HQ .. WIEW§€ ; .. , if? w? , , . ... Ivahwfifkxwxhtavn , , ‘ g 4v. 1‘ . . ‘ ‘5%: a . \. ‘. ~ .. .. . “ Ix J . 2.. yin-$1 , . , Kaila“. T \0.» ,v? . a’. . w; ._ x A» , w“ \\\\\\>\>\-' ' \\~_~ 3 ,r \ ‘$1. - ~ \‘ ~ ' N6 242 i C7 $74 THE WORKS OF GEORGE ORUIKSHANK‘ CLASSIFIED AND ARRANGED. ' *5 * "*"V‘Ifin'5‘8\2.-‘:?"‘T"- .7 _ v.2. . .2. it!‘ ‘ u w v ' . .. ;....,.....H._..$¢ . .LAPk.» , k m .\\\\-'-l§\<'lu\l.'\\ \'.I v w“ 1.. 1 “N _ .w 1.! _~~f~\\\\\\\\ ,\.\t . q t . Iii‘ .‘U.\\\\\.\\\ i (- ‘ . \\S\\\\ . . ~ ‘. J.1§U~. . ....~w3..,.,.._,...~.d._. .. . ; x J- u 0 Q .. u 0 N- . . I ‘a a u 1"?‘ .- mvvvuuuva ‘ .. . n, . ._%€§..._.,.MJ.. . 5% vii.’ .nr . ~ w U :o»...~v . 34 n r n p . ‘MIL’. ~ g - n a . :. ..-.~\_ v-ALWJ . u - R. _, ‘nffiv‘vt . 3.». .. .s 'Utz'le mm da/ce ' as 6m 002225127065, 2'5 plea»? Me tangy &- zr'vzprave 21w mind. 1 m1 don: 131 NM“? 24 Dcc.’1<924. 6y 651W)!“ Jweekrgs Allglflgyalfi'ulzwyz THE WORKS OEORCE CRUIKSHANK Olasmifieh anh Zhzrangeh WITH REFERENCES TO REID’S CATALOGUE AND THEIR APPROXIMATE VALUES BY OAPTN. Rf’QIi ‘H; DOUGLAS T/VITH A FRONTISPIEOE (a facsimile of the fTontispiece t0 the TaTe Holiday Grammar) .s .. O Oi... . 04'" O’ 0....‘ I,( ).\'l>( )X PRINTED BY J. DAVY & SONS AT THE DRYDEN PRESS 137 LONG ACRE AND SOLD BY MESSRS. H. SOTHERAN & CO. 140 STRAND AND 37 PICCAD'ILLY; PICKERING 8: CHATTO (56 HAYMARKET ; ROBSON & CO. 23 COVENTRY STREET; F. T. SABIN 118 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE; W. T. SPENCER 27 NEW OXFORD STREET; AND CHARLES SCRIBNER’E SONS NEW YORK. MDCCCCIII One Thousand Copies'of Zia/is 120070 have been podmfed and the type distributed. This is NO. _______________ __ ‘.0... '.' .01.. [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]. PREFACE. ——-o-—— EORGE CRUIKsHANK’s WORKS, as described by _G. W. Reid, and published by Bell and Daldy in 1871, is a valuable book; but the separate prints, of which there are a large number, princi- pally caricatures, being mixed up with the prints from books—makes it, I venture to think, bewildering to the collector. I submit that a better way to present the works of George Cruikshank is the way in which they were published, and may be divided into two parts. First~Books, etc. Second—Separate Prints. The first part may be arranged under several heads, and the second part admits of much sub-classification. A glance at the Contents page (vii) will show the manner in which this has been done. Exception may also be taken to Reid, in that he admits many works by Isaac Cruikshank, the father, and others, on the assumption that George Cruik- shank may have had something to do with them. This is very well in cases where a picture on the wall, or some of the smaller figures, etc., seem to be by George Cruikshank, and I have readily admitted them; but in many other cases, they are, to my mind, the work of the father, or others, and often are signed Cruikshank del., I. Ck‘, etc. George Cruikshank may have had some hand in the shading or otherwise, but that is uncertain. Where these occur I have drawn a line on the page, placed them under it, and leave them to individual opinion. Since 1871, when Reid’s book was published, many examples have come to light. Those known to me have been recorded. The items in this book have been verified from examples in the British lllm i p i 'l'i‘i ll inir" Museum, from my own collection, the Bruton collection dispersed in 1897, the" \ vi PREFA CE. Wright in 1899, the Hon. Sir Percy Fielding in 1900, the Sir W. A. Fraser in 1901, and many others, also from those in the hands of booksellers, and from other sources. Some few are given on the authority of Reid only. In this book, as in Reid, only the printed works of George Cruikshank are given ; no notice is taken of sketches, drawings or paintings by him. For the information of the collector, approximate values are appended. But I wish to point out the great uncertainty of prices at public auctions, which depend on many circumstances ; e. 9. whether the public compete with the dealers or not, or the dealers compete among themselves or not. But I venture to say that the rarer items in good condition will be worth the sums named, and probably much more, for the simple reason that every year increases the difficulty of obtaining them. Bound copies of the smaller, less important books, may fetch less, but uncut copies in fine state should command good prices. I may mention that, while this book was in the press, the dispersion has taken place of the celebrated collection of George Cruikshank’s works, as exhibited by him at Exeter Hall in 1863, afterwards purchased by the Aquarium Co., and in consequence of the winding up of that Company sold by Messrs. Sotheby on the 22nd and 23rd of May last. This collection was rich in sketches and drawings, &-c., which realised high prices; the printed works as a rule produced higher prices than those which I have given in this book. An Appendix will be found, at pages 245-271, which enters rather fully into particulars of the rarer books. Three Indexes are given: the first relating to the Books, Pamphlets, &c. ; the second to the Separate Prints; and the third giving Beid’s numbers of Books, 850., and of Separate Prints (but not of illustrations from books, &c.), with the corresponding numbers of this book. I do not enter into any dissertation on the merits of George Cruikshank as an artist, which has already been done by others, but only repeat that he was an artist sm' generals. This is a collector’s book; no doubt mistakes, errors and omissions may occur in it. But I think it will be found useful to the collector; and may be used either by itself, or as a companion to the large work of Reid, which enters very fully into the description of the plates. B. J. H. D. “RossLYN,” WEsTcoMBE PARK, August, 1903, I shall be pleased to receive particulars of any examples not given in this book, with a view to a possible supplement.— B. J. H. D. ' L\'.J'—‘ P ’ vK’ N7 , T also the and the map. I V\-,Y,26 ( 7 ) BOOKS—continued. It generally occurs bound, sometimes, not often, in boards, and sometimes with the text and plates separate. Value, a fine copg, £10 5 in boards, uncut, £16 ,- in four parts, each in pictorial boards, very rare, £25. (the 5eries of En: JBoohs. Published bg J. J. Stockdale, 41, Pall rllall, each with site coloured etchings bg G. 0. some are signed, some are not, but they are all by him. In some of the volumes there is, after the first eight pages, a hiatus in the pagination, which is son'zetimes filled by two leaves (4 pages) / .. 19 THE GREEKs. / /:20 21 Z, 22 Q. 23 ’Z 4 24 $25 of advertisement, sometimes not. . 46 80 1 2mo 1 8 l 7 A Poem dedicated to all the Legs. pp. i-xii, 13-164. There is a list of plates. The early editions of this book do not seem to have had plates. It reached the twelfth edition the same year. The copy described is the edition with plates. THE PIeEoNs. Dedicated to all the Flats. pp. i-xii, 13-168. There is a list of plates. FASHION. Dedicated to all the Town. pp. i-viii, 13-172. There is no list of plates, which are—(1) The Ruffian (frontispiece). (2) The Exquisite, p. 49. (3) The Useful Man, p. 66. (4) The Merveilleuse, p. 81. (5) The Intriguante, p. 82. (6) The Savante, p. 83. MODERN BELLEs. Dedicated to all the Beaux. pp. 1-4, v-viii, 13-216. There is a list of plates. THE TON. Dedicated to all the Gossips. pp. i-x, 9-214. There is a list of plates. In the earlier editions of this book the fourth plate is called “ English Impudence,” in the later editions, “ Irish Impudence.” MODERN BEAUX. Dedicated to all the Belles. pp. i-xiv, 15-166. There is a list of plates. It is difficult to obtain First Editions of these books. certainly was not one of The Greeks with the plates. Value, a set of the size, £8 3 uncut, £12 ; first editions more. 4681 12mo 1817 4682 12mo 1817 4704 12mo 1818 4711 121720 1818 47 12 12mo 1 819 There THE BRITISH STAGE, 4683 and Literary Cabinet, by Thomas Kendrick, Esq., 6 vol. London: printed by F. Marshall, Kenton Street, Brunswick Square, published for the Proprietors, by J. Chappell, Royal Exchange 1817-22 With portrait characters, chiefly coloured, by G. and R. Cruik- shank, Findlay, and others. A valuable book to obtain complete. It was first issued in parts. Value, a good copy of the six volumes £45 3 uncut, or in parts / ./ ./ *** For more particular descriptions, see Appendix. Svo ( 8 ) BOOKS—continued. K26 THE STATE LOTTERY. 4696 A Dream, by Samuel Roberts; also, Thoughts on Wheels, a 8v0 Poem, by J. Montgomery. London: printed for Sherwood, Neely ck Jones, Paternoster Row 1817 pp. iii-xvi, 1-112, 1-32, with large coloured etched frontispiece by G. C., signed, entitled “ New State System of Education.” The book was afterwards issued with the same date, but with the description on frontispiece cut 01?; Value, uncut in boards, £1 105. ‘‘‘‘ ~\27 THE WITs’ MAGAZINE, 4701 and Attic Miscellany. 2 vol. 12mo London: printed for Thomas Tegg, 111, Cheapside n. d. It was also issued in parts. This is one of the rarest books [1818] illustrated by G. Cruikshank. It has 40 etchings, coloured, 16 of which are by G. C., 24 by Rowlandson. Value, Mr. Bruton’s copy, at the sale of his books in 1897, imper- fect, sold for £56. A perfect copy should be worth £80 5 uncut, £100; in parts ./ ./ ./ *** For more particular description, see Appendix. 28 THE SPIRIT OF IRIsH WIT, 4613 or Post Chaise Companion. 12mo at London: printed for Thomas Tegg, 73, Cheapside; and n. d. 5235 ch Co. Glasgow after pp. 1-360, with a coloured frontispiece, “ Plebeian Pleasantry,” 1818 by G. Cruikshank, from vol. II of The Wits’ Magazine. Value, £1 3 ditto, boards, uncut £2. *** ‘See further as to this book, Appendix. 29 THE SPIRIT or ENGLISH WIT, , 5234 or Post Chaise Companion. The Fifth Edition. 12mo London : printed for Thomas Tegg, 7 3, Cheapside ,- and R. Grifiin n. d. (fa Co. Glasgow after pp. 1-360, with a coloured flontispiece, “ Giving up the Ghost,” 1818 by G. Cruikshank, from vol. I of The Wits’ Magazine. - Value, £1 ,- in boards, £1 10s. *** See further as to this book, Appendix. Here following is given a book (though not containing any illustrations by G. Cruikshank) as it is intimately connected with the three preceding books, viz. “The Wits’ Magazine,” “The Spirit of Irish Wit,” and “The Spirit of English Wit.” 30 TEee’s PRIME JEsT BooK. Bang up to the Mark. Vive la Bagatelle. 12mo London : published by Thomas Tegg, 111, Cheapside 1811-2 In 20 numbers, with 40 illustrations, forming 2 vol. of 360 pages each. Reid mentions this at no. 4606, and calls it the eighth collec- tion, but it is certain the plates are not by G. Cruikshank, but by Rowlandson, as I have that particular number, the eighth collection. Value of this book, complete, £40; uncut, more. *** For further particulars of this book, see Appendix. (9) BOOKS—continued. \\'31 ANCIENT LEGENDS, 47 02 or Simple and Romantic Tales, by John Kerr, Prompter of the Regency Theatre. Embellished with plates. 16mo London .- published by Duncombe, 19, Little Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields 1818 Twelve etchings by George and Robert Cruikshank. This is an extremely rare little book to obtain complete. Some copies have the plates plain, some coloured. It was issued in 12 parts, each a separate tale, but the paging is consecutive. Value, £16 5 uncut, £20. *** For further particulars, see A ppendia. 32 THE POLL BOOK, 4703 for Electing Two Representatives in Parliament for the City and Liberty of Westminster. 8120 London: printed for J. J. Stockdale, Pall Mall 1818 pp. i-xii, 1-236, with a folding coloured frontispiece of the Hastings, Couent Garden, by I. R. Cruikshank, so signed. It is said that he was assisted by George. Value, in boards, £1. M3 BILLETS IN THE Low COUNTRIES. 4705 1814 to 1817, in a Series of Letters. 12mo London: printed for J. J. Stockdale, 41, Pall Mall 1818 pp. 1228, with 4 coloured etchings by G. C. not signed. Value, 10s. 5 boards, uncut, 15s. 34 THE HUMOURIST, 4709 / A Collection of Entertaining Tales, Anecdotes, Repartees, "Witty Sayings, Epigrams, Bon Mots, J on d’Esprits. 4 vol. 12mo London : printed and published by J. Robins db Co. Albion Press, [uy Lane, Paternoster Row 1819-9-9-20 With 40 coloured etchings by G. Cruikshank, all signed. This is one of the most important books of a Cruikshank Collection. Value of the first issue, 1819-9-9-20, £35 5 in pink boards, £70 5 of the later issue, 1822-9-9-20, £20 5 in drab boards, £30. *** For further particulars, see Appendix. 35 PORTRAITS, MEMOIRS AND CHARACTERS, 4710 of Remarkable Persons, by Samuel Caulfield. 4 vol. 4to London .- published by H. R. Young, 36, Paternoster Row 1819-20 With portraits, 15 of which are by G. C. signed. Value, £2 105. ,iuncut, £4. 36 THE ENGLISHMAN’S MENTOR— 4717 ;_g_=]_"~ The Picture of the Palais Royal. 12m-0 London: printed for William Hone, Ludgate Hill 1819 pp. i-xiv, 9-200, with a long coloured folding frontispiece by G. C. signed. Value, £1 10s. ; boards, uncut, £2. <10) BOOKS—continued. “W37 THE AGE OF INTELLEoT, 47 20 or Clerical Showfolk and Wonderful Layfolk, by Francis Moore, Physician. 12mo London: printed for William Hone, Ludgate Hill 1819 pp. i-iv, i-ii, v-xxiv, 25-180, with a frontispiece in aguatint, sometimes plain, sometimes coloured. Value, 5s. 3 boards, uncut, 105. 38 THE THEATRE, 47 21 or Dramatic and Literary Mirror, embellished with full-length portraits, taken expressly for this work. 8ro London: published for the Proprietors by Duncombe, 19, Little Queen Street, Holborn 1819 pp. i-iv, 1-220, published in 14 parts, with a coloured plate gener- ally to each number, of theatrical characters, but only one, that to the tenth part, page 145, of Mr. Knight, as Frank Oatland, in “The Cure for the Heartache,” which is by G. C. signed. Some of the others are by Robert Cruikshank. This is a rather rare volume, and is somewhat similar to the British Stage. Only one volume seems to have been issued. Value, £3 ,' uncut, £4. W39 THE ADVENTURES OF THoMAs EUSTAoE, 4754 Shipwrecked 18th J any. 1819. By a Clergyman. sm. 4to London : published by T. Hatchard d Son, Piccadilly 1820 pp. i-vi, 1-4, 1-148, with etching on title by G. C. not signed. There is also a frontispiece of the Shipwreck, not by him. Value, in boards, 15s. '--—/4O THE LoYALIsT, OR ANTI-RADIcAL. 5°51 Consisting of Three Departments :—-1. Satyrical. 2. Miscel- laneous. 3. Historical. With engravings and caricatures, coloured by the first artists. Printed at the expense of the Loyal Association. 8i'o London: published by James Wright, Fleet Street 1820 pp. i-viii, 9-256, with 10 plates, one “The Funeral Procession of George III,” is signed “ Cruikshanks del.” three others are caricature etchings, coloured, by G. Cruikshank, all signed, “ The Radical Ladder,” “ The Funeral Pile,” “The llTOl/té?‘ Red Cap.” This was issued in numbers, also in boards, in that state the label on the back has “Loyalist Magazine, presented to the King.” Sometimes in copies in boards, the three plates named above are plain, not coloured. The next year it was issued with a new title, “ Loyalist Maga- zine, complete to His Majesty at the Levee, Feb. 22, 1821.” 8oo London: published by TV. Turner, Stationer to His ll/Iajesty, 69, Cheapside, and Sold by W. W'right, Fleet Street, and all Booksellers 1821 Value, uncut, first state, £1 10s. 3 second state, £1. (11> BOOKS—continued. “Life in London,” “ Finish to Life in London,” and “ Life in Paris,” are given here together, being similar books, and although “The Finish” has only Robert Gruikslutnk’s plates. , 41 LIFE IN LoNDoN, 4755 or the Day and Night Adventures of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and his elegant friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metro- polis. By Pierce Egan. roy. 8vo London .- printed for Sherwood, Neely it" Jones, Paternoster Row 1821 pp. i-xvi, 1-37 6, with 36 coloured etchings, drawn and engraved by I. R. and G. Cruikshank (so signed), and many woodcuts by the same. There is a list of plates. It was first published in twelve monthly parts, the first on 2nd October, 1820, and the last in July, 1821. Value, a good tall copy, £63 in picture boards, uncut, in fine state, £20 ,' fine, in parts, £30. , *** For some additional particulars, see Appendix. 42 PIERCE EGAN’s FINISH, to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, in their pursuits through Life, in and out of London, illustrated by the pencil of Mr. Robert Cruikshank in 36 Scenes from Real Life, and en- riched with several designs on wood by the same artist. roy. 8vo London .- for’iII. Virtue, 26 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1830 pp. i-xvi, 1-368. There is a list of plates. It was published in picture boards, also in parts. It is very rare in parts, I have never seen or heard of a complete copy in that state. Value, £15 5 uncut, in picture boards, £30 ; in parts ff! *** For further particulars, see Appendix. 43 LIFE IN PARIS, 4773 comprising the Rambles, Sprees and Amours of Dick Wildfire of Corinthian celebrity, and his bang-up companions, Squire Jenkins and Captain O’Shuffleton ; with the Whimsical Adventures of the Halibut Family. By David Carey. Embellished with 21 coloured plates representing scenes, by Mr. George Cruikshank, 8vo enriched also with 22 engravings on wood, drawn by the same ob artist, and executed by Mr. White roy.8vo London: printed for John Fairbu-rn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1822 pp. i-xxiv, 1-490. There a list of plates. It was issued in both sizes in parts, and in picture boards. To match in size with “The Life in London,” and “The Finish,” the large paper, royal 8vo, should be selected. Value, small paper, £10 ; in picture boards, £16 ; in parts, £25. Large paper, £15 3 in picture boards, £30 3 in parts, extremely rare, £65. *** For further particulars, see Appendix. BOOKS—continued. 44 BRITISH REeALITIEs, 4767 The Coronation Reporter, containing a report of every occurrence, and a description of every ceremony, connected with the Coro- nation of His Majesty King George IV, July 19th, 1821, embel- lished with views of the most interesting scenes from original drawings. 12m0 Printed and published by T. Dolby, 299, Strand n. d. pp. 1-108, with an engraved title-page, and three etchings by G. C. [1821] signed, .- (1) Engraved title-page. (2) Coronation of George IV, frontie- piece. (3) Return of the Procession from the Abbey, p. 78. (4) The Champion’s Challenge, p. 85. A pretty little book, especially in the red picture boards. Value, in picture boards, £4. Mr. Rruton’s (a cut copy) sold for £3 12s. 45 THE PAsToRALs OF VIReIL, 4768 by Robert John Thornton. 2 vol. 12mo London .- published by F. C. (to J. Rivington 1821 With woodcut frontispiece to vol. II. Cruiksluvnk del. Byfield sculp. Value, £1 5s. ‘\“46 MEMoIR OF THE LATE CAPTAIN JosEPH HUDDART. 4250 4769 London: printed by TV. Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street 1821 pp. i-viii, 1-102, with a vignette woodcut on the title-page, by G. C. with his initials. Value, 10s. -47 THE ANNALs OF SPORTING AND FANCY GAZETTE. 13 vol. Sec 4814 London: Sherwood, Neely (It Jones, Paternoster Row 1822-8 The first three vol. only have three illustrations by George and Robert Cruikshank. Besides the 13 vol. an additional part for June, 1828, was issued. Value, 13 vol. and 1 part, £45; uncut, £85. The first 3 vol. with Cruikshank illustrations, £3 ; uncut, £4 10s. “\48 THE FANCY, 4647 A Book relating to Pugilism, and other Sports. 8vo Published by J. M‘Gowa-n, 16, Great Windmill Street 1821-6 In 55 nos. forming 2 vol. the first number on April 21st, 1821. Only a woodcut heading to the wrapper of the parts is by G. C., repre- senting a pugilistic encounter. Reid, at no. 4647, gives it as printed by W. Lewis, without a date, but 1814 in brackets is inserted. Value of wrapper, 2s ,- the book in 2 vol. is worth £7. (13) BOOKS—continued. The four following books are here grouped together, as they are in a similar style, vie. with highly finished coloured frontispieces in compartments, by G. C. 49 THE HARMONIST’S PRECEPTOR, not in or Treasury of Mirth, being a new and extensive collection of Reid. Modern and Popular Songs, 850. &c. &c. written and collected by Mr. Bryant of the Royal Coburg Theatre, author of various Dra- matic Pieces, Poems, &c. &c. 12mo London: printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill pp. i-xvi, 1-210, with a coloured etched frontispiece in fine com- partments, “ Drawn and engraved by Mr. George Cruikshank,” date on the frontispiece, July 15, 1822 Extremely rare, only one other copy known, in Mr. Truman’s collection, uncut, with the pink covers bound up. Value, uncut, £4. 50 THE HARMONIST’S PREOEPTOR, &c. &c. similar to the last, second not in edition. 12mo Reid. London: printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill with the same coloured frontispiece as the first edition, but the paging is difierent, viz. pp. i-xii, 1-204, and there is a difi‘erent vignette on printed title-page. There are additional songs. In pink boards, uncut. Value, uncut, £3. /,/51 THE CREAM OF THE JEST, 4884 I A Fund of Chaste Wit and Humour, in three parts, contributed by publications of the day. Part I. The Punnery 5 Part II. A Feast of Facetiae 5 Part III. Momus in Measure 12mo Derby .- printed and published by Henry M oeley, Brook Street, and sold by Cowie, Low and Co. 31, Poultry, London n. d. pp. 1-344, with an etched frontispiece in five compartments, by Geo. [1826] Cruikshank, signed. Value, in boards, £3. ALA-52 ROLAND’S COMIC SONGS, 4883 To which is added a choice Selection of Toasts, etc. 12mo Derby: printed and published by H. Mosley, Brook Street, and sold by Cowie, Low ct" Co. 31, Poultry, London n. d. pp. i-viii (including title), 9288, with a fine coloured frontispiece in [1827] three compartments, by G. C. signed. In grey boards (p. 25. 6d.) the front cover has the printed matter enclosed in a border 5 on the back cover is an advertise- ment of “The Cream of the Jest.” Pailthorpe has facsimiled the plate. The original should read Geog. Cruikshank fe. Value. Very rare, £4 5 uncut, in boards, £6. /-—--/53 GERMAN POPULAR STORIES. 4801 Translated from the Kinder und Hans Marchen, collected by M. M. Grimm from Oral Tradition. 12mo Published by C. Baldwyn, Newgate Street, London 1823 pp. i-xii, 1-240, with twelve etchings by G. Cruikshank. (14) BOOKS—continued. GERMAN PoPULAR STORIES. Translated from the Kinder und Hans M'archen, collected by M. M. Grimm from Oral Tradition, vol. II. 12mo James Robins db Co. London, and Joseph Robins, J an. at Co. Dublin MDOOOXXVI pp. i-iv, 1-258, with ten etchings by G. Cruikshank. These two volumes in the first state, and in immaculate con- dition in boards, are perhaps the most valuable item in a Cruikshank collection. Value, first edition, £30 3 uncut, £403 in boards, £50 or more. First state of first edition, £40 3 uncut, £603 in boards, £100 to £200, according to condition. *** For further particulars of these two volumes, see A ppendisc. 54 POINTS OF HUMOUR. Illustrated by the designs of George Cruikshank. London .- published by C. Baldwyn, Newgate Street pp. i-vi, 7-48, with ten etchings and eight woodcuts by G. C. POINTS OF HUMOUR. Illustrated by the designs of George Cruikshank. Part II. London: published by C. Baldwyn, Newgate Street pp. i-viii, 1-56, with ten etchings and twelve woodcuts by G. C. Value, the two parts, first editions, plates plain, £33 plates coloured, £63 india proofs, £6. The two parts, first editions, plates plain, in original wrappers, £63 coloured, £123 india proofs, £12. *** For further particulars, see Appendix. ~55 PETER SoHLEMIHL. From the German of Lamothe Fouqué, with plates by G. Cruickshank. London .- G. and IV. R. Whittaker, Are-Maria Lane pp. i-xii, 1-166, with eight fine etchings by G. C. signed, they occur asfrontispiece, and at pp. 44, 71, 86, 93, 131, 147, 155. This volume, with the date 1823, may be called a pre-first edition, as but few copies were printed with that date. The ordinary accepted first edition is dated 1824, and the second edition was issued with the same date, and the words “ second edition ” on the title-page. Ilfhe 1824 edition has on the title-page the words “ with plates by George Cruickshank,” not G. Cruickshank, as in the 1823 issue, and has no hyphen between the words “ Ave Maria” as in the earlier issue. In other respects the letter-press is the same. The 1823 and first of 1824 are of the same size. The second 1824 is a smaller book. Value, 1823, uncut, £4 3 1824, uncut, £3 3 second edition, 1824, uncut, £1. 4799 8220 1823 8710 1824 4800 12mo 1 823 (15) BOOKS—continued. 56 GHRIsTMAs SToRIEs. 4802 Containing John Wildgoose the Poacher 3 The Smuggler; and Good Nature, or Parish Matters. 12mo Oxford .- printed by W. Baxter for J. Parker, die. die. 1823 pp. i-iv, 1-210, with three etchings by G. C. signed at pp. 63, 82 and 153. This is the first edition, the plates are printed on a kind of stout india paper 3 it is scarce, especially uncut. It has been often reprinted with later dates. Value, first edition, £1 3 ditto, in boards, uncut, £2 10s. ~57 LIFE oF NAPoLEoN BUoNAPARTE. 4816 Edited by W. H. Ireland, embellished with accurate views of his Battles, &c. &c. &c. engraved by G. Cruikshank, from original designs of Vernet, Denon, &c. 4 vol. 8vo The first three vol. London: printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1823-5-7 The fourth vol. by John Cumberland, Ludgate Hill 1828 It was first published, the four vol. in parts. Value, first state, £18 3 ditto, in boards, £30 3 ditto, in parts, £50 3 second state, £15 3 ditto, in boards, £22. *** For further particulars, see Appendix. 58 ENTIRELY NEW ENTERTAINMENT. Mathews in America, or the 4805 Theatrical Wanderer 3 a Cargo of New Characters, Original Songs, and concluding piece of The Wild Goose Chase, or the Inn at Baltimore, &c. &c. 12mo London .- printed by and for H odgson at Go., No. 10, Newgate Street pp. i-iv, 5-36, with a long folding coloured frontispiece, comprising six figures, of large size, and signed G. Ck. feet. ' date on frontispiece, Jany. 18th 1823 Value, £1, uncut. 59 MATHEWS’ THEATRIcAL BUDGET, or the Actor’s Multum in Parvo. 127m 4806 London .- printed by and for Hodgson at’ 00., No. 10, Newgate Street n. d. pp. i-vi, 7-216, with coloured folding frontispiece containing eighteen [1823] characters in two lines, signed G. Ck. Value, £1 55. in boards, uncut. NOTE—Reid at N o. 4807, gives Mathews’ Memorandum Book, and reads the address, W. Erle, 10, Newgate Street, instead of W. Cole, 10, Newgate Street 3 and at No. 1152, the plate of it. It is not by G. C. but by William Heath, and has his initials W. H. on it. Reid also gives at No. 4808, another Mathews’ Memorandum Book, published by Limbird, and the plate of it at No. 1153, but it is signed R. C., that is by Robert Cruikshank. Reid gives at Nos. 1154, 1155, 1156, three plates, viz. Mr. Mathews as Miss Evelina Evergreen, as the French Valet, and as Fond Barney. The first is published by Limbird in “ A Trip to Paris,” and is signed by Robert Cruikshank. The last two are in the Theatrical Olio, and seem to be also byRobert. The first two subjects of smaller size also occur in G. C’s frontispiece to “Mathews’ Theatrical Budget.” ( 15 ) 60 61 63 64 BOOKS—continued. ANCIENT MYsTERIEs DESCRIBED, by William Hone. Sec 4818 London: printed for William Hone, 45, I/udgate Hill 1823 pp. i-ii, i-xii, 13-298, with plates and woodcuts, of which there is a list. Two etchings are by G. C. signed, at pp. 262, 270, the first of which in the original issue is coloured. Often re-issued with the same date. Value, uncut, 123. THE SPIRIT or THE PUBLIC JoURNALs for the years 1823, 1824, 8220 4844 1825. 3 vol. London: printed for Sherwood, Jones d’; Co. Paternoster Row 1824-6 With many illustrations, but the vol. for 1824 only has two woodcuts by G. C. from “ Life in London.” Value, the three vol. in boards, £1. THE FAMILY ORACLE of HEALTH. Vol.1. 5259 By A. F. Creel, M.D., F.R.S. and Mr. M. Wallace. 8vo London .- published by J. Walker, 44, Paternoster Row 1824 Title and pp. 1-496, and index pp. i-iv. Value, 15s. DER FREIsCHUTZ TRAvEsTIE. By Septimus Globus, Esq., with twelve etchings by George Cruikshank. London: printed for C. Baldwyn, Newgate Street The following are the sizes and prices of issue, taken from an advertisement of the book in the Retrospective Review, also pub- lished by Baldwyn :— Royal 8vo Imperial 8vo 4817 1824 Price 5s. 6d. . . . ,, 7s. 6d. ,, ,, coloured in imitation of drawings ,, 8s. 6d. ,, ,, india proofs . . ,, 10s. 0d. pp. i-iv, 1-68, the etchings all signed by G. C. and should occur at pp. 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 22, 42, 43, 44. Genuine original coloured copies have the plates on a special vellum-like Whatman paper. If found on other paper they are of a later issue, or are plain copies coloured afterwards. Value, uncut, small paper, £1,- large paper, £1 10s ; coloured, £7 ; india proofs, £6. PIERCE EeAN’s LIFE IN LoNDoN AND SPoRTINer GUIDE, connected with the Events of the Turf, the Chase, and the Ring (a newspaper), the first number, Sunday, February 1, 1824, Eightpence-halfpenny. fol. There are 15 woodcut headings to the different departments 1824 of intelligence, viZ.—-(1) Police. (2) Fashionable Movements. to (3) Theatricals. (4, 5 and 6) relating to Pugilism. (7, 8, 9, 10, 1826 11 and 12) relating to Sporting. (13) An Advertisement of Wycombe Sauce. (14 and 15) Advertisements relating to the Argyll Rooms. These are all supposed to be by G. C., four of them have his initials, and most have the name of a wood en- graver. There is a second state of the woodcut of Wycombe Sauce, used probably after the first was damaged. Value of the numbers which contain all the woodcuts named above, £1 10s. (1'7) BOOKS—continued. 65 BELL’S LIFE IN LONDON (a Newspaper). fol. 4825 Pierce Egan’s Life in London paper was incorporated with 1824 Bell’s Life in 1827, when the cuts from Egan’s paper were used and with two additional ones, viz.——“ Fashionable Intelligence,” and after “Britannia Recumbent.” Value, containing all the woodcuts, £1 10s. *** Bell’s Life afterwards published these woodcuts, or some of them, on a sheet called “The Gallery of Comicalities.” 66 ITALIAN TALES. Tales of Humour, Gallantry and Romance, selected 4826 and translated from the Italian, with sixteen illustrative drawings by George Cruikshank. 8vo London .- printed for Charles Baldwyn, Newgate Street 182 pp. i-viii (including list of errata), 1254, with 16 full-page wood- cuts by G. C. without letterpress behind, vie.— (1) The Teacher Taught, p. 6. (2) Ditto, p. 12. (3) Ditto, p. 14. (4) The Unexpected Reply, p. 22. (5) Who am I ‘l p. 46. (6) Ditto, p. 48. (7) The Dead Rider, p. 58. (8) Ditto, p. 62. (9) The Pomegranate Seed, p. 88. (10) The Dead Alive, p. 128. (11) The Merchant of Venice, p. 164. A Skeleton in every 1 House, p. 174. (13) The Friar Entrapped, p. 200. (14) Bel- phegor, p. 214. (15) The Sleeping Draught, p. 233. (16) Ditto, . 235. This is the first issue published in pink boards with green canvas back. When in boards it has a paper label on the back, “Italian Tales, sixteen plates by G. Cruikshank, Price 10s.” In the second edition, published very shortly after, in the same year, the first plate of “The Dead Rider,” at p. 58, was cancelled, and the plate, “The Elopement,” was added further on in the book at p. 183. The cut, “The Pomegranate Seed,” was used as a vignette on title, on which the words “Italian Tales,” were omitted, and only reads “Tales of Humour, Gal- lantry and Romance.” It was published with the plates on india paper, but I think it doubtful if it was so in the first edition, although it was at first so advertised. Value, first edition, tall copy, £1 5 fine, in boards, £2 10s. F! \__L_61 MORNINGS AT Bow STREET. 4827 A Selection of the most Humourous and Entertaining Reports which have appeared in the .Morning Herald, by Mr. Wight (Bow Street Reporter to the Morning Herald), with twenty-one illus- trative drawings by George Cruikshank. “They did gather humours of men daily wherever they came.”—-Aubrey MS. Soc London : printed for Charles Baldwyn, Newgate Street 1824 pp. i-xii, 1-27 6, which includes a list of advertisements at the end, on the label on the back of the copies in boards “Mornings at Bow Street, with 21 plates by Geo. Cruikshank. Price 10s. 6d.” This is the first edition which was printed by Shackell and Arrowsmith, whose names appear on the back of title, and also C (18) BOOKS—continued. at the end of the book. Later editions were re-printed by another printer. There is no frontispiece to this edition. The 21 woodcuts are full-page, on separate leaves, without any letterpress behind (different in later editions), there is no description of the subjects on the plates themselves, or even of numbers to indicate the page, but they occur at pp. 1, 2, 35, 37, 47, 48, 49, 75, 76, 103, 104, 141, 142,& ,2, 172, 197, 200, 222, 224, 252 and 26 . These rly books by Baldwyn, the publisher, seem to have had second editions published almost immediately after, as appears by the advertisements in the Retrospective Review, also published by him. This first issue of the book seems to have taken place on or before 1st June, as appears by advertisement at end of the book, and I do not think any india proofs were published of it. But in August, the same year, a second edition was advertised, and a few copies with proof impressions on india paper at 15s. Again in November, same year, a third edition 3 in that also a few copies on india paper at 15s., and separate sets of the wood- cut illustrations are advertised, 6s. 3 on india paper, 103. 6d. respectively, for this edition 3. frontispiece was engraved, “Three Cupids in a Cage.” Value, first edition, £1 3 ditto in boards, uncut, £2 10s. ,I/ 68 MoRE MoRNINGs AT Bow STREET. A new Collection of Humourous and Entertaining Reports, by John Wight, of the Morning Herald, with twenty-five illustrations by George Cruikshank. London .- James Robins at C0., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row pp. i-xvi, 1-264. There is a list of the illustrations. Twenty-four are woodcuts, eight of which are on separate leaves without letterpress behind, the others are vignettes in the text, and besides these, one is repeated as a vignette on the title. The twenty-fifth illustration (the frontispiece) is an etching, all by G. C. No second edition was published. Some copies had the plates on india paper, and separate sets were issued, price, plain, 6s. 3 on india paper, 10s. 6d. Value, £1 3 in boards, uncut, £2 10s. 69 THE OLD ENGLISH DRAMA. A Selection of Plays from the Old English Dramatists (reprints of old plays). 2 vol. London : printed for Hurst, Robinson db Co., 5, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall Each volume contains four plays, each play separately paged. There are two woodcut illustrations by G. C. as frontispieces, one to each volume. There are some large paper copies, royal 8vo, and some have india proofs of the two woodcuts. Value, uncut, 10s. 3 large paper, £1. 8120 1827 8vo 1825 4832 (19) BOOKS—continued. 70 A HISTORY OF NEW YORK. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. London .- printed for Thomas Tegg it Son, Cheapside With woodcut vignette on printed title, subject, Dutchmen in a boat 3 on the boat, G. Cruikshank, W. Hughes sc., used afterwards in the fourth edition of “ The Beauties of Washington Irving.” Value, 10s. 71 TALEs oF IRIsH LIFE. Illustrative of the Manners, Customs and Condition of the People, with designs by George Cruikshank. 2 vol. London: published by J. Robins at C0., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row Vol. I, pp. i-viii, i-iv, 1-242, and leaf of advertisements at end. Vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-250, and leaf of advertisements at end. There are six full-page woodcuts, three to each vol. of which there is a list. Value, a fine copy, uncut, £2 10s. 72 MEMOIRS oF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS 0F LoRD BYRON. By George Clinton, Esq. London: James Robins at C0., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row There were two editions published in 1824-25, 1825 date on title in each. Apparently published in parts, the earliest plate after the portrait and the View of Newstead Abbey (which are not by G. C.), is “ The Heroine of Saragosa,” at page 163, with imprint, June 12, 1824. Both editions have the same number of pages, viz. i-viii, Dedication with the Byron Arms ix-x, 1-756, but there is some difference in the letterpress, though for the greater part it is similar. One edition has 40 plates, the other 43 (except two, they are woodcuts in both editions, each on a leaf Without letterpress at back). The description of the plates, and the line and date of publi- cation are always given (except perhaps to the portrait, which is used as a frontispiece), and are always in italic letters. Forty of the plates were published separately without letter- press, in a wrapper, called proofs! viz. “Forty Illustrations of Lord Byron.” Value, first edition, £1 3 ditto, uncut, £2 10s. wrapper, which seem to be of later issue, 10s. *** For list of plates of both editions, see Appendix. The 40 plates in //‘7 3 HANS 0F ICELAND. - “Some say this monster was a witch, Some say he was a devil,” Dragon of W antley. London: J. Robins db Co. Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row pp. i-viii, 1-226, and a leaf of advertisements at end, with 4 fine Rembrandtesgue etchings by George Cruikshank, signed, occurring as engraved title, and at pp. 26, 105 and 136. There is no description on the plates, but each has line and date of publication. On the paper label of copies in boards, 4833 sm. 8vo 1824 4834 1 2m 0 1824 4831 See 1825 0 2 (20) BOOKS—continued. “ Hans of Iceland, four engravings by George Cruikshank, 7 s. 6d.” India proofs were published separately, which are very fine and are rare. Value, £1 ; if fine and fresh in original pink boards, £2 10s. _; separate india proofs, £6. 74 PLATEs ILLUsTRATIvE or THE MEMOIRS or HARRIETTE WILsoN, 4836 including whole-length Po traits, sketched and coloured fr m the life, of the Prince Esterhazy; Dukes of Devonshire, Argyle, and \Vellin‘gton ; Marquesses of HVertford and Worcester; Lord Nug‘ént; onourables Arthur Upton, and George Lamb ; and Thomas aikes, Esq. 12222.0 London: printed and published by J. J. Stockdale, 24, Opera Colonnade 1825 The above description is on the wrapper, which has at the top, “Part I, price 2s. 6d.” Value, in wrapper, £2 10s. 75 THE HOLIDAY GRAMMAR. 4823 By Alfred Crowquill, Esq., etched by George Cruikshanks (sic) A Christmas Present for the present Christmas, passing Murray, Dilworth, and all past Grammarians in simplicity, and as fitting for the future as the present generation, wherein each article is hieroglyphically and 1aconically defined, and adapted to the capacity of all degrees, whether Positive, Comparative or Super- lative 4to London .- printed for S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange 1825 There are 8 leaves which have letterpress on the front side only. 1st leaf, title-page ,- 2nd, advertisement ,- 3rd (numbered 6), then 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. There are 7 etchings, via—the Frontispiece, which faces the title, and 6 others, numbered 1 to 6, and which face the numbered pages. The frontispiece is dated 1824, which shows, as is mentioned, that it was issued as a Christmas book, for Christmas, 1824, with the date of the next year, 1825, on the printed title. It was issued in a brown wrapper, with a repetition of the title within a border. Some copies have the plates plain, some coloured. It is a very rare Cruikshank item. Value, plain copies, uncut, £18 ; ditto coloured, £25. 76 THE UNIVERSAL SoNcsTER ,- 4839 or Museum of Mirth, &c. 3 vol. 800 London: printed for John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1825-6-6 Vol. I, pp. i-xvi, 1-448, and 28 woodcuts, 14 by G. C., 14 by R. C.; vol. II, pp. i-xvi, 1-448, and 28 woodcuts, 8 by G. C., 18 by R. C., 2 by Lane ; vol. III, pp. i-xvi, 1-448, and 28 woodcuts, 2 by G. C., 25 by R. C., 1 by another artist. All those by G. C. and R. C. have their initials. (21) BOOKS—continued. It was published in 84 numbers (of 16 pages each, with a woodcut on the first page), price 3d. and in 21 parts (each con- taining four numbers) in illustrated yellow wrapper, price one shilling. Seven parts (28 numbers) with a Supplement in addi- tion, also in a wrapper, to each seven parts, containing tables, frontispieces and index, made a volume. It was several times reprinted, by Jones and others, with later dates. Value, first edition, £2 5 ditto in picture boards, uncut, £5 5 ditto, in parts, £7. 77 SMILES FOR ALL SEASONS. Second edition; or Mirth for Midsum- 4840 mer, Merriment for Michaelmas, Cheerfulness for Christmas, Laughter for Lady-day. 12mo London: printed for Baldwin, Cradock db Joy 1825 pp. i-xii, 1226, with an etched frontisp-iece, drawn and engraved by Geo. Cruikshank. This is the first edition illustrated by G. C. Value, good copy, 10s. 5 fine copy in boards, £1 10s. 78 THE DUBLIN AND LONDON MAGAZINE for 1825-6-7-8, in monthly 4841 numbers, for four years, from March 1825, to June 1828. 8vo The first volume is for 10 months, the second for 12 months, the third volume (which is called The London and Dublin Magazine) for 6 months, and the fourth volume for 5 months. The first, second and fourth volumes were published by James Robins d1" Co., London and Dublin. The third volume byJoseph Robins, London and Dublin. Numerous portraits and other plates. The July number, 1825, having a fine full-page woodcut, The Lupre- chaun. Superstitions No. 5, George Cruikshank del. J. G. so. In the vol. for 1825, the April number has an article, “Graphic Humour—George Cruikshank, by Rory O’Rourke, Esq.” with seven woodcuts from his works. Value, the four volumes uncut, £3. It is difficult to obtain complete, as some portraits are gener- ally wanting. 79 THE LONDON STAGE. 4843 A Collection of the most reputed Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Melo-dramas, Farces and Interludes. 4 vol. 8v0 London: published for the Proprietors by Sherwood it’ C0., Pater- noster Row n. d. The plays, &c., are generally separately paged, and each has [1825, eta] a woodcut heading. Six of the woodcuts are said to be by G. C. viz.—“ The Dragon of Wantley,” “Tom Thumb,” and “The Lord of the Manor,” in vol. II, and “ Monsieur Tonson,” “ Croton- hotonthologos,” and “The Recruiting Sergeant," in vol. III, but <22) BOOKS—continued. “The Lord of the Manor” is the only one which has the initials G. C. Reid says the border round the engraved title is by G. C. but I cannot realise it. Each vol. has an engraving on steel as frontispiece, containing seven portraits of celebrated actors, each in an oval, the date of publication is at foot of each frontispiece, 1825-5-6-7. Value, £1 3 uncut, in boards, £2. 80 GREENwIcH HoSPITAL. 4838 A Series of Naval Sketches, descriptive of the Life of a Man-of- War’s Man, by an Old Sailor, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. 4to London .- published by James Robins cf: 00., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1826 pp. i-iv, 1-200, with 12 full-page fine coloured engravings and 16 woodcuts, all by G. C. There is a list of the 12 plates, and the woodcuts are to be found on title, and at pages 6, 10, 17, 20, 30, 48, 66, 75, 86, 96, 119, 146, 152, 184, and 200. It was published in 4 parts, price 5s. each, also in picture boards, which last have most of the woodcuts repeated on them, with the words “Twenty-eight Illustrations by George Cruik- shank, on copper and wood, Price One Guinea.” . There has been a remainder of the book issued, in which the colouring of the plates is not so good. Value, £4; picture boards, £123 in parts, very rare, £25. 81 SPEOIMENS or GERMAN RoMANoE, 4845 selected and translated from various Authors. 3 vol. 12mo London .- printed for Geo. B. I'Vhittaker, Ave Maria Lane 1826 lVith three etchings by G. C. as frontispieces, one to each volume: vol. I, pp. i-vi, 1-260,frontispiece “The Patricians” 3 vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-258, frontispiece “ Martin Flea”; vol. III, pp. i-iv, 1-260, frontis- piece “ The Illantle.” Value, boards, £2. 82 THE EVERY—DAY BooK, 4846 or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sec. &c., by William Hone. 2 vol. 8vo London: published for William Hone by Hunt of} Clarke, Tavistock Street 1826-7 It was printed in double columns, each column numbered separately, vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1-1720, with 170 woodcuts 3 vol. II, pp. i-viii, 1-1712, with 150 woodcuts. It was published in 106 weekly numbers and 26 monthly parts, in brown illustrated wrappers, with two supple- mentary parts, containing titles, indexes, efcc, one to each volume, also in wrappers. There are only 11 woodcuts by G. C. : they occur in vol. I, pp. 47, 671, 903, 1321,1114, 14313 vol.II,pp. 49, 79, 97, 321, 609. Most of them have G. C.’s initials. It was very often reprinted by different publishers. The Table Book is a continuation of The Every-Day Book published by Hone, in two volumes, in (28> BOOKS—continued. 1827-8, 55 weekly numbers, or 14 monthly parts, in brown wrapper. The Year Book, also by Hone, published for Tegg in 1832, finished the series, 52 weekly numbers, 13 monthly parts, in light brown wrappers. Neither Table Book nor Year Book have any woodcuts by G. C. Reid says “The Botocundo Indians” is in the Table Book, but in the Errata corrects that statement. It is in Table Talk. Value, Every-Day Book, first edition, £13 in boards, £1 10s. 3 in parts, £2 10s. 3 Every-Day Book with Table Book and Year Book, all first editions, the 4 vol. £2 3 in boards, uncut, £3 3 in parts, £5. 83 LoNDoN DRoLLERIEs, or Comedian’s Pocket Book. 12mo 4847 J. Lowndes, n. d. lVith a frontispiece in five compartments. [1826] 84 ANEcDoTEs OF PAINTINGr IN ENGLAND. 4860 Collected by George Virtue, published by Horace Walpole, Dallaway’s Edition. 5 vol. roy. 8vo London: John Major, Fleet Street 1826-8 Many portraits, only three woodcut portraits by G. C., (1) Isaac Fuller, engraved by Jackson 3 (2) John Baptist Monoyer, G. C. engraved by Branson of; lVright 3 (3) Francis le Piper, G. C. engraved by Branson. Afterwards issued in 3 vol. Value, first issue, 5 vol. in boards, £8. C___,,_._..85 THE LOG BOOK, or Nautical Miscellany. 8vo 4851 London .- published by J. all’ IV. Robins, No. 57, Tooley Street, Southwark n. d. pp. i-iv, 1-508. It was published in 32 numbers, each with a [1826] woodcut on the first leaf of the number, except the last, which has a tail-piece on last page ,- the printed title also has a woodcut illustration. Reid gives 25 woodcuts as by G. C. They may be after one of the Cruikshanks, but I think very much after. The only three which I can recognise as by or after G. C. are No. l, p. 1, Bust of Jack Tar with tremendous queue from Greenwich Hos- pital; N o. 2, p. 17, A drop of the creature to swig, with G. C.’s initials on the locker; No. 6, p. 81, a woodcut copied from “The Point of Honour,” which is the fifth plate in Greenwich Hospital. Value, in picture boards, £1 10s. 86 EecENTRIc TALEs. 4855 From the German of W. F. von Kosewitz, with Illustrations by George Cruikshank, from Sketches by Alfred Crowquill. 8vo London: Janzes Robins at C0., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1827 pp. 1-182, with 20 coloured illustrations by G. C. There is no description on the plates, nor list. It was first published in 4 parts (5 plates in each coloured) at 3s. 6d. each part, in a yellow wrapper, part 1, The Troubadours 3 part 2, Aristippus 3 part 3, The Nose 3 part 4, Karel Pietrehl and Albertina. It was also published with the plates plain. Value, £3 3 boards, £4 3 in parts, very rare, £10. (24) BOOKS — continued. PHRENOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS -- ILLUSTRATIONS OF TIME - SCRAPS AND SKETCHES, PART I, II, III, IV--MY SKETCH BOOK, IN NINE NUMBERS. These Books were published by and for the artist, George Cruikshank, between the years 1826 and 1836, and consist principally of sheets of Etchings by him, many designs on each. The first six, that is, Phrenological Illustrations, Illustrations of Time, and the Four Parts of Scraps and Sketches, are in large oblong folio, the large paper copies are in imperial oblong folio, and were published in three states, viz. plain, coloured, and large paper india proofs, at the uniform price for them all of 8s. 12s. and 15s. respectively, except in the case of the first issue of Phrenological Illustrations, which will be referred to when that book is described. The nine numbers of III y Sketch Book were in small oblong 4to, and the original copies were only published in two states, plain and coloured, at 2s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. respectively. 4/87 PHRENoLoCICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, 4852 or an Artist’s View of the Craniological System of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim, by George Cruikshank. obl. fol. London .- published by George Cruikshank, Myddelton Terrace, Pentonville, and sold by J. Robiusck Co, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row; S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal Exchange; and G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street 1826 4 pages, being printed title, 1 leaf (2 pp.), and 1 leaf (2 pp.) of description of the system, and 6 plates by George Cruikshank, each comprising several designs. Plain, coloured and large paper india proof copies of the first edition, were issued in a yellow wrapper. On it and also on the printed title is a large woodcut of three individuals, with their crania divided phrenologically. On the outside of the front wrapper some copies have price 8s. plain, or 12s. coloured. Other copies have price 8s. plain, 12s. coloured, or large paper india proofs, 20s. The price of the large paper was afterwards reduced to 15s. after which all sizes read price 8s. plain, 12s. coloured, or large paper india proofs, 15s.; and these prices for the three states were afterwards continued for this book, for the Illustrations of Time, and the four parts of Scraps and Sketches, and occur on the front wrapper. Phrenological Illustrations was the only one in which large paper india proofs were first published at 20s. On the outside of the back leaf of the wrapper is a list of Robins’ publications of George Cruikshank’s works, &c., at least in plain and coloured copies. The large paper is blank on the back wrapper. Reid gives 1827 as the date, but this is wrong, for the first issue, which is 1826. It was afterwards issued in 1827, and later dates, in yellow and brown wrappers. In the first state of this book, of Illustrations of Time, and of the first part of Scraps and Sketches, a peculiar kind of tissue paper is used for protecting the plates. The water-mark in it is ribbed and crossed with lines, and has the letters and date S. O. 1823. This tissue paper is an infallible sign of the first issue of these books. (25) BOOKS—continued. The paper on which coloured copies of Phrenological Illus- trations, both as to letterpress and plates, is printed, in the first issue, is a fine stout vellum-like paper, some leaves of which have the watermark J. Whatman, Torkey Mills, 1826. The uncoloured copies generally are printed on a softer paper, but some are printed on the same Whatman paper, as the coloured copies. The large india proofs are mounted on a softer paper, and have also an india proof of the woodcut on the title. The size of the large paper copies of this book, of Illustrations of Time, and of the four parts of Scraps and Sketches, is much larger than the plain and coloured copies (which are of the same size) and is an imperial oblong folio. They are all very rare when genuine original issues. They have all been reprinted since, much later, on india paper, but not with title-pages, &c., nor in the original wrappers. ‘ Value, first issue, plain, in wrappers, £2 5 coloured, £45 large paper india proofs, £10. _/.»»/88 ILLUSTRATIONS OF TIME. 4857 By George Cruikshank. “There is a Time for all Things.” “ Tempus Edax Rerum.” obl. fol. London .- published IlIay 1st, 1827, by the Artist, 22, Myddelton Terrace, Pentonville; sold by Js. Robins all‘ Co, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1827 In a wrapper with an engraved title, with line of publication as above. The title has a design in the centre, Time at a feast devouring all manner of things. This design is enclosed within an endless serpent, with its tail in its mouth, and six other plates, each having several designs. There is no printed title. The usual prices of the three states are on the outside of the front wrapper. On the outside of the back wrapper is “Lately published. Phrenological Illustrations by George Cruikshank ” (then the prices of the three states). *fi “ At the latter end of the year will be published Four or Six prints on the same subject as the present work.” Later issues are different on the back wrapper, and have other advertisements on it instead. The plain copies are found in a brown wrapper, coloured copies, also large paper india proof copies, in a pink wrapper. The same peculiar kind of tissue paper occurs as in Phrenological Illustrations. Plain copies are printed on a softer kind of paper, coloured copies on vellum-like VVhatman paper. On both, the date 1827 often occurs in the water-mark. Inside the wrapper, before title, should be, in first issue, two leaves (four pages) of a slip advertisement of Robins’ Works. “The Pocket Magazine” is generally the first book in this adver- tisement, sometimes it is the third. Value, in wrappers, plain, £1 10s; ditto, coloured, £3 5 ditto, large paper, india proofs, £10. (26> BOOKS—continued. 89 Sc-RAPS AND SKETcHEs. 4871 By George Cruikshank, to be continued occasionally. obl. fol. London .- published by the Artist, 22, Myddelton Terrace, Penton- ville, and sold by James Robins d1" Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1828 Six plates by Geo. Cruikshank, each containing several de- signs. On the inside of front wrapper is found, in the plain copies and in some of the coloured copies, an address by George Cruik- shank. In some of the coloured copies, and. I believe in all the large paper india proof copies it appears at the back of the title- page instead. The outside of the front wrapper reads the same as on the title-page above, the words “ To be continued occasionally ” being omitted, and the usual prices of the three states of the work added beneath. Before the title-page, a slip advertisement of four pages of books published by Robins is inserted, except in ‘ large paper copies. The first book mentioned being “ The Ladies’ Monthly Museum.” On outside of back wrapper is advertisement of Phrenological Illustrations, and of Illustrations of Time. The colour of the wrapper of plain copies is brown, coloured copies pink, large paper india proof copies drab. The peculiar kind of tissue paper, with the same water-mark before referred to, occurs in the first state of this part, but not in later issues of the part, nor in any issues of parts 2, 3 and 4. Value, in wrappers, plain, £1 10s.; coloured, £3; large paper india proofs, £10. ' 90 ScRAPs AND SKEToHEs. Part the Second. By George Cruikshank. obl. fol. London: published by the Artist, 22, .Myddelton Terrace, Penton- ville, and sold by James Robins d1’ Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1829 Printed title as above, and six plates, each containing several designs. The same prices, as on preceding works, are found on the front wrapper. “’ On the outside of the back wrapper, in the plain and coloured copies, are advertisements of Phrenological Illustrations, Illustra- tions of Time, Scraps and Sketches, Part the First. There is a slip advertisement of four pages of Robins’s Publi- cations, in the plain and coloured copies, before the title, in which the first book advertised is “ The Cabinet of Portraits.” Plain copies have a brown, coloured copies a pink, large paper india proof copies a drab Wrapper. N OTE.—In the preceding oblong folio books, the word Myddelton in G. C.’s address has been so spelt, now, in some copies of this, Part the Second, it is spelt Myddleton, and is continued to be so spelt in parts 3 and 4. Value, in wrappers, plain, £1 10s.; coloured, £33 large paper india proofs, £10. (27) BOOKS—continued. 91 SoRAPs AND SREToHEs. Part the Third. By George Cruikshank. obl. fol. London: published by the Artist, 22, M yddleton Terrace, Penton- ville, and sold by James Robins ck Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1831 Printed title as above, and six plates by G. C., with several designs on eachplate. The usual prices of the three states are found on the front wrapper. On the outside of the back wrapper, in the three states, are found advertisements of Phrenological Illustrations, I, Illustrations of Time, Scraps and Sketches, Part the First, Part ‘J the Second, Illustrations of Popular \Vorks, and of Scott’s De- monology and Witchcraft. The colour of the Wrapper of plain copies is brown, coloured copies light pink, large paper india proof copies greenish brown. This is rarer than parts 1 and 2. Value, in wrappers, plain, £2 3 coloured, £4 3 large paper india proofs, £12. 92 ScRAPs AND SKETcHEs. Part the Fourth. By George Cruikshank. obl. fol. London: published by the Artist, 22, llIyddleton Terrace, Penton- ville, sold by James Robins it‘ Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1832 Printed title as above, and six plates by G. C., with several designs on each plate. The usual prices of the three states are found on the front wrapper. On the outside of the back wrapper in the three states is found an address by G. C. relating to a Mr. Carpenter and his publications, also advertisements of the following—Phrenological Illustrations, Illustrations of Time, Scraps and Sketches, Part the First, Part the Second, Part the Third 3 Illustrations of Popular Works, Part I, and of Scott’s Demonology and Witchcraft. The colour of the wrapper of plain copies is brown, coloured copies pale pink, large paper india proof copies a greenish brown. This part is rare. Value, in wrappers, plain, £33 coloured, £53 large paper india proof copies, £15. 93 SeRAPs AND SKETcHEs. 5133 In 1834 was published one plate, which was intended for a fifth part of Scraps and Sketches, but no more were published. obl. fol. It reads—Plate 1. for Part 5 of Scraps and Sketches, Antici- . , pated effect of the Tailors’ Strike, or Gentlemen’s Fashions for "‘ 1834. Designed, etched and published by George Cruikshank, No. 3, M yddleton Terrace, Pentonville, May 22nd, sold by Charles Tilt, Fleet Street 1834 O clear, what will become of us. O dear, what shall we do 2 When we have worn out the clothes we have got! And the Tailors wont make any new I ! This plate should be placed at the end of Part Four of Scraps and Sketches. Value, plain, £1 5s. 3 coloured, £2. (as) “94 BOOKS—continued. MY SKETCH Boox. By George Cruikshank. Nine numbers of this book were published, each in a pictorial wrapper, containing four plates, each plate having several sub- jects. The design on the Wrapper is a Zany seated in a chair blowing bubbles. With the sixth number was published an engraved title to vol. I, in addition to the other plates. This engraved title re- presents a proscenium having four shelves, with workmen placing letters, as large as themselves, under the direction of George Cruikshank himself, whose likeness is represented. The words VOL. I, have been placed on the first shelf. The word OF on the second shelf; on the third shelf, the workmen are placing the last letter, H, of the words MY SKETCH. On the fourth shelf, B has been placed, O, O and K are lying ready to be placed. Below, are the words George Cruikshank. Designed, etched and published by George Cruikshank, 23, Myddle- ton Terrace, Pentonville, and sold by Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street, Dec. 1st, The six parts were then issued together in a volume in cloth, with a printed title added, having the same design as on the wrapper, but this issue with the printed title is not the first state. In the first state in parts, the engraved title only is found. It remains to describe the first state of each number, with its wrapper, &c. Number I. occasionally Pnce My Sketch Book London: published for the artist by Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street On the outside of back wrapper is advertisement of Phreno- The plates of N o. 1 in the first issue are not numbered, they all have the imprint, On the outside of front wrapper [ 2s. 6d. plain (with design beneath) logical Illustrations, Illustrations of Time, Scraps and Sketches. Sketched, Etched and Published by G. Cruikshank 1 3s. 6d. coloured N0. 1 {To be continued Geoe. Cruikshank. Parts I to IV. Number 2. The front and back wrappers are the same as N o. 1, except the back wrapper has the addition of advertisement of “ Illus- trations of Demonology and Witchcraft.” The plates are not numbered, and all have, Sketched, Etched and Published by G. Cruikshank The first has the addition of the date, 1833, the last the addition of Myddelton Terrace, Pentonville, August 15th, 1833. Number 3. Is the same as No. 2. The plates are not numbered. They all have G. C’s. imprint, nearly similar to the preceding number, with the dates 1833 and Door. 1833. sm. obl. fol. 1834 4917 <29) BOOKS—continued. Number 4. The same as No. 3 except that a No. 3 wrapper is used, which has a figure 4 written in ink, over the printed numeral III. The plates are numbered 1 to 4 respectively, and have G. Ck’s. imprint similar to the preceding numbers, with the date April 1“, 1834. This number has also at beginning one leaf of an address by George Cruikshank against Mr. Kidd a bookseller of Chandos St. Number 5. The front wrapper the same as before, except that no numeral is printed (the space being left blank) and the figure 5 is supplied in ink. On the back wrapper the advertisements are, George Cruikshank’s Illustrations of Popular Novels and Romances, part 1, Don Quixote 5 Phrenological Illustrations 5 Illustrations of Time 5 Scraps and Sketches, parts I to IV 5 Illustrations of Demonology and Witchcraft. The plates are numbered, pl. 1 (2, 3, 4) No. 5 respectively. G. Ck.’s imprint with the date August 1st, 1834, to all except the second plate. In the first state of the 2nd plate the design “The Worship of Wealth” has the letters on the bag, 09 JC] instead of GOLD, to which it is altered in later issues. Number 6. The arrangement on the wrapper is altered. My Sketch Book (The Design of the Zany) George Cruikshank London Published for the Artist by Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street Price 2s. 6d. plain 5 3s. 6d. coloured. NO numeral is printed, the space left blank, which is filled in by the figure 6 in ink. ‘ The advertisements on the back Wrapper are, Illustrations of Don Quixote 5 Phrenological Illustrations 5 Illustrations of Time 5 Scraps and Sketches, parts I to IV 5 My Sketch Book, parts I to V 5 Illustrations of Demonology and Witchcraft. The plates are numbered pl. 1 (2, 3, 4) No. 6 respectively, with G. Ck’s imprint, and date Decr. 1st, 1834. This number has also the engraved title to vol. I as referred to above. Number 7. Front wrapper the same as number 6, except that the lines of publication are two instead of three. The number is printed in roman numerals for this and nos. 8 and 9. The back wrapper has a long advertisement of George Cruikshank’s W'orks, printed crossways, the first book mentioned in the advertisement being, “The Comic Almanack for 1835.” The plates are numbered 25 to 28 respectively, and have G. Ck.’s imprint with the date March 1st, 1835. Number 8. The wrapper, the same exactly as the last. The plates num- bered 29 to 32 respectively, and have G. Ck.’s imprint, with date Novr. 1st, 1835. (30) BOOKS—continued. Number 9. The wrappers same as the last. Plates numbered 33 to 36 respectively, G. Ck.’s imprint with date June 25th, 1836. This is the last number published. The colour of the first four numbers is yellow, that of the remaining five is drab. Value, the nine numbers, in wrappers, plain, £8 3- coloured, £16. 95 THE POOKET MAGAZINE, Robins’ Series. 4 vol. 12mo 4866 Robins’ new and improved Series of Arliss’s Pocket Magazine. London .- James Robins d' Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster tow 1827-8 Many steel plates and woodcuts, 4 woodcuts only by G. C., vie.— (1) The King of the Hartz, vol. I, p. 1, G. C.’s initials ,' (2) The King of the Hartz, and the Tailor of Liebnau, vol. I, p. 61, G. C.’s initials; (3) The Priest of Rathdunan, vol. II, p. 533 (4) The Two Farmers, vol. IV, p. 1. Value, 4 vol. 6s. .//96 THE GENTLEMEN’S POOKET MAGAZINE and Album of Literature 4856 and Fine Arts, for the years 1827 to 1830, 4 vol. 12mo Vol. I 1827, pp. i-xii, 1-4203 vol. II, 1828, pp. i-xii, 1-4203 vol. III, 1829, pp. i-xii, 1-4203 vol. IV, 1830, pp. i-xii, 1-420. Joseph Robins, No. 3, Bride Court, Bridge Street, London 1827-30 Many plates and woodcuts. The volumes for 1827 and 1829 contain “The London Cha- racters,” 24 coloured plates, 12 in each. The 12 for 1827 are all by G. C. Those, for 1829, 3 are by G. C. and 9 by Robert Cruikshank. The volume for 1830 contains Robert Cruikshank’s “ Comicalities,” 24 coloured plates. They were all issued in monthly parts in wrappers, and are very rare in this state. Value, 1827 and 1829, £7 3 uncut, £103 in parts very rare, £20 3 the 4 volumes, £12 3 uncut, £16 3 in parts, £30. 97 BIBLIOTHECA SUSsExIANA. 4853 A Descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by Bibliographical Notices of the Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in the Library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, KG. D.C.L. &c. &c. &c. &c. in Kensington Palace. By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, F.R.S. F.A.S. F.L.S. and Librarian to H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex. 2 vol. 8vo London: printed for Longman a? C0., Paternoster Row, do. 1827 Numerous illustrations, of which seven etchings from manuscripts and four woodcuts are by G. C. Value, £2. 98 FACETIZE AND MISOELLANIES. 4861 By William Hone, with one hundred and twenty Engravings drawn by George Cruikshank. 8vo London: published for William Hone by Hunt at Clark, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden 1827 This is a collection of Tracts, &c., before published by William Hone, with the addition of the Introduction and two relating to (3i) BOOKS—continued. the controversy with the “Quarterly Review.” “Buonaparte- phobia—The Origin of Dr. Slop’s Name” was first printed in the form of an open sheet, and “ A Slap at Slop ” first issued as a newspaper sheet. There are fourteen in the volume, viz. :— (1) Introduc- tion3 The Political House that Jack Built; (3) Man in the Moon 3 (4) Queen’s Matrimonial Ladder 3 (5) Dropt Clauses out of the Bill against the Queen 3 (6) Non Mi Ricordo; (7) Form of Prayer for the Queen 3 (8) Political Showman 3 (9) The Right Divine for Kings to Govern Wrong 3 (10) The Bank Restriction Barometer, with Bank Restriction Note 3 (11) Buonapartephobia —The Origin of Dr. Slop’s Name; (12) Slap at Slop3 (13) Asper- ~ sions Answered 3 (14) Another Article for the “ Quarterly Review.” - All have woodcuts except the two last. On the printed title is a vignette of William Hone and George Cruikshank seated at a table (both are likenesses), underneath are the words— “ We twa hae paidl’t.”-—Burns. l/V. Hone invt. G. Cruikshank del. The second, third, fourth and sixth of the above tracts were issued on fine paper, coloured, and are rare. There is also a leaf of advertisement with contents after the title. I have a set nearly all coloured. Value, the volume, uncut, 15s. 3 the fine paper, coloured tracts, from 10s. to £1 each. Reid gives another collection of some of the same tracts. 8vo 4862 1827 99 PHILosoPHY IN SroRT MADE ScIENeE IN EARNEST. 3 vol. sm.8ro 4863 London: printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown cf: Green, Paternoster Row 1 827 With many woodcuts and diagrams, of which about 10 important ones, mostly signed G. C., are in vol. I, 5 in vol. II and 1 in vol. III,- besides about 9 smaller ones, probably by G. C. The same woodcut is used on the title-page of the three vol. It has been often reprinted. This, the first edition, is rather scarce in boards. Vol. I, pp. i-xviii, 1-3163 vol. II, pp. i-viii, 1-3143 vol. III, pp. i-vi, 1-208. Value, first edition, in boards, £1. 100 TALES BY GEORGE SoANE. 3 vol. 8vo 4864 With six etchings. . 1827 Reid gives this simply as above, without name of any publisher. Query, is it not the same as “Specimens of German Romance,” which is by George Soane, with only three plates. If this exists, I have never seen it. ( 32 ) '\101 e/r/IOZ BOOKS—continued. A FIRE-SIDE BOOK, or The Account of a Christmas spent at Old Court. London .- printed for J. A. Hessey, 93, Fleet Street IVith an etched frontispiece, “ Old Court,” George Cruikshank feet. Value, in boards, 6s. PUNCH AND JUDY, with Illustrations designed and engraved by George Cruikshank, accompanied by the Dialogue of the Puppet Show, an account of its origin, and of Puppet Plays in England. London: printed for S. Prowett, 55, Pall Mall pp. i-ii, 1-112, with 24 etchings by G. C., numbered 1 to 23, with the frontispiece, not numbered, which counts as 24, and 4 woodcuts, one on title, and at pp. 28, 53 and 72. Issued plain and coloured, in green canvas boards with label on back, which read in the plain copies, “ Punch and Judy, Illustrated by G. Cruikshank, Price 95.” The coloured copies, “ Punch and Judy, Illustrated by G. Cruikslutnk, Coloured, Price 12s.” The coloured copies, when genuine, have the plates on a special hard vellum-like Whatman paper, and are very rare. Bound copies are often found which either have the plates coloured subsequently to issue, or they have the letterpress of first edition with coloured plates from the second edition, in either case the paper is different. Plain copies are not particularly rare, though they are scarce in fine condition in boards. The second edition, published the same year (1828) has the letterpress quite different, there being more pages than in the first edition. Value, first edition, £1 103.,- fine, in boards, £3 ; coloured, in boards, £10. Reid does not appear to have seen the first edition, as he makes no mention of it, and gives PUNCH AND JUDY. First issue proofs without letterpress in a small 8vo portfolio, with the four woodcuts on a sheet of india paper, “Illustrations to Punch and Judy, drawn and engraved by George Cruikshank.” London .- printed for Septimus Prowett, 55, Pall Mall, price 9s. The value of these are about £20, vide the Eruton sale, 1897, Nos. 2 75 and 276. Reid then mentions the second edition with letterpress. On Note 1 to page 125, he gives: Curious early states of the illustrations to “ Punch and Judy ” in the British Museum, and a duplicate set in the collection of Charles Dew, Esq. of Salisbury. He then gives minute descriptions of 10 of the plates in early state, with extra etchings on the margins. Mr. Bruton had a set in his collection including these 10 plates, which (lot 274) fetched £29. 121720 1828 8vo 1828 1828 4865 not in Reid (33) M103 104 105 106 107 W----/1-08 BOOKS—continued. A CATALOGUE RAISONNF'. of the Select Collection of Engravings of an Amateur, with numerous plates, five of which are by G. Cruikshank. There are some large paper copies with the plates on india paper. Value, small paper, uncut, £5 5 large paper, £8. ‘ 4868 1828 TIM BOBBIN’S LANCASHIRE DIALECT and Poems, 4869 G. Cruikshank. ‘ London: Hurst, Chance LC Co., 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard pp. i-viii, 1-184, 4 etchings by George Cruikshank and 2 by Robert Cruikshank. There is no description on the plates. Those by George are at pp. 20, 28, 32,108, all signed; the two by Robert Cruikshank, at frontispiece and p. 156. Value, fine copy, in canvas boards, £1 10s. plates by 8220 1 828 THE ANNUAL CHRONOLOGY and Historical Record of Important and Interesting Events in 1827, by Tell-Tale Time. London .- published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill pp. i-viii, 1-134, with an etched frontispiece signed “George Cruik- shank fec‘,” subject, “ Old Time recording events in a book.” A very pretty little book in paper boards, and rare. Value, in boards, very fine, £2. 4870 12mo 1828 THE SPECTATOR. A Weekly Journal of News, Politics, Literature and Science. No. 7 contains “Points of Horror!!! or the Picturesque of 'Corder’s Case.” ' sm. folio London: published by F. C. Westley, 159, Strand 1828 Four woodcuts by George Cruikshank unsigned, but stated to be by the Hogarth of the day, the inimitable Cruikshank. Value, the number containing the woodcuts, £2. 4872 THE DIVERTING HISTORY OF JOHN GILPIN. 4873 Showing how he went farther than he intended and came safe home again, with six illustrations by George Cruikshank. sg. 12mo London .- Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street 1828 pp. i-iv, 5-20, with six separate page woodcuts by G. C. in a stijf paper cover, price 1s. 5 india proofs were issued small 4to, in a wrapper without tesct, price 2s. 6d. Value, in paper cover, 10s. ,- india proofs, in wrapper, £1 10s. THE FAMILY LIBRARY. History of Napoleon Buonaparte, with 4874 engravings on steel and wood. 12mo London: John Murray, A lbemarle Street, 2 vol. 1829 These form N Os. 1 and 2 of the Family Library. Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1304. There is a list of plates, they are 6 in number, vie. 2 on steel not by G. C. and 4 full-page woodcuts by G. C. The cloth cover in front has the date 1829, and on the back, “ N 0. II will be published in a fortnight.” Vol. II, pp. i-x, 1-380, there is a list of plates, 9 in number, 4 on steel and 1 woodcut not by G. C. and 4 woodcuts by G. C. - D (34) 109 N10 111 112 -----'/113 114 BOOKS—continued. The cloth cover has in front the date 1829, and on the back, “ No. III will be published on the first of June.” This, the first edition of these volumes, is rather scarce, it was often reprinted, and the letterpress, &c. differs in the later issues. Value, in canvas boards, 10s. THE YOUNG LADY’S BOOK. A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises and Pursuits. Second Edition. 4876 12mo London: V isetelly, Branston (2' Co. Fleet Street 1829 Numerous illustrations. Boundin silk, 21s. One woodcut “Archery” at p. 419 is by G. C. Value, bound in red silk, 5s. THE EPPING HUNT, by Thomas Hood, Esq., illustrated with six engravings on wood by Branston and Wright, Bonner, Slader and T. Williams, after the designs by George Cruikshank 12mo London .- Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street 1829 pp. i-xxx, the woodcuts all have G. C.’s initials or name, published in a say paper cover, price 23. 6d. 3 india proofs of the plates were separately published in wrapper, sm. 4to, price 2s. 6d. Value, in cover, 10s. 3 india proofs of the plates in wrapper, £2. 4878 THE LIFE AND AOTIONS OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT, _ 4875 by the Rev. John Williams. N o. 3 of The Family Library. 12mo London .' John Murray, A lbemarle Street 1829 Two woodcuts of coins by G. C. Value, 2s. TABLE TALK, or the Modern Scrap Book. 8vo 4879 London : published by T. Robins at’ C0. 1829 pp. i-ii, 1-570, with many woodcuts, several by G. C. but from works formerly published, vie. Points of Humour, Greenwich Hospital, Mornings at Bow Street, and others. The only fresh one for the book is “Botocundo Indians” at page 529, which it states is by G. C. Value, 153. ,- boards, £1. STORIES OF POPULAR VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, SOUTH AMERIOA. 12mo 4877 London: published for the Proprietor by Eflingham Wilson, 88, Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1829 pp. i-vi, 1-278, many plates ; one at p. 155 of “Mr. W aterton and the Cayman,” G. Cruikshank del. Printed by Engelmann. Value, 12s. A NEW AND COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY, by Thomas Myers, LL.D., late of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich 4to London: H. Fisher, Son at" P. Jackson, 38, Newgate Street 1829 A large woodcut, vignette on the wrapper by G. C. Value of wrapper, 2s. The first edition was published in 1812 in 8vo with hardly 4880 (35) BOOKS—continued. any illustrations. There is also a Prospectus of this book (or an earlier edition) dated January 1st, 1821, stating that it would be issued in parts forming 2 vol. 4to. On this Prospectus is a small woodcut similar to the above, and by G. C., but it is the reverse way. 115 TWELVE SKETOHES Illustrative of Sir Walter Scott’s Demonology 4881 and Witchcraft, by George Cruikshank. 12mo London .- published for the Artist by J. Robins c6 Co. Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1830 Printed title as above and 12 leaves of descriptive letterpress. Two leaves of advertisements of George Cruikshank’s works at the end. Each etching has under it .- Designed, etched and published by George Cruikshank, Nov. 1830. Issued in a brown wrapper, on the front of which is, Price Two Shillings; india proofs, Four Shillings. On the back of wrapper is : Preparing for publication, Scraps and Sketches, Part III. Value, plain, fine, in wrapper, £1 3 india proofs, £2 10s. 116 THE NEW BATH GUIDE, 4882 or Memoirs of the B-N-R-D Family, in a series of Poetical Epistles by Christopher Anstey, Esq. A new edition with a Biographical and Topographical Preface and Anecdotal Annotations by John Britten, F.S.A. and member of several other societies. Embellished with engravings. 8vo London: Hurst, Chance cf; Co., St. Paul’s Churchyard 1830 pp. i-lxxvi, 1-17 6, there are seven illustrations, of which five are etchings signed “Geo. Cruikshank fecit.” There is a list of plates. ‘ Although called a new edition it is the first illustrated by G. C. A later edition was published in 1832. ' Value, 1830 edition, boards, fine, £1 10s. I//~117 ILLUSTRATIONS To PoPULAR WORKS, 8vo 4885 by George Cruikshank, Part I (all published). d’: London: published for the Artist by Longman, Rees, Orme, imp 8vo Brown. (2 Green, Paternoster Row 1830 Printed title as above, dedication to Duke of Sussex, and letterpress descriptions to the six etchings. Published in two states, price, large paper, india proofs, 10s. 3 small paper, 6s. Value, small paper, common, 10s. ; large paper, india proofs, £2. 118 TALES OF OTHER DAYS, 4886 by J. Y. A., with illustrations by George Cruikshank, engraved by J. Thompson and S. and T. Williams. 8vo London: Efiingham Wilson, Royal Exchange 1830 pp. i-x, 1-250, with seven woodcuts, vie. Frontispiece (described at p. 166), (2) vignette on title, to face p. l, (4) p. 27, (5) p. 69, (6) p. 127, (7) p. 198, they have G. C.’s initials and are all full-page except the vignette. Value, 10s. 3 uncut, £1. (36) BOOKS—continued. 119 THE LIFE or NELsoN, 4887 by Robert Southey, Esq. LL.D., Poet Laureate, &c. &c. No. 12 of The Family Library. 12mo London: John Murray, Albemarle Street 1830 pp. i-viii, 1-352, and eight woodcuts in the text, which are to be found on title, and at pp. 11, 24, 113, 117, 153, 253, 339, most of these have G. C.’s initials. This is the first issue. Reid, in his description of the woodcuts at page 249 (3614-21), gives the pages differently, probably from a later issue or edition. Value, 1st issue, in canvas boards, 6s. ---/—120 Tom THUMB. 4888 A Burletta altered from Henry Fielding, by Kane O’Hara, with designs by George Cruikshank. 12mo London: Thomas Rodd, Great Newport Street 1830 pp. 1-34, with seven woodcuts, five full-page and two vignettes, one on title, and one on last leaf, with G. C.’s initials. Published in wrapper with vignette, price 25. 6d. Value, a fine copy, fresh in wrapper, 7 s. 6d. Often republished by Thomas, &c. &c. 121 BoMBAsTEs FURIOSO. 4889 A Burlesque Tragic Opera, by William Barnes Rhodes, with designs by George Cruikshank. 12mo London .- Thomas Rodd, Great Newport Street 1830 pp. 1-34, eight woodcuts, viz. seven full-page and vignette on title, all with G. C.’s initials. Published in wrapper with vignette, price 2s. 6d. Value, fine copy, fresh in wrapper, 7 5. 6d. It was published also with plates and letterpress on india paper in a yellow wrapper. This is very rare, Mr. Bruton’s copy brought at his sale (lot 278) £7 . 122 THE CoMIC ANNUAL FOR 1830, 4891 by Thomas Hood, Esq. l2mo London: Hurst, Chance d Co. 1830 pp. i-xvi, 1-1 7 4, with many woodcuts, three of which are by G. C. (1) Guy of Warwick, p. 49. (2) A Greenwich Pensioner, p. 64, “ George” on stern of boat. (3) Four Inside, p. 108. Value, in boards, as issued, 10s. 123 HOOD’S OWN, or Laughter from Year to Year. 8vo notin Published in numbers 1838-9. London .- A. H. Baily c6 Co., Cornhill 1839 Reid. pp. i-viii, 1-568, numerous woodcuts. The Greenwich Pensioner, by G. C., at p. 125. This is the first edition. Afterwards published by Moxon. Value, uncut, £1 10s. 124 POLITICAL LETTERS AND PAMPHLETs. Published for the avowed purpose of trying with the Government the Question of Law—VVhether all Publications containing News or Intelligence, however limited in quantity or irregularly issued, are liable to the imposition of the Stamp Duty of Fourpence, &c. not in Reid. (37) BOOKS—continued. with a full report of the Editor’s Trial and Conviction, in the Court of Exchequer at Westminster. by William Carpenter. 4to London: published by William Carpenter, at his oflice, 21, Paternoster Row 1830-1 A series of 34 Letters and Reports, all paged separately, the majority of these having a woodcut on the first page, most are from Hone’s Tracts, some by G. C. Besides these, No. 6 (Nov. 6th, 1830) has the out which Reid says is to be found in a prospectus, contained in a publication called, “The Greatest Happiness Principle.” The woodcut re- presents a Medieeval richly dressed dame wearing a ruff, seated in a chair which is raised on a table, and feeding a fat child with pap 5 below, on the ground, several starving children are standing with their arms raised asking for some. No. 8 (Nov. 18, 1830) has a out which I think is by G. C., probably from some tract. I do not know of any other copy of the book. Value, £1 10s. 125 THREE COURSES AND A DESSERT. 4893 The Decorations by George Cruikshank. “ Sit down and feed, and welcome to our table.”—As you like it. 8120 London .- Visetelly, Branston 7% Co., Fleet Street 1830 pp. 5-432, with 51 woodcuts, mostly with G. C.’s initials, and engraved by Williams, Branston, die. There are 12 woodcuts with the letterpress in the First Course, 15 in the Second, 6 in the Third, and 12 with the Dessert, besides 6 full-page plates on stouter paper, viz. the title and frontispiece to the volume, which counts as pp. i-iv, and a frontispiece to each of the four parts, which latter plates are not included in the pagination. The woodcuts are very spirited, good and amusing. A second edition was printed the same year, with words Second Edition on title. Several editions afterwards. Value, in original binding, half morocco with cloth sides, uncut, £2 10s. 126 THE LIFE OF THE HORSE. 12mo 4896 Published by H. Gray, 2, Barbican 1830 With six woodcuts. Value, 10s. 127 THE NovELIsT’s LIBRARY. Edited by Thomas Roscoe, with Illustrations by George Cruik- 4897 shank. 17 vol. with 74 etchings by G. C. p0st8vo oVol. 1—Smollett’s Humphrey Clinker. pp. i-ii, i-xxxvi, 1-404, portrait (not by G. C.) and four plates by G. C. signed. ' London: Cochrane at Pickersgill 1831 t The “Caricature Annual or Looking Glass” for 1830, 1831 ‘ and 1832, is given by Reid at No. 4895, but I do not think there is anything of G. Cruikshank in it. f 38 ) BOOKS—continued. " Vol. 2—Smollett’s Roderick Random, pp. i-xii, 1-496, 5 plates by G. C. signed. London: James Cochrane d’: Co. Vol. 3—Smollett’s Peregrine Pickle. Vol. I, pp. i-vi, 1-422, 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane ct’ Co. ' Vol. 4--Smollett’s Peregrine Pickle. Vol. II, pp. i-vi, 1-448, 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane (f? Co. - Vol. 5--Fielding’s Tom Jones. Vol. I, pp. i-xxiv, 1-454, portrait (not by G. C.) and 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane db Co. Vol. 6-—Fielding’s Tom Jones. Vol. II, pp. i-vi, 1-448, 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane d‘ Co. Vol. 7-—Fielding’s Joseph Andrews. pp. i-xii, 1-336, 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane at’ C0. Vol. 8-—Fielding’s Amelia. Vol. I, pp. i-vi, i-ii, 1-308, 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane (6‘ Co. Vol. 9-—Fielding’s Amelia. Vol. II, pp. i-vi, 1-344, 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane ck Co. I Vol. 10-Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield. pp. i-x, 1-168, portrait (not by G. C.) and 2 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane (6" Co. Goldsmith’s Sir Lancelot Greaves. pp. i-iv, 1-244, 2 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane d2 Co. 1 Vol. 11--Sterne’s Tristram Shandy. Vol. I, pp. i-igi, 1-372, por- trait (not by G. C.) and 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane d3‘ Co. " Vol. 12—Ditto. Vol. II, pp. i-vi, 1-360, 4 plates by G. C. signed. James Cochrane d’: Co. Vol. 13—Cervantes’ Don Quixote. Vol. I, pp. i-iv, i-iv, i-viii, i-xxviii, 1-37 2, portrait (not by G. C.) and 5 plates by G. C. signed. London .- Efiingham Wilson 1' Vol. 14—Cervantes’ Don Quixote. Vol. II, pp. i-iv, i-iv, 1-356, portrait (not by G. C.), and 5 plates by G. C. signed. Efiingham Wilson 3 Vol. 15—Cervantes’ Don Quixote. Vol. III, pp. i-viii, 1-384, por- trait (not by G. C.) and 5 plates by G. C. signed. a E jfin gham Wilson i Vol. 16-—Le Sage’s Gil Blas. Vol. I, pp. i-xxvi, 1-418, portrait (not by G. C.) and 5 plates by G. C. signed. Eyfingham Wilson NOTE—The plates to Smollett, Fielding, and Goldsmith, also to Don Quixote, were published separately, with descriptive letterpress, by Tilt, in 1822-4. 1831 1331 l 1331’ 1331*“ 1831?’ 1832‘ 1832 1332 1832 r" ‘ 1832 1332b’ 1332*’ 4912 1333 ‘ 1833 I 1833 4313 1333 (39> BOOK S—continued. 2 Vol. 17-—Le Sage’s Gil Blas. Vol. II, pp. i-xii, 1-420, portrait (not '7‘ by G. C.) and 5 plates by G. C. signed. Ey’ingham Wilson 1833'“ Lists of plates were published with all the above volumes. Value of the 17 volumes, uncut, in canvas, boards, £16. Besides the above, De Foe’s Robinson Crusoe was publishedin The Novelist’s Library, but it is not illustrated by G. C., and is not in the numbered series. It is in 2 vol. with 16 plates ‘3 on india paper by another artist. It is mentioned here as some collectors like to have the complete set of 19 vol. It is rather scarce and is worth £2. Instead of this, Major’s edition of Robinson Crusoe, with G. C.’s illustrations, is generally supplied, and is of the same size. It is given in the following number. ‘\\128 THE LIFE AND SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF RoBINSoN CRUsoE, 4902 of York, Mariner, with introductory Verses by Bernard Barton, and illustrated with numerous engravings from drawings by George Cruikshank, expressly designed for this edition. 2 vol. post 8vo London: printed at the Shakespeare Press, by IV. Nicol, for John Major, Fleet Street 1831 Vol. I, pp. i-viii, pp. i-xvi, 1-436, with a fine engraving on steel, G. Cruikshank pinxit. Augs. Fox sculpt. as frontispiece, and numerous woodcuts by G. C. with his initials, in the text. Vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-408, with a fine engraving on steel, G. Cruik- shank pinxit, W. Raddon sculpt. as frontispiece, and numerous wood- cuts with G. C. ’s initials in the text. It was also published in large paper 8vo, with the two frontis- pieces on india paper. Value, small paper, in boards, £2 3 large paper, ditto, £5. 129 THE OAT’S TAIL. 4898 Being the History of Childe Merlin. A Tale, by The Baroness de Katzleben, Authoress of other Touching Tales and Pathetic Pieces. 12mo William Blackwood, Edinburgh, and T. Cadell, Strand, London 1831 pp. 1-32, and 3 etchings by G. C. signed, viz. frontispiece, and at pp. 14 and 18. Value, clean, in wrapper, 12s. , 130 THE VoIoE 0F HUMANITY. 4899 Published Quarterly, for the Association for Promoting Rational Humanity towards the Animal Creation. 8vo London: published by J. Nisbet, Berners Street 1831 In some of the numbers is found the etching “The Knacker’s Yard, or the Horse’s Last Home,” Geo. Cruikshank feet. Pubd. by J. Nisbet, Berners St, London, 1831. This is the first state of the plate. In the second state of the plate, the date is erased, and either left blank or filled in with “ Price 6d.” At the top is “The Voice of Humanity (for pro- moting Rational Humanity to the Animal Creation),” and at foot “Pub. Quarterly, by J. N isbet, where subscriptions are received.” In the third state the plate is retouched. Value of number with plate, 108. (40) BOOKS—continued. 131 THE MELANGE, by Egerton Smith, issued in numbers, it contains “The Elysium for Animals,” with the etching of “ The Knacker’s Yard” in the second state. Value, 7 s. 132 THE ELYSIUM FOR ANIMALS, was published separately next year. Value, 7s. 133 ADDREss or EARL STANHoPE, at the Anniversary Meeting of the Medico-Botanical Society, January 16th, 1836. London .- printed for J. Wilson, George Court, Piccadilly In this pamphlet, the etching, “ The Knacker’s Yard,” occurs in the third state. Value, 5s. 134 HOGARTH MoRALIzED, _ by the late Rev. Dr. Trusler. London: printed at the Shakespeare Press, by W. Nicol, for John Major, Fleet Street pp. i-xxvi, 1-293, with many copper-plates and woodcuts, of which a full-list is given at the end, of these, only two plates, with two en- gravings on each, are reduced copies of Hogarth, by G. C. signed. It was also issued in large paper, 8vo, with the plates on india paper. Value, small paper, uncut, £1 ; large paper, uncut, £2 10s. “"135 ODDs AND ENDs, in Verse and Prose, by William Henry Merle, Esq, illustrated by George Cruikshank, from Designs by the Author. London : printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown c6 Green, Paternoster Row pp. i-viii, 1-148, there are 13 illustrations, of which 12 are wood- cuts (some are vignettes and some full-page plates) by G. C., mostly with his initials, and one etching by G. C. signed, of “Mary Queen of Scott's (sic) Glass.” All the full-page woodcuts and the etching are accounted for in the pagination, except the first woodcut. Value, fine, in cloth boards, £1 Is. 136 FERDINAND FRANCK. An Auto-Biographical Sketch of the Youthful Days of a Musical Student. Second edition, with illustrations by George Cruik- shank. Lon-don .~ R. Ackermann, 96, Strand pp. i-iv, 1282, with 3 woodcuts on india paper by G. C. with his initials, at pages 91 (used as frontispiece), 56 and 220. The first edition illustrated by G. C. Value, in boards or cloth, uncut, £1. THE GENTLEMAN IN BLACK. With Illustrations by G. Cruikshank, engraved by J. Thompson and C. Landells 137 London: William Kidd, 6, Old Bond Street Value, 7 s. 6d. not in 8vo Reid. 1 83 4 1835 not in Reid. 4935 8vo 1836 4900 l2mo 1831 4901 8vo 1831 4903 12mo 1831 4904 12mo 1831 <41) BOOKS—continu ed. 138 KIDD’S LONDON DIRECTORY ON A NOVEL PLAN. 4905 Illustrated with Thirty-eight Wood Engravings by G. and R. Cruikshank, Seymour and Bonner. 12mo London .- William Kidd, 14, Chandos Street, Strand Only two woodcuts by G. C. from “The Gentleman in Black.” [1831] Value, 5s. 9 139 ALTRIVE TALES. 4906 Collected among the Peasantry of Scotland, and from Foreign Adventurers, by the, Ettrick Shepherd, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. V 01. I. post 8vo London: James Cochrane at Co., 11, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall 1832 pp. i-ii, i-vi, i-clii, 1-190, with 2 plates, of which there is a list, one a portrait not by G. C., the other an etching by G. C. No more vols. were published. ‘ Value, 5s. -140 THE BEE AND THE WASP. - 4907 A Fable. In verse, with designs and etchings by G. Cruikshank. “In tenui labor.” 12rno London: Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street 1832, ' pp. 1-16, and 4 etchings, signed by G, C. No. 1 at page 8','/No. 2 at page ‘112,11'No. 3 used as frontispiecefiNo. 4 at page 15. [-"ITilt’s advertisements at end, pp. 3-10. This is a pretty little book, the first edition in stiff paper cover. It was reissued in 1861. Value, in paper cover, £1 10s. 141 THE FAMILY LIBRARY. History of the late War. 12mo 4909 London: John Murray, Albemarle Street 1832 With plates, of which only two are woodcuts, which were used before in The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, and are by G. C. Value, in cloth, 25. 142 REJECTED ADDRESSES, 4911 or the New Theatrum Poetarum. Eighteenth edition. l2mo London: John Murray, A lbemarle Street 1833 pp. i-xxxii, 1-170, with frontispiece, containing the portraits of the two authors, by Harlowe, engraved by Finden, and sin woodcuts in the text, with G. C.’s initials, and are at pp. 17, 59, 74, 112, 139 and 169. Value, in boards, 10s. 143 THE YORKSHIREMAN. 4967 A Religious and Literary Journal by A. Friend—Pro Patria. 8vo Pontefract: C. Elcock; London: Longman db Co. 5 vol. 1833-4-5-6-7 The first vol., besides the printed title, has an engraved title, which says: In Five Volumes, the Editor, Luke Howard, Esquire, F.R.S. &c. &c. and at top an engraving of a Yorkshire groom standing, holding a whip in one hand and a bridle in the other, a saddle is lying on the ground and a horse in the background is galloping away, all enclosed in a floral border, at foot, George Cruikshank fecit. Value, the five volumes, 25s. (4'3) _,/144 '_./—145 146 147 148 149 BO OKs—continued. LUCIEN GREvILLE, 4914 by a Cornet in the Hon. East India Company’s service, with etchings by George Cruikshank. 3 vol. sm. 8vo London: Saunders do Olley, Conduit Street 1833 There are six etchings by G. C. signed. Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1-27 4, two etchings, one the frontispiece, the other at . 151. 1Vol. II, pp. i-viii, 1-296, two etchings, one the frontispiece, the other at p. 288. Vol. III, pp. i-viii, 1-272, two etchings, one the frontispiece, the other at p. 18. Value, uncut, £1 10s. 4915 sm. 8vo THE WIFE, or Women as they are. A Domestic Drama. London: published for the Author by Lon gman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green d5‘ Longman, Paternoster Row 1835 pp. iii-xii, 1-84, with four etchings signed by G. C., at p. 70 (used as a frontispiece), p. 30, p. 42, p. 51. A rare book. Value, uncut, £4. SUNDAY IN LONDON. 4918 Illustrated in fourteen cuts by George Cruikshank, and a few words by a friend of his, with a copy of Sir Andrew Agnew’s Bill. 8vo London .- Efiingham Wilson, 88, Royal Exchange 1833 pp. i-iv, 1-106, with 14 woodcuts with G. C.’s initials, 11 are full- page ones, the remaining 3 are vignettes in the text; one of these, that at p. 35, is repeated on the title-page and is in addition to the others. Value, fine, in boards, £1 10s. THE COMIO OFFERING FOR 1833. 12mo 4919 London: Smith, Elder db Co., Cornhill 1833 With many woodcuts, but only one, “Falstafl in the Clothes Basket,” by G. C. alp. 101. Value, in boards, 53. THE BOOK OF FUN FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 4920 London: Darton at Clark ,3 Second Series, James Gilbert n.d. With many cuts, but only two by G. C. from “Sunday in London.” [1833] Value, uncut, 4s. A HISTORY OF EGYPTIAN MUMMIES, 4921 and an Account of the Worship and Embalming of the Sacred Animals by the Egyptians, and remarks on the Funeral Cere- monies of different Nations, &c. &c. by Thomas Joseph Petti- grew, F.R.S. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green db Longman, Paternoster Row 1834 pp. i-xxii, 1-266, 13 plates, 10 of which are by G. C. Value, in boards, £1. 4to BOOKS—continued. M/15O MINoR MoRALS, for Young People, illustrated, in Tales and Travels, by John Bowring, with engravings by George Cruikshank and William IIeath. London: Whittaker at C0., Ave Maria Lane pp. i-xii, 1-262, one etched frontispiece by G. C. and eight plates by W. Heath. This seems to have been all that it was intended to publish at first. MINoR MoRALS, for Young People, illustrated, in Tales and Travels, by John Bowring, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. Part II. London: Whittaker ck Co., Ave Maria Lane pp. i-vi, pp. i-iv, 1-264, and five etchings signed by G. C. MINoR MoRALS, for Young People, illustrated by Tales and Travels, particularly in the east, by John Bowring. Part III. Edinburgh: kVilliam Tait, 78, Princes Street; Simpkin, Marshall db Co., London, and John Cumming, Dublin pp. i-ii, i-x, 1-250, and six etchings signed by G. C. There is a list of plates to each vol. It was first published in canvas boards, afterwards in paper boards. Value, the first issue of the 3 vol. is rare, worth £1 10$. ,- the later very common, 10s. THE SIBYL’S LEAVES, or a Peep into Futurity. London .- A ckermann, Strand, and Lupton Rolfe, Cornhill With an etched frontispiece by G. C. Value, £1. MIRTH AND MoRALITY. A Collection of Original Tales by Carlton Bruce. London .- printed for T. Tegg ck Son, Cheapside, eke. pp. 1-6, 1-226, and 20 fine woodcuts with G. C.’s initials. A very pretty book. The first edition, 1834, is rare, it was reprinted the next year, 1835, which last issue is common. Value, first edition, uncut, in cloth, with black label and letters in gold, £1 10s. ANGELo’S PIc NIc, oR TABLE TALK, including numerous Recollections of Public Characters, 850. written by himself. London .- printed for John Ebers, 27, Old Bond Street pp. i-viii, i-viii, 9-400, with a coloured etched frontispiece and a woodcut vignette on title, both signed by G. C. Value, in boards, £1 10$. ToUGH YARNS, by the Old Sailor. 151 152 - 153 ,,,,._154 London: Efi’ingham kVilson pp. i-viii, 1-352, with eight etchings, at the frontispiece and at pp. 83, 90, 100, 116, 119, 137, 153, all signed by G. C. 3 and nine woodcuts, vie. vignette on title and at pp. 1, 82, 91, 93, 120, 152, 248, 351, all but one with G. C.’s initials. Reid gives the date as 1834, but I think that only applies to the etchings. Value, in cloth, £1. 4922 l2mo 1834 l2mo 1835 12mo 1839 l2mo 4923 ad [1834] 4926 12mo 1834 4924 8vo 1834 4925 l2mo 1835 (44> ‘\~'156 BOOKS—continued. THE STADIUM, or British National Arena. London .- published for the Proprietors by T. Hurst With plans and plates, of which four are etched by G. C. signed. There are three figures by Robert Cruikshank. It was issued again with date 1835. Value, in wrapper, 15s. 155 HELPs AND HINTs. How to Protect Life and Property, by Lt.-Col. Baron de Berenger. London: published for the Proprietor by T. Hurst, 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard pp. i-viii, 1-288, with many illustrations, of which there is a list, and of which there are only four etchings by G. C. which appeared before in “The Stadium,” and four woodcuts for this work with G. C. ’s initials, viz. on the title-page, on p. 121 and two on p. 123. Value, in cloth, £1. J oURNAL or A VIsIT TO CoNsTANTINoPLE and some of the Greek Islands in the Spring and Summer of 1833, by John Auldjo, Esq. F.G.S. London .- Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green ct" Longman, Paternoster Row pp. i-xii, 1-260, with seven etchings by G. C. signed. Value, in boards, 155. 158 THE BEAUTIEs OF WASHINGTON IRVING. Illustrated with woodcuts engraved by Thompson, from drawings by George Cruikshank, Esq. The Fourth Edition. London : printed for Thomas Tegg & Son, Cheapside There are 20 woodcuts, all with the text, the one on the title is the same which occurred on the title of “Knickerbocker’s New York, 1824.” Most have G. C.’s imprint. This seems to be the first edition of this book which appears with these cuts. Value, 4s. /..159 THE CoMIC ALMANAC. For the years 1835-1853. 19 vol. 12mo 4927 1834 4930 8vo 1835 4929 8vo 1835 4931 12mo 1835 12mo 4928 Some were published by Tilt, and some by Rogue 1835-53 The first thirteen, from 1835-1847, were issued in stiy" paper covers with 12 plates each (besides woodcuts), published at 2s. 6d. each. Those for the years 1848 and 1849 were of smaller size, with six plates in the former, and one folding plate and four other plates in the latter, and were published at 1s. each. The last four years, 1850 to 1853, were issued in cloth, with a design in gold on the cover, each with a coloured folding plate and six other plates, and published at 2s. 6d. each. It is extremely difficult to obtain the first thirteen, 1835 to 1847, with the backs at all perfect, for the reason that, although the sides were strengthened with stiff paper, the thin paper cover was pasted or glued over the back without any strengthening beneath; 1835-40 had the leaves sewn; 1841-1847 had the (45) 160 161 WAVERLEY NOVELS. 162 BOOKS— continued. leaves out smooth at the back, and the paper cover glued on by the indiarubber cement process. As these backs have the name and date of the Almanack in colours, it is important to preserve them, and I can say, if a good one is by chance procured, unless very great care is taken, the back will soon be destroyed by the mere opening and shutting of the book. I have a very fine set, but it has cost me much trouble and expense to procure, and I preserve it in a case of nineteen divisions, specially made for the purpose. The adver- tisements and slips should also be preserved. At the time they were issued, every four or five years were done up in cloth volumes without covers or advertisements. Vol. 1, four years, 18358 5 vol. II, four years, 1839-425 vol. III, five years, 1843-47. The small Almanacks, 1848-1849, in one volume, but the last four with the coloured folding frontis- pieces were still issued separately, until later on. They were frequently reissued after this in different forms, in cloth volumes and in parts, which last were smaller and without advertisements, and the sides with thin paper only, that is not stiffened. Value, the 19 vol. bound separately, uncut in whole calf with the co-vers (not the backs), advertisements and slips, should be worth £17 ; a set with the first 13 in 3 vol. cloth without covers and advertisements, 1848 and 1849 in 1 vol., the last 4 in cloth as issued, £14 5 a set in good state, with the backs also in good state, and all advertisements and slips, £20 to £30, according to condition. *** For further particulars of the Almanacks, see Appendix. CRUIKSHANKIANA. An Assemblage of the Most Celebrated Works of George Cruikshank. folio London: McLean 1835 67 of the plates are by G. C., the remainder by Robert Cruikshank, Deighton, and others, but they have the original imprint and date erased, and McLean’s name and date, 1835, engraved instead. It has changed hands since, and been issued by Bentley, Lumley, ct'c. Value, McLean’s issue, £2. 48 Vol. Fisher, Son cf: Co., London, and Quai des Grands A ugustins, Paris 1836-8 Numerous plates on steel, and 34 etchings by George Cruikshank, signed, and one plate after him, engraved by Goodyear. It was issued first in parts, afterwards in cloth. Value, 48 vol. fine, in cloth, £6 5 complete, in parts, rare. LANDSCAPE—Historical Illustrations of the Waverley Novels. From drawings by J. M. W. Turner, Professor R.A.5 Balmer ; Bentley; Chisholm; Hart, A.R.A.; Harding; Maclise, A.R.A.5 Melville, &c. 8170. Comic Illustrations by G. Cruikshank. Descriptions by the Rev. G. N. Wright, MA. 850. 2 vol. 4to Fisher, Son & Co., London, Paris and America 1836-8 4934 sm. Soc 4936 (46) BOOKS—continued. This was also issued in 18 parts, the plates have the original dates and are equal to those in the volume, and more convenient for the Cruikshank collector. ‘ They were often reissued afterwards with the dates on the plates altered and the impressions very inferior. Value, in 2 vol. embossed morocco, £3 3 in the 18 parts, £5. /I63 SKETOHES BY B02. 4938 Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People. Illus- trated by George Cruikshank. 2 vol. post 8vo London: John Macrone, St. James’s Square 1836 Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1-348, with 8 etchings by G. C. ,- vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-342, with 8 etchings by G. C. ; 16 etchings in all. SKETOHES BY Boz. Second Series. post 8vo London: John Macrone, St. James’s Square 1837 pp. i-iv, i-iv, vii-viii, 1-37 8, and 10 etchings by G. C. Value, the two series, 3 vol. fine, in original cloth, £30. "’_164 SKETOHES BY BOZ. Second Series. Second Edition. post 8vo London: John Macrone, St. James’s Square 1837 With 12 etchings by G. C. It is given here as it contains two more etchings than the preceding. Value, in cloth, £2. 165 SKETOHES BY B02. 4959 Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People, with forty Illustrations by George Cruikshank. New Edition. Complete. 8vo London .- Chapman ck Hall, 186, Strand 1839 pp. i-viii, 1-526, of the 40 plates by G. C. 27 are enlarged etchings of 27 of the 28 plates of the former editions. The plate “ The Free and Easy ” being omitted. The remaining 13 are new plates. It was issued in 20 numbers in pink wrappers, on which is a woodcut design by G. C. Value, fine, in cloth, £5 ,- a fine set in parts is valuable, £50. 166 SKETOHES BY Boz. post8vo 5025 London: Chapman (6' Hall, 119, Piccadilly 1853 Cheap edition with a woodcut frontispiece by G. C. Value, in cloth, 5s. *** For further particulars of these editions of “ Sketches by Boz,” see Appendix. 167 BEN BRAOE, the Last of N elson’s Agamemnons, notin by Captain Chamier, R.N., author of “ The Life of a Sailor,” &c. Reid. Second Edition, Revised. 3 vol. The First Edition with Cruikshank’s plates. 8vo London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1836 Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1-304 ; vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-324 ,- vol. III, pp. i-iv, 1-340 ,' with three etchings by G. C. signed, as frontispieces, one to each volume. Reid gives the plates but not the book, only a late edition in 1 vol. Value, £2 ; uncut, £3. (47) 168 \_/-169 “V170 171 72 ,___./173 BOOKS—continued. ROOKWOOD. A Romance, by W. Harrison Ainsworth. The Fourth Edition complete in one volume, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: John Macrone, 3, St. James’s Sguare pp. i-xxxvi, 1-502, with a portrait of Ainsworth, by Maclise, engraved by Edwards, and twelve etchings by G. C. all signed, of which there is a list. This is the first edition illustrated by G. C. Value, fine, in cloth, £6. TWELVE ILLUSTRATIONS to \Vm. Harrison Ainsworth’s Celebrated Romance of Rookwood, the etchings by George Cruikshank. 6S. In a wrapper. This is scarce. Value, £1 10s. THE ADVENTURES oF SIR FRIzzLE PUMPKIN. Nights at Mess, and other Tales, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. William Blackwood if; Sons, Edinburgh, and T. Cadell, London pp. i-viii, 1-422, with eight etchings by G. C. all signed. There is a list of plates, but one is omitted in the list, “ Duval. the High- wayman,” at p. 157. Value, uncut, £1 10s. LAND AND SEA TALES, by the Old Sailor, author of “Tough Yarns,” &c. illustrated by George Cruikshank. London: Efiingham Wilson, Royal Exchange Vol. I, pp. i-x, 1-408 ; vol. II, pp. i-vi, 1-390 ,- with four etchings by G. C., vie. vignette title, and frontispiece to each volume. There is a later issue, in which the colour of the paper on which the plates are printed is brown instead of white. Value, the two volumes in cloth, fine, £1 10s. A OoMIo ALPHABET. Designed, etched- and published by George Cruikshank, No. 23, .Myddelton Terrace, Pentonville The above is on the front illustrated cover. On the back cover is a portrait of Tilt, the bookseller, with T. above and under- neath Tilt, 86, Fleet Street. The letters of the Alphabet are illustrated on a long folding sheet, 24 in number 3 I and J, U and V having but one illustration for each pair. The date 1836 is the earlier one, 1837 is that of those which generally occur : be it noted that on this first issue it makes no mention of being issued plain or coloured. The copy here described is uncoloured. Value, first edition, uncoloured, £1 10s. ,- 1837, coloured, £1 5s. RAMBLES IN THE FooTSTEPS oF DoN QUIxoTE, by the late H. D. Inglis, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: Whittaker a C0., Ave Maria Lane pp. i-iv, i-xii, 1-204, with six etchings by G. C. signed, vi... :— (1) The Author and his Guide, frontispiece ; (2) Lazaro and the 8vo 1836 8vo. 1836 12mo 1836 12mo 1836 4939 not in Reid 4940 4941 121720 4942 1836 8vo 183 4943 (48) BOOKS—continued. Cura, p. 54 ,- (3) Lazaro outwitted by the Cura, p. 148 ,- (4) J uanes and the Goose, p. 160 ,- (5) Polinario and the Bishop of J aen, p. 17 2 ; (6) Lazaro and the Franciscan Friar, p. 174. Also a woodcut vignette on title and one on last leaf, both with G. C. ’s initials. Value, a fine copy in cloth, uncut, £1 10s. 174 SCENES FRoM THE LIFE oF EDWARD LAsCELLEs, GENT. 4944 “ Embarked, the sails unfurled, the light breeze blew, How much has busy memory to review.”—Byron. 2 vol. 12mo Dublin: William Curry, jun, and Company, doc. (60. 1837 Vol. I, pp. i-vi, 1-324 ; Vol. II, PP. i-vi, 1-352, with an etched vignette title and frontispiece to each vol. Value, 2 vol. uncut, £1. 17 5 THE ORCHIDAOEZE oF MExICo AND GUATEMALA, 4945 by James Bateman, Esq. elephant fol. London .- for the Author, Jas. Ridgway ck Son 1837-43 With numerous coloured plates of Orchids, and many vignettes, two of which are very good and humorous by G. C., both signed. This is a valuable and expensive work, which it would be too much to expect the Cruikshank collector to possess, merely for the two woodcuts by G. C., but the vignettes have been published separately in 1 vol. by themselves, see- the following. Value of this large work, £8. 176 VIeNETTEs FRoM MR. BATEMAN’s OROHIDAOE/E oF MExICo AND notin GUATEMALA. obl. 4to Reid. London .- Cook at C0., Printers, 7 6, Fleet Street 1844 The vignettes are on india paper, 25 in number, of which there is a list at the end, besides which there are two, the royal coat of arms, and the one on the title-page, which are not in the list. Two of the vignettes are by G. C., viz. : (1) on the title, sub- ject—Many men hoisting an enormous book by the aid of shears, pullies and ropes. On the book is “The Orchidaceee of Mexico and Guatemala,” and underneath are the words: “ Maya. IBLIBALOV ,ueya KaKov. G. Cruikshank del.” (2) No. 4 in the list; subject: opening of a box just arrived from the Tropics, and which, in addition to various Orchidaceous plants, is found to contain a nest of cockroaches, which the gardeners, armed with spade, rake and pitchfork, are chasing and falling one over the other, Geoe. Cruikshank del. Underneath “ . . . . curramus preecipites, et Dum jacet in ripa, calcemus Caesaris hostem.”-Juvenal. Value, £2. 177 THE HIsToRY oF THE FRENCH REvoLUTIoN, 4948 by M. A. Thiers. Price One Shilling. 8vo Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1837-8 Published in parts, the wrapper of which only has a woodcut design, G. Cruikshank del., Thompson sc. Value of wrapper, 1s. Reid gives the description as the History of the French Revo— lution in 1830, but it certainly is not that, according to the text. He also quotes at No. 4890 “French Revolution, 1830. Hone, printed for Tegg. Price 2s. 6d.” and says design for wrapper of monthly parts. (49) BOOKS —-continued. 178 BENTLEY’S MISGELLANY, from January, 1837 to 1868. 64 vol. 8vo 4947 London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1837, do. It was published in monthly parts in illustrated wrapper. The first 14 volumes only are illustrated by G. Cruikshank. In these there are about 12 to 15 plates, including portraits, to a volume, by G. C. and others, and occasionally woodcuts in addition. Altogether in these 14 volumes there are by G. C. one glypho- graph at p. 217 of vol. IV; two woodcuts at p. 225 of vol. V, and p. 152 of Vol. VII 5 also a woodcut design on the wrapper of the monthly parts, and 126 etchings, viz. Oliver Twist, 24 in vols. I, II, III, IV and V 5 Jack Sheppard, 27, in vols. V, VI and VII (two plates in the June number of vol. V are omitted from the list, though they should be in the vol. at pp. 576 and 580, viz. : “Jack Sheppard escaping from NVillesden Cage,” and “Mrs. Sheppard expostulating with her Son ”) 5 Guy Fawkes, 22, in Vols. VII, VIII, IX and X5 Nights at Sea, 7, in vols. I, II, III and IV; Ingoldsby Legends, 8, in vols. III, IV, XI and XIII 5 Stanley Thorn, 3, in Vol. VII; Colin Clink, 1, and Vin- cent Eden, 1 in vol. V (this last not in the list but it should be at p. 597) 5 and Detached Pieces, 33, viz. 2 in vol. I, 6 in vol. II, 2 in vol. III, 5 in vol. IV, 2 in vol. X, 3 in vol. XI, 6 in vol. XII, 3 in vol. XIII, and 4 in vol. XIV. All are found in the lists of plates in their respective volumes, except those mentioned above. Reid, in his account at p. 327 (N 0. 4,947), says there should be in all 139 etchings—eighteen too many by his own showing; he also puts the detached pieces at only thirty, whereas, including “The Temptation of St. Anthony,” which he wrongly assigns to the Ingoldsby portion, there should be thirty-three. Another important error in Reid requires to be pointed out. In his note to p. 151, when referring to the fireside plate, Rose Maylie and Oliver (at the fireside with others), he says: “This plate was issued in 1838, when the work reappeared in 3 vol., in lieu of the preceding Rose Maylie and Oliver (at Agnes’ tomb), which was thought by the publishers to be of too melancholy a nature for the conclusion of the story.” But the fact is, the story was completed and issued to the public, with the plate Rose Maylie and Oliver (the fireside plate), in 3 vol., in December, 1838, that is four months before it was concluded in the Miscellany, which it was in April, 1839, when, with that number in the last chapter appeared for the first time the plate Rose Maylie and Oliver (at Agnes’ tomb), instead of the fireside plate; and this plate, Rose Maylie and Oliver (at Agnes’ tomb), was afterwards continued in all subsequent editions, Whether in 3 or in 1 vol. The title to both plates is the same; but one represents Rose and Oliver at the fireside with Mrs. Maylie and Harry Maylie, the other, Rose and Oliver in a church, standing before a tablet inscribed “Agnes.” It is, therefore, only in the first edition in three volumes that the fireside plate occurs. Value, a set of the 14 vol., £55 in cloth, fine, £10; in 84 parts, good and clean, £15. E (50) BOOKS—continued. . 179 PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, 4946 by John Bunyan, most carefully collated with the edition con- taining the author’s last editions and corrections, with explanatory notes by William Mason, and a life of the author by Josiah Conder, Esq. 8vo Fisher, Son and Co., London and Paris 1838 Numerous plates, but with only one etching, Vanity Fair, by G. C. Value, in cloth, uncut, 158. 180 OLIVER TWIST, or The Parish Boy’s Progress, by Boz. In 3 Vol. p’st 8vo 4949 London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1838 Vol. I, pp. 1-6, 1-332, with 9 plates 3 vol. II, pp. 1-4, 1-308, with 7 pgtteg; vol. III, pp. 1-4, 1-316, with 8 plates 3 in all, 24 etchings by . . In this edition, the first, in 3 vol., only Occurs the fireside plate, Rose Maylie and Oliver (at the fireside). In all subsequent editions occurs instead the plate Rose Maylie and Oliver (at Agnes’ tomb). See full reference to it in No. 178. In the first issue of this, the first edition, a single leaf with the list of plates to the three volumes appears after the title to first volume, it disappears after the first issue. The book seems to have been reprinted after the first edition, as some of the text of the second and later editions will not read with it. Value, a fine fresh copy, in cloth, £8. 181 THE ADVENTURES OF OLIVER TWIST, or The Parish Boy’s notin Progress, by Charles Dickens, with 24 illustrations on steel Reid. by George Cruikshank. A new edition, revised and corrected. 8vo London: published for the Author by Bradbury ct" Evans, W hitefriars 1846 pp. i-xii, 1-312. It has a list of plates. This was published in 10 parts, the green wrapper of which has a very fine design, in eleven compartments, by G. C., with his initials, engraved by Williams. Value, fine copy, in cloth, £3 3 in parts, very rare, £15 to £20. 182 THE ADVENTURES OF OLIVER TWIST. Cheap edition, with woodcut frontispiece by G. C. 12mo 5026 London: Chapman cfc Hall 1853 Value, in cloth, 53. 183 TOPSAIL-SHEET BLOCKS, or the Naval Foundling, by the Old Sailor. p’st 8vo 4950 3 vol. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1838 Vol. I, pp. 1-8, 1-3163 vol. II, pp. 1-4, 1340; vol. III, pp. 1-4, 1-312. Three etchings, via, a frontispiece to each vol. by G. C., signed. Value, it is rather scarce, £1 10s. 3 in boards, uncut, £3. <51) BO OKS—eontinued. 184 LAND SHARKS AND SEA GULLS, by Captain Glascock. 3 vol. p’st Sec 4951 London .- Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1838 Vol. I, pp. i-iv, 1308; vol. II, pp. i-ii, 1-3103 vol. III, pp. i-ii, 1-330. 6 etchings by G. C., signed, 2 in each volume, of which there is a list. Bound, £1 3 uncut, £2. 185 MEMoIRS oF JOSEPH GRIMALDI. Edited by Boz. 2 vol. p’st8vo 4952 London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1838 Vol. I, pp. i-xxii, 1-288 3 vol. II, pp. i-x, 1-264. With 12 etchings by G. C., 6 in each volume. There is a list of plates. The volumes occur in pink-figured cloth. This is generally considered to be the first state 3 also in black or brown cloth, with designs in gold on them. The last plate, “The Last Song,” sometimes has a fanciful border to it. Where this occurs it is supposed to be in the second state3 and, as far as I am aware, this plate with the border never occurs in the pink cloth copies, though it occurs with and without the border in the gilt cloth copies. Value, gilt cloth, uncut, £3 3 pink cloth, £4. 186 A New Edition, in 1 vol., with Notes and Additions, revised by 12mo notin Charles Whitehead. Reid. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1846 pp. i-xviii, 1-230, 1-212, with addition of a coloured plate as froiiytigpieegéinot by G. C. There is a list of plates. Reprinted afterwards. a ue, . 187 TALES ABoUT CHRISTMAS, by Peter Parley. sg.12mo 4955 London: printed for Thomas Tegg d1" Son, Cheapside. 1838 pp. i-xxiv, 1-412, with 26 woodcuts, including the one on title, 9 of them with G. C.’s initials, which occur at pp. 96, 142, 196, 205, 316, 345, 364, 383, 387. Some of the others which have not his initials are probably by him, some have been used before in other works. This is a pretty little book, the first edition issued in yellow paper picture boards. It was afterwards reissued with a later date. Reid gives the date of the volume he describes as 1840, also another at No. 5006. Value, a fine copy, in boards, £1 10s. .-----188 MORE HINTS ON ETIQUETTE. For the use of Society at large, &c. 4956 by Haid’aycrycs, with cuts by George Cruikshank. 12mo London : Charles Tilt, Fleet Street 1838 pp. i-vi, 1-7 8, with 9 woodcuts by G. C., mostly with his initials. The first edition was issued in dark blue ribbed cloth, with the illustration of a gentleman at p. 33, stamped in gold on the front cover. It has an advertisement of one leaf at beginning, at the end another of one leaf, also a Slip advertisement of two leaves of Tilt’s publications. It was re-issued the next year, which differs in date, 850. The literary part is attributed to Dickens. Mr. Bruton’s copy (1897) brought £3 8s. E 2 (52> BOOKS—continued. 189 LYMPsFIELD AND ITs ENvIRoNs, 4957 and the Old Oak Chair, a Ballad, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo W esterham : printed and published by Henry George; London .- Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. ,- and Charles Tilt 1838 The book has no pagination, nor signatures, but there are 20 leaves (40 pages), 12 lithographs of views in the neighbourhood, not by G. C., and 4 woodcuts, all with G. C.’s initials, which illustrate the ballad at the end, called “The Old Oak Chair.” Value, in boards, £1. _,/190 JACK SHEPPARD, a Romance, 4958 by W. Harrison Ainsworth, Esq., author of “Rookwood” and “ Crichton,” with illustrations by George Cruikshank. In 3 vol. p’st 8vo London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1839 Vol. I, pp. i-xii, 1-352, with a portrait of Ainsworth (not by G. C.) and 8 etchings; vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-292, with 9 etchings; vol. III, pp. i-viii, 1-312, with 10 etchings. In all, 27 etchings by G. C., signed, and 2 woodcuts by him, viz. The Name on the Beam, at p. 157 of vol. I, and The Grave of Jack Sheppard, on the last page. There is a list of plates. Value, fine, in cloth, £7. 191 JACK SHEPPARD, a Romance. In 1 vol. 8vo notin Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1840 Reid. Value, in cloth, £3. ~—-/192 THE LIFE OF MANsIE WAUCH, 4960 Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself. A new edition, revised . and greatly enlarged, with 8 illustrations by George Cruikshank. 12mo William Blackwood ct” Sons, Edinburgh ; and Thomas Cadell, London 1839 pp. i-viii, i-viii, 9-384. There is a list of the 8 etchings, all signed by G. C. The first edition illustrated by him. Value, in cloth, £2 10s. "M193 CHEMIsTRY No MYsTERY, 4962 or a Lecturer’s Bequest, by John Scoffern. 12mo _ London .- Harvey db Darto-n, Gracechurch Street 1839 pp. i-xiv, 1-310, with two woodcuts, viz. on vignette title and frontispiece, both with G. C. ’s initials. Value, in cloth, 5s. 194 SALMACUNDI. No. 30 of the Family Library. 12mo 4963 London: printed for Thomas Tegg 1839 With 7 woodcuts used before in The Beauties of Washington Irving. Value, 3s. 195 SERGEANT BELL AND HIs RAREE SHow. sq. 12mo 4964 London: printed for Thomas Tegg, No. 73, Cheapside 1839 pp. i-viii, 1-448, with many woodcuts, some of which are by G. C. ,' but they have been used before in other works, except the frontispiece and vignette title, which were done for this book. The frontispiece has G. C.’s initials. Dickens is supposed to have been connected with the literary part of the book. Value, fine copy, in cloth, £2 10s. (53) .__,/’ BOOKS—continued. 196 THE LOVING BALLAD or LORD BATEMAN. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 127m 4965 London: Charles Tilt, Fleet Street 5 and rllustapha Syried, Constantinople 1839 197 Part. I II III IV V . VI :1 VII 1' VIII 32 IX = X ‘- XI ' XII & XIII pp. i-viii, 9-40; 11 etchings by G. 0., all signed, a leaf of music, and a design in gold by him on the cover. In the first edition the inter’s name at back of title and on last leaf is Clarke-Enabling? the pagination in the centre of page, except in preface, and the notes at the end. The last page is 40. 8 pages of advertisements. It was issued in green-ribbed cloth. It also occurs (evidently publisher’s issue) in ribbed red cloth, with the illustration in gold on a square of green morocco, which much heightens the brilliancy of the impression. It was re-issued shortly after, without any date, in which the printer’s name at back of title and on last page is B. Clarke, printer, and there are only 38 pages. Again re-issued with the date 1851, in this edition the paging is at the side not the centre of the page, the number of pages is restored to 40, Harrild the printer’s name on back of title and last leaf. Value, first edition, cloth, £8 ,- second edition, £2 3 third edition, £1. THE TOWER OF LONDON, a Historical Romance, by William Harrison Ainsworth, illustrated by George Cruikshank. London .- Richard Bentley], New Burlington Street pp. i-Xvi, 1-4-40, with 40 etchings and 58 woodcuts, by G. C. There are lists of both. It was first published in 13 parts (12 and 13 forming a double part) from January to December, 1840. In the first state and issue the wrappers should always have the numbers of the parts printed in Roman numerals, with the date of the month and year, and there should always be printed matter on the outside of the back wrapper. In later issues of the parts some have the numbers written in ink, and the back of wrapper is blank. The colour of the wrapper of the first and last parts is yellow, of the intermediate parts a lighter yellow. Pages. Plates. 32 viz. 1-32 16 ,, 32-48 32 49-80 48 81-128 32 129-160 32 161-192 Front Advertisements. 8 pp. 2 pp. 4220 Notice slip Notice 1 leaf 1 leaf Notice slip and Tower Advertiser, N o. 1, 8 pp. Tower Advertiser, N o. 2, 8 pp. Tower Advertiser, No. 3, 8 pp. Notice slip, and Tower Advertiser, No. 4, 8 pp. Notice slip, and Tower Advertiser, No. 5, 8 pp. Tower Advertiser, N o. 6, 8 pp. 1 leaf, and Tower Advertiser, N o. 7, 8 pp. &c., 16, pp. i-Xvi. [00000030000 32 193-224 225-256 257-288 1l. CJOCJOIP 32 9 ‘J 32 89-320 32 }88 ,, Title, 321-352 3 353-440 7 4966 roy. 8110 1840 Back Advertisements. 2 . 2 ll. + 16pp. 8 pp. + 16pp. (54) “mm/198 BOOKS—continued. At the conclusion of the issue in parts, it was issued in cloth with designs on both covers and on the back by G. C., and in this complete state (except in some early copies bound up. from- the parts in the pictorial cloth case), there is a difference be- tween some of the plates and those of the first issue in parts. In the plate, “ Queen Jane’s entrance into the Tower,” at p. 16, in the first issue in parts there is only a single line of halberdiers and no standards. In the second state in cloth there is a double line of halberdiers and two standards. In the plate, “ The Stone Kitchen,” p. 28, Xit stands on Og’s shoulders, who has his sword raised in his right hand. In the second state in cloth, Xit sits on Og’s shoulders, who has the point of his sword resting on the ground. In the plate, “Edward Underhill preaching to the Giants,” p. 45, the Giants are asleep, Og with his head fallen back, and his mouth open, Gilbert’s face seems swathed in a white cloth. In the second state in cloth, Og’s head has fallen on his breast, and his mouth is shut, the cloth round Gilbert’s face is black, and Underhill is in a different position. As regards the second and third of these plates, Reid says that those which I have described as the second state are the first, and those described as the first state are the second, and that they were altered at the suggestion of Mr. Ainsworth, as - they better illustrate the text. It is true they do better illus- trate the text, but, for all that, those which I have described as the first state always occur in the first issue in parts, so he must be in error in his Statement. ' There is an early state of the plate “ Courtenay’s Escape from the Tower,” which does not appear to have been used for the book, and in which the sky is not ruled in. Value, a fine copy, in cloth, £5 3 fine, in cloth, but in the first state, £8. Fine in parts, £16 to £30. THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS, 4971 or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. 3 vol. 8vo at London: Richard Bentley 1840-2-7 4979 Vol. I, 1840, pp. i-viii, 1-340, engraved title and six plates (2 of which are by G. C.) There is a list of plates. In the first issue of first edition, page 236 is blank (in later issues of first edition it has letterpress on it) and in some copies there is a slip with four verses facetiously referring to the blank page. Vol. II, 1842, pp. i-x (the engraved title, counting as pp. iii-iv) 1-288, and seven plates, 4 only by G. C. There is no list of plates. They are (1) The Black Mousquetaire, by Leech, p. 28 3 (2) The Mer- chant of Venice, by G. C., p. 58 3 (3) The Auto-da-fe, by Leech, 8:23 (4) The Dead Drummer, by G. C., p. 2003 (5) The Lay of St. Cuthbert, by G. C., p. 228 3 (6) The Confession, by Leech, p. 258 3 (7) Legend of St. Medard, by G. C., p. 284. Vol. III, 1847, pp. i-viii, 1-364, and six plates besides the engraved title (2 of which are by G. C.) There is a list of plates. ( 55 ) BOOKS—continued. Later editions of the three volumes, though perhaps of the same date, have second, third, &c., editions on the engraved titles. The first issues of vol. I and II can also be told by the difference in the pattern of the cloth bindings. This three vol. edition was often re-issued. Value, fine copy of the 3 vol., in cloth, in first state with the blank page, from £17 to £25. The New editions which have dilferent illustrations are the following: 199 THE INGoLDSBY LEGENDS, 5063 or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq, with sixty illustrations, by George Cruikshank, John Leech, and John Tenniel. 4to London: Richard Bentley, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty 1864 pp. i-xii, 1-428. The illustrations are woodcuts, of which there is a list, 24 of the 60 are by G. C. Value, in cloth, £1 5s. In another edition, the next year, 1865, the woodcut “Patty Morgan, the Milkmaid’s Story,” at page 35, was re-engraved the reverse way, without initials of G. C. 200 THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS, 5078 or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. Edited with notes introductory and illustrative, by R. H. Dalton Barham. 2 vol. 8vo London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, 1870 This edition has a specially engraved frontispiece by G. C. representing the author surrounded by some of the characters of his creation. It also has 8 of the plates originally published in Bentley’s Miscellany. Value, the two volumes in cloth, £1 10s. 201 COLIN CLINK. 3 vol. post 8vo notin London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1841 Reid It has 16 etchings, viz. : 15 by Leech, and 1 by G. C., from Bentley’s Miscellany. Value, in cloth, £3. //"202 THE PIe NIo PAPERS, 4970 by various hands, edited by Charles Dickens, Esq., with illus- trations by George Cruikshank, Phiz, &c. 3 vol. 8vo London .- Henry Colburn, publisher, Great Marlborough Street 1841 There are fourteen illustrations, of which there is a list, only two, the first and fourth in vol. I, are by G. C. Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1324, with 4 illustrations (2 by G. C., 2 by Phiz) ,- vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-298, with 4 illustrations (all by Phie); vol. III, pp. i-ii, 1-378, with 6 illustrations (lithographs after Hamerton). Value, fine copy, in cloth, £4. (56) BO OKS— continued. 203 GUY FAwKEs, 4968 Or the Gunpowder Treason, an Historical Romance, by William Harrison Ainsworth. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. 3 vol. post 8vo London .- Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1841 T wenty-two etchings by G. C., of which there is a list. Vol. I, pp. i-xvi, 1-304, and 7 plates ,- vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-308, and 7 plates ,- vol. III, pp. i-iv, 1-358, and 8 plates. This novel appeared first in Bentley’s Miscellany, in vol. 7 ~10 (1840-41), and a second time in Ainsworth’s Magazine in 1849, &c. The plates in Bentley’s Miscellany have Bentley’s imprint, those in Ainsworth’s Magazine have that of Chapman and Hall, who succeeded Mortimer. The plates used in this edition in 3 vol. are the same which appeared in the Miscellany, and some- times Bentley’s imprint is seen on them, but generally it is cut off, being a smaller book. Reid gives the date as 1838, but this is quite wrong, as the first plate appeared in the Miscellany, on January 2, 1840, and the last in October, 1841. Moreover, Ainsworth’s date at the end Of his preface is July 26, 1841. Often reprinted. Value, first edition, fine in cloth, £7. 204 SONGs, NAVAL AND NATIONAL, 4969 of the late Charles Dibdin, with a memoir and Addenda col- lected and arranged by Thomas Dibdin, with characteristic sketches by George Cruikshank. 12mo London .- John Murray, A lbemarle Street 1841 pp. i-xvi, 1-336, and 12 etchings by G. C. There is no list of plates. The illustrations are (1) Poor Jack, frontispiece ; (2) Miss Kitty and the bag, p. 14 ; (3) Poll and my partner Joe, p. 23 ; (4) Saturday Night at Sea, p. 29; (5) Jack’s Fidelity, p. 79 ; (6) Heaving the lead, p. 81,- (7) Tom Tackle, p. 83; (8) The Veterans, p. 86 ; (9) Tars Carousing, p. 96 ; (10) Meg of Wapping, p. 106; (11) Jack come home, p. 155; (12) The last Shilling, p. 219. Value, fine in cloth, £1. “qr-205 OLD ST. PAUL’s. 4985 A Tale of the Plague and the Fire, by W. Harrison Ainsworth, with illustrations by John Franklin. 3 vol. post 8vo London .- Hugh Cunningham, Saint IlIarti-n’s Place, Trafalgar Square 1841 Issued in parts, the design on the wrapper of which only is by G. C., intended for the Lions Of London, not published. The modern cathedral of St. Paul’s is most inappropriate for the old cathedral. Value of wrapper 5s. The book, 3 vol, cloth, £4. 206 GEORGE CRUIKsHANK’s OMNIBUs. 4972 Illustrated with one hundred engravings on steel and wood, “De Omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis,” edited by Laman Blanchard, Esq. 8vo London .- Tilt and Rogue, Fleet Street 1842 A few Words to the Public, pp. i-ii, i-viii ; Our Preface, 1-2, 1300, 22 engravings on steel, and 78 woodcuts. All the woodcuts, .( 57) 207 BOOKS—continued. and 19 of the 22 engravings on steel, are by G. 0., besides these is the woodcut on wrapper of the monthly parts, and on the cloth cover there are two illustrations after G. 0., via, one on back, the other on the front cover. This last is a copy, though not exact, from a woodcut with G. C.’s initials, which occurs at top of an advertisement (which appeared in the first part of Ainsworth’s Magazine) which noti- fies the publication of the Omnibus, and is a sketch of an omnibus about to start, with the people getting in. It was first issued in nine monthly parts, the first, May, 1841, the last, January, 1842 ,' each in illustrated wrapper. No. 1, advertising sheet to Omnibus, 10 pp., A few words to the Public, i-ii, pp. 1-32, one leaf of advertisement at end, and three engravings on steel. N o. 2, advertising sheet, No. 2, 6 pp., our preface, 2 pp. ,- pp. 33-64, and three engravings on steel. No. 3, advertising sheet, N o. 3, 4 pp. ,' pp. 65-96, and two engra- vings on steel. No. 4, advertising sheet, No. 4, 4 pp. ,- pp. 97-128, and two engra- vings on steel. N o. 5, slip advertisement of Tilt and Bogue, pp. 129-160, and three engravings on steel. N o. 6, slip advertisement of Tilt and Bogue, advertising sheet, N o. 6, 4 pp. ; pp. 161-196, and two engravings on steel. No. 7, advertising sheet, No. 7, 8 pp. ,- pp. 197-232, and two en- gravings on steel. N o. 8, advertising sheet, N o. 8, 4 pp. ,- pp. 233-264, leaf, pp. 199-200, to be used to'cancel the same leaf in No. 7, three en- gravings on steel, and at end 6 pages of advertisements. N o. 9, advertising sheet, No. 9, 4 pp. ; pp. 265-300, and pp. i-viii, with two engravings on steel. The outside of the back wrapper of Nos. 1-4 is the same, another design occurs on that of 5, 6, and 7, another on that of 8, again another on that of 9. The inside of back wrapper of Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8, have verses of advertisements of E. Moses & Son, all different. The earlier issues of the complete book are in green cloth, the later in red cloth. Value, first edition in green cloth, £4 3 in parts, fine, £10. AINswoRTH’s MAGAZINE. 4973 A Miscellany of Romance, General Literature and Art, edited by William Harrison Ainsworth, illustrated by George Cruik- shank. 26 vol. 8vo London: Hugh Cunningham, and others 1842-54 Vol. I.—-Hugh Cunningham, Saint Martin’s Place, Trafalgar Square, 1842. pp. i-iv, i-iv, i-ii, 1-346, with 10 etchings to the Miser’s Daughter, by G. 0. There are also 47 woodcuts in the volume, of which 21 are by G. 0., with his initials, several of these are repeated, but deducting these, there are 14 by G. 0. Vol. II .-London : Cunningham of; M’ortimer, Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square, 1842. (58) BOOKS—continued. pp. i-iv, i-ii, 3-572, with 16 etchings on steel, of which 12 are by G. C., via, 10 to the Miser’s Daughter, and 2 to Windsor Castle. There is also an engraved title-page to Windsor Castle, by Johannot, and many illustrations on wood by Delamotte. Vol. III. London .- Cunningham oi’ Mortimer, Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square, 1843. pp. i-iv, i-iv, 5-568, 14 illustrations on steel, of which 12 to Windsor Castle, and 1 to the Elliston Papers, are by G. C.,- also nume- rous illustrations on wood by Delamotte. Vol. I V.—London .- John Mortimer, publisher, Adelaide Street, Tra- falgar Square, 1843. pp. 1-562, and 13 illustrations on steel, all by G. C., via, 5 to Modern Chivalry, 2 to the Elliston Papers, and 6 to John Manesty, and one woodcut, a man riding on an alligator, on page 3 (Modern Chivalry). Vol. V.—London .- John Mortimer, publisher, Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square, 1844. Title and pp. 1-560, and 12 illustrations on steel, via, 11 to St. James, by G. C., and a portrait of Ainsworth, by Finden, from a painting by Maclise. Vol. VI .-London .' John Ilfortimer, publisher, Adelaide Street, Tra- falgar Square, 1844. Title and pp. 1-562, with 9 plates, visa, 3 to St. James’s, by G. C., and 6 to Revelations of London, by Phis. Vol. VII and VIII have no illustrations by G. C. Vol. IX, January (No. 48)-—London .- John Mortimer, 1846, contains Sir Lionel Flamstead, with one etching by G. C. This concludes the Whole of the Magazine which was illus- trated by G. C., with the exception of Guy Fawkes, which, after having been published in Bentley’s Miscellany, was afterwards re-issued in this (Ainsworth’s) magazine in 1849 and 1850, the plates can be distinguished by the different imprints, the first having Bentley’s, the second that of Chapman & Hall, who Suc- ceeded Mortimer. This magazine was first published in parts, commencing February, 1842, so that the first volume had only five parts. Value, the six volumes, in cloth, and one part of vol. IX, £7 3 ditto, in parts, £10. 208 THE MISER’S DAUGHTER. - 4974 A Tale, by William Harrison Ainsworth, with Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 3 vol. post 8vo London Cunningham and Mortimer, Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square 1842 With twenty etchings by G. C., of which there is a list. Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1-2963 vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-2923 vol. III, pp. i-iv, 1-312. The woodcuts which appeared in Ainsworth’s Magazine, do not occur in these Volumes. Value, fine, in cloth, £8. ( 59 ) BOOKS—continued. 209 SKETUHES oF IRISH CHARACTER, 4976 by Mrs. S. C. Hall. 8vo London: How ct‘ Parsons 1842 Many woodcut illustrations, but only one by G. C. at Story of Captain Andy. Value, 1 0s. 210 CAKES AND ALE, 4975 by Douglas Jerrold. 2 vol. 12mo London: How ct" Parsons, Fleet Street 1842 Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1-322 3 vol.- II, pp. i-iv, 1-316, with four etchings by G. C., : a vignette title and frontispiece to each volume. Value, fine, in cloth, £1 10s. ./’~211 THE DRUNKARD. A Poem, - by John O’Neill, with Illustrations by George Cruikshank. 12mo London: Tilt ck Bogue, 26, Fleet Street 1842 pp. i-viii, 1-54, a portrait of O’Neill (not by G. C.) to face title, and 4 etchings by G. C., vi~.—( 1) The Raving Maniac and the Drivelling Fool, p. 1. (2) The Gin Palace, p. 7. (3) The Drunkard’s Home, p. 16. (4) The Upas Tree, p. 43. At end is one leaf of advertisements of G. C.’s Works, also 16 pages of adver- tisements of Tilt ct Bogue’s books. The book is rather scarce to get in nice condition in cloth. Value, fine, in cloth, £1 10s. 212 THE BLESSINGS oF TEMPERANGE. 5005 A re-issue of the Drunkard, of which it is called, Second Edition. 127720 The paging slightly different, with the same plates, though arranged differently. Often reprinted. 1848 Value, 105. 213 WINDsoR CASTLE. not in An Historical Romance, by W. Harrison Ainsworth, Esq. 3 vol. 8vo Reid. London .- Henry Colburn, Publisher, Great Marlborough Street 1843 kVith three etchings, via—afrontispiece to each vol. from A insworth’s Magazine. Vol. I, Title, and pp. i-iv, 1-296, frontispiece, Henry’s Reconciliation with Anne Boleyn 3 vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-300, frontis- piece, The Dismissal of Cardinal Wolsey 3 vol. III, pp. i-viii, 1-326, frontispiece, Herne flying into the burning woods with Mabel. This is the first edition with only three etchings. Value, uncut, £3. W214 WINDsoR CASTLE. 4981 An Historical Romance, by W. Harrison Ainsworth, Esq. New Edition, illustrated by George Cruikshank and Tony J ohannot, with designs on wood by W. Alfred Delamotte. roy. 8vo London: Henry Colburn, Publisher, Great Marlborough Street 1843 pp. i-xii, 1-324, with a portrait of Ainsworth, 18 steel plates, of which 14 are by G. C., 87 woodcuts, and 3 plans. There is also an engraved woodcut title by Tony J ohannot, besides the printed title. It has a list of plates and woodcuts. 4977 (60) BOOKS—continued. This is the first edition with all the Cruikshank plates which appeared in Ainsworth’s Magazine, but in this issue they have no imprint or date. It was issued in illustrated blue cloth, later issues in red cloth, with the plates sometimes cut smaller, and on slightly tinted paper. It was also issued in parts in a wrapper about the same time, but the date on the title as 1844. Value, in blue cloth, uncut, £4. 215 MARTIN’s VAGARIEs, 4978 being a Sequel to “ A Tale of a Tub,” recently discovered at the University of Oxford, edited with notes by Scriblerus Oxoni- ensis, and illustrated by G. Cruikshank. 12mo London: A. H. Baily cl’: Co., 83, Cornhill 1843 pp. 1-48, with 2 etchings, and a woodcut by G. C., which last is repeated on the wrapper in which it was issued. Value, fine, in stif wrapper, £1 10s. 216 MODERN CHIVALRY ; or a New Orlando Furioso, with illustrations _ not in by George Cruikshank. 2 vol. 8vo Reid. London .- John IlIortimer, Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square 1843 “*- Five etchings and a woodcut by G. C., all signed. Value, boards, £1 10s. 217 PETER PARLEY’s MAGAZINE FOR '1843. sq. 12nio not in Darton db Clark, 58, Holborn Hill 1843 Reid. Many woodcuts, p. 260 has “The Gin-Temple turn-out at Church Time,” from “ Sunday in London.” Reid, at N O. 4980, gives Peter Parley’s Annual for 1843, and says there are woodcuts from the Tower of London. Value of the Magazine, 4s. 218 MEMOIRs OF ROBERT WILLIAM ELLIsTON, COMEDIAN, not in by George Raymond, Esq, with illustrations by George Cruik- Reid. shank. 2 vol. roy. 8vo London: John Mortimer, Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square 1844-5 Vol. I, pp. i-xxxvi, 1-438, with a portrait of Elliston, by Pen- stone, from a drawing by Harlowe, and 3 etchings by G. C., signed. There is a list of plates. Vol. II, concluding Series, title and pp. i-x, 1-554, with 2 etchings by Phiz, none by G. C. There is a list of plates and autographs. Value, fine copy, 2 vol. in cloth, £5. Reid does not give this edition, but at N o. 5043, a much later one, published by Routledge, in 1 vol., in 1857, “The Life and Enterprises of Robert William Elliston.” 219 JOHN MANEsTY, or the Liverpool Merchant, by Wm. Maginn. 2 vol. 6 etchings notin by G. C. post 8vo Reid. Mortimer 1844 Value, uncut, £2. (61) --/1220 221 222 n.d./2 2 3 224 BOOKS—continued. ARTHUR O’LEARY, 4982 His Wanderings and Ponderings in many Lands, edited by his Friend Harry Lorrequer, and illustrated by George Cruikshank. 3 vol. post 8110 London: Henry 00lburn, Publisher, Great Marlborough Street 1844 With 10 etchings by G. 0., of which there is a list. Vol. I, pp. i- iv, 1-290; col. II, pp. i-iv, 1-320; rol. III, pp. i-iv, 1-328, and leaf of errata. Value, the first edition in 3 col, cloth, fine, £6. The next year a new edition, in 1 vol., was published. 8720 not in London: Henrg 0olburn, Publisher, Great Marlborough Street 1845 Reid. Title, list of plates and pp. 1-364, the plates the same as in the 3 col. edition. Value, in cloth, £1 10s. MONSIEUR TONSON. Reid gives this edition, which he says has eight coloured en- gravings, Fairburn’s edition, that it has a woodcut vignette, and that the illustrations are by Robert Cruikshank, assisted by George, but I have not seen the book. London: printed and published by T. Fairburn, 100, Minories THE BAoHELoR’s OWN BooK, being the Progress of Mr. Lambkin (Gent), in the Pursuit of Pleasure and Amusement, and also in Search of Health and Happiness. obl. 4to Designed, etched and published by George Cruihshanh, August 1st, 1844 sold bg D. Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, London, and all Booksellers This is the engraved title surrounded with sketches of Mr. Lambkin in the different stages of his career. Besides the engraved frontispiece, there are 12 plates numbered I to XII, with two subjects on each, 24 in all, with descriptive text beneath. There is also an etching on the pictorial cover depicting Mr. Lambkin being led by a Cupid with a hook through his nose. Published in stifi' paper boards, plain and coloured. In the coloured copies the design on cover is also coloured. Value, fine copg, plain, £2 10s ,' coloured, £6. 122120 5262 n. d. 4983 ST. JAMEs’s, 4984 or the Court of Queen Anne. An Historical Romance by William Harrison Ainsworth, Esq., with illustrations by George Cruikshank. 3 vol. p’st 8120 London: John Mortimer, Adelaide Street, Trafalgar Square 1844 Vol. I, pp. i-viii, 1-300 3 vol. II, pp. i-iv, 1-296 ; vol. III, pp. i-iv, 1-384, 9 plates only of the 14 by G. 0., which appeared in Ainsworth’s Magazine. There is no list, they are as follows :— (1) Young Masham protecting Abigail Hill from the Marquis de Guiscard. ( 2) Sergeant Scales cleaning the Duke of Marlborough’s Boots. (3) Harley’s secret interview with the Queen interrupted by the Duchess of Marlborough. (4) Trial of skill between Mrs. Bracegirdle and Mrs. Oldfield at Mr. Saint J ohn’s Supper. (62) BOOKS—continued. (5) Marlborough and Godolphin demanding Harley’s dismissal of the Queen. (6) Proddy relating the sergeant’s achievements. (7) The Duke of Marlborough’s departure for Flanders. (8) Sergeant Scales introducing his Dutch wife to his friends. (9) The Marquis de Guiscard attempting to assassinate Harley. The five plates which appeared in A insworth’s Magazine, but which were not repeated in these three volumes are .-—(1) The Double Duel 3 (2) Sergeant Scales’ Drum 3 (3) Can this be Mr. Masham Z 3 (4) The Sergeant’s Farewell 3 (5) The Duchess foiled by Harley in her attempt to interrupt the marriage between Masham and Abigail. It was republished with a later date. Value, first edition, fine, in boards, £5. N225 THE OLD SAILOR’S JOLLY BOAT, laden with Tales, Yarns, Scraps, notin Fragments, 850., &c., to please all Hands. Pulled by Wit, Reid. Fun, Humour, and Pathos, and steered by M. H. Barker. 8vo London: IV. Strange, 21, Paternoster Row ,- Allen, Nottingham ,- Allen, Leicester 1844 pp. i-viii, 1-456, engraved title and 24 plates by George and Robert Cruikshank. There is a list of plates, which are most unusually placed alphabetically, not in their order of succession. Seven of the plates are wholly or partly by G. C., two of these, which have Robert Cruikshank’s name, are supposed to be entirely by George. The book was brought to the notice of the public by a leaf of advertisement of R. Tyas of Paternoster Row, with a large wood engraving by R. Cruikshank. “This day is published Part I, The Old Sailor’s Jolly Boat,” &c. “Launched this day, May 1 (1843), to take a pleasure voyage on each succeeding month” (that is, to be issued in monthly parts). Five parts seem to have been issued by Tyas, from May to September, l843,as the ten plates have his imprint and the dates of each month, after which the work Seems to have changed hands, and the remaining plates were issued by Strange, having no imprint or date. In all 12 parts were issued by Tyas and Strange. This first edition is very rare. It was re-issued by Willoughby & Co., curtailed and altered with only 324 pages, and which is very common. Reid only gives Willoughby’s edition. Value, first edition, published by Strange, £3. 226 THE OOMIO BLAOKSTONE, 4986 by Gilbert Abbott a Beckett. 2 Vol. (parts). 12mo Published at the Punch Ojfice 1844-6 They were first published in two parts, in white picture boards. Part I—London .- published at the Punch Ofiice, 194, Strand, 1844, on cover, price Half-a-Crown. pp. i-viii, 1-92, with woodcut by G. C. on title, and an etching by him as frontispiece. Part II—Published at the Punch Ofiice, 92, F leet Street, 1846, price Three Shillings and Sixpence on cover. The lettering on title is in red and there is on it a large woodcut by G. C. (63) BOOKS—continued. pp. i-xii, 93-252, the last leaf has the woodcut of title of vol. I printed as a tail-piece. There is also a woodcut by G. C. on the covers of both parts. In 1846 it was published in one vol. cloth. ' Rare to get both parts in good condition, with the covers clean and unbroken. Value, in parts, fine, £3 3 in cloth, 15s. Reid does not mention the second part. HISTORY oF THE IRISH REBELLIoN IN 1798. With Memoirs of the Union and Emmett’s Insurrection in 1803, by W. H. Maxwell, Esq. 227 London: Baily Brothers, Cornhill pp. i-viii, 1478, with 27 plates, of which there is a list, of these, 21 are etchings by G. C., and 6 portraits not by him. It was first published in 15 parts, with a woodcut design on the wrapper by G. C. Value, fine, in parts, £16 3 fine, in cloth, £7. Issued afterwards with later dates. 228 GEoRGE CRUIKSHANK’S TABLE BooK. Edited by Gilbert Abbott a Beckett. Cruikshank. London: published at the Punch Ojfice, 92, Fleet Street, and sold by all Booksellers pp. i-viii, 1-284, there is a list of plates, woodcuts, etc, 12 etchings on steel and 116 illustrations on wood, die, among the (lie. are 6 glyphographs. On some pages there is more than one woodcut. It was issued in 12 monthly numbers, from January to December, 1845. The first three numbers have gilt edges. Each number has 24 pages (except the first which has only 20 pages, the' last number has in addition pp. i-viii), and a steel plate, besides woodcuts, &c. there is also a Table Book Advertiser to each part, generally of 4 pages, but the first has 8 pages, and the third and tenth only 2 pages. In some there are other advertisements in addition. Besides the woodcuts in the list, there is the large one which is used as engraved title, and also for the wrapper of the numbers, another inside the front wrapper of each part, at the head of Contents, and on the inside of the back wrapper of the first number an important woodcut relating to the “ New Illustrated Periodical,” representing a meeting on the Subject, with a raised platform, on which is the Chairman on the easel, George Cruikshank on one side and Gilbert Abbott a Beckett on the other, both being likenesses. Amongst the contributors to the book was M. A. Titmarsh (Thackeray) in “A Legend of the Rhine.” On the front cover and the back of copies in cloth are designs by G. C. Value, fine, in cloth, £5 3 fine, in numbers, £12. Illustrated by George 8vo 1845 4to 1845 4987 4989 (54) BOOKS—continued. __.- 229 PRISONS AND PRISONERS, by Joseph Adshead. 8vo 4990 London : Longman, Brown, Green db Longman 1845 With an etched frontispiece by G. C. Value, uncut, 7 s. 230 GOLDSMITH’S WORKS. 4 vol. 8vo 4991 With engravings by Stothard and Cruikshank. Probably the latter are the old plates illustrating the Vicar of Wakefield. So Reid says, but I have not seen this edition. MRS. GORE’S BOOKS. 231 THE SNOW STORM. A Christmas Story, by Mrs. Gore. 12mo 4992 Fisher, Son ct" Co. n. d. pp. i-iv, 1-254, with 4 etchings by G. C. [1845-6] Value, fine, in cloth, 10s. v‘rm—“232 NEW YEAR’S DAY. A Winter’s Tale, by Mrs. Gore. 12mo 4993 Fisher, Son (b Co. n. at. pp. i-iv, 1-204, with 4 etchings by G. C. [1846-7] Value, fine, in cloth, 10s. 233 THE INUNDATION, or Peace and Pardon. A Christmas Story, by 12mo 5003 Mrs. Gore. Fisher, Son cf,’ Co. n. at. pp. i-iv, 1-222, with 4 etchings by G. C. [1847-8] Value, fine, in cloth, 10s. *** These three books were afterwards published with VVil- loughby’s imprint. 234 THE LOST SON. A Winter’s Tale, by Mrs. Gore. 12mo notin " Dean ck Son n. d. Reid. pp. i-iv, 1-204, with frontispiece by G. C. [1854] Value, in picture boards, 6s. 235 OUR OWN TIMES. 4994 Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 8vo Bradbury ck Evans, 90, Fleet Street 1846 Four numbers only were issued (April to July, 1846), each in a wrapper with an illustration on it in glyphography by G. C. They are curious as having many illustrations in glyphography. In 4 parts of 32 pp. each, 128 in all, there are 4 etchings, one to each part, 35 glyphographs (including the one on wrapper), and 6 woodcuts. Value, in parts, £4. 236 THE EMIGRANT, 4995 by Sir Francis B. Head, Bart. p’st 8vo London: John Murray; A lbemarle Street 1846 pp. i-viii, 1-442 ; published in white boards, on the front and back covers of which are 2 woodcuts with G. C. ’s signature, engraved by Linton. They are very good if not rubbed, the figure on front cover seems to be a portrait of G. C. This is the first issue of the book. Value, very fresh and not rubbed, £1. (65) BOOKS—continued. 237 SKEToHEs FROM LIFE, 4996 by Laman Blanchard. 3 vol. p’st 8vo London .- Henrg Colbourn 1846 There are 2 woodcut illustrations by G. 0. in the second volume. Value, in cloth, 15s. 238 THE GREATEST PLAGUE or LIFE, 4997 or The Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Servant, by one who has been “Almost Worried to Death,” edited by the Brothers Mayhew, illustrated by George Cruikshank. 12mo London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street n. d. pp. i-ii, 1-286. There is a list of plates. It was first issued in six parts. 12 etchings by G. C., and a design by him in glyphography, which occurs on the wrapper of the parts and also on title-page. Afterwards issued in cloth, with designs by G. C. in the back and front cover. Value, in cloth, £1 ; in parts, fine, £3. 239 THE Goon GENIUs THAT TURNED EVERYTHING INTO GoLD, 4998 or the Queen Bee, and the Magic Dress, a Christmas Fairy Tale, by the Brothers Mayhew, with illustrations by George Cruik- shank. ' 1 2mo London .- David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street 1847 pp. i-iv, 1-194. There is a list of illustrations, of which 4 are etchings, and 4 are glgphographs, all by G. 0. In addition to these is the tail-piece on the last page also bg him. There is a design on the cover after him. - Value, a fine copy, in cloth, 15s. 240 THE GENERAL REGITER, 5034 a Unique Selection of the Most Admired and Popular Readings and Recitations, &c. 620. l2mo Halifax .- printed and published by William Milner, 0heapside 1846 Title-page and pp. 1-324. There are many woodcuts, but on lg the woodcut frontispiece in eleven compartments is by G. 0. with his initials. Reid gives a later edition with date 1854, and I believe there is even an earlier edition than the one now described. Value, in cloth, 15s. /’241 THE YULE LOG, 4999 for Everybody’s Christmas Hearth, showing where it grew, how it was cut, and brought home, and how it was burnt, by the Author of the Chronicles of the Bastile, illustrated by George Cruikshank. 12mo London: T. 0. Newbg, 72, Mortimer Street 1847 pp. i-ii, 1-190, with 4 etchings, viz. the frontispiece, and at pp. 64, 176, 189, and 2 glgphographs, via. 1 on title and 1 at p. 118, all by G. 0. There is also a design on the cloth cover after him. Value, fine, in cloth, £1. F (66) BOOKS—continued. 242 THE BOTTLE, 5000 in eight plates by George Cruikshank. Price One Shilling. folio Published for the Artist by D. Bogue, London; Wiley (2 Putnam, New York; and J. Sands, Sydney, New South Wales N.B.—-An edition on fine paper, imperial folio, with a tint. Price Six Shillings. These fine paper tinted copies were issued in a brown wrapper, and read :— “ In Eight Plates Designed and etched by George Cruikshank. Dedicated to Joseph Adshead, of Manchester." imp. fol. London: published for the Artist, September lst, 1847, by David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street (and the other publishers, as on the small paper). Price Six Shillings 1847 An edition was also published on superior paper stitched in a wrapper at Half-a-Crown. They were printed from glypho- graphic blocks. Value, large paper, tinted, £1 3 small paper, 23. 243 THE DRUNKARD’S CHILDREN, 5002 a Sequel to the Bottle, in eight plates by George Cruikshank. Price One Shilling. folio Published for the Artist, July lst, 1848, by David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, London ,' John Wiley and S. P. Putnam, New York ,- and J. Sands, Sydney, New South Wales. Of whom may be had “The Bottle” 1848 N.B.—An edition of each work is printed on fine paper on imperial folio, with a tint. Price Six Shillings. The fine paper tinted copies were issued in a brown wrapper, and read the same as the small paper, with the dedication to Joseph Adshead added. Value, small paper, 23. 3 large paper, tinted, £1. 244 WHOM To MARRY, 5001 and How to Get Married, or the Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Husband, edited by the Brothers Mayhew, illustrated by George Cruikshank. London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street n. d. ppfi-viii, 1-272, with 12 etchings and a design in glyphography, [1848] which last appears on the title-page, also on the wrapper of the monthly parts, all by G. C. There is a list of plates. It was first issued in Six parts, afterwards in cloth. The first number was issued in November, 1847, the last in April, 1848. Value, in cloth, £1 3 in parts, £2 103. 245 THE PENTAMERONE, 5004 or the Story of Stories, Fun for the Little Ones, by Giambattista Basile, translated from the Neapolitan by John Edward Taylor, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. sm. 4to London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, and J. Cundall, Old Bond Street 1848 pp. i-xvi, iii-iv, i-ii, 1-404. There is a list of the etchings, which (67) BOOKS—continued. are 12 in number on 6 plates by G. C., all signed. Issued in crimson cloth with designs in gold by G. C. Reid says only 4 etchings, but this is wrong. It was re-issued in 1850, and sometimes occurs with the plates coloured, but the colouring is recent. Value, first edition, in cloth, £2. 246 THE MAGIO OF KINDNESS, 5007 or the \Vondrous Story of the Good Huan, by the Brothers Mayhew, illustrated by George Cruikshank and Kenny Meadows 12mo London: published for the Proprietors by Darton it’ Go, Holborn Hill n. d. pp. i-viii, 1-296, there are 4 etchings by G. C., viz. frontispiece, and at pp. 37, 49, 290. This Seems to be the first issue, and is in cloth, uncut. It was afterwards issued with gilt edges and with a very poor engraved title added, not by G. C. Value, first state, uncut, 15s. 3 second state, with engraved title and gilt edges, 5s. \247 KIT BAM’S ADVENTURES, 5008 or the Yarns of an Old Mariner, by Mary Cowden Clarke, illustrated by George Cruikshank. 12mo London: Grant db G’I'ljfilh 1849 pp. i-iv, i-iv, 1-364, with 4 etchings by G. C., vie. frontispiece and at pp. 33, 96, 305. Value, fine, in cloth, £1 10s. f248 THE BRIGHTON LODGING HOUSE. l2mo 5009 London .- J. How, Piccadilly n. d. Two numbers, of 32 pages each, only were published, an etching to each number by G. C., and a woodcut design on wrapper by him. The second part is scarce. Value, the two parts in wrapper, fine, £2. "A249 CLEMENT LORIMER, 5010 or the Book with the Iron Clasps,a Romance, by Angus B. Reach, illustrated by George Cruikshank. l2mo London: David Bogue, Fleet Street 1849 pp. i-viii, 1-280, there is a list of plates, which are 12 etchings by G. C., signed. It was first published in six parts, in a blue wrapper, on which there is a woodcut by G. C. with his initials, subject, an endless serpent with tail in its mouth. Very rare in parts. Value, in cloth, fine, £1 10s. 3 in parts, fine, £6. ~\~250 FRANK FAIRLEGH, 5011 or Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil, with 30 illustrations on steel by George Cruikshank. 8vo London: A. Hall, Virtue ct'Ca, 25, Paternoster Row 1850 pp. i-xiv, 1-496, there is a list of plates. It was first published in Sixteen parts, in green wrappers, with a fine woodcut design in compartments by G. C. The first edition, with date 1850, is very rare. The one without date is often called first edition, but wrongly so. Value, in cloth, 1850, fine, £4 3 in parts, fine, £7 . F 2 ( 68 ) BOOKS—continued. \ 251 THE FAIRY MYTHOLOGY, p’st 8vo 5012 illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries, by Thomas Keightley, a new edition, revised and greatly enlarged. _ London: H. G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden 1850 Value, in cloth, 5s. _,,___252 THE TOOTH-AOHE, 5013 imagined by Horace ‘Mayhew, and realized by George Cruik- shank. 16m-o To be had of D. Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, a-nd all Booksellers n. d. A long folding sheet with 43 illustrations, numbered, by G. C., in [1849] a case, on the front of which is a design, “ The Origin of the Tooth Ache,” on the back “The End of the Tooth Ache. All’s well that ends well.” Price, 1s. 6d. plain; 3s. coloured. Present value, about £2 plain, £4 coloured. - 444253 THE BRITISH JOURNAL. roy. 82105015 Published by A ylott do Jones, Paternoster Row ,- Joseph Masters, 33, A ldersgate Street; and 78, New Bond Street, London; John Menzies, Edinburgh ,- James McGlashan, Dublin. 1852 A woodcut design only on the wrapper by G. Cruikshank and T. Williams. Value of wrapper, ls. - Harm/#254 THE WORLD’S SHOW, 1851, 5016 or the Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and Family, who came up to London to enjoy themselves, and to see the Great Exhibition, by Henry Mayhew and George Cruikshank. 8vo London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street 1851 pp. i-iv, 1-242, 10 etchings by G. C., of which there is a list ,- also a woodcut on title, used also for the wrapper of the monthly part. Published first in eight parts, in green wrapper, afterwards in light blue cloth with a design in gold on the back. There is also an advertisement ‘of “All the world and his wife ” going to the Exhibition. It was shortly afterwards re-issued with another publisher’s name, and in a different colour cloth. ‘ Value, a fine copy, in blue cloth, £1 108. ; fine, in parts, £4. 255 TALPA, . ' or the Chronicles of a Clay Farm, an Agricultural Fragment by C. W. H. ' 12mo London .- Reeve ck Co., Henrietta Street, Covent Garden 1852 pp. i-viii, 1-238, with 24 woodcut vignettes by G. C., of which there 'is a list. ' . - The vignette “Drop it” at p. 81 occurs only in this, the first edition, another having been substituted for it in later editions. Value, fine, in cloth, 10s. 256 THE TEMPERANCE OFFERING, consisting of Essays, Tales, &c. 5019 Edited by James Silk Buckingham, Esq. > 12mo London: published by W. Tweedie, 337, Strand n. d. With a frontispiece by G. C. - , [1852] Value, 3s. ‘ 5018 (69> BOOKS— continued. / //257 COMMON SENSE ON THE DoMEsTIo HABITS or THE PEOPLE, 5023 pp. i-vi, 1-96, with 6 illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Street Without 1852 Value, 5s. A --—-258 THE HoRsE SHoE, 5020 the True Legend of St. Dunstan and the Devil, showing how the Horse Shoe came to be a charm against Witchcraft, by Edward G. Flight, with illustrations drawn by George Cruik- shank and engraved by John Thompson. 8vo - London: I). Bogue, 86, Fleet Street n. at. pp. 1-24, and 7 woodcuts in a wrapper. Afterwards re-issued about 1871, which edition has 64 pages. Value, the first issue, 12s. UNGLE ToM’s CABIN, 5022 by Harriet Beecher Stowe, with 27 illustrations on wood, by George Cruikshank, Esq. 12mo London .- John 0assell, Ludgate Hill 1852 pp. i-xxiv, 1-39 2. There is a list of illustrations. It was first published in thirteen parts. The first issue in cloth is uncut, afterwards re-issued with gilt edges. Value, in cloth, uncut, fine, £1 ,- in parts, £3. UNCLE ToM’s CABIN ALMANAGK, 8vo 5027 or Abolitionist Memento, for 1853. London .- John 0assell, La Belle Saul/‘age Yard, Ludgate Hill, and all Booksellers 1853 With many woodcuts, of which 3 are by G. 0. Value, 125. THE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE or ART. rog. 8vo 5028 London .- printed and published by John 0assell, Ludgate Hill 1853 The woodcut design on the wrapper of the monthlg part only bg G. 0., it has G. 0ruihshan/c del. Thos. VVlllttllllS sculp. Value, wrapper, 1s. THE ToURIsT’s ILLUSTRATED HAND-BOOK EoR IRELAND, 8vo not in with numerous Engravings from Drawings by Cruikshank, Ileid. Crowquill, Lover, Mahoney, Sec. Great Exhibition year. Printed for the Railway 0ompanies, parties to the Irish Tourist Ticket System, by John 0assell, Ludgate Hill 1853 pp. 1-252, in green paper boards, with a woodcut design in com- partments on the front cover signed George 0ruilcshanlc, Thos. lVilliams. Possiblg other of the woodcuts (as it sags on the title) are from designs by G. 0., notablg, I thinlc, that at p. 189. Reid, at No. 5059, mentions a later issue of the book, 1861, and only says woodcut title by G. C. Value, in boards, 55. (7O) BOOKS—continued. 263 GEORGE CRUIKSHANK’S FAIRY LIBRARY. 5032 Four parts (or numbers) were issued. sm. 4to The first three each in a pale green stigf paper cover. The last (the fourth) in a darker green paper cover. These covers all having a woodcut design on them by G. C. No. 1. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK’S FAIRY LIBRARY, HOP-O’-MY-THUMB, and the Seven-League Boots, edited and illustrated, with 6 etchings, by George Cruikshank. . London .- David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street n. d. List of plates 1 leaf (before the frontispiece), pp. 1-30, including [1853] title. O'n outside of back cover (in first issues, not afterwards), “Preparing for publication Jack and the Bean Stalk.” This is the first state. No. 2. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK’S FAIRY LIBRARY, THE HISTORY OF J ACK AND THE BEAN STALK, edited and illus- trated with 6 etchings, by George Cruikshank. London .- David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street n. d. List of plates 1 leaf (before the frontispiece), pp. 3-32, including [1854] title. On outside of back cover (in the first issue, but not after- wards), “Already Published Hop 0’ My Thumb, &c., &c., being No. I. of George Cruikshank’s Fairy Library.” “ Preparing for publication No. III. Cinderella and the Glass Slipper,” &c., &c. In later editions of these first two numbers, the advertisements on the back covers, referring to the tales which come next in order, speak of them not as preparing for publication, but as having already appeared, which stamps them as of a later issue. Also, the lists of plates are not generally put before the frontispieces, as in first issue, and in Jack and the Bean Stalk the plate of “The Giant tied up in the Bean Stalk by the Fairies,” is wrongly put as the frontispiece. The proper frontis- piece, which is “Jack climbing the Bean Stalk,” being put in its place at p. 28. No. 3. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK’S FAIRY LIBRARY, CINDERELLA and the Glass Slipper, edited and illustrated with ten subjects, designed and etched on steel, by George Cruikshank. London : David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street n. d. pp. 1-32. In this number the list of plates is put after the [1854] printed title and counted in the pagination. The ten subjects are on six plates. On back cover is advertisement of the numbers which have been published, viz. : No. I., Hop 0’ My Thumb 3 No. II., Jack and the Bean Stalk. In the last pages of Cinderella, included in the pagination, is an address by G. C. with reference to Mrs. Beecher Stowe, and also to Dickens’s article, “Frauds on the Fairies.” No. 4. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK’S FAIRY LIBRARY, 5066 PUSS IN BOOTS, edited and illustrated, with etchings on steel, by George Cruikshank. London : Routledge, W arne c2 Routledge, Broadway, Ludgate Hill; F. Arnold, 86, Fleet Street n. d. Which imprint should be also on the wrapper (not by [1864] Routledge & Sons). (71) BOOKS—continued. pp. 1-40, there is no list of plates, but there are six plates having twelve designs. On inside of front wrapper is an address by George, Cruikshank, “To the Public,” relating to the publications of a Mr. Read, who publishes books “with plates by Cruikshank,” instead of stating that they are by Percy Cruikshank, who is George Cruikshank’s nephew. In the first issues of these four books there are no separate blank fly leaves. In the first three the white fly leaves are pasted against the green backs. The first states of any of these books are very difficult to procure, especially of Jack and the Bean Stalk and of Puss in Boots. Cinderella is also very scarce. Value, the four, first states, £14 ,- very fine, £20. \\264 GEORGE CRUIKSHANK’S MAGAZINE, edited by Frank E. Smedley 5024 (Frank Fairlegh). 8vo London: D. Bogue, 86, Fleet Street 1854 Only two numbers, published each in a yellow wrapper, with a spirited woodcut by G. C. No. 1. January, 1854. 8 pp. of advertisements, and pp. 1-40. With one fine folding etching, “Passing Events, or the Tail of the Comet of 1853,” another folding etching, transferred on stone, “Tobacco Leaves, No. 1,” one glyphograph, “The Pro- vocations of Miss Polly C ,” and three woodcuts at pp. 7, 12, and 40. No. 2. February, 1854. 16 pp. of advertisements, and pp. 41-80. One folding etching, transferred on stone, “ Elephantine Per- formances,” one folding glyphograph, “Trying to cure a Bear of a sore head,” and four woodcuts at pp. 72, 73, 74, and 80. All the illustrations in both numbers are by G. C. Value, the two numbers, if fine, £3. 265 THE BRITISH WORKMAN, and Friend of the Sons of Toil. folio 5031 London: IV. S. Partridge, No. 9, Paternoster Row 1854, &c. Nine woodcuts by G. C. between 1854 and 1864, some of the articles were reprinted separately. Value, the numbers containing the woodcuts, 55. 266 THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. folio 5033 London .- lVilliam Little, 198, Strand 1854-5 A woodcut by G. C. on each of the three weekly numbers for May 20th, July 29th, 1854, and February 17th, 1855. Value, 1s. each number. CASSELL’S ILLUSTRATED FAMILY PAPER. folio 5035 1854 [\‘9 C? *1 There are woodcuts by G. C. in the numbers for May 20th, May 27th, June 3rd, July 22nd, and August 5th,1854 (the year of the Crimean War), the headpiece is also by him. V alue of the volume, which is now scarce, £1. ('72) 269 Lo \"| O --—-’271 272 274 276 BOOKS—continued. MY BROTHER ; 5036 Or the Man of many Friends, by an Old Author. 12mo London: Sampson Low cf: Son, 47, Ludgate Hill 1855 pp. i-vi, 1-226, with a woodcut frontispiece by G. C. Value, cloth, 6s. SHARPE’S LONDON MAGAZINE of Entertainment and Instruction. New Series. Vol. VII and VIII. First issued in monthly parts from July, 1855, to June, 1856, with 12 etchings to the tale of Lorimer Little-good, by G. C. The tale is concluded in the next (July) number of 1856, but no more etchings by G. C. roy.8vo London: Arthur Hall Virtue at C0., 25, Paternoster Row 1855-6 Value, the 2 vol, 12s. , LORIMER LITTLE-GOOD, ESQ. A young Gentleman who wished to see Society and saw it accordingly, by Alfred W. Crole, illus- trated by George Cruikshank and William McConnell. 8vo London: James Blackwood, Paternoster Row 1858 Value, 123. in cloth. LADY A RABELLA; _ or the Adventures of a Doll, by Miss Pardoe, illustrated by George Cruikshank. 5037 5038 12mo London: Kirby d2 Son, 190, Oxford Street 1856 With four woodcuts coloured. Value, in cloth, 5s. THE ILLUSTRATED TIMES. folio 5041 1856 One woodcut in the number February 9th, 1856. Value, 1s. LONDON LYRICS. By Frederick Locker. 8vo 5044 London .- Chapman ell" Hall, Piccadilly 1857 l/Vith an etched frontispiece by George Cruikshank “Building Castles in the Air.” Value, in cloth, £1 10s. THE BENTLEY BALLADS, from Bentley’s Miscellany, edited by Dr. Doran. 12mo notin London : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street 1852 Reid. pp. i-viii, 1-408, engraved title by G. C. Value, 10s. THE LIFE OF SIR JOHN FALSTAFF. By R. B. Brough. roy.8vo 5045 Illustrated by George Cruikshank, with a Biography of the Knight from authentic sources. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts 1858 pp. iii-xx, 1-196, with 20 fine etchings by G. C., also a woodcut by him which occurs on the wrapper of the monthly part, and also on the leaf next to the printed title. There is a list of plates. It was issued in 10 parts in 1857-8. Value, fine in cloth, £3 ; in parts, £12 MIDNIGHT SCENES AND SOCIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. 12mo 5046 Glasgow : Thomas Murray d2 Son 1858 pp. i-x, 11-146, with an etched frontispiece by G. C. Value, 5s., in cloth. 5037 (73) BOOKS—continued. THE WEEKLY REeoRD oF THE TEMPERANGE MOVEMENT. folio 5047 lVilliam Tweedie, 337, Strand 1858-9 Eight woodcuts. Value, the parts containing the woodcuts, 10s. STENELAUS AND AMYLDA. 12mo 5048 London .- Grijfith db Farran, corner of St. Paul’s Churchyard 1858 pp. 1-32, with 3 woodcuts, one used again on cover, issued in paper illustrated cover. Value, 2s. ()LD FACES IN NEW MASKS. By Robert Blakey, Ph.D. 12mo 5049 London : l/V. Kent cf? 00. (late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street 1859 pp. iii-viii, 1-392, with etched title and frontispiece (dim'ded into compartments) both by G. 0. . Value, in cloth, 15s. THE CHOICEST HUMOUROUS POETRY oF THE AGE. 5051 The Biglow Papers, by James Russell Lowell. 8vo London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly 1859 pp. i-xvi, 1-198, with an etched frontispiece coloured (sometimes plain) by G. 0. Often republished. Value, first issue, in cloth,.£1. THE BRowNRIGG PAPERS, 5052 by Douglas Jerrold, edited by Blanchard Jerrold. 8vo London .- John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly 1860 With an etched frontispiece by G. 0., coloured. Value, in cloth, £1. THE ExILE’s DAUGHTER,‘ 5053 a Story of the Italian War, by S. F ullom. 12mo London : Charles Joseph Sheet, King William Street, Charing Cross 1860 lVith an etched frontispiece by G. 0. Value, in cloth, 5s. OUT AND ABOUT. A Boy’s Adventures, by Hain Friswell. 8vo 5055 London: Groombridge db Sons 1860 lVith 6 woodcuts by G. 0. Value, 73., in cloth. ‘A POP GUN FIRED OFF. By George Cruikshank. 8vo 5056 N) C31 London .- published for the Author, by W. Kent (f7 00. (late D. Bogue), 86, Fleet Street 1860 pp. 1-44, and 8 woodcuts by G. C. The woodcut of George Cruikshank pulling Brook’s nose at page 38 is omitted in later editions. Value, first edition, in cover, 15s. PUoK oN PEGAsUs, 5054 by H. Cholmondeley Pennell, illustrated by Leech, Phiz, Portch, and Tenniel, with a frontispiece by George Cruikshank. 4to London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly 1861 pp. i-vi, 7 -156, republished with later dates. Value of first edition, in cloth, £1 10s. (74) BOOKS—continued. 286 HOLIDAYS WITH HOBGOBLINS. By Dudley Costello. 12m0 5057 London .- John Camden Hotten 1861 pp. i-iv, 1-33 2, with illustrations by G. C., from the Comic Almanacs, and an etched frontispiecc by him expressly for the book. Value, in cloth, 12s. 287 THE OYSTER. 5058 Where, How, and When to Find, Breed, Cook, and Eat it. 8720 London: Trubner ab 00., 60, Paternoster Row 1861 pp. i-viii, 9-96. Three woodcuts by G. C., two of which are re- repeated on the covers in colours Value, fine in picture boards, 7 s. 288 WHAT PUT MY PIPE OUT. 12mo 5060 London: 8. W. Partridge, 9, Paternoster Row n. d. pp. i-vi, 1-124, and 5 full-page woodcuts by G. C. [1862] Value, in cloth, 63. 289 LONDON SOCIETY, 9, St. Bride’s Avenue, Fleet Street, London. 8720 5067 The Christmas number for 1864 One woodcut by G. C. Value, 2s. __,--—--290 POPULAR RoMANoEs OF THE WEsT OF ENGLAND, 5068 by Robert Hunt. 2 VOl. 8710 London: published by J. Camden Hotten, 74, Piccadilly 1865 Four etchings by G. C., a Vignette and frontispiece to each. Value, in cloth, £1. 291 THE BEGGARS BENIsoN; not in or a Hero without a name, but with an aim. 2 vol. 12mo Reid- Cassell, Petter d’: Galpin, London and New York 1866 This is a book with very many small woodcuts, or etchings on glass, amongst which are four which are similar or nearly iden- tical with four which appeared in Mr. Spencer’s book “ Twiddle Twaddle,” and in neither case have they G. C.’s initials (except in the case of one in Twiddle Twaddle, which has some marks which may be taken for his initials, but which do not occur in my copy which I had prior to the publication of that book). We know that G. C. did his first etching on glass in April, 1864; the Beggar’s Benison was published in 1866. Now is either set in the Beggar’s Benison, or in Twiddle Twaddle, by G. (3.? And if so, which was executed first, that is, did the Beggar’s Benison copy from G. C., or G. G. from the Beggar’s Benison? Value, 2 col, cloth, £1. 292 A LIST OF BOOKS published by Messrs. Moxon & (30., Dover 12mo 5069 Street, January, 1866, has on first page an etching on glass by 1866 G. C. ; subject, Mount Parnassus, 16 pages in the catalogue, it is at the beginning of Poems by Thomas Hood. Nineteenth edition, published by Moxon, 1866. Value, Hood’s Poems containing the list, 4s. BOOKS —— continued. 293 THE TRAVELS AND SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF BARON MUN- 5071 CHAUSEN. 8ro London .- William Tegg 1867 Many illustrations, five of which are woodcuts, which have been used before in other books. Value, 48. SIR \VILLIAM FRASER’S WORKS. 294 POEMS. By the Knight of Morar, at top (not published). 4to not in London- .- Printed by 1V hitting/tam a”; l/Vilhins, loohs Court, lie-id. Chancery Lane 1 867 There seems to be two issues of this book of Poems of the Knight of Morar (Sir William A. Fraser) one on thin yellow paper, Without pagination or even lettering of the sheets, it has one illustration, the frontispiece, also on thin paper, of the “ Maniac Monk,” drawn and etched by George Cruikshank, 1866. The other issue, same date, is on stout paper, Without pagina- tion or lettering. The Cruikshank plate is on stout paper, not used as frontispiece, but in the body of the book, and in addition there are three plates by Dore, one of which is the frontispiece. Value, thi-n paper, cloth, £1 ; ditto, thich paper, £1 10s. COILA’S WHISPERS. By the Knight of Morar. smAto 5070 William Blackwood it‘ Sons, Edinburgh and London 1869 pp. i-viii, 1-166, with photographs of the four plates in the Poems of Knight of ll/Iorar. llfost of the poems are also the same as in that boo/c. Reid is in error in giving date 1867. Value, 10s. 296 COILA’S \VHISPERS. By Sir William Fraser, Bart, M.A., ofChrist not in Church, Oxford. The second edition. 4to Reid. F. Harueg, 4, St. James Street, London 1872 pp. i-vi, 1-160, with 5 etchings by G. G, on India paper, these are fire out of eight compartments of a large plate etched by G. U. for Sir IV. Fraser, in 1870, for Poems by the Knight of Morar. On the half title is a design by l/V. M. Thacherag. Value, £1. 297 CoILA’s WHISPERS, not in by Sir William Fraser, Bart, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford. 122220 Reid. The third edition. F. Haring, 4, St. James’s Street, London 1874 l’Vith the same 5 small etchings by G. C. as in the last edition, and the design bg Thacherag. Value, 103. 298 OoILA’S WHISPERS, not in by Sir William Augustus Fraser teid. of Ledeclune and Morar, 4th Bart, M.A., F.S.A., M.P. The fourth edition. Published under the Direction of the Author’s Executors. large 4to London .- printed at the Chisun'ch Press, Tooh’s Court, Chancery Lane 1900 [\‘3 Q0 QJI ('76) BOOKS—continued. pp. i-viii, 1-202, with the design by Thackeray, and 7 plates, bis. 3 by G. C., 3 by Dore, and 1 other. They occur at frontispiece and at pp. 1, 5, 42, 105, 141, 188. The frontispiece is the large undivided plate, in eight com- partments, before referred to, with the inscription altered from “ Poems of the Knight of Morar ” to “ Coila’s Whispers.” Designed and etched by George Cruikshank, September 27th, 1870 : 78 years of age. This is a very handsomely got-up book. Value, £1. 299 CAssELL’s PENNY READINGS, edited by Tom Hood. Soc 5265 London and New Y orlc .- Cassell, Potter (6' Galpi-n 1867 With one u'oodeut, oiz. .- Falstaf detected by Prince Henry and Poins in a false account of the afiair at Gadshill. “ G. Ch.” “ Linton sc.” Value, 2s. 300 FLAGELLATION AND THE FLAGELLANTS; 5079 a History of the Rod in all countries. London: John Canulen Ho/ten, Piccadilly 1867 l’Vith numerous illustrations, but only one etching by G. C., from the Comic Alntanach for 1839. Value, 5s. '“\~ 301 THE BAND or HOPE REVIEW, 1868. folio 5074 London .- published for the Editor by S. Partridge, 9, Paternoster Row 1868 The numbers for lllarch, April and May, have the Gin Shop, with 12 woodcuts by G. C. , signed, 4 in each number. Value, 3s. »-/302 POEMS BY FREDERICK LOCKER. 12mo 5075 London .- James Wilson, Great Russell Street 1868 With as frontispiece an etching, The Pixies were the Wags, George Cruikshank, 1866. Value £1 105. ~- T“\303 THE OAK, Original Tales and Sketches. 5077 Edited by the Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D., F.S.A. Scot. \Vith illustrations by George Cruikshank and others. 12nio London: Charles Grrfin (Z' Co., Stationers Hall Court n. d. pp. i~iv, 3-456, only one illustration, the frontispiece, a woodcut, by [1869] G. C., signed, The Philosopher and the Bumpkin. Value, 5s. 304 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND PERSONAL REooLLEo'noNs or J OI-IN B. not in GOUGH, illustrated by George Cruikshank and others. 8vo Reid. Published by Bill, Nichols ob Co., Springfield, Mass. 1869 pp. i-xviii, 19552, with portrait and 8 illustrations, 2 of them by G. C., signed, An extraordinary scene at Sadler’s Wells Theatre, and Festival of the London Temperance League at Hartwell House. Value, 68. (77) 305 306 307 /‘308 309 310 311 312 313 BOOKS—continued. WHIMSICALITIES, a Periodical Gathering, by Thomas Hood. post 8vo not in London: E. Motcon, Son ck 00., Dover Street 1870 Reid. With a reproduction of the Eppin g Hunt, with the woodcuts. Value, 2s. THE BRowNIES AND OTHER TALES, by Mrs. Ewing. 8vo 5080 Published by Bell at Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden 1871 With 4 woodcuts by G. C., signed, which first appeared in Aunt Judy’s .Magaeine. Value, 4s. THE CENTENARY GARLAND, being Pictorial Illustrations of the Novels of Sir Walter Scott, in the order of Publication. Reid. By George Cruikshank and other artists of eminence. 4to Edinburgh .- William P. Nimmo n. d. kVith 50 plates, 25 of which are-reproductions of the Comic Illus- [1871] trations to Scott by G. 0. Value, 4s. GUESS ME. A curious Collection of Enigmas, &c. &c., compiled and arranged by F. D. Planche. London: Dean of" Son, Ludgate Hill kVith frontispiece from H areourt’s Jests. I Value, 2s. ENDLESS MIRTH AND AMUSEMENT; a companion Book to “Guess Me,” compiled and arranged by Charles Gilbert, illustrated by George Cruikshank and others. London .- Dean ct’ Son, St. Dunstan’s Buildings, 160a, Fleet Street n. d. A woodcut on title, and one from “ Sunday in London,” at p. 4. [187 4] Value, 28. THE LIBRARY SHAKESPEARE, illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, George Cruikshank and R. Dudley. 3 vol. 4to London : William Illackeneie, 33, Paternoster Row n. d. With many plates, all coloured, 7 of which are from G. 0.’s[1873] “ Falstafi,” and numerous woodcuts. Value, £1 108. notin notin 12mo Reid. n. d. [1872] 12mo notin Reid. not in Reid. LoB LIE BY THE FIRE, by J. H. Ewing, 8vo notin with illustrations by G. C. 1874 Reid. PEEPS AT LIFE, notin and Studies in my Cell, by the London Hermit, Reid. Author of Songs of Singularity, &c. 12mo London .- Simpkin, Marshall d’: Co., Stationers’ Hall Court n. d. pp. i-xii, 1-242, with a frontispiece, A Wild Ride with Herne [1875] the Hunter, signed G. Cruikshank, age 83, 1875; and vignette on title signed G. Cruikshank, age 83, 1875, Boulton, 020. THE RosE AND THE LILY, by Mrs. D. Blewett, with a frontispiece by G. C. Sun notin 1877 Reid. PAMPHLETS. 314 IMPOSTOR UNMASKED, or the New Man of the 4597 People, with Anecdotes never before published. 8220 London: printed and sold by Tipper and Richards, Leadenhall Street 1806 pp. i-viii, 1-22, coloured folding frontispiece, Cruikshank del. An Election Scene at the hustings, probably by Isaac Cruikshank, but there seems to be some of Georgc’s work in it. Value, £2. 315 FAIRBURN’S DESCRIPTION or THE POPULAR AND CoMIo NEW 12mo 4598 PANTOMIME, called Harlequin and Mother Goose, or the Golden Egg. London: published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories n. d. pp. 1-36, with a coloured frontispiece of Mr. Simmons as Mother [1806] Goose, probably by Isaac and George Cruikshank. Value, £1. 316 MIDNIGHT MERRIMENT, AND A~NOCTURNAL RAMBLE THROUGH 5231 ST. GILES’S, containing a funny but faithful picture of that quarter. Verses. 12mo London .- printed by and for M. Allen, No. 15, Paternoster Row n. d. With a coloured frontispiece with I. C. over the fireplace. that is, by [1805] Isaac Cruikshank, but I think there is some work of George in it, though perhaps doubtful, as it has the date 1798 in watermark of some of the leaves, but the paper may have been printed on some years later than that date. Value, £1. 317 FAIRBUEN’S TRIAL or JoHN HOLLOWAY AND OWEN HAGGERTY notin for the wilful Murder of Mr. Steele on Hounslow Heath. Reid. N.B.-—The Murder occurred on November 6th, 1802, the Trial took place February 20th 1807. Another trial is contained in the pamphlet, together with an account of the dreadful accident which happened at the place of execution. 8vo London : published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories 1807 pp. 1-32, with an uncoloured folding frontispiece, signed “ I. Cks.” i. e. by Isaac Cruikshank. Reid does not give the pamphlet, but only the plate at No. 24, but I cannot see any of G. C.’s work in it, except possibly the trees in the background. Value, £1 10s. (79) PAMPHLETS—continued. 4 y 318 A TREATISE oN THE BRoAD-SwoRD EXERCISE; 4599 ‘ by an Old Soldier. l2mo London: published by Bailey 0% Hunt, Fleet Street n. d. kVith a frontispiece. [1807] __//319 A DIoTIoNARY OF THE SLANcr AND CANT LANGUAGES, 4601 Ancient and Modern. By George Andrews, author of “The Frauds of London.” 8vo London: published by George Smeeton, 18, James Street, Covent Garden n. d. Not paged, but sheets B and C of 6 leaves (12 pp. each), including [1809] title and advertisement, and sheet D of 4 leaves (8 pp.), with a coloured folding frontispiece of The Beggar’s Carnival, signed Cruikshank del., and in Mr. Bruton’s copy noted by George Cruikshank to be partly his work. Value, £2. 320 THE JUBILEE OF 1809. 4600 Containing a Poetical Epistle from John Lump to his Brother in Yorkshire, also an Account of the Grand Entertainment at Cabbage Merchants’ Hall. With a coloured caricature print of two of the celebrated City Chaunters. 8vo London: published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories 1809 pp. 1-28, the half title is headed The Jubilee (alias Jew Belly) of 1809. The coloured folding caricature is in two compartments, of “Col. Patty-Pan—Sir John Sugar-Stick,” signed Cruikshank. G. C. has written on Mr. Bruton’s copy “By my father and myself, George Cruikshank.” This is a satire on Birch, the Pastry-cook, in Cornhill, and Eames, a Grocer, who were both volunteer officers. V al-ue, uncut, £2 10s. /_3.21 MURDER OF A CABIN BoY. , 5083 Fairburn’s Edition of the Trial of Capt. J. Sutherland, for the wilful Murder of Richard Wilson, a boy only thirteen years of age, on board “The Friends,” a Transport Brig, lying in the Tagus, off Lisbon. Tried, &c. &c. on Friday, June 23rd, 1809. 8vo London .- published by John Fairburn, 146, Illinories 1809 Half-title, and pp. 1-26, with additional leaf at end not numbered, with an account of the execution, and with a folding frontispiece of the Iliurder, evidently by the father Isaac Cruikshank; but the pictures on the side of the cabin are said to be by G. C. Value, £1 10s. _/3922 THE LIFE AND GLoRIoUs ACHIEVEMENTS 0F SIR JoHN MooRE. 12mo 5232 Published by Smeeton art. With coloured folding frontispiece, I. Cruikshank del., in which [1809] George is said to have assisted. Value, Mr. Braton’s copy, at his sale in 189 7, brought £1 10$. (80) PAMPHLETS—continued. 323 CovENT GARDEN THEATRE. 4603 Remarks on the Cause of the Dispute between the Public and Managers of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, and on their right to raise the Prices of Admission, with a circumstantial account of the Week’s Performances, from the opening of the Theatre on Monday, Sept 18th, until the closing of the same on Saturday, Sept. 23rd, 1809. By John Bull. 12mo London: published by John Fairburn, 146, tllinories 1809 Half-title, and pp. 1-46, with a folding coloured caricature of The House that Jack built, in six compartments, on it is “ Published September 1809 by John Fairburn, 146, M'inories.” The plate is by Isaac, the father, and George. Value, £2 10s. 324 THE RISE, PROGRESS AND TERMINATION or THE 0. P. WAR, in 4604 Poetic Epistles, or Hudibrastic Letters from Ap. Simpkins in Town to his friend Ap. Davies in Wales, 850. 850. By Thomas Tegg. “ Arma virumque cano.” 12mo London .- published by Thomas Tegg, 111, Cheapside 1810 pp. i-xii, 1-180, with one of the plates of The Stroller’s Progress, by G. C. (perhaps with some of his father’s work). It also occurs with a plate Killing no Murder, by Isaac and George Cruikshank. Value, £2. SONG BOOKS BETWEEN THE DATES 1807-1824. 325 FAIREURN’s LAUGHABLE SONGSTER, or High Cockolorum Jig for notin 1807. I 12mo Reid. London: published for John Fairburn, 146, Minories 1807 pp. 1-48, with a coloured frontispiece of Punch and Judy, and a coloured vignette of a laughing head on title, the frontispiece probably by Isaac and George Cruikshank. Value, 15s. 327 SMEETON’S SELECTION of the most Approved Songs for 1809. ' not in Coloured folding frontispiece of The Bull in the China Shop, by Reid. G C 12mo In Mr. Truman’s copy, G. C. has signed it as his work, see Mr. Bruton’s Catalogue, p. 13, lot 98. Published by Smeeton 1809 Value, £1 10s. 326 THE MUSICAL OLIO, or The Songster’s Summer Companion. 12mo 5233 London .- published by J. Evans, No. 3, Sherrard Street, Golden Square 1809 With a cignette title of The Bold Dragoon, and a frontispiece The Mail Coach Guard, the latter signed I. C". Value, £1. ( 81 ) PAMPHLETS—eontinued. THE CONVIVIAL HIVE, or The Songster’s Lyric Fountain. London: printed by and for lValker One of the plates “Von Aulitz the Cobbler” is by G. C. Value, 105. - FAIRBURN’S DASHING SoNGsTER, or High Flying Mail for 1810. London .- published by John Fairburn, 146, M inories pp. 1-44, with a coloured folding frontispiece “A Mail Coach,” signed Cruikshank del., probably Isaac and George Cruikshank. Value, £1. FAIRBURN’S GALLIMANFRY SoNGsTER FoR 1812. Songs sung at Sadler’s Wells, &c. Folding frontispiece of Grimaldi as Clown, in Dulce Domum, by G. C., signed, and one other illustration not by G. C. Value, £2. Published by J. Fairburn FAIRBURN (SEN“.) DASHING SoNG BooK FoR 1813, embellished with the Dash-away-Clown in Harlequin and the Red Dwarf. The vignette, by G. 0., though not signed— Joey on his High-bred Hunter at the Epping Hunt. London: published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Blaekfi'iars (facing the Old Bailey) 328 330 331 Folding coloured frontispiece—- Hoo—haw—There he goes 1 l The etching, by G. C", signed—- Grim Joey dashing Little Boney into the Jaws of the Russian Bear. The above are descriptions of the etched vignette title and frontispiece. There is no printed title. pp. 1-32, in a yellow wrapper, on front cover of which— Fairburn (Senior’s) Dashing Song Book, or Grim J oey’s High Flyer for 1813, embracing a numerous Collection of Dashing, High-flying, Eccentric, Original, Laughable, Burlesque, Light- hearted, Characteristic, Sentimental, Bacchanalian, Gay, Merry, Fashionable, Favourite, and Popular Songs, &c., &c. - Inside front wrapper is an Index to the Songs, and inside the back wrapper “Toasts and Sentiments.” Value, £10. in wrapper, uncut, very rare. 332 FAIRBURN (SEN“.) LAUGHABLE SoNG BooK FOR 1813, embellished with the Laughable Clown and his Pretty Deary. The vignette, by G. 0., not signed-— “ The nearer the Bone. The Sweeter the Flesh.” “ Oh I You dear delicate Barn-door Pullet ! 1” London .- published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill (facing the Old Bailey) The coloured frontispiece— “Whither my Love, ah ! Whither art thou gone 2 ” The etching, by G. 0., not signed— The Spirit overcoming the Flesh, or the Downfall of My Deary. The above are descriptions of vignette title and frontispiece. There is no printed title. G 12mo 4608 [1810] 12mo notin 1810 Reid. not in Reid- 12mo 1812 4631 12mo 1813 4632 121720 1813 (82) 333 334 335 336 337 338 PAMPHLETS—continued. In a yellow wrapper, on the front cover of which— Fairburn (Senior’s) Laughable Song Book, or Momus’s Mart of Merriment for 1813, embracing an extensive Collection of Eccentric, Facetious, Burlesque, Funny, Rum, Queer, Odd, Spirited, Light-hearted, Characteristic, Comic, Sentimental, National, Patriotic, Original, Humorous and Laughable Songs, 850., &c. This is rare, ealue £10. in wrapper, uncut. Pailthorpe has facsimiled the vignette titles and frontispieces of these two pamphlets in two sizes, and has G. C.’s initials in the vignette of the Dashing, and in the frontispiece of the Laugh- able Song Book, which do not occur in the originals which I have, or have seen. THE ODI) FELLow’s SONG BooK, containing a choice collection of favourite and entire New Songs, &c., &c. The whole collected and arranged by a Past Grand of the City and Independent Orders of Odd Fellows. London: published and sold by Duncombe, Jun., 14, St. Martin’s Court, Leicester Square, and 9, Middle Row, Holborn pp. 1-24, with a coloured folding frontispiece, signed G. Ck. fect. Extremely rare, only one other copy known. Value, £8. THE ECCENTRIG SoNG 13001;, or a collection of the most Popular Songs, now singing with great applause at the theatres and most select companies. London .- printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane. pp. 1-48, with a coloured folding frontispiecc of “ Young Bodkin and Molly Jenkins,” signed G. Ck. feet. In a brown pictorial wrapper. Value, the only copy known, £10. THE SINGER’s ANNUAL. Coloured frontispiece by G. 0. not in Reid. 12mo n. ol. not in Reid. 1 6mo n. d. 1 2mo not in Mr. Bruton’s catalogue, p. 13, lot 102. n. d. Reid. Value, £1. THE MINSTREL. Published in parts, some of the plates by G. C. 12mo not in Mr. Bruton’s catalogue, p. 13, lot 102. 1813 Reid. Value, £1. THE TURTLE DovE, 12mo not in Frontispiece by Isaac Cruikshank in which G. C. claims to have Reid. participated. n. d Mr. Bruton’s catalogue, p. 13, no. 103. Value, 10s. FAIRBURN (SENIoR’s) TICKLING SONG BooK FOR 1823, 4809 being a humorous collection of New and Popular Songs. Illus- trated with two coloured plates, drawn and engraued by Mr. Cruikshank. 12mo London: published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. 1823 The two plates are the vignette, “The Irish Wedding ” 3 the frontis- piece, “Are You Good Natured, my dear ‘.2 ” Value, £3. (83) PAMPHLET S — continued. 339 HoDcsoN’s GoLDEN SoNcsTER, 4820 or Theatrical Olio for 1823. By Mr. Bryant of the Eng ‘eh Opera House. l2mo London : printed by and for Hodgson do Co., No. 10, Newgate Street 1823 With a frontispiece of “One Bottle More,” by G. C. Value, £1 10s. 340 THE LINNET, 4830 a choice collection of original Comic Songs. By Mr. Bryant of the English Opera House. 12mo London : published by Hodgson at’ Co., 10, Newgate Street 1824 With folding frontispiece. Value, lbs. 341 FAIRBURN’s JOVIAL SONGSTER, 5257 or, the Clown’s Budget of New Songs, now singing at Sadler’s Wells. 12mo London: published by John Fairburn Jun, No. 7, Fountain Court, IlIinories 1824 l/Vith an etched frontispiece of Grimaldi as clown in Dulce Domum, signed by G. C. Value, £4. 342 FAIRRURN’s NEW CoMIo SoNcr BooK, not in containing about two hundred Songs, with Toasts and Sentiments. 12mo Reid . London: J. Fairburn, 110, flIi'n-ories n. d. pp. 109-216, seems to be a continuation of a series. It has vignette engraved title and frontispiece, both coloured. The former has the vignette, “The Cat and the Kittens”; the frontispiece is in five compartments, the centre one “The Assembly Ball.” They seem to be by George and Robert Cruikshank. Value, £ 1. 343 FAIREURN’s EDITIoN or THE WHoLE PROCEEDINGS of the Electors 4605 of Westminster in Palace Yard, April 17 th, 1810 12mo London: published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories 1810 With frontispiece by G. C. / Value, £2. 17 344 THE TRIUMPH or THE SoNs OF BELIAL, 4607 ' by the Author of “ The Acts of the Apostles.” 12mo London: Printed for IV. Barret, llIo-nkwell Street 1810 With a frontispiece “Sir Francis Burdett taken into Custody on the Speaker’s \Varrant,” signed Cruikshcmk. Value, £2. 345 WALKER’s FULL AoooUNT OF THE ARREsT or SIR FRANoIs BURDETT, 12-mo 4609 with a folding plate “The Arrest of Sir F. Burdett, M.P.” 1810 Cruikshank del. V al-ue, £2. (84) 346 347 348 349 350 THE METHoPoLIs or ENGLAND DISPLAYED, 351 PAMPHLETS—continued. FAIHBUHN’s EDITIoN or MAcNA OHARTA, 4610 or the great Charter of Liberties. 8co London: published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories 1810 pp. 1-40, with a portrait, coloured, of Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. Value, £1. THE IMPROVED ART OF RIDING, n. d. not in exemplified in the following rules, &c., by C. Lloyd and R. [1810]Reid. Symes, Riding Masters. London .- printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane pp. 1-28, with folding plate, with the same title in sin; sulg'ects, no doubt by G. C., one of which seems to be a portrait of himself. Reid gives the plate only at No. 113. Value, £1. LIFE OF DICK TURPIN. 12mo not in With an etched frontispiece of Turpin on horseback stopping a n. d. Reid. Gentle-man also on horseback, signed G. Cruikslutnk. Reid gives the plate at 114. Very rare. Value, £4. THE BATTLE. An important and scientific account of the battle between Cribb and Molyneux, which was fought at Copthall Common, on Tues- day, December 18, 1810, by an amateur, with the challenge from Molyneux to Cribb to fight a second battle, illustrated with striking portraits of the combatants. Printed and published by John Fairburn, No. 2, Broru'licay, Black- friars, near Ludgate Hill pp. 1-24, with a coloured folding frontispiece of the fight between Cribb and IlIolyn-eua, signed G. C’*'. delin. in a yellow wrapper. This is very rare, my own being the only copy known to me. NOTE—This is the first contest between Cribb and MolyneuX. The second fight was also illustrated by G. C. in Boxiana, and also in a separate print. Value, £6. not in 166. 12mo 1810 138 embellished with a characteristic representation of the frauds and deceptions practised in London. London : printed and published by G. Smeeton, 139, St. Martin’s Lane l’Vith a coloured frontispiece, “Picture of London,” signed G. Cruikshank. Very rare. 8vo 1812 Value, £3. REsUEHEoTIoN or PITT. An account of the appearance of a mysterious figure, solemnly asserted by Francis Murray, of Lambeth, to be no other than the Right Honorable \Villiam Pitt, embellished with a caricature engraving. London .- published by J. Fairburn, Broadway, facing the Old Bailey pp. 1-24, with folding frontispiece, coloured, “The Ghost of Pitt,” signed G. Cruikshank feet. Value, £2 108. 4616 8vo 1812 (85) 352 353 354 355 ‘7’. L/eoe 357 358 359 PAMPHLETS—continued. TRIAL OF J. BELLINGHAM for the Murder of the Right Hon. S. Percival. 12mo London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane 1812 pp. i-iv, 3-34, with coloured folding frontispiece of the Murder, signed G. Cruikshank fect. Value, £2 10s. ENGLAND’S PRIME MINISTER MURDERED ; or a detailed narrative of the Assassination of the Rt. Hon. Spenl‘. Percival, by J. Bellingham, on Monday, 11th May, 1812. 12mo London .- printed by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. With a portrait of Mr. Percival and a vignette of the murder, [1812] signed G. Cruikshank feet. It is not certain if this plate was issued with this pamphlet. Value, £3. THE SETTING SUN; or a Little Reason and a Great R - - - - T. A Poem. London .~ printed for the Author and sold by Ill. Jones, Newgate Street, and all booksellers [1812] With a coloured folding frontispiece, “ A Procession from Wales to Manchester Square, by way of Yarmouth,” G. Cruikshank sculpt. Value, £3. MEMOIRS OF A FRENCH OFFICER WHO ESOAPED FROM SLAVERY. 12mo 5237 London : printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane 1812 lVith frontispiece by G. 0. Value, £1 10s. FASHIONABLE SwINDLE. 4620 not in Reid. 4621 8vo 12mo 4624 Published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane [1812] With frontispiece in two compartments-by G. 0. Value £1 10s. ' BAILEY’S BOOK AGAINST CONSUMPTION. 12mo 4625 Published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane. [1812] lVith coloured frontispiece by G. C., viz. A view of Bailey’s Shop. Value, £1 10s. THE SIEGE OF BADAJOZ. 12mo 4627 Published by G. Swain, 53, Newington Causeway, April 30 1812 With a folding frontispiece by G. 0. Value £1 10s. THE LIFE OF GEORGE FREDERIO COOKE, ESQ, 4623 the legitimate Successor to Garrick, Macklin, and Henderson. London: printed and published for the Author by T. Egan, 29, Great Marlborough Street, and sold by all other booksellers 1813 pp. 1-34, with a coloured plate, signed G. Cruikshank del. Value, £2. 8vo (86) 360 THE TAILoRs AND THEIR CABBAGE, 361 362 363 364 365 PAMPHLETS—continued. notin being a particular account of the Cabbage Extraordinary made Reid. by forty-five Tailors in the employ of Mr. John Maberley, Con- tractor for Army Clothing, &c. &c. London .- published by John Pairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill (facing the Old Bailey) pp. 1-16 (with 2 pp. at the end of an advertisement of “ The Meteor,” No. 1), folding frontisp'iece, “Cabbage Extraordinary,” certainly by G. C., though not signed. Published with the plate plain, also coloured. Reid only gives the plate at No. 141. Value £3. THE CABINET or CoMIoALITIEs, by T. Spiller, comedian. Printed by Hay ck Turner, Newcastle Street, Strand ,- published by T. Duncombe, No. 19, Little Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields [1813] IVith 4 coloured plates, 2 of which only by G. C., vie’. “ The Doctor Outwitted ” and “ Billy Dip the Dyer,” both signed G. Cruikshank. Value £3. WILLIAM AND MARIA, notin or Conjugal Fidelity : A Tragic Tale. 12mo Reid. London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. pp. 1-28, with coloured frontispiece. Value, £1 10s. 1813 120720 4629 VALENTINE WRITERS. CUPID’s BAZAAR, or A New Mart for Lovers, wherein is presented a Choice Variety of Valentines adapted for all sorts of customers. 12mo London: printed by E. Langley c6‘ Co., 173, High Street, Borough n. d. pp. 1-32, with acolouredfrontispiece, “Cupid’s Bazaar,” apparently by George and Robert Cruikshank. V alue £2. HYMEN TURNED FIELD MARSHAL to Love’s Army, with a commission to Venus to conquer both sexes, forming a New and Fashionable Valentine writer for either sex. 12mo London: printed by E. Langley ck Co., 173, High Street, Borough n. d. pp. 1-32, with a coloured frontispiece, “Hymen turned Field Marshal,” apparently by George and Robert Cruikshank. Value, £2. UNIoN or LOVE AND TRADE, or complete commercial Valentine Writer for the Present Year. London .- printed and sold by Langley d2‘ 00., No. 173, High Street, Borough n. at. pp. 1-32, with a coloured frontispiece, “Union of Love and Trade,” apparently by George and Robert Cruikshank. Value, £2. notin Reid. not in Reid. 12mo notin Reid. ( 87 ) PAMPHLETS—continued. 366 CUPID’s VAcARIEs, 367 368 369 370 371 or the Lover’s Panorama for St. Valentine’s Day. Verses, with vignette of two hearts tied together, also Cupid’s torch, quiver and arrows. London: printed by and for Hodgson 0% Co., 10, Newgate Street, One Shilling The above is the description on the wrapper. 24 pp. not numbered, but all sheet A. Contains 12 coloured illustrations with letterpress. The first page is a vignette title, “The Lover’s Panorama, or Cupid’s Vagaries on St. Valentine’s Day.” The vignette depicts an officer and a lady seated on a rustic seat embracing one another. The old mother behind holding up her hands. At foot “Published by Hodgson & Co., 10, N ewgate Street. Sixpence.” The Illustrations by George and Robert Cruikshank. In Mr. Truman’s copy the last two illustrations are signed by George Cruikshank as his work. Value, £2 10s. THE LOVER’S PANORAMA, or Cupid's Vagaries on St. Valentine’s Day. Second state of the preceding number, published without the cover, with the price altered from “Sixpence ” to “Shilling” Published by Hodgson c6 Co., 10, Newgate Street Value, £1 10s. THE NEW QUIzzIoAL VALENTINE WRITER FOR THIs PREsENT YEAR, containing a choice selection of original, humourous, and Satirical Valentines, &c. &c. notin Reid. l2mo notin Reid. 12mo London: printed and published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane [1814] pp. 1-24, with a coloured frontispiece entitled, New Quizzical Valentine \Vriter for this Present Year, depicting a sort of clown, with verses of sin lines beneath, commencing, “I am an odd fellow, who wants an odd wife,” (be, signed G. C’‘. Value, £3. THE LovER’s NEw VALENTINE WRITER. Published by Bailey, Holyu'ell Street, Strand [1814] Value, £1 10s. Reid gives this, and the three following very small pamphlets by Bailey, all with frontispieces by G. C., but I have only one of these. THE LovER’s NEW VALENTINE LETTER WRITER. l2mo 4641 161120 4630 London .- printed and published by J. Bailey, Holy/well Street, Strand [1813] Value, 10s. NEW POCKET VALENTINE WRITER FOR THE PRESENT YEAR. 16mo 4661 London: J. Bailey, printer, 116, Chancery Lane. [1815] Value, 10s. THE PooKET VALENTINE WRITER FOR THE PREsENT YEAR. 161720 4669 London: J. Bailey, printer, Chancery Lane [1816] Value, 10s. (88) PAMPHLETS—continued. 373 GUPID TURNED DANDY, 4658 or the Modern Mania. A Valentine Writer. 12mo London .- printed and published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane [1815] With frontispiece in two compartments, one over the other, via. “A Handy Dandy,” the other “ A Dandiyette with trimmings.” Value, £2. 374 THE MAGNET OF LovE, ' 5241 or Cupid’s Discovery. A new and superior Valentine Writer. 12mo London: printed and published by J. Fairburn, 110, Minories n. d. With a frontispiece. Value, £1 103. 375 THE MoDERN QUIZZIGAL VALENTINE WRITER: notin a first-rate collection of humourous, satirical and comic Reid. valentines, mostly original. 8220 London .- Thomas Dean cf: Co., Threadneedle Street [1840] pp. 3-18, with a coloured folding frontispiece, probably by G. C. Value, 10s. 376 FAIRBURN (SENIoR’s) AccoUNT OF THE HoRRID MURDER OF MR. 4633 and Mrs. Bonar at their country seat at Chislehurst, Kent, which was perpetrated in their bed-room by their own footman, with a poker, early in the morning of Monday, May 31, 1813. Including the evidence before the Coroner’s Inquest, &c. &c. With a plate, representing the affecting scene, when their son (Colonel of the Kent Loyal Militia) first viewed the bodies of his murdered parents. 12mo London: published by John Eairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill (facing the Old Bailey) 1813 pp. 1-24. The folding plate is by G. C., though not signed, but Mr. Truman has a copy of the plate only, signed by G. C. himself. The room in which the murder was committed is the identical one in which Napoleon III. died. Mr. Bruton’s is supposed to be the only one of the pamphlet complete. Value, £6. 377 A TREAT FOR THE FUNNY; or Dr. Kill-Grief’s New Budget of 4635 Wit, &c. 12mo London : printed and sold for G. Flor, 41, Ironmonger Bow n. d. With frontispiece by G. C., “ Xantippe emptying the contents of [1813] a utensil on the head of Socrates.” The plate has been faesimiled by Pailthorpe. Rare oalue, £4. 378 PART THE FIRsT OF THE PATRIoTIc GLEANINGs, 4636 by-John Bull’s Watchman. 12mo London : printed for J. Russell, 51, Swallow Street n. d. With a frontispiece which has “Etched by George Cruikshank,” the [1813] subject shows the ruinous costs incurred by going to law. Value, £4. (89) PAMPHLETS—eontinued. 379 THE HISTORY OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE COSSACKS, 4638 also the Life of the brave Hettman of the Cossacks, Count Platoff. 12mo London .- printed and published by G. Smeeton, 139, St. Martin’s n. ol. Lane, and sold by all Booksellers [1813] With a fine coloured frontispiece, in an ornamental border, of a charge of Cossacks on the French, undoubtedly by G. 0., though not signed. Very rare. Value, £10. 380 PROPHECIES OF ROBERT DIXON, notin the celebrated Cheshire Prophet, from Lady Cowper’s correct Reid. copy in the reign of Queen Anne, also an account of his life and death. , 12mo London .- printed and sold by Dean do Munday, 35, Threadneedle Street n. d. pp. 5-28, with coloured frontispiece, undoubtedly by G. 0., though not signed. This pamphlet is not in Reid, though he gives, at No. 760, “ A Chamber with a Vaulted Roof,” which seems to be the plate. Value, £2. 381 FAIRBURN (SENIOR’S) EDITION OF THE TRIAL OF JAMES LEARY 4634 for the Wilful Murder of Edward Clifford, &c., with a plate representing the horrid scene. 8vo London : published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill (facing the Old Bailey) 1813 pp. i-ii, 1-26, the plate, “Murder of Clifford,” by G. 0". Value, uncut, £2. 382 A SECOND EDITION OF THE PREOEDING, 8vo 4634 with a plate by G. C. differently treated, in which the murderer 1813 has thrown his victim on the ground. Signed G. Cruikshank feet. Value, £2. 383 THE SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF A FEMALE HUSBAND, 4637 containing the whimsical amours, curious incidents, and diabolical tricks of Miss M. Hamilton, alias Mr. S. Hamilton. 12mo Printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. pp. 1-24, with a coloured folding frontispiece by G. C., headed, [1813] Mary Hamilton. Value, £3. 384 FAIRBURN’S EDITION OF THE PROPHE'IESS, 4640 containing impartial and authentic facts concerning Joanna Southcott’s miraculous conception. 12mo London: printed and published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill n. d. With a portrait of Joanna. On the wrapper is Southeott and [1814] Shiloh. Value, £3. <90) 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 PAMPHLETS—continued. AFFECTING HIsTORY OF MRs. HOWE, the Wife of a British Oflicer in America, who, after seeing her husband murdered, was, with her seven children, seized by the Indians, and after enduring shocking hardships, was restored to her country, &c. 12mo London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. pp. 1-28, with coloured folding frontispiece. [1814] Value, £2. CONFESSIONS OF A GENTLEMAN CONVIOT, notin written during a residence at Botany Bay, &c. 12mo Reid. London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. pp. 1-28, with coloured folding frontispiece. [1814] Value, £2. THE UNOOMMON TRAvELs OF WILLIAM DAvIs AND J OSEPH MORGAN through the Unknown Tracts Of Africa, with the manner how Morgan lived eight years on an uninhabited spot, having sus- tained many dangerous attacks from the wild beasts and savages. Returned safe to London after having spent many years in those extensive regions. 12mo London .- printed and published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. pp. 1-28, with coloured folding frontispiece, signed Cruikshank feet. [1814] Value, £1 10s. not in Reid. notin Reid. HAMMERsMITH MONSTERS 3 4644 or Trial of \Villiam Cannon, John Cannon, &c. 12mo London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. With coloured folding frontispiece by G. C. [1814] Value, £1 103. THE LIFE AND EXPLOITS OF THE C-ELEBRATED ROGER BAOON, 4645 the Oxford Friar, containing particulars of his education, he studies the Black Art, &c. 12mo London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. pp. 1-36, with folding plate by G. C., not signed. [1814] Value, £2 THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE AND WONDERFUL DEATH OF DOOTOR notin FAUSTUS, containing all his acts Of Necromancy from the time Reid. of his selling himself to Lucifer, to his miserable end at the expiration of that term. 12mo London .- printed for J. Harrison, 26, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields n. d. pp. 1-28, with coloured frontispiece, “The Infernal Spirits [1814] visiting Dr. Faustus,” signed G. Cruikshank del. Value, £2 10s. THE REMARKABLE LIFE OF DR. FAUsTUs, relating the diabolical not in means by which he raised the Devil, &c., &c. 12mo Reid. London .- printed and sold by Dean ck Mundy, Threadneedle Street n. d. pp. 5-28, with coloured plate, by G. C., of “Lastly, the Devil appeared like a Grey Friar and asked Faustus his request.” Value, in wrapper, £3. ( 91 ) PAMPHLETS—continued. 392 THE WONDERFUL LIFE oF DR. FAUsTUs, the Celebrated Astro- not in loger and Enchanter. With frontispiece. 12mo Reid. London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane n. d. Value, £2. 393 CRIM. CoN. !! DAMAGES FIFTEEN THoUsAND PoUNDs. not in Fairburn (Senior’s) Edition of the Trial between Lord Rose- Reid. bery and Sir Henry Mildmay, for Criminal Conversation with the Plaintiif’s Wife, &c., &c. 8vo Second Edition, containing the Love Letters. London .' published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1814 pp. 1-48, with folding plate, “ Scene in the Red Bed Room be- tween a Primrose and a Rose~bery in the arms of Mild-may,” not signed, but by G. C. Reid gives the plate but not the pamphlet. Value, £2 10s. . 394 £15,000 DAMAGES—CRIM. CON. The Earl of Rosebery versus Sir 4649 H. Mildmay, M.P., &c., &c. 12mo London .- printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane 1814 pp. 3-28, with folding plate, by G. C., dijferent from the last number. Value, £2. 395 A PAMPHLET on the subject of the Restoration of Louis XVIII, with not in frontispiece, “The Entrance of Louis XVIII into Paris.” Reid. Published by P. Egan, 29, Great Marlborough Street n. d. Reid describes the plate at No. 322. Not known to me. 396 AN ACCoUNT OF THE WoNDERFUL PREsERvATIoN oF THE CREW 4650 of the “Nelly and Betty,” 06? Whitehaven, Dec. 22, 1814. 12mo With a folding frontispiece. 1814 Value, 10s. 397 WHIMSICALITIES oF LoNDoN. 12mo 4652 London: published by Duncombe Senior, 19, Little Queen Street, . Holborn [1814] kVi-th frontispiece of an Irish Piper playing before a cabin. Value, £1. 398 ST. PAUL’s ELOQUENT AND NOBLE DEFENCE 011‘ THE GosPEL, 4653 in his three celebrated Speeches, by Mr. John Fellows. l2mo London .- printed for H. Hogg & Co., No. 16, Paternoster Row n. d. lVith etched frontispiece. [1814] Value, 10s. 399 ALADDIN AND THE WoNDERFUL LAMP. l2mo 5242 London .- printed and sold by Dean it’ Munday, Threadneedle Street n. d. With a coloured folding frontispiece, containing three subjects by G. C. Value, £2. 400 ALADDIN, on THE WONDERFUL LAMP. not in On which is founded the Romantic Melodrama now performing Reid. at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, with unbounded applause. 12mo Embellished with a coloured frontispiece. London .- published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill n. d. pp. 1-36. The coloured frontispiece, signed G. C"' feet. This is very rare, the only one known to me. Value, £4. <92) 401 402 403 404 406 407 408 PAMPHLETS—continued. EEEEcT or J EALoUsY. 4654 Trial of Thomas Bedworth for the awful murder of Elizabeth Beesmore, taken in shorthand by J. A. Dowling, illustrated with a plan of the horrid scene. 12mo Published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1815 With a folding frontispiece. The plate, though not signed, is undoubtedly by G. C. 'It has been facsimiled by Pailthorpe so admirably that it can hardly be distinguished from the genuine one, except by minute com- parison. My copy has G.-C.’s initials in ink by himself. Value, £5. JAcK THE GIANT KILLER, 5243 embellished with engravings. 12mo London .- printed and sold by Dean e9 Munday, Threadneedle Street n. d. With a folding frontispiece. Value, £1 10s. A CRAP BooK. 12mo not in Published by J. Bailey, 118, Chancery Lane n. d. Reid. With afrontispiece of Death appearing to First Robber. On authority of Reid only, who gives the plate at No. 430. A PAMPHLET RELATING To THE CoRN LAW RIoTs. not in With a frontispiece, “The Mob ransacking Mr. Robinson’s 12mo Reid. House in Burlington Street,” it is signed G. Clz n. d. Reid gives the plate at N o. 463. Value, £2. THE RoYAL LoGGERHEADs, 4655 or the Congress of State Tinkers, a Poem, by Peter Pindar. 8120 London: by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill n. d. With large coloured folding frontispiece by G. C., “The Bungling [1815] Tinkers.” Value, £3. THE TRADING BEGGARs EXPOSED. 4657 Extracts from the House of Commons Report. 8220 London: printed by W. Smith do Go, and sold at No. 6, Gilbert’s n. d. Passage, Portugal Street [1815] With a frontispiece. Value, £1 10s. DADDY GANDERs’ ENTERTAINING FAIRY TALEs, 4660 with a coloured folding Frontispiece containing Two Subjects. 16mo London: printed for Dean d5" Munday, Threadneedle Street n. d. Value, £2. [1815] THE ART or MAKING FIREwoRKs, 4662 made plain and easy, &c., &c., by T. Angelo, formerly of the Royal Laboratory, Woolwich. 12mo London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane [1815] pp. 1-28, with coloured folding frontispiece by G. C. Value, £1 10s. (93) PAMPHLETS—continued. 409 THE JUVENILE BOOK FOR MAKING FIREWORKS. 12mo 4663 Bailey ck Co., 13, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street [1815] With folding frontispiece. A copy of the plate in the last number reversed. Value, £1. 410 A POLITICAL LECTURE ON HEADS, ALIAS BLOCKHEADS. 4664 A Characteristic Poem, by Don Juan Asmodeus. 8vo pp. 1-44, with folding frontispiece, containing ten woodcut illustra- tions by G. 0., sometimes coloured. London: printed for the Author, and published by John Fairburn, n. d. 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill [1815] Value, uncoloured, 12s. 5 coloured, £1. 411 AN INTERESTING AND FAITHFUL ACCOUNT OF GEORGE WILSON, 4665 now Performing the Grand Walking Match on Blackheath, commenced on Monday, September 11th, 1815. 12mo Published by T. Batchelar, 115, Long Alley, Moorfields, London 1815 With a view of Blackheath and Wilson walking. Value, £1 108. 412 AN ADDRESS To THE MAGISTRATES OF GREENWICH, notin - upon the Arrest of Wilson, the Pedestrian, to which is added a Reid. narrative of the particulars of this unprecedented exploit until stopped by the magistrates. 8vo Embellished with a coloured likeness of Wilson taken on the spot London: printed by W ooler (k 00., 11, Bridges Street, Covent Garden 1815 pp. 1-24, with a coloured frontispiece of Wilson, appears to be by G. 0., though not signed. _ ' Value, £1 10s. 413 MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND EXPLOITS OF GEORGE WILSON, not in the Celebrated Pedestrian, &c. &c. 12mo Reid. London : printed and sold by Dean db M unday, 35, Threadneedle Street 1815 pp. 5-30, with a coloured frontispiece of Wilson walking. Value, £1 108. 414 THE TRIAL OF LORD COCHRANE, 4667 at Guildford, August 17th, 1816, &c. &c. 8vo With a portrait of Lord Cochrane. London .- published by W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street 1816 pp. 1-16, with coloured portrait, undoubtedly by G. 0., though not signed. Value, £1 10s. 415 THE IMPORTANT TRIAL AT KINGSTON ASSIZES, April 5th, 1816. See 4668 London .- printed for W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street 1816 With a portrait. Value, £1 10s. (94) 416 417 418 419 420 PAMPHLETS—continued. TRIALs FOR MURDER, 5247 at Kingston Lent Assizes, 1816. Richard Russel for the murder of his Father at Thames Ditton, on October the 26th, 1815. 12rno London: printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane 1816 pp. 1-24, with folding coloured frontispiece of “Richard Russel, the Parricide, destroying his Father,” by G. C., though not signed. Rare. Value, £2 10s. HONE’s INTERESTING HISTORY 4670 of the Memorable Blood Conspiracy, &c. &c. 8vo London .- printed for IVilliam Hone, 55, Fleet Street 1816 pp. 1-32, with a portrait of Macdaniel. Geo. Cruikshank fecit. Value, £1. MARRIAGE: A DIDAoTIc POEM, 4671 embellished with 2 engravings in the style of Hogarth. 12mo London .- printed by J. Gillet, Crown Court, Fleet Street 1816 2 illustrations, both signed “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” vie. “False Decency” and “ Friendly Consolation.” Value, £2. TOM KING’s DROLL COLLECTION OF ODDITIEs, not in containing a Pillory Conversation by Peter Pindar. 12mo Reid. London .- printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane [1816] pp. 1—28, with coloured etching, above it, “ Tom King’s Oddities,” below it, “A Scene at Billingsgate,” signed G. Cruikshank del. Pailthorpe has fac-similed the plate, but it is inscribed, “Lady and Fishwoman.” It may have been taken from a copy with the description cut Off. The pamphlet given by Reid at N o. 4673 is a different one, with Mason’s imprint, and the plates not by G. C. Value, £2 108. THE CRUELTIES OF THE ALGERINE PIRATES, showing the present dreadful state of the English Slaves and other Europeans, by Capt. Walter Croker, with an engraving. London: printed for IV. Hone, 55, Fleet Street pp. 1-16, a tinted etched frontispiece in two compartments, signed G. Cruikshank fee, and entitled “ Christian Slavery at Algiers.” Value, £2. BERTRAM, OR THE CAsTLE OF ST. ALDOBRAND. London: printed for W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street pp. 5-28, engraved vignette title and frontispiece, both coloured, which count as pp. 1-4. The vignette is signed “ G. Cruikshank feet,” the frontispiece “G. Ck.” In this, which is the first state, Bertram’s arms are bare to the shoulders, the body of the dress above the waist seems to be the same as his skirt, which latter has no buttons, and the ground behind him is not filled in with lines. The vignette has no lettering beneath, except G. C.’s signature, and there is no castle on the rock to the right. At p. 26 is the postscript, which says, “The foregoing story is the subject of a tragedy now performing at Drury Lane.” At p. 28 is an advertisement relating to the plates. Issued in a yellow wrapper, which has many of Hone’s advertisements. Value, very rare, in wrapper, £5. 4674 8vo 1816 127720 4676 1816 (95> PAMPHLETS—continued. 422 HoNE’s POPULAR CABINET EDITION. 4676 BERTRAM, or the Castle of St. Aldobrand, being 21. Romance of the Tragedy, by the Rev. R. C. Maturin (then the vignette). l2mo London .~ printed for William Hone, 55, Fleet Street 1816 pp. 5-28. The frontispiece and vignette title count as pp. 1-4. This is the second issue of the hook, the same year, 1816. The last page is blank, without any reference to the plates. Page 26 has postscript, viz. “The foregoing story is the subject of a tragedy first performed at Drury Lane.” The vignette on title has underneath the words, “Count Bertram’s Shipwreck,” and there is a castle on the rock to the right. The figure of Bertram on frontispiece has the shoulders clothed, though the arms are bare, a cuirass is substituted for the body of the dress, and differently coloured; there are buttons on the skirt, and the ground at the back is filled in with lines, so also one of the rocks. Value, very rare, fine copy, £4. W423 HoNE’s POPULAR CABINET EDITION, 4677 GUY MANNERING, the Astrologer or the Prophecy of Meg Merrilees, the Gipsy. l2mo London: printed for IV. Hone, 55, Fleet Street 1816 Engraved vignette title, as above, and frontispiece, both coloured. pp. 5—2 2, the vignette title and frontispiece counting as pp. 1-4. The vignette on engraved title is Dominie Sampson “ Pro- digious.” The frontispiece is Meg Merrilees. They are both undoubtedly by G. C., though the frontispiece only is signed. Pages 27-8 have the postscript with verses of a song, and a reference to the plates. Issued in a brown wrapper, with many of Hone’s advertisements. Value, £3 10s. 424 RESIST, OR BE RUINED. 4678 The Property Tax must be abolished now, or a State Inquisition Will be established in England for ever, &c. &c. 8vo London : printed for IV. Hone, 55, Fleet Street 1816 pp. 1-32, and folding frontispiece, by G. C., signed, “The Property Tax for Ever.” Value, £1 10s. 425 THoRNToN’s SECOND TRIAL, Part I. 4691 Fairburn’s Edition of the whole proceedings of the Writ of Appeal by William Ashford against Abraham Thornton, &c. &c. Illustrated with a Portrait of Thornton, drawn and engraved by T. R. Cruikshank, also a correct view of the Spot, 850. 8vo London .- published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1817 Leaf of title and pp. 66-120. The view of the spot of the murder, signed G. C". fee, at p. 87. Value, £2. (96> 426 427 '*~—428 T‘_-'429 430 431 PAMPHLETS—contin ued. PAMPHLETS RELATING TO THE PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. 4692 12mo 1817 AN AUTHENTIO AccoUNT OF THE FUNERAL AND INTERMENT OF her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte, by M. Boscawen. London .- published by Walker db Mason, No. 1, Creed Lane With a frontispiece. Value, £1. THE LIFE, AOOOUOHEMENT, AND DEATH OF THE PRINoEss Charlotte, with portrait taken from her Death-bed, &c. &c. London: printed and published by Hay ct Turner, 11, Newcastle Street, Strand pp. 1-24, the portrait of the Princess upon her death-bed, signed G. C". Value, £1 10s. HONE’S EDITION: The whole of the Burial Procession and Obsequies. A most Correct Account of the Funeral of the Princess Charlotte. London: printed by and for W. Hone, 67, Old Bailey (three doors from Ludgate Hill) 1817 pp. 1-16, with folding plate of the funeral procession, signed G. Cruikshank fec. Value, £1. MEMoIRs oF THE LIFE AND DEATH OF THE LATE LAMENTED notin Princess Charlotte, &c. &c. 12mo Reid. London .- printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane 1817 pp. 1-28, with a folding frontispiece, Cruikshank fec. 4693 8vo 1817 4695 8vo Value, 5s. MEMOIRS OF PRINOE LEOPOLD, notin from his first arrival in England, &c. &c. 8vo Reid. London: printed by and for William Hone, 67, Old Bailey 1817 pp. 1-16, with a portrait of the Prince, sketched and engraved by G. Cruikshank, and a woodcut vignette on title. Value, 155. A NEW RAGE OF CONTEMPTIBLESll 4698 Dandiana, or a Looking-glass for the Dandies, &c. &c. &c., embellished with a coloured caricature of “ The Dandy Exquisite, or King of the Dandies.” 8vo London: printed and published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1817 pp. 1-16, the illustration probably by G. C. Value, £1 10s. DANDYMANIA, notin being a Dissertation on Modern Dandies, humbly dedicated to Reid. all the Dandies, but more especially to those exquisites, the Stamford Dandy ! the Amateur Dandy ! and the Great Dandy- ( 97 ) PAMPHLETS—continued. Lion ! Embellished with a coloured likeness of a genuine well- known Dandy. London .- published by Duneombe ch 00., 19, Little Queen Street, Holborn pp. 1-18, with a coloured portrait of A Genuine Dandy, a sign- board points to l/Voreester. This is unsigned by the artist. Reid, at No. 616, gives the plate as signed G. 0k., and says it is the frontis- piece to Dandiana, which it is not. A plate exists, signed as Reid says, but the copies which I have seen seem to be modern, and I think the G. Ck. has been added. The plate in the book I am describing certainly has not G. C.’s initials, and the work seems to be more that of Robert than of George. Value, £1 10s. 433 THE FATAL VESPERS. A true and full narrative of that signal 4697 judgement of God upon the Papists, by Samuel Clark, Pastor of Bennet Fink. sm. 4to London .- printed by T. O. for John Rothwel, at the Fountain in Cheapside 1657 5 reprinted by G. Smeeton, St. Martin’s Church Yard, Charing Cross 1817 pp. 1-14, and frontispiece, a copy of an old print, G. Cruikshank sculp. Value, 5s. 434 THE SURPRISING TRAVELS AND ADVENTURES OF THE RENOWNED 121720 4694 Baron Munchausen. WVith a frontispiece by G. C. n. d. London .- printed and sold by Dean at Munday, Threadneedle Street [1817] Value, £1. 435 DANDYISM DISPLAYED, OR THE FOLLIES OF THE TON, &c. notin with four Likenesses of Celebrated Dandies, by Cruikshank. 12mo Reid. Dandi, Dando, Dandum.—Gerunds. London .- G. Duneombe, Book and Music Seller, 19, Little Queen Street, Holborn n. d. pp. 5-28, with frontispiece, containing four figures. Value, 10s. 436 ACCOUNT OF THE DREADFUL MURDER OF THE UNFORTUNATE 4700 MARY MINTING. \Vith a frontispiece by G. C. Mine is Signed in ink by him. 12mo London: printed and published by G. Smeeton, 17, St. M artin’s n. d. Lane, Charing Cross [1818] Value, £2. 437 GLENWAR, THE SCOTTISH BANDIT: A Tale of Former Times, 121120 4706 interspersed with Original Poetry, by an Etonian. n. d. London .- printed and sold by Dean Iliunday, Threadneedle Street [1818] pp. 5-28, with frontispiece by G. 0. Value, £1 103. 438 THE FREE-BORN ENGLISHMAN, Deprived of his Seven Senses by 4715 the operation of the Six New Acts of the Boroughmongers. A Poem by Geoffrey Gag-em-all. (Eight lines of Verse). Illustrated with an appropriate Caricature Plate. 8vo London: printed and published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1819 pp. 1-16, with coloured folding plate by G. 0., though not signed. Value, £2. H (98) 439 440 441 443 444 446 " “B447 PAMPHLETS— continued. PATRIOT ALLEGORY, by Peregrine Castigator. Published for A. Beugo, IlIaiden Lane, Covent Garden With frontispiece, A Political Squib on the Westminster Election. Covent Garden, 3 March, 1819. A. Beugo inv., G. Cruikshank fec. Value, £2. THE UNFORTUNATE LOVERS, or the affecting History of Selim and Almena. With frontispiece by G. C. London: printed and sold by Dean ck Munday, Threadneedle Street Value, £1. THE HISTORY OF POOR BOB THE CHIMNEY SWEEPER. Published by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street Coloured folding frontispiece by G. C., three subjects in a row on one sheet, vie. Pretty Bob—Poor Bob—Bandy Bob. Reid gives the plate at NO. 87 3, but not the pamphlet. Mr. Bruton’s copy, at his sale (p. 31, lot 270), seems to be the only one known, and fetched £5 5s. THE RADICAL LADDER, or Hone’s Political Ladder, and his Non Mi Ricordo. London: printed by B. Gray, published by W. Wright, Fleet Street With coloured etching, “The Radical Ladder,” from “ The Loyalist’s Magazine.” Value, £1. THE ROYAL INVESTIGATION, and Radical Non Mi Ricordo. London: printed by R. Gray, published by W. Wright, Fleet Street With coloured frontispiece, “ The Funeral Pile,” from “ The Loyalist Magazine.” Value, £1. THE. ROYAL WANDERER BEGUILED ABROAD, and reclaimed at home. London : printed by R. Gray, published by W. I/Vright, Fleet Street With coloured frontispiece, “Mother Red Cap Public House,” from “ The Loyalist Magazine.” Value, £1. CATO STREET CONSPIRATORS, a correct narrative of the Events which led to the detection of the Conspirators, &c. &c. London: published by J. Bailey, Printer, Chancery Lane pp. 1-24, with a coloured folding frontispiece by G. C., though not signed. Value, £2. . THE TRIAL OF THIsTLEwOoD, WILLIAM DAVIDSON, &c. &c., at the Justice Hall, Old Bailey. London .- printed and published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane With a portrait. Value, 10s. v THE RADICALS UNMASKED AND UPROOTED IN CATO FIELD. London : printed by G. Greenland, 3, Finsbury Place pp. 1-16, with woodcut on title and a coloured frontispiece, G. Cruikshank fecit. Value, £1. 12mo 4718 1819 12mo 4719 n. d. 1819 8vo notin 1819 Reid. 4739 8vo 1820 8vo 4744 1820 4749 1820 4753 12mo 1820 5249 8vo 1820 12mo 4752 1820 (99) PAMPHLETSflcontinued. 448 MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF HER LATE MOsT EXCELLENT MAJESTY 4756 CAROLINE, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. l2mo London: published by Duncombe, 19, Little Queen Street, Holborn 1820 With a frontispiece. Value, 5s. 449 CROCKERY’s MIsFORTUNEs OR TRANSMOGRIFICATIONS: A Burletta notin in one Act. Performed for the first time on Monday, July 11th, Reid. 1821, at the Royal Cobourg Theatre, to which is added the celebrated Comic Medley sung by Mr. Sloman. 8vo London .- printed for John Lowndes, 36, Bow Street, Covent Garden 1821 pp. 1-18, with coloured frontispiece of Mr. Sloman, by G. C. My copy has his signature in ink, G. Ck, with a note in pencil by Dr. Riggall that it was signed for him. Value, £3. 450 THE SPITALFIELDS WEAVER, or Tom Shuttle and Blousalinda, a notin dolorous ditty. 12mo Reid. With coloured frontispiece, on which G. C. has written, “By Robert Cruikshank, but some of my work in it.” .Mr. Bruton’s catalogue, p. 13, No. 98. n. d. Value, £1 10s. 451 ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEvEs. 12mo notin Dean c6" Munday, Threadneedle Street n. d. Reid. With a coloured frontispiece by G. C. [1822] In the collection of Captain Galloway. Value, £2. 452 TOM THUMB. l2mo not in Dean cf; Munday, Thread-needle Street n. d. Reid. With a coloured folding frontispiece, in three compartments, the [1822] first and third by G. C., the second by Robert Cruikshank. In the collection of Captain Galloway. Value, £2. 453 JACK IN THE BEAN STALK. 12mo notin Dean cf; Munday, Threadneedle Street n. d. Reid. Coloured frontispiece, in three compartments, all by G. C. [1822] In the collection of Captain Galloway. Value, £2. 455 OLD MOTHER HUBBARD AND HER Doc. 12mo notin London .- published by Dean d" Munday, Threadneedle Street n. d. Reid. It says “Embellished with sixteen coloured engravings,” [1822] but there are only fifteen, with one repeated on wrapper. Value, £1. 456 BEAUTY AND THE BEAsT, or the Magic Rose. With frontispiece. 12mo 4776 Dean ob Munday, Threadneedle Street n. d. Value, £1. [1822] 454 ' BLUE BEARD. With eight coloured Illustrations. l2mo not in London: Orlando Hodgson, 10, Cloth Fair, West Smithfield[n. dJReid. 1822 Value, 10s. (100) 457 458 459 460 461 PAMPHLETS—continued. HIsTORY OF WHITTINGTON AND we OAT. 12rno notin Dean ck Munday, Threadneedle Street [1822] Reid. With coloured folding frontispiece. On Mr. Bruton’s copy G. C. has written, “Designed and etched by Geo. and Robert Cruikshank.” Value, £2. INVESTIGATION AT ILOHEsTER GAOL, notin in the County of Somerset, into the Conduct of William Bridle, Reid. the Gaoler. 8vo London: printed and published by Thomas Dolby, 299, Strand 1821 pp. i-viii, 1-27 6, with 6 portraits, one of them, the frontispiece, a portrait of Bridle, is by G. .C. The other portraits, or some of them, seem to be by R. C. Reid gives the plate only at No. 966'. Value, £1. A PEEP INTO A PRIsON, notin or the inside of Ilchester Bastile. 8vo Reid. London .- printed and published by Thomas Dolby, 299, Strand 1821 pp. 1-24, with a folding frontispiece by G. C., of a room in the gaol where prisoners are undergoing difierent punishments, and entitled “A Peep into Ilchester Bastile.” Value, 10s. THE NORTHERN ExoURsION 4779 of Geordie, Emperor of Gotham, and Sir \Villie Curt—his, the Court Bufl’oon, &c. &c. 8vo London: printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, i Ludgate Hill 1822 pp. 1-48, with a coloured frontispiece, “Geordie and Willie keeping it up.” THE SECOND AOT OF KILTs AND PHILIBEGS, 4780 Or Geordie and his Northern Lassie, &c. &c. (a second part of preceding number). 8vo London: printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1822 pp. 1-48, with coloured frontispiece, “Turtle doves and turtle soup.” Value of the two parts, £3 ,' uncut, £5. The second part is rare. THE GREEN MONSTER, notin or Ladies’ Man 0’ Metal, Reid. erected in Hide (sic) Park in honour of Paddy O’ Killus l 1 Their Fancy Man. A Poem, by Quiz Quoz Funnydos, Esq., Poet Laureate to the Ladies. (Twelve lines of verse). 8vo London .- printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate. Hill. Price One Shilling and Sixpence 1822 pp. 1-28, with a coloured frontispiece of “Ladies buy your leaf,” signed “ G. Cruik.,” in an olive-coloured wrapper, on the front of which is a plain impression of the frontispiece. Extremely rare in a perfect state with the wrapper 3 my Own the only copy I have seen. Value, in wrapper, £5. (101) PAMPHLETS —continued. 463 SADLER’S WELLS, 4783 the Songs, Parodies, &c., introduced in the new Pedestrian, Equestrian Extravaganza and operatic Burletta, in three Acts of Gaiety, Frisk, Lark and Patter, called Tom and Jerry, or Life in London, written by Pierce Egan, with the address by T. Greenwood, spoken by Mrs. Egerton, on the opening of Sadler’s Wells, Monday, April 8, 1822. 8vo London .- printed for P. Egan, and published by Sherwood, Neely ct Jones, Paternoster Row 1822 Embellished with a highly-finished coloured plate of the pony races, taken from the P. S. of the house, by Mr. George Cruikshank. Value, very rare, £6. 464 MORGAN’S DIRECTIONS FOR BREEDING GAME COCKS. 12mo 4784 With a coloured plate of “ The Royal Cockpit.” [1822] Value, £1 10s. 465 THE RoUND-oF-BEEF PARSON, 4785 Fairburn’s edition of the Trial between James Sharpe and the Rev. Thomas Vialls. 8vo London .- printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1822 pp. 1-24, with coloured etched frontispiece, signed “G. Cruik. fee.” Value, £2. 466 THE POLITICAL AND PRIVATE LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF LONDON- 4786 DERRY, &c. &c., including most important and authentic Particulars of his last Moments and Death, by T. P. Fitzgerald, Esq. 8vo London .- printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1822 pp. 1-32, with a coloured frontispiece by G. 0., though not signed, of “Death of the Marquis of Londonderry.” Pailthorpe has copied this plate in fac-simile, but it differs from the original, with other variations, in wanting the hyphen between the words “Arm” and “’Tis”5 it also has not the imprint. Value, uncut, £3. 467 BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL ADDENDA TO THE LIFE OF THE 4794 LATE THOMAS COUTTS, ESQ. 8vo London : printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill [1822] With a portrait of Mr. Coutts by G. C. 468 FACETIANA, OR RESERVOIR OF WIT. 8vo 4795 John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1822 This was advertised in the nos. of Life in Paris, also in Kilts and Philibegs, to appear on 1st December, 1822 5 but it is doubtful if it was ever issued. 469 MAGNA CHARTA: THE BILL OF RIGHTS, wITH THE PETITION 0F 12mo 4822 RIGHT. - London: printed and published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane [1823] pp. 1-28, with woodcut frontispiece, coloured, by G. 0. Value, £1. . (102) PAM PHLETS—continued. 4“, 470 DIVINE AND MORAL SONGS, by 1. Watts, D.D. 12-mo 4803 London .- printed by T. Harvey, 22, Blackfriars Road, for R. Franey 1823 With coloured folding frontispiece, in sin compartments; they are sometimes divided. Value, £2. 471 DOLLY AND THE RAT, OR THE BRISKET FAMILY, notin a Burlesque, Tragic, Comic, Operatic Parody on the Maid and Reid. Magpie, now performing at the Olympic Theatre. 8vo London: printed and published by Duncombe, 10, Little Queen Street, Holborn 1823 pp. 1-28, with coloured frontispiece of “Mr. Vale as Dickey Scrag,” signed G. C". Reid, at NO. 4808, gives Mathews’ Memorandum Book, and says it has Dolly and the Rat, but I think this is a mistake ,' he also gives the plate at No. 1157. Value, £2. J47 2 THE PIRATE. 12mo notin Published by Joseph and H. W. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane [1823] Reid. With a coloured folding frontispiece of Captain Cleveland, assisted by Mertoun, rescuing Minna from the Pirates, Cruik- shanks fee. A very good etching by George and Robert Cruikshank. Value, £2 10s. ‘yd-473 THE DEATH OF LIFE IN LONDON, 4811 Or Tom and J erry’s Funeral, an entirely new Satirical Burlesque Operatic Parody, &c., Performed &c. &c., on Monday, June 2, 1823, written by T. Greenwood, Esq. 8vo Printed for John Lowndes, 36, Bow Street, Covent Garden 1823 pp. 1-20, with coloured folding plate of Tom and J erry’s Funeral, signed G. C". Value, very rare, £4. 474 THE IRISH FREEBOOTER, 4804 or Surprising Adventures of Captain Redmond O’Hanlan, a celebrated robber. 12mo London: printed by and for Hodgson dZ' Co., 10, Newgate Street [1823] pp. 1-24, with coloured folding plate 0 “ The Irish Freebooter,” not signed, but undoubtedly by G. C. Value, £3. “47 5 JEALOUSY ExEMPLIFIED IN THE AWFUL, TRAGIOAL AND BLOODY 4810 History of the Lives and untimely deaths of Othello and Desdemona. 12mo London .- printed by and for Hodgson ck Co., No. 10, Newgate Street 1823 pp. 1-24, with folding coloured plate of “Murder of Desdemona,” signed G. C"., dated Jan. 28, 1823. Value, fine copy in wrapper, £4. - 476 KENILwORTI-I, OR THE GOLDEN DAYS OF QUEEN BESS. First 4812 part. 12mo London: printed for Hodgson, 43, King Street, Snow Hill 1823 pp. 1-34, with coloured folding frontispiece, signed G. Ck., and dated Jan. 28, 1823. _ (103) 477 478 479 480 481 483 484 PAMPHLETS—continued. KENILWORTH, OR THE GOLDEN DAYs OF QUEEN BEss. part. London: printed by and for Hodgson (it Co., No. 10, Newgate Street 1823 pp. 1—28, with folding coloured frontispiece, signed G. C’‘., and dated April 1, 1823. They were afterwards published by Cole, and the letterpress does not read the same, at least in the first part. Value, the two parts, in first state, uncut, £8. MARY THE MAID OF THE INN, 12mo notin or the Secret of the Ruins. Reid. London: printed by and for H odgson it" Co., No. 10, Newgate Street [1823] pp. 124, with folding coloured frontispiece, signed G. Ck. Value, uncut, £3. THE INSTRUCTING GIPsY, 12m0 notin or Mother Bridget’s Wheel of Fortune. Reid. London .- printed by and for H odgson at Co., No. 10, Newgate Street [1823] pp. 1-24, with folding coloured frontispiece, signed G. C., and dated Feb. 7, 1823. Reid gives The Fortune Teller, the plate at No. 1169, the pamphlet at N o. 4813. These may be the same. Value, uncut, £2. CAPULET AND MONTAGUE, or the Tragical Loves of Romeo and Juliet. London : printed by and for Hodgson it‘ Co, No. 10, Newgate Street [1823] pp. 1-24, with coloured folding frontispiece, signed G. C"., and dated March 22, 1823. Value, uncut, £4. THE HORNET. Second 12mo 12mo 4815 12m0 4837 London: published by l/V. Cole, 10, Newgate Street [1825] kVith a folding frontispiece by G. C. Value, £1. CATHOLIC MIRACLEs. Illustrated with seven designs, including a characteristic portrait of Prince Hohenlohe, by George Cruikshank. London : printed for Knight a Lacey, Paternoster Row pp. i-iv, 1-102, with 7 woodcut illustrations on 4 plates. Value, a fine copy in the brown wrapper, £1 10s. A * EMBLEMATICAL SYNOPsIs OF LIFE IN LONDON. 12m0 4848 Published by IV. T. Moncriefij Dramatic Repository, 104, Drury Lane, London, July With etched frontispiece, signed Robert Cruikshank, Reid says in a note, assisted by his brother. Value, £1 10s. THE LIVING SKELETON, now exhibiting at the Chinese Saloon, Pall Mall. An account of that most extraordinary and interesting phenomenon, Claude Surat, called the Living Skeleton, &c., embellished with a whole length portrait of this curiosity of nature. l2mo London: published by J. Limbird, 143, Strand [1826] pp. 1-24, with coloured portrait, undoubtedly by G. C., though not signed. Value, £1 10s. 4842 8vo 1825 1826 4850 (104.) 485 486 TO‘ 487 488 489 490 491 PAMPHLETS—continued. JOHN HARcoURT’s ORIGINAL JEsTs. London Cowie c6" Strange, 60, Paternoster Row This is the printed title. pp. 1-54, frontispiece with woodcut vignette “ Geog. Cruikshank delt.” which reads “ Frontispiece to The Shilling Comic Album,” all on a stiff paper wrapper, on front of which is “The Shilling Comic Annual,” with a woodcut, and curiously enough, London: published by William Cruik- shank. Second state, in wrapper with date 1828, and without any lettering on frontispiece. Value, first issue, in wrapper, £1. A PAMPHLET RELATING TO THE ARGYLE RoOMs. Under the immediate patronage of the Haut Ton. The Royal masquerade at the Argyle Rooms this evening, Monday, March 12, 1827. For particulars, &c., apply to Mr. C. Wright. James Bullock, printer, W hitefriars Value, 10s. THE WONDERFUL LIFE AND ADvENTUREs OF THREE-FINGERED J AOK, the Terror of Jamaica. London : printed by W. Lewis for T. and J. Allman, 55, Great Queen Street pp. 5-28, with coloured folding frontispiece, “Death of Three- fingered J ack.” Value, £1 10s. AN ANSWER TO A PAMPHLET, entitled, Observations on the Re- jected Great Courts Jurisdiction Bill. London: Richards, Law-Bookseller, Fleet Street pp. 1-16, with etching, “ A Local Court,” signed G. C". Value, 108. DESCRIPTIVE AOOOUNT OF THE PANORAMIC VIEW, &c., of King George’s Sound and the Adjacent Country by Lieu- tenant R. Dale, Sixty-third Regiment London .- printed and published by J. Cross, 18, Holborn pp. 1-20, with a coloured aguatinted frontispiece of “Portrait of Yagan chief of the Swan River,” “ Geo. Cruikshank delt.” “R. Havell sculpt.” Value, £2. PARADISE LOST 5 or the Great Dragon cast out. London .- John Brooks, Oaford Street lVith an etched frontispiece. I do not know this, given on authority of Reid only. THE LITTLE OLD MAN OF THE WOOD ; or the Tale of a Comical Stick by T. H. Sealey. London : published by Hugh Cunningham, 3, St. James’s Sguare With etching on engraved title, Etched by George Cruikshank from a sketch by the Author. In a wrapper, on front of which is a curious woodcut, THS. Mason Sc. Reid gives date, 1839. I have only 2nd edition, 1841. Value, £1. 12mo 4859 1827 12mo 1827 not in 12mo Reid. 1829 4916 8vo 1833 5260 8vo 1834 8vo 4953 1838 4961 8vo 183 (105) PAMPHLETS—continued. 492 ELECTION DAY. A Sketch from Nature, taken in the Nineteenth notin Century. 12mo Reid. London .- printed for Simpkin Marshall c6 00. n. d. pp. i-x, 11-32, with etched frontispiece of a drunken scene on Election day, J. L. F. del. Etched by George Cruikshank. Reid gives the plate at No. 2117, under title, “An Allegorical Representation,” &c., but not the pamphlet. Value, £1 10s. - 493 THE BOOK OF SPURS, reprinted from the British Archaeological 5264 Association. 8vo 1855 gm. 1-38, with two etchings by G. C. signed, and some others by Percy Cruikshank. '“ Value, 4s. 494 496 497 498 ~~\499 500 4684 of Tommy Pain, with cuts (10 in number). 8vo London .- Dean ck Munday* [1817] _ ,_ _ Value, 2s. First edition more. 7" ‘,t-gjaa'w' - 3*. f7 . , CFFIOIAL AOOOUNT OF THE NOBLE LORD’S BITE. 8vo 4687 With woodcut vignette on title. London: W. Hone 1817 Value, 2s. ANOTHER MINISTERIAL DEFEAT—The Trial of the Dog for biting the Noble Lord. W oodcut vignette on title. Value, 23. OFFICIAL ACCOUNT—Bartholomew Fair Insurrection. W oodcut vignette on title. Value, 2s. CONRAD THE CORSAIR ; or The Pirate’s Isle, by Lord Byron. W oodcut vignette on title. Value, 2s. THE POLITIOAL HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. “A Straw—thrown up to show which way the wind blows.” 8vo With thirteen cuts. London: William Hone 1819 Published at 1s. plain, fine edition, coloured, 35. Value, 1s. ,- first edition, 58.; fine edition, 58. ; fine coloured edition, £1. LEGISLATIVE MONAROHS. 4688 8vo London: W. Hone 1817 8vo 4689 London: William Hone 1817 8vo 4690 London : William Hone 1817 4713 8vo 4714 London: William Hone 1819 Vignette on title from “The Political House,” ckc. Value, 38. * Most of the woodcuts to these tracts are by George Cruik- shank, though not often signed, but some may be After him. (107) TRACTS—continued. 501 THE QUEEN’s MATRIMONIAL LADDER. 4726 A National Toy with fourteen step scenes, and Illustrations in verse, with eighteen other cuts. 8vo London .- William Hone 1820 Published plain, 1s. ,- fine paper, coloured, 3s. Value, 2s. ,- first edition, 5s. ,- fine edition, coloured, £1. 502 THE QUEEN IN THE MOON. 47.25 “A thousand Moons are in her face that shame as many suns.” 8vo ‘ London: Grove at Co., No. 1, Leicester Square 1820 With 13 cuts. Value, 2s. 503 THE MAN IN THE MOON, &e. With fifteen cuts. 4730 “ If Caesar can hide the Sun with a blanket, or put the Moon in his pocket, we will pay him tribute for light.”-—Cymbeline. 8vo London .- William Hone 1820 Published at 1s. plain ,' fine edition, coloured, 2s. Value, 2s. ,- first edition, 58. ; fine edition, coloured, £1. . 504 THE MEN IN THE MOON 3 or the Devil to Pay. With thirteen cuts. 4731 “ High o’er their heads the threat’ning Eagle flies To hurl the vengeful thunders of the skies.” 8vo London : Dean (ti Munday, T hreadneedle Street 1820 Value, 2s. 505 “ NON MI RIOORDO 1” &c. 4729 “ This will witness outwardly as strongly as the conscience does within .”— Cymbeline. 8vo London .- William Hone 1820 With 3 woodcuts, published at 6d. plain, 1s. fine edition, coloured. Value, 1s. ; first edition, 4s, ,- fine edition, coloured, 105. 508 A FROWN FROM THE CROWN, or the Hydra Destroyed. 8vo 4740 London .- John Fairburn 1820 kVith woodcut vignette on title, signed G. C. Value, 38. 509 A GROAN FROM THE THRONE. 8vo 4727 London: John Fairburn 1820 kVith woodcut vignette on title. Value, 3s. .W- “506 THE OLD BLACK COOK, and his Dunghill Advisers in Jeopardy. 8vo 4724 London: Efiingham Wilson 1820 With 12 cuts by I. R. Cruikshank. Value, 2s. A__\_ 507 THE R - - - - L FoWLs. 8vo 4733 London .' Ffiingham Wilson 1820 Vignette woodcut on title by I. R. Cruikshank. Value, 2s. (108) 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 A519 520 TRACTS—continued. A NON-CORONATION. With two outs. 8vo 4737 London: John Fairburn n. d. Value, 3s. [1820] A POLITIOAL LEOTURE ON TAILs, dedicated to the Great Head. 4732 “Thereby hangs a tale.”—-Hamlet. 8vo With 4 woodcuts. London: John Fairburn 1820 Value, 3s. DOLL TEAR SHEET, alias the Countess, “ J e no me rappelle pas.” 8vo 4736 A match for “Non mi Ricordo.” With cuts. n. d. 6 woodcuts. London : John Fairburn [1820] Value, 25. THE FORM OF PRAYER, with thanksgiving to Almighty God, to be used daily, &c. &c. for the happy Deliverance of her Majesty Queen Caroline from the late most Traitorous Conspiracy. 4748 Soc London: William Hone 1820 With woodcut vignette on title. Value, 1s. THE POLITICAL, “ A, Apple-Pie, &c. &c.” With twenty-three cuts. 4734 “ When shall we three meet again ‘l”-—Shakespeare. 8vo London: J. Johnston, No. 97, Cheapside 1820 Value, 4s. THE CONSTITUTIONAL APPLE PIE, or Rhythmical Red-Book, 4743 by Master J ackey Jingle. With thirteen cuts. 8vo London T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Hill 1820 Value, 5s. THE GREEN BAG: “A Dainty Dish to set before a King.” With 8vo thirteen cuts. .London : J. Robins ct’ Co. 1820 The woodcut on title has “ G. Cruikshank del.” Value, 4s. 4728 THE CONTENTED PEERS, or King’s Own: A Poetical Dialogue. 8vo 4738 With woodcut vignette on title. London: J. Langham n. d. Value, 2s. [1820] A CAT MAY LOOK AT A KING. 8vo 4741 With woodcut vignette and frontispiece. London .- T. Davidson n. d. Value, 2s. [1820 THE POLITICAL QUIXOTE, or the Adventures‘ of the Renowned 4735 Don Blackibo Dwarfino, and his trusty Squire Seditiono. 8vo With 3 woodcuts. Value, 3s. THE QUEEN THAT JAOK FOUND. With thirteen cuts. 8vo London: John Fairburn 1820 London: C. Chappel 1820 4742 Value, 2s. (109) 01 1.0 L\') 523 524 525 526 ~“@530 TRACTS—continued. THE POLITICAL QUEEN THAT JACK LOVES. With thirteen cuts. “If she be false, then Heaven mocks itself—I’ll not believe it.” London: Roach d3’ 00. Reid gives the plates 2947-2959, but not the pamphlet. Value, 3s. IRON COFFINS, DEAD WIVES, AND DISASTERS AFTER DEATH. kVith 2 woodcuts. London: J. J. Stoekdale, 41, Pall Mall Value, 3s. A FULL AND CORRECT ACCOUNT OF THE STATE TRIALS HELD at the Old Bailey on Monday, the 17th day of April, 1820. London: Grove at 00., 1, Leicester Square 2 woodcuts on back of title. Value, 65. THE WHITE CAT, with the Earl of Grosvenor’s Ass, adorned with seven plates by Cruikshank. 7 woodcuts. Value, 4s. THE POLITICAL SHOwMAN—AT HOME. With twenty-four cuts. “ The putrid and mouldering carcase of exploded legitimacy.” --Mr. Lambton Value, 35. London: kVilliam Hone L RU MPING, or the Courtly Insult to an Illustrious Personage. “ Rumping now and ratting sport Appear the pastime of the Court.” With woodcut vignette on title. London .- John F airburn Value, 3s. THE RIGHT DIVINE OF KINGS To GOVERN WRONG. Published at 1s., large paper, ls. 6d. London: William Hone lVith 2 woodcuts. Value, 2s. THE SPIRIT OF DESPOTISM. ' Published at 1s. 6d., large paper, 3s. 6d. London: William Hone kVoodcut vignette on title. Value, 2s. IN PARLIAMENT, Dropt Clauses out of the Bill against the Queen. With woodcut headpiece. l/V. Hone, Ludgate Hill, London Value, 1s. A SLAP AT SLOP, and the Bridge Street Gang. London .- kV. l/Vright, 46, Fleet Street R William Hone -, - . /First published in the form of a newspaper before the death of Queen Caroline, with 26 woodcuts, 1821 5 again after her death, with 27 woodcuts (the additional one being a hatchment), 1821. Again in book form. Value, newspaper form, first issue, 10s. ; ditto, second issue, 5s. ,- ditto, book form, 5s. notin Reid. 12mo 1820 4747 4751 8vo 1820 4765 8vo 1821 4759 8vo 1821 4761 8vo 1821 8vo 4758 1821 See 4757 1821 folio 4766 folded. 4760 1822 (110) 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 V538 P539 ' -/~-~540 TRACTS—continued. IMAGINARY INTERVIEW BETWEEN WILLIAM HONE AND A LADY. 8vo 4777 With small woodcut. London: William Hone 1822 This also forms pp. V—Vlli, of introduction to “ Facetiee.” Value, 1s. THE MIRACULOUS HOST TORTURED BY THE J Ew, 4787 under the Reign of Philip the Fair in 1290. 8vo Illustrated by ten cuts (copied from the original French work), 9 of them by G. C. London: William Hone 1822 Value, 108. THE COLLECTIVE VVISDOM, or Sights and Sketches in the Chapel 4829 of St. Stephen. See The cuts by Cruikshank. London: Knight ck Lacy 1824 Four woodcuts, but seem to be more of Robert’s work than George’s. Value, 105. WHO’! TO THE LEGISLATIVE ANARCHS. 8vo 4894 London: kV. Strange 1830 Value, 1s. THE POLITICAL ALPHABET, with notes and illustrations, 5263 embellished by 34 engravings, from designs by George ‘Cruik- shank, principally from Hone’s Tracts. 8vo London: William Carpenter [1830] Value, 25. STOP THIEF, or Hints to Housekeepers to Prevent Housebreaking, 8vo 5017 by George Cruikshank, with 14 woodcuts by him. n. d. London .- Bradbury ck Evans [1851] Value, 1s. THE BETTING BOOK, by George Cruikshank, , 5021 with cuts (designed on the wood by himself). 8vo ,1. Four woodcuts. London .- W. d F. G. Cook 1852 Value, ls. THE CLASS AND THE NEW CRYSTAL PALACE, 5029 by George Cruikshank, with cuts. Eleven woodcuts by G. C. In a wrapper, with Vignette repeated on it. Value, 55. , 8vo London: J. Cassell 1853 THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT, by George Cruikshank, 5030 with twelve cuts. A Temperance Tract. 8vo London: W. Tweedie 1853 Value, ls. THE BANDS IN THE PARKS, 5039 supposed to have been sent from A High Dignitary of the Church to “The Right Man in the Right Place,” Military Bands playing in the Parks on Sundays, picked up and published by George Cruikshank. 4to London: W. Tu'eedie, 337, Strand [1856] Value, 5s. (111) TRACTS—continued. /5'41 G. W. HOwELL’s BUBBLE 8vo 5040 of the General Industry, Life and Fire Assurance and Sick Fund Friendly Society, Burst by George Cruikshank. Published by George Cruikshank, 48, Mornington Place [1856] With woodcut on title. Value, 3s. 542 A SLICE OF BREAD AND BUTTER, Cut by George Cruikshank. 8vo 5042 / London: kVilliam Tweedie n. d. With 3 woodcuts by G. C. [1857] Value, Is. 543 A DISCOVERY CONCERNINGr GHosTs, 5062 with a rap at the Spirit-Wrappers by George Cruikshank. Illustrated with cuts. 8vo London : Frederick Arnold, 86, Fleet Street 1863 Eight woodcuts and a glyphograph. In a blue wrapper. The above is on the wrapper, there is no title-page. Value, 4s. 544 ILLUSTRATED PENNY READINGS: 5076 BUY YOUR OWN GOOSE. With woodcut, in two compartments, by G. C. THE WONDER-WORKING BEDsTEAD. With two woodcuts by G. 0. THE GIN SHOP. kVith 13 woodcuts by G. C. l2mo London: S. IV. Partridge c6 Co., 9, Paternoster Row n. d. Value, '18. each. ' [1869] SONGS IN BOOK FORM. l H " I'REAT GOBBLE GOBRLE GOBELE AND TwIT TwITTLE 109 " TWIT, or Law versus Common Sense, being a twitting Report of successive Attacks on a Tom Twit, his stout Defences and final Victory. A New Song with Original Music by Lay Logic, Esqre., Student in the Law of Libel. folio London: published by William Hone, No. 67, Old Bailey n. d. A large coloured etching on title “ Geo. Cruikshank, feet.” It relates to the Trial of William Hone, and represents a farm- yard, with the different characters engaged in the trial, as domestic birds, notably Lord Ellenborough as a Turkey, and William Hone as a Tom-Tit. Four pages of Music and Words. It is a rare and important Cruikshank item, and has been facsimiled by Pailthorpe. Value, £4. 546 THE AIRS AND FAVOURITE MOVEMENTS IN CARL MARIA VON 1281 WEBER’S CELEBRATED OPERA, DER FREISOHUTZ, by C. N. Weiss. folio London: published by T. Lindsay, 217, Regent Street n. d. Music and lVords. A vignette etching on title “Six shall achieve—the seventh deceive,” signed “ Geo. Cruikshank.” Value, £1. 547 FAIRY SONGS AND BALLADS FOR THE YOUNG. 2425 Written, composed and dedicated to Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, by O. B. Dussek. folio London .- D’Almaine Co., 20, Soho Sguare n. d. With an engraved title in 12 compartments, signed “ George Cruik- shank,” representing various Fairy Tales. Music and Words. Value, £1. 548 THE MATRIMONIAL LADDER. A SeriO-Comic Scene, by J. Blewitt. folio 2242 Published by C. Gerock c6" Co., Cornhill, London n. d. W ith an etched frontispiece in 16 compartments, signed “Geo. Cruikshank, feet.” Music and W'ords. Value, 12s. (113) 549 550 551 553 554 555 556 SON GS—continued. LA BAGATELLE. Composed by G. Cook, and illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank (their names written in music notes), in 5 compart- ments, the centre one has figures of G. Cook and George Cruikshank which are likenesses. folio London: Leader d" Cock, 63, New Bond Street n. d. The above forms the title. Music and Words. Issued plain and coloured. Value, plain, £1 5 coloured, £2. TEA IN THE ARBOUR. A Comic song, written by J. Beuler. folio London .- H. lVhite ct‘ Son, 237, Oxford Street n. d. With a vignette on title, signed “George Cruikshank feet,” music and words. Value, 1 2s. BARNEY BUNTLINE AND BILLY BOwLINE 5 or the Advantages of being at Sea. Written by George Colman, Esq., expressly for Mr. Harley, and Sung by him with great applause, 850. Music and words. folio London: printed and published by Clementi, Collard, die. n. d. With an etching on title, signed “George Cruikshank feet.” Value, 12s. folio THE DREAM OF THE BOTTLE. Music and words. Published by A. Schloss, 2, Great Russell Street n. d. With vignette (a lithograph) on the wrapper, signed “ Geo. Cruik- shank 1836.” Rare, value £1 105. THE FAIRIES HAUNT, by J. Royston, Esq. Music and words. folio Published by Gou-lding c6’ D’Almaine, 20, Soho Square n. d. With vignette (a lithograph) by G. 0. Rare, value £1 10s. CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE MONUMENT AND ST. PAUL’S. The celebrated Comic Chaunt, written by Thos. Hudson. folio London: published by Clementi, Collard, etc, 26, Cheapside n. d. Music and words. lithe. Value, 5s. Vignette on title, G. Cruikshank del., M. Gauci WIDOW MAHONY. A Comic Song, by T. Hudson. M usic and words. Vignette on title, Cruikshank del., M. Gauci lithe. Value, 55. OH! No, I NEVER NAME MY WIFE. A parody sung by Mr. Harley. Music and words. folio London : printed and sold by Goulding e6 D’Almaine, 20, Soho Square n. d. Vignette on title, G. Cruikshank del., M. Gauci lithe. Value, 58. I folio ' London: published by T. E. Purday, 50, St. Paul’s Churchyard n. d. 4140 1518 5137 4591 (114) SONGS—continued. 557 NIX MY DOLLY PALLS FAKE AWAY, 2790 Sung by Mrs. Keeley and P. Bedford, in the Romance of Jack Sheppard. Portrait and seven illustrations on title, signed Geo. Cruikshank, a lithograph. Music and words. folio London: printed, published ck sold by D’Almaine ck Co., 20, Soho Sguare Value, 5s. 558 WERY RIDICULOUS, or F ickle Miss Nicholas. 4590 A new Comic Song, sung by Mr. Keeley. Music and Words. folio London: published by Keith, Prowse ck Co., 18, Cheapside n. d. Vignette on title of Mr. Keeley, Cruikshank invt. M. Gauci lith. This seems to be, perhaps, after G. C. Value, 5s. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. WITH PRINTS AFTER GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. ‘ vAIRBURN’s EvERLAsTING SONGsTER, 4612 if . [@531 being an extensive collection of one thousand naval, ' - ' love, comic, hunting, bacchanalian, sentimental, Scotch, and Irish songs. 2 vol. 12mo Published by J. Fairburn, 110, Minories n. d. Each with a coloured vignette title and frontispiece [1811] after G. C. Vol. I, pp. 1-350, and contents, the, i-x, vignette “The Bold Dragoon,” frontispiece “ The Vicar and Moses.” Vol. II, pp. 1-350, and contents, die, i-x, vignette “Sir Gooseberry Gimcrack and Miss Squash,” frontispiece “Liston’s Beautiful Maid.” Value, 2 vol. in boards, £4. 560 GRINEOLOGY; or the New Merry Jester. l2mo 4611 Published by R. kValwyn, 68, Wood Street, Cheapside n. d. With a woodcut after Cruikshank, J. Byn so. [1811] Value, 5s. 561 THE LITTLE MELODIsT. 12mo 4528 Published by J. Bysh, 52, Paternoster Row n. d. With 2 plates, “Cruikshank del.” “ Roberts scalp.” Value, 6s. 562 MEMOIRs OF THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNs OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE, 4648 by E. Gifford, Esq. 2 vol. 8vo Printed by and for J. and J. Cundee, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. date on plates 1813-4 l/Vith many portraits, maps, and plates, some of which have “ Cruikshank del.” and “I. R. Cruikshank del.” Value, 10s. 563 THE LIFE OF THE MosT NOBLE ARTHUR MARQUIS OF WELLINGTON. 5238 3 vol. 8vo J. and J. Cundee, Paternoster Row. date on plates 1813-4 With many plates, some with “ I. R. Cruikshank,” others “ Cruik- shank del.” Value, 10s. I 2 (1 116 ) BOOKS, &O. AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK—continued. Soc 5239 564 THE WARRIOR; or Military Chronicle. Published by J. Humphreys, 75, High Holborn. Date on the plates 1813-4 Sid plates, one has “I. R. Cruikshank del.” Value, 5s. \565 THE LIFE OF THE HON. COLONEL GARDINER, who was slain at notin the Battle of Prestonpans, by P. Doddridge, D.D. 8vo Reid. Printed by and for J. and J. Cundee, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. I Date on plates 1813 With 7 plates, some with “Cruikshank del.” Value, 10s. 8vo 5240 566 RAPIN’S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Published by J. Robins ct" Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1813-5 Many plates, some have “ Cruikshank del.” Value, 105. 567 THE SONGSTER’S MULTUM IN PARvO; notin 16mo Reid. or New Pocket Companion. 6 vol. London .- pub". by John Fairburn, 146, Minories n. d. kVith many engravings, of which 18 have “ Cruikshank del,” IV. [1815] Granger Sc. Value, the 6 vol., £1 10s. 568 THE SONGSTER’S MULTUM IN PARvO. 3 vol. 16mo 4672 John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1816 Given in Mr. Bruton’s sale catalogue, as with 3 frontispieces after G. Cruikshank. Reid gives the three plates at Nos. 4519-21. This seems to be a continuation of the former work. Value, 3 vol., £1. 569 SONG BOOK. 161720 4522 Published by J. Duncombe, jun’, 9, Middle Row n. d. With illustrations after G. C. Value, 4s. 570 THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, by John Bunyan, with notes by W. 4675 12mo Mason, and a life of the Author. London : published by Dean ck .Munday, 35, Threadneedle Street 1816 With a vignette on engraved title, “ G. Cruikshank del,” “ Daven- port soul,” and a frontispiece, “I. R. Cruikshank del.,” “S. Davenport scul. ” Value, 10s. 571 THE NEW LONDON LETTER WRITER. 12mo 4666 Published by J. Bailey, Chancery Lane n. d. [1816] With frontispiece after G. Cruikshank. Value, 2s. 572 THE DROLL STORY TELLER ; or New Oddest Of all Oddities. 12mo notin London .- printed and sold by Dean do M unday, Threadneedle Street n. d. Reid. pp. 1-7 2, with frontispiece, surrounded by a border of heads. “The Devil Outwitted,” the plate is given by Reid at No. 4562 5 two Old women in a church with Old Nick seated behind, with title, “Two gossiping women are more than a match for the devil himself.” Rare, value, £1 105. (117) 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 BOOKS, &c. AFTER G. CRUIKsHANK—eontinued. THE CRIEs OF LONDON as they are heard daily, with character cuts of those who traverse the streets of London with articles to sell, calculated to entertain little Masters and Misses. London: published by J. Chappell, 41, Haydon Sguare pp. i-iv, 1-31, with 6 other pages (these with cuts only) the last leaf pasted to back cover. In stiff illustrated cover with woodcuts, via, vignette on title and frontispiece, with 24 Cries, having figures heading letter press, besides the last 6 pages of various cuts Without letter press. The frontispiece and figures have an appearance of being after (in the style of) G. (3., and are very good. The cuts at end like Bewick. The whole may be left entirely to individual opinion. A rare tract. Mr. Mackenzie’s copy at his sale in March, 1889, lot 441, sold for £4 9s. LoRD CHEsTEREIELD’s ADvIoE TO HIS SoN. 121120 4685 London : printed for G. Walker, and sold by J. Cranieell, etc. 1817 With vignette and frontispiece “Cruikshank del.” “Davenport sculp.” Value, 6s. LoRD CHEsTEREIELD’s ADVICE To HIS SoN. 12mo notin Chiszoick : printed for G. Whittinghani, Jan. 1 1820 Reid. kVith frontispiece only, “G. Cruikshank del.” “S. Davenport sculp.” Value, 45. DRAMAS FOR CHILDREN. 12mo 4686 London .- printed for M. J. Godwin ck Co., 41, Skinner Street 1817 With 3 illustrations after G. Cruikshank. Value, 3s. THE UNIVERSAL LETTER WRITER. 12mo 5261 n. d. With illustrations after G. Cruikshank. Value, 4s. INDUCEMENTS TO VIRTUOUS HABITS. 121110 5246 London : printed for J. Bgsh, 52, Paternoster Row 1818 With engraved vignette title and frontispiece, the latter “ Cruik- shank del.” “ Roberts soul.” Value, 5s. THE LITTLE MOMUS ,- or Budget of Blunders. 167no 4708 London .- published by J. Bgsh, PaternosterRo'w [1818] kVith vignette and frontispiece after G. Cruikshank, engraved by Roberts. This is a very small book. Value, 5s. TEGG’S CoMIc SoNe 13001:. First Collection. 12mo 4699 London .- printed for Thomas Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside n. d. With frontispiece “ The Beadle of the Parish,” G. Cruikshank del. [1818] Davenport sculp. Value, 6s. (118) BOOKS &C. AFTER Cr. CRUIKSHANK—continued. 581 POETIOAL RHAPSODIES, by J. B. Fisher. How 5245 London .- printed for the Author, and published by William Sams, 62, Pall Mall 1818 l/Vith a frontispiece after G. Cruikshank. Value, 48. The four following very small books, published by IVallis, with woodcuts which seem after G. C. 582 THE STORY OF GEORGE PANTON. 16mo 4793 London: printed and published by James Wallis, 77, Berwick Street, Soho [1818] With‘ three woodcuts. Value, 35. 583 WALLIS’S JUVENILE TALES. ,16mo 4793 Printed and published by James Wallis, 7 7, Bcrwick Street, Soho [1822] With three woodcuts. Value, 1s. 584 WALLIS’S JUVENILE TALES. Second Series. 161110 4819 Printed and published by James kVallis, 77 , Berwick Street, Soho n. d. With three woodcuts. [1823] Value, Is. 585 GENEROSITY OF AN ARABIAN PRINCE. 161110 4792 Printed and published by James lVallis, 77, Berwick Street, Soho n. d. With three woodcuts. [1822] Value, Is. 586 THE GRANDFATHER, or The Christmas Holidays, by E. Sandham. 12mo 4722 London: printed for Bawdery and Kirby, Juvenile Library, Oxford Street 1819 With woodcut frontispiece. Value, 3s. 587 HONE’S SIxTY CURIOUS AND AUTHENTIC NARRATIVES. 8vo 4723 kVilliam Hone 1819 With an engraved frontispiece “ G. Cruikshank del’.” “ H. R. Cook, sculp.” subject .- “The execution of Madame Tiquet and her Porter.” Value, 6s. 588 LETTERS OF ABELARD AND HELOISE, 5244 with a particular account of their lives and misfortunes. 12mo London: printed for A. H. Newman ck Co., Leaden-hall Street 1819 With a vignette title and frontispiece, “Cruikshank delt.” “ Daven- port scpt.” Value, 6s. 589 THE TRIAL OF QUEEN CAROLINE, 5250 by J. Nightingale. 8vo London .- J. Robins and 00., Albion Press, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1820 With four illustrations, by Chapman, after G. Cruikshank. Value, 5s. 590 MEMOIRS OF THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIFE OF HER MOST 4750 Gracious Majesty Caroline, by J. Nightingale. 2 Vol. 8vo London .- J. Robins and 00., Albion Press, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1820-1 Many engravings after George Cruikshank. Value, 8s. (119) BOOKS, &C. AFTER G. CRUIKsHANK—eontinuea. A SERIES OF SMALL BOOKS BY GARDINER. kVith woodcuts, which on the title-page are said to be from designs by George Cruikshank, but 591 594 595 596 597 598 599 though curious, they are very poor. ORIGINAL TALES OF MY LANDLORD’S SCHOOL, 4770 by William Gardiner. 12mo London: printed for D. Mackey, 53, Bartholomew Close [1821] Ten woodcut illustrations, after G. C. Value, 4s. ORIGINAL TALES FROM MY LANDLORD’S SCHOOL. 12mo 4771 IV ith eight woodcuts from the preceding number. [1822] ORIGINAL TALES FROM MY LANDLORD, 4772 by William Gardiner. 12mo Derby: printed and published by Tho-mas Richardson [1822] Value, 4s. THE MAGIC SPELL, by William Gardiner. London: printed for D. Mackay, and published by J. L. Turner, Aldersgate Street [1822] With woodcuts after G. C. from Gardiner’s Tales. Value, 35. THE ROYAL PRESENT OF PRINCESS CAROLINA, by William Gardiner. London: pvinted for D. IlIackay, and published by J. Turner, A ldersgate Street [1822] With woodcuts, some of which are from Gardiner’s other books Value, 25. THE VOYAGE OF ADMIRAL GEORGE CARLTON IN SEARCH OF LOYALTY. 12mo 4746 London : printed and published by J. L. Turner, 170, Aldersgate Street 1822 W ilh a woodcut from Gardiner’s “Tales of my Landlord’s School.” Value, 4s. WALKS IN KENT, 47 91 by William Gardiner. 12mo London: printed by D. Mackay, 53, Bartholomew Close [1822] lVith woodcuts after G. Cruikshank. Value, 2s. 4788 12mo 4789 12mo THE STORY OF PIGON, A MALAY BOY, 4790 by William Gardiner. 12mo Printed for D. Mackay, 53, Bartholomew Close 1822 With an engraved frontispiece, after G. Cruikshank, by Freeman. Value, 4s. THE SHEPHERD BOY OF SNOWDON HILL, notin by William Gardiner. 12mo Reid. London : printed in stereotypes for D. Mackay, 53, Bartholomew Close n. d. With a frontispiece engraved on copper from an original design by G. Cruikshank. Value, 5s. (120) BOOKS, &c. AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK-continued. 600 THE ADVENTURES OF A BIBLE. _ 16mo 4775 Printed for and sold by Dean and Munday, Threadneedle St. [1822] Many woodcuts, only one after G. C. Value, 43. 601 THE OLD JOE MILLER REvIvED, or London Budget of Wit. Soc 4782 London: printed for T. Hughes, 3, Broadway, Ludgate Hill [1822] With a frontispiece of “A West Indian Planter, his negro boy, and the Musquitto,” “ G. Cruikshank del.” Value, 5s. 602 THE EXAMINATION AND DEFENOE OF THE WRITINGS AND PREAOH- 4821 ing of the Rev. Edward Irving, M.A. 8vo London: printed and published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill [1823] With a portrait of Irving, after G. Cruikshank, by Cooper. Value, 10s. 603 MY GRANDMOTHER’S GUESTS AND THEIR TALES, by Henry not in Slingsby. 2 vol. 12mo Reid. With illustrations after G. Cruikshank. [1824] Reid gives only a plate at NO. 4559. Value, 4S. “604 THE LADIES POOKET MAGAZINE. 6 vol. 12mo 4828 London: J. Robins at C0., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1824-6 Many plates, but only an engraved title to each vol. with a vignette after G. C. Vol. I, 1824—“ Zenaira and Alaméde,” George Cruikshank del., R. Cooper sc. Vol. II, 1824—“Eva rescued from the flames,” G. Cruikshank del., R. Cooper scul. Vol. I, 1825-—“ Ordener encountering Hans,” G. Cruikshank, R. Cooper. Vol. I, 1826—“The Elfin Grove,” G. Cruikshank del., J. Shury scul. Vol. II, 1826—“A Tale of the Sea,” G. Cruikshank del., J. Shury scul. Value, the six vol., 10s. 605 THE HISTORY OF SUSAN GREY. 12mo 5258 Wellington, Salop .- printed for Houlston and Son n. d. With a vignette and frontispiece after G. Cruikshank. Value, 48. 606 THE HISTORY OF MARGARET WHYTE. 12mo 5236 With woodcut frontispiece. ' _ n. d. Value, 45. 607 PAUL PRY, &c., &c., as performed by Mr. Liston. 12mo 4849 London .' published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Hill 1826 pp. 1-24, with folding coloured frontispiece of Mr. Liston as Paul Pry, “ G. Cruikshank del.,” “P. Roberts sc.” Value, £1. (121) 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 BOOKS, &o. AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK—cont’lnuecl. THE WooDLARK, not in being a Selection of the Newest and most Popular Songs. 12-mo Reid. London: printed for the booksellers and sold by T. N ewling, printer, Salop n. d. With a fi'ontispiece in bronze, “ Cruikshank del.” “Laudin sculp.” Value, 23. THE COMPLETE VALENTINE WRITER, not in for the New Year. 12mo Reid. Lyndon .- printed for Champante and Whitrow, Jewry Street n. d. With frontispiece in bronze, the same as in the last number. Value, 2s. FAIRRURN’s LoNDoN BRILLIANT SoNesTER, 4908 for 1832. 12mo London: printed and published by J. Fairburn, 110, Minories 1832 l/Vith illustrations after G. Cruikshank from the “Songster’s Multurn in Parvo.” Value, 4s. THE BRILLIANT SONGSTER, or Universal Vocalist. London: published by J. Fairburn, 110, Minories With coloured folding frontispiece and vignette after G. Cruikshank. The vignette, “Sir-Loin” 3 the frontispiece, “ John Bull at Meurice’s.” Value, 68. THE FAMILY LIBRARY. No. 52. A Journal of the Plague Year, or Memorials of the Great Pestilence in London, 1665, by Daniel De Foe. sg. 12mo not in 4933 127720 London .- John illurray, Albemarle Street 1833 With four engravings, “ G. Cruikshank del.,” “Davenport sculp.” Value, 6s. THE FAMILY LIBRARY. Nos. 53 and 54. The Life and Times of 4910 General \Vashington, by Cyrus R. Edmonds. 2 vol. 12mo London: John Murray, Albemarle Street 1833 lVith a frontispiece to vol. I, “G. Cruikshank del.” “Davenport sculpt.” Value, 8s. THE FAMILY LIBRARY. N0. 55. Diedrich Knickerbocker. A History of New York, by 4937 12mo London.- John Murray, Albemarle Street 1834 lVith four engravings, “ G. Cruikshank del.” “ Davenport sculp.” Value, 5s. BURFORD CoTTAcE AND ITs RoRIN REDRREAsT, by the Author of Keeper’s Travels. 12mo London .- printed for Thomas Tegg a‘? Son, Cheapside 1835 With a woodcut vignette on title, “George Cruikshank,” “Thompson,” and a frontispiece “G. Cruikshank,” “Davenport.” Value, 5s. A PRESENT FOR AN APPRENTIcE. 121220 4954 London: printed for Thomas Tegg c6 Son, Cheapside 1838 With a vignette and frontispiece after G. Cruikshank. Value, 4s. 4932 Reid. ' (122) BOOKS, &C. AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK—continued. “617 THE JUVENILE MUSICAL LIBRARY, not in consisting of National Stories newly set to Music, by W. A. Reid. Nield, embellished with Sixty Illustrations, from original draw- ings by Cruikshank. obl. 4to London .~ Allan, Bell ck Co., Warwick Lane, ckc. 1834 Title with vignette, 1 leaf; Advertisement, 1 leaf; and pp. 1-7 2. Value, £1. THEATRICAL AND PLAYS. 618 THE MONTHLY THEATRICAL REPORTER, or Literary Mirror, notin by Thomas Dutton, A.M. 8vo Reid. London: printed and published by J. Roach, at the Britannic and Theatrical Printing-Ogice and Library, Russell Court, Drury Lane 1814-15 This was published in monthly parts, each with a fine engraving signed “ Cruikshank del.” “A lais sculpt.” amongst them is Mr. Kean as Richard III, Mr. Kean as Richard II, Mr. Kean as Zanga. The first Volume is complete in ten parts, some of the plates also Occur as frontispieces for separate plays, published by Roach. Value, vol. I, £1 103. 619 THE DRAMATIC MAGAZINE. 2 vol. notin London: Whittaker, Treacher ck Co., Ave Maria Lane 1829-31 Reid. With many plates and portraits, with only one or two after Cruikshank. Value, £1. SEPARATE PLAYS BY ROACH. 620 RICHARD III. 5220 With a frontispiece of Mr. Kean as Richard, “ Cruikshank int.” 12mo “ Alais sc.” Published by J. Roach, Russell Court, Drury Lane 1814 Value, 38. 621 HAMLET. 5211 With frontispiece of Mr. Kean as Hamlet, “Cruikshank invt.” 12mo “ A lais sc.” Published by J. Roach, Russell Court, Drury Lane 1814 Value, 35. 622 TAMERLANE. 4516 With frontispicce of Mr. Kean as Bajazet, “Cruikshank del.” 12mo Published by J. Roach, Russell Court, Drury Lane 1815 Value, 3s. 623 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. 4646 With frontispiece of Mr. Kean as Shylock, “Cruikshank del.” 12mo “ A lais so.” Published by J. Roach, Russell Court, Drury Lane 1819 Value, 38. 624 A NEW WAY To PAY OLD DEBTS. notin With frontispiece of Mr. Kean as Sir Giles Overreach, “ Cruik- Reid. shank del.” “ A lais scalp.” 12mo Printed by and for J. Roach, Russell Court, Drury Lane n. d. Value, 3s. (123) 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 BOOKS, &O. AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK—eontinued. A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. London: published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill n. d. kVith frontispiece of Mr. Kean as Sir Giles Overreach. Value, 63. PLAYS PUBLISHED BY HUGHES. MACBETH. With a frontispiece of Mr. Kean as Macbeth, “ Cruikshank del.” “Roberts sc.” London: published by Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street Value, 38. A NEW WAY To PAY OLD DEBTS. l’Vith frontispiece of Mr. Booth as Sir Giles Overreach, “ Cruik- shank del.” “Roberts so.” Published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street V al-ue, 3s. BOTHERATION, or a Ten Years Blunder. With frontispiece of Mr. Johnston as Thady O’Blarney, “ Cruik- shank del.” “Roberts sc.” London: published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street Reid gives the plate at N o. 4551. Value, 5s. LOVER’S Vows. lVith a frontispiece of Mr. Young as Frederick, “ Cruikshank del.” “Roberts sc.” Published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street Value, 3s. A Tragedy, by Joseph Addison, Esq. With a frontispiece of Mr. John Kemble as Cato, “Cruikshank del.” “ Kirkwood so.” London: published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street EVERYONE HAS HIS FAULT, by Mrs. Inchbald. With a frontispiece of Mr. Oxberry as Solus, “Cruikshank del.” “Roberts so.” CATO. London .- published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street THE LORD OF THE MANOR. With frontispiece of Mr. Liston as Moll Flagon, “ Cruikshank del.” “Roberts sc.” London: published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street Value, 5s. THE DUENNA. An Opera, by Sheridan. With a frontispiece of Mrs. Harlowe as “The Duenna,” “ Cruik- shank del.” “ Roberts sc.” Published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street Value, 35. PIZARRO. A Tragedy, from the German of Kotzebue. With a frontispiece of Mr. Young as Rolla, “Cruikshank del.” “ Roberts sc.” London: published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street 1823 0 >0 I . O O 00.00 0.0000 0 00.... PART II. SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, WOODCUTS, &o. BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, ALSO PRINTS AFTER HIM. y g .- /" \ \ ‘a J .\\\y .“n E \ - II,‘- F o e,\ a‘ , ~ 635 in four divisions: (1) Sailing Match; Sailing Barges; (33) Ferry Boat; (4) Liverpool Pier. Printed and sold by lV. Belch, Newington Butts, London £1.* L0 636 CHILD’S LOTTERY PRINT, in sixteen divisions, representing trades. Sold by W. Belch, Newington Butts n. d. George Cruikshank says : “The boy in the left-hand corner is myself taking the plate to the booksellers.” The name of Belch the bookseller appears Over the shop in that compartment. The name of the bookseller Over the shop was afterwards altered to Langham, Whose name with his ad- dress, 3, Red Lion Street, Holborn, also appears in the line of publication. G. C. in 1873, when in his eighty-first year, copied this print, which was then published by G. Bell, York Street, Covent Garden. 637 CHILD’S LOTTERY PRINT OF SHIPS, in 24 divisions. 3 Printed and sold by D. Ash, 9, Red Lion Court, W atling Street n. d. £2. 638 CHILD’S LOTTERY PRINT OF HORSES AND CHARACTERS, 5082 twenty-four divisions. Printed and sold by IV. Belch, Newington Butts, London n. d. £2. * The approximate Value will be given in figures on the left, though the word “ value ” will not any longer be used. (128) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETcHINGS—EARLY EFFORTS—continued. 639 HORSE RAOEING (sic). 4 G. C. within the engraving, probably the first initials used by him. Printed and sold by I. M. Langham, 3, Red Lion Street, Holborn n. d. On my copy G. C. has written, “Designed and etched by George Cruikshank when a boy—Septl' 27th, 1862, Aged 70.” £2. 640 DONKEY RAOEING (sic). 5 Printed and sold by I. M. Langham, 3, Red Lion Street, Holborn n. d. My copy has written on it by G. C., “Designed and etched by George Cruikshank when a boy—Sept1‘ 27 th—-age 70—1862.” £2. 641 A PRETTY LOTTERY FOR CHILDREN. 6 A sheet of designs, the centre one representing boys playing at trap and bat and ball, the space around being filled up with small squares, each one having a separate figure, such as a bird, an insect, &c. Printed and sold by I. .M. Langham, 3, Red Lion Street, Holborn n. d. N GTE—The above has been corrected from Reid’s description, by the British Museum from their copy. £2. 642 THE WONDERFUL MILL. 7 Pub. by I. M. Langham, 1V0. 3, Red Lion Street, Holborn n. d. In this mill Old people are ground young again. £2. 643 A COPY OF A LANDSCAPE, by Vivares. “G. Cruikshank.” 10 A River Scene, a square tower, and mountains in the distance. n. d. 10s. 644 VIEW OF A COUNTRY SCHOOL, playground and boys playing. n. d. 11 On authority of Reid only. 645 VIEW OF SEA SHORE, with rocks, 12 in the distance naval engagement, a sailor standing in the n. d. foreground. On authority of Reid only. 647 THE ENGLISH FLEET in 1342, at anchor Off the French Coast. not in. “ Cruikshank seulp.” Reid. Published Feby. 1804, by A. Neil, Sommer’s Town 1804 A long line of the ancient high-castled ships of the period. In front a terrace looking on the sea, with battlements, several figures on each side. I think G. C.’s work appears in it. £1 10s. 646 THE SOLDIER’S FAREWELL. “I. Ch.” 13 Published at Akerman’s Gallery, 101, Strand, May 13th, 1803 10s. fieparaie 16mins. ETOHINGS. CARICATUREs_NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH. 653 THE ROeUE’s MARCH FROM MADRID TO PARIS. notin Relating to the Flight of Joseph Buonaparte. Reid. A large coloured caricature, 42 inches long, signed “George Cruik- shank junr. fecit.” Published by R. Ackermann, 101, Strand, Sept. 14 1808 The only one known, sold at the Bruton sale in 1897 for £6 10s, but worth at least £20. It is the only instance of his calling himself George Cruikshank junior, which is not really correct. Of course this does not refer to Joseph Buonaparte’s retreat after the battle of Vittoria, which took place five years after, viz. in 1813. 648 FACING THE ENEMY. “ Woodward del.” “ Cruikshanks.” 8 Pubd. at Ackermann’s Gallery, 101, Strand A British volunteer with bull dog facing a miserable looking Frenchman. 6s. 649 BONEY BEATING MACK AND NELSON GIVING HIM A WHAOKI! 16 or, The British Tars giving Boney his heart’s desire: Ships, Colonies and Commerce. Pub. by S. W. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly, London, Nov. 19 1805 10s. 650 BONEY STARK MAD, or More Ships, Colonies and Commerce. 36 Cruikshank sculp. Pubd. Jany. 1, 1808, by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1808 105. 651 SPANISH PATRIoTs ENTRINC (sic) MADRID, or the Grand Duke of 46 Berg’s Retreat discovered. Pubd. by S. TV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, July 14 1808 10s. 652 THE NOBLE SPANIARDS, or Britannia assisting the Cause of Freedom 47 all over the World, whether Friend or Foe. “ Cruikshank del.” Pubd. by S. 1V. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly, July 20th 1808 10s. 654 APOLLYON, THE DEvIL’s GENERALIssIMO, ADDREssINC HIS LEGIONS. 49 “ Cruikshank del.” Published by R. Ackermann, 101 Strand, Oct. 7 1808 10s. K t 130 ) 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 663 664 665 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. COMING TO THE POINT. Signed “G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by J. Johnston, 101, Cheapside, July This is considered to relate to the success of the Austrians at Aspern, in May 1809, and the supposed inability of the French to cross the Danube, but in fact they did cross it six weeks after, and gained the battle of \Vagram on the 5th July, 1809. £1 10s. THE FIRST ExPLOIT OF BONEY THE SECOND. “ G. Cruikshank del.” Pubd. by J. Johnston, 101, Cheapside 87, Bishopsgate, Ap‘. £1 10s. GENERAL NAP TURNED METHODIST PREACHER, a New Attempt to gull the Credulous. Whitbread. “ Dear Sam, repeat my words, but not my actions.” A Broad- side. No line of publication nor date, not signed in the engraving, but my copy has G. C.’s signature in ink: “This is by me George Cruikshank.” £2. BONEY HATOHING A BULLETIN, or Snug Winter Quarters. “G. Ck.” Published Dec". 1812, by Walker ck Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, 155. Royal Exchange 1812 BONEY RECEIVING AN ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE OF VITTORIA, Or the Little Emperor in a great passion. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. July 8th, 1813, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal Exchange 1813 £1 10s. THE NARROW ESCAPE, or Boney’s Grand Leap “ a la Grimaldi ” l I “ G. Cruikshank fee.” I £1. AN ARCH DESIGN intended for Boney’s Triumphal Entry into Paris. “G. C".” £1 10s. Pubd. Jany. 1813, by J. Johnston, 7, Chcapside 1813 BONEY, TIR’D OF WAR’S ALARMS, flies for safety to his darling’s arms. “G. C’“.” Pubd. by kValker ck Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal Ex. Jany. 1813 £1 10s. THE PROPHECY, or the Devil will have his due at last. “G. C".” Pubd. Jany. 1813, by J. Johnston, Cheapsidc 1813 1809 1811 Dedicated to Mr. Pub. by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Ja. 1813 10s. MARAT REVIEWING THE GRAND ARMY! ! 1!! ! “G. Crui’“. feet.” Pubd. Jany. 1813, by Walker ck Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal £1 55. Exchange 1813 SPECIMENS OF RUSSIAN CHOPPING BLOCKS (inscriptions in Russian and English), copied from an Original Russian print.* “ Etchedby G. Cruikshank.” £1. Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St, Jany. 8th 1813 * Reid says “this and several following etchings are said to be copies of Russian prints, which is of course untrue,” but I have three of the Original RussIan prlnts from whlch they were copied. [1812] 5085 118 180 164 210 also 200 211 (131) 666 667 668 669 670 671 673 674 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—-NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. A RUSSIAN BOOR RETURNING FROM HIS FIELD SPORTS, description also in Russian. Copied from an original Russian print. Etched by G. Cruikshank. Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Streh, 8 Jany. £1. THE GRAND DIGNITARIES ARRIVING AT WARSAW COVERED WITH 'G‘Lfif SNOW. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal Exchange, Feb. £1. THE HERO’S RETURN. (Four lines of verse beneath.) pinxit. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St, Feby. 22nd This is a fine large etching. £2. THE TRIP—HELL ALLIANCE. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. llIarch 11th, 1813, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Rl. Eachange Alliance between Buonaparte, the Pope, and the Devil. £1 10s. A RUSSIAN PEASANT LOADING A DUNG CART. Long inscription in Russian. Copied from a Russian print. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. March 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street David £1 5s. FRENCH CONSCRIPTS FOR THE YEARS 1820, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Marching to join the Grand Army. “ G. Cruikshank f.” Pubd. by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Rl. Exchange, March 13th £1 10s. ANTIOIPATION FOR BONEY, or a Court Martial on the Cowardly Deserter from the Grand Army. “ Etched by G. C".” Pubd. llIarch 6th, 1813, by S. Knight, 3, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal lwchange £1 10s. FRENCH POST EXTRAORDINARY FROM MOSCOW TO PARIS, also with Russian description. Copied from a Russian Print. "' Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. M'arch 26th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St, London £1 10s. NAPOLEON’S FAME, with description also in Russian. Copied from a Russian Print. “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. May 10th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Str‘. £1 10s. RUSSIANS TEACHING BONEY TO DANCE, description also in Russian. Copied from a Russian Print. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. May 18th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street £1 53. 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 1813 214 215 217 218 221 223 233 237 K 2 (132) 676 677 678 679 680 681 683 684 685 686 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICA'I‘URES-—-NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. REVIEW OF THE FRENCH TROOPS On their returning march through Smolensko, description also in Russian. “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. May 27th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Strt. £1 10s. FRENCH GENERALS RETREATING, with description also in Russian. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” Published May 30th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street £1 5s. A PEASANT CARRYING OFF A FRENCH CANNON INTO THE RUSSIAN CAMP whilst the enemy had left it to go marauding in the Village, also with Russian description. “G. Cruikshank seulp.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’ Strt., June 8th, £1 10s. BATTLE OF VITTORIA. ( 1) Lord Wellington 3 (2) Colonel Cadogan after he was woun- ded 5 (3) Flight of Joseph Buonaparte. “ G. Cruikshank.” No line of publication or date. £2. V ery rare. THE BATTLE OF VITTORIA. “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pub. July 7th, 1813, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside £1 55. A SCENE AFTER THE BATTLE OF VITTORIA, or More Trophies for Whitehall. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. July 10th, 1813, by T. T egg, 111, Cheapside 103. KING RICHARD BURLESQUED, or King Joey’s Flight from the Battle of Vittoria. “G. Cruikshank sculp.” Pubd. July 18th, 1813, by S. Knight, 3, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal £1 10s. Exchange COOL SUMMER QUARTERS, or going on Swimmingly I!!! “G. Cruik- shank ft.” Pubd. Oct. 2nd, 1813, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Ry‘. Exchange £1 5s. THE EMPEROR BONEY ESCAPING FROM LEIPSIC UNDER COVER. Not signed but undoubtedly by G. C. ' Pubd. by S. Knight, 3, Sweeting’s Alley, Ry‘. Exchange, Nov. 8th £1 103. THE HEAD OF THE GREAT NATION IN A QUEER SITUATION. “G. 0. feet.” Pubd. Dec’. 1813, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Roy‘. Ex. £1. DELUSION, A NEw FARCE, &c. Performed at Paris with great Eclat (sic). Principal Performer the King of Rome. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Dec’. 9th, 1813, by S. Knight, 3, Sweeting’s Alley, R‘. Xchange £1 108. 238 1813 239 1813 242 1813 245 1813 notin 1813 Reid. 246 1813 247 1813 260 1813 269 1813 275 1813 5091 1813 ( 1:33 ) 688 689 ._/690 691 694 695 /696 697 698 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS. OARICATUREs—NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. BLEEDING AND WARM WATER, or the Allied Doctors bringing Boney to his Senses. "' G. Cruik- shank feet.” £1. Pubd. Dec. 12th, 1813, by T. Tegg, Cheapside THE MODERN HANNIRAL, alias THE KING OF ROME, swearing eternal enmity to England. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Jany. 16, 1814, by T. T egg, ll1, Cheapside, Lon-don £2. Rare. AN AFFECTING AND SURLIME SCENE, or the Great Captain going to head his Armies. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by S. Knight, No. 3, Sweeting’s A lley, R0‘. Xchange, Feby. 6th £1 10s. THE ALLIED BAKERS, or the Corsican Toad in the Hole. “G. H. ivt.” “ Cruikshank fct.” £1. Pubd. April 1st, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’ St. REPRESENTATION OF YE GULL TRAP, and ye Principal Actors in y6 New Farce called ye Hoax, lately performed with great Eclat on y0 S—k X—ge. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 6th, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’ Street, 6; £1. OLD BLUCHER REATING THE OoRsICAN BIG DRUM. “G. 0'‘. feet.” Pubd. April 8th, 1814, by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly £1. THE OoRsICAN SHUTTLECOCK, or a Pretty Plaything for y0 Allies. “G. Cruik".” Pubd. April 10th, 1814, by S. Knight, No. 3, Sweeting’s Alley £1 10s. THE CoRsICAN WHIPPING TOP IN FULL SPIN!!! “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 11th, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Strt. £1 108. THE GRAND MANGEUVRE! or the Rogue March to the Island of Elba. “G. Cruikshank feet.” ' Pubd. April 13th, 1814, by T. T egg, No. 111, Cheapside “ G. H. invt.” £1. THE LAsT MARCH OF THE OoNsCRIPTs, or Satan and his Satellites hurled to the Land of Oblivion. Not signed but undoubtedly by G.C. Pubd. April 17th, 1814, by S. IV. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly £1 5s. BROKEN GINGERBREAD. “G. H. inrt.” “ G. Cruikshank feet. Pubd. April 21st, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street £1. EL ERIE: BARONIAN EMPEROR GOING To TAKE PossEssION OF HIS A NEW TERRITORY. “G. H. invt.” “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pub. April 23rd, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St. THE 1813 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 299 308 309 310 311 313 314 315 316 £1. (134) 699 700 703 704 705 706 707 “7” 708 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. RISE AND PROGRESS OF BUONAPARTE , intended as a companion to his Hieroglyphic Portrait, a shield in eight compartments with supporters, by G. C. though not signed. London: printed and published by G. Smeeton, 17 , St. Martin’s Lane, Charing Cross 1814 £2. A DIALOGUE BETWEEN AN ENGLISHMAN AND BUONAPARTE, on the Present Times, by a Lady. Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap A broadside of 30 lines of verse in double column. £2 lOs. Rare SNUFFING OUT BONEY. “G. Cruikshankfct.” . Pubd. May 1st, 1814, by T. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside 1814 317 not in Reid. 320 £1. THE TYRANT OVERTAKEN WORLD. “ L. M. del.” £1. BY JUSTICE IS EXCLUDED FROM THE Pubd. May, 1814, by T. Tegg, Cheapside 1814 321 A BONEY’S ELB-Gw CHAIR. 324 A A New Throne for a New Emperor, or an Old Sinner brought to the Stool of Repentance. “ G. Cruikshank fee.” (A broadside). Pubd. Illay 5th, 1814, by S. Knight, No. 3, Sweeting’s Alley, £2 10s. Royal Exchange, London A SINGULAR TRAIT OF BUONAPARTE’S FAVORITE MAMELUKE. Pubd. May 5th, 1814, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, R0‘. Xchange Not signed but undoubtedly one of G. C.’s best. £2. MECHANICAL POWERS l l l Or the Wonderful Invention of the Cook- Crane ! l l “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Relates to attempt to raise the Funds on report of Death of Boney. Pubd. May 11th, 1814, by T. Wilson, No. 5, St. Paul’s Churchyard £1. LITTLE BONEY GONE To POT. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. May 12th, 1814, by Thos. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside 1814 1814 1814 327 1814 328 10s. E GOD SAVE Y KING, by an Old Performer, and the Devil take the 329 Cryer. “S. Kn“. invt.” “G. C". sculp.” Pubd. M'ay 17th, 1814, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royl Xchange £1. BRITANNIA AND THE SEVEN CHAMPIONS, or Modern Christendom restored. This print presented gratis to every purchaser of a Ticket or Share at M artin’s Lottery Ofiiee, 8, Cornhill. “ Cruikshank del.” [1814] 1814 330 £1. (135) 711 713 \———-~714 715 716 717 718 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. THE MODERN PROMETHEUS, or Downfall of Tyranny, This print presented gratis to every purchaser of a Ticket or share at Martin’s Lottery Ojfice, 8, Cornhill. £1. PEACE AND PLENTY, or Good News for John Bull. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. May 25th, 1814, by H. Humphry, St. J ames’s Street £1. A GAME AT CRIBBAGE, or Boney’s Last Shuffle. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” Pubd. June 16th, 1814, by H. I'Iumphrey, St. James’s Street 15s. THE DEPARTURE OF APOLLO AND THE h/IUSES, or Farewell to Paris. “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” London: des“. and published by J. Sidebotlu'nn, No. 74, Newgate St, die. £1. NAPOLEON, a Back View (uncoloured). “G. H. invt.” N o lettering or inscription Very rare, only one in British Museum, and one in Mr. Bruton’s collection, which brought £2. at his sale. TWELFTH NIGHT, or What you Will, now performing at the Theatre Royal, Europe, with new Scenery, Decorations, Sec. 850. “G. Cruikshank feet.” 15s. Pubd. Jany. 1815, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street BONEY’S RETURN FROM ELBA, or the Devil among the Tailors. “G. H. invt.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. March 21st, 1815, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street 15s. ESCAPE OF BUONAPARTE FROM ELBA. ‘ Published by G. Smeeton, 17, St. ll/Iartin’s Lane. Price One Shilling By G. C., though not signed. A large Broadside inscription in prose. £3. JOHN BULL IN ALARM, Or Boney’s Escape and A Second Deliverance of Europe. A New Song to an Old Tune. Jones d2 00., Typ., New Street ,- London .- published at 98, Cheapside By G. C. though not signed. A large Broadside with nine stanzas of verse. £3. THE BUNGLING TINKERS! or, Congress Of Blockheads! Who battered a Hole in Great Europe’s Kettle. Published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill A large Broadside with Verses, eleven stanzas of four lines each, below them is: “See Peter Pindar’s Poem of R lLogger- heads, or the Congress of State Tinkers. Price Is 6d.” NOTE—This Broadside is published separately, but the plate is sometimes found with the pamphlet referred to. “ G. H. invt.” “ Cruikshank del. ” [181 4] 1814 1814 1814 1814 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 331 334 339 345 446 454 465 466 467 461 £3. ( .136 ) 725 726 W727 728 729 730 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. HELL BROKE LOOSE, or the John Bulls made Jack Asses. “ G. C". del.” Pubd. by S. l/V. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 10s. SEE SAW, or a Specimen of French Stability. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 1st, 1815, by R. Harrild, 20, Gt. Easteheap, London 15s. THE GENIUS OF FRANCE, expounding her Laws to the Sublime People. “Etched by G. Cruik- shank.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. J ames’s Street, April 4th £1. THE CONGRESS DISOLvED (sic) BEFORE THE CAKE WAS OUT UP. “G. C’‘.” Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, April 6th £1. THE CORSICAN’S LAST TRIP, under the Guidance of his Good Angel. “G. C’“. sculp.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St, April 16th 10s. HELBA FLAG. “Etched by G. 0*.” fivrwt Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street, April 30th 15s. THE GOUT, THE KING, AND THE DOCTORS, or the Case of Los. XVIII. “G. Cruikshank fct.” Pubd. by R. Harrild, 20, Gt. Easteheap, London, May £1. THE FOX AND THE GOOSE, or Boney Broke Loose. P. H., Esg’.,” by G. C. not signed. Published March 17, 1815, by lV/iittle a"; Laurie, 53, Fleet Street, London £1. TREACHERY, TREACHERY, TREAOHERY! 1! “ G. Ck.” Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Flag 16 A Broadside Explanation of the Brown Bread, with six lines of prose. It also occurs without text. The broadside, £1 5s. ; the plate only, 105. A VIEW OF THE GRAND TRIUMPHAL PILLAR to be Erected on the Spot where Corporal Violet alias Napoleon landed, the. &c. “G. H. invt.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St, May 12th “ Designed by £1 10s. THE KING’S STATUE AT GUILDHALL, or French Colours and French Principles put down. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London .- printed for William Hone, 55, Fleet Street [1815] A large Broadside with dialogue in type. £1 10s. THE PEDIGREE OF CORPORAL VIOLET. “Etched by G. Cr-uik".” “G. H. inv. et del.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, June on, 1815, N0. 27, St. James’s St. 1815 £1 53. 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 469 471 473 474 476 477 478 481 487 486 (137) 731 \1 00 N.) 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. OARICATUREs-NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. AN ERUPTION OF MOUNT VEsUvIUs, and the Anticipated Effects of the Storm. “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, June 17 1815 Curiously enough published the day before the Battle of Waterloo. First state, the place for the name is left blank before “Storm.” Second state, the blank filled in with the word “ \Vaterloo.” First state, £2 ,- second state, £1. OOMPLIMENTs AND CONGEEs, or Little Boney’s Surrender to the Tars of Old England. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” £1. Pub. July 24, 1815, by J. Johnston, Cheapside BUONAPARTE ON THE 17TH OF JUNE. BUONAPARTE ON THE 17TH JULY, 1815, in two compartments. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Roy. Exchange, August £1 5s. BONEY’s MEDITATIONs ON THE ISLAND OF ST. HELENA, the Devil addressing the Sun. “ G. H. invt.” “G. Cruikshankfect.” Pubd. August, 1815, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street Mr. Bruton calls it “the finest of the caricatures on Napoleon and very rare,” his copy with duplicate uncoloured brought £9 5s. £2 10$. Rare. RETURN OF THE PARIS DILIGENOE, or Boney rode over. “G. H. invt.” “ etch’d by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. Sept-r. 6th, 1815, by H. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street £1 10s. PORTRAIT OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE AND FOUR OF HIS SUITE who accompanied him to St. Helena. On authority of Reid only. BoNEY’s THREATENED INvAsION BROUGHT TO BEAR, or taking a View of the English Coast from y0 Poop of the Bellerophon. “ Etch". by G. Ck.” £1. Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, September 10th LoUIs XVIII CLIMBING THE MAT DE OOCAGNE. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” . London : Pubd. by TV. Hone, 55, Fleet Street, October 5th £1 10s. PATIENCE ON A MONUMENT sMILING AT GRIEF, or the Royal Laundress washing Boney’s Court Dresses. “G. H. invt.” “G. Cruikshank fect. ” Pubd. Octr. 26, 1815, by W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street, London 1815 1815 1815 1815 [1815] 1815 1815 1815 15s. THE PRESENT STATE OF FRANCE exemplified in the First Chapter of the Second Book of the Restoration of Kings. “G. Cruik- shank fecit.” Printed by T. J. W color, 58, Houndsditch A large Broadside, with 24 paragraphs of text. 1815 498 499 500 503 504 505 507 509 510 £3. (138) 741 ‘\I pp. LO ~1 >P~ OD .744 747 K] 4:. 00 749 750 751 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS. GAEIoATUEEs—NAPoLEoN AND THE FRENCH—continued. THE AFTERPIECE To THE TRAGEDY OF WATEELoo, or Madame Francoise and her Manager. “ Cruikshank feet. ” ' Pubd. at W. Hone’s, Fleet Street, Nov. 9 It occurs also without signature or imprint. £1. DREAMS OF TERROR, or the Vision of Louis XVIII. “ 0k.” Pubd. by Sidebotham, 96, Strand On my copy, in G. C.’s writing is : “ By my Brother I. R. C. assisted by me Ge. Cruikshank.” There is a second state of the plate in Which besides other alterations a grenadier is introduced before Marie Louise, who urges Louis XVIII with point of his bayonet. £1. A SCENE AT THE LoNDoN MUSEUM PIooADILLY, or a Peep at the Spoils of Ambition. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street, London, Jany. £1. THE ROYAL SHAMBLES, or the Progress of Legitimacy and Re- Establishment of Religion and Social Order. “ G. Cruikshank fect. Margate, 1816.” Pubd. August, 1816, by l/V. Hone, 55, Fleet Street £2 105. Rare. NAPOLEON. “G. Cruikshank feet.” London .' pubd. by W’. Hone, Jun., 67, Old Bailey and 55, Fleet Street, April The Emperor on horseback in the Island of St. Helena. £2 lOs. Rare. PL. XVIII. A FRENCH ELEPHANT. 103. Published by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly OLD BUMBLEHEAD THE 18TH, TRYING oN NAPoLEoN’s BooTs. “Geo. Cruikshank feet.” Feb. 17th, 1823, by Jno. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, London 155. FRANCE (THE GREAT NATIoN) DRIVEN BY THE NORTH INTO THE SOUTH. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London .- pubd. Feby. 18th, 1823, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, 155. Ludgate Hill PORTRAITS OF FERDINAND VII AND THE DUKE D’ANGOULEME, or a Spanish Mule and a French Jack-Ass l! “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Londn. .- pubd. Feby. 25, 1823, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 155. ' LE DEPAET POUR L’AEMEE, of Sir Lou-de-Bras and his Squire. -“ Sketched by an Amateur” “Etched by G. Cruik".” Pubd. Feby. 26, 1823, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London 155. A FRENCH HILT oN A SPANISH RAPIER, dedicated to the Duke D’Angouleme. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Londn. : pubcl. by J. Fair-burn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Feby. 26 155. 513 1815 558 559 1816 594 1816 667 1817 718 1170 1823 1171 1823 1172 1823 1173 1823 1174 1823 ( 139 ) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARIOATURES—NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH—continued. 752 A HINT To THE BLIND AND FOOLISH, or the Bourbon Dynasty in 1177 Danger. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. March 10, 1823, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1823 15s. 753 THE ROYAL MENAGERIE ON THE ROAD To RUIN SPAIN. “ Sketched 1178 by an Amateur,” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. March 12th, 1823, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s All., Royal Xchange 1823 15s. 754 FASHIONABLE MOVEMENTS, or the Stray Birds frightened out of 1179 France. “G. Cruikk. feet.” Pubd. March 20th, 1823, by G. Humphrey, St. James’s St, London 1823 15s. CARICATURES—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY. 756 JOHN BULL ADVISING WITH HIS SUPERIORS. 44 Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, April 3 1808 Figures of John Bull, the Regent, and the Duke of York, the picture portraits on the wall apparently by G. C. 10s. 757 MRS. CLARKE’S PETTICOAT. Under this may be found a soothing 61 for every pain, a remedy for every sorrow, &c., &c. 10s. Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly, Feby. 23 1809 There are twenty plates relating to Mrs. Clarke and the Duke of York, none of them signed by G. C., sixteen of which are placed under the line as the work of his father, the hand of G. C. in them being extremely doubtful. 755 MILITARY LEAP-FROG, or Hints to Young Gentlemen, by Messrs. 29 Blackwood & Co., I. C“. 108. Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, June 5 1807 758 JOHN BULL’S ADDRESS To CLARKE ON THE LATE CONSPIRACY. 62 7 Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Feb. 24th 1809 759 CHURCH PROMOTION, or How to scale a Pulpit ! 63 7s. Published by S. II’. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Feby. 25 1809 760 THE YORK SPARRING MATCH, being M. A. Clarke’s first set-to, 64 and who is likely to become Champion of All England. ' 7 s. Pubd. March 1st, 1809, by Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly 1809 761 How To STUFF AN ACCUSER. 65 7 s. Pubd. March 3rd, 1809, by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1809 762 ANANIAS AND CLAVIRA, or Judgment against Lying. 66 7s. Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, March 10th 1809 763 THE WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY, or Mary Magdalen. 67 7 s. Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, March 15th 1809 /140) \ SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIcATUREs—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. 771 BURNING THE MEMOIRs. 75 Pubd. by S. W. Foi'es, N0. 50, Piccadilly, April lZth 1809 10s. 7 7 2 FRENOH GENERALs RECEIVING AN ENGLISH CHARGE. 76 Pubd. by S. l/V. Fares, 50, Piccadilly, April 'ZSih 1809 The pictures in the hands of the Generals seem to be by G. C. 7 s. ' 775 FOLKEsTONE STRAWBERRIES, Or More Carraway Cornfits for 109 Mary Ann. Published by S. lV. Foi'es, 50, Piccadilly, June 10th 1810 10s. 776 PARADISE REGAINED. “ G. C'i'uihshauh feet.” uoli-u Pubd. by J . Johnston, 101, Cheapside, June 1811 Reid. Rare. £1 10s. 777 THE ROYAL SPRAIN. 147 “And Jove the Second gained a decent Milling !” wide p. 20. “ G. Ci'uihshauh fecz‘.” Pubd. Jauy. 1812, by R. Redford, London Rod. 1812 £1. 764 AN IRIsH INTRODUCTION TO A ROYAL PULPIT. 68 Pubd. by S. IV. Foi'es, 50, Piccadilly, March 16 1809 73. 765 A STANDING TOAsT IN THE ARMY. 69 Published by S. W. Form, No. 50, Piccadilly, March 17 1809 7 s. 766 BLOODY NEWs, BLOODY NEWs, Or the Conspirators Detected. 70 Pubd. by S. W. FO’I’GS, 50, Piccadilly, Mah. 18 1809 7 s. 767 THE MODERN WHITEWAsHERs !! _ 71 London .- published by S. IV. F Ores, 50, Piccadilly, March 20 1809 768 EXTERMINATION, Or Buying Up and Burning Shame. 72 London .- pubd. by J. Jchustoii, 101, Cheapside, April 1809 73. 769 THE SICK LION, Or the Ungrateful Jackasses. 73 Pubd. by S. W. Fares, N0. 50, Piccadilly, April 10 1809 7 s. 770 THE CITY SHEEP-SHEARING. 74 Published by S. lV. Forcs, N0. 50, Piccadilly, April 12th 1809 7 s. 773 HELL BROKE LOOSE, The Devil to pay among the Darling Angels. 78 Published July 9th 1809 7 s. 774 THE VIOAR AND CLARKE. 97 Published by S. 171’. F ores, 50, Piccadilly, Dec. 18th 1809 78. (141) 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS. OARICATUREs—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. PRINOELY AGILITY, or the Sprained Ancle. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Jan-uy. 1812, by J. Johston (sic), 98, Cheapside 1812 15s. A KICK FROM YARMOUTH To WALEs, or the New Rowly Powly. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Published by J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside 1812 A broadside. £1 10s. INS AND OUTS, or Princely Consistency. “ G. Cruikshankfect.” Published, by J. Johnston, 98', Cheapside 1812 A long broadside in verse in two columns, one headed February 1811, the other February 1812; but Reid seems to be wrong in giving the date February 1812, after Cr. C.’s name, and February 1811 after Johnston, the publisher’s name. I presume it must have been published in 1812. £1 10s. POLLY AND LUCY TAKING OFF THE REsTRICTIoNs, vide Beggar’s Opera. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” £1. Pubd. March 1812, by J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside REGENT VALENTINE. Letter of the Princess of Wales to the Prince Regent. fect.” 14th Feb. Published by J. Knight (late l'Valker’s), 3, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal Exchange A broadside—being a long letter from the Princess, Jan. 14 £1 10s. THE MERRY THOUGHT, or the Catholic Question Resolved. Pubd. .March 1st, 1813, by J. Johnston, 96, Cheapside “ G. Cruik. sculpt.” The head of George III is on top of the arch of the bone, and Napoleon is seen riding on the neck of the Pope. In the second state the Book of Martyrs and the Holy Bible is substituted for the head of George III, and the Regent for Napoleon. £1 10s‘. INDELICATE INvEsTIGATION, or the Spying D Glass’s. Pubd. by S. Knight, 3, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal Erchange “Designed by J. B. P.” “Etched by G. Ck.” March 26. £1. 1812 "' G. Ck. 1813 1813 1813 A VENOMoUs VIPER PoIsoNING THE ROYAL MIND. “ G. Cruik- shank fect.” Pubd. April 1st, 1813, by J. Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill £1. MEDITATIoNs AMONGST THE TOMBs. “G. Cruikshankfect.” £1. Pubd. .May 1st, 1813, by J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE OF ST. PETERsBURGH. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 1813 1813 Pubd. May 18th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street 1813 149 148 L0 00 :3: 15s. (142) 789 K] (O L0 793 794 RT 19 U! 796 797 798 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIcATUREs—THE REGENT AND THE RoYAL FAMILY—continued. A NEW SONG TO AN OLD TUNE. A broadside with many lines of verse, headed by the engraving “A Sepulchral Enquiry into English History,” also used in No. 30 (vol. V) of “The Scourge.” “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. June 1st, 1813, by W . N. Jones, No. 5, Neu'yate Strt. £2. THE ADMIRAL IN ST. PETERsRURcH. or Poor Will Foil’d Again. “ G. Cruik. del.” A broadside with verses. March 1813, printed and published by J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside £2. THE R L LOVERS, or another Attempt at making Love. “G. Cruik. del.” Printed and published by J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside This is a broadside and a second state of the preceding. £2. THE BRITISH SPREAD EAGLE. Presented to the Northern Monarchs as a Model for their New National Banner, in consequence of the General Peace ./ “ G. C".” £1. Pubd. J une 1814, by S. W. Pores, No. 50, Piccadilly A DUTCH TOY l l l or a Pretty Plaything for a Young Princess ! I I Huzza. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” March 1814 Pubd. June 20th, 1814, by Thos. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside 15s. MIss ENDEAVOURING To EXCITE A GLOW WITH HER DUTCH PLAYTHING. Pubd. July 1st, 1814, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly Seems to have some of Robert’s work in it. 10s. THE R T KIOKING UP A Row, or Warwick House in an Uproar! ! l “ G. Cruikshank fect.” 15s. Pubd. July 20, 1814, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside A NovIoE ENTERING THE CONVENT or ST. GEoRoE! “ G. Cruik- shank scalp.” Pubd. by S. Knight, Sueetiny’s Alley, Royal Xchange, July 25 £2 10s. Rare. THE ROYAL RUNAWAY AND CoAcHEE, or the Female Richard. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Auyt. 1814, by H. Harrild, No. 20, Eastcheap, London £1 10.9. THE RoYAL TRANSPORT AND THE CAPTIVE DAUGHTER, or Prince Blue Beard Triumphant I!!! “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. August 1814, by H. Harrild, No. 20, Gt. Eastcheap, London £1. FoUR VIEWs TAKEN IN THE PARKS. (August) Pubd. by R. Harrild, 20, Eastcheap. “G. Cruikshank feet.” In four compartments representing Scenes in the Park on the Regent’s birthday. 1813 1813 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 236 363 337 340 344 348 349 350 £1. ( 143 ) 799 800 801 803 804 806 UJ O “ 1 SEPARATE PRINTs. ETCHIN GS. CARIcATUREs—TIIE REGENT AND THE ROYAL ].*‘AI\III.Y—-eontinued. HUMoURs OF LIFE IN LONDON, oR THE REeENT’s BIRTH DAY. 352 “G. Gruihshanhfeet.” This is the second state of the preceding. Pubd. July 6, 1823, by Hodgson it‘ Go, 10, Newgate Street Issued by another publisher eleven years after, and at that date could not be the Regent’s Birthday, as he was then King. £1. THE GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. Tune—“ The Tight Little Island.” No signature, but undoubtedly by G. 0'. Printed and sold by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap 1814 A broadside, with seven stanzas of verse. £1 105 THE GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. Tune—“The Tight Little Island.” “ G. G".feot.” A similar subject to the preceding but differently treated. No imprint nor date 1814 354 353 A large broadside, With verses. £2. THE ROYAL DOCKYARD, or the \Valnut-shell Squadron. 357 This has neither signature, imprint nor date, but it is undoubtedly by G. G. [1814] £1. THE SHAM NAVAL ENGAGEMENT oN THE SERPENTINE IN HYDE PARK. No signature, imprint, nor date [1814] £1. THE ADMIRALTY INsPEoToR, or Great Men looking at Little Things. Printed and sold bg R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap [1814] Without signature or date. £1. RUSSIAN CoNDEsoENsIoN, or the Blessings of Universal P.E.A.O.E. “G. 0”‘ feet.” 356 Pub. by 8’. IV. Fores, Piccadilly. [1814:] Relating to the Emperor Alexander and his Sister when in London at the Peace Festivities given by the Regent. 15s. THE Two VETERANS. “ G. Gruih'shanh feet.” “ Hectora quem laudas, pro te pugnari juncto, Militia est operis altera digna tuis.”—Ovid. London: printed bg Plummer tt' Brewis, Lore Lane, Eastoheap, for Ll'homas Tegg, 111, Gheapside [1814] Blucher, Lord Yarmouth, and the Regent, discussing a bowl of punch, the Regent getting the Worst of it. A large broadside with verses. £1 105. THE Two VETERANS. A similar subject to the preceding, but differently treated. The Regent is flat on his back. A broadside with verses. No imprint, date or signature, but George Gruihshanh has signed my copy in full in [1814] not in Reid. 355 £1. (144) 808 809 810 811 813 814 817 818 819 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. JOHN’S DREAM, or The Prince and Old England for Ever. “ John Bull inut, G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. March 11, 1815, by A. Beugo, Maiden Lane 1815 461 £1. ROYAL METHODISTS IN KENT AND SUSSEX, or the Dissenters too powerful for the Established Church. Pubd. Jany. 14th, 1816, by J. Sidebothain, N0. 96, Strand 1816 514 10s. FEMALE INTREPIDITY ! 1 or How to Board a King’s Ship in a Manly Style, ride a late Royal Cruise Ofl“ Weymouth. “ G. Cruihkfect.” London .- pubd. by J. Sidebotham, No. 96, Strand [1816] £1 10s. ECONOMICAL HUMRUG OF 1816, Or Saveing at the Spiggot and letting out at the Bunghole. Desd. by an Amateur, “ Etchd. by G. Cruihshanh.” Pubd. by S. W‘. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, April 28 1816 105‘. THE MOTHER’S GIRL. Plucking a Crow, or German Flesh and English Spirit. “ R. G-lc sculpt.” Pub. by S. 171/. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly, April 28th 1816 This is signed by Robert Cruikshank, but I think there is the hand of George in it. 10s. PREPARING FOR THE MATCH, Or May 2nd, 1816. In two compartments. Pubd. by J. Johnston, Cheapside, London, May 1816 01 \l U! “ G. Cruihk feet.” 578 £1. A BRIGHTON HOT BATH, or Preparations for the Wedding 1 1 London .- published by J. Sidebotha-r/i, No. 96, Strand [1816] 579 £1 105. THE COURT AT BRIGHTON A LA CHINESE !! “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London .- pubd. by J. Sidebotham, No. 96, Strand n. d. 583 £2. MISS MARY AND HER LOVING CoUsIN ! or Single Gloucester prefer’d to German Sausage 1 l l “ Incl. by Yedis, Etched by G. Ch.” Pubd. June, 1816, by J. Sidebotham, 96, Strand 1816 584 £1. FARMER GEoRGE’s DAUGHTER POLLY LONGING FOR A SLIOE OF Single Gloucester. “G. C. fect.” £1. Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, June 21st 1816 586 815 816 THE CONTRAST l or the Ci-Devant German Captain in good Quarters. 580 London: pubd. by J. Sidebotham, No. 96, Strand 10s. SCENE IN A ROYAL BED CHAMBER, or a Slit in the Breeches. Published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 581 10s. (145) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs —THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. 820 GENT-No GENT AND REGENT. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 589 Pubd. by T. T egg, No. 111, Cheapside, July 5 1816 £1. 821 SALUTING THE R—-’s BOMB, uncovered on his Birthday, 593 August 12th, 1816. Pub. by l/V. Hone, 55, Fleet Street, Augt. 1816 Not signed, but undoubtedly by G. O; my copy has his initials in pencil. £1 10s. 822 ROYAL VVHISKERS—L’Adieux from a puissant Prince to his cast-off 595 Whiskers, on his leaving London to make an Excursion. Published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill (facing the Old Bailey) n. d. A Broadside with verses. £1 108. 823 THE YoRKsHIREMAN’s SLAP AT THE R T’s BOMB. The Second 595 State of the last number. The Whiskers taken out of the plate, and the Regent’s Bomb introduced in their place. £1 10s. 824 A R—Y—L VIsIT To A FOREIGN CAPITAL, or the Ambassador 686 not at Home—April 1817. “G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd. Sept. 15, 1817, by S. lV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1817 In the first state a great deal of the Princess’s bosom is seen. In the second state it is more covered with drapery, and more shading is introduced in the foreground. 10s. 825 R—Y-L CONDESOENSION, or a Foreign Minister astonished I 687 April 1817. “G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd. Sept. 15, 1817, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, London 1817 10s. 826 ENGLAND’s ONLY HOPE DEPARTING—A Specimen of Conjugal 706 Affection and Attention in Exalted Life, a Lesson to Princes. “G. Ck.” £1. Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Dec. 2d 1817 827 A VIGNETTE ON THE sUBJECT OF THE DEATH OF PRINCEss 707 CHARLOTTE. III an Ornamental border. On the authority of Reid only. 828 THE HOMBOURG VVALTZ. \Vith characteristic Sketches of Family 773 Dancing. “Knahskiurc fect.” London Published May 4, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., Nephew and Successor to the late M'rs. H. Humphrey 1818 15s. 829 ROYAL HoBBIEs. 88, “De gustibus non est disputandum.” “That is, there is no disputing against Hobby-Horses.” Lond. Apl. 9th, 1819, by T. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside 1819 £1. L (I46) 830 831 832 833 834 836 837 838 839 840 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATUREs—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. ROYAL HOBBYs OR THE HERTFORDSHIRE GoCK-HoRsE. Pubd. Apt. 20, 1819, by M. Clinch, 20, Prince’s St., Soho £1. ACCIDENTS IN HIGH LIFE, or Royal Hobby’s Broke Down. Dedicated to the Society for the Suppression of Vice. Pubd. Apl. 24, 1819, by E. King, 25, Chancery Lane £1. THE HERTFORD DOOTORESS, or a Consultation upon the Gout in the Great Toe. . Pubd. April 18th, 1819, by .M. Clinch, 20, Prince’s St., Soho £1. RIPE FRUIT, Or Tasting a Melon. Pubd. April 22nd, 1819, by J. Sidebotham, 287, Strand £1. SALES BY AUCTION 1 or Provident Children disposing of their deceased Mother’s Effects for the Benefit of the Creditors. “ Yedis i’lt’t’l.” “ G. C. fect.” Pubd. Illa-y 6th, 1819, by J. Sidebotham, N0. 287, Strand £1. ROYAL EMBARKATION, or bearing Britannia’s Hope from a Bathing Machine to the Royal Barge. Pubd. Aug. 19th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 1.11, Cheapside £1 10$. CATCH “"T PURsE EXPEDITION. v07. A “An excellent match took place today for a ‘ Catch Purse ’ from Cowes round the buoy of the Royal George, which Was Well contested.”— Courier, August 16th, 1819. London Published August 23, 1819, by T. T egg, 111, Cheapside £1 10s. LOYAL ADDREssEs AND RADICAL PETITIONS, or the Regent’s most gracious Answer to both sides of the Question at once. “ G. C.” THE 0 18 1819 1819 1819 1819 London Pub. Dec. 4th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside 1819 1 5s. REFLECTION. TO BE, OR NOT To BE. Pubd. Feb. 11, 1820, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, London 1820 £1. CORIOLANUS ADDRESSING THE PLEBEIANS. “ G. Cruikshank del. et sculp.” Pubd. Feby 27th, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. £1. THE R—-—-L MAsOUERADE. Printed and published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill A broadside with long prose inscription. £1 105. “J. S. Esg. ini't.” 1820 886 887 5096 907 not in Reid. 937 939 954 843 846 849 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS. CARIOATIIREs—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. LA GLOIRE DES HONNETTES GENSI! “Sr. Facto del.” “G. Ch. sculpt.” Pubd. June 15, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. The plate is divided into four compartments, inscribed “Modesty,” “Dignity,” “Chastity.” “National Love,” the signature and imprint as above are in the last compartment. £1. “ AH l SURE SUCH A PAIR \VAS NEVER SEEN SO JUSTLY FORM’D TO MEET BY N ATURE.”-Old Sherry. Dedicated to Old Bags. “Broom in-rt.” “ G. Gruilrshanh feet.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. Jc'imes’s Street, J une 23 10s. MOTHER RED CAP’s PUBLIO HOUSE, in opposition to the King’s Head Tavern. “ G. Cruikshankfeet.” Published by Fortnum, Ball Alley, Lombard Street; Johnson, Gheapside; Hodson, King Street, Snow Hill; and Humphries, St. J ames’s Street A long broadside with 36 stanzas of verse. The engraving at top with similar description was also used in the Loyalist Magazine, and in the Royal l'Vanderer. STAND FORTH THOU SLANDERER !! cute Mr. Denman’s Speech, Oct. ‘25, 1820 “ G. Gruihshanh sculp.” Pubd. Jany. 1st, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. £1 10s. 1820 n. d. about 1820 1821 953 980 968 844 845 847 848 THE SECRET INSULT, or Bribery and Corruption rejected. “ I. It. Gruihshanh feet.” Pubd. by Benbour, St. Clement’s Churchyard, Strand, June 11th 10s. THE PERsEOUTION OF THE SAINTS. Pnbd. July 3, 1820, by W. Benbow, St. Clement’s Churchyard 105. THE COURIER. an Old Song. A broadside with many lines of verse. 108. OUTSIDE VIEW OF THE CROWN TAP. (Reid has Royal Tap). “ Marshall fecit. ” “80 Rough and so Hairy.” A New Version of Pub. Sep. 20, 1820, by John Iliarshall, Junr. 42, Little St. Bfartin’s Lane 10s. ROYAL CONGRATULATIONS. Pubd. October 1820, by T. Dolby, 299, Strand 10s. 1820 1820 1820 1820 960 955 963 964- L 2 (148) 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARICATUREs—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. ROYAL NAVY. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” Second state of No. 849. £1. Pubd. Jany. 1st, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. THINGs As THEY ARE IN FEBRUARY 1821. This is the centre group in “The Political Meddler,” which was published in No. 19 of “The Scourge,” July 1812, now adapted for 1821. 10s. A SCENE IN THE NEW FAROE, as performed at the Royalty Theatre. Historical Fact. “ G. Cruikshank inyt. et sculp.” Pub. by G. Humphrey, Feby. 14, 1821, 27 , St. James’s Street The King in the guise of Henry VIII receiving a Petition and answering it. £1 5s. THE ROYAL RUsHLIGHT. “ G. Gruikshankfect.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London, March- 3 £1. THE ROYAL EXTINGUIsHER, or the King of Brobdingnag and the Lilliputians. “ I. R. Cruikshank inyt.” “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 7 th, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street, London 15s. A GOING! A GOING! THE LAsT TIME A GOING!!! To be Sold by Public Auction, by Mr. Squib, at Bullock’s Rooms—Lot 1 (for Export-ation), Xantippe, a bronze Statue, supported by a Prime Block of Soft Alder “700d. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Published April 12th, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s 10s. Street, London N osING THE NOB AT RAMsGATE. An Historical Fact. “His Majesty took coffee with Lady Curtis at 12 o’clock on Monday night, and did not retire to rest until near 3 of clock.” —Vide New Times, Sept. 29, 1821. “G. C.” London Pubd. by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Oct. £1 IOs. HIs MosT GRACIOUs MAJESTY, GEORGE IV, returning from W est- minster Abbey to \Vestminster Hall, on the Day of his Coro- nation, July 19th, 1821. Etchd. by G. Gk. Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London, March 25th £1 108. RESULTS OF THE NORTHERN EXCURSION, or Strong Symptoms of the Scotch Fiddle. “G. Cruik".” London Pubd. Septr. 8, 1822, by J. Fairburn, Ludgate Hill 10s. THE BEAUTIEs OF BRIGHTON. “A. Growquill, Esq. del.” “etched by G. Cruikshank.” London Pubd. March 1st, 1826, by S. Knight, Su'eetiny’s Alley, Ry‘. Xchanye £2. Rare. 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1822 1826 968 970 972 979 1034 1073 1093 1342 (149) 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 868 869 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—THE REGENT AND THE ROYAL FAMILY—continued. RUMPING-KICKING AND KIssING, or Cutting off his Privy Purse. The Prerogative of the Crown dedicated to the Keeper of the Jewels, Sick Spittal, &c. &c. No imprint nor date 10s. THE ROYAL COT, or the Great Babe taken ill. Published by C. E. Pritchard, Islington Green A broadside, with nine stanzas of verse. £2. A TRUMP. shank.” Pubd. by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royal Xchange, April 10th 1825 £1. 1148 1335 n. d. “Designed by A. Crowquill, Esg.” “Etched by G. Cruik- 1305 THE NEW LIFE BOAT—GOING ON SWIMMINGLY. 1415 Beneath the plate is: “Resignation, a great moral Virtue—all aground.” “A. Bird invt.” “Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. Illay 11th, 1827, by S. Knight, Sweetin-g’s Alley, Roy‘. Xchang Nine compartments with different subjects. £1 10s. THE J Ew AND THE DOCTOR, or Secret Influence behind the Curtain. Vide Times, Feb. 19th, 1828. Pubd. Feby. 1828, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, London 1828 £1 10s. 1827 1456 @15®@3®@@@%76¥®@1®@5Q1®3%33 CARICATURES—POIIITICAL. ST. STEPHENS IN AN UPROAR, or Horney’s Last Effort. 28 Published by J. Johnson, 101, Cheapside, London 10s. COBBETT AT COURT, or St. James’s in a bustle. Extracted from 30 N 0. III of “The Censor.” Verses. “G. Cruikshank del.” The first plate with G. C.’s full signature. Published by TV. Deans, Catherine Street, Strand, Oct. 16, 1807 £1 10s. DROITs, DROITs, DROITs I !! 39 London Published by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Feb. 19, 1808 10s. BRITANNIA, THE POLITICAL EGOTIsT, and the Old Woman of 79 Botley. Pub. by S. lV. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly, London 1809 10s. 867 THE NEW METHOD OF BEAR BAITING. “I. Ck.” 32 Published by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Dec. 31, 1807 10s. (150) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETGHINGS. CARICATUREs—POLITICAL—continued. 870 RHYMs (sic) FOR GROWN BARIEs IN THE MINISTERIAL NURSERY. 84 “ Cruikshank del.” Pubd. Cctr. 1809, by J. Fairburn, 146, Minories 1809 Six subjects on a sheet. 103. 871 SIR FRANCIS BURDETT TAKEN FROM HIs HOUsE, No. 80, Piccadilly, 106 by Warrant of the Speaker of the House of Commons, in April 9th, 1810, and delivered into the custody of Earl Moira, Con- stable Of the Tower. 1810 Two subjects, each signed Cruikshank del. £1 10s. 87 2 THE LAsT GRAND MINIsTERIAL EXPEDITION! 119 on the strh, Piccadilly. “I. C".” Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, April 19th 1810 It is signed by Isaac Cruikshank, which Reid omits in his description, but G. Cruikshank, in a note by himself On Mr. Bruton’s copy, claims to have assisted in it. 873 THE WISE MEN OF GOTHAM PUZZLED, 108 or great doubts about the Thing. “ Crk.” Pubd. April 21st, 1810, by S. W. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly 1810 12s. 875 THE HEADS OF THE NATION IN A QUEER SITUATION. 110 Pubd. June 20th, 1810, by S. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1810 105. w""\~876 STATE MINERS. “G. Cruikshank del.” 120 Pubd. by J. Johnston, 87, Bishopsgate, January 1811 £1. 877 THE INsIDE OF A NEWLY REFORMED WoRKHOUsE, 136 with all abuses removed. 1812 £1. 878 THE ELECTION HUNTER. 159 A Broadside with 40 lines of Verse. No date Or imprint. A Satire on Sir Claudius Hunter. [1812] 879 SADDLE WHITE SURRY FOR CHEAPsIDE TO-MORROW. 157 —-— W. Lon. Mil. Regt. General Orders. “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Published April 10th, 1812, by C. Wright, corner of Eeceter Change, Strand 1812 874.- BRITANNIA’s VIsIT To THE TOWER, 5089 “I. Cruikshank.” By the father Isaac Cruikshank. Published by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, May 10th 1810 Verses beneath. 10$. (151) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATURES—POLITIOAL — continued. 880 INSORIPTION FOR A MONUMENT ON A FORMER MINISTER I! 168 This mausoleum entombs William Pitt, who died January 23, 1806, aged only 47 years. A long broadside, with an etching above, signed “G. C". scul.” £1. Published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill [1812] 881 MONUMENTAL INsORIPTION ON THE DEPARTED MINISTER !! 165 \Vithin this mausoleum lie entombed the mortal remains of Spencer Perceval. A long broadside, with an etching above, of the assassination of Perceval, signed “ G. Cruikshank feet.” £1. Published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 882 THE BOROUGH CANDIDATES. “ G. C". sculp.” 17 4 £1. Pubd. Oct, 1812, by J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside 1812 883 THE FREE BORN ENGLISHMAN! . 228 The Admiration of the World 1 l l and the Envy of Surrounding Nations 2 l l l l “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” £1. Pubd. April, 1813, by H. Martin, 27, Fetter Lane 1813 884 THE FREE BORN ENGLISHMAN! (Different from the preceding). 229 The Pride of the VVorldl and the Envy of Surrounding Nations 1 I l “ G. Cruikshank scnlp.” Pubd. April 19th, 1813, by H. Martin, 27, Fetter Lane 1813 £1 10.9. 885 FOR THE RIVER STYX DIREOT. 278 The Monopoly, or A Company and its Directors gone to the Devil, Waiting for a signal from a Common House. “G. Cruikshank.” London Published by John l/Vood, 12, Cloisters, Bartholomew Hospital [1814] A broadside with verses. £1 10s. 886 A LOGGERHEAD QUARREL, between the City and Surrey, or A 333 Grand Set-To between Mr. H———- S , & Sir T—-—»— S-—-, two Honorable Members of a Certain Gt. House, in the Com- mittee Room, on Friday, May 20th, 1814. Pubd. May 24, 1814, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Blackfria-rs 1814 £1 10s. 887 THE MEROHANT’S MEMORIAL To ALLEY CROKER. “Geo. Cruik- 364 shank feet.” Pubd. Septr., 1814, by T. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside, London 1814 15s. 888 THE PORTABLE PURIFIOATOR OF OUR COURTS OF LAW AND n. cl. 450 EQUITY. (UncOloured—doubtful if by G. C.). Pubd. as the Act directs at the corner of Chapel Court, Swallow St. n. d. 108. 889 CATHOLIC GRATITUDE FOR PROTESTANT PROTECTION AND 456 RESTORATION ! 1 For the first part read Book of Martyrs, &c. 155. Pubd. by S. 17V. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Jany. 22nd 1815 (152) 890 891 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARICATUREs— POLITICAL—continued. THE BLESSINGS OF PEACE, or the Curse of the Corn Bill. “ G. C". fect.” Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, March 3rd 1815 459 12s. SHUTTLEOoCKs AND MACKEREL, or Members going to Vote on the Corn Bill. “ G. Ck. fect.” Pubd. March 14, 1815, by T. Tegg, 101, Cheapside 1815 462 12s. CITY BUSINESS—NO. I.—Doctor Syntax at the Feast of Reason and the Flow of Soul. W ooler, printer, 11, Brydges Street, Covent Garden A broadside. £1. THE SCALE OF JUSTICE REVERSED. “ G. Cruik". feet.” Pubd. March 19th, 1815, by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1815 512 464 12s. A SNUEPY HOAX, or A New \Vay of Opening Members Eyes. “ Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, March 1815 470 £1. A NEW WAY To ENFORCE AN ARGUMENT !! l! “G. H. inn.” “ Etch“. by G. Cruik".” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., May 3d 1815 * See Mr. \Vh—tb—d’s speech on the Return of Buonaparte from Elba, April 20th, 1815. £1. A SMALL POLITIOAL CARICATURE OF A BEEHIYE. Different animals, bears, monkeys, &c. attacking it, refers to an election without signature, imprint, date, or description. Mr. Truman has a note on his copy by G. C. that it is by him. 7 s. THE NOBLE PEDLAR! or the late Chance-sellor & present Broom-seller l ! “To what base purposes may we not return, Horatio—why may we not trace the noble Lord Chancellor of England as a Hawker of Brooms l I” With eight stanzas of verse, four lines each. “ G. Ck. feet.” Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, 96, Strand [1816] This is a satire on Lord Erskine. 480 563 A broadside. £1 10s. SICK OF THE PROPERTY TAX, or Ministerial Influenza. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by S. W. Fores, M arch 8, 1816, at No. 50, Piccadilly, London 1816 £1. THE DEATH OF THE PROPERTY TAX! ! ! or 37 Mortal Wounds for Ministers and the Inquisitorial Com- missioners l l l l “ G. Cruikshank scalp.” London Published by J. Sidebotham, 96, Strand 1816 568 569 £1. (15:3) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES -—PoLITIOAL—continued. THE PRIvY COUNCIL, or Necessary Arrangements to Supply a Substitute for the Pro- perty Tax ! ! l 900 London Published by J. Sidebotham, 96, Strand Reid wrongly spells the publisher’s name Sidebottom. £1. STATE PHYSICIANS BLEEDING JOHN BULL To DEATH !! “G. Cruikshank fect.” “Invd. by Ycdis.” £1 10s. London Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, 96, Strand THE ENTRY OF THE BLUE CANDIDATE INTO GLOUCESTER ! l! “ Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Sept. 1816, by IV. Hone, 55, Fleet Street, London £1 10s. HUNT-INC THE BULL I 1 “G. Cruikshank.” London Pubd. Feby. 8th, 1817, by J. Sidebotham, 1, St. James’s Street 15s. ADVOCATES FOR REFORM SHEwING THE WHITE FEATHER l! or a New \Vay to Hunt out a troublesome Customer 1 I See. &c. “ He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day.” “ Yedis invt.” “ Cruikshank fect.” ‘London Pud. by J. Sidebotham, No. 1, St. J ames’s Street, 24th Feby. £1 5s. A PATRIOT LUMINARY EXTINGUISHING NOxIOUS GAS 1 I ! invt.” “Tom Tickle del.” “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by A. Beugo, Print Dealer, 38, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, £1. Feb. 26 LIBERTY SUSPENDED ! WITH THE BULWARK OF THE CONSTITUTION l C‘ G. Chi-77 Londn. Pubd. March 1817, by J. Sidebotham, No. 1, St. James’s St. 123. THE SPA FIELDS ORATOR HUNT-INC FOR POPULARITY TO Do- GOOD. “ Yedis in-vt.” G. Cruikshank fect.” Printed and pubd. by J. Sidebotham, St. James’s Street, March lst A broadside with nine lines of text engraved within the border, and five stanzas (five lines each) of verse printed beneath. £1 10$. OUR TOUGH OLD SHIP STEERED SAFELY INTO HARBOUR MAUGBE SHARKS OF THE DAY. “A. B. invt.” “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. March 25th, 1817, by A. Beugo, Print Dealer, 38, Maiden Lane, Covt. Garden.- Reid says rather differently, viz. “Maugre the Dreams of Folly and Madness,” and has the date March 19. £1 10s. 1816 901 1816 903 1816 904 1817 905 1817 906 “A. B. 1817 907 1817 908 1817 909 1817 902 JOHN BULL’S LAST KICK. “I. R. Ck. fecit.” Pubd. July 21st, 1816, by T. Johnston, 98, Cheapside 1816 571 U! 00 L0 597 627 659 660 661 665 590 10s. (154.) 910 911 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 SEPAR ATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—POLITICAL—continned. JOHN BULL BROUGHT UP FOR HIs DIsCHARGE, but remanded on account of Extravagance and False Schedule. “ C". feet.” Pubd. March 29, 1817, by S. l/V. Fores, 50, Piccadilly A broadside with letterpress inscription. £1 10s. THE MODERN QUIxOTE, or Alderman Sap. A Tale by Wood ! l! A long broadside with etching representing a tree, with branches, having the head ofAldermanWoOd. NO date or imprint. £1 105. CONSPIRATORS, or Delegates in Council. 105. Pubd. July 1st, 1817, by S. W. F ores, No. 50, Piccadilly Reduced Copies of Gillray’s and Rou'ilaudson’s Caricatures. PREsAGEs OF THE MILLENIUM, &C. “Js. Gy. des”. et feet.” Pub. June 4th, 1795, by H. Humphrey, No. 37, New Bond Street—THE INTRODUCTION OF THE POPE to the Convocation, &c. “Js. Gillray feet.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James St., London. Two subjects on one plate. “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” I LORD LONGROW, THE ALARMIsT, DIsCOvERING THE MIsERIEs OF IRELAND. “Js. Gy. det. ft.” Pub. lllareh 12th, 17 98, by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St.—DOUBLUREs OF CHARACTERS, &C. “Js. Gillray inn. feet.” Pub. Noe. lst, 17 98, by J. W7 right, Picca- dilly, for the Anti-Jaeobin Review. TWO subjects on one plate. “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” NEW MORALITY, or The Promised Installment, &c. inut. et feet.” Pubd. August lst, 17 98, by J. W’ right, No. 169, Piccadilly, cbc. “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” THE RECONCILIATION, “and he arose and came to his‘father.” “Js. Gillray des. et feet.” Pub. Noe. 20, 1804, by H. Humphrey, No. ‘27,815. James’s St-THE HANDWRITING UPON THE WALL. “Js. Gillray, inrt. d1" feet.” Pubd. Augt. 24, 1808, by Js. Gillray, 27, St. James’s Street. Two subjects on one plate. “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” A KICK AT THE BROADROTTOMsl &C. &C. “Jas. Gillray del.” London Published by John Miller, Bridge Street, and IV. Black- wood, Edinburgh “ J 8. Gillray DISCIPLES CATCHING THE MANTLE, &c. Published June 28th, 1808, by Humphrey, St. James’s Street “ G. Cruikshank seulp.” A CHARM FOR A DEMOCRACY REVIEWED, ANALYsED, AND DE- STROYED, Jany. 1st, 1799. “Rowlandson feet.” Pubd. Feby. lst, 1799, for the Anti—Jaeobin Review, by J. lVhittle, Peterborough Court, Fleet Street. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” *** These seven copies of Gillray’s and Rowlandson’s Caricatures, were executed for Hone, but not published. 1817 666 674 679 711 \1 H [\J 714 715 716 717 (155) 920 921 924 925 927 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATURES—POLITIOAL—eontinueel. A PEEP INTO THE CITY OF LONDON TAVERN, by an Irish Amateur, on 21st August, 1817. “J. L. B. Esg. del.” “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. Oct. 2, 1817, by J. J. Stockdale, 41, Pall Mall, London £1 10s. OUTWITTED AT LAST, OR BIG WIG IN THE WRONG BOX. 710 “ G. Cruikshank feet.” No date or line of publication. A satire on Lord Ellenborough at Hone’s trial. Gillray’s caricatures. £1 10s. JOHNNY BULL AND HIS FORGED NOTES 1! or Rags & Ruin in the Paper Currency 1 l l “ No cash i—Ch, no, that’s mal apropos, We pay in paper, & that is merely fal lal de val.” —vide an old song. 691 Copies of “ Yedis inc-t.” “G. C. feet.” Pubd. Jany. 7th, 1819, by J. Sidebotham, 287, Strand 1819 £1 105. REPORT OF A MEETING HELD AT CADGER’S HALL, proposing a Deputation to the Colossus of Rhodes. _ London Pubd. by S. Knight, Su'eeting’s Alley [1819] £1. A MATOH FOR THE RINGS PLATE—by Hacks. 87 2 The Coalition Lamb carrying Double against the Baronet’s Bat- tailed Hobby—NB. The old Cart Horse—rode by the Hunts- man—distanced—Odds in favour of the Lamb. XESQ". “G. C. etch’d.” Published Feby. 27th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. £1 10s. THE FUNERAL PROOESSION OF THE RUMP. A large caricature more than two feet long. “ G. Cruikshank int‘. et feet.” Pubd. March 22nd, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James St, London £1 10.5. UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE OR THE SOUM UPPERMOST! 1!! an Allegory to demonstrate the fatal consequences of “Radical Reform,” in plain English, Revolution. Esq’. xylel. “ G. Ck. tit/we.” Pubd. July 17 , 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street Reid wrongly reads “ sufferage.” £1 5s. THE BELLE ALLIANOE, or the Female Reformers of Blackburn. “ G. Cruik. feet.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St, August 12th 1819 C7.) KT H-X 1819 896 1819 905 1819 15s. (156) 931 933 934 935 936 937 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARICATUREs--PoLITICAL-continued. MASSACRE OF ST. PETER’S; or “Britons strike home ! l l ” London Pubd. A uyust 16th, 1819, by T. Teyg, 111, Cheapside £1. A RADICAL REFORMER—(l.8.) a Neck or Nothing Man ! dedicated to the Heads of the Nation. “G. Ck.” London Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Septr. 17th £1. SMOAK JACK THE ALARMIST, extinguishing the Second Great Fire of London (a la Gulliver) l l ! “ G. C’*.” .Pubd. Cctr. 12, 1819, by T. Teyy, No. 111, Cheapside 15s. To THE RT. WORSHIPEUL JOHN SMOAK, ESQ, &c. &c., re this Print of Hunting a May—cs (sic) is humbly presented, Sec. &c. A “G. Ck.” 15s. Pubd. Octr. 15th, 1819, by T. T egg, 111, Cheapside THE AGE OF REASON, or the World Turned Topsyturvy, exemplified in Tom Paine’s Works. “ G. Cruick". feet.” Pubd. Oct. 16, 1819, by T. Teyy, 111, Cheapside, London £1. THE RADICAL ARMS. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Now‘. 13, 1819, by G. Humphrey, No. 27, St. James’s £1. . Street, London OLD THIRTY-NINE SHAKING HANDS WITH HIS GOOD BROTHER THE POPE OF ITALY, or Covering up, versus Sealing up the Bible. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Now. 15, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street £1. DEATH OR LIBERTY, or Britannia and the Virtues of the Constitution in danger of Violation from the Grt. Political Libertine Radical Reform. “ G. Cruikshank int’. et feet.” London Pubd. Dec. 1st, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 155'. POOR BULL & HIS BURDEN—OI‘ the Political Murraion 1!! “G. Cruik". feet.” Pubd. Deer. 15th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, London £1. 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 906 914 916 917 918 920 921 924 928 930 MANCHESTER HEROES. Pubd. Septr., 1819, by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly This, and possibly No. 928 also, seem to be by Robert Cruikshank. 1819 915 10s. (157) 938 y/eese 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—PoLITICAL—continued. THE CATO STREET CONSPIRATORS, on the memorable night of the 23rd of Feby. 1820, at the moment when Smithers, the police Officer, was stabbed. N.B.-—-The Scene faithfully represented from the Description of Mr. Ruthven, the View of the Interior correctly sketched on the spot. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. March 9th, 1820, by G. Humphrey, No. 27, St. James’s Street, London 1820 941 £1 10s. INTERIOR VIEW OF HAYLOFT, &C., IN CATO STRR, occupied by the Conspirators. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street, March 943 1820 12s. FREEDOM & PURITY OF ELECTION!!! showing the necessity of Reform in the close boroughs. Pub. April 23rd, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St James’s St. 1820 £1. THE ANNIVERSARY, 22nd June, 1820. The Interior of the House of Commons, a member crying “ Privilege! Privilege,” the Speaker calling “Order,” described from a fragment in B. M. I f perfect, £1 10s. “AND WHEN AHITHOPHEL SAw THAT HIS COUNCEL (sic) wAs not followed, he saddled his Ass, and arose and went and hanged himself, &c.” “ G. C.” Pubd. Jany. 31st, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street £1. RADICAL QUACKS GIVING A NEW CONSTITUTION To JOHN BULL. Designed by an Amateur. “ Etchd. by G. Cruikshank.” Published by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, Feb. 4th 1821 £1. WILL OF THE \VHISPS ; or Glimmerings of Reform. London Pubd. March 11th, by J. Sidebotham, .No. 1, St. James’s St. [1821] £1. THE MANSLAUGHTER MEN ! 948 956 969 971 976 or a Horse laugh at the law of the land. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 1031 Pubd. Septr., 1821, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1821 £1. _ THE HoRsE-COUNCELLOR OBTAINING A VERDICT, 1032 or killing no murder 1 l “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Septr. 1821 £1. NOBODY GOING To PUNISHED! 1033 Nobody going to be Hung ! l l ! l l “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Sept, 1821, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1821 £1. (158) M948 950 951 953 954 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS. CARIcATUREs—PoLITICAL—continued. A DIALOGUE BETWEEN JOHN BULL AND AN Ass. A large broadside, with the conversation and description engraved also. London Pub. 27th May, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. £2. BUY A BROOM. “ John Birch del., guery fecit.” London Pubd. May 13, 1825, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St. A broadside. A satire on Lord Brougham. £1 10s. - GRILLING THE OLD SINNER ON HIs OWN GRIDIRON, being a punishment for usurping the Devil’s Title of “Father of Lies.” London Pubd. by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, June lst Reid has the date 1830. £2. THE DEVIL AMONG THE BANKERs, or Rook Shooting on a large Scale. “Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. June 2nd, 1826, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill £1 10s. THE “SYSTEM” THAT WORKs so WELLH or the Borough Mongers Grinding Machine. e'ct.” Pubd. .M arch 21st, 1831, by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange £1. SWEEPING MEAsUREs, or Making a Clean House. “ Geo. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. March 23rd, 1831, by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange £1. OMB THE BRIGHT REFORM BI-I-i —THROWN OUT. “ G. Ck.” A 10s. London .- pubd. by W. T weedie, 337, Strand, Januy. THE LEADER OF THE PARIsIAN BLOOD RED REPUBLIC, or the Infernal Fiend. Designed—Etched and Pubd. by—George Cruikshank, June and sold by 1V. T weedie, Strand, die. die. A broadside, with description beneath the print. 103. Designed by an Amateur. “ Geo. Cruikshank 1826 1826 1831 1831 1861 1871 1078 1306 1496 1344 1530 not in Reid. 949 THE COMMONs vERsUs THE GROWN OF MARTYRDOM ; or King Abraham’s Coronation Deferred. “ B. C. fecit.” Pubd. June, 1823, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James St., and 74, New Bond Street By Robert Cruikshank, so signed. 10s 1212 (159) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, &O.——THEATRICAL. The following plates relate to the O. P. Riots, the riots against the new prices fixed by 957 958 959 960 961 963 964 J. P. Kemble, at Covent Garden Theatre, and demand for return to the old prices. All these O. P. plates must be subject to individual opinion. Isaac Cruikshank, with some of the figures, (be, perhaps by G. C. They are principally by AOTING MAGISTRATES COMMITTING THEMSELVES, being their first 83 appearance on the stage, as performed at the National Theatre, Covent Garden, Sept. 2, 1809. 10s. KEMBLE HEAR—John Bull advises—To save your Fame—and sink 82 your Prices—The House that Jack Built. It is in seven divisions, with verses beneath each. “ Cruikshank.” Published September, 1809, by John Fairburn, 146, Minories 1809 This plate, though published separately, was also used as frontispiece to a pamphlet. In the latter case the imprint is in a different position. £1. THE HOUSE THAT JAOK BUILT. “I. Ck.” In seven divisions, with verses beneath each, but different from the preceding plate. Pubd. by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, London, Oetr. 20th [1809] 1809 notin Reid. 10s. KING JOHN AND JOHN BULL. “Cruikshank sculp.” London Pubd. by J. Fairburn, 146, M'inor-ies, Oct. 1809 86 10s. KING’S PLAOE AND CHANDOS STREET IN AN UPROAR, or a Sentimental Opposition—Two of a Trade can never agree. “ Cruikshank del.” 87 Pubd. by S. l/V. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Octr. 20th 1809 15s. IS THIS A RATTLE wHIOH I SEE BEFORE ME? A broadside, with verses. London Published October 30th, 1809, by S. lV. F ores, No. 50, Piccadilly 1809 ‘ ‘ Cruikshank.” 88 10s. KILLING No MURDER, as performing at the Grand National Theatre. “ Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Nov. 1809 notin Reid. 10s. KING JOHN AND JOHN BULL. The illustration in two compartments. A broadside, with verses. London Printed and published Nov. 1809, by J. Johnston, No. 101, Cheapside 1809 not in “ Cruikshank del.” Reid. 10s. (160) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, &C.—THEATRICAL—continued. 965 KING JOHN IN A COCK’D HAT, notin or Heigh-ho, says Kemble. “ Cruikshank.” Reid. Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Not. 14 1809 A broadside, with verses beneath. 103. 966 ANOTHER ILLUSTRATION RELATING TO THE O.P. RIOTS. 90 “ Cruikshank.” Relating to Kemble’s non-success at law. [1809] This is in the B. M. 15s. 967 THE 0. P. SPEOTAOLES. “Cruikshank del.” notin Pubd. by T. Teyy, 111, Cheapside, Nov. 17 1809 Reid. The figures, &0., within the spectacles by G. C. £1. 968 THE N. P. SPEOTAOLES. “ Cruikshank del.” notin Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Nov. 23 1809 Reid. The figures, &0., within the spectacles by G. C. £1. 969 THE AFFECTING FAREWELL OF OTHELLO, notin Moor of Covent Garden ; a “Finished ” Actor. (Edit in a rage). Reid. “ Cruikshank del.” Now‘. 1809, pubd. for the Proprietor by J. Johnston, 101, Cheap- side, London 1809 A broadside, with fourteen lines'of verse. This is no doubt by G. C., and is a very good one. £1 10s., rare. 970 THE EFFECT OF OVER-ACTING. notin “ Oh ! the offence is rank.”—Hamlet. [1809] Reid. A large coloured broadsheet in four rows, relating to the O. P. Riots. It is very rare. Mr. Bruton’s copy had written on it, “ A joint production of my father and myself. G. Ck.” It sold for £3 8s. at his sale. THE STROLLER’S PROGRESS. A Series of Sir: Plates which represent the career of John Philip Kemble under the name of “ Black Jack.” 971 THE STROLLER’S PROGRESS. PLATE 1. 91 A Peep at Black J ack’s Origin, previous to his going to Douay. “ Cruikshank del.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Nour. 1809 97 2 THE STROLLER’S PROGRESS. PLATE 2. 92 Black Jack, not liking to be a Popish priest, returns from Douay in a state of Beggary and rags, is releived (sic) by the poor Strollers at Brecknock. “ Cruikshank in‘. e. s. p.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside, Norer. 1809 (161) 973 974 975 976 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, &C.--THEATRICAL—continued. THE STROLLER’S PROGRESS. PLATE 3. Black Jack commenced Stroller, &c. &c. “Cruikshank sc.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Nov. 1809 THE STROLLER’S PROGRESS. PLATE 4. Black Jack being now rich swears in as Captain of G. G. B. Volunteers in St. Giles’s Church. Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Nov. 1809 THE STROLLER’S PROGRESS. PLATE 5. After playing at soldiers about six weeks, Black Jack gets drunk at Mr. * * * * *'s, Hammersmith, &c. &c. “ Cruikshank clelt.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Novr. 9 1809 STOLLRS. PROGRS. PLATE 6. Set a Beggar on Horseback and he’ll ride to the Devil 1 l l “ Cruikshank seul.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside, Novr. 1809 These plates are generally thought to be by G. C., but I think his father also has a hand in them. In Sir \V. Fraser’s collection there was a complete Set. The set of sin, £7. EDMUND KEAN. 977 MR. KEAN IN THE CHARACTER OF RICHARD THE THIRD. “ Sketch’d from ye Life by I. Cruikshank.” “ Etchd. by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. 22 Ilfarch, 1814, by S. Knight, 3, Su'eetings Alley, Royal Exchange 1814 This is a large and important plate. It has been facsimiled by Pailthorpe. Mr. Bruton’s copy sold for £14 15s. The following is a second state of the same plate published a month only after the former :— 978 MR KEAN IN THE CHARACTER OF RICHARD THE THIRD. “ Sketch’d from ye Life by I. R. Cruikshank.” Cruikshank.” London Pubd. April, 1814, by J. Deeley, 95, Berwick Street 1814 This is quite equal to the first impression, and is, I think, better coloured. £7 . “ Etch". by G. 979 A SMALL PORTRAIT OF MR. KEAN AS RICHARD III. 980 THE THEATRICAL ATLAS. This is supposed to be the earliest portrait of Kean. It is said only two are known, one was sold at Mr. Bruton’s sale, lot 464, for £9 10s. The other is in the possession of Mr. Truman. n. d. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. May 7th, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street 1814 Mr. Bruton’s copy sold for £10 5s. M 93 94 96 290 not in Reid. 326 (162) 981 983 984 985 986 987 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, dzC—THEATRICAL-continued. CARICATURES RELATING TO KEAN. RICHARD HARRIS’D, or the Wolves too Keen! ! l 664 “ Etch‘l. by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. .March 8th, 1817, by J. Sidebotham, N o. 1, St. James’s St. 1817 Relates to the rivalry between Kean and Booth. £4, rare. KEEN-ISH SPORT IN Cox’s COURT 1! 1245 P or, SYM TOMS of Crim. Con. in Drury Lane, May, 1824. A “ Coa'feeit.” (A pair of antlers.) (A large double star). Pubd. Play, 1824, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, London 1824 £7 105., i'ery rare. MR. LISTON. SCENE IN THE COMIC OPERA OF THE LORD OF THE MANOR. 455 A Broadside Song. Liston as Moll Flaggon, dancing to music of drum and fife. The Sergeant and Mr. Contrast. “Come my Soul, post the cole,” &c. Pubd. Jany. 20th, 1815, by Jas. Whittle and Ed. Laurie, 53, 15s. Fleet St. 1815 MR. LISTON AS MOLL FLAGGON. 1256 “ Come Out, you Vermin.” July 23, 1824. “IBC.” 1824 Mr. Bruton’s copy was signed by G. C., as having a part in it. 10s. A CARICATURE RELATING To LISTON. 775 A New fArse, as lately performed at Covent Garden, for the benefit of Mr. Liston, with unbounded applause, being Mr. Neddy’s de boue. Publish’d by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, June 27th 1818 £1. MR. WALBOURN AS DUSTY BOB. 1075 “ I likes to have my vack—here’s luck your honour.” “'G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, London. _ n. d. Second state of plate, has the addition, Meux Reid 85 Co. Entire. W. Walbourn, wine and spirit merchant, Maidenhead, Battle Bridge. £1. MR. GRIMALDI. “ All the World’s in Paris ! ” 457 Sung with great applause by Mr. Grimaldi in the popular Pantomime of “Harlequin Whittington.” Published the lst of February, 1815, by J. Whittle and R. H. Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London. 1815 A Broadside Song. My copy is signed in full in ink by Geo. Cruikshank. £1 10$. (163) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATURES, CHARACTERS, &O.-THEATRIOAL—continued. JAMESON’S THEATRICAL PORTRAITS. Probably the joint production of Robert and George, as about this time (1818) they often 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 996 worked together. The British Museum has all but two of these plates. MR. JOHNSTON As GIAFFIER IN THE BRIDE OF ABYDOS. “ Cruikshank feet.” Published Feby. 18, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, N0. 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 105. MR. KEEN AS SELIM IN THE BRIDE OF ABYDOS. “ Cruikshank feet.” Published Feb. 18, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 15s. MR. KEEN AS BARARAS IN THE JEw OF MALTA. “ Cruikshank fecit.” Published May 1st, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 15s. MR. WALLACK As DOUGAL IN ROB ROY THE GREGARAOH. “ Cruikshank feet.” Published April 5th, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 105. MR. T. P. COOKE AS ORsoN IN THE IRON CHEST. “ I. R. Cruikshank feet.” Published April 25, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 10s. MR. HARLEY AS AMOROSO, KING OF LITTLE BRITAIN. “ Cruikshank feet.” Published May 15th,1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, ' Bow Street 1818 10s. MISS O’NEIL As BELLAMIRA. “ Cruikshank feet.” Published May 22nd, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 10s. MR. SMITH AS LOBONOIS. “Cruikshank del. e feet.” Published Sep. 15th, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 10s. MR. A. KEMBLE AS SIGESMAR. “ Cruikshank fecit.” Published Oct. 13, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 647 648 651 649 650 653 654 655 105. (164) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUR-ES, CHARACTERS, 8tC.--THEATRICAL—eontinued. 997 MR. MUNDEN AS MARALL, AND MR. KEAN As SIR GILES 656 OVERREACH. P. Feb. 2, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 1 Os. 998 MR. FARREN AS GRIMDOFF IN THE MILLER AND HIS MEN. 657 “ Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Oct. 18, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow Street 1818 10s. 999 MR. KEAN AS OMREAH IN THE CARIB CHIEF. “I. R. 0. feet.” 893 Published June 14th, 1819, by I. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1819 10s. ' VVEST’S THEATRICAL PORTRAITS. 1000 MISS O’NEIL AS JULIET. 680 London Published, as the Act directs, Aug. 1, 1817, by IV. West, at his Theatrical Print Warehouse, Eweter House, Exeter St., Strand 1817 105. 1001 MR. YOUNG AS ROLLA. 1251 Published, as the Act directs, June 10th, 1824, by W. West, eta, 10s. Erceter House, Ecceter Street, Strand 1824 1002 MR. T. P. COOKE AS TOM COFFIN. 1316 London Published Dec. 9th, 1825, by IV. West, at his Theatrical Print Warehouse, 57, IV ych Street, opposite Olympic Theatre, Strand 1825 Mr. Bruton’s copy was signed “ G. C.” 10s. 1003 MRS. EGERTON AS MEG MERRILIES. 1061 Reid simply gives this without signature or imprint, it is a very common plate, but I think it is from a book. Pailthorpe has facsimiled it. n. d. 10s. GROUPS OF CHARACTERS. 1005 CHARACTERS IN A PANTOMIME. Before a gentleman’s house, are 188 three figures of Clown, Pantaloon, and man with lion’s head. n. d. 6s. 1006 CHARACTERS IN COMUS. 483 London Published, as the Act directs, May 21, 1815, by IV. West, at his Theatrical Print Warehouse, Esceter House, Eoceter Street, Strand 1815 Ten figures. 6s. 1007 PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS IN HARLEQUIN BRILLIANT, Or the Clown’s 497 Capers. 1815 July 20, 1815. Published by W. West. Fourteen figures. 6s. 1004 MADAME VESTRIS AND MR. HARLEY As DON GIOVANNI AND 1158 Leporello in “ Don Giovanni in London.” “I. R. C.” n. d. 10s. (165) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, &C.-THEATRIOAL—continuecl. 1008 PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS IN PANTOMIME of Harlequin and Fancy, 564 at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Published by TV. West, Feb. 7th 1816 Three plates. 10s. each. 1009 PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS IN THE NEW PANTOMIME OF HARLEOUIN 5124-6 Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. In three plates. London Published, as the Act directs, Jan. 7 —Jan. 9—Jan. 9 1825 by W. W’ est, at his Theatrical Print Warehouse, No.57, W ych Street, Strand There are 6 figures to each plate, and they are very good. The three plates, £2. 1010 PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS IN TELEMACHUS. not in London Published, as the Act directs, July 3, 1825, by WV. West, Reid. at his Theatrical Print Warehouse, No. 57 , W ych Street, Strand 1825 Fifteen characters. 10s. 1011 PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS IN LITTLE HUNCHBACK. notin London Published as the Act directs, July 3, 1825, by V’. kV est, Reid. at his Theatrical Print Warehouse, No. 57 , W ych Street, Strand 1825 Fifteen characters. 10s. 1012 THE MATTHEw-ORAMA FOR 1824, or “Pretty Considerable d—d 1243 Particular ” Tit-Bits from America—being “ All Well at Natchitoches.” “J. delt.” “G. C. scult.” Pub. April 15th, 1824, by H. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street, London 1824 Matthews in fourteen of his American characters with quota- tions beneath each. £1. THEATRICAL SCENES, LANDSCAPES, INTERIORS, &O. 1013 FIFTH SCENE IN THE FALLS OF THE CLYDE; and 2nd Scene, 768 Act 3rd in Richard III. Pubd. Feb. 25th, 1818, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow A Gothic interior. Street 1818 This and some of the following scenes on authority of Reid only. 5s. 1014 SCENE THE 2ND, ACT 1ST AND 2ND OF “ROB ROY.” 885 Pubd. April 19th, 1819, by J. H. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Court, Bow 5s. Street 1819 1015 SCENE IN UNDINE. 984 Published June 16th, 1821, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1821 Interior of cottage. 5s. (.166) 1016 1017 1018 1019 1023 1024 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, &C.——THEATRICAL—eontinucal. FIRST SCENE ACT 2 IN DON JUAN. 1035 Published Oct. 30, 1821, by J. Jameson, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1821 Exterior of large house and gardens. 5s. SECOND SCENE, 3RD ACT, IN “THE EXILE.” NO. 8. “ G. C.” notin Published Octr. 7th, 1822, by Hodgson do 00., 10, Newgate Street 1822 Reid. A large important view of the Kremlin and City of Moscow. 7s. SECOND SCENE IN “THE EXILE.” NO. 2. “G. 0.” not in. Published by Hodgson at C0., 10, Newgate Street [1822] Reid. A wild scene of sea shore and rocks, with trees, as if in a storm. 7 s. HODGSON’S GRAND PAGEANT OF THE ELEMENTS— WATER. Intro- n. d. noti'n duced in the “ Two Gentlemen of Verona.” Reid. Cleopatra’s splendid galley sailing down the Cydnus. Pub. by Hodgson db Co., 10, Newgate Street n. d. 5s. HODGSON’S GRAND PAGEANT OF THE ELEMENTS—EARTH. Intro- not in duced in the “ Two Gentlemen of Verona.” n. d. Reid. 55. SECOND SCENE IN “CHARLES THE SECOND.” 1258 Published Augt. 2, 1824, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1824 Exterior of inn, with river. 5s. THIRD SCENE IN “CHARLES THE SECOND.” 1257 Published Augt. 2nd, 1824, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct, Bow St. 1824 An interior, with table, jug and glasses. 5s. FIRST AND LAST SCENES IN “CHARLES THE SECOND.” 1259 Pubd. Sepr. 10th, 1824, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1824 An interior of reception hall. 5s. SCENE 2, ACT II, IN “THE INVASION OF RUSSIA.” 1309 Published July 20th, 1825, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1825 A river scene, with tent. 5s. SCENE 4, ACT III, IN “THE INVASION OF RUSSIA.” 1310 Published A ugt. 2nd, 1825, by J. Jameson, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1825 Sceneafter a battle. 5s. 9‘. INVASION OF RUSSIA.” Plate 111a. 1311 French prisoners drawing a sledge. n. d. 5s. (167) 1027 1029 1030 1031 1033 1034 CUPID PLAYING AT TRAP BALL. 1032 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, &C.—THEATRICAL—continued. SCENE 4, ACT II, IN “THE INVASION OF RUSSIA.” " Published A-ugst. 22d, 1825, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1825 View of French camp. 5s. ACT II AND SCENE 2 AND 4 IN “THE FLYING DUTCHHAN.” Pubd. Jany. 29, 1827, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke’s Ct., Bow St. 1827 An interior. 5s. THE PHANTOM SHIP IN “THE FLYING DUTCHMAN.” Pubd. Feby. 9th, 1827, by J. Jameson, 13, Duke's Ct., Bow St. 1827 The ship at sea in a gale. 6s. 1313 1406 1407 OTHER THEATRICAL CARICATURES. THE MANAGER, and the Buz-bee in a Doctor’s Wig. 3. (Air-—“ The Frog in a Cock’d Hat”) “ G. Cruikshank del.” no date nor imprint n. d. 135 A large broadside, in verse. * Fragment in imitation of Lucretius, delivered recitative by a Yonker, accompanied by a full chorus of groans, and set to music by Doctor Busby, professor of Ars Musica. £1 10s. THE RULER RULED, Over-Ruled and Routed. 0’ Opera Operarum. Being Scene the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of an operatic performance recently exhibited within the rules of the King’s Bench. “ IV. Taylor del. et sculp.”——(but by G. C.) Pub. ilIay 8th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Strt. 1813 Three subjects : (1) Conversatione; (2) Un pas de deux; (3) Un pas seul. Relating to a fracas between Taylor, the lessee of Her Majesty’s Theatre, and Signor Catalini. £1 10s. THE WEDDING BALL! or Ma’ain’selle M—R—CAN—DOT—I’S Highland Fling into High Life. “ G. C".” Pubd. April 7th, 1823, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1823 2s. 1182 1 “ G. Cruikshank del.” “ R. Cruik- 1183 shank fecit.” Pubd. April, 1823, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1823 12s. FIRST SCENE OF A NEw PLAY PREPARING FOR REPRESENTATION, 557 entitled the Perjured Wife, or Unfortunate Marriage. Act 1st. Pub. 1816, price 6d., by I. Downes, Hackney 1816 15s. (168) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES, CHARACTERS, &C.—THEATRICAL—eontinued. 1035 PLUCKING A GOOSE. 5121 Pubd. by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Jany 1st 1825 Relates to the action brought by Miss Foote, the actress, against Mr. Hayne for breach of promise. £1. 1036 A PAIR OF SPECTACLES, or the London Stage in 1824-5. ,_ 1287 London: Pubd. Jany. 24, 1825, by John Fairburn, Broadway, \ Ludgate Hill 1825 Edmund Kean in the frame of one spectacle, Miss Foote in the other. £1 10s. ®®®®®®Gfi®fi®®®®fi®®® CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS. 1037 THAT WAS A FUNNY JOKE, Now WASN’T IT‘! 9 London .- Pub. by Torond t6‘ Co., 1, Proi'idence Row, Finsbury Sguare n. d. The second state has the addition of “Mrs. Candle in a good [1805] humour,” at the top of plate. In British Museum. First state, £1 ; second state, £1 ; both rare. 1038 THE GOOD EFFECTS OF CARBONIC GAS!!! 31 Pub. by S. IV. F ores, 50, Piccadilly, Dec. 10 1807 15s. 1039 A HINT TO THE LADIES, or a Visit from Dr. Flannel. 35 “ IVoodward del.” “ Cruikshank sc.” Pub. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside [1807] 12s. 1040 JACK JUNK EMBARKING ON A CRUISE !! “Cruikshank del.” 18 Pub. by T. Tegg, Cheapside [1807] 68. 1041 A SAILOR AT A QUAKER’S FUNERAL. 19 “ IV oodward del.” “ Cruikshank ft.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside [1807] 6s. 1042 ROYAL AMUSEMENT, Or Nature will Prevail ! l 20 “ W oodward del.” “I. Ck. soup.” London: Published by Thos. Tegg, Cheapside [1807] 6s. 1043 STAFFORDSHIRE COURTSHIP. “ Woodward del.” “ Cruikshank sc.” 21 Pubd. January 1st, 1807, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside 1807 65. I 169 ) 1049 1050 1051 1054 1055 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. WAITING ON THE LADIES. “ Cruikshank fecit.” 58 Without date or imprint, but in British Museum. [1808] 15s. TABBIES AND TOM CATS, 38 or Old Maids examining an unique Male Tortoise Shell subject, a scene in Piccadilly. London .- Published Feby. 15th, 1808, by S. kV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly The principal part probably by the father, Isaac Cruikshank. The picture on the wall evidently by G. C. £1. “ORNAMENTS FOR TONBRIDGE WARE,” &c. Published Jan. 2, 1809, by Laurie ck Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London Eleven small subjects on one sheet. Given on authority of Reid only. SCOTCH WASHING. 1808 1809 “ Cruichank (sic) del.” Published by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Augt. 16 1810 10s. THE SCOTCH COTTAGE OF GLENBURNIA. “Cruikshank del.” Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Sep. 6 1810 10s. 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1052 1053 “ Cruikshank so.” 22 1807 PRESBYTERIAN PENANCE. “Allan del.” _ London Pub. Janry. 1807, by T. T egg, 111, Cheapside 6s. AN IRISH EPITAPH. “ Cruikshank s.” “ Woodward del.” 23 Published by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside [1807] 6s. UNLAWFUL UNION. “ Woodward del.” “Cruikshank sp.” 26 Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Feby. 25 1807 6s. MRS. FIG’S CARD PARTY DISTURBED. 27 “ kVoodward del.” “ Cruikshank sc.” Pub. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, April 6 1807 6s. THE SAILOR’S DEFENCE. “ Woodward del.” 34 Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside [1807] 6s. SPECIMEN OF LIBERALITY TOWARDS SELF. “I. Cruikshank.” Published by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside 1809 This is by Isaac Cruikshank, so signed, relating to the Cor- poration dinner to celebrate the Jubilee. 10s. THE PROCESSION RETURNING FROM THE SERVICE IN ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL on occasion of the Jubilee. “ Cruikshank.” Published by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Oct. 12 1809 Also by Isaac Cruikshank. 5086 5087 10s. < 170 ) 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. SCOTCH CLEANLINESS. N O. 1, ride Cottagers of Glenburnia. “ Cruikshank del.” Pubd. by T. Tegg,111, Cheapside, Sepr. 4 10s. DOUBLE BASS. Proposals for Six Practical Duets, adapted to any Instrument. “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd. at J. Johnston’s, No. 101, Cheapside, Ilday 10 The second State, instead of J ohnston’s name and address, has that of “H. Humphrey, June 21, 1813.” The third state, the picture on Wall of the Hottentot Venus, and the little Sweep is removed. First state, £1 10$. 5 second state, £1 ; third state, £1. EXAMINATION AT GOLGOTHA, or the College of Skulls. “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pub. October 1st The same plate appears with another title. “ The Examination of a Young Surgeon” has the publisher’s name, “M. Jones, 5, Newgate Strt.,” added, and appears in No. 10 of “The Scourge.” £1 5s. POKER, TONGS, AND SHOVEL, or an Ironical Consultation about Murdering the Bootmaker’s Maid ! l l “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” In two compartments. Jany. £1. TWELFTH NIGHT. “ l'Voodward del.” “Cruikshank s.” London .- Published Jany. 10, 1812, by Thomas Tegg, 111, Cheapside The decorations on the Twelfth Cake seem to be by G. C. 10s. A HUMOUROUS REPRESENTATION OF A MARRIAGE CEREMONY. “ G. Ck.” Verses beneath. An ugly old woman, a dwarf, is going through the ceremony of marriage with a handsome young man, a young woman is standing at the door and watching an oppor- tunity to take a billet doux from the gentleman’s hat. £1 10s. A CARICATURE ON GIBLET: The Butcher. N o signature, date, nor imprint, on authority of Reid only. AN ELECTION BALL. “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. April 28th, 1813, by H. Humphrey, No. 27 , St. James’s Street £1 10s. HARD TIMES, or O’ Dear, what will become of us, O’ Dear, what Shallwedo’llllll A procession of the out-of-work : Poor gardeners, poor apothecaries, poor artists, poor poets, poor Boney, poor dolleys, jolly undertakers. Under the feet of one of the artists (which is a likeness of George Cruikshank himself) is a paper inscribed “ Poor Shank’s feet.” Pubd. Feby. 10th, 1814, by T. Tegg, Cheapside, London 1810 1811 1811 1812 1812 n. d. 1813 1814 not in Reid. 121 126 144 146 189 £1. (171) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. C.ARICATUREs-FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. 1065 GAME OF CHESS. 297 “Designed by an Amateur.” “ Etchd. by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. llIarch 6th, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street 1814 £1 5s. 1066 A MOUSE HUNT: in the Library, at Ramsgate 1814. “G. Ck.” page 355 Pubd. by R. Harrild, 20, Gt. East Cheap, London 1814 This is a scene in Sir William Curtis’s house at Ramsgate. It is not given in Reid’s numbered list, but in the notes at p. 355 (No. 1213). £1 5s. 1067 THE PLEASURES OF A WET DAY AT RAHSGATE. “ G. Ck.” 1213 Pubd. July 7th, 1813, by Hodgson and Co., Newgate St. 1823 This is the second state of the preceding. £1 5s. 1068 LODGINGS TO LET. In Mr. Bruton’s collection. 1814 notin A fop asking a young lady if she is to let with the lodgings, Reid. and she replies she is to be let alone. £1. 1069 THE COUNTRYMAN IN LONDON—THE LONDONER IN THE COUNTRY. 432 “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pub. by R. Harrild, No. 20, Gt. Eastcheap, London [1814] Two compartments. The name of G. C., as above, in the centre. It was afterwards divided, the name also divided. There were some alterations in the plates in this second state. First state, £1 10s. 3 second state, 15s. 1070 LADY SOMERSET AT BRIGHTON. 447 Reid only gives it thus, without any other word either of description or publication. It is a scene on the Steyne at Brighton representing some ladiesl! (probably from London) riding on donkeys, one of which has kicked out, and caused one of the ladies to turn a Somerset on the ground, with her legs in the air, much to the amusement of two bucks standing by. There are eight lines of verse beneath. “ G. Cruik. feet.” Pubd. by R. Harrild, Eastcheap, London [1814] £1 10s. 1071 A LAwYER’s ADVICE AFTER LEAVING OFF PRACTICEll “ Woodward delt.” “ G. Cruikshank scalp.” By Thos. Tegg, 111, Cheapside [1814] Oi C31 01 Without date Or imprint. £1 5s. 1072 RARE FARE. SPARE FARE. BARE FARE. 458 This is the second state of the plate of “The Scourge” for March 1815, divided into three, with the above titles introduced, each has Pubd. by J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside [1815] The three, £2. (172) 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. THE NIGHT MARE. Painted by Fuseli. Pubd. Nouemr. 25th, 1816, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1816 599 £1. SCENE IN THE MESS ROOM. Officers Over their Wine. Uncoloured, no date, imprint, or description. In British Museum. ' 10s. Two OFFICERS FIGHTING A DUEL, both Terribly Frightened. Uncoloured, no date, imprint, or description. In British Museum. 10s. LE RETOUR DE PARIS, or the Neice (sic) presented to her Relatives by her French Governess. “E. H. L. del., 1816.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St., January 3d 1817 620 [1816] 621 [1816] 625 £1 58. A CURIOUS J UNTO OF SLANDERING ELVES, or List’ners Seldom 626 hear Good of Themselves. “E. H. L. del.” “G. Cruikshank sculp.” Pubd. Jany. 27th, 1817, by H. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street £1 5s. MAY 1 DIE IF THERE ISN’T SIR GEORGE!! 682 London Published by IV. S. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Aug. 9th 1817 Not signed, but by G. C. 15s. D——-D ANGELIC, ’pon Honour—Fascinating Creature. London Published by W. S. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Aug. 9th Not signed, but by G. C. 15s. MIDDLING HEAT IN THE WEST INDIES. Pd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Dec. 16 1817 683 1817 1817 £1 5s. THE ART OF WALKING THE STREETS OF LONDON. “ G. Woodward in'ot.” “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Jan. 1st, 1818, by Thomas Tegg, 10, Cheapside 1818 THE ART OF WALKING THE STREETS OF LONDON. Plate 2. “G. Woodward inut.” “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. June 1st, 1818, by Thomas Tegg, 10, Cheapside The pair, £1 10$. ' Plate 1. 764 765 1818 1078 SONS OF NEPTUNE SHAvING ,A LANDSMAN ON CROSSING THE 663 LINE. “ I. R. Cruikshank fec.” Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, 1, St. James’s Street, March 4 Reid, in error, gives it as by G. R. C., but it reads as above, and is by Robert Cruikshank. 1817 12s. (173) 1084 1085 1086 1087 1090 1091 1092 1093 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. FASHIONABLE READING. Vide New Church, Oxford. “G. C. sculp.” notin Reid. Pubd. Feby. 9, 1818, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1818 £1 5s. A GERMAN MOUNTEBANK BLOWING HIS OWN TRUMPET AT A Dutch Concert of 500 Pianofortes. London Pub. April 1818, by Sidebotham, and sold at 27 , St. James’s Street 1818 771 £1 5s. THE LOGERIAN SYSTEM, or Unveiling the New Light to the Musical \Vorld. “Designed by P. H.” “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” 772 London Pubd. April 23rd, 1818, by G. Humphrey, nephew and successor to the late Mrs. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, London 1818 £1 5s. INOONVENIENCES OF A CROWDED DRAWING ROOM. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” ' Pubd. May 6th, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1818 £1 5s. A PEEP AT THE FRENCH MONSTROSITIES—Le Palais Royal de Paris. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” London Published Septr. 18, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street 1818 774 778 £1 5s. A LITTLE MUSIC A LA FRANCAISE—Les Savoyards. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” London Published Septr. 18, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. J ames’s Street 1818 779 £1 10s. PUzzLED WHICH TO CHOOSE !! 781 or the King of Timbuctoo offering one of his Daughters in Marriage to Capt. Anticipated result of ye African Mission. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” Pubd. Oct. 10th, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 1818 £1 10$. TRAVELING (sic) IN FRANCE, or Le Depart de la Diligence. “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. Oct. 19th, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street 1818 £1 10s. \‘I 00 L0 1088 1089 A NICE GENTLEMAN. “ Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Sept. 12th, 1818, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1818 10s. A NICE LADY, or an Incomparable ! l l I “ Cruikshank feet.” 7 83 Pubd. Oct. 20th, 1818, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1818 This and preceding seem to be by Robert Cruikshank. 10s. (174) 1094 1095 1096 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. AN INTERESTING SCENE ON BOARD AN EAST INDIAMAN, showing the Effects of a Heavy Lurch—after Dinner. —@—“ G. Cruikshank feet.” (under the lines are some words, though faint, which seem to read “ Capt". F. M. inot.” (Marryat). Pubd. Nour. 9th, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London £1 5s. THE T TRADE IN HOT WATER ! or a Pretty Kettle of Fish. Dedicated to T. Canister and T. Spoon, Esquires. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Nov. 14th, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 15s. THE GENUINE HUMBUG T COMPANY, or the Incendiaries Guy and his Crew, &c. &c. Pubd. Nov. 25, 1818, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Rl. Xehange 155. THE PICCADILLY NUISANCE. Dedicated to the Worthy Magistrates of the District. “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. Dec. 29, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London £1. THE SPIRIT MOVING THE QUAKERS UPON WORLDLY VANITIES !! “ Yedis inet.” Acting Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, 287, Strand £1. THE FRENCH ARTIST‘. “ @del.” “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. Jany. 10, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London £1. LANDING THE TREASURES, or Results of the Polar Expedition 1 l l “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Jany. 18, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, £1 108. London THE SAILOR’S PROGRESS. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi, Nov. 9. “ T. S. dc G. Ck. delt.” “ G. Ck. sculpt.” Pubd. Jany. 19th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. It is in six compartments: (1) Entering a landsman; (2) Carousing on board ,' (3) In irons for getting drunk ; (4) Board- ing a French brig ,~ (5') Promoted to boatswain, and exercising his authority ; (6) Laid up a Greenwich pensioner—relating his adventures. £1 10s. 1818 1818 1818 1818 1819 1819 1819 1819 785 786 787 789 863 866 868 766 1097 DANDY PIOKPOCKETS DIVING. “ Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Dec. 2nd, 1818, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside Reid gives G. Cruikshank fecit, but this is wrong 3 he corrects it after in the errata. It is only Cruikshank fecit, and is by Robert Cruikshank. 1818 15s. (175) 1103 THE SAILOR’S PROGRESS. 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. “ G. Ck.” London Pubd. Jany. 25, 1819, by G. Humphrey, No. 27, St. . James’s Street 1819 Quite different from the preceding, and represents the deck of a ship with two upright masts, with boarding between them, on which the above title is displayed ; ladders on each side, at the foot of the one on the left stands the landsman 3 next, the sailor, cutlass in hand, scaling the ladder ; on top of the hoarding is a sailor waving the Union Jack ,' half-way on the ladder, to the right, stands the sailor, now in the uniform of boatswain; on the foot of the right ladder, seated on a bench, is the sailor as a Greenwich pensioner. £1 10s. A TAILOR IN A HIGH WIND; or, L’Embarras des Richesses. Drawn from the life on the Cliff, Brighton. “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, March 31st Five lines of verse beneath from Byron’s “ Bride of Abydos.” £1. 1819 UNDEVIATING RECTITUDE ; Or a Hint for the Hoodwinked, by one of the Stiff-necked Generation. 18KB “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Esgr. - London Pubd. April 5, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 1819 1 5s. PULL DEVIL, PULL BAKER ; or, Pastors versus Flocks, in the matter of Loaves and Fishes. “ G. C".” London Pubd. by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, April 30 1819 15s. A VISIT TO A COCKNEY FARM,- Viewing the Grounds, &c., &c. Q—“ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Illay 25th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street 1819 £1 10s. FASHIONABLE PORTRAITS. “ A E inut.” “G. 0k. sculpt.” Pubd. May 30th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street 1819 not in Reid. 881 883 890 891 15s. (176) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES -FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. 1109 THE NEW UNION CLUB. 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 THE HOBBY HORSE DEALER. IRISH DECENCY ! ! ! Pubd. August 25, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, London 1819 IRISH DECENCY ! I ! THE BOXER’S ARMS. VILLAGERS SHOOTING OUT THEIR RUBBISH. Being a representation of what took place at a celebrated dinner given by a celebrated Society—vide Mr. M—r—t’s Pamphlet, “More Thoughts,” &c., &c. gg—J‘ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. July 19th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, London This is the chef d’oeuvre of George Cruikshank’s Caricatures. A large plate with numerous figures. The description from the pamphlet should accompany it. £3. “J. G. Esgrx, del.” “ G. Cruik. feet.” Pubd. July 25th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 15s. NO. 1. “Etched by G. Gruik.” No. 2. “Etched by G. Cruik.” Pubd. Auyt. 30th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, London The pair, £1 10s. A STRONG PROOF OF THE FLOURISHING STATE OF THE COUNTRY, exemplified in the Proposed Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. “ G. Cruikfect.” London Publish’d Septr. 7th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside £1 10s. ALL AMONG THE HOTTENTOTS CAPERING ASHORE ! !! or, the Blessings of Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope. “ G. Ck.” Pubd. Sepr. 7 th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside. London £2, rare. CRUISING ON LAND ; or Going to Hobby Fair. “ Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Sep. 10th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 10s. Dedicated to the Pugilistic Club. “ G. Cruikshank fistit ” (not “ fistis," as Reid.) Pubd. Nov. 1, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street £1. PREACHEE AND FLOGGY Too; or, Hot and Cold with the same breath. Exemplified in the “Clerical Magistrate.” “ G. Cruik" feet.” Londn. Pubd. Deer. 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside £1. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Deer. 15th, 1819, by Thos. Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside, London 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 898 900 908 909 910 911 913 919 15s. (177) 1119 1121 1124 1126 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. FOGGY WEATHER. “ Esq. del.” “G. Cruik" sculpt.” London Published Deer. 29th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. £1. THE FLYING BISHOP. “G. Cruik. del.” The only one I have seen. It was in a very large collection of Caricatures in the possession of Messrs. Sotheran. 15s. THE ROOT OF KING’S EVIL. “ G. Cruik" fect.” Pubd. Jany. 14th, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London £1. “THE LAW’S DELAY” 1 Showing the advantage and comfort of waiting the specified time after reading the Riot Act. Designed by an Amateur. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Jany. 21st, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London £1. Designed by an Amateur. THE UMBRELLA. Sketch’d by an Amateur. “Etch’d by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, '27, St. James’s St, March 27 £1. ' VERY UNPLEASANT WEATHER ; or, the old saying verified : “ Raining Cats, Dogs and Pitchforks.” “ Cruikshank fecit ” without the initial “ G,” but certainly by-.him. Pub. April 27 , 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. J ames’s Street, London £1 10s. THE COMFORTS OF A CABRIOLET , or, the Advantages of Driving Hoodwink’d. “Etched by G. Cruikshank,” from a drawing by “M. E., Esqr.” Pubd. March 21, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, London £1. LOVE, LAW AND PHYSIC. “J. She-r"‘inv”.” “G. Cruik fect.” Pub. Augt. 28th, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St, London £1. EYE UTINTT TUGGING AT A TOOTH. “A? invt.” “ G. Cruik feet.” A Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St, London, Novr. 1 This is first state, with the reflection in the glass the wrong way, and the lady with a ribbon tied round her night-cap, with a bow on the top. SECOND STATE. The reflection altered, and showing only the Operator. The ladyis of more prepossessing appearance, with a dress cap and curls. First state, £1 5s. ,- second state, £1. N J ames’s Street 1819 929 notin Reid. 935 1820 936 1820 947 1820 720 1820 977 1821 1030 1821 1060 1821 (17's) 1128 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 COMIC COMPOSITES FOR THE SCRAP BOOK. SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. “G. Ck.” 1064 London .- published by S. l/V. Fores, Piccadilly [1821] SECOND STATE. Published, June 1st, 1829, by W. B. Cooke, 9, Soho Sguare. First state, 10s. ,- second state, 5s. PREMIUM—PAR, & DISCOUNT. “I. del.” “G. C. sculp.” Pubd. May 1st, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London 15s. SHEwING OFF. BANG—UP—PRIME. “ G. C. sculpt.” Pubd. llday 10th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. J ames’s St., London £1. ANGLo-GALLIC SALUTATIONS IN LONDON; or, Practice Makes Perfect cf {“ G. Ck. scultf’) Londod—Pubd. June 6th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street ANGLO-PARISIAN SALUTATIONS ; or, Practice—par Excellence. (f, “G. Ck. scalp.” Pubd. June 10th, 182 2, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London _ The pair, £3. A PARTY OF PLEASURE—Dedicated to the Funny Club. “Etched by G. Cruikk.” Pubd. June 25th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, London £1. THIS BRAZEN IMAGE WAS ERECTED BY THE LADIES, in Honor of Paddy Carey O’Killus, Esq, their Man of Metal. is J. p s r x- y inet.” “G. Cruik"fec”.” Pubd. by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, July 20 £1 10s. MAKING DECENT 1 I This print, commemorative of Anglo-French brass and true British chastity, is inscribed with veneration to that worthy man, Mr. Willybyforce, who, with saint-like regard for the morals of his country, has undertaken to make the above fig decent from 10 in the morning till dusk. “@inut.” “ G. Cruikk feet.” The anchor is generally scratched Over. Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London, August 8th £1 10s. _ 1076 1822 1077 1822 1079 1822 1080 1822 1081 1822 1084 1822 1087 1822 1129 GOING DOWN IN A DIVING MACHINE. “J. C. Esg. del.” “ P. F. L. B. feet.” Given on authority of Reid, but the signature does not seem that of George. 1065 [1821] (179) 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. THE MERMAID Now EXHIRITING AT THE TURF COFFEE HOUSE, 39, St. James’s Street. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pub. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St, London, Octr. 20th ' This plate also occurs as frontispiece to “ The Weekly Literary Register,” 1812. 1 5s. CRIBRAGE-SHUFFLING—-WHIST, AND A ROUND GAME. “G. Cruikshank inot. et feet.” Pubd. Octr. 30th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London This is in six compartments. £1. MIXING A RECIPE FOR CORNS. “G. 0k.” “Designed by @3’ Published by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London, Dec. 4th This etching was first issued in 1819, as headpiece to a long Broadside in verse, and with a different title, &c., &c. See Broadsides. £1. A BLACK JOB. The Tables Turn’d, or the Devils Outwitted. A scene in the Portsmouth treadmill. “Desigd. by an Amateur.” “Etchd. by G. Cruikk.” Pubd. March 1st, 1823, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St, London £1. KANG AND COB—Practising for the ensuing season. “Sketched by an Amateur.” “Etched by G. C.” Pubd. Jany. 22, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. £1. SAINT SHELA “ TROTTING OUT” THE VERMIN FROM YE EMERALD ISLE. “ Etched by G. C.” Pubd. A p. 1824, by J. F airburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, London * This and the following N o. relate to the 10th Hussars, who “ do’nt dance.” £1. DRILLING 1/10TH OF THE MILITARY IN THE MANUAL EXERCISE, or, a Dancing Lesson to the tune of “Whack Row de Dow.” “Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. April 15th, 1824, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, £1. London NASHIONAL TASTE l I 1 Dedicated, without permission, to the Church Commissioners. “ Q.” in corner. Providence sends meat, Parliament sends Funds, The Devil sends cooks, But who sends the Architects? 1! 1 Pubd. by G. Humphrey, No.24, St. James’s Street, London, April 7th My copy is signed by himself in ink, “Etched by Geo. Cruikshank.” £1. 1822 18 3 1824 18 t’) 1824 18 4 1095 1096 1098 1176 1244 1242 N2 (180) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. .1145 STOPS. Esp del “Etched by G. Ck.” 1246 Pubd. May 18th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St., London 1824 SIX subjects, representing the marks of punctuation, viz. , ; : . ! .9, having a fanciful design to each. £1 10s.“; rare. I ' 1146 THE ADVANTAGES OF TRAVEL , or, “ A Little Learning is a 1252 Dangerous Thing.” Plate 1. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” ‘A - London Pubd. June 14th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s ' ' Street 1824 1147 THE ADVANTAGES OF TRAVEL,- or, “A Little Learning is a 1253 Dangerous Thing.” Plate 2. c “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” London Pubd. J une 14th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s -_ ._ Street 1824 i The pair,'\ £3. 1148 ' OSTEND PACKET IN A SOUALL. j, deli. “Etched by G. Ck.” 1254 Pubd. June 15th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. J a-mes’s St., London 1824 £1. ‘1,149 PARISIAN LUXURY. “Diogenes Tiger Pin-at.” “G. Ck. sculpt.” 1260 - London Pubd. Noer. 19th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street 1824 £1 10s. ‘ I 1150 “ Cenme IT! J’,— “Euua by G. Ck.” 1261 , London Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 24, St. J ames’s Street, New‘. 24th 1824 1151 GOING IT ! ,f_- “Etc/i“ by G. Ct.” 1262 London Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St., Noe-r. 24 1824 The pair, £3. - 1152 THE FOUR MR. PRICES. High Price—Low Price—Full Price—Se 1286 Half Price.--“ George Cruikshank del.” TG. ct‘ E. bTC‘sculp.” London Pubd. Jany. 5th, 1825, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. J ames’s Street 1825 There is a companion plate of four ladies, but not by “ G. C.” £1. ‘1153 A SCENE IN THE FARCE OF “LOFTY PROJECTS,” as performed 1308 with great success for the benefit and amusement of John Bull, Ano. D. 1825. “T. G., Esge, inet.” “G. Cruikshank feet.” London Published July 17th, 1825, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street 1825 £1 5s. 1154 THE RETURN OF A SAILING PARTY. 1312 “A. Crowguill, Esq’. del.” “Etched by G. C".” London Pubd. August 14, 1825, by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Eachange 1825 15s. < 181 3 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIoATUREs—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. EXHIBITION EXTRAORDINARY IN THE HORTICULTURAL ROOM. “ A. Bird invt. et delt.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank” London Pubd. Jany. 1st, 1826, by G. H umphrey, 24, St. James’s Street £1. ' AN EVENING PARTY. “H. T. D. B., Esqr., deli.” “ Etchd. by G. Cruikshank.” London Pubd. Feby. 3d, 1826, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street, St. James’s £1. PAT ANSWERS, or Points of Irish Humour. “ E. G. delt.” “Etched by Geo. Cruikshank.” London Pubd. Feby. 17 th, 1826, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St., St. James’s 15s. BUMPOLOGY. “H. T. D. R, Esq. del.” “ Etchd. by G. Ck.” Pubd. Feby. 24th, 182 6, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. J ames’s St., London £1. 1 COG, or not ashamed of being in town in November !- INCOG. or shupposed to be in the country in August ! “Ego dell.” “ Etched by G. Ck.” ' Pubd. by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Augst. 18 £1 5s. DOVER COACH ; 5 o’clock morning. “A Crowquill, Esqr. del.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” London Pubd. A ugt. 25th, 1826',‘by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Xehange £1. . FOUR SPECIMENS OF THE READING PUBLIC. “ A. Crowquill, Esqr. delt.” “ G. Ck. sculpt.” London Published A ugt. 7th, 1827, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill £1 5s, rare. THE GIPSEYING PARTY ALARM’D AT THE UNINVITED GUEST. “ A. Crowquill, Esq. del.” “ Etched by G. Ck.” ‘ Published August 7 th, 1827, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, London £1. PIC-NIC PARTY DISTURBED BY A SWARM OF BEES. “E. G. del.” London Pubd. June 1st, 1828, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1827 1827 1828 1331 T338 1340 1341 1354 1355 1416 1417 1463 £1. SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. OARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS--continued. MONSTROSITIES. THE SERIES OF EIGHT PLATES, FROM 1816 TO 1826. NOTE—The whole of these plates were reprinted and republished in 1835 by McLean, of the H aymarket, in “ Cruikshankicma,” with the original imprints erased, and with his name, address and date, 1835, substituted. Where a second state is mentioned in the description of the following plates, M cLean’s reprints are not referred to. 1164 MONSTROSITIES OF 1816. Scene, Hyde Park. 570 "’ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., March 12th 1816 A second state of this plate has some slight differences in details, one of which is the addition of ermine tails to the lady’s muff. 1165 DANDIES OR MONSTROSITIES OF 1818. “G. Cruikshank feet.” 780 Pubd. Oct. 3d, 1818, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Str‘. 1818 A second state of this plate reads: “Dandies of 1817, and Monstrosities of 1818.” 1166 MONSTROSITIES OF 1819. “ G. Cruikshankfect.” 922 London Pubd. Nour. 29th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 1819 A second state of the plate reads: “Monstrosities of 1819 & 1820.” 1167 MONSTROSITIES OF 1821. “ G. Cruikshank inc‘. et fecit.” 983 Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London, May 20 1821 1168 MONSTROSITIES OF 1822. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 1094 Pubd. Oetr. 19th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, London 1822 A second state of the plate reads : “ Monstrosities of 1822—- Pl. 5.” 1169 MONSTROSITIES OF 1783 & 1823. “G. Cruikshank feet.” 1161 Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. J ames’s St., London—Jany. 1st 1823 This is a small plate, about half the depth of the others of this series. 1170 MONSTROSITIES OF 1824.—Plate 7. 1°55 J. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” London—Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St., July 8th 1824 1171 MONSTROSITIES OF 1825 & 6. “ Geoe. Cruikshank feet.” 1339 London Pubd. F eby. 10th, 1825, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Strt, St. J ames’s 1825 A set of the eight plates, with four of them in two states, together tweli'e, £15. Mr. Bruton’s copy sold for £17 15s. 117 2 MONSTROSITIES OF 1827. not in “ Robert Cruikshank del’. et fecit.” From Mr. B. Read’s “Fashions.” Reid. London 1827 Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street, St. James’s This is by Robert Cruikshank, so signed. 15s. ( 188 ) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. DANCING. Here follow thirteen plates on this subject; with the exception of the first, which has no date, 1173 //1174 //1175 1176 ,1177 1178 1179 1180 ‘TM’ 1181 1182 they all date from 1817 to 1825. INCONVENIENT PARTNERS IN WALTZING. “ Cruikshank feet.” London: Pub. by T. Tegg, Cheapside £1 5s. DOS A DOS, Accidents in Quadrille Dancing. ,Esg. inut. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. March 4th, 1817, by H. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 1817 £1. " VIS A VIS. Accidents in Quadrille Dancing. Esq. inut. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 15th, 1817, by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street 1817 £1. LES GRACES. Inconveniences in Quadlrille Dancing. KER]. inut. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 9th, 1817, by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. 1817 £1. MOULINET. Elegances of Quadrille Dancing. ‘Esq. inut. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 11th, 1817, by H. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1817 £1. ‘ LA POULE. a’ (Etched by G. Cruikshank). Pubd. June 4th, 1817, by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street, London 1817 £1 5s. . SPECIMENS OF WALTZING. (Etched by G. Cruiksluink). Pubd. June 4th, 1817, by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street, London 1817 £1 5s. LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE; or, Sketches of Characteristic Dancing. “ G. Cruikshank inut. til‘ sculpt.” Pubd. August 31st, 1817, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1817 £1 10s. Four Plates of The Dancing Lesson here follow. THE DANCING LESSON. $2 “MWLMGAMMW Pubd. July 8th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St, London 1822 Another state of the plate, with The 1st Position above the plate, and The Dancing Lesson, Pt. 1, beneath the plate. THE MINUET. The Dancing Lesson—Pt. 2. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London Pubd. March 6th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, St. James’s Street 1824 99 671 669 670 675 676 684 1082 < 18.4 ) 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. L’ETE. The Dancing Lesson—Pt. 3. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London Pubd. March 1st, 1825', by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St. THE SAILOR’S HORNPIPE. The Dancing Lesson—Pt. 4. “' G. Cruikshank feet.” London Pubd. Illarch 1st, 1825, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St. The set of four, £2. THE PROMENADE. 2 o. “Etched by G. Cruik".” Pubd. July 8th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London 10s. ' DANDIES. The following plates relate to this subject. ANCIENT MILITARY DANDIES OF 1450-MODERN Dandies of 1819. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. Feby. 8th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street, London MILITARY £1 10s. A DANDY AND A DANDYZETTE; or, a Retour de l’Opéra. “ Cruikshank feeit.” ' Pubd. Oct. 25, 1818, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 12s. This plate and the following one are given here, but I think there is more of Robert’s work in them than that of George. DANDIES AND DANDYZETTES. Pubd. Nov. 6th, 1818, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside 12s. LACING IN STYLE ; or, A Dandy Midshipman Preparing for A—tt-vraction ! l “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. March 6th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside £1 5s. DANDIES IN FRANCE; or, La Restaurateur. “J. S. inv.” “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London Pubd. llfarch 11, 1819, by J. Sidebotham, 287, Strand £1. THE DANDIES COAT OF ARMS. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” £1. Pubd. March 28th, 1819, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside HUMMING BIRDS ; or, a Dandy Trio. “ S. Esq’. del.” “ G. Cruik" etchd.” Pubd. July 15, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street £1 5s. 869 1819 5094 1818 1819 877 1819 1819 1819 1193 1194 THE GENTLEMAN’S DANDY HOBBY. Doubtful if by “G. C.” 108. THE LADIES’ DANDY HOBBY. Doubtful if by “G. C.” I _. _,- n. d. 5099 n. 5100 10s. (185) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—FANOY SUBJECTS—continued. A Series of Five Plates consisting of Figures and Subjects produced by Dots and Lines. 1195 STRIKING EFFECTS PRODUCED BY LINES AND DOTS for the 681 Assistance of Young Draughtsmen. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. August 4th, 1817, by S. W Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly, 6s. corner of Sackville Street 1817 1196 STRIKING EFFECTS PRODUCED BY LINES AND DOTS for the 688 Assistance of Young Draftsmen. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Sept. 23rd, 1817, by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly 1817 6s. 1197 ANOTHER SERIES FORMED OF LINES AND DOTS. Fishing for 689 Turbot and Salmon in the New River, Islington, and other subjects in six divisions. n. d. 6s. 1198 TWELVE SUBJECTS FORMED BY DOTS AND LINES. Heads Up, 677 82.0. See. London Pub. June 14th, 1817, by G. Blackman, 362, Oaj’ord St. 1817 6s. 1199 NINE SUBJECTS FORMED BY DOTS AND LINES. 678 Published July 19, 1817, by G. Blackman, 362, Oxford St, London 1817 6s. The following Size Plates, which are of a similar character, dating from. 1819 to 1825. The first Four published by Humphrey, the last Two by Knight, are here grouped together. @1200 THE HEAD ACHE. 870 “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Feby. 12th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1819 15s. ' 1201 THE CHOLIC. 871 “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Feby. 12th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, .St. James’s St. 1819 15s. ' 1202' A CURE FOR DROWSINESS, or a Pinch of Cephalic. “Etched by 1067 G. Cruikshank from a Sketch by the late Jas. Gillray.” Pubd. Jany. 25th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. London 1822 15s. 1203 THE BLUE DEVILS. “G. Cruikshank feet.” 1162 Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London, Jany. 10th 1823 15s. 1204 J EALOUSY. “A. Crowquill, Esq’. invt.” “G. Cruikshank feet.” 1314 Pubd. November 1st, 1825, by S. Knight,-Sweetings Alley, Ry‘. Xchange 1825 15s. ,1205 INDIGESTION. “A. Crowquill, Esq. delt.” “Etched by G. 0*.” 1288 Pubd. Deer. 1825, by S. Knight, Sweetings Alley, Royal Xchange 1825 15s. (186) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. A Series of Eighteen small Plates, some of which are reduced copies, difierently treated, of subjects which have appeared in the larger series. 1206 TRAVELLING IN FRANCE, or Le Depart de la Diligence. “ G. 0".” 892 Pubd. June 14th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1819 12s. Rare. 1207 TRAVELLING IN ENGLAND, or a Peep from the White Horse Cellar. 904 “G. Cruik’“. feet.” Pubd. August 12, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1819 10s. 1208 FRENCH MUSICIANS, or Les Savoyards. “G. C". feet.” 5123 London Pubd. June 16th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1819 12s. 1209 LE RETOUR DE PARIS, or the Niece presented to her Relatives by 5101 her French Governess. “Etched by G. Ck.” London Pub. September 27, 1.819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. 1819 10s. 1210 GAME OF CHESS. “ G. Cruikk.” 902 London Pubd. August 1st, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’ Street 1819 10s. 1211 STALE MATE. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” 974 Pub. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., March 10th 1821 10s. 1212 CHECK MATE. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” 975 Pub. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., March 10th 1821 10s. 1213 NOVEMBER (Old Style). 1097 “Hover thro’ the fog and filthy air.” “Etched by G. C.” London Pubd. New‘. 30, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. 1822 10s. 1214 MILITARY OFFICER AND A STOUT LADY SEATED ON A SOFA. not in Four lines of Verse :— Reid. “ Had I a heart for falsehood fram’d, I ne’er could injure you, For tho’ your tongue no promise claim’d, Your charms would make me true,” &c. &c. Designed by an Amateur. “Etched by G. C".” Pub. Jany. 10, 1823, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1823 In the second state by McClean the words “Money Hunting,” are introduced at the top. £1. Rare in first state. 1215 DANCING DOLLS, or Les Marionettes a Londres. “J. T. S., Esg. invt.” 1164 “G. Cruik. feet.” Pubd. Jany. 15, 1823, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London 1823 105. (187) 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1224 1225 1226 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. MUSHROOM MONSTROSITIES. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London Pubd. Jany. 24, 1826, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s (sic) 7 s. JUVENILE MONSTROSITIES. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London Pubd. Jany. 24, 1826, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St. 7s. The remaining Size Plates are rather larger. ARRIVAL AT THE NORTH POLE. “G. Ck.” London Pubd. June 25th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. 1819 15s. AN ELECTION BALL. “G. Cruik feet.” Pubd. July 3lst, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. 1819 12s. To CALAIS. “Etched by G. C.” London Pubd. June 5th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street 105. FROM THE WEST INDIES. “Etched by G. C.” London Pubd. June 5th, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. J ames’s Street 10s. PREPARING FOR A DUEL. “F. A.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. June 7 th, 1824, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Exchange SKETCH FOR AN AL-BUM. “H. T. B. D. Esg., del.” “ Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. Septr. 12th, 1826, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St., London NOTE—There are also five small plates relating to dancing, which are grouped under that head. 12s. The Progress of a Midshipman in eight plates. THE FRONTISPIEOE. A Stormy Sea, out of which, On a rock, rises The Temple of Fame. A boat with the midshipman at the helm, with a large sail, on which is inscribed “ The Progress of a Midshipman, exemplified in the career of Master Blockhead, in seven plates & F rontispiece.” yinut. FITTING OUT. ginut. “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” MASTER B. FINDING THINGS NOT EXACTLY WHAT HE EXPECTED. Four lines of verse. 5': “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” London Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. J a-mes’s St, London Four lines of verse. St. James 1826 1826 1820 1820 1337 1336 894 901 1249 1248 993 994 995 (188) 1229 1232 1233 1234 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTswcontinuecl. MR. B. ON THE MIDDLE WATCH. Five lines of verse. “ Cold blows the wind, and the rain’s coming on.” Q— “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London MR. B. MASTHEADED ; or, Enjoying the Fresh Air for the 304th time. Dialogue in eight lines. Q— “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London MR. B. SEEKING THE BUBBLE REPUTATION. SiX lines of verse from Byron. Q —- “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London *WAITING ROOM AT THE ADMIRALTY. * No misnomer. “ ’Tis the curse of Service that preferment goes by favour and afi"ectiOn.”—Othello. Sf— “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London MR. B. PROMOTED TO LIEUT. ; or, First Putting on his Uniform. “Some are born great, some achieve greatness.”--Twelfth Night. 22— “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London The set, with first date 1820, rery rare, £14; Ditto, with date 1821, nearly as much. The Diconcenienees of a Trip to the Continent, a Series of Eight Plates. LA DOUANE. The Searcher’s Office. “Drawn by IV. P.” “Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. June 30th, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. London. LE TRAITEUR CHEz VERY. Madame Very’s Coffee House, Paris. “Drawn by W. P.” “ Etchd. by G. Ck.” Pubd. June 30, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London. QUARTIERE CON MOBILI; or, Hints on Taking Lodgings. “Drawn by IV. P.” “ Etchd. by G. C.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London, June 30th LA DILIGENCE. “Drawn by IV. P.” “ Etchd. by G. Ck.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London, June 30 Dialogue in four lines. MER DE GLACE. Sea of Ice. - “Drawn by W. P.” “ Etchd. by G. Ck.” VISIT To VEsUvIUS. Cineri Doloso. “Drawn by W. P.”—-“ Etchd. by G. Ch.” I Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. J ames’s St., London, June 30 Beneath Latin quotation. 996 1820 997 1820 998 1820 999 1820 1000 1820 985 986 987 1821 988 1821 989 990 1821 (189) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHIN GS. CARICATURES—FANCY SUBJECTS—continued. A 1238 FORUM BORIUM ,' or, Mr. Bull in the Beast Market at Rome. 991 A “Drawn by TV. P.” “Etched by G. Ck.” ' Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London, June 30 1821 1239 COMPARING NOTES; or, Venus dei Medici amongst others 1! l 992 “Drawn by W. P.” “Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., June 30 1821 In each plate after the artist’s (W. P.) name, is the design of a hunting spur. These Plates were afterwards published by McLean, with his imprint and date 1835. A set of the first state are Very rare. Mr. Bruton’s copy Sold for £17 15s. HOLIDAY SCENES. The Four following Etc/tings were issued in a brown wrapper, with a fifth etching on it. Subject .- A Box at the Theatre filled with a Christmas Party of Children, and entitled “ Holiday Scenes.” 1240 “ AT HOME ” IN THE NURSERY; or, the Masters and Misses 1333 Two-Shoes’ Christmas Party. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” London Pubd. Jany. 3d, 1826, by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royl Xchange 18 26 1241 BREAKING UP. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 1357 Pubd. Deer. 12th, 1826, by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange This plate should properly be the first of the series. 1242 HOME FROM SCHOOL, or the Commencement of the Holidays. 1358 “S. K. invt.” “G. Cruikshank fee.” Pubd. by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange 1243 BLACK MONDAY, or the Last Day of the Holidays. “S. K. invt.” 1359 “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. by S. Knights, 3, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange A set in the wrapper, £15, very rare; the four plates coloured, £6 ,' uncoloured, £3. 1244 CHRISTMAS Box. “8'. K. invt.” “ G. Ck. feet.” 1360 Pubd. Deer. 26th, 1826, by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange This is the same as the etching on wrapper, which was also printed separately with the above title. £1. ,_ .. ’ a I _ ~ f ' ‘I . ‘,4 ~ ' - r - . .~ .' ‘ w" . )3 t , . '34 _I l - A " I . 1 4.1" A_ 3"‘). ,1 I: -’ I‘ J,' up?" v~ ‘i; ‘I r’! ‘ ' ’. r fl, , ‘I . “ a w, _ r / _ , U . ‘ ,=- . 7 ‘IP __/,H v!” at‘ (o ., etc . - z .1 .- s - » » (‘I 0 ‘~ W$®RD$®®££®§®®Q¢$® ' l ' ’ _ t t a r -‘ .. .‘--J _ , v, A - ‘ . ’ a (190) 1250 1253 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—MISCELLANEOUS. SYMPTOMS OF COURAGE. “G. Whitelieer del.” Relates to Gen]. Whitelock’s conduct at Buenos Ayres. Pub. by S. W. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly, March 26 10s. THE GHOST OF BYNG. Relating to Gen]. \Vhitelock, and contrasting Byng’s case with his. Published by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, March 28th 10s. WINGING A SHY COCK. (Relating to Genl. Whitelock). Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, March 29 10s. THE BELL-WEATHER AND THE BELLHANGER, or the Chesunt Blacksmith. A true story, relates to Gen]. \Vhitelock. Pubd. May 16, 1808, by S. kV. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly This plate is by Isaac Cruikshank, but the picture on the wall is by G. C. 15s. VACCINATION AGAINST SMALL-Pox, or Mercenary and Merciless Spreaders of Death and Devastation driven out of Society. “ Cruikshank del.” Pub. by S. W. F ores, Piccadilly, June 20 15s. DESIGN FOR A MONUMENT To BE ERECTED IN GUILDHALL IN Gratitude to Alderman Biscuit for killing Buonaparte. Published by S. W. Fores, Piccadilly, Aug. The design of a naval action on the pedestal of the statue apparently by G. C. 158. WHITELOCK THE SECOND, or another tarnish of British Valor. “G. Cruikshank.” ‘ Published Sepr. 29, 1808, by S. W. Fores, No. 50, Piccadilly £1 1808 1808 1808 1808 1808 1809 1808 41 43 not in Reid. 45 80 48 1245 1251 PORTSMOUTH YARD ON FIRE & THE ARS EN AL IN DANGERl! Published by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, S. W'., Feb. 8 1808 2s. THE IRISH POET’S GRACE TO A SHORT ALLOWANCE. “ Woodward del.” “ Cruikshank sp.” 37 143 By T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, London [1808] There is no date. Reid gives Jany. 1812, but it is not on the plate, which is too late for Isaac Cruikshank, whose work it certainly is. 48. (191) 1257 1259 1260 1261 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—MISCELLANEOUS—-eontinued. THE BATTLE BETWEEN CRIB AND MOLINEUX. “Cruikshank del.” Pubd. by J. Johnston, 87, Bishopsgate Street, Jan. 1811 £1. THE LAND OF PROMISE—A design for a Threadneedle Case. “Drawn by Docter (sic) Caterfelto.” “ Geo. Cruikshank seulp.” Pubd. for the Docter (sic) at J. Johnston’s, 87, Bishopsgate St., and 101, Cheapside, IIIarch Mr. Bruton in his catalogue gives another with a later date. “ The Land of Promise,” published by Johnston, June 1811. £1. THE BOOKSELLER’S JUNTA INTERRUPTED, or a Select General Meeting. Pubd. April 14th, 1812, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside £1. THE DEVIL To PAY! or Pam be Civil. Published September 1812, by Y. Z., and sold by Clinch, Princes Street, Soho £1. AN OPENING MATCH. Given on authority of Reid. NO signature, imprint, or date. Here follow three etchings relating to America. A SKETCH FOR THE REGENT’S SPEECH ON MAD—ASS—SON’S INSANITY. “G. Cruikshank sculp.” Pubd. Deer. 1812, by lValker and Knight, Sweetings Alley £1 10s. JOHN BULL MAKING A Capital BONFIRE, and Mr. Madison running away by the light of it! 1 “ G. C". feet.” Pubd. Octr. 1814, by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royl. Xchange £3. AMERICAN JUSTICE l l The Ferocious Yankee Genl. Jack’s Reward for Butchering Two British Subjects 1 1 1 “ Yedis inu‘.” “Etched by G. Ck.” London Tub. April 1819, by J. Sidebotham, 287, Strand £1 10s. PENELOPE, The Gaze of the Loungers in the Lobby at New Drury Lane Theatre. Mr. Bruton had a copy in his collection. £1 58. Rare. ‘ MEDICAL MUSHROOMS. £1 10s. Rare. GAMBOLS ON THE RIVER THAMES, Feby. 1814. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Feby. 1814, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, London “Jesse Foot inct.” “George Prince fecit.” 1811 1812 1812 1812 1814 1819 n. d. 1813 1814 115 116 158 171 199 181 197 £1. (192) 1265 1266 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—MIsCELLANEOUs—eontinued. SEVERE SENTENCE ON LORD COCHRANE AND OTHERS To STAND in the Pillory, &c. &c., as pronounced by Sir Simon le Blane in the Court of King’s Bench, on Tuesday, the 21st of June, 1814. Published by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill £1. A DABBLER IN THE STOCKS. - N 0 line of publication or date, but my copy is signed by George Cruikshank himself. £1 5s. Three plates relating to Johanna Southcote. JOHANNA SOUTHCOTE* AND THE DISAPPOINTED JEWS. * This blasphemous Old hag has declared that she is to bring forth the true Messiah ! l ! l ! ! “ G. C. feet.” Pubd. August 1814, by H. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap, London £1 10s. THE IMPOSTER (sic), or Obstetric Dispute. Pubd. Septr. 1814, by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, London £1. THE MOCK DELIVERY OF JOANNA! ! ! Published Deer. 18 £1 10s. Relating to the Lady with the Pig’s face. SUITORS To THE PIG FACED LADY. Every man to his taste. “G. Cruik. fe‘.” Pubd. by J. Harrison, Great Queen St., March 22 £1 5s. THE PIG FACED LADY OF MANCHESTER SQUARE—THE SPANISH MULE OF MADRID. In two compartments. “G. H. inut.” “G. Cruikshank feet.” At the top across both compartments is: “Ah, sure a pair was never seen so justly formed to meet by nature.” ‘ A description under both compartments. No line of publica- tion nor date. This is the first state. It was afterwards divided, and Humphrey’s address introduced, with some other alterations. First state, £1 10s. ,- second state, the two, £1. 1814 1814 1814 1814 1815 343 361 431 721 1270 THE BAKER KNEADING SAMMY’S DOUGH. “ I. R. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Deer. 1814, by S. Knight, Sweetings Alley This is by Robert Cruikshank, so signed. 1814 395 15s. (193) 1274 1275 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—MISOELLANEoUS—continued. A TRUE DESCRIPTION OF THE YOUNG LADY WITH A PIG’S FACE, now living in London. Printed and published (for the Proprietor) by G. Smeeton, 17, St. M artin’s Lane With a long description beneath. Though this may be con- sidered a broadside, it is given here after the other two prints of the same subject. £1 5s. THE BIRTHDAY OF S. G. POLE, ESQ. This is all Reid gives. Mr. Bruton had a copy in his collection. £110s. Rare. INTRODUCTION OF GAS, or Throwing a New Light on the Subject. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” London Designed, eke, Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, No. 96, Strand, and No. 20, Capel St., Dublin £1 105.’ THE CATHOLICS BURNING THE STEWARD OF THE ESTATE OF Gerandin to Death, July 5, 1815, at Nismes, in the South of France, and breaking open the grave of a young girl because she died a Protestant ! ! Pubd. by G. Smeeton, St. Martin’s Lane £1 10s. BOYS GENT. V. MISS EDMUNDS. at Maidstone, July 15. On authority of Reid only. BRITISH LIBERTY AT BLACKHEATH, or Justice Shallow’s unwar- rantable warrant against Walking 1 l 1 London desd. c6" Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, No. 74, Newgate St., and at No. 20, Capel St., Dublin, Sept. G. C. has signed as his work Mr. Truman’s copy of this etching. £1 55. ENGLISH GENERALS ON THE PEACE ESTABLISHMENT !! “' G. Cruikshank fect.” London Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, No. 96, Strand, Jany. 25th Tried before Lord Ellenborough £1. THE ELGIN MARBLES! or John Bull buying stones at the time his numerous Family want Bread. “ Yedis invt.” “ G. Cruikshank fect.” London Pubd. by J. Sidebotham, 96, Strand £2. THE TRIUMPH OF THE DEY OF ALGIERS OVER THE NAVAL Glory of England! or the late boasted Defenders of Freedom driven into Slavery by a Piratical Banditti 1 l “ Yedis invt.” “ G. Cruikshank fect.” London Pubd. July 1816, by J. Sidebotham, No. 10, St. James St. £2. O 1815 1815 1815 1816 1816 460 448 452 496 506 561 565 (194) 1285 1286 1289 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. OARICATURES—MISCELLANEOUS—eontinued. SPARRING. Two large figures, about 9 inches high, boxing. Drawn and published by G. Cruikshank, 117, Dorset Street, City, Sep. lst 1817 685 This is the first state. In the second state the word Sparring was added, and G. C.’s address erased. £1 10s. THE CURSE OF SPAIN. 784 Washington: Pubd. Noe. 1818 Copied by G. C., with an inscription in Spanish beneath. £1. IDOLATORS WORSHIPING THE GOLDEN CALF 1!! 845 Pubd. as the Act desert-es, and sold in Sweetings Alley n. d. This relates to the marriage of a Miss Clayton with a Mr. J anson (the Golden Calf), who settles large amounts on the lady and her family. 15s. A WHIMSICAL COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE, or the Golden Calf. Pubd. at Bath, and sold in Cheapside, London n. d. On the same subject as the last. It is in two compartments. One—The golden calf and the lady 5 the other—the father and three sons dancing round their sister, who is seated on the golden calf on a pedestal. 15s. GIANT GRUMBO AND THE BLACK DWARF, or Lord G Printer’s Devil. “G. Cruik". feet.” £1 Pubd. by Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., July 24 1819 THE ACTOR OF ALL WORK, or Billy on the Stage again I l 1 Published by Clinch, Prineess’s Street, Soho, March 8th 1820 This is not theatrical, but relates to our old friend, Sir William Curtis. It is in three compartments. £1. A VIEW FROM CRANBOURN LODGE To CAMDEN TOWN, or Money Makes the Mare to go. “Peeping Tom fecit.” Pubd. by R. A. Fores, 71, Leadenhall Street 1820 Relates to the Marquis of Camden and Grim. Con. Reid has omitted the Word “Lodge ” after Cranbourn. £1 10s. 0! O! THERE’S A MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL 1!! ll! “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London, Pubd. Octr. 1st, 1821, by T. Dolby, 299, Strand 1821 Relates to the Revd. Blacow, tried for a libel on the late Queen Caroline. He is represented as a black cow. £1 5s. 846 and the 899 940 959 1036 (195) 1290 1293 1294 1296 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATUREs—MISCELLANEoUS—eontinued. THE COMMERCIAL DANDY AND HIS SLEEPING PARTNERS. “Dr. E. fee.” Pubd. Noe. lst, 1821, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London £1 10s. TCH A DESIGN, CALL’D CRAFTY DOINGS, or How to PAS-m‘ it up I I I A Pubd. March, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street Relates to the Marquis of Worcester and Miss Calcraft. £1 10s. SYMPTOMS OF MISCONDUCT, or Detection, Accusation and Con- viction. A Lollipop, Ally Campagne, a Bull’s-eye, and a Brandy Ball. “T. C. del.” “ G. C. sculpt.” Pubd. March 20th, 1822, by Geo. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London It was afterwards published by Thos. McLean, 26, Haymarket, August 1st, 1835. £1 5s. A VIEW IN GREEN STREET, with a Roland for a Blake. Pubd. March 22nd, 1822, by Fores, Panton Street, Haymarket £1 10s. EXAMINATION AT Bow STREET. “The Bishop and the Soldier”! or “ Too-too ” and “ Clargy ” standing up for the “honor” of the cloth, uide Bow Street Police Report, July 28th “G. C.” Pubd. August 4th, 1822, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill A hoax played off by a woman on a soldier and a sweep, the latter going by the name of Clargy, by calling out “The Bishop , and the Soldier,” referring, of course, to the case of The Bishop of Clogher. £1 5s. THE ARREST OF THE BISHOP OF CLOGHER, by Bow Street Officers. I have seen the plate two or three times, but have never bought it. It seems to be by George, not by Robert Cruikshank, but it is left to individual opinion. THE WEBB ENTANGLED, or Philanthropy at Brighton. The \Vebb unravelled. Pubd. May 12th, 1823, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., and 74, New Bond Street In two compartments. £1 5s. BEARING AND FORBEARING. “Igo—-” London Pubd. May 21st, 1824, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St. In two compartments, and relates to a Mr. Baring and the elopement of his wife. £1 10s. 1037 1821 1069 1822 1070 1822 1071 1822 1086 1822 notin ieid. 1184 1823 1824 O 2 (196) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—MISCELLANEOUs—continued. 1298 FASHIONABLE LUXURY, or A New Gent, at Mother his Favorite Irish Dickey Birds. ' “ Miss Francis Hill int-t.” “Etched by A. MacNaughton.” London Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s St., Nour. 20th/24 1824 Relates to Lord N ugent. £1 10s. 1299 A TRICK UPON DICK, or Old Nick among the Seceders ! l l 1263 “ Sawney Bean sculp.” Pubd. Nor. 1824, by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 1824 Relating to one of the Seceders who had promised to marry “ Sister Elize,” but who refused to perform his promise. £1 10s. 1300 SKIN AND GREIF (sic) COMPARING NOTES. Intended as a com- 5127 panion to “National Contrast.” Report says The Living Skeleton has grown so fat, that he is not half a sight. The Run on certain quarters is too well known. London Published by Jn. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Jany. 1826 Referring to Surat, the living Skeleton, and Sir W. Curtis. The first has developed a paunch, and the latter seems much pulled down. “G. C.” has signed Mr. Truman’s copy. ’S, with 1264 £1. 1301 THE RIPE MELON AND RUSTY PUMPKIN. not in. “Mr. Snooks fecit.” Reid. Dedicated to the new Maid Dutchess (sic). Pubd. by J. Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, July 1827 In two compartments. One—Old Coutts and his \Vif'e, nc’c Harriet Mellon. The other—Coutts’s Widow and the young Duke of St. Albans, whom she married. £1 5s. ®®®®®®®ZHW®®®£®®® CARICATURES.-—* BROADSIDES AND SONG HEADS. 1302 THE MULBERRY TREE. “Cruikshank del.1808.” 40 There are seven stanzas of verse. Published Mar. 1, 1808, by Laurie and Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street 1808 10s. 1303 AN AFFECTING SCENE IN THE DOWNS. 81 “G. Ck.” on the side of Sir W. Curtis’s yacht. Seven stanzas of verse of siX lines each. Lozédon Printed and published August 1809, by Johnston, Cheapside 1809 l. * The broadsides here given belong to the sections Fancy Subjects and Miscellaneous ; those belonging to Napoleon, The Regent, Political and Theatrlcal, have been included in those Sections. (197) 1304 “~— 1305 1306 1307 _.»_' \“j/u 1308 213137’ (p (‘I5 '/ 1309 1310 1311 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIoATUEEs—BROADsIDEs AND SONG HEADS—continued. THE OLD COMMODORE, or Weathercock Billy voting as his Con- science directed him. Verses beneath. Relates to the Walcheren Expedition Enquiry Jan. 3, 1810. Published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories, London, 15s. BONAPARTE. “ G. Cruikshank del. et sculp.” Written by Mr. Lawler, introduced by Mr. Elliston, and sung by him with unbounded applause in the character of Sylvester Dagger-Wood at the Surrey Theatre. Five stanzas of verse of eight lines each. Published March 25th, 1811, by Laurie d2 Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London £1. THE BEAUTIFUL MAID. As sung by Mr. Liston, with unbounded applause, &c., &c. “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” Eighteen lines of verse. Published 25th Novr., 1811, by Laurie (f3; lVhittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 158. THE BEAUTIFUL MAID. “G. Cruikshank feet.” As sung by Mr. Liston, with unbounded applause, 1811. Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap This is a different etching from the preceding, and On the Water cistern is “ G. G. 1812.” 15s. A BUNDLE OF TRUTHS. Sung with unbounded applause by Mr. Henry Johnston, &c. “ Magna est veritas et prevalebit—Truth is great and Will prevail.” - Published 2nd Septr. 1811, by Laurie ck l/Vhittle, 52, Fleet Strt., 1 London Nine stanzas of verse. Mr. Bruton’s copy had G. C.’s autograph signature. 15s. ' THE QUAKER PLEADING HIS OWN CAUSE, or Justice Asleep in an Old Man’s Field. Verses. A satire on Lord Mansfield. £1. DR. DIDDLE’UM. Mr. Bruton’s catalogue 1897, p. 55, no. 584, which he says is the same plate as that described by Reid as “Interior of a Sick Man’s Chamber,” at no. 198. £1 TABITHA GRUNT, or the Walking Hospital. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Twelve lines of verse. Published July 24th, 1813, by Jas. Whittle ct" Richd. H. Laurie, 98 1810 117 1811 131 1811 128 1812 4497 1811 133 u. d. 198 u. d. 248 Fleet Street 1813 £1. (198) 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—BROADSIDES AND SONG HEADS—continued. JACK MARROWBONE. The enraged Butcher and his Musical Family “Priscilla Groote invt.” “G. Cruikshank feet.” Eight stanzas of verse. Published Augt. 23, 1813, by Jas. Whittle d Richd. H. Laurie, Fleet Street, London £1. A DAY OF FASHION. Sung with the greatest applause by Mr. C. Taylor at Vauxhall Gardens. Written, composed, and respectfully inscribed to George Rogers Barrett, Esq, by Mr. W. T. Parke. “G. Cruik- shank fect.” Verses and prose beneath. Published 24th August, 1813, by James Whittle and Richard Holmes Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London £1. A SONG PUBLISHED BY LAURIE 8c _WHITTLE. With engraving of the ghosts of a cat and nine kittens appear- ing to an individual in bed. It is taken from an unlettered proof, the one sold in Mr. Bruton’s sale, and stated to be the only one known. £1 108. CHARIOTEER SNIP ON RISING GROUND. Verses. “Priscilla Groote invt.” “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” Published October 18th, 1813, by James lVhittle and Richard Holmes Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London £1. ' TEA TABLE—TABBY TOM’S TRAGIC TALE. Being a companion to that excellent song of “The Wig, the Hat, and the Cane.” Verses. £1. LAWYER FLAM, MRS. FLAM, AND FLAM’S GHOST. Sung by Mr. Dowton in “Up all Night, or The Smuggler’s Cave.” “ G. Cruikshank delt.” Printed and published by R. H arrild, 20, Great Eastcheap, London 105. LAWYER FLAM, HIS WIFE, AND FLAM’S GHOST. “ G. Cruikshank del.” Printed and published by J. lanes, 61, Wells Street, Oxford Street, London 10s. SAM SNATCH, or the Fashionable Bailiff. Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap 10s. POOR MR. SPRIGGS. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” NO date or line of publication. 1813 1813 1813 n. d. .3 5;“ 254 261 408 409 not in Reid. 410 411 £1. (199) r1321 1325 1327 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—BROADSIDES AND SONG HEADS—continued. THINKS I TO MYSELF THINKS I. A Comic Characteristic Ballad. N 0 date or line of publication. £1. CAPTAIN FLAM AND THE WIDOw WICK. A Comic Characteristic Ballad. “G. Cruikshank feet.” £1 5s. “ G. Cruikshank del.” THE TIGHT IRISH CAPTAIN. Second state of preceding. Twenty-eight lines of Verse. “G. Cruikshank fet.” Printed and published by J. Inncs, 61, I/Vells Street, Oxford Street, London I have the second state, but have not seen the first, given on the authority of Reid. ' £1 5s. POOR LITTLE MO. Two volumes of prose and verse. Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap Not signed, but by G. C. Reid has added the words, “An illustrated dialogue song,” but which do not occur in my copy. £1. THE OLD MAID AND HER TOM CAT. At the Old Bailey, September 4, George I. The King v. A long broadside, in two columns. Printed by Plummer and Brewis, Love-Lane, Eastcheap, for Thomas Tegg, 111, Cheapside Reid’s imprint I suppose was cut off, as he does not give any. He also gives the words George III, but mine only George I, as above. £1 10s. JOHN HOBBS, JOHN HOBBS. Sung by Mr. Lovegrove in the character of Jeremiah Babble, with great applause, in “Any Thing New,” at the Lyceum Theatre, Strand. “G. Cruikshank fe‘.” A single figure to left, with a bill hanging out of his pocket. Printed and published by John Fairburn, No. 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill (facing the Old Bailey) £1 5s. JOHN HOBBS, JOHN HOBBS. Sung by Mr. Lovegrove, &c., &c., as in the preceding number, but the subject quite different. There are seven figures, two of which are John Hobbs, the shoemaker, and his wife; he has a halter round her neck, and is offering her for sale. Not signed, but evidently by G. C. 412 n. d. 413 n. d. 413 n. d. 414 n. d. 433 n. d. 437 n. d. notin Reid. Printed sold by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap n. d. £1 10s. (200) SEPARA TE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—BROADSIDES AND SONG HEADS—~continued. 1328 JOHN HOBBS, JOHN HOBBS. notin Sung by Mr. Lovegrove ; but no other description. Reid. The same subject as the last, the verses in smaller type. Printed and sold by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap n. d. £1 56. 1329 OLD SNIP, or the Dock Shark. Seven verses. 438 A small broadside, without signature, date, or imprint. n. d. £1. 1330 THE BROWN J UG. 445 Three stanzas of verse, not signed, but by G. C. Harrild, printer, 20, Great Eastcheap n. d. The thin man smoking a pipe seems to be a caricature likeness of G. C. himself. £1. , -~~j1331 IRISH HOSPITALITY. 508 Sung with great applause by Mr. Incledon in his new entertain- ment called “The Minstrel.” (Tune—“Town and Country”) “I. R. Cruikshank del.” “ G. Ck. sculp.” Published the 20th October, 1815, by J. _Whittle and R. H. Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London 1815 1 5s. 1332 IRISH HOSPITALITY, Or One Bottle More. notin Sung by Mr. Incledon in his new entertainment called “The Reid Minstrel.” Quite a different subject from the preceding. Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap 15s. 1334 BEN THE CARPENTER AND SALLY BROWN. 554 Verses—Hood’s Ballad. Mr. Bruton’s copy had “ G. C.” autograph initials. n. d. £1 10s. 1335 FARE-THEE-WELL. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 574 Published by J. Johnston, Cheapside A long broadside, with Byron’s Verses, represents Byron in a boat with several ladies being rowed to the ship in which he is to sail. Lady Byron and the infant Ada on the shore. n. d. £3. Rare. 1333 THE IRISH DUEL. 4503 “ I. R. Cruikshank del. et scalp.” Published April 15, 1816, by J. IVhittle and R. H. Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London 1816 1 Os. (201) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CAnIoATUREs—BnoADsIDEs AND SONG HEADS—continued. 1336 PUT IT DOWN TO THE BILL. A Popular Characteristic Ballad. not in “ G. Cruikshank d.” A Broadside with prose and verse. Reid. Printed and sold by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap n. d. £1 55:5. 1337 CALL AGAIN TO-MORROW. “ G. Cruikshank d.” 615 This is almost exactly the same as the last, except for the difference of title, and has no publisher’s imprint. n. d. £1 5s. 1338 BAG N OODLE’S FEAST, or the Partition and Re-union of Turkey 1 618 A new Ballad ; founded on Fact. Song of twenty-three stanzas of verse, with notes. An etching above and below the song. The lower one represents the turkey being prepared in the kitchen. (Signed “ G. Ck. fect.”) The upper, the turkey being served at dinner, and the catastrophe of its breaking in two. (Signed “ G. Cruikshank fect.”) Published by W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street, and 67, Old Bailey, three doors from Ludgate Hill (Price 2s.) 1817 A Satire on Lord Eldon and his Lady. £2 10s. 1339 PADDY CAnEY’s FORTUNE. 624 Sung with great applause by Mr. Fitzwilliams and Mr. \Vebb. Six stanzas of verse. “ G. Cruikshankfeet.” Published February 1st, 1817, by James Whittle and Richard Holmes Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London 1817 £1. 1340 THE OAT’S QUADRILLE. A Broadside Song. In Mr. Bruton’s not in collection. 12. d. Reid. 15s. fl,’ 1341 A NEW SONG. Mrs. Topper’s Dream, or, Overboard She Vent. 722 Written expressly for the occasion by Scriblérus Horsely- downus. Sung by Mr. Norman, at the Royalty Theatre, Well Street, \Vellclose Square. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Four stanzas of verse. Printed and published by Joseph Robins, 57 , Tooley Street n. d. I £1. 1342 RECIPE FOR A DASHING PATRIOT, or an Assisting Spadeful to 770 cover Putrescence. Published by A . Reugo, Print Dealer, Maiden Lane, near Tauistock Street, March 27 1818 This is a long broadside, headed with the plate “One More Parody 1!! on the frontispiece to the 1st vol. of ‘The Black Dwarf.’ Drawn and Etched, but cleansed of sedition and libel, from an unique print by T. J. Lawless least of all; the reform such could bring us.” “Knahskiureeyroeg feet.” Pubd. April, 1818, by A. Beuyo, No. 33, Maiden Lane. The Black Dwarf was a satirical political magazine, published in 12 vols, 181724, the first three in 4to, the remaining nine in (202) 1343 1344 1345 #1346 “"1347 1348 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIoATUREs—-BRoAns1nEs AND SONG HEADs—eontiriued. 8vo. The plate represents a Satyr leading the Black Dwarf, T. J. Wooler, by the hand ; several judges’ wigs on barber’s blocks are overthrown. The plate is not by G. C., but he parodied it in the plate at the head of this broadside, and represents Wooler with a fool’s cap over his head, and a Satyr leading him with a rope round his neck. The big wigs have disappeared, but a hill is introduced in the background, on the top of which Lord Eldon is seated, and Sir F. Burdett, as Sisyphus, at the foot, rolling up petitions. Reid in a note speaks of some plate which, he says, was issued as a counterblast, but I think that which he describes is evidently the original frontispiece to the Black Dwarf, which G. G. parodied. The plate which he gives at N o. 770, is Cruikshank’s parody of it. £2. Rare. RECIPE FOR CORNS. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” A Broadside. rwtin London Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., March 31st 1819 Reid. Thirty-two lines of Verse—January 12th 1467. Copied from the “Black Letter.” This plate was published without the broadside, and with the title, Mixing a Recipe for Corns. See Fancy Subjects, No. 1,098. £2. Rare. PUGILISM EXTRAORDINARY. Boxing EXtraordinary—or—a Noble 897 fall Voila-t-jCEIMoI-tl ! l I “Etehd. by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. July 17th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London 1819 With a long description beneath. £1. A BATH BALL, or Virtue in Danger. Verses. 934 London, May 6th, 1820, published by S. W. Fores, Piccadilly 1820 £1. PETER SNOUT, or a Shift to Make a Shirt. “ G. Cruikshank.” 1028 Sung with universal applause by Mr. Sloman and Mr. Munden. Published the 1st of August, 1821, by R. H. Laurie, N0. 53, Fleet 10s. Street 1821 THE SAILoR’s DEscRIPTIoN or A CHASE AND CAPTURE. 1066 A long Broadside of 19 lines. “ F. Sher“ irwt.” “G. Cruik~ shank feet.” London Published by G. Humphrey, 27, St. J ames’s St., J auuary the 7th 1822 £1 58. ‘ LooBY LUMP’s LIFE IN LONDON. A New Song. 1072 Written and now singing by Mr. Briant, of the Royal Coburg Theatre, and likewise by Mr. Lancaster, at the Olympic Theatre, with rapturous applause. Eight stanzas of Verse. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. March 22nd, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James St., London 1822 £1 105. < 20;; ) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. OARICATURES—BROADSIDES AND SONG HEADS—continued. A349 MOST HUMOROUS DESCRIPTION OF THE UNDENIABLE MILL, between Gammon and Dandy the Black. By one of the Learned. A long Broadside in two columns, headed with coloured etching, “Gammon Giving the Nosegay to Dandy-Grey-Russett.” “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Printed for W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street £1 10s. THE TEARS OF PIERCE EGAN FOR THE DEATH OF LIFE IN LONDON, or the Funeral of Tom and Jerry. By T. Greenwood, Esq. Dedicated to I. R. and George Cruikshank. Beneath, 12 stanzas of verse. At top, two illus- trations, one above the other. Tom and Jerry floored by that sure hitter, Death. The Charleys and their watch-boxes are dancing with delight. The Funeral of Tom and Jerry. Pierce Egan, chief mourner, then Bob Logic, May Rosebud, Corinthian Kate, Lovely Sue, Billy Waters, Black Sall, Burly Bob. “ 17V . unéinut.” “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Printed for Pierce Egan, at his “ Tiny Crib,” 71, Chancery Lane, February 1 Price 2s. shows it is a coloured copy, uncoloured copies being only ls. ,' if found with the latter price and coloured it has been coloured afterwards. Mr. Bruton’s copy sold for £5 58. DESTRUCTION OF THE FURIOUS ELEPHANT AT EXETER CHANGE. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” London Pubd. March 6th, 1826, by J. Harrison, 56, Long Acre A large broadside with interesting particulars relating to the elephant, four columns of letterpress. 1350 1351 £1 5s. 1352 A TRAVELLER STOPPED AT A WIDow’S GATE. 10s. Zkee 1353 I AM A FRIAR OF ORDERS GREY. 108. they /I354 PANORAMA OF THE TIMES. The Sieur Kastleree (the " celebrated juggler) is just arrived from the Continent, &c., &c. The caravan has entered London direct from Golgotha, and the Exhi- bition is now open. A long Broadside with 18 stanzas of verse. A fine coloured illustration not signed, perhaps Robert Cruik- shank may have assisted in it. £1 10s. . 1355 MR. GRIG AND MRS. SNAP, or Bubble, Squeak, and Pettitoes. Not signed, but undoubtedly by “G. C.” Harrild, Printer, 20, Great Eastcheap £1 10s. Rare. THE OLD COMMODORE. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap Rare. 1356 Forty lines of verse. £2. n. d. 1823 1826 n. d. n. d. 1085 1167 1343 not in Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. (204) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES—BROADSIDES AND SONG HEADS—continued. “ 1357 THE GENERAL DEALER. Sung by Mr. Matthews in the Bee Hive. not in A Musical Entertainment performed at the Lyceum Theatre. n. d. Reid. “ G. Cruikshank del. et seulp.” Forty-five lines of verse. £2. V'Wml358 KNOWING JERRY. A long Broadside of prose and verse. not in “G. Cruikshank feet.” Reid. Printed and published by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap n. d. Reid gives a plate which he calls “ The Introduction,” at No. 196. It is apparently the same plate, but the Broadside is wanting. £2. Very rare. 1359 SIR BILLY BISCUIT. BARONET, BAKER, RHETORICIAN, COMMODORE not in and MP. 1! on board his yacht, as she lay moored out of the Reid. Precincts of h’lischief, Off the Shores of Welch-herring. A Jubilee Song. Tune, “ Cease, Rude Boreas Blustering Railer.” “Cruikshank.” A large Broadside of 6 stanzas of 8 lines each. Printed and published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories, London n. d. £2 10s. Very rare. SALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX. Royal Address of Cadwallader 1464 Miles‘ I ' Ap-Tuclor Ap-Edward Ap-Vaughan, Water King of Southwark. King Oadwallader represented seated, holding a trident, on the prongs of which are a dead dog, cat, &c. A satire on the pollution of the Thames with filth from the sewers, and its effect on the water of the Southwark Water CO. “ George Cruikshank feet.” £1. Published by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley [1828] @ZSI@ZE@ZD@%E@5®W®@@®Q CARICATURES.—-PORTRAITS. 1361 GENERAL CLAVERING, who was committed to Newgate by the 77 Honble. the House of Commons for Gross Prevarication, &c., &c. 6s. Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, June 16 1809 1362 JAMES KEYWOOD, ZETAT. 50, WICKHAM COURT, KENT. 226 “Drawn by I. R. Cruikshank.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. Aprill2th, 1813, by E. Snowdon, Bromley, Kent 1813 Pailthorpe has copied it in reduced facsimile. £2. Rare. A 1363 DE BERENGER, alias Captain Brown, alias Col. Dubourg, from a 332 sketch taken the day he was apprehended at Leith, in April 1814. “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Published Mar. 21st, 1814, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s St. 1814 10s. (205) 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIOATUREs— PoRTRAITs—eontinued. MR. PRICE, who was sentenced to be imprisoned for life. In the Bruton collection. £1. Rare. “ WE SPARE THE HUMP AND CROOKED NosE WHOSE OWNERS set not up for Beaux.”—Sioift. “ Etoh’d by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by H. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s Street, May 27th Hone 1 5s. BEHOLD AT BRooKs’, STEP—NAY. I’ll be bound to say A figure such as this you’ll see there every day. “ Drawn by an Amateur.” “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. June 15th, 1815, by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street 103. NORRIs THE LUNATIO. No description or line of publication. £1. N ORRIS THE LUNATIO. Sketch from the Life in Bethlem, 7th June, 1814, by G. Arnold, Esq., A.R.A. “Etched by G. Cruikshank” from the original drawing exhibited to the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Madhouses, 1815. Published July 1815, by I/Villiam Hone, Bookseller, 5.), Fleet Street, London In British Museum. £1 10s. Rare. HENRY HUNT, ESQR. From an original drawing, &c., 850. At top, Spa Fields, November lbth—Decr. 2nd “ Cruikshank feet.” Reid says the second state has the imprint of S. W. Fores, 41, Piccadilly. £1. PORTRAIT OF BELzoNI As THE STRONG MAN (carrying several men). “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Unpublished. In a note in the British Museum copy it says, “Executed for John Thomas Smith (who was keeper of prints in B. M.), who is one of those represented as carried by Belzoni. £1. JEREMIAH BRANDRETH THE NOTTINGHAM CAPTAIN. Derby Published Octr. ‘24 British Museum copy. Reid gives London pub. Nov. 1817. £1. ONE OF THE LIONS, or the Living Statue at the London Museum. “ T. L. R., Esq’. del.” “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. by J. J. Stockdale, No. 41, Pall Illall, Novr. 5th 15s. A GENERAL PORTRAIT. A finger-post points to Barton. “T. L. R., Esq. delt.” “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” Pubd. by J. J. Stockdale, No. 41, Pall Mall, ATO’U’I‘. 5th n. d. 1815 1815 1815 1816 n. d. 1817 1817 1817 440 484 489 492 493 600 613 699 701 £1. (206) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARIcATUREs—PoRTRAITs—eontinueel. 1374 MR. SIMON PAAP. “Cruikshank feet.” 763 No inscription, date, or imprint. In the Bruton collection. n. d. 10s. 1375 CHARLES LOUIS SAND, the German Student who assassinated 878 Kotzebue, on the 23 March, 1819. A full length portrait uncoloured, the figure turned to the right. “ Cruikshank scalp.” Pubd. by H. Gray, 2, Barbican 1819 53. 1376 CHARLES LOUIS SAND. A similar portrait, but turned to the left. 87 9 London Published 2nd August, 1819, by C. Rakemus, 5, Charles . Place, Horton 1819 5s. 1377 ROYAL RED BENGAL TIGER (Col'. Sir G. Wood). 903 “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” London Published A uyust 2nd, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St. 1819 £2. Rare. 1378 PORTRAIT DEDIOATED To HORAOE SEYMOUR, ESQ. 932 A gentleman who by his martial deeds and illustrious descent is qualified for the distinguished honor of acting as Champion of England at the Coronation. Verses—Represents a fop of the period. No date or imprint. 15s. 1379 “A TRIFLING MISTAKE ”—CORREOTED. “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” 933 Pubd. January 1st, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London 1820 Represents John Cam Hobhouse in a cell in prison. 10s. 1380 RIOHD. SMITHERS. -“ G. Cruikshank feet.” 944 Pubd. March 9th, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St., London 1820 A portrait of the police officer murdered by Thistlewood at Cato Street. . 15s. 1381 A CORRECT LIKENESS OF JAMES WATSON THE ELDER. 946 Taken in court. On authority of Reid. 1383 A SKETOH IN THE IsLAND OF ANcLEsEA. 951 “ Etched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., May '29th 1820 A portrait of the Marquis of Anglesea on horseback. 10s. 1382 THOMAS JONATHAN WOOLER. 769 I doubt if this is by G. Cruikshank. 3s. 1384 MOTHER WOOD, THE POPULAR PROOURESS. 958 “I. It. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27, St. James’s St., London, June 24th 1820 5s. ( 207 ) 1385 /1387 1388 1389 1390 1392 1393 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS. CARICATURES -—PORTRAITS-—continued. 1386 GEORGY A LA DANDY. 961 “ Sketch“. by an Amateur.” “Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. July 8th, 1820, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s Street 1820 A portrait of Sir George Wombwell. 10s. BONNIE WILLIE. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 1089 Pubd. Augt. 12, 1822, by E. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royl. Xchange, London 1822 A portrait of Sir Wm. Curtis. 15s. A VIEW NEAR UXBRIDGE. 1214 “ Sketched by an Amateur.” “ Etch-ed by G. Cruik".” Pubd. by G. Humphrey, St. James’s St., cf; 74, Bond Street, Octr. 12th 1823 A portrait of Lord Uxbridge on horseback. 10s. CONSTANTINE. “ Egroeg K nahskiurc feet.” 1 334 London Pubd. Jany. 12th, 1826, by G. Humphrey, 24, St. James’s Street 1826 10s. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE TRIPLE PRIZE CHRONOMETER. 1418 Vide Literary Gazette, Nov. 11, 1826. “ Geoe. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by S. Knight, Sweeting’s Alley, Royl. Xchange, Sept. 17 1827 A portrait of Mr. French, the watchmaker. £1 10s. Rare. THE CHANCERY SHAVER FROM LINCOLN. 5128 “Dickey Gossip, Dickey Gossip, is the Man.” Pubd. April 19th, 1826, by T. McLean, 26, Haymarket A portrait of Ld. Chancellor Sugden. £1 10s. PORTRAIT OF FORD, THE PUGILIST. notin In Mr. Bruton’s collection, the only impression known. Reid. £1 105. PORTRAIT OF A BARRISTER. , notin In Mr. Bruton’s collection. On the reverse are numerous Reid. sketches by G. C. £1 10s. MRS. GARRIOK. “Taken Sept, 1820, ZEtat 97.” 962 To His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, K.G., &c., &c., &c., &c., this plate is, with permission, most respectfully inscribed by His R.H.’s most dutiful, obliged and humble servant, R. Cruikshank. £1. 1820 ®1®@5®’@9®®1%3@%@1%C@2®@® (208) SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS ETCHINGS. NOTE—In the Christmas pieces which follow, the centre is left blank in which the child has to write its Christmas piece. A large illustration is usually at the top, at the sides several small illustrations in compartments, and sometimes, not always, an illustration at the foot. They are all coloured, except where stated to the contrary. 1394 CHILD’S CHRISTMAS PIECE—GOD SAvE THE KING. 14 Printed 62 published by Langley et’" Belch, No. 173, High St., Borough, London 10s. 1395 CHILD’S CHRISTMAS PIECE-—DANIEL IN THE LIONS’ DEN. 15 Same character as the preceding. 10s. 1396 CHILD’S CHRISTMAS PIECE—THE DESERTED VILLAGE. notin Published by Belch Reid. In Mr. Bruton’s collection, who says it is probably by Isaac and Geo. Cruikshank. 10s. 1397 CHILD’S CHRISTMAS PIECE—THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO. notin At top, a large illustration of the battle, 18th June, 1815 3 at Reid. sides, six illustrations in compartments; at foot, drapery and laurel leaves of victory. Printed ei' published by Langley Belch, 17 3, Borough, London £1. 1398 CHILD’S CHRISTMAS PIEOE—BOMBARDMENT OF ALGIERS. notin At top, a large head-piece of the bombardment ,' at the sides, six Reid. illustrations in compartments; at foot, a view of the City of Algiers. Printed (6' published by Langley d1" Belch, 173, High Street, Borough, London £1. 1399 CHILD’S CHRISTMAS PIECE. Uncoloured head-piece. 56 A highly-finished etching of early work. In the British Museum. 155. 1400 WRAPPER OF TWELFTH NIGHT CHARACTERS. 33 Coloured etching, Tragedy—Comedy. Certainly by G. C. Printed d‘ published by Langley A2’ Co., No. 173, High Street, Borough £1. N OTE.-—The Twelfth Night Characters themselves are generally woodcuts. LO \1 ‘q 1401 WRAPPER OF TWELFTH NIGHT CHARACTERS. Coloured. A large cake, with Russian flag and figures of Cossacks attacking the French. Certainly by G. C. £1. 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIoUs EToHINGs—continued. WRAPPER To LANGLEY’s NEw TWELFTH NIGHT CHARAoTERs. A large Twelfth Cake, with figures of Blucher, Wellington, and Louis XVIII. On the wall a picture of Napoleon at Elba. This was in Mr. Bruton’s collection, and said to be the only one known. £1. WRAPPER TO TWELFTH NIGHT CHARAoTERs. Design of Napoleon seated in the island of Elba, sharing his bowl of soup with the crows, and watching a fortified cake, which is floating in a barge, and has the Royal Standards of England, Russia and France raised above it. On authority of Reid. A VALENTINE. A young and graceful couple standing at the altar. The bridegroom is said to be a portrait of G. O. “ At love’s altar thus I kneel, And our sacred union seal. Mine be thou, as I am thine, And constant be my Valentine.” On authority of Reid. A VALENTINE To AN OLD FOP. “ G. Ck.” “From Pidcock’s sure you did escape, You so resemble his large ape,” &c. &c. 15s. A VALENTINE To AN OLD MAID. “G. Ck. del.” “That you are ugly I well know, And take on me to tell you so.” 15s. A VALENTINE. A very ugly and ancient maiden, with a few sprouts of hair on her head, but holding her wig in her hand, which is adorned with flowers. She is gaily dressed. “Six hours, I’m sure—it can’t be less, It took me to lace tight and dress ,' N ow nothing but my wig is wanting, And then I shall look quite enchanting.” Undoubtedly by G. C., and a very good one. £1 5s. VIEW OF MR. NEwLovE’s IMAGE HOUSE AOADEMY, KENTIsH TOWN. “ G. Cruikshank.” A heading to a school circular. On authority of Reid. “EXTINGUISHED Is HER BLOOM AND NATIVE FIRE, VIEW THE POOR wREToH IN PATIENT PAINs EXPIRE.” 4s. VIGNETTE To A MAP OF KENT. This, perhaps, properly belongs to a book. I have seen it in a work on Kent. 443 444 190 434 435 notin Reid. 130 134 192 6s. (210) 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS ETOHINGs—continued. VIGNETTE To A MAP OF KENT. Another, with a different design in the vignette. 6s. AN ANOIENT MAIDEN ALARMED BY MOUSE. A small caricature. 10s. Two OF THE MONUMENTS IN ST. PAUL’S. On authority of Reid. CHERTSEY ABBEY. “I. R. Cruikshank del.” “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” In Mr. Bruton’s collection. Described by Reid only as “A view of a gentleman’s house, with Offices on each side.” £1. Rare. LYME REGIS, DORSET, from the Terrace looking N.E. From an original sketch by an Amateur, Sep. 8, 1819. Published 1819, by M. Hutchings, Lyme, Dorset £1. Rare. MRS. FRY READING THE BIBLE TO THE PRIsONERS IN NEWGATE. On the authority of Reid. THE EARL AND COUNTESS OF SOMERSET, accomplices in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury. “ G. Cruikshank sculp.” A copy of a contemporary print. Published Sept. 27th, 1817, by Geo. Smeeton, St. Martin’s Lane 53. MARY AUBREY MURDERING HER HUSBAND IN THE PRESENCE OF HER SON. “G. Cruikshank sculpt.” Pubd. Oct. 25th, 1817, by G. Smeeton, 17 , St. Martin’s Lane Rare. Mr. Morson had a copy. £1 10s. TYGER HUNTING—TYGER AT BAY. Published by Dean and M undar, Threadneedle Street In Bruton sale, uncoloured. I have a coloured copy. 15s. TYGER HUNTING—[Setting Out] Coloured. Another of the above series. 158. TYGER HUNTING—[The Tyger takes to the Watch] Another of the series. Coloured. 15s. TYGER HUNTING—DEATH OF THE TYGER. Plate 4. Another of the series. Coloured. 15s. TYGER HUNTING—THE TYGER HUNTED BY INDIAN DOGS. Plate 5. Mr. Bruton’s Sale, uncoloured. I have a coloured copy. 193 415 453 623 912 668 690 698 761 not in Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. 762 158. (211) 1424 1427 1430 1431 1432 SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS ETcHINGs—continued. A MUSICAL PARTY, copied from a painting by Hogarth. “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” In the British Museum, without any other inscription, but written in pencil. From a painting by Hogarth, formerly in the possession of Mr. Gwennapp. Reid says it is an illustration to a catalogue of Hogarth’s pictures. £1. A SMALL PLAN OF A GENTLEMAN’S HOUSE AND GROUNDS, with the surrounding Meadows and Roads. Proposed to have been built by Mr. Decimus Burton, architect, for himself and family. On authority of Reid. AN INCIDENT FROM BYRON’S SIEGE OF ISMAIL. In British Museum, without imprint or signature, but undoubtedly by G. C. 12s. LOVE’S LABOUR LOST, OR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. A Curious Affair at a Certain Feast. Dinner party in commotion caused by the ungentlemanly behaviour of one of the guests in regimentals, who sits beside the beauty of the assembly. On authority of Reid. SUITING THE ACTION TO THE WORD. So I held the man by the nose till he gasped, and then I dropped the three drops of croton down his throat. On authority of Reid A PIECE OF TINSEL EXPELLED FROM THE LEG OF A BOY IN A FIT OF COUGHING, with a diagram of the supposed position of the same before expulsion. On authority of Reid. A SCENE IN DOwNING STREET, NOV. 9, 1830. “ W. I. M. invt.” A sentry (a soldier of the Guards) Opposing a large mob. 6s. AN ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTING A PARTY OF SIXTEEN, three of whom have descended, and the remaining thirteen are descend- ing a path in a cliff by the side of a waterfall. “ Signed Robert Cruikshank.” Reid says the principal part is by George Cruikshank, which I think it certainly is. No description, but Reid calls it “Descending the Scar.” 7 s. A COMPANION PLATE. “A boatful of people in a cave,” probably that at Staffa. “Signed Robert Cruikshank,” with perhaps some of George’s work in it, but not unmistakable like the former. I have them both. 5s. 844 1369 1497 2301 notin Reid. P 2 (212) SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIoUs ETcHINGs—continued. 1433 THE OPENING OF THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION on ALL Nations by her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria and his Royal Highness Prince Albert on the 1st of May, 1851. The view is taken from the South-West Gallery at the time when the Archbishop is offering up a prayer for the Divine blessing upon the objects of the great exhibition. Taken on the spot by George Cruikshank. Published by David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, London, June 29th On the crystal fountain are the words—“Drawn (f; etched by George Cruikshank.” G. C. has introduced a portrait of himself standing in the South-West Gallery. It Was issued plain, coloured, and india proofs. Present oalue, india, 16s. ; coloured, 105.; plain, 4s. ~~--—1434 PLEDGE OF THE BAND or How. In seven compartments, the principal one representing Faith, seated, holding the Cross and the Bible, temperance banners, &c. Of the smaller ones, the three on the left present scenes of a drunkard and his family; those on the right of a temperance family. “ Designed d3‘ etched by George Cruikshank ”-—-total abstainer from all intoxicating liquors and tobacco. Printed (it published by John Jordison, M iddlesbro’-on-Tees 5s. ; proof on india paper, 125. 1435 PLEDGE OF THE BAND OF HOPE. Two vignettes only, one representing the family of a drunkard, the other a family of teetotallers. Printed and published by John Jordison, Middlesbrown-Tees 3s. ; proof on india paper, 65. 1436 PLEDGE or THE TEMPERANCE SocIETY. A large etching in thirteen oval compartments ; twelve of these are temperance scenes, the thirteenth and principal is at the top representing a female personifying Temperance standing by the side of a fountain, on which is inscribed “Health and Happiness,” on either side are abstainers and drunkards, the former point out the figure of Temperance to the observation of the latter. “Designed & etched by George Cruikshank ”-—t0tal abstainer from all intoxicating liquors and tobacco, 1852. Published by John Jordison, Middlesbro’-on-Tees 10s., plain ,' india, 15s. 1437 NATIONAL TEMPERANCE LEAGUE BAZAAR, LoNDoN, 1857. A design for the top of a pomatum pot, representing a bear as a perfumer’s shopman standing at a counter and recommending his own grease. “ G. C.” On authority of Reed. Facsimiled by Pailthorpe, which is important, as no impression of the original on paper exists. 1438 IMPERIAL PIETY ; or, The Russian “Te Deum ” for the Slaughter at Sinope. Represents the Emperor Nicholas standing on a heap of dead Turks. Designed, Etched at Published by George Cruikshank 105. Sold by IV. T weedie, 337, Strand 1851 2542 2543 2544 LO Q; I 01 Lu 2608 2594 (21's) SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS ETOHINGS—eontinued. 1439 THE BRITISH BEE HIvE. Designed in the year 1840 by George Cruikshank, and altered and etched by him in February 1867, and published in March 1867. Published by the Artist, and sold by W. Tweedie, 337 , Strand, London A section of a bee hive, with numerous cells, showing the different trades and classes of society. At the top the Queen and Royal Family, above all the Crown, flanked by the Union Jack and Royal Standard. It was afterwards issued printed on a double sheet of letter- press, and called “ A Penny Political Picture for the People.” Plain, 5s. ,- india paper, 15s. 1440 TIOKET FOR HER MAJESTY’S THEATRE. “G. Cruikshank.” Representing Apollo seated under the branches of a tree surrounded by Cupids, whom he is instructing in music. Above the crown is a wreath of roses. 4s. 1441 A PLATE ExEoUTED FOR MR. RUSKIN, privately printed. Subject—-“ Grimm’s Story of the Blue Light,” but the descrip- tion not on the plate. “Designed ck Etched by George Cruikshank, 1866.” £1. 1442 A PLATE EXECUTED FOR MR. RUSKIN, privately printed. Subject—-“ The Pied Piper” 3 but the description not on the plate. “Designed ck Etched by George Cruikshank, Septr. 27th, 1866.” A There is another state without the figures of the children. £1. 2653 2388 2651 2652 The four following plates were executed by G. C. for Sir William Augustus Fraser. 1443 A PICTORIAL BOOK PLATE, representing the branch of a tree, with a coat of arms hanging on one of the branches, supported on either side by a stag. In front of the tree, a helmet and an anchor; also the motto, I AM REDYE, and below, THE KNIGHT OF MORAR. The design suggested by Sir W. Fraser, Bart., and “Drawn db Etched by George Cruikshank.” £1 5s. ,- india, £1 15s. 1444 A PLATE. Subject—A Churchyard and Cloisters, a monk open- ing a grave. Referred to as “ The Maniac Monk.” “ With fingers quick working, The fresh earth it tore.” “ Drawn ck Etched by George Cruikshank, 1866.” This was published first separately 3 the next year, 1867, was used to illustrate “Poems by the Knight of Morar,” and after- wards sometimes used as an extra plate in the later editions of “Coila’s Whispers.” A photograph of it is in first edition of “ Coila’s Whispers,” 1869. Plain, 4s. ; india, 10s. 5147 2649 (214) SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS ETcHINGS—oonti'nued. 1445 A PLATE. Subject—A Large Sundial, with elves dancing on it, and others in the air in a semicircle descending on it “ Or on the sundial’s polished face ‘ Round and round the circle trace. Now to the gnomon’s point they climb, Mocking the moon’s mistaken time.” “Designed and Etched by George Cruikshank, 1869.” And afterwards sometimes used as an extra plate in the later editions of “ Coila’s Whispers.” Plain, 6s. 5 india, £1. \1446 A PLATE, inscribed “Poems by the Knight of Morar.” In eight compartments, representing—(1) The guillotine, sur- mounted with the Cap of Liberty, being a scene of the French Revolution 3 (2) A river scene, with a balloon; (3) A bard playing the harp, a cathedral in the background ; (4) High- landers 5 (5) Nelson 5 (6) Apatriarch on an eminence addressing an assemblage and pointing to the Sun,- (7 ) An officer leading soldiers to attack a castle ; (8) An Indian woman presenting a sabre to an officer. “Designed & Etched by George Cruikshank, September 27 th, 1870-7 8 years of age.” Afterwards five of the compartments, viz., 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, were printed off on india paper and used to illustrate the second (1872) and third edition (1874) of “ Coila’s Whispers.” The undivided plate, with the title altered to “ Coila’s Whispers,” together with the plates, The Maniac Monk and The Sundial, were given in the fourth edition of “ Coila’s Whispers,” 4to, published in 1900, after Sir W. Fraser's death. Plain, £1 ; india, £2. 1447 EDWARD HERBERT’S LETTERS—SOENE ON RIVER SIDE AT GREEN- WICH. “ G. Cruikshank feet. 1824.” Unpublished. In Mr. Bruton’s collection. 15s. 1448 EDWARD HERBERT’S LETTERS—CORNISH WRESTLING MATOH. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Unpublished. In Mr. Bruton’s collection. 15s. “1449 THE CHIGNON. “By G. C. 1870.” Coloured. With lines— “The chignon is a sort of Cupid’s nest,” &c. Female head, with bust in profile, with huge chignon and a Cupid on top. 108. .4/1—4450 BUSINESS CARD or MR. J. W. BOUTON, BOOKSELLER AND IM- PORTER, 7 06, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. “Designed and etched by George Cruikshank in September, 1871, who was born on the 27 th Septr. 1792.” 65. 1451 BUSINESS CARD OF MR. SAMUEL P. AVERY, 88, FIFTH AVENUE, near the Fourteenth Street, New York. “Designed and etched by George Cruikshank, age 81, Septr. 27 th, 1873.” 6s. 2657 not in Reid. 5119 5120 not in Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. (215) M1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIoUs ETcHINos—conttnned. BUsINEss CARD on MR. F. HARVEY, Book and Print Seller, 4, St. James’s Street. “George Cruikshank, 1872.” 68. DESIGN FOR A SUBURBAN VILLAGE, as proposed by the late Chas. Pearson. “ Drawn and etched by George Cruikshank.” 6s. THE DRUNKARD’S HOME. “ Drawn and etched by George Cruikshank.” 6s. These two etchings Without description from Mr. Bruton’s sale. THE WORSHIP 0F BACOHUS, or the Drinking Customs of Society. The figures outlined on the steel plate by George Cruikshank, and the engraving finished by Charles Mottram. Printed by R. Holdgdte, and published June 20th, 1864, by William Tweedte, 337, Strand This is a. copy of the large oil painting, size 13 ft. 4 in. by 7 ft. 8 in. _, Plain copies, 10$. ; india proofs, £1 to £2. SCENE IN A CLUB Room. Lucky dogs sharing a. capital prize and subscribing for the purchase of more tickets. 45. not in Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. 2644 5088 §$2perah2 aprinia. GLYPHOGRAPHS. The ylyphographs are all in books, with the exception of the following. 1457 CUPID STANDING oN A PEDEsTAL, and Wearing a hat and Wig 1458 AN INTERIOR. An old man supporting a girl. similar to that on Wrapper of “ Bentley’s Miscellany.” A design for “ Schonberg’s Aerography.” 10s. A failure. Given by Reid. 1459 BRITANNIA AND HER UNNATURAL CHILD. 1460 1461 1462 1463 In Mr. Bruton’s collection. 15s. winmmmmmmmm IJTHOGRAPHS. Many of the following lithographs are without imprint or date. THE GOLDEN REMEDY, or Electrical Panacea. “G. Cruikshank feet. 1817.” Given by Reid in mistake as an etching. £1 10s. N ORFOLK DUMPLINGs, or Grace before Meat. £1. Two FIGUREs OF A DUENNA AND YoUNG GIRL. The young girl stands on the left of the duenna, Who is seated. “G. C". feet. 1815.” No description. The British Museum has it plain and coloured. £1. JULIET AND THE NURsE. Coloured. Similar to the last, but differently treated. The figures are larger, and Juliet is on the right of the nurse. No imprint, signature, or date. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 2659 2728 notin Reid. 619 2730 2732 2733 £1. (217) 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 SEPARATE PRINTS. LITHOGRAPHS -— continued. REOUMRENT FIGURE OF ST. ETHELREDO. Sketched from an engraving on brass in Wimborn Minster, Dorset, by — Mather, Esq., 20th Door. 1815. “G. Cruikshank sculp.” “ In Hoc Loco quiescit St. Ethelredo,” &c. “Here lies at rest St. Ethelredo, King of the West Saxons, martyred in the year 873 by the Pagans on the 23rd day of April, and here at rest.” In the British Museum. Reid gives the wrong date of the martyrdom, viz. as 373 instead of 873, which first is of course wrong. £1 5s. MONSTROSITIES OF 1816. Scene Hyde Park. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” N 0 line of publication. In the original etching the bowl of a pipe is on the fore— ground, which, with other variations, is wanting in the lithograph. 10s. FASHIONARLES OF 1817. Pub. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, June £1. FASHIONARLES OF 1817. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Augt. 4th 15s. The figures in these two plates vary : in the first the features of both gentleman and lady are youthful, and that of the lady pretty; in the second her face is not prepossessing, and the chin strap of her bonnet encircles the edge of her chin instead of going under it. Vide Wilson’s Rooms. Pubd. by Fores, 50, Pieeadilly,August 15th WALTzING. 1 5s. HEAD AND TAIL PIEOE. Reid gives these as head and tail pieces for some verses relating to the death of the Princess Charlotte—the one a tomb and funereal urn, the other a wreath of rose, shamrock and thistle. ARMS OF THE GREEKS. “G. Cruikshank fecit.” J. J. Stockdale, 41, Pall fllall 12s. WILLIAM THE CONOUEROR, or the Game Cock of Guildhall. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Pub. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Jan. 10th £1. Some copies occur with the imprint of Fores erased, and “ Pub. by Wm. Hone, Ludgate Hill” inserted in its place, but with the same date as the other. 1816 2734 not in 1817 Reid. 2735 1817 2736 1817 2737 5150 1817 2738 1818 (21s) 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 SEPARATE PRINTS. LITHOGRAPHS -- continued. “ IF TO HER SHARE SOME FEMALE ERRORS FALL, LOOK ON HER FAOE AND YOU’LL FORGET ’EM ALL.”-Pope. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” A parody on Pope’s verses. Pub. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, 22d Feby. 1818 Instead of a lovely woman, a hideous hag with a gin bottle in one hand and a glass in the other Very rare, from the Bruton collection. Mr. Bruton has written on it in pencil, “ No other known.” £2. IVAN IVANITZ CHABERT, the Fire-proof Phenomenon Exhibiting at N o. 87 , Pall Mall. “ G. Cruikshank fee.” Pub. 13 March, 1818, by S. IV. Fores, 50, Piccadilly This has been facsimiled by Pailthorpe. The original was in the Morson collection. £1 5s. INTRODUOTION OF THE GOUT. £1 5s. “G. C. feet.” Pubd. April 9th, 1818, by S. W. Fores, Piccadilly BEAU’S (sic) OF 1818. 15s. BELLES OF 1818. 1 5s. Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, 8 May 1818 Pub. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, 8th May 1818 BRAZEN NOSE, Oxford. 155. THE SPORTSMAN. Pub. by S. 147. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, May 1818 Sketched at Enfield. Pub. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, June 1818 This was in the Morson collection. 15s. KALEIDOSOOPE MANIA, or the Natives Astonished. 15s. Pub. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, 1 June 1818 A DOUBLE-DISTILLED DANDY. 15s. Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, 1 Oct. 1818 STUDYING FROM NATURE ; in Hyde Park. 15s. Published by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, 9th Nou 1818 FASHIONABLES OF 1818. Pubd. by S. W. Fores, 50, Piccadilly, Nov. 16th 1818 not in Reid. 2739 2743 2740 2741 2742 2744 2745 2746 5151 2747 15s. (219) 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 SEPARATE PRINTS. LITHOGRAPHS — continued. BON TON. “’Pon honour, Lady Caroline, you appear a divinity. By Jove, those jewels are of the premiere qualité. Did Love furnish them? On my truth, Sir William, you are a gay man.” 15s. Go ALONG DO! YOU COAXINer ROGUE! This was in the Morson collection. 15s. GRIBBAGE A—LA-DANDY. 15s. JEWs KEEPING THE PAssOvER. 15s. A JIcr ON BOARD. 15s. A TIPPERARY J IG. 10$. DEADLY LIvELY. In the Morson collection. 15s. SURPRIsE. “ Amazing—Well, I am sure! 1 108. SURPRISE. Rather differently treated, without the dialogue. 105. A SOENE OF AOTION. 15s. TIT BITs. In the Morson collection. 15s. HERE’s A HEALTH TO ALL GOOD LAssEs. In the Morson collection. 155. How VERY BLUE THE CANDLE BURNs. 15s. TOUCH FOR TOUCH, or a Female Physician in Full Practice. 158. LATH AND PLASTER—FLESH AND BLOOD. 15s. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIO. 15s. LANDLORD AND TENANT. 15s. AN INVITATION. 15s. A SET To !! “ Cruikshank feet. ” What again ! l l ” 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 notin Reid. 2753 2754 notin Reid. 2755 2756 2757 2758 5152 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 15s. (220) 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 SEPARATE PRINTS. LITHOGRAPHS -— continued. THE PsALM SINGER. Not Psalm Grinder, as Reid has it. An individual in a ragged shirt sitting up in bed and scratching himself. His wife snores by his side. Verses, “Oh, Lord, what makes the fleas to bite, I never did them harm; At first they came by twos and threes, but now how they do swarm.” There is a copy of the same entitled Fleabites, or the Psalm Singer. £1. A VISIT To MY UNCLE, and a Visit to my Aunt. In two compartments. 15s. JEssIE, THE FLOWER OF DUMBLAINE. 15s. PLUCKING A CANDIDATE FOR HOLY ORDERS. 15s. “THE GRAoEs THEY WERE OULLING POsIEs, And found young Love among the Roses.” 105. A TROUBLESOME CUSTOMER. 15s. SHUN BAD COMPANY. 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 Pubd. by S. W. Fores, NO’U'I'. 1818 15s. A CELERRATED PERFORMER. Second state with tiers of boxes added in the background. 15s. A HIT AT BACKGAMMON. 15s. ZEPHYR. 1 5s. CAMBRIDGE BUTTER; or, the Three Bottle Divine. 15s. A GENTLE HINT. A surly doctor feeling a patient’s pulse, and telling the poor wretch, “ You are bespoke I ! ” 15s. TURNING UP THE NATIvEs. 15s. HOW HAPPY COULD I BE WITH EITHER. An Old fellow in a wig and spectacles, which are turned up on his forehead, between two beauties, one On his right, against whom he is leaning, the other, on his left, chucking him under the chin. He appears to squint, as he has One eye upon each. 2772 2773 2774 2775 “J. Y. inot.” “G. Ck. sculpt.” 2776 not in Reid. £1. (221) 1521 1522 1523 1525 1526 1527 SEPARATE PRINTS. LITHOGRAPHs—eontinued. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. 15s. SURE SUOH A PAIR WERE NEVER SEEN, so justly form’d to meet by Nature. “ G. Ck.” 15s. SUSANNA & THE Two ELDERS-A Black Woman bejewelled be- tween a Jew and a Quaker. 15s. SYMPTOMS OF C— 0— 15s. THE ESTABLISHED CHURoH—The True Doctrine. Two subjects. (1) A well-fed parson reading “Dearly Beloved Brethren.” (2) A ranting scarecrow “You’ll all be d (1.” 15s. A LITTLE BIGGER. 15s. THE BOLERO. 15s. THE SPIRIT MovES. 15s. OFF HE GOES. 15s. CHOLERA CONSULTATION—The Central Board of Health. “Designed by A. Bird, Feby. 27th, 1832.” “Drawn by G. Ck.” £1. Published by S. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange [“ THE DREAM OF THE BOTTLE.” Reid gives this at No. 2,787, but I have classed it under “ Songs in Book Form,” which see at No. 552.] THE FAIRIES’ HAUNT 3 first design for a music title. [The second state, Reid 2,789, that issued with the song, see under “ Songs in Book Form,” at No. 553.] [“NIX MY DOLLY,” 8110., Reid No. 2,790, see “Songs in Book Form,” No. 557 THE FOX AND THE GEESE, a Black Flock not Fabulous. “ Goosey, goosey gander, whither woulds’t thou wander ‘l ” Sold at 26, Haymarket Relating to the Puseyite Clergy and Cardinal Wiseman. £1. COME OUT IN THE ROAD ; or, Charley’s Challenge to the double- dealing, double-faced, double-eagle Emperor. “ Geo. Cruikshank ” Pubd. by W. Tweedie, 331, Strand, May 25 1854 2777 2778 2784 2785 2786 2788 2791 2792 10s. (222) SEPARATE PRINTS. LITHOGRAPHS -- continued. 1529 THE RIvAL FOUNTAINS ; or, Gin and Water. Dedicated by 2793 permission to Samuel Gurney, Esq., M.P., by the publisher. “ G. Cruikshank del.” “ Lithod by Day at Son ” Published by William Tegg, 85, Queen Street, Cheapside Four subjects on one sheet. 5s. 1530 INVITATION CARD OF MR. G. H. VIRTUE. At Home—65, Euston 2794 Square, N.W. 5s. mmmwmoweswmmmmwm The Woodcuts of George Cruikshank are nearly all found in books 3 there are very few Separate Woodcuts, if we except what are called Lottery Puffs, and as very few, if any, of these Lottery Puffs have G. C.’S initials, it is doubtful (although some speak for themselves) whether he himself drew them on the wood blocks, or they were copied from designs by him, or were only in his style. I give these Lottery Puffs first. With these remarks they are left to the opinion of the collector. They are an interesting Series. They were issued by Lottery Contractors, there were about Six principal Ones. Sometimes the Same design had the names of different Contractors, sometimes no names at all. Some were issued in sets. WOODCUTS—LOTTERY PUFFS. A Set of Twel-oe by Richardson, Goodluek ct Co., on each is .- “ New Y ear’s Lottery begins 21st this Month (J an.) 2 of 20,000 Guineas, and 40 other Capitals. Tickets and Shares are selling by Richardson, Goodluek and Co., London, and by their Agent in this Town.” They mostly represent Theatrical Characters from well-known Plays. Under- neath each are quotations in prose and verse. They are to be found on one sheet, or when divided, generally in pairs. They also occur coloured. 1531 (1) LADY DUBERLY-“ Heir at Law.” 2820 1532 (2) LORD DUBERLY—“Heir at Law.” 2821 1533 (3) ZEIKEL HOMESPUN-“ Heir at Law.” 2822 1534 (4) CIOELY HOMEsPUN—“ Heir at Law.” 2823 1535 (5) MRS. BRULGRUDDERY—“John Bull.” _ 2824 1536 (6) DENNIS BRULGRUDDERY—“John Bull.” 2819 1537 (7) MR. HARDCASTLE—“She Stoops to Conquer.” 2816 1538 (8) MRS. HARDOASTLE—“She Stoops to Conquer.” 2817 1539 (9) MISS CHATTERALL-“ Rich and Poor.” 2818 1540 (10) YOUNG CONTRAST-“Lord of the Manor.” 2826 1541 (11) MRS. COLE—“Minor.” 2827 1542 (12) ‘DR. LENETIvE—“Prize.” = > 2825 The set, plain, 15s. ; coloured, £1 10s. (223) SEPARATE PRINTS. WOODcUTs—LOTTERY PUFFS—continued. A Set of Eighteen by Sicewright, 37 , Cornhill. “Lottery begins drawing next Wednesday, 12th January,” doc. (90. Quotations and Verses beneath each. 1543 (1) KING. 2869 1544 (2) QUEEN. 2870 1545 (3) TITTUP. 2879 1546 (4) HAIRBRAINs. 2880 1547 (5) DANDIANA. 2877 1548 (6) WEAKsIGHT. 2878 1549 (7) LAVINIA. 2875 1550 (8) MOBOUNOE. 2876 1551 (9) PRUDENTIA. 2872 1552 (10) WIsEWIG. 2871 1553 (11) SQUALLETTA. 2881 1554 (12) OAPER. 2882 1555 (13) ORTHODOX. 2873 1556 (14) THRIFTY. 2774 1557 (15) LEERETTA. 2886 1558 (16) EPAULETTE. 2885 1559 (17) DAUDLE. 2884 1560 (18) FERRET. 2883 The Set, plain, £1 ; coloured, £1 105. A Set of Seventeen by Siyewright, 37, Cornhill. “New Year’s Lottery, draws January 23rd. Nine Prizes of £21,000 each. A ll other Prizes doubled,” die. die. Quotations and Verses beneath each. 1561 (1) KING. 3085 1562 (2) QUEEN. 3086 1563 (3) MOGGY CLEISHBOTHAM. 3096 1564 (4) JEREMIAH CLEIsHBoTHAM. 3093 1565 (5) BIDDY BEARsKIN. 3094 1566 (6) BOBBY BROADGRIN. 3095 1567 (7) KITTY QUADRILLE. 3091 1568 (8) BILLY BOWKIT. 3092 1569 (9) MADAME DU PONT. 3089 1570 (10) THEODORE STILOTTO. 3100 1571 (11) LADY DIANA DAsHwOoD. 3087 1572 (12) ALDERMAN WHITEBOW. (Reid has Alderman Dashwood). 3090 1573 (13) JENNY MAONAB. 3097 1574 (14) SIR DUGALD DALGETTY. 3088 1575 (15) ROXALANA. 3099 1576 (16) BETTY BIROH. 3101 1577 (17) PLAUsIBLE. 3098 The Set, plain, £1 ,_ coloured, £1 10$. (224) SEPARATE PRINTS. WOODCUTS—LOTTERY PUFFS—continued. NOTE—The value of separate Lottery Puffs is from Is. to 33. each, except a few very rare ones which are worth more. In the following Lottery Puffs, the letters 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 “ N. in R. ” will mean “not in Reid.” Sivewright—continued. A DRAGOON, with “New Lottery,” &c. on the bandrol of his trumpet. DUsTY BOB SMOKING, JULY 15th. A COLLEGIAN IN OAP AND GOWN, with bottle in one hand and glass in the other. Verses. LADY HEMLOOK—The New Lottery, 19th of Feby. LIST 1 LIST ! OH 1 LIST ! A Tailor With shears, &c. Verses. The example in Reid is without the name of the contractor. A PRIZE IN SIGHT—A Theatrical Jack Tar dancing. Verses. The example in Reid is without name of contractor. A DANOING PRIZE HOLDER WAVING HIS CAP. JOHN BULL’S LAMENT. Verses. CUPID RUNNING AFTER A HEART which his arrow has pierced, on which is “7 of 20,000.” Verses. A DANOING PRIZE HOLDER WITH ENoRMoUs EAOE. Swift db Co., 11, Poultry. AN INDIAN WOMAN IN GARMENT MADE OF GRAss, large rings in her ears and lip, a large grass fan in her hand. Verses. AN OFFICER IN THE GUARDS WITH ENORMOUS BEARSKIN. Verses. BUY A BROOM—A Bavarian Woman holding three Brooms. Verses. The example in Reid has Oarroll’s name. TWO FIGURES—A Landlord and Hostess. TWO FIGURES—A Belle dancing, a fop quizzing with eye-glass. Verses. I have an example with different verses, and called “The Belle’s Stratagem,” with Sivewright’s name. TWO FIGURES -—A Lady meditating, a Beau in court dress. TWO FIGURES—A Field Marshal, a Turkish Lady. Verses. TWO FIGURES—A Oountryman in smock frock, a Country Wench. Verses. TWO FIGURES —A Prize Winner kicking over table, Landlady. Verses. TWO FIGURES—Old Gentleman, Ancient Maiden in hat and feathers. Verses. Some of these (in the last seven Nos.) have already appeared in the long sets. A TAILOR DANCING, DROPPING HIs sHEARs. A LADY WITH FAN AND RETIOULE. Verses. A BARBER SHARPENING AN ENORMOUS RAZOR. Verses. A COBBLER’s WIFE, WITH HAMMER, &c. Verses. Verses. Verses. Verses. Verses. 3303 3420 N. in R. N. in R. 3463 3474 N. in R. N. in R. N. in R. 3302 N in R. N. in R. 3424 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3353 3350 3351 3352 (225) 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 SEPARATE PRINTS. WOODOUTS—-LOTTERY PUFFS—continued. Carroll, 19, Corn/till. FOUR-IN-HAND. A Jolly Coachman. Verses. 12th April. N. in B. THE FRUITS OF GOOD LIVING. Friar Laurence. Verses. 31st May. N. in R. MOTHER GOOSE. Verses. 15th July. N. in R. AM I THINNER THINK YE’! Verses. 12th April. 3413 Reid’s example has Hazard’s name. HUBBLE BUBBLE, TOIL AND TROUBLE. Verses. 121k April. 3414 Reid’s example has Sivewright’s name. NOODLE AND DOODLE. Two figures. 31st August. 3423 ANGER—Lady Pennypoint. Verses. 1st lllarch. N. in R. J OY—Lucinda Lovely. Verses. 1st March. N. in R. AGITATION—Lucinda Lovesick. Verses. 1st March. N. in R. MEANNESS—MI'S. Peeper. Verses. 1st March. N. in R. RAGE——Sir Frederick Fidget. Verses. 1st March. N. in R. COURAGE—Sir William Wheedle. An old man offering marriage to N. in R. a young girl. Verses. 1st March. . DESIRE—Parson Mulberry. Cutting up a tythe pig. Verses. N. in R. Dish, 4, Cornhill. A COLLEGIAN IN CAP AND GowN, an open book in his hand. Verses. N. in R. 15th July. WHAT MAKES ALL THE WORLD DIVINE il—A Belle. Verses. 12th April. 3411 Reid’s example has no name of contractor. AN OLD \VATCHMAN. Verses. 15th July. 3422 Reid’s example has no name of contractor. TIME IS ON THE WING, and flies to share in fortune’s favours. 3464 Partly in cypher. 14th June. A GARDENER AND GREENGROCER. 2889 KITCHEN MAID—~Cook Maid, formed of kitchen utensils. Verses. N. in R. 30th Octr. FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE—Moll Flagon. Verses. 31st May. N. in Reid’s example, at No. 3427, has name of Eyton as contractor. A BURLY PARSON IN WIG. Verses. “Laugh and grow fat,” &c. 3 Nov. N. in R. LUCK’S PROGRESS, in six compartments. Verses. N. in R. FORTUNE’S LADDER, in ten steps. Verses. N. in R. Hazard cf; Co., Royal Exchange Gate, 26, Cornhill. FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS, with Verses, partly in cypher; on reverse 2847 “Wheel of Fortune.” Verses. “Theatricals Extraordinary Per- formances which will take place on the 21st January, 1817, at the Theatre Royal, Coopers’ Hall, &c. &c.” NECK OR NOTHING, UP I GO! 3415 Naval officer dancing with cocked hat in his hand. Verses. 31st May Q (22c) SEPARATE PRINTS. I WOODOUTS—LOTTERY PUFFS—continued. 1627 AN ExAOT REPRESENTATION OF THE DRAWING OF THE STATE 3467 LOTTERY. 18th July, 1826. 1628 A YOUNG LADY DANCING, holding up her dress. Verses. 3lst 3468 A ugust, 1826. 1629 A COVEY OF FOUR. A Sportsman standing, in one hand his gun, 3475 in the other a glass. Verses. 12th April. Reid’s example has neither name of contractor nor date. Eyton, 2, Cornhill. 1630 A MAN OARRYING A LOTTERY BOARD in front and another behind. 3416 31st May. 1631 PUNOH OARRYING A LOTTERY BOARD. 31st May. 3417 A Series of Lottery Pufifs, with designs formed of dots and lines, with the names ofdiy’erent contractors, or without name. 1632 FORTUNE BLINDFOLDED, pouring gold from a cornucopia on a large 2893 round table, numerous figures standing round. Composed of dots and lines. Verses. 30th Oct. Dish. 1633 EVERYCHANOE. Sold by Dish. Six verses, each verse illustrated N. in R. with figures. Composed of dots and lines. 17th May. . 1634 THE WAY TO \VEALTH. Five compartments with scenes and figures 3355 formed of dots and lines. Verses. 5th Oct. lliartin ct" Co., 8, Cornhill. 1635 HOW TO GET UP IN THE VVORLD. Five compartments. Conver- 2828 sation between lady and gentleman, who are formed of dots and lines, about taking ticket for lottery. Verses. 30th Augt. Dish. Reid repeats this at No. 2895. 1636 THE CHASE OF FORTUNE. Four compartments. Scenes in life of 2894 a Sailor, ending in a lottery prize, the figures formed of dots and lines. Verses. 30th Oct. Dish. Reid gives no date. 1637 THE CHANGE OF FORTUNE. The Same as the last, except the word 3356 Chance for Chase, and date 5th Oct. 1638 LOVE AND RIOHES. Five pairs of figures, formed of dots and lines. 2850 Miss May and her lovers. Verses. 17th March, 1817. Sioewright. 1639 A FIG FOR CARE. Five pairs of figures, formed of dots and lines. 2851 Verses, “Old Care grown young again, his crutches thrown away.” 1640 HOW TO GET MARRIED. Five pairs of figures, formed of dots and 2852 lines. 1641 HOW TO GROW FAT. Six pairs of figures, formed of dots and lines. 3470 1642 BISH’S BUDGET OF LUCK. A heading of figures carrying flags, 3471 preceded by one blowing a trumpet, formed of dots and lines. Five verses beneath. 1643 FORTUNE’S TRAIN, or the Road to Riches. A row of figures, formed 3426 of dots and lines. Verses. 5th and 8th October. 1644 FORTUNE’S TRAIN, or the Road to Riches. 5th October, 1826. 3469 This date is important, as it must be near the date when the Lotteries “closed for ever.” (227) 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 I 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 SEPARATE PRINTS. WOODOUTS—LOTTERY PUFFS—continued. Lottery Pufis without name of Contractor. GREATNESS—King of the Round Table. Verses. 21 January. 2848 POMP—Queen. Verses. 2849 A MEDALLION IN WREATH OF FLOWERS. 24th November, 1818. 2859 “ ERIN GO BRAGH.” Two figures, an Irishman and woman. 2853 THE LUCKY ELOPEMENT. Four subjects. 3354 HINTS TO EARLY RISERS. A Milkmaid with her pails. Verses. 3412 MISS KITTY COGNAO. Figure of a lady, with feathers, dancing with 3425 a bottle in her hand. Verses. 3Ist August, 1826. FIGURE OF A BLAOK WOMAN. 6th December, 1826. 3472 A WASHERWOMAN AT HER TUB. 3473 TOM TACKLE. Four lines of verse. N.in R. A Series of Twelve large figures without Contractor’s name. A SOOTOHMAN. The 14th of June. Verses. 2891 A TOWN CRIER, with bell. 14th of June. Verses. N. in R. A DAIRY MAID CHURNING. 14th of June. Verses. 3465 A DAIRY MAID, but with her yoke for carrying her milk pails. N.inR 14th of June. Verses. A DRUMMER, with recruiting ribbons in his shako. 14th of June. 3418 Verses. A CAVALRY DRUMMER, With drum and pandean pipes. 14th of June. 2888 Verses. A FIGURE OF A LADY, with fan. 14th of June. Verses. 3466 At No. 3102, Reid calls the lady Queen Caroline. A J AOK TAR SEATED ASTRIDE A BARREL OF SPEOIE, pouring liquor 2887 from a bottle into a glass. 14th of June. Verses. A GIRL OARRYING A BASKET OF FRUIT. 14th of June. Verses. 3419 A SAPPER. “I’m Fortune’s Faithful Pioneer,” &0. 2892 A COOK MAID. 31st of August. Verses. 3421 A WATCHMAN. 19th of February. Verses. 2890 I have an example with the name of Sivewright. TWELFTH NIGHT CHARACTERS. A Set of eighteen, January 21, 1817, with yerses beneath each. (1) FRANCE—Mademoiselle Fricassée. 2829 (2) SPAIN—Don Fernando Whiskerandos. 2830 (3) RUSSIA—Roptopchopchin Kutthensnow. 2831 (4) GERMANY—Baron von Donder-Dronk Smoke-off. 2832 (5) ITALY—Signor Soprano Imagio Plasteroparisa. 2833 (6) SWITZERLAND—Guitara Switzeralla. 2834 (7 ) CORSIOA—Napoleon Buonaparte. 2835 o2 (228) 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 SEPARATE PRINTS. WOODOUTS—TWELFTH NIGHT CHARAoTERS—continued. (8) HOLLAND—Mynheer Large Breecho Van Loggero. 2836 (9) FLANDERS—Simplicia Flanderella. 2837 (10) TURKEY—Sultana Tambourina Kalasradu Nourjahad. 2838 (11) CHINA—Chin-Chin-Long-Tail-Fum. 2839 (12) TARTARY—Sadaka Ithoraka Kera Khan. 2840 (13) ALGIERS—Mohammed Stabdalla Bloodhoundo Ali Cut-Throato. 2841 (14) LAPLAND—Freezaletta Frostandsnowo. 2842 (15) PERU—Cora Guatimotzina Peruviana. 2843 (16) AFRIoA—Kanko Sambo. 2844 (17) SOUTH AFRICA—The Hottentot Venus. 2845 (18) OTAHEITE—Eatooa Atahooroo Tehea Toobonuai Otoo. 2846 The set, £1 ,- coloured, £2. essamzmm VARIOUS WOODCUTS. Temperance Placards. These are seven in number. No. 1. A THING THAT DRINKS AND SMOKES. 4328 A Man who Thinks and Acts. No. 2. THE DIVISION OF THE LABOURER’S PUDDING. not Reid. No. 3. PALE ALE. not in Reid. No. 4. HOME IN THE SHADOW. 4278 No. 5. THE LOAF LEOTURE. 4279 No. 6. THERE IS POISON IN THE POT. not in Reid. No. 7. THE RED DRAGON. not in Reid. The set of seven, plain, £1 ; coloured, £1 10s. THREE WEEKS AFTER MARRIAGE. 2796 This is very poor. The copy in British Museum has on it, “A bad woodcut from a bad drawing, by Geo. Cruikshank, 1862.” 4a THE CAT’S ESOAPE WITH THE FAVOURITE MAID. 2797 Published by John Chappel, successor to R. Harrild, 41, Haydon Square, Minories 3s THE SCHOOL OF Low. 2808 “ (goggred. No description. British Museum copy has in ink 10s EMBLEMATIO REPRESENTATION OF PEAOE. 2810 Published by T. Batchelar, 115, Long Alley, Moorfields, London 48. (229) 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS WOoDOUTS—eontinued. GEORGE WILSON (the Pedestrian). Published by T. Batchelar, 115, Long Alley, Moorfields, London 5s. BANK RESTRICTION BAROMETER. London, Published by William Hone, 45, Ludgate Hill Issued as an envelope to “The Bank note not to be imitated,” which is an etching. 5s. HONE’S VIEW OF THE REGENT’S BOMB, now Uncovered for the Gratification of the Public in St. James’s Park, majestically mounted. A long broadside. Published by W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street 15s. THE YACHT FOR THE R—T’s B—M—. A long broadside. At the stern it has the name “March.” My copy has in ink, “Drawn by Me, G. C.” Printed for W. Hone, 55, Fleet Street £1. SALLY SOLOMONS. A broadside song. Printed and sold by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent 3s. THE DANDY CAT’S MEAT LAsS. 35. THE APPEARANCE OF AN APPARITION To JAMES SYMPSON, of Huddersfield, in Yorkshire. N ow first published. Printed for W Hone, 55, Fleet Street, 22 Aug. A long broadside. 15s. THE SMOKELESS CHIMNEY. A broadside. “Engraved by Thos. Williams.” The Cotton Famine. An Appeal to the Benevolent. 3s. THE QUEEN AND THE UNION. No O’Connell. “G. Ck.” Designed and published by George Cruikshank. A broadside. Sold by David Bogue, late Tilt and Boone, 86, Fleet Street, London A broadside story. 3s. FRUITS OF INTEMPERANCE. “Designed and drawn by George Cruikshank.” Design: A tree, with a number of medallions hanging from its branches, depicting the effects of intemperance. Coloured. London, John Cassell, Ludgate Hill 5s. PIERCE EGAN’S APPEAL To THE SPORTING WORLD AGAINST “ Bell’s Life in London.” It has the same woodcut which appeared in the Songs and Parodies of Tom and Jerry at the Theatre Royal, Sadler’s Wells. Abroadside. 1816 2811 3053 2813 not in Reid. 2812 2815 4442 4052 4384 3572 6s. (230) 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS WOODoUTs—continued. A MEDIEVAL LADY WITH RUFF, seated on a chair, which is raised upon a table, feeding a fat child, several children Standing round holding up their hands for food. See N o. 124. It appears as a vignette to a prospectus in a pamphlet, on “ The Greatest Happiness Principle,” reprinted from the “ West- minster Review.” Reid, at NO. 3,573, gives “ Charity no Mystery,” which seems to be the same plate. 4s. THE CLASS AND THE NEW CRYSTAL PALAOE. A first state (not published) of the vignette to title of pamphlet. HANS, OF IOELAND, enlarged. It is doubtful if the enlargement is by G. C. 4s. THE EARL OF CHATHAM. A three~quarter length portrait. 4s. BEAUFOY’S ADVERTISEMENT. Cure for the Toothache. In two compartments, showing a gentleman before and after trying the specific for the toothache. 1s. BEAUFOY’S ADVERTISEMENT. Cure for the Toothache. A lady bringing her friend a bottle of the specific for the toothache. ' 1s. ADVERTISEMENT OF THE OMNIBUS. This advertisement of an Omnibus about to Start appeared in the first number of “Ainsworth’s Magazine.” 48. ADVERTISEMENT OF SANDBOYS. All the world and his wife going to see the Great Exhibition. Os. SEVEN FINELY EXECUTED WOODCUTS TO “ Pilgrim’s Progress.” Unpublished. All (except the second, an initial letter) with G. C.’s initials. All in British Museum. £1 10s. AN UNPUBLISHED ILLUSTRATION To MILTON’S “ PARADISE LOST.” “He called so loud that all the hollow deep,” &c. “G. Cruikshank del.” “T. kVhite sculp.” 10s. AN UNPUBLISHED ILLUSTRATION To MILTON’S “PARADISE LOST.” Satan encountering Death at the gates of Hell. “ Cruikshank del.” 105. AN UNPUBLISHED ILLUSTRATION To DREAM.” “ George Cruikshank del.” ILLUSTRATE THE “ MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S 3646 4353 3301 5159 3879 3880 5169 4265 3555-61 3562 3563 3564 10s. (231) SEPARATE PRINTS. VARIOUS WOoDoUTs—eontinued. 1719 THE AFFAIRS OF THE NATION. The Iron Duke using the flail 3645 against a heap of the insignia of the several classes of Society. In British Museum. 5s. 1720 Mrs. HARRIET BEEOHER STOWE. 4385 The Author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” “Designed by George Cruikshank.” “ Engraved by John Thompson.” 10s. 1721 SHAKESPEARE TEROENTENARY. - 4467 Samuel Phelps, Esq., President. Workmen’s Memorial—Subscription Card. “The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,” and four other lines following—Tempest. The proscenium of a theatre, with curtains, Shakespeare’s bust above, on either side recumbent figures of Tragedy and Comedy, &c. &c. “Drawn by George Cruikshank.” “Engraved by Dalziel Brothers.” _ 2s. mmmzmmmmroemsasamm ETGHINGS ON GLASS. Etchings on glass are placed here, as they are, in their manner of production, more nearly allied to wood engraving than to etching. The inventor, Mr. Charles Hancock, describes the process somewhat as follows: A plate of glass is taken, and one side is covered with a white film, upon which the artist, with a dry point, traces his design by removing the film as he draws. If‘ the plate is placed upon a black ground the design shows up black against the ground of the white film. It is then placed upon a polished zinc plate, with a photographic ground, and exposed to the light 3 where the white film has been etched away the photographic ground is enabled to resist the action of the corroding solution. The zinc plate is'then immersed in the solution, which eats away the white parts, leaving the lines of the drawing in relief. When sufficiently bitten in, it is mounted on a piece of wood, and is ready for the printer. The design need not be drawn the reverse way as a wood engraving is, for the action of the light transfers the design to the zinc plate the reverse way, which when printed ofi' comes back again as originally drawn. In April, 1864, George Cruikshank did his first etching on glass. As he did not quite understand the modus operandi he drew it the reverse Way, which came off when printed the reverse way also. I have an india proof of it the reverse way. A different etching, done I presume at the same time, was also drawn the reverse way, according to Mr. Hancock. About sixty of these etchings remained in the possession of Mr. Hancock. Sir B. Richardson, Cruikshank’s executor, also had forty-four of the same and five different, together forty-nine, which he calls drawings, and in 1895 he published them, forty-nine plates with only the printed title, preface and list of plates. Where he recollected any particulars about the plate it was printed on it ,- but when his memory failed him he simply described it. In 1896 Mr. \V. T. Spencer, of 27, New Oxford Street, published those in Mr. Hancock’s possession, sixty in (232) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS ON GLASS—continued. number, with the addition of a vignette on the printed title and a frontispiece from a drawing by G. C., called “ A Handbook for Posterity, or Recollections of ‘ Twiddle Twaddle,’ by George Cruikshank about himself and other people.” I had the whole of the sixty plates, except the last one, long before these two books were published. On my impressions, most of which are old, there are no descriptions except what G. C. has etched. In Sir B. Richardson’s book, and in that published by Mr. Spencer, each has printed on them what they think is the meaning of the etchings. Mine are given below. The descriptions sometimes are rather different from the others, and those are placed first which are his recollections. The miscellaneous sketches follow. I give the number of Mr. Spencer’s and Sir B. Richardson’s plates as 1) (R. 1) respectively. The reader is referred to page 74, No. 291, where I mention a book in 2 vols. called “ The Beggar’s Benison,” published in 1866, which is full of woodcuts or perhaps some etchings on glass, four of these are identical, or almost identical, with four of those in my possession and in Mr. Spencer’s book. The question to my mind is, are these four etchings either in “The Beggar’s Benison” or in Mr. Spencer’s book by G. C.'? If both are, bad he anything further to do with “The Beggar’s Benison ‘i ” If only one set is by him, which is it’? That is, did “The Beggar’s Benison ” copy from him, or did he copy from “The Beggar’s Benison ” ‘.l It is curious to note that these four are almost the only ones out of the sixty which have not G. C.’s initials. One of those in Mr. Spencer’s book has some marks which may be taken for G. C., but which are not in my original impression. These four are placed at the end. Separate Etchings on Glass are worth from 25. 6d. to 59. Sir B. Richardson’s “Drawings by George Cruikshank,” 40 copies only issued to the trade, no retail price, Mr. W. T. Spencefs “ Twiddle Twaddle,” plain, 31s. 6d. ,' coloured, 52s. 6d. ; India proofs 63s. LIST OF ETCHINGS ON GLASS. 1722 (1) MAKING BOTH ENDS MEET. “G. C.” (S. 1.) 2647 “Strange things indeed do come to pass, Here’s a print that’s produced from an etching on glass, And this is the first of this kind do you see, That has ever been done by—G. C.” In the first state the design is reversed. 1723 (2) THE EOONOMIOAL DOG THAT MAKES BOTH ENDS MEET. “ G. Cruikshank.” (S. 2.) In the first state the design is reversed. 1724 (3) AT HAMPSTEAD—His Mother Feeding Fowls. “ G. 04.” (R. 1) (S. 3). 1725 (4) AT HAMPSTEAD—An Accident. “G. Ck.” (R. 2) (S. 4). 1726 (5) A THREAT—Held out of Window. “G. Ck.” (R. 3) (S. 5). 1727 (6) NO. 117, DORSET STREET, SALISBURY SQUARE, FLEET STREET. “ G. G.” (R. 7) (S. 6). 1728 (7) THE BUTTON HOLE OF A NAUGHTY BOY CAUGHT BY A NAIL. (R. 8) (S. 7). 1729 (8) MAKING FIREWORKS IN A CELLAR. “G. C.” (R. 6) (S. 9). 1730 (9) THE KING’S CARRIAGE—George on his Father’s Shoulder. “G. Ck.” (R. 4) (S. 10). ( 23:3 ) 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 SEPARATE PRINTS. ETCHINGS ON GLASS—continued. (10) THE KING’S CARRIAGE—George Running by the side of it— A Kite on the ground. “ G. C.” (R. 5) (S. 11). (11) OKING’S CARRIAGE—Rather different from last—No Kite. (12)(THE TINDER Box AND MATCHES. glass by G. C. 1871.” (R. 9) (S. 13). (13) SEDAN CHAIR AND LINK MEN. “G. C.” (R. 24) (14) SEDAN CHAIR GETTING UPSTAIRS. “G. C.” (R. 25) (15) LINK MEN PUTTING OUT LIGHTS. “G. Ck.” (R. 26) (16) SWEEPS—Boy Climbing. “G. Ck.” (R. 19) (S. (17) SWEEPS—Old Method—~New Method. “G. C.” (S. 39). (18) SWEEPS—The Rameneur. “ Drawn and etched on (s. 32). (s. as). (s. 34) (R. 20) “ G. ck. 1871.” (R. 21) (s. 40) (19) STREET LAMP LIGHTING—Old and New. “G. 0".” (R. 22) (S. 41). (20) A LADY’S HEAD DRESSED OVERNIGHT. “ G. C". 1871.” (R. (S. 53) (21) THE ARTIST SKETOHING ON A HEAP OF RUINS—Arrested by Soldier’s bayonet through the collar of his coat. “G. C.” (R. 18) calls it “Saved. An Artist mistaken for a Spy, Paris, 1830.” 15) calls it “Fire at Covent Garden.” (22) GEORGE DRAWING ON HIS MANTELPIEOE. “G. C.” (s. 14). (23) HONE AND GEORGE CRUIKSHANK SEATED AT TABLE. “ G. C.” (R. 12) (S. 16). (24) PREPARED FOR AN ATTACK. “G. Ck.” (R. 11) (S. 17). (25) THE LOVING BALLAD OF LORD BATEMAN. “ G. 0”.” (R. 13) (S. 18). (26) BOY CARRYING LARGE BOOK. “Etched on glass by me, G. C., from a sketch by kV. M. Thackeray.” (R. 48) (S. 35). (27) DR. GUILLOTIN’S INVENTION. “G. C. reversed.” (S. 48). (28) THE REPUBLICAN BEAU. “ Copied by me, G. C. 1871, from an etching by I. C. 1794.” (R. 15) (S. 49). (29) NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. “G. C. 1871.” Vide Mr. Spencer’s description. (30) IN A COURT, DRURY LANE. “G. C’“.” (R. 35) (S. 24). (31) PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. “ Sketched from memory by G. C".” 36) (S. 19). (32) NEW GEOGRAPHY. “G. C". 187 2.” (R. 42) (S. 28). (33) NEW GEOGRAPHY. “G. C.” (R. 43) (S. 29). (34) NEW GEOGRAPHY. “G. C’“.” (R. 46) (S. 30). (35) NEW GEOGRAPHY. “G. C”. 1872.” (R. 45) (S. 31). (R. 10) (R. 17) (R. 14.) (s. 51). (234) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS ON GLASS—continued. 1757 (36) A LESSON IN ASTRONOMY—The Moon. (R. 40) (S. 8). 1758 (37) VENTILATION. (R. 33) (S. 52). 17 59 (38) A CAPTURE BY BOW STREET OFFIOERS DISGUISED AS WOMEN. “G. C’“.” (R. 28) (S. 54). 1760 (39) FENOING. “ G. C.” (R. 27) (S. 36). 1761 (40) TABLE TURNING. “George Cruikshank.” 42.) 1762 (41) TABLE TURNING. “ G. Ch.” (8. 43.) 1763 (42) A PIE FULL OF MORTALS WARMING UP. “G. Ck.” (R. 43) (S. 44). 1764 (43) ROMAN CATHOLIOISM. “ G. Ck.” (R. 41) (S. 45). 17 65 (44) WORSHIPPING. “G. 0".” (R. 37) (S. 46). 1766 (45) A BAG OF GOLD. “G. C.” (R. 38) (S. 37). 17 67 (46) PORTRAITS—Letters Formed of Portraits. “G. Ck.” (S. 50). 1768 (47) A VENTILATED HAT; or, a Martello Tower. “ G. Ck. 1872.” (R. 32) (S. 57). 17 69 (48) KING ROBERT THE BRUOE, June 24, 1814. “Designed, Sketched and Etched by George Cruikshank, 1874.” 26.) 1770 (49) MOUNT PARNASSUS. “ G. Ck.” (This was first published in a list of books by Messrs. Moxon, 1866.) (S. 55.) 1771 (50) VIEW OF THE PIOTURE—THE WORSHIP 0F BAOOHUS, being conveyed to South Kensington. “Geo. Cruikshank.” 56.) 1772 (51) BOY SMOKING. “G. Ck.” (R. 31) (S. 59). 17 73 (52) POVERTY! SIOKNESS! DEATH! “Geo. Cruikshank.” (S. 25.) 17 7 4 (53) TIME SWEEPING AWAY ALL THINGS. “George Cruikshank.” (R. 49) (S. 47.) 1775 (54) FLY FISHING AND FLYING FISH. “G. C.” (S. 60.) 177 6 (55) CLERKENWELL PUMP. “G. C’“.” (R. 34) (S. 58). 177 7 (56) A GENTLEMAN KNEELING To A LADY. In Twiddle Twaddle has “C. Hancock so.” (S. 27), and called “Accepted,” there Stated to be made with pen and inkon paper. My copy is before the words “ C. Hancock so.” 1778 (57) A STREET SCENE, that in Twiddle Twaddle is called “ Bring Up a Child in the way he Should go,” and has some marks which may be mistaken for “ G. C.” which are absent in my original impression. (S. 20.) 17 7 9 (58) A GROUP OF FIVE, called in Twiddle Twaddle “ The Ballad Singer.” (S. 21.) 17 80 (59) A BOY AND GIRL SEATED, called in Twiddle Twaddle “ Juvenile Affection.” 22.) 1781 (60) A WOMAN LEADING TWO CHILDREN, called in Twiddle Twaddle “Taking the Children to School.” (S. 23.) The last four prints are those which I have mentioned above as occurring in the Deggar’s Benison. ( 235 ) SEPARATE PRINTS. ETOHINGS 0N CLASS—continued. The following are five prints in Sir B. Richardson’s Book, which do not occur in Twiddle \\\d782 1783. 1784 1785 1787 1788 1790 1791 Twaddle. (61) A LEADER OF THE PARISIAN BLOOD RED REPUBLIO; or, the Infernal Fiend ! (R. 16.) “Designed, etched and pubd. by George Cruikshank, June, 1871.” (62) THE CRUToH AND TOOTHPIOK. “ G. 0".” (R. 29.) Repre- sents a Cockney with the right angled handle of his stick in his mouth. (63) A LADY OF FASHION. “G. 0".” (R. 30.) (64) SKETOH OF A HEAD. “G. C’‘.” (R. 39.) (Probably of a doctor in wig, and with his cane pompously to his lip.) (65) A DIAGRAM. “ G. Ck.” (On a black ground with circles and lines in white.) (R. 47.) “ Geo. Cruikshank.” DESIGN FOR A RITUALIST HIGH CHUROH TOWER AND STEEPLE. “ Designed and drawn by George Cruikshank.” Published for the Artist by Fredk. Arnold, 86, Fleet Street, Dec. 24 OUR GUTTER CHILDREN. “ Designed and etched by George Cruikshank.” Published by the Artist, July, 1869. MONUMENT TO KING ROBERT THE BRUOE. “Designed by George Cruikshank, Esg.” “King Robert the Bruce (Bannockburn), June 24, 1314. Erected by Public Subscription in the reign of Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.” A wreath of roses and thistles encircling the joined hands. “This monu- ment designed by George Cruikshank.” A smaller design and somewhat differently treated from that given at No. 48. (66) HOMELESS—DESTITUTE AND STARVING. 0. Hancock, L. Photo. A GREENWIOH PENSIONER. This seems to be an etching on glass. Reid 5143 1868 2655 2656 not in Reid. not in Reid. Separate 491511112. AFTER GEORGE ORUIKSHANK. There are few separate prints after George Cruikshank which are worth recording, and they depend upon the excellence with which the engraver has copied the original drawing or painting. 17 92 A TOUCH AT THE TIMES. 4489 Published 111 arch 25, 1805, by Laurie and lVhittle, 5 3, Fleet Street, London 1805 6s Reid says that G. C. has introduced the likeness of a shopman in a Ohandler’s shop, who was rude to him. 17 93 PORTRAIT OF WILLIAM HONE. “G. C. del.” “Rogers sculp.” n. d. 4535 3s. 17 94 THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 4539 Published May 1, 1816, by Whittle db Laurie, 53, Fleet Street, London 1816 65. 17 95 THE TOTAL DEFEAT AND FLIGHT OF THE FRENOH ARMY 4540 at the Battle of Waterloo, 850. Published June 4, 1816, by I'Vhittle e6‘ Laurie, 53, Fleet Street, London 1816 6s. 1796 PORTRAIT OF HIS MOST GRAOIOUS MAJESTY GEORGE IV 4545 “Drawn by G. Cruikshank ” “ engraved by G. Maile.” London Published by M. Jenkins, No. 48, Strand, Oct. 1821 This is an important engraving and very good. £4. 1797 THE HONOURABLE MEMBER FOR ABERDEEN. Coloured. 4549 “G. Ck. invt.” “ E. M. C. sculpt.” (Cruikshank’s sister). Pubd. April 25th, 1822, by G. Humphrey, 27 , St. James’s St. London 1822 A save all. A Satire of Joseph Hume. ' 10s. 1798 DISTURBING THE CONGREGATION. 4493 Engraved from the original picture in the possession of His Royal Highness Prince Albert. “ Painted by G. Cruikshank ” “Engraved by T. Davey.” Published November 1st, 1815, by Thomas McLean, 26, Haymarket 1815 15s. 17 99 DULOE DOMUM. “ G. C. delt.” A song heading. 4569 London Published by Thomas Tegg, June 1825 6s. 1800 THE CELEBRATED BAOOHANALIAN SONG FROM DER FREISOHUTZ. 4570 A song heading. London Published by Thomas Tegg 6s. ( 237 ) e/ 1807 SEPARATE PRINTS AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK—continued. Besides these there are a number of Broadside Songs, principally by Laurie at Whittle, which are boldly engraved. Some have Cruikshank, Cruikshank del. and I. Cruikshank del., they seem to be after the father Isaac Cruikshank (how far George and Robert may have assisted him it is impossible to say) 3 but these engravings are as different from the original drawings as light is from darkness, as has been shown by the fact that at the Fraser sale there was a volume of the original drawings for these prints by Isaac Cruikshank, which were beautifully finished drawings; and they sold for several hundred pounds. These prints and others, some of which are quoted in Reid, are given here for what they are worth. 1801 THE MILLER, WEAVER AND LITTLE TAILOR. Published Dec. 12, 1804, by Laurie and kVhittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 43. 1802 THE MAIL COACH GUARD. Publish’d May 1st, 1806, by Laurie ck Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 45. ~~f1803 GALVANISM, or the miraculous recovery of the unfortunate Miss Bailey. “ Cruikshank del.” Published J any. 28, 1807, by Laurie and Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 45. "‘1804 A SMILE TO A TEAR. “G. Cruikshank del.” 3 Published March 2nd, 1807, by Laurie db Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 4s. -\_1805 COUNTRY LIFE CONTRASTED WITH THE PLEASURES OF TOWN. “ Cruickshank (sic) del.” Published 6th April, 1807, by Laurie and Whittle, no. 53, Fleet Street 45 1806 TOWN LIFE, in answer to Captain Morris’s celebrated song of Country Life. “ Cruikshank del.” Publish’d Apr. 15th, 1807, by Laurie ct‘ Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 45. PADDY MOSHANE’S SEVEN AGES. “ Cruikshank del.” Publish’d Apr. 6th, 1807, by Laurie db Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 4s 1808 “KATE KEARNEY,” O’Corolan, the Irish Bard. “I. Cruikshank del.” Publish’d Nov. 9th, 1807, by Laurie ct" Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 4s. 1809 THE OLD COMMODORE. Published by Laurie ct" Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London This is a different composition from that at No. 1356. 4s. 1810 THE WIDOW WADDLE OF CHICKABIDDY LANE. London Published Octr. 12th, 1807, by Thos. Tegg, 111, Cheapside 4s. ,t/ 1811 THE BOLD DRAGOON AND THE BEAUTEOUS MRS. FLINN. “ Cruikshank del.” Published 25th March, 1808, by Laurie it‘ Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 4s. 1812 THE COBBLER AND POET. “ I. Cruikshank.” Publish’d Apr. 25, 1808, by Laurie ct" Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 4488 1804 not in Reid. 4490 1807 4491 4493 1807 not in Reid. 4492 1807 4494 not in Reid. notin Reid. not in Reid. 1808 not in Reid. 4s. ( 238 ) 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 SEPARATE PRINTS AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK. THE CELEBRATED MOOK ITALIAN SONG. “Cruikshank del.” Publish’d Augt. 24, 1808, by Laurie ct W'hittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 4s. . MR. LOBSKI ; or, the River Sprat-Catcher. Publish’d N our. 24, 1808, by Laurie & l/Vhittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 48. LUNNUN Is THE DEVIL. Published February 14, 1809, by Laurie and Whittle, No. 53,Fleet Street, 4s. London HEIGHO ! SAYS THIMBLE. Published 16 Sept, 1809, by Laurie ck Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London 4s. THE MAIL-COAOH. Published 15th Jun., 1810, by Laurie et' kVhittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, 4s.- London BANG UP—RANDoM—OR TANDEM. Published 4th April, 1810, by Laurie dl' kVhittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, 48. London SAM SNATOH; or, the Fashionable Bailiff. “ Cruickshank (sic) del.” Published 5th Septr. 1810, by Laurie d’: Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London A different composition from that at N o. 1319. 4s. LUNNUN Is THE DEVIL. , Harrild, Printer, 20, Great Eastcheap A different print from No. 4s. BARON DoNDER—DRONK--DIOKDORF, AND MISS QUOLTz. No imprint. Probably published by Harrild 4s. HAMLET. A Comic Song. No imprint. Probably published by H arrild 4s. BEN BAOKSTAY. The Boatswain. Printed by R. Harrild, 20, Great Eastcheap 4s. not in Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. 4495 not in Reid. 4496 not in 1 8 1 0 Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. not in Reid. 1827 1828 1829 ADDENDA. BOOKS, &O., &o. Riots: Interior of Theatre, Boxes, Pit, Stage on ‘ which Kemble stands distracted at the uproar, one z_~ hand to his head, the other clenched. No descrip- tion. “I. Cruikshank del.” Published by J. Johnson, 111, Cheapside, Nov. N o doubt the smaller figures are by G. C., as in most of these O. P. plates. A Pamphlet. Reid only gives the plate at No. 89, and omits I. C.’s signature. £1 10s. DANDYMANIA, seventh edition. I have lately procured this edition, which has on the frontispiece, “A Genuine Dandy.” This has the signature “Cruikshank fecit.” which that described ante, at No. 432, has not. In No. 432 the words “(6' Co.” have been introduced in the imprint by mistake. The question is whether the plate is by G. C. or R. C. I am inclined to think by the latter. Published by Duncombe, no. 19, Little Queen Street, Holborn £1. THE BRIDE OF ABYDOS. With a frontispiece by G. C. of Edmund Kean as Selim leading the Lady Zuleika. A Pamphlet. Published by Dean db Munday, Dec. 1 £1. THE FAMILY CYCLOPZEDIA. 2 vol. With a frontispiece after G. C. 5s. FAIRBURN’S ODD CASKET OF MIRTH. With a frontispiece by G. C. 10s. PETER PEPPERGORN. A Song in book form. The illustration on title has “ G. Cruikshank del.” litho.” A Pamphlet. “ M. Gauci not in Reid. 8vo 1809 not in Reid. n.d. 8vo 923 1819 8vo 4781 1820 n.d. folio 4571 7s. (240) 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 $1839 1840 ADDENDA. BOOKS—continued. JAOK SHEPPARD QUADRILLES. Song in book form. The illustration on title has “G. Cruikshank.” London, D’Almaine ct’ Co. fun 5153 7 s. LEwIs’s ATLAS OF IRELAND. With vignette after G. C. 4s. TAMERLANE: A Tragedy, by Nicholas Rowe, as performed at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden. With frontispiece of Edmund Kean as BajaZet. “Page sculp.” Pubd. by John Fairburn, 2, Broadway, Ludgate Hill 4578 5253 4s. THE ODDEST OF ALL ODDITIES. 5s. WESTMINSTER REVIEW, NO. 22. An article on Slavery in the Sea 3698 West Indies, with a woodcut of a slave driver flogging a woman. 5s. \Vith frontispiece by G. C. 12mo 2814 ARCHZEOLOGICAL ASSOOIATION JOURNAL, 1840. 8vo not in With plate of Roman urn with coins (signed “G. Cruikshank”) Reid. found in Charnwood Forest. 1840 3s. AROHEOLOGIGAL JOURNAL, Vol. 9. With illustration of a bronze 8vo not in celt or palstave found at South Petherton, Somerset. “Drawn Reid. by H. C. Pidgeon.” “Engraved by George Cruikshank.” 1842 3s. GUESS IF YOU CAN. A collection of original enigmas and sm.4tonoti-n charades. ByaLady. Reid. London, David Bogue, 86, Fleet St. 1840 \Vith a woodcut Signed “G. Ck., Daleiel Bros.” at 1st page of sheet B. 48. UNOLE TOM'S NEW SONG BOOK. With a woodcut by G. C., 12mo 4309 signed 1853 2s. THE SAVAGE CLUB PAPERS. Edited by A. Halliday. 2 vol. 8vo 5073 London, Tinsley Brothers 1867-8 With two woodcuts. Vol. 1, p. 282. The Barber Bearded. G. Cruikshank del., Daleiel Bros. se. Vol. 2, p. 211. Between the Trains. George Cruikshank del., Dalziel Bros. sc. - 15s. THE TRIAL OF SIR JASPER. A Temperance Tale in Verse, by sm.4tonotin S. C. Hall. Reid. London, Virtue, Spalding, eke. 1874 With a woodcut, “George Cruikshank, Daleiel Brothers,” at p. 1.0. 3s. (241) ADDEN DA. SEPARATE PRINTS—ETCHINGS. 1841 THE DISCONCERTED HYPOORITE. A Caricature Broadside, with the figure of the Ghost of Pitt as a headpiece from the frontis~ piece to the Resurrection of Pitt. (See ante, page 84, N O. 351). 10s. 1842 THE BANK RESTRICTION NOTE. An Etching. This has been given in Hone’s Facetiae, but it was first issued separately enclosed in an envelope called “The Bank Restriction Baro- meter,” which last is a woodcut. 3s. 167 965 The Prints given in the following numbers of the Addenda, up to No. 1887, are all in the British Museum, and (with the exception of No. 1852 and No. 1866) do not appear to be described by Reid. 1843 TwELFTH NIGHT CHARACTERS. 24 in number, each with two lines of verse beneath. (1) King of the Comicals. (2) Queen of the Comicals. (3) The Hottentot Venus. (4) Lady Lofty. (5) Shacabac. (6) Beda. (7) Timour the Tartar. (8) Betsy Blossom. (9) Counsellor Flummery. (10) Kitty Tomboy. (11) Barnaby Mingle. (12) Deborah Mingle. 1844 THE ENCHANTED GARDEN—THE WEATHER MONARCH. Two etchings, one above the other. The first, a child sleeping in a garden, fairies flying around; the second, a country scene, with a boy sliding down a rainbow. “Designed and etched by G. C.” (13) Sir Tandem Highflyer. (14) Dr. Diddle’um. (15) Comical Jenny. (16) Lord Grizzlo. (17) Timothy Doodle. (18) Nelly Neverwed. (19) Blue Beard. (20) Fatima. (21) Teddy Tullomagh. (22) Little Pickle. (23) Joey Grim. (24) Tippy Grim’s Fancy. 1845 GROTESQUE CARVINGS (eight in number) of heads of imps, animals, &c. &c. “ Sketched by J. Ruskin.” “Etched by G. Cruikshank.” 1846 A WOMAN LEAPING FROM A PRECIPICE BY THE SIDE OF A WATERFALL—A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Two etchings, as above. In the latter there‘ are two performers, a boy with tambourine and a gentleman with a flageolet. A slightly raised stage. The gentleman with the flageolet has unfortunately turned a somerset from the stage on to the floor. Both signed “Robert Cruikshank,” but George has written “By me and Robert.” 1847 AN ILLUSTRATION OF TIME (Time thrown away). Several women scrubbing a black man. Similar to that in G. C.’s Illustrations of Time, only larger, and somewhat differently treated. Unpublished. 1848 A PRETTY TIME To COME HOME. A gentleman returning from a party and received by his wife. Designed, etched and published by George Cruikshank, M yddelton Terrace, Pentonville, Mar. 25 1827 R (242) 1849 1850 1851 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1.863 1864 1865 ADDENDA. SEPARATE PRINTS.—-ETGHINGS—continued. A LONG-HEADED ASSEMBLY. “Woodward del.” “Cruikshank sc.” Published by T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, Sep. 26 In front a party playing whist. Through an arch is seen the ball room and orchestra, with figures, which are probably by G. C. In ink is written “I. C. ck G. C.” A FOOT ON THE STAGE AND ASSES IN THE PIT. A New Year’s Piece. Interior of a theatre. On the stage, emerging from a cloud, is a pretty leg and foot, presumably that of Miss Foot. “ Robert Cruikshank feet.” Published Jan. 1825 by J. Fairburn, Droadway, Ludgate Hill, London _ In ink “G. 45 R. C.” THE HOSTILE PRESS AND THE CONSEQUENCE OF CRIM. CON. ; Or Shakespeare in Danger. “R. Cruikshank del.” Pub. Feb. 1825 by J. Fairburn, Droadway, Ludgate Hill In ink “Dy G. a R. Cruikshank.” Edmund Kean on stage in character, with his sword drawn, holding up a book, on which is the Word Shakespeare. FAIRY CONNOISSEURS INSPEOTING MR. LOGKER’S COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS. “Designed and etched by George Cruikshank.” GLYPHOGRAPHS. A DOG IN HAT AND GREAT GOAT. “G. Ck. glyph.” HALF LENGTH OF A SAILOR. “ G. Ck.” A DOG BEFORE A WASP’S NEST. “ G. Ck.” A SWELL AND A CUPID WITH DAMAGED IN THE POLICE GOURT BOOK. A DOG IN A NIGHT CAP AND PINAFORE. “G. Ck. glypho.” A SEEDY SWELL IN GREAT GOAT. “G. Ck.” THE HEAD OF A TARTAR WITH LONG MUSTAGHIOS AND BEARD. A BOY SEATED BEGGING, HOLDING OUT HIS HAND. A DANDY LINEN DRAPER BEHIND A OOUNTER SERVING A LADY. “ George Cruikshank glyphography.” A VIEW IN KENSINGTON GARDENS, or Fashions and Frights of 1829. Designed, etched and published by G. Cruikshank, Nov. 1st In pencil is written, “Reproduction (reduced) of Reid No. 1469.” FIRST PROOF OF TITLE To THE 1850-3 SERIES OF COMIG ALMANAGK. Dai'id Dogue A YANKEE WITH A KNIFE ABOUT To OUT A GAKE WITH THE WORD OREGON UPON IT. “Geo. Cruikshank in glypho.” A Fragment. CHRISTIAN PASSING THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH. Coloured. “ Geo. Cruikshank, 1871.” I think it doubtful whether it is a glypho or woodcut. 1806 18' 9 (24s) ADDEN DA. SEPARATE PRINTS.—-LITHOGRAPHS. 1866 A WRAPPER To A PROPOSED RE-ISSUE OF PHRENOLOGICAL ILLUS- ob. fol. 2795 TRATIONS, Illustrations of Time, Scraps and Sketches and My Sketch Book. By George Cruikshank, 86, Fleet Street; IV. Kent d1‘ Co., late A. TV. Bogue WOODCUTS. 1867 A PAIR OF LEGS STICKING OUT OF THE WATER. They are encased in Jack-boots, with Spurs. The Garter, with “ Honi Soit” upon it, is entangled round the legs, which appear to be those of the Prince Regent. 1868 A FAMILY PARTY. A mother with seven children seated at table. A gentleman stands before the fire. 1869 A FIGURE IN ARMOUR ENCOUNTERING THE DEVIL. “ G. C.” “T. W.” 1870 The words JANE THE QUENE. “ G. Ck.” 1871 DEATH OF THE EARL OF CHATHAM. 1872 Two CHILDREN AND A MAN, the latter emptying money out of a bag on to the floor. 1873 TEMPERANCE. Two female figures leading a child, the word Temperance on a scroll ; on one side several serpents are erecting themselves. “ G. Cruikshank.” “ l/V. J. Linton.” 1874 A TURN OUT FROM A GIN PALACE, over the door are the words, “The Grapes.” “ C. Cruikshank del.” Engraved by Dalciel Brothers This is different from the one in “Sunday in London.” 1875 POKER, TONGS AND SHOVEL; on the Tongs is balanced a Coal scuttle. “ G. Ck.” “T. IV.” 1876 DOCTOR JOHNSON: a half length. “G. 0.” “T. W.” 1877 A SEA PIECE. A Whaler and whale. 1878 A DIALOGUE BETWEEN MR. DANDY AND THE WAITER TOM HANDY. Woodcut on top. Dandy: That is not my hat, which is a capital good one. Handy: Very sorry, Sir ; but all the best hats have been gone this half hour. ‘ Dandy: Well, I can’t wear that; it is such a shocking bad hat. What am I to do? Handy: Why, Sir, if I may take the liberty to advise, I would recommend your going to Adalard’s, 120, High Holborn. 1879 OLIVER TWIST (wrapper to the 8vo edition), on which is written, “ This is the only proof on india paper taken—The Printer told me this.” “G. I. M.” R 2 (244) ADDENDA. SEPARATE PRINTS.--WOODOUTs—eontinued. 1880 A FIGURE AND SIx OvALS, the latter enclosing portrait heads (perhaps meant for 1,000,000). “R. C., G. C.” Also a reduced copy of the same. 1881 A FLORAL DESIGN. “ G. C.” in pencil. 1882 TEN PORTRAIT LETTERS. “ G. Gk.” in pencil. PORTRAIT LETTERS SIMILAR TO THOSE OF ETCHINGS ON GLASS. (See ante, page 234, No. 1767). PRINTS—AFTER G. CRUIKSHANK. 1884 MATRIMONIAL CARD. Seven steps, in centre of each a fish (a different kind to each step) ; on the left side of each a lady, on the right a gentleman. The titles are : Admiration 3 Flirtation ; Approbation ; Declaration 3 Hesitation 5 Agitation 3 Acceptation. At the top, on final step: Solemnization, signed “Cruikshank.” Underneath is written, “ This singular Cruikshank is very scarce and valuable—William Smith.” 1885 A VIEW IN CHINA, with river, a mountain and a pagoda. In front, a Chinaman. On a scroll is : “ F. Graham, Ludgate Hill, London, corner of the Belle Sauvage Inn.” “ G. Cruikshank del.” 1886 POLIOY OF THE LONDON COMMEROIAL LIFE ASSURANOE, M. Wood, Esq., M.P., President, &O. St. Paul’s Cathedral in background 3 in front, a turreted female seated receiving another female, who introduces a widow and two children. “ G. Cruikshank del.” “ Oliver sculp., 3, Bell’s Buildings, Salisbury Sg., Fleet St.” 1887 CERTIFICATE OF THE ORIGINAL GRAND ORDER OF THE TOTAL ABSTINENT SONS OF THE PHtENIX. A coat of arms, with two female figures as supporters, one holding an anchor, the other a cornucopia. “Drawn by George Cruikshank.” “Engraved by Chas. Mottram.” To the Prints after G. Cruikshank, published by Laurie and lV/iittle, aka, given ante, at pp. 237-8, add the three following .-—- 1888 DICK DOCK, or the Lobster and Crab. A Broadside, 1806. 1889 A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP. A Broadside, 1808. 1890 JOHN GROUSE AND MOTHER GOOSE. A Broadside, 1808. APPENDIX. THE SATIRIST, or MONTHLY METEOR. (See No. 2, p. 1). The Satirist, first series, was published in 58 monthly numbers, in a red pictorial wrapper, the first in October, 1807 and the last in July, 1812. The first three volumes had only five numbers each. There are 10 vols. in all, plus the last number, which, however, forms the first number of the first volume of the New Series. There was a plate to each number up to No. 25 (the fourth number of vol. 5), after which the plates were discontinued for fifteen months, recommenced with No. 41 (the second number of vol. 8), and afterwards continued with each number to the end. There are many mistakes in the pagination of the vols. Vol. 1-London .' printed for Samuel Tipper, Leadenhall Street, 1808. Title and pp. 1-562. I Plates. No. 1. Coloured plate, no description, dated October 1st, 1807. 1/ (NO. 2. Coloured, no description. November 1, 1,807. , “"NO. 3. Coloured, no description. Dec. 1, 1807. " ~" ' \/,No. 4. The Opposition Hydra, coloured. Jany. 1, 1808. “I NO. 5. Coloured, no description, but with a quotation, Feb. I, 1808. Vol. 2—London .- printed for Samuel Tipper, Leadenhall Street, 1808. Title and Preface, and pp. 1-556. PPlathgs. NO. 6. Coloured, no description. IMarch 1, 1808. i NO 7. Diversions of Purley, coloured. April 1, 1808. \/ NO. 8. A New Drop Scene, &c., coloured. DIay lst, 1808. *3‘ N o. 9. No description, tinted. June 1, 1808. - ‘/ No. 10. The Rival Magicians, &c., tinted. July 1, 1808. Vol. 3—London : printed for Samuel Tipper, Leadenhall Street, 1808. Title and Preface, and pp. 1-556. l/Plates. NO. 11. Triumphal Procession, &c., tinted. N 0 date. “No. 12. Miller’s Asses, tinted. Sepr. 1, 1808. r/No. 13. Love Feast, tinted. Oct. 1, 1808. Y’NO. 14. The Porcupine’s Den, tinted. Nov. 1, 1808. V’ No. 15. Opposition Lights, tinted. Dec. 1, 1808. Vol. 4——London .- printed for Samuel Tipper, Leadenhall Street, 1809. Title and pp. 1-630. In; / Plates. No. 16 V N o. 17. Feast of the Board of Management, tinted. Feb. 1, 1809. V NO. 18. A Private Examination, tinted. March 1st, 1809. /NO. 19. The Westbourne Procession, tinted. April 1st, 1809. 1/ No. 20. A Second Sight View, &c., tinted. May 1st, 1809. »/ N o. 21. The Reformer’s Dinner. June 1st, 1809. i . The Robin Hood Debating Society, tinted. J any. 1st, 1809. (246) APPENDIX—continued. THE SATIRIST—continued. Vol. 5--London.- printed for Samuel Tipper, Leadenhall Street, 1809. Title and pp. 1-624, and 6 pp. of index. *‘ Plates ‘No. 22. John Bull in a Fever, tinted. July 1, 1809. {No 23. N 0 description, tinted. August 1, 1809. ;No. 24. The Patriotic Triad, tinted. September lst, 1809. No. 25. The School of Projects, tinted. Oct. 1, 1809. e’ Nos. 26 and 27. No plates. Vol. 6—London .- printed and published by W'. N. Jones, Old Bailey, 1810. V Sub. Title, Title and pp. 1—624, and 4 pp. of index. L. Nos. 28-33. N 0 plates. Vol. 7 -¢_-London : printed by l/V. N. Jones, Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey, 1810. ‘/ Sub. Title, Title and pp. v-viii, 1-602, and 6 pp. of index. / Nos. 34-39. No plates. Vol. 8—London .- printed for the Proprietors at the Satirist Oflice, IV est side of St. Cle-ment’s Churchyard, Strand, 1811. */ Sub. Title, Title, and pp. 1-540, and 7 pp. of index. Plates. No. 40. None. (No. 41. Sketch for a Prime Minister, tinted. Feb. 1, 1811. go. 42. The Cats Let out of the Bag, tinted. March 1811. /No. 43. The Walking Committee, tinted. April 1, 1811. "‘ N o. 44. The Imperial Nursery, tinted. May 1, 1811. / No. 45. Apollo in Danger, tinted. N 0 date. V01. 9—London .- printed for the Proprietors at The Satirist ()fiiee, St. Clernent’s Church~ yard, Strand, 1811. 1 Sub. Title, Title, and pp. 1-498, and 7 pp. of index. Plates. No. 46. None. V. NO 47 TWO {Scene before Carlton House, tint-ed. July 1811. _' ' ' The Band of Patriotism, tinted. August 1, 1811. ‘, No. 48. Boney’s Visions, tinted. Sept. 1st, 1811. \/ No. 49. The Centaur—ian Manager, tinted. No date. V_No. 50. A Scene at Boulogna, tinted. No date. '’ No. 51. With rage the Baron bold, &c.,_ tinted. No date. Vol. lO—LOndon : printed for the Proprietors. Sold at The Satirist Ofiice, 7V est side of M, St. Clement’s Churchyard, Strand, 1812. ’ ‘_ Title, and pp. 1-490, and 2 pp. of index. " Plates/N 0. 52. An Amateur’s Dream, tinted. Jany. 1st, 1812. ‘’ No. 53. The Political Spider, tinted. Feby. 1st, 1812. \/No. 54. Reading the Letter, tinted. Feby. 1812. )No. 55. The Candidate for Barkshire, tinted. N 0 date. ‘No. 56. Hallet’s Hint, tinted. No date. V N o. 57. General Jail Delivery, tinted. No date. The heading to page 395 reads erroneously May 1, should be June 1. N EW SERIES. Vol. 1 l—N. S., vol. I. London: printed for the Proprietors, sold at The Satirist V Ofitce, West side of St. Clernent’s Churchyard, Strand, 1812. 1' Sub. Title, Title, and pp. 1-558, and 4 pp. of index. The plates are all coloured in J/ the New Seriesl ' Plates. “No. 58. Whig Patriotism. July 1, 1812. ' '/No. 59. N. S., N o. 1~—Type of the New Series of “The Satirist.” 1st August 1812. “No. 60. N. S., No. 2—The Confessional. 1st September 1812. / 1N0. 61. N. S., No. 3——Effects of the Arrival of French Eagles. 1st October 1812. ‘/ No. 62. N. S., N o. 4—D'issolution of Parliament. 1st November 1812. e/ No. 63. N. S., No. 5——The Anti-RopalrMenagerie. 1st December 1812. (247) APPENDIX—continu ed. THE SATIRIST—continued. Vol. 12—N. S, vol. 2. London: printed for the Proprietor, sold at The Satirist Office, I West side of St. Clement’s,Churchyard, Strand, 1813. ‘/ Sub. Title, Title, and pp. 1-580, and 4 pp. of index. r’PlRLBS. NO. 64. N. S., NO. 6—The Brewer’s Entire Saloon. 1st January 1813. ""- To. 65. N. S., No. 7—The Imperial Shaving Shop. 1st February 1813. ' No. 66. N. S., NO. 8——Dispute between Monopoly and Power. 1st March 1813. NO. 6 . N. S., NO. 9-—A Caput, New College, Oxford. 1st April 1813. A9N0. 68. N. S., NO. IO—John Bull and the Cossacks. 1st May 1813. No. 69. N. S., No. 11—The Uproar House. 1st June 1813. Vol. 13—-N. S., vol. 3. London .- printed for the Proprietor, sold at The Satirist Oflice, ,_ West side of St. Clement’s Churchyard, Strand, 1813. ‘/ Sub. Title, Title, and pp. 1-568, and 6 pp. of index. ’" Plates, No. 70. N. S., NO. 12—Tragedy ; Comedy. 1st July 1813. "’ NO. 71. N. S., No. Iii—Indian J ugglers. 1st August 1813. pNo. 72. N. S., No. 14——A Congress for Peace. 1st September 1813. NO. 73. N. S., No. 15—The Witch of Endor, or the Unexpected Ghost. I “ G. Cruikshank feet.” 1st October 1813. l/No. 74. N. S., NO. 16——Comparative Anatomy, Ste. “ G. Cruikshank fee.” 1st November 1813. “NO. 75. N. S., No. 17——The Imperial Tiger Hunt. 1st December 1813. Vol. 14—N. S., vol. 4. London: printed for the Proprietor, sold at The Satirist Ofiice, West side of St. Clement’s Churchyard, Strand, 1814. Sub. Title, Title, and pp. 1-522, and 4 pp. of index. 1/ Plates. NO. 76. N. S., NO. 18—The Infant Richard. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” January 1st, ,. 1814. . v" NO. 77. N. S., N o. 19——The Royal Beggars. “G. Cruikshank feet.” February 1st 1814. ‘/ No. '78. N. S., No. 20—Thea’trical F aux Pas. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” March 1st, , 1814. \/ No. 79. N. S., NO. 21—Gambling in the Stocks. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” A April 1st, 1814. 1/NO. 80. N. S., No. 22—Ot-ium cum Dignitate. “G. Cruikshank feet.” May 1st, , 1814. l/ N o. 81. N. S., No. 233—Acts of Adhesion. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” June 1st,1814. THE TRIPOD, or NEW SATIRIST. Only two numbers were published. A continuation of The Satirist under a New Title. The wrappers have two numbers on them, one that of The Tripod, the other that of the continued work. THE TRIPOD, or NEW SATIRIST. No. 1. Verses: No. 82. July 1st, 1814. London: printed by H. Hay db Co., Newcastle Street, Strand; sold at The Satirist Oflice, West side of St. Clement’s Church, Strand. pp. 1-80. Plate: Doctor Blucher. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” July 1st, 1814. THE TRIPOD, Or NEW SATIRIST. No.2. Verses: No. 83. August 1st, 1814. The same imprint as the last. pp. 81-164. Plate : The Modern Don Quixote, or The Fire King. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” August 1, 1814. All published. The work seems to have come to an abrupt termination. ( 248 ) APPENDIX—continued. THE SOOURGE, or MONTHLY ExPosITOR OF IMPOSTURE AND FOLLY. (See No. 4, p. 2). The First Series was published in 66 monthly numbers, in a yellow pictorial wrapper. The first No. January 1st, 1811—The last No. June 1st, 1816. All the plates are coloured. Each No. has a title of contents, which sometimes counts in the pagination, sometimes not. There are many mistakes in the pagination, where any occur, reference must be had to the lettering of the sheets. ‘Vol. 1—-Lond0n .- for M. Jones, 5, Newgate Street, and sold by J. Johnston, Cheapside, and Goddard, Pall Mall, 1811. Title, Contents, Introduction, and pp. 1-512. “ Plates. N o. 1. New Roads to the Temple of Fortune. Jany. 1st, 1811. " No. 2. NO description (Stage Coach, 820., &c.). Feby. 1st, 1811. NO. 3. Battle Royal, or, Which has it’.Z March 1st, 1811. f No. 4. Truth in Jeopardy. April 1st, 1811. ' NO. 5. British Cookery, &c., &c. May 1st, 1811. NO. 6. Dinner of the Four-in-Hand Club at Salthill. “G. Cruikshank feet.” June 1st, 1811. Vol. 2--London .- for M. Jones, 5, Newgate Street, and sold by J. Johnston, Cheapside, 1811. Title, Preface, and pp. 1-514. ‘ Plates. NO. 7. The Return to Office. “G. Cruikshank feet.” July Ist, 1811. ’ No. 8. The Blessings of Paper Money, 8:0. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” August 1st,1811. ‘1 No. 9. Quadrupeds, or, the Manager’s Last Kick. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Sep- tember 1st, 1811. ‘ No. 10. The Examination of a Young Surgeon. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” October Ist, 1811. - ‘ NO. 11. Interior View of the House of God. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” November 1st, 1811. This plate has likenesses of George and Robert Cruikshank !. and other celebrities. ' NO. 12. Princely Piety, or, the Worshippers at \Vanstead. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” December 1st, 1811. Vol. 3-—-London.- printed and published by W. N Jones, the Proprietor, No. 5, Newgate Street, 1842. \ ti 1 Title, Preface, and pp. 1-508. ' Plates. NO. 13. The Rehearsal, or the Baron and the Elephant. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” January 1st, 1812. First issue. In later issues this plate is reversed. / There is a peculiarity in the letterpress of this number, the last page of which, in V the first issue,_,iasr_§_6~. In later issues eight pages are Omitted, and it ends at page 7 8. v‘ NO. 14. The Mountebanks, &c., &c. “ G. Cruikshank sculpt.” February Ist, 1812. . No. 15. Princely Amusements, &c., &c. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” March Ist, 1812. ~. No. 16. Princely Predictions, &c., &c. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” April 1st, 1812. \1' In the first state some lettering has been rubbed out (of. £116 Plait? .illldflelilltedroyer. In later issues, there is lettering in tlfe Same" place. I’ ' \/ NO. 17. The Prince of Wales, &c., &c. “G. Cruikshank seulp.” May 1st, 1812. V No. 18. The Antiquarian Society. Not signed, but by “G. C.” June Ist, 1812. Vol. 4—-London : printed and published by W. N. Jones, the Proprietor, No. 5, Newgate Street, 1812. Title and pp. 1-514. \/ Plates. No. 19. The Political Medley, &c., &c. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” July Ist, 1812. J No. 20. The Cow Pox Tragedy. “ G. Cruikshank seulp.” 1812. a‘ No. 21. The Coronation of the Empress of the Nairs. “G. Cruikshank feet.” _ September Ist, 1812. " No. 22. An Excursion to R . . . . . Hall. “G. Cruikshank seulp.” October 1st,1812. No. 23. The Court of Love, &c., &c. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” November 12th, 1812. s No. 24. Management of Butts and Hogsheads. “ G. Cruikshank seulp.” Decem- ber 1st, 1812. APPENDIX—~continued. THE SooURGE—eontinued. Vol. 5—London .- printed and published by W. N. Jones, the Proprietor, No. 5, Newyate Street, 1813. I, Title, Preface, and pp. 1-53(). V Plates. N o. 25. Quadrupeds, or, Little Boney’s Last Kick. “ G. Cruikshank.” January 1st 1813. V N o. 26. The Storming of Monopoly Fort. “ Argus Fecit ” (not G. 0.). February . lst I813. " No. 27. J ohri Bull in the Cellar, &c., &c. “A ryusfecit ” (not G. (l). llLTa-rch 1st,_1813. ' No. 28. State Mysteries, or, a Vision of Pall Mall. (Not G. C., like Williams.) April lst, 1813. N o. 29. The Delicate Investigation. (Not G. C., probably lVilliams). May lst, 1813. No. 30. A Sepulchral Enquiry into English History. “ G. Cruikshank fect.’7 June 1st, 1813. Vol. 6—London .' printed and published by W. N. Jones, the Proprietor, No. 5, Neuryate Street, 1813. Title, and pp. 1-520. ‘/ Plates. No. 31. John Bull in the Council Chamber. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” July lst, 1813. 5 No.‘ 32. Preparing J onn Bull for General Congress. “G. Cruikshank fect.” August 1st, 1813. ‘ N o. 33. The Regency Park. “ J. P. fecit” (not G. C). September 1st, 1813. No. 34. Rival Candidates for the Vacant Bays. “J. P. fecit” (not G. C). (hd.lst 1813. ‘ No. 35. Benefits of a Plentiful Harvest. “ C. W. fecit ” (not G. C.). Nouemr. , lst 1813. No. 36. The Sale of the Coal Heaver’s Scraps. “ J. P. fecit ” (not G. C.). Deer. 18a 1813. Vol. 7—V-A difference in the title, viz. “The Scourge or Literary, Theatrical, and Miscellaneous Magazine.” London : printed and published by W. N. Jones, No. 5, Newyate Street, 1814. Title, and pp. 1-518. l’ Plates. No. 37. Smuggling in High Life. (Not by G. C.) January lst, 1814. No.38. The Divine and the Donkey, or Petworth Frolicks. (Not G. C.) February 1st, 1814. N0. 39. Imperial Botany, &c., 810. (Not signed, but by G. C.) March 1st, 1814. .» No. 40. Modern Idolatry, or, Editors and Idols. (Not G. G.) April 1st, 1814. a" N0. 41. Nic, alias N ap’s March to Elba. (Not G. C.) May lst, 1814. ' No. 42. Royal Munificence, &c., &c. (Not by G. C.) June 1st, 1814. A peculiarity With the letterpress in this number is that in the first issue it ends» Wi§hlll§_p& e 518, With W. M. Jones, printer, at the end. In all later issues pp. 513- 18 are omitte , and it ends abruptly with p. 512. Vol. 8—General title as vol. 7. - London: printed and published by W. N. Jones, No. 5, Ne'wgate Street, 1814. Title, and pp. 1-4'74. “ Plates. No. 43. Spirits at Work—Joanna Conceiving. (Not by G. C.) July lst, 1814. {,No. 44.. The R l Pedagogue and his Ushers. (Not by G. C.) Augt. lst, 1814. " No. 45. A Paradise for Fools, &c. In three compartments. (Not by G. C.) ,, Septr. 1st, 1814. “No. 46. Hocus Pocus, or, Conjurers Raising the Wind. (Not by G. C.) Octr. , 18y 1s14. ' No. 47. Delivering a Prophetess. (Not by G. C.) Nov. lst, 1814. fNo. 48. The Siege of St. Quentin. (Not by G. C.) Decemr. lst, 1814. Vol. 9—L0ndon .- printed and published by W . N. Jones, No. 5, Neioyate Street, 1815. Title, and pp. 1-480. \/ Plates. No. 49. The Property Tax—Civic Champions, or, the Darling in Danger. (Not by G. C.) Jany. 2nd, 1815. (250) APPENDIX— continued. THE SGOURGE—continued. " No. 50. Amusements at Vienna, &c., 810. (Not by G. C.) Feb. 1st, 1815. ‘~ No. 51. John Bull’s Three Stages. In three compartments. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” March 1st,1815. ‘ No. 52. The High Winds of March blowing Events from all quarters. In four compartments. “ G. Cruikshankfect.” April 1815. _ No. 53. The Phoenix of Elba resuscitated by Treason. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” May 1st, 1815. = No. 54. Preparing for War.» “ G. Cruikshank feet.” June 1st, 1815. Vol. IO—London : printed and published by Jones at Co., No. 5, Newgate Street, 1815. Title, and pp. 1-480. V Plates. No. 55. N ebuchadnazzar’s Dream. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” July 1st, 1815. \" No. 56. A Financial Survey of Cumberland, &c. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” August 1st, 1815. l No.57. Napoleon’s Trip from Elba to Paris, and from Paris to St. Helena. “ G. Cruikshank feet.’7 Sept. 1st, 1815. " No. 58. Boxiana, or, The Fancy. (Not by G. C.) Octobr. 1st, 1815. 1 No. 59. The Progress of Disappointment, or the Hopes of a Day. “ G. Cruik- shank feet.77 November 1st, 1815. - No. 60. State of Politicks at the close of the year 1815. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” December 1st, 1815. Vol. ll—London : printed and published by James Johnston, Cheapside, and 335, Oxford Street, 1816. Title, and pp. 3-478. Plates. No. 61. Royal Christmas Boxes and New Year’s Gifts, 1815 & 16. “ G. Cruik- shank fect.” Jany. 1st, 1816. No. 62. Odds and Ends for February, 1816. In three compartments. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Feb. 1st, 1816. No. 63. The Pall Mall Apollo, or, R———ty in a Blaze. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” March lst, 1816. No. 64. Royal Nuptials. “G. Cruikk. feet.” April 1st, 1816. No. 65. Economy—Anticipation. Two compartments. “ G’. Cruikshank feet.” May lst, 1816. No. 66. A Bazaar. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” June 1st 1816. THE NEW SERIES on THE SooUEeE. THE SGOURGE AND SATIRIST, or Literary, Theatrical and Miscellaneous Magazine. London: printed by and for J. Johnston, 98, Cheapside, and 335, Oaford Street. Six parts appeared and the Magazine came to an end. N o title-page was issued, but that of vol. 11, having the same date, is sometimes used with the addition of the numeral I. The volume is rare, very rare in parts. pp. 1-420. v No. 1. pp. 1-80. Plate—The Wimbledon Hoax. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” July 15th, 1816. ‘i/ N o. 2. pp. 81-160. Plate—Progeny in Prospective, or, A Royal Accouch- ment! 1 “ G. C., 1816.” August 1st. No. 3. pp. 161-240. Plate—A Peep into the Blue Coat School 1 ! ! ! (By G. C., but not signed.) Septr. 1st, 1816. ‘ No. 4. pp. 241-320. Plate—Paving the Way for a Royal Divorce. (Not by G. C.) October lst, 1816. 5. pp. 321-400. Plate—The Ceremony of Kissing the Badge, &c. Nour. 1st, 1816. 6. pp. 401-480. The Appeal of Starvation, &c. (Not by G. C.) N our. 1816. (2.51) TOWN TALK, or LIVING MANNERS Five volumes, published 1811-14. Vol. 1. TOWN TALK, or LIVING MANNERS. APPENDIX—continued. (See No. 5,p. 2). 8vo. Verses. July to December 1811. London: for J. Johnson, 98, Cheapside, 1811. pp. i.-iv. and 1-460. It was published in twenty-two weekly numbers at 6d. The first on 27th July, the last on 21st Dec. 1811. No plates to the vol. 011 the last page a notice is given that on 1st Feb. 1812 NO. 1 of a New Series would be published, embellished with a striking caricature. Vol. 2. On title, as before, and January to June 1812. London: printed for the Proprietor, (he. eta, 1812. pp. i.-viii. and 1-512. Each part has a coloured plate, but only one by G. C. The first number had the heading January 1812, but was published on February 1st, as before advertised, and the plate also with latter date. The second number was published in the same way, with heading February, but published as well as the plate on 1st March. The third number has the heading April 1st, 1812. SO that it is often described as wanting one number, but it is not really so, the date of publication being substituted for the name of the month just passed. January (Feb. 1) 1812. Plate—Political Bull Baiting, pp. 1-88. " I/February (Liar. ' pp. ,89-17 6. -~—\April 1, 1812. illay 1, 1812. /,--Junc I, 1812. /July 1, 1812. 1)1812. Plate—A Select Civil Committee, by G. C., but not signed, Plate—National Pursuits, pp. 177-264. Plate—Manchester Square Cattle Show, pp. 265-352. Plate ——\Vorse and Worse, or the Sports of the 19th Century, pp.353-436. Plate—Ministerial Races, pp. 435-512. Vol. 3. As before, and June to January 1813 (this is as it is printed, but it is not correct). The period should be August, 1812, to January, 1813. 1,1812. 1,1812. 1,1812. 1,1812. -/'F4ug. W/Sep t. ~_/I_'‘Octo (" ' “Nov. . A/"Dec. ~J an. 1,1812. 1,1813. pp. i-iv and 1-480. Plate—A Midsummer’s Night Dream, pp. 1-84. Plate—The Opening of Pandora’s Box, pp. 85-162. Plate—Joseph’s Flight, pp. 163-244. Plate—Deerhurst’s Defeat, or the End of Unqualified Ambition, pp. 245-324. Plate—The Genius of the Times, pp. 325-404. Plate—The Spirit of the Book, or Anticipation for the Year 1813, pp. 405-480. Vol. 4. As before, February to July 1813 (this is a correct description of the period). London: published by the Proprietors at 177, Fleet Street, 1813. Feb. 1, 1813. Plate—The Shield of Law, or the Modern Quixote, pp. 1-82, 2 pp. of HMar. 1, 1813. ..»-/April 1, 1813. P—wMay 1, 1813. "‘‘June 1, 1813. /July 1, 1813. VOlQ/Aug. 1, 1813. pp. i-iv, 1-486. advts. Plate—A Buckinghamshire Breeze, or an East Indiaman in Danger, pp. 83-164, 6 pp. of advts. Plate—Anticipation for the Pillory, pp. 165-246, 6 pp. of advts. Plate—-May Fashions, or Hints for a Four-in-hand Exhibition, pp. 247-328, 6 pp. of advts. Plate—Turning off at Tyburn, or the Livery Re-spited, by G. C., not signed, pp. 329-405, 3 pp. of advts. Plate—The Borough-mongering Trio, by G. C., pp. 407-486, 4 pp. of advts. Plate—Vauxhall Fete, by G. C., but unsigned in the Original, pp. 5-102. There exists a copy of this plate which has the initials “ G. C.” Sqn.1,1813. Plate—British Valour and Yankee Boasting, or Shannon versus Chesapeake. “G. Cruikshank feet.” pp. 93-172. It will be noted that pp. 93-102 have been repeated. ._./ Oct. 1,1813. Plate—Alderman, alias Commodore, Curtis mistaken for Commodore Rogers. “G. Cruikshank feet.” pp. 173-244. Nov. 1, 1813. Plate—French Recruits, or a Bird’s-eye View of the New Conscription. “G. Cruikshank feet.” pp. 245-316. ' i 4) f A pi” l/Z' . I’ ‘ {,5} l l (252) APPEN DIX—continu ed. TOWN TALK—continued. “Dec. 1, 1813. Plate—Gasconadeing, alias the Runaway Emperor Humbugging the Senate, pp. 325-380, 389-404. ‘ It will be noticed that sheet SS (pp. 317-24) and sheet 3 C (pp. 381-8) are wanting ; but it is an error in the pagination, Mr. Wright’s copy and my own being both without these pages. Jan. 1, 1814. Plate—Christmas Gambols, or the Pleasures of a Court, pp. 405-476, 8 pp. of advts. _ I have never Seen a title-page to this volume, and by that it would seem that It (like “The Scourge,” and others) came to an abrupt termination. Only one fact militates against this. I have a plate (not by G. C.) published for the Proprietors of “Town Talk,” March 1, 1814. THE METEOR, or MONTHLY CENSOR. (See No. 6, p. 2). _ It is to be noted that all the designs, viZ., the etchings, coloured and tlnted, and the woodcut vignettes are by George Cruikshank. COLLATION OF THE EIGHT NUMBERS. Each in a pink wrapper, which has an allegorical woodcut design “G. Cruikshank del.,” in centre of which is—THE METEOR, or Monthly Censor, Four coloured plates. London: printed by TV. Lewis, St. John’s Square, and sold by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street, and by all Booksellers. Price 25. 6d. The first page of each number is a contents page, which also has the names of the plates. The description of each number will be from the con- tents page, with the number of pages added. The plates will afterwards be more particularly described. No.1. THE METEOR. November I, 1813. A woodcut vignette representing a Guy Fawkes celebration. Embellishments :— 1. A coloured caricature of The Meteor. 2. A whole length Portrait of the Princess of Wales, coloured. 3. The Poet’s Study, coloured. \ 4. Costume of a Groom of the Stole, coloured. ' Contents. (pp. 1-80.) No.2. THE METEOR. December 1, 1813. A woodcut vignette representing Forfeits—kissing through a gridiron. _,E1nbellishments :- 1. John Bull and the Doctors. - 2. Lord Wellington. 3. Huntingdon’s Sale. 4. Pursuits of Literature. Contents. (pp. 81-152.) No.3. THE METEOR. January 1, 1814. A woodcut vignette representing J anus-- the Old and New Year. Embellishments :— 1. Buonaparte Ambition and Death. 2. Rejected Trifle from Cumberland to Hanover. 3. The Rival Romeos, or Coates and Mathews. 4. Law of Libel. Contents. (pp. 153-232.) NO. 4. THE METEOR. February 1, 1814. A woodcut vignette representing St. Valentine’s Day. ' Embellishments :— ll' '1 (253) I. APPENDIX—continued. THE METEOR—continued. 1. Caricature—Belvoir Frolics, or Punch’s Christening. 2. The Lordde Yarremouth equippedde forre travelle donne fromme the lifi‘e. 3. The Chair before the Throne. 4. The Poet’s Grave. Contents. (pp. 233-312.) No. 5. THE METEOR. March 1,1814. A woodcut vignette representing Blowing off of a Lady’s Hat, and MARCH, the word to soldiers. Embellishments :— ' 1. The Imperial Family going to the Devil. 2. Defendant pleading to an Indictment for Libel. 3. Tim Trudge and the Owl. 4. Tim Trudge and the Cripsy. Contents. (pp. 313-392.) No. 6. THE METEOR. April 1, 1814. A woodcut vignette representing April Fool. Embellishments :— 1. Caricature—A Levée Day. 2. Portrait of Mr. Kean in Richard. 3. Orange Boven, or a New Map of Holland. Tim Trudge on the Steyne. Contents. (pp. 393-468. Title page and preface to vol. 1, pp. i.-iv.) The title page reads as follows :— ' , THE METEOR OR MONTHLY CENsOR, a Critical, Satirical, and Literary Magazine, yol. 1. From N ouember 1813 to April 1814 inclusive. , “ To catch the manners living as they rise, To show the age and body of the times, Its form and pressure.” From grave to gay, from lively to severe. London: printed by W. Lewis, St. J ohn’s Square, and sold by T. Hughes, Ludgate Street and may be had of all booksellers in town and country, 1814. No.7. THE METEOR. May 1, 1814. A woodcut vignette representing May Day. Embellishments :— 1. Downfall of Tyranny and Return of Peace. 2. Portrait of the King of France. 3. Portrait of the Prince Regent. 4. Portrait of the Emperor Alexander. Contents. (Vol. 2, pp. 180.) NO. 8. THE METEOR. July 1, 1814. A woodcut vignette representing a Jack Tar with flag—-“ The glorious 1st of June.” I 1. Talleyrand in his Study. ‘2. Napoleon Buonaparte. "j__ '3. A Correct View of a Russian Princess. 4. Sir Wm. Curtis. Contents. (Vol. 2, pp. 81-160.) I have not seen a page of this number later than 152 ; but as this ends in the middle of a sentence, I think there should be the usual 80 pp., bringing it to,v 161),, It will be noted that a month has been passed over between May an'd'lluly. It seems the magazine was then getting into difiiculties. PARTICULARS OF THE PLATES. Plate 1. The Meteor Discomfiting Vice and Exposing Folly. “ G. Cruikshank feet” Published by 1'. Hughes, Ludgate Street. Folding plate to face title. 2. Pl“? 2d—Her Royal Highness the Princess Of Wales (p. 7). (254) 10. < 11. 12. 13. 14. " 15. 2'3. 24. 25. 26. v 27. 28. 29. ~’ 30. ’ 31 . 32. THE METEOR—continued. '- 3. . Plte 4th—Costume of a Groom of the Stole, Lord P—t—-’sh——m. . Plte lst—National Phrenzy, or John Bull and his Doctors. . Plt 3d—The Relics of a Prophet, or Huntingdon’s Sale. .4 Plt6 4th—Pursuits of Literature, No. 2, Friends in Need. . Plate 1st of No. 3 of The Meteor. . The Imperial Family going to-the Devil. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” . Tryalle forre Libelle—Pleadingge toe ann Indictem‘enete (p. 324). . Journey to Brighton. . A Levee Day. . Mr. Kean as Richard. APPENDIX—continued. Plte 3d—Pursuits of Literature, No. 1, The Business of the Study. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by T. Hughes, Ludgate St. (p. 62). “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. by T. Hughes, Ludgate St. (p. 29). “G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. for the Meteor, 1813.‘ Folding plate (p. 81). Plt 2—Marquis of Wellington. “G. Cruikshank feet.” ‘Pubd. for the Meteor, 1813. (p. 115). “G. Ck.” Pubd. for the Meteor, 1813'. (p. 118.) i “ G. Cruikshank feet.” (p. 134). Pubd. January 1st, 1814. Buonaparte—Ambition and Death. Buonaparte led on by Ambition seeks ye conquest of ye world. Discomfit-ed at Leipsic he flies from Death. Overtaken by Retrilimtion, he trembles for ye future, while ye shades of those Whom he has murder’d appear to his disordered vision, and Death digs his grave!!! “G. Cruikshank fecit.” A large folding plate, in three compartments. (p. 153.) Plate 2nd--A Rejected Trifle from Cumberland to Hanover. Pubd. for the Meteor, N0. 3.-_ (p. 159). Plate 3d—The Rival Romeos, or Coates & Mathews (p. 215). Plate 4th—Pursuits of Literature, No. 3, Law of Libel. “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd. for the .Meteor, N 0. 3. (p. 220). Bel-voir Frolics, or Punch’s Christening. A folding plate ( .233). Myly Lordde Yarremouth equippedde forre hisse trauell innto Forreigne Parttes— donne fromme thee Lyffe by Georgge Cruikeddeshanks, anno dom. 1314. A tinted plate (p. 255). ' The Chair before the Throne. Pubd. for the llIeteo-r, 1814. Pubd. for the Meteor, 1813. “G. Cruikshank feet.” “G. Cruikshank feet.” “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” (p. 290). . Plate 4th, No. 4—Pursuits of Literature, No.4, The Poet’s Grave. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. for the Meteor. (p. 299.) . Folding plate. Pubd. March lst, 1814, by T. Hughes, Ludgate Hill. (p. 313). A tinted plate. _ - Plate 1st—Tim & the Owl. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” p. Journey to Brighton. Plate 2d. -— Tim & the Gipsy. “ G. Cruikshank foot.” (p. 365:) i “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. April 1st, 1814, for the Meteor. ' Folding plate (p. 393). “ G. Cruikshank feet.” (p. 395);- The signature of George Cruikshank in this plate is in full, and outside the outer line in left hand corner. It has been facsimiled by Pailthorpe. He has G. Ck. within the outer line ; and seems to have taken it from a cut copy.- Orange Boven, or a New Map of Holland. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” (p. 452).. ‘ Journey to Brighton. Plte 3d—Tim Trudge on the Steyne. “G. Cruikshank feet.” (3. 442). Tlie Downfall of Tyranny & Return of Peace. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Folding plate (vol. 2, p. 1). Louis XVIII. (p. 4). Emperor Alexander (p. 5). Prince Regent (p. 6). Talleyrand in his Study, or Unexpected Visits. plate (vol. 2, p. 81). Napoleon Bounaparte (sic) “G. Ck.” (vol. 2). A Correct View of a Russian Princess. “G. Ck.” (vol. 2). ' Sir Wm. Curtis. “ Lawrance pinat.” (sic) “G. Cruikshank sculp.” (vol. 2). “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Folding (255) APPENDIx—continued. ANNALS OF GALLANTRY, or THE CONJUGAL MONITOR. (See No. 15, p. 5). Vol. 1——Title and pp. iii-viii, iii-vi, 9-486. Vol. 2—Title and pp. iii-vi, 3-488. Vol. 3—Title and pp. iii-vi, 3-412. Twenty plates, eighteen of which are coloured, two uncoloured. It was published in 18 parts, 6 to a Vol. Each in a brown or yellow wrapper, with the printing within a border. The title-pages of vol. 1, 2, 3, Occur as the first leaf of nos. 1, 7 and in 13. Part 1. ll/Iarch Ist,1814. In a brown wrapper. Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. The Title is as follows : ANNALS OF GALLANTRY, or the Conj ugal Monitor, by A. Moore, LL.D. Vol. 1. Verses. London: printed for the Proprietors, and sold by M . J ones, N o. 5, N ewgate Street, 1814. and pp. iii-viii, 9-80, and 2 coloured plates : viz., (1) Lady Grosvenor and the Duke of Cumberland surprised by the servant. “G. Cruikshank feet.” Published llfarch 1st, 1814, by M. Jones, Newgate St. ._/~ (2) The Unwelcome Intruders. “ G. Cruikshank feet.” Pubd. Illarch 1st, 181.4, by 1M. Jones, Newgate St. Part 2. April 1, 1814. pp. 81-168. Portrait of the Duke of Cumberland, uncoloured. Part 3. May 2, 1814. pp. 169-248, and 2 coloured plates : r’ (1) Téte-a-téte in Kensington Gardens. Pub. Flag 2, 1814. > (2) The Unwelcome Attack. Pub. May 2, 1814. i ‘“ Part 4. June 1‘, 1820. pp. 249-328, and 1 coloured plate: “The Shrubbery,” at p. 280. Part 5. July 1, 1814. pp. 329-408, and 1 coloured plate: '- The Elopement of Lady W with Lord Paget. “ G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd. by FT. Jones, April 1, 1814. Part 6. ,August 1, 1814. pp. 409-486, and 1 coloured plate : " Peter Pindar and Mrs. Knight rehearsing. Part 7. Sept. 1, 1814. Title-page to vol. II, 1814. Imprint as before. pp. 3-80, and -// 1 coloured plate fronting title : “John Watts the Shoemaker watching Mr. Hacket and Mrs. Mansergh in a téte-a-téte on the chairs.” Part 8. Oct. 1, 1814. pp. 81-160, and 1 coloured plate: Mrs. Powles and the Dancing Master, 5. private lesson. Part 9. v"Nov. 1, 1814. pp. 161-240, and 1 coloured plate : “The Discovery.” Part 10. “'Dec. 1, 1814. pp. 241-320, and 1 coloured plate : “An Unwelcome Visit.” Part 11. Jan. 1, 1815. Yellow wrapper, pp. 321-400, and 1 coloured plate : V Effects of a Mildmay in the North, in a Red Bedchamber. Part 12. Feb. 1, 1815. Yellow wrapper, pp. 401-480. NO plate. (To be two in next No.) Part 13. fliarch1,1815. Yellow wrapper, pp. 481-488. End of vol. 2. Title-page of vol. 3. 1815. Imprint as before. ‘pp. 3-64, and 2 coloured plates : viz., w: (1) Camp Amusements. _. V (2) View of the Couch at Combe. i” Part 14. April 1, 1815. pp. 65-144, and 1 coloured plate : “The Luncheon at Ramsgate.” Part 15. May 1, 1815. pp. 145-208, and an uncoloured portrait of a lady in an Oval, ' v/ with quotation : “My beloved is to me as a cluster of camphire in the vine- yards of Engadi.”—Solomon. Part 16. V June 1, 1815. pp. 209-280, and 1 coloured plate : “The Charm Dissolved.” Part 17. [July 1, 1815. pp. 281-352, and 1 coloured plate : i Parade Over, or the unexpected return. Part 18. August 1,1815. pp. 353-412, and the three contents to the 3 vols, pp. iii-vi each, ,. and 1 coloured plate: “Refreshing during a ride, vide Sir T. Blake versus G. Boscawen, Esq.” LIFE OF NAPOLEON, by Dr. Syntax. (See No. 16, p. 6). The collation of this book has been given at No. 16. As there is no list of plates a list is here given, with the pages they should face. There is no signature to the plates, but it says on title that they are engraved by G. C. There are several misprints and errors in the pagination. (255) APPENDIX—continued. LIFE OF _,NAPOLEoN—-eontinued. Platesf’No. 1. Napoleon dreaming in his Cell at the Military College, plate 1 (p. 6). London : Published by Thomas Tegg, No. 111, Cheapside, Nov. 10th, 1814. ' N o. 2. Napoleon blowing up his Comrades, plate 2 (p. 9). Imprint as before, Nov. 10th, 1814. The same imprint is to all the plates and will not be repeated. ‘’ N o. 3. Napoleon working the Gun at Toulon. Nov. 17th, 1814 (p. 23). »" (No. 4. Massacre at Toulon. Nov. 17th, 1814 (p. 26). f» 5“- '[NO 5. Marriage to Josephine. Nov. 28th, 1814 (p. 37). o. 6. Bridge of Lodi. Nov. 28, 1814 (p. 44). No. 7. Seizing the Italian Relics. Dec. 1, 1814 (p. 58). “,No. 8. The Blindfolded Austrian Officer. Dec. 1, 1814 (p. 62). / No 9. Massacre in Egypt. Dec. 2, 1814 (p. 77). " ,No. 10. Burning the Mosques. Deer. 4th, 1814 (p. 81). “NO. 11. Shooting the Prisoners in Egypt. Nov. 29, 1814 (p. 91). “No. 12. Poisoning'the Sick at J affa. Nov. 29, 1814 (p. 92). “No. 13. Seige (sic) of Acre. Dec. 4, 1814 (p. 94). “No. 14. Flight from Egypt. Dec. 5, 1814 (p. 96). ‘/.NO. 15. Council of Five Hundred. Dec. 13, 1814 (p. 98). /NO.16. Crossing the Alps. Dec. 13, 1814 (p. 109). ‘/NO. 17. Murder of Dessaix. Dec. 7, 1814 (p. 111). ‘I N o. 18. Murder of the Duke d’Enghien. Dec. 7th, 1814 (p. 135). ‘/_No. 19. Crowning himself Emperor of France. Dec. 13, 1814 (p. 142). v’ No. 20. Napoleon and Alexander on the Raft. Dec; 13, 1814 (p. 177). V N o. 21. First Interview with Maria Louisa. Dec. 14, 1814 (p. 208). € No. 22. Nursing the King of Rome. Dec. 14, 1814 (p. 214). No. 23. Burning of Moscow. Jan. 9, 1815 (p. 227). (No. 24. Retreat from Moscow. Jany. 23rd, 1815 (p. 228). J N o. 25. Blowing up the Bridge at Liepsic (sic). Jan. 6, 1815 (p. 233}. / No.26. Pursued by Cossacks. Jan. 9, 1815 (p. 234). *1 No. 27. The Red Man. Jan. 6, 1815 (p. 239). '2 N o. 28. Signing his Abdication. Jan. 7, 1815 (p. 253). v’, No.29. Landing in Elba. Jan. 7, 1815 (p. 259). 5'" No.30. Engraved Title. The Life of Napoleon, a Hudibrastic Poem in fifteen Cantos, by Doctor Syntax, embellished with thirty engravings by G. Cruikshank. London: printed for T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, l'Vm. Allason, 31, New Bond Street, and-J. Dick, Edinburgh, 1815. ' THE BRITISH STAGE. (See No. 25, p. 7). The British Stage was published in 6 volumes, or rather in 5 volumes and part of a - sixth, but the reprints of Old Plays, which were commenced with N o. 38 (February 1820), and were separately paged, are generally found bound up after the two numbers of vol. 6, which are all of that volume published. I‘ can speak with authority about these reprints of Old Plays, as they were announced on the wrapper of N o. 37, 1st January, 1820 (fourth number of the fourth volume) to appear in the succeeding number, No. 38. In all 62 numbers of the work were published. Twelve to the first volume ; twelve to the second ; and nine to the third. 4 The third volume came to an abrupt termination, in consequence of Dr. Kendrick - resigning the editorship. In his address to vol. 3, he says as he cannot expect that the slightest regret will be excited by his editorial dissolution. “The why, the where, what boots (it now to tell 1 Since all must end in one brief word FAREWELL !” ' A new editor was appointed and the work continued with fifteen numbers to the fourth volume (with the fifth number of which the reprints of Old Plays com- menced) 12 numbers to the fifth, and 2 numbers (all published) to the sixth volume. The name of Dr.‘ Kendrick did not appear either on the numbers or title-page of (257) APPENDIX—continued. THE BRmsH STAGE—continued. vol. 4, but with the commencement of vol. 5 he resumed the editorship, and so continued to, the end. V 01. 1. Title-page—The British Stage and Literary Cabinet, by Thomas Kendrick, Esq. Vignette of bust of Shakspeare. Vol. 1. ' London: printed by F. lldarshall, Kenton Street, Brunswick Square; published for the Proprietors by J. Chappell, Royal Exchange, 1817 (pp. i-iv, 1-300). Verses. Plates. N . ~' N o. \'No. “No. -'\ 5?,‘ .O 4' No. r’i . No. '11 “m 1. A Q) 12. mqggeww Jan. 1817. Feb. 1817. . M'ar. 1817. April 1817. .May 1817. June 1817. . July, 1817. . Aug. 18l7. Sep. 1817. Oct 1817. Nov. 1817. Dec. 1817. Mrs. Davenport as Miss Von Tromp. “ Cruikshank fect.” Mr. Young as Leontius. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Mr. Liston as Dominic Sampson. “G. Cruikshankyect.” Mr. Oxberry as Justice Greedy} “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Miss Booth as Little Pickle; “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Mrs. Liston as Dollalolla. “ G. Ck.” Miss Kelly as Carlos. (Not by G. C.) i Mr. Mathews as Scout. (Not by G. C., probably by R. G.) Mr. Tokely as Peter Pastoral, “I. R. Cruikslumk fect.77 Mr. F awcett as Hardy. "‘ I. R. Cruikshank fect.” - Mr. Munden as Kit Sly. “ Cruikshank fect.” (By G. C.) Mr. Braham as Don Alphonso. “Cruikshank fect.?’ (By G. C.) IniVol. 1 all the plates are coloured, and all have the imprint “Drawn (f: etched expressly for the British Stage,” with date of month and year. Vol. pp. i-iv, and 1-300. \ Plates. No. 13. Jany. 1818. Miss Clara Fisher as Lord FlimnapQ “Cruikshank del. et sculp.’ l4. '. llIar. 1818. . April1818. . llIay, 1818. . June, 1818. . July, 1818. . Augt.1818. . Septr.1818. . Oct. * No. \ No. . No. -. No 24 ’ (By G. 0.) Feb. 1818. 1818. "or. 1818. Dec. 1818. Ck. sculp.” In Vol. 2 all the plates are coloured, and all have same imprint as in Vol. 1, with date of month and year. Vol. 3—Title same ‘(IS preceding, 2—-Title same as Vol. 1, except the publisher’s name is J. Chappell Jun, 1818. Signor N aldi Figaro. (No initials, but by G. C.) Mr. Chas. Kemble as Giraldi F azio. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Mr. Macready as Rob Roy Macgregor. “ Ck. fect.” (By G. G). Mr. Kean as Barabas. “ G. Cruikshank fect.” Mr. Jones as Matthew Sharpset. ~ “ ‘G, Cruikshank fect.” ‘ U “ G. Cruikshank fect.” “ G. Cruikk. fect.” ‘ “ G. Cruikshank fect.” “ G. Cruikshcmk fect.”. (Not signed, by G. C.) “ I. R. C. del., G. Mr. Farley as Grindotl'. Mr. Terry as Mr. Precise. Mr. Russell as Sparkish. Mrs. Gibbs as Cowslip. Miss Brunton as Lydia Languish. Mr. Farren as Sir Anthony Absolute. except that publishers’ name reads J. Chappell db Son, 1819. pp. i-iv, and 1-292. ; Plates. No. Jany. 1819. Miss Foote as Ulrica, in the King and the Duke. v‘ N o. 26. Feb. 1819. Miss Stephens as Diana. Vernon, in Rob Roy Macgregori ’ No. 27. ill arch, 1819. MrsTL Hill as Hypolita, in SheWould and SheVVould N ot.- a No.28. April, 1819. Mr. Mathews as the Diligencioe Personae, in his Trip to Paris. Six characters. “ Sketched by I. R. Cruikshank.” Engraved by Roselli. -' v No.29. May, 1819. Mr. Knight as Tim, in‘ High Notions. “I. B. (sic) Cruik- ‘ shank del., Roselli fee.” r N o. '30. June, 1819. Miss Taylor as Jeanie Deans, in the Heart of Mid-Lothian. “I. R. Cruikshank del., Roselli sculp.” v No.31. July, 181.‘). Miss Kelly as Lauretta,.in the. Devil’s Bridge. “Roberts , sculp.” _ v No.32. Aug.1819. Mrs. Siddons as Lady Randolph, in Douglas. “I. R. Cruikshank del., Roberts sculp.” e" No. Septr. 1819. Mr. Yates-as Iago‘. “ J. lV. Childe deli-11., Roberts so.” S (258) APPENDIX—continued. THE BRITISH STAGE—continued. The plates in Vol. 3 are all uncoloured, they are mostly by, or after, Robert Cruik- shank, and have the same imprint as the preceding volumes, except the word “engraved” instead of “ etched.” All have date of month and year. Vol. 4—Title as preceding vol., but without the name of Thomas Kendrick, Esq., date 1820, and Proprietor instead of Proprietors. pp. i-iv, and 1-360. v’Plates'No. 34. Oct. 1819. Mr. Emery as Dandie Dinmont, in Guy Mannering. “ I. R. C. feet.” (coloured). ‘ vNo. 35. Nov. 1819. Mr. Dowton as Balthazar, in the Fisherman’s Hut. “I. R. C. feet.” (coloured). vNo. 36. Dee. 1819. Mr. Elliston as Richmond, in King Richard III. ' “I. R. 0. feet.” (coloured). Also a portrait of Mr. Elliston (uncoloured). in . No.37. Jany. 1820. Mr. Wilkinson as Roger Sievcskull, in the Green Dragon. “I. R. C. feet.” (coloured). No.38. Feby. 1820. Mr. Young as Rolla, in Pizarro. “ Engrewed by F. Crawley ” (coloured). No. 39. March, 1820. Miss O’Neill as Juliet, in Romeo and Juliet (uncoloured). i No.40. April, 1820. Mr. Mathews in his “At Home,” of 1820. Nine characters (uncoloured). No.41. May, 1820. Mrs. Jordan, a portrait. “F. Crawley se., 25, Judd Str.” , (uncoloured). " No.42. June, 1820. Mr. Kean as Lear (uncoloured). I N o. 43. July, 1820. Mr. H. Johnston, a portrait (uncoloured). ‘. No.44. Aug. 1820. Mrs. W. S. Chatterley as Marguerite, in Raymond and Agnes (uncoloured). ~No. 45. Septr. 1820. Mr. Stephen Kemble, a portrait (uncoloured). V'No. 46. Oct. 1820. Mrs. H. Johnston, a portrait (uncoloured). ~No. 47. Nov. 1820. Mrs Bartley, a portrait (uncoloured). ,No. 48. .Dee. 1820. Mr. T. P. Cooke as Salvador (uncoloured). Vol. 5—Title as preceding vol., but name of Thomas Kendrick, Esq. restored, 1821. pp. i-iv, 1-4‘12i115' \ Plates. N o. 49. Jany. 1821. Madame Vestris as Don Giovanni. “I. R. Cruikshank fecit.” (coloured). I. No.50. Feb. 1821. Mr. Grimaldi as Clown, in Harlequin and Friar Bacon. “ I. R. Cruikshank feet.” (coloured). \ \ No. 51. .Mareh,1821. Miss Wilson as Mundane, in Artaxerxes. “I. R. Cruik- shank feet. ” (coloured). No. 52. April, 1821. Mr. Mathews, in his “ At Home ” of 1821. “I. R. Cruik- shank fect.” Six figures (coloured). \ No.53. May, 1821. Mr. Liston as Lord Grizzle, in Tom Thumb. “Drawn and etched by P. Roberts” (coloured). * No.54. June, 1821. Miss Stephens as the Second Violetta, in. Don John." “ Drawn and etched by Percy Roberts” (coloured). ~ No.55. July, 1821. Mr. Harley as Leporello, in Giovanni in London. “ I. R. Cruikshank del., Roberts seulp.” (coloured). _ No.56. Aug. 1821. Mr. Mac'kay as Bailie Nicol Jarvis, in Rob Roy. “Brooks/ del., Roberts scalp.” (coloured). Also New Theatre, Hayniarket, opened 4th July, 1821 (interior). British Stage, August, 1821 (coloured). No.57. Sep.1821. Mrs. Bland as Madge, in Love in a Village. British Stage, , N o. 57. “ Brooks del., Roberts seulp.” (coloured). JN0.58. Oct. 1821. Mrs. Egerton as Madge Wildfire, in the Heart of Mid- Lothian. British Stage, No. 58. “Brooks del., Roberts seulp.” (coloured). ' , Also New Haymarket Theatre, opened Julv 1st, 1821 (exterior). ‘ v ‘\ " .1 “ Drawn and engraved by J. Findlay, for No. 58, of the British Stage” (coloured). ~ \ No.59. Nov. 1821. Mr. Munden as Justice Woodcock, in Love in a Village. “ Brooks del., Roberts sculp.” (coloured). (259) A PPEN DIX—continued. , THE BRITISH STAGE—continued. \‘ No. 60. Dec. 1821. Mr. Liston as Dominie Sampson, in Guy Mannering (coloured). Different from the same subject in No. 3. Vol. G—No title (two numbers only). pp. 1-88. Viz, 1-48 and 49-88 respectively. ‘’ Plates. No. 61. Jan. 1822. Mr. IV. Fai'ren as Sir Fretfnl Plagiary. “ l'Va-ge'nian del., Roberts scalp.” (uncoloured). \, No. 62. Feb. 1822. The Globe and Bear Garden Theatres. From the rare View of London, by Hollar, 1647, called the Antwerp View.- _ \ N. Uhaller’s, Lithogy, 1, IVellington St., Strand (an uncoloured lithograph). Following are the various reprints of olrl plays rwhich were issued with the numbers from February, 1820, and after, and are separately paged. 'l’hese are generally bound up after the two parts of the sixth volume. \. (1) Plays and Poems of John Marston. The Insatiate Countess—The Malcontent— Satires, pp. i-viii. London: F. .Marshall, etc, 1820. The lnsatiate Countess, pp. ix-Xiv, 1-100. Marshall, 1820. i (2) Ralph Royster Doyster, a Comedy, 1566. pp. i-vi, 1-78. Alarshall, 1820. '-(3) The Princelye Pleasures at the Courte, at Kenelwoorth, 1576. Zlfarshall, 1821. .VVith a portrait (uncoloured) of Gascoigne, TAM MARTI QVAM MERCVRIO.‘ " (4) The Actor’s Remonstrance, 1643. pp. 1-8. Ilfarshall, 1822. (5) A Trip to Portsmouth, 1710. pp. 1-16. Marshall, 1822. THE WITs MAGAZINE—'I‘IIE SPIRIT or IRISH WIT-THE SPIRIT or ENGLISH WIT—Tnee’s PRIME JEsT BooK. (See No. 27-30, p. 8). These four works are intimately connected. The letterpress (with a few slight variations) is practically the same in all. That is, the two vols. of Tegg’s Prime Jest Book correspond with the two vols. of The Wits Magazine. The Spirit of Irish WVit, with vol. 1, and the Spirit of English Wit, with vol. 2 of those first mentioned books. Tegg’s Prime Jest Book was published in 1811-12, in 20 numbers, called Collections, forming 2 vols, of 360 pp. each, 36 pp. to each Collection. Collections 1, 2, 15-20, each seem to have a printed title, with a woodcut vignette, and a coloured frontis- piece of no merit, both from one or other of Tegg’s books. Collections 3 to 14 had engraved vignette titles and frontispieces, by Rowlandson, coloured. One or other of each pair having on them the dates 1811 or 1812. The letterpress of the first 10 collections was reissued under the title of Spirit of Irish I/Vit, but with only one of Rowlandson’s coloured plates as frontispiece, with date on title, 1812. Similarly the- letterpress of the last 10 collections was reissued as the Spirit of English Wit, with one coloured plate by Rowlandson as frontispiece, but with no date on title. The title pages and frontispieces of the eight collections of Tegg’s Prime Jest Book which were not by Rowlandson were so incongruous with those collections which had his plates, that about 1818 the Publishers commissioned George Cruikshank to etch vignette titles, and frontispieces to them, sixteen plates in all, which he did. The Rowlandson vignette titles, had the name altered from Tegg’s Prime Jest Book to that of The Wits Magazine, under which title the whole were reissued. All the dates on the plates being erased in The Wits Magazine. The divisions were not called collections, but numbers, and numerals were engraved on the frontispieces of each number. An extra leaf (2 pp.) of poetry was given to No. 1 of the Wits Magazine, and counts as pp. 35-6, the preceding pages being each put back two, the first page being 1 instead of 3 in the Jest Book. The later issues of the Spirit of Irish Wit ha\ e the same paging. After the publication of The Wits Magazine the later editions oi the Spirit of Irish \Vit and the Spirit of English Wit sometimes have l'rontispieces by G. Cruikshank, from The Wits Magazine, instead of, as before, by Rowlandson. They are generally “ Plebeian Pleasantly ” to the former, and “Giving up the Ghost” to the latter. ' S 9 -l (260) APP EN DIX—continued. THE WrTs MAGAZINE—contimied. The last page of Vol. 1 of the Jest Book has lines “On a Lady who Squinted.” The last page of the \Vits Magazine is without them, and finishes with the words THE END. The first age of the 2nd Vol. of the Jest Book has the heading, “The Cautious Gentleman,” an the first article an “Epigram ” of eight lines. The first page of the 2nd Vol. of the \Vits Magazine commences with the Words, “ The Spirit of English Wit,” and the first article “ The Miser Punished.” The above are the principal differences in the letterpress of these four books, otherwise they are practically identical. The list Of the Roielandsmi’s plates to Tegg’s Prime Jest Boole, and the whole 0f the plates to the 1V its Magazine are here gii'e'n. TEee’s PRIME J EST BOOK—Bang up to the Mark. The Third Collection Vignette -Your Colours are Beautiful, &c. Oct. 17, 1811. Frontispiece—The Clown in a Sedan. Fourth Collection Vignette ——Not worth turning. Dec". 2, 1811. F rontispieee~The Chamberlnaid. The Fifth Collection Vignette —Pat and the Cookmaid. 181:2. F rontispiece-—Peter the Blind Shoeblack and the Louzy Glister Pipe. The Sixth Collection Vignette ——Gray the Poet, &c. Frontispiece—The Monk and the Jew. Feb? 29, 1812. The Seventh Collection Vignette —-A Pickpoket (sic) Frontispiece—As it happens. Alai'ch 1:2, 1812. The Eighth Collection Vignette -—Little handy-legged Thomas, &c. Frontispiece—On an Ugly Old Woman in the Dark. llla'rch 12, 1812. The Ninth Collection Vignette —Practical Joke. Frontispiece—The Choice of a \Vife by Cheese. March 12, 1812. The Tenth Collection Vignette -—A Tender \Vish. F rontispieee—A Paradox. llfay 18, 1812. The Eleventh Collection Vignette —Scandal Defeated. Front-ispiece—Modesty for Money. May 18, 1812. The Twelfth Collection Vignette -The Afi'ectionate \Vife. F rontispiece—Geography. Alay 18, 1812. The Thirteenth Collection Vignette ——Irish Recruiting. Frontispiece—Definition of a Drunkard. Illay 18, 1812. The Fourteenth Collection Vignette —Consistency. Frontispiece—Electioneering Anecdote. [Way 18, 1812. It will be seen that there is always a date either on the vignette or frontispiece. The title as above and Tegg’s imprint, 111, Cheapside, is on all the vignettes. “ Vive la Baga- telle ” in addition on third collection only. THE WITs MAGAZINE, and Attic Miscellany. Vignette. ; Frontispiece. No. 1. Irish Gentleman, &c., “ G. Gh. feet.” ‘ The Two Irish Labourers, “ G. Grails,‘- vol. 1. feet.” No. 1 No. 2. Lieutenant Connolly (not signed,but by A Cheap Beating, “G. Gr'uihk- feet.” N o. 2 G. G.) N o. 3. Pat and the Cookniaid. Peter the Blind Shoeblack, 8:0. N o. 3 N o. 4. Scandal Defeated. Modesty for Money No. 4 No. 5. A Tender Wish. A Paradox No. 5 No. 6. Irish Recruiting. Definition of a Drunkard No. 6 No. 7. Tit for Tat, “ G. Gk. feel?” Irish Sermon, “ G. Gruihk- feet.” N o. 7 No. 8. The Sweep, “ G. Gruik. fee” Mistakes of a Night, G. Graihk-fec’t.” No. 8 No. 9. The Rehersal (sic), “ G. Grails. fee“ The Vehicle, “G. Oh. feet.” N o. 9 No. 10. A Hard Head, “ G. Grails. feat.” Giving up the Ghost. “ G. Gruihk feet.” No. 0 APPENDIX—-continued. THE Wlrs MAGAZINE—60ntinued. Vignette. ' F rontispiece. No. 11. Your Colours are beautiful, 85c. vol. 2. The Clown in a Sedan NO. 11 N o. 12. Not \Vorth Turning. The Chambermaid No. 12 No. 13. Gray the Poet, &c. The Monk and the Jew No. 13 No. 14. Little handy-legged Thomas, &c. On an Ugly Old \Voman, &c. _ . No. 14 No. 15. Logic, “ G. Cruik. fect.” ‘ The Epigram and Receipt, “G. C’Pttthk' . feet,” N 0. 15 No. 16. Affair of Honour, “G. Ck. feet.” ' Plebeian Peasantry, “G. Cruikk- fect.” No. 16 No. 17. Consistency. ? Electioneering Anecdote No. 17 No. 18. A Pickpoket (sic). ' As it happens No. 18 No. 19. Practical Joke. 1 The choice of a “life by cheese No. 19 No. 20. The Aiiectionate Wife. * Geography .No. 20 The imprint, T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside, occurs on all the vignettes. There are no dates on any of the plates. ANCIENT LEGENDS. (See No. 31, p. 9). This is a very rare little book to procure complete, that in the possession of the Editor is the only one known to him. It was issued in 12 numbers or tales, by Dun- eombe, Book and Music Seller, 19, Little Queen Street, Holborn. Each tale had a separate title-page, with full description and a quotation in verse, “embellished with an elegant coloured frontispiece by Cruikshank”; but the paging throughout was consecutive, the titles not being counted. It was then published in a volume, without the separate titles, but with a general title, viz. :— ANOIENT LEeENDs, or SIMPLE AND ROMANTIC TALES. By John Kerr, embellished with plates. London: published by Duneombe, 19, Little Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 1818. It occurs with the plates, both plain or coloured, title and list of tales (2 leaves), pp. 3-142. No. 1. Bellamira, or the Fall of Tunis (pp. 3-14). Coloured frontispiece (by R. C.) ,/~No. 2. Babelmunach, or the Fatal Isle of the Caspian Sea (pp. 15-26) ,, ,, (by R. C.) WNO. 3. Dulvarno, Thane of Caledonia (pp. 27-38) ,, ,, (by G. C.) No. 4. Kouli Khan, or Tartar Vengeance (pp. 39-50) ,, ,, (by G. C.) N o. 5. Becamorto the Cruel, or the Outlaws of Calabria n n "No. 6. Adelaide of Bavaria, or Love, Honour and Perfidy (pp. 63-74) ,, ,, (by R. C.) N O. 7. Don Fantissima, or Fortune and Folly (pp. 75-86) ,, ,, (by G. C.) N o. 8. Constantina, or the Daughter of Affliction (pp. 87-98) ,, ,, (by G. C.) N o. 9. The Towers of Segovia, or Conjugal Love (pp. 99-110) ,, ,, (by G. C.) No. 10. The Spectre of Elwyna, or the Haunted Castle of the Moor (pp. 111-122) ,, ,, (by G. C.) No. 11. The Murdered Minstrel, or the Solitary Castle of the Glen (pp. 123-134) ,, ,, (by G. C.) N o. 12. Dopinique and his Mandoline, or the Captive of the Hollow Oak (pp. 135-142) ,, ,, (by R. C.) All the plates are by George or Robert Cruikshank, or by them working jointly. I have assigned to each the initials of the one which I think they most resemble. Reid gives the list of plates wrongly (evidently taken from those in the British Museum), and gives the plate of the Murdered Minstrel to the story of Elwyna ; but there is no plate of Elwyna in the Museum, and the Murdered Minstrel is a separate tale. THE HUMOURIST. (See No. 34, p. 9). This book is perhaps the most important (though not the rarest) of those with coloured plates by G. C. The titles and imprint have been given at No. 34. Vol. 1 has 226 pp.; vol. 2, 230 pp. ; vol. 3, 222 pp.; vol. 4, 226 pp. These include the (262) APPENDIX— continued. THE HUMOURIST—Continued. printed title, which always on the first leaf of the first sheet, not, as in many books, printed by itself, or with the prel'ace and contents. The list of plates is on an additional leaf at the end, not numbered, the back of which, in the first issue, always has an advertisement of books published by Robins. There are 10 coloured etchings (including the vignette title and frontispiece) to each volume—forty in all. They are very good and highly finished, and generally have some small designs at the top and bottom of the principal one. Although there is a list of plates, with a reference to the page they should face, I give a list of them, with the dates on each, so that the reader may be able to judge as to the manner of issue of the book. All the plates in the first Issue should have the imprint of J. Robins & Co. Vol. 1. Plates/No. 1. Frontispiece—The Slippers. Jany. 1, 1819. (No. 2. The Vignette Title. No date. ‘'\I0. 3. The Three Blind Beggars. Jany. 1, 1819. /No. 4. Conceit can Kill, Conceit can Cure. Jany. 1, 1819. No. 5. The \Vell of St. Keyne. Jany. 1, 1819. s‘ No. 6. The Conjuror. Feby. 1, 1819. No. 7. Alfieri and the Tea Cup. Jany. 1, 1819. ll. ' /No. 8. Foote and Jemmy Wright. Feby. 1, 1819. -" No. 9. The Horned Cock. Jany. 1, 1819. v No. 10. The Imaginary Sickness. J any. 1, 1819. V 01.. 2. Plates. No. 1. II‘rontispiece—The Bashful Man. Jan. 1, 1819. ":14. 7' ’ No. 2. The Vignette Title. No date. / No. 3. An Awkward Mistake. June 1, 1819.,‘ ‘No. 4. The Whiskers. Jany. 1, 1819. it ” (N o. 5. The Witty Porter in the Stocks. J une 1, 1819. I No. 6. Cooke, the Actor, the Dirty Bean and Big Ben. May 1, 1819. No. 7. John Audley. No date. v" N o. 8. Daniel Lambert and the Dancing Bears. May 1,1819. vNo. 9. The Biter Biten. Dec. 1, 1819. No. 10. Monsieur Tonson. IS’ep-r. 1, 1819. -; 5i . Vol. 3. PlatesnNo. l. Frontispiece—The Credulous Chaldeau. Dec. 1, 1819. vNo. 2. The Vignette Title. No date. (No. 3. The Pilgrim and the Peas. July 1, 1820. ~ No. 4. Chang and Hansi. No date. sNo. 5. Trotting. Jany. 22, 1820. VINO. 6. A Present Returned. April 1, 1820. ».--"No. 7. The Mistaken Marriage. Feb. 1, 1820. rNo. 8. Linnet, the Strolling Player. April 1, 1820. _ w- , No. 9. Cure for a Mischievous Monkey. Sep. 1, 1819.71 i. n. ""li‘i' “No. 10. John Gilpin. Feby. 1, 1820. Vol. 4. Plates/No. 1. Frontispiece—Sermon on Malt. Jany. 29, 1820. v “No. 2. Vignette Title. No date. /No. 3. Mr. St. Leger and the Scavengers. Dec. 1, 1820. (No. 4. Frank Hayman. Dec. 1, 1820. “No. 5. Nicholas Pedrosa. June 1, 1820. v‘No. 6. All for the Best. April, 1821. /No. 7. New Readings. April, 1821. 1N0. 8. Tom Blanchard as Hamlet. June 1, 1820. ~/No. 9. Tit for Tat, or the Officer and his Irish Servant. April, 1821. / N o. 10. The Irish Gentleman and his Apple Tree. July 1, 1820. It will be noticed that all have dates, except the four vignette titles and plate 7 of vol. 2 and plate 4 of Vol.3. v’ .In later issues of/the back several plates are without imprint and/dates ; notably the 5th an 7th of vol. 1, the 1st, 4th and 10th of vol. 2, and sometimes the 9th of vol. 3. It is difiicult to determine how The Humourist was issued. I give the conclusion at which I have arrived, and my principal reasons for it, but there are many minor details which I should Weary the reader by enumerating. My opinion must be taken “cum grano.” ( 26:; ) APPENDIX—continued. THE HUMoURIsT-eontinuecl. That it was issued in numbers is certain, but how far they were continued is another question. I have the first number in a greenish grey wrapper, with a nondescript woodcut vignette on it. I have also seen another No. 1 with a wrapper of similar colour, but with a different woodcut design, viz., two grotesque figures, each standing on a pedestal and holding an open book between them. This is the same design which appears on the front cover of the complete vols, in pink paper boards ; later issues in drab paper boards. For convenience I will call the number with the nondescript vignette on the wrapper N o. 1 (A), that with the grotesque figures No. 1 (B). No. 1 (A), on the outside of the back wrapper, has an address relating to the publication of the book, and the conditions of issue, which says—“This work will be comprised in about forty numbers, every one of which will be embellished with a coloured plate, and will contain twenty-four pages of letterpress.” On the back wrapper of No. 1 (B) this address and conditions disappear, andinstead is an advertisement by Robins of Oulton’s “ Life of Queen Charlotte.” Both numbers have the etched title and frontispiece to the vol., and also the printed title, which is in advance, being the first leaf of the first sheet. The title to No. 1 (A) has the words vol. 1, but no date. No. 1 (B) the title has the words vol. 1, with date 1819. Each has twenty-tour pages of letterpress, which in No. 1 (A) is contained in three sl1eets,A, B, C, of eight pages each :24. In No. 1 (B) in two sheets, B and C, of 12 pages each : 24. No. 1 (A) is the only instance in which there is a sheet A in any of the issues of The Humourist, all others commencing with sheet B. I have also No. 5 with the grotesque figures. At the conclusion of vol. 1 in parts it was issued in a volume with printed title, with date 1819, but without the words vol. 1, so that it could be sold as a complete book. I therefore think that that with the title-page without date, but with vol. 1, is the first issue, fo_llo\_\-'_ed by the number which has vol. 1. and date 1819, and that without vol. 1, but with date 1819, is the first of the complete book as issued in picture boards. Vol. 1 must have been completed in numbers, or we should not find it with the two first states of title-page. I have learnt somewhat from the kind cmnmunication of a well-known firm of London booksellers, who bought the remainder of Robins’s works, and I doubt much if it was continued in numbers beyond the first volume. By a reference to the dates on each )late given above, it will be seen that the plates must have been prepared beforehand, an not in consecutive numbers, monthly or otherwise. To be noticed also that vol. 3, which bears the date 1819, has most of the dates on the plates 1820. This is to be accounted for from the title-page being printed first. Also in vol. 4, which has date 1820, three of the plates have date April 1821. As the first part has both the vignette title and frontispiece, one of the numbers of vol. 1 must, I presume, be without a plate, as the rule was one plate to a number. In 1822 vol. 1 was re-issued, with that date on the title—page, and there are many differences, between the letterpress of it and of the earlier edition. One may be noted at page 44, where, in the earlier edition, the first story is “ Dr. Johnson,” in the 1822 edition the first story is “ Epitaph on a Dyer.” The plates also differ, as mentioned above. LIFE IN LONDON ——PIERCE EGAN’s FINISH—LIFE IN PARIS. (See Nos. 41, 42, 43, p. 11.) Particulars of these books have been given at p. 11, but further particulars as to the issue in parts are here submitted. In a leaf prospectus of the book, issued by Sherwood, Neely and Jones, with two woodcuts by G. and R. Cruikshank, it is announced “ On the 2nd October, 1820, will be published in royal octavo, price 2s. 6d. each (to be completed in 12 numbers) Nos. 1 and 2 of an original work, entitled Life in 'London, &c., &c. Each number will be illustrated with three characteristic coloured plates. The Scenes from Real Life, by I. R. and G. Cruikshank.” The first number was so issued, in it is a slip notice bearing date, September 30, 1820, to the purport that, the publishers finding that the expenses attending the work have been greater than expected, the second number will be published on the 14th October, when the publishers will be under the necessity of advancing the price to 3s. I have the first number with the price 2s. 6d. on it, and also the second number with price 2s. 6d. on it ; whether the price charged on this second number was 3s. or (264) APPENDIX—continued. LIFE IN LONDON—continued. 2s. 6d. we cannot tell. These first two numbers with the price 2s. 6d. are very rare, most Nos. 1 and :2 extant, have price 3s. on them, which was also the price on all subsequent numbers. In N o. 1, besides the slip which is referred to above, is a list of books published by Sherwood Co.,1b'pp., with a woodcut illustration on the first page, and on the last page an announcement of the publication of Nos. 1 and 2 of Life in London, on 2nd October, 1820, price 2s. 6d. The outside of back wrapper of first issue (2s. 6d.) of No. 1 has advt. of Hughson’s London Guide, &c., whereas on the second issue (price 33s.) it has that of Cookc’s Topography. All the original numbers in the first state have on inside of front wrapper the names and description of the three plates in the number. No. 3 has a long description, as it extended to the inside of back wrapper. No. 4 has an advertisement of two leaves of Myers’ Modern Geograliihy, with a woodcut vignette, apparently by G. C. No. 5 has one leaf of an Address by Pierce Egan, “The Author in Distress,” and at end another leaf, “On Monday, January 1, 1821, price one shilling, No. 1 of a Periodical Essay, entitled London.” No. 8, at the end, has the first sheet of music, which in first state is not numbered. No. 9 has the second sheet of music. No. 10, the third sheet of music. No. 12 has at end an advertisement of books published by Sherwood & Co., of 8 pp. with many woodcuts, sporting or otherwise. Notice in the first issue, the sub- title, has always the printer Marchant’s name at the side of the back page, not in the centre as in later issues. The last six numbers in the first state have woodcuts on outside of back wrapper. Pierce Egan’s Finish has been described at page 11, the first issue occurs in picture boards, also in plain boards, it was issued in 12 parts, of which I have never seen a complete set. Each part, in a grey wrapper, is pictorial, with scenes in 13 compart- ments, and with the names and description of the plates on inside of the front wrapper. Strange reissued the book with his imprint and no date, in it many of the plates are without the imprint, and four or five of the large woodcut vignettes are wanting, the spaces being left blank, and without the dedication to the King, which, in the original edition, follows the printed title. Life in Paris has been described at page 11. There is not much more to say about this, except that there were. ‘21 parts, the small paper in a yellow wrapper, each with a different woodcut from the book, price The large paper, the same, only that the colour of the wrapper is a rich salmon colour, price 1s. 6d. The large paper is extremely rare. Each part has the name and explanation of the coloured plate, also of the woodcut, inside the front wrapper. GERMAN POPULAR STORIES, 2 vols, by MM. Grimm. (See No. 53,31. 13.) This book, in lmards, in the first state and in fine condition, is perhaps the most valuable item in a Cruikshank collection. Having the imprimat'ur of Mr. Ruskin caused attention to be directed to it. The etchings are charming. The first volume, in pictorial boards, was published in November or December, 1822, as a Christmas Book, with the date of the next year, 18:23, in advance, on the etched title. The edition was almost immediately exhausted, as a few weeks after, in January, 1823, a second edition was issued. Some early copies of the first edition are found with the etched title without the two dots over the letter a in il-Iarchen, but that was corrected, and other copies of the first edition are found with the two dots over the a in that word. Co )ies with the plates on india paper are also found of the first edition, but the in ia paper title always has the diaeresis in Marchen. From the fact that both editions have the date 1823, the second edition has often been taken for the first edition, or, as a second state of the first. I think I am in a position to prove that my statement as to the issue of the first and second‘ edit-ions is correct as given above. First by a comparison of the two editions in boards, as issued, when it will be seen that the colour of the paper of the pictorial boards is different in (265) ArPENnIx—eontinnrd. GERMAN POPULAR STORIES—Continued. the two editions, that of the second edition being of a yellower brown than the first ; the words 2nd Edition being sometimes, not always, lightly printed below the vignette on the front cover, which words can easily be rubbed Off. In the second edition the book is entirely re-printed, though the number of the pages is the same, this can be seen in that the headings of the pages in the first edition are throughout in larger type than in the second edition, many of the pages do not read the same, and no doubt if the type were measured it would be found not to correspond in the two editions ; that the story of The Travelling Musicians has that title only, in the first edition, both at the connnencement of the story at page 9, and at the head of the pages which follow. Whereas in the second edition it is called The Travelling Musicians, or the \Vaits of Bremen, both at the commencement and following pages. That in the first edition, page 218, has a list of the plates, which is absent in the second edition, the page being blank. That in the notes at the end of the book, the one referring to Preface page vii, in the first edition, is put last; in the second edition, first. By Baldwyn’s advertisement of his books (12 pages) at the end of the vol., which, in the first edition, says “ On the first of November was published, price 5s., No. XII, completing the sixth volume of the Retrospective Review.” In the second edition a similar advertisement of Baldwyn’s has “ On the first of February will be published, price 5s., No. XIII, commencing the seventh volume of the Retrospective Review.” Also, by the advertisement in the Retrospective Review, in the 12th (lst November, 1822) number of which it says,“ In a few days will be published Popular Stories, &c., collected by MM. Grimm,” and in the 13th (1st February, 1823) number of the same book it announces, “ Just published second edition of German Popular Stories.” These facts, I think, will show conclusively the difference between the first and second editions. One feature amongst others is that the second edition has no list of plates. Mr. Bruton, in his catalogue, seems to call this issue without list of plates the second issue of the first edition, which it certainly is not, but the veritable second edition, as can be seen by the facts which Ihave stated. Mr. Bruton also says that the title with the two dots over the a in h'Iarchen, and india proof plates, are only to be found in the issue without the list of plates, but I may say that I have had and seen several copies of the first edition with the title having the two dots over the a in Marcl'ien, and also with india impressions of the plates, though the title of the india plates always has the two dots over Marchen. The Occurrence of the Ordinary title without the two dots over the a in Marchen is confined to some early copies of the first edition. ' The third edition of the first volume was published in 1824 in pictorial boards also, but different from the earlier editions. The fourth edition, in plain boards, in 1825. Vol. 2 was published by Robins, in 1826, in plain boards, that is red paper covers with green canvas back with a paper label. In some early copies at the beginning there is a list of books published by Robins. There is no list of plates, nor any description on them, but they occur as Etched Title, and at the Stories of the Goose Girl, p. 7 ; The Blue Light, p. 29 ; The Young Giant and the Tailor, pp. 47, 60, 66 ; Pee-\Vit, p. 81 ; Cherry, or the Frog Bride, p. 106 ; The Elfin Grove, p. 143 ; The Nose, p. 171. The .next year it was issued with the same date, but with “Second Edition” on the paper label on the back. POINTS OF HUMOUR. (See No. 54, p. 14.) The first edition of Part 1 of this book, like the first volume of Grimm (bot-h pub- lished by Baldwyn) was almost immediately exhausted, for, in the quarterly number of the Retrospective Review, for May, 1823, is an advertisement: “In a few days Points of Humour, &c. &c.,” and in the next quarterly number, August 1st, 1823: “This day is published a second edition of Points of Humour, &c., &c.” Both these editions were published in a brown wrapper, the only difference-being that on the front cover of the second edition are the words Second Edition, and the letterpress in the first / (266) APPENDIX—continued. POINTS OF HUMOUR—Confirmed. edition is on tinted paper. In the former advertisement nothing was said about india paper and coloured copies, but they were so issued. The prices of issue were 8s. plain, 12s. 6d. coloured, 12s. 6d. india proofs. Part II was issued between February and May, 1824. There was only one edition of Part II, but there seems to have been a reissue, as some, if not all, of the letter- press was reset, the last words of page 5 of the reissue are “ ran out,” whereas in the first issue they are “and did.” The same prices of issue of the three states as in Part I. They are very difficult to procure in first state, first editionfiin original wrapper, especially Part I. LIFE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE, by Ireland. (See No. 57, p. 15). \Vas issued in 64 parts. The first 48 by John F airburn, forming vol. 1, 2, 3, with printed titles, dated respectively 1823, 1825, 1827. Each alternate part had a fine coloured folding plate, with the description of it on the inside of the front wrapper, except in the first issue of the first part, which had it on the inside of the back wrapper. The printed titles are found in parts 15, 31, and 48. After the 48th part, the publica- tion was taken over by John Cumberland, and finished in another volume in 16 more parts (eight double parts). In this last volume there was one coloured plate and two folding portraits uncoloured, and engraved titles, with Cumberland’s imprint for the three volumes already published, and also for the fourth volume. In all, '27 plates and 4 engraved titles. Cumberland then reissued the book in 4 vols., having cancelled Fairburn’s printed titles, and also having altered Fairburn’s imprints 011 the plates to his own, with his address, Ludgate Hill. In Fairburn’s edition, in parts, the plates were not always published in order, and sometimes in advance of the next- volume, as in the case of the plate “Battle of 'Waterloo,” and that of “Portraits of Napoleon’s Generals,” which have Fairburn’s im- print, though found in the last volume. There is a tem )orary list of plates in vol. 2, and a full list at end of vol. 4. There are some cancelle leaves to the parts. It was afterwards re-issued by Cumberland, not with his address, Ludgate Hill, but with 2 Cumberland Terrace, Camden New Town. There a very late issue, by Berger, of Holywell Street, generally with the plates uncoloured and with Berger’s name on the engraved titles. MEMOIEs OF THE LIFE AND Warrmos OF Loan BYRON, by George Clinton, Esq. (b'ee N0. 72,10. 19‘). At No. 72 mention has been made of two editions of this book in the same year, 1825, but with some difference in the plates. I have compared two editions with the same date ; one has 43 plates, the other 40. Of the latter there are 4 plates which are not contained in the former, making in all 47 plates, which are not duplicates. With the exception of the portrait and the facsimile they all have Robins’s imprint and date. In the letterpress there are the same number of pages (756) in both editions. It is nearly identical, but some pages do not correspond. The 43 plates of one edition are given below, and also the four plates of the other edition, which are not contained in it, the latter being distinguished by being commenced further to the right. The imprint of Robins will not be given more than once, as all the plates have it, but the date on each plate and the page it should face will be noted. The Portrait, Facsimile of writing, N ewstead Abbey, and Lord Byron’s residence at Missolonghi, are considered not to be by G. C., which would leave 43 plates. Reid gives only 39. Those which he does not give are Nos. 4, 15, 17, and 19 of my numbers (267) A PPENDIX—continued. MEMoIns or THE LIFE AND \VRITINGS or LORD BYRON —c0utiuue(l. which follow. No. 4 is certainly by G. C., and perhaps 17 also ; but I am inclined to think that the others should be described as from the designs of G. C., which, if they were not drawn on the blocks by him,would rather come under the category of “after G. C.” 2 P . . P—‘b—l Conic . Conrad Mourning over Medora. . Otho Wounded in a Conflict with Lara. . The Death of Lara. O rowwflagewsr . Alp, the Renegade, surprised, &c. &c. . The Decapitation of Hugo. . Childe Harold at Zitza. . The Prisoner of Chillon. . Manfred Rescued from Self-destruction. . Manfred and the \Vitch of the Torrent. . Manfred, the Abbot, and the Spirits. . Beppo’s Return. . Mazeppa Relating his Adventures. ' . Mazeppa Bound to the I/Vild Horse. . Interview between D011 Juan and Julia. . Don Alphonso discovering Don Juan’s Shoes. . Juan Opposing the Entrance to the Spirit Room. . Don Juan Discovered by Haidee. . The Self-Destruction of Sardanapalus. . Cain First Meeting Lucifer. . Adah Weeping over Abel. April 16, 1825 (p. 533). . Frontispiece--Portrait of Lord Byron. . Facsimile of writing (before p. 1). p . N ewstead Abbey. Published by J. Robins and (10., London, November 5, 1824 (p. 5). The Heroine of Saragoza. June 12, 1824 (p. 163). The Death of Hassan. September 24 1824 (p. 204). The Giaour Relating his History to the Friar. August 12, 1824 (p. 206). Zuleika Offering a Rose to Selim. August 13, 1824 (p. 214). Gulnare Visiting Conrad the Corsair. June 30, 1824 (p. 239). September 17, 1824 (p. 250). August 6, 1824 (p. 265). June 30, 1824 (p. 271). No. 12. By the )Vaters of Babel. February 26, 1825 (p. 283). July 24, 1824 (p. 293). February 19, 1825 (p. 309). June 30, 1824 (p. 327). July 10, 1824 (p. 351). June 12, 1824 (p. 383). July 16, 1825 (p. June 30, 1824 (p. 390). July 24, 1824 (p. 413). June 11, 1825 (p. 415). June 12, 1824 (p. 417). October 22, 1824 (p. 433). September 24, 1824 (p. 436). April 30, 1825 (p. 441). N o. 26. Don. Juan’s Escape from Shipwreck.‘ ilIay 7, 1825 (p. 445). February 1, 1825 (p. 446). September 10, 1824 (p. 497). January 14, 1825 (p. 525). his Tales. No. 31. The Dwarf Butfoon Telling June 4, 1825 (p. 553). . Haidee Saving Don Juan from her Father’s Wrath. September 10, 1824 (p. 569). ‘ . Juan about to Enter the Seraglio. March 19, 1825 (p. 578). No. Baba before the Sultana Gulbeyaz. November 26, 1824 (p. 583). . Souvaroff Teaching his Recruits to use the Bayonet. December 3, 1824 (p. 593). '. The Russian Otticer Cutting off the Moslem’s Head. . Don Juan Saving the Child from the Cossacques. . The Footpad Shot by Don Juan on Blackheath. . Don Juan Surprised by a Midnight Visitor. . Gabor Accusing Ulric of the Murder of Stralenheim. February 1, 1825 (p. 633). . Orlando at Morgante’s Cave. . Morgante Carrying the Dead Horse. . Ben Bunting Annoul'icii'ig a Sail. . Neuha Leading Torquil to the Submarine Cave. . The Deformed Transformed. September 3, 1824 (p. 666). ‘. The Death of Bourbon. . Lord Byron’s Residence at Missolonghi. July 2, 1825 (p. 699). November 19, 1824 (p. 595). December 10, 1824 (p. 596). October 15, 1824 (p. 604). December 24, 1824 (p. 621). Illarch 26, 1825 (p. 653). April 9, 1825 (p. 655). January 14, 1825 (p. 661). October 30, 1824 (p. 663). December 24, 1824 (p. 669). ALMANACKS. (See No. 159,10. 44). 1835: published by Tilt. Colour of printing 011 cover, blue, pp. 1-56, including title. Back advertisements, 8 pp. _ 12 Plates. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. Novei'nber. December. ( 2'58 Al’l’EXlilX—00/tti2tue(l. COMIC ALMANAcKs-—contimted. 1836 : pubd. by Tilt. Colour, reddish brown, pp. 1-60. Back advertisements, 4 pp. numbered, 16 pp. unnumbered. 12 Plates. January: Hard Frost. February: Transfer Day. March: Day and Night Equal. April : Greenwich Park. May: Old May Day. June : Holidays, &c. July : Dog Days. August : Bathing at Brighton. September: Michaelmas Day. October: St. Crispin’s Day. November: Lord Mayor’s Day. December : Boxing Day. Also woodcut hieroglyphic by “ G. G.” 1837 : pabcl. by Tilt. Colour, green, pp. 1-64. Back advertisements, 16 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. Jan. : Last Y ear’s Bills. Feb.: Valentine’s Day. March: Tossing the Pancake. Apl. : Return from the Races. May : Beating the Bounds. June : Haymaking. July: Fancy Fair. Augt. : Regatta. Septr. : Cockney Sports- men. Oct.: Brewing. Nov: St. Cecilia’s Day. Dec.: Christmas Eve. Also woodcut hieroglyphic by “ G. G.” 1838 : pubd. by Tilt. Colour, pink, pp. 1-64. In front a pink slip before fly-leaf with words, “Comic Almanack, Etiquette for Ladies.” Back advertisements, 16 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. Jan.: New Year’s Eve. Feb.: Frost Fair. March: St. Patrick’s Day. April : Low Sunday. May : All a Growing. June: The Queen’s Own. July : Flying Showers. Aug. : Sic Omnes. Septr.: Michaelmas Gander. Oct.: Battle of A gin court. Nov. : Guys in Council. Dec. ; Christmas Eve (interior) Also woodcut hieroglyphic by “G. G.” 1839 : pubd. by Tilt. Colour, blue, pp. 1-64. Yellow slip in front before fly-leaf with words, “Unique Present.” Back adverts. 32 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. J any. : Birth of the Year. Feby. : Cutting Weather. March : Showery. April : Fooling. May : Restoration Day. June : Marrow Bones and Cleavers. July : Summary Proceedings. Angst: Dogs have their Days. Sept. : Pluck- ing a Goose. Oct. : Mars and Venus in opposition. Nov.: A General Post Delivery. Dec. : The “Winter of our Discontent. Also a woodcut hieroglyphic by “ G. G.” This almanack contains Thackeray’s story, “ Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots.” 1840 : pubd. by Tilt. Colour, brown, pp. 1-64. Front adverts. 8 pp. numbered ; back adts. 32 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. Jan.: The Announcement. Feb. : First Rout. March: A Day with Surrey. April : The Finishing Touch. May : A New Drop Scene. June : Striking a Balance. July : Down at Beulah. Augt. : A Tournament. Sept. : Overboarded. Oct. : Notice to Quit. Nov. : Law Life Assurance. Dec. :Christ- mas Bustle. Also a woodcut hieroglyphic by “G. C’.” This contains Thackeray’s story, “ Cox’s Diary.” 1841 : pubd. by Tilt (b Boyue. Colour, green, pp. 1-64. Front adverts. 16 pp. numbered ; back adverts. pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. J any. : Twelfth Night. Feb. : St. Valentine. March : Theatrical Fund Dinner. April : I Know a Bank. May : Settling for the Derby. June : The Licensed Victuallers. July : Long Days and Long Ears. Augst.: Idées Napoliennes. Sep. : Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Oct.: A Drive in Drury Lane. Nov. : Seasonable Weather. Dec. : A Swallow. Also a woodcut hieroglyphic by “ G. C.” ' 1842 : pubd. by Tiltd; Boyce. Colour, pink, pp. 1-6-1. Front advt. 16 pp. numbered; back advts. 24 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. Before Dinner. Ringing a Peal, &c. Valour and Discretion. High and Low Water. Over Head, Under Foot. The Shop and the Shay. Up Hill and Down Dale. Blood Heat. The Ups and Downs of Life. Going—Gone. Premium and Discount. The Parlour and the Cellar. ' 1843 : pubd. by Tilt d’: Bog-ue. Colour, blue, pp. 1-64. Brown slip facing title with first words, “Comic Almanac, eight years.” Front advts. 16 pp. numbered ; back advts. 32 pp. not numbered. (269) APPENDIXM—eontiiiaed. COMIC ALMANACKS~60n-limwd. 12 Plates. Oh Law! The Charter. New St. Giles. The Cold Water Cure. British Museum, 820. A Set of China, See. Science Under Divers Forms. Air-um Scare-um Travelling. Show of Hands. Baby-lonian University. The Height of Improvement. New Harmony. 1844 : pubd. by David Bogue. Colour, brown, pp. 1-64. Lavender, sometimes a light brown, slip facing last page with first words, “Comic Almanac Specimen List.” Front advts. 16 pp. numbered ; back advts, 32 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. Wine in a Ferment, &c. The Tax upon Property. A Charity Ball. The Height of Speculation. The Royal Academy. Quarter Day. A New Art if ice. Guy Fawkes. Father Matthews. Humbugs of the Day. Dog Days. Change for a Sovereign. 1845 : pubd. by David Bogue. Colour, pink, pp. 1-64. Frontadvts. 16pp. numbered. Back advts. 32 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. Twelfth Night. Flying Artillery. The Day after St. Patrick’s. Lady Day. The Spring Quarter. Going to St. Paul’s. Horticultural Fete. Summary Justice. Stirring up the Great Fire. The Fall of the Leaf. Court of Young England. Boxing Night. 1846: pubd. by David Boyae. Colour, green, pp. 1-80. Yellow slip with first words “European Library,” beyond fly-leaf. Front advts. 16pp. numbered; back advts. 32 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. Aquarius. Pisces. Aries. Taurus. Gemini. Cancer. Leo. Virgo. Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricornus. "/1 1847 : pubd. by David Boyae. Colour, pink, pp. 1-6-1. Front advts. 16 pp. numbered ; back advts. 32 pp. not numbered. 12 Plates. \Vhere Can the Police be? The Scholastic Hen. The Desecration of the Bright Poker. The Stag, Sic. John Bull among the, &c. My \Vife is a \Voman of Mind. Born a Genius, 82c. Sham lliirahim. I Dreamt I Slept at Madame Tussaud’s. The Sick Goose. Steamed Out. The Banquet of the Black Dolls. 1848 : SMALL ALMANAC, pubd. at 13., by David Bogae, pp. 1-128, in a green cover, printed in darker green. 6 Plates. A Good Pennyworth. Something Like a Valentine. A Good Cup of Tea. Extraordinary Flight of Lady Birds. Yachting for Ladies. The Universal Pl'iilanthropist. In this volume there are 70 woodcuts by G. C., nearly all with his initials. 1849 : pubd. at ls. by David Bogae, pp. 1-96, green cover, printed in darker green, back advertisements, 16 pp. 1 folding plate and 4 single plates. A Preparatory School for Fast Men. A Sheet of Parliament. An Interrupted English Dinner Party in Paris. The Monster Sweep. A Happy Family. The four following were published at 25. 6d. each, in, orange-coloured pictorial cloth cover, each with a large coloured folding frontispiece, and at other plates uncoloured :— 1850 : pubd. by David Boyae, pp. 1-64, back advertisements, 24 pp. numbered. 1 coloured folding froi'itispiece—As it ought to be : The Ladies Trying a Contemptible Scoundrel for Breach of Promise. 6 other plates. Cheap Excursions. A Splendid Spread. The Lord Mayor’s Show. The fearful but probable, 82c. lVhat it Must Come to. The Happiest Moment of my Life. 1851 : pubd. by David Bogve, pp. 1-64, back advertisements, 24 pp. numbered. 1 coloured folding frontispiece——Probable Effects. 6 other plates. Fellows of Zoological Society. Taking the Census. The Sick British Lion. Modern Ballooning. Alarming Sacrifice. Over Populated. 1852 : pubd. by David Bogae, pp. 1-64, back advertisements, 24 pp. numbered. Coloured folding frontispiece—The Bloomers in Hyde Park. 6 other plates. Turning the Tables. The Peace Society. Advice to Those About to Marry. Anticipation of the Golden Age. A Good Supply of Water. The Triumphant Procession. (g 270 ) APPENDIX—continued. COMIC ALMANAoKs--continued. 1853 : pubd. by David Bogue, pp. 1-64, back advertisements, 24 pp. numbered. Coloured folding frontispiece—The Rights of Women, &c. 6 other plates. A Gentleman Endeavouring. A Pack of Knaves. The \Villow Pattern, &c. WVill you be our Vis a Vis? There’s Nothing like Leather. Scarcity of Domestic Servants. SKEToHEs BY BOZ. (See Nos. 1613-65, p. 46). The collation of the volumes have been given at NO. 163. but as there is no list of plates to the 2 vol., 1836, it is here given, with the number of page which each should face. ' VOL. I., 1836. VOL. II., 1836. 1. Election for Beadle (vol. 1, p. 47)—-used as 1. Mr. Gabriel Parson’s Courtship (vol. 2, frontispiece. p. 24)—used as frontispiece. 2. Jemima Evans (vol. 1, p. 81). 2. The Lock-up House (vol. 2, p. 40). 3. Thoughts about People (vol. 1, p. 101). 3. Horatio Sparkins (vol. 2,p. 140). 4. London Recreations (vol. 1, p. 142). 4. The Pawnbrokers Shop (vol. 2, p. 146). 5. The Boarding House (vol. 1, p. 173). 5. The Dancing Academy (vol. 2, p. 164). 6. Hackney Coach Stands (vol. 1, p. 228). 6. Private Theatres (vol. 2, p. 206). 7. Bloomsbury Christening (vol. 1, p. 259). 7. The Winglebury Duel (vol. 2, p. 235). 8. Greenwich Fair (vol. 1, p. 329). 8. Sentiment (vol. 2, p. 334). The plates in both vols. have the imprint, London: John Zllacrone, 1836. The Second Series of Sketches by Boz, first edition, has the list of plates, but Vauxhall Gardens is given twice, viz. as frontispiece, and as the last plate. The last plate should be, “ Mr. Minns and his Cousin,” at p. 256. . The second edition of this volume has two additional plates— “The Last Cabdriver.” “May Day.” SKETCHES BY BOZ, the enlarged edition, 1839. Particulars of the numbers and plates are here given :— No. 1. pp. 124. In front, Advertiser No.1, No. 6. pp. 121-144. Nov. 1, 1837 (8 pp.). Greenwich Fair (p. 120). Election for Beadle (t'rontispiece). Vauxhall Gardens (p. 136). The Parish Engine (p. 5). The plates of Nos. 1 to 5 have no No. 2. pp. 25-48. In front, Advertiser No. 11, imprint; in Nos. 6 to 20 they all have. Dec. 1, 1837 (8 pp.) London: Chapman ¢6Hall,186, Strand. The Broker’s Man (p. 29). No. 7. pp. 145-168. Our Next-door Neighbours (p. 45). Early Coaches (p. 142). No. 3. pp. 49-72. In front, advt. 4pp., Chap- The Last Cabdriver (p. 153). man and Hall, January 1, 1838. No. 8. pp. 169-192. At end, advt. 8 pp. of George Virtue, Public Dinners (p. 175). tinted paper. The 1st of May (p. 181). The Streets, Morning (p. 55). No. 9. pp. 193-216. Scotland Yard (p. 72). The Gin Shop (p. 194).. No. 4. pp. 73-96. The Pawnbroker’s Shop (p. 200). Seven Dials (p. 77). No. 10. pp. 217-240. Monmouth Street (p. 82). Private Theatres (p. 129). No. 5. pp. 97-120. In front, 4 pp. advt., ' Thoughts about People (p. 229). Proclamation of N ickleby. No. 11. pp. 241-264. Hackney Coach Stands (p. 89). Jemima Evans (p. 245). London Recreations (p. 100). A Pickpocket in Custody (p. 255). ( 71) i) No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. APPENDIX—continued. SKEToHEs BY BOZ—cou-tiuuecl. pp. 265-288. Mr. John Dounce (p. 260). The Dancing Academy (p. 274). pp. 289-312. Making a Night of it (p. 286). The Boarding House (p. 297). pp. 313-336. The Boarding House, chap. 2nd (p. 314). Mr. Minus and his Cousin (p. 335). pp. 337-360. Sentiment (p. 346). The Tuggs at Ramsgate (p. 358). pp. 361-384. Horatio Sparkins (p. 379). The Winglebury Duel (p. 431). I I i l 1 No. 17. No.18. No. 19. N o. 20. pp. 385-408. Steam Excursion, Pl. 1 (p. 408). Steam Excursion, Pl. 2 (p. 429). pp. 409-432. Mrs. Joseph Porter (p. 449). \Vatkins Tottle (p. 471). pp. 433-488. The Lock-up House (p. 479). Mr. \Vatkins Tottle and Miss Liller- ton (p. 491). pp. 489-526. Bloomsbury Christening (p. 498). Etched Title—Balloon. Sub-title, title, advertisement and contents (pp. i.-viii.). {)1 -~] 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. A to \1 L\Cv V NOTES. . The book, Pierce Egan’s “Anecdotes of the Turf, etc,” Knight and Lacy, 1827, with coloured plates by Theodore Lane, among other woodcuts, has several by G. C., some with h1s initials, and similar to those in Egan’s “ Life in London Newspaper.” . The coloured etching, “ Journey to a Fight ” note 1, page 341) is important and valuable, and is many feet long. assisted in it. It is by Robert Cruikshank. George is supposed to have . The coloured etching, “The Laplanders’ Return to their Native Country,” published by Humphrey in 1822 (R. 5117), is by Robert Cruikshank. . The coloured plat-e “ Dr. Prosody arrives in the vicinityr of Edinburgh” 5118) is the frontispiece to the book “The Tour of Dr. Prosody.” It is unsigned (all the other plates in the book are by Williams and Read), and is said to be by G. C. Some of the figures in the plate appear to be his work. . Three prints after G. C., viz. :— Mr. Watkin Burroughs as Jerry Hawthorn. “ Gruihshanle delt. Roberts sc.” Mr. lVilkinson as Logic. “ Cruikshank delt. Roberts so.” Mr. Wrench as Jorinthian Tom. “ (L’ruihshanle delt. Alias sc.” (R. 4565-7), are good, and apparently from “ Tom and Jerry,” dramatised. Published by Roach (6 Ca, Russell-court, Drury-lane. They are in the British Museum. . The coloured plate, “Economy” (R. 5'77), is one of two compartments of Plate 5 of Vol. XI. of “The Scourge.” . The coloured plate, “ A Chamber with a Vaulted Roof” 760), is the frontispiece to “ Prophecies of Robert Nixon.” (See ante, No. 380, where it reads, in error, Dixon.) The pamphlet is not in Reid. The woodcut vignette on title of “ Every Night Book ” (R. 3477) is certainly not by G. C. The two woodcuts (R. 3062-3) which Reid says occur on the wrappers of the monthly parts of Egan’s “ Life in London” are not found 011 the wrappers of the first edition of that book. The design for a wrapper to “Sketches by Boz,” intended to be published by John Macrone, and given by Reid first as a woodcut (R. 3841), afterwards, in the notes, at p. 356, as by Palmer’s glyphography. In the copy in British Museum it appears to be ' by Schonberg’s process of glyl'ihography, and reads “J. Sch'onberg feet,” and at the top has the words “Metal Plates.” The plate after G. C., “ Gawkey Shanks and Moggy Mumps ” (R. 5212), was first published in Vol. VI. of the first series of Fairburn’s “ M ultum in Parvo.” The pamphlet “Sadler’s VVells—The Songs, Parodies, etc,” introduced in “Tom and Jerry” (see ante, No. 463), besides the fine coloured frontispiece by G. C., has also on title a woodcut vignette by him of Tom, Jerry, and Logic. This woodcut was after- wards used in Pierce Egan’s “Appeal to the Sporting World.” (See ante,- 1706.) Reid gives it a third time (R. 5156), and says it was also used as an advertisement to “Tom and Jerry” and on the wrappers of that work. I have never seen it so used, at least in the first edition. The woodcut of Liston as Paul Pry (R. 3428) occurs in “Bell’s Life in London” news- paper for November 6th, 1825. The initials of G. C. are not very distinct. The woodcut “ J ack-in-the-Green, or the Sweeps on May Day” (R. 3462) is given by Reid immediately after his description of the woodcuts by G. C. in Hone’s “ Every Day Book.” There is a similar woodcut in Vol. I. of that work, but it has not the initials of G. C. It may occur in some other periodical. (273) 26. [\‘3 \I The following eight illustrations are given by Reid. They are mostly from books. . The Barber’s Shop 102), published by Bailey, an etching. . Portraits of Thistlewood, Hooper, and Preston (R. 945), an etching. . The Treadmill—A View of the Shed and lVheel 2858), a woodcut. . The Gambling Table 3237), a woodcut. . Miss Mathews as Second Fairy in “ Midsummer Night’s Dream” (4536), a print after G. C. . A Peep into Drury Lane Saloon—The Siamese Twins, a woodcut (R. 3569). . Billy Winning the Match—killing 100 rats in six minutes (R. 5122), an etching. . Two Black Beauties (R. 5160), a woodcut. ' . The Book—“Gaiété de Paris, by George Cruikshank, or the Rambles of an English Party through the French Metropolis, &c.” 21 coloured plates, by G. C., and xii pp. of letter- press descriptions, by \V. H. Ireland, in a wrapper. Published by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, oblong 4to, ii. d. (1825). The plates are those of Life in Paris, printed on larger paper. It is a handsome book, and a copy sold about two years since at Messrs. Hodgson’s, for £44. I have a copy of it. . The books—The Little IVarbler, six miniature vols. about 1% ins. square, four of them containing English—Scotch—Irish—Comic Songs, published by T. Hughes, 35, Ludgate Street, the other two called New Series, and published by J. Bailey, 116, Chancery Lane, all have vignette title and frontispiece. Five frontispieces have Cruikshank del., Roberts Sc. They are after one of the Cruikshanks,.probably George ; at a recent sale at Sotheby’s, 18th May, 1903, they sold for £4 17s. 6d. . A print—Children’s Picture—Early Efforts by G. C., in 4 compartments—Man of ‘Var— Frigate—Brig—Boat in distress. Published by Langham, 3, Red Lion Street, Holborn. This is not mentioned in the original Exeter Hall Catalogue, and does not occur in Reid. At the Aquarium sale on 22nd May, 1903 (with another), it sold for £3 17s. 6d. At the same sale (The Aquarium, 22nd May, 1903), was a sketch of N elson’s Funeral Car, by G. C., and in the Sir W. Fraser sale, April, 1901, was a print of the same, by or after G. C., from a periodical of the day. . The etching—A Journeyman printer’s description of the art of printing on copper, etched b Y George Cruikshank at a Ham )stead Conversazione on the 4th Mav 1859. The 3 . f’ . .’ . . , . . ’ w Prlnter 1s a portrait oi l111118€li. '] his is rare, worth £2. _ . The Book—The Meteor, see ante, p. 2, and Appendix, p. 253, in list of plates of No. 8, “Correct View of a Russian Princess,” should be N o. 2, and Napoleon, N o. 3. In Appendix, I also mentioned that I had not seen a page of number 8 later than 152, but that I thought the last page should be 160. I can now confirm this as, after many years of assiduous search, I now have a complete copy of this most rare book, with the two numbers of the second Volume. No. 8, ending with page 160. A complete copy should be worth £150. uncut, or in parts more. No. 49 313 350 380 549 582 598 664 718 851 856 860 921 1086 1182 1211 1212 ERRATA. Eighth line—For fine, read five. For D. Blewett read 0. Blewitt. The Metropolis of England Displayed. The number of Reid which is given is that of the plate ; his number of the book is 4615. For Dixon, read Nixon. Dolly and the Rat. Instead of “Not in Reid,” read the number of Reid 5256. Harcourt’s J ests. Fifth line—F or “ On a stiff paper wrapper,” read " In a stiff paper wrapper.” La Bagatelle. Story of George Panton. For Pigon, read Pigou. For Marat, read Murat. The Bungling Tinkers. For Reid’s No. 461, read 468. Things as they are in February, 1821. Second line—For Meddler, read Medley. Nosing the Nob at Ramsgate. Third line—For rest, read roost. Rumping, 820. Third line—For Sick Spittal, read Lick Spittal. ()utwitted at Last. Fifth and sixth lines, delete Copies of Gilray’s Caricatures. For The Logerian System, read Logierian System. The Dancing Lesson. Plate 2. The Minuet, add “Not in Reid.” Stale Mate. For Reid’s No. 974, read 975. Check Mate. For Reid’s No. 975, read 974. For Reid’s N o. 4140, read 5140. For Reid’s No. 4793, read 4707. INDEX No. 1. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &o. Abelard and Heloise (Letters), 588 Ainsworth’s Magazine, 207 Aladdin and the )Vonderful Lamp, 399, 400 Alexander the Great, 111 Ben Brace, 167 Bentley Ballads (The), 274 Bentley’s Miscellany, 178 ~l—Bertram, or Castle of St. Aldobrand, 421, 422 Algerine Pirates (The Cruelties of the), 420 Betting Book (The), 537 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, 451 IAltrive Tales, 139 Ancient Mysteries Described, 60 Anecdotes of Painting in England, 84 .R/Angelo’s Pic-nic or Table Talk, 153 Apprentice (A Present for an), 616 ~—-—Arabella, Lady, 271 Arabian Prince (Generosity of), 585 Archaeological Assoc. Journal, 1835 ,, Journal, 1836 Argyle Rooms (a Pamphlet), 486 Auldjo’s Constantinople, 157 /Bachelor’s Own Book (The), 223 Bacon, Roger (The Life of), 389 Badajoz (The Siege of), 358 Bagatelle (La), 549 "‘ ~‘Band of Hope Review, 301 v/fBands in the Park (The), 540 Bang-up Dictionary (A), 8 Barney Buntling and Billy Bowline, 551 Bartholomew Fair Insurrection, etc., 497 ' “*‘Bateman (Ballad of Lord), 196 . . Bath Guide (New), 116 Battle (The), 349 Beasmore, Elizabeth (Murder of), 401 Beauty and the Beast, 456 Beaux (Modern), 24 “T‘rBee and the Wasp (The), 140 Beggar’s Benison (The), 291 Belial (Triumph of the Sons of), 344 Belles (Modern), 22 Bellingham, J. (Trial of), 352 Bell’s Life in London Newspaper, 65 Bible (The Adventures of a), 600 Bibliotheca Sussexiana, 97 Biglow Papers (The), 280 /'Billets in the Low Countrles, 33 Billy Cobb, etc. (Sketches of the Life of), 494 Blood Conspiracy (The)——Hone’s edition, 417 Blue Beard, 454 Bob (Poor), the Chimney Sweeper, 441 wBobbin’s (Tim) Lancashire Dialect, 104 Bombastes F urioso, 121 Book of Fun for Boys, etc., 148 Botheration, 628 ---~ "Bottle (The), 242 ,, (The Dream of the), 552 —/”Bow Street (Mornings at), 67 ~~ ,, (More Mornings at), 68 --Boxiana, 12 Boxing Mirror (The), etc., 13 B02 (Sketches by), 163, 164, 165, 166 _/Bread and Butter (A Slice of), 542 Bride of Abydos (The), 1826 /-Brighton Lodging House (The), 248 “British Journal (The), 253 ,, \Vorkman_(The), 265 Broad Sword Exercise, 318 Brother (My), 268 Brownies and Others Tales (The), 306 J"- ~~Brownrigg Papers (The), 281 Burdett, Sir Francis (Arrest of), 345 Burford Cottage and its Robin, etc., 615 Byron Lord (Life and \Vritings of), 72 Cabinet of Comicalities (The), 361 \-Cakes and Ale, 210 2 (2'76) BOOKS, PAMPHLETs, &c.—comfimted. Capulet and Montague, 480 Carlton, Admiral George (Voyage of), 596 Carolina, Princess (Royal present of), 595 Caroline, Queen (Memoirs, Duncombe), 448 (Memoirs, Robins), 590 ,, (Trial of), 589 Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper, 267 Penny Readings, 299 7) -‘ \Catalogue‘Raisonné (A), 103 Catholic Miracles, 482 Cat May Look at a King (A), 518 Cato, 630 Street Conspirators, 445 . ,QZJt’S Tail (The), 129 Centenary Garland (The), 307 Chap Book (A), no name—Bailey, 403 Charlotte, Princess (Life, etc., of the), 427 (Burial of, etc.), 428 ,, ,, (Funeral of, etc.), 426 77 77 PM‘ a, '~\.D1bd1n’s Songs, 204 -’Cruikshank’s Omnibus (G.), 206 ,, Table Book (G.), 228 Cupid Turned Dandy, 373 Cupid’s Bazaar, 363 ,, Vagaries, 366 Cyclopaedia (The Family), 1827 Daddy Gander’s Fairy Tales, 407 Dandyism Displayed, 435 Dandymania, 432, 1825 Davisv (W.) and J. Morgan, 387 ,HH-{I-ato Field (Radicals unmasked, etc., in), 447 \Demonology and Witchcraft (Scott’s), 117) Der F reischutz (Opera), 546 Travestie, 63 Dick Turpin (Life of), 348 'Dictionary of the Slang & Cant Languages, 319 Doll Tearsheet, 512 Dolly and the Rat, etc., 471 “J ,, ,, (Memoirs of, etc.), 429 fChemistry No Mystery, 193 Chesterfield’s Advice, etc. (Lord), 574, 575 ‘Chivalry (31006111), 216 Dramatic Magazine (The), 619 Christmas Stories, 56 Droll Story Teller (The), 572 ,, (Tales About), by P. Parley, 187 _»——1)runkdr(1 (The), A Poem, 211 OhI'OP-Ology (The Annual), 105 Drunkard’s Children (The), 243 @0131), Billy (Sketches 0f the Life Of), em, 494 Dublin and London Magazine (The), 78 Cochrane, Lord (The Trial of), 414 Duenna (The), 633 Coila’s \Vhispers, 295, 296, 297, 298 Dumiad (Thg Modern)’ 14 Cooke, G. F., Esq. (The Life of), 359 Colin Clink, 3 vols, 201 ~-Comicalities (The Gallery of) Note, -/Comic Almanac (The), 159 - Alphabet (A), 172 Annual for 1830 (The), 122 , Blackstone (The), 226 ,, ,, ,, Offering for 1833 (The), 147 ~ ,, Songs (Roland’s), 52 ‘*5 ' ’‘'Common Sense, 257 Confessions of a Gentleman Convict (The), 386 Conrad the Corsair, 498 Constantinople (Auldjo’s), 157 Constitutional Apple Pie (The), 515 Consumption (Bailey’s Book against), 357 Contemptibles (A New Race of), 431 Conundrum (The), 11 Convivial Hive (The), 328 Corn Law Riots (A Pamphlet, etc.), 404 Cossacks (History of the), 379 Coutts, Thomas (Biography of), 467 Covent Garden Theatre (O. P. Riots), 323 “'“Cream of the Jest (The), 51 Cries of London (The), 573 Crim. Con., 393, 394 "Don Quixote (Rambles), 173 Drama (The Old English), 69 Dramas for Children, 576 Eccentric Song Book (The), 334 "'5 ,, Tales, 86 “Edward Lasc-elles (Life of), 174 ""‘Egan’s (Pierce) Anecdotes, notes (1) Finish to Life in London, 42 ,, ,, Life in London, 64 Election Day, 492 /Elliston Memoirs, 218 Elysium for Animals (The), 132 Emigrant (The), 236 England’s Prime Minister Murdered, 353 "England, West of (Romances of), 290 “Epping Hunt (The), 110 \Etiquette (More Hints on), 188 ----—Eustace, Thomas (The Adventures of), 39 Every-Day Book (The), 82 ~ Everyone has his Fault, 631 \Exile’s Daughter (The), 282 \ a: 77 Facetiae and Miscellanies, 98 F acetiana or Reservoir of Wit, 468 Fairburn (Senr.’s) Dashing Song Book, 331 Crockery’s Misfortune, 449 ,, ,, Laughable Song Book, 332 Cruikshankiana, 160 ,, ,, Tickling Songster (1823). 338 “\Cruikshank’s Magazine (G.), 264 ,, ,, account of Murder of Mr. &, Fairy Library (G.), 263 Mrs. Bonar, 376 —-~-— 7, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &c.--eontimied. Fairburn (Senr.’s) Trial of J. Leary, 381-2 Grandfather (The), 586 Fairburn’s Descptn. of Pantomime of Mother Grandmother’s Guests (My), 603 Goose, 315 -—Greeks (The), 19 ,, Edition of Magna Charta, 346 Green Bag (The), 516 of the Prophetess, 384 ,, Monster (The), 462 Z: of the Whole Proceedings, etc. -Greenwich Hospital, 80 343 -Greville (Lucien), 144 ,, Brilliant Songster, 611 ,, Dashing Songster (1810), 329. Everlasting Songster, 559 ,, J ovial Songster, 341 Laughable Songster, 325 New Comic Song Book, 342 Gallimani'ry Songster, 1812, 330 Grey (Susan), 605 Grimm (M.M.), German Popular Stories, 53 w’GI-imaldi, Joseph (Memoirs of), 185, 186 Grineology, or the New Merry Jester, 560 Groan from the Throne (A), 509 Guess if you can, 1837 London Brilliant Songster, 610 2,,’ ,, Me, 308 Guy Fawkes, 203 ,, Odd Casket of Mirth, 1828 ___ ,, Mannering, 423 ,, Trial of J. Holloway, etc., 317 Fairies’ Haunt (The), 553 \Fairy Library (George Cruikshank’s), 263 ,, Mythology (The), 251 ,, Songs and Ballads, etc., 547 f-Falstaff, Sir John (Life of), 275 ‘Tancy (The), 48 Fashion, 21 Hamlet, published by Roach, 621 Hammersmith Monsters, 388 -¢---Hans of Iceland, 73 p/Harcourt (John), Original J ests, 485 Harmonist’s Preceptor (The), 49, 50 Health (The Family Oracle of), 62 ‘>1 ‘Fashionable Swindle, 356 “Helps and Hints, 156 Fatal Vespers (The), 433 Hodgson’s Golden Songster, 339 Faustus, Doctor (Extraordinary Life, etc.), 390 Hogarth Moralized, 134 ,, ,, (Remarkable Life), 391 Holiday Grammar (The), 75 ,, (\Vonderful Life), 392 Holiday with Hobgoblins, 286 Female Husband (The), 383 Hone’s History of Blood Conspiracy, 417 “Fire-side Book (A), 101 ,, Sixty, etc., Narratives, 587 Fireworks (Juvenile Book for Making), 409 Hood’s Own, or Laughter, etc., 123 ,, (The Art of Making), 408 Hornet (The), 481 Flagellation and the Flagellants, 300 Horse (Life of the), 126 fFranck (Ferdinand), 1336 --———-Horse Shoe (The), 258 ’——Frank Fairlegh, 250 /"House that Jack Built (The), 539 Free-born Englishman (The), 438 Howe, Mrs. (Affecting History of), 385 French Officer (Memoirs of a), 355 _-—Howell’s Bubble, 541 Revolution (History of the), 177 \--Huddart (Captain Joseph), Memoirs of‘, 46 Humanity (The Voice of), 130 “Humourist (The), 34 Humour (Points of), 54 Hymen turned Field Marshal, 364 ” Frown from the Crown (A), 508 \Gaieté de Paris, notes (23) ‘Gallantry (The Annals of), 15 “Gardiner (Hon. Colonel) Life of, 565 General Reciter (The), 240 ‘Gentleman in Black (The), 137 Ilchester Gaol, 458 Illustrated Family Paper (Cassell’s), 267 f—Gentleman’s Pocket Magazine (The), 96 Geography (Modern), 114 _,_/German Popular Stories, M.M. Grimm, 53 ,, Romance (Specimens of), 81 /'—Ghosts (A Discovery concerning), 543' Gilpin, John (The Diver-ting History of), 107 ___/Glass and the New Crystal Palace (The), 538 -=/Ingoldsby Legends (The), 198, 199, 200 Glenwar, the Scottish Bandit, 437 Gobble, Gobble (Great), 545 WGood Genius (The), 239 Goldsmith’s Works, 230 Gough, John B. (Autobiography), 304 Illustrated London News, 266 Magazine of Art, 26]. Times (The), 272 7, ” f/Illustrations to Popular \Vorks, 117 Imaginary Interview, Hone and Lady, 531 Impostor Unmasked (The), 314 Inducements to Virtuous Habits, 578 Instructing Gipsy (The), 479 -.--Intellect (The Age of), 37 -—-~Inundation (The), 233 Ireland (Tourist’s Handbook to), 262 (2'78) BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, dtQ—emztin’acd. Irish Freebooter (The), 474 London Drolleries, 83 _,_,_. ,, Life (Tales of), 71 ,, Letter \Vriter (New), 571 Kc, ,, Rebellion (History of), 227 ,, Society, 289 Wit (The Spirit of), 28 fldlorimer (Clement), 249 Iron Colfins, etc., 522 Lost Son (The), 234 Irving (The Beauties of lVashington), 158 “\Lottery (The State), 26 ,, (Memoirs of Rev. Ed.), 602 Louis XVIII (Restoration of), 395 ../‘Italian Tales, 66 Lover’s Panorama (The), 367 Lovers (The Unfortunate), 440 Lover’s Vows, 629 Jack in the Bean Stalk, 453 “Loyalist (The), 40 ,, ,, ,, see Fairy Library Lympsfield, 189 H-A ,, Sheppard, 190, 191 ,, ,, Quadrilles, 1830 Macbeth, 626 ,, the Giant Killer, 402 ~'=--1-_/lvlagazine (G. Cruikshank’s), 264 Jasper (Trial of Sir), 1840 ‘ Magic of Kindness (The), 246 ‘re—“Jealousy Exemplified (Othello), 475 ,, Spell (The), 594 ,, (Efiect of), 401 Magistrates of Greenwich, 412 Jest (The Cream of), 51 Magna- Charta, 469 ,, Book (Tegg’s Prime), 3O Magnet of Love (The), 374 Joe Miller Revived (Old), 601 Manesty (John), 219 Jubilee of 1809 (The), 320 Man in the Moon (The), 503 Manor (The Lord of the), 632 Marriage (A didactic Poem), 418 Kemble (The Life of John Philip), 1824 - “Martin’s Vagaries, 215 Kenilworth, 476, 477 Mary the Maid of the Inn, 478 Kent (Walks in), 597 Mathews in America, 58 Kidd’s London Directory, 138 Mathews’ Theatrical Budget, 59 -~~Kilts and Philibegs (Second Act of), 461 Mathews (Miss) as second Fairy, notes (19) Kingston Assizes (Trial at), 415 Matrimonial Ladder (The), 548 'vKit Bam’s Adventures, 247 Melange (The), 131 Knickerbocker’s, New York, 70, 614 Melodist (The Little), 561 Men in the Moon, 504 v‘~--Mentor (The Englishman’s), 36 "““Ladies’ Pocket Magazine, 604 Merchant of Venice (The), 623 Land and Sea Tales, 171 Merle’s Odds and Ends, 135 Landlord’s School (Tales of my), 591, 592, 59?~—’Meteor (The), 6, notes (28) .._-.Land Sharks and Sea Gulls, 184 Metropolis of England Displayed, 350 '~—Legends (Ancient), 31 -Metropolitan Grievances, 9 Legislative Anarchs (Who? To the), 534 Midnight Merriment, 316 ,, Monarchs, 500 -_ ,, Scenes, &c., 276 Leopold (Memoirs of Prince), 430 Ministerial Defeat (Another), 496 Lewis’ Atlas of Ireland, 1831 ~~--"Minor Morals, 150 Lexicon Balatronicum, 7 Minstrel (The), 336 ’ """"~-----Library (The Juvenile Musical), 617 Minting, Mary (Murder of), 436 -__Life in London, 41 Miraculous Host (The), 532 ,, ,, (Finish to), 42 Mirth and Amusement (Endless), 309 ,, ,, (Synopsis of), 483 ,, Morality, 152 . ~——- ,, ,, (The Deatlrof), 473 Miser’s Daughter (The), 208 '7\ ,, in Paris, 43 Momus (The Little), 579 Linnet (The), 340 Monument ‘and St. Paul’s, 554 -~--~Little-good (Lorimer), 270 \I’Moore (Sir John), 322 Little Old Man of the “food, 491 Morar (Poems by the Knight of), 294 L01) lie by the fire, 311 Mo'rgan’s Directions—Game Cocks, 464 ‘ Locker’s London Lyrics, 273 Moxon (List of Books by), 292 "r ,, Poems, 302 \Mummies (History of Egyptian), 149 ‘\Log Book (The), 85 \Munchausen at Walcheren, 1 Looking Glass for the Ladies (The), 10 ,, (Baron, Travels of), 293 Londonderry (Life of the Marquis of‘), 466 ,, (The Surprising Travels of), 434 (279) BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, &o.—'contimied. Murder (Trials for), 416 Penny-Readings (Cassell’s), 267 ,, of a Cabin Boy, 321 n n (Illustrated), 544 Musical Olio (The), 326 . Peep into a Prison (A), 459 '"7"\Music Masters (Miseries of), 17 Peers at Life, 312 Peers (The Contented), 517 -—-1Pentamerone (The), 245 --'Napoleon (Dr. Syntax’s Life of), 16 Peter Parley’s Magazine, 217 / ,, Buonaparte (Ireland’s Life of), 57 Peter Peppercorn, 1829 ,, ,, (Gifi'ord’s Memoirs of), 562 Philosophy in Sport, 99 ,, ,, (Family Library), 108 ---Phrenological Illustrations, 87 Nelly and Betty (Preservation of the), 396 vv‘Pic Nic Papers (The), 202 N elson (Life of), Family Library, 119 v’vPigeons (The), 20 -»—'Netherlands (Campaign in), 18 Pigou (The Story of), 598 New York (Knickerbocker’s History of), 70 Pilgrim’s Progress, 570 ,, (Knickerbocker’s) Family Library,614 ,, ,, 179 , ,. ,, New London Letter Writer, 571 éu/Pirate (The), 472 ‘2": t‘ “q a “ - New ‘Way to Pay Old Debts, 624, 625, 627 Pitt (Resurrection of), 351 ew Year’s Day, 232 Pizarro, 634 v“'Nix my Dolly Palls, 557 ~—=-Plague of Life (The Greatest), 238 Nixon, Robert (Prophecies of), 380 ,, Year (Journal of the), 612 Noble Lord’s Bite (The), 495 Pocket Magazine (The), 95 Non-Coronation (A), 510 Iv ,, ,, (The Gentleman’s), 96 ""“N on Mi Ricordo, 505 Poems by the Knight of Morar, 294 '“Northern Excursion (The), 460 Poetical Rhapsodies (Fisher’s), 581 .. ~-Novelist’s Library (The), 127 Poetry of the Age (The Choicest Humourous), The Biglow Papers, 280 IrrPoints of Humour, 54 'v—Oak (The), 303 _ _ Poll Book (The), 32 OddeSt Of an (Mdlt'les (The), 1833 ,,,/Political House that Jack Built, 499 ‘\Odd Fellow’s Song Book (The), ,, Letters, &c. (Carpenter’s), 124 —~»--Odds and Ends (Merle’s), 135 ,, Lecture on Heads, 410 Oh i No, I never name, &c., 556 ,, Alphabet (The), 535 H/Old Black Cock (The), 506 _ ,, A, Apple Pie (The), 514 ,f— ,, Faces 111 1\<3W Maskfl 219 ,, Lecture on Tails (A), 511 n Mother Hubbfu‘d, 499 w ,, Showman at Home, 525 ' a; St- Paul’s’ 209 ,, Queen that Jack Loves, 521 ,, Sailor’s Jolly Boat, 225 ,__/. ” Quimte (The), 519 ""O’LWy (Arthur), 220. 221. “\Pop Gun Fired Otf (A), 284 ~ Oliver TWiSt, 180, I81, 182 Portraits, &c. (Caulfield’s), 35 ""“OIIIIIibHS CI'llIkSllEtIlk’S), Prayer (The Forln of), 0- P- “TM (The), Preceptor (The Harmonist’s), 49, 50 Orchidacew 01 MQXICO, 17? ,--Prisons and Prisoners, by J. Adshead, 229 - n n (‘7181161493 to), 176 "-‘Puck on Pegasus, 285 Othello (Jealousy Exemplified), 475 .-_.-Pumpkin (Sir Frizzle), 170 "/Oul' Own Times, 235 "vPunch and Judy, 102 /-Out and About (Friswell’s), 283 Oyster (The), 287 Queen in the Moon (The), 502 I ,, that Jack Found (The), 520 Pamphlet (An Answer to), 488 Queen’s Matrimonial Ladder (The), 501 Panoramic View, 489 Pantheon (New), note p. 5 Panton (George), 582 Radical Ladder (The), 442 Paradise Lost, 490 Rapin’s History of England, 566 . ~-:--Parliament (In), 529 Rebellion (Irish, Maxwell’s), 227 Parson (The Round of Beef), 465 Regalities (British), 44 Patriot Allegory, 439 _ /Rejected Addresses, 142 Patriotic Gleanings, 378 Resist, or be Ruined, 424 Paul Pry, &c., 607 Richard III, 620 ( :zso ) BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, Sta—continued. Riding (Improved Art of), 347 “Right Divine of Kings (The), 527 /—Robinson Crusoe, 128 l-tookwood (by Ainsworth), 168 ,, (Illustrations to), 169 -e------Roscoe’s N ovelist’s Library, 127 Are—Rose and the Lily'(The), 313 Round of Beef Parson (The), 465 ~ Royal Investigation (The), 443 ,, Loggerheads (The), 405 ,, Wanderer (The), 444 R-—-l Rumping, 526 ~—-—-R-—-l Fowls (The), 507 --~-’--—_ Sadler’s Wells (Songs, &c.), 463 //-Sailor’s Jolly Boat (Old), 225 Salmagundi (Family Library), 194 "‘Sandboys (Mr. and Mrs), 254 “Satirist (The), 2 """“"~'~Savage Club Papers, 1839 ~\ Schlemihl (Peter), 55 Scott’s (\Valter) Demonology, 115 "Scourge (The), 4 Scraps and Sketches, 89,90, 91, 92, 93 Sergeant Bell, 195 Setting Sun (The), 354 Shakespeare (The Library), 310 Sharpe’s London Magazine, 269 Shepherd Boy of Snowdon Hill, 599 Sibyl’s Leaves, 151 Singer’s Annual (The), 335 Skeleton (The Living), 484 “'r—Sketches by R02, 163, 164, 165, 166 from Life, 237 ,, of Irish Character, 209 ~\‘Sketch Book (My), 94 >/ \__M )7 i \Slap at Slop (A), 530 Smeeton’s Selection of Songs, 327 Smiles for all Seasons, 77 “Snow Storm (The), 231 . Soane (Tales by George), 100 Song Books, Songsters, see F airburn, Hodgson, etc Song Book by Duncombe, 569 Songster (The Brilliant), 611 ,, (Hodgson’s Golden), 339 Songster’s Multum in Parvo, 567, 568 Spectator (The), 106 Spirit of Despotism (The), 528 ,, of the Public Journals, 61 Spitalfields Weaver (The), 454 "\Sporting and Fancy Gazette (Annals of), 47 Spurs (The Book of), 493 Stadium (The), 155 , ,i/Stage (The British), 25 ,, (The London), 79 Stanhope (Address of Earl), 133 State Trials at the Old Bailey, 5,23 Stenelaus and Amylda, 278 St. J ames’s, 224 ‘ St. Paul’s Defence of the Gospel, 398 Stop Thief, 536 -~ ‘Stories (German Popular), 53 _ ,, of Voyages—South America, 113 Stor Teller (The Droll), 572 ~“Sunday in London, 146 -~Table Book (George Cruiksbank’s), 228 ,, Talk, 112 Tailors and their Cabbage, 360 ‘\Tales of Other Days, 118 4/Talpa, 255 Tamerlane, 622 Tamerlane, a Tragedy (Ii‘airburn), 1832 Tea in the Arbour, 550 Tegg’s Comic Song Book, 580 Tegg’s Prime Jest Book, 30 Temperance (The Blessings of), 212 ,, Offering (The), 256 ,, Movement (Weekly Record of), 27 7 Theatre (The), by Duncombe, 38 Theatrical Reporter (The), 618 Thistlewood, etc. (The Trial of), 446 Thornton’s Second Trial, 425 \“Three Courses and a Dessert, 125 ,, Fingered Jack, 487 ,.\ 1 ~-/Ti111e (Illustrations of), 88 i “Tom Thumb, 120 ., 452 Tom King’s Oddities, 419 Ton (The), 23 Tonson (Monsieur), 222 "*Tooth Ache (The), 252 Topsail-Sheet Blocks, 183 “Tough Yarns, 154 -/Town Talk, 5 *~-~~Tower of London (The), 197 Trading Beggars Exposed (The), 406 ‘ Treat for the Funny (A), 377 Tripod (The), 3 Turtle Dove (The), 337 *“Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 259 ,, Almanack, 260 ,, New Song Book, 1838 Universal Songster (The), 76 Union of Love and Trade, 365 Universal Letter Writer (The), 577 97 Valentine Letter )Vriter (The Lover’s New), 370 Writer (The Lover’s New), 369 (New Pocket), 371 (The Pocket), 372 (The Modern Quizzical), 375 )7 77 7, )7 57 77 7, BOOKS, PAMPHLErs, &C.—eontinaed. Valentine Writer (The New Quizzical), 368 Whittington and his Cat, 457 ,, ,, (The Complete), 609 \—Whom to Marry, 244 Virgil (The Pastorals of), 45 Whyte (Margaret), 606 \Vidow Mahoney, 555' Wallis’s Juvenile Tales, 583, 584 —-/Wife (The), 145 War (History of the late), 141 William and Maria, 362 Warbler (The Little), notes (24) \Vilson, G. (An interesting account), 411 \Varrior (The), 564 V,’ ,, (Memoirs of), 413 Washington (Life of), 613 ,, (Address to Magistrates), 412 Watts (Divine and Moral Songs), 470 ‘Wilson (Harriette), 74 WWauch (The Life of Mansie), 192 e/WVindsor Castle, 213, 214"” Waverley Novels, 161 Wisdom (The Collective), 533 ,, ,, (Illustrations of), 162 Wit (The Spirit of English), 29 Wellington (Life of the Marquis of), 563 ,, ( ' ,, ,, Irish), 28 VVery Ridiculous, 558 '—'Wit’s Magazine (The), 27 “"i/Vestmi'nster Review, 1835iL \Vvhat Put my pipe out, 288 Whimsicalities, by T. Hood, 305 Yorkshireman (The), 143 ,, of London, 397 Young Lady’s Book (The), 109 White Cat (The), 524 /Yule Log (The), 241 ---JWoodlark (The), 608 t ' r I - _.--_ i I. \\ “1"”, ,7 5 I Y I - \_I ~_ \ I I ,1 We ‘P E/ ‘Ill ! INDEX No. 2. SEPARATE PRINTS. E. G.:Etchings on Glass. L. P.:Lottery Puffs. T. N. C.=Twelfth Night Characters. T. P.:Temperance Placards. Aberdeen (The Hon. Member for), 1797 B. (Master), Finding Things, etc., (Progress Accidents in High Life, 831 of a Midshipman), 1226 Acting Magistrates, etc., 957 B. (M12), on the Middle Watch, (P. of M.), Actor of all Work (The), 1287 1227 Admiral in St. Petersburg (The), 789 ,, Mastheaded, (P. of M.), 1228 Admiralty Inspector (The), 804 ,, Seeking the Bubble Reputation, Advantages of Travel (The), 1146, 1147 (P. of M.), 1229 Advocates for Reform, 905 ,, Promoted (P. of M.), 1231 Affecting and Sublime Scene (An), 689 Bacchanalian Song (Der Freischutr.), 1800 Africa, T. N. C., 1682 Bacchus (The Worship of), E. G., 1771 Africa (South), T. N. C., 1683 Backgammon (A Hit at), 1510 Age of Reason (The), 933 Bag Noodle’s Feast, 1338 Agitation, L. P., 1610 Baker Kneading Sammy’s Dough (The), 1270 Ahithophel (And When), 942 - \fBakers (The Allied), 690 Ah, Sure such a pair, 843 Bang Up—Random—or Tandem, 1818 Algiers, T. N. C., 1679 Bank Restriction Barometer, 1697 ,, (Bombardment of), 1398 ‘"~\ ,, ,, Note, 1842 American Justice, 1261 Barber (A), L. P., 1600 Ananias and Clavira, 762 Barber’s Shop (The), (notes) 15 Ancient Maiden (An), 1412 Baron Donder-Dronk—etc., 1821 Angelic pon Honour (D—d.), 1080 Bateman (Lord), Ballad of, E. G., 1746 Anger, L. P., 1608 Bath Ball (A), 1345 Anglesea (A Sketch in Island of), 1383 Bearing and Forbearing, 1297 Anniversary, 22nd June (The), 941 Bearskin, Biddy, L. P., 1565 _ Anticipated Effects (Scraps and Sketches), Beaufoy’s advert. Toothache, 1711, 1712 93 Beaus for 1818, 1475 Apparition (Appearance of), 1702 Beauties of Brighton (The), 859 Apollo (Departure of), 712 Beauties (Two Black), Notes, 22 Apollyon, the Devil’s Generalissimo, 654 Beauty and the Beast, 1516 Arch Design (A11), 661 Bee Hive (British), 1439 Artist Sketching, arrested, E. G., 1742 ,, (small political caricature), 896 Astronomy (A Lesson in), E. G., 1757 Belle Alliance (The), 927 “At Home” in the Nursery, 1240 ,, Dancing (A), L. P., 1592 Aubrey (Mary), 1418 Belles of 1818, 1476 Avery, Mr. S. P. (Business Card of), 1451 Bell-weather, etc. (The), 1249 SEPARATE PRINTS—continued. Ben Backstay, 1.823 ,, the Carpenter, etc., 1334 Berenger, De, 1363 Billy winning the Match, Notes, 21 Birch, Betty, L. P., 1576 Biscuit (Sir Billy), 1359 Bish’s Budget of Luck, L. P., 1642 Black Job (A), 1140 ,7 Monday, 1243 ,, lVoman (Figure of a), L. P., 1652 Bleeding and Warm Water, 687 Bloody News, Bloody News, 766 Blucher beating, etc. (Old), 692 Blue Candidate (The Entry of the), 903 Boat with people in a Cave, 1432 Bookseller’s Junta (The), 1256 Bolero (The), 1522 4!" Bonaparte, 1305 Boney (Anticipation for), 672 ,, beating Mack, etc., 649 ,, escaping from Leipsic, etc. (the E111- peror), 684 gone to Pot (Little), 706 hatching a Bulletin, 658 receiving an Account—Vittoria, 659 (Snufiing out), 701 Stark Mad, 650 the Second (the first Exploit of), 656 tired of lVar’s Alarms, 662 ,, to Dance (Russians teaching), 675 Boney’s Elbow Chair, 703 ,, Grand Leap, 660 ,, Last Shuttle, 711 vuuvvvv \|\)\J\)\lu\0 Britannia the Political Egotist, 869 British Liberty at Blackheath, 1278 ,, Spread Eagle (The), 791 Broadgrin, Bobby, L. P., 1566 Brook’s Step (Behold at), 1366 Brulgruddery, Dennis, L. P., 1536 ,, Mrs, L. P., 1535 Bull in a China Shop (A), 1889 Bumpology, 1158 ;',:*»*Bundle 01' Truths (A), 1308 Bungling Tinkers (The), 718 Buonaparte, (Escape from Elba), 716 ,, on the 17th of June, 733 Burdett (Sir Francis), taken, etc., 871 Burning the Memoirs, 771 Buttonhole ofa Naughty Boy(The), E.G., 1728 Buy a Broom, 950 ,, ” L.il,1590 Byng (Ghost of), 1247 Cabriolet (Comforts of), 1125 Calais (To), 1220 Call Again To-morrow, 1337 Cambridge Butter, 1512 Candle Burns (How very Blue the), 1495 Caper, L. P., 1554 Capture (A), E. G., 1759 Caroline (Queen), L. P., 1661 Cat and her Kittens, 1314 Catch Purse Expedition (The), 336 Catholic Gratitude, 889 Catholics Burning the Steward, etc. (The), 1276 ,, Meditations on the Island of St/Cato Street (View of Hay-loft), 939 Helena, 734 ,, Return from Elba, 715 ,, Threatened Invasion, 737 Triumphal Entry, 661 ~~Devils (The Blue), 1203 ' Diagram (A), E. C., 1786 Dialogue Between an Englishman and Buona- parte, etc., 700 ,, Mr. Dandy and Waiter, 1878 Diddle’um (Dr.), 1310 Disciples Catching the Mantle, 918 Disconcerted Hypocrite (The), 1841 Disturbing the Congregation, 1798 Diving Machine (Going Down in), 1129 Dog and \Vasp’s Nest (A), 1855 ,, in a Night Cap (A), 1857 ,, in Hat (A), 1853 ' [\13 C31 Dragoon SEPARATE PRINTS—continued. Don Juan (Scene in), 1016 Donkey Racing, 640 Dorset Street, E. G., 1727 //Dos-a-Dos, 1 174 Dots and Lines (Subjects formed by), 1195, 1196,1197,1198,1199 Double Bass, 1057 Dover Coach, 1160 Downing Street (A Scene in), 1430 Downs (An Affecting Scene in), 1303 (A), L. P., 1578 ,, and Mrs. Flinn (The Bold), 1811 Dreams of Terror, 742 Drilling 1/10th of the Military, etc., 1143 Droits, Droits, Droits, 868 Drummer (A), L. P., 1659, 1660 Drunkard’s Home (The), 1454 Drury Lane (A Peep into), notes (20) Duberly (Lady), L. P., 1531 (Lord), L. P., 1532 Duel (Two Officers Fighting), 1075 Duenna and Young Girl, 1462 Dulce Domum, 1799 Du Pont (Madame), L. P., 1569 Dusty Bob, L. P., 1579 Dutch Toy (A), 792 Eagle (The British Spread), 791 Early Risers (Hint to), L. P., 1650 East Indiaman (Scene 011 Board an), 1094 Economical Dog (The), E. G., 1723 ,, Humbug of 1816, 811 Economy, Notes Effect of Over-acting (The), 970 Egan (The Tears of Pierce), 1350 Egerton as Meg Merrilies (Mrs), 1003 Elba Flag, 724 Election Ball (An), 1063, 1219 ,, Hunter (The), 878 Elephant (A French), 746 ,, (Destruction of), 1351 Elgin Marbles (The), 1280 Elopement (The Lucky), L. P., 1649 Enchanted Garden (The), 1844 England’s Only Hope Departing, 826 English Generals on the, etc., 1279 Entertainment (The Grand), 800, 801 Epaulette, L. P., 1558 Erin Go Bragh, L. P., 1648 Established Church (The), 1520 Et-helredo (Recumbent Figure of St), 1464 Evening Party (An), 1156 Every Night Book (plate to), notes (8) Exact Representation, L. P., 1627 Examination at Bow Street, 1294 ,, at Golgotha, 1058 Exhibition Extraordinary, 1155 Exile (Scene in the), 1017, 1018 Expedition (The Catch Purse), 836 Extermination (Buying Up, etc), 768 Extinguish’d is her Bloom, 1409 Facing the Enemy, 648 Fairy Connoisseurs, 1852 Fairy’s Haunt (The), 1526 Falls of the Clyde, 5th scene, 1013 Family Party (A), 1868 Farce (A Scene in the New), 852 Fare-thee-VVell, 1335 Farley, as Grimdoff (Min), 998 Farmer George’s Daughter Polly, 819 Fashion (A Day of), 1313 Fashionable Luxury, 1298 Movements, 754 Portraits, 1108 77 7 ,: Reading, 1084 Fashionables of 1817. 1466, 1467 of1818. 1482 7, Fat (How to Grow), L. P., 1641 Female Intrepidity, 810 Fencing, E. G., 1760 Ferret, L. P., 1560 Field Marshal (A), L. P., 1594 Fig for Care (A), L. P., 1639 Fight (Journey to a), notes (2) Fig’s Card Party (Mrs), 1047 Figure Encountering the Devil (A), 1861) ,, and Six Ovals (A), 1880 Fireworks (Making), E. G., 1725) Fitting Out (Progress of a Midshipman), 1225 Flam and the \Vidow (Captain), 1322 Flanders, T. N. C., 1675 Fleet in 1342 (The English), 647 Floral Design (A), 1881 Fly Fishing, etc., E. G., 1775 Flying Bishop (The), 1120 ,, Dutchman (Scene in the), 1028 Foggy \Veath er, 1 1 19 F olkestone Strawberries, 75 Foot on the Stage (A), 18 0 Fortune (The Chance of), L. P., 1637 (The Chase of), L. P., 1636 Blindfolded, L. P., 1632 ,, Favours (Moll F lagon), L. P., 1621 Fortune’s Ladder, L. P., 1624 ,, Train, L. P., 1643, 1644 Forum Boarium, 1238 Four-in-Hand, L. 1)., 1602 Fox and the Geese (The), 1527 ,, Goose (The), 726 T. N. C., 1667 the Great Nation, 748 Fraser (Sir \V. A.), four private plates, 1443-6 Free Born Englishman (The), 883 (different), 884 Election, 940 |- I 5 7, )7 )7 France, ,7 3, Freedom and Purity of SEPARATE PRINTS—continued. French Artist (The), 1100 Conscripts for the year, etc., 671 77 ,, Elephant (A), 746 ,, Generals Receiving, etc., 772 ,, ,, Retreating, 677 ,, Hilt on a Spanish Rapier (A), 751 Musicians, 1208 ,, Post Extraordinary, 673 Fruits of Good Living (The), L. P., 1603 Fry (Mrs), Reading the Bible, 1416 vGalvanism, 1803 Gambling Table (The), Notes, 18 Gambols on the River Thames, 1264 Gardener and Greengrocer (A.), L. P., 1619 Garrick (Mrs), 1386 Gas (Introduction of), 1275 ,, (The Good Effects of Carbonic), 1038 General Clavering, 1361 Dealer (The), 1357 ,, Portrait (A), 1373 Generals, 8:0. (English), 1279 (jlenius of France (The), 721 Gentle Hint (A), 1513 Gentleman (A Portrait of), E. G., 1752 (Old), L. P., 1597 ,, Kneeling (A), E. G., 1777 Gentleman’s House, etc. (Plan of), 1425 Gent, No Gent, and Regent, 820 Geography (New), E. G., 1753, 1754,1755,1756 George Drawing on Mantelpiece, E. G., 1743 George 1V (His Most Gracious Majesty), 857 Georgy a la Dandy, 1385 (h‘rermany, T. N. C., 1670 (L‘riant Grumbo and the Black Dwarf, 1286 Giblet (Caricature on), 1062 Gingerbread (Broken), 697 Gin Palace (A Turn Out from a), 1874 Gipseying Party Alarm’d, etc., 1162 Girl Carrying Fruit (A), L. P., 1663 Glass (The) and New Crystal Palace, 1708 Gloucester (Entry of the Blue Candidate into), 903 God Save Ye King, 707 Going 1. A Going l (A), 855 Going it, 1151 Gold (A Bag of), E. G., 1766 Golden Remedy (The), 1460 Goose (Mother), L. P., 1604 Gospel (O ! O 1 There’s a Minister of the), 1289 Gout (Introduction of the), 1474 ,, The King and the Doctors (The), 725 Graces they were culling Posies (The), 1506 Grand Dignitaries arriving, etc., 667 ,, Entertainment (The), 800, 801 Greatness—King, etc. (L. P.), 1645 Greeks (Arms of), 1470 Green Street (A View in), 1293 97 77 Greenwich Pensioner (A), E. G.. 1791 Grig and Mrs. Snap (Mr. ), 1355 Grilling the Old Sinner, 951 Grimaldi (Mn), 987 Grimm’s Story of the Blue Light, 1441 Grotesque Carvings, 1845 Group of Five (A), E. G., 1779 Grouse and Mother Goose (John), 1900 Guillotin’s Invention (Dr), E. G., 1748 hGutter Children (Our), E. G., 1789 Hair-brains, L. P., 1546 Hamlet, 1822 Hampstead (A11 Accident at), E. G., 1725 ,, (Feeding Fowls at), E. G., 1724 Hardcastle (Mr), L. P., 1537 ,, (Mrs), L. P., 1538 Hard Times, or O 1 Dear, etc., 1064 Harlequin and Fancy (Prinl Characters), 1008 Brilliant (Prinl Characters), 1007 Whittington, etc. (Prinl Characters), 7) 97 1009 Harley as Amoroso (Min), 993 ._,4Harvey (Business Card of Mr. F.), 1452 Hat (orVentilated Martello Tower), E.G., 1 768 :Head Ache (The), 1200 ,, and Tail Piece, 1469 ,, of a Great Nation, etc. (The), 685 ,, of a Tartar, 1859 Heads of the Nation, etc. (The), 875 Heigho E says Thimble, 1816 Helba Flag, 724 Hell Baronian Emperor (The), 698 ,, Broke Loose, 719 ,, ,, ,, different, 773 Hemlock (Lady), L. P., 1581 Henry Hunt, Esqr., 1369 Herbert’s (Edward) Letters, 1447, 1448 Here’s a Health to all Good Lasses, 1494 Hero’s Return (The), 668 Hertford Doctoress (The), 832 High Church Tower (A Ritualist), E. G., 1788 Hint to the Blind and Foolish (A), 752 ,, ,, Ladies (A), 1039 Hobby Horse Dealer, 1110 Hodgson’s Grand Pageant of the Elements— IVater, 1019 Hodgson’s Grand Pageant of the Elements- Earth, 1020 Holland, T. N. C., 1674 Holiday Scenes—five plates, 1240-4 Hombourg Waltz (The), 828 Home from School, 1242 ,, in the Shadow, L. P., 1688 Homeless, etc., E. G., 1787 Homespun (Cicely), L. P., 1534 ,, (Zeikel), L. P., 1533 Hone and G. C., E. G., 1744 < 2 87) ,/ n SEPARATE PRINTS—continued. Hostile Press (The), 1851 Horace Seymour, Esq. (Portrait), 1378 Horse Councellor ObtainingaVerdict (The),946 ,, Racing, 639 Hottentots (All Among the), 1114 House that Jack Built (The), 959 How Happy could I be with either, 1515 Jessie, the Flower of Dumblaine, 1504 Jew and the Doctor (The), 864 Jews Keeping the Passover, 1486 Jig on Board (A), 1487 Joanna Southcote, etc., 1267, 1268, 1269 John Bull advising, etc., 756 and an Ass (Dialogue), 948 A ,, to Stuff an Accuser, 761 brought up, etc., 910 ,, very Blue the Candle Burns, 1495 ,, ,, in Alarm, 717 Hubble Bubble, L. P., 1606 ,, ,, making a Capital Bonfire, 1260 Humming Birds, 1192 Humourous Representation of a Marriage Ceremony, 1061 Humours of Life in London, 799 Hunt-ing the Bull! 904 I am a Friar of Orders Grey, 1353 Iceland (Hans of, enlarged), 1709 Idolators—VVorshiping the Golden Calf! ! 1284 If to her share some female errors, etc., 1472 Image House Academy, 1408 Illustration of Time (An), 1847 Imperial Piety, 1438 Impostor (The) or Obstetric Dispute, 1268 Inconveniences of a Crowded Drawing Room, 1087 Inconveniences of a Trip to the Continent, eight plates, 1232-1239 Inconvenient Partners in \Valtzing, 1173 Indelicate Investigation, 784 Indian Woman (An), L. P., 1588 "~— Indigestion, 1 205 Information for the Public, 1498 Ins and Outs, 780 Inscription for Monument on Former ll/Iinister! 880 Intemperance (Fruits of), 1705 Interior (An), a glyphograph, 1458 Invitation (An), 1500 Irish Decency, 1111, 1112 ,, Duel, 1333 ,, Epitaph (An), 1045 Hospitality, 1331, 1332 ,, Introduction to a Royal Pulpit (An), 764 ,, Poet’s Grace to a Short Allowance, 1251 Ismail (The Siege of), 1426 Italy, T. N. C., 1671 Ivan Ivanitz Chabert, 1473 J ack-in-the-Green, &c., notes (14) Jack Junk Embarking on a Cruise, 1040 ,, Marrowbone, 1312 ,, Tar Seated (A), L. P., 1662 J ameson’s Theatrical Characters, 988-999 Jane, the quene (The words), 1870 M\Jealousy, 1 204 Jeremiah Brandreth, 1371 ,, Bull’s Address to Mrs. Clarke, etc., 758 ,, ,, Lament, 1585 ,, ,, Last Kick, 902 ,, Hobbs, 1326, 1327,1328 Johnny Bull and his Forged Notes, 922 J ohn’s Dream, 808 Johnson (Doctor), 1876 ,, as Giat'fier (Mr), 988 Joke (That was a funny), 1037 Joy, L. P., 1609 Jug (The Brown), 1330 Juliet and the Nurse, 1465 J uvenilc Monstrosities, 1217 Kaleidoscope Mania, 1479 Kang and Cob, 1141 Kate Kearney, 1808 Kean (Mn), as Omreah, 999 as Richard III, Portrait of, 979 77 7, ,, ,, in the Character of Richard the Third, 977, 978 ,, ,, as Barabas, 990 ,, ,, as Selim, 989 Keen-ish Sport in Cox’s Court, 982 Kemble as Sigesmar (Mr. A.), 996 Kemble Hear, 958 Kensington Gardens (A View in), 1862 Kent (Vignettes to a Map of), 1410, 1411 Keywood (James), 1362 Kick at the Broadbottoms (A), 917 ,, from Yarmouth to ‘Vales (A), 779 Kicking up a Row (The R—t), 794 Killing no Murder, 963 King, L. P., 1543 ,, L. P., different, 1561 ,, John and John Bull, 960, 964 ,, ,, in a Cock’d Hat, 965 ,, Richard Burlesqued, 682 Kings Carriage (The), E. G., 1730, 1731, 1732 ,, Place and Chandos Street, etc., 961 Statue at Guildhall (The), 729 Kitchenmaid, Cookmaid, L. P., 1620 -—Knowing Jerry, 1358 La Belle Asscmblée, 1180 Lacing in Style, 1189 Ladies’ Dandy Hobby (The), 1194 La Diligence, 1235 _‘._v--- SEPARATE Palms—continued. La Duane, 1232 Lady (A Medieval), 1707 Dancing (A Young), L. P., 1628 with Fan (A), L. P., 1661 ,, ,, ,, and Reticule (A), 1599 ,, of Fashion (A), E. G., 1784 Lady’s Headdress (A), E. G., 1741 Lady Somerset at Brighton, 1070 ,, Meditating (A), L. P., 1593 La Gloire des Honnettes Gens, 842 Landing the Treasures, 1101 Landlord (A), L. P., 1591 ,, and Tenant, 1499 Land of Promise (The), 1255 Landscape, by Vivares, (Copy of), 643 Lapland, T. N. C., 1680 Laplanders’ Return (The), notes (3) La Poule, 1178 Last Grand Ministerial Expedition, 872 ,, March of the Conscripts, 696 Lath and Plaster, 1497 Laugh and Grow Fat, L. P., 1622 Law’s Delay (The), 1122 Lawyer Flam, his Wife, etc., 1318 ,, ,, Mrs. Flam, etc., 1317 Lawyer’s Advice (A), 1071 Lavinia, L. P., 1549 Leader of the Parisian, 956, 1782’ Le Départ pour l’Armée, 750 Leeretta, L. D., 1557 Lenetive, Dr., 1542 Le Retour de Paris, 1076, 1209 Le Traiteur chez V éry, 1233 77 .__.~ ~~Les Graces, 1176 \L’Eté, 1183 Liberty Suspended, 907 Life Assurance (Lon. Coml. Policy), 1886 Lincoln (The Chancery Shaver, from), 1391 Lines and Dots (see Dots and Lines) Linkmen extinguishing Lights, E. G., 1736 List, Oh List, L. P., 1582 Liston (in a New f-Arse), 985 ,, as Moll Flagon, 984 ,, as Paul Pry, notes (13) Little Bigger (A), 1521 ,, Hunchback (Prinl Characters in), 1611 ,, Music a la F rangaise (A), 1091 Loaf Lecture (The), T. P., 1689 i- Lobski, Mn, 1814 -'=->-~1 1, 680 ,, (A Scene after), 681 \Vaiting on the Ladies, 1049 ,, Room at Admiralty (Progress of Mid- shipman), 1230 'Walbourn as Dusty Bob (Mr.), 986 WValking (Art of), 1082, 1083 W’allack as Dougal (ME), 991 \Valtzing, 1468 W'asherwoman (A), L. P., 1653 \Vatchman (A), L. P., 1666 ,, (An Old), L. P., 1617 \Vaterloo (The Battle of), 1794 Waterloo (Defeat, etc., of French at), 1795 ,, (Afterpiece to), 741 Watson the Elder (James), 1381 W'eaksight, L. P., 1548 Wealth (The ‘Way to), L. P., 1634 Weather Monarch (The), with another, 1844 \Vebb Entangled (The), 1296 Wedding Ball (The), 1033 We spare the Hump, 1365 West Indies (From the), 1221 VVh-aler and a vWhale (A), 1877 Whimsical Courtship (A), 1285 Whitebow (Alderman), L. P., 1572 Whitelock the Second, 1253 Widow Waddle, 1810 William the Conqueror, 1471 Will of the Whisps, 944 Wilson (G.), 1696 Winging a Shy Cock, 1248 Wise Men of Gotham (The), 873 VVisewig, L. P., 1552 \Voman leading Children (A), E. G., 1781 ,, leaping from a Precipice (A), 1846 ,, taken in Adultery (The), 763 Wooler (Thomas Jonathan), 1382 World (How to get up, etc.), L. P., 1635 ,, divine (What makes all the), LR, 1616 WVorkhouse (Inside of, etc.), 877 Worshipping, E. G., 1765 Worship of Bacchus (The), 1455 Yankee with a Knife, etc. (A), 1864 Yorkshireman’s Slap, etc. (823) York Sparring Match (The), 760 Young as Rolla (Mix), 1001 Zephyr, 1 511 INDEX No. 3. Reid’s numbers of Books, etc., and of Separate Prints (but not of illustrations from 1100/33, eta), with corresponding numbers of this Boo-la. R. : Reid. D. : Douglas. 73 ii 13 12 13 12 14 11 1 635 45 1250 96 976 171 1257 2 636 46 651 97 774 174 332 3 637 v 47 652 93 1304 177 657 4 639 43 1253 99- 1173 130 653 5 640 49 654 106 371 131 1259 6 641 56 1399 103 373 133 1005 7 642 53 1049 109 775 139 1061 3 643 59 1051 110 375 190 1404 9 103 61 757 111 1054 192 1410 10 643 62 753 .112 1055 193 1411 11 644 63 759 115 1254 195 1062 12 645 64 760 116 1255 196 1353 13 646 65 761 117 1305 197 1262 14 1394 66 762 113 656 193 1310 15 1395 67 763 119 372 199 1253 16 649 63 764 120 376 200 663 13 1040 69 765 121 1057 201 1263 19 1041 70 766 126 1053 206 660 20 1042 71 767 123 1307 203 661 21 1043 72 763 130 1403 209 662 22 1044 73 769 131 1306 210 663 23 1045 74 770 133 1309 211 664 26 1046 75 771 134 1409 213 665 27 1047 76 772 135 1030 214 666 23 365 77 1361 136 377 215 667 29 755 73 773 143 1251 216 732 30 366 79 369 144 1059 217 663 31 1033 30 1252 146 1060 213 669 32 367 31 1303 147 777 219 733 33 1400 32 953 143 779 220 670 34 1043 33 957 149 773 221 672 35 1039 34 370 150 730 222 671 36 650 36 960 152 731 223 673 37 1245 I 37 961 157 379 224 734 33 1050 1 33 962 153 1256 225 735 39 363 90 966 159 373 226 1362 40 1302 91 971 164 659 223 333 41 1246 92 972 165 { 353 229 334 42 1247 93 973 331 230 1063 43 1243 ‘ 94 974 167 1341 231 736 44 756 95 975 163 330 232 1031 (295) IN DEX—continued. 14 11 13 11 14 11 .R. ll 233 674 332 1363 446 713 503 1331 235 737 333 336 447 1070 509 739 236 739 334 710 443 1274 510 740 237 675 337 791 450 333 512 392 233 676 339 711 452 1275 513 741 239 677 340 792 453 1413 514 309 241 733 342 1265 454 714 554 1334 242 673 343 1266 455 933 555 1071 245 679 344 793 456 339 556 396 246 631 345 712 457 937 557 1032 247 632 347 794 453 1072 553 742 243 1311 343 795 459 390 559 743 254 1312 349 796 460 1273 561 1279 255 1313 350 797 461 303 563 397 256 1314 35, { 793 462 391 564 1003 260 633 7 799 464 393 565 1230 261 1315 353 301 465 715 563 393 269 634 '354 300 466 716 569 399 275 635 355 307 467 717 570 1164 276 637 356 305 463 713 571 900 277 1401 357 302 469 719 572 310 273 335 353 303 470 394 574 1335 279 1260 359 304 471 720 575 312 233 633 361 1267 473 721 576 311 237 1264 362 1263 474 722 ,7, { 19543 233 639 363 790 475 723 d (6) 239 1064 364 337 476 724 573 313 290 977 395 1270 477 725 579 314 297 1065 393 1269 473 726 530 315 299 690 403 1316 430 395 531 316 302 979 409 1317 431 727 532 901 303 691 410 1319 432 723 533 317 309 692 411 1320 433 1006 534 313 310 693 412 1321 434 1365 536 319 311 694 413 { 1322 436 730 537 1231 313 695 1323 437 729 539 320 314 696 414 1324 433 731 590 902 315 697 415 1412 439 1366 593 321 316 693 430 403 492 1367 594 744 317 699 431 1271 493 1363 595 322 320 701 432 1069 495 1276 595 323 321 702 433 1325 496 1277 597 903 322 395 434 1405 497 1007 599 1073 324 703 435 1406 493 732 600 1369 325 704 437 1326 499 733 613 137 326 930 433 1329 500 734 615 1337 327 705 439 1323 503 735 613 1333 323 706 440 1364 504 736 619_ 1460 329 707 443 1402 505 737 620 1074 330 703 444 1403 506 1273 621 1075 331 709 445 1330 507 733 623 1414 11 1339 1076 1077 904 988 989 991 992 990 993 994 995 996 997 998 905 906 907 908 1174 1078 981 909 910 745 1416 1176 1177 1175 911 1178 1179 1198 1199 912 1000 1195 1079 1080 1180 1282 824 825 1196 1197 1417 920 1418 1371 1372 1373 12 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 768 769 770 771 772 776 774 775 777 776 779 760 761 782 783 784 785 766 767 766 789 844 845 846 863 865 { ( INDEX—continued. 11 826 827 1081 545 921 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 746 923 1124 1272 1341 PJotes <7) 1419 1423 1374 1082 1083 1102 1013 1382 1342 1085 1086 828 1087 985 1088 1090 1091 1165 1092 1093 1089 1283 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1424 1284 1285 1099 922 ‘7 A 96 ) 15 866 868 869 870 871 872 874 876 877 878 879 880 902 908 912 916 917 918 919 926 1344 1109 1286 1110 1219 1210 1377 1207 927 928 835 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 929 930 931 932 933 1116 15 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 941 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 J) 934 935 1166 1826 936 837 1117 1118 937 1119 1378 1379 1345 1121 1122 852 853 1212 1211 (L65) 9L71 8L71 1L71 6971 8971 L971 9971 8971 5971 7971 1971 8971 L971 9771 68L1 88L1 5981 6871 5771 1771 7771 0LL1 55L1 9971 996 L871 8871 9871 9871 7871 8871 L79 0771 1871 879 567 796 896 0871 196 0981 8911 798 6571 0681 5911 1911 898 6501 8501 17 07L5 68L5 88L5 L8L5 98L5 98L5 78L5 88L5 58L5 18L5 08L5 85L5 L995 9995 9995 7995 8995 5995 1995 6795 8795 L795 7795 L895 8095 7695 5995 7795 8795 5795 9575 8885 1085 5755 L115 0891 6591 8191 L671 9671 7971 8971 9971 0571 8171 L171 9171 9171 L071 9071 8[ 8571 7751 8751 5751 1751 8551 0911 6911 596 1981 698 8911 L911 1L11 9911 9151 L151 198 6881 0751 9911 5001 7051 L501 7911 9501 9501 7501 8911 096 598 8811 7811 9051 9801 5911 8981 5981 L571 979 856 9571 8651 6651 1911 0911 6711 8501 1501 5501 786 YT 6981 0981 6981 8981 L981 9981 9981 7981 7781 8781 5781 1781 0781 6881 8881 L881 9881 9881 7881 8881 1881 9181 7181 8181 5181 1181 0181 6081 8081 9081 9081 7651 8651 8851 L851 9851 9851 7851 5851 1851 L951 9951 7951 8951 5951 1951 0951 6951 8951 L951 9951 8L 'panuftyuoa—XECINI 19L 09L 67L 87L L7L 0981 9151 7151 8051 6911 7001 098 6811 1581 8811 L811 8911 898 L881 9811 7651 6781 9811 9811 11 9951 7951 8951 5951 1951 0951 6751 8751 L751 9751 9751 7751 8751 5751 1751 0751 6851 7151 8151 5151 7811 8811 5811 6L11 8L11 LL11 9L11 7L11 8L11 5L11 1L11 0L11 L911 7911 8911 5911 1911 8911 8711 8601 L601 9601 9601 7601 8601 6801 L801 9801 9801 7801 8801 81 1811 7811 8811 5811 876 1811 0811 986 L98 8781 8651 5651 1651 5051 L781 6511 8511 8001 L511 0651 6851 9101 998 L76 976 976 9511 9781 1851 0851 6551 8551 L551 9551 9551 7551 6851 8851 L851 9851 9851 7851 8851 5851 9101 L911 978 998 798 9511 776 (I 5801 1801 0801 6L01 8L01 LL01 9L01 9L01 8L01 5L01 1L01 0L01 6901 L901 9901 9901 7901 1901 0901 L801 9801 9801 7801 8801 5801 1801 0801 8501 0001 666 866 L66 966 766 866 566 166 066 686 886 L86 986 986 786 886 086 6L6 8L6 LL6 9L6 81 1 ) 298 LO [O L!) LO LO [Q L~L LO 1.0 L0 1Q.) L0 LO [Q L0 LO LO LU L0 LC ' \i-Q-q~1~1~1<|-1~T~1~1~1-|~1~T~1~1~1~1 1 a>a>a>a:a>a>a>a>o>a><1~1~1~1~1~1\1~14 u>a>\i0:01$~02N>PJC>¢>Q><105014~ovum— 2790 2791 11 1476 1477 1474 1478 1479 1480 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1489 1490 1492 1493 1494 1495 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 552 1526 553 557 1527 It 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2799 2808 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2827 2828 2829 to 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2858 2859 2869 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 3053 3062 3063 3085 to 3101 3102 3226 1 1 INDEX—continued. 11 1528 1529 1530 1866 1692 1693 1700 1694 1695 1696 1701 1698 1833 1702 1531 50 1542 1635 1667 tO 1684 1625 1645 1646 1638 1639 1640 1648 Tqotes <17) 1647 1543 to 1560 1662 1660 1619 1666 1655 1664 1632 1636 1635 1697 Dlotes 13 322 3237 3301 3302 3303 3343 to 3353 3354 3355 3356 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3477 3555 to 3561 3562 3563 3564 11 1632 Flores 1 08> 1709 1587 1578 1591 to 1601 1649 1634 1637 1616 1650 1605 1606 1626 1630 1631 1659 1663 1579 1617 1607 1590 1651 1643 1621 { Notes (14) ' 1582 1618 1657 1661 1627 1628 1644 1641 1642 1652 1653 1583 1629 { Notes <8> } 1715 1716 1717 1718 15 3569 3572 3573 3645 3646 3698 3841 3879 3880 4052 4265 4278 4279 4328 4353 4384 4385 4407 4442 4467 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4503 4509 4516 4522 4528 4533 4535 4536 4539 4540 4545 4549 4556 4565 4566 4567 4569 4570 1 1 ll PJotes (29> 1706 1707 1719 1707 1834 Plotes (19> 1711 1712 1704 1714 1688 (299) INDEX — continued. .R. 11 .R. 11 .R. 11 ‘ .R. ll 4571 1829 4642 15 4692 426 4743 515 4578 1831 4643 14 4693 427 4744 443 4590 558 4644 388 4694 434 4745 410 4591 554 4645 389 4695 428 4746 596 4592 556 4646 623 4696 26 4747 522 4593 1798 4647 48 4697 433 4748 513 4597 314 4648 562 4698 431 4749 444 4598 315 4649 394 4699 580 ' 4750 590 4599 318 4650 396 4700 436 4751 523 4600 320 4651 16 4701 27 4752 447 4601 319 4652 397 4702 31 4753 445 4602 1 4653 398 4703 32 4754 39 4603 323 4654 401 4704 22 4755 41 4604 324 4655 405 4705 33 4756 448 4605 343 4656 17 4706 437 4757 528 4606 30 4657 406 4707 582 4758 527 4607 344 4658 373 4708 579 4759 525 4608 328 4659 { 4709 34 4760 530 4609 345 5 4710 35 4761 526 4610 346 4660 407 4711 23 4762 444 4611 560 4661 371 4712 24 4763 442 4612 559 4662 408 4713 499 4764 443 4613 28 4663 409 4714 500 4765 524 4614 4 4664 410 4715 438 4766 529 4615 350 4665 411 4716 1424 4767 44 4616 351 4666 571 4717 36 4768 45 4617 8 4667 414 4718 439 4769 46 4618 11 4668 415 4719 440 4770 591 4619 9 4669 372 4720 37 4771 592 4620 352 4670 417 4721 38 4772 593 4621 354 4671 418 4722 586 4773 43 4622 5 4672 568 4723 587 4774 626 4623 359 4673 419 4724 506 4775 600 4624 356 4674 420 4725 502 4776 456 4625 357 4675 570 4726 501 4777 531 4626 12 4676 421 4727 509 4778 596 4627 358 4677 423 4728 516 4779 460 4628 2 4678 424 4729 505 4780 461 4629 361 4679 18 4730 503 4781 1827 4630 370 4680 19 4731 504 4782 601 4631 331 4681 20 4732 511 4783 463 4632 332 4682 21 4733 507 4784 464 4633 376 4683 25 4734 514 4785 465 4634 381 4684 494 4735 519 4786 466 4635 377 4685 574 4736 512 4787 532 4636 378 4686 576 4737 510 4788 594 4637 383 4687 495 4738 517 4789 595 4638 379 ' 4688 496 4739 442 4790 598 4639 6 4689 497 4740 508 4791 597 4640 384 4690 498 4741 518 4792 585 4641 369 4691 425 4742 520 4793 583 991 061 681 881 L81 919 067 981 781 881 081 LL1 8L1 6L1 9L1 7L1 8L1 5L1 1L1 IT 1667 0667 6867 8867 L867 9867 9867 7867 8867 5867 1867 0867 6L67 8L67 LL67 9L67 9L67 7L67 8L67 5L67 1L67 0L67 6967 8967 L967 9967 9967 7967 8967 5967 1967 0967 6967 8967 L967 9967 9967 7967 8967 5967 1967 0967 6767 8767 L767 9767 9767 7767 8767 5767 1767 0L1 891 791 719 191 881 091 519 919 891 991 L91 691 991 591 791 891 191 091 671 871 971 887 971 771 L51 L51 571 819 171 019 071 681 881 L81 981 851 981 781 081 651 L51 951 FPDVJ 5111.051 789 951 751 IT 0767 6867 8867 L867 9867 9867 7867 8867 5867 1867 0867 6567 8567 L567 9567 9567 7567 8567 5567 1567 0567 6167 8167 L167 9167 9167 7167 8167 5167 1167 0167 6067 8067 L067 9067 9067 7067 8067 5067 1067 0067 6687 8687 L687 9687 9687 7687 8687 5687 7L 'pmuzguoo—XQIQNI (00 C‘ ('0 551 LL1 151 587 71 ) 1687 0687 6887 8887 L887 9887 9887 7887 8887 5887 1887 0887 6L87 8L87 LL87 9L87 9L87 7L87 8L87 5L87 1L87 0L87 6987 8987 L987 9987 9987 7987 8987 5987 1987 0987 6987 8987 L987 9987 9987 7987 8987 5987 1987 0987 6787 8787 L787 9787 9787 7787 8787 5787 17 QQOL~CD COL~l~l~ '1787 0787 6887 8887 L887 9887 9887 7887 8887 5887 1887 0887 6587 8587 L587 9587 9587 7587 8587 5587 1587 0587 6187 8187 L187 9187 9187 7187 8187 5187 1187 0187 6087 8087 L087 9087 9087 7087 8087 1087 0087 66L7 86L7 L6L7 96L7 96L7 76L7 7i ( 301 ) 1 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 ll 231 232 235 236 237 238 241 242 244 243 233 245 212 187 248 254 537 259 257 264 166 182 260 261 538 539 265 263 266 240 267 268 11 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 1NDEX— confirmed. 11 .R. 11 269 5080 306 1 270 5082 638 271 5083 321 540 5085 655 541 5086 1052 272 5087 1053 542 5088 1456 218 5089 874 273 5091 686 275 5094 1187 276 5095 1188 277 5096 832 27 5097 833 279 5099 1193 179 5100 1194 280 5101 1209 281. F - PJotes 282 5115 { (2) 285 .- Notes 283 9117 { <3) 284 . Notes 286 5118 { (4) 287 5119 1447 262 5120 1448 288 5121 1035 1703 F __ 1 Notes 543 3133 ‘i (21) 199 5123 1208 5124 1 265 5125 ) 1009 263 5126 289 5127 1300 290 5128 1391 292 5133 93 295 5137 551 293 5140 549 108 5143 1787 1839 5147 1443 301 5150 1470 302 5151 1481 544 5152 1496 303 5153 1830 200 L Notes 300 5196 J (12) ‘2 1 ~ ‘A1€€Q%7KQ§E§\ 06?‘ 6 "a v 2, w I‘ “Q ‘5 $ 1% 611%,. 13 515 5160 5169 5211 5212 5220 5228 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 ll 1710 Pqotes <22) 1713 621 PJotes (11> 620 555 316 322 326 29 606 355 563 564 566 374 399 402 588 581 578 416 446 589 629 1832 627 634 471 341 605 62 489 577 222 535 299 413M "MICHIGAN “4.69 6 “If s .9015- \ "umvERsl .“llllll 7E Illllllllll lll‘llll \IIII ‘\Illlll I Hull 5 @EEEEE...EEEHEE . 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