ちな ​TAL से : 19 た ​411 Published: Mar 31 1758. UNF на Jac: Ferguson 4 ASTRONOMY 1 IN FIVE BOOKS. BY ROGER LONG, D.D. F. R. S MASTER OF PEMBROKE HALL, AND LOWNDES'S PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOMETRY, IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. VOL. II. CAMBRIDGE, PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, M. DCC.LXIV. Histo Sai 1. Js a lo mog 12-2020 14-324- (iii) T The frontispiece explained. The great ſphere at Pembroke Hall in Cambridge HE frontispiece to this volume is a print of what I call the Uranium, becauſe it ſhews the heavenly bodies with their motions and appear- ances in a more compleat manner than can be done by any other inftrument that I know of; it confifts of a planetarium, or machine that exhibits the moti- ons of the earth and all the primary planets round the fun, and the motion of the moon round the earth all encloſed in a ſphere: upon the ſphere, beſides the principal circles of the celeſtial globe, the zodiac is placed, of a breadth fuf- ficient to contain the apparent path of the moon in all its deviations, with all the ſtars over which the moon can ever país; as alfo the ecliptic, and the heliocentric orbits of all the primary planets. The earth in the planetarium has a moveable horizon to which a large moveable braſs circle marked bb within the ſphere may be fet coincident, repreſenting the plane of the horizon continued to the ſtarry heaven; the horizons being turned round fink below the ſtars on the eaſt fide, and make them appear to riſe; and riſe above the ſtars on the weft fide, and make them appear to fet: on the other hand, the earth and the horizon being at reſt, the ſphere may be turned round to repreſent the apparent diurnal motion of the heaven. The earth and planets in the planetarium may be fet in their true places in their orbits for any day re- quired, by an almanack; this being done, if we ſtretch a thread from the earth, or imagin a line therefrom to be drawn through the fun, moon, and each pla- net to the ſphere, it will mark the apparent places of them for that day: the fun, moon and planets, repreſented by fmall beads of different colours, are each of them put upon the end of a wire whereto a fpring is fixed, and may thereby be put on the infide of the zodiac in their places before found; this being done the ſphere turned round will fhew their apparent motions, their rifing, fouthing, and ſetting for the day. This ſphere may be made more compleat, if plates of tin or thin braſs be hammered into fegments of a ſphere of the fame diameter, and upon the concave fide of each plate one of the conftellations be drawn, and fixed in its proper place: the ſuperfluous part of the plate ſhould be cut off, in order to leave a clear view into the infide. In purſuance of this idea, I have, in a room lately built in Pembroke Hall, erected a ſphere of 18 feet diameter, wherein above thirty perſons may *. fit (iv) fit conveniently; the entrance into it is over the fouth pole by fix fteps: the frame of the ſphere confiſts of a number of iron meridians, not compleat femicircles, the northern ends of which are ſcrewed to a large round plate of braſs with an hole in the center of it, through this hole from a beam in the cieling comes the north pole, a round iron rod about 3 inches long, and ſupports the upper part of the ſphere to its proper elevation for the latitude of Cambridge; the lower part of the ſphere, fo much of it as is invifible in England, is cut off; and the lower or fouthern ends of the meridians or truncated femicircles terminate on, and are ſcrewed down to a ſtrong circle of oak of about 13 feet diameter, which, when the ſphere is put into motion, runs upon large rollers of lignum vitæ, in the manner that the tops of fome wind-mills are made to turn round. Upon the iron meridians is fixed a zodiac of tin painted blue, whereon the ecliptic and heliocentric orbits of the planets are drawn, and the conftellations and ſtars traced: the great and little bear and draco are already painted in their places round the north pole; the reſt of the conſtellations are propoſed to follow: the whole is turned round with a ſmall winch with as little labour as it takes to wind up a jack, though the weight When it is made of the iron, tin, and wooden circle is above 1000 pound. uſe of, a planetarium will be placed in the middle thereof: the whole with the floor is well fupported by a frame of large timber: the picture of the Uranium makes it needlefs to give any farther defcription. 1 Subſcribers names which have come to hand fince the publication of the first volume. All Souls Coll. Library, Oxford. Sir Robert Baylis Knt. Alderman of London. Mr. Bentham of Cambridge. Rev. Dr. Borlafe Vicar of Moddeves. Francis Cholmondeley Eſq. Rev. Dr. Cockman Mafter of Univerfity Coll. Ox. Rev. Dr. Derham Prefident of St. Johns Oxford. John Fuller of the Inner Temple Efq. Nicholas Herbert Eq. Rev. Mr. Heyter. Rev. Dr. Huddesford Prefident of Trinity Coll. Ox. Rev. Mr. John Jaumard. Rev. Dr. Ifham Rector of Lincoln Coll. Oxford. Rev. Dr. Mather Prefident of Corpus Chrifti Coll. Oxford. Mr. Melmoth. Conyers Middleton D. D. Principal Librarian of the University of Cambridge. Rev. Dr. Niblett Warden of All Souls Coll. Oxford. Mr. John Noon Bookfeller in London. Rev. Dr. Panting Mafter of Pembroke Coll. Oxford. Rev. Dr. Purnell Warden of New Coll. Oxford. Rev. the Dean of Rapho. The Right Hon. Earl Stanhope. Rev. Mr. Shepherd Fellow of Chrift Coll. Plumian Profeffor of Aftronomy and experimental Philofophy in the University of Cambridge. Rev. Dr. Shipman Fellow of All Souls Coll. Oxford. Dr. Shippen Principal of Brazen Nofe Coll. Oxford. Trinity Coll. Library, Oxford. The Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Wentworth. His Excellency General Wade. page 357. } Book III. D P M 1 E M N m 2 A C P 1 a 3 E h 1. la b M m L B - 69 d A e. ASTRONOMY. BOOK III. CHAP. I. OF THE SECONDARY PLANETS: THE MOON'S MOTION. 947 It has been mentioned before (pag. 189, §621) that three of the primary planets, the earth, jupiter, and faturn are, in their revolutions round the fun, attended by fecondary planets; theſe all go round their re- ſpective primaries according to the order of the figns. The earth is attend- ed only by the moon, which is uſually fignified by this character : the moon goes round the earth, according to the order of the figns, at the diſtance of about 60 femidiameters of the earth from the center of the earth, in a- bout 27 days: which time is called a periodical month. The diſtances of the fatellits of jupiter and faturn from their reſpective primaries and their pe- riodical times will be fet down hereafter. In the 11th figure of the fecond book, vol. 1. pag. 195, the very ſmall circle upon the orbit of the earth at the letter p repreſents the orbit of the moon: the four ſmall circles upon the orbit of jupiter at the letter a are the orbits of jupiters four fatellits: the five fmall circles upon the orbit of faturn near the character are the orbits of the five fatellits of faturn; this figure is fufficient, for the prefent, to give the reader a general idea of the orbits of the fecondary planets, though it does not exhibit them in their true proportions; we ſhall proceed to greater ex- actneſs in the fequel. 948 There is no certain diſcovery yet made of any other fecondary pla- nets beſides thoſe mentioned in the foregoing ſection; but, from fome obſer- vations made in the laſt century by Domenicho Caffini in Italy, and lately by Mr. Short in London, it appears probable that the planet venus is attended with at leaſt one fatellit. The account given us by Caffini is as follows", a Decouverte de la lumiere celefte que paroift dans le zodiaque p. 45. ed Par, Z z 'A. D. 1686 358 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY 'A. D. 1686 aug. the 28 at 15 minutes after 4 in the morning, looking at venus 'with a teleſcope of 34 feet, I faw, at the diftance of 3 of her diameter eaft- 333 'ward, a luminous appearance of a ſhape not well defined, that ſeemed to 'have the fame phafe with venus which was then gibbous on the weſtern 'fide. The diameter of this phenomenon was nearly equal to a 4th part of 'the diameter of venus. I obferved it attentively for a quarter of an hour, and, 'having left off looking at it for 4 or 5 minutes, I faw it no more: but day- 'light was then advanced. I had ſeen a like phenomenon which reſembled 'the phaſe of venus, jan. 25 A.D. 1672 from 52 minutes after 6 in the morn- 'ing to 2 minutes after 7, when the brightneſs of the twilight cauſed it to 'diſappear. Venus was then horned, and this phenomenon the diameter 'whereof was nearly a 4th part of the diameter of venus was of the ſame 'fhape. It was diſtant from the fouthern horn of venus a diameter of venus 'on the weſtern fide. In theſe two obfervations, I was in doubt whether it 'were not a fatellit of venus, of fuch a confiftance as not to be very well fitted "to reflect the light of the fun, and which in magnitude bore nearly the fame 'proportion to venus as the moon does to the earth, being at the fame diſtance 'from the fun and the earth as venus was, the phaſes whereof it reſembled. "Notwithſtanding all the pains I took in looking for it, after theſe two obſerva- 'tions, and at divers other times, in order to compleat fo confiderable a dif- "covery, I was never able to fee it any more than theſe two times; I therefore 'fufpend my judgment of this phenomenon. If it fhould return often, there 'will be theſe two epochas which compared with other obſervations may be 'of uſe to find out the periodical time of its return, if it can be reduced to "any rule. 949 Oct. 23, 1740, at funrife, Mr. Short, with a reflecting teleſcope of 16.5 inches which magnified about 50 or 60 times, perceived a ſmall ſtar at about the diſtance of 10 from venus, as meaſured by the micrometer: and, putting on a magnifying power of 240 times, he found the ftar put on the phaſe of venus: he tried another magnifying power of 140 times, and even then found the ftar have the fame phaſe: its diameter ſeemed about a third or fomewhat lefs of the diameter of venus, its light was not fo bright or vi- vid, but exceedingly ſharp and well defined: a line paffing through the center of venus and it made an angle with the equator of about 18 or 20 degrees: he faw it for the ſpace of an hour ſeveral times that morning; but, the light of the fun increaſing, he loft it about a quarter of an hour after eight. He fays, he looked for it every clear morning after this, but never faw it againa. a Philoſ. tranſact. n. 459 for the months jan. feb. march 1748 950 Book III. 70 ༢༠་ me HO! OF 7 Stephens f v ------------------------- વ au A a пра } ... १४ 13 5 A α • CI ه 6 .... C m T • EUROTRAN u F me a -- • TL 3 T ❤ . H 3€ D .. • page 359. ་་་་་་་་་་་་་་་་ α 20 ? A 4 D .. ! B .... tu 142 BAUER total ရွာ B .... m .. ... ..... .... 3€ E CHAP. I. 359 ASTRONOMY 950 If we imagin the plane of the orbit of the moon to be extended to FIG. the ſphere of the heaven, it would mark thereon a great circle, which may be called the moon's apparent orbita; becauſe the moon appears to the inhabi- tants of the earth to go in that circle through the 12 figns of the zodiac in a periodical month: thus fig. 1, let EFGHI be the orbit of the earth, s the fun, I abcd the orbit of the moon, when the earth is at E: let ABCD be a great cir- cle in the ſphere of the heaven in the fame plane with the moon's orbit; the moon, by going round her orbit abcd according to the order of the letters, appears to an inhabitant of the earth to go round in the great circle ABCD, according to the order of thofe letters: for when the moon is at a ſeen from E fhe appears at A: when the moon is got to b fhe appears at B: when to c ſhe will appear at c: when arrived at d ſhe will appear at D. It is true when the moon is at b the viſual line drawn from E through the moon terminates in L; as it does in м when the moon is at d: but the lines LM and DB, being parallel, and not farther diſtant from each other than the diameter of the earth's orbit, are as to ſenſe coincident, their diſtance meaſured in the ſphere of the heaven is infenfible. For the fame reaſon, though the earth moves from E to F in the time that the moon goes round her orbit, ſo that at the end of a periodical month the moon will be at a, and is feen from the earth at F in the line FN, the moon will notwithſtanding appear at A; the lines F N and E A being parallel, and as to fenfe coincident. In like manner, whatever part of her orbit the earth is in, as at H or 1, the moon, by going round in her orbit, will appear to an inhabitant of the earth to go round in the great circle ABCD. 951 The orbit of every fecondary planet is an ellipfis having its primary in one of its focuſes: if we confider the ellipfis in the ſecond figure as the orbit 2 of the moon; the greater axis AP is called the line of the moon's apfides: the point p where the moon approaches neareſt to the earth fituated in the focus E is the moon's perigee, or lower apfis: the point a where ſhe is at the greateſt diſtance from the earth is the moon's apogee, or higher apfis: the extream points of the leffer axis м and m are the places where the moon is at her mean or middle diſtance from the earth; and a line drawn from the earth to either of theſe points, as EM, or Em, is the line of the moon's mean diſtance: the di- ſtance of either focus E or F from the center c is the excentricity of the moon's orbit: If we imagine the mean diſtance of the moon to be divided into 1000 a Aftronomers, when they mention the orbit of the moon, fometimes mean the moon's real orbit, or the curve wherein ſhe goes round the earth, which is deſcribed § 947; fometimes they mean the apparent orbit of the moon: a little attention will make it eaſy to find which of theſe two is to be underſtood in any writer. Zz2 equal 360 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. equal parts, the meanª excentricity of the moon is about 55 The of thefe parts. orbits of the fatellits of jupiter and faturn differ but little from circles. 952 The motion of every fecondary planet is not equable, but according to this law, that a line drawn from the primary planet to its fecondary moves. over equal areas upon the plane of the fecondary's orbit in equal times: The moon's motion is therefore fwifteft in perigee, floweft in apogee, mean at 3 her mean diſtances; fee § 672: thus, fig. 3, let the orbit of the moon be re- prefented by the ellipfis Am PM, let E be the focus thereof in which the earth is fituated, if lines be drawn from E fo as to divide the area of it into equal triangles, the unequal arcs will ſhew the inequality of the moon's motion: for the moon will in the fame time go through the arc Pa as through the arc ab or bм or мc or cd, &c. The orbits of the fatellits of jupiter and faturn being but little different from circles, the motion of thoſe fatellits is nearly equable. 953 The planes of the orbits of the fecondary planets are not coincident with the planes of the orbits of their primaries, but inclined to them: The plane of the moon's orbit is inclined to the plane of the orbit of the earth in an an- gle of about 5 degrees.-The inclinations of the planes of the orbits of the fatellits of jupiter and faturn will be given hereafter. ་ 954 The orbit of every fecondary planet would continue always invariably the fame both as to its excentricity, the pofition of its longeſt axis, and the fituation of its plane, if it were not diſturbed by any other of the hea- venly bodies; in the fame manner as the orbits of the primary planets were faid to continue invariable, § 794; though the planets perhaps may be liable to be a little diſturbed by one another, or by the near approach of comets, fo as to cauſe ſome change in their orbits. If the plane of the moon's orbit were to continue invariable, and always parallel to it ſelf, fhe would always appear to deſcribe the fame great circle in the fphere of the fixt ftars; and thoſe points in that circle wherein the appears at her greateſt, leaſt or mean diſtan- 4 ces from the earth would always be the fame: in fig. 4. let ABCD be the orbit of the earth in a perſpective view, the ecliptic, abcd the moon's orbit which ſhe goes in when the earth is at A: let her orbit be efgh when the earth is at B; let it be iklm when the earth at c, and nopq when the earth is at D: if the plane of the moon's orbit, in every one of theſe places A, B, C, and D, and in all the intermediate points of the earth's orbit, were to conti- nue parallel to it felf, there would indeed be fo many different planes, but, continued to the heaven, they would all mark the fame great circle thereon, which is expreſt in the figure by the dotted line; for though the diſtance be- a I mention here the mean excentricity, becauſe the moon's excentricity is variable, as we ſhall fee hereafter. tween CHAP. I. 361 ASTRONOMY tween the plane abcd and the plane iklm if both were extended would be FIG. confiderable in it ſelf, it becomes infenfible in the ſphere of the fixt ſtars: In like manner, if the longeſt axis of the moon's elliptic orbit continued always parallel to it ſelf, and if the place of the apogee were in the point as it is drawn in the 4th figure, the moon would always appear in apogee when in 4 , in perigee when in b, in her mean diſtance when in r or ≈. 955 The plane of the moon's orbit extended to the heaven cuts the eclip tic in two oppofite points, confequently the moon's apparent orbit cuts the ecliptic in two oppofite points. The two points where the moon's apparent orbit cuts the ecliptic are called the moon's nodes: the point where the moon appears to croſs the ecliptic as fhe goes into north latitude is called the moon's afcending node, of which this is the character : the point where the moon croffes the ecliptic going into fouth latitude is her defcending node, marked thus : the moon's afcending node is often called the dragon's head; her de- ſcending node the dragon's tail: fome writers call the moon's apparent or- bit her dragon: thefe appellations owe their origin to the repreſenting the apparent orbit of the moon and the ecliptic as in fig. 5, which has fome 5 reſemblance of two ſnakes joyned together at their heads and tails; in this view, the Arabians call thoſe parts of the moon's circle where ſhe is at the greateſt diſtance from the ecliptic, as about L and 7, the dragon's bellies. By a dragon the ancients meant a large fnake, not fuch a fictitious animal with wings as the painters give us. The line of the moon's nodes is a line drawn from one node to the other. The moon appears in the ecliptic only when ſhe is in one of her nodes, in all other parts of her apparent orbit fhe is in north or fouth latitude: thus if we ſuppoſe the moon, fig. 4, to be this day in her a 4- fcending node in v, whilſt ſhe is going the first quarter of her revolution ſhe appears to deviate gradually more and more northward from the ecliptic, till ſhe is got to her utmoſt north latitude or limit at n, where her latitude is about 5°: from her north limit her latitude gradually decreaſes, till ſhe comes into the ecliptic at her defcending node in: from thence the deviates in like manner fouthward from the ecliptic, till the is in her utmoſt ſouth lati- tude or limit at s, where alſo her latitude is about 5°: from her ſouth limit the continually draws nearer to the ecliptic, till fhe returns to her aſcending node in . All this is eafily underſtood by fig. 4, which repreſents the zo- 4 diac in a perſpective view, the black circle drawn through the middle of the zodiac and marked with the characters of the 12 figns 8 &c is the e- cliptic; the dotted circle with 2 and & and n, s, the moon's north and fouth. limits marked upon it is the moon's apparent orbit. 956 362 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. 956 When the moon's place in which ſhe appears to an inhabitant of the earth is the fame with the fun's place, the moon is faid to be in conjunction: when the moon's place is oppofite to the fun's place, ſhe is ſaid to be in oppo- fition: when the moon is a quarter of a circle diſtant from the fun, ſhe is ſaid to be in quadrature: an exact or central conjunction or oppofition can only fall out when the moon is in the ecliptic, but it is called a conjunction when the moon is in the ſame femicircle of a fecondary of the ecliptic with the fun, though the moon has then latitude: this remark is applicable alſo to the op- 4 pofition and quadrature: thus fig. 4, fuppofe the moon to appear in the point r, if the fun be there alfo it is a central conjunction: if the moon appears in v when the fun is at, it is a central oppofition: if the fun be at or when the moon appears in √, it is a quadrature ſtrictly fo: but it is call- ed a conjunction, if the moon be at n the fun at : an oppofition, if the moon be at n the fun at b: a quadrature, if the moon be at n the fun at v or. Both conjunction and oppofition of the moon are called fyzygies: the word in the original σuçuya properly fignifies conjunction, but may well enough take in the moon's oppofition; for then alſo the fun moon and earth may be faid to be conjoyned, by a line which paffes through them all three: the uſe of this term will fave the tedious repetition of conjunction and oppo- fition, when the fun's action upon the moon comes to be treated of. A line drawn through the points of oppofition and conjunction is called the line of fyzygies. 957 The common lunar month, or the time which paffes between any con- junction and the conjunction immediately following, is called a fynodical month, or a lunation: in this time, the moon, by turning more or lefs of her enlight- ned hemifphere towards our earth, goes through all the differences of her increaſe and waining: from her conjunction to the next oppofition the moon is faid to be in her increaſe, becauſe ſhe then fhews us every day more and more of her enlightned hemiſphere; appearing firſt a new moon, then a cre- Scent, an half moon, gibbous, a full moon: from oppofition to the next con- junction the moon is in the wain; and, turning every day leſs and leſs of her enlightned hemifphere towards the earth, appears in the fame fhapes over again as before, but inverted, and in an inverted order: thefe feveral ap- pearances are called the phases of the moon; an explanation of them ſhall be given in the next chapter: the word phaſe, pars, fignifies an appearance. 958 The moon's motion in her apparent orbit is confidered either abſo- lutely, or with relation to the fun: the moon's motion confidered abfolutely is fometimes ſwifter than at other times, according as ſhe is nearer to her peri- gee, where ſhe is ſwifteft, or to her apogee, where floweft; as was ſaid § 952: the > CHAP. r. 363 ASTRONOMY the moon's mean motion is at the rate of 13° 10′ 35″ in a day, which carries FIG. her round the zodiac and compleats the periodical month in 27d7h43. The moon's motion with relation to the fun is called her motion from the fun, or her elongation from the fun: the moon's motion from the fun is the excefs of the velocity of the moon's motion in her apparent orbit above the velocity of the fun's apparent motion in the ecliptic: this excefs is fometimes greater than at other times, for two reaſons; 1, from the inequality of the moon's motion, § 952; 2, from the inequality of the fun's motion, § 776: the mean motion of the moon from the fun is 12° 11′ 27″ in a day, which carries the moon from one conjunction to another, and finiſhes the fynodical month in 29d 12h. 44. The mean motion of the fun in the ecliptic being 59′ 8″ in a day, and the mean motion of the moon in her apparent orbit 13°10′ 35″ in a day; the moon's apparent motion in the zodiac is 12° 11′ 27″ fafter than that of the fun.. 959 If the earth had no revolution round the fun, the periodical and ſy- nodical month would be the fame; the greater length of the fynodical is ow- ing to the fun's apparent motion in the ecliptic, which is cauſed by the earth's motion in her orbit, as was fhewn § 642, by reaſon whereof about two days more than a periodical month will pafs from the time that the moon is in any given fituation with regard to the fun to the time when ſhe will be a- gain in the like fituation, and ſhew us again the fame phaſe: thus, fig. 4, 4 ſuppoſe the moon is this day at noon in conjunction with the fun in the point r; in a periodical month of 27d7h43′ the moon will perform a revolution in her orbit, and appear again in conjunction with the point ; but the fun in that time will appear to have gone almoft 27° from r; and there cannot be another conjunction till the moon has overtaken the fun, which will not be till about two days more have paffed, when the fun and moon will be both in about the 29° of V; the fun being then at a the moon at b. 960 The moon, being nearer to the earth than any other of the heavenly bodies, may come between our eye and any of them that is in or near the e- cliptic: when the moon in her motion along the zodiac appears with one edge of her diſk firſt to touch a ſtar, it is called an appulfe of the moon to that ſtar; and during the time the ſtar is hid from our view by the interpofition of the moon there is faid to be an occultation of it: the beginning of an occul- tation is beft obferved when that fide of the moon which firſt touches the ftar is dark; the end of an occultation is beſt obſerved when it is a dark fide of the moon's difk which laſt leaves the ftar in paffing over it what is here ſaid of the occultations of ftars by the moon or appulfes of the moon to them> is applicable alſo to the planets; there is however this difference, that, the apparent diameters of the fixt ſtars being infenfible, a ſtar is hid from our view. 1 364 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY EIG. view the moment the moon appears to touch it; whereas the diſk of a pla- net, being of a fenfible magnitude, is not covered by the moon all at once, but, as the moon's diſk gradually hides more and more of it, appears leſs and leſs, till the part not yet covered by the moon is too ſmall to be vifible with the teleſcope we make uſe of: and confequently the more the teleſcope magni- fies, the longer will the time be between the moment of the firſt appulſe of the moon to a planet and that of the planet being totally hid from the obſer- ver by the moon. 4 961 Hitherto the orbit of the moon has been confidered as invariable, as it would be if there were no other bodies befides the earth and the moon in the univerſe, or none near enough to affect either of them in a ſenſible manner: the fun has an influence upon both thoſe bodies; and, as the moon in her -revolution round the earth is fometimes nearer the fun than at other times, he is variouſly diſturbed by him in that revolution; having her motion fome- times accelerated, and at other times retarded, ſo as to be hindered thereby from defcribing equal areas in equal times round the earth: ſuffering alſo va- rious changes in the curvature of her orbit, and in the poſition of the plane thereof: all theſe changes will be better accounted for when the cauſes of the planetary motions have been explained; it is however neceffary at preſent to take fome notice of two of them, the first is, that the moon's apogee, and confequently her perigee and the places of her mean diſtances have a flow motion, which carries them round the zodiac, according to the order of the figns, in about 9 years: the fecond, that the nodes of the moon have a flow retrograde motion, ſo as to go round the ecliptic, contrary to the order of the figns, in 19 years. : 962 In order to fhew the progreffion of the moon's apogee, in fig. 4, let √ns repreſent the apparent orbit of the moon, ABCD the orbit of the earth, the ſmall black ellipfes round the earth at theſe ſeveral letters the or- -bit of the moon, when the earth is in thoſe ſeveral fituations: when the earth is at A let the apogee of the moon be at d, the place of the moon's apogee in the ſphere of the heaven will then be the point, and if bd the longeft axis of the moon's ellipfis were to continue parallel to it ſelf, and confequent- ly to the line, when the earth is in every other point of her orbit, for example, at B, or.c, or D, as that axis is drawn at hf, m k, and q o, the place of the moon's apogee in the ſphere of the heaven would be always the fame, namely at, becauſe all parallel lines which are no farther diſtant from each other than the diameter of the earth's orbit are in effect coincident, or appear to terminate in the fame point of the heaven: but this is not the cafe, for the moon's apogee is carried forward, in ſuch a manner, that in a years. time when the CHAP. 2. 365 ASTRONOMY • the earth ſhall have gone round the circle ABCD and is returned again to FIG. the point A, the moon's orbit will be in the fituation repreſented by the dot- 4 ted ellipfis, the longeſt axis whereof will not be bd but rt: parallel to, and confequently as to fenfe coincident with EF, and the place of the moon's apogee will then be at F, which will be about the middle of a. 963 In order to exhibit the going back of the moon's nodes, it must be ob- ſerved that the plane of the moon's orbit does not continue parallel to it felf, and confequently, if we fuppofe it extended to the ſphere of the heaven, would not mark always the fame circle thereon, as was reprefented fig. 4 but changes its fituation in ſuch a manner that, fuppofing at the beginning of a month the fituation of it were fuch that extended to the heaven it would mark thereon the circle ABCD fig. 6, in which the moon's aſcending node 6 is r, the deſcending; at the end of the month when the moon has gone round the zodiac and is returned to r, the plane of her orbit will be fo fitu- ated that extended to the ſphere of the heaven it would then mark thereon the daſhed circle EFGH, in which the aſcending node of the moon is at a about the 28 degree of , the deſcending node at b about the 28° of "; or, to ſhew it ſtill more accurately, it may be repreſented by the 7th figure which 7 is a perſpective view of the zodiac, wherein the pointed line markes the eclip- tic, and the black line that croffes it obliquely fhews how the moon ſeen from the earth does not defcribe in the ſphere of the heaven a circle return- ing into it ſelf, but a curve returning into the ecliptic twice in every revolu- tion of the moon, not exactly in the ſame points where it croffed the eclip- tic before, but a little diſtant from thoſe points, backward, or contrary to the order of the figns: thus, in the figure before us, if at the beginning of one periodical month the moon's afcending node was a, at the beginning of the next it would be b, at the beginning of the next, c, &c: in like manner the deſcending node changes its place, as may be feen in the figure. CHAP. 2. THAT THE SECONDARY PLANETS ARE OPAKE BODIES AND BORROW ALL THEIR LIGHT FROM THE SUN. 964 The ſecondary planets are fpherical opake rough bodies, and appear luminous only on that part of them which receives light from the fun and reflects it to us: the fun, by reaſon of his great diſtance, though much larger than any fecondary planet, can illuminate only one half or not fenfibly more than one half of its furface at a time, if that furface were perfectly fmooth like a poliſhed globe, the planet would be invifible, as was faid of the prima- ries, § 722. 965 3 A 366 воок 3. ASTRONOMY 965 The moon being a globular opake body of a rough ſurface, every part of it upon which the light of the fun falls reflects it every way: ſome parts of the moon are better fitted to reflect the light of the fun than others: the dark parts are by fome philofophers thought to be feas and lakes; becauſe the line which divides the part of the moon which is illuminated by the fun from that which is not fo is not jagged and uneven where it paffes over thoſe dark ſpots, as it is where it paffes over the brighter parts of the moon, that are ſuppoſed to be land diverfified with hills and valleys. It is faid indeed that a good teleſcope will diſcover in the darkeſt parts of the moon caverns and empty pits, and that theſe cannot be in a liquid body, Keil lect. 10: but not the lunar feas and lakes have iſlands in them wherein there may be pits and caverns? and, if fome of theſe dark parts are brighter than others, may not that be owing to the feas and lakes being of different depths, and to their having rocks in fome places, and flats in others? may 966 The furface of the moon is not only rough, but there are alſo upon it very high mountains, and deep valleys: if the furface of the moon were even, none of its parts prominent above the reft, the illuminated. part would be divided from the dark, in the half moon, by an even ſtrait line, and, in all other phaſes, by an even elliptic line; whereas, if we view the moon through a teleſcope, we find no regular line ſeparating light and darkneſs up- on her furface; but the confines between them are very irregular, and as it were indented, with innumerable breaks: and even in the dark part of the moon, near the lucid ſurface, are ſeen ſome ſmall places exceedingly bright, that ſeem to ſtand out and be detached from the body of the moon: theſe are no other than the tops of mountains and rocks, that, by reaſon of their height, are illuminated by the fun, when he is in fuch a fituation that his light can- not reach their lower parts, nor thoſe places on the ſurface of the moon up- on which theſe rocks or mountains ſtand. There are alſo obſer- vable upon the illuminated part of the moon ſeveral darkiſk ſpots, that by the teleſcope are plainly diſcovered to be deep cavities, furrounded with hills that caſt a ſhadow into them: for this ſhadow is caft on different fides of the · cavities, according as the fun is in different pofitions, in the increaſe or wain of the moon, but at the full moon, when the fun's rays are perpendicular to the bottom of the cavities, no fhadow is ſeen therein. 967 The moon going round our earth in a much leſs orbit than the earth revolves in round the fun, fometimes more fometimes lefs and ſometimes no part of her enlightened half will be towards us: and this is the cauſe of the different phaſes of the moon before mentioned § 957. If a ſmall globe be one half black and the other white, by turning it flowly round, we may ex- hibit page 367. Book III. 1 K C L C M m N 9 P I H k 8 h G 9 a A B F d D E 71 10 11 W. J. **. HOI UNIV CHAP. 2. 367 ASTRONOMY hibit all the phaſes of the moon, from the new moon to the full, and from FIG. the full to the laſt phaſe in which the moon appears juſt before her approach- ing ſo near conjunction with the fun as to be invifible. How theſe feveral phaſes ariſe from the different fituation of the moon in reſpect of the ſun and the earth may alſo be eaſily underſtood by the following figure, fig. 8, 8 let s be the fun, E the earth, let abcde &c be the orbit of the moon; when the moon is at a in conjunction with the fun the whole dark hemi- ſphere of her is towards the earth, ſhe is therefore at that time inviſible to us: when the moon is gone from a to b a ſmall part of her enlightened hemi- ſphere will be turned towards the earth, and the then appears as at B: as ſhe goes on in her orbit according to the order of the letters, more and more of her enlightened hemiſphere is turned towards our earth, ſo that at c fhe pears as at c, at d as at D; when the moon is at e half her enlightened and half her dark hemiſphere is turned towards our earth, and the appears as at E: thus the moon turns daily more and more of her enlightened hemiſphere towards the earth, ſo that at ƒ fhe appears as at F, at g as at G, at h as at н, till at i her whole enlightened hemifphere is turned towards the earth, and ſhe appears a full-moon, as at 1: from thence, at k, l, m, n, &c ſhe turns e- very day leſs and leſs of her enlightened hemiſphere towards the earth, and appears as at K, L, M, N, &c ſhewing us fucceffively the fame phaſes as be- fore, but inverted, and in an inverted order, till fhe arrives at the next con- junction at a, and is again inviſible. 1 ap- 968 When the moon is in quadrature with the fun at E and fhews us half her enlightened and half her dark hemiſphere, ſhe is ſaid to be in dichotomy, or to be bisected; this phaſe of the moon is of all others the moſt eaſy to find the exact time of, by two obfervations of the line that divides the bright part of the moon from the dark; one before the dichotomy, when the line from being bent begins to appear ſtrait; the other after the dichotomy, when that line from being ſtrait begins to appear bent; the middle time between theſe two obſervations is the moment of dichotomy. The time of the exact full moon is not ſo eafily found by the phaſes, becauſe there is no ſenſible diffe- rence in the phaſe of the moon for a confiderable time when at the full. 969 To a ſpectator placed upon the moon our earth would, every month, fhew all the ſeveral phaſes of the moon: thus, fig. 8, when the moon is at 8 ¿ only the dark half of the earth is turned towards the moon, and confequent- ly the earth would there be invifible: when the moon is at k a ſmall part of the enlightened half of the earth is turned towards the moon, and would ſhew a ſpectator there the fame appearance as a new moon is to us: and as the moon goes on according to the order of the letters k, l, m, n, &c, more and 3 A 2 more 368 воок 3. ASTRONOM Y FIG. more of the enlightened half of the earth is turned towards the moon, and would exhibit to a fpectator there the phaſes of an increating moon, till the moon is arrived at a, where the earth would appear as a full moon; from thence, as the moon goes round according to the order of the letters a b c d &c, the earth would fhew all the phaſes of the waining moon, till the moon is arrived again at i, where the earth, being again in conjunction with the fun in reſpect of a ſpectator placed upon the moon, would be again inviſible to him. The earth being much larger than the moon, the diſk of the earth would appear much larger to a ſpectator upon the moon than the moon does to us; and confequently, if the earth and the moon are equally fitted to re- flect the light of the fun, the earth throws a much greater quantity of light upon the moon than the moon does upon the earth. 970 For a few days before and after conjunction with the fun, as when 8 the moon is at a, b, c, d, or q, fig. 8, the dark part of the moon's diſk is not perfectly dark, if it were fo, it would be quite invifible to us: that obſcure light which makes it then feen by us is reflected upon it from the enlight- ened half of the earth, which is at thoſe times turned moſt directly towards the dark fide of the moon: in all other fituations, as e, f, g, h, m, n, o, p, ſo much of the dark half of the earth is turned towards the moon that ſhe receives very little light from the earth, or is in fuch a poſition that a great deal of what ſhe does receive from thence is not reflected towards the earth, but is ſcattered into the ſpace which furrounds the earth: add to this, that the more we have of the illuminated half of the moon turned towards our earth the larger is the luminous object which the moon prefents to our view; and confequently, the weaker impreffion will the faint light of the obſcure part of the moon make upon the eye: in theſe caſes, only the bright part of the moon which is immediately enlightened by the fun is viſible to us. When the moon is in conjunction with the fun or very nearly ſo ſhe is in- viſible, though, in that fituation, the illuminated half of the earth is moſt directly turned towards the dark part of the moon, and throws the greateſt quantity of light thereon: this is owing to the nearneſs of the fun, whoſe ſu- perior brightneſs prevents the weaker light not only of the moon, but that of the ſtars and planets alfo, from being feen, when very near him. It may be obferved in general, that, whenever an object makes a very ſtrong impref- fion upon any of our fenfes, any other object which at the fame time ftrikes but faintly upon the ſame ſenſe will be quite imperceptible. 971 To a fpectator placed upon jupiter or faturn every fatellit of the pla- net upon which he ſtands would, in the periodical time of its revolution round its primary, appear to go through all the phaſes of the moon: this is eafily feen by CHAP. 3. 369 ASTRONOMY · by the eighth figure; if we fuppofe s to be the fun, E jupiter or faturn, and FIG. abcde &c the orbit of a fatellit of one of thofe primary planets. 8 972 The diſtance of any fatellit of jupiter or faturn from its primary is in- confiderable, if compared with the diſtance of the primary from the fun; the fatellits therefore of thoſe planets are illuminated by the fun very nearly in the fame manner as their refpective primaries are: the diftance of any fatellit of jupiter or faturn from its primary is alſo inconfiderable, if compared with the diftance of the primary from the earth: every fatellit therefore of jupiter or faturn, ſeen from our earth, muſt always appear near its primary; and con- fequently, like its primary, turns much the greatest part of its enlightened half towards the earth, and to us muſt always appear round, as thofe prima- ry planets do; fee § 726: indeed thoſe fatellits are fo fmall, and their diſtance from us fo great, that, if they were to turn towards us the feveral phaſes of the moon, the beſt teleſcopes would hardly diſcover any difference in their ſhapes, though they might fhew them perhaps fometimes a little larger or brighter than at other times. CHAP. 3. OF ECLIPSES OF THE MOON. 973 We come now to treat of the defects or eclipſes of the luminaries; ap- pearances that in old time were beheld with terror and amazement, as pro- digies that portended great and various calamities to mankind: but when it came to be diſcovered that they arife from natural caufes, and that the times of their falling out may be foretold long before they happen by the fkilful in aſtronomy, it gave great reputation to that fcience: not only as theſe pre- dictions demonftrate the certainty of it, but as they ſerve to deliver mankind, at leaſt the wiſer part, from thofe fuperftitious apprehenfions with which they uſed to be difmayed. Thefe confiderations induced a learned heathen to admire the fagacity of thoſe who were able, as he phrafes it, to find out the laws which fuch great deities as the fun and moon obſerve, and made him run out in their praiſes, as perfons of an elevated genius, who had attained to fomething above the capacity of human nature a 974 The word eclipſe, exλerfis, is derived from a greek word that figni- fies to be diminiſhed or deficient, to faint away, to ſwoon, or to dye: when the full moon in her greateſt luftre falls into the fhadow of the earth, and is deprived of the enlivening beams of the fun, the appears pale and languid be- fore her obſcuration, as if the were fick and going to dye: from hence, the a v. Plin. nat hift. 1. 2. c. 9, & 12. ignorant 370 ASTRONOMY BOOK 3. ignorant heathen imagined the moon was in pain at thoſe times, and there- fore lunar eclipſes were called by them luna labores, the ſtruggles or agonies of the moon; and, in order to relieve her in that fancied diſtreſs, they uſed to hold up on high lighted torches, to keep blowing with trumpets and horns, and to make a clattering upon veffels of braſs and iron, and to facrifice to the moon after the eclipfe was over: this practice we find to be of great antiqui- ty, as well as the opinion that it was in the power of witches by their ſpells and charms not only to darken the moon, but to bring her down from her orb, and force her to ſhed baleful influences upon the earth ª 975 The fun alſo, when the moon comes between him and our earth, and deprives us of his light and heat, appears to us dark or deficient, and was, eſpecially when he was totally eclipſed, by many of the ancients thought to turn away his face, in abhorrence of fome atrocious crime that had been, or was about to be perpetrated in the earth, and to threaten mankind with ever- lafting night, and the death or deftruction of the world b. The Chineſe, who have, for above 2000 years before the incarnation of our Saviour, been conſtant obſervers of eclipfes, though they did not take much notice of thoſe of the moon, looked upon eclipſes of the fun in general as unfortunate, but thoſe which fell out upon the first day of the year they thought more particularly foreboded misfortunes to befall their Emperor, who on fuch occafions did not receive the complements uſually paid him on the beginning of the new year. When an eclipfe of the fun was expected, from the predictions of their aftronomers, they made preparation at court for the obfervation of it: as foon as it was begun, a blind man beat a drum, upon which we are told the Mandarins or great officers mounted their horſes, and there was a concourfe of people, I ſuppoſe near the court: if an eclipſe did not happen at the time foretold, for they were not very certain in their cal- culations, they congratulated the Emperor upon it; as they did alſo if the obfcuration of the fun was leſs than was expected, or if clouds hindered the eclipſe being viſible: when the eclipſe was over they offered ſacrifice. 976 The uſe of eclipfes in aſtronomy, geography, and chronology, will be taken notice of hereafter, it is not amifs in the mean time, with Ricciolus 1. 5. c. 2. to mention the tendency they naturally had to draw off the heathen from that idolatrous worſhip which they paid to the fun and moon: the Ynca of Peru, mentioned by Garcilaso de la Vega in his R. commentàries of Peru, 9. c. 10, reaſoned very juftly, when he concluded that the fun could not 1. 5. . c. 2. a Veteres fcriptores, prefertim poeta et hiftorici, paſſim. v. quos citat Ricciolus, 7. 5. c. 1. b v. Plin. nat. hift. I. 2. c. 12. et que ibi annotavit Dalecampius. v. etiam Ricciol. I. c Gaubil Hiftoire, et traite de l'aftronomie Chinoife, vol. 2. p. 140. et vol. 3. p. 241. &c. be page 371. A S Book III. S S 12 13 14 氮 ​B I P H E C A E F P G D H A -F B C D T P A H M S 15 E N W. Stephens fc. L B Q 72 V G но, CHAP. 3. 371 ASTRONOMY be a divine being, becauſe he could obferve in him no token of freedom or will, but that he went on neceffarily and invariably always in the fame courfe, as if under the direction of another: ought not men to have degraded the fun and moon from their fancied divinity, when they fo often faw them to be wholly or in part deprived of their light, or hindered from ſending it upon the earth? 977 Something has already been faid, § 947, about the diſtance of the moon from the earth, and that this diſtance is variable, § 951. It will be pro- per before we enter upon eclipſes of the moon to fhew by what methods we come to the knowledge of theſe things. The horizontal parallax of the moon being found, her diſtance from the center of the earth may be known by § 147. There are ſeveral ways of finding the horizontal parallax of the moon, which may be ſeen in Ricciolus, Tacquet, Keil, &c. I fhall give a ſhort ac- count of two of them. The firft is from Ptolemy's Almageft . 5. c. 13. ៖ 978 Ptolemy, at Alexandria in Egypt, the latitude whereof he makes 30° 58′, obferved the meridian altitude of the moon when in her greateſt north latitude at the fame time that her longitude was in the beginning of, and found her diſtance from the zenith 2° and of a degree: fo near the zenith, he thought parallax to be infenfible, the pole of the ecliptic being in the plane of the meridian at the time of the obſervation, the exceſs of the moon's alti- tude above the altitude of the higheſt point of the ecliptic, or of the tropic of, gave the moon's greatest latitude 5°. By another obfervation of the me- ridian altitude of the moon, near her greateſt north latitude, and in' 3° of of b, when her true diftance from the zenith was 49° 48′, her apparent di- ſtance was found 50°55′; the difference between theſe two diſtances is 1° 7, which is the moon's parallax when her apparent diſtance from the zenith is 50° 55': no allowance is here made for refraction, the effects of it being un- known in the time of Ptolemy. In the firft obfervation fo near the zenith re- fraction is infenfible; in the ſecond, when the apparent altitude of the moon was but 39° 5, refraction increaſed it about i, as by the table p. 255, fo that by Ptolemy's obſervation corrected by allowing for refraction, the moon's parallax at the altitude of 39° comes out 1°6: now by § 825, coroll. 2, as the fine of 50° 55′ the moon's diſtance from the zenith at the time of the ſe- cond obfervation to 1°6′ her parallax at that altitude, fo is the whole fine to her horizontal parallax: which by calculation comes out 1°25′. This is ma- nifeſtly too great by ſeveral minutes, and is mentioned here only to ſhew the method: if the numbers in the prefent copies of Ptolemy be not faulty, his obfervations were not very exact. 978 Another method of finding the parallax of the moon mentioned by Keil lect. 21, is this: in an eclipſe of the moon, let two obfervers take the altitudes 372 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY * altitudes of the tips of both horns, at the moment when they are both in the fame vertical: add half the difference of theſe two altitudes to the leaſt of them, or fubtract it from the greateſt, and you have nearly the apparent al- titude of the center of the moon: but her true altitude is nearly equal to the altitude of the center of the earth's fhadow at that time; now we may know the altitude of the center of this fhadow, becauſe it is always oppofite to the fun's place in the ecliptic, and the fun's place in the ecliptic and his depref- fion below the horizon, and confequently the altitude of the oppofite point of the ecliptic at any time may be known: the difference between the appa- rent and the true height of the moon thus found is her parallax. The horizontal parallax of the moon being known, her parallax at any given altitude may be thus found: as the whole fine is to the horizontal pa- rallax, fo is the cofine of the moon's given altitude to her parallax at that al- titude: this propofition is the converſe of that at the end of § 978. 980 The moon's distance from us being variable, by reafon of her going round in an ellipfis in one of the focuſes of which the earth is placed, aftronomers give us tables of the parallax of the moon, and of her diſtance from the center of the earth, for every part of her ellipfis: the tables begin by telling what the moon's horizontal parallax and diſtance is when in the point of her apogee; where the diſtance is greateſt, and the horizontal parallax leaft; and proceed to ſet down what they are for every five degrees of her anomaly, or of her diſtance from her apogee: in the apogee the moon's anomaly is fet down o°, at five degrees diſtance from her apogee the moon's anomaly is ſaid to be 5° at ten degrees diſtance from her apogee her anomaly is 10°, &c. Befides that now mentioned, there is alſo another variation in the distance of the moon from the earth, and in her horizontal parallax, arifing from the fituation of the earth and the moon in reſpect of the fun: for, in the fame point of her elliptic or- bit, the diſtance of the moon from the earth will be greateſt in the quadra- tures, and leaſt in the fyzygies: mean in the middle between the quadrature and fyzygy, when the moon is an eighth part of a circle diſtant from the fun. According to Sir Iſaac Newton, the horizontal parallax of the moon at her mean diſtance from the earth, when ſhe is in fyzygy, is 57′ 30″; and her appa- rent diameter 31′ 30″: when ſhe is in quadrature, at her mean diſtance from the earth, her horizontal parallax is 56′ 40″; her apparent diameter 31′ 3″: when the moon is diſtant from the fun an 8th part of a circle, and at her mean diſtance from the earth, her diſtance from the earth is a little above 60 femi- diameters of the earth. Gregor. aftron. 1. 4. prop. 29. The fame learned au- thor in his principia mathem. I. 3. prop. 37, determines the mean distance of the moon to be 60 femidiameters of the earth: this diſtance according to the meaſure раде 373. V H. T 1 E d 18 d 21 N a Book III. 16 E E d 17 19 M N a M 22. FE N a 1 } FE F E d 73 20 м a N 23 ḍ M N F F W. Stephens Sculp VIND CHAP. 3. 373 ASTRONOMY meaſure of the earth in § 457, amounts to 240034 engliſh miles; and is fome- FIG. thing more than it was fet down in round numbers, § 147. 981 The diſtance of the moon from the earth and her apparent diameter being given, the true diameter of the moon may be found by § 148. From the apparent diameters of the moon at her mean diſtance from the earth in fy- zygy and quadrature, fet down in the preceding ſection, her mean apparent diameter, when at her mean diſtance from the earth and in the middle be tween fyzygy and quadrature, is 31′ 16": from this apparent diameter and her diſtance juſt now given of 240034 miles the moon's true diameter comes out 2184 engliſh miles, a little more than I gave it in round numbers § 148. From hence, the fuperficial content of the moon is equal to about a 13th part of the ſurface of the earth, § 204. And, the folid content of the moon is equal to about a 48th part of the folid content of the earth, $ 205. 982 Every planet, primary or fecondary, illuminated by the fun, cafts a fhadow towards that point of the heaven which is oppofite to the fun. If the fun were equal to the planet illuminated by him, the fhadow would be cylindrical, or all of the fame bignefs: as fig. 9, if the planet illuminated 9 were larger than the fun, the fhadow would grow larger as it went farther from the planet, as in fig. 10; this ſhape of the fhadow is called calathoeides, ro from calathos a baſket, becauſe it is fimilar to the ſhape of a baſket which grows wider from the bottom to the top: in both theſe cafes the fhadow would be infinitely extended from the planet. The fun being larger than any of the planets, the fhadow of every planet enlightened by the fun is a cone the baſe whereof is a great circle defcribed upon the planet dividing the en- lightened from the dark hemifphere: thus the fhadow of the earth grows leſs and lefs as it goes farther from the earth, till it ends in a point which is the vertex of the cone, fig. 11. 983 From the magnitude of the fun and earth, their diſtance from each other, the refraction of the atmoſphere, and the diſtance of the moon from the earth, it is found by calculation that the ſhadow of the earth ends in a point at a diſtance from the earth which is less than the femidiameter of the moon's orbit; the moon therefore is not eclipfed by the shadow of the earth alone. The atmoſphere of the earth, by refracting ſome of the rays of the fun and reflecting others, cafts a fhadow, though not a perfectly dark one, as an opake body does: when we fay the moon is eclipfed by paffing into the ſhadow of the earth, the fhadow of the atmoſphere furrounding the earth is to be underſtood: the cone of this fhadow is larger than the cone of the earth's ſhadow alone, the femidiameter of its bafe is greater, and its axis 3 B is I I 374 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. is longer; as is eaſily ſeen by fig. 12, where s repreſents the fun, abc the ſha- 12 dow of the earth, ABC the fhadow of the atmoſphere: in this figure refraction is not confidered. The height of the atmoſphere 4A of fufficient denfity to caſt a ſhadow is ſuppoſed to be 40 or 50 geographical miles, fee book 2, chap. 13. the atmoſphere reaches higher than this, but the upper part of it is ſo thin as not to obftruct the light of the fun fo as to cauſe any fenfible fha- dow, and is not therefore to be confidered in eclipfes. See the remarks. 984 The axis of the earth's conical fhadow, extended from the earth, falls always upon that point of the ecliptic that is oppofite to the fun's geo- centric place: thus if the fun's place be in the point r, the axis of the earth's ſhadow extended from the baſe through the vertex terminates in the point ≈. 985 The height of the conical shadow of any planet, which is called alſo the axis of the fhadow, and is the length of the cone, is greater or lefs according as the planet is at a greater or leſs diſtance from the fun: thus the cone of the earth's fhadow is longeſt when the earth is in aphelion, ſhorteſt when in 13 perihelion. In fig. 13 let s be the fun, when the earth is in aphelion at a, her ſhadowy cone is EDF, the height of the fhadow is AD; when the earth is in perihelion at P, her ſhadow is HCI, the axis of the ſhadow is P C, which is leſs than AD: for EDF is the angle under which the fun's apparent dia- meter is ſeen from D, at the diſtance SD; and HCI is the angle under which the fame diameter is feen from c, at a leſs diſtance sc: therefore the angle EDF is less than HCI, § 242: and the cones HCI and EDF having equal baſes, the cone EDF will be longer than the cone HCI, becauſe more acute, $ 185. 986 The earth's conical fhadow always ends in a point at a leſs diſtance from the earth than the diftance of the orbit of mars from the earth's orbit; and therefore mars can never fall into the ſhadow of the earth: much leſs can jupiter or faturn, whofe orbits are at much greater diftances from the or- bit of the earth, than the orbit of mars. From § 917 and 669, the perihelion diſtance of mars from the fun comes out 28480 femidiameters of the earth, from which ſubtracting the mean di- ſtance of the earth from the fun, 20600 femidiameters, § 917, we ſhall have nearly the leaſt diſtance that mars can ever be from the earth, 7880 femidia- meters of the earth; but the greateſt height of the ſhadow of the atmoſphere is not more than 220 femidiameters of the earth, and confequently that ſha- dow can never reach mars. 987 The height of the cone of the ſhadow of the atmoſphere is always greater than the diſtance of the moon from the earth; and therefore, if the moon page 375. Book III. 1. Pal. Maroctis 2. M. Audus 3. M. Porphyrites 4. Loca Paludosa 5. Cataractes M. 6.M. Troicus 7. Atlas minor 8. Atlas major 9.J. Malta 10.M.Neptunus 11. Etna M. 12. J. Creta 110 100 1.J.Vulcania 14. J. Corsica 15. L. Niger major 16. Argentarius M. 17. Mare Adriaticum 18. Mn. Mortuum 19. Sinai M. 20. M. Carpathes 21. M. Serrorum 22. J. Besbicus 23. Byzantium 24. M. Didymus 100 24 60 0 60 50 001 070 000 50 40 30 30 90 20 10 360 330 C G 016 25 P26 066 360 24 34 12 OF ICH 36 280 25. M. Libanus 26. J. Macra 27. Apollonia 28. M. Moschus 29. Thospitis L. 30. M. Herculis 31. Amadoci Montes 32. M. Riphai 33. Corax M. 34.J. Major 35. Petra Jogdiana 36. Nerofus M. 20 A Mare Boum B S.Sirbonis C Mare Mediterran: D Mare Pamphilium E Mare Hyperboreum F Propontis Ġ Pontus Euxinus H J. Extremus Ponti I S. Cercinites KL.Corocondamehis 1. Palus Maotis M Mare Caspium СНАР. 3 ASTRONOMY 375 moon in oppofition be in or near one of her nodes, fhe will fall into that FIG. ſhadow and be eclipfed. 72 The height of the fhadow of the atmoſphere is never lefs than 212 femi- diameters of the earth, the greateſt diſtance of the moon is not more than femidiameters: confequently the moon in or near to a central oppofition muſt fall into the ſhadow of the atmoſphere. 988 At the fame diſtance of the earth from the fun, the nearer the moon is to the earth the larger is the fhadow where ſhe paffes through it, becauſe nearer to the baſe of the cone: thus, fig. 14, if the moon be in apogee, the 14 arc AF is part of her orbit, and ſhe paffes through the fhadow where its diameter is BC; if the moon be in perigee, the arc PG is part of her orbit, and the paffes through the ſhadow where its diameter is D H, greater than B C. 989 The conical fhadow of every planet is encompaffed with a penumbra or thinner ſhadow; the penumbra is all that ſpace furrounding the fhadow into which the rays of light can come only from fome part of that half of the globe of the fun which is turned towards the planet, all the reſt being intercepted by the planet: the penumbra is in ſhape a piece of a cone, the vertex of which cone is between the fun and the planet: as the penumbra goes farther from the planet, it increaſes in largenefs, being of the ſhape called calathoeides, and therefore its extenfion in length is indefinite, § 982; the axis of it coincides with the axis of the fhadow: in fig. 15, let s be the fun, E a 15 planet, the penumbral cone is F H G, the axis of it is H C, the vertex H, which is the point where any two lines, as IG and LF, drawn tangents to the ſun and the planet on oppofite fides, interfect one another. We may imagine the penumbral cone to be generated in this manner, the point н remaining immoveable, let IG or Lindefinitely extended be turn- 15 ed round, always paffing through the point н and touching the fun and the planet E, and there will be generated an indefinite conical ſurface F H G, Com- prehending befides the cone AH B, both the ſhadow A CB, and the circum- ambient ſpace FAC, CBG, which ſpace is the penumbra. } 990 The nearer any part of the penumbra is to the ſhadow, the lefs light does it receive from the fun; the farther off any part of the penumbra is from the ſhadow, the more is it enlightened by the fun: thus fig. 15, the parts of 15 the penumbra near M are illuminated by thofe rays of light only which come from a ſmall part of the fun's globe near to 1, all the reft being intercepted by the planet E: in like manner, the parts about N can receive only the light that comes from a ſmall part of the fun near to L, whereas the parts of the penumbra at p and q are enlightened in a much greater degree: for the pla- net intercepts from P only thofe rays which come from a fmall portion of 3 B 2 the 376 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. the fun near L; and hides from Qonly a ſmall part of the fun near 1. As for thoſe parts of ſpace which are out of the penumbra, as T and v, they are en- tirely illuminated by the fun, none of his rays being intercepted from them by the planet E. 15 991 In order to know what part of the fun's light is intercepted from any 16 point within the penumbra, as o, fig. 16, imagin a line to be drawn from o extended beyond the fun, as OT, and to be carried round always touching the planet E, this line would deſcribe the conical ſurface Tov, which cuts off from the fun's globe the fegment abcd, this ſegment could not be ſeen at O, the rays of light coming from it towards o being intercepted by the planet E; and therefore the diſk of the fun feen from o would appear as in 17 fig. 17, only the bright part aecb being visible. 992 The moon paffes through the penumbra before fhe enters into the ſha- dow of the atmoſphere: this cauſes her gradually to looſe her light, which is not fenfible at first, but, as he goes into the darker parts of the penumbra, the grows paler, juft before her entrance into the fhadow: in effect, the penum- bra where it is contiguous to the ſhadow is ſo dark, that it is difficult to diſ- tinguiſh it from the ſhadow; eſpecially at the beginning or end of a lunar eclipſe. When the moon is entered a little way into the fhadow, the edge of the ſhadow feen upon the moon's diſk is better defined; ſo that it is eaſier to determin the time when the edge of any ſpot in the moon firſt touches the fhadow, than it is to determin the moment when the edge of the moon's diſk firſt touches it, and begins the eclipfe: it is alſo eaſier to determine the time when a ſpot leaves the ſhadow, than the time when the diſk of the moon gets clear of it, and ends the eclipſe. 993 We may imagin the cone of the earth's fhadow to be cut through at the diſtance of the moon's center from the earth by a plane indefinitely ex- tended every way parallel to the bafe of the cone: this fection will be a cir- cle, which I ſhall call the circle of the earth's ſhadow: the center of this cir- cle is always in the plane of the ecliptic. The circle of the earth's fhadow when the earth is at the fame diſtance from the fun, is greater, the nearer the moon is to the earth § 988. The circle of the earth's fhadow is greater, when 13 the moon is at the fame diſtance from the earth, the farther the earth is from the fun §985. The apparent femidiameter of the moon in her fyzygies is about 15: the femidiameter of the circle of the earth's fhadow, is nearly three times as great as the femidiameter of the moon.. 994 If the moon in oppofition be in the node, the eclipfe of the moon will 18 be total and central, fig. 18: if very near the node,, total, but not central, 19 fig. 19: if fo far from the node that only part of her falls into the ſhadow, the page 377. 1. Grimaldus 2. Galileus 3. Aristarchus 4. Keplerus 5. Gassendus 6. Schikardus 7. Heraclides 8. Harpalus 9. Lansbergius 10. Reinholdus 11. Copernicus 12. Bulialdus 1 13. Eratosthenes 14. Timocharis 15. Plate 16. Archimedes 17. Sinus Estuum 18. Pitatus 19. Tycho 20. Eudoxus 21. Aristoteles 22. Manilius 23. Menelaus 24. Albategnius 25 HO อย B 18 15 O BOOK HI Book III. 25. Regiomontanus 26. Posidonius 27. Plinius 28. Catharina Cyrill, Theophil. 29. Fracastorius 28 H 30 HO 31 35 32 30. Censorinus 31. Meshala 32. Cleomedes 33. Proclus 34. Langrenus 35. Petavius 36.Snellius & Furnerius A.Oceanus Procellarum B. Mare Humorum C. Mare Imbrium D. Mare Nubium E..Mare Frigoris F. Mare Vaporum G. Mare Serenitatis H.Mare Nectaris 1. Lacus Somniorum K. Palus Somni L. Mare Crisium. M.Mare Fecunditatis СНАР. 3. 377 ASTRONOMY the eclipſe is partial, fig. 20: if ſo far from the node, that the diſtance of her FIG, center from the center of the circle of the earth's fhadow is greater than the 20 fum of the femidiameters of the fhadow and of the moon, as fig. 21, or e- 21 qual to that fum, as fig. 22, fhe will not be eclipfed at all. 995 The moon is ſometimes in the middle of a total eclipſe inviſible, in fome places and not in others, becauſe of the different conftitution of the air, v. Hevelii felenograph. p. 117. but generally the appears of a dufky reddiſh colour, eſpecially towards the edges, being more dark about the middle of the ſhadow: this colour is owing to the rays of the fun, or to the light of the fun's atmoſphere refracted through the earth's atmoſphere, or to the light of the ſtars and planets; moſt probably to the first of thefe: the red-making rays being leaſt ſubject to refraction or reflection, may paſs through the at- moſphere in the greateſt quantity, § 765. v. Kepl. epit. aftronom. p. 870. Ric- ciol. l. 5. p. 306. Greg. aftron. lib. 1. prop. 18. Mem. d'Acad. ann. 1704. 22 996 The fun or moon feen from the earth, or the earth feen from the fun or moon, though ſpherical, by reaſon of their diſtance, appear like circular `planes: theſe circular planes are called the diſks of the fun, earth or moon. The apparent diameter of the diſk of the fun or moon is by aftronomers divided into 12 equal parts, which are called digits: each digit into 60 parts, which are called ſcruples or minutes: as many of theſe digits and fcruples as are co- vered by the ſhadow in the middle of a partial lunar eclipfe, fo many digits and ſcruples of the moon are faid to be eclipfed. In a total eclipfe of the moon without ſtay, the moon is eclipfed 12 digits, fig. 23: in a total eclipſe 23 with ſtay, ſhe is faid to be eclipſed ſo many digits as are contained between the edge of the moon neareſt to the center of the fhadow and the edge of the ſhadow neareſt to the moon: thus, fig. 19 repreſents the moon eclipſed 15 19 digits. Greg. aftron. l. 4. prop. 39. 997 The motion of the moon in her orbit being eastward, the beginning of a lunar eclipſe is when the caſtern edge of the moon's difk touches the weſtern edge of the circle of the fhadow: the end of a lunar eclipſe when the weſtern edge of the moon's diſk leaves the eaſtern edge of the circle of the hadow: in a total eclipfe, the time the whole difk is in the fhadow is called the fray, duration, or time of total immerfion, fig. 18, 19.. 18 998 The beginning or end of a lunar eclipfe, being inftantaneous, will 19. ſerve to diſcover the longitude, but not accurately; for, by reafon of the pe- numbra, the beginning appears too foon, the end too late to the naked eye, and even to the teleſcope, and not at the fame time to all eyes: for this rea- ſon the longitudes of places determined by eclipfes, eſpecially thoſe obſerved before the invention of teleſcopes, cannot be depended upon. Hevel. Selenogr. 6... 56. 378 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. c. 56. The moderns, that they may have a greater number of opportunities of determining the longitudes than the beginnings and endings of eclipſes would afford, do it by obſerving the times of the moſt remarkable ſpots of the moon entering into the fhadow, or the times of their emerging out of itª: for this purpoſe, aſtronomers have given names to a great many of the moſt remarkable fpots upon the furface of the moon, as well the bright ones as thofe that are dark: Hevelius has denominated them from mountains, iſlands, countries, and feas upon our earth, where he could fancy he faw any fimili- tude between them; and, for want of that, has given a few of them fictitious geographical names. Ricciolus has given to many of the ſpots of the moon the names of feveral ancient and modern aftronomers, mathematicians, and phi- 24 lofophers; others he has named after the manner of Hevelius: fig. 24 is a map 25 of the moon exactly copied from Hevelius: and fig. 25 a map of the fame from Ricciolus. Sometimes aftronomers, in obferving lunar eclipfes, firft meaſure the moon's apparent diameter with the micrometer, and by the help of the fame inftrument, fet down at feveral times the diſtance in minutes and ſeconds between the points of the horns of the moon: and fometimes they fet down at ſeveral times how many minutes and feconds of the moon's apparent diameter are clear of the fhadow: by either of theſe methods, they get a num- ber of inſtantaneous obfervations, in order to determin the longitudes of pla- ces; or to find the exact time of the middle of the eclipſe, a thing of great uſe in perfecting the theory of the moon's motion, and correcting the tables thereofb. 999 The quantity of a lunar eclipfe depends 1st, upon the largeneſs of the circle of the earth's fhadow, whoſe diameter may be different by § 988, 993: 2dly, upon the apparent diameter of the moon, which may be different by § 980, 3dly, cæteris paribus, upon the diſtance of the moon from her node, at the moment of her being at the full. 1000 The duration of a lunar eclipfe depends partly upon its quantity, part- ly upon the velocity of the moon's motion croſs the fhadow, which is the fame as her motion from the fun. The moon's motion from the fun is ſwift- eft when fhe is in perigee, and the duration of a central eclipſe will then be ſhorteſt, though the moon's diameter and the diameter of the circle of the earth's fhadow be then greateſt; becauſe the greater length of the moon's way through the ſhadow is more than compenfated by the greater velocity of the moon's motion. Kepl. Aſtr. p. 868. The longeft duration of a central lunar eclipſe, that is, when the earth is in aphelion, and the moon in apogee, is ac- a Memoires d'Acad. Phil. Tranfact: Hevel. Selenogr. p. 486. &c. b See Flamfteed's obfervations of eclipſes in the Phil. tranſact, abr. vol. 1. pag. 314. &c. cording CHAP. 3. 379 ASTRONOMY cording to Ricciolus, 3h 57 6″. The ſhorteſt duration of a central lunar eclipſe, FIG. that is, when the earth is in perihelion, and the moon in perigee, is according to Kepler, 3h 37′ 26", Epit. Aftron. p. 868. 1001 The limit of a lunar eclipfe is a certain number of degrees minutes and ſeconds which if the full moon's diſtance from her neareſt node exceeds, ſhe will not be eclipſed; if it does not exceed, ſhe will be eclipfed. Ricciol. Almag. l. 5. p. 309. Greg. Aftron. 1.4.pr.35.Thefe ecliptic limits are variable; greateſt, when the diameter of the circle of the earth's ſhadow and the appa- rent diameter of the moon are both largeſt: leaſt, when thoſe diameters are both leaſt: mean, when the fum of thofe diameters is mean. According to Ricciolus the greateft ecliptic limit of the moon is 12° 50 from her neareſt node, when her latitude is 1ºo 6": her leaſt limit 10°, when her latitude is 52′ 6″. Almag. l. 5. p. 310. The mean limit is ſaid by Whifton. Eclip. Calcul. p. 5. to be about 11° 40. In any full moon that happens when the moon is between her greateſt and leaſt limit, ſhe may or may not be eclipſed, accord- ing as the diameters of the ſhadow and the moon are greater or leſs: in eve- ry full moon that falls out when the moon's diftance from her node is lefs than the leaſt limit, ſhe muſt be eclipſed. See the remarks. 1002 To know whether there will be an eclipſe of the moon at any given full moon; and if there will, whether partial or total, with, or without ſtay. The time of the full moon being given, find the fun's place for that moment, which will give the place of the center of the earth's fhadow, that is, in the oppofite point of the ecliptic: for the fame moment find the moon's place, and the place of that node of the moon which is then neareſt to the ſhadow, and the angle the moon's orbit makes with the ecliptic: in fig. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 19 let E F be an arc of the ecliptic, abcd an arc of the orbit of the moon in 20 which ſhe appears to move according to the order of thoſe letters, MN an arc 21 of a great circle drawn through the center of the ſhadow, perpendicular to 22 the moon's path, theſe arcs being ſmall may be repreſented by ſtrait lines with- 23 out any fenfible error. The moon is neareſt the center of the fhadow, when her center is in the line MN. and therefore, if eclipfed at all, is then in the middle of her eclipfe. If the diſtance of the moon's center from the cen- ter of the ſhadow be greater than the ſum of the femidiameter of the ſhadow and the femidiameter of the moon, as in fig. 21, or exactly equal to it, as 21 in fig. 22, there will be no eclipse: if the moon's diſtance be leſs than that fum, 22 but greater than the difference between the two femidiameters, as in fig. 20, 20 there will be a partial eclipfe, of as many digits of the moon as are then im- merſed in the ſhadow: if the moon's diſtance be exactly equal to the difference between the femidiameters of the moon and the fhadow, as in fig. 23, the ecliple 23 380 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY 19 FIG. eclipſe will be total without ſtay: if her diſtance be leſs than the difference be- 18 tween the femidiameters, as in fig. 18, 19, the eclipſe will be total with ſtay: that is her whole diſk will continue fome time in the ſhadow, which ſtay will be longer or fhorter according to the length of the moon's way through the ſhadow, and the velocity of her motion from the fun. Greg. Aftr. l. 4. p. 35. 1003 In a central eclipſe of the moon, the refraction of the earth's atmo- ſphere will make both the luminaries appear above the horizon, in thoſe pla- 26 ces where they are really both in the horizon: thus, fig. 26, let mм be the center of the earth, the line AB is the rational horizon to a perſon who is at н, as it is alſo to his antipodes on the oppofite point of the earth at L, let a be the true place of the fun, в the true place of the moon, by refraction a ſpectator at н will ſee the fun at D, the moon at c; in like manner, his anti- podes at L will fee the fun at E, the moon at F. The refraction of the hea- venly bodies when in the horizon is about 33', as by the table p. 254, the apparent diameter of the fun is not quite fo much when greateſt, pag. 333; ſo that refraction will make the fun appear above the horizon when he is in reality entirely below it, the fame may be faid of the moon, whofe apparent diameter differs very little from that of the fun. Ricciol. Almag. l. 5. p. 307. Remarks upon § 983. 1004 Kepler was the first who, by confidering refraction, made this dif- covery, that the light of the fun in paffing through the atmoſphere of the earth is refracted in fuch a manner that thofe rays which come from oppofite edges of the fun's diſk muſt interfect each other, and confequently determin the place of the vertex of the true ſhadow of the earth,at a diſtance from the center of the earth which is lefs than the femidiameter of the orbit of the moon; his ſcheme may be ſeen in his aftronomia optica p. 268, and in Ricci- olus, who gives it firſt as it is in Kepler, and afterwards with fome correcti- ons of his own, almag. l. 5. pr. 4: both theſe authors have drawn their figures as if the atmoſphere were throughout of the fame denfity, and as if the up- per region of the air refracted light in the fame degree as thofe parts of it which are near to the earth, a farther correction is therefore neceffary: v. Tacquet aftron. l. 4. c. 4. but the following lemma is firit to be premiſed. 1005 All right lines which can be imagined to be drawn from the ſame point of the fun to any part of the earth or atmoſphere may be looked upon as phyfically parallel; becauſe the diameter of the earth or atmoſphere com- pared with the diſtance of the ſun from the earth becomes infenfible: the fe- midiameter of the earth feen from the fun would be but ten feconds, equal to page 379 Book III. D H 26 A M E 222 A У 27 T B K R D L XXX 28 S F S B E X UNIC OF HO 76 W. Stephens Colavit CHAP. 3. 381 ASTRONOMY to the horizontal parallax of the fun § 824, if we fuppofe the height of the FIG, atmoſphere to be 50 miles, the femidiameter of the earth and atmoſphere feen from the fun would not exceed 10". In effect, the diſtance of the fun from the earth is fo great, that not only the earth but even the orbit of the moon ſeen from the fun would appear but as a point, and all lines drawn from the fame point of the fun to the earth or moon are phyfically parallel, that is, do not deviate fenfibly from paralleliſm, eſpecially at the time of eclipfes, when the earth and moon feen from the fun would appear very near to each other. 1006 In fig. 27, let the circle KL TV repreſent the earth, GROPSH a great 27 circle upon the convex ſurface of the atmoſphere where it is denſe enough to cauſe a ſenſible refraction: let the rays z G K and X H L tangents to the fun in z and x, and tangents to the earth in K and L, be continued till they meet in c: if we imagine theſe lines to revolve round the line ABC drawn through the centers of the fun and of the earth, they would defcribe the cone K CL, which is the fhadow the earth would caft if there were no refraction from the atmoſphere that ſurrounds it. Now fince the line z G at its entrance into the atmoſphere at G is refracted towards the perpendicular GB, it will not go ſtrait on to c, but will fall upon the earth ſomewhere at v, and, for the fame reaſon, the line x H will fall upon the earth at T; the cone KCL is not the earth's true fhadow, as the ancients who did not confider refraction ima- gined, but may be called the fuppofed fhadow of the earth: the axis of this cone is B C. 1007 The Shadow of the atmosphere is the cone RDS terminated by the lines 27 ZRD and XSD tangents to the fun and to the atmoſphere, where denſe e- nough to intercept fo many of the fun's rays as to caft a fhadow: the axis of this cone is B D. may 1008 As for thoſe rays which terminate the true ſhadow of the earth, they 27 muſt be ſuch as, being tangents to the fun in z and x, fall upon the furface of the atmoſphere nearer to the points of contact R and s than the points G and н are; fuch is the ray z M, which enters the atmoſphere at M, and, after its firſt refraction at м, goes on ſo near the earth that, phyſically ſpeaking, it be confidered as a tangent to the earth in к, from whence it goes on to the point o, where coming out of the atmoſphere it is refracted from the per- pendicular fo as to proceed to E, and is there met by a like refracted line XNLPE. Thus the true fhadow of the earth is KOEPL, terminated by the refracted rays z MKOE and XNLPE tangents to the fun and the earth: the height of the true fhadow is B E. 1009 To find the angle of the cone of the fuppofed fhadow of the earth: in fig. 28 28, let s be the center of the fun, E the center of the earth, ACX, BCX, rays 3 C tangents 382 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. tangents of the fun and earth without refraction, the cone of the ſuppoſed 28 fhadow is CXD, whereof the angle at x is required: from the centers s and E to the points of contact a and c draw the ſtrait lines SA, E C, and draw EF parallel to AC; fince the angles at a and c are right ones, § 28, ACEF will be a right-angled parallelogram, and confequently CE is equal to AF, § 57: from s A the fun's femidiameter known by § 918 take AF equal to CE the femidiameter of the earth, known by § 457, the remainder SF will then be found: SE is the diſtance of the fun from the earth, known by § 917, we have then a triangle EFS right-angled at F, whereof two fides SF and SE are given; make s E radius, and SF will be the fine of the angle FES, which an- gle may then be found by § 140: but, AX and FE being parallel by the con- ſtruction, FES is equal to cxE, § 47: and CXE being given, the double of it CXD is eafily found. 28 Example. Sa is 96 femidiameters of the earthª: take from it AF equal to CE one femidiameter, the remainder s F is equal to 95 femidiameters of the earth. SE is 20600 femidiameters of the earth by § 917: fay then as 20600 is to 95, fo is SE 10000000 as radius to a fourth number 46116, as fine of the angle s E F: which angle by the table of fines is 15′ 51″; the double where- of is 31' 42". Or thus, the femiangle of the fuppofed fhadow is equal to the apparent femidiameter of the fun bating the fun's horizontal parallax: the fun's appa- rent femidiameter at his mean diſtance is 16′ 2″, § 903, fubtract the fun's ho- rizontal parallax 10", the femiangle of the fuppofed fhadow is 15 52", the whole angle is 31′ 44″, but 2" different from that before found. 1010 To find the axis of the cone of the fuppofed ſhadow of the earth: in the 28 figure before us we have a triangle ECX, whereof the angle at c is a right one, § 28, the acute angle at x is found by the preceding fection, the fide CE is the femidiameter of the earth: the length of the fide Ex the axis of the cone CXD may therefore be found in femidiameters of the earth. I Example. In the triangle E cx make the hypotenuſe E X radius and CE Will be fine of the angle cx E of 15′ 51″, by § 140 cafe 1; ſay then as 46106 fine of 15′ 51″ to 1 femidiameter, fo is 10000000 radius to 217 femidiameters of the earth, the height of the ſuppoſed ſhadow. 1011 To find the angle and axis of the cone of the shadow of the atmosphere: 28 in fig. 28 let CD now reprefent the convex furface of the atmoſphere, where a In § 918 I fet down the fun's diameter 100 of the earth's, as being the neareſt round number to the true one: the number 96 here made ufe of is deduced from the fun's horizontal parallax 10", § 820, and his mean apparent diameter 32′ 5″§ 903: for the earth's femidiameter would at the diſtance of the fun appear under an angle of 10", § 824, the fun's femidiameter at his mean difl. nce appears under an angle of 16' which is equal to 10" multiplied by 96. 1 denfe CHAP. 3. 383 ASTRONOMY denfe enough fenfibly to intercept any of the fun's light, EC the femidiame- FIG.. ter of the atmoſphere, proceed as in the two fections immediately foregoing, 28 and you may find them; the axis EX will be found 217 as before, but they will then be femidiameters of the atmoſphere, not of the earth. Scholium. The difference between the angle of the ſuppoſed ſhadow of the earth and the angle of the ſhadow of the atmoſphere is infenfible; the diffe- rence between the axes of theſe two ſhadows is fmall, but about an hundredth part of the whole heighth: v. Tacquet aftron. 1. 4. c. 2. From hence it comes to paſs, that the ancient aſtronomers were not much out in their calculations of eclipfes; though they did not take the fhadow of the atmoſphere into the account: this ſhews alſo that the height of the atmoſphere where denſe e- nough to caſt a ſhadow is not fo great as to make it neceffary to confider it in the affair of eclipſes. 1012 To find the angle of the true shadow of the earth: the femiangle of the cone of the true fhadow of the earth is equal to the femiangle of the fuppofed ſhadow increaſed with the addition of double the fun's horizontal refraction: in fig. 27 let z GKC, XHLC be the unrefracted rays of the fun which terminate the fuppofed fhadow, z M KOE, XNL PE the refracted rays which comprehend the true fhadow, the angle of the true fhadow is O E P, the angle of the ſuppoſed ſhadow is K C L. Since the ray z м pro- ceding after refraction from м to o touches the earth in K, the refracted ray MK extended both ways to y w is the fenfible horizon of a ſpectator at к,and confequently if zм be extended to Q, the angle QMK or its vertical z My will be the horizontal refraction of the fun: now the rays z KC and z MQ, being tangents to the fun, will not be fenfibly different from parallel, and therefore the refracted ray yw interfecting them makes the angle cK w equal to QMK the horizontal refraction of the fun, § 47. This being demonſtra- ted, the external angle Kwв is equal to the two internal oppofites CKw the horizontal refraction of the fun and K cw half the angle of the ſuppoſed fha- dow: then fince Ko, inſtead of going ftrait on to w, is refracted into the line OE, Eow is the angle of refraction at the egrefs of the ray out of the atmo- ſphere, equal to the refraction at the ingrefs QMK: therefore KWB or OWB together with Eow are equal to KCB the femiangle of the ſuppoſed fhadow with double the horizontal refraction of the fun: but owв together with E ow are equal to the external oppofite OE B: therefore o E B the femiangle of the true ſhadow of the earth is equal to the femiangle of the ſuppoſed ſhadow together with double the horizontal refraction of the fun. Q.E. D. This de- monſtration is given by Tacquet and Ricciolus, wherein there feems to be this defect, that mo is fuppofed to be a ſtrait line, whereas it is a curve whoſe 3 C 2 curvature 27 384 воок 3. ASTRONOMY. FIG. curvature is greateſt near K, leaſt near м and o, § 749, and 750; and there- 27 fore it does not cut the parallels z мQ, at м, and z KC, at K, with the fame 27 inclination: but if it be remembred, that all vifion is made in a ſtrait line, and that an object at z would to the eye at к appear in the line of the laſt di- rection, which continued is Ky; and that in like manner an object at E would be ſeen in the line кw, we may very well take yw for the fenfible horizon of a perfon at K. Example. The horizontal refraction of the fun according to Flamsteed is 33', § 756, the double of 33′ is 1° 6': to 1° 6' add 15 51" the femiangle of the cone of the fuppofed fhadow of the earth, by § 1009, and you have 1° 21′ 51″ the femiangle of the true ſhadow. 1013 To find the height of the true ſhadow of the earth: in the triangle вKO the angle at K is a right one, Eucl. l. 3. prop. 18, the fide BK the femidia- meter of the earth is 3967 miles, § 457; the fide BO is 4007 miles; for oa the height of the atmoſphere is 40 miles, § 763: from theſe data the angle KOB is by § 140 found to be 81° 53′ 51″. Produce Eo to b, and мo to w: the angle of refraction E ow at egrefs out of the atmoſphere is equal to the angle at ingrefs QMO: QMO is 33' the horizontal refraction of the fun, §756: therefore Eow or its vertical bok is 33': add this 33′ to KOB of 81° 53′ 51″, and the angle boв will be 82° 26′ 51″, and the confequent angle E OB 97 339", § 39: OEB is 1° 21′ 51″, § 1012; therefore in the triangle EBO the fide BO and the angles EOB, OE B are given: from theſe data BE the height of the true ſhadow of the earth may be found, by this known propofition in trigonometry, that in all oblique-angled triangles the fides are as the fines of their oppofite angles: by a calculation after this manner, the length of B E comes out about 42 femidiameters of the earth. And here we may obferve with Taquet, aftron. l. 4. c. 2. n. 16, that different heights of the atmoſphere will make no confiderable difference in the refult of the calculation, but that the length of the ſhadow will come out about 42 femidiameters of the earth what ever number of miles between 1 and 100 be affumed for the height of the atmoſphere. The axis of the true fhadow being no more than about 42 femidiameters of the earth, that ſhadow can never reach the moon, whoſe leaſt diſtance from the earth is not leſs than 50 femidiameters: the axis of the ſuppoſed ſhadow is about 217 ſemidiameters of the earth, § 1010, the axis of the ſhadow of the atmoſphere is about 2 femidiameters longer, the ſhorteſt of theſe two ſhadows is more than long enough to reach the moon when in oppofition, for the moon's diſtance from the earth never exceeds 72 femidiameters of the earth: thus the propofition advanced by Kepler mentioned § 1004 is proved to page 385. M C B A 29 Book III. L E G B C A 31 K D D 30 C 32 Ꮓ 33 M m m P B Ꮐ X M E 34 F B- E C H D OF CH • ་ 77 E M СНАР. 3. 385 ASTRONOMY to be true: as is alfo what was faid § 986, that the fhadow of the earth can- FIG. not reach ſo far as to eclipſe mars. 29 1014 To find the diameter of the circle of the earth's fhadow: the firſt me- thod I fhall mention is that of Ptolemy, l. 5. c. 14, by a lunar eclipſe, where- of the quantity is known by obfervation, the moon's apparent diameter, la- titude, and diſtance from the neareſt node, at the time of the middle of the eclipſe being alſo known: fuppofe the eclipfe to be of 6 digits, fig. 29, let EDC be the ecliptic, A M B the circle of the earth's fhadow, the center where- of D is in the ecliptic: in the middle of the eclipſe, if it be of 6 digits, or half the moon's diameter, the center of the moon will be in the circumference of the ſhadow in the point м, and then DM is the femidiameter of the fha- dow, not fenfibly different from MG the moon's latitude: If the eclipſe be of leſs than 6 digits, as in fig. 30, of a 4th part of the moon's diameter 30 HF, the femidiameter of the fhadow DF wants juft as much of being equal to the moon's latitude DM, as HF the 4th part of the moon's diameter is lefs than the moon's femidiameter HM. If the eclipfe be of more than 6 digits, add to the latitude of the moon the number of minutes and feconds of the moon's diameter which are eclipſed over and above her femidiameter, and have the femidiameter of the ſhadow. you 1015 A fecond method is thus: fig. 31, let BL C be the fun, K HD the earth, 31 CX and BX tangents to the fun and earth, K X D the fhadow of the earth, which may be taken inſtead of the ſhadow of the atmoſphere, as not being fenfibly different from it, §1011, Mm an arc of the moon's orbit; F E will be the cir- cle of the earth's fhadow, QE the femidiameter of that circle, which ſeen from the earth would appear under the angle QAE: to find this angle, pro- ceed thus; ax being found by § 1010, take from it AQ the moon's diſtance from the earth, and the remainder ox will be known: Here is then a tri- angle X QE, right-angled at Q, whereof the fide ox is known, and the angle QXE, being the femiangle of the cone, is given by § 1009, therefore the ra- tio of ox to QE, may be found by § 147: moreover, in the triangle QAE, fince the fides AQ and QE are known, the angle QA may be found, by § 140. 1016 From the horizontal parallax of the moon, the apparent diameter of the fun, and the femidiameter of the fhadow, Hipparchus, and after him Ptolemy attempted to find the fun's diſtance from the earth: but an error in one of theſe data alone will cauſe a great error in the diſtance of the fun fo dedu- ced; this method therefore of inveſtigating the fun's diſtance is juſtly reject- ed by aſtronomers: a much better way of finding the fun's horizontal paral- lax, and confequently his diſtance from the earth was ſhewn § 820. 1017 A third method of finding the femidiameter of the circle of the earth's fhadow 386 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. fhadow is this of Kepler, epit. aftr.p.862. from the fum of the horizontal pa- rallaxes of the fun and moon fubtract the apparent femidiameter of the fun, the remainder is the apparent femidiameter of the circle of earth's fhadow, 31 feen from the earth: Demonftration, fig. 31, draw the lines CAG, AE and AD: fince AD is perpendicular to CDE, § 28, ACD is the fun's horizontal parallax, and AED the moon's, to theſe two angles the external angle G A E is equal, Eucl. 1. 32. from G A E take GA Q, or its equal, becauſe vertical, sac, the fun's apparent femidiameter, the remainder is QA E the femidiameter of the circle of the earth's fhadow: example; at the moon's mean diſtance her ho- rizontal parallax is 57 30", § 980, add the fun's parallax 10", the fum is 57′ 40″; ſubſtract from this ſum 16′ 2″, the fun's femidiameter at his mean diſtance, § 903, the remainder 41′ 38″ is the femidiameter of the circle of the earth's fhadow. 32 Remarks upon § 1001. 1018 The mean apparent diameter of the moon has been given, § 980; her greateſt and leaft apparent diameters muſt alfo be known, before the e- cliptic limits can be determined. The apparent diameter of the moon may be found, by the ſame methods as were taught of finding that of the fun § 902, 904, 907. Mouton made a great number of obfervations of the fun's appa- rent diameter, and ſome of that of the moon; he meaſured them by the time of the tranfits of the diſks of thoſe luminaries croſs the plane of the meridi- an, or of ſome other hour circle, with a pendulum which made 9550 fwings in an hour: we have a full account of thoſe, and fome other aftronomical obfervations, in his obfervationes diametrorum folis et lunæ apparentium &c. Lugduni 1670. The greateſt apparent diameter of the fun obferved by Mou- ton was 32′ 32″: the leaſt 31′ 29″: near enough to fome of the beſt we have, § 903. The greateſt apparent diameter of the full moon obferved by him in perigee was 33′ 29″: he gives us no obfervations of the moon's leaft diameter when near her apogee: his method was that mentioned § 902, only he took tranfits croſs other hour circles as well as croſs the meridian; by which means he was able to take a great many tranfits in a day. In taking tranfits of the moon for this purpoſe, her apparent horary motion in right aſcenſion at the time of the obfervation muſt be known; that fo much of it as anſwers to the time of the tranfit of the whole diſk of the moon may be ſubtracted from the number of feconds of time by which her apparent diameter is meaſured. 1019 In fig. 32, let ABCD be the circle of the earth's fhadow, AE the e- cliptic, EG the moon's path, GF part of a circle of latitude drawn through G the center of the moon, and r the center of the ſhadow, at the moment of CHAP. 3. 387 ASTRONOMY of fyzygy, and all theſe projected upon the ſphere of the moon's orbit: the FIG. moon's latitude is then GF, which line, though not perpendicular to the 32 moon's path, and confequently not the leaſt diſtance between the centers of the moon and of the fhadow as HF is, differs not fenfibly from it: the femi- diameter of the ſhadow BF when largeft is 45 10", the femidiameter of the moon GB when largeft is 16′ 40″, the fum of theſe is 61' 50", if the latitude of the moon at the full exceeds this fum there can be no eclipfe. To find the greatest limit of lunar eclipfes; in the figure before us EFG is a triangle right 32 angled at F, the fide GF is 61′ 50″, the angle at E is 5° 17 the inclination of the moon's orbit to the ecliptic in fyzygy: from theſe data the fide E G will be found 11° 16′: if the diſtance of the full moon from her neareſt node ex- ceeds this fhe cannot be eclipfed. The leaft femidiameter of the moon is 14 45", of the ſhadow 37′ 40″, the fum of theſe is 52′ 25″, if the latitude of the moon at the full be leſs than this fum, ſhe muſt be eclipfed. To find the leaft limit of lunar eclipfes: in the figure before us, if the fide GF be 52′ 25″, the fide FE will come out 9° 32, if the diſtance of the full moon from her neareſt node be leſs than 9°32′, ſhe muſt be eclipſed. Cor. If the diſtance of the full moon from her neareſt node be more than 9°32′, and leſs than 11° 16′, there may be a partial eclipſe of the moon, or The may eſcape being eclipfed; according as the femidiameters of the moon and the ſhadow are greater or lefs at the time of the ſyzygy. 1020 The argument of latitude of the moon at any time is the arc of the moon's orbit which, proceding according to the order of the figns, reaches from her afcending node to her place in her orbit, at that time: of ſo many degrees minutes and feconds as that arc contains, the argument of latitude is faid to be: the word argument ſeems here to be uſed in a logical fenfe, and fignifies the arc by the knowledge of which the moon's latitude is founda. 1021 The moon's anomaly is either mean or trueb: the mean anomaly of the moon is her diſtance from her apogee proceding according to the order of the figns, computed upon a fuppofition that ſhe has been carried all the while e- quably in her mean motion: the true anomaly of the moon is her true diſtance from her apogee, computed by making allowance for the unequability of her motion: as the true motion of the moon is fometimes fwifter fometimes flow- er than her mean motion, in order to find her true anomaly, we muſt ſome- times add to her mean motion, and fometimes fubtract from it. a Argumentum eſt arcus per quem alium arcum quærimus: dicitur analogice ad logicam. Vitalis lexicon Mathemat. b See § 776. and 980. 1022 388 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. 1022 Aftronomers give us tables wherein the latitude of the moon is fet down for every degree of her argument of latitude. There are alſo tables wherein the horizontal parallax and apparent femidiameter of the moon are fet down for every 5th or 6th degree of her anomaly §980. The diftance of the moon from the center of the earth being about 60 femidiameters of the earth, the difference between the diſtance of the moon in the zenith and of the fame in the horizon is confiderable; being about a 6oth part of her whole diſtance or one femidiameter of the earth: this caufes a fenfible difference in the appa- rent diameter of the moon, when ſhe is in different altitudes. The diſtance of the fun from the earth being about 20600 femidiameters of the earth, the difference between the fun's diſtance from us when in the zenith from what his diſtance is when he is in the horizon is inconfiderable; being only a 20600th of the whole diftance of the fun: and therefore his different altitude does not 33 cauſe any fenfible difference in his apparent diameter. In fig. 33 let ABD be the earth, Hz the orbit of the moon; fuppofing the moon's diſtance from the center of the earth to continue the fame during the time of her motion from the horizon to the zenith, cz and CH will be equal: if a fpectator at A has the moon in his horizon at H, the diſtance of the moon from him is н A, nearly equal to CH; but if the moon be in his zenith at z, her diſtance from him is z A, leſs than CH by CA a femidiameter of the earth: the moon's ap- parent diameter is therefore leaſt in the horizon, and increaſes gradually as fhe riſes higher towards the zenith. There are tables wherein is fet down what the increaſe of the moon's apparent diameter is, for every degree of al- titude from the horizon to the zenith. 34 Remarks upon § 1002. 1023 The way of the diſk of the moon through the circle of the earth's ſhadow would be the fame as the way of the moon in her orbit from the ecliptic, if the ſhadow continued in the fame place during the time of an eclipfe; but by the daily motion of the earth in her orbit, the fun and the ſhadow of the earth both appear to go on in the ecliptic, according to the order of the figns: this motion of the fhadow muſt be taken into the account in a lunar eclipfe, in order to find in what manner the moon paffes through it. In fig. 34, let & E be the ecliptic, Mm part of the moon's orbit, AB the circle of the earth's ſhadow, if the ſhadow ſtood ſtill while the moon paffes through it in the di- rection мm, ſhe would croſs the ſhadow in the line bl, making with AB which may be called the ecliptical diameter of the fhadow, as being that dia- meter of it which is coincident with the ecliptic, the angle m E, equal to what the inclination of the moon's orbit to the ecliptic is at that time; but becauſe page 389. B Book III. C A 35 N 0 M L 78 B C A N M a 37 B A D 38 E C UNIV OF WS. CHAP. 4. 389 ASTRONOM Y becauſe the ſhadow is moving flowly on from & towards E, at the fame time FIG. that the moon is moving fafter from 2 towards m, at the end of a fhort gi- 34 ven time, fuppofe one hour, let the moon be got to m, the fhadow to F, the line of the moon's apparent motion through the fhadow is now Fm, which makes the angle mFE with the ecliptic diameter of the ſhadow CD: this an- gle is greater than m & E, Eucl. 1. 32: and for any time a little longer or fhorter than one hour, the time fuppofed, whilſt the moon and ſhadow continue to move in velocities having the fame ratio, the line which exhi- bits the moon's way from the ſhadow will be parallel to Fm, and make the fame angle with the ecliptic diameter of the fhadow. If the motion of the moon be flower, or the motion of the fhadow quicker than in the ratio before ſuppoſed, ſo that, for example, the moon goes only to p while the ſhadow goes to F, the angle made by the line of the moon's motion with the ecliptical diameter of the ſhadow will then be PF D, greater than mFD: if on the contrary the motion of the moon be quicker, or that of the ſhadow flow- er than was ſuppoſed, ſo that the moon goes to Q while the fhadow goes to F, the moon's way from the fhadow will be FQ, which makes with the e- cliptic diameter of the ſhadow the angle QFD, leſs than mFD. 1024 Aftronomers give us tables wherein are ſet down the different angles which the way of the moon from the fun makes with the ecliptic, according to the difference of the moon's motion from the fun, and the different di- ſtances of the moon from her node, in order to fhew the path of the moon through the ſhadow of the earth, in a lunar eclipfe; or the path of the moon's fhadow upon the difk of the earth, in an eclipſe of the fun: but, as the uſe of theſe tables is chiefly for calculating eclipfes, they extend no farther from the moon's nodes than the ecliptic limits. CHAP. 4. OF ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. 1025 Sometimes the moon in conjunction, being in or near one of her nodes, is interpofed between us and the fun, and confequently hides the fun, or part of him from us, and cafts a fhadow upon the earth: this is called an eclipfe of the fun; and may be total, or partial. An eclipſe of any lucid bo- dy is a deficiency or diminution of the light which would otherwife come from it to our eye, caufed by the interpofition of fome opake body. The e- clipfes of the fun and moon, though expreffed by the fame word, are in na- ture very different: the fun in reality loofes nothing of his native luftre in the greateſt eclipſe, but is all the while inceffantly fending forth ſtreams of light 3 D Very 390 воок 3. ASTRONOMY } FIG. every way round him, as copiouſly as ever; only fome of thoſe ſtreams are intercepted in their way towards our earth, by the moon coming between the earth and the fun: and the moon having no light of her own, and receiving none from the fun on that half of her globe which is towards our eye, muſt appear dark, and make ſo much of the fun's diſk appear to be dark or defi- cient, as is hid from us by her interpofition. The moon, when ſhe is eclip- fed, having no light of her own, fuffers a real diminution of her borrowed light, by the earth coming between her and the fun, and ſtopping the rays of the fun in their paffage towards the moon. What is called an eclipſe of the fun is in reality an eclipte of the earth, which is deprived of the fun's light, by the moon coming between and caſting a ſhadow upon it. The earth be- ing a globe, only that half of it which at any time is turned towards the fun is enlightened by him at that time; it is upon fome part of this enlightened half of the earth that the moon's fhadow or penumbra falls in a folar eclipfe. 1026 The moon being much leſs than the earth, her conical fhadow can fall only on a ſmall part of the earth at a time: to the inhabitants of that part of the earth on which the ſhadow falls, the eclipfe will be total: to thoſe in the middle of the fhadow, central: to thofe within the penumbra of the moon, that is, without the fhadow, but ſo near it that part of the fun's diſk is hid by the interpofition of the moon, partial: to thoſe without the penumbra, 35 there will be no eclipſe at all. Thus, fig. 35, let ABC be the fun, MN the moon, мg/N part of the cone of the moon's fhadow, мdefNbg the penum- bra of the moon: it is eafy to fee, 1, that thoſe parts of the earth which are within the circle reprefented by gb are covered by the fhadow of the moon, and that no rays can come from any part of the fun into any part of that cir- cle, by reafon of the interpofition of the moon: 2, in thoſe parts of the earth whereon the penumbra falls, only part of the fun is vifible: thus, any where between d and g the parts of the fun near c cannot be feen, the rays coming from thence towards d or g being intercepted by the moon; whereas, at the fame time, the parts between ƒ and b are illuminated by rays coming from c, but are deprived, by the interpofition of the moon, of fuch as come from A: 3, the nearer any part of the earth within the penumbra is to the ſhadow of the moon, as in places near g, lor h, the leſs portion of the fun is viſible to its inhabitants; the nearer to the outſide of the penumbra, as near d or e orf, the greater portion of the fun may be feen: 4, out of the penumbra, as at p or qor s, the entire difk of the fun is vifible. Corol. In any place where the eclipfe of the fun is total, the outfide of the penumbra firſt paffes over it, then gradually the parts of the penumbra near- er to the ſhadow, then the fhadow, then fucceeds the penumbra, firſt the parts CHAP. 4. 391 ASTRONOMY of it neareſt to the ſhadow, and then after them, gradually thofe near- FIG. parts er the outſide, till the whole penumbra has left the place; thus, in the figure 35 before us, by the moon's motion in her orbit in the direction L M N O, the ſha- dow and penumbra will appear to go in the direction df, ſo that, in any place as g or h, for example, as the penumbra firſt, and afterwards the ſhadow, and then the penumbra again advance over it, the moon appears to the inhabi- tants firſt to touch the edge of the fun's diſk, proceeds to cover more and more of it, till the eclipfe becomes total; after that, the moon appears to go gradually from off the diſk of the fun, till his whole diſk is again viſible. 1027 The quantity of a folar eclipfe in general, is the largeneſs of the moon's ſhadow and penumbra projected upon the earth; theſe are largeſt when the earth is in aphelion and the moon in perigeea. The quantity of a folar eclipfè in any place is thus determined: to thoſe within the line which the center of the moon's ſhade deſcribes upon the earth, if the apparent diameters of the fun and moon be ex- actly equal, the eclipfe will be barely total: if the diameter of the moon be greater than the fun's, it will be more than total: if the diameter of the moon be leſs than the fun's, the eclipſe will be annular, that is, the fun's difk will not be entirely covered, but there will be a ring of his light viſible round the diſk of the moon. Eclipfes may be alfo total, or annular, in places a little diftant from the way of the center of the ſhade, but not central. More than total eclipfes appear greateſt in thoſe places which are neareſt the path of the center of the ſhadow. Partial eclipſes appear greateſt in thoſe places which are neareſt the way of the moon's ſhadow upon the earth. The quantity of a folar eclipfe in any place is eſtimated by the number of digits of the fun's diameter that ap- pear covered by the diſk of the moon, to the inhabitants of that place, in the middle of the eclipſe: in an eclipſe barely total, the fun is eclipſed 12 digits: when the eclipfe is more than total, he is eclipfed fo much more than 12 di- gits, as the diſtance between the edges of the difks of the fun and moon a- mounts to, in thoſe points where thofe edges are neareſt to each other; which is the line ab, fig. 36. 1028 The Shape of the moon's fbadow projected upon the earth in the middle of the eclipfe depends upon the moon's diſtance from her node. If the moon is in her node, the centers of the fun, moon, and earth, are all in a ſtrait line, which is perpendicular to the ſpherical furface of the earth; and therefore the projection of the moon's fhadow upon the diſk of the earth will be a circle. When the moon has latitude, the axis of her ſhadowy cone makes an oblique angle with the ſpherical furface of the earth; and therefore the projection of the ſhadow upon the earth's difk will be an ellipfis, which will be more ob- long, the greater the moon's latitude is. In the folar eclipfe A. D. 1715, the 3 D 2 longeſt a § 1029. 36 392 воок 3• ASTRONOMY FIG. longeft axis of the elliptic fhadow was 170, the ſhorteſt axis 1 10 geographical miles, or minutes. Phil. tranfact. n. 343. If a terreftrial globe be placed in the fun, and a ſmall round ball carried along between it and the fun, the ſha- dow of the ball at its firft entrance upon the globe will be a long oval, which will grow fhorter as the ball is brought nearer to fuch a fituation as to have its center in a line drawn through the centers of the fun and the globe; there the ſhadow of the ball will be a circle: but will grow again into an ellipfis, more oblong as the ball is carried on, till the fhadow of it has left the globe. 1029 The largeness of the moon's fhade projected upon the earth depends up- upon theſe lemmata. The conical fhadow of the moon is longer, and fimilar fections of it at equal diftances from the moon are larger, the greater the moon's diſtance is from the fun, § 985. Therefore the projection of the moon's fhadow upon the earth is largeſt, when the earth is in aphelion and the moon in perigee; leaſt, when the earth is in perihelion, and the moon in apogee, at the fame time, § 985. In a folar eclipſe that is central and barely total in any place, the vertex of the moon's fhadow does but juſt reach the furface of the earth, in that place. In any place where the eclipse of the fun is annular, the tip of the cone of the moon's ſhadow does not reach the furface of the earth in that place. An eclipſe of the fun may be total near the middle of the difk of the earth, and 37 annular in places near the edges of the diſk: thus, fig. 37, let MN be an arc of the moon's orbit, DbE the half of the globe of the earth that is turned to- wards the fun in the middle of a ſolar eclipfe, when the moon is at A, her ſha- dow does not reach fo far as a; in that place therefore, the eclipfe will be an- nular: when the moon is at B, the ſhadow reaches to b; there the eclipſe is total: when the moon is at c, the ſhadow does not reach to c; there the e- clipſe is again annular. The firſt annular eclipſe recorded by any aftronomer to have been obferved was that of the year 1567, taken notice of by Clavius, who ſaw it at Rome, and was in doubt whether the like had ever happened before or not: where- as eclipſes central or nearly central muſt always be annular, when they fall out at a time when the moon's apparent diameter is leſs than that of the ſun; which was the cafe in the folar eclipſe of A. D. 1748 july the 14th, the be- beginning of this eclipſe at Cambridge was 9h 5′ 18″ in the morning, the end 12h 9′ 41″ apparent time; the apparent diameter of the fun was then 31′ 46″, of the moon 29′ 34″ by the tables: near the time of the middle of this eclipfe, I let the fun ſhine into a dark room, through a teleſcope of about 8 feet, up- 38 on a white paper fixt at ſuch a diſtance from the eye-glaſs that his picture paper was of the dimenſions of the outermoft circle ABC, fig. 38; upon the the Book III. 79 39 L N a P L e M C k g P N B 40 41 L A- D A- -D E E A E L A H E 43 P L P L A 44 D A E D UNIL OF Ow 45 P 42 D W.S D P 1 r CHAP. 4. 393 ASTRONOMY the inner circle def reprefents the apparent magnitude of the diſk of the moon FIC. taken at the ſame time, by marking three points in the circular edge of the moon's ſhadow, and drawing a circle through thoſe points; Eucl. 4. 5. 1030 The way of the moon's ſhadow upon the earth is generally from weft to eaſt; inclining towards the north, if the moon be in or near her aſcending node; as in the total eclipfe of the fun april the 15, A. D. 1715: but inclining towards the fouth, if the moon be in or near her defcending node; as in the e- clipſe of may the 11, 1724: as in that alſo of july the 14, 1748. The way of the ſhadow upon the earth may fometimes be from east to west; but this can happen only to thoſe who live within the polar circle, and muſt fall out when their oppoſite meridian, defcribed § 300, is turned towards the fun or nearly fo: let fig. 39 be a projection of part of the earth's enlightened diſk; 39 in reſpect of the rectilinear meridian Pf, the meridians on the right hand in the figure, Pg, Ph, Pi, &c are eaſtern; the meridians on the left hand pa, pb, &c are weſtern: fo that, the center of the fhadow of the moon, paffing along the line abcd &c according to the order of the letters, goes upon the earth from weft to eaſt. But if the fhadow paffes on the other fide of the pole, as in the line qrftuy, according to the order of the letters, the way of the ſha- dow will be from east to west: for, in reſpect of the meridian PM, the meri- dians on the right hand in the figure, Ps, Pt, Pu, are weſtern; thoſe on the left hand as pq, Pr, Ps, are eaſtern.-The way of the center of the moon's ſhadow is a ſtrait line, only when it defcribes a diameter upon the diſk of the earth; otherwiſe it is an elliptic curve, but fo near to a ftrait line that it may be repreſented by one, without fenfible error. 1031 Eclipſes of the fun may be confidered two ways; 1,as they appear to us in the heaven; 2, as they would appear to a fpectator placed in the moon; as to the firſt of theſe, the inhabitants of different parts of the earth, ſee the moon in different points of the heaven, at the fame moment of time: this is owing to the moon's parallax, by reafon whereof, a fpectator who has the moon in his horizon at a given time, views her in the heaven at the diſtance of about one degree, or almoſt double the ſun's apparent diameter from the place where- in ſhe appears at that time to him who has her in his zenith, § 980; where- as the parallax of the fun is ſo ſmall as not fenfibly to change his place, but, at any given moment of time, he appears in the fame point of the heaven to all the inhabitants of that half of the globe of the earth which is then illu- minated by him: from hence it comes to paſs that, at the fame time that the inhabitants of one part of the earth fee the fun quite covered by the moon, to thoſe who live at a confiderable diftance from them, only a part of him ap- pears to be hid; others who live ſtill farther off do not fee him eclipfed at all: and, 394 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. and, according as they are in different fituations, men behold the upper or lower the eaſtern or weſtern edge of the fun, as alfo more or leſs of the fun's diſk eclipſed; ſo that the pofition of the cups a and the largeneſs of the e- clipfe are different, in different places, at the fame time: for the fame reafon al- fo, the time of the beginning, middle, and end of a ſolar eclipſe is different in different places. The other way of confidering folar eclipfes is that invented by Kepler, it ſuppoſes a ſpectator placed in the moon to view the difk of the earth, and the progrefs of the ſhadow and penumbra of the moon thereon; as alſo the motion of countries, cities, and towns, upon the diſk, cauſed by the rotation. of the earth round its axis: by this rotation, every place upon the diſk would appear to move either in the equator, or in one of its parallels: that is, in a ftrait line, if the projection of thefe circles is in ftrait lines, as in the 79th fi- gure of the firſt book; in elliptic curves, if the projection of thofe circles is in fuch curves, as in the 78th figure of the first book, and in the 39th of this prefent book: now in order to know of what kind the projection of the cir- cles upon the diſk of the earth is, at the time of any eclipſe, we muſt know the fun's place in the ecliptic, at that time: the projection of the equator and its parallels is in ftrait lines, only when the fun is in the equator: if the fun is in north or fouth declination the projection of thoſe circles is in elliptic curves, which deviate more or less from ftrait lines, according as the declina- tion of the fun is greater or lefs: whatever the declination of the fun is, he is vertical to the parallel which is at the like diſtance from the terreſtrial as the 39 fun is from the celeftial equator: thus, fig. 39, at the middle of the general eclipſe of july the 14 1748, the fun was in 19°35′ north declination, conſe- quently vertical to the parallel ACB of 19° 35′ north latitude; in that paral- lel then at c muft the center of the difk be: the rectilinear meridian PC is that which is then turned to the fun: how far that is eaſt or weft from the meridian of Greenwich, muſt be known by having the time of the middle of the eclipſe; which at Greenwich was 11h 23 in the morning; it was then noon under the meridian PC: that meridian therefore is 37 in time, or 9° 15′ eaſt from the meridian of Greenwich. 1032 At the moment of the moon's conjunction with the fun, imagin part of the ecliptic with the fun's place therein, and part of the moon's way from 40 the fun to be projected upon the plane of the diſk extended, figg. 40-46: 41 the projection of the arc of the ecliptic will be A D, of the fun's place E the 42 center of the diſk, the projection of the moon's way from the fun will be LP, a Whilst an eclipſe of the fun is partial, the fun appears like the horned moon: the tips of the hons of the fun are called the cufps. the Book III. 80 page 395. A L 49 46 P 53 E P F A H D a d b b 47 B 14 48 50 A 9 h ん ​i k l m n N 51 L a M Z 1 + } і 52 A B N M L 54 P d C น a C CHAP. 4. 395 ASTRONOMY the projection of an arc of a fecondary of the ecliptic drawn from the eclip- FIC. tic to the moon and meaſuring the moon's latitude will be EN: from the cen- 43 ter of the diſk E draw EM perpendicular to the way of the moon from the 44 fun, this will fhew where the center of the ſhadow and penumbra, when 45 the ſhadow reaches the earth, or the center of the penumbra only, when the 46 fhadow does not reach ſo far as the earth, is at the leaft diftance from the center of the diſk: now when the center of the penumbra is at м is the time of the middle of the eclipfe, if that new moon be ecliptical: the middle of the eclipſe is before the time of conjunction, when the conjunction falls out af- ter the moon has paffed her node, as fig. 42, 43; but after the time of con- junction, when that falls out before the moon is come to her node, as fig. 44, 45: when the moon is in the node at the moment of her conjunction with the fun, the time of the conjunction is the fame with the time of the mid- dle of the eclipfe, fig. 46. How much the time of the middle of the eclipſe is before or after the time of the conjunction may be known, by finding the meaſure of the arc M N, and the time the moon takes to go through that arc in her hourly motion from the fun. Aftronomers give us tables wherein is ſet down the time the moon takes to go through the arc MN; this time is to be added to or ſubtracted from the time of the true conjunction, in order to de- termine the time of the middle of the eclipſe, and is different, according as the velocity of the moon's motion from the fun and her diſtance from her node are different: theſe tables, like thoſe mentioned § 1024, reach no far- ther than the ecliptic limits. The largeness of the earth's difk is thus found; the femidiameter of it is e- qual to the horizontal parallax of the moon, § 980: from the center E draw a circle at pleaſure to reprefent the difk, if the femidiameter thereof be divided into as many parts as the horizontal parallax of the moon contains minutes and ſeconds, it will ſerve for a ſcale by which the circles of the ſha- dow and penumbra may be ſet off in their proper dimenfions: from the cen- ter м draw a circle, taking from the fcale for its femidiameter as many mi- nutes and feconds as the excefs of the apparent femidiameter of the moon a- bove that of the fun amounts to, this will exhibit the circle of the moon's fha- dow; from the fame center м draw a circle M н, taking from the ſcale its ſe- midiameter equal to the fum of the femidiameters of the fun and moon, and this will repreſent the circle of the penumbra, in its true dimenfions: theſe things being done, if the diſtance Eм be greater than the ſum of the femidiameters of the diſk and of the penumbra, as fig. 40, there can be no eclipſe; for the penumbra will not touch the diſk: 2, if the diſtance be equal to that ſum, as fig. 41, the penumbra will juſt touch the difk, but caufe no eclipfe: 3, if 41 40 EM 396 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. EM be leſs than that fum, that is leſs than м H added to F в, but greater than 42 the fum of the femidiameters of the ſhadow and the diſk, as fig. 42, the pe- numbra will cover fome part of the diſk; for example, in the middle of the eclipfe, the fegment F G H B, and caufe to the inhabitants of thoſe parts of the earth over which it paffes a partial eclipſe: 4, if the diſtance Eм be leſs than 43 the fum of the femidiameters of the ſhadow and the diſk, as figg. 43, 44, the 44 fhadow will cover fome part of the difk, and cauſe a total eclipfe of the fun in all the places over which it paffes; which eclipfe will alſo be central in all the places over which the center of the fhadow paffes. 1033 For the duration of folar eclipfes, take the following lemmata. If the moon is in her node, the center of her fhadow paffes over the center of the earth's enlightened diſk, and deſcribes a diameter thereof, which is the long- eft line that can be drawn in a circle, as ab; if the moon has latitude, the cen- ter of her ſhadow deſcribes a chord in the circular diſk of the earth, a line 47 leſs than a diameter, as cd, fig. 47. 1034 The beginning of the general eclipfe is when the penumbra of the moon firſt touches the diſk of the earth; the end is when the penumbra leaves the diſk: The duration of the general eclipfe is the time that paffes from the firſt entrance of the penumbra upon the diſk till it is gone entirely off: all that time the fun appears to be eclipfed in ſome part of the earth or other: the duration of the general eclipfe depends upon 1, the velocity of the moon's motion from the fun: 2, upon the length of the line deſcribed upon the diſk of the earth by the center of the penumbra, 3, upon the largeneſs of the ſha- dow and penumbra, 4, upon the largeneſs of the diſk of the earth: the diſk of the earth is largeſt when the moon is in perigee, leaſt when in apogee. The beginning of a folar eclipfe in any place is when the penumbra firſt touches the place; the end when the penumbra leaves the place: the beginning of total darkneſs in any place is when the ſhadow firft touches the place; the end when the fhadow leaves it: all the time the penumbra is paffing over any place, the eclipſe is partial in that place: all the time the fhadow is paffing over any place, the inhabitants thereof have the fun totally eclipfed. It is eaſily underſtood, that it is day in every place upon the enlightened diſk of the earth: 2, that when by the rotation of the earth any place comes firft into the diſk, the fun appears then to rife in that place; 3, when any place is by the fame rotation carried from off the diſk, the fun appears to fet in that place: 4, when the meridian of any place comes to ſtand towards the fun, as the rectilinear 39 meridian pf does, fig. 39, it is noon in that place: hence it follows, that where the penumbra firſt touches the diſk, the inhabitants of that place fee the CHAP. 4. 397 ASTRONOMY the beginning of the eclipfe at fun-rife; where the penumbra laft leaves the FIG. diſk, the inhabitants fee the eclipſe end when the fun is ſetting with them. 1035 In an eclipfe of the fun that is central and barely total in any place, fince only the tip of the cone of the moon's fhadow reaches the place; the ſhadow is ſo ſmall that it is no fooner upon the place than it is off again: to the inhabitants of that place, the fun appears to be entirely covered by the moon, for a moment only; fuch an eclipfe is faid to be total without ftay: an eclipſe may alſo be without ftay, though the ſhadow be of fome breadth, if the place be fo fituated that a line drawn through it upon the difk of the earth parallel to the way of the center of the fhadow only touches one edge of the Thadow. In an eclipse of the fun that is more than total in any place, the fhadow of the moon takes up fome time in paffing over that place; fuch an eclipfe is faid to be total with ſtay: the time of ſtay or total darkneſs in any place is the time the fhadow is paffing over it: this time is variable from the different length of the diameter or chord of the fhadow that paffes over the place, and the different velocity of the moon's motion from the fun, § 958. 1036 In fig. 48, let fgb be the earth, cde part of the orbit of the moon; 48 for fo little a time as the ſhadow and penumbra are paffing over the diſk of the earth in the direction fg, we may, without fenfible error, confider the motion of the moon as if it were in a ftrait line, in the direction ab: in which cafe the axis of the ſhadow would be carried parallel to it ſelf; and confequent- ly, the velocity of the center of the fhadow in the direction fg would be equal to the velocity of the moon in the direction ab: the moon goes through her orbit of 360 degrees in 29 days and an half; that is, at the rate of about one degree in 2 hours. Since the femidiameter of the moon's orbit is equal to 60 femidiameters of the earth, § 980; one degree in the orbit of the moon is equal to 60 degrees of a great circle upon the furface of the earth: therefore the moon's ſhadow and penumbra go upon the diſk of the earth at the rate of 60 degrees or 3600 geographical miles in two hours, that is, 30 fuch miles in a minute of an hour; which is about three times as ſwift as the motion of a cannon ball when it firſt leaves the mouth of the cannon, according to ex- periments related in the hiſtory of the R. Academy of Sciences at Paris for the year 1706. The diameter of the fhadow being finall, and the motion thereof thus ſwift, any place over which it paffes is quickly out of the ſha- dow into the penumbra; therefore the total darkneſs in any place, even where the eclipſe is central, continues but a few minutes, § 1044: the diameter of the penumbra, being pretty large, is a confiderable time in paffing over any place which lies near the way of its center; and therefore, in a place fo fitu- ated, the partial eclipfe may laſt above two hours. 3 E 1037 398 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. 1037 Let meridians be projected upon the enlightened diſk of the earth 49 through every 15th degree of the equator, as in fig. 49, where an is the e- quator, the elliptic curves pas, pbs, &c and the ſtrait line pgs are meridi- 39 ans; in this projection, as alſo in that of the 39th figure, the parts of the earth are exhibited larger the nearer they are to the center of the difk; leſs, the nearer they are to the circumference: thus, the meridians are more di- itant from each other the nearer they are to the rectilinear one which is drawn through the middle of the difk: from hence it follows, that the axis of the moon's fhadow, being carried nearly parallel to it felf during the time of a folar eclipſe, ſo as to defcribe equal lines in equal times upon the earth's diſk, will deſcribe unequal lines in equal times upon the ſpherical ſurface of earth: let the center of the fhadow move equably over the difk of the earth in the 49 line abcdef&c, according to the order of the letters, fig. 49; it will then paſs from a to d, or from k to n, that is, through three meridians 15 degrees a- funder, nearly in the fame time as it goes from ƒ tog, or from g to b, which is only from one meridian to another that is but 15 degrees diſtant from it: thus we ſee the ſhadow and penumbra is longer in paffing over any place, the nearer that place is to the center of the diſk. 1038 If an eclipſe of the fun be confidered as it appears in the heaven, the moon's motion from the fun being generally eastward, the beginning of a fo- lar eclipfe in any place is when the eaſtern edge of the moon's diſk, ſeen from that place, firſt appears to touch the weſtern edge of the fun's difk; the end of the eclipfe is when the weſtern edge of the moon's diſk appears to leave the eaſtern edge of the fun's difk: the duration of a ſolar eclipfe in any place is all 50 the time the moon appears to cover any part of the fun: in fig. 50, let AB be part of the apparent orbit of the moon, s the fun, м the center of the moon at the beginning, N her center at the end of the eclipſe, the duration of the e- clipſe is the time the moon, in her motion from the fun, takes in paffing from M to N ; that is, in a central eclipfe, through an arc equal to the fum of the ap- parent diameters of the fun and moon: the apparent diameter of the moon in apogee, when her motion is floweft, is 29′ 30″, the apparent diameter of the fun when greateft 32′ 44″, the ſum of theſe two diameters is 62′ 14″: when the luminaries are in theſe circumftances, which are fuch as make a folar e- clipſe of the longest duration, the moon in fyzygy goes in her motion from the fun at the rate of 27 4" in an hour, which carries her through an arc of 62′ 14″ in 2 hours and 18 minutes: and this would be the longeſt duration poffible of an eclipſe of the fun, if it were feen from the center of the earth. Scholium. The eclipſe now deſcribed muſt be annular, becauſe the appa- rent diameter of the moon is less than that of the fun; fo that there would be no CHAP. 4. 399 ASTRONOMY no total darkneſs. If the luminaries be both in perigee, the apparent diame- FIG. ter of the moon in the horizon is then 33′ 38″, of the fun 32 44", the fum of thefe is 66′ 22″: fuch an eclipfe will be greater, than when the moon is in apogee, becauſe the moon will now more than cover the whole fun; but the duration of it will be ſhorter; becauſe the greater velocity of the moon in pe- rigee more than compenfates for the greater length ſhe has to go, between the beginning and end of the eclipfe. any When the eclipfe begins in any place it is partial, and continues fo all the time the moon appears to advance over the diſk of the fun, covering more and more of it every moment, till the whole diſk is hid; if the place be fo fituated as to have a total eclipſe, at that time: the eclipſe can be total in place but for a few minutes only, as has been faid before; when the time of total darkneſs is over, the leaft thread of light, that comes directly from that edge of the fun's difk which is first left by the moon fuddenly illuminates the air to a degree that appears furprizing; efpecially if the darkneſs has laſt- ed 2 or 3 minutes, fo as to dilate the pupils of the eyes of the ſpectators: the eclipfe is then again partial, and continues fo, gradually decreafing, as the noon paffes off from the diſk of the fun, and every moment lets more and more of him be ſeen, till his whole difk is again vifible in that place. When an eclipfe is only partial in any place, the moon appears every moment, after the beginning, to cover more and more of the fun, till the time of the mid- dle of the eclipfe, or greateft obfcuration; then the eclipfe gradually decreaſes, the moon continually letting more and more of the fun be feen, till the eclipfe is over, in that place: of the duration of partial eclipfes I fhall treat hereafter. 1039 The beginning of total darkneſs in any place is when the moon firſt appears to a ſpectator in that place to cover the whole diſk of the fun; the end of total darkneſs in any place is when the moon by her motion from the fun, lets fome part of his difk be feen again, in that place. The duration of total darkneſs in any place is all the time the diſk of the fun appears to a ſpec- 51 tator in that place to be entirely covered by the moon: in fig. 51, let MN be part of the apparent orbit of the moon, ac the apparent diameter of the moon, be the apparent diameter of the fun, the figure repreſents the moon juft co- vering the whole diſk of the fun, as fhe appears to do at the beginning of to- tal darkneſs: this darkneſs continues till a the weſtern edge of the moon's diſk appears to go from a to b the weſtern edge of the difk of the fun: the duration then of total darkneſs is while the moon in her motion from the fun, is going through an arc of her apparent orbit equal to ab, the exceſs of the moon's apparent diameter above the apparent diameter of the fun. 3 E 2 1040 400 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. when 1040 The apparent diameter of the moon in the horizon in ſyzygy in perigee is 33′ 38", by the tables: of the fun in apogee is 31′ 38″, § 775: fo that the apparent diameter of the moon in fyzygy in the horizon when greateſt does not exceed the apparent diameter of the fun when that is leaſt above two minutes of a degree: in this fituation of the lumina- ries, as appears by the tables of the hourly motions of the fun and moon, the motion of the moon from the fun is 35 48" in an hour, which is at the rate of 2 minutes of a degree in 3 minutes and about 20 feconds in time; this then would be the longeft poffible duration of total darkness, even when an e- clipfe of the fun is central, if it were viewed from the center of the earth: this alfo would be the longeſt duration of a folar eclipfe, when the luminaries are in the horizon, if the place of the fpectator were a fixt point. The du- ration of total darkneſs in a central eclipfe depends not upon the exceſs of the that apparent diameter of the moon above that of the fun alone, but upon exceſs and the velocity of the moon's motion from the fun confidered toge- ther: this exceſs is increaſed by the moon being in the zenith in a greater ra- tio than the apparent velocity of the moon is: therefore, the total darkneſs will be of longer duration where the luminaries are in the zenith than where they are in the horizon: thus, fuppofe the excess of the moon's apparent diameter above that of the fun to be 2 minutes of a degree, as it is when the fun is at the greateſt and the moon at the leaſt diſtance from the earth; this exceſs, when the moon is in the zenith, being increaſed a 60th part of 33′ 38″ her apparent diameter, will amount to a little more than 2' 33"; fo that the exceſs is about a 4th part greater in the zenith than in the horizon; but, the apparent velocity being increaſed only a 60th part, the duration of total darkness is I longer in the zenith than in the horizon: thus, if in the ho- rizon the total darkneſs were 3' of an hour, to a ſpectator who has the lumi- naries in his zenith it would be 3' 42': it is very eafy to conclude from hence that the duration of total darkneſs in any folar eclipſe is longer in any place the nearer the luminaries are to the zenith of that place during the time of total darkneſs. 1041 When the moon is in the zenith of any place, he is a femidiameter of the earth or about a 60th part of her whole diſtance, nearer to that place 52 than in the horizon, thus, fig. 52, let a fpectator be upon the earth at a, if the moon be in his fenfible horizon at B, her diftance from A is very near- ly the fame as from c the center of the earth; if the moon be in his zenith at z, her diſtance is then no more than az, which is leſs than CB by AC, that is by a whole femidiameter of the earth; or about a 60th part of her whole diſtance: now, fince the apparent diameter of a globe increaſes in the fame CHAP. 4. 401 ASTRONOMY fame ratio as its diſtance from the eye is diminiſhed, § 242, 243, the appa- FIG. rent diameter of the moon in the zenith is about a 60th part greater than in the horizon: it is eaſy to ſee that as the moon rifes from the horizon towards the zenith ſhe approaches nearer to the eye of the ſpectator, and confequently her apparent diameter continually increaſes: in the table at the end of the prefent chapter, may be ſeen how much the apparent diameter of the moon increaſes as the goes from the horizon towards the zenith, for every five de- grees of her altitude. The fun's diſtance is fo great, that his being a ſemi- diameter of the earth nearer will not fenfibly increaſe his apparent diame- ter; therefore eclipſes of the fun are, cæteris paribus, greateſt in thoſe places where the luminaries are neareſt the zenith: for, whereas the fun continues of the fame diameter, he is covered by a moon of greater diameter, the near- er the luminaries are to the zenith. 1042 The apparent motion of the moon is fwifter the nearer ſhe is to the ze- nith of any place: this increaſe of the apparent velocity of the moon is in the ſame ratio as the increaſe of her apparent diameter: for this reaſon, a tranfit of the moon over a ſtar which appears but as a point would take up the fame time whether the moon be in the horizon or the zenith, if the place of the ſpectator were at reſt; the greater apparent diameter of the moon in the zenith being balanced by her proportionally greater apparent velocity. Thus in fig. 53, let AH be the earth, BDG the orbit of the moon, BC the apparent 53 diameter of the moon in the horizon, fuppofe it of 33'; take D E equal to B C: if DE be viewed by a ſpectator at a in his zenith, it will appear to fubtend an angle of 33′ 33″, a 60th part greater than BC does viewed from н the center of the earth, or from A in the horizon of the ſpectator: for BC feen from н is meaſured in the circle BDG, the femidiameter of which is H.B; but DE feen from A is meaſured in the circle EFL, the femidiameter whereof is AD, leſs- than H B. by a 60th part: now if each of theſe circles be divided into degrees minutes and ſeconds, the degrees minutes and ſeconds contained in BC mea- fured in the circle BCG muſt be as much larger than thoſe of DE meaſured in the circle DE F, as H B is greater than AD; for the peripheries of circles or fimilar arcs of them are as their femidiameters, and confequently, the number of feconds in DE thus meaſured muſt be to the number of ſeconds in BC reci-- procally as their magnitude: fo that if 1980 the number of ſeconds in BC be- divided into 60 parts, there will be one of thoſe parts or about 33" in DE more: than in BC. Again, if B C and DE be confidered as equal arcs which the moon: goes through in a given time, it is eaſy to ſee that the angular motion of the moon through DE feen from A is a 60th part greater than that through BC. feen from н or from A: for, from A the motion of the moon through DE ap- pears 402 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. pears to be through an arc of about 33 feconds more than the arc в C appears 53 to contain, viewed from H or A. So that if, for inftance, the moon ſeen from H or A appears to go through B C an arc of 33′ in a given time, ſhe will, ſeen from A, appear to go through DE an arc of 33′ 33″, in the ſame time. 1043 The duration of a central folar eclipfe in any place depends upon the ap- parent velocity of the moon's motion from the fun and the fum of the appa- rent diameters of the fun and moon confidered together: the increaſe of this fum, as the luminaries are feen nearer to the zenith, arifes from the increafe of the apparent diameter of the moon only, for the fun's apparent diameter is not fenfibly increaſed: the apparent diameter of the moon is nearly equal to that of the fun: the increaſe therefore of a 60th part in the moon's appa- rent diameter will increaſe the fum of the apparent diameters of both lumi- naries only an 120th part of that fum: the apparent velocity of the moon in the zenith is a 60th part greater than in the horizon; but, allowing for what is balanced by the increaſe of the fum of the apparent diameters, we may confider the increafe of the apparent velocity as being only an 120th part, the effects are the fame as if it were ſuch, the duration of a ſolar eclipſe will be an 120th part fhorter in the zenith than in the horizon: thus, an eclipfe, which in the horizon would laſt 2 hours, will, if ſeen in the zenith, laſt but 1 hour and 59 minutes. 1044 We have hitherto confidered what would be the longeſt duration of a folar eclipfe viewed from the center of the earth, or from the furface, fuppofing the earth had no rotation round its axis: but, as every place upon the furface of the earth is, by this rotation, carried round nearly the ſame way that the moon goes in her orbit, this motion of the place of a ſpectator will cauſe the motion of the moon to appear to him ſo much flower as his own motion amounts to, than it would do if he were to view it from a fixt point: if the ſpectator be at the equator, and in the middle of the diſk, he is carried with greater velocity the fame way with the moon than on any other part of the earth; the motion of any point of the equator is at the rate of 15 geographical miles in a minute, which is very little leſs than half of the moon's motion from the fun, in the caſe we are now fuppofing, when that motion is ſwifteft of all: ſo that, the diameters of the luminaries being as was mentioned § 1040, in a folar eclipfe that happens when they are in the zenith, the time of total darkneſs is by the rotation of the earth increaſed almoſt half, and may amount to about five minutes of an hour. If the ſpectator be upon the equator and near the edge of the diſk, the rotation of the earth carries him round with the fame velocity as in the cafe juft now mentioned; but, becauſe a line drawn from the moon to his place is then ve- ry CHAP. 4. 403 ASTRONOMY ry nearly a tangent to the earth, the rotation carries him almoft directly to- FIC. wards the moon, or almoft directly from her; but his motion the fame way with the moon is then fo little as to be ſcarcely fenfible: in this caſe, the ro- tation of the earth contributes very little towards lengthening the duration of total darkneſs: it will therefore be very nearly the fame as if the eclipſe were viewed from the center of the earth. In fig. 54, let м be the moon, LMN 54 be part of the orbit of the moon in which the moves according to the order of thoſe letters, abcd the equator of the earth, P one of the poles: by the earth's rotation according to the order of the letters, the fame way with the moon, a fpectator upon the earth at a who has the moon in his zenith con- tinues the longer in the fhade, becauſe he is carried along with it, as it moves the earth from a towards b; whereas a fpectator at d who has the moon in his horizon, being carried almoft directly towards M, may be confidered as ftationary in reſpect of the moon; as may a fpectator alfo at b, who is carried almoſt directly from the moon. upon Corol. The time of total darkneſs in any place is more or lefs increaſed by the rotation of the earth, according as that place is near to the equator or diſtant from it, and has the luminaries nearer to or farther from the zenith at the time of the middle of the eclipfe. The rotation of the earth lengthens alſo more or leſs the time the fun is partially eclipſed in any place, in the fame man- ner as it does the time of total darkneſs in that place: in an eclipſe that is central or nearly fuch, if the ſpectator be near the equator, and has the lu- minaries near his zenith, the rotation of the earth will lengthen the duration above half an hour. 1045 The darkness in a total eclipse of the fun may be diminiſhed, 1, by fome of the light of the fun refracted through the atmoſphere of the moon; 2, by the light of the fun's atmoſphere: 3, by that light which extends it ſelf from the fun both ways along the ecliptic, deſcribed by Dam. Caffini in a trea- tife upon that fubject, whereof I fhall give an account in a proper place: 4, by the fun's light falling upon thofe parts of our atmoſphere which, though not within our view, are near enough to us to reflect that light upon fome parts of our atmoſphere that are within our vifible horizon. The circle of pale light that appears round the moon in a total eclipſe of the fun is with great probability fuppofed to be owing to the atmosphere of the moon: total eclipſes of the fun wherein this pale light has been ſeen have ſometimes, by miſtake, been thought to be annular, when the tables of the fun and moon have made it manifeft that the apparent diameter of the moon was not at thoſe times leſs than that of the fun; as it muft neceffarily be to caufe an. annular eclipſe. 1046 404 ASTRONOMY BOOK 3. any at- 1046 It has been difputed among aftronomers, whether the moon has mosphere or not: to prove the has none, it is alledged that, in an appulfe of the moon to a ſtar, when ſhe comes fo near to it that part of her atmoſphere is interpofed between our eye and the ftar, refraction would cauſe the ſtar to feem to change its place, fo that the moon would appear to touch it later than by her own motion fhe would do: the anfwer to this is, that the atmo- ſphere of the moon, having but a third part of the denſity of the earth's at- moſphere, is too thin to produce fuch refraction of the ftar as to cauſe a vifi- ble change of its place in the heaven. Sir Ifaac Newton has fhewn, princip. prop. 37, cor. 5, that the weight of any body upon the moon is but a third part of what the weight of the fame would be upon the earth: now the ex- panfion of air is reciprocally as the weight that compreffes it; the air there- fore furrounding the moon being preffed together by a weight, or being at- tracted towards the center of the moon by a force, which is equal but to a third part of the force with which our air is attracted towards the center of the earth, our atmoſphere muſt be three times as denfe as the atmoſphere of the moon. Some philofophers are of opinion that there are no feas or lakes in the moon, and from thence conclude there is no atmoſphere, becauſe there is no water there to be raiſed up in vapours: I have before fhewn that it is very probable ſome of the dark ſpots upon the moon are water, and given an anfwer to the arguments which are brought to prove the contrary, § 965. 1047 Though we have mention made in ſeveral paffages of ancient and later hiftorians of the fun being, at different times, fo darkened by the inter- pofition of the moon that the day ſeemed to be turned into night, and that the ſtars appeared, as may be feen in the catalogue of eclipfes given by Ric- ciolus in his Almagest l. 5. c. 19; yet have we no good deſcription of any to- tal eclipſes of the fun, till we come to thoſe which have happened in the prefent century; and theſe, eſpecially fuch as were total in any part of Eu- rope, have been obferved by divers able aftronomers with fuch attention, that it will be worth while to lay before the reader fome extracts from the ac- counts of them which have been made public. In the eclipſe may the 1ft 1706, Captain Stanyan from Bern in Switzer- land writes, that 'the fun was totally darkened there, for 4 minutes and of 44 'time; that a fixt ſtar and a planet appeared very bright, that his getting out 'of the eclipfe was preceeded by a blood-red ftreak of light, from his left 'limb, which continued not longer than 6 or 7 feconds of time; then part of 'the fun's disk appeared, all on a fudden, brighter than venus was ever ſeen in the night, and in that very inftant gave light and ſhadow to things as 'ſtrong as moon light uſes to do.' The publiſher of this account obſerves that the CHAP. 4. 405 ASTRONOMY the red ftreak of light preceeding the emerfion of the fun's body infers that the moon has an atmoſphere; and its ſhort continuance of 6 or 7 feconds tells us that its height is not more than the 5 or 6 hundredth part of her diameter. The fame eclipſe was obſerved at Geneva by Fatio, who fays 'there was 'feen, during the whole time of the total immerfion, a whiteness, which 'feemed to break out from behind the moon, and to encompaſs her on all 'fides equally: this whiteness was not well defined on its outward fide, and 'the breadth of it was not a twelfth part of the diameter of the moon. "This planet appeared very black, and her diſk very well defined, within the 'whiteness which encompaffed it about, and was of the fame colour as that 'of a white crown or Halo of about 4 or 5 degrees in diameter, which accom- 'panied it and had the moon for its center. A little after the fun had 'begun to appear again, the whiteness and the crown which encompaſſed the 'moon did entirely vaniſh.' I muſt add, that this deſcription is a little perplext either through the fault of the author or of the tranflator; for I fuppofe Fa- tio wrote in French; however it plainly appears by it, that the moon's at- moſphere was vifible, furrounded by a light of larger extent, which I think muſt be that luminous appearance mentioned from Caffini, § 1045. Flamsteed who publiſhed this account takes notice that, according to theſe obſervations, the altitude of the moon's atmoſphere cannot be well fuppofed lefs than 130 geographical miles: and that probably this atmoſphere was never diſcovered, before this eclipfe, by any refraction of the ſtars, by reafon of the fmallneſs of the refraction, and for want of proper obfervations. Dr. Scheuchzer's account of the fame eclipfe as feen at Zurich is in theſe words, 'we had an eclipſe of the fun which was both total and annular: to- 'tal, becauſe the whole fun was covered by the moon; annular, not what is 'properly fo called, but by refraction; for there appeared round the moon a "bright ſhining, which was owing to the rays refracted through the atmoſphere 'of the moon. Phil. tranfact. n. 306. 1048 Dom. Caffini, who had tranfmitted to him obfervations of this eclipſe from feveral places, gives a large account of it, in a memoire of the year 1706 he fays that, in all thofe places where it was total, during the time of total darkneſs, there was feen round the moon a crown, or broad circle of pale light, the breadth whereof was about a 12th part of the moon's diameter: that at Montpellier, where the obfervers were particularly attèn- tive to ſee if they could diſtinguiſh the luminous path in the zodiac mentioned § 1045, they took notice of a paler light of a larger extent, which furround- ed the crown of light before mentioned, and ſpread it ſelf on each fide of it, to the diſtance of four degrees. He then mentions Kepler's opinion, that the 3 F crown 406 воок 3. ASTRONOMY crown of light which appears round the moon during the total darkneſs in an eclipſe of the fun is cauſed by ſome celeſtial matter furrounding the moon, of fufficient denfity to receive the rays of the fun, and fend them to us, and that the moon may have an atmoſphere fimilar to that of our earth, which may refract the rays of the fun: he tells us that he (Caffini) had often obſer- ved occultations of faturn, of jupiter and his fatellits, and of fome fixt ſtars, cauſed by the moon, without perceiving any change in thoſe ftars, at their immerfion; which made him imagin there was at that time no atmoſphere on that fide of the moon which hid them: but, at other times, a ſtar has ap- peared to change its place a little, immediately before the appulfe of the moon, whether that were on her bright or dark fide: and that this induced him to be of opinion that, there was, at thoſe times, on that fide of the moon, fome matter, denſe enough to refract the light of the ftars, and cauſe thoſe appear- ances. 1049 In the year 1715, on the 22d of april old ſtyle, there was an eclipſe of the fun, which, being total at London, was obſerved there by Halley, ac- companied, befides many others, by Louville of the R. Academy of Paris who came into England for that purpoſe. I ſhall give fo much of Halley's account of it as I think neceffary, in his own words. 'It was univerfally obferved, that when the laſt part of the fun remained 'on his eaft fide, it grew very faint, and was eaſily ſupportable to the naked 'eye, even through the teleſcope, for above a minute of time before the to- 'tal darkneſs; whereas, on the contrary, my eye could not endure the ſplen- 'dour of the emerging beams in the teleſcope from the firſt moment. To this 'perhaps two cauſes concurred; the one, that the pupil of the eye did necef- 'farily dilate it ſelf during the darkneſs, which before had been much con- "tracted by looking on the fun. The other, that the eaſtern parts of the 'moon, having been heated with a day near as long as thirty of ours, muſt of 'neceffity have that part of its atmoſphere replete with of its atmoſphere replete with vapours, raiſed by the 'fo long continued action of the fun; and by confequence, it was more denſe 'near the moon's furface, and more capable of obftructing the luftre of the 'fun's beams. Whereas at the fame time the weſtern edge of the moon had 'fuffered as long a night, during which there might fall in dews all the va- 'pours that were raiſed in the preceding long day; and for that reaſon, that 'part of its atmoſphere might be ſeen much more pure and tranſparent. ‘About two minutes before the total immerfion, the remaining part of the 'fun was reduced to a very fine horn, whoſe extremities feemed to looſe their "acuteness, and to become round like ſtars. And for the ſpace of about a 'quarter of a minute, a fmall piece of the fouthern horn of the eclipſe feem- ed CHAP. 4. 407 ASTRONOMY 'ed to be cut off from the reſt by a good interval, and appeared like an ob- 'long ſtar rounded at both ends: which appearance could proceed from no o- 'ther cauſe, but the inequalities of the moon's furface, there being fome ele- 'vated parts thereof near the moon's fouthern pole, by whofe interpofition, 'part of that exceedingly fine filament of light was intercepted. 'A few feconds before the fun was totally hid, there diſcovered it ſelf round 'the moon a luminous ring, about a digit or perhaps a tenth part of the 'moon's diameter in breadth. It was of a pale whiteneſs, or rather pearl co- 'lour, feeming to me a little tinged with the colours of the Iris, and to be 'concentrick with the moon; whence I concluded it the moon's atmoſphere. 'But the great height of it, far exceeding that of our earth's atmoſphere; and 'the obfervations of fome who found the breadth of the ring to increaſe on 'the weft fide of the moon, as the emerfion approached; together with the 'contrary fentiments of thoſe, whoſe judgment I ſhall always revere, makes 'me lefs confident, eſpecially in a matter whereto I gave not all the attention requifite. 'Whatever it was, this ring appeared much brighter and whiter near the 'body of the moon, than at a diſtance from it; and its outward circumference, 'which was ill defined, ſeemed terminated only by the extream rarity of the "matter it was compofed of; and in all refpects reſembled the appearance of 'an enlightened atmoſphere viewed from far: but whether it belonged to the 'fun or moon, I ſhall not at prefent undertake to decide. 'During the whole time of the total eclipfe, I kept my teleſcope conſtant- ❝ly fixt on the moon, in order to obſerve, what might occur in this uncom- 'mon appearance, and I faw perpetual flaſhes or corrufcations of light, which 'feemed for a moment to dart out from behind the moon, now here, now 'there, on all fides, but more eſpecially on the weſtern fide, a little before 'the emerfion: and about two or three feconds before it, on the fame weſtern *fide, where the fun was juſt coming out, a long and very narrow ſtreak of 'a duſky, but ſtrong red light, ſeemed to colour the dark edge of the moon, "though nothing like it had been ſeen immediately after the immerfion. But 'this inftantly vaniſhed upon the first appearance of the fun, as did alſo the 'aforefaid luminous ring. Phil. tranfact. n. 343. 1050 Louville, giving an account of this eclipfe a, mentions, as one of the principal things taken notice of, a luminous ring of a filver colour that ap- peared round the moon, affoon as the fun was entirely covered by her diſk, and diſappeared the moment he recovered his light: that this ring was bright- eft near the moon, and grew gradually fainter towards its outward circumfe- 3 F 2 a Memoires d'Acad. annee 1715. rence 408 ASTRONOMY воок 3. rence, where it was however defined: that it was not every where alike bright, but had ſeveral breaks in it: he makes no doubt of its being cauſed by the moon's atmoſphere, and thinks the breaks obſerved therein were ow- ing to the mountains in the moon: he fays the ring was exactly concentric to the moon not to the fun, during the whole time of its appearance. Another proof brought by him of the moon having an atmoſphere is that, towards the end of total darkneſs, there was feen on that fide of the moon on which the fun was going to appear a piece of a circle of a lively red, which might be owing to the red rays, that are leaſt refrangible, being tranſmitted through the moon's atmoſphere in the greateſt quantity: and, that he might be affu- red this redneſs did not ariſe from the glaffes of his teleſcope, he took care to bring this red part into the middle of thoſe glaſſes. Louville lays a great ſtreſs on the ſtreaks of light which he ſaw dart inftan- taneouſly from different places of the moon, during the time of total dark- nefs; but chiefly near the eaſtern edge of her diſk: theſe he takes to be light- nings, fuch as a ſpectator would fee flaſh from the dark hemifphere of the earth, if he were placed upon the moon, and faw the earth come between himſelf and the fun: now it is highly probable that, if a man had at any time a view of that half of the earth where it is night, he would fee lightning in fome part of it or other; he farther obferves that the moſt mountainous coun- tries are moſt liable to tempefts, and that, mountains being more numerous on the moon and higher than on the earth, thunder and lightning muſt be more frequent there than with us: and that the eaſtern fide of the moon would be moſt ſubject to thunder and lightning, thoſe parts having been heat- ed by the fun for the half month immediately preceeding. I muſt here take notice that Halley, in mentioning theſe flaſhes, fays they ſeemed to come from behind the moon; that Louville, though he fays they came fometimes from one part of the moon and fometimes from another, owns that he himſelf faw them only near the eaſtern fide of her diſk, and that, not knowing at that time what it was he ſaw, he did not think of taking notice whether the fame appearance was to be ſeen in other parts of the moon or not; and wiſh- es this phenomenon may be attended to in total eclipſes of the fun which ſhall be obſerved hereafter. He tells us of an Engliſh aſtronomer who pre- fented the Royal Society with a draught of what he ſaw in the moon at the time of this eclipſe; from which draught Louville feems to conclude that a- ſtronomer had obferved lightnings near the center of the moon's diſk: now thunder and lightning would be a demonftration of the moon having an at- mofphere of a nature fimilar to ours, wherein vapours and exhalations may rife and be ſupported, and ſupply the materials for clouds, ſtorms and tempeſts. But page 409 N a C d E Book III. N 55 B D Y P 56 R L C N S } A 58 B N Y P P 4 T 1 C F 1 A 57 E .59 R M UNIV OF CH 81 L X C W* S. Sc. CHAP. 4. 409 ASTRONOMY But the ſtrongeſt proof brought by Louville of the moon having an atmo- fphere is this, that, affoon as the eclipfe begun, thofe parts of the fun which were going to be hid by the moon grew ſenſibly paliſh as the moon came near them, fuffering beforehand a kind of imperfect eclipſe or diminution of light; this could be owing to nothing elſe but the atmoſphere of the moon, the eaſtern part whereof going before her reached the fun before the moon did. As to the great height of the atmoſphere of the moon, which, from the breadth of the luminous ring being about a whole digit, would upon a cal- culation come out 180 miles, above 3 times as high as the atmoſphere of the earth, Louville thinks that no objection; fince, if the moon were furrounded by an atmoſphere of the fame nature with that which encompaſſes the earth, the gravitation thereof towards the moon would be but a third part of that of our atmoſphere towards the earth, and conſequently its expanſion would make the height of it 3 times as great from the moon as the height of our at- moſphere is from the earth, by what was faid § 1046. See the remarks. 1051 It has already been mentioned that, in an appulfe of the moon to a ftar, the ſtar does not appear to change its place, upon the ſuppoſed atmoſphere of the moon coming between the ſtar and our eye: that the fact is fo is rela- ted in almoſt all the accounts we have of appulfes of the moon either to ſtars or planets; though that there are fome exceptions to this general rule, may be feen § 1048: to this we may add an obſervation made by Mr. Kirch at Berlin, fept. 19, 1730, with a teleleſcope of 18 feet, of an occultation of ve- nus by the moon: he fays that venus was then almoft in quadrature, and that when ſhe came near the diſk of the moon, ſhe changed her ſhape, and, the points of her horns diſappearing, became of an oval or elliptic figure: which appearance he thinks is a proof that the moon has an atmoſphere. Phil. tranſact. n. 412. See alſo what was faid § 1046, about the thinneſs of the moon's atmoſphere. 1052 In the folar eclipſe of may the 11, 1724, the luminous ſtreaks men- tioned § 1050, were not obſerved at Paris or Trianonª, though the eclipſe was total in both thoſe places for above 2 minutes, and, at the laſt mention- ed place, the obſervers Maraldi and Caffini were particularly attentive to that. circumſtance: but they faw the ring of pale light as in former eclipſes. To the preceeding accounts may added, that whereas, in the total eclipfes of the fun of 1706 and 1715, a red light was viſible on the weft fide of the moon juſt before the end of total darkneſs; the like phenomenon was ſeen in the annular eclipſe of feb. 18, 1737, immediately before the ring was com- pleated, and immediately after the eclipſe ceaſed to be annular. Ph.tranf.n.447. 4 a 'Memoires d'Acad. armee 1724. Plutarch 410 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY TIG. Plutarch, in his treatife de facie in orbe lunæ, has a paffage which fhews that the luminous ring round the moon in a folar eclipſe was taken notice of by fome of the ancients: his words are thefe, Ariftarchus demonftrates the ratio of the earth's diameter to that of the moon to be leſs than 60 to 19, 'greater than 108 to 43: from whence it comes to pafs that the earth, by rea- ❝ſon of its magnitude, deprives us of the fun, the whole night; but when the 'moon even hides the whole fun, it is without ftay, and without any extent, (he argues as Kepler fuppofes from the obfervation of fome particular eclipfe which had been fo circumftantiated) but there appears round her difk a brightneſs 'which hinders the darkneſs from being perfectly without any mixture of light. 1053 There is one particular more, obfervable in eclipſes of the fun, that whilft any part of the fun is covered by the moon, the diameter of the moon appears leſs than it ought to do, according to her place in her orbit, and her diſtance at that time from the earth: the French memoires ann. 1737, tell us that, in a ſolar eclipſe 1684, the diameter of the moon appeared under an an- gle of 305 at the moft; whereas, by obfervations made fome days before and after the eclipfe, her diameter was found to be 31 30": fee alfo Phil. trans. n. 163. That luminous bodies appear under a larger angle than opake ones of the fame dimenfions, and at the fame diſtance from the eye was mentioned in note b§ 585. In the ſeveral phaſes of the moon wherein the dark part of her is vifible, the luminous part appears a portion of a larger circle than the dark part does: in the annular eclipfe of 1737, the ſmallneſs of the moon's diſk upon the fun was furprizing to the fpectators: the refraction of the moon's atmoſphere and the inflection of the rays of light ſpoken of § 220 may both contribute to this appearance. 1054 The duration of total darkneſs has been fufficiently treated of: the whole duration of a central folar eclipse, when all things concur to make it the longeſt poffible, may be above 2 hours and 3 quarters, by § 1038, and corol. of § 1044: it is obvious that the duration of a partial eclipſe of the fun will be longer the nearer the circumſtances of it approach to thoſe of ſuch a central one as was laſt mentioned. Where an eclipſe of the fun is central, the diameter of the penumbra paffes over the place: where an eclipſe is total but not central a chord of the ſhadow paffes over the place: where an eclipſe is partial a chord of the penumbra paffes over the place: the duration of a partial eclipſe depends upon the velocity of the moon's motion from the fun, found by the tables, and the length of the chord of the penumbra that paffes 55 over the place. In fig. 55, let ENFS be the diſk of the earth, abfe the pe- numbra of the moon, thofe places of the earth which lye under the line AB have CHAP. 4. 411 ASTRONOMY have the diameter of the penumbra ab paſs over them, thofe under the line FIG.. CD are paffed over by the chord cd, thoſe under the line EF by the chord ef. 55 If partial eclipfes of the fun be confidered as they appear in the heaven, they may be repreſented by figg. 56, 57; wherein let HR be the fun, NC the ecliptic, 56 XR the moon at the beginning, YH the moon at the end of the eclipfe, LP the 57 apparent way of the moon from the fun, as feen from a given place, during the time of the eclipfe in that place: the duration of the eclipſe in that place de- pends upon the velocity of the moon's apparent motion from the fun, and the length of the line LP: thus, the partial eclipfe fig. 56 will be of longer duration than that in fig. 57; becauſe the line L P is longer in the former than in the latter. 1055 The limit of folar eclipfes is a certain number of degrees minutes and fe- conds which if the diſtance of the moon from her neareſt node exceeds the fun will not be eclipſed; if it does not exceed, the fun will be eclipſed, in ſome part of the earth or other. If the diſk of the earth and the ſhadow and penumbra of the moon be projected in their proper fituation and dimenfions, at the mo- ment of a conjunction, by § 1032, it may be found whether there will be an eclipſe of the fun at that new moon, or not: and, if there will be one, what is the quantity thereof. The femidiameter of the difk when it is greateſt is 62′ 11″, the femidiameter of the penumbra when largeft is 33 11"; the fum of theſe, when both are greateſt, is 1° 35′ 22″: if the latitude of the moon, at the time of a conjunction, exceeds that fum, the penumbra will not fall upon any part of the diſk of the earth; fo that there can then be no eclipſe of the fun, § 1032, fig. 40. The greatest limit of folar eclipfes is 17°32′; for that is the di- ftance of the moon from her neareſt node, when her latitude is 1°35′ 22″: as may be found by the method made uſe of to determine the lunar ecliptic limits, §1019. The fum of the femidiameters of the diſk of the earth and penumbra of the moon, when both are leaſt, is 1°25′ 7″: if at the time of any conjunction the latitude of the moon be leſs than that fum, the penumbra or fome part of it muſt fall upon the diſk of the earth; and there will be an eclipſe of the ſun. The leaft limit of folar eclipfes is 15° 2; for that is the moon's diſtance from her neareſt node, when her latitude is 1° 25′ 7″. In any conjunction when the diſtance of the moon from her neareſt node is greater than the leaſt limit, but leſs than the greateſt limit of folar eclipfes, the fun may be eclipfed partially, or may quite efcape being eclipfed at all; according as the fum of the femi- diameters of the diſk of the earth and penumbra of the moon exceeds the lati- tude of the moon, at that conjunction, or falls fhort of it: fome writers, for this reaſon, call the greateſt limits of both folar and lunar eclipfes poffible li- mits; becauſe within thofe limits the luminaries may or may not be eclipfed: the leaſt limits they call neceſſary limits, becauſe within thofe limits the lu- minaries muſt be eclipſed. A table 1 A.table of the femidiameters, horizontal parallaxes, and hourly motions of the moon. mean horizont. horizont. | hourly anomaly femi-dia. parallax motion of the in the in the in the moon. fyzygies. fyzygies. fyzygies. mean anomaly of the moon. fign.deg. min. fec. min. fec. min. fec. fign.deg. 014 45 54 33 29 37 12 514 45 54 35 29 38 11 25 O 10 14 46 54 0 15 14 47 54 O 0 20 14 48 54 37 29 39 11 20 40 29 42 II 15 47 II 10 altitude A TABLE of the increaſe of the horizontal femidiameter of the moon for different degrees of altitude. HORIZONTAL SEMIDIAM. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. 14 30 15 015 30 16 0 16 30 Sec. Sec. O 17 O Sec. 44 29 deg Sec. Sec. Sec. 0 25 14 50 54 50 29 54 II 5 О O I 014 52 54 57 30 I I 3I I 514 54 55 630 13 10 25 3 6 I Ι I 10 14 57 55 17 30 24 10 20 I 15 15 055 28 30 35 10 15 9 I 2 I 20 15 355 41 30 48 10 10 12 3 3 3 1234 1 2 122 olor 0 1 2 O 2 I O I 2 3 3 4 I 25 15 7 55 55 31 310 5 15 4 4 2 015 11 56 931 20 10 18 4 2 5 15 15 56 23 31 37 9 25 2 10 15 19 56 38 31 55 9 20 2 2 2 21 5 24 5 2 15 15 24 56 2 20 15 29 57 55 32 14 9 15 27 6 +56 4566 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 7 8 14 32 35 9 10 30 7 2 25 15 34 57 34 32 57 9 3 015 39 57 54 33 19 9 3 5 15 44 58 13 33 41 8 Alour 33 7 36 8 просо 8 76 9 9 8 9 9 10 9 ΙΟ IO II 39 8 9 ΙΟ IO I I II 3 10 15 49 58 32 34 32 34 3 8 20 4 016 11 59 5 3 15 15 55 58 52 34 26 3 2016 3 25 16 6 59 32 35 14 4 5 16 16 60 12 35 56 4 10 16 2160 31 36 16 7 20 4 15 16 2660 49 36 35 7 15 4 2016 31 61 4 25 16 3561 20 37 10 7 016 39 61 33 37 27 8 8 15 059 12 34 50 8 10 52 35 36 7 00:00 | A 8 5 444 in 42 9 9 10 I I 12 12 45 IO IO I I 12 13 13 48 ΙΟ ΙΟ 12 12 13 14 5 I I I I I 12 13 14 15 8 0 54 I I I I 13 13 14 15 25 57 I I 12 13 14 15 16 536 53 7 10 7 5 7 O 5 5 10 16 44 61 5 15 16 4662 5 16 42 61 4461 44 37 41 6 25 53 37 51 137 58 6 20 6 15 5 2016 4762 6/38 4 25 16 48 62 48/62 9/38 016 4962 11 113 138 8 II 13 14 16 14 15 16 17 14 15 16 18 14 15 17 18 15 16 17 14 15 16 17 18 78 13 14 15 16 17 18 81 13 6 10 84 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 86 5 87 13 14 15 16 17 18 6 O 90 13 14 15 16 17 18 60 12 12 17 63 12 13 66 I2 13 69 12 14 72 13 14 75 13 18 CHAP. 4. 413 ASTRONOMY A table of the parallax of the moon at different degrees of altitude. altitude. M. HORIZONTAL PARALLAX. S. M. S. M. S. M. 061 S.M. S. M. 54 55 055 deg M. S. M. 056 058 060 S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. 054 055 056 058 060 3 57 53 55 54 55 55 55 57 6 53 42 54 42 55 41 53 2054 20 55 19 57 12 52 49 53 48 54 46 56 754 656 1953 16 55 2152 17 54 15 51 10 52 1 49 54 51 38 48 30 50 746 58 48 18 46 15 52 9 53 1851 22 52 21 50 25 51 24 49 20 50 27 48 749 30 46 46 47 33 45 17 46 1746 36 43 41 44 39 41 57 42 29 45 44 43 31 45 4240 740 52 41 37 43 45 38 10 38 53 39 35 41 061 S.M. S. M. S. 0162 0'63 S. M. S. MS. 0/62 0163 O 55 61 55 62 55 40 61 40 62 39 1462 14 38 61 37 55 59 55 60 41 59 40 60 17 59 1660 1561 44 58 41 59 40 60 257 57 58 56 59 52 60 51 10 57 458 1 58 58 59 55 956 1 56 57 57 52 58 49 59 54 49 55 44 56 36 57 33 41 53 28 54 2155 14 56 8 1451 58 52 50 53 42 54 34 38 50 1951 952 55 48 32 49 21 50 546 37 47 24 48 644 35 45 20 46 42 25 43 9 43 0152 50 8 50 58 10 48 58 446 49 042 50 44 32 48 36 8 36 48 37 28 38 49 40 940 49 41 28 42 9 51 33 59 34 37 35 15 36 30 37 46 38 24 39 039 39 54 31 44 32 20 32 55 34 535 1635 51 36 26 37 2 57 29 25 29 58 30 30 31 36 32 41 33 14 33 46 34 19 60/27 60 27 0 27 30 28 029 030 030 30 31 031 30 63 24 31 24 58 25 25 26 2027 14 27 41 28 8 28 36 66 21 58 22 22 22 46 23 35 24 24 24 48 25 12 25 38 69 19 21 19 42 20 4 20 47 21 30 21 51 22 12 22 34 72 16 41 16 59 17 18 17 55 18 32 18 51 19 8 19 28 75 13 58 14 14 14 29 15 7811 13 11 26 11 3 38 12 81 8 8 27 8 36 8 459 84 5 38 545 5 51 6 87 249 2 49 2 52 2 55 3 900 O о O 015 31 15 47 16 216 18 312 28 12 40 12 52 13 5 4 49239 32 9 42 9 51 320 6 16 6 22 3 83 II O о о O 3 14 3 17 O 6 28 6 35 3 G The 414 воок 3. ASTRONOMY The foregoing tables are taken from Caffini's tables aftronomiques printed at Paris 1740. The first table fhews the femidiameter, the horizontal parallax, and true hourly motion of the moon, for every 5th degree of her mean ano- maly, when in fyzygy, the only time that eclipfes can happen: when the mean anomaly of the moon, or her diſtance from her apogee, is leſs than fix figns, or than a femicircle, it is to be fought in the firft column on the left hand: when it is more than fix figns, it is fet down in the laft column on the right hand. The ufe of the table will be beft fhewn by an example or two: thus, if the mean anomaly of the moon be ofigns 5° or 11figns 25°, in either of which cafes her diſtance from her apogee is the fame, her horizontal femidi- ameter, when in fyzygy, is 14′ 45″, her horizontal parallax is 54′ 35″, and her hourly motion 29′ 38″: again, if the mean anomaly of the moon be 4figns 10° or 7figns 20° her horizontal femidiameter is 16′ 21″, her horizontal paral- lax is 60′ 31″, and her hourly motion 36′ 16″. The use of the fecond table is to fhew how much the moon's femidiameter is increaſed by her coming nearer to the zenith, as was mentioned § 1041; the increaſe is fet down for every three degrees of her altitude: at the top of the table, different apparent femidiameters of the moon when in the horizon are fet down in minutes and feconds, the difference between any two that are neareſt to each other being half a minute: for the fake of regularity, there is put down 14 30", this is lefs than the leaft horizontal femidiameter of the moon, which by the preceding table is 14′ 45″; and for the fame reafon, 17 is alſo put down, whereas the largeſt femidiameter is no more than 16′ 49″ in the firſt table: the intermediate femidiameters here fet down are 15 o": 15′ 30″: 16′ 0″: 16′ 30″. The given altitude of the moon being found in the firſt column on the left hand, on the fame line, under each horizontal ſemi- diameter, is fet down the reſpective increaſe to be added thereto in order to have the moon's apparent femidiameter at that altitude: for example, fuppofe the altitude of the moon be 63 degrees, if her horizontal femidiameter at that time be 15′ 30″, the increaſe to be added is 14″; fo that her femidiameter is then 15′ 44″: if her horizontal femidiameter be 16′ 30″, the increaſe to be added is 16″; fo that her femidiameter at the altitude of 63 degrees is 16′ 46″. The uſe of the third table is to fhew the parallax of the moon at any altitude, her horizontal parallax being given: for this purpoſe, different horizontal parallaxes of the moon are fet down at the top of the table, where we find indeed 54′, leſs than the leaſt ſet down in the firſt table, 54′ 33″; and 63', larger than the greateſt in the firſt table, 62′ 11": this alfo is for the fake of a Since the firſt of theſe tables was printed off, Dr. Halley's aſtronomical tables were publiſhed; theſe I ſhall hereafter make uſe of, as often as I have occafion. making CHAP. 4. 415 ASTRONOMY making the progreffion from greateſt to leaſt ſomething regular: the interme- diate horizontal parallaxes of the moon namely 55: 56′: 58: 60:61:62: are alſo fet down in the fame line. To find the parallax of the moon at any altitude, let the altitude be taken in the firft column on the left hand, then, on the fame line, under the given horizontal parallax, will be found the pa- rallax for that altitude: thus, for example, if the moon's horizontal parallax be 55, her parallax, at the altitude of 15°, is 53′ 7″; if her horizontal paral- lax be 62′, her parallax at the ſame altitude of 15°, is 59′ 52″- Additions to the preceding chapter. 1056 Some members of the R. Academy at Paris have endeavoured to account for the circle of pale light feen round the moon, in a total eclipſe of the fun, without allowing the moon to have an atmoſphere: for this purpoſe the following experiments were tried by them: the image of the fun coming through a ſmall hole into a dark room was received upon a circle of wood or metal, of a diameter a good deal larger than that of the fun's image; then the ſhadow of this opake circle was caft upon white paper, and there appeared round it on the paper a luminous circle, fuch as that which ſurrounds the moon: the like experiment being made with a globe of wood, and with ano- ther of ſtone not poliſhed, the ſhadows of both theſe caſt upon paper were furrounded with a palifh light, moſt vivid near the fhadows, and gradually more diluted at a diſtance from them: and here they take notice that the lu- minous ring round the ſhadow of the moon caſt upon white paper in a dark room was ſeen by Wurzelbaur, in obferving the total eclipſe of the fun in 1706. The fame appearance was feen by holding an opake globe in the fun, fo as to cover his whole body from the eye; for, looking at it through a glaſs a little fmoaked, to prevent the eye from being injured by the glare of light it would otherwiſe be expofed to, the globe appeared furrounded by a light refembling that round the moon, in a total eclipfe of the fun: v. memoires d'Academic Royale pour l'annee 1715. thus they folve this phenomenon in the moon by the inflection or diffraction as they call it of the rays of light paffing near an opake body, concerning which fee the introduction § 220. As for the ſmall ſtreaks of light which are ſeen to flaſh from the moon and ſuppoſed to be lightning, theſe they think may be explained by confidering fome of the cavities on the furface of the moon as fo many concave mirrors which all reflect the light of the fun nearly towards the fame point; that, as theſe are continually changing their fituation with great velocity, by the moon's mo- tion from the fun, the light which any one of them fends to our eye is ſeen but for a moment: this folution, which does not ſeem to be a very good one, 3 G 2 will 416 воок 3. ASTRONOMY will ferve only to account for the flaſhes of light feen near the edges of the moon's difk, where only we have any certainty of their having been obfer- ved: if any fuch flaſhes ſhould be feen to come from the middle of the diſk, we muſt look upon them as proofs of the moon having an atmoſphere. 1057 Before we conclude theſe ſpeculations about the atmoſphere of the moon, it may not be improper to mention, that, ſome French aſtronomers obferving through a teleſcope an occultation of venus by the moon which happened june the 28, 1715, new ftyle, in the day-time, perceived venus to change colour, when near the moon, for about a minute of time before fhe was covered; they faw the like change of colour in venus immediately after ſhe came into view again from behind the moon; at both theſe times, the edge of the diſk of venus that was nearest to the moon appeared of a reddiſh, the oppofite edge that was farthest from the moon of a blewiſh colour. Theſe appearances, which feem to favour the opinion of the moon having an atmo- ſphere, were thought to be owing to the obſervers directing the axes of their teleſcopes towards the moon; this would neceffarily caufe any planet or ſtar near the edge of the moon's diſk to be ſeen through thoſe parts of the glaffes that are near their circumferences, and confequently to appear colour- ed: for every body who has made uſe of teleſcopes knows that a lens is a kind of circular priſm, and gives the prifmatic colours, to any objects that are ſeen through any part of it that is diftant from its axis: and therefore a planet which ſhines with its own light, when ſeen in the center of the aper- ture of a teleſcope, will when at a diſtance from that center become colour- ed, in the fame manner that venus was at the occultation just now mention- ed: accordingly, the fame year 1715 july the 25, an occultation of jupiter by the moon was obſerved by the fame aftronomers who had ſeen venus change colour, and by divers others, who were particularly attentive to this circum- ſtance, and none of them was able to perceive any change of ſhape or colour in jupiter, whilſt they kept him in the middle of the teleſcope. Maraldi in his memoire upon this ſubject 27 juillet 1715, fays that he had obferved, be- fore this, two other occultations of venus, and one of jupiter, and was always attentive to fee whether thoſe planets changed their figure or colour, either upon the approach of the moon to cover them, or at their firſt coming again into fight; and could never diſcover any fuch change: that, in a great num- ber of occultations of fixt ſtars by the moon, he never could obſerve any change, except that once a fixt ſtar increaſed a little its diſtance from the moon, as it was going to be covered by her; but this he ſuſpected might be owing to his teleſcope being directed fo as to have the ftar feen too far from the middle of the apperture thereof: and concludes that all theſe obſervations confirm, CHAP. 5. 417 ASTRONOMY confirm, what almoſt all aſtronomers who have made uſe of teleſcopes ac- knowledge, that the moon has no atmoſphere. He remarks farther, that at Montpellier, perhaps becauſe the air is clearer there than at London, the lu- minous ring round the moon appeared much larger than it did at London; that it was very white near the moon, and, gradually decreaſing in bright- nefs, formed round her a circular area of about 8 degrees in diameter: if fays he, this light was cauſed by the atmoſphere of the moon, of what a prodigi- ous extent muſt that atmoſphere be? Dr. Pound obferving the laſt mentioned occultation of jupiter could perceive no change of ſhape or colour in that planet. Phil. tranſ. n. 347. CHAP. 4. THE FREQUENCY OF ECLIPSES: THEIR RESTITUTION: THEIR USES. 1058 For the frequency of eclipfes, take the following lemmata. 1,The moon can fall into the earth's fhadow, only when ſhe is in oppofition. 2, The moon can caft her ſhadow upon the earth, only when ſhe is in conjunction. 3, If the plane of the moon's orbit were coincident with the plane of the ecliptic, fhe would fuffer a central eclipſe every full moon; and would cauſe a central e- clipſe of the fun, every new moon. 4, Since the plane of the moon's orbit makes an angle of about 5° with the plane of the ecliptic, the moon may of- ten be in oppofition, when ſhe is farther from her neareſt node than her e- cliptic limits reach; and then ſhe will have latitude enough to eſcape being e- clipſed by the ſhadow of the earth. 5, In like manner, the moon may often be in conjunction, when ſhe is farther from her neareſt node than the folar ecliptic limits reach; and then her latitude will be fo great, that her penumbra will not fall upon the earth, and confequently will not cauſe any eclipſe of the fun. 6, Since eclipſes can happen only in fuch conjunctions or oppofitions as fall out when the moon is in or near one of her nodes, the fun muſt always be in conjunction or nearly fo with one of the nodes, at the time of every e- clipſe of the fun or moon. 7, If the orbit of the moon continued always paral- lel to it ſelf, the line of nodes continued would always be terminated in the fame two oppofite points of the ecliptic; and then the fun would always be in the line of nodes at the fame times of the year: thus, if onè node of the moon continued invariably in the point r, the other in the point ≈, the fun would be in conjunction with the nodes exactly at the times of the two equinoxes, and at thofe times only. 8, The times when the fun is in conjunction with the nodes in any year are the middle of what may be called the jeaſons of ecliples 418 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY } eclipfes for that year; for at thoſe times only, or within a few days before or after thoſe times, can the fun or moon be eclipfed, that year. 9, The orbit of the moon is not carried parallel to it ſelf, as was fhewn § 961 and 963; but in ſuch a manner that the nodes have a flow motion contrary to the order of the ſigns, ſo as to go round the ecliptic in about 19 years: this motion is at the rate of about 19 degrees in a year, and is the cauſe that the fun comes every year about 19 or 20 days ſooner to his conjunction with each node, and con- ſequently, each of the ſeaſons for eclipfes comes in 19 or 20 days fooner, than in the year immediately preceding: thus, fuppofe the moon's afcending node & were, on the 10th of march this preſent year in the point r, her defcending node & in the point, the middle of the firſt ſeaſon of eclipfes would this year be on the 10th of march; the time of the middle of the next ſeaſon of eclipſes would be about the 2d of feptember, about 10 days before the fun gets to; becauſe the nodes will, in the intermediate time, have gone back near 10 degrees. In the next year, & will be gone fo much back, that the fun will be in conjunction with it in the 11th degree of , about the 18th day of february, which will be the middle of the firſt ſeaſon of eclipſes that year; the middle of the next ſeaſon will be about the 13th of auguft, when the fun will be in conjunction with & near the beginning of ", &c. 10, The mean motion of the moon from her node is 13° 13′ 46″ in a day, fo much more than her periodical motion, given § 958, as the retrograde mo- tion of her nodes in a day amounts to. v. Hallei tabb. The moon then paſſes from one node to the other in 13d 14h32′ 48″: which is 1d3h 49′ 13″ lefs than the time of a mean femilunation, wherein the moon paffes from one fy- zygy to another: in that 1d 3h 49′ 13″ the moon's motion from her node is 14 with a few minutes and feconds. II, Hence we may fay in general, if the diſtance of any fyzygy from the node be given, the diſtance of the two ad- joyring fyzygies may be known; thus if a given fyzygy is in either of the nodes the immediately preceding fyzygy and that immediately following will be about 14° from the other node: on the other hand, if a given fyzygy is a- bout 14° from either of the nodes, one of the adjoyning fyzygies, either that immediately preceding or that immediately following, will be in the oppofite node, or very near it. To apply this to eclipfes,-1, If a given new moon be in 2, there will be a central folar eclipfe, but the full moon immediately pre- ceding, and that immediately following will efcape being eclipfed, as being 14° from 8, and confequently without the lunar limits, which are not more than 11° 16′, § 1019.-2, If a given new moon happens when the moon is about 14° from &, one of the adjoyning full moons must be eclipſed in or very near it.—3, If a given full moon be in &, each of the adjoyning new moons CHAP. 5. 419 ASTRONOMY moons is about 14° from 8, and therefore the fun will be twice eclipfed, be- cauſe the folar ecliptic limits exceed 14°, § 1055: but theſe eclipſes of the fun muſt be very ſmall, by reaſon of the great diſtance of the moon from her node.-4, If a given full moon be about 14° from, one of the adjoyning new moons muſt be in or near &, and cauſe a central eclipſe of the fun, or nearly central. 4: year, cannot be leſs There may be 2 e- There may be 2 of The number of the eclipses of both luminaries, in one than 2, nor more than 7: the moſt uſual number is clipfes of the fun and 2 of the moon in 6 lunar months. the fun, and fometimes, though rarely, 2 of the moon in 5 months: qui plura vult buc spectantia, adeat Ricciol. Almag. lib. 5. cap. 14. & Tacquet Aftr. 1. 4. c. 9. 1059 Since the ecliptic limits of the fun are greater than thoſe of the moon, general eclipfes of the fun muſt be more frequent than eclipses of the moon. Since every eclipfe of the moon is vifible to an entire hemiſphere of the earth, whereas, the moon's penumbra, being leſs than the diſk of the earth, can paſs over only a part, and fometimes paffes over a very ſmall part of an he- miſphere of the earth; eclipses of the moon will be more frequently visible in any given place, as Cambridge, than eclipfes of the fun. Since both the fo- lar and lunar ecliptic limits are near the moon's nodes, eclipfes can happen only in thoſe fyzygies which fall out when the moon is in one of her nodes, or fo near one of them as to be within the ecliptic limits: thus, an eclipſe of the moon can happen only when ſhe is in oppofition, ſo near one of her nodes as to be within the greateſt lunar ecliptic limit of 11° 16', § 1019: the fun can be eclipſed only when the moon in conjunction is fo near one of her nodes as to be within the greateſt folar ecliptic limit of 17° 32', § 1055. 1060 The reftitution of eclipfes, to the fame ſtate, as to the time of year, quantity, duration, &c.gr. dπoxálásaris, depends upon the return of the fol- lowing elements to the ſame ſtate;-1, The fun's geocentric place in the ecliptic. 2, The moon's place in the zodiac. 3, The place of the moon's apo- gee in the zodiac. 4, The place of the moon's afcending node. The motions of the moon and the apparent motion of the fun are ſtrictly ſpeaking incom- menfurable; and therefore the exact reftitution of all theſe elements to the fame ſtate, is not to be expected: but they all return fo nearly to the fame ftate in 18 years II days 7 hours 43 minutes and 20 feconds, as to produce eclipfes remarkably correfponding, though not in all points fimilar, to thoſe at the beginning of the period: this period which confiſts of 223 lunar months was known to the ancients. Pliny N. H. 1. 2. c. 13. Ptolemy 1. 4. c. 2.a ‘a Ptolemy by os. Er waλalego probably means the Chaldeans. Dr. 420 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY a Dr. Halley thought it of fo great uſe for finding the return of eclipſes, that he many years ago, under this title, Saros ª five eclipfium periodus Chaldaica cur- rentis feculi prima, publiſhed an half ſheet containing a ſeries of all the eclip- ſes of both the fun and moon, many of them corrected by obſervations, for 18 years then paſt, beginning with the year 1701, and ending with 1718; to- gether with the following elements: 1, the apparent time of the middle of each eclipſe, 2, the anomaly of the fun, 3, the anomaly of the moon, 4, the latitude of the moon. He fays that in this period of 223 lunations there are 18 years, 10 or 11 daysb, 7 hours, 43'1; that, if we add this time to the mid- dle of any eclipfe obferved, we ſhall have the return of a correfponding e- clipfe (that is the middle time of it) fo near the truth, that the error will ne- ver amount to fo much as an hour and half: and that, by the help of fome equations or ſmall numbers to be added or ſubſtracted, we may find the like ſeries of eclipſes for ſeveral ſubſequent periods: He fays likewiſe, that he had then made a table of thoſe equations to every 10 degrees of the anomalies, but intended a more compleat one. In his tables now publiſhed, in the ſheet Pp, we have this feries reprinted, with equations for every 5 degrees of the fun's mean anomaly, and of the annual argument of the moon's apogee, with the omiffion only of 5 folar eclipfes, 4 of which are very ſmall ones, and vi- fible only near the poles. The proper uſe of it is from obfervations of the eclipſes of any given period of 18 years paſt to know nearly the times of any eclipſes of the ſubſequent period, which one has a mind to calculate. The perfon who publiſhed Halley's tables fays in his preface that, as he had given us Pound's tables of the lunar periods which are exceedingly uſeful in calcu- lating eclipſes, he has omitted this feries, as not perfectly exact, and being of little uſe after a few periods; however, I find it in my copy, and in ano- ther that I have ſeen: I fuppofe, upon farther confideration, he did not think proper to ſuppreſs any part of what ſo great an author had prepared for the public. 1061 The uſe of eclipfes in aftronomy is this, that by two lunar eclipfes, alike in all circumſtances, but very far diftant from each other in time, the periods of the moon's ſeveral motions may be accurately determined. By eclipfes al- a Whiston, from Eufebius's Chronicon, has fhewn that the Chaldean Saros was a period of 10 years, and that therefore that name is improperly given to this of 18 years. See his New Theory, Hypoth. 10. See allo Pearfon upon the creed, p. 65. b 10 days if there be 5 leap years in the period, and 11 days if there be but 4 leap years therein. c If from the fun's place in the ecliptic the mean longitude of the moon's apogee be ſubſtracted, the re- mainder is called the annual argument of the moon's apogee: thus, if when the fun's place is in 28° of V the moon's apogee be in the point Y, the annual argument of the moon's apogee is then faid to be 28°. The annual argument of the moon's afcending node is found after the fame manner: fee Newton's theory of the moon in Gregory's aftronomy book 4. fo СНАР. 5. 421 ASTRONOMY alfo, eſpecially lunar ones, the epochs of the moon's mean motion are fixed; the excentricity of her orbit, the places of her apogee and of her nodes are found, with greater exactneſs than by any other obfervations: by obfervati- ons of the moon made at different times it is found that ſhe is ſubject to few- er irregularities in her motion when in fyzygy than in any other fituation: among the fyzygies thoſe which are ecliptical are of all others fubject to the leaft irregularity, becauſe the fun is then in or near to the line of nodes, and gives the leaſt diſturbance to the moon's motion: in a folar eclipſe the moon's parallax muſt be taken into the account, in order to find her place; but, the moon being in oppofition at the middle of a lunar eclipſe, her place is then, without confidering her parallax, deducible from the fun's place, which is one of thoſe things that are best known in aſtronomy. 1062 The epoch called by fome the radix or root of the mean motion of planet is fome point of mean time in a given meridian at which the mean place of the planet in its orbit is known: according to fome writers, the e- poch of the mean motion of a planet is fome point of its orbit wherein the planet is, at fome known moment of mean time, in a given meridian: the word, in greek epoche, fignifies a ftop; as time is in a continual flux, and the motion of every one of the heavenly bodies round its orbit, is in a continual progreffion, it is neceffary to fix upon ſome moment of time, and ſome point in the orbit, for a beginning from whence we are to meaſure, either forward or backward, what the mean motion of a planet is, during any known inter- val of time, in order to find what its longitude is at any time required: thus Newtona takes the noon of the laſt day of december A. D. 1700 at the R. Obſervatory at Greenwich, for an epoch, at which time, he gives us (I fup- poſe from Flamsteed's obfervations,) the mean place of the fun, or his place according to his mean motion % 20° 43′ 40″, the mean place of his apogee 7°44′ 30″, the mean place of the moon 15° 20′ 00″, of her apogee * 8° 20′ 00″, of her aſcending node î 27°24′ 20″: this epoch is made uſe of in Halley's tables. How an epoch is determined by eclipſes may be ſeen in the remarks, § 1070. MAN 1063 The mean motion of a planet is fuch as it would have if it were mo- ved equably in a circle round the fun: the mean motion of the moon is ſuch as ſhe would have if ſhe moved equably in a circle round the earth: `this equa- ble motion is fuppofed, in order to facilitate the calculations which are made to find their places, at any given time; for, the mean place of a planet being found at any time, aftronomers teach how to find its true place for that time; in a ſhort way of expreffing themſelves, they frequently call the place where- a princip. Schol. l. 3. prop. 35- 3 H in 422 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY in a planet would be found if its motion were mean or equable, its mean motion: thus, in Halley's tables, by the epochs of the mean motion of the fun and moon, of their apogees &c, is meant the places where theſe would be at the times there mentioned, if their motion were equable: that the fun is in one of the focuſes of the elliptic orbit of every planet, and that a line drawn from the fun to the periphery of the orbit deſcribes equal areas in e- qual times, has been before mentioned, § 669, 671: if the other focus where- in the fun is not be confidered as the center of a planets motion, a line drawn from that focus to the planet will defcribe nearly equal angles in equal times; for which reaſon, ſome aftronomers call that point the center of the planet's mean or equable motion: fee this fubject largely treated of by Keill, in his 22, and 24 aftronomical lectures. 23 1064 The uſe of epochs is beſt ſeen by an example: let it be required to find the mean place of the moon for any given moment of time; find in the ta- bles what the mean motion of the moon is during the interval of time between the moment given and the epoch, and if the moment given be after the epoch, add that mean motion to the moon's place at the time of the epoch; if the moment given preceeds the epoch, ſubtract the mean mo- tion from the moon's place at the time of the epoch, and you will have the mean place of the moon at the time required: thus, if I would have the moon's mean place january the 20th 1749 at 12h; the interval between that time and the epoch dec. 31, 1700 is 48 years 20 days 12h, during which, by Halley's tables, the moon's mean motion is 5° 8° 40′ 46″; that is, caſting away all entire revolutions in her orbit, the moon's mean place during that inter- val, is ſo much advanced forward according to the order of the figns from ≈ 15° 20′, her mean place at the epoch: add 5º 8° 40′ 46″ to ≈ 15° 20′, and the moon's mean place 1749 jan. 20th 12h, comes out 24° 0′ 46″. Scholium. If the mean place of a planet at a given time in a given meridi- an be found, it is eaſy to find its mean place for a given time in any other meridian, the difference in longitude between thoſe two meridians being known: fee § 333. 1065 The ufe of eclipfes in geography, is to diſcover the different longitude of different places, for which lunar eclipſes are moſt uſeful: this way howe- ver is liable to ſome ſmall inaccuracy, even with teleſcopes, becauſe of the difficulty of diſtinguiſhing with them exactly the ſhadow of the earth from the penumbra: fee § 998. Flamsteed in his doctrine of the ſphere pag. 60. & Caffini, Hift. d'Acad. ann. 1707, teach how the longitude may be found by obferving the beginning or end of a folar eclipfe, but this requires the know- ledge of the moon's parallax, and ſome computation befides: fee Keill's 14th aftronomical lecture. 1066 СНАР. 5. 423 ASTRONOMY 1066 The uſe of eclipfes in chronology, is to determin exactly the time of any FIG. paſt event: for there are ſo many particulars obfervable in every eclipſe, as the time of the day, the place where vifible, the quantity of the eclipfe, &c, that it is hardly poffible two eclipſes ſhould happen within the compaſs of years exactly alike in all circumſtances: if therefore any paſt eclipſe be record- ed in hiſtory, with ſome of thoſe circumftances, it may be computed how long ago it happened, by tables of the motions of the fun and moon. remarks. Remarks upon § 1062. many See the 1067 To find the moon's true place by a lunar eclipfe: find the moment of the middle of a lunar eclipſe, by obſerving the beginning and end thereof; or two times when the eclipſe is of the fame quantity, one a little after the be- ginning, the other a little before the end of the eclipſe: calculate for that mo- ment the fun's place, oppofite to which is the place of the center of the earth's ſhadow; as is alſo the place of the moon, if the eclipſe be central: if the e- clipſe be not central, take the diſtance of the center of the ſhadow from the node, which is meaſured by the arc of the ecliptic E C, fig. 58, now in the 58 ſpherical triangle ECA rightangled at A, the hypotenuse EC being known, and the angle CE A given 5° 17,§ 1019; the arc AE the diſtance of the moon from her node meaſured in her orbit may be found. Draw A B, in the trian- gle A B E rightangled at B, the hypotenuſe A E and the angle A E B are known; from whence, the arc AB the moon's latitude, and the arc E B the diſtance of the moon from her node reduced to the ecliptic may be found: this arc E B muſt be ſubtracted from the true place of the moon's node, when it is farther advanced according to the order of the figns than the center of the fhadow, and muſt be added thereto, when it is lefs advanced than the center of the ſhadow, and we ſhall have the true place of the moon reduced to the ecliptic. 1068 To find the mean motion of the moon: the true places of the moon be- ing determined at two different moments, § 1067, we have the apparent moti- on of the moon during the interval between thoſe moments: this apparent mo- tion of the moon is mean or equable, when the moon is in the fame fituation with regard to her apogee or perigee at both thoſe moments. In order to deter- mine the mean motion of the moon accurately, two eclipfes of the moon ve- ry diſtant from one another in time are to be compared together; that fo the different inequalities of the moon's motion and the errors of obſervation be- ing divided among a great number of her revolutions, may produce the lefs error in the determination of the moon's mean motion. Thus Caffini F. takes the eclipfe of the moon mentioned by Ptolemy 1. 4. 3 H 2 c. 6. 424 воок 3. ASTRONOMY S c. 6. to have been obſerved by the Chaldeans at Babylon, 720 years before the birth of our Saviour; the middle of this eclipfe, reducing the time to the me- ridian of Paris, was at 6h 48′, march the 19th N. S. calculating the fun's place, he finds thereby the moon's place to be 5s 21° 27: he compares this with a lunar eclipſe obſerved at Paris ſept. 20th 1717, the middle whereof was at 6h 2′, when the moon's place, being oppofite to the fun, was 11s 27° 34'. The interval of time between theſe two eclipfes is 2437 years and 174 days, want- ing 46 minutes; of theſe years 609 are biffextile, the number of days is then 890288 wanting 46 minutes; during which interval the moon had made a certain number of revolutions, and was advanced befides in her orbit 6º 6° 7. In fo long an interval of time, wherein the moon goes round in her orbit above 30000 times, a miſtake of one revolution might eafily be made; for each revolution is compleated in less than 40000 minutes; fo that reckoning one revolution too much or too little would cauſe an error of only one mi- nute and a few feconds in the time of an entire revolution of the moon round the zodiac. In order to avoid fuch miſtake, the abovementioned author exa- mined fome pairs of eclipfes that had a much ſhorter interval between, ſo ſhort that the number of the moon's revolutions during the fame may be known with certainty: thus, he confidered an eclipfe of the moon the middle where- of happened the 9th of feptember 1718 at 8h 4, when the fun's true place was 5s 16° 40′, with another eclipfe the middle whereof was obſerved at 8h 32′ auguft the 29th 1719, when the place of the fun was 5º 5° 47. There are in this interval 354 days and 18 minutes, during which the moon made 13 revolutions wanting 10° 53': this is at the rate of 27d 7h 6′ each revolu- tion of the moon round the zodiac: this laſt number of days &c was made ufe of to compare eclipfes at a greater diftance from each other. Thus, comparing an eclipſe of march the 15th 1699 at 7h 23′ at night, when the fun's place was 11s 25° 30 with one of march the 27th 1717 at 3h 16′ in the morning, when the fun's place was os 6° 21′, he finds the interval be- tween is 18 years, 4 of which are biffextile, and 11d 7h 53′; wherein the moon, beſides a certain number of entire revolutions, is advanced 10° 51′ : if we reduce this interval which contains 6585d 7h 53′ into minutes, and di- vide thofe minutes by the number of minutes contained in 27d 7h 6′, the time of one revolution of the moon, the quotient will be 241 with a fraction of about; which fhews that during the interval the moon had 4 gone through 241 revolutions, or 241 times 360°, and an arc of her orbit of 10° 51′: re- duce thoſe 241 revolutions with the arc of 10° 51′ into minutes of a degree, and then ſay, by the golden rule, as the number of minutes of a degree in the moon's way during the interval, to the number of feconds of time in the in- terval CHAP. 5. 425 ASTRONOMY terval, ſo is the number of minutes in 360° to a fourth number, namely the feconds of time wherein the moon makes one revolution round the zodiac; this will bring out 27d 7h 43′ 6″, which gives us more exactly the mean re- volution of the moon; and this we may make uſe of in comparing eclipſes with greater intervals between them, in order to arrive at ftill greater exact- nefs. It has been already ſaid that between the eclipſe on the 19th of march 720 years before Chriſt and that on the 20th of feptember A. D. 1717 there was an interval of 890288 days wanting 46 minutes; if this be divided by 27d7b 43′ 6″, there will come out 32585 revolutions and a little above half a revo- lution, which half anfwers to 6s 6° 12, the difference between the places of the fun at the middle of theſe two eclipfes: if therefore we fay as the mi- nutes in 32585 revolutions with 6s 6° 12′ to the feconds in 890288 days want- ing 46 minutes, fo are the minutes in 360° to a fourth number, this will bring out the mean revolution of the moon 27d 7h 43′ 5″; which is the moſt exact that can be had, being deduced from 2 eclipſes very far diftant in time from each other: and differs but one fecond from what was computed be- fore. The fame quantity is brought out by Caffini, from the interval between an eclipſe of march the 19th in the year 199 before Chriſt and that before mentioned upon the 19th of march 720 years before Chriſt, as alfo from the interval between the eclipſe of the year 199 before Chriſt and that of feptem- ber the 20th A. D. 1717. 1069 The time of a mean revolution of the moon being thus known, the mean motion of the moon in a day or an hour or a minute is eaſily found, by the golden rule: thus, as 27d 7h 43′ 5″ to 360°, fo is 1 day to 13° 10′ 35″ the mean daily motion of the moon: if 13° 10′ 35″ be divided by 24,the mean hourly motion of the moon will appear to be 32′ 56″ 27″: if 32′ 56″ 27″ be divided by 60, we ſhall have the moon's mean motion for a minute 32" 57". Again, if we multiply the moon's daily motion 13° 10′ 35″ by 365, the number of days in a common year, we ſhall have the moon's mean motion in a common year: in like manner, may the mean motion of the moon be found for hun- dreds or thouſands of years, in order to conftruct tables of the moon's mean motion. So Caffini; but by this way fmall errors multiplied may become confiderable: it is better to uſe the method prefcribed in the foregoing fecti- on, and fay as the interval of time between two eclipfes at a great diſtance from each other to the moon's mean motion during that interval; fo is any other interval of 50, 100, or 1000 years to her mean motion during thoſe years. 1070 It has before been faid that the moon does not move equably in her orbit, 426 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. orbit, but is fwifteft in perigee, floweft in apogee with a mean motion at her mean diſtances; this difference in the moon's motion is called by fome aftro- nomers her firſt inequality. To determine an epoch of the moon's mean motion, the place of her apogee, and her firſt inequality: for this purpoſe, a great number of lunar eclipfes are to be compared together in the following manner; take the interval of mean time between two eclipfes, which according to the order of time may be called the first and fecond, and find in the table of the moon's mean motion the number of figns degrees minutes and feconds which anſwer to that interval: add theſe to the moon's true place in the firſt of theſe eclipfes, or fubtract them from the moon's place in the ſecond eclipſe, and note how much the moon's place at each eclipfe, by thus calculating it, comes out different from her true place found by the fun's place: repeat the opera- tion with a good number of other eclipfes, comparing them with the firſt e- clipfe, and mark thoſe where the difference between the moon's true place and her place thus calculated is greateſt both in exceſs and in defect; if the greateſt defect and greateſt exceſs be equal, it is a proof that the moon at the time of the first eclipfe was in her perigee or apogee, and that her mean place was then the fame with her true place: in which cafe, each of theſe differen- ces is the greateſt equation of the moon in fyzygy, that is the greateſt quantity that is ever to be added to or fubtracted from her mean place in order to de- termine her true place in fyzygy: if the greateſt defect and exceſs be not e- qual, half the fum of them will meaſure the greateſt equation of the moon: and if from the greateſt equation of the moon we fubtract the leaſt of the differences, we ſhall have the equation of the moon at the time of the firft eclipfe; and this being added to or fubtracted from the true place of the moon will give the mean place of the moon at that time. 59 To determine the place of the moon's apogee: in fig. 59 let ABP be the or- bit of the moon, A her apogee, P her perigee, c the center of her elliptic orbit, T the place of the earth, F the other focus, or center of the moon's mean motion: we may, by means of the greateſt equation TBF, find out the moon's excentricity; that is, what ratio CT has to AC the femiaxis of the el- lipfis ABP: this being found, draw out TR to M, making Tм equal to AP; joyn FM, and fay as TF to TM or AP, fo is the fine of the angle TMF which by Eucl. 1. 5 & 32 is the half of F RT the equation of the moon at the time of the firſt eclipſe to the fine of the angle TFM or AFM: from AFM thus found ſubtract TMF, the remainder ATR meaſures the moon's diſtance from her apogee at the time of the firſt eclipſe. Example. Let the firſt eclipſe be a total lunar one the middle whereof was dec. 10, 1685 at 10h 38′ 10″ mean time at Paris, when the moon's place was in CHAP. 5. 427 ASTRONOMY in 19° 40′ 0″ of II: this was compared with other ſubſequent eclipfes, where- FIG. of thoſe only are here related wherein the greateſt difference was found be- tween the true and mean place of the moon. Between the years 1685 and 1720 there was a total eclipfe on the 16th of may 1696, the middle whereof was at 12h56″ mean time at Paris, between this and the firſt eclipſe dec. 10th 1685 there was an interval of 10 years, 3 of them biffextile, 157d լի 29′ 46″, in which time the mean motion of the moon is 5º 12° 53′ 10", this added to 2º 19° 40′ o" the true place of the moon at the firſt eclipſe gives her place 8° 2° 33′ 10": whereas the moon's true place at the ſecond eclipſe was 7$ 26° 53′ 35″, the difference between theſe two places is 5° 39′ 35″. The next eclipſe compared was of the year 1699 march the 15th the middle where- of was at 7h 14′ mean time at Paris: between this and the firſt eclipſe of dec. 10th 1685 the interval was 13 years 94d 20h 35′ 50″, the mean motion that anſwers to this is 3º 1° 24′ 47″, which added to the true place of the moon at the firſt eclipſe of dec. 10th 1685 gives 5º 21° 4′ 57″, now the moon's true place at the middle of the eclipſe of march the 15th 1699 was 5º 25° 28′ 41″ which exceeds the place calculated 4° 23′ 54″; whereas the true place of the moon in the eclipſe of 1696 falls ſhort of the place calculated 5° 39′ 35″. As in all the eclipſes between the years 1685 and 1720 thoſe of 1696 and 1699 fhew the greateſt difference in exceſs and defect between the calculated and the true place of the moon, thoſe differences are to be added together, the ſum whereof is 10° 3′ 29″, the half of this 5° 1′ 44″ is the moon's greateſt equa- tion. If from 5° 1′ 44″ we take the leſs difference 4° 23′ 54″ we ſhall have the firft equation of the moon at the eclipfe of 1685, 0° 37′ 50″, this being taken from 2s 19° 40′ 0″ the true place of the moon at that time, we ſhall have the mean place, dec. 10th 1685 at 10h 38′ 10″, 2° 19° 2′ 10″; which may be taken for an epoch of the mean motion of the moon. The greateſt equation of the moon being determined 5° 1′ 44″, in fig. 59 the angle TBC 59 will be 2° 30′52″, fay then, as the whole fine is to the fine of the angle TBC of 2° 30′ 52″, ſo is TB or AC 100000 to c T ; which comes out 4387, for the moon's excentricity: thus, we find that, if the mean diſtance of the moon from the earth were divided into 100000 equal parts, the excentricity of the moon would be 4387 of thofe parts. Again, fay as TF which is 8774 is to TM or AP, which is 200000; fo is the fine of TMF or o° 18′ 55″, half the moon's equation at the time of the eclipſe of 1685, to the fine of TFM of AFM; which angle will be found 7° 12′24″: take from this TMF of 18′ 55″ there remains ATR of 6° 53′ 29″, the diſtance of the moon from her apogee at that time: add this to the true place of the moon, which was then in 19° 40′ o" of I, and we have the place of her apogee, on the 10th of december 1685, at 10h 38′ 10″ in the evening, in 26° 33′ 29″ of 1. In 428 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY In the conclufions drawn from all thefe operations it is fuppofed that, in the fyzygies the equations of the moon are equal at equal diftances from her apogee on either fide thereof, and that, in fo great a number of obſervations as have for this purpoſe been made ufe of, fome of them have happened to be made at a time when the moon was at her mean diſtances, when the equa- tion is greateſt of all; and no other inequalities of the moon have been here confidered but ſuch as are owing to the excentricity of her orbit, and the in- equality of motion arifing from that excentricity, whereof mention was made $ 952. We fhall hereafter ſee that the moon has fome other ſmall inequalities which are cauſed by the different diſtances of the ſyſtem of the moon and earth from the fun. 1071 The foregoing example is fufficient to fhew the method of finding the mean place of the moon, and the place of her apogee, in order to ſettle an epoch of them; as alſo to determin the firſt inequality, or the greateſt e- quation of the moon in fyzygy: but, as all obfervations made ufe of for this purpoſe are liable to ſmall errors, the way to come at the greateft exactneſs poffible in this and many other cafes in aftronomy is to compare a great num- ber of obfervations together, and take the mean which refults from them all, as nearest to the truth: this Caffini tells us he has done with regard to the fubject before us, and from fuch compariſon he concludes that, on the 10th of dec. 1685 at 10h 38′ 10″ in the evening, the mean longitude of the moon was 2° 19° 8′ 55″, the place of her apogee 2s 24° 32, and her greateſt equa- tion in fyzygy 4° 58′ 44″: which numbers are a little different from thoſe mentioned in the example. 1072 To find the motion of the moon's apogee: if the place of the moon's a- pogee at the times of different eclipfes diftant fome years from each other be found, by the method taught in the foregoing fection, it will appear not to be fixt, but to be at different times in different parts of the zodiac. The place of the moon's apogee on the 10th of december 1685 at 10h 38′ was fettled in 24° 32′ of 1, § 1071: in the eclipfe of the moon obferved at Pa- ris may the 16th 1696 at 12h 12, the true place of the moon was 26° 53′ 35″ of m, if we fuppofe the place of the apogee to be fixt in 24° 32′ of I, the moon's true anomaly at that time will come out 5° 2° 21′ 35″, which would bring out the equation of the moon's orbit but 2° 14′ 39″, whereas it appears by the calculations in § 1070, that it was about 5°: fo that, ſuppoſing the a- pogee fixt, the equation which anſwered to the moon's anomaly does not give her true place; an evident proof that the apogee had changed its fituation. In the orbit of the moon (the fame may be faid of the orbit of every pla- net) whatever the equation is in any one point, there are three other points which page 429. Book III. a S R 1 60 B M K D H M- A. 61 N E- 62 B. k 82 CHAP. 5. 429 ASTRONOMY which have an equation equal to it: but then in two of theſe 4 points, which FIG. are taken on different fides of the mean diſtance, and in that part of the or- bit wherein the moon paffes from apogee to perigee, the equation is fub- tractive: that is muſt be ſubtracted from the mean place of the moon in or- der to find her true place: in the other two points which are taken on diffe- rent fides of the mean diftance, in that part of her orbit wherein the moon goes from perigee to apogee, the equations are additive: that is muſt be added to the mean place of the moon in order to find her true place. In fig. 60, let the outward circle repreſent the apparent orbit of the moon 60 in the ſphere of the heaven deſcribed §950, ABCD &c the orbit of the moon, wherein ſhe is carried round according to the order of the letters, let T be the earth, p the center of the moon's mean motion, A the moon's apogee, & her perigee, D and K the places of her mean diſtance: when the moon is at a her true and mean place are the fame, namely at a; for P A and T A are co- incident, and terminate in a: at A alſo the motion of the moon is the flow- eſt that ever it is, and confequently her true motion is then moſt of all ex- ceeded in velocity by her mean motion: as fhe goes from A towards G her true motion is continually accelerated, but does not become equal to her mean motion till ſhe arrives at D, her mean diſtance: now, whilſt her true motion continues flower than her mean, the true place of the moon muſt be conti- nually more and more behind her mean place; becauſe, though the exceſs of her mean motion above the true is growing gradually leſs and lefs, yet it is ftill excefs, and the continual addition of that diminiſhing exceſs increaſes every moment the diſtance of the mean place from the true: at D therefore will that distance be greateſt, and the greateſt ſubtractive equation will be there, that is, the mean place of the moon will there be fartheft advanced be- fore the true place; and therefore the greatest arc RS muſt be ſubtracted from the mean place R, in order to determin the true place. As the moon goes on from D to G, her true motion begins to exceed her mean motion, and, be- ing continually accelerated, the exceſs of the true motion above the mean continually increaſes, and, confequently, the true place of the moon advan- ces nearer every moment to her mean place, and the equation grows gradu- ally lefs and lefs, till ſhe arrives at G, where the equation vaniſhes, and the true and mean place are the fame; namely at g: for the lines drawn from T to G or from P to G are coincident, and both of them terminate in g. the moon is carried with her greateſt velocity, and therefore her true moti- on there moſt of all exceeds her mean: as he goes from G to her mean di- ſtance at K, her true motion is continually retarded, but is notwithſtanding all the while quicker than her mean, and confequently her true place is conti- nually 3 I At G 430 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. nually advancing farther before her mean place: fo that at к the true place of the moon will be fartheft of all advanced before her mean place, and the greateſt additive equation will be there; that is, there the greatest arc ik muft be added to the moon's mean place at i, in order to find her true place at k. As the moon goes from к towards A, the excefs of the true above the mean motion continues, but grows continually leſs and leſs, ſo that the equation gradually diminiſhes, till the moon arrives at A, where the equation vaniſhes, and the true and mean place are again the fame. 60 In the figure before us, whatever the equation be at any given point in the orbit of the moon as at c, the other three points, which are in the circum- ference of the ellipfis at the fame diſtance from the points of mean diſtance, as E, I, and I have the fame equation in quantity; but in c and E the equa- tion is ſubtractive, in 1 and L additive: the fame may be ſaid of any other four points equidiſtant from the points of mean diſtance, as B, F, H, M. I Immediately before the eclipfe of 1685 when the place of the moon's apo- gee was found to be in 24° 32′ of ¤, § 1071, there was a lunar eclipfe de- cember the 21st 1684: by comparing the interval between theſe two eclipſes with the mean motion of the moon during the time of it, the moon's equa- tion at the latter of them comes out 3° 44 1", fo much the moon's mean place was advanced before her true place, which fhews ſhe was then going from apogee towards perigee. As there are two points in that half of her orbit to which this equation of 3° 44′ 1″ correfponds, 1s 20° 54′, and 4° 13° 44′, if we ſubtract the firſt of theſe 1$ 20° 54′ from the moon's mean place dec. 21,1684 at 10h 55′ 58″, determined to be 3° 4° 52′ 1″, the place of her apogee comes out 1° 13° 58′; the difference between this and the place of the moon's apo- gee dec. 10th 1685 is 1s 10° 34; this meaſures the motion of the apogee in the ſpace of 354 days wanting 17 44", which gives the daily motion there- of 6′ 52", and the entire revolution of it 8 years and almoſt 9 months: if we fubtract the ſecond place of 4° 13° 44′ from the moon's place dec. 21ft 1684, as before determined, it will bring out the time of an entire revolution of the moon's apogee about 3 years, very different from the former determination. As theſe two obfervations alone are not fufficient to determin which of the two periods 3 years or 8 years and almoſt 9 months is neareſt the truth, it is neceffary to compare them with other obfervations made nearly within the fame interval of time: accordingly, another eclipfe of nov. 29th 1686 was compared with that dec. roth 1685, in the fame manner as the eclipfe of 1684 was, and the motion of the apogee found by one of the two points to which the equation correfponds comes out near that of 8 years and almoſt 9 months; whereas the other point to which the equation correfponds brings out the motion CHAP. 5. 431 ASTRONOMY motion of the apogee different from both the periods before determined: thus, FIG. the period of eight years and almoſt nine months is found to be nearly the time of the revolution of the moon's apogee round the zodiac, according to the order of the figns. The motion of the apogee being thus found out near the truth, in order to determin it more exactly, it was neceffary to compare eclipſes at a greater diſtance in time from one another; accordingly, by comparing the places of the moon's apogee at the eclipſe of jan. 20th 1647, and at a great number of other eclipſes accurately obſerved with the place thereof at the eclipſe of dec. 10th 1685, Caffini determined the time of an entire revolution of the moon's apogee to be 8 common years 311 days and 8 hours: the annual motion of it to be 1s 10° 39′ 52″: and its daily motion 6′ 44″ 1″. 1073 The places of the moon's nodes are best determined by lunar eclipfes: if an eclipfe of the moon be central, the moon is in one of her nodes at the middle of the eclipſe; and the place of that node is diametrically oppofite to the fun's place: as the circle of the earth's ſhadow is confiderably larger than the diſk of the moon, we cannot fee two oppofite parts of the circumference of that circle at a time, fo as to determine the place of the center thereof, and obferve whether the center of the moon paffes under it or not; or how near it paſſes thereto: but we may find whether an eclipſe of the moon be central or not, by the following method: obferve the paffage of any two ſpots equi- diſtant from the center of the moon on oppofite fides of her diſk, and fo fitu- ated that a line drawn through them is nearly perpendicular to the way of the moon M N, as the ſpots A and B, fig. 61, if both theſe ſpots enter into the 61 ſhadow together, and go out of it together, the eclipfe is central; other- wife not. The place of the neareſt node may be alſo determined by a partial eclipſe of the moon, if at the time of the obſervation the femidiameters of the moon and of the earth's fhadow be known in minutes of a degree: for the quantity of the eclipſe meaſured by the line AB, fig. 62, being known by obfervation, 62 take that line from the femidiameter of the ſhadow AD, and we ſhall have DB the diſtance of the center of the fhadow from the edge of the moon; add to this the femidiameter of the moon CB, and we have CD the moon's latitude: now in the triangle DCE right angled at c we have one fide có known, and the acute angle DEC is given, being 5° 17 § 1019; from which data ED the diſtance of the center of the earth's fhadow from the node may be found. It is eaſy to know which node the moon is in when the eclipfe is central, or to which ſhe is near in a partial eclipfe, by obferving fome time before or after whether ſhe is in north or fouth latitude. 3 I 2 1074 432 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY 1074 To find the motion of the moon's nodes: that in every eclipſe the moon is in or near one of her nodes, has been fhewn already, § 994, that eclipfes fall out when the fun is in different parts of the ecliptic, that is at different times of the year, is matter of common obſervation; from hence it appears that the nodes have a motion in the ecliptic: in order to determine what this motion is, the obfervations of eclipfes made in different years and at different times of the year muſt be examined, and the places of the moon's nodes at each eclipſe muſt be found, by the method made ufe of § 1073. Thus, by a central eclipſe of the moon obferved at Paris april the 16th 1707, the place of her a- ſcending node was determined to be then os 26° 19. By a partial eclipſe of the moon march the 26th 1717 at 15h 16′ at Paris, the place of her aſcend- ing node was then found to be at 6s 13° 29. By an eclipſe almoſt central fept. 9 1718 at 8h 4′ the place of the aſcending node was at that time found to be at 5º 16° 40'. By the two laſt of theſe eclipſes the motion of the moon's nodes appears to be contrary to the order of the figns; fince the afcending node was forwarder on the 26th of march 1717 than on the 9th of feptember 1718: the interval between theſe two obſervations is 531d oh 16′ 48″, during which the motion of the nodes was 26° 49′ o": according to this proportion, the motion of a node for one day comes out 3′ 2″. Again, if we compare the eclipfe of april the 16th 1707 with that of ſeptember the 9th 1718, the interval between is eleven years three of them biffextile 145d 18h 16, in all 4163d 18h 16, during this time the motion of the afcending node was con- trary to the order of the figns 219° 39′; according to which proportion there comes out 3′ 10″ for the daily motion of the node. We may find the annual motion of the node by the golden rule, if we fay, as 4163d 18h 16′ to 219° 39′, fo is 365d to 19° 15′ 0″, the annual motion of the node: again, if we ſay, as 219° 39′ are to 360°, ſo are 4163d 18h 16′ to 6824d7h 33'; or 18 common years 254d7h, the time of the revolution of a node round the ecliptic. By com- paring the interval between the eclipſe of april the 16th 1707 and another of march the 26th 1736 with the place of the node at each of thoſe times, the daily motion of the node is brought out 3′ 10″ 36″". In theſe examples, eclipfes are compared together with fhort intervals be- tween, in order to find which way the motion of the nodes is, and to deter- mine nearly the time a node takes in going round the ecliptic; that, in com- paring eclipſes with long intervals between, we might be ſure not to miſreckon one or more entire revolutions of the node. There are three ancient eclipfes recorded by Ptolemy to have been obferved at Babylon, the firſt of theſe fell out 720, the other two 719 years before the birth of Chrift; if theſe be com- pared with the eclipfe of feptember the 9th 1718, the interval between is a- bove page 433. H d 63 E P b Book III. H N 64 83 F R e E P B a N 65 the S N 66 RH 石 ​P E d D F 69 R OF S CHAP. 5 433 A ST.RONOMY bove 2437 years, during this time the node, befides entire revolutions, was fo far advanced in its retrograde motion as to fhew that it moves at the rate of 3′ 10″ 38″ in a day; which is very little different from what was before determined from the obſervations made of eclipfes with much ſhorter inter- vals between. Theſe remarks beginning at § 1067 are chiefly taken from the third book of Caffini's Elements d'aftronomie chap. 5 & feq. 1075 Scholium. When we determine the mean motion of the moon, the motion of her apogee and nodes by comparing her place at ſome eclipſe late- ly obferved with her place at the time of fome very ancient eclipfe, together with the interval between, we proceed upon a fuppofition that theſe motions are the fame now that they have always been. Halley, by comparing the an- cient eclipſes obſerved at Babylon with thoſe obſerved by Albatennius in the ninth century, and ſome of his own time, diſcovered the moon's mean moti- on from the fun compared with the diurnal motion of the earth to be a lit- tle ſwifter now than heretoforea: and fays he ſhould have been able to find in what proportion the moon's motion has been accelerated, if he had the lon- gitudes of Bagdat, Alexandria, and Aleppo well aſcertained: becauſe in or near thoſe places all the obfervations were made by which the middle moti- ons of the fun and moon are determined b. Nicolaus Struyck author of a treatiſe of geography and aftronomy in low Dutch oppoſes Halley's opinion of the acceleration of the moon's motion; but the ſhifts he makes ufe of to evade the force of the proofs arifing from the difference between the obſerved and the computed places in the ancient eclipſes are very extraordinary: for, three eclipfes which Ptolemy in expreſs words of Hipparchus relates to have been brought from Babylon as obſerved there, he pretends muſt have been obferved at Athens; for no better reaſon than this, that Hipparchus, in ſetting down the times of them, fays who was the chief magiſtrate at Athens the year of each eclipfe; and mentions the Attic month wherein it happened: whereas, this was as natural for Hippar- chus who wrote in greek to do, as it would be for a Roman hiſtorian writing. in latin to diſtinguiſh the time of any event which fell out in a diſtant coun- try by faying who were confuls at Rome that year. Again, three other eclip- ſes faid expreffly by Hipparchus to have been obſerved at Alexandria this au- thor would have us believe were obſerved at Athens, becauſe the times of them. a Newt, princip. edit. Cantab. 1. 3. prope finem. b Phil. tranfact. n. 218. ་ Ο ταυλαι μεν δη Τρεις εκλέψεις παραλέθειςθαι φησιν [ Ιππαρχο ] απο των εκ Βαβυλον θα διακομισθέντων, ως Exes Telngnuevas. Ptolem. μɛyaλ. ounlaž. p. 105. edit. Bafil. d ας φησιν [ Ιππαρχο] εν Αλεξανδρεια τεληρησθαι. Ptolem. ibid. p. 106. 1 are 434 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. are marked by the years of the Calippic period, which was the invention of a Greek and made ufe of by the Greeks. Now I think no body could have reaſoned in this manner againſt a plain affertion of matter of fact who had confidered that Hipparchus makes uſe of the Calippic period in the fame man- ner, in fetting down the times of feveral equinoxes obſerved by himſelf at Alexandriaa, as he does alſo in other obfervations, and that Timocharis who obſerved at Alexandria long before him did the fame c. Since the above mentioned declaration of Halley the longitude of Alexan- dria has been determined by Chazelles, from which that of Babylon may al- fo be known, that place being according to Ptolemy 50 minutes in time eaſt from Alexandria: having theſe data Mr. Dunthorned compared feveral anci- ent and modern eclipſes with the calculations of them by his own tables, and found the truth of Halley's opinion confirmed. In one of theſe eclipſes obſer- ved at Babylon in the year before Chrift 383, dec. 22. the moon is faid to have begun to be eclipſed half an hour before the end of the night, that is half an hour before fun-riſe, and to have ſet eclipſed, whereas by the tables the ſetting of the moon in that place comes out above an hour before the beginning of the eclipſe; this fhews that the moon's place was at that time 40 or 50 minutes of a degree forwarder in her orbit according to the order of the figns than the tables repreſent her: fo that, in going from her place wherein ſhe was at the time of this eclipfe to her place wherein fhe was, for example, at the epoch mentioned § 1062, the moon has gone 40 or 50 lefs way, than by the ta- 63 bles: let fig. 63 repreſent the orbit of the moon wherein the moves accord- ing to the order of the letters, let a be the place of the moon at the epoch, c her true place at the time of the ancient eclipſe as obſerved, b her place at that time by the tables; it is manifeft that from the time of the ancient eclipſe to the epoch the moon's true motion has been only the arc cdea, whereas the tables make her motion to have been a greater arc bcdea: the moon there- fore during the interval of time between the eclipſe and the epoch has had leſs motion, that is, her motion has been flower than the tables give it. In another eclipſe obſerved at Alexandria in the year before Chriſt 201, ſept. 22. Hipparchus fays the moon began to be eclipſed half an hour before her riſing, whereas the tables make the beginning of the eclipſe about 10 mi- nutes after the rifing of the moon in that place, that is about 40′ later than the beginning by obfervation, ſo that the moon's place was at that time near 20' forwarder in her orbit than the tables give it. Theſe two eclipfes are a ftrong proof that the moon's place was fo much forwarder in her orbit than by the tables as has now been faid; becauſe the beginnings of them were ma- a ap. Ptolem. 7. 3. c. 2. b Ptolem. 1. 7. c. 2. c Ptolem. 1. 7. c. 3. d Phil. tranf. n. 492. nifeftly > CHAP. 5. 435 ASTRONOMY nifeftly one before the fetting the other before the rifing of the moon, circum- FIG. ſtances about which the obſervers could not be miſtaken: whereas, had the times of them been expreffed by ſetting down only the hour of the night, it might have been pretended that the ancients had no certain method of know- ing the time exactly, or that we could not be ſure the numbers had come down to us without any alteration by careleſs tranſcribers. Indeed Struyck ſeems to have been fenfible that theſe eclipſes, as they are related by Ptolemy, are decifive in favour of Halley's opinion, which made him have recourſe to the ſhifts before mentioned. Again, by an eclipfe of the fun obferved at Alexandria by Theon, the 16th day of june in the year of Chrift 364, the moon's true place was then a- bout 4 minutes forwarder than by the tables; and confequently her motion was then ſtill flower than the tables make it, but the difference is much leſs than at the ancient eclipfe above 700 years before: on the other hand, in two ſolar eclipſes obſerved by Ibn Junis at Grand-Cairo in Egypt, in the years of Chrift 977 and 978, the true place of the moon was more backward in her orbit than her place computed by the tables 7 or 8 minutes of a degree: in the 63 figure, let a be the moon's place at the time of the epoch, b her 63 place by obfervation at the time of the eclipſe A. D. 977, c her place at that time by the tables, it is manifeſt that the moon's true motion during the in- tervening interval was the arc bcdea, whereas her motion by the tables du- ring that interval comes out a lefs arc cdea. Now from the fame tables re- preſenting the moon's place more backward than her true place in ancient e- clipfes, and more forward than her true place in later eclipfes, it follows that her motion in ancient times was flower, in later times quicker than the tables give it us. The difference between the places of the moon by obfervation in the eclip- fes above mentioned and her places by the tables feem fufficient to prove that the moon's motion from the fun has been accelerated: there is another eclipſe of the moon, and that the moſt ancient one whereof we have any good ac- count, obſerved at Babylon in the year before Chrift 721 march the 19th, by which the acceleration of the moon's motion from the fun is in fome meaſure limited: the beginning of this eclipſe is ſaid to have been an hour after the rifing of the moon; which is not above an hour and three quarters before the beginning by the tables: from whence it follows, that the moon's true place at that time could not be forwarder than her place by computation much a- bove 50 minutes of a degree. 1076 If the motion of the moon from the fun be accelerated, that is, if the fynodical month deſcribed § 957,958, appears ſhorter now than in ancient times 436 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY times, as confifting of a lefs number of minutes, feconds, &c, this muſt be owing to one or more of theſe cauſes; either 1, the annual and diurnal motion of the earth continuing the fame, the moon is really carried round the earth with a greater velocity than heretofore: or 2, the diurnal motion of the earth and the periodical revolution of the moon continuing the fame, the an- nual motion of the earth round the fun is a little retarded; which makes the fun's apparent motion in the ecliptic a little flower than formerly, and, con- fequently, the moon in paffing from any conjunction with the ſun ſpends lefs time before the again overtakes the fun, and forms a fubfequent conjunc- tion: in both theſe caſes, the motion of the moon from the fun is really ac- celerated, and the fynodical month actually ſhortened: or 3, the annual mo- tion of the earth and the periodical revolution of the moon continuing the fame, the rotation of the earth round its axis is a little retarded; in this cafe, days, hours, minutes, feconds, &c, by which all periods of time muſt be mea- fured are of a longer duration, and confequently the fynodical month will appear to be ſhortened, though it really contains the fame quantity of ab- folute time as it always did. When we ſay the moon's motion is accelerated, we would not be understood to determine from which of the caufes now mentioned fuch acceleration does arife. If the quantity of matter in the bo- dy of the fun be leffened by the particles of light continually ftreaming from it, the motion of the earth round the fun may grow flower: if the earth in- creaſes in bulk, the motion of the moon round the earth may be quickened thereby. Some are of opinion that the earth may increaſe in bulk by abſor- bing the particles of light which are continually falling upon it, or may re- ceive an acceffion of matter from the tail of a comet. May not the motion of the moon round the earth have been quickened, or the motion of the earth round the fun have been retarded, by the near approach of a comet? but more of this when we come to enquire into the cauſes of the motions of the planets. CHAP. 6. THE HARVEST MOON: THE HORIZONTAL MOON. 1077 It is a common obſervation that, about the latter end of july, in au- guſt, and the beginning of feptember, the moon, when juſt after the full, rifes feveral nights together foon after the fun fets; fo that, by fucceeding the fun before the twilight is ended, the moon prolongs the light, to the great benefit of thoſe who have harveft work to do, and is therefore called at that time the harveſt moon: how this comes to pafs is now to be explained. As the CHAP. 6. 437 ASTRONOMY the rotation of the earth cauſes all the heavenly bodies to appear to riſe and FIG. ſet in the equator, or in a circle parallel to the equator, § 343, the moon muſt every day riſe and fet in the equator, or in a parallel: let fig. 64, repreſent 64 a view of the eaſtern concave hemifphere of the heaven, wherein N is the north s the fouth pole, E Q the equator, H R the horizon of a place in the latitude of Cambridge, and will not be much amifs, as to the affair under our preſent confideration, if we make it the horizon of any other part of Eng- land: it is eaſy to ſee that if the moon be in the equator as at A or B ſhe muſt in this hemiſphere appear to be carried towards Q, and that ſhe comes to the horizon and riſes at : but if ſhe be in a parallel p p as at a or b or c ſhe ap- pears to be carried in that parallel towards p, and riſes at h. 1078 Lemma 1. If two points both in the equator as A and B fig. 64, or 64 both in the fame parallel as a and b be taken in the eaſtern hemiſphere un- der the horizon, the point nearest to the horizon muſt riſe firft: thus, the point A rifes before в: in like manner в rifes before c, and c before D, as alſo a before b, and b before .c &c: how much в riſes later than A, or b later than a, in a right ſphere, depends upon the difference between the right af cenfions of thoſe points; in an oblique fphere, upon the difference between the oblique afcenfions of them: this difference is in both caſes the fame; for it is the arc of the equator contained between A and B, or the arc of the parallel contained between a and b: thus, if the arc A B contains 15 degrees, в muſt come to the horizon N s in a right fphere, or to the horizon HR in an ob- lique ſphere, an hour later than A: in like manner, if the arc a b contains 15 degrees, a muft, both in a right and oblique fphere, rife an hour before b; for as every point in the equator appears to go round in that circle in a natural day, fo does every point in any parallel go round in that parallel in the ſame ſpace of time: the degrees in every parallel are indeed leſs than thoſe in the equator, but an arc of any number of degrees in a parallel bears the ſame proportion to that parallel as an arc of the fame number of degrees in the equator bears to the equator, § 484; and confequently takes up the fame interval of time in paffing through the plane of the horizon, or of any other circle. Corollary. The lower the moon is under the eaſt part of the horizon the later muſt ſhe rife, in the fame pofition of the ſphere. 1079 Lemma 2. Since in every place in north latitude the north pole is above the horizon, the fouth pole is below it, if when any of the heavenly bodies is beneath the horizon in the eaſtern hemiſphere it is deviating north- ward it will by fuch deviation be brought nearer to the horizon, and con- fequently riſe fooner than it would otherwiſe do: thus, fig. 64, if the moon 64 3 K at 438 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. at A inſtead of going to B in 24 hours were in that time to go an equal di- 64 ſtance from A to f, this deviation would leffen the change of her oblique af- cenfion, which would then be no more than v g; and ſhe would rife at F, as much fooner than fhe would have done had fhe gone to в as anſwers in time to the difference between the arcs v g and v B: it is obvious that a deviation fouthward as from A to a has a contrary effect, carries any of the heavenly bodies farther beneath the horizon, and caufes it to rife later. 1080 It is matter of common obfervation that the moon, in going round her monthly period, rifes and fets every natural day later than ſhe did on the day immediately preceeding. When the moon is in conjunction with the fun ſhe rifes and fets nearly at the fame time as the fun does, and is fo near the fun as to be invifible, § 967, 970: in a day or two, the moon will be at ſuch a di- ftance from him as to be viſible in the weft after the fun is down; at this firſt appearance fhe is commonly called the new moon: from thence forwards the moon, advancing farther and farther from the fun, riſes every day later, and later after fun-rife, and fets later and later after fun-fet, till fhe comes to be in oppofition to the fun: during this half of the month, the rifing of the moon is in the daytime, and is therefore but little regarded, except per- haps by aftronomers; the time of her ſetting is then principally attended to, in order to know how long, after the fun is down, ſhe will continue to fup- ply his place with her borrowed light. When the moon is in oppofition to the fun or at the full ſhe rifes nearly at the time the fun fets, and fets nearly at the time the fun riſes: from thence forward, fhe every day rifes later and later after funfet, and fets later and later after ſunriſe: during this half of the month, the ſetting of the moon, being in the daytime, is not attended to, for common uſe; the time of her rifing is then chiefly enquired after, in order to know how foon, after the fun is gone down, ſhe will appear and diſpell the darkneſs of the night. 1081 The cause of the moons rifing and ſetting later every day than on the day immediately preceding is her going in her orbit according to the or- der of the figns about 13 degrees every 24 hours, which is about 12 degrees farther than the fun goes in the ecliptic, as has before been mentioned, $958: by this motion of the moon, at whatever hour and minute ſhe is at the horizon ready to rife on a given day, at the ſame hour and minute of the day immediately following fhe will have been carried more or lefs beneath the horizon; her oblique aſcenſion will have been changed, and confequent- ly ſhe muſt rife as much later as anſwers to the exceſs of that change, above the change of the funs right aſcenſion in the ſame time, by § 1078. 1082 page 439. #18 E N Book III. Ш. 67 Q D C B N H M d E A 69 S R H m R E N 68 دهد M d B 70 E B C A 71 G WICH m D PF 84 R } Ap CHAP. 6. 439 ASTRONOMY 1082 The difference in the times of the rifing of the moon on days immedi- FIG. ately ſubſequent is variable: when this difference is greateſt, the moon rifes almoſt an hour and an half later in the day than on the day immediately pre- ceding: when this difference is leaſt, the moon does not rife 12 minutes later in the day than on the day immediately preceding. The cause of this variableness in the rifing and ſetting of the moon is the different fituation of the moons orbit in reſpect of the horizon of the place under confideration: for in fame fituations thereof the oblique afcenfion of the moon fuffers a greater change in any given time than it does in other fituations. 1083 As about one half of the moons orbit is on the north the other half on the fouth fide of the ecliptic, § 955, it will not be improper firſt to con- fider the motion of the moon as if it were always in the ecliptic. The ecliptic, in different fituations of the heaven, makes different angles with our horizon, and indeed with the horizon of every place, as may be feen by turning about the celestial globe: thus, if the globe be rectified to our horizon, and turned till the point of the ecliptic be under the braſs me- ridian, the ecliptic will ftand the neareſt poffible to perpendicular to our horizon, making with it an angle of about 61 degrees, which is the greateſt angle it can ever make with our horizon: on the other hand, if the globe be turned till the point w be under the meridian, the ecliptic will be the neareſt poffible to coincidence with our horizon, making with it the ſmall- eft angle poffible, an angle of no more than about 14 degrees. On any day of the lunar period, when, a little before the rifing of the moon, the ecliptic makes the greateſt angle poffible with our horizon, the motion of the moon in the ecliptic, as for the prefent we fuppofe it to be, will, during the preceding 24 hours, have carried her the fartheft poffible beneath the horizon, and there will be the greateſt change made in her ob- lique afcenfion, ſo that there will then be the greateſt difference between the time of the moon's rifing on that day and the time of her rifing on the day im- mediately preceding: on the other hand, when on a given day, a little be- fore the rifing of the moon, the ecliptic makes the leaft angle poffible with the horizon, the motion of the moon during the preceding 24 hours will have made the leaft change poffible in her oblique afcenfion, the will be but a little below the horizon, and confequently there will then be the leaſt dif- ference between the times of the moon's rifing on that day and on the day immediately preceding. Let fig. 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, be views of the 65 concave eaſtern hemifphere of the heaven, in each figure N is the north s 66 the ſouth pole, E Q the equator, H R the horizon, the ecliptic, wherein 3 K 2 the { 440 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. the moon is fuppofed to move according to the order of the letters A B C D; on a given day and hour, for example, the 21 of june at noon, let the 65 ecliptic ftand as in fig. 65, with the moon rifing at ; on the following day at noon the moon will be about 13 degrees forwarder at c, and muſt then riſe at F, in the parallel Pcp, as much later than on the 21 day as anſwers in time to the arc FC, equal to the change of her oblique aſcenſion above the change of the fun's right afcenfion: if that excefs be 18 degrees, 66 ſhe will on the 22 day riſe at 12 minutes past one. On the other hand, let the ecliptic ftand as in fig. 66 at noon on a given day, as december 21, with the moon rifing at r; on the following day at noon fhe will be at c, and rife at F, in the parallel Pcp, only as much later in time than on the pre- ceding day as anſwers to the arc Fc: if that arc be 5 degrees, fhe will riſe 20 minutes past twelve. It is eaſy to ſee that, between theſe two extreams, there are various fituations of the heaven, wherein the ecliptic cuts the horizon at intermediate angles, between the greateſt and the leaſt; and, con- fequently, that the differences between the times of the moon's rifing on two days immediately ſubſequent are various. To exprefs the matter in ſhort, the nearer to perpendicular to the horizon the ecliptic is, the farther would the motion of the moon therein carry her under the horizon. 1084 The differences which have been mentioned between the rifing of the moon on days immediately fubfequent happen to the moon in all her phaſes; but the rifing of the moon near the fame hour for feveral evenings together is chiefly taken notice of after the full moons which fall out a little before the autumnal equinox: becauſe the days feem to be thereby moſt be- neficially lengthened, as there is then no interval of darkneſs between the ftrong twilight and the rifing of the moon. From about the middle of auguft to about the middle of feptember new- ftile, the fituation of the ecliptic at funfet is nearly fuch as is repreſented in 66 fig. 66; fuppofe then on the 15th of auguft at funfet the full moon is ri- fing at B, on the 16th at ſunſet ſhe will be at c, fo near the horizon that, being by the diurnal motion carried in the parallel Pcp, fhe will riſe at F, not many minutes after the time ſhe roſe on the 15th; for the change of her oblique afcenfion, during the intervening 24 hours, is no more than the fmall arc CF; on the 17th at funfet, the moon will be at D, on the 18th at &c. all which points are ſo near the horizon that, though for ſeveral days following the moon riſes later and later every day, her rifing is all the while ſo ſoon after the ſetting of the fun that the appears before the twilight, which then continues about two hours after funfet, is grown ſo faint as not to be ferviceable to the induſtrious farmer. 1085 CHAP. 6. 441 ASTRONOMY 1085 In places of greater north latitude than Cambridge, when the point FIG. is in the meridian, the ecliptic is nearer coincidence with the horizon, and confequently their harveſt moon riſes ſooner after ſunſet than at Cambridge. If a place be in 66 degrees and an half of north latitude, when the point b is in the meridian, the ecliptic is coincident with the horizon; in every fuch place the moon rifes for above a week together at the fame time the fun fets: thus, fig. 67, if the ecliptic be coincident with the horizon at ſunſet 67 on a given day when the moon is rifing at A, on the day following the will be at B, on the third day at c, on the fourth at D, &c: now all thefe points will on each of theſe days at ſunſet be in the eaft fide of the horizon ready to rife at the fame time that the fun is on the weft fide of the horizon ready to fet. 1086 It has been faid before § 952, that the moon's motion in her orbit is not equable, but floweſt in apogee, ſwifteſt in perigee: it is eaſy to ſee that the fwifter the motion of the moon is in her orbit the greater change is made in her oblique afcenfion in a given time, and confequently cæteris pa- ribus the later, will fhe rife; the flower her motion is in her orbit the leſs is the change made in her oblique aſcenſion in a given time, and the fooner will fhe rife. From hence follows this corollary, that cæteris paribus, the leaſt interval of time between the ſetting of the fun and the rifing of the har- veft moon, is when the moon is in apogee. 1087 As the moon does not go in the ecliptic, but in an orbit that cuts that circle in an angle of about 5 degrees, $955, the orbit of the moon, in one fituation, makes an angle with the horizon 5 degrees larger, in another fituation, an angle 5 degrees lefs than the ecliptic can ever do: thus, fig. 68, 68 the pointed line мm, which repreſents the orbit of the moon cuts the hori- zon HR, ſo as to make with it an angle of 66 degrees, 5 degrees larger than the ecliptic does. On the other hand, in fig. 69, the orbit of the 69 moon мm makes an angle with the horizon HR, of 9 degrees, 5 degrees leſs than the ecliptic does. In fig. 68, the moon going in her orbit mm accord- 68 ing to the order of the letters abcd, deviates towards the fouth; and therefore rifes the later: in fig. 69, the moon deviates towards the north, and therefore 69 riſes the fooner for fuch deviation, by § 1079. When the moon is at the full and ready to riſe at ſunſet, if the ecliptic and the orbit of moon ſtand both as in fig. 69, and the moon is alfo in apogee, there will be the leaſt 69 difference poffible in our latitude, between the times of the moon's rifing on that day and on the day immediately preceding; fo that we ſhall have the beſt harveſt moon that ever we can have, by § 1079, and 1086. Scholium. 442 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY appear Scholium. The refraction of the air near the horizon makes the fun to fet later, and the moon to riſe fooner than they really do: refraction therefore ſhortens the interval of time between the ſetting of the fun and the rifing of the moon. Refraction is variable, the more denſe the air is when the moon is ready to rife the greater is the refraction, and the fooner will the moon appear above the horizon, other circumſtances being the fame. 1088 It is a common obſervation that the horizontal moon or the moon near the horizon appears much larger than when near the meridian; what makes this fo difficult to account for is that we are very fure the moon is not nearer to us in the former than in the latter fituation: in reality ſhe is nearer to us in the meridian, as was faid § 1041; but this difference in her diſtance, though neceffary to be taken notice of in nice aftronomical calcu- lations, is too ſmall to caufe any change in her apparent magnitude eſti- mated by the bare eye, and therefore needs not be regarded in the preſent fpeculation, wherein we may confider the moon as if he were all the while at the fame diſtance from us, and appeared conftantly under the fame optical angle. appears 1089 Various are the folutions given of this phenomenon, one is that the pupil of the eye is opened wider, and by that means a larger picture of the moon is painted upon the retina, § 229, when ſhe is viewed near the ho- rizon, her light being then much obfcured by the great quantity of thick vapours through which it paffes; whereas when ſhe is at a greater altitude her light comes to us through a ſhorter tract of thinner air, and ſhe brighter, which cauſes the pupil of the eye to be contracted and her picture upon the retina to be diminiſhed: this reafoning is founded upon a fact which is not true; for, though the pupil of the eye is enlarged in the dark, and contracted in the light, and is alſo opened wider when we look at a dark object than when we view the fame ftrongly illuminated, this change in the pupil cauſes no alteration in the apparent magnitude of the thing feen: and accordingly we find the moon at a confiderable altitude does not appear larger when feen through a cloud, or even when eclipſed, than in her great- eſt brightneſs: nor ſhall we find any difference in her apparent magnitude at any time, whether we view her ſtanding in clear moonshine, or retire into a dark room: though the pupils of our eyes will be more contracted in the former than in the latter fituation. 1090 Another opinion is that the horizontal moon being feen through a long tract of thick vapours her picture upon the retina is confufed, becauſe the pencils of rays which come from the outlines of her difk do not termi- nate CHAP. 6. 443 ASTRONOMY nate in points but in ſmall circles, which renders the picture ſo much larger FIG. in circumference as the femidiameters of thoſe circles extended every way round amount to; but that, when a micrometer fitted to a teleſcope is made uſe of, the glaffes correct this diffipation of the pencils, and the moon ap- pears under her true angle, a little lefs in the horizon than in the meridian. Now that this is not the cafe, is evident from the following experiment, up- on one end of a ſquare ſtick about 6 feet long fig. 70, I fixed a thin brafs 70 plate A with a ſmall hole, and near the other end I placed a fliding frame в which carried two parallel wires about half an inch diftant from each other, then looking through the hole in the braſs at the moon near the horizon, and directing an affiſtant to move the fliding frame till the wires appeared juſt to claſp her difk; I made the fliding frame faſt, and ſome hours after looking in the fame manner, at the moon riſen to a greater height, I found her diſk did then extend beyond the wires: thus, by this inftrument which may be called a micrometer without glaffes, the horizontal diameter of the moon was found to meaſure larger, or fubtend a greater angle the greater her altitude was. 1091 The two folutions now mentioned ſeem to be founded upon an o- pinion that our judgment of the apparent magnitude of an object is formed folely from the optic angle; now this is true only with regard to fuch objects as are at equal diſtances, or appear to be at equal diſtances from us, which they may do by reaſon of their being fo remote that we have no means to eſtimate their diſtances or compare them together, as is the cafe of the fun and moon § 248; whereas our eſtimation of apparent magnitude is made by the optic angle and the ſuppoſed diſtance of the object confidered together, in all cafes wherever that diſtance is by any means fuggefted to the imagi- nation, whether 1, by the fituation of the thing viewed among other things which appear near it, or 2, by the extenſion of ſpace between us and the ob- ject, (which perhaps is meaſured by the time the eye takes in travelling over it, for though the eye runs over a very large ſpace with a velocity as quick as thought, yet it takes up more time in doing it the farther the ſpace is extended; just as the greater number of ideas fucceed one another in the mind the more time is taken up by them, how quick foever that fucceffion be:) or 3, by the number of objects feen between the eye and the thing in view, or laſtly, by the colour, diftinctneſs or confufion of its picture; for we have learn'd from experience that when certain known things have appeared in fuch or ſuch circumſtances they have been at ſuch diſtances from us; now this connection is laid up in the mind, quiefcens eft in anima, fays Alhazen, as 444 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. as he is tranflated by Gerardus Cremonenfisa, fo that, whenever an object is feen, the idea of diftance connected with thofe circumftances which attend it is excited in the mind, and that ſo inſtantaneouſly that we cannot diſtinguiſh between the judgement we make and the perception of the ſenſe; but think we ſee a thing at fuch a diſtance: whereas diftance is not a thing feen; for the eye receives nothing but the picture made by the particles of light re- flected from the body we look at, § 229. It has before been obferved § 248 249, that all the heavenly bodies ap- pear to be at the fame diſtance from us, and that to the eye they ſeem all to be placed in that concave furface which I call the fphere of the heaven: the vifible part whereof, though properly enough called an hemifphere, becauſe we have always half of this fphere above our horizon, ap- pears in ſhape of a fegment or part of a ſphere, the center whereof is 70 far below the eye: thus, fig. 70, let a be the place of the ſpectator, the vifible part of the ſky, whether all over blue as in clear weather, or co- vered with clouds appears in the fhape reprefented by the curve ABC; ſo that the parts of the ſky at c over his head feem to be neareſt to him, and all the other parts of it more and more diftant, down to the horizon B or D. a 1092 This apparent figure of the sky is fixt in our imagination, and is owing to feveral caufes, as firft, to the extent of ground and the number of objects we often ſee between us and the horizon, whereby we make fome eſ- timation of the meaſure of its diſtance; whereas we have nothing between us and the ſky over our heads to meaſure with, and therefore that part ſeems nearer to us: 2, the part of the fky near the horizon feems to be farther from the eye, becauſe it appears lower, as was obſerved of the parts of cieling § 247: if a man had over his head a cieling which extended direct- ly from before him as far as he could fee, the parts of it would ſeem gra- dually lower as they grew farther off, till the fartheft vifible part appeared to touch the horizon: now if we imagine this cieling to be extended every way round, every part of it would feem lower and lower the farther it was off, till the fartheft part vifible quite round appeared to touch the horizon. When the ſky is all over uniformly covered with clouds we have in effect the ſame thing as the cieling now fuppofed, thoſe clouds that are fartheſt off appear loweſt, and, vice verfa, thofe that appear loweſt appear fartheſt off; and in reality are fartheft off: it is probable we thus come by the idea a Alhazen Optices, 1. 2. prop. 24. we CHAP. 6. 445 ASTRONOMY we have of the ſhape of the ſky, as Dr. Smith, has obferved in his optics p. 63. FIG. The height of clouds above the furface of the earth we may ſuppoſe at a me- dium to be about one mile; the height of many clouds is not above half a mile: thoſe perſons who have been upon the tops of very high mountains have generally, in that fituation, found themſelves above the clouds, which they have ſeen floating in a lower region of the air: there muſt indeed be fome clouds which rife much higher, if we reckon their height from the furface of the ſea; as, for inftance, thoſe which carry fnow unto the top of the higheſt alps, mentioned § 576: perhaps the wind, blowing against the floping fide of an high mountain, may ſometimes drive fnow over the top thereof, from a cloud that is not quite ſo high. 1093 It appears by the tables p. 133, that, if the diſtance of an object be three miles, the height of the apparent level is near 8 feet: converſely then, if the eye be 8 feet high above the ſurface of the earth, the extent of the visible horizon will be about 3 miles: refraction extends it a little far-- thera: we judge the diſtance of clouds near the horizon to be much the fame as that of the moſt diſtant parts of the earth within our view, to which they appear contiguous: thus, in fig. 71, let BCD repreſent the ſky covered with clouds within the vifible horizon of a ſpectator at A, AC is about one mile, AB or AD about 3 miles. If we confider the ſky without clouds, it is formed of the air, or that part of our atmoſphere which is within our vi- fible horizon; our atmoſphere may be conceived to confift of an indefinite number of ſpheres of air, all concentric to the earth: the air is more denſe the nearer to the earth; and the denfer the air is the heavier particles of mat- ter will be ſupported therein: what we call the blue ſky is formed by par- ticles of matter fo fmall that they reflect only the blue-making rays of light, which are moſt reflexible, the rays of other colours being tranfmitted b: theſe ſmall particles are buoy'd up higher in the atmoſphere than they can be when they coalefce into larger ones, fo as to form clouds: what ever the height of the blue-reflecting particles may be, we have nothing to meaſure it by; and therefore, from the apparent figure of the ſky all over cloudy, we form our idea of the figure of the ſky when interſperſed with clouds, or even when quite clear of them: what we call the blue ſky appears only a little farther off than the clouds, and, when cleareft, is always diluted with a whiteneſs near the horizon, which makes thoſe parts appear a little nearer to us than other- wife they would do: in effect, the blue ſky is a ſmall ſegment of a ſphere a § 295. b Newton's optics, part 2. prop. 7. 3 L not 71 446 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. not much larger than the fky all covered with clouds; to this ſky, the ſhape whereof is fixed in our imagination, we refer the moon and ſtars in a clear night; and fee them as if they were placed therein. 1094 Dr. Smith by ſeveral obfervations, found the horizontal line A B or A D in the figure of the ſky to be between three and four times the length of the 71 perpendicular line AC; hence it comes to paſs that the moon when near B or D appears between three and four times as large as when near c, though feen nearly under the fame angle in both fituations, becauſe we judge her diſtance to be three or four times greater at D or B in the horizon than at c in the zenith. 1095 Another caufe of the parts of the ſky feeming more diftant the nearer to the horizon is this, the heavenly bodies appear more confuſed and indiſtinct the nearer they are to the horizon, which fuggefts to the mind the idea of greater diſtance both of thoſe bodies and of the fky wherein they appear to be placed. Now that we form this judgment of the heavenly bodies is owing to the experience we have of bodies upon the earth, which always appear more indiftinct, the greater their diſtance is from us, § 246: the cauſe of this it is eaſy to affign, from what was ſaid §747, that the ſmall particles of mat- ter which float in our atmoſphere reflect light; and confequently, the farther diſtant any object is from the eye, the greater number of thoſe particles will the rays of light which ſhould make it diſtinctly viſible meet with, in their paffage towards us; and the greater number of thoſe rays muſt thereby be intercepted, refracted, and reflected: efpecially, if the object be ſeen near the horizon, as all diſtant ones upon the earth are; for then it is feen through that part of the air which is moſt denſe and fulleſt of thick vapours. Scholium. For the fame reafon the diſtance of two ftars near the horizon appears between 3 and 4 times as great as when the fame ftars are near the zenith. The horizontal moon fome times appears larger than at other times, though at the fame diſtance from the earth, and therefore ſeen under the fame angle: this is owing to the different denfity of the atmoſphere, which cauſes a difference in refraction, and confequently varies the extent of the vifible horizon, as was obſerved § 295. Remarks upon § 1090.. 1096 When a luminous body appears confufed, the picture of it upon the retina is a little larger than when it appears diftinct: becauſe, in the for- mer cafe, the pencils of rays which come from the extream points or out- lines CHAP. 7. 447 ASTRONOMY lines of the object terminate in ſmall circles; whereas, in the latter cafe they terminate in points: this would explain the phenomenon of the horizontal moon, if the appeared only a little larger near the horizon than in her great- eft altitude; but will by no means account for the great difference that every one may obſerve in the apparent magnitude of the moon, in thoſe different fituations. What the pencils of rays are was explained in the introduction, from § 225 to § 235: I fhall only add that in the experiment of the camera obſcura mentioned § 230, &c. every pencil of rays paffing through a lens terminates in a point at a certain diftance, at which when the paper is placed the pic- ture is diſtinct; whereas, if the paper be placed nearer, the pencils terminate in fmall circles which interfere with one another, ſo that ſome of the rays of different pencils fall upon the fame part of the paper, and cauſe confufion in the picture: the fame will alſo happen if the paper be placed too far from the lens, the pencils will then alſo terminate thereon in circles; becauſe in every pencil the rays, which proceed converging till they come to a point, there croſs one another, and thence proceed diverging: notwithſtanding the place of the diſtinct picture is not ſo confined to a certain exact diſtance as not to allow of ſome ſmall latitude; for, by reafon of the different refrangibility of the rays of light mentioned § 218, the rays of the fame pencil, being of different colours, will not all converge to a point exactly at the fame diſtance from the lens, as they would do if they were all of the fame colour: the picture is then moſt diſtinct, when the paper is at ſuch a diſtance from the lens as to have the greateſt quantity of rays in each pencil converge to a point thereon: this is alſo the propereſt diſtance for burning with a convex glaſs. The fame rule is alſo applicable to diſtinct vifion: the eye is capable of confiderable changes, in the form and fituation of its parts; otherwiſe, we could not fee diſtinctly at fuch various diſtances as in fact we are able to do: thoſe changes may be made either by our altering the figure of the humours of the eye, or by bringing the retina nearer to the pupil, or removing it farther from it. Jurin's effay, in Smith's optics, vol. 2. eſſay, CHAP. 7. THE MOONS OR SATELLITS OF JUPITER. 1097 Jupiter bath four moons or fatellits, which, continually revolving round him according to the order of the figns, in orbits of different diameters, and in different periods of time, accompany him in his twelve years re- volution round the fun; in the fame manner as the moon attends our earth, 3 L 2 448 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY earth, in her annual revolution through her orbit. Three of them were firſt feen by Galileo, on the night of the 7th of january A. D. 1610, who then took them for teleſcopic ſtars, but, by the obſervations of three or four fubfequent nights, difcovered them to be attendants upon the planet ju- piter: on the 13th of the fame month he faw the fourth fatellit, and con- tinued to fet down the various configurations of them with their primary, every night that was clear enough to let them be feen, till the fecond of march following: on the twelfth of the fame month, he fent his drawings of them to his patron Cofmo Medici Great Duke of Tuſcany; in honour of whom he called them Medicean ftars: from that time, he was fo at- tentive to their motions, that, at the end of the year 1612, he printed ſchemes of the ſeveral fituations in which they would appear at feveral dif- ferent hours every night of the months of march and april, and to the eighth of may in the year 1613, together with an account of fome of their eclipfes by the ſhadow of jupiter; beſpeaking the candor of his readers, in cafe he fhould be a little out in fome of his predictions, as the ſubject was new, and thoſe ſtars might have fome irregularities not diſcoverable in fo fhort a time b 1098 It was foon underſtood how uſeful thoſe ſatellits might be made in finding out the longitude, if exact tables of their motions could be conſtruct- ed; in order to this, Galileo continued his obfervations of them for 27 years, till the lofs of his eye-fight hindred him from proceding any farther: but the fruit of thoſe labours was loft, though the Dutch fent Hortenfius, Bleau and other mathematicians to affift him in his obſervations and calcu lations: at the fame time, feveral other aftronomers were employed in the fame defign, in various places; with what fuccefs may be ſeen in Caffini,c who mentioning Borelli among the reft, treats him with leſs regard than I think his performance deferves: that author in the year 1663 printed the theory of the Medicean planets in two parts: in the firſt of which, he ſup- poſes the fatellits of jupiter to be carried round him in elliptic orbits, of dif- ferent diameters, and in different planes, in like manner as the primary pla- nets are round the fun, and from the fame cauſes; namely gravitation towards their primary, and a centrifugal force arifing from their being whirled round a They are now ufually called the firft fecond third and fourth fatellit, according to the different dif- tances of their orbits from their primary: the firſt ſatellit is that which is carried round at the leaſt diſtance from jupiter. b Nuntius fidereus & iftoria e dimoftrazione intorno alle macchie folari in Roma, 1613. c Les hypothejes et les tables des fatellites de jupiter. their page 449 d. 72 M L N Book III. a 73 b 85 a F -E B 1 75 a a 76 77 } b 78 74. A 79 D G 80 UNI FICH a M СНАР. 6. 449 ASTRONOMY their primary: he ſuppoſes alſo that the inclinations of the planes of the or- bits of the fatellits to the plane of jupiters orbit, their excentricities, the po- fitions of their longeſt axes, and the places of their nodes are all ſubject to the like changes as in the orbit of the moon, but in different quantities. In the ſecond part, he propoſes methods of inveſtigating theſe elements, fuggeſts feveral cautions to be uſed in obſerving, and gives a few obſervations made by himſelf and others, which he thought confirmed the truth of his ſuppo- fitions; but refers the farther diſcovery of the exact theory of theſe planets to pofterity, as a difficult work, not to be accompliſhed but by many years diligent obſervation. 1099 In the year 1668, Caffini publiſhed tables of the motions of jupiters Satellits, but much more compleat ones in the above mentioned work printed in 1693, wherein he gives directions for the uſe of his tables, after premiſing a long detail of the pofitions and diameters of the orbits of the fatellits, their mean motions, and the manner or inveſtigating theſe particulars: the orbits of jupiters fatellits were thought by Galileo to be in the fame plane with the or- bit of jupiter: Caffini found them to make a ſmall angle with it, and, not being able to diſcover any difference in the places of their nodes, conclud- ed them to be all in the fame place, and that their afcending nodes were about the middle of : after having obſerved them above three twelve years peri- odical revolutions of jupiter, he found their greateſt latitude or deviation from the plane of jupiters orbit to be 2° 55. AAN C The tables of Caffini have been corrected by Dr. Halley,a Mr. Pound, the French Aftronomers, and,Dr. Bradley. The diſtances of theſe fatellits from the center of jupiter are meaſured by the micrometer; and computed either in femidiameters of jupiter and decimal parts, or in minutes and fe- conds of a degree: in the following table the diſtances are fet down in both thofe methods, together with the periodical times in which the fatellits are carried round their primary. v. Newtoni principia, lib. 3. phænom. 1. days hou. " I the diſtance of the 2 fatel- 3 lit jupiter is 4 in femidi- 5-697 in minutes ameters of 9.017 and feconds 14.384 25.266 2 56 of a degree is 4 42 8 16 is 51″ peri- 1 18 27 34 odical 3 13 13 42 time 7 342 36 16 16 32 09 a Lowthorp's phil. trans. abr. vol. 1. p. 409. b Jones's phil. trans. abr. vol. 4. f. 308. c Memoires d'Acad. 1727 M. Caffini elements d' aftronomie, liv. 9. et tables aftronomiques p. 153. d Phil. trans. n. 394. & in appendice ad Halleii tabulas aftronomicas in 4to Londini A. D. 1740. I IOO 450 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. 1100 The orbits of jupiters fatellits are not all in the fame plane, nor are the nodes of them all in the fame place. The plane of the orbit of every fatellit of jupiter extended would cut the heliocentric orbit of its primary in two oppofite points, which are called the nodes or the true nodes of the fatellit: the afcending node of a fatellit is that through which it paffes in going into north latitude; the defcending node is that through which it paffes going into fouth latitude from the orbit of its primary. Two points taken in the orbit of a fatellit at equal diſtances from each node are called the limits of the fatellit: theſe points mark the places of its utmoſt deviation from the orbit of its primary; all this is eafily underſtood from what was ſaid of the moons deviating into north or fouth latitude from the ecliptic, § 955. To a ſpectator in jupiter, every fatellit, when in either of its nodes, would appear in the heliocentric orbit of its primary; in every other ſituation, it would be in north or fouth latitude from the orbit of its primary. The plane of the orbit of every fatellit extended would alfo cut the ecliptic in two oppofite points, which, to diſtinguiſh them from the true nodes, may be called its geocentric nodes. 1101 When the earth is in one of the geocentric nodes of a fatellit, the plane of its orbit extended paffes through the eye of an obſerver upon the earth; and, therefore, if viſible, it would then appear to be a ftrait line, § 258 and 72 265, fig. 72: in every other ſituation of the earth, the orbit of a fatellit, if vi- fible, would to an obferver upon the earth appear as an ellipfis, more or leſs oblong, as the earth is nearer to or farther from the nodes of the fatellit, § 258: this ellipfis when wideſt can be but a narrow one; becauſe the orbit of every fatellit is inclined to the ecliptic in a ſmall angle, fig. 73. This fhews us how it comes to paſs that the motions of the fatellits appear to us to be ſome- times in ftrait lines, fometimes in elliptic curves. 73 72 73 1102 The fyftem of jupiter and his fatellits, though very large in its felf, by reafon of its immenſe diſtance from us, appears to take up a very ſmall ſpace in the ſphere of the fixed ftars: and therefore every fatellit of jupiter appears to us always near its primary, and to have an oſcillatory motion, like that of a pendulum, going alternately, from its utmoſt elongation or great- eſt diſtance from its primary on one fide, to its utmoſt elongation or greateſt diſtance on the other fide: ſometimes in a ſtrait line, as in fig. 72; fometimes in an elliptic curve, as in fig. 73. 1103 When a fatellit is in its fuperior femicircle, or that half of its orbit that is more diftant from the earth than jupiter is, its motion to us appears direct, according to the order of the figns; when a fatellit is in its inferior femicir- cle, CHAP. 7. 451 ASTRONOMY 72 cle, nearer to us than jupiter is, the apparent motion of it is retrograde. Let FIG. fig. 72 reprefent jupiter with the orbit of one his fatellits viewed from the earth fituated in one of its geocentric nodes; when the fatellit is in its fupe- rior femicircle, its apparent motion is direct, fom a to d, according to the order of the letters; when in its inferior femicircle its apparent motion is retro- grade, from d to a: again, let fig.73 repreſent jupiter and the orbit of a fatellit 73 viewed from the earth, at the greateſt poffible diſtance from the geocentric nodes; the apparent motion of the fatellit in its fuperior femicircle, is in the curve abcd, according to the order of the letters: in its inferior femi- circle its apparent motion is in the curve defa. Both the direct and retrograde motion of a fatellit appears quicker, the nearer the fatellit is to the center of its primary; flower, the neer to its greateſt elongation: in its greateſt elongations it is ſtationary: fe8 264 and 265. 1104 The orbit of every fatellit, though nearly circular, is not exactly fuch, but an ellipfis, having jupiter in one of its focuſes: the point where the fatellit approaches neareſt to jupiter is called its perijovium; where it is at the greateſt diſtance from jupiter its apojovium. The excentricities of the orbits of the fatellits are too ſmall to be obſerved by the micrometer; that inftrument will not fhew any difference between the greateſt elongations of the fame fatellit from its primary: nor has any other method, hitherto, difcovered any of the three innermoft to be excentric, though all of them are fufpected to be foª. The orbit of the fourth is found to be an ellipfis, the mean diſtance whereof being divided into 1000 equal parts, its excentricity is but a little above of thoſe parts: the apojovium of this fatellit has a motion like that of the moons apogee mentioned § 961, but much flower; being carried according to the order of the figns at the rate of fix degrees in ten years 7 cle b. 1105 Every fatellit when going towards the middle of its fuperior femicir- may ſuffer an occultation, that is, may be hid from our view behind its pri- mary: this is always the cafe of the firſt and ſecond ſatellit; the fourth may fometimes eſcape being hid by its primary, which may alfo, but very rare- ly, be the cafe of the third. A fatellit may alſo diſappear near the middle of its inferior femicircle, as it goes between us and its primary: for the beſt te- leſcopes will ſeldom enable us to diſtinguiſh a ſatellit upon the diſk of jupi- ter, except at its first entrance thereon, and juft before it goes off therefrom. In thoſe fituations, a fatellit appears like a lucid fpot,c being more directly illuminated by the fun than the parts of jupiter near the circumference of his diſk are; for, thofe, by reaſon of his globular figure, turn away from a Memoires d'Acad. 1727 & 1732. b. Bradley in notis in tab, c Memoires d'Acad. 1707. the 452 ASTRONOMY BOOK 3. 1 FIG. the fun, and receive his rays obliquely: fo as to reflect fewer of them to us. However, a fatellit, fometimes, in paffing over, appears lefs bright than jupiter; and is thereby diſtinguiſhed from him: this is owing to the fatellit having pots; that is fome parts of its furface are not fo well fitted to reflect the light of the fun as others are. The fame fatellit has, at one time, been ob- ferved to paſs over the diſk of jupiter in the form of a dark ſpot; but at another time has been known to paſs over it with its light fo fimilar to that of jupiter, as not to be diſtinguiſhable from it, by the beſt teleſcopes; except at its entrance and exit. To account for this, we muſt ſay that, either the fpots are fubject to change, as thoſe of the fun and fome of the primary pla- nets are found to be; or, if the fpots be permanent, like thofe of the moon, that the fatellits, at different times, turn differe parts of their globes towards us: it is probable both thefe caufes contribut to produce theſe appearences: they turn round their own axes; and the fpots are variablea. From the ſame cauſes, both the light and apparent magnitude of the fame fatellit is vari- able: for, the fewer ſpots there are upon that fide of it which is viſible to us, the brighter will it appear: and, fince only the bright part is viſible, a fatellit muſt appear larger, the more of its bright fide is towards cur earth; leſs, the more it happens to be covered with ſpots on that fide of it which is expoſed to our view. The fourth, that is generally the leaft, is fome times bigger than any of the reft: the third uſually appears the largeſt; but fome times feems the leaſt of them: in ſhort, they are all variable, both in bright- neſs and apparent magnitude. A fatellit may be fo covered with ſpots, as to appear leſs, when detached from jupiter than the ſhadow thereof upon his difk: though we are fure, by § 982, the ſhadow is leſs than the body that cafts it. To a fpectator placed upon jupiter every fatellit would ap- pear to go through all the phaſes of the moon § 971: but to the inhabitants of the earth they turn the illuminated half of their globes very nearly in the fame manner as jupiter was faid to do, § 726, and 972. 74 · 1106 Every fatellit, in going through its inferior femicircle, may caft a fha- dow upon its primary, while it is paffing between the fun and its primary; this would cauſe an eclipſe of the fun, to a ſpectator placed upon that part of jupiter over which the ſhadow of the fatellit paffes: the paffage of the fhadow over the diſk of jupiter may, in ſome fituations of the earth with refpect to jupiter and the fun, be feen by us with good teleſcopes; either going before or fol- lowing the fatellit: in fig. 74, let ABCD be the orbit of the earth, EF part of the orbit of jupiter, defgh the orbit of a fatellit, wherein it moves ac- a Memoires d'Acad. 1707 & 1724. 1 cording CH A P. 7. 453 ASTRONOMY cording to the order of the letters: when the fatellit is at d, the ſhadow of FIG. it upon jupiters difk is at b; if the earth be then at A, the fatellit will appear 74 at a, eastward from the fhadow: in this cafe, as the apparent motion of both is in the line abc from a to c, the fatellit appears to follow the ſhadow: but, if the earth be then at c, the fatellit will appear at c, and, in that caſe, muſt be ſeen to go before the fhadow. In the figure before us, when the earth is at D, jupiter is in conjunction with the fun: when at B, in oppofition: fo that, from conjunction to oppofition, while the earth is going in the ſe- micircle D C B a fatellit follows the fhadow; from oppofition to conjunction, while the earth is going in B A D the ſhadow follows the fatellit. 1107 Every fatellit, in going through its fuperior femicircle, may paſs through the ſhadow of jupiter, or fuffer an eclipse, in the fame manner as the moon does in paffing through the fhadow of the earth: this is always the caſe of the three innermoſt ſatellits; the fourth, by reaſon of the larg- nefs of its orbit, will, when near either limit, not be eclipſed, nor ſuffer any occultation; for it will not be hid behind the body of jupiter, nor paſs over his diſk, nor go through his fhadow, but will be carried either above them, more northward, or below them, more towards the fouth. The be- ginnings and endings of theſe eclipfes are eaſily ſeen with the teleſcope, when the earth is in a proper fituation in refpect of jupiter and the fun: the entrance of a fatellit into the fhadow fo as to diſappear we call its im- merfion: the first appearance of it on coming out of the fhadow is called its emerfion. Though the shape of jupiters ſhadow upon a fatellit cannot be ſeen by the beſt teleſcopes, no doubt, it is circular, as we find the ſha- dow of the earth to be in a lunar eclipſe. 1108 When jupiter is in conjunction with the fun, or near it, the fuperior brightneſs of that great luminary renders the planet as well as its fatellits invifible. From the time of jupiters first appearing after conjunction till near his oppofition, the immerfions only of the fatellits are viſible: when jupiter is in oppofition, only their occultations can be obſerved, by their going behind, or paffing over the difk of the planet: from the oppo- ſition to near his conjunction, the emerfions only are to be feen. Thus, fig. 74, if the earth be at A, the entrance of the fatellit into the fhadow at f 74 may be obſerved, but its emerfion at g cannot be ſeen; becauſe the body of jupiter comes between the eye of the ſpectator and the point g: on the other hand, if the earth be at c, the emerfion of the fatellit at g is vifible; but its immerfion at ƒ is not fo; becauſe the point ƒ is hid from the eye by the body of jupiter. What is here faid is exactly true as to the first fatellit, where- of an immerſion with its immediately fubfequent emerfion can never be ſeen by 3 M 454 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY FIG. by us and it is but rarely that they are both viſible in the fecond; for in order to their being fo, that fatellit muſt be near one of its limits at the ſame time that jupiter is near both his perihelion and his quadrature with the fun: as to the third fatellit when jupiter is more than 46 degrees from conjunction with or oppofition to the fun, both its immerfions and inmedi- ately ſubſequent emerfions are vifible, as they are alfo in the fourth when the diſtance of jupiter from conjunction or oppofition is 24 degrees: thus, 74 fig. 74, let N o be part of the orbit of the third or fourth fatellit, when the earth is at or near A or c, the immerfion at L and emerfion at м are both vifible to us. When jupiter is in quadrature with the fun, the earth is fartheft out of the line that paffes through the centers of the fun and jupiter; and therefore the ſhadow of jupiter is then moſt expoſed to our view: but even then the body of the planet will hide from us one fide of that part of the ſhadow that is very near it, through which the first fatellit paffes; and this is the cauſe that, though we may fee either the entrance of that fatellit into the ſhadow, or its going out therefrom, according as the earth is fituated on the weft or the eaft fide of the fhadow; we cannot fee them both: whereas the other fatellits going through the ſhadow at a greater diſtance from jupiter, their ingreſs into it and immediately ſubſequent egrefs out of the fame may both be ſeen, when jupiter is in or near his quadrature. 1109 The duration of an eclipfe is longeſt when a fatellit is in one of its nodes; for then it deſcribes a diameter of the circle of the ſhadowa: in every other fituation a fatellit paffes over a chord of that circle: the farther the ſa- tellit is from its nodes the lefs is the chord, and the ſhorter the duration of the eclipfe: the fourth fatellit, when above 52 degrees from its nodes, by reaſon of its diſtance from jupiter, always eſcapes being eclipſed. The duration of the eclipſes of the ſecond and third ſatellits near their li- mits is much longer at one time than at anotherb: this fhews the inclinations of their orbits to be variable; for the ſhadow of jupiter is fo nearly cylindri- cal that a ſmall excentricity in the orbit of a fatellit, which carried it through the ſhadow a little nearer to the body of jupiter at one time than at another, would not cauſe a fenfible difference in the duration of eclipfes: and the utmoſt elongation of each fatellit being always the fame, fhews plainly that none of them have any confiderable excentricity. 1110 No excentricity hath been hitherto diſcovered in the orbit of the firſt fatellit; the inclination of its orbit to the orbit of jupiter was ſettled Domenico Caffini in the laft century at 2° 55', and the afcending node of it a See what was faid of the circle of the earths fhadow § 993. b Mem. d'Acad 1729, 1734. about CHAP. 7. 455 ASTRONOMY about the middle of; and there does not appear any reafon to make any change in either of thefe. The Jecond is not yet known to be elliptical, though fufpected to be foa. CC > "Mr. Dunthorne, who has compared together a very great number of ob- "ſervations, communicated to me the following particulars, as the reſult of "that compariſon; that the aſcending node of the fecond fatellit ſeems to be "about the 5° of, and to be at reft: that the inclination of its orbit va- "ries from 2° 50 to 3° 52′, was leaſt in 1668, greateſt in 1715; and feems to have made one revolution and an half during the intermediate years. "That the orbit of the third hath a very ſmall excentricity, ſcarce ſo much 'as a third part of the excentricity of venus: that its apojovium in 1728 "was near the 10th degree of r, and moves forward about three figns in 50 years: that, in the year 1727, the aſcending node was in 16° of "and moves forward about 8º in 60 years: that the angle of the inclination "of its orbit to that of jupiter, in the year 1695, was 3°, and has been in- creafing ever fince; and ſeems as if it would get to its maximum about the year 1765, and would be then about 3° 24. That the orbit of the fourth fatellit is a little more excentric than that of venus: that, in the year 1728, its apojovium was in 12° 30′ of x, and moves forward about 2 figns "in 100 years: that, in 1730, the afcending node was in 13 or 14° of ≈≈, "very near the place where Domenico Caffini had found it 60 years before: "that the inclination of its orbit is about 2° 40', and does not feem to vary "above one or two minutes either way." << 1111 The periodical times of the fatellits have been given already § 1999; but they are fubject to fome inequalities which require equations; that is, ſome minutes muſt be added to or taken from the times of their conjunctions with jupiter according to their mean motions, if we would have the true times, in order to predict their eclipfes: one inequality is owing to the mutual gravitation of the fatellits towards each other, and has its period of about 437 days: in that time the three innermoft fatellits return into the fame fi- tuation in reſpect of one another: this irregularity is fmall in the firft, ſmaller in the third, not perceptible in the fourth, but very confiderable in the ſecond fatellit; fo that, without this equation, it may fome times deviate from its place by calculation 10, 20, 30, or even 40 minutes in time b. "Mr. Dunthorne, makes the greateſt deviation to be 34 minutes." 1112 Another inequality arifes from theſe two cauſes, that the progress of light is not instantaneous, but, though inconceivably ſwift, takes fome time in a Bradley in notis ad tabb. fas. b Bradley, ibid. 3 M 2 paffing 456 воок 3. ASTRONOMY 8 FIG' paffing from one place to another; and that the earth varies her diſtance from jupiter, by going round her annual orbit: thus, immerfions more and more anticipate their times by calculation, as the earth approaches to jupi- ter; and emerfions appear later and later after their times by the tables, 74 when the earth is going farther off from jupiter: in fig. 74, while the earth is going from D to A, from A to B, ſhe is approaching nearer to jupiter, at A ſhe is nearer to him than at D by the line AG equal to s D a femidiameter of the orbit of the earth; and an immerſion that happens then will appear minutes fooner, and when the earth is come near to в fhe will be a whole diameter of her orbit B D nearer to jupiter then ſhe was at D; and an immer- fion that happens then will appear 16 minutes fooner than it would have done had the earth continued at D: on the other hand, in the femicircle B CD the earth is receding from jupiter; and, an emerfion when the earth is come to c will be feen about 8 minutes later, and when the earth is advanced to D 16 minutes later than if the earth had ftaid at B: to make this more eafily apprehended, we may confider the firſt ray of light from the fatellit that reaches our eye upon its coming out of the ſhadow as a meffenger, that brings us word of its emerfion; and the laſt ray of light which comes from it before it goes into the fhadow as one that gives no- tice of its immerfion. If a perſon were to travel with news from London northward, at the even rate of 5 miles an hour, if I ſtaid at Cambridge, I ſhould receive any meffage that he brought in 10 hours after his ſetting out; if I went 5 miles towards London, I fhould have it in 9 hours: but if I went 10 miles towards the north of Cambridge, he muſt travel 12 hours before he could reach me. See the velocity of light more accurately determined from the aberration of the ſtars, § 872. 1113 From the progrefs of light being thus in time, it neceffarily follows that all the heavenly bodies appear to us not in the places where they are at the time when we obferve them, but where they were fome time before; and this interval of time between their being in a place and being feen there- in is greater, the greater their diſtance is from the earth: thus we obferve the fun in the meridian, when he has really left it 8 minutes before our viewing him there; for fo long time does light ſpend in travelling from the fun to our earth: thus a ftar may appear to us in the zenith, or ſome other point in the heaven, whereas thoſe rays of light which this moment enter our eyes and ſhew it us there may, by reaſon of its vaft diftance, have been emitted from the ſtar ſeveral days, or even weeks before. From hence this paradox may be verified that, if the ftars were to be this moment extin- guiſhed, we might continue to ſee them ſome days, or even weeks and years. This CHAP. 7. 457 ASTRONOMY This has occafioned fome writers upon this fubject to ſay that, in the immenfe expanſe of ſpace, the diſtance of fome ftars may be fo great, that their light has not yet had time to reach our earth, though they were created fome thoufand years ago: as to that, if a ſtar were at ſuch an unmeaſurable diſtance as is here fuppofed, it muſt be quite invifible to us, even with the beſt te- leſcopes; for the fame reaſon that a great number of ſmall ſtars are fo to the eye unaffifted by glaffes. 1114 The beginnings and endings of the eclipfes of jupiters fatellits are in- ftantaneous; and therefore of great uſe to aſcertain the different longitudes of different places, fee § 313 and 314: this they do more accurately than eclip- fes of the moon, fee § 998: the firft fatellit is the moſt proper for this pur- pofe; by reaſon of the greater velocity of its motion, and the frequency of its eclipfes in order to be exact in our obfervations, the length of the tele- ſcope made uſe of and the conftitution of the air fhould be mentioned; for, though, at an immerſion, a fatellit diſappears in an inſtant, and, at an emer- fion, comes into view at an inftant, theſe inſtants of time are not preciſely the fame to different obfervers: at an immerfion, a fatellit in going into the ſhadow ſeems to grow leſs and lefs, till the bright part is too ſmall to be ſeen by the teleſcope made uſe of: at an emerfion, a fatellit appears very ſmall at firſt, as foon as ſo much of it is come out of the ſhadow as is fufficient to make it vifible by the teleſcope through which it is obſerved; and then grows gradu- ally larger, till it is quite clear of the ſhadow: the better the teleſcope is the later is the immerfion, and the fooner is the emerfion obferved; a fmall dif ference between teleſcopes will not make a fenfible difference in the times of them, if obſerved in the fame place: whereas, when obſerved in different places, the air in one place may be fo much clearer than in the other as to make a fenfible difference in the times; not to mention the difference in the eyes of different men, by reaſon whereof a very ſmall object ſhall be ſeen by one which is invifible to another. 1115 Nic. de l'lfle and his brother at Peterſburgh, obferved the fame immerfi- on of the firſt ſatellit, one with a tube of 15 feet, the other with one of 201; and through the longeſt teleſcope the immerſion appeared 5 or 6 ſeconds in time later than by the other: the difference between a tube of 13 feet and one of 15 they found to be 3 feconds: between a tube of 13 and one of 201 the difference was 10 feconds: and a Newtonian reflecting teleſcope that magnified above 200 times, fhewed the firſt ſatellit at an immerfion 15 feconds longer than it could be ſeen by a tube of 13 or 15 feet: other obſervers found a difference of 5 or 6 feconds between tubes of 20 and 22 feet; which he 458 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY he thought was in part owing to the difference in their eyes. Acad. Petropolitan. vol. 1. ann. 1726. Commentar. In another place, he tells us the firft fatellit, before an immerfion, or rather before an occultation, feemed to adhere for ſeveral ſeconds to the edge of jupiters difk: what I tranflate feconds is in the original minuta; but I think it ſhould be read minuta fecunda. That the difference of the air will cauſe a difference in the times of immerfions or emerfions is certain, from what Maraldi obſerves, that the difference in longitude between Greenwich and the obfervatory at Paris comes out greater from immerfions than from emerfions of the first fatellit; this he thinks is owing to the air being clearer in the environs of Paris than thoſe of London. Caffini found a difference of 30 ſeconds between the times of the fame immerfion of the firft fatellit obferved with a teleſcope of 10 feet and one of 16; and this was propoſed for a rule, whereby to eſtimate what allowance ſhould be made for teleſcopes of a different focal length: Hift. d'Acad. 1729. But teleſcopes of the fame length may be of different goodneſs, ſo that one will ſhew an object that cannot be ſeen by another: there muſt therefore be fome little uncertainty in this affair, what ever caution we take; the beft way of coming as near the truth as poffible in aftronomical matters is by a number of obſervations, in order to take a mean between the greateſt and leaſt numbers. 1116 If the time of an immerfion or emerfion be calculated for the me- ridian of any place, the difference in time when the fame is obferved in ſome other place turned into degrees minutes and ſeconds by § 316, gives the dif- ference in longitude between thoſe two places: thus, if an immerſion, by the the tables, falls out at 12 at night at Greenwich, and the fame be obſerved at fome other place the longitude whereof is unknown, at 30 minutes after ten at night, that place is diftant from Greenwich in longitude 22° 30′ weftward. The longitude of many places upon the earth has been fettled, fometimes by the tables in the way juſt now mentioned; but generally by the more exact method of obfervations actually made in different places: and this is the uſe of obſerving continually as often as opportunity ſerves immerſions and emerfions of the ſatellits of jupiter, eſpecially the firft, at the great obſerva- tories in various parts of Europe, as Greenwich, Paris, Peterſburgh, &c. the longitudes whereof are known; and publiſhing from time to time collec- tions of fuch obfervations: thus, for example, if a perfon has noted down the time of an immerfion at the Cape of Good Hope, and, upon his return ་ to CHAP. 7. 459 ASTRONOMY to Europe, finds the time of the fame immerfion in a collection of obferva- tions made at Greenwich, he may know the difference between the longi- tude of the Cape and that of Greenwich. 1117 I have mentioned before, § 1114, fome difficulties in fettling the exact time of eclipfes or occultations of the fatellits; I fhall only add that long teleſcopes are beft, but if they be expoſed to a ſtrong wind the obſer- vation will be uncertain: that the twilight or bright moon light, as they ren- der ſmall ſtars inviſible, will alſo prevent the fatellits of jupiter being ſeen ſo ſoon at an emerfion, or fo late at an immerfion, as they would be in a dark uncloudy night: yet, notwithſtanding all the little errors to which the obſervations of theſe appearances are liable, they furniſh us with the beſt method hitherto known of determining the longitudes of places upon upon earth; on which account they are well worth all the pains it hath coſt aſtronomers, and thoſe pains have been more than a little, in their endeavours to bring the tables of the motions of the fatellits of jupiter, efpecially of the firſt, to the utmoſt perfection of which they are capable. By this method, geography has received great improvement, and is every day advancing to greater perfection; great errors in our maps are correct- ed; for inſtance, the moſt remote places in the eaft and weft Indies were found to be 25 or 30 degrees nearer to us than they were before thought to be; the Cape of Good Hope to be 7 or 8 degrees more wefterly than it was laid down in the maps. Du Hamel, Hift. Reg. Acad. 1. 2. c. 3. v. Phil, transact. n. 183. The French aftronomers have, by this method, and that mentioned § 416, made a correct map of France: it would certainly be well worth the while to have the like done for Great Britain, at the expence of the public; eſpe- cially to have the coafts carefully laid down: and not only the coafts of our own iſland, but of all thoſe parts of the world to which we frequently fail: this would render navigation much more fafe and certain than it is at pre- fent, and preſerve many lives that are now loft: and indeed if the coafts at land are not well determined, it is of little ufe to be able to find the longitude at fea: thus, for inftance, if I were bound to Barbadoes, it would not be of any ſervice to know at fea my diftance from London, if I knew nothing of the fituation of Barbadoes. 1118 As to finding the longitude at fea by the fatellits of jupiter, they may be ſeen very well with a teleſcope of 6 or 8 feet, and, when the fea is calm, their immerſions and emerfions may be obſerved aboard a ſhip under ſailª: perhaps fome perfons, by frequent practice, might arrive at a facility in doing a Obfero, par M. de la Condamine, Mem. d'Acad. 1732. it, 460 воок 3. ASTRONOMY it, as we find fome come to a dexterity in ſhooting flying that others never can attain: what ever ufe can be made of obfervations of the fatellits at fea with tables of their motions, muft be liable to the errors of thoſe tables; as well as to errors in taking the height of ftars, to determine the time of night in the fhip where they are obſerved, in order to compare it with the time in the place for which the tables were calculated: the time of night at fea is found by the latitude, and the height of a ſtar the right afcenfion and de- clination of which is known, § 788: the latitude is found by § 568: the height of a ſtar by § 283 286, in this method, tables calculated, fup- poſe for Greenwich, are inſtead of another obferver at Greenwich; the tables are not yet brought to fuch perfection as to be depended upon equally with an actual obfervation; but they have this conveniency that they may be confult- ed immediately before or after the obfervation at fea, whereas an account of the actual obfervation. at Greenwich could not be had there, time enough to be of any uſe: they are alſo uſeful and neceffary to inform us when to look for immersions or emerfions. • 1119 If a clock aboard a ſhip fet to the time of day at a place from which the ſhip is departing, fuppofe London, could be made to keep equal time without any variation, it would continually fhew the time of day at London, in what place foever the fhip were; and then, in order to find the lon- gitude at fea nothing more would be requifite, but to find the time of day or night aboard the ſhip, by the fun or ſtars, § 788: for the difference be- tween the time fo found and the time by the clock, in hours minutes and feconds, turned into degrees minutes and feconds, would fhew the longitude from London. § 312, 313, 316, 317. The common clocks are ſubject to fo great irregularities from change of weather, heat and cold, drynefs and moisture, befides the rolling of the ſhip, that they cannot be depend- ed upon at all, in a long voyage, to keep the time they fet out with: I have fometimes thought that feveral clocks and watches made of different ma- terials and upon different principles might correct one another, fo that the mean between the exceſs and defects of them all might be the time required: but there is a clock and watch of a new conſtruction invented by Mr. Harrison now upon tryal, that is thought to promiſe fair for keeping time at fea, in all weather and in all climates. 1120 If a clock, the motion whereof is regulated by a pendulum, be made to keep equal time ever fo well, aboard a fhip, it will do fo only while the ſhip continues in the fame latitude; for, if it be carried nearer to the equator, it will go flower, if toward the poles it will go fafter; fo that, in the firſt caſe the pendulum muſt be lengthened, in the fecond cafe it muſt be ſhort- ened, CH A P. 7. 461 ASTRONOMY ened, to make the clock keep time, § 448. v. Neuton. princip. pag. 384. edit. 2. Cantab. 1713. No mechaniſm can be contrived to prevent this inconvenience, during a voyage at fea: the only remedy for it muſt be, by a calculation, to find what allowance is to be made for the change of latitude; and this I think is impracticable, except that change were made regularly, which never is the cafe: in a fhort voyage, or where there is not great change in the latitude, a clock that kept time would be of very great fervice to find the longitude at fea. The oftener there are opportuni- ties of going a fhore at places the longitude whereof is known, in order to correct the clock, the better. If a watch could be made to keep true time at ſea, it would not be liable to this defect. An error of one minute in the time, whether taken from a clock or found by any celeſtial obfervation, will, under the equator, cauſe an error in the longitude of 15 geographical miles, § 316; in our latitude of 52 degrees, the error will be about 9 miles, § 484: an error of 20" in time would cauſe, under the equator, an error in the longitude of 5 miles; in our latitude, of about 3 miles: and fo on in that proportion for ſmaller errors in the time. 1121 In order to determin the real magnitudes of the fatellits, their appa- rent diameters have been compared with the apparent diameter of jupiter, by obſerving the time a fatellit takes between its firſt appearing to touch the edge of that planets diſk and its being totally entered thereon; or the time between its coming to touch the fartheft edge and going entirely off from the diſk, and comparing one of theſe intervals with the time the cen- ter of the fatellit ſpends in paffing over the middle of the difk: this obfer- vation is liable to uncertainty; by reaſon of the ſpots which vary the appa- rent diameters of the fatellits, and is otherwiſe fo difficult to make, that Maraldi owns he attempted it without fuccefs; but gives us ſome obſervati- ons of this fort made by Dom. Caffini, by which it appears that, in coming on or going off the difk, the first and fecond fatellit took up each a twentieth part, the third fatellit about an eighteenth part of the time that they reſpectively ſpent in croffing over the diſk near the center; as to the fourth, Maraldi concludes from the tables it is about 15 minutes in going on, and 5 hours in croffing the difk: this fhews the diameter of the third fa- tellit is to the diameter of jupiter as 1 is to 18; the diameter of each of the other three as I to 20: the fame Caffini, finding the apparent dia- meter of jupiter in his perihelion 50°, from that, and his diſtance from the fun compared with our earths diftance, computes the diameter of jupiter to be 10 of the diameters of the earth: this brings out the real 3 N diameter ...... 462 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY diameter of a fatellit about half the diameter of the earth: the third is a little bigger than any of the reſt. Mem. d'Acad. 1734. The apparent dia- meters of the fatellits are meaſured by this method with greateſt exactneſs when they are largeſt: for, as the bright part only is vifible, a fatellit is ſeen in its true dimenfions when clear of fpots; and will appear to be longer in ma- king its entrance upon the diſk of jupiter and its exit therefrom, than when the fide turned towards us hath ſpots upon it: thus, the ſame fatellit which at one time ſpends to in its entrance or exit, at another time takes no more than 6' in the fame: the fourth fatellit was once obferved to take up but half the uſual time in making its exit: this was thought to be owing to its having a ſpot upon it that covered half its diameter. Mem. d'Acad. 1734. All the fatellits appear lefs when near jupiter: their light is enfeebled by his fuperi- or luftre, as that of the ſtars is by the nearness of the moon. Caffini fufpected the firſt ſatellit to have an atmoſphere; becauſe the ſha- dow of it could not be feen, when he was fure it ſhould have been upon the diſk of jupiter, if it had not been ſhortened by its atmoſphere, as is the caſe of the fhadow of our earth, § 983. Du Hamel, Hift. 1. 2. c. 1. Remarks upon CHAP. 7. 1122 The elements of the eclipſes of the fatellits of jupiter, or things ne- ceffary to be known in order to conſtruct tables of them are thefe; 1, the times of their revolutions round jupiter: 2, the time of jupiters revolution round the fun: 3, the time of the earths annual revolution: 4, the diameter of jupi- ter and of his ſhadow: 5, the diameters of the orbits of the fatellits: 6, the places of the fatellits nodes: 7, the inclination of their orbits to the orbit of jupiter: the firſt of theſe, the periodical times or mean motions of the fatellits are found by their conjunctions with jupiter; thus, if two conjuncti- ons of a fatellit with the center of jupiter confiderably diftant in time be obſerved, and the interval between them divided by the number of the intermediate revolutions, the quotient will be the time of one revolution: the moment of the conjunction of a fatellit is the middle of its eclipſe, or occultation: the midde of an eclipfe or occultation is found by obſerving the moments of the beginning and ending thereof: the conjunction of the fourth fatellit, when it neither fuffers an eclipfe nor occultation, but paffes north or fcuth from both the difk and ſhadow of jupiter, may be obſerved immediately, by the cross hairs in a teleſcope. Scholium, in all theſe obſervations, the motion of the earth and of jupiter during the intermediate time muſt be taken into the account. 1123 page 463 Book III. N M L n m 83 & P а A 81 85 87 89 FA K k r B 82 I H ་་་་་་་ G 86 ď ह F 4 ་་་་་ Ꭰ 84 86 88 90 E CH UNIV Σ CHAP. 7. 463 ASTRONOMY 1123 The revolutions of the earth and jupiter are known by § 915: the di- FIG. ameter of the orbit of a fatellit is found by taking the diſtance of it from the center of jupiter, at its utmoſt elongation, with the micrometer: when the diameter of the orbit of one of the fatellits is known, the diameters of the reſt are found by this analogy, the ſquares of their periodical times are as the cubes of their diſtances from their primary: ſee § 90 and 914. Other methods may be ſeen in Caffini, elements d'aftronomie 1. 9. c. 3. The real diſtance of the firſt fatellit from jupiter is computed to be nearly equal to the diſtance of the moon from our eartha: the apparent diameter of jupiter is given § 908 and 1121: the diameter of the fhadow differs not fenfibly from that of the planet; efpecially in the place where the first fatellit paffes through it: the nodes of a fatellit are found by thoſe eclipſes or occultations that are of the longeſt duration, for then the fatellit paffes through a diameter of the fhadow, or of the difk: the inclination of the orbit of a fatellit is diſco- vered by an eclipfe or occultation of the ſhorteſt duration, compared with one of the longeft; for, as the time of the longeft eclipfe is to the time of the ſhorteſt, ſo is the diameter of the fhadow of jupiter to the chord thereof deſcribed by the fatellit, in the ſhorteſt eclipſe; from whence the diſtance of the chord from the center of the ſhadow, or the inclination may be found. v. Caffini ibid. When the fourth fatellit, in its conjunction, eſcapes both the ſhadow and diſk of jupiter, the diſtance of it from the center of jupi- be meaſured by the micrometer; and the angle of inclination found. 1124 In the five following figures, I have given perſpective views of ju- piter and the circle of his ſhadow and part of the orbit of a ſatellit, as they would appear to us if viſible: the circle of the ſhadow is no otherwiſe viſible to us than by its effect, making the fatellit to diſappear all the while it is paffing through it. Fig. 75 and 76, repreſent a ſatellit going into the fha- 75 dow at a, and coming out of it at b: here both entrance and exit are vifible; 76 and the duration of the eclipſe may be obſerved directly. Fig. 77 exhibits 77 jupiter with part of his fſhadow on the weft fide of him, the reſt being hid by the interpofition of his body; in this cafe, only the entrance of the fa- tellit at a can be ſeen. Fig. 78 fhews jupiter with part of his ſhadow on the 78 eaſt fide; here only the exit of the fatellit at b is vifible. Fig. 79 is a view 79 of jupiter and the entire orbit of the fourth fatellit, in a fituation wherein it neither falls into the fhadow: nor paffes over the difk of jupiter: fig. 80 80 fhews the fame fatellit paffing through the edge of the fhadow, and fuffer- ing a partial eclipfe, as obferved by J. Caffini mem. 1712. ter may a Cafini, Mɛmoïres d'Acad. R. annec`17 16. 3 N 2. CHAP. 464 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. CHAP. 8. THE RING OF SATURN: HIS MOONS OR SATELLITS. 1125 Saturn is furrounded with a broad thin ring, the edge of which re- flects little or none of the funs light to us; the planes of the ring reflect the light of the fun in the fame manner as the planet does: if we fuppofe the diameter of faturn to be divided into 3 equal parts, the diameter of the ring is about 7 of thoſe parts: the ring is detached from the body of faturn in fuch a manner that the diſtance between the innermoft edge of the ring and the body is equal to the breadth of the ring. Whifton in his memoirs of the of the life of Dr. Clark, relates the Doctors Father to have ſeen a ftar through that ſpace between the planet and the ring; and thought he was the only perſon who had ever happened to ſee a fight that muſt be very rare; for that opening, though in reality of very large dimenfions, by reafon of its great diſtance, appears extreamly fmall to us. 1126 Galileo was the firft who diſcovered any thing uncommon in ſaturn: through his teleſcope he thought he faw that planet appear like two finaller globes on each fide of a large one: in the year 1610, he gave out his diſco- very in a latin fentence, the meaning whereof was that he had feen faturn appear with three bodies; but the letters of the fentence were tranfpofed, to keep his diſcoveries fecret for ſome time, leaft fome other perſon ſhould pretend to the fame. After viewing faturn in this form for two years, he was ſurpriſed to ſee him become quite round, without his adjoyning globes, for fome time, and after that appear again in his triple form, as before: and now faturn was obſerved by feveral other aftronomers, fome of whom, for want of good glaffes, or of fkill in drawing what they faw, publiſhed figures not very like what he appears through a good teleſcope. 1127 About 40 years after Galileo, Hugens, having greatly improved the art of grinding object-glaffes, firft with a teleſcope of 12, and afterwards with one of 23 feet that magnified the object an 100 times, (whereas that of Galileo magnified but about 30 times,) diſcovered the true ſhape of faturns ring; and in 1659, publiſhed his fyftema faturnium, wherein he explains all the appearances thereof, in a method that is now generally thought fatif- factory: from that treatiſe, and from what is to be met with in the philo- fophical tranſactions, and the memoirs of the royal academy, what here follows of the aftronomy of faturn is chiefly compiled. 1128 If we had a view of faturn and his ring with our eye perpendicular to 81 one of the planes of the ring, we fhould fee them as in fig. 81; but our eye is never elevated ſo much above either plane as to have the viſual ray ftand at CHAP. 8. 465 ASTRONOMY ' at right angles to it: our eye indeed is never elevated more than about 30 degrees above the plane of the ring: for the moſt part we view the ring at an oblique angle, fo that it appears of an oval form, the outward cir- cular rim is projected into an ellipfis, as is alſo the inner rim, more or leſs oblong according to the different degrees of obliquity with which it is viewed, § 285: fometimes our eye is in the plane of the ring produced, and then faturn appears round: the ring is then invifible, either becauſe the outward edge is not fitted to reflect the funs light towards us, as Hugens thought; or becauſe it is ſo thin as to be too ſmall an object to be feen by us at fo great a diſtance, as was Dr. Jurin's opinion. See his effay upon diſtinct and indiſtinct viſion at the end of Smith's optics p. 154. 1129 The plane of faturns ring in every part of his orbit, is parallel to it felf in every other part of his orbit. The plane of faturns ring makes an angle with the plane of his orbit of 31°. The plane of faturns ring produ- ced to the ſphere of the fixt ſtars, cuts his heliocentric orbit in two oppofite points, which are called the nodes of the ring. The places of the nodes are about 20° of and . It cuts the ecliptic alfo in two oppofite points, at its inclination to the ecliptic is 31° 20. Maraldi 16° 4′ of " and Mem. d'Acad. 1715. 1130 As faturn paffes from the afcending to the deſcending node of his ring, the northern fide of the rings plane is turned towards the fun, as he paffes from the deſcending to the aſcending node of his ring, the ſouthern fide of his rings plane is towards the fun. To make faturns ring viſible to us, the fun and our eye muſt be both ſufficiently elevated above the fame fide of the rings plane; the fun to enlighten the ring, and our eye to receive the light reflected from it. When faturns heliocentric place is in either of the nodes of his ring, the plane of it produced paffes through the fun: when he is within 33′ 30″ of a node of his ring, the fun is not fufficiently elevated above the plane of it: in both thefe cafes the ring, not being illuminated, is invifible, though our eye be fufficiently elevated above its plane. When faturns heliocentric place is near either of the rings nodes, though more dif- tant from it than 33′ 30″, if our eye be either, 1. in the plane of the ring produced, or, 2. elevated above the dark fide of the rings plane, or, 3. tou little elevated above the enlightened fide of the rings plane to have the rays of the fun reflected to us in a fufficient quantity to make the ring vifible, in all theſe caſes ſaturn appears round. In every other part of his orbit, the ring will appear to us an ellipfis, the ſhorteſt diameter whereof will be long- er, the farther faturn is from the nodes of his ring. Hugen. Syftem. Saturn. Whiſton, aftron. lect. 19. Greg. aftron. p. 392. Phil. tranf, abr. v. I. P. 365. 1131 466 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. 83 1131 Since the heliocentric motion of faturn is about 1° in a month, and the limits within which his ring difappears for want of the funs light are 1°ý i. e. 33′ 30″ on each fide of either of its nodes; faturns round phaſe would continue above a month, though our eye were all the while fuffi- ciently elevated above the plane of the ring. Since faturn may be ſtationary, and retrograde, if feen from the earth he be coming to one of the nodes of the ring near the end of his direct motion, his round phaſe may laſt about 9 months and that fometimes without interruption. Maraldi, mem. an. 1715. 1132 When faturn appears round, if our eye be in the plane of the ring produced, the edge of the ring will appear as a dark line, crofs the center of the planet: if our eye be elevated above the plane of the ring, there will be vifible croſs the middle of the difk a fhadowy belt, caufed, 1. by the fha- dow of the ring, 2. by part of the ring, which is then obfcure, coming be- tween our eye and the planet. The rings fhadow is broadeft, when the fun is moſt elevated, the obfcure parts of the ring appear broadeft, when our eye is moſt elevated above the plane of the ring. Saturns ring ſeen through a very long teleſcope feems to be divided into two concentric rings: that neareſt his body is the brightest. Caffini ap. Lowth. Tranf. Vol. I. p. 367. Pound, ap. Jones Phil. Tranf. abr. v. IV. p. 322. Hadley Phil. Tranf. ann. 1723. n. 276. 1133 When faturns ring appears an ellipfis, the parts about the ends of the longeſt axis reaching beyond the diſk of the planet are called the anfaa. The anja, a little before and after the rings diſappearing, are unequal in magnitude: the largeſt anfa is longer vifible, before the planets round phaſe, and appears again ſooner after it than the other. A. D. 1714. oct. the 1. the largeſt anſa was on the eaft fide: oct. the 12. the largeſt anfa was on the weft fide of faturns difk: this makes it probable the ring has a rotation round the planet. As the ellipfis of the ring, grows narrower, the anſa ap- pear fhorter; their extremities difappear firft, either becauſe of their narrow- nefs, or becauſe the outward parts of the ring are lefs bright than the inward. Maraldi mem. d'Acad. 1715. 1134 The The 83 figure copied from Hugens, is a perſpective view of the orbit of the earth, and the orbit of faturn, with the fun in the center of them: at a, b, c, d, &c. is exhibited faturn, with his ring continually parallel to it ſelf, during a thirty years revolution through his orbit: at the correfponding capi- tals A, B, C, D, &c. are ſhewn the various forms under which the ring appears to us: thus, when faturn is in the afcending node of the ring at a, he ap- a Anja fignifies an handle, that name was given when teleſcopes were fo imperfect as to repreſent fa- tuin as a globe with two fmall knobs on each fide: the fame rame is continued, though improper now the tree ſhape is known. pears CHAP. 8. 467 ASTRONOMY pears round, as at A; the ring being then not viſible: at b the ring appears as FIG. at B, at c as at C, &c. an ellipfis very narrow at first, with the ends of it fharp, but growing continually wider, till faturn arrives at ƒ, a quarter of a 83 circle from the aſcending node of the ring; there the ellipfis appears as at F, the wideft that it ever can be; and from thence grows gradually narrow- er, and the ends of it or the anfa appear fharper and fharper, all the way to the deſcending node of the ring at i, where the ring again difappears, and we again view faturn round, as at 1: from thence, during the other half of of faturns period, we fee the ring appear as an ellipfis wider and wider, till he is gotten 90 degrees from the deſcending node, where it is again at the wideft; and then becomes gradually narrower, till its totally diſappearing at the aſcending node at a. 1135 It is very eaſy to fee by the figure that, while faturn is going through 83 one half of his orbit, from a through b, c, d, &c. to i, the northern or upper fide of the ring is illuminated by the fun; but, in going through the other half, from i through k, l, m, &c. to a, the fouthern or lower plane of the ring re- ceives his light: it is evident alſo from the figure that, when the ring is in either of its nodes, the rays of the fun fall upon the edge thereof, and, when near the nodes, they fall upon one of the planes of the ring with great obli- quity, and confequently throw very little light thereon; and that, the farther the ring is from its nodes the ftronger is the light upon it: for it then falls upon it moſt directly, and therefore faturn then appears brighteſt to the eye unaffifted with glaffes. 1136 The orbit of the earth is ſo ſmall in compariſon of that of faturn, that we have at all times nearly the fame view of him, as we ſhould have if we were at the fun; only, when faturn is near either of the nodes of the ring: the earth may be ſo fituated, that our eye may be either in the plane of the ring, or elevated above the dark fide thereof, or too little elevated above the en- lightened fide of it; in all which cafes we ſhall fee no other part of the ring except what is between our eye and the body of the planet, and that will appear thereon as a fhadowy belt, even though the fun fhould fufficiently enlighten one of the planes to make the anſe viſible to a ſpectator on that luminary. 1137 The four following figures taken from Hugens, fhew faturn with his ring in different forms; they are not inverted as they appeared in the te- 84 leſcope of two convex glaffes, but in their true pofition: in fig. 84 the ring is a very oblong ellipfis, the anfæ narrow, the fhadow of the ring fouth from or lower than the longeſt axis of the ellipfis; the planet being then coming from the afcending and got near the defcending node of the ring; in or 468 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY FIG. or near which it was a few days after, and appeared as in fig. 85, the ring 85 being then invifible. In fig. 86, the ring is a narrow ellipfis, being lately 86 paſt the deſcending node, the ſhadow of the ring now north from the long- eft axis: fig. 87 the ellipfis wider, and fig. 90 at the utmoſt width, the ſha- 88 dow of the ring upon the planet more to the north of the longeſt axis. 89 Fig. 89 is from a drawing I took by an excellent 12 foot teleſcope be- longing to Pemb. Hall, but having omitted to ſet down the date, I cannot now tell how many years fince: by the form, it muſt have been while faturn was going from his afcending towards his defcending node, the fartheft half of the ring is not fo bright as the neareſt, the different parts of the planet are a little differently illuminated, I believe I took it as it then appeared to 99 me, when my eyes were much better than at preſent. Fig. 90 is as feen in Mr. Hadleigh's reflecter, exhibited in the Phil. Tranf. n. 378: that learned gentleman, upon my aſking him whether the planet and the ring appeared as diftinct as in the figure engraved, told me, if the paper were placed at the diſtance of 5 or 6 feet, it would to eyes of the common fort give a very good reprefentation of what his teleſcope fhewed him. 90 1138 Saturn hath five moons or fatellits, which, continually going round him according to the order of the figns, accompany him in his thirty years revolution round the fun: their periodical times and diſtances from the cen- ter of faturn are as followeth, periodical times. fatel. diſtance in femidi- ameters of the ring. 123 D. H. M. S. I 21 18 18 2 17 41 22 27 2,097 2, 686 4 12 25 12 4 15 22 41 12 5 79 7 47 47 00 3,752 8,698 in femidia. of the globe of faturn. 4,893 6,268 8,754 20, 295 25, 348 59, 154 1139 The diſtance of the fourth commonly called the Hugenian fatellit was accurately meaſured by Pound, with a micrometer fitted to the teleſcope of above 120 feet, given by Hugens to the royal fociety, and, from the period and diſtance of that, the diſtances of the reft were computed as above. Phil. tranf. abr. vol. IV. p. 329. Smiths optics vol. II. p. 444. Halley de tabulis fatellit. faturn. Caffini elem. d'aftronomie 1. 9. c. 7 & 8. 1140 The orbits of all faturns fatellits, except the fifth, are nearly in the fame plane, which makes an angle with the plane of faturns orbit of about 1 87 Book III. page 469. 92 91 Edip Edip- e e 94 де k m n 96 9 9 98 93 'D. d A C ň 95 tic 97 tic M CHA P. 8. 469 ASTRONOMY about 31°. They coincide with the plane of faturns ring extended every way, and therefore the fatellits appear to move in ellipfes fimilar to the el-. lipfis of the ring; or in ftrait lines, when the ring, if viſible, would appear as a ſtrait line, by reaſon of its plane extended paffing through the eye of a fpectator upon the eartha. The orbit of faturns fifth fatellit makes an angle with the orbit of its primary of 13° 8. Mem. d'Acad. ann. 1717. The lon- gitude of the aſcending nodes of all faturns fatellits, except the fifth, was A. D. 1714, determined by J. Caffini to be in 20° 26′ of " the longitude of the afcending node of faturns fifth fatellit to be in 3° 20′ of . Mem. d'Acad. 1717 The orbit of the fourth fatellit is excentric; the line of its apfides and greateſt equation are determined by Halley. Jones, Phil. trans. abr. vol. I. p. 371. 1141 Many particulars obfervable in the fatellits of jupiter, as their appear- ing to move in ftrait lines or elliptic curves, to be direct, ſtationary, and retrograde, &c. are applicable to the fatellits of ſaturn, and therefore need not be repeated: there is alſo the fame analogy as to their periodical times and diſtances mentioned § 1123: that the fquares of their periodical times are as the cubes of their diſtances. 1142 The fatellits of faturn have their orbits inclined to the orbit of their primary in ſo great angles, that they cannot paſs croſs their primary, or behind it, or through the ſhadow, except when near their nodes; and therefore they muſt very rarely ſuffer eclipſes, or occultations. In Phil. tranſ. abr. v. 4. p. 321. an occultation of the fourth behind the body of faturn, is related from Mem. d'Acad. R. 1715. There is a curious obſervation of D. Caffini, mentioned in the Memoires of the R. Acad. of the year 1692, of a fixt ftar being covered by the fourth fatellit of faturn, ſo that, for about 13 minutes they appeared as one ſtar. 1143 The fatellits of faturn have been diſcovered, as it is natural to fup- poſe they would be, the largeſt firſt, and the leffer ones afterwards, as tele- ſcopes were brought to greater degrees of perfection: accordingly, the fourth which is the largeſt, was firft feen by Hugens, in 1655; who, in 1659, publiſhed a table of its mean motion: the other four were all diſcovered by Dom. Cafini, two of them in 1671, the other two neareſt to ſaturn and the leaſt not till 1686, and that with tubes of 100 and 136 feet; though, after being better acquainted with them, he could ſee them with a tube of 34 feet. They are not to be feen except the air be very clear. Tables a Caffini Decouv. de la um. Celefte. n. 25. J. Caffini, Mem. d'Acad. ann. 1714, 1715, 1716, 1717. Pound ap. Jones Phil, tranf. abr. vol. 4. p. 320. & 329. 30 of 470 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY' FIG. of the motions of faturns fatellits, may be ſeen in the Phil. tranf. abr. vol. IV. in Caffini elements d'aſtronom. vol. II. and in Halley's tables publiſhed 1749. 1144 The fifth fatellit of faturn, or the moſt diſtant one from him is fome- times in the eaſtern part of its orbit, not viſible; though fought for in a place where it is known to be, and where at other times it is to be ſeen with the fame glaffes: this is accounted for, by fuppofing that this fatellit is fome times covered with ſpots, and at other times free from them; or, if the fpots upon it be permanent, that it has a rotation round its own axis. Mem. d'Acad. 1714. Phil. tranf. abr. v. I. p. 368. 1145 Saturn has two belts difcovered by very long teleſcopes, parallel to the middle belt which is cauſed by the dark edge of the ring when the planet appears round: thefe belts are rectilinear, when the ring appears 91 elliptic; fig. 91, and confequently, if the ring coincides with the plane of faturns equator, they are owing to clouds furrounding that planet, at a confiderable diſtance, and floating in the atmoſphere, which feems to extend beyond the circumference of the ring. Mem. d'Acad. 1715. J. Caffini, elements d'aftron. 1146 Dom. Caffini fuppofed the ring of faturn might be a great number of fatellits revolving round him ſo near to that planet and to one another as to make the interval between them imperceptible, by reaſon of their great diſ- tance from us: this opinion feems to me fo improbable, that I ſhould not have thought it worth mentioning, if it had not been advanced by fo great an aſtronomer: a defire of accounting for appearances the cauſes whereof are far out of our reach, has often been the parent of hypotheſes not eaſily to be defended. Mem. d'Acad. 1715. CHAP. 9. SPOTS IN THE SUN: THE ROTATION OF THE SUN ROUND HIS OWN AXIS: THE SUNS ATMOSPHERE. 1147 That the fun is fubject to have dark places or ſpots upon his face was unknown before the invention of teleſcopes; they were firſt obſerved in the year 1611: whether Galileo at Rome or Scheiner a German jefuit at In- goldſtadt had the firſt view of them hath been matter of controverfy: but this is certain that, though Scheiner firft wrote fome letters upon the ſubject, which were printed in the year 1612 under the feigned name of Apellesa, a Apelles poft tabulam, alluding to the ſtory told of that celebrated painter, that he uſed to expoſe his pic- tures to public view, and ftand behind them out of fight, to hear what judgment was paffed on them, by thofe that went by. v. Erafmi adag. ne futor ultra crepidam. ་ Galileo, CHAP. 9. 471 ASTRONOMY Galileo, in the year following, publiſhed a little piece wherein he ſhewed many miſtakes the then unknown author of the letters had fallen into, whom however he treated with great civility, and at the fame time gave ſuch an account of the ſolar ſpots as falls very little ſhort of being all that is at preſent known of themª. As the uſe of the teleſcope was then pretty well known, it might eafily happen that theſe two aftronomers, fo far aſunder, viewed the fun at the fame time, through that inftrument, without one know- ing what the other had done; however that might be, they afterwards ac- cuſed one another of plagiariſmb. Scheiner, many years after, in his Rofa Urfina, a pompous work in folio of four books, employed the firſt book entirely in clearing himſelf of the afperfion, and retorting it upon his ad- verfary; and he is by feveral writers of his own order mentioned as firſt in the diſcovery: but then on the other hand, in a ſubſequent edition of all Galileo's works, the editors reprinted with them Scheiner's letters, on purpoſe to expoſe the errors therein, and produced atteftations of feveral learned men in favour of Galileo's pretentions to priority; in one of which it is roundly afferted that Scheiner never erected his telefope to view the fun till after a brother jefuit had informed him that Galileo had diſcovered fpots upon that luminary d. Scheiner's Rofa Urfina, though prolix and tedious, has fome merit; for, having, as he ſays, in his hands above 3000 obfervations made by himſelf and other mathematicians to whom he had recommended the affair, he pub- liſhed ſuch as he thought moſt uſeful, corrected the errors he had before embraced, and fettled pretty exactly the inclination of the axis of the fun to the ecliptic, and the poſition of his poles. Since that time the ſolar ſpots have drawn the attention of aftronomers in various parts of Europe; I fhall here give the refult of their obfervations. 1148 There is great variety in the magnitudes of the folar ſpots: the diffe- rence is chiefly in fuperficial extent of length and breadth, their depth or thickneſs is very fmall: fome have been fo large as, by computation, to co- ver as much of the funs diſk as all Aſia and Africa, or even the ſurface of the whole earth would do, if laid thereone: and fome have exceeded five times the ſurface of our earthf. The diameter of a ſpot, when near the middle of the difk, is meaſured by comparing the time it takes in paffing over a croſs hair in a teleſcope with the time wherein the whole diſk of the attenuta alla titubazion lunare. a Iftoria e dimostrazioni di Galileo intorno alle macchie folari, in Roma 1613. b Letera di Galileo c Aguilonius, in optica, Taquet, aftronom. Ricciolus, Almageſt. Regnault, converfat. philofoph. d Opere di Galileo in Firenza. 1718. tom. 2. p. 224. e v. Hift. f Smith's optics vol. II. p. 415. d'Acad. 1719, 1720. 3 0 2 fun 472 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY fun paſſes over the fame hair: it may alſo be meaſured by the micrometer: by either of theſe methods, we find how many times the diameter of the ſpot is contained in the diameter of the fun. Spots are fubject to increaſe or dimi- nution, and feldom continue long of the fame magnitude. 1149 The folar fpots are of various fhapes: in moſt of them there is a deep black nucleus furrounded by a duſky cloud, whereof the inner parts next the black are a little brighter than the outskirts: they change their ſhapes, fomething in the manner that our clouds do, though not often with fo fud- den changes: thus, what is of a certain figure to day fhall, to morrow, or perhaps in a few hours, be of a different one; what is now but one ſpot ſhall, in a little time be found broken into two or three, and ſometimes two or three fpots fhall coalefce and be united into one. The author of this work, many years fince, while he was viewing the image of the fun caft through a tele- ſcope upon white paper, faw one roundiſh ſpot, by eftimation, not much leſs in diameter than our earth, break into two, which immediatly receded from one another with a prodigious velocity: this is a thing which I have not met with mentioned by any writer as obferved while it was actually doing; though many inftances occur of its being taken notice of after it has been done. 1150 The number of ſpots upon the fun is very uncertain: fometimes there are a great many, fometimes very few, and fometimes none at all: Scheiner obſerved from 1611 to 1629; and fays he never found the fun quite clear of ſpots, except a few days in december 1624: at other times, he frequently faw 20, 30, and in the year 1625 he was able to count above 50 ſpots upon the fun at a time. In an interval afterwards of 20 years, from 1650 to 1670, ſcarce any were to be ſeen: fince that time, fome years have furniſhed a number of ſpots, and ſeveral years have been quite without: but fince the beginning of the laſt century not a year hath paffed wherein there have not been ſome ſeen; and at preſent ſays Caffini, in his Elements d'Aftronomie printed 1740, they are fo frequent, that the fun is feldom with- out ſpots, and often fhews a good number of them at a time. From what has been faid it is manifeft that the folar ſpots obferve no regularity, in their ſhape, magnitude, number, or in the time of their appearance, or continuance. 1151 The ſpots of the fun are not permanent, but are diffipated or diffolv- ed and diſappear: this is contrary to the doctrine of Ariſtotle and his follow- ers, who held that the heavenly bodies are not fubject to generation or decay: fome ſpots laſt many days, others are very ſhort lived: Hevelius obſerved one that arofe and vaniſhed in 16 or 17 hours: no ſpot hath been known to laft CHAP. 9. 473 ASTRONOMY laft longer than one that, in the year 1676, continued upon the fun above FIG. 70 days: thoſe ſpots that are formed gradually are gradually diffolved; thoſe that ariſe fuddenly for the moſt part fuddenly vaniſh. When a ſpot difap- pears, that part where it was fituated generally becomes brighter than the reſt of the fun, and continues ſo ſeveral days: on the other hand, theſe bright parts, which are called faculæ, fometimes turn to ſpots. 1152 The folar fpots appear to have a motion which carries them crofs the diſk of the fun: every ſpot, if it continues long enough without being from diffolved, appears to enter the difk of the fun upon the eaft fide, to go half its way; thence with a velocity continually increafing, till it has gone half its and then to move flower and flower, till it goes off at the weft fide of the diſk: after which, it difappears for about the fame fpace of time, that it fpent in croffing the difk, and then enters upon the eaſt fide again, nearly in the fame place, and croffes it in the fame track, and with the fame unequal motion as before. This apparent inequality in the motion of the ſpots is purely optical, and is in fuch proportion as demonftrates them to be carried round equably, in a circle the plane of which continued paffes through, or near to the eye of a ſpectator upon the earth: ſee § 264, 266. In reality then, the ſpots do not change their places upon the fun, but adhere to his furface, or float in his atmoſphere, very near his body; for if there be 20 fpots or faculæ upon him at a time, they all keep in the fame fituation in refpect of one another, and, fo long as they laft, are carried round together in the fame manner: by the motion of the ſpots therefore we learn, what otherwiſe we ſhould not have known, that the fun is a globe, and has a rotation round his own axis. 1153 Befides the real changes in the ſhapes of the ſpots mentioned § 1149, there is another change of them which is purely optical, and is owing to their being feen upon a globe differently turned towards us: if we imagin the globe of the fun to have a number of circles drawn upon its furface all paffing through his poles and cutting his equator at equal diſtances, thefe circles, which we may call meridians, if they were vifible, would appear to us at unequal diſtances, as in fig. 92. Now fuppofe a ſpot were round, and 92 and fo large as to reach from one meridian to another, it would appear round only at g, when it was in the middle of that half of the globe which is to- wards our earth, for then we view the full extent of it in length and breadth: in every other place, it turns away from us, and appears narrower, though of the fame length, the farther from the middle; and at its coming on at a and going off at n it appears as fmall as a thread, the thin edge of it being all that we then fee. This apparent change of the ſhape in the folar fpots is 474 воок 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. is another proof that the fun is a globe, and that the ſpots adhere to the furface of the fun fo as to be carried round thereon, or float in the funs at- moſphere, very near his ſurface. 1154 The rotation of the fun being known, we may confider his axis, and poles, and their fituation: as alfo his equator, or a circle imagined to be drawn upon that luminous globe equally diſtant from his poles: we may alſo imagin leffer circles drawn thereon parallel to his equator. The rotation of the fun is according to the order of the figns: that is, any point upon the furface of that vaft globe turns round fo as to look fucceffively at aries, taurus, gemini, &c. which is alfo the way that all the primary planets are carried round the fun, though each of them in a plane a little different from all the reft; as was fhewn § 638: here alſo we are to obſerve that, the plane of the funs equator continued does not coincide with the heliocentric orbit of any of the planets, but cuts every one of them in a ſmall angle: it is neareſt to coincidence with the orbit of venus. 1155 The fun being a globe at a great diſtance from us, we always fee near- ly half of that globe at a time, § 241, but the viſible half is continually chang- ing, by the rotation of the fun, and the revolution of the earth in her orbit. To fpeak accurately, we do not fee quite half the funs globe at a time, we want fo much of it as the apparent diameter of the fun amounts to, which, at his mean diftance, is about 32 minutes; fo much is the diameter of the invifible part of the fun greater than that of the viſible part: for this reaſon, a ſpot may be about two hours longer inviſible than it is viſible. v. Caffini, Mem. d'Acad. 1701. 1156 As the earth revolves round the fun the fame way with the funs rotation, the periodical revolution of a ſpot ſeen from the earth is longer 93 than it would appear if it were viewed by an eye at reft: thus, fig. 93, let ABCD be the orbit of the earth, abcd the equator of the fun, let a be a ſpot feen in the middle of the diſk by a ſpectator upon the earth at A: the funs rotation, carrying the ſpot round through bed according to the order of the letters, will in about 25 days bring it again to a: but, during that interval, the earth will be got to B, and the middle of the diſk will be then at b: fo that about two days more muſt be fpent before a ſpectator upon the earth at c will view the fpot in the middle of the then apparent diſk at c. This is much the fame cafe as that of the fynodical month being longer than the periodical, mentioned § 959. 1157 The time between the entrance of a ſpot upon the diſk and its exit. therefrom gives us nearly half the apparent period of the funs rotation ; this is uſually about thirteen days: a ſpot that, after croffing the difk and diſap- CHAP. 9. 475 ASTRONOMY diſappearing, returns again gives the whole time, but not with preciſion; FIG. becauſe the ſpot may perhaps not keep all the while exactly in the ſame place, but may have fome floating motion of its own upon the furface of the fun there are not many inftances of fuch returning fpots; Scheiner has not above 3 or 4 among his multitude of obfervations. Dom. Caffini, taking notice that ſeveral ſpots had often appeared in the fame parallel, thought fome particular places of the fun might be more difpofed than others to fupply the matter of thoſe ſpots; and, if ſo, that they would not move far from the place of their origin, juſt as the ſmoke of mount Etna, if it could be feen from the fun, would always appear to return to the fame place upon the diſk of the earth, every 24 hours, very nearly; fometimes a little fooner, fometimes a little later, according as the ſmoke was driven, by an eaſt or weft wind, from the place of its eruption: in confequence of this fuppofition, he compared ſeveral large intervals between the appearances of ſpots carried in the fame parallel, which he judged to be returns of the fame fpots, arifing out of the fame place on the furface of the fun; and found that 27 days 22 hours and 20 ſeconds was a common meaſure of thoſe in- tervals, very nearly: this therefore he thought to be the period moſt pro- per to be taken for an apparent revolution of the folar ſpots, and confe- quently for the rotation of the fun, as ſeen from the earth. Theſe obſer- vations were made in may and april, nearly in the fame time of the and therefore are not much affected by the inequality of the earths motion. The fame period is confirmed by J. Caffini, Mem. d'Acad. 1702. year, The time of the apparent revolution of a ſpot being known, the true time of its going round upon the fun is thus found: in fig. 93, the arc AC, 93 which in the month of may, the earth goes through in her orbit in 27 days 12 hours and 20 minutes, is 26 degrees and 22 minutes: the arc ac is equal to AC, by § 31: the apparent revolution of a ſpot is the whole circle abcda or 360° with the addition of the arc ac of 26° 22′: which makes 386° 22′: ſay then, as 386° 22′ is to 27d 12h 20', fo is 360° to 25d 15h 16, the true time of the rotation of the fun, as it would be feen from a fixt ſtar. 1158 The angle of interfection between the planes of the funs equator and the ecliptic is but fmall; Scheiner fays he never found it more than 8° nor leſs than 6º, he therefore ſettled it at 7°: Rofa Urfin. p. 556. J. Caffini makes it 7° Smith's optics v. II. 411. 1 The plane of the funs equator continued cuts the ecliptic in two oppo- fite points; the 8° of II and the 8° of : thefe points are called the nodes of the fun, Two points in the ecliptic 90° from the nodes, namely, the 8° of * and the 8° of my may be called the limits. When the earth is in either of 476 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY FIG. of the funs nodes, the equator of the fun, if vifible, would appear as a ftrait line, by § 258: and, by reaſon of the vaſt diſtance of the fun from us, all his parallels would alſo appear ſtrait lines, § 254: in every other ſituation of the earth, the funs equator and parallels, if vifible, would appear as ellip- fes by § 257: and theſe ellipfes grow wider the farther the earth is from the nodes; and are wideft, when the earth is in one of the limits. 1159 In the preſent age, on the 18th of may, the earth is in the 8° of ↑ one of the nodes of the fun; and, confequently, the funs equator and paral- 94 lels, if viſible, would appear as ftrait lines, fig. 94: from that time, the funs equator and every parallel begin to appear as half of an ellipfis convex or fwelling towards the fouth, and growing every day wider, to the 20th of 95 auguft, where it is at the wideft, as in fig. 95; the earth being then in the 8° of *, one of the limits: immediately after, the apparent curvature of the funs equator and parallels continually decreafes, to the 19th of november, when they again appear as ſtrait lines; the earth being in the other node, 96 the 8° of I, fig. 96: from that time, the equator of the fun and parallels be- come elliptical, convex towards the north, their curvature continually increaſ ing, to the 15th of february, when the earth is arrived at the other limit, in the 8° of ™, and their curvature is again at the greateſt, fig. 97: from thencefor- ward, their curvature continually decreaſes, to the 18th of may, when the equator of the fun and the parallels again become ftrait lines. 97 94 1160 Every ſpot is carried round the fun in his equator, or in a parallel : therefore the apparent motion of the ſpots upon the fun is rectilinear, every year, in may and november; at which times the funs equator and parallels, if viſible, would appear as ftrait lines: at all other times of the year, the ap- parent motion of the ſolar ſpots is elliptical. Scholium. When it is faid the apparent motion of ſpots upon the diſk of the fun is rectilinear, the meaning is that it is not fenfibly otherwiſe; for, accurately ſpeaking, this is true only for a moment, when the earth is in one of the funs nodes: as the planes of the funs equator and parallels inter- fect the ecliptic, immediately after the earth is paffed from a node, our eye begins to be elevated above the planes of the funs equator and parallels, and the apparent paths of the ſpots become elliptic, nor do we ſee a ſpot move in a true ellipfis, for any confiderable time; but, by the continual change in the elevation of our eye, the apparent path of a ſpot, every fubfequent moment, becomes a part of a different ellipfis. 1161 On the 18th of may, and the 19th of november, when the earth is in one of the nodes of the fun, the north pole of the fun n and the ſouth 95 pole s are both in the circumference of the vifible diſk, fig. 94 & 955 then every CH A P. 9. 477 ASTRONOMY "; 97 every parallel is divided into two equal parts by the plane of the diſk, proxime. FIG. v. § 1155. From may to november, the north pole of the fun n is upon the vi- fible diſk, fig. 95: then the parallels are divided unequally, fo that, there is 95 more than half of every north parallel, leſs than half of every fouth parallel upon the viſible diſk; and confequently, during that half year, every ſpot in a north parallel is vifible more than half the period of the funs rotation every ſpot in a ſouth parallel, is vifible leſs than half that period: on the other hand, from november to may, the fouth pole of the fun s is upon the vifible diſk, fig. 97: and every ſpot in a fouth parallel is viſible more than half the period of the funs rotation; every ſpot in a north parallel is viſible leſs than half that period. The difference between the time of a ſpot being vifible, and the time of its being hid behind the fun, arifing from the une- qual divifion of the parallels by the plane of the diſk, is greater the nearer the earth is to one of the limits: leffer the nearer the earth is to one of the nodes of the fun. As the earth does not move uniformly in her orbit, but flower in aphelion, quicker in perihelion, this will make a difference in the apparent motion of the folar ſpots; the difference arifing from this caufe is not 4 hours in an apparent revolution, 1162 The 92 figure being the orthographic projection of meridians drawn at equal diſtances upon the viſible half of the funs globe, it may be thought thoſe meridians would fhew the apparent diurnal motion of the ſpots; ſo that, for example, a ſpot which to day at noon is in the meridian marked with a, ſhould to morrow at noon be in the meridian marked with b, the next day in that marked with c, &c. but Scheiner fays, that, caſting the ſuns picture upon paper through the teleſcope, the diſtance between the place of a ſpot at noon any given day, and the place of the fame at noon the day immedi- ately preceding or the day immediately following will be greater, when the fpot is near the circumference of the diſk, than, according to the orthogra- phic projection, it ought to be: this deviation of ſpots, he thought owing to the refraction of the glaffes in the teleſcope being greater near the circumfe- rence than in the middle: he was confirmed in this opinion, by finding that, if ſpots were obſerved by letting the fun fhine through a little hole without a glaſs upon a white paper held at a good diſtance from the hole, in a dark room, their places would then be every day according to the orthographic projection: but this method of obferving the folar ſpots he found was attend- ed with great difficulties. Rofa Urfina, 1.4. c. 19. 1163 Scheiner has another proof that the deviation of the folar ſpots from the orthographic projection, is caused by the different refraction of the glaf- ſes of the teleſcope, by the following experiment: he pierced with a needle 3 P in 92 478 воок 3 ASTRONOMY rays of FIG. in a thin plate of brafs 12 fmall holes at equal distances, as in fig. 98, and, 98 placing the plate before the glaffes in a ſhort teleſcope, let the fun thine through, receiving the 12 bright ſpots upon a paper held ſo as the the fun might fall perpendicularly thereon: here alſo he found the diſtances between the bright spots near the outfide were greater than between thoſe in the middle; whereas when he received them upon paper without any glaffes, the fituation of the bright ſpots exactly correſponded to that of the ſmall holes in the plate. 1164 The face of the fun, when clear of ſpots, feen by the naked eye through a ſmoaked or coloured glaſs, or through a thin cloud, or the vapours near the horizon, appears all over equally luminous; but, when viewed through the teleſcope, the glaffes being fmoaked or coloured, befides the dif- ference between the facule and the other parts, the middle of the diſk ap- pears brighter than the outſkirts a: the light is darted from the middle more directly towards us than from the fides: any faculæ appear more diſtinctly near the fides, as being upon a darker ground there, than on the middle b. 1165 The ſpots, generally ſpeaking, may be faid to adhere to the fun, or to be fo near him as to be carried round upon him uniformly; nevertheleſs, fome- times, though rarely, a ſpot has been ſeen to move with a velocity a little diffe- rent from the reft: fpots that were in different parallels have appeared to be carried along not keeping always at the fame diftance, but approaching nearer to each other; and, when two ſpots moved in the fame parallel, the hindmoſt has been obferved to overtake and paſs by the other. The revo- lution of ſpots near the equator of the fun, is ſhorter than of thoſe that are more diftant from itd. 1166 There are various opinions about the nature and formation of the folar ſpots. Some have thought that the fun is an opake body, mountain- ous and uneven as our earth is, covered all over with a fiery luminous fluid; that this fluid is fubject to ebbing and flowing, after the manner of our tides; ſo as ſometimes to leave uncovered the tops of rocks or hills, which appear like black fpots: and that the nebulofities about them are cauſed by a kind of froth. Others have imagined, that the fluid which fends us fo much light and heat contains a nucleus or folid globe, wherein, are ſeveral volcanoes, that, like Ætna or Vefuvius, from time to time, caft forth quantities of bitumi- nous matter up to the furface of the fun, and form thofe fpots which are ſeen thereon: and that, as this matter is gradually changed and confumed a Scheiner, Rofa Urfin. p. 622. c ibid. p. 559. & paffim, v. in indice Rofa e Caffini elements d'aftronomie. liv. 2. c. I. b ibid. p. 508. Urfin. curfus inequalis, d Caffini Mem. d'Acad. Mai. 1730. by CHAP. 9. 479 ASTRONOMY by the luminous fluid, the fpots diſappear for a time; but are ſeen to riſe again in the fame places, when thoſe vulcanoes caft up new matter. A third opinion is that the fun confifts of a fiery luminous fluid, wherein are immerſed ſeveral opake bodies of irregular ſhapes; and that theſe bodies, by the rapid motion of the fun, are fometimes buoyed or raiſed up to the furface, where they form the appearance of ſpots; which feem to change their ſhapes, according as different fides of thoſe bodies prefent themſelves to our view. The laſt opinion I ſhall mention is, that the fun confifts of a fluid in con- tinual agitation; that, by the rapid motion of this fluid, fome parts more grofs than the reft are carried up to the ſurface of that luminary, in like manner as fcum rifes on the top of melted metal, or any thing that is boil- ing: that theſe ſcums, as they are differently agitated by the motion of the fluid, form themſelves into thofe different ſhapes which we ſee in the folar fpots; and, befides the optical change, mentioned § 1153, grow larger, are diminiſhed in their apparent magnitude, recede a little from or aproach nearer to one another, and are at laſt entirely diffipated by the continual ra- pid motion of the fluid, or are confumed thereby, or abforbed therein. 1167 The funs atmoſphere has been mentioned, and a ſhort defcription thereof given, in the first volume of this work, § 762; Sir Ifaac Newton, in his optics, p. 318, has let us know what his fentiments were upon this fubject, in the modeft way of a query, in the words following, "Qu. Do not great bodies conferve their heat the longeft, their parts heat- "ing one another, and may not a great denfe and fixed body, when heated beyond a certain degree, emit light fo copiouſly, as by the emiffion and "re-action of its light, and the reflections and refractions of its rays within "its pores to grow ftill hotter, till it comes to a certain period of heat, fuch "as is that of the fun? And are not the fun and fixed ftars great earths vehe- CHAP. 13. WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS, PERIODS OR CYCLES, 1231 The divifion of time into weeks was by divine appointment, and is as ancient as the creation of the world, as appears by the facred writings, Gen. c. 2. v. 3. the week of 7 days was always in ufe among the Jews, and is univerfally received by Chriftians of all nations, and by the Mahometans in all countries: Scaligerd fays it has been in uſe among all the people of the eaſt c Progymnaſmat. p. 150. a Plinian. exercitat. b 1.9.c.9 à de emendat. temp. p. 9. from CHAP. 13. 511 ASTRONOMY T from the moſt ancient time: this was probably owing to ancient tradition: the cuſtom of giving names to the days of the week from the fun moon and planets, as an hiſtorian who lived in the fecond century tells us, came ori- ginally from the Egyptians, and was by them propagated among other na- tions: he fays the Romans in his time followed it, but the Greeks did not, as far as he knew a. Our anceſtors the Saxons, before their converfion to the Chriſtian faith, named the ſeven days of the week from the fun and moon and fome of their deifyed heroes, which names we received with the rest of their language and ftill retain: funday was devoted to the Sun, monday to the Moon, tuesday to Tuifco, wedneſday to Woden, thursday to Thor, friday to Friga, faturday to Seaterb. Some of our fectaries fcruple making uſe of theſe names upon account of their owing their original to idolatry, not confidering that names or words are of themſelves indifferent, and can only become bad where they convey or excite vicious ideas. What was very foon after the reſurrection of our Bleffed Saviour called the Lords day, was after- wards called the day of the fun or funday by fome of the ancient fathers, who detefted the idolatry of worſhipping the fun as much as any body now can doc: but they spoke the language then in uſe, as the facred writer alfo did, when he called the place of judicature at Athens by the name it com- monly went by, Areopagus or Mars-hill d. 1232 The month has its name in ours and ſome other languages from the the moon, and is the time of a revolution of that planet round our earth: the month is periodical or fynodical, as has been mentioned § 958 and 959: the fynodical confifts of about 29 days and an half, and is of moft general uſe, as it is the time wherein the moon goes through all her phaſes, whereby we are able to know at what hours of the night we may expect the benefit of moon light; as alſo to foretell the time of high and low water, at all places where the tide ebbs and flows. 1233 A year is the time wherein our earth revolves in her orbit round the fun: the year as confidered by aftronomers is either fydereal or tropical: the fydereal year confifts of 365 days 6 hours and 10 minutes, in this time the earth revolves round the fun, and makes the fun appear, after having been in conjunction with ſome ſtar, to go round the ecliptic, and come again into conjunction with the fame ftar: the tropical year is the time wherein the fun, after appearing in one of the cardinal points, goes round in the ecliptic till he comes again to the fame point: the tropical year is about 21 minutes in time ſhorter than the fydereal: becauſe the cardinal points go backwards b Verftegan, antiquities of the Engliſh nation, d Acts. chap. 17. v. 19 & 22.- a' Dion Caffius. hift. I. 37. pag. 42. edit. H. Steph. chap. 3 · c Juttin Martyr. apol. 2. 3 T2 every 512 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY every year about 50 feconds of a degree, § 657 and 781, and meet the fun fo far in his apparent annual progreſs through the ecliptic. 1234 The time a planet takes in revolving round the fun, is ſometimes called the year of that planet: thus, about 7 months may be faid to be the year of venus, about 3 months the year of mercury, &c. The going back of the cardinal points juſt now mentioned, was thought by the ancients to be owing to a flow motion of the ſphere of the fixt ftars round the poles of the ecliptic, contrary to the order of the figns: fome of them imagined an entire revolu- tion of the ſphere would bring about a renovation of the world, and reſtore every thing into the fame ſtate and condition as at the beginning; this period was therefore called magnus annus the great year, and mundanus annusª the year of the world: the length of it was variouſly affigned by different phi-- lofophersb: if they had known how much the yearly preceffion of the equi- nox amounts to as well as the aftronomers of the preſent age do, they would have ſettled the length of the annus magnus at 25000 years. If we confider that the preceffion of the equinox is owing purely to the change of the fitu- ation of the equator and poles of the earth, cauſed by the attraction of the fun and moon, eſpecially the laft mentioned of thofe luminaries, the fpe- culation concerning the great year will appear to be of very little confe- quence. 1235 The civil or political year has a different beginning, and is of a diffe- rent form in different nations: the ancient Egyptians made uſe of the folar year pointed out by the apparent annual motion of the fun; to this they al- lotted 360 days, and divided it into 12 parts or months, each month containing 30 days: (here we fee the origin of the divifion of the ecliptic and other cir- cles into 360 parts, and of the zodiac into 12 figns:) the redundant 5 days were thought not to belong to the year, and therefore no bufinefs was to be done upon thoſe days, but they were ſpent in idleness and diverfion: they were afterwards dedicated to five of their deities; and in fine received into the year, but were added to the end of it, and were called ɛayoμevat or additional: this year of 365 days their Kings took an oath in the temple of Ifis not to change by intercalation, and is the year meant by aftronomers, when they compute by Egyptian years: fome writers fay that their year took in not only the 365 days, but the redundant fix hours alfo: and indeed it feems utterly improbable that their Hierophante who had the care of theſe affairs and were ſo knowing in aftronomy, ſhould be ignorant that fix hours or nearly that quantity of time was neceffary to meaſure the annual motion of the ſun or of a ftar: why this piece of a day was omitted in their common year of a Macrob.fomn. Scip. 1. 2. c. 11I. b Cenforinus de die natali, c. 18. 365 CHAP. 13. 513 ASTRONOMY cc << 365 days, we may learn from an excellent Greek author, who according to Petavius, lived in the time of Sylla: "The Egyptians (fays he ) did not "take the quarter of a day into their account, that their facred feſtivals might go forward, as they would do by this omiffion, one day in four years, ten days in forty, a month in an hundred and twenty, fo as to go through all "the ſeaſons of the year in 1460 years; whereas the Greeks by their laws "and by an oracle were directed to keep their facred folemnities in the ſame "months in the year, and on the fame days of the months; for which pur- "poſe, they made ute of intercalations, to bring the accounts of the motions "of the fun and moon as near together as poffible. The beginning of the Egyptian year was originally, at the heliacal rifing of the dog ſtar, to which they paid divine honours, probably becauſe at that time the Nile began to rife, upon the overflowing whereof the fertility of their country greatly depends. >> 1236 The month made ufe of by Mofes was of 30 days, as appears from theſe paffages, on the 17th of the 2ª month the rains began which brought on the deluge, gen. c. 7 v. 11; on the 17th of the 7th month the flood was fo far abated that the ark reſted upon mount Ararat, gen. c. 8 v. 4: now from the 7th of the 2d month to the 17th of the 7th month, allowing 30 days to each month, is juſt 150 days, the number of days the waters are faid to have prevailed upon the earth, gen. c. 7. v. 24. and c. 8. v. 3: 1237 There is in Whiston's Theory of the earth, a learned differtation, wherein it is fhewn that in very ancient times various nations had the fame year with the Egyptians of 360 days, and the month of 30; that this can no way be fo well accounted for as by fuppofing that the year and month were exactly of that length before the flood; and that (mankind being generally te- nacious of old cuſtoms, though found inconvenient) the fame meaſures of time continued to be retained even after they were difcovered not to agree with the motions of either the fun or the moon: it is alſo conjectured that the al- teration of the year from 360 to 365 days and a quarter was owing to a co- met, which in its near approach to the earth, by diſcharging thereon a great quantity of vapours from its atmoſphere, and breaking the external cruft and forcing up the waters of the great abyſs, brought on the flood; and did alſo, by the acceffion of new matter, diminiſh the velocity of the diurnal motion of the earth; and, by attraction or gravitation, turned her annual orbit from a perfect circle into an ellipfis. • 1238 The lunar year conſiſts of 12 fynodical months or lunations: 12 of theſe months amount to 354 days, and come the neareſt of any number of a..Geminus, cap, 6, de mensibus. b. p. 144. 4th edition, 1725. months 514 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY months to the length of a folar year, but fall fhort of it 11 days: this year is in uſe among the Turks and other Mahometans: the beginning of it goes back II days every year, which, every 8 years fets it back 3 months; fo that if the beginning of the prefent year were in the fpring, 8 years hence it would be in the winter, 16 years hence in the autumn, after 24 years in the fummer, after 32 years in the ſpring again: this is called a wandering year, becauſe the beginning of it runs through all the feaſons in half the period of the life of man. 1239 The ancient Jews and Greeks made uſe of what may be called a lunifolar year, wherein they adjuſted the lunar and folar year fo as to bring them as near as they could, to the fame beginning: for this purpoſe they invented feveral ways of intercalating or inſerting days into the lunar year: one ſcheme was the octennial period, which the Jews intercalated in the fol- lowing manner: they found that the excess of the folar above the lunar year, being about 11 days and a quarter, in 8 years amounts to 90 days, that is 3 months of 30 days each: they therefore added one of theſe months at the end of the 2d year, another at the end of the 4th, and the 3d at the end of the 7th year; fo ſo that each of theſe years the 24, 4th, and 7th, confiſted of 13 months: they did not give a new name to the intercalated month; but, as the name of the laſt month of the jewiſh year was adar, they called the additional month veadar, as much as to fay another or a fecond adar. The beginning of the ancient Jewiſh year was at the autumnal equinox; but after their going out of Egypt the beginning of their year was at the vernal equinox. 1240 The ancient Greeks were commanded by an oracle to obſerve, in their facrifices, the cuſtom of their country, in three particulars; theſe were underſtood to mean days, months, and yearsa: many of their feftivities as well facred as civil, were celebrated at the new or full moon which fell out near one of the folftices or equinoxes; in like manner as the Jews were to keep the paffover on the full moon next after the vernal equinox: their aftronomers therefore endeavoured to find out a cycle or period, wherein the fun, having run through a number of compleat years, and the moon a number of compleat fynodical months, thofe luminaries would begin again to go through a like number of years and months, in the fame manenr as before. They made uſe of the octennial period, but are faid to have intercalated the months at the end of the 3d, 5th, and 8th years. 1241 As aftronomy made now fome progrefs among the Greeks, the octen- nial period was found to be defective; whereupon Meton an Athenian, invented the period of 19 years, which was thought to contain exactly 6940 days, or› 235 fynodical months; that is, allotting 12 months to each of the 19 years, a Geminis ubi fupra. Scalig. de emendat, temp. p. 36. 7 fuper- CHAP. 13. 515 ASTRONOMY 7 fupernumerary months, which were to be intercalated at the end of the 24, 5th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 16th and 18th year: but, as aftronomy continued ftill to improve, it was found that 6940 days exceeded 19 folar years by at leaſt à quarter of a day, and 235 lunations by fomething more: fo that the new moon at the end of that period would anticipate the time of the new moon at the beginning thereof: to remedy this, Calippus having quadrupled the 6940 days of Meton, and taken out of the fum arifing therefrom one day, in order to account for the excess of the 4 quarters of a day, publiſhed his pe- riod of 27759′ days; which amount exactly to 76 Julian years: this period long obtained among the Greeks, as it kept both the ſeaſons of the year and the new moons nearer to the true times than the period of Meton would have done: but when the correction of the Roman year by Julius Cæfar pre- vailed, the period of 19 years was again brought into ufe; and, becauſe it was imagined that after the completion of 19 Julian years, in every ſubſe- quent period the new and full moons would fall out on the fame days, this period is often called the cycle of the moon. 1242 The ancient Roman year has by fome authors been faid to have confifted of no more than ten months: the ground of this affertion feems to be that march was the firſt month of their year, and ſeveral other months had their names from the order in which they followed; thus, the ſeventh month from march was called feptember, the eighth october, the ninth november, and becauſe the numeral names proceeded no farther than december, that was concluded to be the laſt month: whereas feveral authors expreffly ſay that the year ended with january and february, and that theſe two months were afterwards in the time of Numa, or later than that, removed from the end to the beginning of the year, where they now ſtand. As this year of the Romans was lunar; in order to make it fo far agree with the annual courfe of the fun that the beginning of it might in fome meaſure be fixed, fo that the beginnings of the four ſeaſons might fall out in the fame months, they made ufe of an intercalation, but fomething different from thoſe juſt now mentioned: for, the deficiency of the lunar year from the folar being about II days and a quarter, the double whereof is 22 days and an half, they every other year intercalated, between the twenty third and twenty fourth of february, a fhort month, which they made alternately of 22 or 23 days: the care of intercalating was committed to the prieſts, who are faid by negligence and corruption to have suffered the year to go into fuch diforder, that their facrifices and feſtivals were by degrees run out of the per ſeaſons. a Geminus, c. 6. Ptol. 7. 3. c. 2. b v. authores in Grævii Thefaur Roman ant, vol. 8.¸ pro- 1243 516 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY 1243 Julius Cæfar, having been ſome time in Egypt, brought from thence Sofigenes, who affifted him in correcting the Roman year, and reducing it to a nearer correſpondence with the motion of the fun: for, whereas the Egyp- tian year of 360 days, with the additional five added by them at the end there- of, falls ſhort of the true tropical year about fix hours, which quarter of a day cannot well be put into the calendar, he ordered that, every fourth year, the elapfed quarters of a day ſhould be accounted for, by inferting for them one whole day between the 23d and 24th of february, the ancient place of inter- calation: and, becauſe the 23d of february in the Roman calendar was called fexto calendas martii, the fixth of the calends of march, the intercalated day was to be called bis fexto calendas martii, the fecond fixth of the calends of march, from whence the year of intercalation had the appellation of biſſextile. 1244 The Julian year, as corrected by Auguftus Cafar after being again in diforder by the miſmanagement of thoſe who had the care of the inter- calation, was eafily introduced into all civilized nations who fubmitted to the Roman power; and continued in general uſe till the year 1582, when Pope Gregory the thirteenth reformed the calendar, and brought in what was from him called the Gregorian year: this Pope who was a learned man and had been proffeffor at Bononia, thinking it was of importance to the authority of the holy ſee that he ſhould have the fole direction of the affair; to make it go down the more eafily, fent the ſcheme of the intended alteration drawn up in a ſhort treatiſe by Aloyfius Lilius to feveral courts of the Chriftian Princes, and to the moſt confiderable univerſities: and in the year 1582 pub- liſhed a bull commanding the obſervation thereof: it met with great oppo- fition among the Proteftant ftates; and, when received by fome of them, it was with a falvo that it ſhould not be underſtood as a fubmiffion to the Papal authority a: the intent of this correction of the year was to bring back the fef tivals of the church to the fame days of the month, and the months to the fame ſeaſons of the year as they were in at the time of the council of Nice, held A. D 325, when the time of keeping Eaſter, which had been the oc- caſion of great diſturbances in the Chriſtian world, was finally determined. 1245 There was ſome difference among the ancients in their opinions about the exact length of the tropical year, as may be ſeen in Ptolemy, l. 3. c. 2. Hipparchus, by comparing his own obfervations with fome more ancient ones, concluded it to be 365 days 5 hours 55 minutes: later aſtronomers, by being able to meaſure longer periods of years, have determined it at about 6 minutes leſs; by all accounts it appears that one day is too much to be in- tercalated every four years; fuch intercalation caufes the times of the funs 2 v. Thuani, biſtor. fui. temporis, 1. 76 pag. 11. edit. Lond. et. Munkerum, de intercalatione. arrival CHAP. 13. 517 ASTRONOMY arrival at the cardinal points to fall out every year eleven minutes earlier than by the Julian account they ought to do: this anticipation of eleven mi- nutes in a year amounts in 130 years to a whole day: hence it came to pafs that the vernal equinox, which at the time of the council of Nice fell out on the 21st of march, was in the the year 1582 advanced forward to the IIth of march: to rectify this, the bull ordered 10 days between the 4th and 15th of october in that year to be fuppreffed, ſo that the day which in the Julian account would have been the 5th of october was to be called the 15th: and, that the vernal equinox thus reſtored to the 21st of march might not deviate out of its place for the future, the intercalation of a day in february every fourth year was to be continued as formerly, except the hundredth years now to be mentioned: the year 1600 was to be biffextile; but in every 400 years after that, three intercalary days were to be omitted: that is to fay, in the laſt year of the firſt ſecond and third century, there ſhould be no in- tercalation; but the laſt year of the fourth century ſhould be biffextile: fo that for example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 ſhould not be biffextile; but the year 2000 fhould: and that this order of intercalating fhould be ob- ſerved through every 400 years for ever. This correction does not entirely remove the error; for the cardinal points ſtill anticipate near two hours in every 400 Gregorian years, but this defect is quite inconfiderable; for it does not amount to above one day in 5000 years. See phil. tranfact. n. 495- 1246 In the year 1752, the Gregorian year or new style, was by act of parliament enjoyned to be received in Great Britain, and all the Britiſh do- minions; and the dates of all deeds and other writings to be made accord- ing to the new ſtyle, whereas before that time they were all dated according to the Julian year or old ftyle. As above a century was then paft fince the Gregorian correction, in which time the cardinal points had anticipated one day more, eleven days were fuppreffed in the new Britiſh calendar: this was done by ordering the third of feptember to be called the fourteenth. By the fame act, the legal beginning of the year was changed from the twenty fifth of march to the firft of january. The year being now ſettled, we may refume the confideration of months, weeks and days, in order to underſtand the nature of the calendars or alma- nacks of the ancients and moderns, and the rules for finding Eafter. ક 1247 The ancient Greeks divided each month into three parts or decads; the firſt decad was called the beginning of the month, the ſecond the middle, the third the laſt of the month. The first day of the month was called 8- δευτερα ισαμεν, the new moon; the fecond deutega 15aμev8, the ſecond inſtant; the TOITY 15 aμere, the third inſtant; and fo on to the tenth, which was 3 Մ μενια, third τρίτη called 518 воок 3 ASTRONOMY called δεκατη ιςαμεν8 the tenth inftant: the eleventh was called πρώτη μεσεντος, the firſt of the middle, or #gwn ε dena, the firſt after the tenth; the twelfth δεύτερα μεσεντος, the fecond of the middle, or δεύτερα ETTI dexa, the fecond af- ter the tenth; and fo on to the twentieth, called eixas or emos: the twenty εικας eixo5n: firſt was called Owl ETT Emad, the firft after the twentieth, &c: in this laft decad the moon was fo much in the wain that they gave it a name from a word that fignifies to decay or periſh; and, reckoning the days backwards from the laſt day of the month, called the twenty firſt day denalʼn plwortos, the tenth of the waining or the tenth from the diſappearing moon, if the month confifted of 30 days; or evval volos, the ninth of the waining, if the month confifted of 29 days: the twenty fecond day was called evval - εννά η φθι volos, the ninth of the waining, in the former cafe, and oydon polos, the eighth of the waining in the latter; and fo on to the day before the laſt, which was called delega polos, the ſecond of the waining: the laſt day of the month, whether it were the twenty ninth or thirtieth, was called evŋ » मझे Vea, the old and new; as it partook of the old and new moon. a The names of the first and laft decads are as ancient as Homerb. νεα, ενη 1248 The Romans divided their month into calends, nones and ides, they reckoned all of them backwards as the Greeks did the laft decad: the firſt day of every month was called calenda, the calends of that month, the laſt day of every month was called pridie calendas, the day before the calends of the month following &c: thus, the 30th of april was called pridie calendas maij, the day before the calends of may; the 29th of april, the 3d before the ca- lends of may; the 28th, the 4th before the calends of may; and fo on to the 14th of april, which was called the 18th before the calends of may: the 13th of april was called idus, the ides of that month; the 12th was pridie idus, the day before the ides; the 11th, the 3d before the ides; the roth, the 4th before the ides; and fo on to the 6th day, which was the 8th before the ides: the 5th day was called nona, being the 9th before the ides; the 4th day was called pridie nonas, the day before the nones; the 3d day of april was the 3d before the nones; and the 24 day, the 4th before the nones: all theſe reck- onings were inclufive, and took in the days of the calends, ides, and nones. The ides of march, may, july and october were the 15th days of thoſe months; in the other months the ides were the 13th days. a By Solon who reformed the Grecian months to the motion of the moon. b Odyf. ξ ν. 162. Το μεν φθίνοντος μήνος τε δ' ισαμενοιο Ισαμενοιο ενετωίος η αρχομενο Hefychius. c In theſe expreffions pridie calendas, tertio nonas, quarto idus, &c. ante is underſtood, as pridie ante calen- das, tertio die ante nonas, quarto die ante idus. ante diem, i. e. ante diem confectum hoc eft in ipfo die, Petav. de doctrina temporum vol. i pag. 236. 1249 CHAP. 13. 519 ASTRONOMY 1249 The ancient Roman week, as it may be called, confifted of 8 days, the ninth was a kind of market day for the country people to come to town and tranſact ſuch buſineſs as they had there. In an old Roman calendara cut upon marble, and ſuppoſed by Grævius to be done in the time of Augufius Cæfar, every 8 days have prefixed to them the firft 8 letters of the alphabet, ABCD EFGH: in imitation of this, the 7 days of the Chriſtian week are marked in our calendars with the first 7 letters; whereof one that points out the dies dominica the Lords day or funday is called the dominical or funday letter. 1250 The firſt day of january is every year marked with the letter A, the other letters BCDEFG follow in order through every month in a common year of 365 days: theſe make 52 whole weeks and one day, and therefore if we confider any two common years immediately following one the other, the laſt of december in the first year muſt have the letter A fet againſt it, and the ſecond muſt begin with the fame letter; ſo that A comes twice together and muſt denote different days of the week in the two different years, and change the dominical letter to that immediately preceding; therefore, if B were the dominical letter in the firſt of theſe years, it would be A in the ſecond: this change would go through all the feven letters in feven common Julian years; but, as every fourth year is biffextile or leap year, confifting of 366 days, the intercalation of a day in february cauſes the dominical letter in that year to be changed twice; once immediately after the intercalation, and again at the end of the year: and theſe changes are not all gone through in leſs than 4 times 7, or 28 years; this period of time comprehending all the variations of the funday letter in the old calendar, is commonly called the cycle of the fun. 1251 The obſervation of the feaſt of Eafter is of great antiquity, as ap- pears by the diſputes about the day whereon it was to be kept, which dif- turbed the peace of the Chriftian Church before the first council of Nice. That our bleffed Saviour was crucified on a friday and roſe from the dead on the funday following appears from the hiftory of the Evangelifts; and upon this account the one day in feven, ordained to be kept holy in memory of the creation of the world finiſhed in fix days, was changed from the feventh day of the week whereon God is faid to have refted or ceafed from his work, to the first, the day whereon our Lord by his refurrection from the grave fhew- ed that he had compleated the great work of the redemption of mankind. This change of the fabbath day is juſtly ſuppoſed to have been made by apof- tolical authority: and accordingly we find the firſt day of the week called the Lords day by St. John b. The primitive Chriftians were defirous of keep- ing Eafter, the memorial of our Lords refurrection, as near as poffible to the a Scalig. de. emendat. temp. p. 232. Græv. Thefau. Rom. antiqu. tom. 8. 3 U 2 b Rev. c. 1. V. 10. time 520 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY time of the year wherein that glorious victory over death was obtained: for this purpoſe they could have no better guide than the Jewiſh paffover. 1252 The Jews were by divine appointment ordered to keep the paffover on the 14th day of the month abiba, called afterwards nifan. This month. was to be the first month of their year, Exod. c. 12 v. 2. The Jewiſh year and month being lunar, they did not call that the new moon, or firſt day of the month, when the mocn was in conjunction with the fun, but the day wherein after conjunction the new moon first appeared in the evening. It has before been mentioned that the Jews began the day at funfet, § 1211. In Judea the air is fo clear that the new moon is often ſeen within leſs than 24 hours after conjunction. They were particularly careful in fettling the first day of nifan on ac- count of the paffover to be kept on the 14th thereof; while the temple ſtood, and for many years after, this was done in the following manner; at the lat- ter end of the year the Sanhedrin or great council at Jerufalem, who had the fole direction of this affair, met to confider when the next new moon was to be expected; this might either be known by ſuch tables as they had or by reckoning from the laſt new moon; and on the laft day of the year they fent feveral perfons not fewer than two of good character and credit to ſome emi- nence, ordering them to watch for the firſt appearance of the new moon af- ter funfet, and, as foon as they had a view of her, to return and give them an account thereof: when this was done, after a ſtrict examination of the perfons fent, the next morning the head of the council declared the new moon to be come, in this form of words, it is confecrated; it was then publiſhed at Jerufalem, and notice thereof given to the country round, for ſome time, by lighting up beacons placed before for that purpofe; but, afterwards, up- on finding that ſome of their enemies fet up falfe lights to deceive the peo- ple, they left off the beacons, and fent meffengers round about as far as a ten days journey would reach: as for thoſe who lived too far off to receive the decifion of the council in time, they kept two days holy, the thirtieth and thirty firſt from the laſt new moon, that they might be ſure to keep the feaſt of the new moon on the fame day with their brethren in Jerufalem. When by reaſon of cloudy weather the new moon could not be feen in her proper time, that is on the beginning of the thirtieth day from the laſt new moon, the council declared the thirty first to be the new moon, becauſe the lunar month cannot reach farther than thirty days, fo that the month adar confifted that year of thirty days; fometimes when the new moon a Abib fignifies an ear of corn with the ſtalk, fome tranſlate it the month of new corn, i. e. when coin is firſt ripe, which in Egypt and Judea was about the vernal equinox, v. Schindler in could CHAP. 13. 521 ASTRONOMY could not be ſeen by thoſe who were employed by the council, other per- fons from other places would come and declare they had ſeen the moon in her proper time: theſe voluntary meffengers were very ſtrictly examined and crofs queſtioned, but if they were of unblemiſhed reputation and gave their evidence ſteadily and upon oath, the council would ſometimes pay fo much regard to their teftimony as to recall the declaration they had made of the new moon which they had fixed for the thirty firſt day, and publiſh it for the thirtieth: and, if they did not make any change in the day upon their infor- mation, they uſed to entertain and reward them; that others might be en- couraged to look for the new moon, and to take a journey to inform them thereof a. 1253 But, befides this change of a day in fettling the firſt of nifan, there was upon fome occaſions an intercalation of a whole month of 29 or 30 days made ufe of; as when the corn was not ripe enough, when lambs and kids were not forward enough, when, by reaſon of floods and breaking down of bridges, the roads to Jerufalem were impracticable, when their ovens in which the pafchal lamb was to be roafted or broiled were demoliſhed, with fome other reafons whereof the council were the fole judges. I have mentioned all this to fhew that there is no finding out the year of our Bleffed Saviours crucifixion by any aftronomical calculation, becauſe it is uncertain in what manner the Jews that year fixed the firſt of nifan; whether on the thirtieth or thirty firſt day from the firſt of adar: and it is alike uncertain whether they intercalated a whole month that year or not. Or if they did whether the month intercalated were of 29 or 30 days. If the Jews had made ufe of the Julian year, and always kept their paffover on the 14th of march, or if they had always kept it on the day of the aftro- nomical full moon upon or next after the vernal equinox, as we can afcertain the time of our lords crucifixion within 4 or 5 years of the truth, we ſhould then only have wanted to find out in which of thoſe 4 or 5 years the 14th of march or the before mentioned full moon was on a friday, and that would have characterized the very year; but this was not the cafe: the Jewiſh year in our Saviours time was irregular, as the beginning of it depended not up- on the conjunction of the fun and moon, but upon the first appearance of the moon after conjunction, as fettled by the Sanhedrin ©. a Mishnah. c. de principio anni, et ibi Maimonid. et Barterona. v. etiam Maimon. de confecratione calend. et de intercalatione. b It ſeems they roaſted the paſchal lamb in a place fomething like one of our ovens, for if any part of the lamb touched the fhell over it, that part muſt be cut off and caſt away, as being roaſted by the ſhell and not by the fire. Cateros in torrendo pafchali agno ritus quere apud Maimonid. de facrificio paf chali. c de Judæorum anno Chrifti facalo, v. Petav. de doctrina temporum, lib. 2. cap. 27. 1254 522 воок 3. ASTRONOMY 1254 Befides the octennial period or cycle mentioned § 1239, the Jews are faid to have made ufe of one of fourteen and another of eighty four years: whatever cycles they were directed by, they are thought to have been in our Saviours time fo erroneous in keeping their paffover as to have been two or three days out in their reckoninga: if this be true it muſt be owing to the fettling wrong the firſt of nifan, becauſe they always killed the paffover on the fourteenth of that month. 1255 The fourteenth of nifan being the Jewish paffover, whatever day of the week it fell upon, was obferved as the Chriftian feaſt of Eaſter for fome time by the eaſtern Churches, whereof many members were converts from Judaiſm, whereas in moſt of the weſtern Churches the feaſt of the reſur- rection was kept always on a funday: to bring them to an uniformity was one of the reaſons for which the council of Nice was called together by Con- ftantineb: it was then determined that it ſhould be on the funday after the firſt full moon upon or next after the vernal equinox, which equinox at that time in common years was on the 21t of march. This determination is not among the canons of the council, but may be ſeen in their fynodical epiſtle preferved to us by two ecclefiaftical hiftorians, Socrates and Theodoret. 1256 The Metonic cycle of 19 years mentioned before, § 1241, was at that time thought exact enough to point out the new moons, in Julian years then in uſe, in order to find the paſchal limit or the full moon that was to direct the keeping of Eaſter; for this purpoſe calendars were publiſhed wherein golden numbers as they were called, were ſet againſt ſuch days as would have new moons in every year of the cycle, as will be explained § 1261: this would anſwer the purpoſe for a confiderable time, not varying from the truth more than an hour and an half in 19 years, ſo much do the new moon return to the fame fituations before the completion of nineteen Julian years, which amounts to about 8 hours in a century: this error they might perhaps think not confiderable enough to deſerve their notice, or might leave it to be cor- rected by pofterity, when it arofe to a whole day, as it does in about three centuries; ſo that in the number of years elapfed from the council of Nice to the year 1582, when the calendar was corrected by Pope Gregory, the moons motion had anticipated fo much that the golden numbers pointed out the new moons above four days too late; and in 1752 when the Britiſh calendar was corrected, they gave them almoſt five days too late. a For this reaſon we cannot hope to diſcover the exact time of our Lords crucifixion by aſtronomical cal- culation, but muſt have recourſe to ecclefiaflical hiſtory. v. Petavii animadvers. in Epiphanium de hærefi Alogorum et de doctrina temporum, lib. 12. b v. Ejus epiftolam apud Eufeb. de vita Conftantini. v etiam Jofephum Egyptium apud Bevereg. Pandect. canon. vol. 1. p. 685. 1257 CHAP. 13. 523 ASTRONOMY 1257 The golden number ſo called from its ufe, or from being fet down in letters of gold, called alfo the prime, proceeds from 1 to 19, and ſhews the year of the cycle of the moon: thus, the firſt year of the cycle the gol- den number is 1, the fecond year 2, the third 3, &c. This cycle is gone through in 19 years, after which it begins again and goes on as before. 1258 The golden numbers had generally annexed to them a table of epacts: the epact fet againſt any year fhewed the age of the moon on the firft of march that year, or the number of days then paffed fince her laft conjunction with the fun; from whence it was eafy to find the age of the moon for any day of the month in that year, which was the principal uſe of epacts before the correction of the calendar. 1259 The table of epacts was made by the following method: the lunar year being 354 days, II days fhorter than the folar, (in this affair only whole days are confidered) eleven was taken for the epact of the first year; and the fame number II added to the epact of the year immediately preceding, cafting away 30 as often as by addition that fum arifes, fhews the epact of every year of the cycle: thus, fuppoſe on the firſt day of march in a given year, the moon to be in conjunction with the fun; in the year immediately following the moon will have run through 12 lunations and be again in conjunction 11 days be- fore the fun has gone through his annual courſe and brought again the firſt of march; and confequently the moon will on that day be 11 days old: at the end of another year the age of the moon will be 11 days more, that is 22 days: in the third year 11 days added to 22 the epact of the fecond year make 33, from which number 30 muſt be caft away, becauſe 30 days make a whole month, and the epact for that year is 3: for in three ſolar years the moon will have gone through 37 lunations, or three lunar years one month and three days; that is ſhe will after having been in conjunction 37 times be 3 days old on the first of march, at the end of the third year: thus the table of epacts is made by adding 11 every year to the epact of the foregoing year, and caſting away 30 as often as by fuch addition the fum arifes to that number of days. The table reaches to 19 years only; becauſe when that number of years is gone through, the epact begins again at II, and goes on in the fame manner another 19 years, and fo on for ever, as was ſuppoſed. The beginning of the first cycle of the moon juft now mentioned was on the first of january in the year before our Saviours nativity, according to the Dionyflan or vulgar account: therefore the golden number is found at any time by adding one to the year of our Lord then current and dividing it by 19: thus, in the year 1760, divide 1761 by 19 the quotient is 92, fo ma- ny entire cycles have elapfed fince that time, and the remainder 3 is the gol- 4 den 524 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY is den number for the year 1760: if there be no remainder the golden number 19. The golden number being given the epact before the correction of the calendar was known by the following table. Golden Number. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10|11|12| 13 |14|15| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 Epa&t. |X1|XXII|III|XIV|XXV|VI|XVII|XXVIII|IX|XX|I |XII|XXIII|IIII|XV|XXVI|VII|XVIII|XXIX By this table it appears that the golden number was an index to the epacts, golden number 1, epact XI, golden number 2, epact XXII, &c. 1260 It is generally thought that the golden number and epacts were in- vented by the Chriſtians of Alexandria, or that they were the firſt who ap- plied them to find the pafchal limits ª: that city had fo long been a famous fchool for aftronomy, that in the early ages of Chriſtianity the Biſhops of Alexandria were often confulted about the proper time of keeping Eafter. The Egyptians, who as was faid § 1235, had formerly a wandering year, after the victory of Auguſtus over Antony and Cleopatra, fettled it in the Julian form, but with a different beginning; for the first day of their firſt month called thoth anſwered to the twenty ninth of auguft in the Roman year. 1261 Both the golden numbers and epacts are faid to have been placed in the Alexandrian calendar, to point out the new moons: the Romans copied it, but with fome variation; for they retained january for the firſt month,' and omitting the epacts, fet down only the golden numbers againſt ſuch days as would have new moons: theſe numbers appear to proceed irregular- ly, and fometimes by leaps; there being fome days which have no golden number affigned to them; becauſe thoſe days can never have a new moon happen upon them for a great number of years. The method of placing the golden numbers as they ſtood in the calendars before the Gregorian correction was as followeth, they calculated on what days of the ſeveral months the new moons would happen in the firft, fecond, third, and every other year of the decennoval cycle, and againſt each day whereon there would be a new moon in the first year of the cycle they placed the number I: againſt each day whereon a new moon would fall in the fecond year they placed the number II: and fo on through the whole calendar: fo that the golden numbers pointed out every new moon through the nineteen years. Thus in the ſpecimen here given of part of the month of january, the number III is put againſt the first day to fhew that in the third year of the cycle, when the golden number is III, there would be a new moon on the firſt of january: the fame fpecimen fhews there would be a new moon on the third of the fame a Petav, doctr. temp. 1. 6. c. 1. Bela de temporum ratione c. 42. de cycla decennovali. month, CHAP. 13. 525 ASTRONOMY month, in the years when the golden number is XI; as alfo a new moon on the fifth, when the golden number is XIX: on the fixth, when the golden number is VIII, &c. golden number January III XI XIX VIII XVI I 2 4 5 ~ 3+ no N∞ 760 &c. &c. days This difpofition of the golden numbers is the fame as is found in Bede who flouriſhed in the ſeventh century, in the calendars of the Roman Breviaries, from that time to the time of the Gre- gorian correction, and in our common-prayer books before the year 1752; the defect thereof has been already mentioned § 1256. 1262 The decennoval cycle has before been faid to bring the new moon to the fame day of the month, by means of feven emboliſmic months as they were called: in which of the nineteen years thoſe additional months were inferted by the ancient Greeks has been mentioned in § 1241: the Chriftians made fome change in the fituation of them; according to Bede, they inferted them in the third year, in the fixth, the eighth, the eleventh, the four- teenth, the feventeenth, and the nineteenth. The firſt fix emboliſmic months were each of thirty days; that in the nine- teenth year contained only twenty nine days: this was in order to bring it about that the first year of the cycle immediately following might have ele- ven for its epact; and that all cycles of the moon, having the fame begin- ning might be fimilar, and proceed in the fame manner: for the epacts before the correction of the calendar. fo much 1263 In fettling the Gregorian calendar they made ufe of a table of gol- den numbers and epacts; but in the calendar itſelf the golden numbers were omitted and twenty nine epacts or as the author calls them epactal numbers inferted, which with an addition of the mark * made the number thirty; and theſe were placed one of them againſt every day of each month through- out the year, in the following manner: againſt the firſt of january ſtood the mark*, againſt the fecond the number XXIX, againſt the third XXVIII, and ſo on, diminiſhing an unit every day, which brings the number I to be fet againſt the thirtieth of that month, and * to the thirty first: continuing the feries in this manner, XXIX anſwers to the first of february, XXVIII to the fecond, and fo on through all the months to the 20th of december, where, the ſeries of epacts having been repeated 12 times, against the 21st of 3 X that 526 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY that month was fet the mark *, againſt the 22d the epact XXIX, againſt the 23d the epact XXVIII, &c. So that the laſt 11 days of december had the fame epactal marks as the first 11 days of january. a ſpecimen of part of the months of january and february. Here followeth January February cycle of epacts. dominical letter. days. cycle of epacs. * A XXIX XXVIII XXVII b 1 2 I C 3 d XXVI e 25. XXV f XXIV go 7 XXIII A 450 noo 8 XXIX XXVIII XXVII 25. XXVI XXV. XXIV XXIII XXII XXI &c. &c. &c. f g 4 A b C d 123+ no noo &c. &c. &c. dominical letter. | days. d e I As there are but 19 years in the cycle of the moon, there can be but 19 epacts in uſe in the fame age; but in procefs of time they vary fo that all the thirty will come into uſe in their turns: but the fame ſeries of epacts does not return in leſs than about 7000 years. 1264 Befides the epactal numbers expreffed by Roman letters, every month has 25 25 in the common figures fet againſt one of theſe numbers xxv or XXVI; and that alternately: and a rule is given to this effect, that the epact xxv in Roman letters is to be in ufe when the golden number it belongs to is leſs than 12; but that 25 is to be taken for the epact when the golden number is 12 or more: thus, in the fecond table § 1266, under the golden number 6 we find the epact xxv, but in the third table we have 25 under the golden number 17. In fix places of the calendar two epacts namely xxv and xxiv are fet to the fame day, in order to bring the lunations to be alternately of 29 and 30 days; for if the 30 epacts were to proceed through the year in the fame manner as they do in the firſt ſeries of them in january, 12 times 30 would make 360, which exceeds the number of days in the lunar by 6; to prevent this, fix of the months, namely, february, april, june, au- guft, feptember and november, have each two numbers xxIV and xxv to one day, whereby the epactal numbers are reduced to ſtand againſt only 354 days the number of days in the lunar year, fo as to leave the laſt 11 days of december to begin with * xxx, xxXVIII, &c. year I The CHAP. 13. 527 ASTRONOMY The uſe of epacts is to point out the new moons by the following method: find the golden number of the given year by § 1259, that being known the epact is found by the table or ſeries of epacts then in uſe, an example will make all eafy; I would know the new moons for 1760: the golden number for that year is 3 by § 1259, the epact is xxII, as appears by the ſecond table given § 1266, which is in uſe in the preſent age, and will laſt till 1900: every day then in the calendar to which the number xxII is fet will be a new moon in the year 1760. It was neceffary to refer to the table then in uſe, becauſe different ages require different tables § 1266, 1267. The uſe of 25 for an epact is this, in fome ages the numbers xxv and xxiv may be both in ufe as they are in the third table; in which caſe they would indicate the new moon to fall upon the fame day of the month twice in 19 years, contrary to aſtronomy: to prevent which, 25 is then given in the table inſtead of xxv, and in thofe months wherein xxv and XXIV are fet to the fame day 25 is fet to XXVI, one day nearer to the beginning of the month. 1265 The moon anticipates, that is, new moons come earlier than the cycle of 19 Julian years points them out by one day in 312 years and an half, ac- cording to the tables made uſe of by the compilers of this calendar; how- ever, they thought proper to make their corrections at the ends of whole centuries, as being more remarkable and lefs liable to be forgotten than odd numbers of years; accordingly, they put the new moon forward one day at the end of each 300 years 7 times fucceffively, which amount to 2100 years: and in order to account for the odd 12 years and an half, they deferred putting the moon forward for the 8th time to the end of 400 years, when the period of 2500 years is compleated: thus one day is to be taken out of the lunar year, that is it muſt be made one day fhorter, in the years 1800, 2100, 2400, 2700, 3000, 3300, 3600, 3900, 4300, &c. 1266 As ten days had been fuppreffed in the calendar, and the moons mo- tion had anticipated four days fince the council of Nice, as was mentioned § 1256, it became neceffary, to make a proportional change in adjuſting the table of epacts to the golden numbers; for this purpoſe, they made new cal- culations of the times of the new moons, taking the length of the year from the Alphonfine tables, and the length of the fynodical month from Tycho Brabe: and gave three tables of golden numbers and their correfponding epacts: the firſt table was calculated to ferve from the year of correction 1582 to 1700: the fecond was to be made ufe of from 1700, when the firſt rule in § 1267 takes place, to 1900; for by the third rule no change is made in the year 1800: the third table would be good from the year 1900, 3 X 2 when 528 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY when the firſt rule again takes place, to 2200; for by the third rule no change is made either in 2000 or 2100. The tables here follow. A TABLE OF EPACTS ANSWERING TO THE GOLDEN NUMBERS FROM THE YEAR OF CORRECTION OF THE CALENDAR 1582 TO 1700. G. Numb. 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10|11|12|13| 14 |15| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Epacts. xxvi vii | xviii | xxix | x | xxi | ii | xiii | xxiv | v | xvi | xxvii | viii | xix | i | xii | xxiii | iv | xv A TABLE OF GOLDEN NUMBERS AND THEIR EPACTS FROM 1700 TO 1900. G. Numb. 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 Epacts. ixxx | i | xii | xxiii | iv | XV | xxvi | vii | xviii | * | xi | xxii | iii | xiv | xxv | vi | xvii | xxviii | A TABLE OF GOLDEN NUMBERS AND EPACTS FROM 1900 TO 2200. G. Numb. | 1 | 2 | | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |12| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 Epacts. xxixx xxi | ii | xiii | xxiv | v | xvi | xxvii viii | xix | * | XII xxii iii xiv | 25 | vi | xvii I 1267 As the Gregorian calendar was defigned to be perpetual, fome rules were given whereby tables might be made of golden numbers and epacts that ſhould ferve for future ages, in like manner as the three tables. now gi- ven were to be in ufe from 1582 to 2200: fome of thofe rules are prefixed to the calendar of 1582 publiſhed by Lilius in that year, wherein he refers to a larger account of his method, which I cannot find was ever printed, per- haps he was prevented by death: Clavius who had been one of the committee that met at Rome about the calendar, and were ten years in fettling it, fup- plied that defect in a large work wherein he reprinted the treatiſe menti- oned § 1244, and the firft calendar publiſhed by Lilius, explained the me- thod of conſtructing the fame, and defended it againſt the attacks of Mæflinus Vieta and Scaliger: from him the three following rules are taken which ſhew how the epacts are to be corrected from time to time in order to keep them right, notwithſtanding the change of the times of new moons arifing from the moons anticipation before mentioned. Clavii, oper. tom. 5. Rule 1. When the hundreth year or the last year of a century is a com- mon one, the biffextile being omitted, § 1245, and the moon wants no cor- rection, the epact then muſt be diminiſhed an unit; becauſe the folar year is then ſhortened one day, and the lunar continues the fame: thus in the fe- cond CHAP. 13. 529 ASTRONOMY cond table the epact to the golden number 8 is xvii, an unit leſs than in the firſt table where the epact to the fame golden number is xviii. Rule 2. When the hundreth year is biffextile and the moon wants cor- rection, every-epact is increaſed an unit: becauſe the folar year is then the fame, and the lunar is fhortened one day. Rule 3. In the hundreth year when the biffextile is omitted and the moon corrected, or when the biffextile is not omitted and the moon wants no cor- rection, no change is made in the epacts: becauſe in the firſt cafe both folar and lunar years are ſhortened a day, in the fecond cafe both continue the fame without alteration. 1268 Clavius has given 30 feries cf epacts which take in all the variety of them that can happen; he has alfo given tables with directions to find by them which ſeries of the 30 will be in ufe in any of the feveral ages of the world as far as the year of our Lord 303300, if the world ſhould laſt ſo long. None of theſe ſeries will be in ufe for leſs than 100 years at one time, fome will laft 200, and many of them 300 years. 1269. In the correction of the British calendar we have followed the Gre- gorian in all points, except that we have made uſe of the golden numbers only, omitting the epacts; and have placed the golden numbers not againſt the days which will have new moons, but againſt the days of full moons ; and only againſt the full moons of the paſchal months march and april, in order to find out the time of Eafter: in the rest of the months they are omit- ted, as being of no other uſe than to find the age of the moon, which is better known by our common almanacks that are in every bodies hands. In the Britiſh calendar alſo are given tables for changing the places of the golden numbers, when the omiffion of the biffextile or the anticipation of the moon requires it; but we have not extended our view fo far as Clavius has done: we have provided for keeping the calendar right to the year of our Lord 8500; which is far enough for us to look forward. Scholium. It is indifferent whether new moons are fhewn by fetting againſt the days of them golden numbers or their correfponding epacts: the compilers of the Gregorian calendar ufed epacts for that purpoſe, becauſe they could be contrived to ſtand therein without any alteration. In correcting the Britiſh calendar the places of the golden numbers were found from the places of their correfponding epacts, and each golden number was fet not againſt the day of the new moon but againſt the 14th day after, which would be the full moon according to the ecclefiaftical account, wherein the intention was not to attend ſtrictly to the true motions of the fun and moon, but to find a cycle that ſhould be eaſily underſtood, and that ſhould ſecure the three prin- cipal 530 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY cipal points fettled by the first council of Nice, 1. that Eaſter might be al- ways on a funday, 2. after the equinox, 3. after the firſt full moon that falls out upon or after the vernal equinox: though we have now more correct tables of the fun and moon than were made ufe of by the compilers of the Gregorian calendar we follow the fame rules with them. 1270 As the feaft of Eafter is to be celebrated on a funday, in every cycle that is to determine the time thereof, regard muſt be had to the Dominical or funday letter, which in the old calendar was found by a cycle of 28 years called the cycle of the fun, § 1250. Here followeth a table of the cycle of the fun with the funday letter, to which is added the cycle of the moon, as they were in uſe in the old ca- lendar: I take them from 1672, becauſe in that year thofe two cycles began both together, which happens only once every 532 years. Ann. Dom. 1672 73 Cycle of | Sunday | Cycle of the fun. letter. 1 2 GF E the moon. I 1 2 Cycle of the moon. Ann. Dom. Cycle of Sunday, the fun. letter. 1688 17 AG 17 89 18 F 18 74 3 D 3 90 19 E 19 75 4 ÷ 5O NOO C 4 91 20 D I 7 8 76 77 78 79 1680 DC 9 BA G F 597 92 2I CB 6 93 22 A 2 3 E 70 94 23 G 4 95 24 F 5 9 96 81 82 IO B ΙΟ 97 I I A I I 98 27 83 12 Ꮐ I2 99 28 56 No 2 2 25 26 ED 6 C 7 B A al 84 13 FE 13 1700 85 14 D 14 I 86 15 C 15 2 87 16 B 16 •3 I am t GF ΙΟ 2 E I I 3 D 12 4 C 13 4 5 BA 14 1271 In the old calendar the first year of the cycle of the fun was a bif- fextile or leap year, and had therefore two funday letters G and F; the firſt of theſe G was the funday letter from the firſt of january to the twenty fourth of february the intercalary day; F was the funday letter for the remaining part + CHAP. 13. 531 ASTRONOMY part of the year: in like manner every fourth year being biffextile had two funday letters, the firſt was in uſe from the firſt of january to the twen- ty fourth of february; the fecond for the remaining part of the year: the reſt were common years and had but one funday letter. In the old ſtyle the cycle of the fun with the funday letter proceeded uniformly in this man- ner for ever, every 28 years being the fame as the 28 years immediately preceeding. To find the cycle of the fun for any given year, add 9 to the year in quef- tion, and divide the fum arifing there from by 28, (the quotient need not be regarded for that only fhews how many cycles have elapſed ſince the begin- ning of the Chriſtian æra) the remainder is the number of the cycle of the fun required; if there be no remainder 28 is the number: thus, for the year 1760, add 9 to 1760, the fum is 1769, divide this by 28, the remainder 5 is the cycle of the fun for that year. This rule for finding the cycle of the fun is of ufe in the new calendar alfo, but the foregoing table will not now fhew the funday letter; as will preſently appear. 1272 In the year of correction 1 582 the cycle of the fun was 23, the ſunday letter G; in fuppreffing ten days there was no alteration made in the days of the week, but the funday letter was changed; for funday the 7th of octo- ber marked with G was by the correction made the 17th marked with C: by this means there began a new progreffion of the funday letters, ſo that the fame letters would no longer correſpond to the fame years of the cycle of the fun. In the Gregorian calendar in every four fubfequent centuries three biffextiles are made common years, by omitting the intercalations: in this calendar alfo a common year hath but one funday letter, a biffextile hath two, which take the fame places in the year as in the old calendar; the cycle of the fun and the funday letters proceed from 28 years to 28 fubfequent, in the fame man- ner as in the old ſtyle, to the laſt year of a century, which is changed from a biffextile to a common year; and this is done in the first three centuries of every 400 years: theſe three omiffions of intercalary days in every 400 years cauſe each a change in the funday letters, fo that the ſeries of them does not come exactly into the fame order in leſs than 400 years, as appears by the following cycle. A CYCLE 532 ASTRONOMY BOOK 3 A CYCLE OF THE SUNDAY LETTERS FOR FOUR HUNDRED YEARS, TO BE REPEATED PERPETUALLY. 1600 1700 1800 1900 Intermediate years BA C E G 1 2 I 29 57 85 G B D F 30 58 86 F A C E 3 4 | www 59 87 60 88 2∞ E G B D DC FE AG C B 56 700 33 61 89 B D F A 34 62 90 A C E G 35 63 91 G B D F solo 36 64 92 FE A G CB ED 37 65 93. D F A C ΙΟ 38 66 94 C E G B I I 12 39 67 95 B D F A 40 68 96 AG *СВ ED GF 13 4I 69 97 F A C E 14 42 70 98 E G B D 15 43 71 99 D F A C 16 44 72 CB ED G F BA 17 45 73 A C E G 18 46 74 G B D F 19 47 75 F A C E 20 48 76 ED G F BA DC 2 I 49 77 C E G B 22 50 78 B D F A 23 51 79 A C E G 24 52 80 GF BA DC FE 25 53 81 E G to D 26 54 82 D F A C 27 55 83 C E G B 28 56 84 BA DC FE A G In this cycle the funday letters for the hundredth years are thoſe next un- der each of them, as for 1600 B A, for 1700 C, for 1800 E, for 1900 G. To CHAP. 13. 533 ASTRONOMY To find the funday letter for any intermediate year as 1765, carry your eye in a ftrait-line towards the right hand from the intermediate number 65 to the column under 1700, and you have the funday letter for that year F. It is obvious that by the fame rule the intermediate numbers 9, 37, 93 upon the fame line with 65 fhew F to be the ſunday letter for the years 1709, 1737, and 1793. 1273 The following table taken from the calendar publiſhed by Lilius in 1583, fhews how Eaſter is found from the epact and ſunday letter given. Epacts Sunday Days of the letters month Sunday Days of the Epacts Sunday Days of the letters month Epacts letters month xxiii xi A April 2 xxix F April 14 xxii D- March 22 X B 3 xxviii G 15 xxi E 23 ix C 4 xxvii A 16 XX F 24 viii xix Ꮐ xviii A xvii B xvi C ~ ~ ~ ~ 25 vii 26 vi 27 V 28 iv DEFCA 5 25. xxvi B 17 6 xxv. xxiv C 18 7 D 19 G E 20 9 F 2I XV D 29 iii B IO G 22 xiv E 30 ii xiii F 31 xii G April * CAE II A 23 D 12 B 24 13 C 25 In this table the epacts are fet againſt the days whereon the paſchal full moons happen in thoſe years whereof they are the reſpective epacts: the uſe of it here followeth, in the column of epacts find the epact of the year in queſtion, againſt which towards the right hand ſtands the day of the pafchal full moon that year, then in the column of funday letters find the letter of the year that ſtands next after the day of the full moon, and the day of the month on the fame line with that funday letter is Eafter day: for exam- ple, let xx be the epact of a given year, whofe funday letter is A, as it was in the year 1758, the day of the month on the fame line with the epact xx is the 24 of march; then carry your eye down the column of funday letters to the fubfequent A, the day of the month now on the fame line with A march the 26 is Eaſter day. In the Britiſh calendar as now corrected there are tables fimilar to this, that will be in uſe from the prefent time to the year 2199, with this difference 3 Y only 534 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY only that the golden numbers are therein put inſtead of their correfponding epacts. 1274 If the cycle of the fun 28 be multiplied by 19 the cycle of the moon, the product 532 is commonly called the Victorian or Dionyfian period: in this number of years thofe two cycles beginning both at I run each through ſeveral courſes and begin together again at 1: this is alfo called by fome the great pafchal cycle, and feems to be originally intended chiefly for finding Eaſter, for it was ſuppoſed that in 532 years the new moons would return to the fame days of the month and the fame days of the week; and confe- quently that Eafter was to be kept on the fame day of the month as in the fame year of the preceeding period: the beginning of this cycle was by Victorius the inventor of it fixed at the baptifm of our bleffed Saviour, but by Dionyfius removed to his nativity. This period will alſo ſerve to aſcertain the time of paſt tranfactions, for if it be faid of any event that it fell out. in ſuch a year of fuch a period, or that at the time thereof the cycle of the fun was ſuch a number and the cycle of the moon fuch a number, the year is fo characteriſed that no other year can be miſtaken for the fame; for no other year except one 532 years before or after it, can have the fame num- bers in both cycles of the fun and moon. Some writers who have made this uſe of it began the first period at the creation of the world, according to the account thereof which they thought moft agreable to truth: thus, at the end of the chronological table of Maximus publiſhed by Petavius in his Uranologion, p. 355, we have eleven of theſe periods mentioned, with the times when each of them ended; the firſt is faid to be ended in the 97 year of Enos, the ſecond in the 130 of Jared, the third in the 142 of Lamech &c. The fame method of fixing the times of feveral tranſactions related in the old teftament is made ufe of by the author of a treatiſe de mirabilibus S. fcrip- turæ, printed among the works of St. Auſtin, but manifeftly of a much later date; he ſays, for example, that Noabs flood fell out in the 114 year of the fifth cycle from the creation of the world, &c. Auguſtini oper. pag. 520. edit. Froben. 1275 The Roman Emperors at their inaugurations uſed to give largeſſes to the foldiers and the populace, and every five years after to make them freſh donations: upon thefe occafions they were faid dare quinquennalia, decennalia, vicennalia; according as thefe donations were in the fifth, tenth, or twentieth year of their reign a. Fifteen years were called an indiction: Conftantine gave his quinquennalia in A. D. 312, the year of his victory over Maxentius, his vicennalia 15 years after; hence probably the indiction of 15 years took its a Scalig de emendat. temp. p. 501. rife CHAP. 13! 535 ASTRONOMY rife, and it became customary after Conftantine, in fetting down the time of a tranfaction to date it in fuch an indiction, as in the firft, fecond, or third indiction, &c. by which was meant the firft, fecond, or third year of the indiction then current. The beginning of the first indiction was in feptember A. D. 312; the Popes bulls began it on the firft of the january following this period being carried back to the Chriſtian æra will fhew that the nati- vity of our Lord was in the fourth indiction, that is in the fourth year of that period: therefore to find at any time the indiction, add 3 to the year of our Lord and divide the fum by 15, the remainder, if any, is the indiction; if there be no remainder 15 is the indiction. The greater number of characters are applyed to any year with the greater certainty is it pointed out: the years of the cycle of the fun and moon are good marks of time, eſpecially if they are both fet down: if the indiction be mentioned it aſcertains the year fo that no other year can be taken for it but one 15 years before or after. year of 1276 Jofeph Scaliger by multiplying together the numbers of the cycles of the fun, moon and indiction, namely 28, 19, 15, or, which is the fame thing, multiplying 532 by 15, produced the number 7980, which he called the Julian period; becauſe it confifteth of fo many Julian years: the length of this period is more than fufficient to take in all the tranſactions that have hap- pened fince the creation of the world; for the beginning of it is above 700 years before that epoch, according to the account moſt generally received. It is of great uſe in chronology; for, as we may always know in what the Julian period the current year is wherein we are confidering any account of paſt time, if we refer any ancient event to its year in the Julian period, we aſcertain the time exactly; which cannot ſo well be done by ſaying how many years it was after the first olympiad, or the deftruction of Troy, or the building of Rome, or any of the epochs about the times of which there is a diſagreement among chronologers: in effect, the beſt way of fixing any other epoch is to refer it to the year thereof in the Julian period: thus, in the chronology of Helvicus, the firſt year of the firſt olympiad is placed in the 3938 year of the Julian period: the building of Rome in the 3962 year of the fame, &c. According to the Dionyfian or vulgar account, the birth of our Bleffed Saviour is placed in the 4713 year of the Julian period; confe- quently if this 4713 be added to any year of the Chriſtian ara it will give the year of the Julian period: thus, 4713 added to 1700 fhews A. D. 1700 to be the 6413 year of the Julian period. Petavius is very large in the praiſe of this period, which he would have taken for an inftance of his candor towards Scaliger whom he had ſpent a great number of pages in abufing; and yet his candor could not be con- 3 Y 2 tented 536 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY tented to let him have the honour of this invention, but he ſays it was taken from the Conftantinopolitans; who fometimes indeed applied their cycles of the fun, moon and indiction to their ara of the creation of the world, but never made uſe of that ara as a period. CHAP. 14. EPOCHS: ÆRAES. 1277 When aftronomers confider the motion of any of the heavenly bo- dies, they pitch upon fome fixt point in the heaven from whence they begin their reckoning: thus, the regreffion of the équinoctial points may be expreffed by ſaying how much they go back, in any given time, from the interfection of the ecliptic by a circle of latitude drawn through the firſt ſtar in aries; v. 660. In chronology, to aſcertain the time of any paſt event, fome diftant re- markable tranſaction, as the creation of the world, the building of Rome is taken, the time whereof is confidered as a fixt point, from whence the ac- count is begun this fixt point is called an epocha or araa. 1278 The epoch now moſt common in Europe among Chriſtian nations is the year of year of our Lord: this was firft brought into uſe A. D. 527 by Dionyfius exiguus, who made the beginning thereof on the 25 of march, the feaſt of the annunciation of the virgin Mary, at which time the conception or incarnation of our Lord was fuppofed to commence, and his nativity to have fallen out 9 months after, on the 25 of the december following. Hence it is that, till the time of Bede and after, events. were dated from the incarna- tion of Chriſt, and the 25 of march was made the beginning of the year, eſpecially in ecclefiaftical affairs; but in later times, as the Julian year came to be more generally received, the firſt of january was taken for the begin- ning of the year, and it became cuftomary to exprefs the dates of tranſactions. by the years from the birth of Chrift. It is eaſy to ſee the difference be- tween theſe two ways of computing, by the following example; if two events were ſaid to have happened one of them on the 20 of june in the 100 year of the incarnation, the other on the 20 of june in the 100 year of the birth of our Lord, there would be a difference of a whole year between thoſe dates. The first year of the common Christian ara begins on the firſt day of ja- nuary that immediately followeth the december in which Chrift was fuppofed to have been born: this epoch came into uſe ſo many years after that tranf- action, that it is no wonder it ſhould be found not to be exact: fome make it one or two, ſome four or five years before the vulgar æra, but among the a Æra is an old latin word for a number; epocha gr. erox fignifies a ftop: Scaliger, de emendatione temporum. P. 447. ara is a ſeries of years from the epoch to a diftant time. various CHAP. 14. 537 ASTRONOMY various opinions of chronologers, that ſeems to be most approved which places the nativity two years earlier than the common account. See Scaliger de emend. temp. Petavius de doctrina temp. and Strauchius in his breviarium chronologicum: the laſt mentioned author gives the opinions of fifty writers on this fubject. See alſo the preface to Prideaux's connection. In England we had formerly two beginnings of the year, the firſt of janu- ary and the 25 of march; fince the correction of the Britiſh calendar by act of parliament in 1752, we have only one beginning, the firſt of january : nevertheleſs in ſettling the times of payments of rents, &c. we ſtill retain the ancient quarter days of the year, namely, the feaſt of the annunciation, of St. Michael, St. Thomas, and St. John Baptiſt. 7 751 The vulgar Chriftian epoch may be made uſe of as well to aſcertain the times of paſt events that fell out before as thoſe that happened after it: thus, Helvicus in his chronological tables places the deſtruction of Troy in the year before Chrift; and this method gives us a clearer idea of the diſtance of that event from the preſent time than it does to fay in what year of the Julian period Troy was deftroyed. 1279 The day of our Lords nativity has alſo been a fubject of great con- troverſy, as may be feen in the authors juft now quoted: the 25 of december was not, according to Scaliger, in the weſtern Churches affigned to com- memorate that bleffed event, till after Conftantine; nor was it received in the Greek Churches till the time of Chryfoftom, who fays it was not ten years fince the obfervation of that day came to their knowledge. The Church hath with good reaſon appointed anniverſary feſtivals in memory of the birth and paffion of our bleffed Saviour, and of feveral the moſt remarkable paffages of his life: whether the times of thoſe folemnities anſwer exactly to the times of the original tranſactions or not, we need not be extreamly follicitous, as it is a thing impoffible for us to know with any certainty, and if known would be of more curiofity than utility; it is of much greater confequence to be carefull that the commemoration of thofe events wherein we are fo greatly intereſted be accompanied with proper fen- timents of holy joy, gratitude, and devotion. : 1280 To the vulgar Chriftian epoch, we may refer all other epochs; among which that of the creation of the world ought to be mentioned in the first place: it is only made ufe of by Jews and Chriftians; the time thereof is matter of great controverfy. Among the ancient philofophers there were a few atheiſtical ones who were abfurd enough to imagin that this beautiful frame of the univerſe was produced by chance, or a fortuitous jumble of atoms; but far the greateſt part 538 ASTRONOMY BOO K3 part of them held that the world was made, and that it was the work of an intelligent being. It was a maxim among them that nothing could be pro- duced out of nothing, and therefore they all agreed in afferting the eternity of matter, that it never had been generated or made, and confequently could not be deſtroyed or annihilated a. Some of them were of opinion that the world muſt have exiſted from eters nity, and that, as light is from the fun, the world was an emanation from the fupreme being; whom they conceived to be perpetually exerting his power, in framing and ordering his work: fo that, according to this notion, there had been an infinite fucceffion of worlds formed, diffolved, and reftored, before the preſent ſtate of things. Others held that the world was made in time; but at the diſtance of fo many ages; that it would be a vain attempt to endeavour to find out how many years had elapfed fince the formation thereof. Varro the moft learned man among the Romans divided the then paſt ages of the world into three great periods, the firſt of theſe from the be- ginning of the world to the flood he called uncertain or unknown; think- ing it impoffible to diſcover the length thereof, or to know with any certainty any of the tranfactions that fell out therein: the interval between the flood and the firſt olympiad he named the fabulous time: from the firſt olympiad to his own age he called the hiftorical time, as moſt of the facts related to have been done in that interval were authenticated in written hiftories that might be looked upon as deferving belief b 1281 There were among the ancient heathens remains of traditions, both of the creation of the world and the flood; but much diſguiſed by fable: this, and the want of true hiſtory of very ancient times, gave room for hiftorians to gratify their own vanity, or that of their Princes and countrymen, by raifing the beginning of their Kingdoms and States ſo high, as to be many thouſands of years earlier than the creation of the world, according to the beſt accounts that we have thereof. The Egyptians, in order to vouch for the antiquity of their nation, ex- hibited a ſeries of their Kings fo immenſely large that, if it were not quite fictitious, has been by learned men thought to have been compofed by plac- ing in a continued fucceffion as Kings of all Egypt a number of petty Princes, who were contemporary, and reigned over different provinces . The Chaldeans are faid to have made like extravagant pretences to anti- quity 4, which appear as ill founded, by the low date of the moſt ancient a Cudworth. intelle&t. fyftem, book 1. c. 4. b Cenſorinus, de die natali, c. 21. c Marſham, canon chron .fecul. 1. d Syncell.chronograph. p. 14, 18, & 35 aftron- CHAP. 14. 539 ASTRONOMY a. aftronomical obſervations that Callifthenes was able to find among them in the time of Alexander the great, none of which were above 1903 years old ª. Some Chineſe writers are alſo ſaid to have placed the original of their nation ſo high as to anticipate many thouſand years the creation of the world, as we have good reaſon to ſettle it, but their beſt hiſtorians are ſaid to look upon all relations before Fo hi as uncertain and fabulous: and though they name five Kings between him and Yao, who began his reign about 2500 years before Chrift; they give nothing befides their names; mentioning neither the length of their reigns nor their actions b. Some learned men have thought Fo hi to have been another name for Noah, who with ſome of his deſcendants retired to that part of the world, before the diſperſion of mankind occafioned by the confufion of languages. See Shuckford's connection, v. I. p. 29 & 102. 1282 What no other writing can do, the moſt ancient of all writings, the the books of the old teftament will help us to the knowledge of the age of the world, and the time of the creation thereof; not indeed with accuracy and certainty as fome pretend, but fufficiently fo, to fatisfy a reaſonable man in a matter of fuch difficulty. When we fet down the diſtances of the hea- venly bodies, we do not pretend there may not be an error of ſome thouſands of miles; and when we fettle the time of the creation of the world we can- not be fure we do not make it fome hundreds of years earlier or later than the truth. 1283 Great part of this uncertainty arifes from the difference there is in our bible, between the Hebrew copies now in being and thofe of a very an- cient tranſlation thereof in Greek commonly called the feptuagint, in the ages of the antidiluvians, and of thoſe born after the flood before Abraham: in the feptuagint the lives of moſt of the perfons are fet down ſo much longer than in the Hebrew, that, if we compute the time beteen the creation and the flood by the former, it will come out 606 years more than by the latter: according to the feptuagint, from the creation to the flood there are 2262 years; according to the Hebrew text, no more than 1656. There is alſo a like difference in ſetting down the ages of thoſe born after the flood before the birth of Abraham: the feptuagint afcribes longer lives. to many of them than the Hebrew does; and, befides this, between Arphaxad and Sala takes in a fecond Cainan, not named in the Hebrew, faid to be 130 years, old at the birth of Sala: fo that, upon the whole, the interval be- tween the flood and the birth of Abraham is 1072 years according to the fep- tuagint; but according to the Hebrew, only 292: the difference is 780 years. a. Simplicius in Ariftot. de cœlo, p. 123. ed. Aldin. b Martin. hift. Sinic. 1. 1. Du Halde, p. 264 ed. Par, The 540 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY The time from the creation of the world to the exodus, or going out of the children of Ifrael from Egypt, is taken from the books of Moſes: the other intervals, from the exodus to the building of the temple, from the temple to the captivity of Zedekiah, are all gathered out of the books of the old teſta- ment: the time from the captivity to the birth of Chrift is made out from Jofephus and fuch hiftorians as write of thoſe Kings and States who had any tranfactions with the Jews, compared with each other and with the Evan- gelifts; but the 19 year of Nebuchadnezzar in which the captivity of Zede- kiah is recorded to have happened is with great certainty connected with the common Chriſtian æra by the canon of Ptolemy. 1284 From the creation to the nativity of our Lord, the greateſt part part of thoſe who follow the Hebrew account reckon about 4000 years. The Greeks who uſe the feptuagint compute the interval between the creation of the world and the beginning of the Chriſtian æra at about 5500 years. I have given both computations in round numbers, that they may be more eafily remembered: it is in vain to pretend to exactneſs. 1285 It would be going too far from my ſubject to enter into the diſputes among the learned about theſe two accounts, whether the Hebrew or that of the feptuagint is to be preferred: Strauchius hath treated thereof at large in the book before cited, as hath alſo the learned Shuckford, in his connection of the facred and profane hiftory, vol. 1. from page 44 to the end. 1286 It was mentioned § 1280, that the epoch of the creation was made uſe of by the Jews as well as the Chriſtians; but it muſt be obſerved that the modern Jews do not make the time of the creation ſo ancient as even the Chriftians do who follow the Hebrew account, by near 200 years: the learned are not agreed upon what foundation this epoch ftands; it has been ſuppoſed that the Jews, in hatred to the Chriſtian name, mutilated their an- cient chronology, by fhortening fome of the intervals between the building of the first and the deftruction of the ſecond temple. 1287 An ancient epoch in the heathen world was that of the olympiads: the olympic games were celebrated at the full moon near the fummer folftice, at the end of every fourth year, and the beginning of the fifth: the firſt of them began 777 years before Chriſt. 1288 The building of Rome was a few years later, it is generally referred to the 752 year before Chrift neither of the two laft mentioned epochs are exactly and certainly determined. 1289 The year of Nabonaſſar is famous among aftronomers: the beginning of it was on the 26 of february of the Julian year carried back to the 747 year before Chriſt: as this was then the first day of the Egyptian year, Ptolemy in СНАР. 14. 541 ASTRONOMY in his Almageſt computes from it, and ſeveral writers after him, and Coper- nicus among the reft; all reckoning by Egyptian years of 365 days each, the moſt convenient of any for aftronomical calculations, as they confiſt of whole days without fractions. The year of the death of Alexander the great is another æra made uſe of by Theon and Albatennius: it begins exactly 424 Egyptian years after the æra of Nabonaffar. As for other epochs, as that of the begira or flight of Ma- homet from Mecca to Medina, the ara of the Seleucida, that of Dioclefian or the martyrs that ſuffered under his perfecution, and others now of little uſe, they may be ſeen in books of chronology, and particularly in Scaliger de emendatione temporum, & ifagog. Petavius and Strauchius. 1290 There are various opinions about the time of the year when the world was created, fome will have it to have been in the ſpring, at the ver- nal equinox; others, which feems to be the moſt generally received opinion, contend for the autumnal equinox: to eſtabliſh this Strauchius brings no few- er than ten arguments. Some writers have pretended to find the day and year of the creation by aftronomical calculations; but in order to this they take for granted certain poftulata without fufficient proof: thus, fome have ſup- pofed the fun and moon and the orbits of thoſe luminaries at their creation to have been in certain poſitions, wherein they are not found but after a great number of years; and then by tables of their motions have calculated at what time they were in fuch pofitions: Kepler a ſuppoſed the funs apogee at the time of the creation to have been in o° of y, the point of the vernal equinox, and finding that apogee in the year 1600 to have been in 19° 13′ 36″ of 11, computes the creation to have been 3993 years before Chriſt, and ſuppoſes it to have been when the fun was in o° of the point of the ſummer folftice: from the fame principle Longomontanus b by fuppofing a diffe- rent motion of the funs apogee, makes the creation only 3954 years be- fore Chriſt. A like attempt to diſcover the time of the creation has been made by a late author from fome of Bradley's obfervations of the fun and moon: how likely any method of this kind is to be fuccefsful I leave to the reader to judge. The intervals between the birth of Abraham and the flood mentioned § 1233, are taken from Strauchius's chronology; but have been matter of diſpute as may be feen there, p. 195. See also Shuckford's connection, vol. 1. p. 273. a Tab. Rudolphin. part 2. p. 42. b Aftronom. Danic. Theoricor. 1. 1. c. 2 & 3. 3Z CHAP. 542 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY 2 CHAP. 15. OF COMETS. 1291 Of all the heavenly bodies there are none the courfes whereof are apparently fo irregular as the comets: for they are found indifcriminately in all parts of the heaven and move in all directions: and, though they be very numerous, it is rare to find any two of them that have gone very nearly in the fame track: one thing has been obſerved of them in general, that the velocity of their motion increaſes as they draw nearer to the fun, and is re- tarded as they recede to a greater diftance from that luminary. 1292 It has before been faid, § 618, 624, 637 and 641, that feveral comets perform their revolutions round the fun, that they revolve in elliptic orbits, that their orbits are in different planes, that their periodical times are different, and that the motions of fome of them are direct, of others re- trograde: this account of the comets is now generally acknowledged to be true by the aftronomers of the preſent age, and is the refult of many exact obfervations, and laborious calculations of the moderns: part of this doctrine was received by ſome of the moſt ancient philofophers among the Greeks, of the Italic and Pythagorean ſchools; for they held them to be ſo far of the nature of the planets, that they had their periodical times of appearing, that they were out of fight for a long time, while they were carried aloft at an immenſe diſtance from the earth, but became viſible when they deſcended into the lower regions of the air, being then nearer to us. Theſe opinions were probably brought from Egypt, from whence the Greeks fetched great part of their learning: the Egyptians are thought to have borrowed their aftronomy from Chaldea: the ancient Chaldeans are faid not only to have looked upon comets to be a kind of planets, that had perio- dical motions, but alſo to have foretold their appearances; this laft was un- doubtedly a vain boaſt of theirs, but is the lefs to be wondered at, as they pre- tended to foretell earthquakes alſo: theſe predictions were probably founded not upon any knowledge of the periodical times of comets, or any maxims of true philofophy; but upon fome fallacious rules of judicial aftrology, to which that nation was greatly addicted. 1293 Ariftotle, who mentions this doctrine of the ancient philofophers about comets, was himſelf of another opinion: he maintained that the hea- vens were unchangeable, not liable to generation or corruption: confequently that comets, which he thought to be generated when they first make their appearance, and to be deſtroyed when they can no longer be ſeen, could not be reckoned among the heavenly bodies, but were only meteors or exhalations raiſed CHAP. 15. 543 ASTRONOMY raiſed up into the upper regions of the air, where they blazed out for a while, and diſappeared when the matter of which they were formed was conſumed ª. 1294 Seneca, a Roman philofopher who lived in the firft century of the Chriſtian æra, mentions Apollonius of Myndus, a very careful obſerver of natural cauſes to have been of the fame fentiments with the moſt ancient Greek philofophers, with regard to comets. Seneca, had himſelf feen at leaſt two comets, one in the reign of Claudius, the other in that of Nero; befides that which he ſaw in his youth a little before the death of Auguftus, which in one place he calls a comet, in another a prodigy: he manifeftly intimates that he thought them above the moon; argues ſtrongly againſt thoſe who imagined them to be meteors lifted up into the air by winds, or held fome other abfurd opinions concerning them; and declares his belief that they were not fires fuddenly kindled, but the eternal productions of nature. The fame writer points out the only way to come at a certainty in this matter; and that is by collecting a number of appearances of comets, in order to diſcover whether they return periodically or not; for which purpoſe, ſays he, one age is not ſufficient: and he goes on to prophecy, that the time will come when the nature of comets and their magnitude will be demonſtrated, and the routs they take, fo different from thoſe of the planets; and that pofterity will wonder the preceding ages fhould be ignorant in matters ſo plain and eaſy to be known b. The cauſe of this ignorance is manifeſt enough; it was the great autho- rity that Ariſtotle had among the aſtronomers and philofophers of later times; fo great that his affertions were taken for demonſtrations: fo that even where the ſtudy of aſtronomy flouriſhed, no body thought it worth the while to fet down the motions of what that philofopher had pronounced to be nothing but meteors cafually lighted up in the air, though they were found to be at a great height, higher than the clouds, and ſubject to the diurnal motion which the clouds are not; however, the appearance of comets being rare and uncommon, fuperftitious fear laid hold on that circumftance and imagined they portended great changes upon the earth, and diſaſters to mankind: that they were fore- runners of war, peftilence, famine, earthquakes, deaths of great men and revo- lutions in kingdoms and ſtates: agreably to this opinion, they were judged to have different influences according to their different appearances; from whence they had alſo different denominations: for fome were faid to be bearded, fome hairy, fome to repreſent a beam, a fword or spear, others a target or buckler; whereas the aftronomers of the prefent age acknowledge but one fpecies of comets, and account for the different appearances of them from } a Meteor. 1. 1. c. 6 & 7. b Senec. nat. kift. 1. 7. 3 Z 2 the 544 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY the diverſity of their fituation with refpect to the fun and the earth: now had they been believed by the ancients to be folid bodies, coeval with the folar ſyſtem, whereof they make a confiderable part, they would no more have been objects of fear than the rifing and ſetting of the reſt of the heavenly bodies are; they would have excited no other fentiments in mankind than what every other phenomenon in the univerſe ought to excite, admiration of the infinite wisdom and power of the fupreme Being, manifefted in the variety grandeur and perfection of the works of the creation. 1295 Tycho Brahe was the firſt among the moderns who reſtored comets to their true places, in the planetary regions; for though after the revival of learning in Europe, feveral comets had been before tolerably well obſerved by Regiomontanus, Apian, Fabritius and others, yet they all thought them below the moon: but Tycho, being provided with much better inftruments for obſerv- ing the ſtars, than had been uſed by any aftronomer before, fet himfelf to obferve the famous comet which appeared in 1577 with great diligence, and from many careful obſervations found that it had na fenfible diurnal parallax, and therefore was not only far above the limits of our air, but much higher than the moon itſelf; as may be feen at large in his book de cometâ anni 1577. 1296 Though few comets have come fo near the earth as to have a diurnal parallax, they are all fubject, in the fame manner as the planets are, to what may be called annual parallax; that is, the revolution of the earth in her orbit cauſes their apparent motion to be very different from what it would be if they were viewed from the fun, or any fixed place: for example, thofe comets that revolve according to the order of the figns, when they are near diſappearing, in going towards their aphelions are retarded in their motion, and become retrograde, when the earth is between them and the fun; and their velocity increaſes when the earth is going into oppofition to them: the reverſe to this happens to thoſe comets which revolve contrary to the order of the figns; for fuch appear to go fafter than their real motion carries them, when the earth is between them and the fun; flower, and even retrograde, that is contrary to their former motion, when the earth is going towards an oppofition. This fhews them not to be ſo diſtant as the fixt ſtars, which are not ſubject to annual parallax: and as Hevelius ob- ferves, is a proof of the earths revolution round the fun, for without fup- pofing that, theſe motions of comets are inexplicable. 1297 After Tycho came Kepler, who, in his book de cometis, from obfer- vations of the comets which appeared in 1607 and 1618, concluded that comets move freely through the planetary orbs, with a motion not much dif- ferent from a rectilinear one: he was followed by Hevelius an accurate ob- ferver CHAP. 15. 545 ASTRONOMY ferver of the heavenly bodies, who found, by his own obfervations of two comets that appeared in his time, that they were not fubject to diurnal parallax: that calculations of their places made upon a fuppofition that they moved in ftrait lines did not agree with their true places; but that their orbits were concave towards the fun: and concluded that they moved in parabolic trajectories a. 1298 At length the great comet in 1680 appeared, which, defcending out of the immenſe regions of ſpace, almoſt perpendicular to the fun, with a pro- digious velocity; afcended again in the fame manner from him, with a ve- locity retarded as it had before been accelerated. The Royal obfervatories at Paris and Greenwich were now built, and in the hands of very able aftro- nomers, Caffini and Flamstead; who were both affiduous in obferving the places of this comet: as were alfo Montanari, partly at Padua and partly at Venice, Pontheus and others at Rome b, and ſeveral aftronomers in different parts of Europe, by whom it was feen in the morning from the 4 to the 25 of november in its defcent toward the fun; and, after it had paffed its pe- rihelion, in the evening from the 12 of december to the 9 of march follow- ing. The many exact obfervations made thereof enabled the great Newton to diſcover that fo much of its orbit as could be traced out by the motion of the comet while it was vifible, was as to fenfe a parabola, having the fun in its focus; and that it was one and the fame comet that was ſeen all that time d: indeed he once thought he found it deviate a little, about the end of its appearance, from the parabolic trajectory towards the axis of the para- bola; and thence concluded that it moved in an elliptic orbit, and computed its period to be above 500 years e. Though the motion of comets be known to be in ellipfes, they are cal- culated as if they moved in parabolaes, for the eaſe of calculation: Newton folved a very difficult problem, worthy of his genius, which teaches from three places of a comet given, to find the parabola in which it moves f. 1299 Not long after, Dr. Halley having collected all the obfervations of comets he could meet with, computed the orbits of 24 of them, upon a fuppofition that they moved in parabolaes: but from the frequency of their appearances thought it highly probable that they move in very excentric elliptic orbits, and return after long periods of time. The aftronomical elements of the motions of thoſe comets are fet down in the following table a Hevel. prodrom. comet. p. 24. id. Hiftor. comet. p. 641, 659. c Caffini, abrige de obfervat. fur le comete ann. 1680 & 1681. b Mifcellanea Italica phyfico mathemat. d Domenico Caffini imagined the comet of 1680 was different from that of 1681: this was owing to his not allowing the motion of the earth. e Newt. princip. p. 465, edit. Cantab. 1713. • f id. ibid p. 451. raken 54.6 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY taken from Halley's fynopfis of the aftronomy of comets, a work that coſt him an immenfe labour, and is deſervedly much eſteemed: it is tranflated into French by Monnier, and an abridgment thereof publiſhed by De la Lande with additions or remarks, and the hiſtory of the comet of 1759. Comets A. D. 1337 1472 5 20 8 15318 19 25 017 56 w I 39 1532 20 27 032 36 1556 m 25 42 032 6 30/7 8 577 25 52 074 32 45 1580 18 57 20 64 40 0 A TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS OF COMETS. | Afcending node | Inclin of orbit Perihelion O 1 "/ O O 24 21 032 11 11 46 20 Perihelion Equat. time of perihel. diſtance "from the fun 08759 15 33 30 021 7 D. H. 040666 June 2 6 25 retrog. 54273 Feb. 28 22 23 retrog. 56700 Aug. 24 21 18 retrog. 50910 Oct. 19 22 12 direct 0 50 0 922 46390 Apr. 21 20 3 direct 018342 Oct. 26 18 45 retrog. Nov. 28 15 o direct 19 5 50 59628 15858 7 42 30 6 4 4 ရာ 8 51 0109358 Sept. 27 19 20 direct 1590 m 15 30 40 29 40 40 m 1596 m 12 12 30 55 12 om 6 54 30 18 16 o 57661 Jan. 29 51293 Jan. 29 3 45 retrog. July 31 19 55 retrog. 16078 20 21 017 2 2 16 0 58680 Oct. 16 3 50 retrog 1618 п 16 1 0 37 34 or p 2 14 2 14 0 37975 O Oct. 29 12 23 direct 1652 28 10 II 28 10 0 79 28 Y 28 1840 84750 п 1661 22 30 30 32 35 50 1664 21 14 0 21 18 30 2 Nov. 2 15 40 direct 25 58 40 44851 Jan. 16 23 41 direct 10 41 25 102575 Nov. 24 11 52 retrog. 1665 m 18 2 0:76 5 0 11 54 30 10649 Apr. 14 5 15 retrog 1672 27 30 30 83 22 10 8 16 59 30 69739 Feb. 20 8 37 direct 1677 m 26 49 10 79 3 15 2 17 37 5 28059 Apr. 26 o 37 retrog. 1680 % 2 2 0 60 0,60 56 22 39 30 00612 Dec. 8 6 direct 1682 21 16 30 17 56 0 2 52 45 58328 Sept. 4 7 39 retrog. II 0 25 29 30 · 40 m 40 п 28 52 0 17 0 30 0% 3 051 1683 m 23 230 83 11 1684 28 15 065 48 1686 20 34 40 31 21 1698 27 44 15 11 46 ↑ 96015 May 29 10 16 direct 32500 Sept. 6 14 33 direct 69129 Oct. Oct. 8 16 57 retrog. The perihelion diſtance from the fun in the fifth column is in ſuch as the diſtance of the earth from that luminary contains 100000. parts 56020|July 3 2 50 retrog. 0 51 15 1300 CHAP. 15. 547 ASTRONOMY 1300 From comparing theſe elements together, it is plain that comets are not comprehended within a zodiac as Caffini imagined, nor indeed are their orbits diſpoſed in any order, but they move indifferently in all manner of di- rections, as well retrograde as direct, through the regions of the planets: this proves at once that the planets are not carried in folid orbs as the ancients fuppofed; nor are they carried round by ſwimming in a vortex or whirlpool, as Des Cartes and his followers imagined. The comet of 1577 was remarkable for Tycho Brahe's diſcovering that it had no parallax, and confequently was farther off than the moon: the Ari- ftotelians difputed this matter, and Scipio Claramontius wrote a treatiſe a- gainſt Tycho's affertion of no diurnal parallax. Ricciolus gives a detail of the controverſy, which now no longer ſubſiſts. 1301 Halley, by comparing the elements in the foregoing table, concluded that the comet in 1682 was the fame with that in 1607 and that in 1531: that it had a period of 75 or 76 years; and ventured to foretell that it would re- turn again about the year 1758: time has fince verified the prediction; and, notwithſtanding what has been reported of the ancient Chaldeans and Egyp- tians, I think we may fafely pronounce that an Engliſhman firſt of all men foretold the return of a comet. The comet of 1661 ſeems to be the fame with that of 1532, and to have its period in 129 years. From the equa- lity of periods, and fimilitude of appearances, Halley thought that the wonderful comet of the year 1680 was the fame that was ſeen in 1106 in the time of Henry I, that had been ſeen in the confulate of Lampadius and Oreftes about the year 531, and in the 44 year before Chriſt, wherein Julius Cæfar was murdered; and thence concluded that its period was 575 years: but Mr. Dunthorne a has endeavoured to ſhew from a MS. in Pembroke Hall library, that the comet of 1 106 could not be the fame with that of 1680: however, Mr. De la Lande b thinks the four appearances of this comet re- marked by Halley ftronger proofs, than one obfervation flightly related, and which might be very faulty. 1302 Following the ſteps of fo great a man as Dr. Halley, other aſtrono- mers have computed the orbits of 25 other comets, the elements whereof are ſet down in the following table, all taken from the Philofophical tranf- actions, except the third comet from De la Caille's aftronomy, and the four laſt from De la Landed. The times are reduced to the meridian of London, and all before the year 1752 are old ſtyle as thoſe in Halley's table are. a Phil. tranf. vol. 47. ↳ Additions a la theorie des cometes du Mr. Halley, p. 91. c pag. 236. d Hiftoire de la Comete de 1759, P. 112. & Connoiffance des moumens celeftes 1762, & 1764. A TABLE. 1 } 548 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY A. D. D. H. O 1264 July 1533 June 16 1593 July 6 8 om 19 30 2 8 13 38 m 1678 Aug. 16 14 3 m 1699 Jan. 3 8 22 19 o 036 30 544 035 49 14 14 15 87 58 11 40 0 3 4 21 45 35 69 20 A SUPPLEMENT TO HALLEY'S TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS OF COMETS. Equated time of perihelion Afcending node, Inclin. of orbit " Perihelion O 021 Ъ 21 0 ་ Perihelion diſtance "from the fun Q O 02 27 16 om 26 19 0 44500 direct 20280 retrog. 8911 direct we 20 27 46 0123802 direct 0m 231 6 74400 retrog. 1702 Mar. 2 14 12 9 25 15 4 30 08 02 18 41 3 64590 direct 1706 Jan. 19 4 56 1707 Nov. 30 23 438 1718 Jan. 4 I 15 1723 Sept. 16 16 10 13 11 23 55 14 22 50 29 88 5 12 36 25 625 42686 direct 37 40 19 58 9 85904 direct 7 55 20 31 12 532 53 2 1 26 36 102565 retrog. 14 16 049 59 08 12 52 20 99865 retrog. 1729 June 12 6 36 1737 Jan. 19 1739 June 6 8 20m 16 22 10 0 Y 10 35 15 77 1 58 018 20 45 27 25 1455 42 44 22 16 53 406980 direct 25 550 22282 direct 12 38 40 67358 retrog. 1742 Jan. 28 1742 Dec. 30 21 15 4 21 421 5 34 45 67 4 11m 7 33 44 76555 retrog. 8 10 482 15 50 2 58 4 83811 direct 1743 Sept. 9 21 16 5 16 25 45 1744 Feb. 19 1747 Feb. 17 1748 Apr. 17 19 25 m 1748 June 7 I 248 8 178 11 45 2 5 16 25 45 48 21 ↑ 15 45 20 47 6 33 52 52157 retrog. 8 36 17 12 55 22206 direct 26 58 27 77 56 55 % 22 52 16 85 26 10 5 41 229388 retrog. 57 m 57m 5 50 50 840663|retrog. 4 39 43 56 59 3 6 9 24 9 24 65525 direct 1757 0. 21 1759 Mar. 12 13 508 1759 Nov. 27 2 19 1759 Dec. 16 12 41 1762 May 28 15 18 7 55m 4 12 50 12 50 202 2 58 O 33754 direct 23 45 35 19 39 24 17 40 15 m 78 59 22 3 8 10 23 24 20 584903 retrog. 79851 direct 18 56 19 4 37 23 19 2 48 96193 retrog. # 19 23 0184 45 0 15 14 0 101240 direct 1303 By comparing theſe elements with thofe in Halley's table and with one another, none of theſe comets (beſides the firſt in 1759, which was the fame with thoſe of 1682, 1607 and 1531, in Halley's table) appears to be the fame with any other in either of the tables, except perhaps the comets of 1264 and 1556, or thoſe of 1596 and 1699 fhould be the fame. From hence we may conclude the number of comets to be very great: nor is it at all + 1 page 549. 90. Book III. Mar 5 Feb:54 Jan25 Orbit of Jan 5 the Nov:17 Dec:29 Nov.21 Nov 25 Decan Decra The Sun. 123. } Earth A B 119. K M C 120. 121. 122. 124. เน AINS C*H A P. 15. 549 ASTRONOMY all unlikely, from the immenfe interval between the orbit of ſaturn and the FIG. neareſt fixt ſtars, that many of them have not deſcended into the plane- tary regions, fince they have been looked upon as celeſtial bodies, and ob- ſerved accordingly: befides, it may often happen that a comet may finish its whole period without being obſerved by us, on account of the unfavourable fituation of the earth in her orbit when the comet is near its perihelion: thus, if the comet be then behind or before the fun, or nearly fo, it muſt be above our horizon in the day time, and conſequently invifible, except the fun ſhould at that time be in a total eclipſe; for then the comet might be ſeen near the fun, as well as the ſtars and planets are: and this caſe is ſaid to have happened, for Seneca relates from Pofidonius, that a comet was ſeen when the fun was eclipſed, which had before been invifible by being near that luminary a. 1304 There is a manuſcript b in the library of the Univerſity of Cambridge wherein fome account is given of a comet that appeared in the ſpring of the year 1299; Mr. Dunthorne, computing from what is therein related (though it be not fufficient to determin the elements with any accuracy) finds the afcending node to have been about 25° of ¤, the inclination of its orbit about 20°, the place of the perihelion (wherein the comet was about the begin- ning of february) near the end of or the beginning of 2, its perihe- lion diſtance a little greater than the mean diſtance of the earth from the fun, and that its motion was retrograde: all theſe elements agree fo well with thoſe of the comet of 1664 that he thinks it was probably the ſame comet; if it was, the period thereof is about 365 years. This receives ſome confirmation from the hiſtory of comets; for, though we meet with no account of any comet in 934, one period backwards, we find there was a comet feen in 570, nearly at the diſtance of two periods, as there was alfo one in the year 204, at the diſtance of a third period. From what was faid § 1303, it is manifeft that a comet feen in one of its periods may not be viſible in another period. C 1305 More comets are ſeen in the hemiſphere towards the fun, than in the oppofite hemifphere, the reafon whereof will eafily appear from the 119 119 figure, wherein s reprefents the fun, E the earth, the circle ABCD the ſphere of the fixt ſtars; and, becauſe comets do not either reflect light enough to be viſible, or emit tails confpicuous enough to be taken notice of by us till they are come within the planetary regions, commonly a good way within a Nat. queft. 1. 7. c See Halley's table. b Judicium de ftella comata a magiftro Petro Lemonienfi canonico eboracenfi. 4 A the 550 BOOK '3 ASTRONOMY FIG. the fphere of jupiter, let KLMN be a ſphere concentric to the fun at ſuch a 119 diſtance from him that no comet can be ſeen by us till it comes within the faid diſtance: through E draw the plane B D perpendicular to s E which will divide the ſphere KL MN into two portions L M N and NKL, and the ſphere ABCD into two hemifpheres one of which BCD is towards the fun, the other DAB is oppofite thereto: now it is manifeft the ſpherical portion LMN which is in the hemifphere BCD towards the fun is larger than the portion NKL in the hemiſphere DAB oppofite to him, and confequently more comets will appear in the hemifphere B CD than in the hemifphere DAB. 1306 It has already been faid that the orbits of comets as well as thoſe of the planets are ellipfes; it muſt be added that the elliptical orbits of the co- mets differ very much from one another; whereas, mercury excepted, there is very little difference between the orbits of the planets, as to their excen- tricities or the pofitions of their planes: comets differ very much from each other in both theſe particulars; for the planes of the orbits of fome of them are almoſt perpendicular to thofe of others, and their ellipfes are of very different forms, fome being much wider than others: thus, the ellipfis of the comet of 1680 was much narrower than any other hitherto obferved. There is alſo a greater inequability in the motion of the comets than in that of the planets: the velocity of comets is incomparably greater in their perihelions than in their aphelions; the motions of the planets are but a very little ſwifter in the former fituation than in the latter. See book 2. chap. 4 & 7. It is obvious to remark, that if a comet were to continue to move with the fame velocity, its apparent motion would be ſwifter when it came nearer the earth; for the arc through which it goes in any given time, like all other objects, appears larger the nearer it is to the eye. The greateſt apparent velocity of a comet mentioned any where is that of the comet in 1472, obferved by Regiomontanus to have gone through 40 degrees of a great circle in 24 hours. 1307 The head of a comet, to the eye unaffifted with glaffes appears fome- times like a cloudy ftar, fometimes fhines with a dull light like that of the planet faturn; fome comets have been faid to equal, fome to exceed in bright- nefs ſtars of the firſt magnitude, fome to have furpaffed jupiter and even venus; and to have caft a fhadow, as § 727, venus was faid fometimes to do. The head of a comet feen through a good teleſcope appears to confift of a folid globe and an atmoſphere that furrounds it: the folid part is frequent- ly called the nucleus, a latin word that fignifies the kernel of a nut: through a teleſcope, the nucleus is eaſily diſtinguiſhed from the coma or hairy ap- pearance of the atmoſphere. A comet CHAP. 15: 551 ASTRONOMY A comet is generally attended with a blaze or tail, whereby it is diftinguiſhed FIG. from a ſtar or planet; as it is alfo by its motion. Sometimes the tail only of a comet has been vifible at a place where the head has been all the while under the horizon; fuch an appearance is called a beam. 1308 That comets are opake bodies enlightened by the fun as the planets are is a matter about which aſtronomers are now pretty well agreed: Hevelius, in a large work wherein he produces the opinions of various authors upon this ſubject, mentions fome who were of the fame opinion with himſelf, that comets were fo far tranfparent as to let enough of the funs light pafs through them to form their tails: he gives pictures of comets of various fhapes, as they are deſcribed by hiftorians to have been like a fword, a buck- ler, a tun, &c. theſe are drawn by fancy only, from the defcription in words: what is more to the purpoſe, he gives alſo pictures of fome comets, engraved by his own hand from the views he had of them through a very long and excellent teleſcope; in theſe we find changes in the nucleus, the atmoſphere, and the tail of the fame comet: the nucleus of the comet of 1661, which in one obfervation appeared as one round body, as it is reprefented in fig. 121, 121 in ſubſequent views feemed to confiſt of ſeveral ſmaller ones feparated one from another, as in fig. 122: the atmoſphere furrounding the nucleus view- 122 ed at different times varied in the extent thereof, as did alfo the tail in length and breadth. Sir Ifaac Newton, who was of opinion that comets are opake bodies en- lightened by the fun, obferved, in confirmation thereof, that if a comet be ſeen in two points of its orbit that are at equal diſtances from the earth, but at unequal diſtances from the fun, it always fhines brighteſt when in the point neareſt to the fun ª. 1309 The nucleus of the comet of 1618, is faid a few days after coming into view to have broken into three or four parts of irregular figures: one ob- ſerver b compares them to ſo many burning coals, fays they changed their ſitu- ation while he was looking at them, as when a perſon ſtirs a fire; and a few days after were broken into a great number of ſmaller pieces. Another account of the fame is, that on the 1 and 4 of december the nucleus ap- peared to be a round folid luminous body, of a dufky lead colour, larger than any ſtar of the first magnitude; on the 8 of the fame month was brok- en into three or four parts of irregular figures; and on the 20 was changed into a cluſter of ſmall ſtars. 1310 If comets revolve in fuch large orbits during fuch long periods as we have now reaſon to believe, it is not probable they ſhould confiſt of ſe- a princip. p. 443. b Wendelinus apud Hevel, cometograph, P. 342. c Cyfatus ef. eund. p. 341- 4 A 2 veral 552 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY veral maffes compacted together with a tranſparent fluid interfperfed, as Hevelius imagined, in order to make good his explanation of the phenome- na of the tails: the apparent changes in the nucleus may be only on the fur- face: comets may be fubject to ſpots as the planets are, and the vaſtly different degrees of heat they go through may occafion great and ſudden changes, not only in their ſurfaces, but even in their internal frame and texture. Newton places all theſe apparent changes to the atmoſphere that environs them: this muſt be very denſe near the nucleus, and have clouds floating therein; it was his opinion that the changes mentioned may all be in the clouds, not in the nucleus of the comet a. 1311 Comets are of different magnitudes: the magnitude of a comet, may be conjectured, from its apparent diameter and brightneſs: thus, the head of a comet, when of the fame brightneſs and apparent diameter with fa- turn, may be judged to be nearly of the fame magnitude with that planet b: but this muſt be uncertain; becauſe we cannot be affured that the heads of comets reflect the light of the fun in the fame manner as the folid globes of the planets do. If the parallax of a comet be known, the diſtance thereof from the earth may be found by § 143 and 147: the horizontal parallax of the comet of 1577 on november 13 was determined by Tycho to be about 16 minutes; and the diſtance from the earth 210 femidiameters of the earth: on the fame day the apparent diameter of the comet was meaſured by him 7 minutes: and from the diſtance and apparent diameter, § 148, the true diameter was com- puted to be to the diameter of the earth as 3 is to 14. atmoſphere of the comet that was then meaſured. It was the Hevelius, from the parallax and apparent magnitude of the head of the comet of 1652 on december 20, computed the diameter thereof to be to that of the earth as 52 to 100, a little more than halfe. By the fame me- thod, he found the true diameter of the head of the comet of 1664 to be at one time 12 femidiameters of the earth, at another time not much above 5 femidiameters. That the head of a comet appears lefs the farther it is from the earth is obvious: befides this apparent change, there is alſo a real one in the dimenfions of the head of the fame comet; for when near the fun the atmoſphere is diminiſhed by the heat raifing more of it into the tail; whereas at a greater diſtance the tail is diminiſhed and the head enlarged f. a princ. pag. 444· bib. pag 441, c Tycho Brahe de cometa anni 1577.1. 2. p. 202. d p. 336. e He found its horizontal parallax december 23, to be very near 30', and with a large braſs quadrant ob- ferved its apparent diameter the fame day 25′ or 26′, almoſt equal to that of the moon in apogee. f Newton p. 473. t The CHAP. 15. 553 ASTRONOMY The diameter of the head or atmoſphere of the comet of the year 1682, as meaſured by Flamstead a was two minutes, the diameter of the nucleus only 11 or 12 feconds: the diameter of the atmoſphere is often ten or fifteen times as great as that of the nucleus b: this, according to Newton and other philofophers of the preſent age, furniſhes matter for thofe fplendid tails wherewith we often fee comets attended, and by which as well as by their motion they are diſtinguiſhed from the ſtars and planets. Hevelius computed the diameter of the nucleus of the comet of 1661 and alſo of that of 1665 the beginning of their appearances to be leſs than a tenth part of the diame- ter of the earth. Cyfatus makes the true diameter of the head of the comet of 1618 about a tenth part of the diameter of the earth. in 1312 There are ſome eclipſes of the fun recorded in hiſtory which cannot be verified by calculation from tables of the fun and moon: fome have thought thoſe darkneſſes may have been caufed by the interpofition of comets between the fun and the earth: the eclipfes of the fun mentioned by Herodotus, 1. 7. c. 37. & l. 9. c. 10. are thus accounted for, as is alſo the eclipſe that hap- pened a few days before the death of Auguftus, mentioned by Dion; it is obfervable that Seneca faw a comet the fame year. Some comets, from their apparent magnitude and diſtance confidered to- gether, have been judged to be much larger than the moon, and even equal in magnitude to fome of the primary planets: a globe of that ſize ſo much larger than the moon is, might cover the fun, and caufe an eclipfe. We read in hiſtory of comets that have appeared as large as the fun, if ſuch an one near its perigee were to come between the fun and our earth, it would eclipſe him for a time. Some have thought the darkneſs at our Bleffed Saviours crucifixion might be cauſed by a comet coming then between the earth and the fun d; this fup- pofition does not detract from the miracle; the divine interpofition would be as neceffary to order that thoſe two events ſhould fall out exactly at the ſame time as it would be to caufe fuch darknefs by any other extraordinary means. 1313 Various have been the opinions of philofophers concerning the tails of comets: that the tails of comets depend upon the fun is acknowledged by all, for this plain reafon, that they are always turned from that luminary; but how they are caufed by the fun is much controverted: Apian, Tycho Brake and others thought the tail was produced by the funs rays tranfmitted through the nucleus of the comet, which they fancied tranfparent, and a Newton, pag. 441. b ib. pag. 442. c Seneca, N. 2.1. 7. c. 15. paulo ante Achaicum bellum cometes effulfit non minor fole. d Hevel. cometogr. p. 540. Freret, reflexions fur un ancien phenomene celefte au temps d'Ogyges, memoires de literature, vol. 19. p. 357- was 554 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY was there refracted as in a lens of glafs, fo as to form a beam of light behind the comet; but this cannot be the cafe; as well becauſe the figure of a comets tail does not anſwer to fuch a refraction, as that fuch refracted light would not be ſeen by an eye placed fidewife to it, unleſs it fell upon ſome reflecting ſubſtance denſer than the circumambient ether. 1314 Another opinion is that of Des Cartes and his followers, who would have the tail of a comet to be owing to the refraction of the light from its head to the eye of the ſpectator: if this were ſo, the planets and principal fixt ſtars muſt have tails alfo; for the rays of them pafs through the fame medium before they reach our eyes, as light from the comets does. 1315 It was the opinion of Newton that the tail of a comet is a very thin vapour which the head fends out by reafon of its heat: that it afcends from the fun juſt as ſmoak in a chimney does from the earth: that as the aſcent of ſmoak is owing to the rarefaction of the air wherein it is entang- led caufing fuch air to afcend and carry the fmoak up with it, fo the funs rays acting upon the coma or atmoſphere of a comet do by reflection and re- fraction heat the fame: that this heated atmoſphere heats, and by heating rarifies the matter of the ether that is involved therein; and that the ſpecific gravity with which ſuch ether tends to the fun is ſo diminiſhed by this rare- faction, that it will now afcend from the fun by its relative lightneſs, and carry with it the reflecting particles whereof the comets tail is compofed ª. Though the immenfely large tails of fome comets feem to require a great quantity of matter to produce them, this is no objection to the foregoing folution; for every days experience fhews what a prodigious quantity of fmoak is produced from a very ſmall quantity of wood or coal; and Newton has demonſtrated that a cubic inch of our air, equally rarified with the air at the diſtance of a femidiameter of the earth from its ſurface, would fill all the planetary regions to the orbit of faturn and far beyond it b. 1316 A fourth opinion is that of Mairan, that the tails of comets are formed out of the luminous matter whereof the atmoſphere of the fun confiſts, men- tioned § 762: this is fuppofed to extend as far as the orbit of the earth; and to furniſh matter for thofe northern lights called the aurora borealis: Mr. De la Lande is for joyning the two laſt mentioned opinions together, in order to account for the phenomena of the tails of comets: he thinks part of the vapour which forms them ariſes out of the atmoſpheres of the co- mets rarified by heat, and is puſhed forward by the force of the light ſtreaming from the fun; and alfo that a comet paffing through the funs atmoſphere is drenched therein, and carries away fome of it. a princip. I. 3. P. 472. bibid p. 479. c additions a la theorie des cometes, p. 102. 1317 CHAP. 15. 555 ASTRONOMY } a: 1317 The laſt ſolution I ſhall mention of this appearance is that of Mr. FIG. Rowning, he objects to Newton's account, that it can hardly be ſuppoſed poffi- ble the thin vapour of the tail fhould go before the more folid body of a co- met, when the motion thereof is fometimes fo extreamly ſwift as that of ſome of the comets is ſaid to be, after the rate of above 600 miles in an hour 2: he therefore fuppofes the atmoſphere of every comet to extend every way round as far as the tail reaches; and that the part of it which makes the taikis dif tinguiſhed from the rest by the rays of light from the fun being refracted ſo as to fall thick upon the part of the atmoſphere which goes before the comet in its progrefs along its elliptic orbit; the greateſt objection to it, is the im- menſe largeneſs of the atmoſpheres that muſt now be fuppofed, to account for the length of the tails of fome comets, which have been ſaid to meaſure above 200 femidiameters of our earth.. 13 18 As the tail of a comet is owing to the heat of the fun, it grows longer as the comet approaches near to, and ſhortens as it recedes from that lumi- nary: if the tail of a comet were to continue of the fame length, it would appear longer or ſhorter according to the different views of the fpectator; for, if his eye be in a line drawn through the middle of the tail lengthwife, or nearly fo, the tail will not be diſtinguiſhed from the rest of the atmo- ſphere, but the whole will appear round: if the eye be a little out of that line, the tail will appear fhort, as in fig. 120; and it is called a bearded comet 120 when, the tail hangs downward towards the horizon as in that figure: if the tail of a comet be viewed fidewife, the whole length thereof is feen: it is obvious to remark that the nearer the eye is to the tail the the length thereof appear. greater will The tails of comets often appear bent, as in fig. 123, 124: this is owing 123 to the refiftance of the ether, which though extreamly fmall, may have a fen- 124 fible effect upon fo thin a vapour as the tails conſiſt of: this bending is ſeen only when the earth is not in the plane continued of the orbit of the comet, when that plane paffes through the eye of the fpectator, the tail appears 121 ftrait, as in fig. 121, 122. Longomontanus b mentions a comet that in 1618 december 10, had a tail above 100 degrees in length; this comet muſt then be very near the earth: the tail of a comet will at the fame time appear of different length in diffe- rent places; according as the air in one place is clearer than in the other: it need not be mentioned that, in the fame place, the difference in the eyes of the ſpectators will be the caufe of their diſagreeing in their eſtimate of the length of the tail of a comet. a Hevel. p. 701. b apud Hevel. p. 519. 122 1319 556 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY 1319 Hevelius is very particular in telling us that he obſerved the comet of 1665 to caſt a ſhadow upon the tail, for in the middle of the length there- of there appeared a dark lineª: it is ſomewhat ſurpriſing that Hook ſhould be poffitive in affirming on the contrary, that the place where the ſhadow of that comet ſhould have been, if there had been any fhadow, was brighter than any other part of the tail: he was of opinion that comets have fome light of their own; his obfervations were made in a hurry; he owns they were ſhort and tranfitory b: Hevelius's was made with fo much care, that there is more reaſon to depend upon them: Dom. Caffini obferved in the tail of the comet of 1680 a darkneſs in the middle of the tail: the like was taken notice of by a curious obferver in the tail of the comet of 1744. 1320 The analogy between the periodical times of the planets and their diſtances from the fun diſcovered by Kepler and mentioned § 914, takes place alfo in the comets: in confequence of this, the mean diſtance of a comet from the fun may be found by comparing its period with the time of the earths re- volution round the fun: thus, the period of the comet that appeared in 1531, 1607, 1682 and 1759, being about 76 years, its mean diſtance is found by this proportion; as I the fquare of 1 year the earths periodical time is to 5776 the fquare of 76 the comets periodical time; fo is 1000000 the cube of 100 the earths mean diſtance from the fun, to 5776000000 the cube of the comets mean diſtance: the cube root of this laſt number is 1794, the mean diſtance it ſelf in fuch parts as the mean diſtance of the earth contains 100. If the perihelion diftance of this comet 58 be taken from 3588 double the mean diſtance, we ſhall have the aphelion diſtance 3530 of fuch parts as the diſtance of the earth contains 100; this is a little more than 35 times. the diſtance of the earth from the fun: by a like method the aphelion diſtance of the comet of 1680 comes out 138 times the mean diſtance of the earth from the fun, fuppofing its period to be 575 years: fo that this comet in its aphelion goes to more than 14 times the diſtance from the fun that faturn does. 1321 There are three comets, thoſe of the years 1680, 1744, 1759, that deſerve to have a farther account given of them: the comet of 1680, befides what was ſaid of it § 1298, was remarkable for its very near approach to the fun; ſo near that at its perihelion it was not above a fixth part of the diame- ter of that luminary from the furface thereof: Newton made a calculation of the heat it muſt then have fuftained, and found it near 2000 times as great as that of red hot iron: the calculation is founded upon this principle, that the heat of the fun falling upon any body at different diſtances is reciprocally as a cometograph p. 898. b cometa, or remarks about comets. 1 the CHAP. 15. 557 ASTRONOMY the ſquares of thoſe diſtances; this is true cæteris paribus, as was fhewn in the FIG. introduction § 88: but it may be obſerved, that the effect of the heat of the fun upon all bodies near our earth depends very much upon the conſtitution of thoſe bodies, and of the air that furrounds them: fuch bodies as abound with fulphureous particles are heated ſooner than others: there is in our air ſome- times more fire than at other times: and there is more fire in the atmoſphere near the earth than in the upper regions of it; how otherwiſe comes it to pafs that fnow will lye unmelted upon the top of an high mountain when it is hot weather in the valley near the foot of it. The comet in queſtion cer- tainly-acquired a prodigious heat, but I cannot think it came up to what the calculation makes it: the effect of the ſtrongeſt burning glaſs that has ever been made uſe of was the vitrification of moſt bodies placed in the focus; what would be the effect of a ſtill greater heat we can only conjecture; it would perhaps fo difunite the parts as to make them fly off every way in atoms. This comet, according to Halley, in paffing through its fouthern node, came within the length of the funs femidiameter of the orbit of our earth; had the earth been then in the part of her orbit neareſt to that node of the comet their mutual gravitation muſt have cauſed a change in the plane of the orbit of the earth, and in the length of our year: he adds that if fo large a bo- dy with fo rapid a motion as that of this comet near its perihelion were to ſtrike againſt our earth, a thing by no means impoffible, the ſhock might reduce this beautifull frame to its original chaos. Fig. 123, tak- 123 en from Newton's principia, repreſents ſo much of the trajectory of this comet as it paſſed through while it was viſible to the inhabitants of our earth, in going to and returning from its perihelion: it ſhews alſo the tail, as it ap- peared on the days mentioned in the figure: the tail, like that of other co- mets, increaſed in length and brightneſs as it came nearer to the fun; and grew ſhorter and fainter as it went farther from him and from the earth, till that and the comet were too far off to be any longer viſible. Euler computes the orbit of this comet from three of Flamsteed's obſerva- tions taken near together, compared with a fourth taken at ſome diſtance from the other three, and thence determines the periodical time to be a little more than 170 years. It ſeems ſomething furprizing that from the fame ob- ſervations that were uſed by Newton and Halley he ſhould bring out a pe- riod fo very different from what thofe great men had determined; but it is the leſs to be wondered at, if we confider how ſmall a portion of the comets orbit lay between the moſt diſtant places uſed in this computation, or indeed that could be had for that purpoſe; ſo ſmall that the form of the ellipfis 4 B cannot 558 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY cannot be found with any precifion by this method, except the comets pla- ces were more exactly verified than is poffible to be done a: and that he does not pretend to confirm his determination of the period by pointing out and comparing together any former appearances of this comet, a method which Newton recommended as the only one whereby the periodical times and tranfverfe diameters of the orbits of comets can be accurately determined. 1322 I muſt not conclude this account without mentioning that Whiston b, who from Flamsteed's meaſure of its apparent diameter concluded the nu- cleus of this comet to be about ten times as big as the moon, or equal to a fourth part of our earth, attributes the univerfal deluge in the time of Noah to the near approach thereof: his opinion was that the earth paffing through the atmoſphere of the comet attracted therefrom great part of the water of the flood: that the nearness of the comet raiſed a great tide in the ſubter- raneous waters, ſo that the outward cruft of the earth was changed from ſpherical to oval; that this could not be done without making fiffures or cracks therein: that through theſe fiffures the fubterraneous waters were forced, by the hollow of the earth being ſo changed into a lefs capacious form : that, along with the water thus fqueezed up upon the furface of the earth, much flime or mud would rife; which, together with the groffer parts of the co- mets atmoſphere would, after the fubfiding of the water partly into the fif- fures and partly into the lower parts of the earth to form the fea, cover all over to a confiderable depth the antidiluvian earth: thus he accounts for trees and bones of animals being found at very great depths in the earth. He alſo held that before the fall the earth revolved round the fun in the plane of the ecliptic, keeping always the fame points of its furface towards the fame fixt ſtars: by this means, as every meridian would come to the fun but once in a whole revolution, a day and a year were then the fame: but that a comet ſtriking obliquely upon the earth gave it the diurnal rotation. That the antidiluvian year confifted of 360 days; but that the additional matter depofited upon the earth from the atmoſphere of the comet at the flood, fo retarded the revolution thereof round the fun, that it is not now performed in less than 365 days and about a quarter. The fame comet he thought would probably, coming near the earth after being heated to an immenfe degree in its perihelion, be the inftrumental caufe of that great cataſtrophe, the general conflagration, foretold in the facred writings, and from ancient tradition, mentioned by heathen writers. 1323 The comet of 1744 was feen by fo many perfons now living, and made fo remarkable an appearance, that it will be very proper to give a more a Euler fays they fhould be had to feconds. b theory of the earth. particular CHAP. 15. 559 ASTRONOMY particular account thereof: it was firſt ſeen at Lauſanne in Switzerland, de- cemb. 13, 1743 N.S; from that time it increaſed in brightneſs and magnitude as it was coming nearer to the fun: its orbit was found to differ fo little from a parabola, that its period muſt be very long, even of many centuries: there is no comet in Halley's catalogue the elements whereof are at all like thoſe of this cometa. The diameter of it when at the diſtance of the ſun from us, mea- fured about one minute; this brings it out equal to three times the diameter of our earth: it came fo near mercury that, if its attraction were proportio- nal to its magnitude, it was thought probable it would have diſturbed the motion of that planet b. Mr. Betts of Oxford, from fome obfervations made there and at Lord Macclesfield's obfervatory at Sherburn, endeavoured to compute the longeſt axis of the orbit, in order to find the period of this comet; but the axis came out ſo near to infinite that, though this fhewed the period to be a very long one, he deſpaired of finding out the length thereof, except he could procure ſome obſervations made after the perihelion: thoſe he had enabled him to ſettle the other elements fo exactly, that its places computed from them differed only a few feconds from the obfervations: he found the nodes of this comet were within half a degree of the nodes of mercury; but that there was the dif- ference of above a week between the times of thoſe bodies coming to their reſpective nodes: computing their heliocentric conjunction, when they were neareſt to each other, he found the comet was then diftant from mercury a fifth part of the diſtance of the earth from the fun, and was almoſt twice as near to the fun as mercury was; and thence concludes the comet could have no fenfible effect upon the motion of that planet: he judged the comet to be in magnitude at least equal to our earth. He fays that in the evening of january 23 this comet appeared exceeding bright and diſtinct and the di- ameter of its nucleus nearly equal to that of jupiter; its tail extended above 16 degrees from its body, and was in length, fuppofing the funs parallax 10”, above 23 millions of miles c. Dr. Bevis, in the month of may 1744, made four obſervations of mercury, and found the places of that planet calculated from correct tables differed fo little from the places obferved, as to fhew the comet had had no influence upon mercury's motion d. . The nucleus, which had before been always round, on the 11 of feb- ruary appeared oblong, in the direction of the tail, and feemed divided into two parts, by a black ftroak in the middle; one of the parts had a fort of beard brighter than the tail; this beard was furrounded by two unequal dark ſtroaks that feparated the beard from the hair of the comet: theſe odd b id. ibid. p. 153. a pbilof, tranf n. 474. d ibid. a Euleri, theoria mot. planet, et comet. p. 169. 4 B 2 phe- 560 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. phenomena diſappeared the next day, and nothing was feen but irregular ob- fcure fpaces like fmoak, in the middle of the tail; and the head reſumed its natural form: february 15 the tail was divided into two branches, the eaſtern part about 7 or 8 degrees long, the weſtern 24: on the 23 the tail began to be bent: it fhewed no tail till it was as near to the fun as the orbit of mars: the tail grew longer as it approached nearer to the fun: the tail at its great- eft length was computed to equal a third part of the diſtance of the earth from the fun. This account taken from the memoires of the academy of ſciences of 1744, confirms Newton's opinion, that the apparent changes in the nucleus of a comet are owing to changes in the atmoſphere thereof. 124 Fig. 124 is a view of this comet taken by an obſerver at Cambridge: I re- member that in viewing it I thought the tail feemed to fparkle, or vibrate luminous particles, Hevelius mentions the like in other comets; and that their tails lengthen and ſhorten while we are viewing them 2: this is probably owing to the motion of our air. 1324 The comet of 1759 did not make any confiderable appearance by reafon of the unfavourable fituation of the earth all the time its tail might otherwiſe have been confpicuous, the comet being then tco near conjunction with the fun to be ſeen by us; but deferves our particular confideration as it was the firſt that had ever had the time of its return foretold. Halley, after he had made his table of comets, found fuch a fimilitude in the elements of thofe of 1531, 1607 and 1682, that he was induced to believe them to be re- turns of the fame comet in an elliptic orbit; but as there was fuch a difference in their periodical times and inclinations of their orbits as ſeemed to make againſt this opinion, and as the obfervations of the first of them in 1531 by Apian, and of the fecond in 1607 by Kepler were not exact enough to deter- min fo nice a point, when he firſt publiſhed his fynopfis in 1705, he only men- tioned this as a thing very probable, and recommended it to poſterity to watch for the coming again thereof about the year 1758. Afterwards looking over the catalogue of ancient comets, and finding three others at equal intervals with thoſe now mentioned, he grew more pofitive in his former opinion: and, knowing a method of calculating with eafe motion in an elliptic orbit how excentric fo ever it be, inſtead of the parabolic orbit which he had given for the comet of 1682, he fet about adapting the plane of that orbit to an ellip- fis of a given ſpecies and magnitude, having the fun in one of its focuſes, ſo as to tally with the obfervations of that comet made by Flamsteed with great accuracy by the help of a very large fextant: he likewife corrected the places of the comet of 1531 from Apian, and thofe of the comet of 1607 from a cometograph. p. 513, 519. Kepler ·CHAP. 15. 561 ASTRONOMY Kepler and Longomontanus, by rectifying the places of the ftars they had made uſe of, and found thoſe places agree as well with the motion in ſuch an ellipfis as could be expected from the manner of obſerving of thoſe aftro- nomers, and the imperfections of their inftruments. The greatest objection to this theory was fome difference in the inclinations of the orbits, and that there was above a years difference between the two periods, the comet of 1531 was in perihelion auguft 24, that of 1607 october 16, and that of 1682 ſeptember 4; fo that the firſt of theſe periods was more than 76, the latter not quite 75 years: to obviate this, he reminds his readers of an obfervation made by him of the periodical revolution of faturn having been at one time about 13 days longer than at an other time; occafioned, as he ſuppoſed, by the near approach of faturn and jupiter, and the mutual attraction or gravi- tation of thoſe planets; and obſerves that in the fummer of the year 1681, the comet in its defcent was for fome months fo near jupiter that its gravi- tation towards that planet was a goth part of its gravitation towards the ſun ; this he concluded would cauſe a change in the inclination of its orbit, and alſo in the velocity of its motion; for by continuing longer near the planet jupiter on the fide moft remote from the fun, its velocity would be more increaſed by the joint forces of both thoſe bodies, than it would be diminiſhed by thofe forces acting contrary ways, when on the fide next the fun where its motion was ſwifter: the projectile motion being thus increaf- ed, its orbit would be enlarged and its period lengthened; fo that he thought it probable it would not return till after a longer period than 76 years, about. the end of 1758, or the beginning of the next year. As Halley expreffed his opinion modeftly, though clearly enough, that this comet would appear again about the end of 1758, or the beginning of the following year; Mr. De la Lande pretends he muſt have been at a loſs to know whether the period he foretold would be of 75 or of 76 years, that he did not give a decifive prediction as if it had been the refult of calculation, and that by confidering the affair in ſo looſe a manner as Halley did, there was a good deal of room for objecting to his reaſoning. After theſe reflections he is very large in his commendation of the performance of Mr. Clairaut, who he fays not only calculated ſtrictly the effect of the attraction of jupiter in 1681, and in 1683 when the comet was again near jupiter, but did not neglect the attraction of that planet in the years when the comet was moſt diſtant: that he confidered the uninterrupted attractions of jupiter and faturn upon the fun and upon the comet; but chiefly the attraction of jupiter upon the fun, whereby that luminary was a little diſplaced, and gave different ele- ments : 562 воок 3 ASTRONOMY ments to the orbit of the cometa: by this method he found the comet would be in its perihelion about tht middle of april; but that, upon ac- count of fome fmall quantities neceffarily neglected in the method of ap- proximation made ufe of by him, Mr. Clairaut defired to be indulged one month; and that the comet came juft 30 day days before the time he had fixed for its appearance. I would not detract from the merit of the pains taken in going fo mi- nutely into the affair; but I cannot forbear fetting down a remark made in a letter now before me of a learned profeffor in Italy to an Engliſh gentle- man, "Though Mr. De la Lande and fome other French gentlemen have "taken occafion to find fault with the inaccuracy of Halley's calculation, "becauſe he himſelf had ſaid he only touched upon it flightly; nevertheleſs they can never rob him of the honour 1, of finding out that it was one and "the fame comet which appeared in 1682, 1607, 1531, 1456, 1305: of having obferved that the planet jupiter would cauſe the inclination "of the comet to be greater and the period longer: 3, of having foretold "that the return thereof might be retarded till the end of 1758 or the be- ginning of 1759 ". CC << 2, 1325 That comets may have their motion diſturbed by the planets, efpe- cially by the two largeſt jupiter and faturn, appears by an inftance juft now mentioned: they may alfo affect one another by their mutual gravitation, when out of the planetary regions; but of this we can take no account, nor can we eſtimate the refiftance of the ether through which they paſs; and yet both theſe cauſes may have fome influence upon the fituation of their orbits, and the length of their periods. 1326 The annual parallax of comets is a proof of the earths revolution round the fun: it was for want of owning the hypothefis of Copernicus that Dom. Caffini took what appeared in 1680 and 1681 to be two comets; if that able aſtronomer had allowed of the annual motion of the earth he could not have failed to have diſcovered, as Newton did, that it was one and the fame comet going to its perihelion in the firft of thoſe years and returning from it in the year following. 1327 Newton obſerved that in the ſolar ſyſtem the ſmalleſt planets are neareſt to the fun; and thought it probable that in like manner thofe comets which in their perihelions approach neareſt to the fun are generally the fmall- eft: this he thought was fo contrived becauſe large bodies in coming fo near might diſturb the fun. He mentions two purpoſes for which he judged comets a The effect of jupiters difturbing the fun muft furely be too fmall to make any fuch change in the ele- ments of a comet as can be diſcovered by obfervation. t might CHAP. 15. 563 ASTRONOMY might be ferviceable to the folar fyftem; one was, with their atmoſpheres and tails to fupply the planets with moisture, which is continually wafting by the growing of vegetables out of water and turning into earth; the other to recruit the fun with freſh fuel and repair the great confumption of his light by the streams continually fent forth every way from that luminary : his opinion was that fuch comes as come very near the fun in their periheli- ons meet every time with ſo much refiftance from the atmoſphere of the fun as to abate their projectile force; by the conftant diminution whereof the centri- petal power or gravitation towards the fun would be fo increafed as to make them fall therein: in like manner, if we confider the fixt ſtars as fo many funs furrounded with a number of planets and comets; the appearance of a new ftar may be owing to one of its comets falling into it, and by the addition of new fuel cauſing it to blaze out, whereas it had been before for fome time fo covered over with fpots as to have been invifible. CHAP. 16. POETICAL RISING AND SETTING OF THE STARS AND PLANETS: CALENDARS OR ALMANACKS. F328 The rifing and fetting of the Aars and planets may be confidered in two refpects; either in relation to the horizon only, or to the fun and the horizon: the firft, which is uſually meant in common fpeech, is eafily underſtood; the ftars or planets are properly faid to rife when by the rota- tion of the earth they appear to come above the horizon; and to ſet when they appear to go below it: it is obvious that, in this fenfe, to thofe who live in a right fphere all the ſtars rife and fet every day: to thofe alſo that live in an oblique fphere all the ſtars which are are not within their arctic circle, deſcribed § 348, riſe and ſet every day, as was explained more at large § 355, 356. There are other rifings and fettings of the fixt ſtars by which the ancient poets, and writers of natural hiſtory or of agriculture point out the ſeaſons of the year: and theſe relate to the fun as well as to the horizon. If a ſtar riſe at the fame time the fun does, the rifing is faid to be cofmicalª; fo called as if it rofe with the morning of the world: if a ftar fets at fun- rife, it is faid to fet cofmically. a From coſmos xooμ the world: this greek word originally fignifies order or beauty; that great philofopher Pythagoras is faid firſt to have given this name to the beautiful frame of the univerſe. จ If 564 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY If a ſtar or planet rife at ſunſet, its rifing is faid to be acrony chala, that is at the beginning of night; and in this circumſtance the ſtar or planet is often faid to be acronychal, and ſhines all night: a ftar that fets with the fun is faid to fet acronychally. 1329 When a ſtar or planet is very near the fun it becomes invifible, by reaſon of the ſuperior brightneſs of that luminary: the fun does not long con- tinue to hide the fame ftars; but, by his apparent diurnal progreſs in the ecliptic, approaches every day nearer to thofe ftars that are eastward from him; and leaves thofe that are weftward and gets every day farther off from them. The light of the fun not only renders thoſe ſtars inviſible that are very near him, but alſo thoſe that are at a confiderable diſtance from him, and this diſtance is varied according to the magnitude and brightneſs of the ſtars: thus, ſtars of the firſt magnitude may be ſeen in ſtronger twilight and nearer the fun than thoſe of the ſecond: thofe of the fecond nearer than thoſe of the third, &c. fome of the planets as venus, jupiter and the moon, may be ſeen nearer to the fun than any of the fixt ſtars can. The ſmalleſt ſtars cannot be ſeen in the evening before the twilight is quite ended, nor in the morn- ing after the twilight begins to appear; that is, when the fun is 18° below the horizon: thoſe of the fixth magnitude require the fun to be depreffed 17° below the horizon; and fo on, they require lefs and leſs depreffion till we come to ſtars of the first magnitude; which, when on that fide of the heaven where the fun is, require he fhould be but 12° below the horizon to render them vifible: mars and faturn muſt have a depreffion of the fun of 11°, jupiter and mercury of about 10°, venus not above 5°, and ſhe may often be ſeen in bright funſhine. I When the fun is come fo near a ftar as to render it invifible, that ftar is faid to fet heliacally: when a ſtar that, by reaſon of its nearness to the fun, has been for ſome time inviſible again comes into view, by the funs getting to a greater diſtance, it is faid to rife heliacally. Thus we fee fetting heli- acally is being immerſed in the rays of the fun, and heliacally rifing is getting clear out of them. It would be a more proper expreffion to call the firſt of theſe the appearance, the other the occultation of a ſtar. ap- The heliacal brifing or fetting is moſt confpicuous in thoſe ſtars that are near the ecliptic, or not very far diftant from that path wherein the fun pears to make his annual progreſs: accordingly, ancient writers generally marked the times of the year by fuch ftars as are within the tropics, or not very far without them. Acron nychtos axpov vuxTO is the beginning of the night. b from helios nλ the fun. 1330 CHAP. 16. 565 ASTRONOMY 1330 The ancient Greek aftronomers in imitation of the Egyptians and Chaldeans publiſhed calendars or diaries, wherein they noted the rifing and fetting of fome of the principal ftars; by which they generally meant the heliacal rifing or the emerfion of the ftars out of the rays of the fun, ſo that they first appeared in the eaſt before ſunriſe; or the heliacal fetting, that is their being overtaken by the fun fo as to become inviſible by his being ſo near: this they did in order to direct their countrymen to the proper ſeaſons for plowing, fowing and other parts of huſbandry, and to point out to the ma- riner the ſafeſt times for failing: they gave alfo prognoftics of the wind and weather, not, fays one of them a, that they thought the changes upon earth were produced by the ſtars; but, having by long obfervation found what weather moſt commonly happened at the ſeaſons of the year diſtinguiſhed by the rifing and ſetting of fuch and ſuch ſtars, they foretold what weather was like to be in future years, at the rifing and ſetting of the ſame ſtars. There is one of theſe calendars under the name of Ptolemy, publiſhed by Petavius; which, if it were not the work of the author whofe name it bears, feems to have been made in Egypt, by the beginning of the year be- ing in ſeptember: the following fpecimen will ſhew the nature of it. Month thoth, or ſeptember. 1. Hour 14, the ſtar in the tail of the lion appears: according to Hipparchus the etefan winds ceaſe: according to Eudoxus rain and thunder. 2. Hour 14, the lions tail and ſpica virginis are hid: according to Hipparchus it prognofticates b. 3. Hour 13, the lions tail appears: capella riſes in the evening: according to the Egyptians the etefian winds ceaſe: according to Eudoxus wind, rain, thunder: according to Hipparchus the east wind blows. 4. Hour 15, the laft ftar in eridanus fets in the morning: according to Calippus it prognoſticates, and the etefian winds ceaſe. 5. Hour 13, fpica is hid: hour 15, the bright ſtar in lyra fets in the morning: according to Metrodorus ftormy: according to Conon the etefian winds ceafe. &c. 1331 It appears by this fpecimen that the aftronomers therein mentioned had publiſhed calendars: they lived in different places, and, as each of them made his calendar for the place wherein he lived, they gave different times for the rifing and ſetting of the ſame ſtars: for example, lions heart would not a Geminus, chap. 14. b I fuppofe the meaning is it prognofticates a change of weather, without faying what the change will be, c Ihave tranflated the greek words as they ftand without knowing what is meant by the hour: Petavius owns he could not form a conjecture about it: it cannot be the hour of the day; for many of the appearances paos do not anfwer: nor can the time of them be aſcertained to an hour: perhaps the original ought to be wpas hours, and then the meaning may be that in places where the longeft day is fo many hours as the numbers 13, 14, 15, expreſs, the appearances are fuch as are here deſcribed. 4 C rife 566 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY rife or fet on the fame day and hour at Alexandria in Egypt as at Athens or Rhodes; by reaſon of the difference in the horizons of thoſe places. The ac- counts of different authors of the rifing and fetting of the fame ftar in the fame place would alſo diſagree, if thoſe authors lived in different ages: thus, fpica virginis rofe in the time of Eudoxus on a different day and hour from its rif- ing 1000 or 1500 years after, and that becauſe of the preceffion of the equi- nox, a thing not known till it was difcovered by Hipparchus. 1332 The Romans copied after the Greeks, and indeed made ufe of their calendars, even after they were known to want correction, as appears by the confeffion of one of their writers of agriculture a, who ſays that in ſettling the equinoxes and folftices, he followed Eudoxus and Meton, becauſe the country people had been long accuſtomed to their accounts, though he knew of the correction thereof made by Hipparchus. 1333 How the ancient Greeks came to put prognoftics of the weather into. their calendars has been partly fhewn from one of their beſt aſtronomical wri- ters, § 1330; that from long obfervation of paſt years they conjectured what kind of weather would happen at fuch and ſuch times of the years to come. The obſervations whereon theſe prognoſtics were founded muſt have been of a number of years, I think it very probable that they took the number con- tained in the Metonic period of 19 years; for, as within that time the moon returns to the fame aſpects with the fun, and that planet was thought to have great influence upon the weather, they might imagin that an.almanack of 19 years would be a perpetual one; not only to mark the days of their ficrifices and other folemnities, but would ferve alfo to foretell the weather. 1334 That the ancients thought the feveral afpects of the moon had an influence upon the weather may be feen in Aratus b; where we have rules for judging what weather is like to happen from the colour of the moon, the ſhape and fituation of her horns, and other circumſtances of that leffer light. The Egyptians and Chaldeans, from whom the Greeks had their aftro- nomy, pretended to foretell the weather, and indeed many other events alfo, from the aſpects or configurations of the planets: whereof ſome they looked upon to be hot and dry; others cold or moift: fome benevolent and fortu- nate in certain fituations; others malevolent and unfortunate. 1335 The ſtars eſpecially thoſe of the brighteſt appearance were thought to be of the ſame nature with thoſe planets to which they had the neareſt reſemblance in colour. We cannot wonder at fuch abfurd fancies prevailing among the ignorant heathen, who held the fun and moon to be their great gods, and the planets and ſome of the ſtars to be deities of an inferior order, b in his Διοσημεια or prognofics. a Columella de re ruftica, 1. 9. c. 14. or CHAP. 16. 567 ASTRONOMY or at leaſt to be the places of their refidence; and therefore paid them di- vine honours: but that Chriftians who, befides having the light of the fcriptures, live in an age wherein ſuch improvements in natural philofophy have been made, ſhould pay any regard to the groundleſs pretences of aſtro- logers, would be incredible, if we had not examples thereof: it is a mor- tifying fpeculation to find that no opinion can be broached fo abfurd and contrary to reafon but that fome partifans will be found ready to ſtand up in its vindication. 1336 The moon indeed is near enough to be the cauſe of confiderable effects upon our globe, and all bodies thereon; the raiſes the tides in the ocean, and cauſes changes in the air, and in the animal and vegetable kingdom: but the planets even the neareſt of them are at fo great a diſtance from us, that there is no good reaſon to imagin they have any influence upon our earth or atmo- fphere; and if they had, how could men ever come to the knowledge thereof? how could they diſcover that in fome configurations they ſhed a benign in- fluence, in other fituations had quite contrary effects? as for the fixt ſtars, their diſtance from us is fo immenſely great, that it is utterly incredible they ſhould in different pofitions have different effects upon fublunary things. Sound philoſophy teaches us that the ftars are corporeal, and that bodies at a diſtance from other bodies can no otherwiſe act upon them than by im- pulſe or gravitation. 1337 The force of the impulſe of the ſtars we can eſtimate only by the light they ſend us, and how ſmall this force is we may judge from this, that the light ſent by all the ſtars in the brighteſt night is leſs than what the moon alone often gives: as for their attraction or gravitation, that, we know, is reciprocally as the ſquares of the diſtances of the attracting body: how ſmall then muſt the at- tracting power be of the neareſt ſtar, the diſtance whereof is ſo immeaſura- bly great, as we have ſeen, § 888, 889? indeed if the attraction of the ſtars were more confiderable than it is, they are in fo great a number ſcattered every way round us that they would balance each other, fo that no particular effect could follow from any ſmall collection of them. I will not enter into a farther difcuffion of the credibility of aftrological predictions of the weather; I ſhould not have ſaid ſo much of it at prefent, if ſpeaking of the ancient calendars did not put me in mind of the wretched ſtuff our almanacks are filled with every year; not only about the weather, which their authors would foretell with as much certainty as they now do, if they were to put the words thun- der, heat, fhowers, &c. for the fummer months; and the words cold, froſt and fnow for the winter months, into a bag and ſhake them out at random: but what is ſtill beyond meaſure ridiculous, they have a column for the parts 4 C 2 of 568 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY of the human body, head, face, neck, throat, breaſt, and fo on down to the feet and toes, to fhew, and pleafe you, for every day of the year, over what mem- ber or part of mans body the moon exerciſes dominion: and farther to illuf- trate this wife conceit, we have the picture of a man ftruck through with lines, to fhew over what part the fign or conftellation of aries has dominion, what part is under taurus, gemini, &c: by which they would infinuate, if any one would regard fuch whimfies, that if you wanted a cure for the headach, you ſhould make use of the medicine for it at the time when the moon is in aries; and fo of the reft. Why can they not copy after the French? they give a great many uſeful things in their almanacks, omit- ting all predictions of weather or other events; and have in fome of them given this very good reafon for it, that the Academy of fciences did not think them to have any foundation in nature. 1338 Sirius is in appearance the largeſt of any of the fixt ftars, is in the mouth of the conftellation of the great dog, and is commonly called the dog-ftar: when this ſtar rifes coſmically, as it did anciently in Egypt about the time of the funs coming to the fummer tropic, the Nile began to riſe, the overflowing whereof was the great cauſe of the fertility of that country: this induced the Egyptians to pay divine honours to the dog-ſtar; and to call a period at the end whereof that ſtar roſe coſmically again on the fame day of their wandring year, the great year: this period contained 1460 of their common years 2. a They imagined the dog-ftar not only to point out the time of the Niles be- ginning to rife, but to be the efficient cauſe of its overflowing, or of the fer- tility confequent thereupon: from the colour of the ſtar at its first appearance, they formed prognoſtics what kind of ſeaſons they were to expect: if it were of a golden colour, they thought it prefageda fruitful year; if dim and pale, they looked upon it as a bad omen that portended a ſcarcity: it may be doubted whether there were any truth in theſe obſervations or not: if there were, it muſt be owing to this, that the different colour of the ſtar was cauſed by the different conftitution of the air; and from that poffibly fome conjec- tures might be made of the following feafon. They fancied alfo that the dog-ftar, rifing with the fun and joyning his influence to the fire of that lu- minary, was the cauſe of the extraordinary heat which uſually falls out in that ſeaſon: and accordingly they gave the name of the dog-days to about fix or eight weeks of the hotteft part of fummer. 1339 The Greeks, in imitation of the Egyptians, their maſters in idolatry. and ſuperſtition as well as ſcience, held the fame opinion of the dog-ſtar being a v. Cenforin. c. 18. et in cum notas Lindenbrogii. the CHAP. 16. 569 ASTRONOMY the cauſe of that fultry heat ſo often pernicious to the health and life of man : Homer, comparing the fhining of the armour of Achilles, whofe fury was fo fatal to the Trojans, to the pernicious blaze of the dog-ſtar rifing at the end of fummer calls it an ill omen, "Portending heat intenſe to wretched mortals ". or as the ſenſe of the paffage is well expreffed by Pope a — "his burning breath “Taints the red air with fevers, plagues and death”. When the father of the poets had faid thus much, it is no wonder the reft of them ſhould talk of the rage of the dog-ſtar, as fome of them do alſo of the fury of the lyon b; becauſe a ſtar of the firſt magnitude called lyons heart, rifing in the time of the dog-days, was alſo thought to contri- bute towards the great heat of that feafon. 1340 Hippocrates has a ſentence or aphorifm that ſeems to forbid the uſe of purging medicines in the dog-days; we muſt not conclude from hence that great phyfician and philofopher to have thought the influence of the dog-ſtar any thing confiderable; (I have before § 1330, mentioned another learned Greek who was wiſer than to go into that fooliſh opinion of the vulgar.) It is probable he only meant to point out the hot time of the year commonly marked by the rifing of the dog-ftar. Our annual prognofticators, who call themſelves ftudents in phyfic and aſtrology, would bring us back to the old Egyptian ſuperſtition, would have us confider the fituation of the ſtars and planets in taking phyfic, and indeed in all our affairs, as the Mahometans do at this time. As to the dog-days by fome attended to with fo much fuperftitious re- gard, it is pleaſant to ſee what variety of opinions there are both among the ancients and moderns about the beginning and the end of them: this variety is in fome inftances owing to the ignorance of the writers, who did not know the dog-ſtar would rife with the fun on different days in diffe- rent horizons: ſo that, upon this account, the dog-days would not, in the fame age begin on the fame day in Egypt as at Athens or Rome: in other inftances, it is occafioned by the preceffion of the equinox not being known, or not attended to; and by the imperfection of the Julian year caufing the ſeaſons to advance, as is fhewn § 1245; by reafon whereof, the dog-ſtar did not riſe cofmically on the fame day at Rome, for example, in the time of a illiad, book 22. v. 42. • Υπο κυνα και προ κινα εργωδίες αι φαρμακείαι. b Horat. 1. 3. od. 9. "jam procyon furit "Et ftella vefani leonis" Pliny 570 ·BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY Pliny as it did four or five hundred years before or after: enough may be feen in Ricciolus upon this fubject, from whom I fhall take two or three examples in the time of Hippocrates, which he makes to be about 400 years before the Chriſtian æra, the dog-ftar rofe cofmically in the parallel of Rhodes, where the pole was elevated 36°, on the 11 of july: at the fettling of the year by Julius Cæfar, it rofe at Rome on the 18 of july: in the year 1600, it roſe at Bologna on the 27 of july. In looking over an ancient calendar in Bede, I find the beginning of the dog-days placed on the 14 of july: in one prefixed to the common prayer printed in the time of Q. Elizabeth, the dog-days are faid to begin on the 6 of july, and end on the 5 of ſeptember; and this was continued till the reſtoration; when that book was revifed, and the dog-days omitted: from that time to the correction of the British calendar, our alınanacks had the beginning of the dog-days on the 19 of july, the end on the 28 of auguſt: fince the correction, the beginning is put on the 30 of july, the end on the 7 of feptember. CHAP. 17. THE USE OF THE CELESTIAL GLOBE. 1341 The furniture of this globe is the fame as that of the terreſtrial; an horizon, a meridian, an hour circle with an index, and a quadrant of altitude. ones, 7 Many of the circles which are fometimes imagined to be deſcribed upon the ſphere of the fixt ſtars are actually drawn upon the celestial globe; as the celeſtial equator, with fome of its parallels: among theſe the four principal the tropics and polar circles are drawn with double lines: there are alfo drawn thereon ſome ſecondaries of the equator or circles of declination; among them the principal are the two colures: the ecliptic alſo with ſome of its ſe- condaries or circles of latitude; theſe interſect each other in the poles of the ecliptic: if there be 6 of theſe circles, their 12 femicircles are drawn through the points where each of the 12 figns of the zodiac begins, and fhew to which fign any ftar belongs: thus, all the ſtars comprehended between the femicircle drawn through the 30 degree of H and the femicircle drawn through the 30 degree of y are in the fign y. 1342 A general idea of the celeſtial globe and its uſe has been given in the ſecond chapter of the ſecond book from § 603 to the end: if we would uſe it for any particular purpoſe, the firſt ſtep to be taken is to rectify the globe to the place, and to the time of the day or night: the rectifying it to the place CHAP. 17: 571 ASTRONOMY place is the fame as that of the terreſtrial globe, ſhewn § 508 & 509: this done, to ſet it to the time, we muſt firſt rectify it to the noon of the day propoſed, in the manner following; find the funs place in the ecliptic that day at noon, by an almanack, or by the calendar ufually pafted upon the horizon of the globe, and bring that point of the ecliptic to the meridian, the globe will then exhibit the fituation of the ſtarry heaven as it is at the noon required; fet the hour index therefore at 12: for any other hour of that night or day, turn the globe towards the eaſt fide of the horizon if the hour propoſed be before noon of the day, towards the weſt if the hour be after noon, till the index points at the hour required; the globe then will ſhew the fituation of the heaven in the place and at the time in queſtion: thus, if I would know the fituation of the heaven in London at 10 at night, june the 1, 1764, rectify the globe to noon at the place and time, and turn the globe towards the weſt till the index points at 10. 1343 To find the time of the rifing and ſetting of the fun in a given place on any day of the year, rectify the globe to the place and to the noon of the day in queſtion, by § 1342, ſet the index at 12, turn the globe eaſtward till the funs place in the ecliptic comes to the eaſt fide of the horizon, the index will point at the hour of funrife; turn the globe weftward till the funs place comes to the weſt ſide of the horizon, the index will then point at the hour of funſet. The length of any day in the year at a given place is found by the foregoing problem, reckoning the time between funrife and funfet. noon. 1344 To find the declination of the fun at noon for any day of the year: bring the funs place in the ecliptic to the meridian, and the point of the graduated edge over it will fhew the declination of the fun that day at Declination is the neareft diftance from the equator, fee § 783. 1345 To find the right afcenfion of the fun at noon for any day of the year by the globe: find the funs place in the ecliptic for that day at noon, bring it to the meridian, obſerve what point of the equator is under the meridian at the fame time, that degree or part of a degree of the equator is the funs right aſcenſion for the time in queftion; right afcenfion was explained § 784. The fun changes his right afcenfion and declination every day of the year, and indeed continually; not uniformly, but fometimes fafter than at other times: his declination changes faſteſt at the equinoxes, floweſt near the folftices. 1346 To find the oblique afcenfion of the fun any day of the year, in a given latitude, by the globe: rectify the globe to the latitude and to the noon of the day, by § 1342: bring the funs place in the ecliptic to the eaſt ſide of the 572 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY the horizon, and obferve what point of the equator in then on the ſame fide of the horizon, this fhews the oblique afcenfion. While the globe is in this fituation, the funs amplitude at his rifing on that day, that is his diſtance from the true eaft point towards either north or fouth, may be feen: by carrying the funs place to the weft fide of the horizon, his oblique defcenfion and his amplitude at fetting may be feen. Oblique afcenfion and defcenfion are explained § 790. 1347 By the fame method as is uſed for the fun the right afcenfion and declination of a ſtar may be found by the globe. The converſe of this is true, that if the right afcenfion and declination of a ſtar be given in a catalogue, or found by obſervation, we may, by bringing the degree of right afcenfion to the meridian and noting on that circle the degree and minute of declination, find under the fame the place of the ftar upon the globe, and, if it be not there already, infert it thereon. By the preceffion of the equinoctial points, the right afcenfion and decli- nation of all the ftars are continually changing, the change is confiderable in a number of ages; but in a ſmall number of years it is hardly perceptible: in ſome almanacks we have the right aſcenſion and declination of the moſt remarkable ſtars fet down for the current year: this is uſeful in navigation, and to find the time of the night at land. 348 To mark the place of a planet upon the globe at any time: many al- manacks have tables of the places of the planets, from whence they may be inferted upon the globe, by putting thereon their characters in water colours without gum; and by rectifying the globe, by § 1342, we may by the hour index fee the hour of their rifing, fouthing and fetting. The water co- lours are eafily wiped off with a fpunge or fine rag a little moiftened, if the globe be varniſhed, as globes generally are. In like manner the rifing, fouth- ing and fetting of the fixt ftars may be found. The place of a comet in the heaven may be found by holding the edge of a ruler fo that the comet may appear between two ſtars and in the fame line with them, and then holding the ruler fo as to take the comet between two other ſtars in a right line cutting the former line as nearly at right angles as can be done with ſtars pretty eaſy to be known: the place of the comet thus obſerved, may be put upon the globe, by ſtretching two threads in the fame manner through thofe ftars; the point where thoſe threads interfect one ano- ther upon the globe is the obſerved place of the comet. 1349 To find the azimuth of the fun at any hour by the globe: azimuths or vertical circles have already been defcribed § 282: there are none of them drawn upon the globe, becauſe they vary as the horizon changes; but, when the CHAP. 17. 573 ASTRONOMY the globe is rectified to the horizon of any place, as many azimuths as we pleaſe may be expreffed by fcrewing the quadrant of altitude to the braſs me- ridian at the zenith, and turning it round between the horizon and the globe: the azimuth of the fun at any time is found by rectifying the globe to the place and time, and carrying the quadrant of altitude round till the graduated edge thereof paffes through the funs place in the ecliptic; it then ſhews the azimuth of the fun, which is eſtimated by its diſtance eaſt or weft from the meridian. The altitude of the fun is ſeen at the fame time, by the number of degrees upon the edge of the quadrant of altitude between the funs place and the horizon. The azimuth which cuts the meridian at right angles and paſſes through the eaſt and weſt points of the horizon is called the primary vertical. 1350 As the ecliptic is drawn upon the terreſtrial globe, all the problems here mentioned which relate to the fun may be folved by that globe alſo when a celeſtial one is not at hand: but the proper uſe of that circle upon the terreſtrial globe is to fhew over what parts of the earth the fun is vertical at ncon, and on what days that happens. On the day when the fun is in one of the tropics he is vertical at noon to every place upon the earth under that tropic: to every place fituate between the tropics the fun is vertical twice in a year, once as he goes on declining from the equator to the neareſt tropic: and again in his return from that tropic towards the equator: in order to know on what days the fun is vertical to any place, find the latitude of the place, fuppofe it 12 degrees. north latitude, the fun is vertical at noon when his declination is 12 degrees north, the fame as the latitude. The ſuns declination for every day in the year is ſet down in ſome almanacks. 1351 The azimuth and altitude of any ſtar at any time is fhewn upon the globe rectified to the place and time, by carrying the quadrant of altitude ſcrewed to the zenith till the graduated edge paffes through the ſtar. 1352 To find by the globe when a ftar rifes cofmically: bring the ſtar to the eaſt fide of the horizon, obferve what point of the ecliptic is then on the eaſt fide of the horizon; when the fun appears in that point, (the day whereof may be known by a calendar) the fun and ſtar riſe together. To find when a star fets cofmically: bring the ftar to the weft fide of the horizon, obſerve what point of the ecliptic is then on the eaſt ſide; on the day the fun appears in that point, the ftar will fet at ſunriſe. 1353 To find by the globe when a ſtar rifes achronycally: bring the ftar to the eaſt fide of the horizon, obferve what point of the ecliptic is then on the weft fide of the horizon; on the day the fun appears in that point, the ſtar riſes at ſunſet. A planet is faid to be achronycal when it is in oppofition to the fun, and fhines all night. 4 D To 574 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY To find when a ftar fets achronycally: bring the ftar to the weft fide of the horizon, obferve what point of the ecliptic is then on the weſt fide of the horizon; on the day when the funs place is in that point of the ecliptic, the ftar fets when the fun does. 1354 To find when a ftar rifes heliacally: in order to folve this problem by the globe, the brightneſs and magnitude of the ftar muſt be confidered; fee § 1329: fuppofe the ftar to be of the firft order, bring it to the eaſt ſide of the horizon, obſerve by the quadrant of altitude what point of the ecliptic is then 12 degrees above the weft fide of the horizon, the oppofite point to this is 12 degrees below the eaſt fide of the horizon, and is the funs place when the ftar riſes heliacally: on what day the funs place is in the laſt mentioned point of the ecliptic may be ſeen in a calendar. To find by the globe when a ftar fets heliacally, fuppofe it to be of the fecond magnitude, fuch a ftar cannot be feen when the fun is not more than 13 de- grees below the horizon, § 1329: bring the ftar to the weft fide of the hori- zon, find by the quadrant of altitude what point of the ecliptic is then 13 degrees above the eaſt fide of the horizon, the point of the ecliptic oppofite to this is 13 degrees below the horizon; find by a calendar on what day the point of the ecliptic laſt mentioned is the funs place, that is the day whereon the ſtar fets heliacally. 1355 To find by the globe the beginning and end of twilight on any day of the year: the globe being rectified to the latitude of the place, bring the funs place on the day in queftion to the meridian, ſet the hour index at 12, turn the globe towards the eaſt till the point of the ecliptic oppofitę to the funs place is 18 degrees above the weft fide of the horizon, the funs place is then 18 degrees below the eaſt fide, and the morning twilight begins, § 758, the index will point at the hour. By a like method the time of the ending of the even- ing twilight is found, by turning the globe till the point of the ecliptic op- pofite to the funs place on the day in queſtion be 18 degrees above the eaſt fide of the horizon; the funs place will then be 18 degrees below the weſt fide of the horizon, when the evening twilight ends; the hour index will fhew the time. CHAP. CHAP. 18. 575 ASTRONOMY CHAP. 18. THE TRANSIT OF VENUS OVER THE SUN JUNE 6, 1761: THE PARALLAX OF THE SUN: THE ATMOSPHERE AND SATELLIT OF VENUS: THE LATITUDE OF CAMBRIDGE FOUND BY A GNOMON. 1356 The publication of my ſecond volume has been retarded by various unforeſeen accidents, whereof it would be of no ſervice to the public to be informed: inſtead therefore of apologies for fo long a delay, I thought the beſt recompence I could make would be to give my readers an account of ſuch curious obfervations and diſcoveries in aftronomy as have been made fince I began the work: fome of theſe are very confiderable; as 1, the aber- ration of light, diſcovered by the late Dr. Bradley, mentioned § 838, &c. 2, the meaſuring the length of a degree upon the earth by fome perfons fent from France as near to the equator, and others as near to the pole as could conveniently be done, whereby the figure of the earth is found to be that of an oblate ſpheroid, flatted at the poles, this Sir Ifaac Newton had before demonſtrated it to be a priori; as may be ſeen in the 10th chapter of this 3d book: 3, and not to mention any more, the tranfit of venus over the diſk of the fun, on the 6 of june in the year 1761, whereof ſome account ſhall now be given. 1357 This curious and uncommon appearance had been predicted by Halley, and recommended to the attention of aſtronomers, as the moſt likely means to find out the diſtance of the fun from the earth, § 821. No pheno- menon in the heaven was ever expected with more impatience, or obſerved with greater care: for, befides what was done by curious perfons refiding in different parts of Europe, ſeveral mathematicians furniſhed with proper in- ſtruments were fent from the R. Society in England, and the R. Academy in France, to diſtant parts of the earth, to places where it was moſt proper to make obſervations, and where without this provifion no fuch obfervations would have been made: a detail of them may be ſeen in the philofophical tranſactions and the memoires of the French Academy for 1761. 1358 It has before been mentioned, § 313, that if any inſtantaneous pheno- menon be obſerved at the fame time at two diſtant places of the earth the dif- ference in hours minutes and feconds, will fhew the different longitudes of thoſe places, in degrées minutes and feconds: in confequence of this propo- fition, the difference in hours minutes and feconds in the times when fuch a phenomenon is ſeen in two diſtant places compared with the difference in longitude of thoſe places fhews the parallax thereof, provided the latitudes of thoſe places be alſo known. 4 D 2 1359 576 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY 4 1359 As to the preſent affair, the inftantaneous appearances propofed to be obſerved were 1, the external contact, when the weſtern limb or edge of the diſk of venus appeared to touch the diſk of the fun, immediately before its entrance thereon: 2, the internal contact, when the entire difk of venus being upon the fun the eastern edges of both difks coincided: 3, when the cen- ters of the fun and the planet were at the leaft diftance from each other: 4, the internal contact of the weſtern edges of the two difks, the moment before any part of the diſk of venus began to go off from the fun: 5, the external contact of the edges of the two disks immediately after the total egrefs of the diſk of venus from off the fun. 1360 The hiſtorian of the R. Academy of ſciences for the year 1761, gives us, for the refult of the obfervations made by the French, the parallax of the fun 9": this, fays he, makes the diſtance of the fun from our earth about a tenth part greater than it was before thought to be; 33 millions of leagues, whereas it was before computed about 30 millions ª. 1361 Mr. Short, taking the medium of a great number of obfervations of the tranfit of venus over the fun, calculates the parallax of the fun at his mean diſtance to be about 8",65: this fets the fun at a ſtill greater diſtance b. 1362 The proportion of the diſtances of the reft of the planets to the diſtance of the earth from the fun was known before, by their periodical times, for the fquares of their times are as the cubes of their diſtances: fo that the diſtances of all the planets from the fun muſt be increaſed in the fame proportion as the diſtance of the earth is found greater than before it was fuppofed to be. The ancients made the parallax of the fun a great deal too large; and confequently held the funs diſtance from the earth to be much leſs than it is. I have before obferved that Ptolemy and Tycho made the parallax of the fun 3, Kepler 1, § 815: the laſt mentioned author, who comes the neareſt to the truth, makes the folar fyftem, though much larger than thoſe before him, ſtill far inferior to what later and better obſervations have demonſtrated it to be before the tranfit of venus, the beſt aftonomers had fettled the funs parallax at no more than 10", a fixth part only of what Kepler held it to be: by all the accounts of the tranfit of venus, there is more reaſon to think the funs parallax is leſs, than that it exceeds the quantity laſt mentioned. Thus we ſee in this inftance, as in many others, that the deeper refearches are made into the works of creation, and the more perfect knowledge of the nature of them we are able to attain, the greater and more wonderful do they always appear. 1363 The learned Dr, Stewart profeffor of mathematics in the Univerſity of Edinburgh, being of opinion that the diſtance of the fun from the earth a Hift. de l'Acad. R. 1761. p. 116. ed. Par. b Phil. tranf. 1762. p. 621. cannot CHAP. 18. 577 ASTRONOMY cannot be determined with exactneſs by any obſervations, propofed to folve this difficult problem by the theory of gravity: this he thought might be done if the force wherewith the fun affects the gravity of the moon towards the earth could be aſcertained, as it might be from the motion of the moons apogee, or from the motion of her nodes. In purſuance of this idea, he has by a laborious and intricate calculation brought the mean diſtance of the ſun from the earth to contain 29874,9 mean femidiameters of the earth; which is more than 118 millions of Engliſh miles, and above a third part greater than the diſtance computed from taking the parallax of the fun 10": $719. But is there not as much uncertainty in fome of his data as is likely to ariſe from the errors of ſo many obſervations? can the motion of the moons apogee, which we know librates backward and forward, be aſcertained with a precifion fufficient to build ſo nice a theory upon? 1364 One advantage gained by the obſervations of the tranfit of venus was fettling the longitude of places where it was obferved, by the times of the inftantaneous appearances above mentioned. In the tables page 85, the longitude of Cambridge is ſo faulty that I cannot imagin how thoſe numbers came there: by the tranfit the longitude of Cambridge in meaſure, is 3 mi- nutes 45 feconds; in time, 15 feconds eaft of the R. obfervatory at Green- wich: the latitude of Cambridge there fet down is from Street. 1365 Though the finding the diſtance of the earth from the fun was the principal object, it was not the only one had in view by thofe who obſerved the paffage of venus over the fun: it was expected fome other particulars relating to that planet might on this occafion be known to a greater certainty ; as the apparent diameter, and the places of the nodes; whether it had an atmoſphere, and whether it were attended with a fatellit or not. The apparent diameter of venus upon the fun taking the medium of all the obſervations was about 57″; this probably is rather fmaller than the truth; becauſe the fun being fo near venus enlightens more than half her globe, and confequently the dark part feen by us was not quite half of it: befides this, the atmoſphere of our earth is faid to have in ſome meaſure the effect of a prifma; fo that the blue rays from the fun make the upper edge of his diſk appear higher, the red rays make the under edge appear lower, by means of this refraction, the perpendicular diameter of the fun is length- ened about 2": the fame cauſe affected the perpendicular diameter of venus when upon the fun, but in a contrary manner, for it fhortened it; and this effect was more fenfible, the greater the refraction; and accordingly Mr. Chappeb who went to Tobolſk in Siberia to obſerve, found the perpendicular b ibid. pag. 368. a. Mem. d'Acad. 1761, pag. 105, & 333. cd. Par. + diameter 578 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY diameter of venus fhorter in the morning when the fun and the planet were low, than afterwards when they were got to a greater altitude. 1366 An atmoſphere round venus was thought to be diſcovered by Mr. Hirft at Fort St. Georgea; for, looking attentively before the ingrefs at the part of the edge of the funs diſk where he expected the planet would enter, he plainly perceived a faint penumbra or dufky fhade thereon, and called out to two gentlemen, who obferved with him, tis a coming; and two or three fe- conds after happened the firſt external contact, in the moment whereof they all three agreed: Mr. Hirft could not ſee the penumbra after the egreſs; and as to the other two perfons one was gone home, the other juſt before un- luckily loft the planet out of the field of his teleſcope: whatever was the accident that prevented Mr. Hirft ſeeing the penumbra a ſecond time, Mr. Dunn bat Chelſea ſaw a penumbra or ſmall diminution of light that grew darker and darker, for about 5 feconds before the internal contact preceding the egrefs; from whence he ſeems with good reaſon to determin for an atmo- ſphere, the height whereof he computes at about 50 geographical miles. "His obſervations were made with an excellent 6 feet Newtonian reflector, "with a magnifying power of 110, and alſo of 220 times: he had a clear dark glaſs near his eye, the funs limb appeared well defined, but a very "narrow wateriſh penumbra appeared round venus, by which its limb was "not perfectly defined: at the diſtance of about a fixth part of venus's dia- "meter from its edge was the darkeſt part of venus's phafis, from which "to the centre an imperfect light increaſed, and illuminated about the cc centre." Phil. tranf. 1761. p. 189. May not ſome light from our earth reach venus when upon or near the fun, as it does the moon in a like fitua- tion, § 970? if ſo, the middle of the diſk of venus would reflect it towards us in the greateft quantity; the parts near the edge would fcatter it out of our view: this depends in fome meaſure upon the nature of the ſurface of the planet. Mr. Wargentin who obſerved at Stockholm in Sweden, communicated to a member of the Royal Society feveral obfervations of the times of the firſt exterior contact in the more northern parts of Europe; but there is in none of them any mention of the preceding penumbra ſeen by Mr. Hirst: Mr. Wargentin fays he could not note the time exactly, becauſe of the undulation of the limb of the fun; but thought it very remarkable that at the egrefs the limb of venus that was gone off the fun fhewed itſelf with a faint light du- ring almoſt the whole time of the emerfion. Mr. Bergman, who was with the profeffor and others in the obfervatory at Upfal, begins his account d of what b ibid. 193. c ibid. pag, 213, &c. d ibid. pag. 227. they a Phil. tranf. 1761. p. 397. page 579 Book II 1 132 1 125 128 ? 131 126 127 130 129 CHAP. 18. 579 ASTRONOMY they obferved at the time when venus was entered fo far upon the fun that only FIG. a fourth part of her diameter was left out of his difk; he fays the part of the planet that was not come upon the fun was vifible, though dark, and was furrounded by a crefcent of faint light, as at fig. 125: that this appearance 125 was much more remarkable at the egrefs; for, as foon as any part of the planet was got off the fun, that part was vifible with a like crefcent but brighter, fig. 126; and, as venus went farther off, the part of the crefcent that was fartheft 126 from the fun grew fainter, and at length diſappeared, and only the horns could be feen, as at fig. 127: he fays the total ingrefs was not inftantaneous, but, as 127 two drops of water parting from each other form a ligament between them, ſo there was a dark fwelling ftretched out from venus to the fun, as fig. 128: 128 and when this ligament broke the limb of venus appeared to be got about an eighth part of her diameter from the neareſt limb of the fun, fig, 129: 129 he faw the like appearance at the going off, but not fo diſtinct, fig. 130. 130 Mr. Chappe took notice of the part of venus that was not upon the ſun being visible during part of the time of ingrefs and egrefs; that it was fur- rounded by a ſmall luminous ring of a deep yellow near the planet that ap- peared in form of a creſcent; that this was much brighter at the going off from the fun than at the coming upon him; and that during the time the whole diſk of venus was upon the fun he faw nothing of it: he fays the time of the total ingreſs was inftantaneous, like a flaſh of lightening; but that at the egrefs the limb of the fun began to be obfcured three fcconds before the interior contact. Some of the French aſtronomers attribute this faint light round venus to the inflection of the funs rays, as they do alfo the pale light round the moon in a total eclipſe of the fun: concerning which fee § 1056. Mr. Chappe makes the principal cauſe of the luminous creſcent to be the fun enlightening more than half the globe of venus; but in a note owns this caufe not to be fufficient a In France, Mr. Fouchy obferved at la Muette, his account is as followeth ; "during the whole operation we perceived conſtantly round venus a kind "of ring brighter than the reft of the fun, which grew fainter as it went "farther from the planet; this crown appeared more vivid the clearer the “fun was b.” Mr. Ferner profeffor of aftronomy at Upſal obferved at the ſame place with Mr. Fouchy, and, in a letter to a Fellow of the R. Society has theſe words; "during the whole time of my obferving with the teleſcope and the "blue and green glaffes, I perceived a light round about venus, which fol- "lowed her like a luminous atmoſphere, more or leſs lively according as the "air was more or lefs clear; its extent altered in the fame manner; nor was, a Mem: d'Acad. 1761, p. 363. edit. Par. b ibid. p. 100. << it 580 BOOK 3. ASTRONOMY FIG. "it well terminated, throwing out as it were fome feeble rays on all fides a." I am not clear as to the meaning of the luminous circle here mentioned, whether, when the whole planet was upon the fun they faw a ring of light round it, diftinct from the light of the fun, or whether they mean only the light that ſurrounded that part of venus that was not upon the fun; Mr. Chappe takes this and other accounts of the obfervations made in France in this lat- ter fenfe; and, though he fometimes calls the luminous crefcent that fur- rounded the part of the planet not upon the fun a ring, he explains himſelf, that he did ſo becauſe at the coming upon the fun he ſaw it on one fide of 131 the planet, fig. 131, and on the oppoſite fide at the going off, fig. 132; and 132 therefore thought it furrounded it on all fides b. Upon the whole, the obſervation of Mr. Hirst preceding the firſt exterior contact, and thoſe of Mr. Dunn and Mr. Chappe preceding the laſt interior contact are ſtrong indications of an atmoſphere round venus: not to ſay any thing of the luminous creſcent ſeen upon the parts off the diſk of the fun. 1367 The fatellit of venus was carefully looked for by almoſt all who ob- ferved on this occafion, but without fuccefs: Mr. Baudouin councellor of the great council, &c. at Paris, had provided a teleſcope of 25 feet, in order to ob- ferve the paffage of venus over the fun on the 6 of june, and to look for the fatel- lit in april and may preceding: he communicated this laſt intention, wherein he did not fucceed, to a fociety of learned gentlemen at Limoges in the Limofin in France: Mr. Montaigne one of the members of that fociety was more for- tunate; for on the 3 of may 1761, at 9h at night, he perceived at 20' diſtance from venus a ſmall crefcent with the horns pointing the fame way as thoſe of venus: its diameter was a fourth of that of the primary: a line drawn from venus to the fatellit made below venus an angle with the vertical of about 20° towards the fouth: though this firſt obſervation was repeated ſeveral times, Mr. Montaigne was in doubt whether it was not a ſmall ſtar: the next day may 4, at the fame hour, he ſaw the fame ftar, diftant from venus about 30" or 1' more than before, and making with the vertical an angle of 10°, be- low but on the north fide; fo that the fatellit ſeemed to have deſcibed an arc of about 30°, whereof venus was the center, and the radius 20. The two following nights were hazy, ſo that only venus could be feen: but may 7 at the fame hour as on the preceding days, he faw the fatellit again, but above venus, and on the north fide, diftant between 25′ and 26′ upon a line which made an angle of about 45° with the vertical towards the right hand. The light of the fatellit was always very weak, but it had always the fame phaſe with its primary, whether viewed together with it in the field of his teleſcope, a Phil. tranf. 1761. p. 223. b Mem. d'Acad. 1761. p. 365. or page 581 92 Book II 11 E Z 134 3 } B DC t N 133 HOI CHAP. 18. 581 ASTRONOMY or alone by it felf: the teleſcope was 9 feet long, and magnified an object FIG. between 40 and 50 times, had no micrometer, and therefore the diſtances and magnitudes here mentioned are by eſtimation, wherein he was affifted by knowing the extent of the field of his teleſcope: confequently great exactneſs cannot be expected, and therefore Mr. Baudouin ſpeaks with great caution, and ſays, though the orbit ſeemed to him excentric he would ſuppoſe it to be circular, not being able to aſcertain the ſmall quantity of its excentricity. 1368 The 133 figure repreſents the three obſervations of Mr. Montaigne, 133 v is the planet venus, z N the vertical, E c a parallel to the ecliptic making then an angle with the vertical of 45°; the numbers 3, 4, 7, mark the fitu- ations of the fatellit on the reſpective days. It appears by the figure, that the points 3 and 7 would have been diametrically oppofite, if the fatellit had gone 15° more round the point v at the laſt obſervation; ſo that in 4 days it went through 155°; fay then as 155° to 4 days or 96 hours, fo is 360° to a fourth number, which gives 9 days 7 hours for the whole fynodical revo- lution. From theſe obſervations Mr. Baudouin concluded the diſtance of the fatellit from venus to be about 60 femidiameters of that planet; the orbit of the fatellit to cut the ecliptic nearly at right angles, to have its afcending node in 22° of m, and to be in its greateſt northern digreffion on the 7th at 9 at night, and then thought the ſatellit would paſs over the fun with its pri- mary. Mr. Baudouin, to whom theſe obſervations had been communicated, read a memoire on the ſubject before the R. Academy of ſciences on the 20 of may, that met with their approbation and was printed. 1369 On the 27 of the fame month Mr. Baudouin read a fecond memoire, wherein he related another obfervation of the fatellit made by Mr. Montaigne on the 11 of may at 9 in the evening, the only night when the view thereof was not obfcured by moonlight, twilight, or clouds: the diſtance of the fatellit from venus was on the II night much the fame as it had been on the 7th; that is to fay about 25, making with the vertical at venus an angle of 45° towards the fouth, and above its primary. Mr. Baudouin in this laft memoire confirms what he had before fettled concerning the other elements of the fatellit; but corrects the periodical time, which, by comparing the firſt obſervation with the laft, he now judged to be about 12 days; and that, in confequence of this period, the fatellit would not paſs over the fun, but go at the diſtance of above 20 from his fouthern limb; though, if the time of its revolution ſhould be 15 hours longer than 12 days, it might then pafs over the fun after venus was gone off. He thought the reaſon the fatellit had ſo often been looked for without fuccefs might be, that one part of its globe was cruſted over with ſpots, or 4 E otherwiſe 582 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY FIG. otherwiſe unfit to reflect the light of the fun, as is fuppofed to be the caſe of the fifth fatellit of faturn, fee § 1201, 1202. 134 Mr. Baudouin obferves that the moſt confiderable confequence that can be drawn from difcovering a fatellit of venus is the quantity of matter in that planet: for, by the theory of attraction the maffes of two planets having fatellits may be found by comparing their diameters, and the diſtances and periodical times of their fatellits. Newton. princip. l. 3. prop. 8. By comparing the periodical time of the fatellit and of the moon, he com- puted the quantity of matter in venus to be near equal to that of our earth: if this be fo, that planet muſt have confiderable influence upon our earth, in changing the obliquity of the ecliptic, the latitude and longitude of ſtars, &c. This with what is faid § 948 and 949, is all we at prefent know of the fa- tellit of venus, and its elements. In 1769, there will be another tranfit of venus over the fun, but not viſible in Europe. In the historie and memories of the R. Academy of ſciences for 1757, there is an account of it, and in what parts of the earth it may be obſerved. 1370 In the year 1752, affifted by Mr. Dunthorne, I endeavoured to find the latitude of Cambridge by a gnomon, after the manner deſcribed, § 418 to § 425 on the outſide of the ſouth-eaft corner of the Chapel of Pem- broke Hall, I fixed a strong round iron bar of about a foot long, fitted to the bore of a piſtol barrel that it might turn eaſily thereon: to the piſtol barrel was faſtened a braſs plate about 5 inches fquare, with an hole in the middle, wherein was put an object glaſs of a 17 feet teleſcope: by means of a ftring one might ſtand upon the ground and pull the braſs into ſuch a pofi- tion that the rays of the fun would fall perpendicular upon it, when the glaſs would give a round image of the fun upon a plane parallel to the braſs: this image was received upon a marble flab 9 feet long, roughly poliſhed and placed in my garden upon three ſtrong iron bars each about 4 feet long driven fo far into the earth that the face of the marble was about a foot above the furface of the ground: it was exactly levelled with water kept upon it by being ſurrounded with a low wall of clay; then the water being removed, a meridian line was drawn thereon, upon which were marked at noon the extremities of the funs image, now elliptical, for feveral days before and after the ſummer folftice; the noon of the folftitial day being cloudy. The length of the perpendicular AB, fig. 134, meaſured from the center of the glaſs to the marble, was exactly 170.81 inches. A detail CHAP. 18. 583 ASTRONOMY Length-of Days of BC in inch. obfervation and decim. Angle A C B altitude of the funs lower limb May 31 95-9975 | 60° 41′ 20″ June 1 95.76+ 60 44 57 2 95.5425 60 48 18 61 A detail of the obſervations with the computations therefrom followeth. Height of the equator at Pemb. Hall 37°47′ 32" 37 47 23 I G Altitude of the funs] center corrected by refract. and paral. Suns declination from connoiſſance des Temps. 60° 56′ 44″ 44″ | 23° 9′ 12″ 61 0 21 23 12 58 3 42 23 16 20 37 47 22 3 95.3775 60 50 50 61 6 14 23 19 19 456 7∞ 4 95.21 60 53 25 61 8 49 23 21 49 5 95-0475 60 55 54 61 11 18 23 23 57 37 46 55 37 47 37 47 21 O 6 94.9525 60 57 22 61 12 46 23 25 40 37 47 6 7 94.88 60 58 29 61 13 53 23 26 58 37 46 55 8 94.82 60 59 24 61 14 48 23 27 52 37 46 56 9 94.79 60 59 52 61 15 16 23 28 20 37 46 56 10 cloudy I 11 94.805 60 59 38 61 15 2 23 28 5 37 46 57 12 94.855 1394.9275 14 cloudy 60 58 52 61 14 16 60 57 45 61 13 9 23 27 18 23 26 37 46 58 7 37 47 2 1595.1575 60 54 13 61 9 37 23 22 34 37 47 3 16 cloudy 17 95.5125 60 48 46 61 4 10 23 17 21 37 46 49 18 cloudy 19 95-9375 60 42 15 60 57 39 23 10 28 37 47 II 20 cloudy 2497.555 60 17 36 60 33 0 22 46 16 37 46 44 Whence the height of the equator at a medium of the above is } เก The glaſs was not well centered, ſo that turning it half round fhortened B C exactly two tenths of an inch, wherefore the above numbers are to be di- miniſhed one tenth of an inch; which was done before the angles ACB in the next co- lumn were computed. and its complement the latitude of Pembroke Hall comes out June the 1, CD was obferved 2.055 9th, it was obſerved 2.05 and 24th, it was obſerved 2.07 37° 47′ 5″ 52 12 55 inches which makes the funs diameter reſpectively 31′ 39″ √31′ 31 43″ 31′ 36″ To keep off fuperfluous light and make the image of the fun diftinct, a large ſkreen was placed behind the braſs plate with an hole to let the rays of the fun through. From a ftiff wire fixed acroſs the center of the glafs upon 584 BOOK 3 ASTRONOMY upon a very ſmall wire a leaden weight hung in water to keep it fteady, and the marble was brought cloſe to it, that the fouth end of the meridian line might touch the wire when it hung quietly, without preffing it out of the perpendicular: fome days the wire though always fufpended from the ſame point would not touch the marble, but there was a fmall ſpace between, which I took to be owing either to the fwelling of the iron rod by heat, or the ſhortening of the marble by cold. On this occafion I meaſured the length of the marble when very much heated by the fun, driving two nails into a long flip of deal ſo as exactly to claſp it in length, and then throwing cold water thereon, applied the fame meaſure to it, and found it was manifeftly fhorter when cold. That metals expand by heat and ſhrink into lefs dimenfions when cold has long been known; I do not find any mention made of the like having been expe- rienced in marble. BCD. ERRATA. Page 292, (in vol. 1.) line 24, for 25% to 91, read 91 to 251. p. 417 (in vol. 2.) 7. 11, for CHAP. 4 r. CHAP. 5. p. 444 1. 14, and in the margin, for fig. 70 r. 71. ibid. l. 16, for ABC r. p. 452 in the note, for 1724 r. 1714. p. 453 %. 9, for DCB r. DAB. ibid. l. 10, for B A D r. BCD. p. 462 l. 11, for 1734 r. 1714. p. 463 1. ult. for 7. Caſſini r. Maraldi. p. 468 1. 4, for fig. 90 r. 88. p. 469 1. 6, for 1717 r. 1714. p. 470 l. 12, after round, infert fig. 82, and alfo in the margin. ibid. after are, infert almoft. p. 475 l. 17, for 22 hours and 20 feconds r. 12 hours and 20 minutes. p. 476 1. ult. and in the margin, for fig. 95 r. 96. p. 478 l. 1 & 3, for 12 r. 25. p. 487 l. 13, for a good way off, r. not far from. ibid. l. 15, for 8° 6′ r. 6° 10′. ibid. 1. 25, after welt, infert, as may be ſeen in fig. 112, 113, and in l. 27, dele the fame words. p. 492 in the notes, for 588 r. 578. and for as 178 to 179, r. as 229 to 230. p. 497 l. ult. and in the margin, for fig. 112 r. 115. p. 498 1. 26 and in the margin, for fig. 113 r. 116. p. 499 l. 1 and in the margin, for fig. 112 r. 115. ibid. 1. 3 and in the margin, for fig. 113 r. 116. 512 7. ult. dele, or of a ſtar. p. COGNOSCERE ! CAVSA MDCCXXVI 32 NEW ASTRONOMY, BOOK IV. CHAP. I. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY WHAT: ITS USE: THE COSMOGONY OR CREATION OF THE WORLD ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENT AND MODERN PHILOSOPHERS. 1371 The ſtudy of natural philoſophy is an enquiry into the nature of the bodies that compofe the univerſe, their caufes, effects, and the manner of their operations: this ſcience is employed chiefly in confidering the ſyſtem of the world, the fun, the ftars, planets and comets, with the void ſpace wherein they are placed: after a general furvey of theſe great objects, it defcends to a more particular enquiry into the nature of our earth and the ſeveral parts of it, the air and water that ſurround it; the plants and animals that grow and live upon it, the metals, minerals and other bodies that are to be found in the bowels thereof. In purſuing this ſtudy, befides the fatisfaction that arifes in the human mind from the diſcovery of truth, it is of great ufe in civil life; for, by underſtanding the nature of medicines, the phyfician is able to cure diſeaſes, 4 F and 586 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY and reſtore health, that great bleffing neceffary to make us reliſh all other enjoyments: and, as to the meaner arts, employed in furniſhing us with the neceffaries and conveniencies of life, great ufe may be made of the knowledge of the powers of nature, to affift the labour of man, and enable him to perform operations far beyond his natural ſtrength, which is the buſineſs of mechanical ſkill affifted by mathematics. But the nobleſt fruit to be gathered from fuch fpeculations is this, that by contemplating the works of creation in a proper way, man is brought to adore the infinite goodnefs, wiſdom and power manifeftly diſplayed therein; and at the fame time, while he is ftruck with wonder at the greatneſs and magnificence of what he underſtands, he is humbled by the confideration that, after his moft diligent reſearches, much ſtill remains above his compre- henfion; fo that he muſt at laſt acknowledge that the ways of the almighty are paft finding out. 1372 Some philofophers both ancient and modern have treated of the cofmogony, that is, have given us their conjectures how the univerſe was brought into being: many of the moſt ancient philofophers whofe opinions have come down to us, though their works are loft, held that the world was produced out of an indigefted confufed chaos; the matter of this moſt of them, and Ariftotle amongſt the reft, believed to have exifted from eternity, but that it was diſpoſed and put into order by an intelligent mind: fome of them concluded the eternity of the world from a maxim miſunderſtood that nothing can be produced out of nothing; this is true only in this fenfe, that nothing can be produced without a caufe, either a material or an efficient one: as to a material cauſe, in the prefent conftitution of things we do not indeed find any new productions out of nothing, in as much as all the changes in natural bodies are made by an alteration in the fituation of their parts, or by fome of the parts being taken away, or by the addition of other matter; but this is no objection to the Almighty Creator bringing things into being which had no exiſtence before. Another argument for the eternity of the world was taken from the nature of the Divine Being; who, being always active and benevolent, fome thought, muſt from eternity have exerted his creative power, that he might have ob- jects whereon to confer happineſs: to this an anſwer might be given that it is from no defect of the Divine goodneſs that the world was not made from eternity, but that there is an impoffibility in the thing itſelf; for whatever is made by God cannot be coeternal with its maker, but muſt have had a beginning, and whatever had a beginning there muſt have been a time when it might be faid it was not a day old. Cudworth, pag. 887. 1373 CHAP. I. 587 ASTRONOMY 4 1373 Befides theſe philofophers, who were all deifts, and acknowledged one eternal firſt cauſe, incorporeal or diſtinct from matter, which they called mind, intelligence, the first mover, &c. there were fome few atheistical ones who pretended to account for all the phenomena of nature by matter and motion only: of theſe ſome held that matter was endued with active qualities, that were ſufficient not only to produce plants and brute animals, but men alfo: others taught that all was the effect of chance; that an infinite num- ber of extreamly ſmall particles of matter, which, being indivifible, they called atoms, falling from all eternity at random, through an infinite void fpace, happened, at a certain time, to juſtle one another, and be entangled; and cohering together in various manners produced this beautiful frame of things we now behold. I fhall not attempt a confutation of theſe abfurdities, it has been done in a maſterly manner by the learned Cudworth in his intel- lectual fyftem; and fince by others. 1374 Among the modern cofmogonists, Cartes ftands in the first place; his philoſophy fometime fince made fuch a figure in Europe that it may not be improper to mention fome of the principles thereof: he recommends to us in the first place that we ſhould doubt of every thing; in order to get rid of all kind of prejudices: this doubting being a fpecies of thought, he concludes the firſt thing a man can be affured of is the exiſtence of himſelf, that is of his foul that thinks: from the idea we have of a Being of all pof- fible perfection, he concludes the being of God: from the veracity of the Deity, who would not deceive us, he argues the reality of the material world : in his definition of matter, he makes the effence of it to conſiſt in extenfion only; in confequence whereof, he held the world to be a perfect plenum, without any vacuity or void ſpace: this he concludes from hence, that we cannot conceive extenfion without fomething extended; whereas we have as clear an idea of the extenfion of empty ſpace as we can have of its being filled: he defines motion to be the carrying a body out of its place among contiguous bodies that ſurround it into a place where it is furrounded by other bodies: perhaps this definition, which is true only of relative motion, was formed to avoid ſome trouble he might have brought upon himſelf by adopting the Copernican fyftem; for he denied the motion of the earth, becauſe the atmoſphere furrounding her was carried along with her, in her revolution round the fun a: he argued from the immutability of the fupreme Being, that the fame quantity of motion continues in the world as was firſt impreſt upon matter, confequently that no motion of any body is loft without being communicated to fome other body. a part 3. § 19 & 26. 4 F 2 As 588 'BOOK 4: ASTRONOMY As to the formation of the Univerſe, he fuppofed it might have been in the following manner: 1, that matter originally confifted of particles nearly equal in bulk, of a moderate fize between the greateſt and the leaſt of thoſe whereof the heaven and heavenly bodies are compofed 2, of irregular figures, not globular, for then they would not have made a plenum, but there would have been interftices between them: 2, that each particle was put into a circular motion round its own center; that thereby the angular or prominent parts were rubbed off, and each of thoſe alſo by a like circular motion had their prominent parts rubbed off, and fo on fucceffively, till at laſt that very fine or fubtile matter was produced, which he called his firſt element: this he makes a powerful agent, able to penetrate all kinds of bodies: the particles now made globular he called his fecond element: the third element was made up of fuch particles as ftill continued angular, uneven and more grofs. Beſides this circular motion of fingle particles, he fuppofed collections of them to have been put into a circular motion round their centers, which were the ſame with the centers of the fun, ftars, planets and comets, and thus he accounted for the production of thoſe great bodies. He fuppofes the ſtars to be made of the first element, the fluid air and ether of the fecond, the planets and comets of the third. princip. part 3. § 42. He fuppofed that the fun, in circulating round his own center, cauſes a vortex or whirlpool of the etherial matter to carry the planets round him the fame way: that the earth had been originally of the fame nature with the fun; but in time was cruſted over with ſpots: that, the rapidity of the vortex of the earth being diminiſhed, the earth with the ambient air was abſorbed into the vortex of the fun, and carried round him. princip. part 4. § 2. It will not be worth the while to enter into a farther detail of this philofophical romance, as it has been juſtly called: enough may be ſeen in Maclaurin's account of Sir Iſaac Newton's diſcoveries, book 1. chap. 4. In one thing only I think Cartes ought to have juſtice done him, that he declares he did not think the world was formed after the manner above deſcribed; but that he apprehended, fuppofing it had been fo formed, the phenomena of nature would have been fuch as they now are: he believed that God made the world in a perfect ſtate at once; in like manner as he created man in his full growth, and not in the ſtate of infancy. part 3. § 45· 1375 The next attempt to give an account of the formation of the earth was by Dr. Burnet, a learned man and a fine writer: his defign was to take a view of our earth through all the great changes it was to undergo, from a part 3. § 46. its CHAP. T. 589 ASTRONOMY its rife out of a chaos into its paradifiacal ſtate to its being broke into pieces at the deluge, its deftruction at the general conflagration, its reſtoration to a fecond paradifiacal ſtate, to be inhabited by the faints for 1000 years, and after that, its being removed out of its prefent fituation and changed to, what he conjectured our earth and all the planets originally to have been, a fixt ſtar. He was particularly concerned to free the Moſaic hiſtory of the deluge from two great difficulties: one, where to find the great quantity of water neceffary to drown the earth; the other, how to difpofe of the fame after the flood was over: in order to this, he fuppofed the earth rofe out of the chaos in the following manner: 1, that the heaviest parts fell towards the center, and made there a round folid: 2, that the liquid parts next in weight furrounded the central folid, and formed the great abyfs: 3, that other fluid particles lighter than water but heavier than air fell next upon the great abyſs, and formed thereon an orb oily and unctuous: 4, that the lighteſt particles flew upwards and conſtituted the air; 5, that the air, not being quite pure, car- ried along with it ſome grofs and earthy corpufcles, which gradually, as they could get clear, fell down upon the oily cruſt, and mixing therewith compoſed the primitive paradifiacal earth, of a ſmooth regular furface, without moun- tains and without any fea. He ſuppoſed the diurnal rotation of the earth to have been in the plane of the ecliptic, fo that there was a perpetual equinox all over the earth: when he comes to the deluge, he fuppofed the great rains to have been firſt raiſed up in vapours from the abyss: by the breaking up of the great deep he underſtood that the exterior cruft of the earth was broke in ſuch a man- ner as to fall at once in large fragments; that the lower parts of them would fink down and rest upon the bottom of the abyfs; the upper parts ftanding irregularly out of the water would conftitute the continents, mountains and iflands: that the fall of ſuch vaſt maſſes into the abyſs would daſh the waters thereof above the higheſt mountains: that in this general ruin, by air or water incloſed between the pieces falling, or by the fragments leaning one againſt another, many caverns and hollow places now found in the earth, would be formed. To obviate any miſconſtruction, he declares he would not, in explaining the deluge by natural cauſes, detract from the power of God, by which that great judgment was brought upon the world in a providential and miraculous manner. That the ark ſhould be preſerved ſafe in ſo ſtormy a ſea, he attributes to a miracle; and accordingly in one of his figures repreſents it as fupported by two angels. He lays great ftrefs upon the words of St. Peter, 2d ep. chap. 3. v. 5 &c. which he thought expreffed plainly that the primitive 590 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY primitive earth was prepared for deftruction by a flood, as the poftdiluvian earth is for being deftroyed by fire. 1376 This theory was attacked by Dr. Keil, Dr. Woodward and others, and fome part of it was fhewn to be neither agreeable to the Mofaic hiftory, nor to the principles of found philoſophy: for he afferted the primitive earth to have had neither fea nor mountains, whereas the Mofaic hiſtory makes mention of both, Genef. chap. 1. v. 10. and chap. 7. v. 19 & 20. 1377 Dr. Woodward publiſhed an effay towards the natural hiſtory of the earth; but this is not fo much an account of the formation of the earth, as an attempt to prove the truth of the univerſal deluge from the pofition of fhells, teeth and bones of animals found at various depths in the earth; which he accounts for by a fuppofition, that at the time of the flood the cauſe of the coheſion of parts in matter was fufpended; fo that every kind of it, earth, clay, ftones, rocks, metals &c. except fhells and bones a was diffolved into a mish maſh, or thick fluid; and that, afterwards, every thing fettled according to its ſpecific gravity, and carried fhells, bones &c. along with it; and that hence they are found in many places and in great quantities at various depths, not only in large ftrata or beds depofited upon clay, fand &c. but alſo incorporated in chalk and marble: he had himſelf obſerved that in England the earth was diſpoſed in ſtrata, beds or layers, and that ſhells, fishes teeth, and bones were found in all of them, and this at all depths as far as men had ever digged: and, by his correfpondence abroad, it appeared the cafe was the fame in all parts of the earth: but then here is his miſtake; if every thing had fubfided at the fame time after the flood as he ſuppoſes, the heavieſt bodies muſt have funk loweſt; whereas we find rocks ftanding upon clay, fand, and earths lighter than themſelves. It cannot indeed be doubted that chalk, marble &c. wherein ſhells, teeth &c. are found were in a fluid ftate when fuch bodies were incloſed in and incorporated with them: it is well known blocks of ſtone have been formed by the continual acceffion of water, as in Pools hole, and other fuch places; but the marble that has theſe bodies found in it might have been confolidated before the flood; and if it were, there is no likelihood it ſhould then have been diffolved. If it be afked how come fhells to be found at fo great heights as they fometimes are; we may with Mr. Buffon b allow that the geography of the earth is at prefent very different from what it was anciently: the fea has in many parts of the globe encroached upon the land, and in other parts what is now dry land has been heretofore covered with the fea: the bottom of the preſent ocean is very uneven, like the land; a Shells and bones he thought were by their fibrous texture preſerved from diſſolution. b Hiftoire naturelle. the CHAP. I. 591 ASTRONOMY the flux and reflux affifted by the winds, may often remove whole beds of ſhells as well as the fands from a deep place to an higher, even to a mountain in the fea, and there depofit them: and this may have been the cafe both before and after the flood. As for fhells near the tops of mountains, they may have been raiſed together with the mountains by Volcanoes. 1378 The famous Leibnitz was of opinion that our earth was originally a fun, that the greateſt part of the terreſtrial matter was on fire at the time when Moſes ſays the light was feparated from the darkneſs, that the fire produced a vitrified cruft, which is the center and foundation of all the matter contained in the globe: that the fands are fragments of this vitrification; the other kinds of earth a mixture of fands with falt and water: that when the central cruft was cooled, the watery particles before raiſed up by the heat fell down and formed the feas, which at firft covered the whole globe. He fuppofed alſo the reft of the planets to have been ſtars, which after burning a long time were extinguiſhed for want of combuſtible matter, and became opake bodies. Acta eruditor. Lipf. 1693. pag. 40. · 1379 The next account of the cofmogony was publiſhed by Whiston in his theory of the earth: he fuppofſes our earth had been originally a comet, revolving round the fun in an elliptic orbit, which gradually was changed fo as to come into a circular one, at the time of the Mofaic creation: he fays the atmoſphere of a comet confifting of various corpufcles in a diforderly motion anſwers the defcription of that chaos from whence, according to facred and profane antiquity, our earth took its origin: that the hiftory of the fix days work is a relation of ſuch appearances and changes as a ſpectator upon the earth would have obſerved during that time; for example, when light is faid to have been created on the first day, he imagined that then the fun, which had long before been created with the ſtars, illuminated the at- moſphere in ſome meaſure as it does now in a cloudy or miſty day; that on the fourth day, when the fun, moon and ſtars are ſaid to be made, the meaning is the air was grown quite clear, fo that they might then all be feen as to the objection that there was no fuch fpectator upon the earth, he anſwers that he believed the Meffiah, who created the world and often appeared in it before his incarnation by the bleffed Virgin, was then upon the earth, and conducted the formation thereof, kept the journal and com- municated it to Mofes on the mount a: he ſuppoſes that at firſt the earth had no rotation round its axis, but revolved round the fun in the plane of the ecliptic, ſo that the length of the day and night was a whole year: that the diurnal rotation did not begin till after the fall of our firft parents, and that a In his answer to Keil. it 592 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY it was cauſed by the impulfe of a comet upon the earth: that the year then was 360 days, and the month 30: he owns the primitive earth to have had mountains, but not ſo high as at prefent: that it had ſeas alſo, not ſuch as they now are, but rather lakes, here and there difperfed; for, if the ocean had taken up ſo much ſpace as it now does, he thought there would not have been room enough for the inhabitants, which he apprehended were much more numerous in the time of the long lived antidiluvians than they have ever been fince the flood. He adopts the abyss of Burnet, wherein he fuppofes a magnetic nucleus to ſwim in order to account for the variation of the needle, concerning which fee Halley in the Philofophical tranfactions, n. 24. When he comes to the deluge, he ſuppoſes the great rains of 40 days to have been cauſed by the earth paffing through the tail of a comet, which he imagins to have been the famous one that appeared in 1680, with a tail of a prodigious length and breadth, whereof an account has been given § 1322; and that in this near ap- proach that comet by its attraction, agitated the abyss, ſo as to make it burſt the upper cruft of the earth, which is expreſt in ſcripture by the break- ing up of the great deep. This theory of Whiston was alſo examined by Keil, but treated with more reſpect than Burnet's had been: he feems well enough pleaſed with the folution by a comet, but has other objections to which the author publiſhed an answer, 1380 In the year 1750, Mr. Buffon of the R. Academy of ſciences, remarked the defects in the feveral theories of the three English authors, and advanced a theory of his own; which I think for its extravagancy may vie with any that have yet appeared. He fuppofes that a comet, coming with great velocity to its perihelion, fell with ſuch a force oblique- ly upon one fide of the globe of the fun, as to ftrike off therefrom in a ſtream ſo much matter as the maffes of all the planets amount to: that, the parts of this ſtream, being of different denfities, were by the force of this impulſe driven to different diſtances from the fun: fome of the lighteſt were carried as far as the orbit of faturn, and there by "their mutual attraction were compacted together, and formed that planet with its ring and fatellits ; that other parts of a little greater denfity than the former were carried to the orbit of jupiter, and by mutual attraction compoſed the globe of that planet: that in like manner the reſt of the planets, mars, the earth, venus and mercury were formed into their refpective globes, at their proper diftances to which the matter whereof they confifted had been driven. He mentions ſeveral arguments which he thinks favourable to his opinion: one is, that the denſity of the planets is not much different from the denſity of the ſun : another CHAP. I. 593 ASTRONOMY another that the quantity of matter ftruck off from the fun is no more than a 650th part of his whole bulk; for according to Newton the maffes of all the planets are equal to fuch a part of that luminary: a third argument is, that the denfity of the planets is greater the nearer they are to the fun; thus, mercury is more denſe than venus, venus more denfe than the earth, &c. another argument is, that this fuppofition gives fome account of the cauſe of the projectile force whereby the planets would be carried on in ſtrait lines, if they were not retained in their orbits by their gravitation towards the fun; as it does alſo of the planets all revolving the fame way in their orbits. He ſuppoſes the diurnal rotation of the earth while it was a burning globe in fufion would make it become an oblate ſpheroid; that, when it cooled, the vapours raiſed up by the heat would fall in water upon the furface thereof: that part of the water mixed with the faline and fulphureous corpufcles going into the perpendicular fiffures of the earth, produced metals and minerals: that part of the ſediment of the water formed the original ſurface of the earth, with which many parts of animal and vegetable ſubſtances are now mixed. All theſe hypotheſes agree in the notion of a central heat in the earth. 1381 I would not detract from the merit of thoſe learned men, who have endeavoured to explain the Moſaic hiſtory, and vindicate it from the objections brought againſt it by the enemies of revealed religion, though they have ſome- times been miſtaken in the methods of their defence: there are collected in. Burnet's theory many ancient traditions which confirm the ſcripture account of the primitive earth, the deluge, &c. In Whifton's theory there are many philofophical truths laid down, many curious obfervations of the paſt and preſent ſtate of the earth; but there are alſo ſome fuppofitions not well enough founded to build fuch a theory upon: when he makes the fix days creation to be ſo many years, becauſe in ſome of the prophetic writers a day fignifies a year, this is departing from the text in a plain hiſtorical narration, which there is no occafion to do, if it be confidered that the almighty power is able to create the whole univerſe in a moment: again, what he ſays of the comet coming near the earth at the flood may poffibly be true, but is not fo eafily demonſtrated to have been the fact as he ſeems to fancy; for, as to his running the period of 575 years backward and concluding that in its ſeventh period from the appearance in 1680, it came near our earth; neither is the time of the revolution of a comet that goes to ſuch a vaſt diſtance from the fun, where during fo long a courſe it may be diſturbed by other comets, fufficiently aſcertained, nor is the time of the deluge well enough determined by chronologers to warrant the conjecture. 4 G There 594 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY There is one error runs through all thefe cofmogonifts, that they ſeem to have too low and mean notions of the Divine Omnipotence, as if it were confined to act by human methods: a man going to build a new houſe, will perhaps, to fave time and expence, pull down fome other buildings, and make uſe of the materials: but are we therefore to imagin that, when the Almighty Creator of all things is about to form a planet or an earth, for the habitation of men and other animals, he muſt caſt about for a fun in decay, or take a comet out of its orbit whereof to compofe a new world? Moſes is taken notice of by a celebrated writer of antiquity for the dignity wherewith he mentions the effect of the Divine power in the production of light, God faid let there be light, and there was light: may we not fay in like manner, that God, by the fole effort of his will, brought the fun, ſtars, pla- nets and comets, the earth and all the plants and animals thereon into being, in fuch order, and in fuch degree of perfection, as feemed good to his infi- nite wisdom to beſtow on each of them? The creation of the world was the miraculous effect of infinite power; and it is a vain prefumption to imagin we can give a folution of it by mere mechanifm, matter and motion. 1382 Before I mentioned Ariftotle, § 1372, I ſhould have taken notice of the opinion of his maſter Plato, who plainly afferts that the world was cre- ated in time; but that the idea thereof fubfifted in the divine mind from all eternity: that God, induced by his goodneſs, created it when he thought fit: that when the matter whereof the world confiſts, was before altogether in a confuſed chaotic ftate, the Divine Being reduced it into order and gave it a perfect form, which nothing can impair or change but the fame power that made it: and that it will continue in the fame ftate for ever; becauſe it is not reaſonable to imagin that a wife and benevolent Being will deſtroy his own work, which he beheld with pleaſure as foon as he had finiſhed it. He fays alfo God created the foul of the world before the matter of it: by the foul he means the nature or the laws of nature. Plato in Timæo. Thus much may fuffice for an account of the enquiries and conjectures which have been made concerning the manner how the univerſe was created; a thing far above human comprehenfion: it is better to confine our felves to reſearches into the nature and conſtitution of thoſe bodies whereof it confiſts, and the laws whereby they are governed, in the prefent ftate of things. CHAP, CHA P. .2 595 ASTRONOMY CHAP. 2. THE PRESENT CONSTITUTION OF THE UNI- VERSE ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENTS AND MODERNS: THE NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY: DEFINITIONS OF TIME, SPACE, MATTER AND MOTION. 1383 The moſt ancient philofophers among the Greeks, who borrowed the greateſt part of their learning from the Chaldeans and Egyptians, held, that all material beings confifted of atoms; fome of them were of opinion that the atoms were fimilar, others that they were diffimilar: that by different combinations of theſe atoms the four elements fire, air, earth, and water were formed: that the difference between the feveral natural bodies aroſe from the different proportions of theſe elements which entered into their compofition: thefe atomical philofophers, who all, except a few, Demo- critus, Leucippus and Epicurus, &c, believed the whole to be directed by a ſu- preme intelligent Being, are faid to have learned their notions from one Mofchus a Phenician, whom fome learned men have thought to be the fame with Mofes the Jewiſh hiſtorian and lawgiver: they all held a vacuum or void ſpace. Befides theſe, we know but little of their tenets; fome of which are menti- oned by Ariftotle, who endeavoured to confute them; as alfo by Laertius, Pliny, in a treatiſe among the works of Plutarch and by Stobaus. Among the moderns fee Cudworth and Stanley. 1384 Some of the ancient Greeks travelled into Egypt where learning then flouriſhed: from thence Thales, the founder of the Ionic ſchool, brought his idea of water being the principle of all things; which feems to be derived from the tradition of our earth taking its origin from a chaos or fluid maſs of heterogeneous mixture: fome of his fucceffors taught that the fun and ſtars were earths heated to a great degree: that the ſtars, like the fun had earths car- ried round them: that the moon would fall to the earth, if ſhe were not whirled round as a ſtone in a fling: quotations to this purpoſe may be ſeen in Gregory's preface to his aſtronomy; that author will have it that they had the know- ledge of mutual gravitation of matter, and of the laws thereof: if he had remembered the doctrine of Empedocles about the alternate fucceffion of friendſhip and averfion to each other, perhaps he might have found therein the modern diſcoveries of attraction and repulfion: but this fure is being too partial in favour of the ancients, to imagin they exhauſted the whole trea- fure of natural knowledge, and left nothing for thoſe that came after them to diſcover. In Egypt Pythagoras learned the true fyftem of the 4 G 2 world 596 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY world; which, though he left nothing in writing himſelf, was maintained by his fcholars. 1385 When Ariftotle came to teach philoſophy at Athens, he contra- dicted moſt of thoſe who went before him; and, according to the cuſtom that then prevailed, began a new fect of philofophers, which grew to be fo much in vogue beyond all the reft, that his opinions were looked upon as inconteſtable. He taught a plenum, that all is full of matter, and that there is no fuch thing as void ſpace in nature: in aſtronomy he maintained that the firſt cauſe which is intelligent, gave motion to the primum mobile, or outermoft orb of the heavens, whereby the diurnal motion of all the hea- venly bodies is produced; but that the fun, moon, and planets are carried round in their ſeveral periods a contrary way, each in its own ſolid orb: that the heavens and heavenly bodies confift of a celeſtial matter fuperior to that of the four elements, and are ingenerable and incorruptible, never had a beginning, and are not liable to any change: that comets are nothing but meteors or exhalations raiſed out of the earth by the heat of the fun and car- ried up into the ether above our atmoſphere, where they burn till the matter of them is confumed: that the cauſe of the levity of flame is that it endea- vours to riſe up to its proper place the ſphere of fire, which he imagined to be above the air: and that the gravity or weight of the earth is cauſed by a tendency towards its own place which is loweſt. As to all fublunary bodies, he held that the three principles from which they ſprung, are privation, matter, and form: when privation is made a principle, it can only mean the ftatus a quo, that every thing becomes what it is from having been fomething elfe before; for example, a table is made out of ſomething that was not a table before: this furely improves our knowledge very little: his materia prima or original matter is to be conceived diveſted of all properties, quantities and qualities; to be neither folid nor fluid, hard nor ſoft, &c. ſo that ſome have thought it would be reduced to nothing: form is that which makes any thing to be what it is, diſtinguiſhed from all other things: now, becauſe in every animal there is, befides fenfeleſs matter, fome ſubſtance added thereto that has life, makes it to be an animal, the followers of Ariftotle will have every inanimate thing to have alſo a ſubſtance annexed to it, which is the form thereof: thus fubftantial forms were introduced into the philofophy of the ſchools; whereas in truth what makes the difference in natural bodies is an affemblage of circumftances or accidents peculiar to each of them; thus, gold is diſtinguiſhed from all other metals by its weight, colour, ductility, being indifolvable in aqua fortis, diſolvable in aqua regia. See Boyle of forms and qualities. 1386 CHAP. 2. 597 ASTRONOMY 1386 The principal advances in natural philoſophy made by the moderns are, the reviving the old Pythagorean fyftem by Copernicus, and the defence thereof by Galileo and Kepler: the diſcoveries by Tycho Brahe that co- mets move at a greater diſtance from our earth than the moon: the laws of motion in falling bodies found by Galileo: the laws of motion in the pla- nets by Kepler: the invention of teleſcopes, microſcopes and the air pump opened a large field of philofophy unknown to the ancients: to which may be added, great improvements in anatomy and chymistry; and the faci- litating the communication of this and all other kind of knowledge by printing. I pafs by the vortexes and fubtle matter of des Cartes as precarious fuppofitions now generally exploded, and proceed to confider the philofophi- cal principles of Sir Ifaac Newton. 1387 That great author, as profeffor Cotes obferves in his preface to the fecond edition of the principia, ufes partly the analytic, partly the fynthetic method: in the analytic, by a number of experiments and ob- fervations, he enquires what the laws of nature are; and theſe being found, in the fynthetic he concludes how they will operate upon various bodies: thus, having found that gravity is a property which univerfally belongs to all bodies near our earth, he firft, from the motion of the moon, demon- ftrated that planet to have the fame gravitation towards the earth as all other bodies have: in like manner, from the motion of the primary planets round the fun, he proved their gravitation towards that luminary; and again from the gravitation of the ſecondary planets, partly towards their primaries and partly towards the fun, he fhewed what were the laws of their motions, and particularly with regard to the moon, gave a more correct theory of her motion than had ever before appeared; and demonſtrated a priori that ſhe muſt, from that two-fold gravitation, have all thofe inequalities which aſtronomers have by incredible labour obſerved. That this is the beft method of philoſophizing is evident from the following rules laid down by the author in his third book, 1. We ſhould allow of no more caufes of phenomena than are neceffary: becauſe nature is fimple, frugal, and does nothing in vain. 2. When effects are the fame, we ſhould affign the fame cauſes, if it be poffible: thus the fall of a ſtone to the earth in Europe is by the fame cauſe as in America: heat is the fame in the fun as in a common fire: reflection of light on the earth is the fame as in the planets. 3. Such qualities as are found in all bodies we are acquainted with may be looked upon as generally belonging to all kind of bodies: fuch as exten- 598 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY extenfion, folidity, impenetrability, mobility, paffiveneſs or inactivity: to which we may add mutual gravitation. 1388 Time, Space, place, and motion, are words often made uſe of, but are in philoſophy frequently underſtood in a different ſenſe from the mean- ing of them in common fpeech; to prevent miſtakes, they may be confidered abſolutely or relatively. The following definitions are according to the Newtonian philoſophy. Abfolute time or fimple duration, confifts of moments following one another in a continual fucceffion, flowing uniformly without any relation to any cre- ated being, has been the fame from all eternity, and will for ever continue the fame. Relative time is fome portion of abfolute time, which our ſenſes meaſure by the apparent motion of one of the heavenly bodies, or by fome machine that meaſures that motion; as a clock, a watch, &c. thus we come by our idea of a year, a month, a day, and the parts thereof, as an hour, a minute, &c. Time may be conceived to be divided into parts leſs and lefs without end: I have ſeen a watch with an hand that in a ſecond of time went round a circle divided into four equal parts. In aftronomical calculations, not only feconds, but thirds, fourths, and fifths are fometimes employed: the leaſt part of time that is fenfible may be different to different perfons; as in ſeeing fome eyes are able to perceive a ſmaller object than others. Abſolute ſpace is always the fame, immoveable, capable of receiving all kind of bodies, extended without limit: we may conceive it divifible into parts leſs and leſs without end, but they cannot be feparated from one another. Relative Space is ſome part of abfolute ſpace of certain dimenfions; thus we may meaſure the infide of an empty caſk, of a room in an houſe; or we inay even confider the dimenfions of the ſpace wherein the whole folar fyftem is contained. Abſolute place of a body is that part of abſolute ſpace occupied or filled therewith, at any given time. Relative place of a body is its fituation deter- mined by other bodies that furround it, or are near it: by the rotation of the earth, London changes its abfolute place continually; but its place in re- lation to the globe of the earth continues the fame: thus alfo the apparent or relative place of a planet or comet at any time is confidered among the fixed ſtars; which, as far as our fenfes inform us, remain invariably in the fame part of abfolute ſpace. Abfolute motion of a body, is its being removed out of one part of abſolute ſpace into another. This motion is fometimes diſcovered by the cauſes thereof, or the power acting thereon; as impulfe, or attraction: fometimes it is known by CHAP. 2: 599 ASTRONOMY by its effects; thus, one proof of the rotation of our earth round its axis is taken from the ſhape thereof, being an oblate ſpheroid, rifing higher at the equator, and the gravity of heavy bodies being there diminiſhed by the cen- trifugal force; as appears by this, that the pendulum of a clock adjuſted to other parts of the globe will there go too flow, and muſt be fhortened to make it keep true time. Relative motion of a body is the change of its relative place: apparent motion is when by the real motion of the ſpectator one way, other bodies that are at reft ſeem to move the contrary way: thus, to a man fitting in a ſhip failing eastward, the ſhores and buildings in view ſeem to move weftward: thus, by our earth turning round its axis, the heavenly bodies appear to go round us: thus alſo the earths annual revolution in her orbit makes the fun appear to go round the ecliptic. 1389 Matter or body is a fubftance extended in length breadth and thick- nefs, limited by fome figure or ſhape, divifible, impenetrable, and moveable, conſiſting of parts feparable from one another; the divifibility of matter into parts leſs and leſs without end, at leaſt in conception, is evident from hence, that we cannot imagin the ſmalleſt particle thereof to be laid upon a plane, but we must neceffarily conceive that the lower fide of it touches the plane, and the upper fide does not: that matter is actually diviſible into an inconceivable number of parts is evident, from many experiments: one grain of gold will gild a prodigious number of yards of wire: one drop of a chymical coloured liquor will vifibly tinge many gallons of water: one grain of perfume will diffuſe a ſcent through every part of a large room: fee Boyle of the nature of effluvia. Shaw's abridg., vol. 1. pag. 403. How fmall the particles of light muſt be was hinted § 228. By the impenetrability of matter is meant that it ſo fills the place it occupies, that no other body can enter therein without difplacing the firft; thus, if a wedge be driven into a piece of wood, it ſeparates the parts of the wood afunder: if a foft body be compreffed fo as to take up lefs room than it did before, this is done by forcing fome other matter out of its pores; as when air or water is fqueezed out of a fpunge; if a peice of metal be hammered fo as to leffen the pores and bring the parts thereof cloſer together, this will make it leſs in bulk. By the mobility of matter is meant that it may be carried out of its place by the impulſe of other matter; thus, a bullet is fent out of a gun by the force of expanded air: a ball is driven to a diſtance by the ſtroke of a racquet. 1390 All matter is of itſelf purely paffive, can neither when at reſt put it- felf in motion, nor when in motion bring itſelf to be at reft, but equally re- fifts any change of either of theſe ſtates into the other: this is called the vis 600 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY vis inertia or the power of inactivity in matter: from which it comes to paſs that there is required the fame force to put any mafs of matter into any given degree of motion, as there is to ftop it, when going on with that degree of motion. If a body be at reft, it will for ever continue in the fame place, if not difturbed by any other thing; if a body be in motion, it will for ever continue to move at the fame rate in a ſtrait line, if not obſtructed or turned out of the way by fome external force; this is matter of obſervation and experience. Ariſtotle alſo taught that matter is paffive. 1391 The quantity of matter in any body is estimated by the folid parts, not by the bulk thereof; becauſe all bodies we are acquainted with contain pores void of matter; and even in the heaviest bodies yet known, their pores take up more ſpace than the ſolid parts do. Newt. optics b. 2. prop. 8. The quantity of matter in any body is known by its weight. 1392 The quantity of motion is meaſured by the quantity of matter and the velocity of the motion of the body moved taken together, i. e. by multiplying one by the other: for the motion of the whole body is the ſum of the mo- tions of all its parts: in two bodies that are equal in quantity of matter, the motion of each is as its refpective velocity: in two bodies A and в equal in quantity of matter, if a moves with double the velocity of B, the motion of A is double, or the force that cauſed it is double to that of B: again, let A be double to B, to make both move with equal velocity, the force applied to a muſt be double to the force applied to B; if I would compare the quantity of motion in two bodies A and B; fuppofe A contains a quantity of matter expreffed by 4, or weighs 4 pound, and moves with a velocity of 2 miles in a minute, multiply 4 by 2, the product 8 expreffes the quantity of motion: fuppofe the quantity of matter in в is 6 pound, the velocity of B 3 miles in a minute, let 6 be multiplied by 3, the product is 18. I fay the quantity of motion in A to that of B, is as 8 to 18. 1393 Impreſſed force is an action exerted upon a body to change the ſtate thereof with regard to motion or reft: this force is not to be conceived as motion inherent in the body moved, and pushing it forward; for, if that were the cafe, fuch continual addition would produce not an uniform, but an accelerated motion like that of falling bodies: the force confifts in the fimple action which cauſes the change; and the body continues in the new ſtate into which the change is made by the vis inertia alone. An impreffed force may arife from different cauſes; as percuffion, preffure, at- traction or centripetal force. Percuffion is the cauſe of motion when one body ftrikes upon another, thus a ball is put into motion by the ftroke of a racquet. If a veffel full of water CHAP. 2. 601 ASTRONOMY water has an hole made near the bottom, a ſtream will run out of it with greater or lefs velocity, according as the preſſure or weight of the incumbent water is greater or lefs: and this weight is eſtimated, not by the largeneſs of the ſurface, but by the height of the columns of water in the veſſel above the hole: a clock is kept going by preffure of the weight, or the ſpring. 1394 By centripetal force is meant any force whereby a body is made to tend towards any point as a center, fuch is gravity, whereby all bodies upon or near the earth have a tendency towards the center of the earth: fuch is the power of the loadſtone to attract iron, fuch is the force whereby the planets are continually kept from flying off in tangents to their orbits and compelled to revolve round the fun; in like manner as a ſtone in a fling, when whirled round, continually endeavours to fly off in a tangent to the circle, but is retained by the hand that holds the ftring. The quantity of centripetal force may be confidered as abfolute, accelerated, motive. 1395 The abfolute quantity of a centripetal force or attraction is meaſured by the ſtrength of the cauſe thereof: thus, the magnetic power of one load- ſtone is greater than that of another. 1396 The quantity of an accelerative centripetal force is meaſured by the velocity it cauſes in the body moved thereby, in a given time: thus, the force of the fame loadſtone is greater the nearer the iron is to it: thus, the force of gravity is greater, and makes a body defcend with greater velocity in a valley or near the fea; than on the top of an high mountain, fee § 1409. 1397 The motive centripetal force of a body is the weight thereof; and is measured by the oppofite force which balances the fame: thus, an heavy body in one ſcale is prevented from defcending towards the center of the earth by another body of equal weight put into the other ſcale. 1398 Befides thoſe mentioned § 1389, there is another property of mat- ter that ſeems not to be effential, but to be fuperadded to it by the Almighty and All-wife Creator, to render it more uſeful for the purpoſes it was made to ſerve; and that is gravity or mutual attraction, whereby every particle of matter has a tendency towards every other particle: this attraction is of two kinds, the attraction of cobefion, whereby fmall bodies placed afunder at very fmall diſtances approach one another, and unite into one mafs; or whereby parts of the fame body adhere and ſtick together: thus, two ſmall drops of quickfilver placed very near each other, will unite together and run into one drop: in folid bodies, the hardneſs of fome is thought to be owing to the parts in contact touching one another in many points: thus we fee in glafs that is broken, the furfaces parted are ſmooth, ſo as to ſhew they were in cloſe contact before they were feparated. 4 H 1399 } 602 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY 1399 The other fort of attraction or gravitation, is that which operates at a diſtance: of this we fee daily inftances in the falling of heavy bodies to the earth: this in a falling ftone may be called gravitation, and is the fame with its weight or tendency towards the center of the earth; in the earth we call it attraction, as if the power that moves it refided in the earth: the truth is, the tendency is reciprocal; and if the ftone were equal in quantity of matter to the earth, thofe bodies would approach towards each other with equal motions; whereas, the difference between the quantity of matter of a common ftone and the earth being enormously great, the motion of the ſtone is very fenfible; but the tendency of the earth to the ſtone ſo inconceivably finall, that the earth may be confidered as perfectly at reft; and therefore we ſay the ſtone gravitates towards the earth, and not the earth towards the ftone: we fay alſo the earth attracts the ſtone, not that the ſtone attracts the earth. To diſtinguiſh it from ſome others of a more confined nature, this attraction may be called general attraction; becauſe it is extended not only to all bodies upon the earth, but alſo to the fun, planets, and comets. The great attraction of the earth is the caufe that the mutual attraction of fmaller bodies is not perceptible. 1400 Of this action of bodies upon each other at a diftance, no mechanical cauſe can be affigned: as for the opinion that it may be effected by ſome fubtle ethereal medium; whatever motion fuch a medium may be ſuppoſed to have, and to communicate to the various bodies in the univerfe, it ſeems probable it might ſcatter them different ways; but it can never be fhewn that it would drive them one towards another, except it were directed by ſome intelligent agent: let half a dozen corks or other light bodies be held down to the bottom of a tub full of water, if let go, the fluid will force them up- wards, but not towards each other. We obferve many inſtances of ſagacity in the brute creation, in providing for fecurity againſt what would injure them or their offspring; and we ſay they are directed by inſtinct; the meaning whereof muſt be, that the author of their being, by fome way unknown to us, difpofes them to fuch actions as tend to their fafety: what reafon have we then to exclude from any part of the material world the influence of that Almighty benevolent Being, who is intimately preſent in all the parts of his own work, and ſupports every thing in fuch order as feems meet to his infi- nite wiſdom? if it be faid that the buſineſs of philofophers is to point out mechanical cauſes, this is true ſo far as we are able to diſcover them; and yet all muſt at laſt be refolved into the will of the Divine architect, who diſpoſed the ſeveral parts of the creation to act upon one another in the man- ner they do; and gave them laws, which, fo long as he thinks fit to continue them, 1 Page 93. боз Book.IV. B B С 1` f е A པ་ 4 2 B A E 1 } A E B C D Я 10 1 F a B b. * A Ꮐ 12 3 + S ΤΩ 6 { 寒 ​E D F A P B D A ་་་་ ·BAAJ KA SA -2 B A Q R D . B 方 ​1 A M L 8 H S G. 11 B K HO H CHA P. 2. 603 ASTRONOMY them, ſhall not be broken: thofe laws are commonly called the laws of nature, into theſe and the manner of their operation, it is the part of a philofopher to enquire; and the only method of fearching them out is, by making expe- riments and obſervations upon the bodies that are within our reach. Sir Ifaac Newton's laws of motion. 1401 In the Newtonian philoſophy the laws of nature are firſt found by experiments, and then from thoſe laws the phenomena of nature are de- duced. The 1 law, every body or parcel of matter would continue in its pre- ſent ſtate of reſt or motion if not diſturbed by fome external caufe: this is a confequence of the inactivity or paffive nature of matter, mentioned § 1390, and is evident from experience; for if a body be laid in any place, there we are ſure to find it at any time afterwards, if nothing removes it: and, as to perfiſting in motion, every projectile or body thrown forward with any force, as a bullet ſhot out of a gun, would for ever perfift to go on in a ſtrait line with the fame velocity, if it met with no obſtruction; whereof this is a plain proof that the bullet has no power to make any change in its own motion. It is true, near the earth, a bullet ſhot out of a gun goes but a very little way with the greateſt velocity, or in the firſt direction given to it: for there are two caufes of the change in the motion thereof; 1, the velocity is gradually retarded by the refiftance of the air, and 2, gravity brings it continually nearer to the earth, and prevailing over the projectile force, makes it fall down. 1402 The 2d law, all motion, or change in motion is proportional to the force that is the cauſe thereof: thus, if a given force moves a body with a certain degree of velocity, double that force will move the fame with a double ve- locity: a treble force will move it three times as faft, &c. in confequence of this law, if a body A in motion be impelled by another body в in the fame direction, a will have its motion accelerated more or lefs in proportion to the ſtrength of the impulfe. If B impells A in a contrary direction it will take away ſo much of the motion of A as the motion of B amounts to: if B impells a with an oblique ſtroke, it will alter the motion of A, and cauſe it to go on in a direction compounded out of its own original direction and the direction of B. 1403 What has now been ſaid of impulſe is applicable alſo to attractive force; a body in motion, if attracted the fame way it is going, will be ac- celerated; if a contrary way, will be retarded in its motion: if with an oblique attraction, it will fuffer a change both in its velocity and its direction. 1404 And here, as a corollary or confequence, it may be proper to lay down the following propofition; if a body be acted upon by two forces, whereof one may be repreſented by one fide, the other by one end of a parallelogram, 4 H 2 the 604 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY FIG. the motion arifing from thoſe two forces combined will be in a diagonal': 1 thus, fig. 1, if a body be urged by a force fufficient to carry it in a certain time from A to B, and at the fame moment be acted upon by another force, that in the fame time would carry it from a toc, it is demonftrable that theſe two forces combined would cauſe it to go in the diagonal AD. From this pro- pofition the converſe follows, that any motion in a ſtrait line AD may be reſolved into two directions, by drawing a parallelogram fo as to make AD the diagonal thereof. 1405 The 3d law, reaction is always equal and contrary to action; if a body a acts upon another B with a given force, whether impulfe or attraction, B acts upon A with an equal force, and in a contrary direction. Thus, when an hammer ſtrikes upon an anvil, the anvil returns the ftroke: if a man ftrikes his hand againſt a ſtone the fame effect will follow, as if the ſtone ſtruck his hand with equal force: if an horſe by a rope pulls againſt a load, the load pulls the horſe with an equal force: this will be evident if the rope when upon the ſtretch be cut in the middle; the two halves of it will then fly with equal velocity, one towards the horſe, the other towards the load: again, if a man in a boat upon a ſtill water, pulls another boat of equal bulk and weight, the two boats pull equally; for they will approach each other with equal velocity, and meet in the middle of the way: if a loadſtone, be laid upon a little boat of cork in a tub of water, and a ſmall piece of iron upon another cork be brought within the ſphere of the loadſtones attractive power, they will both move towards each other, with different velocities, but with an equal quantity of motion; for the iron will move as much. fafter than the loadſtone as the loadſtone is heavier than the iron, § 1391. Action and reaction are ſeen in rowing, fwimming, and flying; when the oar of a rower puſhes the water one way, the water puſhes the boat the con- trary way: in ſwimming, a man puſhing the water one way, the water drives him the contrary way: when a bird beats the air backwards with his wings, the air drives the bird forwards: when a bird beats the air downwards with a force exactly equal to his own weight, as an hawk fometimes does, he is ſuſpended in the air, without making any progreffive motion. CHAP. 3. GRAVITATION OR ATTRACTION: THE LAWS OF FALLING BODIES: PENDULUMS: PROJECTILES: CENTRI- FUGAL FORCE: REPULSION: ELECTRICITY. 1406 That all kind of bodies at the fame diſtance from the earth gravitate towards the fame, or weigh more or lefs according to the quantity of matter in them, as was ſaid § 1391, may be illuſtrated by the following fuppofitions ; I, CHAP. 3. 605 ASTRONOMY 1, the atoms or ſmalleſt particles whereof bodies are compofed are fimilar; 2, every atom has a like gravitation: now if we imagin every atom of an heavy body, as for inſtance a ſtone, to have one end of a thread tied thereto, and the other end to be faftened to an atom in the earth, we may eaſily con- ceive why the gravity of a body is greater or lefs according to the quan- tity of matter or the number of atoms whereof it confifts: for a body a that has one thouſand atoms is attracted as if it were pulled by a thouſand threads; another body в with two thouſand atoms is attracted as if pulled by two thouſand threads; they will therefore both of them move with equal velocity; becauſe they are each of them urged with a force proporti- onal to the quantity of matter to be put into motion: the double quantity is moved with double force: for this reafon a cubic inch of lead weighs more than a cubic inch of wood; becauſe there are a much greater number of atoms in the lead than in the wood. Theſe two bodies weigh unequally in a balance, becauſe the heavier body having a greater momentum preffes the ſcale with double the force of the other: they do however when all obftructions are removed, as in the exhauſted receiver of an air pump, fall to the earth. with equal velocity; becauſe each body is urged by a force proportional to its quantity of matter; the double quantity is acted upon by a double force. 1407 If the earth contained more matter than it does, its attraction would be ſtronger, and all bodies near it would be heavier than they now are: for we may confider a ſtone of one pound weight as if it were pulled by as many threads as there are atoms in the earth: ſo that if the earth had twice the quantity of matter, that is twice the number of atoms, the ſame ſtone would weigh two pound, as if it were pulled by twice as many threads. Corollary. The fame body at a given diſtance from the center of jupiter would weigh as much more than at the like diſtance from the center of the earth as the quantity of matter in jupiter is greater than in the earth: in the fame manner the weight of any body upon the fun or any of the planets may be eſtimated; or converfely, the attraction of a planet being found, the quantity of matter therein may be known. 1408 The mutual attraction or gravitation of bodies is not a new notion, but has been mentioned as a probable thing by ſeveral writers: Sir Ifaac Newton was the firſt who, by a large induction of particulars, proved the truth and univerfality of it: and, by a fublime geometry fearched out the laws by which this power acts: he gives us a caution that when he uſes the words attraction or gravitation he would not be underſtood to affign the mechanical cauſe of the operations performed thereby: this he owns to be unknown; yet does ง 606 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY does not bring into philofophy occult qualities in the fenfe of the Ariftotelians, who pretended thofe qualities arofe from their forms, allowed by them to be things unknown; and therefore their faying a phenomenon aroſe from fome occult quality was the fame as if they had ſaid they knew nothing about it: whereas in the Newtonian philoſophy attraction or gravitation is ſhewn to be univerfal, reaching, without any exception, through the whole viſible fyftem; not only to all kind of bodies upon our earth, but even to the fun, moon, planets and comets. And, although we are ignorant of the cauſe of this power, it may be of great ufe to determine the laws and inveſtigate the confequences of it. 1409 The law of this gravitation is, that it decreaſes in the fame pro- portion as the fquares of the diſtance between the attracting bodies increaſe; thus, a ſtone near the furface of the earth tends towards the center with a force four times as great, or weighs four times as heavy, as it would do if it were twice as far diftant from the center. We cannot indeed carry any body to fuch an height above the earth as to make experiments of this; but the pendulum of a clock of the fame length performing its vibrations quicker when carried near the equator than when near the poles, is a de- monftration of the truth of what is here afferted, as will be fhewn hereafter. 1410 At the fame diſtance from the earth, taking away the reſiſtance of the air, gravity equally accelerates all falling bodies, whether great or ſmall heavy or light: this appears by an experiment made by an air-pump with a long receiver exhaufted, in the top whereof was placed a feather, a piece of paper and a guinea; if theſe be ſo held as to be all let fall at the fame moment, they will all come to the bottom of the receiver at the fame time. That all kind of bodies at the fame diſtance from the earth gravitate equally, or are of equal weight in proportion to the quantity of matter, is farther evident by the following experiment; let any number of boxes be prepared of the fame ſhape and fize, that the refiftance of the air may be equal to all of them; into each put different matter; into one lead, into another iron, into a third wood, &c. ſo as to make each box with what is contained therein of equal weight, fuppofe two pound; let them be all ſeverally fufpended with lines of equal length: if they be all drawn at the ſame time to equal diſtances from the perpendicular fituation, they will all, like fo many pendulums, keep exactly the ſame time in their courſes and recourſes. In the firft of thefe experiments, the refiftance of the air being taken off, all bodies fall together with the fame velocity: in the ſecond, the boxes being all equal in ſurface, the reſiſtance of the air is the fame to all of them: and I the CHAP. 3. 607 ASTRONOMY the boxes being all-equal in weight, they all keep equal time in their fwings. FIG. 1411 Aweight ſuſpended upon a pin by a ftring or wire is called a pendulum: the length of the pendulum is meaſured from the pin, which is called the point of fufpenfion, to the center of gravity of the weight: fig. 2, if the 2 weight be drawn to c and let go, the force of gravity would carry it down- wards in the line CD; but, being confined by the ftring it cannot go out of the circle, and must therefore go towards E, and will by acceleration in its fall acquire force enough to carry it up to A, an height equal to that of c from whence it fell; from a it will then with the fame force as before fall to E and rife to c, and from thence back again to A, and fo on without ceafing, if it were not for the refiftance of the air, and the friction of the pin; but thoſe two caufes will gradually abate the length of its fwings, till at last it fettles at reft in E. The weight for a clock is uſually of a lenticular form, that it maypaſs through the air the more eafily. The ſhorter the length of a pendulum is the quicker are its fwings, and that in the following proportion; the fquares of the times of the ſwings are inverſely as the lengths of the pendulums: if the length of a pendulum be one foot it will ſwing twice as faſt as one of 4 feet. As theair is fome times more denſe and its refiſtance greater than at other times, the ſwings of the fame pendulum will not always reach to the ſame length of ſpace; if the fwings be made in a circle, longer fwings will take longer times: a fmall fpring is ufually placed at the upper end of the pendu- lum to a clock, whereby the weight, inſtead of a circle, is made to go nearly in the arc of a curve called a cycloid: by this means the fwings will be in equal times, though unequal in length. A wire or bar of metal is lengthened by heat, and ſhortened by cold, and brafs more than iron: to remedy this inconvenience in the pendulum of a clock, Mr. Graham fixed to the rod a weight of quickfilver contained in a glafs with a tube, wherein the quickfilver ſhould rife by heat, fo as to keep- the center of gravity of the weight always at the fame diſtance from the point of ſuſpenſion: others have invented what is called the gridiron pendulum, a com- bination of braſs and iron wires fo to counteract one another, as to keep the pendulum of the fame length, in hot or cold weather: others have attempted the fame thing by the lever pendulum: fome have made uſe of a ſmall rod of wood painted over, to prevent it from imbibing any moiſture from the air: this laſt I have been told has fucceeded very well; wood is not apt to fwell. or fhrink lengthways of the grain. 142 Any heavy body, as a ſtone, a bullet of lead, &c. let fall from a. confiderable height may eafily be obferved to defcend with greater velocity the 608 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY FIG. the nearer it comes to the ground: the law of this acceleration, firſt diſco- vered by Galileo, is this, the ſpace a falling body goes through (ſetting afide the refiftance of the air) is as the fquares of the times, reckoned from the beginning of its fall: for inftance, let the whole time the body is falling be divided into any number of very ſmall parts, which to avoid a multiplicity of words may be called moments, whatever be the length of the line gone through in the firſt moment, in 2 fuch moments it will go though 4 of thoſe lengths; in 3 fuch moments it will go through 9 of thofe lengths; in 4 it will go though 16 of thoſe lengths, &c. I 1413 It appears from experiments made by feveral perfons that an heavy body near the earth (abſtracting from the refiftance of the air) falls 16 Engliſh feet and 1 inch in a fecond of time: when I fay near the earth, I mean if let fall from the higheſt place we can go to, as the top of an high tower, or of a mountain; for all fuch heights bear fo fmall a proportion to the femidiameter of the earth as to be quite inconfiderable. See in Defaguliers experimental philofophy, vol. 1. p. 342. an account of letting fall leaden bullets from the top of the infide of the cupola of St. Pauls London. The diſtance of the furface of the earth from the center at the equator is feveral miles greater than at the poles, § 1191; perhaps the difference in falling bodies near the equator or near one of the poles would fcarcely be perceptible; but a pendulum by a number of ofcillations will diſcover it: and accordingly, a clock that went very well at Paris required to have the pendulum ſhortened to bring it to true time when carried near the equator. 1414 When a body near the earth is projected or thrown in any other di- rection befides that towards the center it is called a projectile: and is faid to be driven by a projectile force: an arrow ſent from a bow, or a ball ſhot out of a gun is a projectile. 14:15 If a body be thrown upwards in a line perpendicular to the horizon, 3 fig. 3, it will in its afcent, by its gravity towards the earth, be continually retarded, ſo as to rife flower and flower, till it is got to the utmoſt height to which the impelling force can carry it; from thence it defcends with an accelerated motion in the manner deſcribed § 1412. 3 At all points of equal diftance from the earth as B, C, D, the fame body goes with equal velocity defcending as it did afcending: for it is equally af- fected by gravity at each of thoſe points, both in the aſcent and deſcent. 1416 Aball ſhot out of a gun if it met with no obſtruction would, by the firſt law of motion, go on for ever in a ſtrait line with the fame velocity; whereas it goes ſo but a little way, becauſe it is retarded by the refiftance of the air, and is by gravity pulled continually nearer to the earth, and made to deſcribe a curve CHAP. 3. 609 ASTRONOMY curve called a parabola, § 191, the line wherein it moves bending more and FIG. more downwards till it falls upon the earth, fig. 4. The greater the force of the powder is the farther will the ball go before it falls to the earth: we may fuppofe a ball to be thrown with force enough to carry it 20, 40, or even 100 miles, though no engin can be invented of force fufficient for that effect; and if it could be thrown even 1000 miles, the centripetal force being ſtronger than the projectile would bring it gradually nearer the earth, and at laſt cauſe it to fall thereon. We may farther ſuppoſe a ball to be thrown horizontally, at a ſmall diſtance from the earth, with a velocity that would carry it the length of a great circle upon the earth, in a given time, and we may ſuppoſe it to be acted upon by a centripetal force adequate to the projectile; i. e. juft fufficient to balance the fame, neither too weak ſo as to permit the ball to be carried farther from the earth, nor too ſtrong ſo as to bring it nearer; in this cafe, it would, if the refiftance of the air were taken away, continue for ever to circulate round the earth, at a ſmall diſtance from the furface thereof: for, by the first law of motion, it would continue to go forward with the fame velocity, and the centripetal force would continually bend its direction towards the earth, and prevent its receding farther from it, in the fame manner as a ſtone whirled in a fling is hindred from flying off, ſo long as the hand holds the ſtring. 1417 If a body be projected in the line A B, fig. 5, and attracted at the fame time towards fome point out of the line of its direction as s, it will deſcribe a curve whofe concave fide fhall be towards the centripetal point; for the line it goes in will fall continually below AB, the line of its firſt direction: and a line drawn from that point to the body will ſweep over equal areas in equal times, whether the center be at reſt, or moves uni- formly in a ſtrait line. 4 1418 If a body, by adequate projectile and centripetal forces, be carried with an uniform velocity in a circle, a line drawn from the center to the circum- ference of the circle will fweep over equal areas in equal times; that is to ſay, the triangular areas ASB, BSC, CSD, &c. fig. 6, will be equal: this is obvious in a circle; becauſe the arcs AB, BC, CD, &c. gone through in equal times being equal, and the fides AS, BS, CS, DS, &c. being likewife equal, the triangles are equal. 1419 This propofition is alſo true with regard to any body carried round the focus of an ellipfis, and urged with a centripetal force adequate to the projec- tile towards the focus, that a line drawn from the focus to the body moving in the circumference of the ellipfis will pafs over equal areas in equal times as before. See the following figure. 5 6 Let 610 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY FIG. Let the time be divided into equal parts, in the firſt part of time let the body, 7 by whatever impulfe, go from A to B, fig. 7, in the fecond part, if nothing hindred, it would, by the first law of motion, go on an equal length from B to c, then the line BS would fweep over a triangle B sc equal to ASB: but when the body is at B, let the centripetal force act upon it, fo as in the fame time that its impulfe would carry it to c, the centripetal force would car- ry it to v; compleat the parallelogram BVCC, and the body will go to c in the diagonal BC, by § 1404. Now cc being parallel to SB, the triangles SBC and SBC will be equal, becauſe they are between parallel lines SB and cc: by the fame argument, will each triangle SCD, SDE, SEF &C. be proved equal to SBA. If any number of thoſe triangles be added together, the total fums as ADS and FCs will be proportional to the times wherein they are deſcribed. If the lines AB, BC &c. be continued round a center, they will form a polygon; and if the fides of the polygon be indefinitely increaſed in number, and indefinitely decreafed in length, they will form a curve, a circle, or an ellipfis: and the propofition will be true of thoſe curves, that a line drawn from the center to a body in the circumference of the circle, or from the focus to a body in the circumference of the ellipfis, will fweep equal areas in equal times. Newton. princip. p. 35 edit. Cantab. 1713. 1420 The converfe of the propofition immediately preceding is alſo true, that where the line drawn from the central point to a body going in the circumference of a circle, or from the focus to a body going in the circum- ference of an ellipfis, ſweeps equal areas in equal times, the body revolving round in a circle or ellipfis is urged by a contripetal force towards the center of the circle, or the focus of the ellipfis. Newt. ibid. From hence it is proved, that the planets and comets are all urged with a centripetal force towards the fun; becaufe lines drawn from every one of them to the fun, fweep over equal areas in equal times: by the fame argument, it is alſo proved, that every fecondary planet is urged with a centripetal force towards its primary: thus, the moon defcribes equal areas in equal times round the earth; as does alfo every fatellit of jupiter round jupiter; every fatellit of faturn round faturn: this is true, except when the centripetal force is diſturbed by the gravitation of fome other body: the moons motion is diſturbed, that is, fometimes retarded, fometimes accelerated by the fun, as will be fhewn hereafter. 1421 The fame propofition will help us to illuftrate and explain the re- volutions of the primary planets, in elliptical orbits, not much differing from circles, round the fun, in one of the focufes of each ellipfis. One CHAP. 3. 611 ASTRONOMY One example will ſerve to illuftrate what has been faid: let the ellipfis FIG. A B C D E F G H I K LM, fig. 8, reprefent the orbit of a planet, going therein ac- 8 cording to the order of the letters, round the fun at s, in one of the focufes of the ellipfis; and let the time of its revolution be divided into any number of equal parts, fuppofe twelve: in coming from a through B, C, D, &c. the planet approaches nearer to the fun; and, the centripetal force continually increafing its velocity, goes through greater arcs in equal times, till it comes to G; from thence its motion continually carries it to a greater diftance from the fun, and confequently its velocity is retarded by the attraction of the fun, and it defcribes in equal times, arcs. lefs and lefs, till it returns to A; from whence it proceeds as before: now the triangular areas paffed over by the line drawn from the planet to the center of the fun, in equal times, will be equal; becauſe, as in the planets going in the first half of the ellipfis, from A to G, the arcs, which may be confidered as the bafes of the mixed triangles, deſcribed in equal times grow longer and longer, the legs grow fhorter, fo as to keep the triangular areas equal: in the other half of the ellipfis, in the planets going from its perihelion at G to its aphelion at A, the arcs grow horter, but their ſhortneſs is compenfated by the greater length of the legs, ſo as to make the areas of the ſeveral triangles exactly equal. 1422 If a body thrown by a projectile force in a direction AE, is at the fame time urged by an adequate centripetal force, in a direction perpendicular to the line of the projectile force, it will defcribe a circle; and, if it meet with no refiftance, will go perpetually round in the fame. See fig. 6. If the line wherein a body is carried by a projectile force makes an ob- lique angle with the line of the direction of the centripetal force, and the two forces be adequate one to the other, the body will be carried round in an ellipfis, whereof the central or attracting point fhall be one of the focuſes. See fig. 9 and 10. 6 9 If the line of projection AB fig. 9, makes an acute angle BAF, with the line of direction of the centripetal force AF, the body will approach nearer to the attracting point, how fmall foever the force be wherewith it is attracted. If the line of projection AB fig. 10, makes an obtufe angle BAG, 10 with the line of direction of the centripetal force AG, the body will recede farther off from the attracting point, how great foever the attracting force be. 1423 Let us now confider the projectile and centripetal forces together, as they are compounded in the revolutions of the primary planets round the fun: If the projectile force or velocity of a planet be adequate to the centripetal, that is, if they be fo: adjusted that neither can overcome the other, and at the beginning of the revolution, the direction of the projectile force were in 4 I 2 a 612 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY FIG. a tangent to a circle perpendicular to the radius, or line of direction of the centripetal force, the planet would be carried round in a circle, and meeting with no refiftance, continue to go in the fame for ever; for, by the laws of nature, the planet by reafon of its inactivity, being once put into motion the velocity muſt continue the fame, and the centripetal force continuing the fame alſo, perpetually bends it down to the fame diſtance from the ſun. 9 If the projectile and centripetal forces being adequate as above mentioned, the line of the projectile force makes an oblique angle with the line of di- rection of the centripetal force, the planet muft revolve in an ellipfis, whereof the fun would be in one focus, fig. 9 and 10. 1424 If at the beginning of the planets revolution, the centripetal force acting at right angles to the projectile be too ftrong for the fame, the planet will deſcribe an ellipfis, fig. 9, and the point a from whence the planet ſet out will be its aphelion: but, if the centripetal force be too weak for the projectile, it will go in an ellipfis having its perihelion in the point where 10 it began its motion, fig. 10. 1425 When a planet is carried in an ellipfis round the fun at s, according 11 to the order of the letters fig. 11, as it goes from A to B, from в through CDP, it approaches nearer to the fun, making an acute angle with the line drawn to the focus; its velocity thereby increaſes all the way to the perihelion; there the directions of the two forces are at right angles with each other; but the projectile force is ſo increaſed as to overcome the centripetal, and confequently carry it farther from the fun; in its progreſs though the other half of the ellipfis PQRTA; there gradually receding from the fun, and making an obtuſe angle with a line drawn to the focus; it is therefore retarded by the funs attraction, all the way to the aphelion at A, and in going to that diſtance from the fun, the projectile force is fo weakened that the centripetal force prevails over it, and brings it down again through ABCD &c. and thus it goes on for ever, the centripetal force and projectile prevailing alternately. 1426 When a planet moves in an ellipfis round the fun, the line of di- rection of the projectile motion is every where inclined in an oblique angle with the direction of the centripetal, except in two points, the aphelion and pe- rihelion. In the aphelion, a planet is fo fituated that the line of direction of the projectile force is perpendicular to the direction of the centripetal; it will not however go on in a circle, becauſe there the centripetal force prevails, and brings it down towards the fun: in the perihelion alſo, thoſe two lines of direction are one perpendicular to the other; but there the projec- tile force is too ftrong for the centripetal, and therefore carries the planet farther off from the fun.. 1427 Page bis C 14 ΤΩ d Book IV. C 13 15 D B A h D A 16 10 C a A 94 m B n 17. 18 A 30 AIND CHAP. 3. 613 ASTRONOMY 1427 Whiston was of opinion, that all the planets originally revolved round FIG. the fun in cirles, and all in the fame plane; and that the cauſe of their mo- tions being now in ellipfes and in different planes was the near approach of comets: for a comet coming near a planet on the eaſt fide would, by attract- ing it the fame way it was a going, accelerate its motion, and make it go in an ellipfis, larger than its original circle: but a comet approaching near a planet on the weft fide would retard its motion, and cauſe it to go in an ellipfis lets than the circle wherein it before revolved; and that, if a comet moving in a different plane came near a planet, it would attract it in ſuch a manner as to make it revolve in a new plane nearer to the plane of the comet. 1428 Every body whirled round in a circle endeavours continually, during its revolution, to fly off in a tangent to the circle it deſcribes; this appears by various experiments: let a ſtone in a fling be carried round in the circle A B C D according to the order of the letters, fig. 12. when the ſtone is at a, 12 if it be let looſe, it will fly off in the tangent Aa: if it be let looſe when at B, it will fly off in Bb: if let looſe at c, it will fly off in cc, &c. the force which urges the ſtone is called a centrifugal force; becauſe it tends to carry it farther and farther from the center of the circle; though not in a direct line from the center. The like effect of the centrifugal force may be ſeen in the drops of water thrown from the rim of a mill-wheel im- merſed in water and going ſwiftly round: as alſo, to mention a more homely experiment, in the drops that fly from a wet mop whirled briſkly round. 1429 The greater the velocity is wherewith a body is carried round, the ftronger is the centrifugal force: thus, the quicker a ſtone is whirled round in a fling, the farther will it go when let loofe. While the ſtone is retained in its circular motion, the centrifugal and the centripetal forces may be faid to be equal; the ſtring is pulled equally by the ſtone and by the hand which holds it, § 1405. If a ſtone in a fling be whirled round with fuch velocity that the centrifugal force is greater than the ſtrength of the ſtring can counterbalance,, the ſtring will be broken and the ſtone fly off. As a planet is whirled round the fun, the projectile force may be con- fidered as centrifugal, in as much as it would fly off in a tangent, if the centripetal force were to ceaſe acting thereon. 1430 In a globe which has a rotation round its axis,. the ſeveral parts of the furface thereof are carried with different degrees of velocity,, and confe- quently with different degrees of centrifugal motion; in the parts near the poles this motion is very flow; in the equatoreal parts it is quickeſt: and. this is the cauſe of the earth being a flatted ſpheroid. See § 1199. 143 F 614 BOOK 4* ASTRONOMY RIG 13 1431 The moon is impelled round her orbit by a projectile farce, and retained from flying off in a tangent, by a centripetal force adeqate to the projectile, that is, by her gravitation towards the earth: that the centripetal force urges the moon towards the earth is evident by § 1420. That the gravitation of the moon towards the earth is of the fame nature with that which makes heavy bodies fall to the earth, mentioned § 1398, 1399, and follows the fame rule, given § 1409, was firſt diſcovered by Sir Ifaac Newton, and is proved in the following manner: the time of one revolution of the moon round the earth, is known to be 27d 7h 43′ 5″: from thence may be computed what arc fhe goes in her orbit in one minute of time: let it be the arc AB, fig. 13, draw AD which will fhew how far the moon would be carried by the projectile force alone in one minute, draw BC parallel to AD, AC will be equal to DB, and fhews how far the moon would fall to- wards the earth by the centripetal force alone in one minute; A C is equal to the verfed fine of the arc A B: this is found to be 3600 times leſs than the ſpace a falling body near the earth is carried through in a minute: now the diſtance of the moon being 60 femidiameters of the earth, her gravitation is 60 multiplied by 60 or 3600 times lefs than the gravitation of bodies near the earth; and confequently the gravitation of the moon follows the fame rule as that of other bodies mentioned § 1409. See the calculation in Whiston's prelect. math. 1432 When jupiter and faturn are near conjunction, they diſturb each others motions; as hath been obferved by aftronomers: near the fame conjunctions alſo, ſome irregularities have been obſerved in the fatellits of jupiter, which they are not ſubject to at other times, and are owing, no doubt, to the attraction of ſo large a body as that of faturn. Comets may be diſturbed by fome of the larger planets, and by one another: that this might not often happen, is probably the reafon why their orbits are not fo nearly in the fame planes as thoſe of the planets, but are variouſly placed, that they might not come near one another in their aphelions, where their projectile and centripetal forces are weakeſt, and where they might moft eafily be dif turbed. See § 1324 & 1325. 1433 The general mutual gravitation or attraction of matter is proved by various experimets: it is by gravitation that the particles of light are bent, in paffing very near to any ſolid body, § 220. That the rays of light are refracted in paffing out of one medium into another of a different denſity, 213: it is by attraction that ſeveral operations in chemiſtry are performed, as diffolutions, precipitations, &c. of which fee Boyle's works epitomized by Shaw, vol. 1. in the article precipitation. Newtons optics, pag. 355. &c. Friends prelectiones chemica: to the fame cauſe is owing the afcent of liquors in CHAP. 3! 615 ASTRONOMY in capillary tubes: and partly the rifing of the fap in trees and plants: it is the fame power that raiſes the tides; namely, the gravity of the water to- wards the fun and moon, eſpecially the moon, which, though greatly infe- rior to the fun in bulk, on account of her being vaftly nearer to the earth, has a much ſtronger effect, as will appear when we come to confider the tides: the fame attraction of the moon is the cauſe of the preceffion of the equinox; wherein the attraction of venus and jupiter are alſo thought to have fome Thare, of which more hereafter. Thus is the truth of the fact eſtabliſhed with regard to mutual gravitation of all kind of bodies, whether in the heaven or on the earth. 1434 Befides the general mutual gravitation or attraction of matter, which operates according to the fame law as is obferved in all forces or powers that are diffufed from a center, as light, heat, &c. § 88 & 1409. There are alſo particular attractions obfervable in fome forts of bodies, as amber, fealing wax, glafs, and fome precious ftones, which, warmed a little by rubbing, have a power of attracting light bodies, as little bits of paper, feathers, filk, thread, &c. thefe bodies are faid to be electrical, from electrum, the latin word for amber, in which, this property was firſt or principally obſerved. The loadſtone has a particular attraction which it exerts only towards iron, when near it, and is faid to be diminiſhed in a ratio of a cube and a quarter of its diſtance: that is, if the diftance be twice as great, the attraction will Defaguliers courfe of experimental philoſophy vol. 1. be 10 times as weak. p. 16 & 40. but fee § 1438. Befides theſe, there are particular attractions be- tween certain bodies, as between fulphureous bodies and light; for light acts with greater force upon fuch bodies than upon any other, and will fooner kindle them into fire and flame. Newt. optics, quere 7. Salt of tartar attracts the watery particles that float in the air, which other falts will not do, ibid P. 351. Water and oil of vitriol poured fucceffively into the fame veffel grow hot in mixing, which heat argues a great motion in the liquors, and this motion is a proof that the liquors rufh towards one another. That the fame acid liquor is attracted by one metal more than another is evident from experi- ments, for aqua fortis will diffolve filver and not gold; aqua regia will diffolve gold and not filver. Newton's optics p. 357. 1435 There is another property of matter, in fome bodies at leaſt, contrary to attraction, and that is repulfion: we have feveral inftances of this which ſhall now be mentioned; in electrical experiments, the fame body which in ſome circumſtances is attracted, in others will be repelled: a glafs tube of about two inches bore, warmed by rubbing, will alternately attract bits of paper, thread, &c. and drive them from it again. If 616 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY If a piece of iron be laid upon mercury, it will caufe that fluid to be de- preffed round the edges of the iron: if an oily fubftance lighter than water be laid thereon, the water in like manner will be depreffed, as if it were repelled and driven from it: repulfion takes place between fome bodies as foon as they are ſo diſtant from each other as to be out of the ſphere of the attraction of coheſion: however, bodies that repell may be brought fo near as to attract each other: thus, oil and water may be ſhaked together till they mix: thus alfo, quickfilver by rubbing an amalgama of it made with tin upon iron, may be made to adhere thereto. 1436 The greateſt inſtance of repulfion is found in the air, the contraction and expanſion whereof to Sir Ifaac Newton appeared quite unintelligible, by fuppofing the particles of air to be ſpringy and ramous, or rolled up like hoops, or by any other means than a repulfive power: optics p. 371. By reaſon of this repulfion, air is capable of fuch compreffion and dilatation that it may be ſqueezed fo as to take up but an exceeding fmall part of the room which it fills in its natural ſtate; on the other hand, it is capable of being rarified to that degree that only one cubic inch of air, ſuch as commonly furrounds us near the earth, if all preffure were taken therefrom, would ex- pand itſelf through the whole orbit of faturn. Air is thought by Sir Ifaac Newton to confiſt of particles which repell or fly from one another with a force which is reciprocally proportional to the diſtance between the centers of the particles. Air, notwithſtanding its elaſticity, is capable of being fixed to folid bodies of various kinds, and as it were con- folidated with them; and may again be ſeparated from them, and reſtored to its natural elaftic ftate. Many ſolid hard bodies confiſt partly of air in a fixed ſtate, its particles cohering by a ſtrong attraction; but may be ſeparated, by fire or fermentation, from the body wherein they are impriſoned, and be- come true elaſtic air: and this air, after being let loofe, may again be abſorbed, and confolidated with the body from which it was ſeparated. A cubic inch of heart of oak was found to contain 208 cubic inches of air, ſuch as we breath near the earth, which air, when contained in the wood, if it had been in an elaſtic ſtate, would have rent it into ſhivers, with an exploſion like that of gunpowder: but its particles being in cloſe contact, and adhering to one another, or to the particles of the wood by at- traction, conſtituted a part thereof, and was in weight about a fourth part of the cube of oak. But of all bodies whereon the late worthy Dr. Hales made experiments, he fays human calculus contains the greateft quantity of air: fee his vegetable ſtatics, vol. 1. chap. 6. It CHAP. 3. 617 ASTRONOMY It is by attraction that the minute particles of folids are fo cloſely united to thoſe of fluids, as to make the whole become tranſparent: thus, watery and earthy particles of various kinds are diffolved in air, and ſuſpended therein : thus alfo, falt is fufpended in fea water, metals and other heavy bodies in fuch menftruums as difolve them. See this finely illuftrated in the philofo- phical tranſactions for 1765, page 146. 1437 Theſe two properties, attraction and repulfion, ſeem to contradi& what has before been ſaid of matter, that it is void of all activity, is of itſelf purely paffive, and incapable of all ſpontaneous motion. We have a very clear apprehenfion that one body or parcel of matter may affect another, as to motion or reft, by ftriking thereon, fo as to put it in motion if it be at reſt, or to change its direction if it be in motion: but we can form no idea how any two parts of matter can act upon each other at a diſtance; for, then they must be fuppofed to act where they are not: Sir Ifaac Newton was of opinion that there was diffuſed through the univerſe, at leaſt through the folar fyftem, a prodigious thin and ſubtle ethereal fluid, by the impulſe of which upon the folid particles of matter the powers of attraction and repulfion are made to act; but then it is not eaſy to apprehend how the im- pulſe of this ethereal fluid fhould always act in fo regular a manner, accord- ing to fixt and eſtabliſhed laws, as it is found by obfervation and experiments to do, without the guidance of fome intelligent agent: if therefore we ſhould attribute theſe powers to the immediate interpofition of the Divine Being, I can fee nothing in this opinion unworthy of a Chriſtian philo- fopher: non vacat exiguis rebus adeffe Jovi, might pafs with an heathen, who imagined it to derogate from the majeſty of the fupreme Lord of the univerſe to give his attention to fmall matters, or thought the taſk too great for him to overlook and conduct the whole; and therefore affigned different deities to different parts of the world, Jupiter to govern the heaven, Ceres on the earth, Neptune in the fea, &c: but to us who have better inſtructions concerning the Divine attributes, who have been taught that God is preſent every where, fills heaven and earth; that nothing can eſcape his knowledge, or refift his power, that in him and by him, all things animate and inanimate, move and have their being; it cannot appear unreaſonable to reſolve all at laſt into his will and pleaſure, as the firſt cauſe of all appearances and effects both in heaven and earth, and in the infinite ſpace that furrounds them: indeed the Divine omnipreſence in all times, as well as in every place is ſo much above our comprehenfion, that it is difficult to find words to exprefs our conception thereof: what ever we can fay of ſpirit must be borrowed from expreffions taken from the fenfations of the human mind: Sir Ifaac Newton had ſaid the Deity 4 K 618 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY · CC Deity perceived what ever paffed, fully and intimately, as it were in his fenfo- rium; this raiſed fome clamour among his adverfaries, which Mr. Maclaurin has anſwered in a very proper manner; "that the expreffion conveys a very ſtrong idea of the intimate preſence of the Deity every where, and of his "perceiving whatever happens in the compleateft manner, without the uſe of any intermediate agents or inftruments; and that Sir Isaac made uſe "of it, with this view only; for he very carefully guards againft our imagining that external objects acted upon the Deity, or that he ſuffers any paffion or reaction from them." Maclaurin's account of Sir Isaac Newton's philofophy page 383. CC 1438 Electricity has employed the attention of a great number of perfons, in order to inveftigate the properties, the cauſe and effects of it: the theory thereof is not yet brought to perfection. This I think we may fay is difco- vered, that there is in many bodies a latent fire confined, which breaks forth when all compreffion is removed from it: thus, quickfilver in a glaſs bottle void of air, when fhook, fends forth light, which it will not do in an open bottle, wherein its furface is preffed upon by the ambient air. Electricity as well as magnetiſm is thought to be cauſed by the efflux of particles from the electrical or magnetical body, and their return to it again, carrying along with them fuch bodies as they meet with. See in Boyle's works abridged, vol. 1. effluvia: electricity. Newton's optics pag. 314. &c. In 1709 Mr. Hawksbee publiſhed a book of phyfico-mechanical experi- ments, feveral of which are electrical: after that, we have many inftances of the properties of electricity related in the philofophical tranfactions, down to the preſent time, eſpecially thoſe of late years; wherein an infinite number of experiments have been made, and ſeveral treatiſes have been written in divers parts of Europe, by Mr. Franklin, the Abbee Nolet, Mr. Watfon, Mr. Wilson, &c. See the hiftory and preſent ftate of electricity by Dr. Priestley, in 4to. printed in 1767 for Dodfley, &c. Here the reader will meet with a large account of what has hitherto been done by others, or by the author himſelf; who, befides relating fome experiments of his own, has given many valuable hints about the defiderata, or things ftill wanted to be difcovered in electricity; has furniſhed the unpractifed electrician with inftructions how to proceed in his enquiries, and given a deſcription of an apparatus, proper for exhibiting the experiments that have been already made, or for making a farther progrefs in this curious part of natural phi- lofophy. The greatest utility arifing from what is hitherto known on this ſubject, is our being able to obviate in fome meaſure the miſchiefs caufed CHAP. 3. 619 ASTRONOMY cauſed by lightning: and to cure fome diſeaſes that will not fubmit to any other medicine. Mufchenbrook has a treatiſe about the loadſtone, wherein, after a great num- ber of experiments, he is forced to own himſelf at a lofs, how to account for the ſeveral phenomena obferved by him; nor could he diſcover any law according to which the force of magnetic attraction is diminiſhed by the diſtance of the iron from the loadſtone: Sir Ifaac Newton, by fome coarſe experiments judged that magnetiſm decreaſed in about the triplicate ratio of the diftance, princip. p. 368. But theſe ſpeculations I ſhall not purſue any farther, as they do not relate to my preſent ſubject. Remarks upon § 1411. 1439 The definition here given may ſerve well enough for what is called a fimple pendulum; namely, a ſmall bullet ſuſpended by a fine thread; the 'length whereof may be taken without much error as here deſcribed: when the weight is of confiderable dimenfions, as thoſe of large clocks are, the length is taken from the point of fufpenfion to the center or point of oſcil- lation, which in a globe is below the center thereof, but its diftance from the center is leſs the longer the ftring is: if the globe be ſuſpended by a rod, as in common clocks, the weight and length of the rod muft be taken into the account, in order to find the center of ofcillation; as may he feen in Hugenius de Horolog. ofcillator. Rowning's natural philoſophy. and in Graveſande, phyfices elementa mathem. lib. 4. cap. 11. The common clockmakers who would have their pendulums vibrate feconds, or half feconds, make them nearly of the proper length, with a fcrew at the end of the rod, whereby the weight or bob, as it is called, may be eaſily raiſed higher, if the clock goes too flow; or let down lower, if it goes too faft, till it keeps true time. Remarks upon § 1427. 1440 This opinion of Whiston is founded upon conjecture, and was adopted by him in his hypothefis, mentioned § 1379: and favours ſomething of the ancient prejudice, that circular motion is the moſt perfect, and that therefore, that of the heavenly bodies is circular. Though we cannot always affign the reafons upon which the actions of Infinite Wiſdom are founded, we may diſcover in this difpenfation the freedom wherewith the planetary motions are ordered, enough to stop the mouths of all thoſe who would have it that things 4 K 2 are 620 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY are in their prefent conftitution by a neceffity of nature, and could not have been otherwiſe; or that the whole frame of the univerfe was mechanically made, by matter and motion; whereas the interpofition of an All-wiſe free intelligent agent appears, wherever we turn our eyes. The oblong orbits of comets may feem to fome perfons to have an awkard appearance; and yet, whatever uſes theſe bodies may have, to us unknown; one thing manifeftly providential is obvious, that by reaſon of the various pofitions of their orbits, and the vaſt diſtance to which ſome of them go, they are not fo liable to diſturb the motions of each other, or the orbits of the planets. See § 1325 and 1327. CHAP. 4. THE IRREGULARITIES OF THE MOON'S MOTION CAUSED BY THE ATTRACTION OF THE SUN. 1441 Sir Ifaac Newton has demonſtrated that, if different bodies revolve about a common center, and are acted upon by a centripetal force which is reciprocally as the fquares of the diſtances, then the fquares of their peri- odical times will be as the cubes of their diftances; and that, if they revolve in ellipfes, the ſquares of the periodical times are as the cubes of the axes. princip. lib. 1. prop. 15. B, greater 1442 The force of an attracting body is as the quantity of matter thereof, that is, in direct proportion to the cube of its diameter: if I would compare two homogeneous globes A and B, ſuppoſe both of lead; the quantity of matter in A is to the quantity of matter in в as the cube of the diameter of A is to the cube of the diameter of B: thus, if the diameter of a be 2 inches, and the diameter of B 3 inches, the cube of 2 is 8, and the cube of 3 is 27; I fay the weight or quantity of matter in A, is to the weight of в, as 8 to 27. This propofition may alſo be applied to the fame attracting body at different diſtances; that its attractive force is directly as the cube of the apparent diameter thereof feen from the body attracted by it: thus, if the apparent diameter of the fun be at one time 31, at another time 32, his force when 3 is to his force when 32 as 29791 the cube of 31 to 32768 the cube of 32. 1443 If the earth and moon had no other gravitation befides their ten- dency towards each other, the moon would perform her revolutions round the earth, in an ellipfis, always of the fame fize and ſhape, in the fame periodical time, the line imagined to be drawn from the center of the earth to the moon deſcribing equal triangular areas in equal times: but the fun, though at an immenfe diſtance, by reafon of the great quantity of matter con - CHAP. 4. 62F ASTRONOMY contained in his vaft globe, exerts a confiderable attraction towards the earth FIG. and the moon, or as it may otherwiſe be expreffed, caufes thoſe bodies to gravitate towards his center; and this gravitation is of different force, accord- ing as thoſe bodies are at different diſtances from him. This unequal attraċ- tion of the fun difturbs the motion of the moon, changes the figure of her orbit, varies her diſtance from the earth, and prevents her defcribing equal areas in equal times, as otherwiſe fhe would do, by § 1418. When the earth and the moon are at the fame diſtance from the fun, they are both equally attracted; when one of them is farther off from that luminary than the other, that neareſt to him is moſt ſtrongly attracted: and it is the difference between them, or the exceſs wherewith one of thoſe bodies gravitates towards the fun, or is attracted by him more than the other that is principally to be confidered. 1444 We will first confider the orbit of the moon as if it were a perfect circle: in fig. 14, let ABCD reprefent the orbit of the moon, wherein fhe is 14 carried round according to the order of the letters: let s be the center of the fun; the moon at в is in conjunction with the fun, at D in oppofition, at a and c in quadrature: the moon in quadrature at A or C, is at the fame diſtance from the fun as the earth at E, and confequently thoſe bodies would be both equally attracted by the fun, if the attraction were in parallel lines as the dot- ted lines are; but, as the direction of it is towards the center of the fun, it has ſome ſmall effect in drawing them nearer to one another, and fo increaſing their mutual attraction; this brings the moon nearer to us: from the quadrature A to the conjunction B, the direction of the motion of the moon fhewn by the ſhort tangents Aa, bb, cc, &c. making acute angles with Es the direction of the funs attraction, ſhe is continually accelerated: from the conjunction в to the next quadrature c, fhe is going farther from the fun, in directions fhewn by the tangents dd, ee, making obtufe angles with the 'funs attraction, and is retarded: all this is obvious and eafy to apprehend; the greateſt difficulty is to conceive how the like effects of acceleration and retar- dation ſhould happen in the other half of her orbit: in order to ſee this, we muft confider, that the diſturbing force of the fun arifes, not fimply from his attraction of the earth or the moon, but from the difference of the forces wherewith thoſe bodies are attracted by him: for, if the funs attractive force always acted equally upon both, the moons velocity might be increaſed or diminiſhed thereby; but would be ftill equable and uniform: whereas, in the half of the moons orbit ABC, the moon, being nearer to the fun, is more attracted than the earth; in the other half CDA, the earth, being nearer to the fun, is more attracted than the moon; now, to a fpectator upon 622 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY FIG. upon the earth, who confiders himfelf as at reft, the earth being attracted nearer to the fun, and farther from the moon, will cauſe the moon to appear to go farther from the earth, and the motions of the moon will appear the fame as they would do if the were attracted the contrary way, by an imaginary fun at P. The difference or excefs whereby the fun attracts the earth more than 14 the moon all the time the moon is going from the quadrature c to the op- • pofition D, where that exceſs is greateft, makes the moon appear to accelerate her motion, fo as to go fwifteft at D: as he comes from thence the difference between the force of the funs attraction exerted upon the earth and upon the moon grows leſs and lefs, and the moons velocity is continually retarded, till fhe comes to her other quadrature A, where the funs attraction acts with equal force upon the two bodies: this acceleration and retardation of the moon in her orbit is called the variation, and was firſt obſerved by Tycho Brahe. 1445 When the moon, from the quadrature immediately following con- junction, is going to oppofition, the earth, being continually more and more attracted, takes every day a longer ftride towards the fun, than on the day 15 immediately preceeding: this is fhewn in fig. 15, where in the firſt day the earth is by the fun attracted from e to 1, in the ſecond day from 1 to 2, in the third day from 2 to 3, &c. this is one cauſe of the moon appearing then to accelerate her motion, to the oppofition, and to retard it as fhe comes from thence to the following quadrature; when the earth recedes from the fun by the ſame degrees inverted; namely, from 3 to 2, from 2 to 1, from 1 to e. 1446 The velocity of the moon in her revolution round the earth being changeable as above; cauſes a change in the ſhape of her orbit: when her projectile or centrifugal force is too ftrong for the centripetal, as is the cafe when the moon is in fyzygy, where the attraction of the fun weakens the mutual gravitation between the earth and the moon, by attracting one of thoſe bodies which is the nearest to him from the other, her orbit is nearer to 16 a ftrait line than in any other part: this is fhewn in fig. 16, where the black circle repreſents the natural orbit of the moon, that ſhe would go in if the fun had no effect upon her, and the dotted arcs gb, and mвn, repreſent the lefs curve parts of a larger circle wherein the attraction of the fun caufes her to move: for, the greater the velocity of the moon is, the more does the centrifugal force prevail over the centripetal, and the nearer does her path grow to a ftrait line. On the other hand, when the moon is in quadrature, the path fhe goes in is more curve, or part of a circle leſs than her natural orbit, as is fhewn by the dotted arcs bac, and dce: when the moon is in the octants, i. e. in the middle between quadrature and fyzygy, the effect of CHAP. 4. 623 ASTRONOMY of the funs attraction is nearly mean, between the greateſt in fyzygy and the leaft in quadrature. The difference between the black circle and the dotted orbit is drawn much greater than it really is, in order to make it eaſily conceived. Sir Ifaac Newton computed the diftance of the moon from the earth in quadrature to be to the fame in fyzygy as 70 to 69, princip.1. 3. p. 38. Here, before the reader proceeds any farther, it will be proper for him to go back to § 951, and read on to the end of the chapter. 1447 The orbit of the moon being an ellipfis not much different from a circle, the earth, or to be more accurate, the common center of gravity of the earth and moon being in one focus thereof, what has been faid of the circular orbit, § 1444, 1445, will be found true in the ellipfis, cæteris paribus; namely, I, that the motion of the moon is ſwifteft in fyzygy, floweſt in quadrature; 2, that from conjunction her motion is retarded all the way to the following quadrature; 3, that from thence it is accelerated all the way to her oppofition; 4, that from the oppofition it is retarded all the way to the fubfequent quadrature; and 5, that from thence it is accelerated all the way to the next conjunction. 1448 The fhape of the moons elliptical orbit is alſo ſubject to like changes as we have ſuppoſed in a circular orbit; the natural ellipfis of the moon, which fhe would deſcribe round the earth, without the action of the fun, is by the funs attraction made more curve when the moon is in quadrature; lefs curve when the is in fyzygy; for in quadrature the centripetal force of the earth has its full force, and is a little increaſed by the funs acttion: in fyzygy the funs action diminiſhes the natural gravitation between the earth and the moon, by attracting the neareſt of thofe bodies from the other; fo that, the centripetal force being less than it would be, and the projectile force increaſed, the moons path becomes lefs curve, or nearer to a ſtrait line than it otherwife would have been: in the octants the effect of the funs attraction is mean, between the greateſt and the leaft; and therefore does not alter the ſhape of the moons ellipfis, or the velocity of her motion. 1449 The apogee and perigee of the moon are the two extream points of the line of the apfides: when the moon is in the apogee, the line of the di- rection of the centripetal force is perpendicular to the tangent, or the line wherein the projectile force impells the moon; and, if the two forces were adequate, ſhe would go round the earth in a circle, at her greateſt diſtance, with an uniform velocity: but, having been continually retarded in her motion, by the attraction of the ſun and the earth, and the projectile force having been continually diminiſhed all the way in coming to the apogee; the centripetal force there prevails, and brings her nearer and nearer to the earth, 624 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY FIG. earth, all the way till fhe arrives at her perigee: there the line of direction of the centripetal force is again perpendicular to the tangent, or path of the moon, wherein the projectile force impells her; and, if the two forces were adequate, the moon would now, with an uniform velocity, go round the earth in a circle, at her leaſt diſtance; but the centripetal force having been continually increaſed in her deſcent from the apogee, has, by cooperating with the projectile force, made the fame too ſtrong for the centripetal, fo as to cauſe the moon to go farther and farther off, with a retarded motion, and a velocity continually diminiſhed, to the apogee, &c. When the line of the apfides and the moon are both in fyzygy, the velocity of the moon is greater than when they are in quadrature; becauſe the fun then attracts the moon when in conjunction, and makes her run fafter towards him; and attracts the earth from the moon when ſhe is in oppofition, which lets the moon go with greater velocity, and run farther on, before fhe is turned by the centripetal force of the earth; then the 17 apogee goes forward from A to a, as is feen' in fig. 17, where the black ellipfis fhews the natural orbit of the moon, wherein the line of the apfides is AP, the apogee would be A, the perigee P; whereas the attraction of the fun cauſes her to run farther out in the dotted arc wherein ſhe does not come to her apogee before fhe gets to a: the line of the apfides will be ap, the the apogee will have moved forward from A to a, the perigee from P to p. 1450 The moons apogee or the place of her greateſt diſtance from the earth does not always point towards the fame ftars in the heaven, as it would do, if the longeſt axis of her ellipfis continued parallel to it ſelf; which would be the cafe, if the attraction of the fun did not diſturb it: when the longer axis of the moons ellipfis is in fyzygy, or points towards the ſun, and the moon is alſo in fyzygy, the attraction of the fun increaſes the velocity of the moon all the way to the ſucceeding quadrature and makes the moon in apogee run farther out from the earth; fo that ſhe goes farther before ſhe arrives at the fituation mentioned § 1449, wherein the line of direc- tion of the centripetal force is perpendicular to the tangent or line of projectile force, and is the apogee, where the centripetal force prevails, as has juft now been faid: here the apogee goes forward. On the other hand, when the line of the apfides is in quadrature, the contrary falls out; the longeſt axis of the moons ellipfis is ſhortened, and the ſhorteſt axis lengthened, by the funs attrac- tion; and the moon comes fooner to the fituation wherein the line of centripetal force is perpedicular to the tangent, than fhe would have done without the funs action: fo that in this cafe the apogee goes backward: thus, in every lunation or fynodical month, the moons apogee goes forward in the fyzygies, back- CHAP. 4. 625 ASTRONOMY backward in the quadratures, but goes forward more than it goes backward: FIG. becauſe, when the apogee and the moon are in quadrature, the attraction of the fun has only a ſmall tendency to bring the moon nearer to the earth; this increaſes the centripetal power of the earth, increaſes the curvature of the orbit, and makes the moon come fooner to the apogee; that is, the apogee goes backward: whereas, when the apogee and the moon are in fyzygy, the attraction of the fun diminiſhes the centripetal force, and the path of the moon is leſs curve; then the apogee goes forward: the force that carries it forward in fyzygy is computed by Sir Isaac Newton, to be double to that which carries it backward in quadrature: fo that, upon the whole, the former motion fo much exceeds the latter, as to carry the apogee round the zodiac, according to the order of the figns, in about nine years. In fig. 18, the black ellipfis fhews the natural orbit of the moon when 18 the line of the apfides is in quadrature: in this fituation, the attraction of the fun ſhortens the longeſt axis of the elliptic orbit, lengthens the ſhorteſt, the moon comes nearer to the earth, moves in the dotted curve, and gets fooner to her apogee in a; fo the apogee appears to go back from A to a. Scholium. When the apogee goes forward or backward, the perigee does the fame: aftronomers take notice chiefly of the apogee; becauſe the moons place, or as it is uſually called the moons anomaly, is meaſured from thence, and is the diſtance of the moon from the place of her apogee, in degrees minutes and ſeconds, reckoned according to the order of the figns. The moon has been confidered as moving in an ellipfis, for the fake of more eafily conceiving her motion, and reducing it to a computation, in or- der to find her place at any time: whereas, in reality, her path is perpetually changing, in ſuch a manner, that ſhe may every minute be faid to be moving in a part of an ellipfis, in fize, ſhape, and fituation, different from that fhe was defcribing in the minute immediately preceeding. 1451 That the moon goes farther before fhe comes to her apogee, the greater the projectile force is in proportion to the centripetal, may be illuf- trated by fig. 19, wherein if we conceive a ball to be ſhot out of a gun, if it 19 met with no obſtruction, it would go on for ever in a ſtrait line ABC, if acted upon by that impulfe alone; but being all the while attracted towards the earth, the centripetal force operates continually upon it, and cauſes it to defcribe a parabola, the vertex whereof at D is the place where it begins to fall towards the earth, and is as it were the apogee of the ball, or the greateſt diſtance from the earth to which the impelling force can carry it, before it falls: it is eaſy to ſee that, if the projectile force had been greater, the ball would have been carried farther as to E, before it would fall; and if the projectile had 4 L been 626 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY FIG. been lefs, the fame centripetal force would cauſe it to fall fooner, as when it was got no farther than B: fuch is the cafe of a projectile near the earth; that, becauſe the centripetal force remains the fame, the vertex of the parabola deſcribed thereby, is farther from the point of impulfe, the greater the im- pelling force is: the like obtains in the moon, with this difference only; that befides the projectile force, the funs attraction, fometimes accelerating, at other times retarding the fame, the centripetal force of the moon towards the earth is alfo in fome fituations increaſed, in other fituations is diminiſhed, by the attraction of the fun, whereby the apogee is puſhed forward, or drawn a little backward, as has been faid. 20 1452 In fig. 20, the great circle reprefents the orbit wherein the earth goes round the fun at s: the ſmall ellipfes are ſo many orbits wherein the moon is carried round the earth at E: the line of the apfides or longeſt axis of the moons orbit is AP, the apogee A, the perigee p: the line of nodes mn: if we take m for the afcending node and 2 for the defcending node, it is eaſy to apprehend that one half of the ellipfis man is above the plane of · the earths orbit; the other half mp n below it: that A is the moons northern, P her fouthern limit: if the line of the apfides and the line of the nodes were always carried parallel to themſelves as in this figure, they would each point towards the fame ftars; becauſe the diameter of the moons orbit, and indeed of the orbit of the earth, carried to the heaven is infenfible, too ſmall to be obſerved: but what we have here ſuppoſed, in order to make a difficult affair more eaſy to be apprchended, is not true: neither the line of the apfides, nor the line of the nodes are carried parallel to themſelves. 1453 The moons orbit being in a plane different from the plane of the ecliptic, whereof the fun always occupies the center, his attraction has a ten- dency to bring the moons plane nearer to the plane of the ecliptic. When the plane of the moons nodes extended paffes through the center of the fun, his attraction cauſes no change therein, and fhe may then be faid to be in her natural plane: the only effect the fun can then have upon the mòon, is to accelerate or retard her motion, as mentioned § 1444, 1445, 1447: in every other fituation of her orbit, the attraction of the fun brings the moon, and confequently the plane ſhe moves in, nearer to the ecliptic; that is, makes her latitude lefs than it would be if the fun ceaſed to act upon her. 1454 One effect of the funs attraction is to change the fituation of the line of nodes: for, as the moon is approaching to any node, the attraction of the fun makes her come fooner into the plane of the ecliptic, or to her node, than without the funs action fhe would do. When CHAP. 4. 627 ASTRONOMY When the line of nodes nm is in fyzygy, the plane of the moons orbit FIG. continued paffes through the center of the fun, and confequently his at- 20 traction cauſes no alteration in the pofition thereof: the angle of inclination between the orbit of the moon and the ecliptic is then the greateft poffible, and the nodes are at reft: in every other fituation of the orbit of the moon, the fun is on one fide thereof, and fo attracts the moon as to bring her nearer to the ecliptic, and thereby to leffen continually the angle between the two planes of the moons orbit and of the ecliptic, all the way till the line of nodes is in quadrature with the fun, when that angle is the leaſt it can be: from thence forward, as the fun approaches to the node again, this attraction of the moon towards the ecliptic brings her fafter towards the plane thereof, at every approach to the node; by which means, the angle between the two planes grows wider, and wider till the line of nodes comes to the next fyzygy, where it is again of its natural magnitude. In fig. 21, let EDC be part of the ecliptic, s the fun, AB part of the 21 moons orbit, wherein the would, without the funs attraction, have come to her node at c; and the angle between the two planes would have been ACE; by the attraction of the fun at s, fhe will come fooner to her node at D, and the angle between her orbit and the ecliptic will be ADE, wider than ACE. The nodes are at reft when they are in fyzygy, and are, in moſt other fituations, with more or lefs velocity, retrograde, and go back faſteſt in the quadratures: when the moon is between the node and the neareſt quad- rature, the nodes go a very little forward; but in every other fituation, backward. Newton princip. 1. 3. prop. 30. The refult is, that in every lunation they are carried backward; fo as to go round the zodiac, contrary to the order of the figns, in about 19 years. 1455 When we ſpeak of the apogee or the nodes going forward or back- ward, by means of the funs attraction, we are not to think the action of the fun can operate upon the line of the apfides, or the line of the nodes, or upon the plane of the moons orbit; theſe are all of them imaginary unreal beings, terms invented by aftronomers, for the more eafily conceiving and explaining the motions of the moon: the attraction of the fun can only act upon the moon as a ſolid body, and accelerate or retard her motion, or change the direction thereof, and thereby cauſe her to change her orbit, to come fooner or later to her apogee, or to her node: the action of the ſun upon, the earth alfo, as a folid body, may by attracting it out of its place, caufe the like changes in the moons apparent motion, as the earth is the place from whence we always view that planet. 4 L 2 I To 628 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY FIG. 2.2 To illuftrate this by two examples; 1, fuppofe at any time the moon comes to her apogee when her longitude is in the first point of r; in the fame month of the fubfequent year, fhe will not come to her apogee till fhe is got to the 10° of 8; we fay then, that the apogee has in that time gone 40° forward: 2, ſuppoſing the afcending node of the moon is on this preſent 20th of may in the 20° of 8, we fhall, on the fame day of the fame month in the next find that node about the 1° of 8; on which account, we fay the line year, of nodes has gone backward at the rate of about 19° in a year; and confe- quently, is carried quite round the zodiac in about 19 years. 1456 The inclination of the plane of the moons orbit, cæteris paribus, is moſt diminiſhed by the funs attraction when the moon is in her north or fouth limit; for then the attraction is moft direct, that is, neareſt to perpendicular to the path of the moon: the force of that attraction is more and more oblique, and therefore is more and more diininiſhed, all the way as the moon goes from the limit to the node, where the funs attraction ceafes to change the inclination of the orbit, and it is restored to its natural ſtate. In fig. 22, let SE repreſent part of the ecliptic, PL the plane of the moons orbit, ſuppoſing them both to be viewed edgewife, P the place the moon would be in when at her northern limit, if the fun had no effect upon her motion, then her apparent place in the heaven would be at A; and the angle between the plane of the orbit of the moon and the plane of the ecliptic would be PNS: but, the attraction of the fun drawing the moon to Q, the angle between thoſe two planes will be QN S, and the moons apparent place in the heaven will be at B. The fouthern limit of the moon without the funs action would be L, but the fun attracting her to /, fhe appears in the heaven at R; and the angle between her orbit and the ecliptic will be E N . When the earth is by the fun attracted out of its place, to a fpectator upon the earth, the moon muſt be ſeen in the heaven, in a place different from that fhe would have appeared in, had the earth not been acted upon by the fun. It is obvious to fee, that the angle between the ecliptic and the orbit of the moon grows lefs and leſs, all the way as the line of nodes is going from fyzygy to quadrature; and, that the fame angle is increaſed, all the way that line is going from quadrature to fyzygy. 1457 The more oblique the direction of the funs attraction is to the path of the moon, the weaker is the force thereof; the nearer to perpendicular to the moons path the funs attraction is, the ſtronger is the attracting force: the force of attraction, like that of impulſe, is as the fine of the angle the line of direction makes with the plane attracted. 1158 CHAP. 5. 629 ASTRONOMY 1458 The ſmall ſyſtem of the earth and moon is neareſt to the fun when the earth is in perihelion; therefore, the difturbing force of the fun, as to all the irregularities above mentioned, is then greateft; his diſturbing force is leaſt when the earth is in aphelion, at the greateſt diſtance from the ſun: the earth is in perihelion in december. It has already been faid, § 1450; that, when the moon is in fyzygy, the centripetal force is more weakened by the attraction of the fun, than it is increaſed thereby in quadrature; one confe- quence of this increafing is, that the projectile force becomes too ſtrong for the centripetal, and the more fo, the greater the funs attraction is: the projectile force being ſtronger caufes the moon to go in an orbit larger, as being nearer to a ftrait line; and, going in a larger orbit, ſhe muſt take longer time to go through the fame number of degrees: in winter, therefore, when the fun is neareſt, and his attractive force ſtrongeſt, the periodical month is a little longer than in fummer, when the earth is farther from the fun, and his attraction weaker. CHAP. 5. THE TIDES. 1459 Tide in ancient Engliſh fignified the fame as time does, as appears by thoſe compound words noon-tide, even-tide, ſhrove-tide, &c. by the tide in general is now meant the flux and reflux of the fea; the firſt of which is the tide of flood, or high water; the latter is the tide of ebb, or low water. That the tides are influenced by the moon, has long been known: Kepler was the firſt who thought they were caufed by the gravitation of the water towards that planet: Sir Ifaac Newton entered deeply into that ſpecu- lation, and demonftrated in what manner the tides were raiſed, by the attraction of the fun and moon; principally by the latter, which, though vaftly inferior to the fun in quantity of matter, is much fuperior to him in raifing the tides, by reaſon of her being fo much nearer to the earth than that great light is. If either of the luminaries, or both of them were vertical to one of the poles of the earth, the water by gravitating towards the fame would be there accumulated under them, and remain conſtantly at the ſame hight without any flux or reflux. 1460 We will confider what effect the moon has in the first place. If the earth and moon were without motion, and the earth were all over covered with water, the attraction of the moon would raiſe it up on an heap, in that part of the ocean to which the moon is vertical; and there it would always con- 630 BOOK 4. ASTRONOMY FIG. continue; but, by the rotation of the earth, and the revolution of the moon, different parts of the ocean come fucceffively under the moon; the eaſtern parts firſt, which are fucceeded by thofe more wefterly: now the water being held to the earth by the attraction thereof, or by its gravity, cannot follow the motion of the moon, fo as to be conftantly in an heap under her; but takes time to roll over the earth. 23 a, 1461 Let us firſt ſuppoſe the moon to be in the equator: let fig. 23, re- preſent the earth all over covered with water, as it would appear projected upon the equator ABCD, the eye of the fpectator being in the axis of the earth, produced or lengthened to a confiderable diſtance: let abcd repreſent the orbit of the moon; if the moon be at a, by the rotation of the earth according to the order of the letters, the meridian A, will come firſt under the moon, then D, C, B: now as the water is carried round upon the earth from D, a place in quadrature with the moon, towards A, which may be faid to be in conjunction with the moon; the motion thereof, will by the attrac- tion of the moon be accelerated upon the earth, and run faſter towards a than the rotation of the earth would carry it, and being accelerated will by continual addition of new force have acquired the greateft velocity at A: as the water goes from A to B, its running round upon the earth will be retarded by the attraction of the moon, all the way to B, where confe- quently it will have the floweft motion: but, if it moves ſwifteft at A towards B, and floweft at B, the effect must be to raiſe it higheft in the middle between thofe two places; and the high water will be at M, whereof the moon paffed the meridian fome hours before. The tide of flood is not raiſed inſtantaneouſly, upon the moons coming to be vertical to a place, but, by a gradual acceffion of new force, the following waters puſhing and driving on thofe before, continues to increaſe the hight, and this for 3 hours, fome times 4 or 5 hours or more, after the appulfe of the moon to the meridian. In the fubfequent twelve lunar hours, while the water goes through B CD, as it is carried by the rotation of the earth from в to C, it is attracted the fame way by the moon at c, and is thereby fo accelerated as to go with the greateſt velocity at c: from c to D it is retarded, and goes floweſt at D; and confequently, will be accumulated in the middle between c and D, and the high tide will be at m. We may confider hours as lunar or folar: the twenty four lunar hours, are the time wherein the moon goes from a meri- dian and returns to the fame again: by the twenty four folar hours are meant, the time between the funs appearing to leave any meridian and returning to the fame. As the moon, by reafon of her progrefs in her orbit, comes every day CHAP. 5. 631 ASTRONOMY day ſeveral minutes later to the meridian than ſhe did the day immediately Fic. preceding, the lunar hours are a little longer than the folar. 1462 I have here fuppofed the moon to be in the equator, where her at- traction has the greateft effect; becauſe, there it moſt accelerates or retards the rolling of the waters along, in the earths rotation: in all other fituations, the force of the moon is weaker; becauſe the attraction is in a more oblique direction, and the farther the moon is from the equator, the more oblique is her attraction, and the weaker is the force thereof. In fig. 24, let E nos be 24 the globe of the earth, EQ the equator; if the moon be at L, ſhe accelerates the water coming directly towards her, or retards what is going directly from her, the moſt that is poffible: if the moon be at в or K, fhe attracts the water in an oblique direction, and more oblique, the more ſhe is diſtant from the equator. The obliquity of the direction is not the only cauſe of the tides being leſs when the moon is out of the equator; for, when the moon is at a diſtance from the equator, the greater her declination is, the nearer does the cafe ap- proach to her being over one of the poles, where it has been faid § 1458, the water would be raiſed on an heap without reciprocation of high and low tide. 1463 The fun has alſo an influence upon the tides, as well as the moon, though not in the fame degree: Sir Ifaac Newton has computed that the force of the moon in the great ocean raiſes the water ten feet; whereas the fun only raiſes it two feet: when thefe luminaries are in fyzygy, and in the equator, the combined forces of both raiſe the tide twelve feet, when the moon is in quadrature with the fun, and both thoſe luminaries are in the equator, the attraction of the one raiſes the water where the other depreffes it; and, the leſs force of the fun being deducted from that of the moon, the tide will be no more than eight feet. Thus it appears that, though the two luminaries excite two motions, they will not appear diftinctly; but, between them will arife one mixed motion compounded out of both. 1464 The force of the moon to move the ſea is found by knowing what proportion it bears to the force of the fun, and this is collected from the effects of thofe forces. Before the mouth of the river Avon three miles below Briſtol, the water has been obferved, in the vernal and autumnal fyzygies, to riſe about 45 feet, but in the quadratures to 25 feet only: the former of theſe hights ariſes from the fum of the forces of both luminaries, the latter, from their difference. What 632 BOOK 4 ASTRONOMY What has been faid of the general phenomena of the tides, holds true only in fuch fhores as lie expofed to the wide and deep ocean: as to narrow or fhallow feas, or the mouths of rivers, the times of high and low water depend upon feveral circumſtances now to be mentioned; if the water in flowing towards the fhore paffes over flats or fhallow places, or rocks near the furface of the fea, by the failors called breakers, the time of high water will be later than otherwife it would have been without thofe obftructions. In fuch fhores as lie towards a deep and open fea, with a ſteep afcent, where the waters can rife and fall without any precipitation of influx or efflux, the tides anſwer to the forces of the fun and moon: whereas, in fome ports, by reaſon of their going through long and narrow ftraits, the waters are hur- ried in and out, with fuch violence, as fometimes to lay the ſhores under water, for many miles; fometimes to leave them dry for as large a ſpace: this may happen when a large body of water is raiſed in one or more wide places, and driven towards a narrow channel which cannot diſcharge them fo faſt as they come in, fo that the following waters preffing upon thoſe before, raiſe them to great hights, as was mentioned § 1460. 1465 The greateſt tides fall out in the fyzygies at or near the equinoxes, when both luminaries are in the equator; which will be the greateſt of all if the moon be at the fame time in perigee. If the moon be in perigee at the conjunction, the muſt be in apogee at the immediately preceding and ſub- fequent oppofition; for this reafon two high tides do not immediately follow one another. Newt. princip. lib. 2. prop. 24, 26, 27. 1466 The force of the fun or moon in raifing the fea is greateſt on the appulſe of the luminary to the meridian of the place; but the force impreffed upon the fea at that time continues a little while after the impreffion, and is increaſed by a new, though a lefs force ſtill acting upon it: this makes the ſea riſe higher and higher, till the new force, gradually diminiſhing, becomes too weak to raiſe it any more; then the ſea is riſen to its greateſt hight: this comes to paſs in one or two hours, but more frequently in three hours, or even more where the fea is fhallow. Newt. princip. lib. 3. prop. 24. When any power is continually increafing, it does not arrive at its greateſt force till it ceaſes to increaſe: for this reaſon, the heat in fum- mer is not greateſt at the ſolſtice, when the heat of the fun is greateſt; but afterwards, when the additional heat being every day lefs and leſs, is diminiſhed to nothing: fee § 771, 772, 773. 1467 The wind blowing the fame way the tide is going, will both accele- rate the time of high and low water, and make it alſo riſe to a greater hight, or run off to a lower ebb: on the other hand, a contrary wind will both retard the tide and diminiſh the riſe and fall thereof. 1468 Um Page 625 95 Book IV ? C بعر B JA VA S! 24 D B A 19 A B P D Ex 21. S P N 22 I a M A b B 23. ザ ​C m C E R D ď E A B 25 20 E R n m N Im P P E E 72. n P P E m. 22 24 ΤΩ f n m P 2 B K UN! OF HO CHAP. 5. 633 ASTRONOMY 1468 The action of the luminaries, eſpecially of the moon, having force enough to raiſe and depreſs the waters of the ſea, muſt have a confiderable influence upon fuch a fluid as the air that ſurrounds us, and cauſe a kind of tide in the atmosphere: the effects of this may be fometimes gentle winds, and when more violent, ftorms and hurricanes, which are obferved to rage moſt near the equinoxes. The leffening the weight of the air in fome places, and increaſing it in others muſt cauſe fome change in the fluids of animals; accordingly, it is obſerved by phyſicians, that ſome diſ- eaſes, to which the human body is ſubject, are exaſperated or mollified in their ſymptoms, in different fituations of the moon: of which ſee Mead de imperio folis et lunæ in corpus humanum. 1469 Previous to the explaining the cauſe of the tides, Sir Ifaac Newton laid down fome corollaries, which follow from what he had demonftrated concerning the irregularities of the moon arifing from the action of the fun: ſuppoſe, ſays he, the earth had revolving round her feveral fluid bodies, at equal diſtances from her ſurface, each of thoſe would fuffer the ſame change in its motion as the moon has been fhewn to be liable to; would move fwifter in conjunction or oppofition with the fun, and flower in quadrature: fuppofe farther, thoſe bodies to be fo numerous as to be contiguous, and form a fluid ring; the attraction of the fun would cauſe thoſe parts of the fluid to riſe which are in conjunction, and the parts in quadrature to ſubſide: the nodes alſo of the ring would be retrograde, as the nodes of the moon are found to be: ſuppoſe farther, that the earth were extended on each fide of this ring fo as to form a channel to receive it; in the diurnal rotation, every part thereof by its gravity adhering to the earth, would be carried round therewith uniformly, if not diſturbed by the action of fome other body: but by the attraction of the fun or moon the water would be accelerated coming into ſyzygy, and retarded going into quadrature; and this would caufe a reciprocation of flux and reflux. princip. lib. 1. prop. 66. cor. 19. Suppoſe the fluid ring to become folid, as it would be if frozen to ice; there would indeed then be no more flux and reflux: but if the ring were looſe, the nodes thereof would ſtill go backward: fuppofe the globe to ſwell fo as to adhere to the infide of the now folid ring; the cafe would be ſtill the fame; the nodes of the ring would go back, but more flowly, becauſe it muſt now carry along with it the weight of the earth. The ring, not adhering to the globe, would have the greateſt angle between the plane thereof and the plane of the orbit wherein the globe revolves, when the nodes are in fyzygy: the ring has a tendency to diminiſh that angle all the while the nodes are going into quadrature: and will 4 M impreſs 634 ASTRONOMY BOOK 4. 1 imprefs this motion upon the globe when it adheres thereto: the globe retains this motion till the ring gives it an impreffion the contrary way: the greateſt tendency to leſſen the angle is when the nodes are in quadrature, confequent- ly, the angle, continually diminiſhing, is leaft when the nodes are in the octants following quadrature: the tendency to widen the angle being great- eſt when the nodes are in fyzygy, the angle becomes wideft in the octants following the fyzygy. See the latter end of § 1466. This leads to the fubject of the following chapter. CHAP. VI. THE PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES: THE NUTATION OF THE POLES. 1470 We have ſeen in the preceding chapter how the action of the fun upon the moon caufes a retrograde motion in the line of nodes. How the preceffion of the equinoxes follows from the fame principles, I fhall take the liberty to fhew in the words of Maclaurin, p. 350, of Sir Ifaac Newton's diſcoveries, as I cannot invent better. << "If a planet revolved about the earth near to its ſurface, in the plane "of the equator, its nodes would alſo go backward, though with a ſlower "motion than thofe of the moon, in proportion as its diſtance from the "earth's center was less than that of the moon. Suppofe the number of "fuch planets to be increaſed till they touch each other, and form a ring in "the equator, the nodes of this ring would go backward, in the fame man- ner as the nodes of the orbit of one planet revolving there. Suppofe then this ring to adhere to the earth; its nodes would ftill go backward, but " with a much flower motion; becauſe the ring muſt move the whole earth "to which it is ſuppoſed to adhere. The elevation of the equatoreal parts of "the earth has the fame effect as fuch a ring would have; only the motion " of the nodes of the equator, or of the equinoctial points is flower, becauſe "the accumulated parts of the earth, above a ſpherical figure, are diffuſed "over its furface, and have a lefs effect than if they were all collected in the plane of the equator, in form of a ring. The moon has a greater force on "this ring than the fun; becauſe of her leſs diſtance from the earth; and they both contribute to produce the retrograde motion of the equinoctial points: the motion, however, produced by both is fo flow, that theſe points will not finiſh a revolution in lefs than 25000 years." Sir Ifaac Newton has determined the quantity of this motion from its caufes, and found it confonant to the obſervations of aſtronomers.