B 357897 ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN E PLURIBUS UNUM TUZBUR SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAMAA CIRCUMSPICE M TS? 1550 .2697 HOW a factory can be fitted to its site so as to make the building the master tool of all is strikingly shown in this Philadelphia plant. Two railroads are available at two sides of the building. Room for growth is provided. Ramps, or long, easy inclines, give motor trucks direct access to all floors, independent of slow- moving elevators. The net result is a big saving of time in loading and unloading material, and in getting it where wanted THE LIBRARY OF FACTORY MANAGEMENT VOLUME I BUILDINGS AND UPKEEP A. W. SHAW COMPANY CHICAGO NEW YORK LONDON THE LIBRARY OF FACTORY MANAGEMENT (Trade-Mark Registered) Copyright, 1915, by A. W. Shaw Company Entered at Stationers' Hall, London A. W. Shaw Company, Ltd. CONTENTS I-FACTORY LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER I MAKING THE BUILDING THE MASTER TOOL Where managers can find lost time and space (11)-How a foundry man increased production nine hundred per cent in the same space (12)—When buildings are one hundred per cent efficient (13)—Money value of a straight line (14)— Routing diagram (15)—How models saved money (17) II WHEN AND HOW TO REMODEL A FACTORY PAGE 11 23 When to remodel and when to rebuild (24)—Making the fac- tory over (26)—Mistakes to shun in rebuilding (27)-Re- modeling a crowded plant during operation (28) III ENLARGING CAPACITY WITHOUT STOPPING WORK Doubling capacity in a machine shop under the same roof (32) -How a manager put a mezzanine floor in his shop (35)— Thirty per cent more work in the same building (40) IV CHOOSING THE SITE FOR A NEW FACTORY How an implement company studied new territory (41)—How it tabulated location data (42)—Why steel companies located at Gary (44)-Locating the small factory (46)-Group "homes" (48)-What to do about inducements (50) V PLANNING FOR CONSTRUCTION • Studying the needs of the business (52)-Data to collect (53) -Deciding the big questions (57)—How growth is provided for (59)—How to go at the blueprint work (62) VI TYPES OF BUILDINGS AND WHAT THEY COST. Getting costs for the manager (64)-Timber-mill, concrete and steel construction (65)—How costs of forms vary with the number of stories (67)-Costs per square foot for brick buildings (69)—Six principles governing building costs (72) VII HANDLING THE CONSTRUCTION Ways to make bids and contracts safe (77)-How an office appliance company built on a cost-plus-percentage plan (80) -What an owner did to hurry up the work (82)-Supervision by engineers (84)—Methods of paying for the job (85) 31 41 52 64 77 279513 6 CONTENTS VIII MAKING THE PLANT ATTRACTIVE When landscape work cuts down expense (87)--Conditions that keep workmen contented (89)-Plants and trees for smoky atmospheres (90) II-CONSTRUCTION DETAILS THAT INCREASE EFFICIENCY IX FITTING THE BUILDING INTO THE WORK . Profit-making details in a textile plant (97)—A lunch room that saved material (98)-How workmen are affected by con- struction (100)—Fitting the office into the business (101) X WINDOWS, WALLS AND PARTITIONS Metal sash and frames (104)—Getting daylight into dark corners (105)-Standards for curtain walls (107)—Partition walls and fire-doors (111) XI LAYING THE RIGHT FACTORY FLOOR. 87 97 103 113 Standard foundations for floors resting on the ground (113)- Eight floor plans (115)-Concrete, wood block, asphalt and brick (118)-Five rules for laying good floors (120) XII ROOFS AND SKYLIGHTS 121 • Nine styles of roof framing (122)—What roofing material to choose (122)-Heat and condensation (124)—Eight plans for roof construction (126)-Saw-tooth lighting (130) III-FITTING UP THE BUILDING XIII FRESH AIR AS AN OUTPUT FACTOR What ventilation did for a hat factory (135)—Ventilation de- fined (136)-How bad air reacts on workmen (136)—How to help men do their best work (137)-How to keep dust out of the air (138) XIV HEATING AND VENTILATING Defects of window ventilation (141)-Piping good air to workmen (143)-What amount of moisture is necessary (148) -How the duct system works (150) XV LOW COST FACTORY LIGHTING Tungsten lamps (153)-General illumination (154)-Individ- ual lights (154)—Indirect lighting (155)—Replacing 56 incan- descent lamps with 18 mercury vapor lamps (156)-How lighting costs were cut 64% (157)-Lamp maintenance (159) XVI WATER FOR INDUSTRIAL USES How to get quantity and quality (161)-Drinking water (162) -Supply for fire protection (166)-Softening the water (166) Where to put water mains (168) XVII FACTORY SANITATION Manager's duties to his men (169)—Where six plants located sanitary equipment (170-172)—How to dispose of sewage (174)-Sewer piping (175) 135 140 152 161 169 CONTENTS 77 XVIII CUTTING DOWN THE FIRE HAZARD When sprinklers protect (177)-Preventing tanks and pipes from freezing (177)-How to keep a sprinkler system in working order (178)-Dry-pipe system (180)-Three sources of water supply (180)-Pressure (184)-Protection in a cotton mill (184, 185) XIX MOVING IN AND STARTING UP How one manager moved his plant without breaking off production (188)—A color scheme that simplifies moving (189)—Closing up the old shop (191)-Getting into the new building (191)-Keeping down moving expenses (192) IV-FACTORY MAINTENANCE XX KEEPING BUILDINGS IN CONDITION Seasonal repairs (198)-What poor maintenance cost a foundry (201)-When to make alterations and additions (203)-How managers plan finances and seasonal work (204) XXI FACTORY HOUSEKEEPING Value in dust and dirt (206)-How a machinery company standardized cleanliness (207)-How housekeeping reacted on the efficiency of employees in an enameling plant (212)—— Piping dust and dirt into the furnace (214) 176 188 197 206 Fitting the Building to the Site Crane-ways That Speed Production Efficient Construction Details Factory Housekeeping That Pays Floors That Stand the Wear Getting Daylight into the Factory Holding Down the Fire Hazard. How to Make Buildings Efficient How to Make the Plant Attractive Light for Dark Hours Making the Factory Over Modern Construction Methods Providing Heat and Good Air Safeguarding Employees' Health Windows, Walls and Partitions • • PLATES Frontispiece 19, 55, 56, 200 19, 109 199, 200 110, 127, 163, 182 19, 37, 38, 55 181, 182 19, 74, 91, 92, 145, 181 91, 92 146 20, 37, 38 38, 73 145 163, 164 73, 74, 110, 181 FORMS I A Master Sheet for Location Data II Moving Day Tally Sheet III Daily Maintenance Report 49 192 209 8 CONTENTS } IV A Requisition for Repairs V Superintendent's Order to Repair Man VI Watchman's Report to Superintendent FIGURES I Increasing Production Nine Hundred Per Cent. 210 211 213 12 II How Time and Space Are Wasted 13 III How to Increase Output in the Building You Have IV Making Work Flow through the Factory 14 16 V When and How to Remodel a Plant 27 VI Doubling Floor Space under the Same Roof VII Finding the Right City for Your Plant VIII Picking Out the Site IX What Decides the Type of Building X Providing for Factory Growth XI Transportation within the Factory XII Timber-mill and Concrete Buildings XIII How the Cost of Forms Varies XIV What Brick Buildings Cost XV Comparative Costs of Concrete and Mill Construction XVI Building Costs for Normal and Subnormal Years XVII Points to Observe in Handling Construction XVIII Getting Daylight into Dark Corners 32 43 45 54 • 59 61 66 67 69 71 75 81 105 XIX Four Plans for Floors Not Laid on the Ground XX Four Plans for Floors Laid on the Ground 115 • 117 XXXV A Mercury Vapor Lamp System XLIII How a Dry-pipe Valve Works XLV-VI Fire Protection in a Cotton Mill XXI-IV Nine Plans for Roof Framing XXV to XXXI Eleven Plans for Roofs and Skylights XXXII Construction Details That Cure Factory Absences XXXIII How an Air Conditioning Plant Operates XXXIV How Humidity Affects Temperatures XXXVI How Lighting Costs Were Cut 64% XXXVII Lavatories in a Machine Shop XXXVIII Lavatories on a Mezzanine Floor XXXIX Sanitary Equipment in a Foundry XL How to Prevent Pipes from Freezing XLI Where to Locate a Tank Check Valve XLII Two Ways to Make Tank Joints Tight XLIV Plan for an Automatic Alarm Valve XLVII How to Move the Factory XLVIII Moving Day Directory 122-125 126-131 137 143 149 156 157 170 171 172 177 178 179 180 183 184-185 191 193 Part I FACTORY LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION DIV THE LIBRARY AND ITS SOURCES IVIDENDS are the final test of good manufacturing. Whatever plans and methods have found places in these volumes have passed this test. For this work the fifteen years of SYSTEM's work have been drawn upon, and the seven years during which FACTORY has searched the industrial field for better methods. This period has, perhaps, witnessed more great industrial changes than any previous one. Invention has developed not only remarkable improvements in construction and equipment, but also in man- agement. A better method is no less an invention and often no less significant than the conception of the motor, the multiple drill or the endless conveyor. And like an ingenious machine, a better method usually fits many different lines of manufacture. The most valuable of the amazing inventions in management and operation during this period, The Library of Factory Manage- ment has now collected from many hundreds of plants and puts at the disposal of all factory executives. Completely to list the plans, and the executives, specialists and engineers that have contributed to this work is impossible. Much of the help has been confidential. Information has frequently been rounded out by reference to scores of sources. Most of the chapters are the work of many men. Because of the composite nature of the work, the chapters have not been signed. To establish their authenticity, how- ever, references to the more inportant contributors, authorities and concerns have been massed on the opening pages of each division of each volume. Those in immediate charge of the field studies and the entire production are Stanley A. Dennis. F. M. Feiker, Carroll D. Murphy, Harry Franklin Porter, Thomas S. Rockwell, and Leon I. Thomas, of the Editorial Staff of the A. W. Shaw Company. Chapter I. Based upon the experience of P. L. Battey chief engineer, Railroad and Industrial Department, the Arnold Company, and Harry Franklin Porter, C. E., Industrial Editor of FACTORY and Consulting Engineer, together with studies of the use-factor in various paper, textile and wood- working plants, the United Shoe Machinery Company and other industries. Chapter II. George M. Brill, and Mr. Porter are the con- tributors. The chapter embodies remodeling experiences of an automobile company, a wood-working plant, etc. Chapter III. J. P. Brophy, general superintendent, Cleve- land Automatic Machine Company, W. B. Pavey, Economy Engineering Company, and Sterling H. Bunnell, works manager, Griscom-Russell Company, contributed to this chapter. Chapter IV. The location work of a score of concerns has been drawn upon by the various members of the editorial staff for this chapter, which cites at length the experiences of the International Harvester Company, Hart-Parr Company, Shredded Wheat Company, United States Steel Corporation, Bush Terminal, etc. Chapter V presents methods of planning for construction gathered by Mr. Porter and others from actual investigation at the plants of the Ford Motor Company, the Cincinnati Milling Machine Company, Acme Tool Company, Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company, Warner Brothers' Corset Company, Hart-Parr Company, Bullard Machine Tool Company, Philadelphia Watch Case Company, American Optical Company, American Water Works and Guarantee Company, etc. Chapter VI. Chiefly contributed by Walter B. Snow, from his experience with plants for many purposes, and by Mr. Porter, the editorial staff of FACTORY collaborating. Chapter VII. Contributed by Mr. Porter; based on expe- riences of the United States Steel Corporation, the Baker- Vawter Company, a Philadelphia hat company, a chewing gum factory, and many construction companies, such as William Steele & Sons, Day & Zimmermann, Aberthaw Construction Company, Turner Construction Company, Samuel Austin & Son Company, and the Ferro Concrete Construction Company. Chapter VIII. Chiefly contributed by Jens Jensen, con- sulting landscape engineer of the Chicago West Park Board, with points from the practice of the National Cash Register Company, German-American Button Company, Crocker Wheeler Company, Hudson Motor Company, Elgin Watch Company, Eastman Kodak Company, and H. J. Heinz Company. I MAKING THE BUILDING THE MASTER TOOL T WENTY-FOUR hours in the day is the operation time of a paper mill; a machine shop runs eight hours out of the twenty-four. The machine shop manager uses the space. and equipment in his building only thirty-three and one-third per cent of the time. What may be called the use-factor in his building is only thirty-three and one-third per cent of the paper manufacturer's. This difference between the paper mill and the machine shop also exists when the paper mill is contrasted with shoe factories, textile mills, or foundries. Buildings in these industries are, in general, occupied only eight or ten hours, which is all the more reason why they should be used thoroughly during that period. Making a product, from a physical standpoint, involves two prime factors-time and space. Some manufacturers, when they build, base their requirements principally on floor space. They do not give due consideration to the more important factor, time. A foundry designed along the old lines, on a space basis, turned out two tons of product per thousand square feet of molding floor space. When the time element was considered, after a careful analysis of all the factors, twenty tons of output were easily produced from the same floor space (Figure 1). If every machine and every individual function and every em- ployee is working at maximum efficiency, the paper mill realizes one hundred per cent value in the use of the plant, because it operates during all of the available time. The most important element in making the building the master tool is, therefore, 12 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION ! the use-factor. It may be defined as the ratio of the time and space in actual use to the time and space available for use (Figure II). These may be termed, respectively, the time-factor and the space-factor in production. FIGURE I: feet. Both drawings represent a foundry molding floor space of about 24,000 square The black areas indicate the amount of production per 1,000 sq. ft. Two tons were turned out when the foundry was laid out on a space basis only. Twenty tons were produced for the same surface when the foundry was planned on a space and time basis. Production increase 900% Maximum production is the result of the highest grade of workmanship rightly applied to the best material during all the time and over all the space available. The chance of greatly increasing the output thus turns upon increasing one or more of the four elements that determine maximum production. Per- haps nine times out of ten, more product is looked at by the manufacturer as identical with more space. Yet he should not enlarge his plant without calculation. Far too often he has forgotten the possibility of increasing his output by increasing the time his plant is in actual use. And before deciding to keep his men working longer hours, the question arises whether the manufacturer is using them all over the entire space and during all the time at his command under present conditions. To approach one hundred per cent productiveness in buildings -to get the most out of a given space in a given time-the factory manager must plan to get immediate and continuous use of all space and all equipment in the factory. Instead of building a big plant to which he may grow in the future, instead of making THE MASTER TOOL 13 a large present investment in walls, roofs and equipment to fore- stall future congestion, he may design his buildings on a unit plan so that each unit of economic capacity will approach the ideal production. Practically every manufacturer has applied this principle of the use-factor in some smaller way. Few, however, consider all their buildings on the same basis as they would a department. A manufacturer of wood screws discovered that the five hundred square feet of space in his automatic machine department could be made to turn out twenty-five per cent more product by increas- ing the speed of the machines. The use-factor of that depart- ment was thereby increased twenty-five per cent. If he had added twenty-five per cent in space to that department and had 25% 50% 75% 100% FIGURE II: Time actually used in a factory is represented by the upper shaded portion, and space, by the lower. Let maximum production be represented by 200% (time available 100% plus space available 100%). If only 50% of the time and 75% of the space available are employed, the actual production, therefore, is only 125% of that possible, or 62% when the problem is worked out on a 100% total basis not considered the time element, the use-factor of his enlarged department would have been only fifty per cent of that in the smaller area. Maximum production in any plant is not reached until all lost time and waste space are eliminated (Figure III). While this production will be approached when lost time and waste space have been eliminated within each department, it will not be 14 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION reached until time and space wasted between departments are also reduced to the minimum practicable. Often the use-factor of an entire department may be increased by running overtime some one part of the department. The manufacturer may well consider each unit in a factory, whether it is a department or a building, as a machine with cer- tain functions. To keep that machine operating at its highest speed and with the greatest efficiency is to bring the use-factor of that section or building close to one hundred per cent. Then your plant becomes the master tool. IT FINDING WHERE TIME AND SPACE ARE LOST AND HOW TO SAVE THEM T may take only a general study of a department to show where time is wasted and where output can be doubled, or it may take a stop-watch study of detail operations to locate the weak spots and losses. Straight-line routing, developed directly from the principle of the use-factor, is now a well recognized practice in economic Use Time Lost in How to Increase Production Shut-downs and Repairs Crippled Machines and Low Speed Criss-Cross Routing Soldiering and Absences Handling and Transporting Material Arrangement of Buildings Departments Equipment Use Space Lost in Storage of Material and Supplies Unused Areas FIGURE III: Planning for a new building is necessary only when the limit of production has been reached in the structure in use. In perhaps every factory many of the ten ways here suggested can be found to save lost time and space in order to increase the output of the present building production. More and more, operations are becoming so arranged that production literally flows through the factory. In making over an old factory or in planning a new one, straight-line rout- ing, as a principle and a practice, should be borne uppermost in mind. No more effective method for saving time lost within and between departments has yet been developed. THE MASTER TOOL 15 Service features, such as stairways, elevators, toilets, wash rooms and lockers, cannot be considered one hundred per cent efficient in the same sense as a machine, for they are in use only a small part of the time. They may, however, be thought of as machines with certain functions which should be brought up to the highest possible efficiency. Where to locate them is the question. The principle of straight-line routing suggests the answer. The movement of labor through a factory like that of material and product should seek direct lines. Placing the service features of construction where they may be of the fullest use in the shortest time is the thing to be desired. Locating these features in abutting towers and wings, shut off from the main floors by standard doors, is a favorite plan with many manufacturers. It is safe and economical. The less time these accessories are used the greater will be the saving in light, power and heat. This plan also avoids breaking up the productive floor space. At the plant of the United Shoe Machinery Company, these features are consolidated and incorporated within bridges connecting the various buildings. The dispensaries are also located in these bridges. Such a layout, intended primarily to conserve time and space, is almost always possible. то SEEING THE PLANT IN MINIATURE BEFORE IT IS BUILT HELPS TO DEVELOP THE USE-FACTOR assure the highest use-factor requires, as perhaps the first step in planning a factory, the preparation of a routing diagram. This is nothing more or less than a chart of the com- plete process, showing the progress of production in a natural sequence of operations from raw material storage to "out" ship- ping platform (Figure IV). A detailed routing diagram, looked at in bird's-eye, resembles nothing else so much as a map of an ocean or air current. It represents, in fact, the flow of production through the plant. The less departure from straight lines and broad sweeping curves, the more fully will the layout contribute towards maximum production and maximum economy in operation. The routing diagram is basic in factory production. It is the key, not only to both the graphic layout of equipment and the model of housing structure, but also to the details of construc- 16 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION : tion. Materials and construction methods should conform to it. It is of course impossible for any man, however experienced in factory planning and however well grounded in economic principles that underlie the greatest efficiency and however familiar with the peculiarities of the particular problem, to work out a plan that shall be perfect in every detail, even with a rout- ing diagram before him. Yet a close study of routing methods in other plants will generally enable one to bring up the use- factor in his new plant. An endless conveyor in a shredded TOILET "FUDER:MODHIG IFURNACES SAND EMERY WHEELS BLASTINO ROS PLATHIO: QUONS ASUBES YAITING IGED: TUMBLING BARRELS ·NOLDERS" TUBS: LDING MACHINES. BENCH CORE:OYEN •DRYING RACK ·PAFJERNS BOUGH CASTING AND PATTERN STORAGE. LINE OF LATHES, DROLS, WILLING MACHINES, ETC: MAN'S ·BENCH EMERT WHEELS AND BUFFERS ·EUNDING MACHINES ·BENCH PART STORK ROOM STAIRS AND ELEVATOR" PAUSTTHE PASKING (LIKES DE LATHES ETE. FINISHED: AS DESKS -STOCKROOM STAIRS AHD ELEVATOR י FIGURE IV: Gravity helps in the handling of material and finished products in the Walworth Manufacturing Company's factory in which the floors are arranged as this diagram shows. The foundry is placed at the top of the building, the shipping department on the first floor. Raw ma- terials are carried from the basement to the top floor. Work progresses downward as shown by the arrows, the double elevator equipment making the straight-line routing of work simple and practical. The location of the foundry permits easy and low cost ventilation wheat factory has practically the same function as a conveyor in a car-wheel factory. Both are installed to reduce the amount of floor space necessary to handle a given amount of product, and also to cut down the time and labor necessary in turning out that product. Ideas and methods pass from one factory to another-the rock-bottom principles are everywhere the same. The conventional and time-honored way of getting construc- tion ideas into shape for consideration is to show them in plan, THE MASTER TOOL 17 section and elevation. Generally also these are supplemented by an architect's perspective in water color. This is of great value in enabling the executives to get the "picture" of the completed work. Better even than the architect's perspective, however, is a model of the plant, true to dimension, line, and detail, and built in such a manner as to permit of a rearrangement of the sections and the removal of the top to give a view of the interior. In this way defects and shortcomings will be apparent which might otherwise pass unnoticed into brick and concrete. In one instance, a conference of the manager and his depart- ment heads over routing diagrams and a model resulted in several important departures from the original layout, which greatly improved the plant's efficiency. To have made subse- quent alterations to accomplish the same changes would have cost many thousands of dollars, if, indeed, these had not been out of the question. The cost of the model was trifling compared to the advantages that were gained. The practice of visualizing a factory plan in model form is more common abroad than in America. But it is growing in favor here. Factory designers are more and more appreciating its advantages. As a means of testing the layout and bringing architect, engineer and executives into complete harmony, the model and routing diagram are unexcelled. A CARDBOARD SCHEME THAT MAY PREVENT COSTLY ERRORS IN CONSTRUCTION THE graphic principle may also be used to advantage in developing the layout. Having determined on the approxi- mate arrangement and extent of a department and the equip- ment to go into that department, carefully cut to scale squares or rectangles of cardboards to represent each machine and the working space required around it. Lay these out on a drawing or blueprint, and arrange and rearrange them until each occupies the "one best" location. The "one best" location is that which involves the least departure from straight-line production. A pin through each bit of cardboard fixes it. Passageways, stair- ways, offices, shafting, lighting fixtures and other construction details can be located so as best to serve the processing machinery; and the proportions of the department, the natural facilities for 18 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION lighting and other elements can be arranged in accordance. It is well to defer the making of a model until all the depart- ments have been worked out in this way. There is then less likelihood of having to change the model save in minor respects. In one factory where the manager followed this method, the cardboard layouts have been preserved intact and are used to study out rearrangements of departments as developments in equipment make them necessary. A room in the engineering department is set aside for this purpose. Each department in the factory is represented by a separate table. On each table a blueprint of the department, drawn on a large scale, is kept stretched and on the blueprint the bits of cardboard representing the pieces of equipment are pinned. Each cardboard bears the name and symbol of the piece it stands for, and also the power requirement, in case it is a power consumer. A color scheme tells one at a glance what is what. Every feature has a distinc- tive color; all power consumers are of one color; all benches, another; and passageways, another. The use of such a scheme of graphical representation of layout, together with a model of the housing structure, and a routing diagram, places factory planning on a scientific basis. Their employment is simple business foresight. Next to the principle of straight-line routing by means of visualized plans, to fix correctly the ratio of investment and fixed charges to the cost of production is of the greatest importance in developing the highest use-factor. To operate inefficiently at an overload for a short period is often done rather than to pay investment charges on more equipment. This applies especially in the case of certain plant functions which are periodically inoperative. Large space provided for storage may be unused at times, but the demands of the business may be such that less space provided for storage would have been unwise. A heating system is used only a portion of the year, so a practical engineer will not provide sufficient heating surface to warm a building economically to a given temperature during the most extreme weather. Rather, he will sacrifice steam economy for those few days because he knows that the saving in investment and depre- ciation charges with the lower first cost heating equipment will offset any loss due to the short period of inefficient operation. REID MURDOCH & CO Quick and economical facilities for handling material in a multi-story building are afforded in the Ford plant (above) by an immense crane court-way, with numerous landing platforms which are "stepped off." A full-width skylight assures abundant natural lighting. The wholesale grocery plant (below) houses a train of freight cars on one side of the building and provides for shipping on the other to facilitate loading and unloading. All tanks are enclosed in the tower Provision for growth was made by the Cleveland Metal Products Company when their building was originally designed. Without interrupting production in the first two stories, three new stories were added. The foundations and walls had been built to carry the additional load. In connec- tion with vertical expansion, plans of layout in the form of the letters L, T, U, C, H, F, and E facilitate horizontal growth, as well as meeting the requirements of light, air and transportation THE MASTER TOOL 21 Only recently have factory owners and managers realized the importance of the structures that house their manufacturing processes in their relation to, and bearing upon production costs. Formerly it was not thought to matter much in what kind of a structure were carried on the processes of an industry. The pos- session of patent rights or special secret knowledge of certain arts and processes was held to be the all-important thing. The use-factor idea was unknown. Now managers realize that success- ful manufacturing is a highly complex art and that no element is all-important in the sense that, if it is taken care of, while others are lightly considered or disregarded, success will be certain. Rather do they realize that if any factor is treated with indifference, success will, to that extent, be jeopardized. Espe- cially does this apply to factory buildings, not only in general plan, but in details of construction. Faults embodied in build- ing design are costly and difficult if not impossible to eradicate. So long as they exist, production is hampered, time and space are lost, and production costs prevented from reaching rock- bottom. That managers and owners do realize these facts is attested by the multitude of modern factory buildings, plain and sub- stantial in design, and with utility and permanence showing forth in every detail, that stand out prominently in nearly every industrial center on this continent and abroad, in striking con- trast to the makeshift, ramshackle, fire-trappy, dark and dingy, dungeon-like structures of earlier days. These buildings of the new era are monuments of uncommon common sense, broad-gauged judgment and farsighted economy. They represent, in many cases, a large initial money outlay, but they do not represent extravagance. Not one penny has been wasted on embellishment or useless quality. They represent, instead, the cooly calculated expenditures of canny industrial leaders-men alive to the importance of every factor-men wise enough to reach out and garner the fruitage of generations of experience, experiment and development-men who are looking for results and will exhaust every practical means to get them. Whether a manufacturer remodels his old factory or builds a new one, to reach the maximum production at the lowest per 22 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION 1. unit cost requires that he look at his plant not only from the viewpoint of space, but also of time; not merely as a roof, but as a tool. How to get the maximum use of his plant is the problem that he must solve in either case. Routing all material, supplies and product in the straightest possible lines will help him use all his available space. Investment and fixed charges. will be determined largely by these considerations and thus will directly undermine or lay a firm foundation for efficient produc- tion at feasible cost. Bound up with these essential ideas on investment are those subsequent questions that are vital to all factory management, how to increase machine output, how to purchase and store stock, increasing the effectiveness of labor, perfecting operation and cost-keeping methods and developing an organization into a conscious working unit. The manufacturer's ability to apply the most satisfactory known answers to these problems also plays a part in deciding whether or not he will reap the greatest return from every part of his plant and investment. II WHEN AND HOW TO REMODEL A FACTORY O VER in Germany when a factory ceases to fit the requirements of the business, the practice has been not straightway to abandon it, but painstakingly to make it over, as the thrifty German haus-frau makes over her dresses from year to year by recutting the material and cleverly working in a new piece here and there. Perhaps this is because the German manufacturer has faced a keener necessity in his older, more densely populated country. Many American manufacturers take the stand that, because of the grave difficulties encountered, it is better to move into a brand new plant than to undertake changes in an old one. Definite cost figures prove in plenty of instances, however, that remodeling, guided by a sure aim and for the purpose of remedying definite defects, often pays better than building anew; and profit is the test. When a manufacturer considers remodeling, there is only one issue at stake-to make the factory meet the demands of the business. The signs of a misfit plant are many. In the beginning it is often a makeshift, permitting a profit only because of easy competition. Then departments get out of proportion; allied processes are forced apart; orders cannot be filled promptly; insurance premiums have gradually gone up; capacity is insuffi- cient to take care of the business prospects and rising costs sound a warning. When these conditions face a manufacturer, the wise procedure is to go by the old rule: "Make business crowd you out of your shop before you tie up more capital in a new one. New con- struction is a second choice, remodeling the first. 24 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION "Is every foot of our present space used to the best advantage? Is time wasted that might be saved by a few changes?" the manager first inquires. "Are we getting the most work possible out of floors, walls and tramways, as well as labor and equip- ment, in the twenty-four hours that are at our disposal? Do material and product zig-zag around corners and machines or up and down from roof to basement; or does production flow evenly down and through every building?" Carefully worked out answers to these questions will solve the construction problem cheaply for many a manufacturer who is on the verge of building or moving. They will serve to show him a source of new profits through remodeling, for all other considerations are a part of this one. To reach and maintain a lower production cost is the obvious method of increasing profits and the most common reason for remodeling the plant. In any case, every change that cuts costs. helps to pay remodeling expenses. Greater economy of produc- tion is the final justification for any change. Larger capacity also is often a legitimate reason for remodel- ing. Sometimes output can be increased without bringing up the total cost of production, or without increasing the overhead expense. In such cases, the per unit cost will, of course, be lowered. When, conversely, remodeling is done with the primary object of lowering costs, greater output also is often attained. This is very frequently the case when the work is a rearrange- ment of departments. Even if remodeling permits costs only to be maintained level, without reducing them, if the increased capacity permits waiting markets to be served, a gap that invites competition is filled up and the business fortified. REMODELING TO OBTAIN GREATER PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE AT LESS COST THESE are the accepted reasons for remodeling a plant. Mak- ing over the factory to improve fire-resisting qualities is less commonly considered as justifiable from a cost-of-production viewpoint. To some managers, money so spent is regarded as adding to the costs or increasing the overhead. Yet there is a very direct saving possible, one which to a large extent cancels any increase in fixed charges. This is the saving in insurance. MAKING THE FACTORY OVER 25 In one instance, as the result of making improvements in this respect, the premium was cut from $1,200 to $200 a year, and in another from $3,050 to $262.50, and there are many instances of similar saving. Balance savings like these against the interest on investment and the depreciation charges which are due to the added investment, and it will be found that actual economies have been effected. Less direct but fully as noteworthy economies are accom- plished in other respects by remodeling in order to guard against fire. The greater security, for instance, which everyone, from the manager down to office boy, feels in a factory safe against fire, is a positive asset that makes for smoother operation and lessened labor costs. Making the factory fireproof has been found to attract a high grade of operatives. There have been so many holocausts in inadequately protected factories that working people have come instinctively to avoid them. The better class of factories get the pick of operatives, and the poorer risks have to take what is left. This, too, is reflected in the production costs. More noteworthy even than the saving effected through a greater sense of safety on the part of the workers, is the security of the business itself. Insurance does not and cannot cover the loss a business suffers in event of fire. A large automobile fac- tory burned. It was fully insured, but several years have passed and the fire is still in evidence in the books. There are plenty of instances of industries never recovering from the effects of a fire. Insurance, as a matter of fact, merely distributes the loss. Protection of a poor risk by insuring is less an investment than a tax-a tax on the imperfections in building. Capitalize the premiums and invest a corresponding amount in remedying these imperfections, and the "tax" goes on the credit side of the ledger. Extensive remodeling to improve a factory as a fire risk is necessary only in extreme cases. Usually the careful expendi- ture of a few hundred or a thousand dollars will remedy the more important deficiencies and compass a marked saving in insurance. Best results are obtained by calling in a representa- tive from an insurance company. He will point out what changes to make in order to get the greatest saving in premium 26 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION for the least outlay. Factory mutual insurance companies will not, in fact, accept a risk unless it satisfies certain requirements. Before applicants for membership are accepted, they are required to remodel in accordance with the recommendations of the com- pany's inspection and engineering bureaus. TACKLING THE VITAL PROBLEMS IN MAKING THE FACTORY OVER No matter whether the aim in remodeling is to make the building meet the demands of the business by lowering costs, reducing fire risks or increasing output, there are certain problems evident in all reconstruction (Figure V). Ease and speed in remodeling require that the best form and arrangement of buildings be determined first of all, if remodeling is to be extensive. Whether these factors are of first importance depends on the extent of the work to be done. Any change in the size, shape or location of buildings may be impossible. On the other hand, a factory may sometimes be greatly changed with only a small outlay of money and labor, by building new walls to connect separate structures and throwing one roof over all. The space to be allowed each department will call for a decision early in the planning. The departments will be correlated to the largest advantage of all. Every process in the course of manufacture will be considered and the best method found. The character of the materials used, the size of the various parts of the product, the amount and the nature of the work to be done, storage, service requirements and the amount of money to be invested in the work are the big problems common to and especially complex in practically all construction. Because of the difficulty of adjusting new plans to old struc- tures, industrial engineering perhaps knows no more delicate problem to handle than remodeling. First, it is essential, in changing from the old to new, that production should be inter- fered with practically not at all. For if production is not main- tained, not only will the business be burdened with the cost of the idle plant, but inability to fill orders will to some extent demoralize, and may permanently upset selling conditions. To secure capable contractors who will under such conditions undertake a remodeling job at a reasonable figure is another MAKING THE FACTORY OVER 27 When and How to Remodel a Plant Aims To Increase Output by To Lower Costs by Routing Work on Straight Lines Increasing Power Installing Handling Equipment Safeguarding against Fire Mezzanine Floor Another Story Additions Raising the Roof Widening or Lengthening General Rearrangement Departments Enlargement Features to Remodel Detail Basements Connecting Structures Light Shafts, Windows and Skylights Doors and Shutters Passageways, Stairs and Elevator Shafts Floors Belt-ways Division and Fire Parapet Walls Beams and Roofs Sanitary Equipment Common Mistakes to Be Shunned Fire Hazard Insanitary Conditions Poor Lighting Lack of Ventilation Insufficient Heating Lost Space and Time Untried Innovations Careless Estimating Cost Keeping Omissions Lax Maintenance Planning Present and Future Engineering Service Conditions in Detail Analysis of Needs New Processes Decisions Change in Use Amount to Be Expended Tentative Plans Final Plan Operation Schedule FIGURE V: Effective reconstruction at lowest cost requires always a definite idea of what is to be made over and why, what to avoid, and how the work is to be done. In planning to make the factory over, it is well to add to the above list all the features that could be remodeled advan- tageously, in order to get a correct perspective on what needs to be done without delay 28 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION difficulty. It is too hard to estimate the cost, and there are so many chances for money to be swallowed up in unexpected ways that experienced contractors will not risk a bid on a close margin. Yet it would be folly to entrust the work to an inex- perienced man simply because his figure is low. In meeting these various difficulties, a definite working schedule has been found indispensable where a factory has been remodeled satisfactorily at the lowest cost. Manufacturers who have developed the principle of visualizing their plans have used cardboard layouts and models in scheduling every operation in the work of remodeling long before the actual work has started. With such aids it is less of a problem to list exactly every piece of machinery that must be moved, to decide when to move it, to find the shortest route to each new location, to determine the space needed by the rearrangement, to apply the principle of straight-line routing and finally to develop a high use-factor in the remodeled plant. The care with which these problems are studied and an accurate solution worked out decides largely both the advantages and the cost of remodeling. Probably in the majority of cases when buildings have been remodeled, the manufacturer has sought to minimize production costs by rearranging departments, and thus to make the build- ing meet the newer demands of the business. Factory managers know that they can tackle no more difficult task than that of rearranging departments and keeping men and equipment at work effectively at the same time. IN HOW ONE MANAGER HANDLED RECONSTRUCTION WITHOUT LOSING A DAY'S WORK a woodworking plant, where it had become a question of remodeling or building elsewhere, the management concluded that the superiority of the present location over any other pro- posed, cast the ballot for remodeling. The shipping facilities were exceptional. The neighborhood was desirable and con- venient to the homes of the working men. The business and social connections in the community were almost invaluable. Furthermore, in regard to markets and supplies of raw mate- rial and fuel, the location could not have been improved upon. For these reasons, it was decided to remodel. MAKING THE FACTORY OVER 29 , ! : For forty years this plant had grown as have many others, adding equipment and new buildings when necessary and with- out much regard to a general plan. As a result, although the equipment was kept up to date, the layout became with the years increasingly wasteful. In order to meet competition a radical change had become necessary. To gain the advantage of the low production costs which are possible only in a skill- fully arranged factory, either extensive reconstruction or a new plant was required. The procedure followed is full of suggestions for the manu- facturer who faces a season of remodeling. In the beginning an experienced industrial engineer was engaged to design and supervise reconstruction. It was intended, under his super- vision, to let out the various parts of the work under contract. The bids received, however, so far exceeded his estimates, that it was decided to do the work on a day basis, organizing local labor for the task. Under this arrangement, the engineer's cal- culations were abundantly proved. The total cost, including boilers, engines, generators, motors, heating, lighting and sani- tary equipment, was less than the lowest outside proposal. Nor was there a single day's interruption of production. For his compensation the engineer was paid a percentage of the cost. This achievement was possible largely because of the unit-plan of construction followed. The new buildings were erected in sec- tions. As soon as a section was completed it was occupied over night, or over Sunday, and manufacturing went on as usual the next day. Substitution of motor for belt drives greatly simplified the power problem, as it was unnecessary to line up shafting in the new section with that in the old. A change in floor levels, how- ever, presented a difficulty in transferring material from the old to the new buildings. This was overcome by building in- clined connecting ways and operating special inclined trucks with horizontal beds. The plant was a two-story affair and raising the floors made a place in the basement for wiring, dust- collector piping, motors for driving machinery on the floors above and hoppers to receive the heavier waste. These hoppers put an end to the trucking of debris through the machine room, and the placing of the driving and dust-collecting equip- 30 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION ment beneath the floors freed the workshop from these usual obstructions to light and air. The old factory was a frame structure with a flat roof in which occurred an occasional skylight. The rebuilt sections, however, are timber-mill construction with brick side-walls and tin-covered roof. Windows and skylights are of wire-glass set in metal frames. Instead of an occasional old-fashioned sky- light, saw-tooth roof construction was adopted, with the result that the second floor, occupied by the finishing departments, dark and dingy before, now has ideal light. The ventilation also is much improved. A coat of white, fire-retarding paint over the interior completed the task of modernization. Less than a year was occupied in making the change. In this time practically a new plant, well arranged for economy of production, of high-class, fire-retarding construction, scien- tifically lighted and with every modern facility for ensuring good working conditions, grew up on the exact site of the old, wasteful, out-of-date factory. Yet production was not disturbed in the least, and the cost was, of course, less than for a new plant. By such attention to every step in the planning, almost every old-style factory can be so cut and fitted as to improve manu- facturing conditions, make the business safer, postpone indefi- nitely the day of complete rebuilding, gain the benefit of such reduced production costs as are possible only through the more scientific layout with its highly developed use-factor and put the industry in the running with modern competitors. III ENLARGING CAPACITY WITHOUT STOPPING WORK G ROWING pains" are not peculiar to boys; factories also have them. A small boy suffers when his ankles, elbows and knees refuse to do his bidding. A factory suffers when foundry, forge, machine and paint shops must gain enlarged capacity without shutting off production for an hour. A boy can afford to forget his growing pains, but a cramped factory must be taken in hand, if it is to continue at a profit. An executive order to add to the regular output an article of like nature but marketable in an otherwise dull season is often the reason for developing capacity while the plant keeps on running. Or an expectation of increasing trade in a newly opened territory may be the basis. Perhaps a consolidation with a former competitor has been effected and readjustments of pro- duction methods necessitate a larger capacity in a department or shop. New machinery in one department may have given it double capacity and left other departments out of proportion. An emergency may exist, or a growing demand for the regular product may put orders on the office spindle faster than de- liveries can be made from the shipping room. Whatever the cause, every now and then a manufacturer is face to face with this situation. He must turn out more product, and that means that he must increase the capacity of his factory without closing down the foundry during reconstruction, shut- ting off the power, or reducing his force. Under his fingers and eyes are a thousand details affecting capacity, walls, windows, roofs, floors, elevator shafts, stairways, passageways, machines and benches, any one of which can be moved at will, like men 32 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION Height of Old Wall- Skylight Ventilator Skylight Broken Cross Section Skylight- The FIGURE VI: Only the upper half of the enlarged machine shop building is shown here. northern (at the left) half of the roof was raised together with that over the fourteen-foot middle section. The southern (at the right) half was left trussed just as formerly. The closely bridged on a checkerboard. Profits demand that he scan every detail, that he take advantage of every trifling change that means greater output. His task is puzzling, but like all puzzles it can be worked out. Here and there a factory manager has done it. He has developed a suggestion, an idea, or a plan and wrought it into brick, con- crete or steel to the lasting profit of his growing business. HOW TO DOUBLE THE AMOUNT OF FLOOR SPACE UNDER THE SAME ROOF WHILE WORK GOES ON CONSOLIDATIONS often mean extensive alterations. The Griscom-Russell Company was a consolidation. It became necessary, says Sterling H. Bunnell, to add to the existing foun- dry and machine shops a number of both small and large machine tools, a coppersmithing and sheet-metal department, and a boiler and tank shop. The last named could be well provided for by a new steel frame building of proper height for efficient crane service. The new machine shop equipment, however, could not be put into the existing shop floor space without crowding it, and the fumes from the copper work could not be permitted to escape into the space occupied by machine tools. After much discussion of alternatives, a way was finally dis covered by which the necessary additional floor space could be obtained without increasing the existing heating plant, and at a fraction of the cost of a new building. ENLARGING CAPACITY 33 Through East' Wing Skylight Wood Posts Left in Place Ventilator Roof Construction as Before This section of Roof Left in Original Position floor was almost the only new construction necessary to effect this large increase in floor space. Three skylights and the vertical windows in the middle wall provided sufficient light for the new floor, which appears in the lower left-hand portion of the figure The machine shop building was cross-shaped, and provided with traveling cranes along the stem of the cross and in the west wing. The tool room, which occupied the east wing, was one hundred feet long and thirty feet wide. It had no crane service. The room contained a number of lathes and other ma- chine tools. Some were quite large. All machines were driven by belts from countershafts carried by the roof beams, some twenty-one feet above the floor. The countershafts were driven from a line shaft on a platform sup- ported by a double row of heavy posts fourteen feet apart, which extended through the center of this wing and supported the roof. This roof was nearly flat, and consisted of matched planking covered by composition and carried by built-up wooden rafters, forty-three feet long, trussed with iron rods. The trussed rafters rested at their outer ends in the brick walls of the building, and at their inner ends on the rows of posts; and the central gap of fourteen feet was bridged by timbers without trussing. The height of the roof was too great for easy access to counter- shafts, and made the belts to machines below excessively long. As the dust accumulated, the darkened surface absorbed the light, so that the wing was gloomy even on the brightest days, and the long belts flapped and slipped in the darkness overhead. Heat as well as light was uselessly absorbed in this waste space. It was therefore decided to get some use out of this empty space by putting in a second floor (Figure VI). 34 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION As the head room in the wing was only twenty-one feet under the rafters, and nearly three feet less under the truss rods, it was necessary to raise the roof six feet to make the second floor space usable. With the copper shop requirement in mind, it was decided to raise the northern part of the roof only, comprising the forty-two-foot trusses and the fourteen-foot central strip, and to leave the southern side as it was. In this side of the wing the copper and sheet-metal shop would be located, and its fumes kept from the rest of the shop space by partitions running clear up, and carried off by ventilators to be placed in the roof above. It was important to interfere as little as possible with the use of the tool room during the changes. From the dismantling of another shop, we had on hand a number of I-beam columns and horizontals which had formed the supports of a traveling crane. The columns were nineteen feet long and sufficient in number for the purpose. Accord- ingly, footings of concrete were laid in the proper locations, and the columns erected in position, which could easily be done, as they were about two feet shorter than the distance from floor to roof. Steel floor girders were bolted to the columns through bolt-holes previously drilled at the proper height. There were not quite enough girders on hand, so the remainder were pur- chased to size. Enough pieces were cut off and left over to serve for lengthening the columns later. Floor joists of wood were then placed in position, bridged, and planked over, as quickly as possible. The countershafts of the tool room equipment were removed from the roof and replaced under the floor joists, and the tool room was soon in operation again. There was now a solid floor about five feet below the roof, on which preparations could be made for raising the roof to the desired height. That portion of the brick walls which extended about two feet above the roof in battlement style and was already badly loosened by frost, was taken down, exposing the ends of the trussed beams. Jacks were set up on the floor with struts reaching to the roof trusses. The portion of the roof to be lifted was cut away from the part to be left in place. A few hours' work completed the raising operation. Immediately the necessary short extensions were bolted to the steel columns and secured to the roof beams. ENLARGING CAPACITY 35 The division of the forty-three-foot space made the truss rods unnecessary and gave clear head room to the beams. The brick walls were built up, and the stone caps were put back in their former place. The necessities of lighting were met by inserting skylights in the roof area, and by filling with glazed sashes pivoted for venti- lation the vertical gap left between the raised roof and the portion remaining in its original position. The result was a bril- liantly lighted second floor space. On this floor were located all the small machine tools and the turret lathes, also the assembling benches for all the small work in the plant. The space below was made lighter than before by ceiling the underside of the second floor beams with sheet-metal enameled white, presenting an unbroken reflecting surface. Light from outside reaches the ground floor space through the windows in the north and east walls, and through the glazed partition of the copper shop space on the south side. The cubical contents of the building as a whole were increased by this change by an amount merely trifling, so that the extra cost for heat and building upkeep is negligible. The productive effect of the original floor area has, however, been nearly doubled, and at a considerable saving in belting and accessories. The net result of our remodeling is an important increase in the efficiency of this section of the works. MAKING EQUIPMENT DO DOUBLE DUTY TO GAIN MORE ROOM FOR STORAGE AND OPERATION INCREASING capacity, whether in the big factory or the little shop, means making the most of every foot of space available. When it became necessary to find more storage space for bar stock in our shop, says W. B. Pavey, I rigged a stock rack out of angle and channel iron and placed it along the wall. Then I saw an opportunity to enlarge our capacity by making the rack do double duty. Besides taking care of the bar stock on the shelves formed by the horizontal pieces bolted to the upright channels and angles the latter were made to support the "wall" edge of a mezzanine floor, the outer edge of which was hung from overhead. We did not have to stop work while the floor was being built. 36 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION The floor is used for storage of finished parts and is later to be served by a trolley hoist. We did not want to support the outer edge on posts from below, because we needed a free un- broken space under it. To hang it from above made me question the strength of the roof beams, for the finished parts to be stored were not light. The factory is of one story and the roof construction is only as heavy as needed for the usual light gravel covering. As a "way out" the roof beams from which the sup- porting straps hung were reinforced by bolting channels to them. Farther down on the same side of the shop with the mezzanine floor are two small windows. Advantage was taken of this in locating at that point the forge equipment and pneumatic riveter. In every factory it is possible to serve more than one purpose at a time while developing capacity. We saved space in our boiler room and also the radiated heat of a steam plant at one stroke. Our factory is motor driven, so steam for heating is the only requirement upon our small boiler, which is located in a basement made just large enough for the heater and its coal supply. Much as in the lokomobile type of engine, developed abroad, in which the engine is placed directly on the boiler to use all the heat produced, we have left the floor of the shop open over the boiler room and thus get the advantage of all the heat. We save two hundred feet of radiator coils by this arrangement. Nor is production robbed of any floor space. The boiler room is located close against the blank wall at one end of the shop where the light is poor. By building an angle iron storage rack over the open space, some of the iron parts can be kept there with no danger of rusting. Three sections of heavy iron grating which had originally served another purpose in the shop, put up around the opening, form a satisfactory partition. At the same time they obstruct no heat. BETTER USE OF SPACE MADE POSSIBLE THIRTY PER CENT MORE WORK IN THE SAME BUILDING INCREASING business made it necessary for us to choose between erecting a new building and finding more room for production in our old one, says J. P. Brophy. Study showed that space was wasted in our factory in at least six different ways. 640 These four views show from the outside the complete process of enlarging the capacity of a machine shop without stopping work. Jackscrews are raising the roof in the upper left-hand picture. Next to it are shown the raised roof in place and work commenced on the gap to be closed by sash. Below, at the left, the frames of the skylights, for furnishing the new floor with additional natural illumination, are being put into place. At the right, the alteration after the sash were set El at 400 B Large opportunity for gaining space lies in remodeling details. In one shop, when a bar stock rack was built out of angle iron, the uprights (A) supported the back edge of a mezzanine floor, the front edge of which was hung from overhead floor beams (B). Below are shown concrete saw-tooths in three stages of construction. The wilderness of forms explains the high cost of single-story concrete ENLARGING CAPACITY 39 Utilization of this space increased our capacity thirty per cent without necessitating new construction. Our plant grew up like that of many other manufacturers. Our first factory was complete in all departments for handling our product. As our business increased a first addition was erected and new machinery installed without seriously consider- ing the machines we already had. Space in the new addition was found for machinery of all kinds. In effect we duplicated our old factory. Not until the demands of our business made necessary a third building did the value of the space already available come home to us. Departments were wrongly placed with relation to each other, machinery was poorly grouped, aisles were too wide, hall- ways vacant, wall surface wasted, and space around machines poorly utilized. The first thing done was to rearrange departments and cen- tralize operations so that the work in one section dovetailed into the work in the next. Lathes, milling machines and planers, all previously located in different parts of different buildings, were grouped in individual departments. Boring mills, for ex- ample, formerly in several locations, were grouped and put in charge of one foreman. Three lathe departments, each with a foreman, were combined on one floor and placed in charge of two foremen. Both floor space and supervision were saved. The machine departments were grouped so that each was placed logically with respect to handling the work. Drilling operations come next to planing, so the drilling department was placed next the planer group. Aisles used to be twelve and fifteen feet wide. In our expe- rience only a third or a quarter of the space ordinarily given to aisles is needed. Put to profitable use the waste space may save building. In our factory are two parallel buildings about thirty feet apart with fifteen-foot hallways between. Instead of using this space for trucking only, about half the hallway is now used for parts storage. Wall space formerly was wasted. Our large storeroom con- tains possibly $100,000 worth of small parts for our product, but every department in a certain sense is a storeroom. Blank walls have been utilized by fitting them with shelves and pockets. 40 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION Pieces and parts upon which work is done are kept in these com- partments between operations. This makes unnecessary many piles of work about machines. Available wall space is cheaper than a new building. One of our assembly departments would have to be one-third larger in order to give space on the floor for parts needed on one lot of one size alone, if the wall space were not utilized. Benches are not always necessary. We saved three or four feet in the width of a room by pulling out unnecessary benches in front of planers and drills. In a building one hundred feet long this meant a saving of between three and four hundred square feet of floor space. These are some of the changes in construction that made it possible to perform thirty per cent more work in the same build- ing, simply by saving and utilizing floor space. We took advan- tage of these alterations to emphasize the value of neatness in saving space. Work piled in irregular heaps takes up more room than when arranged in neat piles. Our floors are now kept so that a man with just light enough to see his course can find his way about the aisles in any direction without falling over castings on the floor. Neatness can be commercialized and new construction postponed in many a plant that is crowding out into the dooryards. IV CHOOSING THE SITE FOR A NEW FACTORY WEE HEN a sturdy young New Englander, a hundred or more years ago, pulled off the tattered blue jeans of his apprenticeship days and decided to set up his own har- ness shop, it was not a difficult problem for him to choose a location. He picked out a site along the water front and not too far from the blacksmith's forge. That the shop was an easy "pipe and a stroll" from his cottage made the location all the more ideal. Then the pioneer harness manufacturer settled down and sewed bridles and collars and tugs for the rest of his life. He died probably without ever glimpsing the day when the great harness business built up by his grandson might succeed or fail according to the strategic value of the site chosen by the grandfather. For of the three big elements of the "plant prob- lem" incident to all manufacturing; namely, location, construc- tion and equipment, the most vital one today is often location. Picking a location for a new factory calls into play on a broader scale the same principles that determine the best place for a machine tool within the plant or a machine gun in warfare. The key to all three problems is strategy. The factory should be so placed as to defend the interests of the owner, command a wide range over the business field, be easily supplied with mate- rials and in touch with its support. Factory conditions in vari- ous parts of the country differ so widely that quick perception, careful appreciation of contingencies and keen strategy are sometimes exacted of the manufacturer in finding the best loca- tion for his new factory (Figure VII). Frequently an unex- pected factor will be the final and deciding consideration. 42 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION A new branch of an important implement manufacturing business was to be located not long ago in a progressive but distant and unfamiliar farming section. The section was en- tirely strange to the production manager and the progress of his personal investigation was slow. At the end of six weeks. he had extended his analysis of land developments, acreage, crops and probable sales to cover many cities. Then the funda- mental factor he had been seeking began to loom up. Labor conditions were entirely different here than at his well- established plants. The temper, habits and viewpoint of the men were oddly unfamiliar. Any executives whom he could send to organize the new branch would spend months or years in labor controversies. To get up momentum quickly, he must secure not only a location but an organization. His various field salesmen had been reporting from time to time plants which might be purchased. One of these interested him and he began to chart its conditions in columns parallel with his summary of other sites (Form I). It had deep water wharf- age, good railway facilities, and an excellent record covering both raw material and market in a line similar to his own. Labor and first cost of the location were still problems. He began to look for the moving spirit among the men and found him in a certain foundry foreman. Gradually friendship sprang up between the two. One day the foreman said: "I'd like to work for you, if you would buy this plant. Many of my best men feel the same way." The manager had succeeded in gaining the loyalty of his men. When the plant was finally taken over, this organization nucleus quickly proved an asset to the concern; and the foreman, after becoming superintendent, has organized other branches in three similar districts. The organizer's decision to locate for the sake of a foreman and a body of workers who could not be had quickly in any other way has been emphatically justified. S HOW TO ATTACK THE BIG PROBLEMS IN FACTORY MANAGEMENT As this shows, there is a right way to approach the problem of factory location, which to a large extent is also applicable to every question of factory management, whether of buildings, CHOOSING A SITE 43 equipment, material or men. First of all eliminate the personal equation. Family ties, early associations, the preference of fathers and grandfathers who long since have let slip the reins Markets Domestic Foreign Nearness of Competition Proximity of Supply of Principal Material Abundance of Supply Raw Material How Laid Down Proximity to Feeding Industries Rail Lines Available Navigable Water Courses Suitability of Highways for Motor Trucks Rates Obtainable Transportation Street Railway Accommodations Finding the Right City for Your Plant Men Sources of Supply Women Native Foreign Labor Character of Supply Skilled Unskilled FIGURE VII: Power Current Standard of Wages Extent to which Supply Is Unionized Attitude toward Employers, Strikes, etc Proximity to Supply of Coal and Oil for Fuel Cost of These Laid Down at Plant Natural Condensing Facilities Afforded Possibilities of Water Power Development Supply of Electric Power and Cost On this analysis of the five factors which determine general location check off the relatively unimportant problems in your search. Then the vital considerations will become evident. If power, for example, is the heart of your problem, find where disadvantages are least and advantages greatest of business, what may be called the flocking habit of certain industries and even personal preferences seldom coincide with the demands of a manufacturing business which has outgrown its present location or even of the business which is just start- ing out. Business strategy insists, also, that the big problem be ana- lyzed into all its constituent problems. What about markets, raw material, transportation, labor? When this has been done, 44 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION weigh every factor carefully, examine each from various view- points and determine its importance. One by one, often merely by inspection, you can strike from the list for consideration all the advantages or disadvantages that are common to different sites until only those points remain on which the decision should turn. Finally, in looking at the problem of location, take a fresh viewpoint. This is essential. It is not conclusive that a certain city best suits your plant because your convenience has always pictured it there or because other factories of the same kind have succeeded there. The South, as well as New England, has its cotton mills and there are failures as well as successes in any section. The fresh, unbiased gaze shows the true situation. The balance of advantages with disadvantages will thus be found. Pittsburgh was for years the home of practically every great steel-producing industry. But with national growth and the incessant demand for cheaper production, it finally became ap- parent to the masters of steel that Pittsburgh, although it pos- sessed many points of advantage, was by no means the logical location. The supreme location must be found. Gary was discovered by a great organization of clear-sighted specialists in the steel needs of the West. The conception of a plant big enough to satisfy those needs took concrete shape with the choice of a tramps' paradise for the raising of the mightiest and most efficient steel mill the specialists could conceive. Many elements contributed to that choice. Assembling of raw materials and distribution of product were vital, inseparable factors. Where could ore of the Superior ranges, the coke of the Alleghanies and a store of limestone be laid down together at lowest cost? Where were the existing and potential markets? Where an adequate labor supply, with surroundings making for stability and efficiency? Could materials, markets and labor be brought to a common focus? Where could land enough be had at reasonable prices to accommodate the visioned mill? Square miles were wanted. The new plant was building for the century of steel and experience warned that no boundaries be put on its expansion. The answer was Gary, then only a heap of sand dunes at the cusp of Lake Michigan, just beyond the city limits of Chicago, CHOOSING A SITE 45 the greatest transportation center in the world and one of its greatest labor markets. There was no town near at hand. They built one. There was no harbor. They dug one. There were over a hundred miles of railroad track across the site. These Site Public Improvements What to Consider in Acquiring a Factory Site Environment Legal Points Initial Cost of Land Cost of Additional Land Proximity to Switching Facilities Accessibility to Workers Healthfulness Suitableness of Topography Nature of Subsoil Proximity to Supply of Building Materials Natural Water Supply Advertising Value Water Supply Sewage Disposal System Fire Protection Good Roads Healthfulness Living Accommodations Schools and Churches Facilities for Recreation and Amusement Community Standards Law Enforcement Laws and Local Ordinances Character of Local Government Tax Rate FIGURE VIII: Inducements Financial Aids Bonus Free Site Tax Remittance Cooperative Capital Available Banking Accommodations Rates on Water, Electricity, Gas Decision among sites in the same city is often as important as the choice of city After finding the right city, an implement company based its choice of sites on detailed information covering each of the elements listed here were moved. A winding river was in the way. They pushed it into a made-to-order channel. And a thousand other economies might be similarly recorded-for the one-time making of a city or river or harbor is, in the strategy of location, an economy com- pared with the roundabout of a mile on every ton of material and product year after year. 46 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION The plant of the United States Steel Corporation at Duluth is another example of finding the one best location. In this case it was desired to locate as near as possible to the ore ranges of Minnesota and where transportation charges would be reduced to the minimum. A site was found with a two-mile frontage on the St. Louis River. A deep channel gave the largest vessels adequate facilities for handling incoming and outgoing ship- ments. Excellent railroad connections were established with the inland mines. Located close to Minneapolis and St. Paul, and on the direct railroad line to Winnipeg, Duluth was assured a permanent supply of labor. COMPETITION BASED ON KEEN LOCATION STRATEGY OFTEN DECIDES THE FATE OF THE SMALL FACTORY PERHAPS you cannot attack the problem in such far-reaching ways as did the United States Steel Corporation; but you may well take the same factors into consideration. The prin- ciples underlying economically sound location apply to every plant. Gary and Duluth contain lessons for every factory head. Wherever cost of production plus cost of sales is at the minimum, there is the most profitable location. As between city and city or between two sections, there might at times be little choice. Between city and small town or sub- urban site, another phase of the question comes up (Figure VIII). It would seem that there should be little hesitancy about choosing the suburban site. Land is plentiful and comparatively cheap. The fixed charges due to land rent will be low. There will be abundant room for expansion, and breathing space for all. In due time the plant will become the nucleus of a village, furnish- ing to the workmen desirable homes at low cost or rental and the social atmosphere conducive to their highest efficiency. The distractions of the city will be absent The spirit of the plant will determine that of the town. There will be nothing to dwarf or delay the growth of a thoroughly efficient working force. These are some of the advantages of the suburban site. On the other hand, such a site has many disadvantages. Managers have found it hard to attract and hold men in the isolated plant unless exceptionally good wages are paid. This is partly because of the expense of carfare and also because of CHOOSING A SITE 47 the length of time consumed in getting to and from the plant; workmen as a rule prefer to dwell within walking distance of their work. Often it has been found necessary, in addition to paying higher wages, to make a special allowance to cover car- fare, an additional running expense which may more than coun- terbalance the saving in land charges and taxes. In the long run, however, as the plant grows and the men find working conditions to their liking, the plant becomes, as it were, self-sufficient. And the larger a plant, the sooner this con- dition is realized. Then the economies of the suburban site are realized. The more skilled the class of workmen required, however, the greater the necessity of sticking to the city. Highly skilled labor is hard to wean from the comforts and conveniences of city life. Frequently a city, or a section, as New England, through its supply of labor of this sort, becomes an industrial Mecca for enterprises requiring highly skilled mechanics. In industries where bulk is small, labor cost high and transportation charges small in comparison with the value of the finished product, the labor supply is the vital factor. In other industries cheap power is the main consideration, and favorably situated power-producing centers, like Niagara Falls, attract such as these in large numbers. This particular center also possesses other marked advantages, such as central location with regard to markets, exceptional transportation facili- ties and excellent labor market. Incidentally, too, the adver- tising value of this famous locality is no small advantage. Thus Niagara Falls became the logical location for a well- known food company, not only because here was an abundance of cheap electric power needed to operate its machinery and bake its product, and because here the grain from the middle Northwest could be laid down by watercourse as cheaply as any- where, but also because here was available a never-ending stream of sightseers from all over the world, who went away to spread the story of the electrically-operated factory. A further reason was the location of Niagara along the western border of the Eastern standard time zone, which is practically equivalent to setting back the clock an hour and giving more daylight during the hours of work. 48 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION Cheap power is the magnet that has drawn industries to itself from time immemorial. New England teems with mills and factories gathered around dam sites reared up at convenient points along her many swiftly flowing streams. These New England waterpowers, however, for the most part are now supplemented with steam plants, as the water supply has been found unequal to the task the year around, or else the increasing size and centralization of the industry has rendered it inadequate at any season. Today it is doubtful whether any factory would find it advantageous to locate at a point along any small stream or river solely because waterpower could there be produced cheaply. The great advantage of electric power and of the importance of hydro-electric power is that electricity can be transmitted economically several hundred miles. Thus, Niagara Falls is generating power for use in Hamilton and Toronto on the Canadian side, and on the American side for cities as far east as Syracuse. This greatly simplified the problem of location in many instances. Los Angeles, until recently thought to be barren of industrial possibilities, through her development of electrical power on the wholesale plan now bids fair to become the focus of scores of thriving factories. So also Chicago through its development of waterpower along the drainage canal has attracted many manufacturers who otherwise might have found it more advantageous to locate elsewhere. PROVIDING GROUP "HOMES" AND SERVICE FOR THE SMALL MANUFACTURER THE development of power by specialized corporations or by factories in cooperation is one practical reason for industries to locate in groups. Still another advance phase of the co- operative tendency is seen in Toledo, where a manufacturing building has arisen on the plan of an office building-to furnish "homes" at low cost to a multitude of industries. The tenant here pays for just the space he needs and can add to his space as his business grows. Heat, electricity, building, repairs, sani- tary upkeep, shipping accommodations, even the services of an employment bureau are included in the rental. Power and light are paid for at a low rate as used. CHOOSING A SITE 49 On the east side of New York bay, in Brooklyn, there is another enterprise similar in scope to the foregoing, but on a much larger scale. This is a vast group of steel and concrete buildings, designed especially to furnish loft, factory ware- house, railroad and shipping facilities-the Bush Terminal. Not only manufacturers, but wholesalers and the New York branches of many establishments located in various sections of the country are here segregated. They utilize space in these buildings for their stock, retaining space for their sales rooms in New York. To serve such tenants as these, the company operates a union stock and shipping service, which relieves the manufacturer of all responsibility in connection with the storage and shipment Plant Location Present Sites Prospective Sites Factors Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign Chicago Denver London Bordeaux Cleveland Hartford Hamburg Odessa Markets Competition Raw Material Proximity to Supply Abundance of Supply How Laid Down Proximity of Feeding Industries Bonus Free Site Financial Tax Remittance Aids Cooperative Capital Banking Accommodations Rates on Water, Gas, Electricity Grade FORM I: On this master sheet, the location man for a chain of factories analyzes the advantages of present plants for comparison with prospective sites. Reports from existing factories and research among desirable sites furnish the data for decisions by the heads of the business of his goods. Even accounts are handled so that the patron can know at a moment's notice just how his stock, orders and 50 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION accounts stand. All this service is included in the price of rental. Of a different order are the inducements frequently held out by small towns which have an ambition to become great indus- trial centers. These offer free land, freedom from taxes and even a money bonus. Many times these inducements are worthy of consideration and may justly influence the choice of a loca- tion, but localities that possess the highest qualifications scarcely need to resort to such measures. For an existing industry that has outgrown its present head- quarters, a change in location often is advisable, although an old location may possess peculiar advantages that entitle it to the preference. If thoroughly established in a small town the manufacturer often finds it best either to remodel or to relocate in the immediate vicinity. Other factors that on occasion should be taken into considera- tion in choosing the most profitable location are legal obstruc- tions and facilities for and cost of construction. In some states the taxation and liability laws place such a burden on the manu- facturer, that compared with manufacturers in the same line of business in other states where legislation is more favorable, he is at a real disadvantage. Local ordinances, too, need to be con- sidered, particularly in large cities. In some the building restrictions are much more stringent than in others. The character of the local government seriously affects the question of taxes. Ordinarily, a manufacturer would decide in favor of the locality where the tax rate is lowest, but if the low rate is due to an unequalized system of taxation, the inducement is only apparent. Only when low taxes are due to efficient gov- ernment are they a safe attraction. On the other hand, a high tax rate is not of itself a deterrent. If due to the inauguration of a far-sighted plan of civic develop- ment, a high rate may be an attraction-for it will be com- pensated for in other ways. In some cases the facilities for quick and economical construc- tion are the crucial consideration. It may be that, in what seems the best location, the bulk of the building materials must be transported from a distance at high expense, that the labor available for the work of construction is poor, unorganized and scanty; or, on the other hand, so highly organized, high-priced CHOOSING A SITE 51 and arbitrary that the cost of building in that vicinity is ren- dered almost prohibitive. No manufacturer would wish to handi- cap his business with high interest charges on this account unless the locality were exceedingly promising and advantageous otherwise. Then again, the length of time required to build may mean a heavy money loss as well. Supposing the choice narrowed down to two locations, on a par as to desirability, except only that the facilities for quick construction in the one were superior to those in the other and the project had reached the point where build- ing operations had to be begun at once and must be completed within a given time. Then the decision obviously would be in the favor of the location with the superior facilities for buildings. The manufacturer who would decide wisely among rival sites needs to compare them point by point in as many particulars as he considers essential to successful operation. Location deter- mines the handicaps and advantages of the plant for its lifetime; no problem, therefore, deserves more careful study. V PLANNING FOR CONSTRUCTION M ANUFACTURING in the face of competition means balancing the net of your advantages minus your dis- advantages against the similar net advantage enjoyed by your competitor. The factory that was made expressly for the use to which you are putting it helps the sum of advantages. The makeshift in shop or equipment is one more handicap. When Henry Ford found that endless chain conveyors, on which work flowed past workmen like water, cut some of his costs deeper than fifty per cent, he made a big addition to his advantage column; but it was not until he housed that manufacturing prin- ciple in specially designed shops that he gained its full leverage upon costs. So the task of cutting costs and meeting competition begins with making the factory right; and making the factory right begins when planning for construction begins. Planning time and selling time are vitally connected. Never is it easier to safe- guard against errors, and never is it easier to make more costly blunders unwittingly than at the start. On wise planning de- pend not only the immediate returns on the investment, but alco the permanency of the business itself (Figure IX). A bundle of blueprints is not the starting point in planning for construction, as too many examples of inadequacy in factory construction testify. Experienced manufacturers, who have put up noteworthy buildings, have found that the first work is to collect information on which must be based those fundamental decisions on material, height, arrangement and cost, which govern throughout the construction. : DECIDING ON PLANS 53 A plat of the factory site is the first requisite. Have this prepared by a skilled and reliable engineer. The plat should show accurately the topography, transportation facilities, loca- tion of water mains and sewers and the character of the soil. This data you will find necessary in blocking out the location of buildings, yards and trackage. Before planning his buildings, the manufacturer will find it advantageous also to visit other plants-not only those in the same line of manufacturing, but also in lines having one or more similar requirements. Study the types of construction and the conditions affecting the manufacture. Tabulate for future ref- erence the information you collect. Approximate costs of the various types of buildings may be learned from experienced engineers and the manufacturers. "Lower-first-cost" and "quickest-ready" were formerly the standards in choosing a type of building. That was before it was realized that a first-class building is one of the essential factors of economical production. The premium is now placed on buildings that are permanent and fireproof, upon which de- preciation and upkeep and fire-tax are a minimum and in which ideal working conditions may be most nearly attained. Modern concrete construction seems to answer this purpose best. In first cost concrete construction is little more expensive than the best type of timber-mill construction, and there are instances where the cost on comparative bids for the same work was less. Even if concrete does cost you more originally, rarely if ever is a greater burden of fixed charges entailed on the product. Compensating low depreciation, upkeep and fire hazard charges readjust the balance. Of the materials available, wood may well be left out of con- sideration entirely, except to supplement other and less de- structible substances, as in buildings of the "mill" type. The combination of brick and wood generally designed as "slow burning" or "mill construction" makes a very satisfactory building of the multiple-story type, if properly designed and constructed. In the design of steel-frame structures first cost is not the only consideration, but certainly an important one. It seems worth while, therefore, to point out that formerly steel-frame 51 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION buildings were sometimes more expensive than was necessary. Such structures were designed apparently with slight reference to economy of material. Now, however, all economies are safe- guarded, for structural steel design has become almost an exact science. Type of Building to Be Erected Depends on Line of Manufacture As to Height Single Multi-story Operation to Be Housed Shape Sites Available As to Dimensions Length Width Temporary or Pemanent Use Wood Brick and Wood Urgency of Demand As to Materials Steel Frame Investment Involved Concrete and Tile Concrete and Steel FIGURE IX: Meeting competition is easier when the building fits the business. Both cost and selling difficulties may often be traced back to one of the above considerations that was forgotten when executives were planning the kind of building to put up Tabulation of building costs should include figures on single- story and multi-story construction. Between these types of building tentative choice must be made before a layout is de- veloped. The advantages and disadvantages of each type are shown later. The question of building costs will be developed at length in the next chapter. When you have gathered information on the approximate costs of various types of buildings, collect data also on the available supply of building materials and on probable deliveries. This will be necessary in drawing up contracts later. A copy of the state building laws will help you to avoid ex- pensive errors in construction. This can be obtained from the office of the state factory inspector. The city officials will supply a copy of the local building regulations. Machinery catalogs will help to determine the space needed for equipment. List also the local building contractors with a report on their ability and reliability, and prepare a list of out-of-town firms whose services may be required. Many other items for focusing information might be men- Thorough planning ahead is apparent in the facilities for making the most of daylight, the two mezzanine floors, and the extensive side-bays which are characteristics of the huge machine shop in the turbine plant of the General Electric Company at Schenectady. Ample working space is left around each machine and the movement of product is made easy by unobstructed aisles Numerous economies result when outdoor construction is planned to merge into indoor construction without alteration. Two views of the erecting shop of the Great Lakes Engineering Works at Ashtabula, Ohio, are shown. Above is the shop for erecting machinery under cover, and below, the exterior erecting shop The same crane serves both shops. If advisable at any time, 'the roof can be carried out over the exterior crane runway DECIDING ON PLANS 57 tioned, but these will indicate the way to start planning for con- struction. Equipped with this information, thoroughly analyzed and ready for quick reference, the manufacturer will be ready to face certain big questions that must be decided before he can go ahead with detail plans. What provision to make for growth is a most important con- sideration. Providing for growth does not mean building struc- tures of twice or three times the capacity needed at the start. The wise manager will forecast development along systematic lines (Figure X). How to do this is suggested by the sectional bookcase-by observing the unit principle. A sectional bookcase may be extended upward or laterally. Similarly, the factory should be standardized in layout, with strength in the founda- tions and columns to receive one or more extra stories, and the ends free so that sections may be added as needed. Under the unit principle, buildings are placed so as to permit expansion perhaps to double and triple the original size without extending the land limits. A decision on the type of management also directly affects the layout. The more scientific the plan of management adopted, other things being equal, the less space will be required for de- partments. Compared with the old-fashioned scheme of layout, the latest word in scientific management makes two threshing machines or automobiles or steel billets "grow" where one grew before. There are such things as intensive and extensive manu- facturing as well as intensive and extensive farming. Before building, decide which you are to follow. E EVERY PRODUCTION SCHEME DIRECTLY AFFECTS THE SHAPE AND SIZE OF BUILDINGS XPERIENCED manufacturers have found it profitable to make an early choice even of the production scheme to be followed in the factory. This means to determine whether you will make to order or to stock, to decide what material to buy already processed and to what extent to purchase raw material. This decision enters into the question of providing space for storage. The production scheme necessitates a decision on arrangement of departments on the article or operation basis. 58 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION Shall grinding, drilling, planing, polishing and all other proc- esses in making a cylinder for an automobile engine be done in one cylinder department, for example, or shall all grinding on cylinder, crank case, frame, piston, gears and all other parts, be done in one department, all drilling in another, all planing in a third, and so on? The second or operation arrangement has been found to give important economies, but the article arrange- ment has been adopted in many plants whose business is large enough to require a steady and uninterrupted flow of parts. Sources of power and types of drive must be decided before the work of laying out the plant is started. Whether machines are to be belt or motor driven or which the one and which the other; if motor driven, whether in groups or singly by direct application; where electricity is to be used; where steam, and where air. These are questions the solution of which bears a vital relation to the layout. More care than might be thought must be taken that enough space is reserved for each machine. In deciding what provision to make for storage of raw material, supplies, tools, jigs and fixtures and semi-finished parts, as well as finished product, two points may well be borne in mind: first, convenience in serving the shop; and, second, accessibility in receiving or shipping (Figure XI). Centralizing all stores, or housing them perhaps in a special structure, concentrates the keeping force. If the double-bin system of storing supplies is adopted, almost a third more storage room will be necessary than with the single-bin system. To what extent the wall space can be utilized for intermediate storage of work in process needs also to be worked out. Inter-factory transportation is another factor which comes into the problem of planning for construction. The kind of floors to lay down, the space to leave between machines, the width and height of doorways, the location of elevators and cranes, the space for conveyors, gravity chutes and inclines, must to a workable degree be predetermined. Certain space has to be set aside in every department for administration. Ample gangway space is needed in handling the men quickly as they register in and out and at pay time. Not only must provision be made for the general offices, but also for desk or record room for every foreman. The space necessary DECIDING ON PLANS 59 for administration depends on the extent to which the principle of planning out work in advance is to be followed. If produc- Providing for Factory Growth FL *? Circular Plan of Expansion Parallel Plan of Expansion FRX2 FRX1 FR * 2 FIGURE X: In providing locations for future buildings your choice is limited to the two plans here drawn, or modifications of them. The shaded areas represent existing buildings and dotted areas proposed ones. "O" indicates offices, and buildings marked "Fl. No. 1," factory left number 1, or "Fr No. 2," factory right number 2. Both plans observe the unit principle tion is to be scheduled, generous provision for a planning depart- ment will be needed. What may be called the social policy of the plant needs, to 60 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION some degree, to be developed at the start. Assembly rooms, reading and lounging rooms, perhaps a gymnasium and a club- house, grounds for outdoor sports, a dispensary-these are among the service features which characterize some of the larger plants today. Progressive managers are realizing that in order to conserve the whole-souled interest of the men in their work and the welfare of the plant, it is necessary to interest them- selves in the men's play and health, as well as in their work. Hazardous processes may well be housed in separate struc- tures, unless all buildings are to be of fireproof construction. Fire-fighting equipment, too, requires a certain amount of space at different points throughout the plant and proper provision for it in advance may be equivalent to doubling its efficiency on occasion. Good lighting, heating, ventilating and sanitary conditions have a marked influence on the efficiency of labor. How much money shall be spent in making them as perfect as possible must be decided early. Afterwards it is expensive to remedy service deficiencies. A manufacturer in a middle-western state built a plant admirably equipped in many ways, but he failed to pro- vide for dust collection in his grinding department. Recently he was compelled by law to remedy his lack; and when he had installed his system, he found that he had seriously impaired his lighting conditions. Having at this point gained a perspective upon the services the plant must render to his business, the manufacturer will now find it advisable to decide tentatively whether he will put up a multi-story or a single-story building. One of the reasons why single-story construction is often preferred is because of the superior natural lighting possible. With saw-tooth skylighting every part of the interior, however broad the extent of the build- ing, is made equally light. In multi-story buildings, unless de- pendence is to be placed largely on artificial lighting, the width is, as a rule, limited to between fifty and seventy feet, depending on the height of ceiling and effective utilization of wall area for windows. That the only working floor rests on solid ground, that this floor needs no expensive supporting pins and beams and no rein- forcing steel to give it strength and stiffness, and finally, that DECIDING ON PLANS 61 throughout the entire area no columns need break up or interfere with the working space except possibly an intermediate row to furnish a support for crane girders as much as for roof sup- port-these facts constitute some of the weighty arguments in favor of the single-story structure. SAFEGUARDING AGAINST ERRORS IN CONSTRUCTION AND ARRANGEMENT OF DEPARTMENTS WITH his mind made up on the big questions in factory layout. planning, the manufacturer is now ready to develop his Blocking out on the plat the buildings to be put up will dis- close the difficulties of arrangement. A choice may often be made between an east and west or a north and south arrange- ment. Both have their merits and demerits, but the preference seems to be for the east and west arrangement, especially when buildings are equipped with saw-tooth roofs. Usually such roofs are constructed with the skylights facing north to insure a steady diffused light all day. Saw-tooth roofs facing north are cheaper on buildings running east and west because of the smaller num- OFFICE SERVICE STEEL FORGE GRIND- ING TEMPEA- ING STOA. AGE POLISH- ING HANDLE FINISH- ING STOCK SHIP- PING INDUSTRIAL TRACK MACHINE POWER INCOMING TRACK FOR RAW MATERIAL DRYING TURN- ING WOOD STORAGE OUTGOING TRACK, FOR FINISHED PRODUCT. FIGURE XI: In building a new factory future economy depends upon the actual drawing up of a chart indicating the routing of material so that minimum transportation may be possible and ample provision for future growth may be assured. The plant here shown may be extended to several times its original capacity without interfering with the basic design ber of roof ends necessary than when the building runs north and south. Arrange your buildings not only to facilitate the rapid, continuous and direct flow of material in the process of manufacture, but in such a way as to allow any one of them to 62 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION be extended or duplicated without blocking this flow (Figure XI). Before planning the arrangement of departments, decide what shall be the sequence of operations in the process of manufac- ture. This decision will, of course, vary in different lines. The number of departments to be blocked out will depend largely on the kind of production scheme followed, whether on the opera- tion or article basis. To make the greatest use of time and space within the build- ings, the next step in making the layout is to draw up a routing diagram. To do this effectively make a cardboard dummy in the manner described at length in the first chapter. This plan allows the experiments and shifts necessary in bringing the many divergent requirements under the final plan. When each depart- ment is laid out in this way, a routing diagram developed and space requirements settled, it will be easier to determine the exact dimensions of your buildings. This first arrangement of departments will be tentative, of course, but such a study will show which departments must be located on the ground floors and which may be placed on the upper floors. In developing the routing diagram, the manufacturer will at this point find it necessary to decide finally how many stories. high his buildings shall be, if he has not adopted the single-story type. This decision on the number of stories and on the location of departments will permit the completion of the routing dia- gram. One step remains to finish the layout, and that is to pre- pare a schedule of the floor loads. This will have a direct bearing on the preparation of specifications for the actual construction of the buildings. The last step is the preparation of the actual plans for con- struction. The first thing to do is to make a final decision on the type of building, whether mill, steel frame or concrete, and the style of architectural treatment. In deciding on a type of building it is well to bear in mind the value of concrete con- struction. The worst fire has usually left buildings practically unharmed, ready for the replacement of damaged machinery and perhaps the resumption of manufacturing in a few days. With other types of construction a bad fire means that you must get DECIDING ON PLANS 63 a new building, and get rid of the ruins of the old one. Now sketch rough floor plans that will indicate the location of stairways, elevator shafts, perpendicular belt-ways, and par- titions. Have the designer prepare a perspective drawing of the buildings as they will appear when completed. From this drawing you may lay plans during actual construction for mak- ing the plant attractive with vines, window boxes, trees and shrubbery. With the aid of the routing diagram, the cardboard dummy and the rough floor plans, have your designer build a model of the factory. When this has been constructed as described in the first chapter, hold a conference with the architect, engineer and contractors. Among you, revise the model and decide on the various construction details such as windows, skylights and heating, ventilating and sanitating systems. Next prepare floor plans and start detail drawings of build- ings and departments. When these have been approved, sepa- rate sets of floor plans should be blueprinted for each of the several equipment features to be installed separately, such as wiring, plumbing, heating, ventilating, and machinery requiring advance provision. If necessary, revise the specifications for each set of plans thus prepared. From these plans make a final estimate of the cost. If the estimate exceeds the limit set for the initial investment in buildings, have one or more less expensive alternate designs drawn up. Make a final choice among them, and change the plans and specifications accordingly. These are the steps in construction planning which are actually followed by manufacturers of recognized ability and achieve- ment. So fundamental are the points involved, that on the care and foresight you employ in this work which precedes actual building operations may rest the success or failure of your enter- prise. VI TYPES OF BUILDINGS AND WHAT THEY COST WHEN HEN a manufacturer, wishing to erect a new building, asks how much that building will cost, it is possible to answer his question with sufficient definiteness to guide his decision. The figures of cost will necessarily be approximate, but they will show with substantial accuracy, not only the cost of a particular size and type of building, but also the compara- tive cost of different available types. First of all, the manufacturer must make up his mind as to what he means by the word "cost." Every business man knows that after the new building is paid for there come along other costs, in the form of recurring outlays for maintenance and repairs on the building, for machinery, and for insurance on the building and its contents. Cost may reasonably be taken as the ultimate yearly charge for the expense of erection, plus the other annual outlays men- tioned. With rigid, wholly unburnable buildings all the up-keep charges are lower than with "slow-burning" buildings, and the loss from interruption of operation caused by a bad fire is very much less. The manufacturer must, therefore, decide in the first place whether he means to consider first cost-the mere outlay for the erection of his building-or the more important ultimate yearly cost. The latter is obviously indicated by sound business judgment. Having, perhaps by legal necessity, ruled out frame construc- tion, the manufacturer may consider three possible types of factory construction: first, steel frame, either with or without fireproofing of the members; second, mill construction, the BUILDING TYPES AND COSTS 65 so-called "slow-burning" type, and, third, reinforced concrete (Figure XII). If the steel work is adequately protected by fire- proof sheathing, steel frame buildings are the most costly of these three types. Steel construction without fireproofing may be cheaper than the other types, but it embodies a very serious fire risk. It does not burn, but when heated it bends, buckles and collapses, forming a mass of ruins that cost almost as much to clear away as it does to put up a new building. A machine shop of unfireproofed steel, with a single story forty feet to the roof, will go down under the heat from burning oil and waste and a few bits of wood below. This has happened repeatedly, resulting in a tangled mass of metal that had to be cut to pieces with the cold chisel, drill and blowpipe. With regard to the other two types of construction it is true in general that a monolithic, reinforced concrete building costs for erection from five to fifteen per cent more than a similar building of mill construction, though there have been cases where, owing to the local cost of materials, freight rates, and so on, the concrete first cost has been quite as low as that of mill con- struction. A cotton mill and weave shed of reinforced concrete construction was built for $1.21 per square foot of floor surface; ´a similar mill and shed of mill construction could have been built at that place for $1.10 per square foot. On the other hand, a four-story cotton storehouse of reinforced concrete was built in Texas for fifty cents per square foot of floor surface; and a similar building of mill construction would have cost in Texas approximately the same price. RELATIVE COSTS OF TIMBER-MILL AND CONCRETE AND STEEL CONSTRUCTION THE usual difference in first cost of these types is due to two main features. The first of these is the difference in the weight of timber and of concrete floors. A mill-construction floor intended for light loads is comparatively light. Its thickness may be exactly proportional to the load conditions, and no large part of the strength of the timber columns is needed for the mere supporting of the weight of the floor itself. With concrete, the case is entirely different. 66 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION Determining the Type of Building PROFIT LOSS Advantages Low First Cost Easily and Quickly Built Easily. Altered Timber Mill Disadvantages Not Fireproof Subject to Vibration Increasing Cost of Lumber Difficult to Keep Sanitary Depreciates Rapidly Diminishes in Strength Costly to Maintain Advantages Fireproof Carries Heavier Load Depreciates Slowly Easy to Maintain Cheap to Insure Sanitary Rigid Allows More Window Space More Readily Salable Unskilled Labor Can Build Concrete and Steel Disadvantages Higher First Cost Hard to Alter Hard to Remove FIGURE XII: From the standpoint of costs, the choice of building lies usually between the two types balanced here under profit and loss. The advantages of concrete and steel outweigh those of timber mill and the disadvantages of both types A reinforced concrete floor slab with any reasonable span must be several inches in thickness to allow for the reinforcement and sufficient concrete above it and below it. There is conse- quent waste of material and expense if the floor is thus, by force of circumstances, made stronger than the work requires. BUILDING TYPES AND COSTS 67 The weight of this floor, including girders and beams, obviously necessitates columns considerably stronger than for the mill- construction floor intended for light live loads. Or, to put it differently, although a floor may be required to carry a live load of only seventy-five pounds per square foot, the lightest concrete floor that can be made is capable of carrying a much greater live How the Cost of Forms Varies with the Number of Stories Forms (labor and material). Concrete (columns, roof and floors) 1. Story 3. Story 6. Story. $5,643 $9,677 $15,294 1,587 6,963 16,576 Basement floor.. 1,780 1,780 1,780 Steel (columns, roof and floor). 1,213 5,826 13,715 Walls (Interior and exterior above footings) 1,288 3,690 7,293 Windows 1,510 4,530 9,060 Fill in cellar. 900 900 900 Stairs and elevators 2,850 6,000 Plumbing... 375 825 2,250 Foundation and excavation (interior and exterior) 1,220 2,554 4,310 Roof and flashing 1,260 1,260 1,260 Exterior surface finish. 94 282 564 Oil and cold water painting 94 282 564 .... $16,964 $41,419 $79,566 Add 10% for profit and nome-office expense 1,696 4,141 7,956 Total.... $18,660 $45,560 $87,522 Cost per square foot of surface area $1.15 $0.94 $0.90 FIGURE XIII: The relation of the cost of forms to the numbers of stories and other items of cost in a concrete building are shown in this table computed by Sanford E. Thompson, and published in "Concrete Costs," by Taylor and Thompson load. The fact is that a concrete floor cannot reasonably be cut down to so small a carrying capacity; the timber floor can be, and for light loads the timber floor and column construction is decidedly cheaper. As the live floor load increases, however, the cost of the increased strength in floors and columns rises much more rapidly with mill than with reinforced concrete construc- tion. The cost is about the same when floor loads reach 300 or 350 pounds to the square foot. For heavier loads, concrete is the less expensive; it costs practically the same for supporting forms no matter what the thickness. Into the first-cost difference between concrete and mill construc- tion comes also the outlay on lumber and labor for forms (Fig- ure XIII). This item alone usually represents from twenty to thirty per cent of the erection cost of monolithic concrete 68 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION buildings, and more than covers the usual excess cost of concrete over mill construction. This is apparent from the following figures showing the relation of form costs to concrete costs in specific cases. In a group of nine buildings of various types and sizes, the cost of the forms for the concrete columns averaged 13 cents per square foot, while the complete cost of the concrete in the columns averaged 30.1 cents per cubic foot. The average cost per square foot of the forms for concrete slabs between steel beams in thirteen buildings was 9.5 cents, while the cost of the concrete in the slabs was 35.8 cents per cubic foot. If the slabs had been only three inches thick, this would mean that the forms cost a little more than the floor. Manifestly, the thicker the floor, the less, relatively, the form cost. This excess cost of concrete, due to the great outlay on forms, has largely been done away with by a new type of construction which seems to secure many advantages over monolithic concrete, both in the matter of cost and in the perfection of the concrete itself. The essential part of the new method is the casting of columns, girders, beams, partition slabs and cornices as separate members on the ground, allowing a period of ten days or more for seasoning, and finally the erecting of the framework. At junctions, the various sustaining members are connected by metal dogs, and the joints are made tight with a thin grout of neat cement. Floor slabs are cast directly upon the floor beams, and, because of the fact that these supporting members are seasoned, no centering is required. HOW BUILDING BY UNITS WILL LOWER YOUR COST OF ERECTION THIS type of concrete construction has been employed in several new buildings, and has shown the same freedom from vibration under heavy, rapidly run machinery that is char- acteristic of monolithic concrete. The cost advantages of this method are obvious. The amount of lumber required for forms is greatly decreased, especially in the absence of centering and bracing. The casting of the necessary members is done on the ground, and, hence, all form work is done at the same level. BUILDING TYPES AND COSTS 69 COST PER SQ. FT. $2.10 2.00. 1.90 DIAGRAM SHOWING ESTIMATED COST PER SQ. FT. GROSS FLOOR AREA OF BRICK MFG. BUILDINGS INCLUDES ORDINARY FOUNDATION AND PLUMBING ONE STORY BUILDING FOUR STORY BUILDING 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 LENGTH FEET WIDTH 25 FT. WIDTH 25 FT. 5Q FT: 75 FT. 50 FT. 100 FT. 125 FT. 75 FT. 100 FT. 125 Ft. 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 FIGURE XIV: These cost curves (plotted by Charles T. Main, mill engineer) for standard "slow- burning" mill-constructed buildings under average market conditions apply for heights of stores as follows: 13 feet for 25 feet of width, 14 feet for 50 feet, 15 feet for 75 feet and 16 feet for 100 feet or over. Floor loads taken at 75 pounds per square foot. From these curves it is evident that, in the case of such construction, a four-story building is the most economical to put up; that is, it gives the lowest cost per square foot of floor area. This height is fixed as the line of greatest economy in the cost of increasing thickness of walls. With concrete the economy increases within limits with the number of stories 70 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION Not so many men are required to make the forms, and the cost of casting is much less than when it is done in position. A striking example of this was presented in the cost of a build- ing where one of the cornice pieces, which had been cast on the ground, was broken, and it was decided to cast that particular piece in place, at the top of a four-story wall. The cost of making the form for the original casting on the ground was a little over twelve dollars, not counting the cost of the lumber. But the new form built at the top of the wall-also excluding the cost of the lumber-amounted to forty-four dollars. No more strik- ing proof of the great economy of casting on the ground could be asked. Single-story buildings erected by this system have shown a cost fully twenty per cent lower than that of similar buildings in monolithic concrete, not including fixtures. It was asserted in the opening of this chapter that it is possible to answer the manufacturer's question with relation to the cost of his building with sufficient definiteness to guide his decision. But this does not mean that the offhand methods of figuring per cubic foot of space or per square foot of floor area will give more than rough results. This is particularly true with regard to reinforced concrete, where the cost of the forms and the question of their repeated use enters as a very large factor in the ultimate cost of the building. The great diversity in estimates on the cost of very similar buildings of reinforced concrete has been largely due to im- perfections in the method of estimating. Figuring on the cubic feet of enclosed space, or the square feet of floor area, will inevitably result in inaccuracy, unless previous records exist of buildings of almost identical design. The effect of size and character upon cost is shown by the following: a small factory, costing only $12,774, with a volume of 112,440 cubic feet, showed a unit cost in reinforced concrete of 11.4 cents per cubic foot of space; another factory building, costing $44,652, with a cubic contents of 746,674 cubic feet, cost only six cents per cubic foot. The diversity in the cost of ordinary mill construction is well shown by a comparison of costs of ten mills and warehouses which ranged all the way from 4.5 to 12.2 cents per cubic foot, and from 54.2 cents to $1.51 per square foot of floor area. All this points to the necessity of much more careful and detailed BUILDING TYPES AND COSTS 71 methods of estimating. Lumber and brick may be figured by the thousand with accuracy, but to estimate concrete by the cubic foot without regard to its thickness or the cost of the necessary forms is certain to lead to gross error. This is evident in such figures as the following: the cost of concrete beam floors in a group of nine mill and storehouse buildings ranged from 28.6 to 47 cents per cubic foot, while flat slab floors in a similar Comparative Cost of Buildings of Concrete and Mill Construction (Compiled by Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers) Initial Cost of Building Yearly Charges: Mill Construction $100,000 Reinforced Concrete $115,000 Taxes Interest @ 6 Per Cent Fire Insurance: 1 Per Cent $6,000.00 1.000.00 $6,900.00 1,150.00 Building @ 70c Contents @ 90c 700.00 1,800.00 @ 25c 287.50 60c 1,200.00 Depreciation @ 1}% 1,250.00 @ 1% 287.50 Items Chargeable vs. Mill Construction Only : (a) Loss Due to Vibration (Estimated) 450.00 (b) Increased Light Necessary 500.00 (c) Vermin Losses (d) Increased Cost of Heating (e) Less Security to Business, Due to Greater 100.00 100.00 Fire Hazard (Estimated) 750.00 Total $12,650.00 $9,825.00 Annual Saving of Concrete over Mill Construction $ 2,825.00 Per Cent Saving in Fixed Charges 8 10 2 per Cent Annual Saving Capitalized @ 6 Per Cent $47,083.00 Thus, Owner Could Afford to Pay $150,000 for a Concrete Building or 50 Per Cent More Than for the Same Thing in Mill Construction and Still Save Money on His Investment FIGURE XV: Cost figures prove that "the best is the cheapest in the end." Manufacturers spend their money on high-class construction and equipment only because prospects of greater ac- tual returns on their money compel them to do so. It is a case of spending two dollars to get eight dollars back, rather than one dollar to get three dollars back group of buildings varied in cost between 27.2 and 42.2 cents per cubic foot, and the per cubic foot cost of walls above grade in a diversified group ranged from 17.5 to 44.6 cents. There are several broad principles governing the cost of buildings, according to their size and shape, that should be con- sidered by the manufacturer in deciding upon his new building. In many instances, of course, where the ground plan of a building is determined by necessities of site, or of sequence of manufac- turing processes, in a way that is contrary to the greatest economy in first cost. But, in general, the manufacturer can lessen his cost considerably by trying to fit his purposes into the size and shape of building that is most economical. Here are certain 72 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION fundamental principles, most of which apply to both concrete and mill construction. A. The square building is always the cheapest because it gives the largest floor space for a given area of roof and extent of outer walls. Long and narrow buildings are among the least economical, B. The cost of ordinary foundations does not increase in pro- portion to the number of stories, and, therefore, their cost per square foot of floor area decreases as the number of stories increases. C. When the type of roof is the same, whether for a one-story building or for one of several stories, its cost relative to the total cost grows less as the number of stories increases. D. The cost of columns, including the supporting piers, does not vary much per story as stories are added. E. The cost of columns and beams in mill construction increases rapidly with floor loads of one hundred and twenty-five pounds and over. With concrete, the increase will usually be nil until much heavier loads are to be provided for. F. In mill construction, the cost of the walls increases in a greater ratio than the number of stories, since the thickness of the walls has to be increased, and this increase in thickness ex- tends all the way to the ground from the floor of each added story. With concrete, the cost of walls increases with the number of stories but less rapidly (Figure XIV). WHY A CONCRETE BUILDING IS MORE ECONOMICAL THAN TIMBER-MILL BUILDING ONCRETE costs in a building of a given size will necessarily vary with differences in the spacing of columns, the design of floors, the number of beams to each bay, and the always present local variation in the different factors. The cost effects of structural variations have been worked out in such detail that within a few years the most economical types of design for specific building dimensions and floor loads will be so well known as inevitably to bring about a lowering of the cost of monolithic concrete construction (Figures XV and XVI). It is obvious that, once built, the concrete building is distinctly more economical than mill construction. The assurance that a Two methods of handling concrete work adapted for economy of forms are shown. The walls of the Uno Manufacturing Company (above) were molded on horizontal platforms and raised into position by steel jacks. In the plant of the National Lead Company (below) the integral parts after casting were raised into position by a derrick, when the joints were made fast and cemented NAAY Interruptions of work due to weather conditions are avoided in the plant of the New York Shipbuilding Company by putting the entire work of construction under roof; two vessels are seen (upper picture). Fullest use of daylight, an abundance of air, economy as to walls, columns and basement were ob- tained in the attractive steam laundry shown in the lower picture BUILDING TYPES AND COSTS 75 fire in a concrete factory can cause only a brief interruption to manufacturing operations is of great importance, though it can hardly be expressed in terms of annual saving. In the matter of fire insurance, the rates are lower on concrete factories WAS $27 IN LUMBER 10% LUMBER SAVING NOW $24. IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 1.3% PLANT INCLUDING LARGE AND SMALL TOOLS. SLIGHT CON- CESSIONS BUT CARRY HERE AT SAME PRICE AGGREGATE LESS DEMAND, SO CHEAPER SAVING IN AGGREGATE IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 5% 2% OTHER MATERIALS NAILS, WIRE, OIL AND SO ON IN OTHER MATERIALS 5% SAVING IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 2% MISC. IRON AND STEEL PLANT 5% AGGREGATE 4% 3.8% 2.5% ALL OTHER MATERIALS MISC. IRON AND STEEL STEEL REINF. 2.5% CARPENTERING 3% ALL OTHER 5% LABOR LUMBER 5.7% LABOR. EXCAVATING 5.3% CONCRETE 7.7% 11% STEEL PURCHASES 35.5% 12% CENTERING 64.5% SAVING IN IRON AND STEEL IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 20% 5% STEEL REINFORCEMENT WAS $1.40 NOW $1.15 SAVING IN STEEL REBWORCEMENT IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 18% 2% 13% CEMENT SUB-CONTRACTS 19.5% CEMENT [VARIES WITH AM'T AND LOCALITY SAVING IN CEMENT 10% IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 1.3% SUB-CONTRACTS EAGER COMPETITION, LOW PRICES IN SUB- CONTRACTS 5% SAVING IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 1% LABOR WAGES SAME, EFFICIENCY GREATER MI LABOR 5% SAVING IN TOTAL BUILDING COST 1.8% PRESENT BUILDING COSTS COMPARED WITH COSTS IN JUNE-JULY, 1913 FIGURE XVI: Building costs for normal (1913) and subnormal (1914) years are compared in this chart, worked out by L. Č. Wason, President of the Aberthaw Construction Company. The com- plete circle represents a concrete factory's total cost, which is made up of elements in the propor- tions indicated. Practically every element contributed toward the savings possible properly planned. For unsprinkled risks, the rates are only thirty to forty per cent of those for mill construction with open joists; for reinforced concrete buildings, the average rate of insurance on building and contents ranges from four cents on a machine shop to seven cents on a woodworking plant. Rates on such risks must inevitably be lower than on any other con- struction. Another side to the fire question is the fact that concrete is waterproof as well as fireproof. Hence, in the event of fire, the contents of a single story or apartment may burn, and tons of water may be poured into that story without damaging material in the stories below. In a cotton storage warehouse at Lowell, of monolithic concrete, each compartment in each floor (forty-eight compartments in all) is provided with drainage slopes leading to scuppers in the outside walls, so that water cannot damage the interior of the building nor its contents. Flat-slab, or beam-and-girderless construction is rapidly grow- 76 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION ing in favor because of its many advantages. Greatest economy of forms is possible and the economy increases rapidly with each story. Ceilings are as unobstructed as the floor surface itself. This freedom from girders yields a saving on every construction and equipment feature in which story-height is a factor. Nearly a foot is saved on each story. Walls, sash, windows, all vertical piping, stairs and other features are reduced to minimum dimen- sions and costs are therefore cut down also. Ventilation, day- light, and artificial light are free of overhead "pocket" restraint. The total efficiency of the ceiling as a reflector is obtained. Sprinkler heads not only operate to their fullest advantage, but may also be centered on the maximum distances prescribed by fire underwriters and building codes. Floors are of uniform strength and stiffness. Vibration is dissipated more rapidly and machinery may be placed anywhere on the floor. Freedom from vibration is another very valuable quality of the concrete factory. This stability results in a great reduction in the cost of repairs to machinery, and often in increased pro- duction as compared with mill construction. It is the unusual experience in concrete factories with every type of machine, from spinning machines and looms to fifteen-ton embossing presses, that machines do not "walk." Shafting stays in line, and repairs and interruptions are reduced to the minimum. In conclusion, as at the beginning of this chapter, it may be said that your choice must depend on your definition of "cost.' For a long series of years, in an industry where changing machinery does not involve radical changes in the factory build- ing itself, a concrete factory is likely to result in a direct annual saving of two or three per cent on its own cost, and it has some peculiar virtues in assuring slight interruption to manufacturing activity in case even of a serious fire. On the other hand, you may, in some circumstances, be justified in deciding that it is wiser to make the smallest possible capital investment in a new building, and to accept annual charges higher than would come with a concrete factory. VII HANDLING THE CONSTRUCTION T HOROUGHLY worked out plans and specifications, cover- ing every detail of building and equipment which must be provided for in construction and also those installations which must follow hard on the completion of construction are the first essential to economy. Many managers, in laudable eager- ness to get operations under way once they have decided to build, make the mistake of beginning too hastily. Almost without exception the result is that not only is time saved at the expense of thoroughness in preparation more than offset by time con- sumed later in correcting the inevitable mistakes that ensue, but that to correct these mistakes involves large expenditures. Of course, it is unlikely, no matter how careful the preparatory work is done, that errors of omission and commission will entirely be avoided, but careful planning will usually forestall any serious errors (Figure XVII). One reason why managers make the mistake of wishing to start building operations before the plans are completed, is because they are in the habit of building special equipment that way. A new machine, however, is more or less of an experiment, and alterations and additions are expected. On the other hand, a factory must be right from the outset. Finding the proper parties to execute the plans is the second essential to economical construction. No matter who does the work, the goal to be achieved is the same-to get the best possible job in the quickest possible time and at the least possible cost. You may go at this task in the traditional way, which is to ask for bids on the basis of plans and specifications as provided, 78 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION and to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Each bidder usually is required to deposit with his tender a certain sum of money as a guarantee of good faith and responsibility; and the successful bidder, before the contract is closed, is re- quired to file a bond as a guarantee that he will complete the job in accordance with the conditions named in the contract. This arrangement is not always satisfactory. In fact, such contracts frequently terminate in litigation to the loss of both owner and contractor. Something is fundamentally wrong with a contract that leads to such a result. If the bids are open, it is hard to determine who is the lowest responsible bidder. The firm that is ruled out because of irresponsibility usually enters a complaint of unfairness. If the bids are closed, that is, re- ceived by invitation, which is a device to eliminate irresponsible bidders at the outset, those ruled out also are apt to set up a cry of discrimination. Yet this way is better. The wise manager will not let contracts to parties upon whom he feels he cannot depend, and at the same time he will feel obligated to entertain in good faith all bids he allows to be made. PLANNING TO MAKE BIDS SAFE AND SATISFACTORY TO ALL PARTIES CONCERNED To make bids of this sort safer you may require submittal in itemized form, stating the quantities of work on which esti- mates are based and the unit prices. This plan to a large extent does away with the evils of the lump-sum bid. In a bid of this sort there is no way of telling whether the lowest bidder has taken all points into consideration. The fact that his bid is low does not prove that he has estimated most closely or has the means and ability to execute the work cheaper than his competi- tors. On the contrary, the chances are even that he has left out important items. Or he may have detected errors of omission in the plans and made some of his prices low with the expectation of making his profit on extras. To avoid these troubles, the bidders are frequently asked to name unit prices at which they will install work beyond that shown in the plans and specifications, or correct mistakes not their fault. Or, it is sometimes provided that all extra work shall be done by the contractor's men under supervision of the HANDLING THE WORK 79 owner's representative at cost plus a certain percentage. Even this arrangement does not always make for positive satisfaction. Contractors often find themselves running shy on time and at the risk of their profit. The result is needless haggling, vexa- tious delay, and unnecessary extra cost. The trouble is deeper seated than the form of contract-it is inherent in the system itself. The interests of owner and contractor, instead of being one, are from the very nature of things divergent and antagonistic. How building on a cost-plus-a-percentage basis can be made agreeable to all parties and reasonably assure a satisfactory building is illustrated by the experience of the Baker-Vawter company. It had decided on the type of its new building and then took up the question of handling construction. The usual methods were investigated and given careful consideration. Finally, it was decided to build on a cost-plus-a-percentage basis. Several contractors were interviewed. A contract was entered into with a large engineering firm that executes work chiefly on the basis named. The arrangement made, briefly, was this: For all the materials bought by and all work done under the super- vision of the constructors, they were to receive the actual cost plus the cost of labor and superintendence plus a certain agreed percentage of the total as their commission. As an incentive to keep the aggregate cost as low as possible, it was further stipu- lated in the contract that the constructors guarantee their esti- mate of the cost to the extent of a certain proportion of their fee. That is, if the actual exceeds the estimated cost, the contractors were to assume the difference up to the proportion of their percentage agreed upon. Further conditions of the contract were that the owners should have free access to all construction records and books; that they should have the final judgment on placing all orders for materials and equipment; that they should control and direct the general policy of carrying on the work. These stipulations were a positive assurance to the owners that full value at the very best obtainable price for both materials and labor would enter into the construction. Thus, the interests of owner and builder were made one so far as possible. As a further improvement you may call for tenders upon 80 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION definite quantities of work, and base final payment upon meas- urement of completed work at the stipulated unit figures. This puts the burden of accurate estimating upon the owner's engi- neers instead of the contractor. All bidders then are put upon an equal basis, and the chances for satisfactory execution of the contract are greatly increased. By this means also, an average lower level of bids is usually assured, as the contractors, relieved of the burden of responsibility and the expense of taking off quantities in detail, will scale down their figures to the minimum. If itemized quantities are not furnished them, they will naturally include a liberal allowance for the expense of estimating. Then, too, the owner's engineers are obliged in any event to prepare a separate estimate, in order to check up the bids, regardless of the form of presentation, and they might as well make their estimates accurate, and let the contractors bid on the basis thereof. The fact that this way of handling the matter requires fully worked out plans is an advantage, not a disadvantage, for the reason that it puts the premium on preparedness. Some contractors, in their eagerness to gain the advantage over competitors, volunteer to prepare "free of cost" their own detailed plans upon the basis of the general plans and specifica- tions, and some architects and engineers favor this arrangement. What attracts them is the saving of their own time and expense in working out the plans in complete detail. This, however, is what they are paid for. The contractor, nevertheless, certainly includes in his bid an allowance ample to cover drafting expense. So the owner really pays twice for the same service. Also, if one bidder is allowed to tender upon the basis of his own plans, all must do likewise, and this means that no two bids will be upon the same basis. Other owners undertake either with or without the active assistance of outside engineers the design and construction of their buildings, contracting out only certain features which require special skill in installation. This arrangement seldom works out to advantage except where the owners are operating on such a large scale that it pays them to maintain a regular staff of designing and constructing engineers. If they have to organize a special staff for the work, or crowd it onto their HANDLING THE WORK 81 Points to Observe in Handling Construction Schedules for Operations Deliveries Installations Completion by Units Inspections Construction Details Entire Buildings Bids and Contracts to Cover Material Lighting Installation of Fixtures for Ventilation Decorating Cleaning up Sanitation At Market Material At Grounds Inspections of Buildings Fixtures Preliminary Investigations Planning Legal Fees Engineering Inspection Service Cost Records to include Construction Insurance Wages Labor Bonus Material Testing Decorating Cleaning up FIGURE XVII: In remodeling an old building or in erecting a new one managers have found that it pays to schedule all work and arrange carefully for every contract and inspection. Every value expended, from preliminary investigations to cleaning up, should go into the cost records regular staff, the chances are more than even not only that the cost of the work will be excessive, but also that the completion of the work will be greatly delayed. This is partly because of the "experimental" habit of mind of company engineers, and partly because of the lack of experienced executive leader- ship. The execution with dispatch and at minimum cost of building plans is an art in itself, and to secure wise and able supervision and direction, is the better part of getting the right parties to execute the plans. Whether a designing engineer also directs the construction 82 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION or a separate firm is secured for the latter, either is better than the owner attempting with his own force to handle the work on a day basis. For both designer and contractor have reliable cost data, the fruit of many jobs, to guide them, while the owner has nothing. He is in the predicament of a mariner sailing new and uncharted seas. They navigate with perfect assurance waters whose depths they have plumbed many times and of whose every shoal and reef they are fully aware. Consequently, they are able to steer construction straight for the desired port. HOW A SUPERINTENDENT HASTENED CONSTRUCTION IN A NEW PLANT THIS is not to say that the owner shall delegate the entire proposition. It is important that he have on the ground a representative who has his interests thoroughly at heart and who is intimately acquainted with the business. What he can do is to exercise only supervisory direction. Superintendent Gleason, of the steel works at Gary, was present in such a capacity from the breaking of the ground, and to his constant presence and unceasing vigil the wonderful success that attended this piece of construction was no doubt largely due. Where he performed his most useful function perhaps was in so guiding the course of installation that the various parts were brought to rounded completion in the order of earliest desired occupancy. As a result it was possible to start up certain portions of the works while construction was still in progress elsewhere. This made for important savings in interest charges and set forward the day of first dividend payments. Mr. Gleason, however, scrupu- lously refrained from interfering with those who had the actual direction of the work. If you do not have the work done by a contractor, or by your own force, the possibility remains of having the work done under the direction of an outside engineer. This method has repeatedly proved successful in getting the plans executed, but only when the owner has been careful not to exert his influence too authori- tatively. If the engineer is a "big" man, he will not brook any interference, but will insist upon having absolutely untrammeled sway. This any engineer must have, if he is to produce results. HANDLING THE WORK 83 Owners, of course, interfere usually out of over-interest. In the disorder that attends most construction work in the early stages the demand seemingly is strong that they should step in. Buildings in the making are always attended by more or less confusion, in spite of the most skillful direction, and the owner must bide his time. Particularly must he restrain his impatience over the seemingly slow progress at first. More progress is likely to be made in a week after the machinery of construction is working smoothly than in a month or six weeks at the start. The owners were Their supervisory energy to help the Presently order be- In one instance, the builders were two months getting up to the first floor of an eight-story concrete hat factory. They were four weeks getting in the first floor alone. Gauged at this rate, instead of the factory being ready by fall, as planned, it would not be ready until the following summer. wroth and talked of cancelling the contract. engineer advised patience, and bent every construction superintendent get organized. gan to emerge out of chaos, and story after story went up as if by magic. In the succeeding two months, the remaining seven stories were added and long before the frost set in the building was under cover, enclosed and busy with the installation of equipment. Completion was a month or two later than expected, but this was due almost entirely to the fact that the owners insisted on starting construction before a number of important details had been decided. This prevented the constructor from completing his plans, ordering his materials and going ahead with a free rein, not to mention actual hold-ups while waiting for tardy decisions on various matters. The impatience of owners in another instance led to the starting of a job of concrete construction in a northern city at the beginning of winter. The work was interrupted by severe cold spells and so retarded that when spring broke, instead of the building being ready for occupancy as hoped, the roof remained to be put on. With the advent of mild weather, the work went forward rapidly. The roof was put on in a week and in two weeks it was in better shape than the floor below cast in February. So, in this instance, nothing was gained by starting precipitately. On the contrary much was lost. The cost of the building was at least twenty-five per cent greater than it should 84 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION have been, and the appearance and strength of the concrete in the first two floors were both inferior to that in the roof. Nor was time saved. The building would not only have cost less, looked better and been better, but would actually have been com- pleted sooner, if not a sod had been turned nor construction work started until the breakup of winter. GETTING THE WORK DONE IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY AT THE LOWEST EXPENSE IF the same engineer who prepares the plans and supervises construction, is competent also to direct the actual construc- tion, a satisfactory relation obtains all around. The interests of the owner, designer and builder become one, and the fact that the designer and contractor are one practically insures a pains- taking interpretation of the plans and specifications. Progress and good work are dependent solely on the ability of the manager and his assistants. In this case the owner, through his own purchasing depart- ment or through a specially established one, buys all the ma- terials needed, on the requisitions of the engineer, and pays for them on the approval of an inspector who oversees the receipt of all material ordered and certifies to its correctness both in quality and quantity. The labor involved, including resident superintendence, is handled as an addition to the regular payroll. Costs are kept on each item of the work and compared with the estimates. Thus the owner can tell at all times just how he is coming out. If the estimates are exceeded, an investigation is promptly instigated to find out why. Should it be found out that the cost on a certain item has been under-estimated, the figures are corrected. If the discrepancy is due to mismanage- ment, pressure in that quarter is at once brought to bear. To beat the estimate is the goal set before the construction super- intendent, and to do this he must push incessantly and watch expenditures and construction costs as carefully as a factory manager. An accurate cost record includes the expense of preliminary investigations and planning, engineering and legal fees, inspec- HANDLING THE WORK 85 tion service, and construction insurance. Expense of installing and testing equipment should be added to the initial cost of the unit. A perpetual appraisal on the basis of the original cost records may be started, making proper allowance for all pre- liminary expenses. In order that there may be no doubt about the date of com- pletion, a schedule is prepared at the start and rigidly adhered to. If the work is behind at any stage, extra pressure is put on to catch up. To prevent lack of material from causing delays, the material requirements are carefully prepared months in advance and the dates are strictly kept. The arrival of material on the day puts a pressure on the construction force to use it up, and this works powerfully to counteract any tendency to depart from the schedule. Liberal bonuses to the contractors, construction superintendent and his foremen, and some reward to the men by way of appre- ciation of their part in keeping the schedule-with still more liberal rewards all around for beating it as well as for keeping down the costs-complete the conditions necessary to insure speedy, economical and painstaking execution of the work. Bids on installation of fixtures for lighting, heating and venti- lation, plumbing and sanitation, are obtained early. When the contracts for this work have been let, the construction superin- tendent prepares a schedule of installation in accordance with the construction schedule. He will follow up building work closely and see that portions first needed are urged to completion, and that specified provision is made in advance for fixtures and equipment. The same follow-up work will be necessary with respect to the installation of fixtures and equipment. As Machinery may now be ordered and delivery specified, that installation may proceed at the earliest possible moment. decoration is completed and equipment installed constructors follow up promptly and make what repairs to the structure are necessary. When all fixtures and equipment have been tested and found in working order, the grounds and buildings can be cleaned up and laid out in harmony with the plans for making the plant attractive. For his compensation the engineer may receive either a fixed sum or a fixed percentage of the cost. Ten per cent for prepar- 86 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION ing the plans and directing the actual construction, which does not include the salaries of the men on the job, is the fee exacted by some engineers, and this is modest considering the overhead they must carry and the expense of preparing the plans and specifications. Sometimes in order to make it more to his interest to complete the job on time and at the least possible cost, an arrangement is made whereby the engineer's percentage varies, so that the less the cost and the sooner completed, the more he receives for his services. On the other hand, if the cost is excessive or the job is unnecessarily protracted, he is penalized by a considerable reduction in percentage. So the incentive is powerful both ways in securing economy and speed in construction. The same arrangement-cost plus a fixed sum, or cost plus a fixed percentage, or cost plus a variable percentage-is also satisfactory in paying for contract work, whether for the main construction or for subsidiary details. If the engineer merely prepares the plans and supervises the construction, he usually receives for this service a compensation of from five to seven per cent of the cost. The interest of the owners, designer and builder are made practically one in this arrangement, but not so good results are secured as when the engineer also directs the construction. If the former is the best arrangement that can be made, however, then the entire job is best let to a single, experienced contractor and the responsibility put on him of dealing with sub-contractors. VIII MAKING THE PLANT ATTRACTIVE T REES, vines, shrubs and flower boxes have a money-making value that is frequently forgotten or neglected in building a factory. Foliage of some sort around a factory is thought of as desirable, but the full value of "the looks of things" is seldom realized unless it is shown in figures, and such figures are not often available. This value has often been demonstrated, however. In one factory it is estimated that several thousand dollars are saved annually on the payroll be- cause the factory is located in a residence district. A net wage equal to that in other factories is paid, but the company does not have to pay carfare for its employees. The residence location is possible only because the buildings are made attractive. In other cases the good-will value of a handsome plant in the path of national travel, the influence of right surroundings upon the spirit and standards of the workers and the actual returns in health and efficiency have been established quite to the satis- faction of the management. Local conditions in general govern the arrangement and deco- ration of factory buildings. Manufacturing plants closely con- fined by city streets and railroad tracks, present, of course, an altogether different problem to the landscape architect than do those located in rural or suburban districts. Money spent in im- proving the appearance of buildings in either location has not often been considered an investment. But whatever the condi- tions, wherever the location of the plant, a tendency is now grow- ing to increase its value by making the buildings attractive. For manufacturers are learning that a factory that is good to look 88 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION at has an important advertising value, and that money spent in beautifying factory grounds returns in many indirect ways. Factories where the advertising value of attractive buildings has been developed are increasing in number. One big plant has an international reputation for just this development. Plans for few large factories are now completed until those in charge have made a tour of investigation of other plants in the country and this tour always includes a trip to Dayton, Ohio. The advertising value of attractive factory buildings in the case of the small plant is often as noteworthy as with a large one. A party of factory men on an automobile trip passed through several factory towns. When they reached their destination at night, conversation centered about one small factory which stood out in the day's tour primarily because the buildings and grounds had placed that factory in pleasing contrast with its surround- ings. Other factories were almost forgotten. Many conditions govern the indirect value of attractive factory buildings. One manufacturer definitely planned his investment for well arranged and attractive buildings, not as an advertising asset, but as a means of getting the best class of labor. This factory, planned for the manufacture of buttons, is located on the edge of a fine residence section and the factory name does not appear upon the buildings. West of the plant is a five-acre park which is open to the employees and east of the factory is a private park of about one and one-half acres. By locating this factory in a residence section, convenient to the homes of his employees, the manufacturer obtained and held an unusually high class of operatives. Whatever the advantages gained from attractive factory build- ings, certain practical details for the beautification of such structures need to be considered when you decide upon a progres- sive policy in this matter. Location is one of these details. When a factory building fronts closely on a city street, or is edged with sidewalks and railroad tracks, certainly no garden treatment can be developed for that plant. If the sidewalk is laid so close to the building that no space is left between the pavement and the wall, ivy or other vines will not grow. When it is known beforehand that such conditions will exist, some measure of attractiveness may be LANDSCAPE WORK 89 gained by a careful grouping of the structures making up the factory. It is possible, however, to improve such buildings with flower boxes. Geraniums and periwinkles will grow even in a smoky atmosphere and under other discouraging conditions. The ex- terior of a factory with so simple an addition as window boxes containing these plants can be made unusually attractive. Growing plants will make interesting a blank surface of brick or concrete. A visitor's impression of the factory may also be modified by a simple change in architecture. When a factory building faces directly on a city street it is possible often to get an attractive effect by making a feature of the entrance. A simple change in the design of the doorway, an overhanging roof, perhaps, or an entrance hallway, will give character and individuality to a wall surface otherwise plain and perhaps unsightly. HOW ENVIRONMENT HELPS TO KEEP WORKMEN CONTENTED FOR factories where there is some earth about the walls, from which plants can draw nourishment, probably the most common and simplest way of making factory buildings attractive is by planting ivys. Ivys, the wild cucumber and other vines, and window boxes have transformed the factories along the west side boulevards of Chicago. These buildings are hard to distinguish from apartment houses, primarily because the owners have taken the location of plants into consideration and have made their factories match the surroundings. Whenever atmospheric conditions permit, ivys will make the ugliest wall surface attractive. Those varieties known as the Boston and Engleman's ivy are hardy and will grow under very adverse conditions. A three-year-old plant of Engleman ivy under good conditions will grow ten or fifteen feet in the first year after it is planted. Vines should be set close to the walls and about ten feet apart. Flower boxes of special design or even built of stained rough boards, make an inexpensive method of beautifying wall sur- faces. Geraniums will average about a dollar a dozen and the periwinkle or vinca can be purchased for about fifty cents a 90 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION dozen. Five or seven plants are enough for an ordinary window box. In the winter, outside window boxes may be made attract- ive by planting them with evergreens. Objections have sometimes been made by the ever practical factory man that ivys disintegrate the walls. When it is remem- bered that the beauty of the walls of the old buildings in Europe depends primarily upon the ivy and that these walls have stood the elements for centuries the objection is unsustained. When a factory is located so that advantage can be taken of trees and shrubs in a decorative plan, the methods by which a pleasing effect may be gained are many, although, here again local conditions modify details. The problem of making your fac- tory attractive in the suburbs or country is that of harmonizing the buildings with the environment. The whole idea in grouping shrubs and trees about a plant is to match the buildings with the grounds. Ivy covered walls, shrubs and trees tie the build- ings to the earth. You may gain the desired effect by grouping units of utilitarian character, and by bringing these units (the power house, perhaps, the office and different factory structures) into a picture framed by trees and shrubs. In one factory located on a railroad right-of-way, the water storage basin with its stand-pipe, necessary for the fire protective system, is made the center of an attractive factory layout for about fifteen acres of ground. Both the water tower and the pond were necessary. A cement basin was built, having a depth of about four feet. The water tower was one hundred and twenty feet high. Greenery was planted with due regard for this tower and miniature lake as the central features. Trees and shrubs serve as frames for a landscape and give most pleasing effects when used to outline streets, driveways and sidewalks. Do not plant trees so close to the buildings as to prevent the entrance of sufficient light. SHRUBS AND TREES THAT WILL FLOURISH IN SMOKY ATMOSPHERES IN N planting trees near the buildings do not select those having a heavy foliage. The Norway maple and the linden should not be planted near the windows because the foliage of both is very dense and casts a heavy shade in the summer, which may inter- By combining brick and concrete, the Crocker-Wheeler Company (upper right) constructed an attract- ive factory post office within the factory grounds. Light posts support a glass canopy and afford hand grips in slippery weather before the administration building of the Hudson Motor Company (lower left). Trees, shrubbery, vines and flower boxes transform the lawn of the German- American Button Company's plant and the entrances to the National Cash Register Company's plant HEIN OOF GARDEN Attractive surroundings have a powerful influence in keeping employees contented. To gain this end the Eastman Kodak Company (above), the Waltham Watch Company (left), the Blair Camera Com- pany (right), and the H. J. Heinz Company (below) have made buildings and grounds beautiful by abundant use of vines, lawns, fountains, flowers and shrubs LANDSCAPE WORK 93 * fere with the interior lighting of factory buildings. These objections, however, do not hold in the case of the elm, oak or hard maple, on which the foliage is comparatively open. Under some conditions such features as seats or covered arbors where workmen can eat their noonday meal, can easily be screened and shaded, and it is often possible, when a number of factories of similar nature locate together, to design the general surroundings so that these features for the convenience of the employees may be used in common. Even the most unattractive details of your factory may be changed in appearance, if you so decide. A coal trestle laid from the railroad siding to the power house may be made a thing of beauty. If the piers for the trestle are built of concrete and if shrubs which grow under smoky conditions are grouped around the base of the trestle and one or two hardy trees are planted at the ends of the structure, what is perhaps the ugliest feature about the average factory from the aesthetic standpoint can be relieved of its harshness. The trusses and girders between the columns become part of the picture framed by growing ivys, shrubs and trees. Experience has shown that certain shrubs are more hardy than others under conditions where the atmosphere is smoky and dirty. The mock orange, Persian lilac, Japanese privet, honey- suckle, dogwood and sumac can be grown successfully in smoky atmospheres. In planting shrubbery, choose varieties of plants native to the locality. Not only will they be better adapted to the conditions of growth, but the whole scheme or plan becomes a part of the locality, in keeping with the surrounding shrubs and so har- monizes with the buildings and grounds. The viburnums, winebark, crabapples, hawthorns, dogwoods, elderberry, Juneberry, sand-cherry and choke-cherry have proved suitable trees and shrubs for factory grounds. It is a good plan to group flowering varieties with those which have berries late in the season, so that the shrubbery with berries even in the winter will be attractive. Evergreens may also be used effectively for the same purpose, but an overdose of soft coal is deadly to them. Such shrubs as the high-bush cranberry, bar- berry, snowberry and Indian currant, have colored berries which 94 LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION add to their attractiveness during the months when the leaves are gone. The attractive building is logically the economical building. Scrap heaps about a factory yard, as a good many manufacturers have discovered, are burying grounds for dividends. When the back yard is made a lawn, the junk is sold and the waste reduced. Any factory owner is interested in keeping his scrap pile low. When you are building your plant all features of the building itself come in for consideration. Economy is the reason why you select a certain type of building, decide upon its general dimensions, and provide for expansion, accessibility to employees, transportation facilities and cost. So with the details of attractive buildings. If your plan for a new structure is considered from the viewpoint of attractive- ness as well as utility, without great expense you will obtain the indirect and direct values of well proportioned, attractive buildings. Beauty and utility, moreover, may often be gained without greater expenditure than that necessary for ugliness and utility. Part II CONSTRUCTION DETAILS THAT INCREASE EFFICIENCY AUTHORITIES AND SOURCES FOR PART II Chapter IX. Chiefly contributed by James A. Potter, super- intendent of the Potter Knitting Company, and Mr. Porter. Chapter X. Contributed by Mr. Porter and based on economies achieved in construction details at the following plants, among others: Western Electric Company, the Baker- Vawter Company, and the German-American Button Company. Chapter XI. Contributed by Frank D. Chase, architect, out of his own study and experience, with the collaboration of the editors. Chapter XII. Contributed by George W. Cravens, consult- ing engineer, and Mr. Porter. Among the companies whose experiences are given are: The United States Steel Corpora- tion, American Zinc Company, The American Steel Foundries Company, Clark Brothers Company, Western Electrical Instru- ment Company, H. Black & Company, Matthiessen & Hegler Zinc Company. IX FITTING THE BUILDING INTO THE WORK F EW managers believe what a manufacturer of the old school once said, "If I have enough checks on production, I do not care what sort of place my men work in." Nowadays his plan of forcing results regardless of excessive friction would have few advocates. Most factory executives have seen for themselves the dividends that come from white paint, clean windows, well-swept floors, uncluttered benches and a detailed adjustment of the plant to the work. The prac- tical side of the influence of new buildings or remodeled interiors is put convincingly in the experience of a New England factory superintendent. "For some time before deciding on the exact plans of the new building, in fact as soon as it was practically certain we were at last to have one," said he, "we began to take note of big and little things which interfered with production, of construction details which might be improved, and of still other changes which would be desirable. "Of course, many of the ideas we could see were wrong or not profitable; but then many others looked good enough to try. It is always better economy to put such ideas into a build- ing while it is being constructed. All of our ideas have worked out well, except one, which proved to be unnecessary. "In order to obtain more room for the immediate needs of our business and to provide for expansion, we put up a modern five-story building. The two upper floors we leased to a manu- facturing concern. It is desirable in such cases to keep the different companies separated. So the front entrance of the 98 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS building is provided with three large double doors. The door on the right is labeled 'Potter Knitting Company Offices.' The middle door is lettered 'Potter Knitting Company' and leads to the factory. The extreme left-hand door is labeled with the name of the tenant company, and opens into a stair-well and elevator shaft. "This elevator is of the semi-automatic type and is operated by the passenger himself. If the elevator is not at the floor from which he desires to enter, he presses a button which brings it to him, providing it is not already in use, in which case it is inoperative. When he is in the car, and the door is closed, he presses the proper button on the side of the elevator, and the elevator rises and stops automatically at the correct floor. This arrangement is almost fool-proof. An elevator is practically a necessity in a five-story building and this self-service saves employing an elevator boy. "The library-like entrance to the building with large doors, plate glass, and neat gold lettering on the panes, is part of the plan of the company to have everything in the new quarters neat, dignified and, if possible, even elegant. We think it has an effect on the people who spend here so large a part of every day, and so will indirectly benefit our production. We have tried to follow the same plan throughout. For instance, all doors between rooms are fireproofed, though they do not look at all like the ordinary big clumsy tinned doors. The type we chose have the tin fitted closely to the panels and the molding of the panels. They are stained a dark green, which tones with the woodwork, and then grained to make more complete the re- semblance to wood. We have put these fireproof doors in many unnecessary, but advisable places, where the unattractiveness of the old kind of tinned door would have barred their use. ON HOW OPENING A LUNCH ROOM HELPED TO STOP A WASTE OF MATERIAL NE of the conveniences we needed most was a lunch room. In the old building the girls used to eat in the work- rooms, and inevitably some of the goods became soiled. There is no way of washing these, for the finish is then gone, and then they are hardly worth the handling. In the new building we BUILDING ECONOMIES 99 planned ahead to save this waste. We have a large, well-lighted, high-ceiled room with tables. Adjoining, and opening into the lunch room by windows, is a small kitchen where dishes are kept and cooking may be done. "It was feared that the girls-some of them, at least-would not like to come down to the lunch room, but would either stay up in the workrooms, or else sneak back as soon as they could. So a pantograph gate was attached across the foot of the stair- way, which might be opened out and locked after the girls had come down. But after a few days, it was found that they would not stay in their department if they could, for it was too pleasant in the lunch and reading rooms. These large rooms might seem to take up an undue proportion of the floor area, but the com- pany thinks they are a profitable investment, in view of the saving in damaged stock. "The girls also have a large dressing room, well lighted, with individual compartments for their wraps, though the doors of the lockers are not furnished with locks, for we thought there would be too much forgetting of keys and too many broken locks. "In the old building the light was not all that could be desired; but in the new one, the windows have been made very large, forming about eighty per cent of the wall space. The panes are sanded to keep out the glare. So that the amount of air entering in summer may be closely regulated, the window is divided into quarters, and each quarter is pivoted in the middle on trunnions on each side so as to swing inward at the top. In the new plant tables are placed so that the girls sit sidewise to the windows. Enough light comes in, not directly opposite a particular table, to give a uniform distribution without sharp shadows. "Even in the stock-room we did away with dark corners. The racks are not solid but are built of slats, which let the light permeate through the room to a degree greater than one would expect. "In this connection it may be said that the very first day the bleach room was in operation we had trouble getting the cloth to bleach to the correct whiteness. It was quickly discovered that the cause was a slight yellowish discoloration of the light which came through the sanded glass-very slight, but still 100 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS enough to make it impossible to judge color correctly. So in two of the windows we replaced the sanded glass with clear panes, and then had no more trouble. REDUCING ILLNESS AND ABSENCES BY KEEPING THE WASH ROOM DRY THE wash room, where materials are washed and bleached, is in the basement, and has a cement floor, which drains to a catchbasin in the center. Over the cement is a false floor of slat- work, raised about four inches, on two-by-fours cut away at intervals to allow the water to go through. This floor as formerly constructed was always wet, but with the new arrangement the water goes through the slat-work and the boards are dry under the workmen's feet. This not only makes a neater room and promotes more careful work, but also saves constant discomfort and a number of days' idleness every winter enforced by illness. "The new drying rooms, where the goods are made ready for use and sale, are exceptionally efficient and at the same time cheap in construction and operation. In the old mill, it was noticed that when the goods were quite dry at the top, they were still damp or wet at the bottom. So in our new building the heating pipes are laid just over the cement floor, and a false floor of wooden slat-work is put on above them. The goods are hung on poles, the room closed, and the steam turned on. The heat first gets at the bottom, where experience has shown it to be most needed, and then rises. 'An exhaust fan mounted at the top of the room takes away the moist air. The drying speed of this room is nearly twice as rapid as in the old rooms. This increase in speed is due to the fact that the heat is applied uniformly and thoroughly. So we save in amount of drying space needed because of its quicker operation, as well as in steam and in value of material tied up. "The slat-work of these drying-room floors is built in sections small enough for one man to handle, so that he may displace them and scrub out the room with a hose. Each room has its separate catch-basin and also its own steam-pipe valve and fan switch, so that there is no waste from having more drying space in use than is actually necessary for the amount of material to be dried. BUILDING ECONOMIES 101 "In the stock-room most of the bins are not numbered, but have painted directly on the front of the partition the style and size of the garments they are to contain-thus: L N Vests S S 36 ---meaning in this case, 'Low neck vests, short sleeved, size 36.' Only this style and size is ever put into that bin; and as the bins are arranged in order of garment and size, and the stockkeepers know where everything ought to be, there is no time lost in stor- ing or taking goods from store. Consequently, not so many mistakes are made as under our old arrangement. "The bulkhead through which coal is taken in from the wagons is a hole two feet wide by three high in the wall in front of the boilers, and is closed by a simple iron door. Outside, a rectangu lar recess is bricked into the ground. This recess has a cement bottom slanting from the outside top edge of the bulkhead to the bottom edge of the door, so that coal which falls off the chutes will roll down and not have to be shoveled out of the corners of the recess. "" These are among the constructional details which must be challenged in remodeling or planning for a new structure, in order to fit the plant nicely to the work. Making the office fit the business is equally important. Many economies in factory office location and design can be made at most establishments. Natural lighting, isolation from outside conditions, comfort and convenience, and safety against fire, need even more careful consideration in designing and constructing the parts which house the administrative and planning departments, than the strictly manufacturing portions or buildings. This is true because a more highly organized body of workers, more likely to be dis- turbed and rendered less productive by untoward conditions, are quartered therein, and valuable records, requiring positive safe-keeping, are there kept on file and are further accumulat- ing all the time. It is not enough that the general construction be fireproof or slow-burning. The doors, trim, partitions, and office furniture, as much as possible, should be equally proof. Large and thor- oughly isolated and guarded vaults should be provided for the safe-keeping of office supplies, records, drawings and the like. If the floors are timber, the vault floors at least should be of concrete and the walling-in structure a separate entity from top 102 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS to bottom, so that the rest of the building may be entirely destroyed and the abutting walls fall without in any wise impairing the integrity of the vault itself. The sad experience of many fires has thoroughly demonstrated the necessity of this precaution. If the office is not housed separately from the factory, there are additional problems to solve. In a multi-story building, on what floor to put it is the question. If the construction is timber mill, how shall dust and sound be kept out. These may in instances be so annoying as greatly to impair the efficiency of the office force. In the latter case, a suspended ceiling is an excellent relief, and ceilings of matched boards, metal lath and plaster, and stamped metal, have been used with good results. These devices. keep out the dust and lessen the noise somewhat. Of course, if the floors are of concrete, this problem is already solved. As to location, managers have found that an intermediate floor is better than either a top or a bottom floor, for the reason that it minimizes the steps clerks and others who have occasion to be in and out of the office and factory have to take. Managers who build separate buildings for their offices fre- quently make the mistake of omitting a basement. Later on they find themselves with an accumulation of old records, transfer files, and so on, which they do not wish to destroy, or they need other storage or extra space for new purposes, for which a base- ment would come in handy. One manager, who found him- self in precisely this situation, met the need by excavating a cellar. But it cost him twice or three times as much as to have provided for it originally. Incidentally, he also utilized his new basement for a kitchen and lunch hall, and as a storage space for catalogs. Such needs in a business are not difficult to anticipate before building, however, and the possible savings make it ad- visable at planning time to check over the long list of alterations which the experience of more precipitate builders offers as an open warning. X WINDOWS, WALLS AND PARTITIONS A LTHOUGH good lighting has a money value that is self- evident and almost universally recognized, even yet many factory buildings wall out daylight and handle artificial lighting more carelessly than they would think of doing with finances in any other form. This has been due, not so much to failure on the part of manufacturers and designers of factory buildings to recognize the value of good lighting, as to the limita- tions of the building art. With the old type of frame or masonry side-wall structure, the larger share of the wall space was needed for strength. The development, however, of skeleton steel and concrete con- struction, whereby the integrity of the structure has been made independent of the side-walls, by means of slender columns of cast iron, steel or concrete, carrying the load and furnishing all the stiffness necessary, has set free almost the entire expanse of wall space for windows. Managers and engineers have not been slow to make the most of this improvement. Except for the con- temporary development of steel window frames and sash they would not have been able to avail themselves of this opportunity. With the old-fashioned window frames, windows extending from column to column would have been practically impossible. Metal sash has another advantage over wooden frame, even for small multi-pane windows, in that the percentage of light interrupted by the framework is reduced about a quarter. Much trouble has been experienced with loose sashes. The older the building, the looser the windows become, unless at the outset great care is taken in setting them. Metal frames are superior 104 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS to wood in this respect, as they do not shrink with age. One device for making metal frames dust and air tight consists of a corrugated copper flange extending out from the frame all around. This is imbedded in the concrete or masonry side-walls and the corrugated copper takes care of expansion and contrac- tion. Wooden frames are sometimes made tight by the use of the same device. Sometimes in lieu of an interlocking device, the frames are set against an overcapping ledge and the space behind packed with cement mortar. Metal sash and frames are a necessary part of wire-glass or prismatic fire-resisting windows, and where there is danger on any side of a building from fire in an adjacent structure such windows are indispensable. The insurance companies and the building laws of most cities require them. Thirty feet is com- monly the limiting distance prescribed. Wire-glass somewhat obstructs the light, but very slightly. For satisfactory natural lighting, multi-story buildings should not be more than about sixty feet in width, even with the best use of the wall space for windows. As the width exceeds sixty feet, the story heights must be increased, if natural lighting is to be adequate. The natural lighting also is improved somewhat-if building in reinforced concrete-by doing away with the beam-and-girder type of floor construction. The absence of any obstruction below the ceiling, other than the lighting and sprinkling fixtures, obtains the fullest benefit from the extension of windows quite up to the ceiling level. Where factory buildings are located parallel to one another, the horizontal distance between them should not be less than the height of the tallest building measured from the window sill to the top of the cornice. Otherwise the natural lighting will be somewhat obscured and artificial light necessitated. WI GETTING DAYLIGHT INTO NARROW PASSAGES AND DIFFUSING IT THROUGH WIDE BUILDINGS HERE buildings have to be located close together, or the width is greater than for best natural lighting through ordinary window glass, the use of ribbed and prism glass improves the illumination (Fig. XVIII). These types of windows deflect the WINDOWS AND WALLS 105 ATTIC RIBBED GLASS ABUTTING WAREHOUSE COURT PRISM CANOPY THIRD FLOOR AREA RIBBED LIGHT SECOND FLOOR + - PRISM CANOPY、 PRISM SKYLIGHT BASEMENT GROUND FLOOR FIGURE XVIII: How managers reach out of their plants and pull back the daylight by means of canopies of prism glass is shown in this chart. Such application of ribbed, prism and maze glass will greatly improve the interior lighting conditions where buildings stand close together more or less vertical rays of light and turn them toward the horizontal. Prism canopies have been similarly utilized with good effect. Many a dark basement has been made light in this way. Ribbed glass is a favorite for factory windows, not only be- 106 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS cause it deflects the light inward and diffuses it, but because it protects the interior from outside view and the workmen from looking out. Ground and frosted glass are also employed for this purpose. At least one manager, however, put in plain lights in the lower sash so that his factory would not have too much of a shut-in, prison-like appearance. He had overheard one of his men com- menting unfavorably upon the solid obscured windows, declaring that he intended going to some other shop where he would not have to feel as if he were in a prison. The light which enters through the upper sash is, after all, that which reaches the inte- rior and counts for most. In some factories the trouble is not too little but too much light-particularly during the heat of a midsummer's day. Not only the excess of light, but the heat, is a discomfort and really impairs efficiency. To remedy this trouble awnings and curtains are put up. In one factory the upper sash on the south side are painted green. In another instance, white curtains are hung along the sunny side. These arrest the heat waves and diffuse the direct sun rays, but do not appreciably diminish the illumi- nation. Shade trees give the same advantages. Whitewashing windows in summer time to modify the intensity of light, as well as to keep the shop cool, is another simple and inexpensive device that has been utilized by more than one manager with agreeable results. Large window area formerly was considered objectionable be- cause it was believed that the larger the window area the greater the difficulty and expense of heating the building. With old- style wooden windows this is true, but with steel sash any valid objection on this score disappears. Because steel sash are air- tight, actual tests have proved that they allow no more heat to leak out than does a twelve-inch brick wall. By double glazing the heat loss is still further diminished, for the air spaces afford excellent insulation. If, in any case, heat loss be still an objec- tion, it will be found a paying proposition to equip with double windows rather than sacrifice any of the available wall space for light. The double windows not only lessen the cost of heat- ing in winter by keeping the heat in, but represent added value in summer also by keeping the heat out. WINDOWS AND WALLS 107 Next in importance to getting in the maximum of daylight is the full conservation of daylight after it has entered. Like any wild thing involuntarily trapped, it unceasingly hunts for oppor- tunities to escape. Dark and dirty walls and ceilings furnish these opportunities. It is surprising the amount of light that will be absorbed in this way. To offset this absorption, it is well to white-coat the interior and all surfaces within reach so far as practicable, and to keep them scrupulously clean. One manager found that by adopting such a policy he was able to do without artificial light for over a month longer than formerly, and when at last the shortening days compelled him to light up, he found that he could do without the lights, on the average, nearly an hour longer than under the old conditions. The saving he made in his lighting bill paid several times over in a year for the ex- pense of white-coating and keeping surfaces clean. LOW COST WALLS THAT RESIST FIRE, DAMPNESS, HEAT AND SOUND CONSTRUCTION of side-walls, even apart from the lighting aspect, is an important consideration. If the construction is fire-resisting, the walls not taken up by windows will be of concrete, brick or tile-practically the only materials available for this purpose. A great advantage of the skeleton type of construction is that it permits thin curtain walls in place of the heavy, massive brick walls of the wall-bearing type. This gives five to ten per cent more space on the average and the same amount on each floor. Brick walls thirteen inches, or concrete eight inches, or twelve-inch tile are standard for curtain walls. Walls of concrete or tile as thin as four inches have been used, but they are objectionable for a number of reasons. In the first place, they are considered imperfect in fire-resisting qualities, and for this reason are prohibited by many building codes and dis- criminated against by some insurance companies. Also they are not dampproof unless built with unusual care. They are less sound- and heatproof. A double wall of two four-inch sections would be ideal from every standpoint, but it is too costly in solid concrete or tile in the average factory and practically impossible in brick. The condition, however, is nicely met by the use of concrete blocks, particularly on the two-piece plan, which gives 108 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS practically a double wall with an air space between. Slabs of cement plaster on a metallic mesh, or especially corrugated metal, also have been employed for exterior walls in a number of cases, but, ordinarily, they are too thin for this purpose. They are better adapted to interior partitions, particularly around inclos- ures, where their thinness is an advantage. When wide stiffening uprights are used, however, which carry a facing of mesh covered with plaster on either side, a double wall is produced, comparable in fire-resisting and heat- and sound-insulating properties with the best alternative and less expensive than most. In fact, this construction makes a superior division or exterior wall of moderate first and low final cost. FOR ECONOMIES IN BUILDING UNDERGROUND WALLS AND BASEMENTS OR that part of the wall which extends underground, solid concrete is now standard. In case of single-story structures without wall or lintel beams, this serves as a foundation for the side-walls and is carried sufficiently above grade so that rain- water will not soak into the plane of junction. Ordinarily it is made wider, and the extra width is put on the outside to form a water-table. A little latitude also is given thereby in laying up the topping wall. Extra width may be necessary to insure stability, depending on the depth it is necessary to go in order to obtain a good foundation. This is an essential consideration, if the floor is below grade or plans call for a basement floor. In this case the wall below ground must be proportioned to sustain earth thrust. A thickness in inches equal to three-tenths the depth in inches below ground level roughly is required. That the basement shall be watertight also is an important feature. Concrete properly proportioned, mixed and placed, is sufficiently proof against seepage even under considerable pres- sure. Often, as an additional precaution, some waterproofing compound is added to the mixture, and it is always well, if the wall will be subjected to moisture constantly, to coat the outside with bitumen. In the extreme case, the enveloping of the entire basement wall and floor with a continuous waterproofing fabric or asphalt layer, suitable backed, may be necessary. Where the building is of the skeleton type-that is, one in B Efficiency in construction details is here shown. Steel trackage (A) for trucks is set flush in the concrete loading platform of the dry kiln of the Western Electric Company's plant. Air-ducts (B) and adjusta- ble wall brackets (C) are installed at the plant of the Androscoggin Pulp Company. At the Potter Knitting Company's plant a stock bin serves as stockkeeper's office EA Full-length windows and a ceiling free from obstructions make full use of daylight at the Ford Motor plant (above). Prism glass canopies (middle) refract light well into the interior of buildings set close together. Metal and glass partitions (below) have proved highly satisfactory with the Continental Motor Company; a space below the metal base prevents dirt accumulation WINDOWS AND WALLS 111 which the load is carried by wall columns-a large saving in the bulk of basement walls is possible by designing them as flat slabs in the vertical plane reacting against the columns as beams, these in turn transmitting the pressure to the column foundation and basement floor construction. No greater thickness in this case is necessary than is dictated by the principles of reinforced concrete design, and this usually is less than the dimension required to square with the wall above or to insure a watertight job. A thickness in inches of half the distance in feet columns-for a space of twenty feet a thickness of ten inches-is adequate to meet the requirements of strength and stiffness, regardless of depth. A minimum thickness of twelve to sixteen inches, how- ever, usually is dictated by other considerations. The economy over a design on the retaining wall principle is apparent. In addition, the reinforcing metal required thoroughly ties the base- ment-enclosing structure together, safeguarding against cracks and joints which would allow moisture and vermin to penetrate. To give best results, the basement wall and columns should be poured simultaneously. If the basement floor is likely to be sub- jected to any considerable amount of water pressure, which would tend to buckle it, either it must be made excessively thick and stiffened by the embedding of steel bars or mesh, or properly proportioned reinforced concrete struts must be laid across the building extending from column footing to column footing. These are to absorb the thrust transmitted to the exterior column footings by the side-wall slabs. The basement floor in this case may be designed as a reinforced concrete slab to resist the upward pressure, the reactions being taken by the struts, by these trans- mitted to the columns and thus the entire weight of the building brought to bear in resisting the pressure on foundations, base- ment floor and side-walls. When basement walls are designed as slabs, they require no footing except perhaps a slight flare at the bottom to give a broadened bearing on the soil while the concrete is hardening. A projection on the inside of from two to four inches, however, usually is provided to furnish a seat for the basement floor. This practically is necessary in order to make a moisture-proof joint between the two. Greater security against fire requires solid partition walls 112 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS of brick, concrete or tile at intervals. Partitions should extend across the building. Many insurance inspectors recommend such a fire wall at least every one hundred feet. The nature of the business may be such, however, as to make any fire-resisting division walls unnecessary, especially if there is nothing inflam- mable about the building or its contents. On the other hand, the nature of the business may justify partitions at closer intervals. If some of the processes are of an especially hazardous nature and require a less amount of space than afforded by the one hundred foot interval, they may be completely isolated either by partitions as close as necessary or else housed in a separate structure. Fire-resisting partitions are worthless unless all openings are carefully guarded. The standard protection for door openings is the tin-covered solid two-inch oak or pine door, either hinged or hung on an inclined rail, and so rigged with a closing device that it shuts automatically after one passes through, or by the action of a fusible link in case of fire. Many instances are on record of doors too light, or not properly covered with tin, or not overlapping the doorway sufficiently, or not closing promptly or tightly enough, allowing flames to pass through with disastrous results. All openings leading outside need to be similarly guarded. A modification of the standard fire-door, folding in the middle and opening upward, known as the “jack-knife” door, is found in a number of factories where space is lacking for the operation of the hinged or sliding types. A notable instance is that of the Acme Tea Company's plant in Philadelphia. Here the elevators are in multiple, in a solid concrete, cell-like en- closure, and the ordinary types of fire-door would have been out of the question. Partial partitions, fitted into the apex of a wooden roof at intervals, have also been used in long one-story peaked roof factories to limit the possible spread of a fire horizontally. If the roof is of concrete or tile, there is nothing to feed the flames and such partitions are unnecessary. XI LAYING THE RIGHT FACTORY FLOOR B UILDINGS consist of floor, walls, and roof, but the greatest of these three is the floor. Walls and roof can easily be made to serve their purposes. The floor is the vitally im- portant feature of the industrial building. Materials are handled over it and are piled on it, workmen come in contact with it in every motion, machinery is secured to it, and the efficiency of the factory depends, in no small measure, on the efficiency of its floor. It is essential, therefore, for the manufacturer to make himself familiar with the different kinds of floors used for indus- trial buildings, the essentials of their construction, and the ad- vantages and disadvantages of each. The foundation needs careful consideration. All floors above the ground floor or carried by the frame of the building should be properly bedded in the building construction. The ordinary method in fireproof buildings is to attach sleepers to the concrete base, fill in the intervening spaces with a thin layer of cinder concrete, and then lay down maple flooring, and in wooden buildings to spike the under floor directly to the joists (Figure XIX). Treated cypress makes excellent sleepers. Where floors are laid directly on the ground, the first essential is thoroughly to compact the soil before the floors are laid. As a rule, the ground under a factory building is cut up in the plac- ing of pipes, underground drains and tunnels. These trenches and any low spots in the area of the building, and sometimes the entire floor area must be brought to a level of the bottom of the floor construction. Thorough tamping and the spreading in thin layers of the dirt which is put back into the trenches and ditches 114 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS is essential. Danger of further settling or shrinkage must be reduced to the minimum. This is a process which sometimes in a clay soil takes several weeks. No moisture will reach the floor construction if at least six inches of cinders is placed under it and thoroughly tamped. This is not essential if the floor is two or three feet above the ground-water line, and is well drained (Figure XX). After the floor filling has been placed, thoroughly tamped and flooded, if the soil is sandy, and has settled, grade stakes placed at distances in both directions of not to exceed ten feet insure the perfect level of the finished floor. The level should also be marked on all columns. The floor proper may be divided into two parts, the base and the top. The base may consist of concrete, not less than four inches and ordinarily six inches thick, consisting of one part Portland cement to three parts of sand and six parts of broken stone or gravel. After placing, the concrete should be thoroughly tamped. Steel rods set over any trenches or pits in the fill which have not been thoroughly compacted reinforce the concrete base. This is a simple way to prevent cracking or settlement in the finished floor. The base may also consist of stone and tar mixed together, and thoroughly tamped. The tar forms a binder which on a well compacted soil insures satisfactory results. If the top coat is not laid so as to bond perfectly with the base course, its thickness should be increased to at least one and a half inches and a fine mesh properly embedded. A cheap base for wood floors can be made by laying sleepers directly on cinders, and nailing the wood floor directly thereto. This type of floor is inexpensive in first cost only, as the sleepers, unless treated, will completely rot in the space of three or four years. The top or wearing surface of the floor may consist of wood, wood blocks, asphalt, brick, tile or composition. HOW TO LAY DOWN A FLOOR THAT WILL ENDURE FOR concrete, the top or wearing surface should be at least three-fourths of an inch thick, consisting of Portland cement, torpedo sand and fine stone, without dust, in equal proportions. Granite screenings used in place of limestone will add materially LAYING THE RIGHT FLOOR 115 to the hardness of the floor without increasing the cost more than two cents per square foot. This top is best laid on a concrete base, as above described, immediately after it has been tamped. In other words, the entire floor, including base and top, must in order to secure the best results be laid in one operation. This point is frequently overlooked, and its importance often minimized. Many concrete floors are rendered worthless, as the top becomes loose and cracks, and it is difficult to make a proper 3º SPRUCE PLANK FLOOR BEAMS SPACED .6 FT. TO 10 FT. APART 3 LAYERS ROSINED, PAPER LAID IN TAR ww WIRE LATH AND PLASTER !1! HEMLOCK • 11" MAPLE CONCRETE BEAMS FLOORING CORRUGATED IRON SHEETS NAILING STRIPS JOISTS AND BRIDGING 1 MAPLE PLASTER TIE BAR HOLLOW TILES CONCRETE 1 REINFORCING BAR´ FIGURE XIX: For structures with a basement or for the upper stories of a building, the floor plans shown here in cross-section have been so widely used, with only slight changes in the dimen- sions, as to become almost standard union with the old floor when patches are made. The failure to lay top and base in one operation resulted, in a factory in Winni peg, in the top becoming loose and necessitating the breaking up of a large area. In this case the contractor frankly admitted his foreman's error, and stood the cost of the replacement. If the specification is not properly written and enforced, the owner may pay twice for his floor. The surface marking of concrete floors is a subject of much discussion among engineers. Floors will wear under heavy truck- ing at the joints or markings. On the other hand, any settlement will show cracks in these joints and can be more readily taken care of. Such markings as have been found satisfactory are as large as possible, and extend, where columns are used, from column to column. Squares should be large and grooves small. 116 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS While it adds to the cost somewhat, the most perfect floor or sidewalk is made by laying the top and base in alternate squares, and then going back and laying the remainder. All of the concrete sidewalks on South Michigan Avenue in Chicago from Adams Street to Twelfth Street were laid in this manner, and there has not been the slightest cracking or settlement. This method takes longer and costs more. A satisfactory compromise is to put the temporary forms around each square, and permit the concrete to get its initial set and then proceed with the base of next square while finishing the top of the first. However, dividing through the base of ground floors is not advisable, as it permits dampness to strike through from below. It is a good practice to reinforce such floors to prevent settling and cracking. One caution in laying concrete floors: Be sure that all pipes, and conduits are in place, as cutting concrete is an expensive process. Do not start a concrete building or lay a concrete floor until all underground work is lined up. If this cannot be done, provide extra hangers, holes and inserts to meet the pos- sible requirements. Managers sometimes hold concrete unsatisfactory because it dusts. However, this trouble has been remedied or avoided by oiling the surface, adding a hardener to the top coat or by grind- ing down the surface instead of hand-troweling it. If correct materials are properly mixed and laid the floor will not dust. A good deal has been said and written about the effects of con- crete floors on the health, and, therefore, the efficiency of the workmen. There are many specific instances where numbers of employees have been affected injuriously and an equal number of cases where the employees suffer no ill effects. This problem is strictly up to the foreman or superintendent, who can by judicious advice, instructions and diplomacy avoid any serious or general dissatisfaction. Wood is still the most widely used flooring, although concrete is rapidly growing in popularity. Wood floor can be laid on any kind of a base, and for that reason can often be laid cheaper than a concrete floor. Oak, maple, yellow pine and gum are the most frequently used for top floors, and the choice usually depends on the cost in the local market. The most satisfactory LAYING THE RIGHT FLOOR 117 wood beyond question is maple, which comes in three grades: No. 1, No. 2 and "Factory." No. 1 is selected. Only perfect pieces are included in this grade, which renders its cost prohibitive, and its use extravagant. No. 2 maple gives a perfectly sound, uniform floor as only small sound knots are permitted, and there are no imperfections which weaken the floor in any way. "Factory" grade maple admits of any and all imperfections and the waste attending its use is so great that No. 2 maple can be used more economically and with better results. Other woods may be used where the local market gives them an advantage over maple. A wood floor of proved merit and low cost for fireproof build- ings, consists of seven-eighths inch No. 2 dressed and machined 5º COAL TAR, GRAVEL EARTH 6' COARSE BROKEN STONE HEAVY STAKES 3 FT. APART NAILED TO SLEEPERS 4'X 4' SLEEPER 1' FINE GRAVEL AND TAR CONCRETE EARTH AND PITCH CONCRETE 2º HEMLOCK '6' TARRED GRAVEL 2º TAR AND SAND + MAPLE MAPLE FLOOR 4'X 4' SLEEPER EARTH EARTH 4º TAR AND STONE PITCH ♫ SPRUCE H' SPRUCE 6 CINDERS HEAVY STAKES 3 FT. APART NAILED TO SLEEPERS 3'X 3' SLEEPER 2º LIME MORTAR · 2' MAPLE いい ​FIGURE XX: In these cross-sections are shown different types of low cost and durable floors which can be laid directly over the earth, when a basement is not necessary. The foundation of floor is fully as important as the surface maple top floor, seven-eighths inch No. 2 dressed and machined yellow pine under floor, laid at right angles to top; sleepers two by four inches-beveled-laid twelve inches on centers and attached to the concrete base. This floor will hold lag screws for any kind of high-speed machinery. For machine shops and buildings where the floor on the ground level is subjected to heavy loads, and extra hard usage, the fol- 1 118 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS lowing brief specification gives a floor which has been used ex- tensively with satisfactory results: Base of concrete six to eight inches thick. One-inch cushion of sand and pitch. Mix one yard of sand to forty-five gallons of pitch. Sand to be hot when mixed, and spread while hot. Under floor of two- or three-inch plank surfaced one side, laid to an even surface and topnailed-top surface seven-eighths inch, No. 2 maple flooring-blind nailed. Under exceptionally heavy service lay one and one-quarter inch maple. This floor is damp- proof, the sand forming a waterproofing, and has given years of service. When a wood top floor is laid on a wooden base, it should be laid at right angles to the other, and there is no question but that the greatest wear can be obtained from a wood floor by laying with the joints in the direction of the aisles or greatest traffic. Floors laid either across the traffic or diagonally will split at the tongue or groove. Wood block floor is used extensively and with satisfactory results when a proper base is provided. The most satisfac- tory blocks are probably sound yellow pine, well impregnated with eight pounds of creosote to the cubic foot of wood. They should be laid with broken joints on a one-inch cushion of sand, the surface brought to an absolute level by tamping, and the joints filled with pitch or sand. The specification for a wood block floor is quite different from that of a wood block pavement. Asphalt is used extensively for platforms, and for rooms where there is a great deal of moisture, either in the air or on the floor, as in packing houses. Asphalt floors consist of two layers, each from three-quarters inch to one inch in thickness, laid preferably on a concrete base. Brick is used more frequently for pavements than for floors, as it is noisy and rough, and is not suited to the average manu- facturing process. Brick for floors or pavement needs to be uni- form in size and evenly burned, and in the absence of a specific test, of a make or brand which has given proved service. Brick makes a good floor or pavement when laid on edge on a one-inch sand cushion, on concrete base, thoroughly tamped, and with the joints filled with sand, cement or asphalt. Proper expansion LAYING THE RIGHT FLOOR 119 joints are necessary when cement is used as filler. A large variety of tile may be obtained for different uses. Tile floors are used for engine rooms, toilet rooms, entrances, and special process rooms. What is known as the "Quarry" tile is popular owing to its hard, dense surface, and comparative cheapness. Ceramic or vitrified tile can be obtained in many colors and sizes, and can be laid with or without patterns on a concrete base. Composition floors have been used extensively in Europe for years with fairly satisfactory results, and their use is gradually extending in this country. Composition is laid to a thickness of about one-half of an inch on either wood or concrete base, preferably the latter. This composition consists of magnesium oxide and chloride and sand or sawdust. These materials are mixed in proper proportions on the job and laid in the same. manner as cement. Asbestos, stone dust, and other materials are sometimes added, and coloring is obtained by the use of mineral pigments. Avoid laying composition floors where much water will be present, as water causes the flooring to disintegrate. When laid on wood two layers are necessary, the under one reinforced with a light mesh. Special floors and a special study are required where unusual conditions are met, as, for example, in acid processes, in the presence of excessive moisture, the handling of especially heavy machinery, processes where dust or vibration must be entirely absent and where sanitary features are essential. Each condi- tion requires careful study before a material is chosen. FIVE CONSIDERATIONS TO BEAR IN MIND IN CHOOSING FACTORY FLOORS IN selecting a floor the considerations which have a direct bearing not only on costs but also on the efficiency of the plant are: First: Character of the foundation. Second: The wearing surface required. Third: The occupancy of the building. Fourth: Ease of repair and replacement. Fifth Permanency of plant. : 120 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS A good floor of suitable material is the cheapest in the end and to obtain this desired result the following cautions may well be kept in mind: First: Provide a good foundation. Second: Allow for possible settlement at walls and columns. In a mill-constructed building, the floor joists should be set in hangers and proper provision made for shrinkage so that the floors will always be level. Third: Employ a responsible contractor. Fourth: Use a good specification. Fifth: Keep the floor in good repair. The two essentials in securing a good floor, and this holds good in all building work, are: a good specification and a good in- spection. A good specification can only be written by one having experience. A good inspection also requires an experienced man and one who can enforce the specifications. XII ROOFS AND SKYLIGHTS H ARDLY less important than the factory floor is the factory roof. Too often the dominating thought in planning is to make the roof watertight and then let it go at that, making it no stronger or more substantial in construction than the building laws or conservative practice may require. Sometimes in straining after economy, the dead line of safety is passed, and frequently the result is disastrous. To provide a roof sufficiently strong to sustain the maximum wind and snow load is the lowest standard the factory builder may wisely accept. Your choice of material for roof construction depends largely on the type of building selected. If you have determined upon a single-story structure, with steep slope, the roof need not be stronger than necessary to sustain, with ample margin of safety, the maximum snow and wind loads, since there is little if any possibility of ever putting the roof to any other use. If it is a multi-story structure, however, or a single-story building which may some day have another story or two added to it, to build a roof strong enough at the start will provide for such a con- tingency. Some protective covering is usually necessary on a concrete roof, unless a permanent watertight super-roof is added. Com- position roofings made of overlapping layers of roofing-felt mopped with asphaltum and sprinkled with gravel, are much used for this purpose. If the roof is of wood, the sheathing should be preferably three-inch plank, tongued and grooved, and the supporting beams not less than six inches in width for security against fire. 122 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 2 3 FIGURE XXI: Standard plans for framing roofs of single-story buildings are shown in this and the next three figures. For narrow buildings fronting a street (1) is especially adapted; (2) shows a framing for spans of moderate width; (3) shows still wider widths where the necessities of both light and ventilation require a monitor skylight construction at the center. When the space does not ex- ceed 50 to 75 feet concrete girders are often used in lieu of steel trusses or solid rolled sections on account of greater fireproofness and lower maintenance cost Wooden beams are preferable to steel beams unfireproofed for this purpose, for, as fires have repeatedly shown, steel beams collapse under a heat which would only char a solid section of timber and not materially impair its sustaining qualities. Composition roofings are also used to cover wooden roofs, but they are less secure against fire than tin deckings when the tin is properly laid. The tin is more costly, but it lasts indefinitely, while the life of a composition roofing is placed at twenty years. Roofing a single-story building like a foundry or machine shop, where there is a traveling crane, is a different matter. Here the unsupported span is large and lightness of construction is absolutely necessary. Concrete construction has been used for roofings of this kind, but owing to the wide spans, heavy framing required and high cost of forms, preference is usually given to construction whose supporting body is of structural steel trusses and purlins and whose decking is either cement mortar applied to corrugated sheet steel plates of rib-stiffened fine mesh, or overlapping slabs of concrete cast on the ground and laid' like shingles. The latter method seems to be meeting with increasing favor. The slabs of concrete are familiarly known as cement tile. A number of large plants, notably those at Gary and Duluth, have been so roofed. Asbestos-covered metal, too, is gaining in favor for certain types of factories as a substitute for plain corrugated iron, to which it is superior by reason of better resisting fire and rust, and being a better insulator against outside conditions. A notable example of the use of asbestos-protected metal is at the new plant ROOFS AND SKYLIGHTS 123 5 FIGURE XXII: Large power cranes require a high roof above the crane-way. Sometimes the side-bays are roofed over at the same level and the height divided up among one or more mezzanine floors. In (4) the roof of the bays is only as high as need be. In (5), merely another variation of the same type, the roof of the bays is sloped inwardly, allowing a greater height of windows and draining the roof to downspouts within the building where they are free from frost nuisance of the American Zinc Company, which is entirely roofed and walled with this material. Corrugated iron, however, is by no means obsolete either for walling or roofing. Its use in times past has been largely re- stricted to structures like storehouses, which require no heating. But one company not long ago found that by paying careful attention to making all joints tight and stopping up all crevices, it was possible to heat a building covered with corrugated iron unlined almost as easily and at hardly greater cost than the ordi- nary type of factory building, and this structure is now being used as a machine shop. I ROOFING FOR PLATFORMS, BRIDGES AND CONNECTING PASSAGES N roofing and "walling-in" the manufacturing processes, it is not advisable, though often done, to leave out the receiving of raw materials and shipping of finished product. Both can be conducted to much better advantage and more economically if under cover. No good reason is ever urged why the loading and unloading platform should not be covered and so arranged that it can be entirely closed in during stormy or very cold weather. An excellent arrangement is that in a machine shop where the switch extends through one end of the building so that not only may the receiving and shipping be conducted entirely within doors, but the shop crane may be used for loading and unloading heavy pieces. In another instance, at a foundry, the switch extends down through the shop. This arrangement is found in many factories producing heavy metal products. 124 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 6 FIGURE XXIII: In (6) the side-bay roofs are on a level with the main roof and stock-rooms and light machine operations can be placed on the mezzanine floors. More skylighting is needed than in (5), as the side light is cut off from the main area. (7) is a roof design suited to heavy machine shop work where crane service is needed in the side-bays as well as in the center area Such raw materials as lumber, pig iron and ore are of such a nature that they must be unloaded out of doors, but cases are few where it is not a better method to load finished product under some kind of shelter. Bridges or connecting passages between buildings which are much used need to be thoroughly closed in. Open bridges may be comparatively cool and comfortable in summer time, but in winter and stormy weather it is an unquestionable advantage to have them enclosed. Not only is the opening and closing of the doors a waste of time, but on each occasion a nasty draft is made which may be detrimental to work in process, and certainly is wasteful of heat and injurious to the health and comfort of the workmen near the doors. Especially is it inimical to the health of the workmen who have to use the passage. Much winter sickness has been traced to this cause. It is a simple matter to throw a light roofing of corrugated metal over a passageway. The sides need not be closed in permanently, but arranged so they can be re-opened in warm weather. HOW TO HANDLE ROOFING WITH REGARD TO HEAT, COLD AND CONDENSATION IN N summer, keeping the heat out; and in winter, keeping the heat in-also avoiding condensation-are problems with which all manufacturers in single-story structures, particularly of saw- tooth roof construction, have to contend. In an eastern plant manufacturing a high grade of electrical apparatus, this problem has never been one of moment, thanks to the forethought exercised by the management in construction. The roof slab was made double, with a layer of mineral wool ROOFS AND SKYLIGHTS 125 FIGURE XXIV: 8 9 Where heavy travelling crane service is not needed, as in planing mills and the lighter machine-tool plants, a saw-tooth roof as shown in (8) is the best construction, giving uniform natural light. (9) is a modified style of (8), often used where part of the operations require heavy travelling crane service between; the saw-tooth skylights were double glazed; and a double system of gutters adopted, down-spouting through the hollow steel columns, which provides not only for the roof run-off, but the interior condensation as well. A steam pipe runs under the gutters and in winter the dry heat from this not only helps appreciably in getting rid of condensation, but quickly melts any ice or snow collecting in the trough of the roof. The fact that the roof and skylights are double greatly simpli- fies and cuts the cost of heating in winter-always a difficult problem in a saw-tooth area-and in summer contributes im- mensely towards keeping the shop cool. In another instance, good results were obtained by construct- ing the roof slab of the saw-teeth of porous aggregate-cinders and pumice-and making it somewhat thicker than if of sand and stone concrete. The top was put in condition to receive the waterproofing material by slicking it with thin mortar. Concrete, particularly dense concrete, is a fairly good con- ductor of heat-not nearly as good as iron, of course, but much better than wood, mineral wool and cork. Dense, thoroughly tamped concrete, experiments show, transmits heat twice as rap- idly as porous, dry and untamped concrete, and three times as rapidly as cinder concrete. The superiority of the thicker cinder roof slab in the above instance is thus evident. W WHAT KIND OF SKYLIGHT AND HOW MUCH SKYLIGHTING IS NECESSARY HAT kind of building you select not only determines to a large degree the kind of roof, but also the extent of sky- lighting necessary. In a narrow multi-story building with high 126 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ceilings, and unobstructed on the sides, skylights are not essential. In single-story buildings above sixty feet in width skylights are indispensable, if the story height is not great. In one-story structures the requirements for natural lighting impose no limitation on width, as in the case of multi-story build- FELT ON EDGEWISE WOOD STRIPS A A B DOUBLE BOARDS WITH CEMENT BETWEEN FIGURE XXV: A comparatively inexpensive roof (A) is made by setting wood strips edgewise on plank and covering them with felt or other waterproofing material. A roof (B) which has been recommended by insurance companies for mill construction is impervious to heat and cold ings, for the sole dependence no longer needs to be placed on side windows. You may skylight the roof in such a fashion as to make the interior independent of the windows altogether. Light- ing by means of skylights is not altogether satisfactory, since the direct rays of the sun, snow in winter time and condensation C HOLLOW TILE WITH RE-ENFORCED CONCRETE PURLINS ON STEEL FRAME D ROOFING TILES ON STEEL FRAME FIGURE XXVI: Increasing use of concrete for building purposes has developed a hollow-tile roof (C) with reinforced concrete purlins. No waterproofing is necessary when the roof has a sharp pitch. Tiles are interlocking in the other roof (D) shown combine to make many troubles, aside from the interference with the passage of light. Much depends on the slope of the roof. The troubles are at a maximum with flat-sloped roofs. By far the best way to overcome the difficulties with skylights In the plant of the Packard Motor Company a skylight over a wide court (above) between two build- ings gives largest use of space otherwise subject to weather changes, and the foundry (middle) is especially efficient because of its unobstructed floor space. In another plant, treated wood blocks (below) laid with the grain set vertical, make a warm, resilient and durable floor B Saw-tooth roofing is thrown over both first floor and upper floors in this Philadelphia plant, another view of which appears as the frontispiece. Sections of the saw-tooth hinged for ventilating purposes are indicated (A) and (B). Roof construction details in another plant appear below ROOFS AND SKYLIGHTS 129 is to adopt the saw-tooth type of roof construction. With this, perfect interior natural lighting may be secured. By facing the saw-tooth towards the north the problem of direct sun rays is E GUTTER FOR SAW-TOOTH ROOF F TAR AND GRAVEL, OVERHANGING EAVES FIGURE XXVII: The secret of success with saw-tooth roofs lies in carrying the gutter lining (E far enough up the sides, in keeping gutters of sharp incline warm enough to prevent the formation of ice, and in providing plenty of downspouts to carry off the water obviated. Also the slope of the tooth does away largely with condensation. Any slight amount of this is easily caught by running gutters underneath the notch of the saw-tooth and by G DIRIGIRID M HIIREIR H KOTIKLID TAR AND GRAVEL, OVERHANGING GUTTER DAMA TAR AND GRAVEL,Į FINISHING AGAINST; PARAPET WALL FIGURE XXVIII: In constructing overhanging gutters (H), or finishing against a parapet wall (G), care must be taken to avoid leakage. Not only should metal linings be notched carefully, but tar or asphalt should be mopped over roofs every year or two instead of waiting for trouble to develop placing a heating pipe or two in each tooth. Saw-tooth con- struction makes it slightly more difficult and expensive to heat a factory, and it is higher in first cost. But when everything is 130 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS taken into consideration, particularly the fact that this is the only kind of skylight with which it is possible perfectly to day- light interiors, it easily justifies itself. F208 ད་ལ་པ་ནསཔས་འ་ས ་་། O CONCRETE ROOF AND FRAMING WITH WATER PROOF COVERING FIGURE XXIX: Many factories of modern design have followed the above plan in constructing concrete roofs. The slab is shown in the shaded area, with the framing outline beneath. Provision is also made for crane trackage by putting a shoulder on the columns If, for some good reason, saw-tooth construction is not favored, then the maximum results with flat skylighting are furnished by adopting cement tile for roofing. With these it is possible, by J CONCRETE SAW-TOOTH ROOF WITH STEEL FRAME AND WATER PROOF COVERING FIGURE XXX: In this concrete saw-tooth roof reinforced with steel, and covered with felt and slag, the sashes are glazed with ribbed glass. In another factory, the south pitch is glazed with opaque glass and the north with ordinary rough glass. Such trussing is not always necessary casting plates of glass in the tiles, to have any desired proportion of the roof surface transparent, up to fifty per cent or more. A very economical skylighted and waterproof roof is thus secured. ROOFS AND SKYLIGHTS 131 In cases where the width of the building is not so great as to require saw-tooth construction, very effective natural illumina- tion is secured by making practically of solid glass that part of the roof nearest the eaves-in effect extending the windows up- ward around the angle formed by the junction of wall and roof. The width of the strip of roofing to be made transparent is approximately determined by drawing a forty-five degree line from a point within at the floor level at or just beyond the meridian line of the building through the roof. Where this line CAST IRON CAP GRAVEL ROOF 2X12-24" © TO C 6X8 8X8 SHEET ZINC GUTTER DROPPING EACH WAY FROM MIDDLE OF BUILDING 2-1" RODS .6X8 ABOUT 22º, 6 PCS 2'X 12" SPIKED,TOGETHER 24' ›SHEETĪZING CORNICE GLASS FIGURE XXXI: This is a plan of the oldest saw-tooth roof in the United States, built in 1874 at the Mathiessen & Hegler Zinc Company's plant at LaSalle, Illinois. The roof is still in service and when the owners erected another building in 1899, they used a modified form of the same design cuts the plane of the roof determines the innermost margin of the skylights. When so located skylights are much more effective than the conventional type ridge, unless, of course, the roof is very flat or inclined inwardly. Another and less expensive method of single-story construc- tion reduces the necessity for saw-teeth and skylights in buildings not unusually wide. The highest point of the roof is that directly above the tops of the side-walls. The two halves of the roof slope downward and inward, thus intersecting along the middle line of the building. This design gives a high daylighting area, as windows are run up to the top of the walls, and also a rapid natural ventilation. If the width of the building is great, but not sufficiently so to require skylighting, the lighted area can be extended by placing prism glass in the upper sashes of the 132 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS windows. Roofs are drained by a gutter under the line of inter- section and the water is carried off by piping inside of or against the supporting columns, thus preventing freezing of the pipes. If too much direct sunlight is admitted, it can be reduced and diffused by cloth shades as thick or as thin as conditions require. Keeping the windows and skylights clean is the next important essential to making the most of the illumination nature affords. Neglect to clean the transparencies with sufficient regularity greatly diminishes their effectiveness. Tests made in one in- stance, in a factory where windows had not been cleaned thor- oughly for months, showed that after a good cleaning fully fifty per cent more light was admitted. And it is quite possible for seventy-five and even a greater percentage of light to be thus lost. Every spect of dust, however minute, constitutes a light leak. Uusually neglect of this kind is due not to parsimony, but lack of a suitable system of maintenance. If it is due to parsimony, nothing could be more foolish, since for every penny saved on cleaning labor at least a score of pennies may leak out in the artificial light bill, to say nothing of the lessened efficiency of the operatives, due not only to lack of sufficient daylight but to the demoralizing effect of dirt and gloom. Part III FITTING UP THE BUILDING AUTHORITIES AND SOURCES FOR PART III Chapter XIII. Contributed by C. A. A. Winslow, associate professor of biology, the College of the City of New York. His study of ventilation embraces government offices and such industries as printing, cutlery, stone cutting, hat factory, etc. Chapter XIV. Contributed by Mr. Porter out of the ex- perience of the Western Electric Company, two publishing houses, etc. Chapter XV. Contributed by Mr. Porter, with reference especially to the experience of the Crane Company, Westing- house Electric and Manufacturing Company, and other shops making tools, dies, etc. Chapter XVI. Contributed by Mr. Porter from the experi- ence of the Link-Belt Company, American Water Works and Guarantee Company, etc. Chapter XVII. Contributed by Mr. Porter from the ex- perience of Thomas Devlin Manufacturing Company, the International Harvester Company, the Kohler Company, the Cincinnati Milling Machine Company, and many other plants, including foundries, machine shops, structural iron shops, shoe factories, textile mills, etc. Chapter XVIII. Contributed by Mr. Porter. Based chiefly upon the fire-fighting experiences of many industries, including farm implement manufacturing, cork manufacturing, locomotive works, piano making, cooperage, textiles, and sash, door and blind factories. Chapter XIX. Contributed by Mr. Porter-the detailed account of a highly successful moving plan followed by the International Time Recording Company. XIII FRESH AIR AS AN OUTPUT FACTOR NⓇ O ventilating apparatus was provided when an eastern straw hat factory was built. The first two winters after occupation the sick rate was twenty-seven and one-half per cent. A ventilating system was then installed, after which the winter sick rate fell to seven per cent. It was claimed that the ventilating system paid for itself in one year. In every factory, there is a type of machine, the living machine, which is extraordinarily responsive to slight changes in the con- ditions that surround it. These conditions, in this relation, we habitually neglect. Consider now not the sociological and humanitarian aspects of the case, but quite frankly and coldly, for the moment, treat the operative as one of the factors in production whose efficiency should be raised to the highest pitch, not only for his own sake, but also for that of his employer and for the welfare of the community at large. The intimate relation between the conditions which surround the living machine and its efficiency are matters of common expe- rience. Contrast your feelings and your effectiveness on a close, hot, muggy day in August and on a cool, brisk, bright October morning. Many a factory operative is kept at the August level by an August atmosphere all through the winter months. He works listlessly, he half accomplishes his task, he breaks and wastes the property and the material entrusted to his care. If he works by the day the loss to the employer is direct; if he works by the piece the burden of interest on extra machinery has just as truly to be borne. At the close of the day the opera- 136 FITTING UP THE BUILDING tive passes from an overcrowded, overheated workroom into the chill night air. His vitality lowered by the atmosphere in which he has lived, he falls a prey to minor illness, cold and grip, and the disturbing effect of absences (Figure XXXII) is added to inefficiency. Back of it all lurks tuberculosis, the social and industrial disease which lays its heavy death tax upon the whole community after the industry has borne its more direct penalty of subnormal vitality and actual illness. The remedy for all this is not simply ventilation in the ordi- nary sense in which we have come to understand the term. Ventilation should mean more than replacing foul air by fresh. It should mean adapting the condition of the air of any enclosed space to the requirements of the occupants of that space. Con- ditioning of the air so that the human machine may work under the most favorable conditions is one of the chief elements of industrial efficiency as it is of individual health and happiness. The chief factors in air conditioning for the living machine, the factors which in most cases far outweigh all others put together, are the temperature and the humidity of the air. In many a plant money has been spent for an elaborate system of ventilation and if the air has been too hot or too dry or too moist the effect on comfort and efficiency has been worse than nil. It is a curious instance of the way in which we neglect the obvious practical things and attend to remote and theoretical ones, that for years more attention has been bestowed on the testing of air for carbon dioxide which was supposed to indicate some mysterious danger than on the actual concrete effect of overheating. HEA! DISCOMFORT, INEFFICIENCY AND DISEASE IN RELATION TO AIR CONDITIONS EAT and particularly heat combined with excessive humid- ity, is the one condition in air that has been proved beyond a doubt to be universally a cause of discomfort, inefficiency and disease. Flugge and his pupils in Germany and Haldane in Eng- land have shown that when the temperature rises to eighty de- grees with moderate humidity or much above seventy degrees with high humidity, depression, headache, dizziness and the other symptoms associated with badly ventilated rooms begin to mani- fest themselves. At seventy-eight degrees with saturated air FRESH AIR AND MORE WORK 137 found that the temperature of the body itself began to rise. The wonderful heat regulating mechanism which enables us to adjust ourselves to our environment had broken down and an actual Reason Heat Prostrations Typhoid Lung Troubles Headaches Rheumatism Construction Cures for Factory Absences Cause 1. Tin Roof 2. Tin Roof Bad Water Cold Alley between Two Heated Rooms Short Smoke Stack near Windows Damp Concrete Floors Remedy 1. Wet Down with Hose Twice a Day 2.False Ceiling Hung below Roof Purification and Sterilization System Roof over Alley Extra Section Added to Stack Wooden Walk-ways around Machines FIGURE XXXII: A large percentage of factory absences are due to construction defects. It is for the manager to decide in such cases whether he will bear the direct cost of a remedy, or the indirect cost due to absences. Remedies for five frequent causes are here listed state of fever had set in. Overheating and excess of moisture is the very worst condition existing in the atmosphere and the very commonest. The importance of the chemical impurities in the air has dwindled rapidly with the investigations of recent years. The common index of vitiation due either to human beings or to light- ing and heating appliances is carbon dioxide; but carbon dioxide in itself has no harmful effects in tenfold the concentration it ever reaches in ordinary factory air. Nor is there any reduction of oxygen which has any physiological significance. It was long believed that the carbon dioxide was an index of some subtle and mysterious "crowd poison" or "morbific matter." All attempts to prove the existence of such poisons have incontinently failed. There are very perceptible odors in an ill-ventilated room due to decomposing organic matter on the bodies, in the mouths and on the clothes of the occupants. These odors may exert an unfavor- able psychical effect upon the sensitively organized, but as a rule they are noticed only by those who enter the room from a fresher atmosphere. Careful laboratory experiments have quite failed to demonstrate any unfavorable effects from re-breathed air if the surrounding temperature is kept at a proper level. The main point in air conditioning is the maintenance of a low temperature and of a humidity not too excessive. For maximum efficiency the temperature should never pass over 70° F. and the 138 FITTING UP THE BUILDING humidity should not be above seventy per cent of saturation. At the same time a too low humidity should also be avoided. We have little exact information upon this point, but it is a matter of common knowledge with many persons that very dry air, especially at seventy degrees or over, is excessively stimulating and produces nervousness and discomfort. It would probably be desirable to keep the relative humidity between sixty and seventy per cent. Another point which may be emphasized in the light of current opinion is the importance of "perflation" or the flushing out of a room at intervals with vigorous drafts of fresh, cool air. Where there are no air currents the hot, moist, vitiated air from the body clings round us like an "aerial blanket' and each of us is sur- rounded by a zone of concentrated discomfort. The delightful sensation of walking or riding against a wind is largely perhaps due to the dispersion of this foul envelope and it is important that a fresh blast of air should sometimes blow over the body in order to produce a similar effect. The same process will scatter the odors which have been noted as unpleasant and to some per- sons potentially injurious. The principal value of the carbon dioxide test today lies in the fact that under ordinary conditions high carbon dioxide indicates that there are no air currents changing the atmosphere about the bodies of the occupants. There is one other problem of atmospheric pollution to which special reference should be made. The presence of noxious fumes and still more the presence of fine inorganic or organic dust in the air constitutes a grave menace to health in many processes and is an important contributory cause of tuberculosis. WHY DUST COLLECTORS ARE IMPERATIVE WHERE THERE IS GRINDING MACHINERY THE body of the normal workman has its "fighting edge" and can protect itself against the tubercle bacillus if given a fair chance, but the lung tissue which is lacerated by sharp particles of granite or steel quickly succumbs to the bacterial invader. In dusty trades like stone cutting and cutlery working and emery grinding, seventy-five per cent of all deaths among operatives are often due to tuberculosis, against twenty-five per cent for the normal adult population. This may be fairly interpreted FRESH AIR AND MORE WORK 139 as meaning that the actual death rate from tuberculosis in these trades is from two to four times as high as in a corresponding average population; in other words, three or four or five out of a thousand of these workers are sacrificed every year to the condi- tions under which they labor. The elimination of the dust by special hoods and fans is imperative in such industries and must be supplemented in extreme cases by the compulsory use of respirators. There is plenty of evidence, though of a scattered and ill digested sort, that the elimination of dust, dirt, bad air, dark- ness, over-crowding and poor air conditioning brings a direct return in increased efficiency of production. The classic case of the United States Pension Bureau offers striking evidence of this fact. The removal of the offices of the department from scattered and poorly ventilated buildings to new and well ventilated quar- ters reduced the number of days of absence due to illness from 18,736, in the neighborhood of which figure it had been for sev- eral successive years, to 10,114. In one printing establishment in New York, a ventilation sys- tem was installed because of the insistence of the State Depart- ment of Labor that the law be complied with, the order having been resisted for two years. After the system had been in use a year the proprietor said that had he known in advance of the results to be obtained no order would have been necessary to have brought about the installation. Whereas formerly the men had left work on busy days in an exhausted condition and sick- ness was common, now the men left work on all days in an entirely different condition, and sickness had been very much reduced. The errors in typesetting and the time required for making cor- rections were greatly reduced. It is much to be desired that this problem should be studied by careful quantitative methods as a definite factor in the profit and loss account. Only by such systematic study can it be deter- mined how much factory sanitation is really worth in any given case. The evidence is strong enough, however, to warrant manu- facturers to make sure of the right atmosphere as one essential in remodeling or in new construction. H XIV HEATING AND VENTILATING OW to supply good air to the shop at all times with cer- tainty and economy is one of the most important consid- erations in fitting up a building after construction. By good air is meant air not only of the correct oxygen content, but of the proper temperature and humidity and reasonably free from dust, germ-life and fumes. These several elements are im- portant because all react upon a man's efficiency. Rarely in its scale of conditions, does nature provide exactly the right com- bination. Hence, in the factory, where a premium is placed on securing the maximum efficient work from each operative, some means of air-control is highly desirable if not absolutely essential. Not only man, but in many industries the material also imposes certain demands on the composition of the air which must be subserved for greatest efficiency. To what extent artificial regulation will be necessary in a par- ticular case depends upon several factors. One of these is loca- tion. Obviously, if the factory is located in the country or near the seashore, where the quality of the air naturally is most favorable, less regulating will be necessary than if it is located in a crowded district, near a railroad yard or in a cluster of industries that produce quantities of smoke, gas and dust. Another factor is the nature of the industry. The require- ments of a foundry, for instance, are quite different from those of a shoe factory, and those of a shoe factory from a textile mill or a varnishing shop. Type and arrangement of building also have an influence. A long, comparatively, high-studded building, like a machine shop, AIR CONDITIONING 141 requires less artificial aid to good ventilation than does a broad, low-roofed building. Location with respect to other buildings, too, varies the requirements. So it is evident that the problem of furnishing a sufficient supply of the proper quality of air does not permit a general solution. Each case must be dealt with individually. Only within recent years has the importance of this problem impressed itself upon factory engineers and executives. The ventilation afforded by open windows, or air-leakage in winter, always was to a considerable extent and by many is still regarded as all-sufficient. The shortcomings of window ventilation are only too well known. In summer, when the wind blows even moderately, a good deal of dust is wafted in and loose and light articles are tossed about in an annoying fashion. Whenever a storm comes up, the windows must be closed in a hurry. Then while the dis- turbance lasts, the shop is largely cut off from its fresh-air supply. And when the windows are opened those nearest them get an excess of breeze, while those farthest away receive little if any. In winter the windows may be opened only slightly, if at all, during working hours because of the discomfort to those close by. Not only that, but when open they leak out heat rapidly. Thus the problem of heating is complicated and its expense increased. A way to remove some of the objections to window ventilation, which is applicable where heating is by means of steam or hot- water radiators located along the outside wall, is to cut an open- ing through the wall directly back of each radiator. The air on entering thus must come in contact with the coils and be warmed before it passes into the room. A fine-mesh screen on the inside of the aperture prevents a great deal of dust and dirt from entering. By sloping the bottom lip of the opening downward towards the exterior, driving in of rain and snow also is pre- vented. This device, in combination with exhaust fans to induce circulation and expel devitalized air, gives fairly satisfactory results. Humidifying saddles on the radiators are a further help. In fact, in all cases of heating by steam, some method of moistening the air in contact with the coils is worth while, if not indispensable. An example of the porthole method of ventilation is to be seen 142 FITTING UP THE BUILDING in the composing room of a Milwaukee newspaper. Though the plant is of recent construction, no special thought was given by the designers to the problem of ventilation, other than always has been given-that is, reliance was placed solely on the windows. As might have been expected, conditions in the composing room soon proved to be bad. The management was patient for about a year and then called in a ventilating expert. Upon his recom- mendations a system of exhaust ducts was installed, each lino- type being exhausted directly above the lead pot in front of the operator. Conditions vastly improved. Reliance was still placed, however, upon open windows for the supply of fresh air. This sufficed until the next winter closed in, when the windows could no longer be left open as much or as long as necessary to furnish the requisite amount of fresh air; then the system began to work badly. Holes were thereupon cut through the walls in the run of each wall-radiator. Humid- ifying saddles were also subsequently fitted in each radiator, so that the entering air was moistened as well as warmed. The net result was an almost entire cessation of complaints about air conditions on the part of the linotype operators, a noticeable improvement in their health and an increased capacity for high-pressure work, such as is usual in a newspaper plant. Precision in air-control, however, is only roughly approxi- mated-is not and, from the very nature of things, cannot be reached-by any of these measures. Seldom is either the tempera- ture or the humidity correct, because there is no exact means, with constantly varying outside conditions, of controlling them. Nor is there the proper degree of freedom from dust and dirt, particularly at times when the outside air is full of flying par- ticles, or when nearby smoke stacks are polluting the atmosphere with smoke and gases. In hot weather there is no provision for cooling the air, although factory managers are fast realizing that this is as necessary to higher productivity in summer as is ade- quate heating in winter. An ideal solution, as a matter of fact, is not furnished by any system yet devised, and indeed may never be found. However, a method exists which, when properly operated, closely approxi- mates the desired results. Natural ventilation-by means of windows, portholes and attachments on window panes-is boldly AIR CONDITIONING 143 disregarded. Air is taken in at one point (Figure XXXIII) and distributed throughout the factory like a water supply is piped. At the same time it is heated or cooled, washed and humidified. Thus it is delivered to the point of use conditioned in every respect that bears on the worker's efficiency. HOW TO PIPE GOOD AIR CONSTANTLY TO ALL THE WORKMEN STEAM is still relied on as a source of heat, but instead of being distributed through the buildings in radiators or pipe- coils, it is supplied at one point only-where the air from the outside is admitted. The arrangement is such that the entering air can be heated to any desired degree, up to 150° F. or higher, or not at all, or cooled. A water curtain not only washes but cools and moistens the air before it passes through the heating coils. A set of baffle plates causes excess moisture to be deposited. The means of regulation are entirely automatic. A thermostat, located out in the rooms under the actual conditions of service, actuates a valve which cuts out or cuts in as many sections of the heating coils in the air-intake as are necessary to preserve a given GRATE PARA VITA YA MAIN WATER PIPES TO HEATERS SPRAY CHAMBER HOT AIR PIPE FAN HEATER COILS BY- WATER TANK PASS DAMP ER USTA LAPA YA MATER ORAIN MOTOR FIGURE XXXIII: A complete conditioning system for blowing warm air at any degree of humidity into a plant is shown in this cross-section sketch. The amount of moisture in the air may be adjusted automatically regardless of weather conditions outside temperature; and when all the heating coils have been cut out, and the chilling action of the water spray is not sufficient, a cooling solution is admitted to the coils. A humidistat controls the humidity with the same exactness. Distribution of the conditioned air is by means of ducts out- letting at such points that there are neither dead zones nor over- lapping of service. Usually the outlets are Y-shaped. This is for the purpose of reducing the velocity of discharge, by abruptly 144 FITTING UP THE BUILDING doubling the channel, so that the outflow will occasion no dis comfort and yet be sufficiently vigorous to effect a thorough mixing with the air of the rooms, and so that it will impart to the air the agreeable breeze-like movement which carries away odors and moisture from the body. Where closely peopled rooms with low ceilings are served, the velocity of discharge is limited to six hundred feet per minute. Foundries require greater velocity. The main ducts are a maximum in diameter nearest the fan, which sucks the air in through the conditioning coils and propels it through the system to the various outlets. From that point the ducts gradually reduce in size until at the extremes they are no larger than the outlet branches. A uniform diameter would not answer because, as the volume of air is lessened by successive outlets, the velocity of flow would soon sink below the minimum allowable. A large capacity is also necessary to offset the friction loss. To keep down this loss, as well as the heat loss by radiation, which in a very long line would reduce excessively, the one the velocity and the other the temperature at the extreme outlet, it is necessary in adapting the system to a building of large extent to lay it out in duplicate or triplicate. The ducts are located sometimes overhead, being suspended from the ceiling or roof trusses, or underneath the floor, coming to an outlet in some partition or alongside the columns. The outlet in the one case is located about eight feet above the floor, which with a downward discharge has been found to give best results. In the other case, where the discharge is upward, the outlets must be placed as close to the floor as possible. Control of the individual outlet is in the one case usually by means of a damper; in the other, by means of a register. Both overhead and concealed-duct systems are open to objec- tions. In the overhead system, the ducts, because of their large size, often are a serious obstruction to the natural lighting. Moreover, it is seldom possible to place them in just the right location because of their interference with shafting or craneways. In fact, interference with craneways sometimes makes the use of the overhead system impracticable. Then, too, because of their size, dust collects on them quickly, and from time to time becomes dislodged by vibration or by its own weight and slides down on Ford puts his heating plant on the roof. Pent houses and tops of covered ducts through "which heated air is forced down inside of hollow building columns are shown in the upper picture. Clean, wholesome air conditions are maintained in a forge shop (middle left) by piping off gases from fires, and in a foundry (below) by louvers, doorways and sash. Steam or hot-water pipes (middle right) can be set on pillars to save space and provide better distribution of heat Placing the lamp units relatively high and properly spacing them insures an equality of light intensity and a minimum of shadows, as shown in the top picture. In contrast is the specific lighting of machines (bottom). Mercury-vapor lamps are used in this inspection room of a plate glass mill (middle left), and to reveal scorches and glosses in a clothing factory AIR CONDITIONING 147 the heads of workmen or upon product which may be thereby more or less seriously damaged. The concealed-duct system is free from these objections, but is disadvantageous in other ways which more than offset its value. For one thing, it is more costly. Then the registers are continually being blocked up with materials stored against or over them. However, this trouble has been largely overcome in some cases by equipping the outlets with guards or fenders, and by the strict enforcement of rules defining how close to an opening materials may be piled. Hot water, live steam and exhaust steam variously are em- ployed to heat the air at the intake, depending on the sources of power in the plant. If the power is generated on the premises by steam, then the ideal arrangement, from the standpoint of economy, is to circulate the exhaust steam from the engines through the heating coils. If the power is purchased, it becomes necessary to generate live steam or hot water especially for the purpose. A hot-air furnace is another means. Air is sometimes taken exclusively from the outside, in cases simply recirculated, again partly recirculated and partly taken from the outside. Perhaps the ideal arrangement is the one which permits the air to be taken in any desired proportion both from outdoors and from within the factory. It is desirable, of course, to take the air from outdoors as largely as possible; yet in the coolest weather to use only outside air would considerably add to the expense of operation, and oftentimes seriously impair the efficiency of the system. At such times the air should be taken as largely as practicable from within. Two other reasons, if not more, are advanced in favor of tak- ing of air from within entirely or at least in part; one, that so doing keeps up a circulation throughout the building without the use of an exhaust system; the other, that it permits the air within to be washed frequently to keep it free of dust. SWEETENING THE AIR WITH ELECTRICITY IN CROWDED FACTORIES IN N even the most densely peopled factories, air from within may be used repeatedly after proper treatment. A little electrical device is sometimes stationed in the intake, and by means of successive electrical discharges, ozonizes the air. 148 FITTING UP THE BUILDING small way the operation simulates the electrical discharge that takes place in a storm between two oppositely charged banks of clouds, and the effect produced is akin to that produced by the lightning flashes-the air is clarified and "sweetened." What takes place is simply a change in the molecular form of the oxygen, three molecules of ordinary oxygen of two atoms each combining to make two molecules of ozone or oxygen of three atoms to the molecule. The extra atom of oxygen is then held in very loose combination and on coming in contact with any organic matter such as breathed air is laden with, promptly breaks away and forms an affinity with the organic matter, thus oxidizing it. Another quality of the air, the importance of which has only of late received the attention it deserves, is the moisture content. There is a certain degree of humidity which is most comfortable and most beneficial to the human organism. More than this amount produces a sticky feeling and induces lassitude; less, an undue stimulation and a drying action on the skin, resulting in crazed" cheeks and "cracked" lips. Moreover, with too little humidity, a higher absolute temperature is needed to give the same degree of comfort. With the proper humidity, sixty degrees Fahrenheit has been found comfortable and more con- ducive to sustained efficiency than seventy degrees Fahrenheit with too low humidity (Figure XXXIV). Here is exhibited the economy of humidifying. In the actual saving of fuel alone, it pays, as many factory managers have discovered. Seldom is the natural humidity found right. Surprising as it may seem, the natural humidity of the average factory interior is about as low as that of a desert. Even in England, where the climate is unusually moist, the cotton mills have found it to their advantage to install humidifiers because the air is too dry for their goods. Factories heated by steam are particularly handicapped in this respect. Steam heat exerts quite a drying effect on the air. In one large plant in the Middle-West, because of this fact, several thousands of dollars have recently been spent in changing over the system of steam heating to hot water, which gives a milder and more humid heat. If they had rebuilt, the probabilities are this company would have used neither steam nor hot water, but the air-duct system, for with this AIR CONDITIONING 149 GRAINS OF MOISTURE PER CUBIC FOOT OF AIR alone is it possible exactly to control the degree of humidity. It is fairly well determined that the proper degree of humidity should be between sixty and seventy, with temperature sixty-five to sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit. The figure used to express the degree of humidity is the per cent of saturation; that is, 13 12 HOW HUMIDITY AFFECTS "SENSIBLE TEMPERATURES" 11 10 ∞ ( 5 ♡ 50 20 30 40 WET BULB TEMPERATURE 58 60′ 70- 8.0 909 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% PER CENT SĂTURATION 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 7072 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE FIGURE XXXIV: This chart shows the lines of equal sensible or wet bulb temperatures corresponding to different actual temperatures and humidities. For instance, sixty-five per cent humidity gives a sensible temperature of fifty-eight degrees or the same sensible temperature as produced by an actual temperature of seventy-two degrees with forty degrees humidity, corresponding with the indications of the thermometer a humidity of seventy means that the air is carrying seventy per cent of the moisture it is capable of carrying at that tempera- ture. The higher the temperature the greater the absolute amount it can carry, and conversely. Hence, in cold weather, when the air is taken from the outside, unless there is some provision for humidifying, the air when warmed will be ex- cessively low in humidity. Its effect would then be unfavorable on the efficiency of operatives and also on the product in process, if that is of a nature like cotton, candy, wood or dough, which may easily be damaged by too dry air. 150 FITTING UP THE BUILDING In the duct system, humidifying is provided for as follows: By warming the cold entering air to a certain temperature (usually about forty degrees Fahrenheit) and then passing it through a series of water curtains, so that every particle of the air has to come in contact with water, not only is it washed thoroughly, but given all the moisture it can carry. When immediately afterwards the air passes through a second series of heating coils and has its temperature raised to the desired degree sixty, sixty-five or seventy degrees Fahrenheit, as the case may be, the moisture-carrying capacity of the air is in- creased, the ratio of saturation decreased and the desired humidity achieved. Varying the temperature of the initial coils determines the quantity of moisture absorbed, and thus the degree of humidity in the delivered air. Between the water curtains and the final heating coils an "eliminator" usually is necessary. This removes surplus mois- ture and particles of dust that are not removed in the washing process. An eliminator is simply a series of baffle plates, to make the passing air wind in and out and thus drop any lading which its velocity at that point enables it to bear. The water used in washing is usually caught in a drip pan, filtered and recirculated by means of a little centrifugal pump. When thus used, the water usually is passed through coils containing a freezing solution, in order to keep it chilled sufficiently. In many instances the washing operation during the hot months, when the heating coils are off, is relied on to cool as well as clean the air. It can thus be cooled to the wet-bulb or dew- point temperature which is ten to twelve degrees lower than the outside temperature. It is important, for the best working of this system of air- conditioning, that sole dependence be placed upon it at all times. In summer the tendency to open windows is strong from mere force of habit. Operatives have been known to complain that the air was close and hot and to want the windows raised, when the air within was degrees cooler than that outdoors. In one instance by actual test it was found that the air within was nearly ten degrees cooler; yet the workers (mostly girls) com- plained and were not satisfied until the windows were raised. AIR CONDITIONING 151 Then, although the temperature was raised several degrees, they breathed a sigh of relief. When the windows are opened, the mechanical system does not work as well. When the building is made as thoroughly air- tight as the impermeability of building materials will permit, unless the same air regularly can be used over and over again, it becomes necessary to provide an exhaust system. Sometimes the exhaust is omitted and dependence is placed upon special shafts and other openings for the escape of depleted air. In this case the factory is put under a slight pressure, and for this reason the duct system, when used without an exhaust, often is known by the term plenum. An advantage claimed for the plenum system is that cold air, by the pressure, is kept from entering through crevices in the walls, and thus a more comfortable interior is provided. This is probably true for buildings poorly constructed, full of heat- leaks. In a well-constructed building, where it is not feasible to recirculate the air, however, more satisfactory results as a rule are obtained by mechanical exhaust. XV LOW COST FACTORY LIGHTING F ULLEST use of all the light nature affords naturally is the first consideration in working out the best lighting of a factory at the lowest cost. It is impossible to get too much daylight into a factory. Strong sunlight, of course, is objectionable, even as it is out-of-doors, and the factory interior should be carefully protected against it. Perhaps the ideal con- dition of lighting for work requiring the steady use of the eyesight is that found in the shade of a tall, amply foliaged tree on a bright, sunny day. This is the condition, therefore, that should be approached as nearly as possible in the factory. The fact, however, that every conceivable precaution has been taken-in location, design and construction, and in operating and maintenance measures-to secure the maximum use of day- light, does not lessen the provision necessary for artificial light- ing. This must be adequate to cope with the maximum condition of darkness, and, so far as it is practicable with the means at hand, to reproduce daylight conditions. A few years ago this would have been out of the question. But now, with the ordinary tungsten bulb, the nitrogen-filled tungsten lamp and the flaming arc light, in connection with suitable reflectors, it is not only possible but practicable very nearly to reproduce daylight illumination. Gas arcs, too, have been perfected, which give an excellent quality of light. Nor has this progress been made at the expense of a greater consump- tion of either current or gas, but through the more efficient utilization of electric energy in the one case, and in the other through the realization of more perfect combustion. LOW COST LIGHTING 153 Tungsten lights cost more than the old-style carbon filament incandescents, are more delicate and require greater care in placing and handling. But for the same consumption of current they give at least three times the intensity of illumination, not to mention a much better quality of light. In timber-mill build- ings it is advisable to use shock absorbers on all large tungstens hung from the ceiling. The nitrogen-filled tungsten lamp gives a still whiter light, by comparison with which the vacuum tungsten luminosity appears quite yellow. Twenty-five to fifty per cent greater candlepower for the same consumption of current is the result, but the light is so intense-like that of an arc-that this lamp is suited for use only in indirect reflectors or in high-studded areas. The filament in the nitrogen lamp is coiled in a small compass at the focal point of the bulb, not strung out as in the ordinary tungsten bulb, and this approximates closely the ideal point-source condition. In consequence, the nitrogen lamp is much more effectively reflectored and is especially satisfactory for indirect lighting. When the difference in efficiency is taken into consideration, not only the better quality but also the greater quantity of light, and the reduced number of individual lights required to give the same intensity of illumination, no doubt should exist in the mind of the factory man as to what light to choose, nor any hesitancy, if he is dissatisfied with the service his carbons are giving him, about replacing those with tungstens. For general use, the sixty-watt tungsten lamp is recommended, but some prefer one-hundred-watt fixtures with wider spacing. Whichever is selected, it is often advisable, for the sake of uni- formity, facility in making repairs and renewals, and simplicity and compactness in stores, to hold to the one unit throughout, securing the varying intensities required in different situations by closer spacing or by grouping two or more units in a single reflector. Clusters, however, have many objectionable points. Great emphasis is placed upon providing in all cases suitable reflectors, which may be of either metal or glass. A naked light is like an unnozzled hose. By means of a suitable reflector, the efficiency of a light may be increased two or three hundred per cent. Not only does a reflector give direction to the rays of light 154 FITTING UP THE BUILDING emanating from an incandescent filament, preventing waste in directions where light is not needed, but by diffusing the rays, it makes possible more uniform illumination. Reflectors for single bulbs are made in two general shapes, which may well be described as "shallow bowl" and "deep bowl." The first is especially adapted for low ceilings or low suspension and close spacing; the second, for high ceilings or high suspension and fairly wide spacing. Both may be used to provide general illumination. In either case, the spacing of the units should be such that there is a generous overlapping of light at the average level of vision. As between general and specific illumination, although there are points on both sides, it cannot be gainsaid that if day- light conditions are to be reproduced general illumination is absolutely essential. So it is fairly safe to establish as a criterion that the first consideration in laying out an artificial lighting system is to provide for good general illumination in any event. And numerous examples of abundantly satisfactory results with this alone can be found. Specific illumination will then be nec- essary only in peculiar situations where artificial lights close to the work would be needed even at midday. Where this is required the lights should be so equipped with reflectors and so located that the light is on the work, not in the eyes of the operator. For specific illumination-that is, the light close to the work-a conical, shallow bell or parabolic reflector is more suitable than the types previously mentioned. Again, unless there is good general illumination, it is practi- cally impossible to avoid eye-strain, with its adverse effects on the health and efficiency of the operatives, the frequency of accidents, the proportion of seconds and culls, and the quantity of work accomplished. Men must be able to look up from their work, or enter a room from another room or from the outside, without great change in the accommodation of the eyes. Opposition to general illumination arises from the charge that it is wasteful of light and specific illumination is favored because it is believed to be more economical. Such it may be in actual cost of current, but when all the factors are taken into consideration the balance of economy will usually be found to swing the other way. Nor is light wasted in the general system LOW COST LIGHTING 155 simply because the fixtures are placed high. Under proper arrangements, the same amount of light reaches the plane of work, but like spray from a nozzle, it is finer, and more diffused if farther from the source. By avoiding glints, glares and shadows, this diffusion is often positively conservative of light. INDIRECT LIGHTING, MERCURY VAPOR AND FLAMING ARC LAMPS BULBS with frosted tips serve the same purpose, but the maximum elimination of points of light is secured through an indirect or semi-indirect system of lighting. This system is growing in popularity for hotels, auditoriums, clubs, even office buildings; and it has been installed in a few factories. When the ceiling is suitable and the panels are large and properly white-coated, the indirect system is both efficient and economical. It effects ideal diffusion of the light, approximating daylight illumination more closely than any other kind of lighting. Sometimes, to counteract the suggestion of darkness below the level of the indirect fixture, an illuminated bowl is provided. This effect may be secured by means of a small extra lamp, but the more economically by allowing a little of the light from above to leak through and be spread by an opal glass diffuser. A pleasing bowl of soft luminosity is thus obtained. This is not to be confused with the so-called semi-indirect fixture which is of translucent glass, allowing the larger part of the light to descend directly and which really classes as direct lighting. On account of the splendid diffusion of light in the indirect system, and the entire absence of points of light, one can see to read or to do close work with remarkable ease, in spite of the seeming slight gloom. There is as much light in the room as if the same lights were employed in a direct system, but it is not so concentrated. The pupil of the eye, in accommodating, as- sumes the size which will relieve the muscles of any strain. The light condition produced is really similar to the ideal suggested, that found in the shade of a tree on a bright mid- summer's day. Another advantage of the indirect system of lighting is the comparative absence of glare and shadows. Thus, this system possesses so many good points that it would seem worth while to consider it wherever conditions are favorable. 156 FITTING UP THE BUILDING The mercury vapor also possesses to a considerable extent the agreeable qualities of indirect illumination. The light is so diffused that the eye, without discomfort or injury, can endure gazing directly at it. Moreover, it is economical, in cost of installation, maintenance, and current consumption (Figure XXXV). Owing to the fact, however, that it is deficient in certain wave lengths, whence its greenish hue, it has not been regarded as satisfactory for some kinds of work. On the other hand, there are processes where this deficiency is a help. In inspecting piano keys and in garment pressing, for instance, the mercury light discloses imperfections which cannot be de- tected in any other way. The flaming arc is a development of the old carbon arc and still makes use of carbon electrodes; but the mechanism is such that larger carbons can be used and a much wider are produced which has none of the disagreeable flickering characteristics of its predecessor. Encased in a milky white globe, the effect is TOOL ROOM FOREMAN'S OFFICE ၁ O O O O O O O O O O O BENCHES MACHINES MACHINES O 70 FEET 10 10 O 10 BENCHES 175 FEET. O O O O O 1 10 FIGURE XXXV: Instead of lighting this machine shop by incandescent lamps, hung on swinging cords, this equipment was replaced by mercury vapor lamps located as shown in solid black discs. The difference in the number of lamps and in their arrangement is evident. The tubes for the mercury vapor lamps were suspended from the ceiling near the windows so that the artificial light from the shop came from the same general direction as the natural illumination that of a ball of moderate luminosity. Integral with the fixture is the reflector designed to shed the illumination outward and downward. Flaming arcs will burn continuously for one hundred and fifty hours without retrimming, and meanwhile there is no diminution in efficiency. Although the individual fixture is LOW COST LIGHTING 157 costly, relatively so few are required that the upkeep compara- tively is low and with its high efficiency this type of light is second to none in total economy (Figure XXXVI). One of the best examples of the use of flaming arcs is found in the Bridgeport plant of the Crane Company, where a room How Lighting Costs Were Cut 64% ITEMS ORDINARY FLAMING CARBON ARCS ARCS Number of lamps 15 4 Watts per lamp 660 550 Total watts per hour 9900 2200 Life of carbons per pair in hours 100 17 Cost of carbons per pair $.024 $.17 Carbon cost per lamp hour Current cost per hour Total carbon cost per hour Total cost of light per hour. .00024 .01 297 ..066 .0036 .04 .3006 .106 Total cost of light per 100 hours 30.06 10.60 FIGURE XXXVI: In a machine shop, two hundred and fifty feet by fifty feet, four flaming arcs hung midway down the shop replaced fifteen ordinary arcs. Figures are based on three cents per kilowatt hour for current. Net savings for every hundred hours the arcs burned were $19.46 50 feet wide by 352 feet long is lighted exclusively with ten flaming arc lamps, equipped with cone reflectors, hung just below the lower chord of the roof trusses-a distance of 32 feet 6 inches above the floor. Flaming arcs particularly are well adapted for illuminating foundries or other rooms where the atmosphere is more or less smoky, because the light is strong in yellow wave lengths, which are most effective in penetrating haze. For lighting yards and outdoor passages or working places, the flaming are also is well adapted, although the larger sizes of tungstens are perhaps equally satisfactory, no more costly and burn from 1,500 to 2,000 hours without renewal as against 150 hours for the arc lamp. High location of lights is a disadvantage principally on maintenance grounds. When lamps are hung at a height which even an exceptionally tall man cannot reach without equipment, the attendants must of course carry stepladders 158 FITTING UP THE BUILDING around with them, and this means slower work, hence greater maintenance cost. In case of are lamps, the rigging may be such that the lamp can be lowered for cleaning and retrimming; but usually working conditions underneath do not make this practicable. Hence, in the typical installation, walkways must be provided at the level of the lamps, if the suspension is above the reach of an ordinary stepladder. All things considered, high location-as high as the ceiling or roof construction permits-is advantageous. The higher the suspension, however, the stronger the individual light must be. For instance, the light given off by a sixty-watt tungsten might suffice amply to illuminate an area ten by ten if the ceil- ing height were eight feet; if ten feet, then probably 100-watt lamps would be needed to give equal intensity; but a propor- tionately larger space, twelve by twelve, would be served by the one lamp, so that a less number would be required. Again, high suspension means greater safety against breakage and petty stealing. One of the weightiest points against specific illumination, which means low suspension, is that the loss from these sources is so heavy. When, too, the lamps are hung out of ordinary reach, the men are not tempted to tinker with them. Managers have found that when lamps are within reach it is almost impossible to keep men from handling them. The result is much lost time, and if each workman has not a private lamp, there is continual interference, with the inevitable delays and disputes. At times the presence of overhead fixtures and belt- ing seriously impairs the efficiency of high suspension and requires numerous additional lamps, hung low, to piece out the illumination at individual machines. A still further advantage of high suspension is that lamps may be grouped in any sized circuit desired, large or small, and the common switch (or switches) located so that a particular man -it may be the foreman-can be made solely responsible for the timely turning on and off of the various circuits. This is economical from the standpoint both of installation and opera- tion. When it is left to the individual workman to turn on and off his own lamp, the turning-on they will do, but the turning-off they almost invariably forget. When one man is responsible, the matter is easily arranged. LOW COST LIGHTING 159 A mechanical device which has great merit in this connection is the no-voltage release switch. In one plant where this was tried, the first month it was installed a saving of over ten per cent was shown in the cost of power for lighting. When the switchboard attendant or engineer opens the main switch and immediately closes it again, all the lights in the factory go out and stay out until the individual switches again are closed. The no-voltage release device automatically has opened all switches and they stay open until closed individually by hand. Thus the foreman is relieved of any responsibility in the matter and if anyone requires light out of the regular hours, he is obliged to go over and close his switch. Then, if on quitting he forgets to open it again, the watchman reports him on his next round and he is taken to task. By centering the responsibility for safe- keeping of individual lighting features in somewhat the same manner, managers have cut down very largely the loss due to breakage and theft. CLEA HOW SOAP AND WATER HOLD DOWN LIGHT EQUIPMENT COSTS LEANING of lamps, bulbs, globes and reflectors, is as im- portant as cleaning of windows and walls. A lighting expert was called in to investigate the conditions in a factory, with a view to recommending changes. A new equipment of lamps of stronger candlepower was thought to be required. It took the expert less than ten minutes to discover that the chief trouble was slovenly maintenance. Some of the fixtures looked as if they had not been cleaned since installation. Also the walls and ceiling, originally white and glossy, were now dark and dingy. So the consultant called for some washers and set them to work to clean up one small department. Walls and ceilings, as well as the lighting fixtures, were tackled. When the job was done the manager was called in to look. So great was the change in the brightness of the room that for the moment he was dumbfounded. When he learned that the miracle had been accomplished by the liberal use of soap and water he felt some- what abashed. The expert said: "All you need is to keep your lamps and walls and ceiling clean. Your present equipment, 1 160 FITTING UP THE BUILDING with possibly one or two exceptions, is adequate as it is; only maintain it properly." And so it turned out. Another important detail to provide for is a record of the life of each lighting unit. When a lamp gives out, by consulting the record, it can at once be seen whether the failure is a natural one or not. The system should also provide for timely replacing of lamps, based on their hours of actual service. In the case of arc lights, which need retrimming at fairly regular intervals, this is a much easier matter to regulate than in the case of filament lamps. The larger the individual unit, the more de- sirable it is to operate a close record, because the more money is involved in a single renewal. One manager handled the situation by placing tags on each fixture, upon which a record was kept of the dates of installa- tion, repairs, if any, and renewal with reasons. The fixtures were numbered according to a plan and each fixture carried a little metal tag with its number. The manila tag then took this number, and when a lamp was replaced its tag was sent in to the office as a report and a fresh tag was attached to the new fixture. The tags coming into the office were promptly scrutinized by one of the executives, and if an unusual circumstance was noted, a special investigation was ordered. Replaced lamps, too, were required to be returned, with their tags, to the electrical storeroom and tested by the electrician before being scrapped. The electrician then added on the tags his comments. In this way promiscuous renewals were almost entirely avoided and the suppliers checked up on the performance of their wares, and if there was any especially unsatisfactory performance they promptly heard of it. Another manager has a tag placed on a lamp when it goes out. In case of replacement the lamp must be returned. The tag enables the company to demand replacement when the lamps turn black, as they are guaranteed against this defect. XVI WATER FOR INDUSTRIAL USES W ATER is not unlimited and without price. As an item of expense, therefore, its supply and distribution for the various uses about the factory is one of those "little things" that determine the profits of the future. In building the factory the time to consider the question of a suitable supply of water is at the start-before location is definitely settled upon. Two factors enter into the problem: first, quantity; second, quality. An abundance of pure, soft water is the thing desired. Many factories have to contend with a supply which, while adequate, is unsuited in its natural state for many purposes. Water, for instance, which would do for sanitary, fire-protection and general purposes about the factory would not be suitable for steam-making or manufacturing proc- esses, nor safe for drinking. So it becomes necessary in many factories either to provide a separate source of supply for one or more of these purposes or to install a water-purifying plant. In a particular instance, the only way to determine the num- ber of sources necessary is to have a chemical analysis made of samples from the existing source or sources of supply. Many waters that are as clear as crystal yet contain dissolved mineral matter which utterly unfits them for boiler use; may unfit them for some manufacturing purposes, such as washing dye-stuffs, and may even unfit them for drinking purposes, because of their unfavorable physiological action. Only a chemical analysis by a qualified expert can decide the question authoritatively. A public supply is often the only supply available, and in small cities and towns this supply is apt to be fairly pure, satis 162 FITTING UP THE BUILDING factory for manufacturing uses and good enough for drinking. In any event, however, an independent source of supply for drinking water is desirable, as the best of town water, unless the town operates a purification plant, is apt in seasons to be contaminated. In some cases it may be found advisable for the factory to install its own purification plant. A number of good filters are on the market especially for factory use. However, if there are water-bearing strata underneath, an artesian well is preferable. In the first place, by going down far enough-1,000 to 2,000 feet-a very pure supply is obtainable-fresh from nature's own purification plant. In the second place, artesian waters are usually of an even coolness the year around, just about right for drinking, saving the trouble and expense of icing in summer. And, in the third place, it is likely to be more economical—costing nothing save for the expense of original drilling, and costing no more to pump than to filter, if as much. Factories located in large cities seldom find it practicable to operate a private supply, and dependence must be placed on the public supply. If the city water is not good, a private filter plant needs to be installed pending that time when the city will assume the task of purification for all consumers. Even then, with city-purified water, it may be desirable for the factory to have its own plant. The Link Belt Company, of German- town, Pennsylvania, drawing its water from the city of Phila- delphia's filtered supply, again filters and sterilizes privately every drop of drinking water it uses. This company has found that in the one point of absences cut down these added pre- cautions pay for themselves. CUTTING DOWN LOSSES BY PROVIDING AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF PURE DRINKING WATER FILTERING the water eliminates the distasteful, and very largely the pathological qualities; but it does not entirely eliminate the elements that react unfavorably on the human organism under factory working conditions. Every time a man is out, production is to an extent interrupted. Not only the man but the company loses by each absence. In a season, this loss in a large plant would mount up heavily. And the more highly organized a plant is, the more would this be true. Where every- Tiled floors and walls, bubbling fountains, and individual lockers with peaked roofs are part of sanitary equipment in the wash and locker room (above) in a German factory. In the Ford foundry concrete mezzanine floors support the toilet room equipment (middle), from in front of which a partition (arrows) has been removed in order to make the photograph. Roomy lockers are ar- ranged in widely spaced rows and located close to lavatories in the National Lead Company's plant TO DRY HANDS XLASE FRICK HELS Sanitation includes provision for injured employees. Dispensaries of the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company (above) and the General Electric Company (below) and a "first aid" case are shown. A substitute for towels is a hot air blast arrangement which operates by electricity, and thoroughly dries the hands in from thirty to forty seconds; a foot lever controls the blast WATER FOR INDUSTRIAL USES 165 one has a duty he is expected to perform each day, and his neglect to perform that duty either throws an extra burden on somebody else or leaves the duty unattended to, substituting for absentees is not so easy. So we find alert managers, in their unceasing endeavor to hunt down the very last elements of inefficiency, going to the extreme of sterilizing even filtered water. Only secondary in importance to a proper supply of water for drinking purposes is the means for dispensing it. The common drinking cup is distasteful and insanitary. Sanitarians charge that many diseases of the mouth, throat and lungs are communicated by it. So much in disfavor is the common drink- ing cup that the laws of almost a score of states, following the lead of Kansas in 1910, now prohibit its use in public places, and it is expected that other states will rapidly follow suit. Factory managers, however, are not waiting to be compelled by statute to remedy this evil. They believe that in the better class of help they are able to attract and hold, and in the reduc- tion of absences traceable to common cups, they reap ample returns on the investment involved. Bubbling fountains are preferable to individual paper cups for a number of reasons, chief of which is that they are more economical. The type of fountain which runs all the time, how- ever, is wasteful of water; yet it is preferable to the turn-on- and-off type if running will give the necessary coolness, for far more time will be wasted by the men waiting for the water to run cold than is offset by the saving in water. If the water will not run cold, then artificial cooling should be resorted to. This may take the form of a central icing or refrigerating plant, which cools the water for the entire plant, or individual coolers at each fountain. From a maintenance point of view, the central cooling station is preferable; but there are cases when the individual cooler is better. If artificial cooling is necessary, the turn-on-and-off type of fountain, with automatic shut-off, is the one to adopt in connection therewith. A proper quality of water for drinking is not more important than a proper quality for boiler use. Certain waters, other- wise pure, are impregnated with mineral matter which on evap- oration is deposited, forming an accreting crustation on the 166 FITTING UP THE BUILDING inside of the boiler tubes-commonly called "boiler scale." To cure this trouble and check consequent fuel loss "boiler com- pounds" have been invented. These act to loosen the deposit but do not prevent its forming and it is doubtful if they are of much avail. So factory managers who have scale-forming waters to contend with, install "water-softeners" to remove the "hardness" which causes scale. Feed-water heaters are only partially effective. A complete water-softener plant, however, effects the removal of practically all of the scale-forming matter and renders the water not only "soft," but slightly alkaline, which is a desirable condition coun- teracting any tendency to corrosion. Rain water is soft, but it nearly always contains some acid gathered on its flight through the air which would corrode the boiler tubes, and thus is unfitted. SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF WATER SUPPLY FOR FIRE PROTECTION WATER for fire protection purpose is in many respects the most important consideration of all. Here it is not a case of quality, but of quantity and pressure. Particularly is this the case if a plant is independent of a city supply and of city protection. But even in the heart of a city the factory finds it to their advantage to be independent in this respect, owing to the ever-present danger of a conflagration which may deprive the plant of its supply just when it is needed the most. There is also the very practical reason of lower insurance rates -the surer the water supply, the more favorable the rates, and the corresponding saving capitalized will of itself very nearly pay for the added investment to be absolutely safe. Water for manufacturing purposes, particularly in textiles and tanneries, where large volumes are used daily, is a subject for special consideration in each instance. The source of supply may be the same as for other purposes, but a separate storage and distribution system is usually needed. About the same quality of water is needed as for boiler use. In textiles and tanneries, particularly, the water must not only be clean but free from "hardness," as this quality has been found to react unfavorably on both dyes and tans. Softening the water absolutely prevents wastes due to such WATER FOR INDUSTRIAL USES 167 reaction. It also effects a large saving in the quantity of soap required in all washing processes. On the other hand, in some processes it may be desirable to leave certain of the hardening chemicals in the water, even on occasion adding other chemicals, in order to produce a helpful and desirable reaction. Water for general purposes-flushing toilets, cleaning floors and windows, sprinkling the lawns and so on—is chiefly a ques- tion of quantity and pressure. The raw water, from the city mains or private basin, is all right-it remains merely to furnish the pressure. Where the city water is available and the pressure sufficient, the factory needs only to be piped with it. Where the city pressure is insufficient, at least on the upper floors, or there is a private supply, a special tank is required. This is supported at a suitable elevation either on a separate tower or on the stairwell tower, which is kept filled by a pump in the engine room. This pump automatically connects in when the supply is low. It is a good plan in any event to have such a tank as city pressure frequently is more or less erratic. For cleaning purposes, it has been found quite desirable to have special hydrants located at convenient places about the factory and the yard. These permit of hose being attached or water drawn off in pails. For sprinkling lawns and flower beds, if at all extensive, the most convenient and, in the long run, most economical arrange- ment it has been found, is to gird the lawn with pipes, which come to an outlet at the surface at intervals. To these, sprink- lers may quickly be attached and water turned into all of them at once. With the arrangement described, one man without a hose can accomplish more in one hour than he can with one in a day. In laying out the piping system, provision must be made at the outset for all future demands. The mains and trunk lines, at least, must be ample for the life of the construction. When piping passes through the yard or under buildings, it is a pretty good plan to lay it in concrete conduits, with convenient manholes at intervals. Then troubles may be quickly located and readily repaired. The same channel may be utilized for other than water piping-air pipes, gas pipes, electric conduits, and so on. The different kinds of pipes should be distinguished 168 FITTING UP THE BUILDING in some way-painting on in white or red letters what they are has been found preferable to painting the pipes different colors, as where there are several different kinds of piping, a color scheme leads to confusion. If, however, there are only two or three different kinds, the color scheme is probably preferable. The nearest valves should be indicated by arrows painted on the pipes and the valves should all be clearly indicated as to purpose and operation, and be located in suitably sheltered but easily accessible places. If piping is buried in the ground, it needs to be three and one-half to four feet below the surface in order to be safe against freezing in winter. Water pipes in unheated storages are subject to the same danger, and should be suitably insulated or paralleled with steam pipes, or both. At all times keep on file in the vault an up-to-date and accurate plan of the piping. The advantages of such a system are self- evident to all who have had troubles with piping, and it is the system followed by such carefully managed water works com- panies as the American Water Works and Guarantee Company, Pittsburgh, owners and operators of more than forty plants. The plans of this company are so maintained that any valve, tee, elbow or other connection can be located almost to the inch both in position and in depth, though it has been buried for years. Planning and accurate, immediate and reliable records have an exceedingly important value in equipping a factory with a water- works system. XVII FACTORY SANITATION F INGER-NAILS must be cleaned before workmen eat at noon, was the order which the manager of an enamel producing factory found it necessary to issue. He had trouble because of illness among the men. This had been due to lead poisoning, as many of his employees handled large quan- tities of white lead during their work. By providing hot and cold running water and requiring the men to wash thoroughly before eating, he greatly reduced the number of cases of poison- ing, but they did not entirely cease until cleaning of finger-nails was also required. The foremen now act as inspectors to see that this regulation is faithfully observed. To make the reform effective, it was necessary also to forbid the men to bring their lunches into the workrooms, and lunching at indiscriminate times. Men are now required to leave their lunch boxes in their lockers and may eat only after they have passed inspection. This is, of course, an extreme case. Nevertheless, it illustrates the new viewpoint of many managers. They believe that it pays in all instances to be careful, whether poisonous materials are handled or not. A better class of employees, an improved moral tone, better health and greater individual and collective efficiency have been found to follow the introduction of modern sanitary measures. The viewpoint of manufacturers, both large and small, has been rapidly changing. Refinements are being introduced in the matter of toilets and urinals, lavatories, lockers, drinking foun- tains and disposal of sewage, which a few years ago would have been thought ridiculous in the factory. The general idea of 170 FITTING UP THE BUILDING O GALLERY OVERHEAD ENTRANCE FOUR FOOT PARTITION FIVE FOOT PARTITION MAIN AISLE O BIG STRUCTURAL SHOP BUILDING A. 4 STORIES COURT CONNECTING PASSAGE WAYS, LAVATORIES AND LOCKER ROOM BUILDING B. 4 STORIES FIGURE XXXVII: In arranging the sanitary equipment in the center of a big machine shop two metal partitions were built parallel to the main walls. In the plant at the right ventilating ducts ran from the basement to the top of the building. A fan draws the air through the ducts adequate sanitary equipment in a factory, until the last few years, seemed to be the grouping of two or more closets, a small urinal, a wash bowl, possibly of enameled iron, and a roller towel which had to do for a whole week, regardless of the season of the year, or the number of the men using it. Such things as drinking fountains, shower baths and lockers were not thought of. Soap was conspicuous by its absence. Now all happily is changed. Today scrupulous sanitation is very commonly regarded by enlightened managements, as of paramount importance. Progress toward better sanitation began first in the offices of factories. The advent of women into offices, as stenographers and clerks, gave the movement a sharp impetus. As better accommodations were provided for women, men began to feel they were entitled to as good. The result is that today it is almost impossible to find a modern factory office or a well-kept one of the older type where sanitary conditions are not as good for one sex as the other, and as good for both as in most modern offices and high-class residence buildings. Improvement of sanitary conditions in the workshops came more slowly, but it came as surely. One does not find many factories yet, even the most modern, that are all that could be desired; but almost everywhere conditions are vastly better than they used to be. Managers have not been actuated by humanitarian impulses primarily, although they may have been incidentally. What influenced them chiefly was the considera- tion of greater efficiency. They saw that good sanitation, like good heating, ventilating and lighting, pays. FACTORY SANITATION 171 SECOND FLOOR MILL BUILDING SHOE FACTORY AND TEXTILE MILL FIRST FLOOR 8 FT. TOWER HEIGHT OF BUILDING LAVATORIES ELEVATOR AND STAIRS MEZZANINE FLOOR 竹 ​FIGURE XXXVIII: In a mill building, the equipment is placed conveniently on a mezzanine floor, swung about seven and one-half feet from the floor above. Space is taken near the elevator on each floor of a shoe factory for the economical placing of sanitary equipment What constitutes good factory sanitation? And what does it embrace? These are the pertinent questions. In common under- standing, sanitation is synonymous with plumbing. Broadly speaking, it includes all equipment designed to secure or pre- serve the health of the workers-dust removers, air purifiers, vacuum cleaners, and smoke consumers, as well as toilets, wash rooms and shower baths, lockers for workmen, drinking foun- tains, devices to condition the air, apparatus to freshen and revitalize the atmosphere, sanitary receptacles for waste and other refuse, sanitary instruments and accessories for giving first aid to the injured or emergency medical aid to those suddenly taken sick; in fact, a hundred and one practical devices around the factory, kinks in construction, lighting facilities, noise eliminators, clean and attractive places for the men to eat their lunches, and so on, all of which have a direct influence on the comfort and convenience and, therefore, health and efficiency of workmen. SANITARY LOCKERS AND LAVATORIES MEAN BETTER WORK AND MORE OF IT THE sanitary locker is the locker open to the air, made of smooth-coated metal with no wood or other material in its make-up to absorb filth or constitute a fire hazard, with a locking device to make it difficult for anyone to break in, and equipped with steam or hot water pipes to dry damp clothing. The need for this kind of equipment is apparent from a visit to any shop where lockers are not provided. If the management 172 FITTING UP THE BUILDING does not provide lockers, the men will, in the shape of soap boxes nailed to the walls or rigged up on stands alongside machines and benches. In one such shop, the men had the space so blocked up with improvised "lockers" as seriously to interfere with the moving of the product. The walls were everywhere disfigured with similar make-shifts, unsightly to say the least; in some instances an obstruction to passageways, and in all instances insanitary, unsafe, and a distinct fire hazard. When suitable lockers were provided, grouped together in a room parti- tioned off for this purpose, a noticeable gain in efficiency resulted almost immediately. The shop took on a new tone. Production space was gained. Production flowed through more smoothly. FOUNDRY. DRESSING ROOM I MACHINE SHOP HHH CLOSETS LAVATORIES UP RAISED FOUR FEET ABOVE FLOOR SHOWER BATH FIGURE XXXIX: Shower baths, dressing rooms and other conveniences for the workmen are located along the side-wall in the center of this foundry. In a machine shop the toilet room is raised four feet above the floor to give it a central location with respect to all the departments of the shop Operatives took more interest in their work. In fact, very soon one man, then another, then several more, then most of the men came to work in better clothes. A decent place in which to keep their belongings became an incentive to dress more decently. Thus the old employees went up a notch in the scale of manhood and men of a better class were attracted. Shower baths, particularly for men who work under such conditions, in foundries and the like, enabling them to wash up all over at the end of the day and get into clean and dry under- wear, have a similar beneficial effect. A higher class of men are willing, with such conveniences, to do work they otherwise would not. It is by no means an uncommon sight at many fac- tories to see a molder emerge from a foundry at the end of his day's work as neatly attired as a clerk from the office. FACTORY SANITATION 173 Lavatories are in some industries absolutely essential, in all desirable and worth while. Eating with dirty hands, while seldom an actual source of ill health, though always uncouth, does not tend to improve men's moral tone. Individual enameled wash bowls are usually best for the factory as they are for the office. They are not only more sanitary, less wasteful of water and generally more serviceable, but they cater to the desire for privacy innate in all men and thus exercise a healthful moral stimulus. TOILETS THAT HELP WORKMEN TO RETAIN THEIR SELF-RESPECT THE sanitary toilet is the one easy to keep clean, inoffensive so far as possible to the finer instincts, bright and attractive, well ventilated, and lighted, with due privacy, automatic flushing devices so as to negative the habits of forgetfulness and careless- ness on the part of men and furnishing no breeding place for disease germs-mental, moral or physical. Many different types of sanitary closets and urinals are in use, from the continuous trough or range closet, with automatic periodic flushing, to the individual closet system. The former is the less expensive, the latter the more sanitary and in general more satisfactory to the workingmen. The individual closet system, however, is seldom used in the shop; on the other hand, it is almost exclusively used in factory offices, and the same reasons that make it desirable for the office make it desirable in the shop. In some organized shops, employing high-grade labor, the preference is given to it. But in the average plant it might be hard to justify the greater investment involved. The range ´closet, with dividing partitions and doors, and automatic flushing tank, thoroughly ventilated, is the next best thing-in fact, in many instances, answers every purpose, and, because well venti- lated, offers really very little offense. The same principle applies in regard to urinals. The stall arrangement giving privacy is decidedly preferable to the un- divided urinal, with its open invitation to petty nuisances. To be thoroughly sanitary, the stalls should be ventilated, top and bottom, flushed with water running continuously or intermit- tently, and paved for at least a foot in front with a solid slab of 174 FITTING UP THE BUILDING slate or glass, offering at no point lodgment for fluids to make a nuisance. If properly ventilated, and sanitary in every respect, there is no reason for odors and hence little need for deodorizers and disinfectants. Urinal stalls are usually placed along the wall, dividing the wall space with closet stalls. About half as many urinals as closets are provided. If the toilet is a through room, that is, accessible from either end, half the stalls of one kind are placed at one end and half at the other, so as to minimize the travel. Another arrangement leaves the wall space free, placing the closets in one or two rows back to back and the urinals either likewise or in hexagonal groups. The hexagonal urinal is both. a convenient and economical unit. The economy arises from the fact that a central discharge and a central ventilating hood serves six stalls. As to the best place for sanitary equipment, a favorite prac- tice is to group it in abutting wings, so as not to encroach on manufacturing space (Figures XXXVII-XXXIX). Other advantages are gained by this arrangement. More light and air can be provided; it is easier to wash up and keep sweet and clean. Fire doors give it isolation from the factory and thus afford additional security to men's belongings. The same wing may be made to support sprinkler tanks as well as flush tanks, and the basement forms a convenient and safe place for pipe valves. An arrangement adapted to broad, single-story buildings, is to put the comfort station under ground. This is objection- able in that it compels men to use stairways. But it affords them far less opportunity to loaf systematically and is not distasteful to anybody on account of its conspicuousness. These are the objections advanced against placing comfort equipment on a mezzanine floor, as is sometimes done. As to the disposal of sewage, if the factory is located on a public trunk line, the problem is simple. All that needs to be done is to lay out the factory sewer system with due reference to the public main, converge all branch pipes into a main and connect into the trunk. Efficiency managers locate all piping in strict accordance with plans prepared after a survey of the site has been made and keep a record which shows exactly where FACTORY SANITATION 175 every line of piping is with the location and depth of inter- sections. The factory main, of course, should be of liberal size, so as to provide for anticipated growth. For sewer piping, if only small pipes are required, vitrified clay tile is in common use although cement tiles are also now much favored. For large sewers, concrete conduits laid continu- ously and reinforced with steel are more satisfactory. Only a very large plant, however, would require such a sewer. Piping when carefully laid to grades given by a surveyor assures an interrupted flow of sewage by gravity to the point of discharge. If no public mains are available, as is usually the case when a factory is located in a suburban or rural district, two courses are open: (1) To extend the factory main to the nearest running body of water into which it is not forbidden to discharge sewage; (2) to purify the sewage in septic tanks and discharge the colorless and odorless effluent through drain tile, or use it to irrigate nearby farm land. Another manager collects the purified effluent, runs it through his water purifying and soften- ing plant, and uses it over again for steam making, fire protec- tion, sanitation and for all purposes, indeed, except drinking. This manager has available a public main; but he chooses not to use it, preferring to reclaim his water as he reclaims other wastes of manufacture. The sludge he also uses, compressing and drying it into cakes which he disposes of as fertilizer. Thus the modern factory man carries the principle of waste- utilization to the point of making something of sewage, ordinarily conceived of as worse than worthless, but as this manager has demonstrated, of large value as a by-product of an effective sanitary system. XVIII CUTTING DOWN THE FIRE HAZARD N constructing a new administration building of brick, IN reinforced-concrete and wire-glass, a manufacturer installed no fire-fighting equipment or apparatus. He supposed that his building was safe from fire. But he failed to give due weight to the fact that the wooden doors, trim and partitions with which it was fitted constituted a dangerous fire hazard. One night a clerk who had been working overtime carelessly threw, as it is supposed, the butt of a cigarette into a basket full of waste paper. Fire broke out, and by the time the watchman on his next round discovered it such headway had been gained that, in spite of the efforts of the firemen, the building was gutted. The structure was not seriously damaged, but all the woodwork, including filing cases filled with records, was reduced to charred embers. A large sum of money was required to restore the interior, and the financial loss in records was inestimable. Now, however, this manufacturer not only replaced wood with metal or other fire-resisting material wherever he could, includ- ing metal filing cases and fireproof partitions, but he installed a complete automatic-sprinkler equipment. Had he taken these precautions in the first place, when the extra cost would have been comparatively slight, he would have saved himself many thousands of dollars. To be prepared for the worst is the truly conservative position for the manufacturer to take with regard to fire hazards when it comes to building and equipping his factory. However un- burnable it may be in materials of construction, and however CUTTING DOWN FIRE HAZARD 177 ttin Make this the high- est point of the live steam pipe and from here slope pipe down- ward slightly to re. Turn pipe Discharge pipe Reduce size of pipe to lin. At this point and return to Boiler Rm lia 12in 2in. horizontal nailing strips spaced about 3ft. apărt Discharge Pipe. Steam Pipe. Zin. Air Space. 2in Air Space. Zin Air Space. FIGURE XL: to the boiler room. 2 Thicknesses of tarred. paper around each box except outside in. Tongued and grooved sheathing At the left is a cross-section of a gravity tank, showing a steam pipe with return At the right is a method to prevent freezing of either the supply pipe or down- comer pipe for a tank on a trestle or elevated above a roof scientifically designed to minimize fire hazards, some danger always remains-if not to the building itself at least to its contents. In a woodworking plant the danger is perhaps greatest; in a metalworking plant, generally it is least. Yet in the latter case, so long as machines need oil and waste and other inflam- mable fabrics must be kept in the open, even though there is no wood in the construction of the building, fire hazards will still remain. And the hazard increases as the product of the factory is more combustible in its nature, or subject to explosion-as are flour and other grain products, for example. If the building also is of burnable materials, conditions are at their worst and the equipment and apparatus necessary to prevent disastrous fires needs to be elaborate. A very great advance was made in the art of fire protection when the automatic sprinkler was perfected. This device actu- ally makes fires put out themselves. When a factory is thoroughly equipped with sprinklers, a stream of water constantly stands guard over every square foot of floor space, in instant readiness to drown any incipient blaze and able to pour forth its flood over areas difficult to reach otherwise. Valuable as is the automatic sprinkler, however, it has its limitations. One of these arises from the fact that a high temperature (180° F.) is necessary before the soft-metal strut 178 FITTING UP THE BUILDING 1in steam pipe 12in. Check Valve 12in Check Valve 1in. Steam pipe through bottom of tank. 1 FIGURE XLI: Unless check valves are placed in steam pipes entering tanks water will be drawn back by siphon action when the steam is shut off. The steam pipe may be taken through the bot- tom of the tank or through the side as shown which locks the sprinkler head fuses and permits the water to rush forth and drench the cause of the heat beneath. Before this degree of temperature is reached a fire may gain large headway and require several sprinkler openings to extinguish it when perhaps a bucket of water or a chemical extinguisher, if used in time, would have been ample. Even then, it is the water rather than the fire damage that is serious. If, for instance, the fire happens in the night or during a holiday, it may be some little interval before the discovery is made. In the meantime the water continues to pour forth even though the blaze has been promptly quenched. Far more damage, thus, may be occasioned by water than by fire. SAFETY MEASURES THAT KEEP A SPRINKLER SYSTEM ALWAYS IN WORKING ORDER NEARLY all the other limitations of the automatic sprinkler are deficiencies, not of the equipment itself, but in its installation and upkeep or in the water supply. The automatic sprinkler has been the mainstay of fire protection for more than a generation; and in proper working order, and with a sufficient supply of water in reserve, it has seldom failed to perform its duty with dispatch. In one instance the system failed to act because the valve had been turned off while repairs were being made to some piping and heads, and when the repairs were finished no one had thought CUTTING DOWN FIRE HAZARD 179 FF Strip. Make this joint. tight by calking Bent Make this joint tight by calking.. Nail into plank & not Iron strap, Iron strap. Into staves. Cut to fit close to staves FIGURE XLII: Two methods of making tight joints around the top of an exposed water tank are shown. For economy in heating during winter and as an extra precaution against inblown leaves and nesting by birds a double conical cover is often provided to open the valve. In another instance, the fire happened at a time when the system was out of commission for repairs. In still another case the supply main was frozen. In a fourth, the down-flow pipe from the tank was similarly affected (Figure XL). Again, the pipes within the factory were frozen, due to the policy of the management not to operate the heating system during the night, and before these were in working order once more the fire was beyond the control of the apparatus. Such failures as these have led to the adoption of stringent rules by fire insurance companies, covering the protection of the sprinklers against the agency of frost; and installations which are not guarded in accordance are either not accepted or penal- ized with a higher rate. These rules require valves located without the building to be housed in heated chambers; the heating of outside tanks (Figure XLI) with steam jets; the paralleling of water pipes with steam pipes until within the shelter of the heated interior; the continuous heating of inte- riors, preferably throughout the winter, but especially over night when the probabilities are that the outside temperature will sink below a point which will result in a freezing temperature within -the guarding, in fact, of every possible point of attack by frost. What is said with reference to the desirability of never allow- ing a factory interior to cool off does not, of course, apply to shipping and other structures which it is not customary or neces- sary to heat at any time. Where such buildings need fire 180 FITTING UP THE BUILDING protection a departure from the ordinary form of sprinkler becomes necessary in order to avoid freezing. What is called the dry-pipe system has been developed to meet this need. In this water is not admitted to the sprinkler pipes within the building, but these are kept full of air under slight pressure. B id Et G A F F B P FIGURE XLIII: In this straightway dry-pipe valve, gate A closes the vertical pipe at the right. Water bears against the gate from below. Air pressure from the pipes above is exerted against A and diaphragm B. When the air pressure is released, water lifts the valve and fills the intermediate chamber. Piston D is forced to d, leaving the passage clear for water Where the water enters, a valve is placed enclosed, if necessary, in a frost-proof chamber. In event of fire the sprinkler heads open as ordinarily, the air pressure is relieved and the valve opens admitting water to all parts of the system. It is, of course, a little later in reaching the opened head or heads, but the delay is so slight that the efficiency of the system is regarded as practically the same as the ordinary system and the insurance companies give it equal recognition (Figures XLIII and XLIV). To be absolutely safe as regards the adequacy of the water supply, three separate sources should be provided: a tank sup- ply, which gives the immediate pressure and water enough to quench any ordinary blaze; an auxiliary reservoir supply DESJARDINS & ERICSSON ROUGH DRESSED LUMBER How "drenchers" protect a building is shown in the upper picture at the left. Space between fire partitions is used for air-ducts at the Eastman Kodak plant. At the same plant, in case of fire, employees in the film department can escape across open air balconies into a solid concrete tower (arrow) containing stairs and elevators. Two such towers are provided EXIT EXIT Standard fire doors, built of oak, tin-covered, hung on inclined ways, held open cnly by a fusible link, with ample lay-over, and easy to reopen, are shown above. Heat quickly melts the link, letting the doors close. Exit signs can be read from any direction. Below is shown a sprinkler head in operation immediately following a fire, which has charred the pillars and floor CUTTING DOWN FIRE HAZARD 183 introduced into the system, upon the exhaustion of the tank supply, by the automatic operation of a brass-fitted fire pump located in the power house; a connection with a public main which, if the pressure is sufficient, automatically feeds the system upon the exhaustion of the tank supply, without calling the fire E 5 2 छ P. V FIGURE XLIV: By the flow of the water through the alarm valve (at the left) the clapper 3 is raised from its seat, thus closing a magnetic circuit and ringing the alarm. The water also passes through the pipe P (at the right) and operates the water motor I, which revolves the axle V and rings the gong R, which sounds even if the circuit is broken pump into action, or cuts in only when the reservoir supply, too, has been exhausted or the fire pump is for any reason inopera- tive. Nearly all plants have at least two sources-either the tanks and the fire pump with a reservoir, or the tanks and a city supply. The insurance companies encourage two or more inde- pendent sources by making important concessions in the rates and the heaviest concession, of course, is made for the three sources. A fire pump as a rule is more reliable than a city main, if a good sized private reservoir is back of it; for, as has been shown in several instances, city pressure is not always to be depended upon-it may fail, for one reason or another, just when most needed. In one case the arrival of the city fire engines, and their coupling on to the same main, resulted in the sprinkler system being almost entirely deprived of water; yet the sprinklers were in a far better position to continue the battle with the flames, given a sufficient supply of water, than the firemen with their hose streams. As it is nearly always feasible to provide a reservoir, even 184 FITTING UP THE BUILDING STAIRS RING SPINNING, (DRIVEN FROM_BELOW! RING SPINNING.. CARDING düili WEAVING WEAVING WEAVING PICKERS HARNESS ROOM PICKERS, ENGINE JENGINE FOUNDATIONS, ETC. FIGURES XLV and XLVI: Wooden belt enclosures designed to prevent drafts from floor to floor proved ineffectual in retarding the spread of fire in a cotton mill. In rebuilding, the belt-ways were enclosed with plaster on expanded metal, these greatly reducing the cost of insurance. Such en- though it must be an underground cistern beneath the power plant, it would seem the wise policy to place the main reliance on a plant fire pump. If location in the power house is likely to be inconvenient, then the pump should be placed in a separate fireproof building. The utility of a private reservoir or cistern is not limited to fire protection. It can be, and usually is made an integral part of the power plant outfit, serving as a condenser for the engines, and even as a swimming pool for employees. Ordinarily gravity tanks serve every purpose of a quick supply of water at a fair pressure, but in some cases pressure tanks also are advisable. These come first into action, furnishing a limited supply of water at a high pressure. As they are emptied the pressure gradually is reduced until it is no greater than that furnished by the gravity tank. At this point, both the air and the water supply are automatically renewed. Of great importance is the pressure available. The higher this is up to the point where the piping and connections are not strained, the more effective the action of the sprinkler heads. But not less than ten pounds should be available on the topmost sprinklers. And this is another reason for not placing secondary CUTTING DOWN FIRE HAZARD 185 STAIRS RING SPINNING (DRIVEN FROM BELOW) RING SPINNING CARDING WOOD PLANK TOPS PLASTER ON EXPANDER 'METAL GALVANIZED IRON. PICKERS WEAVING, HARNESS ROOM PICKERS WEAVING WEAVING ENGINE ENGINE FOUNDATIONS, ETC. closures have been suggested by insurance companies in preference to isolating belts in fireproof towers. In this mill the stairs are enclosed in an isolated brick tower which is built high enough to accommodate water tanks and provide extra space for storage dependence primarily on a city supply, for in the case of a multi-story factory the city pressure may at its best not reach the minimum required on the top floors. Of course, if high pressure city service is available, direct connection of the sprinklers to the high pressure service can be made advantageously. Effective as is an automatic sprinkler system, and without peer as the main dependence for fire protection, sole reliance should by no means be placed on it. The building will be better safeguarded if it is fitted with an independent system of pipes, with outlets at strategic points to which are permanently attached lengths of hose neatly coiled upon a rack or wound on a reel in instant readiness for use. HYDRANTS FOR OUTSIDE FIRE PROTECTION FOR BUILDINGS AND MATERIALS O UTSIDE the factory, if the plant is large and stores of lumber and other inflammable materials are scattered here and there about the yard, constituting dangerous fire risks- particularly if sparking locomotives pass close by-hydrants with 186 FITTING UP THE BUILDING hose connections are necessary at convenient points. The usual practice is to place these in small houses, which can be kept above freezing temperature in winter, with little care or expense, and which furnish storage for lengths of hose, extra nozzles, fire axes, spanners, buckets, lanterns, and other fire-fighting ap- paratus. At least one hundred feet of hose is kept permanently attached to the hydrant, on a reel or neatly coiled ready for instant use, and close at hand is a wrench to operate the hydrant. If hydrants are not housed they should at least, during the cold months, be provided with protecting hoods. Many a fire has gained disastrous headway through inability to draw water from frozen hydrants. Many a fire, too, has gained the upper hand through improper coiling of the hose, or through its being in such condition as to prevent the passage of water. Frequent inspections and actual fire drills are the only way to insure that hydrants and hose connections are always ready for instant service. FIRE HOW BUCKETS, BLANKETS AND EXTINGUISHERS REDUCE INSURANCE COSTS IRE-FIGHTING equipment of a factory is not complete with- out its due complement of buckets, chemical extinguishers, and even woolen blankets. Many an incipient blaze has been smothered by blankets, more effectively by far than with water or other agency. Where fire is likely to be caused by inflammable liquids, like gasoline, either blankets or buckets of sand are preferable to buckets of water or chemical extinguishers. The insurance companies also show by further concessions in rates, that they appreciate the worth of every measure in factory housekeeping to guard against fire hazard, such as providing metal cans and buckets with automatic closing lids to receive oily waste and other inflammable rubbish and strict enforcement of their use; scrupulous cleanliness in all parts of the factory, prohibition of smoking and the use of any but safety matches within the buildings; systematic inspection and zealous mainte- nance of fire-fighting equipment; generous watchman service; and thoroughly organized factory fire departments whose effi- ciency is maintained by frequent unexpected drills. The factory which-all other things being equal-most thor- CUTTING DOWN FIRE HAZARD 187 oughly safeguards itself receives the maximum concession. The saving in insurance thus realized may be small, compared with the other expenses of the establishment, but small as it is com- paratively, when capitalized it usually will be found ample to justify going the full limit with the measures of advance protection (Figures XLV and XLVI). Emphasis may be placed on the fact that the smaller the fire area for any one hazard, the better is the building from an insurable standpoint. Hence the wisdom of enclosing stairways, elevator shafts, belt-ways and all small areas holding a hazard, becomes apparent. Your system of cutting down the fire hazard in new or old buildings is incomplete without its provision for investigating the causes of fires and promptly acting upon the lessons thereof. The method wants to be kept quickly responsive to the latest and best expert knowledge and thought on fire prevention. XIX MOVING IN AND STARTING UP W HETHER newly equipping a new plant entirely, or using old equipment, the management can accomplish much by moving in accordance with a carefully formu- lated plan. If equipment is to be transferred from a plant in operation, the thing most desired and the hardest to achieve, is to make the transfer without seriously interrupting production or laying off hands and with the least expense. If new equip- ment is being used, it is equally desirable to get the departments in shape for business in the order of processing at the earliest possible moment and at the least possible expense. The sooner the new factory starts to produce, the sooner the capital invested will begin to come back, and the less the cost of installing each piece of equipment, the less the equipment burden tax on the unit of output. In either case, it is almost indispensable to have a well worked out plan (Figure XLVII) whereby the moving-in operation may proceed in an orderly manner. Planning pays rich dividends in this as well as in other fields of factory management, so managers who have had the problem to meet have found. One manager, who fully appreciated the advantage of moving- in by plan, originated the following way: The new plant was located some eight miles from the old. His problem was to arrange for the removal of each piece of equipment in the various departments of the old factory, in the order of processing, and its installation in the new factory in the same order, without breaking off production in the old until it could be resumed in the new, or laying off any help. MOVING THE BUSINESS 189 His first step was to prepare the departments in the new factory, as fast as they were delivered by the constructor, for the orderly receipt of the equipment slated for each. He as- signed each department a distinctive color. Then at the entrance to each department he had placed a placard reading— "All equipment marked so-and-so color, in this room." On the floor he caused to be painted, in conformance with care- fully worked out location charts, markings indicating the exact location of each machine, with the location number and old num- ber of the machine painted in the center. The machines, as fast as they were dismantled, he had tagged, with the department color and the new location number stamped on the tag. This insured positive location. To aid the movers in finding the vari- ous departments promptly, at the door to the shipping room through which all equipment had to pass, he had posted a direc- tory of departments and their colors (Figure XLVIII). Dismantling of the equipment in the old factory took place during the noon period and after hours. As each piece was re- moved and sent to the shipping room, there to be transported by car or van the next morning to the new factory, it and its parts and accessories, including shafting, belts and pulleys, were given their proper tags. Just before shipping, an inspector looked over all pieces ready for transport to see that each bore its proper tag. He also operated a tally-card upon which the equipment was listed by departments and checked off each piece with a blue pencil as it left the old factory. The same tally-card was used to check off the receipt of the equipment in the new factory, this time with a red pencil, and when located it was finally checked off with a green pencil (Form II). If a piece of shafting happened to be revolving when the equip- ment under it was moved out, its mark was chalked on the ceiling, and later, when the power was off for the day, it was taken down and tagged in accordance with the chalk mark. Boxes, barrels, kegs and bundles were marked in their proper colors with stencils. Thus the identification of each piece to be moved was made plain. The manager himself walked through the old plant each morn- ing and tagged the machines or other articles he wished moved that day. 190 FITTING UP THE BUILDING Equipment dismantled one day was transported the first thing the next morning, either by van or car. While it was en route the foremen and men who had charge of the moving of that par- ticular lot made their way to the new plant by trolley. The vans arrived about noon, and were generally unloaded by the time the cars were switched in around two o'clock. Thus the van loaders were usually able to turn to and help unload the cars. Then they returned, in the early hours of the evening, to bring another load the next day. As soon as the equipment was unloaded it was taken to its designation. If a machine, workmen at once began to set it up. In this way the entire moving operation was accomplished in a couple of weeks without injuring a workman or damaging a machine, and without seriously affecting the output of any de- partment. No special difficulty was encountered in moving any of the equipment excepting some massive oak cabinets loaded with small parts, which were on the sixth floor of the old factory. These were found both too large and too heavy to take down the ele- vator. To have removed the drawers and taken apart the cabi- nets would have required too much time. A very ingenious solution was worked out by the manager. He had each cabinet lettered in red, starting with A. Then he had the drawers removed and on the right-hand side of each the letter placed indicating to which cabinet it belonged, as well as the number of the drawer. The space from which the drawers were removed he had numbered to accord with the drawers. He then had the drawers sent to the shipping room and stacked up in piles, each pile representing a cabinet. Next he had the elevator blocked up in the pit, so that the cable slackened and could be drawn to one side. This made it possible to rig a tackle over the beams, and with this tackle the cabinets were lowered to the ground floor. Then they were put on skids, the drawers replaced, and the complete cabinets loaded on the vans and sent forward. Just ten hours were required to complete the transfer, while perhaps weeks would have been required if the drawers had been packed up separately and moved. Furthermore, the transfer was MOVING THE BUSINESS 191 What to Do at the Old Shop Moving the Factory What to Do at the New Building Keep a Careful Record of Every Moving Expense List Manufacturing Processes in Order Schedule Dates for Removal of Departments in Same Order Assign a Tag Color to Every Department Number Every Machine and All Equipment by Departments Dismantle Equipment and Tag with Colors and Location Numbers Inspect Shipments, Checking in Blue on Tally Sheet Before Equipment Arrives Mark on Floor the Location of All Equipment Hang Color Placards at Department Entrances Post Color Directory at Entrance to Building Have Power Plant Ready After Equipment Arrives Check in Red When Received Route to Respective Departments Check in Green When Located Set Up and Inspect Equipment Test All Electrical Circuits Start Up In Order as Departments Are Finished Keep a Careful Record of Every Moving Expense FIGURE XLVII: Lowest moving costs are possible only when a comprehensive plan is worked out for moving on scheduled time. This diagram outlines a simple but effective plan, which is fur- ther explained by Figure XLVIII and Form II accomplished without the loss or displacement of a single one of the 70,000 odd pounds of small parts. The way this manager handled his moving problem indicates admirably the system to be followed. Exactly the same plan might not work out in another instance, but the principle illus- trated is the correct one to follow in any instance. The power plant, in this instance, was not moved, but a new one installed. It was tried out and in good working order, ready to couple on to the machinery as soon as the latter was in place. If the power plant had required to be moved also, the prob- 192 FITTING UP THE BUILDING lem would have been considerably complicated, and it is doubt- ful if the moving could have been accomplished without a shut down of several weeks' duration at least. A case, however, where it would be desirable to move the power plant would be extremely unusual. So rapid has been the de- velopment in power producing equipment that a manager moving into a new factory would probably find it to his advantage to abandon his old power plant and install an improved one. In this particular instance, too, the stock bins were allowed to BLUE BY VANS BY CARS TALLY SHEET Aug 18, 1912 RED CHECKED OUT QUANTITY MACH: NAME POSITION NO. MACH. NO. EXTRAS TOTAL CHECKED IN Bander 23 Four Sider Rip Saw 18 273 4 52 32 5 5 6 14 Swing Cut off Saw Z 463 3 28 6 4 4 2 FORM II: On this tally sheet an accurate record of all machines passing out of the old plant, arriv- ing and assembling in the new plant, was kept. As each machine left the shipping room it was checked out with a red pencil. A blue pencil check marked its entrance to the new plant and when finally erected a green pencil mark designated the completed job run down almost to nothing during the last few weeks of opera- tion in the old plant, so that there was practically no material to transport, but arrangements were made so that a small stock of materials and supplies were on hand at the new plant in ample season for beginning operations there. C GUARD AGAINST UNNECESSARY EXPENDITURES ON FACTORY MOVING DAY AREFUL track of all expense incurred in moving should be kept and charged up to general manufacturing expense. If any new equipment is installed, however, account of the cost of setting up should be kept separately and added to the de- livered cost of the piece, thus becoming a part of the original investment. During the operation of moving in, there almost invariably MOVING THE BUSINESS 193 develop things that need fixing about the building-a little altera- tion here, a forgotten detail to be finished off there—and for this reason it is desirable to have a portion of the construction force linger around until the installation of equipment is complete. For this reason, too, it is desirable that the installation of equip- ment begin at the earliest moment possible, before the construc- tion force has been entirely disorganized, so that any shortcom- ings may be developed while they are still on the ground. Before attempting to start up, it is the master mechanic's duty to inspect all machines to see that they are properly assembled, firmly anchored, true to line and plane, oiled and properly geared up, and that the small tools, wrenches and so on, necessary to operate each machine, are on hand and in good order. Par- ticularly is it necessary to test all circuits to see that there are no short-circuits and that the rheostats are working properly, lest when the motors are started they run away and throw things out of line. If this inspection be not carefully accomplished, DIRECTORY 1st Floor North Wing Basement East End Press Room Yellow 1st West " Shipping Room Purple Cross + 2nd North Wing M ALL MATERIAL TAGGED RED TO BE PLACED IN THIS ROOM 23 6 Work 27 74 25 Work Desk 206 CABIN Markham Offices. FIGURE XLVIII: Posted at the entrance of the new building and in the departments of the old plant the directory card furnished a simple means of keeping posted on locations for all parts. The variously marked tags and the colored location cards, formed with the directory card all the necessary means of identifying both machines and groups of them there are innumerable little things that will go wrong, which will seriously inconvenience operation until they are straight- ened out. In the meantime they will eat up a lot of money. If 194 FITTING UP THE BUILDING things do not move right from the start, it is quite likely that it may take weeks and months to get them going right, whereas a thorough inspection before a wheel is turned will probably insure smooth operation from the first. It may pay to duplicate some of the old equipment, or buy new equipment of a more improved type to take its place, rather than risk delay in getting started. It is not always, nor usual, that a manager can arrange to move each and every piece of equipment without interrupting production, as did the manager whose experience has been cited. If moving some one piece of equipment is going to occasion a considerable hitch in the pro- gram, the chances are it will pay to buy a new machine to take its place. Particularly would it pay were the old equipment of an obsolescent type. Among the many golden opportunities to place production on a more efficient and economical basis, moving into a new factory offers none greater or more worth seizing, than to bring the equip- ment thoroughly up to date. If, in addition, moving an old piece of equipment would impede production, the greater is the reason for taking advantage of this excellent opportunity to supplant it with the most improved machinery on the market. Moving will be facilitated, and more leeway provided, if scheduled to come during a holiday period. One manager took advantage of the yearly shut down for a week between Christmas and New Year's, and during this week so far effected his removal that he was able to start up the primary department the first day after the holidays, and the other departments in order at intervals of two or three days. A few of his men-those not needed to help move-lost in this way an average of only a week apiece, besides the holiday week, but as it was the slack time of the year for this line of manufacture, the business did not suffer particularly and the men for the most part did not regret the extra vacation. Part IV FACTORY MAINTENANCE AUTHORITIES AND SOURCES FOR PART IV Chapter XX. Contributed by Mr. Porter; relates to his working experience and inspection in more than a score of plants. Chapter XXI. Contributed by P. Russell Boswell, C. E., of the United Shoe Machinery Company, Mr. Porter and other staff members; from the practice of the United Shoe Machinery Company, Elgin Watch Company, Kohler Company, and the Indiana Manufacturing Company. XX KEEPING BUILDINGS IN CONDITION N OTING the proportion of overhead expense due to upkeep of his plant, a manager paused to reflect that, after all, manufacturing is largely an unceasing struggle against deterioration in one form or another. Taking this philosophical view of the situation, he was reconciled to the fact that money spent to keep his buildings in first-class condition is a necessary part of the cost of production, and that the only solution to it is "A dollar in time saves nine." Factories begin to deteriorate from the day of completion. How rapid is the deterioration depends largely on the character of maintenance. If a factory is neglected or begrudgingly main- tained, either because of carelessness or because the management "hates to spend the money," the deterioration will be rapid. Then one day extensive rehabilitation will be necessary, and when it comes it means the lump expenditure of several times as much as would have been required altogether during the inter- vening years to keep the plant shipshape. A further disadvan- tage is that the expense hits the business all at once, to say noth- ing of the loss due to interruption of production while over- hauling is in process and the increased costs of production all the years for neglect of plant invariably shows itself in the shape of higher costs. In many ways extensive rehabilitation, managers have learned to their regret, is poor business. Inasmuch as rehabilitation cannot be avoided, can only be put off, and the longer put off the heavier the expense, why not have it commence the day the plant is occupied and go on without ceasing, which is the least expen- 198 FACTORY MAINTENANCE sive, and, at the same time, the most effective kind of rehabili- tation? While certain phases of the upkeep must go on constantly, particularly that necessary to keep the factory clean, any exten- sive repairs, alterations and additions are best taken care of during the slack season, which usually occurs in the summer months. If they should be taken care of during the busy season, production is bound to be more or less interfered with and to hold this interference to a minimum, overtime and Sunday work -that bugbear of men and managers alike—becomes necessary. If, however, this work is reserved mostly for the slack season, not only may it be done during ordinary hours, without inter- fering with production, but regular men, who would otherwise have to be laid off, may be utilized for it, and the quota of special repair and construction men needed the year around reduced. The factory manager who utilizes the opportunity the summer months afford to put his plant in first-class condition, is the one who reaps the benefit of lessened production costs the year around. One manager, who adopted this policy, found that, as a result of giving his buildings and equipment a thorough overhauling one season, instead of laying his men off, as he had been in the habit of doing, his power available, for one thing, was increased thirty-five per cent-this without any greater cost. For another thing, he found his manufacturing expense showed a decreasing tendency throughout the ensuing year. Moreover, there was not a single shutdown for temporary repairs, as against the intermittent service of previous years. Fewer repair men were found necessary; one was let go and the rest put on other work. Most noteworthy were the results that showed in the costs, which were reduced no less than twelve per cent. Units on which the cost had been 3.2 cents were cut to 2.8 cents. And in every way the results obtained were more satis- factory than the manager could have anticipated. That busy season the factory ran in tune for the first time in years. The manager, whenever a repair was requisitioned, had an investigation made and if it was of such a nature that it could go over for a while, he filled out a card, noting the nature of the repair. These cards he filed according to the time limits. AT TH $3 Before the forge shop of the Philadelphia Navy Yard was cleaned up and rearranged, the upper picture was made. The new conditions are shown in sharp contrast in the lower picture, made one year later. Both original photographs were taken at noon on a bright day, and the difference gages the money value of cleanliness in terms of daylight t How white paint or whitewash improves lighting conditions is shown in the picture at the top; the white area is a painted section of the roof, not glass. At the Cincinnati Milling Machine Company's plant (middle right), white lines on the floor help maintain an open aisle and crane-way. Com- pressed air blows machinery clean at the Western Electric Company's plant. At the Brown & Sharpe factory every morning finds the grinding room in the careful order shown, ready for the day's work SEASONAL REPAIRS 201 Next he made out a list of the material needed for each repair, and if not in stock, put through an order for it. In case his repair gang was not particularly rushed some days, he put them to work on whatever was next on the card list. Thus he was enabled to keep his repair men steadily busy and, at the same time, hold most of the repair work back until the next slack season. HOW FAILURE TO KEEP BUILDINGS IN CONDITION PROVED TO BE COSTLY MISMANAGEMENT EW managers purposely neglect or postpone the work that is necessary to keep their plants in first-class condition. It is rather a case of lack of system; first, in bringing needed repairs and changes to attention, and second, in following them until they are tended to. The plan this manager used solved one phase of the problem nicely, and it is a plan any manager might well adopt. Some kind of follow-up is needed, at any rate. It does little good to bring bad conditions to light if no action is taken. In one instance, the foreman of the grinding depart- ment of a foundry reported the burning out of certain circuits in his department during a summer electrical storm. No atten- tion was paid to his report and either because inattention was the usual order of things in this factory or the foreman con- sidered his duty done when he reported once, he did not take it upon himself to report the matter again. The months dragged along. The busy season arrived. Overtime work became neces- sary. The lighting was so poor that the overtime men had diffi- culty in seeing, and their efficiency in consequence was greatly curtailed. An investigator, going over the cost records and noting the low output of the men working overtime, stayed late one night to find out why. He found out. The next morning he rousted out the electrician in a hurry to repair the burned- out circuits. When detected, this condition of affairs had existed for nearly two months, and the money loss represented mounted up to many hundreds of dollars. The factory, at the time, had neither systematic inspection nor follow-up; but as a result of the disclosure, both were ar- ranged for in a hurry. The manager was wroth. Not only were all foremen immediately given positive written instructions, put- 202 FACTORY MAINTENANCE ting the responsibility squarely up to them for conditions in their own departments, but a clerk was detailed to handle repair and construction orders exclusively, and an inspector was ap- pointed whose duty it was in each month to make a complete round of the works, reporting on conditions in each department and about the plant as a whole. These reports served as a check on the foremen and mechanicians, and, in addition, disclosed many things not otherwise brought to light. They were gone over in conference and then assigned to the clerk above men- tioned with instructions on what to act at once and what to take up at some future time. One of the things the inspector picked up on his first monthly round was that the fire-doors were badly in need of attention. Practically every one had something the matter with it which, in the event of fire, would have prevented it from acting. The company was a member of a factory mutual and enjoyed very low rates. But if the insurance inspector had happened around about that time, the chances are his unfavorable report on the observance of fire-preventive measures in this plant would have led to a less favorable rating the next year. Now the factory manager, when this condition was brought to his attention, was much concerned and issued emergency orders at once to have the fire-doors thoroughly overhauled. He could not understand why the matter had caught nobody's attention before, not even his own, although he was in the habit of making daily trips through the plant from one end to the other. But the point is plain: "What is everybody's business is nobody's business." If the factory is to be kept in good condition, it must be some particular individual's duty to keep an eternal watch on things. And it must be the particular duty of some other indi- vidual to keep everlastingly after things brought to attention until they are tended to properly. In this instance these duties were cared for as described. AN EFFECTIVE SYSTEM PROVIDES FOR USE, REPAIRS AND SEASONAL CONSTRUCTION KEEPING the factory in good condition is more than keeping it clean, making timely repairs to buildings and equipment, renewing the paint and varnish, and so on. It consists also in SEASONAL REPAIRS 203 making timely additions or alterations to remedy defects in the original construction, which use develops, and without which no factory is yet built. And it consists in promptly making such extensions or modifications of the original layout as changing manufacturing conditions or an expanding business require. That is, in addition to use-upkeep, there is remedial-upkeep and modernizing-upkeep. These three phases of the problem, the alert factory manager will make provision for in shaping his methods of management. The way obviously to keep the upkeep expense at a minimum is, not to slight or postpone the work, but to build right at the start, and here is where foresight in planning the factory and in deciding the details of construction plays a big part; since the more carefully the layout is planned, the less remedial and modernizing upkeep is necessary and the easier and more cheaply additions can be made; and the higher the grade of construction, the less the deterioration and the less the use-upkeep. In the light of these facts, the superior economy of the all- concrete factory building stands out sharply. Unlike every other type of construction, it grows stronger, not weaker, with age, and barring periodical brightening up of the exterior, repeated white- coating of the interior, and occasional renewal of the wearing surfaces, the expense of keeping it as good as new is virtually nil. Frame exteriors, brick walls and any kind of wall with plaster facing are all less unsatisfactory in the long run. Concrete alone is lasting, and if the surface is left rough and vines are trained up it, not only is the expense of occasionally renewing the fresh- ness of the surface saved, but a pleasing effect is obtained which has its beneficial reaction on the efficiency of the operatives. Even a bonus plan may advantageously be hitched onto the maintenance system. By handling repairs and construction work under this method truly surprising results have been ob- tained. In one instance, the adaptation of such a scheme during the first year reduced by more than half the average outlay for several years past. The Government, in its Navy and War De- partments, handles repair work in much the same way. Of course, it is a lengthy process to build up records of repair cost and time taken; and even with plenty of such information as a guide, clever estimating is necessary to make such a plan a 204 FACTORY MAINTENANCE complete success. But the knowledge that limits are set, that records are being kept and that the work is expected to be done with dispatch and at lowest cost, in itself is a powerful factor in energizing the maintenance crew to put forth their best. And planning to see that materials and tools are on hand, so as not to delay work once begun, has its direct and immediate effect on the cost and speed of this as well as on the regular work of the factory. When the records are complete enough to permit of close estimates on most of the repair and construction jobs, the payment of suitable bonuses for beating the estimates completes the incentive to endeavor and places this work on a rock basis of economical management. While systematic upkeep in all particulars is not to be neg- lected or slighted at whatever cost, there is a wide latitude for skillful management to show itself in keeping this cost to a mini- mum. You will find just as much room for efficient management and fully as much necessity for cost-cutting methods of control in keeping your building in condition as in the management of your output and selling departments. HOW TO PLAN FINANCES FOR SEASONAL REPAIRS AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL provision is necessary for the financing of seasonal repairs. Routine repairs need no such provision; they are simply absorbed into the cost month by month. But to tax any one month with the cost of exceptional repairs would be unfair. Some managers distribute the burden over a number of months. Others maintain a Repair Reserve Account on their books, setting aside at the beginning of each fiscal year a certain sum out of the surplus to carry them through the year. This is absorbed into the costs in uniform amounts monthly. In other words, it is handled precisely like a fixed charge. Expenditures are then held as closely as possible within the allowance and any differ- ence is handled through an adjustment account. Repairs that change the value of building or equipment, of course, fall in a different class. They are not absorbed directly into the cost, but charged to betterment accounts and make their way into the costs in the shape of investment and depreciation charges. Alterations, extensions and replacements ordinarily SEASONAL REPAIRS 205 fall into this class. In case of the latter, if the scrapped item has any value, it becomes a credit to the Depreciation Reserve Account. Replacements, however, to take the place of things worn out by use, are usually classed as repairs and handled through the Repair Reserve Account. Depreciation, as here used, and as ordinarily considered by discriminating managers, is confined to natural deterioration in value, as against use-deterioration. It means the lessening value due to obsolescence. Any other depreciation is properly a matter of maintenance. Charging a certain per cent of the value into the costs regularly to cover depreciation is simply a device to dis- tribute investment which is swallowed up by annuating over as many years as possible. Good maintenance costs money-but it is money well spent. And money so spent comes back to you in many ways. Good maintenance shows itself in decreased productive costs and in- creased profits. Well-maintained plants attract and hold a better class of help; as a rule they turn out a higher grade of product. Plants that are well-maintained also have, as a rule, less difficulty in borrowing money. Bankers seem far more inclined to extend the limit of credit to a zealousy maintained plant than to care- lessly maintained ones. And such a plant has the advantage in the market for sale. So all in all, keeping your factory in first- class condition is pretty good business policy. XXI FACTORY HOUSEKEEPING VIST ISITORS at the factory of a large middle-western watch company have frequently commented on the neat and trim appearance of the operatives, especially the girls, as they left the factory. "These factory girls!" one visitor exclaimed to an official with whom he was going to the plant. "I should have guessed that I was witnessing the exodus of a downtown city office building." On going in, he was struck by the extreme cleanliness and orderliness of the place. Then he saw the con- nection. Here was a management that appreciated the value of cleanliness-saw its indissoluble relation to operational efficiency. Time was when the average factory was a dirty place. Either the management failed to appreciate the importance of cleanli- ness as an efficiency factor or felt the expense of keeping clean to be not warranted. Now, fortunately, a different attitude pre- vails, and even in factories where scrupulous cleanliness is not a requirement of manufacture, emphasis is placed upon it. For managers are establishing a new principle in manufacturing; namely, that cleanliness is profitable. Even dust and dirt have value. If no other value exists, they always have a nuisance-valve; that is to say, it pays to get rid of them. Some dusts and dirts have also a reclamation value which more than justifies, on an investment basis, the cost of the equip- ment necessary to remove and reclaim them. Moreover, clean- liness in the factory can be standardized like any other operation. The United Shoe Machinery Company standardized and also saved money by a contract arrangement for janitor work. The price paid for doing specified cleaning at specified times was HOUSEKEEPING ROUTINE 207 based entirely upon the amount and the location of the work to be done. "We want to continue keeping our toilets, locker rooms and wash rooms in proper shape, but can't we do it at less expense?" This question was asked one day by our superintendent, says Mr. Bosworth of that company. The contract department was re- quested to go over the matter thoroughly, with the result that the force was reduced and it was possible to use a higher class of help. This, of course, called for higher wages, but these could be paid and still make a saving by contracting the work. This contracting idea applies only to the janitor service and is only a part of the whole job of keeping the factory clean. All the wash rooms, locker rooms and other rooms of that nature are in connecting buildings between the main buildings, as are also stairways. The janitors have under their care the wash rooms, locker rooms and toilet rooms. The locker rooms and wash rooms are on one side of the passageway, the toilet rooms on the other. They also have the fire-doors at either end of the passageways, also the stair- ways from the ground floor to the top. The contract price for these rooms is based entirely upon the number of bowls, urinals, showers, lockers and wash-bowls which each department contains. In putting the prices on these rooms, the question of difference in cleanliness of the work in adjacent rooms in taken into con- sideration. For instance, for the wash room used by the help from the screw machine department where there is considerable amount of oil and dirt, the janitor is allowed more than in a de- partment used by the help from the pattern-making. A list of specified duties was compiled, and the frequency with which they should be performed was indicated. This list repre- sented the least work which would be accepted from the janitor at the price paid, although it was understood that the place was to be kept looking neat at all times. As regards the wash rooms, the floors are to be washed twice a week. The wash-bowls are to be scoured out twice a day. Shower baths are to be cleaned once a week provided they have not been used, and if they have been used they are to be cleaned immediately after each time. The walls of these rooms have a 208 FACTORY MAINTENANCE hard sanitary finish to a height of about seven feet. These are washed once a month and at any other time that it is necessary. In the locker rooms, which contain nothing but individual metallic lockers, the floor is to be washed twice a week, the walls to be washed once a month, and the tops of the lockers to be dusted every day. The tops of the lockers to be washed once a month; the bottoms of the lockers, where the janitor's mop in washing the floor stains them, to be kept clean at all times. Lamps and shades in all departments under their care are to be cleaned once a month. In the toilet rooms the floor is to be washed every day. The slates around the urinals and around the hoppers are to be washed thoroughly once a month; to be kept generally clean at all times. All nickel and brass work is to be cleaned once a week. The walls are to be cleaned and washed once a week. The urinals and hopper bowls and seats are cleaned thoroughly every morning. The fire-doors at the ends of the corridors are to be washed once a month, and at other times if found necessary; the corridor walls to be brushed down twice a year and kept free from dust. All corridors are to be washed twice a week. All stairways are to be washed twice a week. The sides of the stairs up to the banding, which is approximately six feet above the stairs, to be washed every two weeks. Above the band, the stairways are brushed down three times a year. The janitors have under their care as follows: 113 hoppers, 69 urinals, 1,565 wash-bowls, 78 shower baths, 3,952 lockers. The total floor area covered by these is 44,364 square feet. The corridors which the janitors wash twice a week are swept once a day, and refuse cans which are placed at both ends are emptied once a day by the sweeper. He also has seven corridors to sweep and keep clean in two other connecting buildings, as well as two flights of stairways. This sweeper also has six skylights, approximately ten by thirty feet, to keep clean and brushed off, as well as emptying the cans from three dust collectors. The total number of square feet which he sweeps, part of which he washes, is 21,120 square feet. The offices, drafting room and inventive department each have a janitor of their own who is continually washing, sweeping, dusting, polishing brass and keeping the place generally clean. HOUSEKEEPING ROUTINE 209 As already mentioned, this janitor service is only a small part of keeping the entire factory in a clean condition. It is, however, the only work of this nature which is under contract. All other cleaning is done on the hourly time. Exact attention is given even to details. Cuspidors made of galvanized iron and filled with sawdust, for instance, are placed in profusion throughout the plant. This provision has promoted habits of cleanliness and has eliminated the objectionable spitting on the floor which is common in most factories. TO GEN. SUỆT DATE DAILY REPORT LEMARS MANUFACTURING COMPANY 9-2-14 ALL OF THE EQUIPMENT UNDER MY JURISDICTION IS IN GOOD REPAIR, AND SAFE RUNNING CONDITION, SO FAR AS I AM ABLE TO OBSERVE, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS TO-DAY, EXCEPT AS PRE- VIOUSLY REPORTED, AND NOTED ON REPAIR BLANK OF THE FOLLOW. ING NUMBERS, HEREWITH HANDED YOU. NO. SUBJECT DISPOSITION +76 Are #4 Repair at once NEXT TO BE CONSIDERED Fired White FOREMAN W. S. Fox SUP'T FORM III: A complete maintenance system is outlined in the four forms shown in this chapter. The foreman's daily report is made out in triplicate. Original (white) and duplicate (pink) are sent to the superintendent and the triplicate (yellow) retained As a further measure toward cleanliness and better lighting, the factory, inside, is whitewashed, with the exception of the columns, which are painted to a height of approximately six feet with a washable paint. This paint is also applied to a great many of the side-walls where it is found necessary to keep them looking neat. It is insisted that these columns be kept clean up to the 210 FACTORY MAINTENANCE top of the band, or, in other words, as high as the column is washable. By making cleaning a routine duty and specifying definitely just what is to be done, in other words, by standardizing such BLANK REPAIR BLANK LEMARS MANUFACTURING COMPANY REPAIR ORDER NO. 176 TO GEN. SUP'T. THE Are light NO. 3469 #4 HAS TODAY BEEN FOUND TO BE IN DEFECTIVE CONDITION, THE NATURE OF DEFECT IS light sputters badly BE REPAIRED BY 3p.m tomorrow DATE 9-2-14 BY Fired White FOREMAN AND SHOULD: Crank_DEP'T_14___na FORM IV: The repair blank is also made out in triplicate by the foreman. The back of the orig- inal is white; the back of the duplicate, pink; and triplicate, yellow. All pink slips go finally to the cost department. A maintenance clerk inserts the repair number operations, a factory of any size may be kept in a very satis- factory condition as far as cleanliness is concerned, and at a reasonable figure commensurate with the work done. HIGH WAGES DO NOT COMPENSATE FOR INADEQUATE VENTILATION AUTOMATIC methods also have their place in factory house- keeping. High wages did not keep employees of an enamel- ing plant from deserting to work in nearby beet fields in hot weather. But the installation of a ventilating and dust-collect- ing system lessened the desertion the following summer. The experience of this plant brought out some of the most HOUSEKEEPING ROUTINE 211 important facts to be considered in dealing with dust from factory processes. Aside from the direct operational efficiency resulting from cleanliness in the factory, certain direct benefits. were found to weigh heavily. Factories where equipment for the removal of dust and dirt is installed almost immediately show a picking up in output. The number of accidents also tends to decrease. Moreover, operatives are compelled much less often to work along inconvenienced, or lose half an hour or more every now and then because of stuff getting into their eyes. But per- haps most important, absences due to sickness caused by breath- ing dust, which only too often is far more serious in its results than compelling an occasional stay at home, are lessened. TO • Geo-Kaufman SUP'T'S OFFICE 9-3-14 YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED TO MAKE THE REPAIRS, SPECIFIED after Order No. 3460 ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF, STOREKEEPERS ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO FURNISH YOU WITH THE NECESS- ARY MATERIAL FOR THE WORK. YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO CONSUME NOT OVER FROM TIME STARTING IN TO COMPLETING THE WORK, AND IF THERE IS ANY DELAY, OR MORE EXTENSIVE REPAIRS NEEDED, REPORT DE• TAILS TO THIS OFFICE AT ONCE, AND OBTAIN FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS, W.S. Fox SUP'T THE WORK ABOVE AUTHORIZED HAS BEEN DULY PER. FORMED AND THE DEFECT DATE 9-3-14 sputtering light Fired White BY CORRECTED. FOREMAN FORM V: This is the back of the original repair blank (Form IV) and is used by the superintendent in ordering workmen to make repairs. When the work is finished the foreman signs the blank and it is returned to the maintenance department Then, too, it has been found that factories that have been pioneers in installing sanitary dust and dirt removal equipment seem everywhere to have become Meccas for high-grade help; and, contrari-wise, those that have lagged behind in this respect, seem 212 FACTORY MAINTENANCE to have the most trouble in attracting and holding the kind of help they need and want. Dust and dirt removal equipment includes suction systems for removing metal and wood dust instantaneously from the proc- essing, thus keeping both atmosphere and floor free and greatly facilitating reclamation or economical disposition; vacuum cleaner systems, outletted at convenient intervals throughout the plant to facilitate cleaning of all parts-floors, ceilings, walls, fixtures, equipment and so on-by means of short lengths of cleaner attachments or pneumatic dustpans; compressed air sys- tems, outletted at the several machines, to enable the operators to blow their machines clear of dust and dirt that could be reached with difficulty in any other way; attachments to machines, such as drip-pans to catch oil and turnings, and boxed base-plates to collect the waste of processing which is too heavy or otherwise unadapted for a suction system, thus keeping the floor clean and the offal gathered for convenient and economical disposition. How these principles developed and this kind of equipment reacts on employees is shown in the results obtained in the enameling plant. The process of putting on the enamel consists of heating up the ware in furnaces to a red heat and then sifting on the finely powdered enamel. Much of the powder being lighter than air and the heat rising from the redhot ware increasing this tendency a considerable portion of the enamel went up in clouds of dust, to lodge on the lighting fixtures, furnaces, roof trusses, floors and walls, and to pollute the entire atmosphere of the room. The powderers, to protect themselves, wore respirators. Notwithstanding this, there was some sickness, frequent changes of help, and difficulty in attracting and holding the proper grade of men. This difficulty greatly increased in the summer time, when usually there was a general exodus of the enamelers to the nearby beet fields. This movement went on in spite of the high wages paid for some of the men earning upwards of ninety dol- lars a month. Finally the management awoke to the fact that not only was the instability of their help costing them money, but the loss on enamel wasted a heavy item. Closing off the furnaces by a galvanized iron curtain was the first step by way of remedying the condition. This not only cut off a great deal of heat, making the room a much more comfort- HOUSEKEEPING ROUTINE 213 able place to work in, but it prevented the enamel from lodging on top of the furnaces and behind. Providing each enameling cradle with a collecting tray was the next step. Heretofore the enamel that fell off in sifting fell on the floor, there to be scattered. What portion of it was re- claimed in sweeping had to be put through a cleaning process— in fact, practically made all over again—which was expensive. Providing each cradle with a collecting tray did away with this nuisance and this expense. The enamel that dropped-what did LEMARS MANUFACTURING COMPANY NO-17 TO GEN. SUP'T. NOTICE OF REPAIRS NEEDED TO YOUR REPAIR NEEDED OATE MAINTENANCE CLERK HAS BEEN DULY ENTERED AT THIS OFFICE NOTICE NO. IT WAS TODAY BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION THAT the east fire door IN DEP'T 12 Lee Benton WAS OUT OF REPAIR WATCHMAN FORM VI: Watchmen and other employees not making daily reports use this form to notify the superintendent of such needed repairs as come under their notice, thus calling the attention to those conditions that may escape the notice of the foreman not float off-collected in the pan, to be gathered up from time to time and used over again just as it was. This made for a big saving and greatly improved working conditions. But it was not enough. The polluting of the air of the rooms still went on. Collecting of enamel on fixtures, piping and trusses continued. Accordingly, to round out the improvements, an enamel dust collecting, purifying and reclaiming system was installed. This 214 FACTORY MAINTENANCE consisted of a hood over each enameling cradle. The enamel collected in this way was drawn to a central centrifugal separator, where the enamel was thrown down and the air cleansed of its dust for return to the room. This greatly improved conditions, but the management went still further and installed a mechanical ventilating, purifying and conditioning system, to exclude all dust from the outside, and regulate the temperature and humidity of the air. A vacuum cleaner system was also installed and the floors, fixtures, piping, trusses, and so on, cleaned with it, instead of with brooms as formerly, creating as it did, in spite of utmost care, an extra dust nuisance every time the cleaners went into action. This nuisance was more than an annoyance to the workmen. It was the cause from time to time of many seconds and spoiled pieces of work. As a direct result of making these changes, a saving in enamel was realized which alone, in less than a year, paid for the cost of the improvement, to say nothing of the great saving due to reduction in number of seconds and culls, the general improve- ment in the quality of the ware, and the effect on the mental attitude and physical well-being of the operatives. The men now earn more; are sick and absent much less; there is little trouble in attracting and keeping the right grade of men; and the com- petition of the beet fields in summer time is no longer a con- sideration. The first summer after the changes were made the desertions to the farms were noticeably less, and in another year the habit was almost forgotten. In the instance just cited, the buildings were comparatively new and with all the necessary equipment could have been in- stalled at the start for a fraction of the sum it latterly cost, not to mention the loss incurred due to lack of such equipment the three or four years before it was provided. HOLDING DOWN EXPENSE BY PIPING DUST AND DIRT INTO THE FURNACE IN N the carpenter department of the watch factory previously mentioned, each machine is equipped with a sawdust collector. The collector pipes converge in the power house and feed from a hopper into the furnaces. Machines and benches where filing and grinding are done are HOUSEKEEPING ROUTINE 215 fitted with receptacles for the collection of the metallic particles and are so arranged that the particles, except such as are lighter than air and float off, cannot fall to the floor, but drop or are brushed into the receptacles. Machines like screw machines, using oil in liberal quantities, are enclosed in such a way that no oil can overflow on the floor, but must flow into oil-wells from which it is pumped back and used over and over again. In another plant, the plan of having the heads of departments inspect one another's rooms was found to work like a charm. The plan was not confined to housekeeping-all phases of depart- ment management came in for criticism. At first, the men were extremely reluctant to express themselves; but by working on the more expressive of them, the manager finally succeeded in enlisting their hearty cooperation, and soon a generous rivalry sprang up, each head vying with his fellow to make the best showing the spirit engendered was, "not to let the other fellows get anything on you.' The fact that the showing of the heads was taken into consideration in adjusting salaries at the end of the year also contributed to the success of the plan. One of the things most commonly neglected in plants is the windows. Dirty windows are at the least unsightly; at most they react unfavorably on the efficiency of the operatives, not only by inconveniencing them with poor light, but by depressing them mentally. Any kind of dirty and unkempt condition about the plant has a similar effect. The only way to insure that the windows, toilets, wash rooms, and other details, will be kept clean, it has been found, is to ap- point a man or men to give this work routine attention. In large plants, one or more men may be required in each depart- ment, working at nothing else. And in order to insure that these men do not get slack, which they will if not checked up, some- body must accept it as a duty regularly to inspect and report on their work. This duty is variously vested in the department heads, the shop superintendent, the disciplinarian, or a special inspector, depending on the size of the plant and the character of the organization. The cleaners are also in some plants required to report promptly any whereof repairs they note, as broken 216 FACTORY MAINTENANCE panes, windows that will not work, toilets that will not flush, broken fixtures and bad places in floors. Finally, from the standpoint of profits, an ounce of house- keeping is worth a pound of renovation. And housekeeping in its broadest sense means more than well-swept floors and unclut- tered aisles* and benches. It means maintaining buildings and equipment as nearly as possible in their original condition, or improving that condition if it has been found unsatisfactory. Housekeeping insures that the air throughout the factory at all times will be sweet and clean, properly moistened and tempered. It is watching the windows, skylights, arcs and bulbs so that dirt will not add to illumination costs nor indirectly affect the vision of workmen. It is safeguarding the health of employees by keeping lockers, showers, wash-bowls and toilets in a sanitary condition. It is eliminating every unnecessary chance of fire. It is increasing the attractiveness of the factory as a place of work. Housekeeping the factory means fighting depreciation and deterioration. These move with accelerated speed unless con- stantly retarded. A modern factory, fully equipped, represents a heavy investment. Every building, every machine, every tool has an equivalent in value of so many dollars. As constructing and equipping ceases, depreciation and deterioration begin to absorb the invested dollars. Whether in remodeling or in con- structing a new factory, whatever offsets depreciation and de- terioration has a positive money value. For it helps to remove the numerous obstacles a manufacturer encounters in making his factory pay. 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