVANS., [Thomas] Cambrian itinerary or welsh tourist; containing an historical and topographical description of the an* tiquities and beauties of Wales. 1801. 8. (iosli. 6 d.) * E V A N S, [Williám] Vicar of Latvhadon, co. Pern- broke. born .... died 1796. March. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. March, p. 25%. Reef Prickard f poems, translated from the welsh into English verse. The welsh'man's candle, or divine exercises. 176Ó. (He was the author of several poetical pieces and religious tracts.) *EVANS, [William David]'Ess. Barrister at Law. Reports of cafes adjudged in the court of King's- Bench; with some special cases in the courts of chancery, common pleas and exchequer, alphabe- tically digested from the first of King William and Queen Mary to the tenth of Queen Anne, by William Salkeld, late Serjeant at law. The ó Edi- tion, including the notes and references of knight- ley dyAnvers, Esq. and Serjeant Wilson and large additions of notes and references to modern au- thorities and determinations. Vol. I-3, 1795. 8. (I L. 7 fh.) Essays on the action for money lent and received; on the law of assurances and on tbo laws of bills of exchange and promissary notes. 1802. 8. (10fh. 6 d.) A general view of the de- cisions of Lord Mansfield in civil causes. Vol. I. 2* 1803. 4. (I L- 14 M EVAN SON, [Edward] M. A. Clergyman. Letter to the Lord ttish. of Worcester, Richard Hurd, wherein the importance.of the prophecies 336 of the new testament and the nature of the grand apostacy predicted in them, are particularly and impartially considered, Ed, 2. 17Ç2. 8. (2 so.) Arguments against and for the sabbatical obser- vance of sunday, by a cessatiori from all labour. I792. 8. {2 sh. 6 d.) The dissonance of the sour generally received evangelists and the evidence of their respective authenticity examined. 1792. 8. (5 sh.) . Letter to Dr. Priefileys young man; wish a postscript concerning the Rev. Dr. Simpson's eisay dec. in answer to Evansons dissonance and Volnetss ruins. 1794.8. (2sh.) Observations on Mr. Marjlis dissertât, upon the origin of the three first gospels. ( Monthly Magaz. Y, 1802, Dec. p. 377.) Reflections upon the state of reli- gion and Christendom, particularly in the;countries situated within the limits of the western roman, empire, of the commencement of the 19 century of the era — 1803. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) ♦EVANSONU [J ] Mode of destroying the gooseberry caterpillar, (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. March, p. 105.) *EVELEIGH, [John] D. D. Provost of Qriel-Colltgt and Prebendary of Rochester, Eight sermons preached — at the Bampton's lectu- res, 1792. 8. (5 fh.) The doctrine of the holy trinity stated from the scriptures of the old and new testament; two fermons. 1791. 8- (i sh.) ♦EVELYN, [Sir George Shuckburgh] Bart. F. R. S. and A. S. An account of some endeavours to ascertain a standard of weight and measure. (Philos. Trans- act. Y. 1798. p. 133- Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 97. 147. 200.243.) *EVERETT, [ ] Daranzel, or pcrsiau patriot, 1800. •EVES', [.. . .] Mrs. Crescent-schools Birmingham. The grammatical play-thing, or winter evening's recreation for .young ladies from four to twelve years old. 1S00. 8- (6 sh.) ^EUSTACE, [John Chctwood] Rev. An elegy to the memory of the Right Hon. Edm, Burke. 1797. 4- d sh») * HUSTON, 337 *EUSTON,.[ ] Lord -Lieutenant of Suffolk. On the present scarcity. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vo!# 34- P-343-) ^EWART, [Joml] M> Vhvjfician General of kit Maj- forces in the East - Indies and formerly one of the Physicians of the Bath city Infirmary and Dispensary. born died at Columbo in the island of Ceylon 1800. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. Apr. p. 38L The history of two cafes of ulcerated cancer of the mamma; one of which has been cured, the other much relieved by a new method of applying carbonic acid air; illustrated by a copper-plate; with observations. 1794. 8. (l sti. 6 d,) «EWART, [J S ] Lieutenant. Summary account of the weather at Nagpore, las. 21° 8' 28" N. long. 790 24' E. from Greenwich. (Dalrymples Oriental Repository. Nrb. I. p. 45.) BWING, [Alexander] Teacher of Mathematics, Ediu* burgh. Practical astronomy; — 1797. 8. (5 fli.) *EWING, [Grenville] Minister of the tabernacU, Glasgow. Remarks on Dick's sermon , concerning the call and qualification of missionaries, lgoi, 8. Ele- ments of the greek language shortly illustrated and a compendious lexicon for the use of those who whiih to make themselves acquainted with the new testament iu the original, 1803» 8» EXETER, Bishop of — See John Ross. *£XTER, [John] of PHhon, Devon. t. On drilling corn. (Bath Agric. Soc, Vol. 9. p. 22.) Damage to wheat occasioned by the berbery plant. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 27. p. 540.) On dril- ling corn. (Ibid. Vol. 30. p. 20.) On irrigation; and particularly on the different effects of rich wa- ter, as a manure, on different foils. (Ibid. Vol. 30. p. 204.) Crops and prices in Devonshire. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 179.J On the comparative cul- ture of turneps. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 16. p. 183.) Jtmss G, a, Surfit. 'Y *£YRE, 338 *EYRE, [Edmund] Esq. A friend to old England. 1793. 4. (2 fiO The two bills! a political poem. 1796. 4. (l i'h.) *EYRE, [Edmund John] late of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and now of the theatres , Shrews* bury, Worcester, Wolverhampton and Shrews* bury. The dreamer awake, or, pugilist matched, a farce in 2 act?. 1791. 8. (I Hi.) The maid of Nor- mandy, or the death of the Queen of France, a tragedy, 1793. 8- (I sh. 6 d.) Consequences or the school for prejudice, a comedy, in 3 acts. 1794» C1 ^- 6 fata* fiftcrs or the castle of the forest; a dramatic romance of 5 acts; with a variety of poetic essays. 1797. 8. (4 ft.) The discarded secretary, or, the mysterious cho- rus, an historical play, in 3 acts. 1799. 8. (Z Hi.) *EYRE, [Edward] late Captain in the 40 Regt. and Lieut. Colon, in the Army. Secret instructions by Frederick 2 King of Prussia — translated from the original german into french by the Prince de Ligne and now first translated into English. 1798. 12. (4 ill 6 d.). *EYRE, [Francis] Esq. of Warchworth. Letter to the Rev. Mr. Ralph Churton M. A, — on his address to his parifhiouers, 1795. 8. (2 sb. 6d.) * A short essay on the christian religion de- scriptive of the advantages which have accrued to society by the establishment of it, as contrasted with the manners and customs of mankind before that happy period — by a sincere friend of man- kind. 1795. 8. A reply to the Rev. Ralph Qbur- ton. I801. 8- &EYRE, [Sir James] Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common pleas and one of the Commissi oner s in a special commission of Oyer and Terminer, Charge - to enquire of certain high treasons and misprisions of treasons , within the county of Middlesex, to the grand jury at the session^ house on Clerkenwell-green, Oct. 2. 1794. (* ^0 *EYRE, [John] M. A Rules for the composition of a sermon, chiefly extracted from Claude. 1797. 8. (6 d,) *FABER J/ABE R, [George Stanley] M. A. Fellow os Lttic.ColL Horae ìnofaieae, or a view of the niosaical records, , with respect to their coincidence with profane an- tiquity; their internal credibility, and their con- nection with christiauity — Vol. i. 2. 1801. 8. (14 sh.) A dissertation on the mysteries of the ca* biri — with an engraving of a nympheum, or ca- biric grotto. Vol. 1. 2. I803. 8. (16 sh.) «*FAlR > [George] Tables of weights and measures. Nrb. 1-8. 17.. *FAIRBAIRN, [John] F. L. S, An account of several plants presented to the Lin- nean Society. (Transact, of L. S. Vol ï. p. 249.) An account of two genera of plants from New South Wales; Goodenia nnd Platylobium. (Ibid,, Vol.2. p.346.) See Thomas Hoy, *FAIRFAIX, [Thomas of Bury. An experiment on sainfoin, with observât, by A, Young. {Youngs A, of Agr. Vol. ii> p 314.) "FAIRFAX, [Ferdmando] Plan for liberating the negroes within the United Stares. (American Museum Y. Ï790. Dec. p.255.) F AIRMAN, [William] of the Royal exchange assu- rance* The stocks examined and compared, or, a guide to purchasers in the public funds, containing an introduction, in which the origin and nature of the public debts are explained 1795- 8. (4 sh.) Ed. 2. considerably improved. I796. 8- (4 sh.) Appendix. Í797- U íh.) Ed. 3. considerably im- proved 1798* 8. (5 st>.) *FAITHORN, [J ] at London. Account of the bite of a viper, cured by applying the fat of the same animal. (New Loudon Med« Journ* Vol. 1, p. 345.) FALCONAR, [Harriet] and « —— [Marin] Poetic laurels for characters of dîstinguiíîled me- rit, interspersed with poems, moral and cntertai* ning; 1791. 4. (5 sh.) , FALCONRRIDGE, [Alexander] Surgeon in ih* African trade, born died at Sierra teoaà 1792* Y % • *tfALCOM- S40 *FALCONBRIDGE, [Anna Maria] (this lady wm to Africa in Company with her husband -AU* xander F ale onbr idge.) Two voyages to Sierra Leona during the Y. 1791» 1793 in a scries of letters, to which is added a letter to Henry Thornton y Esq. M. P. and Chair- man of the court of Directors of the Sierra Leona Company, Ed. %. 1794. 8. (4 fh.) Ed. 3. 1705, 8. (4 ft.) ^FALCONER, [J 1 D. D. Observation On agriculture. 1800. FALCONER, [Maguus] Surgeon and Professor of Anatomy* born died (?) FALCONER, [Thomas] Esq. of the city of Chesttr, born . • . , died (? ) Observations on Pliny's account of the temple of Diana at Ephesus. (Arch. Vol.11, p. I.) Chro- nological tables; beginning with the reign of So« lomon and ending with the death of Alexander the great; with a prefatory discourse. 1796. 4. *FALCONER, [Thomas] Rev. The tocsin, or, an appeal to good sense, by L Dutens — translated from the french. 1798. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) *FALCONER, [Thomas] Felhw of C C. College, Oxford. TThe voyaga of Hanne^ translated and accompanied tvith the greek text, explained from the accounts of modern travellers; defended against the ob- jections of Mr. DodtPell and other writers, and illustrated by maps from Ptolemy , UAnville and Bougainville. 1^97. 8. f4 fh.) Remarks on some passages in Mr. Bryant's publications respecting the war of Troy; by the editor of the voyage of Hanno. 1799. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) ^FALCONER, [William] a Purser of the Navy. born .... died .... (?) *The Shipwreck, a poem, by a sailor. 1763. 4. (5 fh.) Ed. 2. 1764. 8. Cash. 6 d.) FALCONER, [William] M. Dr. F. R. S. Physician to the general hospital at Bath. Qn the Bath waters —- uberf. Leipzig. 1777. 8. fid. %. 341 Ed. 2.-1793. 8. (4 sb,) , Accòunt of the efficacy of the aqua mephitica alkalina, or solution of .fixed alkaline salt saturated with sixible air, in cal- culous, disorders and other complaints of the uri- nary passages. Ed. 3. 178,9. 8. (2 sh» 6 d.) Ed. 4. 1792. iibers. Leipzig. 1794. 8. Observations on some of the articles of diet and regimen usually- recommended to valetudinarians. 1778. 8. (I sh«) iibers. Leipz. 1791. 8. Miscellaneous tract* and collections relating to natural history selected from the principal writers of antiquity on that subject. I793.4. (7sh. 6 d. ) Observations respecting the pulse; intended to point out with greater cer- tainty the indications which it signifies., especially in feveriili complaints. 1796. 8- (3sh. 6d.) iibers. wit Anmerk. von Kausck+j Leipzig. 1797. 8. Essay on the plague — 1801. 8- (2 sh.) Examination of two parcels of English rhubarb, with experi- ments of its comparative effects with the foreign rhubarbs. (Bath Agricuk. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 391. 401.) On the preservation of the health of per- sons employed in agriculture and on the cure of the diseases incident to that way of life. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 341.) iibers. von Mickaelis. Leipzig. 1793» 8- iibers. in der Samml. Oekon. Winke, Vorschlage u. Vers,, fiir denkende u. prakt. Ocko- noraen Teutschlands. Berlin, 1793. 8« Observa- tions on the knowledge of the ancients respecting electricity. (Mem. of .M. Vol. 3. p;278.) Sketch of the history of sugar, in the early times and through the middle ages. (Mem. of M, Vol. 4. P. 2, p. 291. Nicholson's Journal. Vol.2, p. 136.) Influenzae descriptio. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3, p.£5.) Of the lepra graecorum. (Ibidf Vol. 3. p, v30&) Case of a man, woho took by mistake two ounces of nitre instead of Glaubers salt. (Ibid. Vol, 3. p. 527.) On the Portland powder, (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1801. Apr. p. 209.) Observations on the poison of copper and brase, and the very great danger attending the, use of utensils made of these metals, and other mixed metals, wherein copper and brass make a part, especially in the preparing and peeping of food and physic. (Columbian Ma- gaz. Y, 1789. May. p. 286.) An account of the Y 3 #pid«- 34* epidemical catarrhal fever, commonly called the influenzal, as it appeared at Bath in the winter and spring of the Y. Í803. 8» (I sh. 6 d.) An examina- tion of Or. Heberd'en\' observations òn the increase and decrease of different diseases and particularly the plague, i8o2. 8» (6 d,) ^FALKLAND, [ ] Essay on bigotry, religious innovation and inside, lity, as respectively supported by Burke, Prteflley and Toulmin. 179t. 8.' (r sh. 6 d,) * Lord Viscount FALKLAND, [Charles]" Consideration on the competency of the parlia- ittent of Ireland to' accede to an union with Great-Britain. 1/99. 8. (6 d.) F ALKN ER, XTnomas] Domestic Chaplain to Robert Berkeley, Esq, of Spetchly near Worcester. born , , . . • died about l8or. See Cohtetts voyage to the South Atlantic. 17980 '4*'p'.25.' *FALLQW FIELD, [J.....] AM: Senior fellow of 'Çlare-Hall, Cambridger Account of the recovery of a boy, who swallowed by mistake a large spoonful of strong vitriolic acid, (New London M. J. Vol* I. p. 149.) *FARAR, [Samuel] Surgeon at Deptford. Account of a very uncommon blindness in the eyci of newly born children. (M. C, Vol.2, p. 463,) * FAREY, [John] / !r' \[ On Salmon's cláim to the mode of transferring paintings. (Monthly M^gae. Y. I803. Jan. p.477.) On top dreslings, in.the neighbourhood of Dun- stable. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 25. p. 66.) FARMER, [Richard] D. D. F. R. and A. SS. Mastef of Emanuel College f Cambridge; Principal Li- brarian in the University of Cambridge; One $f the Canon*s residentiary of Sr. Paul's, Lon- don^ Chancellor of the' Diocese of hickfield ani Coventry y Prebendary of Worcester. born at Leicester 1*735. died 179^. Sept. 8. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Septi p. 805. Oct. p, 888. Y. 1800. Jiily. p. 6\q. Monthly Magaz. Y- 1797. Oct. p. 315. , The Annual Ne- crology for 1797. 1798. p. 390, Állfy Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1801. S. 647. Qw 343 On the learning of Shakespeare. Ed. 2.1767. Ed. 3. J 789. and in Mr. Steven's and Reed's edition of Shakespeare J793. Cursory remarks on the edi- tion of Shakespeare, published by Edmund Malone* 1792. 8. (2 sh 6 d.) * FAR MER, [R ] The soldiers, an historical poem, in three parts; containing an epitome of the wars entered into by Great-Britain, from the Y. 1739 to the pre* sent time. Part 1. 1802. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) • FARNELL, [ ] Apothecary at Bath. Experiments with the englifh rhubarbs made in the general hospital at Bath. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 39Ó.) *Earl of FARNHAM, [Barry Maxwell] born died at Dublin. 1800* Nov. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800, Dec. p. I220. An examination into the principles contained in a pamphlet, entitled the speech of Lord Minto, with, some remarks upon a pamphlet, entitled, obser- vations on that par^ of the speaker's speech, which relates to trade. 1800. 8. (1 sh. 6 d.) FARQUHARSON, [William] As. Dr. Edinburgh. Cafe of an abscess of the breast successfully treated. (Mem. of M. S. of L, Vol. 3. p. 123.) *FARRAR, [J ] The history of Limerick, ecclesiastical and civil, from the earliest record to the Year 178-7. Illu- strated by 15 engravings. 1793. (7 fh,) *>FARRE, [J R ] Surgeon. Observations on the cure of hydrocele by in- jection. (M. Rec. and Res. p. 182.) «TARRELL, [ ] Mrs. (Daughter of the late Admiral Fielding.) Charlotta, or a sequel to the sorrows of Werter; a struggle between religion and (ove in an epistle from Abelard to Eloifa, a vision, or evening walk; and other poems. 1792.4. (6 fh.) *FARRELL, [R ] Union or separation. 1798. ( I fh. ) FARRER, [John] M. A. Sermons on the parables* Vol. JgOI. 1802. 8. (14 ft-) Y 4 STARRER, 344 *FARRERt [Thomas] Esq. Importance of the culture of buck-wheat* {Young's A. of Agr. Vol.1, p. 199.) ♦FAULKNER, [Charles] Hints addressed to the electors of Great-Britain, preparatory to the next dissolution of parliament. 1796. 8. (I fh. 6d.) ^FAULKNER, [William Eliflia] Leâurer of St. Gi- les's in the Fields and Preacher at the Ckt< pel in Ely, 'place. born 1758. died 1798. Nov. 8» See Gentleman? Magaz. Y. 1798. Nov. p. 998. Dec. p. IQS2r AUg. Lite. Zcit. ItBU J. I800. S.653. Sermons. 1799. 8. (10 fh. 6 d.) ♦FAULKNER, [William Humphrey] Rights of man invaded; being an exposition of the tyranny of our India governments. 1792. 8* (2 fh.) *FAWCEtT, [James] B. D. Fellow of St. Johns College in the University of Cambridge and Lady Margaret's Preacher; Now Professor of Divinity. Sermoni, preached before the University of Cam. bridge. 1794. 8. (6 fh.) FAWCETT, [John] M A. The cross of Christ considered: in a letter, ad- dressed to Christians of ail denominations. 1793. 8. (^d.) Letters to his friends, by the Rev. John Parkeri late minister of die gospel at Wains- gate, in Wads worth, near Halifax, with a sketch of his life and character. 1794, 12. (I fh. 6 d.) t\ summary of the evidence of Christianity. 1797. 12. (I fh.) An essay on the wisdom, the equity and the bounty of divine providence. 1797. 12. (4 d.) The constitution and order of a gospel church considered. 1798. 12. (6d.) The life of the Rev. Oliver Heyweod (a divine of the last age, 1661): With historical sketches of the times in which he lived and anecdotes of some other emi- nent ministers in Yorkshire, Lancashire &c. 1798» 12. (2 sh. 3 d.) Christ gracious to those, that be- lieve} a practical treatise on faith and love. 1799* 13. (3 Hi.) ♦FAWCETT, 345 *FAWCETT, [John] Jun. Thoughts on christian communion, addressed to professor's of religion of every denomination* Ed. 2- enlarged. 1798. 12. (6 d.) #FAWCETT, [Joseph] Formerly a Dissenting Cler- gyman at Walthamstox* and for warty years Leilurer at the oldjewry meeting on Sunday evenings. Sermon, on the propriety and importance of pu- blic worship. 1790. 8. (ifh.) Sermons. Vol. r. 2. 1795* 8- (13 fh.) iibcrf. von F. Schleiermacher. Th. I. 2. Berlin, 1798. 8. The art of war, a poem. 1795. 4* (2sh* 6 d.) The art of poetry, accor- ding to the latest improvements, a poem by Sir Simon Swan, Bart. 1797» 4. (i fh.) Poems; to _ which arc added civilized war, before published under the title of the art of war, with considé- rable alterations; and the art of poetry according to the latest improvements, with additions. 1798. 8.. (4 fh.) War elegies.- 1802. 8. (3 ih.) See John Parker. *FAWKENER; [William] Esq. On the production of ambergris; with a letter. (Pliiiof. Transact. Y. 1791. p. 43.) FEARN, [Charlei] Esq. Barrister at Law. Of the Inner - Temple, Conveyancer,, born 1742. died 1794. Jan, 25. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1794. Febr. p. 182. Essay on the learning of contingent remainders and executory devises — Ed. 4. Vol. 1. 1791. 8- (8fh.) Vol.2, with notes and comments by John Joseph Powell, Esq. 17.. Posthumous works: by Thomas Mitchill Shadwell selected from the au- thor's manuscripts. 1797. 8. ( 12 fh. ) FEARON, [Henry] Surgeon to tthe Surry Dispensary. A treatise on cancers, with an account of a new and successful method of operating. Ed. 4. with considerable improvements. 179Ó. *FEATHERSTONHAUGH, [William] at Lamb* tony near Chester- le -street, Durham. Description of his counterbalance for ropes in deep shafts of mines. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E„ of A, Vol.17, p. 338.) Y 5 *FEILDfe\ 34^ «FEILDE, [Matthew] M. A. ReSior ofthe united chur- -ekes of St. Anne Aldersgate and St. John Za* chary , y tear of' Uggley, in EJJex and Under* grammar to Christ's Hospital. . born .... died 1796. Aug. II. See Genfleman's Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Aug. p. 708, Sept. p.'787. Allgem. Litt. Zm. ItBl. J. 1800. p. 628. (Is said to have been the author of Vertumnus and Pomona, acted Coventgarden theater in 1782.) FELL, [John] formerly Pastor of a congregation of Fro* testant Dissenters at Thaxted in Essex and Tutor of the Dissenting Academy at Homerton. born at Cockermouth Aug. 22. 1732. died at Homertou near Hackney 1797. Sept. 6. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Oct. p. 893. The Annual Necrology for 1797. 1798. p. 503. Allgem. Litter. Zeit. J. 1798. ItBl. N. 32. $. 283- Essay on the love of our country. 17.V 8. A re- view of the sttsx 7rrspo&vru, or, diversions of Purley, by Mr. Home Tooke; 17.. A review of Salary's:letters on Egypt; 17.. 8. The justice and utility of penal laws for the direction of con- science examined in a letter to Burke. 1774» % Remarks on the appendix of the editor of Row- ley's poems, printed at the end of observations on the poems attributed to Rowley by Rayner Huhfordy Esq. Í783. 8. An essay towards an english grammar; with a dissertation on the moral and peculiar use of certain hypothetical verbs in the English language. 1784. 12- Letters on the evidences of Christianity; four by John Fell and eight by Henry Hunter. 1798. 8. (6 ft.) *FELL,[R ] A tour through the Batavian republic during the latter part of the Y. 1800. containing an account of the revolution and recent events in that coun- try. 1801. 8. (8 ft. "6 d.) *FELLQWES, [Robert] A. M: of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, A picture of christian philosophy; or a theological, philosophical and practical illustration of the cha- 34? rafter of Jesus; in which the génuiue christian temper is contrasted with the benevolent !y stem maintained by Godwin and other philosophers 'and with the view of Christianity by Will. H'tlber- force &c. 1798. 8. (2ÍI1. 6 cf.) Ed. 2. with cor- : i, rectious and .considerable additions.. 1799.8 (5 sh.) A suppléaient to a picture of christian philosophy —; 1^03.8» (i ill.) An address to the people, on the present relative situations of England and Fran- ce, with reflections an the genius of democracy and on parliamentary reform. 1799. 12* (l sb. 6 d.) Morality united with policy; or.reflections on the old and new government of France, and on various important topics of civil and eccLesia? .„,,' stical reform. 1800. 12. (2 flu 6 d.) The auti- calyinist; or, two plain chfeourfes on redemption and faith, 1800. (1 sh.) Religion, without cant: or, a preservative against lukewarmness and into- lerance, fanaticism, superstition and impiety. I80I, 8. (9 st.) *FELTHÀM, [John] , A tour through the isle of Man in 1797 and 17985 comprising sketches of its ancient and modern hi- story, constitution, laws, commerce, agriculture, fishery &c. including whatever is remarkable in each parish; its population, inscriptions, registers, • embellished with a map o^ the island and other ; plates. 1798s 8. t (7 shj On sundry topics. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 9. p. 105.) *FELTHAM, [John] Thve english enchiridion; being a selection of apophthegms t moral maxims &c. 1799. 8. (3 sh. 6d.) *FELTHAM, [Johri] A popular view of the structure and economy pf the human body; interspersed with reflections, moral, practical and miscellaneous; including mo- dern discoveries —. Ì803. 12. (7 sh.) * FELT ON, [William] Coack- maker. A treatise on carriages, comprehending coaches, chariots, phaetons, curricles, whiskeys dec. toge- 'thcr with their proper harness: in which the faic prices of every article are accurately stated. r vol. 34* !— Vol. I. 2.-t 1795. 8. (i L, 1 sh.) Supplement. 1796. 8.: FENN, [Sir John] Knight. M. A: F. A. S. In tkt çetnmifjìon of the •peace and a Deputy-Lieu- tenant of East Derekatn, Norfolk. born in Norwich Nov, 26. 1739. died at East Dereham. 1794. Febr. 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Febr. p. 189. On the post and postage of letters and on the pri- vilege and modes of franking letters. (Gentlcra, Magaz. Vol. 54. Sept. p. Ó44.) Three chronolo- gical tables of the members of the society of An- tiquaries. 1784. 4. *FENNA, [Joseph] of Baddely f near Natnptwick. On irrigation , or watering land. (Comm. to the B. of Agr Vol. 2» p. 3340 Experiments with salt. (Ibid. V0I.2. p. 342.) *FENNELL, [ ] Esq. Lindor and Clara, or the britiih officer, a come, dy, in 5 acts. 1791. 8. (l Th. 6-d.) A review of the proceedings at Paris during the last summer, including an exact and particular account of the memorable events, on the 20 June, the 14 July, frhe 10 Aug. and the 2 Sept. With observations and reflections on the characters, principles and conduct of the most conspicuous persoas concer- ned in promoting the suspension and dethronement of Louis XVI. 1792. 8- (6 ih.) iibers. Berlin. 1794- PFENNING, [Daniel] The young algebraist's companion; or, a new and easy guide to algebra; a new edition. To which is added 38 select problems with their so* lutions. 1802. 12. *FENWICK, [...,-] Mistress. ♦Secrecy. 17.. *FENWICK, [John] The Indian, a fare*. 1800. fl it. 6 dt) *FENWICK, [John] Memoirs of Gen. Dumourieri written by himself, translated. P. 1.2, 1794. 8- (6 sh. 6 d.) Obser- vations on the trial of James Coigly, for high treason, 349 treason, together with an account of his death, including his address to the spectators. — 1798. (3 st.) *F EN WICK, [John Ralph] M. Dr. Reflections on calcareous manure and on the im- portance of elastic fluids in vegetation and on the preservation and application of fold-yard manure. 179J. Essay on calcareous manures. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 31* p. 289.) Some reflections on the importance of elastic fluids in vegetation and on the preservation and-application of fold-yard manure, (Ibid. Vol.36, p, 59.) •&FENWICK, [Thomas] Coal-viewer. Four essays on practical mechanics; the first on water wheels , the second on the steam engine; the third on mills; and the fourth on the simpli- fication of machinery. 1801. 8. (3 sh.) FERGUSON, [Adam] LL. D: F. R. S. E. Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. born 1724. at Logierait in the presbytery of Dunkeld. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 431. Principles of moral and political sciences; being chiefly a retrospect of lectures delivered in the college of Edinburgh. Vol. 1. 2. 1792. 4. (i L. 16 sh ) ubers. m it eincr Abhandl. uber den Geist der Fergusonschen Philosophie, von K. G. Schreiter, Th. I. 1796. 8. •FERGUSON, [Alexander] of Aberdeen, M. Dr. Medical researches and observations, being a se- ries of essays, on the practice of physic: Essay I. On the nature, cause and cure of fever: with forms for extemporaneous prescription. Aberdeen. I80I. 8- (6 sh,) ^FERGUSON, [William] Shipmaster çt Peterhead. On the fisheries, (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. X. p. 294.) *FERGUSSON, [Robert] Esq. of Lincoin'>-Inn. The proposed reform of the representation of tho counties of Scotland considered. 1792. 8. (I sh.) Proceedings against the Cad of Thanes, Robert fVr- 350 Ferguson, Esq.. and others, upon an 'information plea, ex; officio, for a riot. To which, are ad- ded observations on his own cafe. 1799. 8- (5 it) «FERMOR , [William] Esq., Reflections on the cow-pox, illustrated hy cafes to prove it an, absolute security against the small- pox. 1800. 8. (I ft*) *FERNBL, [John] Portrdit and Miniatur-Painter. The christian reconciler; or, religious bigotry re. proved. 18OT. 12. (I sh.) *FERON, [John] Veterinary Surgeon to the Ï3 Regtt of Dragooiis. A new system of farriery — 1803. 4. (I L. I ill.) FERRAR, [John] Citizen of Limerick. A view of ancient and modern Dublin, with jfs improvements to the Year 179Ó, 179Ó. 8* (6 sh, 6 d.) *FERRIAR, [John] As. Dr. Physician to the hfir. mary at Manchester, Lunatic-Hospital and Asylum. Of popular illusions and particularly of medical demonology. (Mem. of M, Vol 3. p. 31.) Essay on the dramatic writings of Maffinger. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 133,) Observations concerning the vital prin- ciple. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 2l6.) Account ,oí au an- cient monument in Huln Abbey, Northumber- land. (Ibid Vol. 3. p. 302.) Cafe of hydropho- bia, with the appearances on dissection. {Simmonss Medical Facts and Observât. Vol. 1. p. 1 ) libers. Koch's Samml. miseries. Abhandl. B. 14. S- 651. Medical histories and reflections. Vol. 1. 1792.8- (4 sh ) iibers. Leipzig. 1793. 8. Vol. 2. 1795.8. (5 sh..) iibers. unter dem Titel: Ncue Bemerk, iiber Wassersucht, Wahnsinn, Verandertingen dec KranKheiten, Heiiknafte der verschicdcnm Lust- arten unoi andcre medicinische Gogcnstande. Leip- zig. 1797» 8. Vol. 3. 1798. 8- (5 Hi. ) iibers. Nctic Bemerk. iibcr die Hundswnth, die heutigc Brlhme, den Keicbhusten, die Lust-seuche — iibers. von C F. Michaelis. Leipzig, 180I. 8- An argument against the doctrine of materialism. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4, V. r. p. 20.) Comments on Sterne, (Ibid. Vol. 4. P. 1. p. 45. New-York Magaz Y. 1794. Febrt.p.86*) vergl. fnrá. Nicolai uWr ^ 35r Quellen , woraus Sterne schopfte: Berlinische Mo- toaths-schrift J. 1795. Fcbr. S. 99. Illustrations of Sterne; with other essays and verses. 1798. 8. (5 sh.) Conjectures on the use of the ancient ter- rassed works, in the North of England. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. 2. p. 422.) On the medical pro- perties of the digitalis purpurea or foxglove. 1799. 12. (I sh. 6d.; (cf. Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1799. p. 505.) Regulations of the police in the town of Manchester and Salford for the preven- tion of disease. (Duncan s M. C. Dec. 2* Vol. 8. p. 447.) *FERRIER, [W. ] Two discourses, preached.* the first, on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. Alice; and the se- cond, before the friends of the sabbath evening schools in Paisley: with a short authenticated ac- count of the rise, progress and present state of the sun day schools in Paisley. 1801. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) FERRIS, [Samuel] As. Dr: F. A. S. Physician in Lo7idon. A case of petechiàe sine febre. (Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 1. p. 79. ) A view of the establishment of physic as science in England, by the incorporation of the College of physicians. 1794. (3ft- 6 d.) *FIELD, [G ] Prospectus and catalogue of the Britilh school in- stituted for the perpetual exhibition and sale of" the original work of modern artists. 1802. 8. « FIELD, [Henry] Apothecary. Cafes of cynanche trachcalis, successfully treated, with observations on that disease. (Mem. osM. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 165.) *FIELD, [William] Esq. of the Inner-Temple. A letter addressed to the inhabitants of Warwick, in answer to several charges of a very extraordi- nary kind, advanced against the dissenters, assem- bling at the chapel in high-street. Ed. 2. 1791. 8. (6 d.) A second letter — in reply to the remarks upon the first letter. 1791. 8- (I sh.) The practice of the court of King's-Bench in personal actions. Fart 1-3. 179& (3 st. 6 d.) *FIFE, 352 •FIFE, [ ] Earl of On planting. {Young's A. of Agf. Vol. 9. p. X05.) Reply to queries on planting, (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 527.) Account of his plantations, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A, Vol. 6. p. 5.) Trial of the mangel-wurzel or root of scarcity, turncps, car- rots and ttfrnep-rooted cabbage, as food for cattle. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 29.) FILSON, [John] The discovery, settlement and present state of Kentucky, republished with considerable additions. 1793- 8. (2 ih.) John Filsons and dorge hu lays topographical description of the western territory of North-America — Ed. 2. 1793- 8. (6 íh.) •FINCH, [Robert Pool] D. D. Prtlxndary of West, minfter and Reftor of St. John Evangelist, born 1723. died 1803. May 18. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. May. p. 486. Considerations upon the use and abuse of oaths judicially taken. 1788. 8. (6 d.) The christian sabbath vindicated, in opposition to sceptical in- difference and sceptical practice, 1798- ^Several single sermons ) FINCH, [Thomas] Chaplain oftkc Caesar and late of St. Mary Hall^ Oxon, Early wisdom, designed te improve young people in religion and virtue, in the knowledge of themselves and of the world, of the beauties of nature and the ingenuity of art. Vol. 1. 2. 1794. 8. (5 fh.) A discourse to sailors on par- don and allowance for offences. 1797' 8. * FINCH, [William] LL. D The objections of iusidel historians and other writers against Christianity, considered in 8 ser- mons, preached at the Bamproti lecture at Oxford in the Y. 1797. 1797. 8. (5 fh.) *FINDLATER, [Charles] Minister of the Parish of Newlands in the County of Peebles. General survey of the agriculture of the county of Peebles, with suggestions as to the meant both of local and general improvement of agricul- ture; with a map of the county. 1802. 8» (7 fa) "FINDLAY, 353 FibsDLAY, [Robert] D. D. The divine inspiration of the jewisti scriptures and old testament asserted by Sl Paul, 3 Timo- thy, C. 3. v. IÓ. and Or, Geddes's reasons against the tenor of his words, examined. 1803. 8 (3^i.) *FiNDLEY, [William] Member of the house of Re- frejentatives of the United States, History of the insurrection in the four wester/n counties of Pennsylvania in the Y. 1794* Wlrn a recital of the circumstances specially connected the* rewith; and an historical review of the previous fituarion of the country. Philadelphia. 179Ó. 8. #FINÏCxAN, [J T.-....] An attempt to illustrate a few passages in Shake* fpeares works, 1803. 8- (l sh. 6 d.) *FINLAYSON, [James] D. D. See Hugh Blair. *FIOTT, [Johfe] Merchant in London. An address to the proprietors of East-India stock and to the public: containing a narrative of the cafes of the ship Tartar and Hartwell, hte in the company's service. 179 t. 8. (I sh 6 d.) Second address. 1792. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Letter to the pro- prietor's ofEast-lndia stock. 1793. 8 (6 dO *FIRTH, [John Scholesield] Esq of Kipping, York* shire. On the culture of the spanisti chesnut tree. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 12. p. *FlRTH, [William] Esq. Barrister ai Law; of Lin- coln s - Inn, The Lord Thanet's cafe considered as to the que* stion ^whether the judgment be specific or arbi- trary?,, with the fullest reports of the cafes on the subject. 1799. 8. (I sh.) *FISHER, [Henry] Discord, an epic poem4, occasioned by observing the present troubles in France. 1794* 4, (2 stl.) "FISHER, [James] John Bull's answer to Bonaparte's declaration, that England was not equal to France 3 a nevf song, 1803. (I sh.) *FISHFR, [James] of Delaware. Dissertation on that grade of the intestinal state of fever, known by the name of dysentery* PhiUd, I797- 8* Rtuss G. £. Suppl, 2 * FISHER, 354 "FISHER, [John] A. B. The valley of Llanherne (on the Northcoast of Cornwall) and other pieces in verse. 1801. 12 (5 ni.) *FISHER, [Jonathan] Artist. A picturesque tour of Killarney, describing in 20 views , the most pleasing scenes in that celebrated lake; accompanied by some general observation! and necessary instructions — with a map of the lake and its environs; Engraved in aqua tinta. 1791. fol. (2L. 12 sh.) FISHER, [Joseph] M. Dr. Member of the Pkys. Soc. of Edinb. Observations and enquiries concerning the coal works at Whitehaven in the county of Cumber- land made in the Y. 1793. (Tr» of J, A. Vol.5. p. 266.) *FISHER, [Miers] Account of a remarkable change of colour in a negro. (Mem, of M. Vol. 5. P. 1. p. 314.) *FISHER, [Richard Barnard] Esq.'Steward of Saint Mary Magdalen-College, Oxford, A practical treatise on copy hold tenure, with the method of holding courts leet, courts baron, and other courts, and an appendix containing forms o( entries on court rolls and minute books, surveys, steward's fees, and a variety of precedents on the mode of, conveying copyhold estates. 1794. 8. (6 sh. 6 d.) * FISHER, [Walter] Minister at Cranftoutl. Four theorems for resolving all the cases of plane and spherical triangles. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. H. p. 4.) •FISKE, [....] Rev. of Sfiimpling, near Bury. On beans as a fallow, with observations by A* Young. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 3. p. 97.) On summer fallowing. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 49.) Reply to the advocates for summer fallowing. (Ibid. Vol.5. p.225.) On fallowing. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 369O •FISKE, [Nathan] D. D. Pastor of the third church at Brook field An historical account of the settlement of Brook- field, in the county of Worcester, and its distreííe* during; 355 during the Indian wars* (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. 2570 ♦FITLER, [James] Engraver to his Maje/ty Scotia depicta, or the antiquities, caitles, public buildings, gentleman's feats, towns and picturesque scenery of Scotland, from drawings by John Clau- de NufWJ, accompanied with descriptions» Nrb. X. 1801. (10 fh, ó d.) FITZGERALD, [Gerald] D. D: F. T. C. and Pro. f essor of Hebrew in the University of Duhltrt. On the originality and permanency of the biblical hebrew: with an application so the leading prin- ciple of a modern unbeliever* who denies the existence of any written word of God. r'796. 8. (8 fh.) Poems. 1797. 8- (3 fh. 6 d4) A hebrew grammar, for the use of the students of the uni- versity of Dublin. 1799 8. FITZGERALD, [Keane] F. R. S. ' * born # . . . di< d .... 1782.- June 2Ç> •FITZGERALD, [William Thomas] Eiij. Prologues and epilogues. 1793 The tribute of > an. humble muse to an unfortunate captive queen, the widow of a murdered king. 1793. 4 (I fh.) Lines on the murder of the queen of France, with admonition to the infant Louis XVII. being a se- quel to the tribute of an humble mule — 1794. 4. (1 fh.) Nelsons triumph; or ..the battle of the nile: a poem. 1799. 4. (ifh.) Miscellaneous poems. 1801. 8» (9 fh.) The tears of Hiuerma! dispelled by the union. 1802. 4. (I fh.) <;,FITZ-JOHN, [Matilda] . .' Joan!!! a novel. Vol. I -4. 1796 8. (14 fh.) •FITZP A TRICK, [Sir Jeremiah] /W. Dr Knight. In- sweftor general of health to his Maj. landforces. Suggestions on the strive trade, for the considera- tion of the legislature of Great - Britain. 1797* 8. (I fh. 6 d.) *Earl FITZWILLIAM, [ ] Letter 1. 2. to the Ear) of Carlisle, explaining the causes ot that event. 1794. 8. Ed. 2. 1795. (r fh.) Ed. 3. 1795. Cl shO FLAGG, [Henry Colhns] E>q. of South-Carolina. Observations on the numb-fish, or torponsic eel, (American Museum, Y. 1787. Nov. p 4.90 ) ZZ *FLAVELtt *FLAVELL, [John] A saint indeed: or, the preat work of a Christian opened and pressed.; - 1803. 8- (I sb. 6 d ) •FLAXMANN, [John] Sculptor. The Iliad of Homer engraved by Thomas Piroli from the composition of Flaxmann. London. 1795. .4, engraved by Riepenkanscn, Gottingen. 18^3. 4, (5 Rfhlr.) The Odysley of Homer engraved by Thomas Piroli from the composition of J. FLix* nanti. Rome. 1793. 4. Gottmgen. 1803. 4 Com. positions from the tragedies of Aeschylus, designed by J. Flaxmantì y engraved by Tk Piroli 179, La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri — 1793.4. Letter to the committee for raising the naval pillar or monument. 1799. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) *FLE,ET, [Charles] M A, Retlor of Durweston ani By y an ft on , in the County of Dorset, Four sermons on public occasions. 1796. (2 sh.) «FLEMING, [S. . ..] , An impartial statement of the merits and service* of opposition; with a view to the preservation of the British constitution and the means of restoring peace and prosperity to these countries; 1797. 8. (I ft.) *F LET CHER, [Ann] — _ S. and H. R Dunon, the study of history rendered easy, by a plan founded on experience. Vol, I, England. Vol 3. Rome. 1799. l2* C9 ^0 FLETCHER, [Charles] M. Dr. The naval guardian Vol. 1.2. I800. (14 sh ) ^FLETCHER, [Sir Henry] Bart. Fleets restorative for the rot in sheep. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 2fy p. 320*) ^FLETCHER, [J....] Esq. Description of Atkws's hydrometer for ascertai- ning the specific gravities of spirituous liquors. • (Nicholsons Journal. Y. I802. Aug. p. 27Ó.) ^FLEjTCHER, [John] near Northleach9 Gloucester- shire. On planting boggy foils with ash and the slopes of steep hills with forest trees. (Bath Agriculr. Soc. Vol. I. -p. 131.) • FLETCHER, [Samuel] A treatise ou the art of etiamel painting on por- celains 357 celainfi, metals, glass and potter'* wares, dese-rî- bing the materials, process and qualities of she 'several kinds of porcelains and pottery — 1S03. 8. f4 sh.) ♦ FLEXMAN, [Roger] D. D. Minister of a Dissenting Congregation at Rotkerhite. born 1707. died 1795. June. 14* See Gentleman's Ma°az, Y, 1795. June. p. 534. Y. 1796. Apr. p. 308. (One of the compters of the index to the jour- nals of the House of Commons;) Charity sermon. 17*. (6 d.) Sermon on the death of Dr. T. Amory. 1774. Account of the Use and writings of the Rev. Samuel fìoume ^ prefixed to his post- humous sermons. 1775. Account of the life and writings of Dr. Ckandler, annexed to his funeral sermon by Dr. Amory, 1776. Critical and politi- cal miscellany, containing remarks on various au- thors. 1752- 1762. ^FLINDERS, [Matthew] Surgeon at Donington, Lin- colnshire. Cafe of a child' born with variolous pustules. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5 p. 330.) FLOOD, [Henry] M. of P. born 1732. died at Familey, his feat in the county of Kilkenny. 1791. Dec. 2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 179K Dec. p. SuppL p. 1224. Y. 1792. Jan. p. 44. Verses on the death of Frederick Prince of Wales, published in the Oxford Collection 1751* Ode on fame; 17.. Translation of the first Pythian nde of Pindar. 1785. (Several speeches in the English and Irish parliaments.) «FLORIAN, [J.'... B ] At A. Essay on analytical course of studies, containing /à complete system of human knowledge. 1796. 8» (2 sh. 6 d.) *FLOWDEN, [Charles] Rev. Answer to the second blue book, containing a re- futation of the principles, charges and arguments of the catholik committee against their bishops;* addressed to the Roman eathohks of England. 1791. O fh. 6 d.) 73 * FLOWER, 358 *FLOWER, [Benjamin] Formerly a Groctr in Lon- don, now a Printer at Cambridge, (He is conductor and printer of the Cambridge Intelligencer, a weekly Newspaper, which com- menced in 1793.) The French constitution; with remarks on some of its principal articles, in which their importance in a political, moral and reli- gious point of view is illustrated and the necessity of a reformation in church and state in Great-Britain enforced, <792. 8» (6 fh.) National fins conside- red in two letters to — Thomas Robinson, Vicar of St, Mary's — on his serious exhortation to the inhabitants of Great-Britain, with reference to the fast. To which are added, a letter from the Rev. Robert Hall to the Rev. Charles Simon, Vicar of Trinity church —- and refleóïions on war by the late W. Law 1796. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Reflexions on the preliminaries of peace between Great-Bri- tain and the french Republic. I800. 12. (4 d,) *FLOWER, [Richard] Observations on beer and brewers, in which the inequality, impolicy and injustice of the malt and beer tax are demonstrated. I802. 8. (i fh.) *FOBES, [Peres] LL. Dr. Minister of the Gospel in Ray n ham and Prof, of Natural Philosophy in the College of Rhode-Island. A. topographical description of the town of Rayn* ham in the County of Bristol, Febr. 6. 1793. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y, 1794. p. 166.) "fFOGG, [Peter Walkden] Elementa Anghçana , or the principles of engliih grammar displayed and exemplified, in a method entirely new. Vol. I, 2. 1797- 8. *FOLEY, [Richard] Secondary of the circuit. The praèìice of the court of great sessions for the several counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke and Cardigan; the county of the borough of Carmar- then and the town and county of Haverfordwest, 1792, 8. (5 fh.) * FOLEY, [Robert] M. A: of Oriel College, Oxford, and Reftor of Old^Swinford, Worcestershire. Letter to Dr. Priestley, in answer to the appendix (Nro. XIX. p. 197. ) of his late publication, entit- led. „/Vn appeal to the public, on the subject of 359 the riots in Birmingham Part 2.,, to which is ad- ded a sermon. 1793. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) A defence of the church of England; in a series of discour- ses — on Ephefians v. 27. 1795- 8. (5 fh.) *FOLGER, [Walter] Jun. A topographical description of Nantucket. (Col!, of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. P- I53-) *FOLLOWES, [William] Commander of a skip. Narrative of the loss of the pocket lady Hobart. I803. *FONBLANQUE, [John] Esq. Barrister at Law. A treatise of equity, with the addition of marginal references and notes. Vol. 1. 1793. 8. ( 8 sh. ) Vol.2. 1794.8. (9 sh,) Ed. 2. with additions. 1799- 8. (19 sh.) *FOORD, ^Humphrey] Captain of the ship Mancht* ster, of Hull. Letter on the use of gun harpoons for taking wha- les. ( Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 2. p. 1970 FOOT, [Jefle] Surgeon at London. Essay on the bite of a mad dog. Ed. 2. 1791.8« (2 sh.) A plan for preventing the fatal effects from the bite of a mad dog, with cafes. 1793. 8. (6 d.) Com- plete treatise on the origin, theory and cure of the ]ues venerea and obstructions in the urethra, illu- strated by a great variety of cafes. 1792. 4. (I L. 10 sh.) íibers. von Dr. G. C. Reicke. Th. I. 2. Leipzig. 1793. 1794. 8. A defence of the plan- ters in the Welt-Indies, comprized in four argu- ments, 1) on comparative humanity; 2) on com- parative slavery; 3) on the African stave trade and 4) on the condition of negroes in the West- Indies. 1792. 8. (2fh.) Facts relative to the pre- vention of hydrophobia. (Simmons'* Med. Facts and Observât, Vol. 3, p. 33.) tibers. Repertor. Chirurg. und Mediz. Abhandl. B. 2. S. 13.) Life of John Hunter. 1794. 8- (6 fh. 6 d.) Dialo- gues between a pupil of the late John Hunter and Jesse Foot. 1795. 8- Cafe of the successful I pra- ctice of veficae iotura in the cure of diseased blad- ders. 1798.8. (2 íh.) Ed. 3. Fart 1. 2. I803. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) *FOOTE, [John] of Brandon. On spaying cows. (Young's A, of Agr. Vol. 13. Z 4 p. 460.) 36o p. 460.) A new method of salting meat, (Ibid, Vol. 14. p. 267.) On the Lincolnshire management of geese. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 2Ó8.) On spaying hei- fers. (Ibid. Vol. 127. p. 636.) *FOOTE3 [P ] Remarks on waste lands in Midlesex. (Bath Agric, Soc. Vol. 8. p* 130.) *FOOTE% [S ] Jun. Reform, a farce, modernised from Aristophanes and published with the annotations select of Bel- lend. Mart. Scrib. T. P. Cantab. Anfi P. Hyper- Bell. 1792. 8. (I sh.) *F ORBES, [Murray] Member of the Surgeon s Cow. pany. A treatise upon gravel and upon gout, in which their sources and connection arc ascertained; with an examination of Dr. Austin s theory of stone and other critical remarks , a dissertation on the bile and its concretions and an enquiry into the ope- ration of solvents. 1793. 8- (4 sh.) *FORBY, [Joseph] Rev. of Fincham i Norfolk. On the culture of cabbages. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 9. p. 390. Vol. 19. p. 565.) On cabbages, (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 549.) Crop of 1790. at Fin* chain. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 255.) *FORCETT, [Charles Michell] Esq. Principles of legislation. 179Ó. 8» *FORD, [Cadwaller] Esq. On the benefit of salt in agriculture. (Massaclui» setts's Magaz. Y. 1791. Oct. p. 613. American Museum Y. 1787. Jan* P-38.) *FORD, [David] Rev. at Long-Melford, Suffolk Plan for planting potatoes. (Comm. and Agrie, Mag, Y, I800. Dec. p. 435.) On the management of bees. (Ibid. Y. 1801. March, p. 157.) Reply to Mr. Ellison's observations on planting potatoes. (Ibid. Y. 18OL Apr. p. 235.) FORD, [Edward] Esq F. S. A: Surgeon of the fVest* minster General Dispensary, Observations on the disease on the hip-joint, with remarks on white swellings of the knee, caries of the joint of the wrist, and other similar complaints; illustrated by cafes and engravings taken from the diseased parts, J794. 8. (8 sh. 6 d.) ùbers. Br«- — 3ól lau. 1795. 8. Case of a catheter, left in the blad- der in drawing of the urine, for a rerroversion of the uterus. (Simmons7 s Med, Facts and Observât. Vol. I. p. 96.) uberf. Repertor. chirurg. u Mediz. Abhandl. Th. I. S. 3.) Cafe of an imperforate rectum. (Ib. Vol i.p. 102.) uberf. Ib. Th. r. S. 8. Facts relative to the prevention of hydrophobia. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p 33.) An account of a child born without organs of generation; (Ibid. Vol. 5. p, 92.) Account of a wound of the ulnar artery, at the wrist, cured by tying il up at some distance from the wound, (Loudon Med. J. Vol. 11. p. 337.) Account of a calculus extracted from a cyst in the neck. (Ibid. Vol. II, p. 362,) Cafe of a dropsy of the ovarium, with remarks on the paracentesis of the abdomen. (M. C. Vol. 2. p.123.) •FORD, [Henry] Appendix ad editionem Novi Testam. graeci e co- dice MSSto Aiexandrino a C. G. Woide deicripti — Oxonii. 1799. sol. (2 L. 12 fh. 6 d.) *FORD, [John] M. Dr. Letters on medical subjects, containing an account . of an aloetic medicine in the cure of gout and other chronical complaints. A practice which has been successful in the prevention of the late epi- demic and an account of the relative properties of the granulated preparation of tin. 1803, 8* (2fh, 6 d.) *FORD, [Richard] of Birmingham. Treatise 011 the inoculation of horses for the strangles — 1790. 8- (2 fh. 6 d. ) On inocu> Jation, with some useful remarks on a success- full method used some years ago in Hungary, in the cure of the natural fmall-pox. 1791. 8. «FORD, [Thomas] late Captain. Softly, an ode from Hafez. (Asiat. Mifcell. p.26.) FORD Y CE, [George] M Dr. F R. S: Reader ou the profilée of Pkyfic in London. Seniêr Pkyficìan to St. Thomas's Hospital bom Nov. 18. 173Ó. died 1802. May 25. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. June. p. 588. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. July. p. ÓH. Allg. Litterat. Zcit. J. 1802. ItBl. Nro. 43. S. 3Ó3. Elements of the practice of physic, Ed. 6 Z 3 uberf. 363 'iibers. von Dr. C. F. Michaelis. Breslau. 1797, 3, On the digestion of food. 1791. 8. (4 fh.) ubers. von Dr, C. F. Michaelis. Zittau 11. Leipzig. 1793. 8. Dissertation 1. 2. on fever. 1794. 179Ó. 8. (6 fh. 6 d.) tiberf. von Dr» C. F. Michaelis. Th. 1. 2. Zittau u. Leipzig. 1797. 1799. 8. Dissertât, 3, on fever. Part r.2. 1798. 1799- (7sb. 6d.) Dis- sert. 4. on fever. 1802. 8- (2 fh. 6 d.) A fifth dissertation on fever, — edited by Will. Ck. Velhs M. Dr. 1803. 8. (2 f h ) On the cause of the ad- ditional weight which metals acquire on being cal- cined. (Philof. Transact, Y. 1792. p. 374.) Ac- count of a Hew pendulum. (Ibid, Y. 1794. p. 2.) Observations on the fmall-pox and the causes of fever. (Trausact, of Med. and Chirurg. Soc. Y. 1793- ?' I*) A" attempt to improve the evidence of medicine. (Ibid. Y. 1793* p. 243.) Some ob- servations upon the combination of medicines. (Ibid. Y. 1800. p. 3I4-) FORDYCR, [James] D. D: many years Pastor of the Dissenting Congregation at Rath* born 1720. died 1796. Oct. r. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Oct. p. 8S3. Dec. p. 1052. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1796. p. 753. Monthly Review. Y. 1797. July. p. 357. The eloquence of the pulpit, an ordination ser- mon; to which is added a charge Acts XVIIÏ, 24. An essay on the action proper for the pulpit; both these are printed at the end of Theodoru* a dialogue concerning the art of preaching. Ed. 3, 1755. The temple of virtue. Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (2 fh. ó d.) Sermons to young women. Ed. 2, Vol. I. 2. 179Ó. 8. (7fh. ) Address to young men. Ed. 2. Vol. 1. 2. 1796. 8. (8 fh.) (Several single sermons.) FORDYCE, [Sir William] M. Dr. F R. S. Knight and one of the College of Physicians. born 1724. died 1792. Dec. 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Dec. p# 1156. Supplem. p. I2I8. The great importance and proper method of cul- tivating and curing rhubarb in Britain for medi- cinal uses. 1792. 8. (I flu) On the use of the cluster 363 cluster potatoe in feeding horses, (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. i. p. 279.) The great impoi rance and proper method of cultivating and curing rhu'Mrb. (Ibid. Vol 18. p 24.) Letter on sibenan wheat and cluttered potatoe, (Tr. of the Soc. for she E. of A. Vol.1, p. 134.) Letter on the culture of rhubarb, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 2* P- 750 *FORREST, [Alexander] On roads of unvarying level, not the most con- venient for draught. (Comm. and Agric, Magaz. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 104.) *FORREST, [John] M. Dr. Physician at Stirlitig. Account of a deception with respect to vaccine in- oculation. {Duncans A. of Med. Y. l8o/.p. 344.) ♦FORREST, [Robert] Esq. of the Middle - Temple; Barrister at Law, Report of cafes determined in the court of exche- quer from Michaelmas to Trinity term the 41 year of George 3. Part I. Vol. 1, 1802. ( 5 fh. ) FORREST, [Thomas] Esq. Cay tain in the East-India Service. A voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipe- lago lying on the east fide of the bay of Bengal —. 1792. 4. ( I L- I sh) *F0RRIS, [Samuel] As. D; F. S. A, A general view of the establishment of phyfic as a science in England , by the incorporation of the college of Physicians, London —; 1795. 8. •FORSTER, [B M ] Description of a new hygrometer. (TiUock's Phi- los. Magaz. Vol. II. p. 166.) Description of a new invented astronomical instrument, for placing globes in a proper situation, by means of the fun, without the help of a magnetic compass, or other instrument. (Ibid. Vol, 12. p 83.) Remarks on the clathrus cancellatus (Linn.) and two other spe- cies of fungus. (Ibid, Vol. 13. p. 256.) •FORSTER, [Edward] Rev. M. A: F. R. S. The arabian nights entertainments, translated; em- bellished by a series of 24 finished engravings from pictures by Stnirke^ done purposely for the work. Vol. 1-5. 1805. 8. (3 L.) Anacreontis odaria. *FORSTER, 364 * F O R S T E R , [George] In the civil Service of the East-* India Co?npany. born . . . , died 1791. Febr. A journey from Bengal to England through the northern part of India, K< shmire, Afghanistan and Persia and into Ruifia by the Caspian sea. Vol. 1. 1790- Vol. 2. 1798. 4. ( 3 L. 2 fh.) libers, von C. Meiners. Th. 1.2. Zurich^ 1800. 8. *FORSTER, [M } at Durham. Account of a sheep, with observât, by A. Young. (Voting's A. of Agr. Vol. 22. p. 3370 *FORSTER, [Matthew] Esq. An account of the experiments made on a 21 acre field of light sandy loam, from four to six inche» deep on a sandy substratum, to determine the com- parative advantage of the drill or broad cast me- thod in the cultivation of turneps. ( Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 17. p.241.) ^FORSTER, [Thomas Furly] Esq. F. L. S. Description of a new species of viola. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 6» p. 309.) ^FORSTER, [Thompson] Surgeon on the Staff of the Army and Surgeon to Guy's Hospital. An account of two cafes of popliteal anevrism. [Simmons's Med. Facts and Obferv. Vol. 5. p. I.) À case of anevrism of the crural artery. (Ibid. Vol ó. p> 114.) *FORSYTH, [Alexander John] Rev. On certain usefe! properties of the oxygenated mu- riatic acid. (Nicholson s Journal. Vol. 3. p. 158.) «'FORSYTH, [J ] at Harworth, Notts. On the necessity of an agricultural lexicon. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1801. March, p. 171.) On cottage gardens. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Apr. p. 2Ó3.) *FORSYTH, [William] F. A. S. Gardener to his Majesty at Kensington. Observations on the diseases, defects and injuries in all kinds of fruit and forest trees, with an ac- count of a particular method of cure invented and practised — 1791. 8. (2 sh.) iibers. von Georg Forster. Mainz. 1791. 8» Aufl. 2. mit Anmerk. von J. L. Christ. Franks, a. M. 1801. A treatise 365 on the culture and management of fruit trees — to which is added an improve I edition of obser- vations on the diseases, defects and injuries of fruit and forest trees. 1802. 4. (I U II fh. 6d.) On trees. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 26. p. 355.) Method of renovating fruit and forest trees, (Mat sechufeits Magaz. Y. 1792. July, p. 414,) *FORSY TH, [William] Jun. A botanical nomenclator; containing a systematical arrangement of the classes, orders, genera et spe- cies of plants as described in the new edition of Linnaeus*s i'ystema naturae, by Gmelin — 1794- 8. (6 fh.) ♦FORTUNE, [T ] An epitome of the stocks and publick funds &c. to which is annexe 1, a copious equation-table. 1796. 12. (I fh. 6 d.) *FOSBROOKE, [Thomas Dudley] M. A. of Pem- broke College, Oxford, Curate of tiorsley> Gloucesterjkire. The economy of a monastic life (as it existed in England), a poem; with philosophical and ar- chaeological illustrations, from Lijiidtvood, Dug' dale, Sf Iden , fiVitkins, Wills , Upelman , Warton &c. w th copious extracts from original MSS. I795 4. (5 fh. ) British nionachifm; or, man- ners and customs of the monks and nuns of Eng- land , to which are added, emendations of ftifh. Gibjons version of the Saxon chronicle and tri- umphs of vengeance, or the count of Julian, an ode. Vol. 1. 2. 1802. 8. (Í4 fh.) «FOSSAT, [George] The glory of religion, founded on the doctrine of the ever blessed trinity; or, Sabellianifm refuted; to which is added a refutation of his erroneous work, entitled , an appeal to the christian profes- sing world. Ed. 2. carefully corrected. I796. 8. (I fh. 6 d.). *FOSTE,R, [. ... ..] Lieutenant of the first or Royal Dragoons. Military instruction from the late king of Prulìïa to his signerais: illustrated with plates; To which is added particular iustructiou to the officers of hit 366 his a?my and especially those of the cavalry: Translated from the french. 1797. 8. (7 ill. 6 d.) Ed, 2. i8uo. (7 fh. 6 d.) ♦FOSTER, [J ] How do we account for the economy of vegetation and can we explain the motion of particular plants, or any other principle than that of irritability? (Youngs A. of Agr Vol, 31, p. 474 ) ♦FOSTER, [John] A. B. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. On the method of illustrating scripture from the relations of modern travellers in Palestine and the neighbouring countries. 180S. 8 (2 fh ) ^FOSTER, [John] Speaker of the House of Commons of ireland. See Public Characters of I798-I799- P*374« An accurate report of his speech on ihe bill for allowing roman catholics to vote at the elections of members of parliament in that kingdom, to prove that this bill has a direct tendency to sub- vert the protestant establishment in Ireland, and to separate that kingdom for ever from Greaf- Uritain. 1793- 8. (I fh. 6 d.) .Speech on the union between Great-Britain and Ireland, April It. 1799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d. ) * FOSTER, [John] Shoemaker, of Winteritsgkam, Poems, chiefly on religious subjects; recommen* ded by Robert Storey, Vicar of St. Peter's, Col- chester, 1798. 12. ( I fh.) ♦ FOSTER, [T ] Chrestomathia; or, a collection of morality and sentiment; extracted from a variety of authors, 1793- 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) FOTHERGILL, [Anthony] M. Dr: F. R. S at Bath. Cautions to the heads of families in three eil^vs, on the poison, of lead, copper. 1791. 8- (I ^* 6 d.) À new enquiry into the suspension of vital action, in cafes of drowning and suffocation — 1795- 8. (2 fh. 6 d. ) iibers von Dr. Christ Fr. Michaelis. Leipz. 1796. 8. On the abuse of spi- rituous liquors; being an attempt to exhibit, in its genuine colours, is pernicious effects upon the property > health and morals, of the people, with rules and admonitions respecting the prevention 36? and cure of this great national evil. 1796. g. (I ih.) Preservative plan; or, hints for the pre- servation of persons exposed to those accidentg which suddenly suspend or extinguish vital action and hy which many valuable lives are prematurely lost to the community. 1798. libers, mit Zus. voa Dr. Ckrist. Aug, Struve. Breslau. 1800. 8. Au essay on the preservation of shipwrecked mariners, in answer to the prize questions proposed by the royal humane society, 1) what are the best mean* of preserving mariners, from shipwreck? 2) of keeping the vessels a float? 3) of giving assistance to the crew , when boats dare not venture out to their aid? 1799. (2 sh. 6 d.) On the application c£ chemistry to agriculture and rural oeconomy. (Hath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 54. Columbian Magaz. Y. 1787. Nov. p. 754.) Observations and experiments on certain specimens of engliih and foreign rhubarb, being an attempt towards esti- mating their comparative virtues. { Bath Agnculr, Soc. Vol. 3. p. 422.) Observations and experi- ments on the comparative virtues of the roots and feeds of rhubarb; wherein some singular proper- ties of their residua (after aqueous or spirituous tinctures had been extracted from them) are disco- vered. (Ibid Vol.3, p. 427.) On the culture and management of rhubarb in Tartary, method of using the recent plant; curing the root, nature of its selenitic salt, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 174.) Experi- ments and observations on cyder wine, with re- marks on fruit liquors and hints for their impro- vement. (Tbid. Vol. 5. p. 332.) On the poison of lead, with cautions to the heads of families concer- ning the various unfuspe&ked means by which that insidious enemy may find admission into the human body. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 351.) On the poison of cop- per. (Ibid Vol. 5. p. 387.) On the abuse of spi- rituous liquors; its effects on pubhek and private property and consequently on national prosperity, (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 253.) On the nature of the di- sease occasioned by the bite of a mad dog. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 166.) An account of the epidemic ca- tarrh, termed influenza, as it appeared at North- ampton and in the adjacent villages in 1775, with a compa* 368 comparative view of a similar disease as it was ob- served in London, and is environs in 1782. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 30.) An instance of a fatal pulmonary consumption, without any evi- dent hectic fever. (Ibid. Vo1. 4, p. Ï33.) Esseels of arteriotomy in cafes of epilepsy. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 221.) •FOTHERGILL, [Charles] Esq. The wanderer, a collection of original tale? and eisays, founded upon facts, illustrating (he virtues and vices of the present age; in which are intro- duced the oriental travels of a learned Mahometan of the last century; interspersed with original poe- try. Vol. r. 2. 1803. 12. (10 ih.) Coudras, [c j Marengo; or the campaign of Italy, by the army of reserve, under the command of the chief Con- sul Bonaparte, translated from the french of Jo* fej)k Petit — with a map of the North-West part of Itfily, ihewing the route of the army: To which is added, a biographical notice of the life and military actions of General Desaix. 1800. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) *FOULD, [John] Engineer to the London — Bridge Water-works. Description of his machine for cutting off piles under water. ( Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. T3. p. 241.) «FOULIS, [Sir James] of COLINTON, Baronet. See Colin ton* *FOWLE, [William] M. Dr. F. /?. S. Eclinb. P van fVoenfers,M* D. new experiments with mer- cury in the small-pox, by which is demonstrated its specific virtue in that disease; translated from the french. 1793*8» O fh.) A practical treatise on the different fevers of the West-Indies and their diagnostic symptoms. 1800. 8. (2 fh. ó d.) *FOWLRR, [David Burton] Esq. One of the fix Clerks of the Court of Exchequer. The practice of the court of exchequer,- on pro- ceedings in equity. Vol. I. 2> 1795* 8* (13 fh) [K ] On sheep and wool. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. *3-P'545 ) '.FOWLER, á6g ^FOWLER, [Richard] Experiments and observations relative to the irt? flueuce lately discovered by Mr, Galvani and com- monly called animal electricity* 1793. 8- s3 ÍK 6 d.) * FOWLER» [Thomas] M. Dr. at York; formerly Phy- sician of the Stafford Infirmary. born 1736» Jan. 22* died I80Î* July 22 See Gcntléman/s Maga2. Y\ 180I. p. 767* Dhjí* csltóV A* of Med* Y. 1801. p. 489* Medical reports of the effects of blood-letting, fu- dorifics and blistering in the cure of the acute and chronic rheumatism, Ï79Ç. 8 (5 fíl.) iibers* Breslati. 1795» 8* A cafe of an obstinate quar- tan ague of five months continuance, cured by electricity i (Mem. of M. S> of L> Vol. 3. p. II4.) Account of the effects of a solution of arsenic in the cure of intermittent fever. (Duncan's M. C» Dec, 2* Vol. 9. p. 337.) «FOX, [Charles] , Tûrtcrcd , a tale of ancient times. Vol. 1.2. îfQU 8* (5 ill.) Ac si per tu (the reflected fun - beam) a scries of poems, containing the plaints, confo» lations and delights of Achmcd Ardebeiii; a per* sian exile; with notes historical and explanatory* I797. 8* (8 ill.) Santa Maria > or the myste* rious pregnancy, Vol. I-3» Ï797. (iO sti. ó d.) FOX, [Charles James] Privy Counsellor and Member of Parliament for Westminster ^ London* born 1749» Jan. 13. Sec Public Characters of I798 and 1799, \>* 79* Letter to the worthy and independent elector* of the city and liberty of Westminster. 1793* 8. Ed. XL ( I fth ) Speech — Ou Mr. Whithvead'i motion of the ruflian armaments March Î. 1792% 8. (2 ill. 6 d.) Speech containing the declaration of his principles, respecting the present crisis of . public affairs and a reform in the representation of the people. 1792.8. (2d.) Speech - at the opening of parliament Dec. 13» 1792» commonly Called the King*s speech, 1792. 8 (3 d.) Speech on Mr* Gretfs motion for a reform in parlia-> ment May 7. 1793. 8* (2 ih. ) Speech the 24 Mss tí. e. suwu A* March March 1795 5 011 a motion that the heuse do rc* solve itself into a committee of the whole house to consider of the state of the nation. To which is added a correct list of the minority. 1795. 3, (I fh.) The proposals for a general peace, sub- nutted to the frcnch republic through the negotia- tion of Lord Malvieshury, examined ami exposed, in a speech. 1797. 8. (I it.) The substance o£ his speech on Mr. Greyys motion — 26 May 1797 for leave to bring in a bill to amend and regu- late the election of members to serve in the com- mon's house of parliament, gs reported in the Mor- ning chronicle. 1797. 8- (3d.) Two speeches on the third reading of the aíîessed tax bill on the 14 Dec. 1797. and 4 Jan. 1798. 1798. (6 I) Speech against the address to his Maj. approving of the refusal to enter into a negotiation for p&cc with the frejich republic: with a list of the mino- rity. I800. 8. (i fh.) Speech at the Shakespeara tavern Oct. io. 1800. being the anniversary of his first election for Westminster. 1800. 8. (I sb.) Speech on the motion for an inquiry into the state of tte nation. 18ÒI. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Speech on the happy restoration of peace with frauce with the other proceedings at the Shakespeare tavern on the 10 Oct. 1801. 8- (I it.) A sketch of the character of the last most noble Francis Duke of Bedford. 1802. 8. (6d.) An eulogium on the late Duke of Bedford, delivered in the house of Commons March 16. 1802. Substance of the speech on moving a new writ for the borough of Tavi- stock March 16. 1802. 8. (6 d.) Speech on the state of the nation, to which is added an illustra- tion of some passages of the speech and contribu- ting to the means of forming a full judgment upon the most momentous questions which agi- tate the public mind in the present crisis. 180L (2 fh. 6 d.) Speech on the renewal of the war ■with France, May 24, 6Vc. I803. 8. (3 fh. 6 d,) (Three fugitive poems, An invocation to poetry; Lines addressed to Mrs. Qret»e\ and an epistle to the Hon. John Towfend in 1780, th«y are to be found in a collection of fugitive pieces.) *FOX, S7t *FOX, [John] Remarks on waste lands in Monmouthshire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 163.) *FOX, [Joseph] Surgeon. The natural history of the human teeth, describing the proper treatment to prevent irregularities of the teeth. To which is ad.Jed, an account of the diseases which affect children during the first dentition, with engravings, 1803. 4. (i L. X fh.) ♦ FOX, [William] Attorney at Law. Remarks on various agricultural reports, trans- mitted to the H. Board of Agriculture in the Y. 1794. 1796. 4. (3ih) *FOX, [William] Address to the people of Great-Britain on the pro- priety of abstaining from West-India sugar and rum. 17.. The interest of Great-Britain, re- specting the french war. 1793.8. (3d.) Thoughts on the death of the king of France. 1793. 8. (3 d.) An examination of Mr. Paints writings. 1793. g. (3 d. ) A discourse on national fasts par- ticularly in reference to that of April 19. 1793. on occasion of the present war. 1793. 8. (2 d.) The East-India charter, considered. 1793*8. (3d.) On Jacobinism. 1794. 8. (3 d.) Defence of the war against France. 1794. 8* (3 d.) ®11 peace. 1794- 8. (3 d.) *FOX, [William] Jun. La bagatella; or, delineations of home scenery, a . descriptive poem; in two parts, with notes critical and historical. 1801. 8* (5 fh.) *FOXCROFT, [Alexander] Attorney at Law, Not* tin g ham. Letter to Robert Davison, worsted spinner, Ai> nold. 1803. 8. (6 d.) FRANCIS, [Anne] Mrs. (Wife of the Rev. Robert Bransby.) born .... died at Edgefield parsonage, near Holt, co. Norfolk. 1800» Nov. 7. See Gentlemans Magaz. Y. 1800. SuppJem. p. 12<)Of FRANCIS, [Philip] Member of Parliament. Remarks on defence of Mr. Hastings as far a» it concerned the Rohilla war; .... Letter to Lord A a % NenA North late Earl of Guildford, with an appendix* 1793- 8- (2 sh.) Heads of his speech in reply to Mr. Dm;das on the 23 Apr. 1793. in a committee of the whole house to consider of the government and trade of India. 1793. 8. (6d.) Proceeding! in the house of conioioiis on the slave trade and state of the negroes in the West-India islands, w-th an appendix. 1796. 8. (2 fh. é d.) Speech in answer to S. Douglas. 1796. (6 d. ) Speech on the affairs of India, Jul. 29. I803. (I fh.) ^FRANCIS, [S.... L....] An elegy on the late Colonel Robert Montgotmrtj^ 1803. 8- (I fh. 6 d.) *FRANCKLYN, [ ] Esq. *A candid inquiry into the nature of government, and the right of representation, 1792. 8. (3 fh.) *Club law, or the consequences of a reform in the representation of the commons of Great-Bri- tain, exemplified in a short description of what has followed a reform in the representation of the tiers-etat or house of Commons in France. 1793, .8. (I fh.) ^FRANCKLYN, [Gilbert] Esq. Remarks on a pamphlet entitled, Bengal sugar; and on the manner in which the trade of the East India Company is carried on in the East Indies by foreign shipping, in violation of the laws enacted for the support of the commerce and navigation of Great-Britain, 1795. 8- (2 sh.) *FRANK, [J ] Surgeon in his Majesty's navy, Observations deduced from facts and experiment* tending to evince the non existence of typhus con- tagion, interspersed with remarks on animal life and on those laws by which it is governed: also with some remarks on the nature of those disea- ses % whii-h are epidemic at sea. 1799. 8. *FRANKL<\ND, [Sir Thomas] Bart. F. R. S. On welding cast steel. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1795» p, 29Ó. Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 1. p. 575-) ♦FRAN K LE N, [J ] at Lamnikangle. On mangel-wurzel and other crops for feeding cattle (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 6. p. 139.) On mi- scellaneous topics of husbandry. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p» « FRANK- \ 373 ^FRANKLIN, [ ] Dr. Wholesome scraps. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. I800. July. p.S3.) *An infallible cure for hard times. (Ibid. Y. 1800. July. p. 32.) ^FRANKLIN, [Andrew] The wandering jew or love's masquerade, a co- medy in 2 acts. 1797. 8. (I sh. ) A trip to the Nore, an musical entertainment in one act. 1797. 8. (i sh.) The Egyptian festival, an opera in 3 acts. Ï800. 8.' (2 sh.) *FRANKLIN, [J ] Esq. The history of ancient and modern Egypt —. Vol. r. I800. 12. (5 sh. 6 d.) FRANKLIN, [William] Captain in the service of the East India Company's Bengal eftabliskment. The loves of Camarupa and Camalata an ancient Indian tale, elucidating the customs and manners of the orientals, in a scries of adventures of Raja Camarupa and companions; translated from the persian. 1793. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) The history of the reign of Shah Aulum, the present impcrour of Hindoustan, containing the transactions of the court of Delhi and the neighbouring states, du- ring a period of 36 years, interspersed with geo- . graphical and topographical observations on seve- ral of the principal cities of Hindoustan; with an appendix, containing the following tracts, 1) ah account of modern Delhi; 2) a narrative of the late revolution at Rampore in Rohilcund, in 1794. 3) translation of a letter, written in the per- sian language from the prince Mirza Juwaun Rukht Jehaundar Shah, eldest son of the king of Delhi to his Maj. George ill. King of Great - Britain, in the Y. 1785. with a copy of the original. 4) translation in verse of an elegy, written by the king of Delhi after the loss of his fight. 1798. 4, (I L. 1 ft,) Remarks and observations on the plain of Troy, made during an excursion in June I799« I800. 4. (3 sh. ó d.) An account of the present state of Delhi, ( Asiat. Res. Vol. 4, p. 4Ì9O ^FRANKS, [Jame«] A M. ami Curate of Halifax. Sermon, on the atonement of Christ. 1790. 8. A a 3 (Ó d.) (6 d.) The pious mother, or evidences for bea^ ven written in the Y. 1650. by Mrs. Tkomascn Heady published fiom the original MSS. 1794, 12. (2 (h.) FRANKS, [John] On the non-existence of typhus contagion, with remarks on animal life and diseases epidemic at sea. I799. 8. FRASER, [John] of Chelsea. Account of a new grass. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 12 p. IOÓ.) Botanical description' of the American grass. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 552.) Agrostis cornucopiae. (ibid. Vol, 13, p. 30Ó.) Description of a stopper for the openings by which the sewers of cities receive the water of their drains. (Tr. of A, S- Vol. 5. p. 148.) *FRASER, [Rober¥| Esq. Agriculture reports of Devon and Cornwall; 17., Gleanings in Ireland , particularly respecting its agriculture, mines and sidisries. 180I. (3 fh, ) A geperal view/ of the agriculture, mineralogy &c. of the county of Wicklow. 1801. 8. (7 sh. 6 d,) On potatoes in Cornwall. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 23. p. 61.) Letter — containing an inquiry into the molt effectual means of the im- provement of the coasts and western isles of Scotland and the extension of the fisheries. With a letter from Dr. Andersou — on the fame subject, 1803. 8. (3 fh.) ^FRASER, [Simon] Esq. of Lincoln s-Inn; Barrister at Law. Reports of the proceeding's before select com- mittees of the house of commons in the following cases of controverted elections, viz: Hellston, Oakhampton, Poniefract, Dorchester — 1792. 8. (6 sh, 6 d,) Vol. 2. — viz, Horsham, Sutherland* Honiton, Steyning, Roxburgh, Cirencester. 1793. 8r (6 fh. 6 d.) Ecclesiastical law by Rick. Burn. Ed, 6. with notes and references. Vol, 1-4. 1797* 8- (I L. 16 fh ) * F R A S £ R , [William] Esq. Under-Secretary of Stati (from the Y. 1765 to 1789O born 1727. died 1802. Dec. II. (Writer of the London gazette.) FREDERICK, 375 ♦FREDERICK, [....] Colonel; Sou of the late Theo- dore , King of Corsica. The description of Corsica, » with an accoun": of its union to the crown of Great - Britain. Inclu- ding the life of Gen. Paoli and the memorial pre- sented to the national assembly of France, upon the forests in that island. With a plan highly beneficial to both states, illustrated with a map of Corsica. 1795. 8. fli.) *FREE, [John] D. IX Vicar of East Coker, Somerset. born at Oxford in july 1711. died 1791. \ Sept. 9. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 179L Sept, p. 877* Oct. 'p.966. Nov. p. 1048. A sermon on the being and providence ef God. I739. A sermon, when the rebells were advan- cing to Derby. 1745. Twelve sermons preached before the university of Oxford, with a preface* tending to expose some remarkably bad practices both in church and state. 1750. 8. An antigal- lican sermon, 1753. A second antigallican ser- mon, 1756. Two sermons upon the creation, the first, the operations of God and nature —; Ed. 2. the other, the analysis of man; — Ed.2* 1764. A sermon on the murder of Mr. Allen* 1768. A second on the fame occasion. 1769. The monthly reviewers reviewed by an antigalli- can, 1755. Ode to the King of Pruslïa; (Gent- leman's Magaz. Vol.27, p.228.) Ex tempore ver- ses on the choice of a poet lauréat. (Ibid. Vol.27, p. 5Ó4.) Will the fer^y-man, a water «dogue, (Ibid. Vol.28, p. 280.) Translation of some french verses on the death of Capt. Gardner. (Ibid. Vol. 28. P» 37I-) Sermons before the .university of Oxford. 1743» Poems and miscellaneous pieces. 1751. Speech on taking his freedom of the city of Oxford. I753. Seasonable reflections upon the . importance of the name of England. ï755- Sen- timents pf an antigallican; ,17.. History of the English tongue—; Part 1-4. 1743. A contro- versy with the people called inethodists. I758 and 1759. Poems upon several occasions. Ed, 2. 1757. A poetical dialogue, intituled, the voluntary exile. 17Ó5, Stadia pbysioiogica duo — 1762. 4. A A a 4 genuine 376 genuine petition to the king and likewise a letter to — the Earl of Bute; concerning the very hard çase of an eminent divine of the church of Eng. - land. 17.. The petition of Jokn Free relative to the conduct of the archbishops of Canterbury and York; 17.. Matrimony made easy &c. a se- rio-comic satire, tending; to expose the tyranny qnd absurdity of a late act: of parliament, intituled, an act for the better prevention of clandestine jnarrjages &c. 17,. A plan for the use of the cm-, press of Ruista , in founding a free university for the reception of people of all nations and religions; Ed. 2, 1761* Tyrocinium geographicum Londi- uense &c. 17,, ^FREEMAN, [Harriot Augufla] {Merçiers) Astraea's return; or, the halcyon clays ofErauce in the Y. 5440; a dream, translated from the french. 17,, FREEMAN, D*més3 * A short account* of Daniel Gookin , author of the historical collections of the Indians in New- England. (Coll, of Massachusetts H. S, Y, 1792, p, 2281) *A list of the govQrnours and comman- ders in chief of Massachusetts and Plymouth (lb, Y T794« 194 ) topographical description of Truro, in the cqiinty of Barnstable, (lb, Y. 1794. p, 195,) ^ Roger fVilliams's key into the language of the Indians of New - England, (lb. Y, 1794. p. 203O * Vocabulary of the Narrogan* set language, (lb. Y, 179S, p, 80,) ^FREEMAN, [S ] Select specimen of British plants, Nrbt 1, 1797, sol, (I L,) * FREEMAN, [Samuel] Esq,, Register of Probate for the çoumy of Cumberland, The Massachusetts justice, being a collection of the laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, relative to the power and duty of justice» of the peace, 1795, (10 fh. 6d,) The probate auxiliary; or, a director and assistant to probate courts, e*e- çutors administrator and guardians; being thelawi çí çpmmonwealtli of Massachusetts — ; ' Ï793^ ^ ', , *FKEEMAN, *ÇREEMA,N, [Strickland] Esq, Observations on.the mechanism of she horse's foot, its natural spring explained and a mode of shoeing recommended by which the foot is defended from external injury,, with the least impediment to its spring illustrated by copper plates, 1796. 4. (iL. I sh- coloured 2 L. 2 sh.) *FREEMAN, [Theophilus] A general epistle of brotherly admonition and"" counsel, to the people called quakers, issued at the yearly meeting in London, 1803, (8 d.) *FREE.R, [Adam] M. Dr. on the .Bengal establishment. Account of a method employed in Bengal for the cure of the cutaneous disease, commonly known by, the name of ring-worms, the herpes serpigo of Sauvages , by means of cassunda vinegar. [Dun* cans A. of Med, Y, 180Q, p. 371») «TRÊËTH, [John] The political songster, or a touch on the timet on various subjects and adapted to common tunes. Ed, 6. With additions. 1790. 8. (3 sh. 6d.) Th^ annual political songster. 1793. 12. (I sh.) FRENCH* [William] Surgeon. Case of a fractured cranium, attended with a loss of a small portion of the brain, (Mem, of M. S, of L. Vol. 3, 9,604.) FRENB, [William] M. A. formerly Tutor end still Fellow of Jesus's College, Cambridge. Peace and union recommended to the astòciatcd todies of republicans, and anti-republicans, 1793- 8. (I sh.) A sequel co the account of the procee- dings in the university of Cambridge, against the author of a pamphlet, entitled peace and union; containing the application to the court of King's Bench, a review of similar cafes in the university and reflections .on the impolicy of religious perse- cution and the importance of free enquiry, 1795* 8«- (2 sh. ,6 d,) The principles of algebra for the use of schools, I.796, 8. (4 sh.) Fart. 2, IJQÇ. 8. (3 sh,) A letter to the Vice-chancellor of the uni» versity of Cambridge; 1798. 8. (6 d,) IPrjnciples of taxation, 1799. 8, (l ft« 6 d,) Animadversions on the element'? of christian theology by George £rettyman9 D, D. F* R. S. Lor.d-Bislîop of Lincoln, J Aa 5 in. 378 in a scries of letters. j8oo. 8; Kì The effe& of paper-money ou the price of provisions, or the point in dispute between Mr. Boyd and Sir F. Baring examined; the bank paper-money proved to be an adequate cauTe for the high price of pro- visions and constitutional remedies recommended. I801. 8. (I fh. 6d.) < *FRERK, [ [B ] The man of fortitude, or, Schedoni in Eugland. Vol. i~3. ifcoi, 12. (iofh. 6 d.) •FRERE, []ò\ìu\Esq. F. R. S: E A. S. Account oFfliht weapons discovered at Hoxne in Suffolk. (Arcli. Vol.13, p. 504.) FRESTON, [A ] M. A. Discourse on laws, intended to shew that legal in- stitutions are necessary not only to the happiness but to the very existence of man. 1792. 4. (i sh.) F RE WEN, [Thomas] M. Dr. of Lewes in Sussex. born .... died 17 .. • (*?) * F RIT H, [W ] Esq. of Lincoln's - Inn. LoYd Thames cafe considered, as to the question — whether the judgement be specific or arbitrary? with report of caies. 1799. (1 fh.) * FROST, [John] Citizen of London. Cheap coals, or, a countermine to the minister and his three city members. 1792. 8. (2 fh-X *FRY, [Caroline] The history of England in verse. 1802. 12. *FRY, [Edmund] Letter-founder. Prospectus of a new work, intitled pantographía —. I798- Pantographia, containing accurate co- pies of all the known alphabets in the world — to which are added, specimens' of all well authen- ticated oral languages, forming a comprehensive digest of phonology, 1799. 8, (3L. 3sh.) *FRY, [Thomas] The guardian of public credit; .... A new system of finance. 1797. 8- (2 fh. 6 d.) *FRYER, [Henry] Surgeon at Stamford. Cafes of pins extracted from the breast of a wo- man; after remaining there 60 years. {Simmons s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 7. p. 86.) Two ca- ses of hernia congenita; (ibid. Vol. 8- p. I3* ) 379 Case of imperforate hymen; (Ibid. Vol. 8» p. 1330 Case of fungus from a wound in the ear? (Ibid. Vol.8, p* I35-) -Cafe-of a wound penetrating the cavity of the abdomen. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 137. ) Case of strangulated hernia, where the operation succeeded after the obstruction had continued eight days. (Transact, of Med, and Chir. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 305.) *FULHAM, [' ] Mrs. Essay on combustion , with a view to a new art of dying" and painting; wherein the phlogistic and antiphlogistic hypotheses are proved erroneous. 1794. 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) uberf. von A. G. L. Lentin. Gòttingcn. T798. 8- *FULLAGER, [John] Essay on religion: — I80I. 12. (6 d.) PULLARTON, [William] Colonel; M. P; On Ayrshire sheep. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 22+ p, 132.) Effect of manufactures on agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 22. p. 139.) Letter — to Lord Car- rington. 1801. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) FULLER, [. ] Miff. The convent, or Sophia Nelson, a novel, in a series of letters. 17.. ^ FULLER, [Andrew] A Baptist Minister of Kettering in Northamptonshire* The calvinistic |and focinian systems examined and compared as to their moral tendency. Ed. 2. with additions and corrections. 1793. Ed. 3. 1796. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) A new edition, with a postscript establishing the principles of the work against the exceptions of Dr. Toulmin > Mr. Belskam &c0 I802. 8. Socianifm indefensible on the ground of its moral tendency, containing a reply to two late publications; the one by Dr. Toulmin, entit- led the practical efficacy of the unitarian doctrine considered, the other by Mr* Kentish, entitled the moral tendency of the genuine christian doctrine. 1797. 8. (I fh. 6 d,) Expository remarks on the discipline of the primitive churches. 1799. 12. (3d.) The gospel its own witness, or the holy uature and divine harmony of the christian reli- gion, 38ô gíon, contrasted with the immorality a«d abswrdîíjr of deism. 17.99. 8. (5 fh<) Memoirs of the late Rev. Samuel Penn, A. M. Minister of the gospel, Birmingham; with extracts from his most intere- sting letters. 1800. 8. (3 fh- 6 d.) The blacksli- der, or, an enquiry into the nature, symptoms and > effects of religious declension , with the means of recovery. 1801. 8. (I fh.) The gospel worthy of all acceptation, or,, the duty of sinners to be- lieve in Jesus Christ; Ed.,2. with corrections and additions —5 I8ai« 12. (2 ih.) (Severaf Ongle sermons.) FULLER, [John] Aft Dr. at Berwick. The history of Berwick upon Tweed, including a short account of the villages of Tweedmouth and SpittaL 1799. 8- (7 fh. 6 fh. en fine paper 10 fh. 6 d.) ♦FULLER", [Thomas] Rev. of Heatbfield, Suffex. Use of potatoes in feeding iheep. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 12. p. 265.) *FULLER, [Thomas] Rev. born died ..... (?) Sermons on various subjects, 1796. (5 fh. 6 d.) *FULTON, [G ....] Teacher of English. <~~ — and G. Knight, a general pronouncing and explanatory dictionary of the English language; to which is added a complete vocabulary of scrip- ture proper names. 1802. 12. (4 fh.) •JFULTON, [J W ] Of the Office of the Ai- count ant to the Board of Revenue, Bengal. British Indian book - keeping, a new system of double entry and progressive adjustment, by 1 per- spicuous process never before adverted to, faying much trouble and preventing delay. 1800. (6 fh.) *>FULTON, [R ] Civil-Engineer. On the improvement of canal navigation, — il- lustrated with XVII plates. 1796. 4. (18 fh.) FIJRBEN, [Francis] Bailiff to J. P. Anderson Esq. On the loug earth worm. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol, 9. p.I290 *FURBES, [Francis] at Henlade. Experiment wether hog sheep. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 37. p. 138.) . * FURLEY, 381 *FURLEY, [ ] Lieutenant. Maxims and morals for our conduct through life. 179I. 12. (2 ih.) ♦FURLON, [Lawrence] Captain. The American coast pilot. Ncwbtiryport. 1796,8. Ed.2. largely improved. 1798. 8. FYFE, [Andrew] ^Profejsor of Anatomy av Edinburgh. Anatomia Britannica; a system of anatomy in sit parts; illustrated by upwards of 300 folio copper plates from the most celebrated authors in Europe, by Andrew Bell, F. S. A, S. Engraver. Part. 1 - 3. 1798. fol. A compendium of the auatomy of the human body, illustrated by upwards of 160 tables, containing nearly 70Û figures, copied from the most celebrated authors and from nature. Vol. 1-3» 1802. 4. (5 L. 5 ft ) FYNNEY, [Fielding Best] Esq. Surgeon. The history of hydatids discharged with the urine. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol.2, p. 516.) UTABELL, [Henry] Rev. On the expediency of altering and amending the regulations, recommended by parliament for re- ducing the high price of corn, and of extending the bounty on the importation of wheat to other articles of provision. 1796. 8. (I ft.) *GABRIELLI, [......] The mysterious wife, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1797. 12» (12 fh.) Independence, a novel. Vol. I-4, I802. 12. (16 ill.) *GAITSKELL, [William] Surgeon at Rotkerhithe. Observations on the pathology and mode of treat- ment of calculi in general, but more particularly of intestinal calculi; with a description and chemi- cal analysis of the intestinal calculi of horses. (Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 4. p. 31.) ubers. in Samml. fur prakt. Aerzte. B. 16. S. 135.) History of a cafe of pemphigus. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 1.) Observations and experiments on the external absorption of emetic tartar and arsenic. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 79.) Histo- ry of a cafe of hydrophobia. (Ibid. Vol.5- P-l') GALE* GALE, [Benjamin] F. A. A. — Observations on the bite of a mad dog, (Ameri- can Museum Y. 1787. Dec. p. 5Ó9.) Historical memoirs, relating to the practice of inoculation for, f small-pox, in the British American provin- ces, particularly in New-Eugland. (Ib. Y. 1789. March p. 245.) ^GALLATIN, [Albert] A .sketch of the finances óf the United States. New-York. 1796 8. 0 ALLO WAY, [Joseph] Esq; born .... died at. Watford. T8o2. Aug. 29. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. Sept. p. 887. Letters to a nobleman; 17.. Brief commentaries, or such parts of revelation and other prophecies 'as immediately relate to the present times; in which the allegorical types and expressions are trans- lated into their liberal meanings and applied to their appropriate events. 1802. 8. ( 9 sh. ) The prophetic or anticipated history of the church of Rome — 1802, «GALTON v [S.....] Experiments on colours. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Aug. p. 509. cf. Dec. p. 852.) *3GAM, [David] Esq. Memoirs of the administration of the R. H. Will, Pitty or am inquiry into the causes and conse- quences of his conduct, in respect to different departments, bodies and public individuals of the state. In a letter to — the Earl of Suffolk, in consequence of his Lordship's motion in pirliament and conferences with his Maj. for the removal of ministers. 1797. 8. (2 sh.) * G A M B L E , [J ]. ^ As. Fellow of Pembroke Col- lege, Cambridge; Chaplain to Field-Marshall his Roy. Higkn. the Duke of York and C/tsl- plain-General to his Maj. forces. Essay on the different modes of communication by signals, containing an history of the progressive improvements. in this art, from the first account of beacons to the most approved methods of tele* graphic correspondence. Í797. 4. (13 sh.) GANDEfy 383 GANDER, [Gregory] (a fiShiouf name.) Poetical tales. 1779. 4. (I sh.) GANNETT, [Caleb] Esq. F. A. A. Account of a curious and singular appearence of the aurora borealis on the 27 March. 1781. (Mem. of B. A. Vol.2. P, I. p. 136.) TAPPER, [Edmund Pitts] Surgeon at Mere in Wiltjhire. A cafe of phthisis pulmonalis, with remarks. (London M.J. Vol. 11. p.388.) GARDEN, [Alexander] AÍ. Dr. Physician in London, before in Charles -tou>n, South - Carolina. born 1730. Jan died 1791. Apr 15. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Apr. p. 389. ^GARDEN, [Charles] D. D. Minister of the parish of Harwell, in. Berkshire and late a Tutor of Eton College. An improved version, attempted of the book of Job, avpoem, consisting of parallels, constructive^ synonymous and triplet; with a preliminary dis- sertation and notes, critical, historical and expla- natory. 1796. 8. (8 ib.) «GARDENSTONE, [Francis] of Garxlenstoutt. Ont of the Senators of the College of Justice. born at Edinburg 1721. June 24. àï<'d at Mor- ning side near Edinburgh 1793. July 21. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. Aug. p. 7Ó9. Travelling memorandums, made in a tour upon the continent of Europe in the Years 1786-1788- 1791- 8.. (3 ih.) Ed. 2. 1792. 8. (3 ft.) V0I.2. 1792. (3 sh.) Miscellanies in prose and verse. 179 . 12. *GARDINER, [James] Cowley's history of plants, a poem in 6 books; with fcapiiss disposition of gardens, a poem in 4 books; translated from the latin; the former by N. Tate and others, the latter by James Gardi* Tier. 1795. 8. (3 sli. 6 d.) ^GARDINER, [John] D. D. Sermons on various subjects, preached at the Octa- gon chapel, Bath. 1802. 8. (8fh.) GARDI- 384 GARDINER, [John] 'M. Dr. Fellow of the Roy. Cos. lege of Physicians and F. R; S. Edin. Pharmacoppea collegiî regiì medicoriím Edinbur- gensis. 1792. 8* (5 stk) Inquiry into the nature cause and cure of the gout and of some diseases with which it is connected. Edinb. 1792. 8. C4 fh.) iibeis. mit Anmerk. von Dr. C* F* Michaelis. Leipzig. 1792: 8." - * GARDINER, [John] Curate at- the church of St, Marts Magdalen , Taunton; Reftor of Brails* ford* tit the county of Derby. [' Sermon, preached the 10 Apr. I793» 4. (1 sh. 6 d.) Brief reflections on the eloquence of the \ pulpit, occasioned by a pamphlet entitled, rewiarki on a sermon preached on the fast-day 1795. by Jt Gardiner, in \vhi~h, among others are considered the sentiments oÇ Dt. Gregory 9 Dr. Johnson and Dr. Blair. 1796* 8* (I sh. 6 d.) ^GARDNER, [Edward] . ^ Observations on the utility of inoculating for the variolae vaccinae or cow-pox* 1801. 8* (l sh* 6 cL) 1 •GARDNER, [Edward] Reflections upon the evil effects of an increasing population upon the present high price of pro- visions, particularly corn; upon the bounty act and upon the propriety of general inclofures: in which a mode is suggested of relieving of equity, To which is added, an appendix, containing some remarks upon the subject of tythes, further ob- servations upon population and animadversions upon some late publications on the present scar- city. I800* 8. (2 fh 6 d.) ^GARDNER, [William] Esq. See A.>. Behn. *GARDNOR, [John] Member of the Roy. Acad. Vi- car of Battersea, Views "taken on or near the river rhine at Ai£ la Chapelle and on the river Maefe, engraved in aqua tinta. Nrb\ 1 - 8> 1788- 4. (Î3 L. 12 ft.) The history of Monmouthshire by David Wil* liants; illustrated and ornamented by views of its principal landscapes) ruins and residence's, en^ra* ved by J. Gardnor and Hill. 179Ó. 4. {2 L. : Hi.) ~' GARNfiT» 385 GARNET, [Thomas] M. Dr. late President of the Roy. Phys and natural history Societies, Mem- ber of the Roy. Soc. at Edinburgh,; Pkyjidan at Harrogate , . Professor of Natur. Philos, and Chemistry in the Rey. institution of Greti- Britatn. born near Kirkby-Lonsdale, Westmoreland, 17Ó5. died 1802. June 58. See Public Characters of 1799 and I8ô0. p. 415. Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. July. p. 690. Aug. p. 277- Nov. p. 990. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Aug. p. 48. Nicholsons Journal. Y. 1802. Sept. p. 62, Tillock's Philos. Magaz. Vol.13, p, 209* Allgem, Litter. - Zeis. J. 1803". ItBI. N. 43. S. 361. De visu* an inaugural dissertation, Edinb. 1788. Experiment? and observations on the crescent wa- ter at Harrogate. 1701, 8* (i sh. 6 d.). Trea- tise on the mineral waters of Harrogate: contai- ning the history of these waters, their chemical analysis, medical properties and plain directions for their use. 1792. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Meteorologi- cal observations made on different parts of the western coast of Great-Britain, (Mem. of M, Vol. 4. P. I. p. 234. P. 2. p. 517') A cafe of petechiae unaccompanied with fever, with obser- vations on the fame. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol 4.. p. 233.) Observations on the Wigglesworth wa- ter. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 119.) Observations on the nature and virtues of the Harrogate water, (ibid* Vol. 5. p. 123.) History of a cafe of dropsy* cured by the use of the infufum nicotianae. (Dun- can s M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 271.) Account of the discovery of azote, or phlogistical air, ia the mineral waters of Harrogate. (New London M.J. Vol. I. p. 25.) A cafe; of taenia, or tape worm, cured by flowers of sulphur. (Ibid. Vol» r* p. 32.) Observations on the methods used for obtaining the different permanently elastic fluids iro;n mineral waters. (Ibid. Vol.1, p. 233.) Out- lines of a course of lectures on chemistry. I797. 8. (4 sh. ) A lecture on the preservation of health. 1797. 8. (2 sh.) Observations on a tour through the highlands and part of the western Aetifi G. E% Svppt, Bb isles 386 isles of Scotland, particularly Staffa and Icolm- kill: to which are added, a description of the falls of the Clyde, of the country round Moffat and an analysis of its mineral waters: Illustrated by a map and 52 plates engraved in the manner of aqua tinta, from drawings taken on the spot by W* H. Watts, miniature and landscape painter. Vol 1. 2. 1800. 4. (2 L. 12 sh. 6 d. ) iibers. von L. Tkeob. Kosegarten. B. I. 2. Lubeck und Leipzig. 1802. 8. Account of ihe benefit of oxy- genated muriate of potash, employed as a me- dicine. ( Medical Repository. V'-L I. p. 578.) Let- ter on the use of oxygenated muriat of potash. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1798. p. 444.) Annuls of philosophy, natural history, chemistry, litera- ture, agriculture and the mechanical and fine arts for the Y. 1800. Vol. r. 1801. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) Outlines of a course of lectures on chemistry, delivered at the Roy. Institut, of Great - Britain. l8or. 8- (5 sh-) A lecture on the preservation of health being a popular illustration of the Bruno- nian doctrine. Igoi. 8- (4 sh.) ubers. Leipzig. I802. 8- A short account of Gilsland and its mineral waters. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Febr. p. 40,) Observations on the irritabilsty of vege- tables. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Oct, p. 190.) Observa- tions on rain gages. (Tr of J. A. V0L5. p. 357.) Account of the good effects obtained from sul- phurated vegetable alkali and powder of char- coal in florid consumptions. (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. IO. p. 368.) Letter respecting the benefit derived from the oxygenated muriate of potash employed as a medicine. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 409.) *GARNHAM, [Robert Edward] Rev. of Bury. born at Bury St. Edmunds 1753. May I. died I802. Aug. 24. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. July. p. 689» Suppl.p.1220. Monthly Mag. Y. 1802. Aug. p. 89* Examination of Mr. Harrison's sermon preached — May 1788. 1789. Letter to the — Bishop of Norwich (Dr. Bagot) requesting him to name the prelate to whom he referred as ^contending strenuously for the general excellence of our 4 38? present authorised translation of the bible,,, I?89* Letter to the Biiliop of Chester ( Dr„ Cleaver) on the subject of two sermons addressed by friiil to the clergy of his diocese, comprehending; also a vindication of the late Bishop Hoadiy, 1796. Review of Dr. Hay s sermon, intitlcd j, Thoughts on the Athaiiaiiari creed.*,, 1790* Outline uf a com- mentary on Revelations Xlj 1^-14. Í704^ (Several single sermons.) (Papers in ^Commentaries and eslays*,, signed Syncrgus. Papers in ??The theo- logical Repository* Signed Ereiinetes and sdiota.) *GARRA&D, [Elizabeth] of Bath. Miscellanies in verse and prose. 1800. 8» (4 sh.) GARTSHORE, [Maxuell] M. Dr; E. R. Sc F. A Si Physician to the britifk Lying inn Hospital, St> Martins -lane, IVt/tminfhr s London. A remarkable cale of numerous births with obser- vations. (Philos, Transact. Y. 178?. p* 344* London M. J. Vol. X. P. 1.) iiberC SatumL der neuestcn Beobacht. EngL Aerzte 1789. S.gl* Observations on extra-uterine easc9 and on ruptu* res of the uterus. (London M. J. Voi. VI1L Pk 4.) iibers. Rcpertor. chirurg. u. Medifci Wahrnehrtu Th, I* S. 173. An account of the species of cry* fipelas -r- as it has appeared in infants at the bri- tifh Lying-inn hospital* (M. C. Vol.5. p*28») *GASKI N , [George] D. D: ReBor of St, Benet Grace- chunk and of Stoke - Newington > Middlesex. Sermons preached to parochial congregations by the late Rev. Richard Southfeate, B* A. &c» With a biographical preface, Voh I. 2. 1798. 8. (12 sh») CAST, [John] Avch-Ùeacoû at Glatodelagh. The history .-'of Greece* 1783* 4. ( I L. i fh, ) libers» Leipzig* 1798* 8* *GATES, [R ] Letters on sine spinning Wool. (Tr. of the SoC» for the E, of A. Vôl. ?. p. 151-1Ó6.) *GAY, [Nicholas] Esq. E. R> S. born in Ireland » * * * died 1803* Sept*' £ò* at Margate* See Gentleman's Magafc. Y. 1803. Sept* p, 8ÇL Strictures on the proposed union between Great** Britain and Ireland, with occasional remarks. I7996 8, (I li. 6 d.) Bb a CEACH, 388 GEACH, [Francis] M. Dr. F. S. S. Principal Phyfician. îo tli€ Roy. Rospital at Plymoutk. born 1724. died 1798. Febr. 17. Sec Gentleman'* Magaz. Y. 1798. March. p. 259. Apr. p. 305. Duncans AunaU of Medic. Y. 1798. P- 474. *GEARD, [John] The beauties of Henry, a sélection of the niost fìncking passages in the exposition of that cclcbra- ted commentator: To which is presixed a bries account of the lise, character, labours and death of the author. Vol. 1. 1797. 8» (4 íh. 6 d.) GEDDES> [Alexandcr] D. D. a Roman catkoììc Ckr* gyman. born at Arradowl in the pariíli of Ruthven, Bamfsbire , Sept. 4. 1737. díed igos. Febr. 26. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. March, p. 279. Apr. p. 312. 371- Junc- P- 491- Y. 1803. Junc p. 511. Aug. p. 723. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Apr. p. 255. Allgem. Litt. Zdt. ItBl. J. 1803. N. 41. S. 345. Letter to a member of parliament on the expe- diency of a gênerai rcpeal of ail pénal statutes that regard religious opinions. 17.. EpistolaMa- caronica ad fratrem de iis, quae gesta funt in nu- pero dislentientiunr couventu, Londini habita prid. Id. Febr. 1790. adjuncta est vertío anglica ad ufum dominarum, dominorumque rurícolarum. 1790. 4. (i f^- 6 d.) * Carmen feculare pro gai- lica gente tyrannidi aristocraticae erepta. 1790. 4* (i fh.) translated from the original latin. 1790.4. (I Ih.) L'Avocat du diable: 17... >ríA Norfolk raie, or, a journal from London to Norwich, with a prologue and a épilogue. 1792, 8. ^Ververt, or, the Parrot of Nevcrs, a poem in 4 Cantos, frt-ely translated from the french of Jm B. Greffes, I793. 4. Letter to - John Douglafe, Bíshop of Censurio and Vicar apostolic in the London di- strict. 1794.4. (2 fh.) *The battle of Bangor, a fatirical pocm; 17.. *The battle of the bards, an heroic poem in two cantos. The author fytauritius Moonsliíne. 1800. 4. (2 sb.) Three Scottifh poem», with a previous dissertation on the 38$ the Scoto- Saxon dialect. (Transact, of the Soc. of thc-Antiq. of Scotland. Vol. I. p. 402.} Epistle to the President, Vice-president and members of the Scottish society of Antiquaries, on being cho- sen a correspondent member. (Ibid, Vol. I. p.441.) The first eklog of Virgil, translatit into skottis vers. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 457.) The first idillion of Theocritus, translatit into skottis vers. (Ibid. Vol. T. p. 462.) The holy bible-faithfully trans- lated from the corrected texts of the originals. With various readings, explanatory notes and cri- tical remarks. Vol. 1. 1792. 4. (i L. Iî fh. Ó d.) Vol.2. 1797.4. (I L. 11 ill. 6d.) Address to the r, public on the publication of the first volume of his new translation of the bible. 1793. 4. (l fh.) ^A modest apology for the romau catholics of Great-Britain, addressed to all moderate prote- stants; particularly to the members of the house of parliament. I800. 8. (7 fh.) ubers. von Di\ Paulus. Jena. 1801. 8. Critical remarks on the bebrew scriptures; corresponding with a new translation of the Bible; Vol. I. containing remarks on the pentateuch. 1800. 4. (i L. II fh. 6 d.) *Morc wonders! an heroic epistle to M, G. Le* wis, Esq. M-. P. with a praefcript extraordinary and ah ode to the union; by Maurh. Moon/kitie. 'I80I, 4. (2 fh,) *GEDDES, [John] Dr. Account of the province of Biscay, in Spain; (Transact, of the Soc, of the Autiq. in Scot!, Vol. I» P. 205.) *GEDDES, [William] at Prospeíï Hill. On the benefit of reaping wheat early, (A>^íerica^ Museum Y. 1787. Aug. p. 176.) *GEE, [Joshua] The trade and navigation of Great-Britain con^ sulcred —; a new edtfion. 1792. (3 fh.) *GELL, [John] of Lewa. Enquiry into the causes of insolvencies in retail businesses, with hints for their preventions and the plan of a fund for the relief of decayed trades- men, their widows, children or orphans. 1796. 8- (I fh. 6 d.) Bb 3 *GENT3 39Q ~ *GENT, [Thomas] of Hoinerton* Description of his new invented crane, for rau fing; and delivering heavy bodies. ( Tr, of the Soc. for the of A, Vol, 19, p, 394,) *GENTLBM/VN, [Robert] Minister of the N<» Meeting-house , Kidderminster^ born , . , , died 1795* July 10. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795, July, p. Ó2r„ Qrtori*s exposition of the old testament. Vol. 5 6. 1792, 8. (12 fh.) Plain and affectionate address to youth, 1792. 12. (3 fh.) *GEQGHEGANï [lidward] Surgeon at Dublin. Practical observations on the nature and treat- ment of some exasperated symptoms attending the venereal disease, 1801, 8. (3 st*0 ©ERARP* [Alexander] D. De F. R. S. Professor of Divinity in the University and Kings Colle- ge y Aberdeen, and one of his Maj< Chaplains for Scotland* born , , . . ♦ died 1795, Febr. 22, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Apr. p. 349. On taste. I758« 8- (4 fh.) iiberf. Kreslau u. Leip, zig, 176Ó. 8, Ed. 3. London. 1786. 8. On the genius; 1774. 8. The pastoral care, published by his foj] and successor Gilbert: Gerard. 1799.8. (7 fh, ) iiberf, von M^h, Feder< Wirzburg, 1803, 8- (Several single sermons,) «'GERARD, [Gilbert] D, D. Professor of Divinity in the University and Kings College, Aberdeen, and one of his Maj, Chaplains in ordinary for Scotland* Ón indifference with respect to religious truths? a sermon. 1797. 8. (i fh.) GERARD, [JamesJ Physician, to the Liverpool Ivfir- mary, A successful cafe of anwirofli, (Mem. of M. $« of L. Vol. 4. p. 359') *G£RARD, [William] Master of the Naval and Mi* litary Academy, Ormondhoufe, Chelsea^ The seaman's preceptors consisting of the scho- - lastic rules and examples for the (indent's progress in «»vig»UQW. X8Q3- 8q (8 ft,) * GERATHYj 391 «GERATHY, [James] Es q. Barrìster m haro. The présent state of Ireland and the oniy meajis of preferving her to the empire, considérée! in a letter to the Marquis Cornwallis. 1799. 8. (I sh.) The conséquences of the proposed union — con- fìdered in a second letter to — Cornwallis. 1799. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) *GÈRLIVIN, [William] Saint-Leon, a taie of the 16 century. Vol. I - 4. I800. 12. (íó sb.) *GERRALD, [Joseph] A convention, the only means of saving us from ruin , in a letter addressed to the people of Eng- land. 1793. 8- (l sh.) *GERRARD, [John] Ecclcfiae Anglicanae Fresbynr Londinetifis. Siglarium romanum; sive explicatio notarum ac litterarum, quae hactenus reperiri potuerunt in marmonbus, lapidibus, nummis, auctonbus aliis- que romanorum veterum reliquiis, ordine alpha- betko distribula. 1792. 4. (I L. I slj.) *GHOGAN, [ ] M. Dr. Agricultural experiments on gypsum or plaister of Paris, wíth some observations on the fertilizing quality and naturai history of that foslìl. Philad. 1797. 8. *GIBBES., [George Smith] fí. M. lan Fellont of Mag- ■ dalen Collège, Oxford; One of the Pkyjìcians to tke Bat k city Difpensary.' F. L, S. Otì the conversion of animal muscle into a sub- stance much resembling spermaceti. (Philos. Trans- act, Y. 1794. P* 1^9- Y- !795- P-^39* Simmoms Médical Facts and Observât. Vol. 7. p. 121.) A few observations on the cemponent parts of ani- mal matters and on their couversion into a sub- stance resembling jsperma-cetit IJ96, 8. (i sh. 6 d.) A treatise on the Bath waters. 1800. 8- (3 sh.) A íecond treatise — 1803, 8. (8sh.) Dis- covery of sulphate of strontian, near Sodbury , in Glouçesteríhire. (Nickolsons Journal. Vol. 2. p. 535- Vol. 3. p. 96.137.) A chemical examination of the Bath waters. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 359. 403.452.) Account of a cavern difeovered on the north vvest fídc of the Meudiphills, in Somersctíîiire. (Trans- Bb 4 act. 393 act. of L. S. Vol. 5. p, 143. TillocKs PhiloC Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 140.) GIBBON, [Edward] K K, S: F. ^. 5. born 1738. IMay., 8. et Putney in the county of Surry, died 1794. Jan. 16. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794, Jan. p. 94. Fcbr, p. 178. March, p. 199. April, p.382. Y. 1797. Nov. p.915. Al!g, Litrerat.Zeit. J. 1794. ItBl, April. Nr. 3t. 8,241. Essai fur l'etude de la littérature. 17Ó0. 8- fibers, von J, J. Efckenburg* Harab. 1792. 8. {Gibbon et Deyverdun) Mémoires littéraires de la grande Bretagne, 17Ó7. *A criticism on the 6 book of Virgil, in answer to /Va r hurt 011. 1767. (?) A . serious cail to a devout ,and holy life, adapted to the state and condition of all order? of christians by fV. Law, A. M. the 14 Edit: to,which is ad' cled, some account of the author by Edw. Gibbon, 28Q2. 8- Miscellaneous works. Vol. 1. 3. .1796. 4, (2 L. 10 fb.) * GIBBONS, [Thomas]. As. Dr. Physician at Hadkigk in Suffolk. Medical cafes and remarks: Part I. On the good effecrs of salivation in jaundice arising from caU cuìi: Part2. On the free use of nitre in haemorr* Tiagy. 1799, 8. (j'l fh.) Some cafes of biliary obstructions, from calculi, cured by salivation, {Duncans A. of Medic. Y. I?q6. p.279.) *GIBBS? [Adam] late Rev. of Ed'mb. born .... died ....(?) Tables of the four evangelists, 1800. (6 d.) *GIBBS, [Jane] Account of his starch from arum macuiatum vub gare. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol. 15. P* 238.) * GIBBS, [Robert] Account of the Earl of upper-Ossory plantations. (Tr. of the Soc. for the £. of A. Vol 3. p. 4-12.) * GIBBS, fVicary] Esq. Spccib rn defence of Thomas F/ardy, tried by spe- cial commission on a charge of high treason —• Ï795' 8 O Speech in defence oïjohn Home Tdnke, Rì<\. tried by specieÎ commission on a char- ge of high treason —. 1795, 8* {X ih.) » GIBSON, * GIB;SON, [Francis] Esq. Streanshull abbey, or the Danish invasion. A play of 5 acts. -1800.8. (2 íh. 6 à.) ^GIBSON, [Francis] Esq. F. A. S. ■ Observations on the machine called the Lewis. (Arch. Vol. 10. p. 123.) GIBSON, [John] M. Dr. surgeon in jhe Royal Navy. On bilious diseases and indigestion, with the ciTccts of quassy and natron in these disorders. 1799. 8. (2sh.) ♦GIBSON , [Kennet] late Curate- of Caster. A comment upon part of,the fifth journey, of An- toninus through Britain; in which' the situation of Durocobrivae, the seventh station there mentioned, is, dfscussed; and Castor > in Northamptonihire is shewn:, from the various remains of roman anti- % quity , to have an undoubted claim to that situa- tion. To. which is added, a .dissertation 011 a image of jupiter found there. Printed tfrem the original MSS. and enjarged with the parochial history of Castor and its dependences to she pre- sent time. To which is subjoined, an account of Marhana and several other places in its neighbour* hood. I80Û. 4. (15 sh.)| ♦GIBS'ON, [Robert] History of the old mango tree, (Tr* of the Soc» for the E. of A. Vol. 4, p. 223.) *GIDDV, [Edward] Esq. On Mr. Pitt s poor bill. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 27. p- 355-) *GIDLEYKING, [Phillip] Esq. See Arthur Phiilif, Esq. Governor of New South Wales. GIFFOkD, [John] Esq. The history of France* from the earliest timet to the present important era — occ. Vol. 1-4. 1791» 1794. 4. (3 L*) A plain address to the common sense of the people of England , containing an interesting abstract of Paints life and writings,, 1792. 8. (6 d.) History of Spain from the esta- blishment of the colony of Gades by the Phoeni- cians to the death of Ferdinands furnatned the sage. Vol. r-3. 1793. 1 iibers. Th. I. Leipzig. 1794. 8. The reign oí Louis XVI. and complete history of the french revolution, with notes criti. cal and explanatory. 1796. 4. Letter to the Earl of Lauderdale, containing strictures on his Lord- ship's letters to the peers of Scotland. 1796. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) * History of Rome from the foun- dation of the city by Romulus to the death of Marcus Antoninus, by the author of the history1 of France, Vol. 1-3. 179. iibers. von K. F. C. Wagntr. B. I. Braunschweig. 1796. 8. A resi- dence'in France, during the Years 1793-1795. described in a series from an English lady. Vol. I. 2 1796. 8. (14 sh.) The bandìti u 11111 a iked, Or, historical memoirs of the présent times. Trans- lated from the french of ; General Danican, with a preface explanatory of the present state of France. 1797- 8. (6 sh. 6 d.) Letter to the Thomas Erskine, containing some strictures on his view of the causes and consequences of the war; some reflections on thé subject of the present negotia- tion; and observations on the voluntary loan; with a word to the critics, subjoined. 1797, (3 sh.) A defence of th£ French emigrants — by Trophime Gerald De Lally -Tolendal, translated from the french. 1797. 8- (7 fh,) A short ad- dress [to the numbers of the loyal associations on the present state of public affairs, Ed. 5. 1798» 8. (I ib.) Address from Camille Jordan, mem- ber for the department of the Rhone, to bis constituents, on the revolution of the 4 Sept. 1797. translated from the french, with an ori- ginal preface and notes. 1798. 8- (3 st*0 Letter to-the Earl of Lauderdale, containing strictures on his letter to the peers of Scotland and proving from authentic documents, that the french were the aggressors in the present war; with an ori- ginal letter from the late %dm. Burke, expiai* ning the much perverted expression of the swinish multitude, and some reflections on Mr. Sheridan'/ attack on the revolution and on the omission of the customary sermon at Westminster on the 30 ©f January 1800* I800. (4 fh,) *GIFF0RD, 395 * GIF FORD, [William] Esq. . born in April 1757» at Ashbiirtonin De- vonshire. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1802. Oct. p. 897» Public Characters of l802 and ï8of§. p. 303. The satires ofJunius Juvenalis s translated into English verse, with notes and illustrations. 1802, 4* ( I L. XI sh. 6 d,) An examination of the strictures of the critical reviewers on the trans- lation of Juvenal. 1803, 4* (3 sh, 6 d.) <*GILBERT, [Charles] Winter barley in Sussex, (Youngs A. of Agr. VoL 38. p. 124.) GILBERT» [Thomas] Member of Parliament. born 1719. died at Cotton, his feat, in the County of Stafford, 1798. Dec, 18. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1798. -Dec. p. 1090. Suppl. p, II4Ó. Allg. Litt. Zeit. IcBl. J. x8oo. S. 654- The principal cause of the miseries of the poor. 17.. *G1LB.ERT, [William] The hurricane , a theofophical and western eclo- gue. To which is subjoined a solitary effusion in a summer's evening. 1797. 8. (I ib. 6 d.) *GILBY, [Williani] M. Dr. Pkyfuian to the General Hospital at Birmingham, Account of the; successful application of electricity in a cafe-of wry neck. (Loudon M, J. Vol. XL p. 358.) Account of the good effects of electricity in a cafe of paralytic affection , serving to prove that in such cases, the electric sparks should be taken from the muscles which are antagonists to those that are contracted. (Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât, Vol, 2* p, 102,) Repertor, Chirurg. und Mediz. Abhandl. B, I. S, 311, *GILCHRIST> [John] Esq. A Grammar of the Hindustanee language, Calcutta. 179. 4, The oriental linguist, or, an easy and familiar introduction <%c. CalçvUta. 17g, 4. En* ghsh and Hindustanee and Hindustanee and English dictionary. Vol, r. 2. Calcutta. 179, 4, * The amijargouist, or a short introduction to the Hin- dustauçç dustance language, (vulgarly but erroneously cai- -' Wfchc Motors*!) Calcutta. 8. (l6 Rupees.) Anew theory and prospectus of all the persiau verbs with their, synonims/in England and Hindustauec. 1802. A %çme < of Hinduítaneç orthoepy inL roman cha- racters. 1802. Annotations upon Milton. (Monthly <: Magaz, Y. 1802. p. 346,) Account of the Hin- . dustanee horometry. (Aíìat. Res. Vol. 5^ p. 81,) ,, A new theorj and prospectus of the Persians verbs, with their Hindustanee fyuorums. 1803,4. (10 sh. 6d.) GILL, [John] D. D. born , . . . died 1777. Reasons for separating from the church of Eng. land calmly considered * à new edition with some corrections and enlargement. 1800. 8. (4 d.) * G ILL AN, [Hugh] M. Dr. Physician, to the Embassy to China under Lord Macartney and Physician Ge~ sterol to the Army at the Cape of Good-Hope. born .... died Y. 1798. May 19. at Newhall, near Cromarty, Scotland. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. June. p. 537* Allg, Litt. Zeit. ItBÌ. J. 1800. S.Ó50. De Igne. Edinb. 178Ó. 8. • ,< *GILLESPIE, [James] D. D. late Principal of St. , Mary's College in the University of St. An- drews , and one of his MaJ. Chaplains in Ordi* nary for Scotland, born .... died 1791. June 2. Sermons, published from the author's MSS. by . George Hill 1796. 8. (5 6 d.) , ©ILLESPIE, [Leonard] As. Dr. Surgeon and Agent to the Naval Hospital, Fort Royal, Martinique. Advice — on the preservation of the health of seamen. 1799. 8. (X sh.) Observations on the diseases,- which prevailed on board a part of hi6 Maj. squadron on the Leeward Island station bet- ween Nov. I794» anc* APril *79k 1800. 8. (5 Hi.) GIL L E S P Y , [E ] Curate of Blistvorth, North- amptonshire, A disquisuion upon the criminal laws. 1792. 8. ÍIÍh) *C1LLET, *GILLET, [R ] Leíturer in philosophy; F. R. S. born .... died ....(?) The pleasures of reason, or the hardened thoughts of a sensible young lady. 1796. 12. (S^V) Mo- ral philosophy or logic, adapted to the capacities of youth. 1798. 12. (I fh. 6 d.) ^GILLIAM, [James S,...] M. Dr. of Petersburg, Virginia. Reflections on the gout. (American Museum Y» 1789. Sept. p. 211 ) GILLIES, [John] Minister of the College Kirk at Glasgow. born 1711. died 1796. March. 29. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. Apr. p. 355, Aug. p. 699. AUgem. Litterat. Zeit, lcKl. J. I800. S. Ó27. Devotional exercises on the new testament. 1769. 8» GILLIES, [John] LL.D: F. A. S; Historiographer to his Maj. for Scotland. born at Brechin in the Shire of Angus, ia Scotland. See Public Characters of 1800 and 1801. p. 223. Defence of the study of classical literature; 17,. iiberf. Gesch. von Alt-Griechenland. Th. 3. 4, Leipz. 1797- 8. Aristotle's ethicks and politicks, comprising his practical philosophy , translated from the greek and illustrated by introductions and notes, the critical history of his life and a new analysis of his speculative works. Vol. I. 2. 1797. 4. (I L. ló íh.) G1LLING WATER, [Edmund] An historical account of the antient town of Lo- westoft in the county of Suffolk, with some cur- sory remarks on the adjoining parishes and a ge- neral account of the island of Lothingland. 1791,4. On the depravation of apple-trees. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 250.) The poll for knights of the fliire, to represent the county of Kent, July 1802. by Thomas Godfrey, Esq. High Sheriff; ar- ranged from the sheriff's books-with an abstract of this and of the poll in the Y. 1796. (5 ih.) *G1LLUM, [R ] M. Dr. Letter to Dr. Browne Mill ^ gf Marlbro'buildings, Beth. 1803. 8. (I sh.) GILLUM> GILLUM* [William] Esq. late Clerk in the India House. born .... diec) 1797. Jan. 9, Sec Gentleman's Magaz» Y. 1797. Jan. p. 82. Allg. Litt. Zeit. J. 1800. S. 641. The origin, progress and expediency .ofcontinuing the present war with, France, impartially conside- red. 1794. 8* (2 sh.) *GI|LP1N, [George] Clerk to the Royal Societyt Appendix to Charles Blagdens report on the best method of proportioning the excise upon spiri- tuous liquors, (PhiL Transact* Y. 1792. p. 439.) Tables for reducing the quantities by weight, in any mixture of pure spirit and water, to those by measure; and for determining the proportion * by measure, of each of the two substances in such mixtures* (Philos, Transact. Y. 1794. p»375>) GILPIN, [John] Observations on the annual passage of herrings. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 178Ó* Dec. p. 155. New- York Magaz. Y. 1792. Oec. p. 717.) * GIL PIN, [Joshua] Vicar ofRockwardim in the county of Salop. The portrait of St. Paul: or, the true model for christians and pastors, translated from a* French MSt of the late Rev. John William de la Fie* there Vicar of Madeley, (born at Nyon Y. 1729* died 1785» Aug. 14.) with some account of the author. Ed. 2. corrected* Vol. I* 2. 1791* 8* (10 sh. 6 d.) *GILPIN, [R ] Essay on satan's temptations î ttew edition. 180Ô* 8* (6 sh.) GILPIN, [William] A. Mi Prebendary of Salisbury, Vicar of Boldre in the New forests near Ly~ mington. On temptation 179. 8* Observations relative to picturesque beauty made in the Y. 1776. on seve* ral parts of Great-Britain particularly the high* lands of Scotland. Vol. 1.2. Í 789. 8. (lL. 16 sh.) libers. Th. 1.2. Lcipz. 1792*1793.8» Remark* ctt forest scenery and ofher woodland view? (rela- tive chiefly to picturesque beamy;, illustrated by the scenes of new Forest iu Hampshire* Vol. 3* 2* I79L 399 I79r« 8- (I 16 sh») iibers. Th. I. 2. Leipzig. l8oo. 8. Three eíïàys: on picturesque beauty; on picturesque travel; on sketching landscape; with a poem on landscape painting. 17Ç2. 8- (iosh. 6 d.) Moral contrails; or, the power of religion exemplified under different characters. 1798. 12. (3 fh.) Observations on the western parts of England, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty; To which are added a few remarks of the pittoresque beauty of the isle of Wight, with plates. 1798. 8. (2 L. 5 fh*) Sermons preached to a country congregation: to which are added, a few hints for sermons. Vol. I. 1799. 8» (6 sh.) Vol.2. I800. 8. (7sh.) Vol. 3. 1803.8. (7ft.) GILSON, [David] M. A. Curate of St. Saviour's, South- warkj London. The story of Abimelech, a lesson to conspirators* a fast sermon. 1793. 4, (1 sh.) *GIRDLER, [J S ] Esq. Observations on the pernicious consequences of fore- stalling, regrating and engrostlng with a list of the statutes, thoughts on the coal-trade, as ajso on the sale of cattle at Suiithfield with various notes and hints. 1800. 8* (6 sh.) On the caulcs of the high price of provisions. 1800. GIRDLE ST ONE, [Thomas] As. Dr. A case of diabetes, with an historical sketch of that,disease. 1799.8. (3 sh.) *GIRVIN, [John] The impolicy of prohibiting the exportation of rock-salt from England to Scotland to be refined there, illustrated. 1799. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) *GISBORNE, [J ] Esq. The vales of Wever, a loco-descriptive poem, inscribed to the Rev. John Granville, of Calwich, Staffordshire. 1797. 4. (5 sh.) GISBORNE, [Thomas] M. A. The principles of moral philosophy. Ed. 3.1795- 8- Ed. 4. 1798*8. Remarks on the late decision of the house of Coimmons respecting the abolition of the slave trade. 1792. 8. (i sh.) Enquiry into the duties of man, in the higher and middle classes of society society in Great-Britain resulting from their re. spective dations, professions and employments. 1794. 4. fi L. 1 sh ) Ed. 2. Vol. 1.2. 1795. g! Ed. 3. Vol. 1. 2. 1785. 8> Ed. 4. 1799. * Walks in a forest> aé poem descriptive of.scenery —. at different seasons; 1794. 4. Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (3 flu) Leipzig. 1802.8. Enquiry into the duties of the female sex. 1796. 8. ( 6 sh. ) iibers. von Bonatk. , Altona. 1800. On the benefits and duties resulting from the institiu tion of societies for the advancement of litera- ture and philosophy. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P. r. p. 70,) Poems, sacred and moral. 1798. 8. (4sn.) A familiar survey of the christian religion and of history ^ as connected with the introduction of Christianity and with its progress to the present time; Ed. 2. 1799-8. (8 sh.) Ode to the we- mory of William Cowper, Esq. 1800. 4, (I sh.) Sermons. Vol. I. 2. 1802. 8. (16 sh.) *GISBORNE, [William] D. D. An inquiry into the principles of national or- der with reflections on the present state of the christian world, the probable causes of war and the best means of promoting and securing the su- ttire peace of Europe: To which are prefixed two traéts, written by Edward a geometrical method of reasoning, • without any consideration of niotiosi or velocity applicable1 to every purpose to which fluxions have been or can be applied; with the geometrical principles 'of increments^ - 1793. 4. (2ÍÏ1. 6 d. ) Observations on construction. 1793. 8- On the principles of the antecederitaí calcuius. (Tr/ofE. S. voi: 4. p. 2. p. 65.) *GLENTON,'[Fredenk] Surgeon. • ■ .' Address to the faculty and the "public on the ex- pediency of establishing a fund for the benefit of the widows and orphans of medical mehj in the counties of Durham and Northumberland and the town of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1793. 8. (I ih.) ^GLOVER, [Joseph] Air attempt to prove, that digestion in man de- pends on the united causes of solution and fer- < mentation. Philad. 18CJO. *GLÏNN, [Clobery Robert] Esq, M, Dr. ■■Fellow of the R&y\ College of Phyficians in London: fal* low of Kings College. '•■>* > - born Aug. 5. 1719. at Kelland near Bodmin, in Cornwall, died 1800. Febr. 8. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. March, p. 276. '. . Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. p. 397. AlJg. Lilt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. T803. The day of judgment, a poetical essay, 1757, Ed. 5. l8oivlS. (6 d.) 1 ^GODFREY, [C B*:..] M. Dr. An historical and practical treatise on the venereal •disease. -1797. 8. (2-sh. 6 d.) *GOÍ)FREY, [Samuel] Attorney at Law*, The great question of bills of\exchange, called fictitious — wherein the origin of that questioa and" its frivolity Ì3 .shewn. 1791. 8. (I fh.) GODSCHALL, [William Man] F. K. S: F. A. S. of WestonkouJe An Surry , F. 11. S. one of hit Maj* Jpjlices of the peace for that country- born 1719. died 1805. Dec. 1. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. i8Q3. Dec P- >GODWiN, • GODWIN, [ ] * Considerations on Lord Grznville's and Mr. Pitt1? bills, concerning treasonable and seditio is practi- ces by a lover of order. 1795. 8. (I fh. 6 d.). GODWIN, [Mary] Mrs. See Mary Wo list on* craft. GODWIN , [William] Esq. formerly a Dijsenttng CUt*. gyman. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 368. Memoirs of the author of a vindication of the rights of woman; {Mary Wolljionecraft) 1798.8- (3 sb» 6 d, ) iibers von Lenz. Schnepsembal. I799. 8. *The herald of literature; or, a re?'* view of the most considerable publications which will be made in the ensuing winter. .17.. An enquiry concerning the political justice and its influence on general virtue and happiness. Vol. I. 2. I793. 4. . (I L. IÓ fh.) fid. 2. Voli 1.2. 1795.8. (I4shf) Ed. 3. 1797.8. tiberC m it Anmerk. u. Zuf. von G. M> Weber, B. 1. Franks, u. Leipzig. I803. 8» Tilings as they are, or, the adventures of Caleb Williams. Vol. 1-3., 1794. T2. (10 sb. 6 d.) Ed.2. 17.. wbers. von Aug WilhelmL Th. , 1.2. Leipzig. 1797. 1798 8. Cursory strictures on the charge delivered by Lord chief justice Eyre to the grand jury on the 2 Oct. £794* 1794. The enquirer; reflections on education, manner and littérature iu a scries of essays. Vol. 1. 1796. (Ó fh.) St. Leon, a tale of the ió century. Vol. I-4. 1799. 8. (l6 fh.) Antonio, a tragedy irt 5 aóís. l8ot. ,8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Thoughts,- oceatio-. jied by the perusal of Dr. Parr's spital sermon April £5. 1800. being a reply to the:afctacks of Dr. Parr; Mr. Mackintosh, the author ofan essay on population, and others. I80I. 8 (2 fh. 6 d.) The history of the life and age of Geoffrey Chau- cer, the early enplish poet, including memoirs of his kinsman John of Gaunt; — Vol. I, 3. 1803. 4. (3 L. 13 fh. 6 d.) ^GOLDEN* [William]' The triumph of friendship* an historical poem. 1791. 4. (2fh. 6d.) The distressed village, a poem 5 — 1805* C c 404 *GOLDHÀWK, [Thomas] Culture of cartots. (Young1 s A. of Agr. Vol.23- P 5340 Culture of carrots. (Ibid. Vol. 24. p. 4,) On hedge wheat. (Ibid. Vol.24. p«4o8.) Method to present mischief by the horns of cattle. (Ibid. Vol.28, p. 162.) ^GOLDING, [WidJowsj Surgeon at Walling ford, in Berkshire. An account of a remarkable affcctiofn òf thé te- stes; (Simmon/s Med. Facts and Obferv. Vol. 7. p. 62.) Cafe of a man who castrated himself. (Ibid. Vol 7. p. 74.) *GOLDINGHAM, [J.....] Esq. Some account of the sculptures at Mahabalipoo* rum, usually called the seven pagodas. (Afiat. Res. Vol. 5. p. 69.) Some account of the cave ia the island of Elephanta. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 409.) * GOLDSMITH, [John] A. As. Vicar of Dunnington. Geography for the use of schools: divided in "three parts — to the whole are prefixed an ac- count of the most successful and rational mode of teaching geography and directions for pro* jecting and drawing maps. 1802. 8. (io fh. 6 d.) An easy grammar of geography —; 1803. 8. (2 Ch. 6 d.) *GOvLD SMITH, [Lewis] The crimes of cabinets — translated from the french of Hauterive. l8oi< (6 fh.) >*GOLDSON, [William] Esq. Observations on the passage between the atlantic and pacific oceans, in two memoirs on the straits of Anian and the discoveries of De Fonte, elu- cidated by a new and original map. To which is prefixed an historical abridgment of discove- ries in the North of America, 1793. 4. (8 fh.) GOLLEDGE, [John] Strictures on a work entitled; an essay on phi- losophical neceflity by Alex. Crombie *»~ to which is added an appendix, sliewing in various parti- culars the affinity there is between neceflity and predestination. 1799. 12. (i fh.) "COMERS ALL, [ ] Mrs. of Leeds. , The citizen, a novel, Vol. 1.2. J791. 8. (*6 fh.) • GOMER- 405 *G0MERSALL, [A ] The disappointed heir, or memoirs of the Or- mond family. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. (7 fh. ) *GOMM, [James] Esq. late Lieutenant and Comman- der of the Tickler Gun - vessel. Narrative founded on a series of events which took place in the' island of St. Marcou. 1801. 8. (I sh.) GO OCH, [Benjamin] Surgeon at Shottisham in Norfolk. born .... died 177. (?) Chirurgical works, a new edition with corrections and additions. Vol. I-3. 1792.8. GOOCH, [Elizabeth Sara Villa Real] Mrs. Life written by herself. Vol. 1-3. I7Ç2. 8. (lo sh. 6d.) The wanderings of the imagination. Vol- J. 2. I7çós 8. (6 sh.) The contrast, a novel. Vol. I. 2. 1795. 12. (6 sh.) Truth and fiction, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1801. 12. (18 sh,) The beg- gar boy, by the late Mr. Thomas Bellamy with a portrait of the author by Drummond; to which are prefixed biographical particulars of his life. Vol. 1-3. i8or. 12. (12 sh.) *'GOOD, [John Mason] F. M. S: Dissertation ou the diseases of prisons and poor- houses — to which is added a singular cafe of praeternatural foetation, with remarks on the phe- nomena that occurred. 1795, 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) tibers. von Carl Graf v. Harrach. Wien. 1798. 8. The history of medicine, so far as it relates to the profeilion of the apothecary from the earliest accounts to the present period. The origin of druggists, their gradual encroachments, on com- pound pharmacy and thé evils to which the public are thence exposed —. 1795- 12. (3 sh. 6 d.) On the best means of maintaining and employing the poor in parish work-houses. 1798. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) Reply to Mr. Wood on the poor. (Monthly Ma- gaz. Y. 1798. Dec. p. 411. Y. 1799. Febr.p. 121.) On the epic poems of Germany: on the Meflias of Klop/locf^. (Ibid. Y. 1800. Aug. p. t.) On oriental poetry. (Ibid. Y. Igoi. Jan. p. 519.) On the culture of rice. (Ibid. Y. I80I. Febr. p. 80 On the origin of the greek alphabet. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 485.) Songs of songs; or, sacred Cc 3 idyls. 40Ô ■— idyls. Translated from she original Hebrew, with notes —. 1803. 8- (7 fh. ó ci,) The triumph of Britain, an ode. 1803. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Rev. Alex. Geddes LL. D. 1803-, 8 (ro fh. 6 d.) *'GOOD, [Joseph] Rev. Poems on several occasions. 1792. 8. (3 fh.) *GOOO, [Thomas] Esq. Speech in the Irish house of commons Febr. 14, I800. on the subject of the union with Great- Britain. 1800. (I sh. 6 d.) *GOODACRE, [Robert] Master of a seminary ai Nottingham. Arithmetic adapted to different classes of learners, but more particularly to the use of large schools —; 1803, (6 fh.) *GOODENOUGH, [Samuel] LL. D: F. R. S: F L, S. Observations on the britifli species of carex. (Transact, of L. S. Vol 2. p. 16. Vol. 3. p. 76.) — — and Tk, J. Woodwards observations on the britiih fuci, with particular descriptions of each species. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 84.) A description of the porbeagle shark, the squalus cornubicus of Gmelin, Var, (Ibid, Vol, 3. p. So*) ^GOODRICH, [Simon] Description of a new escapement for clocks. (Tr« of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 17. p. 327. Ni- cholson s Journal. Vol. 3. p. 342.) *GOODSIR, [John] Surgeon at Largo. History of a fracti/re of the skull, with very con- siderable injury to the brain, terminating in com- plete recovery, without any operation. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. l8or, p,3oo.) •GOODWIN, [George] Rising castle, with other poems. 1798. 8. (3 6 d.) ^GOODWYN, [H ] Esq. On the unities of weight and measure best ad- apted to the Britiih empire; 011 the new measures of France; with a description of an engine for raising water. (Nicholsons Journal. Vol 4. p, 163.) Qtf tho quotients arising from the division of a" unit unit by prime numbers. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 403,) Construction and, use of an universal table os in- terest. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 433.) «GORDON, [ ] Principal of the Scots 'College in Paris. Remarks,made in a journey to the Orkney islands. (Transact, of the Soc. of Antics of Scotland. Vol. I. ^GORDON, [Sir Adam] Bart. Reftor of Hittxworth, Herts. The contrast, or an antidote against the pernicious principles disseminated in. the letters of the late Earl of Chesterfield. Vol. I. 2. 179L (6 sh.) Affectionate advice from a minister of the esta- blished church to his parishioners, upon the most: plain and positive duties of religion, with some cautions against the prevailing spirit of innovation* 1791. &. (I ih.) The plain duties of wife and christian subjects; two sermons. 1793. 8. (I sh. 6d;) A collection of sermons on several subjects and occasions, particularly on the festivals and fasts of the church of England. I79Ó. 8- (8 fh.) Homilies of the church modernized. Vol. 1. 2. 179. 8. An aillstant for the visitation of the sick. 179., 12. ^GORDON, [Alexander] Esq. M. Dr. Phijftcian to the 'Dispensary of Aberdeen. A treatise on the epidemic puerperal fever of Aberdeen. 1795. 8* (3 sh.) Account of an alar- ming case of flooding, which happened in the 9 month of ( pregnancy. (Duncan's M. C, Dec. 2. Vol. 8. p. 3Î70 ilbers. in Repertor. Chir. 1.1, Medic. Abhandl. B. 2. S. 142. A (Jugular cafe of extra- IVterine conception, assuming the appearance of - retroyerted uterus. (Ibid. Dec. 2. Vol.8, p. 323,) libers, in Repertor. Chir. u. Medic, Abhandl. B.2. S. 14g. A curious cafe of expectoration of bile. (Ibid. Dec. 2. Vol. S. p. 326.) |90RDON, [Alexander] Reader on Botany in London• See Colin Milne, LLj Dr. Lord 408 Lord GORDON, [George] born in upper Grosvenor-street London 1750. Dec. 19, died at his aparrements on the ma- ster's fide of the gaol of Newgate. 1793. Nov. i. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1793; Nov. p. 1056. Life of Lord G. Gordon with a philosophical re- view of his political conduct > by Robert PVatson, M. Dr« 1795. 8. His speeches in parliament mo- tions and trial may be seen in Gentleman's Magaz, Vol 49. (Y. 1779,) p. 6, 42, 266. 615. 626. Vol. 50, (Y. 1780.) p. 7» 159- 2oo, 293. 248. 265.269. 308.312* 353- 440. 44^ 454» 500-.504. 539- 54°. 553- 599- Vol, 51. (Y. 1781O p. 44- 60. 63. 90. 108» no. 158. 250. 255- 267. 310, 311. 391. 4or. .459. 4Ó7. 630. Vi>l. 53- (Y. 1783.) p. 249. 340. > 8Ó9. 870. 871. 872. Vol. 56. (Y. 1786.) p. 437. 993. Vol. 57. ( Y, 1787.) p. 87. 440. 450. 451. '53I~533. 545. 634. 734- Vol. 58. (Y. 1788.) p. 1 80. Vol.59, (Y. 1789O P-851. 856. Vol.60. (Y. 1790.) p. 265. Vol. 61. (Y. 1791.) p. 175. Letter to the Marquis of Carmarthen against Mr. Adams the American ambasiador. Vol. 56. (Y. 1786.) P- 436. ^GORDON, [James] Retlor of Killegny in the Dio- £ese °f Ferns and of Cannaway in tine Dioceje of Cork. 0 Terraquea, or, a new 'system of geography and modern history. Vol. I, 1791. 8. (6 sb.) Vol.2* 1793- 8. (5 sh 3 d.) History of the rebellion in Ireland, in the Y. 1798. -&c. containing an itnpar- tial account of the proceedings of the Iris!) revo* lutionists, from the Y, 1782. till the fuppreíîìoa of the rebellion. i8or. 8. (8 sh.) *GORDON, [John] D, D. F. S. A. Precentor and Arck-Deacon of Lincoln, Retlor of Henstt ad in the county of Suffolk. born 1725 at Whitwofth in the county of Durham, died at Lincoln 1793. Jan. 5, See Gentlemans Magaz Y» 1793. Jan. p, 92, ~ A new estimate of manners and principles. T760. O casional thoughts on the study of classical au> jtbors, 1762* An address to the members of the senate 409 senate of the university of Cambridge, on an at- tention due to worth of character from a reli- gious society, with a view to the ensuing election of high Steward; to which is added a letter from Mr. Joseph Mede, -formerly of Christ's College (from a Manuscript in the HarJeian collectiori) gi- ving a very paiticular account of the circnmstan- ces attending the Duke of Buckingham s election in King Charles I. time, by a master of arts. 1764, (Several single sermons,) GORDON, [William] D. D. a Differing Minister, formerly established at Ipswich; but upon the breaking out of the American war, he ivent to America. He was there Minister of Rox- bury: now Pastor of a Dissenting Congregation at St. Neots in Huntingdonshire. An abridgment of Jonathan Edward's treatise on religious affections. 17.. GQRDON, [William] Master of the mercantile Aca- demy , Edinburgh. born died 1793. ^GORDON, [William] Nursery and Seedsman, of Bow. On the cultivation of gallium verum or luteum. (Jsounfs A. of Agr. Vol. 18. p. 3850 *DE GORGY, [ ] (Author of Biansay, Victorina and St. Alraa.) Lidora, an ancient chronicle. Vol. 1.2. 1791. 8. (6 sb.) *GQR1NG5 [Charles] of Weston, near Steijning> Esq. Essay on the conversion of grals lands into til- lage. ( Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 3. P. I. 'p. 189.) ^GOSLING, [Jane] - Aihdale village; a moral work of fancy. Vol. 1.5. 1794, 12. (6 fli.) *G0SLING, [Robert] Surgeon. born .... died 1794, Sept. 7. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Sepf. p. 868- Default chirurgical journal, translated from the french. 17.. *G0SNELL, [Thomas Kuolles] Accomptam of London. An elucidation of the Italian method of book- keeping, with examples calculated to simplify and Cc 5 perfect 4io free observations on Jones's engliih system of book-keeping and concluded by concise strictures on Collier's defence of double entry. 1796. 4. A plain and rational account of man's salvation, by Jesus Christ; to which arc added a caution to men in general, and an exhortation to believers. 1791. 8. (lfli. 6d.) •GOUGH, [John] of Kendal Reasons for supposing that lakes have been more numerous than they are at present, with an at- tempt to astign the causes, whereby they have been defaced, (Mem. of M, Vol. 4. P. 1. p. 1.) / The laws of motion of a cylinder, compelled by the repeated strokes of a falling block to pene- trate an obstacle, the resistance of which is an invariable force. (Ibid. Vol. 4. P. 2. p. Z?3.) Ex- periments and observations on the vegetation of feeds. (Ibid. Vol. 4. P. 2. p. 310.) On the va- riety of voices. (Ibid. Vol. 5. P. 1. p. 58.) An investigation of the method whereby men judge, by the car, of the position of sonorous bodies re- lative to their own persons (Ibid* Vol. 5. P. 2. p. Ó22. 'Nicholson s Journal Y. 1802. June. p. 122.) On the theory of compound' sounds. (Ibid. Vol. 5. P. 2. p. 653.) On the supposed revival of insecb after long immersion in wine or other intoxicating liquor. "(Nicholson's Journal. Vol.2. s Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 509.) On the exhibition of a series of primes, and the resolution of a com- pound number into all its factors. (Ibid. Y, I802. Jan. p. I,) Reply to Dr. Youngs letter on the theory of compound founds. (Ibid. Y. 1803. Sept. P- 39-) ^GOUGH, [John Parker] Au eisay on cantharides. Philad. 18Ô0. (5 AD GOUGH, [J ] A, B. GOUGH, 4ii GOUGH, (Richard] F, R. S. Direclor of the society of Antiquaries. Sepulchral monuments in Great-Britain. Vol. 2. 1797. sol. (9 L. 9 ill ) Description of two ancient rnanikhi houses in Northamptonshire and Dorset. (Arch. Vol. IO. p. 67.) Illustration of a roman altar inscribed to Belatucader. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. II8-) A mosaic pavement in the Prior's chapel , at Ely:, with a brief deduction of the rife and progress of mosaic works since the introduction; of Christianity. (Ibid, Vol.10, p. 151,) Observa- tions on a roman horologium, found in Italy. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 172,) Description of an old font in the church of East Meon, Hampshire, 1789* with some observations on fonts, (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 183.) Collection of a subsidy 1382 by the prior of Barnwell. (Ibid. Vol.10, p. 38Ó J A charter of Barnwell priqry. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p.396.) On the analogy between certain antient monuments. (Ibid. Vol. If. p. 34.) Observations on a greek inscrip- tion at London. (Ibid. Vol. ij. p. 48.) Thomas Martin's (died 1771. March 7.) history of Thee- ford. 1779. Thomas Simon's medals, coins, great seals <— a new and improved edition, with an appendix by Rich, Gongk,ar\<\ two additional plates finely engraved by Bafire. 1780. Ferlin s descrip- tion des royauhnes d'Angleterre et d'Escosse, with De la Serres y histoire de Pentre'e de la reine du mere- du roy tres chrestien dans la grande Bre- tagne. 1772. Djstertation on the coins of Canute. ï?77« 4» ( ^e ï$ concerned in conducting the Gentleman's Magazine.) *GOULD, [William] D. D. Reftor of Stamford Ri- vers. born .... died 1799. March 16. aged up- wards of 80. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. March, p, 262. April, p. 345- Allgem. LituZcit. It HI, J, 1800. S. 659« An account of engliih ants. 1747. 12. Concio ad Clerum hnbita Cantabrigiae, 1774.4, (6 d.) ♦GOURLAY, [Robert] An inquiry into the state of the cottagers in tbe counties - 413 counties of Lincoln and Rutland. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.37, p. 514-578.) *GOWER, [Richard Hall] In the Service of the East- India Company, On the theory and practice of seamanship; 1793. 8. (5. sh.) Ed, 2. corrected and enlarged. 1796,8. (7sh.) Reply to a critique on his five masted ship. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1801. Febr. p. 103.) An attempt to determine the true form and neces- sary angles of weather that ought to be given to vanes of a vertical windmill as they recede from the centre, left1 undetermined by Sine at on. (Tillocfïs Philof. Mag. Vol. 4. p. 174.) *GRAEFER, [John] A descriptive catalogue of upwards of eleven hun- dred species and varieties of herbaceous or peren- nial plants. 1790. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *Duke of GRAFTON, [ 1 See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 258. Hints submitted to the serious attention of the cler- gy , nobility,, and gentry, newly associated. 17Ç9. Account of a flock of sheep, with observations by A. Young. ( Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 7. p. 1.) Oil the profit of sheep. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 282.) Re- marks on the value of turnips applied to feeding iheep. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 299* ) Culture of beans and wheat. (Ibid. Vol.33, p. 543.) Beans and wheat, explanation. (Ibid. Vol.34. *GRAGLIA , [G A ] The castle of Cridán, or, the history of Don Al- varez and Eugenia Dutchess of Savoy. 1801, (4 sh. 6 d.) GRAHAM, [Catherine Macaulay] Mrs. (Maiden name Catherine Sa w b r i d g 0. Her first husband was George Macaulay M. Dr. born . . . • died 1791. June 23. at Binsield, Berks. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1791. June. p. 589- Pennant's History of London, p, 388-' * Observations on the reflections of Ednt. Burke's on the revolution in France; in a Jetter to Earl Stanhope. Í791. 8. GRAHAM, 413 GRAHAM, [Charles] On the history of tobacco. (Monthly Magaz. I8oo, Febr. p.38.) GRAHAM, [Charles Alexander] Physician in Stirling. Account of a cafe in which a fistula in pcrinaeo was successfully treated by the introduction of a feton. (Duncans Annals of Medic. Y. 1798. P-354-) *GRAH A M, [James] Diísertatio de scrophula. Philad. 1791. 8. * GRAHAM, [J.... A ] LL. Dr. late Lieut. Colo- nel in the Service of the United States of Ame- rica. À descriptive sketch of the present state of Ver* mont one of the United State* of America, 1797- 8. (6. ft.) -GRAHAM, [John] A defence of scripture doctrines.as underitood by the church of England; in reply to a pamphlet, in- titled, ^scripture the only guide to religious truth,,. I800. 8. {2 fh. 6 d.) *GRAHAM,V[\Villiam] Rev. of Netvcastle. A review of ecclesiastical establishments in Europe containing their history, with a candid examina- tion of their advantages and disadvantages, both civil and religious. 179a. 8- (4ÍÎ1. ) An essay tending to remove certain scruples respecting the constitution and direction of missionary societies especially that of London^ 1797. (6 d. ) *GRAND, [William] Candidate for the Lucofian Pro- fefforshlp. Letter to the vice-chancellor of the university of Cambridge. 1798. (6 d.) ^GRANGE, [ ] Lady. Epistle to Edward D.... Esq. written during her confinement in the island of St. Kilda. Ï798- 4» (2 fh.) ^GRANGE*, [Joseph] Remarks on waste lands in the county of Dur- ham. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol.8, p. 149.) *GRANT, [ ] Mrs. Poems on various subjects; the highlanders. 1803. 8. (10 ill. 6 d.) * GRANT, 4T4 *GRANT, [A....] The progress and practice-of a modern attorney Part I. Ed. 2. 1795. 8. {2 fh.) *GRANT, [Alexander] D. D. Minister of the Ehglisk Episcopal chapel at Dundee. Sermons on various subjects and occasions. Vol. 1.2. 1800. 8. (ro fh.) *GRANT, [Charles] Viscount'de Vaux. The history of Mauritius or the isle of France and the neighhouring islands from the first discovery to the prefent;time; composed principally from the papers and memoirs of Baron Grant, who resided 20 years in the island, illustrated with maps, from the best authorities. 1801. 4. (I L. 16 fh.) * GRANT, [David] M. Dr. An essay on the yellow fever of Jamaica. 1801. g. (3 slu *GRANT, [James] LL. Dr. Usurer of St. Leonard, Skoreditch, ReElor of Garforth, in York/fare. born , . • . died 1797. Sermons; 17.. *GRANT, [lames] Esq. late Sen'five&kar of Ren'gal' Inquiry into the nature of Zemiudary tenures in the landed property of Bengal in two parts, with an appendix; with some prefatory remarks on a late publication, entitled a dissertation, -concer- ning the landed property of Bengal* 1791. 4, (5 fli.) *G RANT,'[John} Minister of Dundurcas. Of the roman hasta qnd pilum, of the brafc and iron used by the ancients. (Transact, of the Soe. of Antiq. of Scotl. Vol.1, p. 241.) *GRANT, [Moses] Rev. of Nalton, near H aver for d- PVeft. A defence of thlies > with observât, by A, Youtifr {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol» 10. p. 389.) 6RATTAN, [Henry] Esq. born in Dublin I75T. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 288; Speech on the address to his Maj. at the opening of the Irish parliament, with an appendix, contai1 lîing the public papers and resolutions of the uni- ted Irish,' the committee'of delegates for the rowan catholics. '415 catholics. T792. 8. (X sh. 6 d.) Bill for the eman- cipation of the roman catholics of Ireland; pre- sented to the house of commons of Ireland April 24. 1795. (8 sh. 6 d.) Address to his constituents, the citizens of Dublin on his determination to retire from the parliament of Ireland* 1797. 8» (6 d.) Speech in the Irish house of commons against the union with Great - Britain. I800. 8* - (I sh.) • An answer to a pamphlet intitled , ,,the ^speech of the Earl of Clare on the fubjeci of a ^legislative union between Great-Britain and Ire> „land. Ï800. 8. (I sh.) GRAVES, [Richard] M. A. Reilor of Claverton, So- mcrset. born at Mickleton in the county of Gloucester May 4- I7I5- See Public Characters of 1799 and rSoo. p. 385. Invitation to the feathered race; 17.. Hogs of Bristol; 17.. The festoon, or, a collection of cipigramms, with an cira>> on that species of com- position. 1770* (?) ^Lucubrations in prose and rhyme by Peter of Pom fret. 1786. De la Cnsa Galateq, or, a treatise on politeness; translated from Italian, 17.. Columella, or,, the distrefi'cd anchoret, a colloquical tale. 1,778. Eugenius, ,or, anecdotes of the golden vale; 17.. Plexippus on .the aspiring pU'bcjan; 17.. The rout; 17.. Fleurettes, a translation of Fenelonys ode on soli- tude and other french authors; 17.. The life of Commedus > from the greek of" Herodian; 17 .. The farmer's son; 17.. *The coalition, or the bpcra rehearsM, a comedy in 3 Acts, by the edi- tor of the spiritual Quixote. 1794. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The meditations of the Emperor Mvrcus AureL 'Antoninus, a new translation from the greek ori- ginal, with a life, notes &c. 1792; 8. (6fh.) *The reveries of solitude; consisting of essays in prose, a new translation of the mufcipula jm\A ori- ginal pieces in verse. 1793. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) <;:Hic- ro, on the condition of royalty, a conversation from the greek of Xenopkon. 1793, 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) On the character of the apostles and evan- 1 gelists, designed to prove that they were not en- thusiasts. 1798. 8. (5sti«) Sermons on various subjects; 4i6 subjects; To which"is added a letter from a father to his son at the* university. 1799. 8- (5 sh.) Ser- mons on the following; subjects: On -the clerical character; on superstition; on miracles; 011 sub- million to the existing powers; on the love of pleasure; on temperance; on the temporal disad- vantages of vice; on happiness; on evangelical righteousness, on justice. 1799, 8. (5 fh.> *Se- nilities; or, solitary amusements: In pçose and verse; — 1801. 8- (5 sh.) *GRAVES. [Robert] M. Dr. Physician at Sherborne in Dorserfhire and cxtralueniiate of the college of Physicians * London. Instance of a disease, to which Sauvages has given the name of meteorismus ventriculi, with remaiks. (Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. s. p. 90.^ Case of a scirrhous affection of the stomach, with an account of the appearances on dissection, (London M. J. P 4. p. 343.) A fatal instance of the poisonous effects of the oeuanthe crocata Linn, or hemlock drop wort. (Simmon7 s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 7. p. 308.) An experimental inquiry into the constituent principles of the sul- phureous water at Nottington near Weymouth; together With observations relative to its applica- tion in the cure of diseases. 1792. 8. (I fh. 6d.) A pocket conspectus of the new London-and Edin- burgh pharmacopoeias. 1796. 8» (3 fh*) Ed. 3. corrected and improved. 1799* 8. ( 3 sti'. ) GRAY, [Edward Whitakcr] M. Dp . F. R. S. Under- librarian of the British Museum in tke De* apartment of Natural Hi/lory, born in London 1748. Marcher. Account of the epidemic catarrh of the Year 1782. (M. C. Vol. I. p. I.) Account of the earth quake felt in various parts of England Nov.1^8. 1795. with some observations thereon. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1796. p.,353.) — and Wyttt, *The repertory of arts and manufactures. Vol. 1-IÓ. 1794-1803. (Nrb. I-93, each Nrb. I fh. 6 d.) *GRAY, [John] LU Dr., Practical observations on the proposed treaty of union between the legislatures of Great-Britain and 417 tnd Ireland. 1800. 8* (2 fh. 6 d.) The income tax scrutinized and some amendments proposed to reader it more agreeable to the Britilh constitution* I802. 8. (2 sh.) *GRAY, [John] Esq. On the watering and management of flax. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol.5* p. 297.) GRAY* [.Robert] A. M. former/y of Mary ~ Hall Ox* ford: Vicar of Farrin^don , Berks. Discourses on various subjects, illustrative of the evidence, influence and doctrine of chnstianity. ^793» 8. (5 fh.) Letters during the course of a tour through Germany, Switzerland and Italy in the Year 179I and 1792. with reflections on the manners, littérature and religion of those coun- tries. 1794. 8. (ó fh.) Sermons on the principles upon which the reformation of the church of England was established. 179Ó. 8- (6 sh.) ♦GRAY, [Robert] B. D. Prebendary of Chichester, Retlor of Craike in the coumy of Durham. A dialogue between a churchman and a methodist, in which the grounds of the communion and sépa- ration are well examined and the principal point9 of difference fairly discussed with a reference 10 scripture. Ed. 2, 1802. •GRAYDON, [George] LL. B: M. R. J. A. On the fish inclosed in stone of Monte Bolca, (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p. 281.) •GREAVES, [Thoma=] Process tiled in making the paper from the bark or peel of withen twigs. (Tr. of the Soc. for the . E. of A. Vol. 6. p. IÓ4. Vol., 7. p. 112.) *GREBELL, [Allen] Account of a fat ok. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol.123. P» 538*) Account of a late planted crop of po- tatoes. (Ibid. Vol.30, p. 384.) *GREEN> [ j * An examination of the leading principle of the new system of morals, as that principle is stated and applied in Mr. Godwin's enquiry concerning political justice. 1798. 8. (Í fh. 6 d.) #GREEN, [Andrew] of Trinity - College. An essay tending to ijiew the state of the jew* since • Rtnfs d, E. &wpl D d the 418 the death of thrift, affording an argument for the truth of Christianity. 1800. '♦GREEN,* [Ashbel] Rw. Chara6rer of George Dufficld^ late pastor of the 3 presbyterian congregation in the city of Philadel- phia, who died Febr. 2. I790. (American Museum. Y. 1790. Febr. p.66.) Observations on hope, fear and disappointment. (Ibid. Y. 1791. Febr. p. 65.) Obedience to the laws of God, the sure and indi- spensable defence of nations, a discourse. Philad, 1798. 8- (25 Cents.) S'GREEN, [B ] A selection of examples, for the use of the dra- wing school, Christ's hospital. 1796. (l L. 1 sh.) *GREEN, [E . . . .] atBowlney, Experiments on fattirg sheep. (Comm. to the B, of Agr. Vol. 2. p. 192.) ♦GREEN , [Edward] Observations on the drama, with a view to its more beneficial effects on the morals and manners of society. 1803. (2 sh. 6 d.) *GREEN, [Francis] Esq. Vix oculis subjecta, a dissertation on the art of imparting speech to the naturally deaf and con- sequently dumb: with a particular account of the academy of Messrs Braidrpood of Edinburgh and a proposal to perpetuate and extend the benefits thereof. 1783. * GREEN, [James] Lieutenant in his Maj. Marin Force. On the principles of the British constitution. 17., An historical essay on different governments. 1793. 8. (3 Hi. 6 d.) GREEN, [Valentine] F. A. S. Mezzotinto Engraver-to his Maj. and to the Elector Palatine." The history and antiquities of the city and suburbs of Worcester. Vol. 1.2. 1796.4. (2 L. 12 ft. 6 d.) An account of the discovery of the body of king John in jhe cathedral church of Wcicester 17 Jul. 1797- mi- 4- (ash.) GREEN, [W«lliam] M. A. Rettor of Hadingha^ Norfolk. born .,. died in 3 very advanced age 1794 Sept. Sec Gentleman s Masaz. Y. 1794. Nov- P- I000' * GREEN, 419 ♦ GREEN, [William] of Sutton Hall, new Bury. On (he culture of cabbages. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.3. p. 182.) On burnt wheat, with observât. by A. Young, (Ibid. Vol. 3. p, 372.) *GREENALL, [William] of Ecclepton, Lancashire. An .account of the methods of converting grass lands into tillage, and of returning them to grass again after a certain period. (Comm. to the B# of Agr. Vol. 3* P. I. p. 2ÓI. Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1802. April, p. 273. May. p. 353.) GREENAWAY, [Stephen] Minister at Daily on tht JVouldsy co. Leicester, Recior of Nether Brough' ton y Vicar of CrofX9ell Bishop Nottinghamshire find Domestic Chaplain to the late Lord Fe- versham. born at Salisbury 1713. died 1795. Sept. 5. See. Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Sept. p. 795. '• Allg. Litt. Zeit. 179Ó. ItBl. S.2f £n address to honest English herrts, 1762. Re- marks on a pamphlet called memoirs of the con* tested election. 1775. «GREENT, [«) GREGORY 421 GREGORY, [George] D. D: F, A, S. Domestic Cha* slain t§ the Bishop of Landaff and Joint Eve- ning Preacher at the Foundling Hospital, Cu- rate of St, Gileses Cripp-legate. An history of the christian church from the ear- liest periods to the present time; a new edition, corrected and enlarged. Vol.1.2- 1795-8. (I4sh.) Philosophical and Iitterary essays. Vol. I. 2. 17Ç2» 8- (12 sh.) History of England from the revo- lution to the commencement of the present admi- nistration, written in continuation of Hume's hi- story , which was left unfinished by Mrs. Cathe* vine Macaulay Graham. 1795..8. The adventu- res of Telemachus ~ from the french of Solignac de la Mothe Fenelon — by the late John Haw- kesworth LL. Dr. corrected and revised, with a a life of the author and a complete index, histo- rical and geographical: embellished with XI ele- gant engravings. Vol. 1.2. 1795. 4. (i L. 16 ill. large paper 3 L. 3 ih.) The economy of nature explained and illustrated on the principles of mo- dern philosophy in ten books. Vol. 1-3. 1796, (I L. 7 sh.) Ed. 2. with considerable additions* Vol, 1-3. 1798. ubers. von Dr. K. G* Kiihn u. C. F. Michaelis. B. 1.2. Nlirnberg. 1798. 1800. 8. On suicide, a sermon. 1797. 8. (i sb.) The ele- ments of a polite education; carefully fele£ted from the letters of the late Phil. Dormer Stan- . hope, Earl of Chesterfield, to hi* son, 1800. 12. (4 sh. 6 d.) On the uses of claíììcal learning. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. I. p. 109.) ^GREGORY, [G....] D. D. Chaplain to the phi- lanthropic Society. Family prayers for the philantropic reform, with a short catechism and an address to the children* 1792. 8. (6 d.) GREGORY, [James] M. Dr. Profejjor of the praàlice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh. born at Aberdeen 1753. Jan. See Public Characters of I800 and 180T. p. 135. Memorial to the managers of the royal infirmary of Edinburgh. 1800. 4. * GREGORY, *GREGORY,*[Joi..] M. A. Historical discourses. 1792. ^GREGORY, [OJinthus] A journeyman printer in tin office of Mr. Flower, at Cambridge. Teacher of Mathematics. Lestons astronomical and philosophical for the amusement and instruction of bntish youth. — the whole interspersed with moral reflections. 1796. 8. (3 sh) A treatise on astronomy, in which the elements of the science deduced in a natural order from the appearances of the heavens to an observer on the earth. 1802. 8. (15 fli.) On Dr. Gall's cranioscopical lectures and Blumen* lactis collection of skulls. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Dec. p. 379.) On Mr. Pearson s analogy for deducing the greatest equation from the excen- tricity. (Nicholson's Journal Y. 1S03. Juné. p. 65.) ♦GREGORY, [O..... G ] Ou halos. ( Monthly Magaz. Y. 1796. Oct. p. 689.) ♦GREGORY, [William] One of the Miffionarus. A visible display of divine providence, or, the journal of a captured missionary designated to the Southern Pacific Ocean in the second voyage of the ship Duff, Capt. Thomas Robson, captu- red by le Grand Bonaparte off cape Frio; inclu- ding every remarkable occurrence which took place on board the Duff, the grand Bonaparte in the province of Paraguay, Spanish South- America and Portugal, on the return home it! 1798 and 1799. J800. 8- (5 lb.) *GREIG, [John] Teacher of Writings Geography ifc. The young lady's new guide in arithmetic. I800. 12. *GRELLIER, [J.... J....] The terms of all the loans which have been rai- sed for the public service during the last 50 years ~ with an introductory account of the principal Joans prior to that period and observations on the rate of interest paid for the money borrowed. Ï799. 8. (I sh.) On the progress of the national debt. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Jan- P* 4*) ^c principles of political arithmetic illustrated in a11 estimate of the national wealth of Great-Britain. 423 (Ibid, Y. I8Ò0. Au* p. 23. Sept. p. 113. Oct. p. 213*) A view of the manufactures in Great-Bri- tain with respect to their extent and the number of individuals employed therein. (Ibid. Y. 1801, Jan. p. 493.) Remarks on the returns of the po- pulation of Great-Britain. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Sept. p, 89) *GRENVILLE, [T ] Letters on his machine for teaching blind persona arithmetic. ( Tr# of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 132.) Lord G RENVILLE, [William Windham] Secretary of State; farmers y Speaker of she House of Commons. » Speech, on the motion of the Duke of Bedford for the dismissal of ministers March 22. ^798. 8. (6 d.) Substance of hÎ9 speech Nov. 1801. on the motion for an address approving of the convention with Ruflia, with notes. 1802. 8. (3fh. 6 d.) *GRESWELL, [W.... Parr] Curate of Denton in Lancashire, Memoirs of Angelus Politianus, Aclius Sincerus SannazariuS) Petrus Bembus, Hieron. Fracastorius% Marcus Antonius Flaminius and the Amaltkei: translations from their poetical works an.d notes and observations concerning other literary cha- racters of the 15 and 16 centuries. I80I. 8» (5 ft ) *GREV1LLE, [ ] Esq. * British India analyzed. Vol. J-3. 1793. *GREVILLE, [.....] Mrs. Ode to indifference. 17.. (author of some other pleasing fugitive poetry.) * G RE VILLE, [Charles] Right Hon. F. R. S. On the corundum stone from Asia. (Phil. Tranfi* Y, 1798. p.403. Nicholsons Journal Vol. 3. p. 477.536. Vol. 3. p. 5.) ♦GREVILLE, [Fulke] Esq. Reflection, 0 poem, in four cantos. 1790. 4. (7 fh, 6 fh.) Letter to the reviewers of the Monthly Review. 1790. 8. (1 fh. 6 d.) *GREY, 434 * G R E Y , [..«..] of the Lottery-office. *The essential principles of the wealth of nations illustrated, in opposition to some false doctrines of Dr. Adam Smith, and others. 1797, 8. (3 fh.y *GREY, [Charles] Esq. The remonstrance moved in the house of commong Febr. 21, 1793. against a war with France, 1793,8, (6d.) *GREYSQN, (T ] Surgeon. . Observations on the veueral disease, 1796. 8. (6d.) *LE G RICE, [Charles Valentine] Esq. of Trinity College. The tineum, containing estianomy or the art of stirring a fire; the icead , a mock heroic poem: an imitatiou of Horace Ep. I. lib, 1. Epigrams, a fragment. &c. 1794, 12. (l fh.) A prize decla- mation — on the subject; Richard Croniwell if he had possessed his father's abilities, might have re- tained the protectorate. To which is added a speech delivered Dec, lg, 1794» being the day of public commemoration > to prove that the reign of Anne has been improperly called the Augustan age of English genius. 1795, 8* ( I fh. ) Analysis of Paleys principle* of moral and political philoso- phy. Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (I ill. 6 d.) GRIEVE, [John] M. Dr. R R. S. Edin. late Physician to the Ruffian Army — Account of the method of making a wine called by the Tartars, koumiss — (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 1, p, 178. London M. J. Vol. 10. P. 2*) ùberf. Samml, der neuesten Beobacht. fiir Aerztc. S. 161. A do scription of the Russian ploughs, (Bath Agriculi, Soc. Vol. 3. p. 344.) * GRIFFIN, [Elizabeth]^ The friends, or the contrast between virtue and vice, a tale, designed for the improvement of youth. I?99« 12» (sfh.) (Author of the Se- lector; Moral amusements <3tc.) GRIFFIN, [Gregory] Of the College of Eton. (Afifti* tious name. ) The microcosm, a periodical work, 1787. 8# (7 sl».) * GRIFFITH, 425- *G RI F PITH, [Hugh Da vies] Esq. On the use of lime n:ixcd with gunpowder, in rending rocks and stones. (Bath Agric.Soc. Vol. 8- p. 336.) GRIFFITH, [Moses] M. Dr. at Colchester. born .... died 178. (?) ♦GRIFFITH, [Richard] Esq. M. R.J. A. Thoughts and facts relating to the increase of agri- culture, manufactures and commerce, by the exten- sion of the inland navigation .of Ireland. Wherein is considered, the propriety of directing into chan- nels more productive of permanent improvement* the bounties now paid on the inland and coast carriage of com to Dublin. 1795, Dublin. 8. (I sb. I d.) ♦GRIFFITH, [Richard] A singular case of reproduction of the spinctor ani and three other cases annexed; which illustrate the use of a fresh porter fomentation and seed poultice in the cure of mortification. 1792. 8« (I sh. 6 d.) GRIFFITHS, [Frances] Mrs. born .... died at Millescent, in Ireland. 1793. Jan. 5. Essays addressed to young married women. 1782. ,(2sh, 6 d,) iiberf. (von Christ. Lang.) Erlangen. • 1792. 8. On temper, as it respects the happiness of the married state. ( Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1794. June. p. 346.) •GRIFFITHS, [J ] Esq. Museum of French monuments — translated from the french of Alex. Lenoir. Vol. I. 1803. 8. ^GRIFFITHS, [Ralph] Esq. LL. D. born 1720. died 1803< Sept, 28» at Turnham- green. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I803- Sept. p.891. (The origtual institutor of the Monthly Review.) *GRIFFITTS, [Samuel Powel] Profeffor of Mate* ria Medica in the Univerfity of Pennsylvania. Published Will. Buckarìs domestic medicine. Phi- lad. 1795. 8. (18 sh. 9 df) Dd 5 «GRIGBY, 426 # •GRIG BY, [Joshua] Esq. of Drinkston Link. M. P. fer the County of Suffolk. On planting and the use of resinous trees. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 4. p. 301.) Experiments on oats. (Ibid. Vol. o. p. 07.) ^ •GKIGG, [ ] Remarks on waste lands in Essex. (Bath Agric, Soc. Vol. 8. p. 134.) * G RIGG, [John Anthony] Rev. Hierogamy, or, an apology for the marriage of the roman catholic priests without a dispensation. i8or. (1 sh. 6 d.) * G RIM SHAW, [Nicholas] Esq. On the quantity of iron in cotton and linen cloth: evil effects, simple means of eradicating and ob- fervations on bleaching, the result of long expe- rience. (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. 1, P. 2. p. II.) *GRIM WOOD, [Daniel] On the degeneracy of apples. (Bath Agriculr. Socf Vol. 4. p. 242.) *GRINDALL, [Richard] Esq. F. R. S. One of the Surgeons extraordinary to the Prince of Walts; Surgeon to the London Hospital and War dm of the Surgeon's corns any. born 1718' died 1797. Apr. 2. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Apr. p. 358. Duncans A of Med. Y. 1797. p. 434. Cafe of the efficacy of peruvian bark in a mortifi- cation. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1757. p. 379.) GROSE, [Francis] F. A. S. of London and Perth, Cap- tain in the Surrey militia. born 1739. died at Dublin. 1791. May 12. ,See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. May. p. 492. June. p. 58I. On antient armours and weapons; Supplement. 1789. 4. A guide to health, beauty, honour and riches; being a collection of humourous advertise* ments, pointing out the means to obtain those blessings, with a suitable introductory preface, 1785^ A classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue. I785. The history of Dover Castle, by the Rev. William Darrein Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth. Ï78Ó. (12 ill, 6 d.) *Rules for drawing caricatu- res — with an essay on comic painting*. 1788. The 42? The antiquities of Scotland. Vol. I. 2. 1791. 4. (Super Roy. paper. 8 L. 15 sb. in Imperial 6 L- 6 sh. ) The grumbler: containing XVI essays. 179I. 12. (lib. 6 d.) The olio, being a collection of essays, dialogues, letters, biogra- phical sketches, anecdotes, pieces of poetry, pa- rodies, bons mots, epigrams, epitaphs — chiefly original. 1791» 8. (5 fh. ) The antiquities Jos Ireland, (published by Edward Ledwich.) Vol. 1, 1793. 4. ( 5L. 14 fh. In 8. 4L.-2sh. ) Mili- tary antiquities respecting a history of the Englifli armes from the conquest to the present time — a new edition — by an officer of infantry. Vol. 1. 2* I80I. 4. (4L. 4 fh. large paper 6 Gtiin.) GROSE, [John] A. M: F. A. S. Curate of ike united parishes of St* Margaret Pattent and St. G*- briel Fenckurck. c. Twelve sermons. i8or. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) Sermoui on various subjects. I803. 8. (8 fh.) *GROSE, [John Henry] Voyage to the East - indies. Vol. 1.5. 1773. ♦GROSE, [Sir Nash] Km. Sec Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 393, Charge to the grand jury of the county of Here* 1 ford, 1795. *GROSS, [Daniel] D. D. Natural principles of rectitude for the conduct of man in all states and situations of life. New- York. 1795. GROVE, [William] born .... died 178. (?) •GROVES, [Webber] born 1705. died at New Hampshire in North- America. 1793. Jan. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. March, p. 28I. Prior to the American revolution; 17.. On the commercial intercourse between Great-Britain and America. 17. . *GUILLAN, [Thomas] Surgeon in Antigua. Account of a singular appearance in the ventricles of the heart discovered on the dissection of a ne- gro girl. (Duncaris M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 377.) *GUISE, [Samuel] A catalogue aud detailed account of a very va- luable 438 luable and curiovis collection of manuscripts, col- lected in Hindostau. 1800. 4. (2 sh.4 6 d.) *GUISY, [T ] A method entirely new of learning french. i8or 12. (3 sh.) * GULL ET, [Charles] Esq. of Exeter. On lime. {Young's- A. of Agr. Vol, 4. p.490.) GULLET, [Christopher] Esq. of Exeter. A method of sowing turnip-sced to prevent the fly from taking it. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 2. p,24Ó.) On the means of preserving' apple blos- som and orchards from injury. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 196. Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 7. p. 58. 62.) Success of an experiment of fumigating an orchard. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 199.) Means of insuring full crops of turnips. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 201. Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 7. p ioi.) On voluntary public granaries. (Ibid. Vol.14, p. 121.) On the effects of elder in preserving growing plants from insects and flies. (American Museum Y* 1787. Febr. p. 143.) *GUNDY, [Sir Solomon] LL. D- F. R. S: F. A. S: R> A. et As. P. /// (a fictitious name.) A member of parliament's review of his first session, in a poetical epistle to his wife in the country, 1793.4. (I sb.) For the Year 1792. to the Academicians; bad pictures placed in a good light. 1792, 4. (I sh. 6 d.) * 6UNN, [John] Teacher of the German-flute atti Violoncello<. The theory and practice of fingering the violon- cello; containing rules and progressive lessons for attaining the knowledge and command of the whole compass of the instrument, 1793. fol. (I L. I sh.) The art of playing the germau flute on new principles, calculated to increase its powers and give to it greater variety, expression and effect. 1793. sol. (IO sh. 6 d.) ^GUNNING,. [ ] Mrs. (JViitm of Gen. Gun- ning; maiden name Minifies) born .... died 1800. Aug. 28. See 429 See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I80O. Sept. p. 904. 0£t. p. iooo. Allgem. Litter. Zeit. J. i8oi, ItBI. S. 763. tiilttner's Euglische Miscellen. l8or. B. 2. St. I. S. 17. Letter to hié Grace the Duke of Argyll. 1791. 8. (3 sh.) Anecdotes of the Delborough family. Vol. 1-5. 179a. Ï2. (15 sh.) Virginius and Virginia, a poem in ó parts from the Roman history^ 1792..4. (5 sh.) Memoirs of Mary. Vol. I-5. 1794.8. (I5sh.) Delves; Vol. 1. 2. .1796. 8» (10 sh.) Love at first: sight, a novel from the french with ^alterations and additions. Vol. 1 - 5. 1797. 8» (15 sh.) , Fashionable involvements. Vol. 1 - 3. I800. (io sh. 6 d.) The heir apparent — revi- sed and augmented by her daughter MiíX G uniting* Vol. 1-3. J802. 12. -(12 ill.) *GUNNING, L ] Mis The packet, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1794. 12. (l2sh.) Lord, Fitzhenry, a novel. Vol. 1-3. 1794.8. (iosh. 6 d.) Memoirs of Mad. de Barneveldt: translated from the french. Vol. 1.2. 1795. 8. (12 sh.) The foresters, altered from the french; Vol. 1-4. 179Ó. (I2 sh.) The orphans of Snowdon. Vol. i-3. 1797. (II sh.) The gipsey countess^ Vol. 1-5. 1799» (18 sh.) The farmer's boy. Vol. 1-4. I802. 12. Family stories, or evenings at my grand mother's house, intended for young persons of 8 years old. Vol. I. 2. I8©2. 12. (4 sh.) The village library. i§02. 18. (2sh.) •GUPPY, [ ] Mrs. Instructive and entertaining dialogues for children. Vol. 1. 2. 1800. (I sh.) *GURNEY, [.....] Miff. The war office. Vol. 1-3. 1802. (12 sh.) *GURNBY, [Samuel] Redruth Parsonage, Cornwall. Crops and prices. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.34, p. 266.) GUTCH, [John] As. A: Chaplain of All Souls and Cor* pus Christi Colleges. Appendix to the history and antiquities of the .colle- ges and halls in the University of Oxford > contai- ning fasti Oxonienses; or, a commentary on the supreme magistrates of the University by Antk. Wood, 430 Wood, now first published in English from the original MSS. — with a continuation to the pre- sent time. Oxford. 1790* The history and anti- quities of the University of Oxford in two books by Antk. Wood. Now first published in, English from, , the original MSS. in the Bodlejait library. Vol. It 1792, 4. (I L. Hill.) Vol. 2. P. 1.2. * G X) T H R ï E, [Maria] Mrs, formerly aclittg Direclress o f the Imperial convent for the education of tint female nobility of Hujjia. born .... died ... (?) A tour, performed in the Y. 1795. 1796. through \ the Tauride or Crimea — and ail the other coun- tries of the North shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the"" peace of Kainardge and JaíTy, edited by Matkew Guthrie M. Dr. with a map and other engravings. 1803. 4. (l L. II fh. 6 d.) GUTHRIE, [Matthew]'M. Dr. Physician to the Impe- rial Corps of Cadet at St. Petersburg. F. R. S* Some account of the Persian cotton tree. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P.I. p. 214» Nicholson's Journal Vol.2, p. 457.) Some account ©f the Dysopia. (Mem. of M.* S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 368.) Observa- tions on the Kuritsha ilrpota, or hen-blindness of Russia. (Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 9. p. 284.) Letter — concerning various articles of medical information respecting Russia. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1798. p. 396.) «GUY, [J ] of the Beds orge loge of Free - Masons, Songs, catches &c. 1799. (3 ft-) *GUY, [William] Surgeon at Chichester. A cafe of violent distortion of the foot, occasioned by a rotation of the astragalus,, in consequence of a fall and accompanied with a laceration of the integuments at the outer ancle and exposure of a portion of the fibula, (Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 5. p. 54.) tGUYSE, [ ] Dr. — and Dr. Watts, a faithful! narrative of the surprizing works of God in the conversion of many hundred fouls in Northampton and in the neighbouring? towns and villages of Ncw-Hamp* shiic 431 íhire in New-England in a letter by Ed-&arAst Minister of Northampton, on Nov. 6. 1737» Pu* biished with a large prefacc/1800. 8. (I sh.) *G WILLI M , [Henry] Esq. One of his Maj. Judges* of the Supreme Court of Madras. A new abridgment of the law, by Math. Bacon, of the Middle-temple, Esq. The 5 Edit, cor- rected, with considérable additions, including the latest authorities. Vol. 1-7. 1798. 8- (5 L. 5 fn.) A charge delivered to the grand jury at the afluci { holden at Ely 27 March. 1779. 4. (I sb. 6 d.) A collection of acts and records of parliament, with reports of cafes, argued and determined in the courts of law and equity, respecting tithes. Vol. 1-4. 1801. 8. (2 L. 12 ih. 6 d.) * G WI LT, [ John ] Esq. of hklingham , Suffolk. Plantation for sheltering sheep. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. I. p. 353- Vol. 5. p. 364.) Quantity of water in different foils. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 354.) *GWILT, [R ] Rev. Account of the parish of Icklingham, in Suffolk. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 4. p.5l«) *GWYNN, [Alhinea] born .... died at Wrington, co. Somerset,. 1791. March 5. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. March, p. 285. ^The history of the Hon. Edward Mortimer. Vol. I. 2. 1785. 8- HaCKETT, [Philip] On the utility on hand-mills for grinding of corn. (Monthly Magaz. Y. I800. Jan. p.965. cf. Febi, P- 30.) ♦HADDOCK, [Theophiltis] Error detected and fiction rebuked in a letter tu Edward Tatkam, D. D. so called and Rector of Lincoln-College, Oxford on his sermon 1 John 4, 1. published under the title of a sermon suita- ble to the times. 1794. 12. (6 d.) * H ADEN, [Thomas] Surgeon, at Derby. A cafe of rupture of the uterus, from which the woman recovered. (Transact, of Med, and Chir. Soc. Vol.3, p. I84.) HADLEY, 433 HADLE\\ [George] Esq. formerly an Officer on th$ Bengal Military establishment. born .... died 1798. Sept, 10. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. J.798. Sept. p, 816, On the dialect of the jargon of Hindostan. 17,, Á translation of Tootic Naumeh, or tales of a parrot. 17.. *HAGGETTt [George] M. A. A familiar treatise on the sacrament: with an ap. penciix on the expediency of a correctioii of our present translation of the scriptures. 1703. 8. (I sh. Ó d.) *H AG G IT T, [Gëorge] at MiUham in Norfolk. Account of the parish of Milçham, in Norfolk. (Youn%s A. of Agr. Vol. 11. p. 305 ) *HAIGH, [Thomas] A. M. Master of the grammar school, Tottenham. Conjugata latina, or, a collection of the purest and most usual latin words, distinguished into classes according io the times of their occurrence and arranged according to their derivations. 1802. 8. ( 3 ft. ) HAIGHTON, [John] Surgeon at London. M. Dr. F. As. S. Two experiments on the mechanism of vomiting, supplementary to a paper lately read before this society; Vol.2, p. 250. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 2. p. 512.) A cafe of original deafness with the appearances on dissection. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. I.) Experiments made on the laryngeal and recurrent branches of the eight pair of nerves, with a view to determine the effects of the division of those nerves on the voice. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 422.) An experimental inquiry concerning the reproduction of nerves; (Philos. Transact. Y. 1795. p» 190. Simmons"! Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 7. p. I55.) An experimental inquiry concerning animal impregnation. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1797. p. I59-) A cafe of tic douloureux, or painful affection of the face, successfully treated by a division of the affected nerve. (M. Rec. and Res. p. 19.) iiberi. in Arnemann's Mag;, fiir die Wundarzneyw. B. 2. S.303.) An inquiry concerning the true and spu- rious caesarian operation, in which their di- stinctions 433 distinctions are ihsisted on, principaìly with â vievv to forin a more acciirate estiinate of success; fo whieh are annexée! íorne observations oh the cûiisè of the gréât danger. (Ibict. p. 242.) Lord HAÍLES* See DMd DalryMpíè. ^HAlLS, [William ArUhony]; Fiinher: particnl'ars relâtivè tô Mi\ Greatk^a^i important invention of iifé-bòats* w-th obser- vations- oit their4 conítrUctioii. ( Motìthly Magaz; Yi I802i Nov. p. 319O ^HAÎLSTQNE* [Jôhn] IVoòdwardiàû Pràfejsor of Fn/Ji/í irì the Univerfity of Cambridge. A pldrì of á cotìrfe of lectures oh iiiineralògy • Tô which is prefixed an tssay-on the diffèrent Ainds of nìineraì collections:, transíated froiiì the germai! of Prof; tVerner. 1791; 8; (í sb; Ó d;) *HALCÔTT, [Thônias] Captai». Letter on drilling.in Bengali {Youiig's Á; of Agra Voh28. p.294.3010 On the. àn\ì husbandry of the Ëast. (Comm. to the B. of Agf. Vol. ii p. 352.) . , , \ *HALDAN E i tf-íenry] Lieûtènànt-Colonel. A ttiethod of messuring the force of aii élecftrîcal battery dùrihg thé H me of its being charged. ( Aï- ckolfon's Journal.-VoL I. p. Ì5Ó;) Èxperimentá máde with a view to afcertairì the cause of buil- dings ^ which hive inetaílic coíidUctors belonging to them, being striKk by lightningj (Ibid. Vol. I* p. 433.) 'Expenmcnts ánd observations máde with the hcwly difcovered metallic pile òf Sign. Voltdj with remàrks by' \V; N; (Ibidi Voh 4; p. 24Í; *ÌIALDANË, [Robert] Ëtq. Addrefs to the public * concèrriing; political ópí^ hidus à'ud plans lately adopted to prorriottf íqÌU àìoú ïû Scotlánd. l8oò; 8* (i sb* ó d,) *HALÊ, [..4i.J Mu, Poetidal attempts/I8ÓÒ. (í L. i íli.) •HALE, |\ , , .] Lord ckief justice^ The jii ris diction of the Lor'd's hmtfc$ òr párÌià> ifieht, eonfidered áccordirìg to ântient records. Tô which is pretìxed by the ediiorj Fvânciï tíargravét Èsq. ëíí ihtrqduélory préface, includiug û narra* ,fonss g. il suppL k'e tivtf 434 tive of the same jurisdiction from the accession of James I. 1796» 4. (1 L. 7 sli.) fHALE, [Samuel] Esq. of Portsmouth, F. A. A. Conjectures of the natural courses of the north west winds, being colder and more frequent in the winter in New-England than in the fame de. grecs of latitude in Europe. (Mem. of B. A, Vol.2. P. I. p. 61.) *HALE, [William] Esq. An account of th« produce of two acres of land / sown with barley and luccm. ( Young's A. of Agr. Vol.33, p.302.) HALES, [Charles] born ..died 177. (?) * H ALES, [Charles] Esq. The bank mirror, or a guide to the funds. 1796. 1 8. f 1 sh. 6 d.) A correét detail of the finances of this country —. 1797, 8- (I ih.) «HALES, S ] D. D. Method of preserving corn in sacks. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1801. April, p. 260.) HALES, [William] D. D. Retfor at Killesandra, Ulster fcV. Observations on tithes, shewing the inconvenien- ces of all the schemes that have been proposed for altering that ancient manner of providing for the clergy of the establiihcd church of Ireland. To which is annexed a second edition of the mode- rate reformer ( by Baron Maseres ) or a proposal for abolishing some of the most obvious and gross abuses that have crept into the ehurch of England and are the occasion of frequent com- plaints against it. 1794. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) The in- spector, or select littrary intelligence for the vul- gar A. D. 1798. but correct A. D. 1801. the first year of the 19 century. 1799. 8. Analysis fluxio- num. 1800. 4. (6fh.) Methodism inspected; with an appendix on the evidences of a state of salvation. 1803. (2 sh. ) ♦ HALFPENNY, [Joseph] at York, Gothic ornaments in the cathedral church ofYork, drawn and etched by him. Numb. 1-^12. (each HALHBPi 435 HALTED, [Nathaniel Brassey] As* P* (The oriental MSS* of him the British Museum has very laudably purchased; See Gentleman's Magax. Y* I?9Ó» March, p. 252,) The whole of the testimonies to the authenticity of the prophe- cies of Rickard Brother's and of his mission to Recall the jews. 1795- 8» (I sh.) A word of ad- monition to the R. H. fVM. Pitt) in an epistjc to that gentleman, occasioned by the prophecies o£ brothers, — and the notable expositions of the scripture prophecies. 179$* 8» (t fh.) A calcula- tion of the millenium , with observations on the pamphlets intitled* ?9second argument &c. and th*' age of creduliry,, together with a speech delivered in the house of commons 3! March 1795» respe- cting the confinement of Brother's the prophet. To Which is adJed, an original letter wrjtten by Bro- thers in 1790. to P. Sfephetisf Esq. and also a pa- per, painting out those parts of Brothers prophev cies that have been already fulfilled* 8. (I th> 6 d.) An answer to Dr. Home's second pamphlet, intit* led „ occasional remarks.,, 179$. 8. (6 d,) Se- cond ipeech — delivered in the house of Common* April 21. 1795* respecting the detention of Mr, Brothers the prophet. 1795- 8* (4 d.) Two let* ters to the R. H. Lord Loughborough 17^5. g. (4d>) Imitations of the epigrams of Marnai. P. 1. 2* 1793. 4* (5 fh.) 1794- 4- (5 fh\) Speech — 31 March 1795. respecting the confinement of Mr. Brotheryst the prophet* 1795. 8. (6d.) «HALL, [Agnes B....] Disputes in book societies. (Monthly Magaî. igòO» Pec. p. 402») ♦HALL, [Archibald] Late Pastor of the PnshyterUn churchy Well-street, Oxford - street, London* An humble attempt to exhibit a scriptural view of the constitution , order, discipline and fellowihip of the gospel church. lid. 4. 1795, g, (3 sh,) *HALL, [Charles Henry] B> D. Sermons — 1799. 8» (5 fh.) •HALL, [Eliiha J. On the necessity of pasting a law for the fegufâtioíi of the practice of medicine. (American Museum Y. 17S9. Jam p,j?5. fèbr, p4i7l.) Eq a *HALL$ 436 *HALL, [Sir James] Bart. F. R. et A. S S. Edin; Observations on the formation of granite. ;(Tr. of E. S. Vol.3. H.> p. 80 On the origin aijd princi- ples of gothic architecture, (Ibid. Vol. 4.\L. p. 3.) Experiments on whinstone pnd lava. (Ibid. Vol.5, Part 1. p. 43. Nicholson 's Journal Vol. 2. p. 285, Vol. 4. p. 8. 56.) ^HALL, [James] Dr% Principal of Cokesbury-Coliege in Maryland. Account of the effects of electricity in the removal of an obstruction in the biliary duct. (Tr. ofPhyf, of Philad. Vol 1. P. 1. p 192.) *HALL, [William] Esq. of Whitehall. F, R. S. Editi. Account of a variety of the bramble (Rubus); (Tr, of E. S, Vol, 3. Hist. p. 20,) Account of a siugu* lar halo of the moon. ( Ibid. Vol. 4. Ph, p. 174, Nicholsons Journal, Vol.2, p.485J *HALL, [William] Esq. of Elmst one-Court, Kent. A system of husbandry explained, with observa* tions by A- Young* (Youngs A. of Agr. VoL 4, p. 23J.) Summer fallowing necessary. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p, 499») Produce of 70 acres of corn and feeds, with observations by A. Young 1782. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 505.) On summer fallows, with obser- vations by A. Young. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 99.) On turnips-^courses-drilling, (Ibid. Vol. 5, p, 440.) Reply to Mr. Fiske on fallowing, (Ibid. Vol.5. p. 471,) An account of the annual average ex* pence for the last three years to Jan, x, 1786, (Ibid. Vol. 6, p. 1590 *HALL, [William Henry] Royal encyclopedia; 17,. The creation, in 6 books 9 after the manner and as an introductory companion to the death of AbeJ and death of Cain, J8QI< 8. (2 sh- 6 d,) * H ALL BY, [Thomas] êt Pontes rail, York/hire. On method of cure rhubarb, (Tr. of tho Soc, sot the E, of A, Vol. ii, p. 12Ó,) «■HALLORAN, [Lawrence] D. D. Laehrymae hibernicae, or the genius of Erin'* complaint, a ballad; 180I. 4« (i fh. 6 d.) *HALLORAN, [Lawrence Hynes] Master of Atyhiu* ton Academy, near Exeter, Collection of odes, poems and translations. 1790,8. (aft.) Poems ou various subjects, 1791. 4« \ 439 (5 fh.) An ode to the proposed vifit of their majesties to the city of Exeter. 1791. 4. (i fh.) «HALLS, [Robert] M. Dr. Physician at Colchester. Account of the good effects obtained from wash- ing the body with cold water and vinegar in ca- ses of typhus fever. (Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 10. p. 327-) *HALY, [AylmerJ Captain of Kings (own) Infantry* Military observations. 1801. 8. f 3 fh. 6 d.) HAMILTON, [Alexander] M. Dr. R R. S. Eciin. Professor of Midwifery in the University and Fellow of the Roy. College of Phyficians of Edinburgh. born .... died 1802. Jun. ... at Blandsield, near Edinburgh. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Aug. p. 787; On the management of female complaints and of children in early infancy. 1792. 8. (6 fh.) iiberf, Leipzig. 1793. 8. Letters to Dr. William Osborne, on certain doctrines contained in his essays on the practice of midwifery. 1793. 8. (3 fh.) uberf. von Dr. C. F. Michaelis — Liegnitz. 1794. 8- A ease of inverted uterus. (^Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol.6, p. 315) ♦HAMILTON, [Alexander] Esq. Secretary of the United States of America. * Report of the secretary of the treasury of the United States on the subject of manufactures, presented Dec. 5. 1791. 1793. 8. (sfh. 6 d.) American budget, 1794. — to w/hicrh is added, the report to the congress of the United States of America, on the nature and extent of the pri- vileges and restrictions of the commercial inter- course of the United States with foreign nations by Thomas Jefferson Esq. Secretary of State. 1794. 8. (I fh. ó d.) The federalist. 17.. Reports, containing 1) a plan for the further support *pf public credit, 2) for the improvement and better management of the revenues of the United States; to which is annexed an act for making provisions for the support of public credit and the redemption of the debt. 1795.4. (4 fh.) *Repûrt, read in the house of representations of the United States Ee 4 Jan. 449 Jan, iç. 179S. containing a plan for further sup, port of public credit. Philadelphia. 1795. 8. Lon- (}on, 1795. 4. iibcrs. in Megemtsck 11. Ebeling Ame^ rikanifçheu Magazin, B, I. St. 1, S. 159. * Report read — Febr. 2. 1795- fol. ùberf. in' Hege- ynisck 11, Ebeling Amerik. Magaz\ B. 1. St. 2, S. ioi. A defence of the treaty of amity, com- merce and navigation entered into between- to ynited States of America and Great rr Britain by Carnilius. New-York. 1795. 8. \iberf. in Hegepisck, \]. EbçlitJg AmeriK. Magaz. B. 1. St. 4, S. 56. Observations on certain documents contained u\ ^Jro. 5 and 6. of ;,thc history of the United States for the Year 1796, in which the chargé of fper çulatipu against Alex, Hamilton, \s fully refuted, written \>y himself. Phibdelphia. 1797. 8. Let- ter concerning the public conduct and character ; of J. Adams,, Ed, 2, New-York. 1800. 8, {2$ HAMILTON, [Charles] Lieutenant in the service of tke East India Company. btorn .... died 1792. March. 14, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. March- p.286, The Hcdaya, or guide; a commentary 00 the Mussulman laws; translated by order of the Go- vernor General and Council of Bengal. Vol. I -4. 1791. 4, (5 L. 5 ft.) HAMILTQN, [Charles] Esq, Transactions during the reign of Qyç>eri Anne: from, (he union to the cjeath of that princess. I79Q. {£, (0 fh.) *Vaurien, or, stretches of the times, exhibiting views of the philosophies, reli- gions a politics, littérature and maimers of (he sgç, Vol I. 2, Ï797. 8, (8 Oi.)i «HAMÎtT'ON, [Eliza] Sister to^he late Lieut. Chart \est HQmiho.ti* Translation, of the. letter* of a Hindoo. Rajah, vyrit^en previous to and. during the period of }iis residence jn Englancl. T'o which is prefixed 3 preliminary dissertation 011 the history, , religion and manner^ of t|ic Hindoo^ Vol. 1%2. 179^-. (IP (h.)' . * *HAMlL- 44i ♦HAMILTON,.[Elizabeth] Miff. Memoirs of modern philosophers. Vol. 1-3. 1800. 8. (I5fn.) Letters on the elementary principles of education. Vol. 1.2, 1802,8. (15 • HAMILTON, [G.,,,] / A short description of the island of Carnicobar, with some accounts of its inhabitants. (Asiat. Re- searches. Vol.2, p. 337. New - York Maga,?. Y, 1795, Nov. p. óóo,) / *HAMILTQN, [George] late Surge an of the Pandora. Voyage round the world in his Maj. frigate Pan- dora, performed under the direction of Capt. Ed- wards, in the Y, 1790- 1792 with the discove- ries made in the South-sea and the many digres- ses experienced by the crew from shipwreck and famine, in a voyage of eleven hundred miles in ^ open boats, between Endeavour straits and the is- land of, Timor. 1793. 8. (4 sh.) uberf. (von F. L. W. Meyer.) Berlin. 1794. 8. HAMILTON, [Hugh] D. D. Dean of Armagh. F.R.S. and li. J. A. Letter to jP. A. Hamilton on his new kind of por- table barometer for measuring heights, with re- marks and hints Jfor the further improvement of • barometers (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p. 117.) On , the power of fixed xaustic alkaline salts to preserve ■ the flesh of animals from putrefaction. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 319.) *H A MIL TON, [James] Esq, M. Dr. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Pro- seffor of Midwifery in the University of Edin- burgh* Observations on the feats and causes of diseases; illustrated by the dissections' of the late Prof. Morgagni of Padua, Vol. 1. 1795, 8- (6 sh. ) Select cases in midwifery- 1795- 8. Observations on the instrument employed in the practice of midwifery commonly called Lowder's lever. (Dww- çan's M. Ç. Dec.2. Vol.8, p. 400.) A collection of engravings, designed to facilitate the study of nudvvifery, explained and illustrated. 1797. 4* History of a cafe of convulsions during the latter uiQiuhs of pregnancy, with practical remarks on ì Ee 5 couvuU 443 convulsions during pregnancy and labour. (D«k- can's A. of Med. Y. 1800. p. 313.) HAMILTON, [James Archibald] D. D. Ai. R. J, A, Professor of Astronomy at Armagh. On a new kind of portable barometer for measu- ring heights. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p, 95.) On the method of the determining the longitude, by ob- servations of the meridian passages of the moon and a star made at two places. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 193.) HAMILTON, [James Edward] Esq. Reflections on the revolution in France by Edm. Burke considered, also, observations ou Mr. Pai- ne s pamphlet, the rights of men , with cursory remarks on the prospect of a Russian war and the Canada bill uow pending. 1791. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Strictures upon primitive Christianity by the Rev. Dr. Knowles, Prebendary of Ely; as also upon the theological and polemical writings of the Lord Bisli. of St. David's, Dr. Priestley, Mr. Gibbon and the late Rev. Mr. Badcock. Vol. I. 2. 1792. (13 sh.) Letters on Christianity. 1792. 8. (4 ih.) ^HAMILTON, [James Ed...] Esq. On the improvement of agriculture in Great-Bri- tain and Ireland, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 13. P- 74.) ^HAMILTON, [Joseph] Occasional reflections on the opcratiou of the small pox or the traveller's poctet doctor. Catskill. 1799. 12. HAMILTON, [Robert] M. Dr. F. R. $. Edin. Pky« fician at Lynn - Regis > Norfolk. born Dec, 6. 1721. died 1793. Nov. 9. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. Nov. p. 1060. Practical hints on opium, considered as a poison. 1790. 8* The duties of a regimental surgeon con- sidered; Ed. 2. Vol, I. 0.1795* (12 sh.) Obser- vations on scrophulous affection, with remarks on fchirrus, cancer and rachitis. 1792. 8. (3^0 iibers. Leipzig. 1793. 8- Remarks on hydropho- bia, or the disease producca by the bite of the rabid animal. Ed. 5. with additions and corrections. Vol. i. 2. 1798- g. (14 *Rulcs for recove- ring 443 ring person* recently drowned; 1794. 8» Account of a successfull method of treating inflammatory diseases by mercury and opium. (M. P. of M. $♦ Nrb. 1. p. 125. Duncans Med. C. Vol. 9; p. 191. iibers. Samml. F. A. Th. 11. S. 265.) Observa- tions on the marih remittent fever, more particu- larly in regard to its appearance and return every autumn, after the inundation from the sea — also on the water-canker, or cancer aquaticus of van Swieten, with sorne remarks on the leprosy; With memoirs of the author's life. J801. 8- (4 sh.) •HAMILTON, [Ronald] Major of the 14 Regt. of Foot. born 1762. died 1797. July 1. at Fort Royal, Martinique. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Oct. p. §89* Allg. Litt. Zeit. J. J80O, ItBl. S. 646, Sketch of the present state of the army. 17». •HAMILTON, [William] born died 1792, Febr. 29. The election, a poem. 17.. HAMILTON, [Sir William] Knight of the Bath, Privy Counsellor^ Envoy to the Court of Naples* F. R. S. bom 1729. died 1803. April 5, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803, April, p. 390, 4 A collection of engravings from antique vases, the greater part of Grecian fabric: found in ancient tombs in two Sicilies in the Y. 1789 and 1790. with the remarks of the proprietor — published by William Tischbtin. Vol. 1. Naples, 1791, sol. Vol. 2» 1795. f°'. Vol. 3, 4. (489 Paoli,) An ac- count of the late eruption of mount Vesuvius, (Phil. Transact. Y. 1795. p. 73.) HAMILTON, [William] B. D, jVJ. R. J. A. RtBor of Fanet in the county of Donegal. bom .... murdered at Sharon 1797. March 2, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. March, p. I80. 256. Allgem. Litt, Zeit. J, 1800, ItBl. S.642. Letters concerning the northern coast of the county of Antrim; in Ireland. Ed.2, Dublin and London, X790. 8. Letter on the principles of the french democracy aud their application and influence on the the constitution and happiness of Britain and Ire. land. 1792. (2 sb.) Memoir on the climate of Ireland, (Tr. of J. A. Vol 6. p. .Nicholson's Journal Vol.2, p. 381.431.) ^HAMILTON, [Wrlliam] M. Dr. Physician10 the London Hospital and LeEtnrer on Chemistry. Elements of (he art of dying by Sertkolet, trans- lated from the french. Vol, 1-3. 1791.8. (12 fh.) * HAM LEY, [Edward] Fellow of New College. Poems on various kinds. 1796. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) *HAMMICK, [..,..] Cafes of the antisyphilitic efficacy of the nitric acid. (Medical Rcposit. Vol.1, p. 438.) •HA'M'MICK, [Stephen] Jun. Jdne of the Assistants Surgeons to ike Royal Hospital at PlytmutL Account of the benefit obtained from the external use of hops in the cure of large fordid ulcers. (Med. RepohY. Vol. 1. p. 576. Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 403.) *HAMPDEN, [ ] A mirror for princes, in a letter to his Roy. High, nrfs the Prince of Wales. 1797. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Ministers the cause of the miseries and disaffection of the people. 1797. 8. (l d.) H AMPS ON, [John] A. M. Memoirs of the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M. with a review of his life and writings and a hi-' story of methodifm, from its commencement in 1729. to the present time. VoJ. 1-3. 1791. 8- (9 sh.) iibers. von A. H. Niemeyer. Th. I. 2. Halle. 1793. 8. The poetics of Marc. Hicrov. Viday Bish. of Alba, with translations from the latin of Dr. Lowtk, Mr. Gray and others. 1793. 8. (6 sh.) SAMPSON, [W ] Dukinfield lodge, a poem, in two cantos. 1793.4. (I fh.) ^HAMPSON,, [William] An essay on the management of cows. 179^ (I fh.) On the means of preventing caterpillars pn fruit-trees. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 13. p. 1730 . r HAMPTON, HAMPTON, f George] M. A. Pastor of Protestant Dissenters in Banbury. born 1717. ciíecî 1796. Sept. 22. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1796. Sept. p. 793. Allg. Litterar. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 629. Candid remarks upon Taylor s discourse entitled, the scripture doctrine of atonement examined. 1752. 8.» (I sh. 6 d.) Answer to Priestley s ob- jections tó thé doctrine of the atonement by the death of Christ: in the history of the corruptions of Christianity. 1785. 8. (2Íh.) HANCOCK, [Rlicb] of Norwich', teacher of the Ma* tkematicsi born 1722. died 1795. May 27* *HANCOCK, [John] Reasons for withdrawing from society with the people called Quackcrs with additional observa- tions oil sundry important subjects.—: j§02. 8. (4 sh.) Thoughts on the abuse of figurative lan- guage as applied to religious subjects; with ob- servations addressed to the people called Quackcrs. 8. •HANCOCK, [Philipp] Jim. of Ford<> President. On the Wivcliicombe agricultural society. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 33, p. 107.) *HANCOCK5 [William] of Birmingham. Description of his metal rope or chain. (iTr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 14. p.308.) ♦HAND, [Kdward] Utility of preparing feed-oats with plaster of Pa- ris. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1791. May. p. 311. American Museum Y. 1791. Aug* p. 75.) ♦HAND, [Richard] Essay on the method of gilding ori glass. (Tr, of Dublin Soc. Vol. 1. P.i. p. 294.) Essay on spirit varnish. (Ibid. Vol.1. P.I. p.295.) *HANDS, [William] One of the Anornies of the Court. A selection of rules occurring in the prosecution and defence of personal actions in the court of King's Bench $ with notes on each rule, illustra- ted of the practice of the court. 1795. 8- (3 Jh.) The modern practice of levying fines and suffering recoveries in the court of common pleas at West- minster^ 44ô minster, wish ah appendix 0of select precedents, I800. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) The solicitors practice on the crown side of the court of King's Bench, with an appendix containing the form of the procee- dings &c. I803. 8. (10 fb. 6d.) »HANDY, [Hast] of Maryland. On opium. 179>I. HANGER, [George] Lieutenant - Colonel. Anticipation of the freedom of Brabant. 1793. Military reflections on the attack and defence of the city of London; proved by the author to have been the most vulnerable part of consequence in the whole island, in the situation it was left in the Y. 1794. &c. 1795. 8. (3 fb.) The life, adven- tures and opinions — written by himself. Vol. 1.3. 180T» 8» ( 14 fh. ) libers. Leipzig. 1802. 8. «HANMHR, [Sir Thomas] Bart, of Bettesfield Park, near Whitchurch , Shropshire, Account of his improvement of waste land* in North Walss. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 9. p* 76.) Account and drawing of a me- thod of laying on water upon water-wheels, (lb. Vol. 17. p. 349.) ♦HANNAM, [T....] The analytical compendium, or, outlines of ser- mons, with an essay on the composition of, a scr* m on, extracted from various authors. Vol. 1. Ì800. 18. (3 fh.) Vol. 2. and last. 1803, (I fh. 6 d.) *HANWAY, [Mary Ann] Miff. Elliuor, or the world as it is, a novel. Vol. î-4. 1798* 13. (18 fh.) Andrew Stuart, or the nor- thern wanderer, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1800. 8» (18 ill.) •HARD, [Josiah] Esq. Imposture exposed, in a few brief remarks on the irreligiousnese, çrofanefs, indelicacy, virulence, and; vulgarity ot certain persons who style him- selves anti-jacohin reviewers. 1S01. 8. (6 d.) •HARDIE, [David] Taxation of coals, considered in an address to the inhabitants of the cities of London and West- minster and all places supplied with coals from the port of London. 1703. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) r; * HARDIE, 44? «HARDIE, [James] A. M. TheAmerican remembrancer and universal tablet of memory, containing a list of the most emi- nent men, whether in ancient or modern times* Philad. 1795. 8« An account of the malignant fever lately (1798.) prevalent in the city of New- York. New-York. 1799. 8. «HARDING, [E. .,..] Sec Thomas Pennant. *HARDING, [Thomas] As, R.J. A. Observations on the variation of the needle, (Tr. of J. A. Vol.4. p. 107.) « HARDI NGE, [George] Esq. M> P. A series of letters to Edm. Burke, in which are contained enquiries into the constitutional existence < of an impeachment against Mr. Hasting/, with an appendix, in which are contained observation* upon Maj. Scott's letter S published in the diary, Apr. II. 1791. 1791. 8. (3sh 6 d.) The essence of Malone, or the beauties of that fascinating writer, extracted from his immortal work — en- titled, some account of the life and writings of John Dry den. 18OO. 8. (2sh. 6 d.) *HARDWICKE, [Thomas] Cast. Description of a species of meloe, an infect of the first or coleopterous order in the Linnean system; found in all parts of Bengal, Bchar and Oude; and posselling all the properties of the fpamfh blistering sty , or meloe vesicatorius. (Afiat, Res. Vol. 5. p. 213.) Narrative of a jour- ney to Sirinagur. {Ibid. Vol. 6. p, 309,) *HARDY, [ ] The patriot, addressed to the people on the pre- seut state of affairs in Britain and in France: with observations on republican government and discussions of the principles advanced in the wri- tings of Thomas Paine. 1793» 8. (l sh.) ®HARDY, [Henry] A vision from the Lord God almighty, the great and mighty god of the whole earth, a vision that must bring about that great and glorious day of peace, when nation shall no more lift up sword against nation or learn war any more. 1792. 8« (6d.) * HARDY, *#ARDY> [Robert] M. A. , *" ' ' An acldress to ttie loyal voluhté^í corps of Great- Eritain, in t^o parts. 1799* 8* (2 sh.) HARDY, [Samuel] B. A. formerly Feìlow of Ematiueì Cólhge, Cambridge: Reftor of Blatçenkam Par. t>d, co. Suffolh 9 and late Lefrurer and Maftcr of tke free -sckool at Enfield. boni 1^20. died at TattiHghám.^ high -crost 1793* Dec. 14. See Gentleman^ Magâz. i?,I793. Dec* p. II5Ó. Y. 1794* P* 27'5« An ansvver to Mr, Çkubb'f eísay coiicerning reciemp- tiom 1744. 8- The indispensable necesîity of cou- stantly celcbrating the Christian sacrifice; 1746. 8. - The eitcharist* a iiiâterial sacrifice $ a sermon. Ì748> 8. ^ #HARE, [J A- M. Rettor of Coin ,St. Denys, Gloucefìershire* An" eísay on thé unreasonableiiess of scepticiíìu, 1801» 8* (6. sh.) *BARE, [Robert] Memoir on the supply and applicatíoii òf the blow- pipe. (Tillock's Philos. Mag. V0L .i4. p. 238. 298.) HARGRAVE, [Francis] Eiq. Barrister at Lato and Recorder of LiverpooL Sec Charles Butler and . ii f Hald Juridical arguMents and collections. VòL I; 1797» 4. (iL 7 sh. ) Vol. 2. 1799* 4. CiL. iíh.) Ári address to the grand jury at the Liverpool sellions Oct. iii on the présent Cfiíis of public arfairs. 1804; 8. „(* sh-) HARGROVE, [E*...] , The history of the came* towil arid forest ofhna- resborou'sH with Harrogate and itá médicinal water*. York. 1798. 8. «HARLAND, [C...] Description of his butter-chttrns on a new princi- pie. (Connu* and Agric* Mag. Y. 1800. June. p. 384-)"' . , HARLÈY, [George Davics] Of thé Theatrë Royah CoventgardeUì' Poems: 1796.3, (6 sb.) BâHád stories, sonnet* &ié Vohi. L799> 8- í(4st>0 -llAlîr 449 ♦HARLSTONE, [T....] Just in time, a comic opera, in 3 acts. 1792. 8- (I sb. 6 cí.) ♦ HARNESS, [John] M. Dr. Physician to his Ma), fleet in the Mediterraneum. On the use of the gastric juice of graminivorous animals in the cure of ulcers. {Duncan s A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 398. Medical iReposit. Vol.[3. p. I02.) On the use of the application of gastric juice to sores. (Transact, of Med. and Chir. Soc. Vol.2, p. 164.) HARPER, [Andrew] Surgeon to the Garrison at the Bahama Islands* The oeconomy of health Sec. fibers. Leipzig. 1792. 8. On the real cause and cure of insanity dec. libers, von Dr. G. IV. Consbruch. Ausl. 2» Mar- burg. 1792. 8. •HARPER, [Henry] of Batik-Hail, near Liverpool Experiment on the extraordinary quality in butter made aster the Lancashire manner. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 295.) Account of a Tarm. {Young* r A. of Agr. Vol. 21. p. 568.) An account of the inclosing and improving 75 acres, of eight yards to the rod, the whole of bootle marsh —; (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.13. P- 182.) Obser- vations relative to the different modes of cultiva- ting wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 147.) On the cul- ture of potatoes and the application of that root to the feeding various kinds of stock. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p.1970 ftHARPER, [Robert Goodloe] Esq. Member of Con- gress for South - Carolina. Observations on the North - American land-com- pany lately instituted in Philadelphia; to which are added remarks on American lands in general more particularly the vine lands of the southern and western ststes in two letters. 179Ó. (2 sh.) Observations on the dispute between the United States and France; 1797. 8- (2 sh. ) iibers. 1798. 8» Speech on the foreign intercourse bill, delivered — March 2. 1798- 8. (I sh. 6 d.) A ihort account of the principal proceedings of con- gress in the late session, and a sketch of the state Ff of 450 of affairs between the United States and France in July 1798. 1793. 8. (1 ih.) -'HARPER, [Walter] Late Afrstant-Letlurer and Joint- LeElurer of St, Andrew, Holborn. The christian remembrancer, a farewell sermon. 1791. 4. (I sh.) *HARRAL, [T ] Leisure moments. 17.. A monody on the death of Mr. John Palmer, the Comedian, to which is prefixed a review of his theatrical powers: with observations on the most eminent performers ou the London stage. 1798. 8. (i sli.) •HARRIES, [Edward] Esq. of Hantvood, near Shrews- bury. Observations on planting and the growth of trees. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 389.) On Cole- brook dale and its vicinity. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 343.) Observations and experiments on the growth of trees. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 425.) A hint to the mini- ster on the crown lands. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 410.) Observations on the growth of trees. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 84») On the management of the poor. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 179.) Thoughts for the consideration up the legislature on watering of meadows. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. ior.) Cursory thoughts on the poor. (Ibid. Vol.10, p. 419.) Farming minutes. (Ibid. Vol. II, p. 8.) Thoughts on some papers in Youngs Annals of Agric. (Ibid. Vol.13, p. 41.) On the growth of trees, and account of a crop of flax. (Ibid. Vol.13, p. 98.) Thoughts on the employment of agriculture. (Ibid. Vol.14, p. 127.) Sundry remarks 011 practical agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p 66.) Thoughts on a general indosure bill. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 72.) General observations on the state of oak timber. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 553.) American farms recommended. (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 254.) Agricultural observations and on vineries. (Ibid. Vol.21, p. 363.) Observations made in a ride from Shrewsbury to Bewdley in Worcester- shtre, begun the 30 Oct. 1794. (Ibid. Vol.23* p. 511.) Journal of a tour. (Ibid. Vol. 24. p« 379.) On the larch tree. (Ibid. Vol.30, p. 5?0 On planting. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 78.) On planting Vetches, 451 vetches. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 554.) On the culture of potatoes. (Ibid. Vol.37, p. 830 ♦HARRIES, [John Charles] Esq. On the state of Europe before and after the french revolution by Fred. Gentz. Translated from the Çerman. Ed.2. 1803.8, (8 Hi.) "HARRINGTON, [....] M. Dr. Chief Magistrate of Bath. Physician to the Duke of York. bornât Kelìîon, Somersetshire 1727. See Public Character* of 1799 and 1800. p. 494* Hugo Antigues; 17Ó8. Damon and Clora; 17.. Ode to the harmony; 17,. Ode'to discord; 17.. Witch of Wokey , a poem; 17.. Old Thomas day; 17.. Give me the sweet Qiiaikcr's wed- ding; 17.. The stamraerit.g song; 17.. The Alderman's thumb; 17.. ♦HARRINGTON, [Sir Edward] Knight. #Excursion from Paris to Fontainebleau; — by a gentleman, late of Kath. 1786. 8. (5 ft-) ®A schizzo on the genius of man; in which, among various subjects, the merit of Mr. Thomas Barker, the celebrated young painter of Bath is particu- larly considered and his pictures reviewed. 1793. 8. (6 íh.) Remarks on a letter relative to the late petitions to parliament for the safety and preser- vation of his Maj. person and for the more ef- fectually preventing seditious meetings and assem- blies; with compleat abstracts of the several clau- ses contained in each bill, for the use of the public. 179Ó. 8. (I fh. ó d. ) Desultory thoughts on the french nation. 17,. ♦HARRINGTON, [John Herbert] Esq. *SadCs works, in persian with an english pre- face. Vol. I. 2. Calcutta. 1705. sol. The plau of a common-place book. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 3. p, 249.) HARRINGTON, [Robert] M. Dr. Chemical essays; being a continuation of my re- flections on fixed air, with observations and strictures upon Dr. Priestley's, Fordyces, Pear- son s and Beddoc's late papers in the Philosophical Transactions and an answer to the reviewers. 1793. 8. (2 fh.) Some new experiments, with obser- vations upon heat, clearly shewing the erroneous Ff 4 priu- principles of the french theory, also a letter t© Henry Qavendipi^ ccntaining-somc pointed animad- verfions with strictures upon some late chemical papers in the Phìlosoph. Transaction» and other remarks. 1798» 8» (3 sh.) Some experiments and observations on Voltes electrical pile, clearly eltu cidating all the phaenomcna — also observations on Dr. Rersckdi's paper on light and heat, with other remarks. 1801. 8. (3 sb.) A new system on tire and planetary life shewing that the sun and planets are inhabited; also, an elucidation of the phaenomcna of electricity and magnetism. To which i« now added an appendix, 1800, (ssh, 6 d.) «HARJUOT, [John] Letters on gaining land from the sea. (Tr* of the Soc.for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 44. 52. 56.) De* scription of his invented machine called a road-har- row. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 197-504.) *HARRIS, [Catherine] Edwardina, a novel. Vol. 1.2. I800. 12. (6 ill, 6 d.) *H ARRIS, [George] Doctor of Common Law. born died 1796. April 19. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y., 1796. Apr. p. 358. May. p. 437. Sept. p. 715. Allgem. Lift. Zeis. ItKl. J. I800. S. 627. Justinian's institutes translated. 1756. 4. Ed. 2. 17ÓX. Observations upon the English language, in a letter to a fricud* 17.. * HARRIS, [James] Lord MALMSBURY. Formerly Ambaffador by the Dutch, Republic* born 174Ó. Apr. 20. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799» P-22Ç. * Introduction to the history of the Dutch Repu- blic for the last ten yean reckoning from the Year 1777. London. 1788. 8. ubers. (von Gehkardt) Leipz. 1792.8. The works oî James Harris % Esq. with an account of his life and character by his son — Vol. 1.2- I801. 4. (3L. 13 sh. 6d.) ^HARRIS, *) horn 1709. July qo. died T78o.. Dec. 12. See Monthly Rc<\ Y. 180:. J.tn. p. 1. die. Rev. V. 1H02. Jul. j>, 260 * HARRIS, [John] M. Dr. at Kingston, Jamaica. , Case of haematocele, with an account of the effi- cacy of zanthoxylon. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. P- 370 *H ARRIS, [Thaddeus Mason] A.M. Librarian of Har- vard University Cambridge. Description of Lungwort and iti properties. (Mas- sachusetts Magaz. Y. 1792. Sept. p. 563.) The natural history of the bible; — Boston. 1793. ♦HARRISON, [ ] The infant vision of Shakespeare, with an apo- strophe to the immortal bard aud other poems. 1794. 4- O 6 d-) HARRISON, [Edward] As. Dr. Physician at Horn- castle, Lincolnshire 1 Member of the R. S. of Scottish Antiquaries. C^fe of bony excrescence on the inside of the jaw. (New-London Med. Journal. Vol. 1. p. ir.) Case of nasal .haemorrhage, with petechiae. (Ibid. Vol, I. p. 17.) An obstinate case of diarrhoea hnteria. (Ibid. V0L2. p. 24.) Experiments performed with a view to ascertain ihe effect of the nitric acid upon iron deposited in the stomach of an animal. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 132.) Cafe of scirrhous pylorus. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 150.) Cafe of fistula in ano, from an uncommon cause. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 154.) *HARRISON, [George] Esq. Barrister at Larv. An abstract of the act lately-passed for consolida- ting the former acts for the redemption of the land- tax and for removing doubts respecting the rights of persons to vote for members of parliament with occasional notes. Ed. 3. 1802. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) ^HARRISON, [George] Some remarks relative to (he present state of edu- cation, in the society of the people called quackers. 1802. 8. (I Hi. ) ^HARRISON, [George] Vestry Clerk of the parish, ef IVin diesham. Proposals for enclosing and cultivating some parts of Bagshot heath, in the pariih of Windlcsham. J776. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol.36, p.37*0 Ff3 * HARRISON, 454 *HARRISQN, [John] Citizen at Cheffield. Letter to — tìenry Dundas, M. P. — or, an ap- peal to the people of Great - Britain, being an answer to sonic reflections cast upon a citizen, whose loyalty (it was said) was only confined to his razor! in a debate in the house of commons Febr. 21. 1794. occasioned by an intercepted let- ter, signed J. Harrison, a fans culotte, to which is added , an abstraólt of a trial for an assault com- mitted on the author in the name of church and king for ever. 1794. 8. (6 d#) ♦'HARRISON, [John] As Dr. Dissertatio dc pertussi. Gottingae. 1793. 4. *HARRISON, [John] of Preston Court f near Wing- ham. Crop of 1790. at Welwyn, Baldoek, Eaton, Becking, Alconbury Hill d'c. {Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 14. p. 186. 2590 ^HARRISON, [J E ] of Philadelphia. Cafe of scirrhous pylorus. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 150J HARRISON, [Richard] late ReStor of St. John, CUr. kenwell9 Minister of Brompton Chapel and qm of the joint preachers at the Magdalen* 1 born .... died 1793. Dec. 23. See Gentleman's Magai. Y. 1793. Dec. p. 1157. Y. 1797. Jan. p. 10. Febr. p. 127. * HARRISON, [Susanna] a young woman under heavy afflictions. Song in the night. 1788. Ed. 5. 1796. 12. (2 ft. 6 d.) Ed. 6. 1800. 18. (2 sh.) ^HARRISON, [William] M. Dr. of Rippon. Histories of three cafes of typhus, successfully treated. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 107.) *HARROP, [Edward Atkins] Original miscellaneous poems. 1796. 8. (6 sh.) *HARRUP? [R ] Surgeon at Cries, North- Britain. Account of some hairy balls voided by stool. (New-London Med. Journ. Vol. I. p. 254.) Two cafes of white swelling in the knee. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 343») Case of luxated vertebrae of the neck. (Ibid. Vol. i. p. 358.) *HARRUP, 455 * H A R R U P, [R *.. .1 <** Cobhatn, Surrey. On the opinion or inference that the chemical actions of light and heat arc the fame. {Nichol- son's Journal Vol.5. p. 245.) *HARSNET, [Adam] B. Dr. God's summons unto a general repentance, wherein is discovered the folly and danger of putting of and delaying repentance till sickness or old age, and also the necessity of a daily repentance. 1794. 8* (3 sh. 6d.) *HART, [Richard] A. M. Dr. G ill*s reasons for separating from the church of England calmly considered. 1801. 12. (6 d.) HARTLEY, [David] Esq. M. P. See Biogr. Liter, and Polit. Anecdotes —; Vol. 2. P. 139. The right of appeal to juries, in causes of excise; 17.. ^The budget; inscribed to the man who thinks himself minister; 1764. The state of the nation; with a preliminary defence of the budget, I7Ó5. A caveat on the part of public credit, pre- vious to the opening of the budget for the present year 1768. 1768. Letter, respecting Mr. Coris process for converting cast iron into malleable iron. (Columbian Magaz. Vol. 2. Suppletn. p. 8Ó8.) Ar- gument on the french revolution and the means of peace. 1794. 8. (i sh* 6 d.) ^HARTLEY, [Ralph] Teacher of the Mathematics, Berkhamsted. Philosophical questions, selected for the use of the upper J classes iii Berkhamsted school. 1799. 8. (3 Hi-) HARVEST, [George] Fellow of Magdalen-College, Cambridge; Curate of Thames - Ditton. born .... died Y. 1780. See Gilb. Wakefield's Memoirs, 1792. 8. p. 52. &c# *HARVEST, [William] Discourse by Abbé Fauchet on the liberty of Frau- ce, translated from the french. 1790. 8. (l sh.) *HARVEY, [J ] of Elmly Lover, near Hartle- bury, Worcestershire. Use of carrots <&c. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 4.» p.,98.) On a drill plough. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 197.) Ff 4 * HARVEY, *HARVEY, [John] at Norwich. Letter on fine spinning of wool. (Tr. of the Soc for. the E. of A. Vol. 7. p. 167.) *HARVEY, [Samuel] Observations on alphabetical characters" and par- ticularly on the english alphabet; with an attempt to Hiew its insufficiency to express, with due pre- cision, the variety of sounds, which enrich the language. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4, P. 1. p. I3>) HARWOOD, [Bufick] As. Dr: F. R. A. S. ProfeJJor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge. A system of comparative anatomy and physiology, Fasc. I. Cambridge. 179Ó. ubers. von C. R. W% Wiedemann* Berlin. 1799. 4. HA R WOOD, [Edward] D. IX A Dissenting Clergy, man in London. born 1729. died 1794. Jan. T4. See Geutleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Febr. p. 184, March, p. 200. The great duty and delight of contentment. 1783.8. The melancholy doctrine of predestination expo- • fed and the delightful truth of universal redemption represented. 1778. 8. Discourse on St. Paul's description of death. 1790. 8. Sermons. Vol. 1,2. 1794- 8. (10 sh.) HARWOOD, [Thomas] Master of Lie ht field school, and late of University College, Oxford. Sermons. Vol. 1. 2. 1794. 4. Alumni Etonenscy, or, a catalogue of the provosts and fellows of Eton College and King's College, Cambridge, from the foundation in 1443 to the Year 1797, with an account of their lives and preferments collected from original MSS. and authentic biogra* phical works. 1797. 4. (i L. I ih.) The sacred history of the life of Jesus Christ, illustrative of the harmony of the 4 evangelists; to which is added an index of parallel passages. 1798. 12. (3 ih.) Grecian antiquities, or an account of the public and private life of the greeks. 18OJ. 8» (9 sq. R. A. to which is added a new life of the author drawn up from authentic materials till now inaccessible. 1802. 8. (Royal 8. 13 6 d. Demy paper 9 fh. 6 d.) *HAWLEY, [Gideon] A. M. Biographical and topographical anecdotes respecting Sandwich and Marshpee Jan. 1794. {Co\\. of Mat- sachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. p. 188.) An account of his services among the Indians of Massachusetts and New-York, and a narrative of his journey to Onoboghgwage. (Ibid. Y. 1795. p. 50.) ♦HAWORTH, [Adrian Hardy] Esq. late of Costing* ham, Yorkshire, now of little Chelsea, Midd- lesex. F. L. S. Observations on the genus mefembryanthemum in two parts. 1794. 8. (7 fh- ó d.) A new arran- gement of the genui narcissus. (Transact, of L. S» Vol. 5. p. 242.) •HAWTAYNE, [William] Reclor ofElstree, Herts. Sermons on various and particular occasions. T792. 8- (7 ft.) *HAWTREY, [ Charles ] M. A: Vicflr of Bams ton, Oxfordshire. born .... died 1796. June 26. at Bath. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. July. p. 617. Aug. p. 699. Sept. p. 716. Various opinions of the philosophical reformers considered, particularly Paine s rights of man. 1792. 8. (3 fn«) *A letter to Lord Stanhope, on the subject of the test. 1790. *Frce thoughts on on liberty and the revolution in France* 1790. 8. (dêotvdfpitíiroç TTjç hxivtjç SioiSyTtyç or an appeal to the new testament, in proof of the divinity of the son of God. 1794. 8. (3 sh. 6d.) A sequel to the appeal. 1796. 8. A particular enquiry into the doctrine of an eternal filiation. 1796. 8. (2Íh.) ♦H AX BY, [John] M. Dr. Physician at Pontes raft. Medical histories; 1) A cafe of epilepsy, termina* ting favourably, under the use of musk and opium; 2) a case in which the testicles had not descended into the scrotum, till the patient had attained his fourth year. 3) a case of enlargement of one of the spinal vertebrae, gradually disappea- ring on an enlargement of the trochanter major of the right thigh, which was succeeded by hydro- cephalus, terminating fatally, (Duncans A. ofMeil, Y. 1799- P-434-) ♦HAYES, [Samuel] M. R. J. A. and Member of the Committee of Agriculture of the Dublin Society, A practical treatise on planting and the manage- ment of woods and coppices. 1795. 8. (5 sh.) HAYES, [Samuel] A.M. formerly Usher of fVtst- minster-school. Sermons on different occasions and on practical duties. 1797. 8. (5 ft.) (Several single sermons.) *HAYES, [Samuel] Apothecary to the New-York Hospital. Cure of gonorrhoea virulenta by soap-injection. (Medical Repository. Vol. 3. p. 302.) HAYES? [Thomas] Surgeon at London^ before Apothe- cary and Surgeon at Hampstead. born .... died 1788- Jun. 16. HAYGARTH, [John] M Dr. F. R. S. Lond. F. R. S. and R. M» S. Edinb. Fellow of the American Acad, of Arts and Sc. Physician at Chester. Description of a glory. (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p. 463.) A iketch of a plan to exterminate the casual small-pox from Great-Britain and to introduce ge- neral inoculation — Vol. 1. 2. 1793. 8* (8 sli.) iibers. und abgek. von Joh. Bapt. Bonzel, mit ei- nem Anhangc von G. C. Reich. Gotha. 1799. 8. On the imagination, as a cause and as a cure of disorders of the body; exemplified by fictitious tractors 463 tractors and epidemical convulsions. 1800.8. (lih.) Letter to Dr. Percival, on the prevention of in- fectious fevers; and on the prevention of the Ame* rican pestilence. Bath. l8or. 8. (5 ft.) Mode of preventing the dreadful consequences of the bite of a mad dog. (American Museum Y. 1789. Aug. p. III.) Cure for the bite of a mad dog; (Massa- chusetts Magaz. Y. 1789. Aug. p. 511.) *HAYLEY, [ ] Mrs. Wife ofWilliam Hay Ieu9 Etq. of Eartkam % Suffex and daughter of th* Rev. Thomas Ball, Dean of Chicester. born . . , . died 1797. Nov. 8» See Gentleman'! Magaz. Y. 1797. Nov. p. 989. Dec. p. 1068. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 648. The Marchioness Lambert's essays on friendship and old age, with an introductory letter to Wil- liam Melmoth Esq. 1780. 8. The triumph of ac- quaintance over friendship, an essay for the times. 1796. 12. HAYLEY, [William] Esq. of Eartham, Suffex. born 1745. Oct. See Public Characters of 1799 and I800. p. 455. An epistle to Admiral Keppel. 1779. 4* An elegy on the ancient greek model. 1779. 4. The triumphs of temper; a poem. 178t. 4. (6 sh.) ùberí. Zii- rich. 17.. — On old maids — ubers. von CL Fel Weiffe. Leipzig. Th. 1-3. 1786. 8. * Dialo- gues containing a comparative view of the lives, characters and writings of Lord Chesterfield and Dr. Johnson. 17 .. The poetical works of John Milton 9 with his life. Vol, 1 - 3. 1794-1797. sol. (15 L. 15 sh.) An elegy on the death of Sir WilL Jones, a judge of the supreme court of ju* dicature in Bengal. 1795. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) The life of Milton, in 3 parts: to which are added conjectures on the origin of paradise lost; with an appendix. 1796. 4. (15 ih. large paper 1 L. I ih.) Basel. 1799* 8. A poetical essay on sculp- ture, in a series of epistles to John Flaxmann, I800.4. (I L. 7 sh.) A life and some posthu- mous works of Will Cowper. Vol. 1. 2. 1803. 4. (2 L. i2 sh. 6 d.) abridged* from the Quarto edi- tion. 1803. 12- (3 st. 6 d.) *HAYNE$, *HAYNES, [John] Snrgton at Chipping Norton. Cafe of fatal termination after the bite of a mad dog, (Mem. of M. S. of L# Vol, 5. p. 289.) *HAYS, [J....] Hair changed through fright. (Monthly Magaz, Y. 1800. Nov. p. 321.) •HAYS, [Mary] Miff. Letters and essays, moral and miscellaneous. 1793, 8. (5 Ai.) Memoirs of Emma Courtney. Vol. I. 2. 179^- 8. (6 sh.) The victim of prejudice. Vol. 1. 2. 1799. 12. (6 sh) Remarks on Dr. Reid> on insanity. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. July. p. 523.) Female biography; or, memoirs of illustrions and celebrated women, who have flourished in all countries from the earliest periods to the present time* Vol. 1-6. 1803. 12. (1 L. II sh. 6 d.) H AYS H AM, [John] M. Dr. Physician at Carlisle in Cumberland. (Is more properly written John Heysham. See Reuss Gel. Engl. p. 18Ó.) *HAYTBR, [John] A. M. Chaplain to the Earl of Clarendon. Essay on a passage in St. Paul I Cor. XI, 10. 1791. 8. (I sh. 6d.) HAYTEK, [Thomas] A. M. Senior fellow of Kings- College, Cambridge. born 174Ó. died 1799. Dec. 17. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Dee. p. 1094. IT87. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S.6Ó3. Strictures on the confessional. 1772.' On faith and election, a sermon. 1791. 8- (I sh.) «HAYWARD, [William] at Banbury. Method of cultivating turkey rhubarb from seed. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 8. p. 79-) On the growth and cure of rhubarb. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 2250 ♦HAYWOOD, [Samuel] Serjeant at Law. A digest of to much of the law respecting borough elections, as concerns cities and boroughs in ge- neral , their representation and returning officers; the carriage and delivery of the writ, the history, form, conveyance and delivery of the precept; the duty of the returning officer, previous to the election j 466 a state fit for cultivation and improving its natural productions. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 3, p. 250.) HEAL DE, [Thomas] M. Dr. F. R. S. Lumleyan Le biuret at ike College of Physicians and S#. nior Physician of, the London Hospital* born .... died 1789. -HEALY, [Robert] A. B. An account of a new method of supplying diving- bells with fresh air. (Tillocfrs Philos. Magaz. Vol, 15. P- 9.) *HEARN, [Thomas] M. Dr. late Physician to tfie British, Fa&ory at Cadiz. A short view of the rife and progress of freedom in modern Europe, as connected with the causes which led to the french revolution. 1793. 8. (ssti. 6 d.) *HEARNE, [Samuel] born 1745. died Nov. 1792. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1797. Aug. p. 691. Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in HudsohY- bay to the Northern Ocean, undertaken by order of the Hudson's-bay company, for the discovery of copper-mines a northwest passage — in the Y. 1709-1772- 1795-4- (1 L. 10 sh. 6 d.) «'HEART, [Jonathan] Major. Account of some remains of ancient works, on the imiskingura, with a plan of these works. (Colum- bian Magaz. Y. 1787. May. p. 425.) Observa- tions on the ancient works of art, the native in- habitants &c. of the ^western country. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 214.) *HEARTWELL, [Henry] Esq. The prisoner; or, the resemblance (from the french) a comic opera, in one act, adapted to the English stage. 1799. 8. (i sh.) The castle of Sorrento; a comic opera , in two acts, altered from the french and adapted to the English stage. 1799. 8. (I sh.) *HEATH, [ ] Major-General. Memoirs of Major-Gen. Heath, containing anec- dotes , details of ikirmiches and other military events* during the american war, written by him- self. I800. * HEATH, *HEATH, [J ] at Newcastle. The veterinary college method os shoeing horscr» defended, (Comm. and Agric, Mag. Y. i%oo* Aug*, p. 103.) *HEATH, [John] Surgeon in the Royal navy. A system of midwifery, translated from the french of Baudelocque, Vol. 1-3. 1790. 8. (iL, I ill.) ♦ HEATH, [William] Esq. F. A. A. Letter on the darkness in Canada, in Oct, 1785. N(Mem. of B. A. V0L2. P.I. p. 1390 ♦HEATHCOTE, [Charles] Observations on the corporation atfd test acts in a letter to a friend. 1794» 8» (2 (h.) HEATHCOTE, [Ralph] D. D. Vicar of Sileby, Co> Leicester^ ReÛor of Saw try all faints s co. Run* tingdon , a Prebendary and Vicar ^General of the collegiate church of Southwell. born at Bàrrow upon Soar Leicestershire 1?21> Dec. 19. died 1795. May. 2$. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. June, p.533. Jul. p. 569. Dec. p. 984. Historia astronomiac* Cantabrigiae. 17». Fidel fundamentum ratio, eoncio ad Clerujm habita. 1758. 4. (6 d.) Cursory animadverstons upon the Middletoman controversy upon the miracu- lous powers. 1752. Remarks upon a charge by Dr. Chapman. 1753. A letter to the Rev. Tho- mas Fothergi/J M. A. relating to his sermon prea- ched before the University of Oxford, Jan. 30* 1753* upon the reasonableness and uses of com- memorating King Charles's martyrdom. 1753. A sketch of Lord Bolingbrokt's philosophy. 1755» The use of reason asserted in matters of religion. 1755» (The articles, Simon Ockley; Dr. Robert Jams; Queen Elizabeth, Madame de Maint en on > in the Biographical dictionary; II Vols. 8. 1761. belongs to him.) The irenarch, or, justice of peace's manual. 1771. Sylva% or, the wood 1786. Ed. 2. 1788. (Several single sermons.) G g a *HBBBES, 46S *HEBBES, [Thomas] A. M. of Trinity-College, Cam- bridge , Vicar of Hernkill in Kent. born . .. . died , ., . (?) Sermons. 1802. 8. HEBERDEN, [William] M. Dr. F. R. S: F. A, S. born 1711. Aug. died 1801. May 17. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. May. p. 485. Antitheriaca, an eilay on mithridaticum and thc- riaca. 1745. 8. Dr. Confers Middleton diflerta- tiones de servili medicorum conditione appendix: published 1761. Account of a very large human calculus. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1750. p. 596.) Account of the effects of lightning at South Weald, in Fflex, June 18. 1764. Ibid. Y. 1764. p. 198.) *>HEB£RDEN, [William] Jun. Al Dr. F. R. S. Of the influence of cold upon the health of the inhabitants of London; (Philos. Transact, Y. 1:796. p. 279. Simmons"s Med. Facts and Obser- vât. Vol. 8. p- 208. ) Observations on the in. crease and decrease of different diseases, and par- ticularly of the plague. 1801. 4. (5 sh.) Com. mentaries ou the history and cure of diseases. I802. 8- Commen'tarii de morborum historia et curatione. 1802. (7 sh. 6 d.) HECKFORD, [William] Esq. A (ucciucl account of all the religious and various sects of religion, that have prevailed in the world and in all ages from the earliest account of time to the present period, from the most indisputable traditions. 1792. *HEDGEH00, [Humphrey] A bone to gnaw for the democrats, by Peter Por- cupine; to which is prefixed a rod, for the backs of the critics. 1797. 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) ^HEDGES, [Phineas] Phyfician at Newburgk. Cafe of an extraordinary disease, in a child appa- rently scrophulous. (Medical Reposit. Vol. 1, p. 172.) *HEDLEY, [J ] On preserving corn in public granaries. (Comm. and Asric. Mag. Y. 1801. Jan. p. 13.) HE ELY, [Joseph] Esq. #A description of Hagley park: by the author ot letters on the beauties of Hagley dec. 1777*8- 'HELLINS, 4Ó9 HELLINS, [John] B. D. F. R. S. Vicar of Potter's fury, in Northampronfhire. Dr. HaUcifs quadrature of circle improved: being a transformation of his series for that purpose to others which converge by the powers of 80. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1794. P«2I7) Mr. Jones s compu- tation of the hyperbolic logarithm of 10 impro- ved: being a transformation of the series which he used in that computation to others which con. verge by the powers of So. To which is ad- ded a postscript, containing an improvement of Mr. 'Emerson's computation of the same logarithm, (Philos. Transact. Y. 1796. p, 135.) A new me- thod of computing the value of a slowly conver- ging series, of which all the terms are affirmative. (Ibid. Y. 1798. p. I83.) An improved solution of a problem in physical astronomy; by which, swift- ly converging series are obtained, which are use- ful in computing the perturbations of the mo- tions of the earth, mars and venus by their natural attraction. To which is added an appen- dix , containing an easy method of obtaining the sums of many slowly converging ferie9 which arise in taking the fluents of binomial surds &c. (Ibid. Y. 1798. p. 527. Y. 1800. p.S6.) Of the rectification of th« conic sections. (Ibid. Y. 1802. p.448.) Analytical institutions, in four books; originally written in Italian, by Donna Maria / Qaerana Agnejl —- translated into English by the late J»hn Colson, Prof, of the Mathein. at Cam- bridge; now first printed from the translator's manuscript. Vol. 1,2. 1802. 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) HELME, [Elizabeth] Mrs. Louisa, or the cottage on the moor; Ed. 7. with material additions. Vol. 1, 2. 1801. ( 8 (h. ) Duncan and peggy, a scottish tale. Vol. 1. 2* 1794. 12. (7 sh.) Plutarch's lives abridged; in which the historical parts are carefully preser- ved and the comparisons of the respective lives accurately delineated. 1794. 8. (8 sh.) The far- mer of Inglewood forest, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1796. 8. (14 fli.) Instructive rambles in Loudon and the adjacent villages, designed to amuse and improve the understanding of youth. Vol. I. 2. G S 3 1793. 470 1798. 8. (3 Hi.) Albert, or the wild* of Strath- navcrn. Vol. 1-4. 1799» (14 sh.) Columbus, or the discovery of America — translated from the german of J. H. Campe. Vol. 1.2, 1799. 12. (3 sh. 6 d.) James manners, little John and their dog bluff. 1799» 12. St. Margaret's cave, or the nun's story; an ancient legend. Vol. 1-4. I80I. 12. (I L. I fh.) Cortez or the conquest of Mexico — translated from the german of J. C. Campe. Vol. 1.2. I800. 12. (3 fh. 6 d.) Pizarro, or the con- quest of Peru — translated from the german of J. H. Campe. Vol, 1. 2. 1799. 12. (3 fh, 6 d.) Instructive rambles in London and the adjacent vil- lages designed to amuse the mind and improve the understanding of youth. 1800. 12. (4 fh.) Ma- terual instruction; or, family conversations on moral and entertaining subjects —; Vol. 1. 2. 1802. 12. (6 fh.) St. Clair of the islesor, tho outlaws of Barra; a scotcish traditiou. Vol. I-4. I804. (14 fh.) •HELME, [William] Henry Stukely, or, the effects of dissipation. Vol. 1 -3. 1794. 12, (9 fh.) *HELY, [James] A. B. Ogygia , or, a chronological account of Irish events, collected from very ancient documents, 'faithfully compared with each other and supported by genealogical and chronological aid of the sa- cred and prophane histories of the first na- tions of the globe; written originally in latin (IÓ85) by Roderic 0}Flaherty, Esq. translated. Vol. I. 2. Dublin. 1793. 8. (12 fh.) *HEMET, [John] Sturm s reflections abridged. 1798. 12. (5 ^0 Contradictions, or, who could have thought it? a novel from the french. Vol, I. 2. 1799. 13. (7 fh.) ♦HE M H ALL, [Samuel] M. A. Strictures on the late motion of the Duke of Leinster and Mr. Sheridan and a paragraph m the semi-official chronicle of opposition. 1798. (6 à.) ♦HENCHMAN, [T ] Observations on, the reports of the directors ot the the East India Company respecting the trade bet- ween Indian and Europe. 1802. (il sh.) HENDERSON, [ ] and Sheridan's practical method of reading and reciting english poetry. 1796. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) *HENDERSON, [George] Esq. A short view of the administrations in the govern- ment of America under she former President? the late Gèn. Washington and John Adams; ^and of the present administration under Thomas Jeffer- son; with cursory observations on the present state of the revenue, commerce, agriculture, manufacture and population of the United States. 1802. 8. (2 fli. 6 d.) ^HENDERSON, [John] Esq. Surgeon on the Bengal Establishment. Observations on the salt of bitumen; the bit-no- ben (sal naphthicus Indicus) of the Hindoos. (Til- lochys Philof. Magaz. Vol.14, p. 206.) A disser- tation on the bit-noben, or foetid salt of the Hindus, the sal Indus antiquorum , commonly known by the name of Khalla Neemuk; with re- marks on the Cerayta of the Hindoos, the Kussel Uzzereerch of the Arabians, the calamus aromati- cus antiquorum. 1803. 8. (3 sh.) HENDERSON,, [Stewart] Surgeon of his Maj. 40 Regt. at foot and many years a Surgeon in the Royal Navy. A letter to the officer of the army under orders for or that may hereafter be sent to the^West-In- dies, on the means ©f preserving health and prc« venting that fatal disease, the yellow fever. 1795. 8. (6 d.) *HENDLEY, [John Haddon] Dirvan i Hafez persian lyrics or scattered poems — with paraphrases in verse and prose. 1800. 4. *HENDRICKSON, [Henry] at Cecil county, state of Maryland. On the advantage of salt in agriculture. (Ameri- can Museum Y. 1787. Aug. p. 176.) HENLEY, [Samuel] F. S. A. Reftor of Rendlesham, . Suffolk. ^ * Essay toward a new edition of the elegies of 77- hullus>\ with a translation and notes. 179%* 8. (2 sh.) On the age and signification of the excee- dingly curious zodiac lately discovered by the French in Egypt, accompanied by two very large copperplates. (Monthly Magaz. Y. Ï802. Nov, pt 295. Tillock's Philos. Mag. Vol.14, p. 107,) HENLEY, [William] F. R. S. (he was a Unntn- draper.) born . . . . died about 1779. *HENNIKER, [John] Major, Esq. F.A.S. and As, P. for Netv Romncy. Letter to George Earl of Leicester. 1788. 8. #Two letter* on the origin, antiquity and history of Nor- man tiles, stained with armorial bearings. 1794,8. (4 ft.) ♦HENRY, [David] Esq, born at Fovron^ about 16 miles from Aber* deen 1710. Dec. 26. died at Lewisham 1792. June 5. See Gemlemans Magaz. Y. 1792. June. p. 578. Jul. p. 671. Aug. p. 697. The tell tale, or anecdotes, stones dec. yd* 1. 2* 17.. Twenty discourses on the most important subjects, carefully abridged from the works of the late Archbp. Tillotson Ed. 2. 1763. Ed. 4. 1779. The complete englifli farmer, or, a practi- cal system of husbandry; 1772. An historical ac- count of all the voyages round the world perfor- med by English navigators. Vol. I - 5. 1774» 1775- 8. (For more than half a century he take an active part "in the management of the Gent- leman's Magazine: He was in 1758 or 1759. the principal writer, editor and proprietor of „The Grand Magazine of Magazines.) *HENRY, [Peter] On the action of metallic oxydes and earths upon oils in low degrees o£ heat. (Mem, of M. Vol. 4. P. 1. p. 209.) HENRY, [Robert] D. D. Minister of Edinburgh. JF. A. S. Edin. born Fibr.i8. 1718, died 1790. Nov. 24. See Gen leman's Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p. 583- Oct. p. 907. Millin Mag. Encycl. T.3- p. 194» The history of Great-Britain. Vol.6, with his life. 1793. 4. (i L 5ih.) Ed. 8. Vol. I-10. 1788. Letter 473 Letter — to William TytUr of Woodhouse-Lee, Esq. (Transact, of the Soc. of the Antiq. of Scot- land. Vol. I. p. 5380 (Several single sermons.) HENRY, [Thomas] Apothecary at Manchester. F.R.S. Instances of the medicinal effects of magnetism. (London M. Jj Vol. 3. p. 3°30 ubers. Repertor. Chir. u. Medic. Abhandl. B. I. S. 587. Obscr- vations on the bills of mortality for the towns of Manchester and Salford. (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p. 159,) Cafe of a person becoming- short-sighted in advanced age. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 182.) Conside- rations relative to the nature of wool, silk and cotton, as objects of the art of dying — with some observations on the theory of dying in ge- neral and particularly the turkey red, (Mem, of M. Vol. 3. p. 3430 * HENRY, [Thomas] Jun. Conjectures relative to the cause of the increase of weight acquired by some heated bodies, during cooling. (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p. 174.) On the external use of nitrous acid. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798- Febr. p. 880 niENRY, [William] A general view of the nature and objects of che- mistry and of its application to arts and manu- factures. 1799. 8. (i shO Ed. 2. I8QJ2. iifrers. mit Anmerk. von J. B, Trommsdorff. Erfurt. 1803.8. An epitome of the chemistry. 1801. 8. Experi- ments on carbonated hydrogenous gaz; with a view to determine whether carbou be a simple or a compound substance. (Phil. Transact. Y. I797« p. 401. "Nicholson's Journal. Vol.2, p. 241.) Ac- count of a series of experiments, undertaken with the view of decomposing the muriatic acid. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1800. p. 188. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 4. p.209. 245- Tilloeh's Phil. Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 211. 332.) A review of some experiments, which have been supposed to disprove the materia- lity of heat. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P.2. p. 603, cf. p. 679. Tilloclis. Philos. Magaz. Vol! 15. p. 45. Nicholson's Journal Y. 1802. Nov. p. 197O On the extraction of sugar from carrots, and experiments G g 5 ou 474 on barytes and strontites. (Nicholson s Journal Vol.3, p. 1Ó8.) Analysis of an ore of iron, the composition of which has been hitherto misun- derstood. (Ibid, Vol. 3, p. 454.) Letter on hh , discovery of a new and improved ineihod of prç- paring the prussiate of pot-ash; and on the dispu- ted question, whether prussiate òf pot-ash be de- composed by muriate of barytes? (Ibid, Vol.4, p. 30. 17Í.) Experiments on the chemical effets of galvanic electricity, (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 223.336.) On the property which the acetic acid possesses of dissolving camphor and various essential oils. (Tilloch's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 15. p. 156.) On the discovery of the aromatic vinegar. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. April, p. 236.) •HENS H ALL,'[Samuel] As. A. Fellom of Brazen Nose College , Oxford. The saxon and cnglisb languages reciprocally illu- strative of each other, the impracticability of ac- quiring an accurate knowledge of Saxon literature through the medium of latin phraseology exem- plified in the errors of Hickes, fVilhins, Gibson and other scholars, and a new mode suggested of radically studying the saxon and* english lan- guages. 1797. Specimens and parts, containing a history ot the county of Kent and a dissertation on the laws, from the reign of Edward the con- fessor to Edward the first; òf a topographical, commercial, civil and nautical history of South Britain, with its gradual and comparative pro- / srefs in trade, arts, population and shipping, from authentic documents. 1798. 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) Domesday, or an actual survey of South-Britain, by command of William the conqueror; faith- fully translated with introduction, notes and illu- strations by Sam, Henskall and J. Wilkinson, M. Dr. F. R. S. Nrb. 1. 1799. (l2.Yh.) (to be com- pleatcd iii 10 numbers.) .Strictures on the late motions of the Duke of Leinster in the house of Peers, Rick. Brimley Sheridan Esq. in the house of commons and a paragraph in the souû official chronicle of opposition. 1800. * HEN V ILL, [Philip] Curate. A brief statement of facts, wherein several in- stances 475 stances of unparalleled inhumanity, oppression^ cruelty and neglect in the treatment of the poor in the parish of Damerham South , in the county of Wilts are considered and exposed. 1796. 8. (6 sh.) Sermons on practical and important sub- jects. Vol. 1. 1799. 8. (7 sh. 6 d.) *HERAUD, [J.... A....] Law-stationer and Ac cotait am. A complete stamptable of all the various stamp duties payable in Great-Britain. 1798. 4. (5 sh,) A digest of the stamp laws and complete stamp- table. 1801. 8, (9 sh.) ♦HERBERT, [....] second son to the Earl of Car. narvon and brother to Lord Porchesieré *Musae Etonenscs, feu carminum delectus nunc primum in luccm editus. Vol, 1 -3, 1795. 8* (l$ sh. fine paper 1 L. 6 sh.) ♦HERBERT, [Samuel] D. D. Occasional sermons. 1804. 8. HEkBBRT, [William] of Ckejlmtit, Herts. born 1718. died at Cheihunt 1795, March. 17. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. March, p, 361. April p. 345. ♦HERD M AN, [John] As. Dr. Member of the medical society at Edinburgh, and Surgeon in Leith. EfTay on the causes and phenomena of animal life. 1795. 8. (3 sb. 6d.) ubers. m it Anmerk. von Aug. Fried. Adr. Diel. Altenb. 1799. 8. Difler- tations on white swelling of the joints and the doctrine of inflammation. 1802. 8. (5 íh. ) A plain discourse, on the causes, symptoms, nature and cure of the prevailing epidemical disease, ter» med influenza. 1803. 8- (2 sb.) Lord-Bisliop' of HEREFO RD; See John Butler. ^HEREFORD, [ ] Rev. of the University \ of Oxford. * History of France. Vol. 1-5, 17.. 8. *History of Rome for the foundation of the city to the death of Marcus Antoninus; Vol. I-3. 17.. 8- * Abridgment of Gibbons history of the decline and fall of the roman empire. Vol. I. 2. 17.. 8* * Abridgment of Mr. Humes history of England. Vol, 17.. 8. * HERIOT, 476 *HERI0T, [J....] * An historical iketch of Gibraltar, with an account of the siege which that fortress stood against the 1 combined forces of France and Spain, including a circumstantial detail of the sortie made by the garrison. 1792. 8- *HERON, [M ] at Newcastle. The conflict, a seutiniential tale, in a series of letters. Vol. 1.2. 1793. 12. (4 ih.) HERON, [Robert] a native of Scotland. See P inkertoti. *>Lctcer8 of literature. 1785. 8. (6 ih.) Arabian tales; or, a continuation of the arabian nights en*- tertainments: — translated from the original ara- ble into french by Dom CUavif, a native arab, and Cazotte — translated from the french. Vol. 1-4. 1792. 8. (10 fh.) NiebukSs travels through Ara- bia and other countries in the East — translated into English with notes by the translator and illu- strated with engravings and maps. Vol. 1.2. I7Q2. 8. (12 fh. ) Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland in the autumn 1792. relating to the scenery, antiquities, customs, manners, population, agriculture, ma- nufactures, commerce, political condition and lit- térature of these parts. Vol. 1.2. 1793. 8. (12 ih.) , The history of Scotland from the earliest times to the aera of the abolition of the hereditary juris- dictions of subjects in the Year 1748. Vol. 1-6. 1794-1799. 8. « 2 L. 8 fh,) Letters, which passed between Gen. Dumourier and Pache, Minister at the war to the french republic, during the cam- paign in the Netherland in 1792. translated from the original french. 1794. 12. (2 ih.) Informa- tion, concerning the strength, views and interests of the powers presently at war; intended to asiist true friends' to themselves and their country, to judge of the progress and effects of the present war, and to decide upon the grand question of immediate peace? or war for another campaign? 1794. 8 (5 fh.) Memoirs of the revolution, or, an apology for my conduct, in the public employ- ments which i have held by J. Garat, late Mini- ster of Justice iu the service of the French re- public; translated from the scencb. 1797. 8- (5^0 Account 47? Account of the life of Mulcy Lcizit, late Empe- ror of Morocco; — translated from the original french; to which is prefixed a short review of the Moorish history, from the earliest times to the ac- cession of Mu ley Lei zit, with a philosophical en- quiry into the causes which have hitherto retar- ded the civilization of the Moors. 1797. 8. (3 fh.) The letters of Junius, with notes and illustra- tions, historical, political, biographical and criti- cal. Nrb. 1. (1 fh.) (to be completed in 20 numbers.) *HERON, [Robert] Elegant extracts of natural history, corrected and revised, from a great variety of the most elegant and authentic writers, with a preface, containing some hints on education. Vol, 1.2. 1793.8. (12 fh.) Elements of chemistry and natural history to which is prefixed the philosophy of chemistry, by A, F* Fourcroy, translated from the 4th and last edition. - Vol.1-4. 1796. 8. (iL. 4ÍÎ1.) Elements of chemistry; comprehending all the most important facts and principles in the works of Fourcroy and Ckaytal; with the addition of the more recent chemical discoveries which have been made known in Britain and on the continent, and with a va- riety of facts and views, which have never before been communicated to the world —. 1800. 8* (12 fh.) On the general nature of light. ( Tii- hclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 8. p- 161.) Chariot way-wiser — pedometer — known by the an- ticnts. (Ibid. Vol. 11. pt 38.) The fame methods of reasoning common to mathematics and to na- tural history and other branches of physics. (Ibid. Vol. 11. p. 294.) *HERON, [Robert] New and complete system of universal geography. 8. (iL. 8 fh.) * HER RIES, f ] Colonel Instructions for the use of yeomanry and volunteer corps of cavalry. 1804. (5 fh.) HERRI ES, [John] M A. born . . ; . . died 178. (?) «HERRIES, [John Charles] Esq. % Sketch of financial and commercial affairs, in the autumn 478 autumn of 1797. in which among other things, the mode of'conducting the loyalty loan is fully considered and means of redress to the subscribers to that loan suggested , without prejudice to the slate. 1797. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) On the state of Eu. rope before and after the srench revolution — by Fred. GenZ) translated from the germain 1802. 8 (8'sli.) *HERTY, [Thomas] A digest of the laws of Maryland, being an abridg. ment alphabetically arranged of all the public acts of assembly now in force and of general use from the first settlement of the state to the end of No- vember seslion 1797. inclusive, with references to the acts at large. Baltimor. 1799* 8. (6 Dollar,) •HERVEY, [George Augustus] See John Payne. *HERVEY, [Thomas] Rev. \ Elementa christiaua: the 39 articles of the church of England proved to be agreeable to the word of God, in their literal and grammatical sense, in a new, familiar, catechetical form. To which is added, a brief exhortation, by way òfimpro- vement. 1791. 12. (2sh.,6d.) ♦HE S LOP, [Luke] Arch,-Deacon of Bucks. Observations on the statute of the 31 Geo. 2, Chap, 29. concerning the asiize of bread; with occasional references to the 3d Geo* 3. Chap. 2. the 13th Geo. 3. Chap. 62. and to the. late statute for regulating the asiize of bread in the city of -London. 179S» 8. (2 ill. 6 d.') A comparative statement of the food produced from arable and grass land and the returns arising from each; with observations on the late inclofures and the probable effect of a general act for inclosing com- mons or wastes, heaths or the royal oak of Great-Britain 1793. Occasioual poems. 1794- 8. (3 ÍM 479 (3 sh.) Miscellanies: viz. she genuine tree of liberty, or, the royal oak of Great-Britain —; letter to Mr. J. . . . F . . . . of Nettleham in the county of Lincoln —; sermon preached at Nettle- ham, —, Gels. 13. 1793. — Antinomianisrn un- maíked, a tragic comedy , being a full and direct answer to an appeal co the publik by J. P. Far- rier. — Good works, addressed to the Antino- niian brethern , for their conviction and convcr- * sion. 1795. *HEWERDINE , [William] born 17Ó3. died 1799. Jun. 5. at PostWithaui, co. Lincoln. * See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Junc* P« 532» Allg, Lift. Zeit. J. 1800. ItBl. S. 660. (Writer of facetious and convivial songs) Hilaria. 1798. 8- HEWLETT, [John] A. M. formerly of M*f>dalen- College, Cambridge and Lecturer of St. Fedafi's, Foster Lane, London. Sermons on different subjects. Vol. 2. 1791. 8. (6 sh.) A chart of English history for the use of schools. 17.. *HEY, [John] D. D: Rector of Calvert on and Narri- Jian Prof ffor of Divinity^ in ike Univerfity of Cambridge, Poetical essay on redemption. 1763. Thoughts on the Achanasian creed, a sermon. 1790, 8* (Ô d.) Lectures in divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. Vol. 1-4 1796-1798. 8» (iL.) (Several single sermons.) *HEY, [John] Dijfenting Minifler. The important question at issue between the editors of a periodical publication, entitled Zion*s trans- port and a non conformist. 1801. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) The important question still under consideration, but approaching to a decision or an addrese %o TA. T. Biidulfk. 1801. 8. (1 sh.) HEY, [Richard] Esq. LL. Dr. Fellow of Magdalen-' College, Cambridge% Barrister at haw of \tht Middle- Temple. On civil liberty; 17.. Happiness and rights; 179^ 8. (3 fli.) (Abridgment 1793. 13. 6 d.) The 48o 1 The captive mouarch* a tragedy, in 5 acts. 179^ 8. (1 sb. 6 d.) Edington, a novel. Vol. i4 3' 1796. 12. (6 sh.) HE Y, [William] F. R. S. Senior Surgeon to the Gr- fierai Infirmary at Leeds.. A description of the eye of the seal. (Mem. os M. Vol. 3. p. 274.) Practical observations on fur- gery. Ï803. 8. (10 sh. 6 d«) *HEYRICK, [John] Jun. Lieut, in the 15 Regt. 0f light Dragoons. First flights, containing pieces in verse on va^ rious occasions. 1797, 4. (3 sh. 6 d.) *H ET WOOD, [Samuel] Esq. of the Inner - Temph. A digest of the law respecting county elections — 1790. 8. (7 sh. 6 d.) A digest of the law re- specting borough elections. Vol. I. 7,. 1796. 1707 8. (3sh. 6d.). ♦HIBB, [ ] Jun. Dr. On the size of cattle. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 604J ♦HICKEY, [Thomas] Storia della pittura e la scultura da i tempi Pit- tanhohi — the history of painting, and sculpture from , the earliest accounts. Vol. 1. Calcutta. I?88. 4. HICKS, [George] M. Dr. of St. James's Palace, Mem- her of tke Roy. College of Physicians and Phy- fician io tke Asylum and Westminster Infir- mary. born .... died at Rochester. 1792. Dec. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. Jan. p. 90. *HICKS, [Henry] Observations on a late publication of Dr, Pearson, entitled, an examination of the report of the committee of the house of commons, on the claims of remuneration for the vaccine-pock inoculation, 1803. (3 sh.) HIGG1NS, [Bryant] M. Dr. Minutes of the society for philosophical experi- ments. 1794. 8. (8 sh.) iiberf. Halle. 1803. 8. Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado sugar and rum. Part. 1-3, printed at St. Jago de la Vega and sold in London by Cadell. 1801. 8. (9 sli<) •HIGGINS, 48i *HIGGINS, of Delaware. A method of draining ponds in level grounds. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. P- 32.5-) HIGGINS, [William] M R. J. A. Professor of Che* mijiry and Mineralogy at the Repository of the Dublin Society. An essay on the theory and practice of bleaching, wherein the sulphuret of lime is recommended as a fubstitiHe for poíaíh. 1799. 8» (2 ih.) iibcrs. mit Anmerk. Halle. 1802. 8- On sulphuret of lime, to be used as a substitute for potash in bleaching with the oxygenated muriatic acid. (Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p.253. Tr. of Du- blin Soc. Vol. 1. P. 1.) Letter respecting the time of the discovery of the sound produced by a cur- rent of hidrogeu gas palling through a tube. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Febr. p. 129.) •HIGGINS, [William] Esq. The American; a novel. Vol. I. 2. 1803. 12. • (8 ft.) HIGHMORE, [Anthony] Jun. Esq. Solicitor; for- vierly of Burycourt, St. Mary Axe, London. born 1718. died 1799. Oct/3. Sec Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1799. Oct. p. 905. Allg. Litterat.Zeit. ItBJ. J. 1800* S. 662. Reflections on the distinótion usually adopted in criminal prosecutions for libel; and on the me- thod lately introduced of pronouncing verdicts in consequence of such distinction. 179Í. 8. (2 sb.) Addenda to the law of charitable uses, compri- sing the cafes reported and adjudged since the publication of the history of Mortmain — until Hilary term 1793. 1793. 8* (2 sh.) A practical arrangement of the laws relative to the excise. Vol. 1. 2. 179Ó. 8. (I sh,) ♦HIGSON, [ ] Vicar of Bath-Easton. On the culture of potatoes. (Bath Agric* Soc» Vol. 1. p. 26.) *HILDRETH, [W ] The niliad, an epic poem, written in honour of the glorious victory obtained by the British fleet under the command of — Lord Nelson over a superior fleet of the french, off the tuouth of the nile, on the I Aug. 1798. 1799. 4. (3 sb. 6 d.) tituss a. £. stipffi. H h ^HILL» 482 *HILL, [Aaron] On the manufacture of beech oil and other pro- jects of improvement. (Nicholson*s Journal Vol3. p. 329.) HILL, [Brian] A. M. late of Queen's College, Oxford and Chaplain to the Earl of Leven and Melvill. Henry and Acasto, a moral tale, in 3 parts; a new edition. 1798. 8- (5 fh-) Observations and re- marks in a journey through Sicily and Calabria in the Y. 1791. with a postscript containing some account of the ceremonies of the last holy week At Rome and of a short excursion to Tivoli. 1792. 8. (7 sb- 6id.) (Several single sermons.) * HILL 3 [Daniel] M. Dr. Fellow of the London Midi- eai Society. Practical observations ou the use of oxygen or vi- tal air, in the cure of diseases: To which are added a few experiments on the vegetation of plants. Part 1. I800. 4. (7 fh. 6 d.) iibers. von E. H.fV. Munchmeyer. Th. I. Gôttingen. 1802.8. *HILL, [Daniel] Rev. of East- Mailing near Maidstone in Kent, Kentish agriculture, (being answers to the society's printed queries). (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 94.) <*HILL, [George] D. D: F. R. S. Ed. Principal of Sr. Maris s College in the University of St. An- drew , one of the Ministers of that city and one of his Maj. Chaplain s in ordinary for Scotland, born at St. Andrews. See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 180. Sermons 1795. 8. (6 fh.) Sermons by James Gil- lespie, D. D. published from the author's manu- script. 1796.8. (5 ih. 3d.) Theological institu- tes. 1803. 8- (7 fh. 6 d.) HILL, [James] Surgeon at Dumfries in Scotland, born . ♦ . . died 178 (?) HILL, [John] LL. Dr. F. R. S. Edin. and Professor of Humanity in the University of Edinburgh, An essay upon the utility of defining synonymous terms in ail languages; with illustrations by exam- ples from the latin. (Tr. of E. S. V0I.3.L. p. 93-) 433 •HILL* [John] at Greathouse, Leigh, near Worcester. Enclosing" wastes, composition for tithes. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 38. p. 80 *HILL, [John] Member of the Rots. College of Sur- geons , London* The means of reforming" the morals of the poor, by the prevention of poverty and a plan for melio- rating the condition of parish paupers and dimi- nishing the enormous expence of maintaining them, 1801. 8. (4 íh. ó d.) *HILL, [John] Pkilologus. Lectures and reflection^ on various subjects, viz. divinity, law, civil and ecclesiastical, philosophy, characters, atheism and hypocrisy, manliness, god- liness and gratitude, coalition, marriage, industry and stoth. 1792. 8. (3 fh.) *HILL, [R....] Esq. Experiment in planting potatoe shoots. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol.8, p. 299.) HILL, [Sir Richard] Burt. M. P. for the county of Salop, (of Hawhstone in Shropshire; a Metho- dist.) See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 150. A detection of gross falihood and a display oi black ingratitude, being an answer to a pamphlet lately published by some evil-minded person, un- der the name of William Woolinj^ styling himself, A. M. and addressed to Sir Rich. Hill. 1794. 8. (I lh. 6 d.) The substance of a speech intended to have been delivered in the house of Commons on Mr. (Jreyys first motion for peace Jan. 26. 1795- 8. (I fh. ) Hard measure, or, a real state- ment of facts, in a letter to the burgesses and freemen burgesses of the town of Shrewsbury — with a supplement. Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (9 (3 ih-) Account of Mr. Roivn* tree's trial for patent property. (Connu, and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1801. Jan. p. 22.) HINSDALE, [Theodore] at Windsor, CofineBicut. Account of an extraordinary halo. (American Mu- seum Y. 1790. Apr. p. 204.) *f HINT O N , [James] A Dissenting Minister at Oxford. Vindication of the dissenters in Oxford, addressed to the inhabitants, in reply to Dr. Tat ham* s ser- mon, lately published. 1792. 8- (3 d.) • HINT ON, [William] D. D. of Northwold, Noifolk. Experiments with Mr. Cook's drill plough. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 5. p. 15Ó.) On Mr. Ducket's hus- bandry. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 216.) Of night-rolling turnips , with observât, by A. Young. (Ibid. Vol. IO. p.207.) On land for cottages. (Ibid. Vol.37, p. 2Ó5.) On the culture of the Chinese hemp. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 6. p. 105.) ♦HITCHCOCK, [Enos] D. D. resident at Providence in ike state of Rkode-lsland. Memoirs of the blooms grove family, in a series of letters to a «respectable citizen of Philadelphia, containing sentiments on a mode of domestick edu* cation, suited to the present irate of society, go- vernment and manners in the United States of America, and on the dignity and importance of the female character, interspersed with a variety of interesting anecdotes. Boston. 1790. 8. (iofh.) The farmer's friend, or the history of Mr. Charles Worthy —; Boston. 1793. 8. * HITCHCOCK, [Samuel] Major. Account of frogs found in the earth. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 2. P.I. p. 63.) *HITCHINS, [Malachy] Rev. Account of the discovery of silver in Herland cop- per mine* Transact. Y. 1,801. p. 159- Tii- lodis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 10. p. 77.) *HOADLY, [ ] Arch-Deacon Blackburne's political sentiments ex- plained. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Juae. p. 420.) ♦HOARE, 487 «HÛARE, [Prince] Esq. an Artist. born at Bath. Such things were, a tragedy. 1788. Ed. 2, 1796. No long no supper, a comic opera, 1790. The cave of Trophonius. 1791. Dido, Queen of Carthage. 1792. The prize, or 2. 5-3'8. 1793-' My grandmother; 1793. * Love's vi6tim: the her- mit's story. 1793, 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) Mahmoud, a musical opera. 179Ó. The Italian villagers, an opera. 1796. ^ Lock and key; a musical entertain- ment, in two acts. 1796. 8. (i fh.) Sighs or the daughter, a comedy, in 5 acts — taken from the gcrman drama of Kotzebue, With alterations. X799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Indiscretion, a comedy, in 5 acts. 1799. 8. (2 sli.) Chaias of the heart, or the slave by choice in 3 acts. 1802. 8- (2 sh.) Extracts from an correspondance with the acade- mies as Vienna and St. Petersburg, on the culti- vation of the arts of painting, sculpture and archi- tecture , in the Austrian and Ruffian dominions. To which is prefixed a summary account of the transactions of the royal academy at London from the close of the exhibition 180Ï "to the exhibition at Somerset-house. I8©2. 4, (2 fh. 6 cl.) «■HOARE, [Sir R C....] Ban. An historical tour in Monmouthshire, ilîustrated with views,; a new map of the county .and other engravings by William Coxe, in two parts, 1801. *HOBHOUSE, [Benjamin] Barrister at Law; A. M. of Brazen - Nose College, Oxford. M. P. A reply to F. Raiidolpk's letter to Dr. Priestley; or, an examination of Randolph7* scriptural revi- sion of focinian arguments, in a series of letters to the author. 1793. 8. (3 fh.) í;: A treatise on heresy, as cognizable by the spiritual courts; and an examination of the statute 9 and 10 William 3. C. 32. entitled: Au tict for the more effectual sup- pressing of blasphemy and profaneness in denying'* by writing, printing, teaching or advised speaking the divine original of the scriptures or the do6trine of the holy trinity, by a barrister a law. 1792- 8. (2 fh.) A collection of tracts. 1797. 8. On ren- dering inclosure bills more simple. (Bath Agric, Soc. Vol. 9. p. 55.) H h 4 * HODGES, 488 *H0 DOES , [Phinehas] Stricture on the clcnienta medícinae of Dr Brown 1795- 8. *HODGES, [IV...."| Attorney at Law. An historical account of Ludlow Tvardleigh, co. Devon. born at Exeter died 1803. May 28. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. June. p. 599. Remarks on the arabian nights entertainments, in which the origin of Sinbad's voyage and other oriental fictions is particularly considered, 1797» 8. (4 fliO" *HOLFORD, [ ] Mrs. Neither's the man, a comedy, in 5 act*. 179. 8. (2 ih.) Fanny and Selitiia; 17.* Gresford vale and other poems. 1798. 4. First impressions, or the portrait, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1801. 8. (l8fh<) * HOLLAND, [Henry] Esq. ArchiteB. On cottages. (Comm. to the B of Agr. Vol. L p. 97.) Pise', or the art of building strong and du- rable walls, to the height of several stories, with nothing but earth, or the most common materials, (Ibid. Vol. I, p. 387.) ^HOLLAND, [Mary] a Cook. The complete Brúiíh cook —. l8ob. 12. (1 fl>.) * HOLLAND, 493 • HOLLAND, [William] As. Dr. born .... died at F^st-Retford, co. Notting- ham 1797. Dec. 18. Diss. Dc Cynanche tonfillari. Edinburgh 1776. • HOLLAR, [C..] Tournaments reviewd in Sweden. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1800. Jan. p. I.) *HOLLl D A Y, [John] Surgeon. A short account of the origin, symptoms and most approved method of treating the putrid bilious fever vulgarly called the black vomit; which ap- peared in the city of the Havanna — in the months of June, July and part of the August 1794. 1795. 8. •HOLLIDAY, [John] Esq. of Lincoln s-Inn, Barrister at Law; F. R. S. Governor of the Roy Hospi- tals of Christ , Bridewell and BethUm and of the Foundling Hospital: Member of the Soc. of Arts and Manufactures. born 1730. died i8or. March. 9. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. l8or. March, p. 283. The life of Witliam Earl of Mansfield. 1797. 4. (I L. I fh.) On a favourite Norfolk Bantam; (Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Nov. p. 108I.) *The British oak; (which, in its fallen state, is the cause of England's glory) a poem. I801. Me- moir of Owen Salisbury Brereion; (Transact, of the Soc. for the Encourag. of Arts. Vol. 19. p. IV.) HOLLINGBERY, [Thomas] D. D. F. R. and A. SS. Chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty, Arch-Deacon of Chichester\ Chaplain to Dover* castle and the cinque ports, and Rettor of Rot- tingdean* born .... died 1792. Aug. I. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Aug. p. 769. Alex. Cunningham's history of Great-Britain from the revolution in 1688 to the acceflion of Georges, with Will. Thomson's account of the author and his writings. Vol. 1 2. 1787. 4« (l 16 fh.) libers. Breslau. Th I. 2. 1789. 4- *HQLLINGSHEAD, [J....] Esq. born 1718. died at Chorley Dee. 1802. See Gentleman's Maga2~ Y. 1803. Jan. p. 87. 494. On the national importance of salt as a manure; ♦HOLLINGSWORTH, [N....] A.M. Curate of Sedgfield. A few plain practical sermons on important sub- jects. 1801. 12. (5 sh.) ^HOLLINS, [William] at Berriew, in Montgomery* shire. An account of the disease in the potatoe plant called the curl potatoe, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 8. p. 19. Vol. 9. p. 52. Vol.11. p. 750 *»HOLLIS, [John] Esq. Sober and serious reasons for scepticism as it con- cerns revealed religion, in a letter to a friend, 1796. 8, (I sh.) An apology for the disbelief of revealed religion, being a sequel to sober and se- rious reasons for scepticism. 1799. 8. «HOLLOWAY, [William] Poems on various occasions, chiefly descriptive, elegiac, didactic and pathetic. 1798. 8. The pea- sant's fate, a rural poem, with miscellaneous poems 1802. 81 (5 sh.) The baron of Lauderbrooke, a tale. 1800. 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) Scenes of youth, or rural recollections; with other poems; with cuts, 1803. 8. (4sh.) See J. Branch. * HOLM AN, [Joseph George] Aclor at Cove tttgar den Theatre. Abroad and at home, a comic opera in 3 acts. 1796. 8. (2 sh.) The votary of wealth, a comedy, in 5 acts. 1799. 8. (2 sh.) The red-cross knights, a play, in 5 acts. 1799. 8. (2 sh.) What a blun- der! a comic opera in 3 aéb. J800. 8. (2 sh.) ♦HOLME, [E ] Practical observations on the treatment of strictu- res in the urethra. 1796- (3 sh. 6 d.) ♦HOLME, [Edward] M. Dr. The inverse method of central forces. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. 2. p. 369. Vol. 5. P. 1. p. 102.) See Thomas Barritt. ♦HOLMES, [Abiel] A. M. Member of the MaJJachu- setts Hist. Soc. Life of Ezra Stilts j D. D: LL. Dr. President of Yale 495 Yale Collège. T799. The history of Cambridge. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1800. p. I.) HOLMES, [Edward] M. A: Master of Sconon JschooU co. York. bor» .... dicd 1799. JuK 31. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799- Au&- P- 7^0. Monthly Magaz. Y 1799. Nov- P* 833* AUg. Litt. "Zeit. ItRl. J. 1800. S 664. On éducation. 17., Queries on lime (Youtig's A. of Agr. Vol, 3. p. 384.) On the food of plants. (Ibid. Vol, 6. p. 185.) On mcteorology, as appli- cable to husbandry. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. I.) Strictu- res upon A. Young's observations on MoJeUyst tares and buck whcat, as a substitute for fallows. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p* 110.) On thc imut. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 115.) ♦HOLMES, [G....] Sketches of soine of the southern counties of Ire- land coliected during a tour in the autumn 1797, in a senes of letters. T801. 8. (9 fh.) HOLMES, [Robert] D. D. Canon of Christ churck, ReBor of Stanton and formcrìy Fellow of Ner* Collège, ProfeJJor of Poetry in the Univerjìty of Oxford. Sermon on the résurrection. 1777. Proposai for a collation of ail the manuscripts of the 70 ver- sion of the oìd testament. 1788. The 3~I3th animal account of the collation of the MSS of the 70 version/ 1791-1800. 8. Ode for the encaenia, held at Oxford JuL 1793» for the réception of his Grâce Wití. Henry Cavendisk, Duke of Portland, Chancellor of the University, set by Pkil Hayes* D. D. Professer of Musick. 1793. 4. (1 sh.) Epi- íìola xomplexa Genesin ex codice purpureo argen- teo Cacsarco Vindobonensi expressum et testament! veteris graeci vcrfionisLXX, cum variis lectionibus denuo edeudi spécimen. Oxford. 1795. fol. (6 sh.) Epistolae — Skute Barrington, LL. D. Episcr Du- nclmensi, nuper datae appendix — Oxfordiae. 1795. (15 sh.) Vêtus testamentum Graecum cum variis lectionibus. Genesis. 1798. fol. (i^íh, ) Exodus. (iL. 10 fh.) Leviticus. (10fh. 6 d.) *HOLMES,.[S. ...] a Smith. Description of his conducting oveu, heated without. fluesj flues; (Comm. and Agrib. Magaz. Y. 1801. May. - P- 350. Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 18. p. 224. Tììloclrts Phil. Magai. Vol, 9. p. 30.) * HOLMES, [Samuel] Serjeant Major of the XI ligkt dragoons. Journal during his attendance as one of the guard on Lord Macartney's embassy to China and Tar- tary 1792-1793. 1798- 8- *HOLROYD, [John Baker] See Lord Sheffield. ^HOLSTEN, [Esther] Ernestina, a novel. Vol. I. 2. l8or. 8. (7 fh.) *HOLT, [Charles] A short account of the yellow fever, as it appea- red in New-London in Aug. Sept. and Oct. 1798 with an accurate list of those who died of the disease — New*-London. 1798. 8. •HOLT, [Daniel] Printer of the Ntrvtrk Herald. A vindication of the conduct and principles of the printer of the Newark Herald. An appeal to the justice of the people of England, on the result of two recent and extraordinary prosecu- tion^ for libels. 1794. 8. (3 'h. 6 d.) HOLT, [John] born at Mottram in Cheshire. 1742. died at Walton near Liverpool 1801. March 21. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. iSoj). March p.285. April, p. 370. Sept. p. 793. Remarks in a tour taken in the summer of 1793 from Walton to London: (Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. July p; 619. Aug. p. 720. ) Essay 011 the curie in potatoes; 17.. General view of the agriculture of the county of Lancaster, with ob- servations on the means of its improvement — 1795* C5 ill.) On a particular kind of apple. (Bath Agrie. Soc. Vol.6, p. 160.) On transplan- ting wheat Ac. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 163.) On the loss of weight in grain &c. (Ibid. Vol. 6i p* 167.) Remarks on waste lauds in Lancashire. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 128») Singular crop of wheat. (Ibid, Vol. 30. p. 202.) On the cause and prevention of the curl in potatoes. (Tr. of the Soc. for E. of A. Vol. 8. P- 36.) Hints on the subject of roads. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. I. p. 183») * HOLT, *HOLT> [S.*,.] ^ An account of a remarkable pig. (Yotwgs A. af Agr. V0L33. p. 639*) HOLWELL, [John Zcph^niah] Esq. F. R. S former* Ivj Governour of Betigal. (tke only Jurvivor of tkar ever mémorable and fatal catastrophe tke black-hole prison as Calcutta,) born 170O. died I798* Nov. 5* See Gentlemau's Magai. Y. 1798» Nov* p. 99g* Monthly Magaz. Y 1798 Nov. p. 390 A fia* tic new réguler for the Y. 1799. Ali^ein* Litterat. Zeit. J. 1800. ItBl. S* 653* J. i8on It.Bl. S. 873- Vindication (of Mr. Holwell't character) frorn the aspersions thrown otit in an anonymons pamphlet enhtled: 5,refletfions on the preíent state of our? Ealt Fndia affaira,, 1764* 4* Addrefs to Lnke Sbraftott, Êsq. in reply f o h is pamphlet enntled observations 011 Mr. Vanfitrar^s narrative. 1767. 8. HOLWELL, [William] B, D: F. R. S. Vicar of Tkomburvj, co. Gloucefitr , Prelendary of Exe- ler and fortnerlif ij,kaplain rô tke Kingi born I725. died I798. March 13, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798* March. p* 259» Allg. Litt. Zeit J. 1800. icBL S* 6^0* Selefti Dionyfìi Haltcarness: De prifcis feriptori^ bus trarìatus; graece et latine. 1776. Á mytho- Iogical, etymological ah I historica! dictionary* extracted from the analyiis of aucient mythology (by Mr. Bvyant) 1793, 8* <6 sb.) HOLYOKR, [Edward Augnstus] M Dr A A. $. and Fellow of tke Maffackufet^s Med* Soc. Account of the weather and of the épidémies ât Salem in the comuy of EíTex, for the Y. 1786* to which is added a bill of inortality for the famé year. (M. P* of M. S. Numb* i. p* 17*) Au estitnate of the ex'cefs of the heat and cold of the American atmosphère beyond the fiurôpeaíij ii1 thé famé parallel of latitude* to U'hich are added fome thonghts on the câtifes of this exeefs. (Mem, ofB. A. Vol. 2 P. I. p. ÓÇ. Simi^ons^i Med fact» and Ohferv, Vol. 7* p. 225.) uberf, in tìegewijch U. Ebelìtjg Amenkanifchen Magasin. B, 1 St. 2* S* ié A table of tesults, frotn a course of ob- touft g> & suppt. íi servi- 498 _ servations made on the heat of the atmosphere by Fa lireft heit"s thermometer in the Years 1786- Ï792 at Salem in Massachusetts. (Ibid. Vol. 2. P. 1. p. 89. ) Account of an uncommon cafe of emphysema, and of an external abscess whose con- tents were discharged by coughing. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 186. Simmon's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 7. p. 259«) On the mercurial practice in the vi- cinity of Boston , Massachusetts. (Medical Reposi- tory. Vol 1, p. 500.) A cafe of diseased os inno- nûnatum successfully treated, (ibid. Vol.2, p. I.) An easy and cheap method of preparing sal aera- tus (carbonate of potash.) (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 5. TiU lock's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 5. p. 36.) ♦HOME, [ ] Select views in Mysore, the country of Tippo Sultan; from drawings taken'on the spot, with historical descriptions. 1795. 4. (6 L. 6 ill.) •HOME, [Charles] Esq. A new chronological abridgment of the history of England from the earliest times to the accession of the house of Hannover, — written upon the plan of Henaulis history of France. 1791. 8. (6 ill.) HOME, [Everard] Esq. F. R. S. Surgeon to the Army and St. George's Hospital. Account df Mr. Hunter's method of performing the operation for the popliteal anevrism. (London M. J. Vol, 7. P. 4. Vol, 8. P. 2. Transatt. of Med, and Chir. Soc. Y. 1793. p. 138. Vol. 2. p. 235-) iibers. Repertorium Chirurg. u. Mediz. Abhandl. B. I. S. 31. 44. Account of a child with a double head. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1790. p. 296. Y. 1799* p. 28. Simmons's Med. Facts and Observ. Vol. h p. 164.) iibers. Repertor. Chirurg. 11. Mediz. Ab- handl. B. I. S. 224. Observations on certain hor- ny excrescences of the human body. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1791. p. 95. Simmons s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 3. p. 105.) uberf. Repertor. Chirurg. u. Mediz. Abhandl. B. 2. S. 253. Some > observations on the loose cartilages found in joints and most commonly met with in that of the knee. (Transact, of Med. and Chir. Soc. Y. 1793- P- 2290 499 22Qi) Sohiè observations òn ulceus; (Ibid. Y. í793. p. 330.) Some tacts relative to John Hun- ters preparation for the Croouian lecture. (PhilolV Transact:. Y. 1794. P 21.) On the blood, in- flammation and gun-shot wounds, by the late John Hunter. To which is prefixed a fliort ac- count of the Anchor's life. 1794 4. (iL. II ill. 6 d.) libers* von Dr. E B. G. Hebenstrdr* B. 1.2* Leipzig. 1790k 8. Practical observations on the treatment of strictures in urethra. 1798- (3 sh< 6 d;) Ed. 2. 1797. libers, rìiit Anmerk von Dr. Sam. Hahnemann. Leipzig. l8oo4 8* Vol. 2> 1804. (7 ib.) Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers oil the legs, considered as a branch of military surgerv. 1797. 8* (4 sha 6 di) iiberft von Or* L F. Fmriep. Leipz» 1799 8. On mus- cular motmn of the structure and actions of the animal called hydatids; (Philos Transact. Y. 1795; p. l. 202» Y* 1796. p. I. Simmons'f Med. Facts and Observât* VoL 8- p. 193. ) Some observa* tions on the mode • f generation of the Kan^urooj With a particular description of the organs them- selves* (Ibid, Y. I795i p. 221.) A description of* the anatomy of the sea otter ^ from a dissection made Nov. 15. ï795- ( ïbid. Y. 179Ó. p. 385.) — and Arckib. MtUzies observations on she chan* ges which blood undergoes s when extra va fa ted into the urinary bladder * and retained for some time in that viscus, itiixed With the Urine* (Ibid. Y. [796. p. 48Ó.) The Croonian lecture, in which some of the nlorbid actions of the straight muscles and cornea of the eye are explained and tlieii* treatment considered. (Ibid. Y. 1797* p. I.) Au account of the orifhe m the retina of the hu^ Man eye* discovered by Soemmering; To whicll are added proofs of this appearance being ex- tended to the eyes òf other animals. (Ibid. Y„ 1798* p. 333. ) Experiments and observation* upon the structure of nerves* (Ibid. Y. 1799. p, 1.) An account of the d ss-ction of an hermaphrodiie à,c£. To which are prefixed, some observation» on hermaphrodites in general (Ibid. Y. 1799* p. 157.) Sort? observations óri the structure of the teeth of graminivorous quadruped*; párticu- li 7f larly 500 larly those of the elephant and fus aethiopicus, (Ibid. Y. 1799. p. 237.) On the structure and uses of the nièmbrana rympani of the ear. (Ibid. Y. I800. p. I. Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 5. p. 93.J See Afilty Cooper, Some observations oh the head of the ornithorhynchus paradoxus. (Phil, Transact. Y. 1800. p. 432. Nicholson s Journal. Vol 4. p. 506.) Cafes and observations on stran- gulated hernia. (Transact, of Med. and Chir. Soc. Vol.2, p. 99.) An account of an uncommon tu- mour, formed in one of the axillary nerves. (Ibid; Vol. 2. p. 152.) The cafe of a person who was shot through the lungs and survived for thirty- two years; with an account of the appearance of the contents of.the thorax after death. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 169.) A cafe of pregnancy in which the oVum had be come diseased and was entirely rilled with small hydatids. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 300.J The operation of puncturing the bladder above the pubis and through the rectum illustrated by cafes. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 344.) On the irritability of nerves. (Phil. Transact. Y. Igor. p. I.) Obser. vations on the structure and mode of growth, of the grinding teeth of the wild boar and animal incoguitum. (Ibid. Y. 180T. p. 319.) On the po- wer of the eye to adjust itself to different di- stancés, when deprived of the crystalline lens, (Ibid. Y. I802. p. I.) A description of the ana- tomy of the ornithorhynchus paradoxus. (Ibid. Y. I802. p. 67.) Description of the anatomy of the ornithorhynchus hystrix. (Ibid. Y. 1802. p. 348.) *HOME, [John] Esq. The history of the rebellion in the Year 1745. 1802. 4. (I L. I Hi.) HOME, [Robert] Surgeon to the Savoy. (Father of Everard Home*) born .... died 178. (?) «HOME, [Thomas] D. D. Vicar of JVilkington, Here- fordshire and late Fellow of Trinity Colleges Oxford. Reflections on the sabbath. 1796. «HOMKR, [Harry] Admonitory epistles to his brother Peter Pindar. Epistle 1. 1792. * HOMER, ,5°x *HOMER, [Henry] fìeclor of Birdinghurtj, co, War- wick and formerly of Magdalen - College, Ox- ford. born .. ., died 1791. July 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. July. p. 685» Dee, p, 1156, * C. Corn. Taciti opera omnia; suinptibtis edito* ris. Vol. 1-4. 1790. 8. (large paper 3 L. 13 sh, 6 d. Small paper I L. II sh, 6 d.) * T. Livii historiarum libri; sumptibus editoris. Vol. i-8i 1790. 8. (large paper 6 L, 6 sb.) * Salluflius; 1789. 8» (15 fh.) *C Julii Caesaris opera omnia. Vol. 1. 2. 1790. 8- (large paper 1 U l6fh, Small paper 14 sh.) * HOMER , [Jonathan] Rev, Description and history of the town of Newtown, *or Newton in the county of Middlesex. ( CoJU "of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1798* P-253,) ♦HONEYWOOD, [ ] Poems, with some pieces in prose, 1802, »HOOD, [Catherine] Remonstrance, with other poems, 180I- 12, (2 sh< 6 d.) *HOOD, [Nathaniel] Lieut. H. P. ^Oth Regt. Elements of war; or, rules and regulations of the army, in miniature: shewing, the duty of a, regiment in every situation. IS03, 12. (7 sh.) «HOOK, [A....] Esq. A letter-complaining of injustice and pointing out the danger to society from perjury and the facility with which the loose and equivocal testimony of servants may destroy the peace of private families, 1798, 4- (I Rinaldo, a poem, in XI books, translated from the Italian of Torquato Taffo. I/Q2. 8. (Ó sh.) Dramas and other poems of the Abate Vìqîyo Metafiafio. Trans- lated from the Italian. Vol. 1-3. 1800. 8- (l L. I ill.) *HOOLEj [Richard] at Sowton, a village hij Exeter, Translation of hymn to Ceres; 17.. Arthur; 17.. Fingal; 17.• (Author of some-poetry in the poems, chiefly by Gentlemcns of Devonshire and Cornwall., Vol. 1. 2. 1792. 8») HOQLE, [SamuelJ A, M. (Son of John Hoole.) # Modern manners, in a series of familiar epiiile", 1781. *Aureiia qr the contest, an heroic comic poem. 1783- *HOOLE, [Samuel] The select works of Ant. v. Leeuwetthoek, con- taining his microscopical discoveries in many of the works of nature; translated from the dutch and latin editions published by the author. Part, r, 1798. 4. Part2.3, 1800. 4. (1 L. 11 slj. 6 d.) * H O O F K R, [J... 0 Al Dr: R M S. * horn ...» died (?) Discourse on the belt means of improving the science of medicine delivered at the anniversary of the medical society in London in 1787. 1792, 8. (3 ft.) * HOOFER, 503 ^HOOPER, j.Iamcs Hill] Surgeon. A case of an haemorrhage from an ulcer: on the penis. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol.2, p. 509.) *H 0 0 P F R , [ Robert ] of Pembroke Collège, Oxford. M. D: F. L. S: and F. L. S. Observations on the structure and economy of plants , to which is added the analogy between the animal and vegetable kingdom. 1797. 8. (3 sh.) The hygrology, or chemico-physiological doctrine of the fluids of the human body, trans. Jated from the latin of J. J. Plenck. 1797- 8- ( 5 sh. ) The anatomist vade mecuni; containing a concise and accurate description of (he structure, situation and use of every part of the human hody: to which is added, an explanation of anatomical terms, 17Q8. 8. Kd.3. revised and enlarged. I §00, (3 sh. ó d.) fid. 4. corrected and enlarged. 1803. 12. (7 sh.) A compendious medical dictionary^ containing an explanation of terms in anatomy, physiology, surgery, materia medica, chemistry and practice of physic; collected from the most approved authors. 179S. 8< (5 sb, ó d,) Ed, 2, l8oi. 8- (7 ill.) Anatomical plaies of the bones and muscles diminished from Albinus for the use of students and artists, accompanied by explana* tory maps. 24 plates. 1802. 12. (5 fa») Ob fer* vations on the epidemical diseases now prevailing in London —? I803. 8. ( I ill. 6 d. ) Observa- tions on human intestinal worms, being on attempt at their arrangement into daises, genera and ipe* cics. (Mem. of M. S. ofL. Vol.5. p. 224.) Ana.» , tomical engravings of the viscera of the thorax — i I803. (5 sh.) *HOPE, [ ] Lieutenant-Colonel Letter to the volunteers. 1804, (l d„) *HOPE, [Charles] Rev. of Derby. Account of his plantations of mixed timhertrces, (Tr. of the Soc, for the E, of A. Vol, 12. p. 161.) ♦HOPE, [Thomas Charles] Professor as Chemistry 1» ike University of Edinburgh. Account of a mineral from strontian and of a pe- culiar species of earth which it contains, (Tr. of E, 5. Vol. 4, P, p. 3,) Ii 4 ^04 ^ *H0PKINS^ [Lemuel] M. Dr born in Waterbury, Connecticut, about the Y. 1755 or 1756. See Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Nov. p. 343. Poems (inserted 111 the ^American poems,, Vol. 1.) Speech otHesper; (inserted ibid.) The ana'rehiad, a poem on the restoration of chaos and subltantial night in 24 books. 17.. * H O P K I N S, [Richard] An Avian Clergyman. Appeal to the common sense of all christian peo- ple respecting the doctrine of the trinity. 17.. *HOPKINS, [Samuel] D. D, at Rhode-Is land, hlmh- America* A treatise on the millcnium, shewing from scrip, ture prophecy j that it is yet to come — when it will come — in what it will consist: and the events which are first to take place, introductory to it, 1794- 8. (I sh. 6d.) BOPKINSQN, [Francis] Esq. born 1738. died 1791. May 9. See Massachusetts Maipz. Y. 1791. Dec. p. 750. Columbian Magaz. Y, 1791, May, p. 291. A pretty story. 1775. What is a salt-box? (Ame- rican Museum — Vol. 1. 1787. Febr. p. 154.) F^Hopkinsons and Dav, Rittenkoufcs account of the effects of a stroke of lightning in a house fur- nished with two conductors. (Tr. of A. S. Vol.3. p. f22,) Description of a machine for mealuring a ship's way. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 239.) Description of a spring-block, designed, to allìst a vessel in sailing. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 331.) Some account of a horse with a living snake in his eye. (American Museum Y. Ï788- June. p. 503,) Speech on the learned languages. (Ibid. Y. June, p. 538.) Some thoughts on the diseases of the mind; with a scheme for purging the moral faculties of the good people of'Pennsylvania - quite new, and very philosophical, (Ibid, Y. 1788. Oct. p. 327.) Miscellaneous essays and occasional writings. Vol. 1-3. Philad. 1792.8, (iU l sh.) * H O P KIN S O N, [Samuel] B. £), late Fellow of Clan- Hail. Prayers and thanksgivings, principally intended for the use of children —. 1795, 12. O fh.) Causes 5<>5 Causes of the scarcity investigated; also an account of the most striking variations in the weather from 0&. 1798 to Sept. 1800, To which is prefixed the price of wheat every y^ar from 1660 to the present aera, l8oi, 8. (2 ill.) HOPS Oft, [Charles Rivington] M. Dr. formerly Pky* fician to the Finslmry Dispensary, born .... died 1796/ Dec, 23. See Gentleman» Magaz. Y. 1797. Jan. p, 80. Duncan s Annals of Médecine Y, 1797, p. 431. Al)g. Litter, Zcit, J, 1800. S, 629. Forster's voyages and discoveries in the North translated. 17.. Sparrmans travels translated. 17.. Thunberg's travels translated. 17.. Wolff's account of Ceylon, translated, 17., ^HORACE, [Humphrey] Esq. The rights to life, a sermon preached by R. Rams- den, M. A. translated into verse with notes and illustrations. 1797, 8. (I sh») *HORE, [Charles] Esq. Divide meditations, with a daily directory. 1804. 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) *HORN, [George] Apothecary, An entire new treatise on leeches, where in the nature, properties and use of that most singular and valuable reptile is most dearly set torth, 1798. 8. (I Hi. 6 d.) *HORN BLOWER, [J C ] Description of a model of machine for communi- cating motion at a distance. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 4. p.302.) Description of an hydraulic bellows for a smith's forge, (Nicholson s Journ. Y. 1802. March. p.219.) On the construction of the beams of iieam-engines. (Ibid. Y. l802f June, p. 68.) •HORNBY, [Thomas] of Yor!\ Brandy from carrots. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 9. p. IÓ8J — — and Hunter, On the distillation of ardent spirit from carrots. (Tillocfis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 6. p. 12.) HORNE,^ [George] D. D. Lord-Bishop of Norwich. born in (he County ot Otham , 1730. died 1792, Jan. 17. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Jan. p. 19-93- li 5 Febr* 1 5o6 Febr. p. 135, 181. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1796, March, p. 127. April p. 303. May. p.399, y, 1798. 'Aug. p. 663, William Jones's Memoirs of Bifh. Home. 179^.8, His character by S. Parr> LL, D, (See Gentlenj, Magaz. Yt 1800. Nov, p. 1023,) Considération* on the life and death of John the Baptist. 1769. Discourses on several subjects and occasions. Vol. 3. 4. 1794. 8- (io Ch.) A letter to Dr. Priestley, 1787. 8. /Observations on the cafe of protestant dissenters; 1790. 8. XVI. sermons on various subjects and occasions; now first collected, 1793.8, (5 sh.) Character of Dr. Johnson. (Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1800 Jan. p. 9.) * H O R N E, [George] D. D. Of eke University of Oxford. ^Sound argument, dictated by common feule, io answer to Natk. Brajjey Halked's teilinrony to the authenticity of the prophecies of Richard Brothers* 1795» 8. ( I fh,) Occasional remarks, addressed to N. B. Halhed, in answer to his late pamphlet entitled ,,a calculation of the commencement of the millennium Ac. with cursory observations on that gentleman's speech in the house of commons re- specting the pretended prophecies oîRich* Brothers. 1795' 8. (I sh. 6 d.) HORNE, [John] See Tooke. * HORNE, [John] of Dover. The description and use of the new invented pa* tent universal sowing machine for broad - casting or drilling every kind of grain, pulse and seed. (Bath Agriculr. Soc. Vol, 3. p.21.5.) * HORNE, [Meivil] Vicar of Gluey, Bucks', formerly a Preacher in Mr, IVesleys connection and afterward Chaplain to the new settlement at Sierra Leona. Letters on millions addressed to the protestant ministers of the britiih churches, 1794. 8. (I lh* ô d.) (Several single sermons.) *HORNE, [Melvill] Curate of Made!ey. Posthumous pieces of the late Rev. John WHU de la Flécher e9 j.792. 12. (3 fh. 6 d.) *HORNE, [T ] D.D. Keflections on (he sabbsth, 1796. (X sh.) * HORNE, —™~ 50? ORNE 9 [Thomas Hartweli] A brief view of the necessity and truth of the chri- stian revelation. 1800. 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) An essay on privateers, captures and particularly on recap- tures according to the laws, treaties and usages of the maritime power of Europe by de Martens, — translated from the frçnch with the notçs. 1801, $. ( 6 sh, ) A view of the commerce of Greece from 1787 to 1797. by Felix Beaujour— transla- ted from the frençh. I800. 8. (9 fn.) A compen- dium of the court of admiralty, relative to ships of war, privateers, prizes, recaptures, and prize- money 5 with notes and precedents, 1803. (4 sb. 6 d.) -HORNE, [W ] of Great-Yarmouth. The faith of the gospel vindicated in two sermons. 1800. (I sh. 6 d,) *HORNE, [W,.,. W....] Minister at Tihznham% Norfolk. The new songs of Zioii; or short hymns, col* lected from the scriptures of the old tdtamcnt, 1794. 8. (I sh, 6 d.) *HORNSEY, [John] Schoolmaster at Scarborough. A short grammar of the englifh language m two parts; simplified to the capacities of children. Ed. 2. 1798. 12. (I sh, 6 d.) *HORRIDOE, [John] of Raikc's, near Bolton in the moors, Lancashire. On the preparation and application of composts for manure, (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol, 19* P-1830 •HORSEY, [John] On the dissolution of the Northampton academy. (Monthly Magaz. Y,I798. Nov. p. 318*) *H0RSF1ELD, [Thomas] of Lethlem. An experimental dissertation on the rhus veni.v, rhus radicans and rhus glahrum commonly known in Pennsylvania by the names of poison -ash, poi- • son-wine and cqmmou sumach. Philadelphia, 1798. 8. HORS LEY, [Samuel] LL. Dr: E R. S: F. A, S: Lord Bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster and Dean Dean as the order of the Bath; late Bifliop of St. Davids and formerly Arch - Deacon of St. Albans. born about (he Y. 1737. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 188. Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1789. Oct p. 884, **An apology for the liturgy and clergy of the church of England. 1790. Sermon being the anniversary of the martyrdom of King Charles f. with an appen- dix, concerning the political principles of Calvmi. 1793. 4. (1 sh. 6 d.) On the prosodies of the greek and latin languages. 1796. 8- (4 fh-) Cri- tical disquisition on the 18 Chapter of Isaiah in a letter to Edw. King, 1799. 4. (4 sh. ) Substance of his speech in the house of Peers July 5. 1799, in the debate upon the second reading of the bill to prohibit the trading in slaves on the coast of Africa' within certain limits. 1799. 8. (I fh.) Ele- mentary treatises on the fundamental principles of practical mathematics. Igor. 8. (8 fh. ó d.) Hosea, translated from the Hebrew ■ with noies explanatory and critical. 1802. 4. ( I L. I sh.) (Several single sermons.) HOSACK, [Alexander] Jun. As. Dr. of New-York. History of the yellow fever, as it appeared in the city of New-York in 1795. Fhilad. 1797. 8. HOSACK, [David] As. Dr. Professor of Botany aid Ma teria Me die a in Co lu m bta- Col lege, New- York, Dissertation on, cholera morbus. Philadelphia. 179t. Observations on vision. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1794. p.196.) Syllabus of a course of lectures on botany, delivered in-Columbia-College* New- York. T795- 8- A cafe of hydrocele, cured by injechon. (Medical Repofit. Vol.1, p. 419.) Sin- gular cafes of disease in infancy. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 507.) Cafe of tetanus cured by wine. (ibid. Vol. 3. p. 21. Tillock's Philof. Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 63. Duncans A. of Med. Y., 1799. p. 389-) Oxydation of silver by the septic acid contained in the abdo- men of a person dead of enteritis. ( Hillocks Philol. jMagaz. Vol. 3. p. 411.) An introductory lecture on medical educatiou. New-York. 1801; 8* A cafe 5oç * case of hydrocele cured by injection. (Duncan*s A. of Med. Y. 1796. p. 306,) A case of obstiuate constipation of the bowels cured by calomel. (Ibid. Y. 1796. p.3IO.) Outline of the course of lectu- res on botany and materia inedica, delivered in Columbia-College. May 15. 1797. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1797. May. p. 257-) *HOUGHTON, [J....] Observations on the evidence of Christ's resur- rection; the principal objections answered and the divine origin of the chrifuan religion clearly pro- ved. 1798. 8. (2 sh.) ^HOUGHTON, [Pendlebury] Sermons. 1790. 8. (5 sh.) HOULSTON, [Thomas] M. Dr. Physician to the Li- verpool Infirmary* born died 178. (?) HOULSTON1, [William] Surgeon; F. A. S. and F. M. S, London. Cafe of injury of the brain — iibers. Samtnl. aus- erles. Abb. zum Gebrauch prakt. Aerzte. B. 15. St. I. S. 13. J. 0. Justamon&s, Surgeon to the Westminster Hospital, surgical tracts — ubers. von Ch. F. Micliaelis. Leipzig. 1791. 8* Sketches of facts and opinions respecting the venereal disease, 1792. 8. (I sh. ó d.) Ed. 2. with amendments, and an additional section on the formation and cure of strictures in the urethra. 1794.8. (1 ih. 6d.) *'H0ULTON, [R....] As. A. Letter interesting to every lottery department, con- taining a critical examination of the plan — of the new lottery system. I802. 8. (2 sh.) ♦HOULTON, [R..,.] Aí. B. Wilmore Castle, a new comic opera, in two acts, the music entirely new, by Mr. Hook. 1800. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) A review of the musical drama of the theatre-royal Drurylane, for the Y. 1797- 1799 and 1800, which will tend to develope a system of private influence injurious to musical emulation and public entertainment and to elu-. cidate several interesting points of matter in Plot** den's laté distinguished publication, 1801. 8» (3 ft.) *HOUS- ♦HOUSMAN, [John] of Corby, near Carlisle. A descriptive tour and guid? to the lakes, cave^ mountains awd other natural curiosities in Cum* berianrl, Westmoreland, Lancashire and a part of the Westridmg of Yorkshire. 1800. 8- (5 ih.) A topographical description of Cumberland, Weft* rnoreland, Lancashire and part of the Westriding of .Yorkshire* 1800* 8. Journal of á tour almost every county in England, part of Wales and Scot, land. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1796. Dec* p. 862. Y. 1797. p. 201.365*429. SeP*- Nov. p.363] Dec. p4 445. Y. 1798. Jan. p. 35. Febr. p. I06. Apr. p. 276* June. p. 428* TuL p*22. Sept* p, 193, Oct. p*274. Nov. p. 349. Dec, p. 423. V 1799, , Jan. p. 32. May. p. 289. Juite. p. 372. Jul. p. 457. Y, t8oo, Jul. p.540. Oct. p. 224. Nov* p<3o8. Decép.420. Y. 1801. Febr. p. 31.) Plan for con- solidating friendly societies. (Ibid. Y* 1797. Aug. p. 88.) Particulars relating to the agriculture of Cumberland. (Young's A« of Agf. Vol. 21, p< 444-'> *H.OUSM AN, [R..».] A. B. Sermons upon select names and titles ascribed in the world of Gad to Jesus Christ, Vol* I. 1793. 8* (3 íh.) (Several single sermons.) ®HOW, [Richard] of Apsley in Bedfordshire. Cafes. (Mem. of M. S* of L. Vol, 3. 5X5.) * HOWARD, [Edward] Èsq. F. It S. On a nevV fulminating mercury. (Phil* Transact Y. 1800. p. 204. Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 4; p. 373.200,249 Tilloch's Phil. Magaz. Vol. 7. p. I?. 122. ) Experiments and observations on certani stony find metalline substances , which at different times are said to have fallen on the earth, also on various kinds of native iron. (Plulof. Tr. Y* 1802^ p. IÓ8. Nicholson's Journal Y. l8o2. July p.216* Aug. p. 254. Oct. p. 88* Nov, p. 153. Ttlloclù Philos. Magaz. Vol. 13* p. 23. 136» 219< 331- Volí 14. p. 49.) HOWARD, [Frederick] Earl of CARLISLE; Knight of the Garter* Letter îo the Earl Fitzwilliam in reply to his Lordihip s two letters* 1794, Tlle step-mother, a tragedy* SU tragedy* i8ôo. 8- (2 sh,) Tragedies and poems. i8or. 8. (7 sl). 6 d.) * HO WARD, [Henry] Esq. Enquiries concerning the tomb of King Alfred, at Hyde Abbey, near Winchester. (Arch. VoJ* 13, p. 309O HOWARD, [John] Surgeon. Practical observations on the natural history and cure of the venereal disease. Vol. 3. 1794- S* Snpplem. 1801. 8* (2 sli.) fibers, von Dr. C F. Mickaelis. Leipz. 1798 8» The plan adopted by the gnvernours of the Middlesex hospital* for / the relief of persons afflicted with cancer» with no- tes and observations. 1792. 8* (3 fh») * HO WARD, [John] Schoolmaster. born .... died at the Leases, near Newcastle* May 1799. See Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. May. p. 335* A treatise on spherical geometry* containing its fundamental properties, the doctrine of its loci* the maxima and minima of spherical lines and areas; with an application of these elements to a variety of problems. 1798* 8. (6 sh») ^HOWARD, [Luke] Ou a periodical variation of the barometer, appa- rently due to the influence of the fun and moon on the atmosphere. (Tillocfcs Philos. Magaz* Vol, 7« P-355 ) Account of a microscopical investi- gation of several species of pollen, with remarks and questions on the structure and use of that part of vegetables. (Transact, of L, S> Vol. 6. p. 05.) Considerations on Dr. Hnttons theory of rain: (Ti/Jodis Philos. Magax. Vol. 14. p. 55.) HOWARD, [Philip] Esq. Thoughts on the structures of the globe and the scriptural history of the earth and of mankind compared with the cosmogenies* chronologies and original traditions of antient nations; an abstract and review of several modern systems, with ait attempt to explain philosophically, the mosaical account of the creation and deluge and to deduce from this last event the causes of the actual stru- cture of the earth; with notes and illustrations. 1797* 1797- 4- d L. I sli.) îìbers. von J. F. Lehzen. H-mnover. 1799. 8. ^HOWARD, [Robert] A few words on corn and quakers. 1800. 12. (6 d.) •HOWARD, [Syîvanus] Esq. of the Middle ~ Temple, Barrister at Law. Every tradesman his own lawyer, or a digest of the law concerning trade, commerce aud manu- factures. 1794. 8* (3 ft.) •HOWE, [Thomas] Episcopacy, a letter to Mr. Forster. 1765. 8. (2sh.) Five sermons. 1771. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) The milieu, niuin, or, cheerful prospects of the reign of truth, peace and righteousness and serious re- flexions on the commencement of the new cen- tury. Two discourses. I80I. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) (Several single sermons.) *HOWELL, [.....] Mrs. Georgina, or, the advantages of grand connections, a novel. Vol. I. 2. 179Ó. 8* (6 sh ) Anzoletta Zadoíki, a novel. Vol. I. 2. 1796. 8. (6sh.) The spoiled child. Vol 1.2. 1797* 12. (7 sh.) * HO WELL, [William] Account of an improved escapement. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A Vol. 16. p. 216 ) *HOWISON, [James] Surgeon on the Bengal Esta* bliskment of the East-India Company. A cafe of phthisis pulmonalis completely cured from the patient breathing mephitic air. (Dun- cans A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 324.) Some account of the elastic gum vine of Prince of Wales's Is- land, and of experiments made 011 the milky juice which it produces; with hints ^respecting the useful 'purpose's to which it may be applied, (Asiat. Res. Vol A. p, 157. Nirholson'f Journal. Vol. 3 p 53. TiMoch'f Phil Magaz. Vol. 6. p. 14.) Account of Prince of Wales's Island. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3. H. p T3 ) * HO WIS ON, [Wilikm] Esq. An investigation into the principles and credit of the circulation of paper money or banknotes in Great-Britain. 1803. 8. (I ft. 6 d.) •HOWLDY, 513 *HOWLDY, [Thomas] On an electric property of India rubber. (Month- ly Magaz. Y. 1797. Nov. p. 368.) HOWLETT, [John] Vicar of Great - Dunmow in Efftx. Appendix to some account of the Shrewsbury house of Industry. 1792. (6 d.) Examination of Mr. Puss speech in the house of Commons 1796 re- lative to the condition of the poor, 179Ó. 8 (1 ih.) Dispersion of the gloomy apprehensions of late re- peatedly suggested, from the decline of our corn- trade, and conclusions of a directly opposite tew. dency establi/hed upon well - authenticated facts: to which arc added, observations upon the siril report from the committee on waste lands &c, I797. 8. (I ih. 6 d,) The monthly reviewers reviewed — pointing out their misrepresentations and fallacious reasonings in their account of a pamphlet entitled, «Dispersion os the gloomy ap- prehensions—„ 1798. 8- (1 sh.j An enquiry con- cerning the influence of tithes upon agriculture, whether in the hands of the clergy or the laity, I80I. 8. (3 fh.) On the population of Caven- ham. (Youngs A. of Açr. Vol.9. p. 113.) On the provision for the poor. (Ibid. Vol. 11. p. 1. Vol. 14. p. 174.) On the population of France* (Ibid. Vol.15. P-537-) The different quantify, and expence of agricultural labour, in different years. (Ibid. Vol. 18» p. 56Ó.) On the population and situation of the poor in England. (Ibid. Vol. 18- p. 573.) On the number of people in the pa- rish of Great-Weluetham, in Suffolk. (Ibid. Vol, 2[. p. 108.) On the parish of Welnetham. (Ibid. V0K21. p. 377») Prosperity of English Agricul- ture. (Ibid. Vol.29. P* 5-1*) Crops and scarcity. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 95.) On the state of the poor, crops, bran-water bread &c. (Ibid. Vol, 34. p. Influence of tithes upon agriculture. (Ibid* Vol. 38. p. 131.) *HOWMAN, [E....] Rw. of Bracon in Norfolk. Account of the cultivation of Siberian barley. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 1. p. 108.) Rittfs & E% Suppt. Kfc * HO WORTH, 514 *HOWORTH, [ ] Mrr. The poems of Bar. HaUer^ translated into English, 1704. 8. (3 sh.) *HOY, [Thomas] of Gordon - Costïe. F. £. S. Account of a spinning Umax or slug. (Transact, of L. S. Vol.1, p. 183.) An account of two new genera of plants from New-South Wales, prcsen* ted — by Thomas Hoy and John Fairbairn. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 346.) On China hemp. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 35.) *HOYLE, [John] Musician. Complete dictionary of music. 1790. 8. (3 ft.) *HOYLE, [Thomas] Jun. Experiments and observations on the preparation and some remarkable properties of the oxygenated muriat of potash. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P. 1. p, 221. Nicholson* Journal. Vol. 2. p.290.) •HOYTE, [Henry] Land-Valuer. An essay on the conversion of foils, with ob» servations and remarks on the breeding of sheep and cattle. 1802. 4. (4 fh. 6 d.) On the advan- tages of inclofures. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.32, p. 530.) ♦HUBBARD, [George] at Bury St. Edmunds. Account of bees. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A, Vol. 9. p. 91.) *HUBBARD, [John] Rev. Account of the town of Northfield. (Toll, of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1793. p. 30.) *HUBBARD, [J C....] A. M. Jacobinism — 17.. The triumph of poesy, a poem. 1803. 4. (Z fh.) HUBB A R D, [Leverett] M. Dr. of Newhaven in Con- netlicut. Treatment of a person struck by lightning. (Mem, of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 423.) '•HUCKS, [J.«..] A. M: Fellow of Catherine-Hal, Cambridge. A pedestrian tour through North-Wales, in a se- ries of letters. 1795. 8- (2sh. 6d.) Poems. 1,798 12. < 3 ft- 6 d.) HUDDART, [Joseph] Esq. F. R. S. formerly Captain. Account of persons who could not distinguish co* . lours. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1777. p. 260.) Sketch 515 the straits of Gaspar — 1788. 8- (.Ç fh.) Obser- vations on horizontal refractions which affect the appearance of terrestriaJ objects, and she dip, or depression of the horizon of the sea. (Phil. Trans- act. Y. 1797. p. 29. Nicholsons Journal Vol. 1» P- 145.) *HUDDESFORD, [George] M. A. late Fellow of New - College, Oxford. Poems — including Salmagundi, Topsy-Turvy, Bubble and Squeak and crambe repetita, with corrections and original additions. Vol, 1.2. I80I» 8. (12 fh.) ^HUDSON, f ] Answer to the Rev. Wall's two letters to Mr. John Parkinson on the subject of the Welton inclolurebill. 1796. (6 d.) ^HUDSON, [Robert] of the Office of Examiner of India Correspondance. The New East-India Kalendar for 1801. — 1801. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) HUDSON, [William] Esq. F. R. S. born in Kendal 1733. died 1793. May 23. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. May, p. 485. *HUGELL> [....] Mrs. liidora of Gallicia. Vol. I. 2. 1797. 8. (6 fh.) ♦HUGRR, [Francis K....] An inaugural dissertation on gangrene and mor- tification. Philad. 1797- 8. ^HUGHES, [Francis] Surgeon of the General Infirmary at Stafford. An account of the effects of mahogany wood in cafes of diarrhoea. {Simmons's Med, Facts and Observât, Vol. 6. p. 156.) Account of the ef- fects of the external application of aether in a cafe of strangulated hernia. {Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 8. p. 443.) •HUGHES, [H....] Retribution and other poems. 1798. (2 fh.) ♦HUGHES, [Hugh] Description of his machine for twitching wool, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 7. p. 193.) *HUGHESV[J. ...] A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds, translated from the french of FonteneU, with con* Kk 2 siderablc 516 fidërable improvements. To which is aâdcd^íi disons defence of the Newtoniau philosophy, igor 8. (3 ft ) *HU'GHES; [John] See A. Bekn. * HUG H ES, [John] of the Stamp-Offiee. The new law list., corrected to the 25th of May 1802. 1802. *HUGHES, [J.... T....] Esq of Lincoln's-inv, Reflexions on the politics of France and "EnglanJ •at the close òf the year 1797, 1797* (2sh. 6 d.) *HUGHES, [Lewis] B. D. Historical view of the rife, progress and tendency -of the principles of -jacobinism. 1798. 8* (i flC 6 d.) ♦HUGHES, [Rice] A. M. of Aldettham, Herts: CAa* slain to Earl Ponlett. Sermon: social union Bnd benevolence. 1790. 4, (I fh. 6 d.) Letter on the meeting at the crown ) *HUITSON, [.....] . Cafe of paraíyfís curcá by the inhalation of vital air» 517 air. (Med. and PhyC Journal, .. . . Medical Repoi- sitory Vol.3. p.3l90 ♦ HULL, [John] M. Or. Member of the corporation of Surgeons* Secretary of the literary and philo* sophical Sec. of Mmnckefier. Elements of botany , illustrated by 16 engravings.. Vol. 1.2. I800. Ç. (18 sh.) An cíîay on phlegma* tia doJens, including an account of the symptoms, causes and cure of peritonitis puerperalis et con- junctiva. I&00. 8* (I fh. 6 d.) A defence of the caesarean operation, with observations on. embry- ulcia and the section of the symphisis pubis. 1799. 8. (3, sh. 6 d.) Observations on Simmon is d'e^- lection &c. with a defence of the caesarean opera- tion, derived from authorities. Part. 1. 2. 1799», 1800. 8* (il fh.) The British flora v or a Lin- nean arrangement of Britiih plants., Part 1. 1799- 8. (8 fh. 6 d.) Two memoirs on the caesarean operation, by Mr* Raudelocqut, translated from the french, with a preface, notes, an appendix and 6 engravings. 1801. 8. (6fh. 6d.) Observations on the nervous systems of different animals; or original defects in the nervous system of the human species and their influence on sensation and volun- tary motion. (Mem. of M, V0K5. Parts, p.4750 HULL, [Thomas] late of Covent-Garden Theatre^ Published Sir William Harrington, a novel, revi- sed by Richardson* 1771. reprinted 1797. The comedy of errors; with alterations from Shake- speare, adapted for theatrical representation. 1793. 8. (i fh.) Moral talcs in verse, founded on real events. Vol. 1.2» 1797» 8. (9 fh.) Elisha or the woman of Shunem; a, new sacred oratorio; set to music by Dr. Arnold. I&oi. 8.. (I fb<> *HULLy [Thomas] M. Dr. Physician, Retford. Observations on the use of the argentum nitra- turn in chorea St. Viti, {Duncan s A. of Med* Y« I800. p.344.) •HULLOCK, [John} Esq. of Gray's - Inn , Barrister at Law. The law of costs. 1792. 8. (9 fh.) The law of costs in civil actions and criminal proceedings: with an appendix, containing the cafes to Hilary term 1796 incluûve* 1797. 8* (9 &.) Kk 3 HULME, 518 HULME, [Nathaniel] As. Dr. F. K. S. and A. S. Experiments and observations on the light which is spontaneously emitted, with some degree of permanency, from various bodies, (Phil. Transact. Y. 1800. p. iór. Y. 1801. p. 403. Nicholson*] Journal. Vol. 4, p. 421. 451, Y. 1802. May, p^]. June, p. 100.) *HULME, [Obadiah] of Charter house-square, London, born .... died 1791, May 30. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p.586, Historical essay on the English constitution; 1770,8. (Author of several other tracls,) HUME, [David] Esq. Advocate, Professor of the lam of Scotland in the University of Edinburgh, Commentaries on the law of Scotland, respecting the description and puniihment of crimes. Vol, 1.2. Ï797. 4. (2L. 2 sh.) *HUM£, [Gustavus] Sen. State-Surgeon of Dublin. Observations on the treatmeut of internal and ex« ternal diseases and management of children. 1803, 8, (5 fli.) •HUME, [J,.-.] Esq. Remarks on certain properties of barytes in id combination with mineral acids; and on two new salts never before described. (Tillocfcs Philos,Mag, Vol.14, p. 357.) *HUMF RIES, [Isaac] Esq. resident in India and ew. 'ployed in the company's service. Account of a spontaneous inflammation. (Philos, Transact, Y. 1794. p.426.) HUMPAGE, [Benjamin] Surgeon. Physiological researches into the most important parts of the animal oeconomy j — 1795» 8. (5 ^HUMPHREY, [George] A. L. S. Account of the gizzard of the shell called by Lin. naeus bulla Jignaria. (Transact, of L. S, Vol. 3, P. 15.) *"HUM P H R E YS , [ ] of Virginia. Account of the good erfects of the magnolia acu» minata iu rheumatism. (Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 8. p. 4450 An account of,the life and cha- racter of Ms. John Pierce, Paymaster Gen. in the U. St, —; who died ac New-York, Aug* 1788. (American Museum Y. 1788. Oct. p. 366.) V r HUMPHREY, 519 HUMPHREYS, [David] Colonel in the service of tkt. United States and Minister plenipotentiary of the U. St. at Madrid. born at Derby, state of Connecticut about the Y. 1752 or 1753. See Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Sept. p. 167. Hegewisck u. Ebelings Amerik. Magaz. B. I. S. 31. Address to the armies of the United States of Ame- rica, a poem. 1785.4- (2fh.) On the happiness of America, addressed to the citizens of the United Sta- tes. 1786.4. (2sh.) Essay on the life of Gen. Putman. Hartford. 1788. The widow of Malabar,. trans- lated from the french. 1790. Miscellaneous works. New-York. 1790. 8. (12 fh.) Poem on industry. 1794. Devices and inscriptions of American me- dals. (American Museum. Y. 1787.-p. 494.) ♦HUNT, [Charles N....] Conveyancer of Lincoln's- Inn. A deed of appointment of trustees in pursuance of the 66 seóiion of an act of parliament, passed 38 Geo, 3 Chap. 60. intitléd, an act for making perpetual, subject to redemption and purchase in the manuer therein stated, the several sums of mo- ney now charged in Great-Britain as a landtax for one year from the 25 day of March 1798. — 1798. (i fh.) HUNT, [John] Surgeon. Historical surgery, or the progress of the science of medicine on inflammation, mortification aiìd gun- shot wounds. 1801. 4. (I L. 3 sb.) *HUNT, [Isaac] A. M. Of the Colleges of New-York and Philadelphia, Sermon preached before the association of Antigalli-' cans. 1778. 4. ( I ib. 6 d.) Sermon on taxes. 17.. Rights of Englishmen: an antidote to the poison now vending by the transatlantic republican Tho- mas Paine. In reply to his whimsical attacks against the constitution and government of Great- Britain. 1791. 8. (2 fh.) *HUNT,[J.... H.... L....] late of the grammar school of Christ's Hospital. Juvenilia, or, a collection of poems, written between the ages of 12 and i60 I8QI. 8. (6 fh.) Kk 4 *HUNT, 52Q *HUNT, [J.... N....] Letter I. 2. on the bank of England. (Monthly Magaz. Y. igoi. Oct. p. 191. Dec. p. 399.) •HUNT, [Rowland] Esq. a Magistrate of the county of Salop. A new yearns gift, to all workmen and apprenti, ces. 1796. (6 d.) The prosperity of Great-BrU tain compared with the state of France, her con. quests and allies; 179Ó. 8- (l fh. 6 d.) Provi- sion for the poor, by the union of houses of in. dustry with country parishes. 1797. 8. (i fh ) A ■word on the times, to those who buy: also, five minutes advice before going to market, to those who fell. 1800. 8. (4 d.) Memoir on the distri. bution of farms, farm-buildings, (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 58.) *HUNT, [Samuel Reeves] On feeding horses with potatoes, (Comm. and Agric. Magaz* Y. 1799. Aug. p. 13.) *HUNT, [Thomas] D. D: F. R. and A $. 5. Pro. feffor of Arabic and Hebrew in the Univtrfuy at Oxford, born 1704. died Oct, 31. 1774. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1788. June. p. 508. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 8. Y. 1801. Febr. p. 101. De antiquitate, elegantia, utilitate linguae arabicae. 1739. Dissertation on Proverbs VII, 22. 23. 1743. De ufu dialectorum oricntalium ac praecipue ara. bicae in hebraico codice intcrpretando. 1748. Pro- posals for] printing AbdoIJatijpki historiae Aegypti compendium; 174Ó. (with a full account of the work accompanying them: which however he never published: See Gentleman's Mag. Vol. 51. p. 455. Vol. 72. (Y. 1802.) Dec. p. II09.) Works of Biifcop Hooper. 1757* Observations on several passages in the book of proverbs. Oxf. 1775. 4. (5fli.) *HUNT, [William] Esq. A. As. of LincoWï-hni Barrister\ at Law. The law and practice of distresses and replevin by the late Lord chief Bar. Gilbert Ed. 3. with considerable additions. 1793.8. (5 ft ) Collection of cafes on t(ie annuity act3 with m epitome of the the practice relative to the enroliuant of memo- rials. 1794. 8. (4 fh«X « HUNTER, [ ] Mrs. of Norwich. Letitia, or, the castle without a spectre. Vol. 1-4. I8ai. 12. (I L. I ill.) The history of tbeGrubt- horpe family, or, the old batcbelor and his sister Penelope. Vol. 1-3, 1802. 8. (13 ft. 6 d.) Let- ters from Mrs. Palmerfione to her daughter, incul- cating morality, by entertaining narratives* Vol* 1-3* I803. 12. (15 sh.) *HUNTER, [ ] Considerations on the causes and effect* of the present war. 1794. (2 sh.) *HUNTER, [ ] Dr. ■ ■ — and Hornby 9 of York, on the distillation of ardent spirit from carrots. ( TiJJociïs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 6. p. 12.) ^HUNTER, [A....J of York. A new method of raising wheat for a series of years on the fame land* (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.27, p. 242. 440.) ^HUNTER, [Alexander] Surgeon at Dumbarton. History of a cafe, terminating successfully, in which an inverted uterus was extirpated. (D»«* can's A. of Med. Y. 1799. p. 366.) \ HUNTER, [Alexander] As. Dr: F. R. S. L. and E* Physician at York. Observations on the nature and method of cure of the phthisis pulmonalis, or, consumption of the lungs — by the late William White — with the origin, progress and design of the York luna- tic asylum. 1792. 8. (2 sh. 6 d. ) Outlines of agriculture. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) iibers. von 8. v.Salis. Altoua. 1799. 8. A new method of raising'wheat for a series of years on the fame laud. 1796. 4. (3 d.) Ed. 2. 1797. 4. (3 d.) (Monthly Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Nov. p. 768*) An illustration of the analogy between vegetable and animal parturition. 1797. 8. (i sh.) General view of a plan of uni» versai and equal taxation. 1797. 8. (6 d.) Re- flections on the state of an egg in incubation, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.3. p. 381) On Brogni- art's vegetable powder. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 312.) On the nourishment of vegetables, (Comm. and Kk 5 Agric* 323 Agnc. Magaz. Y. 1803. April p. 263.) On a rich and cheap compost &c. (Ibid. 1803. April.p. ^8i.) Georgical essays. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 8. •HUNTER, [D,...] M. Dr. Outlines of agriculture. 1802. 8- (2 fli.) HUNTER, [Henry] D. D: Minister of the Scots-church at London - Wall. born in Scotland 1741. died 1802. Oct. 27, at Bristol. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Nov. p. 1072. Monthly Magaz. /,l802. Dec. p. 456. ■> Sacred biography' — Vol. 5. 1791. 8. Vol. 6. 179^.8. (12 sh.) Vol, 7. 1802. (iosh. 6d.) A course of lectures delivered at the Scots-church at London-Wall. VoLl-6. 1784-1792. 8. Ser- nton on occasion of the trial, condemnation and exe- cution of Louis XVI late King of France: with some additions and illustrations. To which is subjoined <— a republication of a discourse on the rife and fall of the papacy , originally published in the first year of the present century by Robert Fleming V. D. M. then Minister of the Scots- church in London. 1793. 8. (3 sh. 6 d. ) Essay* on physiognomy, designed to promote the know- ledge and the love of mankind by John Caspar Lavater, translated from the french. Vol. 1-5. 1789-1798. 4. (30L. ) Letters of Eulerto a german princess, on different subjects in physic* and philosophy; translated from the french with original notes and a glossary of foreign and scien- tific terms. Vol. 1.2. 1795.8. (16 sli.) Sermoni preached at different places and on various occa- sions; collected and republished in their respective \>rder; to which are subjoined, memoirs, anecdo- tes and illustrations relating to the persons, insti- tutions and events, connected with the several subjects. 1795, 8. (12 sh.) Studies of nature by J. H. Bernardin de St. Pierre 3 translated. Vol. 1-5. 1796. 8. (I L. 10 sh.) Ed. 2. Vol. I-3. 1799. 8. (I L. 7 sh.) Sermons translated from the original french of James Samin, Vol. «6. (in continuation of the 5 translated by Mr. Robinson.) 1796. 8. (6 sh.) A new edition. Vol. 1-6. 1800, 8. (iL 10 sh.) Travels in upper and 523- lover Egypt by C. S. Sonnini, translated from the french. Vol. 1-3. 1799. 8. (I L, 7 sh.) Let- ter* on the evidences of Christianity, four by John Fell and eight by Henry Hunter. 1798. 8. (6 sh.) Life of Catherine 2. Empress of Ruslia by J. Csl- ftera, translated from the french edition, 1800. 8. (Several single sermons.) ♦HUNTER, [James] Veterinarian. A complete dictionary of farriery and horseman- ship. 179Ó. 8. (5 sh.) *HUNTER, [John] Mrs. ( Pqems. 1802. 8. (5 sh.) HUNTER, [John] F. R. S, Edin: Professor of Huma nity in the University of St. Andrews. Virgilii Opera, Vol, 1.2. 1799. 12. HUNTER., [John] M. Dr. F. R. S; Surgeon Extra- ordinary to the King and Surgeon General to ike army. (Brother of the late Will, Hunter.) born 14 July 1725. died 1793- Oct. 16. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793, Oct. p. 964. Nov. p. 1049. Allg. Li$t. Zeit. J. 1793. ItRI. N. 125, S. 997. -^Hutchinson s Biographia Me- dica. Vol, 1. p. 472. Jejse Foot, life of John Hunter. 1794. 8. See Everard Home. Observations on certain parts of the animal oeco- nomy. 1787. 4. (16 fh.) Im-Auszuge fibers, u. mit Anmei'k. vorf A. F. A. Scheller. Braunschweig. I803. 8. % Observations on the café of mollifies ostium — iiberf. Repcrtor. Chir. 11. Mediz. Ab- handl. Th. I. S. 17. On the blood , -inflam> mation and gun shot wounds, to which is pre- fixed a short account of the Author's life by Everard Home. 1794. 4. (I L. II fh. 6 d.) iiberf. mit Anmerk, von E,. B. G. Hebenflreit* B. I. 2. 1797, I8O0.\ 8. ^HUNTER, [John] M. Dr. Physician to the Army, P. R. S. Diss. De hominum varietatibus et harum causis. Edinb. 1775. 8. Account of the fuccefsfull treat- ment of a supposed hydrocephalus interims, (Med, Obferv. Vol. 6. p. 52.) Some experiments made upon rum , in order to ascertain the cause of the colic, frequent among the soldiers in the island of Jamaica in the Years 1781 and 1782. (Med. Transact, 334 Transact. Vol. 3. p. 327.) Account of a case of an uncommon disease in the omentum; and of a double kidney on one side of the body with none on the other. (Ibid, p. 250») Observations on the disease commonly called the jail or hospital fever. (Ibid. p. 345.) Some observations on the heat of wells and springs in the island of Jamaica and on the temperature of the earth below the surface in different climates. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1788» p. 53. ubers, Gren J. d. Phys. Th. 1. S. m.) Observa- tions on the diseases of the army in Jamaica and on the best means of preserving the health of Euro- peans, in that dirnaie. 1788. 8. (5fh.) iiberf. Leipzig. 1792. 8* Observations on the inflamma- tion of the internal coats of veins. (Transact, of Med, and Chir. Soc. Y, 1793. p. 18,) Account of a dissection of a man, that died of a suppression cf urine, produced by a collection of hydatids, between the neck of the bladder and rectum, with observations òn the manner in which hydatids grow and multiply in the human body. (Ibid. Y. 1793. p. 34.) On introsufceprion. (Ibid. Y. 1793. p. 103.) A case of paralysis of the muscle* of deglutition, cured by an artificial mode of conveying food and medicines into the itomach. (Ibid. Y. 1793. p. 182.) Observations and heads of inquire on canine mad- ness drawn from the cafes and materials collected by the society, respecting that disease. (Ibid. Y. Ï793- P- 294-) Account of the appearances after death, (Ibid. Vol, 2. p. 63.) Experiments and ob- servations on the growth of bones. (Ibid. Vol. 3» pk 277.) Observations on the fossil bones presen- ted to the R. Soc. by — the Margrave of Anspacb. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1794. p.407.) Observations on bees. (Ibid. Y. 1792. p. 128. New « London Med. Journ. Vol. I. p.314 ) An account of the free-martin. (American Museum Y. 1788. Dec. p. 52LÌ Account of thë organ of hearing in siih. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. March, p. 160.) Curious observations on the spermaceti whale* (Ibid. Y. 1795* July. p. 2l6.) -HUNTER, [John] Esq. Post-Capain in his Maje- sty s navy. Historical journal of the transactions at Port Jack- so* 535' son and Norfolk Island with the discoveries which have been made in New-South Wales and in tho Southern Ocean since the publication of Phillip's voyage, compiled from the official papers — 1793* 4- (l L> 11 A** 6 d.) iibers. von John RaU back. Th. 1.2. Nurnberg, 1794-8. *HUNTER, [John] Esq. A tribute to the manes of unfortunate poett in four cantos, with other poems on various subject*. I798. 8. (5 fh.) Cecco's complaint, translated from il lamento di cecco da Varluugo of Francesco Baldovitii. 1800» 8. (2 Ih.) ♦HUNTER, [Maria] Fitzroy, or the impulse of the moment; a novel; Vol.i,2. 1792. 8. (6 sh.) Ella; or, He's al- ways in the way. Vol. 1. 2. 1798. 8. ( 7 sh.) ^HUNTER, [Robert] in the service of the East An did Company, Chief-Surgeon at Fort William in Bengal. Account of the island of Bourbon, as it was in the year 1763» (European Magaz. Y. 1795. April p. 228.) *HUNTER, [William],Esq. of the Inner-Temple. Considerations on the causes and effects of the present war and on the necessity of continuing irf till a regular government is established in France. 1794.8. (2sh.) Travels in the year 1792 through France,Turkey and Hungary to Vienna; concluding with an account of that city. 1796. 8- (6 fh.) Ed. 2. Vol. i. 2. 1798. 8. (14 sli ) iibers. von jf. G. Gruber. Leipzig. 1797. 8. A short view of the political situation of the northern powers, founded on observations made during a tour through Russia, Sweden and Denmark, in the last seven months of the Year 1800 with conjectures on the probable issue of the approaching contest". I801. 8. (2Íh. 6 d.) A few reflections on re- cent events, concluding with a defence of Sic JHyde Parker's convention with Denmark. 180I. 8. (i íh.) A vindication of the cause of Great- Britain; with strictures on the conduct of France since the signature of the preliminaries of peace. I803. 8. (3 fh.) * HUNTER, HUNTER, [William] Esq. Surgeon in the East- Indits. Some account of the astronomical labours of Jaya- sinha, Rajah of Ambhere or Jayanagar. ( Asiat. Res. Vol. 5. p. 177.) Report on the meloe, or lytta. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 2l6.) Astronomical obser- vations made in the upper parts of Hindustan (Y. 1791. 1792.) and on a journey thence to Qtijein. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 141.) Asti onomical observations (Y. 1793. 17940 (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 359.) Astrono. nncal observations made in the upper provinces of Hindustan. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 413.) History of an anevnsm of the aorta. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 349.) On the plant morinda and its uses. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 35.) Narrative of a jour- ney from Agra to Oujein. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 7.) HUNT1NGFOKD, [George Isaac] D. D. Warden of St.. Marys College, near Winchester, formerly Fe/Jow of Nerp-College, Oxford. Twelve discourses on different subjects. 1795. Vol.2. 1797. 8. (I2 sh.) A call for union with the established church. 1800. 8- (4 fh. 6 d.) (Several single sermons.) HUNGTINFORD, [J....] Queries relating to agriculture, submitted by the Soe. at Odiham, in Hampshire for the encourage* ment of that art —j (Young's A. of Agr.< Vol.3» P- 231O «HUNT1NGTON, [William] S. S. Minister of tke gospel at Providence Chapels little T itch field" street and at Monkw ell-street meeting; a Me- thodist Preacher. (His name is originally Hunt. He has tacked S. S. to his assumed name, which, as he fays, signifies „Sinner Saved ; „ (See Gentleman's Magaz.iY. 1798* Oct. p. 827.)) Forty stripes save none for fa tan, or, the devil beaten with rods. 1792. 8. (I fh« 6 d.) Advocates for devils refuted and their hope of the damned demolished, or, an everlasting talk for Winchester and all his confederates. 1794. 8» (i fh. 6 d.) The lying prophet examined and his false predictions discovered, being a disleclion of the prophecies of Richard Brothers* 1795- 8* (I fh.) Anninianism fke le ionised. 17.. HURD> S2? HURD, [Richard] D. D. Lord-Bishop of Worcester and QUrk of the closet to his Majesty 9 F. R. S» of Gottingen. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. P« 242. Horatii ars poetica; Epistola ad Pifones — fibers, von Eschenburg.* Th. l. 2. Leipzig. 1772. 8- Od« on the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle 17.. Work9 of William Warburton, Lord-Bishop of Glouce- cester. Vol. I-7. 1788. 4. (6 L. 6 fh.) An octa- vo supplemental volume of W. Warburton works, or, a collection of all the new pieces contained in the quarto edition. 1788. Discourse by way of general preface to the quarto edition of Bifli. Warburton s works, containing some account of the life, writings and character of the author. 1794. 4, *HURDIS, [C... .] Extraordinary crop of wheat. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 29. p. 445.) HURDiS, [James] B. D. late Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford; Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. born 17Ó3. died I801. Dec.23. at Blackburn, co. Lancaster. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. Suppléai, p. I2l6. Y. 1802. Febr. p. 179. The village curate. 1788. 4. Poems. 17.. 8. Mich. Drayton, Englands heroical epistles, pu- blished with notes and illustrations. 1788. 8. Cur- sory remarks upon the arrangement of the plays of Shakespeare, occasioned by reading Mr. Malo- tie's essay on the chronological order of those cele- brated pieces. 1792. 8- (i fli.) Reflections upon the commencement of a new year. 1793. 8- (6 d.) Select critical remarks upon the cnghsh version of the first ten chapters of Genesis. 1793. 8. (l ft.) *Sir Thomas More, a tragedy," by the author of the village curate and other poems. 1792. 8- (2 ft.) Equality, a sermon. 1794/8- (2ft.) Tears of affection, a poem , occasioned by the death of a sister tenderly beloved. 1794.8- (2 ft. 6 d.) A poem written towards the close of the Y. 1794. on the prospect of the marriage of the Prince of Wales. 1795.4. (1 fh. 6d.) Lectures on poetry. Nrb. 1. 1797, 4. (3 fh. 6 d.) On the nature and occa- 528 occasion of psalm and prophecy, twelve critical dissertations, 1800. 8. (5 fh.) The favourite vil. lage, a poem. l8oo. 4. (6 fh.) *HURLSTONE, [Thomas] 'Just in time, a comic opera. 1792. 8. (i fh »6 [Henry] Humorous oration on noses. {Massachusetts Ma- gaz. Y. 1791. Oct. p. Ó22. Columbian Magaz, Y. 1790, July p. 380 ÌHUTCH1NS, [Thomas] Esq. Geographer General to the United States of America. born in Monmouth county, Newjerfcy. died 1788. Apr. 20. See Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. July. p. 422. Description of the Mistisippi rivers. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1790* July. p. 415. New-York Ma- gaz. Y. 1794. Jan. p. 9.) Description of a remar- kable rock and cascade* near the western fide of thç Youghiogeny river —. (Tr. of A. S. Vol.2, p. 50. Néw-York Magaz. Y. 1794. June, p. 368.) ♦HUTCHINSON, [....] Miff. Exhibitions of the hearts a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1799. 12. (I L. r fh.) •HUTCHINSON, [ ] * Collection of original papers relative to the hi- story of the colony of Massachusetts-bay. boston. I769. 8. The remarkable adventures of three of Charles I judges who passed into New-England after the restoration of Charles II and there died, having been sequestered from the world for many years. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1788. Sept. p. 497-) J *HUTCHIN- 529 *HUTCHÎNSON, [Benjamin] Surgeon at Soutkwe^ Nottinghamshire. Account of the epidemic disease, commonly called the influenza, which appeared in Nottinghamshire and most other parts of the kingdom, in the months of Nov. and Dec. 1792. (New-London Med. Journ. Vol.2, p. 174.) A cafe of the psora or itch? in which it appears, that mercury is not a specific in that complaint. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 176») Observations on hydrophobia. (Ibid. Vol. 2, p.1790 ♦HUTCHINSON, [Benjamin] As. M. S. of Lend* Phiis Soc. of Guys Hospital and of the London* Company of Surgeons, Biographia medica, or, historical and critical me- moirs of the lives and writings of the most emi- nent medical characters that have existed from the earliest account of time to the present period, with a catalogue of their literary productions,, Vol. 1*2. 17OQ. 8. (rófh.) Experiments on the external use of tartarifed antimony. (Mem. of Mk S> of L* Vol.5. p.8l ) ♦HUTCHINSON, [H ....] Curious fact in the growth of oats. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. l8or. p. 310.) ^HUTCHINSON, [J....] Natural history of the frog fish of Surinam. York* i?97> 4. . HUTCHINSON, [Sir John Hely] Principal Secretary of state for Ireland; Pi'ivy-co un sel of chat king* dom, M. P> for the city of Cork$ Provost of Trinity - College * Dublin and LL, Dr. Com- mander in Chief of the Army of Egypt. born 1715* died 1794* Sept* 5. See Public Characters of 1801 and i802> p. 479* Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Sept. p. 866. •HUTCHINSON, [Michael] Ai. Dr. Physician àt Wolverhampton. Account of a singular tumour on the arm and the appearances on dissection; (New-London Med* Journ. Vol. I. p. T2I.) Account ôf a ease of spina bifida. (Ibid. Vol. 1, p. 338*) Case of abortion aC 7 months j during the small-pox^ terminating fa- vourably. (Ibid* VoL X. p. 353 ) Rwss G. £, Suppl. L 1 * HUT- 53° HUTCHINSON, [Thomas] Esq, late Gov em our of M'a (sue huset ts. The history of Mfiff-H-husetts, from the first fettle, men? thereof in IÓ28 until the year 1750. Ed. 3, with additional notes and corrections. Vol. 1. 2. Salem. 1795 8. (4 Dollar.) HUTCHINSON, [William] F. A. S. The history and antiquities of the county palatine of Diuham. Vol. 3. 17.. The history of the county of Cumberland and some places adjacent, from, the earliest account to the present time — Vol. 1. 2, 1795, 1797. 4. (2L 2fh.) HUTTON, [Charles] LL. Dr. F. R S. Loud, avd Edinb. Professor of Mathematics in the royal military Academy, Woolwich. born at Newcastle - upon-Tync, in Northum- berland 1737. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800* p. 97. The principles of bridges — Ed. 2. with cor- rections and additions, 1801. 8. (/> Hi.) Loga. rithmic tables, with improvements. Ed. 3, 1801.8. ( I L. 1 íl). ) A complete treatise on practical arithmetic and book-keeping, for the use of schools. 17Ó4. A key to the complete treatise on practical arithmetic —. 17.. Elements of conic sectionsj 1787. 8. A mathematical and philosophical dictio- nary — Vol. I. 2. 1795. 1796. 4. (2 L. 14 sh.) A new course of mathematics composed — for the use of the — cadets in the R. military acade- my at Woolwich. Vol. ï.2. 1798.8. (I5flO Se* lect amusements in philosophy and mathematics — translated from the french of M. L. Dcfpiau, with several corrections and additions, particularly a large tabic of the chances or odds at play. 180I. 12. (5 sh. 6 d.) Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy, first composed by Ozanam, la- tely greatly enlarged by Mdntuda and now trans- lated into English and improved with many addi- tions and observations. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 8. (3 L* 3 Hi.) — — George Shaw , M. Dr. and Richard Pearson, M. Dr. An abridgement of the philolo- phtea) transactions of the royal society, London. Vol. r. Part r. 3. (1 L. I (h.) to be continued monthly. 1803. The compendious, measurer, being 531 being a brief yet comprehensive treatise on men- surations — Ed. 5. Ï803. I2> (4 fL) BUTTON, [George] B D: Curate of Plumbtree near Nottingham and late Fellow of St* Marts Magdalen College, Oxford. An appeal to the nation on the subject of Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's letter to Will. Wilherforce* Esq, M. P. To which are subjoined four sermons on important subjects, connected with the appeal* 1798. 8- (3 sh.) BUTTON, [George] Amantns and Elvira, or, ingratitude exemplified in the character of ingratus. 1794. I2» (3 sh«) HUTTON, [James] M. Dr: F. R. £ Edin. Investigation of the principles of knowledge and of the progress of reason , from sense to science and philosophy. Vol, I-3. Ediub. 1794. 4. (3 15 sh.) Dissertations on different subjects in natu- ral philosophy. 1792.4. (iL. lfh.) Dissertation upon the philosophy of light, heat and fire, in seven parts. 1794. (6 sh.) (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. H. 0.7.) Theory of the earth, with proofs and illustrations. Vol. I. 2, I795>8- (l4fh.) Ob- servations on granite. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3. P. p. 77.) Of the flexibility of the Brazilian stone. (Ibid. Vol. 3. P. p, 86 ) On the sulphurating of metals. (Ibid. Vol. 4. H. p. 27*) HUTTON, [William] F. A. S. Edin. born at Derby 1723. Sept. 30. and long resident at Birmingham. See Public Characters of 1802 and I803. p. 402. History of Derby from the remote ages of anti- quity to the year 1791» describing its situation, air, foil, water, streets, buildings an.I governments with the illustrious families which have inherited its honours, 1791. 8. (7 fh.) The barbers, or the road to riches. 1793. 8. (I sh.) The history of the roman wall, which crosses the island of Great - Britain from the germ an ocean to the Irish sea, describing its ancient state and its ap- pearance in the year 1801. 1802. 8- Memoirs of Mr. Robert Bage in the parish of St. Alkmond's (born at Darley, Derby, Febr.29. 1728. died 1801» Ll 2 Sept. 532 Sept. î.) 1802. An account of John Baskervil/e, printer. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1791. April p, 209. Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. Nov p. 673.) Remarks upon North Wales: being the result of IÓ tours through that part of the principality. 1803. 8. (7 Ai. ^ d.) *HYNAM, [Robert] Surgeon at Raicliff Highway. Cafe of an ophthalmia cured by the application of oleum terebinthinae. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. P. 3^5.) *HYNAM, [Robert] of St. Peter sbourg. Description of his instrument for gauging cutters for wheel for the use of clock and watch-makers. (Tr. of theSoc. for the E. of A. Vol.17, p. 307,) JaCKSON, [Hall] Dr. at Portsmouth (N. /■/.) On the efficacy of the digitalis purpurea in drop- sies. (American Museum. Y. 1788. Jan, p. 59,) ^•JACKSON, [J ] Judge Advocate. Minutes of the proceedings of the court martial upon Admiral Cornwallis. I79Ó. (2~sh. 6 d.) ♦JACKSON, [John] Esq. Journey from India towards England in the vcar 1797. by a rout commonly called over land through counties not much frequented and many of them hitherto unknown to Europeans — 1799. 8. (7 fh.) fibers, im Ausz. Weimar. 1803.8. «JACKSON, [John] Poems on several occasions, written chiefly in the remote parts of Cumberland and Northumberland. 1797. 12. (2 sb. 6 d.) JACKSON, [John] of Cle?neitts-lane; Wine-merchants F. A. S. (an Quacker.) Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794^. March, p. 286» * JACKSON, [John] Jun. * History of the city and county of Lichfield. 1795. 8. (2 ih. 6 d.) "-JACKSON, [Joseph] The reign of liberty, a poetical sketch. 1797» 4< (I fli.) ♦JACKSON, [Randle] Esq. The substance of a speech delivered at the India house Jan. 31. 1795- 8. JACKSON, 533 JACKSON, [Robert] M. Dr. Physician at Stockton in the county of Durham. On the fevers of Jamaica, with some observations on the intermittent fevers of America and an ap- pendix, containing some hints on the means of preserving the health of soldiers in hot climates. 1791. 8. (6 sh. 6 d.) iiberf. von Kurt Sprengeh Leipz. 1795. 8. Observations on the treatment of gun-shot wounds. (London M. J. Vol. 11. p. 363.) An outline of the history and cure of fever, endemic and contagious; more expressly the con- tagious fever of jails, ships and hospitals; the con- centrated endemic, vulgarly the yellow fever of the West-Indies: to which is added an explana- tion of the principles of military discipline and economy, with a scheme of medical arrangement for armies. M 7Q8. 8. (7 fh. ) iiberf. Stuttgart. J804. 8- Remarks on the constitution of the medi- cal department of the British army; with a de- tail of hospital management and an attempt to explain the action of causes in producing fever and the operation of remedies in effecting cure. I803. 8. (7 ft. 6 d.) JACKSON, [Scguin Henry] M. Dr. M R. S. Edinb. Physician to the Westminster General Dispen- sary and to the Infirmary of St. George's, Hannover-Square, London, Dcrma-pathologia, or practical observations, from some new thoughts on the pathology and proxi- mate cause of the diseases of the true ikin and its emanations ihe rete mucosum and cuticle. With an appendix containing further observations on the influence of the perspirable fluid in the production of animal heat and remarks on the late theories of scurvy, 1792. 8. (7 6 d.) fibers. Erfurt, 1794. 8. Cautions to women respecting the state of pregnancy, the progress of labour and delivery, the confinement of child-bed and some constitutio- nal diseases; —. 1798. 8. (4 sh. 6 d.) |:JACKSON, [W\...] Pradical Chemist. A synopsis of the chemical characters, adapted to the new nomenclature, systematically arranged* .1799. (3 sh. coloured 2 sh, 6 d.) LI 3 * JACKSON, 534 •JACKSON, [W....] . Os the breeding, rearing and fattening of poultry, (Comm. and Agric, Magaz. Y, 1802. p. I83.) ^JACKSON, [William] M. Dr. Physician at Islington, Cautions respecting some errors and abuses in me- dicine. 17.. JACKSON, [William] Organist in Exeter. born at Exeter 1730. in May. See Public Characters of J798 .and 1799* P»225. Thirty letters on various subjects* Ed 3. with considerable additions. 1795. 8- (4 sh.) Observa- tions on the present state of music in London. 1791. 8. (I sh.) The four ages, together with essays on various subjects. ì798. 8. (7 sh.) •JACKSON, [W F ] Rev. (a prisoner in tke new prison Dublin on a charge of high treason,) born .... died 1798- Apr. 23. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. May. p. 443. Observations in answer to Thomas Paine*s age of reason. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) Sermons on practical and important subjects. 1795. 8. (4 JACOB, [John] Esq. Observations on the best method of destroying ver- min and preventing the destruction of young fur. nips by the fly. (Path Agricult. Soc. Vol. I. p. 223.) On the scab in iheep. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 24. P-389-) * JAMES, [ ] of Stockwe/J. — and Malcolm, on the fattening oxeu and hogs by the distillers. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.23. P. 52.) JAMES, [Charles] Esq. late Captain in the western regiment of Middlesex militia , and now Cap- tain in the North York, Hints founded on facts, or, a cursory view of our several military establishments; — 1791. 8- (2 sh.) Suicide rejected , a poem , with a refu- tation of the doctrine inculcated on principles of Christianity: to which is added, time vanquished by eternity, an ode. 1791. 4. (i ill. 6 d.) Poems. 1792. 8. (I L. 1 sh.) Audi alteram partem, or, an extenuation of the conduct of the french revolu- tionists from the 14 July 1789 until the 10 Aug. and the 2 and 3 Sept. 1792. being a cursory answer to 535 to the manifold misrepresentations industriously circulated to injure the general character and prin- ciples of a long oppressed people. Ed. 2. 1792. 8. (I sh.) A new edition. 1793. 8. (3 íh.) The extenuation and desultory sketch of abuses —. 17. • Proposed plan for the better regulating of the mi- litia of Great - Britain, being an appendix, to the desultory sketch of abuses in that establishment, 1794. 8- (I fli. 6 d.) A comprehensive view of some existing cases of probable misapplication in the distribution of contingent allowances, particu- larly in the militia of Great - Britain; shewing the wisdom and propriety of a more general consoli* dation than has hitherto taken place. 1797. 8. (2 lb. 6 d.) The regimental companion; contai- ning the relative duties of every officer in the British army and rendering the principles of system and responsibility familiar. 1799. 12. (5 sh.) A new and enlarged military dictionary. l§02. 4, (2 sb.) -JAMES, [E.... M....] A selection from the annals of virtue of Mad. de Silling, translated. 1795. 8. (5 1^.) * J AMES, [Henry] A short account of Smith's air-pump vapour-* bath. (TitJoclis Phil. Magaz. Vol. 14, p«293.) *JAMES, [Isaac] Providence displayed, or, the remarkable adven- tures of Alexander Selkirk, of Largo, in Scot- land; — 1800. 12. (3 ill.) An cslay on the' sign of the prophet Jonah, — 1802. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) * JAMES, [ S .... ] Schoolmaster , formerly of Christ's Hospital, Dilworth improved, or, a new guide to the euglifh tongue wherein the orthography is rendered ana* logous to the pronunciation. 1799. 12. (i in.) ^JAMES, [Samuel] Surgeon. Observations on the bark of a particular species of willow; showing its superiority to the peru- vian and its singular efficacy in the cure of agues, intermittent fevers, fluor albus, abscesses, hemorr- hages — illustrated with cafes. 1792. 8* (2 sh,} LI 4 * JAMES, 536 * J AME S, [William] at Garraway. On the multiplication of wheels in carriages* (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 21. p. 5IÓ.) *JAMESON, [Macmillan] Surgeon: of Port Royal in tke Island of Jamaica. Two dissections, (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol, 3, p. 573.) * JAMESON, {Robert] As. R. Med. and Nat. Hist, Soc. Edinb. and L. S. London. An outline of the mineralogy of the Shetland islands and the island of Arrau, illustrated with copper plates. Wfith an appendix, containing ob- servations on peat, kelp and coal. 1798. 8- (7 fh.) Mineralogy of the Scottish isles, with mineralogi- cal observations made in a tour through different parts of the mainland of Scotland and dissertations upon peat and kelp. Vol. 1. 2. l8oi, 4. (1 L. 12 Hi.) ùberf. von H. W. Meuder. Leipz. 1802.4. Observations on kelp. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. 1, p. 43.) Examination of the supposed igneous origin of the rocks of the trapp-formation, (Nicholsons Journal Y. 1802. Oct. p. Ill,) Ob- servations and experiments on various sapona- ceous compounds, particularly the fish soap of Sir John Dalrynipk, (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 108.) On gra- nite. (Ibid. Y. 1802, Aug. p. 225,) On the sup- posed existence of mechanical deposits and petrc- factions in the primitive mountains and an accóunt of petrefactions which have been discovered in the newest flòtz trapp-formation. (Ibid. Y, 1802. Sept. p. 13.; ^JAMESON, [T... .] As. Dr, A geographical chart of Europe: containing the territorial and political state of Europe with the new constitutions of France and Poland —<- 1799* (7 fh. 6 d. in sheets and 15 fh. on canvas with rollers.) JAMES, [Thomas] Surgeon in Blootnsbury, Two cafes of hydrocephalus. (Mem. of M. S« of L. Vol. 3. p. 414.) JAMISON, [John] D.D:F.A.S. Scat. Minister of the Gofye.1 at Forfar. An alarm to Britain; or$ an inquiry into the cau- ses of the rapid progress of infidelity, in the pre- sent age. 1795. 12. (2|sh. 6 d.) A vindicotion of the doctrine of scripture and of the primitive faith concerning the deity of Christ; in reply to Dr. Priestleyys history of early opinions ~. Vol. 1.2, 1795. 8. (14 Th.) Eternity, a poem , ads dressed to free-thinkers and philosophical christians. 1798. 8. ( I fh. ) Remarks on Rowland HiÏÏs journal — including reflections on itinerant and Jay preaching. Ed. 2. 1799. 8» (I fh.) The use of sacred history, especially as illustrating* and confirming the great doctrines of revelation. Vol, I. 2. I803. 8. (12 fh.) *J'ANS, [Wrey] Esq. Prices ofc corn ác, reduced from various measu- res to the Winchester standard. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 34. p. 268.) Letter to Lord Dun/ian- ville. (Ib. Vol.35, p. 113.) l*JANSON, [Baldwin] Professor and Translator of the Dutch and French languages. Pocket dictionary of the dutch and engllsh lan- guages; in two parts. 1793. 4. (6sh.) *JAQUES, [William] at Ampthill, Beds or/hire- Produce of milk. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 32. p, 142.) Necessity of farmer's keeping accounts. (Ibid. Vol.32, p. 305-) JARDINE, [Alexander] Esq, Major of the Artillery; Consul for Galicia* * Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, Portugal^ by an Engliih officer. Ed. 2. corrected. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 8. (12 fh.) ^JARDINE, [B ] D. D. Minister at the Uni- tarian Chapel, Bath. The unpurchased love of god in the redemption of the world by Jesus Christ, a great argument tor christian benevolence, illustrated in 3 discourses. To which are added , remarks on the discourses of the late Caleb Evans D. D. entitled: Christ cru- cified; and a letter to David Bogue of Gosport on his sermon, entitled, the great importance of ha- ving right sentiments in religion. 1792. 8* (2 ih, 6 d.) LI 5 * JARDINE, 538 *JARDINE, [David] Pastor of the Unitarian Congre, gation at Pickwick near Bath, i born .... died 1797. March IO. See Gentleman's Mdgaz. Y. 1797. Apr. p. 352. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. April, p. 330. Seasonable reflections on religions fairs, in a dis- course delivered. 1794. C1 Sermons — pU. blished from the original manuscripts by John Prior Eft lin. Vol. 1.2. 1798. 8. (14 ill.) *JARDINE, [L.... J... ] M. Dr. A letter from Pennsylvania to a friend in England, containing valuable information with respect to America. 1795. 8. (i sh.) *JARMAN, [Jame^J Rev. A concise view of Christianity, or, a short cate- chism , explaining some of the principal do&rines of the christian religion, suited to young people, 1792. 8. (4 c,0 * J ARM AN, [Nathaniel] Letter on a root of rhubarb. (Tr. of the Soc. sou the E. of A. Vol. 3. p. 174.) *JARROLD, [Thomas] from Essex; Student of Me- dicine at Edinburgh. Observations on a cafe of diabetes insipidus, with an account of some experiments on the urine. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1801. p. 390.) *JARRY, [ ] General, Commander of the Royt Military College at High Wycombe. Instructions concerning the duties of light infantry in the field. 1803. 12. (4 sh.) >:;iJAY, [John] at New-York. Letter on íalt as a manure and a particular species of apple. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 1. p*3ÓI.) Address — on the subject of the proposed federal constitution. (American Museum Y. 1788- June. P 554-) " ■ > ^JhY, [William] Dissenting Preacher at Batk. Sermons. 1802. 8- (8 ft.) *JAZEWEL, [William] M. Dr. Vademecum medicum, in duas partes di visum, quarum prior, nosologiam Cullinaeam, posterior compendium matcriae medicae et pharmacopoea cxhibet. Philad. 1798. 8. IBBET- 539 IB B ET S ON, [James] Esq. Barrister at Law. born . ♦ . . died 1790. March 26. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1790. Apr. p. 373. May. p. 473. * JEANS, [Thomas] M. Dr. Treatise on the gout, wherein is delivered a new idea of its proximate cause and consequent means of relief; —. 1792. 8. (2 fh.) fibers. Bresiau u. Hirschberg. 1794. 8. * JEANS, [Thomas] Potatoes mixed with meal. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.25* P-5330 «JEBB, [Richard] Esq, A reply to a pamphlet, entitled, arguments for and against an union. 1799. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) * J EE, [George] at Rotkerkam. Description of his invented mangle. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.16, p. 303. Ti/Joch's Philos. Magaz. Vol.2, p 419.) JEFFERSON, [Joseph] A Dissenting Minister of Ba* swgstoke. The mins of a temple, a poem; to which is prefixed an account of the antiquity and history of holy-ghost chapel, Basingstoke, Hants. 1793. 4. (I fh.) The young evangelist; exemplified in a view of the life of the late Rev. John Savage; with occasional reflections. To which is added a selection of his letters. 1798. 12. (1 fh. 6 d.) JEFFERSON, [Thomas] Vice- President of the United States of America* See Public Characters of i8ooand 1801. p*193. Columbian Magaz. Y. 1787. July. p. 555* Notes on the state of Virginia. Ed, 2. Philad. 1794. 8. Ed. 2. with an apppendix in which a candid and faithful! statement of facts is given relative to the murder of Logan's family. London. I800. 8. Manuel of parliamentary practice for the use of the senate of the United States. 1800. Extracts from his notes on Virginia. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1787. Aug. p. 573.) A memoir on the discovery of certain bones of a quadruped of the clawed kind in the western" parts of Virginia. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 246. Nicholsons Jounu Vol.4. p» 42. 66.) The description of a mould-beard of the the least resistence, and of the easiest and most certain construction; (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 313.) A description of the natural bridge, called in Vir. ginia, Rocky bridge — (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1787. Sept. p. 617.) Opinion upon the cilablift. nient of an American naval force, (Ibid. Y. 1787. Nov, p. 767.) An account of an Indian barrow, or repository of the dead. (Ibid. Y. 1788. Febr. p. 75,) The state of religioii in Virginia. (Ibid. Y. 1788. Febr. p. 86.) A comparative view of the faculties of memory, reason and imagination of Negroes. (Ibid. Y. 1788. March, p. 14T.) Letter to Dr, David Ramsay. (American Museum Y. 1787, July. p. 83-) Notes on the òlive tree. (Massachu- setts Magaz. Y. 1792. June. p. 353.) See Alex. Hamilton, *JEFFERYS, [John] The pleasures of retirement, itv 3 cantos with other poems. 1800.8. (2 sh. 6d.) *JEKYLL, [Joseph] Esq. M. P. Letters" of the late Ignatius Savcho, an African, vvjth memoirs of his life. 1303. 8- (7 sh.) í;í J E N K l N S, [Herbert] Rev. at Stourbridge. Grammatical cards of the English language, con- structed for very young persons—. 1803. (2 ih. 6 d.) JENKINS, [Joseph] D. D. A Baptist Minister. A defence of the baptists against the aspersions and misrepresentations of Peter Edwards , late pastor of the baptist church at Port sea, Hanti», in his book entitled, candid reasons for renouncing the principles of antipaedobaptifm; in a scries ot let- ters. 1795. 12* (2 (Several single sermons.) TENKINSON, [Charles] Earl of Liverpool, Lord J HAWKESBURY. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 65. Discourse on the establishment of a nationil and con- stitutional force in England. 1794. (2sh-) Discourse on the conduct of the government of Great-Britain with respect to netrtraì nation. 1794. 8. (ssh.ód.) Collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance and commerce, between Great-Britain and other po- wers from the year 1648 to 1783: to which is prefixed a discourse on the conduct of the govern- ment — 541 ment of Great-Britain in respect to neutral na* tion?. Vol. 1-3. 1785 8. (18 fli.) Speech in the British house of commons on the incorporation of the parliaments of Great - Britain and Ireland. 1800. 8. (I fli.) f'JENKINSON, [John] of Yealand, near Lancaster. On the culture of waste laud , With observations by A, Young (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 3. p. P-89. 930 On the mildew. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 318.) On the inclosure of Wastes. (Ibid, Vol. 3. p 373») Reply to Mr. Holmes's queries on lime. (Ibid. Vol. p. 214.) Queries on inclosures. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 247.) On the proposed embankment of the sea, m Lancashire. (Ibid. Vol.12, p. 273.) Crop of corn, 1790 at Yealand. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 437.) On the late season 1791. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 57.) On the present season. 1792. (Ibid. Vol. 18. p. 376.) State of Lancashire. (Ibid. Vol.35, p. 33,) *JENKS, [Jacquetta Agneta Mariana] of Belie grove 'priory in Wales. Azemia, a descriptive and sentimental novel, in- tersperscd with pieces of poetry. Vol. 1.2. 1797- 8. (7 fli.) *JENNER, [Edward] Surgeon at Berkeley. A process for preparing pure emetic tartar by re-crystallization. (Transact, of Med. and Chir. Soc. Y. 1793. p. 30.) *JENNER, [Edward] M. Dr. F. R. S: F. L. S. Sur* geon at Berkley in Gloucesterfkire* born at Oxford. 1749. Sec Public Characters of 1802 and T803* p. 17. Tilloch's Phil. Magaz. Vol.13, p. 266. An inquiry into the causes and effects of the va> riolae vaccinae, a disease discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly Glouce- stershire and known by the name of cûwpox. 1798.4- (7 sb. 6 d.) Further observations on the variolac vaccinae or cowpox. 1799. 4. (2 ill. 6 d.) iibcrs. von G. F. Ballhorn. Hannover. 1799. 8. 1800. 8. A continuation of facts and observa- tions relative to the variolae vaccinae or cowpox. I800. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.). An appendix to the treati- ses on the cow-pox, being a continuation of facts and observations relating to that disease. 1800. (2 sh. 6 d.) An inquiry into the causes and effects of the vanolae vaccinae — Ed 3, I801. 4. (12 (h.) A comparative statement of fach and observations relative to the cow-pox published by E. Jenner and IVoodville. 1800. On the origin of the vac- cine inoculation. 1801. 4. See G. D. Yeats. •JENNER, [Henry] An address to the public on the advantages of vac- cine inoculation, with the objections to it refuted, 1800. 4. •JENNINGS, [James] Esq. On the smut in wheat. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 9, p. 97-) ♦JENNINGS, [James] The times: a satirical rhapsody. Part 1. 1794. 4. * JEN OUR, [Matthew] Captain on she half y ay of hit Miij. II 'Regt. of foot, The rout to India through France , Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Naiolia, Syria and the desert of Arabia — with the distances, time, mode and expence of travelling* 1791. 4. (4 sh.) JEPHSON, [Robert] Esq. Officer in the Irish Army and formerly a Member of the Parliament in Ireland. , born .... died I&03. May 31, at his house, Black Rock, near Dublin. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. June p. 600. Two1 strings to your bow, a farce, 1791. 8. (I sh.) The conspiracy. 1793. The cotifeflions . of James Bajot. Couteau, Citizen of France, writ- ten by himself and translated from the original french; illustrated with 9 engravings. Vol. I. 2. 1794. 12* (8 ih.) Roman portraits, a poem, in heroic verse, with historical remarks and illustra- tions. Í794. 4. (1 L. 7 ill.) (He is said to have contributed — to a periodical publication, called „The Bachelor.,,) *JERMENT, [George] Minister of the Scot's-church Bowlane, Ckeapfide. Parental duty, or, the religious education of chil- dren , illustrated and urged in several discourses. 1701. 8. (3 6 d.) Early1 piety illustrated and ; recoin- 543 recommended in several discourses. 1793. 8. (2Íh. 6 d.) Religion, 'a monitor to the middle-aged and the glory of old men, in several discourses. 1796. 8. JERNINGHAM, [John] [Edward?] Esq. Poems. Vol, 3. 1794. 8. (3 ih.) The nunnery. 17. • The Magdalens. 17.. The Shakespeare gallery, a poem; 1791. 4. (2 sh.) Abelard to Eioisa, a poem, 1792. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) Lines of Sir Joshua Reynold's resignation at the royal aca- demy. I790. The siege of Berwick, a tragedy. 1794.8. (l sh. 6 d.) The welsh heiress, a co- medy. J795» 8- (2 sh.) Peace, ignominy and de- struction, a poem. 1790. 8- (s sh.) * Biographi- cal sketches of Henrietta Duchess of Orleans and Louis of Bourbon, Prince of Conde, to which are added, Bojfnet's orations pronounced at their interment: translated from the french, with select extracts from^other orations .by the fame author, 1799. 12. (2 sh.) * Select sermons, translated from the french of Bossuet. To which is prefi- xed an effty on the eloquence of the pulpit in England. 18oo. 12. (3 sh.J iJ The mild tenour of Christianity. 1803. 8. (3 sh.) *JERVIS, [John J.... W....] Ban. A letter addressed to the gentleman of England and Ireland on the inexpediency of a federal union between the two kingdoms. 1798- 8. (I fh. 6 d.) -JERVIS, [Thomas] A Dissenting Minister; late Pre- ceptor to Lord Wycombe and Succeffor to Dr. Kippis. Reflections on the state of religion and know- ledge, at the close of the ig century; a discourse. I801. 8- (I sh.) (Several single sermons.) JESSE, [William] M. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Glasgow. The happiness of man, a sermon. 1793.8- (i sh.) A dissertation on the learning and inspiration of the apostles. 1798. 8- (I fh. 6 d.) On the scrip- tures-and of the unity of design and harmony of doctrine ill the aid and new testament. — 1799. 8. (6 fh.) •JESSOP, 544 '-JESS O P, [William] Esq. On the subject of inland navigation and public roads. (Comm. to the Bf of Agr. Vol. I. p4 *ILBERT, [William] Esq. of Bowringsleigk. Account of planting scotch cabbage. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol, 2. p. 72.) *1LIFF, [Edward Henry] late of tke Theatre Royal of Haymarket. 'Angelo, a novel founded on melancholy facts, Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. (5 sh.) BILLING WORT H, [William] Of tke Inner-Temple. An inquiry into the laws, antient and modern, respecting forestalling, regrating and ingrosling: together with adjudged cases, copies of original records and proceedings in parliament relative to those subjects. 1800. 8. (7 IK 6 d.) *IMBERT, [.....] All for the want of knowing one another. (New- York Magaz. Y. 1792* Jan. p. 50,) Rofetta,a tale. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 179Ó. July. p. 389* Aug. p. 425.) **IMLaY, [Georges Esq. Captain in tke American Ar- my during the late roar and a Commiffioner for laying out lands in tke back settlements, A topographical description of the western terri- tory of North-America; containing a succinct account of its climate, natural history, popula- tion, agriculture, manners and customs. 1792.8» (4 sh.) iibers. von Zimmermann. 1793. Ed. 2. with considerable additions 1793. 8. (7 fh.) The emigrants or the history of an expatriated family, being a delineation of english manners, drawn from real characters written in America, Vol. 1-3- 1793* 12* (9 ft-) The discovery, settle went and state of Kentuky and an essay towards the topography and natural history of that im- portant country. Ed. 3» 1797. 8. (9 fh.) Settle- ments in Kentucky, with observât, by A. Young* (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 18. p. 55o ) IMPEY, [John] Esq. of tke Inner-Temple. The new instructor clericalis, stating the autho- rity, jurisdiction and modern practice of the court of common pleas — Ed.4. with considerable ad- ditions. 1794. 8, (10 fh. 6d.) Ed. 6. with many 545 material alterations and considerable addition* irt- tlnding ail the cafes in practice to the end of last term. 1796^ 8- i(lO fh. 6 d,) The practice of the courts of king's bench and common pleas — 17.. The office of sheriff —. Ed. 2. 180Ô. gk (12 sh.) The modern pleader; containing the se* veral forms of declarations iu all actions, with notes —. 1794. 8- (7 *ÏMRIE , [ ] Major. Mineralogieai description of the mountain of (1i* braltar* (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. P. p. 191. Nickol* sons Journal. Vol* 2> p. 185. 2ïÇk) INCH BAL D, [Elizabeth] Mrs. (Daughter of Mr* Simpson, formerly a farmer near Bury Edmunds, in Suffolk.) See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p>341. Animal magnetism; I^.. A siiiiple story. Vol* 1-4. I79*> {t3 fh.) ubcrs. von MariaHne ForkeU Th. t. 2. Leipz. I792v 8. Next door neighbours* a comedy, in 3 acts, from the french drama Vin- digent and le dissipateur". 1791. 8* ( I ih, 6d.) Every one has his fault, a comedy. Ed. 3. 1793. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The redding day, a comedy. 1794. '8. (I fh.) Nature and art, Vôl. 1.2* 1796* 8- (7 sh.) ubers. Leipz. Ì797-. 8. Wiveá as they were and maids as they are. 1797. 8> (2sh.) Lover's vows; a play, in 5 acts, from the Ger- man* of' Kotzehue. 1798. 8* (4 sh.) The tfrife man of thé east, froth the, German of'-Kotttbut^ a play, in 5 àcts. I799. 8. {2 sh.) ^INCLEDON, [Benjamin] £Vf Account of the hospital of Margaret at tîltotì in Devonshire. (Arch. Vol. 12» p^II.) *INGERSOL> [Charles Jared] Edwy and Elgiva, a tragedy in $ acts. i$02* *INGLiS, [Henry David] One of the íàstots of tkt Baptist Church in ÈdínbúrgL Two letters to the public* illustrating the doctrinfe of the grace of God and exemplifying it in the late) cafe of William Mills. 179U 12; (8 d.) Ser^ ttión, proving from the Word of God, the all itri* portant doctririe of the Godhead of Jesus Chriíh 179* 8. (6 }d.) &wfi a je. s*wU Mm *INGLI9, 54° -'INGLIS, [Hugh] Esq. Economical food for the poor. (Youngs A. of Age Vol.26, p. 213.) Experiments in transplan- ting wheat. (Ibid. Vol 27. p. 497.) *INGRAHAM, [Duncan] Jan. * Extract of his letter upon his return from Nia- gara Aug. 8» 1792. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. 284.) ♦INGRAM, [Alexander] The elements of Euclid , viz. the first fix books with the XI and XII. 1801. 8. (6 fh.) INGRAM, [Dale] Surgeon to. Chrifl's Hospital, London, born .... died 1793. Apr. 5. in a very ad- vanced age. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. April, p. 380. INGRAM* [Robert Acklom] B. D: Curate of Boxted, in EjJeX) Fellow and formerly Tutor of Queen's College y Cambridge. Accounts of the ten tribes of Israel in America, originally published by Manaffek ben Israel, with observations thereon and extracts from sacred and prophane —. 1792. 8- (i sh. ) Enquiry into the present condition of the lower classes and the means of improving it, including some remarks on Mr. Pitts bill for the better support and main- tenance of the poor. 1797. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) A syl- ^ labus or abstract of a system of political philoso- phy > to which is prefixed a dissertation, recoin- mending that the study of political economy be encouraged in the universities and that a course of public lectures be delivered on that subject. 1799. 8. (2 sh.) An essay on the importance of schools of industry and religious instruction; in which the necessity of promoting the good educa- tion of poor girls its particularly considered. I8°l« 12. (I fh.) (Several single sermons.) INNES, [James Dunbar] A. M. Surgeon in London. born died 178. (?) INNES, [John] Proseaor at Edinburgh. born died 1777. Jan. 12. *JOBSON, [W....] at Turtvelaws. Account of some interesting experiments on the various 54? various modes of raising turnips. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol.2, p. IÓ8.) JODRELL, [Sir Paul] Knight, M. Dr. F. R. S. A widow and no widow, a comedy. 1780. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) The knight and friars; an historic tale, 1785. 4- (2 ft ) * Seeing is believing, a comedy. 1786. 8. (I sh*) Select dramatic pie- ces — 1787- 8. (6 sh.) JODRELL, [Richard Paul] AT. P: F. R. S. Illustrations of Euripides, on the Jon and the Bacchae. ^1781. 8-1 (iofh.) The persian Heroine; a tragedy. T.786. 4. (6 sh.) 8. í 3 sh.) Illustra, tions of Euripides, on the Alceilis. 1790. 8. (7 ft.) *JOHANSEN, [Andrew] Geographical and historical account of the island of Bulam with observations on its climate* pro- duction — 1794. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) » JOHN ES, [Thomas] Ehn Johnstone, M. B. Physician in Birmingham. 1795. 8. (7 sti. 6 d.) ùberf. von C. F Mïchaelíu Leipz. 1796. 8. On W. Wa\it- grave*s experiments in economy. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.25- p.3370 - * JOHNSTONE, [James] M. Dr. Physician at JVor- Chester. (Son to the precedent ) born 1750. died 1783. Sept. 17. 5 See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1783. Aug. Y. I79Í* April, p. 301. Diss. De angina maligna. Edinb. 1773. On the malignant angina, • or putrid and ulcerous fore throat. 1779. 8. (I fh. ó d.) libers. Samml- PraIa- Abhandl. Th. 5. S. 345*' #J0HN- 551 ♦ JOHNSTONE, [John] Esq. Member of the Bengal Council and Chief of she province of Midnapore* born .... died 1795. Dec. 10. at Alva. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795» Dec. p. 1059. Suppl. p. 11II. Letter to the proprietors of East-India Stock, 1766. 8, *J0HNSTONE, [John] M, Dr. Physician at Bir* mingham, x , Medical jurisprudence; on madness with strictures on hereditary insanity, Jucid intervals, and the confinement of maniacs, igoo. 8. (2 fh.) On mine* ral poisons —. See James J0 hnstone. An account of the discovery of the power of mineral acid va* pours to destroy contagion. 1803, 8- (i itu) *JQHNSTONE, [John] Land-Surveyor. / Account of the most approved mode of draining land, according to the system practised by Joseph Elkington. — 1797, 4. (I L. 1 fh,) New Éd. 1800. 8. (7 fh. 6 d,) libers, von Graf v, Podt* wil. Berlin. 1799. 4. "JOHNSTONE, [William] J, Beckmanns history of the inventions and did coveries: translated from the German. Vol, 1-3, 1797: 8. (i L. I fh.) A voyage to the East-In- dies by Fra Paolino da San Sartolomeo with notes and illustrations by J. R. Forster — trans* Jaied from the German. 1800,8* (8 fh.) Asteno-' logy, or, the art of preserving feeble life, and of supporting the constitution under the influence of incurable diseases by C. Aug. Struvc, translated from the German. 1801. 8- (8 fh,) ♦JOHNSTONE, [William] , A new introduction to Enfiel^s speaker, or » a collection of easy lessons, arranged on an impro ved plan —, 1800. 12. (I fh, 6 d.) *JOLLlFFE, [William] Esq. M. P, Project of the cultivation of commonable lands, with ohscrvat. by A. \Young. (Youngs A, of Agi\. Vol, 14, p, 306,) * JOLLY, [T....] Minister at Dunnet, near Thurso, Caithness. On the peculiar circumstances which tend to make the uf^ of horses almost universal, in agricultural Mm 4 opera.* operations, in the highland districts of Scotland; with an inquiry, how far, and with what effects, oxen might be substituted in their room. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. I. p. I2Ó.) • JONAS, [Peter] late Surveyor of Excise. A new abridgment of all the laws of excise to the present time, with an appendix containing prece- dents and tables, exhibiting the weight of spiri- tuous liquors, with rules for calculating their strength and value. 1802, 8. ^JONES, [.....] Miff. Analysis of education and plan of a seminary for young ladies. 1798. 4. (I sh.) JONES, [Abraham] State of the country in the month of November 1794- 8- (I sh. 6 d.) JONES, [Daniel] of Hinds dale. An account of west-river mountain and the appea- rance of there having been a volcano in it, (Ame- rican Museum. Y. 1787. March, p, 230.) * J ONES, [Edmund] Dissenting Minister at Trevcht near Pouty-pool in Monmouthshire. born in the pariih of Abersytwyth in the county of Monmouth April I, 1702. died 1793. Nov. 26. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. Dec. p. 1153, Evangelical Magazine Y. 1794. May. p. 177. Sermon on Noahs ark; 17.. Sermon on the light of gospel; 17., Sermon on Sampsons hair; 17.. History of the parish of Abersytwyth; 17 *• *JONES, [Edward] Esq. The prevention of poverty, by beneficial clubs, with preliminary observations upon houses of in- dustry and the poor laws. Ed. 2. 179Ó. 8. (I sM - * JONES, [Edward] Esq. of the Inner-Temple. Index to records , called the originalia and me- moranda on the Lord treasurer's remembrancers fide of the exchequer. Vol. 1,2. 1795. sol. (3 L* 3 sh.) JONES, [Edward] Bard to the Prince of Wales; (native of Henblai, Llanddervel, Merioneishixe.) Musical and poetical relicks of the welsh bard* — a new edition doubly augmented and impro* Ytd. 1795. fol. (I L. II sh. 6 d.) The barJic museum 553 museum of primitive british literature and other admirable rarities, forming the second volume of the musical, poetical and historical relicks of the welsh bards and druíds. 1802. foh (I L, 5 sh.) *J0NES, [Edward] Esq, of Wepre-Hall, in Flint- shire, On the destruction of the grub of the cock-chafer, (Nicholsons Journal. Y. 1802. June. p. 73. Tr. of the Soc. for E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 175 ) JONES, [Edward] Teacher of the daffies and Geo» graphy at Bromley, in Kent» The young geographer and astronomer's best companion, Ed, 2. Î792. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) *JQNES, [Edward T ,..,] Au Açcomptant of Bristol. Engliih system of hook-keeping, by single or double entry, in which it is itnpolfible. for an error, of the most trifling account to be passed unnoticed; 179Ó. 4. (I L. II sh, 6 d.) Ed.2. 17.. iibcrs. von Th. Martens, Bremen. i8ot. 4. iibcrs, von Andr. Wagner. Leipzig. 1801. 8. Defence of the English system of book-keeping — 1797* A brief account of thcTulIagaum expedition from Bombay, and likewise of the sieges of Paflien, Arnoll, Callian and Cannanore, on the western fuie of India, during the course of the war,- cninmenced on the 21 Nov. 1778. Extracted from the journal of an officer who was aétually employed on those services (Capt. Frederic y ones') 1794. 4* I1 fh*) Copies of letters, merely in- tended for and by the desire cf intimate friends. 1795. 4. (I sh,) *JONES, [Frederic Coningesby] of Grays - Inn. The attorney's new pocket book and conveyancer's aflistant. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 12. (7 sh. 6 d.) Ed. 2, with many material corrections, alterations and additions. Vol. 1,2. 1798. 12. (IQ sh. 6 d.) — —. — and T,... Williams's pictures. leer views, with description*, Nrb, j.2« X&Ol. 8, «4sh.) 8. (2 sh.) ? Ï O N E S , [ Frederic] Captain. Mm 5 * JONES, 554 * J O N E S, [ J. • . .] Ìíavy-Surgeon. The philantropist, a play. I80I. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) * JONES, [Jenkin] Hobhv horses, a poetic allegory in 5 parts. 1707 12. (áíh.) *JONES$ [John] Esq. of Solas- Heath, Newport^ Shropshire* On fatting hogs on potatoes. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 17. p. 586,) Further remarks on the late failure in the apple crop. (Comm. and Agric.^Mag, Y. 1802, Dec. p. 439.) *JONES, [John] A defence of the mosaic or revealed creation: pro. ving the authenticity of the pentareuch; the con. fistency of Moses's description with the principles of natural philosophy now current; and the truth of scripture chronology. 1797» 8. (I sh ) A vin- dicatiòn of the Lord Riih. of LandafFs apology for the bible, in á series of letters to A. Macleod, 1797. 8- (I fh.) The epistle of Paul to the Ro- mans analyzed, from a developement of the cir- cumstances by which it was occasioned. 1802. 8. (5 sh.) *JONES , [John] As. B. Medical, philosophical and vulgar errors of va- , rious kinds considered and refuted. 1797. (4 ih.) •JONES / [John] The reason of man P. 1. 2. containing striclures on rights of man; with observations on Mr. Efìkine's defence of Mr. Paine and thoughts on the war with France. 1793. 8. (I st>.) * JON ES, [John] M. Dr. of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia* born .... died .... (?) _ — and Dav. Kittenhouses account of several houses in Philadelphia, struck with lightning on June 7. 1789. (Tr- of A- S. Vol. 3. p. 119.) Cafe of anthrax. (Tr. of Phys. of Philad. Vol. 1. P. I. p^ 207.) The surgical works of the late John Joner, — by James Mease. Philad. 1795- 8. <* J ONES, [John] LL. Dr. Travels in the french republic — by Thomas Bugge, translated from the Danish. 1801. 8- (6 sh.) 555 * JON ES, [John Gale] Sketch of a speech delivered at the Westminster forum — in Dec. 1794. on the following question, which have proved themselves the true friends of their king and country, those persons who have endeavoured to procure a constitutional reform in parliament, or those who have opposed that measure as ill-timed and dangerous? 1795. 8- (i sh.) Sketch of a political tour through Ro- chester, Chatham, Maidstone, Gravesend Sec. in- cluding reflections on the tempers and dispositions of the inhabitants of those places and on the pro- gress of the societies instituted for rhe purpose oí obtaining a parliamentary reform. Part I. 1796. 8. (3 sb. 6 d.) An oration, delivered Nov. 29. 1796, at the great room in Brewer-street, on the resignation of Gen. Washington , including a short review of his life, character and conduct. 1797. 8* (I fh.) Observations on the tuíîis convulfiva, or hooping cough — wherein the nature, cause and cure of this disease are endeavoured to be demonstrated and the practice of exhibiting eme- tics, {hewn to bç pernicious and useless. 1798. 8. (i-fhO *JONES, [L... T....] Captain of the 14 Regt. An historical journal of the British campaign on the continent in the year 1794. with the retreat through Holland in 1795. 1797. 4. (I L. 1 sh.) *JONES, [Richard] A Dijsenting Minister of Peckkam, < in Surry< .born died 1800. Sept. at Greenwich, Kent. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800, Oct. p, 1005. Allg, Litter, Zcit. J. 180T. JtBl. S. 838. A sermon, in contemplation of the then approa- ching anniversary of the glorious revolution by King WiUiam and the preservation of English li- berty by that great and happy event. 1788. A ser- mon , on the early love and pursuit of wisdom. 1793* 8. (l sh.) A sermon, on the influence of religion on human happiness. 17.. A sermon, on the final appearance of Jesus Christ; 17., Friendship with God; an estay on its nature and S5ó and excellence. 1797. 12. (3 s«. 6d.) A faíU sermon. 17.. «JONES, [Samuel] 4. M. An inaugural dissertation on hydrocele. Philadel- phia. 1797. 8. JONES, [Stephen] Anew biographical dictionary, containing a brief account of the lives and writings of the most emi- nent persons and remarkable characters in every age and nation. Ed. 2. 1796. 12. (5 fh.) Ed. 4, corrected with considerable additions. 1802. An abridgement of the history of Poland, 17.. She- ridan improved; a general pronouncing and expla- natory dictionary of the English language. 1796.8» (3 sti. 6 d, ) Masonic miscellanies in poetry and prose. 1797. 8- (3 fh.) * The poetical works of Thomas Gray, LL. B. — with some, account of , his life and writings, the whole carefully re vise J and illustrated by notes, original and selected; to which are annexed poems written by, addressed to, or in memory of Mr. G fray; several of which were never before collected. 1799. ;- j ON E S , [Theophilus] of Cork - Abbey, near Bray, Ireland. Use of clover and potatoes for swine. (Ibid, Vol, 34* P- 50.) * J ONES, [Thomas] M. A. Fellow and head Tutor of Trinity College y Cambridge* See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 238. A sermon on (fuelling. 1792. 4. (i sh*/ *JONES, [Thomas] Mystery Babylon encompassed for utter destruction; or, Antinotnianism unmasked —* (written by Ma- ria de Fleury) answered, 1791. 8. (i str*) •jaNES, {Thomas] Esq. F. A. S; F. A. S: As. P. Substance of his speech on his motion for peace, in the house of Commons, M3y 8. 1800. 8- 0^* 6 d.) The dismissal of his Maj. ministers consi- dered as absolutely necessary to avert the ruin of the nation. 18QI. (l sb.) * J O N E S , * [Thomas] at London. On the culture of rhubarb. (Ti\ of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. ll. p. 113. Vol. 15, p- 164- Vol.16, p. 213.) Qn opium. (Ib, Vol. I&. p. 161.) * JONES, 557 *JONES,.[W..,.] of Foxdôwn-HW. Observations on the uses of the wood of the Spa- nish ches nut tree. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 7. p. 9O JONES, [Sir William] Knight; ~ born 1746» at his father's residence in Wales* died at Bengal Apr. 27. 1794. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Suppl. p. 1205* Y. 1795. Febr. p. in. April p. 347, Y. I801. June p. 547. Allg. Litter. Zeit„ J. i8or. ItBl. S. 819^ Sir John Shore's eulogium on Sir fVill* Jones; See Thomas Maurice; See Witt. Hatjley; Eichhorns Allgetn. Biblioth. der HibK Littera- tur. B. 6. S. 1094. Deutsche Monarhsschrift» Leipzig. J. 1796. M'ârz, S. 230* Millin Magaz. Encycloped. An 9» T. 1» p. 525* Latin oration > when at Harrow School. (Gent- leman's Magaz. Y. 1798. May. p. 373 ) Essay on the law of bailments Ed, 2. by John Bal- tnantto. 1797. 8. ( 5 fh» ) Sacontala, or the fatal ring — iil>erffc von G. Forster. Mainz u. Leipz. 1791. 8- Discourse on the Arabs, (Afiat. Res. Vol.2, p. I,)-Discourse on theTartars. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 190 Discourse on the Persians. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 43.) Remarks on the island of Hin* zuan or Johanna. (Ibid. VqJ. 2. p. 77.) On the chronology of the Hindus. (Ibid. Vol 2» p. Ill, 389.) On the Indian game of chefs. (Ibid. Vol.2* p. 159O On the second classical book of the Chi- nese. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 195.) On the antiquity of the Indian zodiack. (Ibid, Voh 2. p. £89.) The design of a treatise 011 the plants of India, (Ibid* Vol.2, p. 3450 Discourse on the Chinese. (Ibid. Vol.2. p»3Ó5.) On the spikenard of the ancients. (Ibid. Vol. 2* p. 405. Vol, 4> p. 109. Simtnons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 4, p. 180.) uberf. Rcpertor. Ghìrurg» u. Mediz. Abhandl. B. 2. S*493» On the borderers , mountaineers and islanders of Asia. (Afiat. Res. Vol. 3. p. I.) A royal grant of land in Carnata, translated from the Sanscrit. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 39.) On the musical modes of The Hindus. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 55.) On the mysti- cal poetry of the Persians and Hindus* (Ibid. Vol, 3. p, 165.) The lunar year of the Hindus. (Ibid. 558 (Ibid. Vol. 3. p.557.) On the origin and families of nations. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 479.) On Asiatick history, civil and. natural. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 1, ) On the loris, or flowpaced lemur. (Ibid. Vol. 4. P« 135 ) On the philosophy of the Asiaticks. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 165.) A catalogue of Indian plants, comprehending the Sanscrit and as many of their Linnaean generic names as could with anv degree of precision be ascertained. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p, 229.) P>otanical observations on select Indian plants. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 237.) A hymn to Camdeo. (Asiatic Miscellany, p. I.) A hymn to Naraycna. (Ibid. p. 7.) Institutes of Hindu- law, or the ordonances of Menu according- to the gloss of Callnca , comprising the Indian system of duties, rejigious and civil: verbally transla- ted from the original Sanskrit. Calcutta. 1794. 4. reprinted London. 1796. 8. (6 ill.) fibers, von J. C. Huttner, Weimar. 1797. g. Dissertations and miscellaneous pieces relating to the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences and littérature of Asia. Vol. 1-4. 1792-1798. 8. (2 L.) Works. Vol. 1-6. 1799.4. (io L. 10 síi. large paper 21 L.) Supplemental volumes — Vol, I. 2. I80I. 4. (3 L. 3 sh.) JONES-, [William] Surgeon at Birmingham. A case of haemoptysis. (M. P. ofM.,S. Nrb. Í. p. 123- Duncan s Med. Comni. Dec. 2. Vol. 1. p ) JONES, [William] M. A: F. R. S: Rettor of Paflon, Northampronskire; Vicar of Stocke with the chapel of Nay land, Suffolk. horn 172Ó. 30 Jul. died 1800. Jan. 6. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I goo.. Febr. p. 183» March. p. 231. May. p. 437. Ailg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S.1802. Obscrvfttions on a journey to Paris. 1772s* 8. The religious use of botanical philosophy; a sermon. 1784. 4. (T fh.) A course of lectures on the figurative language of the holy scripture and the interpretation of it from the scripture itself, 1787* 8. (6 fh ) Essay on the first principles' of phi- losophy: 17.. Considerations on the nature and oecoiiQiny of beasts and cattle, a sermon. 1785- 4» (llh.) 559 (I sh.) Memoirs of the life, studies and writings of G. Homey D. D. late Bish. of Norwieh. To which is added his Lordship's own collection of his thoughts on a variety of great and interesting subjects. 1795. 8. (5 ft.) Ed. 2. with a new pre- face on certain points in theology and philosophy, 1799. 8. (I fti.) The man of sin; a sermon, 179Ó. The age of unbelief, a second part to the man of sin, a sermon. 1796. 8. The use and abuse of the world. 1796. A friendly admo- nition to the churchman on the sense and suffi- ciency of his religion, in two sermons. 1796, 8» (I sli.) The nature, uses, dangers, sufferings and preservation of the human imagination; a sermon. 1797. Popular commotions considered as a sign of the approaching end of the world, # a sermon. 1790. The difficulty and the resour- ces of the christian ministry in the present time, a sermon. 1791. Catholic doctrine of the trinity. 1795. Sermons on moral and religious subjects. Vol. 1.2. 1790.8. (12 íh.) A discourse on the use and intention of some remarkable passage! of the scripture, not commonly understood. 1798. 8. (I sh.) Letter to the church of England pointing out .some popular errors of consequence. 1798. A letter to three converted jews, lately baptised and confirmed in the church of England. 1799. 8. (I sh.) The theological, philosophical and mis- cellaneous works: to which is prefixed a short account of his life and writings. Vol. 1 -12. I801. 8. (5 L. 8 sh.) (Several single sermons,) *JONES, [William] Geometrical and graphical essays, containing a general description of mathematical instruments, used in geometry, surveying — by the late G. Adams, corrected and enlarged, with illustrating, plates. Ed. 2. Vol. 1.2. 1795.8. (14 sb.) Lectu- res on natural and experimental philosophy by she late G. Adams. Ed. 2. with additions. Vol. 1-5. 1799-8. Six letters on electricity. 1800.8. (2 sh.) Astronomical and geographical essays — by the late G. Adams. Ed. 5. revised and improved. 1802. (io slh ó d.) * JONES, 56o ~—~~ * JONES, [William] KL S, A new arrangement of papiiios4 (Transat ofL. S Vol.*. p. 63.) * J O N E S , [William] Student of Harvaïd-CoSège. A topographical description of thè town of Con. cord. Aug.2o» 179a. (ColL ofMaííachusetts US» Y. 1792. p- 237-) *JQNES, [William Langham] èart* Queries — with Mr. Anderdons answers. (Hath Agriculr. Soc. Vol. 2. p. 48.) * JONES, [William ToddJ Esq, Letter — upon the subject of certain apprehen* fions which have arisen from a proposed restora* -tion of catholic rights; — With the declaration of the catholic society of Dublin, and some thoughts on the present politics of Ireland*, by Theobald MKenna, M. D. 1793* 8. (3 sh.) *JOSS> [Torial] born at Auck-Meddeh in Scotland Ì731. Sept. 23. died 1797. Apr. 17, See Evangelical Mágax Y. 1797. Oct. pk 397» The saint's entrance into peace of* a funeral ser- mon occasioned by the death of the Rev* Tfiomas Ad*ms> 17.. *J0YCE, [Jeremiah] (23 iùeekf a close prisoner in tkt Tower,) Sermon on sunday, Febr. 1794» to which is added ail appendix containing an account of the author's arrest for treasonable practices 1794* gk ( I sh. 6 d.) An account of his arrest for treasonable practices, his examination before hii ^fajk — Council; his commitment to the tower and subsequent treatment* Ed. 2k corrected and enlarged, 1795. 8-0 sh. 9^) A complete ana* Jysis or abridgment of Àdam Smith's inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations* Ï797- 8. « fli*) *JOYCE< [Thomas] A statement of an experimental process of maim* facture, to ascertain the value of English wool from sheep of a spanish mixture. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol Q. P*344*> 56r *I RE DELL, [James] One of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Laws of the state of North-Carolina* Edenton. 1791* sol. ^IRELAND, [John] A. As. Vicar of Croydon, in Surry, *Baviad and Maeviad. 17.» Five discourses, containing certain arguments for and against there- ception of christianiry by the antient jews and greeks. 1796*8- (^3 fìi* 6 d.) * IR E L A N D, [John] formerly a watchmaker in Maiden* Lane. See Public Characters of 1800 and 1801. p. 338. Hogarth illustrated. V0L1-3. 1791-1798. (4 L. 8 fh. 6 d.) IRELAND, [Samuel] born .... died at London 1800. July* See Gentleman's MagAz. Y. 1800. Sept. p> 901» Oct. p. 1000. Supplem. p. 1258. Allg\ Litter* Zeit. J. 180I. ItBl. S*79Ó. Picturesque views of the Severn and Warwickshire Avon; 17,. Picturesque views on the river Tha„ nies, with observations on the works of arts in its vicinity. Vol. 1.2. 1792» 8* (2 L. 13 fh. 6 d.) Pithiresque views on the river Med way, from the Nore to the vicinity of its source in Sussex; with observations on she public buildings aud other works of art in its neighbourhood. 1793. 8» (i L> II fh. 6 d.) Graphic illustrations of Hogarth from pictures drawings and scarce prints. VoL 1.2. 1794» 1799. 4. (2 L. 5 fh. large paper 4 L. 4 fh.) Miscellaneous papers and legal instruments under the hand and seal of Wilt. Shakespeare, in* eluding the tragedy of King Lear and a small frag- ment of Hamlet from the original MSS. 1796. foL (4 L» 4 fh.) Vindication of his conduct respecting the publication of the supposed Shakespeare MSS» being a preface or introduction to a reply to the critical labour of Mr. Malone* 179Ó» 8. (I sh. 6 d.) An investigation of Mr. Malone^s claim to the cha» racter of a scholar or critick, being an examina* tion of his ^Enquiry into the authenticity of the Shakspeare MSS. J797- Picturesque View on the tttuji- g. Rt su-ppi. N a river 5fo river Wye, from its source at Pliniitnmon-hill, to its junction with the severn below Chepstow. I797. 8. (l L. 16 sh.) Picturesque view with an historical account pf the inns of court in Lon- don and Westminster. 1800, 4. (4 L. 4 sh.) 8. (2 L. 3 fli.), ^IRELAND, [William Henry] An authentic account of the Shakfpearian maim- scripts — 179Ó. 8. (I sh.) The abbess, a ro- mance; Vol. 1-4. 1799. (14 sh.) Rimualdo; or the castle of Bad.jjos, a romance. Vol. 1-4. 1800. 12. (14 íh.) Mutais Scaevola, or, the roman patriot, an historical drama. 1801. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) fiai- lads, in imitation of the antient, 1801. 13. (5 ill.) Rhapsodies—; 1803. 8. (7 sh.) ^IRONSIDE, [Edward] Esq. The history and antiquities of Twickenham, being the first part of parochial collections for the coun- ty of Middlesex, begun in 1780. 1797. 4. (io sh. 6 d.) Account of a large tree in India. (TMoclïs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 4. p. 359.) Account of a Ba- nian tree in the province of Bahar. (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 360.) ÍR ON S IDE, [G ] Colonel. On the manner of hunting and sporting by the English in Bengal. (Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 14. p. 319.) '-'IRVINE, [Alexander] Minister of Ranock, An inquiry into the causes and effects of emigra- tion from the highlands and western islands of Scotland, with observations on the means to he employed for preventing it. 1802. 8. (3 ft- 6 d.) *IRVING, [David] A. M. The life of Robert Ferguffon, with a critique on his works. 1800. 12. (i sh.) The elements of English composition. 1801. 8- (4 sh. 6 d.) tìo» mer1 s notion pf destiny. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799* Dec. p. 872.) Critique on the poems of Falconer, (ibid. Y. 1800. Febr. p. 12.) IRWIN, [Eyles] Esq. M. R. J. A. In the service of Eaft India Company at Calcutta, born 1751.' died .... (?) St. Thomas mount, a poem. 17.. The- triumph of innocence> an ode; written on the deliverance of Maria Theresa Charlotte, Princess royal of France, from the prison of the temple. 1796.4» (2 sh. 6 cl.) Inquiry into the feasibility of the supposed expedition of Buonaparte to the East. 1798. 8. (I sh.) Buonaparte in Egypt: or, an appendix to the inquiry into his supposed expedi- tion to the East. 1798. 8. (I sh.) NjIus, an ele- gy, occasioned by the victory of Admir. Nelson over the french fleet on Aug. 1. 1798. 1798. 4. (I sh.) The failure of the french crusade or the advantages to be derived by Great-Britain from the restoration of Egypt to the Turks. 1799.^8. (l sh. 6 d.) An account of the game of chess, as played by the Chinese. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p. 53* c.) •ISAAC, [J....] Secretary to the Apiarian Society at Exeter, The general apiarian wherein a simple, humanfe and advantageous method of obtaining the pro- duce of bees, without destroying them, is pointed out in a series of letters. 1799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) ^ISAACS, [Henry] D. D. On the profit of bees. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1800. p. 40.) eJUSTAMOND, [J ] A M. First settlement of nova Scotia; translated from the Abbe' RaynaVs Philos, and Polit, history of the settlements and trade of the Europ: in the E. and W. Indies. (Massachusetts Magai. Vol. I. 1789. P. 1470 *IVES, [Edward Otto] late Resident at the NawauU Viziers Court. Remarks ou a pamphlet entitled, letters, poli- tical, military and commercial on the present ,,state and government of Oude and its dependen- cies,, — 1796. 4. (3 ih.) nVISON, [Ursula] The retired penitent, a poem. 1794. 8. (I sh.) *IV0RY, [James] A. M. A new series for the rectification of the ellipsis, with observations on the evolution of a certain algebraic formula. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. P. p. 177.) A new method of resolving cubic equations. (Ib. Vol.5. Parti, p.99.) . Nn % *KANMA- 5^4 KaNMACHER, [Frederick] F. L. S. Essays on the microscope — by the late George Adams y Ed. 2. with considerabia additions aud improvements. 1798. 4. (I L. 8 Th.) *KAST, [Thomas] A. M: F. M. M. S. Physician n Boston. Account of an aneyriím in the thigh, perfectly cu. red by the operation and the use of the limb preserved. (M. P. of M. S. Nrb, I, p. 96.) *KAY, [George] Remarks on waste lands in Flintshire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8* p. 164.) Remarks on wasl« lands in Carnarvonshire. (Ibid. Vol. g. p. 166.) Remarks on waste lands in Montgomeryshire. (Ibid. Vol 8. p. 167.Ì Remarks on waste lands in Mezionetihire. (Ibid, Vol. 8. p. 169.) Remarks on waste lands in Deubigíîìire. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. KEARNEY, [Michael] D. D: M. R. Ji A. and of the Etruscan Academy of Cortona. Thoughts on the history of alphabetic writing. (Tr. of J. A. 1789- p. 5» »•) Observations on the power of painting to express mixed paslions; (Ibid. Vol.6, p.870 *'KEARSLEY, [ ] Traveller's entertaining guide through Great- Britain. 1801. 8- (6 sh.) Ed. 2. 1803. 8. (7*h.) KEARSLEY, [George] Bookseller in London. born .... died 17.. (?) KEATE, [George] F. R. S: F. A. & born at Trowbridge about 1729 or 173°» died 1797. June 28. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. June, p, 535' July. p. 613. Sept. p. 79Ó. Y. 1800. Sept. p. 897. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Aug. p. 153» Allgem. Littcrau Zeit. J. 1797. ltBl. Dec. S. 1407. Ancient aiid modern Rome, a poem; 1760* Epistle from Lady Jam Grey to Lord Guildford Dudley. 1762. The ruins of Netley - Abbey, a peemj £d. 2. enlarged, 1769. The temple slu- dent. 565 dent. 1765. Observations on the roman earthen ware found in the sea on the Kentish coast; (Ar- chaeol. Vol.6, p. 125.) A companion in a visit to Netley - Abbey; to which is annexed Netley- Abbey, an elegy, igoo. 12. (I ih.) KEATE, [William] M. A: Retlor of Lave/ion, co. Somerset and Prebendary of fVdls. born .... died at Chelsea - hospital. 1795. March 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. April, p. 351. Oct. p. 876. Publiihed PV'tU. Bull's address to the steward of the manor. 1790. A free examination of Dr. Price's and Dr. Priestley s sermons. 1790. The 109th, commonly called the imprecating psalm con- sidered on a principle, by which the psalm ex- plains itself, a sermon. 1794. 4* *KEATINGE, [Maurice] Esq, The true history of the conquest of Mexico: by Capt. Bernai Diaz del Castillo, one of the conque- rors; written in the Y. 1568* Translated from the original spaniih. 1802. 4. (I L. 5 sh ) ♦KEDINGTON, [Roger] Rev. of Rougkam, near Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk. On the comparative utility of oxen and horses in husbandry. (Bath Agricult, Soc. Vol. 2. p* 2750 On the proper husbandry for a gentleman. (Young's 'A. of Agr, Vol. 6. p. II.) Plan for a barn — com- parison of horses and oxen &c. (Ib. Vol, 16. p. I.) Q'KEEFE, [John] Atlor in the Irish stage. The little hunch-back, or frolic in Bagdad. 1792. (I sh.) The she-Gallant. 17Ó7. alte- red under the title of the positive man. 17.. The dead alive, a farce; 17.. The agreeable sur- prise, a farce; 17.. The Banditti, a comic ope- ra; 17.. Lord Mayor's day, a speaking panto- mine; 17.. The maid the mistress, a burletta from the Italian of La Serva Padrona; 17.. The shamrock, a comic opera; 17.. The young Quacker, a comedy; T7-. The birth day, or the prince of Arrogou; 17.. The poor íoldter, a co- Nn 3 mie 566 mic opera; 17.. Friar Bacon, a pantonine ; 17.. Peeping Tom, a musical farcer^.. Fontaine- bleau, a comic opera; 17.. The blacksmith of Antwerp, a farce; 17.. A beggar on horseback, a dramatic proverb; 17.. Ornai, a pantomine; 17.. Love in a camp, a comic opera; 17.. The siege of Cnrzola, a comic opera; 17.. The man- milliner, a farce; 17.. The farmer, a farce; 17.. Tantararara, a farce, from the french; 17.. The prisoner at large, a farce; 17.. A key to the lock, a farce; 17.. The highlandreel, a co- mic romance, 17.. The Czar, a comic opera; 17.. Modern antiques, a farce; 17., The dol- drum, a farce; 17.. The prifonner at large, a comedy. 1788. 8. The little hunchback, a farce; 1790. 8. Sprigs of Laurel, a comic opera, in 2 acts. 1793. 8- (I fh.) The London Hermit, or rambles in Dorsetshire, a comedy, in 3 acts. 1793. 8« (i fh. 6 d.) The world in a village, a come- dy. 1793. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The castle of Andalu- sia , a comic opera. 1794. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Wild oats , or, the strolling gentleman, a comedy, 1794. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Life's vagaries, a comedy in 5 acts. 1795. 8. (2fh.) Oatlands, or the transfer of the laurel, a poem. 1795.4. (1 fh.) The irifli mimic, or blunder's at Brighton, a musical enter- tainment, in 2 acts. 1795. 8. (i fh.) Dramatic works. Vol 1-4. 1798 -1800. 8. (2 L. 2 fh.) •KEEVE, [Joseph] Rev. Miscellaneous poetry, in English and Latin. Ed.5- 1794* 8. KElR, [Archibald] Of the method of distilling as practised by the nativeá at Chatra in Ramgur —; (Afiat. ReC Vol. I. p. 309. TiUocKs Phil. Magaz. Vol. 5. P. 70 KEIR; [James] Esq. — Experiments and observations on the dissolution of metals in acids. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1790. p. 359 ) fibers, von L. Lentin. Gótt. I791- 8« * Account of the life and writings of Thomas Day Esq. 1791. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) libers, von J.J C. Ti- tnaeus. Leipzig. 1798. 8. Letter on foslrl alkali. (Tr. of the Soc. son the £. of A. Vol.6, p.,129.) # KEIR, 56? *KETR, [Petp] Engineer. Description of an improvement in the steam en- gine, by means of which the boiler is constantly supplied with water already heated nearly to the point of ebullition. (Nicholson''s Journal. Vol. 5. p. 147.) Seciion and plan of a moveable crane, capable of heaving four tons with four men—; (Ibid. Y. 1802. Oct. p. 124.) KEITH, [Alexander] Esq. F. R. S: F. A. $. Edink On an improvement of the mercurial level. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. H. p. 17.) Description of a ther- mometer, with marks the greatest degree of heat and cold from one time of observation to another. (Ibid. Vol. 4. P. p. 203. Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 3. p. 266. Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol.2, p. 61.) Description of a barometer which marks the rife and fall of the mercury from two different times of observation. ( Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. P. p. 209. TWoctis Philos. Magaz. Vol.2, p. 65.) KEITH, [George Skene] M. A. Minister of Keith- Hall and Kink ell y Aberdeenshire. Tracts on weights, measures and coins. 1791. 4» (I sh. 6 d.) Tracts on the corn laws of Great- Britain. 1792. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) An impartial and comprehensive view of the present state of Great- Britain —. 1797. 8. (i Hi. 6 d.) Lectures on ec- clesiastical history: to which is added, an essay ©n christian temperance and self-denial by the late George Campbell D. D: — with some account of the life and writings of the author. Vol. I. 2» / I800. 8- (16 fh.) A particular examination of the new french constitution, which was offered to the people for their acceptance or rather im- posed on them, in Dec. 1799. I801. 8. (2 sh.) *KEITH, [James] of the loyal North Britons. The soldiers assistant to the manual and platoon exercise; with directions for the discipline of vo- lunteer corps and figures of the positions. 1803. (6 d.) The volunteer's guide. Part I. 2, 1804. (2 fh.) KEITH, [Thomas] Teacher ef Mathematics. The complete practical arithmetician. Ed. 2. I799« 12. (3 fh. 6 ck) The new fohoolmaster's assistant. Nn 4 1796. §68 J7ÇÓ. (2 sh.) An introduction to the theory and practice 6fSplane and spherical trigonometry and the orthographic and sterographic projections of the sphere, 1801. (io sh. 6 d.) •KEITHj [Sir William] formerly Governour of Penih . fyivania* Thoughts on censure, family disagreement &c, (American Museum V, 1790. Nov. p, 2*8,) * K E L D , [C . ., .] Esq, of Beverley. On the poor laws; ijf. (1 sh.) A second letter to Mr Gilbert on the poor laws, (Voting's A. of Agr, Vol. 33« P' 547* Voi« 34* P- 126, 238, 394-) *KELL IE, [Alexander] Student of Medicine its Edin- burgh, Account of a rupture of the abdominal integu- ments, occasioned by a fall and followed by gan. grcue of the omentum, terminating' favoura- bly. (Duncans M. C. Dec, 2. Vol.6. p. 306.) KELLIE. [George] Surgeon on board his Ship the iris. An account of the effects of compression by the tourniquet 3 in stopping the cold fit of intermit, tents, (Duncan's M, C. Dec. 2, Vol. 9. p. 271.) iiberf. in Samml, fur prakr. Aerzte. B, IJ, S. 78, Observations on the medical effects of compretiion by the tourniquet, Edinb, 1797. 8. Some obser- vations on the anatomy of the shark. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1796. p. 395.) On the effects of the nitrous acid in the cure of syphilis, (Ibid, Y. 1797, p. 254.) iiberf. in Samml. fur prakt. Aerzte, B. 19. S. 15. Letter respecting the extract of the rbus radicans, (Ibid, Y. 1800. p. 483.) *KELLS, [John] Esq. Barrister at Lûtp. died (?) A general index to the modern reporters, relative to the law occurring at trials by nisi prius, from the period of the revolution to the present times, Vol. I. Dublin, 1797, 8. (9 ft*«) .♦.KELLY, [Elizabeth] Eva, Vol, i-3. 1799- (i° 6 d,) * KELLY, *KELLY, [John] L. L. Dr. A practical grammar of the antient gaelic, or, language of the isle of Mann, usually called mank. 1804. 4. (6 fh,) * KELLY, [Isabella] Mrs. Jofcelina , or, the rewards of benevolence, a na- vel. Vol, 1.2. 1797. 12. (6 ib.) The ruins of Avondale priory. Vol, 1-3, 1796. 8. (9 Hi. ) The baron's daughter, a gothic romance. Vol. 1-4, 1802, 12. (16 iht) -KELLY, [E.... (P.... (?)] Masttr of Tinsbury- square Academy. A practical introduction to spherical and nautical astronomy. 179Ó. 8. (6 fh.) Ed. 2. 1801. 8« (8 fh.) The elements of book-keeping, both by single and double,entry —. l8oj. 8. (5 fht) *KELSON, [T.... M....] A few remarks on the nature and cure of colds, 1797- 8» (1 fh. 6 dt) • KEMBLE, [Charles] The point of honour; a play, in 3 acts; taken from the french. 1800. g. (2 fh.) KEMBLE, [John] Manager and one of the proprietors of Drurylane Theater. Bclifarius. 17,. Oh! its impossible! a comedy; 17.. New way to pay old debts, altered from Mafwger. 17,, The farmhouse, a.comedy. 1792. 8- (l in.) Lodoiika, an opera, in 3 acts. 1794. 8. (L fh. 6 d.) King Henry 5. or, the conquest of France; a play, by Shakespeare; altered. 1804. *KENDALt [ ] Mrs. Essays addressed to young women: intended to a guide to their entering into the marriage state. 1802. 24. ( I fh,) -KENDALL, [A,...] ^Derwent priory; 17., Tales of the abbey, foun- ded on historical facts, Vol, 1-3. 1800. 12, (iofli. 6 d,) *RENDALL, [Edward Augustus] Esq. The crested wren, 1799. í2- C1 6 d.) The Indian cottage, by J. H. Bernardin De St. Pierre% translated. 1799. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) The stones of W u 5 fenex; 570 senex; or little histories of little people, igoo. (2 fh.) A pocket encyclopaedia — Vol. 1-5, I802. Travels in upper and lower Egypt — translated from the frenrh by Vivant Devon —. Vol. 1.2. 1802. 8. (2 L. 2fh.) Parental educa- tion i or, domestic lésions; a miscellany, intended for youth. 1803. 12. (4 fh.) ♦KENDALL, [John] An abstract from the old and new testanient, con- taining what is most especially instructive in the historical parts and the many edifying examples in those writings. Vol. 1.2. I800. 12. (7 fh.) * KENDALL, [William] Esq. The science of legislature, translated from the Italian of Filangieri. 1792. 8. (4 fh.) Poems. I793> 8. (3 fh.) •KENNEDY, [James] Treason!!! or not treason!!! alias the weaver's budget. 1795. 8, (6 d.) * KENNE DY, [John] Surgeon in the 3 battalion of native Infantry^ in the service of the East India Company at Bengal. Account of the good effects, in the cure of disea- ses, obtained in Bengal, from the use of the toon - tree bark. {Duncan's A> of Med. Y. 1796. P- 387-) ♦KENNEDY, [P..-.] A stiort defence of the present men and present measures, with occasional strictures on some recent publications of democratic notoriety. 1797. 8. (2fh. 6 d.) An answer to Paine s letter to Gen. Washington or Mad. Torn, convicted of the blackest ingratitude. Including some pages of gratuitous counsel to the author of the cause and consequences — 1797. 8. (I fh.) * KENNEDY, [Robert] M. Dr. F. R. S: F. A. S. Edin. A chemical analysis of three species of whinstont and two of lava. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 5. Pa" I- p. 76. Nickolsons Journal. Vol. 2. p. 289- Vo1- 4- p. 407. 438.) Chemical analysis of an uncommon. ■ species of zeolite. {si/Jock's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 14, p. 310.) * «KENNEDY, 571 * KENNEDY, [William] M.Dr. Physician at In- verness. Letter in answer to inquiry respecting the vaccina as a disease of cows in Scotland. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1800. p. 458.) Account of a cafe in which the anus was wanting, successfully cured, (ibid. Y. I80I. p.35I.) *KENNEY, [Edward] Rev. A method of preparing a sulphureous medicinal water. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p. 83.) *KENNEY, [James] Society , a poem, with other poems. 1803. 8. (4 sh.) Raising the wind, a farce in two acts; — I803. 8. (i sli. 6 d.) KENRICK, [William] L. L\ Dr. born .... died 1779. June 9. Lecture on the perpetual motion. P. r. 2. 1770. 4. (5 sh.) Millot's elements of the history of Eng- land, from the invasions of the romans to the reign of George 2. translated. Vol, 1. 2. I77I» 8. (8 sh.) KENT, [Nathaniel] of Fulham, Middlesex. General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk; with observations for the means of its improvement — 1796. 8. (5 fli.) Account*of the improvements made on the farm in the great park of his Majesty, the King, at Windsor. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 17. p. 119. Nichols Jorss Journal. Vol. 3. p. 422. 429,) Remarks on waste lauds in Norfolk. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p» 108.) On Norfolk turnips and fallowing. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.22, p. 24,) On Norfolk iheep. (Ibid. Vol. 22. p. 30.) Exported produce of Norfolk. (Ibid. Vol.22, p. 34.) The great advantage of a cow to the family of a labouring man. (Ibid. Vol. 31. p. 21.) Ploughing on his Majesty's farm in Windsor park and at the Earl of Egremout's, at Petworth. (Ibid. Vol.32, p. I54-) *KENT, [P.. ..] Remarks on the properties of Mr. Peaceys rye grass, (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1802. Dec. ^KENTISH, 573 ^KENTISH, [Edward] Surgeon. M. Dr, An essay on burns, especially upon those which happen to workmen in mines from the explosions of inflammable air, containing a view of the opi- nions of ancient and modern authors upon the subject of burns and a variety of cafes conducted upon different principles. 1797, (3 fh. 6 d,) fibers, in Sclireger's u. Harles Annalen d. neuesten Franz, u. Engl. Chir. u._Geburtsh. ft. I. S. 175, Eifay 2. on burns. 1800. 8. < 3 fh. ) Cafes of cancer, with observations on the use of carbonate of lime in that disease. I8Q2. 8. (I sb.) •KENTISH, [John] Letter to James fVhite, Esq. of Exeter, on the jate correspondance, between him and Toulmin, relative to the society of Unitarian christians, esta- blished in the west of England. 1794. 8. (I Hi.) The moral tendency of ihe genuine christian do- ctrine. 1796. 8. (I fh. ) A vindication of the principles upon which several unitarian christiam have formed themselves into societies for the pur- pose of avowing and recommending their view« of religious doctrine by the distribution of books. Ed. 2. 1800. L2. The nature and duties of the christian ministry and the co-operation of a chri- stian society with the labours of its ministers. Two sermons —; 1803. (.1 fh. 6 d,) KE NTIS H , [Richard] M. Dr, F, A. S, E. * Advice to gouty persons — iibers. von C. F. Mi- chaelis — Leipz, 1792. S» Observations on the effects of the guillotine, as on instrument of death; tending to {hew*that it is one of the most pain- ful mortal punishments now used in any country where torture is abolished, (New London M4 J. Vol. 2. p, 431.) KENTON, [James] P. B, of Chtrter-house, A familiar epistle, on she juvenile expreifes of the young gentlemen in Charter• house, J793- 8. (4 d0 *KER, [Andrew] Report to Sir John Sinclair 9 of a sheep farming- tour. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 17. p, 384O *KER, [Anne] Mrt. Adeline St. Julian; or, the midnight hour. Vol. I. 2. 1799. (8 sh.) The heiress of Montalde oc the castle of Beianto. Vol. I. 2. 1799* (7 ^ ) *a KERLIE , [Margaretha] Receipt for pot-ash cake. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Dec. p. 8730 KERR, [Robert] F. R. S: K A. S. E. Surgeon to the orphan hospital Edinburgh. Lavoisier s elements of chemistry. Ed. 2. 1793. 8* The animal - kingdom, or zoological system of Charles Linnaeus. VoL I. P. I. 1792. 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) Vol. r. P. 2* The natural history of ovipa- rous quadrupeds and serpents — by De la Cepede9 translated. Vol. I-4. 1802. 8. {2 L. 2 sh.) *KERR, [Simon] Scottish poems, songs Ac. 1802. 12. (5 sh.) ♦KERRICH, [John] Use of kiln-drying discoloured barley* (Monthly Mngaz. Y. 1800. March p. 107.) *KERRlSON, [Robert] Surgeon. The elements of physiology — translated from the French of A. Richerend, 1803. 8. (9 sh.) -KERSHAW, [Arthur] On the wòrd hitch. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Jan. p. 34,) Information relative to the character, manners, opinions <&c. of the peasantry in the nor- thern parts of Zealand. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 96.) *KETT, [Henry] M. At B. D: Fellow and Tutor of Trinity - College, Oxford. Sermon9 at Bamptons lecture — 1791. 8. (5 sh.) Juvenile poems; 1793. 8. (2 sh.) í;: A representa- tion of the conduct and opinions of the primitive christians with remarks on certain affections of Mr. Gibbon and Dr. Priestley in 8 sermons — 17.. History, the interpreter of prophecy, or, a view of scriptural prophecies and their accomplish- ment in the past and present occurrences of the world; with conjectures respecting their future completion. Vol. I-3. 1799. 12. ( IO sh. 6 d. ) Elements of general knowledge, introductory to useful books in the principal branches of littéra- ture 574 sure and science; —. Vol. X.2. 1802. 8. (15ft.) Ed. 2. I802. Additions to the elements of gene. ral knowledge, inserted in the second edition, I802. 8. (l sh.) *KEY, [ ] Surgeon in the Borough, Abstract of a case of morbus niger. (Mem. of M S. of L. Vol.2, p.5540 *KEY, [Richard] Esq. LL. D. of the Middle-Temple; Fellow of Mugdalen-Colhge, Cambridge. The captive monarch, a tragedy, in 5 acts. , 1794- 8. KEYES, [John] of Bee hail, near Pembroke. On bees. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 5. p. 319. 324.) The ancient bee - master's farewell, or, full and plain directions for the management of bees to the grefttest advantage — illustrated with plates. 1796. 8. (5 sh.) *KEYSAL, [John] Esq. of Morton-upon-Lugg> near Hereford. On draining land. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol. 10. p. 112.) *>KIDDERSLAW, [Jobanson] Swedish mysteries, or, hero of the minesì a talc; translated from a Swedish MSS. Vol. 1-3. 180I. 12. (13 íh' à d.) ♦Bishop of KILLALUE, [Thomas] Method of cultivating potatoes. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 232.) ^KIMPTON, [Edward] Vicar of Ko gate ^ Sussex, and Morning Preacher at St. Matthew's Bethnal green. Universal history of the holy bible. 17.. The whole genuine and complete works of Flavius jfosephus translated from the original — by Ge. Henry Maynard, illustrated with marginal refe- rences and notes, historical, biographical, classi- cal, critical, geographical, explanatory. — Nrb. I-60. (à 6 d.) *KINDERSLEY, [N....E....] Esq. of the East' India Company's civil service on their Madras Establishment. Specimens of Hindoos littérature — to which are prefixed introductory remarks on the mytho- 573 mythology, littérature— of the Hindoos. 1794. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) #KING, [.<*...] Letter I-3. to Thomas Paine, author of the rights of man. 1793. 8. (6'd.) i-KING, [ ] Lord. Thoughts on the restriction of payments in fpe- cic at the banks of England and Ireland. 1803. 8. (2 fh. 6 d. ) •KING, [Alexander] of Suffield , ConneSicut. M. Dr. A cafe of canine madness, which terminated fa- tally at Suffield, in Connecticut on the 11 of Nov. 1797* (Med. Repolit» Vol. 1. p. 337.) Medical observations on the virtues and properties of the feeds of the datura stramonium. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 350 *KING, [Anthony] Esq. LL. Dr. Thoughts on the expediency of adopting a system of national education, more immediately suited to the policy of thi9 country: with certain brief remarks on that class of free schools commonly distinguiíïied by the name of diocesan schools. 1795. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) •KING, [Charlotta] Miff. — — and Sophia KING trifles from helicon. 1798. 8. (3 Hi.) KING, [Edward] Esq. F. R. S: F. A. S. late President of the Soc. of Antiq. See, J. Acland. Morsels of criticism — Part 2. I803. 4«. (1 L. I sh. or 3 Vols. 8vo I L. 7 fh.) Con- siderations on the utility of the national debt; and on the present alarming crisis — 1793. 8. (1 ih.) Remarks concerning stones said to have fallen from the clouds, both in these days and in ancient times. 179Ó. 4. (2 fh/ 6 d.) Vestiges of Oxford castle; or, a. .small fragment of a work intended to be pu- blished speedily on the history of antient castles and on the progress of architecture. 1796. sol. (9 fh.) Hymns to the supreme being; new edi- tion. 1798. (5 ih.) Remarks on the signs of the times. 1798. 4. (2 fh. 6d.) Supplement. 1799. 4. (3 fh,) Munumenta antiqua, or observations on ancient castles, including remarks on the whole progress of architecture, ecclesiastical as well as ujili- 576 military in Great - Britain — Vol. I. 1799. sol. (3 L. 13 fh. 6 d») Vol. 2. I80U (3 L. 13 sh. 6d.) *KING, [John] An essay, intended to establish a new universal sy- stem of arithmetic, division of the year, circle and hour, system of standard measures, wights and coins — 1802. 8* *KING. [John] A treatise on the cow-pot, containing the history of vaccine inoculation and an account of the va* rious publications which have appeared on that subject in Great - Britain and other parts of the world. P. I. 1801. 8. (8 Hi.) *KING, [Joseph] Accountant at Liverpool. Tables of interest, calculated at 5 per cent,. P. 1.5. 1799. I800. 8. (9 AO *KING, [Isaac] Esq. of Wycombe , Bucks. Letters from France, written in the months of Aug. Sept* and Oct. 1802, —; 1803. 8. (5 fh.) On the change of feed. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 4» p. 486.) Fallowing unnecessary. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 476.) On the growth of trees. (Ibid. Vo!>6> p. 89.) Notes of a tour in some eastern counties, (íbid. Vol.35. p»545.) Farming account. (Ibid. Vol. 37, p. 156.) Crops-bucks. (Ibid. Vol. 36. p. 218*) Curious farming memoir. (Ibid. Vol, 37- P-441.) *I [M.... P.,..] A general treatise on music, particularly on har- mony or thorough-bass and its application in com- position — I800. fol. (I L. I fh*) *KING, [Nicholas] An improvement in boats* for river-navigation* (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 298.) *I [Philip] Esq. Extracts of letters from Arthur Pkillipt Esq. to Lord Sidney, to which is annexed a description of Norfolk islands and an account of expences in- i curred in transporting convicts to New South Wa- les. 1791. 4* (3 fh.) *KING, [Samuel] , An impartial inquiry into the state of religion in tfngland, 1789* 8* (1 fh.) 57? KING, [Samuel Croker] Esq. M. R. J. A. Surgeon. Description of an instrument for performing the operation of trepanning the skull , wish more ease, safety and expedition than with those now in general use. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. p. 119. Sim- mots s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 7. p 191.) *KING, [Sophia] Miff. See Charlona King. Waldorf, or, the dangers of philosophy, a philo- sophical taie» VoJ. 1. 2. 1798. (6 sb.) Cordilia, or, a romance of real life. Vol. 1.2. 1799. 12* (6 sh.) The viétim of frienJíhip, a german ro* tnance. Vol. 1. 2. 180Ì. 8. (7 sh.) KING, [Thomas] Aclor at Drurvf-i^ane Theater. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. P«2l8. A dramatic olio; 1762. *KING, [W.. ..]. Britannia triumphant over the french fleet by Ad- miral Lord Nelson of the mouth of the Nile, a poem. 1799. 8. (I sh.) *KING, [Walker] D. D: F. A. S: Preacher to the Soc> of Gray s - Inn, Two sermons. 1793. 4. (i sh. 6 d.) •KINGHORN, [Joseph] Defence of infant baptism its best confutation, being a reply to Peter Edwards candid reasons for re- nouncing the principles of antipaedobaptifm on his own ground. 1795. 12. (6 d.) Public worship considered and enforced. 1800. 12. (6 d.) * KINGSBURY, [Benjamin] Formerly a Dissenting Minister at Warwick; at present a Perfumer in fleet-street London. Prayers for the use of families. 1790. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) A recommendation of family religion, ad- dressed to christians of all denominations. 1792. 8. (3 d.) A treatise on razors*, in which the weight fliape and temper of a razor, the means of keeping it in order, and the manner of using it, are particularly considered — I?97« 8» (I sh. 6 d.) fibers. ^Leipz. 180O. 8- An answer to an address to the people of Great-Britain by the Hiih. of Lan- dais ( Rtch, Watson ) in an other address to the people. 1798.8. U^fh.) An addtefs-to; the peo- ple of Great-Britain on the subjeel of Mr Pin's proposed tax on incomes in which its partial ope- fans* a. e. suppt. Op fation, 5/8 ration, its rank injustice and its dreadful consé- quences, arc demonstrated: togethcr with thc nro- perty of an carly and a íirenuous opposition to this unprccedented fchcme, previous to jfs putììng • into a law. 1798. 8- (l fbt) *KINGSBURY, [Wiliiam] A.M. a Diffeming Minu fier at Soutbampton. Sermon on thc deaih oí Robert Sealìy t with fouie accounc of the cleccafed; 1778.8- (6 d.) Sermon on thc King's recovery; T789. S- (rfh.) Sermon on thc death of Mr?/ Àlouusher. 1789. 8- (6 d.) The manuer in which thc protestant distenters per- form prayer in public worship reprefented and vin. dicated; in a ietter to Richard Mant, D. D. Recìor of ail Saints, Southampton. 1796. 8- An apology for villagc-prcachers, or an account of thc proece- dings and motives of protestant distenters and sc- rious christians of other dénominations, in their attempts to supprefs insidelity and vice and to ípread vital religion country places. 1799. 8, (1 íh.) ♦ KINGSFORD, [William] Observations on Governour Parvnalss bill for regu- lating the mealing trade. (Youvgs A. of Agr. Vol. 12. p. J740 «KINNOUL, [.....} Earl of Speech to the Britìfh fociety for sisherics, cohMî- ning the statement of its progrefs. 1799. 8. (2 (h.) *KIPLING, [Thomas] D. D. O f St. John's Colley Cambridge, and Deputy Regins Profeffor of Dí* vinhy in the Univerjìtij. The elementary parts of Dr. Smith?s complète fy- stem of optics — and an account of thc fcarcíty and expenec of Dr. Stnitlis valuable book. 1778- Codex Theodori Bezae Cantabrigiensis, evangeiia et apostolorurn acta compîectens, quadratis Jitterîs graeço-latinis. Vol. 1.2. Cantabrigiac. 1793. UL. 2fh.) The articles cf the church of Englaml proved not to be calvinist. 1802. 8. (3 sb.) KÏPPIS, [Andrew] D. D: F. R. S: F. A. S: boni at Nottîngham March 28. 17^5* ^ieti 1795. Oct.8- S?e Gcntleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Oct. P- 803. 88^. Nov. p. 913* The Animal Necrology fof 1797. 1798- P» 209, Allg. Littcn Zcit. J. 179^ ItBl. N. 56. "S» 460. 011 On the advantages of religious knowledge; a sermon. 175Ó. Observations on the coronation* a sermon. 1760, A sermon at Salters hallt before the society for propagation christian knowledge* 1777. Sermon at the ordination of Mess. Wor- thington and Jacomb. 1778- Biographia Britannica* Vol. 5. 1793. fol. (iL. 11 ill. 6d.) An ad* dress delivered at the interment of the late Dr. Richard Price on the 26 Apr. 1791. 8. (I sh.) Sermons on practical subjects. 1791. 8. (6 sh.) Proposal or prospectus for publishing a moil superb edition of Mr. Hume's history of England. 1792. 4» Life of P. Doddridge D. D% prefixed to his family expositor, or, a paraphrase aud version of the new testament, with critical notes, 1792. 8- A course of leéhtres on the principal subjects in pneuUiatoIo- gy, ethics and divinity; with references to the most considerable authors on each subject, by the late Phi/. Doddridge D. D. Ed. 3. to which are now added, a great number of references and many* notes of reference to the various writers, on the fame topics, who have appeared since the doctor's decease, Vòl. I. 2. 1794. 8. ( 15 fh.) A collection of hymns and psalms, for public and private Wor- ship selected and prepared by A. Kippis, Abraham Reef) Thomas Jervis and Thomas Morgan* 1795* 12. (3 sh* ó Y> 1798. p. 5 ) (Several single fermons») *KIRBY, [Ephraim] American reporter i or reports of cafe* adjudged in the fuperiour court of the state of Connecticut* 17- 8. *KIRBY, [John] Esq. of Ipsn>ick, On the culture of carrots4 (Sath Agrictilt. Soe* Vol»3„ p^ 79O Êxperiments on potatoes. ( Young t Ak of Agr, Vol. I4 p*2840 Artificial yeast* ;lbid. Vol. 1. p.28^) *KÎ R BY, [William] B. A. Reclof e/Barhato in Suffolk, P. L. S. Descriptions of three new species of hirudo* with Oo 4 additio* 58o additional note by George Sharp. (Transact, of L. S. Vol.2, p. 316. 3L9.) A history of three species of ca(Tida. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 7.) Ammo, phila, a new genu? of infects in the-class hyine- uoptera, including the sphex fabulofa of Linnaeus. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 195.) History of tipula tritici and ichneumon tipulae, with some observations upon other infects that attend the wheat. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 230. Vol. 5. p. 96.) Observations upon certain fungi, which are 'parafitics of the wheat, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 112.) Some observations upon infects that prey upon timber* whit a ihort history of the ceranibyx violaceus of Linnaeus, (Ibid, Vol. 5. p. 24Ó.) Monographia apum Angliae— to which are prefixed some introductory remarks upon the class hymenoptera and a synoptical table of the nomenclature of the external parts of these infects illustrated with plates. Vol. 1.2. I802. 8. (I L. 1 fh.) *KIRKLAND, [John Thornton] Answers to' queries respecting the western Indians, (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1795. p. 67.) Remarks on Mr. jfac. Bailey's observât, and con- jedturcs on the antiquities of America, (Ibid. Y, 1795. P- I05-) KIRKLAND, [Thomas] M. Dr. born 172s. died 1798. Jan. 17. at Afliby-de- Ia-Zouch, Leicesterihire, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Jan. p. 88» 62. March, p. 254. Duncan's Annals of Medec. Y. 1798. p. 472- Allgem. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. IS00. S. 649. A commentary on apoplectic and paralytic affe- ctions and on diseases connected with the subject* 1792. 8- (3 fh.) iiberf, Leipzig. 1794. 8. *KIRKMAN, [James Thomas] Esq of Lincoln's - Inn. Memoirs of the life of Charles Macklin^ Esq. prin- cipally compiled from his own papers and memo- randums; which contain his criticisms on and cha- racters and anecdotes of Betterton, Booth, Wilhs, Cibber, Garrick, Barry, Mojsop, Sheridan, Footc, Qiiin, and moil of his contemporaries; together with his valuable observations on the drama, 011 the science of acting, and oa various other sub- 531 jècts: the whole forming a comprehensive but succinct history of the stage, which includes a pe- riod of one hundred years. Vol» i. 2. 1700. 8. (14 ft.) KIRKPATRICK, [H ] Account of the manner in which potatoes are cul- tivated and preserved and the uses to which they are applied, in the counties of Lancaster and Che- ster, together with a description of a new variety of the potatoe, peculiarly convenient for forcing ju hot-houses and frames. 179Ó. 8. (l fh.) iiberf, von G. F. Lconhardi. Leipzig. 1797. 8. *KIRKPATRICK, [John] The reason of faith, or, an answer to that enqui- ry, wherefore we believe the scripture to be the word of God, by John Owen y D. Dt abridges 1799. 12. •KIRKPATRICK, [Joseph] Description of the construction and use of a new implement in husbandry,.for transplanting turnips. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 220.) On the use of plaider of Paris as a manure, (Ibid. Vol, 5, P* 225.) *KIRKPATR1CK, [William] Major. An ode from Khoosro. ( A fiat. Mifcell. p. 28.) Muinoon; or the distracted iover, a talc, in imi- tation of Jovini*. (Ibid. p. 78.) Introduction to the institutes of Ghazan Khan. (New Àsiar, Mik cell. Nro. 2. p. T30.) KIRWAN, [Richard] Esq. L, L. D: R R S: F.J. A. Some account of Kirk. Kirvan: See Ttlloch'f Phtlof. Magaz. Vol. 14. p. 353, Estimate of the temperature of different latitudes, 1787. 8. (3 fh.) iiberf. von CrclJ, Berlin u. Stettin, 1788. 8. A comparative view of meteorological observations made in Ireland since the Y, 1788. with some hints towards forming prognostics of the weather. Dublin. 1794. 4. Elements of mine- ralogy. Ed. 2. with considerable improvements and additions. Vol.1. 1794. Vol.2. 1797-8. (8 fh.) iiberf. von Cn/J. B. I. 2. Berlin. 1796. l8or. 8. The manures most advantageously applicable to the various forts of foils, and the causes of their beneficial effect in each particular instance, 1796.8» Oo 3 (2 fh,) (2 fh.) iibers. von A. G. L. Lent in. Gdttingen. 1796. 8. An essay on chemical nomenclature, by Stepkan Dickson, M. Dr. in which are comprised observations on the fame subject, by Rick. Kir- wan. 179Ó. 8. (5 fh.) Essay on the analysis of mineral waters; 1799. 8. (7 fh.) Geological cf. fays. 1799.8. (8 fh.) Physisch-chemische Schrif ten — von Lor. Crell. 13. 4, 5. Berlin. 1801. 8. Observations on coal mines. (Tr. of J. A. 1788. p. T57- lb. 1789. p. 49 J Experiments on the al- kaline substances used in bleaching and on the co- louring matter of linen-yarn. (Tr. of J. A. 1789. p. 30 Of the streught of acids and the proportion of ingredients in neutral salts. (Ibid. Vol, 4. p. 3.) A comparative view of meteorological observations niade in Ireland since the Y. 1788. with some hints towards forming prognostics of the weather. (Ib. Vol. 5. p. 3.) Reflections on meteorological tables, ascertaining the precise signification of she terms wet, dry and variable. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 31.) State of the weather in Dublin from the í June 1791. to the i June 1793, (Ibid. Vol. 5, p. 39.) Examination of the supposed igneous origin of stony substances. (Ibid. Vol 5. p. 51.) Essay in answer to the following question proposed by the R. J. A. What are the manures most advantage- ously applicable to the various forts of foils and what are the causes of their beneficial effect in each particular instance? (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 129. Young* s A. of Agr. Vol. 23. p. 77«J Meteoro- logical observations made in Ireland in the Y. 1793. (Ibid. Vol, 5. p. 227.) Experiments 011 a new earth found near stronthian in Scotland. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 243.) On the composition and proportion of carbon in bitumens anc} minerai coal. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 141. Nicholson's Journal; Vol.1, p. 487t) Synoptical view of the state of the weather in Dublin. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 169.) Thoughts on magnetism. (Ibid. Vol, 6. p. 177. Nicholsons Journal Vol, 4. p 90, T33.) On the primitive Hate of the globe and its subsequent catastrophe. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 6. p. 233.) Synoptical view of the state of the weather at Dublin in the Y. 179^ 1797* X79$* 1799" 1800. 1801. (Ibid. Vol* 6. p. 583 309- 435- Vol. 7. p. 31Ó.358. Vol. 8. p. 203. 509.) Additional observations on-the proportion of real acid in the three antient known mincial acids and on the ingredients in various neutral iaits and other compounds. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 163. 'Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 210.273.) Essay on human li- berty. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 305.) A plan for the in- troduction and establishment of the most advan- tageous management of mines in the kingdom of Ireland. (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P. r. p. 277.) A reply to Mr. F lay fair s reflections on Kirwatst refutation of the Huttoman theory of the earth. {Tilloclis Phil. Mag. Vol. 14, p, 3.) An illustra- tion and confirmation of some facts mentioned in an essay on the primitive state, of the globe. (Tr. of J. A. Vol, 8, Sc. p. 29. TilloçlCs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 14. p. 14.) Of the state of vapour subsisting in the atmosphere, (Ibid. Vol. 14, p. 143. 251.) Observations on the proofs of the Hutto* tu an theory of the earth adduced by Sir Jaììie? Hall, Barf. (Tr. of J. A. Vol.8. Sv. p. 3. Ni- ckolsnns Journal. Vol. 4. p. 97. 153.) An cssav on the declivities of mountains. (Tr, of J, A. Vol. 8. Sc. p.35. Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 8» p. 2Q.) On chymical and mineralogical nomenclature. (Tr, of J. A. Vol. 8. Sc. p#53. Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 8. p. 172.202.) Retnaiks on some sceptical positions in Mr, Hume s enquiry concerning the human understanding and his treatise of human na» sure. (Tr. of J, A, Vol.8. Sc. p. 157.) On the va- riation of the atmosphere in Dublin. (Ibid, Vol, $, Sc. p. 269.) KITE, [Charles] Surgeon at Grave/end in Kent. Cafe of an unusually large abscess, seated between the peritonaeum and abdominal muscles, from which the matter appeared to be discharged , so- metimes by the external opening and at other ti- mes by expectoration. (M. C. Vol.2, p.46.) On the submersion of animals; its effects on the vital organs; and the mosi probable method of remo- ving them. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 215/) An account of the medicinal effects of the resin acaroides resinifcra, or yellow resin from Botany-* Bay; (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 24.) An account of some 0 o 4 anotna» 584 anomalous appearances consequent to the inocula tion of the small po.Y. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 114.) A rupture of the gravid uterus terminating favoura- bly. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p, 253.) Cafei of several wo- men who had the small pox during pregnancy; with an account of the manner in which the chil- dren appeared to have been affected. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 2Q5-) Essays and observations physiological and medical, on the submersion of animals and on the resin of the acaroides rcsinifera , or yellow resin from Botany-Bay; to which are added select hi- stories of diseases, with remarks* 1795. 8. (Ó sh.) *KNIGHT, [Edward] Description of his new - constructed harrow. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 14. p, 198.) KNIGHT, [E Cornelia] Miff. *Dinarbas. 1790, Marcus Flaminius; or, a view of the military political and social life of the Ro- mans; in a series of letters from a patrician to his friend. Vol. 1.2. 1792. 8. (io sh. 6 d.) fibers. Dresden und Leipzig. 1794. 8. *KNIGHT, [J.... A....] Reflections on the book of Ruth —; Ed* 5.1798* 24. (2 d.) *KNIGHT, [L....] Miff. *KNIGHT, [M....] Miff. Method of giving clay models the appearance of bronze and hardening casts in plaster. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.17, p. 302.) * KNIGHT, [Richard] Member of the British minera- logical society A new and expeditious process for rendering pla- tina malleable. (TilloMs Philof. Magaz. Vol.6, p. I.) *KNIGHT, {Richard Payne] Esq, MP. An account of the remains of the worship of pna- pus lately existing at Ifernia, in the kingdom of JSJapJes—; to which is added, a discourse on the worship of priapus and its connexion with the my- stic theology of the ancients. London. 178Ó. 4- (NB. never published, but liberally distributed.) Aii analytical essay on the greek alphabet. I79[' 585 4* (í5 The landscape, a didactic poem, in 3 books. 1794. (7 6 d.) A review of the landscape, a didactic poem: also of an essay on the picturesque: together with practical remarks on rural ornament. 1795. 8- (6 fh.) The pro- gress of civil society, a didactic poem, in 6 books. 1796.4. (10 ill. 6 d.) Sec Humphrey Marshall. *KNIGHT, [T....] The honest thieves, a farce, in two acts, altered from the committee. 1797. 12. (I fh.) The turn- pike gate, a musical entertainment in two aéfcs. 1799. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) *KNIGHT, [Thomag Andrew] Esq. of Elton, near Ludlow. On the culture of the apple and pear and on the manufacture of cider and parry. 1797. 8- (2 fh. 6 d.) Some doubts relative to the efficacy of Mr. Forsyth's plaister in filling up the holes in trees. 1802. 4. (I fh.) Observations on the graf- ting of trees. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1795. p. 290.) An account of some experiments on the fecunda- tion of vegetables. (Ibid. Y. 1799. p. 195. Ni- cholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 458. Comm. and Agric, Magaz. Y. I800. p. 245. Tilloclis Philof. Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 97.) Description of his drill- machine for sowing turnip-feed. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 123. Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1802. p. 82. Tilloch's Philof. Magaz. Vol.12, p. 271.) On the destructive ef- fects of the aphis and blights on fruit trees, (lb. Vol.19, p. 129. Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1802. May. p. 332.) Account of some experiments on the ascent of the sap in trees. (Philof. Transact. Y. I801. p.333.) Account of Herefordshire breeds of sheep, tattle, horses and hogs. (Comm. ta the B. of Agr. Vol. 2. p. 172.) *KNIGHT, [Titus] Rev. of Halifax. born 1719. Dec. 17. died 1793, Marcha, See Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1793. Vol. T. p. 90. Sermons, with a treatise on the imputation of sin and righteousness. 17Ó6. Amyntas and Philetus, or christian conversation illustrated in dialogues. 1770. The balm of Gilead, 17.. Queries anj Oo 5 obier- observations on the divinity of Christ. 17.. Ele- gy on the death of Mr. JVkhefiehL 17., (Several single sermons.) «KNIGHT, [W.... W....] Esq. of Ruse ami, e near Maidetiheaci9 Berkshire. Account of a flock ofibecp. (Young's A, of A*r. Vol.IO. p. 477. Vol. ir. p. 29.) An account of a sow and pigs. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. IÓ9.) KNIPE, [Rest! Rev. of Edinburgh. Wonderful thoughts. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y, 1790. Oct. p. 615,) KNOT, [G.... C... P...,] Reflections on the stave trade, with remarks ou the policy of its abolition, in a letter to a clergy- man in the county of Suffolk. 1791. 8- (I sh. 6 d.) *KNOWLES, [Sir Charles] Admiral. *View of the naval force of Great - Britain; in which its present state, growth and conversion of timber; constructions of ships, docks and bar- hours; regulations of officers and men in each de- partment: arc considered and compared with other European powers, with observations and hints for the improvement of the naval, service. By an offi» cer of rank. 1791. S. ♦KNOW LES , [John"] Principles of en°hsh grammar — Ed. 3. 1794, 13. (i sh. 6 d.) Ed. 4. 1796. 12. (I sh. 6 d.) KNOWLES, [Thomas] D. D. Leâurcr of'57. Maris'V, in Ruvij SV. Edmund's , Prebendary of Elyy Redor of Ichwortk and Chcdburgk and Vicar of Winston in the county of Suffolk. born at Ely 1724. died 1803. Oct. 6. See .Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1802. Oct. p. 980, Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Nov. p. 367. Dec. P- 457- The scripture doctrine of the existence and attri- butes of god in 12 sermons, with a preface iu answer to a pamphlet on thoughts concerning the argument a priori; 17., Lord Hçrveys and Dr, Middleton's letters on the roman senate. 17.. Observations on the tithe bill. 17.. Dialogue on the test act. 17.. Advice to a young clergy- man, in 6'letters. The passion, a sermon on the observation of the sabbath. 17,. On cha- rity- 58? rity—schools, on funday-fchools and a preparatory discourse on confirmation. 17,. *KNOX, [ ] * Letters on the subject of the concert of princes, and the dismemberment of Poland and France, by a calm observer. 1793. 8» (5 flu) *KNOX, [ ] As. Dr: of the Island of Tort oh. A curious cafe of a lustis naturae. (Duncan's M. C. Dec 2* Vol. 6. p. 291.) -KNOX, [Alexander] Esq. Essays on the political circumstances of Ireland: written during the administration of Earl Cam rien; with an appendix, containing thoughts on the will of the people and a postscript, now first published. 1799- 8. (5 sh.) ^KNOX, [George] Representative hi Parliament for the Universtty of Dublin, in zhe House of Com- mons, M. &. J. A. Speech on the subject of an incorporate union of Great-Britain and Ireland. 1800,8. (6 d.) Ob- servations on cajp. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 8. Sc. p. 207.) *KNOX, [Samuel] of York county, Pennsylvania. A cafe of fcrophula. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790» Jul. p. 15.) i;:'KNOX, [Samuel] A. M of Maryland. An essay on the best system of liberal education. 1799. *KNOX, [T....] A. M. Hints to public speakers, intended for young bar- vistcrs students at law and all others who may wish to improve their delivery and attain a just a,nd graceful elocution. 1797. 12, (2 ih. 6 d.) *KNOX, [Thomas] late Lieut en» Colonels Commandant of the Fishguard Volunteers, Some account of the proceedings that book place on the landing of the french near Fishguard, in Pembroke/hire, on the 22 Fcbr. 1797. — 1797. KNOX, [Vicesimus] D. D. Master of Tunbridge school in Kent, and late FeUow of St, Johns College^ Oxford. Sketch of his life; See Massachusetts M3g. Y. 1794. May. p. 28Ó, Winter evenings or lucubrations on life and letter?. Vol. 1-3. 1788. 12. Ed. 2. Vol. Ï.3. 1792, 8. (13 fh,) Sermons, chiefly intended 588 to promote faith, hope and charity. 1792. 8. (6 flu) * Personal nobility, or, letters to a youno- nobleman, on the conduct of his studies and the dignity of the peerage. 1793. 12. (4 sh.) libers. Hamburg u. Linieburg. 1799. 8. A narrative of the transactions relative to a sermon, preached in the Parish church of Brighton Aug. 18. 1793. with short extracts from the sermon and occasional re- marks. 1793. 8- (I sh. 6 d.) Antipolemus; or the plea of reason, religion and humanity against war; a fragment: translated from 'Erasmus and addressed to aggressors. 1794. 8. (3sh. 6 d.) Chri. stian philosophy; or, an attempt to display the evidence and excellence of revealed religion. Vol. 1.2. 1795.8» (6 sh.) * Elegant extracts, in verse and prose; 17.. Elegant epistles. 17,. Family lectures; 17.. Considerations on the nature and efficacy of the Lord's supper. 1799* 12. (4 sh.) Ed. 2. I80I. (2 stl.) *KNOX, [William] Lord Bishop of Kill aloe. Two sermons. 1799. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) KNOX, [William] late Under-Secretary of state to Lord Hii/sborougk and to Lord George Germaine, during the American war. born .... died (?) See Biogr. Liter, and Polit. Anecdotes —; Vol. 2. p. 112. The controversy between Great-Britain and her colonies reviewed; 17., *KNOX, [William] *r Observations upou the liturgy, with a .proposal for its reform upon the principles of Christianity —. I789- 8. * Extraofficial state papers — for the preservation of the constitution and promo- ting the prosperity of the British empire. 1789- A letter to the people of Ireland, upon the inten- ded application òf the roman catholics to parlia- ment for the exercise of the elective franchise. 1792. 8. (I fh.) A friendly address to the mem- bers of the several clubs, in the parish of St. Ann, Westminster, associated for the purpose of obtaining a reform in parliament. 1793. 8. U^M Considerations on the state of Ireland. 1777* 539 1 *KNOX, [William] Merchant in Gothenburg. Letter to Sir John Sinclair, respecting the impor- tant discovery iately ma le in Sweden of a method to extinguish sire, with an account of the process adopted for that purpose and hints of means for preserving timber used either in houses or in iliip—building from that destructive clement. 1793. 8. (1 Hi. 6 d.) *KOOPS, [Matthias] Esq. Thoughts on a sure method of annually redu- cing the national debt of Great-Britain, without imposing additional burdens upon the people: and which at the fame time will tend to dimi- nish the number of poor persons and gradually annihilate the poor-rates. 179Ó. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) *KYD, [Steward] Esq. Barrister at Law9 of the In- iter - Temple, On the laws of bills of exchange and promissory notes. 1790. 8. (3 fli. 6 d.) Ed. 3. 1796. 8. (5 sh.) On the laws of awards. 1791. 8. (5 ft. 3 d.) Ed. 2. with considerable additions. 1799. 8. (io sh. 6 d.) John Gomyns, digest of the laws of England Ed. 3, considerably enlarged and con- tinued down to the present time. Vol. 1-6. 1792. 8. (3 L. 15 sh.) On the law of corporations. Vol.1. 1793. 8. V0I.2. 1794. 8. (13 sh.) The substance of the income adt, in a methodkal arran- gement of all its clauses, transposed, as nearly as possible, according to their natural connection with each other. 1798. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Arrange, ment under distinct titles of all the provisions of the several aits of parliament relating to the as- sessed taxes. 1799. 8. (6 sh.) Postscript. 180I. 8. (I sh.) sie.druckt bey Johann Friedrich B.oiucr in Gottìngen. ALPHABETICAL REGISTER OF ALL THE AUTHORS ACTUALLY LIVING I N GREAT-BRITAIN, IRELAND AND IN THE UNITED PROVINCES OF NORTH-AMERICA, WITH A CATALOGUE OF THEIR PUBLICATIONS. FROM THE YEAR 1770 TO THE YEAR 1790. SUPPLEMENT and CONTINUATION FROM THE YEAR iyQO TO THE YEAR lQO^. BY JER. DAV. REUSS. PART II. L—Z. BERLIN and STETTIN, printed for Frederic Nicolai. i8o4. DAS GELEHRTE ENGLAND ODER LEXIKON DER JEZTLEBENDEN SCHRIFTSTELLER I N GROSSBRITANNIEN, IRLAND und NORD-AMERIKA NEBST EINEM VERZEICHNIS IHRER SCHRIFTEN a VOM JAHR 1770 BIS 1790. NACHTRAG und FORTSEZUNG VOM JAHR 1790 BIS lß0 3» JEREMIAS DAVID REUSS, HOFRATH UND PROFESSOR DER PHILOSOPHIE, MITGLIED DER KÖNIGL. OESELLSCH. DER WISSENSCH. UND UNTER - BIBLIO- THEKAR BEY DER UNIVERSITATS-BIBLIOTHEK ZU GÖTTINOEN, TH. II. L —Z. BERLIN und STETTIN, bey Fried. Nicolai. i8o4. Sélections in prose. 1797, 8. (i sh. 6 d.) *LACKINGTON, [James] Bookseller in Loti don. Memoirs of the first 45 years of the life of J. La* ikington^ — written by himself. 1791,8* (5 sh») Ed. 2. 1792» *LADD, Dr. born n ,. died ».,. (?) Critical reflections on style. (American Museum Y* x Ï787- June. p.532-) Critical remarks on the late Dr. Johnson. (Ibid. Y. 1787. Aug; p. 197.) Oatiort on the anniversary of American indépendance, deli, vered Jul. 4. 1785* (ibid. Y. 178?. Oct. p.332.) Sketch of the character of the South Carolinians their luxury and dissipation — fatal effects of lu- xury — hospitality of South-Carolina. (Ibid- Y* 1789. Pebr. p»I30. Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 179I* June. p. 3430 »LAING, t 1 — and Redhend's observations in a ftieep tour» (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 20. p. I.) ^LAING* [H....] Architeít and -Surveyor. Hints for divclling9, consisting of original designs for cottages, farm-hov SuppU A ^LAKE* •LAKE, [John Neale] A. M. Sermon on the baptists of infants; 17., Sermon on the use of the law; 17.. The principles of eloquence; adapted to the pulpit and the bar, by the Abbé Maury; translatée) from the jfrencb, with additional notes. 1793: 8. (4 sh.) 9LAMB, [Charles] Blank verses by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lavé. 1798. 12. (2 Th. ó d.) A tale of Rosamund Gray and old, blind Margaret. 1798. 8. \2 sh. 6 d.) iibers. Berlin. ( 1801. 8. John Woodwil, a tra- gedy, with fragment of Burton, the author of the anatomy of melancholy. 1805. 12. (3 sh.) *LAMB, [Thomas] A. L. S. Description of a new species of warbler, called the wood wren , observed in May 1792. (Trans- act. ofL. S. Vol,2. p. 245 ) *LAMB, [W...0 The fashionable friends, a comedy —; the prolo- gue by C. R. Spencer and the epilogue by W.... Lamb. 1802. *LAMB£, [Philipp] . • Of the moon's influence of vegetables. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz.'Y. 1802. April, p. 2540 *L AM BEy [William]'As. Dr. Researches into the properties of springwater; with medical cautions against the use of lead in -water-pipes, pumps, cisterns &c. 1803.8. (4 ft.) An analysis of the waters of two mineral springs at Lemington priors, near Warwick; including experiments tending to elucidate the origin ,of the niuriatic acid. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P, I. p. 174* TítfocAV'PhiíoÇ Magaz» Vol.1. P.255.350O 0,i the precipe ate formed by mixing muriate of lime and miiriate of magnesia. (Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 5. p. 1180 r #LAMBERT, [Aylmer Eourke,] F. JR. S: F. A. S: Vice* Prejident of the LimHan Society. A description of the genus cinchona, comprehen- ding the various species of vegetables from which the pcruvian and other barks are taken, il lustra- ted \vith figures of all the species hitherto disco- vered. To which is prefixed VahVs dissertation «11 the genus,' also a description of a new gcnuSj named hyenanche or hyena poison. 1797. 4. (iZ sh.) Anecdotes of the late Dr. Patrick Rrownef Author of the natural history of Jamaica. (Trans- act, of L. S. Vol. 4. p. 31O Description of the blight of wheat, uredo frumenti. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 193,) A description of the genus pinus, illustra- ted by figures, directions relative to the cultiva* tion, and remarks on the uses of the several spe* cies. 1803. Atlas sol. (10 L. 10 sh.) ^LAMBERT, [Edmund] Esq. of Boyton, near Hey- tesburyy Wilts. Observations relating to the migration of birds*. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 3. p. 12.) Account o£ the canis grajns hibernicus 9 or Irish wolf dog, described in Pennant's history of quadrupeds, Ed. 3» Vol. 1. p. 241. Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 16. Tilloch's Phil* Magaz. Vol. 2. p. IÓ8. *LAMBTON, [William] Lieutenant in his Majesty's 33 Regz. of food. Observations on the theory of walls, wherein some particulars are investigated which have not been considered by writers on fortification. (Asiat. Res, Vol. 6. p. 93.) On the maximum of mechanic powers, and the effects of machines when in,mo- tion. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 137.) LAMONT, [David] D. D: Mini fier of Èirkpatrick Durham and one of the Chaplains to — the Prince of Wales for Scotland. Sermons on important subjects. Vol. 3. 1797» 8* *LAN CASTER, [Joseph] Improvements in education, as it respects the in- dustrious classes of the community: containing .a stiort account of its present state, hints toward its improvement, and a detail of some practical experiments conducive to that end. 1803. S* (I sh. 6 d.) *LANCET, [Le muel A medico-metrical address to the students at the university of Edinburgh; containing characteristic sketches of the medical professors in that celebra- ted school. P# 1,2. 18QI. 1802. 8. (I fh.) Ï-ANDAFF, Lord-Biihop of — See Watson. A 3 *LANDFORD, *LANDFORD, [William] Practical remarks on the medical effects of win* and spirits with observations on the economy of health. London 1799. LANDMANN, [J. . ..] R R. S: Professor of Forti- fication and Artillery to the Roy. Mïlit* Acad, at Woolwich* The fields engineer's vade mecum. 1803. 8. (7 sh.) * LAN DOR, [Walter Savage] Poems. 1795. 8. (4 sh.) *LANE, [John] A. V. P: late of the second Regt. of Lis Guards. The principles of English farriery vindicated. 1800. 8- (4 sh.) *LANE, [John] A.M. Familiar remarks on the different modes of educa- tion. 1795- 8* (1 sb.) *LANE, [John] Carpenter. On bees. (Tr. of the Sqc. sot the E. of A. Vol 8. p. 125.) «LANE, [T*.*.] Steivari. The student's guide; being a concise account of the H. society of LÌncolrts-Inn. 180I. LANE, [Timothy] K R. S. Apothecary in London. Experiments on human calculi, ( Philos* Trans* act. Y. I79I* p. 223. Simmons'î Med. Facts and Observât. Vol* 3* p. Î2X.) iibers. Repertor. Chir* u, Mediz, Abhandl# B.2. S. 266. *L A NE, [Thomas] Esq. of Lie- Lodge, near Chulm- leighé Devonshire husbandry* (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 4. p»l2) *LANE, [William] A poor labouring man, of Flack* voell Heath, near High Wycombe* Poems on various subjecis. 1794* 8* (3 An) *LANGDON, [Samuel] D. D. Minister of Hampton* Falls, in the state of New-Hampshire. Observations on the revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. P. i. 2. Boston. 1791. (7 sh.) *LANGLEY, [Thomas] M. A: Reftor of fVhistont co. Northampton. born 1769, died 1801. Jul. 28. at Marlow, Bucks. See See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. igoi. Aug. p. 768. The history and antiquities of the hundred of Dcsborough and Deanery of Wycombe in Bucking* hamshiref including the borough towns of Wy- combe and Marlow, and 16 parishes. 1797. 4. (I L. I sh.) A short, but serious appeal to the head and heart of every unbiassed Christian. 1799. 8. (ish. 6 d.) «LANGRISH, [Sir Hercules] Bart. Speech — in the house of commons of Ireland March 4. 1794. for a parliamentary reform* 1794, 8. (6 d.) *LANGSLOW,.[R ] M. Dr. A. M. An historical sketch of the important controversy upon apoplexy between him and Mr. Crowfoots also, the correspondence between the author Dr. Girdleftone and Mr, Crowfoot — with additional notes and comments, both critical and explanatory I802. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) UANGWORTHY, [Charles Cunningham] Surgeon at Bath* A view of the Perkinean electricity, or an enquiry into the influence of metallic tractors, founded on a newly discovered principle in nature and emplo- yed as a remedy in many painful inflammatory di- seases — 1797* 8. (2 sh.) *LAN G WORTHY, [Edward] Esq. Proposals for a political history of the state of Georgia, from its first settlement, with memoirs of the principal transactions which happened there during the late revolution. I7.« * Memoirs of the life of the late Ckaries Lee9 Esq, Lieut. Colo* nel of the 44 Regt. London. 1793. 8< (5 sh.) - *LANGWORTHY, [William] Attempt to promote the commercial interests of Great-Britain. Tract. 1. 1793. 4. (7 sh. 6 d.) See John Crahch» *LANSDELL, [Sarah] Manfrcdi, Baron St. Osmund, an old CHgliih ro- mance. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 12. (6 sh.) *LANSDOWN, [Henry] A method of preparing canvas, so as to make A 3 flexible 6 flexible tubes for conveying fresh air into coal- mines ; and for other useful purposes. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vdl. 8. p. 342.) *LARA, [Benjamin] Esq. Surgeon and Pra&itioner in Midwifery. Essay on the injurious custom of mothers not suck- ling their own children; with some directions for choosing a nurse, and weaning of children. 1791. 8- (I stu) A dictionary of surgery; cr the young surgeons pocket assistant. 1796.8. (ófh.) iibers. mit Anmerk. u. Zus. Th. I. 3. Leipzig, 1799. 1800. 8* ^LARA, [Catharine;] '. ;* . Louis de Boncqeur? a domestic, talc. Vol. 1,2. 179Ó. 12. (7 sh.) Durval and Adelaide.. 1796. 12. X3 d.) t AT, B A M,, [ John] Esq. M. Dr/Fellow of\tfie Roy. — r Col/, of Pfayficians and, PJiyfician \to tke tMiddU' sex and Magdalen Hospitals, born 174p. June 27. "General synopsis òf birds — iibers. von J. M. Bechstein. B, 1. Th. 1.2. B. 2. Tb.i.2. B. 3. Th. I. 2/ Niirnbcrg. 1793 - 1798. 4- Supplera. 5. s:\' or Vol. 8. London. 180I. 4. '(2~L. 7 sh. 6 d.) Index ornithologicus five systema omithologiae — VoL l. 2'. Í79Ò. 4. (I L. II sh. 6d.) A plan of a charitable institution, intended to be establiflied upon the sea- coast, for, the accommodation of *• persons afflicted with such diseases as are usually relieved*by sea-bathing. 1791. 8. (6 d.) Oratio anniversaria — ex Harveii instituto, habita Och 38. 1795. On rheumatism and gout. 1796.8. (2 ill.) •LATHAM, [John] E R. and A. S. S: F. L. S. An estay on varions species of sawfish. (Transact, of L. S, Vol. p. 273.) Observations on the spin- ning limax. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 85.) An essay on the tracheae or windpipes of various kinds of birds. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 90.) *LATHAM, [John] F. R. S. Surgeon at Dart for A in Kent. , Observations 011 the effects- of camphor, applied externally in some cases of retention of urine. (M. C. Vol. 3, p. 138.) Account of a mortified hand, 7 band, which was taken off at the joint of the wrist. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 163.) *LATHAM, [William] Esq. F. R. S. and A. S. Account of a singular instance of atmospherica refraction. ( Philos. Transact. Y. 1798. p. 357» Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 2. p. 417* Tilloch's Phi- los, Magaz. Vol. 2. p. 232.) A complete list o£ the royal navy of England in 1599. Extracted from an original manuscript in the possession o£ Dr. Leith of Greenwich. (Arch. Vol. 13. p.27.) *LATHOM, [Francis] Esq. Men and manners, a novel. Vol. I-4. 1799. 8- (14 sh.) Mystery, a novel. Vol. 1.2. I800. 12. The dash of the day, a comedy in 5 acts. 1800. 8- (2 fh.) All in a bustle, a comedy. I800. (2fh.) Holiday time; or the school boys frolic, a farce in 2 acts. 1801. 8» (I fh. 6d.) The wife of a million, a comedy. 1802; (2 fh. 6 d.) Astonisii- xnent! a romance of a century ago. Vol. I, 2. I802- 12. (9 sh.) The castle of the tuileries — trans- lated from the freueh. Vol. I. 2. 1803. 8- (14^1.) Very strange-, x but very true, or, history of au old man's young wife. Vol, I-4. 1803. 8- (l4fh.) Orlando and Séraphins or, the funeral pile, an heroic drama.- 1803. (2 fh. 6 d.) Erefìina, a ! - tale, taken from thé french , with alterations and • • additions. Vol. I. 2. 1803. 12. (6 sh.) *UTHROP». [Joseph] D. D: Pastor rf the first church in West Springfield. Sermons on various subjects —. 1794. 8. Curious fact in the natural', history of birds. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 179 i. Sept. p. 184-) The reformer, (American Museum Y. 1789. Oct. p. 269.) Reli- gion and superstition contrasted. (Ibid. Y; 1789» Dec. p. 442.) On submission to civil government, (íbid. Y. 1789. Dec. p. 443.) The American spe- ctator Nrb. XVL (Ibid. Y. 1790. May. p. 275.) The folly of affectation. (Ibid. Y. 1790.'Oct. p. 164. Y. 1791. May. p. 270.) On frugality. (Ibid. Y. 1790. Nov. p. 217.) Calamitous events enter- taining to the mind. (Ibid. Y. 1791. Jan. p. 27.) Thoughts on friendship. (Ibid. Y. 1791. March p. 164.) Thoughts on diversions. (Ibid. Y. 179T. June. p. 337.) The unreasouablenese ©f treating A 4 wcu I' men with contempt. (Ibid. Y. 1791, Aug, p. 98,) Reflexions on harvest. (Ibid, V. 1791. Sept, p, I2Ó,) Curious phaenomena. (New - York's Ma* gaz. Y. 1791, Sept. p. 519.) *LATRQBE, [Benjamin Henry] Engineer. Memoir on the sand hills of Cape Henry in Vir- ginia. (Tr/of A. S, Vol. 4, p; 439, 444.) A dra. wing aud description of the clupea tyraniius and oniseus praegustator, (Ibid. Vol. 5, p<77.) OJLATROBE, [Christian Ignatius] History of the miflions of the united brethern among the Indians in North-America: in 3 Parts, by Gçorgt Henry Loskiel; translated from th<$ German, 1794. 8. (8 sb, 6 d,}: *LATRQBE, [John Frederic] Diss: fistens Brunorumu systematis criticcn, Jenac, 1795. 8, *t,ATTA> [James] Surgeon in Edinburgh, A practical system of surgery; illustrated with ca- ses 011 many of the subject and with copper-plates, Vol. T.-3, 1794, 1795. 8, (1 L. 1 fh,) libers, nut Anmerk. von Dr, Friedr, Ludw, Augustin, B, I, Berlin. 1801, #L AT TON, [Patrick] Esq, Observations on Dr. Duigenanys fair representation of the present political state of Ireland, particu. larly with respect to his strictures on a pamphlet, entitled „the state of Ireland reconsidered, „ 1800, 8, (2 fh, 6 d.) ^LAUDERDALE, Earl of — See Maitland. tAUGHTON, [George] D, D, Vicar of Wiltm Northampton fkirç. Sermons on the great 'doctrines t and duties of Christianity. 1790. 8, (6 fh.) tAViNQTON, [John] Jun. The cafe of desertion and affliction considered in a course of sermons on the first ten verses of the 77 psalms, Ed. 2, 1792. 12, (2 fh, 6 d.) ^LAURENCE, [John] The sportsman, farrier and shoeing smith's new guide; being the substance of the works of the late Char/es Vial de St. BaVy to which is prefixed an account of his lise and the origin of the coi- tes Also au appeqda, containing valuable ex- 9 tracts from the most approved veterinary writers, 1796. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) *LAURIE, [Robert] Account of a method of printing mezzotinto prints in colours, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A, Vol, 3. p. 1450 *LAURIE, [William] Lettre on Chinese hemp, (Tr, of the Soc, for the E, of A, Vol, 4. p. 39-42.) 'LAW, [George] M. A, Prebendary of Carlisle. Additional evidences of the truth of Christianity in two visitation sermons, 1798. 4. (2 fh.) The doctrine of Christianity ou the fubjeci of war, a sermon. 1799. 4. (1 fh.) *l AW, [John] D. D, Bishop of Elpliin. born at Greystoke in Cumberland. 1745» See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803, p. IÓI. On spherical geometry. 1798, *LAW3 [Thomas] Esq. formerly a Member of tht Council of Revenue in Fort William* Reflections on viewing the mausoleum of Sheer- • Shah at Sasseram, (Asiatic Mifcell. p, 15.) Ex* tracts from the Yusef Zelekha of Jami. (Ibid. p. 180 From Khoosro, (Ibid. p. 25.) A sketch. of some late arrangements and 3 view of the ri- fing resources, in Bengal. 1792. S. (5 fh.) Answer to Mr. Princes observations on the Mocurrery system. 1794. 8. (I ih.) *LAWGENT, [S...f] An essay on the use of mixed and compresses cattle fodder, 1797, (2 ib, 6 d,) *LAWLEk, [C.,.. F.,,,] Selim; or, the royal wanderer; an (orients! talc» I8Q3< 12. (3 fh.) *LAWN, CJJuxton] The çorn trade investigated and the system of flu* ctuations exposed — a new edition with Jarge ad* ditions, i8oi. 8, (3 fh.) »LAWRANCE, [Mary] A complete collection of roses, engraved, coloured from mature, to imitate drawings, 1799, 4. (5 L. 5 fh.) *LAWRENCE, [ ] The bosom - friend \, 17. % Address to the na- A 5 tional im ■ ^ tlonal convention of France/on the difficulties of the french language and proposing some alte- rations calculated to render it an easy and philo- sophic language. 1793* 8. Ueber die ,Vortheile des Systems der Galanterie und Erbfolge bey dcu Nairen$ aus einer tingUschen Hatídschrift iiber- setzt. (WielancTs N. T. Merkur. J. 1793. Juu, S. 160.) ♦LAWRENCE, [A ...\] Surgeon at Liskeard. A cafe of phthisis pulmonalis, with remarks on the causes and treatment of haemoptysis and hae- morrhage. (N. London M. J. Vol. 2. p. 288.) ♦LAWRENCE, [James] The virgin of the fun, a play in 5 acts, translated from the german of Kotzebue. 1799* 8. (2 Hi.) Love; an allegory, to which are added several poems and translations. 1802. 8», (2 sh\ 6 d.) iibers. Paradies der Liebe. J3. I r- 4. Berlin. 1803. ^LAWRENCE, [John] ^ A philosophical treatise on horses and ón the mo- ral duties of man towards the brute creation. Vol i. 1796. 8. V0L2. 1798. 8. (15 fli.) ^LAWRENCE, [Jom0 at Sommers ~ town. New'farmer's calendar; 17.. Query to Dr. WiU 'skinfon9 respecting rowens. (Comm. aud Agric. '1 • Màgaz. Y. 1801. p. 3*40 Prices' of implements in husbandry. (Ibid. Y. 1803. 'Ajpril. p. 360,) * LA \y R E N C E , [Richard] Veterinary Surgeon at Bir- mingham. '; An enquiry into the structure and animal economy of the horse; comprehending the diseases to which his limbs and feet are subject, with proper di- rections for shoeing; and pointed out a method for ascertaining his age until his 12 year; to which is added, an attempt to explain the laws of hi» progressive motion, on mechanical and anatomical principles; the whole illustrated by 18 copper- plates, i8oi, 4. (I L. II sh, 6 d.) * L A W S O N, [George Macfarquhar] M. Dr. of Mon< tego-Bay, Jamaica* History of an obstinate swelling of the knee, ter# stiinating in recovery. (Duncan's M, C. Dec. 2. It Vol.6, p.342.) An abstract of the insolvent ^act, passed thU session " of Parliament A. D. 1794. for the relief and discharge of insolvent debtors —. 1794. 8. (I sh.) *I/AWSON, [Heury] Esq. Description of a new electrometer. (Tiltoclis Phil. \ Magaz...Vol. 11. p.251.) LAWSON, [Robert] Surgeon to the Oxfordshire light DrQgoons. Account of the employment of very large quantities of the aerugo aens, exhibited internally, to horses, with a view to the cure of glanders. (Duncatff , A. of Med. Y. 1800. p-373-> f-LAWSO-N,. [S....J An essay oti the use of mixed and compressed cattle fodder, for feeding and fattening horses, oxen, , , cows, ,/heep, hogs and pigs, .particularly adapted .,, •» for youug stock and for horses and cattle on ship- board or in*.garrisons —., ^796- 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) An essay on mixed and compressed cattle fodder, ( Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 29. p.' 63.) . ♦LAX*' [William] A.M. Profeffor.of*Astronomy in the . 14University çf Cambridge.. , s •(v,, A method of'finding the latitude of a place, by ,, means qf two,alludes oi the, fun and the time ... etapsed bqtwixt the obseryatiQus., (Phil. Transact. . . Y- 1799- P-74-)J ♦LAY, [A....] , vReflections on the present stale of-things in these iiations,' by the late John Lelarni, D« D. now re- published, 1801. (4 d.) , LAYARD, [Charles Peter] D. D. F.lC $' appointed Dean of the ' Cathedral éu Bristol. Refior of 'Uffirìgì'ón near Stamford, co. Lincoln. born 1748I died 1803. Apr. 11. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. May. p.48s, LAYARD, [D'anieJ Peter] M, Dr. F9 JR. S. of London and of Gottingen, F. A* S. LL% Dr. of the Vniverjity of Oxford* born 1720. died at Greenwich Í802. Febr. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. i§02. March, p. 381» >:; LEACH , [John] Esq. of Lincoln s - Inn. Considerations on the matter of libel, 1791» 8* (I sh,) •LEACH, fStephen] The gospel verified , or spiritual songi for Mes- siah's kingdom. 18QI. (2 sh. 6 ci.) LEACH, [Thomas] Esq, of the Middle-Tewpley Bar- rister at Law. Cafes in crown law —, Ed. 2. with corrections and additions. 1792. 8. (IO sh. 6 d.) Ed.3, with corrections and additions. Vol. 1, 2. 1800. {{', (i L. I sh.) Modern reports, or select cases ad- judged in the courts of King's Bench , chancery, common pleas and exchequer — Ed. 5, Vol, r-12. I793"I79Ó. 8^ (6L, 9 sh.) Sir Bartk. Showers reports of cafes adjudged in the court of King's Bench during the reigns of Charles 2. James 2. and William 3. Ed. 2. corrected with notes and marginal references. Vol. T. 2, I?94« 8- (iL. 4sh.) William Harpkins, Serjeant at law, a treatise of the pleas of the crown, or, a system of the principal matters relating to that subject, digested under proper heads. Ed. 7, Vol. I-4. 1796.8. (2 L. 2 sh.) ''" * L E A D L E Y, [John] M. A. Fellow of MagdalenCol Essay on the manner in which Christianity was intended to improve morality. Ï79I, 8. (I ft.) LEAKE, [John] M, Dr, Pkyfiçian to the Westminster Lying ~lnn Hospital. born near Kirkoswald in Cumberland, died Ï792. Aug. I, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Aug. p. 773» Sept, p. 863. New-London Magaz. Y. 1792, Oct. p. 4,67. Hntçhinson's Piographia Medica — Vol, 2. p,53, A practical essay on diseases of the viscera, par- ticularly those of the stomach and bowels; the liver, spleen and urinary passages in which their nature, treatment and cure are clearly laid down and explained. 1792» 8, (7 sh.) iibers. Leipzig. 1793. 8. HEATHAM, [..,..] of Barton near Malton, Method of planting hedges. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. V0I.3. p. J73.) *LEATHES, ^LEATHES, [P H ] Description of a tableufrom the Ajrundelian col* leòrion. (Arch. Vol. 12. p.332.) «LECHMERE, [Edmund] Jun. Esq. Representative in ' the Parliament for the city of PVorcester. born 1747* died at Edinburgh. 1798^ Oct. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1798» Nov. p. 997. Allgem. Litterat. Zeit. IrBl, J. 1800. S. 653* ♦Poems and translations by a young gentleman of Oxford* 1770. 4. *LBCKIE, [Daniel Robinson] Esq. Journal of a route- to Naçpur, by the way of Cuttac, Boroiumbher and the southern Bunjar- ghat in the Y» 1790» with an account of Nagpur and a journal from that -place to Benares by the Suhaji pass* 1800. 4. (7 sb.) ^LEDWARD* [Thomas Denmon] Surgeon of ike Bounty* born ..... died *. .. (?) Cafe of a wound of the head* (Mem, of M* S. of L. Vol» 4» p. 424b) LEDWICH, [Çdward] L. L. D: Vicar of Aghaboe% Queers county Ireland. F. A. S. of London, Dublin and Edinburgh. x Antiquities of Ireland. Vol. I. 2. 1794- 1796. 4. (5 L* 12 sh. 6 d.) A statistical account of the parish of Aghaboe in the Queen's county, Ireland. Dublin. 1796. 8* A dissertation on a passage in the 6 Iliad of Homer. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. p. 3 h.) Observations on the romantic history of Ireland. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p*2I.e.) LE BROC(b [Philip] A.M. See Brocq. *LEE, [George] at Philadelphia. A iliort account of an epidemic yellow fever,, xvhich prevailed in the autumn of 1789. in the village of Port Elizabeth, New-Jersey. (Medical Repository* Vol. 3. p.240.) LEE, [Harriet] Miff. Daughter of John Lee, formerly Aftor at Covent-Garden Theatre. Canterbury taies. Vol. 1 - 4. 1797-l8or. (I L 8 sh. 6d.) iibers. von Friedt\ OerteU Leipzig. 1801. 14 l8oî. g. The my fierions, marriage, or the heir- slîip osRoselva, a play in 3 acts. 1798. 8. (2 fh.) Clara Lennox, or the di dressed widow, a novel - interspersed with an historical description of the isle of Man. Vol. 1.2. 1797. 12. (6 fh.) LEE, [James] Nurseryman at Hammersmith, born in the southern part of Scotland 1710. died 1795. Jul. 25. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Aug. p. 705» Dec. p. T052. Allgem. Litter, Zcit. J. 1796. ItB). Jul. S. 811. *LEE, [Richard] Flowers from Sharon; or, original poems on di- vine subjects. 1794. 8. (3 fh ) *LEE, [Richard] -, A treatise of captures in war; 17.• a hew edi- tion; with additions. 1803. 8. (9 fh.) LEE, [Sophia] Mis Almeyda, Queen of Granada; a.tragedy in 5 acts„ 1796. 8- (2 fk) *LEE, [Thomas] A Member of the Univerjlty of Edin- burgh. 1 Facts and some arguments tending to shew ..that the public decisiou may, with prudence be suspen- ded respecting inoculation of the cowpox. 1805, 8. (i fh.) ♦LEE, [Thomas] Letters on land gained froxn the sea at Goldhan- ger in the county of Essex. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.8. p«II4-) ^LEE, [William] Ancient and modern history of Lowes and Brigh- thelmstone in which are compressed the most in* teresting events-dof the county at large under the Regnian, Roman, Saxon and Normau settlements. 1797. (12 fh,y 6 d.) LEEDS, [John] Surgeon ip Hemingfton. History of a singular case of chronic "rheumatism, successfully treated by farfaparilla in substance. (Duncan s M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 8. p. 33 r0 &LEEKHY, [Gabriel] Enquiry into the price of provisions with reply by A. Young. (Youvg's A. of Agr. Vol. 7. p. 4*0 • LEESON, 15 «'LEESONU [Hewling] Clerk at his Maj. Dock Yard, at Sheernefs. The cafe and vindication of him, written by him- self, 1803. (2 sb. 6 d.) *LEGG£TT, [Richard] lieu. Evangelical providences; — 1794» 12. (i sh,) Plain evidences of the truth of Christianity in the form of a catechism, to preserve the minds of young , people from the prevailing scepticism and infidelity of the day. 1798. 12. {4 d.) *LEGR AN D, [R. . . .] 'Esq. of Ask, mar Sandwich, Kent. Ou summer fallowing. (Young's A. of Agn Vol. 4. p. 91.) Experiments on manures. (Ibid. Vol. 4* p. 410.) On fallowing, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 449.) On furrowing, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 54.) On manu- res. (Ibid. Vol.5. p. 147.) Reply to Mr. Fiske on fallows. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p, 348.) On the poor house in Ash, Kent. (Ibid. Vol. II. p. 363.) Assize of bread. (Ibid. Vol, 12» p. 173.) On the corn law. (Ibid. Vol.1*. p.6l8.) Ou the drill husbandry. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 620.) *LE GRICE, [Charles Valentine] See Grice. *LEIB3 [Michael] Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Cafe of an hydrocephalus interims, successfully treated by mercury. (Tr. of Phyf. of Philad. Vol. i. P. i. p, 49.) Cafes of hydrocephalus inter- ims, with the appearance on dissection* (Ibid. Vol.1. P.i. p. 78.) Cafe of dyfenteria chronica cured by allum. (Ibid. Vol. I. P. 1. p.225.) *LEIGH, [James Henry] Esq, Poems on several occasions. 1790. 4. (3 sh. 6 d.) *LEIGH, [Sir Samuel Egerton] born .... died 1797. Jan. 11. in the New- town Edinburgh. See Gentleman's Magez. Y. 1797. Febr. p. 165. Munster abbey, a romance; interspersed with re*- flections on virtue and morality. V0U1-3. 1797» 12. (10 sh. 6 d.) *LEMOINE, [Henry] Boolfeller. History, origin and progress of the art of prin- ting from its first invention in Germany to the end of the "17 century and from it« jintroductiou into England ^by Qaxton i to the present time- including among a variety of curious and intere- sting matter, its progress in the provinces; with , chronological list of eminent printers in England, Scotland and Ireland: together with anecdotes of several eminent and litterary characters who have honoured the art by their attention to its impro- vement: extracted from the best authorities. i8ol LEMON, [George William] RcBor of Geytomhoryt and Vicar of East *- Walton , co* Norfolk. born 1736. died 1797. Oct. 4» See Gentleman s Magaz. Y. 1797. Nov. p. 98$. Allg. Litter. Zeitfc ItBI. J* 1800. S.647. LBMPRIERE, []•*-] M: of Pembroke - Collet Oxford. ~ ftibliotheca claílîca, or â classical dictionary — Ed.2> 1792. 8. (9 sh.) The history of Herodotus translated from the greek with notes subjoined, Vol* 1. 1792* 8- (7 st»0 (Several single sermons.) *LEMPRIERE, [William] Surgeon. A tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogo* dore, Santa - Cruz » Tarudant and thence over mount Atlas to Morocco — Ï791. 8. (7^») fibers, mit erlauternden Anmerk. von E. A. f¥, Zimmermann. Berlin. 1793. 8» ♦LEMPRIERE, [William] Apothecary to his Ufa sty's forces. Practical observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica, as they occurred between the years 1792 and 1797* .Dn lne situation, climate aod di- seases of that island and ou the most probable means of lessening mortality among the troops and. among Europeans in tropical climates* Vol I. 2. 1799* 8. (13 Ok) *LENDRUM> [John] A concise and impartial history of the American revolution , to which is prefixed a general hi- story of North and South Arrierica. Together With an account, of the discovery and settlement of North*America aud a view of the progress, character . I? character and political state of the colonies pre- vious to the revolution. Vol. 1,5. Boston. 1795. 8. (6 Dollar.) *LENNON, [William Caulfield] Lieutenant of Etigu titers. Memoir of a lketch of the roads into the Combum and Cudapah countries. (Dalrymple^s Oriental Re- pository Nrb. I. p. 53.) Letter on an image taken from a pagoda in Bangalore, and the fable of the Jackall and Drum* (Tr. of J. A* Vol.6 p. 3 c.) *LENT, [Adolph C....] Citizen efthe state of New- York. An inaugural dissertation, showing in what manner pestilential vapours acquire their acid quality and how this is neutralized by alcalis de. New-York, 1798. 8. *LENY, [R....] Surgeon at Stirling/hire. Remarkable cafe of a boy who lost a considérable portion of brain, and who recovered, without de* triment to any faculty mental or corporeal (Dun- can's M, C. Pcc.2. Vol.8, p.301.) libers, in Re pertor. Chir. u. Medic. Abhandl. B. 2. S.ua #LERR, [Anne] The mysterious count; orf Montville castle. Vol, 1,2. 1803. 8. (7 ÍK) *LESL1E, [John] Description of his hygrometer .and photometer. (Nicholson's Journal Vol. 3. p. 461. 518. i Gil the absorbent powers of different earths. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 196.) Observations and experiments on light anil heat, with some remarks on the enqui- ries of Dr. Herschel* respecting those objects. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 344. 416.) On capillary action. (Ti/Joch's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 14. p. 193.) ^LESTER, [William] of Northampton. Farmer and Engineer. Account of his patent harrow. (Comm. and-Agric. Mag. Y. 1799. Nov. p. 242.) On agricultural implements. (Ibid. Y. 1800. July. p. 7.) On the unusual scarcity of Northampton market, (ibid, Y. 1800. Oct. p. 2Ó2.) Account of .an enormous turnip. (Ibid. Y. I800. Dec. p 433.) Description of his separating machine. (Ibid. Y. j8o2. Oct. p. 245.) Account and description of his cultiva- tor G. E. SuppU Û tar. tor. (Tr. of the Soc. sor the E. of A. Vol. 19. p, T42. TiUoctis Philos. Magaz. Vol.13, p. 20.) Observations on the utility, of cutting hay and straw and brising corn, for feeding animals, elu- cidated by agricultural practice, with a description of the best machines for that purpose; — I803. 8 (5 ft.) ^LETTICE, [James] D. D. Letters on a tour through various parts of Scot, land in the year 1792. 1794- 8. (7 sh.) The life of Henry Scrimzeor; 17.. The immortality of the foul, a poem, from the latin of Isaac Haivkini Browne, translated: to which is added the origi- nal poem, with a Commentary and annotations by the translator. 1795. 8. (4 sh. 6 d.) A plan for the safe removal of inhabitants, not military, from towns and villages on the coasts of Great- Britain and Ireland, in the cafe of the threatened invasion. — 1803. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) *LETTS, [Charles] Jun. M. L. L. S. . Emma, or, the dying penitent, a poem. 1799.4,' (2 sh. ó d.) LETTSOM, [John Conkley] M. Dr: F.R.S:FA.& Phyfician extraordinary to the city ef London Lying - Inn Hospital and Phyfician to the Loti' don medical Society. See Public Characters of 1800 and 1801. p. 472.' The natural history of the tea-tree — a new edi- tion. 1800. tiberf. im Auszug. Nurnberg. 1803.8. Reply to some enquiries relative to the true rhu- barb. (Bath Agriculr. Soc. Vol. 1. p. 198.) Opi- nions on the virtues and quality of the engliih rhubarbs; (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 436.) History and dis- section of a fatal case , attended with a painful affection of the head, with the dissection of J. Ware, Surgeon. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3; p. 44.) Observation» on certain hepatic affections attended with painful irritation (Ibid. Vol. 3. p* 346.) Cafe of epilepsy successfully terminated. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 383.) The histories of two ca- fes of bronchocele. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 489-) of m successful! termination of an omphalocele. (Ibid. Vol. 3,' p. 494.) Some account of angustura bark. (Ibid, Vol. 4, p. 191.) Cursory remarks on the - 19 appearance of the angina scarlatina in the spring of 1793. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 280. î Hints respecting the prison of Newgate, (Ibid. Vol 4. p. 321.) Of certain morbid affections of the uterus. (Ibid* Vol. 5. p. 180 History of an empyema terminal ting fatally. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 293.) The natura- list's and travcllor's companion. Ed. 3 1799. 8* ( 4 sh. ) Hints respecting the distresses of the poor-, 17.. Hints respecting the chlorosis of boar- ding schools; 17.. *Hints for promoting a bee society. 1796. 8- (6 d.) Hints designed to pro- mote beneficence, temperance and medical science,, embellished with 39 plates. Vol. 1-3. 1797-1803. 8. (I L/8 sh; 6d,) Hints addressed to card par* tics. 1799. 8. (6 d„) Observations on religious persecution. 1800. 8- (6 d.) Village society, a sketch. 1800. 8. (I ih.) Observations on the cow-pock. 1801. 8. (3 fh.) On the utility of birds to vegetation. (Monthly Magaz. Y. I8Q3. Jan. p. 477.) An apology for differing in opi- nion from the author's of the Monthly and Criti- cal Reviews, on litterary communications; vario- lous and vaccine inoculation; Dr. Jaimr^s disco- very of vaccine inoculation; on the means of pre- venting -febrile contagion; and on establishment, of charitable institutions. 1803. (2 sh.) On cha- ritable institutions in Londpn and their influence on its population; (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Jan* p. 475.) An account of the mangel-wurzel, or root of scarcity, a new vegetable, just introduced into England. (Columbian Magaz, Y. 1788. March, p. 130. ) Method of collecting and preser- ving vegetables. (Coll. of Massachu sett's H. Y. 1795. p. 12.) Method of preserving marine productions. (Ibid. Y. T795. p. 13.) Directions for collecting of mineral and fossil substances» (Ibid. Y. 1795. p. 14 ) An address to parent* and guardians of children and others on vario- lous and vaccine inoculations. 1803. 8. (6 d.) An appeal addressed to the calm reflection of the authors of the Critical Review, on 1. Abusive lan- guage. 2. Ambiguity and embarrassment; 3. Espi- onnage and detraction. 4. The Jennerian disco- very, with letters to the authors of the Monthly B 3 Review 30 Review and British Critic, I803. 8. (2 sh.) See James Mease, *LEVETT, [James] Astronomical and geographical lcssoni —; 1803.8. LEVI, [David] a Jew. born in-London 1742. died 180I. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. Oct. p. 934. Supplera. p. 1206. Letters to Nath. Brajsy Halhed^ Esq, in answer to his testimonies to the authenticity of the prophe- cies of Richard Brothers and his pretended minion to recall the jews, 1794. 8. (I sh.) Dissertations on the prophecies of the old testament. Vol. 1-3. 1796-I800. 8. (18 sh. ) Translation of the service for the two first nights of the Passover, at observed by all the jews at this present time, in Hebrew and English. 1794. A defence of the old testament, in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine. 1797. 8- (4 sb. 6 d.) A sacred ode in hebrew, on the King's escape from assasli- «ation. 1795. On tythes, (Comm. and Agric. Ma- gaz. Y. 1801. Jan. p. 33.) Marriage cérémonie* of the jews. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1793. June. P- 356.) (A writer assumed the name of Levi to address, A discourse to the nation of the jews. 1790. 8,) LEWELYN, [William] born .... died 1803. Jan. 30* An appeal to men against Paine's rights of man; in two parts. 1793. 8- (i sh.) Tracts on diffe- rent subjects; An exposition of the beginning of Genesis; an exposition of the epistle to the Romans — the doctrine of baptism — Mop(p7j $&ov or the form of God,— an exposition of the revelation* Vol. 1-5. 1791. 1792. 8. ( 17 sh. 6 d. ) #LEWIN, [Robert] A nation reminded of its transgressions, a fast ser- mon. 1793. 8. (l ih.) (Several single sermons.) *LEWIN, [William] F. L. S. The birds of Great-Britain systematically arran- ged; in eight volumes. Vol. I-4. 1795- 1797* 4* (6 L. 6 sh.) The insects of Great-Britain sy ste- rna ti- 31 matically arranged. Nrb. 1-5. 1795* 4. (i L. io sh„) The papilios or butterflies of Great-Bri- tain — the figures engraved from the subjects themselves and painted under his immediate di- rection. 1795. 4. (2 L. 5 fh.) Observations re- specting some rare British insects. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 3. p. 1.) •LEWIS, [David] An address to the jews, shewing the time of their obtaining the knowledge of the messiah, and their restoration to the land of promise; to which is added, an address to tfie nations, shewing the origin of apostacy and the time of delivery there- fore. 1800. (4 sh.) LEWIS, [John] of East Bergholt. Uniting and monopolizing farms plainly proved disadvantageous to land-owners and highly pre- judicial to the public, to which are added several observations, ihewing the causes of the present high prices of all kinds of provisions. Ed.3. with additions. 1800.8. (2 sli.) *LEWIS, [Matthew Gregory] Esq. M. P. The;monk, a romance. Vol. I-3. 1795. iibers. von Fried, v. Oertel. Th.1-3. Leipzig. 1797., 8. The minister, a tragedy, in 5 acts, translated from the german of Schiller. 1797. 8» (4Íh. 6d.) The castle spectre, a drama, in 5 acts. 1798- 8. (2 fh.) Rolla, or the Peruvian hero; a tragedy, in 5 acts; translated from the german ofKotzebue. 1799.8. (2 fh. 6 d.) The iove of gain, a poem; imitated from the 13 satire of Juvenal. 1799. 4» (3sh. 6 d.) The East-Indian; a comedy, in 5 acts. 1800. 8. (2Íh. 6d.) Tales of wonder. Vol. 1.2. 178I.8. (I L. I fh.) Ed, 2. 1S01.8. Adel- morn, the outlaw; a romantic drama in 3 acts* I80I. 8. (2Íh, 6 d.) Alfonso, King of Castilej a tragedy in 5 acts. 1801. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) LEWIS, [Polydor] M. Dr. born .... died 1794. Jan. at Frome co. So* merset. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1794* Febr. p. 185* Inquiry into the nature and properties of common water—; 1790. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) iibers. Stendal. 7 B 3 *LEWI$, 33 «'LEWIS, [T.,..] Curate of Waldron in Sussex. The happiness of living under the brmsh govern- ment, a sermon, occasioned by the murder of the King offrench. 1793. (I fh.) *LEWIS, [W....] Court fees; or, the Mayor and the cooler, a tale; with other poems; 1795. 8. ( I fh.) ^LE Y BO URN,. [Thomas] Mathematical and philosophical repository and re- view containing essays and extracts, with a col* Jection of problems. Nrb. 1 -12. 1797. (i L. IO fh.) . A synopsis of data for the construction of triangles; 1802. *%EYCESTER, [George Hanmer] As. A: of Men on- College, Oxford, and Barrister at Law of Lin- coln's - inn. : Some observations on the inconveniences of the ten commandments. 1795. A disputation in lo- gic arguing the moral .and religious use of a de- vil. Book 1. 1797. 8. (2 sh.) On the political and moral uses of an evil spirit, 1799. 8. (i fh. 6 d.) *LEYDEN, [John] Surgeon at Edinburgh. * The cornplaynt of Scotland written in she year 1548 with a preliminary dissertation and glossary. Edinb. 1802. 4. Scenes of infancy, descriptive of Teviotdale. 1803. 12. (6 sh.) *LICKORISH, [Richard] M. Dr. formerly of Lin- coin - College, Oxford, and at present, a DU vine, a Phyfician and a Farmer. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Jan- P-7- Fe[)r- p. 106. March, p. 236. Sermons and tracts upon various subjects, litera- ry:, critical and political. 1793. 8. (6 fh. 6 d.) An appeal to the public on the subject o£ politics. X793. (3 sh- 6 d.) LIDDEL, [R....] The seaman's ueW yademecum —; 1803. 8« (12 fh.) «LIDDON, [John] Sermon on the cruelty, the natural and insepara- ble consequence of slavery. 1793» 8. (6 d.) The genuine 33 genuine principles of all religious dissent, and especially of the protestant diíìentcrs in England, illustrated and defended; a sermon. 1793. 8* (ifh.) «'«LINCOLN , [ ] General. Observations on the climate, foil and value of the eastern counties, in the district of Maine. (ColL of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1795. p, I42J On the religious state of the eastern counties in the district of Maine. (Ibid. Y. 1795. p, 153.) Ob- servations on the Indians of North-America con- taining an answer to some remarks of Dr. R*m» Jay published in the Coll. of Massach. H. S. for 1795. P-99- (ibid. Y. 1798. p. 6.) Lord-Bishop of LINCOLN; See George Prettyman* -LINCOLN, [Benjamin] Esq. F. A. A. Account of several remarkable springs in Pennsyl- vania and Virginia. (American Museum Y. 1787» March, p. 228.) Letter relating to the ingrafting of fruit trees and the growth of vegetables. \ Ibid. Y. 1788. Ja". p- 39.) Account of several strata of earth and shells î on the banks of York-river, in Virginia. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1792. Jan. p. 7.)" Account of a subterraneous passage, and the sudden descent of a very large current of wa- ter from a mountain, near Carlisle; also óf a re- niarkable large spring near Reading, in Pennsylva- ttia, (Ibid. Y. 1792. Jan. p. 80 Oa the migra- tion of fishes. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1793. Aug. p. 498.) *LIND, [James] M. Dr. Physician to Haslar Hospital, born .... died 1794. July r8- at Gosport.< See Gentleman*» Magaz. Y. 1794. Aug, p. 767. Duncans M. C. Dec.2. Vol. 9. p. 414, Diss. Dc morbis venereis localibus. Edinb. 1748. 4. On the scurvy. 1753. 8- Ed. 2. I75Ó. Ed. 3. 1772. 8. Ubers. von Dr. J. N. Petzold. Leipz. 1775. 8. Essay on the means of preserving the health of seamen. 1757. 8. Ed. 2. 1763. Ed. 3. 1771. 8. Two papers in fevers and infections. 1763. 8» Essay on the diseases incident to Europeans in hot climates; &c, 1768. Ed.2. 1771. Ed.3. 1776. 8t ubers. von Pr, J. N, Petzold. Leipz, 1773. 8. B 4 LIN D, [John] A£ Dr. Senior Phyjiciati to the Roy, Hospital at Haslar. A case of a penetrating wound by a bayonet pas. sing through the heart, in which the patient sur- vived the accident upwards nine hours. (M. Rec. and Res, p, 59,) ^LINDLEY, [George] A plan of an orchard; exhibiting, at one view, a select quantity of trees sufficient for planting an acre and a half of land; — 1796. sol. (2 sh.) ^LINDSAY, [Colin] Lieut. Colonel of the 46 rcgi ment. A military miscellany; Extracts from Colon. Tern* pelhoffe's history of the seven years war; his re- marks on Gen. Lloyd; on the substance of ar* mies and on the march of convoys. Also, a trea- tise on winter posts: to which, is added, a narra- tive of events at St. Lucie and Gibraltar and of John Duke of Marlborough to the Danube, with the causes and consequences of that measure. Vol. I. 2. 1793. 8. (12 ih.) ^LINDSAY, [John] Surgeon in Westmoreland, Ja* maica* Account of the germination and raising of ferns from the feed. (Transact, of the L. S. Vol. 2. p. 93,) iiberf. in listeras N. Annal, der Botanik. St. 14. S. 46. Extract of a letter, concerning the Lycopodiuiíì cernuuru and Marchantia polymorphs with additional remarks by James Edward Smith, (Ibid. Vol. 2.' p. 3I3« 314O An account of the quassia polygama, or, bitter wood of Ja- maica 5 and of the cinchona brachycarpa, a new species of Jesuit's bark found in the faine island; (Tr. of E. Sr Vol. 3. p. 205, Simmons'* Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 5. p. J 40.) An-account of the epidemic catarrh of the latter end of the year 1789 as it appeared in Jamaica. {Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 7.- p. 499.) LIMDSEY, [Theophilus] M. A. An unitarian clergy* man, Minister of a Chapel in London* Conversations qn christian idolatry, in the year I791, 1792. 8. (3 sh-). Address to the aggre- gation at the chapel in Esse#-street, strand, on resigning the pastoral office among them. 1793- 8. (6 d.) 25 (6 d*) An prayer and forms of prayer, their de- fects and remedy; a sermon. 1793. 8. (6 d.) Conversations on the divine government, shewing that every thing is from God and for good to^ail. I805. 8- (4Íh.) See Joseph Priestley. (Several single sermons.) *LINE, [Richard] Rev. The latin primer; Ed. 3. revised and enlarged, 1798. (3 fh.) *LINLEY, [William] Forbidden apartments. Vol. I. 2» 1800.12. (8 sh*) *LINN, [William] D. D. One of the Ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New- York. The blessings of America, a sermon on psalm XVI, 6. 1791. Sériions historical and characteristical. I79T. 12. (I Dollar.) A funeral eulogy, occasio- ned by tbe death of Gen. Washings on 9 delivered Febr. 23. 1800. before the New-York state socie- ty of the Cincinnati. New-York. 1800. 8. (2$ Cents*) *LINTON, [John] Esq. at Friefton, near Boston. On the police of corn. (Young* -A. of Agr. Vol. 35.'P-196.) "LION, [Heyman] Chiropedift. Treatise upon spinae pedum —; 1802. 8. (lo sh. 6 d.) *LIPSCQMB, [George] Esq. Journey into Cornwall through the eounties of Southampton, Wills, Dorset, Somerset and De- von, interspersed with remarks moral, historical, litterary and political. 1799. 8. (5 sh.) Journey into South-Wales, through the counties of Ox- ford, Warwick, Worcester, Hereford, Salop,. Stafford, Buckingham and Hertford in the Y. 1799. I802. 8- (8 sh.) A description of Mat* lock Bath, with an attempt to explain the quatchcr of the springs; to which is added, some account of Chatsworth and Kedlcston and the mineral wa* tcrs of Qiiarndon and Kedleston.' I803. 12. (3,fh,) *LIPSCOMB, [George] Surgeon at Warwick. An essay on the nature and treatment of a putrid h 5 malignant malignant fever, which prevailed at Warwick and in the neighbouring villages, in the Y, 179g 1799. 8. (2 ïh. 6 d.) '^LIPSCOMB, [George] Surgeon at Birmingham. Observations on the hisi\ory and cause of asthma, and a brief review of ,,a practical enquiry on dis- ordered respiration,, in a letter to Rob. Bree, M.D, the author of that work. 1800. 8. (3 sh.) LIPSCOMB, [William] Redor of Welbury in York. shire, late of Corpus Christi College and Cha- plain to the Earl of Darlington. The pardoner's tale, from Chaucer. 1792. g. (I sh.) Verses on the beneficial effects of inocu- lation , which obtained one of the chancellor's prize at Oxford in the Y. 1772. republished by John Palmer. 1793. 8. Cafes of the war consi- dered in a letter to Henry Duncombe. 1794. 8. (I sh,) A second letter to H. Duncombe, Esq. M. P. for the county of York. 1795. 8. (ifh.) i;:The canterbury tales of Chaucer, completed in a modern version. Vol. 1-3. 1795. 8. (15 sh.) See John Palmer. ^LISLE, [J G.... Semple] Life, containing a faithful narrative of his alter- nate vicislitudes of splendor and misfortune, writ- ten by himself. The whole interspersed with in- teresting anecdotes and authentic accounts of im- portant public transactions. 1799. 8- (6 sh.) BLISTER, [Thomas] B. AS* Opposition dangerous* 1798. (i fh.) LITTLE, [Daniel] Rev. R A. A. Observations upon the art of making steel. (New- York Magaz. Y. 1792. Jan. p. 20.) *LITTLE, [James] Rev. of Lacken, in the County of Mayo. A description of an air-pump of a pew constru- ction , with an account of its performance and of some experiments and observations tending to ascertain the circumstances on which the per- - section of that machine depends and to render its theory more compleac. (Tr, of J. A. Vol.6, Sc. p. 319, Nicholson's Journal,, Vol. 3. p. 50*') A À description of a reflecting level or an artificial horizon for taking altitudes of the celestial &c. on land by Hadleyf quadrant, with some remarks on different levels. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 8. Sc. p. 77.) •LITTLE, [R;...] Deism examined by reason and morality and pro- ved inconsistent with either; 1800. 12. (2 d.) Dr. Warìs psalms and hymns, abridged with cor- rections. 1801. (2 ib.) *LITTLE, [William Charles] Esq. of Libber ton. Historical account of the hammermen of Edin- burgh, from their records. (Transact, of the Soc of the Antiq. of Scotl. Vol. I. p. 170.)' Inquiry into the expedients used by the Scots before the discovery of metals. (Ibid. Vol. r. p. 389.) «LITTLEJOHN, [P.. . .] Henry and the cipher; 17., The mistake, or, something beyond a joke. Vol. 1-3, 1800. 12. (12 (h.) LITTLETON, [Sir Edward] Bart. Memoir on cattle. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.4, p. 327.) LIVERPOOL, Earl of — See Jenhinsoti. *L1V1E, [John] born 1729. died 1798. April 3. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. May. p. 444, Allgem. Litt. Zcit. ltBl. J. 1800. S. 650. Horace; 17.. ^LIVINGSTON, [John] Surgeon of the Cirencester Eafl- Indiaman. Observations on the benefit derived from compres- sion by the tourniquet, in the removal of rhcu* niatic pains. {Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1801. p. 3^3) ♦LIVINGSTON, [Robert R....] President of the agriculture Soc. and Chancellor of the staie of New - York, New material (conferva rivularis Linn.) for the manufacture of paper. (Medical Repository Vol. 3. p. 203.) Oration — in commemoration of the independence of America. (American Museum Y. 1788. Febr. p. 107.) On the effects of the shade of trees upon vegetation* (^New-York Magaz. Y« 1794, July. P. 4«-) * LIVING- 28 ^LIVINGSTON, [William] As. Dr. Case of strangulated hernia. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 568. Vol. 4. p. 450.) Cafe of mor- bid ' retention of urine, with a description of tbe parts diseased aster death. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p, 570. Vol. 4. p. 451.) * LIVING TON, [ ] Chancellor .of New -York. Experiments and observations on calcareous and gyplions earths. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 30, P- 76.) *LLOYD, [ ] Rev. D. Vicar of Llanbifter. The voyage of life, a poem. 1793* 8. ♦LLOYD, [Charles] Poems on various subjects. 1796. 8. (2 sb. 6 i.) Poems on the death of Prilcilla, farmer, 1796. 4. (3 sh. 6 d.) Ch. Lloyd and Charles Lamb's black verse. 1798. Í2. (2 íh. 6 d.) Edmund Oliver. Vol. I. 3. 1798. 12- (8 sh.) Letter to the Anti- Jacobin reviewers. 1799. 8* (i fh.) Lines sug- gested by the fast, appointed on Febr. 37. 1799. 1799. 4. (Ì sh.) *LLOYD, [Evan] Sckoolmaster. A plain system of geography, connected with a variety of astronomical observations, familiarly discussed in a" conversation between a father and his son. 1798. 12. (4 fh.) *LLOYD, [Gamaliel] Esq. at Bury St. Edmund's. On personal representation, so far as concerns agriculture, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 19. p. 154») Wages of workmen in Lancashire, 1725» (Ibid* Vol. 25. p. 298.)' * LLOYD, [Hannibal Evans] The nephews, a play, in 5 acts; freely translated from the géruiao. of W. A. Iff land. 1799. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) LLOYD, [John] F. R.S. An account of the late discovery of nafive gold i-n Ireland. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1796. p. 34. Nichol- sons Journal. Vol.2, p.223.) •LLOYD, [Thomas] Esq. Remarks on waste lands. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8- p. 99.) Experiment on manures. '(Yotifigs A» °* * • Agr, Vol.22, p. 638.) Irrigation in Cardigan- (hire. (Ibid. Vol. 23. P-70.) #wAN6 / 39 • LOAN'S, [ ] Dr. Communication, relative to pneumatic medicine, (TiUock's Philof. Magaz. Vol. 6. p. 82.) «LOCHEAD, [William] Esq. F. R. S: Edin. Observations on the natural history of Guiana. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. P. p. 41. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 2. p. 397-3470 LOCHEEj [Lewis] Esq. late Lieutenant-Colonel of the Belgic Legion and formerly Keeper of the iioyal Military Academy at Chelsea. born .... died at Lille in Flanderi 1791. June 9. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. June* p. 588. • LOCKE, [Mary] Eugenius, or, virtue in retirementy a poem. 1701. 4. (3 ft ) *LOCKE, [Richard] On the improvement of meadow-land; — with a ihort history of a part of Somersetshire. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol 3. p. I80.50I,) An historical account of the marsh-lands of the county 01 So- merset. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 259.) *L0CKETT> [John] Manufacturer of linnsn and cot- ton at Dtnnington, near Newbury, Berks. Account of a piece of cloth made from hop-st^Ik< with the method of working the hop-staJkg. (Tr. of the Soc. soo the E. of A. Vol. 9. p. 143.) A method of increasing potatoes, (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 207 J • ^ *L0CKHAR7\ [Samuel] Surgeon; in the service of the East India Company. * History of a singular tumour on the neck* (Dun- can's M. C. Dec; 2. Vol. 7. p. 490.) *LODER, [Robert] Sec Robert H aw es. *LODER, [Robert] at Woodbridge, Suffolk Some particulars relating to the town of Wood* bridge, Suffolk. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 12. P-332.) «LODGE, [ ] (Author of the biographical tracts, which accom- panied the portraits of Hans Holbein:) Farther re- marks on the imitations ot original drawings by Hans Holbein. 1801. sol. (3 sh, 6 d.) *LODGE, 3° •LODGE, [Edmund] Esq. F. A. S. Pursuivant at arms. Illustrations of British history, biography and man- ners in the reigns of Henry 8. Edward 6. Mary, Elizabeth and James I. exhibited in a scries of ori. ginal papers selected from the manuscripts of the noble families of Howards Talbot and Cecil* Vol. 1-3. I79I- 4- (3 3 ih.) &LQDGE, [James] at Great B/akenham, Suffolk. Ou the culture of potatoes. (Youvgs A. of Agr. Vol.35- p. 199.) «LODGE, [John] introductory sketches, towards a topographical history of the county of Hereford. 1794.4. (5 ill.) LOFFT, [Capel] Esq. Barrister at Law. Essay on the effect of a dissolution in parliament on an impeachment by the house of commons for high crimes and misdemeanours. 179t. 8. (2 sh.) Remarks on the letter of Mr. Burke ro a member of the national- assembly; with several papers in addition to the remarks on the reflections of Mr, Burke on the revolution in France. 1791. 8 (2Íh.) Jolm Milton*s paradise lost, a poem in 12 books. 1792. 4» (2 sh. 6 d.) The Jaw of evidence, by Gilbert, considerably enlarged: to which ís pre- fixed some account of the author, his abstract of Locke's essay and his argument in a cafe of homicide in Ireland. Vol. 1-4. 1791-1796. 8. (I L. 16 fh.) Appearance of venus and mercury 7 061. 1798. and a solar halo 13 Oct. 1798. obser- ved at Troston near Bury. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Oct. p. 240. Dec. p. 40Ó. Y. 1799» Jl,ne- P* 380.) On duelling and on an error in Didot's Virgil (edition stereotype), (ibid. Y. 1799. May. p. 267. June. p. 345.) On Didot's Virgil (Ibid. Y. 1799. Oct. p. 678- Dec. p. 845.) On a meteor seen at Troston, Sept. 22. 1799- in the evening. (Ibid. Y. 1799. Dec. p. 924. Tilloclis Philof. Magaz. Vol.5. p. 38.) On infinite series, on co- mets and on the power of acceut. (Monthly Mag. Y. 1797. Sept. p. 171.) Law against cruelty to anima Is. (Ibid. Y. 1797. Sept. p. 197.) Objection to the term asteroids. (Ibid. Y. 1803. Oct. p. 31 199- Dee. p. 375.) On an edition of Popes Ho* mer. (Ibid. Y. 180i. Fcbr. p. 4.) On the new planet. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Qct. p. 192,) Illegality of bull-Raiting. (Ibid. Y. I802. Jan. p. 480. ) Observations on the late transit of Mercury Nov* 8. 1802. on aiieroids and on the comet observed by Meckain. (Ibid. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 479.) Obser- vations on the system of Idealism —; (Ibid. Y. I803. March, p. 121.) On the inundation of the nile. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 4. p. 73.) On a machine for reaping corn. (Ibid. Vol* 4, p. 205«) Account of the parish of Troston. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 305.) On the wool bill. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 73.) On the influence of electricity on vegetation. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 75.) Comparative calendar of flora for the Y. 1755 and 1785. at Stratton in Norfolk, and Troston in Suffolk. (Ibid. Vol.8, p. 285.) On the gleaning question, occasioned by the strictures of Mr. Haggles. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 164.) On the gleaning qurstion. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 218.) Calcu- lation of the barley tax. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 5 n,) On the hypothesis of a volcanic origin of our pla- netary iystem. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 154.) An history of the malt tax; and incidentally, as the govern- ment duties on Barley, as malted, brewed and distilled, with their late produce, the act* in or- der of time respecting the first and observations. (Ibid. Vol.15, p. 197.) Population of Troston. (Ibid. Vol.17, p. 3Ó2.) Population of America. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 598-) On the dog-tax. (Ibid. Vol. 18» p. 172.) Queries. (Ibid. Vol. 18. p-331.) On the assize of bread, (Ibid. Vol.21, p. 551.) Assize of bread (Ibid. Vol.22, p. IÓ3.) Spinning in Suffolk. 1793. (Ibid. Vol. 22. p. 339.) List of American plants, that escaped the very severe winter of 1794. *?95- (Ibid. Vol. 24. p. 417.) Relief of the, poor. (Ibid. Vol.24. P*559 ) On the assize of wages by statute. (Ibid. Vol.25, p. 317. 518. 561.) On the proposed bill for regula- ting wages by an assize on the average of the price of corn. (Ibid. Vol. 25. p. 643, Vol.26, p. 35.) Food of the poor of Ingleton. (Ibid Vol.26, p. 226.) Remarks on the bill for relief of the poor, (Ibid, Vol. 36. p. 311.) On the manage- / mcnt 32 ment of the poor. (Ibid. V0L27. p. 313. 429. 447, 546. 633. 654. Vol 28. p. 158. 207.) On alio- wing costs in cafes of misdemeanour. (Ibid. Vol. 28. p. 3980 LOFTIE, [William] Surgeon at Canterbury. (Is still living: His father, (not an author.) \ died I7?8 ) Çase of an exfoliation of the anterior part of the upper jaw bone. (London Med. Journ. Vol. 9. P.I. p. 57.) úberf. Repertor. Chirurg. u. Mediz. Abhandl. B. 2. S. 69. Cafe of a fchirrous affe- ction of the stomach; with an account of the ap- pearances on dissection. ( Ibid. .Vol. II. P.I.) Some observations on the prevention and treat, ment of hydrophobia. (Simmons'* Medical Fact* and Observât. Vol. 1. p. II.) iibers. Koch Samwl. auserlefener Abhandl. B. 14, S. 660. *LOGAN, [George] m. Dr. Result of a course of agricultural experiments ma- de with a view to discover the best resolution of crops. (Columbian Magaz. Vol. 6. p. IÓ2.) Four- teen agricultural experiments to ascertain the best rotation of crops. Philad. 1797. 8. Agricultural experiments on gypsum or plaister of Paris; with some observations on the fertilizing quality aud natural history of that fofliL Philad. 1797. 8- Letter on the use of plaister of Paris as a manure. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 20. p. 88. American Museum Y, 1789. Nov. p. 399. Dec. p. 461.) * LOG AN, [Maria] Miff. Poems on several occasions. Ed. 2. 1793» 4» (3 A*.) LONDON, Lord-Bisliop of, See Btilby Porteus. « LOG G EN, [Thomas] Esq: Copy of an original instrument dated 25 Nov. 1449* concerning the church-yard of St. Mary Mag'^leii in Milk-street, London. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 199») «L0N6, [Charles] Esq. M. P. A temperate discussion of the causes which have led to the present high price of bread* (Young1! Á. of Agr. Vol.36, p.269.) ,*L0NG, : ,33 #LONG, [Edward] Esq. Judgt; of the Admiralty** Court at Jamaica* The. history of Jamaica: or> general, survey of the ancient and modern date of that island; illu- strated with copper plates. Vol 1-3. 1774. 4. (3 L. 3 sb») The trial of fanner Carter's dog porter, Tor murder. 1771. 8. Reflections on the negro cause. 1772. 8. Letters on the^ colonies, 1775. 4, and 8. English humanity no paradox, 1778. 8. *LONG, [J....] Voyages aud travels of an Indian- interpreter and trader, describing the manners and custpmi of the North American Indians. 1791. 4. (X2 Tb.) iiberil von G. Forjlar. Berlin. 1792- 8. "bers; von E. A* W. Zimmermann. Hamb, 1792, 8» #LONG, [John] General Examiner and infpeclor of Breweries, , A treatise on making. (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P. I.) - *LONG, [Robert] Short rules for playiug the game of casino. 1793* •12. (6 d.) *LONGLEY, [John] Esq. of Rochester. An essay toward forming, a more complete repre* sentarion of the commons of Great-Britain. 1795. 8. (T sh.) ^LONGMAN, [John Lawrence]'; A philosophical and practical treatise on hôrscí and on the duties of man towards thé brute crea* tion. 1796, (7 fh.)' '' LONGM ATE, [Barak] Engraver. born 1738. died 1793. July 23» See Gentleman's Magax. Y.T793., July. p. 679, *LONGMORE, [George] M. Dr. Account of 14 men of the royal artillery of Que* bee, who were nearly poisoned by drinking a de- çoction of certain plants. (JDuncan*$ A. of Med, Y. 1798.' p. 364.) *LORIMER, [ ] Rev. Letter to the corn committee j on the importation of rough rice as a supplement of wheat flour, 1796. 8. (I sti.) Hwss G. Kt Supfl & LORI- 34 LORIMER, [John] M. Dr. E R. £ Edin< F. of the R. C. of Phyfic. at Edinb. Physician to the British, army m the American war in Florida, Examining Surgeon to the Eaft India Company. born 1732 died 1795. Jul. 13. See Gentleman's Mágaz Y. 1795. Juïy. p. 621. A concise essay on magnetism, with aw account of the declination and inclination of the magnetic needle and an attempt to ascertain the cause of the variation thereof. 1795. 4. (5 sh.) A return of the sick of the (hip's company, and of the mi- litary, on board the ships in the service of the East India Company for the Y. 1792 and 1793. ( Simmens's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 6, P 211.) *LORIOT, [M....] M. A. An abridged dictionary of the government of french verbs, conjunctions and prepositions, 1801» 12. (I fh. 6 d.) *LOSH> [James] Observations on the strength of the present go- vernment of France and upon the necessity of ral- lying round it; translated from the french of Benj. Constants 1797. (2 fh.) Corrected account of John Trveddel's death. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Jan, p.481.) «L'OSTË, [J....] Effect: of enclosures. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 36. p. 114.) •LOVE, [John] Minister of the Scots Presbyterian Con* gregation and Secretary to the Missionary So* ciety.. Address to the people of Otaheite, designed to aslirt the tabour ©f missionaries and other instru- ctors of the ignorant. 1796. 12. (2 fh. 6 d.) (Several single sermons.) HOVECHlLb,[ ] Mrs. The infant's friend: Part I. a spelling book; Part 2. reading lessons. 1797. 8. (I fh. 6 d) Parsing lessons for young children; resolved into their 'clement! , for the assistance of parents and teachers. 1798. 8- (9 d*) Parsing lessons for elder pupils, . 1798. U- (I fh.) The mother's 3£ book, a set of cuts for children, with a mother's remarks, V0I.Ï-3. 1799. LJ. (5 fh.) *LOVEDEN, [Edward] Ej^. On a draining plough. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vo!. 9, p. no.) Some notes at Bufcot. (Young*s A. of Agr. Vol. 32. p. 137.) Notes in Herefordshire, (ìbid. Vol.35, p. 103.) LOVEFUN, [A..., G....] A ftlitious name* 10 V EL ASS, [Peter] of the Inner - Temple, Conve* yancer. The trader's safe guard, or, a full, clear and fa- miliar explanation of the law concerning bills of exchange —. Ed. 2. 1793. 8. (4 in.) An abstract of and observations on the statutes imposing duty on administrations, probates of will*, property disposed of by will and distributable by the sta- tute of distributions —. 179Ó. 8. (I ft. 6 d.) OLOVELL, [Robert] of Baliol-College, Oxford. born .... died 179Ó. May 10. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. I800. S. 627. — — and Robert Southey — poems; containing the retrospect odes, elegies, sonnets. 1795. 8. (3fli.x6d.) •LOVETT, [John] H. D. The citizen of the world. 1793. 8. (l fh.) •LOUGHBOROUGH, [....] Lord, Lordkigh Chan- cellor of Great - Britain. Observations on the state of the English prisons and the means of improving them. 1793. 4. (3 fh.) *k:0'W, [Alexander] at Wood-End, by Dunse. Account of the drilled turnip husbandry of Ber* wic-fture. (Young7s A. ot Agr. Vol. 35» p. 317.) LOW DELL, [Stephen] Surgeon, F. M.D. A fistulous abscess in the urinary bladder. (M<*m. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p 497.) H«story of an .ab- dominal tumour, accidentally cured. (Ibid, Vol. 3. "'LOWE, [ ] Surgeon and Apothecary. born 1743. died at Stamford 1803. March. Sec Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Apr. p. 287. Author of the notes to Harrod's history of Stam- ford. 1780. *LOWE, [Ga vin An essay 011 the method of determining the diffe- C 2 rence 36 rencs of-longitude between places at land from the observed transits of the moon over their me- ridians; with a démonstration and example. (Til- hcíïs Philos. Magaz. Vol.15, p. 97,) LOWE, [John] Jun. of Manchester. , • Poems. I&03. (4 sh.) ^-LOWE, [Robert] Esq. ofOxton. General view of the agriculture of the county of Nottingham, with observations on the means of its improvement. 1798. 8. (4 ill.) Cultivation and employment of laud in Nottinghamshire. {Youngs A, of Agr. Vol.22, p. 449.) HOWELL, [John] Counsellor of tint American Aca* 'demy. Eulogy on Governour James Bowdoin (died 1791. Nov. 6.) L. L. D. late President of the American Acad, of arts and sciences. 1791. 4. (1 (h. 6 d.) (Mem. of B. A. Vol.2. P.I. p. I.) ubers. Hege- wistk's u. Ebelings Amerikanisches Magaz. B. I. St. 1. S. 39- ^LOWELL, [Samuel] \ The mystery of providence and grace and the sins of Britain, two sermons, 1794. 8« (I nS.) Sermons on evangelical and, practical subjects; I801. 8. (? sli. 6 d.) COW NOES, [Francis] Medical EleBridan. Observations on medical electricity — 1787* 8.' ( I sh. 6 d. ) ubers. von IV> Davidson. Berlin, 1792. 8» The utility of medical electricity il- lustrated, in a series of cafes and practical obser- vations. 1791. 8» (I fh.) Observations on me- dical electricity j containing a synopsis of all the diseases in which electricity has been recommen- ded or applied with success 5 likewise pointing out a new and more efficacious method of ap- plying this remedy, by electric vibrations. I79I# HOWNES, [Caleb] See William Bradford. *LOWTHER, [Henry] Rev. of Aihon. Letter on the comparative culture of whe'af» (Tr. of the Soc. for the £. of A. Vol. 2. p.^0 Account 37 Account of his drill plough, (Ibid, V0L2. p.33* 39.40.)': *LOY, [John G....] M. Dr. An account of some experiments ou the origin of the cowpox. 1801. 4. (3sh.) • LU A R D, [F....] Solicitor. An abstract of the income act. 1799» (i fh. 6 d.) «LUCAS, [Charles] A, M. The internal Quixote, a tale of the day. Vol. 1-4; 1800. 8. (I L.) LUCAS, [James] Surgeon to the Leeds General Insir* marts. An impartial inquiry into the present state of pa- rochial registers; charitable funds; taxation and parish rates, 1791* 8. (3 fh.) Account of un- common symptoms succeeding the measles, with . some additional remarks on the infection of meas- les and small pox. (London M. J. Vol. n* p. 325,) Observations on stone in the urinary bladder and on lithotomy. (Ibid. Vol. ir. p. 237.) A cafe of suppression of urine, in which the puncture of the bladder in the rcgio pubis was performed with success. (M.C. Vol.2, p. 90.) A candid inquiry into the education, qualifications and office* of a surgeon ^apothecary. 1800, 12. (5 sh.) Remarks upon peculiarities in the human system, appa- rently -arising from disease before birth, (Mem- os M. S. of L. Vol. 4; p. 94.) *LUCAS, [John] Mode of destroying caterpillars. (American Mu- seum Y. 1789. Nov. p. 351.) *LUCAS, [W ] inBloomfield Personage, Effex. The Essex plough improved. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.35, p.315O *LUCAS, [William] The fate of Bertha, a poem. I800. 4, (2fh. '6 d.) XUDERS, [Alexander] Esq. Barrister at Law; of the Inner - Terns le. Reports of the proceedings in committees of the house of commons upon controverted election, —. Vol. 3. 1790. g. (7 fh. 6 d.) C 3 *LUDGER> 38 *LUDGER, [C....] The life of Rianca Capella; — translated from the german original of J. P. Siebenkees. 1797. 8, (3 sh.) The lawyers, a drama, in 5 acts, trans, lated from the german of 4. W Iffland. 1799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) The peevish man, a drama in 4 acts by Aug. Kotzebue; translated from the german. 1799. 8. (2 Ch. 6 d.) *LUDLAM, [Thomas] Retior ofFoston, Leicester. Four essays: On the ordinary and extraordinary operations of the holy spirit; on the application of experience to religion and on enthusiasm and fanaticism: to which is prefixed a preliminary dis« fertation on the nature of clear ideas, and the ad- vantage o( distinct knowledge, 1797. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) Six essays upon theological, to which are added two upon moral subjects. 1798. 8. (3 sh# 6'd.) *LUDLOW, [Abraham] M. Dr. of Bristol Cafe of diseased liver* (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 137.)' *LUDSON, [Thomas] A rams horn trumpeter at the walls of Jericho, or a reply to Mr. Huntington's letter to Joseph Brinon. 1802. LUFFMANN, [John] Citizen and Goldsmith of London. The charters of London complete; also magna charta and the bill of rights 5 with explanatory notes and remarks. 1794. The public income and expenditure of Great-Britain for the Y. 1797. —. 179S. (2 sh. 6 d.) *LUMISDE^, [Andrew] ^sq. F. A. S. Edinb. (A native of Scotland.) born 17&I. died 1802. Dec. 26. at 'Edittburgb. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 86. Y. 1803. Febr. p. 179. Letters on the ruins of Herculaneum. 17.. Re- marks on the antiquities of Rome and its envi- rons, being a classical and topographical survey of the ruins of that celebrated city. 1797. 4» (l ^ 3? *LURCE, D-.-O A complete collection of abstracts of acts of par- liament. Vol. i. 2. 1797. 8. *LUSH, [Charles] Chief Clerk of the police office, at Skoreditch. Abridgment aud concise explanation of the laws relating to riots, tumults and insurrections and of the duty and power of magistrates and others respecting such offences. 1794. 8. (I fh.) LUSON, [Hewling] Conciliation; or, considerations on the origin and termination of the present war; with an appendix, containing remarks on Mr. Erskine's view of the causes and consequences of the present war. 1797. 8. (2 sh.) *LUXMORE, [William] Surgeon; of Uxbridge, Middlesex. Case of anevrism, with the dissection. (Mem. of M. S. ofL. Vol. 3. p. 404.) A cafe. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p.584.) An address to hydropic patients*, wherein the principles of a method of practice adopted by the author in the treatment of the dropsy are ex- , plained and to which some cases are annexed. 1796. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) i:'LYNE, [Richard] late Master of the grammar school at Liskeard; now private Tutor for there to fix 'pupils. Isagoge, five janua Tusculana, for the use of grammar schools: new edition. 1791. 8- (2 fh.) The latin primer, in 3 parts. 1795. 12. (2 sb. 6 d.) Ed. 2. 1797. 8. (3 ft.) *LYNN, [ ] Jun. Surgeon at fVoodbridge. An account of a rupture of the aorta near the heart. (M. Rec. and Res. p. 71.) LYON, [John] F. A S. Observations on the situation of the antient portus Iccius. (Arch1. Vol.10, p. I.) LYON, [John] Minister of St. Mary's as Dover9 in Kent, , Remarks on the leading proofs offered in favour of the Franklinian system of electricity. 1791. 8. (2sh.) An account of several new and interesting phaenomena, discovered in examining the bodies of a man and four horsey killed by lightning, near C 4 Dover, 4o — Dover j in Kens. With remarks on the insuffi- ciency of the popular theory of electricity to ex- plain them. 179Ó. 8- (I sh,) ^LYON, [S....] Teacher of Hebrew to the University of Cambridge. A compendious hebrew grammar, 1799. LYSONS, [Daniel] M. Dr. Physician at Bath. . born 1726. died 1800. M^rchso. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1800. April, p. 393; May. p. 483. •LYSONS, .[Daniel] A. M: F. A. S. Member of St. 'friary- Hall, Oxford; Curate of Putney, Sur- rey; formerly Chaplain to the late Earl of Orford, Sermon on the anniversary commemoration of Erf- retard Colston, Esq. 1790. The environs of Lon- don, being an historical account of the towns, vil- lages and hamlets, within 12 miles of that capi- J t'al: interspersed with biographical anecdotes. Vol. I-4. 1792-1796. 4. (6 L. 10 sh. 6d.) Histo- rical account of those parishes in the county of Middlesex, which are not described in the envi* rons of London. 1800. 4. (i L. I fh.) LYSONS, {Samuel] F. R. and A. S. S. Account of roman antiquities, discovered aô Woodchester, in the county of Gloucester, with 44 plates. 1797. sol,. (10 Guio.) * Figures of Mosaic pavements, discovered at Horkstow in Lii> colnshire. 1801. sol. (3 L- 3 sb«) Reliquiae ro- manae. Nrb. 1. 2. l8or. sol. Description of the church of Quenington in the county of Glou- cester, (Arch, Vol, 10, p. 128 ) Account of romati antiquities discovered in the county of Gloucester, (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 131.) *LYTTLETON, [,.;*.] Isabel: 17.. The lottery of life, or, the ro. roance of a summer. Vol. 1-3. 1802. 12, (12 sh.) The german sorceress V0L1-3. 1803.12, (zosh. 6d.) M'(Ac) 41 *M'(AC) ARTHUR, [John] Secretary ta the R. H. Admiral Lord Hood and late officiating Judge- Advocate in North - America, On the principles and practice of naval courts martial — 1792, 8- ( 7 sh. ) * Financial and po^ litical facts of the 18 century; with comparative estimates of the revenue, expenditure, debts, ma- nufactures and commerce of Great-Britain. 180L 8. (2 fh. 6 d ) Ed, 3, (with the author s name), with an appendix of useful and interesting do- cuments; the whole revised, corrected and con* siderabiy enlarged. 1801.8. (6 fh.) Ed. 4, 1803. 8. •MACARTNEY, [ ] Earl of , Sec Sir Leonard Staunton. *MACAIJLAY5 [Angus] LL. Dr. born .... died 1797. Sept. 3. at East Barner. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Oct. p. 892. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ïtBl. J. 1800. S.647. Rudiments of political science, Part 1. containing elementary principles; with an appendix. 1796,8. (6 fh.) MACAULAY, [Aulay] A. M. F. A. S. Curate of Glaybrook in Leicestershire. The history and antiquities of Ciaybrook in the couuty of Leicester; including the hamlets of Bit- tcsby, Ullesthorpe, Wibroft and little Wigstòn. 179^. 8. (3 fh.) The peculiar advantages of sunday-fchools, a sermon. 1792. 8. (I fh.) ubers. von J. W. H. Ziegenbain. 1794. 8. MACAULAY, [John] Esq. A. B. M. R. J. A. Unanimity, a poem. 17S0. A monody on the death of Lady Arabella Denny. 1792. 8. (I fh.) Verses occasioned by the death of the late unfor- tunate Louis XVIII, 1793. 4. (6d.) The history of the reformation, from the freuch of M. de Beau* sobre. Vol. 1. 1802. 8- (8 fh.) ^MACBETH, [William] Surgeon in Demerary. Account of a singular affection of the urinary or- gans, common among the Negroes in Demerary, (Duncan s M, C. Dec. 2. Vol. 10. p. 232. ) "M^AC) BRIDE, [ ] Dr. General instructions for the choice of wines and spirituous liquors. P. 1-4. 1794. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) C 5 «M\AC) *M'(AÇ) CART NE Y, [William] Minister os oUKiU patrick. The treatise of Cicero, de ofBciis, or his essay on moral duty; translated and accompanied with notes and observations. 1798. 8. (5 sh.) •NT (AC) CAUSLAND, [ ] Particulars relative to- the nature and customs of the Indians in North - America; (American Mu- seum Y. 1789. Jan. p. 17.) NT (AC) CAUSLAND , [Robert] M. Dr. at Carlisle. born 1749. died 1797. Oct. 25. at Carlisle. Ailgem. Litt.Zeif. ItBk J. 1800. S. 648. Thoughts on different subjects, chiefly moral and political. I797# *M'(AC) CAUSLlN, [Robert] As. Dr. Account of au earthy substance found near the falls of Niagara and vulgarly called the spray of the falls: together with some remarks in the falh, (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 17.) *M'(AC) CLURE, [David] Settlement and antiquities of the town of Windsor in Connecticut. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1798. p. 166.) *M'(AC) CONOCHIE, [James] Rev, A dissertation concerning the writer of the fourth gospel, tending to slicw that John the apostle and John the Evangelist were different persons. 1803, 8. (3 sli.) *M'(AC) COR MICK, [Charles] LL. B. Memoirs of R. H. Edmund Burke, or, an impar- tial review of his private life, his public con- ducts, his speeches in parliament and the dictè- rent productions of his pen, whether political or literary; interspersed with a variety of curious anecdotes and extracts from his secret correspon- dencc with some of the most distinguislied chara- cters in Europe. 1797. 4. (18 sh.) *M'(AC) CREERY, [J....] The press, a poem, published as a specimen of typography. 1803. 4. (12 sh.) *M*(AC) CRINGER, [Joel] (a fiBitious name) A compendious treatise on modern education-S I803. 4. *MACCUL. 43 *M'(AC) ÇULLOCH, [Robert] Minister of the Gospel at Dairjie. Lectures on the prophecies of Isaiah. Vol. I. I79I. 1794.8. (14 sh.) Sermons 011 interesting subjects —. 1803. 12. (3 Hi. 6 d.) *M'(AC) CURGIR, [Joel] D. D. born .. died ....(?) A compendious treatise on modern education, to which are added characteristic and illustrative de- signs by J. R. Wit/qams, Esq. etched by Rowland- son. 1802. (I L. 1 fh.) •NT(AC) DONALD, [A....] Miscellaneous works, including the tragedy of Vu minda and all those productions which have appea- red under the signature of Matrhew Bramble, Esq. 1791. 8. (6 fh. 6 d.) *M*(AC) DONALD, [Alexander Hermann] M. Dr. Familiar observations on the inoculation of the cow-pox as now very generally introduced iu, Great-Britain and several parts of the continent, with a view to the sinal extirpation of the small- pox. Hamburgh. 1800. 4. iiberf. nach dem Engli- scheu Mfcpt von J. P. F. Locket. Hamb. 1800. 8» Kritische Ucbersicht der Théorie und Praxis der Kuhpocken-impfung. B. 1. Hamburg. 1802. *M'(AC) DONALD, [John] Esq. Observations of the diurnal variation of the magne- tic needle at fort Marlborough, in the island of Sumatra. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1796. p. 340.) Observations of the diurnal variation of the magne- tic needle, in the island of St. Helena, with a con. titillation of the observations at fort Marlborough — (Ibid. Y. 1798. p. 397.) On three natural productions of Sumatra. 1) On the camphor of Sumatra; 2) on? the coral of Sumatra; 3) On the copper of Sumatra. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 4. p. 19.) *M'( AC) DONALD, [John] Esq. F. S. /ate Lieut i- tiant-Colonel of the Cisalpine regiment. Rules and regulations for the sielcj-exercise and manoeuvres of the french infantry. Translated from the french, with explanatory notes and illu- strative references to the Prussian and British sy- stems of tactics dec. 1803. (16 fh.) *M'(AC> *M'(AC) DONALD, [Thomas] Esq. of the Inner* Temple, Barrister at Law. On civil Lniprifonnement in England: with the hi- story of its progress and objections to its policy, as it respects the interest of creditors and the pu. lnfhmeut or protection of debitors concluding with the principles and general lines of a man for amen- ^ ding the present law. 1791. 8. (4 fh.) Thoughts on the public duties of private life, with reference to present circumstances and opinions. 1795. 8* (2 fh.) *MACE, [Joseph] Account of planting chesnuts. (Tr. of the Soc for . the E. of A. Vol.2, p. 13.) *M'(AC) FAR LAN, [Robert] Esq. A latin translation of FingaVs first book of Tc* mora. 1769.. The history of the reign osGeorge3. King of Great-Britain—. Vol. 1-4. 1770-1796.8. An address to the people of the British empire on the present posture and future profpeóts of public affairs, with an appendix in defence of the 4 Vols of the reign of George 3. 1797. 8. (i fh. 6 d) «M^AC) GORAN, [John] The life of Joseph, the son of Israel, in 8 books* 1803. 18. (2 sh.) *M'(AC) GREG OR, [James] Surgeon to the 88 R(- giment. Letter, confirming Dr. Carmick. Smyth method of destroying febrile contagion. (^Duncans A. of Med. Y. I/97. p. 388.) Account of diseases of the 88 Regiment, during their passage to India and at Bombay from Dec. 179S. till June 1800. (Ibid. Y. I80I. p.353.) Account of a contagious fever, which appeared ip his Maj. 88 Regs, in the island of Jersey in July i797- (Ibid. Y. 1798. p* 34°0 ^M'(AC) GREGOR, [John] Teacher of Mathematics at Edinburgh. A complete treatise on practical mathematics: — with an appendix on algebra. 1797. 8. (7^ 6 d.) An introduction to mensuration, containing geometrical problems; —. 1792. 8. (3 ^» 6 à.) *M?(AC) HENRY, [James] at Baltimore. Account of Benj. Banneker, a free Negro. (Co- lumbian Magaz, Y. 1791. Nov, p. 300. New- York 45 York Magaz. Y. 1791. Oct. p. 557.) Thoughts on the ^constitution of Maryland, especially as it relates to a right in the peopie to instruct the le- gislature. (American Museum Y. 1738. Oct. p. 332.) Observations relative to a commercial trea- ty with Great-Britain —; (ibid. Y. 1789. p. 317*) May p, 464. June p. 550.) *MACIE, [James Louis] Esq. F. R. S. An account of some chemical experiments on ta» basheer. (Phil. Transact, Y. 1791. p. 368- Sim- mons1 s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol, 4. p. 193.) tibers. in Repertor. Chir. u. Medic. Abhandl. B. 3. S. 504. ♦MACKAY, [Andrew] LL. Dr. F. R. 5. E. (of Aberdeen.) The theory and practice of finding the longitude at sea or land: to which are added various me- thods of determining the latitude of a place and variation of the compass, with new tables. Vol. 1.2. 1793.8. (12 ill.) The commencement of f the 19 century determined upon unerring princi- ples, 1800. (I sh. 6 d.) On the latitude and longitude of Aberdeen. (Tr. of E. S. Vol, 4. P. p. 135«) The description and use of the sliding gunter in navigation. 1802. 8. (4 sh# 6 d,) (He wrote the articles, Navigation, Parallax, Pendu, lum, Projection of the Sphere, Ship-building, and Naval Tactic* in the Encyclopedia Britannica.) *MACKAY, [I....] Quebechill, or Canadian scenery, a poem in two parts. 1797. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) *MACKAY, [William] Second Officer of the skip Juno. Narrative of the shipwreck of the Juno on the coast of Aracan and of the singular preservation of 14 of her company on the wreck without food, during a period ,of 23 days, 1798. 8- (2 fh.) uberf. von W. Lohmann, mit Anmerk. Hamb. 1800. 8» *M*(AC) KEAN, [Thomas] See James Wilson. *M'(AC) KENNA, [Theobald] M. Dr. See William Todd Jones. Constitutional objection* to the government of Ireland. 46 / Ireland by a separate legislature, in a letter to John Hamilton, Esq. occasioned by his remarks on a memoir on the projected union. Dublin. 1799,8, AMress to the roman catholics of Ireland relative to the late proceedings , and on the means and practicability of a tranquil emancipation. Dublin, 1702. ( I sh.) Letter to the societies of united Irishmen, of the town of Belfast, upon the subject of certain apprehensions which have arisen from a proposed, restoration of catholic rights by Will, Todd Jones Esq. with the declaration of the ca» 1 thohc society of Dublin and some thoughts on the present politics of Ireland, by Tkeob. M'Kenna, 17<)2. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) Political essays relative to the affairs of Ireland in I791. 1792 and 1793, with remarks on the present state of that country, 'iv794- 8. (5 AO MACKENZIE, [Alexander] As. Dr. Physician at N<«- . Tarburt. born 1717. died at Cromarty in Scotland. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. April, p.381. ^MACKENZIE, [Alexander] Esq. Passage by land from the North-West parts of upper Canada to the South-Sea, between Nootka* Sund and the straits of Kamfchatka, or to the na- vigable part of any river that disembogues itself into the South-Sea, within those limits. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 18. p. 289. ) Voyage from Montreal on the river St. Lawrence through 'the continent of North - America to the frozen and pacific oceans in the Y. 1789 and 1793. Lon« don. 180I. 4. (it. II ill. 6 d.) •MACKENZIE, [Anna Maria] * Monmouth; ,17.. Danish massacre; 17.. ^My- steries elucidated. Vol. ir-3. 1795.8* (9ft.) *The Neapolitan, or the test of integrity, by Ellen ot Exeter. Vol. 1-3. 1796. 8. (iofli 6 d.) Duffel- dors, or the fratricide, a romance. Vol. 1-3» 1798. 8. (10 fh. 6 d.) ^MACKENZIE, [Colin] Esq. Account of some remains of antiquity in the island 91 4? of Lewis, one,of the hcbiides. (Transact, of the Soc. of the Antiq. of Scotland. Vol. i. p. 282.) ^MACKENZIE, [Colin] Practitioner - Engineer, Account of the construction of the plan ©f the roads from Nellorc to the western passes and to Ongole — measured in 1788. (Dalrymple1* Oriental Repofit. Nrb. I. p. 57.) Account of the pagoda at Perwuttum. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 5. p. 303.) Remarks on some antiquities on the west and south coasts of Ceylon. (Ibid. p. 425.) •MACKENZIE, [ColinJ of Baltimore. An inaugural dissertation on the dysentery. Philad, 1797. 8- •MACKENZIE, [George Stuart] Bart. Experiments on the combustion of the diamond, the formation of steel by its combination with iron and the pretended transmission of carbon through the vessels. {Nicholson s Journal. Vol.4. p. I03-) •MACKENZIE, [H....] Auswer to Paine s right of man. f hiladelphis. 1796. 8. MACKENZIE, [Henry] F. R. S. Edin. See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 35r, Account of the German theatre. (Tr. of E. S. Vol.2, p. 154. New-York Magsu. Y 1794. March. P« 139*) The sliipwreck, a tragedy. 1784. 8. The man of the world. Vol. 1. 2. Dresden. 1792. 8. Poems by the late. Rev. Dr. Thomas Blacklock, to- gether with an essay on the education of the blind. To which is prefixed a new account of the life and writings of the author. 1793, 4. (iofh. 6 d.) Prize essays and transactions of the highland so- ciety of Scotland; to which is prefixed an ac- count of the institution and principal proceeding* , of the society. Vol. 1. 1799. 8. (7 sh.) (He contributed essays to the Mirror and to the Lounger, periodical papers.) ♦MACKENZIE, [John] Esq. Prices in Cumberland &c. (Young's A. of Agr* Vol. zt. p. 502.) *MACKEN- ♦MACKENZIE, [John] D. D. Minister $f Ports*, trick. Sçrmon*. 1800. 8. (6 fh.) MACKENZIE, [Murdoch] F, R. $. (is stiJl alive.) State of the tides in the Orkneys. ( Philos. Tram, act. Y. 1749. p. 149.) Treatise of maritime sur- veying. 1774. 4. (6 sh.) Maritime survey of Ireland. 1776. (4 L. 4 ib.) MACKENZIE, [Roder.k] Lieutenant in the 52 fogs. A sketch of the war with Tippoo-Sultaun, or, a detail of military operation, from the commence- ment of hostilities at the lines of Travancore, in December 1789 until the peace concluded before Seringapatam in Febr. 1792» Vol. I. 2. 1793.1794. 4. (2 L. 2 ill.) *MACKERÊTH,'[G....] An historical account of the transactions of Napo leone Buonaparte, first Consul of the french repu- blic, from the period he became'Commander in chief of the french army in Italy in April'1796. UPÎÍ I the present; — I8ÛI. 8- (3 sh.) •MACKETT, [John] Nehémiah , a sacred drama in 6 parts; to which is addec) a paraphrase on the 73 psalm: conside- ration on the 53 chapter of Isaiah and a para- phrase of the Lord's prayer. 17.93. 8» •MACKIB, [.*...] Mrs. > An entire new translation of Mad. de Sevigm's letters to her daughter, — with elegant engra- vings. Vol. 1-3. 1803. (I L.) MACKIE, [John] Physician at Southampton* A cafe of the succefsfull treatment òf locked jaw, Opisthotonos, &c. occasioned by a wound of the fore-arm; (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 10. p. 302 ) ^MACKIE, [John] Surgeon in Antigua. History of a cafe in which a wound of the head, with a considerable dépression of the cranium, terminated in complete recovery, without any ope- ration. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 2jo ) MACKiE, [William] of Ormiston in Euft - Lothian. See Alexander Djrom Observations on raising beasts to a high degree of fatness, and qf the increase of horses, {Young1/ 49 A. of Agr, Vol.28, p. 38o.) Effect* of living on animal or vegetable food. (Ibid. Vol 28. p 488.) Adam Smith'on the corn trade refuted, (ibid. Vol. 28. p. 561.) Oa the corn trade, (ibid. Vol. 29» p. I-) , MACKINTOSH, [James] Esq. of Lincoln's - Inn, Barrister at Law. Vindiciae Gailicae; Defence of tb<^ french revolu- tion and its cnglish admirers, against the accusa- tions of Edtn* Bwkei including some strictures ost the late production óf Qalonne* 1791. 8- (5 fh*) Ed. 2. 179. iibers. Hamburg. 1793. 8 A dis- course on the study of the law of nature and na- tions. I799. 8. (2 sti. 6 d.) MACKLIN, [Charles] Ador. born in the North of Ireland 1699* died 1797; Jul. II. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. July, "p; 566* Ó22. Sept. p.74I. Allgera. Litt. Zeit. J. 1800* ItBl. S.646. The man of the world, a comedy. 1781* The man of the world, a comedy; and love a la mode, a tragedy, with a portrait of the author in his 93 year, engraved by Condê, after a painting by Opte. 1794. *MACKNÍGHT, [Charles] Profefor of Anatomy in Columbian College, Net»-York. born died Nov. 1791* Cafe of extra-uterine abdominal foetus successfully extracted by an operation. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 342.) MACKN1GHT, "[James] D. D. Minister at Edin. burgh, born ...» died 1800. Jan. 13. See Gentleman's Magaz* Y* 1800. Febr. p. 184, March, p. 28s. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. l8oo* ■ S. 1803. A new literal translation from the original greek of all the apostolic epistles; with a commentary and notes, philological, critical, explanatory and practical. To which is added a history of the life of the Apostle Paul. Vol. I-4. 1795» 4* (5 L.) G. R. Suppt. Th. IL D M ACL AINE* MACLAINE, [Archibald] D. D. late Minister of tke English Church at the Hague, Pxeìigion, a preservative against barbarism and anarchy, from Jeremiah XIII, 16. a sermon. 1793, 4. (1 sh. 6 d.) Discourses on various subjects, delivered in the English church at the Hague, 1799. 8. (6 sh.) Reply'to Mr. Andrew Fuller's appendix to his book on the gospel worthy of all acceptation. 1802. •MACLARTY, [Colin] M. Dr. of JamaUa. History of a case terminating favourably, in which an extra-uterine foetus was discharged, at an ope- ning in the abdomen, near the umbilicus. (Dun- cans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 7. p. 481.) History of a cafe of the epidemic fever of Jamaica termina- ting successfully, in which a very large quantity of mercury was employed without any obvious operation during the fever. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1796. p. 3280 MACLAURIN, [John] Lord DREGHORN. One of the Senators of the College of Justice at Edin- burgh* F. R9 S. Edin. born 1734. Dec. 15. died 1796. Dec. 24. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Febr. p. 164, Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 629. * The philosopher's opera, 17.. Works. Vol. I. 2. I798- 8. (9 fh) À dissertation to prove that Troy was not taken by the Greeks. (New- York Magaz. Y. 1792. Sept. p. 521. Oct. p. 596. ^MACLEAN, [Charles] of Calcutta. — — and Will. Yates, a view of the science of life on the principles established in the elements of médecine o^John Brown , with an attempt to correct some important errors of that work and cafes in illustration, chiefly selected from the records of their practice at the general hospital, at Calcutta, to which is subjoined a treatise ou the action of mercury upon living bodies and its application for the cure of diseases of indirect de- bility, and a dissertation on the source of epide- mic and pestilential diseases, in which it is attemp» ted to prove by a numerous induction of facty 5r that they never arise from contagion but are al- ways produced by certain states or certain vicissi- tudes of the atmosphere. 1797. 8. (5 ill.) The plague not contagious, or, a dissertation on the source of epidemic and pestilential diseases, in which is attempted to prove — that they never arise from contagion, but are always produced by certain states, or certain vicissitudes of the atmosphere; — Ed. 2. with additions. 1800. 8« (2 sh.) ♦MACLEAN, [Hector] As. Dr. Assistant InJ^eBor of , the hospitals for $t* Domingo. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the great mortality among the troops of St. Domingo, with practical remarks on the fever of that island, and directions for the conduct of Europeans on their first arrival in warm climates. 1797. 8# (6 sh.) Í:MACLÉ AN, [John] Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in the College of New- Jersf9- , f Two lectures om combustion: supplementary to a course of lectures on chemistry read at Nassau- Hall; containing an examination of Dr. Priestley's considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston and the decomposition of water. Philad. 1797.-8- Letter against the doctrine of phlogiston* (Medical - Reposit. Vol.2, p. 161 ) Letter in answer to one addressed to him by James PVoodhouse on certain points of chemistry. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 138.) *MACLEAN, [L....] M. Dr: of Sudbury, Suffolk. Scarcity and remedies. (Young s A. of Agr. VoL 34- P-518.) *MACLEANE, [Hugh] A table of patients admitted into the New-York hospital and city dispensary from the 1 Jan. -31 Dec, 1797. (Medical Repository. Vol. I. p, 105. 248. 376.) — from the 1 Jan. — 31 Dec. 1798. (Ibid, Vol.i. p. 5Ó0. Vol.2, p. 104.3^4.328.) ♦MACLEOD, [A....] The Biih. of handafss apology for the bible exa- mined. 1796. 8» (3 sh- 6 d.) A warm reply to Mr. Burkes letter, 1796. 8. (Z sh.) D S * MACLEOD, 53 ^MACLEOD, [Hugh] £ S. T. P. Profejsor of History in tke Univerfity of Glasgow. Casus principis; or, an essay towards a history of she principality of Scotland, with some account of the appanage and honours annexed to the second Prince of Scotland. 1791. 4. (io sh. 6 d.) ♦MACLEOD, [Norman] Colon el, Member of the Scotch Convention and M. P, Letters to the people of North - Britain on tke universally allowed corruption of the common house of parliament and the indispensable necessity of its immediate and radical reform, the only mca» sure from whence unanimity and energy can be expected even in the perilous period of war. 1793. 8. Considerations and real alarms. 1794,8. (I sh.) *M\CLIESH, [Archibald] in Jamaica. Method of cultivating the bread-fruit trees. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol, 17. p. 355.357,) •MACLIKSH, [David] Surgeon to tke 57 Regt. in Is- land of Corsica. born .... died . » .. (?) On the cure of Corsican fevers. (Medical Reposir, Vol. I. p. 578. Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. W-) ^M'(AC) MEN A MY, [William] Master ofthiMarint- Sckool, Dublin, A new method of calculating the area of a survey universally. (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P. 3. p. I.) *MAGNAh\ [Gregor] On the family of Macgregor. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Aug. p. 529.) *MACNAB, [Henry Grey] M. Dr. Letter — pointing out the impolicy of the propo- sed measure of obtaining a supply of coal from the manufacturing districts of the metropolis — 180L 4. (5 sh.). Observations on the probable confer queuces of even attempting by legislative autho- rity , to obtain a large supply of coal from Staf- fordshire to the metropolis — 1801. 4» (10 sb. 6 d.) M' (A C) N A L L Y , [ Leonard ] Esq. Barrister at Law in Dublin. The rules of evidence on pleas of the crown, 53 illustrated from printed and manuscript triais. Vol. 1.2. 1803. 8. (I L. I sli.) (He was, for some years, Editor of the public Ledger.) *M'(AC) NAYR, [James] LL. Dr. A guide from Glasgow to some of the most remar- kable scenes in the highlands of Scotland and to the falls of the clyde. 1797. 8. (5 fh. 6 d.) A system of English conveyancing, adapted to Scot- land; 1790. a new edition, considerably enlar- ged ancj improved. 1800. 4. An essay to demon- strate that contingent debts cannot by law, be ran- ked on estates sequestered in terms of the statute, 23 George III. Cap. 18. 17.. *M'(AC) NEILL, [Daniel] A.M. Dogmatism exposed and sophistry detected; or, • confutation of Paine s age of reason: to which ig prefixed, a brief account of the replies already pu- < blished. 1794. 8. (I ft. 6 d.) W (AC) NEILL, [Hector] Scotland's ikaith; or, the history of Wili and Jean: owre true a tale! together with some addi- tional poems: embellished with elegant engravings. Ed. 2. 1797. 8. (3 sh.) The waes of war, oc the Upshot of the history of Wili and Jean. 1796. 8. (l sh.) Politics; or the history of Wili and Jean. 1796. 4. (I sh.) * The harp, a poem; 17.. The Linck's o'forth: or, a parting peep at the carsc o'stirling; a plaint. 1799. 8. (ifh. 6 d.) Poetical works. Vol. î.2. I801. 8- (14 sh.) *!M'(AC) PHAÏL, [James] Gardener to Lord H a ut- iles bury, now Earl of Liverpool., On the culture of the cucumber — 1794. 8- (8 fh.) Remarks on the present times: exhibiting the cau- ses of the high price of provisions and propositions for their reduction being an introduction to hints and observations on agriculture. 1795. 8. (3 fh.) Hints and observations on the improvement of agriculture. 1795. 8- (5 fh.) The gardener's remembrancer, Nrb. I. 1803. (i fh.) On manu- res. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.26, p. 384.) *MACPHERSON, [Charles] Esq. born .... died .... (?) Memoirs of his life and travels in Asia, Africa D 3 and 1 54 sncT America — written by himself chiefly between the Y. 1773 and 1790. I800. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) ♦MACPHERSON, [David] Geographical illustrations of Scottish history, con- taining, the names of places mentioned in chrono- logies, histories, records. 1796.4. (10 sh. 6 d.) Tie orygynale cronyki! of Scotland, be Androw of fVyniown, Priowrof Sanct Serfis Ynche in Loch Levyn: now first published with notes, a glossary. Vol. 1.2. 1795. 8. (2 L. 2 sh.) MACPHERSON, [James] Member of Parliament for Camelford. born in Scotland 1737- died at Bal ville, in Badenoch, Invcrneisshire 1796. Febr. 17. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796, March, p, 256. Monthly Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Vol. 1. p. 167. Allg. Litt. Zeit. J. 1796. ItBJ. Jul. S. 814. *MACREADY, [William] Comedian of Covent Garden Tkeaire, (Native of Dublin,) The Irilliman in London, or the happy African; a farce. 1793, 8. (I ih.) The bank note, or lestons for ladies, a comedy in 5 acts. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) ♦MACRO, [William] of Barrow, Suffolk. Observations on sowing of clover-land wheat. (Yowigs A. of Agr. Vpl. 1, p. 109.) On claying and marling, and the treatment of new improved lands. (Ibid. Vol, 1^ p. 286.) An account of the cxpence, profits, and management, of a stock of ewes. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 427.) Observations on Closes reheat account. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 251.) The culture of turnips recommended to those coun- ties where they are not yet common. (Ibid, Vol. 3. p. 297.) Account of grazing a score of gallo- way scots. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 491.) Some cursory observations on agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 43T») An account of tTie annual average expence on a farm containing a thousand acres. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 422«) Experiments on the smut in wheat. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 243) On the fallowists and antisallo- wists. (ibid. Vol.6, p.438.) Experiments in agri- culture, ilbid. Vol. 7: p. T83. Vol. 10. p. 431') Ou the profit of slicep. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 376,) Ost potatoes. 55 potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 504.) On the smut in vdicat. (Ibid. Vol.8* p. 407.) On the expence and profits of claying and marling, and how far it answers for a common farmerto be at all the ex- pence himself. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 117») On a stan- ding sheep-fold. (Ibid. Vol. 9, p. 439.) Experi- ments on sheep, flbid. Vol. 15. p. 81.) Live and dead weight of iheep. (Ibid. Vol.12, p. 558.) *MAC VÎCAR, [Neil] Esq. Merchant at Edinburgh. On the means of introducing the linnen manu- facture into the highlands of Scotland, (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. 1. p. 50.) *MACY, [Zacchcus] A short journal of the first settlement of the is- land of Nantucket, with some of the most remar- kable things that have happened since, to the pre- sent time. (Coll. of Massachusetts H, S. Y. 1794, p. 155.) «MADDOCK, [Henry] Jun. Esq, of the Soc. of Lin- coins - Inn 9 late of St. John s College, Cam* bridge. *The power of Parliaments considered, 1799. 8* Ed. 2. with the author's name. 1799. 8. (I sb. 6 d.) *MADDOCK, [James] Florist at Walworth, near London.^ The floriftV^directory, or, a treatise on the cul- ture of flowers; to which is added a supplemen- tary dissertation on soils, manures. 1792. 8* (lofli.) fibers, von Aug. Wilh> Manteufel. Berlin. 1798. 8. «MADISON, [J...0 Esq. Letter containing experiments and observations upon what are commonly called the sweet springs, in Virginia. (American Museum Y. 1788. p. 30.) MADISON, [James] D. D. Bishop of alie episcopal church in Virginia. Observations of a lunar eclipse, Nov. 2. 1789. and of the transit' of Mercury over the fnn's diík Nov. 5. 1789. made at the University of Wil- liam and Mary. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 150.) Experiments upon magnetism. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4- P- 333-) A discourse on the death of Gen. Washington. 1800. (1 sh. 6 d.) D 4 *MAGEE, 54 *MAGEE, [William] D. D. Professor of Mathematics m the Univerjtrtj of Dublin. Discourses on the scriptural doctrines of atone, nient and sacrifice — and some strictures on Tho- mas Belskanis review of Wilberforces treatise, 1801 8, (9 ft.) *MAGUIRE, [Arthur] Rev, Description of a self registering barometer. (Tr, os J. A. Vol. 4. p, 141.) *MAHARG, [John] M. Dr. Case of suppuration aster erysipelas, of hernia, and of peripneutnony with peculiar appearances, {Duncan's M. C Dec, 2. Vol. 8. p. 3/1.) M A HON, [Charles] Lord Viscount, See Charles Stanhope. *DE M A IN AD UC/[John Boniot] Esq. As. Dr. Mm. ber ef the corporation of Surgeons in London, born .... died 1797, March 15. at London. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. April, p. 353, Duncan*s Annals of Medic. Y\ 1797. p. 433. Lectures. Part I. 1799. *MAIN WARING, [Thomas] Apothecary in London. Account of an uncommon inflammation of the epi* glottis. {Simmon's Med. Facts and Observ. Vol. 1, p. 40.) iibers, Repertor, Chir. u, Med, Abhandl. B.I. S.258.) A case of ah extra-uterine foetus discharged by the rçc.tum. (Transact, of Med, and Chir. Soc. Vol.2, p. 287.) **MAITLAND, [James] Earl of LAUDERDALE5 in tht Kingdom of Scotland, Letters to the peers of Scotland. 1794. 8. (5 On the subject of the national finances, a speech made in the house of Peers. 1796,4. (2 sb. 6 d.) Thoughts on finance, suggested by the measures * of the preseut session, 1797. 4. (2 sh.) Letter on the present measure of financea in which the bill now depending in Parliament is particularly considered, 1798. 8. (I sh« 6 d,) *MAJENDIE, [Lewis] Esq. at Hedingham Casile, Essex. On grasses. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 12, p. H3-) Experiments and observations on alopecurus pra- tensis, Ubid. Vo]# Xo; p, 129.) On the drill hus- bandry. (Ibid, Vol. 17. p. 422.) Experimentsjnd 57 observations on festuca pratensis. (Ibid* Vol.20, p. 167^) Six days in Somersetshire. (Ibid. Vol. 23. p. 410.) On the utility of the Spanish ches- nut-tree, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 9, p. 17.) On the culture of chesnut - tree* (Ibid. VoL T2. p. I09.) *MAJOR, [John Henniker] Esq. ^ Two letters on the origin, antiquity and history of Norman tiles; stained with armorial bearings. 1794. 8. (4 sh.) Account of Bicknacre priory, in Essex. (Arch. Vol. XL p. 255.) *MALCOLM, [....] Remarks on waste lands in Surry. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8, p. 121.) On the fattening oxen and 'hogs" by the. distillers, (Young's A. of Agr.. Vol. 23« p. 55.) *MALCOi,.M, [James] Remarks on waste land9 in Buckinghamshire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 138.) ^MALCOLM, [James Peiler] Londinum redivivum, or, an ancient history and modern description of London, compiled from pa- riochal record*, archives of various foundations, the Harlejan Mss. and other authentic sources. Vol. i# 1803,, 4. (I L. 11 sh. 6 d.) ^MALDÈN, [ ] Surgeon at Putney. Case of rabies canina. (Mem. of M. S. of L. VoL , 4. p, 40g.) Cafe of spasm. (Ibid- Vol. 4. p. 412.) History of taenia, cured by oil of turpentine. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 419.) •*MALET, [C... W....] Account of the caves or excavations, near the town of EUora. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 6. p.382.) *MALHAM, [John] Rev. Navigation made easy and familiar. 17.. Tha naval gazetteer, or seaman's complete guide con- taining a .full and accurate account alphabetically arranged of the several coasts of all the countries and islands in the known world. Vol. 1. 2. Bo- ston. 1797.8. (6 Dollar.) reprinted London 1797. (ió ih.) Sixteen sermons on the most interesting: subjects to seamen — 1793. 8, (6 sh.) A word for the bible: being a serious reply to the decla- claratious and assertions of the speculative deists D 5 mi and practical atheists of modern times, particular- ly the age of reason Part the 2 , by Thorn. Faint. 1796. 8- (2 ih.) Two sermons 011 national gra- titude. 179: Dictionary of the common prayer. 179. Infant baptism defended; 179. Twenty two sermons on do£trinal and practical fubje&s, 1 Vol. 1. 2. 1799. An historical view of the una. •' voidable causes of the non-residence of the pa- rochial clergy on their respective liviugs—. igoi, 3. (2 ft). 6 d.) *MALHAM, [John] Victr of Hilton, Dòrsit and Or- dinary of the county Gaol of Wilts. The scarcity of wheat considered. 1800. 8. (I sti.) The misbief of forestalling,— considered. 1800. (I fh. 6 d.) *MALKIN, [Benjamin Heath] Essays on subjects connected with civilization. 1795. 8. (4 fh*) Almahidc and Kamet, a tragedy in 5 acts, ta which is prefixed a letter; on dramatic composition. 1804. 8* (6 sb.) . *MALLET, [Philip] Wine- Merchant in the city of - London* ^ , ; , born .... died 1795. Aug. 24. See Gentleman's Ma«*az. Y. 1795. p. 793. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J, 1796. S. 1. Remarks on a speech made to the national assembly « of Francé by the deputies from the ,general assem- bly of the trench port of St. Domingo "—• for abo- lition of the slave-trade. 1792. A narrative of the circumstances relative to the excise wine bill, lately passed into a law; 1795. $. tord M ALMS BUR Y, Sec James Harris. M ALONE, [Edmund] Esq. The plays ajid poems of IV* Shakespeare; Vol. IT* I79I. 8* Letter to Richard Farmer^ D. D. rela- tive to the edition of Shakespeare published in Ï790. and some late criticisms on that work. 1792. 8. (1 fh.) Inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments publi- shed Dec. 24. 1795- and attributed to Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth and Henry, Earl of Southampton. Ï796. 8» (7 st.) The Works of Sit Joshua Rey* noldh 59 nolds, containing his discourses, — a journey to Flanders and Holland (now first published) and his commentary on Du Fresnoy's art of painting — with an account of the life and writings of the author. Vol. I. 2. 1797. 4. (I L. 16 sh.) The critical and miscellaneous prose works of John Dry den 9 now fìrít collected with notes and illu- strations and an account of the life and writings of the author. Vol. I -4. 1800. 8- (2 L. 2 sh,) *MALTBY, [Edward] £. D: Domestic Chaplain to the Lord - Bishop of Line0hi. Illustrations of the truth of the christian religion. Ï805. 8. (5.,sh- à d.) «MALTHUS, [Daniel] Esq. born .... died 1799 '»t Albury near Guildford. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 80. Febr. p. 177. March, p. 281. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800^ Febr. p. 90. The sorrows of Werter, translated from german; 17.. D'EnnenonvilPs Essay on landscape, trans- lated from french. 17.. St. Pierre Paul and Vir- ginie, published under the title of Paul and Marie; translated from the french. 17.. (I (Robert Malthus) can fay from certain know- ledge that Dan. Malthas did not translate these pieces. The turn of his mind very little disposed him to imitation or to the copying in any way the works of others. — See Monthly Magaz. Y. I800. March, p. 197.) *MALSTHUS, [T.... R....] A.M. Fellow of Je- sus College, Cambridge: * An eííay on the principle of population; or, a view of its pail and present effects on human hap- piness: with an enquiry into our prospects re- specting the mitigation of the evils which it occa- sions. 1798. 8. (6 sh.) a new edition, very much enlarged, 1803. 4. (l L. II ih. 6 d.) Re- marks on a late publication, entitled ,,an essay on the principle of population — —; 1803. 8. (2 ill.) ? M ALTON, [James] Architett and Draftman. An essay on britifh cottage architecture — 1798.' (I L. 7 ill.) The young pawner's maul-stick ; being a practical treatise ou perspective —; I802. 4 (i L. 1 sh.) *MALTON, [Thomas] A picturesque tour through the cities of London and Westminster; ilkrstrated with views of the principal objects in the metropolis and engraved in aqua tinta. Vol. I. 2. I802. sol. (17 L. 10 ill.) M ALTON, [Thomas] Sen. of London. born 1725. died I80Í. Febr. 18. in Dublin. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 18OI, March, p. 277. The new royal road to geometry and familiar introduction to the mathematics. P. 1.2. 1793, g. (12 sh.) *MAN, [Henry] . born ..,. died .... (?) Miscellaneous works in prose and verse. Vol. 1.2. 1802. 8 *MANBY, [George William] Esq. The history and antiquities of the parish of Sf. David, South Wales: the most ancient documents ~, collected from the Bodlejan library. To which is annexed a correct list of the Arch - bishops, Bishops, &c. embellished with plates. 1801. $. -v .>' (io sb. 6 d.) Fugitive sketches of the history and natural beauties of Clifton, Hotwells and vicinity. I802. 8. (7 sh. 6 d.) An historic and pictures- que guide from Clifton through the counties of Monmouth, Glamorgan and Brecknock, with re- presentations of ruins, interesting antiquities Ac, 1802. 8. (15 sh-) *MANDRILLON, [-...] of Amsterdam. American spectator; 17.. Observations on the new constitution, (American Muséum Y. 1788' Oct. p. 365.) * MAN LEY, [Simon] at Topskam. On bees. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 8. p. 130,) MANN, [Theodore August] Secretary of the Impr, find Roy. Acad, of Sc. at BruJseU born in England. (He is well known under the name of Abbe' Mamt>) Abrcges de rhistoire ecclésiastique civile et naturelle de de la ville de Bruxelles et de ses environs, à Bru*, 1785. 8. Memoirs fur les grandes gelées et leurs effects. Gand. 1792. 8. ♦MANNERS, [....] Lady; a native ofLehena in Ire- land and the Lady of Sir William Manners, of Sue - minster Park, Leicestershire. Poems. 1793. 4. (I L. I ill.) Review of poetry, ancient and modern. 1799. 4* (3 6 d.) •MANNING, [Edward] Esq. The law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank and banker's notes, drafts and checks. 1801. 8. (3 MANNING, [Henry] M. Dr. Incontinence of urine; (M. P, of M. S. Nrb, I. p. 124.) ^MANNING, [James] Pastor of the United Congre- gation of Dijfenters at Exeter. Skerch of the life and writings of the Rev. M/- caiak Towgood. 1792. 8. (3 fh.) Exercises of piety for the use of enlightened and virtuous chri- stians by G. J. ZoUi&ofer, translated from the french edition. 179Ó. 8. Dissenting petition to Oliver Cromwell. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Sepu P. 178.) MANNING, [Owen] B. D: Retlor of Peperharrow and y tear of Godalming in Surrey. born at Orlmgbury 1721. died I801. Aug. 22. at Godalming. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. l8or. Sept. p. 865* Oct. p. 958. Allgem. Litt. Zeit. J. 1803. ItBl. N. 48. S. 405. The scripture doctrine of election and justification practically illustrated, in two sermons. 1790. ♦MANNI NG, [Thomas] late of Caius-College, Cam- bridge, Introduction to arithmetic and algebra. Vol. I. 2. 1796. 1798, 8- (10 ih.) ^MANNING, [William] Reiïor of Diss and Brome in Norfolk. Three sermons — on the necessity of government, on the usefulness of magistrates -and 011 civil and religious liberty, illustrated with notes. 1790. 12. (fl ill. Ó d.) «MANSEY, 6z *MANSEY, [Lewis] M. Dr. The practical physician, or medical instructor adapted to the use of private families, though con- veying information to the scientific. Nrb. i. (to be completed in 16 numbers.) 1800. (6 d.) *EarI of MANSFIELD, [William MURRAY] Lord Chief Justice of the Kings ~ Bench* born March 2. 1705. died 1793. March 20. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. March, p. 285. Biogr. Liter, and Polit. Anecdotes —; Vol, 1, p. 209-366. *MANT, [Richard] A. B. Fellow of Oriel College in Oxford, Verses to the memory of Joseph Warton, D. D. late Head-master of Winchester College. 1800. 4. (I fib.) The poetical works of J. Warton, with memoirs of his life and writings. Vol, 1.3. 1803. 8. (14 ih.) *MANTELL, [Johu] Essay on making the mother for growing of salt- petre, (Transact, of Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P. I. p. 2930 MANTELL, [Thomas] Surgeon at Dover. Cafe of imperforated anus successfully treated (Mem. of M.S. of L. Vol.3. p.389.) •MARCH, [ John ] Coachmaker extraordinary by tht Prince of Wales* A new universal system of inversable carriage! from the curricle to the largest caravan. 1795» sol. (15 ft.) ♦MARCHANT, [Nathaniel] A catalogue of one hundred impressions from germ? engraved by him. 1792. 4. *-M A R K H A M, [George] Vicar of Carleton in Craven. #Truth for the seekers, or, a fair and full state- ment of the facts which gave rife to the impri- sonmnent of the Quackcr's now in York-Castle. 1796. 8. (6 d.) More truth for the seekers, or, the charges of G. Marhham vindicated in oppo- ; sition to 'the defence of the quackcrs imprisoned fa* not paying tithes. 1799» *MARKQE, 63 *MARKOE, [Peter] born .... died 1792. Febr, *The times. Philad. 17... The reconciliation, or the triumph of nature, a comic opera> in % acts. Phiìad, J.790. Hi ARK WICK, [William] Esq. F. L. S. On the migration of certain birds' and on other matters relating to a feathered tribes. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 1. p. 118.) Some account of the mufca pumilionis of Gmelin's edition of the syste- ma naturae; with additional remarks by T.... Marfkam. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 76.) Additional re- marks on the wood sandpiper, tringa glareola; (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 325. ) Aves Sussexienscs; or, a catalogue of birds found in the county of Sussex, with remarks. (Ibid. . Vol. 4. p. I.) Observation» on the curculio trifolii, or clover Weevil, a small infect which infests the heads of the cultiva- ted clover anJ destroys the feeds. With additional remarks by Marskatn. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 142.) The works iq natural history of the late Gilb. fVkite — Vol. r. 2. 1802. 8. (14 ih.) *MARLOW, [Harriet] Lady. Modern novel writing, or the elegant enthusiast and interesting emotions of Arabella Bloomville, a rhapsodical romance; interspersed with poetry. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. (7 fh.) *MARR, [Will.am] On Terentius's edition by Griersoti of Dublin*' (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Febr. p. 5. cf. Ibid. March, p. 108.) MARRIOT, [George] ReBor of TwinsteaoL, Effex. born • . . . died 1793. at Islington Nov. 27- See Gentleman's Magaz, Dec. p. 1152. Supplem. p. 1213. Human life a state of pilgrimage, a farewell ser- mon. 1773. 4. Two sermons on the mortality of mankind. 1770* 8* The preservation of Mo- sei on the ark of bulrushes symbolically explained —. 1774. 4* Considerations on the state inter- mediate, or first future revolution of being; three sermons, 1775. 8. Judgment begun in the house of God to be finished on its enemies, a sermon. 1776. 4. * MARRIOT, 64 * M A R R T O T , [John] of Retdyford. born died .... (?) A short account of hitn, including extracts from his letters. To which are added, some of his poe- tical productions. 1803. 8. (3 sti. 6 d.) *MARRIOT, [William] Esq. of the Inner - TmpU; Barrister at Law, The country gentleman's lawyer and the,farmers complete library; — 1795. 8* (2 íh.) A new law dictionary —. Vol. I. 1797. 8. (9 ih. 6 d.) ♦MARRIOTT, [Sir James] Knight. born 1731. died 1803. March 21. at Twinsted- Hall, near Sudbury. (Poems, in the collections otDodstey and Pearck.) The cafe of the Dutch ships considered. 1758. Ed. 4.- with additions. 1778. 8. A letter to the Dutch merchants in England. 1759. 8. Poems — with a latin oration. 1760. 8. Political conside- rations, being a few thoughts of a candid man v at the present crisis. 1762. 8. The rights and privileges of both universities, and of the univer- sity of Cambridge in particular, defended. 1769.8. Plan of a code of laws for the province of Que. bee. 1774. 8. Mémoire justificatif de la conduite de la Grande Bretagne, cn arrestant les navires étrangères et les munitions de guerre, destinée aux infurgens de TAmerique. I80I. 8* Decisions in the high court of admirality during the time of Sir George Hay and Sir James Marriott, late judges of the court. 180I. 8. A formulary of au- thentic instruments and writs used in the high court of admiralty. 1802. 8. "»MARRYATT, [Thomas Mortimer] M. Dr. Physi- cian, at Bristol. born .... died 1792. Jun.4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. June. p. 578. Medical aphorisms. 17^7. (6 d.) Therapevtics, or, the art of healing. 1792. 12. (4 ih.) iiberf. Leipz. 1793. 8. Ed. 2. to which are added a glossary of difficult words and recipes for pre* parity the most useful popular medicines. 1803. (4 AO MARSDEN, 6S MARSDEN, [William] R R. S: F. A. S, born 1754. NoV. 16. Catalogue of dictionaries, vocabularies, gram- mars and alphabets in two parts. 1796. 4. On the chronology of the Hindoos. (Phil. Transact, Y. 1792. p. I05.) On the traces of the Hindu lan- guage and literature, extant amongst the Malays. (Asiat. Res. Vol 4. p. 221.) i'MARSH, [Charles] Esq. Lincoln s -Inn. An appeal to the public spirit of Great-Britain* 1803. 8. (3 sh.) *MARSH, [Herbert] B. D. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Introduction to the new testament by John Da- vid Mickaelis — translated from the 4 edit, of the German and considerably augmented with no- tes explanatory „and supplemental.,, Vol. I. P. 1.2. Vol.2. P. 1.2. Vol. 3. P. 1.2. Vol. 4. 1793- I80I. 8. (2 L. 17 fh.) ubers. von E. F. C. Rosen- millier. Th.l. Gôttmgen. 1795. Th. 2. 1803. 4. An essay on the usefulIness and necessity of theo- logical learning, to those who are designed for holy orders. 1792. 4. (I fh.) The authenticity, of the 5 books of Moses considered, being the substance of a discourse lately delivered. 1792. 4. (I sh.) ~ Letter to Arch-Deacon Travis in vin- dication of one of the translator notes to Mi- chaelis's introduction and in confirmation of the opinion, that a greek manuscript, now preserved in the public library of the University of Cam- bridge is one of the seven, which are quoted by R. Stephen's at I John 5, 7. with an appendix, containing a review of Mr. Travis's collation of the greek MSS. which he examined in Paris; an extract from Mr. Pappelbawns treatise on the Berlin MSS. and an essay on the origin and object of the Velefian readings. 1795. 8. (8 "ill ) * C. L. A. Panes essay on the English national credit; or, an attempt to remove the apprehensions of those who have money in the. English funds; translated from the German. 1797. 8. (I fh.) The history of the politics of Great-Britain and France, from the time of the conference at Pillnirz to the de- claration of war against Great - Britain: with an &h/í g. k. suppi. n. 11. £ appen- 66 appendix, containing a narrative of the attempts made by the British government to restore peace, Vol. I. 2. 1799. (IO sh. 6 d*) fibers. Leipzig] 1799. 8. The history of the politicks of Great- Britain and France, vindicated from a late attack of Will. Belsham. 1801. 8. (3 ft-) A" examina- ttoii of the conduct of the British ministry, rela- tive to .the late proposal of Bonaparte. 1800. A Dissertation on the origin and composition of the three first gospels. 1802. 8- (5 ft-) Letters to the anonymous author of ^Remarks on Mickaelis and hie commentate.*-, relating especially to the difler- tation on the origin and composition of the three first canonical gospels. 1802. 8- (l fli.) The illu- stration of the hypothesis proposed in the disser- tation on the origin and composition of our three first canonical gospels, with a preface and an ap- pendix 9 containing miscellaneous matters. The whole being a rejoinder to the anonymous author of the remarks on Mickaelis and his commentator. 1803. 8. (4 ih.) ♦MARSHALL, [Charles] Vicar of Brixworth, North* amytonshire. An introduction to the knowledge and practice of gardening. 1796.8. (4 ^.) Ed.2. 1798. 8. "(5ih.) ^MARSHALL, [E ....] Directions for preventing thirst at sea. (Colum- bian Magaz. Y. 1791. Dec. p. 404.) *MARSHALL, [Ebenezer] Rev. The history of the union of Scotland and England; stating the circumstances which brought that event forward to a conclusion and the advantages resul- ting from it to the Scots. 1799. 8. (5 ft-) MARSHALL, [Edmund] A.M. Curate of Egertoni Kent. born 1723. died 1797. May 8- See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. May p. 446' Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. I800. S.645. Edmund and Eleonora: or memoirs of the houses of Summerfield and Grctton. Vol. I. 2. 1797*8» (io ft. 6 d.) (He was writer in the „Kentish Gazette,, un- der the signature of Cantianus and a Contributor to Gentleman'i Magazin.) MARSHALL, Í7 MARSHALL, [George] Ar chit eft. born ... ♦ died .... (?) The ancrent buildings of Rome delineated hf Antk. Defgodetz — translated. Vol. I. 3. Í.795, Imper, sol. (4 L. I4ÍI1. 6 d.) MARSHALL, [Humphrey] * Planting and ornamental, gardening, a practical treatise; 17.. Planting and rural onmnent: being a second edition with large additions of planting and ornamental gardening. Vol. 1.2. 179Ó. 8. O4 ih.j *A review' of the landscape, a di- dactic poem (by Knight} also of an essay on the picturesque; together with practical remarks oa rural ornament. 1795. 8. (5 sb.) «MARSHALL, [Richard] A. B. Fellow of Dulwieh College; Surry,, Sermons on various subjects, to which is added, an address to the deity, in the manner of Dr. Fordyce. 1798. 8. (6 sh ) *MARSHALL, [Samuel] Serjeant at Law. A treatise on the law of insurance 5 in four books# Vol. I. 2. I802. 8. (I L. 8 sh.) ^MARSHALL, [William] Esq. Minutes of agriculture, made on a farm of 30a acres of various foils, near Croydon, Surry. 1778. 4. (12 sh.) The rural economy of the west of England, including Devonshire and parts of Somersetshire, Dorsetshire and Cornwall. VoL I. 2. 1796. 8. (I2 ih.) Rural economy of the Midland counties. Vol. I. 2. 1790. 8. (i4 sh.) iibers. von W.... Gottingen. 1793. 8. Ed. 2. 1797. 8. (X4 sh.) Rural economy of the county of Norfolk. Vol. 1. 2. 1787. 8. (12 sh.) iibers. von Graf v. PodewilJs. Th.i.2. Berlin. 1798. 8, Rural economy of Yorkshire. Vol. 1, 2. 1788. 8* (l2 sh.) úbers. vom Graf t>. PodewiUs. Th. 1.2. Berlin. 1800. 1801. 8. The rural economy of the Southern counties, comprizing Kent, Surry* Sussex, the isle of Wight, the chalk hills of Wilt- shire , Hampshire &c. and including the culture and management of hops in the districts of Maid- stone, Canterbury and Farnham. VoL I. 2. 1798. 8. (15 sh.) A new edition, to which is prefixed, a> iketch of the vale of London, and au outline of U % its és îts rural economy. Vol. 1.2. 1799. (l$ sh-) Pro. posais for a rural institute, or college of agricuU ture and the other branches of ruçal economy, 1799. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) On the appropriation and inclosure of commonable and intermixed lands;-, I801. 8. (2 sh. ó d.) MARSH AM, [Robert] Esq. F. R. S. of Stranon in . Norfolk. , born 1707. died 1797. Sept. 4.' See Gentleman's ^Magaz. Y. 1797. Oct. p. 893. Allg. Litt. Zest. ItBI. Y. 1800. S. 647. A supplement to the measure of tree*. (Philos, Transact. Y. 1797, p. 128.) On the bulk and increase in growth of some remarkable timber trees. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 1. p.75.) ^MARSHAM, [Thomas] Esq. Secretary to the Linn* _Soc. See Willi Markw ick. Observations on the phalaena bombyx lubricipeda of Linnaeus and some other allied to it. (Trans- act, of the L. S. Vol. 1. p. 67.) Observations on the oeconomy of the ichneumon manifestator Linn, (ibid. Vol. 3. p. 23.) Observations on the insect* that infested the corn in. the Year 1795. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 242. Vol. 4. p. 224. ) Entomologia Britannica — Vol. I. 1802. 8. (16 sh.) *MARSOM, [John] A Bookseller in Holboru and a Dissenting Treacher. The impersonality of the holy ghost —; 1787- 12. (9 d.) The universal restoration of man- kind , examined and proved to be a doctrine in- consistent with itself, contrary to the scriptures and subversive of the gospel of Jesus Christ; in answer to Dr. Chauncy of New-England and Mr. Winchester's dialogues. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 8. (4 ft.) Falsehood detected: being animadversions on Pat* lie's letter to Thorn. Ershine^ on the trial of Thomas Williams for publishing the age of rea- son; wherein his attacks upon the bill are exami- ned ahd (hewn to be founded in misrepresentation and falsehood. 1798. 8. (6 d.) *MARSTERS, [Thomas] Jun. A view of agricultural oppressions and of their effects upon society. 1798. 8* (2 sh.) '«MARTIN, «MARTIN, [Claude] Lieutenant- Colonel On the manufacture of indigo at Ambore, (Asiar. Res. Vol. 3. p. 475.) •MARTIN, [Eugene] Rev. Comparative view of the advantages resulting from revelation and the dangers attending infide- lity — Dublin. 1790.4. (2 sh.) ^MARTIN, [Francis Xavier] Esq. Attorney at Law. Funeral oraiion on the Mayor-Gen. Richard Caswelly grand!-master of the masons of North- Carolina. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1JÇO. July. p. 35,) The office and authority of a justice of the peace and off sheriffs, coroners — according to the laws of the state of North-Carolina, New- bern. 1791. .^MARTIN, [Hugh] born .... died .... (?) Account of some of the principal dies employed by the North - American Indies. (Transact, of A. S. V0L3. p.222.) "MARTIN> [James] Silk-dyer at Canterbury* On the art of dying. 1791. 8. (6 d.) MARTIN, [John] of Richmond buildings, So ho, At* torney of the Courts of England and Solicitor of the Courts of Scotland. An inquiry into the state of the legal and judicial polity of Scotland. Part I. 1792. 8- (6 sh.) Au account of the -trial of Sam. George Grant before a general court martial held at Chatham Barracks March 21. 1792. for having advised and persuaded — two drummers of the Coldstream Règt. of Guards, to desert. 1792. 8. (2 íh. 6 d.) Letter to the Earl of Lauderdale, to prove that the high court of parliament has a jurisdiction in cafes of appeal against the judgments of the court, of justi- ciary in Scotland. 1793. 8- (2 íh. 6 d.) A letter to the H. Thorn. Erskine with a postscript to the R. H. Lord Kenyon upon their conduct at the trial of Thomas Williams, for publishing Paine's age of reason. 1797. 12. (6 d.) Account of the pro- ceedings against him on a charge of high trea- son. 17. % E 3 MARTIN, 70 M A R TIN i [ John ] Pastor of the church meeting in Store -street, Bedford-square , London, born at Spalding 1741. March. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Dec. p. 1040. Some account of his life and writings. I797. 12, (I fh* 6 d.) Speech on the repeal of the corpora- tion and teste ach , intended to have been spoken at the meeting of the general body of dissenting ministers in London. 1789. Series of letters to the Rev. Mr. Horseyy in defence of adult baptism, 17.. Sermons on the character of christ. 1793, 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) A speech on the repeal of such parts of the test and corppration acts, as assert conscientious dissenters. 17.. Animal magnetism examined, in a letter to a country gentleman. Ï790. 8. (I Hi.) History of the sufferings of M. de Marottes. 17.. An address to the board of baptist ministers. 1798. 8. (i fh.) Christ the life of his people, a sermon. 1798. 13. (6 d.) (Several single sermons.) *MARTIN, [J.... P....] of Boston. A.M:M.S.P, Hxtract from an address on female education, (American Museum Y. 1792. May. p.215-) From the visions of Clio. (ibid. Y. 1792. June p. 281.) ^MARTIN, [Matthew] Esq. Letter to — Lord Pelham, on the state of incudi* city in the metropolis. 1803* 8. (X fh. 6 d.) ^MARTIN, [Sir Mordaunt] Bart. On the properties and use of Mangel-wurzel. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 7. p. 85.) On the field culture of potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 99.) On the poor-rates. (Ibid, Vol. 7. p. IQI.) Outlines of a scheme to alleviate the very unequal burthen of poor-rates. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 104. 106.) Remarks on Mr. Pew's observations on the poor-laws. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 107.) On the mangel-wurzel, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.32, p. 273O *MARTIN, [Samuel] Esq, of Antigua. An essay upon plaiirer/hip* (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 18. p. 236.) «MARTIN, [T....] of Jansor, near Oundle. On chicory. (Young's A, of Agr. Vol.28. p.386.) «MARTIN, [Thomas] Letter to the society of protestant dissenters at the old meeting, Yarmouth, on his resignation of the office of minister among them. 1707, 8. (I fh.) . ^MARTIN, [William] F. L. S. Account of some species of fossil anomiae found in Derbyshire. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 4, p. 44.) *MARTINE, [George] M. Dr. Essays and observations on the construction and graduation of thermometer and on the heating and cooling of bodies. Ed. 4. Edinb. 1787. 8- ^MARTYN, [Oliver] Physician at Galway. History of a cafe with many anomalous symptoms, apparently arising from bile, successfully treated with mercury. (Duncans M. C, Dec. 2. Vol, 9. p. 298.) JilARTYN, [Thomas] B. D: F. R. S: Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge; F. £.S« A tour through Italy — 1791. 8. (6 fh.) Obser- vations on the language of botany. (Transact, of L. S. Vol, I. p. 147.) J. F. Rousseau s let- ters on the elements of botany — translated Ed, 2. I787« 8. (7 Hi.) The language of bo- tany, being a dictionary of the terms made use in that science principally by hinneus — 1793» 8. (5 fh.) Ed. 2. 1796. (6ih.) Flora rustics. Vol. 1-4. 1792-1794. 3. (I L. 6 fh.) De* scription of haemanthus mukiflorus with an engra* ved figure. 179. Gardener'* and botanist's dictio* nary of the late Phil. Miller, corrected and newly arranged with additions. Part I-I8. sol. I803. Memorandum concerning grasses made near London, 1786. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 6. p. 83. Observations on the flowering of certain plants. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 158.) A farming tour m Germany. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p.294.) An enqui- ry into ;the nature and use. of pozzolana earth: its several substitutes; and the places where it may possibly be found in Great-Britain and Ireland. (Ibid. Vol. 14 p. 378.) Pertenhall, in Bedford- shire, on the borders of Huntingdonshire. (Ibid. 33« p. 126.) Thermometrical observations June 7. — Aug. 12. 1798. June 7. — Aug. 12. 1799. (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 641*) Cultivation of rhu- barb. (Ibid, Vol.37, p. 1.) Entomologist anglois— E 4 London* 72 London. 1792. 4. (ÓL. 4 ft. 6 d,) Araneì or a natural history of spiders — 1793. 4. Figures of non defcript moths and butterflies. Nrb. 1. 1797.4, *MASCALL, [Edward James] Longroom, Custom- house. A practical book of customs, with excise, upon all foreign articles imported. 1799. 4* (IO ^, 6 d.) Ed. 2.' l8or. 8. (io fh. 6 d.) M ASE RES, [Francis] ' Esq. F. R. S. Curfitor Raton of the Court of Exchequer: formerly Attorney- General of Quebec. A short enquiry into the extent of the power of juries, on trials for criminal writings. 17.. *'Thc moderate reformer — by a friend to the church of England. 1791. 8- ( ï fh. ) Scriptores iogarith- - nïíci—. Vol. r-4. 1791-1801.4. (5L. 15 sb. ód,) James Bernoulli s doctrine of permutations and combinations' and some other useful mathematical tracts. 1795.8. (12 fh.) Appendix to Mr. Frend's principles of Algebra. Part I. 2. 1798. 1799. 8. (8 fh.) Raphson^s- and Sir If -"Newton î methods of approximation, published by him. 1800. 8. ^ (IO fh. 6 d.) MASKELYNE, [Ncvil] Astronomer Royal. D. D. F. R. S. An answer to a narrative of facts relative (0 the time - keepers constructed by Thorn. Mudgc 177. Advertisement of the expected return of the comet of 1532 and 1661. in the Y. 1788. (N. A. Y. 179I. Append, p. I.) Advertisement relative to the disappearances and re - appearances of Sa- turn's ring" in 1789 and 1790. (Ibid. Y. 1791. Append, p. 2.) Mich. Taylor's tables of loga- rithms of all numbers from 1 to ioiooo and of the sines and tangents to every second of the qua- drant. With a preface and precepts for the ex- planation and use of the fame. 1792. sol. (3 Guin.) Observation* of the comet of 1793. (Phil. Trans- act. Y. 1793. p. 550 MASON, [Charles] Astronomer. born .... died in Philadelphia. 1786. Nov. Tob. Mayer's lunar tables improved. 1787. (5 ih. 6 d,} 3 * MASON, 73 tfMASON, [George] * Essay on design in gardening — 17Ó8. 8. (i fb* 6 cl.) New edition greatly augmented; also, a révisai of several late publications on the' same subject. 1795. Appendix. Igoi. Poems by Tko* mas Hoccleve (a poet who flourished of the 14 and great part of the 15 century) never before pi íti- led: selected from a MiT. with a preface, notes and glossary. 1796. 4. (6 sh. 6 d.) A supplement to Johnsen*s engliih dictionary; of which the pal- pable errors are attempted to be rectified and its material omisiions supplied. 1801. 4. (ió sh.) The life of Richard Earl Howe. 1803. 8. (4 Hi.) * M A S O N , [ George Henry ] Esq. Major ,of his Mnj.1 (late) 102 Regiment. The costume of China, illustrated by sixty engra* vings with explanations in french and engliih. I800, 4. (6 Guin.) *MASON, [John] A. M. Pastor of the Scot's Presby- terian Church in the city of New-York. born 1733. died April ...» 1792. Letters on frequent communion; 1798* 8. Fd, 2. Philad, 1800. First ripe fruits; being a collection of tracts and two sermons with a short memoir and striking likeness of that eminent divine» I803. 13. MASON, [John Monck] Comments on the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, with an appendix, containing some further obser- vations on Shakespeare y extended to the late edi- tions of Maione and Steevens. 1798. 8. (9 ih.) *MASON, [Michel] of Cron don Park, Essex. Queries on land-draining answered. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 4. p. 289.) *MASON, [Richard Oswald] Esq. Considerations of the reasons that except for revi- ving- the use of the long bow, with the pike , in aide of the measures brought forward by his Maj. ministers for the defence of the country. 1798. 8. (3 sh- 6 d.) *MASON, [William] of Aston near Botheram. Account of a method of generating yeast. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol, 8. p. 141.) E 5 * MASON, 74 *MASON, [William] Esq. of Bermondjey> late Justice of the Peace for the County of Surrey. born at Rotherhitc in the County of Surrey 1719. died 179L Sept. 29. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791» 06V. p. 97X. Evangelical Magnz. Y. 1794. Jan. p. 3. * Morality not Christianity; or remark on a very extraordinary sermon, preached by — Whigfidd, by a Layman of the church of England; 17.. Plain queries, humbly offered to the clergy. 1754, Remarks and observations on the morality and di- vinity contained m Dr. Free's certain articles, pro- posed to the court of affiliants of the worshipful company of falters. 1758. Methodism displayed and enthufì-aím detected. 17.. The scripture doctrine of imputed righteousness, aíîcríed and maintained by John Wesley. 17..- A spiritual treasury for the children of god; 17,. *MASON, [William] of Bristol Fallows absolutely necessary. (Youngs A. ofAgr. Vol 5. p. 55.) Reply to Mr. Fiske on fallows, with ohserv. by A. Young. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 354.) MASON, fWilliam] M. A. Precentor and one of the resident} arte s of York cathedrals Prebendary of Driffield and Re&or of Aston , co. York/hire* born 1725. died 1797. Apr. 5. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. April, p. 359. May. p. 433, Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. April, p. 323.403. June. p. 437. The Annual Necro- logy for 1797. 1798. p. 297. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1797- S. 1411. Essay, historical and critical, on englifli church- musik. 1795. 8. (3 fy- 6 d) Poems. Vol. 3. now first published. 1797. 8- (6 sh.) MASSON, [Francis] Stapeliae novae, or, a collection of several new species of that genus, discovered in the interior parts of Africa. Nrb. 1 - 4. 1796-1798. (4 L. 4 sh.) MASTER, [Robert] B. D: F. S. A. and one of die Justices of the Peace for the county of Cam- bridge. born 1715. died 1798, July 5. at Landbcach, co, Cambridge. See 75 See Gentleman's Magaz., Y. 11798. Jul. p. 634. Aug. p.,720. Nov. p. 931. Allg>| Litt. Zeit. ItBl.J. 1800. S. 651. The mischiefs of faction and rebellion considered, a sermon. 1745. 8. History of the second foun- dation in the University of Cambridge, in two parts; 1) of its founders, benefactors and ma* iters; 2) of its other principal members. Cam- bridge. 1753. 4. A short account of the parish of Waterbeach in the diocess of Ely, by a late Vicar, 1795. 8- A catalogue of the several pictu- res in the public library and respective colleges in the university of Cambridge. 1790. 12. *MASTIN, [John] Vicar of Nafihy. The history and antiquities of Nafeby in the coun- ty of Northampton. 1792, *MATHER, [ ] As. Dr. Account of the experiments made by metallic tractors. 1800. (I sh.) *tMATHER, [Alexander] Surgeon at York. An account of the good effects of opium in a cafe of retention of urine. (Simmons*s Med. Fflcts and Observât. Vol. 4. p. 102.) fibers. Repertor. chi- rurg. u. mediz. Abhandl. B. 2. S. 170. A cafe of monstrous birth. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 107.) fibers. Repertor, Chir. u. Mediz. Abhandl. B.2. S. 123.) An account of the effects of an over-dose of the terra ponderosa muriata, (Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 9. p. 265.) «MATHER, [J..-] Perfumer to his R. Might, the Duke of York and Ladiis - hair Drtffer. A treatise on the nature and preservation of the hair, in which the causes of its different colours and diseases are explained. 1794. 8* (2 sh*) *MATHER, [Samuel] Dr. born .... died .... (?) Account of the first settlement of Boston. (1784,) (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p.256.) *M AT HEWS, [Charles] Mrs. born .... died .... (?) Simple facts; or, the history of an orphan. Vol. I. 2. 1793. 13. (6 sli.) Perplexities, or, the for- tunate tunate elopement. Vol. r-3. 1794. 8. (rosh. 6 d.) Introspection; or, a peep at real characters. Vol. 1-4. 1801. (18 sh.) Poems. 1802. 8. (5 sh,) ^MATHEWS, [J....] Remarks on the cause and progress of the scarcity . and dearness of cattle, swine, cheese <£c. and of the articles tallow-candles and soap &c. 1797. 8. (6 sh.> MATHIAS, [Thomas James] Treasurer to the Queen. (The supposed author and publisher of the Pur- suits of littérature, a satirical poem in 4 dialogues, with jiotes.. Ed. 10. 1799. 8. (lost. 6 tf.) (See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Aug. p. 6Ó7. Sept. p. 731. Nov. p. 946. cf. Supplem. p. 1121. See Critical Rev. Vol. 18. p. 47. Vol. 21. p. £50 The political dramatist of the house of Commons. 1795. *A pair of epistles to Dr. Randolph and the Earl of Jersey. 17.. :;::The Imperial epistle from Kicn Long to George III. 17,. * Letter to the Marquis of Buckingham, chiefly on the subject of the numerous emigrant french priests, by a Layman. 17.. *The shade of Alex. Pope on the banks of the Thames, a satirical poem, with notes, Occasioned chiefly but not wholly, by the residence of Henry Grattan —. by the author of the ^Pursuits of littérature. 1790. 8. (2 st. 6 d.) Componimenti lyrici de* pin illustri poeti d'italia — Vol. 1 -3. 1802. 12. (1 L. 11 st. 6 d.) Com- men tari intorno all* istoria della poesia Itahana — por Crescembeni —. Vol. 1-3. 1802. 12. (i L. 4 sh.) Odes Eoglist and Latin; new edition. 1798. 8- ^MATHIESON, [John] Of the Secret, Office, East- India house. and Alexander Way maison, a new oriental register, and East-Indian directory for the Y. 1802. (4 fh.) An East-Indian directory for the Y. 1803. 8- m n •MATON, [George] M. A: F. L. S. Observations relative chiefly to the natural history, picturesque scenery and antiquities of the western countries of England made in the Y. I794and 179Ó. illustrated by a mineralogical map and XVI views in aqua tiuta by Aiken. Vol. 1.2. 1797. 8. (iL. 16 sb.) '1 -MATON, 7? *MATON, [William George]_Af, B: F. A. S. Account of the fall of some of the stones of sto* nehenge'. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 103.) On a species of tcllina, not described by Linnaeus. (Transact, of L. S» Vol. 3. p. 44.) Observations on the or- cheston long grass. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 58. Comm. ánd Agric. Soc. Y. 1801. May p. 342.) ♦MATTHEW, [J.... M....] *Nine letters from a very young officer serving in India under the Marquis Cornwallis — contai- ning some particular of the operations of the army from the period of his Lordship's assuming the command to the capture of Bangalore; to which is added, a flight sketch of its luhfequent move- ments and transaó'tions to the junction of the Ma- rattah army oa the 28 May 1791. 1794- 4» (2 ft. 6d.) . ^MATTHEWS, [James] M. A: Curate, ofFord, Salop. Thoughts on scarcity and remedies suggested. 1800. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) ^MATTHEWS, [William] Account of various topics of experiment and. ob- servation , which have engaged the attention of the Bath Society of Agriculture. (B^th Agric. Soc. Vol. 8- p. L Vol. 9. p. I.) Queries proposed to the Bath Society by an economical Committee of parliamentary Gentlemen in London during the high prices of corn in 1795; and answered. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 34Ó.) A dissertation on rural improve- ments, being the substance of an introduction to the 9 Volume of the letters and papers of the Bath and West of England Society: to which is added a postscript containing a georgic^l address to the members, on his resignation ot the office of secre- tary to that society. 1800. 12. (Ó d.) * MATTHEWS, [William] of Bath. The recorder; being a collection of tracts and disquisition!, chiefly relative to the modern state and principles of the people called Quackers. Vol.l. I802. 8. (5 ft.) MAUDE, 78 MAUDE, [Thomas] Esq. of Burley-hall, co. York. born 1718. died 1799. Jan* 19» See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Jan. p. 79. Febr. p. 163. March, p. 191. Allg. Litt.Zeit! ItBl, J. 1300. S. 657. (He wrote a series of periodical papers, called • „The Reaper,, which appeared in the York Cou- rant, and was a Contributor to the Antiquities published by Francis Grose,) Verbeja or Wharfdale; a poem descriptive and didactic. 1782, Viator, a poetn, or, a journey from London to Scarborough, by the way of York; with notes historical and topographical. 1782. 'The invitation,' or urbanity, a poem. 1791- *MAUNDE, [John] The rural philosopher, or frexich georgics: a di- dactic poem, translated from the original of the Abbe DeW/e, entitled Thomnie des champs. l8oit 8. (6 ill. large paper 10 sh. 6 d.) *MAUNSELL, [William] LL. Dr. Letters on the culture of potatoes from the shoots. Dublin. 1794. 8. On 'raising potatoes from the shoots. (Comm. and Agric. Jvíag. Y. 1803. March, p. 202.) MAURICE, [Thomas] A. M. Curate of Epping. See Public Characters of 1801 and 1802. p.339» Panthea, or the captive bride, a tragedy; 1789. The school-boy, a poem; 17.. The hyuin to Mithra; 17., Hagley, a poem; 1777. A mo- nody, sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, Duchess of Northumberland; 17.. Indian antiquities, or dissertations relating to the antieut geographi- cal divisions, the pure system of primeval theo- logy, the grand code of civil laws, the original form of government and the various and profound littérature of Hindostan — Vol, 1-7. 1792-1800. 8. (2 L. 12 sh, 6 d.) *An elegiac poem, sacred to the memory and virtues of — Sir William Jo* nes — 1795. 4. (3 fh.) *The history of Hindo- stan, its arts and its sciences, as connected with the history of the other great empires of Asia, during the most ancient periods of the world with nuine* numerous illustrative engravings; by the author of the Indian antiquities. Vol. i. 2. 1795-1798* 4. (3 L. 13 sh. 6 d.) * Sanscrit fragments, or, in- teresting extracts from the sacred books of the Brahmins, on subject important to the British isles. Part r. 2. 1798.8. (2 sh. 6 d.) (Is the Chap* 2. Vol. 2. of his History of Hindostan.) * The crisis or the British muse to the British minister and nation. 1798. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. I803.4. (2 sh. 6 d.) * Grove hill, a descriptive poem, with an ode to Mithra, by the author of Indian Antiquities. 1799.4. (1 L. I sh,) The modern history of Hindostan, commencing at the death of Alexander and intended to be brought down to the close of the 18 century, including die substance of all the esteemed writers on Indian history and politics. Vol. I. P. I. 1802. 4. «MAURICE, [Thomas] A.-M. AJsistant-Librarian of the British. Museum* Poems, epistolary, lyric and elegiacal, in 3 parts. 1800. 8. 19 ih.) MAVOR, [William Fordyce] XL. Dr. Master of the Academy ac PFoodstock and Vicar of Hurint% JBerkJkire. born 1758., Aug. 1. in the parish of New- Deer, Aberdeen. See Public Characters of 1800 and 1801. p. l6l. The complaint of a heart. (Lady's Museum, Nrb. 19.) Geographical Magazine; (published under the adopted name of Martin; 178I. 4. Dictio- nary of natural history; 1784. sol. Vindiciac Landavenses; or, strictures oh the Bishop of Laiu dafPs charge. 1792. 4. Poems; 1793* 8- Ap« pendix to the Eton grammar; 1796. 12. Univer- sal stenography. 1779. new edition. J792. 8- (to sh. 6 d.), Ed. 5. (7 sh. 6 d.) Christian po- litics, a sermon. 1793. 8. (6 d.) The youth'* miscellany, or, a father's gift to his children. 1797, 8. (4 ill.) Historical account of the most: celebrated voyages, travels and discoveries from the tin>e of Columbus to the present period. Vol* 1-35. 1798. 1802. 12. (3 5 sh<) ilt)ers- vorl C, A. W. B. Í. 2. Liegniz u. Leipzig, 1800. i8or. 8. The British tourist, or travellers pocket compa- nion through England, Wales, Scotland and Ire- land; comprehended the most celebrated tours in the British islands. Vol. 1-6» 1798-1800. 13. (15 fh. 6 d.) The British nepos, or youth's mir- ror; being select lives of illustrious Rritons, who have been distinguished by their virtues, talents or remarkable progress in life. 1798. 13. (4 sh. 6 d.) Natural history, for the use of schools. 1799. 12. (4 sh. 6 d.) Young gentleman and Lady's Magazine, edited and chiefly written by Mwor, Vol. 1.2. 1799. 12> The lady's and gent- leman's botanical pocket book; adapted to Wi» tkerings arrangement of British plants. 1800. 12. (3 sh;) A (election of the lives of Plutarch, abridged; containing the most illustrious cha- racters of antiquity; for the use of schools. 1800. 12. (4 fh. 6 d.) Au universal system of short handwriting, adapted to every occaston and which may be learnt in a few hours. Ed. 4 1800. (7 fh. 6 d.^ Will* Mavor's and Pratt's classical english poetry for the use of schools and young persons in general. 1801. 8. (5 fh.) The modem tra- veller, containing the compressed travels of Park, Ledviardi Lucas Sonuini, Browne, Savery, Volney and le Vaillant in Africa, with illustrative notes. Vol. 1-4. 1800. 18. (16 fh.) The new speaker, or english class-book; to which are prefixed a system of rhetoric and an essay on enunciation or delivery — 1801. 12. (4 sh. 6 cî.) Ed, 2. cor- rected. I804. 12. (4 sh.) The english spelling book — 1801. (ish.ód.) A history of Greece, from the earliest period till its reduction in a roman province; intended principally for the use of schools. Vol. 1.2. 1802. (II fh.) The history of Rome, from the foundation of the city till the termination of the eastern empire. Vol. 1-3. 1803. (15 fh.) Universal history, antient and modern from the earliest records of time to the general peace of, 1801. Vol. 1-9. 1802. 8. (I L. 13 9 d» large paper 2 L. 5 fh.) Vol. 10-16. 1803- (Several single sermons.) *MAWBY, — 8i *MAWBEY, [Sir Joseph] Bart, formerly an eminent distiller at VauxkalU born .... died 1798. June 16 at his feat at Botlcys, Surrey. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. June, p. 543. Ailg. Litt. Zeit. ItBL J. I80O. S. 651. He was a contributor to the Gentleman's Magazine. *MAWE, [John] The mineralogy of Derbyshire, with a descrip- tion of the most interesting mines in the North of England, in Scotland and in Wales; and an analy- sis of Mr. Williams's work , intitled ,,The mi- neral kingdom,,; subjoined is a glossary of the terms and phrases used by miners in Derbyshire* 1802. 8. (6 sh.) *MAXEY, [....] Estelle, a pastoral romance, by M. de Florian, translated from thcfrench: with plates. 1803. 12. (Ó sh.) ^MAXWELL, [George] of Fletton, near Stilton. Description of the agriculture of the county of Huntingdon. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 21. p. 1530 Cole seed and a course of crops. (Ibid. Vol. 24» p. 410.) On the conversion of grass-% lands into tillage. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 3. P. 1. p. 24.) «MAXWELL, [Hugh] Observations on trees, as conductor of light- ning. (Mem. of B. A. Vol 2. P.I. p. 143.) *MAXWELL, [John Irving] Esq. of the Inner-Tem- ple and late of the Royal Navy. The spirit of marine law , or compendium of the statute* relating to the admiralty; — 1800. §. (I2 ill.) A pocket-dictionary of the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank notes, cheeks &c. with abstracts of acts and select cases relative to negotiable securities, table of notarial fees, stamps — 1802. 8- (5 fh.) *MAY, [Frederic] A. M. An inaugural dissertation on the animating prin- ciple, or anima mundi; how afforded and how acting in man, and how acted upon in that disease commonly denominated tetanus, or lock-jaw. Cambridge. 1795. 8. í#«/3r G, JB. Supfl Th. Ih P * MAY, *MAY, [Nathaniel] Rev. Sermons on the history of Joseph. 1793, 8» (3 sh. 6 d.) MAY, [T....] Poems on various subjects. 1791. 8* (2 sh. 6 d.) *MAY, [Thomas] of Purdis, near Ipswich,, Suffolk. Minutes of agriculture and descriptions of machi- nes and implements of husbandry in reply to the Rev. M. Cooke's ungenerous accusation of trea* chery. 1792. 8. (6 d.) MAY, [William] M. Dr. Member of the R. C. of Phy. fic, and Physician at Maidstone in Kent. Further remarks on the treatment of phthisis pul- nionalis. (London M. J. Vol. 11. p. 255.) Account of an epidemic fever that prevailed in Cornwall in the Y. 1788. ~ iiberf. Samml. der neuefien Beobacht. Engl. Aerzte. S 97. On pulmonary con- sumptions, including the histories of several re- markable instances of recovery from the most alar- ming stages of the disorder by an improved me- thod of treatment. 1792. 8- (3 6 d.) iiberf. Leipzig. 1794. 8. A singular cafe of paralysis, •with observations on the use of cantharides. (New London M. J. Vol. I. p 257.) A few general observations on the effeét of the digitalis purpu- rea and Fowler's arfenicaLfolution, in two cafes of dropsy and intermitting fever, in which the efficacy of these remedies was remarkably proved. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. I.) Observations on the effects of cold water applied for the cure of burns and scalds. (Ibid. Vol.3, p. 13.) *MAYER, [J....] A defence of sunday schools; 1798. 8. (I ft.) Candid animadversions on Thomas PVhitaktrs four letters. 1798. 8. (6 d.) *MAYNARD, {D....1 at PVhittlesford. On certain small ieeds found in ears of wheat, (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1801. Dec. p. 387*) On a second year's produce from oat-feed. (Ibid. Y. [8or. Dec. p. 424.) *MAYNARD, [Walter] Account of the mango tree in the island of St, Vin* cent. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 4, p. 219.) *MAYNE, 83 ♦MAYNE, [John] Glasgow, a poem in Scots verse, illustrated with notes. Í803. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) English^ Siots, ,jnd Irishmen; a patriotic address to the inhabitants of the united Kingdom. 1803. *M A Y O, [Charles] LL. B. Rettor of Becking Stoke and Hewisk in the County of Wilts. A chronological history of the European states, with their discoveries and settlements fròm the treaty of Nimmegen in 1678 to the close of 1792. —. 1793. sol. (IL. 5fh.) MAYO, [Herbert] D. D: A Dissenting Cletgyman; Reâor of the parish, of St. George, Middlesex and Vu car of the parish of Tolleshury, Essex. born at Hereford 1720. Oct. died 1802. Jan. 5. at Chestiunt. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 88. July. p. 68*2. Oct. p. 903. Monthly Magaz. Y, 1802. March, p. 176. MAZZINGHI, [John] M. L. The history of the antiquity and present state of London. English and French. 1793. 8. (5 sh ) MEAD, [Joseph] Esq. Captain in the Royal Navy. born 1707. died at Sherbourne, co. Warwick. 1799. Nov. 11. See Gentleman's Maçaz. Y. 1799. Pec« P» IO87. An essay on currents at sea. 17.. *MEAGHER, [Thomas] near Palace - grent in tht county of Limirtck. On a new divistou of the compass for land-sur- veying. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p, 325 ) MEARES, [John] Esq. Lieutenant of the Roy. Navy. Answer to George Dixon — in which the remarks of him are fully considered and refuted. 1791. 4. (2 fh.) Voyages made in 1788 and 1789 from China to the North- West coast of America. Vo)# I. 2. 179Ó. 8. *MEARS, [iVtartha] Pratlitioner in Midwifery. The pupil of nature; or candid advice to the fair sex on the subjects of pregnancy, child birth; the diseases incident to both; the fatal effects of ignorance and quackery . 1797. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) libers, mit Anmerk. von Dr. £. HmschtL Breslau, I804. 8; F % * MEASE, •MEASE, [James] Al Dr. resident Physician of th port of Philadelphia. Essay o» the disease produced by a bite of a mad dog or other rapid animals; with a preface and appen- dix by 5s. C. Lettsom. 1793. 8. (3 sh.) iiberf. Brcslau. 1798. 8- Observations on the argu- ment* of Prof. Rusk) in favour of the inflamma- tory nature of the disease produced by the bite of a mad dog. 1802. 8. (3 sh- 6 d) On the digi- talis purpurea. (Medical Repository Vol. 1. p. 153.) Observations upon the bad effects some times pro- duced by eating pheasants. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 161.) He published the surgical works of the late John Jones. Philad. 1795. 8. *MEDLAND, W.... M....] _ — — and Charles Weohly, a collection of re- markable and interesting; criminal trials, aóìions at law <3cc. to which is prefixed, an eflsay on re- prieve and pardon, and biographical sketches of Lord Eidon and Mr. Mingay. Vol. X. 1803. 8. (Ó sh. 6 d.) *MEDLEY, [Joseph] Experiments on potatoes. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 38. p. 28. 32.) MEDLEY, [Samuel] Minister to the congregation of Baptists in Byrom-street, Liverpool. born at Cheihunt, Herts, June 23. 1738. died 1799. July 24. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Aug. p.718. Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1801. Jam p. 3. Hymni, principally drawn from select passages of the word of God. 1800. 12. (13 sh. 6 d.) ^MEDLEY, [ ] Son to Samuel -Me die y. Memoirs of the late Sam* Medley, compiled by his son: to which are annexed two sermons, with a variety of miscellaneous pieces in verse. 1800.8. (6 sh.) *MEEK, [Thomas] § Sophistry detected; or, a refutation of I. tainti age of reason. Newcastle. 1795» 8. *MEEKE, [....] Mrs. » Count St. Blancard; or, the prejudiced judge. Vol. 1-3. 1795. 8. (9 ft.) The abbey of Clugny. Vol. 1-3. 1795.12' (9 sh.) Palmira and Ermaucc, 85 a novel. Vol. 1-3. 1797. 8. (iosh. 6d.) Which is the man? a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1801. 8. (18 sh.) A tale of mystery; or, Selina, altered from the french of Dumenil. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 12. *MEEN, [H....] B. D. Remarks on the Cassandra of Lycophron, a mo- nody. 1800. 8. (2 sh.) *MELLEN, [ ] Rev. A topographical description of the town of Barn- stable. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794, p. 12.) *MELLEN, [John] Jun. Remarks on N. IVcbster^s calculation on the mor- tality of the town of Hartford. (Coll. of Massa- chusetts H. S. Y. 1793. p. 5. Y. 1794. p. 92.) MELLISH, [Charles] Esq. one of the Commissioners of the stamp-office. F. A. S. born .... died 1796. Dec. 29. See Gentleman's Maga2. Y. 179Ó. Suppl. p. IÏI7* MELMOTH, [Courtney] See Robert Pratt. *MELMOTH, [Sidney] Esq. Beauties of british poetry. 1801. 12. (5 sh.) MELMOTH, [William] Esq. born 1710. died 1799. March 14. at Bath. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Nov. p. 989. Y. 1799. March, p. 20r. April, p. 345. Plinii cpistolae, translated. 1747. ^ atHve and retired life, an epistle to H. Coventry. 1735» Letters of Thorn* Fiitosborne. 1742. The trans- lator of Pliny s epistles vindicated from the ob- jections of Jac. Bryant, to his remarks respecting; Trajan's persecution of the christians, in Bithynia# I794. 8. (I sb. 6 d.) Memoirs of a late eminent advocate (his father; died Y. 1743. April 6.) 1796. 8. , •MELMOTH, [William Frederic] Sec John Payne. *MELROE, [Eliza] An economical and new method of cookery, de^ scribing upwards of eighty cheap, wholesome, and nourishing dishes. 1798. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *MELVILLE, [....] M. Dr. of St. Andrews. Letter, in answer to inquiry respecting the vaccine as a disease of cows in Scotland. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1800. p. 458.) F 3 * MELVILLE, 86 *MELVILLE, [Theodor] Esq. The white knight, or, the monastery of Mome a romance; Vol. 1-3. 1802. 12- (losh. 6 d.) *MENDHAM, [Joseph] M. A. An exposition of the Lord's prayer — with notei critical and illustrative. 1803. 8. (4 lh.) *MENZIES, [Archibald] F. L. S. Descriptions of three new animals found in the pacific ocean. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 1. p. 1$].) A new arrangement of the genus polytrichum, with some emendations, (Ibid. Vol, 4. p. 63.303.) See Everard Home» *MERC\ , [Blanch! A short introduction to English grammar, in two separate volumes. 1799. 8- (3 sh. 6 d.) MEREDITH, [Nicholas] Optical and matkematical in* strumem-tnaker to his R. H. the Buke of York, The description and use of pocket cases of mathe- matical or drawing instruments —.1791.8» (I sh.) Select essays on scriptural subjects; viz. 1) an in- quiry into the nature of our Lord's prophetic office; 2) on the office of the holy spirit; 3) on the nature and design of the gospel ministry; 4) on fasting; 5) refle6tions on the humane nature of Christ. 1796. Ï2. (2 sh. 6 d.) ^MEREDITH, [Thomas] A. B. Trinity College, Dublin. A new method of resolving cubic equations. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 7. p. 69.) *MERREY, [Walter] Remarks on the coinage of England, from the earliest to the present time: with a view point out the causes of the present scarcity of silver for change and to shew the only proper way to make it plentiful; with an appendix containing observations upoh the ancient roman coinage and a description of some medals found near Notting- ham. 1791. 8. (2 sh.) MERRICK, [ ] Notice of the comet the ÏÓ-I9 Aug. 1797. (Me- dical Repository. Vol. I. p. 256.) *MERRY, [Andrew] The last dying words of the XVITI century, a Pindaric ode, giving a humorous and chrono- logical 87 logical detail of all the remarkable events, fa- shions, characters in that period. 1800. 8. (i sh. 6d.) MERRY, [Robert] A. M. Member of the Roy. Acad. at Florence. born 1755. Apr. died 1798. Dec. 24. at Bal- timore, in America. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. March, p. 252. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Apr. p. 255. Allg. Litt. Zcit. ltBI. J. 1800. S. 645. Diversity, a poem. 1788. The laurel of liberty, a poem. 1790. 4. (3 ih. 6 d.) Lorenzo, a tra- gedy in 5 acts. 1791. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) An ode for the 14 Jul, 1791. the day consecrated to freedom. 1791. 4. (l sh.) Fenelon or the nuns of Cam- bray, a serious drama in 3 acts, altered from the french. 179^. 8. (ifh. 6 d.) The pains of memory, a poem. 1796, 4. (3 sh.) An ode on the recovery of his Majesty, recited by Mrs. Siddons at a gala given by the subscribers to Brookes'g club. 17.. The magician no conjurer, a comic opera, 1791. *LE ME S U RIE R, [Havilland] Esq. Commissary gem* ral for the Southern district of England. Thoughts on a french invasion. 1798. 8. (I sh.) The British cominissary, in two parts. Part I. a system for the British commissariat on foreign service; Part 3. an eisay towards ascertaining the use and duties of a commissariat staff in England. 1801. 8. (6 sh.) *METC/ILF, [ ] Rev. of Ely. Evil of using potatoes for bread. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 25. p. 558.) *MICHELL, [Charles] of Foreett. Principles of legislation. 1796. 8. (7 sh-) MIC H ELL, [John] B. D. F. R. S. ReQor at Thorn- hilly Yorkshire. born .... died 1793. Apr. 21. *MICKLE, [George] of A/Joa, North- Britain. Account of a new thrashing machiue. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 11. p. 62») *MIDDLETON, [C ] ArchiteB. Pictureicjue and architectural views for cottage, F 4 farm- 88 farmhouses and country villas engraved and dc* iigned. 1795. *MIDDLET0N, [Sir Charles] Bart. Queries relative to the farm at Teston, in Kens. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol.2, p. 119.) On the conversion of grass-lands into tillage. (Ibid, Vol. 3. P. 1. p. 28.) MIDDLETON, [Erasmus] A methodist Clergyman; LeSlurer of St. Benness and St. Helene"s, Cha- plain to the Countess of Crawford and Lindsay, Dictionary of arts and sciences; 17.. (Several single sermons.) '* MI DOLE TON, [John] Esq. of West-barns farm, Morton and of Lambeth , Surrey , Lord - Sur- veyor. On paring and burning. (Youngs A. of Agr.. Vol. 12. p. 252.) Account of the beggar weed and some particulars relating to the parish of Cran- ky, in Surry. (Ibid. Vol.12, p. 553-) On the culture of rape and flax. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 88.) On the sheep husbandry of Durham, (ibid. Vol. 15. P* 5°I-) On the growth of flax, (Ibid. Vol, 17. p. 415.) Paper on making hay with a dc ascription of his machine and the manner of using it. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.14, p. 190. 1950 Observations on various hinds of manure, (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 231. Nicholson s Journal. Vol. 3, p. 340.) On tithes. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. I803. April, p.253.) A view of the agriculture of Middlesex; with observations on the means of its improvements and several essays on agriculture in general. 1798. 8. (9 fti.) fibers, von K. A. Noeldechen. Tb. I. 2. Berlin u. Stettin. 1800. 1801. 8. On surface draining machines. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1801. May. p. 3I0«) 0n draining. (Young's A. of A^r. Vol. II. p. 40.) On the culture of clay foils. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 13. p. 195.) *MIDDLETON, [John White] St. Paul no Arian, or, the end of the mediatoriil kingdom^ a sermon. 1803. 8. * MILES, 89 ~ * M ILES, [William] The conduct of France, towards Great-Britain examined, with an appendix and notes. 1793. 8. (4 sh.) Letter to the Duke of Grafton vindica- ted from the charge of democracy. 1794. £. (2 sh.) Letter to the Earl Stanhope, with notes, 1794. 8. (3 sh.) The expediency of prescribing bounds to the Russian empire; 17.. Letter to Henry Dun- combe y on the subject of the very extraordinary pamphlet lately addressed by Mr. Burke to a uo- ble Lord. 1796. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Authentic cor- respondance, with Mr. Le Brun, the french mi- nister and others, to Febr. 1793. inclus, to which is prefixed other matter not less important with a preface and explanatory notes recommended to the serious attention of the people of Great-Britain. 1796. 8. (6 ill.) A vindication of Mons, cle la Fayette, from the libellous aspersions of the R. H. Edmund Burke, with the character of the latter Gentleman, faithfully delineated. 1796. 8. (i ft,) *MILL, [J....] An examination of E. T. Jones's system of book- keeping. 1796. (2 sb. 6 d.) *MILL, [James] in PertkiU faclory , Aberdeen, On the spinning of linen yarn in Ross, Caithness &c. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. i. p. 62.) MILLAR, [John] Professor of civil and Scottish law in the University of Glasgow. born .... died 1S01. May 30. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1801. July. p. 672. Monthly Magaz. Y. I801. Jul. p.561. Allg. Litt. Zeil. J. 1802. ItBl. S. 977. An historical view of the english government —m Ed. 2. Vol. I-4. 1803.8. (tL. 12 sh.) MILLAR, [John] Esq. Advocate. (Son to John Millar. born .... died 179Ó. Aug. 25. in the back country of Pennsylvania. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. Nov. p. 966. Dec. p. I053- * MILLER, [Çdward] M. Dr/ of New-York. — — and Samuel Latham Mitckili, The medical repository of American publications on médecine, surgery and the auxiliary branches of philosophy. F 5 Vol, Vol. !-5- New-York. 1798-I801.8. Remarks on the cholera or bilious diarrhoea of infant? (Med. Repository Vol. I. p. 58.) On the effects of abstinence at the approach of acute diseases (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 194.) Inquiry concerning cuta- neous perspiration and the operation and uses of sudorific remedies. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 55.) Cursory observations on that form of pestilence called yel- low fever. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 409.) On the pheno- mena, causes and treatment of fea-sicknefs. 1802. 8. (I sh.) On the fubjeét of a patent machine for expelling foul air from the holds of ships at sea. (New-York Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Dec. p. 630,) «MILLER, [Edward] Mus. Dr. Cantabrig. Letters in behalf of professors of music. 1794. 4. (6 d.) Thoughts on the present performance of psalmody in the established church of England. I79I. 8. (I sh.) ♦MILLER, [George] D. D: F. T. C. D: M.R.J. A. On the nature and limits of certainty and proba- bility. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 5. p, 199.) On the ori- gin and nature of our idea' of the sublime. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 17. b.) Observations on the theory of electric .attraction and repulsion. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 139. Nicholson's Journal Vol. 4. p. 461.) ♦MILLER, [J....] Rev. of high-Wycombe > Bucks, Remarks on the 8 and 12 chapters of Daniel and the II chapt. of the revelations, in reference to the recent, present and approaching events of the times. 1795. 8. (6 d.) *MlLLERf [J ] at Pendleton County. On the effects of oil in cafes of the bite of ser- pents , republished from the Charlestown (South- Carolina) city gazette. (Med. Repository. Vol.2, p. 253-) *MILL£R, [James] Professor of Chemistry to the Col lege^ New-Windsor, Nova Scotia, and Mini' ralogist general to British America. A synopsis of mineralogy. 1794. fol. (i L. I fh.) ^MILLER, [Sir John Riggs] Baronet. M. P. Speeches in the house of Commons upon the equa- lization of the weights and measures of Great- BriUin. 1790, 8. (3Íh. 6 d.) On the confusion 91 of weights and measures in this kingdom. (Youngs A. of Agr, Vol. 14. p. 273.) *MILLBR, [John] On feed potatoes and change of forts. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1801. July, p-25".), MILLER, [Peter] Rev. of Ephrata in Pennsylvania. Description of the grotto at Swatara. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1787. July. p. 525. American Museum. Y. 1788. Febr, p. 141. Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. Febr. p. 101.) *MILLER, [S....] — — and W. Tatham, a report on a view of certain impediments and obstructions in the navi- gation of the river Thames —; 1803. (2 fh. 6 d.) »MILLE R , [William] A Dissenting Minister of high- fVycomb. Catholic baptism examined, or thought on the ground and extent of baptismal administration; wherein Booth's publications on baptism are noti- ced — 1793. 8. (3 sh.) The paedobaptist mode of administering the baptismal ordinance defended. I794. 8. (2 fh. 6 d») (Several single sermons.) *MILLIKIN, [Anna] Plantagenet; or, secrets of the house of Anjou; a tale of the 12 century; Vol. 1.2. 1802^ 12. (7 to-) MILL1NGT0N, [Langford] On the preservation of potatoes for a long time. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1800. p. 256. Young's A. of Agr. Vol.34. p.5II.) MILLS, [Abraham] Esq. A mineralogical account of the native gold lately discovered in Ireland. (Phil. Trausact. Y. 1796. P. 38.) *MILLS, [Edward] Rev. of Hitcham in Suffolk. Account of Hundred house of industry. (Young*s A, of Agr. Vol 6. p. 331.) On the culture of jiemp. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 37Ó.) MILMAN, [Francis] M. Dr. F. R. S. Physician in London. On the source of the scurvy —. fibers, von Dr. H. fV. Lindemann* Berlin. 1795, 8. MILN, 9* M IL N, [Robert] M A: Pastor of a Dissenting Co* > gregation at Carlisle. bori> .... died 1800. Jun. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. July. p. 609 Allg. Lits. Zeit. ItKL J. I800. S. 1804. MILNE, [Colin] LU D. Reclor of both the churches at Deftford. Sermons. 1780. — — and Alex. Gordon's indi- genous botany; or habitations of English plants; containing the results of several botanical excur- sions chiefly in Kent, Middlesex and the adjacent counties in 1790-1792. Vol. 1. 1793. 8. (6 sh.) (Several (ingle sermons.) *MILNE, [John] formerly Surgeon of the Carnatic. Account of the diseases that prevailed in two vo- yages to the East-Indies, in the Carnatic India- man, in the Y. 1793 to 1798. with observation* and remarks. 18O3. (5 sh.) *MILNER, [ ] Dr. Master of Queen's College, Cambridge and Dean of Car/isle. Remarks by Thorn, Ludlnrn on the scurrilous reflections cast upon the Rev. William aid Tho- mas Ludlam. 1801, (I sh.) *MILNER, [John] M. A: F A. S. A Roman catholic Clergyman of a private chapel in Winchester. Discourse on his Majesty's recovery. 1789. Dis- course delivered at the consecration of William Gibson, Bishop of Acanthos, d. 5 Dec. 1790. wish an introductory account of the consecration. 179s. Certain considerations on behalf of the roman ca- tholicks, who have conscientious objections to changing their name and to the form of words in which certain passages appear in the oath contai* ued in Mitfordys bill. 1791. The divine right of episcopacy, addressed to the catholic laity of England, in answer to the Layman's'second letter to the catholic clergy of England with remarks on the oaths supremacy and allegiance. 179*- Histo* rical and critical enquiry into the existence and character of St. George, Patron of England, of the order of the Garter and of the Antiquarian Society in which the assertions of Edward Gibbon (History of the decline and fall of the roman empire, chip. 230 ami of certain other writers, concerning this saint, arc discussed; — 1792* 8. (ifi). 6 d.) Ecclesiastical democracy detected; being a review of the controversy between the clergyman and the layman , concern.ng the election of bishops and of other matters, contained in the writings of Sic John Throckmorton, 1792. The funeral oration of — Louis X^I at the funeral service performed by the french clergy of the King's house, Win- chester April 12. 1793. 1793. 8. (I sh. ó d.) A reply to the report published by the cisalpine club on the protestation. 1795. Dissertation on the modern style of altering antient cathedrals, as exemplified in the cathedral of Salisbury. 1798. 4. (3 ih. 6 H,) The history, civil and ecclesiastical and survey of the antiquities of Winchester. Vol. i# 1799. 4. (I L. 11 111. 6 d.) Letters to a preben- dary, being an answer to reflections on popery i>y the Rev. J. Sturges — with remarks on the opposition of Hoadlyisin to the doctrines of the '' church of England and on various publication* occasioned by the late civil and ecclesiastical hi- story of Winchester. 1800. 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) Am elucidation of the conduct of — Pope Pius VIC with respects to the biihops and ecclesiastical affairs of France. 1802. 8. (2 sti. 6 d.) Observations on an antient cup formerly belonging to the abbey of Glastonbury. (Arch. Vol. XL p. 411.) (Several single sermons.) MILNERj [Joseph] M* A: Vicar of'Holy Trinity church and 30 years Master of the grammar school in Kingston Upon Hull, the County of York. born 1744. at Leeds in the West Riding.'died 1797. Nov. 15. at York. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Nov. p. 990. Dec. p. .10Ó8. Supplem. p. 1125. Evangelical Maga*. Y. 1798. April, p. 133. Allg. Litt. Zeis, ItBl. J. 1800. S. 648. Gibbon's account of Christianity considered; toge- ther with some strictures on Hume s dialogues con- cerning natural religion. 1781. 8- Some remar- kable passages in the life of Will. Howard; 1785* The history of the church of christ. Vol. 1. 2. !794- 1795. 8. (12 Hi. 6 d.) Ed.2. Vol. 1. 1800. Practical sermons to which is prefixed an account of 94 of the lise and character of the author. Ed. 2, re- vised and corrected with further animadversions on Dr. Hawaii s misrepresentations of Milner's hi- story of the church of Christ and two fermong* published by Isaac Milner. i8ot. &" (6 sh.) MILDER, [Isaac] D. D. F. R. S. President of Queen's College, Cambridge, See Public Characters of 1799 and I800. p. 139, and Gtlh. Wakefield's memoirs &c. p. 130. S^e Joseph, Milner. Animadversions on Dr. Haweis's impartial and suc- cinct history of the church of christ, being the preface to the Edit. 2. of Vol. I. of the late Jos Milner s history of the church of Christ. 1800. 8. (1 a.) MILNER, [Thomas] Mr Dr. formerly Physician t& St. Thomas's Hospital Southward Phyjician at'Maidstone. born 1719. died at Maidstone, stent, 1797, Sept. 13. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1797. Oct. p. 894. Duncan's Annals of Med. Y. 1797. p. 437. *MILNS, [William] M. A: Member of St. Mary Hall, Oxford and Master of the city commercial School, George Yard. The well-bred scholar or practical essays 00 the best methods of improving trte taste, and afli- sting the exertions of youth in their literary pur- suits. 1794. 8. (7 st>-> MILTON, [MarmedukeJ Esq, (a fictitious name.) *MILWAY, [ ] The ground and reasons of the truth of Christia- nity by way of question and answer. 1790. 8* (I sh. 6 d.) JvflNIFIE, [•..••] Mrs. See Gunning. *MINOT, [George Richards] Esq. Judge ef Pro. bate in the County of Suffolk and Judge of the Municipal Court in Boston. born 1758. Dec 22. died 1800. See Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y, J8or. p. 86. The history of the insurrections in Massachusetts in the Y. 178Ó. and the rebellion consequent the- reon. Worcester. 1788. 8. (4 sh. 6 d.) History of Massachusetts-bay fmce the Y, 1748. 1890. Account 95 * Account of the coast of Labrador, found among some papers of the late Sir Francis Bernard, Go- vernour of the Province of the Massachusetts - bay. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. 233.) ♦MINOT, [Lawrence] Poems on interesting events in the reign of King Edward Hi. written in the Year 1352 with a pre- face, dissertations, notes and a glossary. 1797. 8. (6 sli.) *MINTO, [ ] Lord. born 175 r. April 23. See Public Characters of 1802 and I803 p. 550* Speech in the house of Peers April 11. 1799. on a motion for an address to his Maj to commu- nicate the resolutions of the two' bouses of par- liament respecting an union between Great-Britain and Ireland, 1799. 8- (2 (h. 6 d.) Speech — June 6. 1803. on resolutions of censure on the conduct of his Maj. ministers, moved by Earl Fitz- william: to which is added his speech — 15 Aug. on moving an address to his majesty. Ï803. (3 sl). 6 d.) •MIRROR, [Ifeac] Esq. of the Middle-Temple. Menfa regum, or, the table of kings. 1796. 4. (I Hi. ó d.) Tales, sentimental, clerical and mis- cellaneous, with gravities and levities, for the r use of the ladie*. Vol. 1.2. 179Ó. 8. (3 fh.) * *ftfISSlNG, [John] Esq. Barrister at Law; Judge of the Bishop's Court of Winchester and Recorder of Romsey. born .... died 1793. June at Titchfield. See Gentleman's Magai. Y. 1793* Aug. p. 771. Letter to Lord Mansfield on freedom of debate. 1770- 8. *MITCHEL, [Charles] of Forcett. Principles of legislation. 1796. 8. (7 ill.) * MITCH EL, [George] A description of the minerals in the Leikean mu- seum by D. L. Karsten; translated. Vol. 1. 3. ^ 1798. 8. (14 M ^MITCHELL, [.....] Miff. Tales of instruction and amusement, written for the use of young perioni. VoL 1. 2. 1795- 12. (6 fh.) * *MITCH£LL, 96 *MITCHELL, [John] M. Dr. New translation and exposition of the revelation of the apostle John. Part I. 1800. 8. (4 fti.) ^MITCHELL, [John] On steeping turnip - feed. {Youngs A. of Agr* Vol. 14. p. 168.) ^MITCHELL, [Robert] Archhett. Plans and views in perspective, with descriptions of buildings, erected in England and Scotland and also an essay to elucidate the grecian roman and gothic architecture, accompanied with designs. 1801. (large folio 3 L. 3 fh. coloured 4 L. 4 sh.) ® M IT CHILL, [Samuel Latham] Aí. Dr. R R. S. E; Member of the legislative ajsembly of the statt of New-York, Professor of Chemistry in Co- lumhian College, born in the towusliip of Hempstead in Queen's county in the province of New-York iu America 1765. See Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 979. Pu- blic Characters of 1801 and 1802. p. 40L Outlines of the doctrines in natural history, chc* mistry and economy; New-York. 1792. 8. On the nature and origin of peat or turf. (Colum- bian Magat. Y. 1787. Aug. p.581.) Experiments and observations on the evaporation of water. (Ibid. Y. 1787. Aug. p. 584 ) The life exploits and precept of Tammany, the famous Indian chief. New-York. 1795. 8. (i fh,) S. L. Mitchill and Edw. Miller, the medical repository — Vol. I New-York. i798al8oi. 8. Remarks on manu- res, wherein, by an inquiry into the nature of septon (azote) and its relations to other bodie?, it will be seen how nearly physic and farming arc allied to each'other: intended as a sequel to Ft- ters*s agricultural inquiries on plaistre of Paris. (Medical Reposit. Vol. 1. p. 30.) Further facts tending towards an explanation of the true ope- ration of alkalis and lime upon other substances. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 185.) On the use of alkiline remedies in fevers and the analogy between septic acid and other poisons. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 365.) A sketch of the mineralogical history of the state of New-York. (Ibid. Vol. I. P. 393.445- Vol.3- P- 97 3250 Ou street manure* (Ibid. Vol.1, p. 416.) An attempt to accommodate the disputes among the chemists concerning phlogiston. (Ibid. Vol l# p* 514. Vol. 2% p. 51. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. r. p. 481.) Outlines of medical geography being au inquiry how far calcareous foils and strata coun- teract the septic exhalations which occasion di- stempers of a febrile or pestilential type. (Medi- cal Reposit, Vol. 2. p. 39.) On the1 noture of septic gases, with an examination of the experi- ments made in France and England to destroy con* tagion, by fumigation with marine and nitrous acid; being a comment on the publication of J„ Cartnich. Smyth> M Dr. to which are added some remarks on nitrous acid and the use of it in siphi- \is. (Medical Reposit. Vol.2, p.229* New-York Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Dec. p, 625O On fepton (azote) and its compounds, as they operate on plants as food;, and on animals as poison: intended as at supplement to Kirwans pamphlet on manures* (Medical Reposit. Vol. 2« p* 240. New-York Ma- gaz. Y. 1796. Nov. p. 569.) Observations on so* da* the alkaline basis of animal gall and of sea* salt and the effects it produces in the concoction of food and in preserving provisions. (Medical Repofit. Vol. 2. p. 292.) Affinities and relations of septic (nitric) or pestilential fluids to other bo» dies. Intended as an additional article to the pro- posed report of the Jkitish board of agriculture on the subject of manures. (Medical Repolit. Vol 2» p. 345. New-York Magaz4 Y. 1797. J*n. p. 9.) Application to the doctrine of septic fluids to ex- plain some of the diseases of human teeth and bo* lies* (Medical Reposit. Vol. 2. p. 45 t.) Observa- tions on potash, being an inquiry how far the mi- schievous effects of septic acid are restrained by potash and other alkalies, particularly in respect to the effects cf septite of pot~aih (nitre or salt- petre) upon animal flesh intended to be eaten and upon human stomach. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 14,) In* duction of facts from the phenomena of hail and hailstone tq establish his theory of pestilential fluids. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 81.) Speculations concer- ning the pcrspiiable fluids of human bodies, wiih toufi Ú. R* SuppU Tlh IL ' 0 the the view of ascertaining how they ire sometimes converted to septic or pestilential matter. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 161.) On the use of alkalies. (Monthly M îgaz. Y, 1799. Febr. p. 108. Apr* p. 194. Oct. p. 692.) On generation, 1786. Remarks on the gaseous oxyd of azote, and on the effects its pro- duces, when generated in the stomach, inhaled into the lungs, and applied to the skin; being an attempt to ascertain the true nature of contagion and to explain thereupon the phenomena of fever. New-York. 1795» 12. Speculations concerning the perspirable fluids of the human body. (Dun- cans A. of Med. Y, 1799. p. 340.) Progress of his mind in investigating the cause of the pestilen- tial distempers which visit the cities of America in summer and autumn —; (TiUockys Philof. Ma- gazT VoK 4. p. 35. 132.) On the utility of con- structing the houses and paving the streets of cities with calcareous in preference to siliceous and argil- laceous materials. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p> 233.) Obfer. vations on pot-ash; being an inquiry how far the mischievous effects of septic acid are restrained by pot-ash and other alkalies, particularly in re- spect to the effects of septite of pot-ash (nitre or salpêtre) upon animal fleih intended to be catcrt, and upon the human stomach. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 146.) Luminous appearance of ocean water, caused by animals. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 20.) Obser- vations on the soda, magnesia and lime, contai- ned in the water of ocean ~ $ (Tr. of A. S. Vol, 5. p. 139.) Observations i anatomical, physiolo- gical and pathological on the absorbent tubes of animal bodies. (American Museum Y. 1789. Jan« p. 29.) Geological remarks on certain maritime parts of the state of New-York. (Ibid. Y. 1789' Febr. p. 123.) Letter on the dissection of the American ikunk (or viverra putorius of Linnaeus, (Ibid. Y. 1789. May. p. 487.) Character novi ge- neris plantae; Renssalaeria. (Ibid. Y. 1789. Sept. p. 193.) Some account of the celebrated ' Jolu Bruno, the reformer of medicine, in Scotland. (Ibid, Y. 1789- Dec. p.469.) On the dietetic and medicinal virtues of the red/ elm-tree. (Ibid. Y. Î790. Jan. p,6,) Letter ou a fostih (New-York's Mas82, 99 Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p. 318.) Experiment* on the waters of the pool at New-Lebanon* (ibid. Y. 1791- Sept. p. 505.) Remarks on the canker- worm. (Ibid. Y. 1795. Apr. p. 201,) Description of the blue mountains in the state of New-York. (Ibid. Y. 1795. July. p. 465,) Doctrine of pesti- lential fluids to establish a theory of hail. (Ibid. Y. 1796. July. p. 351. Aug. p. 419.) Effects of pesti* initial fluids (combination ofsepton with oxvgene) upon the sanguiferous system of animals, parti- cularly the human species. (Ibid. Y. 1796. Oct p. 539.) Sketch of the philosophy of house keeping, (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1789. Nov, p. 655.) Memoir on some peculiarities in the anatomy and physiology of the shark, particularly respecting the production of its young. (TittocKs Philof. jMagaz. Voi. 15. p. 264.) Letter concerning the use of alkaline remedies in fevers and the analogy between septic acid and other poisons. (New- York Magaz. Y. 1797. April, p. 180.) Explana- tion of the synopsis of chemical nomenclature and arrangement, containing several important altera- tions of the plan originally reported by trench Academicians. New-York. 1801. 8. *MITFORD, [....] M. Dr: of Pooh. Cafe of faeces paífîng through the urethra with a dissection. (Mem. of M, S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 600.) MITFORD, [William] Esq. F. R. S. — History of Greece. Vol. 3. 1797. 4. (1 L. I fh.) Ed. Oct. Vol. i~6. iibers. von J. F. Baron. B. I. 2. Breslau. i8oo. l8oi. 8. iibers. von H. K> A. Eichstadt. B. 1-5* Leipzig. 1802-1803. 8. * Essay upon the harmony of language, intended, princi- pally to illustrate that of the English language, Ï774. Considerations on the opinion stated by the Lords of the committee of Council, in a re- presentation to the king, upon the corn laws, that Great-Britain is unable to produce corn sufficient for its own consumption. 1791. MOFFAT, [John Marks] Protestant Dissenting Mini- ster at Malmesbury, formerly of Nailswortk in G louceftershire, born .... died 1802. Dec, 35. at Maloies* bury. G % See See Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Febr. p. 96. March p. 197- *MOGGRlDGE, [John H....j On some varieties of marie. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Dec. p. 845.) On cultivation of sugar- maple. (Ibid. Y. 1800. p. 417.) M OIR, [ John ] Clergyman of the church ' of England, Gleanings, or, fugitive piece?. Vol. 1. 2. 1791, Preventive policy. 1796. (Several single sermons.) *MOIR, [John] Esq. Remarks on an Italian musical instrument. (Arch, Vol, ir. p.81.) *MOIR, [William] Butler to Sir Harbotth Wilson, of Leig-Hall » Derby/hire. Brewing made easy; being a compendium of all that has been written on the art, with directions for the making and preservation of made wines, 1802. 8* (I sh. 6 d.) *MOIRA, [....] Lady. Letters on hemp and tow. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. I. p. 202.) *Earl of MO IRA, [Francis] Lord RAWDON. born 1754. Dec. 7. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. I. Substance of observations on the state of the pu- blic finances of Great-Britain, in a speech on the third reading of the bank Loan bill in the house of Lords June 9. 179L 8. ( X sh. 6 d.) His speech on the present dreadful and alarmiug state of Ireland. 1797. (3 d.) Letter to Col. Mac- mahou on the subject of a change of his Maj. mi- nisters, with Mr. Fox's letter to the colonel. 1798. (Ó d.) Speech on the present state of affairs. 1803. (6 d.) *MOISES, [Edward] M. A. of Trinity College, Cam- bridge and Master of the Roy. Grammar schools Newcastle on Tyne. The persian interpreter, in 3 parts. 1792. 4« (12 sh.) ♦MOISES, [Hugh] M. Dr. Surgeon to the western re- giment of Middlesex militia. An inquiry into the abuies of the medical depart- ment in the militia of Great-Britain, with some necessary 101 necessary amendments proposed; 1794. 8. On the blood; or, general arrangement of important facts, relative to the vital fluid; with observations on the theory of animal heat: interspersed with pathological and physiological remarks from the inductions of, modern chemistry. 1794. 8- (5 ih.) An appendage to the toilet, or, an essay on the management of the teeth. 1799. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) MOLESWORTH, [William] Letter concerning some antique gulden instruments found in a bog in the county of Armagh. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. p. 37. c.) M0L1NEUX, [Thomas] of Made s field. The scholar's question-book, or, an introduction to practical arithmetic. Parti. 178I. P. 2. 1794. (2 sh.) Abridgment of Mr. Byronfs universal englifh shorthand —. Ed. %. 1797. 8. (5^*) *MOLLARD, [John] Cook. The art of cookery refined, in which attention has been paid to economy as well as to please the palate. 1801. 8. (10 ih. 6 d.) MONBODDO, Lord, See James Burnet. *MONCRIEFFE, [John] Apothecary at Edinburgh. An enquiry into the medicinal qualities and effects of aerated alkaline water, illustrated by experi- ments and cafes. 1794. 8. (3 sli.) *MONEY, [....] A. B. Trinity College, Dublin. On the method of taking radicals out of equations. (Tr. of J. A. Vol.6, p. 221.) * MONEY, [J....] Major-General The history of the campaign of 1792. between the armies of France, under Generals Dumourier, Valence &c. and the allies under the Duke of Brunswick; with an account of what passed in the Thuilleries on the 10 Aug. 1794. 8- (7 sh.) Letter — ou a partial re-organization of the Bri- tish army. 1799. 8. (1 sh. 6 d.) A treatise on the use of balloons and field-obfervators in iniii. tary operations. 1803. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Letter to the officers of volunteer-corps; also, an address to the Norfolk farmers. To which are added, observations on the use of pike-men. 1804. (1 sh, 6d.) G 3 - MONK, 102 *MONK, [John] of Bears Combe, near Kingsbridge, Devotu late 19 light Dragoons. 9 An agricultural dictionary. Vol. 1^3, 1794. 8 (I L. ï ih.) «MONK, [John] Remarks on waste lands in Leicestershire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol.8, p. 129.) MONK HO USE, [Thomas] D. D. F. A. S. late fel- low of Queen's College, Oxford, and Vicar of Monk -Sherborne y Hants: born .... died I793. April 15. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1793. May, p. 479. Jun. p. 496. *DE MONMOUTH, [Talicffen] beauty, an ode, with a dedication to her grace the Dutchess of R***. 1794. 4. (3 sh. 6 d.) MONRO, [Alexander] Jan. M. Dr. R R. S. E. Pro- feffor of Medicine y Anatomy and Surgery at Edinburgh* Experiments on the nervous system, with opium and metalline substances; made chiefly with the view of determining the nature and effects of ani- mal electricity. 1793. 4. (3 ill.) Three treatises on the brain, the eye and the ear, illustrated by tables. 1797, 4. (i L. 4 sh.) Description of a human male monster, with remarks. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3, g. 215. Simmons'* Med. Facts and Observ. Vol. 7. p. 170.) Experiments relating to animal electricity. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3, P. p. 231.) Ok scrvations on the muscle?. (Ibid. Vol. 3. P. p.250.) Observations on crural hernia; with a general ac- count of the other varieties of hernia. 1803. 8. (7 sh. 6 d.) Observations on crural hernia; to which is prefixed, a general account of the other varieties of hernia; illustrated by engravings. i8o3« 8. (7 ih. 6 d.) MONRO, [Donald] As. Dr. Fellow of the R. Coll. of Phyf. Senior Physician to the army; elder bro-> tktr to Alex. Monro, born 1729. died i803. June 9, at Edinburgh. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. July. p. 687- Thc life of his father Alexander, Professor of Anatomy iu the University of Edinburgh, prefixed to 103 to the edition of his works published by his son Alexander. 1781. 4. *M0NRO, [George] As. Dr. at Wilmington, Delaware* Remarks on the epidemic of the summer and au- tumn of 1798» at Wilmington. (Medical Reposit. Vol. 3. p. 136.) *M0NRO, [Hugh] Surgeon. A compendious system of the theory and practice of modern surgery, arranged in a new manner and a new nosological and systematic method, different from any attempted in surgery. 1791. 8. (5 fh.) ♦MONRO, [John] born 1715. Nov. 16, died 1791. Dec. 27. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Supplem. p* 1237. Hutchinson s Biographia Medica. Vol. 2» p. 152. Crit. Rev. Y. 1800. June. p. 160. Remarks on Dr. Battle's treatise on madness. 1758- •MONRO, [Thomas] at Magdalen College, Oxford. Essays on various subjects. 1792, 8. (5 fh.) *M0NROE, [James] late Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to the French Republic. A view of the conduct: of the executive in the fo- reign affairs of the United State9, as connected with the million to the french republic, during the years 1794-1796, illustrated by his instructions and correspondence and other authentic documents. Philadelphia: London reprinted 1798. 8. (2 sb. 6 d.) *M0NROE, [W-..^ R....] Report on the effect produced by a species of me- loe, found in Bengal, Bchar and Oude. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 5. p. 216.) MONTAGU, [ ] Mrs. born .... died 18OO. Aug. 25. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Sept. p. 904. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Oct. p. 275. On the writings and genius of Shakespeare —. Ed. 2, 1776. 8. ^MONTAGU, [Charles] Surgeon to the Western DU spensary, London. A cafe of a rupture of the bladder from a fall. (M. C. V0I.2. p. 2840 ♦MONTAGUE, [Basil] Esq. Barrister at Law. A summary of the law of set-off; with an appen* G 4 d ix dix of cases argued and determined in the couru of law and equity upon that subject. 1801. g. (6 sh/) A digest of the bankrupt laws; with a collection of the statutes, and of the cafes deter- mined in the courts of law and equity upon that subject. 1803. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) *MONTAGUfi, [George] Esq. F. L. S. Description of three rare species of British birdt, (Transact, of L. S. Vol, 4, p. 35.) An ornitholo- gical dictionary; or, alphabetical synopsis of Bri. tish birds. Vol. 1,2, I802. 8. (16 Oi.) Testacea Britannica; or, natural history of British shells, marine, land, and fresh water, including the most minute; systematically arranged and embellished with figures. 1803. 4, (2 U 2 sh. with plates co« loured 4 L« 4 sh.) ^MONTAGUE, [G.,..] Esq. A treatise on gunpowder and fire arms, contai- ning instructions for the soldier and for the sporti* man. 1803. (3 sh. 6 d.) MONTAGU, [Matthew Robinson] See Robinson, *MONTEFIORE, .[J..,.] , Authentic account of the late expedition to Bulam on the coast of Afrjca, with a description of the present settlement of Sierra Lcona and the adja- cent country. 1794. 8. (2 AO wbers. Hannover, 1795- 8, *MONTEFIORE, [Joseph] Attorney and Notary pu- blic in tkt ciitj of London. Commercial and notorial precedents, consisting of all the most approved forms which are required in transactions of business —. 1801. 4. (l L. 4 ih.) The law of copy-right, being a compendium of acts of parjiament and adjudged cafes relative to authors, publishers, printers, artists, musical com- posers and printsellers, 1802. (2 sh, 6 d.) A commercial dictionary ~~ preceded by an essay oa the rise and progress of manufactures and com- merce in Great-Britain, 1803, 4. (2 L 13 ft. 6 d,)- ^MONTOLIEU, [. . ..] Mrs. *The enchanted plants, fables in verse, 1800. 8« (5 sh.) The festival of the rose with other poem?, im' * * MOODY, MOODY, [Ghristopher Lake] LL. Dr. F. A. S. A sketch of modern France, in a series of letter to a lady of fashion; written in the years 1796 and 1797. during a tour through France; by a Lady, edited by C. L. Moody. 1798. 8. (8 ill. j MOODY* [Elizabeth] Poetic trifles. 1798, 8. (5 I'M MOON, [A....] The pre-existence and the divine nature of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, argued from the collective voice of scripture and the concurrent voice of reason. 1793. 8« MOON, [J....] A new geographical table, shewing the position of places by a view of the fun only; on a card. 1794, (Ó d.) MOONSHINE, [Mauritius] F. R. S. (a siâitious name.) See Alexander Geddes. MOOR, [Edward] Lieutenant on the Bombay Esta- blishment. A narrative of the operations of Capt. Little's de* tachaient and of the Mahratta army, commanded by Purfcram Bhow; during the late confederacy in India, against the Nawab Tippoo Sultan Baha- dur. 1794. 4. (I L. II sh. ó d,) MQORCROFT, [William] Veterinarian Surgeon in London, Cafe of a cyst containing hydatids, extracted from the right anterior ventricle of the brain of a cow. (Simmons** Med. facts and Observât, Vol, 3. p. ij.) Cursory account of the various methods of ihoeing horses hitherto practised; with incidental observa- tions. 1800. 8. (2 fh.) (cf. Comm. and Agrie. Mag. Y. I800. June. p. 401.) iiberf. Hannover, 1802. 8. History of the disorder among the hor- ned cattle at Standiih, near Wigan, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A, Vol. 7. p. 78.) MOORE, [....] and Dr. Cohe's life of John Wesley, A, M. including an account of the great revival of reli- gion, in Europa and America, of which he was the first and chief instrument, 1793. 8» (5 *V) G s MOORE, ïo6 MOORE, [Francis] Esq. of Aspley Guise. Account of scotch firs. ( sr. of the Soç. for the E, of A. Vol. i. p. 129;) *MOORE, [George] Esq. of Appleby, mar Afkhy de la Zouch, Leicestershire. On draining land from the sea. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.12, p. 234.) CiMOORE, [George] Esq. of Lincoln's-Inn; Barrister at Law. Essay on the rights of the Prince of Wales, re- lative to the Dutchy of Cornwall. 1705.8. (2 sh.) Observations on the union, orange association and other subjects of domestic policy, with reflections on the late events on the continent. Dublin, 1800. 8. (2 fh.) «MOORE, [George] *Grasvilie abbey; I7.# Theodofíus de Zulvin, the monk of Madrid, a fpaniih tale, delineating various traits of the human mind. Vol. 1-4, 1802, 12. (14 fh.) * MOORE, [Henry] of Li shear d in Cornwall. born at Plymouth, March 30. X732. diedi802. Nov. 2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. Febr. p. 158. 192. Monthly Magaz. Y« I802. Dec. p. 471. poems, lyrical and miscellaneous — edited by Dr. Aikin. 1803. 4. (10 fh. 6 d.) * MOORE, [Henry] Private life, a moral rhapsody.* — 1795* 4k C1 fh- 6 d.) A reply to a pamphlet, intitled, coníìde- rations on a separation of the methodists from the cíìablifhed church. 1794. MOORE, [James] Member of the Surgeons Company, London. Essay on the materia medica: in which the theo- ries of the late Dr. Cullen arc considered; together with some opinions of Mr. Hunter and other cele- brated writers. 1792» 8- (5 ft.) iiberf. Leipzig. 1794- 8. ^MOORE, [James] F. A. S. born .... died 1799. May IT, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. May. p, 446* Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl, J. 1800. S. 660. Selections of viewi in Scotland; 35 views in the southern ,107 southern part of Scotland, from a collection' of drawings made by James Moore in the Year 1792* engraved by and under the direction of John Lattdfeer. 1795, A list of the principal castles and monasteries in Great-Britain. 1798.8. (5 sh.) • MOORE, [J.... J....] The British mariner's vocabulary, or, universal dictionary of technical terms and sea phrase?, used in the construction, equipment, management and military operations of a iliip: illustrated with cop- per-plates. 1801. 8. (4 sh. 6 d.) *MOORE, [James L...] Master of the free-grammar school in Hertford, Herts. A view of the external evidence of the christian religion. 179r. 8. (2 sh.) On the plenary inspi- ration of the new testament. 1793. 8. (3 sh.) The columbiad, an epic poem, or thz discovery of America and the West-Indies by Columbus, in 1% books. 1798. 8. (l5 sh,) *M0ORE, [John] LL. B. ReBor of St. Michael*t Bajpskaw. Case respecting the maintenance of the London clergy —; 1802. 8. (2 sh.) *MOORE, [John] LL. B. Minor canon of St. Pauls. Attempt to recover the original reading of 1 Sa* muel 13,1. to which is added an enquiry into the duration of Salomon's reign, interspersed with notes on various passages of scripture. 1797. 8* (2 sh.) Prophetiae de 70 hebdomadis apud Da- nielem çxplicatio adjiciuntur ad calcem notae, in quibus fusius tractanttir quaedaai et illustrai!» tur. 1802. 8. (2 sh. <$ d.) MOORE, [John] M. Dr. born at Stirling in North-Britain 1730. died 1802. Febr. 20. at Richmond. See Public Characters of 1801 and 1802. p. 217. Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. March, p. 277, Monthly Magaz. Y, 1802, March, p. 173. Al!g, Litter. Zeit. J. 1802. ItBl. S. 979. Journal during a residence in France, from the beginning of August to the middle of December 1792* tQ which is added, an account of the most 108 most remarkable events that happened at Paris from that time to the death of the late king of France, with a map of Gen. Dumourier's cam. paign on the Meuse. Vol. I, 2. 1793. 8. (16 Ch.) úberf. Th. 1. 2. Berlin. 1794. 8- A view of the causes and progress of the freuch revolution. Vol, 1.2. 1795-8- (14^.) Uberf. B. 1.2. Leipzig. 1796. 8» * Edward — various views of human nature, takeu from life aud manners, chiefly in England; by the author of Zeluco. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. (16 sli.) The works of Tobias Smol/et, M. Dr. with memoirs of his life, to which is pre- fixed, a view of the commencement and progress of romance. Vol. 1-8. 1797. 8. ( 3 L. 4 sh. ) Mordaunt; being iketches of life, ch^acter and manners, in various countries, including the me- moirs of a french lady of quality. Vol. 1-3. 1800, 8. (1 L. I sh.) *MOORE, [John] An inaugural dissertation on digitalis purpurea or fox glove and its use in some diseases. Philad. 1800. 8- *MOORE, [John Hamilton] A new and complete collection of voyages and travels, containing all that have been remarkable to the present, ntime and including not only the voyages and travels of natives of those kingdom, but also these of France, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Turky, Denmark, Sweden, Hol- land, Switzerland, Prussia &c. Nrb. 1-100. 1783- 1784. sol. *MOORE, [Marian] Lascclles, interspersed with characteristic sketches from nature. Vol. I-3. 1802. 8. (13 f". 6 d.) Ariane and Maud, a novel. Vol. 1-3, 1803. 12* (io sh. 6 d.) *MOQRE, [Mark] late an Officer in the British, Navy. born in America. His memoirs and adventures, — interspersed with a variety of original anecdotes, selected from his journals when in Tuscan, Portuguese, Swedish, Imperial, American and British service, in each of which he bore a commission; written by him- self. 1795. 8. (5 sh.) «MOORE, 109 »M00RE> [Thomas M.,.,] Esq. of the Middle* Tetnpie. , Ode» of Anacreon, translated into English verse, with note», l8oo, 4. (r L, I fli.) A candid ap- peal to public confidence; or, considerations on the acttíal and imaginary dangers of the present crisis. 1803. 8- (I sh.) * MOO RE, [Thomas] Officer of Excise 9 PFetherby. Address to the inhabitants of Great-Britain on the dangerous and destructive tendency cf the frcnch system of liberty and equality, with an historical account of the french revolution, the imprison* ment and sufferings of the royal family and the deliberate murder of the unfortunate king of France. 1793. 8. (1 sh.) *M00RHOUSE, [Michael] Defence, written by himself. 1789. 8. (i sh. 8 d.) *MORDAl)NT, [Charles] Esq. of Hals well. Cultivation of Halswell moss, with observations on cabbages, carrots, potatoes <3cc. {Youngs A* of Agr. Vol. 7. p. 248*) Experiments on making parmesan cheese. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 26.) Experi- ments in practical agriculture. (Ibid* Vol. 14. p. 444. Vol.20, p.47*) On sheep, (Ibid. Vol.17, p. 511. Vol.18, p-301.) On the culture of po- tatoes. (Ibid. Vol.21, p. 520.) MORE, [Hannah] Mrs. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 463. The search after happiness, a pastoral drama; a new edition. 179Ó. (I sh. 6 d.) Essays on va- rious subjects principally designed for young la- dies; new edition. 1796. (4 ill.) Sacred dramas — with the poem sensibility. T783. 8. (4 sh.) ubers. Leipz. 1792* 8. New edition 1796. (5 sh.) *An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world; by one of the laity, Ed.2. 1791. 8. (3 sh,) The shepherd of Salisbury plain; 17.. Village politics; 17.. Remarks on the speech of ML Dtf- fpont, made in the national convention of France, on the subjects of religion and public education. I?93. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Strictures on the modern system of female education: with a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank 110 rank and fortune. Vol. I. 2. I^çç. 8. (10 ft.) Preface to Anne YearsUiss poems; works. Vol 1-8. 1800. MORFITT, [John] Esq. Barrister at Law. Observations on the present alarming crisis. 1707 8. (I sh.) W* •MORGAN, [,....] Mrs. A tour to Milford hav?n, in* the Y, 1791. 1795. g (7 sh. 6 d.) ^MORGAN, [A ] See Matthew Con canen jun. MORGAN, [Cesar] M. A: Chaplain to the Bishop of Ely. Investigation of the trinity of Plato and Philo Ju. daeus and of the effeéìs, which an attachment to their writings had upon the principles and rea- sonings of the fathers of the christian church. 1795* 8. (3 sh- 6 d.) «MORGAN, [ George ] Esq, of Princeton , New - Jersey. Essay, exhibiting a plan for a farm-yard, and me- thod of conducting' the fame: for the purpose of affording the best shelter for cattle and procuring the greatest quantity of manure. (Columbian Ma- gaz. Y. 178Ó. Oct. p. 77.) On the Hessian "fly. (American Museum. Y. 1787. June. p. 529.) MORGAN, [George Cadogan] born 1754. at Bridgend in Glamorganshire! South-Wales; died 1798. Nov. 17. at South- gate, Middlesex. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Nov. p. 1000. Dec. p. 1082: Supplem. p. 1144. Monthly Ma- gaz. Y. 1798. p. 475. Allg. Litt. Zeit. Ml. J. I800. S. 653. Millin Magaz. Encycloped. Anjj. T. 6. p. 348. Lectures on electricity. Vol. 1.2. 1795. 8. (lod\ 6 d.) îibers. mit Anmerk. 1798. 8. Meteorolo- gical Journal. (Monthly Magazine Vol, 1.2* in the first 12 numbers.) MORGAN, [John] M. Dr: F. R. S. Professor of the theory and praclice of Physic in the University of Philadelphia. born 1735. died 1789. Oct. 15. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1789. Suppl. p. 1209* American Ill American Museum. Vol. 6. Y. 1789. p. 353. Massachusetts Magaz. Vol. 3. Y. 1791. p. Ó89* See Btnj. Rusk. I)e purU confectione. Edinb. 1763. Some account of a motley coloured, or p.ye negro girl and mu- latto boy. (American Museum Y. 1788. Jan. p. 37.) Whether it be most beneficial to the Uni- ted States, to promote agriculture, or to encou- rage the mechanic arts and manufactures? (Ibid. Y. 1789' Jlily- P*7l0 ^MORGAN, [John Pilkington] M. A. late Vicar of Hìtchin, Herts; formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Sermons on several subjects. Vol, I. 2. 1791. S. (8 >. S....] Esq. See fVidand's N*. Teutschcr Merklif J. 1798, St. 10. S. 197. A vindication of Homer' and of the ancient poeu and historians, who have recorded the fiege and fall of Troy: in answer so two late publications of Mr. JBryant. 1798. 4. (12 fh.) Additional remarks on the topography of Troy — as given by Homer , Strabo and the antient geographers in answer to Bryant's late publication» i8ûo, 4» (4 fh.) Miscellaneous translations and imitations of the minor greek poets. 1802. 8» *MORSE, [Jedidiah] D. D. Pastor of the chunk in Ch> The American geography—. Boston. 1789 (9 sh») Ed. 2* Ï792. 8. Ç7fh.) Ed-3- P. 1.2. Boston. 1793. (I L 8 fh. ) Elements of geography — 1797. 12* (3 fh. 6 d.) The present situation of other nations , contrasted with our own, a fer* mon* Í795. 8» The American gazetteer, exhibi* ting in alphabetical order, a much more full and accurate account than has been given of the sta* tes, provinces, counties, cities, towns, villages, rivers, boys, harbours, gulfs, founds, capes, moun- tains , forts, Indian tribes and new discoveries oil the American continent — 1798, 8* (10 fh* 6 d.) A prayer on the death of Georg Washington , a sermon, delivered Dec. 31» *799- to which is pre. fixed an account of the proceedings, of the town on the melancholy occasion, written by Jojiak Bartlett. 1800. Sketch of the life of Gen. G. Washington, with a sermon On his death and an account of the ceremonies of his funeral &c. 1800. (2 fh.) Topography and mortality of Charles- town (Massachusetts) for the Y. 1789 to 1797. (Medical Repository. Vol. 2. p. 8.) (Several single fermons») H a * MORSE, IIÓ *MORSE, [J.... N,,..] Nursery-mau of Xewm. On planting, grafting and making cyder, (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 6. p. 151O A eharacteristick ac- count of 29 forts of apples. (Ibid, Vol. 8. p. 362.) ^MORTIMER, [George] Lieutenant of the Marines. Observations and remarks diiring a voyage to the islands of Tencriffe, Amsterdam $ Marias islands near van Diemen's land, Otahcite, Sandwich islands, Owhyhee, the Fox-islands on the Northwest coast of America, Tinian and from thence to Canton in the brig Mercury, commanded by Jokn Henry Cox, Esq. 1791. 4. {TO fh. 6 d.) MORTIMER, [Thomas] Esq. PVyndham Beawes — lex mercatoria rediviva, or, a complete code of commercial law. Edit. 5. 1792. Lectures on the elements of commerce, politics and finances, intended as a companion to Black* fioneys commentaries on the laws of England. I801. 8. (9 fh.) ♦MORTON, [....] Mrs. of Boston. *Ouabi, or the virtues of nature, an Indian,tale in 4 Cantos by Philenia, b Lady of Boston. Boston New-England. 1790. * Beacon-Will, a local poem, historic and descriptive; Book 1. Boston, 1797' 4. * MORTON, [Charles] M, Dr. F. A. and K. SS. Principal Librarian of the MS: and Medal De- fartment in the British Museum. born in Westmoreland .... died 1799. Febr. IO. about 83- See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Febr. p. 173. March, p. 250. Allg. Litt. Zcit. ItBl. J. I800. S. 658. Observations and experiments upon animal bodies, digested in a philosophical analysts or inquiry into the cause of voluntary muscular motion. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1751. p. 305.) A supposed con- nection between the hieroglyphical writing of an- tienr Egypt, and the characteristic writing which is in use at this day among the Chinese. (Ibid. Y. 1769. i). 489.) Barnard's engraved tabic of Alphabets; an improved edition; 1759* ^ul* strode PVkitelock's journal of the swediih embassy in 1653 and 1654, 1771. 4. « MORTON, 117 •MORTON, [Thomas] Esq. Columbus, or, a world discovered, an historical play. 1792. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The children in the wood, a farce. 1794. 8. Zorìníki, a play in 3 acts. 1795. 8- sh.) The way to get married, a comedy in 5 acts. 179Ó. 8. (2 sh.) A cure for the hearth-ache, a comedy in 5 act9. 1797. 8. (2 fh. ) Secrets worth knowing, a comedy in 5 acts. 1798.8. (2 fh.) Speed the plough, a come- dy in 5 acts. 1800. 8. (2 fh.) ^'MORTON, [Thomas] Letter on Chinese hemp. (Tr. of the Soc. for th* E, of A. Vol. 5. p. 174.) MOSELEY, [Benjamin] As, Dr. Physician to Chelsea Hospital, Member of the College of Pkyfic. of London , of the University of Leyde», of the American Philos Soc. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1790. Jan. p. 9. Archénholz British Mercury. Vol.13, p. 325. Treatise concerning the properties and effects of coffee. Ed. 5. with considerable additions. 1792» 8. (I fh.) Treatise on tropical diseases, on mi- litary operations and 011 the climate of the Wcft- Indies. Ed. 3. with considerable additions 1793. Ed. 4. 1803. 8. (12 fh. 6 d.) Treatise on sugar, with miscellaneous medical observations, Ed. 2. with considerable additions. 1799.8. (5 fh.) úbers, von K. A. Noldechen. Berlin. 1800. 8. Medical tracts; Ed. 2, v/ith considérable additions. I803. 8, (6 fh. 6 d.) MOSELEY, [James] M. Dr. Physician at Ludlow. born .... died 1800» Oct. at the Oaks, near Wolverhampton. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, I800. Nov. p. 1112. ♦MOSELEY, [Richard] of Drinkfion, Suffolk. On tares and buck wheat as a substitute for fal- lows, with observât, by A. Young. ( Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.6, p.211. Vol.9. p.507.) •MOSELEY, [Walter Michael] Esq. Essay on archery; describing the practice of that art, in all ages and nations. 1792. 8* (7 fh.) *MOSELEY, [William] A brief explanation of the assembly's catechism by the late Rev. John Brown t of Haddington, re- H 3 comoKii* IrlS commended by Dr. Fisher of Glasgow; revised and improved, with iome account of the rife, pro* cress and good effects of sabbath evening schools in Scotland and England , and a pl'qn of the mode of instruction adopted in them, 1800. 12. (4 d.) A memoir on the importance and practicability of translating and printing the holy scriptures in the Chinese language and of circulating them in that vast empire; including an account of the intro- duction, progress and present state of çatholia mislion9 in that country. 1801. 8- (I sb.) Ed. 2. improved and revised. 1801. 8. (1 sh.) * M O S E R * [Joseph] Esq. a Justice of the peace for tk city of Westminster. Lucifçr and Mammon, 17., Thoughts upon cadi credit and country banks. 17.. Turkish tales, Vol. I. 2, X794. 12. (6 sh,) The adventures of Timothy Twig Esq. in a series o£ poetical epistles. Vol. i. 2. 1794-8. (7 fh.) The meal-tub plot, or remark.6 on the powder tax; 17.. Anecdo- tes of Richard Brothers in the Y. 1791 and 1792. with some thoughts on credulity, occasioned by the testimony of N. Braffey Hallied Esq. 1795. 8. (I sh.) Somerset house, a vision. 1795. 8- (6d.) Timothy Twiglis reflections on profane and judi* çial swearing. 1795. 12. (6 d.) * Observations 011 a setter to the Prince of Wales, 1795. 8, (1 fh.) ^n examination on the pamphlet entitled thoughts çn the english government, addressed to the quiet good sense of the people of England. 1796, 8. (I sh.) The hermit of Caucasus, an oriental to* jnance. Vol. 1,2. 1796. 8. (6 sh.) Moral tales — VoLï.2, 1797.12. (7 fh.) On the origin and practice of courts of request, (Monthly Map*. Y. 1799, Nov, p. 767.) * MOSES, [Malacby] Esq. The prophecies of the times, a satire. 1795, 4* (i ft,) *MQSS, [Charles] D< D. Bishop of Bath arid JVtSs. born I7s2. died 1802. Apr. 13. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802, Apr, p. 380. (Several single sermons,} *MQSS, *MOSS, [Thomas] Minister of Briefly-hill and of Trent ham in Staffordshire. *The beggar's petition. 1764. (Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. i8oo, Jan. p. 40.) MOSS, [William] Surgeon to the Liverpool Lying-Inn Charity. An essay on the management, nursing, and disea- ses of children, from the birth, and on the treat- ment and diseases of pregnant and lying-inn wo- men: with remarks on the domestic practice of medicine. 178I0 Ed. 2* revised and considerably enlarged. 1794. 8- (7^0 libers., unter dem Ti- tel: der Englische Kinderarzt. 1786. libers. Leip- zig. 1799. 8. iibers. mit einein v^randcrtem Ti- tel; Pracktischcs Handbuch ftiu Ammcn und Miit* ter iiber die Erziehung der ncugebohrnen wis auch altern Kinder und ihre Krankheiten. Pegau wnd Leipzig. I802. 8» A familiar medical sur- yey of Liverpool. 1784. The Liverpool guide; including a iketch of the environs, with a map of the town. Ed. 2. 1798. (3 sti. 6 d.) MOSSMAN, [George] M. Dr. Physician at Brad- ford , Yorkshire. The history of a remarkable cafe of typhus fever, immediately succeeded by measles, terminating suc- cessfully. {Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 598,) The history of a long continued cafe of obstipa- tion terminating fatally, with an account of the appearances on dissection. (Ibid. Y. 1797, p. 307.) Account of epileptic fits being arrested by exten- ding the jaws, aud keeping the teeth asunder. (Ibid. Y. 1797. p. 413.) Observations on the be- nefit derived from the application of cold water, in cafes of scarlatina cynanchica. (Ibid, Y. 1799. p. 422.) An essay to elucidate the nature, origin and connexion of fcrophula and glandular con- sumption, including a brief history of the effetls . ofllkley Spa; with observations, on the medicinal epileptic fits. (Medical Repository. Vol. 1. p. Mode of stopping 5770 H 4 MOTHERBY, 120 MOTHERBY, [George] As. Dr: late of Highgae, near London, born 1731. died at Beverley. 1793. July 30. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. Aug. p. 771, MOUNTMORRES Lord Vise, [Harvey Redmond Morres] F. R, S: M. R. J. A. born 1742. He put an end to his existence by shooting himself through the head 1797.* Aug. 18. See Gentlemau's Magaz. Y. I797# Aug. p. 717. Sept. p. 743. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Aug, p. 151. Y. 1800. Sept. p. 846. Allg. Litt. Zcit. ItBl. J. igoo. S. 64Ó. J. 180r. ItBI. S. 835. The danger of the political balance of Europe. Ed. 2. improved 1791. & (3 fh. 6 d) Speech, delivered on the 19 Febr. 1789. in the house of Lords of Ireland upon the address to his Roy. H. the Prince of Wales. 1790. 8. (i fh.) The hi- . fïory of the principal transactions of the Irifl] par- liament'from the Y. 1634 to 1666. to which is prefixed a preliminary discourse on the ancient parliaments of that kingdom. Vol. I. 2. 1792. 8. (14 fh.) The crisis, a collection of essays written in the years 1792 and 1793* upon toleration, pu. blic credits the elective franchise in Ireland, the emancipation of the Irish catholics, with other interesting and miscellaneous subjects. Ed. 3. 1795. g. (3 fh.) The letters of Themistocles. 1795. 8. Historical dissertation upou the origin, suspension and revival of the judicature and independency of the Irish parliament; with a narrative of the trans- actions in 1719. relative to the celebrated decla- ratory law —- 1795. 8. (3 ill. 6 d.) Impartial reflections on the present crifis; comprized in four essays — on the oeconotny of the present stock of corn, the aíîize of bread-tithes and a general system of inclosurec; with an appendix, contai* ning the system of inclofures introduced in 1732* fey Arthur Dobbs. 179Ó. 8. (I fh. 6 d,) «MOWBRAY, [Geoffrey] Esq. Remarks on the conduct of opposition, during the present parliament. Z798. 8» U ft* 6 à») *MOYES, 1 121 *MOYES, [Henry] M. Dr. at Pittettweem, Fifejliire. Account of some interesting experiments in galva- nic electricity. (TiÏÏactìs PhiloC Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 347.) Account of some interesting experiments with Mr. Volte?s galvanic pile. \Ibid. Vol. ()• p. 217.) *MOYLE, [Richard] of Maràziôn, in Cornwall. Description of Joseph, Kneebones wheel - drag for two wheeled carriages. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.13, p. 254--2Ó3.) An account of the drainage of a marsh near Marazion, in Corn- wall, formerly overflown by the sea and loockeii on as irreclaimable, but now in a state of culti* vation. (Ibid. Vol. 14, p. 154. Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol.2, p. II50 *MUDFORD, [William] Critical inquiry into Dr. Johnson's writings; — 17.. Augustus and Mary; or, the maid of Hut- termare, a domestic tale. Í803. 8. (4 sh.) Gold* berry travels in Africa — translated from the french, with notes. Vol, 1.2. 1803. 13. (I2sh.) MUDGE, [John] As. Dr. F. R. S. and Physician at Plymouth* born 1721. died 1793. March 26. at Ply- mouth. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. April, p. 376. An experienced and successful method of treating the fistula in ano, (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol.4, p. 16.) ♦MUDGE, [Thomas] Watchmaker. born I714. died 1794. Nov. 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. 1794. Nov. p. IOÓ2. Thoughts on the means of improving watches and particularly those for the use of the sea. 17Ó5. A narrative of facts relative to time-keepers con- structed by him. 177. A reply to Maskefyne't answer to a narrative of facts — 177. Narra- tive of facts relating to some time-keepers con» structed by him for the discovery of the longitude at sea. 1792. 8. (2 sh.) f;MUDGE, [William] Captain of the Royal Artillery: R R. S. See JJaac Dal Ay. An accouut of the trigonometrical survey, carried H 5 00 on in the Y. 1797-1799. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1800 P. 539.) *MUIRHEAD, [Lockhart] A. M. Librarian to the Journals of travels in parts of the late Austrian , low countries, France, the pays de Vaud and Tuscany in 1787 and 1789. I803. 8. (7 sh.) MULGRAVE, [Constantine John] Lord. See Conftantine John Pkippf. *MULLALA, [James] X£. D: F. R. 5. The political history of Ireland from the commen* cement of Lord Townshend's administration to the departure of the Marquis of Buckingham: with observations on the trade and finance of the coun- try. Dublin/ 1793. (5 sh.) Delineation of the British constitution, from the origin to the pre- sent period. Vol. 1. 1801. 8. (7 sh-) *MULOK, [ J - ». • L.... A ....] Lieutenant. An English and Bengal vocabularyr together wish a grammatical introduction and a collection of phrases and familiar dialogues. 17.. MULSO, [Thomas] Esq. born 1721. died 1799. Febr. 7. at London. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1799. March, p. 254. Y. X801. Supplcm p. 1217. Ailg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S.658. *MUNCASTER, [ ] Lord. Historical sketches of the stave trade and of its effects in Africa. 1792. 8. (2 sh.) MUNCKLEY, [Nicholas] M. Dr. F. R. $. ♦MUNKHOUSE, [Richard] D. D. Sermons on various subjects doctrinal and moral; jselectcd, abridged and translated from Tannée évangélique of F. J. Durand. 1802. 8. (7 sh.) *MUNN, [R. . ..] Rev. The loyal subject or republican principles brought to the test; try'd, cast, and condemned by the law of God. 1793» 4. (I sh.) •MUNNINGS, [J..,. S....] A dramatic dialogue between an English sailor and a frenchman. 1802. 8. (I sh, 6 d.) born •..• died ,.., (?) * MUNNINGS, 12$ • MANNINGS, [Thomas Crowe] Rev, of East-De- rekam, in Norfolk. On the cultivation of turnips, by the drill me- thod. (Tr. of the Soc. for- the E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 147.) An account of some experiments for drilling and protecting turnips, in the Y. 1800, 180I and 1802, together with some miscellain ous observations on agricultural subjects. 1803. 8* (2 fh. Ó d.) • * *MUNRO, [Hugh] Surgeon. A compendious system of the theory and practice of modern surgery, arranged in a new nosologi- cal and systematic method, different from any yet attempted in surgery. 1792. 8. (5 fh.) MUNRO, [Janes] (not Janes MONRO,) Captain. Narrative of the military operations on the Co. roinandel —. ùbers. Leipzig. 1791. 8. *MURE, [Hutcheson] Esq. of Great - Saxham, near Bury, Suffolk, born .... died 1794. Aug. II. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Aug. p. 771. Value of the cluster potatoe and of carrots, ascer- tained in feeding hogs. ( Young's A. of Agr.. Vol. I. p. 124.) A system of grazing. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 128 ) Experiment on marling land by deep plou- ghing. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 292.) Advantages of grubbing up woods: (Ibid. Vol. 2, p. 412J On drilling turnips. (Ibid, Vol.8, p. 432.) On the structure of lime-kilns. (Ibid. Vol. 11. p. 360.) Experiments in agriculture. (Ibid, Vol, ió. p. 87.) Experiment on drilling barley with observât, by A. Young. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 384.) Description of his drill harrow. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 361.) New application of steam. (Ibid. Vol. 20. p. 415.) MURPHY, ]Arthur] Esq. Barrister at Law. bom near Elphin Dec. 27» 173°. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p.28l. The Gray's - Inn Journal; (which he commenced in the Y. 175a, and continued for two years.) - Essay on the life and genius of Henry Fielding* prefixed to the edition of that author's work*. 1762. MarmonttVs Belifarius translated from the french. 1767. One thousand seven hundred mi Î34 and ninety-one; a poem, in imitation of the 13 satire of Juvenal. 1791. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) Essay on the life and genius of Samuel Johnson* 1792. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) The works of Cornel. Tacitus; with an essay on the life and genius of Tacitus, notes, supplements and maps. Vol. 1-4. 1793,4. (4^ 4 fh.) The rival sisters. 1794. 8. ( I ik 6 d.) Armcnius, a tragedy. 1798. 8. (2 ííî, 6 d.) The bees, a poem, from the 14 book of Vanie- rts praedium rusticum. 1799. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Translatio latina Addifonis epiilolae missae ex Italia ad On. Halifax A. 1701. 1799-4- (2Íli. ód.) the life of David Garrick. Vol. 1. 5. 1801. 8. ..] Mrs. of Ken Jingt on. A companion and useful'guide to the beauties of Scotland to the lakes of Westmoreland, Cumber- land and Lancashire and to the curiosities in the district of Craven in, the Westriding of Yorkshire; to which is added a more particular description of Scotland, especially that part of it called the high- lands. 1799. 8* (7 st>« 6 d.) A companion and useful guide to the beauties in the Western high- lands of Scotland and in the Hebrides; to which ig added, a description of part of the Main land of Scotland, and of the isles of Mull, Ulva, Stasia, Columbkill, Tirii, Coll, Eigg, Skye, Rata and Scalpa. Vol. 2. 1803, 8. (7 6 d.) ^MURRAY, [A,,..] Schoolmaster. An easy englisb grammar; for the use of schools; — , Ed. 4. I803. 12. (l flu 6 d.) «MURRAY, THenry] A. B. Evidences of the jewifh and christian revelations. 17*». «•(«&.> W8-<5,^RRAY, 125 ^MURRAY, [Sir John] Account of experiments in cultivating rice, brought by him from India. (Comm. to the B, of Agr, Vol.2, p. I97-) ♦MURRAY, [John] M. Dr. Letlurer on natural phi» losophy, chemistry, materia mtdica and phar» macy at Edinburgh. Elements of chemistry. Vol. 1,2. I80I. 8. (isfli.) Experiments and remarks on the passage of heat through fluids downwards, particularly with re- gard to the uncertainty produced by the vessel; with a method of obviating that uncertainty alto- gether. (Nicholsons Journal Y. 1802. March, p. 165.) Experiments on the transmission of heat downwards through mercury and through oil contained in vessels of ice? by which those fluids are proved [to be proper conductors of heat (Ibid. Y, 1802. April, p. 241.) •MURRAY, [John] M Dr. of Norwich, co. Norfolk, Surgeon in the Royal Navy. born 1720. died 1792. Sept. 26. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Oct. p. çór. An enquiry into the origin of slavery, with a plan for the gradual and secure cmaucipation of sla- ves. 17.. •MURRAY, [Liudley] English grammar. Ed. 2. with improvements. 1796. 12. (3 fh.) Ed. 3. improved. 1797. 8. (3 Hi.) English exercises, adapted to the engliih grammar. Ï797. 12. (3 fh.) Abridgment of the engliih grammar — 1797. (i fh.) The engliih reader, or pieces in prose and poetry, selected from tho best writers. 1799, 12. (3 ih. 6 d.) Sequel to the English reader — 1800, 12. (3 fh. 6 d.) In- troduction to the English reader — 180,1. 8- (3 fh. 6 d.) The power of religion on the mind, in retirement, affliction and at the approach of death exemplified in the testimonies and experience of persons distinguished by their greatness, lear- ning or virtue. Ed. 10. corrected and greatly en- larged. 1801. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) Lecteur françois; ou recueil de pieces en prose et en vers, tirées de meilleurs écrivain.*. I802»I2. (4 fh. 6 d.) * MURRAY, J2Ó ♦MURRAY, [Richard] D. D. Provost of Trinity CoU lege, Dublin. born 1726. died 1799. June 20. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. June. p. 535^ July. p. 619. Commercial and Agricult. Magaz. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 148'. Monthly Magaz. Y, 1799" Sept. p. 659. ; Epitome of logic; 17.. •MURRAY, [Thomas ^Archibald] M. Dr. Phyficm to the public dispensary and Physician to ike institution for the cure and prevention of tht contagious fevers in the metropolis. born 1774.'died 1802. March 16. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. ig02. March, 286. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1302. Apr. p. 286. Remarks on the situation of the poor in the me« tropolis as contributing to the progress of con* tagious diseases with a plan for houses of reco» very. 1800. 8- •MURRAY, [William] Eatl of MANSFIELD* Sec Mansfield* *MURRELL, [Henry] On a new washing machine. (Bath Agriculr. Soc* Vol. 5. p. 469.) *MUSGRAVE, [Agnes] Cicely of raby. 17.. The solemn injunction, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1798. 12. The confession, a no- vel. Vol. 1-5. I80I. 12. (I L) •MUSGRAVE, [Sir Richard] Bart. Member of the Irish Parliament, Letter on the present situation of public affair?* 1794. 8. (1 it. 6 d.) Considerations on the pre- sent state of England and France. 1796. 8. (i lh» 6 d.) A short view of (he political situation of the northern powers. 1801. (3 sb.) Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland from the arri- val of the english with a particular detail of that which broke out the 23 of May 1798. l8ot. 4» (I L. ri sh.) Ed. 2. with an appendix. 1801. (,lL. 14 sh,) Ed. 3. Vol. 1.2. 1802. 8- (I L.lih.) Observations on the reply of Dr. CaulfieU to the misrepresentation* of him and other writers who A have 12? have animadverted on the memoirs of the Irish rebellion, 1802. 8V (2 *K) *MUSGRAVE, [Sir William] Bart. F. JR. 5: F. A. S. Copy of an original Mfcpt, entitled ,* Inftru. ctions for every centioner to observe duringe the continuance of the french fleet uppon this cost un- till know lege shall be had of their difpercemem, given by Sir George C&rye, Capt. I Sept. 1586. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 100.) *MUSHET, [David] Of tke Clyde Iron works. On the materials used for manufacturing call iron. (Tillocfis Philos. IvUgaz. Vol. 3, p. 130 # Stnciu* res on Jostfk Collier's observations on iron and steel; (ibid. Vol.5, p. 9 ) Ou the principles of iron and steel. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 155. ) Histori- cal remarks relative to the manufactures of iroti and steel in Great-Britain, (ibid. Vol.3. p, 346.) On the use of calcareous stones in the manusectu. ring of crude iron. (Ibid. Vol. 4.'p.43. ) On the component parts of iron-stones, and how these in the manufacturing affect the quality of crude iron. (ibid. Vol. 3. p. 193» 239*) On pri- mary ores of iron. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 330.) On the assaying of iron ores and iron Hones by fu- sion, (IbiJ. Vol. 4. p. 178.) Description of an as- say-furnace, with an apparatus for Pleasuring the , degree of heat employed, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 255.) On th^ assaying of ores by fusion. (Ibid..Vol. 4. p.3So.) Description of a blast furnace for smel- ting iron from the ore, with that part of the blowing machine immediately connected with if. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 40.) On the production of cast: iron and the operations of the blast furnace. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p, 124.) On the assaying of iron ores and iron-stones by fusion. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p.236.) On the relative proportions of coals and iron stones used at the blast-furnace and of their proper ap. plication to use. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 366.) On the various effects produced by the nature, compres- sion and velocity of the air used in the blast-fur- nace. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 60. 113.) Description of an air and a water vault employed to equalize the discharge of air into a blast-furnace. (Ibid. Vol. 6* p. 303.) On the origin and progress of the ma. nufaclii- Ï38 nufdcture of pig-iron with pit-coai; and com* parisou of the value and effects of pit - coal, wood and peat-char. (Ibid. Vol, 7. p. 35.) Ac- count of his new method of making steel of various qualities. {Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 235.) Re- marks upon several experiments made to prove the conversion of iron into liee 1 by means of the diamond. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 289.) An examination of C Chun s new process for making cast steel from bar iron by means of (he decomposition of carbonic acid. (Ibid. Vol. 12» p. 27.97.) On the fu. íìoiì of malleable iron with various kinds of glass, (Ibid. VoL 12. p. 193.) On the different propor- tions of carbon which constitute the va/ious qua. Jjties of crude iron and steel. (Ibid. Vol. 13, p. 322. VoL 13. p. 1.142.) Experiments and obser- vations on the manufacture of malleable iron di* rectly from the ore. (ibid. Vol.13, p.234.) Ex- periments on charcoal exposed to high degrees of heat in close vessels. (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 356.) On the kind of air-furnaces employed in iron foun- ileries for casting large pieces of ordnance, stiaftt for mills, cylinders and others heavy articles. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 245.) •MUTTER, [Thomas] D. D. Minister of the old church., Dumfries. Sermous. 1791. 8. (6 ih.) *MYERS, [William] An account of the river Orwell, or Orewell, iu the county of Suffolk and of the town and har- bour of that name. (Arch. Vol. 10. p. 35^0 *MYLES, [William] A chronological històry of the people called me- thodists, of the connection of the late Rev. John Wesley, from the rife in the Y. 1729. to their last: conference in 1802. Ed. 3. 1803,12. (5 st.) *MYLNE, [James] born .... died .... (?) Poems consisting of miscellaneous pieces and twp tragedies. 1790. 8. (6 slî.) *MYLNE, [Robert] The red earth from Jamaica is better than Britifli and 12$ and an substitute for terras or puzzolàna. (Tr, off the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 5. p. 220.) MYNORS, [Robert] Surgeon at Birmingham. Account of some improvements in surgery, (Dun* can M. C. Dec.i*. Vol. 6. p. 365.) ^MYRTLE, [Marmaduke] Esq. The histrionade, or, theatrical tribunal, a poem. 1803. 8. U st*- 6 d0 iiAIRNE, [Edward] Attorney at Law and Super- visor of the Customs in Sandwich , Kent, born .... died 1799. Jl,Iy 5- See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799, July, p, 656.' Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. I800. S. 660. Poems, miscellaneous and humorous, with expla- natory notes and observations. 1796. 8. (3 ih« 6 d.) The dog tax, a poem. 1797. 4- «NAISMITH, [John] A general view of the agriculture of the counts of Clydesdale. 17.. 8. On horses and oxeiu (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.23, p. 69.) Sheep on Lamermoor. (Ibid. Vol. 27. p. 55.) Cheviot hills. (Ibid. Vol. 27. p. 177O Sheep system on the moors of Lesmahagow , Douglas, Moorkirk^ Stranraer &c. (Ibid. Vol. 27. p. 236.) •NANCARROW, [John] Description of *| steam engine on the principle off Savary, operations by a separate condenser with other essential improvements. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4» P'355- * Nicholson's Journal, Vol. 4. p. 545* Tillocïïs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 9. p. 300.) *NAPHTA, [John] D. D. Canon Residentiary of Hertford. Sermons for the use of schools and families. i$or. 8. (6 sh.) *NAPLETON, [John] D. D. Canon Residentiary of Hereford y Chancellor of the Diocese of Here- ford. Advice to a student in the University, concerning the qualifications and duties of a minister of the gospel in the church of England. 1795. 8- (3 sh. 6 d.) Advice to a minister of the gospel in the united church of England and Ireland; being a jfoK/ï G. E, Suwl Tit, If. I COU- continuation'of advice to a student in the univcr- iky —; to which is added a sermon on the pasto- ral cure. l8oi. 8.. (2 sh. 6 d.). The duty of church wardens respecting the church. 1799. 12. (I sh.) Sermons for the use of schools and fami* lies, 1800. 8. (6 fh.) *NARES, [Edward] A. M. *Efç 9seoç> siç (x& 8n attempt to Hiew how far the philosophical notion of a plurality of worlds is consistent, or not so, with the Ian- guage of the holy scriptures. 1802. 8. (8 (h.) Sermons, composed for country congregations, 1803. 8» (7 [Francis Hare] Esq. The history of Helvetia, containing the rife and progress of the federative republics, to the middle of the 15 century. Vol. 1.2. 1801. 8. (16 *NAYLOR, [M.... J....] As. A. Fellow .of Quetn't College % Cambridge, and Leclurer at ike Pa* risk church-of Wakefield, Yorkshire. The inanity and mischief of vulgar superstitions, four sermons; to which is added some account of the witches of warhoys. 1795. 8. (ash. ó d.) NE ALE, [George] Esq. Senior Surgeon to the London Hospital* born, 172a. died 1797. Jim. 10. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. June. p. 534. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItKl. J. 1800. S. 645. Practical observations on venereal complaints; a new edition. 1792. (2 sh.) Some observations on the use of the agaise and its insufficiency, in stopping haemorrhages, after capital operation*. 1757. 8» Observations on the powers and effi- cacy of the Montpellier diet drink and its extract in curing the venereal complaints. Ed. 2. 1792. Observations founded upon the bails of long ex- perience on the virtues and efficacy of some exo- tic plants, especially the lobelia syphilitica, as they are now prepared according to the Montpellier system, in the cure of venereal and scrophuloul maladies. 1791» 8. NEALE, [George] Curate of St. Margarete Pawns, Rood-Lane and Lecturer of St. Bennet, Grace* church. Essays on modern manners — 1790. 8. ('2 sh.) Free thoughts respecting the present state of the clergy in the established church and particularly of those who are unbeneficed. 1793. 8. (6 d.) Letter to Edm. Burke, in answer to a letter respecting the Duke, of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale, to winch is appended some anticipation of Mr. Bur- he's thoughts on a regicide peace. 179Ó. 8. (6 d.) *NEALE, [John] ^ Practical essays aud remarks on that species ot Ê0U- 133 consumption incident to youth , from pu-berty to 25 years and upwards, commonly called tabes dorfalis; with an account of the nature, causes and cure of that distemper —; 1797. 8. (3 fti. ó d.) «NECKSIT, [Richard] M Dr. Critical » observations on the writings of SydeH* ham. (New Lorìdon M. J, Vol. 2. p. 3970 *NEELY, [Samuel] of Great-Yarmouth, Norfolk. An appeal to the humanity and equity of the na* tipn and especially to those whom it more imme- diately concerns, on the execution of criminals* 1791. 8. (I sh.) *NEILD, [J....] Account of persons confined for debt in the va- rious prisons of England and Wales. 1800. 4. On a substitute for malt. (^Monthly M8gaz. Y. i8oo« Dec. p. 411.) «NELS.ON, [Edward] Re S or of Halifax. born .... died 1790. *The history of the town and parish of Halifax* 179a. •NELSON, [James] Apothecary in red lion "streets Holborn. born 1710, died 1794. Apr. 19. See Gentleman's. Magaï. Y. 1794. Apr- 38$. Esiay 011 the government of children under three general head?, viz. health, manners and educa- tion. 1758. 8. The astectionate father, a senti- mental comedy, together with essays on various subjects. 178Ó. 8. *NELSON, [Margaret] Lady. * On the education of the daughters of farmers: and, on the proper style of living for a farmer's family. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1800. Apr. p.261.) *NESBIT,'[William] M. Dr. An inquiry into the history, nature, causes and different modes of treatment, hitherto pursued in the cure of scrophula and cancer. .1795* A practical treatise on diet and on the most salutary means of supporting health by aliment and regi- men, adapted to the various circumstances of age, constitution and climate. I Soi. (6 sh.) The Edin- burgh school of medicine, containing fundamen- I 3 tai Ï34 tal branches of professional education, viz. ana- tomy, medical chemistry and botany. Vol.'i-./ I802» 12. ^NESFlEfLD,' [ ] Rev. of fVickambrook, Suffolk Observations on the mildew in wheat. (Young) A. of Agr. Vol. i. p. 320.) NEVE, [Timothy] D. D. ReBor of Geddington, co. Oxfords Prebendary of Worcester and Professor - of Divinity in the University of Oxford. born at Spalding 1724. Oct. 12. died 1798. Jan. I. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1708. Jan. p, $5. The comparative blcslings of Christianity, Eph. IV, 8. a sermon. 1759. . *NEVILL, [Charles] Of watering and rolling grass-lands. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.32, p. 339.) *N EVIL LE, [L...] Captain of the 13 Regt. of light Dragoons. On the discipline of light cavalry, with aHiiexcd ; plates. 1796. 8. Ush.) *NEVsN, [William] As. Dr. from Downpatrick, Ire* land. History of the case of a puer coeruteatus which was observed at Glasgow. (Duncans M.C. Dec.3. Vol. 9. p. 325.) *NEUMAN, [H....] Description of the principal articles of the trade of this country (lower Clapton) especially such as are imported from abroad. (Comm. and Agric, Magaz. Y. 1800. Dec. p. 426.) *NEUMAN, [Henry] Esq. Family distress or self immolation, or, the sacri- fice of love, a play in 3 acts by Aug. v. Kotzebut! translated from the german. 1799. 8. (2 ft.) Duke de la Rochesoucault Liancourts travels through the United States of North-America — translated from the french. 1799. 4» (lL. 7 sb.) A complete marin pocket dictionary of the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German languages, with an English-French and French-English index. 1799. (7 sb- 6 d-) Account of citizen François Turpin. (Monthly Mag. Y. 1800. April, p. 2150 A new dictionary of the Spaniih and English lan- guage?, 135 guages 9 wherein a great variety of terms relating to the arts, sciences, trade and navigation arc ca# refuily elucidated. Vol. r. 2. 1802. 8. *>JEWBERY, [Francis] Esq. one of the Cowmiffio* tiers of Appeal for the County of Sufftx. Observations on the income act, particularly as it relates to the occupiers of land. 1800. 8. (2 sh.) *NEWCOME, [Peter] Reclor of Shenley y Herts. born died 1797. Apr. 2. at Hadley, near Barnet, Middlesex; aged upwards of 70. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797* May, p. 437. Y. 1802* May. p. 467. Allg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S, 643.^ Maccabeis, a latin poem. 178-7. 4. The history of the ancient and royal foundation called the Abbey of St. Alban in the county of Herford, from the founding thereof in 793. to its dissolu- tion in 1539. — P. 1.2. 1/93. 1795. 4. (lL» 6 sh.) NEWCOME, [William] D. D. Archbishop of Ar« magk and Primate of Ireland. born 1729. died 1800. Jan. 11. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 91. March, p. 219. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. I800. S, 1802. Observations on our Lord's conduct as a divine instructor, and on the excellence of his moral cha- racter. Ed. 2. corrected. 1795. 8. (7 (h.) A new translation of the minor prophets. 1792. 8. (iosh. t 6 d.) A new translation of the book of Ezekiel. 1792. 8* (IO ill. 6 d.) Review of the chief diffi- culties in the gospel history, relating to our Lord's resurrections intended to retract some errors con- tained in the author's greek harmony and to shew that Dr. Benson s hypothesis is satisfactory. 1792. 8. (I sh.) An histoiical view of the englisti bib- lical translations, the expediency of revising by authority our present translation and the means of executing such a revision. 1794. 8- (7 sh. ) The duty of clerical residence stated and enforced, a charge. 1796. 8. (i sh.) An attempt towards revising our cnglisli translation of the greek scrip- tures, or the new covenant of Jesus Christ and I 4 towards Ï3Ó fowarJf illustrating the sense by philosophical and explanatory notes. Vol. 1.5. Dublin. 1799. (iL. I ill.) «NEWENHAM, [Thomas] lave M. P. for ClonmU. A warning drum; a call to the people of England to resist invaders. 1802. 8. (3 d.) An obstacle to the ambition of France; or, thoughts on the expediency of improving the political condition of the Irish roman catholics. 1803. (1 sh. 6 d.) *NEWMAN, [ ] Miff. Letters of Mad. du Montier, collected by Mad. le Prince dc Beaumont. Vol. 1-3. 1797. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) ♦NEWMAN, [William] An essay on the impropriety and evil consequences of forsaking our own places in the house of God —; 1798. 12. (l| d.) «NEWTE, [Thomas] Esq, * A tour in England and Scotland in 1785. by ait cngliih Gentleman, 1788.8. (7 sh- 6 d.) Ed. a. (with the author's name and entitled) Prospects and observations on a tour in England and Scot- land: natural, oeconomical and litterary. 1791.4. (I L. 1 sh.) * NEWT ON, [Everard] Ess. Barrister at Law. The whole duty of parish officers — 1795. 8. (3 íb,) •NEWTON, [J..-..] M. A. Fellow of Jesus Col- lege , Cambridge, A short treatise on the conic sections, in which the three curves are derived from a general de- scription on a plane and the most useful proper- ties of each are deduced from a common prin- ciple. 1794. 8. (4 sb. 6 d.) ♦NEWTON, [John] Adelphi: a sketch of the character and an account of the last illness of the late Rev. John Cowper, A. M. &c. who finished his course with joy 20 March 1770. written by his brother the late Will. Cotvper, Esq. of the Inner-temple; faithfully translated from his original manuscript. 1802. 8* ^ NEWTON, 13? NEWTON, [John] Refjor of St. Mens, TVoolnorth) London, A metkodistical clergyman. (He was originally a Sailor.) A monument to the memory of Eliza Cunning- ham; 17.. Thoughts on the slave trade. 17.. 8. Political debate on christian principles; or, the sub- stance of a correspondance between John NewroH and David Williamson, author of Jectures on ci- vil and religious liberty. Whitehaven, 1793. 8* (6 d.) Letter! to a wife; written during three voyages to Africa, from 1750 to 1754* Vol. 1. 2. 1794. 12. (5 ih.) Memoirs of the life of Will. GrimshatVy A. B. Minister of Haworth, in the Weft Riding of the county of York, with occasional re- flections. 1800. 8. (2 fh.) The christian cha- racter exemplified, from the papen of Mrs. Mar* garet Magdalen A— S — of Goodman's Fields* I803. 12. (2 fh.) (Several single sermons.) *NEWTON, [John] Esq. The trial at large of Thomas Hardy* for high trea- son, before the special comtniiiioti, 1794. 12. (X ill. 6 d.) NEWTON, [S....] A syllabus of christian doctrines and duties, in the catechetical form. 1791. 8» (2 fh.) *NEWTON, [T....] M.A. Fellow and Tutor of Jesus College, Cambridge* On the conic sections. 1794. NEWTON, [William] Architea. The architecture of Vitruvius PoJJio, translated from the original latin. Vol.2. 1791.Í0I. (2L.3ÍIÌ.) *NICHELSON, [William] On practical navigation and seamanship, witbj re- marks, observations c&c. and an appendix contai- ning' remarks on various subjects and on the par- ticular situation of the centre of gravity in a ship &c. with plates. 1797. 4. (17 fh.) ^NICHOLAS, [George] A. M. of tVadhaw College, Oxford and Master of Ealing schools Middlesex. An easy introduction to latin grammar; or, a simplification of first principles. 1793. 12. (l fh.) I 5 "NICHO- 138 ♦NICHOLEY, [William] Royal Engineer. The first principles of field fortification; wth an introduóïion to the science of fortification in general; by Ch. Aug. Struenfee, translated from the German, igoo. (7 sh. 6 d.) •NICHOLLS, [John] Esq. to the tionse of Commons. Observations on the situation of his Roy. H. the Prince of Wales. 1795. 8. (i sti.) Speech (Jun,3. 1798.) on the bill for augmenting the assessed taxes. 1798. 8. (6 d.) •NICHOLLS, [R.... B.f..] LL. B. Dean of MM- le ham f The political as well as moral consequences resul- ting respectively from religious education and Hi reverse. 1798. (i sh.) * NIC HOLS, [John] Minister of Warnsord, North- umhcrland. A short view of the evidences, doctrines and du. ties of the christian religion. 1792. 8. (X sh.) NICHOLS, [John] F. A. S. Printer to the Soc. of Antiq. of London. Biographical anecdotes of Will. Hogarth. Ed. 3. 1785* 8. The epistoiary correspondence, visita- tion charges, speeches and miscellanies of JFrancii Atterbury D. D. Lord-Bifh. of Rochester; with historical notes and brief memoirs of the author. Vol. 5. 1799. 8. (14 sh.) Bibliotheca topogra- Íihica Britannica. Nrb. 51. 52. 1790, 4. Coi- ection of all the wills now known to be extant, of the Kings and Queens in England, Princes and Princesses of Wales and every branch of the blood royal from the reign of William the conqueror to that of Henry 7. — with explanatory notes ind a very copious glossary. 17.. 4. (18 sh.) The tbea. tre by Sir Richard Steele; to which were added the antithcatre — illustrated with literary and historical anecdotes. Vol, 1.2. 1791. 12. (6 sh.) The history and antiquities of Leicester, compiled from the best and most antient historians. Vol. 1-4. 1795- sol. (7 L. 17 sh. 6 d, roy. pap" II L.) Illustrations of the manners and expen* ces of ancient times in England in the 15. 16 and 17 centuries, deduced from theaccompt* of church- warden! and other authentic documents, collected —— ,139 from various parts of the kingdom with explana* tory notes. 1797. 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) The works of Jonathan Swift y corrected and revised, arran- ged by Thomas Shevîdan A. M. with notes histo- rical and critical; a new edition in 19 volumes, corrected and revised. Igor. 8- (7 L. 12 sh. large paper II L. 8 sh.) The raies of wages of all manner of servants, &c. in Warwickshire, 36 Car. II, (Arch. Vol. 11. p.208.) *NICH0LS, [T...J An admonition to the great land-owners and far- mers in the monopoly of farms, with remarks on the war. 1800. (I sh.) ^NICHOLS, [Thomas] Purveyor of sht Navy for Portsmouth Dock- yard. Observations on the propagation and management of oak trees in general, but more immediately ap- plying to hisMaj. new forest in Hampshire. 1791. 8. (I sh.) Methods proposed for decreasing the con- sumption of timber in the navy, of prolonging the duration of our ships of war — with observations on the sap of oak trees. 1793. 8. (2 sh.) ^NICHOLSON, [Francis] of Rip on , Yorkjiiire. Process for producing the lights in stained dra- wings, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 17. p. 295. Tii/och's Pbilof. Mwgaz. Vol. 5. p. 67.) NICHOLSON, [George] Essays on the most essential theological subjects, particularly the divine humanity of the Lord- man's self derived intelligence — the importance of divine things designed for the promotion of the new Jerusalem church* 1795. 13, (J2 sh.) •NICHOLSON, [Peter] The principles of architecture. Vol. I-3. 1798. (2 L. 14 sh. 6 d.) Propositions respecting tho mechanical powers of the wedge, (Tiiloctfs Philos, Magaz. Vol. I, p. 3IÓ.) NICHOLSON, [William] Fourcroy's elements of natural history and che- mistry translated, with occasional notes and ant historical preface. Vol. 1-4. 1788. 8. (i L. 4 sh.) Supplem. 1789.8. (6íh.) J. A, Ckoptaïs eltmeott i 140 of chemistry, translated. Vol. ï-3. 1791.8. (l8sh.) Dictionary of chemistry, exhibiting the present* state of the theory and practice of that science its application to natural philosophy — Vo). 1.3. "1795. 4. (2 L. 10 sh.) Journal of natural phT losophy, chemistry and the arts. Vol. 1-4. (Nrb. 1-58.) I797-I800. 4, (2 L. 5 sh.) Vol. 1-3! Y. 1802. 8. (I U 8 Hi.) Pajot de Charmes art of bleaching piece goods, threads and cottons of every description, rendered more easy and ge- neral by means of the oxygenated muriatic acid, translated with an appendix. 1799. (7 sh.) Sy iioptic tables of chemistry — by A. F. Fourcroy — translated from the original french. 1801. Atlas sol. (i L. I sh.) Experiments in the galvanic electricity. (Tilloch's Phiios. Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 337.) *NICKOLLS, [Robert Boucher] LL. B. Dean of Middltkam. Visitation sermon on I Tim. 4, i£. the general objects of clerical attention considered with refe- rence to the present times. 1782. 8- (1 ft.) Letter to the treasurer of the Society instituted for effecting the abolition of the slave trade. 1787. 12- (2 d;) Ed. 2. 1788. 8. (4 d.) (American Museum Y. 1788. May. p. 405.) The duty of supporting and defending our country and con- stitution; a discourse — with a preface on the principles of french civism. 1793. 8. (I sh.) The political as well as moral consequences, resulting respectively from religious education and its re- verse? dédueed from history and example; with a view of the principles indispensably necessary to be inculcated on the minds of youth in these times. 1800. *NIC0L, [Walter] late Gardener at Wemyss Castle* The Scotch forcing gardener: together with] in- structions on the management of the green-house, hot-waiU — illustrated with 5 copper-platen 1797- 8. (8 sh.) The practical planter, or, a treatise on forest planting 1799. 8* (8 fa) fibers, von. if, A. No eldt chert. Berlin uud Stet- tin. 1800. 8* *NICOLL» INICOLL, [S.... W...,] Esq. Barrister at Law. A brief exposition of the Jaws relative to wills and testaments. 1799. 8. (3 fh-) *NILES, [Nathaniel] A.M. The perfection of God, the fountain of good: two sermons delivered at Torringford, in Con- necticut. 1777. reprinted at Clipstone. 1801. 12» (6 d.) NTPCLOSE, [Nicholas] a fittitions nam*. N1SBETT, [N....] M. A. Curate of Ash near Sand* wich in Kent. An illustration of various important passages in the epistles of the new testament, with a new in- terpretation of St. Paul's man of sin, in the lea- ding features of his character. Ed. 3. with addi- tions. 179Î. 8. (2 fh.) An appeal to the public, occasioned by a letter from y. Pope — contai- ning a charge of the use of the unworthy methods of misrepresentation and false citation, in some observations on tbc miraculous conception. 1791. 8. (I fh.) The scripture doctrine concerning the coming of Christ unfolded upon principles which are allowed to be common to the jews both in antient and modern times, in answer to the ob- jections of Mr, Gibbon and Dr. Edwards upon this subject Part 1. 1793. 8. A view of the na- ture and design of public fasts, occasioned by Per* Pindar's satire on fasts, a sermon. 1798. 8- (I fh.) The coming of the Messiah, the true key to the right understanding of the most difficult passage» of the new testament and particularly in the evan- gelists. 1800, 8. (6 fh.) The triumph of Chri- stianity over insidelily displayed — being a*'fuil answer to the objection of Gibbon — 1802. 8. (6 fh.) NISBETT, [William] M. D: Fellow of the Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, Edinburgh. The clinical guide; or, a concise view of the lea* ding facts on the history, nature and cure of di- seases; to which is subjoined a practical pharma- copoeia, in 3 parts. P. 1. 1793. 8. (5 fh.) uherf. vou Dr. C. F. Michaelis. Zittau u. Leipz. 1795. 8» P. 2. containing surgery and surgical pharmacy. 1799- 8. (5 fh. 6 d.) Inquiry into the history, nature. nature, causes and different modes of treatment hiiherto pursued in the cure of fcrophula and cancer. Edinb. 1795. 8. (4 Ph.) The clinical guide, or ~ concise view of the heading facts on the history, nature and treatment of the state and diseases of infancy and childhood. P. 1-4. ig0o, 8. (15 A view of the diseases of infancy aud childhood, with an appropriate pharmaco. peja — to which is subjoined, an introduction to nosology. 1800. (5 fh.) A practical treatise on diet aud on the most salutary and agreeable means of supporting life and health by aliment and re- gimen — 1801. 8- (6 fh.) On milk and its pre- parafions, (Comm. and Agric. Magax. Y. 1801. June. p. 413.) The Edinburgh school of medi. cine —. Vol. 1-4. 1802. 12, (i L. 1% fh.) *NOBLE, [Edward More] Surgeon. A treatise on ophrhaimy and those diseases, which are induced by inflammations of the eyes, with new methods of cure. P. I. 2. I800. 1801. 8. (7 fh.) libers, mit Anmerk. von Dr. K.G.Klihn, Leipzig. 1802. 81 - NOBLE, [Mark] F. A. 5. of Land, and Edinb. Reiïor of Banning in Kent and Domestic Chaplain ta the Earl of Leicester. Memoirs of the illustrious house of Medici, from Giovanni — 1428 — to the death of Giovanni Gaston 1737. illustrated with several genealogical tables. 179s. 8. (7 fh.) The lives of the English regicides and other commiíïìoners of the high court of justice, appointed to fit in judgement * upon their sovereign, King Charles L Vol. 1.2. - 17*97- 8. (15 fh.) Some observations upon the life of Cecily, Duchess of York,| daughter of Ralph deNevi!,(Ear( of Westmoreland and of Richmond, by Joan, natural daughter of John Duke of Lan- caster. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 7.) Description of a gold medal struck upon the birth of King Char- les 2. (Ibid. Vol 13. p. 20.) A description of art unpublished gold coin of King Charles I. (ibid. Vol. 13. p. 23.) Extracts from the parish register of St. Bennet's, St. Paul's wharf, London. (Ibid. Vol.13, p. 374.) * NOBLE, 143 ♦NOBLE, [Thomas] The dawn of peace, an ode? and ampbion or the force of concord, regulation and peace, an ode» l8oi* 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) Zelomcr, a romance, trans- lated from the French of Morel De Vindi 1801. 12. (4 sh.) •NODEN, [John] The British duties of customs, excise Arc. P. r. 1792. 8. P. 2. J801. (loíIì 6 d.) ♦NOLAN, [Michael] Esq. of Lincoln s-Inn, Barrister at Law. » Report of cases relating to the duty and office of a justice of peace from Michael-mass term 1791. to the end of Trinity term 1791. P. i, 2. 1793. 8. (10 sh.) Reports of adjudged cafes in the coures of Chancery , King's - Bench , Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Trinity, term in the second year of George 1. to Trinity term in the2T of George 2. taken and collected by Sir John Strange, the-3 Edit, with notes and additional references to con- temporary reporters and bier cafes. Vol. I -3. 1795- 8. (I L« 7 sh.) A syllabus of a course of lectures intended to be delivered in pursuance of an order of the Soc. of Lincoln's-Inn, in their hall. 1796. 8. (2 sb. 6 d.) •NONG ATE, [J.... S....] Essays, tales and poems. 1795. (4 ill.) NOORTHOUCK, [John] ♦Constitutions of the ancient fraternity of free and accepted masons, containing their history, charges, regulations «Sec, first compiled — by J a* mes Anderson, D.D. a new edition, revised, en- larged and brought down to the Y. 1784. under the direction of the hall committee. 1784. 4. (12 sh.) •NOOTH, [ ] M.Dr. Superintendent-General of the Hospitals in British America. Use of neutralized tartntc of potash in dysentery. (Med. Reposit. Vol.2, p.437.) •NORBURY, [John] D. D. Fellow of Eton College, and Reclor of Maple - Derham , co. Oxford. born .... died 1800. March. 17. See Gentleman's Mat>az. Y. igoo. March, p. 294* AUgem. Lkt, Zcit/ltBl. J. 1800. S.1804. * Elegit 144 *Elegia Thomae Grau, gfaecc reddîta. 1703 â. {i st.) H *NORFQRD „ [William] M. Dr. as .B«ry. On the flatulent and spasmodic colic in horsei; (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 14. p. 441.) On the mange in hogs, dogs. (Ibid. Vol.15. p.6o.) Case in rural medicine. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 67.) ^NORGATE, [T.... S....] Essays, talcs and poems. 1795. 8. (4 sh.) The principles of government by Sir Will. Jones, re- published with notes and historical elucidations. Ed. 3. much enlarged. 1797. Letters written du- ring a late excursion through France to Geneva. (Monthly Magaz. Y. l8oá. March, p. 97. April, p. 197. May* p.309. June. p. 411. 457. July, p. 515. Dec. p. 383. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 504. Febr. p. 9.) ♦NORMAN, [Solomon] of Newport, in Cleveland York/hire. On summer fallowing. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 6. p. 56.) Experiments on the quantity of feed on cold clay land. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p.28.) Observa- tions on sea onze. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p.31.) On ma- chines used in Cleveland for dreffing corn. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 498.) NOR RIS, [Robert] Esq. born .... at Liverpool. 1791. Nov. 27. Memoirs of the reign of Bossa Ahadec, King of Dahomy —. libers, in Sprengels und Forftcr's Beytragen — Th. 13. und in der Bibliothek der neucsten Reisebeschreib, B. 14. Abth.2. 1790.8. *NORRIS, [William] F.M.S. Surgeon to the Charter House and GenerabDispensary, London. Cafe of a wound of the thorax, with some re- marks. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 440.) Cafe of the bite of a mad dog. (Ibid. Vol.5. p. 302.) ♦NORTH, [Edwasd] of South-Carolina. An inaugural dissertation on the rheumatic state ot fever. Philad. 1797. 8. ♦NORTH, [Francis], ," The Kentish barons, a play. 1791. 8. (l™- °di/ NORTH, 145 «NORTH, [George] of Coddicote * F. À< S, Observations on the introduction ofarabic nume- rals into ÊngUnd* (Arch. Vol.10. p. 3Ó0,) • NORTH, [H } Mythology compared with history — by Ahbê de Treffan, translated from the French. X797. 8* (8 ih.) ♦ NORTH, tJ.-O Hector. State of the poor in the parish of Ashdon, Essex* (Youmgs A. of Agr. Vol.35, p>459-) *NORTHMORE, [Th.>..] The travellers companion through England and Wales by the late Mr. Gray > to which are now, added considerable improvements and additìous» 1799» 8. (4 sb.) •NORTHMORE, [Thorns] Esq, M. A: F. A. S. T pv(p loâcûp ov ifaov ukwfiÇ) de plurimìs men* dis purgata et notis illustrau* — 1791.8. (4 fh.) Plutarch's treatise upon the distinction between a friend and flatterer, with remarks* 1793. 8» (4 ill.) A triplet of inventions, consisting of a description of a nocturnal or diurnal telegraph, a proposal for an universal character and a scheme for, facilitating the progress of science exempli- fied in the osteological part of ànatoray. I79Ó. 8* (l sh.) Of education founded upon principles. Part. I. time; previous to the age of puberty, I800» 12* (2 sh.) Upon the origin of the lyre, harp and other stringed musical instruments» (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. March, p. 101.) *Dnke of NORTHUMBERLAND. A method of rearing young cattle* (Founds A. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 2930 "NORTON, [Matthew] D. D* Catholkk Clergyman at Hinckley, Yorhskire* born died igoO. Aug. 7. (He gained three premiums at the society at Brus» sels for the dissertations on agriculture* draining . of ground, and breeding of cattle4,) See Gentleman's Magai* Y. 1800. Aug. p* 804% Allgem. Litt. Zeit. J. 18OÍ. ItBl. S. 838» *NORVAL, [James] A, M. The generous chief, a tragedy. XfQ'Z* 8» (I ÍK 6 d.) • N 0 T T, [George Frederic] jB. D. Fellow of AU Souh Coihgt. Religious enthusiasm considered, in 8 sermons, preached before the University of Oxford in the Y, 1803. 8. (8 fh.) *NOTT, [John] M. Dr. of Bristol Hotmtts. Of the Hdtwells waters near Bristol. 1793. g# (2 fh.) A chemical dissertation on the thermal waters of Pisa ajui on the neighbouring acidulous spring of Afciano, with an historical lketch of Pisa and a meteorological account of its weather: to which are added, analytical papers respecting the sulphureous water of Yverdun. 1793. 8» (3 fh.) On the influenza, as it prevailed in Bri* itol and its vicinity, during Febr. March and April. 1803. 8. (I fh.) *NOWELL, [Thomai] D. D. Principal of St. Ma- ry's Hall and Professor of modern history in the University of Oxford* born 172S. died 1S01. Sept. 23. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. X801. Oct. p.963. Answer to a pamphlet entitled Pietas Oxoniensil or an accqtunt of the expulsion of. 6 students from St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, of Sir Richard M. 1768. 8. (3 fh.) (Several single sermons.) ^NUGENT, [P.... Rv..] Esq. formerly Surveyor- General of lands for she Island of Cape Breton. A new theory, pointing out the situation of the magnetic poles, and a method of discovering tha longitude. (Tillock's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 5* P' 378.) OaKELEY, [William] Esq. of Tan y BM,ntar Feftiniog in Merionershire. Mode of improving land lying wast. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 15. p. 18Ó.) ?OAKES, [James] Esq. The particulars of the expences of eight horses, from Sept. 1793 to Sept. 1794* (Youngs A, of Agr. Vol. 36. p. 5370 *OAKMAN, 14? ^0 A KM AN, [John] Engraver and wood- cutter. boru at Hendon 1748. died Nov. X793. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. 1793. Dec, p. 1080^ Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Nov. p. 335. The history of Sir Roger and his ion Joe; 17.; The history of Sir Edw. Haunch; 17., Adven- tures of Capt. Greenland; 17.. The fault via* all her own; 17.. The adventure* of William* Williams, an African prince; 17.. Life of ber* Brass; 17.. Poems for the gardens of Marybone, Vauxhall and the burletts for Messrs AstHley and 1 Hughes; fables in the manner of Gay. i/64, O'BEIRNE, [Thomas Lewis] D. D. Le>rd-Bishop of OJsory in Ireland, formerly Chaplain to Lord JJowe in America. Sec Biogr. Liter, and Polit. Anecdotes; — VoL r. p, 95. Public Characters of ijçç oud 1800. p. 141. The gleam of comfort; 17. • A candid and frtv* rjartial narrative of the transactions of the fleet un- der the Command of Lord Howe, from the arri- val of the Toulon Squadron, on the coast of America to the time of his LordJGhu/s departures for England; 17.. Series of esl^ys or letter* , in a daily newspaper,, signed „a country gentleman,,* (1780.) A short history of the last íetììon of par- liament, with remarks; 17.. *Co.nsjd rations on the late disturbance* by a consistent whi$*, 17.* Considerations on the principles of naval discipline and naval courts-marnal; in which the doctrines . laid down in the house of commons upon those subjects are examined and the conduct of the courts martial on admiral Keppel and Sir Hughi Palliser are compared; 17.. * O'BRIEN, [Sir Lucius] Bm$. One of privy - council in Ireland. born .... died at Dromoland J^n. 15. 1795, See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1795. Febr. p,I70, O'BRYEN, [Dennis] Esq. A defence of the Farl of Shelbum. 17.. Utrum hornm? the government; or> the country? 1796* 8. (2fh.) ^O'CONNOR, [Arthur] Esq Letter to the Earl of Carlisle, occasioned by his K 3 reply reply to Earl Fitzwittiam's two letters: exhibi- ting the present state of parties in Ireland vindi. eating the late Vice-Roy's administration and the characters of the persons with whom he associated in council from the malevolent aspersions level- led at them , and detailing the secret causes which led to his recall. 1795* 8. (l sh. 6 d.) Letters to Earl Camden. 1798. 8. (6 d.) O'CONNOR, [Charles] Esq. born 1709. died at his feat Balenegare, co. Roscommon, Ireland 1791. Jul. 1. See Gentleman's Magàz. Y. 1791. Aug. p. 776. Account of the nature and conditions of a charier to he granted for the, working and manufacturing mines and minerals m Ireland —. 1754. Diííer. tarions on the history of Ireland, Dublin. 1766,8. Reflections on the history of Ireland. (Collectanea Hibernica. Vol. 3.) ♦ODIORNE, [Thomas] The progress of refinement, a poem, in 3 bopks; to which are added, a poem on fame and mis. cellanics, Boston. 1793. O'DONNELL, [Charles] Apothecary in London. A cafe of hydrophobia, (M. C. Vol. 2. p. 290.) Cafe of a man , whose body was covered with encysted tumours. (London M. J. Vol.6, p.33.) iibers. in Repertor. Chirurg; u. Medic. Abhandi. B. 2. S, 276. *OFFLEY, [Francis] late of Oxford. Richard Brother's neither a mad man nor an im- postor, with a few observations 011 the possibili- ty of his being the prophet of God. 1795* 8« (ifh.) O'FLANAGAN, [Theophilus] A. B. some time scko* lar of Trinity College, Dublin, Cambrensis refuted; or rather historic credit in the ûffairs of Ireland, taken from Giraldus Cam- r>ren sis — Dublin. 1795. (3 fh. 6 d.) *OGDEN, [Jacob] at Jamaica. On the putrid fore throat. (American Museum Y. 1787. May. p. 430.) "*OGDEN, [Uzal] ReBor of' Trinity church at Newark in the state of New-Jersey.* Antidote to deism; the deist unmasked; or an ample 149 ample refutation of all the objections of Thomas Paine, against the christian religion; as contained in a pamphlet intitled, the age of reason —; to which is prefixed, remarks on Boulangeas chrí-í stianity unveiled, and to the deist unnmiked is an- nexed a short method with the deists by Charles Leslie. Vol. 1.2, Newark. 1795. 8. Two discour- ses occasioned by the death of Gen, George Wash~ ington at Mount-Vernon Dec. 14. 1799. Ed. 2. Philad. 1800. 8. 0 GIL VIE, [John] D. D: F. R. S. Edin. The theology of Plato, compared with the princi* pies of oriental and grecian philosophers. 1793. 8. (4 sh.) Britannia, a national epic poem, in 20 books: to which is prefixed a critical dissertation on epic machinery. 1801. 4, *OGLE, [Thomas] Jun. Surgeon extraordinary to his R. H. the Prince of Wales. A short inquiry into the merits of a new discove- red fact of a relative nature in the venereal poi- son , to which are added cursory remarks on a diseased change of structure in the human ova- rium. 1791. 8. (i ffc.) Case of a young woman who poisoned herself in the first month of preg- nancy. (Transact, of Med. and Chir. Soc. Vol. 2. P. 63.) O'HALLORAN, [Sylvester] Esq. M. R. J. A. Sur. geon to the county of Limerik Hospital. Critical and anatomical examination of the parts immediately interested in the operation of the cata- ract. (Tr. of J. A. Y. 1788. p. 121.) London. 1790. An attempt to determine with precision such in- juries of the head as neceslarily require the ope- ration of the trephine. (Simmon's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 5. p. 161. Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. P-151.) *0'HARA,[ ] The report of the committee appointed by the society of the united irishmen of Dublin to en- quire into, and report the popery laws iu force in that kingdom'. 1792. 8. (2 O'KEEFE, [John] Sec Keefe. K 3 *Q'KEEFE, •O'KEEFB, EJ.... A....] M. Dr. A. Aí. Essay ou the progress of human tinderstauding 1795. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) OKELY, [Francis] of Northampton, many years Prea- cher of the church called Moravians* born 1718* died at Bedford 1794. See Gentleman's Mag,az. Y.. 1794. May. p. 435, June. p. 574- Twenty one discourses or dissertations upon the Augsburg confession which is also the brethcru'g confession of faith —. 1754- 8. *OKÉLY, [William] M. Dr. Physician to the Gen, Infirmary at Northampton, Pyrology, or, the connexion between natural and moral philosophy; with a short disquisition on the origin of Christianity. 1797. 8. (7 sh.) A short treatiie on Christianity —; 1798. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *OKES, [Thomas Verney] Surgeon to Addenbrookù hospital, Cambridge, Account of a remarkable discharge of water from the meatus auditorius, (New London M. J. Vol. 2, p. 16.) An account of the providential preserva- tion of Elizob. Woodcock *), who survived a con- finement under the snow of nearly eight days and nights in the month of Fehr. 1799. P. 1.2. 1799. 8. (I ft.) *OLDAKER, [C....] at Fladbury, near Evesham. Present crop of corn 1800. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 35. p. 603.) *OLDFIELD, [H.... G....] Anecdotes ef archery, ancient"and modern. 1791, 8. (2 sh.) and R... R... Dyson, history and antiquities of the parish of Tottenham high- cross, in the county of Middlesex; — 1790. 12. *OLDFIELD, [T..,. H.... B....] History of the boroughs of Great-Britain. 1793» History of .the original constitution of parliaments from the time of the Britons to the present day; to which is added the present state of the repre- sentation. 1797. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) *OLDSCHOOL, [Oliver] Esq. The port-folio. Vol. I. %. 1804, 4. (I L. 16 ft.) *QLDYS, *) as delivered to the natio- nal convention. 1793. 8» (6 d.) Prospects on the war and paper currency. Ed.2. I793> 8. (2 fli.) The cafe of officers of excise; with remarks on the qualifications of officers and on the numerous cvih arising to the revenue from the insufficiency of the present salary. 1793. 8. (I sh.) Disserta- tion on the first principles of government; to which is added the genuine speech » translated, delivered at the tribune of the french convention, July 7. 1795» 1795. 8. (I ik)^ The age of rea- son, being an investigation of true and fabulous theology. Parti* 2. I794» (4 fh.) tibcrs. Deutsche land 11. Liibeck. 1794. 8. The invention of let* ters, a poem ^ delivered, in Cambridge, on the day of annual commencement > July 15. 1795- 4* The decline and fall of the English system of finance. Ed. 3. Paris. 1796, 8. Eaton. 1796. 8> (I fliO The American crisis and a letter ro Sir Guij Carleton on the. murder of Caps. Hnddij and 011 the intended retaliation on Capt. Asgill) of the etuards. 1796* 8. (5 fh,) Letter to Geont Washington, Presid.* 1797. 8- (I fh. 6 d*) A lft legislature et au directoire 01? la justice agraire, çpposéc a la loi aux privileges agraires. X797* (15 fous.) (15 sous.) fibers. Neustreliz. 1798. Agrarian justice, opposed to agrarian Jaw and to agrarian monopoly. 1797. 8. (3 <*•) A letter to the Hon. Thorn, ErskiJUi on the prosecution of Thorn. WiU }iams for publishing the age of reason. 1797. 8* (6 d.) A discourse delivered at the society of the Theophilanthropists at Paris. 1798. 8» (4 d.) An eulogy on the life of Gen. George Washington — I800. 8. (25 Cent.) The American crisis. (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1788. May. p. 476. Sept. p. 286.) Thoughts on the establishment of a mini; in the United States. (Ibid. Y. 1791. Nov. p.2l6.) ♦PAISLEY, [.....] M. Dr. at Madras. On the bilious disorders of the climate of Madras. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 18QI. p. 413.) •PAKENHAM, [Edwatd] 'Captain. A method of supplying the loss of a ship's rudder at sea. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol, 7. p. 205-218* Vol. 12. p. 1750 Account of 9 me- thod of restoring the masts of ships, when woun- ded, or otherwise injured, in an easy, cheap and expeditious manner. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 207.) *PALETT, [S....] Esq. of Dilwyn, Herefordshire. On planting and the use of mortar rubbiíîî as a manure. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 5. p. 359.) PALEY, [William] D. D. Chancel/or of the Diocese of Carlisle. born at Peterborough 1743. See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 97» The principles of moral and political philosophy; Ed. 13. I800. Horae Paulinac; — fibers, mit AimVerk. von Dr. H. P. C. Henhe. Helmstadt. 1797. 8* The use and propriety of local and occasional preaching; a sermon. I790. 4. (I sh.) Reasons for contentment. 1793. 8» (2d.) A view of the evidences of Christianity. Vol. 1-3. Ed. 2. 1794.8. (12 sh.) Ed. 3. ... tiberf B.I, Leip- zig. 1797. 8- Natural theology, or, evidences of the existence and attributes of the deity, collected from the appearances of nature. Ed. 5. 1803. 8» (9 sh.) See Edmund Law. Rwft G. E. Sttppl. 77*. IL L *>PALLETT, i6z d *P ALLE XT, [T.;..] Land and timber Survtmr at fíàtsield Woodfide. 'v Hints on inclosing agriculture, stewardslup and tythes. 1799. 8. (I fli. 6 d.) «PALMER, [Charles] A treatise on the sublime feience of heliography, satisfactorily demonstrating our great orb of light, the fun, to be absolutely no other than a body of ice! overturning all the received systems of the universe hitherto extant —- 1798. 8- (3 sh.) ♦PALMER, [Charlotte] Mist, Female stability; or the history of Misa Belville, in a series of letters. Vol. 1-5. I78o. 12. (l5sh.) It is and it is not, a novel. Vol. 1.2. 1792,12. (6sh.) Integrity and content, an allegory. 1792, 4. (2 sh.) Letters on several subjects, from a preceptress to her pupils who have left school. 1797. O ft. 6 d.) * PAL MER, [Eliflja] Principles of nature, or, a développement of the moral causes of happiness and misery amongst the human species. 1802. *PALMER, [J....] Rev. The fate of empire, a poem. 1792. 4. (I flu 6d.) PALMER, [J0!™] A Protestant Dissenting Minister t9 a Congregation in New Broad-street , London, born in Southvrark 1729. died at Islington 1790. Jun. 26. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p. 536. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Apr. p. 266. King Davids death and Solomou's succession to the throne, a sermon. 1760. (6 d.) The insanity of the sensualist, a sermon on Luke XV, 17. 18» 1765. The influence of company, from Prov. I3t 20. a sermon. 1769. An adcrcsi delivered at the interment of the Rev. Ti?norhy Laugher, Nov. 1769* annexed to the funeral sermon by Dr. Kippis. 17^9* Prayers for the use of families — 1773. 8. (3 Ed. 2. 1795. 8. (2sh.) Sermon, from 2 Cor. 1,12. occasioned by the death of the Rev. Caleb Fleming, D. D. 1779. 8. (I fb.) Free thoughts on the in- consistency of conforming to any religious test 1779» 8. (l fh.) Observations in defence of the 'liberty ÏÓ3 liberty of man'as a moral agenr, in answer to Dr. íriefìleys. illustrations of philosophical necessity, 1779. with appendix 1780, 8- (3 sb. 6 dj A summary view of the ground* of christian bap- tism; — 1788. 8. (2 sh.) PALMER, [J°hn] Minister at Maclesfield in Cheshire, born in Norwich 1742. died Dec. 1788 See Theological Repository. Vol.6, p.217-224. Letter to Dr. Baigtty on the subject of his charge, delivered to the archdeaconry of Winchester. 1770. 8- (l sh. ) * Free remarks on a sermon intitled» the requisition of subscription to the 39 articles and liturgy of the church of England not inconsistent with christian liberty — 1772. A new scheme of short hand, bein-g an improvement upon Mr. JByroms universal cnghíh shorthand. 1774. An examination of Marti Madans Thc- lyphthora on the subject "of inarriagr. 1781. 8» (l sh. 6 d.) (He contributed to the Theological Repository under the signatures of G. H. Chrifto- fkilos; Symmackus and Erasmus.) ^PALMER, [John] of the Kings Theatre HaymarkeU. born 1741. died at Liverpool 1798. Aug. See Gentleman's Magai. Y. 1798. Aug. p. 725. Monthly Maga*. Y. 1798'. Aug. p. 152. *PALMER, [John] fun. The attorneys and agent's new tables of costs ia the court of King's-Bench and common pleas. Ed/5* corrected and considerably enlarged; to which is added, a table of all the stamp dude?. 1796. 4. (10 ill. 6 d.) "PALMER, [John] Jun. The mystery of the black tovyer. Vol. T. 2. 1796. (7 sh.) The haunted cavern, a Caledonian tale. 1796.12. (3 sh. ) The creation and fall of man, a poem. 1801. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) *PALMER, [John] at Maxflock. On harvesting corn in wet weather. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1802. June. p. 423. Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 99.) PALMER, [Samuel] Pastor of the Independent Con» gregation at Hackney. The 11011-conformist's memorial — Vol.2, with portraits. 1802. 8* The protestant dissenter's L % shorter IÓ4 írjorter catechism. 1783. (l ih. 6d.) He published Matthew Henrys sermons; 17Reasons why i am a dissenter; 17., A letter to the Archdeacon of St. Albany 17.. A vindication of the modern dissenters; 17.. Appendix to Dr. Sam. Johnson's life of Dr. Watts % with notes: containing an au. thentic account of the Doctor's manuscripts, con- cerning the trinity and extracts from them, 1792. 8. (6 d.) Discourses on truth, the importance of it, and the right way to attain it. To which is added, a discourse on preaching christ crucified. 1793. 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) Apology for the christian sabbath, inscribed to Mr. Wilberforce* 1799, (I sh. 6 d.) The family expositor abridged, ac- cording to the plan of its author, P. Doddridge^ D. D. Vol. I. 2. 1801. 8. (16 sh.) #PALMER, [Thomas Fyshe] An Unitarian Minister; late of Queen's College, Cambridge; Member of the Unitarian Congregation at Dundee. (He was tried and found guilty', in 1793. be- fore a circuit-court of Justiciary at Perth, of wri- ting and publishing a seditious paper, and wa$ sentenced to a seven years transportation to New South Wales.) Attempt to refute a sermon by ff. D. lnglif on the godhead of Jesus Christ and to restore the long- lost truth of the first commandment. 1792. 8. (f sh.) A narrative of the sufferings of T. F Pcil mer and Will. Skirving^ during a voyage to New South Wales 1794 on board the Surpriie trans- port. 1797. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) PAN TON, [Paul] Esq. ofHolywell\in Flintshire. Account of the copper mine in Anglesey. ( Young t A. of Agr. Vol. 9. p. 647.) Means of allotting land to the poor. (Ibid. Vol.37, p. 35.) •PAPILLON, [W ] Clerk, M. A. of University College, Oxford. The sacred meditations of John Gerhard, trans* lated into blank verse. 1801. 8. (5 fh«) «•PAR, [Wilhani] Esq. of TrickUij , near Doncafler. Quantity of feed used in sowing arable land. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.18, p. 368.) •PARGET KR,' [William] M. Dr. Observations on maniacal disorders. 1792. 8» (3 ÍM 165 (3 sh.) iibcrs. mit Anmerk. und Zuí. Leipzig, 1793. 8« * Formulae medicameníorum selectac. 1795* 8- Cl Ou 6 d.) *PARISH, [John] An account of the original patent water proof cloth; to which are added, observations on the principles of dying wools, pointing out the inju- ries they receive by artificial colouring. — 1803* *Pi\RK, [....] Sir John Harrington's nugae antiquae, with ad- ditions; Vol. 1.2. 1803.8. (16 sh.) *PARK, [Gratiano] Affectation, or, the dose of the 18 century, a fa- tire, in dialogue. Part I. 1799. 4. (i st).) PARK, [H....] Surgeon to the Liverpool Jnfirm*ry. A case of varicose anevrism. (Simmon1* Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 4, p.m.) ubers. Repertor. Chir. u. Mediz. Abhandl. B. 2. S. 85. PARK, [James Allan] Esq* of Lincoln*s - Inn, Barrister at Law. A system of the law of marine insurances; Ed.2» 1790. 8» (12 sh.) Ed. 3. revised and enlarged, 179Ó. 8. (13 (h. 6 d.) Ed. 4. with considerable addition?. 1800. (14 sh.) ■ •PARK, [Mungo] Surgeon. Travels in the interior districts of Africa; —« with an appendix, containing geographical illu- strations of Africa. 1799.4. ( I L. II sh. 6 d. ) , iibers. Hamburg. 1799. 8. fSee Tillock's Philos. Mag. Vol. 1. p. 101.235.) Account of some dis- «overies of Mungo Park in Africa. (Duncan's A. pf Med. Y. 1798. p* 442.) Descriptions of eight new fishes from Sumatra, (Traasact. of L. S. Vol. 3. p. 33.) •PARK, [T....] Sonnets and other small poems. 1797. 8. (6 sh.) *PARKE, [Gilbert] of Wadham College, Oxford, Cka^ plain to tke Prince of Wales. Litters and correspondance, public and private of fynry St. John Lord Viscount Bolingbroke^ du* ring the time he was Secretary of state to theQueert Anne; with state papers, explanatory notes and a translation of the foreign letters. Vol. 1.3. 1798. 4. C3L. 3fh.) Vol. 1-4. 1708.8. (IL- 12sh.) L 3 PARKER, 166 PARKER, [George], Projeftor of the plan of police in Dublin. born .... died 1800. April: aged between 60 and 70. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Sept. p. 90s. Life's painter; 17.. *PARKER, [J....] Rev. A loyal address to the people of England: on that guileful insnaring assertion which the enemies to our internal peace, the agents of sedition are dL ligently propagating, that England has no consti. tution. 1793. 4. (I sh.) *PARKER, [John] Dissenting Minister at Wainsgm in PVadsworth, near Halifax. born 1724. died 1793. May 29. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. June. p. 573. Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1794. Sept. p. 393. Letters to his friend — with a sketch 0/ his life and character; by John Fawcett. 1794. 12. {^ih.) *PARKER, [John] Captain. * born ...» died .... (?) A voyage round the world in the Gorgon mas of war* performed and written by his widow. 1795. 8. (5 ft.) *PARKER, [John] Miscellaneous poems. 1804. 8. (3 sb.) «PARKER, [Mary Elizabeth] Orwell manor. Vol. 1-3. 1795,8. (9 Al- fred; or, the adventures of the knight of tho castle. Vol. 1-3. I802. 12. ^PARKER, [S....] Three discourses on the Lord'i supper. 1799. 12* (I sh.) * PARKER, [Thomas] Surgeon at Woburn. A practical treatise on fever, contrasting a tonic treatment with the antiphlogistic, in which the fu- % periority of the former is ascertained. 1796. 8. (2 sh.) *PARKER, [Thomai N....] An essay, or practical inquiry concerning the han- ging and fastening of gates and wickets: with plates. 180T. 8. (3 sb.) ^PARKER, [William] - A geographical, nautical, mechanical and mathema- tical view of the Universe, 1804. 8. (3 * PARKER, 16? *PARKER, [William] D. D. Chaplain in ordinary*to his Mas fieftor of St. James's f Westminster ^ London, and F, R. S. born .... died 1802. July 22. See Gentleman'* Magaz. Y. 1802. July. p. 694. - Several discourses on special subjects, preached before the University of Oxford and upon other occasions. Vol, I. 2. 1792. 8. (9 sh.) (Several single serinons.) *PARKER, [Wilmot] Solicitor. Analysis of the practice of the court of chancery. 1794. 8. (3 sh.) The practice of the court of chancery; originally published by Joseph. Harri- son, of Lincoln's-inn and enlarged by John Griffith Williams, Barrister at Law. Ed. 8. with considerable additions — Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. (16 sh.)' fARKHURST, [John] As. A formerly Fellow of Clare-rHall, Cambridge. born at London 1728. died at Epsom in Sur- rey Febr. 21. 1797- ■ See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. March, p. 254* Apr..,p. 347. July. p. 543. Aug. p. 660. Y. 1800. Jul. p. 615. Allgera. Litt. Zeit. ItKl. J. i8oof > S, 641. . . A serious and friendly address to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley > in relation to a principal doctrine maintained by him aud his assistant*. 1753- 8. An hebrcw and cngliih lexicon, without points; to which is added, a methodical hebrew grammar, without points, adapted to the use of learners. 1762. 4. Ed. 2. 1778. Ed. 3. 1792. 4. (iL. 11 sb. 6 d.) Ed. 4. 1797. 8- A greek and englifh lexi- con to the New testament; to which is prefixed, a plain and easy greek grammar. 1769. 4. Ed. 2. 1794. Ed. 3. 1797. 8. The divinity and preexi. stencc of our Lord and Saviour Jestis Christ de- monstratcd from scripture/ in answer to the first section of Dr..Priestley's introduction to the hi- story of early opinions concerning Jesu3 Christ; together with strictures on some other parts of the work and a postscript relating to a late publi- cation of Mr. Gilbtrt Wakefield. 1787. 8- L 4 * PARKINS, IÓ8 •PARKINS, [B,... D....] A. M. The influence of metallic tractors on the human body, in removing various painful inflamniatory diseases. 1798. •PARKINSON, [....] Surgeon of Leicester. An account of an horny excrescence. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 391.) "PARKINSON, [James] Dangerous sports, a tale addressed to children, I800. IÓ. (2 fh.) ♦PARKINSON, [James] Surgeon. Medical admonitions addressed to families, re- specting the practice of domestic medicine and the preservation of health — dc. Vol. I. 2. 1799. 8. (9ÍK) , T^he villager's friend and physician — 1800. 12. (I fh.) The chemical pocket-book, or memoranda chemica , arranged in a compen- dium of chemistry, according to the latest disco- veries , with Bergman's table of single elective attractions, as improved by Dr. G. Pearson. 3799. 8. (5 fh.) Ed. 2. with the latest discove- ries. 1801. 8. (6 fh.) The hospital pupil, or, an easy intended to facilitate the study of medicine find surgery, 1800. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) Hints for (he improvement of trusses, with the description of a truss of easy construction and slight expence^ for the use of labouring poor. 1802. 8v (9^) The way to health, I802. (6 d.) See Georgt Skaw* ^PARKINSON, [John] at Argarby. Prices and state of the country. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 34. p. 99.) Mode in which to inclose tommons. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 28») • PARKINSON, [John] F. L. S. Description of the phasma dïlatatum. (Transact. of L. S. Vol 4. p. 190.) ^PARKINSON, [R....] On live stock. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.31. p. 503-) ♦PARKINSON, [Richard] of Duncajler. The experienced farmer, an entire new work — Vol, I. a. J798- 8. ifh.) * PARKIN- 1Ó9 • PARKINSON, [Thomas] Surgeon at Leicester. On the application of spirit of wine to burns, scalds &c. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 62.) tpARKYNS, [Thomas Boothby] Esq. Letter on the culture and uses of the plant called racine de disette. (Tr. of the Soc. for the £. of A. Vol. 5. p. 52.) ♦PARLEY, [Samuel] B.A. Curate of Stoke-by-Naylattd. born .... died I803. March 18. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. April, p. 385. Sermon on Lord Nelson's- victory over the srench fleet at the mouth of the nile. 1799, •PÀRQUOT, [P.... D....] Letters to the Duke of Portland and the Earl of Liverpool — on the present high price of provi- sions. 1800. 8. (I fh.) *PARR, [....] Dr. of Exeter. Reflections on the composition and decomposition of the atmosphere, as influencing meteorological phaenomena. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.29. p. 223.) PARR, [Samuel] LL. D. Clergyman. born at Harrow on the Hill. 26 Jan. 1746. See public* Characters, of 1799 and 1800. p. 89. * Be/Jendenus Dc statu, libri 3. Ed. 2. 1787. 8. (l2 fh.) * Sequel to the printed paper lately cir* culatcd in Warwickshire by the Rev. Charles Cur* lis. Ed. 2. 1792. 8. (3 sh.) # Letter from Ireno- polis to the inhabitants of Elcutheropolis, or, a serious addrefg to the dissenters of Birmingham, by a member of the established church. Ed. 2. '1792. 8. (I fh.) Remarks on the statement of Dr. Charles Combe, by an occasional writtr in the British critic; 17.. ♦PARR, [Wolstenholme] A. M. The story of the moor of Venice, translated from the Italian; with essays on Shakespeare and pre- liminary observations. 1795. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) *PARRY, [Caleb Hiiliers] M. D: Physician os thé Bath General Hospital Examination of two- parcels of englifh rhubarb, with experiments of its comparative effects with thç foreign rhubarbs. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 3. P« 391.) Experiments relative to the medical ef- fects oi Turkey rhubarb and of the englifh rhu* L 5 barbs, 17© barb*, — made on patients of the pauper charity (Ibid. Vol. 3* p. 407.) Observations on the com. parattve purgative and astringent effects of the several kinds of rhubarb. (Ibid. Vol.3. p.420.) On a priz,e-cr«op of cabbage. (Ibid. 'Vol. 9. p. 343.) On the effects of compreifion of the arteries in various diseases and particularly in those of the head with hints towards a new method of treating nervous disorders. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol.3" p. 77.) An inquiry into the symptoms and causes of the syncope anginosa , commonly called angina pectoris; illustrated by dissections. 1799.8. (4ih.) ubers. von F. G/ Erhse. Brcslau. 1801. 8. Facts and observations tending to shew the practicabi- lity and advantage to the individual and the na- tion , of producing in the British isles clothing- wool, equal to that of Spain; together with some hints towards the management of fine-woolled sheep. 1800. 4., (4 ih.) Answer to practicus, 011 the breed of sheep. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y, I80£. July p. 7. Aug. p. 107.) Queries to pracììí cus. (Ibid. Y. 1802, Dec. p. 438.) Method for su- spending madness, (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1789. Febr. p,78.) *P ARRY, [Charles Henry] Member of the Phys. Soct of Goitingen. De Graecarum atque Romanarum religiorium ad mores formandos vi et eíficacia coramentatio. In concertatione civium Aead. Gcorgiac Augusta* die IV. Jun. 1799. ab Ord. Ampliss. Philosoph. loco secundo victrix pronuntiata. Gottingae. 1799* 4. G. C. Reich on fever and its treatment in general: — translated from the German: to which are ad- ded a preface by the translator and an appendix by Caleb HWer Parry. 1801. 8- (3ÍV6d.) On Bell's anatomy. (Monthly Magaz. Y, 1798. May. P<348.) SPARRY, [William] Thoughts on such penal religious statutes as ef- fect the protestant dissenters —. 1791. 8- (i ft.) A vindication of. public and social worship, con- taining an examination of the evidence concerning it iu the New Testament and of Mr. Wakefield's cacjuiry into its propriety and expediency. 1792.8* 17 L (r sh. 6 d.) An inquiry into the nature and ex- tent of the inspiration of the apostles and other writers of the New testament: conducted with a view.to some late opinions on the subject. 1797. 8. (*lh.) *PARSON, [William] Account of a dreadful inundation of the sea at Ingram, on the coast of Coromandel, in the East-Indies. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1796. July. P. 356.) PARSONS, [ ] Mrs. Errors of education. Vol. 1-3. 1791. 12. (9 sh.) The intrigue of a morning, in two acts, 1792. 8. (i sh.) Woman as he should be, or, memoirs of Mrs, Menville, a novel. Vol. I-4. 1793. I2« (12 sh;) The castle of Wolfenbach, a german story. Vol. 1.2. 1793» 12. Ellen and Julia. Vol. I. 2. 1793- 8. (6 sh.) Lucy, a novel. Vol. 1-3. 1794. 12. (io ^h. 6 d.) The voluntary exile. Vol. 1- 5. 1795.12. (15 fh.) The mysterious warning, a german talc. Vol. I - 4. 179Ó. 8. (12 fh.) Women as they are , a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1796. 8». (l2 fh.) The girl of the mountains. Vol. 1-4. 1,797. (14 fh.) /V1 old friend with a new face. Vol. I-3. Ì797. (10 fh. 6 d.) Anec- dotes of two well-known families: written by a descendant; — Vol. 1-3. 1798. 12. (iofh. 6 d.) The valley of St. Gothard, a novel. VoL 1-3. 1799. 8. (12 fh.) The miser and his fa- mily, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1800. 8. (16 fh.) The peasant of Ardenne forest. Vol. 1-4. 1801. 12. (I L.) The mysterious visit. Vol. 1-4. 1802* (1 L.) *PARSONTS, [ ] General Discoveries made in the Western country., (Mem. of B. A. Vol.2. P. X. p. 119.) ^PARSONS, [Edward] The sovereignty of providence; a sermon. 1791% 8. (6 d.) *PARSONS, [Elijah] Some account of disease among cattle which hatì prevailed in a part of Connecticut. (Medical Re- posit. Vol. I. p. 3350 PARSONS, PARSONS, [John Wcddell] A. B. Vicar of WeUingm in the county of Hereford. Essays on education, or principles of intellectual improvement, consistant wish the frame and nature of man. 1794» 8- (4 sh.) •PARSONS, [John White] Esq. A practical description of a particular mode of im. proved certain land — and a dissertation on the improvement of cattle. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 38o.) Reasons on which are founded certain modern improvements of live - stock. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 32. p.'3ï7.) Some fur- ther notes on cattle, breeding tic, (Ibid. Vol.33. p. 612.) •PARSONS, [Sir Lawrence] Baronet. Thoughts on liberty and equality. 1793. 8. (ï sh, 6 d.) Observations on the bequest of Henry Floodt Esq. to Trinity College, Dublin, with a defence of the antient history of Ireland. 1798. PARSONS, [Philip] A. M. Minister of Wye in Kent; before Reftor of Eaflwell in Kent. Astronomic doubts: or, an enquiry into the na- ture of that supply of light and heat which the superior planets may be supposed to enjoy. 1774. 8- (i Hi.) Dialogues between the dead'and li- ving. 17.. Six letters on the establishment of sunday-schools. 1786. 8. (i (h. 6 d.) Monu- ments, and painted glass of upwards of one hun- dred churches, chiefly in the eastern part of Kens, with an appendix. 1794- 4. (18 sh.) Discourse at the funeral of the late Aldcr»an Sattrbridgt; 17- •PARSONS, [Thomas] Letters — on the absurdity of popular prejudices î the causes of the present high price of food; the means of speedy alleviation and the measures most proper for securing future plenty. 1800, 8. (I M *PARSONS, [Tbomas] On vegetation — various questions answered. (Bath. Agric. Soc. Vol. 9. p. 318.) •PARSONS, [William] Esq. A poetical tour in the Yean 1784-1786. 1787- %> (4 sh.) Aa ©d« to a boy at Eaton (Mr. Great- head. m htai, jun.), with three sonntts and one epigram. 1796. 4. (3 -sli.) CARTRIDGE, [Samuel] As. A. A charge given to the grand jury of the hundred! oi Katon and Skirbeck, in the parts of Holland, in the County of Lincoln — held at Boston I4Jan. 1793. concerning the Standard measure of corn, and concerning seditious publications; with an ad- monition to the keepers of inns and alehouses, 1793» 8. (i fh.) Observations on a militia of property. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol»2s, p. 513.) Abstract from the vestry-book of the parish of Boston, in the county of Lincoln, (ibid. Vol.24, p. 370.) Wastelands. (Ibid. Vol. 26. p. 484.) *PASCALIS, [Felix] Qbservationi on the yellow fever* (Medical Re- posit. Vol. 3. p. 344.) PAS MO RE , [George] Schoolmaster at Kenpngton* Winter, or Howard in the shades, an elegy — with an ode to eternity. 1792. 8. (i fh.) PASQUIN, [Anthony] See John Williams. •PASTY, [Carolina Petty] The mince pye, an heroic epistle —. I800. 4» (S M PATERSON, [Daniel] Lieutenant -Colonel; Asp fan? Quarter-Master-General of his Majesty s forces. Topographical description of the island of Gre- nada. 1780. 4. A new and accurate description of all the direct and principal cross roads in Eng- land and Wales. Ed. 9. 1792. 8. New edition, with considerable additions and improvement. Ed, 13. I802. 8. (7 A** 6 d.) *PATERSON, [David] Surgeoy in Montrose, On the scurvy — 1796, 8- (2 fh. 6 d.) On the good effects of nitrous vapour. (Duncans A. òf Med. Y. 1798. p. 409.) libers, io Samml. fur praéU Acme. B. 18. S. 487. ♦PATERSON, [Edward] Religious principles, the source of national pro- sperity, a sermon* 1802. 8. ^PATERSON, [Patrick] Surgeon of the 29 Regt. of light Dragoons. Cafe of gangrenous stomach, with dysphagia, from from lightning. (Simmons's Med. Facts and Ob* fervat, Vol.8, p. HI.) PATERSON, [Samuel] Auctioneer , Librarian to ikt Maquis of Lansdowne, s bom in London 1735. March 17. died 1802 Oct. 29. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Nov. p. 1074. Y. 1803. p. I8Ó. Monthly Magaz, Y. 1803] Ja": p. 553- F*br. P- ûfl. A dissertation on the original of . the equestrian figure of the George and of the garter, by Dr. FettingaL 1753. 4. Another traveller; or, cur. ipry remarks made upon a journey through part of the Netherlands by Coriat junior. Vol. 1-3, 17Ó6. 12. Bibliotheca Anglica curiofa. 1771, Speculations on law and lawyers. 1778. The templar, a weekly paper, published by Brown, 1773. Speculations on law and lawyers, applica- ble to the manifest hardships, uncertainties and abusive practice of the common law, 1788. 8. '-PATRICK, [F.... G....] Mrs. More ghosts; 17,. The Irish heirefi; 17., The Jesuit. Vol. 1-3. 1799. iibers. E.I. Berlin u. Stettin. 1800. 8. ^PATRICK, [George] LL. D. of Sidney College, Cam- bridge, Chaplain to Lady Dacre. Vicar of AveUvf Essex and Evening-Lefturer at St, Bride's. born at Marks Tey . . . . died at Madeley, I800. Sept. 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I800. Oct* p. loop, Evangelical Magaz. Y. I800 Dec. p. 485. Sermons, to which are prefixed , memoirs of his life, with a portrait. 1801. 8. (9 fh.) PATTERSON, [Robert] Professor of Mathematics in the University of Pennsylvania. Explanation of a singular phacnomenon, first ob- served by Dr, Franklin and not hitherto satis- factorily accounted for. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 13.) New'notation of Music. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. I39-) An improvement on metallic conductors or lightening-rods. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 321.) Au easy and accurate method of adjusting the glasses^ 175 of Hadley'* quadrant, on land for the back ob- servation. (Ibid. Vol. 4; p, 154.) PATTERSON, [William] M.Dr: M.R.J. A. Phy- sician at Londonderry. Letters, concerning the internal dropsy of the brain; Dublin. 1794. 8- History of a cafe of po- lypus in the vagina, successfully treated. {Dun- can's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol.10, p. 296.) On a cu- rious species of rheumatism which prevailed in Londonderry, and an account of the weather at Londonderry in the Y. 1793. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 321.3230 Remarks on some of the opinions of Dr. Rusk respecting the yellow sever, which prevailed in Philadelphia in 1793. 1795. 8. An analytical view of a popular work, on a new plan, entitled fountains at honief for the poor as well a? for the rich — Dublin. 1800. 8. Ob- servations on meteorological instruments and on, the weather at Londonderry in the year 1797J (Medical Reposit. Vol. 3, p. 35.) Account of the weather at Londonderry in the Y. 1799. ( Tr. of J. A. Vol. 7. p. 357.) Account of the diseases prevalent at Londonderry in the Y. 1797 et 1798. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 108.) Letter on the yellow fever. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1800. p.356.) Meteo- rological observations made at Londonderry iu the Y. 1800. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 8. Sc. p. 245.) •PATTERSON, [William] Esq. of Ibornden in Bid* denden, Ktnt* A method to prevent hares and rabbits barking young plantations. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. II. p. 3.) On a composition for pre- serving weather-boarding. (Ibid. Vol. 1%. p, 353.) *PATTESON, [...♦] of Richmond, Surrty, *A friendly address to the volunteers of Great- Britain. 1803. 8. (6 d.) *PATTESON, [Edward] M. A. formerly of Tri- nity College, Oxford. Religious principle of the source of national pro- sperity; a sermon; to which are subjoined — essays on various subjects connected with the oc- casion* 1803. 8. (4 fh.) *PATTISON, 176 1 V *PATTIS0N, [T,...] at Common, Detionshire.. On the discrimination of threshing machines (Comm. and Agric. Mag, Y, 1800. p. 247.) ♦ PA TTON, [Charles] Esq. Captait: in the Royal Navy, Attempt to establish the basis of freedom on sim- ple £iid unerring principles. 1793. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) The effects of property upon society and govern, ment investigated ~- to which is added, an histo- . rical review of the monarchy and republic of Ro- me, upon the principles derived from the effects of property, by Robert Patton. 1797. 8. (7 ill.) *PATTON, [Robert] Esq. Historical review of the monarchy and republic of Rome; (See Charles Patton) — The principles of Asiatic monarchies politically and historically investigated and contrasted with those of the mo- narchies of Europe; — 1801. 8. (8 fh.) PAUL, [Sir George Onesiphorus] Bart. Account of the method invented by him and used under bis direction for the ventilation, up hofpi. tals. (Tr. of the Soc. for the É. of A. Vol.19, p. 209-) *PAVIER, [Thomas] of West Mon8on, near Taunton, On the culture of potatoes. (Bath Agricult. Soc, Vol.1, p. 32.) On the use of fern-ashes as a manure for wheat land. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 113.) On drilling pease. (Ibid. Vol.1* p.144.) On the culture of beans with turnips. (Ibid. Vol.3. p. 132.) Account of a crop of beans and turnips in alternate rows. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p.260.) On the importance of planting timber-trees. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 306.) •PAXTON, [George] Minister of the Gospel, JBJ- maurs. An inquiry into the obligation of religious cove- nants upon posterity. 1801. 8. (i fh. 6 d.) •PAYNE, [Henry Thomas] As. A\ Chaplain to tk Countess Dowager of Northampton, and rilnl Dean of the third part of Brecon. The study of the scripture, the best preservative against infidelity, a sermon, 1791,4. (ish.) PAYNE, 17? PAYNE, [John] (This gentleman has assumed the na» mes, George Augustus HERVEY, Will. Fred. Melmoth.) A system of Geography; 17.. An epitome of universal history, or, a concise view of the most important revolutions and events which are re- corded in the histories of the principal empires, kingdoms, states and republics now subsisting in the world —. Vol.1. 1794. 8. (5 sh.) Vol. 2+ 1795. 8. (7 sh.) Geographical extracts, forming a general view of earth and nature, in four parts, illustrated with maps, 1796. 8 (8 sh.) A con- cise history of Greece from the earliest times to its becoming a roman province* Vol. 1. 1800. 8« (9 AO *PAYNE, [John] Esq. of NewhilJ, near Don caster. On tythes. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol 17. p. 178.) Necessity of a general indosurc act. (Ibid. Vol» 35. p. 69.) PAYNE, [Thomas] Surgeon. A short address to the faculty — recommending the use of a new poultice; with the view of fa* ving wholly the consumption of bread and oat- meal, being also a great saving in expence —; Ed. 2. with alterations and observations. 1796. 12. *PAYNE, [William] Esq. at Frickley, near Doncafler. Replies to Capel Loffis queries. (Young*$ A* of Agr. Vol.19, p. 29J On using the eyes only of potatoes for feed, (Ibid. Vol.35, p. 74.) •PEACOCK, [....] *A compendious geographical dictionary — to) . which are added a tabic of the coins of the va- rious nations and their value in English money. 1792. *PEACOCK, [Daniel Mitford] As. A. Considerations on the structure of the house of commons and on the plans of parliamentary re- form agitated at the present day. 1794. 8. (2 sh.) ♦PEACOCK, [Henry Barry] Observations on the blindness occasioned by ca« taracti, shewing the practicability and superiority of a mode of cure without an operation. 1792. 8. (1 sh.) Free remarks, occasioned by the let- Mwfs a. suppi. Tht 21. M ter* 178 ters òf John Disney, D. D. to Vh«s. Knox, D, D 1792. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) PEACOCK, [James] AvchitiB. A short account of a new method of filtration by ascent, with explanatory iketches upon fix p'»atci. Ì793. 4. (2 sl).) Account of the advantages of hi* filtering machine. (Comm. and Agric. Magai, Y. 1799. Oct. p. 178.) Description of a filtering machine to produce 20000 gallons in cv«ry 34 hours. (Ihid. Y. 1801. June. p.389.) PEACOCK, [Lucy] Miff. * Juvenile magazine. 17.. *The knight of the rose; an allegorical narrative. 1793. 8, (3 fli.) The visit for a week, or, hints on the improve- ment of time; containing original tales, anecdo- tes from natural and moral history. 1794. g, (4 fh.) Ambrose and Eleonor, or the adventu. re$ of two children deserted on an uninhabited island; translated from the french, with alte- rations. 1796. 8. (3 sh») The little emigrant, a tale. 1799. 8. (3 sh») (L* Croze) a chronolo- gical abridgment of universal history — — tram* lated from the french of the 7 edit. 1800. U. (3 sh. 6 d.) * P E A K E, [Thomas] of Lincoln s - Inn; Barrister u Law. Cafe determined at nisi prius in the court of King's-Bench, from the sittings after caster terra, 30 George 3. to the sittings after Michaelmas term, 35 Georg 3. both inclusive. 1795. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) A compendium of the law of cvid«nee. i8oii 8. (6 fh.) #PEALE, [Charles W..-.] Account of a person born a negro, or a very dark mulatto turning white. (Massachusetts Mag, Y. 1791. Dec. p. 744. Columbian Magaz.Y. I79Í» Dec. p. 409. New-York Magaz. Y. 1791. Nov, p. 634.) introduction to the course of lectures on natural history, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. 1800. 8. Discourse introductory to a coiirfe of lectures on the science of nature — Phikd. 1800. 8. — and his fou Raphaële Play description of some improvements in the common fire-place, accompanied with models, offered ~ 179 to the consideration of the American Philosophy Soc. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 5. p. 320.) *PE ALE , [Rembrandt] Account of the skeleton of the Mammoth, 9 non- descript carnivorous animal of immense sixet found in America. 1802. 4. A siiort account of the Mammoth.. (TiUoch's PhiloC Magaz. Vol. 14. .p. IÓ2.) On the differences which exist between the heads of the Mammoth and Elephant. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 228.) • PEARCE, [ ] Surgeon* Two cafes of preternatural menstruation. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 502.) •PEARCE, [....] Hartford bridge, or the skirts of the campf an operatic farce in 2 scts. 1793. 8. (1 fh.) The mid- night wanderers, a comic opera, in a acts. 1793. g. (t fh.) Netley Abbey, an operatic farce, in 2 a&s. 1794. 8. (I fh.) Arrived at Portsmouth! an operatic drama, in 2 acts. 1794. 8. (I fh.) * Windsor Castle, or the, fair maid of Kent, an opera. 1795. 8. (Í ih. 6 d.) *PEARCE, [William] General view of the agriculture in Rerkstjire, with observations on the means of its improvement. — 1794. 4* Remarks on waste lands. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p.990 «PEARS, [Charles] F. M. S: F. L. S. Cafes of phthisis pulmonale, successfully treated upon the tonic plan, with introductory observa- tions. 1801. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) PEARSE, [Thomas Deane] Ute Colonel On two Hindu festivals .and the Indian sphinx. (Asiat, Res, Vol.2, p.333-) PEARSON, [Edward] 11 D. ReBor of Remp/iotte, Nottinghamshire and late Tutor of Sidney - Sus- sex College, Cambridge. Discourses to academic youth. 1798. 8. (3 fh.) Remarks on the theory of morals; in which is contained an examination of the theoretical part of Dr. Pahys principles of moral and political philosophy. 1800. 8- (.5 fh.) Prayers for families — I800. 8. (3 fh.) Annotations on the practical part of Dr. Pàley's principles of moral and poli- M 2 tical I8o ——— tical philosophy. i8or. 8. (5 sh.) Reœarki on the doctrine of justification by faith—. I802. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Remarks on the controversy between the arminian and calvinistic ministers of the church of England —. 1802. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) An exhor- tation to the due observance of the approaching national fast. 1803. 8. (3 d.) PEARSON, [George] M. Dr. F. R. S. Physician to St. George's Hospital. (Some account of him. See TillocKs Philos. Mag, Vol. 15, p. 274.) Experiments and observations to investigate the composition of James's powder. (Philos. Transact. Y, 1791. p. 317. Simmons s Med. Facts and Observ. Vol. 3. p. 128.) Experi. ments and observations on the constituent parts of the potatoe - root. 1795. 4. Translation of the table of chemical nomenclature proposed by Gutjton MorveaUi Lavoifier — with additions and alterations — 1794. 4» (6 sh.) Ed. 2. enlarged and corrected. 1799. 4* (*4 ^0 Experiments i made with the view of decompounding fixed air or carbonic acid. (Philos. Transact. Y, 1792. p. 289.) Observations and experiments on a wax- like substance resembling the Pé-la of the Chinese, > collected at Madras by Dr, Anderson and called by him white-lac. (Ibid. Y. 1794. p. 383») Ex- periments and observations to investigate the na* ture of a kind of steel, manufactured at Bombay, and there called wootz: with remarks on the pro- perties and composition of the different states of iron. (Ibid. Y. 1795. p. 322 ) Observations oa some ancient metallic arms and utensils; with ex* periments to determine their composition (Ibid, Y. 1796. p. 395.) Experiments and observations, made with the view of ascertaining the nature of the gaz produced by pasting olectric discharges through water. (Ibid. Y. 1797. p. 142. Nicholsons Journal Vol. I. p. 241. 299. 349.) Experiments and observations, tending to show the composition and properties of urinary concretions. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1798. p. 15. Tilloclif Philos. Mag. Vol.2, p. 38.130.) Of the effects of the vario- lous infecìion on pregnant women. (Duncans 1VÍ. C. Dec. 2. Vol, 9. p, 213.) Some further ob- serva- 181 servations and experiments on the vaccine inocula- tion. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1799. p. 318. Y. I800. p. 426. 432.) On Chenevixs mode of preparing James's powder by precipitation, with notices respecting vaccina. (Ibid. Y. 1801. p, 464.) A statement of the progress in the vaccine inocu- lation, and experiments to determine some im- portant facts belonging to the vaccine disease, {Tillocfis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 4. p. 312.) Com- munication concerning the eruptions resembling the small pox, which sometimes appear in the inoculated vaccine disease, (ibid. Vol. 5, p. 313,) An inquiry concerning the history of the cow-pox, principally with a view to supersede and extin- guish the small-pox. 1798. 8. (2 sli. 6 d.) uberf, von J. Fr. KUttlinger. Niirnb. 1800. 8. The substance of a lecture — on the inoculation of the cow-pox. 1798. An examination of the re- port of the committee of the house of commons on the claims of remuneration for the vaccine pock inoculation, containing a statement of the principal historical facts of vaccina. I803« 8« Account of his improvement! made on the lands at Harpcrley, in Durham, by draining. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 10. p. 126.) PEARSON, [John] Senior Surgeon to the Lock-Ho- spital and to the public Dispensary. Observations on the use of opium in the vene- real disease. (M. C. Vol 2. p. 56.) History of a disease in the head of the tibia, with an ac- count of some remarkable appearances which pre- sented themselves on the dissection of the limb, (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 95») Practical observations on cancerous complaints; with an account of some diseases, which have been confounded with the cancer. 1793. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) libers. Samml. aus- crles. Abhandl. zum Gebrauch prakt. Aerzte. B. 16. S. 620. An account of some extraordinary symp- toms which were apparently connected with cer- tain morbid alterations about the veins and ner- ves. {Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 6. p. 96.) Observations on the effects of various (4 occasioned by fymc observa, tions on the subject in the Vol. 8a p-100. (Arch. Vol. 3. p, 3lo.) Derbeiescira rornsna. (Ibid. Vol. 10. f>. 17.) Some observations of the paintings in' Brcretou church. (Ibid. Vol. io. p. 50.) On the hunting of the antient inhabitants of our is- land , Britons and Saxons. (Ibid. Vol, 10. p. 156») Observations on an antient font st Burnham-Deep- dale, in Norfolk. (Ibid. Vol. 10, p. 177.) (Seve. ral articles contributed to the Bibliotheca topogra- - * phia Britannica: See Gentlern. Mag. Y. 179Ó. Nov, p. 895») (His insertions in the Gentleman's Maga- zine; See Ibid. Y. 1796. Dec. p. 979-982. 108I- I084. Y. 1797. Sept. p. 743.) The life of Robert Groffetefte, — Bishop of Lincoln (born 1175.) with ,° V an account of the bishops works and an appendix, 1793. 4. (13ÍÌ2.) An historical account of Beau, chief Abbey, in the county of Derby from its first foundation to its final dissolution —, 1801. Anecdotes to the English language, chiefly regar- ding the local dialed of London —'9 1803. 8. (6 sh.) \ *PEiJ&6E, [Thomas Pollard] Student of Medicint at Edinburgh ; from Barfradoes, Account of the good effecis of Barbadoes tar (pc troieum Barbadenfe) in lepra. {Duncans M. C. . . Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 37a.) *PÉ1RS0N, [Thomas] born .... died at Stockton, co. Durham. 1791. May 30. Rofeberry topping, a poem; 17,. •PELHAM, [....] The rational brutus; or, tajking animals. I8o3« 12. (I fh. 6d.) •PELHAM, s. . ♦ .] Stcmaru. See Robtrt Day. 187 «PELLIZER, [Joseph Emanuel] The elements of the universal chronology, taken from the holy bible; applied for the first time^ to the astronomical calculation of the cycles, for the correction of the almanack. 1798- 8- (2 ft. 6 d.) *PEMBERTON, [Thomas] *An historical journal of the American war. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1793. p. 41.) *A to- pographical and historical description of Boston. Ï794. (Ibid. Y, 1794. P* 24"f«) * References to his topographical and historical description of Bo- ston, (Ibid. Y. 1705. p. 211.298.) «PENN, [Granville] Esq. F. S. A. Critical remarks on Isaiah Ch. 7, i£. 1799. 4. Remarks on the eastern origination of mankind and of the arts of cultivated life. 1799. 4- Three copies of his Greek version of the inscription on the stone from Egypt, containing a decree of the priests of Egypt in honor of Ptolemy the fifth. 1802. 8- * P E N N, [J . -..] Esq. Sheriff of Buckinghamshire. A timely appeal to the common sense of the peo- ple of Great-Britain in general and of the inha- bitants of Buckinghamshire in particular on the present state of affairs; with reference to the opi. nions of most of the British and French philoso- phers of ihe present century. 1798. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Further thoughts — being a continuation of a timely appeal to the common sense — 1800. 8 (4 ft-) *PENNt [John] Esq. (Grandson of Penn*) *The battle of Eddington, or, britisli liberty, a tragedy. 1796. 8. (3ft.) A reply to the stri- cture of the Monthly Reviewers in Febr. 1797, on the tragedy of the battle of Eddington; in- cluding both an abstract and supplement of his critical vorks on the drama. 1797. 8. (I sh.) Critical, poetical and dramatic work», Vol, 1.2, 1797. 1798. 8. (12 sh.) The translation of a letter from Sign. Ranieri di Calsabigi to count / Alfieri on tragedy, with notes. 1797. 8. (5 ft.) Poem*. Vol. 1. 2. 1801. 8* (i L. 5 ft.) •PENN# m *PENN, [John] LL. B. Sermons upon various subjects. Vol. 1.3. 1793.3, (io fh.) •PENN, [William] Poems on popular subjects, 1800. (2 fh. 6 d Ì •PENNANT, [R....] Esq. History of the parishes of Whiteford and Holy, well in Flintshire with sine plates by Angus, (I L. I fh. large paper 2 L. 12 fh. 6 d.) PENNANT, [Thomas] F. K. S. born June 14. 1726. at Downing, died at his feat at Downing, in Flintshire 1798. Dec. 16. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Dec. p. 1090. Suppl. p. 1144. The Annual Necrology, for 1797. 1798. p. 626. Allg. Litter, Zcit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 654. Indian Zoloogy. Ed. 3. 1792. 4. (14 fh. coloured J L. 10 fh.) Synopsis of quadrupeds. Ed. 2. Vol. 1.2. 178I. 4» Tour in Scotland. Ed. 5. 1790. », Tour in Wales. Ed. 2. 1784. Journey from Che- ster to London; republished Dublin. 1783.8. Hi* story of quadrupeds. Vol. 1.2. Ed. 2. 1792. Ed. 3, Vol. 1.2. 1796. 4. (2L. 12 fh. 6 d.) iiberf. mit Anmerk. von J. M. Bechstein. B. 1. 1799. B. 2. I800. 4. An essay on the imprudent behaviour of married ladies towards our sex. 1774. A ridi- cule of the bold and masculine fashion of the la- dies wearing riding habits at all times of the day; reprinted 178L American annals, an incitement to parliament-men to enquire into the conduct of our commanders in the American war; the Flintshire petition f calculated to repress the rage for a redress of grievances. 1779. (All these were printed together 1788 and are repriuced in his ^Literary life, except American Annal».») Miscellanies. 17.. Free thoughts on our militia laws. Ed. 2. 1785. Letter from a welih free- holder to his representative. 1784» 8- Arctic zoology. Ed. 2. Vol. 1.3. 1792. 4. Of London, additions and corrections to the first edition. 1791. Ed. 3. 1792. A letter to a member of parliament on mail coaches. 1792. 8. (i fh.) The literary life, written by himself. 1793-4; (7 sh- 6 d') iiberf* mit Anmerk. von 3s. C. Timaeut. Hs»no- 189 ver. 1794. H;story of the parishes of Whiteford and Holywell. 1797. 4. (I L. I fh.) View of Hindostan. Vol. 1.2. 1798. (2 L. 12 fh. 6 d. ) Vol. 3 and 4. with the title; Outlines of the globe: — the view of India extra Gangem China, Japan, the Malayan isles, New Holland and the spicy islands. 1800. 4. (I L. 16 fh.) Journey from London to the isle of Wight. Vol. 1. 3. Igoi. 4. (3 L. 3 fh.) A tour from Downing to Alston-Moor. 1801. 4. (i L. ix fh. 6 d.) A journey from London to Dover and from Dover to the land's end. Vol. I. 2. I801. 4. (3 L. 3 ft.) ♦PENNINGTON, [Charles Andrew Seltz] The trial of Joseph Wall, Esq. Governor of Gorce for the murder of Serjeant Benj. Armstrong at Goree in July 1782. 1802. 8. ♦PENNINGTON, [John] M. Dr. An inaugural dissertation on the phenomena, cau* ses and effects of fermentation. Philadelphia. 1790. Chemical and economical essays, designed to il- lustrate the connexion between the theory and practice of chemistry and the application of that science to some of the arts and manufactures of the United States of America. Philad. 1790. (1 Dollar.) ♦PENNINGTON, [Joseph] Flexible tube for relieving cattle that are blown. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.29, p.371J ♦PENROSE, [Francis] M. Dr. Essays, physiological and practical, sounded on the modern chemistry of Lavoisier, Fourcroy drc. with a view to the improvement of the practice of physic. 1794. 8. (4 sli.) *PEPYS, [W H....] Member of tke London Phi- losophy Soc, Account of some interesting experiments on the production of artificial cold, in one of which • 56 pounds of mercury was frozen into a solid mass. (JLilloch's Philof. Magaz. Vol. 3. p. 76.) Description of a mercurial gazometer constructed by him. (Ibid. VoL 5. p. 154.) Description of a newly invented galvanometer, and an account of some experiments made with Vol- tifs pile upon several of the gases. (Ibid. Vol. ■ y- ^ Vol. TO. p. 380 Description of an improved che- mical apparatus for preserving separate the ga- . seou9 products evolved in many processes; by which alio absorption is completely prevented, and liquids may be strongly impregnated with the different gases. (Ibid. Vol. n. p. 253.) De- senption of a new gas-holder. (Ibid. Vol.13, p. 153.) ♦PERCEVAL, [Robert] M. Dr: As. R. J. A. Chemical communications and inquiries. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. p. 850 An account of a chamber lamp furnace. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. 91.) On the solu- tion of lead by lime. (Ibid. Vol, 5. p. 89.) *PERCIVAL, [Robert] £Vf. An accouut of the island of Ceylon, containing its history a»d geography —; 1803. 4. (1 L. 8sh.) uberf. von J. A. Bergk. Leipzig. 1803. 8- An account of the Cape of Good Hope: principally illustrative of the situation and resources of that colony in different views; interspersed with ob- fcrvations on its geography, natural history, mau. ners &c. 1804. 4. PERCIVAL, [Thomas] M. Dr. F. R. S. Lond. and Edin. Inquiry into the principles and limits of taxation as a branch of moral and political philosophy. (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p. 1.619.) A physical in- quiry into the powers aud operation of medici- nes. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 197. London. M. J. Vol IT. p. 287.) Practical observations on the treatment and causes of the dropsy of the brain. (Simmons s Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 1. p III.) 5;;:Mc- dical jurisprudence, or, a code of ethics and institutes adapted to the professions of physic and surgery. I800. 8» A father's instruction to his children —. Vol. 3. 1800. 8. (6 sh. 6 d.) Some observations on rabies canina. (Duncans M, C. Dec. 2* Vol.6- p. 362.) Observations on hospi- tal duties. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 374.) Observations on the medtctnal uses of cod-liver oil, in the chronic rheumatism and other paiuful disorders. (American Museum Y. 1788. Dec. p. 5I9-) .0st the different quantities of rain which fall, at diffe- rent heights^ over the fame spot of ground, (New- York'* 191 York'j Magaz4 Y. 1791. July. p. 379.) Medical ethics; or, a code of institutes, adapted to tho professional conduct of physicians and surgeons in hospital practice; in relation to apothecaries; and in cafes which may require a knowledge of Jaw. 1803. 8- (5 ih.") PERFECT, [William] M. Dr. A Surgeon of West Mailing in Kent and Member of the London Med. Soct Provincial Grand-Master of Masons for ike county of Kent. born at Oxford 1740, A Bavin of Bays. 17Ó3. 12. The Laurel wreath. Vol. I. 2- 17.» An flegy on the great storm in 1773- 1773- The snowy day, a pastoral sketch; 17.. (He communicated several articles to the Medical Museum; among them are, An attempt to improve medical prognostication; The case of a catalepsy; The appearances on dissecting * wo- men who died of eating too much cucumber*,) On a case of losi of speech. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Voi. 4. p. 426.) A remarkable cafe of madness, with the diet and medicines used in the cure. 1791. 8. (i sh.) fibers. Leipzig/1794. 8. Case. (Ibid. Vol 3. p. 593.) Poetic effusions, pastoral, moral, amatory and descriptive. 1796. 8. (2 sh* 6 d.) Annals of insanity, comprising a variety of select cases in the différents species of insanity, lunacy or madness, with the modes of practices, as adopted in the treatment of cach» Ed. 2< revi- sed, corrected and considerably enlarged. l8or. 8. (8 Ch.) Ed. 3. 1803. 8. *PERKINS , [Benjamin Douglas] A. M. (Son to the discoverer of metallic tractors.) The influence of metallic tractors on the human body in rempving various painful inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatism, pleurisy, some gouty •flections &c. lately discovered by Dr. Perkins of North - America and demonstrated in a series of experiments and observations by Prof. Meigs, fVoodward, Rogers —. 1798.8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Experiments with the metallic tractors in rheuma- tic and gouty affections, inflammations and topi- cal diseases as published by Surgeons Herkoldt and Rafn — translated into German by Tode — thence thence info English language hf Charìes Kampf* tnuller: also reports of about 150 cafes in England demonstrating the efficacy of the metallic practice in a variety of complaints, both upon the human body and on horses. 1799. 8. (5 ih.) Cafes of successful practice with Perkins's patent metallic tractors — 1801. 8- (l sh.) The efficacy of Perkins's patent metallic tractors in topical di- seases on the human body and animals; exen> plified by 250 cafes — — to which is prefixed a preliminary discourse in which the fallacious attempts of Dr. Haygarth to detract from the merits of the tractors are detected aud fully con- futed. 1800. 12. (Ï sh.) ♦PERKINS, [Elijah] A. B. of Connecticut. Inaugural dissertation on universal dropsy. Phi* ladelphia. 1791. PERKINS, [John] of Boston. Conjectures concerning wind and water-spoutst tornados and hurricanes. (American Museum Y, 1788. Febr. p. 113.) The true nature and cause of the tails of comets, elucidated with their se- veral phenomena. (Ibid. Y. 1788. June. p. 503.) ♦PERKINS, [Joseph] An oration on eloquence* (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1704. July p. 423.) ♦PERKINS, [Nathan] Account of a meteor seen at Hertford Oct. 1788. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1788. Nov. p. 663.) •PERKINS, [Richard] Geographiae antiquae principia, or the clpmcníí of ancient geography, 1798. 8- (i sh. 6 d,) Ex- planation of the word reclusus and recluse. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Fcbr* p. 180 f PERKINS, [William] Esq. of Wymondham; ont of the Proprietors of the Derby, Stamford, and of several other theatres. boru 1769. died at Derby 1800. May 18. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. May. p» 494- Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. June, p, 505. Argentum; or, adventures of a íhilling, a no- vel, on the plan of Chryfal, replete with a know- ledge of manners and of the human mind. 17.. . Momta ct praeccpta Christianas or, admonition* 193 and precepts of Christianity by the late Provost of Eton , translated. 17 .. PERKINS, [William Lecj M. Dr. M. R. S. Edin. and M> D. LoncL. Cafe of angina pectoris cured by the use* of white vitriol. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p,58o.) ♦PERKS, [William] The youth's general introduction to Guthrie's geo- graphy — 1792. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) Ed, 2. enlarged and improved. 1793» 8. (6 fh.) •PERROTT, [Samuel] born .... died .. » • (?) Sermons on practical subjects. 1799. 8. (5 Hi.) ♦PERRY, [James] Colonel Extraordinary instance of female heroism. (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1790. April, p. 507.) ♦ PERRY ► [James] a native of Scotland. (Editor of the newspaper called the Morning chro- nicle.) »PERRY, [John George] Substitutes for wheaten flour: or treatise on rice and potatoes, as far as relates to the use of them in pastry, with directions for preparing each as practised at Jupp and Perry's 158 Oxford-street. i8or. 8. (6 d.) PERRY, [Sampson] for merits a Surgeon. A philosophical and historical sketch of the french revolution from its pre-disposing causes and car- ried down to the acceptation of the constitution in I795. Vol. 1.5. 1796. 8. (14^.) The argug, or general observer of the moral, political and com- mercial world. 179Ó. 8. (7 ft.) The origin of government compatible with a«d founded on, the rights of man, with a few words on the constitu- tional object of the corresponding society. 1797. 8. (6 d.) Dissertation on the outlawry of the unfortunate Sampson Perry, now a prisoner in Newgate* (Monthly Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Aug. p. 575. Y. 1797. Supph to Vol.3. P«547-) * PERRY, [William] Assistant-Surgeon to the third Regt. of Foot* History of a cafe of obstinate constipation success- touft g. £. s«wi. m 11. N fully 194 fully treated by the use of quicksilver, (Duncan's M. C. Dec.2. Vol.6, p. 331.) PESHÁLL, [Sir John] Baronet, (before Pershall.) born .... died # #.. (?) See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Dec. p. 105g, The history of the University of Oxford to the death of William the Conqueror. 1772. 8. The fame history contiiiued to the demise of Queen Elizabeth. 1773. 4. «PETERKIN, [A ] Britannia's tears; a vision. 1800. 4. (i sli.) ^PETERS, [C....] A.M. Fellow of Queers Co%, Oxford and late RcSter of St. George's and Roseau in Dominica. Two sermons preached at Dominica 1800, to which ii added an appendix, containing minutes of three trials which occurred at Roseau in the spring of the preceding year; together with re- markc on the issue of those trials, as well as on the stave trade — 1802. 8. (3 ih.) *PETERS, [Richard] Esq. Agricultural inquiries on plaister of Paris, alio factô, observations and conjectures on that sub- stance, when applied as manure. Philad. 1797, 8* Agricultural inquiries on plaister of Paris with the answers of various authors. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.28, p. 641-659* Vo,« 29. p.7-25.186- 194- 334-348. 447-46a. 533-548. Vol. 30. p. 39-57.) On the improvement of worn-out land, (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1791. Jan. p. 27.) On the improvement of worn-out land, by deep-trench and frequent ploughing. (American Museum Y. 1791. Jan. p. 4. Fcbr. p. 109.) * PETRE, [ ] Lord. On land - ditching. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 4. p. 294.) Comparative culture of wheat, (ibid. Vol. 4. p. 422.) * PETRIE, [Samuel] Letter to citizen Alquier, one of the represent* tives of the french nation. 1795. 8- (i Â.) * PET RIE, [William] Esq. on board the Good-tioyt. Account of a singular accident by lightning. (Nim eholsons Journal, Vol.3. p. 433.) PETUN- 195 PETTING AL, [John] D, D. Prebendary ofSneating in the church, of St. Paul. born .... died in July 1781. Dissertation on the courts of pypowder. (Arch. Vol. I. p. 190.) The latin inscription on the copper table, discovered in the year 1732. near Heraciea in the bay of Tare»turn, in Magna Grae- cia and published by Mazochtus at Naples in the year 1758* more particularly considered and illu- strated; (read at the Soc. of Antiquaries.) A dis- sertation upon the Tascia, or legend on the Bri- tish coins of Cunobelm and others; (read at tha Society of Antiquaries.) *PETTINGER, [Charles H....] Lieutenant. An alterative epistle addressed to Edw. Spencer, Apothecary. 1803. 8. (4 «*.) PETTMAN, [William] Schoolmaster at Sandwich in Kent. Address to Dr. Priestley > containing desultory ob- servations on the general inutility of religious controversies. 1792. 8. (2 sh.) PEW, [Richard] M. Dr: F. R. S. E. A plan for the general prevention of poverty. I794. sol. (2 d.) Observations on the art of making gold and silver — 1796. 4* (i sb.) Twenty minutes observations on a better mode of providing for the poor. (Bath Agricult. Soc, Vol. 6. p. 219. 249.) On the construction of re- servoirs to preserve the liquors from stables, cattle- stalls 6rc. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 288.) A plan for the general prevention of poverty, (ibid. Vol. 7. p. 311.) On the culture of potatoes. (Young's A* of Agr. Vol. 37. p. 169.) PHILIP, [Arthur] Esq. Governor gnd Captain Ge- neral of New South Wales; Captain in the Royal Navy. Voyage to Botany bay, with all the new discove- ries. Ed. 3. 1792.8. (10 sh. 6d.) 4to. (iL. 11 sh. Ó d. coloured 2 L. 12 sh. 6 d.) tiberf. Stuttgard. 1789. 8. uberf. von Joh. Balback. Th. I. 2. Nlirnb. 1791. 8. Extracts of letters from A. Phil- lip , — to Lord Sidney, to which is annccted a description of Norfolk-island by Philipp Gidley* king, and an account of expences incurred in traiu- N 2 porting porting convicts to New South Wales. London. 1791. 4. Copies and extracts of letters from Go- vernor Philip, giving an account of the nature and fertility of the land in and adjoining to any settlement in New South Wale*. 1793, 4, (7 sh 6 d.) PHILIPS» [Ambrose] Esq. Persian tales —. libers, (von G. F. £. Batmeisin) B. 1. Luneburg. 1792. 8. ♦PHILIPS, [Lucius] Mrs. Heavens best gift, a novel. Vol. I-4. 1797, (14 fh.) * PHILLIPS, [Catherine] Mrs. Considerations on the cause? of the high price of grain, and other articles of provision for 1 number of years back and propositions for redu. cing them; with occasional remarks. 1795. 8. (2 fh.) Reasons why the people called Quackcrs cannot so fully unite with the methodists in their millions to the negroes in the West India islandt and Africa, as freely to contribute thereto; with a few queries consonant therewith. 1793. 8. (3 <*-) * PHILLIPS, [George] of Man eke ft er. ** The necessity of a speedy and effectual refor- mation of parliament. 1792. ^PHILLIPS, [John] Surveyor. A general history of inland navigation, foreigu and domestic; containing a complete account of the canals already executed in England with consi- derations on those projected; to which are added, practical observations; the whole illustrated with a map of all the canals in England and other usc- full plates. 1792. 4. (iL. I fh.) First addenda, 1793. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) Second addenda. 1794. 4« (7 fh.) Ed. 2. 17.. Ed. 3 17.. Ed-4 abrld* ged 8. (U ih.) The builder's new price book-f 1804 8. (3 ft.) "PHILLIPS, [John] Esq. of Ely. Communications relative to the making plantation! of osiers, with regard both to the season for plan- ting and the kinds adapted to each particular foil. (Tr. of the Soç. for the E. of A. Vol. 17- P«W * PHILLIPS, 197 "PHILLIPS, [Richard] of Bristol Description of an apparatus of tubes for facilitating to driving of copper bolts into ships. (Transact, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 269. Ni- cholsons Journal Y. 1802. Sept. p, 37.) Analy- sis of the schieferspath from Cornwall; to which is prefixed an analysis of carbonated lime and re- marks on the means which have bten employed to ascertain the quantity of carbonic acid contai- ned in it. (Tíl/och's Philos. Magaz. Vol. 14. p# 289 ) 'PHILLIPS, [T....] Surgeon to the Prince of Wa* les*s Household, to the Roy. Universal Diss en* sary and to the Marybone Infirmary. Account os a tumour situated on the lumbar ver- tebrae of a very extraordinary size and singular appearance, which ensued from a fall (with an en- graving). (New-London M. J. Vol. 1. p. 244.) *PHILLIPS, [William] Esq. On the virgnla divinatorie, or divining rod. (Til- loch's Philos. Magaz. Vol.13. P* 321.) *PHILLPOTTS, [Henry] A.M. Fellow of Marie Magdal. College. Guil. Jones) Equitis aurati, laudatio, praemio aca> demieo donata. 1801. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) •PHILPOT, [Charles] M. A. of Emmanuel College. Humility, a night thought. 1791. 4. (I sh.) PHIPPS, [Constantin John] Lord MULGRAVE; Peer, Privy Counsellor, Captain in the Royal Navy, Vice-President of the Royal Society. horn 1746. died at Liege, in Germany 1792. Oct. 10» See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Och p. 964* *A letter 'from a Member of Parliament — oa the late proceeding! in the house of Commons on the Middlesex elections. 1769. 8. *.PHRAM, [Timothy] at Philadelphia. On musical prcteuders. (American Museum Y, 1788. p. 31.) *PICKBURN, [John] Master àf the grammar school 4 at fVainflete in Lincolnshire. Further particulars relative to Bishop fVainflef N 3 *nd 198 and his family — in addition to the account given in; the „Vetusta monumenta.,, Vol. 3. Pi. VI (Arch. Vol. 10. p. 473.) •PICKERING, [Dauby] Esq. of Gray's-inn. The statutes at large Anno 36 Gcorgii III. Regit Vol. 40. P. 1.2. Vol.41. Vol. 42. P. 1-3. igoi! The statutes at large, A, 41 Georgii III. Regis, being the sirst parliament of the united kingdom of Great-Britain and Ireland and the first part of the 43 Vol. of the statutes. 1802. 8. (io sh, 6 d.) P. 2. 1804. *PICKERSGILL, [Joshua] Jun. Esq. The three brother's: a romance. Vol. 1-4. 1803, 12. (I L.) PICKERSGILL, [Richard] Lieutenant Wc. born .... died .... (?) •PIERCE, [John Harvey] Esq. On planting potatoe sets. (Bath Agric, Soc. Vol, 8. p. 85.) On the culture of furze. (Ibid. Vol. 9, p. 850 •PIERRONET, [Thomas] Remarks made during a residence at Stabroek Rio Dcmerary (lat. 6. 10N.) in the latter part of the Y. 1798. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S, Y. 1799, p. I.) •PIGOTT, [Charles] Esq. born .... died 1794. June 24. See Gentleman's Magac. Y. 1794. p. 672. The jockey club; P. 1.2. 17.. The female jockey club; 17.. Strictures on the new politi- cal tenets of EcLm. Burke — 1791. 8. (2 sb. 6d.) Treachery, no crime or the systcme of courts, 1793. 8. (2 fii.) Persecution, the cafe of CharUs Figott; contained in the defence he had prepared and which would have been delivered by hira on his trial, if the graradjury had not thrown out the bill preferred against him. 1793. 8. (i sh») ^ political dictionary; explaining the true meaning of words, illustrated and exemplified in the lives, morals, characters of illustrioui personages. I795«8- (3 sh. 6 d.) New Hoyle, or the general reposi- tory of games; containing rules and instruction» for playing whist, cribbage, piquet, golf, drafts, faro, ha*ard> crickcte, billiards* chcsef tetwih 199 sino ác. with their laws — from his manuscripts. 1795. 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) PIGOTT, [Edward] Esq. On the periodical changes of brightness of two fixed stars. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1797. p. 133.) ♦PIKE, LJamcs] Watchmaker of Newton Abbot, Devon: Description of his invented machine for cutting chaff. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 5, P- 63 ) *PIKE, [J.... B....] Dr. Experiments on wheat. (Monthly Magaz* Y. 1800. March, p. 109.) Some information concerning Btnj. Martin^ the optician; (Ibid. Y. 1800. June, p. 418.) On transplanting wheat. (Ibid. Y. 180I. Febr. p.5.) On Egyptian wheat. (Ibid. Y. I80I. June, p.395.) On the utility of birds. (Ibid. Y# I805. Apr. p. 205.) Hatching of chickens by ar- tificial heat. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Jul. p. 53I-) On transplanting wheat, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.3. •PILKINGTON, ]J....] Mrs. Miscellaneous poems. Vol. 1. 2. 1796. 8. (10 Hi. 6 d.) Obedience rewarded and prejudice conque- red, or, the history of Mortimer Lascelles. 1797- 8. {2 sh. 6 d.) Amusing recreations; or, a col- lection of charades and riddles on political cha- racters and various subjects. 1798. 12. (I sh.) Scripture histories, or, interesting narratives, ex- tracted from the old testament, for the instruction and amusement of youth. 1798. 12. (2 sh.) A mirrour for the female sex; — 1798.12. (3 Henry, or the foundling: to which are added, the prejudiced parent, or the virtuous daughter. 1799- 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Historical beauties foe young ladies ~. 1798. 12. (3 sh.) MartnontiVs tales, selected and abridged for the instruction and amusement of youth. 1799. l2- (3 Biogra- phy for boys or characteristic histories — X799* 12. (3 sh.) libers, von Dr. Adolyh WaUmann* Leipzig. 1800. Biography for girls or moral and instructive examples for young ladies. 1799* I2« (2 sh.) iibers, von Dr. Adolyh Walimann. Leip- zig. 1800. 8. The spoiicd child, or, indulgence couutcracted, J799.12, (1 sh. 6 d,) New talet N4 •* 300 of the castle* or, the noble emigrants, a story of iiiodern times. t8Q0. 12. (2 sh.) Henry, or the foundling; to which arc added the prejudiced pa. rent or the virtuous daughter; tales calculated to improve the mind and morals of youth, 1799, 18. (I stu 6 d,) Edward, a tale for young per. sons — 1801. 12, (I sh. 6 d.) The afiatic prm. cess, 1800, (3 fh.) Meutorial tales for the in. struction of young ladies just leaving school and entering upon the theatre of life. 1802. 12. (4 sli.) Marvellous adventures; or; the vicissitudes of a eat; in which are (ketches of the characters of the different young ladies and gentlemen into whose hands Grimalkin came. 1802. 12» (2 fh.) Goldsmith's history of the earth and animated nature abridged. 1803. 8. (9 fh, 6 d.) PILKINGTON, [James] A. AÍ. Vicar of Donahm and Portraine, in the Dioceje of Dublin* The gentleman's and connoisseur's dictionary of painters —1770. 4. (i L. I fh,) A new edition, to which is added a supplement, containing anec- dotes of the latest and most celebrated artiih, including several by Lord Orford; also remarks on the present state of the art of painting by James Barry. 1798. 4, (I L. 17 sh,) *PILKINGTON, [Jaraei] The doctrine of equality of rank and condition examined and supported on the authority of the new testament and on the principles of reason and benevolence, 1795, 8. (I sh, 6 d.) *PILKINGT0N, [M..., S.,..] Edward Bernard, or, merit exalted, containing the history of the Edgerton family. 1798. *PINCHARD, [John] Attorney of Taunton. The trial of Jane Leigh Perrot> wife of Jama Leigh Perrot9 Esq. charged with stealing a card of lace, in the ihop of Elizabeth Gregory. 1800, 8. (2 ft.) *PINCHARD, [William Wansborotigh] Esq. An account of a furrow - roller and ucw drag. (B*th Agric. Soc, Vol. 9. p. 2150 PINDAR, [Paul] a petitions nam* R 2oI • PINDAR, [Peregrine] Ode to the hero of Finsbury square (Mr. Lacking- ton, bookseller) congratulatory on his late mar- riage and illustrative of his genius as his own biographer, with notes referential. 1795* 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) PINDAR, [Peter] See Woolcot. •PINDAR, [Robin] cousin german $0 Ptter Pindar. (a fictitious name.) Canterbury brawn, or, a christmas gift for the friends of the War. 1794. 8. (l ih.) •PINDAR, [Thomas] An heroic epistle to the king, with a postscript to Will Pitt. 1791. 4. (I lh. 6 d.) PINFOLD, [Peregrine] Esq. of Grubb-Hatch) (a fi(li- tious name.) PINKERTON, [John] F. A. S. born at Edinburgh 17 Febr. 1758. See Robert Heron. See Public Characters of 1800 and I801. p. 19* Craigmillar castle; 1776. Essay on medals — Vol. 1.2. 1789. 8. libers, von J. G. Lipfit4S. Dres- den, 1795. 4. *?Thc medallic history of England to the revolution, with 40 plates. 1790, (2 L. 12 sh.) Scottish poems, reprinted from scarce editions — Vol. 1-3. 1792. 8. (iosh. 6 d.) An enquiry into the history of Scotland, preceding the reign of Malcolm III. or the year 1056 inclu- ding the authentic history of that period. Vol. 1.2. 1795* The history of Scotland from the accession of the house of Stuart to that of Mary, with ap- pendixes of original papers. Vol, 1. 2. 1797. 4. (2 L, 2 sh.) Portraits of illustrious persons of Scotland , with biographical notes. 1795. Icono* graphia Scotica, or, portraits of illustrions per- sons of Scotland, engraved from the most authen- tic paintings — with short biographical notes. 1797- 8. (3 3 sh.) The ScottUh gallery; or portraits of eminent persons of Scotland — with brief accounts of the characters represented and an introduction on the rife and progress of pain- ting iti Scotland, 1799, 8. (2 L, 12 (h< 6 d.) N 5 « PINKER. 202' «PINKERT0N, [John] Modem geography — digested on a new plan; — Vol. 1.2. 1802.4. (4 L. 4 sh.) •PINKERTON, [John] Engineer and Canal Contractor. Abstract of the cause just arbitrated between the Birmingham and Fazeley canal navigations compa- ny as plaintiffs and Jokn Prnkerron as defendant* stating the cafe and evidence [John] Jun. at Norwich. On the décomposition of the muriatic acid. (M- cholfon'f Journal. Vol. 4. p. 374-) ♦PITT, [Caleb] Essay on the philosophy of Christianity. Part I. con- taining preliminary disquisitions cn power and hu- man preference. 1796. 8. (3 fh.) *PITT, [C... J.-..] The age, a satire, in six cantos. 1795.12. (I ih.) Ali and Orasmin, or, the effects of envy. (New- York Magaz. Y. 1796. Nov. p. 602.) PITT, [William] M. P. Chancellor of the Exchequer, born 1759. May 8. See Public Characters of 1798 and I799. p. 103. F. W. Giltet N. Brittifchcr Plutarch. S. 35?- Speech on proposing the application of an additio* ml sum fop the reductieu of die public debt and the 503 the repeal of certain duties on malt, on female servants, on carts and waggons, on houses and on candles. 1791. 8. (I fh.) Speech on the state of the nation. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 17. p»3Ó9.) Speech on the Kind's message — Febr. r. 1793" 1793» 8« (* Speeches of WW. Pitt and C. jf. Fox, on Grey's morion for a reform in parliament May 7. 1793. with an authentic copy of a petition for a reform in parliament, presen- ted to the house of commons by Grey. 1793. 8» (2 sh.) The correspondence of the Rev. C. Wy* VW with WW. Pitt, published by WyviU. P. I. Ï796. 8. (2 sh.) Speech, Nov. 10. 1797. rela- tive to the negotiation for peace. 1797. The speech at lenght — on third reading of the bill for increasing the assessed taxes and the two spec- chei of Ck. Fox on that subject, on the 14 Dec. 1797. and 4 Jan. 1798. 8. (6 d.) Speech in the house of commons Jan. 31. 1799. on offering to the house the resolutions which he proposed as the basis of an union between Great-Britain and Ire* land. 1799, 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Speech — on a mo- tion for an address to the throne approving of the answers returned to the communications from france relative to a negotiation for peace. 1800. 8* (2 fh.) The substance of his speech — May 23. on the debate on the war. I803. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) The substance of his speech on th« general defence bill, Jul. 22. I803, (3 d.) T, [William] of Pendeserd9 near Wolverfiamptsn. General view of the agriculture of the county of Stafford* with observations on the means of its improvement. 1796» 8. (5 fh.) Meteorologi- cal observations made at Carlisle from the 24 Febr. to the 24 March 1801. (Monthly Magaz. Y. X801. March, p. 296.) — from Jan. - Dec. 1802. (Ibid. Y. I802. Febr. p. 6. 8.) On the transit of mer- cury, Nov. 8. I802. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Dec. p. 375.) Remarks on waste lands in Staffordihire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 156.) Experiments on bur- net* (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 393») 0st storing turnips. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 131.) ExperimeuC on deep ploughing. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 186.) On burnct md the seasons. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 3660) Ob* servatioui fervations on artificial grasses and their feedi. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 338.) On the cxpence of keeping horses and comparison of horse* and oxen. (Ibid Vol. 4. p. 423.) The farmer's character defended! (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 473.) On steeping wheat for sol wing. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 474.) Sketch of Stafford, stiire Agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 477.) On dril. ling, with a description of a drill - plough. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 89.) Ôii keeping horses. (Ibid. Vol. 5. P 465») Queries on laying land down to perma- nent meadow. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 468.) Experiment! on fattening hogs. (Ibid. Vol, 6. p. 231.) Sciemi- 6c farriery. (Ibid. Vol.6, p.326.) On she impro- vement of Britiih wool. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Vol. 7. p 280.) On the expences of raising pota. toes. ( Young*t A. of Agr. Vol. 7. p. 36.) Parti- culars of the pansli of Tetienhall, in Stafford- shire.* (Jbid. Vol. 7. p. 458.) Agricultural obser- vations. (Ibid. Vol.8, p. 146.) Experiments 011 turnip-cabbage. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 147.) Machine for rooting up trees. (Ibid. Vol.8, p. 153») Ma- chine for rearing corn. (Ibid* Vol.8, p. IÓI.) On feeding hogs. (Ibid, VoK 9. p. 210.) Buildings of a farm. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 398.) Observations on the mangel-wurzel, or root of scarcity, (Ibid* Vol. II. p»5I-) Agricultural political arithmetic. (Ib. Vol. 12. p. 446.) On hurdling turnips. (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 346.) On the malt tax; with resolution! of the farmers of the county of Stafford. (Ibid* Vol.15, p. 223.) On watering meadows. (Ibid. Vol.23, p. 539.) Markets and poor, Staffordsliire. (Ibid. Vol. 34. p. 158.) Means for supplying the present deficiency of corn. (ibid. Vol.35, p.53*) On the disease in the potatoe plant, called the curled potatoe. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol.8. P*3I-) Paper on converting the smokt arising from steam engines dec. into tar. , (Ibid* Vol. 9. p. 131.) *PITT, [William Morton] Esq. M. P. An address to the landed interest* on the deficiency of habitations and fuel, for the use of the poor. 1798. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) On apian for making arc turn of all the inhabitants ot a parish, with thcii descriptions Ac. also an account of the New Gaol 205 at Dorchester. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 32Q.) Extract from an account of the population^ of Corse castle. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 26/p. 188.) ■CpITTARD, [S.... R....] The address from the ministers of* the Somerset association, to their respective churches and con- gregations. I798. 8. *PLAMPIN, [John] Esq. of Chadacre, Suffolk. Account of a plantation. {Youngs À. of Agr. Vol. 4. p. TO.) Queries relating to planting answe* red, and fallows defended. (Ibid. Vol, j>, p. 49.) ♦ PLANNER, [John] Auttionetr. The town and country auctioneer's guide, con- taining abstracts of all the acts of parliament re- lating to the management and collection of the auction duties, with notes; — 1797. 4« (10 fh« 6 d.) «PLATT, [Charles] F. M. S. Surgeon to the New Finsbury Dispensary. An enquiry into the efficacy of oxygène in the cure of syphilis; with observations on its appli- cation in other disorders. 1802. 8» (2 fh.) •PL AW, [John] Architeft. Rurak architecture or designs from the simple coU tage to the decorated villa. 1794. 4, (2 L. 2 fh.) Ferme ornée or rural improvements; with 38 pla- tes. 1795. Sketches for country houses, villas and rural dwellings. 1800. 4. (I L. II ih. 6 d.) PLAYFAIR, [James] Architect. born died at Edinburgh 1794. Febr. 28. PLAYFAIR, [John] F. R. S. Edin. Professer of Ma~ thematics in the University of Edinburgh. Elements of geometry, containing the first 6 bookj of Euclid, with two books on the geometry of solids: to which are added elements of plane and special trigonometry. 1796. 8. (6 sh. 6 d.) Il- lustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth. I802. 8. (io fh.) Mr. Leslie vindicated from plagtanism. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Dec. p. 417.) On the origin and investigation of ponsms. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3. P. p. 154) Observations on the trigonometrical tables of the Brahmins. (Ibid. Vol. 4. P. p. 83*) Investigations of certain theo- rems $o6 rems' relating to the figure of the tsrtli. (IbiJ. Vol. 5. Part I. p. 3.) Questions and remarks on the astronotny of the Hindus. (Afiat. Res. V©). 4, P-159-) PLAYFAIR, [William] The inevitable consequences of a reform in par* liament. 1792. 8. (l sh.) A general view of th« actual force and resources of France, in Jan. 1793. to which is added a table, shewing the deprc* ciaùon of assignats, arising from their increase in quantity. 1793. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) Better prospects to the merchants and manufacturers of Great - Bri- tain. 1793. 8. (I sh. 6 d.> Thoughts on the prefant state of french politics and the necessity and policy of diminishing France, for her inter- nal peace and to secure the tranquillity of Eu- rope. 1793. 8. (5 sh.) Peace with the Jacobin» impossible. 1794. 8. (I sh.) Letter to the R, H. the Earl Fitzwilliam occasioned by his two letters to the Earl of Carlisle. 1794. 8. (i sli.) The hi- story of Jacobinism, its crimes and cruelties and perfidies; — 1795. 8. (io sh. 6 d.) libers, mit Anmerk. von J. C. Fick; B. I. Erlangen. 1796.8. A real statement of the finances and resources of Great-Britain. 1796. 8. (3 sh.) Strictures on the Asiatic establishments of Great - Britain, with a view to an enquiry into the true interests of the East India Company —. 1800. 4. (lZ sh.) Stati- stical tables, exhibiting a view of all the states of Europe — translated from the German of J, G. Botttickery with a supplementary table; — 1800. 4, (1 L I sh.) The statistical breviary sliewinj on a principle entirely new, the resources of every state and kingdom in Europe —. 1801. 8. (Small paper 5 sh, large paper 7 sh. 6 d.) «PLEYDEL, [J.... C..„] Lieutenant i* tht I* Rep. of Foot. Essay on field fortification — translated from tha original manuscript of an officer of experience ia the Prussian service. 1786. 8. A new edition. 1790. 8. Military observation! in a tour through part of France, french Flanders and Luxcmbourgh. 1795. 4* (7 6 d.) *p LOW D EN, [Charles] Rev. Remarks on the writings of Joseph Berittgton, addressed to the catholic clergy of England. 1792. 8^ (2 fh. 6 d.) Remarks on a book, entitled memoirs of Gregorio Panzani* 1794» 8- (5 fh.) Letter to C. Butler, W. Cruise, H. Clifford and W. Throckmorton, Esq, and reporters of the Cisalpine club", in which their reports on the au- thenticity of the instrument of catholic protesta- tion, lodged in the British museum, are examined. 1796. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) »PLOWDEN, [F....] Mrs. Virginia, an opera, in three acts. 1800. 8. (2 fh.) FLO WD EN, [Francis] Esq. LU D* Conveyancer; Barrister at Law. The cafe by Francis Plow den, occasioned by the act of parliament lately passed for the relief of the englifh roman catholics. 1791. 8. (3 fh.) Jura Anglorum, the rights of Englishmen, being an historical and legal defence of the present consti- tution of England in church and state. 1792^ 8. (7 fh.) A short history of the British empire during the last twenty months: viz. from May 1792 to the close of the Y. 1793. 1794. 8. (5 fh.) A friendly and constitutional address to the peo- ple of Great-Britain. 1794. 8. ( I fh.) A short history of the British empire during the year 1794. 1795. 8. (5 ft1*) Church and state: being an enquiry into the origin, nature and extent of ecclesiastical and civil authority, with reference to the British constitution. 1795 4, (1 L, 1 fh.) A treatise upon the law of usury and annuities. 1796. 8. (9 fh.) The constitution of the united kingdom of Great-Britain and Ireland, civil and ecclesiastical. 1802. 8^ (io fh.) An historical re- view of the state of Ireland from the invasion of that country under Henry 2. to the close of it* union with Great-Britain » with illustrative docu- ments; also a preliminary chapter of the state of Ireland from the earliest antiquity down to the in- vasion by the English. Vol. 1-3, 1803. 4. (4 L. * PLOW- 2o8 *PL0WDEN, [Robert] A letter to a roman catholic clergyman upon thro, logical inaccuracy. 1795» *PLUMMER, [Thomas] Jun. The inconsistencies of Mr. Pitt , on the subject of the war and the present state of our commerce considered and fairly stated. 1797*8. (2 sh )' "PLUMPTRE, [Aniiabclla] Miff. Mountain cottages translated . ... 17,. The rector's son. Vol. 1-3. 1798. 12» (io sh. 6 d.) The natural son — translated from the german (of Aug. v. Kotzebue). 1798. 8. (2Íh. 6 d.) The count of Burgundy, a play in 4 acts by A. v. Kotzt* bue translated from the genuine German. 1798.8. (2 sh. 6 d.) The virgin of the sun, a play in 5 acts, by A. v. Kotzebue translated from the Ger- man. 1799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Pizarro, the Spaniards in Peru, or the death of Rolla, a tragedy in 5 acts by A. v. Kotzebue* translated from the German, 1799. 8. (2 sti. 6 d.) Letters written from va- rious parts of the continent, between the years 1785 and 1794. containing a variety of anecdote» relative to the present state of littérature in Ger- many and to celebrated German literati; with an appendix, in which are included, three Jetten of Grays; never before published in this coun- try; translated from the German of Fred. Matáif fin. 1799. 8. (8 ih.) The foresters, a picture of rural manners, a play in 5 acts by Will. Au%* iff land ^ translated from the German. 1799. 8. (2 sh.) The force of calumny, a play in 5 acti by A> v. Kotzebue, translated from the German. 1799. 8. (2 sl). 6 d.) The widow and the ri* ding horse, a dramatic trifle in one act; by Al v. Kotzebue, translated from the German. 1799* (I sh.) La Peyrouse, a drama, in 2 acts, by A. v. Kotzebue* translated from the german. 1799. 8. (I sh.) Sketch of the life and litterary career of A. v. Kotzebue; with the journal of his tour to Paris at the close of the Year 1790, written by himself; translated from the German; to which is subjoined an appendix, including a gene- ral abstract of Kotzebue's works. 1800. 8- (7 ^) Physiognomical travels — translated from the Ger- man 309 * man of J. C. A. Mnsdeus* to which is prefixed, a íhort iketch of the life and character of the „ author by his pupil Kotzebue, Vol. 1-3. igoo. 8»' (l2 Some thing new, or, adventures at Campbell house. Vol. 1-3. l8or. 13. (l$ ih,) . ,f Stories for children. 1804. 8» (2 ih.) *PLUMPTRE, [Charles] M. A. The christian guide; or an attempt rp explain, in a series of connected discourses, the leading articles of Christianity; designed principally for the use of families and young persons, 1802. 8» '(7 ft-) *PLUMPTRE, [James] M. A. Osway, a tragedy. 1795.-4. (2 fh. 6 d.) Obser- vations on Hamlet, and on the motives which most probably induced Shakspeare to fix upon the story of Ariilcth, from the Danish chronicle of Saxo Grammaticus, for the plot of that tra- gedy: being an attempt to prove that he designed it as an indirect censure on Mary, Queen of Scots, • 1796. 8. (2 ih.) ,*PLUMPTRE, [John] A. M: CaMonicus Wigornienfif et Collegii Reg, Cantabrigiae olim Sqcius, Ecloga sacra AU*\ Pipe, vulgo Messia dicta, grae- ce reddita: accedit etiam graece inferiptio sepul- chralis ex — elegia Th. Gray* 1796. 4. (1 sb. 6 d.) * Aïiltonti poema Lycidas, graece reddituin, 1797. 4. (t sh. 6 d.) *P0COCK , [R....] - The history of the incorporated towns and pari- shes of Gravesend and Miltpn, in the county of Kent—. 1797. 4. (io sh. 6 d.) Memorials of the family of Tufton s Earls of Thanet. 1800. 8» (7 sh.) POLE) [Thomas] Surgeon. The anatomical instructor, or, an illustration of the most modern and most approved methods of preparing and preserving the different parts of the human body and quadrupeds by injection. I79Û. 8. (io sh. 6 d.) Case of extraordinary di- seased enlargement of the parotid and submaxillary glands. (Mem. of Mi. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 546.) An . anatomical description of a double uterus, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 221.) JK* & A Supyl. Hi. IL 0 * POLES- 3IO *POLESWORTH, [Sir Humphry] Bart. Fragments of the history of John Bull. 1792. (2 sh. 6 d.) » POLLOCK, [Joseph] Esq. Letters to the inhabitants of the town and Lord- ship of Newry. 1793.8. (4 sh.) POLWHELE, [Richard] Vicar of Manactan. born 17Ó0. See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 254. The fata of Lewellyn, or, the druids sacrifice, a legendary talc; 17.. The genius of Karubre, a poem; 17.. The spirit of Fraser to General Burgoytte, an ode; 17.. The death of Hilda, an American tale; 17.. An ode to Mrs. Macau- lay , on her birth-day; 17.. The castle of Tin- tadgel; or the captive princess of Denmark, an ode; 17^. The isle of poplars, an ode; 17.. Poems, namely, the cngliih orator; an ad- dress to Thorn. Pennant; an ode on the suscepti- bility of the poetical character; twenty sonnets\ «n epistle to a college friend and the lock trans- formed. 1791. 4. (l2 sh.) Discourses on diffe- rent subjects; Ed. 2- to which are added, two discourses and. an essay. Vol. 1. 2. 1791. g. (io sh. 6 d.) The idyllia, epigrams and frag, ments of Theocritus, Bion and Mojchus, with the elegies of Tyrtaeus, translated from the Greek into English verse, new edition. Vol. I. 2. 1792. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) Poems by gentlemen of Devon and Cornwall. Vol. 1. 2. 17.. Biographical me. nioirs of Mr. Rack; in Collinson's History of So- merset. (He published Devon and Cornish poets.) Sermon on Isaiah ól, I. 1793. 8. Historical views of Devonshire; in 5 Volumes. Vol. I. 1793. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) Vo|. 2. 1794 8- Tne history of Devonshire; in three volumes. Vol. I. 2. 1797* (4 L. 4 ih.) The old eugliih gentleman, a poem. Vol. I. 1797. 8. (6 sh.) The influence of local attachment with respect to Home, a poem, in 7 books; a new edition, with large additions and odes, with other poems. Vol. I. 2. 1798. 8. (8sh.) Grecian prospects, a poem in two cantos. 1799* 8. (2 sh, 6 d.) Genius of Danmonium (See Essays by a Soc. of Gentlem, at Exster). Lener to the Rev. Robert Robert Hawker, D. D. Vicar of Charléa, Ply- mouth, — occasioned by his late expedition into Cornwall. 1799. (i fh. 6 d.) A second letter to Rob. Hawker. 1800. (6 d.) A thin! letter to K. Hawker, on the itinerancy and non-conformity of the vicar of Charles, Plymouth; — to which is added, a sermon, on the mode of preaching that becomes a clergyman. 1800. 8. Anecdotes of methodifm; 17.. A letter to a College friend; 17.. 8. Sketches in verse, with prose illustra- tions; 17,. 8. The unsexed females; a poem, addressed to the Author of the pursuits of litté- rature; 17.. Grecian prospects; a poem; 17.. 8- Sir Aaron; or, the flights of fanaticism; a poem in the spirit of Anti-jacobinism, for 1800. Illu- strations of scriptural characters: from the 4 go- spels. 180a. 8. (3 fh.) History of Cornwall. Vol. 1.2. I804.4. (2 L. 2sh.) (Several single sermons.) *PONTEY, [William] Nurseryman and Planter of Huddersfield* The profitable planter, a treatise on the cultiva- tion of larch and Scotch fir timber — 1799» 8* (3 sh. 6 d.) On the cultivation of larch and Scotch fir timber, whh directions for planting in various foils and situations. 1800. (3 fh.) «POOKE, [John] qfSalehurst, Suffc*. Expences of hop cultivation. (Young's A, of Agr^ Vol. 21. p. 280J ♦POOLE, [George] Esq. Observations on the growth of some rhubarb.1 (Bath Agricult. Soc, Vol. 4. p. I8r.) *POOLE, [M,...] Rev. Annotations on the bible. Vol. 1-3^ new edit." 1801. 4. *PO]OLE, [Richard] Surgeon at Sherborne. An account of a fever which appeared in several parts of Somersetsliire in the Y. 1793. 1793. 8. (I fh.) POOLE, [T....] The family brewer, or# the art of brewing fully explained — a new edition, with additions. 1791* 8. (3ih.) O «>POPE; í*POPE, [John] Tutor in the belles lettrés and clajfial littérature at the New-Col/ege, Hackney. Divine worship, founded in nature, and suppor- \ ted by scripture authority; ati essay with remarks on Wakefield's arguments against public worship and strictures on some parts of his Silva critica and cnglish version of the new testament. 1792. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) Observations on the miraculous con- ception and the testimonies of Ignatius and Justin Martyr on that subject; in a series to Nisbett, occasioned by his appeal to the public and his ob- servations on Dr. Priestley , to which are added remarks on Wakefield?* opinion concerning Matth. 27» 5- 1792- 8- (5 to- ) Two sermons, 1) on bigotry, 2) St. Paul's farewell to the Corinthians. 1792. 8. (l fh. 6 d.) *POPE, [Luke] The history of the county of Middlesex, Vol. 1. 1795. * P O P E, [Simeon] Of the Stock exchange. Letter — on the national debt and resources of Great-Britain interspersed with observations finan- cial, commercial and political and in reply to Paine*s decline and fall of the English system of France. 1796. 8» (2 sh.) Scarcity of specie, 110 ground for alarm, or British opulence unimpaired. 1797. 4. (2 sh.) Interesting suggestions to pro- prietors and trustée* of estates, respecting the land* tax sale and redemption act. 1798. 8. (I íh.) A measure productive of substantial benefits, to go- vernment, the country, the public funds and to bank stock. 1799. 8- (Ì fh. 6 d.) * P G P L E, [Miles] late Fellow of Trinity-College, Cam* bridge. Considerations on reform, with a specific plan for a new representation. 1793. 8. ( I sh.) *PORCUPXNE, [Peter] See William Cobb et t. «PORNY, [....] The elements of heraldry. 1795. 8. P ORS ON, [Richard] M. A. Greek Professor at the University of Cambridge. See Public Characters of 1800 and l8or. p. 8. * Xenophontis anabasis cum arinotatiombus. Canta- brigian 1785. Emcndationcs in Suidám et Hesy- chium chium et alios lexicographos graecos. Oxford. 1790. (He sent some short corrective notes, en- titled, „Notae brèves ad Toupii emendationes in Suidam and notae in curas novissimas; they árc publiíhed only with initiais A R. P.C.S.S.T.C. S. (i. e. A Rickardo Porson, Collegii Sacrofanctae Trinitatis, Cantabrigiae Socio.) Letters to Arch- Deacon Travis in answer to his defence of the three heavenly witnesses I Joli. 5, 7. 1790. 8» (6 Th.) *Aeschijli tragoediae septero. Glasguae. 1795. fol. (4 L. 4 sh.) * The Hecuba of Euri- yioiex, corre&ed from manuscripts and illustratcd with short notes, principally explaining the grounds of cmendation. 1797. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Euripidis Hecuba, ad fidem manuscriptorum emcn> data et brevibus notis emendationum potissimum rationcs reddentibus instructa; in u su m studiosae juventutis. Cantabrigiae. 1802. 8. * Euripidis Orestes, ad fidem Mfcpt. emendata et brevibus no- tis emendationum potissimum rationes reddentibus instructa. 1798. 8. (3 fh.) Euripidis Phoenissae, ad fidem Mfcpt. emendata; — 1799. 8« (3 fh*) Euripidis Medea—. 1801. (3 fh. 6 d.) (He edi- ted the édition of Heyne's Virgil. London. 1793. Vol. 1-4. 4to. 20 Guin. 8vo. I L. 16 fh, with cuts 4 Guin.) *P0RSONS, [....] Mrs. The girl of the mountains. Vol. 1-4. 1797. (14 fh-) PORT AL, [Abraham] BooìiseUer. Innocence, a poetical essay. 1762. 8. Vortimer, or, the true patriot, a tragedy. 179Ó. 8. (2 fh, 6 d.) *PORTER, [Anna Maria] Miff. Artlefs taies, ornamented with a frontispice de- signed by her brother R. K. Porter. Vol. 1. 2. I793. 1795. 8. (6 sh.) iiberf. Halle. 1795. Octa- via; Vol. 1-3. 1798. 8. (io sh. ó d.) Thad- daeus of Warsaw. Vol.1-4. 1803.12. (H fh.) *PORTER, [J....] -S. D. F. C. C C. Cambridge. Seven sermons. 1794. The two Prince8 °f Pcrfía, addreffed to youtb. 1801. 8. (3 -PORTER, #PORTER, [Robert] A M. at Philadelphia. Oration to commemorate the indépendance of the United States of America. 1791. SORTER, [Stephen] Lover's vows, or, the child of love; a play in 5 acts, translated from the German of A. v. Kotzt* but) with a brief biography of the author. 1798. 8. (2 ft.) *PORTER, [Thomas] A defence of unitarianisin, intended as an answer to Dr. Hawker's sermons on the divinity of Christ. 1793- 8. (3 ft. 6 d.) *A letter to Dr. Hawker, on his pretended reply to Mr. Porter*s defence — 1793. 8. (I ft.) P O R T E U S, [Beilby] Lord - Bishop of London; Dean of the Chapel Royal. born about the Y. I73T. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 160. An earnest exhortation to the religious observance of good friday, in a letter to the inhabitants of Lambeth. 177Ó. A brief confutation of th« errors of the church of Rome. 1781. Sermons on seve- ral subjects. Vol. I. a. 1794. (6 ft.) (Vol. I. Ed. 9. Vol. a. Ed. 4.) A review of the life and character of Dr. Thomas Seeker 9 late Lord Arch-Biftop of Canterbury. Ed, 5. corrected. 1798.8. (2sh.6d.) A summary of the principal evidence for the truth and divine origin of the christian revelation — Ed. 7, 1800. 12. (3 sh.) Lectures on the gospel pf St. Matthew — Vol. 1. 2. Ed. 6. 1802. 8. (13 sh ) (Several single sermons.) *POSTLETHWAITE, [Richard] ReEtor of Newen- don y in Effex* The grammatical art improved j in which the er- rors of grammarians and lexicographers are ex- posed — 1795. 12. (3 ft.) POSTLETH WAITE, [Thomas] D. D. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Refior of Ha* tnerton in Huntingdonshire. born .... died at Bath 1798. May 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. May. p. 447* Allg. Littf Zcit. Ittfl. J. I800. S.650. POTT, 215 POTT, [Joseph H olden] M. A. Prebendary of Lin- coin and Arch- Deacon of St* Albaifs. (Son to the late Percivull Pott. Elementary discourses, designed for the use of a young person after confirmation; with devotions — 1792. 12. (I sh. 6 d.) The pattern of chri- Itian prudence and discretion, urged against hurt- ful and fantastic schemes of life. 1800, 4. (i sh. 6 d.) Concio ad clerum provinciae Cantuariensis in aedc Paulina. 1803- 4. Considerations on the general condition of the christian covenant; with a view of some late important discoveries. 1804. 8- (:3 sh.) (Several single sermons,) »POTTER, [J....] On the law of élections, according to acts of parliament. 1790. POTTER, [John] Poems. 1754. Devonshire Inspector, a periodi- cal work. 1756. Observations on music and mu- sicians, 1762. 8. The Hobby horse. 1762. 4. Ro- sciad or theatrical register; (See Public Ledger; Y. 1767, and Theatrical Review Y. 17ÓS.) The humourist. (See Theatrical Review Y. 17Ó8.) The words of the wife. 1768* 12. The festivous no- tes on Don Quixotte by Edm. Gayton, revised. 1768. 12. Music in mourning or fiddlestic in the suds. 1780. A journal of a tour through part of Holland, Germany and France; 17.. A treatise on pulmonary inflammations; 17.. (He pu- blished „the Repository; Historical Register; Po* lyhymnia;,,) Frederic, or, the libertine. Vol» 1.2* 179O. POTTER, [Robert] F. fl. A. S. Minister of Seaming. Poems. 1774. Translation of the oracle concer- ning Babylon, and the song of exultation from Isaiah Chap. 13 and 14, 1785. *POTTS, [T.../J On the nature and improvement of peat bogs. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Vol. 7. p. 23.) On irri- gation. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 127.) On pruning or- chards. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 173.) On the best way of raising oaks. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 356.) On cheese making. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 105.) O 4 * POTTS, 216 * POTTS, [Thomas] Geml late of Skinner's Hail. A compendious,law dictionary; containing au ex« planation of the terms and the law itself, 1804, 12. (10 sh. 6 d.) «POTTICARY, [William] On the disorder called the blast in fiieep. (Bath Agricult, Soc. Vol, 4. p. 258.) POULTER, [Edmund (Edward?)] A, As. Sermon on the present crisis. 1793.4. (i sh.) Pro- posals for a new arrangement of the revenues and residence of the clergy, i802. 8. ^POWEL, [ Samuel ] Esq. President of the PkiiadcU fhia Soc, for 'promoting Agriculture. On theufe of gypsum as a manure. (Youngs A. of Agr, Vol.10, p. 315.) On the American husbau* dry. (Ibid. Vol, 17. p. 206.) *POWELL, [James] of the Custom house. The narcotic and private theatricals; two dramatic pieces, 1792. 8. (3 sh.) POWELL, [John Joseph] Esq. Barrister at Law. On the law of mortgages. Ed. 4. revised, corrected and greatly enlarged; together with an appendix of precedents. Vol. I. 2. 1799» (18 sh.) On the learning, respecting the creation and execution of powers — Ed. 2* corrected and enlarged, from mo- dern determinations, 17791 8. (9 sb« 6 d.) Eslay on the law of contracts and agreements. Vol. 1.2. 1790. 8. (12 sh*) Sec Charles Fear ne, * POWELL, [Richard] Master of Vspytty School born .., , died 1795, Oct. 19. Four seasons. 1793. ♦POWELL, [Richard] M, Dr. Observations on the bile and its diseases and on the oeconomy of the liver, 1800. 8. (4 sh.) ^POWELL, [William H....] Letter respecting a remarkable lusus naturae, (Ame- rican Museum Y, 1790. Aug. p. 8-5-) * POWER, [George] Assist ant-Surgeon to the 23 Rtg** of Foot. An attempt to investigate the cause of the Egyptian ophthalmia; with observations on its nature and the diffeçcut modes of cure, 1803. 8. (2 sh, 6d.) * POWLETT, 217 «POWLETT, [Charles] Jan. Chaplain in Ordinary to — the Prince of Wales > and Reèlor of Wins- lade, Hams, The danger of too great an indulgence of specula- tive opinions, a sermon. 1792. 4. (I sh.) POWNALL, [John] Esq* One of the Commissioners of the board of the customs. born 1725, died 1795. July 17- See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. July, p. 621. Account of some sepulchral antiquities discovered at Lincoln; (Arch. Vol. 10. p. 345.) Admeasu- rements of the Keeps of Canterbury and Chil- haui castles. (Ibid. Vol. II, p. 909.) POWNALL, [Thomas] F. R. S: F. A. S: Governor — An antiquarian romance, endeavouring to mark a line, by which the most ancient people and the processions of the earliest inhabitancy of Europe may be investigated; some remarks on Whiiaker $ criticism annexed, 1795. 8. (5 fh.) Descriptions and explanations of the remains of sonic romati antiquities dug up in the city of Bath 1790, with an engraving from drawings | made on the spot. 1795. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) Intellectual physicks 9 an essay concerning the nature of being and the pro- gression of existence. i8Q2, 4. On the acacia, or locust-tree. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 8. p. 158.^ On the necessity of regulating the making and sel« ling of flour and on the bread assize. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 557.) A bill for the due making of flour of wheat and to regulate and ascertain the sort», goodness and prices thereof, wherever the regu- lations for ascertaining the sorts, goodness and prices, of bread made of wheat do take place* (Ibid. Vol. 10, p. 48I») Hydraulic and nautical observations on the currents in the Atlantic ocean. (American Museum Y. 1789. Aug. p. 162.) In- quiries into coloured light, by a collation of the experiments and observations made by Isaac New- ton on that subject; together with some additio- nal ones. (Ti/lochys Philos. Magaz. Vol, 12. p.42. I07,) On the fate and character of the Monk Roger Bacon. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 33?.) On the Mammoth, (Ibid. Vol. 14* p, 333.) Memorial ad- 0 5 dressed 2X8 dressed to the Sovereigns ofEurope and the Atlaa- tic. 1802. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) * PR ALL, [Thomas] Superstition, a moral essay. 1792. 4. (1 sli. 6 d.) *PRAT, [Daniel] M. A. Formerly Rettor of Harriet- skam, Kent and formerly Chaplain to his Maj, houshold at Kenjittgton. Ode on the late celebrated Handel on his playing on the organ, printed partly on occafion of the grand musical festival at Canterbury 1791. — and for the benefit of the editor J. Prat, Vicar of Monkton and Birchington. 1791. 4. (i sh.) ♦PRATT, [....] Letter to the tars of old England. 1797. 8. (3 d.) Letter to the British soldiers. 1797. 8» (3 d.) Pity'i gist, a collection of interesting talcs, to excite the compassion of youth for the animal creation. 1798. 12. (z sh.) *PRATT, [Jofiah] As. A. AJJiftant - Minister of St. 'jfohns Chapel, Bedford - row , London. Prospectus with specimens of a new polyglots bible in quarto for the use of English students. 1797.4. (2 in.) Prospectus, with specimens of an octavo polyglott bible, with a vindication of the author from a misrepresentation in the British Critic. 1799. 8 (I sh.) •PRATT, [J.... S....] Eulogiiun on Sterne. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y, 1791. March, p. 168.) •PRATT, [P ] Consideration! on the momentous subjects of peace and war, and négociation in answer to the pre- tensions of France. 1801. 8. (3 sh.) PRATT, [Robert] born at St. Ives, in Huntingdonshire, about the Y. 1749, 1750. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 474. Shenstone green — Vol. 1-3. 1779. 8. Mers. Th. 1-3. Mannheim. 1780. 8. Ode to the bene- volence of England — 1795. 4. (I sh.) Gleaning* through Wales, Holland and Westphalia, with views of peace, and war at home and abroad; to which is added, humanity or the rights of nature 219 nature, a poem, revised and corrected. Vol 1-3. 1795, (i L. I sh.) Ed. 3. corrected. Vol. I-4, 1796.8. (iL. çsh.) Ed. 4. Vol. 1-3. 1798. 8. Family secrets literary and domestick. Ed. 2. Vol. 1-5* 1797- 8* (I L. 5 sh.) Letter to the tart of old England; 1797. Letter to the British sol* diers; 1797. Our good old caille on the rock; 1797. Gleanings in England, description of the countenance mind and character of the country. Vol. 1-3. 1799-1803. (I L 17 sh.) * Bread, or, the poor; a poem, with notes and illustra- tions. 1801. 4. (7 sh.) Cottages pictures or th« poor* a poem; embellished with engravings. 1803, 4. (IO sh. 6 d.) John and Dame; or, the loyal cottagers, a poetical tale, founded on fact, and forcibly exemplifying the present circumstan- ces and feelings of the British nation* 1803. 8* (I sh, 6 d.) ♦PRESCOT, [Bartholomew] A defence of the divine system of the world, which represents the earth as being at rest and the heavenly bodies in motion; with a demonstra* tion of the fallacy of the solar system of Pytkago* ras, Copernicus and N«wton. 1803. (3 sh. 6 d.) *PRESTON, [P....] On smutty wheat. (Comm. end Agric. Magax. Y, I801. July. p. 10.) ♦PRESTON, [Richard] Esq. of AJhhurton. Of the Inner - Temple. Elementary treatise, by way of essay, on the quan« tity of estates. 1792. 8. (5 fh.) A succinct view of the rule in Shelley's cafe, exhibiting by nega- tive and affirmative propositions the instances iti which several limitations, one to the ancestor, the other to the heirs of the body — or issue; of ^he body of that person , do and do not give the inheritance to the ancestor. 1794. 8. Collection of law tracts. Nrb. I. 1797. (3 sh. 6 d.) •PRESTON, [William] Esq. A native of Edinburgh; bom 1742. Catalogue of Mr. Ruddimans books; 17,. Mu* ctratious of masonry. Ed. 6. 1801. (6 sin) PRESTON, 220 PRESTON, [William] Esq. M. R. J. A. • Democratic rage, or, Louis the unfortunate, a tragedy. 1793. 8. (I fli: 6 d.) Poetical works. Vol. I. 2. 1794. 8. (ió sh.) * Letter to Bryan Edwards, containing observations on some passg. ges of his history of the West-Indies. 1795. 4. (2 sh. 6d.). Reflections on the choice of subjects for tragedy among the greek writers, (Tr. of J, A. Vol. 6. p. 13* b.) On the choice 'for tragedy. . (Ibid. Vol. 8. Pol. Litter, p. 3.) Reflections on the peculiarities of style and manner in the late German writers whole works have appeared in English, and on the tendency of .their productions. (Ibid. Vol.8. Pol. Litter, p. 15.) The Argonau- tics of Apollonius Rhodjus, translated into englisti verse; with notes critical, .historical and explana- tory, including the whole .of Greek scholiast and appropriate dissertations of various subjects. Vol. 1-3. 1803. 8 (l L. 1 sh.) PRE ST WICH, [Sir John] Bart. of'Prestwick ûni Holme in the county of Lancaster. born .... died [795. Aug. 15. at Dublin. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Oct. p. 879. Nov. p. 967. Prestwich's fespublica; or, a display of the ho- nours, ceremonies and ensigns of the commonwealth under the. , protectorship of Oliver CromweU* 1777- 4- *PRETTYMAN, [George] D. D. F. R. S: Lord-Bi* fííop of Lincoln and Dean of St. FauVs. See Public Characters of 1801 and I802. p. 433- Elements of christian theology. Vol. 1.2. 1799- 8. (14 sh.) An introduction to the study of the bible; being the fourth edition of the first volume of the elements of christian theology. 18OI. 8- (5 (Several 'single sermons.) -PREVOST, [F....] See Francis Rlagden. ♦PRICE, [«...] Surgeon at Horsham. On the external use of antimony in the rheuma- tism. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4, p. 389O #PRICE, [ ] of Appledore, Kent. Query; which slieep have the best disposition to fat, the large or small sort, and which produce the greatest 2ZÌ greatest quantity of flesh, on a given quantity of pasture/ land? {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol 31. p. 337.) A caution on the treatment of lambs, (Ibid. Vol.33, p, 507.) A c&ution on the castra- tion of rams. (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 509.) Queries on grazing. (Ibid. Vol.33, p. 511.) On Ihcep shea- ring. (Ibid. Vol.37, p.276.) *PRICE, [Benjamin] Thoughts on the rot in iheep. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. I. p. 175. American Museum Y. Ì789. Sept. p. 207.) On the amazing fertility of a piece of ground at Wantage in Berkshire. (Bath Agric# Soc. Vol.2, p.21.) Essay on the most practicable method of fixing an equitable commutation for tithes in general throughout the kingdom* (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. I03.) On the damage of fir plantations. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p.264.) On the method of making Parmesan cheese. (Ibjd. Vol. 7. p. 63J On the orcheston meadow-grass. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 40,) On the curl in potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 8. P-4Ó.) On a commutation for tithes, further reflections. (Ibid. Vol; 9. p. 62.) ♦ PRICE, [Daniel] of Fairsield-Court, Romney Marsh, Kent. On the improvement of grass lands and sheep. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.21, p. 276 J PRICE, [John] Au historical and topographical account of Leo- minster and its vicinky; wich an appendix. 1795. 8. (6 ih.) The seaman'i return, or the unex- pected marriage, an operatic farce. 1795. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) An historical account of the city of Here- ford, with some remarks on the river Wye and the natural and artificial beauties contiguous to it* banks from Brobery to Wilton; embellished with elegant views, plans de. 1796. 8. (6 sh.) *The Ludlow guide, comprising an account of the an- cient and present state of that town and its neigh- bourhood; — ,1797. 12. (I sh.) The English- man^ manuel; containing a general view of the constitution, law, government, revenue, ecclesia- stical, civil, military and naval establishments of England — 1797. 12. (3 fh.) The Worcester guide — Worcester. 1799. 8. •PRICE, ♦PRICE, [Philip Parry] On the diagnosis and prognosii of diseases; Part s, containing an history of internal phlegmonous iu« flammations. 1791. 8» (2 sh.) PRICE, [Richard] D. D. LL. D. F. R. S. Fellow of the American Philos. Soc. at Boston and Pkik- delphia. born 1723. Febr. 22. at Tynton in Glamor, ganshire; died 179I. April 19, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. April, p. 389. May. p. 486. Appeal to the public ou the subject of the natio« nal debt; Ed.3. with additions. 1773. 8. Obser- vations on reversionary payments, annuities — $ I77I. 8. (6 Hi.) Ed. 6. by William Morgan. Vol. I. 2. I803, 8. (18 sh.) The doctrine of annui- ties and assurances on lives and survivorship!, sta- ted and explained by William Morgan, to which is added an introduction — also an essay on the present state of population in Erigland and Wales, 1779' 8. (5 sh.) A method of calculating the exact probability of all conclusions founded on in- duction by the late Rev. Thomas Bay nef, with an appendix by Rich. Price, read at the Roy. Soc. 17Ó3. Also a supplement — 1764. Postscript to his nephew Mr, Morgans observations on the light of bodies in a state of combustion. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1786. p. 211.) Letter introducing Dr. Clarke's observations 011 some causes of the excess of mortality of males above that of fema- les. (Ibid. Y. 1786. p. 349.) Britain's happiness and its full possession of civil and religious liberty, briefly stated and prooved;—with an introduction by the editor. 179L 8. (6 d.) A discourse of the love of our country. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790. May. p. 294.) Letter, on the death of Dr. Franklin, the french revolution and the contest between Great-Britain and Spain. (Ibid. Y. 179°' Nov. p. 316.) Remarks on liberty of conscience and civil establishments of religion. (American Museum Y. 1789. Dee. p. 446.) ÍRICE, [Uvedale] Esq. Essays on the picturesque, as compared with the iublime and beautiful 5 and onjthc use of studying picture* 22ì pictures for the purpose of improving real lands- cape. I794< 8. ubers. Leipzig. 1798. 8. Ed, 2. Vol, I. London. 1797. 8. Vol. 2, 1798-8- (13^.) A letter to H, Repton Esq, on the application of the practice as well as the principles of landscape, — painting to landscape-gardening; intended as a supplement to the essay on the picturesque; to which is prefixed Reptons letter to Price. 1795. 8* (3 sh.) Thoughts on the defence of property 1797. 12. (I sh.) Two appendices of an essay on designs in gardening by George Mojon , in reply- to some passages in the two last published volu- mes of an essay on the picturesque. 1798. (i sh.) A dialogue on the distinct characters of the pictu- resque and beautiful; in answer to the objections of Mr. Knigkt; prefaced by an introductory essay on beauty with remarks on the ideas of Sir Jo- skua Reynolds and Burke upon that subject. 1801, 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) On the bad effects of stripping;, and cropping trees. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 5. P< W*-) *PRICHARD, [...,,] Dr. A digest or an entire new and complete body of the law concerning the poor, from the earliest pe- riod to the present time — P. I. 1791. 4, (3 sh.) *PRICHARD, [T....] An cnglish introduction to the latin tongue, 1803. ♦PRIEST, [John] * Delectus graecarum fententiarutn cum notis tuna grammaticis, turn philologicia, iu usum tironum accomtuodatis. 1798. 8. (4 sh.) •PRIEST, [William] Musician, late of the Theatres, Philadelphia, Baltimore aud Boston. Travels in the United States of America , com- mencing in 1793. and ending in 1797, with the author's journals of his two voyages across the Atlantic. 1802. 8. (4 sh.) PRIESTLEY, [Joseph] D. D. F. R. S. born at Field-head near Bristol, March 13. 1733. He emigrated to America and settled at North- umberland town, died 1804, Febr. 6. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 455. Allgem. Litt. Zeic. J* 1804. IcBl. S. 647. Reflections Reflections on Priestley s writing!. ' (Gemlem Mag. Dec. 1791. p. 1107.) Dr. PriestUtss politi- cal principles fairly developed. (Gentlem. Magaz X 1793- July- p. 612.) Lectures on oratory and criticism. 1777. 4« (loin. 6 d.) iibcrs. von JoJ. v. fVackerbartk. Berlin! 1793. 8. History of the christian church; 1 Vol. 3-6. 1804. (I L. 12 sh.) A review of revea- led religion — a sermon. 1790. 8- (l sh. 6 d.) Letters to Edm> Burke occasioned by his reflections on the revolution in France. Ed. 3. 1791. (2 sh. 6 d.) Letter to the inhabitants of Binning! íiaui; Mr. Keir's vindication of the revolution dinner; aud Mr. Ruffeïs account of the procee- dings relating to it, with the toasts. 1791. gt (2 d.) Original letters by the Rev. John Wesley and his friends, illustrative of his early history, with other curious papers — with an address to the methodists by Jos. Priestley. 1791. 8. (3 sh.) The evidence of the resurrection of Jesus consi- dered, a sermon. 1791. 8- (i sh. 6 d.) Letters to the Rev. Edward Burn of St. Mary's Chapel, Birmingham,- in answer to his letters to Dr. Priest- ley on the infallibility of the apostolic testimony concerning the person of christ. 1790. 8. An ap- peal to the public on the subject of the riots'in Birmingham; with strictures on a pamphlet en- titled 9 thoughts on the late riot at Birmingham, Part I».2. I79I- 1793- 8* (7 sh.) Letters to the members of the new Jerusalem church formed by Swedenborg. 1791. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) The duty of forgiveness of injuries; intended to be deli- vered soon after the riots in Birmingham, a fer- mom 1761. 8. (i sh.) A particular attention to the instruction of the young recommended, a ser- mon. 179r. 8. (I sh.) Letters to a young man, occasioned by Wakefield's essay on public worship; "with a reply to Mr. Evansotfs objections to the observance of the Lord's day. Part I. 1792. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Part 2. occasioned by Evanson's trea- tise on the dissonance of the IV generally received evangelists. 1793. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Letters to the philosophers and politicians of France on the sub- ject of religion. 1*793. 8. (I sh.) A continua- tion Cion of the letters to the philosophers — in an- swer to Pained age of reason. Northumberland- town. 1794- 8. An answer to Paine s age of reason, being (P* 3*) a continuation of Jesters to the philosophers —: with a preface by Thcoph. Lindsey. 1795. 8.' (2 sh. 6 d.) Experiments on the generation of air from water; to whkb are prefixed experiments relating to the decomposition of dephlogiliicated and inflammable air. (Ph.lof. Transact. Y. 1791. p. 213.) 1793- 8- (I sh*) The present it ate of Europe compared with the ancient prophecies, a sermon; with a preface containing the reasons for the author's leaving En^hnd. 1794. g. (i sh.) The use of Christianity, especially in different times, a sermon. 1794.8. (I sh. 6 d.) Discourses on the evidence of revealed religion. 1794* 8» (6 sh.) Headi of lectures on a course of experimental philosophy particularly including chemistry, delivered at the New College in Hack- ney. 1794. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) Observation* on thf increase of infidelity. London reprinted. 1796. 8. (2 sb. 6 d.) Ed. 3. with additions. 1797. (3 sh. 6 d.) Discourses relating to the evidences of re* vealed religion; delivered in Philadelphia. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 1797. (l2 sh.) Experiments and ob- servations relating to the analysis of atmospheri- cal air; also, farther experiments relating to the generation of air from water — to which are added, considerations on the doctrine of phlogi- ston and the decomposition of water. 1796. 8» (2 sh.) Unitarianism explained and defended; — I79Ó. 8» (l sh.) Observations ou the increase of infidelity: to which are added animadversions on the writings of several modern unbelievers and especially of the ruins of Volney. Philad. 1797. 8* (4 ill.) Letters on Volnty, occasioned by a work of hii entitled ruins and by his letter to the au- thor. 1797, 8. (i sh.) Outlines of the evidences of Christianity. 1797* (ó d. ) A comparison of the institutes of Moses with those of the Hindoos and other ancient natious, with remarks on Du* flWí'x origin of all religions —, Northumberland. I799. London. 1800. 8. (9 sb.) ûbers. von Joh: Wild. Heinr. Zitgwbein. Brauaschw. 180.Í. 8» Jtot/i G. A Supjol. 77*. //. f The The doctrine of phlogiston established and that of the composition of water refuted. 1800. 8. (3 ft, 6 d.), Inquiry into the knowledge of the ancient hebrews, concerning a future state. 1801. 8, (2 sh.) Considérations on the doctrine of phlogi- ston and the decomposition of water. 1796. 8. Part 2. 1797. 8. A letter to an antipacdobaptist. Ï8C2. 8. Experiments and observations relating to the analysis of atmospherical air. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 1.382.) Farther experiments relating to the generation of air from water. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p, II. 382.) Experiments on the transmission of acids, and other liquors, in the form of vapour over several substances in a hot earthen tube, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. I.) Experiments relating to the change of place in dirlereut kinds of air through several interposing substances. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p 14.) Experiments relating to the absorption of air by water. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 21.) Miscellaneous expe- riments relating to the doctrine of phlogiston. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 28.) Experiments on the pro- duction of air by the freezing of water. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 36. Nicholson's Journal Vol. 4. p. 193,) Experiments on air exposed to heat in metallic tu» bes. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 5. p. 42.) Humorous re« marks. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p« 334.) His correspondence with Mr. Gibbon. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1794. Sept. p. 558.) A reply to CruiksianlCs observations in defence of the new system of chemistry in Nicholsons Jour- nal. Vol. 5. p. I. (Ibid. Y. 1802. March, p. 18I.) Observations and experiments relating to the pile of Volta. (Ibid. Y. 1802. March, p. 198.) 0n the theory of chemistry. (Ibid. Y. 1802. June. p. 69.) Observations on the conversion of iron into steel. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Aug. p. 233.) On the air from finery cinder and charcoal, with other re- marks on the experiments and observations of Cruikfhank. (Ibid. Y. I802. Sept. p. 52.) Letter to Sir John Sinclair. _ (Comm. to the B. of A. Vol. I. p. 363.) Letter 1. 2. to A L. MitchiU on his attempt to accommodate the disputes among the chemists concerning phlogiston. (Medical Re- pository. Vol. I. p. 521. Vol. 2. p. <8.) Letter on red precipitate of mercury, as favorable to the doctrine of phlogiston. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p# 163.) Objections to the antiphlogistic doctrine of water. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 166.) Experiments relating to the calces of metals* (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 263.) Of some experiments made with ivory black and also with diamonds. (Ibid* Vol.2, p. 269. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. June. p. 353.) On the phlogi- stic theory. (Medical Repoíìt. Vol.2, p. 383.388.) Reply to his antiphlogistian opponents. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. Il6. 121. 124O Singular effects of gaseous oxid of fepton (dephlogisticated nitrous air), (ibid. Vol. 3. p. 305. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. June* p. 469.) Sentiments on the doctrine of fepton, (Medical Repofit. Vol. 3. p. 307.) On the new theory of chemistry. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. March, p. 159») Letter on the decomposition of water, (ibid. Y. 1798. Oct. p. 237.) Letter on the doctrine of phlogiston. (Ibid. Y. 1799. May. p. 2Ó2.) On the doctrine of phlogiston. (Ibid. Y. 1799» June* p. 3540 Anecdotes and corrections of anecdotes of the late Dr. Franklin. (Ibid Y. I803. Febr. p. 1.) Socrates and Jesus compared. I803» 8. (2fh. 6d.) PRIESTLEY, [Timothy] Minister of the Church in Jewin -street, London. fBrother to Joseph Priestley.) Commentary on the bible; 17*. Answer to Witt* Huntington s Timothy Priestley shaved; 17.. Family exercises; 17.. The christian*! looking glass; 17.. A crown of eternal glory preferable to all the riches of ihis world; a sermon. 1791.8. (6 d.) Evangelical family bible; 17.* Two aflue sermons; 1776. 8. (l A.) (Several single sermons.) ♦PRIESTLEY, f William] Esq. of Melmtrby, near Rippott, Yorkshire, On several species of vermin, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.6, p. 195*J On the breeds of sheep. (Ibid* 'Vol.19, p. I5r.) On the income tax, crops &c. (Ibid. Vol 35. p. 642.) •PRINCE, [J.... H....] A Methodist Preacher. Observations on the act which passed into a law t6e 28 July 18O0. to incorporate certain persons P % by fcy the name of the London Company for the ma^. facture of flour, meal and bread; — I801, g( (6 d.) Original letters and essays on moral and entertaining subjects; 179Ó. 8. (4fh.) _A defence of the methodists. 1797. (6 d.) (Several single sermons.) _ 1 •PRINGLK, [A...,] General view of the agriculture of the county of Westmoreland. Edinb. 1794. 4- *PRIN$EP, [John] Esq. Letter to the proprietors of East India stock, on the present crisis of the company's affairs. 1793,8. (I fli.) * Account of the method and cxpence of cultivating the sugar-cane in Bengal. 1794, A short review of the trade of the East India com- pany. 1789. The rights of the West Indians (0 a double monopoly of the sugar trade and the slav« trade examined, 1793. * Strictures on the Mocur. rery system of landed property in Bengal, origi-, nally written for the morning chronicle, under ..the signature of Gurreeb doss, with replies. 1794, 8 (3 ft.) * PR IN SEP, sjohn] Merchant. Proposal of a substitute for funding in time of war. 1797. 8. (I sb. 6 d.) * PRIOR, [John] at Nessield, near Skipon, Cwtn, Yorkjhirt. Description of a new invented detached escapement for pocket watches. (Tr. of the Soc. for the of A. Vol. 16. p. 306, Nicholson's Journal. VoU P- 363.) tfPROBY, [W,... C....] Modern philosophy end barbarism, or, a compa- rison between the theory of Godwin and the practice of Lycurgus; an attempt to prove (lie identity of the two systems and the injurious ion* sequences, which must result to mankind from thfl principles of modern philosophy carried into pra* ctice. 1798. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) The mysterious sea), a romance. Vol. 1-3. 1799. 12. (10 sh. 6 0.) *PROCTER, [W.... T..„,] Joseph, a sacred drama. 1803. 8. (I sh- 6 d.) $29 •PROUD, [J\ *••] One of the Ministers of the new Jerusalem Church. A candid and impartial reply to Dr. PritstUyf letters — in which his objections are fairly con- sidered and the doctrines contained in the theolo- gical writings of — Eman. Swedenborg vindjea* \ ted from reason and scripture. 1792.8. (i sh. 6 d.) Hymns for the use of the New-church; I7«* Jehovah's Mercy, a poem. 17,♦ *PROUD, [Robert] The history of Pennsylvania 111 North-America from the original institution and settlement of that province, under the first proprietor and Go- vernor Will. Penn in 1681 till after the Y. 1743. with an introduction respecting the life of W* Penn — and the religious society of the people called cjuackera — with the first rise of the neigh- bouring colonies, more particularly ©f West New- Jersey j and the settlement of the Dutch and Swe- des on Delaware — Vol. r. 2. Phiiad. 1797. & (5 Dollar.) History of Pennsylvania — with ati account of West-New-Jersey. Vol. 1.3. London. I8Q3. 8. (17 M *PR0VO, [P....] Surgeon and Apothecary of Pen* tonville. Wisdom's dictates, a collection of maxims, chiefly from Bar. Swedenborg. 17.» *PRUJEAN, [John] Esq. of Grafs-Inn. Treatise upon the laws of England now in force for the recovery of debt, pointing out the many abuses of them; together with a plan for admini* stering more speedy and effectual justice to crc* ditors and to debtors, 1791. 8. (2 fh* 6 d.) : *PRY, [Patrick] Importance of topographical histories. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1796. Aug. p. 530.) ■•PRY.CE, [Benjamin] See Price. PRY CE, [William] M. Dr. Surgeon at Redruth, Corn* wail. born .... died 178. (?) Archaeologia cornu-Brittanniea, or, an essay to preserve the ancient Cornish language, containing V i th« 930, the rudiments of that dialect, in a cornish gram* mar and cornish cnglish vocabulary —. 1700 * (I L. I fh,) * *PUGH, [ ] of Shaft on. Report of 36 kinds of apples. (Bath A^ric. Soc, Vol. 8. p. 359-) jPUGH, [Benjamin] M, D. Physician at Baddow, Ejsex. born 1718. died at his feat at Milford Castle 1798, Febr, 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Febr, p. 177, AUgem. Litt, Zeit, ItBl. J. X800, S, 650. PUGH, [John] Remarkably occurrences in the life of Jones Han- way Esq: — Ed, 3. considerably abridged, 1798, 8, (ash,. 6 d.) •PUGH, [John] Anatomist. A physiological, theoretic and practical treatise on the utility of the science of muscular action, for restoring the power of the limbs, with 15,copper* plates. 1794, 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) * PUG LI A, [James] The federal politician, Philad. 1795. 8. (iofli,) *PULLEN, [Philip] Book-keeping improved; or, a certain method laid down and exemplified for the détection and prevention of errors; entirely superseding the te- dious process of calling the books over, 1803, 4, (I L, 1 sh,) *PULLER, [Christopher] of the Inner-Temple. See John Bernard JBofanquet. *PULLETT, [T...J Land and Timber Surveyor, Hatfield - Woodfide* Harts* Hints on inclosing, agriculture% stewardihips and tithes, 1799. * PULLEY, [John] of Bedford, Member of the R. Col- lège of Surgeons of London, An essay on proximate cause of animal impregna- tion. 180L. 4, (2 sli,) See G. D. Yeats, PULL IN, [Thomas] See Thomas Pollen. «PULTEN'ëY; [Sir James] M P. Speech in the house of commons Febr. 13. 180I. on a motion for an enquiry into the cause of the failure of the expedition to Fcrrol. 1801. 8» PULTENEY, 231 PULTENEY, [Rkhard] M.Dr. F. R. S. Lond. and Edin. F. L. S. born at Mountsorell, in Leicestershire, 1730. died at Blandford, Dorset 1801. Oct. 13. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. Nov. p, 1058. Supplem. p. 1207. Monthly Magaz. Y. I802« Jan. p. 569. Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1801. p. 497. Allg. Litt. Zeit. J. 1803. ItBl. N.45. S. 381. Catalogue of rare plants found in the neighbour- hood of Leicester, Loughborough and in Charley forest, (Nickols's History of Leicestershire.) A brief botanical and medical history of the folanura lethale bella donna, or deadly nightihadc, (Phil. Transact. Y. 1757. p. 62. Gentleman's Magae. Y. 1755» P- 270.) Historical and biographical Iket- ches of the progress of botany in England from it? origin—. Vol. 1.2. 1790. 8. ( IO fh.) iiberf. von Dr. K. G. Kiïhn. B. I. 2. Leipzig. 1798. 8. The history and description osa minute cpiphyl- lous lycoperdon , growing on the leaves of the anemone nemorosa. (Transact, of the Linncan Soc. Vol.2, p.305.) iiberf. in Ufteris N. Annalcn dec Botanik. St. 13. S. 31. Catalogues of the birds, shells and some of the more rare plants of Dorset- shire. (Hutchins's history of Dorsetshire. 1799. sol.) Letters on the poisonous plants of England. (Gentleman's Magaz. Vol. 25. p. 69.104. 159. 2 to. 270. 393. 450. 49I.) Dissertation upon fungi in general, and concerning the poisonous faculty of some species in particular. (Ibid. Vol. 2p, p. 542. 585.) Account of the different species of acacia. (Ibid. Vol.29, p. 262.) On the different species of rhubarb. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 2. p. 248.) Observations on the economical use of the ranun- culus aquatilis, with introductory remarks on the acrimonious and poisonous quality of some of the english species of that genus. (Transact, of L. S. Vol.5. p. 14. TiUocfis Philof. Maga*. Vol.6, p. 210.) On the ascarides discovered in the pcleca- nus carbo and pelecanus cristatus. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 5. p. 24.) PULTENEY, [Sir William] M. P. for Shrewsbury. Substance of his speech on his motion 7 April 1797 P 4 for 333 —' for shortening the time during which (he bank of England should be restrained from issuing cash for its debts and demands, 1797. 8. (I sh.) *PUNGENT, [Paul] Esq. The pindaric disaster; or, the devil Peter's best Doctor, a tale. 1793. 4. (1 fh.) PURKJS, [William] D. D: F. A. S. in the comwfflon of the -peace for the soke of Peterborough, Rettor of Carlbij and of An derby, both co. Lincoln ani one of his Maj. Preachers at Whitehall. born .... died 1791. Febr. 25. at Carlby, near Stamford. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. March, p. 2%l. Two sermons at the astrzes for Cambridge 1771. from Matt. 7, 13. a review of modern literature as it refpeds moral and religious industry. 1790, *PURN ELL, [John] of Maryland. Two cafes of hepatitis, read before the American medical society Jan. 27. 1787* (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790. May. p. 305.) *PYBUS, [Charles Small] M. P. One of the Lord's Commissioners of the treasury. The Sovereign; addressed to his Imper. Maj. Paul, Emperour of all the Russia. 1800. sol. (I L. 1 fh. or with a portrait I L. 11 sh. 6 d.) *PYE, [C....] Chemist. The new chemical nomenclature, sc!e&cd from the most distinguislied modern writers on chemi- stry 1803. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) *PYE, [Charles] Provincial coins and tokens issued from the Y, I787. to the 1801. engraved, in 55 plates. 1802. A new dictionary of ancient geography, exhibiting the modern, in addition to the ancient, names of places. 1803. t8. (7 ih.) F¥E, [Henry Jatnei] Esq. Poet Lauréat, one of the Commissioners of the Police in Westminfitr. See James Petit Andrews. Ode on the Prince of Wales birth; (printed in the Oxford colletlion) Beauty, a poetical essay. 1766. Ed, 2* 1774» 0c*es °^ Pin&*r9 omitted by West. 1775. The art of war; translated from the french of the King of Prnílìa. 1778. A com- meatary illustrating the poetic of Aristotle by examples, 233 examples, taken chiefly from the modern poets; to which is prefixed, a new and corrected edition, of the translation of the poetic. 1792. 4. (i L. 6 sh.) The siege of Meaux; a tragedy, in 3 acts. 1794. 8. (I sb. 6 d.) The war elegies of lyr* taeus imitated — with some observations on the life and poems of Tyrtaeus. I?Q$> 8. (r sh. ó d.) Leonore, a tale; from the German of G. A, Biìr» ger. 1796. 4. (I sb. 6 d.) Naucratica, or naval dominion, a poem. 1798. 4. (5 fh.) Carmen fe« culare for the Year I800. 4. (3 sh. 6 d.) Ade- laide, a tragedy in 5 acts, 1800. 8. (2 sh. 6|d.) Alfred, an epic poem, in six books. 180I. 4, (I L 5 sh.) Verses on several subjects: — 1803. 8. (4 ft.) •PYKE, [Rdward] V. D. M. Hymns and songs in praise of Jesus Christ. 1792» 8. (2Ïh.) PYLE, [Philipp] M. A. Reaor of Çastle Rising and North Lynne, co. Norfolk* born 17^4. died 1799. Jul. 12» See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799* July. p. 630. Aug. p. 715. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Sept. p. 669. Allgem. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. l8oo, S. 66r. * P Y M A N, [ Thomas ] Captain in the Merchant's service, A set of tables for showing the exact bearing and distance of lights, or any other visible fixed objets, accurately calculated from the angle found f>etwee>n the ship's course and the bearing of the ight —; 1802. 4. (5 ft.) ôuAYLE, [George] Description of his pen-trough for a water com mill. (Comm. and Ap;ric. Magat. Y. 1802. March, p. 161. Transact, of the Soc. for the- E. of A» Vol. ir p. 163,) *QUAYLE, [Thomas] Letters on land gained from the sea. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 8. p. 83.) *QIJICK SILVER, [>me3] See WMtm Cob bet t. P 5 QUID, 334 QU ID, [Oliver] Tobacco-Merchant. (A fiàlitious name.) ftQJUIN, [Charles William] M. Dr. Fellow of the Kings and Queens College of Physicians; Pky. fician-General of his Ma). Army in Ireland and of the Roy, Hospital for Invalids near Dublin. A treatise on the dropsy of the bráin, illustrated by a variety of cases; with observations on the use and erTects of the digitalis purpurea in drop- fies. 1790. 8. (3 sti. 6 d.) libers, von C. F. Michaclis. Leipzig, 1792. &• •QUIN, [Matthew] Description of his universal hydrometer for ascer- taining the strenght of spirits and worts. (Tr. of the Soc. for the R. of A. Vol. g. p. 193.) ♦QUINCE, [Peter] Esq. A parnassian shop opened in the piudaric style, 1801. 12. (5 sh.) *QUINN, [ ] — and Lord Monk*s account of lone wheat, pro- pagàted in the county Wicklow. (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P.2. p. 163.) JAADCLIFFE, [Anne] Mrs. The castles of Athlin and Duubayne; 1789. Sici- lian romance; Vol. 1.2. 17». The romance of the forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry. Vol. 1-3. Ed. 3. 1792. 8. (9 sti.) "bers, mit deuiTitcl: Adeline oder das Abentheuer im Wal- de. B. I - 3. Leipzig. 1793. 8. The mysteries of Udolpho, a romance, iutersperfed with some pie- ces of poetry. Vol. I-4. 1794. 8- (l M fibers. Th. I. Riga. 1795. 8. A journey made in the summer of 1794. through Holland and the western frontier of Germany; with a return down the rhine; to which are added, observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland. 1795. 4. (1 L. I fh.) The Ita- lian or the confessional of the black penitents, a romance. Vol. I-3. 1796. (15 fh.) fibers. Die Jtalninerinn oder der Bcicbtstuhl der schwarzen Bússenden. B. 1-3. Konigaberg. 1797-T799. 8* fibers. Ellena, die Italianerinn oder die Warnun- gen in den Ruinen von Paluzzi, Leipzig. 1801. 8. *RADCLIFFE, 235 GRADCL-IFFE, [Mary Anne] The female advocate, or, an attempt to recover the rights of women from male usurpation. 1799, 8. (3 ft.) ♦ RADCLIFFE, [John] A.M. Bibliothecae Ckethamen- fis Cuftos ac Collegii Acnei Nasi apud Qxonieti" [es Sqcïus. Bibliotheca Chethamensis f. bibliothecae publicae Mancuniensis ab Humfrtáo Chetham, artnigero, fundatae, catalogus. Vol. 1.2. 1792- (7 fh.) •RADGER, [Charlotte] Friendly admonitions to parents and the female sex in general —; 1803. 8. (6 fh.) *Earl of RADNOR, [Jacob] Observations on the pusey horn. (Arch, Vol. i£. P- 397.) *RAINSFORD, [....] Captain.' A memoir or transactions that took place in Su Domingo in the spring of 1799, affording an idea of the present state of that country. 1803. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) *RAIT, [William] Surgeon in Dundee. Histories of different cafes of amputation. (Duw* cans Med. C. Dec.2. Vol. 6. p. 298.) Accotant ^ of a singular cafe in midwifery. (Ibid, Dec. ft. Vol. 9. p. 319.) . * *RAITHBY, [....] A law-stationer. Henry Bcnnet, a novel; V0I.I-3, 17.. RAMSAY, [Allen] Poems, a "ew edition, corrected and enlarged with a glossary: to which are prefixed the life of the author and remarks on his writing* — with a portrait from an original drawing by his son* Vol. I. 2. I800, 8. (I L, 1 fh.) RAMSAY, [David] M. Dr. at Charhstown. The history of the American revolution. Vol. I. 2. Philad. 1789. 8- (3 Dollar.) London/ 1791. 8. (10 fh. 6 d.) fibers., von G. K. F. Seidel. Th, 1-4. Berlin. 1793- X795. 8. A dissertation on the means of preserving health, in Charleston and the adjacent low country. Charleston. 1790. (New- York Magaz. Y. 1795. Sept, p. 514. Oct. p. 585.) Observations on the Indians in the southern parts of the United States. (Coll. of Massachusetts H, S. 33Ó Y. 1795. p. 99.) Letter from him to his father in law (Dr. Wiurspoon) on the death of the late Mrs. Ramsay. (Ibid. Y. 1792. Aug, p. 481.) An oration delivered on the anniversary of Atncricau indépendance. 179. 8. A review of the impro. vements, progress and state of medicine in the 18 century — 1802. 8. RAM S DEN, [Jesse (not John)] F. R. S. Mathematical, Optical and Philosophical Instrument - maker. born 1730. Oft, 6, at Halifax in Yorkshire, died 1800. Nov. 5. at Brighthelmstone, aged about 66 years. See Gentleman's Magai. Y. 1800. Nov. p. ni6. Atlg. Litter. Z.eit. ItBl. J. i8or. S. 839. cf. Journal des Sçavans. A. 1788. Account of experiments to determine the spe- cific gravities of fluids, thereby to obtain the strength of spirituous liquors; together with some remarks on 3 paper entitled, the best method of proportioning the excise upon spirituous liquors, lately printed in the philosophical transactions, 1792- 8. (2 fli ) *RAMSDEN, [Robert] Method of preserving potatoes. (Young's A, of Agr. Vol.35, p.5a.) A M SE A, [Sir John] The head and Jímbs, a fable. 1794. të- (* ^ ) Complicated calamity , a fact, (Massachusetts Ma- gaz. Y. 1796. April. p,3l8-) *RANBY, [....] Doubts on the abolition of the slave trade. '17., * Observations on the evidence given before the committees of the privy council and house of com- mons in support of the bill for abolishing the slave-trade. 1791. 8. (4 sh.) *RANBY, [John] Esq. Short hints on a french invasion. 1794. 8» (6 d.) An examination of Wakefield's reply to the Bishop of LandafPs address. 1797. 8. (i ft. 6 d.) •RAND, [Isa*c] Esq. Pice-President of the Massachu- setts Medical Society and Physician at Cam* bridge. A cafe of empyema, successfully treated by th« •Deration j (Med. Pap* of M. S. Nrb.I. p. 66.) r r *RAND, *RAN,D, [Isaac] Jun. A. M. Fellow of the Maffaehus. Med, Soc. and Physician at Boston. Observations on the hydrocephalus internus, (Med. Pap. of M. S. Nrb. I. p. 69 ) Account of dis- sections of bodies dead of the late malignant épi- démie at Bolton (1798)- (Med. Reposit. Vol.5, p. 249.) Of the epidemic lately (1798) prevalent in Boston. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 466.) *RANDALL, [Anne Frances] A letter to the women of England on the injustice of mental subordination, with anecdotes. 1799. 8» (2 ill. 6 d.) * RANDALL, [Edward] of Cambridge, Juridical essays; being remarks on the laws of England. 1793. 8. (2 ih. 6 d.) *RANDALL* [William] Nurseryman at Maidstone Kent. The state of the hop plantations, including a can- did review of the disputes between the old and new hop merchants — to which are added, stri- ctures on monopoly; together with hints on the present scarcity and high price of provisions. 1800. 8. (2Íh. 6 d.) Paper respecting the forming oaks into compass shapes, for the use of ship-builders. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 13. p. 310.) ^RANDOLPH, [....] Rev. Hi|lorical epochs of the french revolution, trans- lated from the french of H. Gondemetz, a french clergyman emigrant in England. I79Ó. 8. (4 fh,) RANDOLPH, [Francis] D. D. late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge; Prebendary at Bristol and Chaplain to the Duke of York. Scriptural revision of Socinian arguments, in a letter to Dr. Priestley. 1792. 8- (2 fh.) Scriptu- ral revision of Socinian arguments vindicated against the reply of Betij. Hobkouse. 1793. 8. Sermons — during the season of advent. 1799. RANDOLPH, [John] S. T. P. Aedis Ckrifti Canoni- eus et S. Tkeolog. ayud Oxon. Professor Regius, Concio ad clerum in synodo provinciali Cancua- riensis provinciae ad D. Pauli die 36 Nov. A. D. I790. habitai 1790. 4. (i fh.) (Several íìnglc sermons.) *RANKEN, 238 *RANKEN, [....] Surgeon at Douglas. Cases of vaccine disease. (Duncans A. of Med. Y 180 r. p. 343.) *RANKEN, [Alexander] D. D. One of the Ministert of Glasgow. The history of France, civil and military, eccle- siastica!, political, literary, commercial &c. from the time of its conquest: by Clovis, A. D. 486. Vol.1. 1801. 8. (9 slb.) Vol.2, from the death of Charlemagne A. D. 814. to the accession of the Hugh Capet A. D. 987. 1805. 8. (6 sb. 6 d.) Vol. 3. 1804. 8. (7 sh.) * RANKIN, [Thomas] Esq. On tanning with heath. (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. I. P. I. p. 285*) ♦RANN, [J ] A.M. Vicar of St. Trinity in Ço- ventry. The dramatic works of Shakspeare with notes* Vol. 1-6. 179Ó. 8. (3 L. 2 sh.) RAPER, [Matthew] F. R. S. born .... died 1778. Enquiry into the measure of the roman foot, (Philos. Transact. Y. 1761. p. 774.) Remarks on a passage of the editor of the Connoissance des mouvemens celestes pour satinée 1762. (Ibid. Y. 1792. p. 36Ó.) Observations on the. solar eclipse April 1. 1764. at Thorley-Hall. (Ibid. Y. 17Ó4. p. 150.) inquiry into the value of she ancient greek and roman money. (Ibid. Y. 1771. p. 462.) RAPER, [Matthew] F. R. S: F. A. 5. formerly Su* per - Cargoe at Canton. born 1742. Sept. 24. H. M. G. Grellman's Dissertation on the gipsies, translated from the German. 1787* 4* (1° ^* 6 d) RASHLEIGH, sPhilip] Of Menabilly in the county of Cornwall, Esq. M. P: F. R. S. and F. A. S. Specimens of British minerals, .selected from the cabinet of PhiL Rofkleigk — with general de- scriptions of each article. 1797.4. (2 L. 12 fh» 6 d.) Part 2. 1802. 4. Farther account of anti- 1 quities discovered in Cornwall, (Arch. Vol. II» P. 83.) *R,AWDON, [Francis] Lord. See Earl ofMotra. *RAWLINS, 339 • RAWLINS, [John] Esq. On the manners, religion and law* of the Cuci's or mountaineers of Tipra, communicated in Per- sian, (Asiat. Res. Vol.2, p.187.) *RAWLINS, [RSurgeon at Oxford. On the structure of the obstetric forceps pointing out its defects and especially of those with double curved blades. 1793. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) •RAWORTH, [Benjamin Clarke] A. B. The Cambridge University calendar for the year 1801. •RAWSON, [Thomas J..,.] On the culture of rape, as a food for cattle. (Bath Agrtculc. Soc. Vol. 6. p. 307.) *RAY, [John Mead] A collection of hymns, from various authors* 1799. 12- & sh-) (Several single sermons.) *RAY, [Orbell] Rev. at Tosiock. On the preservation and expenditure of turnips in a forward spring and on turnip rooted cabbages. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 7. p.526.) RAYMENT, [Robert] Esq. The income and expenditure of Great-Britain of the last seven years, examined and stated. 1791. 4. (5 fh.) «RAYMOND, [L....] of Belcbamp-flaff, Ejsex. On canine madness, ( Youngs A. of A,gr. Vol. 17. p. 486.) Ou the culture of potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 19- P- 332.) *RAYNER, [William] A. B. Vicar of Cahhorpe> co. Norfolk. born 1740. died at Norwich 1800. Dec. 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Suppl. p. 1297. Allg. Litt. Zeit. J. 1801. ItBl. S.840. The commentary of Hierocies upon the golden verses of the Pythagoreans; now first translated into English from an accurate edition of the greek original, published in London 1742. by Dr. War- ren, accompanied with notes and illustrations. 1797. 8. (4«0 ♦RAYNOLDS, [Frederic] The rage. 1794. *R£AD, *READ, [John] Surgeon. A meteorological journal, principally relating to atmospherical electricity; kept at Knightsbndge from the 9 May 1789 to the 8 May 1790. (Phil, Transact. Y. 1791. p. 1850 — from the 9 May 1790. to the 9 May 1791» (Ibid. Y. 1792. p. 225.) Experiments and observations made with the dou- bler of electricity, with a view to determine its real utility in the investigation of the electricity of atmospheric air in different degrees of purity. (Ibid. Y. 1794. p. 266.) A summary view of the spontaneous electricity of the earth and atmos- phere; wherein the causes of lightning and thun- der as well as the constant electrification of the clouds and vapours, suspended in the air, are ex- plained; with some new experiments and obfer- vations tending to illustrate the subject of atmos- pherical electricity; to which is subjoined the at-' mospherico-electrical journal, kept during two Years, as presented to and published by the Roy. Soc. of London. 1793. 8. (3 ft.'6 d.) On the electrical dbubier. (Nicholsons Journal. Vol.2, P. 4950 *READ, [John] Esq. of Roxbury. Process of raising hemp and fitting it for use. (Massachusetts Magaz. Vol. 1. 1789. p. 93* Colum- bian Magaz. Y. 1789. Apr. p, 346. Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1789. Febr. p. 93.) *READE, [Joseph] M. Dr. The invasion. I804. READER, [Thomas] Paftor of Protestant Diffentm at Paul's Chape/ in Taunton, born 1725. died 1794. June 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. June- P' 58°» (Several single sermons.) *REDE, [L.... S....] Studies of nature, translated from the french ot J. H. B. de St. Pierre, carefully abridged, with 4i copious index. 1798. 8- (6 sh.) Anecdotes and biography ^ including many modern characters ai the circles of fashionable and official life selected . from the portfolios-of a distinguished literary and political character lately deceased; alphabetically arranged. 1799.8» (7 ft.) * Sketch of Ham- bourg, burg, ks commerce, custoros and manners, with some account of the laws, respecting bills of ex- change and bankrupts. By an English resident at London. Hamburg. l8oi. 8. ♦REDHEAD, [Henry] Esq. Letter — on the fatal consequences of abolishing the slave-trade, both to England and her Ame- rican colonies. 1792.8» (2fh.) — and Lahg'f observations in a ihecp tour. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 20. p. I.) • REDMAN, [J ] of .Walworth, Surry. Some account of the husbandry of North America, more particularly of Penfylvania and New-Jer- sey» {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 19. p. 225.) Ort the value of cows in America, (Ibid. Vol, 19» p. 32L) • •REECE, [Richard] K M. S. Member of the Roy, Coif, of Surgeons in Lojidon. The medical and chirurgical pharmacopoea for the use of hospitals, dispensaries —. I8O0. 8* Account of his new invented instrument for the extraction of teeth. (Til/ocfis Philof, Magaz. VoL 10. p. 28l0 The domestic medical guide —; Ed. 2. 1803.8. (6 sh,) Observations on , the an* tipthifical properties of the lichen islandicus, of iceiand moss. — 1804. 4. (i sh.) REED, [Isaac, not Joseph] Barrister *t Staple s-Inn, See George Sre evens. REES, [Abraham] D. l\ F. R. S. born i11 the County of Montgomery. See Public Characters of 1801 and 1802. p. 535* Economy illustrated and recommended and a eau- tion ag9inst modem infidelity in two fermons» I800. The new cyclopaedia; or universal dictio- nary of arts and sciences —; Vol* I. 2. 1802. 4» (1 L. 16 sh.) Part 5. 1803. 4. (18 sh*) Part 0. 1804. 4. (18 sh.) *REES, [G.,..] M. Dr, A treatise on the primary symptoms of lues vene- rea with a concise critical and chronological ac- count of all the English writers on this subject from the year 1735. (being the period of which Dr. Astruc concluded his historical account) to 1785. To which is added an analysis of a course Q. E. SuppL Th. II . D. Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. born 1709. died 1796. Oct. 7. See Gentleman's Magaa. Y. 179Ó. Oct. p, 883, Dec. p. 1052. Y. 1798. April, p. 292. Monthly Magaz. Vo). 2. Y. 179Ó. p. 841. , Allg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 628. On the theory of morals. (Massachusetts Magaz, Y. 1791. July. p. 421.) Essays on the powers of the human mind. To which is prefixed an ac- count of the life and writings of the author. Vol. 1-3- I803. 8. (I L. II sh. 6 d.) ♦REID, [Thomas] Watchmaker at Edinburgh. On the escapements of time pieces. [Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 5. p. 55.) *REID, [William Hamilton] The rife and dissolution of the infidel societies io this metropolis (London): including the origin of modern deism and atheism; the genius and con- duct of those associations — 1800. 8. (3 ^0 Reply to Mr. Taylor on nullities. (Monthly Mag. Y. 1800. Nov. p. 303.) (Translator of foreign Newspapers and a.frequent writer iu the Maga- zines.) •REIDB, [Thomas] Esq. Captain in the loyal EJJex regiment of fen cible infantry. A treatise on the duty of infantry officers and the present system of British military discipline; with an appendix. 1798. 12. (3 sh. 6 d.) *REIDE, [Thomas Dickson] Surgeon to the first Bût* talion of the first Regiment of Foot. A view of the diseases of the army in Great-Bri- tainv America, the West-Indies and on board of King* King's ships and transports from the beginning of the late war to the present time. 1793. 8« (6 sh.) iibers. Breslau. 1800. 8. RELHAN, [Anthony] As. Dr. Fellow of the Roy. QoUtge of Phyjxcians in Ireland. born ,... died ....(?) RELHAN, [Richard] M. A. F. R. S. born 1763. Dec. 23. Flora Cantabrigiensis. Suppl. 3. Cantabr. 1793, Ed. 2. I802. 8. (8 fh.) *RELPH, [John] M. Dr. Physician Guxss Hospital. Inquiry into the medical efficacy of a new specie* of peruvian, bark, lately imported inio this coun- try under the name of yellow bark, including practical observations respecting the choice of bark in general. 1794. 8. (3 fh.) iibers. von F. G» Fr/V/e. Breslau. 1797. 8. libers. Berlin. 1797. 8. ^RELPH, Jjosiah] Rev. of Sebergham, sear Carlisle. born .. . „ died 17.. See Thomas S an de r son. Poems, with the life of the author, embellished with picturesque engravings on wood by J. He- toick of Newcastle. 1798. (3 fh. 6 d. and 5 fh.) RENNELL, [James] F. R. S. late Major — born 1742. Dee. 7. Memoir of a map of Hindostan, or the Mogul empire, Ed. 3. with a second supplementary map, containing the new geography of the Peninsula of India and an explanatory memoir. 1793.4. (19 sh.) The marches of the British armies in thé Peninsula of India, during the campaigns of 1790 and 1791, illustrated and explained by reference to a map, compiled from auihentic documents transmitted by Earl Cornwallis from India. 1792. 8. Memoir of * map of the peninsula of India, from the latest authorities — with a large folio flieét map. 1793* (7 A*- 6 Observations on a current that often prevails to the westward of Scilly; endangering the safety of ships that approach the British chanueil; with a large chart. 1793- 4- (2 fh,) (Phil. Transact. Y, 1793. p, 182.) * Elu- cidations of the African geography, from the com- munication! of Major Houghton and Mr. Magra. a 3 î79r' compiled in 1793. London, 1793. 4. ^ corrected sheet uiap of the peninsula of India, ia which the partition of the whole empire of Tip. poo-*Sultan is {hewn, and the cessions of 1792* clearly distinguished from those of 1799. igoo. (5 fh.) The geographical system of Herodotus, examined and explained by a comparison with those of other ancient authors and with modern geogra- phy. 1800, 4. (2 L. 2 fh.) On the rate of tra» veiling , as performed by camels ♦ and its appli- cation, as a scale, to ihe purposes of geography, (Phil, Transact. Y, 179\. p, 129.) Observation* on the physical and political geography of North Africa, (Nicholsons Journal, Voi,2t p. 253.) *RENNELL, [Thomas] D. D. Prebendary of Winchi* fter% Master of the Temple. See Public Characters of I801 and 1802. p. 379. Discourses on various subjects. l8ou 8. (8 fh.) The scholar armed against the errors of the time, or a colle&ion of tracts on Christianity, published by a society for the reformation of principles. Vol 1,3. I8Q2. (16 fh.) (Several Angle sermons.) •RENNIE, [....] See Brown. «RENOUA RD, [Peter] Esq. F. A. S. Copy of an original letter from Queen Elizabeth to the Earl of Warwick. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 201.) MENTON, [George] The graziers ready reckoner, or, a useful guide for buying and selling cattle, being a complete set of tables, igoi. 13. (2 fh. 6 d.) REN WICK, [William] Surgeon in the Royal Navy, Letter on the most effectual means of preventing sickness in hifi Majesty's fleets, 1774. 8. Enquiry into the nature and causes of sickness in ships of •war. 1792. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Memorials on the me* dical department of naval service — to which is annexed an address to parliament on the expe» dience of amending the laws relative to the ex- portation of core. 18QQ. g. (I sb.) REPTON, REPTON, [Henry] Letter to Uvedale Price. 1794. 8- Sketches and hints on landscape gardening —. 1795. sol. (2 L. 12 sh. 6 d.) Observations on the theory and practice of landscape gardening; including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic architecture col- lected from various manuscript* —; 1803. 4. (5 L. 5 sh.) ♦REVELEY, [William] Esq. See Alex. D airy m pie* *REVELY, [Willey] Architetl. born .... died 1799. July 6. See Gentleman's Magat. Y. 1799. July* p. 627, Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799, Aug. p. 573. Allg. Lit*. Zeit. ItBI. J. 1800. S.6ÓI. Editor of the third and posthumous volume of Stuart's Antiquities of Athens. 1795. sol. -REVERE, [Paul] Colonel, Letter to the corresponding secretary, (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1798. p. IOÓ.) *REVETT, [Nicholas] Painter and Arckintl. The antiquities of Athens, measured and delinea» ted by James Stuart. Vol. 3. 1794. s°*« (5 L- 10 sh.) *REYNOLDS,*[C....] Master of the Prince of Wa- les's Royal Military Academy at Durhamhoufe, near Chelsea College. Aids to nature; containing a plain and easy me- thod of establishing and preserving health in child- hood and continuing it through life, particularly asthmatic! and all complaints arising from defor- mity of body and that deformity cured , or much assisted (though born with it) both in body and limbs. 1796. 4. (I sh.) REYNOLDS, [Frederick] Esq. Eloisa, a tragedy; 17. • Crusade an opera; 1793» How to grow rich, a comedy. 1793. 8» (I sh, 6d.) Notoriety, a comedy. 1793.8» (l sh. 6d.) The dramatist, or? stop him who can! a comedy. 1793» 8. (I stu 6 d.) The rage, a comedy. 1795- 8. (2 sh.) Werter, a tragedy in 3 acts. 1795* 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Speculation, a comedy, in 5 acts, 1795. 8. (2fll.) Fortune's fool, a come- •ty, iu S acts. 1796. 8. (2 sh.) Tfae will, a co- Q. 4 medy medy in 5 acts. 1797, 8. (2 sh.) Cheap living a comedy,-in 5 acts. 1797.8. (2 Hi.) Laugh when you can, a comedy in 5 acts. 1799. 8. (3 sh.) Management, a comedy, in 5 acts. 1799. 8, (2 sh.) Life, a comedy, in 5 acts. 1801. 8. (2 sh.) Folly as it flies, a comedy. 1802, 8, (2 sh. 6 d.) Delays and blunders, a comedy, in 5 acts. 1803. 8, 2 ffi. 6 d.) The Caravan; or, the driver and his dog, a grand serio-comic ro. mance, in 2 acts. ,1803, 8. (2 sh,) ♦REYNOLDS, [Henry Revell] Esq. of Gray's-lnn.'' An address to the ladies from a young man. 1796. 8. REYNOLDS, [Sir Joshua] F. R. and A. SSi LL. D. President of the Royal Academy. born at Plimpton St. Mary's in Devonshire, 1723. Jul. 16. died 1792. Febr.23. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y, 1792. Febr. p. 190, March, p. 273. April, p,381. Allg. Lift. Zeis, ítBl. j. 1792, N. 80, Neue Biblioth. der scho- pen Wissensch. B. 48. S. 294. B. 54. So 275. Wielaud"s N. T. Merkur. J. 1798. Jan. S. 86. Millin Magflzin Encycloped. T. i>. 1795. p. 70, Seven discourses delivered in the Royal academy. London, 1778. 8. Notes to Mr. Mason's transla. tion of Dufresfioy on painting. 1783. 4. (8 flv) Discourse — 179s. 4. (3 sh.) Works. Vol. 1.2. 1797.4. iibers. Reden iiber die Mahlerey; m it biographischen Nachrichten, von Kosmeli. Ham* burg. 1802. 8. ^REYNOLDS, [Thomas] A. M. Re&or of Bowitn* Parva , Northampton -skire. Iter britannicum or the part of the itinerary oL Antoninus, which relates to Britain, with* new comment. 1799. 4. (18 fh«) * RHODES, [Henrietta] On the healthiness of managing si!k-worm$# (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 313.) Letter on silk* worms. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A, Vol. 5» p. 147-170.") «RHODES, [William! The satires of Jnvtnal. I801. 13. (3 6 d-) ♦RICE, *49 *R1CE, [David] Slavery inconsistent with justice and good policy, proved by a speech delivered in the convention, held at Danville, Kentucky, 1793. 12. (2 d.) *RICE, [J.-..] Paradise lost, a poem, in 12 books by John Mil- ton> with notes of various authors. 1791. (5 so.) RICHARD, Lordbishop cf Landaff. See Richard Watson. RICHARD, Bishop of Cloxjne in Ireland. See Richard Woodward. «•RICHARDS, [George] A. M. late Fellow of Or hi College, Oxford y Vicar of Bampton. An eflay on the characteristic differences between autient and modern poems and the several cau- ses from which they result. 1789. Songs of the aboriginal bards of Britain, a prize poem. 1791. 4. (I sht 6 d.)"Ed.2. 1792.4. (I sh. 6 d.) Mo- dern France, a poem. 1793. 4. Matilda, or the dying penitent, a poetical epistle. 1795. 4. (1 sh, 6 d.) The divine origin of prophecy illustrated and defended in a course of sermons — 1800. 8» (6 sh.) Poems, Vol. r. 2. 1804. 12. (IO so.) ♦RICHARDS, [J....] of Worckefter. Practical arithmetic —; 1804. 12. (2 so, 6 d.) * RICHARDS, [William] M. A. Geiuadur Saesmeg a chymraeg; an cnglish and welso dictionary, 1799. 8. (5 sb.) RICHARDS, [William] A Baptist Minister. A seriou9 and plain discourse concerning baptism in its connection with the first principles and spi- rit of Christianity. 1793. 8. (i so.) Reflection* on french atheism aud engliso christhmity. 1795. 8. (I so.; RICHARDSON, [ ] Esq. *The principles of critical philosophy selected from the works of Emm, Kant *— and expounded by J. S. Beck — translated from the German by an auditor of the latter. 1797, 8. The hermit of the alps, a talc from the German translated, 1802, (2 soO ^RICHARDSON, [George] ArchiteB, A collection 01 plans and elevations of modern buildings, public, and private, erected in Great- er 5 Britaio Britain by the most celebrated architects; cngra- ved in aqua-tinta, from original drawings; to be completed in 10 numbers. Nrb. i-g. sol. (each (IO ft. 6 d.) RICHARDSON, [John] Esq. A treatise on Brown's system of medicine, trails lated from the German of H. C. Pfaff. 1S02. 8# (2 fh. 6 d.) ♦RICHARDSON, [John] The hermit of the alps; translated from the Ger- man —; I803. 12. (2 fh.) ^RICHARDSON, [Joseph] Esq. As. P. for Newport, co. Cornwall. born 1757. died 1803. June 9. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. June. p. 602. The Rolliad. 17,. Probationary odes. 17.. The fugitive, a comedy. 1792. 8. (i fh. 6 d.) ♦RICHARDSON, [Kerr] Remarks, made in the course of a tour through the highlands of Scotland, for the purpose of exa- mining into the state of sheep farming in that part of the kingdom. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol* 20. p. 297.) *RICHARDSON, [Samuel] A new system of short-hand, by which more may be written in one hour, than in an hour and a half by any other system hitherto published ~ I800. 8^ (7 to- 6 d.) •RICHARDSON, [Thomai] Esq. Observations on the advantages 6f planting waste lands. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. 2. p.345«) ^RICHARDSON, [William] Surgeon, F. A. S. Scot. The chemical principles of the metallic arts; with an account of the principle diseases incidental to the metallic artificers; the means of prevention and cure and a concise introduction to the study of chemistry. 1790. 8. (6 sh.) libers, mit Amucrk. Leipzig. 1792. 8- RICHARDSON, [William] M. A: F. R. S. Edin. Professor at Glasgow. *The Indians, a tragedy. I79O. 8. (I fh. 6 a,) Essay on some of Shakespeare s dramatic characters,, so which is added, an essay on the faults of Sha- kespeare, Ed. 5- 1796. 8- (7 sl*<) The maid of r- 25t Lochìin, a lyrical drama, with legendary odes and other poems. 1801.8. (3 sh.) Eight discourses on theological and literary subjects, by the late Pro- fessor Arthur i of Glasgow, with an account of some particulars in his life and character. 1804, 8. (8 ft.) *RICHERGILL, [Joshua] The three brothers. Vol. 1-4. 1803, 12. (16 sh.) •RIÇKETSON, [Shadrach] As. Dr. Notice of disease among dogs, f Medical Reposit. Vol. I. p. Experiments on cultivation of the poppy plant and the method of procuring opium. (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 420. Vol. 3. p. 20Ó.) RICKMAN, [Thomas Clio] a Bookseller in London. The evening walk, a tale. 179Ó. (2 sli. 6 d.) A select collection of epigrams; many of them ori- ginal. 1796. 8. (2 sh.) Mr. Pitts democracy manifested, in a letter to him, containing praises of and strictures on the income tax. 1799. 8, (i sh. ó d.) Poetical scraps, ornamented with plates* Vol.. 1,2, I803. (12 sh. ) *RIDDEL? [Sir John Buchanan] Bart. South-Down flieep and Rowen. (Youngs A. of Agr. Voh 33. p. 218.) Crops and prices. (IbidA Vol.34, p. 2X0.) *RIDDEL, [Maria] Wife of Walter Riddel, Es%. E A. S. Voyages to the Madeira and Leeward Caribbee land*. Edinb. 1792. 8. (2 fli. 6 d.) RID DELL, [Robert] Esq. of Gtenriddett, F. A. $. Scot, et Lond. Member of the Philos Soc. of Manchester. born .... died 1794. April 21. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. May. p. 48^ On the anticnt modes of fortification in Scotland; (Arch. Vol. 10. p. 99.) On vitrified fortifications in Scotland, (Ibid. Vol.10, p. 147.) Description' on several pieces of antiquity. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 478-482.). Some account of a symbol of antient investiture in Scotland. (Arch. Vol. 11. p. 45.) Account of a bras* veslel sound near Dumfries ia Scotland. 1790. (Ibid, Vol. u. p, IÛ5.) Notices of fonts fonti in Scotland. (Ibid. Vol. rr. p. 106.) On the offices of thane and abthane^ (Tr. of the Antiq, of Scotland. Viol. I. p. I85-) Dissertation upon the encient carved stone monuments in Scotland, with a particular account of one in Duuifrisliirc. (Mem. of M. Vol. 4. P. r. p. 131.) •RIDGE WAY, [William] Esq. LL. R. Barrister at Law. Reports of cafes argued and determined in the King's-bench and chancery, during the time in which Lord Hardwike presided in those coum. 1794. 8» A report of the proceedings in cafes of high treason at a special commission of oyer and terminer held in and for the county and city of Dublin, July 1798. 8. (3 ♦RIDLEY, [ ] Fragments in a manner of Stems. 1797. 8- (6 sh.) *RIDLEY, [Joseph] Description of his invented sector depthening tool for wheels and pinions of watches. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.6, p. 188.501.) Expla- nation of his printing press. (Ibid* Vol. 13. p. 243.) Description of his improved foot-lathe. (Ibid. Vtl. < IB- p. 571.) RIGBY, [Edward] Surgeon at Norwich. Extracts from an essay on the uterine haemorrha- ge, which precedes the delivery of the full grown foetusi, illustrated with cafes. (Med. P. of M. S. Nrb. I. p. 99.) Chemical observations on sugar. 1788. 8. (2 sh.) iibers. von Dr> Sam. Haknemonn. Dresden. 179s. 8. Case of a recovery after a ball had passed through the lungs. (M. C. Vol 2. *RIGGE, [John] Deputy Minister for Middlesex. Observations 011 the statutes for registering deeds with a collection of cafes upon the operation and intent of those statutes; — 179& 8. (5 ft.) *RIGSHAW, .[Cincinatus] Citizen of the Hibernian Republic. Sans culotides; containing political essays for the advancement of jacobinial knowledge and jacobi- wicál «clogues and georgics, imitated from Virgih J80Q. 4» <5 flu) RIN6, Q53 RINGt [Jonn] Apothecary in London. Account of two cases of pemphigus, to which it added a fact relative to the early practice of ino. dilation of the small pox in Wales. (London M. J, V0I..XI. p. 234.) Reflections on the surgeon's bill, in answer to three pamphlets in defence of that bill. 1798. 8. (4 fib. 6 d.) A treatise on the cow* pox; containing the history of vaccine inoculation and an account of the various publications which have appeared on that subject in Great-Britain and other parts of the world. Part 1. 2. I801. 1803» 8. fi L. 1 sh,) ♦RING, [John] Translation of Geddes's ode to pcact. 1803. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) RINGSTED, [Jofiah] Esq. The farmer; comprehending the moil interesting objects and beneficial practices in the culture of wheat, rye, barley, oats, buck-wheat &c. Ed. 3, with additions. 1796, 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) RIÒLLAY, [Francis] M. Dr. Phyfician at Newbury* born .... died 179Ó. Aug. 8« in Grenada. S. Allg. Lift. Zeit. J. 1800. ItBl. S4 Ó38. *RIOU, [Edward] Captain. A journal of a journey from the Cape of Good- Hope, undertaken in 1790 and 179L by Jac. van Reenen and others of his countrymen, iu search of the wrack of the — ship the Grosvenor» to discover if there remained aliye any of the un* fortunate sufferers; with additional notes and a map. 1792. 4. (4 sh.) iibers. Berliu. 1793. 8. *RIPON, [John Scott] Esq. Bonaparte, or the free-booter; a drama, in thre» acts. 1803. 8. (I ft.) *RIPPON> [John] D. D. a Baptist Minister. A discourse on the origin and progress of the so- ciety for promoting religious knowledge among; *he poor. 1802. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) (Editor of the Baptist's anuual register.) (Several single sermons.) *RISHT0N, [Edward] Letter oa au extraordinary produce op milk m at covr cow and of fecundity in a sow, (Youngs A, of Agr. Vol. 29. p. 21I.J ^RITCHIE, [John] Captain. * Oriental disquisitions, or, a retrospect of the rise and progress of the hydrographical surveyj of Bengal — by the marine surveyor. 1707. 4» (2 fh. 6 d.) ^ «RITCHIB, [T.... E....] Campaign of Gen. Bonaparte in Italy in 1796. 1797. by a general officer; translated from the french , with a narrative of the operation of the french armies on the rhine — 1799- 8* (8 fh.) Political and military memoirs of Europe, during the Y. 1799. Parti. 1800. 8. (6 fh.) Political and military memoirs of Europe, from the renowal of the war in the continent in 1798 to the peace in 1802. with a view of the treaty of Campo Formio and proceedings of the congress at Ra- stadt. Vol. 1-3. 1803. 8. (I L. 4 fh.) *RITS0N, [Joseph] Esq. Deputy high Bailiff t>f the Dutcky of Lancaster and a Conveyancer in London. * Observations on the three first volumes of War* ton's History of English poetry. 1782. * Remarks critical and illustrative on the text and notes of Ivîr. Steeven's edition of Shakespeare. 1778. 8. Th« Quip modest—. 17.. * Cursory criticisms —• ♦Pieces of ancient popular poetry—. 17., *The English anthology, a selection of poetry. Vol. 1-3. 17.. * Robin Hood, a collection of ancient poems. Vol. 1. 2. 17.. * Ancient songs, from the time of King Henry III, to the revolution. 1792.8- (6 fh.) Sconfh songs. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 8. (iosh.) Ancient englifh metrical romances; Vol. 1-3.1803» 8. (I L. 7 fh.) *RITSON, [Joseph] An essay on abstinence from animal food* 8* a moral duty. 1802. (5 fh.) . RITTENHOUSE, [David] L. L. Dr. President of Society in Philadelphia. born in Philadelphia. 1732. Apr. 8. * (x ft» (I sh. 6 d.) Christianity vindicated, irf a series of letters, addressed to Vofaey, in answer to tiis book, called ruins, or, a survey of the revolution of empires, 1800. 8. (5 sh.) A harmony of che epistles of the holy apostles-, — 1802.4. (ióíh.) • ROBERTS, [R.... E ] Major. Specimen of the language of the people inhabiting the hills in the vicinity of Bhagulpoor. (Asiar. Res. Vol. 5. p. 127.) ♦ ROBERTS, [T....] Member of the Toxoykilitt Society, The bowman's glory; 17,» The cnglislj bow- man, or, tracts on archery, to which is added the second part of the bowman's glory. X8oi> 8* (10 sh. 6 d.) •ROBERTS, [Thomas] Carmen secularej a sacred poem on the commen- cement of the present century, 1801. 4, (3 sh* 6 d.) * ROBERTS, [William] Esq. A. Mi F.A.S. of Gray9* Inn. The Looker-on, a periodical paper. 1792. sol* • ROBERTS, [William] Esq. Barrister at Law. The fugitives, a comedy. 1791. 8» (l sh. 6 d.) Charge to the grand jury of the court- leet for the manor of Manchester, containing an account of the internal government of that town, and of the nature, jurisdiction and duties of court — leers in general. 1793. 8. (1 íh.) A treatise on the con- struótion of the statutes 13 Eliz. c. 5. and 27 Eliz. C. 4» relating to voluntary and fraudulent conve- yances, and on the nature and force of different considerations to support deeds and other legal instruments in the courts of law and equity. 1800. 8> (14 sh.) ROBERTS, [William Hayward] £). Û. Provost of Eton, born ...» died 179t. Dec» 5* See Gentleman's Magaz» Y. 1791. Dec. p. 1165. Poetical epistle on the existence of God —* Part 1-4 3» 1771. 4. (3 fll. 6 d.) * Poetical epistle to Ckpk. Aitftey on the euglisli poets — 1773» 4. (I sh.) Poems* 1775. 8. (4 fh. ) Judah resto- Bttft & &> SuppU Tih //> R red, red, a poem, in 6 books. Vol r, 2. 1775. $# (6 (h.) Corrections of various passages in the englifn version of the old testament, upon the authority of ancient Mis. and ancient versions, pU. blilhed by his son W. Roberts, M, A. Fellow of Eton College. 1795. 8. (6 sh.) ^ROBERTSON, s....] Miff, of Blackkeath. Who are the swindlers? a query. 1801. (r sh. 6 d.) Dividens of immense value! and, my claim on others; evidenced by indisputable authority* 1801. ^ROBERTSON, [Abraham] A.M. of Christ chunk Oxford, F. R. S. Sectionum conicarum lihri VII. acccdit tractatus de sectionibus conicis et de scriptoribus qui carum do- ctrinam tradiderunt. 1793. 4. (i L. I sh.) A geo- metrical treatise of conic sections. Oxford. 1802,8. The binomial theorem demonstrated by the prin- ciples of multiplication. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1795, P.298O ^ROBERTSON, [Archibald] A topographical survey of the great road from London to Bath and Bristol. Part 1. 3. 1793, 8. (3 L. 3 sh.) *ROBERTSON, [David] Esq. born .... died 1795* May 15; See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. May. p. 444.* Tour through the isle of Man; to which is sub- joined a review of the monks history. 1794. 8. (iL, 1 sh.) iibers. Leipzig. 1795. 8. PROBERTSQN> [George] of Granton, near Edin- burgh* On the species of crops best adapted for the High- lands. (Tr. of the Highland Soc. Vol.1, p. 225-) Description of Mid-Lothian, with a map. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.51, p. 99,) Mid-Lothian hus- bandry. (Ibid. Vol. 21. p. 5330 Mid-Lothian dai- ries. (Ibid. Vol.21, p. 641.) General view of the agriculture of the county of Mid-Lothian; with observations on the means of its improve- ment —. fiditib. 1795. 8. (6 sli.) ROBERTSON, * ROBERTSON, [James] D. D. Minister at Callan- der in ike county of Perth/ General view of the agriculture in the county of Perth, with observations on the means of its im- provement. 1799. 8- (8 I'll.) Mountain iheep in Scotland. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 22, p. aoi.) Improvement ,of a moss. (ibid. Vol.22, p. 403.) On larch. (Ibid. Vol.22, p.408*) Tenantry in the southern districts of the county of Perth, ScoN land. (ìbid. Vol.22, p. 429.> Account of three sheep farms. (Ibid. Vol. 22. p. 431.) On popula- tion and villages. (Ibid, Vol.22, p. 435.) ^ROBERTSON, [James] Physician at Inverness. Division of the trachea, neglected so long; that the wound had become callous, healed successful!/ by ligatures through the substance of the trachea* {Duncan9s M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 8. p. 356.) ROBERTSON, [Joseph] Vicar of HorncasiU, Lin* colnshire* born at Kuipe in Westmoreland 172& Aug, 28.' died 1802. Jan. 19. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Febr. p. 108* Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802, March, p. 133. AMg. Litt. Zcit. ItBl. J. 1803. N. 48. S. 403. The subversion of autient kingdoms considered, a sermon. 1761. Dr. Greg. Sharp's posthumoui works, revised and corrected, 1772. Algernon. Sidney s Discourses on government, with histori- cal notes. 1772. 4. Letter to Mr„ Sanxay, a sur- geon, on Miss Butterfield. 1775. Observations on th« cafe of Mise Butterfield. 1775. * On cu- linary poisons. 178I. An introduction to the stu- dy of polite literature. 1782. 12. (2 sh.) Clif* to\t Wintringham de morhis quibusdam commen- tarii, revised and publiihed. 1782. Vol. 2. 179L An essay on the punctuation, I/85. 8. The Pa- rian chronicle — 1788. 8. (5 fh») "bers, von K. F. C. Wagner. Gòttingen. 1790. 8. * The ad- ventures of Telemachus, translated from the french, with notes and the life of M. de Fenelou —- Vol. 1.2. 1795. 8. (7 sh.) Observations on the act for augmenting the salaries of curates in four letters to a friend. 1797. 8. An essay on the education of young ladies 1798. 8. An essay on R 7t the tha nature of the englisli verse, with direction! for reading poetry. 1799. 8. (During the period from Aug. 1764 to Sept. 1785- he was author of above 3620 articles, on theological, claflical, poetical and miscellaneous publications in the Critical Review.) ♦ROBERTSON, [Joseph] Minister of Sleights near Whitby, Yorkshire. Seven sermons, preached ou particular occasions. 1795. 8. (3 sh.) (Several single sermons.) ROBERTSON, [Robert] M. D. Surgeon to the fifth fencible Regt. An essay on fever ,— 1790. 8. (6 sh.) iibers. Lieguix u. Leipzig. 1796. 8. Observations on the jail, hospital or ship fever — made in various parts of Europe and America and on the interme- diate seas. 1792. 8* (8 sh.) History of a caie of retropulsed gonorrhoea, succeeded by a severe af- fection of the eyes, terminating favourably. (D«»- cans A. of Med. Y. 1799. p.455.) *ROBERTSON, [Roger] Esq. of Lady kirk. Description of an ancient obeliik in Berwickshire, with an engraving. (Transact, of the Antiq. of Scocl. Vol.i. p. 269.) Observations and facts concerning the breed of horses in Scotland in an- cient times, (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 2J2.) ROBERTSON, [Thomas] D* D, F. R. S. Edin. Mi- nister of Dalmeny. The history of Mary Queen of Scots, including aa examination of the writings, which where ascri- bed to her. To which are added, appendices, containing copies of those writings and also, of a considerable number of her genuine compositions. 1793. 4. (15 sh- 6 d.) ROBERTSON, [William] Esq. one of the Deputies of the< Lord Clerk Register for keeping the Rt- cords of Scotland. Proceedings relating to the peeroge of Scotland from Jan. 16. 1707. to April 29. 1788. Edinb. 1790. 4. (I L. 7 sh.) An index drawn up about the year 1629 of many ricordi of charters gran- ted 26t ted, by the different sovereign* of Scotland , bet- ween the years 1309 and 1413. Edinb. 1798. 4» (lofh, 6d.) ROBERTSON, [William] D. D. F. R. S. Edits. Principal of the University of Edinburgh and Historiographer to his Maj. for Scotland. > born 1721. died 1793. June 11. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. June. p. 579. Allgera. Litt. Zeit. J. 1793. Oct. S. 266. See Dugald Stewart. History of Scotland — Ed. 13. 1791. 4. ct in 8. Historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India —1791,4. (15 sh.) Ed. 2. with corrections and additions. 1795* 8. (7 sh.) iibers. von G. Forstcr. Berlin. 1792, 8. The history of America. Books IX and X. con- taining the history of Virginia to the Y. 1688. and the history of New England to the Y. 1652» 8. et 4. (5 sh.) ^ROBERTSON, [William] Surgeon in Kelso. History of a cafe of inguinal hernia, successfully cured by operation, after^appearances had become very unfavourable. (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 6* P. 312.) ^ROBERTSON, [William] atladyhirk, near Berwick. Weight of a sliort horned ox. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 420.) New Leicester sliecp. (Ibid. Vol.29, p. 136.) ^ROBINS, [Thomas] at 8ofd- Down, Gloucefterpiire. On raising, planting and cultivating the tnrnip rooted cabbage, with some cursory remarks on agriculture. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 205,) On turncp-ropted cabbage. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.4, p. 19-22.) f'R0BlNSON, [.....] Audley fortefcue, or, the victimes of frailty, a novel. Vol. 1.2. 1795, 12. (6 ih.) •ROBINSON, [A....] A short history of the persecution of christians, by jews, heathens and christians. To which are added, an account of the present state of religion in the United States of America and some observa- tions on civil cstabliihraents of religion. 1793* 8. (2 sh.) R 3 * ROBIN- ibz *ROBINSON, [Anthony]' An examination of a sermon, preached by Ro. hert Hall, Mt A. entitled, modern infidelity con. ildered with respect to its influence on society; with an appendix, containing observations upon a critique on the sermon in the Monthly Review for February 1800. 1800. 8. (2 sh.) *ROBINSON, [Anthony] View of the causes and consequences of englifli wars, from the invasion of this country by Julius Caesar to the present time. 1798. 8. (4 sh.) *ROBINSON, [Christopher] LL. D. Advocate. A report of the judgment of the high court of admiralty on the swediih convoy; pronounced by Sir William Scott. 1799. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Re- ports of cafes argued and determined in the high court of admiralty; commencing with the judg. ments of— Sir Will, Scott, Michaelmas term 1798. Vol. 1. Part I, 2. Vol.2. Vol. 3. P. 1.2. 1799- I802. 8. (1 L. 10 sh.) Vol. 4. Part 1. (6 ih.) * A translation of the chapter 273 and 287. of the confolato del maae relating to prize law. 1800, 8. (l sh.) Collectanea maritima, being a collection pf public instruments &c. tending to illustrate the history and practice of prize law. i8oi. 8. (3 sti. 6 d.) *RQBINSON, [Ebenczev] of Philadelphia. A new method of expelling those noxious va* pours called damps, from wells, or other confined places; (Columbian Magaz, Y.1787. May. p. 423.) An easy and expeditious method of dissipating the noxious vapour, commonly found in wells and other subterraneous places. (Tr. of A. S. Vol, 3. p. 324.) ^ROBINSON, [Henry] at Steeple Langs ord, Wilis. Potatoes for hogs. (Youngs A* of Agr. Vol.38, p.37.) South-Down stieep in Wiltshire. (Ibid, Vo!,38. P.41O *ROBlNSON, [J....] Letter to Sir J. Sinclair, Bart. 1794. 4. ROBINSON, [John] Sydney St. Aubyn, in a series of letters. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 8. (6 sb.) 1 * ROBIN' 26s «R0BINSON, [John] IX. D. Lectures on the elements of chemistry, delivered in the University of Edinburgh by the late Joseph Bìeich, M. Dr. now published from his manuscripts. Vol. 1.2. 1803. 4. (3 L. 3 ft.) • ROBINSON, [John] On the maintenance of curates. (Monthly Magaz; Y. 1799. Dec. p. 847.) Pronunciation by accent. (Ibid. Y. 1799. 0ct P- 680.) On regulations for grain. (Ibid. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 938O Religious uncharitablenefs. (Ibid. Y. 1800. March, p. I02«) On greek and latin negatives. (Ibid. Y. 1800. March, p. 119.) On the greek accents. (Ibid. Y, I800. June. p. 442.) A receipt for making vine- gar. (Ibid. Y. 1800. June. p. 453.) Antiquity 011 punctuation. (Ibid. Y. 1800. July. p. 520.) The art of teaching the orthography, accent and pro- nunciation of the English language, by imitation See, 1800. 12. (I fh.) A new Fngliih spelling book, or, key to the English language —. 1800. 12, (i sh. 6 d.) On accentuation. (Monthly Magaz. Y. igoi. March, p. 113 ) Abuse from trustees of schools. (Ibid. Y. 18OÍ, July. p. 494.) Descrip- tion of the remarkable cave at great Asby. (Ibid. Y. I803. March, p. 104.109.) ROBINSON, [Mary] Mrs. (her maiden name Darby.) born at linstol 1758. Nov. 27. died 1800. Dec. 26. See Monthly Mogaz. Y. 1S01. Febr. p. 36. Gent- leman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Supplem. p. 1300. Public Characters of 1S00 and 180I. p. 327» AUg. Litt.Zeit. ItBL J, 180s. S.7ÓI. Impartial reflections on the situation of the Queeu of France. 1790. 8- Ainsi va le monde, a poem, 1790. Legitimate sonnets, with an account of the Grecian Sappho. 17.. Poems, Vol. 1. 1791.8* (10 fh.) Vol. 2, X793. 8. (12 fh.) The beau- ties of Mrs. Robinjon, selected and- arranged from her political works. 1791. 8. (l fh. ó d.) Van- cenza; or, the dangers of credulity. Vol. I. 2. 1792. 12. (5 Ch.) A monody to the memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds late President of . the Roy. Acad. 1792. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) No-body, a farce 1793. Sight, the cavern of Woe and solitude, R 4 three 2Ó4 three poems, 1793, 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) Monody to the memory of the tate Queen of France, 1793, 4, (4 fh. 6 d.) Ode to the harp of the late accoml plished and amiable Louisi Hanway. 1793. 8. (6 d.) Modern manners; a satire, in two can- tos. 17,, 4, Thoughts on the condition of wo- men and on the injustice of mental subordination. 17.. Ed, 2. 1799,8. (2 fh, 6 d.) The widow*, or a picture of modern times, a novel; Vol. 1. 2, 1794. 8. (6 fh.) The Sicilian lover, a tragedy, in 5 acts. 1796. 8. (2 fh.) Angelina, a novel; Vol, 1-3, 1796. 12, (13 fh. 6 d.) Ubcrf. B.1-4, Erlangeu. 1800. 8» Sappho and Phaon, in a series of legitimate sonnets, with thoughts on poetical subjects and anecdotes of the Grecian poetess. 379s6. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) Hubert de Sevrac, a ro- mauce of the 18 century. Vol. 1-4, 1796. 8* (12 fh.) libers. Th. I. Halleyu. Leipzig. 1797.8. Walsingham, or the pupil of nature, a domestic story interspersed with poetry. Vol. 1-4. 1798. 8. (12 fh.) The false friend, a domestic story. Vol. I-4, 1799.8' (16 sh,) The natural daughter; with portrait? of the Leadenhead family, a novel. Vol. I. 2« 1799. 8. (7 sh.) Lyrical tales. 1800. 8. (5 sb.> The Italian peasantry, a poem, (Monthly Magaz, Y. I8Q0, April, p.260.) Lines, supposed to be written hear the monument of the Rev, John farkhursti (died 1574. Febr, 2.) at Epsom in Sur- rey, (Ibid. Y. 1800, July. p. 565.) Picture of Pa- lorroo by Dr* iìager; translated from the German, I800. 12. (4 ft.) Memoirs of the late Mts. Ro* hinsan^ written by herself with some posthumous pieces. Vol, 1-4, l8or, 8. (I L, I th.) a new edition, Vol, 1.2, I804, 12, (10 fh. 6 d.) Elvi- ra: a character, (Massachusetts Mogaz. Y« 1793* July. p. 419.) Advice to females on the manage- ment of a lover, (Ibid* Y, 1795. A"g. P-2930 (In the newspaper, The World, ibe figured under the signature, Anna Matilda; In the Ora- cle she produced many pieces under the signature* Laura Maria, Julia, Laura, Oberon.) ^ROBINSON, [M.... E.,..] Miss. (Dwgkur of Mary Robinson.) Thi The slirine of Bertha, a novel, in a series of let- ters. Vol. 1.2. 1794- 8. (6 sh.) ROBINSON, [Matthew Montagu] Lord Rokcby. born 1712. died 1800. Nov. 29. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. P» 568. Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Dec. p. 1219. cf. Y. 1798. Oct. p. 826. Friendly remarks on Mr. Pitt's administration, by a near observer. 1795. An address to the county of Kent, on their petition to the king for remo- ving from the councils of his Majesty his present ministers and for adopting proper means to pro- cure a speedy and an happy peace —; 1797* 13. (I sh.) •ROBINSON,, [R....] Claude's essay on the composition of a sermon, from the frcnch, with an appendix. 1796. (10 fh.) "ROBINSON, [Ralph] of Windsor. On Mr. Duckefs mode of cultivation. (Young t A. of Agr. Vol. 7. p. 65.332.) On Mr. Ducket's husbandry. (Ibid, Vol. 33. p. 61.71.) "ROBINSON, [Robert] Sermons, preached on particular occasions —; I803. 8. (7 fh-) ROBINSON, [Thomas] As. A. Vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester. Scripture characters; — new edition. Vol. 1-4. I800. 8. (I L. 8 fh.) ^ROBINSON, [Thomas] M. A. ReEtor of Ruan-mi- nor , Cormvati, Sketches in verse. 1796. 4, (3 sh.) A serious ex* hortation to the inhabitants of Great-Britain, with reference to the approaching fast. 1797» A serious call to a constant and devout attendance on the services of the church, 1803. (6 d.) An enquiry into the nature, necessity and eviden- ces of revealed religion. 1803. 8. (6 fh.) A few plain reasons for the belief of a christian. 180Q. 8. (I fh.) An address to the inhabitants of Great* Britain and Ireland on the termination of the war with France, 180I. 8. (4 d.) R 5 ROBISON, 266 ROBISON, [John] As. A: LL. D. F. R. S. Edh. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, * Memoirs of his life. (See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, I798. May, p 413. Ti/Joch's Philof. Magaz. Vol. 10. p 348. Vol. 13. p. 386.) Proofs of conspiracy against all the religions ami governments of Eu- rope, carried on in the secret meetings of free masons, illuminati and reading societies, collected from good authorities 17., Ed* 2. corrected 1797. 8, (6 fh.) Lectures on the elements of chemistry, delivered in the University of Edin- burgh , by the late Joseph Black — now publi- shed from his "manuscripts. Vol. 1. 2. 1803. 4. (3 L. 3 fh.) libers, mit Anmerk. von CrelL B. 1. I804. 8. (He contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britanmea the articles; Physics, Pneumatics; Preccslion of the equinoxes, Projectiles, Pumps, Resistance of fluids, River, Roof, Rope-making, Rotation, Seamanship, Signals, SoundSpecific-gravity, Statics, Steam, Steam-engine,- Strength of materials, Telescope, Tide, Articulating-Trumpet, Variation of the Compass and Water works; also philosophy in association with Drt GleigS) *ROBLEY, [John] Etq. Letter on i ndigo. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol. 2. p. 233-) *.ROBSON, [Edward] A. L. S. Description of the ribes fpicatum. (Transact of L. S. Vol.3, p, 240.) *ROBSON, [G....] . On the use of corn for feed that has not been fully ripened. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 24.) • •ROBSON/fJohn] Flocks in the Highlands. (Young*s A. of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 550 SROBSON, [William] Esq. of Câstle Caryï The Persian diary, or, reflections orien tal gift of daily counsel. 180Ò. 12. (2 fh.) Mottos; or, imagery of life. 1803. 6\ (i fh. 6 d.) «ROBSQNi *R0BSON, [WilliamJ Grammigraphia; or, the grammar of dra\vìng, a system of appearance, which, by easy rules, com- municates it« principles and shews how it is to be presented by lines; — 1801. 4. (1 L. I fh.) TROCHE, [Regina Maria] Mrs. The Vicar of Lansdown; 17.. The maid of the Hamlet, a tale. Vol. 1. 3. 1793. 8. (6 sh.) Cler- mont, a tale. Vol. 1-4. 1798. (14 sh.) The nocturnal visit. Vol. 1-4. 1800. 12. (I L. 1 sh.) — Die Erben, frei bearbeitet von L. F. Ruber* Braunsehw. 1803. Lord Bishop of ROCHESTER; See Samuel Horsley. Substance of his speech in the house of Peers May 23. I800. in the debate upon the third rea- ding of the bill for the' punishment and more effectual prevention of the crime of adultery. 1800. 8. (I fh.) *RQCKCLIFFE, [Francis] at West Askby, nearHorn- cafth) Littcohiskire. New Leicester wool. (Young's A. .of Agr. Vol. 32. p. 149.) On the poor-potatoes - enclosures, (ibid. Vol. 35. p. 212.) *ROCKE, [Hayman] Esq. F. R. S. Descriptions and sketches of some remarkable oaki in the park of Walbeck in the county of Notting- ham. 1790. 4. *RODD, [Thomas! Las guerras civiles, or, the civil war of Granada, and the history of the factions of the zegries audi Abentorrages, tvvo noble families of that city, t© the final conquest by Ferdinand and Isabella; translated from the arabic of Abenhamin, —* by Gomez Perez de Hìta> of Murcia and from the Spanish. Vol. I. I801, 8. (7 fn- 0 ^0 Zuma, a tragedy, from the french of Mrs. le Fevre, trans- lated. 1800, 8. (2 fh.) An elegy on his grace Francis, the late Duke of Bedford. 1802.4. (I fh.) *RODENHURST, [T....] Description of Hawkstone, the scat of Sir Richard Hill, Bart. Ed. 2. 1784. 12. (I fh.) Ed. 3. 1786.8-. ♦RODMAN, [John] Surgeon in Paisley. Description of a new instrument for trepanning, invented CÓ8 invented by him, (TillocKs Philos, Magaz. Vol.6, p. 207.) ^'RODNEY* [James] at Royley, near Aries ford, Hams. On the comparative culture of wheat. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 11, p. 62.) •RODWELL, [Jofiah] of Livermere, near Bury, Suf- folk* On clay and marie. (Comm. to the B. of Agr, Vol. 2. p. 451- Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 37, p. 258.) *ROE, [Richard] The elements of english meter, both in prose and verse — 1801. 4. (5 sh,) ROEBUCK, [John] M. Dr. F. R. S. Lond. andEdink born ,... died at Kinniel, in Scotland. 1794, June 16. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Aug* p. 767. Account of certain phenomena observed in the air vault of the furnaces of the Devon iron works; together with some practical remarks on the management of blast furnaces. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 5. Part 1. p. 31. Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 4, p. IIO. Tillock's Philos, Magaz. Vol.6, p.324.) ROGERS, [Samuel] Esq. A partner in she Banking- house of Messrs Welch and Co. * An ode to superstition with some other poems. 1786, 4. (I sh. 6 d.) *The pleasures of me- mory; 1792. 4. (3 sh- 6 d.) *An epistle to a friend; with other poems. 1798. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) , «ROGERSON, [Isaac] Gardener at Bristol. Experiment made in planting of wheat. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3» P-3I7-) flROGERSON, [Thomas] of Narford, near Swaff* ham, Norfolk. Account of the comparative advantage of the drill and broad-cast husbandry. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 9. p. 25.) Lord ROKEBY; See Matthew Montagu Robinson. «ROLLE, [Edward] B. D. Rector of Berwick, View of Morelinch, co, Somerset, Prebendary of Salisbury. born 1702. died at Berwick 1791. June 30. See Gentleman's Magax. Y. 1791, July, p. 683. (Author 3Ó9 (Author of several poems: See Collections of poems by Dodsley. Vol. 3.) *ROLLE, [Denys] Esq. born 1725. died 1797. June 24. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. July, p. 617. Oct. p. 885- Supplera. p. 1125. Allg. Litter, Zeit. ItBl. J. 1798. S. 284. On parochial reformation to the nobility and gen- try of Devonshire. 1789. ROLLO, [John] M. Dr. Surgeon-General of the Roy. Artillery. See William Cruikshank. An account of two cafes of the diabetes tueUituj, with remarks, as they arose during the progress of the cure —; Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. Cafes of the diabetes tnellitus, with the results of the trials of certain acids and other substances in the cure of the lues venerea. VoL I. 2. 1797. 8. (12 sh.) Ed. 2. with large additions. 1798. 8. (8 fh. ) iiberf. Von J. A. Heidmann. Wien. 1801. 8. A short account of the Roy, artillery-hospital at Woolwich; with some observations ou the mana. gement of artillery-soldiers, respecting the pro* servation of health. 1801. 8. (5 sh.) A short ac- count of souffrière in the island of St. Lucia* (Tillocfrs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 3. p. 256.) •ROMAIN, [J,... A....] The English negociator, freuch and engljch, com- posed of familiar letters and conversations and letters on commercial correspondence. 1799, (5 sh.j ROMAINE, [William] M. A. Letlurer of St. Dun- staffs' church %in the West; Reftor of St, An* nes> Black-Friars and St. Andrew by the Wardrobe. born at Hartlepool 1714. Sept. 25. died 1795. J»ly 26. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795» July* p 622. Aug. p. 701. Sept. p. 763-765. 789- Y- 18021 Sept. p. 811. Evangelical Magaïy Y. 1795. Nov. p. 437. Y. 1797. p. 331. See W. B. Qadogan. Cala/fio's hebrew dictionary and concordance; 1 new edition with great additions and emendations. Vol. 1-4. Ï747-1749. Answer to Dr. Tucker's pamphlet 27° ~—"""^ pamphlet in favour of the jew~biJI; 1753. Nine sermons on the 107 psalm, 1753. A treatise on the sacrement, and an admonition for prayer; 1764. A call to the members-oF (he established church, to set apart an hourevery week for prayer. 1779' Works, Vol. 1-8. 1797. g. (2 L. 8 sh.j The .triumph of■ faith. 1795..12. (3 sh; ó d.) (Several single sermons.)' *ROMER, [...,] born 1^70. died 179-5. Marches. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795.' Apr. p. 333. Modern eccentricities; 17.. The rendezvous of Mirth; 17.. ^ROMEYN, [J B....] Influence of freedom on the human constitution. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1795. July. p. 487.) *ROMLEY, [W....] Vicar of iVkitgift, near Howdw. Early improvements in agriculture in Yòrkíhire. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol.^r. p.208.) *ROOK, [John] M. Dr. of Montpellier old works, Ja- maica. Account of the success of vaccine inoculation in some districts of Jamaica. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1801. p.335-) ROOKE, [Hayman] /iff. F. A. S. Major. Descriptions and sketches of some remarkable oaks in the park at Welbeck in the county of Nottingham, a feat of the Duke of Portland: with observations on the age and durability of that tree; with remarks ou the annual growth of the acorn. 1790, 4. (7 sh. 6 d.) A lketch of the antient and present state of Sherwood forest, in the county of Nottingham , with four plates, Ï799. Description of ihe great oak in Salcey forest. 1797. 8-' Meteorological register from the Y. 1795. 378«) Ami- Antiquities discovered in Derbyshire. (íbicî. Vol. 12. p. I«) Romau antiquities at and near Brad- burn in the county of Derby. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 6.) An account of the idruidical remains in Derbyshire* (Ibid. Vol.12, p. 41.) Discoveries in a barrow in Derbyshire. (Ibide Vol. 12. p. 327.) 9 ROOTS, [George] of Lincoln's-Inn. The charters of the town of Kingston on Thames, translated into English, with occasional notes. 1797- 8. (10 sh. 6 d,) *ROPER, [R... S... Donniion] Esq. of Gray's - lm* Barrister at Law. A treatise upou the law of legacies. 1799. 8. (4 ill. 6 d.) *R0SCOE, [William] Esq. of Liverpool Barrister At Law. See Publie Characters of 1798 and 1799, p. 25. Gentleman's Mjgaz. Y. 1798. May. p. 413. Mount pleasant, a poem; 17.. A scriptural re- futation of a pnmphlet lately published by the Rev. Rzymund Harris; upon the licitness of the? slave trade. 1788. The wrongs of Africa; Part 1.2. 1787. 1788. Millions be free; published in Mercurio Itahco: The vine — covered hills; 17.. On the comparative excellence of the scien- ces and arts. (Mem. of M, Vol. 3. p. 24T.) The life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the magnificent. Vol, I. 2. 1795. 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) Ed. 2. corrected. Vol. I, 2. 1796. 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) The nurse» a poem, translated from the Italian of Luigi Ta?i* Mo. 1798. 4- (6 sh-) Ed. 8. 1800. 8. (5 sh.) ROSE, [George] — M. P. Considerations on the debt on the civil list. 1802» 8. (I sh. 6 d.) *ROSE, [George] Esq. A brief examination into the increase of the reve? nue, commerce and manufactures of Great-Britain from 1792 to 1799. Ed. 7. with considerable ad- ditions. 1799. 8. (2sh. 6 d.) *ROSE, [G.... H....] * Instructions for hussars and light cavalry acting as such, in time of war; a translation. 1798. 8. ROSE, [John] A constitutional catechism, adapted to all ranki and capacities, illustrated with copious notes — Ï795- 8. (I Hi.) * R O S B 9 [ Samuel] Esql of Lincoln s-Inn; Barrifltt at Law. John Comyns reports of cafes argued and sd. judged in the courts of King's - Bench, common picas and exchequer. Ed. 2. corrected, with notes Vol. I. 2. 1792. 8. (18 sh.) John Corny n's, a digest of the laws of England. Ed. 4. corrected and continued to the present time. Vol. 1-6. I800, 8. (4 L. 14 sh, 6 d.) ♦ROSE, [William Stuart] Esq. The naval history of the îateçwar. Vol. i. igo2, 8. (7 sh.) Amadis de Gaul, a poem in 3 books, freely translated from the french version of Ni- colas de Heberary, Sieur des Essars, with notes, 1803. 8. (6 sh.) *ROSS, [A....] Cows slipping calf. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 35- P-46.) «'ROSS, [George] Account of his plantations in Scotland. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 3. p. 13.) *ROSS, [James] As. Dr. Physician to the Montrojt Dispensary and Asylum. Cafes of patients treated at the dispensary and lunatic asylum of Montrose 1) a case of hae- moptysis ~- 2) a cafe of paralysis — 3) a re« niarkable instance of long fasting. (Duncans A, of Med. Y. 1800. p. 380.) •ROSS, [Jotó] Professor of Church History in the CqI h'$f of Aberdeen. Letter on turncp-rooted cabbage. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 24. Vol.6, p.69.) *ROSS, [John] As. Dr. Bishop and Arch-Deacon of Exeter, Vicar of Froome in Somersetshire ani F. R. S. born .... died 1792. Aug. 14. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Aug. p. 774- Sept. p. 8Ó4. Defence of Dr. Middlcton against the cnticiim5 / of Marhland. 1746. Cicero's epistolae ad familia* res. Vol. 1. 2. 1749- 8. (Several single sermons.) *RQSS, [Samuel] of Trinity College, Dublin. Miscellaneous poems. 1790. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) *ROSS, [William] Lectures on comparative anatomy, translated from the french of G. Cuvier. Vol. 1. 1802. ♦ DE RO S SET, [A.... J,...] M. Dr. An account of the pestilential fever, which prevai* led at Wilmington, North - Carolina in 1796. (Medical Repository. Vol. 2. p. 153.) ROTHER/VM, [John] M A: ReBor ofHoughton -Je- Spring, Vicar of Seaham and, Chaplain to the Lord - Bishop of Durham. (Sou of John Ro» titer am y Fellow of Queen's College, Oiford.) born .... died 1787. An essay on faith and its connection with good works; a new edition. I803. 12. (3 fh.) ROTHERAM, [John] M. Dr. F. L. S: Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of St. Andrew. (Authpr of the articles Oxygen and Phlogiston in the New Encyclopaedia Britannica.) Some pro- perties of geometrical series explained in the solu- tion of a problem, which hath been thought indc«^ terminate, (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p. 330.) ROTH WELL, [J.,..] Master of the free-school of Blackrod. A comprehensive grammar of the English language for the use of youth. Ed> 3. corrected and impro- ved. 1797. 12. (2 sh.) 'ROUELLE, [John] As. Dr. A complete treatise on the mineral waters of Vir* ginia, containing a description of their situation, their natural history, their analysis , contents and their use in medicine. Phdad. 1792. (i Dollar.) •ROUGH, [William] of Gray's-inn. late of Trinity College, Cambridge and formerly of Westmin» fier School. Lorentino di Medici and other poems. 1797- 8. (3 fh.) (He is writer of the poetry in the Monthly Magazine, signed W* fi. Gray's-Inn,) bust (?> A Suppi. th. il S ROUS, ROUS., [George] Esq. Thoughts on government, — Ed. 4. 17gr, g, (I fh. 6 d.) Letter to the R. H. Edm. Burke, in reply to his appeal from the new to the old wbifcs. 1791. 8. (2 ih.) ROUS, [Thomas Bates] born . .„« died 1799. Febr. 1. at his scat at Moor-park, in Hertfordshire. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. FeDr- p. I7Î. March, p. 250. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799, Febr. p/164. All&em. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 658. AROUSE, [Charles William Boughton] Baronet. Dissertation concerning the landed property of Bengal. 1791. 8. (6 ih.) The Bramin's prayer: translated from the Persick. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 179I0 March, p. 144.) «'ROWOEN, [Frances Arabella] A poetical introduction to the study, of botany, 1801. 8. (10 fh. 6d. large paper I L. I fh.) *ROWE, [Harry] Trumpet-Major to the high She* riffs of York/kin and Master of a Puppet* show. born at York 1726. died 1800. Oéì.2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Oct. p. IOIO, Allg. Litt. Zeit< J. 1801. ItBl. S. 797. Macbeth, a tragedy, written by fViO. Skakesptm^ with notes and emendations. Ed.2. 1799. 8. (2fli. 6d.) *ROWE, [Henry] II. B: ReQor of BJnuMl in Suf- folk. Poems. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. (7 fh.) *ROWE, [W.... H ] of Gray's-Inn. Observations on the rules of descent; with re- flections on the subject of our law's disallowance of lineal ascent. I803. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) '^ROWLANDSON, [Thomas] — and Henry Wigsteaiïs excursion to Brigh- thelmstone, made in the Year 1789-'— embelli- shed with 8 engravings in aqua tinta, from views taken on the road to and at that,place. 1791. f°'» . CI l- 1 ) , ROWIE* ROWtES, [Samuel] Thoughts on divine truth, in. a series of letters to a friend, 1797. 8. ♦ ROWLEY, [Richard] Esq. Account of the parish of Middleton Scriven. (Youngs A. of Agn Vol. 22. p. 334.) ♦ ROWLEY, [Richard] fiw. An inquiry concerning; antichrist; being an exami- nation of such of the predictions of D«mie) as are acknowledged to relate to that subject, and. an attempt to apply them to certain events which have recently occurred. Vol. j.2. 1803. 8. (15 sb.) ROWLEY, [William] Esq. M. Dr. Member of the Univerfity of Oxford, the Royal Cot/eg* of Physicians in London. born I743. Nov, ,near London. A treatise on 118 principal diseases of the eyes and eye-lids, in which are communicated several new discoveries relative to the cure of defects in vi. iion; with many original prescriptions, to which are added directions in the choice of spectacles, 1790. 8. (6 sh.) iibers, Breslau 11. Hirfchberg. 1792, 8. A treatise on the cure of old ulcers of the legs without rest and impurities of the blood; proving that the cure consists in changing the acri- mony in the constitution; with many new di- rections for diet and remedies. Ed. 4. 17.. (2fh.) On the management of female breasts during child- bed and several new observations on cancerous diseases of the breasts, womb, nose, lips, eye-lids, rectum — with prescriptions, to which are added remarks on pretenders to the cure of the cancer; two letters — on the dangerous tendency of medi* * cal vanity, containing a remarkable cure of a cancerous ulcer of the womb and rectum j the re- medics used <£c, with objections to the use of hemlock. Ed. 2. I790. (3 sh.) iibers. Breslau u. Hirfchberg. 1794. 8. On the regular, irre- gular, atonic and flying gout, with"the excellent effects of the muriatic acid in the relief of that disorder. 1792.8. (z(h. 6 d.) iibers. Breslau u. Hirfchberg. 1794. 8. The causes of the great number of deaths amongst adults and children in putricd scarlet fevers and ulcerated fore throats, S % expiai- $76.. explained, with more successful modes of treating those alarming disorders, as practised at the St. Mary-le-bone infirmary, 1793. 8. (I sh.) The rational and improved practice of physic. Vol. 1-4, 1793- 8. (I L. II sh. 6 d.) On the causes and cure of swelled legs; on dropsies and on the mo- des of retarding the decay of the constitution in* the decline of life, with the description of a new- invented instrument for drawing of the water in female dropsies — to which is added, a tract on the absolute necessity of encouraging the study of anatomy —. 1796. 8. (2 sh.. 6 d.) Schola me- dicinae universalis nova — the new universal school of medicine; containing the history of me- dicine, anatomy, physiology and special pathology — Vol. 1.2. 1797» 4- The most cogent reasons why astringent injections, caustic bougies and vio- lent salivations should be banished for ever from practice, with the mildest methods of safely trea- ting every species of venereal infection, striciures of the urethra — and correcting mischiefs arising from caustic bougies. 1800. 8. (4 sh.) A trea- tise on the new discovered dropsy of the membra- nes of the brain and watery head of children — to which are added, observations on errors iu nursing, on the diseases of children, their treat- ment — 1801. 8. (2 sh.) ROWSON, [-...] Mrs. formerly Miss Beverley. Reuben and Rachel, or, tales of old times, a no- vel. Vol. 1.2. 1799.12. (7 ROXBURGH, [William] M. Dr. Surgeon at Samul- cot ta. Account of the cultivating of pfcpper in the circar of Rajahmundry , near Samuel Cotah. (Dalrym- pie's Oriental Repository. Nrb. I. p. I.) A bota- nical description of the tree- indigo or neriuin tinctorium. (Ibid. Nrb. I. p. 39.) On the Láíchá er lac, insect. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 2. p.361.) ^antS of the, coasts of Coromandel, selected from drat wings and descriptions. Vol.1. Nrb. 1-4. Vol.2. Nrb. 1-3. London. 1795. (each I L. I sh. pla^í 3 L 10 sh. coloured.) An account of a new spe- cies of Swietenia (Mahogany); and of experiments and observations on its bark, made with a view to aiccr- 27? ascertain its powers and to compare them with those of Peruvian bark, for which it is proposed bs a substitute; (Simmon s Med. Facts and Observ. Vol.6, p. I27.J Chermes Lacea. (Phil, Transact. Y. 1791. p. 229. TiUoctís Philof. Magaz. Vol. 3. p. 367.) A description of the plant Butea. (Alias. Res. Vol. 3. p. 469.) A botauical description of urceola elastica, or caout-chouc vine of Sumatra and Pullo-pinang, with an account of the proper- ties of its inspissated juice, compared with those of the American caout-chouc, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 167. TiUoch's Philos. Magaz. Vol.6, p. 154.) A de- scription of the Jonesia. (AOat. Res. Vol.4. p. 355. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 435.) Prosopis aculeata: Koenig. Tshamie of the Hindus in the Northern Circars. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 4. p. 405.) Botanical observations on the spikenard of the an* cicnts, intended as a supplement to Will. Jones's papers on that plant. (Ibid. Vol 4. p. 433.) A botanical description of a new species of Swietcnia (Mahogany). 179. 4. *ROY, [Neil] D. D. Minister of the Parish of Aber- lady. Topographical description of parish of Aberlady, (Transact, of the Soc. of Antiq. of Scotlaud. Vol. 1, p« 511) ROYERS, [Charlei] (is an error of press; it is RO- GERS [Charles] who died 1784.) See Reuss Gel. Engl. S.349. *RQZZELL, [William] A poetical introduction to English grammar, de- signed for the purpose of aslisting the memories of youth. 1795. 8. (I sh.) RUDD, [A..Blackstoue] M. A. Vicar of Diddle- bury and Reader at .Ludlow in the County of Salop. Sermons on practical subjects. Ed. 2- Vol. 1. 2- 1791- 8: (12 sh.) (Several single sermons.) *RUDD, [Pemberton] Esq. Bàrrificr at Law. An answer to the pamphlet, entitled, „ Arguments for an against an union &C. in a letter addressed to Edward CoQke, Esq. Secretary at War, 1798* 8. (6 d.) § 3 * RUDDER, 278 RUDDER, [Samuel] Punter at Cirencester. born .... died 1801. March 15. .at Chelsea. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I801. March. p.28< *RUDlNG, [Roger] B. D. Vicar of Ma I don, Surrey] A proposal for restoring the antient còiiítitution of the mint, so far as relates to the expence of coi- nage; together with the outline of a plan for the improvement of the money and for increasing the difficulty of counterfeiting; 1799. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) *RUGGLES, [Thomas] Esq. E A. S. One of hit Maj Justices of the Peace for tke counties of Essex and Suffolk. The history of she poor, their rights, duties and the Jaws respecting them. Vol. 1. 2. 1793. 1794, 8. (IQ sh.) A new edition corrected and conti- nued to the present time. 1797. 4» (15 fh.) No* tices of the Manor of Cavendish, in Suffolk and of the Cavendish family while possessed of that Manor. (Arch. Vol. II. p. 50.) On planting and the use of trees. (Youngs A, of Agr. Vol.5. p, I80.) Picturesque farming, (ibid. .Vol. 6. p. 175. Vol. 7, p 20. Vol. 8. p. 89. Vol. 9. p. 1.) On spring wheat, (ibid. Vol. 7. p. 513.) Notices ou grazing iu Lincolnshire, (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 166.) Extract from a pamphlet entitled, ,,an account of the origin, proceedings, and intentions-of the society, for ihe promotion of industry in the sou- thern districts of the parts of Lindsey, in the.conn- ty of Lincoln. „ (Ibid. Vol. g. p,3l6.) On glea- ning, (Ibid. Vol. 9, p*Ó3Ó.) Comparison of win- ter wheat, spring wheat and barley. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 199.) On the police and situation of the poor. medy. 1797. 8. (5 fh.) fSADLER, [James] Esq. Chemist to the Admiralty. New construction of the air-pump. ('Nicholson''/ Journal. Vol. I. p. 441.) Description of an ap- paratus for disengaging oxygen gas and applying it to the best advantage; to which are added ob- servations upon the blow-pipe by W* N. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 33.) *SAEL, [George] Bookseller in London. born 1761. died 1799. June 13, Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. June. p. 534. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 660. Easy introduction to reading. 17.. **A new sc* quel to Mrs. Btrbauld leiTons, adapted for chil- dren from 4 or 7 years old. 1796, 12. (I fh.) SAFFORY» [rienry] Surgeon. born ... . died 179. (?) ST. ALBYN, [Lancelot] As. A. formerly of Baliol College, Oxford, late Rettor of Baracombe ani Vicar of Wembdon, in thi counties of Dtvon and Somerset» born 1722. died 179I. Jan. 22. Sec Gentleman's Majaz. Y. 1791. Jan. p* 94- ST. ST. JOHN, [John] Mary Queen of Scots # a tragedy; a net? edition. I791, (i Th. 6 d.) Observations on the land revenue of the crown—. Ed.2# corrected. 1793*8» (5 no *ST. JOHN, [Theophilus] Practical sermons. 1803, 8* (6 fh. 6 d.) *St. QUENTIN* [D.*..] A. M. Calonue'i political state of Europe, fit the begin, ning of I796* or considerations 011 the most esse* ctual means of procuring a solid and permanent peace; translated from the french mscpt. 1796* 8» (5 stiO ^SALISBURY, [Richard Anthony] Esq. F> R> $t F. S. Descriptions of the four species of cypripediuro* (Transact* of L. S. Vol. i. p; 76.) Descriptions of several species of pancratium. (îbid. Vol. 2. p. 70.) The characters of two species of OXalis. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. ^4^0 Remarks on some techni- cal terms used in botany. (Ibid. Vol. 5* p. 135.) An illustration of the genus Solandra* (Ibid. Vol* 6. p. 99.) Species D. Rector of MoretOftt Ejsex, and formerly Feiioto of St. John's College* Cambridge* born 170Ó. died 1796. Jan. 31. See Gentleman's Magaz» Y* 1796. Febr. p. 170. Apn p. 348. Sept. p. 715. Some strictures on Mr. Gtbborìs account of chri* stianity and its first teachers; 17*. Two gram- matical essays; I) on barbarism in the English language; 2) on the usefulness and necessity of grammatical knowledge in order to a right inter* pretation of the scriptures* 1768» ^SALISBURY, [W....] Gardener. Hortus Paddingtonensis, or, a catalogue of planté cultivated in the garden of 7. Symmons £s //. T * SALMON * SALMON, [George] Esq. of Sandhach, Cheshire. Qn chicory, the drill culture and gypsum, (Young's A. of Agr. VoLl8. p. 364.) *SALMON, [J...,] An historical description of ancient and modern Rome, also of the works of art, particularly i« architecture, sculpture and painting; to which are added a tour through the cities and towns in the environs of that metropolis and an account of the antiquities found at Gabiâ. — Vol. 1.2. Igoo, 8. (I L. 10 fli!) *SALMON, [Rohcrt] ûfWoburn, Clerk of the works to the Duke of Bedford. Method and process for transferring paintings, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 15. P. 243.) Description of his machine for cutting chaff. (Ib. Vol.15, p. 280. Tillocfcs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 3. p. 293») *SALMON, [Thomas Abraham] A jllè of fVadham- College > Oxford. Hebraicae Çrammaticcs — or, a hebrew grammar for the use of Westminster; school. 1796. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) ^SALMOND, [James] Esq. of the Bengal Military Establishment. A review of the origin, progress and result of the decisive war with the late Tippo-Sultaun on My* fore* with note^: to which are added, some ac* count of Zemaun Shah. The proceedings of a Jacobin club, formed at Seringapatam &c. toge- ther with translations of state papersfound in the cabinet of Tippoo-Sultaun and other im- portant official papen. 18ÓO. 8. (7 *SALTONSTALL, [Winthrop] Citizen of the/lan of Connecticut* On the chemical and medical history of fepton, azote or nitrogene, and its combinations with the matter of heat and the principle of acidity; an inaugural dissertation. New-York» 1796. 8» *SAMPLE, [Robert] Major. Walks and sketches at the Cape of Good Hope, ♦SAMPSON, ^SAMPSON, [George] A. B. Essay towards the ascertaining of English gram* mar. 1790. 12. •5 AM PS ON, [Richard] Organist of St. John's, Wa» kefield* A choice collection of the best psalms tunes, from the moil esteemed old masters. 1800. (2 sh.) ♦SAMPSON, [Robert] Letter on a chime clock. (Tr. of the Soc, for th& E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 174.) .♦SAMSON, [Ezra] Beauties of the bible. Philadelphia. 1800» $• ♦ SAMUEL, [Richard] On the cultivation of apple trees* (Bath Agricult» Soc. Vol. 4. p. 238.) SAMUEL, Lord-Bishop of Rochester. See Samuel Hors ley. SAM WELL, [David] Surgeon in his Ma). Navy. (Hé accompanied Capt. Cook in his' last voyaga to the South - sea.) born 1751. died 1798. Nov. 22. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Dec» p. 1085* Allg. Litt Zeit. ItBl. J. I800. S, 654» The Negro bôy; 17*. *SANDBY, [William] Esq. for many years Bookseller at London* boni 1717* died at Tcddington Middlesex; 1799. Nov. 2. See Gentleman's Maçaz. Y. 1790» Nov. p. 1000. (He published Lord Lytreltotss History of Henry 2.) ♦SANDEMAN, t6eorge] Afc Dr. Physician to the • General Dispensary A singular cafe of abscess of the liver which ter- minated favourably. (M. (\ Vol» 2» p*277») SANDEN, [Thomas] M. Dr. Physician at Chichester, Singular termination of a caie of enteritis. (Dun* cans A. of Med. V. 1801. p. 293,) *Thrce dis* courses 1. on the use of books* 2. on the resulc - and effects of study; 3* on the elements of literary taste. i8o^. 8. (4 ihO •SANDERS, [....] Rev. of Sidmouth, Devon, On destroying infects 011 fruit trees. (Bath Agric6 Soc. Vol. 3. p. 367.) T 4 SANDERS, SANDERS, [Charlotte Eliz.] Mist. The embarrassed attachment, a novel. Vol. t. jf 1788. 8- (6 sh.) The little family, written for the amusement and instruction of young persons. Vol. 1.2. 1797* 12. (5 sh.) Holidays at home; written for the amusement of young persons. 1803 12. (4 sb.) * SANDERS, [Francis [William] Es$. of Lincoln's* ìnn* Essay on the nature and laws of uses and trusts; including a treatise on conveyances at common law; and those deriving their effect from the sta. tute of uses. 1791..8. (7 sh.) Jqkn Iracy Au kyiss reports of cafes argued and determined in the high court of chancery in the time of Lord Chan- cellor Hardwicke. Ed. 3. revised and corrected. Vol. 1-3 1794. 8- (2 L.) An essay on uses and trusts and on the nature and operation of conve- yances at common law and those deriving their effect from the statute of uses. Vol, 1.2. 1799*8. (10 sh. 6 d,) ♦SANDERS, [Henry] B. A. of Oriel College, Oxferi and Curate of Skenftone. The history and antiquities of Shenstone in thi county of Stafford; illustrated with the pedigrees of all the families and gentry both ancient and modern of that parish. 1794* *SANDERS, [Joseph] of Exeter. Importance of the hemp husbandry. {Youngs A.of Agr. Vol.12, p. 512.) ♦SANDERSON, [Thomas] Poems by Jofiak Relpk of Seberghan, near Car- lisle; with the life of the author and a pastoral elegy on his death. 1799. 12. (2 sh, 6 d.) Ori- ginal poems. I800. I2é (3 sh. 6 d.) «SANDFORD, [William] Surgeon to the fVowsttr Infirmary, A few practical remarks on the medicinal effecli of wine and spirits, with observations on the ©eco- nomy of health ^~ 1799. Í2. (2 fh. 6 d.) *SANDIFORD, [Daniel] Sermon?, designed chiefly for young persons. 1802- U* ♦SANK- 293 • SANDILANDS, [Richard] LL. B> Preacher at the New Ebury Chapel, near Sloane Squaret Chelsea, Chaplain to the Viscountess Dowager Hereford and formerly of Baliol Cellege, Oxford. Hynaus for the use of his congregation. 17,, (Several single sermons.) *SANWELL, [....] A collection of Welch tours. 1797. 12. ♦SARGENT, .[James] On the culture and increase of a new species of horse-beans sent from Holland. (Bath Agricult* Soc. Vol. 2. p. 250.) *SARGENT, [Winthrop] Esq. List of forest and other trees, Northwest of the river Ohio. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 2. P.I. p. 156.) Drawings and some account of certain articles, which were taken out of an ancient tumulus , or grave, in the western County. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 177>) A drawing of some utensils, or orna- ments, taken from an old Indian grave, at Cin- cinnati, county of Hamilton, and territory of the United States, Northwest of the river Ohio, Aug. 30. 1794. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 179.) *SÀRJEANT, [Hm..] of fVhitthtvc* in Cumber- land. Ancient account of parhelia seen in Cumberland. (Nicholson's journal. Vol. 4. p. 178.) Description of a very cheap engine for raising water. (Ibid. Y. 1802. May. p. 6l. Transact, of the Soc, for E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 255; TiUoch's Philos. Magaz. Vol.12, p. 14.) On the figure of sulphate of ba- rytes and the formation of madreporae. (Ibid. Y* I802. Aug. p. 253.) Account of his hand-mill for grinding corn, (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Vol. 7. p. 15.) *SARR A TT, [....] Lieut, of the Royal York Mary- le-bone Volunteers. Life of Buonaparte , in which the atrocious deeds, which he has perpetrated, in order to attaiu his elevated station, are faithfully recorded; — 1803, 12. (3 fh. 6 d.) •SATIS, [G....] of Clifford*s-Inn. Hridtr's system of French •ecid*ncc and syntax. Ed. 3, with notes, 1791. 8- (4 ft.) Ed«4« 1794- T 3 (4 m (4 sh,) Classical exercises upon the rules ]aid down in Holder's Ckamhaud's french grammar 1792. 8» (I sh, 6 d. ) Claflical exercises upon the rules of the french syntax, with references to Hoi der's Chambaud's grammar. 1792. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) iSJew edition. 1794. 8. (2 sh, 6 d.) Themes fraucois et anglois, or french and enghih exercises upon the rules laid down in Holders Ckambauìt french g ram mar. X794. 8. (3 (h.) The guide to G. Satis claíììcal exercises upon the rules of the french syntax; with references to Holder** Ckm* baud's grammar. 1794. 8. (10 sh. 6 d,) ^SAUER, [Martin] Secretary. An account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Ruilia — per* formed — by Commodore Joseph, BilJittgs> in the Y. 1785 to 1794. 1802. 2. (2 L. 2 fh.) iibcrC von M. C, Sprettgel. Weimar* 1803. fSAUL, [Joseph] The tutor's and scholar's assistant, being a new treatise on vulgar and decimal arithmetic, contai* ning a large collection of original questions, Ed, a, 1797. 12. (2 sh.) Ed. 3. 1803.-12. (3 ft.) A key to the tutor's and scholar's assistant, 1797» 12« (6 d.) Ed. 3. 1803. (6 d.) #SAUMAREZ, [Richard] Surgeon to the Magdàn Hospital. A dissertation on the universe in general and oa the proceslion of the elements in particular. 1795, 8. (5 sh.) A new system of physiology — Vol I. 3. 1798. 8. (14 sh>) • SAUNDERS, [Christopher] LL. D. Who were the aggressors; addressed toJ.Gifforii Esq. in consequence of his Utter to Thorn. Erskm 1797. 8." (I fh.) f SAUNDERS, [Henry Martin] The crimps, or the death of poor Howe, a u> gedy. 1794, 8., (6 d«) ^SAUNDERS, [John] The foot-man's pamphlet, or, the foot-man's *W ments against the unitarian* — , J793- 8. SAUNDERS, 295 SAUNDERS, [Robert] late Physician at Bams; Sur- geon At Boglepoor in Bengal* (Brocher os William Sa under /.) (He returned from Bengal to England.) Observations on the fore throat and fever that raged in the North of Scotland in the Year 1777. 1778. 8. (I fh.) Account of the vegetable and mineral productions of Boutau and Thibet. (Phil. Transact Y. 1789. p. 79. London M.J. Vol. II. p. 274.) ûberf. Sprengeïs und Forster's N. Beytr. zur Vòlker- und Laudcrk. Th.3. 8.67. *SAUNDERS, [Robert] Esq. Observations on the present state and influence of the poor laws; — 1799- 8. (3 fh, 6 d.) An abstract of observation! on the poor laws with a reply to the remarks of James Nasmith) D. D* 1802, 8. (I fh. 6 d.) LAUNDERS, [Samuel] A sliort and easy introduction to scientific and phi- losophic botany. 1792. 8- (2 sh, 6 d.) SAUNDERS, [William] As. Dr. Senior Pht/fician to Guy's -Hospital F R. S. On the structure, economy and diseases of the li- ver —• 1793. 8- (4 fh.) Ed. 2. with considera- ble additions. 1795. 8» (5 ^0 "bers. Dresden u. Leipzig. 1795. 8. Ed. 3. with additions and im- provements. 1803. 8. (7 fh.) Oratio c? Barvtji instituto habita in theatro collegii regalis Medico- rum Lowdiuensis Oct. 19. 1796. 1797. 4. (3 sb.) On the chemical history and medical powers of some of the most celebrated mineral waters; with practi* oal remarks on the aqueous regimen: to which are added observations on the use of cold and warm bathing. 1800. 8. (8 ft.) Account of a new extract of bark, prepared in South - America, (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790. Dec. p,388.) See PValter Faugkan, M. Dr. GAUNTER, [Solomon] Esq. Literary leisure, or, the recreations; Vol. I. 2t 1803. 8* (12 fh.) «SAVAGE, [J..,.] The history of th* collegiate church, of Howdecu X8Q4. 8» U ft.) T 4 *SAVAGB, £9$ ♦SAVAGE, [Samuel Morton] D. D. born July 19, dird 1791. Fcbrt2i. See Gentleman'? Magaz, Y. 1791. Febr. p, ig0t April, p. 331. July. p,656, See Thomas Tow le- Sermons oq evangelical and practical subjects; ^ which are prefixed sermons of the life of (he au. thor (publiftçd by John Toulmin Taunton), 179^ 8. (6 sh,) (Several fingle sermons.) ♦SAVIGNY, [John] Surgical Instrument - maker u London. Description of the construction and use» of a portable apparatus for the recovery of the apparently dead as recommended in an essay on the subject by C, Kite -*» 1790, 8- Description of an improved in- írrument for the fistula in ano. (London M. J, Vol. ir, p. Description of a new key in, strument for the extraction of teeth, (Simmons't Med. Facts and Observât. Vol, 7. p. 90.) •SAVIGNY,H,,..] Surgeons Instrument* maker, A collection of engraviugs, representing the roost modern and approved instruments used in the practice of surgery, with appropriate csplana* tion»« 1798. sol. (3 U 3 sh.) ♦SAWREY, [S..#.] Surgeon, A physiological enquiry into^Tome of the effects of she venereal poison on the human body; With an occasional explication of physiology, observations on some of tht opinions of John Hunter and Bettj. Bell and practical remarks, 1803.8- (5^0 iibcrs, von Dr. fViih* Topelmann, Leipz. 1803,8- 8AY, [Benjamin] Treasurer 9s the College of Phyfimnt of Philadelphia* A severe spasmodic affection, successfully treated, (Mem. of M, Sr of L, Vol, 3. p. 58I.) An extra- ordinary cafe of a rupture of the ligament of the os humeri with the cure thereof, (Tr, of Phyf, of Fhilad, Vol, lf P, U p. 17^) 9AYER, [Edward] Esq. Observation on thP police or civil government 297 of Westminster, with a proposal for a reform. Ed. 2. 1792. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) SAYERS, [F....] As. Dr. Dramatic Iketchcs of the antient Northern mytho- logy —. Ubers. von V. M. Neubeck. Leipzig. 1793.8. Ed, 5. 1792.8. (4 sli.) Ed. 3. 1803. 8. (4 sh.) Disquisitions metaphysical and literary. 1793. 8. (3 ft ) *SAYERS, [James] of Bath. A new mode of conducting the corn markets, with a plan to put a stop to monopoly in provisions. 1802. 8. (2 sli.) *SAYRE, [Francis Bowes] M. B. Senior Member of the American Medical Society *nd Member of tke Med. Soc. of New-Jersey. born .... died #... (?) Dissertation on the causes which produce a pre- disposition to phthisis pulmonalis and the method of obviating; them. Philad. 1790. Observations on the disease commonly called yellow-water iû horsei. f Medical Reppsit. Vol. 3. p. 342.) *SCALES, □....] The polite artist's repository, Nrb. 1. 180I, (l sh.) ♦SCARLETT, [Nathaniel], born 1753. <*ied 1803- Jan. See Monthly Magaz, Y. 1803. Jan. p. 556. A translation of the new testament from the ori- ginal gre«k — with notes. 1798. 8. (6 sh.) A scenic arrangement of Isaiah's prophecy, relating to the fall of the city ofBabylon and Belshazzar it* king. Î802. (3 sh.) The millennial age; 18.. *SCATTERGOQD, [J....] Merchant. An antidote to popular Frenzy, particularly to the present rage for the abolition of the slave trade, with a view to the probable consequences, both present and remote. 1792. 8. (6 d.) ♦SCHANK, [ ] Captain of the Royal Navy. A sketch of two boats and a cutter, with sliding keels agreeable to a scheme, 1793» sol. pat. *SCHNEBBELIE, [James] Draughtsman to the Soc. of Antiq. of London* born 1760. died 1792, Febr, 21. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 179^ ^br- P* T 5 Six 1 Six views of St. Augustine's taonastery. 1781. The serpentine river, part of Hyde Park — 1787. Four views of Sr. Albans, town and abbey. 1788. (As- iociate with Mr. Moore and Parkyns in the mona- stic remains. Many of his plates are in the „vetu- sta monumenta;,, in the second volume of the ^Sepulchral monuments of Great-Britain,, in „2V/. ckols's History of Leicestershire.) The antiquaries museum; illustrating the antient architecture pain- ting and sculpture of Great-Britain, from the time of the saxons to the introduction of the grecian and roman architecture by biigo Jones, in the time of King James I. Nrb. 1-8. 1791. 1792. 4, * S C H O F N, [George Xethieuliier] . Esq. Ëtrrifter at Law. Innovation, a poem. 1793.4. (z fh.) *SCHQLEF1ELD, [Radciisse] Love to enemies explained and recommended —, 1791. 8. (I fh.) SCHOMBERG, [AlexanderXrowcher] M. A. Fellow of Magdalen - College , Oxford. born 175Ó. July 6, died 1792. Apr. 6. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. April, p.389. Historical and political remarks on the tariff of tfic commercial jreaty with France. 1787- Present state of trade and manufactures in France. 17.. On wool and the woollen manufacture, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 9. p. 529.) ^SCHOMBERG, [Isaac] Captain in the Royal Navy. NavaJ chronicle, or, an historical summary of na- val and maritime events from the time of the ro- mans to the peace of 1803. Volt I-5« (2 L. 2 fh.) ® S C H O M B Ç R G , [Ralph] M. Dr. formerly at Batiu born 1714. died at Reading 1792. June29, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. July. p. 674. (He was author of several literary performaii* ccs.) (?) *SCOLFIELD, [William] Bible stones; — with plates. Vol 1-3. 1803. 8* (4 * SCOTT, 599 *SCOTT, [••••] Mr r. Widow of the late Geor% Lt~ % wis Scott, sister to Matthew Robinson Moun. rague Lord Rokeby. born .... died at Cattou in Norfolk. 1795* Nov. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1795. Dec. p. 1056. Y. 1708. Oct. p. 827. Millenium hall, a novel. 17., Use of d'Au- bignyj 17.. *SCOTT, [Adam] Description of his mole plough. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 15. p. 206.) «SCOTT, [Archibald] A description of the arteries of the human body, reduced to tables, by Adolfhus Murray, Prof, of Anar. at Upfal, translated. 1801. 8. *SCOTT, [Edmund] Miniature Painter of Bright helm- stone. A scries of plates, representing the neat cattle and , íheep, to vphich the prizcg given by the Sussex agricultural society were adjudged in the Y. 179S. together with an account of the rife of the institu- tion and its progress up to that period. 1800. (lo fh. 6 d. coloured I L. 4 fh.) Portraits of pri^e cattle and South down stieep, together with the proceedings of the Sussex agricultural society. I802. Imper. 4. (15 fh.) Proceedings of the Sus- sex agricultural society, from its institution to 1798» inclusive: together with engravings of the prize cattle for that year from drawings made by actual admeasurement. Ed. 2, 180I. sol. (6 fh, 6 d.) *SCOTT, [Elizabeth] (A native of Edinburgh.) s Alonzo and Cora, with other original poems, prin- cipally elegiac; to which are added letters in verse by Blacklock and Bums. 1801. 8. (IQ fh. 6 d. j ♦■SCOTT-, [Henry] Esq. Surgeon at Boínbaij. Letter on foflil alkali. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol. 6. p. L2o. 126. 129.) * SCOTT, [Jamci] D. D. late FeUow of Trinity Col lege, Cambridge. Equality considered and recommended, a sermon. Ï794- 4« (* SÇOTT, 309" SCOTT, [John] Esq. formerly a Major in the service of the East - India Company; and Member of Parliament* Speech in the house of commons 14 Febr. 1791. — proving the increase of the revenues of Ben- gal during the administration of Mr. Hastings . I7ÇI, 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Letter to Mr. Dodsley> in refutation of certain misrepresentations contained in the historical part of the Annual Register for I788f with an appendix, containing various im- portant papers, not inserted in the) Annual Kegi* ster. 1791. 8- (i sh.) Letter to Philipp Francis, 1791. 8. (2 ib. 6 d.) Two letters to George Har^ dingey Esq. M. P. 1791. 8. (I sti. 6 d.) Letter to the R. H. E. Burke. 179r. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Observations on Beifkam'f memoirs of the reign of George 3. 1796. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) •SCOTT, [John] Bookseller, Berwick-street, London. Letter to the R. H. the chancellor of the exchequer on the proposed sale of the landtax. 1797. 8* (6 d.) ♦SCOTT, [John] B. A. Ah essay on the Internal evidences of Christianity 1803. 8. (2 sh.) •SCOTT, [John Nelson] Physician in the isle of Man and Surgeon to the second Regt. of Royal Manx Fencibles. Two cases, shewing that the anterior part of the brain may sultaiu considerable injury without a fatal consequence. (Duncan's A, of Med. Y. 1796. p. 358.) •SCOTT, [John Robert] D. D. A dissertation on the progress of the sin« arts. I800. 4. (3 sh,) SCOTT, [Jonathan] Captain in the East India Com- pany's service; Persian secretary to the late Go- vernor general Warren Hastings; Member of the Asiatic Soc. in Calcutta* Fensktas history of Dekhan, from the first Mahu- roedan conquests, with a continuation from other native writers of the events in that part of íudía, to the redudtion of its last monarchy by the empe- ror Aulumgeer Aurung&ebe$ ~ Vol. U2.1794-4- 1 ■■■ ■'■ - 3or (2 L* 2 fh.) Bahar-Danush, or garden of know- ledge; an oriental romance, translated from the persic of Einaiut Oollah. Vol. 1-3. 1799. 8. (15 fh.) Talcs, anecdotes and letters; translated front the arabic and persian. 1800. 8. (6 ill.) ♦ SCOTT, [Joseph] The United States gazetteer, containing an authen* tic description of the several states; their situation extent, boundaries, foil, produce, climate, popu- lation, trade and manufactures — illustrated with 19 maps. Philad. 1795. 8. * SCOTT, [Thomas] Minister at Hap ton, in Norfolk. born .... died .... (?) See Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 512. SCOTT, [Thomas] A Methodist Clergyman; Chaplain to the Lock-Hospital and after - noon- Leilurer at the said church 'and formerly Curate of Weston Underwood and Ravenfioue, Bucks . An impartial statement of the scripture doctrine in respect of civil government and the duties of subjects. 1792. 12. (2 d.) The rights of God. I793. 12. (l fh.) An estimate of the religious character and state of Great-Britain; a sermon. 1793. 8. (6 d.) Essays on the most important sub- jects in religion. 1793.12. (2fh.) Ed.4. 1800.8- (6 fh.) A treatise on growth in grace, with re- ference to St. Paul's prayer for the Philippians (Chap. I, 9-11.) 17.. A vindication of the di- vine inspiration of the holy scriptures and the doctrines contained in them: being an answer to the two parts of Mr. Th. Paine* f age of reason. 1796. 12* (I fh.) Sermons on select subjects. 1797. 8. (Ó fh.) The warrant and nature of faith considered, with some references to the va- rious controversiej on this subject. 1798. 12. (I fh.) Observations on the signs and duties of the present times —. 1799. 8» (6 d.) Bumfatt's pilgrim's progress, with original notes, preface and the life of the author. Nrb. 1-3. 1801. 8. (3 fh.) *SCOTT, [W....] The works of Algerney Sydney. 1797.' 8. C4^«) *SCOTT, [Walter] Esq, Advocate at Edinburgh, L>f- puty Sheriff of the county of Selkirk. Goet* of Herlkkingen with the iron hand, a tra- gedy, $edy, translated from the German of Gtethe. Ï799, 8. (3 ill* 6 d.) Minstrelsy of the Scottish bards^ consisting of historical and romantic ballads with a few of modern date, founded upon tradition, with an introduction and notes. Vol. 1-3. 1802,8. (i L. 6ne paper I L. II ih. 6 d.) •SCOTT, [Sir William] Substance of his speech delivered in ths house of commons the 7 Apr, 1802. upon a motion for leave to bring in a bill relative to the non-resi- dence of the clergy and other affairs of the church. 1802..8. (2 sla.) ^SCOTT, [William] Signs of the times, (a poem) or the downfall of the pope and the papal hierarchy; with observa- tions on 666, the number of the roman beast; also, a contast between the numbers six and feven, 1800. 8. (I ft.) SCOTT, [William] M. Or. Physician at Stamfordkám, in 'Northumberland. A cafe of total extirpation of the external parts of generation. (M. C. Vol, 2. p. 54.) *SCOTT, [William] Surgeon of the Navy. Account of the favourable termination of a wound of the stomach. (M. C. Vol. 2* p. 78.) Account of the effects of the nitrous acid on the human body (in siphilis). (Medical Repository. Vol. I. p. I41O Account of the effects produced on the human body by the internal use of the nitrous acid % and of the benesit derived from it in the cure of diseases, (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 179Ó. p. 374.) ♦SCOTT, [William] at Grimbletkorpe f near Lontht Lincolnshire. Enclosing lessens the quantity of wheat raised* (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.35, p. 441.; **SCRAGQ3 [G.... G...;] Rev. English composition in a method entirely new; 1802. 12* (3 sh. 6 d.) Instructive selections; or> the beauties of sentiment. Vol. I. 2. I802. 8» (8 Hi.) ^SCURLOCK, [David] M. A. one of his Maj. Justi- ces of the Peace for the county of Buckingham* born .... died 1793. May 9. See Gentleman • Magaz* Y. 1793* May. p. 483* "Thoughts 303 Thoughts On the influence of religion in civil go* vernmenc and its tendency to promote and pre- serve the social liberty and rights of man. 1793. 8* (i to.) SE ALE, [John Barlow] D. D.* F. R. S. Analysis of the greek metres — Ed.2. Cambridge. 1789» 8» *SEAMAN, [Valentine] M. Dr. Surgeon of the New- York Hospital and Physician Extraord. to the Lying in Ward in the Almshouse. Account of the epidemic yellow fever, as it ap* peared inNew-York in 1795. New-York. 1796. 8. The midwife's monitor and mother's mirror; being three concluding lectures of a course of instruction on midwifery. — New-York. 1800. 8. On cau- stic in urethral obstructions. (Medical Repository. Vol. 1. p. 179.) An inquiry into the cause of the prevalence of the yellow fever in New-York. (Ibid. Vol.1, p.315.) Cafe of the deleterious effects of opium remedied by the excitement of pain. (Ibid. Vol. 3. \\ T50.) ^SEARCH, [Sappho] a fitlhious name. (?) A poetical review of Miss Hannah Merc's strîctiî» res on female education, in a series of anapestic epistles. 1800. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *SEARCHEM, [Solomon] Esq. Modern madman; or, the constitutionalist's dis- feòìed. 1792. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) *SEARLE, [....] Horae foiitariae, or, essay upon some remarkable names and titles of the holy spirit occurring in the old and new testament &c» — VoKi.2„ 1804. 8» (16 sh.) *S EARTH, [Michael] Steward of Castle Eden Friendly Society* The rules and regulations of Castle Eden Friendly Society with extracts from the proceedings — to which are added explanatory notes and obser- vations — * 1801. *S EATON* [William] of Tilgate in the parifli of Worths Sussex. An account ot the expence of cultivating six acres of land for, and planting the fame with, pota- toes, and of the produce and value there of for feeding feeding cattle. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 17. p. 160.) *SEDGWICK, [James] ofPembroki CoUege, Oxford, Barrister at Law. Remarks critical and miscellaneous on the com- mentaries of Sir Will. Blackftone. 1800.4. (t8 fh.) The law of evidence by chief Baron Gilbert 6 edit, with notes and additional references to contenu porary writers and latter cafes. 1801. 8* (7 fh 6 d.) «•SEL BY, [Prior] of Middleton, near Belford. Account of a new thrashing machine. (Young t A. of Agr. Vol. 11. p. 64.) SELLON, [Baker John] Esq. Barrister at Law. The practice of the courts of King's-Bench and common pleas originally compiled by Georgt Crotnpton, Esq. revised, corrected and newly ar* ranged. Ed. 2. with the addition of modern cases to the present time and a practical treatise on the mode of passing fines and suffering recoveries. Vol. I. 2. 1792-179Ó. (I U 2 fh. 6 d*) *Lord SEMPJLL, [Hugh] , A short address to the public, on the practice of cashiering military officers without a trial, and a vindication of the conduct and political opi- nions of the author; to which is prefixed hit correspondence with the secretary of war. 1793» 8. (I ih.) ♦ SEMPLE, [Robert] Walks and iketches at the Cape of Good Hope; to which is subjoined a journey from Cape Town to Blettenberg's Bay. 1803* 8* f4 fh.) *SENEX, [Theophilus] Esq. The monitor; or, a friendly address to the people of Great-Britain , on the most effectual means of deliverance from our national calamities, parties larly the present war, and of obtaining a lasting aud honourable peace. 1795. 8» (I fh.) *SÇNTER, [Isaac] M. D. Associate member of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia and Senior Surgeon in the late American Army* Account of a singular case of ischuria, in a young woman which continued for more than three years; —. (Tr. of Phyf. of Philad. Vol.1. P. l* p. 96. 305 p. q6. Simmon's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 6. p. 212.) Two cases of the retro verfio uteri, to which are added a few remarks and observations oti that disease and the different specie^ of proci- dentia uteri. (Tr. of Pbys. of Phiiad. Vol, r. P. I. p. 130.) Practical observations on phthisis pul- monale. (Ibid; Vol. I. P.I. p. 232.) Remarks oti the c fFects of corrosive sublimate in cancerous af- fections. (Ibid. Vol. l. P. r. p. 245.) An account of a singular cafe of ischuria. (Mem. of M. S, of L. Vol. 4. p. 164.) «SEPHERD, [Richard] D. D. Additional discourses on the ground, credibility and truth of the christian religion. 1792. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) The jnflueuce of example; a sermon. 1793. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) SSERLÉ, [Robert] A dissertation on lairded^properfy, as far as it re- spects manors, farms, milh and timber, 1S02. 8» (2 fh. 6 d.) *SEWALL, [David] Esq. Form of an oath appointed to be taken by Sir Ferditiando Gorges, 1640. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. lor.) Historical scraps. (Ibid, Y. 1792. p. 104.) Topographical description of York. (Ibid. Y. 1794. p. 6.) SEWÀLL, [Stephen] A. M: F. A. S. — The scripture account of the Schcchinah. Boston. 1794. (Ó d.) SEWARD, [Anna] Miss. (Daughter of Thomas St- ward, Prebendary of Lichtsield Cathedral,) See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p 398* Llangollen vale, with other poems. 179Ó. 4. (3 ill.) Original sonnets on various subjects and odes pa- raphrased from Horace. 1799. 4. (6 sh. 6d.) * Im- partial character of Dr. Sam. Johnson. (Massachu- setts Magaz. Y. 179T. Oct. p. 632.) Memoirs of the life and writings of the late Dr. Darwiiu I803. 8. (She contributed many original fugitive pieces and some translations of odes of Horace to the Gentleman's Magazine.) Hinss G, À\ Snnl Th. //. U S£\VARD> SEWARD, [Thomas] A.M. Canon - Residentiary of Licktfield. born 1708. died 1790. March 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y.1790. March, p. 28o. April, p. 369, The conformity between popery and paganism il- lustrated in several instances and supported by va- riety of quotations from the latin and greek das* sicks; — 174Ó. 8. The dramatic works of Beau- mont and Fteteker — with notes critical and ex- planatory by various commentators and with 54 original engravings. Vol. 1 - 10. 1780. 8. (3 L.) (Some poems in Dodsletss Collection, Vol.2, p. 296-308. The female right to literature, and four others.) (Several single sermons.) SEWARD, [William] Esq. F. R. and A. SS. born 1747. Jan died 1799. Apr. 24. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. May. p. 439. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. May. p. 334. Allgem, Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800, S. -II02. * Anecdotes of some distinguished persons, chiefly of the present and two preceeding centuries, ador- ned with sculptures. Vol. I-4. and a supplement. I795-I797- 8« (I L. 6 sh.) * Biographiana, by the compiler of ^Anecdotes of some distinguished persons —. Vol.r.2. 1799. 8- (IO sh.) * SE WELL, [ ] Mrs. (Relict of the Rev. George Sewell) 'Poems. 1803. 8. (7 sh.) «SEWELL, [John] Esq. Culture of teasel, caraway and coriander. (Youn£t A. of Agr. Vol.21, p. 53.) «'SEWELL, [William] A. M. Newton's binomial theorem legally demonstrated by algebra. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1796. p. 382.) *SEYER, [Samuel] M. A. of Corpus Ckristi College, Oxford. On the syntax of the latin verb, designed for the use of students. 1798. 8. (5 sh.) Principles of Christianity—. 1800. 12. (2 sh.) «SEYMOUR, [ ] Elementary dialogues for the improvement of youth by 7. H. Cams 9, translated, J792.8. (3 M * SEYMOUR, 3o? »SEYMOUR, [Charlotta] Miss. The powers of imagination, a poem in three par£«> written at the age of sixteen. 1803. 4. (i L. I sh.) • SEYMOUR, [John] born .. . 4 dropped down dead as he was co- ming from Highgate to Kentdh-town 1791. Jul See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 179s. Aug. p. 779. Poems. 1789. The correspondence of two lovers, inhabitants of Lyons, translated from french; 17.. Pfycology — translated from french; 17,, SEYMOUR, [Thomas] born .... died 178. (?) ♦ Lord SEYMOUR, [Robert] Experiments in irrigation and other object*, of ru> ral economy. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.26, p.477. 528.) One-horse cart &c. (Ibid. Vol.57, p. 3370 «SHADWELL, [J....] M. Dr. Cases of hydrophobia. (Mem, of M. S. of L. Vol, 3- P-4540 •SHADWELL, [Thomas Mitchell] Ess. Of Gray's * inn. The posthumous works of Charles Ftarne — 1797. 8- (12 fli.) *SHANK, [«...] Captain.; of Dawlifh in Devonshire. Method of killing slugs in a garden. (Bath A&ric Soc. Vol. 8. p.298.) •SHANKS, [Alexander] late Minister of tU affoïhte Congregation of Jedburgh. born .... died ....(?) 'See Evangelical Magazine Y, 18OL Fehr. p. 45. Sermons on various subjects. i8oi* (6 fh.) 'SHANNON, [R....] M. Dr. Practical observations on the operation and effects of eertain medicines, in the prevention and cure of diseases, to which Europeans are subject in hot climates and in these kingdoms, particularly those of the liver, flux and yellow fever, applicable also to the prevention and cure of the scurvy; to which are added , plain directions for private use in the absence of a physician and observations on the diseases and diet of Negroes. 1794. 8% (6 fh. 6 d0 U Z *SHARMAN, *SHARMAN, [E....] *A letter on the doctrine of the trinity. 1795. 8, (l sh. 6 d.) A second letter — 1797. 8. *SHARP, [Granville] An englifh alphabet for the use of foreigners -~ 3 8oi. (I sh. 6 d.) SHARP, [Granville] Président of the Association for the abolition of the Slave-trade* See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 244, Vievv; of the state of government under the system of frankpledge; 17.. An account of a free sett- lement of Negroes now forming at Sierra Leona, in Africa. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1789. April, p. 234.) Letter on the subject of American bishops. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. p. 162,) Letter relative to negro slavery. (American Mu- seum. Y. 1788. Nov. p. 413.)' Letter in the abo- lition of slavery. (Ibid. Y. 1788. Dec. p. 507.) SHARP? [Jam68] Ironmonger, (Brother to John Sharps William Sharp and Granville Sharp.) born .... died 178. (?) SHARP? [John] D. D. Arch-Deacon of Northumber- land; Re8or of Hexham 9 Prebendary of Dur* ham and Vicar of Hart burn. born 1723. died 1792. April 27. See Gentleman's Magax. Y. 1793. May. p. 480. * SHARP, [Richard] F. A. S. On the nature and utility of eloquence. (Mem. of M. Vol. 3. p. 307.) *SHARPE, [....] Miss. Letter to the congregation — meeting at White- row, fpitalfields. 1801. (6 d.) *SHARPE, [....] Member of Pembroke Hall, Cam- bridge. Published Rowley's poems with Mr. Coleridge* monody on Chatterton; 1796» *SHARPÉ, [J..-] Too learned by half, or> the philosopher, out* Wítted, a farce of one act. 1792. l£. (6 d>) *S.HÀ'RPE» [John] A. late scholar of Trinity Colli- ge, Oxford, The church, a poem. 1796» 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) *SHA\V, 309 •SHAW, [,...] Rev. Births, marriages and deaths, in the island of Nantucket. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. J794. p. 160.) •SHAW, [George] M Dr, F. R. S: R L, S. Speculum Linuaeauum f. Zoologiae Linnaeanae il- lustratio, genus omue accurate explicans, repre- sentansque species maxime notabiles^ déganter sculptas et depictas — figuras assinxit Jac. Sow- erby. Nrb. 1.2. I79I. 4. (12 sh.) Museum Le- verianuin, containing select specimens from the museum of the late Sir Asliton Lever, Knt. with de- scriptions in latin and english — published by Ja- mes Parkinson, proprietor of the — collection* Vol. 1. Nrb. 1-5. consisting of 65 coloured pla- tes. 1792. 4. (5 L. 5 sh.) The naturalist's mis- cellany: or coloured figures of natural objects drawn and described immediately from nature. Nrb. I-I3I. 1792-I800. 8- Zoology of New- Holland. Vol. I. 1794. 4« General zoology, oi\ systematic natural history — with plates, engraved by Heath, Vol. 1. P. 1. 2. 1800. 8. Vol. 2. P." I. 2» I801.8. Vol. 3. P. 1.2. 1802. 8. (Small paper 8 L. 12 sh. 6 d. large paper 13 L. 5 sh.) Vol. 4. P. 1.2, 1803. (2 L. 12 sh. 6 d. large paper 3 L. IÓ sh.) A history of quadrupeds. Vol. I-4. I80I. 8. (3 L. 12 fh.) Description of the style- phorus chordatus, a new fifli. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. I. p. 90.) Description of the hirudo viridis. a new english leech, (ibid. Vol. 1. p. 930 De- scription of the cancer stagnalis of Linnaeus. (Ibid, Vol.1, p. 103.) Remarks on scolopendra electri- ca and scolopendra subterranea. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 7.) Account, accompanied by a figure, of a minute ichneumon. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. I89.) Description of the «1 us buríarius and tubularia magnifies. (Ibid. Vol.5. p.227. TilhMs Philos. Magaz. Vol.6, p. 215.) Inscription of a new species of mycteria» (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 5. p. 32,) See William Kir by. *SHAW, [Peter] M Dr. Works of Francis Bacoti^ Lord Viscount Verulam, translated from the latin with notes critical and explanatory. Vol. j-12. 1803. 8. (3 t- 12 fh.) U 3 SHAW, SHAW, [Samuel] M. A: Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge. Bruce s travels into Ahyslinia — abridged. 1790. 8. (4sh.) uberf. B. 1.2. Erlangcn. 1792. 8. Anew edition. 1800. 12. (4 fh.) Physiognomy— trans, latcd from the original work of J. C. Lavater. 1792. 8- (4 ft- 6 d.) SHAW, [Stebbing] B. D: F. A. S: Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge and Retlor of Hartfkorni Derbyshire. born 17Ó2. died 1802. Oct 28. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y* 1802.N0V. p. 1074. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 9, . Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Dec. 0,464. Y. 1803. March, p. 183- A tour in the west of England. 1788. London. 1789. 8. (6 fh.) (joint editor of Th,e topographer. Vol.1-4. 1789-1791.8.) The history antiquities of Staffordshire, compiled from the manuscripti of Huntbach, Loxdale, Biih. Lyttelton and other collections of Dr. Wtlkcs, T. Fielde &c. Vol. 1. 1798. sol. (common paper 3L. 10 fh. fine paper 4 L. 12 fh. 6 d,) Vol. 2. P. 1. 1801. (3 L. 3 i'h.) *SHAW, [Thomas] Lieutenant, On the inhabitants of the hills near Rajamahall. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 4. p. 45.) *SHAW, [T.... H....] The law of tithes. 1794. 8. (8 fh.) *SHAW, [William] B. D: F. A. S. Re&or of Skelvy, Somerset. Suggestions, respecting a plan of national cduca* tion9 with conjectures on the probable consequen- ces of non defcript-methodists and sunday-school*. I80I. 8. (I fh.) ^SHEARING, [John] at Pachfield, Norfolk. Evils to be apprehended from a great import of corn. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.34, p. 617.) #SHEE, [Sir George] Bart. M. R.J. A. A memoir on the construction of ship's. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 6. p. 15.) *SHEE, [Peter] M. Dr. Physician êt Kilkenny. The history of a singular case; of diabetes success fully treated. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 179Ó- P'343 ) SHEFFIELD, 311 SHEFFIELD, [John Baker Hoìroyd] Lord in the Kingdom of Ireland. M. P. See Public Characters of igoi and Igo2. p. 2ÔÏ. Observations on the corn bill, now depending in parliament. Ed. 2. I79I- 8. (2 sh.) Observations on the manufactures, trade and preseiat state of Ireland. Ed. 3. 1792. (7 sh.) Miscellaneous works of Edw. Gibbon y with memoirs of his life and writings, composed by himself. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 4. < (2 L. 10 sh.) iibers. Th. 1. 2. Leipzig. 1797. iibers. Th. 1. 2. Braunschweig. 179Ó. J797- Sub- stance of his speech April 22. 1799. on the sub- ject of union with Ireland. 1799. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) Remarks on the deficiency of grain, occasioned by the bad harvest of 1799; on the means of present relief and of future plenty; with an appendix, con- taining accounts of all corn imported and expor- ted, with the prices from 1697. to the 10 Oct. 1800. and also several other tables. Part ,1-3. I800. I80I. 8- (7 sh.) Observations on the ob- }e£tions made to the export of wool from Great- Britain to Ireland. 1800. 8- (2 sh.) Flan for supplying the poor with bread. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.25, p. 673.) Strictures on the necessity of iuviolably maintaining the navigation and colo- nial system of Great-Britain. 1804. (2 sh. 6 d.) SHELDRAKE, [Timothy] Truss maktr to the West- minster Hospital and Mary - le - hone infirmary* 'Observations on the cause of distortions of the legs of children and the consequences of the pernicious means generally used with the intention of curing them; with cases to prove the efficacy of,a method of cure invented and practised — 1794. 8. Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (2 sh. 6 cl.) Practical essay on club- foot, and other distortion in the lags and feet of children, intended to ilicw under what circumstan- ces they arc curable or otherwise. 1798. 8. (7 sh.) Useful hints to those who are aíílictçd with ruptu- res; on the nature, cure and consequences of the disease; — 1803. 8. (5 sh.) ♦SHELDRAKE, [Timothy] Process used to separate the mucilage from lin-feed oil;-methods * of dissolving cepàl for varnish &c. U 4 (Nicheh (Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 345. Titioctís Phi- los. Magaz. Vol. 5, p. 62.) Dissertation on pain- ting in oil, in a manner similar to that practised in the ancient Venetian school. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. ió. p. 279. Vol. 17. p. 283. Tillqçìfis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 2. p. 302.) On the nature and preparation, of drying oils; with a view to the improvement of such as are used by artists, as vehicles for painting. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol. 19. p. 205. Nicholson's Jour- nal. Y. 1802. April, p. 259.) ..On the ,-prepara- tiou of indelible ink. (Ibid. Y. 1803. Aug. p. 237.) S H E P A R D , [Edward] D. D. late RsBor of -Bettiscomb; The lives of the moil eminent painters, from the year 1250, when the art of painting was revived by Cimabue to the Y. 1767. abridged from PiU kington. 1803. 8. (3 (h.) •'SHEPHERD, [....] ~ Columbian accountant. Philadelphia. 1800. *SHEPHERD, [Henry] Etq. Captain in the 49 Rtgt. The orphans, or generous lovers, an opera 1113 acts. 1800. 8. (3 ih. ) * SHEPHERD, [John] As. A. hue of Queen's Colley Oxford, and Curate of Paddingtan. A review of a free inquiry into the origin of evil. 1759.8- The good old , ways * a sermon. I79T. 4. (l sh.) A critical and practical elucida- tion of the morning and evening prayers of the church of England. 1796.8- (6 sh.) Vol.2. 180Í. .8. (8 sh.) SHEPHERD, [Richard] D. D. F. R. S: Arch-Deacon of Bedford, Chaplain to the fiishop of Durham and formerly Fellow of Corpus Christi College* Oxford. Ode to th^ love, was republished with the title, The jphilogamist; 17.. The influence'of example, a sermon; 1793. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) Polyaenus's stratagems of war, translated from the original greek. 1793. 4. (18 sh.) Three sermons on a future state. 1797. 8. (2 fli. 6 d.) Noua, criti- cal aad disserutory an the, gospel and epistles of 313 St, John. 1796. 4. (I L. 5 sh.) Ed, 2. l8o2« Sermons on several occasions. I8Q3. 8. (6 sh.) (Several single sermons.) SHEPHERD, {William] Rev. Life of Poggio Braccoîini. Ï803. 4. (it, 5 sh.) *SHEPPARD, [John] of Greenwich, Cumberland .county, New-jsersey. Observations on the cultivation of Indian corn. (American Museum Y. 1790. May. p.270.) Ob- servations on the culture of corn, (Massachusetts Magaz. V. 1792. May. p. 288.) i ♦ SHERATON, [T...] Récentes décores. Nrb. r. of the designer's maga* ziue. 17QÓ. 8. {2 sh* 6 d.) The cabinet dictio- nary T containing a display of useful pieces of fur- niture;, as chairs, beds, tables &c. on engraved copper-plate* with printed descriptions; in num- bers, at 2 ill. 3 cL each. 1804» *SHERATON, [Thomas] Scriptural subjection to civil government, in ati address to real christian?; a second impreflloîs^. with some additions and corrections* 1794. SU (ish.) * S H E R E R, [ J.... G..... ] A. B. Curate of Drox- ford, Hants. Remarks upon the present state of the poor, 1796. 8. (I sh.) SHERIDAN, [Charles Francis] Esq. for merits Under* Secretary of state J or war-deportment its Ire* land r—, Essay upon the true principles of civil liberty and of free government f occasioned by the levelling doctrines of the day, in which is also discussed the roman catholic claim to the elective franchise in Ireland. 1793. 8. {3 sh. ó d>) Some observa- tions on a late address to the citizens of Dub- lin, with thoughts .on the present crisis; to which arc added, vindicator's remarks on Sarjficld's let- ters , which appeared in the Dublin evening post. 1797- 8. (I Hi- 6 d.) SHERIDAN, [Richard Brinslcy] Esq. born 1751. Oct at Dublin. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 2$. F. W. Gillet Neuer Brittischer,Plutarch; S« 132. U 5 Tho 314 ; The.duenna, a comic opera; a new edition. '* 1794- 8- (I sh. 6 d.j Epistle to the R. H. Henry Dundas. 1796. 4, (2 sh. 6 d.) Pizarro, a trage- dy, in 5 acts — taken from the German drama of Kotzebue and adapted to the English stage. 1799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) ûbers. von J. C. Sommer. Leipzig. 1800. 8. Speech on the motion for the army establishment Dec. 8- 1802. (6 d.) ^SHERIDAN, [Thomas] M. A. born , . . . died ....oard in the night. (Tr. ot the Soc.( for the E. of A. Vol. 3. p. 150.) *SHIPPEN, [William] Jun. M. Dr. Ptofejsor of Anatomy and Surgery in thè College of Phi/a* delpkia and University of Pennsylvania —. Oration on the advantages of confermg the degree of doctor in medicine in the first: instance and pointing out a proper plan of a medical education. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1790, Juue. p. 339.) *SHIRES, [John] Accomftant. An improved method of book-keeping — 1799. 4- (7 flu 6 d.) *SHIRREFF, [....] See .... Brown. *SHIRREFS, [Andrew] 'A. M. Poems, chiefly in the fcottiih dialect. 17ço. g. (Ó sh.) «SHIRREFS, rjames] D. D. An inquiry into the life writings and character of William Guild, one of the Chaplains in Ordinary to his Maj. King Charles L and founder; of the Trinity Hospital, Aberdeen, with some strictu- res upon Spalding's account of him and of the times in which he lived. 1799. 8. (2 sh, 6 d.) *SHOBERT, *SHOBERT, [Frederick] Travels in Svvièzerláud: translated from the French of E. F. Lantier, Vol. 1-6. 1804. Ï2. (i L. 4 sli. or with folio plates'4 L. 4 sh.) *SHOLL, [Samuel] Description of his improved. loom for weaving flight silks. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. §. p. 167.) JSHORE, [Sir John] Bart. , , , The translation of an inscription.in the Maga Ian- / guagc engraved on a silver plate found in a cave near Islamabad, (Asiat. Res. Vol. 2. p. 383.) On some extraordinary, facts, customs and practises of *' the Hindus. (Ihjd, Vol. 4. p. 331.) Eulogy on Sir William Jones. (See Sir tViti. Jones's Works Vol. r. p. Ï. Massachusetts Magaz:.' Y. Ï796, March.. SHRUBSÛLE, [Williams Mister mest-makex of the r '' dock yard at Sheernefs. born at' Sandwich Ï729. Apri^. died 1797. \ , • Fc.br. 6/ ,\ r • / See Gentleman's Magaz. Y.-1797. Febr. p. 173, J Marchr p. 250, Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1797, ^ _,Aug. p.309, Sep>, p.354. Christian memoirs, or a review of the present j stat£ of religion in England in form of a new pil- grimage to the heavenly Jerusalem. — 1790. A plea in favour of the shipwrights. 17.. The plain christian shep-herd's defence of his flock, being five letters in support of infant baptism. 1793- 8. (I sh.) SHUCKBURGH, [Sir George] Bart. R R. S. An account of. the equatorial instrument. (Phil. 4 Transact. Y. 1793. p. 67.) SHUTE, '[..-.] Lord Bishop of Sarutn. See Shute B arrington. *SIBBALD, [J....] Chronicle of Scottish poetry, from the 13 century to the union of the crowns: to which is added a glossary. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 12. (l L. 4 sh.) * SIB BET, [Adam]' As. A. Aettor of Clarendon in the Island of Jamaica. A dissertation moral and political on the influence of luxury and refinement on nations, with re- flections 31? flections on the manners of the age at the close of the 18 century. 1800. 8. (4 sh.) Thoughts on the frequency of divorces in modern times and on the necessity of legislative exertion, to prcveni their increasing prevalence. 1800. 8. (3sh.) •SIBER', [J.... C..,.] The female jacobin club, a political comedy; translated from the German of Kotzebue. l8o2t 12. (2 sh.) * SIBLEY, [Joseph] Esq. of Marketstreet, Hers or d~ shire. On the transplanting and dividing the roots of corn. (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.11, p. 66.) *SIBLY, [E...,] M. D: F. R. H. S. The medical mirror; or, treatise on the impregna- tion! of the'human female $ shewing the origin of diseases and the principles of life and death. 1795» 8. (5 Th.) iibers. Leipzig. 1796; 8. Magazine of natural history; comprehending the whole science of animals, plants and minerals — Nrb. i-XV# 17.. (15 sh. coloured I L. 10 sh.) s with the title: An universal system of natural history, — Historical miscellanies of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art: — —.) * SIBLY, [Maooah] Short-hand-Writer to the city of London , one of Swedenborg s preachers, and formerly a teacher of Greek, Hebrew —, Critical essay on Jeremiah 33, 16. I777»8* (3 d.) An answer to the most important question who is the Lord? three sermons — 1792. 8» (i sti. ) Twelve sermons preached at the New Jerusalem temple in red-cross-street, near Cripplegate, London. 1796. 8. (4 The liturgy of the new church; 17.. The call of the jews; two sermons. 1796. 8.(1 sh.) The genuine trial of Thomas Hardij for high treason at the old bai- ley from Oct. 28. to Nov. 5. 1794. Vol. 1. 2» 1795. 8* (18 ih.) *SIBTHORP, [John] M. Dr. Professor of Botany in the University of Oxford. F R. S. born .... died at Bath Febr. 7. 1796. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1796. Febr. p. 172. March. 318 March, p. 253. Allg, Litt. Zeis. ItBl. I. 1706. Jul. S. 813. Flora Oxouiensis, 1794. 3* (7 *8ICKLEMORE, [Richard] Edgar: or the phantom of the castle, a novel. Vol. 1.2. 1798. 12. (7 fh.) Agnes and Leonora. Vol. 1.2. 1799- (7, fM Mary-Jane, a novel. Vol. 1.2. I800. 12.' (7 fh.) SIDDONS, [Henry] (Son of the a&resi of the same name.) William Wallace, or, the highland hero, a tale, founded on historical facts. Vol, 1. 2. 1791. 12. (6 fh.) iiberf. von Fried. Poschmann, Th. 1.2. I79Ó. 8- Leon, a spartan history. Vol. 1.2. 1791. 12. (5 fh.) The Sicilian romance, or, the appa- rition of the cliffs, an opera. 1794. 8. (I ih.) A tale of terror, a dramatic romance. 1803. 8. (2 fh.) * SID N E Y, [George Frederic] ^he history of Catiline's conspiracy; wrth the four orations of Cicero — to which are added no- tes and illustrations. 1795. 8. (5 ft.) * S IKES, [Thomas] M. A. Dialogue 1 -3. concerning the christian's liberty of choofing his teacher and concerning christian edification. 1802. I803. 12. (i fh*) ♦SIMCOCK, [William Jervas] Method of making stow match for military purpo- ses in so cheap a way, as the converting a ton weight will not cost one shilling, (Tr, of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.2, p. 119.123») «'SIMEON, [Charles] M. A. A Methodist Preacher, Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge. ClaudeJs essay on the composition of a sermon -* with an appendix, containing one hundred skele- tons ©f sermons, several being the substance osier- mons preached before the university. 1796, 8. (10 fh. 6 d.) Helps to composition, or 500 ikele* tons of sermons. Vol.1. P. 1.2. I802. 8. (ió ill.) SIMEON, [John] Esq. of Lincoln"}s- Inn; Barristtr at Law. A treatise on the law of elections in all its bran- ches. 179Ó. (8 ih.) SIMES, 319 SíMES, [Thomas] Esq. late Captain — born .... died 178. (?) The military library. Vol. 1-4. 17,. 8, The mi* litary regulator; 17.. ^SIMMONS, [Joseph] Five common - sense arguments, to evince the efficacy and enforce the duty of inoculation by the small-pox; and to obviate existing prejudices and objections. I803. 12. (l sh.) ^SIMMONS, [Richardj One of the Surgeons of the British Lying - Inn Hospital in London. A case of spontaneous evolution of the foetus. (Simmonsys Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. r. p. 76. ) A case of hydrophobia. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 87.) SIMMONS , [Samuel Foart] M Dr. R R. S: F. A. S: Physician to St. Lucke's Hospital in London. born at Sandwich, in Kent. J750. March 17. Medical facts and observations. Vol, 1-8. r7çr* I800. 8. (ï L. 4Íh. 6 d.) tiberf. Th. I. Franks, a. M. 1792. 8. London Medical Journal for the Y. 1789. — for the Y. 1790. ubers. Franks. a.M. 1794- 8. *SlMMONS, [W...,] Memher of the corporation of Surgeons and Senior Surgeon to the Manchester Infirmary* Reflections on the propriety of performing the cac- sarean operation; to which are added observations on cancer and experiments on the supposed origin of cowpox. 1798. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) Detection of the fallacy of Dr. Hulls defence of the caesareaa operation. 1799. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) Cases and re- marks on the external application of charcoal* (Simmonss Med. Facts and Observât Vol. 7. p. 77, ^) A case of monstrosity in a child* with phy- siological remarks. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. I.) A de- scription of an improved screw tourniquet. (Ibid. Vol/8, p. 19.) Two cases of the successful! ter- mination of wounds that have been hitherto dee- med mortal, with observations. (Ibid. Vol.8» p, 23 ) Observations on Mr. Bayntons method of treating ulcers of the legs. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 339.) Account of the benefit deri- ved %2o. ved from the use of arsenic in the hooping-cough, (Ibid. Y. 1797- p. 3930 «"SIMONS, [Benjamin B;*..] M. Dr. References to the bones, for the use of anatomic cal schools. i8or. 8. (5 fh.) SIMONS, [Stuckey] Merchant at Dublin* born .... died 178. (?) ♦SIMONS, [Thomas] Moral education the one thing needful, briefly re- commended. 1802. 8- (2 ih-) SIMPSON, [David] M A. born .... died 1799. -March. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Apr. p. 35^ Strictures on religious opinions and the best hu. man means of ascertaining the genuine doctrine of Christianity, designed as Hn antidote against the theological writings of Dr. Priestley and other heterodox teachers, 1793» An essay on the au- thenticity of the new testament, designed as an answer to Evansorfs dissonance and Volneyfs ruins* 1798. 8« (3 ih. 6 d.) A key to the prophecies — 1798. 8. An Apology for the doctrine of the trinity; being a chronological view of what is recorded concerning christ, the holy spirit and the blessed trinity. 1798. 8. (8 sh.) Á plea for religion and the sacred writings addressed , to the disciples of Thomas Paine and wavering christians of every persuasion. 1802. 8. (3 111. 6 d.) SIMPSON, [John] A Dissenting Clergyman. Christian arguments for social and public worship, a sermon. 1792. 8. (6 d.) An essay on religious , fasting and humiliation, 1795.8. (6 d.) Thoughts on the novelty, the excellence and evidence of the christian religion. 1798. 8. (r ih.) Internal and presumptive evidences of Christianity, considered separately and as uniting to form one argument. I80Í. 8« (8 sh.) Objection to Exodus VI, 3. ans- wered. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Dec. p.420.) Plain thoughts on the new testament doctrine of atonement. 1802. 8. (2 sh.) An essay on the du- ration of a future state of puuiihment* and re- wards. J803. 8. (3 ih.) * SIMPSON, ♦ SIMPSON, tS... .] of New-York On the friendship and sagacity of birds* (Medical Reposit. Vol. 2. p. 338.) *SIMP$ON> [T.... G....] Letter to the K. H. William Pitt. — 179 s. 3. ♦ SIMPSON, [William] Surgeon at Knaresborough* Observations on cold bathing. 1792* 8- (1 ft.) SIMSf [James] M. Dr: F. A. S. Phyfician to the Gt* neral Dispensary in London* De hydrophobia, gr. et lat. (Mem. of ML S. of L. Vol» 3. p. I.) ed. John StepL Bernard, Arhhesn, I79f. 8* On the paracentesis. (Mem* of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 472*) On the internal use of silver in the epilepsy. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 379.) Pa* thological remarks upon various kinds of aliena- tion of mind. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 37$.) Sketch of a description of a species of scarlatina anginosa* which occurred in the. autumn of 1798» (Ibid* Vol. 5. p, 4I5.) Physical hints and queries. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 431.) An account of a ruptured me* rus. (Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 8* *SIMS> [R.... C.»..] M. Dr. at Dunwow. Opinions on the virtue and quality of the English rhubarbs* (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p. 446») On the nature and constitution of mail — 1793. 8» (^sh.) iibers. Leipzig. 1795. 8» ♦SIMSON, [Thomas] The rebellion, a dreamt to which is added the jubilee, a tale of old times. 1796. 8. (I flu 6 d.) SINCLAIR, [A...* G....] M. Dr. born ..éè died 1794. March 18. at Birming* ham. Sec Gentleman** Magaz. Y. 1794. APf- P- 384» Medical grammar4, 17.. The critic philosopher — with a reply to the reviewers and several re* marks oti littérature. Ed. 5. with considerable ad* ditions. 1791. (3 sh. 6 d*) (Author of the system of chymistry and comparative anatomy in the Royal Encyclopedia.) * SINCLAIR* [Henry] Lott Captain-Lieutenant in the 57 Rep. Cursory remarks on the army in general and the foot guards in particular. 1791. 4. {2 sh. 6 d.) totft tf. jé, sufpt. Th. //. X SINCLAIR» 32£ ——. SINCLAIR , [Sir John] Bart. LL. Dr, M. P. Frsfír dent .of the Board of Agriculture. born 1754. at Ullcster, in the county of Caith- ness in Scotland, gee Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. P*33. F. fV. GiUet Neucr Brittifcher Plutarch. S;296. The history of the public revenue of the British 1 empire—; Ed.3. Vol. 1. 2. 1803. 8- (18 sh.) La erise de l'Europe. 1783. Address to^the society for the improvement of British wool , constituted at Edinburgh Jan. 31, 1791. 8. (I sh.) 'Address to .the landed interest, on the corn billjnow de- pending in parliament. 1791,8. (1 sh?) Pro- spectus d'un ouvrage intitule, analyse de ]*etat politique d'Ecosse d'apres les rapports des mini- stres de chaque paroisse contenant la situation pré- sente de ce royaume et les moyens de le rendre plus florissant, à Londres. 1793. A statistical ac- count of Scotland, drawn up from the communi- cations of the ministers of the different parishes. Vol. I-21. Edinb. 1792. 1799.8. (3 L. 7 sh.) libers, iia Auszug von J. P. Ebeling. B. 1. Leipz. 1794. 8. Letters written to the directors arid go- vernors of the bank of England in Sept. 1796. on the pecuniary distresses of the country and the means of preventing them. 1797, 8. (ish.) Com- munications to the Board of Agriculture on sub- jects relative to husbandry and internal improve- ment. 1797.4. (I L. II fh.) *• Account of the origin of the Boards of Agriculture and its pro- gress for three years after its establishment; by the President, (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. r. p. I-LXXVII.) London. 1796.4. An alarm to landholders, or the consequences of the bill for the redemption of the Jandtax — 1798. 8. (i ft») Speech on the bill for imposing a tax upon inco. me, in the debate on that bill the 14 Dec. 1798. g. (6 d.) History of the origin and progress of the statistical account of Scotland. Edinb. 1798- 8. Proposals for establishing by subscription a joint stock tontine society for ascertaining the principles of agricultural improvement. 1799. Essays oti , miscellaneous subjects. 1802. 8. (14 fn0 Hints oil longevity. 1803. 4. (TittoçVs PJnlof. Mag«*« 323 Vol, 13. p. 164. 239.) On the advantage* which will be derived by the inhabitants of London, and , the adjacent villages ^ from having an experiment , tal form established in the immediate neighbour* -, hood of the metropolis. (Comm. and Agric. Mag:* .;¥♦ 1800- Jan. p. 44.) > Aniwers to some objections which have beenurgeçlto the proposed institution ;of the plough. (Ibid, Y. 1800. Febr. p. 92.) On , statistical philosophy., (Ibid Y. 1800, June. p. 416.) - Hints and queries regarding cattle, (ibid. Y. 1802. ;Aprih p. 5570 On the different kinds of cattle farms, (Ibid. Y. 1802. April, p. 266;) On hemp. (Young's A.4.of .Agr, Vol. 13. p. 5P8.) On the , malt taxes, (ibid. Vol.15» p»2^9.) Equalization of the landtax. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 42T.) Amount and collection of the public revenue. (Ibid. Vol. j6. p. 113.) Sheep improvements in Scotland, : (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 301.) Experiments with the cheviot breed of Iheep. (Ibid. Vol.17, p. 364.) .Description of the cheviot, breed of sheep, with >sn analysis of a cheviot sheep farm, (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 39/0 Plan for establishing; a board of agri- , culture and internal improvement. (Ibid. Vol.20. 1 p.204.) Improvement of sheep and wool. (Ibid. ,r .Vol.20, p££l3.) The farmer's creed. (Ibid* Vol. 20. p. 543.) Substance of his speech in Parliament :J793. May 15. when he proposed the establishment ©f a Board of Agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 21* p. 129.) Address to the Board of Agriculture, stating the progress that has been made by the Board and the advantages that may be expected from improving the territory of the kingdom. (Ibid. Vol.23, p* 200. Vol. 24. p. 608.) Plan for reprinting the agricultural surveys. (Ibid. Vol.24. p. 548.) On the culture of potatoes. (Ibid. Vol, 25. p. 237.) On general enclosure. (Ibid. Vol.26, p. 67.) The progress that had been made by the Board of Agri- culture, during the third session since its establish- ment. (Ibid. Vol. 26. p*504.) Plan of an agree- ment among the powers in Europe and the United States of America, for the purpose of rewarding discoveries of general benefit to society. (Ibid. Vol. 27. p. 42*) Antidote to despondency, or progres- sive assertions from respectable authority) tending X * to S*4 (o provè that the nation was actually undone, prior to the revolution in IÓ88» »nd that it hai remained in a continued state of ruin or decay ever since that memorable era. (Ibid. Vol. 27. p. 89.) Account of the made of draining discovered by Joseph Elkifigt&n — with observations on the prin- cipled oh which he proceeds and on the means of establishing his system generally over the kingdom —- drawn up for the consideration of the Commit- tee of the Board of Agriculture, on the íùbjcct of draining. (Ibid. Vol. 28. p. 77.) Addfefs to the farmcri of Great-Britain and Ireland; with a plan for the more speedy conveyance of his Maj. forces. (Ibid. Vol. 58. p. 94.) Address to the Board of Agriculture, stating the progress that had been made by the Board, during the 4 session since its establishment. (Ibid. Vol. 29. p. 349.) Proposals for establishing by subscription, a joint stock farming society, for ascertaining the prin- ciplei of agricultural improvement. (Ibid. Vol, 34. p. 360.) Account of the corn stands at Woburn Abbey. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. I. p. 72.) Hints as to the advantages of old pastures and. cu the conversion of grass lands into tillage. (Ibid. Vol. 3. P. 1. p. 6.) Observations on the means of enabling a cottager to keep a cow by the produce of a small portion of arable land. ( Young1 s A. of Agr. Vol.37, p.231. TiilocKs Philof. Majaz. Vol. io. p. 227.) On the means of promoting the spi- rit of improvement in a country. (Ibid. Vol. 37. p. 634.) ^SINCLAIR, [J.... G....] Esq. Celebrated causes and interesting occurrences, con- taining among other important trials, those of the royal family of France, Robespierre, Mary, Queen of Scots, &c. Vol. 1-3. 1802. 12.* *SINGLETONf [W....] On latin negatives. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Dec. p. 847. Y. I800. April. p.2I2.) Greek syn- tax violated. (Homers Iliad Lib. 15. v. 308. Lìd. 16. v. 207. 208.) (Ibid. Y. 1802. Febr. p. 29' April, p. 230.) *SINNOTT, [N.../J M. Dr. Observations tending to stiew the mismanagement 0* 335 of the medical department in the array; — to which is annexed , a representation of the system adopted in the Hanuoverian service. 1795. S* (I sh. Ó d.) SIX, [James] Esq. F. R. S. born .. .. died 1793. Aug. 25. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. Sept. p. 864. The construction and use of a thermometer, for shewing the extremes of temperature in the atmos- phere, during the observer's absence; together with experiments on the variations of local heat and other meteorological observations. 1794.8- (4fh.) *SKELTON, [Philip] Curate of Ftttigo% Devenisk and Fintona. born 1707. died at Dublin 1787. - See Samuel Burdy; Monthly Review Y. 1793. Dec. p. 379. Deism revealed; 17.. Sermons; 17.. *SKENE, [George] Esq. Donald Blanc, Lord of the Hebrides, an heroic poem , in 3 books. 1796. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) ♦SKILL, [John] The means of obtaining immediate peace, addres- sed to the King and people of Great- Britain; translated from the french. 1795. g. (1 sh.) *SKILLERN, [R.... S....] A. M. A new system of English grammar—. I802. 12. *SKINNER, [....] Captain. born ihooting himself. 1799. Aug. II. at Pimlico. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799* Aug. p. 726. (Author of some very curious publications!?)) SKINNER, [John] Senior Bishop of the Scotch Epi- scopalian Ckurch* Primitive truth and order vindicated from modern misrepresentation, with a defence of episcopacy, particularly that of Scotland, against an attack made on it by the late Dr. Campbell of Aberdeen, in his lectures on ecclesiastical history; and an ad- dress to the episcopalians of Scotland. 1803. 8. (9(1,.) SKINNER, [Joseph] Surgeon. Sanchez's historical investigation into the first ap- pearance of the Tcncreal disease in Europe, with X 3 remarks $>26 remarks on its particular nature; translated from the french. 1790. 8. * (3 sh.) *SKINNER, [R... C...Ì Surgeon-Dentist at New- York. A treatise on the human teeth, concisely explai- ning their structure and cause òf disease and decay; to which is added the most beneficial and effectual method of treatiHg all disorders incidental to the teeth and gums, with directions for their judi- cious extraction and proper method of preserva- tion. — New-York, 1801. 8, Petrifactions &cB collected in the state of Virginia. (New-York Ma» gaz, Y. 1796. April, p. 175.) •SKRIMSHIRE, [Fenwickj M. Dr. lately Prestdw of the "Natural Society of Edindurgh* A series of popular! chemical essays. — Voir.2. 1803. 12. (9jsh«) iifreriV von Dr. C.G.Senkeisen, 1804. 8. ♦5KRINE, [Henry] Esq, of War ley in Somersetshin. LL B. born .... died 1803. Jan. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I803. April, p. 382. Three successive tours in the North of England and great part of Scotland, interspersed with de. fcriptions of the scenes they presented, and occa- sional observations on the state of society and the manners and 1 customs of the people. 1795. 4. (I2 sh.) Two successive tours throughout the whole of Wales with several of the adjacent En* glish counties, so as to form a comprehensive view of the picturesque beauty, the peculiar manners and the fine remains of antiquity in that interesting part of the Britisli island. 1798. 8. (6 sh.) A general account of all the rivers of note in Great-/ Britain with their several courses, their peculiar characters, the countries through which they flow and the entire sea-coast of our island , concluding with a minute description of the Thames and its various auxiliary streams. 18QI. 8. (lo sh. 6 d,) ♦SLEATH, [Elconor] Mr/. The orphan of the Rhine. Vol. I-4. 1798* I* (14 sh.) Who's the murderer? or, the mysteriei •f the sorest. Vol I-4* l$Q2. 337 #SLOW, [Jonathan] D-D. F. R. S. (alias Pindaricus.) Advice to the Jacobin news-writers aud those who peruse them — to stop the progress of re- bellion. 1792. 4. (6 d.) The Gibraltar raonkies, or, the rights of man, a fable. 1792. 4. (I ílî. 6 d.) A poetical epistle to the British incendia- ries. 1793. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) * SMALL, [Alexander] F. A. S. formerly Surgeon in London. born 1710. died Aiìg. 31.1794. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. Sept. p. 864. Many essays on agricultural and physiological im- provements in the Gentleman^ Magazine» SMALL, [Robert] D. D. F. R. S. Ed. An account of the astronomical discoveries of Kep- ler, including a historical review of the systems which had successively prevailed before his time. 1803. 8. (7 ft. à d.) «SMALLEY, [John] A. M. Pastor of a church in Farmings on. The inability of the sinner to comply with the go- spel, his inexcusable guilt in not complying with it and the consistency of these with each other, il- lustrated in two discourses on John 6, 44. 1793. 8. (I sb.) ^SMALLPAGE, [S....] M. A. Vicar of fVhitkirk, Yorkshire. The duty of supporting and making a provisioa for families, a sermon. 1792. 4. (I sh.) The necessity and expediency of an inequality of con- dition among mankind, a sermon. 1793. 4. (i ih.) «SMART, [George] Method for preventing a waste of timber and for rendering it more durable in buildings. (Comm. and Agric. Soc. Y. 1802. May. p. 321.) SMEATON, [John] F. A\ S. Civil Engineer and En- gineer so Ramsgate Harbour. born the 28 May 1724. died 1792. Oct. 28- at Austhorpe in Yorkshire. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Nov. p. 1056. Monthly Review Y. 1798* Oct p. 19Ó. Historical report on Ramsgate-harbour, written by order of and addressed to the trustees. 1791. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Experimental inquiry concerning X 4 the 323 tW natural powers of wind and water to turn mills and other machine depending on a circular motion; Also an experimental examination of the quantity and proportion of mechanic power neces- sary to be employed in giving different degrees of velocity to heavy bodies from a state of rest; with 4 plates of machines. 1794. 8. (4 fh, 6 d.) (This is a republication of two papers in the Philos, Transact, Y. 1761. p. 100. Y. 1776. p. 450t) Reports of the late John Smeaton^ made on various occasions in the course of his employ, ment of au engineer, with some account of hii life, character and works. Vol, 1. 1797. 4* (18 fh.) Account of Mr, fVifJiam Weftganh's ofColecleugh, hydraulic engine for raifing water by water, (Tr. of the Soc, for the E, of A, Vol. 5. p, 18r.) *SMEE, [John] of the Exchequer, Westminster, A complete collection of abstracts of acts of parlia- ment and cafes with opinions of the judges upon the following taxes; viz. upon houses, windows, ser- vants» horses, carriage! and dogs. Vol, 1,2. 1797. 8. (isshO SMELUE, [William] F. R. ami A, 5$, Edinh Print* in Edinburgh, born died 1795. June 25, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1795. July. p.615. The philosophy of natural history. 1790. 4. (I L. I fh,) Vol, 2. 1799. 4, (iL. l 111,) ubers. von E. A. W. Zimmermann, Th. 1,2. 1791. 8. Hi- storical account of the Society of the Antiquariei of Scotland. (Transact, of the Spc, of the Antiq, of Scot!. Vol, 1. p, i.) *SMIRKE, [Robert] Jun. Review of a battalion of infantry, including thi J8 manoeuvres, illustrated by a series of engraved diagrams, to which are added the words of com* oiand, 1799. 8. (8 fh, 6 d,) ♦SMIRNOVE. [James] Sergey FUtsçheess survey of the Ruffian empire according to its present newly regulated statcj divided into different governments —; translated from the 3 edition of the Russian. 1793.8. (6 "w * S M IT H, [,., •] of South - Carolina. Speeches, delivered in the house of feprcsentati- ves of the United States 1794. on tne subject of certain commercial regulations. 1794, 8. (2 th.) An address to his constituents. 1794. 8. (I fh.) * SMITH, [Benjamin] On crossing the breed in stieep and neat beasts. (Bath Agricult, Soc. Vol. 2. p. 358.) * SMITH, [Brabazon] M. Dr. The physicians portable library, or, compendium of the modern practice of physic. 1800. 8. (5 ih.) *SMITH, [Burnaby] Reclor. An.account of the parish of Trent in Somerset* shire. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol.6, p. 32.) * SMITH, [Charles] M. Dr. of New-Brunswick, New* Jersey. Singular cafe of dropsy. (Medical Reposit. Vol. 3, p. 361. Ttilock's Philos. Magáz. Vol. 9. p. I68-) ♦SMITH, [Charles] A trip to Bengal; a musical entertainment; in two acts. 1802. 8. (3 ft-) SMITH, [Charlotte] Mrs. of Bignor Park, Sujfex. (fier maiden name Turner.) See Public Characters of 1800 and I80I. p. 42. Elegiac sonnets and other essays, 1784. 4. (2 sh.) lid. 3. 178Ó. 4. (3 sh.) Ed. 6. Vol. 1. 2. 1797. (6 sh.) The romance of real life. Vol. 1-3. 1787. (9 sh.) Emmcline, the orphan of the castle. Vol. 1-4. 1788. 12. (12 sh.) libers. Wien. Th. 1-4. 1790. 8» Ethelinde, or the recluse of the lake* Vol, 1-5. 1789- 8. 05 sh.) Ed. 2. Vol. 1-5. 1790. 8. (15 Hi.) Celcstina, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1791. 8. (12 ih.) Desmond, a novel. Vol. 1-3* 1792. 8. (9 fh,) iibers. Th. 1-3. Hamb. 1793. 8- The old manor house, a novel. Vol. 1-4, 1793. It. (l5 sh.) The emigrants, a poem, in two books. 1793.4, (3 sh,) The wanderings of War* wick. 1794. 8. (4 Hi.) iibers. Leipzig, 1794. 8. The banished man, a novel. Vol. 1-4. 1794. 12. (12 sh.) iibers. B. X. 2. Hamb. 1795. 8. Rural walks, in dialogues, intended for the use of young persons. Vol. 1,2. 1795* 12, (5^0 "™ ra- tion. 1796. 8* Rambles farther; a continuatioa -of rural walks, in dialogues. Vol, 1.3. Ï790- 8. X 5 (5 ft.) v (5 sh.) accented by i John1 Efavr, Vol. i. $t V Ed. 3. Leipzig. I803. 8. Montalbert, a novel, s Vol. I-.3. ,1795. {12 fh.) iiberf. B. I. 2. Erlan- gen. 1798. A narrative of the loss of theCatha*i rinc; Venus and Piedmont transports a.nd the Tho- iiias, golden grove and acolus merchant ships, near WeymoutH on the 18 Nov. 1795. — 1796. ;h 8. (2fh.) uberf. von Q.W. Lokmàun. Hamburg. 17^7.8. Marchmoiit, a novel. V0ÍÌ1-4. 1796. ~ 8. (16 fh.) iiberf; B. 1.2. Leipzig. 1797.8. The young philosopher. Vol^i-4. 1798. 8. (16 fh.) - • Minor ufora'Is, interspersed with ihetches of natu- ral history, historical anecdotes, and original fto. , rie*. Vol.-1.3. 1798» 8. (4Íh.) A family story. Vol. 1-3. 1800/12. (IO fh. 6 d.) The letters , j î of a solitary wanderer; containing narratives of , * various descriptions. Vol. 1-5. 1800-1802. (1 L. 2 fh. 6 d.) iiberf. von Fried, v. 0eneL Bti.2. Leipzig ir. Sorau. 1802. 8. The runaway, or the seal of benevolence. Vol. 1-4. 1800. (14 fh.) * SMITH, [Donald] Captain of the £4 Regt. 'On the propriety of burning heath grounds, for the improvement of pasture. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. I. p. 231.) Remarks on some corrup- tions which have been introduced into the ortho. grainy and pronunciation of the Gaelic î with pro* pofals for removing them arid restoring the pu- rity of the language, (Ibid, Vol, I, p. 324.) •&MITH, [Edward] Jun. Morcarand Elfína,> a legendary tale* 1799. 8* (I lb.) *SMITH, [Edward Daniel] A.M. An attempt to prove, that certain substances are conveyed unchanged into the circulation; or, if changed, that they are recompofed and regain their active properties. Philadelphia. 1800. 8. «SMITH, [Egerton] New experiment upon a toad in stones. SMITH, 331 ♦SMITH* [Elihu Hubbard] As. Dr. Physician at New- York.: born at Lichfield, in Coniiecticut 1771. died 1798. Sept. 19. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Dec, p. Io86\ V. 1799. March, p. 252. Medical Repository. Vol.2, p. 227. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Febr. p. 174. (One of the editors of The Medical. Journal.) On the plague of Athens. New-York. 1797. Tho plague of Athens. (Medical Reposit. Vol. x. p. I.) Cafe of mania successfully treated by mercur^» (Ibid. Vol. I. p. I8l.) On the origin of the pesti- lential fever which prevailed in the island of Gre- nada in the years 1793 and 1794. (ibid. Vol. r* p. 471.) Singular cafe of a disease in infancy. (Ibid. Vol.1, p.511.) On the natural history of the elk. (Ibid. Vol.2, p, IÓ8- TtUocKs Philos. Magaz. Vol.6, p. 42,) On the pestilential disease* which, at different times, appeared in the Athe- nian, Carthaginian and Roman armies iu the neigh- bourhood of Syracuse, (Medical Reposit. Vol,2» p. 367. TiUoctis Philos. Magaz, Vol. 5. p. 242.) SMITH, [Englesield] Esq. William and Ellen, a tale. ■ 1796. 12. Lcn- nard aud Rosa. 17.. Poems, containing the storm-beat mother, Erin, Birtha, of the babes in the moor do 1797. 8. (I fh.) The scathe of France, or, the death of St. Just and his son, a poem; to which is added Sir Mordac and Bal- wa &c. 1797. 12. (i fh.) The poetical work?. 1802. 12. (5 fh.) * SMITH, [Giles] Esq. Letter to a noble Lord on the subject of the union. 1798. *(SMITH, [H....] D. D. Reader of the Temple. The churchman's answer to the protestant dissen- ter's catechism, being an attempt to vindicate the hierarchy, discipline and ceremonies of the esta- bliibed church of England against the reflections thrown upon them in that work. 1795. 12» (i fh. 6 d,) «SMITH, [H,...] M. Dr. An essay on the acryes, illustrating; their efficient formal. 333 formal, material and final causes 9 with a cop. per-plate — to which is added an essay on foreign teas — with.observations on mineral waters, cos. fee and chocolate. 1794. 8. (2 fli. 6 d.) * SMITH, [Henry] A Lad IB years old. Ad Elizabethan! Reginam, quae scholarn gramma, ticam Gainsburgensem fundavit, canned Alcaicum* I802. 4- (6 *SMITH, [J.. ..] Esq. Jacobin principles ruinous to Great - Britain. (Voung'r A. of Agr. Vol. 19. p. 412.^ *SMITH, [Hugh] M. Dr. formerly Pkyfician to the Middlesex Hospital and afterwards Alderman of London. born ... . died 1790. Dec. 26» at Stratford near London* See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1790. Dec. p. 1154, Dissert. De. sanguinis mislione. Edinb. 1753* 8. The family physician. 1760. 4. (i fh.) Essays physiological and practical on the nature and circulation of the blood and the effects and uses of blood-letting. 1761. 8. (2 sh.) Formulae me- dicamentorum; or, a compendium of the modern practice of physic. 1768. 8- (5 sh.) On the use and abuse of mineral waters — with remarks on the immoderate use of sea-water. 1777. 8. (6 d.) Philosophy of physic. 1778. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) Phi- losophical inquiries into the laws of animal life Chapt. 1-3. 1780. 178I. 4. (3 ft.) *SMITH> [James] Deism refuted and revelation vindicated in three parts. 1799. 18. (I fh. 6 d.) * SMITH, [James] Thé Cottage, an operatic farce, in two acti. 1796. 8. (I fh.) SMITH, [James Edward] M. Dr. F. R. S: Président of the S. Dissertatio quaedam de generatione complcctens. Lugd. Bat. 1786, 8. Plantarutn icones hactemis ineditae. Fafc. 3. 1791. sol. (I L. I fh.) lconcs pictae plantarum rariorum defcriptionibus et ob- fervationibus illustratae. Fafc. 1-3. 1790- 1793» (3 L. 12 fh.) C. Linnaei flora Lapponica — HQ altera, aucta et einçndata, 1793. 8« (12 fy) 333 Spicilcgium botanicum. Fasc. r. 2. 1?92. fol. (r L, 4 íb.) A sketch osa tour on the continent in the Y. 1786 and 1787. Vol. 1-3. 1793.8. (18 (h.) iiberf. von Dr. G, C. ReicL Th. 1. 2. Leipzig. 1796. 8. Dissertation on the sexes of plants, trans- lated from the latin of Linnaeus. 1792. 8» (2 fh.) English botany, or coloured figures of British plants, with their essential characters, synonyms and places of growth; to which will be added occasional remarks; the figures by James Sowerby. Nrb. 1-143. 1790-I803. 8. (each 2 fh. 6 d.) Specimen of botany in New-Holland. Vol. 1. 1793. 4. Flora Britannica. Vol. 1-3. 1800-1804. 8. (I L. 6 fh. 6 d.) (cf. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1801. Apr. p. 207.) Compendium Florae Britannicae. I800. 8. In ufum florae germankae, edituin a G. F. Hoffmann. Erlangac 1801. 8. Discourse on the rife and progress of natural history, (Trans- act, of L. S. Vol. I. p. I.) Descriptions of tert species of lichen, collected in the South of Europe. (Ibid, Vol. I. p. 81.) On the festuca fpadicea and anthoxanthuin paniculatum of Linnaeus, (Ibid. Vol. I, p. III. Vol.2, p. ioi.) Remarks on the genus veronica. (Ibid. Vol. r. p. 189.) Remarks on the Abbé Wuìftns descriptions of lichens, pu- bliíhed among his rare plants of Carniola in Prof. jfacquins collectanea. (Ibid. Vol.2- p. IO.) Re- marks on centaurea folstitialis and centaurea Me- litensis. (Ibid. Vol.2, p.236.) Remarks on the genus dianthus. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. 292. ) The botanical history of mentha cxigua. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 18.) Botanical character of some plants of the natural order of myrti. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 255.) Characters of a new genus of plants named Salis- buria. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 330.) Remarks on some foreign species of orobanche. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. I04.) The characters of 20 new genera of plants. (Ibid. Vol.4. p.213 ) Observations on the British species of bromus, with introductory remarks on the composition of a flora Britannica. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 276.) Description of Sowerbaea juncea, a plant ofNew-South-Wales. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 159.) Observations on the British species of mentha. (ibid. Vol. 5. p. 171. 275.) Description of fivt ncsf 334 , new Britift species of carex. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 264.) .Remarks 8-. (3 sh.) Summary view and expia- nation of thé writings of the prophets' — uberf, Leipzig u. Liebau. 1797. 8. The life of St. Co- 'lumba, the apostle and patron faint of the ancient , *' Scots and Pïcts arid joint patron of the'Irifb, com- monly called column-kille, the apostle of the Highlands.' 1798. 8. (3 sh.) Letrures on the ua- ture and end of the sacred office and on the digni- „ ty, duty, qualifications and character of the sa- cred order. 1798.8. (5 sh.) A general view of the agriculture of thé comity of Argyll, with observa- ( tions on the nieans of its improvement — with a map. I?08. 8< (% sb.) On the advantages of plainting and raising timber, in the Hebrides and other parts of the west and northwest crafts of the High- lands. (Tí4'. of Highland Soc. Vol. 1. p. 168.) On the advantages of watering pasture and meadow grounds, in the Highlands.' (fbid. Vol. I. p.143-) On the species of crops1 best adapted for the High- lands. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 212.) *SMITH, [John] of Qzleworth in Gloucesterpiire. . To prevent the blight iu potatoes; to make a cow 335 *r • à 'gbod.tiîilkéf* and to prevent the putrefaction ft of jnsea:t."(Bath Agricuit. Soc* Vol.2i P.293.) SMITH, [John] A. B. Redor of Nantwich in Cheshire* born died. 1793. Oct* 21. x ,s: ;See (gentleman's Magaz. Y; i792'. Oct. p. 963. ♦SMITH, [John Lucie] Surgeon as Bridgetown, Bar* bacLoe^ * v<"' f^r HiOopy^gJs á^case of imperforate hymen, success- ful removed by operation, (Duncan's A. of Med.:Y. 17^7. p.33l-> *SiMITH, [Jofepb3/^slm^ str £*«;. An examination of Mr. Pgine's -declineiand fall of the English^,.system of4 finance. • 1796,: 8- (Î sh.) j ^ Observations on the^statute of tfeist of William and Mary Chap. 18. common-ly called the toleration a-ct,a.nd on the statute of the 19th George 3. Chap. . . ■ ,r 24. entitled; An act for the further relief of pro- - * testant'dissenting Minister» —.I1804. (2 sh.) rSMITHviJ..-. C,.]IDh The effect of nitrous vapour in preventing and 1 .destroying contagion ascertained. I-799. 8» Anec- dotes of George Fred'. Handel and John Ckrifto* f her Smith, with select, pieces of music^ with jpore- traits.. 1799. 4. (i L^ 4 sh.) ♦SMITH, [J.... T....] * / . Antiquities of London and its environs —. 1794. 4. (r L. 11 sh. 6 d.) V, 1 *SMITH, [Maria Lavinia]: The fugitives the forest. Vol. I. 2. I801. (i sli.) *SMITH, [Nathan] Dissertation ou the causes and effects of spasm in fevers. (Massachusetts Magaz. Voli-3. 1791. Jan. p.33. Febr. p.8l.) *SMITH, [Nathaniel] Esq. ,.] at Philadelphia. A sketch of the revolutions in chemistry. Pliilad. 1798. 8- Geological remarks made ,011 a small tour through the lower parts of New-Jersey. (Me- dical Repoíìt» Vol. 3, p, 151.) Ou crystallization* (Ibid. Vol* 3. p. 253.) An account of a kettle for boiling inflammable fluids. (Tr. of A..S. Vol. 4* p. 431. Nicholsons journal. Vol. 3. p. 514.) Ac- count of crystallized basaltes found in Pennsylva- nia. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 445.) "SMITH, [W....]' Sermon, silent submission to the will of God, on account of the death of Mr. Will. Alton, principal gardener at Kew. I793. 8. SMITH*, [William] D. D. One of'the Vice-President of the American Philosophical Society and Pro* Vost of the College and Academy of PhiladeU phia. An eulogiuut on Benj. Franklin LL. D. Philadel- phia and London* 1792. 8. (I ill.) Sermon on the anniversary of American indépendance on tem- poral and spiritual salvation. Philad. 1790. Charge to the graduates, Dec. 15, 179O: (Columbian Ma- gaz. Y. 1790. Dec. p. 358.) A comparative vie# of the constitutions of the several states with each other and with that of the United States. Philad. 179Ó. 4/ fldfh.) Ms & JS. %i, Th, //• V * SMITH, 338 ♦SMITH, [William] Surgeon at Bideferd and Mem- ber of the Corporation of Surgeons of London, A case of psoas abscess successfully treated, (Sim- tnonsJs Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 4. p. 13g,) iïbers. Repert. Chir. u. Mediz. Abhandl. B, 2. S.73.) •SMITH, [William] Esq. M. P. in Ireland. Address to the people of Ireland , being the fut* stance of his speech delivered — Jan. 24. 1799. in the Irish house of commons, on the subject of a legislative union between that country and Great-Britain, in which the competency of Parlia. ment, the claims of the rebel chiefs and the con- sequences of an union, are impartially examined with the probable prosperity resulting from it. 1799. 12. (2 sh.) Review of a publication, en- titled, the speech of John Foster. 1799. 8- (2sh.) The substance of his speech on a legislative union in the house of commons of Ireland Jan. 24.1799. •SMITH, [William] A.M. An attempt to render the pronunciation of the englisti language more easy to foreigners — 1795, 8. (6 Hi.) * S MIT H E , ~[....] cf TunstaUt near Sittingbourne, Kent. Detail of several experiments, with observations on the effect of gypsum, or plaister of Paris, as a manure for sainfoin, cow-grass, dutch clover dec. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.25. P*334J ♦ SMYTH, [J....] Rev. Some remarks on the resolutions which were for* med at a meeting of the archdeaconry of Chester. 179°- SMYTH, [James Carmichael] As. Dr. F. R. S, Phy- sician Extraordinary to the King of England. Qf the different kinds or species ot inflammation and of the causes to which those differences may be ascribed. (M. C. Vol.2, p. 168.) Three in- stances of sudden death, with the appearances on dissection. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 466.) Of the danger of wounding the epigastric artery in the operation of tapping for the ascites. /Ibid. Vol.2, p. 482-) Of the aphonia spasmodica. (Ibid* Vol* 2. ?• 488») 339 Of the use of cantharides, taken in substance, in certain diseases of the bladder. (Ibid. Vol.2, p. < 505.) A description of the jail distemper, as it < appeared among the Spanish prisoners at Winche- c; iter, in 1780, with an account of the means emplo- yed for curing that fever and for destroying the contagion, which gave iise to it. 1795/g. (5 sh.) .{ An account of the experiment made — on board the Union hospital ship, to determine the effect of the nitrous acid in destroying contagion and the safety with which it may be employed. 1796» 8. (I fh. 6 d.) (Tillocfrs Pbilos. Magast. Vol. 3. p. 08.) The effects of nitrous vapour i-tr preven- ting and destroying contagion ascertained; with an introduction respecting the nature of the conta- 1 giòn, which gives rise to the jail or hofpitáh fevCr, and the various methods formerly employed to prevent or destroy this. 1799. 8- (4 fh.) Cafe of a cancer in the stomach. (American Museum, Y. 1787- May. £.427.) *SMYTH, [Philip] of Oxford. * Rhyme and reason; short and original poems, I802. 8. (3 fl*> 6 d ) ♦SMYTH I ES, [Humphry] Redor of Alpha on, near Bury> Suffolk, On summer fallows. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 5. p. 437J A farmer's sermon. (Ibid. Vol.19, p. 500.) •SNART, [John] Optician y London. 1 Description of the sliding lever, for the improvement 'of carts and relief of horses and which may be applied to all two-wheel carriages, (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. \8. p. 232.) Facts re- s specting the transition of a species of sty from the chrysaiid to the volatile state. (Tilìocks Philos. Magaz, Vol. 10. p. 354-) • S N E Y D, [John] Esq. of Belmont, Staffordshire. On preserving seeds of plants in a state rit for ve- getation. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol, 16. p. 265. Tillock's Philos. Magae. Vol. 3. p>3o.) •SNEYD, [Tboraás] Esq. On the conversion of the substance of a bird into a hard fatty matter. (Phil, Transact. Y. 1793. ?■ 1970 Y * «SNODGRASS, S NOD GRASS, [Gabriel], JF/£. Surveyor to the Eofl-> India Company. On ship-building and naval architecture; 17.. Letter to the East India Company-, on. the mode of improving the navy of Great-Britain. 17.. SNODGRASS, [John] D. D. 'Minister of the middle church of Paisley. born .... died (?) . , A commentary .with ootea,.on part of the book of the revelation of John. Jt'799. .8.,,';, \ SOAM,È, [♦...] Esq. late of trinity \Colúge% Cam- bridge. < . •,r . > Épistle in rhyme to Matthew Gregory .Lewis Esq, — with other verfe$-jncluding ftanzas addressed to Mrs. Jordan. ,1800. 8.^(6 d^ -, ... SOANE, [John] Architect, jo.jfye bapkyf England and i w Member of the J^çy^Acad. çf Parma and Flo- rence. ,, ;. Skctchei in architecture v containing plani and elevations of cottages, villas and other useful buil- dings, with characteristic scenery —. 1793. sol. . ..(aL. 12 fh. 6 d.) SOLE, [William] of Bath. ^enthae Britannic^ae, being a new botanical arran- gement of (he British mints hitherto discovered. 1798. fol. (I L. I fh.) On the principalsengliih grasses. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 9, p. 131.) SOLOMON, [Samuel] M. Ùr. A practical treatise ou the nature, cause* and cure of nervous and hypochondriac complaints, with observations on the use find abuse of sea aud cold bathing. 1799. 8. (i ûh 6 d.) SOMERVILLE, [Elizabeth] Flora, or, the deserted child, ijoo. 18/ (lib.) The village maid, or Dame Burton'? mp,ral ílo» ries for the instruction and amusement, of youth; to which are added plain tales. 1801. {% A) The new children in the wood, or, the weJch cot- tagers, a tale. 1802. 12. (í ih. 6 d.) Mabel, Woodbine and her sister Lydia, a tale; intersper- sed with moral and original, stories. 1802. 1;2# (r ill. 6 d.) The birth day, or, moral dialogues and stories fofc the instruction and amusement of juvenile readers. Z803, \% (I stu ,6 d^) Prd«- 34ï des to knowledge; cr, amusing and instructive conversations on history, geography &c. inter- spersed with" stories moral and entertaining. 1803. 12. (2 ill/) *SOMERViLLE, [John] Lord. Address to the Board of Agriculture, on the sub- ject of iheep and wool, on the 14 of May 1799. The system of the Board of Agriculture. 1800.4. (I L. I sb.) The system followed during the two last years, by the Board of Agriculture fur- ther illustrated. 1800. 4. (15 fh.) Fads and ob- servations relative to sheep, wool, ploughs and oxen; in which the importance of improving the short woolled breeds by a mixture of the merino blood is deduced from actual practice. Together with some remarks on the advantages which have been derived from the use of salt. 1803. 8. (4 fh.) Oil valuation of cattle by weight — fables for the fame. (Bath Agric. Soc, Vol. 9. p. 289.) Propo- sal, for obtaining a return of the prices of meat from certain markets of this kingdom* {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 26. p. 293.) Address to the Boards of Agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 31. p. 65.) Address — on the subject of sheep and wool. (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 154.) Description of his drag- cart — and method of adjusting the centre of gra- vity of the load. (Comm. to the F>, of A?,r. VoJ. 2. p. 415.) Description of his two furrow swing and wheel ploughs, at. nine inches and a quarter fur- row in the clear. (Ibid. Vol, 2. p. 41S*) *SOMERVILLE, [Robert] of Haddington. Outlines on the 15 chapter of the proposed gene- ral report from the Board of Agriculture, on the subject of manures; drawn up for the considera- tion of Board of Agriculture and internal improve- ment. 1795. 4. Additional appendix 179Ó. 4. fibers, von M. C, A, Wickmann und A. R> Scherer, Leipzig. 1800, 8. Observations on the various modes of inclosing land. (Comm. "to the B. of Agr. Vol.2. p«l.) *SOMERVILLE, [Robert] Surgeon of the first Bat- talion of tiu Rothfay md Caithness ftncibUs. Memoir on the medical arrangements necessary * to be observed in camps. 1796. 8. (3 st») * An in- Y 3 quiry 34* quiry into the cause of the blight in wheat, which occasioned the failure of the crop in the summer of 1795. with observations and a mode of preven- ting a repetition of the fame evil also an account of the origin and increase of smut balls, vermin ore. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 2. p. 200.) *SÓMERVILLE, [Thomas] D. D. F.R.S.E. one of his Maj> Chaplains in Ordinary and Minifitr at Jedburgh. History of political transactions and of parties, from the restoration of King Charles 2 to the death of King William. 1792. 4. (I L. 1 sli.) Obfer- vations on the constitution and present state of Britain. 1793. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) The history of Great -Britain during the reign of Queen Anne: with a dissertation concerning the danger of the protestant succession; and an appendix, containing original papers. 1798. 4. (i L. 5 fh.) *SOMERVILLE, [William] Esq. The chacc, a poem, a new edition, to which ii prefixed a critical essay, by J. Aikins, M. Dr. 1796. 8- (6 sli.) *SOREN, [John] ( Narrative of him, piratically captured on the high seas. 1800. 8- *SORLIE, [Sholto] Serjeant-Major of the 7 Regt. of light Dragoons. A brief explanation of the new sword - exercise. 1798. (i fh.) •gOTHEBY, [....] Miss. Patient Gnselda; a talc, from the Italian of Boc- caccio. 1799. 4. (2 sh. 6d.) «SOTHEBY, [William] Esq. F. R. S: F. A. S. Poems, consisting of a tour through parts of North and South Wales, sonnets, odeg and an cpiftlc to a friend on physiognomy. 1790. 4. (5 fh ) A tour through part of Wales; son- nets, odes and other poems, ^with engravings from drawings taken on the spot by J. Smith. 1794» 4* (lL 11 fh. 6 d.) Qberon, a poem > from the German of fVieland. Parti. 2. 1798.8. (13 st.) The .battle of the nile, a poem. 1799. 4- (2 jj1, éd.) The siege of Cuzco, a tragedy, ia 5 acts- 343 1800. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) The georgics of Virgil, translated. 1800. 8. (7 sh.) Julian and Agnes, or, the nionki of the great St. Bernard, a tragedy, in 5 acts. i8oi. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) A poetical epistle to Sir George Beaumont, Bart, on the encourage- ment of the British school of painting. 1801. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Oberon, or, Huon de Bordeaux, a mask and Orestes, a tragedy. 1802. 8. (5 fh.) •SOUTH, [Thomat] A series of letters on planting and the manage, ment of woods. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 6. p. I.) On the present state of naval timber. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 46.) On the reclamation of a snipe bog. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p 326.) Description of a cheap and efficacious ventilator for preserving corn on íliip- board. (Ibid. Vol.8, p.53. TiUoch's Philos. Ma- gaz. Vol. 5. p. 393.) Letter, explaining his rea- sons for delaying the publication of his long ex- pected treatise on wall-fruit trees. (Bath Agric. Soe. Vol. 8. p. 369.) SOUTHERN, [John] Engineer at Soho, Birmingham. On the equilibrium of arches. (Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 11. p. 97.) «S OU THEY, [Robert] Esq, of Baliol College. born at Bristol 1774. Aug. 12. See Public Characters of 1799 and 1800. p. 223* See Robert Love 11. Jean of Arc, an epic poem. 1796. 4, (I L. 1 sh.) Poems. 1797. 8. (5 fh.) £d.2. Vol. 1.2. 1798.8. (12 sti.) Letters, written during a short resi- dence in Spain and Portugal, with some account of Spanish and Portugueze poetry. 1797. 8. (7^0 •The annual anthology. Vol. 1. 1799. 8. (6 sh.) Vol. 2. 1800.. (6 sh.) Statement of facts relative to Chatterton. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. Nov. p. 770.) Letter to Sir Herbert Croft on Chatter- ton. (Ibid. Y. 1800. April, p.253.) Amadis de Gaul, from the Spanish version of Garciordonez de Montalvo. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 12. (I L, 1 fh.) *The worfcs of Thomas Chatterton. Vol. I-3. I803. 8. (I L. II fh. 6 d.) Thalaba the destro- yer, a metrical romance. Vol. 1.2.1803.8. (14^) Y 4 * SOUTH- 344 *SOUTHGÀTE, [Richard] M. A. many years C». rate of St. Giles's in the fields and fometimt Rett or of Warfops Nottinghamshire; Assistant- Librarian at the British Museum. horn I729, died 1795, Jan, 25. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y; 1795. Febr. p. 171, March, p, 252* Aug. p, 63s, Y. ,1797. July' -'P'539. See George G ask in, •SOUTHWELL, [Richard Hayes] intellectual freedom; an essay on the true source, and nature of moral evil. 1798- I2V (3sb.) On the source and nature of moral evil, 1803. g. (3 sh.) * SO WD EN, [Benjamin Choyce] Minister of the Eng. lisi episcopal church at Amsterdam, Member of the Soc. of Felix Mtritis at Amsterdam. born .... died 1796. Jan.289 See "Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1796, Apr. p. 356* May. p. 385- Sermon'on the fast. 1747. Sermon on the death of the Prince of Orange. 1750. . Sermon at the funeral of the Rev. Bartholomew Lostus. 1751.4. Ordination sermon. 1732. On the death of King George 2» 17ÓO. Charity sermon for the Weft- 1 minster dispensary, 1776* 4» (i sh,) Sermon on toleration, 1780. 8- (i sh.) Sermon before the members of the humane society at Amsterdam. 17.. , Sermons on various subjects. 1798» 8- (7 fh.) ^SQWDEN, [Hannah] Plain sermons for plain people, 1792. 13. (3 sh.) fibers. Ronueburg u. Leipzig. 1802. 8, SOWERBY, [James] F* L. S, The florist's delight, containing six coloured sigu- res, with tjje botanical and florist descriptions —, Nrb. 1-3. 1791. fol. (I L- 16 sh.) Easy intro- cWjiion to drawing flowers according to nature, J79T. 4. {2 sh. coloured 4 sb.) iibers. Weimar. 1797..4. James Edward Smith's English botany, or coloured figures of . British ..plants, with their essential characters, synonyms and places of growth. To which will be added, occasional remarks. Nrb. i.7 143- 1790-1803,^ (each 3, sh. 6 d.) English fungi. Nrb. 1-.2&. .1796-1799. so!, (cachiosh.) British mineralogy or coloured figure*; with de- scription! '3.45 scrjpttons^to elucidate the mineralogy of Great- Britain. Nrb. I. 1803. (2 sla. 6 d.) Account of the-difference of structure in the flowers of si* species of passistora. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 2* p. 19*) and Dawson Turner, catalogue of some, of the more rare plants observed in a tour through the western counties of England, in June 1799. (Ibid. Vol. 5.. p.234*) ^SPALDING, [..,.] of Edinburgh. Account of diving bell. (Transact., of the Soc; . , for íhe E. of A. Vol, I. p. ,220.) *SPALDING? [John] M. Dr. at Newhaven. History of the cafe of Mr. Ezra Curtis. (American Museum Y. 1787» Jan. 'p. 35.) *SPALDING, [Lyman] M. S: Leclur.tr on Chemistry and Materia medico, in Ddrtnoutk University. An inaugural dissertation on the production of animal heat. Walpolc. 1797, 8. A new nomen- clature of chemistry, proposed by Mrs. de Mor* veau% Lavoifier> Bertholet and Fourcroy, with ad- ditions and improvements, Hannover. 1799. 4# A dissertation on the bilious malignant fever which prevailed in the country adjacent to Dortmouth college in the summer of 1798. (Medical Reposit. V0L3. p. 5.) ♦SPALDING, [Samuel] of St. Jehns College, 0*- ford and Curate of Bin fie Id. born .... died in the prime of life 1799. Jan. 3. (He was an oecasional contributor to the Gentle* man's Magazine,) *SPARKE, [B.... E....] A.M. Elegiac Tkomae Gray , graece redditae. Ì794. 4* (I fh. 6 d.) SPARROW, [Richard] Surgeon* to the charitable in- firmary Dublin. Gases of the extraction of the cataract, with practi- cal remarks. (Simmons*s Med, Facts and Obferv, Vol, 1. p. 43.) ;iiberf. Repertor. Chirurg. u. Me- diz. Abhaudl. Th. 1. S.87. SPEECHLEY, [William] Gardener. On the culture of the pine apple and the manage- ment of the hothouse. 179Ó. 8- (13 stO Y 5 *SP£ER, 546 •S PEE R, [William] Supervisor and Assayer of Spirits in the Port of Dublin. An enquiry into the causes of the errors and irre- gularities, which take place in ascertaining the strengths of spirituous liquors, by the hydrome. ter; with a demonstration of the practibility of simplifying and rendering this instrument accurate. 1802. 8. (I fh.) On the hydrometer, (Tilloclïf Philos. Magaz. Vol. 14. p. 151. 229.) •SfcENCE, [Elizabeth Isabella] * Helen Sinclair, a novel, by a lady. Vol. 1, 2» 1799. 12. (7'fli.) •SPENCE, [Sarah] Poems and miscellaneous pieces. 1795. 8, (4 sb, 6 d.) •SPENCE, [T....] (Author of several tracts on the imprescriptible rights of mankind.) Pigs meat. 17.. The constitution of a perfect commonwealth, being the french constitution of 1793 5 amended and rendered entirely conformable to the whole rights of man. 1797. 12. (3 d.) *SPENCER, [C. ... R.,..] The fashionable friends, a comedy —. the pro- logue by C. R. Spencer, and the epilogue by fV. Lamb. 1802. •'SPENCER, [Edward] Truths, respecting Mrs. Hannah Move's meeting houses and the conduct of her followers. 1802. 8- (2fh.) •SPENCER, [Henry] Vindication of the prophecies of Mr, Brothers aná the scripture expositions of Mr. Halhed. 1795- 8. (I fh.) •SPENCER, [Joshua] Esq, Barrister at Law. Thoughts on an union. 1798. 8. (I fh.) •SPENCER, [William Robert] Esq. Leonora, translated from the german of G. A. BUrger 1 with designs by Lady Diana Beauclerc, I79Ó. sol. (1 L. I fh.) Urania, or the illuminé, a comedy, in 2 acts; the prologue by Lord John Townshend. 1802. 8. (2 fh.) The year of sor- row. 1804.4- (5 *CDi7M, 34? • SPENS, [Thomas] Phyjìcian in Edinburgh. History of a cafe, in which there took place a re* maskable slowness of the pulse (Duncan's M. C. Dec.2. Vol. 7. p. 458.) Medical and surgical ob- servations by A. G. Richter, Prof, of Medicine iit the University of Gottingen , translated from the German, 1794. 8. ♦SPENSER, [Edmund] the younger. The ugly club; a dramatic caricature in one act. 1799. 8. (I sh.) •SPIER, [John] ReBor of Creek, c: Northampton, formerly Fellow of St. John s College, Oxford* born in the parish of St, John, Wapping, 1715* died ISOO. Oct. 4, .. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Oct. p. loir. Nov. p. 1104. Allgcm. Litterat. Zeit. J. 18OX. ItBL S. 838. The christian's manual, being a translation from the enchiridion of Erasmus; with a preface. 17., •SPILLING, [Jamet] The prophecies of God, comprehending an acra of 200 years. 1793. 8. (I sh.) •SPILSBURY, [F B....] late Surgeon to the Hospital at Barute, for the reception of the ivounded* Observations on the acute disease of Egypt, cal- led, the ophthalmia. 1802. 8. (2 sh.) *SPOONER,[ ] Major of Roxbury. Letter on the culture ot carrots. (American Mil* scum Y. 1787. p. 40.) *SPOONER, [J....] J5/f. Account of the Guinea and Scott grasses and the manner of cultivating them in the West-Indies. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 5. p. 282.) *SPOONER, [John Jones] A. M: A. A. S. ReBor of Martin s Brandon. A topographical description of the county osPrince George in Virginia, 1793. (Coll. of Massachu- setts H. S. Y. 1794. p. 85.) *SPRAGUE, [....] Dr. Remarks on the raethodist dialogue writer, on tho subject of baptism. 180a. •SPURRIER, 348 * SPURRIER, [John] Uttof the county of Herts, /« Great - Britain, wotí; of'Brandywinehuftdred, county of New - C Dr/: Greskatft ;Fm fefforts PJiyficand -Phyjicim to the Foundling jRoJpuaL ,/. A justification of the right (of-every well educated phyfidaa of fair character and mature age>, residing "mV t y*\tì}iï), th§ iurisdi.c^ioivpf.îhe college of physician» of London, to be admitted a fellow of that corpora- tion, if, fo.uq^. competent9 upon examination in ... T learning and--skill.; together with an account cf * the prpcee.diiigSuOf those Jicentiates who lately at- u j^tempted i,to- establish -thtf. ;righ.C —.1 1.7.981 &i ^.;(?8-ih.). Remarks >>on the necessity and means of ^ w s^pfeflip^-çont-agiout "feycr in the ^metropolis* SÎANKOPE, [Charles] Earl (before Charles Viscount t.M^HQN, L,9r.dO..RR..& F„Si.Arts. Member Á & -Pkilad. Member of Ftfrliaihenp for : \n,*Me.Jì°rou%k; of F/ycombe. ;. - 1753. Atig.3, ^See-rPMblic Characters of 1800 and 180I. p. 81* ^, .., J?. .)^.Gi//^îS(euer Brktischer Plutarch.; S.257. 'Observations 011 Mr, Pitt's plan for the reduction of the"* national debt. 17., The rights oh juries defended î together with ^thorities of law in sup- portas those rights-, and fw? objections to Mr. ft*V libel bill refuted. 17.92. 8. (3 sh; 6 d.) Description of a most effectual me\(10Cr of securing buildings against fire. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. J794.. Febr. p. 73. American Museum, Y. 1788» May, p. 400J ♦STANLEY, [J.... T...'.] Esq, F.R.S. Leonpra, a tale, .translated and altered from tlu German of G. A. Btìrgçr. English and German.' 1796. 4 et S. (2 ft.)"; •STANLEY, [Thomas] Esq, M. P: F. A. S. Lond. F. & Edinb. An account of the hot springs near Rykum in Ice- land. (Tr. of E. S, Vol. 3. P. p. 127.) An ae- count of the hot springs hear Haukadal in Iceland* (Ibid. Vol. 3. P. p. 13B.) * S T A P L E T O. N, [George] late English, Preceptor at Paris and at Bruffets. The road to knowledge, or young man and wo- man's best friend. 1797. (3 slî. 6 d.) * STARES, STARES, [TV...]. *' Some observations on the* use of potatoes. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.28, p.228.) • S T A R K E, J]Mdriatiiie]_ Miss.- ■ The widow of Malabar, a tragedy. 1791. 8. (I sh. 6 d;) The tournament , a tragedy; imita- ted from the German drama entitled 'Agnes Ber- náuerin. 1800. (2 fh.) Letters from Italy, bet- ween the years 1792 and 1798. Vol. 1.2. 1800. 8. (14 fh.) iiberf.. von Valentini, Giessen. 1802. ^STAUNTON, [Sir George Leonard} Barï. LL. D: F. R. S: Secretary of Embassy tó the Emperor fif China and Minister Plenipotentiary in the absence of the Ambassador: formerly an Ap* - ^ thecary. • ,' :JL born in Ireland .... died 18ÒÒ. í?Vc. ^ S«e Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. P- 124. Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I80L Ja'n.'p89. Fek. p. 183. Y. 1792. Oct. p. 896; S'upffìem. p. 1218. : Monthly Magaz. Y. 1801. Fcbr. p.y§: fDuncan't A. of Med. Y. 1801, p. 494- Milltn Magaz. En- cycloped. A. 7. T -z. p.39^. Allgem. Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 18^1' S.685. Authentic accoi"jt of the embassy from the king of Great-BriM'n to the Emperor of China — taken chiefly fro-n ths papers of — Earl of Macartney,. Sir Erafaus Gower — and of other Gentlemen in th* iWeral departments of the embassy. Vol. 1.2. p?;irt engravings. 1797» 4- besides a volume of plates, sol. (4 L. 4 sli. large paper 61. 6 fh.) libers, von J. C. tillttner, B. I. 2. Zurich. 1^99. iiberf. von M. C. Sprengel. Th. 1.2. Halle. 1798.8. iiberf. Th.1-3. Berlin. 1800. 8. •STEAD, [J....] A description and natural history of englifli song- birds, with proper directions for taking, rearing and breeding them. 1796. (I fh. 6 d. coloured 2 sli. 6 d.) •STEAKNES, [Samuel] LL. D: M. Dr: Astronomer to his Maj. Provinces of Quebec and Neiv- jBrunswick t also the Commonwealth of Massa* chusetts and the state of Vermont^ in America. The American oracle, comprehending an account cf recent discoveries in the arts and sciences with 351 with * variety of religious political, physical and philosophical subjects, necessary to be known in all families for the promotion of their present fe* licity and future happiness., New-York. 1791. 8. (2 Dollars: 8 sh. 6 d.) The mystery of animal magnetism revealed ?tq the world, containing phi- losophical reflections on the publication of a pam- phlet' entitled, a true and genuine discovery of animal electricity and magnetism. 1791. 8* {2 ih.) • STEBBING, [....] Rev. Dr. Letter-concerning lecture ships, designed to shew the propriety and necessity of a total abolition of the institution, l&oi; (i sh. 6 d.) *STEDMAN, [Charles] (served under Sir W. Hqwc% Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Cornwatiisi )^ The history of the origin, progress and termina- tion-of the American war. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 4.' (2 L. 2 ill*) ùbers. mit Anmerk. von J. A, Re- nter. B. 1.3. Berlin. 1795. 8. St EDM AN, [John] M. Dr. Physician at'.Edin- burgh, Fellow of the R. College of Fhyficians* born .... died 1791. Apr. ïó. On the constitution of the roman legion. 17.. * Laelius and Hortensia, or thoughts on taste and genius. 1782. 8* (5 fh«) Horace's art of poetry, translated into English. 17. • STEDMAN, [John] The study of astronomy, adapted to th© capacitsei of youth. 1796. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *STEDMAN, [J.... G...-] Captain. born 1745* died 1797. March 5, at Tiverton Devon. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. May. p. 435, Allg. Litt. Zcit. J. 1800. ItBl. S. 642. Narrative of a five year's expedition against the revolted negroes in Surinam in Guiana on the wild coast of South America from the Year 1772 to 1777. elucidating the history of that country and describing its productions. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 4. (3 L. 3 sh.) libers. Hamburg. 1797. 8- «bers, im Auszug von M. C. Sprengel. Halle. 1797. 8- STEDMAN, [Thomas] A. M. Vtcar of Saint Chad> Shrewsbury. Job Orson's (died J783- J"1- letM* t0 11 young >. \ yònhg clergyfcwrtf Th.Sniman). 1^91. (cf. Gent* lcfii/MagazíYv^I.Deff.pIiíoa* Supp).p,iiç^#j Sermon. 4793* (6 d.)j - - / .\ See Sir jaitiei *§ton;eàouse. *> , S^EELE, [navi'd]' kauttcal ^Bo^filler. :' 1 . boni 1763. ciiéd át Londòn'lSo^J^W 'See Mònthly Magazv'^ï l803^faiii'^'ir.'(î *" TÌie'íhipiwaíïcrs assistant and o\Virer39 tríanuaï; ,,T 17.. Eléments of pu«îâruatiohV^n^inínV reniarks on an cssay on pu'nctù'afíon* with criíîcál observa- tions on fòme pàíTá^ès ili MïtfW'sI78ó\$. (3 íh% 6 d.) 'The ejémetíts'atfd pfâctíce'of Hgging, sca- manshjp and na vJrflJtactiis. Vdit. 2i\Í794. 4. *S/T EEt E , [Sir Riçíiaráì [' \\ t ,' ^ ^.V"' The Christian, hero, a nejar'$fcù$\\*:tï&02. 12, * S TEE L E, [Rîcbárd] late^os. Tkìrsfc^noto' 0 f Sion HiH \\\ near Tliirsk ^ in ike œountryi of York, r Essay upon garderting* «cotofaining a catalogue of ,exottc plants ¥0 r,the stòyes and greenhoufes of the ■ Britifhgardent jtíhe Ueft method of planting the ,hot-house vines witb dire&ionî for obtaining and prepariiîg proper earths and compositions, to i , préserve tcndér exotjcs; observations onthehistory of gardening ' and a contrait of the ancient wkh the modem caste* 1793, 4. (r L. 7 sh.) Ed. 2. 1800. 4. (18 fn.) * S TE ERS / [H ] Elegy ta the memory of Francis late Duke-of Bedford. >I8Q2. 4. (6 d») Aesofs fables, nevv t> verifkd, from the beít English éditions; in thïce parts» 1803. 8. (5 fh.) *8TEEVENS, [George] F. fl, and 4. SS. boni at Stepney 173^. died 1799. Dec. 22. See Gentieman's Magaz, Y. 1800. Jan. p. 92. Febr. p. 178* Apr. p.311. May* p^ós. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 62. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. Febr..p.8l. M^rch. p. 183. Allgefn. Lttter. Zeiu J. 1800. ItBL S, X803* J. 1801. ItBl. S. 793- IVUlanii N. Teutsirher Merkur. J. I800. St. 3. S» 236. Shakespeare s plays, Vol; 1-4-. 176Ó. 8. new edí- . tion. Vol. i-io. 1773. 8. New édition under the care of Isaac Raeci. Vol. 1-10. 1785- 8. Ëd. 4' vith great ^ddkdous and impcovcmeou* Vol. i-I5« P X793« 1793* 8» Ed. 5* revised and augmented by Isaac Reed with a glossary index. Vol. I-21. I803. (il L,) The frantick lover a poem. (Annual Re* gister. 17..) *STELL£R, [.....] A new system of the natural history of quadrupeds, birds, fishes and infects* in three vohimensj Vol. im quadrupeds. I79I» 8. STENNET, [Samuel] D. D. (an Anabaptist Cler- gyman.) born 17^7* died 1795. Aug. 22» at Mufwcll- hill near Highgate, co. Middlesex* See Geutleman's Magaz» Y. Í7Ç5* Sept. p. 792. Discourses on personal religion, a new edition* Vol, I. 2. I801. 12» (6 sh.) Discourses on do- mestic duties* 1800. 8* (5 sh«) Sermons on the divine authority and various use of the holy scrip- tures* 1790. 8. (5 sh-) The mortality of mini- ster* contrasted with the unchangeablenefs of Christ , occasioned by the decease of Caleb Evans f D* D. — a sermon. 1791. 8. (I sh.) ♦STEPHEN , [Margaret] Teacher of Midwifery t* > females. Domestic midwife, or the best means of preven- ting danger in child birth, considered. 1795. 12* (I sli. 6 d.) STEPHENS, [Alexander] Esq. A history of the wars which arose out of the freneh revolution, from their commencement in 1792 un* til the peace of igo2. to which is prefixed, a re- view of the causes and early progress of the french revolution; illustrated With mapn Vol.1.2. 1803* 4. (3 L. 13 sh, 6 d») STERNHOLD, [Thomas] Esq. (a siBmont name.) *STEVART, [James William] Potatoes on waste laud. ( Youngs A» of Agn VoL 38. p. 26.) STEVART, [tfenry] Esq. LL. Dr. R R. and A% & Edin. Account of a plan for the better supplying the city of Ediuburgh with coal; together with an exami- nation of the merits of the two principal line* pointed out for the intended canal between Edin- burgh and Glasgow, with an supplement* I80T. H<4( G. E. Tk. W 2 * STEVENS/ ♦STEVENS,, [Ebenezer] at New-York. Experiment made by some of the inhabitants of the town of Boston and its vicinity* in procuring good water under various circumstances, and which may be depended on for success, (New-York Ma- gaz. Y. 1792. April, p. 201.) •STEVENS, [John] in the service of the Easi-hdiê Company. A method of ascertaining the latitude in the Nor- thern hemisphere by a single altitude of the polar star at any time, with tables computed for that purpose. 1800. 8. (I sh.) ^STEVENS, [Robert] Esq. at Ansford near Castle Gary. On cyder-wine, made from the juice of apples, taken from the press and boiled , according to a recipe of Dr. Rusk. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 5* p. • STEVENS, [Robert] Esq. at Hackney. Account of Copenhagen. (Monthly Magaz. Y. l8oi. June. p. 38I-) Sketch of a journey from Copenhagen to Hambourg. (Ibid. Y. I80I. Aug. p. 19. Sept. p. 107. Oct. p. 205. Nov. p. 293.) An account of the town or village of Clostcrhayn in Germany. (Ibid. Y. 1803. May. p. 315.) STEVENS, [Thomas] D. D. Reclor of Great-Snoring and St. Peters Walfole, County of Norfolk; Morning- Preacher at Grosvenor Chapel. Serious cautions to young students, 2 sermons. 1790. 4. (I sh.) Sermons. Vol. 1-3. 1802.8. * (I L. I sh.) STEVENS, [William Bagsliaw] D. D. Fellow of Map dalen College* Oxford, Rettor of Seckington and Vicar of Kingsbury, to. Warwick. bom 1756. at Abingdon, Berks, died 1800. May 28* at Repton, co. Derby* See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. July. p. 699. Sept. p. 897. Y. 1801. Febr. p. 106. Apr. p. 316. Retirement , a poem. I782. Sermons. Vol 1-3* I801. 8. (1 L. 1 sh.) (He was a correspondent of Gentleman's Mag", wnder th« signature M. C. S. (vix. Magd. Coll. Semilog 355 Semisoc.) In the Topographer are three idyls by him. 11,39.40.) ♦ STEVENSON, [....] in Arbroath. Account of singular benefit from the digitalis pur- purea." (Duncan's M. C. Dec.3. Vol.10, p.356.) ♦ STEVENSON, [John Hall] Esq. Crazy tales for grown gentlemen; 17.. Lyric epistles; 17,. Pastoral cordials; 17.. Macarony fables; 17.. Works, corrected and enlarged, \*ith several original poems uqw first printed and ex- planatory notes. V0L1-3. 1795» 8* (l3 ih.) ♦ STEVENSON, [Robert] Surgeon at Gilmerton. Account of the benefit derived from vaccine in* oculatiou, in combating a singular disease of the right arm. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1801. p. 337») *STEVENSON> [W>..,] Remarks on the very inferior utility of claslka! learning. 1796. 8. (I fh.) *S TE WART, [Alexander] Minister of Moulin. An account of the present revival of religion îtì the highlands of Scotland, igôo. (1 ih. 6 d.) The elements of Gaelic grammar. 1801. 8. (4 fh.) *STEWART, [Alexander] Surgeon in Southwark and formerly of the Earl Talbot and. Gen. Goddard East - Indiaman. Medical discipline, or, rule* and regulations for the more effectual preservation of health on board the East-India Company's ship. 1798.13* (ash. 6 d.) •STEWART, [Alexander] many years in the suite of Caro/ína Mathilda, late Queen of Denmark. Observations on the occurrences from 1794 to 1797, with a caution to the editors of opposition prints; particularly the editor of the Scotch chronicle. 1797. 12. (I íh.) •STEWART, [Charles] Surgêon at Archangel Account of a singular periodical discharge of blood from the urethra termiuatiug successfully. (Dun* can's M. C. Dec» 2. Vol. 9. p. 333.) STEWART, [Charles Edward] A, M. A collection of trifles, in verse. 1796. 4. (5 fh.) Critical trifles — 1797. 8* (1 íh. 6 d.) 2 a *STE- 356 •STEWART, [Donald} Essay on charring bog-turf into coke , with littlo trouble or expence* (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol.1. P. I. p. 296.) Report of his mineralogtcal travel through Ireland, (Ibid. Vol. I. P. 2.) * STEWART, [Dugald] R R. S. Edin. Prof eft? Moral Philosophy in the Univtrjity of Edits burgh, born I753# See Public Characters of 1800 and I80I. p. 372. Elements of the philosophy of the human mind, 17192. 4. (I L. I sh.) Ubers. von S. G. Lavge, Th> 2. Berlitv. 1794* 8. Outlines of moral philosophy, for the use of students in the University of Ediu» burgh. 1793. 8. (7 tti.) Adam Smith's essays on philosophical subjects; to which is prefixed an ac- count of the life and writings of the author. 1795, 4* (ï3 sh.) * Account of the life and writing! of WiU. Robmfin, D, D. F, R. S. E. 1801.4, (çíh.) 8. (5 sh.) Account of the life and writings of Adam Smith, LL. D. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3. H. p. 55.) Account of the life and writing* of Th> ReiA. London. 1803. 8. (5 *M •STEWART, [John] The tocsin of Britannia; with a novel plan for • constitutional army. 1794. 8. (4sh.) These, cond peal of the tocsin of Britannia* or, alarm bell of Britons, with plans of national armament and national defence, addressed to the british yeomanry. Î794. 8. (2Íh.) Good sense; addressed to the britiih nation, as their preeminent and peculiar characteristic, in the pressnt awful crisis or Wit of social existence, exhibiting the actual and event- ful state of various nations. 1794. 8. (2 ïhw 6 d.) Britons united, or Britannia roused; in humblo -verses upon different subjects before and subse- quent to the battle of the Nile —. 18OO. 8. (I A*) The tocsin of social life, addressed to all civilirtJ cations, in a discovery of the laws of nature rer lative to human existence. 1802*8. (2 st.) *STEWART, [W....] Essay on scooping out the eyes of potatoes for teea god preserving the remainder for use, (Tr. of Dublin Soc. Vol. 1. P. it p. 398.) *STICK. 35? *STJCKNEY, [William] of Ridgmoni, near Hull. Observations and experiments on agricultural sub- jects. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.25, p.403.) •STILES, [Ezra] D. D. and LL. Br. President of the Yale College at New haven. born Nov, 29. 1737. at Northhaven. died 1795. May 12. See New-York Magaz. Y. 1795. May. p. 320* Ebeling u. Hegewisch Amerikanisches Magazln^ B. I. St. 1. S.172. ©ratio inauguraiis habita in si cello Colîcgiî Ya- Icnsis quod est Novo-Portti Connectieutensium. Hartfordiae. 1778. 8. The United States eleva- ted to glory and honour, a sermon. Ed.2. Wor- cester. 1785. 8. History #f three of the judges of King Charles L Major Gen, WhalUtft Maj. Gen. Goffe and Colonel Dixwell, who, at the restora- tion, 1660 fled to America and where ferreted and concerted in Massachusetts and Connecticut for near thirty years; with an account of Theophihs Whale* of Narraganfctt, supposed to have been also one of the judges. Hartford. 1794. 8. (i Dollar.) Thoughts on raisins a revçnue in produce. (Ame- rican Museum Y. 1789. May. p. 477.) Corre* spondancc between him and Noah Webster % re- specting the fortifications in the western country* (Ibid. Y. 1789. July. p<27. Aug. p. 136. Sept. p. 232. Y. 1790. June. p. £33*) "STILLINGFLEET, [Edward] M. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Dartmouth and late Minister of West Bromwichf Staffirdjlnre. Sermons on some of the principal doctrines of th# christian religion —. 1794. 8. (5 sh.) *STILLINGFLEET> [H... A...] ReBor of How- Copie <3cc. The antiquity and adrantages of church-music; — a sermon? 1803. 8* (I sh.) *STILLINGFLEET, {James] Rev. at Hot ham, York- shire. On the culture and cure of rhubarb. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A, Vol. 15. p. 157.) •STIMSON, [Jeremy] A topographical description of Hopkins ton in the 2 3 county 358 county of Middlesex, (Coll, of Massachusetts H S V; 1795, p. 15.) «STIRHNG, [James]- Esq. of Leadhil/s. Account of the money, coins and weights used irç England, during the reigns of the Saxon Princes. (Transact* of A, S, of Scotie-Vol. I. p#3i6.) STOCK, [John Edmonds] An inaugural essay on the effects of cold on the human body. Philad. 1797. 8. * S T O C K, [Joseph] D. D, Bisàop ofKillaU. M.R.J. A. The book of the prophet Isaiah; in hebrew met english; the hebrew text metrically arranged; the translation altered from that of Bisli. Lowth; with notes critical and explanatory, 1803. l (i L, i fh.) < «STOCKDALE, [....] Miss. The effusions of the heart, poems, 179$. 8, (5 fh.) The family book, or children's journal — from the french of Berquin; interspersed with poetical pieces written by the translator. 1798. 8- School for children; translated from the french. 1800, - 12. (3 fh. 6 d,) Sincerity's offering, an ode to bis Maj>sty \ 1804. (1 fh.) *STQCKDALE, [John Joseph] A speculative picture of Europe: translated from the frençh of Gen. Dumouriez —, 1798. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) Albio-Hibernia, or the isle of Erin, a poem. 1799. 4. (1 fh.) STOCKDALE, [Perçival] ReSor ùf Lesborougk ani Lbng Houghton in Northumberland. Letter to Granville Sharpe — respecting the ne- groes in the island of St, Domingo, 1791.8» (I AO XIII sermons to seamen, preached on board of his Maj. ship Leander, in the bay of Gibraltar, 179I. 8» (5 sh.) Poetical thoughts and views on the tanks of the wear, 1792. 4, (2 fh. 6 d.) Obser- vations on the writings and conduct: of our pre- sent political and religious reformers — to which is sdded, an appendix on the litcerary decisions $fid character of the critical reviewers, 1792- 8. (j lh. 6 d,) Letter to Mr. Bryan, occasioned by his late remarks on Mr, Pope's universal prayer. 1793- 8- (I sh.) Letter to a Gentleman of tw philantropic society on the liberty of A* PJ™' 359 1794* 8. (6 d.) Letters so the Bîsliop of Dur- ham, relative to the living of Hartburn. 17.. The invincible island, a poem, with introductory observation» on the present war. 1797. 8. (2 sh.) A remonstrance against inhumanity to animals and particularly against the savage practice of bull- baiting. 1802. 8. (I sh.) See Samuel Marsh, Oram. *STOCKETT, [Thomas H...] PraElhioner 0} P ky- ste at South-River 9 Marts land. Account of a head-ach, cured by the discharge of a worm from the nose. (Tr. of Physic, of Philad, Vol.1. P.i. p. 181.) •STODART, [James] Ou the effects of the respiration of the nitrous oxidej particularly an instance in which the exci* tation of the system produced unpleasant symptoms. (Nicholsons Journal Y. I802. March, p, 225.) *STODQARD, [A....] Orations delivered at the celebration of the Presi- dent's birth-day j as also on the recent successes of the french nation over the enemies of liberty. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y, 1793. March, p. 169.) *STODDART, [John] LL. B. The five men, or, a review of the proceedings and principles of the executive directory of France, together with the lives of the present members — translated from the french of Joseph Despaze. 1797. 8- (2 sh. 6 d.) ^Fiesco, translated from the German of F. Schiller. 17.. * Don Carlos, prince royal of Spain: an historical drama from the German of Fred. Schiller^ by the translators of Fiefco (by If. N. Noehden and J. Stoddart). 179$. 8. (5 fb.) Remarks on local scenery nnd manners in Scotland during the years 1799 and I800. Vol. 1.2. I80I.8. (with the plates tinted, 2 L. 2 sh. with the plates coloured, 3 L. 3 lh.) STOKES, [Anthony] Esq* Barrister at Law; of tht Inner - Temple. Desultory observations on th® situation, extent, climate, populatipn* manners, custoius, commerce, constitution, government, religion, of Great-Bri- tain: occasionally contrasted with those of other countries —v I7Q2« g. (I sh. 6 d.) Z4 * STOKES, ♦STOKES, [Jonathan] M. Or. of Kidder minster. Motes relating to terras and the mineralogy of the eountry where it is dug up. (Youngs A. of Agr, Vol.15, p. S89 ) Remarks on tritolium medium, and trifolium pratensc; and on the kinds of couch- grass. (Ibid. Vol.17, p. 34O West - Indian agri* culture. (Ibid. Vol, 18, p, 148.) «STQNA, [Thomas] M. A. Rettor of Warhoys, w. Huntingdon and in the Commijjion of ike for thai county. born . f,. died 1792. Aug. 12. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1792. Aug. p. 774, Sept. p. 876- Oct. p. 959. Remarks upon the natural history of religion by Mr. Hume; with dialogues on heathen idolatry and the christian religion, by S. T# 1758.8» Let- ter to Norfolk militia. 1759- 8. *STONE, [Anne] Features ©f the youthful mind; or, tales for juve* nilc readers. 1803. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *STONE, [Edward] A.M. formerly Fellow ofWadham College, Oxford* A discourse» in two parts> on the nature of truth and falsehood in general and against each parti- cular species of lies, the pernicious, the jocose and the officious lie. 1797. 8. (I sli.) STONE, [Francis] As, A: F. A. S; lienor of Cold Norton, EJfex. Examination of Edm. Burke's reflections on the re- volution in France, interspersed with hints of im- provement of the new constitution of the french. J792. 8. (4 fh*) Thoughts in favour of the abolition of the slave trade and the emancipation of the negroes, respectfully inscribed to the house of comraom. 1792* 8. (i sh.) STONE, [Thomas] Land-Surveyor. A review of the corrected agriculture survey of Lincolnshire, by Arthur Young — 1800. 8. (8 ft.) A letter on the drainage of the East, West and •wild more fens. x$oò.'4J. (I sh.) A letter on the intended drainage and inclosure of the moor fens in the county of Lincoln. 1801. (1 fb.) R«' marks on waste lands iq Uircolnsliire# (Bath Agric 3Ói Soc. Vol.8, p. 129.) Remarks on waste lands in Bedfordshire. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 136.) On great oxen, unprofitable. (Comm. and Agric. Soe. Yf 1802. Jan. p. 15.) STONE HOUSE, [Sir James] Bart, M. Br. formerly a Physician at Northampton and afterwards Retlor of great and little Cheverel, Wilts; and for many years Leclurer of All faints^ Bristol, born 1715. died 1795. Dec. 8. at Bristol. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Dec. p. 1058. Supplcm. p. 1075. Y. 179Ó. Febr. p. 165. Y. 1801. Jan. p, 81. Every roan's assistant aiîd the sick man's friend* Ed. 2. I790. 8. (3 fh.) Letter from Job Qrton and Sir James Stonehouse Bart. M. D. to Thomas Stedman — Vol. I. 2. 1800. 8. (9 fh.) •STONESTREET, [George Griffin] Esq. a Bireclor of the Phoenix - Fire - Office and cf the Pelican life insurance - office. born 1745. died at Clapham 1802. Aug. 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802* p. 790. Y. 1803. p. 750. The portentous globe; an enquiry into the powers solicited from the crown under the act 39, Geo. Ill, for enabling his Maj. to grant a charter of incor- porations to persons under the style of the globe insurance company; — 1800. 4. (2 sb. 6 d.) * Do- mestic union, or London as it should be!! contai» ning observations oa the present state of the mu- nicipality of London. — l8oi* 4, (2 fh. 6 d.) *STOVIN, [Aistroppe] The law respecting horses. 1794. 12. (I sb. 6 d.) An analysis of the law on the abandonment of ships and freight, as it relates to the effects of the late Ruffian embargo on British ships and to the subsequent liberation of the ships from the embar- go; wherein the subject is also discussed on prin* ciples of policy and equity. 1801. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) *STOVIN, [James] Esq. Advice to the poor , with a short remonstrance te those in higher circumstances. 1792. 8* (I fh.) '*STOUT, [Benjamin] Captain. Narrative of the loss of the ship Hercules — oa th* coast ofCiffraria 15 Jua, 1796. 1798.8- (3^) Z 5 STRANGE, 36% * « STRANGE, [John] Esq. F. R. S: F. A. S. late &fi. dent at Venice* s born 1732. . . , . died 1799. March 19. at Ridge, nearBarnet, co. Middlesex. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. April, p.348, Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 659. Account of some remains of roman and other an- tiquitics in and near the town of Brecknock, South Wales, (Arch. Vol. I. p. 292.) STRANGE, [Sir Robert] Knight 9 — Engraver. born in the islaud of Pomona in Orkney 1721, Jul. 14. died 1792. Jul. 5. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. July. p. 675, Aug. p. 703. Allgem. Litterar, Zeit. J. 1792. ItBl. N. 116. S. 955. Mill in Magaz. EacycJo ped. T. T. p. 220. •STRANGFORD, [....] Lord Viscount. Poems from the portuguefe of Camoens, with re« marks on his life and writings. 1803. 8. (7sti.) *STRATTON, [James] M. Dr. of Swedesburgk. Singular termination of au omental hernia. (Medi- cal Reposit. Vol. 5. p. 160.) •STRATTON, [Jemima Maria] The maid of the castle, a legendary talc. 1794. 4. (3 sti.) * ST RE ET, [Stephen] M. A. of Queen's College, Ox- fords Beclor of Trey ford in Sussex. A new literal version of the book of psalms, with a preface and notes. Vol. I. 2. I?90. 8* (12 fh.) STREET, [Thomas George] The history of the reign of Louis XVI King of France. Vol. 1. J795. 8. (6 fh.) Vindication of the Duke of Bedford's attact upon Mr. Burkes pension: in reply to a letter from Edm. Burke to a noble lord. 1796. 8. (2 fh.) ♦STRETCH, [L.... M....] M A. Vicar of Tivf ford and Owslebury, Chaplain to the sheriff of the County, and formerly a schoolmaster at Twickenham. The beauties of history. Vol. 1. 3. 1769. 8- abrid- ged into one volume. 1798» 12. (3 fh. 6 d.) The influence of conscience and the credibility of a f"# ture state of retribution, considered; the substance of two discourses, 179O. 4, (2 fh.) 3^3 *$TRETTON, [Thomas] Account of an appearance of light, like a star, seen lately in the dark part of the moon; with remarks upon this observation. (Philof. Transact. Y. 1794. p. 435.) STRICKLAND, [Lucinda] Miscellaneous poems and other compositions. 1793. ♦STRICKLAND, [William] Esq. of Welburn, near Kirbtf - Moorfide, Yorkshire. Artificial ponds on dry foils. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.6, p. 28.) Artificial ponds, (ibid. Vol.6, p* 157.) Statement of the woollen manufacture in the West-Riding of Yorkshire. (Ibid. Vol. 3 s. p. 165.) Observations on the state of America. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 2. p. I28-) On the use of the thermometer in navigation. (Tr. of À. S. Vol. 5. p. 90.) ^STRINGER, [Thomas] Surgeon at Reigate in Surry\ Observations on venaefeóìion in thoracic inflam- mation. (New-London M. j. Vol.1, p. 33.) Ob- servations on venaefection, with a few remarks on the subject of inflammation. (Ibid. Vol. 2. P. 18.) . ♦STRINGHAM, [James S....] M. Dr. of New- York. Letter concerning vaccine inoculation, (Duncan f A. of Med. Y. 1801. p. 470.) "STRONG, [Elizabeth Kirkharo] of Extter. Poems. 1796. 8. (2 fh.) * STRONG, [Nathan] Pastor of the North'Presbyte- rian Church in Harford. Serm©ns on various subjects, doctrinal, experi- mental and practical. 1799, STRUTT, [Joseph] bom 1747. died 1802. Oct. 15, Se,e Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802, Oct* p. 982. Horda Aa$elynnan — Vol. 1,2, Ed,2.179Ó. 1797, Glig Gamcna Angel Deod, or , the sports and pa- stimes of the people of England; including the rural and domestic recreation*, may-games, mum- aitrics, pageauis, procession* and pompous specta- 364 des, from the earlieít. period to all the present time; illustrated by engravings—% 1801.4* (3 ^ 3 fh. coloured 5 L. 5 fh.) •STUART, [....] (The walking Stuart.) Travels to discover the source of moral motion and the apocalypse of nature % wherein the source of moral motion is discovered. 1789. fSTUART, [Andrew] Esq. M. P. Genealogical history of the stewarts, from the earliest period of their authentic history to ths present times. 1798» 4» (i L. 10 sh.) Supplement. 1799. 4. (6 sh.) STUART, [Charles] (not STEWART) Ripe fruit, or, the marriage. 178I. Damnation; or hissing hot. 1781. Gretna green; 17., The irishman, in Spain, a farce, in one act, taken from the fpanish. 1791. 8. (I sh.) ^STUART, [Daniel] Peace and reform against war and corruption, iu answer to a pamphlet written by A. Young, en- titled, the example of France, a warning to Bri< tain. 1794. 8- (3 st»0 • STUART, [David] Essays on the lives and writings of Fkieker of Saltoun and the poet Thomson-, biographical, cri- tical and political: with some pieces{ of Thom- sons never before published, 1792, 8» (5 ft.) * STUART, [James] An inaugural dissertation on the salutary tffects of mercury in malignant fevers, Philad. 1798.8* Oration in praise of deliberate barchelors. (Co* lumbian Maga*. Y, 1790. Aug. p. 830 «STUART, [Peter] (He was formerly concerned in the printing and conduct of the Morning post* Editor of the paper called, the Oraçk) *5TURCH, [William] Letter to the Rev. John Kentish, occasioned by some remarkable passagée in his sermon, entitled, a review of christian doctrine, delivered at Hack- 1803* (I ft-) STURGES, 365 ST URGE S, [John] LL. D. Chancellor of the Diocese of Winchester and Chaplain in Ordinary to kit Short remarks on a new translation of Isaiah by a layman î in a letter to the author (Dodjon). I79I. 8. (i fli. 6 d.) Discourses chiefly on the evidence! of natural and revealed religion. 1793.. 8. (6 sb.) Reflections on the principles and insti* tutions of popery; with reference to civil socie- ty and government, especially that of this king- dom, occasioned by Jphn Milnet's history of Winchester. 1799. 4. (6 fli.) Ed. 2. with cor* rections and additions. 1800. 8. (6 ill.) Thoughts on the residence of the clergy and on the provi- sions of the statute of the 21 year of Henry VIII* c. 13. Ed. 2. with additions. 1802. 8. (2 fh.) An account of two rainbows, seen at the same time, at Alverstoke, Hants, July 9. 1793. (Phil. Trans* act, Y. 1793. p. 1.) ♦STURGES, [Joshua] A guide to the game of draughts. 1800. 8. (3 ih. 6 d.) "STYLES, [John] Miranda, a novel, in a series of letters t written in his 15 year. 1797. 8. (3 flu) *SUGRUE, [Charlei] A dissertation on respiration; translated from the latin of Dr. Mmzits. 1796. 8. (3 ft.) *SULLIVAN, [Jmies] Esq* Attorney General of the Commonwealth, of Massachusetts. Observations upon the government of the United States of America. Boston. 1791. and in Massachu- setts Magaz. Y. 1791. Aug. p. 505. Tho history of the district of Maine, illustrated by a new cor* rect map of the district. Boston. 1795. 8. (13 0*) *'A topographical description of George-town in the county ofLincoIu. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. 251.) *A topographical dascription of Thomaston, in {he county of Lincoln and district of Maine 1794. (Ibid. Y. 1795. p.*0.) *Law cases* (Ibid. Y. 1798. p. 45.) * SULLIVAN, [John] Esq. Tracts upon India, written in the yean 1779. 1780, 366 I7$0 and 1788. tfith subsequent obsemtioH* by him. 1795. 8. (io sb. 6 d.) SULLIVAN, [Richard Joseph] Esq. F. A. $. * Philosophical rhapsodies — iibers. Th. 1. 2, Leipzig. 1787.8. A view of nature, in a letter to a traveller among the Alps; with reflectioni on atheistical philosophy, now exemplified in France. Vol. 1-6. 1794.8. (2 L. 2 sh.) iibers, von E. B, G. Hebenfireit. B.1-4. Leipzig. 1795- 1800. 8. ♦SULLIVAN, [W,. . F...] A. B. late of the than, tres royal at Windsor and Weymouth. The test of union and loyalty, or the long thrca* tened french invasion. 1803. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) •SUMMER, [ John Bird ] Under - graduate Fellow of King's College. An estay tending to shew that the prophecies now accomplishing are an evidence of the christian reli- gion. 1803* 8. (2 sh.) *SUMMERSETT, [Henry] Probable incidents, or, scenes in life, a novel. Vol. 1.2. 1797. 12. (6 fh.) The madmaia of the mountain , a tale. Vol. 1.2. 1799. 12. (7ÍI1.) Leopold Warndorf; 17.. Martyn of Feurofe; or, the wizard and the sword, a romance* Vol, 1-3. 1801. 8. (13 ft.) *SURR, [T.... S....] Conlequenceô, a novel. 17.. Christ's hospital, a poem. 1797. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) George Barnwell, a novel. Vol. I-3. 1798- 8. (io sh. 6 d.) Refu- tation of certain misrepresentations relative to the nature and influence of bank laotes and of the stop- page of issues in specie at the bank of England upon the prices of provisions as stated in the pamphlets of Walter Boyd and Will. Frend. I80I. (I fh. 6 d.) Splendid misery, a novel. Vol. I-3» 1801. 8. (15 sh.) iibers. von Fried, v. Oerteh Th. 1. 2. Leipzig. 1803. 8. ♦SURREBUTTER, [John] Esq. special Pleader and Barrister at Law. The pleader's guide, a didactic poem, in two books — 1796. g. (I fh. 6 d.) (y - *SUTCLIFFE, 3*7 • SUTCLIFFE, [Joseph] An introduction to Christianity, designed to pre* serve young people from irreligion and vice. i8ol» 12. (2 fh. 6 d.) • SUTHERLAND, [James] late Judge of the Admi- ralty at Minorca, Letters to the electors of Great-Britain. 1791. 4» (2 íh. ó d.) ♦SUTTON, [Charles] B, D. A. L. S< late Fellow of St. John s College, Cambridge. A description of five britisli species of orobanche. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 4. p. 173.) • SUTTON, [Daniel] Surgeon. The inoculator, or Suttonian system of inocula- tion, fully set forth in a plain and familiar mari- ner. 1796. 8. (4 fh.) •SUTTON, [James] M. Dr. Theory of the earth, with proofs and illustra* , tions. Vol.1 2. I79Ó. (14 fh.) ♦SUTTON* [Sir Richard] Bart. M. P. On gypsum, as a manure. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.10, p. 127. Vol. II- p. 89.) On some cir- cumstances respecting german husbandry. (Ibid. Vol TO, p. 128.) On foiling iheep. (ibid. Vol 11. p. 30, Vol. 12. p. 151.) Experiment on gypsum. (Ibid. Vol.13, p. 250.) On gypsum. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 224.) Act for the culture of common fields. 1 (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 516.) •SUTTON, [ThomasJ M.DK Physician to the forcer. Considerations regarding pulmonary consumption 1799» 8. (3 ft.) SWAIN, [Joseph] Esq. at Walworth. Walworth hymns. 1795. 24. (2 fh.) Experimen- tal essays on divine subjects, in verse and prose; Ed. 2. with addifious; 1795. 24. (2 fh.) Re- demption, a poem in eight books. Ed. 2. to which are prefixed memoirs of the author** life. 1797. 8- <3ih.) SWAINSON, [Isaac] lately a Linen - Drafter; Pro* frietor and Vender of the vegetable syrup of De Velnos. Mercury start naked — stripping that poisonous mineral of its medical pretensions dec. 179^* 8. 0* flu) SWAINSTON, SWAINSTON, [Allen] As. Dr. Physician at .Tort. Thoughts, physiological, pathological and pra&i- cal with some cases and anatomico-practicil obser- vations. 1790. 8* (6 sb.) vibcrs. in Samml. fiic prakt. AemeVB. 17* S.543. ♦ SWAN, [ C ....] Major, Paymaster to the western army. Some account of the country and climate of the North-Western lakes of America. (Medical Re* pository* Vol, 1. p. 526. 'Nicholson's Journal. Vol 2Tp.3I5.) *S W A NSTO.N* [Andrew] Preacher of the Gospel born .... died at Glasgow 1784. Nov. 14. See Evangelical Magazine Y. 1800. July. p. 265» Sermons and lectures on important practical sub- jects —; Vol. 1. 1800. 8, (3 stï. 6 d.) Vol. 3. I803. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) ♦ SWANWICK, [John] Esq. Thoughts on the commerce of the United States. (Columbian Magaz. Y> 1790. Jujy. p. 24.) Thoughts on education, (Ibid* Y. 1790. Sept, p. 149. Oct* p. 225^) S WAYNE, [George] A, M> Vicar of Puckle chunk in Gloucestershire. Spécimens of grass seeds. (Bath Agrieult. Soc. Vol. 2. p*76.) Account of Glauber's salt » extracted from the rubbish of an old furnace. (Ibid. Vol. 3* p. 49.) On the culture of the bush-vetch, (ibid. Vol. 3. p. 67. Comm. and Agric* Magaz. Y. 1803. March, p. 180.) Specimen of grasses, withLinneau and englifh names. 1791. 4» On the comparative foil of a nursery. (Young's Ak of Àgr. Vol.3» p* 321.) Reply to Mr. Holmes's queries on lime. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 37.) On the utility of some gras- ses. (Ibid. Vol.15. p*580.) On the St. Mark's fliee. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p,37-) On silk worms. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 5» p> 150. Vol.7* p. I2I>I490 On the use of oack leaves, iu tan- ning. (Ibid.-VoKjOt p. 153.) *SWGET» 569 ♦ SWEET, [David] Esq. On potatoe culture* (Bath Agric* Sòc. Vol. gk pfc 330*) SWIFT, [Charles] Surgeon. Salivation exploded; or^ a practical essay on thft venereal disease. Ed. 2* 1792. 8» (2 si).) SWIFT, [Theopbilus] JB/j. The monster at large; or, the innocence of Rhyrt. wick Williams vindicated* 1790» 8. (3 sh.) ♦ SWIFT, [Zephaniah] A system of the laws of the state of Connecticut. Vol.1. 2. Windham. 1795. 8. SWINBURNE, [Henry] Esq. born died 1803. Apf. kfc.t at Trinidad See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. May. p. 479. Travels in the two Sicilies —* £d»2* Vol. 1-4, 1790. 8* (t L. 8 sli.) ♦ S WIN D E L L » [ Henry] of Borrowsash in Derbyjhire* A specimen of prayers to be repeated daily, every morning, noon and night. 1792. 12. (t sh.) Certain doctrines teaching duties and devotion* according to godliness'—* Vol. i-3. 1794. 8» 1796. 8. He published, The institutions of Chri- stianity briefly considered, as the great, gracious and happy appointments of the common salva- tion; — —4 1795* 8* S WIN DEN, [Henry] born » ».. died •.*. (?) S. Methmctfs Reise nach England, S, 65* *SWINT0N, [Andrew] Esq. born 1760» Travels in Norway* Denmark and Russia in the years 1788-179I. — 1792-8. (7 fli. 6 d.) fibers, von F. G. CanzUr. Berlin» 1793. 8» SWINTON, [John] Esq. Advocate. Abridgement of the public statutes in force and use relative to Scotland, from the union in the 5 year of Anne to the 27 George III* inclusive. Voh 1.2. I790. 4. (I L. 12 sli.) *SYEH, [Samuel] As. A of Cory us Ckrtfii College, Oxford. On the fyntatf of thé latin verb* Î709. 8. (5 AO •SVMES, [Michael] Esq. Major in his Maj. 76 Reg*. An account of an embassy to the kingdom of Ava *w/jf (3. A %>/»/. TH> il A a scnfc 37o sent by the Governor General of India in the year 1795* I800» 4. (2 L 2 fh.) libers. Sprengel's Biblioth. der neuesten Rciscbeschr. B. 4. iibers. von Dr. Hager, Neuere Gcsch, dcr Sec-und Landreifen. B. 13. Of the city of Pegue and the temple of Shoemadoo praw. (Asiat, Res. Vol. 5, p. III.) •SYMMONS,'[Charles] D. D. of Jesus Collège, Oxford. Inez, a dramatic poem. 1797. (2 fh. 6 d.) SYMONDS, [John] LL. D. Professor of modern hi- story in the University of Cambridge* Observations upon the expediency of revising the present englisli version of the epistles in the new testament > to which is prefixed a short reply to some passages in a pamphlet entitled, an apology for the liturgy and church of England. Cambridge. I794. 4* (6 A1-) A comparative experiment upon dung, lime and compost, made in 1782. upon the lawn at St. Edmund's - hill, Suffolk, in order to judge of the effects of lime. (Young's A. of Agr. VoL I. p. Observerions made in Italy on the use of leaves in feeding cattle. (Ibid, Vol. I. p. 307.) On the effect of water in the agriculture of Italy* (Ibid. Vol. I. p. 405.) Upon the foil of Italy. (Ibid. VoL 2» p. 195. 253> Vol. 3. p. 15.) Upon the climate of Italy. (Ibid. Vol. 3, p. 137.) An account of the new method of cultivating tur- nips in France, (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 1.) Upon the general face of the country in Italy, (Ibid. Vol.5, p. 317.) Upon the effects of government on agri- culture in Italy. (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 2.) Upon the prohibitory laws in the district of Rome, and in the rest of the ecclesiastical state in respcét to the corn trade (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 265. Vol. 15. p. II7O »SYMONS, [J....] A B. F. L. S. Synopsis plantarum infulis britannicis indigenaruffl — Lat. and Angl. 1799. 8. (5 ft*) «SYMPSON, [J....] K«>. „ c 'The passage of St. Gothard, by the Dutchess ot Devonjkire, with an Italian translation by Gt to* Udoru J803. 8. (5 ♦TABRUM, 3?r JL ABR.UM, [Arthur] at Avehy, Essex: On comparative culture of wheat. (Tr. as the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 11. p. 32.) *TAIT, [Christopher] Minister of Kincardine. An account of the peat-i»oiTcs of Kincardine and Flanders in L'ertshire. (Tr. of E. S. Vol. 3. P. p. 266.) *TALLMAN, [Benjamin H...] of Haddovfidd, New- J'rse!t' Account of the sudden effects of the affusion of cold water upon the body, in a cafe of tetanus. (Tr. of Phyf. of Philad. Vol. I. P. 1. p. 305.) *TAPLIN, [..,,] * Truth opposed to fiction, or, an authentic and impartial review of the life of the late R. H. the Earl of Barrymore, by a personal observer. 1793. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) TAPLIN, [William] Surgeon and Apothecary at Rea- ding in Berkskire. (and in his own works Equestrian Physician.) The gentleman's stable directory, or, modern sy- stem of farriery. Ed. io» Vol. 1. 2. 1794. 8. (6 sh.) A compendium of practical and experi- mental farriery. 179Ó. 8. (5 sh.) The sporting dictionary — Vol. 1.2. 1803. 8, (i L. I sh.) T A P R E L L, [Richard] Of South Mohotj. Lectures on the Lord's prayer, with an intro- ductory discourse, 1792. 8. (5 fh-) A seasona- ble publication , in two parts. 1792. 4. (3 sh.) Serious advice to young people — Ed. 3. with improvements. 1794. 8. (I sh.) *TAPWELL, [T....] A friendly address to the poor of Great-Britain. 1795. (I d.) TASKER, [William] A. B. of Exeter. born 1740. died 1800. Febr 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. March, p. 383* Allg. Litt. Zeit. J. 1800. ItBl. S. 1803. Select odes of Pindar and Horace translated: to- gether with some original poems, accompanied with notes critical, historical and explanatory. Ed. 2. Vol. 1-3. 1791. — 1793. An attempt to examine the several wounds and deaths of the he- Aa £ rocs 373 roes in the iliad and aeneid and trying them by the test of anatomy and physiology, in a series of letters. 1794. Ed. 2. 1798. Arviragus, or, the Roman invasion, an historical tragedy. 1786, 8. (2fh.) Ed. 2. with alterations. 1790. 12» (2 ill.) History of physiognomy, from the time of Aristotle to that of Lavater, (See Gentleman's Magaz. Vol. 67. p. 833- 938. 1025, Vol.68* p. ill. 215. 296. 481. 579-^75-833-947-1034- Vol.69, p. 16.107. 204. 289- 387- 452. 571. 657. 761. 850.948.1035. 1174.) Extracts from naval and military poems. Bath. I799- 8. *TA&SIE, [James] Modeller, A descriptive catalogue of a general, collection of antient and modern engraved gems, cameos as well as intaglios, taken from the most celebrated cabinets in Europe — arranged and described by R E. Raspe. Vol. T. 2. 1791. 4. (i L, 16 sh.) ♦TASWELL, [G....] Letter on the culture of cochineal. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 307O *TATE, [N....] See James Gardener. *TATHAM, [Charles Heathcote] Architett. Etchings representing the best examples of ancient ornamental architecture. 1799. fol. Ed. 2. (con- taining upwards of 100 plates). 1803. sol. (4 L, 4 sh.) On the Altieri Claudes. (Monthly Magaz. V, 1799. Aug. p. 536.) Account of tha grand an- tique Bacchanalias vase, late in the possession of Lord Cawdor, now at Woburn Abbey. (Tillocfcs Philos. Magaz. Vol 7. p. 363.) TATHAM, [Edward] D. D. Rettor of Lincoln Col lege, Oxford. The chart and scale of truth, by which to find the cause of error. Vol. 1. 2. 179Ò. 1792. 8. (12 sh.) Letter! to Edm. Burke on politics. 1791. 8. (2 fh.) Letter I et 2. to Will. Pitt on the national debt, and on a national bank. 1795» 1797- 3. (3 Hi. 6 d.) (Several single sermons.) * TATHAM, [William] Colonel. Remarks on inland canals, the small system of interior navigation, various uses of the inclined 373 plane —, 1798. 4. (i fh«) The political econo- my of inland navigation, irrigation and drainage, with thoughts ou the multiplication of commercial resources; — 1799. 4. (I L. 6 ih.) He published, Communications concerning the agriculture and commerce of America, containing observations on the commerce of Spain with her American colonies in time of war; written by a Spanish Gentleman in Philadelphia, this present year 1800 with sun- dry other papers concerning the Spanish interests. 1800. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.) Remarks on the climate in North-America; with observations upon certain effects of frost in mountainous parts of the coun- try; methods to preserve fruit-trees by means of straw conductors, sire, pavement. (Monthly Ma- gaz, Y. 1800. Febr. p. 9,) Remarks on various causes, which seem to astect the climate of North- America , in those level countries which are less influenced by frost, than the more mountainous parts. (Ibid. Y. 1800. March, p. 121.) Commu- nications concerning the agriculture and commerce of the United States of America; being an auxilia- ry to a report made by William Strickland, Esq, of York, to the Board of Agriculture on the que- ries wherewith he was charged on his tour to that continent. 1800. 8. (4 ih.) An historical and practical essay on the culture and commerce of to- bacco. I800. 8. (6 fh.) Auxiliary remarks on en essay on the "comparative advantages of oxen ,,for tillage in competition with horses," to which are added sundry communications on this intere- sting subjects. 1801. 8. (I fh. ó d.) National ir- rigation; or, the various methods of watering meadows; affording means to increase the popula- tion wealth and raventic of the kingdom, by an agricultural, commercial and general economy in the use of water. 1801. 8. (8 fh.) — — and S. Miller, a report on a view of certain impediment! and obstructions in the navigation of the river Thames, made pursuant to a resolution of the na- vigation committee. 1803. (2 sh. 6 d.) Heads of a plan, for insulating the cities of London and Westminster and borough of Southwark, by means of navigable canals. (Comm. and Agric. May. Y. A a 3 1799- 1799* Aug. p. 27.) On certain saline springs and substances contained in the mountains of Aranjuez in Spain and facts and remarks on American springs, (Ibid. Y. 1800. July. p. 16* Sept. p. 173. Oct. p. 282.) A short account of the improvement in circular architecture, (Tiïïocìis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 15. p. 143.) Navigation and conservancy of the river Thames — I803. 8- (3 fh- 6 d.) TATLOW, [Anthony] An embankment against the sea. (Comm. to the B. of A. Vol.2, p. 118.) TATTERSALL, [William] M. Dr. Fhyfician at Liverpool. Histories- of cafes of petechiae sine febre termina- ting fatally. (Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 10. p. 289.) TATTERSALL, [W.... D....] A. M. Vicar of JVotton under Edge, Gloucestershire and Cka* slain to the Hon. Mr. Juftice Buller. A version or paraphrase of the psalms, originally written by James Merrick, A. M. divided into stanzas and adapted to the purposes of public or private devotion. 1791. 12. (4 fh.), A brief view of the anatomical arguments for the doctrine of materialism*, occasioned by Dr. FerrUr's argu- ment against it. 1792. 8. (l sh.) Improved psal- mody, it* three parts. — 1795. 8. See 5. Miller, TAUNTON, [....] of Oxford. The answer to a letter written by Alex. Cooke, of Studley, to the proprietors of the common of Otmoor. 1800. 8. TAUNTON, [W.... E....] Remarks upon the conduct of the respective go- vernment of Great r Britain and France in the late negotiation for pe#ce. 1797. (i sh.) TAYLOR, [...•] Oculist to the King. * Verses on various occasions. 1795. 8. (5 TAYLOR, [....] Mrs. (her maiden name S cost.) See Scott, Miss* born .... died 1793. Jun. 4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. June. p.579* TAYLOR, [....] Mrs. An easy introduction to general knowledge and li- beral 375 beral education, for the use of the young ladies — 1792. 4. (3 sh) (Bihger) Eleonora; novelle morale, scritta sulla traccia d'un poemetto Inglese, tradotto dal Tedesco. 1798. 8. (3 sh.) *TAYLOR, [....] * Essays on Gothic architecture by the Rev, T. Warton, Rev. J. Bentkam, Caps. Grose and the Rev. J. Milner (with a letter to the publisher); illustrated with ten plates of ornament. — 1800. 8. (8 sb. 6 d.) «TAYLOR, [ ] of Petworth. Improvement of iatch locks. (Tr, ©f the Soc. fdr the E. of A. Vol. 3. p. 165.) *TAYLOR, [Adam] An etymological chart, exhibiting at one view, just: definitions of ail the parts of speech, the mo- difications and inflections of such as are variable, 1799. (6 d.) ♦TAYLOR, [C....] Calmet's great dictionary of the holy bible, with an entirely new set of plates, explanatory illustrative and ornamental. Part 1-3. 1797. 4. (15 sh.) *TAYLOR, [Charles] On the growth of hemp. (Comm. and Agric. Mag, Y. 1802. Febr. p. 89 ) Method of culture of the beta vulgaris of Linnaeus; Runkel-riibe of the Germans; la bette of the French, or common beet of the English; the application of its leaves as food for cattle, of its root for making sugar, of its syrup as yielding mêlasses and ardent spirits and of its residuum for other useful purposes. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol.18, p. 328.) A cheap and efficacious method for destroying rats and mice. (Tillocfis Philof. Magaz, Vol. 8. p. 118.) TAYLOR, [Dauiel] A Bookseller and a Dissenting Preacher. Essay on the truth and inspiration of the scriptures. 1790. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) The consistent christian, or, truth, peace, holiness, unanimity, steadfastness and zeal, recommended to all professors of Chri- stianity 5 the substance of 5 sermons. Ed. 2. with an appendix, on self examination. 1795- 8» (1 sh. 6 d.) Memoirs of the life, character, experiences Aa 4 and 370 On the ori- 379 gin of alchemy. (Ibid. Y. 1798. Sept. p, IQ5.) On the Panormion of the Greeks. (Ibid. Y. 1800. Aug. p. 4.) *TAYLOR, [Thomas] An additional testimony given to vindicate the truth of the prophecies of Richard Brotherî•, dicta- ted by the spirit of God. 1795. 8. (6 d.) Ser- mons upon subjects interesting to christians of every denomination, 1803. 8. (7 fh.) *TAYLOR, [Thomas Grimwood] M. A. Fellow of Trinity College, An essay on the conduct and character of St, Peter considered, as giving evidence of the christian re- ligion. 1799. (I ill.) TAYLOR, [William] Teacher of the Mathematics — A complete system of practical arithmetic, with va- rious branches in the mathematics. Ed, 2. with improvements. 1800. 8. (6 fh. 6 d.) *TEAZLE, [Peter] Jim. at Philadelphia. On matrimonial profuOon. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1792. April, p. 251.) •TEBSIN, [J....] Some enquiries. (Comm. and Agric. Mag.Y. l8or. Febr. p. 106.) *TEED, [Richard] Jeweller, Lancaster Court, Strand. Experiment made with a galvanic bell, or chain. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.12, p. 105.) *TEESDALE, [Robert] F. L. S. Plautae Eboraccnfes; or, a catalogue of the more rare plants which grow wild in the neighbourhood of castle Howard in the North-Riding of York- shire, disposed according to the Linnean system. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 2. p. 103. Vol. 5. p. 36.) "TELFORD, [Thomas] Esq. On canals. (Tillocfcs Philof. Magaz. VoL 15. p. 770 *Earl of TEMPLE, [....] Substance of his speech, delivered in the house of commons, May 4. 180I. on the subject of Mr. J. H. Tooke's eligibility to a seat in parliament. 1801. 8. (I £b. 6 d.) TEMPLE, TEMPLE, [Anthony] Master of the Grammar school at Richmond and Vicar of Easby. born 1723. died 1795. Apr. 30. at Rich, mond in York/hire. Sec Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1795. May. p. 442. Sermon on John 13 9 35, Christian benevolence, 1791. 4. (1 sh.) ♦TEMPLE, [Richard] M. Dr. Practice of physic — 1792. 8. (6 sh.) iibers. tutt Anmerk. von C. F. Michaelis. Leipzig. 1794, g, TEMPLE, [William Johnson] LL. B. of Trintty-kall, Cambridge, sormsrly Reclor of Mamhead^ cot Devon; exchanged it for Sr. Gluvias. born .. . . died 1796. Aug. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 179Ó. Sept. p. 791. Nov. p. 963. AlJg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 628. (The character of Gray, which wat adopted by Mr. Mason and Dr. Johnson in their accounts of that poet.) Historical and political memoirs; 17.. On the abuses of unrestrained power, an historical essay. 1778. 8. •TEMPLETON, [John] A. L. S. On the naturalization of plants, (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 8. Sc. p.m.) *T£NCH, [John] Method of preparing a wash for destroying insecte that infest apple-trees. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vo)j 32. p. 435.) TENCH, [Watkin] Major of Marines, late of his Moj. skip Alexander* A complete account of the settlement at Port- Jackson, in New-South-Wales, including an accu- rate description of the situation of the colony, of the natives and of its natural productions, taken on the spot- 1793. 4. (10 ih. 6 d.) iibers. (von Sprengel.) Hamburg. 1794. 8. Letters written in France, to a friend in London, between Nov. 1794. and May 1795. 179^ 8, (4 *M "bers' Hildburghaufen. 1797. 8. *TENNANT, [Smithfon] Esq. F. R. $. On the decomposition of fixed air. (Philos. Trans- apt. Y. 1791. p. 182.) On the nature of the dia- mond, (Ibid, Y. j797. p»i33« Nicholson's J°l,rj nal. Vol. r. p. T77.) On the action of nitre upon gold and platina. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1797. p» 219. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 2. p.30.) On dif- ferent forts of lime used in agriculture. (Philos» Transact. Y. 1799» p. 305. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 440.) On the composition of emery, (Philos. Transact. .Y. 1802. p. 398.) On different sorts of lime used in agriculture. (Tiìlock's Phi- los. Magaz. Vol. 5. p. 209.) *TENNANT, [William] LL. D. Indian recreations; consisting chiefly of strictures on the domestic and rural economy of the Mahom- medans and Hindoos; with plates. Vol. I. 2. 1804. 8. (18 sh.) ♦TENNEY, [Samuel] F. A. A of Exeter. Observations on prismatick colours. (Mem. of B. A. Vol.2. P. Ï. p. 370 Account of a number of medicinal springs at Saratoga in the state of New-York. (ibid. Vol.2. P. I. p. 43.) Letter 011 the dark day, May 19. 1780. (Coll. of Maii'a- chusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. 95-) A topographical description of Exeter in New-Hampshire. (Ibid. Y. 1795. p. 870 ♦TERRY, [Gamett] at London. Description of an improved mill for grinding hard substances, {Nicholsons Journal Y. 1802. July, p. 206. Ts. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 19. p. 287.) ♦TEW, [Edward] A. M. Coll. Etonensu Soc. Elegia Grayiana graece: accedit etiam epiiaphium in ecclesia episcopalt Briftoliensi et graece reddi- tum> 1794. 4. (I sh.) *THACHER, [Peter] D. D. born at Milton 1752. March 21. died I$02* Dec. 16. See Collections of Massachusetts Hist. Soc, Vol. 8. P. 277. Boston orations. 17.. ♦THAYER, [Nathaniel] An account of an uncommon frost in the night following the 17 May 1794. (Coll, of Massachu- setts H. S. Y. 1795. p. 44-) THELWALL, [John] Essay towards a definition of animal vitality — in which which several of the opinions of John Humtr are examined and controverted. 1793, 4. (2 sh» 6 d,) i:'The peripatetic, or sketches of the heart of nature and society; in a series of politico-fen* timental journals, in verse and prose, of the ex. centric excursions of Sijlvamts Tluopkraftus, sup. posed to be written by himself. Vol* I-3. 1793. 12. (9 sh.) Strike; but hear!!! a dedication to his Maj. ministers, the crown lawyers and the majority of both houses of parliament, with a far. rewell address to the readers of the tribune. ljg6. $. (6 d.) The rights of nature against the usur- pations of establishment; a scries of letters to the people of Britain, on the (late of public affairs and the recent effusions of the R. H. Edm. Burke Letter 1.2. 179Ô. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) An appeal to popular opinion, against kiduapping and murder; including a narrative of fjie late atrocious procee- dings at Yarmouth, with the statements, handbills pro and contra. 1796. 8. (I fh.) Poems, written in close confinement in the Tower and Newgate, under a charge of high treason. 1795. 4. (2 sh,) The natural and constitutional right of Britons to annual parliaments, universal suffrage and the free- dom of popular association^ being a vindication of the motives and political conduct of J. Tkel- wall and of the London corresponding society, in general. Intended to have been delivered at the bar of the old bailey, in confutation of the late charge of high treason. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) The tri- bun containing the political lectures of J. ThtL wall, taken in shorthand and revised by the lectu- rer. Vol, 1-3. 1794-1796.8. Sober reflections on the seditious and inflammatory letter of Edm. Burke to a noble lord —. 1796* 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) A particular account of the late outrages at Lynn and Wisbeach, being a postscript to the appeal to popular opinion 179Ó. 8. (6 d.) Democracy vindicated: An essay on the constitution and go- vernment of the roman state by Walter MotjU with a preface and notes. 1796, 8. (i sb») /^he retort courteous to Master Burke; 17.. Iustisica- tion of him. (See Monthly Maguz. Y. 1803. May. p. 344, June, p. 416.) A letter to Mr. Francis 385 Jeffray, editor of the Edinburgh Review, relative to certain calumnies and misrepresentations which have appeared in that work —. 1804. 8. (2 ih. 6 d.) Reply to the editors tíf the Edinburgh Review; 1804. *THEW, [Robert] Historical Engraver to the Prince of Wales. born at Pattrington in Holdernefs in the County of York about 1758. died at Steve- nage, Herts 1802. July... See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Aug. p. 788. Oct. p. 971. May. p, 475. Monthly Magaz. Y. I802. Sept. p. 182. ^THICKNESS, [....] Mrs. The school for fashion, a novel. Vol, 1.2. ISOO. 8* THICKNESS* [Philip] late Lieutenant Governor of Land GuarcL Fort. (Father of George Lord Audley,) born 1719, died 1792. Sept. 28. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Dec. p. ÍI54. Letter to te Earl of Coventry. 1785. Memoirs and anecdotes of himself. Vol. 3,, 1791. 8. (5 fh.) Letter to C. Ronnor Esq, Deputy Comptroller of the Poll office. 1792. Letter to Lady Audley. 1792. 5*THIRLWALL, [Thomas] M A. The instability of wordly power and the insuffi- ciency of human means or divine providence ouc only shield, a sermon. 1802. Diateflaron; or, the history of our Lord Jesus Christ, compiled from the words of the evangelist; with notes practical and explanatory; principally intended for the use of families and schools (being a translation of Whites Diateslaron. 1803. 8. (6 ih.) I2mo. (4 ih. 6 d.) «THOMAS, [A.... G....] A.M. Reftor of Wool wick in Kent. The sermons and charges of John Thomas, LL. D# late Lord-Biíhop of Rochester and Dean of West- minster, published from the original MSS. with a iketch of the life and character of the author by the editor. Vol.1.2. 1796.8- (l4sh.) The con- sequences of french invasion considered as motives to union and exertion, iu an addresi to the pari- shioners 384 stiioners of Woolwich, on occasion of their mee- ting to form an armed association. 1798. 12, (4 d.) *THOMAS, [Bdward] M Dr. Member of the College of Pkyjicians. On the poison of fish. (Mem. of M. S* of lt Vol.5, P 94.) •THOMAS, [Francis Tracy] Cornet in the East and Weft Lothian light Dragoons, Monk-wood priory. Vol, 1. 2* 179$* 13. (7 fh.) ♦THOMAS, [Nathaniel] B. A. born J730. died 1795. March 1, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Apr. p. 349, May. p. 365.384. JL,ne. p. 455. Eutropius, with notes, for the use of schools, 17.. Ainswortfcs latin dictionary; 17.. Mar- tnontels tales, translated into English; 17,. Con* damines tour, translated into English; 17.. (Edi* tor of the St. James's Chronicle. Contributor to the Gentleman's Magazine.) •THOMAS, [H Leigh] Surgeon. An anatomical description of a male rhinoceros (PhiL Transact. Y. 180T. p. 145.) ♦ THOMAS, [Robert] Minister at Abdie. The cause of truth, containing, besides a great variety of other matters, a refutation of errors in the political works of Thomas Paine and other publications of a similar kind — 1797* (3^.) •THOMAS, [Robert] M. Dr. Surgeon. Medical advice to rhe inhabitants of warm clima- tes , on the domestic treatment of all the diseases incident therein , with a few useful hints to new settlers, for the preservation of health and the prevention of sickness* 1790. 8. (6 sli.) The modern practice of physic, which points out the characters, causes, symptoms, prognostics, morbid appearances, and improved method of treating the diseases of all climates. Vol. I. 2. 1801. 8* (l7ih«) •THOMAS, [Thomas] A. B. . Virtues of Hazel, or, blessing of government. 1794. 8. (6 d.) THOMPSON, [Sir Benjamin] Km. F.R.S. S^e Count of Rum ford. *TH0MP* 3$í • THOMPSON, [Benjamin] Esq. Jun. The stranger, from the German of Kotzehue. 17., La Perouse, a drama, from the German of Kotze- bue. 1799. 8. (I fh.) Adelaide of Wuîsingen, a tragedy i» 4 acts, from the German of; Aug. v. Ko- tzebue. 1799. 8. (2 Hi.) Udegerte, Queen of Norway , from ihe German of At v, Kotzebue. Vol. I. 2. 1793. 12. (6 fh.) The happy family, a drama in 5 acts, translated from the German of Aug. v. Konebue. 1799. 8. (sfb.) The ring, oc .« the merry wives of Madrit, translated, 1799* 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) The escape, a narrative from the German of A. v. Kotzebue. 1799. 12. (2 fh. 6 d.) Ignez de Castro, a Portuguese tragedy, written by Don Domingo Quita, translated. 1800* (1 fh.) Deaf and dumb; or, the orphan, an historical drama, translated from the German of Kotzebue,. I801. (I fh. 6 d.) Remarks on Dr. WittUKt translation from Oberon. (Monthly Magaz. Y, 1798. Aug. p. 870 ♦THOMPSON, [Charles] Esq. An investigation of the justice of Buffon'ì opinion respecting the man of America, (Massachusetts*! Magaz. Y. 1791. Oct. p. Ó09. Columbian Magaz. Y. 1788. March, p. 135.) ♦THOMPSON, [George] The spirit of general history, in a series of lectu- res from the 8 to the 18 century; — 1791, 8. (6 fh.) Ed. 2. 1793. (6 fh.) fibers. Leipzig. 1795. Ç. THOMPSON, [Gilbert] M Dr. a Quaker Physician; born 1726. Dec. 5. at Warrington. died 1803. Jan. 2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803* Jan. p. 89. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Fcbr. p. 84. Select translations from the works of Homer and Horace, with original poems. 1805. 8. (3 fh* 6 d.) •THOMPSON, [J,...] On Shetland or Zetland sheep and Wool and sine* ness of wool. (Bath Agric, Soc. Vol 6, p. 276.) ^THOMPSON, [james] The happy retreat. Vol, 1-3* *79I< 14. 386 ^THOMPSON, [John] Botany displayed, being a compleit and com pen. dious elucidation of botany, according to the sy. stem of Linnaeus; with plates, — coloured from nature and designed — by A. Nunes. I798v 4. * THOMPSON, [John-Weeks] Surgeon. The poor roan's medicine chest, or, Thompson's box of antibilious alterative pills — 1791. g (I sb.) ♦THOMPSON, [Isaac] Bill of mortality of the town of Middleborough from the Y. 1779 to 18Ó1. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. i8oî. p. 79.) «THOMPSON, [Robert] Comptr. An account of the total net produce, paid into the exchequer, of the duties arising from the fìamp revenue, that have amounted to one thousand pounds, or more, in the four quarters, ended July 5. 1796. (Yóungs A. of Agr. Vol.58, p. 5870 THOMPSON, [Thomas] M. Dr. Physician to his late R. H. Frederic Prince of Wales. (Dead near thirty years. — The ,,Medical consul- tations on various diseases. 1773. 8» (5 ih.)„ pu- blished under his name, is not written by him,) «THOMPSON, [Thomas] Dean ofKiJIala and yarijh* minister of that town. born .... died 1799. Nov.to. * Narrative of what passed at Killala during the french invasion in the summer of 1798. 8. ♦THOMPSON, [Thomas] * Tithes indefensible: or, observations on the oru gin and effects of tithes, with some remarks on the tithe laws. 1792. 8. (2 slb.) Ed. 2. wish ad- ditions. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) On the tithes of waste lands. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. July. p. 3) Further observations on the improvements in the maintenance of the poor, in the town of King- ston - Upon-Hull. (Young's h. of Agr. Vol.38-' p. 98.). «THOMPSON. [W....] Observations on the debtor and creditor law*, with facts and remarks illustrative thereon —» . .,1793.8. a sto „TH0MS0N, 38? «THOMSON, [Alexander] Esq. Whist? a poem. 1791. Essay on novels, a poeti- cal epistle, with 6 sonnets from Wcrter. 1793. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) The paradise of taste, a poem. 1796* 4. (6 fh.) The german miscellany, consi- sting of dramas, dialogues, tales and novels; trans* Jated from that language. 179Ó. 8. (3 ih.) The East-Indian, a comedy; translated from the Ger- man of A. v. Kotzebue. 1799, 8. (2 fh.) Pictures of poetry, historical, biographical and critical. 1799» 8. (5 fh.) The British parnassus, at the close of the 18 century, a poem, in 4 cantos. I801. 4. (5 fh.) Sonnets, odes and elegies, igoi* 8. (5 fh.) Plan of a history of scottiih poetry* s (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1801. Sept. p. 93.) THOMSON, [Alexander] M. Dr. Enquiry into the nature, causes and method of cure of nervous disorders. Ed. 4. with additions. 1795- 8. (Z fh.) tibers» von G. F. Mllhry. Han- nover. 1798. 8. The lives of the first 12 Caesars, translated from the latin of C. Suetonius Tran- quillus; with annotations and a review of the go- vernment and littérature of the different periods. I79Ó. 8» (9 ih.) Letters of a traveller in the va- rious countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, con- taining sketches of their present state, govern- ment, religion, manners and customs: with some original pieces of poetry, edited by Alex* Thom- son. 1798. 8. (7 fh.) The family physician off domestic medical friend; — I8ûi. 8. (6 sb.) "THOMSON, [Anthony Todd] Surgeon; Member and late President "of the R. Pkys. Soc. and Member of the Med. and the speculative Soc* of Edinburgh, An essay on the general study of experimental philosophy and the utility of chemistry. 1800. S. (T fh. 6 d.) Ode to the memory of Sir Rqlpk Abercromby and the glorious 21» of March 1801» I80I. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) ^THOMSON, [Charles] Letter on Dr. Kippts's misrepresentation in'the life , ,'of Capt. Cook. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. r ' Bb % «THOM. 388 •THOMSON, [Frederick] Surgeon in the Roy.Navy; resident at Kenfington.' Essay on the scurvy, shewing cssectual and practi- cal means for its prevention at sea; with some ob. servatious on fevers and proposals for the more effectual preservation of the health of seamen. T7QO. 8. (4 ft-) •THOMSON, [G....1 A letter to Ogden, pointing out misrepresentations relative to the case of Elizabeth Thomson, upon whom the caesarcan operation was lately perfor- med at Manchester. 1800. THOMSON, [Henry] Surgeon to th* London Hospital born .... died 177. (?) "THOMSON, [J....] Major Piper, or, the adventures of a musical drone, a novel; Vol. 1-5. 1793. 8. (15 ih.) ^THOMSON, [J....] Captain. Antonts treatise on gun-powder, translated frorti the Italian. 1792. 8. (6 sh.) Philosophical dis- sertations on the Egyptians and Chinese; transla. ted from the french of de Pauw. Vol. 1.3. 1795, 8. O ft.) •THOMSON, [John] D. D. Minister of Markinch. General view of the agriculture of the county of Fife, with observations on the means of its iuipro* vement —; 1800. ^THOMSON, [Robert] "~ Divine authority of the bible, or, revelation and reason opposed to sophistry and ridicule, being a refutation of Paine's age of reason. P. 1.3. 180I. 12. (I sh. 6 d.) •THOMSON, [Thomas] Letlurer of Chemistry in Edinburgh. A. F. Fourcroy, elements of chemistry and natu. ral history, to which is prefixed, the philosophy of chemistry. Ed.5. with notes; translated from the French, Vol. I-3. 1800. 8. (l L. 4 sh. 6 I) A system of chemistry. Vol. I-4. 1802. 8. (I L. IÓ sh.) Experiments to determine whether or not fluids be conductors of caloric. (Nicholsons Jour* wal. Vol. 4. p. 329.) On the supposed current! in hot liquids. (Ibid. Y. 1803. Fcbr. p. 81.) R«' 389 marks on combustion. (Ibid, Y. 1802. May, p. 10. June. p. 92.) THOMSON, [William] LL. Dr. born at Burnside, in the Parish of Fortevoit, Strathern, in Pcrtflhire, Sec Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 424. Man of the moon; 17,. Mantnouth; or, human nature displayed upon a grand scale, in a tour with the tinkers into the centra] parts pf Africa. 1789* (The historical part of Dodsley's Annual register from the Y. 1790 to 1800.) Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, published by Murray. 1782. Letters from Scandinavia; 17.. Gold- smith?s history of Greece, continued from Alexan- der the great to the sacking of Constantinople by the Turks; 17.. Actrb'ts travels to the North- Cape; translated from Italian. 17.. ^THOMSON, [William] An enquiry into the elementary principles of beau* ty, in the works of nature and art; to which is prefixed an introductory discourse on taste* 1800. 4. (18 fh.) •THORN, [George] A treatise on leeches, wherein the properties, use &c. of that valuable reptile arc clearly set forth. 1798. (I fh. 6 d.) *THORNEt [Romaine Joseph], Clito and Delia, a poem. 1703. 4. (l sh. 6 d.) The mad gallop, or trip to devizes. 17.. Reti- rement, a poem. 1793.8. (6 d,) Bristolia, a poem. 1794. 8. (i fh.) Howe triumphant, or the glorious first of June, an heroic poem. 1794. 8. (6d.) Lodon and Miranda; to which is added, the popr boy, a talc. 1799. 8. (6 fh.) «THORNE, [Richard V.... M....] Surgeon of au American armed sliip. An account of the situation and diseases of la Vera Cruz. (Medical Repository. Vol. 3. p. 46.) ^THORNTON, [Henry] Esq. M. P. Enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper- credit of Great-Britain. 1802» (7 fh.) libers, voq L. H. Jakob. Halle. 1803. 8. Serious reflections on paper money —; 1802. 8. Bb 3 * THORN. 39° "THORNTON, [John] M. Dr. Facts decisive in favour of the cowpox. 1802. •THORNTON, [John Robert] M. Dr. late of TV/. nity College, Cambridge, Botanical leSturer at Guy s liofpical etc. See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803, p. 220. * Medical extracts on the nature of health and the laws of the nervous and fibrous system, with practi- cal observations. Ed. 3. Vol. 1-4. 1798. (11% 8 fh.) iïbers. von Dr. Tk. G. A. Roose. Gottin- gen. ISOt. 8. *The Politicians creed, or politi. cal extracts: being an answer to these questions „What is the best form of government? What is the best: administration of government? by a lover of social order. Vol. 1-3. 1799. 8. (15 ih) Picturesque botanical plates of the new illustration of the sexual system of Linnaem* Nrb, ï-19. 1799- I804. sol. (each number I L. I fh.) Facts decisive jn favour of the cowpox, selected from above two thousand cafes, inoculated by the author, inclu- ding an account of the inoculation of the village 'of Lowther, 1802. 8. (5 Ed, 4. J803. 8, (7 fh.) Of an attempt to make the maple sugar above an hundred years ago. (TiUocfù Philof, Magaz. Vol, I. p. 322.) On a supposed lusus na- turae now exhibiting in London, (a fruit halí orange, half nectarine.) (Ibid. Vol. r, p. 423.) Communication relative to trials made with the different factitious gases, (Ibid. Vol, 2, p. 420. Vol, 3. p, 90,213- 299- 418. Vol. 4. p. 95.201. 429. Vol, 5. p. 196. 291.) Account of the new machine invented by the late Mr. Castanet, for making vegetable cuttings for the microscope, (Ibid. VoL 3. p. 302,) Maijow anticipated; or, the discoveries of flooke relative to the composi- tion of our atmosphere. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 370.) ♦THORNTON, [William] M. Dr. Cadmus, or a treatise on the elements of written language, illustrating, by a philosophical division of speech, the power of each character, thereby mu- tually fixing the orthography and orthoepy. (Tr. of A* S, Vol. 3, p. 262.) *'THOROW< 391 «THOROVVGOOD, [John] Paster of a Congregation of Protestant Dijsenters at Rocking in Essex. born , .. . died ....(?) Philario and Ciarinda; a warning to youth, against scepticism, infidelity and vice» 1802. 8. (3 sh.) THORPE, [John] A. M. F. A. S, of Bexhy in Kent. born 1714, died at Chippenham, Wiltihire 1792. Aug. 2, Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. Aug. p.769. A brief discourse on Dover Haven. (Arch. Vol, II. p. 212.) •THREALE, [Thomas] Brewer. The complete family -brewer — with an appen- dix, containing the art of brewing porter and making British wines. 1802, 8. (l Hi.) THROSBY, [John] Clerk of St. Martin's,- Leicester. born 1737. died 1803. Febr. 5. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. I803. March, p.384. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. March, p. 192. Select views in Leicestershire , from original Bra- wings — Vol.i. 1793. 4. (2 L. 2-sh.) Supple- mentary volume. 1793. 4. Letter to the Earl of Leicester, on the recent discovery of the roman cloaca or fewer at Leicester, with some thoughts on jewry-wall. 1793. 8. (i sh.) History and an- tiquities of the anticnt town of Leicester. 1794. 4. (I L. II sti. 6 d.) Thoughts on the provin- cial corps raised, and now raising, in support of the British constitution at his awefull period. 1795. 8. The history and antiquity of the town and country of Nottingham. 1795. 4. ( I L. 10 sh. ) Tkoroton's history of Nottinghamshire, rcpubliihed with large additions —; Vol. I-3. 1797. 4. * THRUM, [Timothy] Esq. {a spinous name J The monkics in red caps, an old story, newly in- scribed to the club of Jacobins. 1792. 4. TICKELL, [Richard] Esq. One of tke Commiffioners of the Stamp - office. born died 1793. Nov.4. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, Ï793. Noy. p. 1057. *:TICRLET0BY, [Timothy] (a fiBitious name?) The impostor detectedor, a review of some of the writings of Peter Porcupine —Philadelphia. 1796. 8. Bb 4 *TIDD, *TIDD, [William] Esq. of the Inner-Temple. The practice of the court of King's-Bench in per. sonal actions. Part i. 1790. 8. Part 2. 1794, 8. (12 íh.) Ed. 2. Vol. 1. 3. 1799. 8. (I L. 1 sh.j The laws of coasts in civil actions, 1793. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) Practical forms, being chiefly de- signed as an appendix to the practice of the court of King's-Bench — 1799. 8. (9 fh.) TIE R NE Y, [George] Esq. M. P. Two letters addressed to *— Henry Dundas and — Henry Hobart, on the conduct adopted respecting the Colchester petition. I79T. 4. (1 sh.) Letter to H. Dundas, on Mr. Andersons statement of the affairs of the East-India Company. 1793. g. (I sli. 6 d.) •TÎLL, [J.-..] at Ulloufione. Description of a pocked ribband machine, for charging a small coated phial with electricity. (M- ckolsons Journal. Vol.3, p.4.) *TILL0CH, [Alexander] The philosophical magazine. Nrb. I-44. 1798- I802. (5 L. 14 sh. 6 d.) A brief examination of the received doctrine, respecting heat or calo- rie. (Tilloctfs Philos. Magaz. Vol.8, p. 70. 119. 211.) An attempt to prove that the,matter of heat, like other substances, possesses not only volume but gravity, being a second essay on ca- loric. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 158 ) A brief account of the origin and progress of letter-press-plate or stereotype printing. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 2Ó7.) * TIL TON, [James] As. Dr. President of the Med. Soc. of Delaware. An oration on the anniversary of American indé- pendance. (Columbian Magstf. Y. 1790. Dec. p. 369.) Account of the climate and diseases of the state of Delaware. (Ibid. Y. 1792. May, p. 302.) Observations on the yellow fever, as it appeared at Wilmington (Delaware) in the sum- mer and autumn of 1798. (Medical Repository. Vol. 3. p. 128.) On a singular case of rabies ca- rina.- (Duncan's M- C. Dec. z. Vol. 8. p-SM-) TIMBURY, [Jane] Mrs. Tht philantropu rambler. 1791. 8* (3 "v *TINDAL> 393 *TÍNDAL, [William] M. A. ReSior of BiUingford in Norfolk. Juvenile excursions in littérature and criticism — Ifçr. 12. (4 Plain truth in a plain dress, or, a short admonition to the middle ranks of peo- ple of Great-Britain and Ireland. 1793. g. (6 d.) The history and antiquities of the abbey and bo- rough of Evesham; compiled chiefly from Mis. in the British Museum. 1794. 4, (15 sb.) *TINDAL, [William] A M: F. S. A. The evils and advantages of genius contrasted; à poetical essay, in 3 Cantos. 1803. 8. *TISDALE, [Mafe] of Enflon in Massachusetts. ft new method of making pot-ash. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1789. June. p. 336.) *TITFORD, [Isaac] at Spanish town, Jamaica, Observations on the curing of coffee and of sen- ding it from this country in a new mode. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 9. p. 174.) On gum Cashew. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 171.183.) »TODD, [Henry John] M. A. Minor Canon of Can- terbury f Chaplain to the Lords Fife and Kil- larney and Vicar of Mi/ton, Kent. Some account of the deans of Canterbury from the new foundation of the church by Henry VIII. to the present time: to which is added a catalo- gue of the Mss. in the church library. 1793. 8. (5 fh.) Cornus a maik — by John Milton; with notes critical and explanatory by various commen- tators and with preliminary illustrations,* to which is added a copy of the mask from a Mfc. belon- ging to his grace the Duke of Bridgewatcr. X798. 8. (6 fh.) The poetical works of John Milton in six volumes; with the principal notes of various commentators; to winch arc added illustrations, with some account of the life of Milton. Vol. 1-6. l8or. 8. (Royal paper 4 L. 16 sh. medium 2 L. 14 sh.) Catalogue of the books and Mis. in the library of Christ church, Canterbury, 1805.8. *TQDD, [James] of Langdale, near Ortott. Account of an improvement of some barren lands in the mountainous parts of Westmoreland. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol. 15. p. 1950 Bb 5 «TQDDf 394 *TODD, [John] As. Dr. Physician at Jdm&ica. Observations on the epidemic fever of Jamaica; with the history of a remarkable cafe terminating fatally, in which a great quantity of mercury was employed without any obvious operation. (Dun- can's A. of Med. Y. 179Ó* p. 334.) *TOFT, [Richard] of Kentijktown, Middlesex. Description of his machine for securing hay-rickg from rain, during the making, ('sr. of the Sac. for the E. of A. Vol.2, p. 223.) *TOLFREY, [Samuel] a Proprietor of India Stock* An answer to the speech, delivered by Mr. Rick. Twining, — on the question moved by hiin: that no Director be allowed to carry 011 any trade or commerce to or from India, either directly or indirectly, either as principal or agent. 1794. 8« (I tti. ó d.) ^TOLLER, [Samuel] Esq. of Lincoln s - Inn; Barri* fier at Law. On the law of executors and administrators. 1800. 8. (8-sli.) *TOLLER, [Thomas] born 1732. Nov. 13. at Silverton, co. Devon, died 1795. March 3. at Islington. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. March, p. 260, April, p.345. Sermons on various subjects. 1796. 8. (6 sh.) A plain and popular view of some of the leading evidences of Christianity. 179. 12. (4 d.) (Several single sermons.) ♦ TÒLLETT, [George] Proposals for the separate cultivation of the best British grasses. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.36, p. 337.) ^TQMKINS, [Charles] A tour to the isle of Wight, illustrated with 80 views drawn and engraved in aqua Tinta. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 8. (3 L- 3 sh.) 4t0- (5 L. 5 sh.) ♦TOMKINS, [P.... W....] The birth tind triumph of cupid in her Maj. col- lection from papers cut by Lady Daskwood^ en- graved. Ï795- 8- 395 *TOMLINS, [Elizabeth Sophia] Miss. Victrm of fancey; 17.. Rosalinda dc Tracey* Vol. 1-3: 1798. 8. (II sh.) TOMLINS, [T.... E....] Esq.. Barrister at Law Cafes explanatory of the rules of evidence, before committees of election of the bouse of Commons; compiled from the reports of trials of controver- ted elections before such committees, 179Ó* 8. (4 fh.) The law dictionary; — originally com- piled by Giles Jacobs and continued by him and other ctlitors, through ten editions; now greatly- enlarged and improved —. Vol. 1. 2. 1797- 4. (3 L. 3 fh.) A digested index to the seven volumes of Duvnfords and East's term reports in the court .of King's - Bench, containing a concise statement of all the points of law determined in that court; from Michaelmas term 26, George 3. 1785. to tri- nity term 38 George 3. 1798. inclusive, with tables of reference to the names of cafes, statutes —• 1799. 8. (12 fh*) A digest index to the term re- ports; % edition, corrected and considerably enlar- ged; containing all the points of law determined in the court of King's-Bench from Michaelmas term 1785- to trinity term 1S00. and in the court of common pleas from Easter term 1788. to tri- nity term 1799. 1800. 8. (12 fh.) Reports of cafes upon appeals and writs of error, determi- ned in the high court of Parliament; by Jojtak 23rowit% Esq. Ed. 2. with notes ond many additio- nal cafes, brought down to the Year 1800. Vol. 1-8. 1803. 8. (6 L. 6 fh.) *TOMLINS0N, [G....] Letter to Mr. Ogden, Surgeon, pointing out some of the misrepresentations of himself and his coad- jutor, Mr. Simmons, relative to the cafe of Eliz. Thompson, upon whom the cacfarean operation, was lately performed — and containing some re- marks upon their conduit in this cafe. 1799. 8. (I fh.) *TOMLINSON, [John] at Hanky, Staffordshire Pot* teriesl Necessity of saving oats for human food, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.35, p.370 *TQMLIN. 396 *TOMLINSON, [Nevil] Parochial economy at Kimbolton. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 36. p. 487O «TOMLINSON, [Robert] A new translation of the bible; an attempt to ré- serva the holy scriptures from the disrepute with free thinkers and their misapplication to certain tenets, by a new and correct translation of the contro- verted passages *, illustrated with notes and the opi- nions of the ancients. 1804. 8. (9 ih.) ♦TONE, [Theobald Wolfe] born 1764. In the Hight preceding, appointed for his execution, he found means to cut his throat 1798. Nov. 18. Dublin. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Nov, p. I075, 1084. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBI. J. I800. S. 653. The wonderful history of Prince Fanfaradin; 17.. *'TONE, [William Henry] Commanding a Regt. of In* fantry in the service of the Paiskwa. A letter — being an attempt to illustrate some par- ticular institutions of the Maratta people $ princi- pally relative to their system of vtar and finance. 1799. 8. (3 fh.) *TONGE, [William Cottnam] Esq. On the cultivation of hemp in America. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.23. P- Ï-) TOOKE, [}ohn Home] A. M: M. P: born in London 1736. See Public Characters of 1801 and 1802. p. 64. GiUet Neuer Brittifcher Plutarch. Berlin. 1804. S. 28. Letter to Lord AJhburton on parliamentary reform Ed, 2. 1794. 8» (X fh.) Eireoc irrspoBvra', or, the diversions of Purley, Ed. 2. Vol. 1-3. 1798.8. (2 L. 2 ih.) Proceedings in an action sor debt, between the R. H^ C. J. Fox, plaintiff, and J. R. Tookty defendant, published by the defendant. 1792* 8» (I fh. 6 d.) The trial of J. //. Toofo, for high treason, at the sessions house in the old bailey, Nov. 1794. taken in shorthand by Josepk Garney. Vol. I. 2. 1795. 8. (l4Íh.) Why are we in war? I803. (He not published, „Bellcn and vindicatory of the yeomanry and catholics of the city of Cork. i8oi, 8. (I fh. 6 d.) *TOWNSON> [Robert] LL. D: F. R. S. Edin. Obfervationes phystologicae de Amphibiis. P. I. Gotting^e. 1794. 1795. 4. Travels in Hungary, y with a short account of Vienna in the Y. 1793- 1797. illustrated with a map and 16 other copper- plates. 1796. 4. (I L. 11 sh/6 d.) The philo- sophy of mineralogy. 1798- 8» (7 fh.) Tracts and observations in natural history and physiology, with 7 plates, 1799. 8- (7 fh.) Objections against the perceptivity of plants, so far as is evinced by their external motions, in answer to Dr. Perci- val*s memoir in the Manchester Mem. Vol. 2. p. 114. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 2. p. 267,) The method of maeking excellent bread without yeast; as practised at Debrctzin in Hungary. (Nicholson s Journal. Vol. 1. p. 267. Votings A- of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 350J TOWNSON, [Thomas] D. D. Redor of Malpas and Archdeacon of Richmond. born 1714. died 1792. Apr. 15. at Majpa$t in Cheshire. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. May. p. 479. June. p. 573. July. p.58S. Doubts concerning the authenticity of the last pu- blication of the confessional and the current edi- 'tions cited in it- 17Ó7. A defence of the doubts, in answer to occasional remarks &c. 1768. A dia- logue between Isaac Walton and homologistes r in which the character of Bishop Sanderson is de- fended against the author of the Confeíïìonal. 17Ó8- Difcourfes on the four gospels — new edition with a sermon, on the manner of our saviour's teaching—. 1788. A discourse on the evangelical history > from the interment to the ascension of Cc 3 our our Lord and saviour J. C. with an account of the Author. 1793. 8. (5fh.) Babylon, in the revela- tion of St. John, as signifying the city of Rome, considered with reference to the claims of the ro- man church. 1797. 8. (3 fh.) ", TRAIL, [Henry] Esq. Meteorological diary kept at Calcutta from I Febr4 1784. to 31 Dec. 1785« (Asiat. Res. Vol. 3. p. 419.) TRAPP, [Joseph] M.A. A picture of Italy, translated from the German of W. $ Archenholz. Vol. I. 2. 1791. 8- (6 fh.) (Louis la Vicotnterie) the crimes of the kin$i of France from Clovis to Lewis XVI. translated from the french. 1791. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) Procee- dings of the french national convention on the trial of Louis XVL late King of France — —, 1793* 8. (5 fh.) D. H. Stoever% the life of Char- Us Linnatuss translated from the original German, 1794. 4. (I L. 1 fh,) The genius, a novel. 17.. The genius or the mysterious adventures of Don Carlos de Grandez, by the Marquis de Grosse; translated from the German. Vol. 1.2. 1796. 12. TRAPPELL, [Richard] of South Molton. Lectures on the Lord's prayer; with an introducto» ry discourse. 1793. 8. TRAVEL, [Ferdinando Tracey] M.A. Rector of Up- per Slaughter, Gloucestershire. An attempt to render the daily reading of the psalms more intelligible to the unlearned; with a paraphrase selected from the best commentators and illustrated with occasional notes. 1794. 8. (7 fh. 6 d.-) Practical lectures on the proper lei* sons in the old testament. 1801. (5 sli.) TRA VELL, [T....] As. A. The duties of the poor, particularly iu the educa* tion of their children. 1793. 8. (6 d.) TRAVERS, [P ] Surgeon to the Duke of Kent. A letter to the volunteers of the united kingdom of the important subject of self-preservation from the effects of wounds to generally fatal; —. I804. TRAVIS, 4°5 TRAVIS, [George] Arch-Deacon and Prebendary of Chester, Reclor of Handley , in that county, Vicar of Eaftham, Essex. born .... died 1797. Febr. 24. at Hanip- stead. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. April, p. 35L May. p,433. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. March, p. 240. Allgcm, Litterat. Zeit. J. 1797. ItBl. S. 1410. -Letters to Edward Gibbon;—. Ed. 2. 1785- Ed. 3. corrected and considerably enlarged. 1794- 8. (9 ft.) T REBECK, [James] Vicar of Chiswick. Letter to John HoUis, Esq. on his reasons for scepticism as it concerns revealed religion. 1796.8. (I fh.) On the church catechism, consisting of lectures; delivered at the parish church of Chit* wickduring Lent. 1798. (6 sb.) *TREBY, [Paul Trcby] Esq. of Plympton, Devon- shire. On the scab in sheep. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 17. p. 12.) Devonshire cattle. (Ibid. Vol. 17. P. 303«) Progress of the Devonshire agricultural society. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 395.) On the forest of Dartmoor. (Ibid. Vol, 17. p. 564.) Experi- ment on four hog fluep, (Ibid. Vol.30, p. 452.) *TREFFRY, [Roger] of Beer Barton, near Plymouth. A description of a new harrow and drag, (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 4. p. 324.) On the smut in wheat. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 19. p, 2S9*) On smut-balls among wheat and other grain. (Ibid. Vol.21, p. 410.) •TRELAWNY, [Edward] Esq. of Upminster, Ejfex. On broad-cast and drill husbandry. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 18. p. 129.) Experiments on the drill and broad-cast husbandry of wheat, made on eight acres three roads of land. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 11, p.51.) *TREMENHEERE, [William] A. B. The iliad of Homer, translated into English. Book 1. 1792. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) *TREMLETT, [Thomas] Strictures on a proposed plan for adopting a loan; with a view of instituting reversionary annuities Cc 3 ot or government dividens payable at a future pe* riod. 179Ó. 12. (I sh.) Letters addressed to the Monthly Reviewers for April 179Ó. I79Ó. 8. (ifh.) *TRENT, [Joseph] of Virginia. An inaugural dissertation on the effects of light in respiration. 1800. *TRESHAM, [Henry] Esq. F.R.A. *The sea-sick minstrel, or maritime sorrows, a poem in 6 cantos. 1796,4. (5 sh.) Rome at the close of the 18 century!!! a poem, with notes, 1799.4. (4 sh.) * Recreations at Ramsgate, poe- tical effusions, collated with and collected from original manuscripts in the possession of a lady. l8or. 4. Britannicus to Bonaparte; an heroic epistle; with notes. 1803.4. (4 sh.) *T RE VI THICK, [Richard] of Camborne, near Truro, in Cornwall, Description of an engine which operates by the pressure and descent of a column of water against a piston j nearly in the same manner as the dou- ble steam engine operates by means of engine. (Nicholsons Journal. Y. 1802. Fcbr. p. iól.) M«- thod of applying a temporary forcer to a pump, so as to produce a constant stream. (Ibid. Y. I8Q2. July. p. 2ÍÓ.) ^TRIMMER, [Mary] Mrs. The history of quadrupeds, adapted to the capa- city of vouthî embellished with engravings. 1803. 18. (2 ft.) TRIMMER, [Sarah] Mrs. of Breftrford. The servant's friend, a tale. 178Ó. 8. (9 d) iiberf, init dem Titel: Thomas Schlkktivg eine lehr- reiche Gefchichte. Weimar. 1793. 8. Cobwebs to catch flies; 17,. Fabulous histories; 17.. A companion to the book of common prayer of the church of England —r. Vol. I. 2. 1791. 12. (4 sh.) An explanation of the office for the pu- blic baptism of infants, and of the order for the confirmation of those who are come to years of discretion — 1791. 12. (ish.) Reflections upon the education of children in charity schools. 1792. 8. (r sh.) An attempt to familiarize the catechism of the church of England, in the catechetical form, 4°? form, for tht use of teachers in schools and fa- milies. 1791. 12. (3 sh.) A sequel to the tea- chers assistant, containing a familiar explanation of the lessons selected from the old testament. 1794. I2# (3 sh. 6 d.) The guardian of educa- tion (conducted by Mrs. Trimmer). Vol. I. 2. Nrb. I-IÓ. (19 sh.) Vol. 3. Nrb. 17. ... 1803.8. (2 sh.) TRINDER, [WilliamMartin] LL. B. and M.Dr. Cler- gijman at Hendon in Middlesex. The philantropic monitor; or, new practical dis- courses on religious subjects; consisting of 20 ser- mons. 1793. 8. (6 sh.) An essay, concerning the outward and salutary application of oils on the human body. 1797. 8. (I sh.) Sermons on va- rious subjects, preached at Hendon in Middlesex, Vol. I. 2. I800. 8. (IO sh.) The english olive tree, or, a treatise on the use of oil and the air- bath , with miscellaneous remarks on the pre- vention and cure of various diseases. Ed. 2. much enlarged. 1802. 8. (5 sh.) Ed. 3. with a chemical analysis of the Barnet well water. 1804. (5 sh.) TROTTER, [Thomas] Esq. M. Dr. Member of ike R. S. of Edinb. long a Ncvy Surgeon and lately Pktjjlcian to his Majesty s fleet under ike Com* mand of Admiral Lord Howe. (a native of Roxburgsliire, in Scotland.) See Public Characters of 1802 and I803. p. 246. De ebrietate cjusque essectibus in corpus huina- num. Edinbi 1788. Observations on the scurvy, with a review of the opinions lately advanced on that disease. Ed. 2. 1792. 8. (4 sh.) Medical and chemical essays — Ed. 2. 1796. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) iïbers. in Samml. fiir prakt. Aerztc. B. 17. S. 103* Medicina nautiea, or an essay on the diseases of the seamen. 1797.8. (7 sh.) Vol.2. 1799. (8 sh.) Vol. 3. I803. iibers. von Dr. E, Werner. Tin 1.2. Erfurt. 1798. 8. * Suspiria oceani, a mono- dy on the death of Rich. Earl Howe, Admiral. I800. 4. (2 sh.) An essay, medical, philosophi- cal and chemical on drunkenness and its effects on the human body- 1804. 8. (5 sh.) -TRQUGH- 408 *TR0UGHT0N, [Edward] /, Letter respecting a balance of his construction, (Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 3. p. 233,) *XROUGHTON, [Thomas] originally a ?lasttvtr% but latterly a Painter. born .... died 1797, Nov. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y.: T797. Dec. p. 1074. Allgem. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. I800. S.649. Narrative of an extraordinary cruelty suffered by him and 21 more in a state of stavery under Muley Abdallah, Emperor of Fez and Marocco, from Jan. 1745 to Dec. 1750. —. Ed. 2. Exeter. 1787. *TROUTBECK, [John] Chaplain to the Duke of Leeds* A survey of the antient and present state of the Scilly islands. 1706. TROWARD, [Richard] Attorney at Law in Londêtt. Collection of the statutes and orders of the house of Commons respecting elections. 1790. Conti- nuations from the Y. 179Ó. to the preseut time, 1802. 8- (2 sh.) *TRUMBULL, [Benjamin] D. D. A complete history of Connecticut, civil and ec- clesiastical, from the emigration of its first planters from England in 1Ó30 to 1713. Vol. 1. Hartford. 1798. 8. (2 Dollar 50 Cent.) ^TRUMBULL, [John] born at Waterbury in Connecticut in the Y. 1749 or 1750. Sec Hegewifih u. Ebeling's Amerik. Mag. B. r. St. 4. S. 19. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. August, p. 81. M*6ugal, a modern epic poem in 4 cantos, 1782» Ed. 6/1793. Edit. last. 1796. The progress of dulnefs. 1772. Edit. last. 1794. 011 the times. 1774* collected with his smaller serious poem in American poems. Vol. I. Litchfield, Con» necticut. 1793. TRUSLER, [John] LL. D. Clergyman. Principles of politeness —; libers, von C. P. Mo* ritz. Aufl.2. umgearbeitet mit Zus. von A. Rode. Berlin. 1799. 8* ubers. von J. B. Friese. Altona. 1802. 8. On the importance, utility land duty •f a farmer's life, a sermon. 1793. 8. (6 d.) 4°» Au esïày on literary property, containing a com* in en ta ry on the statute of Queen Anne, and anw madversions on that statute. 1798. 8. (i sh. 6 d.) Asseised tax act for 1798. fully explained. 1798. (6 d.) *TRUXTON, [Thomas] Remarks, illustration! and examples relative to the latitude and longitude, also the variation of the compass; 17.• TRYE, [Charles Brandon] Surgeon to the General 1h» firmary in Gloucester. Eííay on the swelling of the lower extremities, in- cident to lying-in women. 1792. 8* (2 fh.) Cafe of an injury of the internal table of the scull suc- cessfully treated. (M. C. Vol. 2. p. 144.) Cafe of a rupture of the corpora cavernosa peuji. (Ibid, Vol.2, p. 158.) * TUCKER, [St. George] Esq. of Petersburg. Refleciious on the policy and neceflity of encoura* ging the commerce of the citiieni of the Uni- ted States of America, and of granting them exclusive privileges in trade. (American Museum Y. 1787. Sept. p. 263,) Dissertation 011 slavery. Philadelphia. 1796. 8. •TUCKER, [Henry] The faith of the people called qtiacker*. I80I. 8. (6 d.) TUCKER> [Josiah] D. D. Dean of Gloucester. born atLaughan in Caarmartenstiirc 1712. died at Gloucester 1799. Nov. 4. See PUblic Characters 1798 and 1799. p. l6g. Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Nov. p. iooo# Y. I80I. Oct. p. 880, Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799* Pec. p. 912, Allg. Litter. Zeit. J, 1800, ItBl. S. 663.1097. A sermon before the trustees of Bristol infirmary, 1746. A brief essay on the advantages and dis» advantages which respectively attend France and Great-Britain with regard to trade; 17.. An earnest and affectionate address to the common people of England, on their barbarous custom ol cock-throwing on shrove - tuesday. 17.. (2 flu 6 d») Enquiry concerning spirituous liquors* Cc 5 I75U 4io 1751. 8* Essay on the trade of Great -Britain and France. 1753. 8» Instructions for travellers. 1757. 4, Elements of commerce and theory of taxes. 17.. 4. A fourth tract on the dispute bet- ween Great-Britain and her colonies. 1775. 8. A fifth tract on the disputes with America. 1776. Answer to popular objections. 1776. 8. An ap. peal to the landed interest on a separation from America. 1776. Plan of pacification. 1782. 8. Four letters to the Earl of Shelburne. 1783. 8» On the commercial union between Great-Britain and Ireland. 1785. 8. Argument for and against an union between Great - Britain and Ireland; to which is prefixed, a proposal on the same subjeci, 1798. (6 d.) Letter on Rich. Pew pamphlet re- specting a better mode of providing for the poor. 1783. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 6. p. 252.) (Several single sermons.) ^TUCKER, [R..-.] Purser of his Maj. ship London. Minutes of the proceedings of a naval court mar- tial assembled and held on board his Maj. ship Prince, before Cadiz. 12 June 1798 to try Lord Henry Paulet — on a charge exhibited against hira by Lieut. Robert Forbes. 1798. 8. (i ih.) •TUCKER, [William] Predestination calmly considered from principles of reason? inconsistency with the nature of things and the scriptures of truth in a series of letters to a friend; to which are added, answers to seven queries on predestination. 1798. 12. (2 ih.) *TUDOR, [William] Colonel. Treasurer of the Mass** chusetts Histor. Soc. Letter on the propriety and expediency of an appro* priate national name, designatory of the citizens of the United States, as a distinct people from the other inhabitants of the two vast American Penin- sulas. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1799. p. 149.) *TUGWELL, [Lewin] r An improved pedometer described. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 7. p. 330.) On the culture and pecu- liar properties of the turnip-rooted cabbage. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 257») Bcwerstone plough. (Ibid. Vol. 34. P. 168.) Letters on the culture and use of the turnep- rooted cabbage. (Tr, of the Soc for the E. of A. Vol. I. p. 144. Vol. 2. p* 94.) TUITE, [....] Lady. (Niece to the countess of Mo ira.) Poems. 1796, 8. (io fh. 6 d.) TUKE, [Henry] The faith of the people called Quackers in our: Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, set forth in va- rious extracts from their writings. 1801. 8. (6 d.) TUKE, [John] Land- Surveyor. A general view of the agriculture of the North- riding of Yorkshire; — igoo. 8- (7 fh. 6 d.) Remarks on waste lands in the North-riding of Yorkshire. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol.8, p. 151.) 'TULLAM.ORE, [ ] Lord. M. R. J. A. Analysis of turf ashes. (Tr. of J. A. Vol.8. Sc. p. 135.) ;TUNSTALL, [William] Account of his thrashing mill. (Comm. and Agrîc. Magaz. Y. 1800. Dec. p. 412.) On thrashing machines. (Ibid. Y. 1801. May. p. 312.) 'TURNBULL, [.. . .] Account of his and Crook's new method of blea- ching or. whitening and cleansing cotton - wool, flax, hemp dec. and goods manufactured from any of those materials. (Tilhchïs Philos. Magaz. Vol. 9* p.318.) *TURNBULL, [Robert J ] of South-Carolina. A visit to the Philadelphia prison; being an accu- rate and particular account of the wise, and hu- mane administration adopted in every part of that building, with other remarks. Philad. 1796. 8. reprinted London. 1797, 8. (2 fh.) TURNBUL1L, [William] F. M. S. Surgeon to the Eastern Dispensary. born .... died 179Ó. May 2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1796. May. p, 444* Allg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 627. The history of a cafe of extra - uterine gestation of the ventral kind —; 1791. 4. (12 fh.) (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3, p. 176.) On the origin and antiquity of the lues venerea. Ed. 3. 1797. 8. (2 ill. 6 d.) A treatise on chirurgical diseases and on the operations required in their treatment, from from the French of Ckopart and Default —» with an introduction index and appendix, containing note* and observations. Vol. 1.2. 1797. 8. (9 fh.) A few general rules and instructions very necessary to be attended to by those ©f both sexes who are affected with ruptures, 1798. 8. (I sti. 6 d.) Ed. 6. 17.. iibers. Leipzig. 1803. 8. Case of en* cysted tumour successfully treated by electricity, (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 558.) A case where small pox was communicated from the mo- ther to the child in utero. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 364.) Hints on the measles. (American Museum Y. 1789. July. p. 51) •TURNER, [Dawson] A. M. Member of the lmper. Acad. Nut. Curios. F. L. S. An synopsis of the British fuci; containing a de- scription and history of all the hitherto discovered species, together with some flight remarks upon , their physiology. Vol. I. 2. I802. 8. (8 fh. 6 d.) Calendarium pJantarum marinaruni. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 5. p. 126.) — and James Sowerby ca. talogue of some of the more rare plants observed in a tour through the western counties of England, in June 1799. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 234.) Descriptions of four new species of fucus. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 125.) New edition of Mr. Ives's remarks on the Gana* oonum of the Romans. 1803. 8* TURNER, [Daniel] M. A. A Dissenting Clergyman at Woolwich in Kent. born 1709. died 1798. Sept, 5. Sëe Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Sept. p.8l5- Compendium of social religion —. Ed. 2. 1793» (3 sh.) Expositions on some of the most highly picturesque and interesting passages of scripture. 1790. 8. (6 sh,) Free thoughts on the spirit of free inquiry in religion — 1793- 13. (2 sh.) An exhortation to peace, loyalty and the support of government, a sermou. Ed. 2. 1793» (2 d.) Hints 011 religious education, being two sermons in fa- vour of funday schools. 1794. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Shore meditations of select portions of scripture Ed. 3. 1803.13. (3 fh. 6 d.) * TURNER, 413 ♦TURNER, [Edward] of DowdesweU, Gloucestershire. On colt's foot; tussilago farfara, (Youtigs A. of Agr. Vol. 6. p. 114.) Crops iu Gloucestersliicc, (Ibid. Vol. 35. p,48.) • TURNER, [George] of Leeds. A testimony^to the prophetical mission of Richard Brotken, 1795. 8. (2 d.} ♦ TURNER, [George] Description of the chalybeate springs, siear Sara- toga , with a perspective view of the main spring, token on the spot. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1787» March, p. 306.) Memoir on the extraneous fos- sils denominated Mammoth bones. Philad. 1799. 4. Remarks on certain articles found in an Indian tumulus at Cincinnati, and now deposited in the museum of the American Philos. Soc. (Transaòr. of A. S. Vol. 5, p. 74.) Observations on the Ame- rican Buffalo, and his superiority over the English ox, in certain properties; also, on the principal mineral productions already discovered in North- America. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 7. p. 56 ) Ex- tracts from a general view of the agriculture of the county of Gloucester. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p, 222*} See Daniel Britt. *TURNER, [J ] at Winslow, Bucks. On the practice of the vaccine inoculation among country-people. (TiUoclis Philos. Magaz. Vol. 6. p. 49.) ♦TURNER, [Lewis] late of Jesus College, Oxford. Suicide, a sermon. 1790. 4. (I sh.) Account of the system of education, used in Bradmore-house seminary, Hammersmith. 1793. 8. (6 d.) TURNER, [Margaret] Miss. born died 1791. Sept. 4. •TURNER, sNathaniel] Esq. of Stoke, near Ipswich, in Suffolk. Experiments on a new potatoe. (Youngs A* of Agr. Vol.r. p. 189.) ♦TURNER, [Nicholas] Rev. at Fittlexvor^h f near Petworth. On steaming potatoes. {Young's Ai of Agr. Vol. 22. p-43.) Experiments on sheep, made by the Earl of Egremont. (Ibid. Vol. 28. p. 70.) On iheep, the nature of wool, and the effect of climate 414 climate upon that article. (Ibid. Vol.30. p*2l7, 3Ó5.) Experiments on lambs. (Ibid. Vol. 30. p! 425.) Great use of fern. (Ibid. Vol.36, p.346») ♦TURNER, [P....] at Gloucester. On the extraordinary food or cattle in Siberia, (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1805. p. 420.) "TURNER, [R....] Accouut of the system of education, used at a se. minary for the admission of pupils 011 a liberal and extensive plan. 1791. 8. (6 d.) * T U R N ER, [S >...] Solicitor. Costs and present practice of the court of chancery, Vol. 1. 1797. 4. (10 sh. 6 d.) TURNER, [Samuel] Esq. F. R. S. and formerly in the service of the East: India Company\ born 1759. died 1802. Jan. 2. Se« Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 87. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. March, p. 176. An account of an embassy to the court of Teihoo Lama in Thibet, containing a narrative of a jour, ney throught Bootan and part of Thibet; to which are added views taken on the spot by Samuel Da- vis, Lieut, and observations botanical, mineralo- gical and medical. 1800. 4. (2 L. 2 ih.) fibers. 3111 Auszuge von M. C. SprengeL, Weimar. 1801. 8. Description of the yak of Tartary, called Soora- Goy, or the bushy-tailed bull of Thibet. (Asiat. Res. Vol. 4. p.35r.) Account of an interview between him and Teeshoo Lama, at the mona- stery of Terpaling. (New-York Magaz. Y. J792. Oct- p. Ó07,) •TURNER, [Samuel] M. A. Letter to Jos. Priestley ~~ on his discourse deli- vered Apr, 27. 1791. to the supporters of the new college, at Hackney, 179Í. 8. (6 d.) The Chri- stian faith: or, the catechism of the united church of England and Ireland, briefly proved and ex- plained from scripture — 5 I803* 12. (I sh.) •TURNER, [Sharon] F. S. A. The history of the Anglo-Saxons from their first appearance above the Elbe, to the death of Egbert, with a map of their ancicm territory. Part 1. 2. r Vol. 415 Void. 3. 1799. I801.8. Vol 3. 1801. (I L 12 sh.) A vindication of the genuineft of the ancient British poems of Anewrin, Taliesin, Lly* warch Hen, and Merd Jiu; with specimens of the poems. 1803, 8. (6 fh.) ♦ TURNER, [T H J A short account of ancient chivalry and description of armour. 1799. 8- "TURNER, [William] of Wakefield. Sermons on various subjects. 1793» 8- (6 fh.) Three discourses. 1804. *TURNER> [William] One of the Secretaries to the ÌU terarif and philosofh. Soc. of New-Castle, and Letlnrcr in the new institution, A general introductory discourse — on the objects, advantages and intended plan of the new insti- tution for public lectures on natural philosophy* in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1802. 8. (I fh.) * TURNER, [William Henry] M. Dr. Essays on subjects of miscellaneous literature, — including medical education and the drama; and on the present state of Ireland. I803, 8. (3 sh- 6 d.) *TURNOR, [Edmund] Esq, F 5: F. A. S. A narrative of the earthquake felt in Lincolnshire and the neighbouring counties, on the 25 Febr* 1792. (Phdos. Transact, Y. 1792. p. 283,) Ex- tracts from the household book of Thomas Cony* of Baflingthorpe, c. Lincoln, (Arch. Vol. II. p. 22.) *TURTON, [Sir Thomas] *An address to the good sense and candour of the people in behalf of the dealers in corn; with some few observations ou a Jate trial for regra- ting by a country gentleman. 1800* 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) Ed. 2. with a postscript. 1800. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) •TURTON. [William] M. Dr. A medical glossary — 1797. 4. (1 L. IO fh,) A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms — systematically divided — translated from Gmelitfs last edition of Linnaei systema na- turae; amended and enlarged. Vol. I-5. l8oi~ I804. 8. (3 L. % se. 6 d.) TWADDLE, 4X6 TWADDLE, [Timothy] Esq. (a fiSitious name.) TWAMLEY, [Josiah] Dairying exemplified—. Ed. 2. 17.. On butter- making and on his book dairying exemplified &c. (Bath Agriculf. Soc. Vol, 6. p. 294.) *TWEDDEL, [John] A. B. Fellow of Trinity Col lege,, Cambridge. born 1767. died 1799. July 25. at Athens, on his travels. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Nov. p. 993. Prolusiones juveniles praemiis academicÌ9 digua* tae. 1793. 8. (5 sh.) «TWEED, [John] The redeemer, a poem. Ï791. 8. (2 lh.) *T W E E DIE, [Charles] F. A. S. The conduct of Great- Britain , vindicated against the calumnies of foreign enemies and domestic conspirators, since the aera of the commencement of the present war with France. 1799. 8. (5 sh,) Reflections on the present crisis of public affairs. I803. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) *TWEEDIE, [J ] Surgeon. Hints on temperance and exercise; shewing their advantage in the cure of dyspepsia, rheumatism, polysarca and certain stages of palsy. 1799. & (2 sh. 6 d.) ♦TWIG, [Timothy] Esq. The guinea note, a poem. 1796. 4. (i sh.) TWINING, [Richard] Tea - Dealer in London. The substance of his speech — on the impropriety of allowing the directors of the East-India Com- pany to trade to or from India, in their private capacities, with'notes. 1794. 8. U sh«) with additions. 1795. 8. (2 in,) Observation on the question to be balloted tor at the East-In* dia house Jan. 14. 1795. viz. thai no director be allowed to trade to or from India in his private capacity, either directly or indirectly, either a* principal or agent. 1795. 8. (6 d.) Observa- tions on the expediency of making a bye-law to prevent the sale of the commands of East-India sliipi. 1796. (I fli.) 4*7 TWISS, [Richard] Esq. F. R. & An heroic answer to Donna Teresa Pinna y Rtuc. 1777. *:A trip to Paris, in July and August 1792. 1793. 8. (3 fh.) TWISTING, [Timothy] Esq. (a fitlitious name.) *TYSON, [J....] Poetical works. 179I. TYTLER, [Alexander Fraser] His Maj. Judge- Ad~ vocate for Scotland and Professor in the Uni" verfity of Ediabutgk. Essay on military law and the practice of court» martial. Edinb. 1800* 8. (7 sh ) Elements of general history, ancient and modern; to which are added a table of chronology and a compara- tive view of antient and modern geography; with maps. Vol. 1.2. I802. 8. •TYTLER, [H.... W ] Esq. M.Dr. Fellow of the Soc. for the Encouragement of Arts. The works of Cal/imachusy translated into English verses — with the original text and note? care- fully selected from former commentators and ad* ditional observations. X793. 4. (iÇ sh.) Paedo- trophia; or, the art of nursing and rearing chil- dren, a poem in 3 books; translated from the latin of Scevole de Sr. Marthe; with medical and historical notes; with the life of the author, from the french of Michel and Niceron — 1797. 8. (6 sti.) A voyage home from the Cape of Good Hope, with other poems relating to the Cape, and notes, 1803. 4. (5 fh.) •TYTLER, [James] On the plague and yellow fever; with an appen- dix, containing histories on the plague at Athens—. 1 Salem. 1799.8- (Compiler of the medical part of the Encyclopedia Britannica.) *TYTLER, [William] Esq. of fVoodhoufelee. born 1711. Oct. 12. died 1792. Dec. 12. Enquiry, historical and critical> into the evidence against Mary Queen of Scots and an examination of the histories of Dr. Robertson and Hume, with respect'to that evidence. 1759* Ed. 4. Vol. 1.2* 1790. 8- A dissertation on the marriage of Queen Mary with the Earl of Bothwell, (Tr. of A. S. Scotl. Vol.i. p. 541.) The poetical ramains of touss G. Rs SuppL Th, II D d JaniCi James L King of Scotland. 1783. 8. Observations on the vision, a poem first published in Ramsay's ever-green, (ibid. Vol. I. p. 395.) Dissertation on the Scottish mufiç. (Ibid Vol. 1. p. 469.) An ac- count of the faihlonable amusements and enter- tainments of Edinburgh in the last century, with the plan of a grand concert of music, performed there, on St. Cecilia's day IÓ95. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 499. 506.) Answer to Robert Henry, Author of the history of Great - Britain. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p. 538.) Defects of modern female education in teaching the duties of a wife* (Lounger Nro. 16.) Vaillant, [John] Esq. m. a. of ttu inner- Temple* Barrister at Law. Sir James Dyers reports of cases in reign of Henry 8», Edward 6., Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth — now first translated — with a life of the author—. Part 1-3. 1793. 8. (2 L. % ih.) VALLANCEY, [Charles] General The ancient history of Ireland, proved from the Sanscrit books of the Bramins of India. Dublin. 8. «VALPY, [Edward] Rev* Elegantiae latinae; or, rules and exercises illu- strative of elegant latin style —; I803. (3 sh.) * V A L P Y ) [R ♦...] Head-master of the grammar-school, at Reading. A tour to Jersey* (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 4. p. 268.436. 511- Vol, 5. p.369*) On the suppo- sed clandestine export of wool from Jersey. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 466.) On wool and the woollen ma- nufacture. (Ibid* Vol. 9. p, 522.) Reply to que- ries concerning the price of wool. (Ibid. Vol. IÒ. p. 531.) A tour to Jersey. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p. 37k) VALPY, [Richard] D. D: F. A. S. a Two assize sermons, with notes historical and po- litical and an appendix. 1793. 8. (3 ft-) *P<^ti-' cal chronology of ancient and engliih history, with historical and explanatory notes. 1794. 8. (I ^ 3 d.) Ed. 2. 1797. (2sh.) The roses, or, King Henry VI. an historical tragedy^. 1795. 8. (I 4X9 6 d.) King John, an'historical tragedy, altered from Shakspeare —; 180I. 8. (2 sh.) The second part of King Henry 4, altered from Shakjpeare. I801. 8. (2 fh.) *VANBRUGH, [George] LL. D. Thoughts on the religious observance of the sab- bath and on private prayer. Ed. 2, enlarged i8or. 8. (i fh. 6 d.) Sermons on several subjects and occasions. 1804. 8- (Several single sermons.) «VANCOUVER, [Charles] Esq. of Philadelphia. Remarks on waste lands in the county of Cam- bridge. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 142.) Obser- vations on the proper persons and necessary capi- tal for settling in the Kantucke district Ohio, North-America, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 6. p. 405.) Observations on beans. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 65.) On cabbages. (Ibid. Vol.25, p.77.) •VANCOUVER, [George] Captain. born .... died 1798. May 10. at Petersliam, Surrey. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. May. p. 447, Allg. Litt. Zeir. J. 1800. ItBl. S.650; Voyage of discovery to the North pacific ocean and round the world — performed in the Years 1790-1795. Vol.1-3. 1798.4. with a volume of maps and charts, fol. (6 L. 6 fh.) iiberX voii As. C. Sprengel. Halle. 1799. 8. •VANCOUVER, [John] The causes of poverty and the present state of the poor considered, together with the proposed means for their effectuai relief. 1796. 8. (2 ih.) •VANDELEUR, [John Ormsby] Lieut. Colon, of the $th or King's Rots. Irish Light Dragoons. Duty of officers commanding detachments in the field. 1801. 8. (5 fh.) •VANDERSTEGEN, [William] Esq. Observations on frauds practised in the collection of the salt duties and the misconduct of officers fairly stated. 1793. 8. (I fh.) Reply to a pam- phlet, intituled Refutation of charges respecting frauds committed in the collection of salt duties. 1793. 8. The present state of the Thames consi- D d Q, dercd dered add a comparative view of canal and river navigation. 1794. 8. (l flb. 6 d.) VANE, [Lionel] Esq. born .... died 1793. Febr 20. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y* 1793. March, p. 282 •VANHOVEN, [Jostiua] Letters on the present state of the jewisti poor iu the metropolis with propositions for ameliorating their condition —. 1802. (I fh.) *VANSITTART, [Henry] Esq, born .... died .. (?) On the descent of the Afghans from the jews. (Afiat. Res. Vol. 2. p. 67.) A description of Asam by Mohammed Cazim, translated from the Per- sian. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 171.) *VANS1TTART, [Nicholas] Esq. * Reflections On the propriety of an immediate conclusion of peace. 1793. (2 fh. 6 d.) * Letter to W, Pitt y — on the conduct of the hank di- rectors, with cursory observations on Morgan's pamphlet respecting the expencc of the war and the state of the national debt. 1795. An inquiry into the state of the finances of Great-Britain ia answer to Morgans facts. 1796. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) *VARLEY, [S....] On the irregularity in the race of going of time- piece* occasioned by the influence of magnetism. (TtUocVs Philos. Magaz. Vol. I. p. 16.) On the choice of steel and the methods of hardening and tempering it. (Ibid, Vol. 2. p. 92.178.) A simple method of determining the magnifying power ef . telescopes. (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 87.) * VAS S ALL, [Henry] Esq. Management of hogs. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 31. p. 266.269.) *VASS AR, [J J ] Esq. Poems on several occasions, including the petitio* ner or a view of the red-book. 1799. 8. (7 fh.) *VAVASOUR, [Sir Henry] Baromt. On carrots. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.24* p.4°0 Buck-wheat ploughed in for turnips. (Ibid. Vol. 32. p.211.) Crops and prices. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 155.) On field gardening husbandry. (Tilloctis Philof. Magaz. Vol. 10. p. 236*) * VAUGHAN, 4ZI *VAUGHAN, [Henry] Oratio Harvejana, habita 18 Oct. 1800. 4, (2 sh.) " . *VAUGHAN, [J....] The gentleman and farmer'* pocket assistant. 1796. (2 sh, 6 d.) «VAUGHAN, [John] As. Dr. of Wilmington. Chemical syllabus. Wilmington. 1799. 8* The valedictory lecture delivered before the philoso- phical society of Delaware. Wilmington. 1800. 12. A ikctch of the history of the diseases of the state of Delaware. (Medical Repository Vol.3. p. 221.336.) An account of the origin and cau- ses of the yellow fever as it appeared at Wilming- ton, (state of Delaware) in the autumn of 1798. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 368.) VAUGHAN, [Thomas] Esq. Love's vagaries, or, the whim of the moment, a dramatic piece of two acts. 1791. 8. (i sh.) *VAUGHAN, [Walter] Esq. M. Dr. Physician at Rochester, Kent. An exposition of the principles of anatomy and physiology — and containing the praelcctiones ana> tomicae of Ferd. Leber, translated from the ori- ginal, published in latin at Vienna. Vol. 1.2. 1791» 8- (IO sh. 6 d.) Essay philosophical and medical, concerning modern clothing. Rochester. 1792. 8» iibers. Leipz. 1793.8. The evidence of the supe- rior efficacy of the cinchona stava or yellow peru- vian bark — to which is prefixed, a letter to the author from Dr. Witt. Saunders. 1795. 8. (I 6 d.) *VEECY, [Francis] Jan. Esq. Reports of cafes in the high cour* of chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. Nrb. I» I803. 8. (7 Hi. 6 d.) «VELLEY, [Thomas] Esq. D. C. C: F. L. S. Lieute- nant Colonel. Coloured figures of marine plants found on the southern coast of England, illustrated with de- scriptions and observations accompanied with a figure of the Arabia stricta from St. Vincent's rock; to which is prefixed an inquiry into the mode of propagation peculiar to sea-plant». 1799* Dd 3 (16ft,) (l6 sh.) Experiments made with a view to alcer* tain the truth and importance of Dr. Hunter's opinions, respecting the food of plants. {Bath Agric. Soc. VoL 8. p. 376.) Remarks on the na- ture and propagation of marine plants. (Transact. ofL. S. Vol, 5. p. 145. 274.) Description of con. ferva umbilicata, a new plant, from New-South- Wales. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 169.) *VELLS, [William Charles] M. Dr. A fifth dissertation on fever — by the late G. For* dyce. 1803, (2 fh.) VENN, [Henry] M. A. Re&or of Filling, Huntingdon* fkire. born at Barnes in the County of Surrey 1725. died at Clapham, Surrey 1797. June 24. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1797. July. p. 618. The Annual Necrology for 1797. 1798. p-253- Evangelical Magaz. Y. 1798- June. p. 221. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. I800. S.645. The perfect contrast or the entire opposition of popery to the religion of Jesus. 1758. 8. enlar- ged. 1778. 8. *VENTUM, [Harriet] Miss. Selima, a novel; 17.. Amiable tutoress; 17.. Justina, or, the history of a young lady. Vol. 1-4. l8or. 12. (18 fh.) Surveys of nature, a sequel to Mrs. Trimmer's introduction, being fa- miliar descriptions of some popular subjects in na- tural philosophy adapted to the capacities of chil- dren. I802. 12. (2 fh.) ^VERRAL, [H....] of Newick, mar Lewes, Sussex. On the use and misuse of lime with some obser- vations and animadversions on other parts of far- ming. (Youngs A. of Agr, Vol.32* p. 99. 224.) VESE Y/[Francis] Esq. Barrister at Law. Report of cafes argued and determined in the high court of chancery —. Vol. 3-6. 1793-1802. sol. Cafe upon the will of the late Peter Tkellujson, Esq. 1799. 4. (5 fh.) Reports of cafes in chancery, determined during the time of Lord Eldon; begin- ning with the sittings before easter term, 180I. and ending caster terra, 1802. I803. foU (3 L. 15 fh.) «VEYSIE» \ *VEYSIE, [Daniel] B. D. Fellow of Oriel College and one of his Maj, Preachers at Whitehall. The doctrine of St. John and the faith of the first christians, not unitarian, a sermon. 1791. 8. (I sb.) The doctrine of atonement, illustrated and defended in 8 sermons, 1795. 8. (5 fh.) *VIDLER, [William] See Elhanah Winchester. Letters to Andrew Fuller, on the universal resto- ration, with a statement of facts attending that controversy, and some strictures on scrutator's review. 1803. 8. (3 fk.) * VIL A NT, [Nicholas] A.M. F. R. S. Edinb. and Profeffor of Mathematics in the University of St. Andrews. The elements of mathematical analysis, abridged for the use of students; with notes — and a synop- sis of book 5 of Euclid. 1798. 8. (4 fh.) *VILLIERS, [J.... C....] Esq. Chaubert, or, the misanthrope. 1789.8. ^ A tour through part of France. 1789» 8. *VINALL, [John] A systematical treatise of arithmetic. Boston. 17.. 8. Experiments in electricity. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 2. P.I. p. 144. Simmonss Med, Facts and Observât. Vol, 7. p. 279.) VINCE, [Samuel] M. A: F. R. S: Profeffor of Expe- rimental Philosophy in the Univerfity of Cam- bridge. A plan of a course of lectures on the principles of natural philosophy. 1793. 8. (4 sh.) The prin- ciples of fluxions —. Vol. 1.2. 1795. 8. (8 fh.) A complete system of astronomy. Vol. I. 2. 1797- 1799. 4. (2 L, II sh.) The principles of hydro- statics. 1796.8. (4 fh.) Ed. 2. I800. 8. (3 ft.) The credibility of Christianity vindicated in answer to Mr. Hume's objections in two discourses, prea- ched before the University of Cambridge. 1798. 8. (I fh.) The principles of astronomy. 1799. 8. (4 fh.) A treatise on plane and spherical trigono- metry; with an introduction, explaining the na- ture and use of logarithms. 1800, 8- (4 fh. ) Observations on the fundamental property of the lever*, with a proof of the principle assumed by Dd 4 Archi- 4H Archimedes in his demonstration. (Phil. Tratiia£h Y, 1794. p. 33- Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 1, p. 541.) Observations on the theory of the motion and re- sistance of fluids; with a description of the con- struction of experiments, in order to obtain some fundamental principles. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1795. p. 24.) Experiments upon the resistance of bodies moving in fluids. (Ibid# Y. 1798. p. I* 'Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 3. p. 506.) Observations on an unu- iual horizontal refraction of the air; with remarks on the variations to which the lower parts of the atmosphere are sometimes subjed. (Phil. Trans, act. Y. 1799. p. 13. Tilloch's Philos. Magat. Vol. 7, p. 54. Nicholson s Journal. Vol. 3. p. 141.) *VINCENT, [R....] Bart. See M. Haivke. VINCENT, [William] D. D. Subaltnoner to his Maj, one of his Majt Chaplains in Ordinary, Reftor of Allhallows, Thames-street and head-m astir of Westminster school. born 1739. Nov. 2. See Public Characters of 1802 and 1803. p. 62. Letter to — Rich. Watson, King's Professor of Di- vinity in the University of Cambridge. 1780. 8* Sermon at the anniversary meeting of the sons of the clergy. 1789. 4. (I fh.) De legione Man- liana quaestio, ex Livio desumpta, ct rei militant romanae studiosis proposita. Ï792 4. '::;The ori- gination of the greek verb, an hypothesis, 1794. 8. (i fh.). The greek verb analysed, an hypo- thesis, in which the source and structure of the greek language in general, is considered. 1795.8. (2 fh. 6 d.) The voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates; collected from the origi- nal journal, preserved by Arrian and illustrated, by authorities ancient and modern; — to which are added 3 dissertations: two on achronychal rising of the plejades, by Dr. Sam. Horsley% by Will Wales and by Mr. De la Rochette on the first meridian of Ptolemy. 1797. 4. (1 L, 1 fh.) The periplus of the Erythrean sea; Part 1. containing an ac- count of the navigation of the ancients from the sea of Suez to the coast of Zangucbar; with dis- sertations. 18OQ. 4, (I L, I sb.) A defence of 4Ì5 public éducation. Ed. 3. 1802. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) Irrigation sti the age of Alexander, (Youngs A, of Agr. Vol.28, p.220.) (Several single sermons.) ♦VINER, [Charles] Esq. A general abridgment of law and equity, alphabe- tically digested under propre titles; with notes and references. Ed. 2. Oxford. Vol. 1-24. 1795. 8. (14 L. 8 sh.) Supplement. 1802. (13 sh.) VIVIAN, [Thomas] Vicar of Cornwood, near Ivy- bridge. born died 1793. March .... See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. April, p. 378. The book of the revelation of St. John explained in which he fully proved the down-fall of the unfortunate and much lamented Louis XVI. from scriptural authorities. 1788. 8. UMFREVILLE, [Edward] Eleven years in the service of the Hudson* s-Bay company and four years in the Canada for trade. The present state of Hudson's-Bay —. iibers, von E. A. PV. Zimmertnann. HeJmst'âdt. 1791. 8. UNDERWOOD, [Michael] M. Dr. Physician to the Princeffe of Wales Tind Senior Physician to the British Lying In Hospital. born 1715. died 1795. Dec. 10. See Gentleman's Magoz. Y. 1795. Dec. p. I059. On the diseases of children. Ed. 2. Vol. 1. 2. 1795. 8. Ed.3. Vol. 1-3. 1797. 8. (IO sh. 6 d.) Surgical tracts. Ed. 3. revised and defended. 1799. 8. *UNWIN, [George] Esq. Plan for opening the tin commerce to Indit and China. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 10. p. 250.) *VOWLES, [John] Attorney at Law^ one of the Proc- tors of the Confistorial Court of Bristol. An attempt to shew the nature and extent of the oath of canonical obedience taken by the beneficed cler- gy; in answer to the remarks of John Play on that subject contained in his late publication. 1801* *UPTON, [J....] Cafe of pemphigus. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. P- 533.) Dd 5 * UPTON, 4^6 *UPTON, [John] of Petworth, Sussex. Description of his -bsw constructed moveable barn- floor. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 14. p. 299.) *URE, [David] Preacher of the Gospel in the neigh, bourhood of Edinburgh. born .... died 1798. April. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. April, p. 358. Ailg. Litterat. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 650. The history of Rutherglen and East Kilbride (two parishes in Lancashire) with a view to promote the study of natural history and antiquity. Edinb. 1793» 8. Boiled meat for horses and cattle. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.28, p. 64.) Farms in Kinross. (Ibid. Vol. 29. p. I2Ó.) Linen manu- facture. (Ibid. Vol. 29. p. 128.) , U RQU H A R T, [H ...] M. A. Prebendary of Lincoln. Commentaries of claífìcal learning, shewing its ge- neral and particular advantages. 1803. 8. (7 sh.) USHER, [George Neville] The elements of English grammar. Ed. 3. 1793. 12. (I sh. 6 d.) ^UVEDALE, [Robert] B. A. of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. An enquiry into tjie name of the founder of Huln Abbey, Northumberland, the first in England of the order of Carmelites: with remarks on Dr. Ferriar's account of the monument in the church of that monastery. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P. I. p. 46.) ♦VULLIAMY, [Benjamin] An account of the means employed to obtain an overflowing well. (Phil, Transact. Y. 1797. p. 325. Nicholsons Journal. Vol.2, p. 27Ó.) VYSE, [Charles] formerly Master of an Academy in Portland-street. The lady's accountant; 17., The young ariih-' Dietician; — 17*, A A KM AN, [James] Esq. Elements of military tatties, conformable to the system established by his Maj. order. Part I. 1798. (3 sh.) * WADDING- WADDINGTON, [Samuel Ferraud] Esq. Remarks on Burke's two letters , on the proposals for peace with the regicide directory of France. 1796. 8. (i sh.) Letter to Thomas Erskine on the subject of forestalling hops , including a plan for the reduction of the price of corn, porter &c. with an exposition of the fraudulent practices of the planters. 1799. An appeal to the British hop planters. 1800. 8. (i sh.) WADDINGTON, [William] Esq. Considerations 011 the original and proper objects of the royal hospital of Bridewell. 1798. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) WADE, [....] Catalogus plantarum indigenarum in comitatu Dublincnsi. Dublini. 1794. 8. WADE, [John Peter] M. Dr. of the East India Com- party's Bengal Establishment. Scleit evidences of a successful method of treating fever and dysentery in Bengal. 1791. 8. (6 sh.) Nature and effects of emetics, purgatives, mercu- rials and low diet, in disorders of Bengal and simi- lar latitudes. 1793. 8. (6 íh.) A paper on the prévention and treatment of the disorders of sea- men and soldiers in Bengal. 1793. 8. (3 sh.) WADE-GERY, [Hugh] M. A. late Fellow of Em- manuel College, Cambridge, Thoughts on capital puniíhment. 1800. 8. (I sh.) WADSWORTH, [Benjamin] Pastor of the first church in Danvers. An eulogy on the excellent character of George Washington. 1800. 8. (25 Cent.) WADSWORTH, [Decius] Letters relative to the Hessian fly. (American Mu- seum Y. 1787. Aug. p. 175. Nov. p. 458.) WAGSTAFFE, [John] at Norwich. On cow-wheat, cow-grass or cow-clover. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol, 2. p. 223.) On planting in the rows of new and upland inclosures, (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 83.) On river weeds as a manure. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 284. 328. Vol. 5. p. 257.) Directions for pre- serving threihid wheat from weevils and other in- sects, while lodged in granaries. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 315.) Observations ou the depravation of ap- 423 pie trees. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 252.) On planting of waste lands. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 299.) On planting trees on barren heights. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 260,) Hints for sowing various kinds of grain , from certain phaenomena of nature. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 265.) Remarks on smutting wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 270,) On field mice, and the transplantation 01 wheat. (Ibid Vol. 6. p. 127.) On the grafting crab-stocks, white-thorns &c. with apples and pears. (Ibid. Vol, 6. p. 132.) On the saccharine quality of pears, maple - sugar &c. (Ibid. Vol.6. P- I35-) A simple and effectual preparation of seed-conv. (ibid. Vol.8, p.314. TiUoctis Phil. Magaz. Vol.6, p. 10.) On modes of planting — and on smut &c. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 9. p.292.) Letter on improving land. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 27.) On the use of the river conferva as a manure. (Ibid. Vol. 7, p. 96.) *WAHEN, [Richard] Tables of the interest of money; and a new accu- rate and expeditious method of computing the in- terest of a large account. 1802. 8. *WAlNHOUSE, [William] M. A. Rector of Badg< worths near Axbridge, Somerset. Poetical essays (latin and englifh) intended foe induction and amusement. 1796. 8. (5 sh.) *WAINMANN, [Oglethorpe] M. Dr. at fFisbecht eo. Cambridge Address delivered at a meeting of the magistrates, clergy , merchants and other inhabitants of Wit* bech and its neighbourhood Dec. 19. 1792. 1793. 8. *WAIST ELL, [Charles] Mr. Elkington's mode of tap-draining land, practi- sed upon Lord Bradford's estates in 1777. (Young'i A. of Agr. Vol.32, p.629.) *WAIT, [William] A. B. The last days of a person who had been one of Thomas Faines disciples and who departed this life on the 11 Febr. 1802. I802. *WAITHMAN, [Robert] A common Council-man of the city of London. War proved to be the reaî cause of the present scarcity and enormous high price of every article 439 of consumption with the only radical remedies, 1800. 8. (2 sh.) *WAKE, [James] Esq. Barrister at Law. A treatise on testaments and last wills by Henry Swinburne; Edf 7. with annotations — by thc^ate Joseph PoweV\ Esq. Barrister. Vol, 1-3. 1802. 8. (I L. 7 sb.) *WAKE, [William Robert] Vicar of Back'well, Somer- sets Curate of St, Michaels Bath and Chaplain to the Earl of Bristol. Two sermons — 1793. 4. (i sh.) A liberal ver* íion of the psalms into modern language, accor- ding to the liturgy translation —. Vol. 1.4. 1793. 12. (7 sh. 6 d.) *WAKE, [William Rowland] Poems. 1800. 8. (3 s°0 *WAK;EFIELD, [Daniel] Esq. A letter to Thorn. Paine, in reply to his decline and fall of the English system of finance, 1796. 8- (I sh.) Observations on the credit and finances of Great-Britain, in reply to the thoughts of the Earl of Lauderdale and the appeal of Mr. Mor- gan. 1797. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) An inquiry into the truth of the two positions of the french oecono- wiita that labour employed in manufactures is unproductive and that all taxes ultimately fall on land. 1799» 8. (I sh.) An investigation of Mr. Morgan's comparative view of the public finances, from the beginning to the close of the late admi- nistration. l8or. 8. (I sh.) A letter to the land- holders and other contributors to the poor's rates In the hundred of Dangye in Essex. 1802. Pro- posal for a commutation of tithe. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.37, p. 119.) State of Britain in i8or. compared with former periods. (Ibid. Vol. 38. p. 182.) WAKEFIELD, [Gilbert] B. A. A Dissenting Layman; Classical Tutor of the New College, Hackney. born at Nottingham Febr. 22. 1756. died 1801. Sept. 10. See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 547» Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1801. Sept. p. 866. Allg, Litter. Zeit, J, 1802. ItBJ. S. 65. Memoirs Memoirs of the first 36 years of his own life, writ- ten by himself. 1792. 8. (6 fh.) J. Aikin, a tri- bute to the memory of him. (Monthly Magaz. Y. I8o[. Oct. p. 224. 257-) Directions for students in theology. 17.. (4 d.) On the origin of alpha- betical characters — (printed in the New Annual Register, the Scotch Encyclopaedia and in Memoirs of his life p. 2Ó1O * Four marks of Antichrist, or, a supplement to the Warburtonian lecture. 1788. 8. (I fh.) Evidence of Christianity, or, a col- lection of remarks, intended to display the excel- lence, recommend the purity, illustrate the cha- racter and evince the authenticity of the christian religion. Ed. 2. much enlarged. 1793. 8. (4 fh. 6 d.) Silva critica, five in auctores sacros profa- nosque commentarius philologicus. Part 2.7X791. Part 3. 1793. Part 4. 1793. Parts, 1795. 8. (19 th.) A translation of the new testament. Vol. 1-3. I79I. 8. (I L> I fh.) Ed. 2. with improvements. 1796. Vol. 1.2. (16 fh.) An enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social wor- ship. 1791. 8. (I fh.) Ed. 2 Ed. 3 A general reply to the arguments against the en- quiry into public worship. 1792. 8. (6 d.) * Short íìrictures on Dr. Priestletfs letters to a young man, concerning fVakefield's treatise on public wor- ship. 1792. 8. (6 d.) The spirit of Christianity com- pared with the spirit of the times in Great-Britain, 1794. 8. (ifh.) The works of Alex. Pope, with remarks and illustrations. Vol, I. 2. 1794.1796. 8. (12 ih.) Examination of the age of reason, or, an investigation of true and fabulous theology, by Thorn. Faim. 1794. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) Reply to a remark on my illustration of Pope; (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1796. March, p. 90. cf. Febr. p. 9.) Remarks on the general order of the Duke of York to hi* army on June 7. 1794. 1794. 8- C1 Q. Horatii opera. Vol. r. 2. 1794. 8. (10 ih. 6 d. large paper 18 fh.) Tragoediarum delectus: Her- cules furens, Alcestis et Trachiniae — Sec. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 8- f*6 A1*) Poetical translations from the ancients, (Juvenal, Virgil-, Lucretius, Horace)* 1795- 8' (3 fh. ó d. sine paper 4 fh.) Bion and Mosckus illustratus et emeudatus. 1795. 8. (3 431 6 d. charta max. 10 sh. 6 d.) A reply so a let- ter of Edm. Burke, to a noble Lord on the attak made on him by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale. 179,6. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Reply to Thorn. Paints second pavt of the age of reason. 1795- 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Virgilii opera emendata et notis illustrata. Vol. 1. 3. 179Ó. 8. (small paper 12 fh. large paper I L. II fh, 6 d.) The iliad and Odissey of Homer, translated by Pope, a new edition, with additional notes, critical and illu- strative. Vol.i-ii. 1797. 8. .-(3 L* 17 st-) let- ter to Jacob Bryant in confutation of his hypo- thesis on the war of Troy. 1797. 4. (i fh. 6 d.) Letter to Will. Wilberforce, on the subject of his late publication. 1797. 8. (2 fh.) T. £«cre- jii Cari opera, innumeris mendis expurgata, per- petuis commentariis illustrata, cum Richardi Bene ley notis non ante vulgaris. Vol. 1-3. 1796. 1797/4. (on Imperial paper 21 L. Small paper (4 L. 4 fh.) In Eurijoidif Hecubam Londini fper Porson) publicatani diatribe extemporalis. 1797. 8. (I ih. 6 d.) A reply of some parts of the Brih. of Landais (Rick. Watson) address to the people of Great-Britain. 1798.8. (i fh. 6 d.) Ed.3. 1798. 8. (I íh.) A letter to Sir John Scott, his Maj. Attorney - general, on the subject of a Jate trial at Guildhall. 1798* 8. (I sh.) Select essays of Dio Chryseflomus, translated into engliih from greek; with notes, critical and illustrative. 1800. 8. (6 ill.) Correspondence between Gilb. Wake- field and Dr. Glajse. (Gentleman's Magaz. Vol. 68. p.649. 741.) On the meaning of the word hitch; (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Nov. p, 346.) On the flagellation of Milton. (Ibid. Y. 1799. April, p. 1790 O11 tne ftyk °f &ume< (Ibid. Y. 1797. May. P. 333. J"'- P-1- Y- 1799. May. p. 265.) On a passage in the Argonautics of Valerius Flaccus* Book 1. v. 125. (Ibid. Y. 1799. Aug. p.514. Oct. p» 708.) Letter against the slave trade. (Ibid. Y. 1799. Aug. p. 530. 625.) Observations on the particle re. (Ibid. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 933.) Que- stions on the jews. (Ibid. Y. 1800, Sept. p. 107.) Imitations of the ancients in Milton s paradise lost. (Ibid. Y. 1797. Oct. p. 345. Dec. p. 418. Y. 1798. Febr. 43* Febr. p.84.) On the Atlantic stone in.Mikon't paradise lost, (Ibid. Y. 1801. Apr. p. 20Í. June, p. 421.) Noctes Carcerariae five de graecoruni poetarum metris, qui heroico carmine scripferunt, disputatio. 1801, (3 sh. 6 d.) Observations on Carey paragogic nu. (Ibid. Y. igOI. Sept. p. 03.) •WAKEFIELD, [Priscilla] Miss. Juvenile anecdote?, founded on facts, collected for the amusement of children. 1795. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Mental improvements; or, the beauties and wonders of nature arid art, conveyed in a sc- ries of instructive conversations. Vol. 1-3. 1795-. I797. 24. (4 fh. 6 d.) Leisure hours, or, enter- taining dialogues between persons eminent for virtue and magnanimity; the characters drawn from ancient and modern history, designed as les- sons of morality for youth. Vol. 1, 2. 1795. 1796. 12. (3 sh.) An introduction to botany in a series of familiar letters, with illustrative engravings. 1796. 8. (3 sti.) new edition. 1798. 8- (5 sh.) Kestections on the present condition of the female sex, with suggestions of its improvements. 1798. 8. (3 sh.) The juvenile travellers, containing the remarks of a family during a tour through the principal states and kingdoms of Europe; with an account of their inhabitants, natural productions and curiosities. 1801. 12: (4 sh. 6 d.) A fami- ly tour through the British empire, containing an account of its manufactures, natural and artificial curiosities &c. 1804. 12. (5 sh.) *WAKEFIELD, [Thomas] Manner of tippling clover and lucern hay. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 17. p, 22Ô.) Account of the method of forwarding vegetation by means of steam. (Ibid. Vol. 18. p»353«) ^WAKEFIELD, [Thomas] B. A, Minister of Rich- mond. An address to the Richmond volunteers — to take the oath of allegiance. 1803. 8* (6 d.) WALCOT, [John] See John Woolcot. WALCOTT, [John] Esq. Delineation of British plants. Nrb. I» — I7-» nopsis of British birds. Vol. I. 3. 1792. 4« & lt 433 «WALDEGRAVE, [W....] Experiments in economy. (Young's A* of Agf. Vol.2q. p.327.) ^WALDON, [John) Surgeon at Hohwortktf^ Devon. Account of a singular case or pleuro - peripneumo* ny. (New-London M. J. Vol. 1. p. 140.) • WALDRON, [Francis Godolphin] *J Literary Museum; or, ancient and modern repo- sitory i) computing scarce and curious tracts, p >e- try, biography an J criticism. 1792. 8* (4 ft.) ** Harding $ biographical mirror—. 17. « * The prodigd, a dramatic piece. 1794. 8 (I sh.) * Free reflections on miscellaneous paper* and le» gal instruments under the hand and seal of Will. Shakespeare in the possession of Samt Ireland; to which are added, extracts from an unpublshed Ms. play, called ,,the virgin Queen,, written hy% or in imuation of Shakespeare» I79Ó. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) * The loves of Troilus aud Creffide, writ- ten by Chaucer with a commentary by Sir Francis Ktfhaston, never before published. T79Ó. 8. < I sh. 6 d.) The Shakspeareau miscellany —, I803. 4» (5 sh.) WALES, [William] F. R. S. Master of the Royal Ma- them.tic school in Christ's Hospital. born .died 1798. Dec.29. See Gentleman1» Magaz. Y. 1798. Stippl. p. ÍI55. Allg. Lirt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S 654- Ladies diary. 1766. The method of finding the longitude at lea , by time - keepers, to which are added, table? of equations to equal altitudes» 1794. 8* (2 sh. 6 d.) Agronomical observations made in the voyages of Byron, Wattis* Carteret and Cook, drawn up by nim. 1788. 4. On the achro- nical rising; of the plejades; (annexed to Dr. Vin- cenCs voyage of NVarchus, X797«) ^WALFOKD, [Thomas] Esq. Culture of carrots in young plantations. ( Youngt A. of Agr Vol. 1$. p. 362.) Effects of mud as a manure. (Ibid. Vol. IQ. p. 190.) Mean of disco- vering gravel or stone, without boring, (ibid* Vol. 25. p. 399.) WALKFR, [Ad mi] Leclurer in experimental philosophy. Analysis of Lectures, Ed. 8. 17.» Philosophical Xmss Hints to consumers of wine: on the abuses which enhance the price of that article: their nature and 'remedy. 1802» 8. Eca • WALKER, * WALKER, [James] M. Dr. M. P. M. S. An inquiry into the causes of sterility in both se- xes, with tha method of cure, Philad, 1797. g. Some account of a pestilential fever, which prcvai- led in the island of Jamaica in the years 1793- 1795. (Medical Repository. Vol. 1. p„ 496 ) WALKER, [John] D.D.M.Dn F Ai. S. Edin. Pro. f essor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. An essay on kelp: containing the rife and progress of that manufacture in the North of Scotland; its present state $ and the means of carrying it to a greater extent. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol. 1, p. i.) Essay on the conversion of grass landi into tillage. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 3. P. 1. p, 14.) Experiments on the motion of the sap in trees. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1796. June, p, 300.) ^WALKER, [John] M. D. Fragments of letters and other papers f written in different parts of Europe, al sea, and on the Asia- tic and African coasts or shores of the mediter- ranean, at the close of the 18 and beginning of the 19 century. 1803. 8. (7 ih. 6 d.) ♦WALKER, [John] Elements of geography and of natural and civil history. Ed.2. 179Ó. 8. (8 fh.) new edition. Ì800. 8. (8 fb.) Manual of the phitantrope9, or, ado- rers of God and friends of men; — translated from the french, 1797» 12. (6 d.) Universal Ga- zetteer; 17.. WALKER, [John] A Roman Catholic. A. B. Elements of elocution — Ed. 2. with alterations and additions. 1799. 8. A rhetorical grammar Ed. 3/ with considerable alterations «nd additions, I801. 8. (7 sh.) The academic speaker — Ed.4. I801. 12. (4 sh.) A critical pronouncing dictio- nary and expositor of the cngliih language-with principles of ehghih pronunciation. 1791.4. (1 L 3 (h ) Ed.- 2. 1797. 4- (I L. 1 sh.) A key to the classical pronunciation of greek and latin proper na* • mes 1798. 8. (5sh.) Ed. 2. 1804. 8. (7rh«) The teacher's assistant in englisl) composition, ot easy rulei for writing themes and composing exer- cises on subjects proper for the improvement of youth of both sexes at school, i Soi. 12. (3 ih. 6 d.) *WALKER, [John] Surgeon in Edinburgh. History os a singular case of petectnae sine febre, accompanied with excessive haemorrhagies, termi- nating favourably under the use of the vitriolic acid. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 231.) On the necelsity for contracting cavities between the venous trunks and the ventricles of the heart, on the use of venous sinuses in the head; on the wonderful provision made for the transition from the foetal to the breathing state; on palpitation; on death; on life; with reflections on the treat- ment of animals. 1800. 8. WALKER, [Joseph Cooper] Esq. M. R. J. A. Corre- spondent Fellow oj~ the Antiquarian Soc. of Berth and Member of the Etruscan Acad, of Cortona, * Historical memoir on Italian tragedy, from the earliest period to the present tune; illustrated with specimens and analyses of the most celebrated tra- gedies, and interspersed with occasional observa* tions on the Italian theatres and biographical no- tices of the principal tragic writers of Italy; by a member of the Arcadian academy of Rome, 1799. 4, (ï L í fh.) Essay on the rife and pro- gress of gardening in Ireland. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 4. p. 3- c.) WALKER, [Joshua] As. Dr. Some remarks on the prevalence of the atrophia lactantium; (Duncan's Med. Comment. Y. 1790. P. 1930 ^WALKER, [Josiah] A. M. The defence of order, a poem. Ed. 3. 1S03. 8» (6 fh. 6 d.) WALKER, [Maynard Chamb.] s1tt*brjects on divinity and morality, adapted for aca- demies of both sexes. P, 1-3. i80£. 12. (3 fh.) * W A L K E R , [Ralph] of 'Jamaica. On magnetism, with a description and explanation of a meridional and azimuth compass, for ascer- taining the quantity of variation, without any cal- culation whatever, at any time of the day. Also improvements upon compasses in general: with Ec 3 tables 438 tables of variation for all latitudes and longitude», Ï794- 8. (5 A treatise on the magnet with tables of the variation of the needle for all lati- tudes and longitudes, observed at different times in the Atlantic, Indian and pacific oceans by Cook) Bougainville 9 Perouse, IVaUis and other — navi. gators — to which is added an appendix, coutaU inng hints to ship -builders and uavigators, 1798, WALKER, [Richard] Apothecary — An account of some remarkable discoveries in the production of artificial cold, with experiments on the congelation of quicksilver in England, 1796.8. (3 sh. 6 d.) Memoirs of medicine, including a flçetch of medical history, from the earliest accounts to the XVIII century,- 1799. 8. (5 fh.) Observa* tions on the heft methods of producing artificial cold. (Phil. Transact, Y. 1795. p. 270. NickoU sons Journal, Vol. I. p. 497.) On the production of artificial cold by means of muriate of hme. (Phil, Transact. Y. 1801. p, 120, Nicholsons Jour* nal Vol. 5. p. 222. 272.) ^WALKER, [Robert] Senior Minifler of Canongate, Edinburgh, Chaplain to the chamber of Cow- mer ce. K S. Eiin, Sermons. 179t. 8. (ó sh.) Observations on the national character of the Dutch, and the family of the house of Orange; considered a long wiih the motives and means they have to defend their countryâ at thia time, against french invasion, 1794. 8. (I sh,) ^WALKER, [Robert] ReBor of Shingham, Norfolk. Analysts of researches into the origin and progress of historical time from the creation to the accession of C. Caligula. 1796. 8, (7 sh. 6 d.) * WALKER, [Sayer] As. Dr. Pliyfician in Ordinary n the chy of London Lying In Hospital; former- ly a Dissenting Minister at Enfield* Sermon. 1790. A treatise on nervous diseases — 179Ó, 8« (4 fh,) Observations on the cotistitu* tiou and diseases of women —. 1803» 8* (3 ^* 6 d.) History of a case of incysted dropsy, with an account of the appearances ou dissection. (Metf, of M. S. oiL. Vol. 5. P. 4490 ^ 439 *WALKER, [Thomas] Review ot some of the political events, which have occurred in Manchester during the last live years —. 1794. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) *Y/ALKFR, [William] LeBurer in Astronomy. An epitome of astronomy, with the new discovc* ries; including an account of the eidouranion, or, transparent orrery, invented by A. Walker, as lectured by his son W. Walker 1798. 8- (I fh. 6 d.) A" account of eidouranion, or transpa- rent orrery. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1795. Jan. p. 14. Febr. p. 73.) Observation of the comet seen 18 Aug. 1797. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 29. p. 209.) On the new planet Ceres. (Nicholson's' Journal. Y. I802. April, p.317. May. p.2I.) *WALKEY, [Benjamin] Apothecary and Proprietor of the vegetable dentrifice. On the diseases of the teeth; — X793* 12. (i fh.) «WALKINGAME, [....] . Improved arithmetic for the use of schools, put into a more easy, uieful, concise and methodical form than any extant. 1794. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) *VVALL, [Adam] born 1725. died 1798. Jun. 18. at Cambridge. See Gentleman's Mag^z. Y. 1798. p. 543- 720, Allg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S.651. Sermon on Exodus 20, 15. 1779. The evasion of taxes due to the state on account of customs and excise considered. 17., An account of the diffe- rent ceremonies observed in the senate house of that university, together with tables of fees and other articles relating to the customs of the uni- versity. 1798. 8- WALLACE, [....] Lady. (Daughter to Sir William Maxwell9 Hart, and Sister to the Dutchess of Gordon. She married Sir James Wal- lace, Knt. an Officer"in the navy, from whom she has been for some years divorced.) Diamond cut Diamond, a comedy, translated from the freuch of Guerre ouverte by Dumaniant. Ed 2. 1792. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) Letter to Captain. 1792. 8. (5 fh.) The conduct of the king of Prussia and Gener. Dumouriez investigated. 1793. 8. (2 ffe. 6 d.) Supplement. 3794. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) The < E c 4 whim, 440 whim, a comedy, in 3 acts; with an address to the public, upon the arbitrary anil unjust afper^ (ion of the licenser against its political sentiments, 1795* 8. (2 íh.) A sermon addressed to the peo* pie, pointing out the only sure method to obtaiu a speedy peace and reform. 1796. 8. (Ó d.) ^WALLACE, [Johnjl Esq, The merchant of Guadaloupe, from the french of Mercier. 1802 8. (2 fh.) * WALL A CE, [Thomas] A. B. of the Kings hnt Duhlnt and M. R. J. A. On the manufactures in Ireland; 1798, 8# (6 sb.) Essay on the variations of English prose, (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 6. p. 41. b.) ^WALLACE, [William] Assistant - Teacher of the Mathematics tn the Academy of Perth. Some geometrical porisms, with examples of their application to the solution of problems. (Tr. of E. S. Vol 4. P. p. I07.) ^WALLER, [Daniel] of Gofport. Description of Alverstoke in Hampshire. (Young's A* of Agr. Vol. 9. p. 217.) * W A L L E R , [T. ...] at Portsmouth. Description of the husbandry of Titchfield, in Hampshire. (Youngs A. of A$r. Vol. 7. p.389.) *W ALLEY, [William] M. Dr. Physician at Rusk- green near Hertford* born 1728. April 13. died 1793. April. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1793. May, p. 481» Oct. p. 904. A hint to the borough of Hertford on repairing the church of All-faints and friendship a la mode; 17., On the pernicious effects of gaming. 1782» *WALLIS, [... ] Pocket-itinerary, beinç a new and accurate guide to all the roads of Great-Britain. 1803. 18- (5 WA'LLIS, [George] M. Dr. Liílunr on the theory and praclice of Physic. born at York. 1740. died Igo2. Jan. 29. See Gentleman^ Magaz. Y. 1802. Febr. p.l86. Monthly Magaz. Y. I8o3. Apr. p.291. Annual oration delivered March 8. 1790» before the medical society — London. 1790. 4. (2 fh» i d.J G. Motlurbifs new medical dictionary; or, general 44* general repository of physic. Ed. 3. revised end corrected with considerable additions. 1791. foL (2 L. 10 sh.) new edition. 1801. fol. {3L. 3 fh.) The art of preventing diseases and restoring health; — 1793. 8. (6 sli. 6 d.) Ed. 2* with considerable alterations and additions. 1798. ubers. Th. I. 2. Berlin. 1800. Essay on the gout, in which is introduced a candid examination and a refutation attempted of Dr. Latslant's principles, lately pu* blished, on this subject — 1798. 8 (4 fli.) «WALL IS, [John] M. A. formerly of Queen's Colle, ge y Oxford, born 1714. died 1793. July 23. at Norton near Stockton. See Gentleman's Mag&z. V. 1793. Aug. p. 769. Letters 'to a pupil on entering into holy orders* 17.» History of Northumberland. Vol. 1. 2f 1769. 4- *WALLIS, [John] London, or, an abridgement of — Mr. Pennants description of the British Capital and its environ*. 1791. 12. (3 Hi.) *WALLIS, [Richard] ReBor of Se a ha m in the Couru ty of Durham. The happy village, a poem. 18OT. *WALMESLEY, [Charles] D. D. F. R. S. of Lon- don and Berlin* An English benefit Monk, roman catholic Bishop of Ruma and Senior Bi» shop and Vicar Apostolic of the western diftncJ, born 1721. died at Hath 1797. Dec. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Dec. p. 1071. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Dec. p.500. (He was author of several theological works par- ticularly explauatioa of the Apocalypse, Ezekicl's vision &c.) WALPOLE, [Horatio] Earl of ORFORD. bofn 171Ó. died 1796. March 2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. March, p. 256. April, p. 348. Aug. p. 707. Monthly Magaz; Y. 1797. March, p, 238. Biograph. Litter, and Polit. Anecdotes. Vol. £. p. 45. AMg. Litter. Zeit. IthM. J. 1797. Dec' S. 1401. J. I800. S. 642. tVielandys N, Teutfçher Merkur, J. 1797. St. 5. S.73. Ee 5 A 44* A catalogue of royal and noble authors — Ed. 2, corrected flíid^enlàrged. Vol. 1.5. 1759. Ae'des Walpolisnae; or, a description of the pictu. res at Houghton - hall , Norfolk. 1752. 4. Anecdotes of painting in England—. Vol. 1-3, 176u 1763. Ed. 2, 1765- Ed. 4. with the history of the modem taste in gardening. 1771. A cata- logue of engravers who have been born or resi- ded in England, digested — from the MSS. of Mr. George Venue; to which is added an account of the Use and works of G. Vertue. 1763. Ed. 3. Vol, 1-5. 1782, Ed. 4. Vol. 1-5. 1786. The myste- rious mother, a tragedy, Ed. 2. 1781. 8» (I sh. 6 d.) Works. Vol. 1-5. 1798.4- (10L. 10 sh.) Histohfche, Jitterarifche und unterhaltende Schrif- teh; tiberf. von A, Schlegel. Leipzig. 1800. 8. - •WALSBYj [John] Captain. The ship's husband, a narrative; — 1791.8» (2 ft.) *WALSH, [E....] M. Dr. bagatelles, or poetical sketches. Dublin. 1793. 8. (3 fli. 6 d.) A narrative of the expedition to Holland, in the autumn of the V; 1799. illustra- ted with a map of North-Holland and seven views of the principal places occupied by the Bri- tish forces. 1800. 4. (I L. I sh.) * WALSH, [Thomas] Captain in the 93 Regt. of Foot. Journal of the late campaign in Egypt—î 1803. 4. (3 L. 3 ih.) * WELSHMAN, [Thomas] M. Dr. F. M. S. Description of a particular species of erysipelas. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 182,) * WALTER, [Daniel D...] Apothecary in New-York Dysentery and other violent symptoms caused by nitrous (septic) acid. (Medical Repository. Vol. 2. P. 3370 WALTER, [Thomas] at $antee, South*-Carolina. born .... died ..,.(?) Account of an extraordinary grass, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. II. p. 81.) "WALTER, [w....] D. D. A masonic charge, delivered at Charlestowii, J"ne 34- 443 24- 5793- (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1793. Sept, p.553.) ♦ WALTHER, [James] M. P. M. S. An inquiry into the causes of sterility in both se- xes with the method of cure. Philadelphia. 1797. 8# WANOSTROCHT, [N....] tU D. Master of Alfred-house Acad. CamberwelL An elementary introduction to latiu grammar* Î797. (2 fri. 6 d.) *WANSEY, [Henry] F. A. S. a Wiltshire clothier. Strictures on wool and the woolen manufactury, or, wool eucouraged without exportation. 17.. On an ancient stone-cross in the city of-Salisbury. X7.. (See Archaeol. Britt. Vol. 9. p. 373.) Journal of an excursion to the United States of North-America in the summer of 1794. I79^- 3* (6 íh.) Ed. 3. with additions. 1798. 8. ubers. mit einer Vor- rede ùber Auswauderung und Landerkauf in Nord- Amcrika von C. G. Bottigor. Berlin. 1797. 8» Thought on poorhouses, with a view to their ge- neral reform, particularly that of Salisbury — to which is added % an account of the population of Salisbury, with observations thereon. 18OI. 8, (I flu 6 d.) *WARBURTON, [J....] The roman history, continued from the second century of the christian acra to the destruction of the greek empire by the Turks. 1792. 12. (3 sb. 6 d.) On the origin of punctuation. (Monthly Magaz.~Y. 1798. Sept, p, 18Ó.) Condorcet% expla- nation of fractions. (Ibid, Y. 1800. March, p, 103.) *WARD, [....] M. P. for Cocker mouth, * A view of the relative situations of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Addingtoit) previous to and on the night of Mr. Patten s motion; by a Member of parliament. Ed. 2. 1804, 8, (3 fli. 6 d.) *WARD, [Archer] Method of preparing white lead and explanation of his machine for preventing the ill effects to the workmen from the dust arising in the immu facturing wheat lead. (Tr, of the Soc, for the E, of A. Vol.13. P. 323.339-) r *WARD, 444 *WARD, [G.... R..,.] The example of Christ? enforced as a motive to benevolence. i8or. (I sh.) * to which are added observations on the haemor- rhoids and additional remarks on the ophthalmy. 1798. 8- (3 fh.) Chirurgical observations, rela- tive to the eye &c. Vol, 1. 2. 1798- 8. (12 fh.) A remarkable instance of recovery of fight by the dispersion of a cataract, which had occasioned blindness in one eye for eleven years —. (Mem, of M. S. of L. Vol.3, p. 13.) A description of four cases of the gutta ferena, cured by electricity: to which is ad Jed two cafes of the like nature, in which die chief means of cure was a mercurial snuff; with incidental remarks annexed to the ca- ses. (Ibid, Vol. 3. p. 309.) Oise of a young gent- leman, who recovered his sight when seven yeará of age, after having been deprived of it by ca- taracts, before he was a year old; with remarks, (Phil Transact, Y. 1801. p. 383. Nicholson s Jour- nal. Y. 1802. Jan. p. 57.) WARING, [Edward] Esq. M. Dr. F. R, S. of Lon- don and Gottingen Profejfor of Mathematics in the (Jniverjity of Cambridge, born 1735. died 1798. Aug. 15. at Plealey, near Shrewsbury. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Aug, p, 730. Sept. p. 807. Y. 1801. SuppL p. IIÓ5. On 446 Ón infinite scries. (PhiL Transact* Y. I79I.p. 146.) Letter to Dr. Maskelyne. (Monthly Mag. Y. 1709, May. p. 306,) *WARING, [William] Observations on the theory of water mills. (Tr. of A. S. Vol* 3, p. 144. 319.) Investigation of the power of Dr. Barker's mill, as improved by James Ramsay, with a description of the mill, (ibid. Vol. 3. p. 185.) Of the transit of mercury over the fun's disk, in the Y. 1789. -(Columbian Magaz. Y. 1788. July. p. 3Ó2.) «WARNER, [John] D. D. born 1736. died 1800. Jan. 22* See Gentleman's Magai. Y. I800. Jan. p. 93. Febr, p. 178* Monthly Magaz. Y, 1800. March. p( 167. Allgem. Litt.Zeit.JtBL J. I800. S.1803. Metronuriston, or, a uew pleasure recommended, in a dissertation upon a part of greek and latin prosody. 1797. 8. (3 O1*) Memoirs ol Adoiphus Mekerckus, with a portrait of him. (Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. April, p. 273.) Memoir of Ma- jor John Cartwrigkt* (Public Characters of 1799 ■nd 18OQ. p. 276.) WARNER, [Joseph] Esq. F. R. S. — born in the island of Antigua 1717. died igoi, July 24. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. i8or. Aug. p. 768» Oct. p. 950. Monthly Magaz. Y. i8ol. Sepr. p. 163. Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 18OT. p. 495. Allg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1803. N. 43* S. 3^5- ♦WARNER, [R....] Rev. The English diatessaron; or, the history of ouc Lord Jesus Christ; —. 1803. 8. (6 fh.) •WARNER, [Richard] Curate of St. James Parish, Bath and late of Sr. Mary-Hall, Oxford. Topographical remarks relating to the South- western parts of Hampshire with a descriptive poem. Vol. 1. 2. 1793. 8. {12 sb.) The history of the isle of Wight; military, ecc|esiasticalt civil and natural: to which is added a view of its agri- culture. 1795. 8. (6 fli.) Collection for the hi- story of Hampshire and the bishopric of Winche- ster, including the isles of Wight, Jersey, Guern- sey and Sarke, by D* Y. with the original Domes- day òf the county and an accurate cngliib trans, lation, preface and introduction, containing an account of this antient record, a view of the Anglo- saxon history and form of government from the reign of Alfred — to which is added a glossary, explanatory of obsolete words. Vol. 1-6. 179. An illustration of the Roman antiquities discove- red at Bath. 1797. 4. (7 sb. 6 d.) A walk through Wales, in August Î797. 1798* 8. (6 fh.) A se- cond walk through Wales in Aug. and Sept. 1798» 1799. 8. (8 fh.) A walk through some of the western counties of England. I800. 8. (7 fh.) The history of Bath. 1801. 4> (3 L, 3 fh.) Ex- curlions from Bath, I801. 8. (8 fh.) , A tone through the Northern counties of England and the borders of Scotland Vol. I. ^ 1802. 8* (18 fh.) uberf. von C, Kilttner, 1803. 8. *WARNER, [Richard] of VicâSs - kill, Lymtngson, Hants* An attempt to ascertain the situation of the antient Claulentum. 1792. Practical discourses, 1803. 8. (7 Hi.) *WARNHOUSE, [W....] M A. Poetical essays, latin and engiish. 179Ó. 8. (5 Hi.) ^WARREN, [Dawson] The parish priest; a poem; (a translation of * latin poem, Sacerdos paroecialis rusticus, written by John Burton y Vicar of Maple Derbam. Ox- ford. 1757.) 1800. 4. (5 *M ^WARREN, [J ] General, of Massachusetts. Observations on agriculture — its advantages — and the causes that have in America prevented im- provements in husbandry. (American Museum Y. 1787. Oct. P-344-) * WARREN, [James] Esq. F. A. A. Observations on the effects of light on vegetation. (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 3. P. 1. p. 146.) WARREN, 448 WARDEN, [John] M Dr. of Boston. Account of dissections of bodies detd of the hit (17.98) malignant epidemic at Boston. (Medical .Repository. Vol.2, p,249.) Description of the influenza of America. (Menu of M. S. of L. Vol. 4, p. 434.) *WARRHN, [M...J- Mrs. Poems , dramatic and miscellaneous. Boston, I7QO. (6 sh ) WARREN, [Richard] M.Dr. F. R. and A. S$. P%- fician to the King and to the Prince of Walts* born 1732. died 1797. June23. ^ See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. July, p. 616. Aug, p. 655. Duncan's Annals of Med. Y. 1797. p. 435* Allgem. Litterat. Zeít. J. 1800. ItBl. S. 645^ *WARRFN, [Thomas Alston] B. D. Fellow of St. Johns College, Oxford, and Curate of Flam* flcai and Kfnsworth% Herfardskire. An address' on the lubjetl of the cowpox* or vac- cine inoculation. 1803 8. (4 d.) Beneficence; or, verses addressed to the patrons of the society for bettering the condition — of the poor —. 1803. 4 2 fh. 6 d.) •WARREN, [Vincent] Letter on preserving hay ricks. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A, Vol. 4. p. 189.) ^WARREN, [W .....] Han worth Park Sale. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 33. p. 537.) WAR TON, [Joseph] D. D. Rettor of Wiáhm, Hampshire and Prebendary of /Winchester* born ahout £722, died 1800. Febr. 33« See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1800. March, p. 197. '287 M*v. p. 410, Monthly Magaz. Y. 1800. M^y. p 398. All&cm. Lifter. Zeit. J. 1800. ItBl. S. 1803. J, i8or. ItBl. N.250. S.2027, Odes on several subjects. 1746. 8- The enthusiast or she lower of nature. 1749. sol. The works of Virgil, in latin and enghfh — new edition. Vol 1-4. 1763-1778 12. The works of Alex. Pope, with notes and illustrations. Vol. l-'9» 17v( 8. 3 L. U fh.j (A considerable contribu- tor to ,,The Adventurer,, pubhihed by Or. keswortfi.) 44? heswortk.) On Shakespeare's tragedy, King Leaf. 17 #. (first printed in the Adventurer.) ♦WARWICK, [....] Dr." Description of en improved gasholder. (TilloMt Philos» Magaz. Vol, 13. p. 556.) ♦ WARWICK, [Arthur] Spare minutes, or, resolved meditations and pre* meditated resolutions. 1799. 12. (1 sh. 8 d.) *WASEY, [ Ciement John] M. A. of Oriel CoUere, Oxford. Corsica, a poem, 1795» 4. (î sh, 6 d.) WASHINGTON, [George] General; President of the United Stater of America. born 1732. Febr. It, died 1799. Dee. 14, See Gentleman's Magaz, Y» 1 goo. Jan. p, 84* 'Monthly Magaz, Y. 18OO. March. p>iÓ2. Mas- sachusett's Magaí, Y. 1789. May. p. 586, Y* I795, Oct. p. 457. John Marshall, life of him. Vol. t I804. gk Official letters to the — American congress, writ- ten during the war between the United Colonie* and Great-Britain. Vol. 1.3. î795* 8. (12 íh.) Idem, with the title: American state papers, beinj a collection of original and authentic-documents relative to the war between the United States and Great-Britain; iateresting fWe papers* 1796» (3 sh. 6 d.) ubers, Leipzig. 179Ó. 8. EpistJcs domestic, confidential and official} written about the commencement of the American contest; whea he entered on the commanjd of the army of the United States, 1796* 8* (5 Hi.) A letter to the people of the United States of America — on his resignation of the office, of President of the Uni- ted States, 1797, 8. (I sb.) A message of the President of the United States to congress, relative to France and Great - Britain, delivered Dec. 5, I793» with the papers therein referred to., Philad* 1795. 8, Letter to Sir John Sinclair, on agri- cultural and other interesting topics. I8ÒO. 4. (I L* I sh.) Letters — to Arthur Young, E £. SuwU 77*.//* (3 (3 sh.) Original letters. (Monthly Magaz. , Y. I800. July. p.545-) Letter to the Governor of Virginia , declining the acceptance of 50 shares in the companies for opening- the navigation, of the James and Patowmack rivers, which had bee« vested in him by act of the legislature of that commonwealth, as a small acknowledgment of .his merit* and services. (American Museum Y. 1787, Febr. p. 134.) Letter to the governors of the se- veral states, on resigning his command and red- jring from public business. (Ibid. Y. 1787. May. p. 3870 Journal, containing the history of his first employment in publick life. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1789. Ju"e. p. 346. July. p. 405.) His , last will and testament* Boston. 1800.8. (ioCent.) WAST ELL, [Henry} Surgeon. History of a cafe of canine appetite, with vomiting, in which 379 pounds of solid and fluid aliment Were feken into the stomach in the space of fix days. (Mem. of M. S, of L. Vol. 3. p. 50t.) WATERHOUSE, [Benjamin] M. Dr. Professor of the Theory and Praclice of Phyfic and Leclurev on Natural History in the University of Cam* ♦ * '' bridge 3 New - England, On the principles of vitality; a discourse —; Bo- ston. 1790. 4. The rife, progress and present -state of medicine; a discourse. Boston. 1792.8. £i prospect of exterminating the small-pox, being the history of the variolae vaccinae or kiue-pox, ; " commonly called th« cow-pox; as it bas appea- red in'England: with an account of a series of inoculations performed for the kine-pox, in Mas- sachusetts. I800. 8» 'Observations and reflections on storms and some other phaenomena of the at- mosphere, {TMoMt Philof. Magaz. Vol. 13. p. 359.) * WATERS, [Edward Pye] A. B. Curate of Greet- Barr \ Staffordshire. Sermons on various subjects. 1800. 8. (7 #WATERS, [Nicholas B...] M. Dr. Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia and, one of the Physicians and Surgeons to the Phila- delphia Dispensary. , System of Surgery, extracted from die works ot 45r JRenj. Bull of Edinburgh; illustrated with notes and copper-plates. 1791. 8. (2| Dollars,) *WATERS, [W ] The expeditious calculator; or, the merchant owner, lea-captain and mate's aslistant 1795. 8. (3 ft.) *YVATKINS, [Charles] of tht MiddU-Tempfe. An essay towards the further elucidation of rhe law of descents. 1793. 8. (3 Hi. ó ci) An en- quiry into the title and powers of hie Majpsty as Guardian of the duty of Cornwall during the Jate minority of its Duke. 1795. 8. (r fh.) Re- flections on government in general wich their ap- plication to the British constitution in 5 sections, I796. 8. (2 fh.) The law of tenures: including the theory and practice of copy-holds; hy the late Lord-Chief Bar. Gilberts the 4 EdiU cor- rected, with an historical introduction on the feu- dal system and copious notes and illustrations, I796. 8. (IO fh. ó d.) A trçatik on copy-holds." Vol. I. 2. 1797. 1799.8. (16 fh.) An enquiry into the question, whether the brother of the pa- ternal grand- mother shall succeed to the inheri- tance of the son , in preference to the brother of the paternal grear-grand-mother? 1798.8* (2Íh.) Principles of couveyaucy;— wish 8n mfroJnct. Vol. I. 1800. 8. (I L. 10 sh.) *WAYMAISON, [Alexander] . See ,7^» Mathieson. *WEBB, [ } Mrs. at Plymouth, , , . , A letter — on the late alarming parties in thi* country. 1795. WEBB, [Daniel] Esq. at Bath. born at Maidstown, in the County of Lime* rick, .... died 179g* Aug.2. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798. Aug. p. 725* Sept. p. 807. Ailg. Litter. Zeit. ItBl. J. I800, S.65Z, Enquiry into the, beauties of painting — 1760. fibers, von H, C. Vogelin. Ziirich. 1766. libers. , I77I. Some;reasons for thinking that the greek language was borrowed from the Chinese; in no- tes on the grammafica Sinica of Fourmont. 178?» 8. Selections from les recherches philosophiques fur !es Américains of Mr. Paie;. 1789. 8- Ed. 2. with additions. 1795. 8. (4 sb*) Miscellanies, containing an inquiry into the beauties of pain- ting and into the merits of celebrated painters and into the beauties of poetry and music: literary amu- sements in verse and prose: some reasons for thin- king that the Greece was bortowçd from the Chi- nese language. I $02. 4. *WEBB, [Francis] Esq. On the rapid growth of oak timber, (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 86.) * W E B B, [J....] Apothecary at Daynton, Gloucester* skive. Observations oh the disease called near 'Newmarket, Experiment on different preparations for barley, with observât, by A. Young* (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol* 12. p. 187.) On the present scarcity. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 549.) * WEDGE, [John] _ Remark* on waste lands in Warwickshire. (Bath Agric, Soc, Vol, 8, p. 124.) Drill husbandry of Warwickshire. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.22, p. 343.) Description of his manner of draining land at Bickeuhill, near Coventry. (Tr. of the Soc. . for the E. of A, Vol.10, p. 130.) ♦WEDGE, [Thomas] Remarks on waste lands in the County of Chester. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol.8, p. IO7.) Butter and .milk in Cheshire. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.28, p. 12.) WEDGWOOD, [Josiah] F. R. and A..SS.' born 173Ì. died at Etruria > in Staffordihire 179^ Jmi-3- See Gentlemau's Magaz. Y. 1795. Jan, p. 84. Biograph. Liter» and Polit. Anecdotes—; Vol. 2. p. 164. Allgem. Litter. Zeit.. J; 1795.iltBL S. 457. Millin Magaz. Encycloped. T. 3. p. 68.) •WEDGWOOD, [Thomas] Experiments, and observations 0^ the production of light from different bodies by heat and by attri- tion. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1792. p. 28. 270.) •WEITHMAN, [....1 War proved to be the cause of the present scarcity with the only radical remedies. 1800. (2 ill*) WELCHMAN,.[John] Surgeon at Kington in tsar- wikfhire, horn .... died .... (?) *WELD, [Isaac] Jun. Esq.' Travels through the states of North-America and the provinces of upper and lower Canada, during the Y. 1795-1797* 1799* 4- (I L* *° E^3,' 459 :V#1.1. 2. i8oo. 8. (i L. I sh.) Account of the settlement of Stoneham, in Canada, established by the Rev. P. Toosey. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.33. P- 30O.) *WELDON, [John] of Great-Torrington, Devon. Cafe of a gun-breech penetrating the cranium, and 'remaining within it two months, previously to the death of the patient. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 407.) *WELDON, [Walter] Surgeon. Observations on the different mode9 of puncturmjf the bladder in caseg of retention of urine; — 1793. 8. (3 st.) «bers. Leipzig. 17.95. 8. Obser- vations, physiological and chirurgical, on com- pound fractures; — 1794. 8» (3 sh. 6 d.) WELLS, [Christopher] B. D. V v born .... died ..,.(?). Discourses on several subjects. Vol. 1,2. l8oo;: 8. (14 sh.) * WELLS, [Helena] Lady., Letters on subject of importance to the happiness cf young semais — 1799* 12. (4 sh.) * Step-mo^ ther; a domestic tale, from real life. Vol. 1.2, 1798. Coustantia Neville, otf, the West-Indian, a novel. Vol. 1-3. 1800.13. (15 sh.) * WELLS, [Nathaniel] Esq. A topographical description of Wells, irt the couu- ty of York. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1794. P- 138.) * WELLS f [William Charles] As. Dr. R R. S. Essay upon single vision with two eyes, together with experiments and observations on several other subjects in optics. 1792. 8. (3 sh.) Observations on the influence which incites the muscles of ani- mals to contract in Mr. Galvams experiments. . (Philos. Transact. Y. Ï795-P-24Ó.) Observations and experiments on the colour of blood, (ibid. Y. 1797. p. 416.) Observations on erysipelas. (Trans- act, of Med. and Chir. Soc. Vol. 2. p. 213 ) Aa instance of the entire want of hair in the human body. (Ibid. Vol.2, p.264.) ♦WELLS, [W.... F....] A new and compendious treatise of anatomy ani proportions of the human figure, adapted to the arti of designing, painting and sculpture, illustra- ted with capper ^plates. 1796. 4. (5 fh,) * WELSH, [Thomas] As. As F. M. M. S: Physician at Boston, Curious facts respecting worms. (M* P. of M. S. Nrb. i. p. 87.) •WENNINGTON, [William] The man. of nature; or, nature and love; from the gcrman of Mihenberg, with notes illustrative and comparative. 1799. 8. (7 fla.) * W EtN T W O R T H , [ John ] Esq. of the Imer-Tem- pie; Barrister at Law. \; A. complete system of pleading, comprehending the most approved precedents and forms of practi- ce, chiefly consisting of such as have never before printed; — VoLl-10. 1797-1799. 8. (6 L.) *WEOBLY, [Charles]. See W. M. Midland. •WESLEY, [Samuel] On the words recluies and recluse; (Monthly Ma- gaz. Y, 1799. Dec. p, 875. cf. Y. 1800. Febr. p. 25.) Query.on a passage in Lutiarfs dialogue bet- ween Terpsio and Pluto. Edit. Ainstçlod. 1687. p. 271. (Ibid. Y. I80I. Nov. p. 2830 WEST, [•....} Mrs. Miscellaneouspoems and a tragedy. 1791. 8» (5 fh.) A goslip's story. Vol. Í. 2. 1796. (7 fh.) « Elegy on the death of R. Hon. Edm. Burke. 1797. 4. (I fh.) * A-tale of the times, by the author of a gossip's story. Vol. 1-3. 1799. 12. (l2 fh.) Poems and plays. Vol. I. 2. 1799- 12. (io fh.) Letters to a .young man, on his first entrance into life and adapted to the peculiar circumstances of the present time. Vol.,1-3. 180T. 8- (16 sh. 6 d.) Iustdel father. Vol. 1-3. 1802. 12. (15M The two marillos.; or, the mysterious resemblan- ce; a romance. Vol, I ^-3. 1804^ (iosti. 6 d.) -*WEST, [....] Dr. of the Island of Jamaica. > Description of a new water engine invented by him. (Tilloclis Philos. Magaz. Volf 11. p. 166.) WEST, [Benjamin] Esq. F. A. A. (Account of him, See Massachusetts Magaz, Y. 1795» Dcc- P'5I50 * Discourse delivered to the students of the Roy. Acad, on the distribution of the *) bfòe Gentleman'* Magaz. Y. 1802, Jan, p. 7- Febr. p. 99* the prizes Dec, 10. 1792. — to which is prefixed the speech of the President to the Roy. Academi- cians on the 24 of March 1792, 1793. 4. (5 sli.) A short account of the planet HerscheJ. (American Museum Y, 1788. March, p. 265.) * WEST, [Samuel] D. D: F. A. A. Á letter concerning gay head. (Mem. of B. A. Vol, 2. P. I. p. 147.) *WEST, [Stephen] D. D. Paster of the church in Stockbridge. An essay on moral agencyí containing remarks on a late anonymous publication, entitled, an examination of the lato Preíîd. Edwards's inquiry on freedom of will. Ed. 2. to which is added an í appendix by the author. Salem. 1794. 8* (3 Dollar.) *WEST, [William] Agricultural inquiries on plaister of Paris, (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 28. p. 641.) *EarI of WESTMORELAND, [.,..] Substance of his speech in the house of Lords, on the motion for the recommitment of the slave tra- de limitation bill July 5. 1799. 1799» 8. (I ih, 6 d.) * WES TON, [Charles] at Kwjingion. Remarks on the poor laws and on the state of the poor. 1802. * WESTON > [Ferdinand] Esq. Poems on different subjects. 1803. 12. (4 fh.) . WESTON, [Richard] Secretary to the Leicester Agri* culture Society, On alabaster, or gypsum, describing its powerful! effects, as a very cheep manure. 1791. 8- (r fh.) On everlasting pea9 as a food for horses and cattle. Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1803. Febr. p. 97.) A method of preserving turnips from the flies. (Ibid. Y. I803. Febr. p. 107.) A catalogue of English, Irish and Scotch authors on agriculture, gardening and botany, arranged in chronological order, from the Y, 1480 to 1700. (Ibid. Y. 1803. Febr. p. 117.) The natural history and botanical description of the pinus cembra, or aphernouili pine, with the uses of its timber and the virtue* and qualities of its kernels and refiu; from au- thors of eminence for above 3QQ years; with di- rections rcctions for their cultivation in this kingdom. (Ibid. Y. 1803. April, p. 277.) . WESTON, [Stephen] fì. D. F. R. S. $. A. Rettor of little tìempjton: formerly Fellow of Exeter College, Oxfords and Refîor of Manhead in Devonshire. Viaggiawa or detached remarks on the building'* pictures (Sec. of ancient and modern Rome. T77Ó. 8* Ed. 2. 17.. Elegia Grayiantt, graece. 1794.4. (2 sh.) Conjectures, with ihort comments and illustrations of various passages in the N T. par- ticularly in the gospel of St. Matthews to which is added, a specimen of notes on the old testa- ment. 1795. 4. Q. Horatius Flaccus cum loci* quibusdam e graecis fcriptoribus collatus, quae cri- tici in commentariis fuis noudum auimadverterunr, Ed. 2. I802. (4 sh.) Observations on Mr. Town- ley's antique bronze helmet, found at Ribchester in Lancashire. (Arch. Vol. 13. p. 223.) The praise of Paris; or, a iketch of the frencfa capital by 5. ?V. 1803. 8. (5 sh. 6 d.) A specimen of the conformity of the European languages, particu- larly the English with the Oriental languages especially the Persian; in the order of the alpha- bet; with notes and authorities. 1802. 8. Ea. 2» enlarged. 1803. 8. (7 fh.) *WESTON, [T....] On the extraordinary Wiltfliire lamb. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1800. April, p.,231. May* p. 339.) On the exhibition of fat cattle. (íbid> Y. 1800. Nov. p. 346.) Answer to the objection of fat cattle. (Ibid. Y. I80I. Jan. p. 6.) A proposal foe removing Smithfield market. (Ibid. Y* 1801;. May. p. 351-) On the fattening of small welsh cattle, (ibid. Y. 1801. June. p. 393,) General remarks on the shew of fat cattle in Smithfield. (Ibid. Y. I80lf p. 382-) A new method of fattening cattle with the wash from the distilleries. (Ibid. Y, 1802. Jan. p. 3.) On the shew fat cattle at Smithfield, for the prizes given by Lord Sommervilie. (Ibid. Y. 1802. March, p. 169.) On the Paddington and Smithfield markets. (Ibid. Y. igo2. Ma.y. p. 328.) Resolutions of a committee of the house of Com- mons, respecting; Paddington market. (Ibid. Y. I803. - 4Óa 1802- June: p. 423.) On the annual show oÇfat cattle- at Smitbfield. (ibid. Y, 1803. Dec' p. 397.) On the late Smiîhfield show of cattle. (Ibid. Y* I803. Apr. p. 85^) ♦WESTON, [William] cit P hi h delp hi a. Observations ou the hydrophobia. (American Mu- seum Y. 1790. Sept. p. 100.) *WETHERELL, [William] An additional testimony in favour of Richard Brothers, with an address to the people of the world, both jews and gentiles, relative to the new Canaan; so which is added, an exhortation to the different nations. 1795. 8. (6 d.) *WHALLEY, [Peter] LL. B. Reâor of tht united parishes of St. Gabriel Fenchurck and St, Mar* garet Pattens , in the citu of London , Vicar of Horleif, in Surrey, and formerly Grammar- master of Christ's Hospital. born 1722. oSed 1791. June 12. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p. £88^ August* p. 773. An inquiry into the learning of Shahfpeare, with remarks on several passages of his plays. Í748- 8. A Vindication of the evidence and authenticity of the gospels from the objections of the late Lord Boiitigbroke, iu his letters on the study of history. 1753» í8. An edition of the works of Ben John- son, with notes. Vol. 1-7. 1756. 8. The fad sliepherd. 1783. 4. A fast-sermon. 1758. 8* The institution of public charities, a sermon. 1763, 4. Sermons before the sons of the clergy at St. Paul's* 1770, 4. The history and antiquitie» of North- amptonshire; compiled from the MSS. collections of — John Bridges, Esq. Vol. 1. 2. sol. 1762. I79I- WHALLEY, [Thomas Sedgwick] Clergyman. 1 The castle of Montval; 178I. Edwy and Edilda, a talc, in 5 parts; embellished with six fine engra- vings from original designs, by a young lady. 1794. 4. (isfli.) The castle of Montwal, a tra- gedy. 1799* 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) \ Poems and transla- tions; 17.. 8. HVHARTON, [Charles H ] Enquiry into the proofs of .Christ's divinity, in which which Dr. PriejtUtss opinion concerning chrift U occasionally considered. Philad. 179Ó. 8. ♦WHARTON, [Richard] Esq. fll. P. Observations on the authenticity of Bruce's tra- vels in Abyssinia, in reply to some passages in Browned travels through Egypt, Africa and Syria; to which is added a comparative view of life and happiness in Europe and in Castraria. 1800. 4. (6 ssh) Fab[cs; consisting of select parts from Dante, Berni, Ckaucer and Ariosto, imitated in English heroic verse. 1804* 8* (5 sh« 6 d.) *WHATELY, [George N ....] Hints for the improvement of the Irish fisheries 1803. 8. (I sh.) *WHATELY, [T.../J At Shepherd's HÌU. On draining boggy land. (Comm. and Agric. Mag, Vol. 7. p. 178.) *WHAT£LY, [Thomas] Esq. Secretary to the Trea- sury* born .... died 1772. June.. See Biogr. Liter, and Polit. Anecdotes; — Vol.2. P- I03. Remarks on the budget; 17.* Considerations on the trade and finances of this kingdom, and on the measures of administration, with respect to those great national objects since the conclusion of the peace; 17.. WHAT ELY, [Thomas] Member of the Roy. CoUege of Surgeons in London. Account of an exfoliation of the internal surface of the tibia, removed by the application of the trephine. (M. C. Vol.2, p.386.) Practical obser- vations on the cure of wounds and ulcers on the legs, without rest; illustrated with cafes. 1799. 8. (7 fh.) Cafe of prolapsus ani; cured partly by an excision of a portion of the inner coat of the intestine and partly by the introduction of a wax candle1 within the cavity of the rectum. (Sim* motts's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 8* p. Account of the succefsfuil treatment of a large swelling of the lower jaw, with an abscess in the neck, occasioned by supernumerary teeth, (Ibid* Vol. 8. p 173') Cafes of two children who recei- ved the smail-pox by inoculatioa without previous iuftain* 4*5 inflammation round the incision, with a few ob- servation» on that disease. (Mem, of M. S. of L. VoU 5. p. 159.) Practical observations on the cure of the gonorrhoea virulenta in men. l8or. 8. (2 sh. 6 cK)Observations on Home's treat- ment of strictures in the urethra; with an irn* proved method of treating certain ca(e A commentary on the revelation of St. John ao companied with historical testimony of its accoin- phshments, tg02» 8- *WH1TAKER* [George] M. A. » Fabulae in usum scholarum selectae. 1793. 12. (I sh.) Ed. 3. aucta et cmewdata. 1798. 8. (I sh.) WHITAKÊR, [John] B. D. ReBor of Kuan Lany% home, in the county of Cornwall, and for- merly Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Ox- ford. Gvbborìs history of the decline and fall of the ro- man empire in Vols 4^6. reviewed. 1791. 8. (4 sh.) . The origin of Arianism disclosed. 179s* 8. (io sh. 6 d.) The course of Hannibal on the alps ascertained. Vol. 1.2. 1794. 8- (14 sh.) The real origin of government. 1795, 8. (I sh. 6 d.) ^WHITAKER, [Thomas] Minister of Ringway, Chefhires Four letters to Mr. J. Mayer, of Stockport, on his defence of the sunday schools. 1798. 12. (6 d.) *WHITAKER, [Thomas Durham] LL. D: F. A. 5. An history of the original parish of Whalley and honor of Clitheroe, in the counties of Lancaster and York. Part 1.2. Blackburt). 1801. (3 L. 3 sh.) «WHíTCARi [ ] Rev. at Hastings. Note on the effect of fallowing. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 12. p. 96.) ^WHITCHURCH, [S....] Iron-monger, of Bath. Another writings! or, a further testimony in fa- vour of Rick. Brothers, with a few modest hints to modern pharisees and reverend unbelievers; — 1795- 8. (6 d.) Elegy on the death of Mr. Tho* via s Tuppen — to which are added, the folly and madness of war and other poetical pieces. 1795, 4. (I sh.) Lines on the crucifixion, occasioned by the perufel of Mr. Cumberland's divine poem of calvary. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. Sept. p. 134.) WHITE, [Charles] F. R. S. Surgeon to the Manchester Infirmary. Observations on gangrenes and mortifications, s 1790. 8. (I fh.) iibers. Hannover. 1793. 8. I"- 46f quiry into the nature-and cause of tbftf swelling ist one ór both of the lower extremities, wheh some- times happens to lying in women. Part 2 I80T. 8. (3 fh. 6 d. with coloured plates 4 sh. 6 d.) iibers. Wien. 1802, 8« Au account of the regu- lar gradations in man and in different animals and vegetables, with engravings. 1799. 4 (10 ft, 6 d.) An account of three different kinds of timber trees, which are likely to prove a great acquisition to this kingdom, both in point of pro- fit and as trees for ornament and srnde. (Mem. of M. Vol. 5. P. I. p. 163. Nicholson's Journal. Vol.2, p. 333 ) •WHITE, [Charles] Lieutenant. On the Dhanesa, or Indian buceros. (Asiaf. Res. Vol. 4* p. 119.) WHITE, [Gilbert] M. A. Senior Fellow of Oriel CoU lege 9 Oxford. , born 1720. Jul, 18. died at Selborne, Hamp* ihire 1793. Jnn, 26. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. June, p 58L July. p. 669. Natural history and antiquities of Selborne. J789. 4» Im Auszug iibers, von F. A. A Meyer. Berlin. 1792. 8. A naturalist calendar, with ob- servation! in various branches of natural history, extracted fby Jokn Aikin) from the papers of the late G. White. Oxford. [795. 8. (5 sh.) The works-in natural history of the late G> PVkite^ with a calendar and observations by IV. Markwick% Esq* Vol. I. 2. 1802.8. (t4sh.) New and curious anecdotes and observations in natural history. (American Museum Y. 1790. Oct. p. 166.) Cur- ious account of a new species of English mice, (Massachusets Maçaz. Y. 1791. June, p, 364,) •WHITE, [Henry] The times considered; or, a brief view of the general cause pf the decline of empires. 1802. & (I sh. 6 d.) * WHITE, [Henry Kirke] Clifton grove, a sketch in verse, with other poems. Î803» 8. (3 sh« ^ d.) Gga * WHITE, 4-68 * WHITE, tJa«ies] « Chevening, Kent. Account of bis crane. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol 10. p. 230.) ■f WHITE, [James] Veterinary Surgeon to the first or royal Dragoons. The anatomy and physiology of the horse's foot concisely described, with practical observations on stioeing; together with the symptoms of and most approved remedies for the diseases of horses; with XVI illustrative plates. 1801. 18. (4 sli.) A compendium of the veterinary art —; 1805.12. (6 sh/) An address to Yeomanry cavalry, respe- cting the management of their horses; pointing out the accidents and diseases that are likely to happen in the field, and the most effectual means for recovering them; together with directions on the prevention and cure of lameness. 1804. (3 sh. 6 d.) WHITE, [James] Esq. born .... died 1799* April, at Wick, Glou- cestershire. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. T799. May. p.445* Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799. M9V' P» 341» Allg. Litter, Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 660. *The adventures of King Richard, coeur de Lion. Vol. 1-3. 1791. 8. (9 sh.) Speeches of Mirabeau^ the elder — to which is prefixed, a sketch of his life and character: translated from thé french edi- tion of Mejati. Vol. 1.2. 1792, 8. (12 sh.) J. P« Kabautys history of the french revolution — trans- lated from the french. 1792. 8. (5 #WH1TE, [John] Surgeon at Paisley. History of a cafe of inverted uterus, terminating successfully. (Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 10. p. 247.) History of a remarkable cafe of retro- vertcd uterus terminating successfully after various fruitless attempts for reduction. (Ibid. Dec. 3. Vol. io. p. 264.) * WHITE, [John] of the city of Norwich. A narrative of the particulars which tooke place on an application of the author to the Lord Bishop of Norwich, to be admitted a candidate for holy orders, containing original copies of letters and his Lordship's answer?. 1798. 8. (l sh. 6 d.) WHITE, 469 ,WHITE, [Joseph] D. D. Laudian-Frofejsor os Ara- bie in the Vîîiverfity of Oxford and FeUow of Wadham Cottege. See Public Characters of 1798 »nd 1799. p. 234. A revisai of the English translation of the old te- stament rccomtncnded; to which is added, fouie account of an ancíent Syriac translation of great part of Origen's Hexaplar édition of the LXX Jately discovered in the Ambrosian library at Mi- lan; 17.. 4. A letter to the Bishop of London (Juowth) suggesting a plan for a new édition of the LXX to which are added spécimens of foine inedited eastern versions; 1779. 8. DiateíTaron, sive intégra historia Domini nostri Jesu Christi: Graece: ex IV evangeliis inter se collatis, ipsis- que evangelìstarum verbis apte et ordinate dispo- íîti's coufcpka; fiibjungitur evangeliorum harmonia brevis. Oxonii. 1800, 8. (4 sh. 6 d.) Actuum Apostolorum et cpistolarum tain caíholicarum -cjiiani Paulinarutn versio Syriaca Phiioxcniana cx Cod. Mss. RìdJeiano in BibL Coll. Nov. Oxon. rc- posito nunc primum edita; cum interprétation® et annotationibus. I800. 4, (i L. 5 fh.) Acgyptia- caf or observations on certain antiquities of Egypt; in two parts — Part j. 1801. 4. (1 L, 1 fh.) Quatuor Evangelia, graece — I80I. 8» Abdol- latifhí historiae Aegypti conipendíuui, arabiee et laíine, partitn ipse vertit, partim a Pocockio ver- suni edendunî curavit, notisque illustravie. 1800. 4. (I L. 11 fh. 6 d.) * W HIT E, [J.... E....] of IVaijnesborough in Vir- 4 ginia. A case of syphilis treated by the nitric acid. (Mé- dical Repoíìt. Vol. 2. p-339.) A case os cpilepíìa treated by argentum nitratiim. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 340) •WHITE, [?.,..'] Esq. ^ Rati'onal freedom; beïng a defenee os the national characìer of 'Britons and of the fonn of their go* vernment, in opposition to the malapert and sedi- tìous ymtings of Thom. Faine; 1792. 8. (2 sb.) WHITE, [Robert] M. Dr. Practitiontr in Surgenj and Pkyfician at Bury St. Edmunds. The use and abuse of sea-water — Ed. 3» with ad- Gg 3 Citions. ditioni. 1793. 8- (I fli. 6 d.) The present practîét of forgery 1786, ubers. Leipz. 1793. 8. Analy. íìí of the new London pharmacopoeja; —- 1793. 8- (3 sh. 6 d.) Summary of the pneumato -che* inical thèory, with a table of its nomenclature, intended as a supplement to the analysis of the New-London pharmacopoeja. 1796. 8. (I fh.) Practical surgery; containing the description, cause and treatment of each complaint, together with the most approved methods of operating. I801. 8» (6 fh. 6 d.) Remarks on tlve bite of a mad dog. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 3. p. 608.) On fcirrho- contracted rectum, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 225,) WHITE» [Thomas] Surgeon to the London Dispen- sary< On the struma or scrofula, commonly called thé king's-evil together with general directions for sea-bathing, Ed. 3. 1794. 8. (3 fh.) A short account of an excursion through the subterraneous cavern at Paris. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1794» June. p. 325.) *WHITE, [ThomasJ Master of the Mathematital school at Dumfries. St. Gucrdun's well, a poem — Ed. 2. greatly en- larged. 1798. 4» (2 sti.) *WH1TE, [Thomas] Account of his plantation at Butsfield, in Dur- ham. (Tr. of the Soc. for the É. of A. Vol. 5» P 50 * WHITE, [Thomas Evanfon] History of the rife and progress of the naval po* wer of Great-Britain; — translated from the ori«, ginal srench. I801. 8. (7 sti. 6 with some account of the manners and cu- stoms of the inhabitants of da Lagoa-Bay and a, vocabulary of the language* 1800. 4» (7 fh.) * WHITE, [William] Dissertation on government, with the balance considered; or, a free enquiry into the nature of the British constitution and the probable effect of a parliamentary reform, 1792. 8. (lsh») ♦WHITE, [William] Tanner of AJUurton, Devon. A method of tanning leather without oak-bark; (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol, S. p. 83.) «WHITEFIELD, [Henry] Esq. A picture from life; or, the history of Emma TankerviUe and Sir Henry Moretoti* Vol. I. 2. 1804. 8. (8 fh.) *WHITEFOORD, [Caleb] Esq. born at Edinburgh 1734. See Public Characters of 18OI and I802. p. 383. (Contributor to the Public Advertiser;) The false alarm; 17., WHITEHEAD, [John] M. Dr. a Physician; former, ìy a Quacker. Essay oit liberty and necessity. 17.. Materialism philosophically examined —♦ 1778. 8. (2 fh, 6 d.) Doulces report of a new method of treating the child-bed or puerperal fever — translated from the French. 1783. 8. (I fh.) A discourse on the 9 of March 1791. at the funeral of the late Rev. John Wesley. 1791. 8. (I fh.) The life of John Wesley; — to which is prefixed çhe life of Char- les Wesley, the whole forming a history of metho- diim, in which the principles and oeconotny of the methodists are unfolded, Vol.1. I?93- Vol, 2. 1796. (12 fh. 6 d.) Some account of the life of Charles Wesley, late student of Christ-church, Ox- ford. Î793. 8. (3 fh. 6 d.) G g 4 * WHITE- 473 * WHITEHEAD, [Thomas] many year's servant tt> the Duke of Kingston and now Mufician at Bath. Original anecdotes of the late Duke of Kingston and Miss Chudlcigh, alias Mrs. Harvey, alia9 Countess of Bristol, alias Duchess of Kingston. 1792. 8. (3 fli. 6 d.) WHITE H OU SE, [John] of St. John's College, Cam- bridge; Chaplain of the Duke of York. An elegiac ode to the memory of Sir Joshua Rey* nold's, late President of the Roy. Acad. 1792. 4. (2 sh.) Odes moral and descriptive, 1794. 4- (3 sh, 6 d.) Hymn to the earth &c. translated from the German of Couut Fred, Leop, Stolberg. 1800. 4. ^WHITEHOUSE, [Joseph] Religious correspondence? or twelve epistles, con- sisting of inquiries, «directions and advice concer- ning experimental and practical religion; to which are added, nine short experimental hymns. Ed. 2, with a recommendatory preface by Gf Burder, 1799. 12. (6 d.) * WHITE LAW, [James] Vicar of St. Catherine, Dub- lin. M. R. J. A. Essay on the best: method of ascertaining the areas of countries of considerable extent. (Tr. of J. A. Vol.6. p.6Ç.) * WHITER, [Walter] * Specimen of a commentary on Shakespeare; con- taining first, notes on as you like it: second, an attempt to explain and illustrate various passages 011 a new principle of criticism, derived from Locke's doctrine of the association of ideas. 1794. $. (4 sh.) * Etymologicou magnum, or, univer* sal etymological dictionary on a new plan, (with illustrations drawn from various languages ~* Part 1. Cambridge. I800. 4. (i L. 1 ih.) ♦WHITESMITH, [Thomas] A new species of clover. {Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 24. p. 529.) *WHITFIELD, [C....] Memoirs of the late Rev. Isaac She; 1801. 12. iZ ih. 6 d.) *WHlT* 473 *WHITFIELD, [Henry] M. A. Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge» Two letters from Satan to Bonaparte. 1803. 8- (3 d.) The Christmas holidays; and black mou- day, or the boy's return to school; in blank verfe# 1803. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) ^WHITMAN, [Levi] A topographical description of Well-fleet in the county of Barnstable. (Coll. of Massachusetts H.S. Y. 1794. p. 117 ) Account of the creeks and is- lands in Well-fleet and observations on the impor- tance of Cape-Cod harbour, (Ibid. Y, 1795» p. 41O WHIT MORE, [William] The comparison; or, England greatest-and-hap- piest, a poem, 1792. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) *WHlTMORE, [William] Esq. of Durmast on, near Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Letter on the drill husbandry. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 4, p. 10.) WHITNEY, [Peter] M A. Minister of the Gospel in Nprtkborough in PP'orcestershire. The/history of the county of Worcester in the commonwealth of Massachusetts — j Worcester*, 17P3* 8. (9sn.) ♦WHITTA.M, [George] Esq. Ii/dex to the votes fess, Jan. to July IgOI. I802. * WHIT TEN, [Thomas] Letter on the new fort of manure (carbure .of iron) sound in the town of Kent in Lichfield coun- ty, Connecticut. (Medical Reposit. Vol. 3. p. 440.) *WBITTINGTON, [C....] On the use of hops in brewing. (Comnn and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1799. Dec. p. 335.) * WHITTLE, [Edward] Rev. 1 On the cultivation of potatoes from the rind. (Bath Agric. Soc, Vol. 9. p. 93.) WH IT WORTH, [Sir Charles] Knight. ! born .... died 177. (?) *WHQLSTENHOLME, [....] M.A.atParr; late \ Fellow of Corpus Christi College^ Oxford. ^he story of the moor of Venice, translated from the italiau; with two essays on Shakespeare and preliminary observations. 1795. 8» í G% 5 *WHYT£, 474 * WHYTE, [D....] As. Dr. lare Surgeon to English prisoners in France. The fallacy of french freedom and dangerous ten- dency of Sterne's writings; or, an essay shewing that irreligion and immorality pave the way for tyranny and anarchy and that Sternes writings are both irreligious and immoral; concluding with some observations on the present state of France. 1799. 8. (i fh.) Thoughts on deafness, with a new mode of making deaf people hear. (TiUocfis Philof. Magaz. Vol. 4. pt 37S.) ♦WHYTE, [Edward Athenry] Remarks on BoswePs life of Johnson, including the real history of the-gold medal, given to the author of the tragedy of Douglas. Dublin, 1707. 8. (Isli.) •WHYTE, [S....] — — and his son Edward Athenry Why te, a miscellany, containing, amidst a variety of other matters, curious and interesting, rçmarks on Bos* well s Johnson, with considerable additions and some anecdotes of that extraordinary character; a criti- que on Bilrger's Leonora, in which ihe is clearly proved of English extraction from aq old ballad still extant, consequently, in its German dress, t|ie subject is neither new nor original, and an intro- ductory essay on the art of reading and speaking in public, in two parts, Dublin, 1801. g, (7 flu 6 d.) * WHYTE, [Thomas] Minister of the parish of Liber- son in Mid - Lothian. \ Account of the parish of Liberton in Mid-Lbthian or County of Edinburgh, (Transact, of the Soc, of Antiq. of Scotland. Vol. 1. p. 2,92.) ** WHYTE, [William Peter] Esq. at Worcester, fj & A. Observations on the nature, causes, preventiin and cure of gout and rheumatism: to which are anne- xed phaenomena physiologiae, issuing in thî cure of these diseases. 1800. 8- (2 sli. 6 d.) Outline of a plan to ascertain and define the diseases of horned cattle and iheep, the various causejj whence ihey arise and the means of preventing and re- aiedying them; with remarks on the necstity and utility of the measure. (Young's A. of A^r. Vol, 475 37- P* 47- Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. l8or. Sept. p. IÓI.) On the blood in iheep. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.34, p. 118. Vol. 36. p. 437.) Detail of the carrot culture in Worcestershire, with remarks on the importance of this vegetable as a substitute for oats in the feeding of horses. (Ibid. Vol. 36. p. 414*) Prospectus of a plan to ascertain and de- fine the different diseases of horned cattle and iheep —; (Ibid. Vol.38, p. 82.) *WHYTOCK, [G....] * A short vindication of presbytcrial church govern- ment, containing a summary view of the evidence in support of it. 1799. •WICKE, [John Wight] Sermons. i8or. 8. (8 ih.) *WICKENS, [J....] Cottage gardens, (Youngs A. of Agr, Vol. 35,, p. 205.) «WICKENS, [James] Esq. A plain preface to the bible — 1802. 8- •WICKHAM, [William] Surgeon of the mnçhester Hospital. A cafe of lithotomy, attended with some remar- kable circumstances, (Simmons's Med; Facts and Observât. VoL8."p. Ï2Ó.) WICKINS, [James] Esq. On an easy method of manuring for potatoes and management of swine. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. p. P*338.) ♦WICKS, [J.*.. H..,.] Master of a boarding school. Book-keeping reformed, or, the method by dou- ble entry —. 1797. 4. (8 fb.) *WIGFUL, [Thomas] Engineer at Lynn Regis, Nor- folk. Letter on threshing machines, (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.38, p.94) WIGGLES WORTH. [Edward] D. D. F, A. S. Pro. fesfor of Divinity at Cambridge. A table shewing the probability of the duration, the decrement and the expectation of life in the ftates of Massachusetts and new Hampshire, for- med from 62 bills of mortality on the files of the American Acad, of Arts and Sciences in the Y. 1789. (Mew. «f B. A. Voh a. P.x. P. 131.) ♦WIGHT, 476 * WIGHT, [Robert] ofOrmstown, East, Lothian, Scot- land. Present state of husbandry in Scotland — —; Vol, 1-6. 1790. (1 L. 10 flu) *WIGSTEAD, [Henry] Remarks on.-a tour to North and Soufch-Wales in the Y. 1797. with plates from Rowland/on, Pugk, How in &c. aquatinted by J. Hill. 1800. 8. (15 sh.) See Thomas Row lan dson. WILBERFORCE, [William] Esq. Member of Par- liament for the County of York» born at Hull 1759. \ See Publié Characters of I800 and l8or. p. 30. A practical view of the prevailing religious system of professed christians in the higher and middle classe» in this country, contrasted with real Chri- stianity. 1797. 8. (7 sh.) An apology for the christian Sabbath; — intended as a defence* of „a practical view —„ 1799» 8- (I sh. 6 d.) *WILBY, [Edward] of Boston, Lincolnshire. Address to the people of Great-Britain. 1793/4. (6 d.) *WILC0CX, [Joseph] Esq. F.S.A. of Hurley Berks, near Maidenhead. F. A. S. born 1733. died 1791. Dec. 23. at the crown inn at Slough. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. Suppl. p. 1237' An account of some subterraneous apartments with Etruscan inscriptions and printings discovered at Civita Turchino in Italy. (Philos* Transact. Y. 17^3» p. 137-) ®Roman conversations, or, a short description of the antiquities of Rome and the character of many eminent romans; —A Vol. 1.2. 1792. 1794.8. (12 sh.) Ed. 2. corrected, with a preface,, containing some account of the author — Vol. 1.2. 1797- 8. ,(16 sh.) *WILCOKE, [Samuel Hull] Essay on national pride; to which are added me- moirs of the Author's life and writings; transla- ted from the original German of Dr. J. C. Zim* nermann, 1796.8. (5 sh.) Britannia, a poem* J797. 8* (3 sh.) A new and complet dictio- nary of the English and Dutch languages. 1798- 8* - (12 fh.) Voyages to the East Indies, by the late John 477 John Splinter Stavorinus —- translated from the original Dutch; with notes and additions by the translator — illustrated with maps. Vol. I-3. 17,98. 8. (IL. 4 sh.) WILDJ3QRE, [Charles] F. R. £ born .... died at his private retreat ofBrough- ton Sulney, Notts, 1802. Oct. 30. See .Gentleman** Magaz. Y. 1802. Nov. p. I075» Suppl. p. 122Ì. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1803. Dec* p. 464. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 555. (Contributor and Editor of the Gentleman's Diary; In the year 1759. communicated to the Ladie's Diary, under the name Amicus; To Martirìs mis- cellaneous correspondenc® between the years 1755 and 1763O * WILDE, [John] Esq. Advocate. K R. S. and Proses s for of civil law in the Umv$rsitij of Edinburgh* An address to the lately formed society of the friends of the people. Ì793. 8- (6 sh.) Sequel to an address -~ 1797. (I ih. 6 d.) Preliminary lecture to the course of lectures on she institu- tions of Justinian: together with an introductory discourse. 1794. 8. (3 sh.) ^WILDMANN, [....] * The force of prejudice, a moral tale. Vol, 1. 3* 1799. 12- WILFORD, [Francis] Captain. On Egypt and other countries adjacent to the Cali river, or nile ot Ethiopia, from the ancient books of the Hindus. (Afiat. Res. Vol. 3. p. 295.) Ac- count of some ancient inscriptions. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p« 135.) On the chronology of the Hindus- (Ibid; Vol. 5. p. 241.) Remarks on the names of the Cabirian deities and on some words used in the mysteries of Eleusis. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p.297.) A dis* sertation on Sémiramis, the origin of Mecca, dc. from the Hindu sacred books. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 363.) On mount Caucasus. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 455.) WILKES, [John] ill P. F. R, S. Alderman and Chamberlain of London, born at London Oct, 17. 1727. died 1797, Dec. 26. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 1797, Dec. p. 1077. Y. 1798. Jan. p. 77, Monthly Magaz, Y. 1798. Jan. 47* Jan. p. 43. Febr. p. 126. The Annaal Necro. logy for 1797 and 1798. p. 518. Archenhoh Mi- nerva, J. 1798. Jan. S. 109. Allg. Litt. Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S. 649. Observations on tbc papers relative to the rupture with Spain 1762* Animadversions on Sir John Cust s speech Febr. 8. 1768. A letter on the pub- lic conduct of Mr. Wilkes, 1768* A letter to the R. H. George Grenvil/e, occasioned by hi* speeds in the house of commons on the motion for ex- pelling Mr. Wilkes. 1769. Some notes on few passages of the kte Mr.. Churchill works, 1769, Letters and speeches. Vol. 1-3. 1769 12. Spec- ches. 1787. * A supplement to the miscellaneous works of Gibben. 1792. (In the Y. 179Û. he paid his deputy the compliment of publishing from his press, for the use only of particular friends, splendid editions of the characters of Tbeopkrastus and the poems of Catullus; and he had alio made considerable progress in a translation of Anacreou.) ♦WILKES, [John] M A. P. , The art of making pens scientifically, illustrated by an engraving — to which are added, genuine receipts for making inks of the most elegant and durable qualities, also directions for secret wri« ting 1800. 8. (I sb.) *WILKES, [John] An apology for the raisfionary society. 1799. 8» (I sh. 6 d.) ♦ WILKES, [Joseph] Esq. of Mem ham % in Leicester* , shire. On concave roads. (Comm. to the R. of Agr. Vol* I. p. 199.) On the loads a horse draws on an iron rail-way. (Ibid. Vol.2, p.4740 Descrip* tion of iron rail-ways. (Ibid. Vol, 2. p. 476.) WILKINS, [Charles] Esq. F. it. 5. — Two inscriptions from the Vindhuga mountains, translated from the Sanscrit; first inscription, in a cavern* called,the grot of the seven Rifkts, near Gaya; second inscription, in a cave behind Nagar- jeni. (Asiat. Researches. Vol. 2. p. 167.) The story of Doofhwanta and Sakontala, translated from the Mahabharata, a poem in the Sanikreet language, originally publiihed in the oriental reper- repertory by A. Dalrymple. 1795:13". (3 fli. à d.) A catalogue of Sanserifs manuscripts presented to the Roy/Soc. by Sir WiU9 and Lady Jones. (Phil Transact. Y. 1798. p. 582. Y. 1799. p 335.) *WILKINS, [William] Esq at Norwich, F. A. S. Account of an appearance of light, like a star, seen in the dark part of the moon, on friday the 7 March. 1794. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1794. p. 429.) An esta y towards a history of the Venta Icenorum of the Romans, and of Norwich Castle} with remarks on the architecture of the Anglo- Saxons and Normans. (Arch. Vcd. 12. p. 132.) A . description of the church of Melbourne in Derby- shire, with an attempt to explain from it the real situation of the porticus in the ancient churehes. (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 290.) •WILKINSON, [Abraham] M. Dr. of Enfield Ckace. On culture of spring wheat* (Monthly Magaz. Y, 1800. April, p. 244.) On Egyptian wheat. (Ibid. Y. 1801. March, p, 107.) On the expedien- cy of inclosures. (Comm. and Agric, Mag. Y. 1800. Nov. p. 229.) On Rouen, or preserved aftergrass, as a substitute for turnips. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1800. Dec. p. 403. Y. 1801. June. p. 391.) On spring wheat and Egyptian wheat. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Febr. p. 73.) On cow- grass, marl-gras» or perennial red clover. (Ibid. Y. 1801. May, p. 309.) On inclosures. (Ibid. Y. 1801. Aug. p. 102.) On the foot-rot in sheep. (Ibid. Y. I802. Jan. p. 2.) Memoirs of Mr. Ducket, of Fiber, in Surrey; a farmer. (Ibid. Y. 1802. March p. 220.) On the rural economy of the South downs. (Ibid. Y. 1802. Oct. p. 251.) On the use of oil compost; on paring and burning and on laying land to grass. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 15, p. 341.) On the rural oeconomy of Enfield Chace. (Ibid. Vol 17. p. 352.) Experiments in agriculture. (Ibid, Vol.20. p. 451.) A view of calcareous earth, its various compounds, and their application in agriculture as manures, under the different forms of chalk, lime, marl and gypsum. (Ibid. Vol. 21. p. 186.) Observations on Middle- sex agriculture.. (Ibid. Vol. 44. p. 51,) Culture -of sand near Kidderminster, (Ibid. Vol. 23. p. 444.) On the Leicester and South Down sheep. (Ibid. Vol. 34, p.329.) Spring wheat to supply the pre- sent deficiency, (ibid. Vol.35, p. 62.) An essay on the conversion of grass lands into tillage. (Comm. to the B. of Agric. Vol. 3. P. 1. p. 238.) On South down mutton. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1802. Dec. p. 401.) A reply to the queries of juvenis on the breed of ihcep. (Ibid. 1803^ Apr. p. 8570 ♦WILKINSON, [Charles] Au epitome of the history of the islands of Malt* and Gozo; with a new map. 1804. 8. (6 ih.) * WILKINSON, [Charles H....] Surgeon and Le$u* rer on experimental pbÂlos?$hy at 5r. Bartholo* mew's Hospital. Essays, physiological and philosophical on the du ítortion of the spine, the motive power of ani- mals , the fallacy of the senses and the properties of matter. 1798. 8. (4 sli.) Essay on the Leyden phial, with a view of explaining this remarkable phenomenon on pure mechanical principles, by whieh all the different appearances of electricity arc more simply demonstrated; to which is added, an essay on medical electricity; — 1798. 8» A new method of curing gonorrhoea by which strictures in the urinary canal are prevented. I802. 8. (5 sh.) iibers. mit Anmerk. von Dr. G, PV. Topelmann. Leipz. 1803. 8. An essay on medical electricity, demonstrating its effects, particularly in female complatnts, with observations on the inefficacy of metallic tractors; to which are added outlines of natural philosophy. 1799. (3sb.6d.) A curious analysis of a course of lectures on experimental philosophy — 1799. (3 sh- 6 d.) Elements of gal- vanism, on theory and practice; with a view of its history — &c. Vol. 1.3. 1804. 8. (I L. I sh.) ^WILKINSON, [Cuthbert] Observations on the petitions for peace and a re- view of their claim to publie notice —; 1795- 8» (I Hi.) ^WILKINSON, [George] C.M- S, at Newcastle upon Tyne. * Experiments and observations on the cortex sah'cis latifoliae, latifoliae, or broad- leaved willow bark, illustra» ted with a coloured plate; interspersed with gene* ral observations and remarks on the different spe- cies of cinchona, &c.; general history and pro* grefîìve introduction of the salix iatifolia. 1804. 8. (4 sh. 6 d.) WILKINSON, [George] Surgeon at Sunderland. Observations on the angustura bark. (Loudon M. J. P. XL p.33t. Simmons*t Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 2. p. 52.) Cafe of a fracture o£ the scull. (London M. J. P. XL p.370.) Account of the good effects of electricity in a cafe of vio* lent spasmodic affection. (Summons's Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 3, p. 52.) Case of laborious parturition, with the consequences. (Mem. of M. & of L. Vol. 3. p. 480.) •WILKINSON, [Joshua Lucock] Esq. of Grafs- Inn* Political facts, collected in a tour, in the months of Aug. Sept. and Oct. I?93- along the frontiers of France, with reflections on the fame. 1793. 8* (3 sh. 6 d,) State of France in May 1794, trans- Jated from the original of le Cte de Mont gaillard. 1794. 8. (l s^. 6 d.) The wanderer: or, h col- lection of anecdotes and incidents, with reflections* political and religious during- two excursions in, 1791 and 1793. i» France, Germany and Italy. - Vol. 1.2. 1795. 13. (7 ft-) ■^WILKINSON, [Robert] Antique remains from the parish - church of St. Martin, Outwich. 1796. 4. •WILKINSON, [Tate] Patentee of the theaters royal York and Hull Memoirs of his owa life. Vol. 1-4. 1790. 8. (14 fb.) libers. Berlin u. Stettin. 1795. 8- The wandering patentee, or, the history of the York- shire theater, from 1770 to die present time: in. tersperfed with anecdotes respecting most of the performers in the ihrce kingdoms from 1765 to 1795. Vol. 1-4. 1795-8- (14^0 "WILKINSON, [Thomas] M. A. Harmonia apostolica, or, the mutual agreement of St, Paul and St. James; — translated from the latin of Bishop BuU. 1801. 8. (6 sh.) Rtufs G. 8. Supph Th. ih tth * WILKS, 483 *WILKS, [Mark] a Norfolk Farther,: The origin and stability of the french revolution, a sermon. 1791.-8. (i sh.) Athaliah, or the toc- sin sounded by modern alarmists; two collection sermons towards defraying the expence of the de- fendants in the late trials for high treason; — 1795. 8. (I sli. 6 d.) WILL AN* [Robert] As. Dr. F. A. S. Pkyfician to the public Dispensary in London* A description and treatment of cutaneous diseases; Ordre I. papulous eruptions of the sldn. 1798. 4. (15 sh.) iibers. von Fried. Gotth. Friese. B. 1. 2. Breslau. 1799. 1803. 4. Order 2. scaly diseases of the skin. 4. (1 L. 4 sh.) Reports on the disea- ses in Loudon particularly during the years 1796- I800* l8or. 12. (5 AO «bers, mit Anmerk. von,. G. PVegschèider. Hamb. 1802. 8- A remarkable cafe of abstinence. (M, C. Vol. 2. p. 113. New-* York Magaz. Y. 1795. March, p. 15Ó.) Case of ischuria renalis in children. (Simmom's Med. Facts and Obscrv. Vol. 3. p. I-10.) *WILLDAY, [John] Account of the succefsfull application of cold wa- ter to the lumbar region in calculous cafes. (Tr. of Phyf. of Philad. Vol. I. P. I. p. 76.) WILLETT, [Ralph] F. A. and R. SS. bom .... died 1795» Jau« 13. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Febr. p. 169.' Memoirs on British naval architecture. (Arch. Vol. I!, p. 154.) Memoir on the origin of printing. (Ibid. Vol. II. p. 267.) *WILL1AMS, [Alice] Mrs. late Miss Witts. Quotations from Dr. "Newton's dissertation on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled and at this time are fulfilling, in the world, with some humble remarks respecting the latter days, or the approach of the exspeò\ed millennium — 1794. The prophecies of Brothers confuted from divine authority. 1795. 8. (2 sh, 6 d.) WILLIAMS, [Sir Charles Hanbury] Knight of the Bath. born .... died 17,. (?) WILLIAMS, 483 WILLIAMS, [David] Clergyman. born in Wales. Sec Public Characters of 1798 flJid 1799. p. 492. "she philosopher; 17.. A plan of association, ou constitutional principles; 17.. History ef Mon- mouthíhire; illustrated and ornamented by views of its principal landscapes, ruins and residences by Gardnor. 1796. 4. (2 L. 2 fh.) Letters on political liberty. 1782* * The royal recollections. Ed. II. 1788. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) ^Lessons to a young prince; 17.. Apology sor professing the religioa in the 18 century of the christian world; 1?.. General view of-the life and writings of the Rev, Dav. Williams — by Thomas Morris, 1793. WILLIAMS, [Edward] D. D. Discourse on the influence of religious practice upon our inquiries after truth, with an appendix to Mr. Beijham. 1791. 8. (l fh. 6 d.) The christian preacher, or discourses on preaching by several eminent divines;, English and foreign revised and abridged — 1800. g. (4 sh. 6 d.) (He is one of the conductors of Evangelical Ma» gaaine.) ♦WILLIAMS, [Edward] The fair pilgrim, a poem: translated from Da* fyddap Owilym, a welsh bard, who flourished about the year 1350. Ed. 3. 1702. 12. (6 d.) Poems, lyric and pastoral. Vol. 1. 2. 1794. 8. (IO fh.) •WILLIAMS, [Edward] Esq. Barrister at Law. Precedents of warrants, convictions and other proceedings before justices of the peace , chiefly original. 1S01. 8. (9 ^0 WILLIAMS, [Helen Maria] Miss. A farewell, for two years, to England, a poem. 179L 4. (I fh. 6 d.) Letters written in France in the summer of 1790 to a friend in England, con- taining various anecdotes relative to the french revolution and memoirs of Monf. and Mad. Fa* yette. Vol. I. 2, 1790. 1792. 8. (3 íh. ó d.) Ed. 4. 1794. 8. iibers. Th. 1.2. Leipzig. 1792. 8- Letters containing a sketch of the politics of France from May 31* 1793. till July 28. 1794 —; Vol, 1-4, 8. (13 fh. à d.) iibers. von L. F. Bu- Hh 2 ber> AU ber. Th. 1-4. 1796. 1798. 8. Paul and Virgi. nia; translated from the french of Bernardin St. Pierre. 179Ó 8. (3 Hi.) A tour in Switzerland; — with comparative {ketches of the present state of Paris. Vol. 1.3. 1798. 8. (12 fh.) Sketches of the state of manners and opinions in the french republic, towards the close of the 18 century, in a series of letters. Vol. I. 2. I800. 8. (12 fh.) iibcrf. Th. 1, 3, Tubingen. 1802. 8. Poems, moral, elegant and pathetic — Pope's essay on man; Hermit of Warkworth, JerninghauVs fune- ral; Blair's grave; Gray s elegy and original son- nets. 1796. 8. (6 fh.) Constanria Nevjllc, or the Weft-Indian. Vol. I-3. 1800. (15 fh.) Memoirs of the life of Ckarlet Berns fVadstromt (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1799, July. p. 462.) The political and confidential correspondence of Lewis XVI; with observations on each letter. Vol. 1-3, 1803. 8. (I L. I fh.) «WILLIAMS, [J....] Memoir on the use of the thermometer in naviga- tion. Philad, 1792. 4. WILLIAMS, [John] LL. D. formerly a Dijsentitig Minister at Sydenham. born at Lampeter, Cardiganshire South-Wa- les 1727. March 35. died 1798. at Isling- ton April. 15. See Gentleman's Magax. Y. J798. June, p, 540* Monthly Magaz Y. 1798. p. 388. Allgem. Litt, Zeit. ItBl. J. 1800. S.650, N Thoughts on subscription to the 39 articles; 17,. An enquiry into the truth of the tradition, con- cerning the discovery of America by Prince Madog of Owen Gwyncdd, about the Y. 1170» 1791. 8- (2 fh.) Further observations — 1792.8* (I fh.) Remarks on a treatise by fVilh Bell ~ entitled arguments in proof of the authenticity of the nar- ratives of the extraordinary conception and birth of John the Baptist and the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus Christ, contained in the two first chapters of the gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke. 1796. 8. (i sli.) (Several single sermons.) * WILLIAMS, 485 # WILLIAMS, [John] Serjeant at Law. The reports of — Sir Edmund Saunders, Kur$ Ed. 3. Vol, 1. 2. 1799- 1802. 4. (IS Hi.; WILLIAMS, [John] F. A. S. Mineral Surveyor* born .... died at Verona, in - Italy 1795* May 29. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795, July. p. 614* Essay on vitrified forts. 1777. 8. The natural history of the mineral kingdom. Vol. t.2. 1789. 8. (14 flh) iiberf. mit Anmerk. von A A. F, W.von Dankûmann. Dresden u. Leipzig. 1798 8. Plan for a royal forest of oak in the highlands of Scot- land. (Transact, of the S. of Antiq, of Scotl. Vol. 1. p. 28.) * WILLI A MS, [John] Esq. On the cure of persons bitten by snakes.' (Asiar. Res V0I.2. p. 323- Tiffoch's Philof. Magaz. Vol. 4. p. 191.) ♦WILLIAMS, [John] of Gilmertw. Suggestions for promoting and improving the fisheries, upon the coasts of the highlands and isles. (Tr. of Highland Soc. Vol.1, p.250.) Ex* cerpts from Man essay on the means of supplying the want of coals and of providing fuel on a high- land estate, with the smallest loss of time and trouble. (Ibid; Vol. 1, p. 313.) WILLIAMS, [John] alias Anthony Pasquin. Shrove tuesday, a satiric rhapsody. 1791. 8» (2 fh* 6 d..) A treatise on the game of cribbagc. 1791. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) The life of the Earl of Barry- more; including a history of the wargrave thea- tricals and original anecdotes of eminent persons. 1793. 8- (3 fh.) A crying epistle from Britannia to Colonel Mack, including a naked portrait of the King, Queen and Prince, with notes, political philosophical and personal. 1794. 8. (2 fh.) A liberal critique on the present exhibition of the Roy. Academy being an attempt to correct the na- tional taste, to ascertain the state of the polite art at this period; and to rescue merit from oppression. 1794. 8. (I sh.) A critical guide to the exhibi- tion of the Roy, Academy for 1796. 1796. (I sh.) History of the professors of painting-in Ireland. 1796. (8 sti*) The new Brighton guide, iuvol- Hh 3 ving 486 ving a complete , authentic and honourable solu. tion of the recent mysteries of Carltonhoufc. 1796. (2 sh.) (S. tVielantfs Teutfcher Merkur, J. 1797. St. I. S. 50.) The Pin basquet, to the children of Thefpis; a satire, with notes biographical, critical and explanatory. 1797. 4. (5 íh.) \ touchstone to the present exhibition. 1797, (I sh.) A critical guide to the present exhibition. 1797. (r sh.) A looking glass for the Royal family: with documents for British làdies and all foreig. ners residing in London, being a postscript to the new Brighton-guide. 1797. 8. (I sh. 6 d.)' «•WILLIAMS, [John Foster] Mode of extracting fresh water from salt. (Arae* rican Museum Y« 1792. June. p. 287.) 1 ^WILLIAMS, [John Griffith] Esq. of Lincoln*s-Inn> Barrister at Law. The accomplished practiser in the high court of chancery. Vol. 1.2. 1790. 8. (i8sh.) * WILLI A MS, [John Lloyd] Esq. F. U.S. of Senary Further particulars respecting the observatory at Benares, of which an account is given by Sir Rob. Barker in the 66 Vol. of the Philos. Transact (Phil. Transact. Y. 1793, p. 45.) Account of the method of making ice at Benares. (Ibid. Y. 1793. p. 56.129.) Account of the explosion of a meteor, near Benares, in the East-índîey and of the falling of some stones at the fame time about 14 miles from that city. (Nicholsons Journal. Y> 1802. Aug, p, 255. Tittock's Phiìos. Magaz. Vol. 13» p. 28.) *WILLIAM,S, [Jonathan] Jun. Memoir on the use of thermometer in discove- ring banks, soundings dec. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 82.) A thermometrical journal of the tempera* eure of the atmosphere and sea on a voyage to and from Oporto, with explanatory observations the- reon. (Ibid. Vol, 3. p. 194,) Barometrical mea- surement of the blue-ridge, warmspring and al- leghany mountains in Virginia, taken in the sum- mer of the Y. 179T, (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 216.) Draught and description of a granary. (Colum- bian Magai. Y* 1786. Dec, p. 18I.) A treatise ou 487 on artillery, translated from the french of de Sckeel with an appendix. igOQ. WILLIAMS, [Joseph] Esq. Clerical reform: or, England's salvation; shewing its necesfity by a comparative state of the landed property, in respect to taxes, mortgages, funds, rithes dec. 1792. 4. (2 fh.) On invasions and de- fence of the coasts, with short tracts on various temporary subjects. 1797. 8. (I fh, 6 d.) WILLIAMS, [Peter] Rev. born 1719. died at Caermarthen 1796. Aug. 6. See Gentleman's Magaz, Y. 179Ó. Sept. p. 791, Allg. Litter. Zeit. J. 1800. ItBl. S. 628. Editor of three editions of the Welsh family bible, with notes; Welsh poket bible, with notes and marginal references; Welsh, concordance to the bible; (Author of several religious tracts.) * WILLI A MS, [Philip] Surgeon at Rugby in War- wickshire. Cafe of apoplexy in a pregnant woman, with ob- servations. (Simmons's Med, Facts and Observât. Vol. 5. p. 96.) WILLIAMS, [Samuel] t. L. Dr. Professor of Mathe- matics — at Cambridge. (Massachusetts*) F. A.S. Magnetic observations made at the University in the Y. 1795! (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 115.) The natural and civil history of Vermont. Walpole Northampihire. 1794* 8. (2 Dollar.) Observa- tions and conjectures on the earth-quakes in New- England. (American Museum Y. 1788. April, p. 291. June. p. 5Ó7. New-York Magaz. Y. I792> March, p. 135. April, p. 208.) *WILLIAMS, [Thomas] The age of infidelity; 17.. Reasons for faith iti revealed religion; opposed to Mr.; HoUiis for scepticism. 1796.8. (I sb.) A* vindication of the calvinistic doctrines of human depravity, the ato- nement divine influences dec. in a series of letters to T. JBelsham> occasioned by his review of PViU berforces treatise, with an appendix, addressed te the awthor of ^letters on hereditary depravity,,. H h 4 1799- 488 1799- 8. (4 f*1-) The song of songs, which h by Salomou*, a new translation, with a commcn. tary and notes. l8oi. 8. (6 111.) * WILLIAMS, [T.... H....] A tour to the north of Devon, including Barn- staple, Towstock, Lynton, Lynmouth, and the valley of stones. 1804. 8. (this is the second num- ber of ^Picturesque excursions in Devonslure and Cornwall.) See .. J.... Jon es. WILLIAMS, [Thomas Walter] Esq. Barrister at Law. Original precedents in conveyancing — Vol. 1-4. 17.. 8. A digest of the statute law, being an abridgment of all the public acts of parliament now in force, and of general use, from magna charta in the 9 year of King Henry 3 to the 30 year of George 3 inclusive. Vol. 1. 2. 1791. 4, (3 L. 3 fh.) Continuation. 1796. (5 fh.) The continuation of a digest of the statute law — Vol, 3. I803. 4. (2 L. 5 ih.) The whole law rela- tive to the duty and office of a justice of peace, comprising also the authority of parish officers. Vol. 1-5. 1795. 1797. 8. (2 L. 12 fh. 6 d.) A« abridgment of cafes argued and determined in the courts of law, during the reign of — King Gcorg 3. •with tables of the names of cafes and principal matters. Vol. 1-5. 1798. 1803. (4L. I5fh.) The law - journal, for hilary and caster terms 1803. comprising original and authentic reports of ad- judged cafes; — Vol.1, containing Nrb. I-VI, (15 fh.) The assessed taxes; including a correct analytical abridgment of the several statutes passed in the 43 year of — George 3. relative to the du. ties under the management of the commissioners tor the affairs of taxes. I8Ô4. 8. (5 sli.) The practice of the coramiffioners, collectors and other officer* under the authority of the assessed taxes, including the powers of justices of the peace;—. I804. (4 fh. 6 d.) «"WILLIAMS, £W....] B. A. Curate of High JVy< combe. A check to the delusive and dangerous opinions of Bar. Swedenbourg, and other mystical writers, extracted 489 extracted from the works of thé late Bp. Hornt and J. Wesleij, M, A. with a preface and notes, 1798. 8. (l ill.) * WILLIAMS, [William] of Gray's-Inn, Student at Law. Redemption, a sacred poem, with notes. 1796. 4. (i ih. 6 d.) Rights of the people; or, reasons fpr a regicide peace — 179Ó. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) A reply to Burkes two letters on the proposal sot peace with the regicide directory of France. 1796. 8. (I ih. 8 d.) •WILLIAMS, [William Frederic] Fitzmauricc, a novel. Vol. I.2* I goo. 12» (6 sti.) Sketches of modern life—; 17.. Tales of an exile; *Vol. 1.2. 1803, 12. (6 fh.) ♦WILLIAMS, [W..., H....] Surgeon to the ea- stern Regt. of Norfolk militia. Hints on the ventilation of army hospitals and bar- rack rooms, also on regimental practice: on ma- trimony and on regimental education; — 1799. 12. (2 sh.) •WILLIAMSON, [Alexander] Surgeon at Anstru* tkery in the county of Fife, On the inoculation of the vaccine disease, (Dun- can's A. of Med. Y. 1800. p. 440,) • WILLIAMSON, [C....] On the effects of the lime of Barjarg , as discolou- ring oats. (Comm. and Agric. Mag. Y. 1799. Aug. p. 31.) •WILLIAMSON, [Charles] * Description of the settlement of the Genesee country in the state of New-York, in a série» of letters from a gentleman to his friend. 1799. •WILLIAMSON, [C?.. H....] Essays, physiological and philosophical on the di- stortion of the spine, on the motive power of ani- mals, on the fallacy of the senses and on the pro- perties of matter. 1797. (4 fh.) ^WILLIAMSON, [David] Rev. of Whitehaven. Lectures on civil and religious liberty — 1792* 8. (6 fh.) Religious correspondance between him- self and Mr. Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. 17 H h 5 * WILLIAM- 490 ♦WILLIAMSON, [Hugh] Esq. Remarks on the proposed system of federal go- vernment. (American Museum Y, 1788. June, p. 548.) Speech ;— on a motion for postponing a bill for encouraging the trade and ^navigation of the United States, and for increasing the tonnage on foreign bottoms > June 29. 1790. (American Museum Y. 1790. Sept. p. 140.) WILLIAMSON, [Hugh] M. Dr. and LL. Dr. An attempt to account for the change of climate, which has been observed in the middle colonics s iu North-America. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 1. p. 272* New-York Magaz. Y. 1794. June. p.354. Ameri- can Musçum Y. 1789* March p. 229.} On the study of the dead languages. (Massachusetts Magaz, Y. 1789. Dec. p. 746.). On the ill effects of bloods letting in putrid bilious fevers aud pneumonia ty v phoides, as they appear in North-Carolina. (Me- dical Rcposit. Vol, 2. p. 156.) Oii the ephoron Leukôn, usually called the white fly of passaick river. (Transact, of A. S. Vol. 5. p. 71.) WILLIAMSON, [James] D. D. Emeritus, Profeffer. ttf Mathematics in thé Univerfity of Glasgow* born .... died 1795. June 3. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1795. June. p. 533. WILLIAMSON, [James] fl. D. 0/ Queen's College,, Oxford, Prebendary of Lincoln and Retlor of Winwick in Northamptonshire. Argument for natural and revealed religion. 1777. g. (l sh.) Argument for the christian religion — in 24 sermons. 1^83. 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) A de- fence of the doctrines establishment and con- duct of the church of England from the charges ©f Joseph Harrington and John Militer. 1790. $. (I fh.) The truth, inspiration, authority and end of the scriptures considered and defended in 8 sermons. 1793. 8. (4 On) * WILLI A MS ON, [John] Esq. born near Lisburn, in the North of Ireland 1758. died 1801. Jul. 31» See Gentleman's Magaç. Y* 1801. Aug. p. 770. Oct. p. 957. Elements of military arrangement. Ed. I. 17.. Ëd. %. Vol. 1.3. 17.. A treatise on military finan- cc'> 491 ce; 17.. Advice to the officers of the British army; 17.. Method of performing the bayonet exercise, invented by Lieut. Gordon, of the 67 Regt. to which 18 added a plan for reforming the army; 17.. Algarotns letters, military and po- litical; translated from the Italian; 17.. Alga* rotti's congress of cytherea; translated from the Italian; 17.. Memoirs of Masere de la Tude% with his sufferings in the bastile, translated from the french; 17.. Tales of the 12 and 13 centu- ries, translated from the french of Le Grand; 17.. The fame book, with additions, under the name of Norman talcs; 17.. Grose's Olio* selected from his MSS. 17.. The comrasti 17.. born .... died at Edinburgh 1799. Jan. 19. Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Fcbr. p. 167. Allg. Litter. Zeit. J. 1800. S. Ó58. Description of the manners and customs of the Cherojkees and his adventures among them; 17.. Observations on the transit of mercury over the fun's dife, Nov. 5. 1789. fMem. of B. A. Vol. a. P. I. p. 22.) *WILLIS, [B;...] A concise englifli grammar, for the use of schools. I80I. 12. (3 fh.) ♦WILLIS, [Henry Norton] Esq. Biographical stcefches of eminent persons, whose portraits from part of the Duke of Dorset's col- lection at Knole. 1795. 8. WILLIS, [John] #. D: Vicar of Ridge9 Herts. born 1721. died 1799. Jul. 12. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Jul. p. 630. * WILLIS, [Thomas] Ckemift, at ike hermitnge, Loss- Experiments on the fusion of platina. (Mem. of M, Vol, 3. p. 4Ó7.) Account qs, and observations on, different blue colours, produced from the mother water of soda phosphorata. (Ibid. Vol. 4. P« i. p. 87.) A method for preventing stone retorts from breaking; or stopping them when cracked, du- ring any chemical operation, without losing any ♦WILLIAMSON, [Peter] don. of of tha contained subject. (Tr. of the Soc, sor tlîe E. of A. Vol. 5. p. 95.) On the preparation of the hyacinthus non scriptus or common blue—bell, as a substitute for gum arabic. (lb\d. Vol.20, p. .... Tilìocfis Philof. Magazs Vol. 15. p. 103.) *WILLMOTT, [Thomas] of Skoreham in Kent. Specimen of paper from the paut-plant made iu the East-Indies. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E, of A. Vol. 19, p. 2350 WILLS, [Thomas] A. S. Minister of Silver-street, and the new Chapel, Islington, and formerly of Magdalene - Hall, Oxford. The spiritual register: or, an authentic account of the Lord's dealings with many believers, who have lately departed in the triumph of faith* Vol. 1-3' 1795» 12. (7 fh. 6 d.) *VVILLYAMS, [Cooper] M, A, Vicar of lxning% in Suffolk, late Chaplain of his Maj. Ship Boyne. Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of St* Vincent. The history of Sudeley castle, in Gloucestershire. I79I. sol. (9 fh.) An account of the campaign fn the West-Indies in 1794. under the command of Lieut. Gen. Sir Charles Grey and Vice-Admiral Sir John Jervis. 1796. 4. (2 L. 5 fh.) iibers. mit Anmerk. von C. Ak Fischer. Leipzig. T800. 8. A voyage up the mediterranean in his Maj. ship the Swiftsure, one of the squadron under the command of Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, 1802. 4. (3 L. 13 ih. coloured 10 L. 2fh.) iibers. Hamburg. 1803. 8. nVlLLYAMS, [J.... B....] Esq. A compendious treatise on modern education by the late Joel MCringer, D. D. 1802. WILMER» [Bradford] Surgeon in Coventry I War* wickjhire. A cafr of wound of the crural vein. (Mem. of L# M. S. Vol. 3. p. 585-) Observations on the stran- gulated hernia. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. June. p. 348.) #\VILM"OT, [Edward Coke] of Gray's-inn. A succinct view of the law of mortgages; with an appendix, containing a variety of scientific prece- dent of mortgages. 1798. 8. (5 , -, i * WILMOT, 493 nVILMOT, [John] Esq. Notes of opinions and judgments delivered in difc fcrcnt courts, by Sir John Eardley Wilmot, Knr. Also sac simile engraving of an original letter of Oliver Cromwell. 1802. 4. (I L. i.sh.) *WILMSHURST, [....] Mrs. The first pars of the pronouncing spelling book $ containing a number of rules for spelling &c 1803. 12. (I sh. ó d.) The first part of pro- gressive instructions, in reading, grammar and geography — 1803» 12. (I sli. 6 d,) * WILSON, [....] Mrs. Daughter of the late Serjeant Wilson. Lady Géraldine Beaufort. Vol. 1-3. 1802. 12. (io fh. ó d.) A brief compendium of juvenile in- struction; ~ 1803. 12. (3 At- à d.) * WILSON, [ 1 M. Dr. of Montrose. Letter in answer to inquiry respectiiag the vaccina, as a disease of cowi in Scotland. (Duncan*s A. oi Med. Y. 18CO. p. 456.) *WILSON, [....] Fellow of St. Johns College, Cam- bridge, Illustration of the method of explaining the new testament by the early opinions of the jews and christians concerning Christ. Cambridge, 1797. 8. * WILSON, [Alexander Philip] M. Dr: F. R. S Phy fieian to the County hospital at Winchester. An inquiry into the remote cause of urinary gra- vel. 1792. 8. (3 sh. ó cl.) ttbers. StcndaJ 1795. 8. Observations on urinary calculi. (Duncans M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 9. p. 396.) An experimental essay on the manner, in which opium acts on the living animal body. 1798. 8. (3 ill.) (See Tr. of E. S. Vol. 4. H. p. 18 ) A treatise on febrile diseases — Vol, 1-3- 1799- 1802. 8. (I L. 7 fli.) iihers. mit An- merk. von Dr. G. ffl. Topelmann. 1.2, Leipz. 1804. 8. WILSON, [Andrew] As. Dr. FeUow of the royal Col- lege of Physicians at Edinburgh. born 1718. died 1792. June 4, See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1792. [une. p. 578» WILSON, [Charles] D D. F. R. S. 'Edinb. Pro* ftffor of church hiftory in St. Mary's or Divini- ty College, Univerjiey of St. Andrews» The 494 The books of the apocrypha, with critical an J historical observations prefixed to each hoqk —. T8ox. 8. (10 sb. 6 d.) * WILSON, [Charles] Strictures on the conduct of the«Rev. George Mark- ham> M. A. Vicar of Carlton in Yorkshire, occa- sioned by his prosecution of several members of the people called Quakers, for their non payment of tithes. 1796. (I sh. ó d.) •WILSON, [Cha/les] Origin and preparation of cochineal. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1800. March, p. 164.) « WILSON, [Charles] Esq. Queen Alla's lamentation: translated from the Irish poem, on which Carôlan , called by Handel the Irish Orpheus, sounded his fairy queen. (New-" York Magaz. Y. 1791, July. p. 383 ) •WILSON, [C... H....J Esq. Poverty and wealth, a comedy, in 5 acts, trans- lated from the Danish of P. A. Heiberg. 1799. 8. (2 ih.) The myrtle and vine, or, a complete vocal library — to which arc added biographical anecdotes of the most celebrated song writers. Vol. 1-4. 1801. 8. (16 sh.) Ed. 3. embellished with portraits. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 12. (14 sh.) •WILSON, [David] Refior at Pittenweem. Answer to Paine s age of reason, with a short view of the obedience which christians are bound to yield to the powers that be. 1796. 8. (2 ih.) •WILSON, [O....] Introduction of cinnamon tree to the island of Ja- maica. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol. 4. p. 229. Vol. 7. p, 221.) •WILSON, [Gavin] A journeyman bootmaker of the city of Edinburgh,. Poet lauréat to tilt lodge of St. David , Edinburgh. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. April, p. 308» A collection of masonic songs and entertaining anecdotes, for .the use of all the lodges. 1788. WILSON, [George] Esq. Serjeant at Law. Reports of cafes argued and adjudged in the King's courts at Westminster. Ed, 3, Vol. 1-3. Ì799. 8. (I L. 14 ft.) * WILSON, 495 * WILSON, [Giffin] Esq. "Essay on the resolution of algebraic equations: at- tempting to distinguish particularly, the real prin- ciple of every method, and the true causes of the limitations, to which it is subject. (Phil. Trans- act, Y. 1799. p. 2Ó50 « WILSON, [J,,..] Vicar of Biddulph and Master of the free Grammar-school in Congleton. Fisker's grammar improved; or, an enghsli gram- mar. 1795. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) *WILSON, [J....] Observations on the Cantabrigiana. (Monthly Ma- gaz. Y. 1803. Febr. p. 15,) * WILSON, [James] Surgeon. A description of a very unusual formation of the human heart. (Philos. Transact. Y. 1798. p. 346.) ^WILSON, [James] Captain of the Marine. The soldiers friend and traveller's vade mecum—. 1799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) * WILSON, [James] LL. D. Professor of laws in the College and University of Pennsylvania; one of . the associate judges of the supreme court of the United States» — — and Thomas M(ac)kean Commentaries on the constitution of the United States of America; — 1792. 8. (3 An introductory lecture to, a course of law lectures, with a plan of the lectu- res. Phílad. I79U (3 eights of a Dollar.) Extract from his concluding lecture, on the nature and principles of municipal law and legislative autho- rity. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 179T. March, p. 137.) An inquiry into the reasons and principles on which exclusive property if established ,and protected. (Ibid. Y. 1791. Sept. p. 151.) Observations on criminal jurisprudence and the means of rende- ring punishments fit preventatives of crimes. (Ibid. Y. 1791. Dec. p. 400.) Substance of an address to a meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia, de- livered Oct. 6. 1787. (American Museum Y. 1787. Oct* p. 3770 *WILSON> [James] Captain. Sec William Wilson. * WILSON, WILSÓN, [James] As. A. A defence of public or social worship. 1792. 8» (ish.) A method of increasing the sensibility of the barometer, ad libitum. (Nicholson's Journal, Y. I802. Sept. p. 21.) WILSON, [Jasper] Esq. See James Currie, and JVifliam Wilson. WILSON, [John] Teacher of elocution, Edinburgh, The principles of elocution and suitable exerci- ses; — 1799. 8. Ed, 2, 1802. 8. (4 fh.) WILSON, [John] Tables tor accurately ascertaining, by weight or measure, the strength of spirituous liquors, from 30° to 85° of temperature —. 179Ó. 8. (2 fh.) WILSON, [John] of Hurlet, Factor to the Earl of Glasgow. On inclosing. (Tr. of Highland Soc* Vol. I, p. 80.) WILSON, [John] at Manchester. Principles of the art of bleaching. (Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1799, Sept. p. 119.) Bleaching with soda in vapour. (Ibid. Y. 1801* March, p. 186.) •WILSON, [John] at Moryath. Payment of labour iu Northumberland. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 35. p. 215- 320.) On the ap- pearance of the present crop of wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 3950 * WILSON, [John] M. Dr. Physician at Spalding in Lincolnshire. Account of the abstraction of an uncommon quan- tity of water from the bladder, by the use of the catheter. (Duncan's M. C. Dec. 2. Vol. 6. p. 288.) Account of the good effects of the argent u m ni- tratum in cafes of epilepsy. (Medical ReposiU Vol. I. p. 577. Duncan's A, of Med. X. 1797. p. 405.) * WILSON, [John] Member of the Yorkshire law Society. On the law relative to arbitration — 1792. 8. (5 sh.) ♦WILSON, [John Major] House Surgeon to the West* minster Hospital. History of a case ofanevrisms cured by a natural orocese. (Transact, of Meg. and Chir# Soc. Vol. 2- * p. 568.) 49? p. Extraordinary cafe of an extra - uteri ne foetus, voided through an abscess in the cavity of the abdomen. {Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1797. p. 317- Y. 1798. p.401.) * WILSON, [Joseph] Esq. Memorabilia Cantabrigiae; — I803. 8» (io sh. 6 d.) * WILSON, [Matthew] D D. of Lewis. born Î729. died 1790. March 31. See American Museum Y. 1790. May. p. 273. Observations on the severity of the winter 1779. 1780. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 326,) A short essay on diseases from the air —; (American Mu- seum Y. 1788. Nov. p. 417 ) •WILSON, [Philip Robarts] Physician at Barnet. History of a cafe in which singular symptoms oc» curred from the swallowing of an iron nail > which remained in the stomach for about fifteen months. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1796. jp-371.) * WILSON, [Kichard] Esq. MP, A letter to the R. H. Lord Loughborough —- on the subject of his bill of divorce — 1798* 8. (i ih.) *WI.LS0N, [Robert Thomas] Lieutenant ~ Colonel of Cavalry and Knight of the Imper. Military or- der of Maria Theresa, An account of the campaign in l8or. between the freuch army of the east and the euglisli and tur- kifli forces in Egypt by Gen. Régnier^ translated from the french 1802. An historical account of the British expedition to Egypt, in which are notes on Gen. Régnier1 s publication; some impor- tant facts relative to Gen. Bonaparte; remarks on the moral and physical state of Egypt; com- plete official documents and other interesting mat- ter; with maps of the country — 1802. 4. (1 L II íh. 6 d.) The british expedition to Egypt — carefully abridged. 1803. 12. (5 sh.) * WILSON, [Thomas] Surgeon at Louth in Lincoln- shire. A cafe of congenite hernia, for which the opera- tion was performed above the pubes, with success. (Duncan's M. C. Dec. U, Vol. 10. p.33 IL I» * WILSON, 498 * WILSON, [Thomas] Rev. On the mangelwurzel. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 12. p.3c8o.) * WILSON, [William] A miílìonary voyage to the southern pacific ocean performed in the Years 1796-1798. in the ihip Duff,-commanded by Capt. James Wilson; com- piled from journals of the officers and the missio- naries; and illustrated with maps, charts and views. 1799. 4. (2 L. 2 sh.) iibers von Canzler; Magaziu von merkwiirdigen neueu Reisebeschreib» B. 21. iibers. SprengeVs Bibliothek der neue- sten und wichtigsten Reisebeschreib, B. 2. * WILSON, [William] B. D. Fellow of St. John's Co/Jege, Cambridge, An illustration of the method of explaining the new testament by the early opinions of jews and chri- stians concerning Christ. 1797. 8. (7 sh.) * WILSON, [William] Jasper's brother. A dialogue upon the two bills now depending in parliament relative to the rights of the peoplç. 1795. 8. (I sh, 6 d.) * WILSON, [William] . , On the galvanic effects of very minute particles of zinc and copper in water. (Nicholson's Journal Y. 1802. Nov. p. 147.) WIMPEY, [Joseph] Esq. born 1712. died 17^5. Nov. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1795. Supplem. p. 1112. Allg. Litt. Zeit. If BK J. 17Ì96. S.2Ó6, Answer to questions respecting vegetation. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol.2, p.24 35.) On watering mea* dovtfs. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p* 141.) Observation! on Dr Tiffot's letter to Hirzcl. (Ibid. Vol.2, p.250.) Philosophical enquiry concerning the principles of vegetation, with a view to ascertain the most cer- tain means of promoting its improvement and ex- tendon, (Ibid V0L3. p 157.) Practical enquiry concerning the most certain and effectual means of promoting vegetation. (Ibid. Vol.3, p. 176.) Strictures on the husbandry of turnips, or, an at- tempt to promote a successful culture of that use- ful root with more certainty than hath been ge- nt rail y practised, (Ibid* Vol. 4, p. 131.) of me necessity 499 ^necessity of adapting or suiting the et'op to the nature condition, and circumstances of the land to be planted; with an account of' an experiment to ascertain the quantity of butter and cheese produ- cible from a given quantity of milk, (Ibid. Vol, 4. p. 144.) On the improvements in agriculture, that have been successfully introduced into this kingdom within the last 50 years.. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 1. Comm. and Agric. Magaz. Y. 1803. Jan. p. 40.) On the culture of potatoes by the easiest and most economical means; (Bath Agric. Soc Vol. 5. p. 27.) Enquiry concerning a sure and certain method of improving small arable farms. (Ibid. Vol. 5, p. 43.) Reflections on drill-machines, particularly suggested by an account of one inven- ted by Barnes. (Ibid. Vol. 5, p. 57.) Account of an experiment actually made to discover whether whole potatoes or cuttings are to be preferred in planting. (Ibid. Vol. .5. p. 230.) On the best me- thod of planting mangel-wurzel and of its use and value for feeding pigs, cattle Sec. (Ibid* Vol. 6. p. 106.) On the cause of the smut in wheat* (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 116. 198.) On the drill hus- bandry, (ibid. Vol. 6. p. 125.) On potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 20Ó.) On the expediency of so- wing wheat occasionally in the spring. (Ibid, Vol. 6, p. 334-) A" enquiry concerning the state of timber &c. now growing in England. (Ibid. Vol, 7. p« 22.) Of the great improvement which may be made from a largely extended cultivation of tim- ber and other wood, with the means of perfor- ming the lame with the greatest success and ad- vantage. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p.32i) Some remarks on the drill husbandry, extracted from a letter* (Ibid. Vol* 8» p. 373») Answers to queries re- specting watered meadows. (Young's A, of Agiv Vol. 5. p. 292.) *WINBOLT, [Thomas] M, A. late of Trinity Col- lege , Cambridge, Minister of the Chapel and Chaplain to Anthony Earl of Kintore. Twelve sermons on various subjects. 1800» *WINCHE5COMB, [Henry] born .... died 1791. April, near Perihore, co. Worcester* Ii % See 5oo See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. May. p. 491. The lyre of Amphion; 17., (Author of otker poetical effusions.) *Eari of WINCHILSEA, [....] born ,.. . died ♦. ♦. (?) Letter on advantages of cottagers renting land. 17,. 4. (I sh.) (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.26, p. 227. Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. 1. p. 77J Turnip* and grass compared, as winter food. (Young's A. of Agr. Vol.26, p. 4Ó2.) ♦WINCHESTER, [Elhanah] The lectures on the prophecies that remain to be fulfilled; 17.. Dialogues on the restoration; 17,. Oration on the discovery of America. 1792. 12. (I tli* 6 d.) A defence of revelation, in ten let- ters to Thorn. Paine, being an answer to his first part of the age of reason. 1796. 8. (I fh. 6 d.) The universal restoration, exhibited in a series of dialogues between a minister and his friend. 1788. 8« Í3 Ed. 4. revised and corrected with no- tes critical and explanatory by W. fidler. 1799. 8. (Several single sermons.) ♦ WINDHAM , [Henry Penruddoke] of Salisbury. Lord Melcombes, diary — 17.. Tour through Monmouthihire. Ed. 2» 1781. Picture of the isle of Wight, delineated on the spot in the Y. 1793.' 1794- 8. *WINDHAM, [William] K. H. late Secretary at War. See Public Characters of 1801 and 1802. p. 286, \ Speech — Nov. 4. 1801, on the report of an ad- dress to the throne, approving of the preliminaries of peace with the republic of Fraace. 1801. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) * WING ROVE, [Ann] Letters, moral and entertaining. I795. 8« (3 sh. 6d.) •WINLAW, [William] Description of his patent mill, made upon a plan entirely new, for separating the grain from the ears of corn in place of threshing. (Bath Agricult. Soc. Vol. 3. p.371. Young's A. of Agr. Vol.6. •WINSTANLEY, [Calvin] A.M. Elcmenta grammatica Ciccroniana —; 1802. (2&> 6 d.) ♦WINSTAN- 501 *WINSTANLEY, [Ch...] The hypocrite unmaiked. 1800* WINTER, [GcoTgc] Esq. of Charleton — Experiment on drilling horse-beans, (Bath Agrl? cult.-Soc. Vol.3. p.2Óó.) Experiment on the fee- ding of swine; (Ibid. Vol, 3. p. 323.) Calculations pf the weight per bushel and the number of grams, of sundry feeds. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p. 382.) The de- scription and use of his new invented patent drill- machine. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 316..) For the sty in turnips. {Young's A. of Agr. Vol, 6. p. 155.) Ex- periments and observations on the culture of tur- neps. (Tr. of the Soc, for the E. of A. Vol. 5. p. 38.) •WINTER, [George] M. Dr. History of animal magnetism; its origin, progreso and present state; its principles and secrets dis- played, as delivered by the late Dr. de Mainau- due; to which are added, dissertations on the dropsy, spasm, epileptic fits, St. Vitus's dance, gout, rheumatism and consumption; with upward* of 100 cures and cafes — 1801. 8. (7 ft.) *WTNTERBOTHAM, [William] A Dissenting Mi- nister. An historical, geographical, commercial and philo- sophical view of the American United States and , of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies. Vol. I-4. 1795. 8. (i L. 15 sb.) An historical, geographical and philosophical view of the Chinese empire —; to which is added, a copious account of Lord Macartney s embaíîy, compiled from original communications, 1795. 8« (9 sh. 6 d.) iibcrs. B. I. 2. Erfurt. 1798, 8. -WINTERBOTTOM, [Thomas Mastcrman] M. Dr. Physician to the settlement at Sierra Leona. A cafe of pemphigus. (Simmon's Med. Facts and Observât, Vol, 3. p. ioj Cases of the urticaria or nettle rash, with observations. (Ibid. Vol, 5. p. 57.) Observations on the use of arsenic in the intermittent fevers of a tropical climate, to which is prefixed an account of the weather at Sierra Leona during the season in which such fever* are most prevalent. (Lbid. Vol. 6. p. I.) Some observations relative to the Angusturo bark. Ii 3 (lhi4. SOZ: (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 41.) Medicdl directions for the use of navigators and settlers in hot climates. I803. 12. (2sh. 6 ci.) An account of the native- Afri- 'cans in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leona > to which is "added an account of the present irate of medicine among them. Vol. 1, 2, I803. 8. (15 sb.) libers, von J. A. Bergk. B. 1. Leipzig. I804. 8. Some' observations relative to the climate and di. sea ses of Sierra Leone. (Simmonsf Med, Facta and Observât. Vol, 8» p. 56J • < • -* WINTHROP , [James] Esq. F. A.A. Geometrical methods of rinding any required series of mean proportionals between given extremes, (Mem. of B. A. Vol. 2. P. r. p. 9.) A rule for; trisecting angles geometrically. (Ibid. Vol.2. P.. I» p. 14..) Barometrical obiervations and remarks* made during a tour to lake Champlain. (Ibid. Vol.2. P. I. p. 127.) An attempt to translate the prophetic part of the apocalypse of St, John into familiar language —; 1794'. 8-'"(l sh. 6 d.)| A general description of the county of Middlesex. (Coll. of Massachusetts H. S. Y. 1792. p. 107.) *WINTLE, [Thomas] B. D. Rc8ov of Bright well in Berkshire and late Fellow of Pembroke CoU lege, Oxford. Daniel, an improved version attempted; with a preliminary dissertation and notes critical, histo- rical and explanatory. 1792. 4. (12 ih.) The expediency, prediction and accomplishment of the christian redemption, illustrated in VIII sermons. Ì794» 8. (5 sb-) A dissertation on the vision, contained iu the second chapter of Zachariah. 1797. 8. (I sh.) WINTRINGHAM, [Sir Clifton] Baronet. M. Dr. F. R. S. born 1710. died 1794. Jan-IO- See Gentleman's Magaz. Y« 1794. Jan. p. 95. Hutchinson's Biographia Medica. Vol.2, p.487» Mead's monita et praeccpta medica, permultis an- fiotationibus et observationibus illustrata; VoJ/1.2. 1774. 8> (îo sh.) De morbis quibusdam com- tnentarii. T, 2. 1791. 8* (3 sh- "6 <••) «bers, von J. E. LUtzttHÌ Th* I. Z. Berlin* 1791. 8. •WISE, 50S *WISE, [Ab...] Surgeon at Maryport. On the use of oleum tritici in cutaneous affe- ctions. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1800. p-479-J WISE, [Joseph] Rettor of Penhurft, Sussex, and Curate of Poplar, Middle/ex. The system, a poem, with notes, in 5 books. Voi. 1. 1797. 8. (2 sh.) Reconciliation of Gene- sis and Exodus. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Sept. p. 189. Dec. p. 425.) *WISE, [R....J One hour's advice, respecting their health, to persons going out to the island of Jamaica. 1798* 12. (I sh. 6 d-) *WISE, [W....] (Engraver) a Volunteer in the Corps. Plain truth, or, proceedings at Paris during the Y. 1792. The fatal effects of french principles, exemplified in a narration of facts to which the author was an eye witness —; 1798- * WIS EM AN, [Benjamin] of Diss , in Norfolk. Account of a substance found in a clay-pit; and , of the effect of the mere of diss, upon various substances immersed in it; with an analysis of the water of the said mere, by Charles HatchetP* (Phil. Transact. Y. 1798. p. 567. Nicholson's Jour- nal. Vol, 3. p. 77.) * WIS TAR, [C....] M. Dr. AdjunEl Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Experiments and observations on evaporation in cold air. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 3. p. 125.) Experi- anents on evaporation. (Ibid. Vol. 4, p. 72.) De- scription of the bones, deposited in the museum of the society at Philadelphia and represented in plates. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 526,) *\VITHÏRBY, [Th....] An attempt to remove prejudices concerning the jewish nation. 1804. (il ih.; * Observations on jBicheno's book, Entitled, „The restoration of the jews, the crisis of all, nations. „ 1804. 8. (6 sh.) WITHERING, [William] As. Dr: F R S. born 1741. died at the Larches, near Birming- ham 1799. Oct. 6. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Oct. p. 907. Ii 4 Monthly So* MonM^Hs&ï. Y. 1799. Dec. p. 915. Dun. can's A. of Mcd, Y, 1799. p; 527. The botanical arrangement of British plants. Ed. 2. Vol. 3. 1793.8. (7 sh. ó d.) Ed. 3. Vol. 1-4. 1796. 8. (l L. 12 sh.) Account of some extraordinary effects of lightning. (Ibid. Y. 1790. p. 293.) A new method of preserving fungi. (Transact, of L. S« Vol.2, p. 2Ó3.) On Angustura bark and the extract of hyosciamus. (Duncan*s M. C. Dec. 2. Vol, 6. p. 366.) Account of a convenient method of inhaling the vapour of volatile substances. (Ibid, Y. 1798. p. 447.) Analyse chimica das caldas da Rainha. (Lusit. et Angl.) Lisboa. 1795. 4. ♦WITHERS, [Edward] Surgeon at Newbury, Berk* shire. History of a second, or a supposed second small pox. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 4. p. 18Ó.) An account of a large stone taken from the int«stines of a horse. (Ibid, Vol. 4. p. $93.) WITHERS, [Thomas] M. Dr. Physician to the York County Hospital. On the errors and defects of medical education, in which are contained observations on the mean* of correcting them. 1794. 8. (2 sh.) * WITHERS, [William] Esq, Recorder of the city of York. A digest of the income tax; with some explana- tory notes and illustrations, 1799. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) WITHERSPOON, [John] D. D. — *A letter from a blacksmith to the ministers and elders of the church of Scotiand. 1759. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) A new edition. 1791. 8- (2 sh.) (The Doctor neves wrote that book. The author, at it is well known in Scotland, was Mr. Jamas Riddock, Minister of the episcopal chapel in Gias. gow and afterwards of that in Aberdeen. Sec Monthly Review Y, 1792. Febr. p. 238.) Lettcn on marriage. (American Museum Y. 1788. July. \>,2U Aug. p. 105. Sept. p.213.) Answcn to the queries respecting marriage. (Ibid. Y. 178S. Oct. p« 315(f) A series of letters 011 education* (Ibid, Y. I788. Nov. p. 397.) Essays on important sub- jects — a new edition. Vol. 1.2. 1800. 8. (l2sh.) Comparative view of the number of males and semaies females in the several districts of the United Sta- tes, excepting South-Caroiina, from which returns have not yet been made. (Columbian Magaz. Y. 1792. Vol.1, p. 12.) Works. Vol. 1-4. 1802. ♦WITHY, [Robert] Solicitor. A practical treatise upon the law of annuities —; 1800. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) * DE WITT, [Benjamin] M. Dr. Physician in the Cinj of Albany, fi chemico-medical essay to explain the operation of oxygène of the human body. PhiUd. 1797. 8. Two cases of the efíects of the datura stranuno- motiium (Thorn-Apple) on the human body, with á few observations and remarks. (Medic. Re« posit* V0I.2. p. 30,) *DE WITT, [Simeon] Esq. Surveyor-General of the State of New-York On the economy of fuel in the warming of rooms. (Medic. Rcposit, Vol. 3. p. 229.) A map of th* province of New-York. 1804. (2 L. 2 sh.) * WITTMAN, [William] M. Dr. of the Rots. Anil. lery, Surgeon to the Mission, and upwards of two years, Phypxian to the Grand -Vizier. The English military mission into Turkey , Syria and Egypt. Travels into Turkey, Asia Mjnor, and across the desert into Egypt, during the Y. 1799- 1801, in company with the Turkish army and the British military missions under the command of Gen. Koehler; to which are annexed^ observations on the plague and on the diseases prevalent in Turn- key, and a meteorological journal. 1803, 4. (2 L. 12 sh. 6 d.) libers, vou J. A. Bergk* Leipzig. 1804. 8. WODHULL, [Michael] Esq. The equality of mankind j a poem f revised and corrected, with additions* 1798. 8. *WOLF, [W...,] Sketches and observations.taken on a tour through a part of the South of Europe. 1802. 4. (18 sh.) WOLLASTON, [Francis] LL. D. F. R. S. Retlor of the united parishes, St. Vedast Foster and St. Michael -le -Quern, London. Directions for making an universal meridian dial — I793«4. (I to ) Fasciculus astronoroicus, con- Ii 5 taiuing tailing observations on the Northern eircumpolar region, together with some account of the instru- ment with which they were made; and a new set of tables by which they were reduced to the wean position for the beginning of Jan. 1800. — 1800.4* (I L 5 sh.) A description of a transit circle, for determining; the place of celestial objects as they pass the meridian. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1793. P« *33») (Several single sermons.) 1WOLLASTON, [Françisj Rtáor of" the parish church, of% Ckislehurst, Kent. Two fermons. 1793. 8. (I sh.) A country par- son's address to bis flock, to caution them against being misled by the wòlf in sheep's cloatbing, or receiving Jacobin teachers of sedition—. 1799. 8* (i sh.) The origin and insidious arts of Jacobi- nism: a warning to the people of England, ex- tracted from „a country parson's address to hie flock.,, 1799. 8. (2 d.) *WOLLASTON, [William Hyde] M Dr. F. R. S. On gouty and urinary concretions. (Phil. Transact* Y. 1797. p. 386 ) On double images * caused by atmospherical refraction, (ibid. Y. 1800. p. 239» Wkholson's Journal. Vol. 4. p. 298.) Identity of galvanism and electricity. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. i8oi* P»4790 Experiments on the chemical production and agency of electricity. (Phil. Trans- act. Y. 1801. p. 427. TiUock's Philos. Magaz. Vol. II. p. 206.) A method of examining refractive and dispersive powers, by prismatic reflection. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1802. p. 365,) On the oblique refraction of Iceland crystal. (Ibid. Y. l8o2.p.38l.) WOLLSTONECRAFT, [Mary] Mrs. wife of JViUtam Godwin. born 1759. Apr. 27. died in childbed 1797. Sept. 10. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Oct. p.~894- Y. 1798- March, p. I8Ó. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Sept. p. 23fi. The Annual Necrology for 1797 and 1798. p. 411, Allgem. Litt. Zeit. J. 1798. ItB). N.32. S.28I. The rights of men; 1791. 8. (2 sh. 6 d.) C. G. $alzmn»*s elements of morality for the use of children, 5o? ehildren, with an introductory address to parents; translated from the German. Vol. 1-3. 1791» 8. (9 sh.) Vindication of the rights of woman, with strictures on political and moral subjects. 1792. 8. (6 sh.) Boston. (9 sh.) iibcrs. mic Anmerk. von C. G. Salzmann* B. I. 2. Schnepfeuthal. 1793. 8» An historical and moral view of the origin and progress of the french revolution, and the effect it has produced in Europe. Vol. 1. 1794. 8# (7 sh.) Letters written during a ihort residence in Swedeu, Norway and Denmark* 1796. 8» (4 sh.) iibers. Hamb. u. Alcona. 1796. 8. iibers. B. I. (Kleine Lander u. Reisebeschreib. B. 6. St. 11) Leipzig. The wrongs of woman, or Maria, a fragment. 17... .'Mary, a fiction, 17.. Original1 stories from real life, with conversations calculated *tO regulate the affections and form the mind to truth and goodness. 1791. Young Grandifon, a series of letters from young people to their friends; translated from the dutch of Mad. Cambon. Vol. 1.2. 17.. *Cresswick the female reader: select pieces in prose and verse, from the best writers, for the improvement of young-.women, with a preface on female education. 17.. Posthumous 'works. Vol. 1-4. 1798. (14 sh.) *WOOD, ■[....] Surgeon to the 72 tiegt. Return of effective men and deaths in the 72 Regs, from Oct. 1785 to Oct. 1788. while stationed at Tanjore on the Co roman del coast. (Duncan's A. of Med. Y. 1801. p. 462.) * W O O D , [Basil] M. A. Minister of Bentinck Chapel; St. Mary-le- Bone, Le&urer of St. \Feterys% QornhiÙ an£ Chaplain to the Earl of Lei* tester. The duty of frugality, and the sin of waste consi- dered; with a view to recommend rhristian bene- volence and good works. 1794. 12. (4 d.) An address to young persons on the nature and be- nefit of confirmation. 1794. I2# (3 d.) *WOOD, [Henry] A. B. late of fVadham College, Oxford. Observations on the present state of country cura- tes as to their national character —; 1793- 8. (2 sb.) « WOOD, SOS •WOOD, [Htitton] One of the fix Clerks of the Court of Exchequer, A collection of decrees by the court of exche- quer in tithe-caufe9, from the usurpation to the present time. Vol. 1-4. 1798. 8. (3 L.) ♦WOOD, [J....] Reply to Mr* Good on th* poor. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1798. Nov. p. 317. Y. 1799. Jan. P- I. April, p.2Q1.) .Mode* of rolifving the poor at Shrews- bury. (Ibid. Y. 1800. Jan. p. 975.) Hints re- specting provident. *lubs ar friendly societies. (Ibid. Y. 1797. July. p. 4.) On the relief of the poor in seasons of particular distress. (Ibid. Y. I800. June. p. 425.) Shrewsbury house of in- dustry. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol.35, p. 157. 608.) *WQOD, [James] M+ Dr. One of the Physicians to the Dispensary and Member of the Philos and Me- die. Soc< of 'New-Ça/lie upon Tyne. Thoughts on the effects of the application and abstraction of stimuli on the human body; with si particular view to explain the nature and cure of typhus. 1793. 8. (2 sh.) Remarks on the que- ries addressed by Dr. Clark to several physicians, and on some of the answers; with answers also; I802. A third address to the governors of the Newcastle infirmary, on the subject of the late extension of the building' and on the proposal against made to receive contagious fever into a part of the building; — 1802. Plain remarks on fever, with the view to explain the origin and na- ture of the fever which lately appeared in New- castle, 1804. (6 d.) *WOOD, [James] B.D. Fellow and Tutor of St. John* s College y Cambridge. The elements of Algebra; Vol. 1. 1795. 8. (4 ft.) The principles of Mechanics; — 1796. 8. (4 sh.) The elements of optics. 1799, 8* (4 fh.) On ha- los. (Mem. of M. Vol.3- P-336.) On the roots of equations. (Phil. Transact. Y. 1798. P-S^o-) «WOOD, sjohn] Muster of the drawing Academy esta* blished at Edinburgh. A general view of the history of Switzerland; with a particular account of the origin and accom- plishment of the late Swiss revolution. 1799. 8. V (6 sh.) 509 (6 sh.) Elements of perspective \ — to which are added rules for painting in transparent water co- lours. 1799. 8. (6 fh.) Ed. 2. I801. 8. (6 fh.) #WOOD, [Isaac] A Direttor of the Shrewsbury-house born 1736. died 1801. Jan. 15. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. l8oi« Jan. p. 93. Some account of the Shrewsbury - house of indu- stry, its establishment mid regulations — to whieh is added the second edition of the by-laws, rules and ordinances of the said house, 1791, 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Ed. 5. 1800. 8. (3 fli. 6 d.) Letter to Sir Will. Puheney, — containing some observations on the bill for the better support and maintenance of the poor, presented to the house of Commons by — Will. Pitt. 1796. 8. (I fh.) An address — upon the propriety of incorporating for the-better relief and employment of the poor by the esta- blishment of an house of industry. 1798. 8. (4 sh.) *WOOD> [J.... <5....] Jun. Six views in the neighbourhood of Llangollen and Bale. 1793. (i L. ish. plain and I L. n sb. coloured.) * ♦WOOD, [ ] Esq. As, P. Colonel and late chief Engineer, Bengal. x A review of the origin, progress and result of the late decisive war with the late Tippoo-SuU taun, in Mysore, with notes, by James Salmond —. 1800. 4. (15 fh.) 8- (7 fh>) *WOOD3 [John Philip] of Edinburgh. Sketch of the life and projects of John Law, Comptroller general of the finances in France, with a particular detail of his famous financial pro- jects. 1791.4. (3sh.) The ancient and modern state of the parish of Cramond; to which are ad- ded, biographical and genealogical collections, re* specting some of the most considerable families and individuals connected with that district; com- prehending a sketch of the life and projects of John Law* ofLauristou, Comptroller gen. of the finances of France. 1794. 4. (15 fh.) *WOOD, [Mark] Esq. M. P. late chief Engineer^ Bengal. The importance of Malta considered, in the Years 1796 and 1798; also remarks which occurred during during a journey from England to India, through Egypt in the tear 1779. 1803. 4. (5 sh.) ♦WOOD, [Nathaniel] Lieut, in the 40 Regt. Elements of war —; 1803. 12. (7 sh.) *WOOD, [Susan] Miss. Literary exercises; or, short essays on various subjects: also ihougbts on a one all perfect cause, from the visible world, in blank verse —; 1802. *WOOD, [T....] The conflagration and soliloquy, a poem. Ed. 3. with notes. 1802. 8. *WOOD, [Thomas] A defence of the "late national fail, on principles of true religion and found policy. 1798.8» (1 sb.) WOOD, [Thomas] Miller at BiUericay, Essex. born .... died 1783. May 31. ♦WOOD, [W....] F; L. S. Queries respecting draining lands, destroying moss, and planting coppices. (Bath' Agric. Soc. Vol. 8* p. 3IS») An experiment to prove the permeabi- lity of glass to the electric fluid. (Tilloctïs Philos. Magaz. Vol.2, p* 147.) Observations ou the hin- ges of British bivalve shells., (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 6. p. I54-) «WOOD, [William] Man-midwife in ordinary to the hying - Inn Hospital in Manchester. Cafe of caefarean section. (Mem. of M. S. of L. Vol. 5. p. 463.) *WOOD, [William] Surgeon at PVingham* in Kent; F. L. S. A cafe of hairy concretions found in the human stomach. (Simmons Med. Facts and Observât. Vol. 8. P- 139O *WOOD, [William] A plan for the payment of the national debt and the reduction of taxes two millions per annum. I79Ó. 4* (3 sh. 6 d.) *WOODBRIDGE, [Robert] The pad, a farce, in one act. .1793.8* (i sh.) ♦WOODBINE, [W.... C...J Esq. of Packssield, near Rainham, Norfolk. Experiments on carrots and on the weight of tur- nips consumed by oxen. (Young's A. of Agr, Vol. 5-*36?:)- «WOODDE, *WOODDE, [B....] M. A. A brief explanation of the church catechism. I Sol, (4 à.) WOODESON, [Richard] D. C. L, Proftjsor — A systematical view of the Jaw of England; — Vol. 1-3. 1792. 1793. 8. (iL. 11 sh. 6 J.) A brief vindication of the rights of the British legis- lature, iu answer to some positions advanced in a pamphlet, entitled Retveis) Thoughts on the English government, letter the second. ,, 1799. 8» (IIK) ■»WOODFALL, [Sophia] Frederick Montravers, or the adopted son: a no- vel. Vol. 1.2. 1803. 12. (6 ih.) WÒODFALL, [William] Printer, born 1745. died 1803. Aug. I. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1803. Aug. p. 792. (Editor of Diary ;) East-India house, a continuation of the series of the several debates, that have ta- ken place at the India house —. 1793. 4. (3 ft. 6 d.) East-India House; Debate on the expe- diency of cultivating sugar in the territories of the East-India Company, with the speeches of Handle Jackson and George DaUast for and against that important proposition. 1793. 4. (I sh.) An account of the proceedings of the General quar- terly court held at the East-India house the 19 March 1794. on shipping and other afFairi 1794. 4. (1 ih.) Protest or dissent of Thomas Het/ch- matin and Ran die Jackson — against rescinding certain resolutions for preventing proprietors from; -voting upon their own contracts, or upon que- stions in which they have a direct pecuniary in- terest; — 1794.4. (I sh.) The debates 8t the East-India house, 18 June 1794 on the considéra» iion of the report of the committee of by- laws and on Mr. Twitting" f motion, that no di- rector be allowed to carry on any trade or com- merce to or from India directly or indirectly ci- ther as principal or agent. 1794. 4. (2 sh.) A stvetch of the debate — at the India house — thac a general court be held — to take into considera- tion an address to his Majesty, expressive of the firm determination of this company to give every support 5i* support in their power to the government of th« country at this arduous crisis — to raise three fencible regiments for the public service. 1794. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) The debates at the East-India house 21 Jan, 1795. on a resolution of the court of di- rectors, to conduct the future shipping concerns of the company, on principles of fair and open com- petition; — 1795. 4. (3 fh.) The substance of a speech delivered by Rattdle Jackson at the East- India house Jan.21. 179$. 8. (I fh.) The deba- tes at the India House , relative to the committee of by-law. 1796. (2 sh.) An impartial report of the debates that occur in the two houses of parliament, with portraits. Nrb. 1. 1796. (i fh.) An account of the proceedings of a general court at the East-India house Dec. 16. 1801. 1802. (3 sh. 6 d.) The debates at the India house, on f>a bill for regulating the trade to b« carried on with Ind.a, by ships and nations at amity with his Majesty. 1797. The debates at the India house Sept. 24. I800. when papers establishing the fact, that great and growing advantages had accrued from the new system of taking up shipping by an open competition, were referred to; and a motion was introduced on the rumoured abuse of the com- pany's patronage. 1800. (2 fh.) Report of the debates in the two houses of parliament during the present year 1801. with notes and illustra- tions. Vol. 1-3. I801. (2 L. ash.) The law of Landlord and Tenant -—; 1802. 8. (iófh.) An epitome of the law of Landlord and Tenant ; I803. 8. (5 fh.) «WOODHOUSE, [James] M. Dr. Professor of Che- mifiry in the University of Pennsylvania. On the chemical and medical properties of the persimmon-tree. Philad. 1792. 8- Observations on the combinations of acids, bitters and astrin- gents. Philad. 1793. 8. The young chenjist'i pocket companion connected with a portable labo- ratory. Philad. 1797. 8. Opinion on James Hall's account of a supposed artificial wall, discovered under the surface of the earth near Yadkin in North-Carolina. (Medical Repository, Vol.2, p. 375.) Letters on certain points of chemistry. 513 (Ibid. Vol. 2. 398.) Chemical news; 1) of the non-action of the nitric acid on silver, copper and tin; 2) of the difference in the quantity of am- moniac obtained from bones, by distilling with and without a lute. 3) of putrid urine exposed to the frost; 4) of starch prepared from the fruit of the aefculus pavia or horse chesmu.' 5) of the composition of flores martiales and ens veneris. 6) of aromatic oils, obtained from the pellicle whieh - envelopes the feeds of the latirus sassafras and laurus Benzoin; 7) of the eudiometer. 8) of American blistering flies; 0) of (he base of the muriatic acid. (Medical Reposit. Vol. 3. p. 207.) An answer to Dr. Jos. Priestley's considerations on the doctrine of phlogiston and the decomposition of water; founded upon demonstrative experi- ments. (Tr. of A. S. Vol. 4. p. 452.) Experi- ments and observations on the vegetation of plant», which shew that the common opinion of the ame- lioration of the atmosphere, by vegetation in folac light, is ill founded., (Nicholson's Journal. Y. 1803. July. p. 150.) WÒODHOI/SK, [James] Norbury park, a poem; with several others, writ- ten on various occasions. 1803. 8- (4 fli.) *WOODHOUSE, [Robert] A. M. fellow of Cajus- Co/Jege, Cambridge. The principles of analytical calculation. 1803. 4. (8 fli.) On the necessary truth of certain conclu- sions obtained by means of imaginary quantities. (Philos. Transact. Y. i8or. p. 89 ) Demonstra- tion of a theorem, by which such portions of the . solidity of a sphere are assigned as admit an alge- braic expression. (Ibid. Y. 1801. p. 153.) On the indépendance of the analytical and geometrical methods of investigation; and on the advantages to be derived from their separation. (Ibid. Y. 1803. P. 85.) ■•WOODS, [J....] An accurate mode of buying and selling wheat, by weight, illustrated by a table. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 8. p. 285.) JRtusi G. SuppL Tii. //, Kk * «WOODS, ♦WOODS, [Joseph] Jun. Explanation of a design for a bridge. (Monthly Magaz. Y. 1802. July. P. 545.) * WOODS, [Samuel] An examination of St.Pierre's hypothesis respecting the cause of the tides, which, in opposition to the received theory, attributes then to supposed perio- dical effusions of the polar ices. (TilJock's Philos, Magaz. Vol. 8> p. 134. 2Ó7.) *WOODVILLE, [William] M Dr. F. L. S. of the R. College of Phyjicians, London; Bkqfician to the small-pox and inoculation hospitals. Medical botany, containing systematic and general descriptions with plates of all the medicinal plauts, indigenous and exotic — : Vol. 1-3. 1790-1793. 4. (2 L. 3 sh. 6 d. coloured 5 L. 2 sh<) Supple- ment. 1794 4» C14 fh. coloured 1 L. 13 sh. 6d.) The history of the inoculation of the fmall-pox in Great - Britain —. Vol. I. 1796.8. (7 sh.) Re- ports of a series of inoculations for the variolae vaccinae or cow-pox; with remarks and obser- vations on this disease , considered as a substitute for the small-pox. 1799, 8. (3 sh. 6 d.) iibers. mit Anmerk. von F. G. priese. Breslaw. 1800. 8. iïberf. von G. K Ballkorn, bey seiner Uebers. von Jennerys fortges. Beobachr. iiber die Kuh- pockeu. Observations on the cow-pox, I800. 8* (I sh. 6 d.) Instances of inoculation for cow- pox. (Monthly Magaz. Y. I800, Febr. p. i.) ^WOODWARD, [Augustus B....] Considerations on the fubstauce of the fun. Wash- ington. 1801. 8. * WOODWARD, [George Murgatroyd] Excentric excursions or literary and pictorial sket- ches of countenance, character and country in different parts of England and South-Wales, inter- spersed with curious anecdotes: embellished with upwards of 100 characteristic and illustrative prints. Vol.i. 1797. 4. (3 L. 3sli., 5 L. colou- red.) The military mania! or, a new domestic exercise. 1798. (3 fh.) The musical mania for 1802- delineated in 6 characteristical plates with metrical elucidations and a bravura with colou- red plate?. 1803. 4. The castle of Erasmus; or, Bertrand sis Bertrand and Eliza; a legendary tala. (New-York Magaz. Y. 1794. Jan. p. 17.) WOODWARD, [Richard] D. D. Bishùp os Clotjne in Ireland* born .... died 1794. APr* See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1794. May. p. 483» ^WOODWARD, [Robert] Vicar of Harrold The causes and pretences for separation from the established church considered and refuted. 1802.8. f WOODWARD, [Thomas Jenkinson] Esq. F. L. S. History and description of a new species of fucus» (Transact, of L. S. Vol. r. p. 131.) Descriptions of two new british fuci. (Ibid. Vol.2, p.29.) Ait essay towards an history of the britisli stellated lycoperdons; being an account of such species a? have been found in the neighbourhood of Bungay, in Suffolk. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p. 32.) Description of fucus dasyphyliu9. (Ibid. Vol, 2. p. 239.) Addi- tional observations on fucus hypoglossum. (Trans- act, of Linn. Soc. Vol.2, p. 30. and additional note tp the essay on the stellated lycoperdons, referred to lycopcrdon recclligens, ad p. 58. (Ibid. Vol. 2. p.321. and p. 323.) Observations upon the gene- ric character of ulva, with descriptions of soma new species. (Ibid, Vol. 3. p. 46.) See Sam. Goodenougk. «WOOLCOMBE, [Willem] M. A. Prcfandary of Exeter. The grounds and nature of the christian ministry in the church of Englapd; a sermon. 1792. 4. (I sh. 6 d.) WOOLCOT, [John] (WOLCOTT? WALCOT?) better kuown by his poetical appellation Peter Pindar. bom atDodbrook, near Kingsbridge. 'See Public Characters of 1798 and 1799. p. 205* ^ri^HciVTeutsch.Merkur, J. 1797. Fcbr. S.I56. A poetical epistle to the reviewers. 1778» The rights of kings > or, loyal odes to disloyal Aca- demicians. 1791. 4. (3 fh.) Odes to Mr. Paine% author of rights of man, on the intended celebra- tion of the downfal of the french empire by a set of britisli démocrates on the 14th of July. 179L 4. (i iL.) The remonstrance; to which Kk % is 5i6 i« added, oh ode to my. ass-, also,' the magpie and Robin, a tale; an apology for kings and an ad- dress to my-pamphlet. 1791» 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) A commiserating epistle to James Lowther, Earl of Lonsdale and Lowtker, Lord -Lieut, and Cult. Rot. of the counties of Cumberland and Westmore- land. 1791. 4» (2 fh.) Character of an antiqua- rian. (Columbian Magaz. Y. I79T. April, p.341. Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1791. Nov. p. 666.) Mor,e money! or, odes of instruction to Mr. Pitt, with a variety of other choice matters. 1793 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) The tears of St. Margaret, also odes of condolence to the high and mighty musical di- rectors on their downfall. 1792. (2 fh. 6 d.) Odes of importance. 1793. 4. (3 fh.) Odes to Kicn- Long, the present emperor of China— 1793. 4. (3 sh.) A pair of lyric epistles to Lord Macart- ney and his ship. 1792. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) The Lousiad, an heroic-comic poem. Canto 4. 1792. 4. Canto 5. and last. 1795. 4. (4 fh. 6 d.) A poe- tical, serious and poslibly impertinent epistle to the Pope; also a pair of odes to his holiness on his keeping a disorderly house, with a pretty little ode to innocence. 1793. 4. (2 fh* 6 d.) Pathe- tic odes. The Duke of Richmond's dog thunder, and the widow's pigs — a tale. The poor sol- dier of Tilbury fort: Ode to certain foreign sol- diers; Ode to eastern tyrants: The frogs and Ju- piter — a fable: The diamond pin and candle, a fable: The fun and the peacock, a fable. 1794. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) Celebration, or, the academic proceslîon to St. James, an ode; 1794. 4. (I fb. < 6 d.) Works in three volumes. 1794. 8. Vol. 4. 1796. (10 fh. ó d.) Hair-powder, a plaintive epistle to Mr." Pitt — to which is added frogmo- re-fete, or, ode for muíìk for the I of April. 1795. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) The conventional bill, an ode. 1795. 4. (I fh.) The cap, a satiric poem; including most of the dramatic writers of the pre- sent day, with notes. 1795. 4. (2 ih.) The royal visit to Exeter; a poetical epistle — 1795- 4* (I fh. 6 d.) Liberty's last squeak; containing an elegiac ballade, an ode to an informer — 1795- 4, (1 ih. 6 d.) Pindariana; or Peter's portfolio — Vol. I 5í? Vpl. r. 1795. 4. (ió;íh. 6 d.) The royal tour and Weymouth amusements — 1795. 4. (3 fh.) An admirable satyre on Burke's defence of his pension — I79Ó. One thousand seven hundred and ninety-fix, a satire in 4 dialogues. 1797» 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) An ode to the livery of London on their petition to his Maj. For kicking out his wor- thy ministers, also an ode to Sir Jos Banks, on the report of his elevation to the important digni- ty of a privy counsellor. 1797. 4. (2 sh. 6 d.) Tales of the Hoy — with an engraving of the author. 1798. 4. (3 fh.) Nil admirari; or, a smile at a bishop; occasioned by an hyperbolical eulogy on Miss Hannah Moore by Dr. Porteus in his late charge to the clergy — 1799. 4. (2 fh. 0 d.) Lord Auckland's triumph; or, the death of Crim — 1800. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) Out at last Í or, the fallen minister. I801. 4. (I fh. 6 d.) Odes to ins and outs. I80I. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) A poetical epistle to Ben). Count Rums or d — 1801. 4. (I fh. ó d.) Tears and smiles; a miscellaneous collection of poems. 18OI. 8. (5 fh. 6 d.) A commiserating epistle to James Lowther Earl of Lonsdale — 1802. 4. (2 fh.) The. island of in- Hocence, a poetical epistle to a friend. Part r. I802. 4. (i fh. 6 d.) Pitt and his statue, an epistle to the subscribers. 1802. 4, (2 fh. 6 d ) The Middlesex election, or, poetieaJ epistles in the Devonshire dialect by Mr. Jos, Budge of Lou- don to Lord Rolle, at Weymouth. 1802. 4. (2 fh. 6 d.) The horrors of bribery; a penitential epistle, from Philip Hamlin, Tinman, to the R. H. H. Addingtov, Prime-Minister —; 1802. 4. (ifh. ó d.) *WOOLL, [John] B. A. Fellow of new. College at Oxford. The King's house at Winchester, a poem, 1793* 4. (3 íh.) WOOLLEY, [William] M. A. Chaplain to the Mar- schalsea* The benefit of starving; or, the advantages of hunger, cold and nakedness; intended as a cordial for th *WORD, [John] Some account of the Shrewsbury house of indu« stryr its establishment and regulations, with hints to those who may have similar institutions in view. 1791. 8. DWORDS WORTH, [W....] B. A. of St. Johns College at Cambridge. An evening walk; an epistle, in verse, addressed to a young lady from the lakes of the North of England. 1793. 4. (2 ih.) Descriptive Ikctcbes iti verse; taken during a pedestrian tour in the Ita- lian , Grison, Swiss and Savoyard Alps. I793. 4. (3 fh.) '-Lyrical ballads, with a few other poems. Vol. r. 1798. 12. (5fh.) V0I.2. 180Ì.8. (5^0 *Six letters a Granville Sharp, Esq. respecting his remarks 011 the uses of the definitive articlo in the greek text of the N. T. 1802. (4 fh. 6 d.) 3WORKMAN, [B....] of the University of Phila- delphia* A short dissertation on eclipses. (Columbian Ma* gaz. Y. 1786. Nov. p. 113.) ^WORKMAN, [James] Esq. of the Middle - Temple. An argument against continuing the war. 1795. 8. (2 fh.) A letter to the Duke of Portland, being a defence of the conduct of his Maj. Ministers, in fending an Ambassador to treat for peace with the french direóìory against the attack made upon chas measure by — Edm. Burke and an endea- vour vourto prove that the permanent establishment of the french republic is compatible with the fosery of the religious and political systems of Europe. 1796. 8. (2 fh. 6 d.) The elements of military* tactics, conformable to the system established by his Ma- jesty's order. Parti. 1798. 12. (2 fh.) «WORSDALE, [John] GenethliacaJ astrology, comprehending an enquiry into and defence of the celestial science, wkh the method of rectifying nativities, by the legal mode of the trutineof Hermes —; 179. 8. (4 sb. 6 d.) WORTHINGTON, [Hugh] Dissenting Clergyman at Leicester. born 1712. Juneir. at Balshaw-Outwood, near Stockport, Cheshire > died at Leicester 1797. 0£t. 29. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Nov. p. 98J. Monthly Magaz. Y. 1797. Nov. p. 403. Crabb's sermons, published in two Volumes, 17.. 8. WORTHINGTON, [Richard] M. Dr. Thoughts on the manifesto of the french to all states and nations. 1792. 8. (I fh.) Treatise on the dorsal spasm. 1792. 8. (I sh. 6 d.) Sermons, to which is affixed a short discourse on . the divi- nity of Christ. 1793. 8. (5 sh.) Address to a disingenuous writer for the Monthly Review. 1794* 8. (I fh.) Remarks on the threatened invasion and a proposal for the relief of the sick poor. I804. (8 fh.) ^WORTHINGTON, [W.... H....] The shoot iu cattle. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol.37, p. 112.) WOTY, [William] born .... died at Loughborough about 6o. March 5. 179L Sec Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1791. March, p. 285. April, p. 379. Shrubs of parnaisus, containing a variety of poe- tical essays, moral and comic, by James CoyijivelJ* 1760. 12. "WRANGHAM, [Francis] M.A. Member of Trinity College j Cambridge and Curate çf Cobham, Snrry, Kk 4 Reform, 533 * W RI G HT, [John] of Chelsea. Observations ou the public reads of the kingdom and the means of improving them. (Comm. to the B. of Agr. Vol. i. p. 162.) On the watering of turnpike roads in the neighbourhood of London. (Ibid. Vol. 1. p, 205.) ^WRIGHT, [Richard] The duty of children to their parents, stated and enforced. 1801. 12. ( I sh. 6 d.) An humble attempt to promote union among christians by inculcating the principles of christian liberty; to which is added, an appendix I. concerning the jews. 2. concerning deists, 3. containing short extracts. 1803. 8» (4 sh. 6 d.) The eternity of hell torments indefensible —; 1803. 8« (I fh.) Instruction for youth —. Vol.1. I803. (I sh. 8 d.) WRIGHT, [T., The art of floating- land, at is practised in the county of Gloucester, sliewn to be preferable to any other method in use in this country, with a particular examination of what Boswell, Davis9 Marshall and others, have written on the sub- ject; — 1799, 8. (3 6 d.) «WRIGHT, [T....] Hassan; from Soliman and Fatima; an eastern tale. (Massachusetts Magaz. Y. 1795. May, p. 115. June. p. 137.) * WRIGHT, [Thoma«] of Eaton, near Melton Mow* bray, co. Leicester. born 1715. died 1797. Nov. 23. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1797. Dec. p. 1071. Alig. Litter. Zeít. ItBJ. J. 1800. S. 648. (For more than half a century he compiled Moo* ris Almanach,) * W R1G H T, [Thomas] late of Byer's-green Lodge, in the county of Durham. born 1711. Sept. 22. died 1786. Febr. 35. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1793. Jan. p. 9. Febr. p. 126. March. p*2i3« * WRIGHT, [Thomas] Licentiate of the Roy. College of Surgeons and Superintendent of the Dis seeling yupih te the same. A concise history of the human muscles —; Dublin. 1791. 13. On the mode most easily and effeciu- 523 ally practicable of drying up the marshes of the maritime parts of North-America. (Tr. of A. S, Vol 4. p. 243.) ♦WRIGHT, [Thomas] of Mark-Une. A short address to the public on the monopoly of small farms, a great cause of ihe present scarcity and dearness of provisions —; 1795. 8. (6 d.) «WRIGHT, [William] M. Dr. of Jamaica, The antiseptic virtues of vegetable acid and ma- rine salt combined , in various disorders » accom- panied with putridity. (American Museum. Y. 1787. P-33-) '; * WRIGHT, [William] A narrative of the situation and treatment of the English arrested by order of the French govern- ment at the commencement of hostilities; with — an account of the Author's escape from Calais in a trunk. 1803. (I sb,) *:WRIGHT, [William] Teacher of the Mathematics\ An introduction to plane trigonometry, with its application to altimetry and Jongìmetry^ 1798» 12. (6d.) WRIGHT, [William] M. Dr. F. /?. S. of London and Edinb. Practical observations on the treatment of acute diseases; particularly those of the West-Indies. (Simmons's Med. Facts and Observât, Vol. 7, p. I.) Report respecting the diseases most common among the troops in the West-Indies. (Duncans A. of Med. Y. 1797. P-345.) *WRIGHTE, [William] M. A: F. A. S: Re&or of PFickling. Short account of the mosaic history of the crea- tion. 1798. (i sh.) Extract from a proclamation made in the 20 Y. of King Henry VIII. for divi- ding certain lordihips and towns to be annexed and knit into divers shires near the marches of Wales. (Arch. Vol. 12- p. 890 Short notices relating to the parish of Liaiwetherine in Monmouthshire. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 99.) See Edw. IVhhaker Gray. *WYATT, [....] *WYATT, [John] Esq. of the Inner-Temple; Barri- ster at Law, The practical register in chancery ì with the addi- tion tion of the ttiodern cases and a copious inde*, I800. 8- (9 fh.) Reports of cafes argued and de- termined in she high court of chancery: collected by John Dickens. Vol. r.2. I802. 8- (r L. 8 fh.) ♦ WYBORN, [James].of Hull, near Deal, Kent. On smut in wheat, and a new method of sowing by h^nd &c. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 6. p. 186.191.) HorrCs universal five-furrow sowing-machine, for, broad-casting or drilling all forts of grain, pulse and seed. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol, 12. p. 477.) On the smut in wheat. (Ibid. Vol.16, p. 3TI.) «WYEK, [Edward] M. Dr. Fellow of the Massachu- setts Med. Soc: Physician at Halifax, Nova-: Scotia. ( * * born .... died .... (?) Remarks upon the superior advantages of covering, with the stein, parts recently exposed. (M. P. of M S. Nrh. 1. p. «59.) , «WYNDHAM, [EHzabeth] Description of her improved cross-bar lever, for raising Urge weights; (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A. Vol, 14. p. 295O WYNDHAM, [Henry Penruddock] of Salisbury. Picture of tiie isle of Wight, delineated upon the spot, in thé Y. 1793. 1794. 8. (5 sb.) *WYNDHAM, [William] Esq. M. P. * Vindiciae Britannicae; being strictures on G. TVa- kefield pamphlet „The spirit of Christianity compai- red with the spirit of the times in Great-Britain by on undergraduate. 1794. *WYNNE, [H.;..] On a pair of harrows and a drag. (Bath Agric. Soc. Vol. 9. p. 212.) WYNNE, [Richard] M. A. ReSlor at Ayot St. Lau- rence , near IVélwyn, Herts; formerly Retlor of Stm Aiphage, London-wall, born 1718. died July 8. 179,0s- See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1799. Juty' p-629. Allg. Litter. Zeit. J. 1800, ItBI. S. 661. The principal truths of natural religion; transla- ted from Reimarus. 1766. 8* *WYViLL, [Charles] Rev. His correspondence with Will. Pitt. Part I-4. I 7q6. (3 sh.J Letter to John Cartwright. 1801.8» 'v v' WYVILL, 535 W Y VIL L, [Christopher] A Clergyman of Yorkfliin; formerly Refìor of Black ÌSÌotlëy in Ejscx. A defence of Dr. Price and the reformers of bnglan J, g 1792. 8. (2 sli.) Letter to — Will. Pitt. 1793. 8. (I fh.) A state of the representation of the people of England on the principles of Mr. Pitt in 1785 with an annexed state of additional propo- sitions. 1793. 8. (I fh.) Political papers, chiefly respecting the attempt of the county of York and other considerable districts, commenced in 1779 and continued during several subsequent years, to effect: a reformation of the parliament of Great- Britain. Vol.1-4. 1794-1&02. 8. (1L 8 fh.) YaTE, [W..#. H....] Esq. Catalogue of the curiosities 111 his museum, 1801. 8» * YATES, [William] See Charles Maclean, YEARSLEY, [Ann] ( originally a milk - maid of the , city of Bristol.) Stancas of Woe—; 1790, 4. (2 fh.) Earl God- win, an historical play, Bustol 179T. 4. (3 fh. 6 d.) * The royal captives; a fragment of Iceret history; copied from an old MiV. Vol. I-4, 1795» 12. (i2fh\) The rural Ivre; a volume of poems. 1796. 4. (10 fh. 6 d.) Poems. Vol. I-3. 1796. *YEATES, [....] Mrs. Eliza, a novel. Vol. 1.2. Igco. 12. (7 in Jan. 178Ó. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 193.) Resources of the kingdom — inclofure of tbe Ro- yal forests. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 386.) Observations on spinning among the poor. (Ibid. Vol. 5. p. 418.) Experiments on the food of plants. (Ibid* Vol.5* P. 515») A tour to the Weil. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. JIÓ.) Result of experiments made at Rambouillet, under the i&ng's eye, relative to the distemper of wheat, called the smut* by Abbé Teffier; transla- ted from the french. (Ibid Vol. 6. p. 199.) Oa the air expelled from earths, (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 265.) Description of a mill for bruising sugar canes, or grinding any substance. (Ibid* Vol. 6. P* 35o») Experiments on the food of plants; (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 445.) A ten day's tour to Mr. BakeweWs farm, at Dishley, in Leicestershire. (Ibid. Vol. 6. p. 452) Observations on the bill for restraining the growers — of wool. (Ibid. Vol.6, p. 506.) On the wool bill. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 94» 150.^ Experiments on the culture of beans* (Ibid. Vol. 7.1 p. 204.) Experiments on expelling air from foils. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 217.) Reply to the manufacturer's defence of the wool bill. (Ib. Vol. 7. p. 405.) Of the population of different periods, (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 429.) On the necessity of avoiding all public regulations relative to the size of farms. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 510.) On the pre- servation and expenditure of turnips in a former spring an/d on turnip-rooted cabbages, (Ibid. Vol. 7. p» 536*) A journey to Dover. (Ibid. Vol. 7. LI % p.561.) p.5Ól>) Experiments on expelling; air from cal- careous earths, (Ibid. Vol, 8. p. 14.) A tour in Wales, (ibid. Vol. 8. p. 31.) Some particulars relative to the late John Wkijn Baker, Esq. (Ib. Vol. 8- p. 125.) On the chemical analysis of foils; translated from the Italian QÎBabbroni. (Ibid. Vol, S.'p. I73-) Tour in Catalonia. (Ibid. Vol.8. p. 193.) A coup d'oil on the present situation of Europe. (Ibid. Vol.8, p. 276.) On a method of fattening oxen in Limosin, in France. (Ibid.Vol.8, p. 325.) Experiments on fallows and preparatory crops, by Mons. Dujoré de Sir Cotin; translated from the French. (Ibid. Vol.8, p. 332.), Experi- ment oirthe smut in wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 8- p.409.) An account of the net produce of all the taxes from the 5 April 1785 to the 5 Apr. 1787. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 414.) On the export of wool and the bill now depending in parliament. (Ibid. Vol. 8. p. 467.) On the abolition of slavery in the Well- Indies. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 88.) Plantations of the Earl of Fife about Innes — in the County of Mur- ray. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. no.) Experiment on the comparison of different preparations for barley. (Ibid, Vol. 9. p. 129.) On the prosit of a farm. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 235») Effect of the monopoly of rabbit wool. (Ibid. Vol. 9, p. 244.) On the pri- ces of wool and state of spinning at present in England. (Ibid. Vol. 9, p. 266, 443. Vol. 10. p. 217'. Vol. 10. p. 521.523.545-577^ Vol, II. p.21. 112. 369-) Bounty on the growth of hemp and flax, (Ibid. Vol. 9. p. 473.) Experiments on ma* iiures for potatoes. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p.651.) On the bay bill. (Ibid. Vol. 9. p.655.) Wool-act. (Ib. Vol. xo. p. 1.) A day at Mr. Duc&et* (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 18Ó.) Note concerning (cichorium in* tybus) succory. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 2IÓ. Vol. 11. p, 145. Vol.12, p. 186. Vol.13, p. 252. Vol. 15. p. 395.) Experiment on the smut in wheat. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 231.) Ou the police of wool, and the neglect of the farming interest in this kingdom. (Ibid. Vol. io. p. 235.) Spinning-mills for wool. (Ibid. Vol. 10. p. 280.) West-Indian agriculture. (Ibid. Vol 10. p. 335.) On the necessity of coun- ty associations of the landed interest. (Ibid. Vol. io. p. 405.) Minutes concerning the parish osBarn ham, in Suffolk. (Ibid. Vol. 10, p.475.) A tour, in Sussex. (Ibid. Vol, 11. p. 170.) Communica- tions relating to the late severe frost; Y. 1788 et I789. (Ibid. Vol. 11. p. 321. 617. Vol. 12. p. 132. 193' 310.) Some minutes taken at Houghton, the feat of the Earl of Orford , in April 1789. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 40.) On the winter and spring provi- sion for sheep and cattle^ (Ibid. Vol.12. p.22Ir) Experiment on rattening hogs. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 278.) Remarks on Mr. Mojeley's tare and buck-wheat husbandry. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p. 303.) Produce of turnips and cabbages 1788. (Ibid. Vol. 12. p.377.) Experiments on expelling air from foils. (Ibid. Vol.12, p. 392.) Remarks on the prohibition of the export of corn. (Ibid. Vol, 13. p. 152. 163.) Communications relating the corn-trade and corn- laws in England. (Jbid. Vol. 13. p. 188. 320. 411, 511. Vol., 14. p. 405. 431. Vol. 15. p. 248. 310. 493-) On the Guinea grass. (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 341.) On the beggar weed. (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 346.) On the corn bill. (Ibid. Vol. 13. p. 456.) Observations on the present season July 1790. (Ibid. Vol. 14. p.64.) Review of intelligence on corn. (Ibid. Vol. 14, p. 75.) Experiments in weighing fatting cattle alive. (Ibid, Vol. 14. p. 140.) Experiment on gypsum, (ibid. Vol. 14. p. 316.) Memoirs of the last thirty years of his far- ming life. (Ibid. Vol.15, p. 152.) Experiment on the introduction of South Down sheep into Suf- folk. (Ibid. Vol.15, p. 286.) A few notes taken in Sussex. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 427.) Communica- tions concerning Mr. Rastrick'f threshing machine. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 48I.) Observations on the essay of the English settlements in the Crimea. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 547.) Observations on the essay, Langron enclosure in Leicestershire. (Ibid. Vol. 15. p. 565.) Miscellaneous notes minuted at Houghton, in April 1791. ([bid. Vol 16. p. 41.) Account of grazing twelve bullocks, 1790-1791. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 64.) On the taxes paid by landed property iti England. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 103.) On the pre- sent season 1791. (Ibid. Vol. ló. p. 121.) Plan of a barn and the buildings necessary for cattle. (îb. LI 3 Vol. Vol. 16. p. 149,) Upon the irrigation in Cam- bridgeshire made by Pallavicino. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 177.) On gypsum, (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 184.) Ob- servations on an essay on tythes. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p* 278.) Miscellaneous notes on various subjects (Ibid. Vol, IÓ. p. 351.) Experiment on dibbling barley, (ibid. Vol. 16. p. 382-) Enquiry how far the common practice of a country is to be considered as experimental. (Ibid. Vol.16, p. 412.) Experi- ment on Syberian melilot, (melilotus Sybirica) 1791, (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 420.) On the woollen trade in Gloucester. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 422.) Note on the mildew. (Ibid. Vol, 16. p. 423») A french recipe against bugs. (Ibid. Vol. 16. p. 425.) Some notes concerning the cultivation and advance of value of burnt fen in the county of Suffolk, (lb. Vol.16, p. 462.) A month's tour to Northampton- shire, Leicestershire &c. (Ibid. Vol.16, p. 480.) Death of the Earl of Orford. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. TOI.) Gleanings in an excursion to Lewes fair, I7Q[. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p, 129.) Experiments with cichorium intybus. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p.202. Vol.20, p. 188.) Return of a farm. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 209.) Replies to A. Youngs queries, circular letter rela- tive to sheep, (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 213. 322. 385. 589. Vol. 18. p. 58.192.) Description of his drill har- row, (Ibid, Vol, 17. p. 30r.) On canine maduess. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 479.) Monopoly of rabbit wool. (Ibid. Vol. 17, p. 501.) On the abolition of the stave trade. (Ibid. Vol, 17. p. 523.) Don. A Merino ram &c. (Ibid. VoL 17, p. 529.) Pro- ceedings in Suffolk, in relation to mad dogs. (Ibid. Vol, 17. p. 533.) On the bill for the in- crease and preservation of timber within the new forest. (Ibid, Vol. 17, p, 575.) Corn trade in France. (Ibid. Vol.17, p. 596.) On the Spanish sheep. (Ibid, Vol. 17. p. 597.) On the public corn magazines. (Ibid. Vol. 17, p. 598.) l»dex of papers and intelligence concerning sheep and wool, in the first 17 volumes of his Annals of Agriculture. (Ibid. Vol. 17. p. 602.) On the tur- nips in Germany. (Ibid. Vol.18. p.3?*i Some experiments in a winter's support of cattle and ilwp. i?gi. 1792. (Ibid. Vol. 18. p»840 The farmer's 535 farmer's cart. (Ibid. Vol. i$, p. 178 ) A few no- tes in an excursion to Bedfordshire. (Ibid, Vol. 18. p. 220.) Prospect of the season. 1792. (Ibid. Vol. 18. p. 374-476 ) A week in Essex. (Ibid. Vol, 18. p. 391. Vol. 19. p, 415,) Lunar period. (Ibid. Vol.18, p. 446.) Observât, on an essay of Botany-Bay agriculture. (Ibid. Vol, 18. p. 459.) French events applicable to British agriculture, (Ibid. Vol. 18. p. 486. 582. Vol. 19. p. 36.) Que- ries on the means of judging of Qieep. (Ibid. Vol. 18. p. 524.) On the wool. (Ibid. Vol. 18. p. 612.) Experiment on meadow-land. (Ibid. Vol, 19. p. 211.) Assize of meal and regulations of grinding corn for the poor. ("Ibid. Vol. 19. p»334.) On the variety of teams used in different countries. (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 419.) A iketch drawn from some advice to a young man, how to extract know- ledge from viewing the farms of others. (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 422.) Corn-trade in France. (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 425. 5ÓÔ.) On combing wool. (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 436.) A week in Norfolk. (Ibid. Vol. 19. p. 441.) Corn trade of Paris. (Ibid, Vol, 19. p, 558.) Queries relating to the spinning of wool; with answers by various authors. (Ibid. Vol. 20« p. 178. 410.) Some farming notes in Essex, Kent and Sussex. (Ibid. Vol.20, p.220.) On the cab- bage fallow. (Ibid. Vol.20, p. 413,) An error of Adam Smith corrected, (Ibid. Vol. 20. p. 493-) Notes taken in Essex &c. June 1793, (Ibid. Vol. 20. p. 499.) Experiments in laying down arable land to grass, (Ibid, Vol, 20* p. 5I2f) Experi* ments on the foot-rot in sheep. (Ibid, Vol. 2I# p. 58.) On cabbage fallow, (Ibid, Vol, 21. p. p. III.) How far is agriculture capable of being made one of the pursuits, in which men of a cer- tain rank may educate their children, as at pre- sent in commerce and manufactures? flbid. Vol. 21. p. 229.) Experiments on cichory and the sum- mer support of slwp. 1793. (Ibid. Vol. 2i, p. ÓOI.) On the drill husbandry, before the late improvements. (Ibid, Vol. 22. p. 72.) A touc through Sussex. (Ibid. Vol. 22. p. 171.) Horses and oxen, in Sussex, compared. (Ibid. Vol. 22. P- 3750 Management of woodland in Sussex. LI 4 (Ibid. (Ibid. Vol. 22* p. 3S3- 494.) On parsley. (Ibid. Vol.22, p. 445.) A fortnight's tour in East Suf- folk. (Ibid. Vol.23. p. 190 Use of oxen. (Ibid. Vol, 23. p. 68 ) Oir some watered meadows in Hampshire. (Ibid. Vol.23, p.264.) An idea of the present agricultural state of France, and of the consequences of the events passing in that kingdom. (Ibid. Vol. 23. p. 274.) Hampshire husbandry. (Ibid. Vol. 23. p. 355.) Miscellaneous notes. (Ibid. Vol.23. P'374-) On planting. (Ib. Vol. 23. p. 393.) On keeping grass a year be- fore feeding. (Ibid. Vol. 23. p. 406.) Size of farms. (Ibid. Vol. 23. p. 432.) Some notes at Riddlesworth. (Ibid. Vol, 23. p. 437.) .' Experi- ment on some' courses of crops. (Ibid. Vol.23, p. 47*0 Experiments on cichory and the summer support of íheep 1794. (Ibid. Vol. 24. p. 23-) Circular letter concerning the present scarcity of provisions (1795) with queries and answers by ■various authors. (Ibid. Vol. 24. p. 41-63.73-178. 185-288. 297-318- 327-348.) Consequences of rioting, on account of the high price of provisions. (Ibid. Vol. 24» p. 53Ó.) Substitutes for wheat flour. (Ibid. Vol.24. p. 576.) Queries concerning the food of horses. (Ibid. Vol. 25. p. 25.) The constitution safe without reform, containing some remarks ost a book entitled: The common wealth in danger, by John Cartwright^ Esq. (Ibid. Vol. 25. p. 246.) Political remarks on the high price , of corn. (Ibid. Vol. 25. p*44Ç>.) A good method of assisting the poor. (Ibid. Vol.25, p. 530.) On rice bread. (Ibid. Vol. 25. p. 535.) Sermon on the scarcity of corn. Gen. XLL 55. (Ibid. Vol.20, p. 197.) Circular letter conccrnm* the present scarcity of com, with the answers. (Ibid. Vol. 25. p. 344. 473-501» 59^9-038. y°!- 26. p. 1-23. 11.5- Experiments on cichory and on the winter and summer support of íÎKep, for the Y. 1795. (Ibid. Vol.26, p. 489.) Excursion to Yorkshire, including the account of a waste land farm. (Ibid. Vol.27, p. 287.) Experiments on some grasses. (Ibid. Vol.27, p.375.) Serra- dilla; a day at Rushford. (Ibid. Vol. 27. p.503.) Some notes on the experimental husbandry of Mr. Parkin* 53? Parkinson, os Doncaster. (Ibid. Vol. 27, p. 555- 561.) A farming tour in the South and West of England. (Ibid. Vol. 28. p. 98. 113. 353» 460. 620. Vol. 29. p. 89. 195- 238. 427. 557* Vol. 30. p. 72. I85.399.359. Vol. 31. p. 79. 225.) A farmer's letter to the Yeomanry of Britain. (Ibid. Vol.27, p. 49.528. Vol. 28. p. 177. 426.) To the printers of the Lewes journal. (Ibid. Vol. 28. p. 202.) Ex- periments upon the winter and summer support of iheep for the Y. 179Ó. (Ibid. Vol.28, p. 258.) Fat sheep, with a plate. (Ibid. Vol.28, p. 275.) Communications from various authors 011 the cul- ture of cochineal and drilling in Bengal. (Ibid. Vol.28, p. 292-323.337-349.) Account of Count Leopold Berchtold, (Ibid. Vol.28. p.39I«) Que- ries with replies from various authors, on horses. (Ibid. Vol.28, p. 405-415. 536-543. 613-619.) Potatoes; — table raisonnée. (Ibid. Vol. 29. p.38.) Some notes on the Earl of Exeter's husbandry. (Ibid. Vol.29, p. 379.) Peiworth prize-meeting. (Ibid. Vol.29, p. 505.) Mr. Benthams pauper table. (Ibid. Vol.29, p. 556.)' On certain prin- ciples of taxation. (Ibid. Vol.30, p. 177.) HoU deroesse-Beverley-Hull some notes, in 1197* (Ibid. Vol.31, p. 113.) Experiments on the win- ter and summer support of iheep. (Ibid. Vol. 31. p. 204.) Circular ox-(talis, built by the late Hutcheson Mure, Esq. at Saxham, Suffolk, (Ibid. Vol. 31. p. 502.) Queries concerning inclosing, (Ibid. Voi.31. p. 553.) On the courses of crops throughout England, (Ibid. Vol. 32. p. T.) Of fallowing and the extirpation of weeds. (Ibid. Vol. 32. p. 2T7.) Of manufactures mixed with agriculture. (Ibid. Vol.32. p.220.) Queries, with the answers from various authors, relating to ti- thes. (Ibid. Vol.32, p. 275-303. 397-510. 6l8. Vol. 33. p. 79.) Scmie notes concerning the Earl of pVincktlsea's husbandry at Durley-on - the - Hill, in Rutlandshire. 1797. (Ibid. Vol. 32. p. 351.) Queries, with the answers of various authors, rela- tive to the late severe frost 1798 and 1799. and backward spring. (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 129-153-194"" 203.253-274. 346-3/6* 5IS-53Ï- Vol.34» P- 93. Experiments ou the winter and summer support of LI 5 slieep* (Ibid* Vol.33, p. 180.) Account of cichory. (Ib. Vol.33, p.302.) Warping* in Lincolnshire. (Ib. ^°l* 33- ? 383.) Remarks on the late severe winter and backward spring. 1799, (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 400.) Management to improve a bad plant of clover. (Ibid. Vol.33, p.435.) Concave roads. (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 436.) Some notes at Glynd, in Sussex. 1799. (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 447.) Circular stack and threshing yard, (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 488O Ipswich fair, 1799. (Ibid. Vol.33, p. 502.) On the price of corn, and the situation of the poor m the ensuing winter. (Ibid. Vol, 33. p. 621.) Fish- ponds. (Ibid. Vol. 33. p. 638.) Experiments in planting. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 54.) Price of provi- sions and state of the poor. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 100.) Paring and burning for grass. (Ibid. Vol. 34. p. 122.) On the state of the poor, (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 186.) Experiments on the winter and sum nier support of sheep. (Ibid. Vol.34. P»4Ï4) Use of rice. (Ibid* Vol.34, p. 445.) On the season Dec. 27. 1799. (Ibid. Vol.34, p. 445.) On the price of corn Y. 1800. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 85.) General inclosure act. (Ibid. Vol.35, p. 137.) Inquiry — can a tenant draw back an income tax? conse- quence to landlords,depends on the price of corn; police of corn. (Ibid. Vol.35, p. 142.) Notes at Wycombe, in Bucks, April. 1800. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 164) Woburn sheep shearing, 1800. (Ibid. Vol.35, p.225.) Some notes atKimbolton, 1800. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p. 427.) On the price of corn in September 1800. — on the resolutions against forestallers &c. and on the riots. (Ibid. Vol. 35. p..569.) On com laws. (Ibid. Vol. 36. p. I.) Circular letter on the late crop, the present state of the markets and the poor (Y. 1800.) with the answers from various countries. (Ibid. Vol. 36, p. 113.143-Ï50. 289. 331. 349-370- 376-398. 4°5-) Export mid import of corn. (Ibid. Vol. 36. p. 153.) General enclosure. (Ibid. Vol 36. p. 2IO.) An inquiry into the propriety of applying wastes to the better maintenance and support of the poor 5 with instances of the great effects which have at- tended their acquisition of property in keeping them from the parish even in the present scarcity; being 5?9 the substance of some notes taken by him in a tour in the year 1800. (Ibid. Vol, 36. p. 497. 548.) Account of the Howard or clustered po- tatoes. (Tr. of the Soc. for the E. of A, Vol. 3. p. 30. Vol. 4. }p. 61.) Essay on the converiion of grass lands hito tillage. (Comm. to the B. of Agr» Vol. 3. P. 1. p. 99,) Experiments on the winter and summer support of sheep for the Y. 1800* (Young's A. of Agr. Vol. 37. p. 273.) Cottage farms in a chalk country. (Ibid. Vol. 37. p. 352.) Warping in Italy. (Ibid. Vol.37, p.385 ) Obser- vations registered in the course of a visit to the Earl of Coventry at Croom, Worcestershire, (lb. Vol, 37. p. 465.) Experiment in making hay. (Ib. Vol.38, p. I.) The farmers calendar, containing practical explanations of the business necessary to be performed on farms duiring every month of the yeàr —. 1804,8. (XO ill. 6 d.) * YOUNG, [Arthur] Jun. Cause and progress of the dearness of provisions and'remedy proposed. (Youngs A. of Agr. Vol. 29. p. 109.) To (he subscribers for the improve- ment of cattle and sheep. &c. (Ibid. Vol. 29. p. 271.) On turnip butter. (Ibid. Vol.30, p. 109.) Account of:the first attempt with the mole plough. (Ibid. Vol. 36. p. 399.) General state of the par- liamentary inclosures in the county of Worcester, (Ibid. Vol. 37. p. 496.) ♦YOUNG, [Benjamin] Description of his harrow and roller. (Youngs A, of Agr, Vol.32, p.635J *YOUNG, [James] Esq. of Clare, Suffolk. On laud draining. (Youngs A. of Agr, Vol.8, p. 162, Vol. 9. p. 16.) *YOUNG, [John] D. D. Minister of the Gospel in Ha- wick, Essays on the following interesting subjects: 1) go- vertiment, 2) revolutions, 3) the British consti- tution; 4) kingly government; 5) parliamentary representation and reform; 6) liberty and equa- lity; 7) taxation, and 8) the present war and the stagnation of credit qs connected with it. 1794. 8. (2 sh.) Sermons on important subjects. P. 1-3. 1798» (I fhf) The history of the war between Great- Great-Britain and France. Vol, I. 2. I804. 8. (14 f".) * YOUNG, [John] Curate of Mulhbrach Some account of the Vicars Cairn, in the county of Armagh. (Tr. of J. A. Vol. 8. Anriq. p. 3.) *YOUiNG, [Joseph] M. Dr. of New-York. A new physical syst«m of astronomy —- New- York. 1800. 8. (5 fh. 6 d.) * YOUNG, [Maria Julia] (The only remaining relative of Dr. Young, author of the Nights Thoughts dec.) Adelaide and Antoninc, or the emigrants, a tnle. 2794. 4. (I fh.) Rose-mount castle, or, false report, a novel. Vol, 1-3. 1798. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) Lindorf and Carolina; or the danger of credulity; from the German of Cramer, Vol. 1 -3. 1803. 12. (10 sh. 6 d.) Right and wrong, or, the kinsman of Naples. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 1%. (14 ft) Moss Cliff abbey; or, the sepulchral harmonist; a my- sterious tale. Vol. 1-4. 1803. 12. (12 fh.) YOUNG, [Matthew] D. D. Lord-Bishop of Clonsert and Kilmacduach.. M. R* J. A. born 1750. died I800. Nov. 28. at Whit- worth, Lancashire. (See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1800. Dec. p. 1217. The origin and theory of the gothic arch. (Tr. of J. A. 1789. p. 55») On the precession of the equinoxes. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 3.) Remarks on the velocity with which fluids issue from apertures in the vessels which coritain them. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 53.) On the force of testimony in establishing facts contrary to analogy. (Ibid. VoL 7. p. 79.) On the number of the primitive colorific rays in solar light. (Ibid. Vol. 7. p. 119. Nicholson's Jour- nal. Vol. 4. p. 385.) Demonstration of Newton^ theorems for the corrections of spherical errors in the object glasses of telescopes. (Ibid. Vol. 4. p. 171) On the harp of Eolus. (Ibid. Vol. 3. p, 310.) An analysis of the principles of natural philosophy. 1803. 8. (10 sh. 6 d.) « YOUNG, [Thomas] M. Dr: F. R. S: F. L. S. Pro- fejjor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal In* stitution. A syllabus of a course of lectures on natural and expe- expérimental philosophy at the royal institution* I802. 4. Observations on vifìon. (Philos. Trans* a£t. Y. 1793» P« 169.) Outlines of experiments and inquiries respecting sound and light. (Ibid, Y. 1800. p. IOÓ. Nicholson's Journal. Vol. 5, p. 72. 8r. 131.) Description of a new species of oper- cularia. (Transact, of L. S. Vol. 3. p. 30.) Let- ter respecting sound and light, and reply to some observations of Prof, Robtfon. (Nicholson's Jour- nal. Vol.5, p. 181.) On the mechanism of the eye. (Phil. Transact. Y, 1801. p-23. Nicholsons Journal. Vol. 5. p. 253, 289.) On the theory of iight and colours. (Phil. Tr. Y. 1802. p. 12. Ni* choìsoiis Journal. Y. 1802. June. p. 78. July. p. IÓ2.) An answer to Mr. Gough's essay on the theory of compound sound?. (Ibid. Y, 1802. Aug. p.264.) A summary of the most useful parts of hydraulics, chiefly extracted and abridged from Eytelweins Handbuch der Mechanick — Berlin. 1801, (Nicholsons Journal. Y. 1S02, Sept. p. 25. Oct. p> 79.J Letter in reply to Gongk's letter ou the phenomena of found. (ïbid. Y. 1802. Nov. p. 145.) An account of some cases of the pro- duction of colours, not hitherto described. (Phil, transact. Y. 1802. p, 387.) « Y O U N G, [ Thomas J Minister of the Gospel The time of justification considered; in a dialo- gue, principally taken from the celebrated Dr. Godwin; with two letters upon the fame subject, a second dialogue on objections and an appendix, containing the judgment of many eminent calvi- nistic divines. 1794. * YOUNG, [Thomas] A. M. Fellow of Trinity College^ Cambridge. An essay on humanity to animals. 1798. 13. (3 with a life of the author. 1793. 8- Considerations on the iubject of poorhouses and workhouses, their pernicious tendency and their obstruction to the proposed plan for the amend- ment of the poor laws. 1796. 8. (i fh. 6 d.) Instructions for the armed yeomanry. 1798. 12. (I fh. 6 d.) The history of Athens — including a commentary on the principles, policy and practice of republican government; and of the causes of elevation and of decline which opera- te in every free and commercial state. 1804. 8. (10 fh.) «'YOUNG, [William] Reílor at Pettaugh in the Coun- ty of Suffolk, born 1715. died 1798. July. See Gentleman's Magaz. Y. 1798» Aug. p. 725. Compiler of a latin dictionary. 17.. Plums, trans- lated from^ the original greek of Aristophanes $ with large notes explanatory and critical by Hen* ry Fielding and Will. Young. 174!?. 8* *YOUNOE, [Hercules] Rev. born .... died »... (?) See Robert Drought. *YRUBSLIPS, [F,...] The art of etching and aqua tinta, strictly laid down by the most approved masters; with a specimen of landscape and profile. 1795» 12. (I sh.) 2iOUCH, [Henry] Vicar of Sandal, near Wakefield, co. York, and in the Commission óf the peace for the West-riding of Yorkshire. born died Ì795, June'17. See 543 See Gentleman's Magaz. Y, 1795. June. p. 534. Aug. p. 700. On britiih prisons and their improvements (Gent- leman's Magaz. Vol. 63. p. III4O The English free - holder's address to his countrymen. 1780, Remarks upon a bill, which is now offered to parliament by Sir Will. Young, Bart, for the pre- venting vexations removals. 1789- nOUCH, [Thomas] M. A. F. L. S. Reaor of Wij- cliffe, in Yorkskire and formerly Fellow of Trinity College^ Cambridge. Poetical essay on the crucifixion. 1765. Inquiry into the prophetical character of the romans as described iu Dauiel 8, 23-25. 1792. 8. (2 sh.) Love and truth; — containing the distempers of the present times: written from a quiet and con- formable citizen of London (Isaac FFalion, in the last century) to two busy and factious ihop-kee- peers in Coventry; a new edition; with notes and a preface. 1795. 8. (2 sh.) The lives of John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson by Isaac Walton^ with notes and the life of the author. 1796. 4. (1 L. 5 sh.) The good schoolmaster, exemplified in the character of the Rev. John Clarke, M. A. formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge and succeslively of the schools of Shipton Beverley and Wakefield in the county of York. 1798. 4. (I sh.) An attempt to illustrate some of the prophecies of the old and new testa- ment. 1800. 12. (2 sh. 6 d.) (Several single sermons.) j t ) I