BX 5165 £22. 1786 B 360707 CE • LIBRARIES 1. Stimmen Sie hier op plainpiteiten van het met die limang theo van de 4 THE UNIVERS 0 IV VYOIH 1 4 1 Ecton, John LIDER REGJS, UL THE S A U R U S Rerum Ecclefiafticarum. By ESO , RECEIVER of the FIRST FRUIT S. WITH AN A P Ρ Ε Ν DI X, CONTAINING Proper Directions and Precedents relating to PresENTATIONS, INSTITUTIONS, INDUCTIONS, DISPENSATIONS, &c. and a complete ALPHABETICAL INDEX. L O N D 0 N, PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY JOHN NICHOLS; AND SOLD BY J. F. AND C. RIVINGTON, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD; J. ROBSON, NEW BOND STREET; AND T. CADELL, IN THE STRAND. MDCCLXXXVI. BX 5165 EA 29 1786 position H q din bogasna yung to 090 ht -eté tout cibo bsbeurt GOOD Teng stoquino no 1990 ant yn eisda 919 STOD 100 bodo Dokon vd bos bus 2 oviBaler tiends tobulu itd inte Conigno. 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T HIS Book contains an Account of the Valuations of all the Eccle- fiaftical Benefices in England and Wales, which are now charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits and Tenths, or were lately diſcharged from any Payment to tloſe Revenues, on account of the Smallueſs of their Income ; and which are for the ſame Reaſon entitled to receive the Be- nefit of the Royal Bounty, in ſuch Proportions, and according to ſuch Ap- pointments, as are ſet forth in the excellent Rules of the Corporation founded and conſtituted by her late Majeſty Queen ANNE for that Purpoſe *. The Author, in order to render this Work more complete than any Thing hitherto publiſhed relating to theſe Affairs, has taken a particular Care to inſert the Names of the Patrons of the ſeveral Benefices under their reſpective Churches and Chapels, and ſuch References and Extracts from the original Returns as appeared to him neceffàry for the Information of the Clergy. And in order that the Nature and Efficacy of theſe Returns, tiken upon the Eve of the Reformation, might be more clearly underſtood, he has prefixed the King's Commiſſion with his Inſtructions to the Commiſſioners for the taking of the Survey ; and has made theſe original Returns, and the Liber Regis his conſtant Guide for the Value. The Liber Regis is a beautiful MS. tranſcribed, as tra- dition fays, by a Monk of Weſtminſter ; one Copy of which was lodged in the King's Library, and the other in the Court of Firſt Fruits and Tenths in the Exchequer As the Corporation above-mentioned, founded by the late Queen ANNE, un- der the Royal Protection and by the moſt Gracious Favour of His preſent Ma- jeſty King George, continues to make conſiderable Advances in the augmenting of ſmall Livings; ſo every Year will afford freſh Supplies towards the Increaſe of that poor Maintenance which was left to the Clergy, in many large Cures, before the Reformation, and has continued in the ſame manner ever ſince. Whoever will compare the Greatneſs of the Duty in many Market Towns, and other conſiderable Pariſhes, with the Smallneſs of the Recompence for per- forming ſuch Duty, will, from the great Diſproportion of one to the other, be eaſily convinced of the Neceſſity of eſtabliſhing fome Method for the better Sup- port of Perſons officiating in ſuch Cures. And, if it be obſerved that the Me. * See theſe Rules in the Appendix. . * a 2 thod V PREFACE, thod made uſe of for redreſſing this Grievance is by ſupplying the Wants of the poorer Clergy from a Tax on that Part of their own Body from whence it can beft be (pared, and that no Burthen is impoſed on the Laity for that Pur- pppen ellery Clergyman, competently beneficed, being a Contributor to the fup- plying the Wants of bis Brethren by a twofold Tax upon his Benefice; and that whatever farther Addition to that Charity is made, it proceeds wholly from the free Will of well-diſpoſed Perſon's voluntarily contributing thereun, ta: Theſe, Things conſidered, we may reaſonably; hope the ſame Method will continue to late Poſterity, which may look back with Pleaſure ou the preſent Age, which has fo peculiarly diſtinguiſhed itſelf, in carefully ſupplying thoſe Defects, which were overlooked in the earlier Times of the Reformation, when a Deſign of this Nature might have been carried on with much leſs Difficulty, by reſtoring ſome of the Tythes , and other Spiritualities to thoſe Uſes for which they were originally ſettled on the Church ; but by Popiſh Uſurpations were firſt, alienated from the Secular Clergy, and then by Bulls and other De- vices being eſtabliſhed for the better Support of Romilh Superſtition and Monaſtick Luxury,ca Redrefs of ſuch manifeſt Abuſes of the Church Revenues, as well as a Reforination in Doctrine and Diſcipline, became neceſſary. But, at the Re. formation, it, ſo unhappily fell out, that theſe Revenues, when ſeparated from the Abuſes made of them by the Popith Powers, 'were ſo far from being reſtored to the truly ufeful and pious Purpoſes they ſerved before, that, inſtead of their being applied to the Support and Encouragement of the Parochial Clergy, the true and proper Uſe that ſhould have been made of them, t they were moſt of them diſpoſed of by the Powers in being, from Time to Time, among the Laity, and becaine Temporal Qualities, and ſo continue. And what abundantly adds to the Hardthip of the Caſe of many Incumbents of Impropriate Cures, is, that the diſcretionary Power, which before the Re- formation was lodged in the Biſhops, of augmenting, as they ſhould ſee, Oc- cafiou, the Incomes of Vicars and Curates; This Power, I ſay, which in the Popiſh Timnes, though in many caſes put in Execution with very good Effect, yet, by fome Means or other, after the Reformation became of little Effect. The Lay Impropriators of many large Cures became empowered to receive and enjoy 3 or 49-la per ann. in Tythes and other Spiritual Revenues, which were tora from the Clergy without any. Manger of Default or Forfeiture committed, or poſible to be committed by them, or on their Part; and their new Pro.. prietors have ever fince contented themſelves to this very Day with paying only the poor pecuniásy, Stipend or Pittance that Pittance that was anciently allotted to the Vicar, or, Curate before the Reformation, This makes the Caſe of ſuch poor Vicars and Gyrates worfe now, than it was even in the Times of Popery, when Money was of ſuch a Value as that to or 12 Pounds were reckoned a Com- petency equal to 100 or 120know ; caird the Power of augmenting the Income Ya1910 1909 on os mod tist sites of PRE FACE. tonive Hio of ſuch Vicarage or Curacy out of the Spiritual Revenues of one place having been diſuſed, that Stipend is now All that the poor Incumbent can logally claim*. Beſides, in many Cafes, the Officiating Clergy hold their Benefices upon ſuch a precarious Tenure, that the locuinbent is obliged to be ſatisfied with any finan Arbitrary Allowance that ſhall be made him by his lin propriator other wife che will diſplace his poor Miniſter, and put another, who will coine into a more ſer in a it In fuch neceſſitous Curate muſt do, who has no other Choice but to comply or ftarve! This Grievance ariſes chiefly from fuch Places as are exempt from all jurifdi&tion of the Ordinary, and ſubject only to the Vifitation of the impropriator o Dohor him felf. Of this fort are many Livings formerly held, and now claimed, uider a Title derived from the Priory of St. John of Jeruſalem; and many others there are, that claim Exemptions of the like kind; which in ſome Parts of the King- Can it otherwiſe be expected than that, as the Cafe now ſtands, there thould be se diverſe mean and ſtipendiary Preachers in many Places entertained to ſerve • the Cures and officiate there, who depending, for their neceffary Maintenance, upon the good Will and liking of their Hearers, ſhould be under the Tempta- * ticn of fuiting their Doctrines and Teaching to the Humours rather than the "Good of their Hearers ?". "As it is moft truly repreſeiited in the Ad of Pati liament 2 and 3° Annæ, intituled, “ An Act for making more effectual hep Ma. "jeity's Gracious Intentions for the Augmentation of the poor Clergy," Scan we ſuppoſe Doctrines and Inſtructions, though ever fo faithfullyidelivered of zealouſly urged, to have their due Influence in ſuch a Caſe ?ld toʻbstoqub 111 But when a Man is to appear as a Teacher and Inſtructor of Maltitudęs, it, beſides other Qualifications, he makes a ſuitable Figure and Appearance ;' if in his Habit and Mien he appears grave and decent, without the Marks of Meatinéis and Poverty; if he lives among his Neighbours with Credit, free from the Pref- fures of Debts and other manifold Misfortunes, the conſtant Attendants upon Want and Narrowneſs of:Circumſtances, bis Admnónitions will ceſtainly have the greater Weight, his Do&trines make the deeper Impreſſions, and all his Labouts may in a great Meaſure have their deſired Effes. On the coirtrary, what Fruit is to be expected from the Labours of a Paſtor, who, we will ſuppoſe, is willing to do all the Good he can, is contented to drudge ou with his little Allowance, in hopes of ſeeing fome good"Effect from his Labours among his Pariſhioners, but notwithſtanding his beſt Endeavours falls into Contempt of the meduieft of them, which his Poverty alone, without any perſonal Deinerit of his.dtun to add to it, is ſufficient to bring upon him? In fuch a Cafe it is TTÓ Wörider that all, his Endeavours to do Good in his Profeſſion are rendered vati and inefft dug1,20V Shop bud SA 1003: Doris esos son 10 25W (1017 sontvo * See Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, 8vo, London, 1704, p. 108, where it is fully made out, itting Appropriations are a greater Hardſhip to the Proteftant, then they had been to the Popith Clergy. Inſtances mi P R E FACE giungi 1 order eſt Obſerver, many great Cures will be better fupplied, Inſtances of this kind are, God knows, too many in this Kingdom; County being free from ſome Examples of them, and in fome Counties, as Wales, Yorkthire, and many others, they are very numerous. Nothing here faid is intended in the leaſt to impeach, or bring into Diſpute, the legal Rights of any Perſons poffeffing ſuch Tythes, or other Revenues, that tvere formerly of a ſpiritual Nature, but are now, by the Laws of this Land, become the Properties of thoſe in Poffeffion of them: What is ſaid concern- ing them is deſigned to have no other Tendency than truly to ſtate the Corr- ang which is lo viſible in fome, and to raife in others, what at preſent would be very ſeaſonable, à Deſire to contribute towards that Charity, which ſtood in need of a Royal Heart to ſet it on foot, and, it is hoped, as long as there is Occcafion, will never want Royal Hands to ſupport it. This, we hope, will likewiſe find other Helps and Encouragements from ſuch other pious and well-diſpoſed Perſons, who will conſider that a twofold Advantage will accrue to the Publick thereby, viz. the poor Clergy will be better maintained, and the Conſequence of that muſt be obvious to the flight- Theſe are the good Effects that may be expected ſpring from the late Queen ANNE's pious Benefaction, which, with the Addition of other private Contributions, may to ſome appear a large Bounty; yet, confidering the great Numbers of poor Livings that ſtand in Need, ſome of them of more than two or three Allotments of the Royal Bounty to raife them to a moderate Competen- cy of Maintenance for the officiating Incumbents, it will be very evident, to all reaſonable and conſidering Perſons, that there will not be, in a long Series of Years to come, any Room to reſume the public Revenues fettled for this pur- poſe, or any Occaſion for Meaſures to be taken to diſcourage well-diſpoſed Peo- ple from contributing to ſo noble and pious a Deſign. colaban bu Till a more particular and complete Account of theſe Affairs can be given to the Publick, it may for the preſent ſuffice to ſay, it will be the Work of Ages, before all the ſmall Livings entitled to an Augmentation can receive any Benefit or Share therefrom ; and of many Ages more, before the Income of every Liv- ing will be ſo advanced, as to afford a Competency for the Miniſter, fuppofing that Coinpetency to amount to no more than 60 Pounds per Annum to each Living, However diſtant this Proſpect may be, it will notwithſtanding admi- niſter Satisfaction in proportion to the Advances that from time to time are made towards it: Of the future happy progreſs of which pious and uſeful Charity, there is no reaſon to doubt from lo fait and proſperous a Beginning, which has appeared in ſo many Inſtances of Favour from the Throne, and to much eii- from the generous Contributions of many Honourable and worthy Perſons that have become Benefactors to it. dodje do 12.1990 IK DAN **010 008 zuri it bominiai aud Saisie? It to to PRE FACE vii by way of Anfwer, it proper to It may ſeem to fome, that by reaſon the Corporation is yearly employing their Money, not yet laid out in Purchaſes of Lands to be applied to each reſpective augmented Living, at Intereſt in the Funds, they by that means are perpetual- ly increaſing their Stock, by which Increaſe of Stock they may, in time, become too conſiderable. To theſe Objectors, by may by be p take Notice, that out of the Intereſt ariſing from their Monies in the Funds, there is yearly paid to each Incumbent Intereſt for their Augmentation Money, which ferves the poor Clergy for a preſent Support and Subſiſtence, till Purchaſes (which, by the way, are very difficult to be found) can be inade to anſwer the Sum allotted to each particular Augmentation ; by which Means the Increaſe of Money ſuppoſed to be made by the Corporation is yearly exhauſted; fo that nothing is to be feared from their growing too rich, by putting their Money out to Intereſt; and for the Principal, that remains with the Corporation only, till ſuch time as the ſame is applied to anfwer the Augmentations, as faſt as Pur- chaſes can be found out and and made. font sive It is noted in ſeveral. Places in this Book, that the Clergy are s Book, that the Clergy are to pay their Tenths to the Biſhop of the Dioceſe, whereof Inſtances are given in the Dioceſes of Canterbury, Chicheſter, London, &c. Such Note is inſerted, to the end that the Clergy, who are poffeffed of Livings under that Circumſtance, may not be at a lofs where to pay their Tenths. And it may be of ſome Uſe likewiſe to inform them, that where ſuch Liviugs are ſaid to be diſcharged, that Diſcharge extends only to their Firſt Fruits, and not to the Tenths; the latter, being the Eſtate and Property of fuch Biſhops to whom they are payable, are exprefly faved to them (the Biſhops] by the Diſcharging Aets. Ethanol Thefe Tenths became veſted in ſuch Biſhops, and their Succeſſors, in Ex- change for Manors and Lands alienated from their Bithoprics to the Crown, wherein an Allowance of Yearly Tenths, has been made a part or the whole of the Confideration upon ſuch Exchange: But it is well for their Lordſhips the Biſhops, that there was an End put to ſuch Alienations, it being ſufficiently manifeſt how much to the Diſadvantage of the Biſhops they were made ; Manors and Lands (which have ſince been mightily improved) were exchanged for perpe- tual ſtated Sums ariſing from Tenths, Penſions, and ſuch like Payments from: the poorer Clergy, and which are frequently loít, the legal Methods of recover- ing them not being in all Caſes infiſted on by the Biſhops (the Proprietors), out of mere Compaſſion to the poor Condition of ſuch as are liable to pay thein. L's Theſe Alienations and Exchanges prevailed from the Year 1559, when an Act was made 1 Eliz. cap. 19. iutitled, “An Act giving Authority to the Queen's “Majeſty, upon the Avoidance of any Archbiſhopric or Biſhopric, to take into her “ Hand certain of the temporal Poffeffions thereof, recompenſing the ſame with “ Parſonages Impropriate, or Tythes *.” This Act continued in force till Anno, , on the internoon. So * Which Act of Parliament, Biſhop Gibſon tells us in his Codex, p. 676, was never printed in any Edition: of the Seatates, but is infested in his Book, out of the Records of Parliamento Was ne mo 7 Dom. viii PŘE FA É. Dom. 1603, when an Ad was made i Jae. cap. z. 4 Agaieft the Diminution of “the Poffeffions of Archbiſhoprics and Biſhoprics, and avoiding of Dilapidations “ of the fame." Whereby theſe 'Alienations to the Crown were reſtrained. Where the Firſt Fruits of a Bifhopric happen not to bear a juſt Proportion to the Tenths of the ſame Biſhopric, ſuch Diſproportion has been occafioned, as is conceived, by the like Exchange of Lands for Tenths, when a Part; or all of the Bithop's Tenths were thrown in to make up a Deficiency of the Recompence ho was to receive in lieu of his Manors or Lands, which could not be fo.conveniently adjuſted any other way; the Firſt Fruits, being only accideutal, and not certain yearly Payments, ſuffered no Alteration by ſuch Exchange, but were continued on the ſaine Foot as before. Pn like Manner, where the "Déairry and Prebendaries of ſome Cathedral Churches are not charged at all to the Payment of the Firſt Fruits or Tenths, either the Crown has Lands, or, in ſome caſes, a ſtated Sum, or annual Rent, in lieu of thoſe Payments, as, by the Charters of the new erected Foundations, it does at large appear. Thus much it ſeemed proper it ſhould be mentioned in relation to theſe Ex- changes, in order to account for ſome ſeeming Inconfiftences in this Book, and to clear up fome things which would otherwiſe appear Difficulties to thoſe who are altogether unacquainted with ſuch Proceedings; and which, if not ſet in proper: Light, might in proceſs of time be liable to greater Uncertainty and Obſcurity, to the Perplexiry at leaſt, if not the Injury alſo of ſome nearly concerned therein. In feteling and aſcertaining the true Names of Places, the Ancient and Modern way of writing them are retained. And, to guard againft Errors of every kind as much as poſſible, ſeveral of the Right Reverend the Biſhops have corrected the Copy which related to their re- fpective Dioceſes, before it went to the Preſs. The Appendix contains Directions and Precedents relating to Preſentation, Inſtitution, Induction, Diſpenſations, &c. and ſome other Matters are added, with proper References to the Authorities from whence they are taken, which it is conceived may be of very good Uſe. Theſe Things may ſerve to lead the younger Clergy through that Part of Knowledge neceſſary for them, which, at: their firſt ſetting out, muft appear very intricate and difficult, as they lie ſcat- tered and diſperſed in divers Acts of Parliament and Canons, &c. intermixed with Matters of a quite different Nature, and which in ſome Inſtances have been ren-> dered more intricate and obſcure, through the want of Care or Judgement of fome, who have unſucceſsfully laboured to tender them more plain and clear. must od: Als gorol i bust.10) L333 ER Carte Cadd this bar ancis best to more borong dito si goutogu?' Dossda 100 metros! ai te botesnobo not edii como una matesos topics Souson and to Hodiosvida o od to h 1120 100 boots buat og sigw jud Liber Regis, lothonomo hot 10 THE SA U R U S Rerum Eccleliafticarum. 1 : (iii) 1 Τ Η Ε KING'S WRIT. H 1 I ENRICUS Octavus Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ rex, fidei defenſor, dominus Hiberniæ et in terra ſupremum caput Anglicanæ Ecclefiæ, dilectis et fidelibus ſuis, &c. falutem. Sciatis quod nos de fidelitati- bus et providis circumſpectionibus veſtris plenius confidentes, affignavimus vos quinque, quatuor, vel tres veſtrum, dantes vobis ac quinque, quatuor, et tribus veftrum, vel in majori aut minori numero prout per diſcretiones veſtras vobis melius viſum fuerit, plenam poteftatem et auctoritatem ad inquirendum, ſcrutandum, et examinandum, viis, modis, et mediis, quibus melius fcire poteritis infra comitatum veſtrum, de omnibus et fingulis articulis et in- ſtructionibus præfentibus annexis faciendumque et exequendum cum effectu prout in eiſdem articulis plenius continetur. Et ideo vobis mandamus, firmiter injungentes quod circa premiffà effectualiter intendatis ac ea faciatis et exequamini diligenter, ita quod veritatem de eiſdem articulis et de eorum fingulis habere poterimus, abſque favore, fraude, dolo, corruptione ſeu covina, prout vos inde nobis reſpondere velitis : Et quicquid in premiffis feceritis theſaurario, cancellario, camerariis et baronibus de ſcaccario noftro, inde et de omnibus circumſtanciis eorundem prout articuli prædicti in ſe exigunt et requirunt in octavis fanétæ Trinitatis proxime futuris fub figillis veſtris diſtincte et aperte in debita forma in ſcriptis certificetis, et hæc ſub periculo incumbenti nullatenus omittatis. Damus etiam præterea vobis plenam po- teſtatem ad tales et tantos ſcribas, regiſtrarios, et eorum deputatos ac recep- tores, auditores, ac alios officiarios, miniftros, quorumcumque prælatorum et clericorum A 2. iv THE KING'S WRIT. clericorum ecclefiæ coram vobis convocandos et examinandos, prout vobis promeliore executione articulorum prædictorum videbitur expedire. Mandamus inſuper tenore præfentium omuibus et fingulis vicecomitibus, majoribus, ballivis, regiſtrariis, ac aliis officiariis et miniſtris, tam noftri quam aliquorum prælatorum feu clericorum quorumcumque, ac aliis omnibus et fingulis fide- libus fubditis noftris quibuſcumque quod vobis in executione premifforum de tempore in tempus intendentes ſint et auxiliantes prout decet. In cujus rei teſtimonium has literas noſtras fieri fecimus patentes. Teſte me ipſo apud Weſtmonaſterium triceſimo die Januarii, anno regni noſtri viceſimo ſexto.. PEXS ALL. 1 rii I N. e [v] INSTRUCTIONS to the Commiſſioners for the taking of the Survey. Signed by the KING. INSTRUCTIONS deviſed by the Kyng's Hignes by the adviſe of his counſail for know- laige to be hadd of the hole true and juſt Henry R. yerly values of all the pofleſſions , mannors , londys, tenements, hereditamentys, and proffits, as well fpirituall as temporall, apperteynyng to any manner of dignitie, monaſtrie, priorie, churche collegyatt, churche conventuall, per- ſonage, vicarige, chauntrie, ffree chapell, or other dignitie, office, or promocion ſpirituall, within this realme, Walys, Calice, Berwyk, and marches of the ſame, as well in placys exempt as not exempt; whiche his pleaſure ys, that ſuche as ſhall have charche by his com- miſſion to ſurvey the fame, ſhall effectually with all uprightneſs and dexteritie followe and enſue; as they will anſwere unto hys Majeſtie at their perrell. F TIRSTE it is ordeined that ſeverall commiſſions ſhall be made into every dioces, ſhere, and place within thys realme, and into Walys, Calys, Berwik, and the marches of the ſame, where yt ſhall pleaſe the Kyng's Hignes to lymitt and appoynt, and to fuche nombre of perſons as ſhall pleſe hys Majeſtie to afligne, and that to every of the ſame commiſſions theis articles, aſſigned with hys Gracy's hand, ſhall be annexed. ITEM, vi INSTRUCTIONS TO THE COMMISSIONERS Item, that the commiffyoners, after the fight of the commiffyon with thes artycles annexed, ſhall ffirſt ſende for ſuche and ſo many of the buſshoppys and archideacons, fcribes and miniſters, within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, as they ſhall think mooſte convenyent, ffor knowlaige to be hadd of the nombres and namys of all denryes rurall within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, and in whoys dioces or juriſdiccion the ſaid denries ben, and howe many dignities, cathedrall churches, collegiatt churches, colleigis, hofpytalls, monaftries, priores, houſes religiouſe, perſonages, vicarigis, chaun- tries, ffre chappells, or other promocions fpirituall, byn within the lymitts of every denry, or els where, within the lymytts of ther commiſſion. Item, after the ſaid commiffioners, by examinación of the regiſters and other miniſters, ſhall have knowlege of the nombre and names of all the denries within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, and in whois dioces or juriſdiccion they byn, and of the nombre and namys of all the dignyties, monaſtries, priores, benefices, and promocions ſpirituall, within the lymytts of euery denrye, or ellſwhere within the lymytts of ther commiſſion; then the ſaid commiffioners ſhall devide them ſelfys by thre and tlire in nombre, or by any other nombre above thre by ther diſcretions, allottyng to euery nombre ſo devidid ſo many depries rurall, and other diſtinct placys within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, as they by ther aflentt ſhall think conuenient; and that euery ſuch nombre ſoe devidid ſhall with all diligence, without ffavor, mede, drede, or corrupcyon, enquyer, ferche, and knowe of the hole and yerly values of all dignities, cathedrall churches, collegys, churches collegiatt, houſes conuentuall, hoſpittalls, monaſtries, priores, relygyouſe houſes, prebends, perſonages, vicariges, chauntries, ffre chappells, and all other cures, offices, and promocions ſpirituall, what name or nature fo euer they bee, within the lymitts of ther charge to them allotted, as well in placys. exempte as nott esempte, and in whois dioſeſs or juriſdiccion they ben ; and for true execucion of ther charche in this behalfe, ſhall examyne ſuch incumbentts, ther receyvours and auditours, by ther othes, and alſo ſe and veu ſuch regeſters, boks of accompt, Eſter boks, and all other writ- ings as by ther diſcrecions ſhall be thought conuenient and reſonable for for declaracion of the premiſlis; and over that uſe all ſuche other ways and menes, wherby. the true and juſt yerly values of all the ſaid dignities, cathedrall 2 FOR THE TAKING OF THE SURVEY. vii cathedrall churches, collegiate churches, colleges, hoſpitalls, houſes conuen- tuall, abbies, inonaſtries, priores, houſes religiouſe, prebendys, perſonages, vicariges, benefices, cures, officis, chauntries, ffre chappells, and other pro- mocions ſpirituall, may playnly and diſtinctly appere without any manner of concelament therof, uſing them ſelves after the order, manner, and fforme, as in the articles next enſuyng ys mencyoned and declared, makyng a playne boke therof after the auditours ffaſhion, accordyng as ſhall be expreffyd in the laſt of the ſaid articles under written. 1 Item, it is ordered, that if the fee of any archebuſshopp or buſshopp be within the lymitts of ther commiſſion, then the commiſſioners, or three of them, wherof the buſshopp ſhall be one, ſhall firſt by ſuche means and ways as ys above mencioned ſerche and knowe the hole and entyre yerly value of the archebuſshopriche, and buſshopriche, where the commiſſion ys directed, as well in ſpiritualtes as temporaltes, whatſoever it be, that is to ſaye, howe muche yn yerly value belongeth to the ſaid archebuſshopriche or buſshopriche in caftells, honours, mannors, londs, tenements, demenes, rents, fferms, poſſeſſions, and other temporall proffitts, whatſoever ytt be, and howe muche belongith to the ſaid archebuſshopriche or buſshopriche by reſon of the ſpiritualtes and ſpirituall juriſdiccion communibus annis: and in what ſheeres, townes and placys, the caſtells, honours, mannors, londs, tene- ments, demeanes, fferms, rents, poffeffions, and other temporall proffitts be- longing to the ſaid archebuſshopriche or buſshopriche, lyen or ben; and ther diſtinct and ſeveral yerly values; and the title, name, and nature of the yerly proffytts, that apperteyne to the ſaid archebuſshopriche and buſshopriche by reſon of hys ſpiritualtes, and ſpirituall juriſdiccion; and ther ſeuerall yerly values communibus annis: and what yerely.and perpe- tuall rents, pencions and ffees, be paide oute of the fame, that is too ſay, ſuch rents and pencons as be yerly paid to eny perſon or body politique, to theyr heyres and fucceffours, and none other; and ſuche ffees as be yerly paid for receyvours, bailiffs, auditours, ftuards, chauncellour, maiſter of the rolls, juſtice, fhrife, or other officer of recorde, for temporal juſtice, and none other, and the name of the perſons to whomé ſuch annuall and perpetuall rents, penſions and ffees, be yerly paide. ITEM, viii INSTRUCTIONS TO THE COMMISSIONERS -- Item, to ſerche, enquyer and knowe the nombre, names, and certentie of all the mannors, londys, tenements, demeans, fferms, rents, poffeffions, perſonages, porcions, pencyons, tythes, oblacions, and other proffitts what. foeur, as well fpirituall as temporall, apperteyning or belongyng to the Ćathedrall churche or monaſtrie, where the fee of the archebuſshop or buſshop to whom the commiſſion ys directed ys; and in what ſheres, townes, hamletts and placis, the ſaid mannors, londs, tenements, demeānes, rentts, fferms, poſſeſſions, perſonages, porcions, pencions, tythes, oblacions, or other proffytts lyen and ben; and the hole and entire diſtinct and ſeverall yerly values of them, and the true certentie of the annuall and perpetuall rents, penſions, and almes; and alſo ffeez for receyvours, bailifys, auditours, and ftuardys, and none other officers, yerely givyn and paide out of the ſame, and the namys of the ſaid officers to whom ſuche ffees ben appoynted, and the names of the perfons for whos foules ſuch aimes ys yerely deſtri-- buted, and the names of the perſons or placis wherunto, or to whome, fuche annuall and perpetuall rents or pencions be yerely refolute or paid. ITEM, to enquier, ferche and knowe the names of the deane or prior of the faid cathedrall churche, or monaſtre, of the names of the ſubdene, fupprior, treffurer, reſidenſer, chaunter, ſexten, almoner, hoſpiteler, bowſer, and of every other perfon that hath any dignitie, prebend, vycarſhip, pety- cannon ſhip, or other office, chauntrie, cure, or promocyon fpirituall in fucceffion, in the ſaid cathedrall churche or monaſtre; and the diſtinct nombre and names of every ſuche dignitie, prebend, vycarſhip, petycanonſhip, office, cure, chauntrie, and promocion ſpirituall, whiche hathe ben accuf- tumed to be, and goo in ſucceſſion in the ſaid churche or monaſtre; and the diſtinct yerely value and proffit that belongith, and ys lymytted to the dignitie of the office of the ſaid deane, prior, ſubdene, fupprior, tre- furer, reſidenſer, chaunter, ſexten, hoſpyteler, bowſer, or to any other dignitie, prebend, vicarſhip, petycannonſhip, or other office, chauntrie, cure, or promocion ſpirituall that goith in ſucceſſion in the faid cathedrall churche or monaſtrie. I'TEM, to ſerche and knowe the nombre and namys of euery archi- diaconry and denrys rurall within the lymytts of ther commiffion, as well 4 in FOR THE TAKING OF THE SURVEY. ix in placys exempt, as not exempt, and in whos dyoces or juriſdiccion they lien ; and the hole and entire yerly value of euery.of them, as well in ſpiritualtes as in temporaltes, yf any be, and the nombre, namys and cer- tentie of the temporaltes, yf any be, and where they lien, and ther diſtinct and ſeverall yerly values, and the names, nombre, and nature of the ſpi. ritualtes, and ther ſeverall yerly values communibus annis; and what annuell and perpetuall rentts, penſions, and ffees for receyvours, bailyffys, auditours, and ſtewards only, and none other officers, ben yerly accuſtumed to be reſolute and paid, oute of any of the ſaid archidiaconries or denties rurall, and the namys of the perfons to whome ſuch rentts, penſions, and ffees, ben yerly paid. Item, to ſerche and knowė the nombre and names of euery colleige founded and edefied, withiu euery denry rurall or ells-where within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, as well in placys exempt, as not exempt, and in whois dioces and juriſdiccion they byn; and the nombre, namys, and certentie of the manors, londs and tenements, demeanes, rentts, fferms, poſſeſſions, perſonages, porcions, penſions, tithes, oblacions, and all other proffitts, as well ſpirituall as temporall, apperteyning to euery ſuche colleige -and churche collegiate ; and in what ſheres, townes, hameletts or placys, the ſaid manors, londs, tenements, demeanes, rentts, ffermes, poſſeſſions, por- cions, penſions, perſonages, tithes, oblacions, or other proffitts, lye and be ; and the hole and entire, diſtinct, and ſeuerall yerly values of them; and the true certentie of the annuell and perpetuall rentts, penſions, almes and ffees for receyvours, bailifys, auditours, ſtewardys and none other offycers, yerly gyvyn and paid out of the fame; and the names of ſuch officers to whome ſuch · ffees ben appoynted; and the names of the perſons for whois ſoules ſuche almes ys yerly gyvyn; and the namys of the perſons or placys wherunto or to whome fuch annuall and perpetuall rentts or pen- fions ben yerely paid. Item, to knowe and ferche the names of the deanes, fubdenes, maiſters, proveſts, prebendaris, fellows, brethren, chauntrie-prieſtis, and cuery other 1pirituall perfon, that hath any dignitie, prebend, petycanonſhip, vycarige- Thip, cure, office, or other promocyon ſpirituall, which goith by ſucceſſion in any ſuch colleige or churche collegyatt ; and the names of ſuche B dignyties, х INSTRUCTIONS TO THE COMMISSIONERS dignyties, prebends, vicarſhippys, peticanonſhippys, chauntries, officis, cures, and promocions fpirituall, and the diſtinct yerly' value and proffytt that belongeth and is lymytted, as well to the deane, maiſter, proveſt, or chefe hed of ſuche colleige or churche collegyatt, as to euery other dignitie, prebend, vicarſhip, petýcanonſhip, office, ffellowſhip, chauntrie, cure, or promocyon fpirituall, whiche hath fucceflion, yn euery ſuch colleige or churche collegiatt. I'TÉM, to ferche and knowe euery hoſpytall, houſe, and place conuentuali of any ſeculer prieſtys, or laye brethren, within euérý denrye or ells where within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, as well in placys exempt as not exempt, and in whois dioſes and juriſdiccion they ben; and the nombre, namys, and certentie of all the mannors, londys and tenements, deineanes, ferms, rentts, poffeffions, perſonages, porcions, penſions, tithes, oblacions, and all othere proffytts, as well ſpirituall as temporall, apper- teyning or belonging to euery ſuche hóſpytall or place conuentuall; and in what feres, townes, hameletts and placys, the ſaid manors, londys, tenements, demeanes, rentts, poffeffions, perſonages, porcions, penfions, tythes, offerings, and other proffytts, lyen and ben; and the hole and entire diſtinct and feuerall yerely values; and the true certentie of the annuell and per- petuall rentts, penfions, almes, and fees for receyvours, bailyfys, auditours, and ſtewardys, and none other officers, yerly gyvyn and paid oute of the fame; and the names of the ſaid offycers to whome fuche fees ben aſſigned ; and the names of the perſons for whoſe fowles ſuch almes ys yerly gyvyn; and the names of the perſons or placys wherunto or to whome ſuch rents or penſions ben yerly paid. Item, to ſerche and knowe the name of the maiſter, proveſt, or other chefe gouernour of fuche hoſpytall, or place conuentuall, and what yerly rento proffytt to his dygnytie and office diſtinctly belongith, and y's lymyated ; and of every other perfon that hath eny other dignitie, fellow- thip, brotherſhip, ſuſterſhip, office, chauntrie, cure, aduauntage, or other promocion ſpirituall, that runnyth and goith by ſucceſſion, within any ſuche hofpytall, or place conuentuall; and the names and nombre of every ſuche dignitie, fellowſhip, brotherſhip, ſuſterſhip, office, chauntrie, cure, aduauntage, 3 OL FOR THE TAKING OF THE SURVEY. si or promocion ſpirituall, and what yerly proffytt or aduauntage belongyth, or is lymytted to euery ſuch dignitie, felowſhip, brotherſhip, fuſterſhip, office, cure, or other promocion ſpirituall, within euery ſuche hofpytail, or place conuentuall. Item, to ſerche and knowe the nombre and nainys of euery abbey, monaſtrie, priory, and houſe relygiouſe and conuentuall, as well charter houſe as other founded and edefied, within euery denry or ellſwhere, within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, as well in placys exempt, as not exempt, and in whois dyoces and juriſdiccion they ben; and the nombre, namys, and certentie of all the manors, londys, tenements, rentes, ferms, pofſeflions, perſonages, porcions, penſions, tythes, oblacions, and all other proffytts, as well fpirituall as temporal, apperteyning or belongyng to euery ſuche abbey, monaſtrie, priorie, or houſe religiouſe; and in what ſheres, townes, hameletts, and placis, the ſaid manors, londis, tenements, demeanes, rentts, fermes, poffeffions, perſonages, porcions, penſions, tythes, oblacions, and other proffitts lyen and ben, and ther hole and entire, diſtinct and feuerall yerly values; and the true certentie of ſuch annuell or perpetuall rentts, pencions, almes, and fees for receyvours, bailifis, auditours, and ſtewardys only, and none other officers, yerly gyvyn and paid out of the ſame ; and the feueral names of the ſaid officers too whome ſuch fees be lymytted; and the names of the perſons for whos foules fuch almes ys deſtributed and gyven ; and the names of the perſons and placis wherunto and to whome ſuche annuell and perpetuall rents and penſions ben yerly paide. ITEM, to ſerche and knowe the name of the abbott, abbeſs, prior, prior- eſs, or other chefe gouernor of ſuch religiouſe houſes, and the names of the ſupprior, ſupprioreffe, ſexten, ſelerer, alınoner, bowſer, hoſpyteler, munke, baylyfe, chanon bailife, and euery other ſpiritual perſons, that ha'ue any diſtinct dignitie, office, cure, chauntrie, or promocion ſpirituall, that goith in certentie by fucceffion, in any ſuche abbey, monaſtrie, priorie, or houſe religiouſe; and the diſtinct names of ſuche officys, cures, chauntries, or pro- mocions ſpirituall, and there yerely value and proffytt, that belongith as well to the abbott, prior, abbes, priores, or other chefe gouerngur, as to the ſupprior, ſupprioreſs, ſelerer, ſelerers, ſexten, hoſpyteler, almouer, bowſer, munke, B 2 X11 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE COMMISSIONERS munke, baily fe, chanon baily fe, or to any other, haning office, cure, chaun- trie, or promocion ſpirituall, that goith in certyn ſucceffion, within any ſuch abbey, monaſtrie, or priory, or houſe relygiouſe. ITEM, to ſerche and knowe the nombre and names of euery perſonage, vicaryge, chauntrie, as well mortized as other, and free chapell within euery denry or ells-where within the lymytts of ther commiſſion, as well in placis exempt, as not exempt, and in whois dioſes or juriſdiccion they lyen'; and the true and entire yerely value of all the londs, tenements, glebes, demeanes, rentts, poffeffions, tithes, offerings, porcions, penſions, and all other proffittys, as weli fpirituall as temporall, belongyng to euery ſuche perſonage, vicaryge, chauntrie, or fre chapell els-wher ſo euer ſuche londys, tenements, rents, poſſeſſions, tithes, offeryngs, porcions, penſions, or other ſuche proffytts as ys aforeſaid lyen or ben, ether in the towne where ſuche perſonage, vicaryge, chauntrie, or free chapell, ys fett and foundyd, or els- where, within any other towne or place; and in what ſhire, towne, or place, and there diſtinct, ſeuerall and yerely values ; and the true certentie of the annuell and perpetuall rents, penſions, and ſynods, and proxis paide and yerely goyng out of ſuche perſonage, vicarige, chauntries, and free chapells; and to whome ſuch rentts, penſions, fynods, and proxïs, ben yerly payde. ITEM, finally, after the true and juſt yerly values of all the dignities, beneficis, officis, cures, and other promocions ſpirituall afore reherfed, exa- myned and known, then the faid commiſſioners, to whome the commiſfion Thall be directed, ſhall cauſe to be made a fayer boke, after the auditours faſhyon), putting firſt in the hed therof the name of the archebuſshoprick or buſshoprick, where the commyflion ys directed, yff the fee be within the lymytts of ther commiſſion; and the hole and entire yerly value therof, lyke as before is mencioned in the article concernyng the ſame, with the deduccions to be reſolute, that are mencyoned in the fayd article, and none other; and then next after that, to putt the name of the cathedrall churche or monaſtrie, where the fee of the archebuſshopriche or buſshopriche ys, and the nombre or namys of all fuche dignities, prebendys, officys, cures, chauntries, and promocyons ſpirituall, whiche be in ſucceſſion in the faid cathedrall churche or. monaſtrie; and as well the hole and entire yerely value of the faid cathedrall churche, or monaſtrie, as the particuler yerely proffytt 7 FOR THE TAKING OF THE SURVEY. X11 O einer proffytt that belongyth to euery of the ſaid dignities, prebendys, offices, cures, chauntries, and diſtinct promocions ſpirituall in the ſame, with the deduc- cions to be reſolute oute of the ſame, as ys mencyoned in the article aboue ſpecyfied concernyng the ſame; and then next after that to put the nombre and names of euery archidiaconry and denry rurall within the lymytts of ther commiflion, and in whos dioces or juriſdiccion they be, and ther ſeuerall and particuler yerly values and deduccions, lyke as is mencyoned in the article concernyng the ſame; and next after that to put euery colleige, churche collegyatt, hoſpy.tall, abbey, monaſtrie, priorie, houſe religiouſe, per- ſonage, vycarige, chauvtrie, fre chapell, and all other promocions ſpirituall, under the title and name of the denry rurall, where ſuch collegis, churches collegiatt, hoſpitalls, abbeys, monaſtries, priores, perſonages, vicarigys, chaun- treis, fre chappelis, and promocions ſpirituall, lyen aud. ben foundyd; and theyr feuerall and diſtinct yerly values, with ſuche deduccions, as ys aboue mencyoned in the articles afore written, concerning ſuche dignities, inonaſ- tries, prioris, houſes relygiouſe, churches, benefices, chauntries, fre chapells, and promocions ſpirituall; and the nombre and names of all ſuche prebendys, dignities, offices, chauntries, cures, or other promocions ſpirituall, what- ſoever they be, in any the ſaid colliges, churches collegiatt, hofpytalls, abbeys, monaſtries, prioris, or houſes relygiouſe; and the diſtinct, ſeverall, and yerly values, as afore declared yn the faid articles ; ſo that always under the title of euery denry rurall, ther be conteyned all ſuche dignyties, abbeys, monaſtries, priores, houſes relygiouſe, benefices, churches, offices, cures, and they ben foundid and edefied : and yf any of them be oute of the lymytts of all denries, then ſo putt them by their felfys, reherſing ther namys, and the placys where they lyen, and in whoys dioces and juriſdiccion, with ther hole values and deduccions, as ys afore lymytted, added to euery of them diſtinct by them ſelfys. Foreſeeing always, that in the makyng of all the yerely values of any manors, dignities, monaſtries, abbeys, priores, houſes relygiouſe, prebendys, benefices, chauntries, fre chappells, or other promo- cions ſpirituall, aboue reherſed, ther be made an hole and entire value of euery of them by them ſelfys, and nothing to be allowed ne deducted oute therof for reparacions, fees, ſerving of cures, or any other cauſis or things what ſo euer they be, except only ſuche annuell and perpetuall rentts, pen- fions, xiv INSTRUCTIONS TO THE COMMISSIONERS, &c. fions, almes, fynods, proxïs, and fees for officers, as before ſpecyally ys mencyoned in the articles afore written; and after that the ſaid boke be made, then the ſaid commiſſioners ſhall certyfye the ſame into the Kyng's Efchequor under their fells, accordyng as ys lymytted by the tenour of the commiſſion, as they will aunſwer unto the Kyng's Hyghnes at ther utmoſt parell, to the intent that the tenth of the premyſſis may be taxed, and ſett to be levied to the Kyng's uſe, accordyng to the ſtatute made and providyd of the graunte therof. MEMORANDUM. That after the commiſſyoners, deuyded in nombre as ys aforeſaid, have ſeuerally executed the effects of ther charge conteigned in thes articles mencyoned, that then all the hole nombre of the com- miſfyoners, namyd in the commiffyon, or the moſt part of them, ſhall afſemble them ſelfyes, and conferr all ther ſeuerall bokis togither, and annexe euery off them to theyr commiſſion, and thes inſtruccions; and ſo to certifie the ſame hooly and yntirely to gyther into the Kyng's Efchequour at the daye lymytted in ther commyflyon. A General [ xv ) A General Preface to the Returns of the Com- miſſioners into the Exchequer, under their Hands and Seals. SER EQUUNTUR annui valores omnium et fingulorum honorum, caf- trorum, dominiorum, manerioruin, terrarum et tenementorum, ac aliarum poffeſſionum quarumcunque temporalium, necnon decimarum, obla- tionum, portionum, penfionum, et aliorum proficuorum, quorumcunque fpiritualium in diverſis comitatibus Angliæ feparalibus exiftentibus, diverſis collegiis, ecclefiis collegiatis, domibus conventualibus, hoſpitalibus, mo- nafteriis, prioratibus, domibus religioſis, archidiaconatibus, prebendis, rec- toriis, vicariis, cantariis, liberis capellis, et omnibus aliis officiis ac promo- tionibus fpiritualibus, quibuſcunque pertinentibus five ſpectantibus in comi- tatibus prædictis jacentibus, quorum nonina incumbentium et locorum religioſoruin ac aliarum manfionum eccleſiarum, necnon valores earundem poffeſfionum tam ſpiritualium quam temporalium, cuin deductionibus et allocationibus earundem annuatim particulariter declarantur et annotantur, utinferius coram domini regis commiſſionariis in hac parte aſſignatis juxta tenorem, vim, formam, et effectum cujuſdem commiſſionis ejuſdem domini regis gerentis datam apud Weſtmonafterium tricefiino die Januarii, anno regni dicti domini regis vicefimo fexto, et certarum inſtructionuin manu dicti domini regis fignato eidem commiſſioni annexa, ac præfatis commiſſio- nariis directa, ut in dieta commiſſione et inſtructionibus preſentibus annexis plenius continetur, viz. A PRE- { xvi ] A PREFACE, &c. of a Biſhop's Certificate into the Exchequer, of all ſuch Livings in his Dioceſe as did not exceed the Yearly value of Fifty Pounds. To the Right Honble the Lord High Treaſurer, and the Barons of Her Majeſty's Court of Exchequer. W? E R. by divine permiſſion Lord Biſhop of P. in obedience to, and in perſuance of an Act of Parliament made in the fifth year of the reign of Her preſent Majeſty Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for diſcharging ſmall Livings from their Firſt Fruits and Tenths, and all Arrears thereof; do by theſe preſents, under our hand and epiſcopal ſeal, certifie into Her Majeſty's court of Exchequer at Weſtminſter, that by vir- tue, and in purſuance, of the ſaid act, and the ſeveral powers, directions, and authorities to us thereby given and granted, We have, as well by the teſtimony of two or more credible witneſſes, upon their oaths (for every particular eceleſiaſtical benefice with cure of ſouls), taken before commif- fioners duly authorized and comiſicnated by us, under our hand and ſeal purſuant to the ſaid act, as by all other lawfull ways and means informed, and uſed our utmoſt endeavours' to inform ourſelves, of the clear improved yearly value of every eccleſiaſtical benefice with cure of fouls within our faid dioceſe, the clear improved yearly value whereof doth not exceed fifty pounds. And we do hereby further certify, that the ſeveral and reſpective eccleſiaſtical beneficies with cure of fouls herein after particularly deſcribed, mentioned, and expreſſed (the tenths of which, by virtue of the charter in the ſaid act mentioned, are veſted in the corporation therein alſo mentioned), are all of them eccleſiaſtical benefices with cure of ſouls in our faid dioceſe, and that the clear improved yearly value of any of them doth not exceed fifty pounds. And we further certifie, that none of the herein mentioned eccleſiaſtical benefices are of greater yearly value than as at the names or deſcriptions PREFACE TO A CERTIFICATE, &c. xvii deſcriptions of the ſaid reſpective ecclefiaftical benefices doth appear : that is to ſay ; viz. County of N. &c. And therefore, by virtue and in purſuance of the ſaid act, each and every of the ſaid ecclefiaftical benefices with cure of ſouls herein before men- tioned, is, and are to be diſcharged from all firſt fruits and tenths, and arrears of the fame; by virtue and in purſuance of the ſaid act of parlia- In teftimony whereof, we have hereunto ſet our hand and affixed our epiſcopal ſeal, this third day, of March, one thouſand ſeven hundred and ſeven ; and in the ſixth year of the reign of our ſoveraign Lady Anne, by the grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the Faith, and in the year of our confecration. ment. Fil. D L I BE R ) 1 [ 19 ] LI LE R REG IS, E L T HE SA U R U S Rerum Ecclefiafticarum. The Province of CANTERBURY. A A Dioceſe of Canterbury. lo s. d. RCH-BISHOPRICK for Firſt- Fruits, 2682 12 2 This See was firſt founded in St. Auguftine's Time, who was the firſt Archbiſhop thereof about the Year 598. Vide Commentarium Angliæ de Præſulibus per Franciſcum Godwinum, ut fequitur : “ Ex iis quæ à me fupra perſcripta ſunt, fatis liquet, Au. guſtinum, monachum Romanum, primum Cantuarienfis five Dorobernenfis Ecclefiæ Archiepiſcopum, annuente Ethelberto- Cantiorum Rege, à S. Gregorio pontifice tunc Romano conſti- tutum anno 596, aut forte anno ſubſequente, & anno, fecun- dum Weſtmonaſterienſem 608, ſecundum Polydorum vero 611, vitam cum morte commutafſe." D 2 By DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. KENT. By the original Certificate made in Purſuance of an Act of Parliament in the 26th year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, and returned into his Majeſty's Court of Firſt-Fruits and Tenths, and now remaining in the cuſtody of the Re- membrancer of that Revenue, it appears that the annual In- come at that time of all the Manors, Rectories, Lands, Tene- inents, Rents, Penſions, Tithes and other Emoluments belong- ing to the Cathedral Church of Chriſt, Canterbury, (every Deduction and Outgoing being allowed) was 23491. 8s. 5d.ş. And by the ſame Return it appears that the clear annual Va- Jues of the Monaſtery of St. Auguftine, Canterbury, the Prio- ry of St. Gregory, Canterbury, and the Hoſpital of St. Lau- rence, Canterbury, were as follow, viz. St. Auguſtine 1413 4 11 St. Gregory 121 15 St. Laurence 31 7 10 1. S. d. 3 I The Cathedral Church. (CHRIST-CHURCH.) King's Books. The Cathedral of Canterbury is one of the Churches upon Yearly Tenths. the new Foundation. The diſtinction between the old ad new Foundation came in after the Diffolution of the Monaſte- ries, 1540. King Henry the Eighth, having ejected the Monks out of the Cathedrals, placed ſecular Canons inſtead of them; thoſe “whom he thus regulated are called the Deans and Chapters of the new Foundation; viz. Canterbury, Wincheſter, Wor- ceſter, Ely, Carliſle, Durham, Rocheſter, Norwich ; and be- sides theſe he erected five Cathedrals de novo, and endowed them out of the Eſtates of diffolved Monaſteries, viz. Cheſter, Peterborough, Oxford, Glouceſter, and Briſtol, which were by him made Epiſcopal Sees. The Priory of Canterbury was founded in the year 1443. The Charter of endowment is in Dugdale’s Monaſticon, vol. I. p. 4• The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not in particular charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits, or Tenths. Nicholas Wotton the firſt Dean 1542. gool. 1. d. per ano. 163 1.10 Archdeaconry of Canterbury has the Patronage of the Churches 16. 6 27 of St. Mary and St. Clement in Sandwich, Hackington, Lymme, Weſtheth, Tenham, Stodınarch, St. Margaret in Canterbury, Lynſted, and Dodington, with the Chapel of Stone, and Iwade Curacy, and the Impropriations of moſt of them. 250l. per ann. 4 The KENT, 21 DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY: The firſt Archdeacon (whoſe Name is recorded as ſuch) was Wilfred, Anno 798. Le Neve's Faſti, p. 11. At the taking the above Valor in 1535, Edmund Cranmer appears to be Archdeacon; and was of courſe the perfon who gave in the particulars of the Archdeaconry to the King's Commiſſioners. There * are twelve Prebends in the Church of Canterbury, three whereof, viz. the firſt, fourth, and fixth, are in the Gift of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury; all the reſt are in the Gift of the King. The Prebends 300l. per ann. each. Note, The Archbiſhop of Canterbury has the Tenths of his Dioceſe, (except of Warden R. Oſtinghanger R. Medley R. Marſham R. St. Peter's in Dover R. St. James in Dover R. Bewfield V. Newenham V. Heartley or Harty R. Eaſtchurch R. and V. and ſome Chanteries, and ſmall diſcharged Liv- ings.) He has alſo the Tenths of his Peculiars in London and Middleſex. The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe of Canterbury and the Arch- deaconry are in the Gift of the Archbiſhop. The Charge of Tenths in this Dioceſe that are payable to the Crown-Receiver. so I I2 I O 1 ΟΙΙ o l'early Tenths. King's Books, 1. d. Duæ Cantar. in Ecclef. Sti Dunſtani prope Civ. Cantuar. viz. Johannis Roper. Cantar. vocat. Brenchils in Eccl. Cath. Cantuar. O 18 8 Una duar. Cantar. voc. Arundels in Eccl. præd. Cantar. de Waltham in Dec. Bridge. Cantar. de Goldſwell, in magna Charta in Dec. Charing. 8 8 Cantar. Burley in Charing. Cantar. Betherſden. in Charing. O 13 Cantar. Pevington. in Charing. 4 1. s. d. Cantar. de Bredger in D. Sittingborne. I 17 74 4 15 R. Warden in D. Sittingborne. 67 7 I 2 6 R. Oftinhanger in D. Lymme. O 15 3 30 R. Medley (alias Midley) in D. Lymme (pro parte Decimand.) I 26 16 101 R. Marſham (alias Merſham) in eodem Dec. 2 13 87 R. Sti Petri in Dover. 8 O 16 Ο ΙΙ OOOO mouth No O O O O o 9 O c 4 0 O 0 Upon the Diſſolution of the Priory, King Hen. VIII. by his Letters Patent, dated April 8, 1542, Anno Regni fui 33, did erect a new Society, to conſiſt of a Dean and twelve Canons. See Battely, Part III. p. 120, 121. Charter of Endowment, dated May 26, 1541, R. Sii 22 KENT. DIOCESE OF CAN T E R BU R Y. I o o King's Books. 2. d. 4 17 81 R. Sti Jacobi in Dover. 6 V. Beauxfield (alias Bewfield) in D, Dover. 5 12 6 V. Newenham (alias Newnham) in D. Oſpring. 20 6 0 R. Hartley (alias Harty) in eodem Dec. Libera Cap. Throckington in Com. Middleſex, deſtructa. Cantar. Johannis Finkell Mil. in Eccl, Sri Pancralii London. 13.68 Eaſtchurch R. & V. Inſul. Shepey. Icarly Tentl.se . s. do 0 9 9 O 12 0 O II 3 2 77 9 14 16 6 8 I 6 20 o 8 Archdeaconry of CANTERBURY. D. Bregge, alias Bridge. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 28 3 11 Adiſham R. (Holy Innocents,) with the Chapel of Staple, 2 16 37 exempt from the Archdeacon, Archbiſhop of Canterbury Patron-Terr. gleb. de val. 85.-Sinod. & prox, 17. 6s. 6d. & ad maner. de Addiſham, 20d. 6 oo Beakiſbourn *, alias Lyvyngſbourn, V. (St. Peter) Prior & Ca. O 120 non. Sti. Gregorii Cantuar. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canter- bury. 691. 125. 8d. Certified Value.--Endow. in ann. penſ. recept. de prior. Sti. Gregorii 4l. in decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. per annum il. 135. 8d.–Sinod. & prox. 55. 39 19 2 Biſhopſbourn R. (St. Mary.) cum Cap. Berhamn. (St. John Bap- 3 19 11 tift.) Penſ. Prior. Sti. Gregorii 41. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. -Sinod. & prox. -155. 6 5 o Boughton, alias Bocton Aluphe V. (All Saints.) Collegium de O 12 6 Wye Propr. Moyle Breton, Eſq. 1728, 1752. 58%. 6s. 104. Certified Value. Endow. In terr. gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. penſ, de magiſtro colleg. de Wye 1os. in decim. predial. & perfonal. oblat. & al.ſpiritual. profic. per annum 41.75. 8d. -- Prox.7s.6d. * Beakiſbourn V. Archbiſhop Parker obtained an Augmentation to this Vicarage of 10l. 4 Quarters of Wheat, and 18 Quarters of Barley per Annum, Harris’s Hiſtory of Kent, p. 36. Chartham KENT. 23 DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. King's Books, Wearly Teniks, 2. s. d. . d. 7 41 5 10 Chartham R. with the Chapel of Horton (St. Mary.) Archbp. 4 of Canterbury. - In terr. gleb. per ann. il. -ros.- Prox. 2 75. 6d. I II IO IO 3 1 13 6 8 Chilham V. (St. Mary) cum Cap. Molaſh, (St. Peter) Abb. Syon Propr. John Skey, Eſq. p. h. v. 1762.--Endow. In terr. gleb. de val. ann. il. 115. 4d, in decim. predial. & per- fonal. oblat. & al. profic. per ann, 11l. 8s. penf. de prior. de Syon 4l. 35. 4d.-Sinod. & prox. 35. 4d. Crundall R. (St. Mary) Penſ. Prior. de Ledes 35s. Sir Ed. I 3 ward Filmer, Bart. 1751.-In terr. gleb. arab. 8 acr. 1os. 8d. Prox. & finod. 55. 6 7 8Elmeſton R. Henry Partrige, Eſq. 1765, 6gl. 25. 2d. Certified O 1292 Value. In 8 acr. terr. gleb. paſt. 1os. 4d. redd. ſolut. abbat. de Langdon 55. 9d. Sinod. & prox. 55. 93. 9 Godmerſham V. (Śt. Laurence) with the Chapel of Challock. o 18 41 Challock Chapel augmented by Archbp. Juxon iol. per ann. (St. Cofmus and St. Damian.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Pri. Eccl. Chriſti Cantuar. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canter- bury. Endow. in terr. gleb. 12d. in decim. predial. oblat, & al. profic. 161. Prox. & Sinod. 45. Orig. Endow. dat. 8 Oct. 1330, per Simon. Cant. Archiep. (Reg. Berthon. MSS. Cant.) 19 13 15 Hardres magna R. (St. Peter and St. Paul) cum Cap. Stellinge. I 1935 (St. Mary.) Sir William Hardres, Bart. 1750.-Sinod. & prox. 75. 29 13 4 Ickham R. al. Icham, (St. John the Evangeliſt,) with the Cha- 2 19 4 pel of Weld, deſolate. Exempt. from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury.-In terr. gleb. 20 acr. il. 105. Prox. & Sinod. '155. 16 oo Kingſton R. (St. Giles.) William Birch, Clerk, and his Wife 2 1769. 777. 35. Certified Value.In terr. gleb. & omnimod. profic. per annum 161. 8oo Littlebourn V. (St. Vincent.) Mon. Sti Auguſtini Propr. Dean o 16 0 and Chapter of Canterbury. Vide X. Script. col. 2106- Endow. In penſ. recept. de monaſterio Sii Auguſtini in pecun. frum. ord. & lign. 31. 175. 6d. decim. predial. perſo- nal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic: per annum 4l. 25. 6d. 5 7 37 Patrickſbourn V. (S. Mary:),cum Capell’ Bregge (St. Peter.) o 10 87 Pri. Merton in Surr. Propr. Herbert Taylor, Eſq; 1763. Ordinatio dat. A. D. 1258. Reg. Arund. MSS. Lambeth.- Endow. In terr. gleb. per annum 21. 11s. 2d, in decim. pre- dial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. per annum 5l. 95. od. penſ. de prior. de Merton 6162 3 Petham 1 1 2 2 0 . 24 KENT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. d. l. 8 O hing's Books, Pearly Tenths, 1. d. 21 Petham V.(All Saints,) united to Waltham V. Mon. St. Oſythe 0 16 0 in Effex Propr. Archbiſhop and Sir Johņ Honywood, 1783, alternately Patrons. Unio Eccleſiarum dat. 4 Jul. 1698. Conſenſus patron. dat. 4 Jul. 1698.--Endow. In terr. gleb. per annum 125. 8d. in decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. per. ann. 57. 8s. penf. recept. de mopaſt. S, Orythæ 2l. 19 Oo Sturmouth al. Stowrinouth R. (All Saints.) Biſhop of Ro- 1. 18 cheſter.-12 acr. terr. gieb. 205. folut. Archiep. Cantuar. 405. penſ. camerar. Rofen. 1os. Prox. 75. 6d. 7.15 5 Waltham V. (St. Bartholomew) united to Petham V. Pri. Sti 0 15 61 Gregorii Propr. Archb. and Sir John Honywood, 1783, alternately. Endow. In terr. gleb. per ann. 8s, in decim. pre- dial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. profic. per ann. 71. 75. 5d. 29 12 6 Wickham R. alias Wickambreux, (St. Andrew.) Thomas 2 193 Kynaſton, 1755.--Terr. gleb. val. per ann. 3l. Sinod. & prox. 8s. 6. s. Prox. 55. O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1 d. 1. d. 30 O Brook R. (St. Mary.) Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 7 7 3. 26 Chillendon R. alias Challenden, alias Cholmden, (All Saints.) 5 0 0 40 Penſ. Prior. de Ledes 8s. The KING.-In omnimod. decim. 51. 6s. 8d. 28 00 Preſton juxta Wingham V. (St. Mildred.) Mon. Sii Auguſtini 9 15 0 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Vide X. Script. col. 2109.-Endow. In penf. 31. in deciin. predial. & perſo- nal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per annum 6l. 155. CHAPELS, DONATives, AND CURACIES. tron. Aih C. olim Vic. Orig. Endow. 4 Aug. 1282. Reg. Peck. fot. 104, MSS. Lambeth. (St. Nicholas.) coll. of Wyngham, Propr. 70l. certified Value. Archbiſhop of Canterbury Pa- Augmented by Archbp. Juxon 331. 165. per annum, beſides the old Penſion of 16. 135. 4d. The KING 1783, Sed, vac. Nonington, or Nunnington, C. (St. Mary) cum Cap. Wymingf- would. (St. Margaret) 711. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Col. lege of Wyngham Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Augmented by Archbishop Juxon zol. per annum. Stodmarſh Kerr. 25 DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. p. 18. Stodmarſh C. (St. Mary,) 301. certified Value. Hof. Pauper. Sacerdotum Cantuar. Propr. olim. Archdeacon of Canter- bury Patron. Vide Appendix to Somner's Antiq. of Cant. Wingham C. (St. Mary,) olim a Coll. 461. 105. certified Va- lue. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbp. of Cant. 1771. The College of Wyngham, of which Edmund Cranmer was Provoſt in the year 1535, was valued, in the original Return by the Commiſſioners, as follows: The Provoſt received ſepa- rately every year, in predial Tithes, perfonal Oblations, and other Profits in the Church of Wyngham, 45l. 6s. 8d. in all manner of Tithes and other Profits of the Chap. of Overland 20l. out of which he made a Payment of gl. annually to a Parilli Prieſt for doing the Duty there. And the Canons and Prebendaries, viz. Richard Benger, Dr. Robert Colyns, John Warren, John Some, and Hugh Gifford, received yearly in predial Tithes, perſonal Oblations, and other ſpiritual Profits belonging to the Chapels and Prebends of Athe, Overland, Richborough, Nonington, Wymingwould, and Godewynſton, 133. 135. 4d. for temporal Lands in Wyngham £3 6 8 Ditto at Preſton, called Pyrry 5 Ditto at Peddyng 4 33 Ditto o 17 4 For the Dwelling-houſe and Gardens o 6 Out of which they paid an annual Rent to the Monaſtery of Folkeſton for 20 Semes of Barley 31. 6s. 8d. to the Archbp. of Canterbury il 155. gd. to the Prioreſs of St. Sepulchre's in Canterbury 1os. to the Manor of Preſton gs. gd.; and to Oxenden 3 Semes of Barley, value 1os. Wye C. (St. Martin and St. Gregory,) 551. 105. 3d. certified Value. Mon. Battle in Suſſex oliin Propr. Earl of Win- chelſea. Vide antiq. Chart. Archiv. Cant. The College of Wye, as by particulars in the Valor, 26 Hen. 8. had Eſtates in Lands, &c. to the annual amount of 125. 155. 40.1. Godneſton, alias Godwynſton Cur. not certified. (Holy Croſs.) Pri. of Canterbury Propr. Sir Brooke Bridges, Bart. Staple (St. James, Chapel to Adilham) held with Aditham. O at Aſhe E Can 26 KENT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. D. Canterbury. City. 1. s, d. O 17 22 2 10 Oo I 0 0 5 2 1 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. l'early Tenthisar 2. dia 8 13 4 St. Alphage R. united to St. Mary. Northgate. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbp. of Canterbury. 6 8 St. Andrew's R. cum St. Mary Breadman R. united. Penf. 4 8 Prior. Chriſt-Church, 6s. 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury two Turns, and the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury one. Si. Colinus. and Damian de Blean V. Hoſpital of Eaſtbridge Propriet. and Patr. 731. 145. 64. certified Value. Master of Eaſtbridge Hospital. Endow. In decim. Granor. 5l in decim.. prediul. & perſonal. oblat. & al. ípiritual. profic. 5... Orig. Endow. dat. 9. aug. 1375. Reg. Sudbury. MSS. Lambeth. 7 17 II St. George's R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Rent to the Church- 0.15 01 Wardens 35. 4d. Penſ. Mon. Chriſt-Church 55. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 31 Hackington V. * (St. Stephen.) Archdeacon of Canterbury 0 10 31 Propr. and Patron. Augmen. dat. 13 Dec. 1588. ' Reg. Whitgift. MSS. Lambeth. & al. augment. per Jon. Ar- chiep. Cant. cum conſenſu Archidiac. Cant. dat. 13 Dec. 1588. Reg. W. MSS. Cant. Endow. In dec. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual, profic. per annum 51. 25. 3d.. 9 2 6 Harbledowne R. (St. Michael.) Penf. Pri. Sei Gregorii 135: 4d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 631. 145. 3d. certified Value. Vide Compoſit. ſuper quibuſd. Decim. in Bibl. publ. Cantab. In 8 acr. terr. gleb. 135. 4d. Prox. 75. 6d. 7 19 97 Little Hardres R. al. Nether Hardres. (St. Mary.) The KING, 0 15 11 80 581. 195. od... certified Value. In ſeptem acr. terr. gleb. 75. Penf. ſolut. prior de Merton 135. 4d. Prox. 55. 6 5 2 St. Martin's R. with St. Paul's V. Exempt from the Arch 0 126 deacon. Archbp. of Canterbury, and D. and Chap. of Cant. In penſ. rec. de Dom. Reg. 21. 135. 4d. In gardin. 3 rod. terr. & decin. gran. Ian. agn. porc. lib. paſch. & omn. al. profic. in toto 6l. 55. 2do. United to 9 St. Paui's V. with St. Martin's R. Monaſt. Sfi Auguſtini o 19. 101 Propr. Decr. primit. dat. Nov. 1. E. 6. Lamb.. Arch. En- 0 18 3 $ 0 0 918 * Hackington V. was augmented with the Tithes of Corn and Hay, paying 101. yearly to the Arche- deacon. Vide Life of Archbiſhop Whitgift, by Strype, p. 284, dow. KENT, 1o DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. . ko so la so 4 10 a King's Books, 1 carly Tenblica de de dow. In penſ, rec. de mon. Sfi Auguſtini 135. 4d. in dec. predial. & perſonal. oblat, & al. ſpiritual. profic. per annum. 94. 135. 2d, Prox. 55. Orig. Endow, dat. 5 Dec. 1268. Somner's Antiq. 4 i 5 St. Mary Breddin, al. Bređne V. Mon. Ski Sepulchri Cantu- 0 & 1 ar. Propr. The KING by lapſe 1742. Henry Lee Warner, Eſq. 181. 18s. certified Value. Endow. In decim. predial. & perſonal. & al, ſpiritual. profic. per annuin ilo 350 4d. Penſ. rec. prior. Sti Sepulchri 31. Prox. 25, St. Mary Magdalen R. (united to St. George.) Redd. Prior. Sfi Gregorii 25. 8d, to the Hoſpital of St. James 45. In un. croft, terr. voc. Maudeleyn Croft. cont. 5 acr. 10s. St. Mildred R. In un. parcel. terr, gleb. per ann. 35 17 17 II St. Mary's in the Caſtle R. S United 29 Sept, 1684. I 15 23 80 All Saints R, The KING. Sancroft. MSS. Lamb. Prox, 25, II 19 4* St. Mary Northgate V. (united to St. Alphage.) Canonici Sfi 1 311 Gregorii Propr. Orig. Endow, 10 Nov. 1348. Reg. P. MSS. Cantuar. Endow. In decim, predial, perſonal. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per annum jil. 85. 8d. 3 10 10 St. Peter's R. (united to Weſtgate.) Penf. folur. Prior. Eccl. a 7 Chriſti Cantuar, 65, 8d, Prox, 25, 8d. United to 13 02 St. Croſs Weſtgate V. Vide Charta Ric. de Langdon, dat. 26 16 0 Sept. 27 E. III. Chart, antiq. archiv. Cant. Redd, Prior. Eccl. Chriſt. 3s. Canonici Ski Gregorii Propr. Archbiſhop and Dean and Chapter of Canterbury alternately, Patrons. En- dow. pro manf. & parv. ten, & duo gardin. per ann. Il is, in decim. predial. & perfonal. & al. profic. per ann. 121. 35. 6d. Redd. ſolur. Archiep. Cantuar. is. 4d. Orig. En- dow. dat. 5 June, 1347. Somner's Antiq. 13 1 8 Sturrey V. (St. Nicholas.) Mon. Sä Auguſtini Cant. Propr, 1 0 2 Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Ordinatio Vic. dat. A. D. 1323, X. Scrip, col. 2103, & Reg. Cant. Cort. MSS. Brit. Mui. Fauſtina, A. 1. Endow. In decim. predial. & perfonal. ob- Jat. & al, ſpiritual, profic. per annum 131, 6s. 8d. Prox. aus nuat. 58 1 LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 18 oo St. Dunſtan's V. Pri. Sti Gregorii Propr. Archbiſhop of Can. 5o terbury. Endow. penſ. rec. de prior. Sti Gregorii il. 6s. 8d. pro herbag, creſcen. in Cemiter. iod, in decim. predial. ob- lar. E 2 28 KENT. DIOCESE OF C AN TÉR BU R Y. 20 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1.3. d. 1. S. d. lat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 31. 105. 4d. Orig. En. dow. dat. 6 Aug. 1322. Reg. Reynold. MSS. Lamb. 42 O o Fordwich R. (St. Mary.) Earl Cowper. In terr. gleb. 3-acr. 5 15 2 6s. Prox. 25. 6d. Milton R. (St. Nicholas.) Philip Honeywood, Eſq. 1770. 4 14 4 The Priory of St. Sepulchre in Canterbury was valued in the Parliamentary Survey, 26 Hen. VIII. at the clear annual Sum of 291. 125. 5d., which was deemed, as the Survey recites, an ample Maintenance for the Prioreſs and ſeven Nuns. The Hoſpital of St. John Northgate was likewiſe returned under the ſame Commiſſion and had a clear annual Income in Rents, &c. of gıl. 165. 8d.. The Hoſp. of St. Nich. Harbledowne was returned at 109 6 2 clear ann. Val. The Hoſp. of St. Thos. the Mart. Eaſtbridge Dº at 23 18 9 Ditto. The Hoſp. of Poor Prieſts, Canterbury Dº culars, vids 10 13 81 Ditto. Orig.Surv. The Hoſp. of St. James, Canterbury Dº Ditro. . 1.. s. d. For Partia at at 32 2 I CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. St. Margaret's R. in Canterbury, 63l. 1os. certified Value. Hof. Pauperum Sacerdo- tum Prop. Archdeacon of Canterbury Patron. Comp. Vide Cott. MSS. Brit. Muf. Claudius D. X. fol. 100. Nackington C. (St. Mary.) 621. 18s. iod. certified Value. Pri. Sfi Gregorii Prop. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Thanington C. (St. Nicholas.) 40l. certified Value. Pri. of St. Gregory Cant. Props. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Eaſtbridge Hotp. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury Patron. D. Charing. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthis. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. 18 1. d. I 16 5 4 2 Aſhford, alias Aſhtifford V. (St. Mary.) Colleg. Sti Steph. Weſtminſt. Prop. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter Patr. Endow. In manſ. cum 2 orr. & gardin. cont. 2 acr. . & 7 al. acr. penſ. coll. Sti Steph. Weſtm. in un. clauſ. cont. 5 acr. voc. Thold Vicaridge, in un. orr. voc. Courte Barn cum 41 acra KENT. 29 DIOCESE OF CANTERBU R Y. 0 3 10 O Cant. 58. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I, d. 1. S. d. acr. terr. qu. Vic. tenet per copiam cur. & al. profic. Prox. 75. 6d. 12 O O Betriſden V. al. Betherſden (St. Beatrice.) Pri. Sfi Gregorii 1 4 0 Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Endow. In manf. & 3 acr. terr. gleb. per ann. 145. in decim. & oblat. per ann. clare ill: 6s. 35 Biddenden R. (All Saints.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 13 15 o Boughton, alias Bocton Malherbe R. (St. Nicholas.) Sir Ho I 7 6 ratio Mann, 1782. In terr. gleb. 27 acr. Prox. Archidiac. 13 0 0 Charing V. (St. Peter and Si. Paul.) Exempt from thc I 6 Archdeacon. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London, Pro- prietors and Patrons. 721. certified Value. This was a Sine- cure anno Domini 1535, and then rated at 471. 55. 4d. En- dow. In manſ. cum 2 acr. paſt. 45. in omnib. al. annual. profic. 131. Redd. Archiep. Cant. 45. 25 6 of Chart-Magna R. (St. Mary.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 2 10 77 terr. gieb. 12 acr. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 7s. 6d. 13 10 10 Chart-Parva R. (St. Mary.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In I 7 1 terr. gleb. 13 acr. Prox. 55. 19 19 41 CRANBROOK V. (St. Dunſtan.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury I 19 11 Proprietor and Patron. Endow. In manſ. cum 3 rod. prat. in quatuor manſ. in decim. privat. cert, molend. & al. caſual." profic. Prox. Archid. 75. quiet. redd. 14d. Orig. Endow. dat. 6 Maii 1364. Reg. Iflip & al. End. in Reg. Wittleſe dat. 4 Jun. 1371. MSS. Lambeth. 15 18 9 Frittenden R. (St. Mary.) Ann and Elizabeth Bagnall, Spin- I 11 101 ſters, 1761. In terr. gleb, ad val. il. 6s. 8d. Prox. 55. Hawkhurſt V. (St. Laurence.) Penf. Abb. Battle 55. Dean I 5 0 and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. This was a R. anno 1535, and rated then at 361. 135. 4d. 'Tis now a Cur. certi- fied at only 271. 25. 6d. Prox. 75. 6d. Harris's Hiſtory of Kent, p. 148, gives an Account of the manner of paying Tithes here, taken from Kilburn. 17 5 0 Hothfield R. (St. Mary.) Penf. Colleg. Wye. 105. Earl of I 14 6 Thanet, 1773. In 12 acr. terr. gleb. 19 4 7 High Halden R. (St. Mary.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 1 18 57 5 acr. terr. gleb. Redd. ſol, Archiep. Cant. 6d. Prox, annual. Archidiac. Cant. 55. 7.13 4 Newynden R. (St. Peter.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 2 0 15 4 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. 5s. 5 13 4. Pevington R. (St. Mary.) Eccl. deſtructa & unita ad Pluckley. O II 4 In manf. & terr. gleb. ad val. 135. 4d. Vide Decree of Archb. Abbot concerning Tithes. MSS, Lambeth. 12 IO O Prox. 55. Pluckley 39 DIOCESE OF CAN T E R BV R Y. KENT 20 I 0 I O 2 75. 6d. 8 3 inges Books. Yearly Tenibs. d. 7. 51 Pluckley R. (St. Michael.) Penſion to St, Gregory Canterb. 26s. 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 30 acr. terr. gleb. Redd. 15. rod., & Anc. Gallin. & 20 ov. Prox. 75. 6d. Sandherſt, alias Sandhurſt R. (St. Michael.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 7 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 26 2 6 SMARDEN R. (St. Michael.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 2 & 3 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. ,5. 6. 33 12 11 TENTERDEN V. (St. Mildred.). Mon. Sfi Auguſtini Propr. 3 9 3 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Vide X. Script, col. 2100. Endow. In maní. & orr. cont. un, acr, & dimid. terr. & decim. -predial, perſonal. & al. oblat. per ann. Prox. 13 0 0 Weſtwell V. (St. Mary.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Ec. I 6 m clef. Cath. Cant.oliin Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury Propri. and Patron, 671. 145. certified Value. Augmented by Arch- biſhop Juxon 301. per annum Endow. In manſ. & dimid. acr. terr. 6s. 8d. in omnib. & annual, profic. 121. 135. ed. L 75. 6d. S. I. so d. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 1. d. 40 Berenden V. (St. George.) Prior Combwell Propr. Lady 17 12 6 Norris, 1761. Endow. In manſ. & gardili, ad val. 135. 4d. In decim. & oblat. & al. caſual. profic. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 75 6d. 42 Oo Eaftwell R. (St. Mary.) Penſ, Collegio Wye, 8s. Earl of 9 16 8 Winchelſea, 1766. In 15 acr. terr. gleb. Red. fol. maner. de Eaſt well 3s. 8d. Prox. annual. Archidiac. Cant. 5.1. 45 00 Hedcron V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archbiſhop of Canter- 15 13 4 bury. Knights Templars Propr. Augment. fact. 1267. in- ter Epiſc. Tanner, MSS. in Bibl. Bodi. Oxon. Endow. In profic. omn. decim. oblat. & al. caſual. & penf. rec. parſon. ibid. 30 Oo Kenyngton V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Ski Auguſtini Propr. Archbp. 12 00 of Canterbury. Orig. Endoiv. A. D. 1349. X. Script. col. 2104. & al. Cott. MSS. Brit. Muſ. Faultina A. I. En- dow. In pení. rec. Mon. Sii Auguſtini 2h & ab eod. mon. un. ſem. frum. & un. ſem. ord. cum, omn. al. profic. lol. 44 o o Rolvynden V. al. Rownden. (St. Mary.) Colleg. Cobham oo Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Endow. In terr. ad val. 6s. 8d. in decim. oblat. & al. caſual. gl. 145. 2d. Sol. pro fect. cur. 4 d. Redd. 6d. CHAPELS, IO I KENT 31 DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Egerton Cap. (St. James) annexed to Charing. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Augmented by the Church of St. Paul's, &c. to the amount of 181. per ann. Smallhithe Cap, to Tenterden, (St. John Bapt.) 45l. certified Value. Mo. Battle Propr. Ordinat. dat. 5 Maii 1.509. Reg. Warham. MSS. Lambetha. 9. Dover. *A Market-Town, and one of the Cinque Ports. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Bioks. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1 d. 1. d. 0 I 11. 2 Alkeham V. (St. Anthony) with the Chapel of Ferne. (St. Mary) Penſ. Abb. Sti Radegund. 13$. 4d. Abb. Sti Rade- gund. Propr. Archbp. of Canterbury. 531. gs. 6d. certified Value. Endow. In 3 acr. terr. gleb. per ann. 45. in decim.. perſonal. & oblat. 21. 1.0s in decim. predial. 71. 6s. 8c!. A Terrier taken at Archbiſhop Laud's Viſitation, dat. 6 May, 1634. Reg. Laud, fol. 207, MSS. Lambeth. 16 12 6 Cheriton R. united to Newington near Hythe, V. (St. Martin.) I 13 3 ... Penſ. Prior. Folkeſtone 205. Ralph Drake Brockman Clerk, 1770. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 75. 6d. 6 13 4. Ewell V. alias Temple Ewell. (St. Mary and St. Peter.) 0 13 4 Commandry of Swynfeld Propriet. Mr. Angel. 131. 105. 8d. certified Value. Endow. In decim. predial. 21. 10s. in de- cim. perſonal. & oblat. 21. penſ. rec. de Com. de Swynfeld 2!. Vide Leig. Lib. Sti Martin. Dover. fol. 25. MSS. Lamb.. o 2 FOLKESTONE V. (only a Siipendiary Curacy) (St. Mary and om St. Eanſwith.) Pri: Folkeitone Propr. Archbiſhop of (an- terbury. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 7cl.. per annun, beſides the old Penſion of 2ol. Endow. In cert, annual. penſ. r.ec. de prior. Folkeſtone pro omnimod, profic.. 10l. os. 2d.. 10 I 0 Dover. There were anciently ſeven Churches in this Town; but five of them, viz, St. John, St. Nicholas, St. Peter, St. Martin the Greater, and St. Martin the Leis, are deſtroyed. There remain auw only two Churches in Dover, viz. St. Mary and St. James, Newington 32 KENT. DIOCESE OF CAN TERBUR Y. s. Yearly Tenths. 1. de O 15 3 s. 7 12 King's Books. I. d. 6 Newington near Hythe, V. united to Cheriton R. (St. Nicho- las.) Colleg. Wye Propr. Ralph Drake Brockman, Clerk, 1770. 481. 175. 3d. certified Value. Endow. In terr. gleb. 12d. in decim. perſonal. & oblat. ll. 45. in decim. predial. 61. 155. Prox. 75. 6d. 1. s. d. O 32 00 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear ?"carly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 26 Bewfield V. alias Beauxfield, alias Whitfield ; (St. Mary.) 5 18 8 A Curacy * Archbiſhop of Canterbury impropriator and Patron. Endow. In decim. predial, per ann. 21. in decim. perſonal. & oblat. 1os. penf. rec. de prior. Cumbewell 31. 6s. 8d. penſ. rec. Prior. S. Radegund. 25. Orig. Endow. 24 Maii, 1441. Reg. Chich. MSS. Lambeth. 26 0 0 Buckland (St. Andrew.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Pri. o Oo Dover Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Hodie Cur. Archbiſhop Juxon gave in Augmentation 12l. per annum. Charlton R. (St. Peter.) John Monins, Eſq. 1774. Memo- Memo- ooo rand. de Decim. Rect. de Charlton. Leig. Lib. Sti Martin. Dover. MSS. Lambeth. 30 oo o Hawking R. (St. Michael.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 77 10 5 acr. paſt. 5s. 6d. 7 acr. de un. terr. 45. Prox. 25. iod. 46 0 o Hougham V. (St. Laurence.) Pri. Dover Propr. Archbiſhop 6 13 4 of Canterbury. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 251. per Endow. In decim predial. per ann. 41. in decim. perſonal. & al. ſpiritual. profic. 135. 4d. penſ. rec. de prior. Dover. 405. Orig. Endow. dat. 13 Jan. 1345. Leig. Lib. Prior. S. Martin. Dover. MSS. Lambeth. 24 0 0 . St. James's R. in Dover t. Exempt from the Archdeacon. 4 17 6 Penſ. 6s. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Compoſit. ſuper Jure percipiend. & habend. Decimas dat. 16 Maii 1509. Reg. Warham. MSS. Lambeth, "32 0 0 Lydden V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Langdon Propr. Archbp. of 6 6 0 Canterbury. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 181. per an- num. Endow. I. deeim. predial. per ann. 21. 55. 4d. in deciin. perſonal. & oblat. per ann. 55. Penſ. rec. de Abb. Langdon 31. 115. 8d. annum. * Bewfield V. alias Beauxfield. This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown Receiver ; but heing cer. tified to be of the Value of 261. the fame is now diſcharged from Firſt Fruits and Tenths. Archbiſhop Juxon augmented this Living 20l. per annum. + St. James's in Dover R.-This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown Receiver; but being certified to be of the yearly Value of 241. is now diſcharged both from the payment of Firſt Fruits and Tenths. 7 St. Mar- KENT. DIOCESE OF CAN T E R B U R Y. 34 s. 1. Clear l’early Value. King's Books. 1. d. d. 46 0 St. Margaret at Clyffe V. Exempt from the Archdeacon. 6 10 Pri. Dover Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Endow. In terr. gleb. per ann. 55. In decim. perſonal. & oblat. 135. 6d. in decim. predial. 31. 115. 4d. penſ. rec. de prior. Dover. 21. Kedd. 6d. Orig. Endow. in anno 1296, Leig. Lib. Prior. Sti Martin. Dover.. MSS. Lambeth. Augmented by Arch- biſhop Juxon 261. per. annum, 24 0 St. Peter's R* in Dover, Eccl, deſtructa. The KING. In 3 16 10 3 gardin. ad val. is. 8d. in oblat. quol. die Sabbat, ad 5d. Il. is. 8d. &c. 8 0 0 Ryver V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Abb. Sri Radegund. Propr. 7 I O Archbp. of Canterbury. Endow. In terr. gleb. per ann. 12d. In oblat. & decim. 21. 6s. 8d. in penſ. rec. de Abb. Sii Radegund. 24. 135. 4d. &c. 24 OO Weſtcliffe V. (St. Peter.) Dean and Chapter of Canterbury o Propr. and Patr. O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. St. Mary's in Dover. The Pariſhioners Patrons. A Curacy. Exempt from the Arch- deacon.- Hoſp. Dover. propr. Guſton, or Gulſton Curacy. Exempt from the Archdeacon. (St. Martin.) 141. certified Value. Pri. Dover olim Propr. *Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Augmented by Arch. biſhop Juxon iol. per annum. Swinfield C. (St. Peter.) 20l. certified Value. Præceptor. Swinfield olim Propr. Tho. mas Key, Clerk, 1783. 1. d. The Priory of Folkeſtone was returned at 41 15 10 The Priory of Dover Dº at 170 14 11 The Hoſp. of the Houſe of God Dover Dº at 159 18 6 The Monaſtery of St. Radegund Dº at 98 9 ThePreceptory,orCommandry of Swinfield Dº at 87 31 clear ann. Val. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. For Parti culars, vide Orig Surv, 2 * St. Peter's R.—This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown Receiver ; but being certified to be of the yearly Value of 241. is now diſcharged both from the Payment of Firſt Fruits and Tenths. D. Élham. 34 DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. KENT. 1 1 W. Eilan. Z. s, d, do O O 0 III 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Aang's Books. Pearly Penttis Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo s. 7 Acris R. alias Awkeridge. (St. Martin.) The KING. In 25 O 14 80 acr. terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 55. Prox. 55. 2 10 10 Bircholt R. (no Church ſtanding) (St. Margaret.) John Cale of o 5 1 Barningham, Kent, Eſq. Patron 1774. In terr, gleb. 65. 8d. Prox. 25. 6d. 6 Bradbourn V. alias Braborne, (St. Mary.) Conſolidated with I 3 3 Horton, alias Monk's Horton. Mon. Horton Propr. Arch- biſhop of Canterbury. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 161. per annum. Endow. In manf. & Hort, penſ. de un. ſem. fruin, & un. Icm. ord. benefic. de Braborne ros, in decim. predial. & perſonal. & oblat. cuin äl. ſpiritual. profic. per. ann. 11/. 35. 4. Prox. 75. 6d. 5 19 41 Denton R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) 59!. 35. odi certified Value. Ο ΙΙΙΙ Cecilia Scort, Spinſter, 1765. Univerſity College, Oxford. In quinq. acr. terr. gleb. 55. Prox. 55. ELEHAM V. (St. Mary.) Merton College, Oxford, preſents; 2 the Archbiſhop of Canterbury nominates. 591. 155. 2d. cer- tified Value. Endow. Pro manf. & omninod. al. profic. per ann. per compofit. 201. Orig. Endow. dat. A. D. 1268. Reg. G. fol. 309. MSS. Cantuar. 10 5 0 Haſtingley R. (St. Mary.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 681. 195. 10. 6. certified Value. In manſ. & terr. gleb. per ann. 205. Prox. 55. Lyminge, al. Lymege, R. (St. Mary, and St. Edburgh) (line 2 30 Cure) cum cap. Stadford, (All Saints ;) and Paddleſworth, (St. Oſwald.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. W. Price, 1776. Prox. Il. 1os. 10 18 9 Lyminge V. alias Lymege, (St. Mary and St. Edburg.) Ex II 104 empt from the Archdeacon. William Price, 1776. Endow. In manf. & un. acr. terr. 12d. In decim. predial. & perſo- nal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. per ann. iil. os. 4d. Prox. izo O 21 10 25. Sd. 6 8 1; Poflling V*. (St. Mary) Canon. St. Radegund. Propr. Arch- 0 12 bihop of Canterbury. Vide Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Im- 93 * Poſtling V.-A Leaſe made of the Impropriate Rectory by Archbiſhop Sancroft, for the Benefit of the Vicar and his Succeffors. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 306. propriations, KENT, 35: DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. 1. so 34. 0 Ang's looking Marly Tentis, do de da propriations, and Dr, Harris's Hiſtory of Kent. Endow. In manſ. & terr: gleb, 135. In paſturag. 7 catelt in parc. de Poſtling 125. In penſ. recept. de monaſt. S. Radegund. il. 6s. 8d. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiri- tual. profic. per annum 31. 185. 6d. Prox. 25. Saltwood R. olim V. (St. Peter and St. Paul) with the Chap. 3 8 0 of HYTHE, a Cinque Port, (St. Leon:rd.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbp. of Canterb. In terr. gleb. per ann. 31. Hoſpital. Sči Barthol, de Saltwood. In terr. & tenement. eid. Hoſpital. pertinen. per ann. 41. 6s. Redd. reſolut. Archiep, Cantuar. 95. & Domino Maner. de Newynton 45. 8d. 717 II Stowting R. (St. Mary.) James Cranſton, Eſq. 1771. In terr. O 15 91 gleb. & manſ, 125. Prox. 25. 6d. 8 10 27 Wotton R. alias Wooton. (St. Martin.) John Bridges, Eſq. 0.17 0. 1739, 1780. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 40. per In 15 acr. terr. gleb. per ann. 155. Prox. 55. annum. 1. S. d LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 45.00 Elmſted alias Elmſtead V. (St. James.) Penf. Prior. Sti Gre- 6 13 4 gorii Cant. 26s. 8d. Pri. Sči Gregor. Cant. Propr. Archbp. of Canterbury. Endow. In manf. &c. 55. in decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 71. 155. 40 O O Horton R. (St. Peter.) Penf. Mon. Horton 55. Redd. eidem 7.10 8 Mon: 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In manſ. & 16 acr. térr. gleb. per ann. Il. 8s. Prox. 55. The Priory of Horton, of which Richard Glouceter was Prior, was valued in the return by the Commiſſioners in the year 1535, after all deductions and outgoings, at the clear annual ſum of 95l. 25. 2d. For particulars, vide the original Sur- vey in the Firſt-Fruits Ofice. 9. Lympie, 36 KENTE DIOCESE OF CAN T E R BU RY. D. Lymme, alias Lympne. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Boods. l’early Teriths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. S. d. io 12 I I 38 6 8 Aldington R. (St. Martin.) cum Cap. Smeth. (St. Mary.) 3 16 8 Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 15 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. 35. 4d. Olim V. Orig. Endow. 3 Feb. 1295. Reg. Winch. fol. 195. MSS. Lambeth. 21 O O APPLEDORE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Cum Cap. de Ebeney, 2 2 0 in Inſula Oxney. (St. Mary) Pri. Sfi Martini Dover Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Endow. In 4 acr. inariſc. gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. In decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. 271. 10s. Stipend. ſol. Capel. de Ebeney 61. 139. 4d. Prox. 1os. Orig. Endow. MSS. Lambeth. 4 0 o Blackmanſton R. Deſtructa. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. o 8 o 81 Bonnington R*. (St. Rumwald.) Hannah Turner, widow, 1757. 31 521. 135. Ide certified Value. In 26 acr. terr. gleb. Mar. icot. 65. Prox. 55. 7d. 7 18 111 Brenſet V. alias Brenſett. (St. Eanſwith.) Redd. Prior. Chriſt. O 15 104 church 6d. Marſhland Scots 12d. Colleg. Wye Propr. Ralph Drake Brockman, Clerk, 1770. 711. 6s. od.. certi- fied Value. Endow. In manſ. & 2 acr, mariſc. 1os. in decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 71. 18s. id. Prox. 75. 6d. 8. Brookland V. alias Brokeland, (St. Auguſtine.) Mon. Ski Au- 1 15 31 guſtini Cantuar. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Endow. In terr. gleb. per ann. 105. 4d. In deciin. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual profic. per ann. 171. 105. Prox. 95. 6d. Orig. Endow. dat. 15 Aug. 1360. Reg. Iſip. MSS. Lambeth. & Brit. Muf. Fauſtina, A. I. 20 10 10 Burmerih R. (All Saints.) Marth Scots 15d. The KING. In 150 manf. & g acr. terr. gleb. per ann. 1os. Prox. gs. 70. 7 81 Dymchurch R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) The KING. In 7 0 14 31 80 acr. mariſc. gleb. Marſ. Scot. Marſ. Scot. 45. Sd. Prox. & Sinod. 105. Iod. 17 12 2 1 1 O O 2 O * Bonnington and Fawkenhurſt were united by Archbiſhop Whitgift, anno 1583. Vide Archbiſhop Whitgift's Life, by Strype. Eaſtbridge Kent. 37 DIOCESE OF CANTERBUR Y. 1 si di l. s. d. 8 7 12 o 9 le IO I O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. 5 6 8 Eaſtbridge R. (the Church demoliſhed,) or St. Thomas's Hoſpi. 0 10 tal. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 6 Eaſtinghanger, alias Oftinghanger R*. (St. Thomas Becket.) 0 15 3 Eccl. deſtructa. The KING. In 9 acr. paſt. Redd. fol. maner. Oftinghanger 23 6d. Prox. 55. 4 18 4 Fawkenhurſt, alias Fakenerhurſt R. (St. Leonard.) Marſh. Scots 35. 4d. Sir John Shelley, Knt. George Carter, 1779. Pro manſ. & terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 135. 4d. 05 Hope R. (All Saints.) Marſh. Scots 35. 4d. The KING. I O 80 In manſ. & terr. gleb. ad val. 205. Prox. 11S. 44 16 8 Ivechurch R. (St. George.) Marſh. Scot. 4s. Sd. Exeinpt 4 9 S from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 11 acr. terr. gleb. Redd. ſolut. Archiep. Cantuar. 25. 2d. Prox. Il. 12 I 0 Kerereton, alias Kennardington, alias Kenerton, R. (St. Mary.) I 4 I Marſh. Scot. 25. 4d. Whitfield Breton, Eſq. 1768. Moyle Breton, Clerk. In manf. & terr. gleb, ad. val. 11s. Pen. Arch. Cant. 3d. Prox. 75: 6d. 9 91 Kingſnoth alias Kingfnorth R. (St. Micliael.) Penf. Abb. Battle, I 2 11 405. Lord Romney, and others; 1749. In terr. gleb. ad val. il. 6s. 8 d. Eid. abb. pro ſect. 2od. Prox. 55. LYDDE V. (All Saints.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Abb. 2 Tinterne Propr. in Comitatu Monmouth. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Endow. In 22 acr. terr. gleb. & quiet. red. 61. In decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 501. Prox. 8s. Orig. Endow. dat. 10 Maii, 132 1. Reg. Reyn. MSS. Lambeth. 23 3 9 St. Mary's in Rumney Marſh, R. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 2 6 41 Prox. 16s. 26 16 104 Merſham R. alias Marſham f. (St. John Baptiſt.) Mon. Dov. 3d. 2 13 8 Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 51. 6s. 8d. Redd. Eccl. Chr. Cant. 25. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 75. 6d. 30 Midley K. alias Medley *, (the Church demoliſhed) John Un 3 win, Eſq. two Turns; Charles Eve, Eſq. one Turn. John Unwin, 1782. 8 4 2 Newchurch R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Exempt from the 0 16 5 Archdeacon. Archbp. of Canterbury. 2 acr. terr. gleb. II 55 12 I 5 II O o * Eaſtinghanger R.---This pays Tenths to the Crown Receiver, and not to the Archbiſhop. + Merfliam R. alias Marſham.-This pays Tenths to the Crown Receiver, and not to the Arch- bifhop. Midley, alias Medley R.--This is charged with 20s. per Annum for Tenths, payable to the Crown Receiver, and the remaining 405, is payable to the Archbiſhop, Newchurch 1 38 KENT, DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY, 1. S. 3 od King's Books. Yearly Tonths, d. 1. do 19 16 0 Newchurch V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) Exempt from the I 1972 Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Endow. In 45 acr. terr. gleb, per ann. gs. 4d. in decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 191. 6s. 8d. Ordina . tio dat. 3 Jan. 1297. Reg. Winch, MSS. Lambeth. o Orgarſwick R. Eccleſia deſtructa. Dean and Chapter of Can- 0 6 0 terbury. In un. acr. terr. gleb. ad val. 25. 14 13 4 Roking alias Rucking, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Redd. Pri. I 9 4 Chriſtchurch 6d. ob. Marſh. Scots 45. 2d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 18 acr. terr. arab. 12 acr. mariſ. 37. 6s. Redd. rec. 25. 3d... Prox. 55. 15 19 Old Rumney R. (St. Clement.) Redd. & Mar. Scor. Ios. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 25 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. 6 16 3 New Rumney V. (St. Nicholas,) with the Chapels of St. Mar. 0 13 7 tin and St. Laurence. Exempt from the Archdeacon. All Souls College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Ordinatio Vicar, dat, 22 Oct. 1402. Reg. Arund. MSS. Lainbeth. Endow. In 7 acr. terr. gleb. 145. in decim. predial. & perſonal. ob- lat. & ſpiritual. profic. per ann, 181. 125. 4d. Red. ſolut. Ar- chiep. Cant. 7d. duob. Capellan. 131. 6s. 8d. Marſh, Scot. 2 I II II 75. 6d. 25. IId. Prox. 75. 17 6 8 Snargate R. (St. Dunſtan.) Marſh. Scots 6s. Archbiſhop of I 14 8 Canterbury. Prox, & Sinod. il. 145. 8d. 19 7 II Snave R. (St. Auguſtine.) Marſh. Scots 55. 9d. Archbiſhop of I 18 97 Canterbury. Vide X Script. col. 2113. In 9 acr. terr. gleb. 8 14 4ź Stone V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Ski Auguſtini Propr.. Dean and O 17 57 Chapter of Canterbury. Ordinatio Vic. dat. 5 Aug. 1360. X Script. coll. 2089 & 2122, & Chart. antiq. Archiv. Cant. Endow. In 3 acr. terr. gleb. per ann. 55. in decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. per ann. 81. 135: 4d. Penf. Mon. Ski Auguſtini 9d. Prox. & Sinod. 55. 19 o Warehorn R. (St. Matthew.) Marſh. Scots 8s. The KING. I 18 0 In 20 acr. alt. terr. & 20 acr. mariſc. Redd. fol. prior. Horton 1os. Prox. 75. 6. 8 14 41 Weſtheth V. alias Weſthyth, (St. Mary.) Archdeacon of 0 17 51 Canterbury Propr. and Patr. Endow. In manſ. & dimid. acr. terr. per ann. 20d. In decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & ſpiritual. profic. per ann. gl. os. Ad. Prox. 75. 6d. 8 16 8 Welleſbrough, alias Willeſborough, V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Sti 0 17 $ Auguſtini juxta Cantuar. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Can- terbury. Endow. In 2 acr. terr. gleb. 10s. In decim. pre- dial. perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. per ann. 81. IIs. 8 d. Prox. 55. 3 Wittrifham, 100 O i KENT. 39 DIOCESE OF CAN T E R BU R Y. Yearly Tenths, l. d. I 10 10 I King's Books. I. d. 15 8 6. Wittriſham, alias Witreſham, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Redd. Prior. Chriſtchurch 18d. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 10 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. 105. 26 13 4. Woodchurch R. (All Saints.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 2 13 4 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books 34 6 Henxhill, alias Hinxhill, R. (St. Mary.) Sir John Honywood, 7 16 8 Bart. 1770. In decem acr. terr. gleb. Prox. 55. 25 o Lymme, alias Lympne, V. (St. Stephen.) Archdeacon of 9 1 Canterbury Proprietor and Patron. Endow. In decim. pre- dial. per ann. 77. IIS. 4d. In decim. perſonal. & al. fpiritual. profic. per ann. 305. 40 0 Orlafton R. (St. Mary.) Marſh. Scot. 25. Honble. William 4 15 9 Henry Bouverie, 1781. Red. fol. maner. de Orlafton 25. 3d. O O Prox. 55. O 36 0 50 O O Sellinge, alias Sellindge, V. (St. Mary) Hoſp. Dover Propr. 7 4 5 The KING. Vide X. Script. Coll. 2006. Ordinatio Vicar. A. D. 1349. Endow. In manſ. & 20 acr. terr. gleb. per ann. Il. ros. In decim, predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 51. 11s. Prox. Is. 8d. o Sevington R. (St. Mary.) Edward Norwood, Gent. 1777. 8. 14. 0, Shadockſherſte R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) The KING. In 7.13. 753 0 Io acr. terr. gleb. I acr. mariſc. 6 acr. lign. terr. Redd. ſol. 25. Prox, 55. 35 0 Prox. 55. O 38 50 O Chapels, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Bilfington C. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) olim a Priory. 301. cer- tified Value. Sir Thomas Rider, Bart. The Priory of Bilfington is valued in the original Survey, 26 Hen. VIII. at 811. 15. 4d. clear of all Deductions. For par- -ticulars, vide Orig. Survey. Fairfield C. (St. Thomas Becket.) 50l. certified value. Exempt from the Arcdeacon. Earl of Guilford Patr. and Propr. Bromhill Cur, not certified. Eccl. deftruda. It ſtood in Suſſex, D. Dipring. 40 KENT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY 3. Dſpring. 2. d. I 12 o 2 I IO LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 9 4 9 1 Boughton, alias Bocton under Bleane, V. (St. Peter and St. O 18 53 Paul.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Mon. Feverſham Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury Endow. In manſ. &. gardin. ad val. 6s. 8d. in decim. & omnib. al. annual. profic. 81. 185. Orig. Endow. dat. 20 Feb. 1567. Ch. antiq. R. 262. Archiv. Cant. 16 0 0 Eaſtling R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Pri. Leeds 205. George Finch Hatton, Eſq. 1782. In terr. gleb. 38 acr. Prox. 8s. 6. 20 0 6 ož Hartey R. alias Hartley *, in Shepey, only a Curacy. (St. Tho 077 mas Apoſtle.) John Sawbridge, Eſq. 201. certified Value, , In 80 acr. terr. gleb. Redd, il. 25. 5d. Prox. 55. o Hernehill V. (St. Michael.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Mon. Feveriham Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 581. certified Value. Declarat. ſuper port. dat. 12 Apr. 1496. MSS. Lambeth. Endow. In meſſ. & 7 acr. terr. gleb. in de- cim. & al. annual. profic. & in firm. de terr. Lamberti in dict. paroc. pro predial, decim. 8 4 Ludenham R. (St. Mary.) Penf. Abb. Feverſham 31. 6s. 8d. 4 1 The KING. Prox. 55. 8 3 114 Lynſted V +. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archdeacon of Canter- 0 16 4? bury Proprietor and Patron. 701. 125. 4d. certified Value. Endow. In mefl. & un. acr. terr. & diverſ. al. decim. & profic. 4 Norton R. (St. Mary.) Prior. Davington-6s. 8d. Penſ. Prior. I 1 10 Rocheſter 10s. Biſhop of Rocheſter. In terr. gleb. 34 acr. Pros. Archidiac. 55. 10 00 Oſpring V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) St. John's College, Cam 100 bridge, Propr. and Patr. olim Hoſpital of Ospring. Endow. In manſ. & orr. & 10 acr. terr. gleb. 1/68. 8d. in diverſ. al. decim. & profic. Pros. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. I 2 I 100 о IO 18 * Hartey R. alias Hartley.---This is charged with the Tenths as above, payable to the Crown Re- ceiver, and not to the Archbiſhop. + Lynſtead V.-A Penfion reſerved to it by Archdeacon Parker of iol. per Annum, by Leaſe dated 2d Aug. 27 Car. II. Biſop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 306. 5 Ottrinden, KENT, DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. O 41 1. S. S. 6 14 2 King's Books. Tearly Tenthi 1 d. d. Ottrinden, alias Otterden, R. (St. Laurence.) Granville Whe- 0 13 5 ler, Clerk, 1748; Edward Bridges, Eſq. 1780. 621. 175. nod. certified Value. In terr. gleb. 15 acr. Prox. annual, Archidiac. 6s. 8 12 6 Preſton V. (St. Catharine.) Mon. Feveriham Propr. Archbi- 017 3 ſhop of Canterbury. 777. 175. 11d. certified Value. Endow. In decim. granor. & in al. decim. oblat. & annual. profic. Prox. 75. 6d. 5 6 8 Stalsfield, alias Stalfield, V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Sîi Gregorii o 10 8 Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 531. 185. 3d. certified Value. Endow. In manſ. & up.acr. & dimid. terr. gleb. penf. rec. de prior. Sti Gregorii per ann. 16s. 8d. & decim. & al. annual. profic. 10 Oo Tenham V. (St. Mary.) Archdeacon of Cante:bury Propr. and Loo Patron. 631. 35. 4d. certified Valu'. Endo v. In manſ, & gardin. in decim. & al. profic. 8 Throughley, alias Throwley, V. (St. Mary) Mon. Syon in 0 15 O 15 2 Middleſex Propre Rugmere, Prebend in St. Paul's Cathe- dral, London. The Prebendary preſents. Ordinatio Vic. 10 Sept. 1367. Reg. Langham. MSS. Lambeth. Endow. In manſ. & 20 acr. terr. gleb. in decim. predial. perſonal. & al. decim. in penſ. rec. 21. 55. Prox. 75. 6d. 7 II O 2 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 46 0 Badleſmere R. (St. Leonard.) with Loveland. Lord Sondes, 5 1763, 1784. In 6 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. Archidiac. 5s. 44 5 o Buckland R. Eccleſia deſtructa. John Unwin, Eſq. 1782. In 5 6 8 2 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. 55. 15 o o Dodington V*. olim Capell. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archdeacon 6 13 4 of Canterbury Propr. and Patron. Endow. In meff. & gar- din. ad val. 35. 4d. & in al. decim. & profic. 38 18 3 FEVERSHAM V. (St.Mary.) Mon. Ski Auguſtini Propr. Dean 26 19 6 and Chapter of Canterbury. Endow. In manſ. & dimid. acro gardin. in tenemen. dimiff. ad firm. in prat. cont. 4 acr. & dim, & omnib. decim. Redd. fol. Abb. de Feverſham 25. Vide Lewis's Hiſtory of Feverſham Abbey. Endow. dat. 8 Mar. 1305. Cott. MSS. Brit. Muf. Fauſtina, A. I. 1 * Dodington V.-A Penſion reſerved to it by Archdeacon Parker of 10l. per Annum, by Leale dated Auguſt 2, 27 Carol. II. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 306. G Good- 42 DIOCESE OF CANTERBUR Y. KEN s. l. s. d. 30 0 O 2 diac. 55. Clear Yearly Valve. King's Books 1. d. Goodneſton R. (St. Bartholomew.) Michael Lade, Eſq. 5 6 1767. p. h. V. Prox. 55. 50 0 o o o Graveney V. (All Saints.) Mon. Stæ Mariæ Overy in Surr. 12 o o Impr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Vide Harris's Hiſtory of Kent, p. 227. a Compoſition for Tithe. Endow. In mani. & gardin. per ann. 1os. in lib. pafc. 205. in lan. & agn. 40s. in paſturag, 31. 6s. 8d. in oblat. 35. 4d. in gran. & fæn. 51. 6s. 8d. Prox. annual. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 30 Oo Leveland R. (St. Laurence.) with Badleſmere annexed. Lord 4 0 0 Sondes, 1763, 1784. In 2 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. Archi- Newenham, alias Newnham, V*. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Pri. 5 12 6 Leſnes olim Propr. The KING. Endow. In manſ. & un. acr. & dim. terr. arab. penf. rec. e parſon. 31. 55. 4d. in di- verf. decim. & al. profic. 7 0 o Owre, alias Oare, a Curacy.'(St. Peter.) Pri. Sti Greg. Cant. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Auginented with 2001. 1746. 37 0 0 Selling v. Selling V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Sti Auguſtini Propr. Lord 6 13 4 Sondes, 1763, 1784. Endow. In manſ. & 6 acr. gleb. in décim. oblat. & al. caſual. profic. in augment. de mon. Ski Aug. in pecun. 205. & de eod. mon. 2 quart. frumi. 2 quart. ord. i quart. pil. & 8 on. lign. Prox. 75.6d. 40 00 Shelwich, alias Sheldwick, V. (St. James.) Mon. Sti Auguſtini 6 16 8 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Endow. In meff. & gardin. & dimid. acr. terr. arab. ad val. per ann. 105. Penf. rec. Mon. Sti Auguſtini il. 6s. 8d. decim. & al. annual. profic. 51. Darington, alias Devington, C. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Abbey of Davington Propr. Mr. Sherwin. 201. certified Value, The Monaſtery of Feverílıam was valued in Manors, Parſonages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Penſions, Tithes, &c. teip. H. VIII. at the Suin of 2861. 125. 6d. clear of all Deductions. terr. Newenham V.-This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown Receiver ; but being certified to be of ihe Value of 15l. is diſcharged both from Firſt Fruits and Tenths. D. Sands KENT. 43 DIOCESE OF CAN T E R BU R Y. D. Sandwich. 2. 1. S. I so do 7 8 13 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Pearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 16 10. St. Clements V. in SANDWICH. Archdeacon of Canterbury. 771. 1os. 4d. certified Value. Endow. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 161. Penſ. ſol. Archidiac. Cant. 27. & Hoſp. Sti Bart. 35. 62 6 Coldred V. alias Colrede, conſolidated with Shepherdſwell, O 12 3 (St. Pancras.) Pri. Dover Propr. Archbihop of Canter- bury. 351. 75. 9d. certified Value. Endow. In terr. gieb. per ann. 2s. 6d. Penſ. rec. de prior. Dover. 41. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. 21. Vide Leig. Lib. Prior. Sti Martini Dover. MSS. Lamb. Aug- mented by Archbiſhop Juxon 20l. per annum. DEAL R. (St. Leonard.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. I 19 Archbp. of Canterbury *. Prox. 10s. 1 Eaſtry V. (St. Mary.) with the Chapel of Worth. (St. Peter I 19 24 and St. Paul.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. _ The Arch- biſhop of Canterbury Proprietor and Patron. Endow. Penf. rec. de prior. Eccl. Chriſt. Cant. 5l. 6s. 8d. in decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 141. 55. id. Orig. Endow. dat. Sept. 1291. Chart. Miſcel. Vol. XI. N° 75. Al. Ordinatio dat. 2 Aug. 1367. Reg. Lang- ham. MSS. Lamb. 6 Eythorn R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) with Sutton Chapel. Appr. Collegio de Maidſtone. Earl of Guilford. David Papillon, Eſq. p. h. v. 1784, 7 acr. terr. gleb. 75. Prox. ig IO O 19 12 1 15 12 I II 3 75. 6d. O O 0 12 6 57 Ham R. (St. George.) Penſ. Prior. de Ledes 205. The O1O O TO 7 5 월 ​60 KING. In terr. gleb. ad valor. 16s. Prox. 75. 6+ 6 5 21 Knoulton R. (St. Clement.) Sir Narborough D'Acth, Bart. 1784. 561. 155. 11d. certified Value. In manſ. & terr. gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. Prox. 75. 6d. . 18 5 • Mongham Magna R. alias Mongeham. (St. Martin.) Arch- biſhop of Canterbury. Prox. 55. I 16 6 * At Deal is a Chapel of Eaſe; it is dedicated to St. Gregory. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Patron. G2 North- 44 KeyT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBU R Y. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. b. d. 1. d. I 2 II I 2 8 Northbourn, alias Northborne, V. (St. Auguſtine.) cum Shal 5 don Cap. (St. Nicholas.) Mon. Ski Auguſtini Cant. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Vide Chart. antiq. Archiv. Can- Endow. In decim. & perſonal. oblat. & al. fpiritual. protic. per ann. 136. 6s. 8d. Prox. & Synod. 155. 6 Ringwoulde, alias Ringjole, R. (St. Nicholas.) George Gipps, George Gipps, 17 3 Eſq. p. i. 1777, 1784. 9 acr. terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. Prox. tuar. 13 12 75. 6. Prox. 55. 5 19 41 Ripple R. alias Ripley, (St. Mary.). Charles Fyſhe Palmer, Oil 111 Eſq. and others, 1769. 451. 35. odo certified Value. Vide X Script. Col. 1942. 8 acr. terr. gleb. cum gardin. 2.5. 4d. 6 00 Shepherdtwell V, alias Sibbertſwould, olim R, (St. Andrew.) o 12 a cum Colrede. (St. Pancras.) Redd. Prior. de Dover. 150. Abb. S. Radegund. 4d. Canon. S. Radegund. Propr. Arch- biſhop of Canterbury. 431. 195. 8d. certified Value. Sen- tentia ſuper Decimis Jul. 1298. Lib. prior. Ski Martin. Do- ver. MSS. Lambeth. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 20l. per ann. Endow. In mant. gardin. & 5 acr. terr. gleb. penſ. rec. de Abb. Ski Radegund. 21. 6s. 8d. in predial. deciin. oblat. & al. fpiritual. profic. per ann. zl. 6s. 3 6 & Stonar R. (St. Auguſtine.) Eccl. deſtructa. Henry Criſp, o 6 8 Eſq. 1663. Mr. Rooke Patron, 1719. The KING by Lapſe, 1752 ; Lord Dudley. In decim. predial. & al. ſpiri- tual. profic. per ann. 5 marc. 7 Woodneſborough, alias Wyneſborough, alias Wodneſbourn, V. o One (St. Mary.) Prior. de Ledes Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rochefter. 561. 125. 5d. certified Value. Endow. In manf. & 5 acr. terr. gleb. 1os. in decim. predial. perſonal, oblar. & al. profic. fpiritual. per ann. 10). Prox. 75. 6d. IO O 1 LivingS DISCHARGED. O Prox. 55. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books 30 o Berfreyſton, alias Barfreyſton, R. (St. Mary.) St. John's Col. 7.14 lege, Oxford. 10 acr. terr. gleb. 1os. 40 o Bettilhanger, alias Betſhanger, R. (St. Mary.) William Mor- 6 4 4 rice, Eſq. 1776. p. i. 7 acr. terr. arab. 46 o o Eſlangton, alias Eaſtlangdon, R. (St. Auguſtine.) Earl of 700 Guilford. Vide Concordia i Apr. 1396. Reg. R. fol. 31. MSS. Cantuar. 3 acr. terr. gleb. 35. penſ. fol. Vic. North- bourn s. Prox. 55, I St. Kenr. 45 DIOCESE OF C'ANTERBURY. 1. s. de I O. O O Oo O 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d, 40 o o St. Mary's V. in SANDWICH. Archdeacon of Canterbury Pro. 3 prietor and Patron. Endow. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual. profic. per ann. 8i. Is. 35 00 Little Mongham R. Deſtructa. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 5 15 O 72 acr. terr. gleb. 75. 6d. Prox. 55. 28 St. Peter's R. in SANDWICH. The KING and ilie Mayor and 8 50 Corporation of Sandwich by Turns. 45 Tilmanſton V. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Sri Johan. Jerúſalem Propr. 7.12 6. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Vide Liber niger penes Archidiac. Cant. MSS. Wharton. (MSS. Lambeth.) Endow. Io decim.. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpiritual..profic. per ann. 81.- Prox. 75. 6d. Walderſhare V. (All Saints.) To the Vicar of Colrede 6s. Pri. 5: 8 Langdon Propr, Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 20l. per annnm. Endow. In manſ, &: 2 acr. terr. gleb. in decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. ſpi- ritual. profic. per ann. 61. Prox. 6s. The Abbey of Langdon was returned at 561. 6s. gd. clear annual Value. Vide Particulars in the original Survey, 25 Os NoT IN CHARGE. Eaſt Sutton, alias Sutton by Dover, Cur.. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Mon. Leeds Propr. Archbp. of Canterbury. Aug- mented by Archbiſhop Juxon 241. per ann. 16 O o Weſtlangton R. (St. Mary.) A Curacy. Appropr. Pri. Lang. 0:0 don. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Walmer C. (St. Mary.) 321. certified Value. Mon. Langdon. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Augmented by Arch- biſhop Juxon 201. per annum. D. Sitting- 46 KENT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. 9. Sittingbourn. d. d. 1. S. 8 10 O 0 o 10 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. Borden V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prior. Leeds Propr. Jo- Jo- 0 17 ſeph Muſgrave, Eſq. 1768. 671. 145. certified Value. En- dow. In manſ. & 3 acr. terr. gleb. ad val. 6s. 8d. In penf. rec. de prior. Leeds 40s. In predial. perſonal. & al. profic. In capel. & 12 acr. terr. gleb. in ead. paroc. voc. Cheſilheld ad val. per ann. il. 135. 4d. 5 0 o Elmely R. in the Iſle of Shepey. Eccleſia deſtructa. All Souls College, Oxford. 13 6 8 Eaſtchurch R. and V. in the Iſle of Shepey *. (All Saints.) I 6 8 Thomas Kinaſton, Gent. for this turn, 1755. 9 10 10 Hartlip V. (St. Michael.) Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter 0 19 I Propr. and Patr. 621. 18s. 8d. certified Value. Endow. In manſ. & 2 acr. terr. 45. In penf. rec. 31. 6s. 8d. In al. de- cim. & profic. per ann. 61. os. 2d. 13 6 Milton V. (Holy Trinity.) Mon. Ski Auguſtini Cantuar. 1 6 3 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Chart. dat. 27 Maii 1247. & port. dat. 6 Mar. 1286. Chart. antiq. Archiv. Cantuar. Endow. In meſſ. & gardin. & un. acr. terr. penſ. rec. mon. Sti Auguſtini in pecun. 4... in un. ſem, frum, & 3 ſem. ord. & diverſ . decim. Redd. fol. Dom. Reg. 5d. IO 14 2 Merſton, alias Morſton, alias Murſton, R. (All Saints.) Eger- II ton Leigh, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1774. In 20 acr. terr. gleb. Redd. ſol. iod. Prox. Archidiac. 55. 14 0 0 Newington V. (St. Mary.) Eaton College, Proprietor and Pa 1 8 0 tron. 721. 1os. certified Value. Endow. In tot. clar. an- nual. valor. eid. Vicar. pertin, 141. 14 4 7 Raynham V. (St. Margaret.) Prior: Leeds Propr. Archbiſhop 1 8 57 of Canterbury. Endow. In maní. & un. acr. & dimid. teri. per ann. 6s. 8d. in decim. & al. annual. profic. 131. 185. 2 15 This vica. * Eiſtchur:h V.--Endowed with all the Tithes. Harris's Hiſtory of Kent, p. 108. raze j a s Tenths to the Crown Receiver, and not to the Archbiſhop. SITTING- KENT. 47 DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. King's Books. 1. s. IO O O I Yearly Tenihs. d. 1. d. SITTINGBOURN V. (St. Michael.) Pri. Clerkenwell, London, Propr. Archbihop of Canterbury, Endow. Tot. annual. profic. in omnibus rebus 101. 9 II 0 Stockbury, alias Stokebury, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pri. O 19 Leeds Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Endow. In manf. & 9 acr. terr. gleb. penf. rec. prior. Leeds 2l. 25. & de- cim. & omnib. al. profic. 8 6 8 Tonge V.(St. Giles.) Abb. Langdon Propr. Charles Booth, Charles Booth, 0 16 8 Eſq. 1783. 551. 35. certified Value. Augmented by Arch- biſhop Juxon iol. per annum. In manſ. gardin. & un. aer. terr. penſ. rec. de parſon. Il. 6s. 8d. & in diverſ. al. decim. & profic. 14 8 4 Tunſtall R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. I 8 10 o Upchurch V. (St. Mary.) All Souls College, Oxford, Propriet. I and Patr. Augmentat. dat. 3 Feb. 1369. Reg. Wittleſ. MSS. Lamberh. Endow. In manſ. & du. acr. & dimid. terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. In decim. oblat. & al. annual. profic. 10l. 135. 4d. Prox. 55. II 2 0 S. lo o 32 :} 5 TO 0 40 O 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. da 27 0 0 o Babchild, alias Bacchild, V. (St. Laurence.) Dean and Chap- 8 ter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. Endow. In mapſ. 2 gardin. & un. acr. terr. gleb. annual. penf. rec. de parſon. 51. 6s 8d. decim. & diverſ. profic. Orig. Endow. Jan. 1229. R. INip. MSS. Lambeth. Bicknor R. The KNG. 36 0 Bredgar. V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Ho. Sti Johan. extra Muros. 9. Cantuar. Propr. Sir Edw. Dering, Bart. 1781. Endow. In mefl . gardin. & orr. ad val. 6s. 8d. In penf. rec. de Eccl. Chriſti 35. 6d. & in diverſ, al. decim. 40 oo Halſtow V. (St. Margaret.) Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 8 2 O Propriet. and Patr. Vide Charta Bonefac. Archiep. Cant. Chart, antiq. G. Archiv. Cant. - Endow. In manf. & gar- din. ad valor. per ann. 25. In decim. oblat. & omn. al. an- nual. profic. 81. 45 Oo King down R. (St. Catherine.) Redd. Cur. Bapchild 5s.. 4d. 5 9. 2 Regi. 10d. Elizabeth Uinfrey, widow, 1754. In 16 acr. terr. gleb. Redd. fol. Archiep. Cant. 2s.. 4d. Prox. Ar- chidiac. Cant. 25. Oo Leyſdon, alias Leeſdowne, V. in the Ile of Shepey. (St. Cle- 10 10 ment.) Mon. S. Radegund. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canter- 7 bury. 48 98 KENT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBUR Y. 1. S. d. 0 0 Kings Booking Yearly Tentos, . d. bury. Reg. Cant. in ann. 1223, 1285, & 1327, Endow. In manſ. & terr. gleb. 7 acr. in decim. predial. perſonal. & al. profic. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. 47 Milkfied, alias Milited, R. (St. Mary and St. Croſs.) Richard 8 15 Tylden, Clerk, 1767. In 2 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. annual. Archidiac. Cant. 55. Oo Rodmertham V. alias Redmarſham. (St. Nicholas.) Præceptor 8 6 8 de Weſt-Peckham Propr. James Stephen Luſhington, Clerk, .1776. Endow. In manf. & gardin. 6s. 8d. In 6 acr. terr. gleb. 135. 4d. Penf. rec. prior. Sti Johan. 31. In decim. perſonal. & predial. & omn. al. 24 O o Warden R. (St. John,) in the Ine of Shepey *, John Briſtow, 4 17 87 and others, 1783. Prox. 55. 40 o Witchling R. (St. Margaret.) Richard Springall, Eſq. 1767. 4 18 In terr. gleb. 6 acr. Prox, annual. Archidiac. Cant. 55. 30 0 NOT IN CHARGE. 1 Libera Capella de Radfield in paroc. de Babchild. In firm. unius meſſuagii un. orr. & 19 acr. terr. eid. capell. pertin. clare per annum 21.-25. Miniſter Donative in the Iſle of Shepey. (St. Mary and St. Sex- burg.) Pri. Sexburgh olim Propr. William Gore, of Box- ley, Eſq. Patron. Vide Lewis's Hiſt. of the Iſle of Thanet. The monaſtery of Leeds, by the certificate of Arthur, prior thereof, bearing date in May, the 27th year of the reign of King Henry VIII. was valued at the clear annual ſum of 3621. 75. 7d. For particulars vide The original Certificate in the Firſt-Fruits Office. 1. d. The monaſtery of Combewell was returned to be worth, in ſpiritualities and temporali. ties, the clear annual ſum of The monaſtery of St. Sexburgh was likewiſe returned at 80 17 51 Vide Orig. Surv; 129 12 10 j * Warden R.--This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown Receiver ; but being certified to be of the Value of 241, is diſcharged both from of Firſt Fruits and Tenths. CHAPELS, ΚΕΝΤ. . DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. 49 -- monited, alias Frinſted, R. (St. Dunſtan.) Henry Bing, 1779. . CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Bobbing V. (St. Bartholomew.) Pri. Sexburgh olim Propr. William Tyndal, Clerk, 1757. 301. 16s. certified Value. Iwade C. (All Saints.) Archdeacon of Canterbury Propr. and Patron. 81. certified Value. QUEENBOROUGH C. in the Iſle of Shepey. (Holy Trinity.) Prior. Sexburgh olim Propr. Corporation of Queenborough Patrons. 201. 25. 6d. certified Value. Antiently a Chapel or Minſter. D. Sutton. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Teniss. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 7 13 4 Boughton Monchelſey V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Leeds Propr. Dean o 15 4 and Chapter of Rocheſter. Endow. In annual. penſ. rec. de prior. Leeds in 2 quart. frum. 2 quart. ord. 3. quart. filig. & in pecun. 135: 4d. in omnib. al. decim. & oblat. 346s8d. & in terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 12 19 2 Boxley V. (All Saints.) Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, Pro. I 5 II priet. and Patr. Endow. In annual . penf. rec. de mon. Roffen. ad val. per ann. 81. In omnib. a!. decim. & obłat. per ann. 51. 6s. 8d. Prox. 75. 6d. Orig. Endow. dat. Feb. 1377. Reg. Sudbury. MSS. Lambeth. 8 12 81 Chart near Sutton, V. (St. Michael.) Red. 7d. ob. Pri. Leeds 0 17 3 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. 471. IIs. 9d. certified Value. Endow. In manſ. & 5 acr. paſtur, per ano. 135. 4d. penf. rec. de.prior Leeds 21. oblat. & al. profic. 61. Dotatio Vic. de Chart juxta Leeds per Walt. Archiep. Cant. 4 Mar. 1320, & fententia de modo decimand. 1 Jul. 1400. Chart, antiq. Archiv. Cant. O !9 2 711. 75. 4d. certified Value. In 4 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. 55. GOUDHERST, alias Goudhurſt, V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Leeds 2 13 II Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Endow. In mans, & gardin. & un acr. terr. 135. 4d. In decim. predial. & al. H profic. 2. So d. l I I 9 II 26 19 2 50 KENT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. II IO O O 14 8 King's Books, Yearly Tenths, l's, d. I, s. d. profic. per ann. 261. 135. 4d. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 75. 6d. Orig. Endowř. dat. Apr. 1341, & exemplific. 9 Feb. 1391. Chart. Antiq. A. 187. Archiv. Cant. Harrietíham R. (St. John Baptift.) All Souls College, Oxford. I 30 In 36 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 75. 6d. 28 15 5 Hollingbourn R. (All Saints.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. 2 17 6 Archbiſhop of Canterbury. In 19 acr. terr. gleb. 7 6 8 Hollingbourn V. (All Saints,) with the Chapel of Hucking, (St. Margarer.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 7oh 165. 8d. certiñed Value. Comp, fact. 1441. Reg. Chicheley. MSS. Lambeth. Endow. In decim. oblat. & al. caſual. profic. 71. 6s. 8d. 6 19 21 Langley R. (St. Mary.) Eliz. Bouverie, 1780. In terr. gleb. 0 13 114 18 acr. ad val. Il. 45. 8d. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 55. 13 15 2 LENHAM V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Sti Auguſtini Cantuar. Propr. I 7.6 Thomas Belt, Eſq. 1981. Ordinatio Vic. A. D. 1349. X Script. Coll. 2098. Endow. In 6 acr. terr. gleb. In decim. agn. & lan. & omnib. al. profic. Prox. Archid. Cant. 75. 6d. 7 13 4 Lynton V. (St. Nicholas.) Coll. Maidſtone Propr. Sir Hora- 0 15 4 tio Mann, Knt. 1782. 61l. 75. 8d. certified Value. Comp. dat. 12 Jun. 1562. Reg: Parket. MSS. Lambeth. Voc. donat. perpetual. Endow. In manf. cum. gardin. cont. dimid. acr. terr. 35. 4d. In penſ. rec. Coll. de Maidſton zl. 135. 4d. 7 18 4 Marden V. (St. Michael.) Pri. Shene in Surr. Impr. Arch- 0 15 10 biſhop of Canterbury: Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 2cl. per annum. Endow. In meff. & dimid. acr. terr. ad val. per ann. 55. In decim. & oblat. (omn. oner. deduct.) 78. 135. 4d. 9 17 31 Otham R. (St. Nicholas.) Obit. 25. William Henley, Eſq. O 19. 8. 1769. In 20 acr, terr. gleb. 305. Prox. 550 26 5 10 Stapleherſt R. (All Saints.) St. John's College, Cambridge. 2 12 In manſ. & gardin. & un. acr. terr. gleb. 135. 4d. Prox. 7 75, 6d. 7 9 7 Sutton Valence V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Eaſt-Sutton, (St. O 14 1.13 Peter.) Pri. Leeds Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Endow. In meff. & 6 acr. terr. gleb. per ann. 125. Penſ. reć. de prior. Leeds 21. 135. 4d. In decim. oblat. & al. ca- ſual. profic. 41. 6s. 8d. Redd. fol. prior. Leeds 25. & al. redd. 6d. 8 o 10 Thornham V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Combwell Propr. Henry 0 16. 3 Hodſon, Clerk, 1768. The Archbiſhop by lapſe, 1782, Vide MSS. Lambeth. Endow. In 20 acr. terr. gleb. ad val. per annum 20s. In decim oblat. & al. profic. 61. 135. 4d. Prox. Archidiac, 25. 60. Ulcomb KENT. 5! D'IOCESE OF CANTERBURY . Yearly Tirths, 1, d. I 12 7 King's Books, 1: d. 16 5 10 Ulcomb R. (All Saints.) Gilbert Clark, Eſq. 1740. Deviſees of Godfrey Bagnall Clarke, 1778. In terr. gleb. 50 acr. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 75. 6d. 0 o Wormſhill R. (St. Giles.) Governors of Chriſt's Hoſpital in London. 691. 45. certified Value. In 18 acr. terr. gleb. Prox. Archidiac. Cant. 6s. 8d. Penf. Dom. Maner. de Wormſhill id. I I 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 1. d O © Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 30 O o Berſted, alias Barfted; alias Bearſtead, V. (Holy Croſs.) Pri. 6 7 4 Leeds Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Endow. In meff. & gardin. ad val. 35. 4d. In penſ. rec. de prior. de Leeds 2l. In decim. perſonal. & omnib. al. profic. 41. 45. 30 o Debtling V. (St. Martin.) olim Chap. to Maidſtone. Exempt o from the Archdeacon. Coll. Maidſtone Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 77. 6s. 8d. per annum, beſides the old penſion of al. 13. 4d. The monaſtery of the bleſſed Mary the Virgin, of Boxley, was valued, by the Certificate dated in the month of May, 27 H. VIII. in the Firſt-Fruits Office, at 2041. 45. Iid, and 25 quarters of barley clear ann. val. NOT IN CHARGE. MAIDSTONE Curacy *. (All Saints.) Olim a College, cum Cap. Stæ. Fidis in Maidſtone Deſecrata. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Vide Biſhop Ken- net's Caſe of Impropriations. Augmented by Archbilhop Juxon 30l. beyond the former penſion of 201. Word, alias Worth, Cur. (St. Peter.) Chap. to Eſtry in Dec. Sandwich. Looſe, (All Saints,) olim a Chapel to Maidſtone. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. * To the Curate of Maidſtone, Dr. Juxon, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, gave all the ſmall Tithes of Week and Stone ; Archbiſhop Sheldon added one Moiety of the ſmall Tythes within the Town of Slaid, ſtone; and Archbiſhop Teniſon the other Moiety. Beſides this, the Archbiſhop pays 20l. a Year to the Curate, and his Leſſee 301. a Year, Leeds : H2 1 52 Kent, D I o C E S E F C A N T E R BU RY. - Leeds C. (St. Nicholas,) cum Bromfield (St. Margaret.) (for- merly a Priory) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 441. 145. 4d. certified Value. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon zcl. be- ſides the old penſion of i21. 65. 8d. Bradherſt C. (St. Peter.) A Chapel to Hollingborne. Rec. Hollingbourn Patr. John Cauntley, 1783. 371. 175. 6d. certified Value. Exempt from the Archdeacon of Canter- bury. The College of Maidſtone was returned at 1591. 75. iod, clear ann. Val. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. D. Wileftbere. 2 2. d. 20 16 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, l'early Tentbšo Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. S. 29 19 91 Chiflet V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Sği Auguſtini Cantuar. Propr. 2 19. 113 Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 671. 195. odo certified Value. Endow. In terr. gleb. 45. 8d. In decim. predial. &: perſonal. oblat. & al. profic. per ann. 291. 155. 10d. Sinod. & prox. 10d. Orig. Endow. dat. apud Lambeth, 1345. 3 Herne V. (St. Martin.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Arch 2 1 7 biſhop of Canterbury Proprietor and Patron. Endow. In terr. gleb, 25. In decim. predial. & perſonal, oblat. & al. profic. 291. 45. 9d. Penf. Vic. de Reculver 40s. in allocan preſbit. adj. Vicar. de Herne per Compof. 61. 135. 4d. Prox. & Sinod. 8s. 1d. Orig. Endow. dat. 3 Apr. 1296. Reg. Winch. fol. 185. 7oo St. Lawrence V. at Ramſgate in the Iſle of Thanet. Mon. Spi O 14 Auguſtini Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Vide Lewis's. Hiſt, of the Iſle of Thanet. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 40l. per annum. Endow. In omnimodis profic. 7?. 33 3 4 Miniſter, alias Minſter, V. in Inſul. Thanet. (St. Mary) Mon. 3 6 4 Ski Auguſtini. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Endow. In terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 135. 4d. In decim• predial. pere. fonal. oblat. & al. profic. per ann. 3.11. Prox. Ios. 13 8 4 Munéton, alias Monketon, V. in the Iſle of Thanet. (St. Mary.) I I 610 cum. Cap. Birchington. (All Saints ;) and Wode, (St. Ma- ry Magdalen.) deſtr. Exempt from the Archdeacon.. Arch- bilhop of Canterbury. Endow. Penſ. annual, recept. de prior.. 2 KENT. 53 DIOCESE OF CAN T E R BU R Y. King's Books. h som do. 90.0 Yearly Tenths, 1. So. d. prior. de Eccl. Chr. Cant. 121. 150. 8d. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. profic. ml. Pro preſbit. ad Capell. de Birchington & Wode ill. 135. 4d. Orig. Endow. dat. 2. Aug. 1367. Reg. Langham. MSS. Lambeth. Vide. Lewis's Hiſtory of the Ille. of . Thanet. Mon. Sti Auguſtini Propr. 15 19.7 St. Nicholas at Wode V. in the Ife of Thanet. Exempt from I II II the Archdeacon. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 661. 6s. 3d. certified Value. Mon. Sii Auguſtini Propr. Vide Lewis's Hiſtory of the Iſle of Thanet. Augmented by Archbiſhop · Juxon zol. per annum. Endow. In terr. gleb. 10s.. 6d. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat.. & al. profic. 191. 25. Penſ. Vicar. de Reculver 31. 35.4d. Archiep. Cant. 15..6dos Prox. 8s..4d. St. Peter's in Thanet, V. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Mon. O 18 0 Sti Auguſtini Propr.. Vide Lewis's. Hiſtory of the Ine of Thanet. Coll. 46. p. 192. Endow. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. profic. per. annum gl. Prox. & Sy- nod. 25. 4d. 9.12 3.1. Reculver, vulgo Reculvey, V. (St. Mary.) with Hóthe Cha. O 19. 2 pel. (Holy Croſs.) Exempt from the Archdeacon. Arch- biſhop of Canterbury. Archiep. Cantuar. Propr. 661. 25. 3de certified Value. Penf. ab. Archiep. Cantuar. 405. Penſ. a Vicar. de S. Nich. de Wode 31. 35. 4d. Penſ. a Vi- car. de Herne 40s. In decim. predial. & perſonal. oblat. & al. profič. 81. 16s. 8di & du. acr. terr..gleb. 35. 4d. Prox. 85. 4d. 9. 4. Sawckcliffe, alias Swalciffe, R. (St. John Baptift.) Earl Cow I 2: 116 per, 1760. 50l. 4s. 6de certified Value. "Endow. In quin- que acr. terr. gleb. 145. In dècim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. prafic. iol. 185. 4d. Redd. exeun. Guil. Roper, Armig. 6d. Prox. 25. 6d. Orig. Endow. dat: 3 Apr. 1296. Reg. Winchel. MSS. Lambeth. Augmented by Archbiſhop Juxon 20l. per annum., 7 0 0. Weſtbere R. (All Saints.) The KING, 561. 15. certified Va O 140 700 lue. In duo acr. prat. gleb. 45. In duo acr. mariſc. inun- dat. in decim. predial. perſonal. oblat. & al. profic. 61. 19.4. Prox. & Synod. 55 T II O LIVINGS 54 • KENT. DIOCESE OF CAN T E R BUR Y. 1. s. d. 49 12 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Icarly Value. King's Booksar l. d. 6 St. John Baptiſt V. in the Iſle of Thanet, alias Margate. 8 Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Mon. Sti Auguſtini Propr. En- dow. In terr. gleb. per ann. 145. 10d. In decim. perſonal. oblat. & al. profic. 77. 55. 2d. Vide Lewis's Hiſtory of the lfie of Thanet. 25 19 8 Sea-Salter V. (St. Alphage.) Dean and Chapter of Canter- ir 0 bury Proprietor and Patron. Vide Chart. antiq. Archiv. Cantuar. Endow. In decim. predial. & perſonal. & oblat. cum al. profic. per ann. ill. Prox. 75. 6d. Chapels, DONATIVES, AND Curacies. All Saints Cur. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Not cer- tịfied. The Church is demoliſhed. Whitftaple C. (All Saints.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury Im- propriator and Patron. 221. 1os. certified Value. Aug- mented by Archbiſhop Juxon 10l. per annum. Jur. Cantuar. in D. Middleſer. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. 33 4 2 Yearly Tenths. Harrow V*. (St. Mary.) pro Archiep. 65. 8d. Sir John Ruſh 3 6 5 out, Bart, and John Kennion, Efq. 1776. John Kennion, Eſq. 1779 o Hayes R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archiep. 6s. 8d. Ralph Haw. 4 trey and Chriſtopher Cratford, 1689. George Cooke, Eſq. 1739. Edward Jennings, Eſq. 1759. O 40 0 * Harrow.—Here was formerly a Rectory (Sine Cure), valued in the King's Books at 881. 45. 2d. Richard Cocks, D. D. the laſt Rector, 1544. It is now a Lay-Fee, the Tenths of the Vicarage given to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury (with others as ſuppoſed) in Exchange, 3 Eliz. Newcourt, vol. I. Pa 636. 4 Hayes KENT, DIOCESE OF CANTERBUR Y. 55. 20 2 O o O Hayes V. (St. Mary.) cuin Cap Norwood. Ralph Hawtrey and Chriſtopher Clithero, Erars. 1712. James Clithero, Thomas Jenyns, and John Jenyns, 1723. George Cooke, Eſq. 1739. Edward Jennings, Eſq. 1751. 4 13 4 Throckington free Chapel. Deſtructa. The three firſt of theſe pay Tenths to the Archbiſhop of Can- terbury; the other is in the Charge of the Crown Receiver. o 9 4 Dr. Sheldon, while Bilhop of London, gave for the Augmen. tation of Vicarages belonging to his See, the Sum of 1401. a Year, for which he abated in Fines to the Value of 16801. when advanced to the See of Canterbury. 206650 Dioceſe [ 56 ) Dioceſe of Bath and Wells. The Cathedral Church. (ST. ANDREW's.) l. B seraga Power, Will King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. d. :533 I 3 ISHOPRICK founded Anno 905. Adelmus was the 53 6 1 firſt Biſhop of Wells in 905. John de Villula tranſlated the See from Wells to Bath in 1088. The Monaſtery of Bath being diſſolved, an Act paſſed 35 Henry VIII. for making the Dean and Chapter of Wells to be one ſole Chap- ter for the Biſhop. The Commiſſioners, who were employed in the taking of this Valor or Survey, were John Clerke (the Biſhop), Sir Wil- liam Stourton, Knt. Hugh Powlett, William Portman, and Roger Kynſey. 116 7 6 Deanry, erected Anno 1135. Le Neve's Faſti, p. 35. Ivo was 11 12 > the firſt Dean conſtituted by the Founder, Robert about the year 1135 The Deanry, by a Survey taken the 8th day of O&ober, in the 16th Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, was rated as follows, viz. The Manor of Wynſham and the Rectory, clear yearly value, 46 0 23 The Manor of Comb St. Nicholas or St. Col. lyns Comb, with the Re&tory, 61 4 2 The Rectory of Chard with Tenements cur- tomary, and chief Rents, 4 The Rectories of Wellyngton and Buckland, with Lands belonging to the ſaid Recto- ries (belonging to the provoftſhip), The Poffeffions, Lands, and Tenements be- longing to the Office of Subchanter of the Church of Wells, 8 17 The Prebendary of Curry, The Rectory of Wedmore, 70 267 14 The 30 12 50 0 21 O I O O 1 SOMERSET. 57 DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. King's Books. 1. s, d. O 7 l'early Tenths. 1. d. Brought over 267 14 The Deanry, by reaſon of the Manors, Rectories, and Tene- ments and Hereditaments, to the late Provoſtſhip in the Church of Wells belonging, and now by Virtue of an Act of Parliament, paſſed at Weſtminſter the 4th day of Novem- ber, in the firſt Year of Edward the VIth. is charged with the Payments following, viz. To fifteen Prebendaries called Combes, to each 5l. 6s. 8d. 80 To the Chapter, an Annual Penſion, To fifteen Vicars choral, each il. 6s. Sd. To the chief Steward of the Rectories, Lands, &c. 4 To the under Steward and Auditor, To the Receiver, 4 To the Prebends of Wedmore, 2d, 3d, 4th, and sth, each 4! And to their Vicars choral for their Stalls, each il. 4 0 To the Vicars choral of the Dean's Stall every fourth year 21. 135. 4d. O 13 4 20 20 o o ooo O O O O 2 13 2 16 0 0 wi 151 6 6 Clear yearly Value 116 7 7 6 Richard Walman, Dean, in 1535. 6ool. per annum. The KING. The profits of the Dean and Chapter in Manors, Lands, Tene- ments, Tithes, Oblations, &c. were valued, temp. H. VIII. after all Deductions, at 7291. 35. 4d. Vide Orig. Survey. All the following Dignities are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Bath and WELLS. 2 II 25 15 0 Archdeaconry of Bath has a Houſe and Land, beſides Procura 2 i 6. tions, Gilbert, the firſt Archdeacon, Anno 1106. Robert Sherton, Archd. 1535. Olim vero fuit Propr. de Stanton Drew in Dec. Bedm. Vide Vicar. in eo Decanatu in Libr. H. VIII. 144 2 II Archdeacoory of Wells has the Preb. of Hewiſhc and Brent, and 14 S 31 the Rectory of Barrow. Walkerius, the firſt that occurs I Arch- 38 SOMERSET DIOCESE OF BATH AND WILL S. 1. Se d. 7. S. 2 2 King's Boats. Fearly Tenths de Archdeacon. Anno 1106, Le Neve, p. 43. Polydore Ver- gil, Archdeacon, in 1535. 40 5 o Chancellorſhip has the Rectory of Kingſbury, Erected Anno 4 o 6 1135• Le Neve, p. 41. James Fitzjames, Chanc. 1535, rec, Reet. Lambroke ann. 135. 4d 21 15 o Subdeanry of Wells has the Rectory of Wokey. Erected Anno 3 6 1135 William Bourman, Subdean. 1535. 62 31 Treafurerſhip of Wells has the Rectory of Martock. Erected 6 4 22 Anno 1135. Le Neve, p. 39. Penſ. rec. abb. Sion.. 51. 64 18 6. Prepoſiture, or Provoſtfhip, had temp. H. VIII, the Manors of 6. 9. 10 Comb, Chard, Wintham, and Wellington. The Archdeacons and Church Officers have a Corps annexed to their Dignities, which is an Impropriation of a Rectory, of which they are Patrons of the Vicarage. 24 o Compton Biſhops P. o Compton Dundon P. 4 22 15 5 Decumani St. P. and R. 5 ore 9 Dultingcot P. 24.10 14 Henftridge P. 8 38 0 77 Wivelſcombe P. 42 Yatton P. 4 40 NB. The abovementioned Dignities pay Firſt-Fruits to the Crown, but pay Tenths to the Biſhop. 2 8 o 22 O O woo O N 4 x 6 = 22 O 3 16 O 0 o The following Dignities pay Firſt-Fruits and Tenths to the Crown. 1 83 76 Archdeaconry of Taunton, with Milverton, the firſt P. an. 86 9. nexed ; has alſo the Rectory of Milverton. Robert the firſt Archdeacon, Anno 1106. Richard Sampſon, Arch- deacon 1535. 24 6 3 Precentorſhip has Pilton R. with the Chap. of Wotton annexed. 2 8 7.0 Erected Anno 1135. Le Neve, p. 37: Walter Pyers, Pre- centor, 1535 8 14 9. Succentorſhip. 0 17 5 7 9 91 Aſhill P. and R. O 14 II 3 7.6 Barton David P. and R. 9 8 14 41 Buckland and Dynham P. and R. 0 17 54 80 Fifteen Prebends of Combes, the Tenths of each per year are 8 0-6 0 O IOS. 8d. O O O Curry P. 6 6 10. Cudworth P. and R. a 2 O 12 8 Eaſtharptree SOMERSET. 39 DIOCES E OF BATH AND WELL S. s. S. 6 13 learly Tenths, 1. d. O 13 4 1 3 4 0 II 13 O O 18 0 O 2 0 1I 2 6 12 I I 2 5 I II 51 O IO 8 O 13 21 8 O 9 4 O 15 73 I 2 8 O O II King's Books, 1. d. 4 Eaſtharptree P. 4 Eaſton P. 9 Hafelbere P. 1 Holcombe P. in Com. Deyor. 4 Ilton P. and R. 15 14 9. Lytton P. 5 6 8 Milverton 2d P. Shalford P* 4 Taunton P. 4 13 4 Timberſcomb P. 7 16 3 Wanſtraw P. 6 8 Warmiſter, alias Luxfield P. in Com. Wilt. in D. Wyley. 16 Wedmore 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, P. Tenths of each 8s. 729 3 4 Wellen. Eccl. Cath. Andreæ St. 4 9 9 4 Wellia P. Whitchurch P. 4 Whitelakington P. 7 Worminſter P. The Prebendaries, beſides the reſerved Rents, have Fines upon the Renewal of Leaſes. The Dean is always elected a Reſidentiary after his Appoint- ment to the Deanry. He is the Preſident of the Chapter. Upon a Vacancy the Dean calls a Chapter, and he and the other Reſidentiaries elect a Brother out of the Dignitaries, or out of the Prebendaries, who have Houſes. The Canon Reſidentiaries, rool. per ann. each. O O I 12 72 18 0 4 8 11 I O 17 4 2010 O 2 8 13 0 O 14 0 Vicars Chorals in the Cathedral Church of WELLS. O II 310 O I O 2 17 I O 5 10 5 Vicar P. of Almiſter. 5 Vicar P. of Brent. 4 3 9 Vicar P. of Clive. 2 17 Vicar P. of Comb. 2d. Vicar P. of Comb. 3d. 2 17 Vicar P: of Comb. 4th. 2 17 I Vicar P: of Comb. 5th. 2 17 Vicar P. of Comb. 6th: Vicar P. of Comb. 7th. 2 17 1 Vicar P: of Comb. gth. Many w 0 0 to 00 00 00 00 60 00 a wowowwww 7 8 5 8-14 5 5 8 5 5 8 5 8 5 1 I O 2 17 I O * P. Shalford;—The Corps of this Prebend is in Eſſex, in D. Hedningham, I a Vicart 60 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WE L L $. Kings Books. 1. 1 O I O 5 83 5 87 5 8 ] 5 81 I I I O O O I 0 3 10 1 I O Pearly Tenths, d. l. d. 2 17 Vicar P. of Comb. ioth. 2 17 Vicar P. of Comb. IIth. 2 17 Vicar P. of Comb. I2th. 2 17 Vicar P. of Comb. 14th. 2 17 Vicar P. of Comb. 15th. 5 8] 3 10 5 Vicar P. of Compton Biſhops. 7 ož 2 17 Vicar P. of Cudworth. 8 5 Vicar P. de St. Decuman. 7 oz 2 17 Vicar P. of Dultingcote. 5 8 2 17 Vicar P. of Harptree. 5 83 3 10 5 Vicar P. of Henſtridge. 7 ož 2 17 Vicar P. of Litton. 5 81 72 10 10 Vicar Chorals New Claſs. 7 5 5 Vicar P. of Sampford. 7 of 4 3 61 Vicar P. of Sutton. 8 5 Vicar P. of Warmiſter. 7 ož 3 9 Vicar P. of Wedmore ift. 8 4] 5 Vicar P. of Wedmore 4th. 5 Vicar P. of Wormiſter. 5 5 Vicar P. of Wyvelfcomb. 7 01 2 13 61 Vicar P. of Yatton. 5 33 13 61 Vicar of St. Cuthbert in Wells. Dean and Chapter of Wells. 3 7 47 O I O I 3 10 O O 3 10 4 O 2 IO 2 10 3 10 O O The Priory of St. John the Baptiſt in Wells was valued, temp. H. VIII. at 401. os. 2doafter all Deductions. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. The College of Mounde Roy in the City of Wells at Ill. 185. 8d. excluſive of the Salaries of the Members and Fellows of the College. 1 9. Arbridge, SOMERSET. 61 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. D. Arbridge, in the Archdeaconry of Wells. The Priory of Wurſpryng was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value of 876. 25. uid. 3 I 1. So d. 1. 2 II 2 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. l'eariy Terths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 2.5 15 o Badgworth R. (St. Congar.) Synods 11s. 8d.1 Prox. 16d. 6 Redd. affiſ. tenen. il. 155. 3d. terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 165. 4d. &c. Joſeph Prowſe, Eſq. 1672. Mrs. Prowſe, 1721. John Mordaunt, 1771. 26 6 o] Banwell V. (St. Andrew.) with Puxton Chapel (St. Saviour.) 7 Abb. Brewton ilo Decim. lan, agn. oblat. cum decim..perſo- nal. Abb. Brewton Propr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 29 13 9: Blagdon: R. (St. Andrew.) Synods gs. 8d.1 Prox. Is. 6d. 2 190 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 55. &c. Thomas Baynard, Eſq. 1674. Francis Geach, 1780. 27 7 8} Bledon R. (St. Peter.) Synods 105. 8d. Pr. Is. 8d. Terr. 2 14 94 gleb. ad valor. 175. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 16 11 101 Burneham V. (St. Andrew.) Synods 8s. Prox. Is. 4d. Penſ. I 13 23 & Pr. Archidiac. 8s. Curato 6l. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4!. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells, Propr. and Patr. 2:3 16 8. Chedder V. (St. Andrew.) Decano &. Capitulo Wellen. 1l. 2 7 8 8s..8d. Decim. lan. & agni oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Dean and Chapter of Wells, Propr. and Patr.. 42 1 & Congraſbury V. (St. Andrew.) with Laurenſwick. Chapel. (St. 4 4 2 Laurence.) Capellano 6ko Synods 75.. Terr. gleb. ad va- lor. 41. 15. od. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Mayor and Corporation of Briſtol, as Governors of St. Elizabeth's Hof- pital at Briſtol, Patrons. Dean and. Chapter of Wells Proprietors. 30- 11 3 Eaſtbrent V. (St. Mary.) Synods. 1 l. 125.7d. Prox. Is. 8d. Abb. . . 3. II Glaſton 18s. rod.. Redd. rec. tenen. cuft. 61. Terr. gleb. ad valor.. Ios. 4d. Decim. Jan. agn. &c. The Biſhop. Abb. Glaſton Propr. 14. 0 0 Hutton R. (St. Mary.) Synods 10s. 5d.1 Prox. Is. Terr. IS: 0 gleb. ad valor. 21. 185.4d. &c. Anne Ferris this Turn 1710. Col. Wyndham the next.. John Wyndham this Turn 1744. Limpelham 62 SOMERSET. DIOCE SE or BATH AND W E L L S. S. bi S. de King's Books. l'early Tenthse 1. d. 38 5 21 2į Limpelham R. (St. Chriſtopher.) Synods 105. 8d.1 Prox. 25. 3 16 67 20.] Abb. Glaſton 188. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 76. 55. 6d. &c. Earl Poulet. 15 15 5 Lockſton Ro (St. Andrew.) Synods 75. 3d. Proxies 8d. III 61 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. &c. The Biliop, 1746. John Ed- dington and others, 1752. 25 17 81 Southbrent V. (St. Michael.) Synods 35. Proxies ís. 4d. 2 11 94 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 25. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Archdeacon of Wells, Propr. and Patron. 51 Were, alias Ware, V. (St. Gregory.) Synods 1os. 8d.1 Pr. 1 4 14 25. Abb: Sfi Auguſtini Briſtol. gl. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 10s. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Abb. St. Auſtin Britt. Prop. 1 2 1 : 1. s. o 29 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Cläär nearly Valte. King's Books. d. 39 Alberton R. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Dean and Chap- io 8 4 ter of Wells. 38 8 7 AXBRIDGE R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods tos. 2d. Prox. 8d. It 4 45 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 175. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 91 Barrow alias Berrow V. (St. Mary.) Synods tos. 4d. Prox. 13 11 10] 15. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. zs. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Archdeacon of Wells Propr. and Patron. 44 2 :11Breáne alias Brean R. (St. Bridget.) Synods 45. Proxies 4d. 7 o 5 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. iodo &c. Philip Freke, Merchant, 1704: John Willes, Eſq. 1770. Compton Biſhops V. (St. Andrew.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 10s. It Decim. prædial. cum oblat. & ak decim. perſonal. William Blencowe, Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patron, 1980. 23 5 4 Criſton, alias Crixton, R. Synods 45. Proxies 2d. Terri 6 8 gleb. ad valor. 125. 8d.} &ć. Francis Vaugħan, Eſq. 1661, 1666. Sir John Smith, 1721. The KING, 1733. The Heirs of Sir John Smith, Bart. 1744. 46 2 10 Kewſtoke V. (St. Paul.) Synods 25. 3di Proxies gd. The 9 12 6 KING. Pris Wurſpring Propr. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 95. 4d. Decim. lan. agn. &c. 24 0 Locking V. (St. Auguſtin.) Synods 25. 3d. Proxies 4d. 5 6 101 William Plomley, Eſq. 1671. The City of Briſtol. Pri. Wurſpring Propr. Terr. gleb, ad valor. Il. 6s. 7d. Decim. prædial. lan, agn. &c. Rowbarrow 269 Q O I 60 O SOMERSET. 63 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL s. 20 3 II. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. de lo se do 19 17 9 Rowbarrow R. (St. Michael.) Synods 2's. Proxies 4d. Terr. 7 10 gleb. ad valor. 195. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Briſtol, I 7. Shipham R. (St. Leonard.) Synods 25. 3d. Proxies. 4d. 10 Dec. & Cap. Wellen. 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 75. od. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells. 28 15 10. Stoke Gifford R. alias Rodney Stoke, (St. Leonard.) Synods 8 12 8{ 1os. 8.3.1 Proxies 9d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16s. &c. Bi- Nop of Bath and Wells. 42 10 101 Uphill R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 5s. 6d.1 Proxies 6d. 11 7 o Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 7s. &c. William Freke, Merchant, 1704. The KING, 1766. John Willes, Eſq. 1770. 31 9 2 Wedmore V. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 195. 6d. Oblat. 20 cum decim. perſonal. &c. Denar. ſolut. decan. & cap. Well. 41. 15. IdDean of Wells Proprietor and Patron. 37 8 64 Weftbury V. with Predey Chap. (St. Laurence.): Terr. gleb. II 4 95 ad valor. 1os. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. Abb. Brewton Propr. 49 9.7 Weſton upon the Sea R. (Si. John.) Synods 75. 4d. Prox. 14 17 II 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 47 6 81 Wineſcombe, alias Winſcomb, V. (St. James.) Proxies 6d. 1 16 Terr..gleb. ad valor. 35. 43. Decim. lan. agn, &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells Propr. and Patrons. 24 15 & Wokey V. (St. Matthew.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. De- 12 15 10 cim. lan, agn.. &c. Subdean of Wells Proprietor and Pa- 8 62 2 II tron. 45 6 91. Wurle, alias Worle, V. (St. Martin.) Synods 34. 4d. Prox. 12 15 бо 8d. The KING. Pri. Wurſpring Propr. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. Decim. lan, agn. &c. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Churchill. (St. John Baptiſt.) Chapel to Banwell. 161. Puxton. (St. Saviour.) Chapel to Banwell. 161. D. Bath; 64 Somerset. DIOCESE OF B A T H AND W E L L S. 9. Bath, in the Archdeaconry of Bath. * The Monaſtery of Bath was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. at the clear annual Value of 617 a 25. 3d. Vide Liber Regis for the particulars. The Hoſpital of Bath, with the Chapel of St. Michael an- nexed was returned at 22l. 165. gd.1. 1. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenthis. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. 3 6 3 Bathwicke (St. Mary.) and Wolley R. (All Saints.) Synods o 6 72 75. 60.1. Penf. Vicario 81. Abb. Warewell il. 6s. 8d. Prior. Bath 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. &c. Lady Capel, Patroneſs, 1721. Earl of Bath, 1749. 15 2 41 Kellion R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 75. gde Terr. gleb. 1 10 11 ad valor. il. os. 8d. &c. John Harrington, Eſq. 1710, Henry Harrington, Eſq. 1754. 17 18 4 Newton Saintloo R. (Holy Trinity.) Abb. Keynlham 6s. 8d. I 15 10 Abb. Bath 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. &c. Joſeph Lang- ton, Eſq. 1713, 1755. 20 17 11 Stalls V *. alias St. Paul and St. Peter in Bath. Prior. Bath 2 1 91 25. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 25. 4d. Decim. lan. & agn. Oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Mayor and Aldermen of Bath. 8 Weſton V. (All Saints.) Synods 75. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. I o 2 Ilo 55. Decim. lan. agn. &c. The KING. Pri. Bath Impr. JO I 100 Q LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Icarly Valve. King's Books 29 6 4 Batheſtone V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with St. Catherine's Chapel. 9 6 5 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 105. Decim. lan. & agn. oblat. cum de- cim. perſonal. Pri. Bath Impr, Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. * Widcombe is a Chapel to Stalls Vicarage (not charged or certified). 4 Bathwicke SOMERSET. 65 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WEL L S. 1. S. s. d. 31 6 o 0 Clear 1 early Value. King's Books, 1. d. Bathwicke and Wolley V. (All Saints.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 8 3 4 35. 4d. annual. penſ. rec. de Rect. 81. Lady Capel, Patronels, 1721. Earl of Bath, 1749. 13 17 51 Bathampton, alias Hampton Bath, V. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 7.17 25. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Bath Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 34 13 5 Charlecombe R. (St. Mary.) Synods 45. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad 5 15 10 valor. Il. &c. The Mayor and Corporation of Bath, 1778. 47 14 I Claverton R. Synods 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 175. 4d. &c. 10 6 10 William Skrine, Efq. Patron, 1721, 1749. 25 3 Ford, alias Bathford V. (St. Swithin.) Proxies iod. Terr. gleb. 8 18 ad valor. 75. 8d. Decim. lan. & agn. Oblat, cum decim. perſonal. Pri. Bath Impropr. Dean and Chapter of Wells. 39 5 1 Freſhford R. (St. Peter.) Synods 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 7 7 8; Il. 65. 2d. &c. William Norris, 1782. 38 16 8 Ingleſton, alias Ingliſcomb, alias Ingſcomb, alias Engliſhcomb, 9 3115 V. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Bath Impr. Edward Biffe, Eſq. 1693. Philip James Gibbs, Eſq. 1769. 44 16 0 Langridge R. Synods 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135.8d. William 5 19 43 BIaithwaite, Efq. 1769, 1771. 38 11 3 Northſtoke R. (St. Martin.) Synods 3s. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 5 7 6 60 95. 4d. &c. The KING. 33 5 Southſtoke V. (St. James.) Synod. 75. 5d. ob. qu. Prox. 25. 7 18 9 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16s. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan, agn. &c. Pri. Bath Propr. Thomas Hull, Gent. 1691. Daniel Clutterbuck, Gent. 1780. 43 15 3 Swayneſwicke R. (St. Mary.) Synods 45. Proxies 12d. Terr. 9 17 8 gleb. ad valor. 95. 8d. &c. Oriel College, Oxford. 45 II 10 Twiverton V. (St. Michael.) Synods 55. gd. ob. qu. Redd. 21. 5 18 11 135. 4d. Eccleſ. Wellen. 1os. 'Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 125. 2d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Kyngton Propr. Thomas Broughton, Clerk, 1776. 27 82; Walcotes, alias Walcot, R. (St. Świthin.) Synods 4s. Terr. 6 19 91 gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Robert Gay, Eſq. 1728. Tho- mas Hawkins, Eſq. 1774. Be h. V. O o K n. 213ridg. 66 SOMERSET DIOCESE OF BATH AND WEL L S. - D. Bridgwater, in the Archdeaconry of Taunton.- 1. d. I 2 The Monaſtery of Athelney was returned by the Commiſſioners 26 H. VIII. to be of the clear yearly Value of 209 o 34 The Priory of Bridgwater was likewiſe returned at 120 19 The Priory of Canyngton was likewiſe returned at The Priory of Mynehyn Bluckland, alias Buck- land, was returned at 223 7 47 For the particulars of the poffeffions, vide Orig. Surv. 39 15 8. 2. s. d. 1. s. 7 12 II 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books learly Tentissa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. di 31 Alheholt R. (All Saints.) Proxies 35. id. Synods @s... 8d. 0.15 2 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Elizabeth Bull, and others, 1706. John Brice, Clerk, p. h. v. 1756s 7 6 BRIDGWATER V. (St. Mary.) cum Cap. Horſey, deſtructa. I 9 Prox. 25. 2 d.]. Capellano 175. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 8s.. De- cim. prædial. perſonal. &c. cum mediet. decim. agn. & lan. apud Horſey. The KING.. Pri. Bridgwater, Propr. 281. cer- tified Value. 7 10 10 Cannington V. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. Penf. 0. 15 rec. de prior. 71. 6s. 8d. Pri. Cannington, Propr. Lord Clifford, 1711. The Univerſity of Oxford, for this turn, 1766. 38 M II Chedſey, alias Chedſoy, R*. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 3 16 91 Ios. od... Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 35. 6d. &c. John Coney, Gent. 1597. Ann Coney, 1763a 9 15 5 Cherdlinch, alias Charlinch, R. (St. Mary.). Prox. Is. 8d. O 1961 Synods gs. 8d.j. Terr gleb. ad valor. 51. &c. Henry Bayn- ton, and his Wife. Sir Edward Baynton Rolt, Bart. 1769. 32 14 41 Crocombe R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies 15. 8 d. Synods gs. 8d.1. 3 5 57 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 405. &c. John Daniel, 1700. Robert Kingſmill, Eſq. 1779. 1 * Chedfey-Ro-Pays Tenths to the Biſhop of Bath and Wells, Culve, SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WE L L S. 69 King's Books. d. 16 b. s. @ 16 5 Yearly Tenimas le a, 8 Culve, alias Kilve, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 25. Syn. 175. 5d.1. O 19 8 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 125. &c. Baliol College, Oxford. 98 4 Eaſt Quantoxhead R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 45. 7d. Synods 75. O 18 10 5d.1. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 45. &c. Henry Fownes Lut- trell, Eſq. 1763, 1764. The Biſhop, 1766. Fownes Lut- trell, Eſq. 1777. "The Biſhop, 1779. 8 4 2 Emner, alias Enmore, R. (St. Michael.) Proxies is. 8d. Sy- o 16 nods 85. uid. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. Is. 6d. &c. Mr. Baynton, Patron, 1721. The Earl of Egmont, 1778. 9 1099 Gotherſt R. (St. Edward.) Proxies 2s. Synods 115. od.1. O 19 of Terr. gleb, ad valor. 31. 45. &c. Sir John Tynt, Bart. 1704. John Buncombe, Eſq. 1726. Sir Charles Kemeys Tynte, Bart. 1768. 5 2 8 Nether Stowey V. (St. Mary.) Dec. Windſor 6s. 8d. Decano O 10 3$ & Capitulo Wellen. 21. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. Decim. prædial. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Sir Philip Sydenham, Bart. 1716. Dec. and Chap. Windſor, preſented, 1722. Dean and Canons of Windſor, 1753. 27 711 North PETHERTON V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Bockland 2l. 135. 44. 2.14 93 Redd. is. Synods 35. 6d. Decim. prædial. perſonal. oblat. & al. caſual. & decim. lan. & agn. Pri. Bockland, Propr. William Lacy, Eſq. 1681. John Wood, and Betty his Wife, 1780. 24 8 9 Spaxton R. (St. Margaret.) Proxies is. 8d. Syn. gs. 8d.j. 8 103 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 3i6s. 8d. &c. Lord Waldegrave, Patron, 1721, 1773. 6 Stokegurley V. (St. Andrew.) with Lilſtocke Chap. (St. An- 9 drew.) Synods 195. 5d.1. Redd. 25. Id. Capellanis 121. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 25. 8d. Decim, prædial. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Eton College, Patr. and Propr. 6 15 10 Thurluxton R. (St. Giles.) Proxies is. Synods 75. 3d. Terr. 0 13 Ż gleb. ad valor. 3. &c. Henry Portman, Eſq. 1706. Hen- ry William Portman, Eſq. 1768. 2 16 7 I 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. O 120 O o Clear Yearly Values King's Books 42 15 o Chilton R. (Holy Trinity.) with Bridgwater V. Proxies 25. 6d. 7 23 Syn. gs. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 115. 8d. The KING, 33 15 o Dodington R. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 6d. decim. prædial. 5 6 8 &c. George Dodington, Efg. 1714. Earl Temple, 1779. 48 17 51 Fedington, alias Fiddington, R. (St. Martin.) Prox. 75. 8d. 6 10 21 Syn. 25. 10d... Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 38. &c. Baron of Chewton, K 2 68 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. I 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 2. do by's. 'de Chewton, 1711. William Yorke, Clerk, upon his own pe- tition, 1778. 43 o Halford, alias Holford, R. Proxies is. 4d. Synods 25. 3d. 5 51 Redd. Prepoſit. Eron 35. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 25. &c. Eton College. 49 Kilton V. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies 25. Synods 9s. 5d. Terr. ? 6 10 70 gleb. ad valor. ii. 135. 8d. Deciin. prædial. perſonal. lan. agn, &c. The KING. Pri. Bathon. Propr. 22 10 O Ling, alias Weſt Ling, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Abb. Athel- 10 8 4 ney 61. Deciin prædial. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Richard Jane, and others, 1675. Samuel Atkins, 1719. Elizabeth Moore, Widow, 1769. Abb. of Athelney, Propr. 5Otterhampton R. Proxies 25. 7d. Synods ios. od.1. Terr. 13 6 0 gleb. ad valor. Il. 25. &c. Mary Chudleigh, and others, 1745. John Evered, Jun. 1771. 48 O O Overſtowey V. Penf. 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor 3s. Decim. 7 1 51 prædial. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. or Maſter of Graunts in Briſtol Propr. 38 I 8 Stokeland Graunts, alias Briſtol, V. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16s. 6. 9 4 Decim. perſonal. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Mayor and Burgeffes of Briſtol. Pri. or Maſter of Graunts (alias Gaunts) in Briſtol. 38 9 9 Wendon, alias Wembdon, V. (St. George.) Synods 38. 6d. 9 16 10 Pri. Bridgwater Il. 155. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 85. 8d. Decim. prædial. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Sir Charles Kemeys Tynte, Bart. 1757. Pri. Bridgwater Propr. 47 12 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Lilſtock, Chap. to Stoke Gurſey, 201. clear Value. Carey, SOMERSET DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL.S. ago King's Books. ht S. d. he 7. 12 6 De Vethuen Poore, 1781.. D. Carey, in the Archdeaconry of WELLS. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE:- Fearly. Tenttisin Rectories, &c. with their Patrons; Proprietors, &c. 1. s. 999] Alford R. (AN Şaints.). Synods gs. cod. Proxies 4d. In 18 terr. dinc. 21. 105. &c: James Lacy, and Anne his-Wife, Patr. 1721. John and Frances Willes, 1771. I Almisford, alias Alinsford, R. (St. Andrew.) Synods - 8s. 9d. O 15 2 Terr..dinc. 21. &c. Mrs. Ettriek, 1720. Thomas Woodford, 1773 5 Babcarey R. (Holy Croſs.) Synods gs. uid. Proxies Is.. Terr. 1.7 ob dinc. los. Counteſs of Hillſborough, &c. 1771. 26 14 41 Badcombe, alias Barcoinbe, R. (St. Mary.) Synods 115, 6d. 1. 2 13 5$ Proxies 15. 3d. Abb. Glaſton il. Terr. dinc il. &c. 5: 3:11] Spergrove R. annexed. Synods 25. 6d. Prosies 2d. Terr. 4 dinc. 155. John Man, Eſq. 1719. George Rodney Bridges,.. Eſq. Patr. 1721. Marquis of Carnarvon, 1769. 0: Charlton Muſgrave R. (St. Stephen.) Syn. 95. rod. Prox. 4di 1. 7 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s.&c. Jo. Hall, and Gerard Mar- tin, 1.713. Edward Poore, Eſq. 1782.. 12 g. 41 Coliington, alias Cucklington, R. (St. Laurence.) Synods 6s. 8 d. 1511 Proxies 8d. Terr. dibc. 21. &c. Nathaniel Napier, Eſq. 1706. Edward Phelips, Eſq. 1779. & 10 10. Compton Paunsfoot R. (St. Mary.) Synods gs. 10d.j. Proxe- 0 17. I ies 8d. Epiſc. Winton 25. 5d. Redd. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad val. 21. 115. Jo. Hunt, Eſq. 1714. Elizabeth Hunt, widow, 1-750. 21 9 46 Culmington, alías Kilmington, (St. Mary.) Synods gs. rod. 1. 2.2. Il Proxies iod. Terr. gleb. ad val. 3.!.. Sir Stephen Fox, 1714. Lord Staverdale, 1773. 46 5 Q Dichiat R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Synods. 185. 6d. Proxies 4 12 6 15. 8d. Sacriſtä Glaſton, 21. 55. Terr. gleb. ad val. 31. 135.- 4d. Edmund Dawe, Eſq. 1699. Edward and John 13 10 o Io O 13 10 29 12 2 193 6 Doulting V. (St. Adelme) with Stoke (St. Nicholas) Doniat (All Saints) Eaſt Crenmore (St. James) and Weſt Crenmore Chapel (St. Bartholomew.) Synods 95. Iod. . Proxies 1s. Decano & Capitulo Wellen. 135. 4d, Terr. dinc. 21. 175. 4d. Decim, I 70 DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. SOMERSET. $. 1 2 33 12 O King's Books. Icarly Tenthes, 1. d, b. a. Decim, prædial. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Glaſton. Propr. George Horner, Eſq. 1675. Thomas Horner, Eſq. 1782. 2 1 HIorneblowton R. (St. Peter.) Synods 85. 11d. Terr. gleb. ad O 14 21 val. 31. 115. 4d. &c. Charles Milborne, Junior, Eſq. 1700. Elizabeth Dabine, 1767. 4 2 Lamiat R. (St. Mary and St. John.) Synods 85. uid. Prox 1 4 5 ies 4d Dom. de Godſtow 135. 4d. Terr. gleb, ad val. 21. Jane Methwen, 1640. The Biſhop, 1730. Thomas Uppill, 1755 13 9 7 Maperton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods gs. 1od.]. I 6.111 Proxies 61. ] Terr. gleb. ad val. 41. &c. Charles Michael (this Turn), 1715. Mr. Bennet, Patr. 1721. Thomas Lock- yer, Eſq. 1782. 28 17 31 North Cadbury R. (St. Michael.) Synods 95. iod.1. Proxies 2 17 8 1 s. 4d. Redd. 15. id. Val. in redd. 2 ten. in Kilinerſdon 145. 8d. Terr. dinc. 61. 10s. &c. Emanuel College, Cambridge. į SHEPTON MALLET R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods and 3 7 21 300 Proxies gs. 4d.. Redd. aſſiſ. il. 55. 7d. Terr. dinc. 6s. 5d. &c. The KING, 1663. John Parker, Gent. 1665. The KING, 1679. John Harvey, Merchant, 1693. The KING, 1697. Jannes Wickham, h. v. 1721. The Prince of Wales, h. v. 1725. John Wickham, Gent. 1757. The Prince of Wales. 10 3 11 South Cadbury R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Synods 9s. rod. 1. I 0 33 Proxies 4d. Terr. dinc. Il. 135. 4d. &c. Francis Newman, Eſq. 1717. Gerard Martin, Eſq. 1770. 12 16 3 Sparkford, alias Sparksford, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Synods. I 95. rod.. Proxies 5d.1. Terr. dinc. 21. &c. Francis New- man, Patr. 1721, 1758. 6 12. i Sutton Montague R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods 95. 101. Prox- . 0 13 2 1 ies 2d. Terr. dinc. il. 55. &c. Edward Burton, 1692. Robert Leach, Gent. 1779. 17 13 4 Weſtlidford R. Terr. dinc. 31. &c. Sol. Eccl. Cath. Well. 1 15 4 6s. 8d. Edward Phelips, Eſq. 1746. Alexander Ready, Eſq. and his Wife, 1748. 8 15 10 Weſton Bamfield R. Synods 9s. 10d. 1. Proxies 4d. Terr. dinc. 0 17 7 il. 25. &c. Anne Wilkinſon, 1681. John Goldſborough, on his own petition, 1761. Walter Burton, Clerk, and John Dampier, 1769. 3 Yarlington R. (St. Mary.) Synods gs. itd. Proxies 6d. 1, It Terr. dinc. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Maurice Berkley, Eſq. 1673. Earl Godolphin, 1723. John Rogers, Eſq. 1782. 16 I II 2 LIVINGS SOMERSET. 71 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. 1. d. O O 12 16 39 12 Livings DiscHARGED. Clear Y early Values King's Books. 1. d. 17. 3. 2] Barton David V. (St. David.). Prompt. denar. rec. de pre- 8 bendar. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 38 19 61 Blackforde R. (St. Michael.) Synods 15. 7d.1. Terr. dinc. 6 II 02 125. &c. Francis Bennet, Gent. 1717. Edward Lord Staweil, 1753 44 4 8 Bratton R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods 75. 3di Proxies 4d. Terr. 5. 4.7 dinc. The 55. &€. Jo. Roffe, Eſq. 1662. Sir James How, Bart. 1726. William Chilwell, Eſq. p. h. v. 1769. 43 18 74 Croſcombe R. (St. Mary,) Synods and Proxies 6s. 70.3. 12 6.101 Penſ. Rectori de Shepton Mallet il. 6s. 8d. Redd. affil. il. 105. Terr. dinc. 55. &c. Hu..Forteſcue, Eſq. 17,12. Henry Sampſon, 1780. 32 5:0 Castle CARY V. (All Saints.). Syn. gs. iod.ž. Prox. 7d. u 16. 3. Rachael Etoricke, 1720. The Biſhop, 1771. Pri. Bathon. Propr. Terr. dinc. 21. 6s. 8di Decim. lan. agn. &c. 9 Dinder P. cum Curâ. (St Michael.), Biſhop of Bath and 2 10 7 Wells. 9 Eaſtlidford R. Synods 75. 3d. Terr. dinc: Il. 11s. 4d. &c. 79.7 George Duke, Eſq. 1.710. Jane Allen, 1763. 32 15 of Eaſt Pennard V. (All Saints.) with Welt Bradley Chapel, Sy- 74 93 nods 10s. Proxies Ed.1. Terr. dinc. 25. Decim-lan. agn. &c. William Coward, Eſq. 1708. The Bishop, 1736, 1757, 1767. Abb. Glaſton. Propr. 42 15 o Everchriche, alias Evercreech, V. (St. Peter.) with Cheſter- 16 19 blade, alias Chefterblake, Chapel. (St. Mary.), Decim. præ- dial. lan, agn. &c. Pri. St. John's in Wells Propr. The Co-heireſſes of Bennet, Bart. 1721. William and Harry Rodbard; Eſqrs. 1777. 25 6: 1 Halton R. (St. Nicholas.). Synods 25. 6d. Proxies 2d. Terr. 8 dinc. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Hugh Watts, Gent. 1681. The KING, per lapſ. p. h..v. 1724. 41 14 2 King's Weſton R. (All Saints.) Synods, 11s. 5d.1. Terr. dinc. 10 6 3 il. 125. 8d. Sir John Smith, Bart. 1704. Caleb Dickinſon, Eſq. 1770 39 0 43 Kington, alias Mansfield, alias Kington Manfield, R. (St. Mary 6 13 9; Magdalen.) Synods 6s. 4d. Terr. dinc. il. 1.2 s. 8d. Re- becca. Dampier, Widow, 1686. Jacob Clark and Androwes Overton, 1729. Richard Southby, Eſq. 1778. 46 18 8 Milton Clevedon V. (St. James.) Terr. dinc. il. 45. Decim. 6.13. 4- prædial. lan. agn. &c. Suſan Strangeways, Widow, 17150 Stephen Earl of Ilcheſter, 1773. Pri. Brewton Propr.. 3 Northbarowe O 2 72 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. 1. s. Clcar 1 carly Palle. King's Books, 1. d. d. 37 9 51 Northbarowe R. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. 25. 3d. Prox. 2d.ž. 717 81 Terr. dinc. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Henry William Portman, Eſq. 1776. 47 I 4 Pentelwood R. (St. Michael.) Synods 7s. 3d. Proxies 4d. 6 14 yi Terr. gleb. ad val. 1ło 95. Thomas Ewens, Eſq. 1674. Mr. King and Sir William Wyndham, 1721. Henry Good, 1745. p. b. v. 41 3 91 Pill, alias Pull, R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Terr. dinc. il. &c. 8 19. g} Synods 75. 3d. Proxies 2d. Edward Berkeley, Eſq. Patr. 1765: Pilton V. (St. Mary.) with Wotton Chapel. Terr. dinc. 6s. 7 0 0 8d. annual. penſ. rec. de Capel. de Worton 135. 40. oblat. &c. Precentor of Wells Propr. and Patr. 26 8 Shepton Montague V. (St. Peter.) Terr. dinc. 135. 4d. annual. 8 15 0 penſ. rec. de Abb. 81. Is. 8d. Pri. Brewton Propr. Edward Burton, Gent. 1671. 48 19 61 Stoke, alias Braiford, R. Synods 45 11d.1. Proxies 3d. Terr. 7 15 21 dinc. ad val. 174. Sir Nathaniel Napier, Bart. 1716. Ed. ward Phelips, Eſq. 1767. 39 15 101 Wheathill R. (St. John Baptift.) Synods 8d. Terr. dinc. il. 4 5 21 95. 10d. &c. Ja. Lord Waldegrave, 1713. John Phillips, Clerk, 1763. 29 10 2 Curacies and Chapelries certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, within the Archdeaconry of Wells. South Barrow Cur. (St. Peter.) 101. Value. Browham Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) 211. Value. BREWTON Cur: (St. Mary.) Formerly an Abbey. 401. Value. Lovington Cur. (St. Thomas Beckets) 101. Value. Pircomb. (St. Leonard.) 211. Value. Redlinch. (St. Peter..) 46. Value. Stoke ſub Hamden. (St. Andrew.) 201. Value. W INCANTON. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 301. Value. Wyke, alias Week, Champflower. 46. Value. CHAPELS, SOMERSET. DIOGESE OF BATH AND WELL S. CHAPELS, DONATives, AND CURACIES. Eaſt Crenmore, (St. James,) Chapel to Doulting. 134. 65. clear Value. Weſt Crenmore, (St. Bartholomew,) Chapel to Doulting. 14. 185. clear Value. Downhead, alias Doniat, (All Saints,) Chapel to Doulting. 381. is. clear Value. Stokeland, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Doulting. 191. 105. clear Value. Weſt Bradley, Chapel to Eaſt Peonard. gl. Value. Cheſterblade, alias Cheſterblake, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Ever- chriche. 121. Value, Wotton, Chapel to Pilton. 101. clear Value. The Monaſtery of Brewton, as returned by the Commiflioners, was valued at the nett annual income of 4391. 6s. 8d. The Priory of Byrkell was returned at 61. 55. 2d. For Particu- lars, vide Orig. Survey. 1 9. Crewkerne, in the Archdeaconry of Taunton. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Boots Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. S. d. 1. S. d. I 5 II 12 19 91 Buckland R. (St. Mary.). Synods gs. 8d.1. Proxies 8d. Terr, gleb. ad valor. 2l. Executors of Francis Popham, Knt. 1677. Dorothy Popham, Widow, 1782. 36 18 9 CHARDE V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 55. Oblat. cum decim. per- 3 13 103 ſonal. & al. caſual. lan. agn. mortuar. fæn. cum agift. Dean of Wells Impr.. Biſhop of Bath and Wells Patr. 15 4 41 Comb V. (St. Nicholas.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. Decim. I 10 51 lan. agn. oblat. &c. Dean of Wells Patr. and Inpr. 24 3. Curry, Mallet R. (All Saints.) with Curland Chapel. (All 2 2 8 Saints.) Synods gs. 8d.ž. Proxies is.gd. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 1os. The KING. 13 16 01 Curry Rival V. (St. Andrew.) with Weſton Chapel. (St. An- I 7 7 drew.) Synods 95. 8d.1. Proxies is, id. Decim. prædial. L lan I 200 O O 74 SOMERSET. DIOCES E OF B A TH AND WELL S. l. s. 2 I 0 1 I King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. lo d. lan. & agn. annual. peniſ. rec. de rect. de Drayton 8s. 8d. ob- lat. &c. Abby 'of Bysſham Impr. William Pynſent, Eſq. and Wife, 1708. George Speke, Efq. 1753, 1778. 15 15 o Donnyet, alias Donyet, R. (St. Mary.) Synods 6s. 5d.1. Ι ΙΙ 6 Proxies 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4i. 55. Thomas Coke. Etq. 1722 Richard Thomas Combe, 1783. ci Earnelhill R. Sine Cur. Penf. Vicario de Cory Rivell 25. Tho- 4 l mas Jennings, Eſq. 1694. Richard Combe, Eſq. 1778. 3 6 8 Eaſtham R. Sine Cur. Deftructa. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. O 6 8 4d. &c. Edward Freke, Eſq. 1692. Caleb King, 1736. 6 8 Golebradon R. Sine Cur. Elizabeth Clee, 1709. Benjamin o 2 8 2 Keate, Joſiah Bridge, and John Day, 1746. 13 5 21 Harch Bechamp R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods gs. vid. 6 61 Proxies îld.' Terr. gleb, ad valor. 21. Lord Bruce, 1715. John Weſtcott, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1774. 25 5 0 ILMINSTER V. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 115. 6d. 2 10 6 Oblat. cum decim. perſonal. & al. caſual. Decim agnor. Pri. Muchelney. Impr. George Speke, Eſq. 1729. Lord and Lady North, 1771. 17 18 1] Kingſbury V. (St. Martin.) Penſ. Rectori 25. Terr. gleb. ad 1 15 9 valor. il. is. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. oblat. &c. Chancel. lor of Wells Patr. and Impr. 13 7 31 Pokington R. Synods gs. 5d. Proxies is. 4d. Redd. 25. I 6 8 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 5l. &c. Henry Portman, 1694, 1723, 1758. 14 8 11į Shepton Bechamp R. Synods gs. 8d.1. Proxies is. 4d. Terr. I 8 10 gleb. ad valor. 125. 9d. { Earl of Ayleſbury, 1704. Or- lando Johnſon, Eſq. 1753. 5 4 41 South Bradon R *. Sine Cur. Synods 25. 3d. Terr. gleb. 51 ad valor. Ili jos. &c. Thomas Strangeways, Eſq. 1709. Earl of Egremont, 1756. ŞJUTH PETHER TON V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods 2 28 d 25. 3d, Proxies 15. 6d. 1. Decim. lan, & agn. perſonal. &c. Abb. of Brewton Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 17 14 2. Staple Fitz Paine R. (St. Peter.) with Buckne! Chapel. Synods. 1 15 5 105. 10d. Proxies is. Iod. Terr. glebo ad valor zł. &c. Henry William Portman, Eſq. 1704, 1722, 1771. 6 15 a Sevenhampton, alias Sevington, R. (St. Michael.) .withi. Do- 0 13 6 dington Chapel. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 115..4d. Proxies: 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Ili &c. Sir Jo. Sydenham, Bart. 1691, E. Poulett, 1778. O IO 24 0 O * South Bradon R. Is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty - to be of the clear Yearly Value of 251. Weſtdoulilh SOMERSET. 75 DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. King's Books. d. Yearly Tenths. d. 6 9 1. s. 0 1. 3 7 6 Weſtdouliſh R. Synods 75. 3d. Proxies 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 135. 4d. &c. George Speke, Eſq. 1680. John Hanning, Eſq. 1778: 14 2 11 Winchtaunton R. (St. Andrew.) Synods 95. 8d... Proxies 25. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 75. &c. Elizabeth Clee, Widow, 1684. Abraham Elton, Eſq. 1745. 14 13 4 Winſham V. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. Ns. 8d. Decim. agn. lan. prædial. oblat. &c. Dean of Wells Patr. and Impr. 1 8 32 I 9 4 o 45 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. sociw io torto bismo (bastola come Celar Yearly Value. King's Books. 32 5 Alhill V. (St. Mary.) Decim. lan. & agn. annual. penſ. rec. de 6 O 10 Rect. de Sevington Mary. Oblat. &c. Prebendary thereof Patr. and Impr. The Biſhop, 1777: 46 91 Beerecrocombe R. with Copeland Chapel annexed. Synods. Il 12 6 . 45. 7d. Proxies is. 8d.£. Terra gleb. ad valor. 145. &c. Sir. William Wyndham, Bart. 1714. Earl of Egreinont, 1775.. 43 17 0 Chafcombe R. (St. Michael.) Synods 75. 7d. Proxies 8d. 9 10 21 Terr. gleb. ad valor, 3l. 6s. 8d. &c. Earl Paulett, 1706, 1771, 1783, p. j. 46 1 51 Cricket Malerby R. (St, Mary Magdalen.) Synods ys. 3d. 6 6 3 Terr. gleb, ad valor. 21. &c. Sanuel Pitts, 1699. Thomas Seigiſon, Eſq. 1751. Stephen Pitt, Eſq. p. j. 1783. 6 Cricker R. (St. Thomas.) with a Chapel. (St. Thomas.) Sy- 9 17 6 nods 85. uid. Proxies is. 4d. Terr. -gleb. ad valor. 21. 135. 4d. John Hippeſey Coxe, Eſq. 1765. 48 13 31 Dowliſwake R. (St. Andrew.) Synods 95. 8d.1. Proxies. 7.d. 1. 8 9 91 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. George Speke, Eſq. 1708. John Hanning, Eſq. 1778. 25 5 8 Eaſtlambrooke Ř. Penf. Cancellar. Wellen. 135. 4d. Terr. 6 6 8 gleb. ad valor. 95. 9d. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells. Fiffehead V. (St. Martin.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d Decim. 7 8 prædial. Jan agn. Oblat. &c. Abb. of Muchelney Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 47 197] Henton Georgii. alias Hinton St. George, R. (St. George.) 13 13 4 Synods 6s. Id. Proxies 8d. Lord Poulet, 1696. Earl Poulett, 1778. CA Ilton V. (St. Peter.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 45. 8d. Decim. 6 19 43 prædial. lan. ago. Oblat. &c. Prebendary thereof Patr. and Impr. Y 43 Ine Abbots, alias Abbots He, V. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb ad 8 valor. 45. annual. penf. rec. de Abb. Muchelney 21. 85. Penf. 18 15 I 2 27 II 2 II L 2 76 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. 1. So de 29 11 O 0 Clear Yearly Values King's Books be da Penf. rec de Vic. de Fyffyd 65. 8d. Decim. lan, agn, oblat. &c. Abb. of Muchelney Inpr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 39 19 7 Ifebruers V. (All Saints.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. 7 10 0 Decim. prædial. lan. agn. Oblat. &c. Pri. Bridgwater Impr. Henry Walrond, Eſq. 1685. The Biſhop, 1734. Mary Michell, Widow, and others, 1743, David Robert Michell, Eſq. 1773 40 17 0% Meriet, alias Meryot, V. (All Saints.) Synods 125. 2dl. II II 52 Proxies 1s. id. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 55. 6d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. Oblat. &c. Abb. of Muchelney Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. Miſterton V. (St. Leonard.) Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Impr. and Patr. 19 6 2 Stokelinch Magdalen R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Synods 25. 3d. 4 4 7 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 43. John Johnſon, Eſq. 1727. Thomas Lennard, Gent. 1751. Robert Child, Eſq. 1767. 2. Stokelinch Ottorſey R. (St. Mary.). Synods 55. 3d. Prox. 4d. 6 9 2 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 8s. 8d. &c. Lord Poulet, 1697. Earl Poulett, 1777. 45 9 3 Swell V. (St. Catherine.) Synods gs. 8d. Proxies 4d. Terr. 5 10 5 gleb. ad valor. Il. Decim. 'prædial. lan, agn. Oblat. &c. Abb. of Brewton Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 45 11 94 Waiforde, alias Wayford, R. Synods is. 75. 1. Proxies 4d.], 5 I 52 Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 35. 4d. &c. William Bragg, Eſq. (this Turn) 1711. Thomas Sergeſon, Eſq. 1751. a Whitelakington V. Decim. lan. agn. oblat. cum decim. perfo- 9 10 nal. &c. Prebendary thereof in Wells Patr. and Impr. The Biſhop, 1726, 1774. 44 4 3 Zeborough, alias Seabarrow, R. Synods is. 10d.1. Rectori 6 15 O Crewkern 35. 4d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 21. 1os. &c. Adam Martin, Gent. 1711, 1779. 33. II 21 8 NoT IN CHARGE. CREWKERN, a Donative in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Value thereof is 80l. per annum. . CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Curland. Chapel to Curry Mallet. 191. clear Value. Bucknel. Chapel to Staple Fitz Paine. 161. clear Value. 1 Dinnington. SOMERSET. 77 DIOCESE QE BATH AND WE L-LS: Dinnington. (St. Nicholas.) Chapel to Sevingtoa. (St. Mi: chael.) 301. clear Value. Cudworth C. (St. Michael.) Prebendary. Patr. and Impr. 121. IQs, certified Value. Knowle Chapel. (St. Giles.) 12. 1os. certified Value. 6 D. Dunfter, in the Archdeaconry of TAUNTON. The Monaſtery of Clyve was returned by the Commiſſioners; 26 H. VIII. at the clear annual Value of 1551. 95. 5d.#. The Priory of Berlych was returned at 981. 145. 82.1. The Priory of Dunſter was likewiſe returned at 371. 45. 8d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. King's Booksa 1. s. d. 1. s. I 15 17 10 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenthis, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 5 Brompton Ralph R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 9s. 8d.j. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. &c. John Riſh, Eſq. 1711. John Harvey, Gent. 1781. 16 1 51 Browiſhford, alias Bruſhford, R. (St. Michael.) Synods and! I 10 1 Proxies gs. 8d. į. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 51. &c. Anne Norris, Widow, (this Turn,) 1708. Edward Dyke, Eſq. 1721. John Dyke Ackland, Eſq. 1760. II 18 Chipſtable R. (All Saints.) Synods gs. 8d. Proxies Ep. iod. i 2 2 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 15. &c. George Jeane, Gent. 1707. The Biſhop, 1751. Richard Richards, Gent. 1782. 5 Clatworthy, alias Clotworthy, R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Prox- 1 7 of ies gs. 8d.Ž. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. os. 8d. &c. Cath. Carew, Widow, 1707. John Bernard, Eſq. and his wife, 1779. 14 o 71 Cutcombe V. (St. John.) Proxies Epiſc. 145. 11d. Synods I 8 0 Archidiac. 45. 6d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. il. Decim. præ- dial. Oblat. cum al. caſual. The KING. Abb. Brewton Propr. 21 10 10 DULVERTON V. (All Saints.) Prior. Taunton 21. Terr. 3 1 gleb. ad valor. ll. 6s. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells. Pri. Taunton Propr. DUNSTER 13 10 150 0 o 2 78 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. A King's Books. 1. d. I 6 11 Yearly Tenths, 1. so d. 4 13 4 DUNSTER V*. (St. George.) a Curacy. Annual. penſ. rec. de 9 4 prior. ibm. 41. 135. 4d. Sir Hugh Stewkley Impr. and-Patr. 1717. Pri. Dunſter Propr. 6 6 8 Elworthy R. (St. Martin.) Proxies is. 8d. Synods gs. 9d.1. O 12 8 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 15. &c. Thomas Rich, Eſq. 1712. David Yea, Eſq. 1746. 18 2 81 Exford R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Synods and Proxies gs. 8d.j. I 16 31 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. William Trenchard, Eſq. 1706. Peter Houſe, Cambridge, 1752. 14 12 11 Exton R. (St. Peter.) Proxies 2s. 3d. Synods 75. 5dit. 1 9 31 Terr. gleb. ad valor. tl. &c. Anne Norris, Spinſter, 1713. John Stradling, Gent. p. h. V. 1776. 13 8 4 Hawkeridge R. Proxies 10d.. Synods is. Terr. gleb. ad 1 6 10 valor. 57. &c. Elizabeth Portbury, 17:14. Lewis Porthbury, Eſq. 1763. 13 9 41 Huiſh Chamflowre R. Proxies Tod. Synods 7s. 5d.{. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 115. &c. Jo. Pym, Clerk, 1703. William Willis, Clerk, 1751, 14 3 61 Luccombe R. (St. Mary) Proxies 25. 8d. Synods gs. 8d. 1 8 48 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 55. &c. Richard Lyſter, Elq. p. h. v. 1757. Sufannah Wentworth, Widow, and others, 1781. 9 8 11 Monck, alias Monk Silver, R. (All Saints.). Syrods 75. 3d. o 18 93 Terr. gleb, ad valor. 3l. 35. &c. Sir Philip Sydeniham, Bart. 1711. Dean and Canons of Windſar, 1957, 1777. 18 9 7 MYNEJEAD V. (St. Michael.) Proxies 25. 3d. Synods gs. í 16 III 5d. 1. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. Deçim. perſonal. & al. ca. fual. Abb. Brewton Propr. Jane Cave, . Widow, 1709. Henry Fownes Luttrell, Eſq. 1763, 1780. 16 16 3 Nettlecombe R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 8d. Synods 95. &dt. 1 13 71 Feod. Ballivi 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 1os. &c. Sir Jo: Trevilian, Bart. 1696. Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. 1755. 8 PorLock R. (St. Dubritius.) Proxies and Synods il. 35. 1 17 170 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. &c. The KING. 7 19 7 Sampford Brite, alias Stanfort, R. (St. George.) Archidiac. 7d. 0 15 11) Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. 81. &c. John Courtney, Eſq. 1709. Nichu!as Tanner, 1785. 12 15 5 Selworthie, alias Selworthy, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 95. 8d. I561 Abb. Atheley 21. Decano & Capitulo Eton. il. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 6s. 8d. &c. Earl of Arundel, 1692. Lord Arundel, of Trerice, 1724. Suſannah Wentworth, Widow, 1780. 18 II 2 O O * Dunſter V. Is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the clear Yearly Value of 96. 168. Skilgate SOMERSET. 79 DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. l. s. de Penſ. 25. O 11ο O King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 1. d. 9 9 41 Skilgate R. Proxies and Synods 7s. 5dt. Stipend. 25. 3d. O 18 11 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 6;. Sd. &c. The Reverend Mr. Scott, Patr. 1721. Catherine Scott, Widow, 1746. Wil- liam Hayman, and others, 1778. 7 o o Tolland R. Synods 25. 3d. Proxies 25. 60. 014 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16.5. &c The KING. 14 13 9 Wennisford V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prior. Berlych il. 105. I 9 41 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. Decim. lan. agu. &c. Einanuel College, Cambridge. Pri. Berlych Propr. 10 II 51 Wethicombe R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Archidiac. gs. 8d. Terr. I II gleb. ad valor. 6s. &c. Lord Carnarvon, 1715. John Hut- ton, Efq. 1767. O 10 WEVELSCOMB V. (St. Andrew.) Capellano de Fychyde 61. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il Decim. lan. agn. perſonal. & al. caſual. Preberdary thereof Propr. and Patr. 16 8 9 Wotton Courtney R. (All Sainis.) Proxies 35. od. Synods i 12 101 75. 5dit. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 135. 4d. &c. Eton College: fline 27 2 14 I ). S. 1. s. d. 5 73 lych 21. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. 48 7 82 Brompton Regis V. (St. Mary.) Synods 28. 3d. Prior. Ber. 12 Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. perſonal. &c. Emanuel College, Cambridge. Pri. Berlych Propr. 48 13 103 Charbampton, alias Carhampton, V. (St. John Baptift.) Terr. 11 8 o gleb. ad valor. 1os. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Bathon Propr. Sir Hu. Stewkeley, Bart. 1716. Thomas Muſgrave, Eſq. 1763. 46 18 11] St. Decuman V. (St. Peter.) Capellano 51. 6s. 8d. Terr. 10 10 5] gleb. ad valor. Ios. Decim. Jan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof Propr. Earl of Egremont, 1762. Pri. Berlych Propr. 31 12 II Ere, alias Ore, R. (St. Mary.) Synods 3s. 7d. Terr. gleb. 4 17 6 ad valor. 45. &c. Mary Quick, Widow, 1698. Peter, Spur- rier, 1745 4 Kitnor, alias Culborne, R. (St. Culborne.) Synods and Proxies 3 18 111 5s. 7dž. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Joh. Fry, Eſq. 1694. Lord King 1745. 47 14 0 Old Cleve V. (St. Andrew.) with Leighland Chapel. (St. 7 Giles.) Penf. Abb. 135. 4d. Capellan. 21. 16s. 8d. Decim. lan. agn. Oblat. & al. caſual. Thomas Luttrell, 1712. 7 The 22 I od O --- DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. SOMERSET. So 'd. Clear l'early'Value. King's Books. 1. 1. S, d. The Reverend Mr. Culme, Patr. 1720. James Newton, 1782. Abb. Clove, Propr. 47 3 6 Ruddington, alias Raddington, R. (St. Michael.) Synods 8 7 81 6s 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Jo. Sowthey, (this Turn) 1708. Lord Waldegrave, 1721. Thomas Davys, Gent. 1746. Benjamin Davys, and others, 1784. p. j. 47 17 1į STOKE GUMBER, alias STOKE GOMER, alias STOGUMBER, V. II 18 71 (St. Mary.) Synods gs. 8d. 1. Pri. Dunſter 75. Capellano 5l. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. Decim. lan. agn. perſonal. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells, Propr. and Patr. 20 7 2 Stoke Piro, alias Perrow, R. Synods and Proxies 55. 7d.j. 4 10 10 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 25. 8d. &c. Ri. Noſocombe, Eſq. 1675. 3.7 4 0 Timberſcomb, alias Timbercomb, V. (St. Michael.) - Terr. 6 10 gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. Decim lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 11 Treborough R. (St. Peter.) Proxies is. Synods gs. 2d. Terr. 7 10 5 gleb, ad valor. Il. os. 8d. Edmund Wyndham, Eſq. 1695. John Trevelian, 1757. 48 21 Weſt Quantoxhead R. (St. Etheldred.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. II 8 & Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Baldwin Mallet, Eſq. 1685. Robert Balch, Eſq. 1770. 0 47 II I Not IN CHARGE. Watchet is a Market Town in this Deanry. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Luxborough, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Cutcombe. 57. 195. clear Value. North Newton Chapel. 10l. clear Value. Withypole, (St. Andrew,) Chapel to Hawkeridge. 177. 10s. clear Value. Fitzhead, Chapel to Wivelſcombe. gl. 115. 5d. clear Value. Bicknaller, Chapel to Stoke Gumber. 15l. clear Value. Road Huiſh, Chapel to Carhampton. Williton, Chapel to St. Decumans. 41. clear Value. Leighland, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Old Cleve. 5h clear Value. I D. fronte, SOMERSET. 81 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. D. Frome, in the Archdeaconry of Wells. d. 19 II 13 12 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. learly Tenths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. of Beckington, with Standerwick, R. (St. George.) Synods 95 I 19 lei 8d.ž. is Proxies 1S. 8d. Seneſchallo 6s. Terr. dinc. 21. &c: John Sainſbury, 1731. Edmund Archer, Archdea- - con of Wells, p. h. v. 1738. John Sainſbury, and others, 1780. 81 Benagre, alias Benegar, R. (Holy Trinity.) Terr. dinc. 21. Terr. dinc. 21. 17 34 55. &c. George Hellier, Eſq. 1696. Eleanor Prater, Wi- dow, 1751. 7 9 7 Berkley R. (St. Mary.) Synods Is. od. 1. Proxies 2d. 1. Proxies 2d. 1 0 14 113 Terr. dinc. decim. prædial. 31. &c. Roger Newborough, Eſq. 1713. Mrs. Prowſe, 1721. Thomas Prowſe, 1742. Mary Prowſe, Spinſter, and others, 1770. 6 18 4 Camelý R. (St. James.) Synods 6s. 8d. Abb. Bath 135. 4d. 0 13 10 Terr. dinc, 21. Preſton Hippeſley, Eſq. 1720. John Hip- piſley Coxe, Eſq. 1755. 15 9 2 Camerton R. (St. Peter.) Synods gs. 8d. Abb. de Monte acuto 85. Abb. Glaſton. 135. 4d. Terr. dinc. 21. 45. &c. Thomas Carew, 1700. Thomas Carey, Eſq. 1750. 31 Combehawey, alias Combhay, R. Synods 75, 3d.}. Proxies O 19 21 4d.j. Terr. dinc. 11. 6s. 8d. &c. Robert Smith, 1742. John Smith, Eſq. 1756. 4 7 Donkerton R. (All Saints) Synods 95. 9d. Proxies 5d. 1. 51 Terr. dinc. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Copleſton Warwick Bampfylde, 1714. Sir Richard Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. 1769, 1774. FROME ZELWOOD V. (St. John Baptiſt,) Synods gs. 6d. 4 Proxies 2d.l. Abb. Circeſtr. il. Terr. dinc. il. 145. 6d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. & redd. Ten. cuſtum. 21. Lord Weymouth. Abb. Circeſtr. Propr. 13 14 7 Hennington, alias Hemington, alias-Homington, R. (St. Mary.) I 7 5 Synods 11s. Id. į. Proxies 6d. Preb. Curton 135. 4d. Terr. dinc. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Richard Warwick Bampfylde, 33 16 8 Mellis, alias Mells, R. (St. Andrew.) with Lye Chapel. (St. 3 7; 8 Giles.) Synods 10s. 4d. Proxies is. 8d. Sacriſtæ Glaſon. 11. Terr. dinc. il. 105. &c. Thomas Horner, Eſq. 1751, 1783. M Meriton I 1ο ΙΙ 9 12 I 0 2.2 0 O 2 Bart. 1755. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WEIL S. SOMERSET. 1. l. s. I ♡ II King's Books. Pearly Tenths. d. 31 19 91 Merſton Bigote, alias Marſton Bigott, R. (St. Leonard.) Synods 3 11 95. 8d.ž. Penſ. Decano Circeſtr. 55. 4d. Terr. dinc. 21. os. 4d. &c. Lord Weymouth, 1760. 15 9 43 Nony, alias Nunny, R. (All Saints.) Synods 95. rod.. I 10 11 Proxies gd. Terr. dinc. 13.5. 4do &c. Rice Adams, and Joſeph Lambert, Gent. William Whitchurch, Eſq. 1734. 5 11 3 Norton Philir’s V. (St. Philip and All Saints.) with Henton II Chapel. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods gs. 81.1. Proxies is. id.. Bilhop of Bath and Wells. Pri: Henton Propr. Terr. dinc. 125. Decim. prædial. 4/annual, penf. rec. de Prior. de Henton 31. &c. 6 il ol Radſtock, alias Radſtoke, R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods &s. Iid. 0.13 15 Proxies 6d.. Abb. Bathon. 21. 135. 40. Terr. dinc. 155. Decim. prædial. &c. Lord Waldegrave, 1721, 1780. 99 7. Standerwicke R. Deſtructa. annexed to Beckington R. Synods 04.11! and Proxies 25. 3d, Terr. dinc. 135. 4d. &c. The Reverend Mr. Sainſbury, Patr. 1721. 73 9 21 Wanſtrow R. (St. Mary.) Synods 95. 8d.. Proxies ed. 1 611 Terr. dinc. Il. 48s. &c. Jof. Baynard, Eſq. 1696. James Perk, and Francis Tregagle, 1751. Anna Bethune, 1781. 12 17 1 Whatley R. (St. George.) Synods and Proxies 93. 8d.1. Terr. 8d.]. Terr. I 5 87 dinc. il. 25. &c. Thomas Chaffin, Eſq. 1698. George Chaffin, Eſq. 1721. Thomas Horner, Eſq.p. j. 1783 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1 early Value. King's Books 48 6 6 Babington R. (St. Margaret.) Synods 2s. Proxies 7d. Terr. 10 dinc. 21. 1os. &c. James Twyford, Eſq. 1691. Samuel Twyford, and Thomas Samuel Jolliffe, Eſqrs. 1782. 16 0 Buckland Dinham V. (St. Mary.) Decim. prædial. lan. agn. 6 9 7 &c. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 42 19 4 CHEWTON V. (St. Mary Magdalen,) with Ewborow, (St. 29 II 8 Mary,) Eſton Major, Faringdon, (St. John Baptiſt,) and Paltron Chapel. (Holy Trinity.) Synods gs. 8d. Penſ. Pri. Shene 3l. 6s. 8d. In terr. dinc. 75. 7d. Decim. Jan. agn. &c. Henry Kingſmill, Eſq. 1714. Abb. Shene Propr. The KING, 1754, 1764. 30 12 6 Cloford, alias Clatford, V. (St. Mary.) Synods 25. uid. 7 17 6 Proxies 15..5d. Terr. dinc. 35. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. penf. rec. de Abb. &c. Thomas Horner, Eſq. 1750. Abb. Keynſham Propr. 3 Eaſt harptree V. (St. Laurence.) Terr. dinc. 75. Decim. lan. 8.15 agn. &c. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patron. The KING, in 1722. Elme 31 TO SOMERSET. 83 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. S. 1. 2. O 9 13 6 0 2 1 2 I II 0 43 18 Clear Hearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 37 5 Elme R. (St. Mary.) Syrods 75. 3d. Proxies 2d.). Terr. dinc. 21. 15. &c. John Strachey, Eſq. Patr. 1721. John King, Gent. 1764. 45 6 4 Farley Hungerford R. (St. Leonard.) Synods is. 70.1. Prox. 8 II 8 ies 6d. Redd. 6s. 8d. Terr, dinc, Il. 45. &c. Jof. Holton, Gent. 1717. James Frampton, Eſq. 1761. 40 15 Foxcote R. Synods 75. 3d. Proxies 2d. 1. Terr. dinc. 57. &c. 4. 19 John Smith, Eſq. 1769. 19 8 o Hardington R. (St. Mary.) Terr. dinc. il. Decim. prædial. O o lan. &c. Mandevil Warwick Bampfylde, Eſq. 1678. Sir Richard Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. Holcombe R. (St. Andrew. Terr. dinc. Il. Decim. prædial. 5 7 31 &c. Thomas Horner, Eſq. 1767. 39 17 o Kilmerſden, alias Kilmerſdon, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with 6 18 67 90 Aſhwick Chapel. (St. James.) Synods 45o 11d. Decim. lan. agn. &c. The KING. Pri. St. John's of Jeruſalem Propr. 6 Laverton R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies gs. 8d.j. Terr. 6 18 63 dinc. 165. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 30 7 o Lytton R. (St. Peter.) Proxies 35. 4d. Terr. dinc. Ios. &c. & 1? Redd. 11. Prebendary thereof. The Biſhop, (this Turn,) 1776. 35 6 91 Norton Canonicor', alias Midſummer Norton, V. (St. John 10 3 4 Baptift.) Synods 25. 3d. Proxies 6d.}. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Pri. de Marten Abbey Propr. 19 6 4 Orchardleigh R. Decim. prædiał. cum al. caſual. 21. Thomas Champneys, Eſq. 1764. 47 17 2 Roode, alias Rode, R. (St. Laurence.) ivich Wolverton. Sy. 11 9 4 nods 1os. 5d.1. Proxies 2d.1. Terr. dinc. il. 105. &c. John Baynton, Eſq. 1711. Sir Edward Baynton, Bart. 1773. 41 14 Stratton on the Foſs R. (St. Vigor.) Synods 95. Proxies 8d. 9 11 52 70 Terr. dinc. 16s. &c. The Prince of Wales. 4 Tellesford R. (All Saints.) Synods 75. 4d. Prosies 15. 2d. 9 i 03 Terr. dinc. ii. 6s. 8d. &c. William Wickſted, Clerk, 1715. Stephen Wickſted, Eſq. 1755. 38 10 Wellow. V. (St. Julian.) Synods 125. vid. Proxies is. 4d. 20 6 101 Terr. dinc. 21. 125. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Henry Portman, Eſq. 1718. Thomas Derey, Gent. (this Turn,) 1775. Abb. Circeſtr. Propr. 42 3.2 Wolverfrington, alias Wolverington, alias Wolverton, R. (St. 7 1 3 Laurence,) with Roode R. Synods 6s. 5d.j. Proxies 2d 1. Terr. dinc. 12:5. &C. Edward Waynford, Eſq. Walter Grubb, and Jo. Danvers, 1692. Edward Baynton Rolt, Efq. 1740. Sir Edward Baynton, Bart. 1773. 42 10 9 Wridlington R. Synods 7s. 3d. Proxies 2d. 1. Terr. dinc. 5 7 83 1 25. &c. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum. CHAPELS, 2 2 0 45 10 M 2 7 1 84 SOMERSETE DIOCESE OF B A T H AND WELL S. CHAPELS, DONATIVÉS, AND CURACIES. Longleate Chapel. Stipend. Curat. 51. 135. 4d. Abb. five Pri. de Henton Propr. (Survey Henry VIII.) Witham Friary, (St. Mary,) (formerly a Carthuſian Monaſtery in this Deanry, valued at 2151. 155.). Stipend. Capellani ibidem, 5l. 6s. 8d. The Priory of Henton was returned ar 2481. 195. 2.d. the net annual value in Manors, &c. in 1535. Vide Liber Regis. Juriſdiction of Glaſton, in the Archdeaconry of Wells. 2. S. d. 2. 5. 1 2 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. rearly Tentos, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. de 6 8 Butleigh V. (St. Leonard,) with Bolftonborough Chapel. (St. 4 8 Dunſtan.) Proxies 25. 6d. Terr. gleb. 21. 6s. 8d. Decim. lan. & agn. &c. Giles Strangeways, Eſq. 1714. The Hon. James Grenville, 1778. Pr. Glaſton Propr. 24 31 Street R. with Walton Chapel. (Holy Trinity,) Proxies 75. 2 9 28 gd.1. Terr. gleb. ad val. 2l. Lord Weymouth. 14 6 8 Welton in Zoyland, alias Weſton Zoyland, V*. (St. Mary) I 8 8 William Bridges, Eſq. 1709, 1725, 1737. The Biſhop, 1756, 1768, 1780. Pri. Glaiton Propr. Terr. gleb. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. O 2 Clear Yearly Values King's Books 32 6. Mere, alias. Mear, V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 45. 13 8 Elizabeth Strode, 1713. Joſeph and Frances Combe, 1758. Pri. Glaſton Propr. Terr. gleb. Decim. prædial, lan. agn. &c. * Weſton in Zoyland V.-Is certified to the Governors of Queen, Anne's Bounty to be of the clear Yearly Value of 421..175. Murclinch 7 SOMERSET. 85 DIOCESE OF BATH 8 BATH AND AND W E L L S. 1. S. 43 16 O agn. &c. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. l. d, do Murclinch and Sutton V. (St. Mary,) with Chelſton Chapel. 10 Jo. Floyer, Eſq. 1671, 1721. John Walter, Eſq. 1742. Pri. Glaſton Propr. Terr. głeb. Decim. prædial. lan. 22 I 10 Middlezoy V. (Holy Croſs.) Biſhop of Bath and Wells. Pri. 12 00 Glaſton Propr. Terr. gleb. Decim. lan. & agn. &c. Otherey, alias Otterey, V. (St. Michael.) Biſhop of Bath and 12 Wells. Pri. Glaſton Propr. Terr. gleb. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. 46 17 4 Shapewike V. (St. Mary,) cum Athcot. (All Saints.) Terr. 9 13 4 gleb. Decim. lan. agn. prædial. &c. Sir Francis Rolle, Knt. 1680. John Rolle, Eſq. 1723. Denys Rolle, Eſq. 1776. 19 10 2 O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURÁCIES. Balftonborough, Chapel to Butleigh. 271. gs. 80.1. certified Value. St. John and St. Benedict, Glaſton. 241. certified Value. Weſt Pennard, (St. Nicholas,) annexed to the ſaid Churches. 161. certified Value. The Monaſtery of Glafton was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, of 3311). 75. 40. 4. The Monaſtery of Mochelney was returned by the Commif- fioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of 4471. 45. 110.4. The Monaſtery of Mountague was returned by the Commiſ- fioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of 4561. 145. 3d... For Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Liber Regis. Ile " 86 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. 2. Jicheſter, in the Archdeaconry of Wells. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Kimg's Books. Yearly Tenthse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. $. છે. 1. S. d. 36 15 O 3 13 6 O 38 19 2 Aller R. (St. Andrew.) Synods gs. 6d. Proxies is. 4d. Terr, gleb. ad valor. 51. &c. Emanuel College, Cambridge. 16 2} Charlton Mackarell R. (St. Martin.) Synods gs. iod.t. Prox I 12 ore ies 1s. Decim. prædial. lan. &c. Henry Henley, Eſq. 1731. Wilhelmina Jane Cheſelden, 1780. 14 5 71 Cheſelborow R. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Weſt Chin- I 8 63 mock Chapel. Synods 1os. 6d. Proxies 8 d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 1l. &c. W adham Strangeways, Eſq. 1676. Joſeph Wyndham, Eſq. (this Turn,) 1704. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1982. 6 7 81 Eaſt Chinnock R. Synods 125. Proxies 4d.1. The KING, O 12 92 9 15 71 Hardington R. Syn. 1os. Prox. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4. &c. Ø 1961 Mr. Hellier, Patron, 1721. William Helyer, Eſq. 17650 Highain R. (St. Andrew.,) cum Cap. Lowham. Synods 113. 6d. 3.17 11 Proxies Is, 8d. Penf. Mon. Glaſton 21. Redd. eodem Mon. 1s. 2d. Capellano Netherham 2l. 16s. 8d. Ters gleb. ad valor. 31. &c. Francis Rolle, 1701. John Rolle, Eſq. 17250 William Barret, Surgeon, 1782. 27 3 11 Kingſdon R. (All Saints.) Synods 95. 3d. Proxies is. Terr. 2 14 3 gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Nicholas Ingram one Turn, Lord Arun- del another. John Buſh, 1718. Ann Mervili, Widow, Mary Biſhop, William Dodd, Clerk, and Edward Clothier, Gent. 1745. Robert Tucker, Gent. 1767. 6 51 Limmington R. (St. Mary.) Synods 1os. 10d.. Proxies Iso 2 2 73 Redd. 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 1os. 8d. &c. Dr Taſ- well, Patron, 1721. John Shirley, Eſq. 1779. 7 9 7 Middle Chinnock R. (St. Margaret.) Synods 105. Proxies 5d. 0 14 11] Terr. gleb. ad valor. Ilo 10s. &c. Thomas Strangeways, Eſq. 1708. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1782. 10 0 0 Mochelney V*. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) (a Curacy only). I oo Prompt. denar. rec. de Abb. Mochelney 10l. Dean 21 * Mochelney-Is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the clear Yearly Value of jol, 1 and SOMERSET. 87 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WEL Ľ S. Se 9 18 King's Books. learly Tenths. To d. li so d. and Chapter of Briſtol, Patr. Abbey of Mochelpey Pro priet. It North Perrot R. (St. Martin) Synods gs 100 1 Proxies-8.3. O 19 93 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. 185. &c. Joſeph Conſtantine, Eſq.- 1709. John Pitt, Eſq. 1777. 9.16 3 Norton under Hampden R. (St. Mary.) Synods gs. 10d.1. O 1978 Proxies 6d. 1 Penſ, Ecclef. Wellen. 2l Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 1:25. 8d. &c. Lady Beauchamp, 1063. William Lock, Eſq. 1739, William Charles Lock, Eſq. 1770. 15 9 91 Odcombe R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods gs. 10d. . Prox I IO III ies 1s. Pri. de Monte acuto 21.' Terr.-glebo ad valor.-Il. &c. William Philips, Eſq. 1708. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. 3: 4: 44 Pennedomer, alias Pendomer, R. Synods 75. 3d. Proxies 2d. 0 6 58 Terr. gleb, ad valor.-21. &c. Anne Paulet, Widow, 1684. E. Poulett, 1:724, 1768.- 6: 51 Podimore Milton R. (St. Peter.) Synods 95. Iod. Proxies 5d. I 4 7 Abb. Glaſton Ios. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Thomas Horner, Eſq. 1776. 5 10 2] Sock R. (St. Dennis,) (a Sine Cure.) Synods 95.-9d.]: Dim. OUI o . per indentur. Elizabeth Philips, Spinſter, 1708. Henry Hele, and Sir Alexander Powell, Knt. 1767. 16 o 7. SOMERTON Y. (St. Michael.) Proxies is. Id. Abb. Mochel I 12: 0 ney il. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 8s. 4d. Decim.-perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1779. Abb. Mochelney Propr. 26. 92. Yeovelton K. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods gs. iod. It Proxies is. (pays Tenths to the Biſhop of Bath and Wells.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 7 16:101. Yevelcheſter, alias Ilcheſter, R *-($t, John Baptiſt.) Synods 0 15 80 il. 58. 10d... Proxies 6d. Redd. Regi 6s. 8d. Decano 45.- Terr. gleb. ad valor. : 165. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells, 1 2 kell te 2. I2 II LIVINOS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 43 13 10 Briinpton R. (St. Andrew.) Synods 75. - 3d. . Proxies 4d. 7 7 0 Terr. gleb. ad valor. It. 1os. &c. Şir Philip Sydenham, Bart. 1711. Thomas Horne, Eſq. 1750.. * Ilcheſter R.—Is certified tº the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the clear Yearly Value of 471. 135, 6d.. Charlton 1 88 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L S. - 1. d. 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Boots, 1. S. d. 24 15 81 Charlton Adam V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Abb. Brewton 6 147 21. 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 75. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. William Sealy Strangways, Gent. 1770. Abb. Brewton Propr. 40 15 10 Chilton, alias Chilthorn Domer, alias Chilhon Dummer, V. 57 i (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Jeremiah Dewdney, Gent. 1738. Thomas Ha- berfield, (for this Turn,) 1777. Abb. of Brewton Propr. 25 18 51 Compton Dondon, alias Compton Dundon, V. (St. Andrew.) 9 6 10 cum Cap. Biddelham. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 25. rod. Decim. lan. agn. &c. The Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. 28 9 9 Haſilbere V. (St. Michael.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 85. 8d. De- 70 cim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patron. 29 30 HUISHE (St. Mary.) and Langport. V. (All Saints.) Synods 14 10 5 175. 7d. t. Redd. 70,1. Terr. gleb ad valor. gs. 4d. Decim. prædial. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Archdeacon of Wells, being Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patron. 33 8 21 Long Sutton V. (Holy Trinity.) cum Cap. Knoll, alias Knowle, 8 18 0 Capellano 6l. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 105. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells. Abb. of Athel- ney Propr. 48 2 7 Luſton, alias Lufton, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods 5 7 81 7s. 7d. 1. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. os. 8d. &c. William Wyndham, Eſq. (this Turn,) 1763. 4. Martock, alias Martlocke, V. (All Saints,) with Stapleton 15 10 Chapel, Deſtructa. Synods 95. iod. I. Proxies is. 8d. Capellano 5l. 1354. Oblat. cum decim. perſonal. & annual. penſ. rec. de parochian. de Buckland Mary, &c. Treaſurer of Wells Propr. and Patr. Abb. Syon in Middleſex olim Propr. 21 10 101 Mountague, alias Montacute, V. (St. Catharine.) Synods 12s. Deciin. prædial. lan, agn. &c. Pri. Montague Propr. Ed- ward Fowle, Gent. 1781. 43 0 81 North Over V. (St. Andrew.) Synods 75. 3d. Proxies 2d. 6 12 II Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 145. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Bridgwater Propr. Henry Chicheſter, Eſq. 1760, 1774. 37 7 4 Pitney R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods 15. 7dot. Proxies 1s. 9 14 9 3 Redd. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. 6d. &c. Frances Pyrie, Widow, 1724. John Payrte, Eſq. 1776. 34 17 41 Thorne Coffin R. (St. Andrew.) Synods is. 7d.3. Terr. 5 5 23 gleb. ad valor. 85. &c. John Napier, Gent. 1772. 11 15 11 Titten hull V. (St. Margaret.) Synods 1os. 7d. Proxies iod. 9 8 9 Prompt. denar. 1ol. (no inftitution.) Pri. of Montague Propr. CHAPELS, 45 12 8 to SOMERSET. 89 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Load, (St. Mary Magdalen) Chapel to Martock. 36 clear Value. 1 moglo biti D. Werſton, in the Archdeaconry of Wells. The Commandry of Temple Combe was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value of 1071. 16s. 11d.j. Vide Liber Regis, for the Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, TSI bra OT Yearly. Tenthus Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 2 do 0 18 11 I 6 114 I 158 9 9 41 Abbotts Combe, alias Temple Combe, R. Proxies Epiſc. 1od. Synods and Proxies Archidiac. ciis. 6d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Richard Noyes, Eſq. 1717 John Tucker, Eſq. 17626 13 9 41 Corton R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies is. Synods 95. Ildo Terr. glebo ad valor. 2l. &c. Henry Portman, Eſq. 1710. Henry William Portman, Eſq. 1775., 17 16 8 Eaſt Camell, alias Queen's Camell, V. (St. Barnabas.) Synods 95. 9d. t. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 5l. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Cleve Propr. - Carey Harvey, alias Mild- may, Eſq. 1705. Carew Harvey Mildmay, Éfq. 1776. 12 6 3 Eaſt Coker V. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies gs. 10d.l. Ecclef. Wellen. 135. 4d. Térr. gleb. ad valor. 85. 4d. Decim. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 13 21 Henſtridge V. (St. Nicholas.) Decim. lan. agn. Oblat. cum deciin. prædial. & al. caſual. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 18 6 0 Horlington R. (St. John Baptift.) Pr. Epiſc. 35. Synods and Proxies Archidiac. 1:15. 9d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4... &c. James Wickham, 1725. John Wickham, Clerk, and James Wickham, Gent. 1767. N I 4 71 i O I 6 6 og I 16 71 Kingſton, BATH SOMERSET. s. d. Lord Willoughby do Bra DIOCES E OF BATH AND 90 AND W E L L S. King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. 2. S. d. 5 19 2 Kingſton, alias Pitney, R. (All Saints.) Sine Cure. Synods OIIII 15. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad walor. 27. 25. &c. Charles Abing- don, (this Turn, 1708. Lord S:urton. George Prowſe, 1722. George Bragge Prowſe, 1781. 14 I 3 MILBOURN Port V. (St. John the Evangelift.) Synods 1os. 8 11 iod.1 - Proxies is. Id. Abb. Circeftr. il. 6s. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan, agn. &c. Wincheſter College. Mon. Circeſtr. Propr. 13 8 4 Pointington R. (All Saints.) Synods gs. gd. Terr. gleb. ad 1 6 10 valor. ros. &c. Sir Richard Verney, Knt. . ger, Gent. p. h. v. 1745. 1783 9 19 93 Rimpion R. (St. Mary.). Proxies 4d. Synods 95. 10d.1 Terro. O 19 111 glebo ad valor. 21, &c Biſhop of Wincheſter. 11 9 91 Sampford Orcas R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods gs. 4d. Proxies I 2 11 Epiſc. Is. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 21 &c. The Reverend Mr. John Paget, Patr. 1721. Elizabeth Hunt, Widow, 1723. John Wickham, 1749. 4 15 10 Sutton Bingham Ro Synods, valor. zi. &c. Swayne Harbin, Efq. 1769. Ro Synods and Proxies. 6. Terr. - gleb. ad 0.7 23 55 Trent R. (St. Andrew.) Synods 10%. Proxies 1s. Id.l. Terr. 2 0 6 valor. The 10s, &cCorpus Chriſti College, Ox- 13 8 9 Weſt Camel R. (All Saints.). Synods iOS. 50.1 Proxies 10d. 1 6 10 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 247&c. Bifhbpof:Bath and Wells. O 12 19 7 Weſt Coker R. (St. Martin... Sympods and Pròxids 115. 10d. I 5 int Terr. gleb. ad valor. Oli & Co Ojane Webb, Widow, and Thomas Proctor, Eſq. 1728. Nathaniel Webb, Eſq. and Mary Proctor, Widow, 1769001 .I foto 18. O o YEVIL, alias YEOVILL, alias Evil, V-St. John Baptift.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. Decini: prædial. Sic. Abb. Siyon Propr. Jo. Colford, 1683. Edward Pilips, Erg. p. i. 1721. Ed- ward Philips, fq. 1780, chov bs Jobs 19077 07010 ford: ad vald gleb. I I 16 LIVINGS DISCHARGE D. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookso 45 6 8 Aſhington R. (St. Vincent.) Synods gs. 8d. Proxies 54.0 6 3 4 -re: gied. ad valor. TE 135. 43. &c. Sir John St. Barbe, Patron, 1721. Humphrey Sydenham, Eſq. 1750. 40 I 6 Berwick R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies and Synods 25. 5d.1 7 14 7 Terr. gleb, ad valor. 21. 35. 43. &c. Merilla Syms, Widow, 1703. Nathaniel Carpenter, Gent. 1721. Thomas Thorn- 5 by, SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WE L L S. 91 1. s. do I Clear Pearly Valuc. King's Books. 1. d. by, Gent. 1730. Slingſby Bethell, Merchant, 1743. The KING, 1762. John Newman, Eſq. 1781. 47 15 101 Charlton Camfield, alias Canville, alias Charlton Horethorn, 8 10 5 V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 9d. Synods and Proxies Archidiac. 25. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. Decim. prædial. lan. ağn. &c. Edward Keevill, 1736. Edward Walter, Eſq. 1962. 1765. Abb. Kyllyngworth Propr. 45 14 8 Cheriton North R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies 5d. I Synods 8 12 75. 100.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. Thomas Sampfon, Gent. William Watſon, M.D. 1734. 46 16 & Chilton Cantloe R. (St. James.) Synods 7:50 fod. Proxies 8d. 911 5 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 43. &c. - Grent Jones, Gent. 1731. George Vincent, Gent, 1743. Lady Bridget . Baftard, Wi- dow, 1747. Grace Hill, Widow, 1778. 39 g Cloweſworth R. (All Saints) Epifc. Isa id. Syn. and Prox. 6 81 Archidiac. 58. Priori de Montague 55. Terr. gleb. ad va- lor. Il. &c. Sir William Portman, Bart. 1680. Hen. Will. Portman, Eſq. 1755. I 29 Ï Gorehill R. (St. Peter.) Synods. 55. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad va- 3 II 103 lor. 195. &c. Sufan Chafe, 1708. Oneſiphorus Warry, Gent. 1773• 22 3 3 8 Merſton Magna V. (St. Mary.) Synods 2sa 3d. Proxies 6 10 10 Epiſc. 4d. Humphrey Sydenham, Efq. 1750. Abb. of Polfeldy Propr. vel Polſlo, in Devon. Decim. lan. agn. an- nual. penf. de 12 reçe de parochiant. ibm. &c. 41 4 54 Mudforde V. (St. Mary.) Synods 6s. 9d. Proxies 5dai Terr. 9 4 91 gleb. ad valor. 21. 55. 3d. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells Propr. and Patr. 49 16 II Stowell R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Synods and Proxies 8s. 2d. 6 15 0 Vicario Milbourn Port 35. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. &c. Lucy Hody and Jo. her ſon, 1708. Robert Knight, Eſq. 1735. Samuel Dodington, Eſq. 1782. N 2 9. Poulet, 92 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELLS: SOMERSET 9. Poulet, alias Pawlet. 7. d. l. í 7 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentban Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 15 1917 Bawderipp R. Proxies 25. 3d.1 Synods' 105.9d. Terr. gleb. i Itali ad valor. 11: 8s. &c. Fran. Rolle, Eſq. 1696. John Rolle, Efq. 1723. - Dennis Rolle, Eſq. 1752. Elizabeth Stråd- ling, Richard Stradling, and Edward Stradling, 1782. 13 10 • Coſſmington, alias Coffington, R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 15. 8d. Synods ios. gd. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 2l. 6s. 8d. &c. Thomas Smith, Gent. 1699. Thomas Smith, Eſq. 1771. 72 5. 5 Huntſpill R. (All Saints.) Proxies 115. 1d. Epiſc. Synods 7 4 61 Archidiac. 125. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. os. 8d! &c. John Tripp, Eſq. 1708. The Heirs of the Counteſs of Bath. Baliol Coll. Oxon. 1739. 1778. 7.11 Wollavington V. cum Puriton V. (St. Mary.) Proxies is. 8d. i 2 g Synods 95. 9d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 105. Iod. In penſ. gran. de prior. de iBridgwater 31. 45. &c. Sir Jo. Syden- ham, Bart. 1694. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. 010 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookiss- 39 5 5 Greinton R. (St. Michael.) Proxies Is. 8d. Synods 8s. 4d. 13 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 83. &c. Phil. Watts, 1685. Robert Browne, 1739. 47 14 11} Poulet, alias Pawlet, V. (St. John Baptift.) Proxies 1s. 8d. 10 17 LI Synods 8s. 5d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 125. 8d. Decim. Lan. & agn. Decim. prædial. &c. The KING. Abb. St. Au- {tin's Briſtol. Propr. 24 1 5 Puriton V. cum Wollavington V. (St. Michael.) Proxies 45. 6 15 10 4d. Synods 105.4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 125. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn, perſonal. &e. Sir Jo. Sydenham, Bart. 1678. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patrons. 80 O SOMERSET. 93 DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. D. Redclife and Bedmiſter, in the Archdeaconry of Bath. The Monaſtery of Keynſham was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be of the clear annual value of 4191. 105. 40.1 The Priory of Minchinbarow returned at 231. 145. 3d... The Hoſpital of St. Catharine returned at 21l. 155. 8d. For Particulars, vide orig. Sury. 1. 1. s. II 16 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Ionths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. s. d. d. 3 Backwell R*. (St. Andrew.) Sine Cure. Terr. gleb. ad va- 3 7 ] lor. 34. 145. 4d. &c. Elizabeth Creſſman, 1676. Hannah Markham, Widow, for this Turn, 1746. 30 13 4. Chew Magna V. (St. Andrew.) with Dondry Chapel. (St. 3. I 4 Michael.). Ecclef. Bath. 26. 135. 4d. Capellano 566 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 121. 10s. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. John Waſher, 1684: Richard Hill, 1709. Silvanus Bond, 1735 Elizabeth Pyke, p. h. v. 176.56 Epiſc. Bathon. Propr. Clutton R. (St. Auguſtin.) Synods 35. 4d. Proxies 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 95. 8d. &c. Lord Brooke, 1717, 1724, 1761. 10.6 8 Compton Martin R. (St. Michael.) with Nempnet Chapel, I (St. Mary.) Proxies Is. Capellano 5l. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. rl. 135. 4d. &c. Harry Bridges, Eſq. 1.716. Duke of Chandos; 1771:. Farnborow, alias Fariborough, R. (All Saints.) Synods 75. I 0 31 6d. Proxies 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 27. &c. Alexander Popham, Eſq. 1693. The Biſhop, by: Lapfe; 1726. 29 3 11 Kingſton Seymour R. (All Saints.) Synods 7s. 5d. Proxies 2 18 41 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Ill. &c. Arthur Lacy, Eſq. 1699. Earl Poulett, 1780. 9 4 2 o 18 5 10 2 II I'S. * Backwell R.—Is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the clear. Yearly Value of 481. 105, 2d.] N. B. This is a Sine Cure. Norton 2 94 Somerser. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. 1. S. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, d. 1. s. d. 2 2 6 Norton Mallreward R. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 55. &c. The o 18 3 Rev. Robert Paine, Patron, 1721. Joſeph Buller, Clerk, O 18 3 1758. IS, &c. 21 1 2 II 2 32 15 71 Porkilhead, alias Portiſhead, R. Synods 55. 8d. Proxies Is. 3 5 6 40. Abb. Keynlham 8s. Redd. tenen. cuſt. 41. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Mayor and Burgeſſes of t riſto!. 12 18 4 Priſton R. (St. Luke) Proxies 6d. I Terr. gleb. ad valor. Ih I 5 10 4d. &c. Sir Walter Long, Bart. 1662, 1679. Rebecca Parker, 1723. Mary Caroline Jenkins, 1781. 11 19 91 Timeſborow, alias Timſbury, R. (St. Mary.) Synods 75. 6d. , 1 3 11 Proxies 25. 6d. Penf. Pri. Farley 18s. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Thomas Samborn, Efq. 1689. Baliol College, Oxon. 1782. Winford R. (St. Mary and St. Peter.) Synods 6s. Proxies 3 31 11d. Terr. gleb. ad valor, 2l. 16s. 6d. &c. Samuel Webb, Clerk, 1757, upon his petition. 49 US Wraxhall R. (All Saints.) with Nayleſey and Burton Chapels, 4 19 Synods 75. 6d. Proxies is. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. 125. 8d. &c.' Oldfield Bowles, Eſq. 1781. 39 9 41 WRINGTON R. (All Saints.) with Berrington Chapel. (Holy 3.18 11 Trinity.) Synods 75. 5d. Proxies 15. 4d. Penf. Abb. Glaſton. 2l. Capellano 31. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Earl of Ellex, 1716. William Pulteney, Efq. 1728. William Pulteney, Eſq. and Frances his Wife, 1779. 30 0 0 Yatton V. (St. Mary.) with Kenn Chapel. Capellano 6l. 3 O o Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patron. 2 13 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valve. Ring's Books Ś Backwell V. (St. Andrew.) Proxies is. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6 19 9Z 35. 4d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. Arthur Norman, 1660, 1663. Robert Whiting, 1673. Anne Whiting, 1681. William Walter, Clerk, 1693. Hannah Markham, Widow, for this turn, 1746. The Rector thereof Propr. 37 0 o Bedmister* V. (St. John Baptiſt.) with Leigh Abbats Cha- 10 3 4 pel. Terr. gleb. cum cert. ten, ad valor. 165. 8d. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof in Sarum Impr. and Patr. Biſhop of Sarum this turn 1775. * Bedmiſter-has alſo Redcliffe St. Mary-and St. Thomas Chapels in Civ. Briſtol annexed to it. Vide Dec. Briſtol in Dioc. Briſtol. Brockley SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AN WELL S. 95 l. S, d. 18 15 Ý Robert Ready and others, 1777: Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. L. d. 33 16 10 Brockley R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 35. 4d. Proxies 5d. Terr. 9 18 4 . glebo ad valor. 11. 25. &c. Jo. Pigot, Eſq. 1799. Solin Pi- gott, Eſq. 1758. 313 6 Burnet R. (St. Michael.) Synods 3s. 4d. Proxies 4d. Terr. 5 10 7 gleb. ad valor. il. 75. 6d. &c. The Survivor of Jo. Whiſ- ton, Gent. 1700. The Mayor of Briſtol and other Feoffees. O Butcomb R. (St. Michael.) Synods 3.5. 4d. - Proxies 1s. Terr. 6 17 10 gleb. ad valor. 8s. ód. &c. Jo. Mann, Eſq. 1716. John Curtis, Eſq. 1781. 42 14 5 Chelvey R. (St. Bridget.) Synods 35. 4d. Proxies 8d. Terr. 4 9.7 gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Sir Haſwell Tynt, Bart. 1719. Sir Charles Kemeys Tynte, Bart. 1761. 41 10 11 Chelwood, alias Chelworth, R. (St. Leonard.) Terr. gleb. ad 5 6 valor. 105. &c. Bilbop of Bath and Wells. The KING, 1774 14 o o Chew.ſtock R. (St. Andrew.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 8d. &c. 7 3 4 Marquis of Newcaſtle, 1663. William Stretton, 1719. Jo- feph Butler, 1758. 4.5. 16 4 Cloptop, alias Clapton, R. (St. Michael.) Synods 25. 2d. 1 10 Prox. 60.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 35. Thomas Edwards, Efq. 1915. 23 18 7 Clewdon, alias Clevedon, V. (St. Andrew.) Terr. gleb. ad 15 14 4 valor. 11..45. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Sii Auguſtin. Bris ftol. Propr. Biſhop of Briſtol. 35 5 2 Compton Dando V. (S.. Mary:) Synods 6s. 8d. Proxies 4d.' 5 10 5 The Biſhop. Pri. Bathon. Propr. Tęgr. gleb. ad valor, il, 45. Decim. prædial. lan. &c. 23 5.0 Corfton V. (All Saints.) Terr- głeb. ad valor. 75. Decim. 6 3.9 lan. agn. &c. Pri. Bath. Propriet. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. oo Eaſton V. in Gordano. (St. George.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4o 5 9 42 Decim. lan, agn. &c. Prebendary thereof Patr. and Propr. 47. OO Henton Blewet R. (All Saints.) Synods 55. Proxies sdo 9 8 1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 125. éd. &c. William Stocker, Gent. 1703. George Tryme, Gent. 1712. John Brookes, Clerk, 1766. 15" 8 0 KEYNSHAM V. (St. John Baptiſt.) with a Chap. Abb. ibidem 11 19 7 Propr. Harry Bridges, Eſq. 1716. The Hoñble George Bridges, 1749. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. 62. Decim. lan. 15 16 o Littleton, alias High Littleton, V. (Holy Trinity.) Synods 7 7 81 Abb. Keynſham Propr. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 35. 4d. Decim. prædial. lan. agn. &c. The KING, 1782. Long 9 20 agn. &c. IOS. 96 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH ÀND WEL S. 3. 5 5 10 Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookso l. d. 2. d. 44 7 4 Long Aiſhton V. (All Saints.) Proxies 5d. Terr. gleb. ad 10 17 II valor. 25. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Bath. Propr. Sir John Smith, Bart. 1695. John Stillingfleet, Eſq. and Henry Hobhouſe this Turn 1754. 48 7 Markeſbury R. (St. Peter.) Synods 35. 4d. Proxies 8d. 10 4 2 Abb. Glaſton. 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad. valor. 145. 4d. &c. Edmund Seymour, Eſq. Edward Popham, Eſq. 1737. Do- rothy Popham, 1780. 27 15 8 Portbury V. (St. Mary.). Proxies 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 10 11 3 6s. 8d. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. St. Auſtin. Briſtol. Propr. Bilhop of Briſtol. 33 I 4. Saltford, alias Salford, R. (St. Mary.) Synods 35. Proxies Is. 10 Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. os. Iod. &c. Harry Bridges, Eſq. 1712. Duke of Chandos, 1755. 42 13 8 Staverton Prior, alias Staunton, R. (St. Laurence.) Synods 10 I 1ο: 35. 4d. Proxies 4d. Subpriori Bath. 85. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. 4d. &c. Mr. Popham, Patron, 1721. Joſeph Langton, Eſq. 1775. 34 5 8 Staunton, alias Stanton Drew, V. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. ad 7 2 81 valor. 55. Oblat. decim. perſonal. cum decim. lan. Archi- diac. Bathon. olim Propr. Mr. Popham, Patron, 1721. Archdeacon of Bath, 1747, 1750, 1753. 4. Stowey V. (Si. Mary.) five Rectoria. I'err. gleb. ad valor. 6 12 il . Decim prædial. lan. agn. &c. Biſhop of Bath and Wells Patr. and Propr. The KING, 1774. Tickenham V. (St. Quiricus and Julietta.) Proxies 5d. Terr. 8 15 5 gleb. ad valor. 25. Decim. prædial. lan agn. &c. Abb. Ski Aug. Briſtol Propr. Biſhop of Briſto!. 29 14 8 Ubley R. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods 35. 4d. Proxies 64.1 II 11 51 60 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 135. 10d. &c. The KING. 27 19 Walton R. in Gordano. (St. Paul.) Synods 45. Proxies 8d. 9 15 5 Terr. gleb. ad valor. ll. 45. 8d. Lord Poulett, 1773. 24 4 Weſtharptree V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 8d. Terr. gleb. ad va- 13 19 41 50 lor. 6s. 8d. Decim. lan. agn. &c. The KING. The Prince of Wales preſented 1722. Abb. Keynſham Propr. 29 8] Weſton in Gordano R. (St. Paul.) Synods 35. 4d. Proxies 6 3 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 75. Decim. lan. agn. &c. Edward George and Martha his Wife, 1716. Earl Poulett; 1728. Cann Wilkins, Eſq. p. h. v. 1765. 29 II O I 2 6 II O 2 2 o O 2 Curacies SOMERSET, 94 DIOCES E OF BATH AND WELL S. Curacies and Chapelries certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, within the Archdeaconry of BATH. Barrow, 361. Value. But uncertain. Berrington, 371. 115. 4d. Value. Brillington, (St. Luke.) 251. Value. Queen Charlton, (St. Margaret.) 10l. Value. Felton, alias Whitchurch, (St. Gregory.) 14.1. Valuc. Kenne, Chapel to Yatton, 371. 155. Value. D. Launton, in the Archdeaconry of TAUNTON. - The Priory of Taunton was returned by the Commiſſioners 26 Hen. VIII. at the clear annual Value of 2861. 85. rod. Vide Liber Regis, for Particulars. Kimg's Books, 1. d. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 19 3 111 Aiſhbrittel R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods 105. 4d. Proxies i 18 41 Is. Id. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 51. &c. Alexander Thiſ- tlethwaite, 1670. John Quick, Eſq. 1757. 18 10 10 Bagborough R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods gs. 8d. Terr. gleb. . I 17 I ad valor. 61. &c. Richard Stawell, Eſq. 1682. John Eſt- ment, Eſq. 1706. Edmund Archer, Archdeacon of Wells, 1737 2 6 Bradalton, alias Badialton, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods 6s. 0 14 3 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 6s. Ed. &c. William Webb, 1710. John Webber, Gent. 1748. 13 10 10 Cheddon Fitzpain R. Synods 8s. 11d. Proxies gd. Terr. 7 1 gleb. ad valor. 41. &c. The Reverend Mr. Francis Warre, Patr. 1721. Joanna Warre and Philip Bliſs, 1781. 11 13 9 Combeflory R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods gs. 8d. { 1 3 41 150 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. The KING. Creche, 7 2 I Oo Proxies 35. 98 L SOMERSET DIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L.L.S. s, 1. do 1913. 101 2 Decim. præ- II IO 22 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 2. d, 16 18 9. Creche, alias Creech, V. (St. Michael.) Syn, 39, 4d. Prox. Is. 8d. Decano & Capitulo Welien. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad vălor, 51. Decim. prædial. Jan, agn. oblat, cum decim perſon nal. Pri. of Montacute Impr. Sir Francis Warre, Bart. 1702. Thomas Gale, this Turn, 1704. Robert. Bird Wil. kins, 1782. 9 1 8 Hethfield R. Synods 45, 6d. Prior. St, Johan. Jeruſalem 1,85., o 18 Terr. gleb. ad valor, 41. &c. Tlie Reverend Mr. Richard, Alpin, Patr. 1721. Mary, Hay, and Ayliffe Phelp, Widow, 1756. 18 711 Kingeſton V *. (St. Mary.) with Curſton Chapel. Synods I 16 9! 95. 8d.} Proxies 8d. Priori. Taunton 15s. dial. lan. & agn. oblat. , cum decim. perſonal. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. Priory of Taunton Impr. 5 Kiteford, alias Kittisford, R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 8s. 11d. 1 3 of Proxies 10d, Terr. gleb, ad vaļor., 51. os. 4d. &c. Richard Eſcot, Eſq. 1715. 1730. 1754. 6 8 Lydiard St. Laurence R. Synods gs. 8d.1 Proxies 1s. 5d. 2 4 8 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. 145. 4d. &c. Henry William Port. man, Eſq. 1768. Milverton Prima V. (St. Michael.) with Langford Chapel (St. 2 James.) Synods is. Redd. Convent. Glaſton, Il. 65. 8d. Decim. lan. & agn. cum decim. perfonal. Archdeacon of Taunton Impr. and Patr. 26 0 0 Monkton, alias Weſtmonkton, R. (St. Auguſtin.) Synods gs. 2 12 0 7d. Proxies gd. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16. &c. Alhford Sandford, Clerk, 1719. Alexander Popham, Eſq. 1775 Norton Fitzwarren R. (All Saints.) Synods gs. 8d. { Terr. 2. I I. gleb. ad valor. 31. &c. Jane Willis, 1697. Jolin Minifie, Gent, and others, 1768. IO 5 Oke R. (St. Bartholomew.). Synods 8s. ud. Proxies 8d. i 2 2o1 Terr. gleb. ad valor, 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Executors of Wil-, liam Webber, 1694. Ralph Markham, Clerk, two Turns in three, whereof he preſented the firſt Turn 1723. George Green, Gent. 1771. Thornfawlcon R. Synods 25, 3d. Proxies 75. 5d.Ž Terr. gleb. I. 9 ad valor. 41. 10s. &c. Jo. Burridge, Eſq. 1715, 1739, 15 10. 21 WELLINGTON V. (St. John Baptift.) with Weſt Buckland Chapel. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 5. Decim, præ, dial. Jan. & agn. oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Dean of Wells Impr. Alexander Popham, Eſq. Patr, 1662, 1666. Ed- ward Popham, Eſq. 1742. 21 19 2 3 II 20 IO IO II 14 10 O Iul 01 * Kingeſton V.—Is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the clear Yearly Value of 491. 185. Sd. LIVINGS SOMERSET. 99 BIOCESE OF BATH AND W E L L s. S. 47 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. di 1. d. 40 10 51 Angerdleigh R. (St. Michael.) Synods 1s. 7d. Terr. gleb. 4 19 43 ad valor. 21. &c. Henry Gale, 1727. Henry Proctor Gale, Gent. 1769. 47 15 34 Bradford v. (St. Giles.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. Decim. 10 17 6 prædial. decim. lan. & agn. oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Priory of Barleche Impr. Jo. Marker, 1711. John Par- ker, Eſq. 1959. 37 10 31 Halſe V. (St. James.) Proxies 6d. 1 Pri. of St. John of Jeru- 5 19 1 ſalem Impr. Terr. glebo ad valor. Is. 8d. Decim. prædial. lan. & agn. oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Richard Muſgrave, Eſq. 1721. Sir James Langham, Bart. 1771. 43 4 0 Lydiard Epiſcopi V. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. 23 10 Decim. lan. & agn. oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Dean and Chapter of Wells Impropr. and Patr. 32 10 31 St. Mary Magdalen iņ TAUNTON V. Prompt. denar. an. folut. 20 3 4 per man. prior. 181. Lib. pafchal. &c. Henry William Port- man, Eſq. 1757. Pri. Taunton Propr. 6 Ninehed V. (All Saints) Synods 25. Proxies 6d. Terr. 8 7 11 70 0 gleb. ad valor. Il. is. gd. Decim. prædial. lan. & agn. ob- lat. cum decim. perfonal. The KING. Pri. Taunton Propr. 40 4 North Curry V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) with Weſthatch 21 and Stoke Gregory Chapels. Decim. lan. & agn. oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Dean and Chapter of Wells Impr. and Patr. 45 14 101 Orchard Portman R. (St. Michael.) Synods gs. Proxies is. 7 11 5 7d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 45. &e. Henry William Portman, Eſq. 1757 46 17 o Pitmiſter V. (St. Andrew and St. Mary.) Synods gs. 8d. 1 15 10 5 Decim. lan. & agn. & decim. perſonal. Earle. Goodenough, Eſq. 1764. Priory of Taunton Impr. 47 611 Rowington R. Synods 25. 3d. Priori Taunton is. 4d. Terr. 5 151 80 gleb, ad Valor. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. The KING. 6 Sampford, alias Sanford, Arundell V. (Holy Croſso) Abb. 6 3 1} of Canonleigh in Devon Impr. Prompt. denar, rec. de Abb. Jo. Lenthal and his Wife, 1675. The KING, 1750. Je- remiah Woodbury, Gent. 1768. 46 5 103 Stawley R. (St. Michael.) Synods 25. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad va. 8 8 63 lor. 11. 125. &c. Lord Poulett, 1901, 1779. 91 Thorne Margaret Chapel. (St. Margaret.) Decim. lan. & agn. 3 9 oblat. cum decim. perſonal. Archdeacon of Taunton. o O II 16 12 IO 2 O2 Ci APELS, 100 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH AND WELL S. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Cothelſtone, alias Cutſton, Chap. to Kingſton, 8l. 125. clear Val. Langford, Chap. to Milverton, 301. clear Val. Weit Buckland, Chap. to Wellington, 201. clear Val. Stoke St. Gregory, Chap. to North Curry, 121. clear Val. Weithatch, Chap. to North Curry, gl. clear Val. Primer Dioceſe 1 [ 101 ] Dioceſe of Briſtol. Firf Fruits. 1 d. 294 II 11 ο ore B В Yearly Tenths. 1. d. ISHOPRICK of Briſtol *. This Biſhoprick was erected 27 14 4# upon the new Foundation 34 H. VIII. and taken out of the Dioceſe of Salisbury. Paul Buſh was the firſt Biſhop, 1542, and was deprived in the beginning of Queen Mary's reign for being married : Dugdale's Monafticon, vol. I. fol. 1440 The Cathedral Church. (Holy Trinity, olim St. AUGUSTIN.) 82 12 1 50 Upon the Diffolution of this Monaſtery, King Henry the Eighth, inſtead of Monks, placed in this Church a Dean and ſix Prebendaries. The Deanry is in the Gift of the KING, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. (Charter of Erection June 14, 1542.) 450l. per ann. The Chancellorſhip is in the Gift of the Biſhop. 81 Archdeaconry of Dorset has the Rectory of Guffage. Alt 8 5 36. Saints annexed. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. The Lord Biſhop of Briſtol, Patr. This Archdeaconry was antientły in the Church of Salisbury, from which it was ſeparated at the Erection of this See in the Year 1542. Vid. Orig. Surv. Com. Wilts. There are fix Prebends in the Church of Briſtol in the Gift of the Crown, but preſented to by the Lord Chancellor, or the • Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.. None of the ſaid Prebends o o * Biſhoprick of Briſtol:- The Tenths were altered by Judgement of the Court of Exchequer, Hilary Term 8° Eliz, to the Sum of 271. 145. 40 $ as above, The Parent of Erection of this Biſhoprick, dated June 4, 1543. 34 Henry VIII, may be ſeen in: Rymer's Federa, Vol. XIV. p. 748. are 102 DORSET. DIOCESE OF, BRISTO L. are charged with any Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths; but they pay with the Deanry, in lieu thereof, a Rent Charge of 8 5l. per annum. 160l. per ann. each. By a return made by Paul, the firſt Biſhop of Briſtol, and cer- tified into the Exchequer of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities, 34 Henry VIII. it appears that William Snowe was the Dean of this Cathedral, and received a clear annual Income of 100l. and that the ſix Prebendaries, viz. John Gough, Roger Egeworth, Henry Morgan, Roger Hughes, Richard Brown, and George Dogeon, had each a clear annual Payment of 20l, and that the eight Minor Canons had 10% each annually: D. Birport, alias Bridport. The Monaſtery of St. Peter and St. Paul Abbotsbury, in Bir- port, was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, annually, 390l. 195. 2d. Vid. Orig. Surv. The Hoſpital of St. John, in Birport, was valued at 81. 6s. 1d. For Particulars, vid. Orig. Surv. do 1. S. 0 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Terurbs. Rectories, &e with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. do 19 15 Abbotſtock R. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies 10s: "9d. 19 6 Abb. Shyrborne 5l. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 2l. &c. New College, Oxford. 9 26 Aſkerwell R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 7s. 6d. Terr. o 18 3 gleb. ad valor. 165. &c. · William Bennet, Eſq. 1704. Iho- mas Bennet, Eſq. p. i. 1782. 8 ? 31 Bettiſcomb K. Synods and Proxies 3s. 3d. Terr. glebo ad va- O 16 2 lor. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. George Fulford, Eſq. 1681. Robert Browne, of Frampton, Eſq. Francis John Browne, Eſq. 1778, p. i. 0 9 41 Birport Deanry. In profic. annuat. rec. de Archid. Dorſ. O 11 o Burton Bradſtock R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 11s. 10d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. &c. George Pitt, of Shrowton, Q 95. 40.1 25 O 2 10 DORSET. 103 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. I 0 21 2 2 King's Books. Ý carly. Tenths. 2 di 1. de Shrowton, Eſq. Thomas Pile, E. fq. Thomas Freke, and his Wife, 1705, 17.46. Lord: Riversi. 15 8 9 Brodwinſor V. (St. John Baptift.) Synods and. Proxies 105 9d. 1 10 101 Dec. & Cap. Sarum: & Deco & Cap. Wellen. Propr. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 75. omnim. decim. ablat. & al. profic. (Vide Dorſet Roll. in Offic. Primir:) Biſhop of Barum. 13 13 9 Caterſtock, alias Cattiſtock; R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Proxies 7 41 and Synods 95. 7d. Abb. Miltoni ros. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. William Strode, Eſq. 1682. Chriſtopher Churchill, Clerk, 1774. Richard Roſe Drewe, Eſq. 1782. 8 8 4 Chedington R. (St. James.) Synods and Proxies is. Id. Terr. 0 16 10 gleb. ad valor. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Mathew Knight, Gent. p.i. 1765. 5 0 Chilfrome R*. (Holy Trinity.) Sir Richard Warwicke Bamp. o 10 fylde, Bart. p. i. 1775: 34 Corſecombe R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 135. Penf. 4 Abb. Shyrborne. Il. 16s. 8d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 4. 135. 4d.. &c. Lord Lempfter, Patron, 1721. Thomas Hollis, Eſq. 1754. 23 2 11 Hawchurch, alias Hawkchurch, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods 2 6 31 and Proxies 1os. 7d. Penf. Abb. Cerne. 135. 4d. Penſ. Abb. Abbotsbury 45. Seneſchallo 135..4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. 175. 4d. &c. Thomas Wyndham, Eſq. Patron, 1721, 1729. Helyer Wadham Wyndham, Eſq. 1774. 33 7 81 Litron, alias Litton Cheyney, R. (St. Mary.), Synods and 3 6 gi Proxies 8s. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valos. 2l. 195. 4d. &c. Geo. -Richards, Efq. 1714, 1721, 1765. 19-12 I. Longbredy R. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Bredy parva Cap. (St. I 19 23 Michael.) Synods and Proxies 185. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 45. &c. &c. Penf. abb. Cerne 4. Robert Miller, Eſq. 1712. The Biſhop, by lapſe, 1962. 8 Oo Luecombe, alias Lucombe Eaſt Chelborough, R. Terr. gleb. 0 16 0 ad valor. 41. &c. Lord Stourton, 1711. Thomas Hollis, Ef4. 1765, 1768. 8. 3. 11 Maperton R. (St. Mary.). (Sarum Pecul.). Terr. gleb. ad va O 16. 38 lor. Il. 145. 8d. &c. Richard Brodrepp, Eſq. 1715, 1735, , 1757 30 5 0 Mayden Newton R. (St. Mary.): Synods and Proxies 195. 3 6 Terr. gleb. ad: valor. 21. &c. Thomas Strangeways, Eſq. 1684. Sir Charles Wyndbam, and Lord Ilcheſter, by turns. O * Chilfrome and Wraxhalare two ſeparate Livings at 5l. per annum each in the King's Books. See the Liber. Regis in the Firſt-Fruits Office for the County of Dorſet. Wraxhal is annexed to Rampilham R. 7 Netherbury 104 DORSET. DIOCESE O. BRISTOL. S. le de 8 14 2 O I 31. &c. King's Cooks. carly Tenths. i. d. 41 15 O Netherbury V. (St. Mary.) and Bemister Cap. (St. Mary.) 4 3 6 (Sarum Pecul.) with Mangerton Chapel, (St. Mary,) De- îtructa. Penſ. Prebendario ibidem 21. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. omnim. decim. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Sarum Ca- thedral, Propr. and Patr. Portiſham V. (St. Peter.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 8 d. Penf. rec. 017 5 de Abb. de Abbotſbury, 81. 135. 6d. Mon. Ski Petri & Sti Pauli Birport Propr. William Biſcoe, Eſq. p. t. 1778. 14 Punknoll R. (St. Mary,) cuin Ecclef. Boxington (St. Giles.) 18 Deſtructa, Synods and Proxies gs. 6d. Penſ. Mon. Abbotſ- bury iis. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 2h. iis. 8d. &c. Ann Starke, Widow, p. h. v. 1770. 1 17 81 Rameſham, alias Rampiſham, R. with Wraxhall, united in 1758. 3 98 (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 9s. Terr. gleb, ad valor. Mr. Bennet, and Sir Copleſton Bampfylde, alter- mately. Hon. Henry Bilſon Legg, and his Wife, 1755. Lord Stawell. 17 14 2 South Perrot R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 135. 8d. cum | 15 5 Cap. Miſterton. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. 1os. &c. Henry Horlock, Gent. 1716. William Menith, Gent. p. i. 1750. 15 13 11į Stokeland V. (St. Michael,) with Dalwood. Synods and Proxies III 4* 95. 7d. Omnim. decim. oblat. & ali profic. Mon. Middleton Propr. Freeholders and Inhabitants, Patr. 36 3 4 Symondſborrow R. Synods and Proxies 105. 3d. I Abb. Cerne 3 12 4 21. 125. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Ill. 145. &c. Peter Temple- man, 1716. William Combe, Clerk, and Richard Eftcott, p. i. 1782. 5 0 0 Toller Porcor' V. (St. Peter.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. 6s. 8d. O 100 omnim. decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Birport Propr. Henry Trenchard, Eſq. and his Wife, 1711. Geo. Browne, Eſq. 1770. Francis John Browne, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 8 7 1 Wambroke R. (St. Mary.) (Sarum Pecul.) Penſ. Priori O 16 81 Cherdſtock il. Penf. Vicario Cherdſtock 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor, 1l. 45. gd. &c. John Bragg, Eſq. 1749. 2 13 4 Wetherſton R. Deſtructa. omnim. Decim. &c. James Banks, 5 4 and his Wife, 1700. Lord Milton, 1764. 32 6 3 Whitchurch Canonicorum V. (Sancta Candida, or St. White.) 3 471 Synods and Proxies iis, Iod.} Abb. Abbotſbury 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 195. omnim. decim. oblat. &c. EC- clef. Cath. Wellen. & Dec. & Cap. Sarum Propr. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 13 17 6 Winterborne Abbots R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies I 7 9 25. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 45. &c. United with 4 Winterborne 0 DORSET. 105 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. 1. S. d. I King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. IO 4 7 Winterborne Stepleton R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies O 51 85. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 185. 8d. &c. John Sagittary, M. D. 1696. Samuel Wilmot, Eſq. 1756. Lincoln Coll. Oxford, 1783. 8 15 0 Wotton Fitz Payne R. Synods and Proxies 35. id. Terr. 0 17 6 gleb. ad valor: 6d. &c. Richard Roſe, Eſq. 1702, 1729. Thomas Roſe Drew, Eſq. 1755. 5 o o Wraxhal R. (St. Mary,) united to Rampitham in 1758. Ο ΙΟ O 3 o 0 LivingS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 14 O ABBOTSBURY V. (St. Nicholas.) In quad. penſ. rec de Abb. 10 de Abbotſbury & ſucceff. ſuis iol. Mon. Birport Propr. Thomas Strangeways, Eſq. 1712. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1774. 47 0 O BIRPORT, alias BRIDPORT, R. (St. Mary.) Synods and 10 12 32 Proxies 1os. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 175. &c. Jo. Comer, Eſq. 1715. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1766. 43 0 Brapell, alias Brad pole, V. (Holy Trinity.) Terr. gleb. ad va- 81 8 13 1] 60 lor. 195. Oblat. & al. profic. cum penf. rec. Abb. de Syon. Mon. Syon in Middleſex, Propr. The KING. 35 Burſtocke V. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies is. Id. 5'19 41 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6d. omnim. Decim, oblat. penſ. rec. Abb. de. Ford il. 6s. 8d. &c. Pri. Ford in Devon. Propr. William Bragg, Efq. 1703, 1725. : Mr. Bragg's Truſtees, 1756. 45 1 4. Chardſtock V. (St. Andrew.) (Sarum Pecul.) Omnim. dec. 14. 2 6 oblat. penſ. rec. Rector. de Wanbroke 8d. &c. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. in Eccleſ. Sarum. 30 Oo Charmouth R. (St. Matthew.) Synods and Proxies is. Id. I 8 16 3 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. &c.' Ant. Elleſden, Eſq. 1708. Richard Henvill, I747 Francis Phipps Henvill, Eſq. 1783, p. i. 15 oo Chatherſton, alias Catherſton, R. (St. Mary.) Synods and 2 16 101 Proxies Is. id. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 185. &c. The Re- verend Henry Churchill, Patron, 1721. Richard Hen vill, 1747. Robert Elmes Henvill, Eſq. 1783, p. i. 32 00 Chilborowe, alias Weſt Chelborough, R. Synods and Proxies 4 15 73 45. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. &c. Ant. Larder, Elq. 1707. James Syndercombe, Gent. 1749. 29 Chilcombe R. Synods and Proxies ind. į Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4 II 75. &c. Hum. Biſhop, Eſq. 1704. Edward Foyle, Clerk, 1777 P Compton I 8 106 DORSET. DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. le 3. d. o 5 o O 2 II O оо O Clear rearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 35 O o Compton Abbas R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 55. Id. 8 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. &c. John Michell, Eſq. 1706, 1725. Mr. Michell, 1773. Henry Longden, Clerk, 1777. 40 Hoke, alias Hooke, R. (St. Giles.) Synods and Proxies 1s. Id. 9 18 10 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. 135. 4d. &c. Duke of Bolton. 26 Oo Langton Herring R. Synods and Proxies 35. 1d.1 Penſ. Priori 7 Holme 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 145. &c. Duke of Newcaſtle, Patron, 1721. Ifaac Sparks, Genț. 1766. The KING, 1773• 48 Loders V* (St. Mary Magdalen.) Synods and Proxies gs. 14 5 77 60 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. omnim. decim. oblat. &c. & penſ. de il. 135. 4d. rec. de Abb. de Syon. Abb. Syon in Middleſex, Propr. Counteſs of Shaftſbury, 1692. Earl of Shaftſbury, 1754. The KING, 1783, his alternate right. 45 00 Lyme Regis V. (St. Michael.) (Sarum Pecnl.) Redd. Majori 10 5 7 Lyme 1os. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 155. omnim. dec. ob- lat. &c. Prebendary thereof in the Ch. of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. 30 0 0 Melbury Sampford R. united to Melbury Oſinond, in 1750. 5 6 51 Synods and-Proxies 6s. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 175. &c. Thomas Strangeways, Eſq. 1683. Thomas and Suſanna Strangewayes Horner, 1726. Lady Ilcheſter, 1783, p. i. 45 0 o Pelliſton, alias Pelſdon, K. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. &c. 7 00 Thomas Wyndham, and Thomas Perkins, 1710. Frances Wyndham, 1721. Sir Abraham Janſen, Bart. 1750. Wil- liam Janſen, Gent. 1768. o o Porton, alias North Porton, Perſonať. (St. Mary.) Proxies 5 21 51 and Synods is. id.I Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. &c. William Bull, Gent. 1708. John Leight Banger, Eſq. 1762. 35 Oo Powerſtock, alias Portſtock, V. (St. Mary.) (Sarum Pecul.) 16 16 8 cum Cap. Barnpton. (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies 1os. Abb. Cerne 135. 4d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 55. omnim. de- cim, oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Saliſbury, Propr. and Patr. The Bifhop of Briſtol inſtitutes. 47 Swyre R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies 55. 3d. Abb. 7 o 5 Shaftſbury 6s. 8d. Rectori de Punknoll 25. ad valor. Il. 25. 4d. &c. Duke of Bedford. 40 0 Terr. gleb. # Loders V.-Here was formerly a Prebend, which belonged to the Abby of Syon, valued at NOT DORSET. 107 DIOCESE OT BRISTO L. NoT IN CHARGE. Dalwood, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Stokeland. The Pariſhioners. Bochenhampton, alias Bampton, Cur. (Holy Trinity,) olim Cap. to Portſtock. The Counteſs of Abington preſents. Marſhwood, (St. Mary,) Cap. to Whitchurch. Shipton George Cur. (St. Martin,) Cap. to Burton Bradſtock. Mr. Pitt, Patr. Waldich Cur. (St. Mary,) Coll. of St. Edmund's, Saruin, Propr. Mr. Larder. Weſt Milton, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Portſtock. Allington Chap. or R. (St. Swithin,) olim Cap. Bridport. Coll. of Vaux, Sarum, Propr. Mr. Egardon, Patr. Chidioke, Chap. to Whitchurch. (St. Giles.) Stanton, St. Gabriel's, Chapel to Whitchurch. Halſtock, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Lyme. The Corporation of Lyme. D. 25riſtol *. 5 The Monaſtery of St. Auguſtine, in Briſtol, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual ſum of 6701. 135. 11d. The Hoſpital of St. Mary, alias l'Gaunts, was likewiſe returned at 1121. gs. gd. The Hoſpital of St. John the Baptiſt was likewiſe returned at 511. 10s. 4d. The Hoſpital of Kalendar was likewiſe returned at 10l. 185. 8d. The Hoſpital of St. Mary Magdalen was likewiſe returned at 211. 11s. 3d. For Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. * Deanry of Briſtol.- This Deapry and two Churches in the City of Briſtol are ſtill ſubject to the Archdeacon of Glouceſter, 2 P2 LIVINGS 108 Gloucester: DIOCESE OF BRISTOL, Yearly Tenths, S. d. 1. do O 2 8 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 24 Olveſton V *. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 125. In red- dit. & firm. cum decim. &c. Cum Cap. Alveſton. Pri. Bath. olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, this Turn, 1767. There was formerly in this Pariſh the free Chapel of Toking- ton, which did belong to the Abbey of St. Auſtin's, in Briſ- tol, and after the Diffolution given to the Biſhoprick of Briſtol. 27 7 6 Winterborne R. (St. Mary.) In reddit. & firm. cum decim. &c. William Davis, Efq. 1713. St. John's College, Oxford, 1777 2 14 9 0 0 48 1 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 40 13 10 Almonsbury V. (St. Mary,) with a Chapel, Synods and Proxies 20 8s. 8d. Penſ. Abb. Sti. Auguſtini 1os. In decim. & oblat. &c. Biſhop of Briſtol, Patr. and Impr. Abb. Sti Auguſtini Briſtol. olim Impr. 3 Compton Greenfield R. Synods 85. 8d. Valet in decim. & 7 Valet in decim. & zoo oblat. &c. Joh. Stone, Gent. 1683. Robert Cann Jeffries, Eſq. 1770. 36 11 8 Filton R. (St. Peter.) Proxies is. 6d. In reddit. & firm. 7 o0. unacum decim. &c, Elizabeth Pope, 1705. Matthew Brickdale, Eſq. 1779. 35 17 6 Littleton R. In reddit. & firm. unacum decim. &c. Sir Henry II 4 92 Lippincott, Bart. 1779. 5 Stoke Gifford V. (St. Michael.) Pri. Malverne Parva olim 6 oo Impr. Norborne Berkeley, Efq. 1739. 2012 * Olveſton with Elberton united in 1767. By the Act of Union, the Dean and Chapter of Briſtol are to preſent twice to the Biſhop of Briſtol's once. The Dean and Chapter to have the firſt Turn, and the Biſhop the ſecond, CHAPELS, GLOUCESTER. 109 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Clifton Cur. (St. Andrew,) a Chapel near the Hot Well, be- longs to this Cur. 61. certified Value. Mr. Taylor, 1772. College de Weſtbury olini Impr. Horfield, alias Howill, Cur. 31. certified Value. Abb. Sri Auguſti, olim Propr. Biſhop of Briſtol, Impr. and Patr. Mangotsfield Cur. (St. James.) 134. certified Value. Mon. Ski Jacobi olim Propr. Dr. Wilmot and his Wife, 1765, 1769. Stapleton Cur. (Holy Trinity.) 141. certified Value. Moe. Sii jacobi olim Propr. Jof. Whitchurch, 1769. Weſtbury upon Trim Cur. (Holy Trinity.) 131. 16s, certified Value. Coll. de Weſtbury olim Propr. Hon. Hen. Fane, 1781. Shirehampton, Chapel to Weſtbury. St. George's V. in Kingſword. Corporation of Briſtol. Town of Briſtol. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. King's Books, Clear Yearly Value. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. s. de 2 III 4. 4 6 5 10 8 All Saints V. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Propr. and Patr. 3 St. Auguſtine V. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Propr. and Patr. 3 80 Chriſtchurch, alias St. Trinity, R. united to St. Owen. Mayor 1100 and Corporation of Briſtol. 46 o 8 Elberton, alias Aylbarton, V. or Chapel. Co. Glouceſter., 6 united to Olveſton, 1767. Biſhop of Briſtol. 28 4 6 Hepbury V *. (St. Mary.) Valet clare in decimis. Elizabeth 30 Goldenham, 1712. Sir Jarrit Smith and Lord Middleton, alt rnately. St. John 6 12 * Henbury V.--In this Pariſh is the Chapel of Auſt, endowed by Mr. Harcourt, with 20l. per An- num. Atkins's Hift. of Glouceſterſhire, p. 477. There is likewiſe a Chapel called Northwicke, in the ſame Pariſli, IIO DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. GLOUCESTER 1. d. 5 18 O Cliar Prarly l'alue. King's Books, . d. i St. John and St. Laurence R. united 1578. Mayor, Alder- 7 4 7 men, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol, 1779. 4 1 5 St. Leonard's V. with St. Nicholas. Dean and Chapter of 12 00 Brillcl, Propr. and Patr. 6 6 10 St. Mary Port R. Sir Thomas Bridges, Knt. 1690. Duke of 7o Chandos, 1782. 40 13 81 St. Mary Redcliffe V. in Co. Somerſet, is a Chapel to Bedmin- 12 6 3 ſter in D. Bedminſter, in Co. Somerſet. Prebendary thereof, in Sarum Cathedral. 5 18 11 St. Michael's R. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. 6 7 16 6 St. Nicholas V. with St. Leonard. Dean and Chapter of 21 II Briſtol. 6 8 St. Owen's, alias St. Ewin's, R. united to Chriſt-Church. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. 5 o St Peter's R. Mayor Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. 6 7 6 o St. Philip and St. Jacob V. . Abb. Tewkeſbury olim Propr. 15 Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol, Propr. and Patr. 20 13 II 16 O o St. Stephen's R. The KING. ! 80 33 8 Temple, alias St. Croſs, V. in Com. Somerſet. Knights 3 4 2 Templars olim Propr. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. St. Werburgh R. The KING. 10 OO 70 IZ 43 16 0 0 O O 2 33 6 8 o o NOT IN CHARGE. Abbatfleigh, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Bedminſter, Somerſet- thire. St. Thomas in Briſtol, a Chapel to Bedminſter in Somerſetſhire. St. James's Cur. olim a Priory. The Corporation of Briſtol, St. Mark's, alias Gaunts, Cur. ] Patr. now worth 300l. per ann Pariſh, ibid. There was formerly a Chapel called King's Weſton in this Pariſh, the Tithes whereof belong to the Biſhop of Briſtol, but the Chapel is demoliſhed. * Vide Willis's Survey, p. 841. Sixteen of the eighteen Churches in Briſtol are in no Arch- deaconry, but in the Biſhop's ſole Viſitation, by his Chancellor; though Bedminſter the Mother Church to St. Mary Redcliffe, and St. Thomas and its Chapel Abbatſleigh, are ſtill in Wells Dioceſe and Bath Archdeaconry; and the ſeventeen out-lying Churches and Chapels in Briſtol Deanry yet belong to Glouceſter Archdeaconry, notwithſtanding they are in this Dioceſe, D. Dor. DORSET. III DIOCESE OF BRISTOL D. Dorcheſter. The Monaſtery of Byndon in this Deanry was returned by the Commiſſioners 26 H. VIII. at the clear annual Value of 1471. 75. od.. Vide the Original Survey for Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. d. I II 2 II I IO IO 5 9 51 Bincombe R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies 45. 3d. O 18 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. &c. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. Bradford Peverell R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 75. 3d. I 2 33 Penf. Collegio Stæ Mariæ Winton. zl. Terr. gleb. ad va- lor. 16s. &c. Wincheſter College. 15 4 2 Broadmayne R. (St. Martin.) Synods and Proxies 45. 2d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 115. 61. &c. Robert Loder, Gent. 1708. Peter Marber, Gent. 1753. 17 15 21 Brodeway R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 55. id.} 0 15 6 Penf. Abb. Clerkenwell il. Penſ. Rectori de Langton-Her- ring 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. 8 Chaldon Herring V. (St. Nicholas.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1odi o 16 Penſ. rec. Mon. de Byndon 81. Mon. Byndon Propr. Not 1ol. per ann. No Inſtitution of late, 8 16. oi Checkerell Weſt R. Synods and Proxies 55. 3d. Terr. gleb. 0 17 73 ad valor. 135.4d. &c. Duke of Bolton. 5 21 Compton Valence, alias Eaſt Compton, R. (St. Thomas Becket.) į 4 61 Synods and Proxies 8s. 11d. Terr, gleb, ad valor. Il. &c. John Speke and Francis Thiſtlethwaite, 1696. Francis Thifttethwaite, Efq. 1725. William Pitt, 1767, 1768, 1773. John Pirr, Eſq. 1775. 40 14 7 CORFE CASTLE, R.* (St. Edward.) and Kingſton Chapel. (St. 4 5} James.) Synods and Prosies 10s. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 010 I 12 I * Corfe Caſtle is a Royal Peculiar, 75. &c. 112 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. DORSET, k’ing's Books. b. s. d. 1. S. Yearly Tenths. d. 75. &c. John Gane, Clerk, 1703. John Banks, Eſq. Pat. 1714, 1748. p. i. The Biſhop of Briſtol gives Inſtitution. 0 9 41 Dorcheſter Deanry. Val. in profic. annual. rec. de archidiac. o o 11 Dorf. 14 12 11 Eſtoke, alias Eaſt Stoke, R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies I 9 31 1os. 6d. Penſ. Priori de Shene 25. id. Prebendar, de Char- miſter 15. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valer. 6s. &c. Geo. Strode, Efq. 1750. p. i. 711 01 Frome Vauchurch R. with Batcombe R. united 1772. Synods 'o 15 1! and Proxies 95. Id. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 135. 4d. &c. Duke of Bolton, 1781. 8 15 5 Knighton Weſt R. (St. Peter). Synods and Proxies gs. 70.1 0.17 61 Commendatori de Mayne il. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il 1 Is. 8d. &c. Thomas Meech, Gent.. 1690. Peter Ma- ber, Gent. 1756. 14 8 9 Langton Matravers, alias Langton Wallis, R. (St. George.) 18 101 Penſ. Mandatori de Baddefley 4d. Synods and Proxies 45. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. William Trenchard, Eſq. 1780. 9 19 2 Moreron R. (St. Magnus.) Synods and Proxies 45. 3d. Terr. O 19 II gleb, ad valor. 16s. &c. James Frampton, Eſq. 1776. 21 Oſmington V. (St. Oſmond.) Synods and Proxies 6s. 3d. I 2 01 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. Decim. omnim. oblat. &c. Biſhop of Sarum. Mon. Mylcon Propr. 23 4 7 Owre Moyne, alias Overmoyne, R. (St. Michael.) Synods and 2 6 51 Proxies Ss. Iid. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 185. 6d. &c. William Folkes, Eſq. 1761. 13 Portland R. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies gs. 4d. Redd. I 16 27 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 75. 6d. &c. Biſhop of Win- cheſter. 9 5 5 Poxwell R. united to Warmwell 1749. Synods and Proxies o 18 61 95. 70.1 Penf. Mon. Cerne 55. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135: 4d. &c. George Trenchard, Eſq. Patr. 1721. John Trenchard, Eſq. 1781. 10 8 i} Stafford R. with Frome Billet. (Deſtructa.) Penf. Capellano I o91 Il Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Richard White, Gent. 1708. Jane Acton, Widow, 1775. 9 15 5 Stypull, alias Steeple, R *, united to Tynham, (St. Michael.) 0 19 61 In terr. gleb. ad valor. gs. &c. John Bond, Eſq. 1737, 1742. II o 2 I 23. * Stypull, alias Steeple, R.-with 'Tynham R. united by Act of Parliament, Anno 8 Georgii. 4 Swanwich, DORSET, 113 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL II King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. ti d. 27 9.91 Swanwich, alias Sandwich, R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 2 14 11. 75. 7d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 35. 4d. &c. Thomas Cook, 1714. John Calcraft, Eſq. 1782. 17 8 61 St. Trinity's in DORCHESTER R. with St. Peter R. by Act of I 14 I Parliament 7. James I. Synods and Proxies 11s. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. &c. Guardians of the Free School, Dorcheſter, 1781. 0 10 Tynham R*. united to Stypull, alias Steeple, R. (St. Mary.) I I 2 1 Proxies and Synods 11s. 3d. Penſ. Priori de Tortington in Suſſex 21. 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. &c. John Bond, Eſq. 1742. 18 3 I} Upway, alias Weybayhouſe, R. (St. Laurence.) Synods and I 16 3 Proxies 9s. Penf. Eccleſ. Sarum 2l, Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. &c. Biſhop of Sarum. 15 0 o Warmley, alias Warınwell, R. united to Poxwell 1749. Sy. nods and Proxies 75. 3d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 21. 1os. &c. Thomas Trenchard, Eſq. 1701. John Trenchard, Eſq. 1781. 23 14 41 Winfrith Newburgh R. (St. Chriſtopher.) with Weſt Lul 2 7 51 worth Chapel, (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 9d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Ile 45. &c. Biſhop of Sarum. 8oo Winterborne Monkton R. Synods and Proxies 55. 3d. Penſ. O 16 Prebendario de Preſton 75. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Thomas Strangeways, Eſq. 1708. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1773 4 9 91 Wyrdford, alias Woodford, R. Synods and Proxies 45. id.] o 8 11 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. &c. Sir Nathaniel Napier, 1711. Nathaniel Napier, Eſq. 1725. Sir Gerard Napier, I 10 Bart. 1753. 19 7 i Wyke Regis Rt. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies gs. 4d.1 I 18 88 Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Biſhop of Wincheſter. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 2 Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. 41" 0 Buckland Ripers R. Synods and Proxies 55. Id. Terr. gleb. 5 9 ad valor. 145. 4d. &c. William Frampton, Eſq. 1713. James Frampton, Eſq. 1776. 48 0 o Combkeynes, alias Combe Keynes, V. with Woolbridge Cha- 13 18 111 pel, (Holy Rood.) Synods and Proxies 1os. od. Terr. * See the Note in p. 112. t Wyke Regis R.-In this Pariſh is the Borough of WEYMOUTH, which had a Chapel, but it is now demoliſhed; it was dedicated to St. Nicholas. Q gleb, 114 DORSET. DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. l. S. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, d. do gleb, ad valor. il. Omnim. decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Merton in Surry Propr. Richard Goſtelowe, Eſq. 1750. 8 O o Dorchester Omnium Sanctorum 1. Synods and Proxies 35. 4 4 7 6d. Omnim, deciin. &c. Mayor and Aldermen of Dorchef- ter, Patr. 20 43 0 o Eaſt Lulworth V. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 6s. 3d. 11 14 7 Pri. Merton in Surr. Impr. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 105. Om- nim. decim. cum penſ. 21. rec. prior. de Merton. George Turberville, Gent. 1662. Humphrey Weld, Eſq. 1674. Henry Samways, Sail Maker, preſented 1729. James Framp- ton, Eſq. 1772. Fleet V. (Holy Trinity.) Terr. gleb. 25. 4d. cum oblat. & al. 5 6 8 profic. & penf. rec. de pri. de Twynham, &c. Pri. Twyn- ham alias Chriſt Church in Com. Southampt. Propr. Maxi- milian Mohun, Eſq. 1721. Geo. Gould, Eſq. 1769. 48 10 o Fordington and Wridlington V. (St. George.) Sarum Pecul. 15 Sarum Pecul. 15 00 Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. cum port. decimar. apud Lowdy Fyld per annum, &c. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum Propr. and Patr. 30 O o Frampton V. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 6d. 11 9 7 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 24. 135. 43. Omnim. decim. oblat. cum penf. 31. 6s. 8d. Rec. coll. Sti Steph. Weſtin. &c. Colleg. Sri Stephani Weſtminſter Propr. Robert Browne, Eſq. 1693. The KING, 1725. George Browne, Eſq. 1776. 48 10 Knowl R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 65. 3d. Redd. 17 17 6 Manerio de Stypull Is. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Ed- ward Clavell, Eſq. 1712. William Richards, Eſq. 1782. 6 Preſton V. (St. Andrew.) and Sutton Points Chapel. (St. Giles.) 8 18 Deſtructa. Sarum Pecul. Prebendar. de Preſton in Sarum Cath. Propr. and Patr. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 15. Omnim. decim. oblat. &c. 47 0 Raddypole R* (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 6s. 3d. ir 5 5 Penf. Mon. Cerne 25. Terr. gleb ad valor. 21. &c. Jo. Wyndham, Eſq. 1697. Jo. Wyndham, Eſq. John South, Gent. 1757 46 oo Stoadland, alias Studland, R. Synods and Proxies 6s. 3d. 7 10 5 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Edward Pleydell, Eſq. 1711. Edinund Morton Pleydell, Eſq. 1744. 46 0 0 Toller Fratrum V. (St. Baſil.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 9d. 10 Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. cum penſ. Il. 135. 4d. o 44 II O . . 60 * Raddypole.--The Borough of MELCOMB Regis is in this Parifi ; and it is now called Melcomb Regis Rectory with Radipole Chapel. Ree. Dorset. DIOCESE OF BRISTO L. 115 1. So 1. S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. do Rec. Mon. de Buckland. Mon. Buckland Propr. George Browne, Eſq. 1774. p. i. 40 0 O Winterborne Came R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 38. 8 1 51 2d. Penf. Rectori de Stafford 11. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 65. 8d. &c. John Damer, Eſq. 1780. In 1751 united to 45 0 0 Winterborne St. Germayne R. Synods and Proxies 35. 1d. { 7 3 61 Penſ. Prebendario de Preſton 75. 6d. Eccleſia Deſtructa. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 6s. &c. John Damer, Eſq. 1780. 40 O O Winterborne St. Martin V. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. 9 15 Omnimn. decim. oblat. & al. profic. cum penſ. 8l. Rec. de Mon. de Abbotſbury. Mon. Abbotſbury Propr. Biſhop of Saliſbury Worth Matravers V. Synods and Proxies 4s. Omnim. decim. 8 8 4 oblat. & al. profic. Phil. Baker, Clerk, 1708. Rector of Swanwich, 1714. John Pyke, Clerk, 1775. 39 00 NOT IN CHARGE. Charmiſter Cur. (St. Mary.) Sarum Pecul. Olim a Prebend in Sarum Cath. John Trenchard, Eſq. 1772. Dorcheſter St. Peter R. united to St. Trinity by Act of Parlia- ment 7 Jam. I. Guardians or Truſtees of Dorcheſter Free School, Patr. Winford Eagle, Chapel to Toller Fratrum, (St. Laurence.) Stratton Cur. (St. Mary.) Sarum Pecul. Preb. of Stratton in Sarum Cath. Propr. John Trenchard, Eſq. 1772. Whetcombe Cur. Mon. Milton Propr. Mr. Bamfield. Q2 3. Pim. 116 Dorset. DIOCESE OF BRISTO L. 2. Pimperne. The Monaſtery of Tarent in this Deanry was returned by the Commiffioners 26 H. VIII. to be of the net annual Value of 2141. 75. gd. Vide the Original Survey, for the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions. The College of Wimbourne Minſter was likewiſe returned at 7631. 10s. 38. Vide Orig. Surv. King's Books. 1. s. d. 12 8 I I 7 10 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tentbs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1.'sd. 7 19 91 Aſhmore R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 6s 3d. 0 15 114 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 185. &c. Penſ. Món. Tewkſbury 35. 4d. Robert Barber, Eſq. 1734. BLANDFORD FORUM V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods and I 4 94 Proxies 85.7d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 6s. 8d. Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Pri. Chriſt Church alias Twynham Co. Southton. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter. 21 Chalbery R. Synods and Proxies 75. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 0 15 01 45. &c. Earl of Pembroke, 1706. 10 9 7 Churchel Parva, alias More Critchel, R. (All Saints.) with I 011] Long Critchel, united in 1774. Synods and Proxies 9s. 7d. Penſ. Decano Wymbourne Minſter 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Sir Gerard Napier, Bart. 1755. 6 5 0 Edmonſham R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies is. id.Į 1s.0 12 6 Penſ. Abb. de Tewkeſbury il. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. &c. Thomas Huſſey, Eſq. 1712, and Mr. Twyne, alter- nately. George Bingham, B. D. 1782. 20 O 21 Guſſage St. Michael R. Synods and Proxies gs. 70.1 Penf. 20 of Priori de Shene 31. 55. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 11s. &c. Lord Aſhburnham 1722. Frederick Thomas Wentworth, Eſq. 1782. 7 4 2 Hamoune, alias Hammohun, R. Synods and Proxies 45. 3d. O 14 5 Penſ. Rectori de Child Okeford 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 195. &c. Anthony Henley, Eſq. Richard Southby and Henry Trenchard, 1711. William Trenchard, Eſq. 1780. 33 Hampreſton R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 1s. id. I 7 0 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. &c. Johanna Coker, Spinſter, 1776. 10 Hin- DORSET, 117 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. de 2. S. d. I 20 O O I3 10 King's Books learly Tenthis. li 16 8 61 Hinton Mertell R. (St. John.) Synods and Proxies 8s. 6d. I 12 10 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. &c. The KING, 1724. Earl of Shafteſbury, 1781, 1782. o Langton Long Blanford R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 1.70 8s. 7d. Terr gleb. ad valor. 105. &c. John Rogers Coker, Eſq. 1712. John Rideout, Gent. 1772. 12 13 8{ Long Crechel, alias Critchell, R. (St. Mary.) united to Moor I. 5.45 Critchel 1774. Synods and Proxies 8s. 11d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. gs. &c. Richard Dibbon, 1704. Earl of Shafteſo. bury, 1749. 6 15 10 Pentrigg, alias Pentridge, R. (St. Rumbald.) Synods and 0:13 7 80 Proxies 75. 3d. Penſ. Mon. de Tewksbury 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 65. &c. The KING, 1780. o 9 43 Pimperne Decanat. In profic. annuat. rec. de archid. Dorſ. 0 0 111 19 2 ) 6 Pimperne R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 11d. Penſio I 18 3 Decano de Wymbourne Minſter 16s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad vas lor. Il. &c. Elizabeth Stephens, Widow, 1716. George Pitt, Eſq. 1748. Lord Rivers. 7 9 42 Shapwicke V. (St. Bartholoinew.) Syn. and Prox. 10$. 11d. 0 14 115 Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Coll. Wymbourne Minſter Propr. George Pitt, Eſq. 1713, 1733. Lord Ri- O O 95. 4d.] vers. 2 19 711 Tarrant Gunvile R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 95. 7d. 1. 18. 9.. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Charles Layfield, S. T. P. 1708. Edward Eyre, Eſq. and Elizabeth Lee, Widow, for this Turn, 1743. Univerſity College, Oxford. 12 17 1 Tarrant Hinton R. Synods and Proxies 85. od. 'Terr. gleb. 9d16 5 87 ad valor. Il. 23. &c. Elizabeth Crabb, Widow, 1712. Tho- mas Coward, Eſq. 1774, 1782. 7 17 81 Tarrant Kayneſton, alias Keynſham, alias Lynſtock, R. (All 0 15 91 Saints.) Synods and Proxies 9s, Iid. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 16s. &c. John Baſket, Eſq. 1715. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1761. 4 19 Tarrant Ruſhton R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 85. 7d. o 9:11 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Arthur Radford, Eſq. 166i. The Reverend Mr. Laurence 1721. Thomas Gundrey, Eſq. 1731. Edmund Lovell, 1765. . 6 17 6 Weſtperly, alias Weſtparley, R. Synods and Proxies 25. 3d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 75. 8d. &c. Daughters and Co-heir- eſſes of Thomas Redman 1721. Thomas Reeks h. v. 1725. John Edwards of Hinton for three ſucceeding Turns. Diana. Bower, Spinſter, 1769. 12 12 31 Wichampton, alias Witchampton, R. (St. Margaret.) Synods I and Proxies 95. od. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 105. &c. Nicholas 0 13 9 118 DORSET. DIOCESE OF BRISTO L. S. King's Books. early Tenths. 1. d. 1. do Nicholas Ingram, Eſq. 1679. Mr. Cole 1721. Richard Fleming, 1756. William Gaſcoigne, Eſq. 1780. p. i. 12 13 4 Wymbourne St. Egidii R* Synods and Proxies 35. 4d. Terr. 1 5 4 gleb. ad valor. ll. 45. &c. Earl of Shaftesbury 1753, p. i. United in 1732 to 9 4 41 Wymbourne Omnium Sanctorum R. Deſtructa. Deſtructa. Synods and 0 18 55 Proxies 95. Penſ. Collegio Windſor Ios. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 125. 8d. &c. Earl of Shaftsbury 1753, p. i. Handley, alias Hanley, V. (St. Mary.) Chapel to Ivern Minſter in Decan. Shafton. Dean and Canons of Windſor Patr. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clcar Icarly Value. King's Bookse 45 0 0 Chettel R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 45. 3d. Terr. 8 2 9 gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Thomas Chaffin, Eſq. 1693. William Chaffin, Clerk, 1782. 42 o o Cranbourne t, alias Cranborne, v. (St. Bartholomew.) In 6 13 4 quad. penſ. rec. Mon. de Tewksbury. Mon. Tewksbury Propr. Earl of Salisbury. The Biſhop, 1780. 48 Farneham R. (St. Laurence.) Synods and Proxies is. id.1 7 10 60 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. &c. The KING. 30 Guffage Omnium Sanctorum V. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 175. 4d. 6 3 9 Penf. rec. archid. Dorf. 41. Port. decim. rec. cap. de Norton 25. 6d. Oblat. &c. Archdeacon of Dorſet, Pair. and Propr. 40 o o Hinton Parva, alias Stanbridge, R. (St. Kenelm.) Terr. gleb. 4 12 I ad valor. Il. &c. Synods and Proxies 85. 11d. Giles Stagg, 1674. George Lewyn, Eſq. 1725. Sir George Glyn, Bart. 1781. 48 Oo Horton V. (St. Wolfrida.) cum Cap. Knowlton Deſtructa. 7 13 10 Synods and Proxies 35. 5d.ž Penſ. Mon. Shyrborne 25. Vi- cario de Guſſagé Omnium Sanctorum 25. 6d. Terr. gleb. ооо O * In this Deanry is the Collegiate Church of Wymbourne Minſter (St. Cuthburga), which is ſtill a College and a Royal Peculiar, and has three Vicars Choral, the Clerks, an Organiſt, two ſinging Men, and four Choriſters. The Chapel of Holt (St. James) is in Wymborne Minſter Pariſh. The Three Vicars who ſerve the Cure of the Pariſh are appointed by the Truſtees of the Town by Queen Elizabeth's Charter, dated March 3, 1563. + Cranbourne-has the Chapel of Beveridge annexed ; it had, anno 1650, the Chapels of Alderſ- holt (St. Clement) and Monkton-ap-Winbourne (St. Andrew). ad DORSET, 119 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. 1. 1. do Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. di ad valor. 25. Omnim, decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Monaſt. Shyrborne Propr. Humphrey Sturt, Eſq. 1781. 30 0 o Stepelton R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 55. 3d. Terr. 6 18 4 gleb. ad valor. 125. &c. Richard Fownes, Eſq. 1712. Ju- lines Beckford, Eſq. 1753, 50 oo Stoure Payne V. (Holy Trinity.) Sarum Pecul. Synods and 7 18 61. Proxies 58. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 105. 6d. Omnim. de. cim. oblat. cum al. profic. &c. Abb. Kingſton 6s. 8d. The Dean and Chapter of Sarum Propr. and Patr. 25 00 Tarrant Monachorum, alias Muncton, V. (All Saints.) cum 17 16 8. Cap. Lampſton. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. cum penf. 177. 135. 4d. Rec. de Mon. de Tewksbury. Synods and Proxies 35. 4d. George Doddington, Eſq. 1749. Mon. Tewks: bury Propr. 45 0.0 Tarrant Rawſton, alias Antioch, R. (Si. Mary.) Synods and 8: 9 2: Proxies 55..7d Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Radio ford Gundrey, Eſq. 1782, p. i. Crawford Parva. (St. Mary.) C. Mon. Crawford Propr. Wil. liam Portman, Eſq. D. Shafton. SHAFTSBURY: The Monaſtery of Shafton in this Deanry was returned by the Commiſſioners temp. H. VIII. to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the Sum of 11661. 8s. 9d. clear of all De. ductions. For the Particulars. of the Poffeſſions, vide Origi- nal Survey: The Monaſtery of Shirborne was likewiſe returned at 6821. 145. 7 d. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Origi- nal Survey LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Kimg's Bookso. Fearly Tentoso Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7. S. d. S, 1. d. 0 15 9 I 2 7.17. II, Bradford Abbots V. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 25. 2d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16s. omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Mon. Shyrborne, Propr. Mich. Harvey, Eſq. 1699. . Edward Walter, Eſq. 1776, p. i. 4 Candel 120 DORSET. DIOCESE OF BRISTOL 1 s. O 14 O King's Books. Pearly Tenthe. d. 1. s, d. II IO Candel Epiſcopi, alias Candle Biſhop, R. Synods and Proxies Ι 3 45. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 125. &c. Lord Digby. 6 13 4. Child Oakeford Superior R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and 013 4 Proxies 45. 5d. Ž 32 acr. terr. gleb. &c. George Tren- chard, Eſq. 1763, alternately with Crabb. 7 Oo Child Oakeford Inferior R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Prox. 45. 5d.] 52 acr. terr. gleb. &c. The Rey. Mr. Crabb Hannah Crabb, Spinſter, this Turn 1763, Trenchard alternately. 4 16 oClifton Mabanke R. (All Saints.) Sarum Pecul. Rectori de o 971 Yatminſter 25. In oninim. decim. &c. Michael Harvey, Efq. 1692, 1742. Edward Walter, Eſq. 1776. 2} Compton Abbas R. Synods and Proxies is. Id. In omnim. de. O 19 03 cim. &c. Prebendario de Luddington 31. 1os. Henry Patr. 1721. 9 10 912 O Filhfield, alias Fif head Magdalen, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) 0 14 Penſ. Abb. Sti Auguſtini Briſtol 31. Synods and Proxies 35. 4d. Eccleſ. Sarum is. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Mon. Sti Aug. Briſtol, Propr. Mr. Newman, 1677. Sir Richard New- man, Patr. 1725. Sir Robert Smyth, Bart, preſented, 1726. Frances Newman, 1768. The Biſhop of Briſtol, 1777. 31 Folke R. (St. Laurence.) (Sarum Pecul.) Synods and Proxies 0 19 21 8d. Terr. gleb. Il. &c. William Chafin, Clerk, and the Dean and Chapter of Sarum alternately. 18 O o Fountmell P. five R. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 2l. &c. William William I 16 Chafin, Clerk, p. h. v. 1777. United to 710 Fountmell V. (St. Andrew,) with Weſt Orchard Chapel. 015 Synods and Proxies 10s. In omnim. decim. oblat. & al. pro- fic. &c. Prebendary thereof, 1769, and perpetually. 40 17 6. Gillingham V. (St. Mary;) with Motcombe Eaſtover and Weſt- 4 1 9 over Chapels. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies ios. 5d.. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11s. 4d. omnim. decim. oblat. & al. pro- fic. &c. Biſhop of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. 14 13 9 Holwalle, alias Holywell, (St. Laurence.) Synods and Proxies I 9 43 8s. 5d. Penf. Abb. de Syſceter 2l. 105. Terr. gleb. ad va- lor. 41. &c. Queen's College, Oxford. 25 8 i lwern, alias Ewern Courtney, alias Shrowton, R. cum Cap. 2 10 9 Faringdon. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies Ils. 10d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 61. &c. George Pitt, of Shrowton, Eſq. 1755, 1771. Lord Rivers. 13 4 7 Kington Magna R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies 8s. I 6 51 11d. Terr. gleb. ad. valor. 31. &c. Jane Deane, Widow, 1714. John Toogood, Gent. 1768. Lydling, I DIOCES E OF BRISTOL. DORSET. I21 li s. d. s. I 87 I 2 II IO I 21 12 2 Proxies 145. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 8d. 6s. 8d. King's Books. learly Tenths. 1. d. 14 5 10 Lydling, alias Lidlinch, R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Synods and rec. de Rect. de Marnehull pro decim. in Knightſtreet, & 6s. 8d. pro al. port. decim. &c. Geo. Chafin, Eſq. 1768. 31 6 10 Marnehull R. (St. Gregory.) Synods and Proxies 135. 3d. 3 2 81 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Harry Place, Clerk, 1778. 5 O Maunſton R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 85. 11d. I 4 6 Terr. gleb.' ad valor. 41. 135. &c. Philip Nicholas, 1716, and Mr. Mervin, alternately. William Clavill, 1782. 9 18 11 Melbury Abbas R. Synods and Proxies 145. Monaſterio O 19 103 Glaſton. il. In omnim, decim. &c. Peter Smith, ſenior, and Robert Bartholomew, 1715. John Smith, Druggiſt, p. h. v. 1776. 5 Melbury Bubb R. (St. Mary,) with Wolcomb Chapel an- 3 o nexed. Deſtructa. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 3!. &c. Synods and Proxies 6s. 4d. Suſannah Catford, 1750. 81 Oakeford, alias Okeford Fitz Paine, R. (St. Andrew.) Sarum 3 34 Peculiar. Synods and Proxies gs. 7d. Terr. gleb. ad va- lor. 51. 6s. 8d. &c. Lord Rivers, 1780. 9 41 Over Compton, alias Compton Hawey, R. (St. Michael.) I 2 Il Sarum Pecul. Synods and Proxies 25. Mon. de Sher- borne gs. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. Robert Gooden, Eſq. 1772, 1779. o 9 41 Shafton Deanry. In profic. rec. de archid. Dorſ. 95. 4d, O 111 II 01 SHAFTON, alias Shaston St. James, R. Synods and Proxies 3 6s. 70. Ecclef. Sarum is. Abb. Shaftſbury is. 6d. Sa- criſtæ ibidem 4l. Terr. gleb. ad valor. gl. 6s. &c. Earl of Shaftſbury, 1773. 1 SHAFTON, alias SHAston St. Rumbald, alias Cann, R. Synods o 18 21 and Proxies is. Id. Abb. Shaftſbury 2d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. &c. Earl of Shaftſbury, 1772. 4 7 SHERBORNE V. (St. Mary.) Sarum Pecul. Synods and 2 O 51 Proxies 25. 2d.] In omnim, decim. oblat. & al-profic. &c. Mon. Sherborne Propr. olim the Abby Church. The KING. 7 9 7 Silton R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies ioso 7d. Terr. O 14 III gleb. ad valor. Il. 135. 43. Anne Willoughby, Widow, 1661. Sir Nathaniel Napier 1721. Humphrey Sturt, Eſq. 1781. 27 4 7 Stalbridge R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies wid. Penſ. 2 14 51 Mon. Shyrborne 6l. 135. 4d. Terr. geb. ad valor. 31. &c. John Clement, Gent. 1690. Corpus Chriſti College Cam- bridge. 16 4 91 Stoure Parva, alias Provoſt, alias Priaulx, R. (St. Michael) with I 12 58 Todbere. Synods and Proxies 8s. 7d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 35. 4d. &c. King's College Cambridge. R STOUR- II O I 92 20 200 O 122 DORSET DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. 1. Se do King's Books. Yearly Tenths. .. d. 16 16 8 STOURMISTER Newton V. (St. Mary.) with Bagberie Chapel I 13 8 Deſtructa. Synods and Proxies los. 7d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4h. Omnim. decim. &c. cum penf. 38.4d. Mon. Glaſ- ton. Propr. George Pitt, Eſq. 1772. Lord Rivers. 9 9 41 Sutton Waldron R. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods and Proxies o 18 1K 9s. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Humphrey Sturt, Eſq. 1782. 3 Weſton Buck horne R. Synods and Proxies 5s. 7d.' Terr. I o rest gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Truſtees of William St. Quinzin, Eſq. 1761. 10 1 IS. 49 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 400' 0 Batcombe R., (St. Mary,) united to Frome Vauchurch, 1772. 9 9 9 Synods and Proxies 35. 4d. Penſ. Rectori de Melbury Bubb Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. los. &c. Duke of Bolton. 30 O O Beere Hackett R. (St. Michael.) Sarum Pecul. Synods and 6.2 2 81 Proxies od. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Robert Sampſon, Clerk, 1770, Patron and Incumbent. o Bell, alias Belchalwell, R. united to Fifehead Nevil in 1776. '7 15 Synods and Proxies 6s. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. &c. George Pitt, Eſq. "Lord Rivers. 43 0 O Burton, alias Long Burton, V. (St. James.) with Holneſt Cha- 10 15 O pel. (St. Mary.) Sarum Pecul. Synods and Proxies is. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 145. Omnim. decim. oblat. cum pení. 2l. 135. 4d. Rec. Mon. de Sherborne. Mon. Sherborne Propr. Earl and Counteſs of Northumberland, 1763. Sa- rah Coſens, Widow, 1784. 36 00 Caundell Merſe, alias Candles Merſe, R. (St. Peter and St. 5 16 3 Paul.) Sarum Pecul. Synods and Proxies 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il &c. Henry Hoare, Eſq. 1760. Caundell Purſe R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 45. 4d. 7 8 8 Penſ. Abb. de Adhelney 5s. Ecclef. de Milborn Port 35.4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Lord Brooke 1758. 37 o Heydon, alias Hoydon, V. (St. Catherine.) Sarum Pecul. 5 oo Synods and Proxies 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. 135. 4d. Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Mon. Sherborne Propr. Lord Digby 1745. 1748, 1780. 25 O o Iwern, alias Ewern Minſter, V. (St. Mary.) Synods and 10 o Proxies 9s. cum Capellis de Hargrave, Henton Mariæ. (St. Peter.) Henley and Guffage. (St. Andrew.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 145. Omnim. decim. cum augment. &c. Dean and Canons of Windfor Propr. and Patr. 7 Lillington 43 0 O I 1 Dorset. 123 DIOCESE OF BRISTO L. 1. d. 45 0 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 0 Lillington R. (St. Martin.) Sarum Pecul. Terr. gleb. ad 10 12 31 valor. il. 135. 4d. &c. John Cole, Eſq. 1681. Grace Thynne, Widow. Sir Nathaniel Napier, George Hadley, and Edward Hartley, Eſq. 1717. Earl Brooke, 1759. 47 0 0 Melbury Oſmond R. (St. Oſmond.) with Melbury Sampford, 8 3 4 united in 1750. Synods and Proxies 55. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 145. &c. Thomas Strangeways Horner, Eſq. 1739. Lady Ilcheſter, 1783, p. i. 46 00 Nether Compton R. (St. Nicholas.) Sarum Pecul. Synods 7.18 and Proxies 25. Mon. Sherborne 21. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 85. &c. Jo. Abington, Eſq. 1662. Thomas Fitz- herbert and Francis Kingſton, 1757. Sarah Napper, 1759. Sarah Shuttleworth, Widow, 1764. Robert Gooden, Elq. 1779 45 O O Oburne, alias Woburn, V. (St. Cuthbert.) Sarum Pecul. 6 5 To Synods and Proxies iod. Abb. Sherborne il. Is. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. Omoim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Mon. Sherborne Propr. Lord Digby. 43 Ryme R. (St. Hypolite.) with Hermitage. Synods and Proxies 6 5 8 60 35. 4d. Sarum Pecul. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 135. 4d. &c. The KING. Prince of Wales, 1750. SHAFTON, alias SHASTON, St. Laurence R. Synods and Proxies 6 13 4 35. 4d. Rectori Donhead 35. 4d. In omnim. decim. &c. Deſtructa. SHAFTON, alias SHASTON, St. Martin R. Synods and Proxies 3 13 61 is. id.} Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Deltructa. SHAFTON, alias SHASTON, St. Peter R. Synods and Proxies 3s. II 10 2 ] iod. In omnim. decim. &c. Sharron, alias Shaston, Holy Trinity R. Synods and Proxies 4 [10] 28. 10d. Mon. Shaftſbury 25. In omnim. decim. &c. - Ed- ward Nicholas, Eſq. 1713. Earl of Shaftsbury, 1777; 45 00 Stoke Garland, alias Gaylard, R. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 24. 135. 57 40. &c. William Lewis, 1703. Mary Lewis, Widow, 1729. John Farr, Eſq. and others, 1755. Stokewood R. (St. Edwold.) Sarun Pecul. Synods and 5 13 4 Proxies 25. 3d. Prebendario de Preſton 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 34. 135. 4d. &c. Richard Biſhop, 1673. William Biſhop, Eſq. 1733. Thomas Bellamy, Gent. 1761. 35 Thorneford R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Sarum Pecul. Synods 6 17 3 and Proxies is. Id. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Sarah Sampſon, Widow, 1775. 37 0 0 Todbere R. united to Stower Provoſt in 1746. Synods and 5 19 4 Proxies 25. Vicario Gyllingham 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. R 2 il, &c. 30 0 OS I O 124 DIOCESE OF BRIS TO L. Dorser. 0 0 a Onual Value Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. b. l. S. d. il. &c. John Nicholls, Gent. 1703. King's College, Cam. bridge. 33 Yatminſter V. (St. Andrew.) cum Cap. de Leigh & Chetnoll. 20 14 7 (St. Peter.) Sarum Pecul. Synods and Proxies 1os. Om- nim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum Proprietor, and Patron. NOT IN CHARGE. Caſtleton Curacy, (St. Mary Magdalen.) Sarum Pecul. 77. certified Value. Lord Digby Patron. Olim Capel. Sher- borde. Candle Sturton, Curacy. Mon. Ivychurch Propr. Mrs. Cox. Hermitage V. (St. Mary.) with Ryme. Sarum Pecul. The KING. : 50l. Hinton Maries. Chap. to Iwerneminſter, (St. Peter.) Dean and Canons of Windſor Patr.com North Wotton Cur. Sarum Pecul. Olim Capel. Sherborne. Lord Digby, Patr. Hanford Cur. Mon. Tarrant Propr. Mr. Seymour. SE S 9. wwhitchurch. The Monaſtery of Middleton in this Deanry was returned by the Commiſſioners 26 H. VIII. to be of the net annual Value of 5781. 135. Iid. For Particulars, vide Orig. Survey. The Monaſtery of Cerne in this Deanry was returned by the of 515l. 175. 10d.iFor Particulars, vide Orig. Survey. LIVINGS 1 DORSET. 125 DIOCESE OF BRISTO L. King's Books 1. s. d. 1. 2 O 2 10 6 I II LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 100 Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 13 5 5 Almer R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 85. uid. Terr. gleb. I 6 61 ad valor. Il. 135. &c. Lady Ernlo, Patr. 1721. Henry Drax Eſq. and his Wife, 1753. Athelhampſted, alias Athelhampſton, R. cum Burleſton R. o 4 0 Cap. Piddletown ex antiquo. Omnim. decim. &c. Sir Robert Long, Bart. 1763. 25 5 BEERE Regis V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Sarum Pecul. Cum Capel. Kingſton, (St. Nicholas.) Penſ. Prebendario de Charmiſter 41. Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. cum penf. 6s. 8d. Rec. de rect. de Bloxworth, &c. Oliin fuit Pars Prebende in Eccleſ. Sarum. Baliol College, Oxford, 1773. 15 17 81 Blandford Mary's R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies ios 9d. III 91 Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Penſ. Prioriffæ de Clerken- well 21. The Reverend Henry Willis, Patron, 1721. William Roman, Clerk, this Turn, 1766. 15' 7 1 Bloxworth R. (St. Andrew.) Sarum Pecul. Penſ. Vicario de 81 Bere il. Penf. Abb. Cerne 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 2s. &c. George Trenchard, Eſq. 1721. Jocelyn Pickard, Eſq. 1774, 1781. 8 11 51 Bryaneſton, alias Brienſton, R. (St. Martin.) Synods and Prox. o 17 I gs. 70. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. &c. Henry William Portman, Eſq. 1762. 16 19 91 Buckland Newton, alias Abbots Buckland, V. (Holy Rood.) 1.13 11. Synods and Proxies 38. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. 61. Omnim, decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wells Propr. and Patr. 3 17 Burleſton R. with Athelhampton R. Synods and Proxies 25. 3d. 0 7 81 Penſ. Abb. Burleſton 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. &c. Sir Robert Long, Bart. 1763. 9 91 Canford, alias Cansford, V*. Synods and Proxies 11s. 10d. 1 2 IL Terr. gleb. ad valor. 155. Omnim. dec. oblat. & al. profic. cum penſ. Il. 6s. 8d. Rec. de prior. de Bradenſtoke, &c. Pri. Bradenſtoke olim Impr. Engl. Mon. Vol. I. p. 142. John Henning, Merchant, 1776, p. i. 18 10 5 Cheſelborn R. Synods and Proxies gs. od. Penf. Rectori de I 17 c] Luddington 61. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. &c. George Pitt, 1750. Lord Rivers. I 11 I * Canford.—The Corporation of Pool was formerly a Part of this Pariſh; which Pool is now a Royal Peculiar, and the Corporation are Patrons of the Living. Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 405. Durwost in 4 126 DORSET. DIOCESE OF BRIS T O L. 1. S. d. 13 II I 20 O O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 de 3 Durweſton R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 75. 40.1 1 i 7 11 Penf. Epiſc. Sarum is. Penf. Archidiac. Dorſet 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16s. 8d. &c. William Henry Portman, Eſq. 1777. 15 7 1 FROME St. Quintin R. with Everſholt Chapel. (St. Oſmond.) I 10 81 Synods and Proxies 134. Penſ. Abb. de Tewkſbury il. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. The KING. 10 O o Frome Whitefield R. (St. Nicholas.) Deſtructa. United to joo Holy Trinity Church, in Dorcheſter. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Mr. Trenchard, 1719. 13 6 8 Godmanſtone R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies 25. 3d. I 6 8 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 115. &c. Mr. Strode, Patron, 1721. Sir John Smith, Bart. 1781, p. i. 19 13 9 Haſelbeare Briant, alias Haſelbury Brian, R. (St. James.) 1 19 41 Synods and Proxies 6s. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. gl. &c. Duke of Somerſet, 1747. 8 10 5 Holſton, alias Helton V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies o 17 of 95. 7d. Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Dec. & Cap. Sarum olim Propr. Biſhop of Sarum. 13 13 4 Howton, alias Houghton, alias Winterborne Howton, R. (St. I I 7 4 Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 75. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad va- lor. 1os. &c. Jo. Goldſborough, 1700. Edmund Moreton Pleydell, Eſq. 1738, 1752, 1782. 19 13 9 Iberton, alias Ibberton, R. (St. Euftache.) Synods and Proxies I 1941 75. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 71. &c. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1721. Peter Walter, Eſq. 1723. Geo. Pitt, Eſq. 1775. Lord Rivers. 13 3 4 Lychet Matrevers R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 65. Sd. 1 6 4 Terr. gleb, ad valor. 2l. &c. Geo Trenchard, Eſq. 1753.. 17 14 7 May Pooder R. (St. Peter.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 193. 8d. 1 15 51 &c. Synods and Proxies gs. vid. Sir William Wyndham, Mr. Coker, and Mr. Strangeways, alternately. William Coker, Eſq. 1733. Earl Spencer. 16 o o Melcombe Horſey R. (St. Andrew.) Penſ. Priori de Barmſey 1 12 il. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Lord Rivers, 1781. 8 4 7 Morden V. Synods and Proxies 25. 3d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 0 16 51 21. 6s. 8d. omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Abb. Canonleigh in Devon. Propr. Thomas Earle, Eſq. 1695. Awnlham Churchill and Peter Walter, Eſqrs. 1721. Henry Drax, Eſq. and his Wife, 1755. 7 9 gt Okeford Shillings, alias Shillingſton, 1ſt Med. R. (Holy Rood.) 0 14 11% Synods 45. gd. & dim. a. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 105. &c. John DORSET, 1 27 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. 1 d. / : 31 2 11 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. John Baron, S. T. P. 1715. Benj. Collios, Eſq. this Turn, 1777 6 16 51 Okeford R. 2d Med. (Holy Rood.) Synods and Proxies 4s. O 13 74 9d. & dim. 1. Penf. Mon. Montegue 135: 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 1os. &c. The KING, 1715. Benj. Collins, Eſq. this Turn, 1777. 17 3 9 Puddlehenton, alias Piddle Hinton, R. (St. Mary.) Synods I 14 41 and Proxies 95. 8d. Penf. Mon. de Cerne il. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 145. &c. Eton College, 1782. Puddletowne, alias Piddletown, V. (St. Mary.) Synods and 3 2 31 Proxies 125. 1d.1 Terr. gleb. 115. omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Pri. Chriſt Church, alias. Twynham, in Co. Surry, Propr. Earl of Huntingdon, p. i. 19 10 5 Puddletrenthyde V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies gs. 60.1 I 19 o omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. cum penf. rec. de mon. de Hyde. Mon. Hyde, in Co. Southton. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Winton. 18 17 11 Pulham R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Synods and Proxies 2s. 3d. i 17 of Penf. Mon. de Suítet, 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 105. &c. John St. Loe, Eſq. 1719. Charles Halſey, Eſq. 1741. 28 18 11 Spetiſbury, alias Spotiſbury, R. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Cap. 2 17 9 Charleton. Synods and Proxies 115. Todo Priori de Char- terhouſe Witham 11. Ios. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Robert Henly, Efq. 1715. Thomas Rackett, Eſq. 1780, p. h. v. 8 8 9 Stokewake R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 45. 3d. Terr. o 16 101 gleb. ad valor. il. 13s. 4d. &c. Robert Seymour, Eſq. 1707. Henry Seymer, Eſq. 1778. 31 5 0 Sturminſter Marſhall v. with its Chapels of Corfe Mullin. 3 2 6 (St. Nicholas.) Lychet Minſter and Hanworthy Deſtructa. Synods and Proxies 45. 6d. Penf. Collegio de Eton Il. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 71. omnim. decim. oblat. cum al. pro- fic. Eton College, Propr. and Patr. A Peculiar of Eton. The Biſhop of Briſtol gives Inſtitution. Stynsford, alias Stintsford V. (St. Michael.) Synods and I 5 8 Proxies 9s. 70.. omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. cum penf. 2l. 6s. 8d. rec. de præcept. de Baddeſley. Præcep. Baddeſley, in Co. Southampt. Propr. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1769. Lady Ilcheſter, 1784, p. i. 15 7 31 Tolpudell V. Synods and Proxies 75. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad va I 10 8 lor. 6s. omnim, dec. oblat. & al. profic. Mon. Abbotſbury Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church College, Oxon. 8 2 6 WARÉHAM St. Martin and St. Mary R. Synods and Proxies 0 16 3 35. 4d. omnim. decim. &c. Pení. Priori de Shene 6s. 8it. Geo. Pitt, Eſq. 1773. Lord Rivers. WAREHAM 12 17 1 128 DORSET. DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. S. O IO 1 O 12 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. s. do 1. d. 7 5 5 WAREHAM St. Trinity R. with St. Mary and St. Martin. O 14 6į Synods Iso 7d. Penſ. Mon. Sherborne 75. Priori de Shene 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 85. &c. Geo. Pitt, Efq. 1773. Lord Rivers. 5 3 4 WAREHAM St. Michael R. (demolifhed.) Synods and Proxies 4 Iso 7d. Penſ. Priori de Shene 4s. 2d. omnim. decim. &c. Geo. Pitt, Eſq. 1756, 1773. Lord Rivers. 6 51 WAREHAM St. Peter R. (demoliſhed.) Synods and Proxies IX 15. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. &c. Geo. Pitt, Eſq. 1773. Lord Rivers. 9 41 Whitchurch Deanry. Profic. annuat. rec. archid. Dorf. 95. 40.1 0 0 111 6 18 11 Winterborne Clenſton R. Synods and Proxies 35. 4d.] Penſ. O 13 9 Epiſc. Sarum 8d. Penf. Archidiac. 6d. omnim. decim. &c. Lord Shaftſbury and others, 1684. Edmund Pleydell, Eſq. 1709. Edm. Morton Pleydell, Eſq. 1779. 13 11 3 Winterborne Selſton R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 45. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 55. &c. Thomas Redman, 1707. Sir William Hanham, Bart. 1754. 16 6 3 Winterborne Stickland R. Synods and Proxies. I Ise Penſio I 12 77 Mon. Milton 21. Rectori de Durweſton 2l. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Sir Jacob Banks, 1721. Lord Milton, Arne 1766. O o Wotton Glanfield R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 25. 3d. 14 O Penſ. Prebendario de Charmiſter 25. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. 4d. &c. John King, Gent. 1743. John Slade, Eſq. 1770. Proxies 1 7 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 22 49 8 I I Clear 1 early Value. King's Books. 0 0 Alton Pancras V. (St. Andrew.). Sarum Pecul. Omnim. decim. 9° 0 0 oblat. & al. profic. Prebendary thereof, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Sarum preſent at the Nomination of the Preb. of Alton. The KING, 1736. Anderſton, alias Winterborne Anderſton, R. (St. Michael.) 6 19 Sarum Pecul. Penſ. Prebendario Charmifter 16s. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Mary Tregonwell, Widow, 1711. John King, Clerk, 1763. 20 o 0 Afpundell , alias Affpuddle, V. Synods and Proxies 35. 4d. 8 149 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 15. omnim. dec. oblat. & al. profic, cum penſ. 5l . 6s. Sd. Mon. Cerne. Propr. James Frampton, Eſq. 1756. CERNE w DORSET. 127 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. bi se S. 10 O 0 2 Clear rearly Value. Aing's Ruak. 2. de d CERNE Abbots V. (St. Mary.). Synods zs. 3d. Omnimi de- 08 16 cim. oblat. & al. profic. cum penf. 21. rec. Mon. de Cerne. Mon. Cerne, Propy. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. Patr. 1721. Lord Rivers. 40 0 o Charburghe, alias Charborough, R. (St. Mary.). Synods and 7 3 61 Proxies 25. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 10$. &c. Thomas Erle, Eſq. 1716. Henry Drax, Eſq. and his Wife, 1753. 40 O O Fifhead, alias Fifehide Nevil, R. (All Saints.) Synods and 5 i så Proxies 45. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Geo. Pitt, Eſq. Thomas Pile, Thomas Freke, Eſq. and his Wife, 1712. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. Lord 'Rivers, 1776. ? 46 Oo Milborne St. Andrew V. with Dewlith Chap: (All Saints.) 13 6 8 Synods and Proxies 1os. 9d. Penf. Prebendario de Charmiſter 55. oinnin. decim. oblat. & al. profic. Collegiuin de Valle Saruin, Propr. Jo. Pleydell, Eſq, 1716. Thomas Gundry, Eſq. 1755. Milton Abbots, alias Abbas, alias Middleton. (St. Mary and 10 00 St. Sampſon.) In quad. penſ. rec. de Abb. de Milton 10l. Mon. Milton, Propr. Sir Jacob Banks, 1705. Lord Mil. ton, 1774. 45 Minterne, alias Mintern Magna, R. (St. Andrew.) Synods 12 14 and Proxies 25. 1d.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Is. &c. Wil- liam Napier, Eſq. 1681. Humphrey Sturt, Eſq. 1769, 782. 30 0 0 Sydling V. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 7s. id. In 13 of terr. gleb. viz. paſtur. 40 ovium oblac. & al. profic. cum pení. 12l. rec. de Mon. de Middleton. Mon. Middleton Propr. Wincheſter College. 34 0 0 Tincleton, alias Tinkleton, R. Sir Nath. Napier, Bart. 1721. 5 II 8 Mr. Baynard. 33 14 11 Tomeſton, alias Thomſon, R. (St. Andrew.) Sarum Pecul. 4 8 9 Penſ. Prebendario de Charmiſter 125. od.} Terr. gleb. ad valor. 75. 4d. &c. Dr. Wake, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, in his own Right. Lord Spencer, 1763. 38 6 0 Turnerſpondell, alias Turnerſpuddell,'R. (Holy Trinity.) 7 13 4 Sarum Pecul. Penf. Prebendario de Charmiller 6s. 81. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 135. 4d. &c. Cath. Whitaker, Widow, 1681. James Frampton, 1772. 35 0 0 Turneworth V. (Sr. Mary.) Synods and Proxies is. Id. Penſ. 10 12 3 Pri. Sti Nich. Sarum il. Terr. gleb. ad valor, 25. omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. &c. Mon. Ford, in Devon Propr. Biſhop of Sarum. 48 0 o Upcerne R. Synods and Proxies 25. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 5 IS 4 6s. 8d. &c. Thomas Strode Carey, Eſq. 1706. S Winterborne 1 130 DORSET DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. S. 1. s. d. O Clear Yearly Valxe. King's Books, 1. d. 25 Winterborne Whitchurch V. (St. Mary.) Pení. Abb. Mid. 7 16 101 dleton il. Omnim. decim. oblat. & al. profic. cum penf. 81. rec. Coll. Sti Edmundi Sarum. Coll. Sti Edmundi Sarum Propr. The Biſhop of Saliſbury, 1781. NOT IN CHARGE. Pool Cur. (St. James.) The Pariſhioners. Arne Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Cap. to Wareham. (Holy Trinity) Nether Cerne Cur. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Hilfield, Chapel to Sydlyng. Dioceft [ 131 ) Dioceſe of Chicheſter. The Cathedral Church. (St. Peter's.) S.. TH King's Books. l'early Toniks. l. d. lis. d. 677 1 3 HE Biſhoprick *. Vide Dugdale's Monaſticon Angli- 67 14 1} cana, Tom. III. p. 115. This Biſhoprick was firſt erected at Selſey, about the Year 681; afterwards it was removed to Chicheſter, about the Year 1070. Stigand, Chaplain to King William the Conqueror, was the firſt Biſhop. The Biſhops of Chicheſter were formerly Confeſſors to the Queens of England. The Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter were returned by the Commiſſioners temp. H. VIII. to have in Poſſeſſion, in Spi- ritualities and Temporalities, Property, after every Deduc- tion, to the amount of 3101. 145. 61. Vide Liber Regis, for Particulars. 58 9 41 The Deanry, erected Anno 1115. Le Neve's Faſti, p. 60. 5 16 1 pays Tenths to the Biſhop, has the Rectory of Aldingborne, &c. William Fleſhmonger, Dean, 1535, when this Taxa- tion was made. Vide Original Survey. The KING. 300l. per Ann. * The Biſhop retains his own Tenths, and has the Tenths of ſeveral other Dignities and Benefices within his Dioceſe; by Grant from the Crown, in Exchange for Lands, as is ſuppoſed. The Biſhop, temp. H. VIII. had the Rectories of Amberley, Northmeed, Houghton, Waltam, Bexhill, Henfield, Cowfield, and Biſhopſton; with the Demeſne Lands of Cakham, Sidleſham, Selſey; Aldingbourn, Fe- ring; Stretham, Preſton, Biſhopſton; Bexhill, &c. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis, 52 T. 132 Sussex DIOCESE OF CHIC II ESTE R. 1. s. 0 10 O 1 70 The following Dignities are in the Gift of the Biſhop, and pay their Tenths to him. Kino's Fooks, 1 carly Ionths. 1. s. d. 35 The Preccntorip, erected Anno 1315. has the Rectories of 3 10 80 Ovinge and Weſteane, with the Manor of Ovinge, &c. Penſ. Abb. S; on il. Penf. preb. Coleworth il. 6s. 8d. 27 7 The Chanccllorthip, crected Anno 1115. has the Rectories of 2 14 81 Chittingley and Pevenſes. Decim. apud Lydſey, &c. Red. fol. Decan. & Cap. Ciceſter, 25. 62 6. The Treaſurerſhip, erected Anno 1115. has the Rectory of 6 4 8 Eaſtborne in the Archdeaconry of Lewes, cum uno molend. ventr. infra parach. The Church Officers have Corps' annexed to their Dignities. 38 3 4 Archdeaconry of Chicheſter, Henry, the firſt Archdeacon 3 16 4 Anna 1120. 99 15 Archdeaconry of Lewes, Peter the firſt Archdeacon 1180. 3 19 6 75 16 10 5 Ferring P. Pen!. fol. Vicar. de Ferring 31. 6s. Sd. I 13 ož o Somerley P. 9 o Weſtbrough P. Ipo 60 O 0 O a O 0 4 10 6 0 O 12 a The following Prebends pay their Tenths to the Crown- Receiver, and are in the Gift of the Biſhop, unleſs where otherwiſe noted. 1 I 11 17 16 13 I I io 2 6 Barkſham P. alias Brackleſham. 3 9 4 Biſhop herit P. I 13 4 13 6 Ś Bury P. Penf. Vicar, de Bury annuat. 61. 135. 4d. 6 8 6 S Burialis P. 13 6 8 S! Bargham P. Penf. fol. Vicar. de Weſthanginering 1l. 135. 4d. I o 34 18 13 4 Coleworth P, 4 6 8 Fariham P. 4 8. 5 Exceit P*. Penſ. fol. Abb. de Robertſbridge 5ba 6 Firles P. 2 13 4 Fittleworth P. o 5 4 I 17 2 I o н оноо O 0 0 I O * Burfalis P. Bargham P. Exceit P. and Wyndham P.—were founded in this Church by Biſhop Sherborne, and by him appointed to be given as they became void from time to time, to ſuch Perſons as are or have been Members or Fellows of either New College in Oxford, or of Wykeham's College geilt Winchester, Gates, Sussex. 133 DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R. King's Books d. i. S. 8 2 13 O Y early Tenths. 1. O 16 5 4 19 8 8 8 0 O ΙΟ O 0 1 0 O 6 0 2 9 4 1 O 16 Gates, alias Eaſtergate, P. 4 Hampſtead P. 9 16 8 Hethfield P. 4 6 8 Huve Eccleſia P. Penſ, ſol. Vicare de Preſton 4h. Huville P. 4 15 Mardon P. 3 4 Middleton P. 8 Selford P. alias Seaford. Selfy P. 18 6 8 Sutton P. 13 Sydlelham P. Thorney P. Upthorne, alias Ipthorne, P. Waltham P. 20 13 4 Woodhorne, alias Erlington, P. Penſ. fol. Decan. & Cap. 1l. o Wyghtring P. 9 16 8 Wyndham P*, 6 XII Vicars Choral each 55. 3d. I m o o 9 10 o 19 I 16 o I 6 I 2 O I 4 too O OO O O O O O OO 07 IO O I II 0 I 2 20 o 2 I 4 2 O O 19 8 3 3 3 31 12 NoT IN CHARGE. Highley P. annexed to a Free School. Penſ. fol. Decan. & Cap. il. 115. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. The Dean and the four Reſidentiaries conſtitute the Chapter of Chicheſter, and, upon Vacancy of a Reſidentiary, elect a Suc- ceſſor out of the Church Officers or Prebendaries. Refid. 200l. per Ann: each. The Prebendaries over and above their reſerved Rents have a Corps and receive Fines upon Renewals. * See the Note in p. 132, / 1. årudel, 134 DIOCESE OF CHICHES TE R. SUSSEX. 9. Arundel, in the Archdeaconry of Chichester. The Commiſſioners returned the Monaſtery of Tortyngton in this Deanry to be of the clear annual Value of 751. 125.6d. I They likewiſe returned the College of Arundel to be of the nett annual Value of 1681. os. 7d. } They likewiſe returned the Alms Houſe of St. Trinity in Arun- del to be of the clear yearly Value, after every Deduction under the Act of Parliament, of 231. os. Ild. For the Particulars of the above Returns, vide Liber Regis. 1. d. 1. s. I 2 ΙΙΟΙΙ LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. l'early Tenthsa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 7 5 71 Amberley V. Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6d. Proxies iod. Redd. O 14 6 25. Biſhop of Chicheſter Patr. and Impr, 911 01 Clymping, alias Slymping, V. Archidiac. Proxies. 6s. 8d. 0 19 11 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies iod.} Eton College, Propr. and Patr. 8 6 Cudlawe R. abſorpt. o 2 10 15 9 Eaſt Angmerton, alias Eaſt Hangmering, R. with Weſt Hang- mering, (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſcop. Synods is. I do Proxies 25. 8d. The Reverend Dr. John Cobb, S. T. P. 1910. Sir Cecil Biſhop, Bart. 1719, 1766. 19 15 10 Fellham, alias Felpham, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies 35. 6d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter, 1778. 7 19 91 Gates, alias Eaſter Gate, R. (St. George.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 0 15 11 8d. Epiſc. Synods' is. 6d. Proxies is. 8d. Abbiflæ Syon Il. 35. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. 9 I 3 Lymiſter, alias Leominſter, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) annexed O 18 1] to Arundel V. Archidiac. Proxies 103. Vicario de Rufting. ton is. 4d. Epiſc. Syn. Is. 6d. Eton College has every third Preſentation to both, but the Biſhop nominates. Eton Colleg. Propr. 5 14 41 Northſtoke V. 161. certified Value. No Inftitution. The Oil 5. KING. Mon. Tortington Impr. î Southſtoke I 19 7 SUSSEX. DIOCESE OF CHICHES TE R. 135 King's Books. 1. 2 11 15 10 I 3 Yearly Tenths. 1. d Southſtoke R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 7 6d. Proxies is. Suſanna and Ann Dawtrey, 1761. Earl of Surrey, 1783. Weſt Hangmering V. (St. Margaret.) annexed to Eaſt Hang- 0 12 mering. Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Epiſc. Synods 15. 6d. Proxies is. Id. The Reverend Dr. John Cobb, 1710. Sir Cecil Biſhop, Bart, 1719, 1766. 6 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 38 199 ARUNDEL V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Epifc. 5 O 10 Synods is. 6d. Proxies iod.Redd. Comiti Arundel is. 4d. Duke of Norfolk, 1701. John Anſtis, Eſq. 1715. Mary Groome, Widow, 1780. College of Arundel Impr. 7 2 8 Barnham V. or Cur. alias Bernhill. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Synods 7.15 Is. 6d. Proxies Is. 6d. Pri. Boxgrave Impr.' 39 19 01 Binſtead V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 10d. 517 81 Mr. Kemp, 1702. John Pannell, Merchant, 1764. Mau- rice Smelt, Clerk, 1781. 38 15 II Burſam, alias Burpham, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 7 12 6 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. Id. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Propr. and Patr. 91 Bury V. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Prebendary thereof Propr. 7 5 5 and Patr. 30 3 51 Clapham R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods 15. 6d. 14 Proxies 1s. Id. Collegio Beatæ Mariæ Magdalen Oxon. pro Portion. Il. 6s. 8d. Sir John Shelley, Bart. 1691, 1775. 34 16 101 Felpham V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Epiſc. Sy- 9 10 6 nods is. 6d. Rector thereof. John Courtail, 1778. 46 4 4* Ferring V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Proxies is. id. Prebendary 6 6 8 thereof Propr. and Patr. John Courtial, 1766. 27 0 0 Ford R., Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6d. Proxies rod. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 9 Madhurſt V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Epifc. Synods 15. 6d. 6 6 8 10 Mon. Tortington Propr. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 49 19 61 Middleton R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 5 10 10 60 6d. Proxies is. 4d. The KING. 499 o Poling V. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. 10 Proxies is. Eton College Propr. and Patr. but the Biſhop nominates. 28 1927 Ruſkington, alias Ruſtington, V. College of Arundel Impr. 60o Biſhop of Chicheſter. Walberton 4 9 6 8 1 17 II O O o O 136 DIOCESE OF CHICHESTE R. SUSSEX S. % Clear learly Value. King's Books lo d. lo: da 49.5 10 Walberton V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 85. Epifc. Sy- 10 19 nods is. 6d. Proxies 1s. 8d. Penſ. Prior. de Boxgrave ios, Biſhop of Chicheſter. Pri. Boxgrave Impr. 43 16 Ch Yapton V. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6d. 7 10 11 Proxies iod.] Biſhop of Chicheſter. Collegium de Arun- del Impr. NoT IN CHARGE. Eaſt Preſton V. 201, 201. The KING. Tortington V. Mon. Tortington Impr. Samuel Leeves, Efq. 1767. Chapels, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Little Hampton Curacy. (St. Mary.) 16l. certified Value. D. Borgrave, in the Archdeaconry of CHICHESTER. The Priory of Boxgrave in this Deanry, temp. H. VIII. was valued at 1451. 1os. 2d, 1 For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. N.B. The Tenths of all the Livings in this Deanry are payable to the Biſhop LIVINGS REMAINİNG IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentos. s. 1. d. I 0 7 Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. i. io 5 10 Aldingborne V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Synods 15. 6d. Proxies 15. 8d. Dean of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. το ο 10 Birdham R. Epiſc. Synods 25. 3d. Penſ. iod. Archidiac. Proxies 10s. Epiſc. pro Indemn. 15, 5d. Penf. Prior. Box- grave il. 35. 4d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. I 1 Boxgrave Sussex. 1G7 DIOCESE OF CHICH S T E R. King's Books. 1. s. d. O 19 learly senths, l. s. ď. 9 5 5 Boxgrave V* (St. Mary and St. Blaze.) Epiſc. Proxies is. O 18 61 4d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. In pecun. numerat. Mary Morley 1704. Earl of Derby, 1725. Pri. Boxgrave Impr. Duke of Richmond, 1772. 13 6 8 Compton V. (St. Mary.) cum Up Marden Capella, (St. Mi I 6 8 chael.) Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6d. Proxies 1s. 8d. Archidiac. Ciceſtr. Proxies 16s. 8d. Pri. Efbourne olim Propr. Earl of Scarborough 1720. Francis Lord Orwell and others, this Turn, 1771. 9 10 5 Doneghton, alias Donnington, V. Epiſc. Syn. Is. 6d. Prox. ol Is. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Chicheſter Propr. and Patr. 7 6 01 Ernley with Almodington R. Deſtructa. Epiſc. Synods is. O 14 75 6d. Proxies is. 5d. Epiſc. pro Indemn. 35. 4d. Archidiac. pro Indemn. Is. 4d. Duke of Norfolk two Turns. Biſhop of Chichefter one. Thomas Howard, Eſq. this Turn, 1774. 7 5 21 Eartham V. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Penſ. Prebend. de Ear o 14 63 tham 27. 6s. 8d. Decano Ciceftr. il. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. The Biſhop, p. h. v. 1770. 9 4 7 Hunſton V. (St. Leodegar.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 0.18 51 9d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Redd. Prior. Boxgrave il. 6s. 8d. Nicholas Covert, Gent. 1717. Henry Wiſon, Eſq. this Turn, 1759. Pri . Boxgrave Impr. Ź 4 7 Marſton R. Epiſc. Synods 9d. Proxies is. 5d. Archidiac. O 14 Proxies 35. 43. Redd. Abb. Bruton il. The KING. 10 11 101 Oving V. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Precentor of Chicheſter I 15 Impr. and Patr. IL 3 4 Selfy R. Sine Cure. (St. Peter.) Penſ. Vicario 81. Epiſc. 4 Synods 1s. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d.j Pení. Prebendar. 10l. Bi- ſhop of Chicheſter. 24 13 4 Weſtbourne R. Sine Cure. Redd. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Earl of 2 Scarborough 1720. James Lumley, Eſq. 1754. Anna Maria Montagu, Spinſter, 1778. 10 8 4 Weſthorney, alias Weft Thorney, R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. I 0 10 Proxies 35. 4d. Archidiac. Proxies 7s. Thomas Bickley, Eſq. 1684. one Turn in the Family of the Bickleys, and two Turns in three in the Earl of Berkley. John Hawkins, Genc. p. h. v. 1760. SA 80 O O Í 2 2 9 4 Boxgrave—The Great Tythes of this Pariſh kere ſettled on the Vicar of this Church for ever by Mrs. Morley, afterwards Counters of Derby, Ex Relatione Rev. Jeremia Dodſon, A. 31. Roéto- ris de Hurſt Pierpoint. T Livings 138 SUSSEX, DIOCESE OF G H ICH EST E R. Livings diſcharged from Firſt Fruits, but pay Tenths to the Biſhop 1. d, 0 0 Cl!!!! Icarly y'all!c, King's Bookse 1. d. 47 15 3 Bo'chanı V. (Ioly Trinity.) Epiſc. Synods is. 64. Proxies 6 II 3 Sit. College of Borehamn * Propr. Dean and Chapter of Chicheiter. 27 0 Chiuhai V. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies iod. Archidiac. 10 19 Z ós, Su. Henry Bickley, Gent. 1682. The KING, by Laple, 1770. Coll . Boreham Propr. 29 0 0. Eaftueane V. with Singleton R. Epifc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 5. 4. 43. icd. Robert Orme, Elg. Garion Orme, Eſq. 1721. Dean and Chapter Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter, 1782. 37 15 7 Eaſt Mardon V: Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Pění. Prebendar. 4 16 3 de Mardon il. los, The Prebendary of Mardun, 1767. 42 3 8 8 Eaſt Wighting, alias Eaſt Wittering, R. Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6 16 8 3d. Proxies iod. Epiſc. pro Indemn. -35. 4d6 Archidiac. pro Indemn. Is..4d.. Pènſ. Decano Eiceftr. 21. Biſhop of Chichelter. Hamptonet V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies iod. 7 4 4 Archidiac, Proxies 6s. 8d. Mr. Reaſon. Mrs. Cardonnel Patr. 1722. The KING, 1739. Pri. Boxgrave Impr. In pecun. numerato 6 Mundham V.. Archidiac. Proxies 652.8d., Epiſc. Synods is, Epiſc. Synods is. 9 0 10 od. Proxies is, id. Nicholas Covert, Gent. 1720. Henry Vi ilſon, this Turn, 1759. Eccleſ. Cath. Cantuar. Propr. 36 0. 3 North Mardon R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Redd. iod. Ar- 6 17 8 chidiac. Proxies. 6s. 8d. Richard Peckham, Eſq. 1717 Thomas Phipps, Eſq. 1750. 36 o o Racton cum Lordington R. Deſtructa. Epiſc. Synods 25. 3d. 519 Proxies 15. Ed. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. pro In- demn.,15. 8 d. Archidiac. pro Indemn. 25. Dean and Chap- ter of Chicheſter. oo Selley V. (St. Peter.) Valet clare per ann. in peçun. numerat. 8.00 Pector thereof. 50 Singleton R. with Eaſt Deane V. Epiſc. Syn. Iso 6d. Prox. .6 13. 4. is. id. Earl of Scarborough Patr. 1722. Duke of Rich- mond 1774. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter 1782.. 20 0 O O 40 O I 2 To 0 O * Borehani College confilted of five Prebends well endowed... Vide Liber Regis. Stoughton 5 Sussex. -133 DIOCESE OF CHI CHE S T E R. - S. l. d. 26 15 I 8 10 41 6 4 Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 1 d. Stoughton V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. 4d. Archidiac. Proxies 85. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſ- ter Impr. The Biſhop, 1734. 26 18 3 Sydleíham V. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 1s. 4d. Archi- 7 10 10 diac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Waltham, alias Upwalthain, R. Epiſc. Synods is.6d. Prox. 6 2 11 8d.j Archidiac. Proxies 55. Prebendar. de Eartham 35. 4d. Thomas Dawtry, 1718. John Luther, Eſq. 1776. 38 12 4 Weſtbourne, alias Weſtborne, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. 10 10 5 Synods Is. 6d. Redd. 15. 4d. Archidiac. Proxies 105. Rector thereof Propr. and Patr. 27 19 3 Weſtdeane V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 6 12 6 12 0 Iod 1 Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. Weſt 'Itchnor R. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Prox. 6 14 2 60 Is. Id. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. The KING. 48 19 Iš Weſt Oke, alias Weſt Stoke, R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Prox. 911 9 II 0 80 iod. Archidiac. Proxies ós. 8d. The KING. 8 Weſt Wightring, alias Weſt Whitring, V. Epiſc. Synods is. 10 3 4 6d. Proxies 25. 2 d.Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 32 0 0 O O O 26. 19 NoT IN CHARGE. A pildram, (St. Mary.) paid by Impropr. 146. certified Value. Colleg. Boteham Propr. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Patr. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Funtington Cur, paid by Impr. 401. certified Value. -Mid Lavant C. paid by Impr. 201. certified Value. T2 2. Cha 140 SUSSEX. DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R. D. Chicheſter, in the Archdeaconry of CHICHESTER. City. Yearly Tenths, 2. S. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. ting's Bioks. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 4 St. Mary's in Chicheſter R. oliin. 4 § 61 St. Peter's Church near Gyhald. Deſtructa. 5 10 Fiſhborne, alias Filhbourne R. The Dean's Peculiar. Abb. 80 Syon. 25. No Inſtitution. The KING, 3. 9 Hoſpital of Poor Lepers. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 2 13 . S. de 0 5 4 Q 8 10 O II O 0 O 0 4 o 8 4 O 2 O o 0 0 0 o I 20 O 18 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Vau. King's Books. 8 St. Andrew's R. The Dean's Peculiar. Dean of Chicheſter. 2 13 4 4. St. Bartholomew's R. Demoliſhed, 5 St. Martin's Church. The Dean's Peculiar. Dean of Chicheſter. 6 8 St. Olave's Church, The Dean's Peculiar. Dean of Chicheſter. 4 9 13 St. Peter the Leſs, R. The Dean's Peculiar. No Inſtitution. 6. 8 40 The KING. 30 The Subdeapry of Chicheſter, or Vicarage of St. Peter the Great. 16 8 4 Dec. & Cap. 15. Epiſc. 5d. Epiſc. 5d. Dean of Chicheſter. St. Pancras R. Is. fol. major. & burgens. Ciceſt. Dean of 8 10 8; Chicheſter. Wike Church, alias Rumbaldſweek, (St. Rumbald.) The 40 a Dean's Peculiar, Dean of Chicheſter, O I O O 0 15 00 33 oo , Dal- Sussex. 141 DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER, 9. Dallington, in the Archdeaconry of Lewes. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. h so de 1. So do cute. II Bart. 1770. I 2 IO 8 13 4 Aſhburnham V. (St. James.) Epiſc. Proxies is. Id. Synods o 17 4 Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Pri. Haſtings olim Propr. 24 13 4 BATTEL V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Battel Propr. Lord Monta 2 9 4 Sir Thomas Webſter, Bart. 1731. Sir Whiſtler Webſter, Bart. 1779. 6 Beckley R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Synods 15. I 2-8 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Penſ. Prebendar.de ?eaſemarſh 11..6s. 8d. John Holman, 1699. Thomas Hooper, 1752. 6 18 61 Bodyham V. (St. Giles.) Epiſc. Proxies 9d. Archidiac.-65. 6sO 13 ICH 8d. Penſ. Rectori de Ewhurſt 25. 4d. Lord Montacute. Sir Thomas Webſter, Bart. 1736. Sir Whiſtler Webſter, 5 Brede R. (St. George.) Penf. Abbiffæ Syon 2l. 105. I piſc. I. 5 c} Proxies is.. 4d. Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 8s. George Elfred, 1702. The Biſhop, 1732.. George Horne, D.D. 1768. 18. o o Burgwiſh V. alias Burwaſh. (St. Bartholomew.) Duke of New I 16 0 caſtle.. o Burgwiſh, alias Burwaſh, R. (St. Bartholomew.). Epiſe. Sy- o 17 nods is. 6d. Proxies gd. Archidiac. Proxies ós. 8d. Duke of Newcaſtle.. 7 9:41 Catfield, alias Catsfield, R. (St. Laurence.) Epiſc. Proxies 0 14 IT 1 s..Id.. Synods 15. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 3d. Earl of Aſhburnham, 1750. 10 O O. Crowhurſt R. (St. George.). Epiſc. Proxies is. id. Synods 10 15. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Duke of Newcaſtle.. Henry. Pelham, Eſq. 1764. 8 0 0: Dallington V. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies: o 16 Archidiac. Proxies 45. Earl of Aſhburnham. 0 0 Echingham, alias Etchingham, R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Prox. 1s. 4d. Archidiac. Proxies 45. Lambert Ludlow, 1724. Sir Jobn Lade, Bart.. 1771. Dame Anne Lade, Widow, 17752 Ewehurſt 8 10 O 0 0 1.S, 11 I 2 2. O 142 Sussex DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R. I 2 2 26 1. o 20 I King's Books. Yearly Tenths. s, d. 1. s. d. 6 Ewehurit R. (St. James.) Epiſc. Proxies 35. Synods 1s. 6d. I 4 3 Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Pení. Prebendar. de Hollington 2l. Barnham Powel, Eſq. 1690. Sir Thomas Webſter, Bart. 1740. Sir Whiſtler Webſter, Bart. 1776. 6 Hoo V. (St. James.) Epiſc. Proxies 9d. Synods is. 6d. Archi- 0 14 3 diac. Proxies 6s. 8d. College Haſtings, Propr. Sir Godfrey Webiter, Bart. 1782, 1784. Herhfield V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Proxies 1s. 4d. Synods is. I OO 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. 0.0 Hurſtmounſex, alias Herſt Monceux, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc.' 2 Synods is. 6d. Proxies 45. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 65.8d. Earl of Suſſex, 1679. Thomas Jenkin, Eſq. 1714. Fran- cis Hare Naylor, Eſq. 1772 18 & 6] Iden R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 6 101 55. 6d. Penf. Prebendar. Peaſemarſh il. Thomas Frewen, and Jo. Brewer, Eſq. 1692. Francis Henderfcot, Eſq. p. h. v. 1748. John Davis, Clerk, 1759. 8. O Nenfield, alias Ninfield, v. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies 1s. Id. 0 16 0 Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 65. Earl of Aſhburn- ham. College Haſtings, Propr. 23 Northyam R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.1 Synods ob 15. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Penſ. Prebendar. Peaſe- marſh il. Thomas Frewen, Efq. 1692. Mary Lord, Wi- dow, and Charles l'rewen, Eſq. 1779. Salehyrſt V. (St. Mary.) F.piſc. Proxies Is. Id. Synods Synods ISO 15. ód. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Thomas Alh, Gent. 1690. Abb. Robertſbridge, Propr. Thomas Frewen, 1743. John Jenkin, 1779. 9 4 Sidleſcombe R. Épíſc. Proxies is. Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. 018 5 80 Proxies 6s. 8d. The KING. 7 6 Tyſeherit V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies 15. 4d. Synods I 16 9 Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Novus Pri. Haſtings Propr. 13 6 8 Warbylton, alias Warbleton, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies I 6 8 iod. Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 5s. Penſ. Abb. Battel il. Ann Hawkſworth, Widow, 1699. Thomas Bar- ton, p h. v. 1732. Sir John Lade, Bart. 1761. 16 0 21 Wartling V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Epiſc. Proxies is. id. ode Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Chi. cheiter, 1705. Sir Thomas Webſter, Bart. 1725. College of Haſtings Propr. Robert Andrews, Eſq. p. h. v. 1753. IL 6 8 Weſtfield V. (S. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. Proxies is, id. Synods I 2 8 Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. Ed. Biſhop of Chichetter. Abb. Battel Impr. LIVINGS 15 10 I II O 2 O is I I2 Sussex 143 DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R 1. s. d. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. lo so de 46 5 4 Mounfield, alias. Munfield, V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Prosies 5 13 4 IS. 8d. Synods Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Penſ. Abb. Battel 25. Duke of Dorſet. Abb. Robertſbridge, Propr. 32 0 0. Oddymere, alias Oddimore V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies 8 5 2 IS. 8d. Synods is. 6d. Archidiac, Proxies of. 84. Mri Bromfield, Abb. Robertſbridge, Propr. e Peaſemarth V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. Proxies Iod. 5 5.9 Synods is. 6d... Archidiac. Proxies 8si Sydney College; Cambridge. College of Hiſtings, olim Propr. 43 Q. Penhurſt R. Epiſc. Proxies rod. Synods is. 6d: Earl of Aſh- 3 184 burnham. 48 14. 6. Playdon, alias Pleydon, Ri (St. Michael.) Decano Haſtings 12 135. 4d. Archidiac. Prosies 55. Epiſc. Synods Is. 6. The Reverend Mr. Stokes, 1713. Hannah Legg, 1753. The Biſhop by Lark, 1765. 48 5 8 Watlington R. Epiſc. Proxies is. Id. Synods 15. 6de Ar. -7 4.60 chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d... Duke of Dorſet... 44 12 2 0 QO 9. Haffings, in the Archdeaconry of LEWES. - Decanatus de Haſtings infra Caſtellum de Haſtings. Ric. Bro- kyſby, Cler. Decanus ibidem, profic. ejuſd. Decanat. valet clare per ann. cum.omn. profic. & commod. & dimittitur Tho. mæ Comiti Wilts per Indenturam reddend. inde per ann. 2013 Vide Liber Regis, in-Offic. Primita LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE.. King's Books. learly Teaths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. s. 24 10 2 9 21 Bexhill V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Penf. u. 68. 8d.. Proxies Isi 8d. Synods 15o 6d. Biſhop of Chichester, Patrand Impr. 0.0 Brightling P. or R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. Proxies 6so. Ed. Seneſchallo. 6s. 8d. Decano Haſtings il. 35. 4d. Epiſc. 11 I 2 0 144 Sussex, DIOCESE OF CHICHES T E R. b. S. d. 1. S. 6 9 I 2 II King's Pooks. Y carly Tenths d. Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6d. Henry Engliſh, Eſq. 1662. John Turner, 1681. George Barneſley, Clerk, 1708. Laurence Noakes, Gent. 1746. Stephen Fuller, Eſq. 1752. 2 Farleigh, alias Farlight, V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Proxies Is. Id. Synods is. od. Archidiac. Proxies 55. Decano Haſtings 35. 4d. Elizabeth Powel, 1701. Dame Frances Powell, 1743. Lord Rumney, and James Clitherow, Eſq. 1749. 12 O 7 ( Geſtling R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Synods [ 4 03 Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Sir William Alhburn- ham, Bart. 1706, 1736, 1743. 8 Ikilſam V. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 8d. Synods I 6 2 IS 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 10s. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 'Abb. Battel Impr. Pett R. (St. Mary and St. Peter.) Epiſc. Proxies 10d. Sy- og 7 nods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 55. David Denham, 1702. Stephen Kennard, Gent. 1.745. Diones Geere, 1772. The Biſhop by Lapſe, 1774. 13 1 8 4 15 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. ! Clear learly Value. King's Books. 8 18 0 St. Clement in Haſtings R. with All Saints R. Epiſc. Synods 23 6 10 15. 6d. Proxies 9d. Archidiac. Proxies 55. Sir Richard Barker, Bart. 1683. Sir Thomas Webſter, Bart. 1742. Sir Whiſtler Webſter, Bart. 1763. 41 4 0 Eaſt Guildford, alias Eaſt Guldeford, R. (St. Mary.) Terr. 8 4 7 gleb. ad valor. 45. 60. &c. Sir George Choute, Bart. 1699. Edward Symes, Gent. 1706. Robert Margeriſon, Clerk, 1753 o Hollington V. (St. Leonard.) Epiſc. Proxies 10d. Synods 8 o 2 Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Preb. de Hollington pro Penſ. il. Charles Eversfield, Eſq. 1712. Sir Charles Eversfield, Bart. p. i. 1784. 15 14 Omnium Sanctorum, io Haſtings, R. with St. Clement's R. 19 12 9 Archidiac. Proxies 55. Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies gd. Sir Richard Barker, Bart. 1683. The KING, h. v. 1722. Sir Whiſtler Webſter, Bart. 1779. 43 4 O Orre, alias Oare, R. (St. Helen.) Epiſc. Proxies 1s. 2d. 3 o 27 Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Charles Everf- field, Eſq. 1718. The Biſhop, 1752. Thomas Pearce, 46 16 o Elq. 1772 Rye SUSSEX DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER, s. 49 10 Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 2. d. d. 6 Rye V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Stanley, in Wilts, Propr. Lord 42 13 4 Dorſet, 1961, 1762. Thomas Bromfield, Eſq. 1699, 1700. Earl of Northampton, 1743. Lady Elizabeth Compton, 1781. 28 O WINCHELSEA R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. 6 13 4 Proxies 25. 2d. Archidiac. Proxies los. Thomas Peace, Gent. 1752. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1767. 9. Lewes, in the Archdeaconry of Lewes. The Priory of Lewes, in this Deanry, was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be of the clear annual Value (after all the de- ductions allowed by the Inſtructions) of 9201. 45. 6d. For the Particnlars, vide Liber Regis, in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 1. S. King's Books. Pearly Tentls. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 5. d. 7 14 2 Alborne R. (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. 0 15 5 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. id. Sir Robert Fagg, Bart. 1719. Elizabeth Goring, Widow, 1777. 8 10 10 St. Andrew's R. in Lewes (extinct), united to St. Michael's 37 0 17 1 H. VIII. Penſ. Pri. Lewes 6s. 8d. 15 18 61 Balcombe R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Pri. Lewes 55. Epiſc. I II 101 Proxies is. gd. Synods is. id. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. E. Dorſet, 1617. Eliz. and Jane Whiſton, 1692. Sarah Chatfield, Widow, 1740. Ann Chatfield, Widow, 1779. 18 10 10 Barcombe R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Pri. Lewes 195. Archidiac. I iù i Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.1 Synods is. 6d. The KING. 9 4 2 Chayleigh, alias Chailey, R. (St. Peter.) Archid. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Prior. de Lewes 6s. William Wheeler, 1660. Tho. Porter, Gent. 1718. Thomas Porter, Clerk, 1762. The Archbiſhop, 1782. Chelley, 200 O o 18 5 146 SUSSEX. DIOCESE OF CHI C H EST E R. S. S. d. 6 15 2 I O 10 I 5 20 o 2 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. i. d. l. Chelley, alias Shelley, R *. with Crowle Chapel, alias Craw- 0 13 6 ley R. (St. John Baptift.) Epiſc. Proxies 35. 4d. Synods 9d. Archidiac. Proxies is. 8d. Penſ. Rectori Slaugham 55. Wilſon and Nevil this Turn. Leonard Gale, Eſq. 1720, 1730. Sir Leonard Gale, 1741. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1759. Claycon R. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Kimer Chapel. Penſ. 2 2 1 Pri. Lewes Il. IOS. Archidiac. Proxies 65. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2 d.} Synods is. 6d. Anne Watſon, Widow, 1775. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford, 1752. 20 14 COCKFIELD, alias CuckFIELD, V."(Holy Trinity.) Archi 2 I diac. Proxies 8s. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.1 Synods 1sa 6d. Bilhop of Chichetter. Pri. Lewes Impr. 6 8 3 Cowfold v. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. į Synods is. 6d. The I 08 Biſhop of Chicheſter, Impr. and Patr. East GRINSTED V. (St. Swithin.) Epiſc. Proxies Is. 8d. Synods Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Pri. Lewes Impr. Duke of Dorſet. 19 5 10 Erthingley, alias Ardingley, R. Penſ. Pri. Lewes 35. Archi- diac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 350 4d. Synods Is. 6d. Richard Lyddell, Eſq. 1724. Richard Clarke, Efq. 1757. 81 Hamſey R. (St. Peter.) Penſ. Pri. Lewes 175. Archidiac. 1 13 31 Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Synods is. 6d. John Alford, Eſq. 1722. George Wenham Lewis, Eſq. 1773. 0. Henfield, alias Hendfield, V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies iod. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Chi- cheſter, Patr. and Impr. 15 9 41 Hurſt Pier point R. (St. Laurence,) null. Repr. notat. Chriſt. I 10 115 Todd, 1701. John Shaw, of Eltham, Eſq. 1721. Sir John Shaw, Bart. 1736. Sir Edward Winnington, Bart. 1784. 6 8 4 Ifield V. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. Prosies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. O 12 10 Proxies 10d. Synods 15. 6d. Pri. Lewes, Propr. Biſhop of Chicheſter, 1716. William Peck, Eſq. 1738. Nicho- las Spencer, Gent. 1762. 10 10 21 Iford V. (St. Nicholas,), united to Kingſton, near Lewes, V. II 02 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 65. 8d. E. Dorſet, 1625, 1629, 1632. Sam. Brewer, I 18 7 16 12 16.10 I 13 # Shelley in Lib. Regis in Offic. Primitiar. is called a Chapel, and the Chapel of Crawley is there joined to it, and rated with it: and there is alſo a Chapel of Crawley annexed to the Rectory of Slaugham, which makes it doubtful to which Benefice the Chapel. of Crawley belongs ; there being, as it is ſaid, but one Chapel of that Name, Gent. 147 de I 5 II et Priori Lewes SUSSEX. DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. King's Boolse lrarly Tenthis. he sd. 1. Gent. 1690. William Davis, 1733. David Walter Mor- gan, Clerk, 1765. Pri. Lewes, Propr. 3 II 3 Johannis Ski ſub Caſtro de Lewes, R. Lord Dorſet, 1617, O 7 1630, 1632. Robert Clarke, 1673. William Davis, 1722, 1740. John Crofts, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 12 19 2 Kingſton Bowſey, near Shoreham, R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 25. 101. { Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Sir John Mill, Bart. 1700. Sir Richard Mill, 1725. Sir Charles Mill, Bart. 1782. 8 13 9 Kingſton, near Lewes, V. united to Iford V. Epiſc. Synods 0 17 41 Is. 6d. Proxies rod. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. E. Dor- fet, 1639. Sandys, Eſq. 1679. Pri. Lewes Impr. The Rev. Mr. Owen, Incumbent and Patr. 1721. William Davis, Gent. 1733. David Walter Morgan, Clerk, 1965. ry 6 10Mariæ Beat. in foro Lewes, temp. H. VIII. Ecclef. fol. 0 14 81 Prior. de Lewes 55. Duci Norf. 55. 717 81 Newick R. (St. Mary.) Penf. Pri. Lewes 6s. 8d. Archi: o 15 25 diac. Proxies 4s. 2d. Epiſc. Proxies is. 8d. Sir Thomas Manſel, Bart. 1710. Lady Manſel, 1754. George Vena- bles Vernon, Eſq. and his Wife, 1769. Lady Vernon, 1784, p. i. 8 8 4 Newtimber R. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Penſ. Pri. Lewes il. O 16 10 65. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.j Synods is. 6d. Thomas Oſborne, Gent. 1686. Leighton Oſborne, Eſq. 1707. Nathaniel Newnham, Eſq. 1774. 10 O o Plympton, alias Plumpton, R. Priori Lewes il. 6s. 8d.' Ar- chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. 6d. The Rev. William Hampton, Incumb. and Patr. 1721. Cha- rity Hampton, by the Advice of her Mother, 1771. o Ponings, alias Poynings, R. (Holy Trinity,) null. Repr. notat. I oO Thomas Byſhe, Clerk, 1706. Mr. Styles, of Petworth, 1721. Sir Charles Mathew Goring, Bart. 1749. 15 8 . I 10 101 Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 10d. Synods is. 6d. The KING. 15 6 01 Radmell R. (St. Peter.) Penſ. Priori Lewes 2l. 135. 4d. Ar I 10 71 chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 6d. 1 Synods 25. 3d. Biſhop of Chicheſter. o Rottingdon, alias. Rottingdean, V. (St. Margaret.) Proxies 0 19 6s. 82. Epiſc. Synods Iso 6do Proxies 25. 2d.[ Pri. Lewes Impr. Duke of Dorſet. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1771. 4 19 41 Shermanbury R. (St. Giles.) Epiſc., Synods yd. John o 9111 . Gratwick, Eſq. 1711. Caſſandra Lintot Farnecombe, Spin- fter, 1762 Slaugham I O 10 700 O 0 9 10 U 2 148 DIOCESE OF OF 1. d. I II CHICHES TE R. Sussex, King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. s. d. 10 19 2 Slaugham R. (St. Mary,) with Crawley Chap *. Epiſc. Sy- 1 nods Is. 6d. Proxies Is. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Lady Anne Morton, 1709. Thomas Sergiſon, Eſq. 1749. Michael Sergiſon, Eſq. p. i. 1783. 16 0 10 Southeſe R. Redd. Abb. Hyde 35. 4d. Epiſc. Synods is. -6d. I 12 1 Proxies 15. 4d. Archidiac. Prosies 6s. 8d. Geo Tuſhing- ham, Gent. 1718. Ann Chatfield, 1780. 10 15 5 Twynam, alias Twyneham, R. (St. Peter.) Penſ. Pri. Lewes I I 61 135. 4d. Epiſc. Synods 9d. Proxies 8d.] Nicholas Belt, and his Wife, 1715. Sir Charles Goring, Bart. 1746. Sir Harry Goring, Bart. 1777: 4 2. Weſtmyfton, alias Weſtminton, R. (St. Martin,) with Chil 2 4 5 tington Chapel. Penf. Pri. Lewes il. 10s. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.ź Synods is. 6d. William Dobel, Gent. 1716, 1735. John Rideout, Clerk, p. h. v. 1783. 13 I 101 Woodmancote R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. 8d. Ar- 6 2 ore chidiac. Proxies 5s. The KING. 13 3 4 Worth R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies Is. Archidiac. 1 6 4 Ambroſe Parker, 1704. William Hampton, Clerk, 1721. James Waller, 1766, p. h. v. The Biſhop, 1784. 1 6 8 Ho. Ski Jacobi Shoreham. O 2 8 22 I 120 0 0 Proxies 55. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 35 o o Aldrington R. Deſtructa. Epiſc. Proxies Is. 8d. Synods 7 10 23 15. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. The Rev. John Citizen, 1718. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1751. 37 8 11 Blackington, alias Blatchington, R. (St. Peter.) Priori Lewes 6 4 41 & Penſ. Il. dos. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Hen. Pelham, Efq. John Morley Trevor, and Peter Courtope, Eſqrs. 1712. John Fermor, Eſq. 1742. John Fermor, Clerk, 1766. 41 II 10 Bolney V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Epiſc. Proxies 1od. Synods 5 5 21 Is. 6d. The Rev. Geo. Barnſley, 1714. Preb. of Hova Villa, Propr, and Patr. *. There is in fact no ſuch Chapel as Crawley belonging to this Rectory; but Crawley is a Rectory itſelf, and is the ſame with Shelley, alias Chelley cum Crowle, that remains charged in the King's Books. BRIGHT. Sussex. 149 DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R. s. d. O 2 100 O o O O 70. o o O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. s. d. 1. 29 o BRIGHTHELMSTON V. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.]: 20 i Synods Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Penſ. Vicario de Hova 7s. 6d. Biſhop of Chicheſter. Pri. Lewes Impr. The KING, 1744. 23 o Crawley R *. (St. John Baptiſt.) Denzil Hollis, Eſq. and his 6 15 Wife, 1661. 47 o 8 Ditchning, alias Ditchelling, alias Ditchling, V. (St Margaret.) 11 O Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d.l. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Chancellor of Chicheſter. Pri. Lewes Impr. 8 4 4 Falmer V. Penſ. Pri. Lewes 8s. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Mrs. 6 10 10 Sheldon, 1721. Thomas Lord Pelham, 1771. Pri. Lewes Impr. 480 o Hangelton R. (St. Helen.) Penſ. Pri. Lewes il. 10$. 4d. 11 14 2 Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods Is. 6d. Duke of Dorſet. 46 12 o Howthley, alias Weſt Howthley, V. Archidiac. Proxies 9 16 Q 6s. 8d. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 1od. The KING, Pri. Lewes Impr. 44 18 8 Meching, alias Newhaven, R. (St. Michael.) Penf. Pri. 8 3 4 70 0 Lewes 165. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies 1od. The KING. 13 St. Michael's in foro Lewes. Penſ. Pri, Cant. 35. 8 15 0 9 14 2 Omn. Sanctorum R. Null Repr. notat. Sir Robert Fagg, 7. Bart. 1711. The KING, 1777. 48 0 o Ovington, alias Ovingdean, R. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Prox- 9 5 6 ies 25. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8. Priori Lewes zl. Bridger, Eſq. 1677. Richard Payne, Eſq. 1724. Richard Rideout, Jun. Gent. 1751. 23 14 6 Pedingho V. Epiſc. Synods 15. 6d. Proxies 15. 4d. Archi- 7.14 2 diac. Proxies 6s. 8d. The KING, 1694, by Lapſe. E. Dorſet, 1633, 1636. Thomas Crew, Thomas Crew, and John Philpot, 1779. Pri. Lewes Impr. 32 o Percham V. (All Saints.) Pení. Pri. Lewes Il. 85. 8d. Epiſc. 7 I 5 50 Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. id.ſ Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. The KING. Pri. Lewes Impr. o Portillade, alias Portſlade, V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 8 18 8 80 Synods is. 6d. Epiſc. Proxies is. Id. The KING. Mon. St. Radagund, in Kent, Propr. o Preſton (St. Peter,) and Hova V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Sy- 20 2 II nods 3s. Proxies is. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 5s. Preben- dary thereof, Patr. and Propr. O 20 O O O O 2 0 O 41 O O 0 41 12 * Crawley R. The ſame with Shelley, alias Chelley cum Crowle, mentioned before in this Deanry. St. Anne's 150 Sussex, DIOCESE OF CHICHES TE R. 1. S. d. 43 12 o O O 70 0 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. s. d. o St. Anne's R. alias St. Peter Weſtout and St. Mary R. and St. 12 6 8 I 20 Michael R. Penf. Pri. Lewes il. Is. 8d. Archidiac. Prox- ies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods 35. 4d. Proxies 1od. The KING. 13 8 St. John, alias St. John of Southen, alias Southover, R. Prie 6 12 O ori Lewes 21. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Proxies iod. Synods is. 6d. The KING. 35 0 o Sela, alias Seale, V. (St. Peter.) Val. in pecun. numerat. 8 o o annuat. fol. per Coll. Mar. Magd. Oxon. Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. o SHOREHAM Nova V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6d. 6 18 Proxies 55. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. The KING, this Turn, 1713. Magdalen College, Oxford, Patr. 16 6 o Shoreham Vetus V. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. 7 18 6 Magdalen College, Oxford. 48 o Southwike R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Synods 6s. 8d. Proxies 913 91 80 25. rod.1 Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. The KING. 46 12 o Streete R. Epiſc. Proxies 35. 4d. Synods Is. 6d. Archi- 6 19 7 diac. Proxies 45. William Dobell, Eſq. 1721, 1734. The Biſhop, 1760. Thomas Lane, and Mary his Wife, 1777. 40 o 0 Teddiſcombe, alias Telſcomb, alias Telleſcombe, R. Penf. Abb. 13 13 4 Hyde 35. 4d. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.Ž Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Penſ. & Portio Pri. Lewes 6s, 8d. Richard Mills, 1727. Thomas Crew, 1740. Thomas Crew, and John Philpot, 1779.. O O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Wilsfield C. (St. John Baptiſt,) paid by the Impropriator. 201. certified Value. State of the Churches in LEWES, Sussex, in the Year 1718. 1. Lewes was formerly a large Walled Town, and contained at leaſt twelve Pariſhes; of which there remain but ſix al pre- ſent, viz. The united Pariſhes of St. Peter and St. Mary Weſtout, com- monly called St. Anne's, and certified by that Name to be of the clear Yearly Value of 43 12 5 But Sussex 151 DIOCESE OF CHICHES TE R. 1 i. S. do But certified by the true Name before the 24th of December following, according to the Stat. 6° Annæ, and has not fince paid Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. St. Michael's in foro, the Yearly Value. 13 0 0 St. John's ſub Caſtro, not Diſcharged. All Saints Rectory, Yearly Value 9 14 St. John Baptiſt Southover, Yearly Value 13 8 Cliffe is a Peculiar belonging to the Archbiſhop of Canter- bury, of the Yearly Value of (Letter from Mr. Pierce, Rector of Cliffe, Feb. 10, 1718.) O O 31 17 8 D. Midhurſt, in the Archdeaconry of CHICHESTER. The Abby of Durford, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, after every Deduction inade in Purſuance of the Act of Parliament and Inſtructions, of 981. 45. 5d. The Priory of Shulbred was likewiſe returned at 721. 155. Todo The Priory of Eaſtbourne was likewiſe returned at 291. 16s. 7d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis in Offic. Primit. N. B. The Tenths of all the Livings in this Deanry are payable to the Biſhop. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenthia Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. do La s. 80 0 o Bebton, alias Bepton, R. Archidiac. Synods 6s. 8d. Epiſc. O 16 Synods is. 6d. Proxies 35. 4d. Jane Alcock, 1710. Sir Charles Mathew Goring, Bart. 1740. Lord Viſcount Mon- tague, 1776. 8 3 61 Bignor R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſe. Synods is. 6d. o 16 42 Proxies is. 8d. Penſ. Prior. Lewes il. 6s. 8d. The KING. 13 6.8 Cocking V. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods 1s. 6d. I 6 8 Proxies 1s. 10d. Penf. Collegio de Arundel 35. 4d. Biſhop of Chicheſter, Propr. and Patr. Eaſtbourne, 100 O O 152 SUSSEX DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E RE l. d. 1. S. I 9 10 King's Books Yearly Tenshi d. 6 6 8 Eaſtbourne, alias Eaſtbonn, alias Effebonne, V*. (St. Marga- 0 12 8 ret,) Null. Repr. mentionat. Lord Montacute. Pri. de Efféboune Impr. II 13 4 Elſted R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. 3 4 Proxies 15. 8d. John Colebrook, 1718. Walter Rain- ſtorp, Eſq. 1739. Robert Inip, Gent. 1773. 6 13 4 Fittieworth V. Null. Repr. notat. Biſhop of Chicheſter, O 13 4 5 Graffham R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epifc. og of Synods is. 6d. Proxies 1s. 8d. Robert Orme, Eſq. 1709. Garton Orme, Eſq. 1750. Charlotte Betterworth, with the Conſent of her Guardian, 1764. 26 13 4 Hirtum, alias Harting, R. Pení. Vicario 41. Penſ. Collegio 2 13 4 de Arundell il. 6s. 8d. Penf. Abb. Syon 31. 1os. Archi- diac. Proxies 8s. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. John Carryl, Eſq. 1695. John Trevanion, Eſq. 1716, 1735. Sir Mathew Fetherſton Haugh, Bart. 1773. 9 o O Hirtum, alias Harting, V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies gd.} O 18 0 Synods is. 6d. The Rector of Harting. 7.00 Iping R. with Chicherſt Chap. Archidiac. Proxies 8s. 8d. 0 14 Epiſc. Synods 35. Proxies 25. 8d. Penſ. Prior. Lewes 25. Henry Box, Eſq. 1694. Martha Box, Widow, 1734. Sir Charles Peyton, Bart. 1758. ILOO Kirford, alias Kirdford, V. Null. Repr. notat. Earl of Scar- borough, 1720. James Lumley, Eſq. 1742. College of Arundell Impr. Anna Maria Montague, 1780. 8 0 Lủagarſal, alias Lurgalhall, R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. O 16 O Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies Is. id. Prior. Lewes 135. 4d. Mr. Alcock, 1675. Thomas Wither, Eſq. 1698. The Biſhop, 1743. The Executors of George Sedgwick, Gent. 1778. 48 10 5 Perworth R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 4 3 of Synods is. 6d. Proxies 75. 9d. Feod. Seneſchall. 6s. 8d. Duke of Somerſet. Earl of Egremont, 1783. 17 18 61 Stedham R. (St. James,) with Heyſhed, alias Heyſhott. Ar 1 15 10 chidiac. Proxies 65, 8d. Epiſc. Synods 25. 3d. Proxies Is. Id. Penſ. Prior. Lewes 135. 4d. John Peachy, Gent. 1690. Catherine Wrench, Widow, 1749. Sir James Peachey, Bart. p. i. 1783. 15 O 1o Sutton R. (St. John.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epifc. Sy- I 10 i nods 35. Prbxies 35. 4d. Penf. Prior. Lewes 21. 4d. Duke of Somerſet. Earl of Egremont, p. i. 1783. I 2 O * Effebonne--MIDHURST, a Market and Borough, is a Donative within this Pariſh, Lord Mon- tacute Patron and Impropriator. Tolliton 1 Sussex. 153 DIOCESE OF CHICHSTE R. 1. 1. d 13 10 I 7 0 King's Books, Ícarly Tenths, d. o Tolliton, alias Tillington, R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d.} Portio Rectori de Petworth jl. 6s. 8d. Penſ. Prior. Lewes 125. The Duke of Somerſet, 1683. Earl of Egremont, 1783. 7.12 Trefford with Didling R. Archidiac. Proxies 55. Epiſc. 015 23 Synods 25. 4d. Proxies iod. William Alwyn, Eſq. 1698. The Univerſity of Oxford, 1746. Sir James Peachey, Bart. 1775. 90 o Trotton, alias Trotton with Tuxleigh, R. (St. George.) Ar- 0.18 0 chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies Is. Id. Laurence Alcock, Eſq. 1694. George - Brainſton, and others, 1736. John Radcliffe, Eſq. 1782. 7 o 10 Wolberdbam, alias Wolbeding, R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. 0 14 1 Epiſc. Synods 16. 6d. Proxies 1s. id. Thomas Gray, Eſq. 1670. Sir Richard Mill, 1725. Sir Charles Mill, Bart. 1782. 9 0 o Wullavington, alias Woollavington, R. Archidiac. Proxies 55. O 18 0 Epiſc. Synods is 6d. Proxies iod. Vicario de Midhurſt pro Penf. 55. Robert Orme, Eſq. 1693. Garton Orme, Eſq. 1721, 1730. Chriſtopher Bethell, Eſq. 1774. Livings diſcharged from Firſt Fruits, but pay Tenths to the Biſhop of Chichester. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 28 16 8 Barlavington R. Archidiac. Proxies 55. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. 5 13 4 Proxies 6d. John Alcock, Eſq. 1706. Sir Cecil Biſhop, Bart. 1765. 37 16 10 Bodington, alias Bodekton, alias Burton, cum Cootes, R. Penf. 7 3 111 Pri. Lewes 25. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epifc. Synods 35. Proxies is. Id. Indemn. 35. Sir William Goring, Bart. 1690. John Middleton, 1718. John Middleton, Eſq. 1740. 20 16 8 Eggiden R. (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. I 92 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Penſ. Prior. Lewes 6s. Sir William Goring, Bart. 1681. The KING, p. h. v. 1759. 6 8 8 Hardham R. (St. Botolph.) Epiſc. Prosies 6s. 8d. Synods 5 5 10 ÌS. 6d. Penſ. Prior. Lewes 6s. Sir William Goring, Bart. o Lynche R. with Farnhurſt Chapel. Archidiac. Proxies 55. 3 12 81 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d Proxies iod. Penſ. Prior. de Shul- bred 35. 4d. Richard Styles, Gent. 1699. John Middleton, Eſq. 1739. Sir Charles Mathew Goring, Bart. 1751. 2 Rogate V. (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. 10 5 0 70 0 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies is, 8de The KING. X Selhatn, 20 0 47 II 0 154 Sussex, DIOCESE OF CHICHESTE R. 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1 d. 39 16 8 Selham, alias Sulham, R. (St. James.) Prior. Ruſper 55. 4 15 1iž Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies Iod. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. 39 16 8 Stopham R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 5 12 81 Synods is. 6d. Proxies 35. 4d. Walter Bartelott, 1705. Elizabeth Bartelott, 1765. 46 1 61 Tirwicke R. Epiſc. Synods 15. 6d. Thomas Betteſworth, 5 0 5 Efq. 1719. Thomas Betteſworth Bilſon, Eſq. 1735. Ralph Hilditch, Wharfinger, 1763. NoT IN CHARGE. Duncton, alias Dungton, R*. lately Part of Petworth. Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet, 1718. Duke and Dutcheſs of Northumberland, 1773. North Chapel R. (St. Michael,) late Part of Perworth. Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet, 1718. Duke and Dutcheſs of Northumberland, 1771. CHAPELS, DONAtives, AND CURACIES. ٹی 3 Shulbred Chapel, formerly a Priory. Fernhurſt, alias Farneſt, alias Farnburſt, Chapel to Lynch. St. Luke's Chapel. Lythe Chapel. Loditworth, Chapel to Eaſtbourne, alias Effebonne. Tadham, Chapel to Eaſtbourne, alias Effebonne. MIDHURST C. (St. Dennis,) paid by the Impropr. 201. certified Value. Cold Waltham C. paid by the Impropr. 161. certified Value. * Duncton R. and North Chapel R.—Theſe are divided from Petworth Rectory by Act of Parlia- ament 4° and 5° W. and M. Parl. 2 Seff. 4. But in that Act there being no Apportionment of the Firſt-Fruits and Tenths to Duncton or North Chapel, they remain payable by the Perſon who is inſti- tuted to the Rectory of Petworth. D. Pagham, Sussex. 155 DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. 9. Pagham, in the Juriſdiâion of CANTERBURY. 1. d. 1. So 7 18 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. learly Ténths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 9 Barſted, alias Berghſted, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Penſ. O 15 101 Decano Pagham pro Proxies 2s. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 20 18 11 Eſtlavent, alias Eaſt Lavant, R. (St. Mary.) Cant. Pecul. 2 1 9 The Earl of Derby, 1721. Henry Peckham, Eſq. and William Milton, Gent. 1752. 9 18 9 Pagham V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Decano Pagham Proxies 25. • 19 101 Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Canterbury College, in Oxon, heretofore Propr. Vide Mag. Brit. p. 461. 14 13 11 Slyndon, alias Slindon R. (St. Mary.) Decano Pagham I 9 3 Proxies 25. Thomas Carter, this Turn, 1708. Mr. Keinp, 1719. Maurice Smelt, Clerk, 1781. 13 5 0. Tangmere R. (St. Andrew.) Decano Pagham Proxies 25. I 6 6 Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1674. Sir William Morley, 1676, 1680. Earl of Derby, 1722. Duke of Richmond, 1768. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Pucts Omn. Sanct. in Palatin. Ciceftr. Redd. Eccleſ. Ciceſtr. 8d. 517 Decano Pagham Proxies 25. Archbishop of Canterbury. II X 2 D. Petenie 1 156 Sussex. DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R. D. Pevenley, alias Prmſey, in the Archdeaconry of LEWES. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. S. d. 1. d. 1 2 13 6 8 Berwick, alias South Berwick, R. Richard Parker, Gent. 6 8 and Thomas Bret, Clerk, 1694. The Rev. John Hawes, Incumb. and Patr. 1721. Edward Hawes, Clerk, 1768. Charles Gilbert, and Robert Hawes, 1784. 26 1 8 EASTBOURNE V. (St. Mary.) Treaſurer of Chicheſter, Impr. 2 12 and Patr. :7 6 3 Eaſthothley, alias Eaſt Howthley, R. Epiſc. Proxies rod. O 14 73 Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Prosies 5s. Lord Berg.avenny, 1718. Lord Abergavenny, 1752. 8 Oo o Eaſt' Dean V. with Friſton. Epiſc. Proxies 9d.} Synods o 16 0 15. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter, Impr. and Patr. The Biſhop, p. h. v. 1764. 8 55 Frant, alias Fant, V. Rectori de Rotherfield il. 6s. 8d. O 16 61 Epifc. & Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 6s. 8d. George Wenham, Clerk, 1901. Thomas Reeve, 1741. Richard Crawley, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, as Rector of Rother- field. 70 o Friſton V. with Eaſt Dean. Epiſc. Proxies is. Id. Synods 0 14 Is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Biſhop of Chicheſter, Patr. Dean and Chapter Impr. "The Biſhop, p. h. v. 1764. 16 6 8 HALISHAM V. (St. Mary.) Lord Dorſet, 1625, 1626. Tho- mas Hooper, 1701. Mon. Beigham, Propr. John Meres Fagge, Eſq. 1753. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1770. 70 o Hartfield R. (St. Mary,) fine Cure, with Hartfield v. Earl o 14 O of Thanet. 6 16 8 Hellingley V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. Proxies 55. 0 13 8 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Duke of Newcaſtle. Pri. Shene in Surr. Impr. 13 6 8 Horfted Caynes R. (St. Giles.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d.] Ar- 1 6 8 chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Prior de Lewes 5s. Redd. Capitali Domino 25. Edward Lightmaker, Eſq. 1705. Thomas Piggott, Gent. 1761. Thomas Willians, Gent. 1772. Horſted O I 12 8 1 Sussex. 157 DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R. sa do 20 O II 10 O: King's Books. Yearly Tenshs. 1. d. 1. Archi- 0 14 7 Horſted Parva R. Epiſc. Proxies 15. Synods is. 6d. Archi- diac. Proxies 35.4d. Jo. Hay, Eſq. 1685. Anthony Nott, Eſq. p. i. 1760, 1784. o Jevington R. Mary Parker, Widow, 1690. Thomas Frewen, 2 and William Dobell, Eſqrs. 1734. Lady Elizabeth Comp- ton, 1781. 12 0 o o Marrisfield, alias Marsfield, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Arthur: 1. 4: O Kettleby, and William Page, Eſq. 1693. Sir William Gage, Bart. 1728, 1739. 18. 7. 81 Pevenſey, alias Pemſey, V. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. Synods 25. 1:16 93 Proxies is. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8 d. Chancellor of Chi-- cheſter, Impr. and Patr. 27 1:2 6: Rotherfield R. (St. Dennis.) William Pembridge, „Gent. 16y1. 2:15. 3 Lord Abergavenny, 1782. o Rype R. Penſ. Prior. Lewes il. Epiſc. Proxies Is. 4d. I Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Abraham Vine, 1687. Duke of Dorſet, 1737, 1742, 1757 11 8 61 Southeighton R. (St. Martio.) Epiſc. Proxies 15. 4d. Sy- . I. 2.105 nods 9d. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. William Frankwell; Gent. 1:720. Diones Geere, Gent. 1772. 70 o Tarringe Nevile R. (St. Mary,) united to Southeighton above.. O 14 13 4 7 Walderne, alias Waldron, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Proxies I 6 5 Is. id. Synods 1s. 6d. Archidiac. 65. 8d. Prior. Lewes 31. 6s. Duke of Dorſet, 1784, p. i. 13 9 41 Weſt Firlez V. (St. Peter,) united to Beddington. Epiſc. I 6 12} Proxies 15. 4d. Synods is. 6d.. Archidiac. Proxies 65. 8d. Epiſc. Penſ... 25. Prevendar. de Weſt Firlez. 35. 43. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter, Impr. and Patr. The Biſhop, 1755 Weſtham V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Synods 15. 60. . Proxies is. 2 : 3 - I Archidiac. Proxies 6s..8d. The Honourable Spencer Comp- ton, 1696. Earl of Northampton, 1750. Lady Elizabeth Compton, 1771. 25 5 5 Wethyham R. (St. Michael.) Penf. præpoſit. Collegii Regalis 2.10. ET. Cant. Il. 135. 4d. Epiſc. Proxies 55. Synodsis. 6d. Ar- chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Duke of Dorſet. 21 IO IO - LIVINGS 158 SUSSEX DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER 1. d. I o 21 II O 6 11 35 12 4:5 o O 0 I LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 32 6 Alfriſton V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Synods 15. 6d. Archidiac. -11 16 oj 50 Proxies 6s. 8d.. The KING. Pri. Michelham Propr. Alciſton V. Epiſc. Proxies 1s. 4d. Synods gd. Archidiac. 6 0 0 Proxies 35. 4d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter, Impr. and Patr. 48 15 o Arlington, alias Erlington, V. Epiſc. Proxies 10d.] Synods 10 is. 6d. Prebendary of Woodhorne in the Church of Chi- chefter. Beddington, alias Bedingham, V. united to Weſt Firlez, V. 9 10 10 Epiſc. Prosies is. Synods 15. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. The Biſhop of Chicheſter, 1755. Dean and Chap- ter, Impr. and Patr. 24 4 3 Biſhopſton V. Epiſc. Synods 25. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8 13 4 8d. The Biſhop of Chicheſter. o Blachington R. (St. Peter.) Nicholas Gilbert, 1706. John 14 Fermor, Eſq. 7722. Ralph Petley, Eſq. p. h. v. 1734. 43 4 Chalvington, alias Chalton, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Nathaniel 8 00 Trayton, 1710. Edmund Trayton, Eſq. 1738. John Tray- ton Fuller, 1782. 42 2 6 Chittingley, alias Chiddingly, V. Epiſc. Proxies 25. Ed. 8 0 Synods is. 6d. Chancellor of Chicheſter Impr. D. of Dor- fet, 1725. Lord George Germaine, 1781. 44 15 Denton R. (St. Leonard.) Penſ. Prebendar. de Biſhopſton 14 19 8 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies Is. id.] Sir John Shelley, 1617. John Jolliffe, Eſq. 1731, 1734. William Jolliffe, Eſq. 1777: 50 o 0 Fletching V. (St. Andrew and St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies is. Id. 13 6 8 Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Duke of Dorſet. Pri. Michelham, Propr. 38 14 4 Folkington R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Proxies' 25. 2d. Synods 12 Iso 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 35. Penſ. Rectori de Borne 65. 8d. Duke of Dorſet. 47 6 Hartfield V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. 4d. 10 Rector thereof. 8 Hove V. (St. Andrew.) Prebendary thereof. 48 0.0 Laughton V. Epiſc. Proxies 9d. Synods is. 6d. Duke of 9 11 il 3 Newcaſtle. Pri. Michelham, Propr. Thomas Lord Pel- ham, 1778. 5000 Littlington R. Humphry South, 1701. Sontley South, Gent. 12 13 6 1727. John Bean, Gent. p. i. 1784. 7 Lollington 1 oo I O O 5 0 Sussex, 159 DIOCESE OF CHICHES TE R. 1. S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, L. de 8 0 0 Lollington V. Epiſc. Synods 9d. Proxies 4d. Archidiac. 6 12 II Proxies 35. 4d. Biſhop of Chicheſter, Patr. Dean and Chapter Impr. 44 15 7 Selmeſton V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies gd. Synods 15.6d. 7 5 8 The Prebendary of Hethfield. 39 00 Sutton, Deſtructa, with SEA FORD V. (St. Leonard.) Epiſc. II 15 Proxies 25. 2d. Penſ. il. 35. 4d. Indemn. Is. 6d. Penf. Prebendar. de Seaford 165. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 135. 4d. Synods 35. Indemn. Is. 8d. The Prebendary thereof. 46 60 Wett Dean R. (All Salnts.) Epiſc. Penſ. 135. 4d. Proxies 14 15 5 IS. 4d. Synods is. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 55. The Right Hon. Spencer Compton, 1719. William Dobell, Eſq. 1738. Lancelor Harriſon,. Efq. 1770. 6 Willingdon V. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter, Impr. and 12 Patr. 6 Willmington V. (St. Mary.) E. Dorſet, 1621. The Right 8 Hon. Spencer Compton, 1719. Lady Elizabeth Compton, 1779. This formerly belonged to the Abby of Greiſtein, in France. Mon. Angl.. Vol. II. p. 982. 37 II O O 25 2 O O D. South Malling, in the Archdeaconry of LEWES. The College of South Malling was returned by the Commiſ- ſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 451. 125. 5d. Vide Liber Regis in Offic. Primit. for Particulars. 3 i d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 37 5 21 Buxted R. (St. Margaret,) with UCFIELD Chapel. (Holy 3 14 61 Croſs.) Decano Malling Proxies 6s. 8d. Pecul. Arch- biſhop of Canterbury. 16 Oo Edburton R. (St. Andrew.) Peré. Priori Lewes zl. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Penſ. Decano de South Malling 6s. 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Cant. Pecul. 9 12 81 Isfield, alias Iffield, R. (St. Margaret.) Decano de Malling 0 19 31 6s. 8d. Ecclef. de Malling 1od. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Cant. Pecul. Mayfield I 12 160 SUSSEX DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. 1. S. de King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 17 13 4 Mayfield V. (St. Dunſtan.) Decano de Malling Proxies 6s. 8d, I 15 4 Cant. Pecul. Archiep. Cantuar. Propr. Canterbury Coll. in Oxon, olim Propr. Vide Mag. Br. p. 461. George Baker, Eſq. 1752. John Kirby, Clerk, Patron, and In- cumbent, 1780. o Ringmere, alias Rugmer, V. (St. Mary.) Decano Malling I 60 Proxies 6s. 8d. Pení. Prebendario de Sotheram 6$. 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Colleg. Malling Propr. Cant. Pecul. 16 o Stanmer, alias Stanmere, R. Decano Proxies 6s. 8d. Cant. Pecul. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 15 1 of Wadhurſt V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Decano Malling 1 10 11 Proxies 6s. 8d. Cant. Pecul. Wadham College, Oxford. Archiep. Cantuar. Propr. I 12 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 8 Cliffe, alias St. Thomas at Cliffé, R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 5 12 6 8d. Ecclef. Malling pro Cera is. Cant. Pecul. Arch- biſhop of Canterbury. 41 II o Frampfield V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Decano Malling Proxies 13 6 8 6s. 8d. Cant. Pecul. Earl of Thanet. Coll. Malling, Propr. 43 14 6 Glynde V. Decano Proxies 25. Eccleſ. Malling pro Cera 15. 5. 1 3 Dean and Canons of Windſor. Cant. Pecul. D. Storington, in the Archdeaconry of Chichester. The Priory of Ruſpar, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 394. 135. 7d. The Hoſpital of Bramber was likewiſe returned at il for Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS SUSSEX 161) DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2 d. 1. S. d. per ann. O O o 0 8 5 o Aſhington, (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Buncton R. Archi- 0 16 6 diac. Proxies and Indemn. 85. id. Epiſc. Synods 25. 3d. Proxies 8d. Indemn. 25. Lady Anne Moreton, 1704. James Butler, Eſq. 1732. Richard Clough, Eſq. 1781. 9 6 of Billinghurſt V. (St. Mary.) " Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 0 18 71 Synods Is. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d. Terr. gleb. oblat. ac de- cim. omn. gener. cum il. 135. 4d. in penf. ann. rec. de Coli. de Arundel, & 45. 4d. rec. de quiet. redd. exeunte de Coll. Chriſtian Goring, 1706. Elizabeth Goring, Wi- dow, 1752. The College of Arundel, Impr. Sir Harry Goring, Bart. 1778. 36 00 Broadwater R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Epiſc. 3. 12 Synods 25. 3d. Proxies 75. 8d. Sir Fiſher Tench, and Sam. Thayer, Eſq. 1714. The Executors of Thomas Gib. ſon, 1745. William Kempe, Eſq. 1762. 12 16. 101 Chiltington R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. I 5 8 & 6d. Proxies is. 8d. Lord Abergavenny, 1766. 100 21 Combes R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. I o Proxies żs. 2d. Sir John Shelley, Bart. 1753. 25 HORSHAM V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Epiſc. 2 10 Synods 1s. 6d. Proxies is. 8d. Pri. Ruſper, Propr. Terr. gleb. oblat. ac decim. omn. gener. Archbiſhop of Canter- bury. 8oo Itchingfield R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. 0 16 0 Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies is. 6d. Richard. Onſlow, Eſq. 1696. William Norris, and others, 1724. Nathaniel Tredcroft, Eſq. 1776. Nuthurſt R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. I Synods is. 6d. Proxies is. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 19 o 71 Pulbergh, alias Pulborough, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Prox- 1 18 of ies 8s. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 35. 4d. Feod. Seneſch, 6s. 8d. Fran. Moſe, Gent. 1719. John Jewks, Eſq. 1729. Eleanor Spragg, Widow, p. h. v. 17.59. 13 6 Rigwick, alias Fudgwick, R. (Holy Trinity.) Sine Cure. . Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Indemn. Is. Penſ. Vica- rio il. Eleemoſ. 35. 4d. An impropriation belonging to the Biſhoprick. 7.10 o Rigwick, alias Rudgwick, V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. o 15 Proxies 8s. Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies iod. Terr. Y gleb. 10 O OO í 6 3 O 162 SUSSEX. DIOCES E ON CHIC HESTE R. I IO King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. gleb. oblat. decim. & il. pro penf. ann. ree. de Rect. de Rig. wick. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 9 10 10 Ruſpar, alias Ruſper, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. O 19 1 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies Is. Id. Sir John Mill, 1633. Paul Priaulx, 1673, 1680. Thomas Merchant, Gent. 1712, 1721. James Wood, Gent. 1743. 5 6 8 Slinfield, alias Slinfold, R. (St. Peter.) Sine Cure. Terr. O 10 8 gleb. oblat. & decim. omn. gener. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 7 7 6 Slinfield, alias Slinfold, V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. O 14 9 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies Is. id. Indemn. 35. 4d. Penf. Rećtori 6s. 8d. Val. in clar. pecun. numerat. ex fruct. vicar. per ann. The Rector thereof. 15 O O STAINING V. (St. Andrew.) Terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. James St. Amand, 1702. Robert Heſketh, Gent. 1748, 1757. 18 O O STORINGTON R. (St. Mary.) Portio Collegio de Arundel 10s. I 16 0 Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Indemn. Is. 8d. Epiſc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies 45. Indemn. 25. Earl of Scarborough, 1711, 1733. Anna Maria Montague, 1775. 12 27 6 Sullington R. (St. Mary) Penſ. Prioriflæ de Ruſper os. I 5 9 Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Indemn. Is. 8d. Epifc. Synods Is. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d. Indemn. 15. 8d. The Rev. John Welbank. Catherine Bullis, Widow, 1737. Edward Tredcroft, Eſq. 1766. 14 9 91 Thakeham R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. I 8 1 Synods is. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d. Mary Mill, Widow, 1697. Géo, Nailer, Eſq. chis Turn, 1706. John Butler, Eſq. 1747, 1757 10 1 01 Warneham V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 65. 8d. Epifc. 1 oil Synods Is. 6d. Proxies 25. id. 1 Terr. gleb. oblat, ac. decim. omn. gener. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Abb. Eccleſ. Chriſti Cantuar. olim Propr. 25 17 6. Weſt Grinſted R. (St. George.) Archidiac. Proxies 85. Epiſc. 2 11 9 Synods is. 6d. Proxies 25. 8d. Penf. Vicario Launning 45. Hugh Reaſon, Eſq. 1696. Leonard Gale, Efq. 1731. Jokin Woodward, 1752. Henry Humphrey, and Samuel Blunt, Eſqrs. 1759. 7 4 41 Wegenholt, with Gretham R. Epiſc. Proxies 9d. 1 Synods 0 14 51 15. 6d. Indemn. 35. 4d. Archidiac. Proxies 1os. Mary and William Mill, 1696. John Backſhell, and others, 1740. William Turner, Gent. 1770. 12 13 4 Wiſton R. (St. Mary.) Portio Coll. Beatæ Mar. Magd. Oxon. I 5 4 135. 4d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d. 1 Earl of Thanet, Hofp. Beatæ Mariæ Magdalenæ. 4 NOT o 2 O Sussex. 163 DIOCESE OF CHICHEST E R. NOT IN CHARGE. Alhurſt R. olim Chap. to Steyning. Earl of Thanet, p. i. 1783. l. d. 20 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 45 4 6 BRAMBROUGH, alias BRAMBER, (St. Nicholas,) with Botolph R. 10 6 8 Archidiac. Proxies 135. 44. Indemn. 35. 4d. Epiſc. Synods 3s. Proxies 25. Indemn. 55. Magdalen College, Oxford. o Fyndon V. (St. John Baptift.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. 13 3 9 Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies Is. Id. Terr. gleb. oblat. ae decim. omn. gener. ac pecun. rec. annuat. de præſid. Coll. Beat. Mar. Mag. Oxon. Magdalen College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 46 15 2 Goring V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. pro Viſitatione is. 1d. Terr. 710 100 gleb. oblat. & decim. omn. gener. John Cooke, Eſq. 1717. College of Arundel Impr. William Weſtbrook Richardſon, Efq. 1770. 45 0 o Green, alias Wiſborow Green, V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Synods 918 ] Is. 6d. Proxies '15. id. Terr. gleb. oblat. & decim. omn. gener. The Prebendary of Weſtborough, 1728. The Biſhop, 1781. o Launting, alias Launcing, V. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 6 9 4 Synods Is. 6d. Proxies rod. Indemn. 15. 8d. Terr. gleb. oblat. ac. decim. omn. gener. ac cum ili rec. annuat. pro cert. penf. de Domo de Motynden, & 45. rec. de Rector. de Greneſted per ann. Biſhop of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. Domus de Motyngden, in Kanc. olim Propr. 33 11 8 Parbam R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 10 00 Synods Is. 6d. Proxies 25. 2d. Sir Cecil Biſhop, Bart. -1770. 40 0 o Sumpting, alias Sompting, V. with Cockham Chapel. Archi- 8 7 0 diac. Proxies 8s. Epiſc. Synods is. 6d. Proxies 55. Terr. gleb. oblat. & decim. cum 21. 135. 4d. de penf. rec. extra Dom. Sanct. Johan. Jerus. per ann. Sir John Shelley, Bart. 1707. Edward Barker. Eſq. 1749. Mon. Bexley, in Kanc. Propr. Anne Barker, Widow, 1777. Edward Barker, Eſq. 1780. 30 00 Waſhington V. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Synods 9:10O Is. 6d. Proxies 25. 8d. Terr. gleb. ,decim. oblat. &c. Magdalen College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. CHAPELS, 26 0 Y2 1964 SUSSEX. DIOCESE OF CHICHES T E R. Chapels, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Shepley, alias Shipley, C. (St. Mary.) Sir John Peachy, Bt. 1737. 401. certified Value. D. Terrting, in the Juriſdiction of the Archbiſhop of CANTERBURY. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Fearly Tenthes Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 7 do. I 3 4 II 13 4. Paching, alias Patching, R. Decano Terring Proxies 6s. 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 22 13 4 TERRING, alias Weſt Terring, R., Sine Cure. Penſio Vica- rio 4h. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 8 13 4 TERRING V. (St. Andrew) Decano Terring Proxies 6so 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 2 5 4 O 17 4 The Abby of Battell was returned by the Commiſſioners to be pofſeffed, temp. H. VIII. of Spiritualities and Temporalities to the annual amount of 8801. 145. 7d. after every Deduc- tion. The Abby of Robertſbridge was likewiſe returned at 2481. 1os. 6d. The Priory of Michelham was likewiſe returned at 160l. 125. 6d. The New Priory of Haſtyngs was likewiſe returned at 5 ili 95.-5d. 1. Vide Liber Regis in Offici Primit. for Particulars. Dtocele [ 165 ) . Dioceſe of Coventry and Lichfield. 1. B. King's Books. learly Tenths, d. 1. s d. 559 17 32 ISHOPRICK of Coventry and Lichfield *. 55 19 8 The Prebend of Eccleſhall is annexed to the Biſhoprick. This See was erected by Oſwy King of Mercia, in the Year 656. Vide Liber Regis temp. H. VIII. Duina was the firſt Biſhop, who governed this See but two Years, and died in 659. In the Reign of Ethelred, King of the Mercians, or Mid-Eng- land, the Bilhoprick of Lichfield was divided into five Dioceſes; viz. Hereford, Worceſter, Lichfield, Leiceſter, and Lindiſey. Adulphus was conſecrated Archbiſhop of Lichfield in 764, and ruled the Province of the Mercians 36 years, and died in 800. The Archiepiſcopal Authority died alſo with him. Dug- dale, Eng. Ed. fol. 300. The Biſhop's See was originally at Lichfield, from thence removed to Cheſter, and from both to Coventry. It was once an Archbiſhoprick; afterwards it was ſtiled the Biſhop- rick of Coventry and Lichfield : but by Act of Parliament 33. Hen. VIII. Cap. 29; the Dean and Chapter of Lich- field was to be the ſole Chapter for the Biſhop; the Cathe- dral, or Priory, of Coventry being deſtroyed. Heylin. The Cathedral Church, (St. Mary and St. Chadd.) See for the Hiſtory of this Cathedral in Dugdale’s Monaſticon, Tom, III, p. 216. alſo in Wharton's Anglia Sacra, Vol. I. p. 423. and Willis's Second Volume of Cathedrals-in Quarto. 40 C o Deanry thereof, with the Prebends of Brewood and Adbaſton. 4 William the firſt Dean, about the Year 1140. Tatenhill R. in D. Tamworth, Co. Stafford, is annexed to this Deanry by Act of Parliament 4° & 5° Annæ, 6ool. per Ann. The KING. * Biſhoprick.of Lichfield.-The following Livings are part of the Poſſeſſions of the Biſhoprick of Lichfield, &c. Belgrave in D. Gofcot in Co. Leiceſter; Towyn in Co. Merioneth in Dioc. Bangor;. Buckby Longa in Co. Northampton, D. Haddon ; Pighteſley in D. Rothwell, Co. Northampton ; Towceſter in D. Brackley, Co. Northainpton ; Hanbury in D, Tamworth, Co. Staff, with Márching- ton and Newborough Chapels.. The / 166 DIOCESE OF King's Books, d, Yearly Tentbs, 1. Si d. si The Cliapter of Lichfield prefent to St. Mary's Church in Lich- field, and to about ten other Churches in the Dioceſe; in moſt of which, and in their Prebendal Churches, they claim a Peculiar Juriſdiction. They are alſo Patrons of Thornton near Horncaſtle in Lincolnſhire. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of CoVENTRY and LICHFIELD. N. B. All the Livings belonging to the ſeveral Prebends in the Church of Lichfield are in the Juriſdiction of the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, and not in that of the ſeveral Archdeacons, except Ruiton, which is under the Juriſdic- tion of the Archdeacon of Coventry; and Bobenhull, Daſſet Parva, Wellington, and Wolvey, which are under the Bi- ſhop's immediate Juriſdiction; and Sandiacre, which is under the Archdeacon of Derby. Vide Willis's Survey, p. 458,460. 2 I O O 2 26 13 4 Aldrewas P. alias Chancellorſhip, has the Rectory of Aldre 2 13 4 was in Com. Staff. and the Advowſon of King's Bromley, Edinghall, and Pipe Ridware in Staffordſhire. Lucas ap- pears to have been Chancellor in 1222. Peter de Rodenor Chancellor, 1275. Lc Neve, p. 129. 13 6 8 Baſwick and Whittington P. The Corps hereof are the Im- 1 6 8 propriate Pariſhes of Baſwick and Whittington Co. Staff. o o Biſhopſhull P. The Corps of this Prebend is in Hints Pa- 0 4 0 riſh. Bobenhull P. in Co. Warwick, has the Impropriation of Bo- benhull Pariſh, Warwick. 13 6 8 Collwich P. has the Impropriation of Collwich Pariſh in Staf- I 68 fordſhire, 6 13 4 Curborow P. The Corps whereof is in Stow Pariſh, within O 13 4 Lichfield. 3 4 Daſſet Parva P. in Com. Warwick, has Lands in Dafſet in 4 Warwickſhire. 275 I 4 Dean and Chapter. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. 4 31 Dean and Chapter for 12 Choriſters. 2 Derneford P. has Lands in Lichfield City. Eccleſhall P. annexed to the Biſhoprick by Act of Parliament about the Year 1710. has the Impropriation of Eccleſhall in Co. Staff. zo o Flixton, alias Flixborne, P. in Co. Lancaſter, has the Rec- 0 14 o tory Impropriate of Flixton in Lancaſhire. Freeford O O 27 II 25 12 2 II دام NO Ο 1Ο O I 20 O 2 COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. 167 1. 20 O 2 O o оо O 2 o оо O O I 12 2 13 оо 1 O. 2 O O King's Books, l'carly Tenths. d. 1. d. Freeford P. has its Corps in Lichfield City. 5 o Gayor Major P. the Corps thereof is in Lichfield City-Liberty' o 10 in Hints Pariſh. o Gayor Minor P. the Corps is in Hints Pariſh aforeſaid. 4 14 0 0 Hanſacre P. has its Corps in Hermitage Pariſh ; this Prebendary 18 is Patron of Hermitage, Norton, and Hints, in the County of Stafford. 26 13 4 Itchington P. alias Præcentorſhip, has the Impropriation of 2 13 4 Itchington, in Co. Warwick. Walter Durdent, the firſt Præcentor, 1130. 8 o Longdon P. has the Impropriation of Longdon Pariſh, near O 16 Lichfield, 16 o Offley P. has the Impropriation of High Offley, Co. Stafford. 2 13 4 Oloughton, alias Ufton, P. ex parte Decani, in Co. Warwick. 5 4 4 Oloughton, alias Ufton, P. ex parte Cantoris, in Co. Warwick. O 5 4- The Corps of theſe two is the Impropriation of Ufton, in D. Marton. 6 8 Pipa Parva P. the Corps hereof lies near Lichfield. 8. 19 o Prees, alias Pipa Minor P. in Co. Salop, has the Impropriation I 18 of Prees, in Shropſhire, but the Biſhop is Patron thereof. 51 Seven Parts at 145. 7d. each. 5 5 0 Stotford P. the Corps hereof is in St. Michael's Pariſh, in Lichfield. 56 13 4 Swallow, alias Sawley, alias Theſaurar. Lichen, P*. Odo, 5.13, 4. firſt Treaſurer, 1140. Le Neve p. 130. 14 Succentor. Rec. de Abb. Kenolworth 3...6s. 8d.. un. burgag. 8 in Lich. il. &c. Tachbrooke P. in Com. Warwick. The Corps hereof is the 10 Impropriation of Tachbrooke. 26 13 4 Tervin P. in Com. Ceftr. The Corps hereof is the Rectory 2 13 43 of Tervin in Com. Ceftr.. 14 o Weford P. The Corps hereof is the Impropriation of Weford, I 8 near Lichfield. . o Wellington P. in Com. Salop. The Corps of this Prebend is 0 a Moiety of the Impropriation of Wellington. 3 4 Wolvey P. in Com. Warwick. 'The Corps hereof is a Moiety o 4 4 of the Impropriation of Wolvey in Dec. Coventry. 43 10 10 Five vacant Stalls, at 175.-5d. each. 4 7 2. Seven vacant Stalls, at 175. 5d. each. There are beſides two 6 1 11 other Prebends, viz. Sandiacre in Com. Derby, and Ruiton Ο ΙΟ 2 Oen O Ο ΙΟ I IO O O O 1 O 2 60 19 * Treaſurer of Lichfield—The Corps of this Dignity is the Impropriation of Swallow, alia. Sawley,' in Com, Derby, and the Advowſon of the fame. in. 168 DIOCESE OF in Com. Warwick, which are charged under their proper Deanries in thoſe Counties. The Dean and Refidentiaries conſtitute the Chapter, and upon a Vacancy of a Reſidentiary, the Prebendary, who has the Reſidentiary Houſe given to him by the Biſhop, is admitted by the Chapter a Reſidentiary. DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. I, s. d. 45 0 0 The Office of Sacriſt, having Cure of Souls. The Biſhop. The Hoſpital of St. John, in the Suburbs of the City of Lich- field, was returned at 81. 155. Vide Liber Regis. King's Books. d 9 13 I l. s. D. Aito Pecco, in the Archdeaconry of Derby. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Kingi's Books. l'early Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 1. S. d. 9 13 Iį Darleigh Boreal. one Part R. (St. Helen,) annexed to Darleigh 0 19 33 Auſt. 1744. Epiſc. Lich. pro Indemn. 35. 4d. Decano & Capit. Lich. Is. 8de Synods and Proxies 5s. 3d.] Dean of Lincoln. 4 13 4 Edenſor V* (St. Peter,) cum Cap. Chatſworth. Rad. Hig- 0 9 4 don vicarius ibidem non comperuit & di&a vicaria valet clare per ann. ut patet in libro epiſcopi 41. 135. 4d. Mon. Ro- cettur in Staff. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, Impropriator and Patron. 13 15 5 Wyam, alias Eyam, R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. Derb. Sy. I 7 61 nods and Proxies 1os. 7d. Val, in manſ. & gleb. cum per- tin. per ann. 125. decim. garb. &c. Effex, Dorothea, and Maria Savile, 1717. Lord Bruce, 1738. The Earl of Burlington, and Lady, 1739. * Edenfor V.-Said to be of the Yearly Value of 401. but not certified either into the Exchequer, fo not diſcharged, or to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, in order to be in?itled to their Bounty, LIVINGS DERBY, 169 --CO V EN TRY AND LICHFIEL D. LIVINGS DISCHARGED, 5. d. 1. d. 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. 40 0 0 BAKEWELL V. (All Saints.) A Peculiar. Ric. Gwent vicarius 20 ibidem non comperuit & vicaria prædicta valet clare per ann. ut patet per Librum Epiſcopi 20l. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Impr. and Patr. 4100 Caſtleton V. (St. Edmund.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 6 7 6 Proxies 35. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 16s. in decim. garb. metal. plumb. lan. &c. Mon. de Valle Regali, Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. 48 I 9Darleigh Med. Auſtral. R. (St. Helen,) annexed to Darleigh 9 13 of Boreal. 1744. Epiſc. Lich. pro Indemn. 35. 4d. Decano Lich. is. 8d. Synods and Proxies 6s. 3d.] Val. in manſ. cum gleb. il. 35. 4d. in decim. metal. plumb. gran. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 42 0111 Gloſſop V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and Proxies 12 18 9 35. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. ibidem per ann. 5$. decim. Jan. &c. Abb. Bafingweck in Co. Flint. Propr. Duke of Norfolk. Lord Rockingham, 1781. 35 0 0 Hatherſage V. (St. Michael.). Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 7 o 5 Proxies ios. 7 d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. & un. acr. terr. ibidem 6s. 8d. decim. metal. plumb. &c. Mon. de Launda in Leic. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1739. 40 0 Hope V. (St. Peter.) A Peculiar. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. 13 13 4 ibidem per ann. 16s. 8d. in decim. vitul. vac. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Impr. and Patr. 32 O O TIDESWELL, alias TIDDESWALL, V. (St. John Baptift.) Val. 70 71 in manſ. & gleb. 45. gleb. 45. in oblat. in decim. fæn. molend. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Impr. and Patr. o Yalgrave V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and Proxies 9 4 7 10s. 7d. Val, in manf. ibidem 6s, 8d. decim. garb. & foen de Gretton & Smyrell 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1700, 1770. o 32 - 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Heyfield, Chap. to Gloffop. Freeholders of the Chapel, Patr. 61. clear Value. Meller, Chap. to Gloffop. (St. Thomas.) Thomas Chetham. 8l, clear Value. Charleſworth, (St. Mary Magdalen) Chap. to Gloſſop. z CHAPELS 1.70 Derby DIOCESE OF CHAPels belonging to BAKEWELL. Aſhford. (Holy Trinitv.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Patr. 21. Is. clear Value. Ballow. Duke of Devonſhire, Patr. 271. 650.8d. clear Value. Bealey. (St. Anne.) Duke of Devonſhire, Patr. 101. 185. clear Value. Buxton. (St. John Baptiſt.) Vicar of Bakewell, Patr. 51. clear Value. Chilmarton. 71. 155. 4d. clear Value. Chapel in le Frith. (St. 1 homas Becket.) 161. 165. 81. clear Value. Kniveton. (St. John Baptiſt.) Iol. clear Value. Longtown, alias Longſton. (St. Giles.) Vicar of Bakewell, Patr. Monialh. (St. Leonard.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Patr. 31. 1os. clear Value. Sheldon. (All Saints.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Patr. Taddington. (St. Michael.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Patr. Iol. Ios. clear Value. Wormhill. (St. Margaret.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Patr. 21. 55. clear Value. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Edall, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Caſtleton. Truſtees of the ſame, Patr. 201. os. ad. clear Value. Peak Foreſt, (King Charles the Martyr,) Chapel to Hatherſage. Middleton Stony, (St. Martin,) Chapel to Hatherſage. 21. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Elton, (All Saints,) Chapel to Yolgrave. The Inhabitants, Patr. 31. clear Value. Winſter, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Yolgrave. The Free- holders, Patr. 121. clear Value. Fairfield. (St. Peter.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Patr, 101. 10s, clear Value. D. Al- DERBY. 171 COVENTRY AND LICH FIEL D. . D. Alborne, in the Archdeaconry of Derby. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Fearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. d. II 2 I 2 9 16 of Bonteſhall R. (St. James.). Synods and Proxies 6s. 7d. De- 0.19 74 cano Lincoln. 55. Val.in manf. ibidem cum gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. in decim. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 5 19 91 Bradley R. (All Saints.) Val. in manf. ibidem cum gleb. ad- O II 111 jacen. il. 135. 2d. in decim. garb. &c. Dean of Lincoln. The KING, 1782, 7 10 10 Ireton, alias Kirk Ireton, R. (Holy Trinity.) Pro Synods 15, 6d. 015 1 pro Chadfarthings 4d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. il. in decim. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 6 Matlock R. (St. Giles.) Synods and Proxies 9s. 7d. Val. in 2 3 manſ. ibidem cum gleb. Il. 135. 4d. in decim. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 15 16 of Norbury R. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Snelſon. (St. Peter.) Sy. I II 7 nods and Proxies 125. id. Val. in manſ. cum duabus bovatis terr. jacen. in Norbury, & duab. bovat. in Sneliton cum cert. prat. &c. Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1916. John Sharratt, Gent. 1723. Thomas Boothby Scrymſhire, 1747. Thomas Mills, Eſq. 1757. Charles Boothby Scrymſhire, 1759. 42 7 81 Wirkeſworth V. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Decano Lincoln. 531. 6s. 4 4 8d. Eidem Decano pro Redd. 55. 8d. Pro Synods and Proxies Iho 10s. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. ibidem 6s. 8d. decim lan. agu. &c, Dean of Lincoln. Dec. & Cap. Lin- coln. Propr. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 2 0 0 ASHBORNE V. (St. Oſwald,) with Mapleton R. (St. Mary.) 5 4 7 Synods and Proxies 13s. id. Redd. Præceptoriæ de Yeveley & Barrow IS. Val. in manf. cum 2 acr. gleb. 25. in decim.. gran. apud Mapulton Ios. decim lan. lin. &c. Dean of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. Bentley, Z 2 172 DERBY DIOCESE OF 1. , . s. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. l. d. 44 0 o Bentley, alias Fenny Bently, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Synods 6 12. 10. is. 6d. Val. in manf. ibidem cum gleb. 27. 145. 4d. in de- cim. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 32 3 0 Bradborne V. (All Saints.) Val. in manſ. ibidem per ann. 8 3 4 35. 4d. in decim. gran. & fæn. cum penf. & pecun. Duke of Devonſhire, 1764. Pri. Dunſtable, in Bedfordſhire,, Propr. 48 o O Carſington R. (St. Margaret.) Penſ. Decano Lincoln. 135. 4d. 5 i 10 Synods is. 6d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. per ann. Il. TOS. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 46 0 o Edlaſton R. (St. James.) Synods is. Id. Val, in manſ. ibidem 3 18 4 cum gleb. adjacen. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 29 3 10 3 10 Hartington V. (St. Giles.) Val. in manſ. cum decim. paſch. 10 oblai. &c. Domus Minoreff. London, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1755. 40 o o Thorpe R. (St. Leonard.) Synods Is. 6d. Val. in manſ. 6 1 6 ibidem il. in decim. garb. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Allop, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Athborne. The Freeholders. Clifton, (St. Mary,). Chapel to Aſhborne.. Parwich, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Athborne. Dean and Chap- ter of Lincoln. 141. clear Value. Atlow, Chapel to Bradborne. Mr. Oakeover. 1.81, clear Value. Ballidon, Chapel to Bradborne. lol. clear Value. Brafington, Chapel to Bradborne. 10l. clear Value. Sterndale, alias Earlſterndale, Chapel to Hartington. 31. Hognafton R. not in Charge. Dean of Lincoln. 77. 35. 4d. clear Value. Tiffington, alias Tellington, Cur. (St. Mary.) Mr. Fitzher- bert, Patr. Pri. Tutbury, Propr. 9 Catfillar, DERBY. 173 COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL.D. 5. Caſtillar; in the Archdeaconry of Derby. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE.. King's Books, d. 1. S. 2 I 2 2 Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. S. 919 Brailesford R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and O 19 11 Proxies 1os. 7d. Abb. de Darleigh pro Penſ. il. 135. 4d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. per ann. 1l. in decim. &c. Ro. Lord Ferrers, 1713. Earl Ferrers, 1781. 13 16 3 Cubley R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and I 7 72 Proxies Ios. 7d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. adjacen. per ann. Il, in decim. &c. Earl of Cheſterfield, 1719, 1753. 4 16 3 Dalbury, alias Dawbry, R. (All Saints.) Penſ. Prior. de ) o 973 Trentham ilPrior. Titbury 6s. 8d. Synods and Proxies 105. 7d. Val. in manf. ibidem cum gleb. adjacen. 1l. 15. 4d. in decim. &c. Elizabeth Sleigh, Widow, 1711. Elizabeth Lady Sleigh, 1732. William Cotton, Eſq. 1770. I. Dovebridge V. (St. Cuthbert.) Synods and Proxies 105. 7d. 14:21 Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibm. per ann. 41. decim. gran. & fæn. in Broghton. in decim. agn.Jan. lin. &c. Mon. Titbury, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1709, 1749. 8 2 81 Eggington R. (St. Wilfrid.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and 0 16 34 Proxies 1os. 8d. Val. in manf. ibidem cum gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. in decim. &c. Thomas Pope Blunt, Eſq. 1712. Sir Simon Every, Bart. 1732. German Pole, Eſq. p. h. V. 17:8. 8 0 0 Etwall V. (St. Helen.) Val. in manſ. cum gleb. 2l. 135. 4d. 0.16 0 in decim. fæn. agn. lan. Jin. &c. Mon. Welbeck in Not- tingh. Propr. Roland Cotton, Eſq.: 1713. Rowland Cot, ton, Eſq. 1747 14 19 7 Langforth, alias Langford, R. (St. Chadd.) Sine Cure. Prox- I! 9 11 ies and Synods 1os. 7d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. ad- jacen. per ann. 21. in decim. gran. & fæn. Sir Edward. Coke, Bart. and others, 1691. Thomas William Coke, Efq. 1777, 1783. 7 15 21 Marſton upon Dove, alias Morton, V. (St. Mary.) Prior. de O 1561 Titbury 25. Epifc. & Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 10s. 7d. Val, in manſ. cum gleb. 37. 6s. 8d. in decim. cujuſd. paftur. vocat. Hone 31. decim. lin. canab. &c. Prior. Tit- bury, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1750. Sudbury . - $74 DERBY. DIOCESE OF S. 7 carly Tenths. d. Í 9 38 1. 1 King's Books, i d. 14 13 1į Sudbury R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 11s. 71ł. Prior. de Titbury 135. 4d. Vicario Dove- bridge 25. 4d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. per ann. il. 1os. in decim. &c. Sir Edward Vernon, 1639, 1645. Lord Vernon, 1782. Sutton in Lefield, alias Sutton ſuper Montem, V. (St. Michael.) Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 35. in decim. gran. fæn. anc. porc. agn. lan. &c. Mon Trentham, Propr. John Chetham, 1689. Samuel Chetham, 1733. William Cotton, Eſq. 1767. 4 16 8 o 98 I 17 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Valuc. King's Books 20 oo Barton Blunt R. Synods and Proxies 105. 11d. Val. in annual. 4 19 redd. un. prat. 10s. & in pecun, numerat. per man. dom. Montjoye 56. Merry Simpſon, Eſq. 1689. Lord Scarſdale, 1762. Nathaniel Liſter, Eſq. 1776. 49 o O Bayleſton, alias Boyleſton, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods and 6 o 2 Proxies 1c.s. 7d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. adjacen. il. 45. &c. Henry Gilbert, Eſq. 1716. Elizabeth Gilbert, Widow, 1733. Elizabeth Fletcher, Widow, 1761. o Broughton, alias Church Broughton, V. (St. Michael.) Val. 6.13 4 in annuali penſ. folut. in pecun. per man. Prior. & Convent. de Titbury 61. 135. 43. Mon. Titbury, Propr. Richard Bate, Eſq. 1703, 1720. Brownlow Bate, Eſq. 1778. 30 OO Langforth, alias Langford, V. (St. Chadd.) Abb. de Kil. 3 8 9 lingworth 2l. 1os. Val. in decim. paſc. agn. lan. vitul. &c. The Rector, Propr. Sir Edward Coke, Bart. 1700. Wil- liam Coke, Eſq. 1783. 35 0 o Shirley V. (St. Michael.) Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. 6 13 4 per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. gran. Ian, agn. &c. Mon. Derlegh, Impr. Earl Ferrers, 17.18, 1781. 30 5 Somerſhall Herbert R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies is. 6d. 4 18 10 Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. adjacen. per ann. 6s. 8d. in decim. gran. &c. Lord Cheſterfield, 1686. Earl of Cheſter- field, 1778. 40 00 Trulley R. (All Saints.) Val. in decim. &c. William Coke, c5 6 8 Eſq. 1714. Edward Wilmot, Eſq. and his Wife, 1738. Rev. Richard Wilmot, 1770. 5 0 CHAPELS, DERBY. 175 COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Oſmaſton, (St. Martin,) Chapel to 'Brailesford. Sir Robert Wilmot. 151. Marſton, (St. Giles,) Clapel to Cubley. Duke of Devon- Tire. Chellaſton V. (St. Peter.) Not in Charge. E. Ferrers, Patr. Denbigh, alias Denby, Cur. (St. Mary.) Vincent Lowe, Eſq. 1734. gl. clear Value. Herbert, Chapel to Shirley. Yeveley, Chapel to Shirley. Bentley, Chapel to Langford. The Preceptory of Yeveley and Barowe was returned at 936. 35. 40.1 For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 9. Cheſterfield, in the Archdeaconry of Derby, The Monaſtery of St. Thomas de Belo Capite, alias Beauchief, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spirituali- ties and Temporalities, the clear annual Sumn of 1261. 35. 3d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 1. 1. d. 2 8 3 $ LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. ing's Books. Yearly Tenibs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 24 3 11 Aſhover R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and Proxies 11s. 7d. Val. in man. ibidem cum gleb. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. in deciin. &c. Mathew Powell, Clerk. John Simpſon, Clerk, 1763. 10 I 51 Barleborough R. (St. James.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Syoods 10 12 and Proxies 11s. zd. Val. in manſ. & gleb. ibidem per ann. Il. in cotag. eid. pertin. 55. &c. Sir John Rodes, 1733. Gilbert Rodes, Eſq. 1764. 15 o 21 CHESTERF ELD. V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Sy- 110 0 nods and Proxies ios. 7d. Val. in manſ. cum duob. parv. 5 Croft. 176 DERBY. DIOCESE OF 0 0 O II IO O I 21 King's Books, Yearly Tenths, l. S. d. 1. s, de Croft. per ann. 15. 4d. decim. agn. lan. porc. anc. &c. Dean of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 7 o 10 Clowne R. (St. John Baptiſt.). Archidiac. Derb, pro Synods o 14 I 8 and Proxies 1os. 7d. Val. in manſ. & gleb. il. os. 10d. in decim. &c. The KING. 40 13 4 Eckington R. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Killamarſh. Ar. 4 I 4 420 chidiac. Derb. pro Synods and Proxies 125. id. Val. in manſ. gleb. & prat. per ann. 76. 1os. in reddit. & firm. 21. 45. &c. James Cooke, Clerk, 1721. The KING. Wil- liam Simpſon, Eſq. p. 11. v. 1765. 4 18 9 Lowne, alias Heath, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Derb. pro . o 9 101 Synods and Proxies 1os. 7d. Val. in manſ. ibidem 45. -in decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. cum trib. quarter. frument. lo quarter aven. &c. Abb. Croxton, Propr. Duke of Devon- ſhire, 1719, 1758. Moreton R. (Holy Croſs.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and 30 Proxies 11s. Id. Val. in. manſ. cum gleb. per ann. 2l. in duob. meſſuag. in Northwingfield 6s. 8d. &c. Lord Scarſdale, 1710. Godfrey Heathcote, Gent. 1739. William Burrow, Clerk, 1765. William Garbutt, Eſq. 1780. 6 3 Northwingfield R. (St. Laurence.). - Archidiac. Derb. pro Sy- 2 2 71 nods and Proxies 11s. 7d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. Il. 6s. 8 d. jn decim. &c. Lord Scarſdale, 1719. Henry Wood, 1739. Henry Bourne, p. h. V. .1758. 4 7 Pleſley, alias Pleafly, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. Derb. 5 pro Synods and Proxies 10s. 7d. Val. in manſ. & gleb. 125. in un. ten. & un. cotag. 135. in decim. &c. Lord Scarſdale, 1695. Joſeph Briggs, p. h. V. 1741. Brabazon, Hallows, Eſq. p. h. v. 1757. 6.0.10 Pyrikſton R. (St. Helen.) Archidiąc. Derb. pro Synods and Proxies Ios. Val. in manf. cum gleb. Il. 95. in deciin. &c. William Coke, Eſq. 1714. D'Ewes Coke, LL. B. 1771. 7.15 5 Shirland R. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and 0.15 61 Proxies ios. 7d. Val. in manſ. cum columb. & gleb. ibidem per ann. 175. in duob. croft. 35. &c. John Edwards, Gent. 1727. Counteſs of Thanet, 1749. Earl of Thanet, Peter Nightingale, and others, 1754. 9 1.5 5 South Normanton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Sy- o 19 61 nods ard Proxies Ios. 7d. Val. in manſ. & gleb. il. 6s. 8d. in decim. garb. &c. Robert Revell, Eſq. .1718. Triſtram Revell, Eſq. 1771. 12 7 6 Stavely. R. (St. John Baprift.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods i and Proxies 6s. Val..jn manſ. cum gleb. ibidem 21. in de- cim. garb. &c. Lord Cavendiſh, 1716. Richard Cavendiſh, Eſq. 1759. Whitington 11 I 2 12 I 1 4 9 177 2. { o 15 2 20 O 7 18 9 DERBY. COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. L: d. 7 10 10 Whitington R. (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. Derb. pro I Synods and Proxies is. '6d. Val. in manf: cum gleb. 16s. in decim. garb. &c. Dean of Lincoln. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1751. 20 3 4 Whitwell R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 04 Proxies iis. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. 21. 135. 48. in de- cim. &c. Duke of Rutland, 1711, 1752. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 16 0 1os. 8d. in decim. vac. vitul. carbon. porc. &c. Mon. de Bello Capite, alias Beauchief, Impr. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1694. George Turner, Eſq. 1733. Tho- mas Thoroton, Eſq. 1768. o Beighton, alias Berton V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Derb. Sy, 6 11 101 nods and Proxies 1os. 7 d. Val. in manſ, & gleb. per ann. il. 10s. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Montis Graciæ, Propr. Samuel Pierpoint, Eſq. 1703. Duke of Kingſton, 1769. 12 00 O O Blackwell V. (St. Warburgh.) Valo in manf. ibidem 55. in 5 4 augment. fol. per prior. de Thurgarton 21. in decim. fæn. &c. Pri. Thurgarton, in Nottingh. Propr. Duke of De- vonſhire, 1774. 14 O O BOLLsover, alias Bolsover, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in mani. 5 19 cum clauſ. ibidem 6s. 8d, pent: rec. Mon. de Derlegh Il. 6s. 8d..&c. Mon. Derleigh, Propr. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1690. Counteſs of Oxford, 1750. Dutcheſs of Portland, 1760. Robert Harley, and James Weſt, Eſq. 1769. 34 2 4 DRONFIELD V. (St. John.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 10 2 50 0 Proxies 75. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. toft. & gteb. ibidem per ann. 35. 4d. penf. rec. Abb. de Bello Capite rol. &c. The K:ING. Mon. de 'Bello Capite, alias Beauchief, Impr. 22 0 0 Elmton V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and Proxies 5 1 3 105. ;d. Val. in manf. cum tertia parte gleb. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. in decim. garb, fæn. &c. Pri. Thurgarton in Not- tingh. Propr. Martha Rodes, Widow, 1689. Sir John Rodes, 1725. Cornelius Heathcoat Rodes, Eſq. 17.78. Kault Hucknail V. Archidiac. Derb. Synods and Proxies 35. 6 • 5 Val. in manſ. cum croft. ac duab. acr. terr. ibidem per ann. 105. decim. fan. lan, agn. &c. Pri. Newſted (de Novo Loco) in Nottingh. Propr. Lord Scarſdale, 1690. Duke of Devon fhire, 1765. Аа - Langwith I o 30 OO 178 DERBY. DIOCES E 08 1. s. do O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. l. d. 42 O ö Langwith R. (St. Helena.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 4 21 Proxies 1os. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. 125. 8d. in de- cim. garb. &c. Duke of Devonſhire, 1682, 1778. 45 3 6 Norton V. (St. James.) Val. in manſ. cum gleb. 11. in corrod. 6 13 4 rec. Abb. de Bello Capite 24. 145. 4d. in decim. minut. &c. Mon. de Bello Capite, Impr. James Holt, Eſq. 1710. Catherine Nevile, Widow, 1750. Dorothy Liſter, Widow, 1763. 15 Oo Scarcliffe V. (St. Leonard.) Val. in manſo cum gleb. 6s. 8d. 5 O O in augment. fol. per Abb. de Derlegh 21. in decim. minut. &c. Mon. Derlegh, Impr. The KING, 1781. 49 South Wingfield V. (All Saints.) Val. in manſ. cum pertin. 6.13 4 per ann. 6s. 8d. in decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Mon. Derlegh, Impr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1757: 44 3 6 Sutton in le Dale R. (St. Mary,) with Ducmanton V. (St. 12 16 01 Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and Proxies 10s. 7d. Val. in manſ. cum terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Mon. Welbeck, Propr. Lord Scarſdale, 1716. Truſtees of the late Godfrey Bagnall Clarke, Eſq. 1777. 29 0 0 Tibſhelfe V. (St. John Baptift.) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 4 5 5 Proxies 1os. 7d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibidem 135. 4d. in decim. foen. lan. agn. &c. Lemuel Gladwin, Gent. 1-735; Vicars Choral of Lichfield, Propr. William Burrow, p. h. v. 1753. Williain Alwood Lord, Eſq. 1768. o o CHAPELS, DONATives, AND CURACIES. Dethick, Chapel to Aſhover. Deſtructa. Marquis of Rock- ingham. Kilmarſh, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Eckington. The Rector of Eckington. Brimington, Chapel to Cheſterfield. Vicar of Cheſterfield. lol. clear Value. Normanton, Chapel to Eckington. 71. 125. clear Value. Barlow, Chapel to Staveley. Duke of Newcaſtle, or Rector of Staveley. 61. clear Value. Trinity, Chapel to Moreton. Walton, Chapel to Cheſterfield. Dore, Chapel to Dronfield. Marquis of Rockingham. 61. clear Value. Holmfield, Chapel to Dronfield. Truſtees of the ſame. 31. clear Value. Wingerworth Cur. Chapel to Cheſterfield. Dean of Lincoln, Patr. 16. clear Value. D. Derby, DERBY, 179 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. D. Derby, in the Archdeaconry of Derby. The Monaſtery of Derlegh, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 2581. 145. 5d. The Monaſtery of Dala, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 1441. 125. The Monaſtery of Bredſall Parke, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually iol. 175. rod. The Monaſtery of St. Mary the Virgin de pratis Domini Regis or King's Meadow, jux. Derb. was returned by the Coin- miſſioners to be worth annually 181..6s. 2d. The College of All Saints, in Derby, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 381. 145. For the Par- ticulars of the Poffeffions, vide Liber Regis S. l. S. de 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 4 4 Albaſton Church, alias Alveſton *, (St. Michael.) Val. in 8 5 manſ. cum gleb. 125. decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Shelford in Nottingh. Propr. The Pariſhioners. 26 13 4 Archdeaconry of Derby, founded before the Year 1140. 2 13 4 Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 29 15 0 Aſton ſuper Trent R. (All Saints.) Redd. 31. 6s. 8d. Prox 2 19 6 ies and Synods 11s. 8d. Val. in manſ. croft. at gleb. ibidem per ann. 31. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Robert Holden, Eſq. 1702, 1729. Mary Shuttleworth, Widow, and J. Holden, Eſq. 1774. 3 o 6 Belport up, alias Beaureper, (St. John Baptiſt,) is a Chapel to o 6 o} Duffield. Val. in manf. cum clauſ. ibidem per ann. Il. rec. de Honore de Tutbury 2l. The Vicar of Duffield. * Albaſton Church--Certified to the Governors, &c. by the Name of Alveſton at 12l, per Annum. + Belport-Certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, by the Name of Belpar Chapel, at 41. clear Yearly Value. A a 2 Bredfall, 180 DERBY. DIOCESE b. S. d. 12 King's Books, Icarly Ténths. 1. d. 28 2 81 Bredſall, alias Breadfall, (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 12s. 2 16 37 id. Val. in manſ.cum gleb, ibidem per ann. 5l. 45. 8d. &c. Henry. Harpur, Eſq. 1738.. Sir Harry Harpur, Bart. 1774: 2 1. Kirk Langley, alias Church Langley, R. (St. Michaeł.). Prox I 4 21 ies and Synodls 1os. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem il. 6s 8d. &c. Marquis of Newcaſtle, 1662. Godfrey May- nell, Eſq. 1724. Richard Bayley, Gent. 1747, 1768. 13. 6.8 Morley R. (St. Matthew.) Proxies and Synods 105. 3d. Val. I 6 8 in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann.. 21. 1 18. 4d. &c. Fran . cis Pierpoint; 1692. Joint Lords of the Manor of Morley, 1777 9. II: 51 Mickle Over. V..(All Saints.); Proxies and Synods 155. 7d. 0 19 Il Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibidem. per ann. Il. 105. decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. porc. &c. Mon. Burton ſuper Trent, Propr. John Wilmot, Eſq. 1691. Robert Wilmott, Eſq. p..h. V.. 174.0: Richard Scaunton Sitwell, Eſq. p. h. v. 1772. 9 12 81 Muggington R. (All Saints ) Penf. Prior. de Tütbury 6s. 8d. 0 19 31 Väl. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 175. decim. &c. Samuel Pole, Eſq. 1713. German Pole, Eſq: 1758. & 3. 4 Radbourn R. (St. Andrew ) Proxies and Synods 1os. Val. O 16 4. in manf. cum gleb. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Samuel Pole, Eſq; 17.15. G:rman Pole, Eſq. 1758: 10 1 51 Sandiacre P. (St. Giles.) Penf. Lich. 81. Proxies and Synods I I. Is IOS. 8d. Exempt from the Chapter. Val.. in manf. cum gleb. & cert. terr. ibidem 3!. 1,35. 4d. decim..gran. fæn. &c. Bilbop of Coventry. and Lichfield. 5 Oo Swarkſton. R. (St. James.) Penf. 125.. 8d. Val., in manf. o 10 cum gleb. adjacen. per. ann. Il. 25. &c. Sir John Harpur, Knt. 1720. Sir-Harry. Harpur, Eſq. 177.3. 11 16 3 Weſton upon Trent. R. (S. Mary.) Proxies and Synods ils. 1 3 73 Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 164. decim. &c. Re- becca Holden, Widow, 1797. Zaccheus Duckett, Clerk, and Richard Brown, p. h. V. 1759. Sir Robert Wilmot, e Bart. 1774. 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED: , Clear 1 early Value., King's Books 20 Barrow V: (St. Wilfrid.) Synods and Proxiés 1os. 7d. Val. 5:6 51 52. in, manf. cum gardin. ibidem per ann. 10s. 7d. decim. agn. lan. Jin. &c. Preceptor of Barrow, Impr. John Tempeſt. Barrow, Eſq. 1752, 1773:- Chricby. DERZY. 1.85 COVENTRY AND LICH FIELD). 2. di 110 II O 9:10 O JI 2 Clear Icarly Value, hing's Books. 1 d. Chrich, alias Critch, V. (Sr. Mary.) Valo in maní. per ann, 25. 6 to 10 decim. fæn. agn. lan. &c, cum annuali penſ, rec. de Wak. bright 1.25. Mon. Darlegh, Impr. Sir Woolſton Dixey, Bart. The KING, 1731, 1775. 27 0 Duffield V. (St. Alkmund.) Val. in manſ. ibidem per ann. 45. 8 4 0 decim. po: c. anc. virul. &c. Colleg. de Newark in Leiceſtr. Propr. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 32 o o Elvafton, alias Elnafton, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Proxies,, Sy- 5 3 9 nods, and Penf. 1.75. 3d. Val. in inani. &•gardin. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim, fær l'an.. agr. &c. Pri. Shelford, Propr. Alexander Stanhope, Eſq. 1699. Charles Sianhope, Eſq. 1.734. Lord Harrington, 1769, 177.5. 16 12 6. Haitoor, alias Haynor, V. (St Michael ), Vål, in manfo-cum 30 crofto adjạcen- per ann. 1os. & in pecun. numerat. 9!. The KING. Mon de Dala, Impr. 6. Hallam, alias Kirk Hallam, alias Halver, V. (All Saints:) 4 9 7 Val. in manſ. & gleb..& cert..terr. per ann..Il. 83..4d..decim. fæn. agn. lan. &c. Mon. de Dala, Impr. Mr. Nicholls, and his Wife. 24 Oo Horſley V. (St. Clement:) Val..in manſ. ibidem & clauſ: 151.4d. 7 5 5 decim. agn. lan lin canab. porc. anc. &c. Pri. Lenton in Nott. Propr. Earl of Cheſterfield. 0. Ilkeſton, alias Ilkſton, V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 5 7 9 Its. 7d. Val. in manf. & gardin. os decim. fæn. herb. agn. lan. &c. Mon. de Dala, Impr. Duke of Rutland, 1748. 49 10 0. Kedlafton, alias Bedleſton, R. (All Saints.) Proxies and 3 3 19 7 Synods 10s. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 1l. decim. &c. Sir Nathaniel Curzon has all the Tythes, pay- ing about 30l. per Annum to the Rector. Sir Nathaniel Curzon, Bart. 1700. Lord Scarſdale, 1758. Mackworth V. (All Saints.) Vał . in manf. ibidem per an. 3 35. & in pecuniis pro Stipendio cl. Mon Derlegh, Impr. Francis Mundy, Eſq. 1695 Wrightſon Mundy, Eſq. 1731. 6 8 St. Michael in DERBY V. Val. in manf. ibidem 3.5. decim. 4. 15-O 25 fæn. lin. canab. pore: &c. The KING.. Mon Derleghi , Impr. Pentrich V. (St. Matthew.) Val in: manf & gardin. ibidem 6 o per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. agn. lan. Iac. &c. Mon. Derlegh, Impr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1774. 37 15 0 St. Peier's in DERBY V. Penfi Domino de Normanton il. 8. o Val. in manf. cum gardin. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. agn. lan. canab. lin. porc &c. Mon. Derlegh, Jinpr. Sir Wolſton Dixey, Bart. 1715. Willoughby Dixie, Eſq. 1773. 43.0 o Spoondon V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 10s. 7d. 6 14 7 Val. in manſ. ibidem per ann. 35. 4.d. decim. ago. lan. fæn. lin... 12 IO 21 II O 12. 15 G. 1 8-2 DIOCES E DERBY. 1 b. S. S. d. Clcar Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. d. lin. &c. Hoſp. de Lazars Burton in Co. Leiceſter, Propr. Henry Gilbert, Eſq. 1695, 1723. John Lowe, Eſq. 1761. 39 11 o St. Werbriger, alias St. Warburgh, V. in DERBY. Val. in 5 12 8 50 manſ. ibidem 45. decim. fæn. agn. lan. herbar. canab. lin. porc. anc. &c. The KING. Mon. de Pratis Doinini Regis, Impr. 34 0 0 Welthallam, alias Weſthalver, R. (St. Wilfrid.) Synods and 8 o Oo Proxies 135. 2d. Val. in manſ. gardin. cum gleb. 2l. 1os. decim. &c. George Mower, Eſq. 1716. Henry Bourne, M. D. and Godfrey Webſter, Gent. 1736. Willington V. (St. Michael,) united to Repington Curacy in 4 17 3 Dec. Repington. Val. in manſ. ibidem 45. rec. Prior. de Repingdon 21. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. agn. lan. &c. Pri. Re- pington, Propr. Maſter, &c. of Etwall Hoſpital. 7 IO O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Smalley, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Morley. Mr. Sacheverell. Little Over, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Mickle Over. Robert Wilmot, Eſq. Findon, alias Finderne, (All Saints,) Chapel to Mickle Over. Vicar of Mickle Over. Twyford, (St. Andrew,) Chapel to Barrow. Turnditch, (All Saints,) Chapel to Duffield. Vicar of Duf- field. 11. clear Value. Heage, Chapel to Duffield. Vicar of Duffield. Ios. clear Value. Alveſton, Chapel to St. Michael's in DERBY. The Pariſhi- oners. 51. clear Value. Broughton, Chapel to St. Michael's in DERBY. Sir Thomas Broughton, Bart. Normanton, Chapel to St. Peter's in Derby. Sir Wolſton Dixie, Bart. Derwent, (St. James,) Chapel to All Saints in Derby. Mr. Balguy. Oſmanſton, (All Saints,) Chapel to St. Warburgh in DERBY. Alleſtry Cur. (St. Andrew,) Abb Derlegh, Propr. Wriglit- ſon Mundy, Eſq. ' 5l. clear Value. Blackwell Chapel. Pri. Thurgurton, Propr. Sir Harry Har- pur, Bart. gl. clear Value. Ticknall Cur. (St. Thomas Becket,) Pri. Repton, Propr. Sir Harry Harpur, Bart. 261. clear Value. 4 Brampton DERBY. 183 COVENTRY AND LICH FIELD. Brampton Cur. (St. Peter.) Dean of Lincoln, Patr. Okebrook, alias Ockbrooke, Cur. or V. Abb. Derlegh, Propr. Dame Mary Lake, 1765. Smithby Cur. Pri. Darlegh, Propr. Earl of Huntingdon, Patr. 35. clear Value. Sandiacre Cur. Prebendary thereof, in Lichfield Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 231. clear Value. Scropton. (St. Paul.) Chantry of Scropton, Propr. 181. 6s. 6d. clear Value. All Saints Cur. in DERBY. College of All Saints, Propr.- The Corporation, Patr. 194. 135. 4.d. clear Value. Quarndon, Chapel to All Saints. Mayor and Aldermen of Derby. 31. clear Value. St. Alkmund V. Abby of Darlegh, or the College of Derby, Propr. Mayor and Aldermen of Derby, Patr. Sawley Cur. (All Saints.) 31.. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Long Eaton, (St. Laurence,) Chapel to Sawley. Preb. of Sawley. Breaſon, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Sawley. 40l. clear Value. Riſley, Chapel to Sawley. Treaſurer of the Church of Lichfield, Patr. and Propr. 61. 135. 4d. clear Value. Chabſon, alias Chadſon, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Spoondon. Henry Gilbert, Eſq. 221. clear Value. Locker, Chapel to Spoondon. Stanley, (St. Andrew,) Chapel to Spoondon. 101. clear Value. Wilne, (St. Chad,). Chapel to Sawley. D. Repington, in the Archdeaconry of Derby. The Monaſtery of Repington, or Repyndon, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 1181. 85, 6d. The Monaſtery of Greſley was likewiſe returned at 31). 65. For Particulars,, vide Liber Regis: LIVINGS 184 DERBY. DIOCESE OF Yearly Tenths. d. 1. O ого O 2 I o 6 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. 5 Croxall V. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Cap. Catton. The KING. 80 Pri. Repłon, Propr. 3 Hartſhorne R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 7d. Penf. 135. 4d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 10s. de- ciin. &c. Henry Tate, Efq. 1713. Earl Cheſterfield, two Turns, Philip Barnes, Eſq. a third, and John Darker, Eſq. a fourth. John Darker, Eſq. 1769. 9 13 4 Melburne V. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 6s. 8 d. Val. in manf. & gardin. ibidean per ann. 6s. decim. agn. lan. lin. canab. &c. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 5 I of Ravenſton R. (St. Michael.) Synods is. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. 6s. Id. decim. &c. The KING. 81 Stanton juxta Pontem R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gleba ibidem per ann. Il. decim. &c. Sir John Harpur, Bart. 1702. Sir Robert Burdet, one Turn, and Sir Harry Harpur, two. Sir Harry Harpur, O 19 4 o Io ? So O 6 12 0 13 35 Bart. 1770. 9 10 0 19 od 5 Stretton in le Field R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 105. 7d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum gleb. adjacen. per ani). il. 35. in deciin. &c. Richard Moore, and Margaret Prieſt, Widow, this Turn, 1705. Wrightſon Mundy, Eſq. 1750. John Cave Browne, Eſq. 1773, 81 Walton ſuper Trent R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods and Proxies ios. 7d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. Il. 6s. 8.!. decim. &c. Earl of Northampton, 1750. Lord Townſhend, 1769, 1779. 17 2 1 14 34 48 15 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Valve. King's Books, o Lullington V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 105. 7d. 4 II 10 60 Val. in manf. cuin gleb. ibidem 21. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. agn. lan. lin. &c. The KING. Abb. Greſely, Impr. 49 150 Stapenhill V. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 105. 7d. Val. 5 6 01 in manſ. cum gleb. adjacen. per ann. 135. decim. ago. lan. lin. porc. &c. & in annua penf. rec. de Will. Dythick 31. 6s. 8d. Abb. Burton, Propr. Lord Paget, 1693. Earl of Ux- bridge, 1768. 5 CHAPELS, DERBY, 185 CO V E N T R Y AND LICH FIELD. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Rolſton, or Roſleſton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Walton upon Trent. Earl of Northampton. Lord Townſhend. Caldwell, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Stapenhill. Earl of Uxbridge. Calk Cur. (St. Giles.) Sir Harry Harpur, Bart. Pri. Repton, Propr. Formark Cur. (St. Saviour.) Sir Robert Burdet, Bart. Prio Greſeley, Propr. Greſeley Cur. olim.a Priory. Hugo Meynell, Eſq. 61. clear Value. Mealham Cur. (St. Laurence.) William Wollaſton, Eſq. Pri. Greſeley, Propr. 271. 1os. clear Value. Newton Solney Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Repton, Propr. Repton, (St. Wyſton,) cum Bretby Chapel. Sir Harry Harpur, Bart. Pri. Repton, Propr. 351. clear Value. Stanton juxta Dale Cur. or V. (St. Michael.) Abb. Dale, Propr. Lord Stamford. Thomas Pares, and John Hancock, Gent. 1766. Willeſley Cur. Abby of Burton, Propr. Thomas Abney, Eſq. he having ſettled 20l. per ann. additional. 121. clear Value. Alhover. 71. clear Value. Bowton. 41. clear Value. The Hoſpital or Spittlehouſe in the High Peke between the Villages of Hope and Caſtleton was returned by the Com- miſſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the annual Value of 2). D. wewport, 186 SHROPSHIRE. DIOCE S E O D. Newport, in the Archdeaconry of Salop. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 1. d. 1. S. 5 10 0 II O II I Eſq. 17790 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. © Abrighton, alias Albrighton, V. (St. Mary.) Synods 25. Proxies 85. Val. in groft. Abbey of Dore, or Dour, Propr. Company of Haberdaſhers, London, and Chriſt's Hoſpital, by Turns. I 6 01 Adderley R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 14$. Sir Ro- Sir Ro- I 2 75 bert Corbett, 1720; 1735. Elizabeth Corbett, Spinſter; 1750. 7 9 43 Bollas, alias Bowlas, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies 6s. 8d. 0 14 II Synods 45. Creſwell Taylour, Gent. 1693. Sir Rowland Hill, Bart. 1741, 1772, 10 16 3 Chetwyn, alias Chetwynd, R. (St. Michael.) Proxies and Sy- I 7 2 2 nods 35. rod. Robert Pigot, Eſq. 1693. Robert Pigot, 13 6 8 Donington R. Synods and Proxies 135, 4.d. Lord Gower, I 6 8 1705. Earl Gower, 1773.. 71 DRAYTON in Hales V. (St. Mary.) Synods 45. Proxies 85. 5 ore Penf. Capell. de Tirley 25. 4d. Epiſc. Celtr. is. gd. Val. in grofl. Sir Robert Corbett, 1735. Sir William Corbett, Bart. 1746. Abby of Combermere, Propr. 46 8 11 Edgmond R. (St. Peter.) Penſ. Abb. Salop it. Proxies 8s. 4 12 93 Synods 45. Robert Pigot, Eſq. 1699. Robert Pigot, Eſq. 1779. 26 OIO HODNET R. (St. Peter and St.-Paul.) Prosies 135. 4d. Sy- 2 12 pods 6s. Pení. Capell, de Marcholmley 3l. Sir Richard Vernon, 1701. Sir Rowland Hill, and others,. 1730. Diana Vernon, 1733. 15 6 8 Idsall, alias Sheifnal, V. (St. Andrew.) Proxies 1.6s. 8 d. I 10 8 Synods 25. Val. in grofl. Colleg. Battlefield, Propr. Sir Humphry Briggs, Bart. 1728. Sir Hugh Briggs, Bart. 1752. 5 6 si Kemberton R. (St. Andrew,) with Sutton Maddock V. an O 10 7 nexed. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods Is. 11d. Penf. Vicario Idall 58. John Forſter, Eſq. 1706. Humphrey Pitt, Eſq. 1754, 1763. Kinnarſley I 2 10 I 5 I SHROPSHRE. 187 COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. King's Books. S. d. 1. S. 2. 6 1 0 1 2 2 5 12 Pearly Zentbs. s, 8 Kinnarſley R. (St. Chadd.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. Abb. Salop 45. Lord Gower, 1717. Earl Gower, 1781. 6 2 81 Langford, alias Longford, near NEWPORT, R. (St. Mary.) 0 12 3. Synods and Proxies 1os. 8d. Robert Eyton, Eſq. 1750. Damaris Haynes, Widow, p. h. v. 1773. I Ryton, alias Raiton, R. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. 5d. OII 2 Anne Brooke, Widow, 1715. The Biſhop, 1762. John Chapel Woodhouſe, Clerk, 1773. 3 Stockton R. (St. Chadd,) with Bonninghall Chapel. Proxies I 7 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 3d. Sir William Whitmore, Bart. Sir Thomas Whitmore, Bart. 1759. 20 0 O Stoke upon Teyrn R. (All Saints) Proxies 8s. 4d. Synods 2 0 0 6s. Sd. Pro Viſitatione 55. Sir Robert Corbett, 1720. Sir William Corbet, Bart. 1746. Mary Corbet, Spinſter, 1773 26 4 41 WEM R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods and Proxies 9s. 2 12 54 Henry Newport, Eſq. 1710. Counteſs of Mountrath, 1751, 13 II 23 10 5 16 LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, Eyton upon Wildmore P. (All Saints,) with Wallington V. 2 14 93 Elizabeth Eyton, Widow, 1719. Thomas Eyton, Eſq. 1760. 49 oo Hinſtock R. (St. Oſwald.) Synods and Proxies 45. Sir Ro. bert Corbett, Bart. 1704. Jane Corbet, Spinſter, 1778. 35 O O Lilleſhull V. (St. Michael.) Synods 25. 3d. Val. in grofl. 6 17 1! Mon. Lilleſhull, Propr. Lord Gower, 1710. Earl Gower, 17720 46 0 0 o Norton in Hales R. (St. Chadd.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 5 9 4 Abb. Salop 25a Rowland Cotron, Eſq. 1735, 1747. 25 Preſton upon Wildmore, a Chapi) or R. (St. Laurence.) 3 Thomas Newport, Elg, 1714. Lord Aylmer, and others, 1744. Mr. Charlton, two Turns, and the Truitees of Lord Torrington, one. 34 0 o Stirchley R. (St. James.) Proxies 6s. 84. Synods is. Wil- 6 5 10 liam Banks, Gent. 1715. Robert Moreton and Revell Phila lips, Efqrs. 1758. Sarah Atkis, Spinſter, and others, 1775. 36 0 Sutton Maddock V. (St. Mary,) annexed to Kemberton R. 5 0 0 Pri. Wormbridge, Propr. James Smith, and Frances For- fter, Widow, 1696. Humphrey Pitt, Eſq. 1754, 1763. o Upton Parva R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 25. Synod's ice 3 17 37 40 The KING, o 0 21 Bb& Peculiar 188 SHROPSHIRE. DI O CE S E OF 1 Peculiar Juriſdi&ion of BRIDGNORTH, formerly a College. BRIDONORTH St. Leonard's Cur. Mr. Whitmore, Patr. Bridgnorth St. Mary Magdalen Cur. Mr. Whitmore, Patr. Alveley Cur! (St. Mary.) Mr. Whitmore, Patr. Claverley Cur: (All Saints.) In Com. Staff. Mr. Whitmore, Patr. Quatford Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen.) cum Erdington. Mr. Whitmore, Patr. Bobington in Com. Staff. (St. Mary.) Mr. Whitmore, Patr. Coll. of Bridgnorth, Propr. of the ſix Pariſhes above. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Aſton, (St. Andrew,) Chapel to Edgmond. Robert Pigot, Patr. Tiberron, (All Saints,) Chapel to Edgmond. Rector of Edg- mond. Priors Lee, Chapel to Idſall. Pri. Wormaſley, Propr. Hum- phrey Pitt, Gent. 51. clear Value. Arcal Parva Curacy. (St. Michael.) 201, clear Value. Sir Henry Corbet, Bart. Abby of Combermere, Propr. Bildewas Curacy. (Holy Trinity.) Abb. Bildewas, Propro Gualter Moſely, Eſq. Tonge Curacy. (St. Bartholomew.) sol. per Ann. ſettled by the late Lord Pierponte, Baron of Hanſlap, alias Hanſlope, Com. Buckingham. Duke of Kingſton Patr. College of Tonge, Propr. In quod ſal. annuat. rec. per man. Sen. Gil- dæ de Newport, 61. 135. 4d. NEWPORT Curacy. (St. Nicholas.) 801. The KING, Patr. College of Newport, Propr. Edítaríton, alias Eſtafton, alias Eldarſton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Wem. The Rector of Wem. Newtown, Chapel to Wem, conſecrated 1663. (King Charles the Martyr.) The Inhabitants. Weſton under Redcaſtle, Chapel to Hodnet. The Rector of Hodner. Moreton Say, Chapel to Hodnet. (St. Margaret.) The Rec- tor of Hodnet. Dawley Magna Curacy. (St. Leonard.) 177 clear Value. Abb. Cumbermere, Propr. 1. Salop, SHROPSHIRE. 189 COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. 9. Salop, SHREWSBURY, in the Archdeaconry of SALOP. •4 The Monaſtery of Salop, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 5321. 45. rod. The Monaſtery of Bildwas, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 110l. 195. 3diž The Monaſtery of Hagmond, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 2591. 135. 7d. The Monaſtery of Breewood, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 171. 1os. 8d. The Priory of Wombridge, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 657. 75. 4d. The College of Battlefield, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 54). 15. Iod. The College of Tonge, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiflioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 221. Ss. id. The Monaſtery of Lilleſhulle, by the Particulars returned into che Eschequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 2291. 35. Id. The Hoſpital of Bridgenorth, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 41. The College of Bridgenorth, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 631. 6s. 8d, The College of St. Chad, by the Particulars returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, was valued at the clear annual Sum of 141. 145. 4d. For Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Liber Regis. 1 LIVINGS 190 SHROPSHIRE. DIOCESE O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. de 2. S. d. 6 O 0 1 2 100 O O O O I 18 O 10 1 2 I I 6 10 o 13 O 1.20 O O 0 20 1 2 Sr. Alcman, alias ST. ALKMUND, V. in Salop. Val. clare 61. The KING. Abb. Lilleſhuil, Propr. 19 Archdeatonry of Salop, founded before the Year 1087. Bi- Mop of Coventry and Lichfield. I Berrington R. (All Saints.) Penf. Ecclef. Lich. 6l. 135. 4d. 21 Abb. Haghmond Il. 105. Abb. Salop il. 45. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 6s. Cambridge Univerſity, 1716, 1743. o Burnell, alias Acton Burnell, R. (Si. Mary.) Proxies and 13 0 Synods 1os. 14. Samuel Lea, Clerk, 1758. 80 o St. Croſs V. in the Monaſtery of Salop, united to St. Giles's. 0 16 Abby of Salop, Propr. The KING. 33 o Counde, alias Cund, R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 3 6 135. 4d. Edward Creſfet, 1720. Thomas Pelham, Eſq. 1737. Elizabeth Creſſet, Spinſter, 1755. 17 18 1} ELLISMERE V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 125. Synods 10s. Val. I 15 Oca in grofl. Hoſp. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Lord Bridgwater, 1707. Duke of Bridgwater. 6 Felton, alias Welt Felton, R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 6s. 8d. 2 1 3 Synods Is. Lord Craven, 1690, 1764. I Harley R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6ssd. Synods is. 3d. 21 Earl of Bradford, 1720. Earl of Bath, 1747. John New- port, Eſq. 1781. 9 14 91 Ightfield R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies 35o 4d. Synods 25. O 15 5 Mr. Juſtice, 1708. Jaſper Perk, Eſq. and his wife, 1921. Philip Juſtice, Eſq. '1774. 12 7 31 Middle R. (St. Peter.) Penf. Capell. Hadnall 21. Abb. Sa- 1 4 81 lop 135o 4d. Proxies and Synods 19s. 6d. Lord Bridgwa- ter, 1689. Duke of Bridgwater, 1767. 0 0 Prees V. (St. Chadd.) Val. clare rol. Eccleſ. Lich. Propr. I Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 6 7 6 Stepleton, alias Stapleton, R. (St. John.) Proxies is. Sy- o 12 9 nods is. 8d. Abb. Salop ios. Thomas Powis, Efq. and his Wife, p. h. V. 1738. Henry Powys, Eſq. 1759. Oo Upton Magna R. (St. Lucia.) cum Whitington, (St. John 1 4 Baptiſt.) Jehn Kynaſton, Eſq. 1696. John Corbett, El. 1752. 5 1 2 ΟΙΙ “ IO O 1.2 WHIT- SHROPSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICH FI E L D. 191 King's Books. d. 44 II 2 I'carly Tenths, 1. 1. s. d. 8: WHITCHURCH R. (St. Alkmund.) with Marbury * in Dioc. 4 9 Ceſtr. Synods 45. 4d. Proxies 6s. 3d. Pr. in Viſitat. 45. Sal. Capell. de Marbury 44. 135. 4d. Duke of Bridgwater, 1781. 9 5 0 WELLINGTON V. (All Saints.)with Eyton R. Synods 55. O 18 6 Proxies los. Val. in groff. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Mion. Salop Propr. ad un.. Med. & Preb. ibidem ad alterain Med. Sondley Eyton, Eſq. 1712. Thomas Eyton, Eſq. 1782. 0 O O 40 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 45 o ó Areall, alias Ercall Magna, alias High Ercal, V, (St. Michael.) 17 6 8 Abb. Salop il. Proxies los. Synods 25. 8d. Val. in groff. Abb. Salop Propr. Earl of Bradford, 1717. Earl of Bath, 1750. Harry Pulteney, Eſq. 1764. 40 o o Attingham, alias Atcham, V. Synods and Proxies 35. 4d. 116 8. Val. in groff. Mon. Lilleſhull Propr. Robert Burton, Efq. 1711, 1782. 45 Baſchurch V. (All Saints.) Proxies 1os. Synods 45. Val. 10 16 70 in groff. The KING. Abb. Salop Propr. Condover V. (St. Andrew.) Proxies 135. 4d. Synods 6d. 4. 14 o Val. in groff: Mon. Salop Propr. Edward Owen, Eſq. 1720. Nicholas Owen Smythe, 1783. 45 Fitz R. (St. Paul.) Synods is. Proxies 35.- 4d. The 5 5 10 70 'KING. 40 o Frodefley R. (St. Mark.) Synods Is. Proxies 5s. Samuel 4 14 Edwards, Eſq. 1712. Godolphin Edwards, Eſq. 1741, 1768. 490 O Hordley R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 2 s. Synods uid. John 3 19 Kynaſton, Eſq. 1713. Edward Kynaſton, Eſq. 1766. 35 0 Leighton V. (St. Mary.) Rectori de Holgate 55. Synods 25. 6d. Val. in groff. Abb. Bildewas Propr. John Lacon, 1713. Godolphin Edwards, 1739. The Biſhop, 1755. 38 10 0 Loppington V. (St. Mary.) Synods is, 3d. Val. in groff. 6 12 The KING. Pri. Wormbridge Propr. 32 Monsford V. (St. Chadd.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods Is. 6d. 4 18 6: Val. in groff. Pri. Brewood, Propr. Jo. Bromley, Eſq. 1714. Lord Clive, 1775. 41 0 0 Moreton Corbet R. (St. Bartholomew.) Syn. 15. 8d. Prox. 5 3 6 Is. 6d. Andrew Corbet, Eſq. 172 1768. ооо O O O 2. O 7.12 6, I 60 O O * Marbury Chap, is in the County and Dioceſe of Cheſter, in D, Namptwich. Neſtrange 2 192 SHROPSHIRE, DIOCES E o si 1. S. 1. de O 60 O O 0 2 O O O 6 5 5 6 13 100 O 0 46 Clear l’early Value. King's Books. d. 47 o Neſtrange V. (St. Andrew.) Val. clare gl. The KING. 9 Abb. Salop Propr. 30 Pelton, alias Petton, V. Olim Capell. to Baſchurchı. Proxies 3 4 60 15. 8d. Synods 11d. The KING. 'Abb. Salop Propr. 39 Pitchford R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 15. 4d. 6 Adam Otley, Eſq. 1716, 1746. 45 Rodington R. (St. George.) The KING. 4 31 o Ruiton, alias Ryton, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods 2s. The 5 18 50 KING. Mon. Haghmond Propr. Val. in groff . Shawburie V. (St. Mary.) Synods 25. Proxies 6s. 8d. Val. 7 I 7 1 51 in groff. Mon. Haghmond Propr. Lord Gower, 1720. Richard Hill, Eſq. 1781. 35 O O Shenton, alias Sheinton, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 6. 2 35. 4d. Synods 11d. Jo. Dicken, Gent, this Turn, 1713. Thomas Stephens, Eſq. 1777 o Smethcote R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 35. 4d. Synods is. 4 9. 0 Richard Philips, Eſq. Catharine Pope, Spinſter, 1746. Richard Beddow, Dyer, 1758. 32 00 Staunton, alias Stanton upon Nineheath, V. (St. Andrew.) 5 10 10 Synods and Proxies gs. 2d. Val. in groff. Mon. Hagka- mond, Propr. Richard Corbett, Eſq. 1713. Andrew Corbet, Efq. 1733, 49 0 o Wroxeter V. (St. Andrew.) Proxies 105. Synods 25. Val. Il 8 0 in groff. Mon. Haghmond, Propr. Lord Bradford, 1716. Ann Smith, 1738. John Newport, Eſq. 1781. 49 Wrockerdine V. (St. Peter.) Proxies 75. 6d. Synods 45.78 6 60 The KING. Abb. Salop, Propr. Val. in groft. 44 0 оо O CHAPELS, DOVATIVES, AND CURACIES. Abrighton Cur. (St: John Baptiſt) 10l. clear Value. Col. lege of Battlefield, "Propr. Neſſe Parva, (St. Martin,) Chap. to Berrington. Acton Pigot, Chap. to Burnell. Langley, Chap. to Burnell. Creſſage, Chap. to Counde. Cockſhute, (St. Helen,) Chap. to Elleſmere. The Vicar of Elleſmere. Dudleſton, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Elleſmere. 41. 25. 8d. clear Value. The Vicar of Elleſmere. Penley, (St. Mary,) Chap. in Co. Denbigh to Elleſmere. 16s. clear Value. The Vicar of Elleſmere. 6 Wixal SHROPSHIRE. 193 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. Wixall, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Prees. Preb. of Prees, Patr. 121. 55. clear Value. Preſton Gobals, (St. Martin,) Chap. to Prees. Watkin Wynne, Eſq. 1ol clear Value. Tilſtock, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Whitchurchi. Whitington, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Upton. Grinſell R. (All Saints.) Watkin Wynne, Eſq. Abby of Haghmond, Propr. 181. clear Value. Hadaall, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Grinſell. Longnor, Chapel to Condover. Eyton upon Severn, (All Saints) Chapel to Wroxeter. Uppington, alias Uffington, Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Pri. Worm- bridge, Propr. Corbet Kynaſton, Eſq. 1734. Longdon, Chapel to Ponſbury in Hereford Dioc. vide D. Ponſ- bury, though the Chapel is in this Deanry. 'Tis dedicated to St. Bartholomew. St. Chadd Cur. or V. Salop. The KING, Patr. College of St. Chadd, Propr. 1501. Eaton Conſtantine lib. Cap. five Rect. (St. Mary.) Earl of Bath, 1749. John Newport, Eſq. 1781. 1l. 6s, 2d. Value. St. Julian Cur. in Salop: Abby of Salop, Propr. Sir John Aſtley, Patr. 2 il. clear Value. St. Mary's Cur. in Salop, not charged. Corporation of Salop, Patr. College of St. Mary's, Propr. St. Giles's in Salop, united to St. Croſs in Salop. Broughton Cur. Richard Lifter, Eſq. Abb. Salop, Propr. 41. clear Value. Le Blockhurſt Cur. (St. Peter,) olim Cap. to Wemm. Clive Chap. (All Saints.) College of St. Mary, Salop, Propr. The Mayor, and others, Patr. 141. 145. 8 d. clear Value. Corverell, (St. Bartholomew,) Chap. to Prees. Neſſcliffe, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Neſtrange. Leebotwood Cur. (St Mary.) Abb. Haghmond, Propr. 81. 15. clear Value. Wormbridge Cur. (St. Mary and St. Leonard.) Lord of the Manor, Patr. Priory of Wormbridge, Propr. 21. Is. 4d. clear Value. Battlefield Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen,) olim a College. John Corbett, Eſq. Patr. 31. clear Value. Welſh Hampton Cur. (Sc. Michael.) Knight Templars, Propr. Edward Kynafton, Eſq. 61. clear Value. Kenley Cur. 331. clear Value. Uffington Cur. Corbett Kynaſton, Eſq. 1734. Knights Templars, Propr. Bicton, Chapel to St. Chadd's, Salop. 201. 45. clear Value. Alley, Chapel to St. Mary. Mr. Whitmore. 5l. clear Value. Сс D. Lap• 194 STAFFORDSHIRE DIOCESE OF 9. Lapley and Ireizull, in the Archdeaconry of STAFFORD. The Commiſſioners Sir Jolin Talbot, Knight, Sir John Gyfford, Knight, Walter Wroteſley, Eſq. and others. The Priory of Brewood in this Deanry was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth yearly 11l. 15. 6d. The Priory of Dudley was likewiſe returned at 33l. 15.4d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. l'early Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 7. d. 17 11 I 15 2 13 10 I 7 ore I 8 Bradley R ** (All Saints.) Pení. Capell. Beatæ Mariæ Lich. 31. 6s, 8d. Proxies 155. Ceſtr. Epiſc. pro Syn. quolibet tertio anno 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum terr. ibidem il. 6s. Sd. in decim. &c. 7] Blymhill R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Ceftr. pro Syn. quolibet ter- tio anno 2s. Proxies Archidiac. los. 2d. Val. in manf, cum terr. il. in decim. gran. &c. Mary Levet, Widow, this Turn, 1706. Samuel Dickenſon, Gent. Samuel Dickenſon, Gent. p. h. v. 1737. John Heaton and John Fowler, p. h. v. 1777: 14 19 91 Church Eyton R. (St. Edith.) Penſ. Abbiffæ Poleſworth 131. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 175. Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet ter- tio anno pro Syn. 6s. Val. in manf. cum terr. 31. in decim. gran. &c. Lord Chetwynd, 1766. 27 2 Endfield, alias Envield, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 145. Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. 35. Val. in terr. ibidem per ann. il. in decim. gran. &c. Bridget Downing, Widow, 1717. John Downing, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1770. Forton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Proxies 135. Epiſc. Ceſtr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. 25. Iod. Val. in un. meſſuag. . 9 1 2 II 2 14 3 20 19 2 2 i 11 * Bradley is an Impropriation in Lord Scarſdale, only a Curacy remains, which is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounțy to be of the yearly Value of 32. 65. 8d. by the Name of Bradley le Moors, cum . STAFFORDSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. 195 King's Books. learly Tonths. . de 1. S. d. cum terr. 185. in decim. gran. &c. Edward Skrimſher, Eſq. Charles Baldwyn, Eſq. 1727, 1749. 3 13 4 Hinley, alias Hymley, R. (St. Michael.) Val. in terr. gleb. O 7 4 Is. 8d. in decim. gran. &c. Lady_Frances Dudley, 1693. Lord Ward, 1745. Lord Viſcount Dudley and Ward, 1779. 10 2 6 Norbury R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies 135. 4d. Epiſc. 103 Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. 25. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum terr. ibidem per ann. 135. 4d. in decim. gran. &c. Acton Baldwyn, Efq. 1712. Thomas Mills, Eſq. 1757 Thomas Boothby Skrimſhire, Eſq. 1759. 14 5 0 Quatt R. (St. Andrew.) In Salop. Prior. de Malvern Mag- 1'8 6 na il. Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. 25. Ar- chidiac. Proxies lis. 8d. Val. in terr. ibidem 6s. 8d. in de- cim. &c. Sir John Wollrich, Bart. 1713. Mary Wolryche, Spinſter, 1742. Thomas Weld, Eſq. 1771. Will. Whit- more, Eſq. 1776. 5 12 81 Sedgeley Church V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio O II anno is. Archidiac. Ceftr. pro Proxies res. Val. in lib. paſch. 4. 135. od. decim. gran. fæn. herbag. porc. anc. &c. John Lord Ward, 1745. Lord Viſcount Dudley and Ward, 1779. Pri. Dudley, Propr. Il 18 Shref hales *, alias Sheriffhales, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1 2 2 Staff. pro Proxies 125. Epiſc, Celtr. quolibet tertio anno pro Synods is. 4d. Archidiac. Staff. pro Proxies 125. Penf. Vicario Shefnal 55. Val. in manſ. cum terr. 1os. in decim. gran. fæn. fruct. porc. vitul. lac. &c. Earl Gower, 1779. Pri. Shene in Surr. Propr. ! 17 3 4 Swynford Regis R. Redd. Affiz. jod. Epiſc. Celtr. quolibet I 14 4 tertio anno pro Synods 45. Archidiac. Staff. pro Proxies 16s. In domo cum terr. eid. pertin, per. ann. 21. in decim. &c. Peter Perſehouſe, and Richard Harriſon, this Turn, 1704. Lord Ward, 1741, 1758. Lord Viſcount Dudley and Ward, 1779. 3 * Sheriffhales.--Burleton, a Chapel to Sheriffhales, not certified. Woodcoat is a Chapel annexed 10 it, but not certified. Ccz LIVINGS 196 STAFFORDSHIRE. DIOCESE OF S. d. O 31 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, Xing's Books 1. d. 1. 46 0 0 Buſhbury V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno 7 11 51 pro Synods is. Archidiac. Proxies 125. Val. in dom. cum terr. ibidem 135. 4d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. lin. canab. &c. John Groſvenor, Eſq. 1692. Biſhop of Durham, 1747. Richard Cavendiſh, Eſq. 1762. Coll, or Pri. St. Thomæ Stafford Impr. 15 o o Breewood V. (St. Mary.) Val. in lib. paſch. 4. 135. 40. in 6 17 8 decim. herbag. canab. lin. &c. Eccleſia Lichen. Propr. Dean of Lichfield, Patr. and Propr. 40 0 Cheſwardine V. in Com. Salop, (St. Swithin.) Abb. Hagh-. 5 6 8 mond Propr. Aleſtram Clayton, Widow, 1684. Thomas Bowdler, Gent. 1724. Watkin Wynne, Eſq. 1762. Lapley V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro 5.12 33 Synods 25. Val. in manf. cum terr. 145. in decim. foen. lan. agn. herbag. &c. College Tonge, Propr. Sir Michael Bid- dulph, Bart. 1700. Sir Theophilus Biddulph, Bart. 1737. 44 O O Patingham V. (St. Chadd.) Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 25. 8 oo decim. lan. agn. lin. canab. &c. cum penſ. fol. per prior. de Launde pro augment. 85. rod. Mon. de Launda in Leiceſt. Propr. Ro. Slaney and Edward Dovey, Gent. 1718. John Hodgetts, Eſq. 1755. Thomas Murhall, Eſq. 1780. 43 Oo Pen, alias Overpen, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. Ceftr. quoli- 4 5 10 bet tertio anno pro Synods is. Archidiac. Staff. pro Proxies 125. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum terr. 125. in deciin. foen. lan. agn. herbag. &c. Eccleſia Lichen. Propr. Biſhop of Co- ventry and Lichfield. 4! 100 Weſton fubter Lizard R. Archidiac. Proxies 1os. 4d. Epiſc. 6 7 81 Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Synods 25. Val, in manf. ibi- dem cum cert, terr. 21. in decim. &c. Earl of Bradford. Lady Elizabeth Wilbraham, Widow, 1704. Sir Orlando Bridg. man, Bart. 1756. Sir Henry Bridgman, Bart. 49 0 0 Womborne (St. Benedict.) and Treſull V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 12 12 81 Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Synods is. Archidiac. Staff. Proxies 145. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. 6s. Pri. Dudley olim Propr. Lord Ward, 1695. Rowland Pudſey, Eſq. and others, 1725. John Hodgetts, Eſq. 1757. 35 O o Worfield V. (St. Peter,) in Com. Salop. Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet 16 15 0 tertio anno pro Synods 25. Val. in dom. cum orto ibidem Ios. in decim. duor. molend. in decim. gran. de Cheſterton, &c. Dec. & Cap. Lich. Impr. Sharington Davenport, Eſq. 1707. Daniel Chardin Davenport, Eſq. 1775. CHAPELS, STAFFORDSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. 197 Hilton Curacy, (St. John alue. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Codfall Curacy, (St. Nicholas.). Sir Richard Wrotteſley, Patr. College of Tettenhall, Propr. 191. 105. 4d. clear Value. Pattelhall Curacy, (St. Mary.) College of Wolverhampton Propr. 71. 145. clear Value. Tettenhall Curacy, (St. Michael.) Sir Richard Wrotteſley, Patr. 231. gs. clear Value. PENKRIDGE Curacy, (St. Michael.) Olim Colleg, Sir Ed- ward Littleton, Patr. 241. clear Value. Dunſtone (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Penkridge. Sir Edward Littleton, Patr. Olim Colleg. Il. clear Value. Copnal (St. Laurence,) Chapel to Penkridge. Sir Edward Littleton, Patr. 41. clear Value. Sharelhall, Chapel to Penkridge. Sir Edward Littleton, Patr. 81. Is. 4d. clear Value. Stretton (St. John,) Chapel to Penkridge. Sir Edward Little- ton, Patr. 201. clear John Baptiſt,) in Co. Salop. Demoliſhed. Chapel to Wolverhampton. 11. clear Value. Woodbaſton, alias Wobalton, Curacy. Chapel to Penkridge. lol. clear Value. Areley Curacy, (St. Peter.) Ch. of Lichfield, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield. Burleton, Chapel to Sheriff bales. Cannock Curacy, (St. Michael.) Dean and Chapter of Lich- field, Patr. and Propr. KINFARE, alias Kinyer, Cur. (St. Peter.) Settled in Truſtees. Abby of Bordſley olim Propr. Cantaria temp. H. VIII. WOLVERHAMPTON * Curacy. (St. Mary and St. Peter.) Dean: of Windſor. College of Wolverhampton, olim Propr. Wheaten Aſhton, Chapel to Lapley. 21. clear Value. Bilfton, (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Wolverhampton. 41. 105. clear Value. Petſhall, (St. Michael.) Chapel to Wolverhampton. Dean of Windſor. 131. clear Value. Willenhall, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Wolverhampton. Dean of Windſor. 10b. clear Value. * Wolverhampton.-A Collegiate Church annexed to the Deanry of Windfor, a Market Town, near thirty Miles in Circuit, containing ſeventeen great Villages, wherein are but three Chapeis of Eaſe, not capable of the tenth Part of the Inhabitants, which have been ordinarily computed at near 30,000 Souls. New Deſcription of England by Moll, p. 218. Wolverhampton was formerly one of the King's Free Chapels, to which great Immunities were granted. Vide Monaſticon, Tom. III. Part II. p. 207. 4 D. Lecke 198 STAFFORDSHIRE. DIOCESE OF D. Lcert and Alton, alias Alveton, in the Archdeaconry of STAFFORD. The Monaſtery of Dulacres, in this Deanry, was "returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo. ralities, the clear annual Sum of 2271. 55. The Monaſtery of Rocettur was likewiſe returned at 100l. 25. rod. The Monaſtery of Croxden was likewiſe returned at gol. gs. Ild. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. 2. d. 12 2 I 4 II 20 2 3 I II II 5 9 CHEDULL R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 6s. 8d. Abb. Croxden 7s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. Il. 35. 4d. in decim. gran. &€. Trinity College, Cambridge. 6 Checkley R. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Redd. 4d. Mon, de Stone il. Ecclef. de Uttoxeter 45. Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 155. Val. in terr. gleb. 41. 35. 4d. terr. & ten. in Overteyn il. 55. terr. & ten. in Netherteyne &c. Jo. Sher- rat, Clerk, 1713. Samuel Langley, 1738. Thomas Cot- ion, Gent. p. h. v. 1743. 15 14 2 Grendon, alias Grindon, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Proxies and Synods iis. 8d. Abb. Burton 145. Val. in terr. gleb. il. 6s. 6d. in decim. &c. ' Lord Montague, 1702. REX ratione Lunaciæ Duciſſæ Montague, 1722. Truſtees of Earl Gower, 1769. 6 13 4 Ilam V. (Holy Croſs.) Abb. Burton 135. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb ibidem 35. 4d. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. lin. &c. Abb. Burton, Propr. John Port, Eſq. 1709. Anna Maria Rivett, Widow, p. h. v. 1769. John Port, Eſq. p. 1. 1783. 16 15 0 Kingſley R. (St. Warburgh.) Archidiac. Staff. Proxies and Synods 11s. 2d. Abb. Burton 145. Val. in terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. 46. 6s. 8d. in decim. gran. &c. Lord Harley, and Lady, 1717. Samuel Hill Eſq. 1747. 0 13 4 I 13 6 I Leigh STAFFORDSHIRE. 199 COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. 1. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1 8 of S. 0 King's Books. d. 14 5 Leigh R. (All Saints.) Abb. Burton 31. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 145, 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. Il. 135. 4d. in cert, terr. & ten. Ila 16s. 8d, in decim. gran. &c. Wal- ter Wagſtaſſe, and Sir Walter Bagot, Bart. 1717. Lord Bagor. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 40 IO 8 13 4 10 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 41 o o Alveton, alias Alneton, V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Ceftr. Synods 5 16 57 55. Val. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. in rot. paſch. &c. Mon. Croxden, Impr. George Rodney Bridges, Eſq. 1693. John Wheeler, Eſq. 1727. Ralph Williamſon, Eſq. 1752. o Aulſtonfield, alias Alſtonfield, V. (St. Peter.) Val. in terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. 65, 8d. in rot. paſch, in oblat. in decim. fon. &c. Mon. Combermere, Propr. Sir John Harpur, Bart. 1713. Sir Harry Harpur, Bart. 1775. 47 0 0 Blore Roy R. (St. Bartholomew.) 'Abb. Burton 135. 4d. Ar- 8 8 0 chidiac. Proxies and Synods 75. Val. in terr. gleb. 21. 135. 4d. in decim. gran. &c. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1708. Tho. mas Rivett, Eſq. 1732, 1752. 39 o O Bromſhelfe,, alias Bromſhif, R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. 4 3. 9 Synods and Proxies 75. 6d. Decim. granor. &c. Sir Richard Verney, Knt. 1691. Lord Willoughby de Broke, 1730. O o Careſwall, alias Caverſwall, V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies 7 5 3 and Synods iis. 6d. Val. in rot. paſch. 22. in decim. Jan. agn. &c. Pri. Sti Thomæ Staff. Impr. George Parker, Eſq. 1715. Thomas Parker, Eſq. 1773. 49 Dilhorne, alias Dillerne, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Proxies 8 13 and Synods 85. Val. in terr. gleb. 31. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Coventry and Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. 17 Oo Gratewich R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Synods and Proxies is. 4 7 6 Decim. granor. &c. lord Chetwynd, 1761. Hon. Cathe- rine Talbot, 1771. Pri. Tickford, Propr. 30 0 o Ellaſton, alias Glaſton, V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies and 4 9 2 Synods 75. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. 35. 4d. in decim. agn. lan. c. Abb. Dulacres, Propr. Lord Bathurſt, 1724. William Davenport Bromley, and Davies Davenport, Eſqrs. 1783. 42 16 8 LEEK E V. (St. Edward.) Val. in oblat. & al. emolument. 7 9 1] Mon. Dulacres, Impr. Roland Oakover, Eſq. V illiam Trafford, 200 STAFFORDSHIRE, DIOCES. E OP 1. s. b. s d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. Trafford, and Mary Rudyard, 1719. Earl of Macclesfield, 1737, 1759. 47 0 0 Mayfield, alias Mathfield, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 6 6 8 Proxies and Synods 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. il. 65. 8d. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Pri. Tutbury, Propr. Ro. Fern, Gent. 1703. Elizabeth Turner, and her Truſtees, 1736. 4 6 8 Roceſter, alias Rocettur, V. (St. Michael.). Mon. hab. de- 4 0.6 cim. garb. & fæn. Mon. Rocettur, Impr. George Hunt, Elq. 1738. John Harvey, and Sarah his Wife. 48 3 4 UTTXETER V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Staff. Synods and 7 1 I 8 Proxies il. Val.com. ann. tam. rot. paſch. quam al. emolument. ibidem. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Talk, Chapel to Alveton. 54. 145. clear Value. Elkfton, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Alſtonfield. The Vicar of Alltonfield. 6s. 8 d. clear Value. Longoor, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Alſtonfield. The Vicar of Al- ſtonfield. 36 clear Value. . Warſlow, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Alſtonfield. Sir Harry Harpur. l. 10s. clear Value. Roceſter Cur. 131. 105. clear Value. Horton Cur. (St. Michael.) Suſannah Fenton. 201. clear Value. Okeover, alias Oakover, Cur. (All Saints.) Abb. Burton, Propr. Not certified. Endon, Chapel to Leeke. Of no Value. Earl of Macclesfield. Marbrook, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Leeke. Earl of Maccleſ- field. 111. 125. clear Value. Ruſhdon, (St. Laurence) Chapel to Leeke. The Vicar of Leeke. 131. 10s. clear Value. Caldon, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Mathfield. The Vicar of Mathfield. 81. 195. 8d. clear Value. Butterton, Chapel to Mathfield. The Vicar of Mathfield. 176. clear Value. Chedulton Cur. (St. Edward.) Abb. Dulacres, Propr. Fran- cis Eld, Eſq. 77. 155. 10d. clear Value. Croxden, (St. Giles,) formerly an Abbey. Earl of Maccleſ- field, Patr. 121. clear Value. Norton in le Moor. (St. James.) Preb. Hanſacre, Patr. 471. abs, 8d, clear Value. Sheen, STAFFORDSHIRE. 201 COVENTRY AND LICH FIEL D. Sheen, alias Sheren, Cur. Mo. Burton, Propr. 41. 135. clear Value, Waterfall Cur. (St. James.). Ann Wheeldon, Widow. 77. clear Value. Wetton Cur. (St. Margaret.) Sir Roger Burgoyne. 74. 135. 4d. clear Value.. Caulton C. (St. Mary.) Mr. Wheeldon, Patr. Abb. Bur- ton, Propr. D. Newcaſtle and Stone, in the Archdeaconry of STAFFORD. I The Monaſtery of Hulton, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum of 761. 145. Tod. The Priory of Trentham was likewiſe returned at 1061. 35.gd. & quatuor ſagitt. barbat. The Priory of St. Thomas, near Stafford, was likewiſe returned at 1411. 135. 2d, 1 The Priory of Stone was likewiſe returned at 1191. 145. 11d. I The Priory of Ronton was likewiſe returned at gol. 25. rod. The Collegiate Church of St. Mary, in Stafford, was likewiſe re- turned at 356. 135. rod. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 2. s. d. 0 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 6 6 of Alta Offiley V. (St. Mary.) Val. in terr. gleb. 2l. in rotul. 7 paſch, in decim. fæen. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary of Offley in Lichfield Cath. Propr. and Patr. 30 16 104 Archdeaconry of Stafford, founded before the Year 1140. 3 87 Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 2 8] Alhley R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. Coven. Proxies 6s. Val. IO 34 in terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. Il in decim. garb. &c. Honourable Lady Elizabeth Gerrard, Widow, 1684. Lord Chetwynd two Turns, Mr. Meynell one. Hugo Meynell, Eſq. 1757 Dd Blithfield I I 202 STAFFORDSHIRE. DIOCES E or s. 10 19 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. do 1. de Blithfield R. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. Staff. Proxies 75. 6d. I III Val. in terr. gleb. decim. garb. &c. Sir Walter Bagot, Bart. 1713. Lord Bagot. 5 76 Chebſey, alias Chebley, alias Shebley, V. (All Saints.) Val. 0 10 9 in terr. gleb. 2l. 6s. 8d. in rotul. pafch. in decim. lan. agn. herbag. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. 9 6 8 Draycott in le Moor R. (St. Peter.) Eccleſ. de Checkley 35. O 18 % 4d. Abb. Combermere 35. 4d. Archidiac. Staff: Synods 135. Val. in terr. gleb. il. 6s. 82. in decim. garb. &c. George Parker, Eſq. 1721. The KING, 1724. Robert Bill, Gent. 1750 911 3 Haughton R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. Staff. Proxies 6s. 8d. 0 19 1] Ecclef. de Gnofall 25. 10d. Val. in terr. gleb. 11. 135. 4d. in deciin. &c. Edward Walter, Gent. 1686. Maria Bar- bour, Widow, and Yonge Barbour, Gent. 1730. Walter Yonge, Eſq. 1780. 10 16 8 Ingeſtre R*. (St. Mary.) Val. in terr. gleb. 185. in decim. 1 I 8 garb. &c. William Chetwynd, Eſq. 1691. Catherine Tal- bot, Widow, 1769, 1776. John Chetwyn Talbot, Eſq. 1780. 20 3 9 Muggleſton, alias Muccleſton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 2 0 41 Staff. Proxies 155. Epiſc. Synods is. 4d. per annum. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 1os. in decim. garb. &c. Jo. Offley, Eſq. 1682. John Crew, Eſq. 1728. John Ward, and Davies Davenport, Eſq. 1740. Edward Mainwaring, Efq. 1782. 6 Standon R. (All Saints.). Archidiac. Staff. Synods and Proxies 0 13 10 125. Epiſc. Lich. pro Viſitat. 45. per annum. gleb. il. in decim. garb, &c. Felicia Wright, Widow, this Turn, 1712. William Vyſe, Eſq. 1720, 1729. William Walker, Clerk, 1774. 41 O 10 Stoke upon Trent R. (St. Peter,) the Borough of Newcaſtle is 4 2 1 in this Pariſh. Val. in terr. gleb. per annum 51. 1os. in de- cim. gran. &c. &c. Jo. Sidebotham, Gent. 1697. John Jarvis, Eſq. 1732. James Robinſon, Gent. 1742. 10 2 6 Swinnerton R. (St. Mary.) Prior. de Stone 21. Archidiac. I 0 3 Synods and Proxies 145, 5d. Epiſc. Viſitat. quolibet tertio anno 35. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb. Il. in decim, garb. &c. Oxford Univerſity, this Turn, 1707. William Robinfon, Clerk, 1763, Incumbent, and Patron. 18 4 Val. in terr. * Ingeſtre R.-Walter Chetwynd, Eſq. offered upon the Altar the Tythes of Hopton, as an Addi- tion to che faid Rectory. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 297. Wolftanton STAFFORDSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICH FIEL D. 203 lo d. lo S. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, d. 32 3 9 Wolſtanton R*. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. Synods and Proxies 3 4 43 125. Epiſc. Viſitat. quolibet tertio anno 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. 2l. in decim. garb. &c. Ralph Sneyd, Eſq. 1743. 42 II 1 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Booksa oö Audley V. (St. James.) Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 125. 6 13 4 Capella de Betteley 155. Val. in terr. gleb. il. 6s. 8d. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Hilton, Propr. Jo. Wiſhaw, 1702. George Tollet, Eſg. 1721. Elizabeth Tollete, Spinſter, 1742. George Tollett, Eſq. 1766. 30 o o Biddulph V. (St. Laurence.) Val. in terr. gleb. 45. in rotul. 4 9 paſeh. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Hilton, Propr. Charles Adderley, Eſq. 1704. Leſt which Oldfield, Eſq. 1719. Sir Thomas Greſley, Bart. 1740. Thomas Greſley, D. D. 1783. 44 O o ECCLESHALL V H. (Holy Trinity.) Val. in terr. gleb. ibidem 7 14 4 45. in oblat. in rotulo paſch. &c. Biſhop of Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. being Prebendary thereof. o Madeley V. (All Saints.) Val. in terr. gleb. ibidem 45. in de- 4 16 O cim. fæn. oblat. &c. Pri. Stone, Propr. John Crew Omley, Eſq. 1703. John Crew, Eſq. 1779. Milwich V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 6si 8d. 4 3 4 Epiſc. quolibet tertio anno 15. Val. in terr. gleb. 25. in de- cim. garb. fæn. &c. Pri. Sti Wolphadi, Impr. Walter Aſhton, Gent. 1681. John and Dorothy Dive, 1738. Benjamin Robinſon, Gent. 1772. Sandon R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Proxies 125. Epiſc. quo- 7.10 O libet tertio anno 125. Val. in terr. gleb. 25. in decim. garb. &c. Ducheſs of Hamilton, 1716. Lord Archibald Hamil- ton, 1763. 41 8 Sightford, alias Seighford, V. (St. Chadd.) Archidiac. Synods 6 60 and Proxies 6s. Val. in terr. gleb. Il. in decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Rontoo, Impr. The KING. Tixall R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. in terr. gleb. 85. in decim. 8 garb. &c. Walter Aſhton, Eſq. 1706. Thomas Whitby, Eſq. William Green, William Robins, George Gataker, and Henry Walker, Gent. 1719. Univerſity of Oxford, p. h. V. 1761. 30 10 47 10 2 O O 46 10 0 o * Wolftanton R.-The Biſhop of Liehfield is Impropriator of the Rectory, the Pariſh is only a Cu. kacy, with the Chapel called New Chapel, certified at gl. 155. clear Value. Mr. Sneyd is Leſſee and Patron. t Ecclefhall V. --has Broughton and Charnes Chapels, not certified. Dd2 CHAPELS, 1 204 STAFFORDSHIRE: DIOCESE CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. . Norton, Chapel to Stoke. The Rector of Stoke. 201. clear Value. Whitmore, Chapel to Stoke. Of no Value. The Rector of Stoke. Bucknall, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Stoke. The Rector of Stoke. lol. clear Value.. Bagnal, Chapel to Scoke. The Rector of Stoke. 31. clear Value. Burſlem, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Stoke. The Rector of Stokea 221. gs. 64. clear Value. Newcastle Unde-Line, (St. Saviour,) Chapel to Stoke. The Rector of Stoke. 251. gs. 6d. clear Value. Wore, Chapel to Muggleſton. Sir Herbert Mackworth, Bart. 181. clear Value. Barlaſton Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Lord Gower, Patr. Pria Trentham, Propr. gl. clear Value. BETLEY Cur. (St. Margaret.). Not certified. Pri. Ronton, Propr. G. Tollet. Baſwick, alias Berkfwich Curacy. (Holy Trinity.) William Fowler. 301. clear Value. Talke, Chapel to Audley. The Vicar of Audley. 51. 145. clear Value. Aeon Truſſel, (St. James,) Chapel to Baſwick. 141. clear Value. Bednall, (All Saints,) Chapel to Baſwick. 121. 1os. clear Val. Bradley juxta Stafford Cur. (All Saints..) Coll. Sti Tho. olim Propr. Lord Scarfdale. 161. 1os. clear Value. Caſtlechurch juxta Staff. Cur. (St. Laurence.) Coll Stafford, Propr. The KING. gl. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Ellenhall Cur. (St. Mary.) Sir Jonathan Cope, Patr. Abba Ronton, Propr. 4!. 13.5. 4d. clear Value. Gayton Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Coll. Ski Tho. Staff. Propr. John Cave Brown, Eſq. 11l. ios. clear Value. Ipſtones Cur. (St. Leonard.) Abb. Dulacres, Propr. Mrs. Littlecon. 131. 6s. 8 d. clear Value. Kingſton. Pri. Roceſton, Propr. Francis Chetwind. Col- lege of Penkridge, olim Propr. 10l. clear Value. Keele Cura (St. Michael.) Knights -Templars, Propr. Ralph Sneyd, Eſq. 241. clear Value, Ronton Cur. or V. (All Saints,) formerly an Abby. The KING. 61. 165. 8d. clear Value. 401. Adbaſton STAFFORDSHIRE. COVENTRY AND 205 LICH F I EL D. Adbafton Cur. (St. Margaret.) Not certified. Dean of Lich- field, Patr. and Propr. Creſwell, alias Eraſwell, R. Not certified or in Charge. Ch. demoliſhed. Margaret Rocke, Widow, and Thomas Whit- by, Eſq. 1754 Gnoſall Cur. (St. Laurence.) Not certified. Biſhop of Lich- field, Patr. STAFFORD St. Mary R. Not in charge or certified. The KING. 80l. Charleton, (St. Laurence,) Chapel to Ecclelhall. 51. clear Value. Mear Cur. Coll. Sfi Tho. Staff. Propr. Jane Oldfield, as Co- heireſs of Lady Bower. 201. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Marſton, Chapel to St. Mary Staff. Mayor and Burgeſſes of Stafford. 151. 6s. 8d. clear Value. St. Chadd's Staff. Cur. Prebendary of Pipe Minor, Patr. 71. Ios. clear Value. STONE Cur. (St. Michael.) The KING, Patr. Pri. Stone, Propr. 41. 135. clear Value. 301. Fulford Cur. (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Stone. Samuel Knight, Patr. 257. 175. clear Value. Stow Cur. (St. John Baptift.) Pri. Sfi Tho. Staff. Propr. John Cave Brown, Patr. 146. 135. 4d. clear Value. Trentham, (St. Mary,) formerly a Priory. Pri. Trentham, Propr. Earl Gower, Patr. 141. clear Value. Blurton, Chapel to Trentham. Earl Gower, Patr. 321. 25. 6d. clear Value. Weſton on Trent Cur. Coll. Sti Staff. Propr. Miſs Fow. ler, Patr. 81. 45. rod. clear Value. Lam 206 STAFFORDSHIRE, DIOCESE OF D. Lamworth and Lutbury, in the Archdeaconry of STAFFORD. The Priory of Turbury, temp. H. VIII. was poſſeſſed of Tem- poral and Spiritual Property to the Amount of 1991. 145. 10d. The Monaſtery of Burton upon Trent was likewiſe poſſeſſed of Property to the Amount of 2571. 148. 3d, The Hoſpital of St. James near Tamworth was likewiſe pola ſeſſed of Property to the Amount of 31. 6s. 8d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, l'early Tenttiso Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. d. 8 I o 3 Aldrich, alias Aldridge, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Synods 0 16 13 and Proxies 75. 6d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Thomas Dolman, Gent. p. h. V. 1747. Thomas Hoo, Eſq. p. h. v. 1766. Rev. John Wyld, 1778. 30 o o Clifton Campvile R*. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Proxies and 3 00 Synods 125. 6d. Terr. gleb. decim. &c. Edward Carleton, Merchant, 1701. Rebecca, Phillipa, and Mary Pye, 1739. John Severne, Eſq. 1777. 5 o o Colton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Staff. Proxies and Synods o 10 6s. 8d. , Terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Walter Lander, Eſq. 1701. Eliz. Lander, and Mary Taylor, 1738. Robert Lander, 1767. 3 11 51 Dorlafton R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 0 7 13 Terr. gleb. decim. &c. John Crew Offley, Eſq. 1718. Charles Crew, Eſq. 1741, 1756. Rev. William Aſtley, p. h. v. 1766. 7 8 4 Drayton Baffet R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. Proxies 55. Q 14 10 Epiſc. Proxies 8d. Terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. The KING. 25, I 20 O * Clifton Campvile-has Chilcoat Chap. in Com. Derb. annexed (not certified), and Harlafton Chap. Elford STAFFORDSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICH FIEL D. 207 1. 1 0 1 2 I King's Books. Yearly Tenths, de d. 13 6 8 Elford R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Synods and Proxies ros. 8d. 6 8 Epiſc. Proxies 1s. 4d. Terr. gleb. decim. garb. &c. Wil- liam Webb, Gent. this Turn, 1714. Lord Andover, 1745. 6 1 01 Hamſtall Ridware R. (St. Michael.) Abb. Burton 55. Archi. diac. Proxies and Synods 75. Epiſc. pro viſ. annuatim. Is. Te gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Thomas Leigh, 1715. Lord Leigh, 1778. 13 9 2 Handſworth R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Synods 75. 6d. 1 611 Epiſc. annuatiin 15. 8d. Terr. gleb. decim. &c. Edward Birch, Serjeant at Law, 1692. Humphrey Wurley Birch, Eſq. Patron, every third Turn. Mr. Ainge, every third Turn. Walter Lord Aſton, and Sir Ed. Littleton, 1636. Mary Oakes, Widow, 1731. John Wyrley, Eſq. 1767. George Birch, Eſq. 1776. 4 Oo Horborne V. (St. Peter.) Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, o 8o Propr. and Patr. 5 5 o Longdon V. (St. James.) Decim. terr. gleb. oblat. &c. Pre- Pre Q10 6 bendary thereof, in Lichfield Cathedral, Patr. and Propr. 7 2 11 2 11 Maveſyn, alias Maveſon Redware, R. (St. Andrew.) Vicario O 14 32 Srall. Prebend. de Aldrewas los. Terr. gleb. decim. &c. Charles Chadwick, Eſq. p. h. v. 1730. John Newton, Eſq. p. h. v. 1780. 13 19 7 Rolſton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 6r. 8a. 1 7 111 Priori Turbury 21. pro duabus partib. Decim. terr. domini- cal . in Rolſton. Terr. gleb. decim. &c. Francis Ruſſell, Eſq. and his Wife, 1693. The Biſhop, 1736. John Par- ker Moſley, Eſq. 1779. 26 i 8 Tatenhill R. (St. Michael,) annexed to the Deanry of Lichfield by Act of Parliament 4° & 5° Annæ Reginæ. Archidiac. Staff. Prosies and Synods 155. Epiſc. Proxies annuatim 25, 2d. Terr. gleb. prat. decim. garb. &c. The KING. 5 5 5 Thorpe Conſtantine R. (St. Conſtantine.) Archidiac. Staff. 0 10 64 Synods and Proxies 6s. 8d. Domino Regi pro Redd. iod. Epiſc. Proxies 1s. 4d. annuatim. Decim. gran. &c. William Inge, Eſq. 1719, 1759, 1762, 10 19 7 WALSALL V. (All Saints.) Abb. Haleſowen 75. 8d. Archi 1 11 diac. Synods and Proxies 135. 6d. Terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Haleſowen, Propr. Lord and Lady Bradford, 1708. Lady Bradford, 1733. Earl of Montrath, 1769. 17 6 8 Yoxhall R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 12 s. I 14 8 6d. Terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Earl of Uxbridge, 1738, 1745. Lord Leigh, 1768. In this Deanry was formerly charged the Rectory of Hanbury, (St. James,) at 43l. 155. 2d. which Rectory was, ſince the faid 2 1 2 1 203 STAFFORDSHIRE, DIOCESE faid Charge, made a Part of the Biſhoprick of Coventry and Lichfield, and is now only a Curacy, and nominated to as fuch by the Biſhop. S. 1. d. 47 18 O 5 I 8 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 8 Aldrewas, alias Alrewas, V. (All Saints.) Decim. oblat. &c. 5 6 8 Chancellor of the Church of Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. 30 o Bromley Abbats V. (St. Nicholas.). Terr. gleb. decim. fæn. 5 lin, rot, paſch. cum oblat. _Abb. Burton, Propr. Earl of Uxbridge, 1717, 1765. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1768. 40 o o Rugeley V. (St. Auguſtin.) Decim. &c. Dean and Chapter 5 2 0 of Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. 30 0 0 Rulhall V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. Proxies 45. Terr. gleb. 4 5 0 decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Haleſowen, Propr. William Leigh, Efq. 1709. Jeremiah Eginton, Eſq. 1770. Shenſton, alias Shenſtone, V*. (St. John Baptiſt.) Decano 6 5 8 & Cap. Lich. 1os. Synods 45. Decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Oſeney in Co. Oxon. Propr. Samuel Hill, Eſq. 1724. Noel Hill, Eſq. 1782. 20 O O TUTBURY V. (St. Mary.) Rec. Prior. de Turbury 5l. Rot. 70 o pafch. decim. lin. canal. &c. Pri. Tutbury, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1767. Collwich V. (St. Michael.) Decim. oblat. &c. Prebendary 6 o 5 thereof, in Lichfield Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 40 Wedneſbury, alias Wodenſbury, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Abb. 4 3 4 60 Haleſowen 21. Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 115. Epiſc. Proxies is. Decim. oblat. &c. The KING. Abb. Halef- owen, Propr. BURTON UPON TRENT Cur. (St. Mary and St. Modwen.) Not certified. Earl of Uxbridge, Patr. Abb. Burton, Propr. 41 9 8 Lichfield St. Mary in foro V. Rec. de Decan. & Capit. 10 0 0 Cath. Lich. in Denar. 1ol. Ch. of Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. St. Chadd's, alias Stow, Vi- 6 0 0 car of St Mary's, Patr. Chapels to St. Mary's Lichfield, St. Michael's. Vicar of St. both Churches in Lichfield City. Mary's, Patr. 47 18 0 O O O * Shenſton V.-Mr. Hill is Patron as above, in exchange with the Crown for the Rectory of St. James's Colcheſter, co. Eflex, 3 Hamerwich STAFFORDSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. 209 King's Books. 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. l. d. 3 6 8 Hamerwich Cur. Chap. to St. Mary's, Lichfield. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Patr. Storfold, Chapel to St. Mary's, Lichfield. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. 155. 2d. Barr, Chapel to Aldridge. (St. Margaret.) 201. clear Value. Barton Needwood, (St. James,) Chapel to Tatenhill. The Rector of Tatenhill. 251. clear Value. Whichnor, (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Tatenhill. The Curate of Tamworth. 161. 135. 43. clear Value. Bloxwich, Chapel to Walſall. Merchant Taylor's Company firſt, then in St. John's College, but if both decline to no- minate then in the Pariſhioners. 71. clear Value. Hanbury V. (St. James.) Not certified. Biſhop of Lichfield, Propr. and Pair. A Rectory Anno 1534, and rated at 431. Marchington, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Hanbury. Vicar of Han- bury. 81. clear Value. Newborough, (All Saints,) Chapel to Hanbury, Vicar of Hanbury. 51. clear Value. Armitage Cur. (St. John.) P. Hanſacre, in Lichfield Cathe- dral, Propr. and Patr. 201. 10s. clear Value. Farwell Cur. (St. Bartholomew.) Dean and Chapter of Lich- field, Propr. and Patr. 61. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Edinghall Cur. (Holy Trinity.) P. Aldrewas, in Lichfield Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 261. clear Value. Hints Cur. P. Hanſacre, in Lichfield Cathedral, Pair. and Propr. il. clear Value. Tipton Cur. (St. Martin.) P. Prees, in Lichfield Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 161. clear Value. Whitington Cur. Ch. of Lichfield, Propr. 321. clear Value. Norton Ch. (St. Margaret.) Ch. of Lichfield, Patr. P. Han- ſacre, Propr. 201. clear Value. Bromley Regis Cur. (All Saints.) 2. Aldrewas, in Lichfield Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 351. clear Value. Weſt Bromwich Cur. (St. Clement.) Earl of Dartmouth, Patr. Pri. Tickford, Propr. 221. clear Value. Pipe Ridware Cur. (St. James.) P. Aldrewas, in Lichfield Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 15l. clear Value. Wigginton, (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Tamworth. Curate of Tamworth. Еe Weford 210 DIOCES E OP STAFFORDSHIRE. Weford Cur. (St. Mary.) Not certified. Ch. of Lichfield, Propr. Preb. ibida in Lichfield Cathedral, Patr. Tamworth Cur. olim Collegium. 161. certified Value. Vide Liber Regis. Fragwell, alias Frodſwell, Chapel to Colwich. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield. 121. 185. 4d. clear Value. Merſton, Chap. to Colwich. Mayor and Burgeſſes of Stafford. D. Arden, in the Archdeaconry of COVENTRY. The Monaſtery of Meryvall, in this Deanry, was poſſeſſed of Temporal and Spiritual Property, temp. H. VIII. to the annual Amount of 2541. is. 8d. The Priory of Maxtock was likewiſe pofſeffed of Property to the Amount of 871. 125. 3d. į The College of Knoll was likewiſe poſſeſſed of Property to the Amount of 18!. 55. 6d. Domus fratrum Auguſtini, in Villa de Atherſton, was likewiſe pofíeffed of Property to the Arount of il. 105. 2d. The Priory of Nuneaton was likewiſe poſſeſſed of Property to the Amount of 2537. 145. 5d. Ž The Priory of Polelworth was likewiſe poſſeſſed of Property to the Amount of 871. 16s. 3d. The Priory of Henwood was likewiſe poffeffed of Property to the Amount of 2 il. 25. od. I For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentbisa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. s. do 1. 8 O 16 100 0 o Aldſtre, alias Auitrey, V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. OS. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Burton in Co. Staff. Propr. 71 Arley R. (St, Wilfrid.) Archidiac. gs. 6d. Val. in terr. Thomas Leigh, Gent. 1687. William Shaw, Gent. 1768. Mary Miller, Widow, 1780. 9 0 O 18 00 gleb. &c. Afton WARWICKSHIRE, 211 CO V E N T R Y AND LICH FIEL D. 2. S. 21 2 2 14 12 I 2 King's Eooks. l'carly Tenths, 1, d. 4 9 Afon Birmingham V*. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Cap. Lich. 5} 35. Proxies and Synods 35. 8d._Redd. 4d. Val. ia terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Tickford, Propr. vel. Coll. Stæ Frideſwidæ, Oxon. Sir Charles Holt, Bart. Patr. 1716. Sir Charles Holt, Bart. 1771. 4 0 8 Badeſley Clinton, Rt. (St. Michael,) Chapel to Poleſworth. o 8 Val. in terr. gleb. &c. 6 Berkſwell R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies and Synods Archi 93 diac. IIs. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Ro- bert Boyſe, Eſq. 1713. Ann Levett, p. h. v. 1761. Abi- gail Bayley, Widow, 1769. 19 3 61 BIRMINGHAM St. Martin R Proxies and Synods 125. 6d. I 18 41 Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. John Smith, Eſq. 1723, 1732. William Tennant, Eſq. 1779. 10 18 61 COLSHALL, alias COLESHILL V S. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) I I 105 Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Markyate in Co. Bedd. Propr. Lord Digby, 1716, 1765. 5 0 o Crudworth, alias Curdworth, V. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods ios. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Leiceſtr. Propr. William Barnes, Eſq. 1681. John Davys, Charles Bowyer Adderley, Eſq. 1782. 3 4 Grendon R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Val. . 2 in terr. gleb. decim. gran. &c. Walter Chetwynd, Eſq. 1715. Lord Robert Berrie, and Lady Mary his Wife, 1767. 15 6 8 Hampton in Arden V. (St. Mary and St. Bartholomew,) with the Chapel of Nuthurſt, Deſtructa. Monaſterio de Kenel- worth il. Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Archidiac. Ils. Val. in terr. gleb. decim. &c. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr. Richard Lydiate, this Turn, 1713. Richard Howe Cheſter, Eſq. p. h. v. 1743. The Hoſpital in Warwick, 1782. ο 1ο Eſq. 1749. 20 I 10 10 % * Aſton Birmingham-In this Pariſh is the Chapel of Caſtle Bromwich, now the Seat of Sir Henry Bridgman ; the ſaid Chapel was endowed with the Great Tythes by the Lord Keeper Bridgman, and is now a Donative : 'tis dedicated to St. Mary and St. Margaret. + Badeſley Clinton R.-No Tenths for this ever paid ; ſaid to be formerly a member of Hampton in Arden. | Birmingham-An Ad for building a Pariſh Church and Parſonage Houſe, and making a new Church- yard, and a new Pariſh of Birmingham in the County of Warwick, to be called the Pariſh of St. Philip, 7° Annæ (13). Biſhop of Lichfield, Patron, it being annexed to the Treaſurerſhip of Lichfield Cathe- dral. $ Colfhall V.-The Impropriate Tythes reſtored to this Pariſh, and alſo to Upper Whitacre in this County, by Simon Lord Digby, 1685. Biſhop Kenner’s Caſe of Impropriations, p. 299. N.B. Theſe Tythes were reſtored only during the Pleaſure of the Donor. Kingeſbury, E E 2 2 1 2 DIOCESE OF WARWICKSHIRE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. , so 8 10 O O I 1 4 14 I 200 O II o Kingeſbury, alias Limeſbury, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Sy- o 17 90 nods Archidiac. 35. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. &c. The KING. Mon. Markyate, Propr. 10 13 4 Manceter V*. (St. Peter.) Val. in denar. numerat. fol. per man. prior. Mon. de Meryval, Propr. Richard Drayton, Efq. 1715. Thomas Muxloe, Eſq. 1740. Thomas Clare; Mercer, 1758. si Newton Regis R. (S1. Mary.) Prosies and Synods gs. 6d. I 8 Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Sir Robert Burdet, 1747. Francis Burdett, Eſq. 1782. 24 14 y NÚNEATON V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 95. 6d. Val. in 2 952 terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. The KING. Pri. Shene; Propr. 5 16 01 Seckington, alias Seggington, R. (All Saints.). Proxies and 77 Synods 9s. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Sir Francis Burdet, Bart. 1687. Sir Robert Burdett, Bart. 1751. 8 10 10 Sheldon R. (St. Giles.) Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Val. in 0 17 I terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. William Lord Digby, 1690. Lord Digby, 1766. 4 Solyhull R. (St. Alphage.) Penſ. Priori Hertford 1l. 6s. 8d. 2 9 10 Redd. Is. iod. Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Archidiac. 115. 10d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Andrew Archer, Eſq. 1705. Lord Archer, 1769. 33 9 2 SUTTON in Colfield R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods 125. 3 6.II Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. John Shilton, Eſq. 1689. Richard Biffe Riland, Clerk, 1758. 8 10 73 Weddington R. Proxies and Synods Archidiac. 95. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb, in decim. gran. &c. Gilbert Adderley, Eſq. 17.15. Thomas Adderley, Eſq. 1739. $ 5 0. Wilhaw R. (St. Chada.). Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Val. in 6, terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. John Smith, this Turn, 1695. William Jeffon, Eſq. 17.59. John Folliott, Eſq; 1776. 24 28 Val. O 17 of Ο ΙΟ LIVINGS DISCHARGED.. O O Clear Yeorly Value. King's Books, 49 Anfeley, alias Anſtey, V. (St. Laurence.) Proxies 25. 4d. 6°6 8 700 Val. in terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Poleſworth, Propr. Sir Richard Newdigate, Bart. 1682. O. Manceter V.--Augmented with 20), per Annum by. Dame Alice. Dudley.. Dugd. Warw. p.775.. Baxterley WARWICKSHIRE. COVENTRY AND. LICHFIEL D. 213 d. 0 0 O 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. s. d. li 48 0 0 Baxterley R. Proxies and Synods 45. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. 5 decim. gran. &c. Thomas Leving, Eſq. 1712, and the Crown alternately. Thomas Hall, Eſq. 1732. The KING, 1735. 40 0 O o Bigneil, alias Bickenhill, V. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 717 3 . gs. 6d! Val. in terr. voc. glebeland in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Markyate, Propr. Sir Clement Fiſher, Bart. 1695. Earl of Aylesford, 1759. 35 o o Caldecote, alias Calcote, R. (St. Theobald and St. Chadd.) 6 15 o Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Sir Nathan Wright, Knt. 1715. Thomas Prin- fep, Eſq. 1771. 26 Cotton, alias Chilverſcoton, V. (All Saints.). Val. in terr. gleb. 7 4. O 40 decim. &c. The KING. Pri. Erbury, Propr. 30 Elmedon R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 45. 6d. Val. in 3. 8 il terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Williażn Mayne, Eſq. 1719, 1726. Paul Bayne, Eſq. 1756. 30 o Fillongley V. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 8 9 9 50 1os. The KING. Pri. Maxtoke, Propr. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Maxtoke V. (St. Michael.) Val. in denar. numerat. annuat. 5 6 3 ſolut. per man, prior. Pri.. Maxtoke, Propr. Lord Leigh, 1718, 1768. 450 O Meriden V. (St. Laurence.) Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Val. 5 in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &€. Mon. Coventry, Propr.. Sir Thomas Wheaté, Bart. 1705, 1724. Earl of Aylesford, 1-759. o Packington Parva R. (St. Bartholomew.) Proxies and Synods 3 38. iod. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, Patr. 30 o Packington Magna V. (St. James.) Proxies and Synods.9s. 6d.. 7 10 2 Val. in terr. gleb. in omn. deciin. oblat. & emolument. ſpiri- tual. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr.. Sir Clement Fiſher, Bart. 1709. Earl of Aylesford, 1766. 30 POLESWORTH V. (St. Edith.) Synods Archidiac. 25. Val. 10 in decim. oblat. &c. The KING, Mor. Poleſworth, Propr. 30 Shuſtocke V. (St. Cuthbert.) Proxies and Synods Archidiac. 5 7 50. 95. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. · The KING. Mon. Maxtoke, Propr. 3. 20 oo I 2 400 O O O 60 оо O Q CHAPBLI; 2'4 WARWICKSHIRE, DIOCESE OF CHAPELs, DonatiVIS, AND CURACIES. ceter. s Deritend, (St. James,) Chapel to Aſton Birmingham. 381. clear Value. Water Overton, (St. Peter and St. Paul,) Chapel to Alton. Lord Digby, and John Addys, Eſq. Witton, Chapel to Aſton. Puckwood, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Hampton. Doftill, Chapel to Kingſbury. 5l. clear Value. Hurley, Chapel to Kingſbury. Deſtructa. ATHERTON, alias ATHERSTON, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Man- The Vicar of Manceter. 1 tl. 55. clear Value. Baddeſley Enſor Curacy. (St. Michael ) Lord of the Manor, Patr. 161. clear Value. Aſtley Cur. (St. Mary.) Sir Richard Newdigate, Patr. Olim Colleg. 1ol. clear Value. Balſall Cur. (St. Mary,) (not certified,) being endowed with 50l. per Annum Tythes, by a Lady. Knights * Templars, olim Propr. Lady Anne Morton, Patr. Egbaſton, alias Edgebaſton, Cur. (St. Bartholomew.) Ch. of Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. 351. clear Value. Knowle Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Benjamin Palmer, Eſq. Olim Colleg. 151. 135. 4d. clear Value. Lea Marſton Cur. (Si. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Markyate in Co. Bedd. Propr. Lille Hacket, Eſq. Patr. 301. clear Value. Milverton Cur. (St. James.) Pri. Kenelworth, Propr. Henry Boyle, Eſq. Patr. 51. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Middleton Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Lord Middleton, Patr. College of Tamworth, Propr. Barſton, Chapel to Berkſwell. (St. Swithin.) Stockingford, Chapel to Nuneaton, Chapel demoliſhed. Shuttington Cur. Pri. Avecote in the County of Warwick, Propr. Counteſs of Coningſby, Patr. 61. clear Value. Whitacre ſuper Cur. (St. Leonard.) Pri. Markyate, Propr. Olim Cap. to Colelhill. Lord Digby, 1737. iol. clear Value. Whitaker infer. Cur. (St. Giles.) Pri. Markyate, Propr. Charles Jennens, Eſq. who endowed this Curacy with an Eſtate. Pen Aſsheton Curzon, Eſq. 81. clear Value. Mereval Cur. Mr. Stratford, Patr. Abb. Merevale, Propr. 261. clear Value. Copſton Cur. Ecclef. deſtruct. Pri. Kirkby, Propr. 2li clear Bentley, Value. WARWICKSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICHFIE [ D. 215 Bentley, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Shuſtocke. Wilncote, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Tamworth in the County of Stafford. D. Coventry, in the Archdeaconry of COVENTRY. The Monaſtery and Cathedral Church of Coventry was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 5381. 45. The Hoſpital of St. John the Baptiſt was likewiſe returned at 831. 35. 2d. The Carthufian Houſe was likewiſe returned at 1311. 6s. 4d. The Monaſtery of Combe was likewiſe returned at 3111. 10s. Id. The Priory of Erbury was likewiſe returned at 947. 6s. Id. The College of Bablak was likewiſe returned at 45l. 6s. 8d. The College of Aſtley was likewiſe returned at 39). 1os. 6d. The Houſe of the Carmelite Brethren was likewiſe returned at 71. 135. 4d. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS. REMAINING IN CHARGE. 3. S. d. King's Books Yearly. Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. I. 45 9 2 Archdeaconry of Coventry, founded before the Year 1127. 4.10 11 John Blithe, Archdeacon, 1535. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 17 18 9 Aweſley, alias Alleſley, R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods I 15 101 Archidiac. 8s. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Tho- mas Flint, 1662. Martha Flint, Widow, 1686. William Triſtram, Geni. 1692. Henry Neale, Eſq. 1726. Thomas Bree, M. D. 1748. Ann Bree, Widow, 1778. 3 11] Bedworth R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Ar 1 04 chidiac. 95. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Earl of Aylesford, 1737, 1782. 17 10 Brinklow R. (St. John Baptiſt.). Penf. Abb. Kenelworth, il. I 15 0 150 0 65. 8d. Proxies and Synods Archidiac. gs. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb, in decim gran. &c. The KING, Churchoper IO 0 I 216 WARWICKSTRE. DIOCESE OF l. d. I IO 0 200 O King's Books Yearly Tenths. 2. d. 15 o Churchover R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods Archidiac. 95. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Wil- liam Dixwell, Eſq. 1715. The KING, 1738. Sir William Dixwell, Bart. 14 13 4 Horborow Magna R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods Archi 1 9 4 diac. gs. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Sir William Boughton, Bart. 1712. Sir The. Edward Alleſ: ley Boughton, Bart. 1766. 26 15 5 St. Michael's V. in the City of CoventRY.. Prior. pro Penf. 2 13 61 51. Decano & Capit. pro indempnitate il. 135. 4d. Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Archidiac. 21. 155. 4d. Val. in decim. perſonal. oblat. purific. obit. &c. The KING. Mon. Co- ventry, Propr. 14 I 2 1 Newbold upon Avon V. (St. Botolph.) Proxies and Synods i 9 21 8s. Pri. de Axholme in Lincoln, Propr. Val. in decim. oblat. & al. emolument. fpiritual. Edward Hands, Gent. this Turn, 1712. Sir Edward Boughton, Bart. 1742. 5 0 0 Newton Regis, alias Newnham, V. united to Church Lawford in D. Marton. Proxies and Synods 25. Val. in terr. gleb, in decim. oblat. & al. emolument. Abb. dę Kenelworth, Propr. Sir Francis Burdet, Bart. Sir Robert Burdet, Bart. 1747. Francis Burdet, Eſq. 1782. 6 oo Stretton Baſkerville R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. The Church demoliſhed. Val. in decim. oblat. &c. Hannah Pinchin, Spinfter, and Letitia Wilcox, Widow, 1737 o St. Trinity in Coventry V. Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Ar- 70 chidiac. 165. Penf. Mon. Covent. 51. Val. in decim. per- ſonal. oblat. purific. obit. &c. Vide Revaluation 28 Augti 38 H. VIII. The KING. Mon. Covent. Propr. 8 6 of Willey R. (St. Leonard.) Proxies and Synods 75. 4d. Val. O 16 71 100 in terr. voc. glebeland in decim. gran. fæn. &c. The KING. O IO O 0 1 2 IO I оо O O o O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 46 100 Bulkington V. (St. James.) Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 6 10 7 60 95. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Leic. Propr. The KING. 47 0 o Kirby Monach' v* (Sc. Edith.) Archidiac. Proxies and Sy- 22 9 7 nods 8s. Pri. de Axholme in the County of Lincoln, Propr. Val. in decim. oblat. & al. fpiritual. emolument. Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, * Kirkby Monach’V.--Augmented by Dame Alice Dudley with 201. per Annum. Dugd. Warw. p. 775. Withibrooke WARWICKSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. 217 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. lo s. d. 12 o o Withibrooke V. (All Saints.) Val. in denar. numerat. fol. per. 8 6 8 man. prior. & convent. Mon. de Axholm in Lincoln. Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. The Biſhop, p. h. v. 1732. 36 oo Wolvey V. (St. John Baptift.) Proxies and Synods gs. 68. 6 6 51 Prior. de Combe de una Med. Propr. Preb. ejuſdem in Ec- cleſ. Lich. de altera parte, Propr. Val, in terr. gleb. in decimn. oblat. & al. emolument. fpiritual. Lord Coventry, and the Prebendary of Wolvey alternately. Exempt from the Archa deacon, and in the Biſhop's Juriſdiction, NoT IN CHARGE. 80 40 ОО O Stoke V. (St. Michael.) The KING. Pri. Coventry, Propr. Foleſhill V. (St. Laurence.) The KING, Patr. Pri. of Co- ventry, olim Propr. Stretton ſuper Dunſmore V. Pri. Coventry, Propr. William Fauguier, Eſq. 1765. 80 o o Sow, alias Wallgrave, v. (St. Mary.) The KING, Patr. Pri. Coventry, Propr. CHAPELS, Donatives, AND CURACIES. Aníty Ch. or V. formerly appropriated to the Priory of Co- ventry. Dugd. Warw. p. 80. The KING, 1750. St. John Baptiſt in Coventry R. olim Hofpit. Mayor and Corporation of Coventry, 1758, 1779. Stivichall Cur. (St. James.) Mr. Gregory, Patr. 27. 138. 40h. clear Value. Wyken, formerly a Chapel to Willey, Lord Craven. 5! 105.. clear Value. Corley V. This is endowed with the Great Tythes. Pri. Co. ven. Propr. Arthur Gregory, Eſq. 1760. Exhall Cur. or V. (St. Giles.) Annabella MỘ Cullock, 17.71. Pri. Coven. Propr. Boblake Cur. (St. John Baptift.) The College of Boblake, Propr. A Rectory, and ſettled on the Maſter of Coventry Free-School. The KING, Patr. Ff D. Marton, 218 WARWICKSHIRE, DIOCESE OF D. Marton, in the Archdeaconry of COVENTRY. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. l'early Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. T 1. d. 16 10 71 Bilton R. (St. Mark.) Proxies and Synods Archidiac. gs. 6d. I 13 ore Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. William Adams, Gent. 1731. Anna Boughton, a Minor, 1759. Alexander Hume, 1784. 19 17 31 Burton upon Dunſmore R. Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Val. I 19 81 in terr. gleb. in decim. gran fæn. &c. Jo. Shuckburgh, Eſq. 1699. John Shuckburgh, Clerk, 1770. 14 I 101 Dunchurch V. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 85. Val. in I 8 25 terr. voc. glebeland in al. decim. & emolument. fpiritual. Mon. Pipewell in the County of Northampton, Propr. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 5 12 Francon R. (St. Nicholas.) Penf. Mon. Coventry 4/. Proxies O II 21 and Synods 85. Val. in terr. voc. glebeland in decim. garb. fæn. &c. Anne Biker, Widow, 1716. Sir Theophilus Biddulph, Bart. 1782. 5 00 Honingham V*. (St. Margaret.) Penf. Mon. Soulby 21. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. garb. fæn. &c. Mon. Soulby in the County of Northampton, Propr. Lord Leigh, 1734. 7 I 8 Hutchington, alias Itchington-Long, V. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies O 14 2 and Synods 85. Val. in terr. gleb, in decim. oblat, &c. Pri. Maxtoke, Propr. Sir Roger Newdigate, Bart. 1783. 13 10 O Ladbroke R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 95. 6. Val. I 7 0 : in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. William Palmer, Eſq. 1705. Charles Palmer, Efq. 1746. 11 15 5 Lawford, alias Church Lawford, R. (St. Peter.) Pri. Cov. I 3 61 pro Penſ. 21. 105. Proxies and Synods Archidiac. 85. Val. in terr. voc. glebeland in decim gran. foen. &c. Duke of Montagu. Duke and Dutcheſs of Buccleugh, 1777. ото 0 * Honingham-Certified to the Governors of Queen. Anne's Bounty to be of the clear Yearly Value af jol, Lemington WARWICKSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICHFIEL D. 219 d. O 2 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. 5. d. 20 o Lemington Haſtings V. (All Saints.) Penf. Monaſt. Sfi Oſwaldi Ebor. 201. Proxies and Synods Archidiac. gs. 6d. Val. in terr. voc. glebeland in decim. gran, fæn. & omn. al. decim. & emolument. Una Med. appr. Ecclefiæ Cath. Lichen. al. tera Med. appr. Mon. Sti. Oſwaldi in Com. Ebor. Sir Trevor Wheeler, Bart. 1716. Sir Williain Wheeler, Bart. 1754 17 19 2 ROOKEBY, alias RUGBY, R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies and Sy. I 15 II nods gs. 6d. Penf. Abb. Leiceſt. Il. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. foen. &c. William Burnaby, Eſq. Lord Craven, 1767 6 SOUTHAM R. (St. James.) Decano & Capit. Lichen. 1ol. 250 Proxies and Synods Archidiac. 8s. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. The KING, i Stockton R. (St. Michael.) Penſ. Prior. Hertford 1l. 1os. I o 8 Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Martin Mugge, 1713. Jane Mugg, Widow, 1739. Thomas Raye, Gent.. 17.54. John Jenwin, Gent. 1763. 8 o Wappenbury V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. per ann. in denar. O 16 0 numerat. vicar. ſol. per man. abb. & Convent. 81. Abb. Soulby in the County of Northampton, Propr. Lord Clif- ford. o Woolſton V *. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. 25. Val. in terr. voc: glebeland in omn. al. decim. oblat. & emolument. ſpiri- tual. Pri. Coventry, Propr. John Andrews, Eſq. 1706. Charles Pinchin, Eſq. 1727. George Scott, and Sophia his Wife, 1780. 22 17 2 5 9 O 107 15 10 I II 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 40 o ó Borderſbury, alias Birdingbury, alias Burbury, R. (St. Leonard.) 7.10 Synods and Proxies Archidiac. 8s. Val. in terr. voc. glebe- land in decim. gran. fon. &c. Simon Bidulph, Eſq. 1711. Sir Theophilus Bidulph, Bart. 1746. 48 0 o Clifton on Dunſmore. V. (St. Mary.) Val. in terr. gleb. in 8 1 8 decim. & al. emolument. ſpiritual. Abb. Leiceſtr. Propr. Sir Jo. Bridgman, Bart. 1692. Catherine Bridgman, 1722. Sir Henry Bridgman, Bart. 1780. * Woolſton V.--An Act for making the Towns of Stretton and Princethorp a ſeparate Pariſh from Woolſton, 70 & 8º Willielmi tertii. Ff 2 Greenborough, 220 WARWICKSHIRE, DIOCESE ON O Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. le S. d. ho 30 o Greenborough, alias Granborough, V. (St. Paul.) Val. in terr. 5 voc. glebeland in decim. oblat. & al. emolument. fpiritual. Pri. Ronton, Staff. Impr. Ro. Harvey, Eſq. 1725. John Harvey Thurfby, Eſq. 1767. 1783. 44 O O Hilmorton. V. (St. John Baptiſt.) ' Proxies and Synods Archi- 6.10 6 diac. 8s. Val. in decim. oblat. & al. emolument. ſpiritual. Colleg. de Alteley, Propr. Sir Ja. Aſtley, Bart. 1694. Sir. Jacob Aſtley, Bart. 1758. 32 0 0 Marton V. (St. Eſperit.) Synods is. 6d. Val. in terr: gleb.. 7.14. 8. in al., deciin. & emolument. fpiritual. Pri. Nuneaton, Propr. Elizabeth Marrow, Spinſter, 1744. Thomas. Wightwick Knightley, Eſq. 1766. Napton on the Hill V. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 85. 9. 14 O- Val. in terr. voc. glebeland in al. decim. & emolument, fpi- ritual. Colleg. Sti Laurentii Pulteney, London, Propr.. The KING. Rodburn, alias Radburn, R.. Synods and· Proxies Archidiac. 4:17 2 95. 6d. Ch. demoliſhed. Val. in denar. numerat. fol. per man. Ric. Cateſby, Armig. Patron. Ralph Palmer, Eſq. 1724 Robert Pigott, Eſq. and others, 1754. 40 0 O o Willoughby V. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in decim. oblat. & al. 9 4. 4. emolument. Hoſp. St. John's, Oxon. olim Patr. and Propr, Magdalen College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Wolfhamcote V. (St. Peter.) Praxies and Synods 85. Val. 12. 18 30 in denar. numerat. fol. per man. Theſaur. Coll. 121. 185. 2d. College Warwick, Propr.. The KING, 1757. Juſtinian Rainsford, Eſq. 1776. O 4.8 оо 60 O 20 1 20 O 26 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Bobenhull Cur. (St. Giles.) In the Juriſdiction of the Biſhop. The Prebend, Propr. and Patr. 10l. clear Value. Burton Haſtings Cur. (St. Botolph.) Pri. Nuneaton, Propr. Heirs of Sir Hale Hook, Patr. Mrs. Grove.. 121. clear Value. Shilton Cur. (St. Andrew..) Pri. Coven. Propr. The KING, Patr. Over Shugborough Cur. Pri.. Coven. Propr. Sir J. Shugbo- rough. Oloughton, alias Utton, Cur. (St. Michael.) The Preb. Patr. and Propr. 241. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Hodnell C. (St. Helen.) Ch. demoliſhed. Pri. Nuneaton, Propr. Brownſover, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Clifton. Sir John Bridg- 16), clear Value, D. Stonely, man. WARWICKSHIRE, CO V E N T R Y AND LICH F I EL D. 221 D. Stonely, in the Archdeaconry of Coventry. The Monaſtery of Kenelworth, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo. ralities, the clear annual Sum of 5387. 195. 4d. The Monaſtery of Stonely was likewiſe returned at 1511. os. 3d. I For Particulars, vide. Orig, Surv. 2. I 2 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE: King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. di' 6 Alhow R *. (St. Mary.) Mon. Kenelworth, -Ide Proxies and O 12 21 Synods &sa Terr. gleb. decim. &c. Lord Leigh, 1743. & I 8 Bagginton R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies and Synods 85. o 16 Mon. Kenelworth il. Terr. gleb. decim. &c. William Bromley, Eſq. 1712, 1734. William Davenport Bromley, Eſq. Sir Walter Bagot, and John Mordaunt, Eſq. 1774. 14. 0.0 Dafſet Magna, alias Burton Dallet, V. (All Saints.). Rec. in 8 o denar. numerat. 121. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. Pri. Erbury, Propr. Sir-Richard Temple, Bart. 1702. Thomas Mann, 13 18 9 Dafſet Parva, alias. Avon Daffet, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies I 7 101 and Synods 85. Terr. gleb. decim. &c. In the Juriſdiction of the Biſhop, exempt from the Archdeacon. Catharine Knap, Widow, 1710. Thomas Gill, Clerk, 1763. Eliza- beth Gill, Widow, 1778. 15 8 4 Fenny Compton R. (St. Peter.)- Proxies and Synods 85. i Terr. gleb. decim. gran. &c. Thomas Prew, Gent: and his Wife, 1727. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford, 1757. 23.16 01 Hardwick cum Cap. Merſton, alias Priors Hardwick, V. (St. 2 7 75 Mary.) Mon. Coven. il. 6s. 8d. Synods 45. Terr. gleb. cum decim. oblat. & al. emolument. Mon. Coren. Propr. Sir Jo. Knightley, Bart. 1695: John Spencer, Eſq. 1739, 1742, 1754 Gent. 1751. I 10 10 * Allow Ri-Augmented by Dame Alice Dudley, with 2). per Anzum. Dugd. Warw. p.775. Itchington 222 DI O CE SE O WARWICKSHIRE. 1 S. 0 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. 10 Itchington Biſhops V. (All Saints.) Decim. oblat. & al. emo I 0 0 lúment. Præcentor of Lichfield, being Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. The Church demoliſhed. 5 12 1 Lekewotton V *. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 85.. Terr. 8so 11 OII 21 gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Kenelworth, Propr. Lord Leigh, Eſq. 1767. The KING, 1782. II 6 8 Riton, alias Ruyton, Ro. (St. Leonard.). Decano & Capitulo 1 2 8 Lich. il. Archidiac. 8s. Terr. gleb. decim. gran. &c. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 6 15 5 Stonely VI. (St. Mary.) Mon. Kenelworth 1l. 10s. Proxies 0 13 61 70 and Synods 85. Val. in deciin. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr. 5 13 4 Tatchbrooke Biſhop's V. (St. Chadd.) Decim. oblat. & al. 4 emolument. Prebendary thereof in Lichfield, Propr. and : Patr. 16 3 11ị Warmington R. (St. Nicholas.) Penſ. Pri. & Conv. de Weſtm. i 12 4 Ordinis Cartuſ. 135. 4d. Archidiac. 95. 6d. Terr. gleb. de- cim. gran. &c. Thomas Farrer, Gent. 1694. Thomas Farrer, M. D. 1735. Alice Farrer, Widow, 1766. 5.9 91 Whitnaſh R. (St. Margaret.) Abb. Kenelworth, 25. Archi- Archi: O. IO III diac. 85. Terr. gleb. decim. gran. &c. William Bromley, Efq. 1690. Lord Leigh, 1732. O Ο 11 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Ckar Yearly Value. King's Books, 44 7 6 Cubbington V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 25. Terr. gleb. de 6 6 8 cim. oblat. &c. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr.. Jo. Grefwold, and William Collins, Gent. 1699. James Wright, Eſq. * 1732. Mary Wright, Widow, 1764. Lord Leigh, 1768. 37 Farneborow. V. (St. Botolph.) Synods and Proxies Archidiac. 5 12 85. Decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Lilleſhull in Salop, Propr. William Holbech, Gent. 1709. William Holbech, Eſq. 1768. 334 0 Herberbury, alias Harbury, V. (All Saints.) Synods Ar- 5 oo chidiac. 25. Terr. gleb. cum decim. oblat. &c. Mon. * Lekewotton V.-Augmented in the Reign of King James I. with 20l. per Annum, by Dame Alice Dudley. Dugd. Warw. p. 775. • of Riton, alias Ruyton, R.-This is a Prebend in the Cathedral Church of Lichfield; given formerly to that Cathedral by the Prior of Coventry. Dugd. Warw. p. 31. | Stonely V.-Augmented by Dame Alice Dudley with 201..per Annum. Dugd. Warw. p. 775. 4 Kenelworth, WARWICKSHIRE. COVENTRY AND LICHFIELD. 223 1. d. 34 10 o O O ment. 35 10 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, b. d. Kenelworth, Propr. Dorothy Wright, Widow, 1711. Clement Newſam, Eſq. 1746, 1771. Kenelworth V *. (St. Nicholas.) Stipend. Vicario 61. 135.4d. 6 13 4 70 The KING. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr. 26 10 o Lemington Prior V. (All Saints.) Decim. oblat. & al. emolu. 6.10 Mon. Kenelworth, Propr. Jane Bowyer, Widow, 1720. Mathew Wife, Eſq. 1745, 1767. Henry Chriſto- pher Wiſe, Eſq. 178.0, 0 Lillington V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies 85. Decim. ob- 5 13 4 lat. & al. emolument. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr. Jane Bowyer, Widow, 1713. Henry Chriſtopher Wiſe, Eſq. 1768. 48 12 6 Ofchurch V. (St. Gregory:) Synods and Proxies Archidiac. 7 7 6 85. Mon. Coventry, Propr. Terr. gleb. cum decim. oblat. &c. Mary Waftneys, and Jo. Knightley, 1720. Jo. Knight- ley, alias Wightwick, Eſq. 1739. Thomas Wightwick Knightley, Eſq. 1779, 28 00 Radford Semely V. (St. Nicholas.) Terr. gleb. decim. oblat. 5 16 01 &c. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr. Humphrey Greſwold, Eſq. 1736, 1738. David Lewis, Eſq. and others, 1761. 41 0 Radway V. (St. Peter.) Proxies 85. Decim. oblat. & al. 5 12. . 60 emolument. The KING. Mon. Stoneley, Propr. 15 o Ratteley V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 8s. Decim. oblat. &c. 6 12 30 The KING. Pri. Clattercott in the County of Oxford, Propr. Shotſwell V. (St. Laurence.) Terr. gleb. cum decim. oblat. 5 13 4 &c. Abb. Lavendon in the County of Bucks, Propr. Lord Guilford, 1713. Earl of Guilford, 1758. 19 16 8 Weſton under Wetherley V. (St. Michael.) Prosies and Sy- 5 9 2 nods 8s. Val. in penſ. rec. de pri. de Erbury 2l. 135. 4d. in terr. gleb. decim. &c. The &c., The KING.. Pri. Erbury, Propr. Chancellor, Maſters, and Scholars of the Univerſity of Ox- ford, p. h. v. 1780. 43 OO Wormleighton V. (St. Peter.) Val. in denar. numerat. 61. 6.13 4 135. 4d. Mon. Kenelworth, Propr. Earl of Sunderland, 1690, John Spencer, Eſq. 1754. ООО o 26 10 * Kenelworth V.-Augmented by Dame Alice Dudley with. 20l, per Annum. Dugd. Warw. p. 775, CHAPELS, 224 DIOCESE WARWICKSHIRE. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND Curacies. . Chadſunt, (All Saints,) Chapel to Itchington Epiſc. Precentor of Lichfield. Gaydon, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Itchington Epiſc. "Precentor of Lichfield. Over Itchington, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Itchington Epiſc. Binley Cur. (St. Bartholomew.) Lord Craven, Patr. Pri. Co- · ventry,'Propr. Nether Shugborough, (St. John Baprift) Chapel to Hardwick. Vicar of Priors Hardwick. Cheſterton Cur. (St. Giles.) Vic. Chorals of Lichfield, Propr. - Lord Willoughby de Broke, 1781, 81. clear Value. 7 N Dioceſe [ 225 ) Dioceſe of Ely. King's Books. 1. d 2134 18 67 s. 1. BI The Yearly Tenths. d. ISHOPRICK of Ely, taken out of Lincoln Dioceſe. 213 9 10% Hervey the firſt Biſhop, 1109. The Biſhop of Ely, beſides the Patronage of the Church Dignities, has alſo in the Iſle of Ely abundance of Patent Offices at his Diſpoſal, being veſted with greater Prero- gatives than any other Biſhop in the Kingdom, except Durham; and is, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, Viſitor of four ſeveral Colleges, and Patron of the Maſterſhip of Jeſus College, and of a Fellowſhip there, and of another Fellowſhip in St. John's College, and chuſes one out of two Perſons to be Maſter of Peter Houſe, and one out of two for the other Fellowſhips; and has alſo the Patronage and Advowſon of near 100 Livings in the following Counties, viz. Cambridge, Norfolk, Saffolk, Lincoln, Hereford, Eſſex, and Huntingdon. Browne Willis, vol. II. fol. 342 and 343. The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe of Ely and the Arch- deaconry are in the Gift of the Biſhop. The Cathedral Church. (St. Etheldreda and St. Peter.) The Dean and Chapter of Ely pay a Penſion to the Biſhop of 1351. 75. 3d. I The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. 450l. per ann. The Charter of the Foundation of this Deanry, and the eight Prebends, bears date September 10, 1541, and is to be ſeen in the Rolls Chapel, or the Chapter Houſe at Ely. There are eight Prebends in the Church of Ely, all in the Gift of the Biſhop; none of the ſaid Prebends are charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. 160l. per ann. each. By a Return, made and certified into the Exchequer, of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities in this Cathe- dral, 34 H. VIII. it appears that Robert Steward was then Dean, and received a clear annual Income of 1201. that Y Gg 228 CAMBRIDGE. DIOCESE OF E L Y. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, lo s. de 1. S. . that the eight Prebendaries, viz. Richard Cocks, Mathew Parker, William May, William Leeſon, Otwey, Thomas Bacon, Robert Hammond, and John Warde, had each a clear annual Payment of 20l. and that the eight Mi- nor Canons had iol. each Annually. N. B. The Tenths of this whole Dioceſe having been long ſince granted to the Biſhop thereof, the ſmall Benefices there- in ſaid to be diſcharged are only diſcharged from. Firſt-Fruits, and not from Tenths, becauſe the ſaid Tenths, being the Biſhop's Property, are ſtill payable to him. 97 5 21 Archdeaconry of Ely has the Rectory of Wilberton and Haden. 9 14. 6% ham in Cambridgeſhire annexed. William de Laventone, the firſt Archideacon that occurs, about the Year 1125. Le Neve, p. 73. 200l. per ann. [Vide Dugdale's Monafticon, tom. I. p. 87, for a ſhort Account of the firſt Foundation of an Abbey in the Inle of Ely. And in the ſame vol. ſee the Charter of K, Henry I. for converting the Abbey into an Epiſcopal See.) N. B. The Livings that have this Mark * before their Names are in the Biſhop's ſole Juriſdiction, and exempt from the Archdeacon., The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe. 1.201, per ann.. UD. Berton, alias Barton. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Fearly Ténèbso. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. So d. 6 li d. O 14 72 8 11 3 Arrington V. (St. Nicholas.) Held by Sequeſtration. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Pri. Icklington, Propr. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. 3 Barton V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 15, 2d. Pri. Merton in Surry, Impr. Biſhop of Ely. Foxton V. (St. Laurence.) Held by Sequeſtration. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Biſhop of Ely, Propr. and Patra 0 17 I} II 2 II 1 2 31 Fulmer CAMBRIDGE 227 DI OG ESE OF E L Y. lo d. King's Books. l'early Tenths, 7. d. 29 14 2 Fulmer, alias Foulmere, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. gd. 2 19 5 Thomas Rumbold, Gent. 1719. William Kilborn, Eſq. 1757. Thomas Parker, Eſq. 1782. 14 9 7 Harleton, alias Harleſton, R. (St Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. 1 8 11] Penſ. il. Jeſus College, Cambridge. 8 10 71 Hallingfield V*. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 2d. Mon. 0 17 ore Sanctæ Mar. Ebor. Propr. Kemp Harwood, 1719. John Perkins, Clerk, p. h. v. 1746. 19 19 41 Orwell R. (St. Andrew.) Sine Cure, Prox. Epiſc. 45. 2d. I 19 11 Trinity College, Cambridge. 15 9 7 Shelford Parva R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Gilbert I IO III Wigmore, S. T. P. 1709. William Finch, Eſq. 1756. William Hirſt, D. D. 1758. 7 18 9 Stapleford V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Pri. Ely, 0.15 101 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 5 6 8 Trumpington V *. (St. Mary and St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 0 10 8 Is. 3d. Pri. Halliwell, Lond. Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 18 O o Wympall, alias Wimpole, alias Wimple, R. (St. Andrew.) 1'16 0 Prox. Epiſc. 55. 8d. Lord and Lady Harley, 1722. Earl of Oxford, 1740. Lord Hardwicke, 1742, 1752. O 42 II LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 44 82 Barrington V. (All Saints.) Appropr. to Michael Houſe. 7 14 4 Now Trinity College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 38 958 Comberton V. (St. Mary,) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 2d. Pri. Barn- 6 18 IT well, Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. 71 Cotton, alias Coton, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Ca- 6 12 11 therine Hall, Cambridge. 49 81 Granceſter, alias Grancheſter, V. (St. Mary and St. Andrew.). 7 14 41 Corpus Chriſti College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 5 Hawſton, alias Hawkſton, V. (St Edmund,) with Newton V. 6 16 (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. is. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Propr. and Patr. The Biſhop, 1753. 6 Harreſtone, alias Harſeton, V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 5 10 23 Pri. Barnwell, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. O 44 12 o 39 2 * Haflingfield V.-Sir Thomas Wendy, Knight of the Bath, augmented the ſaid Vicarage by di- recting Truſtees to ſee the Impropriation ſettled upon the Vicar and his Succeſſors for ever. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 431. + Trumpington V.-Augmented by Mr. Herbert Thorndike, Prebendary of Weſtminſter, with a Leaſe of the Tythes thereof, 1672. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 285, G g 2 Orwell 228 CAMBRIDGE. DIOCESE OF E L Y. E s, d. 14 I 8 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 1. 26 I 7 Orwell V. (St. Andrew.) Held by Sequeſtration. Rector ñ 10 10 thereof, Propr. and Patr. * Shelford Magna V. (St. Mary.) Jeſus College, Propr. 13 6 8 Biſhop of Ely, Patr. 27 3 11Shepreth V. (All Saints.) Pri. Chateriz, Propr. The Heirs 6 11 of William Layer, Gent. John Eyre, and Sufan his Wife, 1727, hac vice. Berney Branthwayt, LL.D. and his wife, 1730. John Eyre, Eſq. 1733. Eliz. Branthwayte, 1737. John Mowbray, Eſq. 1749. Hale Wortham, Eſq. 1773. 19 2 Triplowe V. (All Saints.) Appropr. to Peter Houſe. Biſhop 9 4 % of Ely. L D. Bourne, alias Knapwell. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 0 I2 II 14 King's Books, Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. d. 18 12 31 Boxworth R. (St. Peter.) Proxies Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Tho. Scla I 17 25 ter Bacon, Eſq. John Standly, Eſq. 1743, 1754, 1759. 6 9 2 Chelerley, alias Childerly, R. (St. Mary.) The Church di- lapidated. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Jolin Cutts, Eſq. 1681.. Felix Calvert, Eſq. 1722, 1732. Nicolſon Calvert, Eſq. 1762, 1777; 9 15 30 Conington R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 2d. Biſhop of Ely. 0 19 7 § 61 Croxton R. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 2d. Edward Leeds, i 8 101 Eſq. 1705, 1743, 1783. 14 6. 01 Elliſworth, alias Elſworth, R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. I I 8 75 8s. 6d. Elizabeth Dilbarrow, 1694. Elizabeth Holworthy, Widow, 1747 5 2 6 Everſden Parva R. (St. Helen.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Queen's O 10 3 College, Cambridge. 15 14 2 Gamlingay Med. R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. rod. Mer- 5 ton College, Oxford. 5 0 0 Gamlingay V. (St. Mary.) Merton College, Oxford, Propr. o 100 Billop of Ely, Patr. 18 15:21 * Granſdon Parva R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 1 17 65 45. 6d. Biſhop of Ely. 13 3.4 Gravely R. (St. Botolph.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Jeſus College, I 6 4 Cambridge. 4 * Hard- I II CAMBRIDGE. 229 DIOCESE OF EL Y. King's Books, 1. d. S. 8 14 2 O I 3 67 1 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. * Hardwike, alias Hardwick, R. (St. Mary:) Prox. Epiſc. 0 17 5 25. 7d. Biſhop of Ely. 8 0 0 Hongre Hatley, alias St. George, R. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 4d. 0 16 Sir Robert Cotton, Bart. 1710. Robert Trefuſis, Eſq. 1728, 1732. Elizabeth Pearce, Widow, 1751. 11 15 5 Kingeſton, alias Kingſton, R. (All Saints and St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. King's College, Cambridge. 6 17 11 Knapwell R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 64. John Pern, o 13 91 Efq. 1709. Catherine Pern, Widow, 1731. Chelter Pern, Eſq. 1749. Leonard Chappelow, 1759. Thomas Parker, Efq. 1774, 1782. 6 2 31 Lolworth R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25, 6d. Penf. 6s. 8d. 22 Robert Martin, Gent. 1717. Talbot Williamſon, Eſq. 1765. Paul Orchard, Eſq. 1776. 9.16 3 Papworth St. Agnes R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. © 19 72 Sir Robert Cotton, 1704. Herbert Price, Eſq. 1733. Ro- bert Pigot, Eſq. 1737, 1744. 4 8 4 Stow longa, alias Long Stow, R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. John o 8 10 Croſs, this Turn, 1716. Sir Thomas Alſton, Bart. p. i. 1774. 7 6 8 Swaviſey, alias Saveſley, V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Penf. 135. 4d. Domus Carthuſ. in Coventry, Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. 6 16 103 Tofte R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 2s.6d. Penſ. Il. Chriſt's 0 13 81 College, Cambridge. 0 1 2 0 14 8 LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 32 3 4 Bourne V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 1S. 3d. Pri. Barnwell, 9 15 10 Propr. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 44 II 10 Caxton V. (St. Andrew.) Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. 7 12 4 and Parr. 43 17 6 Caldecote V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Pri. Barn- 3 II of well, Propr. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 3* Eſtilley, alias Eltilley, V. (St. Pandonia and St. John Baptiſt.) 7.16 8 Held by Sequeſtration.) Abb. Denny, Propr. Mrs. Barrow. Mrs. Day. 19 6 8 Everſden Magna V. (St. Mary.) Held by Sequeſtration. The 6 14 6 14 2 KING. Abb. St. Albans, Propr. 42 7 1 Papworth Everard R. (St. Peter.). Prox. Epiſc. 26. 6d. Penſ. 9 15 10 il. 10s. Trinity College, Cambridge. 1 2 I NOT 230 CAMBRIDGE. DIOCESE OF ELʻY. Nor IN CHARGE. Fenny Drayton Curacy. Chriſt's College, Cambridge, Patr. 9. Camps The Temporal and Spiritual Property of the Priory of Angle- ſey, in this Deanry, temp. H. VIII. amounted to 1241. 195. The Temporal and Spiritual Property of the Priory of Ickling- ton, in this Deanry, temp. H. VIII. amounted to 711. gs. The Temporal and Spiritual Property of the Priory of Swaff- ham Bulbeck, in this Deanry, temp. H. VIII. amounted to 40l. rod.] LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. S. d. 39 16 8 O * Balſham R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. gs. 2d. The 3 19 8 Governors of the Charter Houſe, London. 19 16 8 Barklow, alias Bartlow, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 35. 4d. 1 19 8 Eliz. Mapletoft, Widow, 1711. William Mapletoft, 1750. Edinund Mapletoft, Clerk, 1772. Robert Fiſke, Clerk, 1775. William Hall, Eſq. p. i. 1782. 13 6 8 Brinckley R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. St. John's Col- St. John's Col- 1 6 8 lege, Cambridge. 18 10 Burgh, alias Burrow Green, R. (St. Auſtin.) Prox. Epiſc. 1 17 I 17 0 25. 6d. Lord Orford, 1699. Duke of Somerſet, p. i. 1746. The KING, 1763. 90o Carleton R. (St. Peter,) with Willingham Chapel. (St. Mat- o 18 o thew.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Sir Cane James, Bart. 1716. John Godden Wolfe, Eſq. 1736. Thomas Clarke, Clerk, 1772. 16 4 2 Caſtle Camps R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. The Go- 5 vernors of the Charter Houſe, London. 7 Duxford II 2 CAMBRIDGE. 231 DIOCESE OF E L Y. 1 1, d. s, 6 21 2 O King's Books. Year.y Tenthis. l. s. d. 8 Duxford St. Peter R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 2d. Corpus Chriſti 2 8 College, Cambridge. 15 5 Hilderſham R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Frances I 10 o Tipping, Widow, 1736. James Salt, Clerk, Patron and In- cumbent, 1758. 13 6 8 Horſeth, alias Horſeheath, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. I 6 8 The Governors of the Charter Houſe, London, p. i. 1776. 8 6 8 Icklington, alias Ickleton, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. O 16 8 Epiſc. Is. 3d. Pri. Icklington, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 13 10 21 Sawſton, alias Swaſton, V. (St. Mary.) Held by Sequeſtra. I 7 0 tion. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem, Propr. John Greenhill, 1683. Stephen Corby. 14 12 I'I Swaffham Prior St. Mary V. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Alb. I 9 5 Angliſey, Propr. Penſ. fol. per Epiſc. 41. 95.4d. United to 16 18 111 Swaff ham Sri Cirici V. Prox. Epiſc. Is. id. Pri. Ely, Propr. I 13 10 The Bithop of Ely, and the Dean and Chapter of Ely pre- ſent alternately. 10. 5 0 Weſtley Waterleſs R. (St. Mary.) Prox.. Epiſc. 15.9d. Wit Io 6. liam Campion, Eſq. 1701. Elizabeth Philips, 1735. Mar- tha Haddock, p. i. 1777: John Frances, Clerk, 1783. The Biſhop, 1784. 21 13 61 Weſton Covile R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 45. Lord Suſſex, Lord Suſſex, 2. 3. 44 and others, 1680. John Carter, Eſq. 1732, 1742. Sir Nathaniel Curzon, Bart. 1747. 7 17 31 Weſtwrarting V.. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Ely, Propr. Dean and o 15 O 15 34 Chapter of Ely. 1:9 16 8. Wilburham Parva Ri. (St. Jahn Evangeliſt.) Prox. Epiſc. I 19. 8 25. 4d. Corpus Chriſti College, Cambridge.. 32 LivingS DISCHARGED. Clear l’earby Valuee King's Books.. 19 0 0 Abbington Magna V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Hatfield, Propr. The 7 16 3 KING, 1736. Thomas Weſtern, Eſq. 1754. o Abbington Parva V. (St. Mary.) Held by Sequeſtration. Pri. 7 6 53 Pentney, Propr. Biſhop of Ely: 31 15. 6. Baburham V. (St. Peter.) Held by Sequeſtration. Prox. 6: 5 10 Epiſc. Is. 3d. The KING.. Heirs of Sir Richard Bennet.. Abb. Waltham, Propr. 27 6 o Botteſham, alias Botſham, V: (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſca. 16 15. 3d.. Held by Sequeſtration. Pri. Angliſey, Propr. Tri- nity College, Cambridge. Dullingham 1 3 CAMBRIDGE. DIOCESE OF E L Y. 1. S. d. 37 od O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 28 9 91 Dullingham V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Thetford in Norf. Propr. Ro- 12 15 5 bert Edgar, Gent. 1729. Chriſtopher Jeaffierſon, Eſq. p. i. 1778. 2014 4. Duxford St. John V. Clare Hall, Cambridge, Propr. and 13' 3 4 Patr. Hinxton, alias Hinckſton, V. (St. Mary.) Held by Sequeſtra- . 8 5 21 tion. Penf. fol. per Epiſc. 21. The KING, 1716. Pri. Barnwell, Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. 37 8 8 Linton V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Aula Pembroke, 10 13 4 Propr. Biſhop of Ely, Patr. 19 4 o Pampsford, alias Panſworth, V. (St. John Baptift.) Held by 800 Sequeſtration. Pri. Blagburgh in Norf. Propr. Eliz. Tyr- rel, 1718, 1744. 38 3 2 Shudý Campes V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Waltham, Propr. Tri- 90o nity College, Cambridge. 41 8 91 Stetchworth, alias Stretchworth, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 10 12 Pri. Ely, Propr. Richard Fleming, Eſq. 1722. John Fleming, Eſq. p. i. 1778. 31 17 6 Stow, (St. Mary,) with Qui, Curacy. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Penf. 35. 4d. Pri. Barnwell, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 47 3 4 Swaffham Bulbeck V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Pri. 16 10 Swaffham, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 27 ó o Whittleford, alias Whittlesford, V. (St. Mary and St. Andrew.) 10 Held by Sequeſtration. Coll. Warwick, Propr. Jeſus Col. lege, Cambridge. 35 16 8 Wilburham Magna V. (St. Nicholas.), Prox. Epiſc. 25. Pri. Il 18 4 Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Lady Huddleſton, 1688. Thomas Watſon, S.T.P. 1705. John Clench, Eſq. and his Wife, 1724. Johanna Clench, Widow, 1735. Thomas Watſon Ward, 1763. I IS. O O O NOT IN CHARGE. Weſt Wickham Cur. Licenſed in 1746. Mr. Harriſon, Patr. Pri. Colne in Effex, Propr. B. tat- CAMBRIDGE 233 DIOCESE OF EL Y 9. Cambridge. The College called Chriſt's College, in the Univerſity of Cam bridge, was returned by the Commiſlioners to be worth clear annually 1901. 105. 10d. St. John's College, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was re- turned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 5071. 125. 11d. King's Hall, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiffioners to be worth clear annually 2111. 125. Sd. Queen's College, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 23ol. 155. 3d. Pembroke Hall, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear anoually 1531. 175.gd. Clare Hall, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by - the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 841. 135. rod. John's College, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 871. 185. 3d. Trinity Hall, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 721. os. iod. Corpus Chriſti College, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 831. 16s. 8 d. Catherine Hall, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 391. 25. 7d Gonvil Hall, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 991. 6s. 9d. Michael Houſe College, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiflioners to be worth clear annually 1241. 155. 6d. Peter Houſe College, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was re- turned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 1251. 75. ods King's College of our Lady and St. Nicholas, in the Univerſity of Cambridge, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 8511 75. The Priory of St. Edmund in Cambridge, commonly called White Canons, was returned at 14. 185. 8d.. The Priory of Barnewell was likewiſe returned at 2561, IIs. iodo HI LIVINGS 234 DIOCESE OF E L Y. CAMBRIDGEI LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 1. 1. O King's Books l'early Tenthsa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 4 7 11 St. Benedict in Cambridge, perpet. Cur. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. 8 9 Corpus Chriſti College, Cambridge. This was appropri- ated to the College 1578, one of the laſt Churches ever ap- propriated. Fenditton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of 2 13 25 Ely. The KING, 1753. 25 15 21 Fulburne Sfi Vigoris, alias Fulbourn, R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 5d. 2: 1163 St. John's College, Cambridge. of St. Sepulchre's V. in Cambridge. Held by Licenſe at the No. 0 13 11 mination of the Church Wardens, and principal inhabitants of the Pariſh. Pri. Barnwell, Propr. 19 16 01 * 'Teverſham R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 4d. Biſhop 1. 1971 of Ely. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1752. 26 12 I 6 II LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 12 Clear Yearly Valve. King's Books Andreæ St. Parva in Barnwell Curacy. Held by Licenſe in 1725. Prox. Epiſc.. Is. Pri. Barnwell, Propr. 17 6 8 Andrei St. Magn. Paroch'. Sacriſta Elien. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 4 St. Botolph's in Cambridge R. Queen's College, Cambridge. 2 14 41 50 St. Clement's Cur. Held by Licenſe. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 2d. 4 5 6 Pri. St. Radegund, Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr.. 50 10. St. E:lward R. Served from Trinity Hall. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 03 4. Penſo 15. 8d. Trinity Hall, Cainbridge. 37 8 8 Fulborne All Saints, alias Fulbourn, V. Prox. Epiſc. is. 8d. 14 17 0 Mon. Sawtrey in the County of Huntingdon, Propr. Biſhop O of Ely: 21 13 81 Hinton St. Andrew V. Held by Sequeſtration. St. Peter's 9 14 7 College, Cambridge, called. Peter Houſe, Propr. and Patr. 20 18 4 St. Mary's Parva Curo in Cambridge. Prox.. Epiſca 1s. 8d. Peter Houſe, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 21 O O Omnium Sanctorum ibidem, alias All Saints in Cambridge, V. 5. 6. 3 Pros. Epiſc.. Is. 2d. Pri. Six Radegund. Cantabr. Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. St. Trinity's CAMBRIDGE. 235 DIOCESE OF E L Y. le Clear Yearly Valuei King's Books. 1, S. d, H. 3 St. Trinity's Perpet. Cur, Held by Sequeſtration. Prox. 3 6 Epiſc. is. 3d. Abb. Weſtdereham in Norfolk, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. O 8 NoT IN CHARGE. St. Giles's in Cambridge V. 261. 10s, certified Value. United with St. Peter's Cur. Prox. Epiſc. Iš. 9d. Pri. Barnwell, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. gl. certified Value. St. Mary's the Great in Cambridge Cur. King's Hall, Cam- keridge, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Held by Licenſe. St. Michael's in Cambridge Cur. Michael Houſe, Cambridge, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Held by Licenſe. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. * Horningſey, alias Horningſea, Cur. (St. Peter.) St. John's College, Cambridge, Patr, and Propr. 9. Cheſterton. : LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 1. s. d. 1. s. I I Kirg's Books, Yearly Teribs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 10 12 3] Cheſterton V. (St. Andrew.) Aula Regis nunc. vocat. Tri- 21 nity College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Cottenham R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 10s. Biſhop of Ely. 3. 13 6 3 Drydrayton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. I Z Ducheſs of Bedford, 1714. Duke of Bedford, 1755, 1785. 18 4 41 Girton R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 95. Prox. Epiſc. gs. 2d. Sir John Sir John I 16 53 Cotton, kt. 1683. Sir John Hind Cotton, Bart. 1756, 1758. Hokington, 36 15 21 I 2 2 H h 2 236 CABMRIDGE. DIOCESE OF E L Y. l. S. 1. d. O I King's Boots Yearly Tenths. d. 4 13 1Hokington,. alias Hoggington, alias Okington, V. (St. An 9 30 drew.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Abb. Croyland, Propr. Queen's College, Cambridge. 3 Landbeach 1: (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Corpus Corpus i oli Chriſti College, Cambridge. Milton R. (All Saints.) Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Iodo o 8 81 Penf. 31. 6s. 8d. King's College, Cambridge. 51 13 11] Over R. (St. Mary.) Sine Cure. Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 85. 4d. An 5 3 43 Impropriation in Trinity College, Cambridge. o Rampton R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. od. Sir William Leman, 1695, 1736. John Sennitt, Gent. 1780. 18 8 1.* Willingham, alias Wivelingham, R. (St. Mary and All I 16 g · Saints.) Prox. 6s. Ed. Epiſc. Biſhop of Ely. The Arch- biſhop of Canterbury, 1753. 9 10 0 19 0 C O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value: King's Books. 29 61 Hiſton St. Andrew V. Prox. Isi idi Epiſc. Abb. Denney, 67 33 Propr. Sir Thomas Willis, Bart. 1695. John Willis, Gent. 17:26. Robert Michell, Eſq. p. i. 1775, 1783. 18 13 6# Hiſton St. Etheldred V. Prus. Epiſc. is. id. Mon. Eynſhan, 716 3 , Propr. Sir Thomas Willis Bart. 1695. John Willis, Gent: 1726. Robert Michell, Eſq. po.i. 1775, 1783. 50 O o Impington V *. (St. Andrew.) · Prox. 1s. 1d. Epiſc. Pri. Ely, 8 70 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 43 3 7. Madingley V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Barnwell, Propr.. Biſhop of 6 9 7 Ely. 14 19 6. Milton, alias Midelton, V. (All Saints.) Held by Sequeſtra- 4 16 03 tion. Rector thereof. 38 5 7 Over V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. is. 3d. Appropriated to 19 Trinity College, Cambridge, by H. VIII. Staunton St. Michael V. Magdalen College, Cambridge, Sed 15 Staunton All Saints, alias Long Staunton, V. Colleg. de Aſte- 13 13 43 ley in Com. Warwick, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 39 5 111 Waterbeach V. (St. John.) Pri. Barnwell, Propr. Biſhop of 5.15 71 Ely. O IO 49 8 6 1 2 CO 0 * Impington V.-- -Augmenteel by the Dean and Chapter of Ely with the Increaſe of 36!. per Annum. Filhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 283. 66 And the Vicarage of Stuntney was by the famo " Capitular Body provided with a fufficient Preaclicr, by an Allowance of a Stipend that is faid to "ceed the Profits of the Loung." Ibid. D. Cly. CAMBRIDGE 237 DIOCESE OF EL L Y. D. Ely. The Hoſpital of St. John, in the City of Ely, was returned by the Commiſſioners into the Exchequer to be worth annually 25%. 55. 3 doa LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. d. d. 1, Ι Ο TO O Ο ΙΟ 0 o O O * Chattres, alias Chatteris, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. . 25. 6d. Abb. Chateriz, Propr. Eleanor Holman, Widow, 1701. Simon Hake, Gent. 1737. Robert Faw- cet, Eſq. 1772. 5. O * Coveney R. (St. Peter,) with the Chapel of Maney. Prox. Epiſc. is. 3d. Thomas Morris, Eſq. and Sarah Drake, 1704. Conyers Middleton and his Wife, 1728. Thomas Topping, Efq. 1768. 22 50 * Dodington R. (St. Mary,) with MARCI Chapel. (St. Wen 2 4 6 dred.) Prox. Epiſc. 95. 2d. Sir Thomas Peyton, Bart. 1720. Edward Beresford, p. i. 1751. 17 2 1 * Downeham R. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Bifhop of Biſhop of 1 14 21 Ely. 8 Littleport V. (St. George.) Prox. Epiſc. is. 3d. Magill. o 16 & Frat. Sîi Johannis in Ely, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. * Mepall R. (St. Mary,) with Sutton V. united.. Prox. Epiſc. 6 8 Dean and Chapter of Ely. * Stretham R. (St. James,) with Thetford Chapel. (St. George.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. 4d. Prox. Epifc. pro Thetford C. is. 6d. Biſhop of Ely. The KING, 1771. The Biſhop of Ely, p.i. 1784. * Sutton V. (St. Andrew,) with Mepall R. united. Pri. Ely, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Ely. * Wentworth, alias Wentforth, R. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Odl. Dean and Chapter of Ely. ož Wickhain R. alias Witcham V. (St. Martin. Prox, Epifc. 1.) 15. 2d. Pri. Ely., . Propr. John Spencer, Eſq. 1680. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 9 18 9 * Witchford V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epifc. is. 2d. Pri. O 19 IcŽ Ely, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lly. 3 6 8 25. 8d. 22 0 2 4 1ο ο ο 1 ΙΟ 0 8 II o 17 LIVINGS 238 e. DIOCESE CAMBRIDGE. E OF ELY, , 1 s. 34 10 50 7 10 LIVINOS DISCHARGED. Clear l’early l'alue. King's Books. l. s. d. 1. do * Wittleſhey St. Andrew, alias Wittleſey, V. Prox. Epiſc, 4 13 4 Is. 8d. The KING. Pri. Ely, Propr. * Wittleſhey St. Mary, alias Whittlelea, V. Prox. Epiſc. 19 13 9 15. 8d. Abb. Thorney, Propr. Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Horatio Waldegrave. p. i. 1772. 0 0 NOT IN CHARGE. Wilberton Cur. (St. Peter.) Archdeacon of Ely, Patr, and Propr. * Hadenham Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Archdeacon of Ely, Patr, and Propr. CHAPELS, DONATives, AND CURACIES. * Ely St. Mary's Cur. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Patr. and Propr. * Ely St. Trinity Cur. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Patr. and Propr. Stuntney, Chapel to Ely. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Propr. and Patr. Cliateſham, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Ely. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Propr. and Patr. Bonwick, (St. James,) Chapel to Dodington, D. Shengey. The Præceptory of Shengay, or Shingay, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſioners to be worth clear annually 1751. 45. 6d. 5 LIVINGS CAMBRIDGE. 239 DIOCESE OF EL Y. - LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. d. 2 2 go O 14 1 l. 16 3* Abington near Shengey, alias Abington Pigots, R. (St. I 12 Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Granado Pigot, Eſq. 1704, 1742, 1782. O 10 Baſingborne, alias Baſingbourn, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Is. 2d. Penf. Il. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Propr. and Patr. 7 16 8 Eaſthatley R. (St. Dennis.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Sir George 0 15 8 Downing, Bart. 1709, 1722. Sir Jacob Gerard Downing, 19 1 101 Melborne, alias Melbourn, V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. I 18 21 25. 6d. Pri. Ely, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Bart. 1753: LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 40 II 2 47 12 O I Clear 1 early Value. King's Books. s Clopton, alias Clapton, R. with 4 9 7 Crowden V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. rod. Henry Ź ġ ż Slingſby, Eſq. 1675, 1683. Jo. Gape, Eſq. 1731. Tho- mas Gape, Eſq. p. i. 1769. Gilden Morden V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. is. 2d. Pri. 7 3 6 Barnwell, Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. 17 18 10 Litlington, alias Littleton, V. (St. Catherine.) Clare Hall, 5.137 Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 41 Meldreth V. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Pri. Ely, 4 15 10 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 25 12 10 Steple Morden V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) New College, 6 18 6 Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Tadlow V. (St. Giles.) Held by Sequeſtration. Pri. Barn- 6 17 0 well, Propr. Sir George Downing, Bart. 1706, 1722. 1 Wendy V. Prox. Epiſc. is. 2d. Hoſp. Wendy, Propr. Sic 5 10 101 Thomas Wendy, Kt. and Letitia Wendy, 1082. Samuel Sandys, Eſq. and his Wife, 1736. Lord Sandys, and Leti- thea his Wife, 1760. Lady Sandys, p. i. 1777. 44 91 Whaddon V. (St. Mary,) called Whaddon de 'Schallars. Dean 7 2 31 and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. O 30 10 O Not DIOCESE OF ELY, CAMBRIDGE NOT IN CHARGE. Shengey Cuf. ($:. Mary.) Shengey præcept. Propr. Lord Sandy's, Patr, held with Wendy. D. WHXiſbich. Thorney Abby, in this Deanry, was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 4111. 125. 11d. The Monaſtery of Chateris, alias Chatteris, was likewiſe returned at 971. 35. 4d. The Monaſtery of Denne was likewiſe returned at 1746. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. S. de d. 17 10 O O 14 15 10 Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. * Elme, (All Saints,) with Emneth, R. (St. Edmund.) A I 15 Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Penf. 81. 135. 4d. Biſhop of Ely. The KING, 1783. * Elme, (All Saints,) with Emneth, V*. (St. Edmund.) I 9 7 Prox. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Biſhop of Ely. 25 0 71 * Leverington R. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epiſc. il. Is. 3d. 2 100 Biſhop of Ely. 18 14 91 * Newton R. (St. James,) with St. Mary's Chapel in the Marſh. I 17 53 Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Biſhop of Ely. 21 13 11 * Todd, alias Tidd St. Giles R. Prox. Epiſc. 10s. 6d. Biſhop 2 of Ely. 26 13 4 WISBICH V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with St. Mary's Chapel. 2 13 4 Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Pri. Ely, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. The KING, 1779. 3 33 * Emneth is in the County of Norfolk, though in this Dioceſe. > Not CAMBRIDGE. . 241 DIOCESE OF E L Y. NOT IN CHARGE. Gyhern, alias Gụyhorn, (St. Mary Magdalen) Chapel to Wif- bich. The Inhabitants, 1749. St. John Baptiſt in Leverington Cur. Truſtees under a Decree, 1749. Thorney Cur. (St. Botolph,) olim an Abby Church. Duke of Bedford, Patr. This has Juriſdiction in itſelf. IL Towa 2:a w 1990 o zoncora boli od ab 15 .V domu. Trigola mou el von solo vol. Fof S tocht down to the ola ort of boxes bolje todo de To Dioceſe [ 142 ] Vide Ocio the Diocefe of Ereter. King's Books. l. S. de HE Commiſſioners appointed by the King's Writt bearing date 30 Jan. 26 H. VIII. for the taking this Survey were the Biſhop of Exeter, John Brytnell, Mayor of the City of Exeter, Sir William Courteney, Knight, Sir Thomas Denys, Knight, Sir Edward Pomeroy, Knight, Sir Richard Greynvile, Knight, Sir Philip Cham- pernon, Knight, Barth. Forteſcue, Andrew Hillerſden, Richard Hall, John Gilbert, Roger Blewet, Humphrey Prideaux, Hugh Pollard, Thomas Syddenham, Alex. Wood, Richard Pollard, John Harries, Hugh Yoe, Wil- liam Symondes, John Hull, John Forde, John Southcote, Adam Williams, and John Thomas. 500 0 0 Biſhoprick of Exeter *. See, for the Account of the Erection of this Biſhoprick, Dugd. Mon. Tom. I. p. 220. Primitiar. Yearly Tenths. l. S. do T 50 00 The Cathedral Church.(St. Peter's.) BenEFICES REMAINING IN CHARGE. O o O 0 158 The Deanry has Coliton Ralegh R. Braunton V. and 15 16 0 600 Biſhops Tawton. Erected Nov. 30, 1225. Serlo, the firſt Dean. Le Neve's Faſti, p. 85. Reginald Pole, Dean, 1535. The KING. 1132 18 111 Dean and Chapter of the ſaid Church. 113 5 103 The Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Exeter, were returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in ** The Rectory of Shobbrooke, in the Deanry of Cadbury, is annexed to the Biſhoprick of Exeter. 4 Temporal Devon. 243 DIOCESE OP EX E T E R. - Icarly Tenth's. 1. So d. King's Books. l. s di Temporal and Spiritual Poffeffions, the clear annual Sum of 11791. 125. 11d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. & alter, valor. in eod. Libr. oo o College of Vicars Chorals in the ſaid Church. 205 0 20 IO 0 The following Dignities are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Exe TER. 99 13 4 Precentorinip has the Dioceſe. . 2001. per Annum. 5900 O 49 0 0 of R. of Paignton and Chudleigh, erected 9 19 4 about 1080. John Chamber, Precentor, 1535. o Chancellorſhip has the R. of Newlin and Stoke Gabriel, erected 5 18 about 1227. John Gybbons, Chancellor, 1535. 32 17 31 Treaſurerſhip has the R. of Probus, erected about 1133. 3 5 83 Vide Orig. Surv. 60 15.10 Archdeaconry of Exeter. Odo, the firſt Archdeacon that oc- 6 1 7 curs, died 1083 Adam Travers, Archdeacon, 1535. 50 6 51 Archdeacony of Cornwall. Alnothus , the firſt Archdea- the firſt Archdea- 5 0 73 .con, died 1098. Thomas Bedill, Archdeacon, 1535. 37-197 Archdeaconry of Totton. John de Bradlegh, the firſt Arch. 3 15 11] deacon, he died before the Year 1143. George Carewe, Archdeacon, 1535. Archdeaconry of Barnſtable has the Impropriation of Counteſ- 4 18 bury and Linton. Ralph, the firſt Archdeacon that occurs, is ſaid to enjoy this Archdeaconry in the Year 1143. Tho- mas Brerewode, Archdeacon, 1535. Subdeanry of the Church of Exeter has the R. of Egloſhele, 2 5 0 founded by Biſhop Quivil about 1282. Richard de Kirkeby is the firſt that occurs, Anno 1336. Robert Weſton, Sub- dean, 1535 4 oo each. Twenty-four Prebends in the ſaid Church. The Tenths of each are 85. in all amounting to The Church Officers in this Cathedral have valuable Im- propriations annexed to their Dignities. The Reſidentiaries are elected out of the Church Dignitaries and Prebendaries by the Chapter, which conſiſts of the Dean and the Eight Reſidentiaries. Reſid. per Annum 200l. each. O 22 IO O 9:12 1 i 2 D. Aylif- 1 244 Devono DIOCESE O EXETER D. Aylisbcare, in the Archdeaconry of Exeter. . The College of St. Mary Ottery, in this Deanry, was returned at 3031. 25. od. per Annum. For the Particulars of the Property, vide Orig. Surv King's Baoks. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. wi Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &co. e Hearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 7. d. 2. 12, o 12. 13. 4. Bixton, alias Bickton, R. (Holy Trinity.), Epifc. ls. 3d... I. 5: for Archidiac. 35. 4d. pro Cathedratico 25. 5d. Val, in redd. terr. fanct. 2h. 135. 4d. in decim. &c. John Rolle, Eſge. 1717. Henry Rolle, Eſq. 1737. John Walter, Eſq.1757. 18 15. 10 Braneſcombe V. (St. Winifred.) Null. Proeur. mentionat. Val.. 1. 17 762 in redd. aſſiz. 75. 2d. oblat. in decim. Jan. agn. & al. minut. decim. & perſonal. Dean; and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 26 00 Broad Clift V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. 9d. Archidiac. 25. zd. Syn. & Cath. Is. 4d. Prior. Sti Nicholai Exon. 25. 4d. Penf. Abb. Syon 4s. 5d. Dimiff. ad firin. Pri.. Siæ Mariæ de Torton, Propr. Sir John Davie, Bart. 1730. John Ac- land, Clerk, 1753, on his own Petition. II 36 3 Clift Founſon, alias Sowton, R. (St. Michael.). Epiſc. 25. 2d. 1 3 72 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Rectori de Faringdon pro l'enf. 9d. Valo in redd. aſtif. terr.. fanct. 155. in decim. garb. &c. Biſhop of Exeter. 5 1 3 Clift St. Mary R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 6s. uid. Val. in redd: 1 affiſ. terr. ſanct. per ann. il. in decim. garb. &c. Sir John Tucker, Knight, 1701. George Taner, Elq.p. h. 17 16 8 Clift St. George R. Prior, de Martyn Abb. in Surr. pro Pení. I 158 6s. 8 d. Dimif. ad firm. John Parr, Gent. 1696. Cathe- rine Roe, Widow, 1739, p. h. v. 16 4 91 Coliton Raleghe V. (Si. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc, 25. 2d. Archi- diac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in redd. alliſ, terr. ſanct. 31. 8s. oblat. decim. garb. lan, agn. &c. Dean of L:- eter, Propr. and Patr. 6 Cutron P. (St. Andrew.) olim P. in Caſtro Exon. Preben: 0 17 3 de Hayes 6s. Sd. pro Penſ. Seneſchallo 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. affif. terr, dinc. & duor. cotay. & annual. redd. rec. de Ric- Ο 1ο I 1 1 2 8 12 I DEVON. 245 DIOCESE OF EX E TE H. 22 2 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. S. d. 1. so do tor. de Whympyll & Hemington, &c. Sir Hugh Acland, Bart. 1694. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart. 1768. 8 8 1 Faringdon R. Epifc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 0 16: 98 5d. Domino Carew is. Vic. Choral. Exon. 21. pro quadam penſione ſpectan. ad Cap. de Clyſt Epiſc. Rectori de Soudon pro quadam Penf. 135. 4d. Val. per ann. in redd. afliſ, terr. ſanct. 2l. oblat. decim. garb. &c. Biſhop of Exeter. 18. ID 3 Harpford with Fenoterye V. (St. Gregory.) Epiſc. Iso 3d. i 17 : Archidiac. 65. 8d. Cath. 25. rod. Val. in redd. alliſ. terr. fanét. per ann. Ib. 105. in decim. fan. agn. &c. Mon. Syon, Propr. Richard Duke, Eſq.. 1696. John Duke, Eſq. 1768. 8 0 8 Huxham R. united to Poltimore R. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Archi O 16 8 diac. 45. Cath. 25. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. Sir Copleſton Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. 1708. Sir Richard Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. 1759: 15. 13. 4. Lympſton R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. I. II. 4 Cath. 25. 10d. Val. per ann. in redd. terr. fanct. 41. in de cim. garb. &c. Sir Thomas Putt, Bart. 1675. James Shep- 'pard, Eſq. 1729. Nicholas Lee, 1733. Oo Osterton V. (St. Michael ) Epiſc. 25. 5d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 4 0 Cath. 25. 2d. Dimiff. ad firm. Abb. Syon, olim Propr. Mag. Br. p. 485. Richard Duke, Eſq. 1718. The Bifhop, 1721. · Dorothy Doidge, and others, 1782. 14 13 4 Pinhoo, alias Pinhawes, alias Pinhoe, V. (St. Michael:) Epifc. i 9 4 & Archidiac. 11S. 3d. Dimiſſ. ad finun.. Pri. Sii Nicholai Exon. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 35 15 5 Poltimore R. (St. Mary,) united to Huxham R. Epiſc. 25. 2d. I 11 61 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in redd. affiſ. ferr. ſanct. 4!. 75. &c. Mary Bampfylde, Widow, and others, 1694. Sir Richard Bampfylde, Bart. 1753. Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. 178.3. 28 00 Silbury V. (St. Giles..) Dec.& Cap. Exon. Penf. pro Diciin. Garb. Terr. Doininical. ibidem 31. 6s. 8d.. Dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Pair. 18 15 5 SYDMOUTH V. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. & Carh. 25. 5d. Diiniff. ad firm. Abh. Syon, olim Propr. Francis Courtrice, this Turn, 1.710. John. Saunder, p. h. v. 1766. 30 O o Whympehill, alias Whimple, R. (St. Mary.) Abb. de Trivy- 3 ſtoke il. 64. Sd. Preb. de Curton 135. 4d. Archidiac.. ás. 81. Cath. 2s. 5d. Val. in redd: aflif. terr. fanét: 77. in decim. garb. &c. Duke of Bedford, 1781. 2 16 0, I 17 61 3 LivingS 245 Devon. DIOCESE OF EXET E R. 1. d. 47 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear lrarly Value. King's Books, 1 d. o Aylifbare V. (St. Chriſtopher.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 16 65. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in redd. aſſiſ. terr. ſanct. . IOS. decim. garb. fren. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Polllo, Propr. John Drake, Eſq. 1681. Anna Maria Locke, 1741. John Love- lace, Clerk, 1763. 43 ITO Eaſt Budleigh V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 35. 4d. Archidiac. 105. 3000 Cath. 25. rod. Pri. Polllo 21. Val. in redd. affif. terr. fanct. 10s. oblat. decim. lan. agn. ac in al. minut. decim. & perſo- nal. Pri. Polflo, Propr. Richard Duke, Eſq. 1711. Robert Duke, Eſq. 1741. Littlehain V. Null. Repriz. mentionat. Val. per ann. in redd. 15 12 6 affiſ. de le glebeland 55. 4d. oblat. decim. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Cliapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. OTTERY St. Mary V. Haber Penf. ſolubilem per Gubernatores 2 00 80 Eccleſiæ Beatæ Mariæ ibidem 201. The KING. Collegium ibidem, Propr. 48 70 7 o Rockbeare V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 9 O o Cath. 25. 8d. Penſ. 1os. rec. de Abb. Val. in redd. affiſ. terr. fanct. 24. 135. 4d. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Canon- legh, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 467 10 71 Salconbe V. (St. Peter and St. Mary.) Dec. & Cap. Penſ. 14 12 8 135. Epiſc. Prox. 15. 4d. Val. in redd. afſif. terr. ſanct. per ann. 75. oblat. decim. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 47 0 0 29 II 20 O O Not IN CHARGE. TOPSHAM, (St. Margaret,) a Donative, certified at 33. 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Patr. and Propr. Widcombe, alias Witchcombe Ralegh, Chap. to Eaſt Budleigh. 341. certified Value. Stoke Canons Donative. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Not certified. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. Cliit Sackville Cap. (St. Gabriel.) Deſtructa. Not certified. Cliit Honyton Ch. Not certified. Ch. of Exeter, Patr. and Propr. Woodbury Don. (St. Swithin.) Vic. Chor. Exon. Peculiar Vic. Chor. Dean and Chapter, Patrons. Newton Poppleford, (St. Luke,) Chapel to Ayliſbeare. Chickíton, (St. Saviour,) olim Cap. to Littlehain. Deſtructa. Exmouth, Devon. 247 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. Exmouth, (St. Margaret,) Ch. to Littleham. Dean and Chap- ter of Exeter, Patr. A Chapel in Salcomb. (St. Clement and Mary Magdalen.) Deſtructa. St. Theobald, Ch. to Coliton Raleghe. Demoliſhed. D. Barnftaple, in the Archdeaconry of BARNSTAPLE. The Priory of Barnſtaple was returned by the Commiſſioners, to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 123l. 6s. 7d. & 2 Lib. Cer. The Priory cf Pylton was likewiſe returned at 561. 125. 8d.] For Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. King's Books. d. 2 2 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tentins. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. I. de 26 I Aldrington, alias Atherington, alias Adrington, R. (St. Mary.) 21 Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor, per ann. 61. 6s. 8d. &c. Jo. Fairehild, this Turn, 1709. Ar- thur Arſcott, Eſq. p. h, v. 1728. Francis Baſſet, Elq. 1760. 29 7 6 Buckington, alias High Buckington, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 2 18 9 Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. sd. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 71. 135. 4.!. &c. John Baffet, Eſq. 1710, 1737. Thomas Furſman, and others, p. h. V.. 1742. 34 18 111 Chedelhampton, alias Chittlehampton, V. (St. Urith.) Epiſc. Î 9 101 Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Ar- chidiac. Prox. 6s. 8 di Dimiff. ad firm. Mon. Tewkeſbury in Glouceſt.. olim Propr. Edward Acland, 1717. John Baffett; Eſq. 1743, p. h. v. Denys Rolle, Eſq. 1762. 5 21 Felleighe R* (St. Paul.) Epiſc. Prox, 15. Id. Epiſc. & Ar- chidiac. Syn. & Cathi. 25.6d. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 41. Val. terr. gleb. per ann. 31. Ios. 8d. in decim. &c. Hugh Fosteſcue, Eſq. 1704. Hugh Earl Clinton, 1746. 22 I 4 4 61 Felleighe R.--Annexed to Eaſt Buckland R. in Dec. Shirwell. Vide the Biſhop's Returns of Inſti- tutions in the Fira-Fruits Office, Fermington 243 DEVON DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. L. S. d. 20 O 1 King's Fooks. os Yearly Tenths. . d. 5 Fremington V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. Ox: 25, 2d. Epifc. & 2 oo Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Abb. Hertland Penſ. al. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. Bd. Val. per ann, in terr. gleb. 6l. 6s. 8d. deciin. lan, agn. porc. anc. & vitul. oblat. decim. prædial. & al. emolument. Abb. Hertland, Propr. John Hacche, Clerk, 1725. Robert Cooke, p. h. v. 1775. Hunthaw R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. I 2. 81 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox, 65. 8d. Terr. gleb. per apn. 21. 1os. &c. Biſhop of Ex- eter, 1717. Earl of Orford, 1747. Counteſs of Orford, 1768. 69 12 Tawltock R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Ar: 6 19 21 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 1ol. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. &c. Florence, Wray, this Turn, 1710. Sir Bourchier Wray, Bart. 1756. 21 00 Tawton Biſhop's V. (St. John Baptift.) Null. Repriz. notat. 2 2 Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 61. 35: 4d. decim. lan. agn. vitul. porc. anc. piſ. oblat..decim. prædial. &c. Dean of Exeter, Propr. ånd Patr. ) 1 O 8 13 9 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 38 0 Alford V. (St. Peter.) The KING. 40 47 BARNSTAPLE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. 15 8 9 S n. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Val. per ann. in decim. fæn. Ian. agn. oblat. deciin. prædial. & al. emo- lument. in lib. pafch. exiſten. Pri. Barnſtaple, Propr. Mi- chael Hyde, 1710. Francis and Sampſon Manaton, 1734. Earl Gower, and Sir Matthew Lamb, Bart. Truſtees of Edward Wortley, Efq. 1765. Horwood R. (St. Michael.) Repriz. null. notat. Terr. gleb. 8 4 ad valor. per afin. Il 135. 4d. decim. garb. &c. Humphrey Dene, Eſq. 1717, 1728. John Dene, Eſq. 1784. 45 0 o Inſtow R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. id. Epiſc. & 12 17 31 Archidiac. Syn, & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Terr gleb. ad valor. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. &c. Mary Prince, 1695. Harrington Gibbes, Eſq. 1729. Tho- mas Day, Woolcomber, p. h. v. 1756. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1763. Humphry Sibthorp, M. D. 1784. 27 Newton Tracy R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Epiſc. Prox. 7d. 5 8 11 60 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 7d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 35. 4d. &c. The KING, 40 O O оо оо Pilton Devon, 249 DIOCESE OPE X E T E R. 7 10 2 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 1. S. d. o Pilton Impropriation. (St. Margatet.) Pri. Pilton, Propr. Sir Arthur Chicheſter. Mr. Baffet. 47 17 2 Weſtleigh V. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. 8 & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in redd. aſlıf. de le glebeland 21. 35. 4d. decim. garb. lan. agn. oblat. &c. Colleg. Vic. Choral. Exon. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Patr. 32 Yarnſcombe V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. 7 II II & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. rod. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. vitul. porc. &c. Hof. Sti Johannis Exon. Propr. The KING. O 40 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Swimbridge C. (St. James.) Dean of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 201, certified Value. D. Cadbury, in the Archdeaconry of Exeter The College of Crediton was returned by the Commiſſioners at 1401. 135. 5d. For the Particulars of the Poffeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. d. 2. bo S. IO O i I O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. do o Brampford Speke V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Archi- diac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 10d. Val. in redd. aſfil. de le glebeland 31. 45. in fæn. lan. agn. & omn. dec. & al. profic. in lib. paſch. Pri. Ski Nich. Exeter, olim Propr. The KING 13 0 o Cadleighe R. (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. 8d. Archi- 1 60 diac. Prox. 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. Eli- zabeth Dickes, Widow, 1723. John Hartnol, Eſq. 1751. Kk Cheriton 1 252 DEVON- DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. S. O 2 100 O Kirg's Books l'eary Terbai 1. do d. 37 6 8 Cheriton Fitz Paine R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Ar- 3. 14. 8. chidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Sy-n. & Cath. 25, 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. The Biíhop, 1719. John Arſcott, and Humphrey Prideaux, Eſq. p. h. v. 1771. 20 O Colbrooke V. (St. Mary.). Null. repriz. quia dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. '12 13 4 Doine S:. Mary R. Abb. de Buckfaſt Penf. il. 55. Epiſc. I 5 4; Prox. 25. 2d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syni & Cath. Is. 5d. Dimit, ad firm. Sir Nathaniel Napier, Bart. 1717. Sir Gerard Napiei; Bart. 1763. 36. O o Morchard Bihop's R. (St. Mary.) Repriz. null. quia dimifl3 12 ad firm. Roger 'Tuckfield, Eſq. 1719. John Tuckfield, Efq. 1752. 16.15 5 Newton Sancti Cyricii V. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. Prox. I 13 6 en 6s. 8d, Syn. & Cath. 24. 5d. Dimill. ad firm. Pri. Plymp- ton, Propr. Jo. Quick, and Elizabeth, 1703. Sir Henry Northcote, Bart. 1775.. John Qujcke, Eſq. 1776. 8.17 8{ Poghill R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Pror. Is. Edi Archidiaco 0 17.94 Prox. 55. Syn & Cath. Is. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor, 11 de- cim. garb. &c. The KING. 36 0 o Shobbrooke R. annexed to the Biſhoprick. Epifc. Prox. 25. 2d. 3 12 Archidiac. Prox. 63. 8d. Syn. & Cath. 25. Icd. Dimiff. ad firm. 7 o Stockleigh Engliſh: R. Epiſc. Prox. 1S. 4d. Epiſc. Prox. 15. 4d. Archidiac. Prox. 0 14 O 0 45. Syn. & Cath. 25. (d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. The KING. 6. 8 Stockleigh Pomery R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Prox. 1s. 4d. Ar. I 10 8. chidiac. Prox. 4... Syn. & Cath. 25..5dDimiff. ad firm. Biſoop of Exeter: Thornerton, alias Thorverton, V. (St. Thomas Becket,) with I.17 3. Netherex Chapel. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8.1. Syn. & Cath. 25. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. 5l. in de- cim. fæn. Ian. agn. & in omn. dec. & al. profic. cont, in libro paſch. Dean and Chapter of Exeter; Pätr. 10. 6. 8. Upton Hilion R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 8d. I 0.8 Val. in redd. affil. de le glebeland per ann. zki 138.- 3d. in decim. garb. &e... Executors of William Davie, 1716 Thomas Manning, Yeoman, 1739. Henry Manning, Clerk, 17573 23 6. S Upton Pyne R. E; fc. Prox. 2s. 2d. Archidiac. Prox..6s. 8d. 2. 6.8 Syn. & Cathi 25. rod.. Dinniffi ad firm. Lady Northcote,, 1747, 1762, 1765.. o Cantar. Colebrooke 63 o O 15 13. 12 5. JO O II 3 i Disc Devon. 251 DIOCESE OF EX ET E R. 1 DISCHARGED, Clear l'early Value. King's Books lo d. t. 48 say 6 Cadbury 1. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Prox. 1's. Ed. Archidiac. 9 4 3 60 O Prox. 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. The KING. Pri. Sri Nich. Exon. Propr. d. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Netherex Chap. held with Thorverton. Pri. Sîi Nich. Exon. Propr. 81. 1os. certified Value. Kennerley, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Crediton. The Go- vernors of Crediton. Sandford, (St. Swithin,) Chapel to Crediton. Norton, Chapel to Newton St. Cyrick. Demoliſhed. 2. Chriſtianitie, alias Ereter, in the Archdeaconry of Exeter. The Priory of St. Nicholas in Exeter was returned by the Com- millioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 1477. 125. The Hoſpital of St. John in Exeter was likewiſe returned at 1021. 125. od. The Priory of Polſlo‘in Exeter was likewiſe returned at 1641. 8s.uidit For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Aing's Books, Yearly Tenthus Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. S. d. 1. S. d. 5 4 0 2 13 4. Carſwill, alias Kerſwell, alias Creſwell, olim P. in Caſtro Exon. Val. in omn. exit. The Reverend John Snell, Clerk, 1718. Sir John Colleton, Bart, and others, 1758. Wenman Nutt, Eſq. and others, 1781. Kk2 Heritree, 252 DEVON. DIOCESE OF EXE TE R. s. d. s. King's Books. Pearly Tenshi 1. 1. d. 34 3 4 Hevitree, alias Heavitree, V. (St. Michael,) with St. Satiola, 3 8 4 vulgo Sidwell, and St. David, Chapels *, in Civitate Exon. Val. in redd. alfil. de le glebeland 21. 5s, in Jan. agn. & vi- tul. cum penf. rec. de prior. de Pollo 21. & in omn. al. de- cim. & profic. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 28 10 O 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, I 2 Allhallows in Goldſmith Street R. Repriz. null. Val. in 6 4 7 redd. un. cotag. ſituat. juxta cancell. ecclef. in omn. decim. &c. The Church of Exeter. 15 O O Allhallows on the Wall R. Dec. & Cap. pro Penſ. is. Val. in 5 4 93 oblat. dominic. in omn. decim. & al. profic. Dean and Chap- ter of Exeter. St. Edmund on the Bridge R. Dec. & Cap. pro Perſ. 6d. Val. in 10 16 8 dec. molend, in oblat. dominic. in omn. al. decim. & profic. Corporation of the City of Exeter. 30 St. George R. Null. repriz. mentionat. Val. in oblat. domi- 9 13 8 nic. in omn. decim. &c. The KING. 18 o o St. John R. St. John R. Of ſmall Value, uſually held by Sequeſtration. The KING St. Kirrian R. Dec. & Cap. Penf. 25. Val. in oblat. dominic. 5 18 65 in omp. deciin. & al. profic. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 16 oo St. Laurenee R. Of ſmall Value, uſually held by Sequeſtration. Hoſp. Sti Johannis Exon. Propr. The KING. St. Leonard R. Dec. & Cap. Penſ. Is. Val. in redd. affiſ. 4 19 43 de le glebeland 115. in decim. garb. &c. Elizabeth Drake, 1708. John Baring, Eſq. 1755, 1767, 1778. The Biſhop, 1780. 15 O o St. Martin R. Dec. & Cap. Penf. 25. In oblat, dominic. in 8 14 6 omn. decim. & al. profic. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. St. Mary Arches R. Null. Repriz. mentionat. Dimiff. ad 10 firm. Biſhop of Exeter. 36 0 oo St. Mary Major R. Dec. & Cap. Penſ. Il. 25. In oblat. domi- 15 14 93 nic. decim. & al. profic. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 28 o St. Mary Steps R. Null. Repriz. mentionat. Val, in decim. 8 6 8. molend. in oblat. al. decim. &c. Joſiah Southcote, Eſq. 1708. B IO O 34. Oo 16 0 0 a * St. David and Sidwell are in the Juriſdiction of the Archdeacon of Exeter, if he happens to be a Preberdary; otherwiſe it devolyes to the Dean and Chapter. 3 St. Olave's Devon. 253 DIOCESE OF EX ET E R. 1. S. o o O O 2 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. d. 18 St. Olave's R. Priori Sti Nicholai Exon. pro Penf. 8s. Val. in 7 13 4 oblat, dominic. in omn. decim. &c. The KING. 5 oo St. Pancras R. Null. Repriz. mentionat. In oblat. dominical. 4 13 4 & al. profic. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 25 St. Paul R. Null . Repriz. mentionat. In redd. omn. decim. 8 2 6 &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 16 0 St. Petrox R. Dec. & Cap. Penſ. 25. Val. in oblat. in omn. 14 10 deciin. & al. profic. The KING, 1756. 26 oo St. Stephen's R. Null. Repriz. mentionat. Val. in redd. un. 7 17 3 clauſ. terr. e: tra port. auſtral. civit. Exon. & un. ten. Tho- mæ White, in omn. decim. &c. The Biſhop of Exeter. 31 O O Holy Trinity R. Dec. & Cap. Penſ. 35. 8d.* Val. per ann. 11 16 4 in oblat. dominic. in omn. decim. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. P. Heighes, a diſſolved Prebend, valued at 377. 75. 11d. Vide Orig. Sury. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Dartmouth Cur. The KING, 9. Chumleigh, in the Archdeaconry of BARNSTAPLE. 2. s. d. 1. s. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. learly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 10 17 8 Boneleghe, alias Bondleigh, R. (St. James.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. Ι Ι I 94 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 1l. 105. decim. &c. Sir William Wyndham, Bart. 1712. Hon. Percy Charles Wyndham, 1779, 1784. :13 11 3 Borrington, alias Burrington, V. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. Prox I 7 Iį ies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 2d. Abb. Tavyſtoke pro Penſ. 75. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8 d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 31. 145. 8d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. Iac. vitul. porc. anc. &c. Abb. Tavyſtoke, olim Propr. Joſhua Bawden, and others, 1733. Roger Melhuiſh, Eſq. 17.37. Broademinet, 254 DevON. DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. $. 2 2 II 1 o O King's Books Pearly Tentos, i ile 2 4 Broademinet, alias Broadnymet, R. Repriz, non mentionat. 4 5 Terr. gleb. 135. 4d. decim. &c. William Maunder, 1713. The Bithi p, 1733. Mr. Letheridge and Mr. Crols, by Tuins. 4 8 4. Brukeland, P. to Chumleigh. Val. per ann. in redd. cert. terr. 0 8 10 & ten. in Chulmleigh 21. decim. garb. lan. &c. Duke of Beaufort, 1743. Rev. Richard Hole, M. A. 1776. 25 14 2 Calleigh, alias Chawleigh, R. (St. James.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 5 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 51. decim. garb. &c. Lord Viſcount Downrayle, 1703. Coulſton Fel- lowes, Eſq. 1743. Henry A. Fellowes, Eſq. 1781. 20 18 11 CHUMLEIGH R. (St. Mary Magdalen,) olim a Collegiate 2 1 93 Church. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25.gd. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 51. decim. &c. Duke of Beaufort, 1736. Richard Hole, M. A. 1773, on his own Petition. 517 31 Clannaburgh R. (St. Petrock) Epiſc. Proxies is. Id. Epiſc. On 8 70 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Priori Taunton pro Penſ. 45. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 21. decim. &c. The KING. 4 6 8 Dennes, P. to Chulmleigh. Val. per ann. in cert. terr. & ten. O 8 8 in Chulmleigh il. 6s. 8d. in decim. garb. agn. vitul. &c. Duke of Beaufort, 1736. Richard Hole, M. A. 1779. 5 13 4 Higherline, P. to Chulmleigh. Val. per ann. in redd. cert. 4 terr. & ten. in Chulmleigh 21. 6s. 8d. in decim. garb. lan. &c. Duke of Beautort, 1744. Richard Hole, M. A. upon his own Petition, 1776. 15 I 101 Ladford R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. I 10 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. aſlif. de le glebeland 41. 1os. &c. Joſeph James, Gent. 1690. Rebecca Pearce, Spinſter, 1763. William Hatherly, Clerk, 1764. á o o Lowerline, P. to Chulinleigh. Val. per ann. in redd. cert, terr. & ten. in Chulmleigh 21. decim. garb. lan. agn. &c. Duke of Beaufort, 1736. Richard Hole, M. A. 1779. 32 4 7 North Tawton R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. 3. 4 st & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Jo. Cottle, Eſq. 1716. Richard Hole, Clerk, 1772, on his own Petition. 19 § 9 Nyinettracie, alias Bow Tracy, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. 1 18 101 Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies ós. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ano. 41. 135. 43. decim. &c. William Mervin, Clerk, 1741. Leti- tia Marthall, Widow, 1781. 5 Penell, 0 II 22 O 10 DEVON. 255 DIOCESE OF EXE TE H. S. 2 s. 010 King's Books. Icarly Tenths. 1. a. 1. de 500 Penell, P. to Chulmleigh. Val. per ann. in cert. terr. & ten. in Chalmleigh 21. in decim. garb. lan. agn. &c. Duke of Beaufort, 1736. Richard Hole, M. A. 1776. 17 8 9: Sele Monachorum, alias Monks Zele, R. (St. Peter.) Epifc. 1 14 101 Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc: & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 6d. Archidiac. Prosies 6s..8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 2l. 135. 41. &c. George Parker, Eſq. 1670. John Belfield, Eſq. p. h. v. 1730. John Parker, Eſq. 1752. Lord Boringdon. 11 13 4. Wemwortirié; alias Wenworthy, R. (St. Michaet.)' Epiſc. I 3. 4 Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25, 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 2/. 135. 4d. in decim garb. &c. Mary Newte, 1707. Samuel Newte, Clerk, 1756. John Toffel Johnſon, M. A. 17750 on his own Petition. I LIVINGS DISCHARGED: Clier Pearly Valuc. King's Books 8 O O Bruſhford Cur. Abb. Hertland, Propr. Mr. Luxton. 45 17 Colecudge, alias. Coloruge, alias Colridge, V. (St. Mary.) 7 8 8 9 Epifc. Ptoxies -25. 2d.. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val.-per ann. in redd. affifi de le glebeland 135. 4d. in decim. fæn. lan. agn.-vitulen &c. Decim. predial. &c. Colleg. de. Crediton, Propr. Bifhop of Exeter. 38 7 4 Eggesford R. Epiſc. Prox. Is. 1 d... Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. 7 18.9. & Cath: 25. 5d. Archidiac, Proxies 350-4d. Terr. gleh. ad valor. 21. 6so 8d. &c. Viſcount Downrayle, 1707. Wil- liam Fellows, Eſq. 1722. Heury Arthur Fellows, Eſq. 1773. 30 o 0 Nymet Rowland.R. (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. id. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac... Proxies 354.4d... Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 21. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Sir. William Courteney, Bart. 1690. The KING, 1733. Arundel Radford, Clerk, 1766, upon his own Petition. 6 1. 3 1 5. Dana 256 Devon. DIOCESE OF EX E TE R. D. Dunke(well, in the Archdeaconry of Exeter. The Abby of Dunkeſwell was returned at 2941. 185. 6d. For the Particulars of the Poffefſions, vide Orig. Surv. 2. d. 1. 2 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 26 5 5 Church Staunton R. (St. Paul.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 61 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. rod. Val. per ann. in redd. aſſiſ. terr. ſanct. 21. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Edward Seymour, 1685. Fra. Popham, Eſq. 1723. Edward Popham, Eſq. 1745. John Clarke, Clerk, 1784. 38 5 o Clehedon, alias Clayhayton, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. 3. 16 6 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. Iod. Val. per ann. in redd. aſſiſ. terr. fanct. 1o marc. in decim. garb. &c. Alexander Popham, Eſq. 1718, 1730. Thomas Edward Clarke, LL. B. · 1777, upon his own Petition. Combraleigh, alias Comb Rawleigh, R. (St. Nicholas.) Epifc. 2 0 1 25. 2d. } Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Charles Harward, Clerk, 1712. Francis Drew, Eſq. 1728. 32 0 71 Hemyocks R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 3 4 03 Cath. 25. 9d. Val. per ann. in redd. affif. terr. ſanctuar. 51. 135. 4d. in decim. garb. &c. William Lyde, 1689. Edward Popham, Eſq. 1742. James Stuart Fulk, Eſq. 1775, p. h. v. 15 5 71 Upotrie, alias Upawtry, V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Ar- 1 10 61 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Val. per ann. in redd. aſliſ. terr. fanct. 75. 4d. decim. lan. agn. vitul. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 20 Ο ΙΟ LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 47 Auleſcombe, alias Awliſcomb, V. (St. Michael.) Val. per 12 10 10 ann. in redd. terr. 21. 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Dunklwell, Propr. Earl of Bedford, 1695. Duke of Bedford. 45 00 Luppit V. (St. Mary.) Val. per ann. in terr. gleh. decim. Ian. 13 6 101 agn. &c. Abb. Newham, Propr. Sir Walter Young, Bart. 1705. Sir William Yonge, Eſq. 1754. Yarcombe Devon 257 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. s. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 1. do I, d. 48 0 Yarcombe V. (St. Peter.) The KING. Mon. Syon in Mid. 28 dleſex Propr. Dimiff. ad firm. O 100 O Nor IN CHARGE. Dunkſwell. Impro. Pri. Dunkſwell, Propr. Peter Geneſt, 1754, 1776, 1777. 161. certified Value. Shildon, alias Sheldon. Impro. Pri. Dunkfwell, Propr. Sir William Pole. Francis Rofe Drewe, Eſq. 1773. 81. cer- tified Value. Wolverchurch. Pri. Dunkſwell, Propr. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES, Culme Davy, Chap. to Hemyoke. D. Dunsford, in the Archdeaconry of Exeter. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. S. d. II 10 I 3 0 O 21 Ayſhton R. Epiſc. Prox. 1s. 8d. Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. ll. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir George Chudleigh, Bart. 1717. Sir John Chicheſter, Bart. 1773 13 15 Bridford R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Epiſc. Prox. 15. 8d. Ar. 176 chidiac. Proxies 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 1os. &c. John Smith, Sen. 1694. Walter Hew- goe, Clerk, h. v. 1722. William Hall, 1738. Dorothy Hall, 1759. The KING, p. h. v. 1773. 39 O IO CHAGFORD R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. Prox- 3 18 ! ies 55. Syn. & Cath. Is. Iod. Dec. & Cap. Coll . Wynde. ſore pro Penſ. 125. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 61. 35. &c. Wil. liam Hunt, this Turn, 1701. Thomas Worth, Clerk, 1729. Thomas Hayter, Eſq. 1742. George Hayter, Eſq. 1779. L1 Cheriton 258 Devon. DIOCESE OF EX E TER, 1. s. d. 2 I 2 19 10 8 9 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 2. s. d. 22 13 4. Cheriton Biſhops R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 3d. Ar 5 4 chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. Biſhop of Exeter. 16 6 51 Doddeſcombleigh R. (St. Michael.). Epiſc. Prox. Is. 8d. Ar I 1273 chidiac. Proxies 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Val. per ann. in redd. aſſiſ. de le glebeland 41. in decim. garb. &c. Catherine Clarke, Widow, 1694. Richard Duke, Eſq. p. h. v. 1742. Richard Hole, Clerk, 1773. o Dunsford V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. Proxies I 190 6s. 81. Syn. & Cath. 25. Iod. Val. per ann. in redd. de le glebeland ili 105. in decim. fæn. Ian. agn. vitul. &c. Pri. Canon Leigh, Propr. Henry Trenchard and his Wife, 1716. Margaret Hewgoe and others, 1748. John Fulford 1753, 1767. Edward Cove, Clerk, 1772, upon his own petition. 2 Ilolcomb Burnell V. (St. John Baptift.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. 4d. 0 16 II Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Subdecano Wellen. pro annua Penſ. il. Val. per ann, in redd. affiſ. de glebeland 2l. in decim. garb. fæn. Jan. agn. vitul. &c. Pre- bendary thereof in the Church of Wells, Propr. and Patr. 10 o o South Tawton V. (St. Andrew.) cum Zele Cap. (St. Mary.) 10. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 8s. Cath. 25. 5d. Annual. pení. rec. de Decan. & Capit. Coll. Windſor. iol. & terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. id. Dean and Canons of Windſor. 18 6 3 Tetbourne, alias Tedbourn, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. I 16 72 2d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 135. &c. Francis Baffet, 1687. Francis Manaton and others, 1731. Sir John Davie, Bart. 1781. 40 13 4 Teynton Drew, alias Teynton Trew, R. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. 4 I 4 Pros. 25. 3d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 6d. Dimiff. ad firm. Nicholas Morrice, Gent. 1703. Sir Wil- liam Carew, 1711. Reginald Pole Carew, Eſq. 19 6 101 Throwleigh, alias Throwley, R. Epiſc. Prox. Is. 8d. Ar. I 18 8 chidiac. Proxies 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 135. 5d. &c. The KING. 19 3 4 Whiſton, alias Whitſton, R. (St. Catherine.) Epiſc. Is. 8d. Epiſc. 1s. 8d. I 13 4 Archidiac. Prox. 55. Cath. 25. 5d. Val. per ann. in redd. aſſif. de le glebeland 2l. 8s. in decim. garb. &c. John Sawlę, Efq. 1704. John Woolcomb, Gent. this Turn, 1709. Sir William Courtenay, 1731. Lord Viſcount Courtenay, 1784. 100 O O LIVINGS Devon. 259 DIOCESE OF EX ET E R. 1. - s. d. 43 16 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. l. d. Chriſtow V. (St. James.) Epiſc. Prox. 1s. 8d. Archidiac. 8 6 8 Proxies 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 1od. Val. in decim. fæn. lan. agn. vitul. & in omn. decim. & al. profic. cont. in Libro Paſch. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. William Helyar, Eſq. 1724, 1732, 1734. 44 o Gidley R. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. Archidiac. Prox. 14 19 01 Syn. & Cath. 55. 5d. Val. per ann. in redd. aſlıf. de le glebeland il. &c. Bartholomew Gidley, Eſq. 1711, 1726, 1735, 1752, 1756. 39 I o Hittifleigh R. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. & 6 2 I Cath. 25. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Shilſton Calmady, Eſq. 1716. Dorothy Martin, Widow, p. h. v. 1738. Warwick Calmady, Eſq. 1784. 41 13 0 Spraiton, alias Spreyton, V. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Prox. 15. 10 8d. Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. il. in decim. fæn. lan. agn. vitul. &c. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Duke of Bedford, 5 8 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Zele, (St Mary,) Chap. to South Tawton. D. Hertland, in the Archdeaconry of Barnstaple. The Abby of Hertland was returned by the Commiſſioners at 3061. 35. 2d. The Priory of Frethylſtok was likewiſe returned at 1271. 25. 4d.. For Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. L 1 2 LIVINGS 200 DEVON. DIOCESE OF EX E T E R.. d. 2 14 9: LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenthisa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7. hu d. 13 311] Alwardiſcot, alias Alſcot, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Prox. Is.. I 6 43 Id. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 2s. 5i... Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Martha Goſt- wick, Widow, 1717. John Heiket, Eſq. 1727. George Rooke, Eſq. 1741, p. h. v. 17 4 91 Alwngton R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſe. 25. 5d. Cath. 15. 1d. 1 14 54 Archid. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valori 3!: 6s. 8d. &c. Ri- chard Coffin, Eſq. 1713, 1767.. 27 7 6 BIDEFORD, alias BIDDIFORD, R. (St. Mary.). Epiſc. Syn. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 28. 5d. Archidiac.. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. iosi decim. garb. &c. Earl of Bath, 1674. Earl Granville and Lord Gower, 1723. Lord Gower, 1742. George Buck, Eſq. 1783. 19 11 51 Clavelleigh, alias Clovelley, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. I 19 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25, 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. Ed. decim. garb. &c. R. Carey, Eſq. 1715. Robert Barber, Eſq. and his Wife, 1730. James Hamlyn, Eſq. 1779. 14 16 101 Littleham R. (St. Swithin.) Epiſc. Prox. 8d.1 Epiſc. & Ar- I 9: 81 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Judith Cooke, Widow, 1717. John Baſſet, Eſq. 1744. Francis Baſſet, Eſq. 1758. 12 14 7 Mounkleigh, alias Monkleigh, V. (St. George.) Epiſc.. Prox. 1 5. 53 1 s. 6d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and Proxies 25. 5d. Ar- chidiac. Prox. 45. 6d. Val. in redd.. affiſ. de glebeland 41. annual. penſ. 135. 4d. decim. prædial. lan. agn. vitul. porc. anc. piſ. mel. &c. Pri. of Montague in Somerſet, Propr. Hugh Stephens, Gent. and his Wife, 1713. Joan Şaltern, Widow, 1765. John Saltern, Eſq. 1783. 6 8 Parkham R. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & 2 O 8 Cath. 25. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. decim. garb. &c. Catherine Oliver and Agnes Kingford, 1703. Joſhua Bawden and Richard Bawden, p. h. v. 1740. John Kay and Daniel Kay, 1776, 1781. 13 5 o Wyer Gifford R. Epiſc. Prox. Is. id. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 1 6 6 Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Hugh Forteſcue, Eſq. 1711. Lord For- teſcue, 1775, 1781. 20 LIVINGS DEVON. 261 p 1 o C E st of x E T E . b. d. O оо O LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value, King's Bookson 1. d. 46 O O Abbotſham V. (St. Helen.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2da Epi'c. & 16 4 7 60 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. The KING. Pri. Taviſtock, Propr. 43 10 Buckland Brewer V. (St. Mary and St. Benedict,) cum Cap. de 25 17 80 Eaſt Putford & Bulkworthy, Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. and Prox. 25. 10d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. 165. decim. lan. agn. vitul. oblat, de- cim. prædial. & al. emolument. necnon in firm. duar.. lib. cap. The KING. Abb. Torr. Propr.. 15 0 o Lancras R. (Holy Trinity.) Repriz. non mentionat. quia dimift. 5 4 91 ad firm. The Biſhop, 1705. Henry Rolle, Efq. 1730, 1737. John Walter, Eſq. 1763 30 Northanı V. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & 10 10 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 6d. Archidiac.. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. aſlıf. de le glebeland sl. is. 4d. & in prompt. denar. nomine penf. iol. Colleg. Sanctæ Mariæ Ottery, Propr. Hugh Squire, Eſq. 1704. William Green, 17:25.. Dean and Canons of Windſor, 1.741. O CHAPELS, DONATives, AND CURACIES. HERTLAND, (St. Nectan.) A Market Town in this Deanry, not in Charge, but is a Donative in the Gift of the Charter- houſe, London, Abb. Hertland, Propr. Welcombe Impr. (St. Nectan.) Abb. Hertland, Propr. 81. 1os. certified Value. Frithelſtock, (St. Mary and St. Gregory,) formerly a Priory. Robert Dean, Eſq. 141. certified Value. Lancras Chapel. (Holy Trinity.) John Walter, Eſq. 1763. 191. 1os. Certified Value. Woolfardiſworthy Cur. Abb. Hertland, Propr.. Mr. Coleo. 201. 55. certified Value. D. Bolt 862 DEVON, DIOCESE OF EX E T E Ri D. Hollworthy, in the Archdeaconry of Totness. King's Books, d. S. 0 2 IO o O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. lo d. 26 8 Alwater R: (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 2 12 8 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Terr. ſanctuar. & omn. de- cim. & oblat. diiniff. ad firm. Edward Carey, Eſq. 1712. Univerſity of Oxford, p. h. v. 1750. Thomas Melhuiſh, 1770. 22 8 9 Blacktoriton, alias Black Torrington, R. (St. Mary.) Archidt 2 4 103 ac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d.į Di- miff. ad firm. Sir Copleſton Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. 1712. Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. 1781. 25 5 5 Bradeworthy V. (St. John Baptiſt.) with St. Pancras Chapel 61 150 of Wike. . Archidiac. Proxies 65. 8d. Synods 25. 5d. Vif. Epiſc. 25. 2d. į Val. per ann. in terr. fanct. 2l. in decim. lan. agn.,oblat. &c. The KING. Abb. Torr. Propr. 13 8 4 Bradford R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 2s. 5d. I 6 10 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. fanct. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Richard Oſborne, Eſq. 1704. George Carey, Eſq. 1720. William Bampfield, Eſq. 1738, 1741. 3 9 Halwill R. Archidiac. Proxies 55. Synods 25. 5d. Vif. I 4 41 80 Epiſc. is. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. ſanct. 41. 115. 7d. in de- cim. garb. &c. The KING. 32 O 5 HOLSWORTHY R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. Prox. 3 4 0] 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 5d. Vil. Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Terr. ſanctuar. per ann. 41. 16s. 8d. &c. John Prideaux, Eſq. 1713. Lord Londonderry, 1748. Philip Earl of Stanhope, 1766. 26 13 61 Melton Damerell , with Cokeburie Chapel, R. (Holy Trinity.) 2 13 41 Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. pro Vic. Melton Damerell 25. 5d. Syn. pro Cokebury 7d. Viſ . Epiſc. 25. 2d. į Terr. ſanct. per ann. 51. &c. 'Sir William Courtenay, Bart. 1730. Lord Viſcount Courtenay, 1780. 27 8 4 Pyworthy R. (St. Swithin.) Archidiac. Proxies 55. Syn. 25. 2 14 10 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Terr. ſanctuar. per ann. 5l. 16s. 8d. garb. &c. Sir Nicholas Morrice, Bart. 1712. Sir William Morrice, Bart. 1743. John Kingdon, Clerk, 1781. 71 Sutcomb R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 25. I 15 ore 10d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Terr. fanctuar. per ann. 54. 55. garb. I 2 O O 17 10 Devon, 263 DIOCESE OF EX E TE R. S. II King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. S. d. le d. garb. &c. Sir William Morrice, Bart. 1685, 1726. Hum- phrey Morrice, Eſq. 1753, 3111 Thornbury R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 25. 58. I 2 48 Viſ. Epiſc. is. 8d. Terr. ſanct. per ann. 21. 1os. decim. garb. &c. John Nicholl, Roger Acherley, John Martin, and An- thony Keck, Gent. 1719. Thomas Puckeridge, 1735. Hugh Barker, 1745. William Frye, Eſq. 1781. 9 II of Weſt Putford R. Archidiac. Proxies 55. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. O 19 11 Epiſc. Is. 8.d. 'Terr. ſanctuar. per ann. 31. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Margaret Rolle, 1721. Counteſs Dowager of Orford, 1768. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1772. Lord Orford 1783. 20 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 14 O O Abbots Bickington, Cur. (St. James.) Abb. Hertland, Propr. Henry Rolle, Eſq. 37 O O Bridgruell V. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 55. Synods 25. 5d. 14 0 0 Val. in omn. exit. Iſabella Bond, Widow, 1717. John Scobell, Gent. 1765. Clawton Cur. Pri. Cornworthy, Propr. Joſeph Denſha. 24 Hollacomb R. (St. Petrack.) Priori de Bodman pro Penf. 35. 4 6 3 40 Synods is. 5d. Terr. fanct. per ann. Il. 1os. decim. garb. &c. The KING, 1763. 30 oo Luffingcot R. (St. James.) Repriz, null. notat. Omn. Exit. 5 6 8 Sir Nicholas Morrice, Bart, 1713. Humphrey Morrice, Eſq. 1759. 45 o o Tettcot R. (Holy Croſs.) Archidiac. Proxies 55. Synods is. 13 16 8 11d. Vil . Epiſc. 15. d. Terr. fan&t. &c. dimiff. ad firm. John Arſcot, Eſq. 1697. John Arſcot, Eſq. 1768, 1782, 1784. ООО O D. Honyton, in the Archdeaconry of Exeter. The Abby of Ford in this Deanry was returned by the Com- miffioners to be worth in Temporalities and Spiritualities the clear annual Sum of 3731. 10s. 6d. į The Abby of Newham was likewiſe returned at 2271. 75. 8d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. I LIVINGS 264 Devon. DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. d. de 2 7 II LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books l'early Tenthe Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. 22 19 Axmouth V. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. 2 Dimiff. ad firm. Abb. Syon, olim Propr. Richard Hallet, Eſq. 1709. Richard Hetherfall Hallet, 1783. 40 6 8 AxMYNSTER, or AxMYSTER, R*. (St. Mary,) with Kilming 4 0 ton, (St. Giles,) and Memburie, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapels. Dimiff. ad firm. 44 6 8 AXMYNSTER, or AxMYSTER, V. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 4 8 8 8s. Cath. 45. Dimiff. ad firm. Sir William Drake, Knt. 1699, 1731. Joſeph Banks, LL. B. Chanc. 1782. 40 IO 10 Coliton, alias CullitON, V. (St. Andrew,) with Shute, 4 II (St. Michael,) and Monkton, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapels. Dec. & Cap. Exon. 52. & eis pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Rogero Rode pro Feodo il. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in oblat. ac in decim, lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 9 o O Cottleigh R. Epiſc. 25. 2d.} Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. O 18 O 18 Val. per ann. in redd. affiſ, terr. fanctuar. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Thomas Wolcot, 1720. James Townſhend, p. h. v. 1762. 15 6 8 Fairwaye R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. gs. 6d. I 10 8 Val. per ann. in redd. affif. de le glebeland il. 1os. decim. &c. Sir John Trevilian, Bart. 1700, 1729. Edward Sar- gent, Brazier, p. h. V. 1757. 8 11į Gittiham R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 115. 3d.] Redd. aſlıf, de le 2 10 glebeland 21. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Thomas Putt, 1713. Ray- mond Putt, Eſq. 1723, 1753. 40 4 2 HONYTON R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. 25. 2d.} Archidiac. 4 o 5 95. id. Terr. gleh. ad valor. 51, decim. &c. Sir Williain Courtenay, Bart. 1699, 1761. Lord Viſcount Courtenay. 19 II 8 Muſburie R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. 25. 2 d. į Archidiac. 6s. 8d. I 192 Cath. IS. Val. per ann. in redd. aſlıl. 51. in decim. garb. &c. Sir William Drake, 1713. Dame Anne Drake, 1770. 10 9 7 North Ley, alias Northleigh, R. Epiſc. 105. 7d. Epiſc. is. I oni Archidiac. 35. 7d. Rectori de Offwill 6s. pro Peni. Val. per ann. in redd. alliſ. de le glebeland 31. in decim. &c. 21 2 Axmyſter R.- is divided into two Portions, whereof one is called Grindall, and belongs to the Prebend of that Name in the Cathedral Church of York; the other is called Warthill, and belongs to the Prebend of that Name in the ſaid Cathedral. See the Liber Regis in the Firſt-Fruits Office. 7 Gilbert Devon. 265 D I 0 C E S E 0 P E XE TE B. King's Books. 1. s. d. s, II Pearly Textlisia l. d. Gilbert Fry, this Turn, 1700. Univerſity of Oxford, 1726. Ro. bert Proctor Anderſon, and Elizabeth his Wife, 1775, 1777. 14 3 61 Offwill R. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Cath. 25. 5d. 1 S 41 Terr gleb. ad valor. 31. decim. garb. &c. William Rous, and William Bartholomew, 1713. Benjamin Swete, Eſq. p. h. v. 1742. John Fulford, 1764. John Bradford Cople- ſton, Clerk, 1772, upon his own Petition. 17 0 7 Seton V. (St. Gregory,) cum. Cap. Bere. Epiſc. & Archidiac. I 14 0 IIs. 8d.ź Val. per ann. in sedd. aſliſ. de le glebeland il. in decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. piſ. &c. Abb. Shirborne, Propr. Sir Walter Young, Bart. 1683. Sir William Drake, Knt. and Bart. this Turn, 1710. William Walrond, Eſq. . 1756. Sarah and Maria Walrond, 1769. 8 9 South Leigh R. (St. Laurence.) Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Archidiac. I 2 101 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. iod. Marq. Dorſet 4d. Henrico Wal- rond 4d. Val. per ann. in redd. aſſif. terr. fanet. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Jo. Newte, Cl. this Turn, 1710. Sir William Pole, Bart. 1731. The Univerſity of Oxford, 1747. 15 18 9 Thornecomb V. (St. Mary.) Abb. de Ford Penſ. 41. Epiſc. 1 11 101 25. 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in redd. aſiſ. de le glebeland 21. 55. in decim. garb. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Ford, Propr. (Which Abbey was ſituate in this Pariſh.) William Bragg, 1702. Francis Gwyn, and Richard Brodrepp, Eſq. 1761. John Bragge, Eſq. 1777. 8 111 Uplime R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox, and Syn. 115. 3d. 1 2 0 101 Val. in redd. affiſ. terr. ſanctuar. 4!. in decim. &c. Sir Wil- liain Drake, Bart. 1710. Dame Anne Drake, 1769. II 16 ož Wideworthie, alias Widworthy, R. (St. Cuthbert.) Epsiſc.; I 3 73 25. 2d.Ž Archidiac. 6s. 8d. & 25. 5d. Cath. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 175. 4d. &c. Thomas Whittle, Gent. 1695. Humphry Sydenham, Eſq. 1728. Benedictus Marwond, Eſq. 1736. James Thomas Benedictus Marwood, Eſq. 1769. 20 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 42 O O Combpyne R. Prox. Syn. & Cath. 115. 3d. Val. in redd. aſlil. 8 II 8 terr. farićtuar. Il. 135. 4d. in decim. &c. Nathaniel Forſter, Clerk, 1744. Joſeph Paul, Cerk, 1755. Robert Ker- ſlack, Eſq. 1763. 5 o o St. Pancras, alias St. Pancras Rowſdon, R. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 25. 8d. Cath. Is. 2d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. de- cim. &c. Richard Mallack, 1699. William Breton, Eſq. 1734. Thomas Mallock, Clerk, p. h. V. 1767. Robert Bartlett, Gent. 1783. CHAPELS, 2 10 10 M in 266 Devone DIOCESE OF EXET E R. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Catcomb, Legh, Whiteford, Chapels to Coliton. Demoliſhed. All Saints, Chapel to Honyton, ſituate in the Borough, D. Jpplepen, in the Archdeaconry of TOTNESS, The Abby of Torr, in this Deanry, was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be worth, in Temporal and Spiritual Property, the clear annual Sum of 3961. os. uid. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 2. I I. II 80 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. 3 Abbots Carſwill V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. 1 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Terr. ſanctuar. val. per ann. 51. 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. fæn. &c. Mon. Shirborne in Dor- ſet, Propr. The KING. 25 6 8 Brodehempſton, alias Broad Hempſton, V. Archidiac. Prox. 2 10 8 35. Syn. 25. Vif. Epiſc. 15. Val. in terr. fanctuar. & de- cim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Pri. Studeley in the County of Warwick, Propr. The KING. 1401. 18 19 7 Bury Pomery, alias Berry Pomerey, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. I 17 III Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 35. 3d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Penf. rec. Prior. de Merton annuat. 21. decim. lan, agn. &c. Pri. Mer- ton in Surrey, Impr. Sir Edward Seymour, Bart. 1681, 1723. Duke of Somerſet. 7 6 Denburie R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Prox. 35. Syn. 2s. 5d. I 4 9 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Val. per anni, in terr. fanétuar. 11. 6s. 3d. &c. Duke of Bedford, 1765. 19 15 21 Little Hempſtou, alias Arundell, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Ar- 1 19 67 chidiac. Syn. 7d. Terr. fanctuar. val. per ann. 31. 18so 8d. decim. &c. The KING, 52 o} Panton #, alias Paignton, alias Peyton, V. (St. John Baptiſt,) 5 4 11 with Marldon Chapel. Alano Belfeld Receptori 1l. 6s. 8d. Decim. perſonal. vitul. lac. pom. piſ. lan. agn. & omn. al. decim. & oblat. Præcentor Exon, Propr. William Courte- 12 100 O O I * Panton. This was the greateſt Lordſhip that belonged to the Biſhop of Exeter, and here was a goodly Houſe. Riſdon of Devonſh. pp. 55, 560 nay, Devon. 267 DIOCESE OF E XET E R. ܕܠ ܕܐ I d. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, d. nay, Eſq. 1718. Hugh Stafford, Eſq. 1732. Samuel Staf- ford, and Henry Northcote, Eſq. 32 14 91 Staverton V. (St. George.) Ecclefiæ Cath. Exon. Penf. il. 3 5 5 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in decim. lan. agn. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 31 6 of Stoke Fleming R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 3 2 71 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. | Ballivo & Receptori 1l. 6s. 8d. Terr. ſanctuar. per ann. 61. decim. &c. James Southcote, Eſq. 1721. John Henry Southcete, a Minor, 1758. James Forneux, Eſq. p. h. v. 1781. 20 14 7 Torbrian R. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 25. 2 1 51 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Iso 3d. Val. in terr. fanctuar. per ann. 1l. &c. William Stawell, Eſq. 1695. Nicholas Triſt, Eſq. 1730. Hore Browſe Triſt, Eſq. 1782. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 42 2 O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2 Brixham V.(St. Mary,) cum Cap. Kingſwere. (St. Thomas Becket.) 52 15 160 Edv. Pomerey pro Redd. 25o 4d. Prior. Totton Penf. il, 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 45.6d. Viſ. Epiſc. Exon. 25. 2d 1 Ballivo & Receptori il. 6s. 8d. Decim. perſonal. vi- tul. piſo lan. agn. oblat. &c. The KING. 49 10 103 Ipplepen V. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Cap. Woodland. Ar- 26 2 31 chidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Dimiff. ad firm. Colleg. Ottery, Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. 45 Oo St. Mary Church V. with Canſwell, alias King's Canſwell, 31 II (St. Mary,) and Coffinſwill, (St. Bartholomew,) Chapels. Repriz. null. notat. Decim. lan, agn. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 47 0 o Stoke St. Gabriel, alias Stoke Gabriel, V. Repriz. null. notat. 16 11 ICI Terr. ſanctuar. val. per ann. Is. 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Cancellar. Exon. Propr. John Kelland, Eſq. 1705. Kel- lond Courtenay, Eſq. 1733. Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, Bart. 1777 NoT IN CHARGE. Wolborough Cur. (St. James.) Abb. Torr, Propr. Sir Wil- liam Courtenay, Bart. Lord Viſcount Courtenay. Cockington Cur. Abb. Torr, Propr. Rawlin Mallock, Eſq. M m 2 CHAPELS, 268 Devon. DIOCESE OF E X E T E R. Chapels, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. NEWTON ABDATS, (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Wollborough. Kingſwere, (St. Thomas Becket,) Chapel to Ipplepen. The KING. 145. certified Value. Churſton Ferrers, Chapel to Brixham. 381. certified Value. Woodland, Chapel to Ipplepen. 204. certified Value. Marldon, Chapel to Paignton. Samuel Stafford, and Henry Northcote, Eſq. 34). certified Value. Torr Molun Ch. Abb. Torr, Propr. Rawlin Mallock, Eſq. D. Kenne, in the Archdeaconry of Exete R. 1. d. d. 8 8 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tentha Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 34 6 8 Alphington R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 3 6s. 3d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. Richard Carew, Eſq. 1712. John Pitman, Eſq. 1739. Samuel Walkey, p. h. v. 1742. Mary Pitman, Widow, 1773, 1776. Jane Elliſcombe, Widow, 1780. 18 o Afhcombe R. Epiſc. 15. Iod. Archidiac. Prox. 55. 8d. Syn. I 16 O & Cath. 25. 5d. Pri. Merton 6s. Val. in redd. affifde le glebeland per ann. 22. in decim. garb. &c. The KING. o CHUDLEIGHE V*. (St. Martin.) Repriz. null. mentionat. quia 2 dimiff. ad firm. Præcentor Exon. Propr. Jo. Cholwich, and others, 1718, 1751. Feoffees thereof, Patr. 81 Comyntenhede, alias Combintinhead, R. Epiſc. Prox. 2s. 8 d. 3 4 35 Archidiac. 85. Syn. & Cath. 25. 50. Dimiff. ad firm. Sir Bourchier Wrey, 1782. 30 o Crediton, alias Kirton, V. (Holy Croſs.) Colleg. Crediton, 3 O o Propr. Governors of the Church of Crediton. ОО 100 21 2 O 32 2 O * Chudleighe.formerly belonged to the Biſhop of Exeter, who had a ſumptuous Seat here. Riſdon of Devonth. p. 50. Daulich Devon. 269 DIOCESE OF EX ET E R. s. 1 12 25 0 0 King's Pooks. Icarly Tenths. 1. d. l. ä. 25 5 o Dauliſh V. with Éteyngmouth Chapel. (St. Michael.) Repriz. 2 10 6 null. mentionat. quia dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 14 17 Dunchedioke R. Epifc. 15. 4d. Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. & 1 9 81 Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in redd. aſſif. de le glebeland 61. 135. 4d. ia decim. garb. &c. Ro. Snow, Clerk, 1668. Thomas Ley, Gent. 1748. Sarah and Margaret Byrdall, Spinſters, 1754. 19 3 9 Eltogwell, alias Eaſt Ogwell, R. Syn. & Cath. 7d. Dimifl. Dimill. 118 I 18 4 ] ad firin. Richard Rennell, Eſq. 1708. Joſeph Taylor, Eſq. and others, 1736. Thomas Taylor, Eſq. 1774. 0 0 Exmilter V*. (St. Martin.) Exmiſter R. Prior. Plympton Penf. I 4 0 3l. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 85. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. Governors of the Church of Cre- diton. Haccombe R. (St. Blaze.) Haber Decinia Garbarum de Queth- 2 10 yoke Cornub. Repriz. null, mentionat. Dimiff. ad firm. Lady Gratiana Carew, 1709. Sir Thomas Carew, Bart. 1781. 46 13 4 Kenne R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. 8. Archidiac. 85. Syn. 4 13 4 & Cath. 25. 5d. Dimiff. ad firin. Frances Gould, Widow, 1688. Sir William Courtenay, 1724. Lord Viſcount Courtenay, 1784. 34 13 4 Kenton V. (All Saints,) Epiſc. 35. 4d. Archidiac. Prox. Syn. 3 9 4 & Cath. 125. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. 27 3 61 Powderham R. (St. Clement.) Epiſc. 15. 4d. Archidiac. Prox. 45. 2 14 43 Syn. and Prox. 25. Val. per ann. in redd. aſlil. de le glebe- land 10l. 155. 4d. in decim. garb. &c. Sir William Courte- nay, Bart. 1700. 1700. Lord Viſcount Courtenay, 1784. 36 15 10 Stockentynhede, alias Stokentinhead, R. (St. Andrew.) Prior. 3 13 7 de Plympton Penf. 21. Prebend. de Heighes Penſ. 195. Ar- chidiac. Prox. 85. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in redu. aflif. de le glebeland per ann. 31. &c. Biſhop of Exeter. 81 St. Thomas Martyr V. juxta Civitatem Exon. Null. repriz. I 2 2 33 mentionat. Val. in penſ. rec. de Abb. de Taviſtock 61. in ob- lat. & in omn. decim. & al. profic. cont. in libro paích. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Moſes Gould, Eſq. 1705. Dorothy Quick, Widow, p. h. v. 1749. 9 4 9 Truſham, alias Triffam, R. Fpiſc. 11d. Archidiac. Prox. 2s. ed. d0 18 0 18 Syn. & Carh. Is. 5d. Va!. in redd. atlif. de le glebelard per ann. 21. 6s. 8d. in decim. garb. &c. Sir William Pole, Bart. 1715. Sir John William Pole, Bart. 1775. II 2 * Exmiſter-was formerly a Rectory, ralued at 337. Lirixos 270 Devon. DIOCESE OP EX E T E R. o 46 13 LIVING8 DISCHARGED. Clear early Value. King's Books 1. d. 1. d. 47 15 7 Mamhead, alias Mainhead, R. Epiſc. 8d. Archidiac. Prox. 10 17 6 25. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in redd. aſiſ. de le glebeland per ann. 1l. in decim. garb. &c. Thomas Ball, Eſq. 1727, 1738. Earl of Liſburne, 1777. 8 St. Nicholas V. five Cap. Lord Clifford. o Shillingford R. Null. repriz. quia dimiff. ad firm. Joſiah 9 0 0 Southcote, Eſq. Henry Southcote, Eſq. 1744. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1759 48 10 Teinton Biſhops V * (St. John Baptiſt,) with Weſteingmouth 2:5 8 10 Chapel. (St. James.) Repriz. nullo mentionat. Val. per ann. . in redd. affil, de le glebeland 135. 4d. in oblat. & in omn. dec. & profic. cont. in libro paſch. Sir Roger Hill, Knt. Thomas Comyns, Eſq. 1757. 38 16 :6 Welt Ogwell R. Archidiac. 7d. Dimiff. ad firm. Thomas 7 2 11 Reynell, Eſq. 1686. Richard Reynell, Eſq. 1733. Thomas Taylor, Eſq. 1774 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. . Eaſt Teinginouth, Chapel to Dauliſh. ill. 185. certified Value. Eade, alias Ide, Chapel. (St. Ida.) Not certified. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. Oldrudge, Chapel to St. Thomas Apoſtle. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Cowick Cur. olim a Priory. (St. Thomas Becket.) Mr. Gould. Lithewyll, (St. Mary,) olim Cap. to Dauliſh. Demoliſhed. * Teinton Biſhops.-The Biſhop had formerly a great Eſtate here. Riſdon of Devonk. p. 53. D. Morton, DETON 271 DIOCESE OF EXE TER, D. Morton, in the Archdeaconry of TOTNESS. King's Books. d. $. 2 2 I 2 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. learly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. l. d. 38 8 11$ ASHBERTON, alias ASHBURTON, V. (St. Andrew,) with Buck 3 16 10 land, and Buckington Chapels. Dec. & Cap. Exon. Penſ. 5l. 35. 4d. Epiſc. Exon. pro Cap. Redd. 6d. Terr. fanct. val. per ann. 81. 135. 4d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. The KING, 1749. 26 i Bovitracy V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. 2 ] 150 Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Dimiff. ad firm. Pri. Bridgewater, Propr. "The KING. 17 13 9 Iddesford, alias Ideford, R. Archidiac. Prox. 4s. Syn. 25.5d. 1 15 41 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Terr. fanct. val. per ann. 31. 105. decim, garb. &c. Ja. Rowe, Merchant, 1717. Richard Vivyan, and John Hawker, 1739. John Hawker, 1746. Gecrge Cooke, and John Bradford, Clerks, p. h. v. 1774. 17 9 7 Illſington V. (St. Michael.). Colleg. de Ottery Penf. 135. 4d. I 14 ili Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Todo Terr. ſanctuar, val. per ann. 105. decim. foen. lan. agn. &c. Colleg. de Ottery, Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. 28 13 9 Kingſteynton V. (St. Michael,) with Heywick Chapel. (All 2 17 41 Saints.) Archidiac. Prox. 115. 8d. Syn. 35. id. Viſ. Epiſc. 35. rod.] Val. per ann. in terr. ſanctuar. 21. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. 16 7 6 Liſtleighe, alias Luftleigh, R. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. I 12 9 7d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. į Terr. ſanct. val. per ann. 1l. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir William Wyndham, Bart. 1720. Thomas Strangways Horner, and his Wife, 1735. Thomas Hution, Clerk, 1762. Hon. Percy Charles Wyndham, 1775. The Earl and Counteſs of Ilcheſter, 1779. 13 12 81 Manaton R. (St. Wenefrid.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 25. 1 7 3 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 8d Terr. ſanct, per ann. il. 55. decim. garb. &c. Francis Kirkham, Eſq. 1698. Williain Carwithen, Efq. 1753. Rev. George Carwithen, 1780. 49 19 7 Morton HAMPSTEAD R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 4 19 11] 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. I Dimiff. ad firm. Sir William Courtenay, Bart. 1696. Lord Viſcount Courte- nay, J774 North I 1 272 DEVON D I o C E S E OF E XE T E R. 1. so d. King's Books. Yearly Tenthse 1. s. d. 22 10 5 North Bovie R. (St. John.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 25. 5d. 2 5 ož Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Terr. ſanct. val. per ann. 135. 4d. decim. &c. Jo. Langdon, Eſq. 1704, 1734. Lord Viſcount Courte- nay, 1775• 5 9 41 Teyngrace R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Repriz. null. notat. O 10 11 Terr. ſanet. per ann. il. 115. 8d. &c. Elizabeth Elford, Widow, 1633 William Palmer, Gent. 1750. Sir John William Pole, Bart. 1783. 25 13 9 Withicombe, alias Widdicombe in the More, V. (St. Pancras.) : 2 11 41 Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 10d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.j Val. per ann. in terr. fanctuar. 21. decim. perſonal. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Boats, 49 0 0 0 Hennocke V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Torr, Propr. John Harris, 16 Gent. p. h. v. 1756. Humphrey Hill, Eſq. 1775. 0 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Buckland in Mora, Chapel to Aſhburton. 261. 125. 8d. certi- fied Value. Bickington, Chapel to Aſhburton. 221. certified Value. Newton Buſhell, Chapel to Kingſteynton. Spickwyke, (St. Leonard,) formerly Chapel to Withicombe. Demoliſhed D. Dkehampton, in the Archdeaconry of Totness. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. 2. carly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. s. d. 1. S. d. 65 21 2 2 5 21 Bratton Clovelly R. Prior. Plympton Penf. 5l. 6s. Sd. Archi- diac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Val. in terr. fanct. per ann, 21, in decim. garb. &c. Bishop of Exeter. 5 Brodewoad DEVON. 273 DIOCESE OF EX E TE R. King's Books, b. S. d. I 18 2 15 2 20 Q l'early Tenths. 2. d. 19 7 6 Brodewood Kelly R. Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. 25. 5d. Vif. 9 Epiſc. 1S. 4d. Terr. fanct. per ann. 21. 135. 4d. &c. Dr. Hall, 1671. John Webber, Surgeon, 1720. Elizabeth Tucker, p. h. v. 1754. 27 II 8 Ekelborne R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 25. 5d. Vir. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Terr. ſanct. decim. &c. dimiff. ad firm. Eli- zabeth Finney, 1690. John Belfield, Gent. 1696. Finney Belfield, Eſq. 1777: o HATHERLY V. (Si. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8. 20 Syn. 2s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Terr. fanct. & omn. de- cim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Leonard Yeo, Eſq. 1700. Anne Notley, Spinſter, 1778. George Notley, Clerk, 1781. 16 11 3 Inwardleighe R. Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 28. 21. Viſ. I 13 Epiſc. Is. 8d. Val. in terr. fanct. per ann. 44. decim. &c. Richard Nicholls, 1702. William Moore, Clerk, 1775, 1780. 6 14 7 Monke Okehampton R. Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. 25. 5do o 13 53 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Terr. fanct. per ann. il. 13s. 4d. &c. Hugh Stafford, Eſq. 1681, 1725, 1732. Dame Bridget Maria Northcote, 1765. 27 8 9 Northlewe R. (St Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. 2 14 10} 180 Syn. 25. 5d. Vif. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Terr. fanct. &c. dimiff. ad firm. The KING. o OKEHAMPTON V. (All Saints,) cum Okehampton Capel. in 2 0 0 Burgo. (St. James.) Pri. Taviſtock, Propr. Jo. Huſſey, 1717. John Hearle, Eſq. 1744. Thomas Pearce Hockin, Clerk, 1778, upon his own Petition. 47 I 2 i Sampford Courtnay R. (St. Andrew,) with Brightleighe Cha- 4 15 21 pel. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Vif. Epiſc. 25. 2d.j. Terr. fanct. & omn. decim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. King's College, Cambridge, 1720, 1737. William Cooke, D. D. 1772. 4 4 Stow St. James's, alias Jacobſtow, R. Archidiac. Prox. 55. 1 2 51 Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Terr. fanct. per ann. 2h 135. 4d. decim. garb. &c. Sir George Chudleigh, Bart. 1697. Henry Oxendon, Eſq. 1758. John Burton, Eſq. 1776. O O 20 o II Nn LIVINGS 274 DEYON, DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. do 37 11 O O O 47 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. I. Aſhbury R. (St. Mary.) Prior. Launceſton 25. Syn. 29. 5d. 5 13 4 50 Terr. fan&tuar, val. per ann. il. 8s« Sd. decim. garb. &c. The KING. 49 o Beauworthy, alias Beworthy, R. (St. Alban.) Prior. Launceſton 6 6 o Penſ. 1os. Archidiac. Proxies 55. Syn. 2s. 5d. Vif. Epiſc. is. 8d. Val. in terr. ſanet. 1l. 6s. 8d. in decim. garb. &c. Ar- thur Arſcot, Eſq. 1710. John Arſcot, Efq. 1768. o Highampton R. (Holy Crofs.) Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. 8 19 45 25. 5d. Viſ. Epifc. 15. 4d. Terr. fanétuar. per ann. 1l. 135. 4d. &c. Edmund Herring, 1701. John Woolcombe, Elq. 1775, 1776. John Morth Woolcombe, Eſq. 1779. 26 O O Hony Church R. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. Syn. 2d. Val. in 6 7 8 terr. fanct. per ann. 21. decim. &c. Simon Clement, 1712. John Dunning, Gent. 1757, 1768. 50 Oo Peleſton, alias Belfton, R. Archidiac, Proxies 55. Syn. 25. 9 @ 1 5d. Vif. Epiſc. 1 s. 8d. Terr. fanct. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. de. cim. &c. Henry Trenchard, Eſq. and his Wife, 1797. John Hole, Clerk, 1767. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Okehampton in Burgo, (St. James, Chapel to Okehampton. Week St. German's Cur. Pri. Frithelftoke, Propr. Chap- ter of Briſtol, Patrons. 61. certified Value. 9. Piymtree, in the Archdeaconry of Exeter. King's Books. 1. So LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Ténths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 8 0 0 Black brough R. or Chapel. (All Saints.) Habet pro Stipend. O 41. Hugh Wyndham, Eſq. 1661. Sir William Wyndhamn, Bart. 1736. Hon. Percy Cha. Wyndham, 1782. Cliſthydon 2. 4 O Devon. DIOCESE OF EXET E R. 275 1. 1. d. 2 O Thomas Strangeways, Eſq. 1703 Sir William Wyndham, King's Book's. Pearly Tenths, d. 20 0 71 Clifthydon R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 2s. 2 d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 5d. Val. per ano.in reddi ſanct. terr. 51, &c. Alex- ander Popham, Eſq. 1704. Edward Popham, Eſq. 1739. John Thompſon, Clerk, 1764. 9 4 41 Cliſtlaverans, alias Clift Sõi Laurentii, R. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Ar. o 18 si chidiac. 35. 8d. Cath. 25. 1od. Val. per ann. in redd. affif. terr. ſanct. 2l. 135. 4d. &c. Chamber of Exeter, Patr. Mag. Br. Robert Dabinet, and Jo. Cholwil, Eſq. 1702. Joſhua Hickman, Eſq. 1731. John Newcombe, Eſq. and others, 1765. 47 4 2 COLUMPION V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 4 14 5 65. 8d. Cath. 25. rod. Dimiff. ad firm. Pri. Sti Nich. Exon. Propr. John Salter, Gent. 1719. The KING, 1733. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1756. Allice Selleck, Spinſter, and Edward Manley, 1777 16 18 61 Fenyton R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 6d. i iz tog Gath. 25. 5d. Val. in redd. aflif terr. fanct. 24. 135. 4d. in decim. &c. Jo. Walcot, 1690. Kellond Courtenay, Eſq. 1720. William Holt, Eſq. 1774. 27 18 114 Kentiſhbeare R. (St. Mary.) Epifc . 25. 2d. Archidiac. 2 15 10 6s. 8d, Cath. 25. Todo' Vali per ann. in redd. affil. de le glebeland 31. in decim. garb. &c. Wyndham, Knt. 1681. Sir William Wyndhain, Bart. Earl of Egremont, 1755. Hon. Percy Cha. Wyndham, 1782. 18 4 2 Payhemburie V. (St. Mary.) Null. repriz. mentionat. Di- miff. ad firm. Abb. Ford, Propr. Jocoſus Terry, 1665. Dorothy Goſwell, Widow, 1731, 1736, 1742. Samuel Walker, Eſq. p. h. v. 1750. Nicholas Lee, Eſq. p. h. v. 1756. 21 18 It Plymtree Ri (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc: 25. 2d. Archidiac. ? 3 g 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. affif . terr. fancl. 31. decim. garb. &c. Thomas Troſs, 1680. The KING, 1687. Thomas Troite, Clerk, 1736. Oriel College, Oxford, 1759, 1778. 22 4 2 Rewe R: (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 8sCath. 4 5 25. 63. Val. in redd. aſlif. de le głebeland 4h 10s. &c. Bart. 1732. Thomas Browne, Eſq. 1765 Earl of Ilcheſter, 1780. 51 8 4 Silverton R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 11s. 8d. Di- 5 2 10 miff. ad firm. Catherine Wyndham, Widow, 1696. Theo- dore Taner, and others, 1733. Mrs. Horner, 1750. Earl of Egremont, 1761, 1762. Hon. Percy Charles Wyndham, 1784. Talaton i i6 5 N Nn 2 276 DEVON. DIOCESE OF EX E TER. , King's Books. Pearly Tenths, 1. d. lo s, d. 32 3 11 Talaton R. (St. James ) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Cath. 15. 5d. 1 3 4 31 Val. per ann. in redd. afliſ. de le glebeland 72. 6s. 8d. in de- cim. garb. &c. Richard Harward, 1680. George Harward, Gent. 1731. Nutcombe Quick, Clerk, p. h. v. 1762. Ro- bert Palk, Eſq. p. h. v. 1784. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Icarly Value, King's Books, 40 00 BRADNINCH V. or Cur. (St. Dennis,) formerly a Rectory, va- lued in the King's Books at 531. Epifc. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. No Inſtitution. Now an Impro- priation belonging to the Church of Windſor. Edmund Sainthill, Eſq. 37 10 11 Broadhemburie V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 16 17 0 6s. 8d. Cath. 25. 10d. Val. in redd. aſſif. terr. fanct. 125. oblat. decim. lan. agn. vitul. &c. Dean and Chapter of Ex- eter, Propr. and Patr. 31 oo Buckrell V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc.gd. Archidiac. 25. 3d. Penf. 10 o 21 annual. rec. Decan. & Cap, 31. Val. per ann. in redd. afſif. de le glebeland 6s. 6d. in decim. lan. agn. fæn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 48 0 Butterleigh R. Archidiac. Is. 5d. pro Syn. & Cath. Priori 10 8.8 80 Sti Nicholai, Exon. Is. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. The KING. O To o O D. Plympton, alias Plymouth, in the Archdeaconry of TOTNESS. The Priory of Plympton was poffefſed, temp. H. VIII. of Ma- nors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tythes, &c. to the annual amount of 9121. 125. 8d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. LIVINGS 1 Devon. 277 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 5 63 33 11 200 O O 12 15 5 Charles Church, alias Charles, V. (King Charles the Martyr.) I Mayor and Commonalty of Plymouth, p. i. 33 4 7 Cornewood V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. 3 6 51 Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Val. in terr. fanct. & de- cim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Colleg. Vic. Choralium Econ. Propr. Bifhop of Exeter, Patr. 3 Ermington V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Sy- 3 7 I) nods 3s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. 1 Rectori ibidem pro Penſ, 135. 4d. Decim. & oblat. dimill. ad firm. Pri. of Mon- tague in Somerſet, Propr. Robert Warren, Eſq. 1695. The KING. 24 o o Ermington Mediety R. (St. Peter.) Null. repriz. notat. 2 8 0 Mediet. terr. fanct. & garb. dimiff. ad firm. Steph. Revel, 1684. William Cholwich, Eſq. 1733, 1747, 1750, 1784. II 14 41 Herford, alias Harford, R. Archidiac. Proxies 45. Syn. Syn. I 3 51 Is. 3d. 1 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Terr. ſanct. per ann. Il. 105. &c. Jo. Williams, Eſq. 1716. John Julian, Eſq. 1759, 1768. 29 18 111 Hewithe, alias North Hewilhe, R. Archidiac. Proxies 45. 2 19 10 Synods 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Terr. fanét. ad 'valor. 61. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Exeter, 1705. Williain Cowell, p. h. v. 1759. Arthur Tremayne, Eſq. 1771. 8 Holbeton V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Prox. os. 8d. Synods 2 8 2 150 25. gd. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Terr. fanct, ad valor. 35. 4d. decim. lan. agn. &c. The KING. Pri. Polllo, Propr. o1 MODBURY V. (St. George.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. I 1914 Synods 25. hod. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Colleg. de Eton pro Capitali Redd. 75. Val. in terr. ſanct. per ann. 135. 4d. & pro garb. lan. agn. &c. Eton College, Patr. and Propr. 45 1 2 I Newton Ferrers R. (Holy Croſs.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. 4 11 21 Synods 25. rod. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Val. in terr. fanct. per ann. 1ol. &c. Peter Fiſher, Clerk, 1725. John Yonge, 1751, upon his own Petition. John Yonge, Gent. 1767 . James Yonge, 1774, upon his own Petition. 12 15 5 PLYMOUTH St. Andrew V. cum Capellis Stonehouſe, Budok, i5 63 and Pancras. Priori Plympton pro Penſ. 81. Archidiac. Prox. 55. Synods 35. 4d." Vil. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Val. per ann. in decim. piſ. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Mayor and Burgeſſes thereof. 6 Yalmeton 24 I 0 O 19 II 278 DEVON. DIOCESE OF EXET E R. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. l. s. d. 1. s. d. 35.19 41 Yalmeton V. with Revelſtocke Chapel. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 3 11 11 8d. Synods 25. iod. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Rectori de Yal- meton pro Penſ. 25. 3d. Omn. decim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. The Prebendary of King's Teynton in the Church of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. 24 10 DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 6 Uggborough V. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. 20 Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.Į Priori de Plympton pro Penf. 87. Se- nefchallo il Super Rectorem in Recordo. Dimiff. ad firm. Pri. Plympton, Propr. Servington Savery, Eſq. 1676. John Savory, Eſq. p. i. 1754. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. 1 St. Aubyn, (in Plymouth Dock,) Chapel to Stoke Damarell. Kingſton, Chapel to Ermington. Brixton, Chapel to Plympton. Pri. Plympton, Propr. 351. 155. certified Value. Stonehouſe Chap. 81. 145. 4d. certified Value. St. Budeaux, alias Budok, Chapel to Plymouth. Pri. Plymp. ton, Propr. 36). 185. rod. certified Value. Plympton Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 171. certified Value. Plympton St. Mary's Cur. 391. 135. 4d. certified Value. Plympſtock. (St. Mary and All Saints.) 42). Certified Value, Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. Wenbury. (St. Werburgh.) Pri. Plympton, Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor. 281. 135. 43. certified Value. Shaugh, Chapel to Plympton. Pri. Plympton, Propr. 251 certified Value. St. Thomas Becket, Cap, olim in Plympton. St. Leonard, Chap. to Holbeton. D. Shit- Devon. 279 DIOCESE OF EX E TE R. D. Shirwell, in the Archdeaconry of Barnstaple. > King's Books, 1. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &e. 1. d. 13.18 13 Arlington, alias Alrington, alias Aldrington, R. (St. James.) 1 794 Epifc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. Il. 135.4d. &c. John Fairchild, 1709. Sir William Courtenay, Bart. 1741, 1745. Lord Viſcount Courtenay, 1770. 34 15 10 Berynarber, alias Bery Nerbert, R. (St. Peter.) Pri. Lewes 3.97 pro Penf. 21. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epifc, & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s, 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 51. 85. 8d. &c. Sir Nicholas Hooper, Knt. 1715. James Pearſe, and Mary bis Wife, 1777. Thomas Edwards, p. h. v. 1780. 29 15 5 Bratton Fleming R. (St. Perer.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. 2 1961 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies os. 8d. Val, in redd. affiſ. de le glebeland 81. decim. garb. &c. Gonvile and Caius College, Cambridge, 16 3 61 Braunton, alias Brampton, V. (St. Brannock.) Dec. & Cap. I 12 41 pro Redd. 55. 6d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 11. 105. decim. garb. &c. Dean of Exeter, Propr. and Patr, o Charell, alias Charles, R. (St. John Baptift.) Epiſc. Prox. 1$. 019 id. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 34. 4d. Terr. gleb. 21. decim. garb. &c. Humphry Snitall, Gent. 1664. The Biſhop, 1720. John Tanner, Gent. 1741. Abraham and John Radford, Clerks, 1778. II 9 2 Collacomb, alias Chalcombe Rawleigh, alias Challacombe, R. 1 2 11 (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. Proxies 2 s. 23. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. il. decim. garb. &e. Jo. Puggeſley, Clerk, 1665. John Hatch, Eſq. 1720. Lord Forteſcue, 1768. 39 8 9 COMB MARTIN R. (St. Peter.) Epifc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. 3 18 101 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. 31. 105. decim. &c. Nathaniel Griffin, Gent. 1708. George Gregory, 1741. John Unwin, Gent. 1757 3 Eaſt 9 10 O 280 Devon. DIOCESE or E XE T E R. S. d. s. I 2 King's Books. Year'y Tenths. l. 1. d. 9 8 Eaſt Buckland R*. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. Id. Epiſc. o 18 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 23. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 105. decim. garb. &c. Hugh For- teſcue, Eſq. 1702. Lord Clinton, 1740, 1746. 18 3 9 Eaſtdowne R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. 1 16 41 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 58. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. I!d. decim. &c. The Heirs of Edward Pyne, Eſq. John Pyne, Eſq. p. i. 1726, 1735. 40 17 11 Georgeham R. (St. George.) Priori de Barnſtaple pro Penf. 4 1 91 51. Dec. & Cap. Exon. pro Penſ. il. Willmo. Carew Mil. pro Cap. Redd. 25. Roberto Dulyng Arm. pro Cap. Redd. gd. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Sir Jo Chicheſter, Knt. 1660. Hoblyn, this Turn, 1698. Sir John Chicheſter, Burt. 1729, 1744, 1783. 14 19 41 Goodleigh R. (St. Gregory.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & I 9114 Cath. Is. 5d. Val. in redd. aſlil. de le glebeland 31. 175. 2 d. in decim. garb. &c. Francis Kirkham, Eſq. this Turn, 1712. Mr. Carey, alternately. James Churchward, 1744. Mary Churchward, Widow, 1780. 22 7 11 Heampton, alias Heaunton Punchardon, R. (St. Auſtin.) 2 4 91 Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 31. decim. &c. Arthur Baſſet, 1669. John Baffet, Eſq. 1720. Francis Baſſet, Eſq. 1772. 14 6 8 Highbraie, alias Highbray, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Proxies I'8 2 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archi- diac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Johanna lvie, 1706. William Oxenham, Eſq. and Mary his Wife, 1730. 71 Ketteſbury, alias Kentiſbury, R. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. 1 5 cl & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5 d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Francis Richards, Gent. 1669. George Sweet, and Catherine Sweet, 1773, 1776. 9 14 41 Loxore R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & 0 19 54 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. Is. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 45. 6d. Val. in redd. affiſ. de le glebeland il. 6s. 2d. in decim. garb. &c. William Bampfylde, 1720. Univerſity of Oxford, 1728. Sir John Chicheſter, Bart. 24 8 61 Merwood, alias Marwood, R. (St. Michael.) Priori Pylton 2 8 105 pro Penf. 55. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. . I 2 IO * Eait Buckland Reis unitd to the Rectory of Felleighe in Dec, Barnſtaple. Syn. Devon, 281 DIOCESE OF EX ET E R. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. aſlıf. de le glebeland 105. in decim. &c. Richard Har- ding, this Turn, 1714. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1782. 13 10 10 Paracomb R. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. i 7 i & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. John St. Albyn Alfoxen, 1681. John Lock, Yeoman, p. h. v. 1720. John St. Albyn, Eſq. 1762. 30 311_ Shirwell, alias Sherwell, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. 3 O 48 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 65. 8d. Terr. gleb. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Arthur Chicheſter, 1698. Sir John Chicheſter, 1746, 1770, 1784, p. i. 14 14 7 Stoke Rivers R. (St. Bartholomew.) Epifc. Proxies. 25. 2d. 1 9 53 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Sy- nods 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. Il. 135. 4d. &c. Robert Carpenter, Gent. 1705. Biſhop of Exeter, by Lapſe, 1712. Elizabeth Parminter, Widow, 1742, 1755. 13 13 4 Weſt Buckland R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. id. Epiſc. I 74 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. os. rod. decim. garb. &c. Anne Baſſet, Widow, 1662. Francis Baffet, Elq. 1756. O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 38 Aſhford V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 8d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 8 13 7 60 Syn. & Cath. 7d. Archidiac. Prox. 1s. Val. in terr. gleb. 135. decim. garb. lan. agn. in oblat. decim. prædial. & al. emolument. The KING. 32 0 0 Bittaden R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 9d. Epiſc. & Archidi- 5 2 81 ac. Syn. & Cath. Is. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 25. 2 d. į Terr. gleb. per ann. 125. decim. &c. Arthur Ackland, 1680. Mary Ackland, Spinſter, 1772. William Barbor, Eſq. 1779 50 0 0 Brendon, alias Brundon, R. (St. Brendon.) Pri. Sfi Johannis 94 a Jeruſalem 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 6d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 145. 4d. decim. &c. Sir Arthur Chicheſter, 1706. Sir John Chicheſter; 1771. 47 0 0 ILFORDCOMBE, alias Il FOR COMB, V. (Holy Trinity.) Mar. 50 4 chion. Dorſet. pro redd. 135. 4d. Epiſc. Proxies 6s. 8d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 95. id. Ballivo & Receptori 31. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. 51. 75. decim. garb. Jan. Oo 282 DEVON, DIOCES E OF EX E T E R. he Clear Yearly Value. King's Booksa 1. d. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof, in the Church of Sa- rum, Propr. and Patr. 40 Oo Martinhoe R. (St. Martin.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. 6d. Epiſc. & 8 19 10 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 2 sa 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 45. 6d. Val. in redd. affiſ. de le glebeland 5s.. gd. decim. garb. &c. James Courtenay, Eſq. 1704. The KING, by Lapſe, 1764. William Dewey, 1768. 40 o o Morthoe V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d.. Epiſc. & Ar 9 19 3 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 6d. in prompt. denar. rec. de decan. & capit. annuat. rok 1os. Dean and Chapter of Exe- ter, Propr, and Patr. 35 Oo Trentiſhoe R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 8d.1. Epiſc. & Archi- 8 8 4 diač. Syn. & Cath. 7d. Archidiac. Proxies 25. 2d. 1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. decim. &c. Mr. Incledon, 1680. Henry Incledon, Eſq. 1724. John Rogers, 1777 Emily Rogers and Robert Harding, 1782. 45 Oo Weſtdowne V. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. 1 Epiſc. 8 149 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 28. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. 15. 4d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Hoſpital of St. John's in Exeter, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. NOT IN CHARGE. Lynton, (St. Mary,) and Counteſury, (St. John Baptiſt.) 101. certified Value. Archdeacon of Barnſtaple, Propr. and Patr. 451, 55. certified Value. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Lankey, Chapel to Tawton Epiſc. (Holy Trinity.) Dean of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 201. certified Value. St. Anne and St. Michael, Chapels to Braunton. Demoliſhed. Weſtcote, Chapel to Merwood. Demoliſhed. Whyteford, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Merwood. Demoliſhed. D. South Devon. 283 DIOCESE OF EXETER. D. South Molton, in the Archdeaconry of BARNSTAPLE. d. 2. 2 2 2 0 7 15 10 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. 21 II 8 Crues, alias Cruwys Morcherd, R. (Holy Croſs.) Epiſc. Prox. 3 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 2s. 5d. Archi- diac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. aſlif. de le glebeland per ann. 21. 35. 2d. decim. garb. &c. The Biſhop, 1709. . Samuel Cruwys, Eſq. 1738, 1741. 18 19 7 Efraffe, alias Roſe Alh, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. I 17 III Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 65. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 1os. decim. &c. Sir Tho- mas Bury, Knt. 1675. Lewis Southcombe, 1736. William Glynn, Eſq. 1754. John Southcombe, Clerk, 1782. 11 0 0 Eaſt Anſty R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Proxies is. id. Epiſc. I & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 2 s. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Dimiff. ad 'firm. Henry Wood, S. T. P. 1710. Alice Tidboald, Widow, 1765. Eaſt Worlington R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Proxies gd. Epiſc. 0.15 7 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 25. 2d.] Val. per ann. in redd. affiſ. de le glebeland, 24. 135.4d. in decim. &c. Arthur Viſcount Downrayle, 1715. Wil- liam Fellows, Eſq. 1722. Henry Arthur Fellows, Eſq. 1780. 26 10 10 Kuoweſton, (St. Peter,) and Molland V. (St. Mary:) Epiſe. 2.13 I Proxies 45. 5d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 45. rod. Archidiac. Proxies is. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 21.- 6s. 8d. decim. garb. agn. vitul. porc. anc. lan. &c. Abb. Hertland, Propr. Thomas Webber, 1692, John Courte- nay, Efq. 1719. Univerſity of Oxford, 1749. Robert Froude, Eſq. 1767. 7 31 Nymet Biſhop's V. Repriz, non mentionat. Val. per ann. in 82 terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. decim. agn. vitul. porc. anc. lan. mel. cer. lac. in oblat. decim. prædial. & al. emolument. Biſhop of Exeter. 919 2 Nymet St. George R. Epiſc. Proxies 9d. Epiſc. & Archidi. O 19 II ac. Syn. & Cath. Is. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 25. 2d, į Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. &c. Sir Hugh Acland, Bart. 1713. Sir Thomas Dyke Ackland, Bart. 1776. Ooz King's 2 O 284 DEVON. DIOCESE OF E X E T E R. s. d. l. 0 1 2 Milt King's Booksa Pearly I enths. 1. do 28 6 8 King's Nymet, alias King's Nympton, R. (St. James.) Epifc. 2 16 & Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archid. Syn. & Cath. 25.5d. Are chidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Thomas Web- ber and John Hele, 1702. Lewis Southcombe, Clerk, 1745. John Southcombe, M. A. 1754, 1782. 24 0. 0. Okeford R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Proxies is. 6d. Epiſc. & Ar- 2 8 0 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 45. 6d. Dimiff. ad firm. Francis Squire and his Wife, 1710. Ro- ger Melhuiſh, 1742. William Morſhead. 6 8 13 Podington, alias Pudington, R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Epiſc. 9 en Proxies 6d.] Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. Is. 5d. Ar- chidiac. Proxies is. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. il. 165. 8d. decim. &c. James Bury, Gent. this Turn, 1716. Robert Triſtram, 1719. John Patch, 1783. 19 17 31 Rakingford, alias Rackenford, R. (All Saints.) Epifc. Proxies i 19 I 19 8 9d. Epifc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 2 s. 2d.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 2l. decim. &c. Joanna Wills, Widow, 1700. Richard Shortrudge, Efq. 1729, 1752. Thomas Melhuifh, Clerk, 1782. 10 14 9 Romandeſfeighe, alias Romanfleigh, R. (St. Rumon.) Epiſc. 1 1 51 Proxies 9d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Ar- chidiac. Proxies 25. 2d.1 Terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 65. 8d. de- cim. &c. Sir Hugh Acland, Bart. 1703. Thomas. Nott, 1732. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart. 1783. 20 O 21 Stodeleighe, alias Studtey, R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. Proxies 2 0.0 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archi- diac. Proxies 6s. 8d.. Terra gleb. per ann. ili 6s. 8d. &c. Catherine Carew, Widow, 1709. Thomas Carew, Efq. 1744. 10 6. 54 Tilbruge, alias Thelbridge, R. (St. David.) Epiſc. Prox. gdi I o 79 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. Is. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 25. 2d. 1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 3... decim. &c. Mary Veon, this Turn, 1712. Richard Shortrudge, Efq. 1747: John Southcombe, Clerk. 14 4 7 Warkleigh, alias Warleigh, R. (St. John.) Epiſc. Proxies gdi I 8 51 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath.. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 25. 2d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 11. 25. &c. Thomas Jeffrey, Eſq. 1721, 1733. Ann Beavis, Widow, and Elizabeth Bea- vis, Spinſter, 1752. 8 15 10 Weſt Worlington R. (St. Mary) Epiſc. Proxies gdi Epiſc. 017 7 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 25. 2d.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 135.4d. decim. &c. Dennis Stukeley, Eſq. 1727. William Dennis Stukeley, Eſq. 17.50.. George Buck, Efq. 1.783. DEVON. DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. 285 1. 1. S. d. King's Books learly Tenthse d. 9 19 41 Wulfardifworthie R. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. Proxies is, id. 0 19 11 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. rod. Archidiac. Proxies 35, 4d. Terr. głeb. ad valor. 31. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Sir William Waldron, Knt. 1685. Daniel Pring, 1720. William Walrond, Eſq. 1742. 23 10 5 Wythridge, alias Witheridge, V. (St. John Baptift.) Epiſc. 2 7 of Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. iod, Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Pri, Canington in Somerſet, olim Propr. John Cooke, Clerk, this Turn, 1717. Roger Melhuiſh, 1742. William Melhuilh, Eſq. 1745. Thomas Melhuilh, Clerk, LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 28 6 11 Childon, alias Chedelton, alias Cheldon, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 4 18 61 Prox. 9d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Ar... chidiac. Proxies 25. 2d.1 Terr. gleb. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Lord Viſcount Downrayle, 1708. Coulſon. Fellows, Eſq. 1737. Henry Arthur Fellows, Eſq. 1779. 25 4 0 Creacomb, alias Crecomb, R. (St. Michael.) Epifc. & Archi 4 18 9 diac. S n. & Carh. Is. 5d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 31. decim. garb. &c. Chriſtopher Harris, Eſq. 1712. William Har- ris, Eſq. 1778. 2 101 Meſhaw, alias Maſhaw, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. Proxies 7 4 O- gd. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Philip Shapcoate, Eſq. 1.686. Humphrey Tanner, Clerk, 1743. William Tanner, Clerk, 1779. 20 16 8 North Molton V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. 16 1:6 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. 'Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 8d. & in prompt. denar. no- mine penf. 171. 6s. 8d. Mon. Lilleſhulle in Salop, Propr. George Parker, Eſq. 1705. John Parker, Eſq. 1781. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1784. 31. 9. 6. Satterleigh R. annexed to Warleigh. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. 4.0.73 & Cath. 15. 5d. Val. per am. in redd, aftf. terr. głcb. 1l. 35. 4d. in decim..garb. &c. Ann Beavis, Widow, and Eli- zabeth Beavis, Spinſter, 1752. 49 7 6 Waſhford Pyne R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Prox. 60.1 Epiſc. & Epiſc. & 6 o 21 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, is. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. is. 8d... Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. žl. &c. Frances White, Wi- dow, and others, 1715. John Hacche, Eſq. 1.719, 1728. Agnes Lambe, 1782.. Wefe I 286 Devon. DIOCESE OF EX ET E R. s, d. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. s. d. 2. 37 17 5 Weſt Anſty V. (St. Petrock.) . Epiſc. Prox. Is. id. Epiſc. 10 16 8 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr, and Patr. NOT IN CHARGE. Anſty St. Mary Cur. City of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 24/. certified Value. South MOLTON Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen.) 301. certified Value. This was a Rectory valued at 671. 35. 4d. but now diſ- ſolved, and only a Curacy left: it was anciently a Col. lege : it now belongs to the Church of Windſor. Vide Orig. Surv. Marianſleigh Chap. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Twitchen (St. Peter,) Chapel to North Molton. D. Lamerton, in the Archdeaconry of Totness. The Monaſtery of Buckland, in this Deanry, was returned by the Coinmiſſioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spiri- tualities, the clear annual Sum of 24.1. 175. 9d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. Yearly Tentbs, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 24 ol Bere Ferrers * R. (St. Andrew.) Dec. & Cap. Exon. pro Querefters Penſ. 11. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2.d.1 Terr. fanct. per ann. 51. decim. &c. h. s. 2. d. 15 I le ? 8 * Bere Ferrers.--In this Pariſh is the Borough of Bere Alfton; where was a Chapel dedicated to the Holy Trinity Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 374. 7 Serjeant DUYON 287 DIOCESE OF EXE TE R. . s. di 1. so d.. $ 2 King's Books. Fearly Tenths. Serjeant Maynard, 1673. Earl of Stamford, 1720. Earl of Buckinghamſhire, 1772. II 4 7 Bickleigh V. cum Cap. Ship torr. Archidiac. Prox. 49. Syn. I 2 51 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Terr. fanct. per ann. Il. 6s. Sd. decim. garb. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Buckland, Propr. Sir An- drew Slanning, Bart. 1695. James Modyford Heywood, Eſq. 1751, 1760. 19 8 9 Buckland Monachorum V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. Prox. I 18 101 6s. 8d. Syn. 2s. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Terr. fanct. per ann. 31. 6s. 8d. Pri. Buckland, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter, 1709. Jonathan Elford, Eſq. 1752. Mary Crymes, Wi- dow, 1783. 8 4 41 Eggbuckland, alias Eaſtbuckland, V. Archidiac. Prox. 55. O 16 0 16 5 80 Syn.' 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Terr. fanét. per ann. 21. decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Plympton, Propr. The KING. 17 1 8. Peter's Tavy R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. Syn. 25. I 14 5d. Vil. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Terr. ſanct. omn. decim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Biſhop of Exeter. The KIŃG, 1748. 18 18 9 Stoke Damerell R. Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. I 17 io Epiſc. 1S. 4d. Terr. ſanct. omn. decim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Sir William Morrice, Bart. 1668, 1728. Sir John St. Aubyn, 1753: 14 5 71 Tavy St. Mary R. Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. 8 63 Epiſc. 15. 4d. Terr. fanét. omn. decimn. & oblat. dimiff. ad firin. John Buller, Eſq. 1714, 1775. 7 81 Tamerton V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Martin Stow. Archidiac. 1 4 01 70 Prox. 55. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Terr. ſanct. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. lan, agn. &c. Pri. Plympton, Propr. The KING. 9 14 7 Walkhampton V. cum Shittiſtoa. Archidiac. Prox. 56. Syn. O 1955 25. 5d. Vif. Epiſc. Iso 8d. Terr. fanct. 21, 6s, 8d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Buckland, Propr. Lady Elizabeth Mo. dyford, Widow, 1713. James Modyford Heywood, Eſq. 1739, 1766, 1781. 16 5 5 Whitchurch V. (St. Andrew.) Abb. de Taviſtock Penſ. 35. 4d. I 12.61 Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 2s. 2d. 1 Val, in terr. fanét. 41. in decim. lan, agn. &c. Abb. Tavif- tock, Propr. Francis Pengelly, Eſq. 1697. John Francis Pengelly, Eſq. 1740. Thomas Binford, Merchant, 1758, 1769. The KING, 1784. 6 O o Cantar' Tamerton Foliat. Val. in redd. affiſ. dinc, terr. & ten.. in Warlegh 612 1:2 o O 01:2 D 1:30 288 Devon, DIOCESE OP EX E T E R. DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valuc. King's Books. 1. d. . de 48 O o Meavey R. Prior. Plympton Penf. 135. 4d. Archidiac. Prox. 13 5 0 . 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Terr. fanct. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. The KING. 100 O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Sampford Spiny Cur. Chapel to Plympton. Pri. Plympton, Propr. 131. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Shipſtow, Chapel to Bickleigh. Budock, Chapel to Eggbuckland. D. Taviſtock, in the Archdeaconry of Totness. The Monaſtery of Taviſtock was worth, in Temporalities and Spiritualities, temp. H. VIII. the clear annual Sum of goal. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 55. 70.1 1. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 32 17 11 Brideſtowe R. (St. Bridget,) with Sourton Chapel, (St. Thomas 3 5 93 Becket.) Archidiac. Prox. de Brydſtowe 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Syn. de Sourton Is. Id. Vil. Epiſc. 25. 2deſ Terr. fanct. per ann. 52. &c. Biſhop of Exeter. 8 3 4 Broodwode Wiger, alias Broadwood Wiger, V. Repriz. null. Vicarius ibidem percipit un. annual. penſ. de Prior. de Frithelſtoke 81. &c. Pri. Frithelſtoke, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. Coriton R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Prox. 35. Syn. 25. 5d. 0 17 43 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Terr. fanét. per ann. 31. decim. &c. Tho- mas Lavers, Gent. 1684. Arthur Tremayne, Eſq. 1724, 1756, 1764, 1778. Dunterton O 16 4 notat. 8 13 9 DEVON, 289 DIOCESE OF E.X. E. T E R. 1. I I II 0 King's Books. l'carly Tonths. d. 7. 87 i Dunterton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Prox. 34. Syn. 25. 54. 0 16 81 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Terr. fanct, per ann. 21. deciin. &c. Tho- maſin Clobery, Widow, 1743. Nathaniel Boyſe, Clerk, 1781. 9 8 9 Kellie R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Prox. 35. Syn. 25. 5d. O 18 1o1 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Terr. fanct. per ann. 27. 135. 4d. &c. Ar- thur Kelly, Eſq. 1702, 1769. 13 1 Lamerton V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 6 2 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Terr. fanct. per ann. 1l. 6s. Sd. decim. lai. agn. &c. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Arthur Tremayne, Eſq. 1718, 1771. 9 13 9 Lewtrencherde R. Archidiac. Prox. 35. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. . O 19 4] Epiſc. Is. Terr. ſanct. per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Henry Gould, Gent. 1692. Arthur Tremayne, Eſq. 1735. John Luxmore, p. h. v. 1762. 15 13 9 LIDFORD R. (St. Petroch.) Archidiac. Prox. 35. Syn. 25. 5d. 1700 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Terr. fanct. omn. decim. & oblat, dimiff. ad firm. The KING. The Prince of Wales, 1740. 31 2 11 Lifton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. 3 2 31 Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Dimiff. ad firm. Chriſtopher Harris, Eſq. 1714. John Harris, Eſq. 1733. John Arſcott, and others, p. h. V. 1774. 12 16 01 Mariſtow V.(St. Mary,) with Thruſleton Chapel. (St. George.) I 5 7 Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. 1 Terr. ſanct. per ann. 21. 135. 4d. parcel. garb. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Edmund Tremayne, Eſq. 1697. Arthur Tremayne, Eſq. 1777 19 13 61 Milton, alias Milton Abbots, V. (St. Conſtantine.) Archi- diąc. 35. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Terr, ſanct. per ann. 41. deciin. lan. agn. vitul. &c. Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Duke of Bedford. 10 6 8 Siddenham Damerell R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Prox. 75. I 0 8 Viſ. Epiſc. 25. Terr. ſanct. per ann. 31. decim. garb. &c. Arthur Tremayne, Eſq. 1718, 1764. 11 12 6 Stowford R. Archidiac. Prox. 45. Syn. 2s. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. I 3 3 15. 4d. Terr. ſanct. per ann. 11. 55. decim. garb. &c. Wil. liam Harris, Eſq. 1700. John Harris, Eſq. 1762. I 19 4 -- LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 49 0 0 Bradſtone R. (St. Nun.) Archidiac. Prox. 35. Syn. 25. 5d. 6 7 2 Viſ. Epiſc. 15. Terr. fanct. per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. &c. Biſhop of Exeter. TAVISTOCK PP 290 Devon. DI o C E s E of E XE T E R. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 2. d. 1. d. II 0 0 TAVISTOCK V. (St. Euftache.) Repriz. null. notat. Vicarius 10 17 6 ibidem percipit un. annual. penf. de Abb. de Taviſtock 10l. dom. gardin. &c. Pri. Taviſtock. Duke of Bedford. 30 Oo Virginſtow R. (St. Bridget.) Archidiac. 25. 5d. pro Syn. & Cath. Val. in omn. exit. The KING. 5 6 8 1 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Brent Torr. (St. Michael.) Abb. Taviſtock, Propr. Duke of Bedford. Skic Torr Chapel. D. Liverton, in the Archdeaconry of ExeTER. The Abby of Canonleigh, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum of 1971. 35. Id. For Particulars, vide Origa Surv. S. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Bjošs Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 28 4 91 Bickleighe R. (St. Mary.) Epifc. Prox. 25. 2d. Archidiac. I 16 5 Prox. Syn. & Cath. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Sir Thomas Carew, 1722. Sir Thomas Carew, 1782. Calwoodley, alias Calverley, R. Null. reprizi mentionat. quia i 4 dimiff. ad firm. Lady Elizabeth Fane, 1711. Charles Lord Fane, 1749. Robert Butcher, Eſq. 1759, 27 0. Clare Portion in TivERTON St. Peter's Church *. Epiſc. Prox. 2. 14 8d, Archidiac. Prox. 25. Syn. & Cath. Is. Id. Dimiff. ad firm. Richard Newte, Gent. 1678. Samuel Burridge, Eſq. p. h. V.. 1721. George Furſden, Eſq. p. h. V. 1760. 12 * * Tiverton-On a time the Parſon thereof found fault, that the Benefice was of ſmall Value; which: the Earl (of Devondhire, Courtenay) underſtanding, at the next Avoidance divided it into three Parts, viz. Tidcombe, Clare, and Pitt, at 100 Marks apiece. Riſdon of Devonſh. p. 39.. 5 Clehanger DEVON, 221 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. - 1. d. 1 Ιο 10 I2 II I 6 10 King's Books. liariy Tenths, i. d. 157 31 Clehanger R. Epiſc. Prov. is, id. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Syn. & Cath. is. Id. Terr. gleb. ad valor. · 21. 45. 8d. &c. Bluet Wallop, Eſq. 1695. John Pym, Clerk, this Turn, 1706. Robert Beadon, Gent. 1744. Hunterham R. Epiſc. Prox. Is. id. Archidiac. Prox. Syn. & 1 32 Cath. 6s. 2d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 25. Id. deciin. &c. Thomas Bere, Eſq. 1704, 1732. Elizabeth Foort, 1765. 36 0 0 Pite Portion in TivERTON St. Peter's Cliurch. Epiſc. Prox. 8d. 3. 12 Archidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath. 35. Id.Val. in redd. affiſ. de le glebeland 41. 105. per ann. in decim. garb. &c. Sic Richard Vivian, Bart. 1716. Sir Thomas Carew, and others, 1742. Sir Thomas Carew, and Mr. Newte, 1777. 23 8 111 Sampford Peverell R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. Prox. 15. 4d. 2 Archidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath. 6s. 5d. Val. in redd. terr. gleb. 54. 6s. 8d. &c. John Earl Powlet, 1697. Earl Pou- lett. 815 Templeton R. (St. Margaret.) Quodam Redditu folut. Prioratui o 176 Sti Johannis Jeruſalem in Anglia & nunc Regi ili 6s. 8d. Sir William Pole, Bart. 1731. Sir John William Pole, 1776. 27 00 Tidcomb Portion in TIVERTON St. Peter's Church. Epiſc. 2 14 0 Prox. 8d. Archidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath. 35. Id. į Val. in terr. gleb. 31. 16s. in decim. garb. &c. Peter Newte, Gent. this Turn, 1716. Sir Thomas Carew, 1742. John Newte, 1782. 36 o 5 Uffculme R. or P. Epiſc. Prox. 250 8d. Archidiac. Prox. 3 12 0] Syn. & Cath. Ios. 5d. Dimiff. ad firm. Biſhop of Saruin. 18 2 Uffculme V. (St. Mary.). Null. repriz. mentionat. Sarum I 16 01 Pecul. Prebendary thereof, in Sarum Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 21 O 19 Uploman R. (St. Peter.). Epiſc. Prox. Ist 4d. Archidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath. 6s. iod. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 41. &c. Earl Poulett, 1760. Wafhfield R. (St. Mary.) Null. repriz. mentionat. quia di- I 18 9 miff. ad firm. Henry Worth, Eſq. 1676. John Worth, Eſq. this Turn, 1710. John Harris, Eſq. 1737- o 2 I 20 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2 II Ó BAUNTON, alias. BAMPTON, V. (St. Michael.). Repriz. null. quia dimiff. ad firm. Abb. Buckland, Propr. The KING, , 1711. Lord Viſcount Fane. John Wood, Gent. p. h. v. 1784 Pp 2 Burliſcomb 1 } 292 Devon. D I o C E S E 0 F E x E TE R. 1. s. d. 48 O 0.0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2. d. 4! 5 0. Burliſcomb V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Prox. Is. id. Archidiac. Il 15 10 Prox. 35. 4d. Syn. & Cath. 35. 3d. Val. in decim. lan. agri. vitul. & in omn. decim. & al. profic. cont. in lib. paſch. Pri. Canonleigh, Propr. Ja. Trever, and William Green, 1701. John Jones, Eſq. 1735. Alexander Popham, Eſq. 1782. Culinſtock V. (All Saints.) Repriz, null. mentionat. quia dimiff. 16 ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr, and Patr. 46 o o Halberton V*. (St. Andrew,) cum Muckbeare Cap: deſtruct. 31 Epiſc. Prox. 25. 82. Archidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath. IIs. 3d. Dimiff. ad firin. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Propr. and Patr. 50 oo Hockworthy V. Repriz. nullo mentionat. quia dimiff. ad firm. 7° 6 8 Pri. Canonleigh, Propr. Gra. Sharp, Widow, 1709. Tho. Sedgwick Whalley, and Elizabeth his Wife, 1779. 47 Holcombe Rogus, alias Holcombe Regis, V. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 10 10 21 2:d. Archidiac. Prox, 65. 8d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. lan. agn. & in omn. decim. & al. pro- fic. cont. in libro paſch. Robert, and Peter Kerflake, 1693. Robert Bluett, 1740. John Baſſett, 1750. Buckland Nut. combe Bluett, Eſq. Loxbear R. Penſ. Rectori de Cadleigh 15. 8d. Val. in redd. 6 14 affif. de le glebeland il. 6s. 8d. &c. Ro. Cudmore, Gent. 1711. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart. 1750. 50 0 0 Morebath V. (St. George.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 7 8 9 Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in terr. gleb. 35. 4d. in decim. foen. lan. agn. & in omn. dec. & al. profic. cont. in libro pafch. Pri. Barlinch in Somerſet, Propr. Jo. and Grace Sharpe, 1705. Robert Bere, Eſq. 1751. Edward Manly, 1774. Truſtees of Davy Bere, Eſq. o Priors Quarter in TIVERTON. King's College, Cambridge. Willand R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Prox. 6d. Archidiac. Prox. 7. 10.5 - 15. 8d. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Val. in decim. garb. &c. John Carwithen, 1720. William Walrond, Eſq. 1738. 44 0 0 IO 42 O NOT IN CHARGE.. TIVERTON St. James R. * Halberton in the Original Survey is called a Rectory, CHAPELS, Devon. DIOCESE OF EXE T E R. 293 . 3* Edſleighe, alias Idfleigh, R. (St. James.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES, Cove Chapel in TIVERTON. (St. John Baptiſt.) Not certified. Hitherlands Chapel. Not certified. Petton, Chapel to Baunton. Not certified. Shillingford, Chapel to Baunton. Not certified. D. Lorrington, in the Archdeaconry of BARNSTAPLE. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7. 1. 24 0 o Alhraignye, alias Rings Alh, R. (St. James.). Epiſc. Prox. 2:8. O 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiać. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archi- diac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Richard Meluilh, 1700. Mr. Cutcliffe, p. h. v. 1747. John-Toffel Johnſon, Clerk, 1784. IT 15 71 Beafford R. (All Saints.) - Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Ar I. 363 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ano. in terr. gleb. 21.135. 4d. in decim. garb. &c. Tho- mas Copleſton, 1665. Thomas Nott, p. h. V. 1727. John Ivie, Efq. 1748. 11 16 01 Buckland Filleighe R. (St. Mary:) Epiſc. Prox. Is. 6d. 3 77 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. &Cath. 256. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 455 6d. Terr. gleb. per ann. ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. decim.. garb. &c. Biſhop of Exeter. 20 16 8. Dowilton, alias Dolton, R. (St. Edmund.) Epifc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiae. Syn. & Cath. 2s. 5d. Archidiac: Prox. 65.8d, Dimiff. ad firm. John Granvill, Eſq. 1701. Lady Granville; and Lord Gower, 1727. John Clevland, Eſq. 1778. 17 ', . I 14 11 Epifc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5do Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. - Dimiff. ad firm. Anth. Copleſton, and Tho. Chap- pel,. 1616. - Anth. Copleſton, and Richard Stooke, 1643. Sir Henry Northcote, and others, 1738. Jane Taſker, Wie S. d. d. I 2 I. 8. dow, 1772. 2 Langtree 294 DIOCESE OF EXE T E R. Devon. 2. s. d. 1 2d. King's Books, learly Tenths, 1. d. 29 3 Langtree R. Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. 2 18 I & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Sir John Rolle, Knt. 1705. Henry Rolle, Efq. 731. John Walter, 1778. 20 15 71 Martin, alias Merton, R. (All Saints.). Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2 1 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 65. 8d. Terr. gleb. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Samuel Rolle, Eſq. 1695. Lord Walpole, 1736, 1747, Counteſs Dowager of Orford, 1765. 9 7 6 Methe R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2d. Epiſc. & 0 18 9 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Abb. de Taviſtock Penf. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. 1l. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. &c. Edward Carey, Eſq. 1701. Univerſity of Ox- 23. ford, 1749 8 5 71 Newton St. Petrock R. Epiſc. Prox. 9d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 0 16 60 Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 25. 2d. Priori Bodmin pro Penſ. 75. Terr. gleb. 21. 135. 4d. deciin. garb. &c. Jof. Spittigue, 1701. John Spertigue, Eſq. 1738.. Edmund Herring, Clerk, 1783. 10 8 9 Rodbroughe, alias Roborough, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Proxies 1 o 101 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archi- diac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. 11. 6s. 8d. per ann. decim. &c. Andrew and Thomas Jeffreys, 1699. Samuel May, Gent. 1736. Thomas May, Clerk, 1781. 17 0 21 Stow St. Petrock, alias Petrock Stow, alias Heanton, R. I 14 0 Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Abb. de Buckfaſt Penſ. Il. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Samuel Rolle, Eſq. 1714. Lord Walpole, 1730. Earl of Orford, 1751. Oo O GREAT TORRINGTON V. (St. Michael,) with Stow St. Giles's, 2 0 0 made an Impropriation ſince 1534. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Prox- ies 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. gl. 15. 4d. decim. garb. lan. &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon, Propr. and Patr. 14 18 11 Little Torrington R. Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archi- I 19 104 diac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Die miff. ad firm. Lord Granville, Lord Gower, John Rolle, Eſq. Sir Bourchier Wray, Bart. Chriſtopher Harris, Joſeph Copleſton, Richard Stevens, Eſqrs. and James Vallet, Mil- Jiner, 1719. Henry Rolle, Eſq. and others, 1746. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1773. Winkleigh 20 Devon. 295 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. 1. d. Yearly Tenths, . a. 2 101 21 King's Books, 8 9 Winkleigh V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. 5d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patre 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 44 0 0 Huiſh R. (St. James.) Epifc. Proxies is. Id. Epiſc. & Archi- 7 19 10 diac. Syn. & Cath. 2s. 5d. Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 31. &c. George Yeo, Eſq. 1706. Edward Roe Yoe, Eſq. 1764. John Dufty, 1774. 49 5 Shebbear V. cum Cap. SHEEPWASH. (St. Laurence.) Epiſc. II 60 Proxies 25. 2d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. 25. rod. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Vali per ann. in terr. gleb. 25. decim. lan. agn. vitul.. pore. ane. ov. oblat. decim. prædial.. & al. emolument. The KING. Abb. Torr, Propr. 8 4 ОО O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Dowland. Abb. Canonleigh, Propr. Dame Bridget Maria Northcote. 201. certified Value. Petermerland Cur. (St. Peter.) Pri. Frithelſtoke, Propr. Lord Walpole, Patr. D. Lotton, alias Lotneſs, in the Archdeaconry of TOTNESS. The Priory of Cornworthy, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 631. 25. 1od. The Priory of Torton was likewiſe returned at 1241. 95. 2d. The Abby of Buckfaſtleigh was likewiſe returned at 4681. 115,- 2d. 20 Lib. Cer. & un. Cerot. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv, LIVINGS 296 Devox. DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Looks. Pearly Tonths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 0. 1. s. 218 19 1 O 2 29 I 8 Aſhprington R. cum Cap. Painsford. (St. David.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. rod. Viſit. Epifc. 25. 2d.] Pri. Totneſs pro Cap. Redd. 6s. 8d. Terr. fanct. decim. & . oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Edward Nofworthy, Clerk, 1706. Henry Holdſworth, and others, 1757. John Terry, 1764. Elizabeth Wife of George Carwithen, p. h. v. 1780. 29 14 41 Brent, alias South BRENT, V. (St. Patrick.) Monaſterio de 2 1951 Buckfaſt pro Penſ. 45. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. rod. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Val. per ann. in terr. fanct. 61. decim. fæn lan. agn. &c. Abb. Buckfaſt, Propr. Ann Ackland, Widow, 1716. John Amyatt, 1765- o1 Buckfaſtleigh V. (Holy Trinity.) Abb. Buckfaſt. pro Penſ. I 18 I 1 h 16s. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 2d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d.Val. per ann. in terr. fanct. 135. 4ch in decim. lan, agn. oblat. &c. Abb. Buckfaſtleigh, Propr. Richard Fownes, Eſq. and Elizabeth his Wife, 1717. John Corham, Huxham, Clerk, 1777. Sarah Huxham, Widow, 1778. 21 od Dene Prior V. (St. George the Martyr.) Archidiac. Prox. 55. 2 0 Synods 25. 1od. Viſit. Epiſc. is. 8d. Valo in terr. ſanct. & omn. decim. & oblat. dimiíf. ad firin. Pri. Plympton, Prepr. Edward Yard, Eſq. 1678. The Biſhop, 1721. John Yard, Eſq. 1754, 1766. 36 4 41 Dertington, alias Dartington, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 3 12 3 12 55 Proxies 55. Synods 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Sd. Terr. . fanct. &c. dimiff. ad firm. Arthur Champernowne, Eſq. 1731. John Yarde, Eſq. p. h. v. 1764. 34 15 o Dettham, alias Dittiham, R. (St. George.) Archidiac. Prox- 3 96 ies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Seneſ- challo 135. 4d. Dimiff. ad firm. Earl of Suffolk, 1703. Sir John Hobart, 1723. Earl of Buckinghamſhire, 1768. 29 Dopeford, alias Diptford, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 2 18 21 Synods 25. 54. Viſit . Epiſc. 25. 2d. Terr. ſanct. & omn. al. decim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Edmund Sture, Eſq. 1661. John Cranch, and Robert Chappel, h. v. 1721. Charles Taylor, Eſq. 1739, 1755, 1767. 49 2 1 Harberton V. (St. Andrew,) with Halwill Chapel. (St. Leonard.) 4 18 23 Decan. & Cap. Exon. pro Penſ. il. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2da1 Val. in terr. fanét. & omn. al. decim. & oblat. dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. Holl, 2 I Devon, 297 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. l. s. d. King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. d. 8.5 5 Holl, alias Holne, V. Priori Sfi Johannis Exon. pro Penſ. 1). 0 16 6 Archidiac. Proxies 4s. Synods is. Id. Viſit. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Val. per ann. in terr. ſanct. 21. in decim. lan, agn. oblat. &c. Pri. St. John's Exon, Propr. Henry Lane, and George Dot- tin, 1669. Biſhop of Exeter, this Turn, 1709. Jacob Nof- worthy, Gent. 1746. John Noſworthy, Clerk, 1771. o Rattrey V. Archidiac. 25. 2d.{ Synods is. od | Viſit. Epiſc. I I 90 - 8d.Ž Val. in terr. ſanct. 24. 135. 4d. per ann. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. St. Dogmaels in Pembrokeſhire, Propr. Waltham Savery, Eſq. 1721. Samuel Pierce, Efq. 1768. John Bidlake Herring, Eſq. 1781. 14 IO LIVINGS DISCHARGED. o Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 25 Blackauton V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Sy. 15 8 9 nods 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d.Vicarius ibidem percipit annuat. un. penf. de Prior. de Plympton 161. Pri. Corn- worthy, Propr. William Roope, Eſq. 1733. Arthur Holdf- worth, and Ambroſe Penfound, 1752. 10 O O Cornworthy V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Cornworthy, Propr. Hugh Poméry, and Jane Hody, 1708. Humphry Prideaux, Eſq. 1748, 1775 24 6 8 Totness V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 12 50 28. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d. į Vicarius, rec. annuat. pro un. penſ. annual. de Prior. de Totneſs 81. & pro omn. al. decim. 51. The KING. Pri. Totton, Propr. 29 6 8 Townſtall V. (St. Clement,) with St. Saviour's in DARTMOUTH 12 15 41 Chapel. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2 d.] Val. in annual. penf. rec. de Abb. de Torr 13. 6s. 8d. Abb. Torr, Propr. Mayor and Bailiffs of Dartmouth. 8 9 O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Marland, alias Mereland, Chapel. (Holy Ghoſt.) Pri. Corn- worthy, Propr. Daniel Cory, Gent. St. PETROCK DARTMOUTH, alias Clifton, Chapel to Tonſtall. The KING. 31. 1os. certified Value. Meage R. Sir Thomas Carew. . Legh, (All Saints,) Chapel to Harberton. Demoliſhed. Qq m. W 000- DIOCESE OF EXET E R. DEVON. D. THoodieigh, in the Archdeaconry of Totness. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. de 1. d. 5 81 62 16 101 Alvington, alias Avelington, alias Weſt Allington, V. (All 6 Saints,) with Malbrooke, Milton, and Huiſhe Chapels. Vi- cariis Eccleſ. Cath. Exon. 21. 1gs. 4d. Archidiac. Ecclef. de Alfyngton 6s. 8d. Syn. ejuſdem Ecclef. 25. 5d. Vifit. Epiſc. pro eadem 25. 2d. į Archidiac. Procur. Ecclef. de Malburgh 6s. 8d. Syn. ejuſdem 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. pro eadem 25. 2 d. Archidiac. Syn. pro Cap. Milton 7d. Val. per ann. in omn. decim. & oblat. 661. 135. 4d. dimiff. ad firm. Dean and Chapter of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. 38 1 8 Aveton Gifford R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. 3. 16 2 Synods 25. rod. Terr. fanct. ad valor. per ann. gl. &c. Henry Lane, Gent. 1709. Dorothy Lane, Spinſter; 1760. 28 718 Bigburie R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Sy- 2 16 91 nods 35. 3d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Terr. ſanct. &c. dimiſſ. ad firm. Duke of Bolton. 31 8 4 Charleton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 55. Synods 3 2 10 25. 6d. Viſit. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Terr, fanct. ad valor. 71. 105. &c. Edmund Forteſcue, Eſq. and Edmund Reynell, Eſq. 1713. George Parker, 1742. Dorothy Bury, Spinſter, 1780. John Parker, Eſq. 1784. 32 2 1 Eaſt Allington R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Prox. 3 4 21 Syn. 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 20.1 Terr. fančt. &c. dimiff. ad firm. Peter Forteſcue, 1717. Elizabeth Forteſcue, 1763. 26 o 21 Loddelwill V. (St. Michael ) Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Sy- 2 12 of nods 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Val. per ann. in terr. fanét. 91. os. 4d. in decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. cum penſ. Coll. Slapton, olim Propr. Mallack, Eſq. 1680. John Freke, Clerk, 1744. Richard Freke, Clerk, 1777. 22 16 51 Pole, alias South Poole, R. (St. Cyriac.) Archidiac. Proxies Archidiac. Proxies 2 5 71 55. Synods is. 7d. Vifit. Epiſc. 15. 8 d. Terr. ſanct. val. per ann, 21. 45. &c. George Hele Treby, Eſq. 1763. Ben- jamin Hayes, Eſq. Paul Henry Ourry, Eſq. and others, 1768 4 Portlemouth, - Devon. 299 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. i King's Books. 1. Yearly Tenths, d. 1. d. 29 18 4 Portlemouth, alias Eaſt Portlemouth, R. (St. Onolaus.) Ar- 2 19 IO chidiac. Proxies 55. Synods 25. 5d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. terr. fanct. val. per ann. 31. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Duke of Bolton. 19 10 7 Ridmore, alias Rinmore, alias Ringmore, R. Archidiac. 1 19 I 19 0 Proxies 45. Syn. 25. rod. Viſit. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Terr. ſanct. ad valor. 41. decim. &c. Francis Kirkham, Eſq. 1697. John Baker, Clerk, 1759. 48 7 S} Stockingham, alias Stokenham, V. (St. Barnabas,) with Shir. ford, (St. Martin,) and Chuiſtone, (St. Sylveſter,) Chapels. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. rod. Viſ. Epiſc. 2s. 2d.] Val. per ann. in decim. piſ. Jan. agn. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Bysſham in Berks, Propr. o Thurlſton R. Archidiac. 55. Syn. 25. 5d. Viſit. Epiſc. is. 8d. 2 II Terr. ſanct, ad valor. 31. decim. garb. &c. Edward Yard, and Jo. Sampford, 1701. Edward Yard, Eſq. h. v. 1723. John Coward, p. h. V. 1777: 22 8 4 Woodleigh R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Proxies 55. Syn. 25. 5d. 2 4 10 Viſit. Epiſc. 1s. 8d. Terr. fanct. &c. dimiff. ad firm. Wil- liam Lavers, Merchant, 1728. George Lavers, 1762, 1766. 4 16 9 200 O O 25 10 0 O O 44 8 1 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 26 Churſtow, (St. Mary,) and KINGSBRIDGE V. (St. Edmund.) 16 16 11 50 0 Archidiac. Proxies 55. Synods 35. id. Viſit. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Vicarius percipit un. annual, penſ. de Abb. de Buckfaſt 177. 6s. 8 d. cuni 135. 4d. pro terr. ſanct. annuat. Abb. Buck- fait, Propr. The KING, 1726, 1735, 1763, 1779. DODBROOKE R*, (St. Thomas a Becket.) Syn. 2d. Terr. 8 11 4 ſanct. ad valor. 21. 14.5. &c. Edward Yard, and his Wife, and Steph. Northleigh, Eſq. 1709. John Hippiſley Coxe, Eſq. 1742, 1758, 1764. John Henry Southcote, Eſq. 1779. 48 19 5 Moreleigh ki. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Proxies 35. Synods 7d. 9 8 1 Viſit. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Terr. fanct. val. per ann. 21. 25. decim. &c. Jo. Shapleigh, 1709. John Shapleigh, Eſq. 1746. 15 0 0 Slapton Cur. (St. Mary.) A College, temp. H. VIII. valued at 631. 6s. 2d. Churchwardens and Principal Inhabitants, Patr. * Dodbrooke - The Incumbent here has Tythe-Ale. Camb. Brit. by Biſhop Gibſon, Edit. i. p. 39. R 9 2 2D, Galt, 300 CORNWALL, DIOCESE OP EX ET E R. D. Eaſt, in the Archdeaconry of CORNWALL. The Priory of St. German, in this Deanry, was returned by the Coinmiſſioners to be worth, in Temporal and Spiritual Property, the net annual Sum of 2271. 45. 8d. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. 1. s. d. O 0 15 II I II 23 II I2 I 2 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their. Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 16 15 71 Botsfleminge R. Omn. decim. Prox. 45. 6d. Hooke, I 13 63 Eſq. 1675. Elizabeth Pearſe, this Turn, 1705. Gilbert Symkin, and Northmore Herle, Eſq. 1721, 1732. John Batt, Eſq. 1783. 26 7 8{ Calſtocke R. (St. Andrew.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 8s. 2 12 95 150 rid.] The KING. Duke of Cornwall. o] Cruetheke, alias Quethioke, V. Decim. major. & minor. cum id agiſt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 85. uid. Coll. Windſor, olim Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. o1 St. Dominick Ř. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 8s. Ild.] 2 7 John Clarke, Eſq. 1715. Elizabeth and John Clarke, 1752. 6 St. John R. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 85. vid. The 5 3 KING. Duke of Cornwall. 26 o St. Ives R. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 85. 11d.1 The KING. Duke of Cornwall. 3 61 Landulphe R. (St. Dilp.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 8s. o 4 150 O" 6d. The KING. Duke of Cornwall. 13 o Lankinghorne, alias Linkinhorne, V. (St. Mellor.) Decim. 1 6 0 major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 8s. 70.1 Pri. Launceſton, Propr. Jo. Byne, 1689. Francis Mana- ton, Eſq. 1725. Rebecca Hewiſh, Spinſter, 1780. 7 18 9 Lawenecke, alias Lawannick, V. (St. Martin.) Decim. major. 0 15 101 60 & minor. Syn. 85. gd. The KING. Pri. Launceſton, Propr. 19 6 8. Lawhitton R. (St. Michael.) Omn. decim. Biſhop of Exeter. I 18 8 I 18 32 o Lawſante, alias Lezant, R. Omn. decim. Biſhop of Exeter. 3 4 6 St. Melyan, alias St. Mellyn, R. Omn. deciin. Syn. & Prox. 3 3 75. 6d, Sir William Coryton, Bart. 1695. Sir John Co- ryton, 'Bart. 1730. John Coryton. Eſq. 1779. Mynhenyote, TOO O O O 2 I 2 o 160 O O 20 2 o 0 o O II 12 I > CORNWALL, 301 DIOCESE OF EX ET E R. à. 2 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 d. h. 21 15 5 Mynhenyote, alias Menhynnet, V*. (St. Neot.) Decim. ma 3 6 1 jor. & minor. cum agift. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 8s. 11d. Exe- ter College, Oxford, Propr. and preſents at the Nomination of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 36 6 8 Northill R. (St. Torney.) Omn. decim. Prox. 85. 11d.1 3.12 8 Eliz. Darley, Widow, 1716. Arthur Trevillian, Elq. 1767, 1772. 16 15 71 Pilaton R. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 45. 6d. Sir William I 13 62 Coryton, Bart. 1702. Sir John Coryton, Bart. 1736. Ro- bert Helyar, Eſq. 1768. 76 Rame R. (St. German.) Omn. deciin. Syn. & Prox. 85. nid. Pearce Edgcomb, Eſq. 1699. Richard Edgecumbe, Eſq. 1737. Lord Edgecumbe. 26 14 7. Sevioke, alias Shevioke, R. (St. Mary.) Omn. decim. Syn. 2 13 52 & Prox. 55. 6d. Sir William Carew, Bart. Reginald Pole Carew, Eſq. 1782. o Southill, with Kellington, Rufe Omn. decim. Syn. 8s. 9d.] 3.16 Sir Jonathan Trelawney, Bart. 1691, 1727. Earl of Orford, 1742, 1705 40 o Stoke Clymeſland R. Omn. decim. Prox. 8s. gd. į "The 4 250 KING. Duke of Cornwall. 1 2 I 4 9 38 O 0 0 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 40 o o Anthony, alias Weſt Anthony, V. (St. James.) Decim. major. 12 17 & 1 & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 85. Iid.} Pri. Ty- wardreth, Propr. John Carew, 1681. Sir William Carew, Bart. 1740. Reginald Pole Carew, Eſq. 1782. 40 O Ö Lanrake V. (St. Peter,) cum St. Erney Cap. Vicaria ibidem 18 12 val. per ann. tam in decim. major. quam minor. cum agiſt. gleb. ultra. Syn. & procur. Pri. St. Germans, Propr. Edward Noſworthy, Eſq. 1677. Earl of Buckinghamſhire, 1761. 40 Maker V. (St. Macra.) Decim. major. & minor. Syn. & Prox. 23 II 0] 70 85. 11d.] The KING. Pri, Plympton, Propr. 4 O O * Mynhenyote-This Vicarage is endowed with all the Great Tythes of the Pariſh, together with a Portion of the Tythes of Coldrenie, in the Pariſh of St. Germans, paying a Rent of 201. to Exeter College. + Southill-In this Pariſh is the Borough of KelLINGTON, alias CALLINGTON (St. Mary.). Wil- lis's Not, Parl, vol. II. p. 171. St. Stephens 302 DIOCESE OF EXE T E R. CORNWALL. s, S. d. © 0 Clear Yearly Muluc. King's Books. 1, de 1. 21 St. Stephens V *. (St. Nicholas,) cum Salt Alh Chapel. Decim. 260 major. & minor. cum agilt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 85, 9d. Coll. Windfor, olim Propr. Jo. Buller, Eſq. 1714. Ifaac Buller, 1744. James Buller, 1753. Chriſtopher Churchill, Clerk, 1773. Edward Buller, Eſq. Leſfee of the Great and Small Tythes under the Dean and Chapter of Windſor. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. St. Germans Cur. (St. German,) olim a Priory Church. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. Vide Willis's Not. Parl. vol. II. p. 153. D. Kerter. The College of Glaſeney, in this Deanry, was poſſeſſed, temp. H. VIII. of Spiritual and Temporal Property to the Annual Amount of 2051. 10s. 6d. The Priory of Helſton, in this Deanry, was poſſeſſed, temp. H. VIII. of Spiritual and Temporal Property to the Annual Amount of 121. 165. 4d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. de LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. l. d. 33 o Breoke, alias Breague, alias St. Breague, (St. Germowe,) 3 6 Corantyn, (St. Ninian,) and Gunwallo Wynnaton V. (St. Wynwallow.) Syn. & Prox. Archid. 175. gd. Decim. ma- jor. & minor. cum agift. &c. The KING. Mon. Hayles in the County of Glouceſter, Propr. o 0 O 300 * St. Stephens-In this Pariſh is the Borough of SALT Ash, and a Chapel of St. Nicholas. Wil- lis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 76. St. Gluvias CORNWALL. DIOCESE OF EXETER303 R. . s. 21 2 II I O King's Books. Year'y Tenths, l. d. I. d. 6 101 St. Gluvias and St. Budoke V *. Goll. Glaſeney, Propr. Vi 2 88 car. ibidem val. tam in decim. major. quam minor. cum agiſt. glebæ per ann. Biſhop of Exeter. 1 51 St. Grada, alias Grade, R. (Holy Croſs.) Archidiac. Syn. & I 2 Prox. 45. Id. Omn. decim. Charles Trevanion, Eſq. 1680. Jo. Saul, Eſq. this Turn, 1710. John Trevanion, Eſq. 1734: Anne Trevanion, Widow, 1770. 18 11 5 Keyran, alias St. Keverne, V. Archidiac. Prox. & Syn. 1os. I 17 1 7d.ſ Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. terr: gleb. Mon. de Bewley in the County of Southampton, Propr. James Bulteel, Eſq. 1717. James Bulteel, Eſq. 1753, Edmund Robinſon, Eſq. 1758. Anthony Williams, Clerk, p. h. v. 1767. 35 10 21 Mawgan and Martin, alias Dedimus, R. (St. Mogun.). Archi- 3 11 0 diac. Prox. & Syn. 95.gd. Omn. decim. Mary Trevillian, 1689. Laurence Agar, and Thomas Bridges, Gent. h. v. 1724. Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. 1782. 14 16 3 Mawnan R, (St. Mawnan.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. Syn. & Prox. I 9 73 Archid. 35. 11d. John Peter, Eſq. 1716. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1751. Elizabeth Peter, Widow, 1756. Milour (St. Melor) and Lavapper, alias Maylor with Lavabe, V. (St. Mabe.) Vicar. ibidem val. tam in deciin. najor. quam minor. cum agilt. terr. gleb. per ann. Pri. five Colleg. Glaſeney, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 10 10 2] Ruan. Major, alias Ruon Major, R. (St. Rumon.) Omn. de 1 1 0 cim. Syn. & Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 4d. George Robinſon, Eſq. 1709, 1725. William Robinſon, Clerk, 1754. 14 010 St. Stedian's, alias St. Stythyans, V. cum Capella de Perran I 8 1 Arwothall. (St. Piran.) Decim. major, & minor. cum agiſt. terr. gleb. Syn. & Prox. Archidiac. 85. 2d. Mon. Rewley in co. Oxon, vel Eccl. Cath. Exon, Propr. Hugh Boſcawen, Eſq. 1706. Lord Viſcount Falmouth, 1766. 26 19 41 St. Wendron V. cum Helston Cap. (St. Michael.) Penf. 2 13 111 Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Penſ. fol. Coll. de Ottery 55. Decim. major. & minor. cum agift. terr. gleb. Mon. Rewley, in co. Oxon, Propr. Robert Jago, 1692. The KING, by Lapſe, 1731. Edward Coode, 1747., John Unwin, Eſq. 1768. Thomas Wills, Clerk, Incumbent and Patron, 1784. 16 15 I 13 6 * St. Gluvias--In this Pariſh is the Borough of PENRYN, which has a Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen. Willis's Not. Parl. vol. II. p. 109. N. B. The College of Glaſeney was in this Pariſh. LIVINGS 304 DIOCESE OF EXE TE R. CORNWALL. 1. d. 50.0 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear l'early Y'o'ng, King's Books, I. . 23 O St. Anthony V. in Meneage. Archid. Prox. & Syn. 45. od. į 4 15 10 50 Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. terr. gleb. The KING. Pri. Plympton, Propr. Mon. vol. II. p. 9. Mon. Tey- wardreth in Orig. Surv. oo St. Conſtantine V. Archidiac. Syn. & Prox. gs. 3d. I Decim. 19 3 101 major. & minor. cum agiſt. terr: gleb. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr, and Patr. 49 o o Gwinap, alias Gwennap, V. (St. Wenap.) Archid. Syn. & 16 18 11] Prox. 8s. ridot Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. terr. gleb. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 40 15 Landawidnack, alias Landewenack, R. (St. Lanty.) Archid. 11 16 101 Syn. & Prox. 85. od. Omn. decim. George Robinſon, Eſq. 1709. William Robinſon, Clerk, 1754. Manathon, alias Manacca, V. (St. Menacus and St. Dunſtan.) 4 16 of Archid. Prox. & Syn. 55. 70.1 Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. terr. gleb. Biſhop of Exeter. Coll. Glaſeney, olim. Propr. 34 18 11 Mullyan V. (St. Melan.) Archidiac. Syn. & Prox. 85. 8d. 9 4.4 Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. terr. gleb. Colleg. Vic. Choral. Exon. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter, Patr. 23 100 Ruan Minor, alias Ruon Minor, R. (St. Rumon.) Omn. de- 4 4 41 cim. George Robinſon, Eſq. 1726. William Robinſori, Clerk, 1770. 48 O O Sithney V. (St. Sithne.) Coll. Glaſeney, Propr. Archid. Syn. 19 II 5 & Prox. Archid. 85. 8d. Decim. major. & minor. cum agift. gleb. Biſhop of Exeter. 48 oc CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND Curacies. BURRITON, alias PENZANCE, (St Mary,) Chapel to Madern. 51. certified Value. Merthir, alias Merthir Uni, Chap. (St. Uni.) Anciently a Chapel to Probus. The Inhabitants nominate. 136. 165. čer- tified Value. Silley Inſul Chapel. Not certified. Mons Michaelis Chapel. (St. Michael.) St. John St. Aubyn. Nor certified. D. pen- CORNWALL 305 DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. 9. Penwithe. d. 1. d. O 11 2 II 1 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. Yearly Terths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. S. 48 12 i Borian, alias St. Burien, R*. Omn. decim. Syn. 135. 4d. 4 17 21 400 O The KING. 9 16 ož Borian Deanry. Val. in redd. & firm. tam lib. tenen. quam 0 1971 cuft. cum perquis. cur. &c. The KING. 39 16 101 Cambourne, alias Camborne, alias Canbourne, R. (St. Mar- 3 9 81 tin.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. gs. Francis Baſſet, Eſq. 1709, 1771. 9 2 Crowan, alias Uni Crowan, V.(St. Crewenne.) Decim. major. I & minor, cum agiſt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. Archid. 85. vid.] Mon. Tewkſbury in Glouceſtr. Propr. Sir John St. Au- byn, Bart. 1777 14 01 Erghe V. (St. Earth.) Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt, I 8 14 glebæ. Penf. Cath. 105. Syn. & Prox. 85. 11d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 22 11 101 Ewny, alias Ewny Lanant, V. cum St. Jeſſe, alias St. Ives, Cap. Decim. major. &c. Syn. & Prox. Archid. gs. vid. Coll. Crediton, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. o o St. Ewny near REDRUTH, alias Uny, R. Omn. decim. Prox. 2 0 0 & Syn. Archid. 85. 11d. Thomas Toukin, Eſq. this Turn, 1711. Francis Baffet, Eſq. 1775. Sir Francis Baffet, 1784. 45 10 10 Felack, alias St. Felix, alias Phillack and Gothian, R. (St.Fe- 4 11 lix and Gothian.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 165. Sir John Arundel, Bart. 1691. The Univerſity of Oxford, 1734. John Hockin, 1763. 6 11 01 Gulwatts, alias Lanefly, alias Gulvall, alias Lanefty, V. (St. 0 13 11 60 Gulwall.) Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleh. Syn. & Prox. 8s. 11d.ị The KING. Pri. Sr. Germans, Propr. ir 6 of St. Illarii, alias St. Hillary, V. Decim. m.jor. & minor. cum I 2 agiſt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 8s. ud. I Mon. Syon, Propr. Earl of Radnor, 1691. Mary Eriſey, and Frances Hambly, 1724 Lord Godolphin, 1746. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1775 2 5 21 20 I * St. Levan--a Chapel to Borian. St. Senan--a Chapel to Borian. Rr St. Illogan 306 CORNWALL, DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. - s. d. 22 II II IOO 0 0 30 II 21 2 2 7 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. 1. 7 6 St. Illogan R. Omn. decim. Prox. & Syn. Archid. 85. 6d. 2 4 9 Francis Baſſet, Eſq. 1709, 1771. Sir Francis Baſſet, Bart. 1784. ož St. Juſte V. Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Syn. I 1 3 1 & Prox. 85. 11d.] The KING. Colleg. Glaſeney, Propr. Webber. Pri. Plympton, Propr. Mon. vol. II. p. 9. ož St. Ludgvan, alias Ludgvan, R. (St. Paul.) Omn. decim. 3 I 1) Syn. & Prox. 85. uid. } Duke and Dutcheſs of Bolton, 1709. Duke of Bolton, 1777. 5 10 Madron, alias St. Madern, V. with the Chapel of Penzance, (St. Mary,) ard Morva. Vicaria ibidem valet tam in decim. major. quam minor. cum agiſt. glebæ. Pri. Sfi Johannis Je- ruſalem, Propr. Thomas Fleming, Gent. 1717. John Bor- laſe, Eſq. 1719. Truſtees of Walter Borlace, p. h. y. 1776. o Parva in Borian P. Val. tam in decim. major. quam minor. o 4 0 cum agiſt. gleb. ibidem per ann. Biſhop of Exeier. ož St. Paul V. Decim. major. & minor. cum agift. gleb. Syn. I 7 15 80 0 & Prox. 8s. Ildiz The KING. Mon. Hales in Co. Glouc. Propr. 17 11 51 St. Piran Uthnoe R. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 4s. 6d. I 15 let Sir John Trevelyan, Bart. 1709, 1783. 7 6 8 Reſpernell P. Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb O 14 8 o St. Sancret, alias Sancreed, V. Vicar. ibidem valet tam in de O 16 cim, major. quam minor. cum agiſt. glebæ per ann. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 7 o Tirthney P. Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. O 14 0 o St. Wynar, alias Gwynar, alias St. Wynyar, V. Coll. Exon. 4 Oxon. Propr. Syn. & Prox. Archid. 85. IId.] Decim, ma- jor. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Biſhop of Exeter, p. i. 2 O 13 II OCV O I 2 0 I DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 35 0 0 Zenar, alias Zennar, V. (St. Sennar.) Decim. major. & minor. 5 5 oj cum agilt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 85. 11d.1 Colleg. Glaſeney, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. CHAPELS, CORNWALL. 307 DIOCESE OF E X E T E R. Chapels, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. MARKET JEW, (St. Catherine,) Chapel to St. Illary. Not in Charge. St. Nicholas, Chapel to Uni Lalant. Tawednock, (St. Twinnock,) Chapel to Uni Lalant. Boſwiddy, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Erghe. Deſtructa. Brey Chapel. Demoliſhed. 9. Poudre. The Priory of Tywardreth, in this Deanry, was returned to be of the net annual Value of 123l. 95. 3d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 1. d. 1. d's 4. 2 I O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. si 8 13 4 Allen V. (St. Alleyn.) Val. per ann. tam in decim. major. 0 17 quam minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Colleg. de Glaſeney, olim Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. o St. AUSTELL V, cum St. Blaſye Cap. The Patronage of the 2 2 0 150 Church of St. Blaſye is in the Impropriator. Carlyon, Eſq. Penf. ſol. Pri. Tywardreth 21. 135. 4d. Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Mon. Tywardreth, Propr. The KING. 27 10 71 Cheriehayes, St. Michael, St. Stephen, and St. Denys, R. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1719, 1773. Lord Camelford. 14 o Cheriehayes, &c. V. Decim. major. & minor. &c. Thomas I 8 Pitt, Eſq. 1719, 1773. Lord Camelford. o St. Clements, alias Morelk, V. Decim. major. & minor. cum O 18 0 60 agiſt. gleb. The KING. Mon. Syon, Propr. 13 6 8 Crade, alias St. Creede, R*. Omn. decim. Jo. Saul, Eſq. this I 6 8 Turn, 1710. Duke of Cornwall. Prince of Wales, 1750. The KING, 1774. 19 o o Elerkie, alias St. Uryan, V. (St. Symphoriana.) Decim. ma- · jor. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 2 15 o O O 9 2 O I 18 * Crade, alias Creede-In this Pariſh is the Borough of GRAMPOUND, which hath a Chapel dedicated to St. Nunn, Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 95. Rr 2 Erme 308 CORNWALL. DIOCESE OF EX E TER. 1. d. I II 20 2 O 10 2 I 0 5 I King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 22 13 4 Erme R. (St. Ermett.) Omn. decim. Narciſſus Lutterell, Eſq. 2 5 4 1697, 1732. Edward Wynne, Eſq. 1772. 2100 Eva, alias St. Ewe, R. Omn. decim. Sir Jof. Tredenham, 2 2 0 Knt. 1700. John Hawkins, S. T. P. 1728. Sir John St. Aubin, Bart. 1746. Thomas Carlyon, Eſq. and Mary his Wife, p. i. 1784. 15 6 oj Fellye, alias Philley, R. (St. Felix.) Omn. decim. The Rev. I 10 74 Mr. Fowler, 1721. John Hughes, Clerk, 1733. Elizabeth Hughes, Widow, 1758. 15 12 6 Gerens R. (St. Gurons.). Omn. decim. Biſhop of Exeter. 3 St. Goran V. Coll. Glaſeney, Propr. Decim. major. & mi- nor, cum agiſt. gleb. Biſhop of Exeter. 4 St. James and St. Keby, alias TRIGNY, alias TREGONEY, V. Vi- caria ibidem val. per ann. tam in decim. major. quam minor. cum agit. gleb. Pri. Merton in Surry, Impr. Edmund Pri- deaux, Eſq. 1694. Sir John Prideaux, Bart. 1750. 37 010 St. Juſte, alias St. Juſt in Roſeland, R*. Omo. decim. Philip 3 14 Hawkings, Gent. 1712. John Hawkins, Clerk, 1722, 1733.. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1743. 16 oo St. Kenwyn, and St. Kee, V. (St. Cuby.) Decim. major. & I 12 0 minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Coll. Glaſeney, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 18 O O Ladocke R. (St. Ladoca.) Omp. decim. Charles Mohun, 1 16 0 Baron of Okehampton, 1688. Suſan Collyer, and Bridget, Hooke, this Turn,) 1704. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. Patr. 1724. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1749. Sampſon Sandys, Eſq. 1762. 6 0 0 Lamoren R. (Śt. Moren.) Omn. decim. Jo. Keſtel, Clerk, O 12 O this Turn, 1711. Thomas Julian, p. h. v. 1725. John Moleſworth, Eſq. 1759. 13 6 8 Lanlivery V. (St. Brevita.) Penf. ſol. Prior. de Tywardreth 21. 1 6 8 135. 4d. decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Pri. Ty- wardreth, Propr. Walter Kendall, 1740. Cath. Harrell, 1746. Edward Collins, Clerk, 1752. 10 0. O Luxulyan, alias Luynlyan, V. (St. Cyricus and Julieta.) Penf. fol. Prior. Tywardreth 21. 135. 4d. decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Mon. Tywardreth, Propr. Charles Grills, Gent. 1684. Emlyn Carveth, 1728. Francis Cole, Clerk, 1773, upon his own Petition, p. i. 10 00 St. Mewan R. Omn. decim. Thomas Ford, 1694. Frances Hambly, Widow, 1724. Thomas Hawkins, Eſq. 1754. 9 14 St. Michael Penkevile R. Omn. decim. Hugh Boſcawen, Eſq. O 19 5 1706. Lord Falmouth, 1767. I O I O 2 * St. Jufte R. In this Pariſh is the Borough of St. Mawes. Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 166. Monagey, CORNWALL. 309 DIOCESE OP E XE TE R. d. 6 4 King's Books Yearly Tentls. 1. d, l. Se 2 Monagey, alias Mevagiſſey, alias Lamorack, V. (St. Mevan and O 12 5 St. lffi.) Decim. major, & minor. cum agift. gleb. Pri. Glaſeney, Propr. Richard Edgcombe, Eſq. 1709. Lord Edgecumbe, 1750, 1755. 13 16 8 St. Probus Groguth V. (St. Merther,) cum Cornelley Cap. 178 Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Eccleſ. Cath. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 00 St. Roche R. (St. Gomonda.) Omn. decim. Sir John Arun- dell, 1686, Richard Agar, and others, 1733. Joſeph Hawkey, 1754. Thomas Biddulph, and others, 1766. 12 O O Ruon Lanyhorne R. (St. Rumon.) Omn. decim. Earl of Stam 1.4. O ford, and Lady, and Sir John Hobart, Bart. 1715. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxon, 1745, 1777. 9 6 8 Tywardretn V. (St. Andrew.) Decim. major. & minor. cum O 18 & agiſt. gleb. Pri. Tywardreth, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter, 1677. Philip Raſhleigh, Eſq. 116. 165. certified Value.. 20 2 O oo 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valite. King's Books, 45 0 0 St. Feoke V. Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Coll. II Glaſeney, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 40 Fowey V. (St. Fimbarrus.) Decim. major: & minor. cum 10 agiſt. gleb. Syn. & Prox. 35. 2d. Pri. Tywardreth, Propr. Thomas Trefry, Gent. 1668. Thomas Trefry, 1754, 1756. James Bennetto, Gent, 1784. io LESTWITHIEL, alias LYSTHIEL, (St. Bartholomew.) 2 40 Pri. Tywardreth il. Decim. major. & minor. wardreth, Propr. The KING. Duke of Cornwall. 30 00 St. Mary in TRURO R. Omn. decim. Pearſe Edgcomb, 1693. 16 O Lord Edgcumbe, 1761. O Peni. 2134 Pri. Ty- O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. St. Anthony in Roſeland, Chapel to Gerens. Lord Falmouth. St. Sampſon's, alias Gotant, or Glant, Cur. Pri. Tywardreth, Propr. Philip Raſhleigh, Eſq. 8l certified Value. St. Dennis, Chapel to Carhays, and paſſes under the ſame Pres: fentation with it. Porteaft, Chapel to Goran.' Demoliſhed. Cornelly Cur. (St. Cornelius. The Inhabitants recommend to the Vicar of Probus, who nominates. By the Terrier of this Parith, 310 CORNWALLA DIOCESE OF E X E T E R. Pariſh, it appears, that it was anciently a Chapel of Eaſe to Probus, but was made Parochial in the Year 1532 by Agree- ment between the Inhabitants and the Vicar of Probus for the time being, with the Conſent of the Bilhop of the Dioceſe. 201. 125. certified Value. Trinity, an ancient Chapel appendant to the Caſtle of Reformel, long ſince demoliſhed. Merther, Chapel to Probus. The Principal Inhabitants appoint, D. Pydre. The College of Cranſtock, in this Deanry, was returned at 89.. 155. 8d. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 2. S. d. 41 10 10 I St. Breoke R. Oinn. decim. In this Pariſh is Wadebridge. 4 3 Sir Nicholas Morrice, Bart. 1710. John Moleſworth, Eſq. 1761. Sir John Moleſworth, 1771. 53 6 8 ST. COLUMBA MAJOR R. Omn. decim. Jo. Collyer, this 5 6 8 Turn, 1704. Francis Folkard, 1746. Robert Cotton Tre- fuſis, Eſq. 1776. Lady Dowager St. John, Sir Herbert Mackworth, and Humph. Hall, 1782. 26 13 4 St. Enoder *, alias Enedor, V. Coll. Glaſeney, olim Propr. 2 13 4 Decim. major. & minor. &c. Biſhop of Exeter. 18 6 8 St. Erven R. Omn. decim. Sir Nicholas Morrice, Bart. 1712. I 16 8 Sir William Morrice, Bart. 1740. John Moleſworth, Eſq. 1759 90 o St. Éſye, alias Iffye, alias Ithy, alias_Egleſcrook, V. Decim. o 18 major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Dean and Chapter of Ex- eter, Propr. and Patr. 6 13 4 St. Evall, alias Teverall, alias Voell, V. Decim: major. & mi- 0 13 4 nor. cum agiſt. gleb. Biſhop of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. O * Enoder~The Borough of St. MICHAEL is partly in this Pariſh, and part in the Pariſh of Newlyn. Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 155. Lanivet CORNWALL. 311 DIOCESE OF E X E E E R. T E S. 24 0 King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. d. I. d. Lanivet R. Omn. decim. Anthony Nichols, Eſq. 1701. Jo. 2 8 ſeph Nicoll, Gent. 1738. Dame Martha Scawen, 1746. William Scawen, Eſq. 1770. 26 13 4 St. Maugan R. Omn. decim. Sir John Arundell, 1680. 2 13 4 Thomas Pendarvis, 1704. Sir John Trevilian, Bart. 1711. Mary Scarfe, Spinſter, 1754, 1756, 1761. Montague North, D. D. &c. 1777. 15 6 8 St. Merin V. Val. per ann. tam in decim. major. quam minor. I 10 8 cum agiſt. glebæ. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. Bilhop of Exeter, Patr. 16 13 4 St. Newlin V. Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Can I 13 4 cellar. Exon. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter, Patr. 6 6 8 St. Pedrock Minor, alias Naffington, R. Omn. decim. Sir Ni- 8 cholas Morrice, Bart. 1708. Sir William Morice, Bart. 1734. John Moleſworth, Eſq. 1759. 16 6 8 Wen, alias Wenman, V. (St. Wenne.) Decim. major. & mi 8 nor. &c. Mon. Tewkſbury in Glcuceſt. Propr. Warwick Pollexfen, Efq. 1685. Jonathan Raſhleigh, Eſq. 1738, 1743. Philip Raſhleigh, Eſq. o Wythioll, alias Withiel, R. (St. Uvell.) Omn. decim. Sir Too Richard Vyvyan, Bart. 1721, 1761. 0 I 2 I I2 IO O o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 40 0 0 Colan V. (St. Colan.) Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. 6 13 4 Colleg. Glaſeney, Propr. Bilhop of Exeter. 46 0 Cuberte, alias Cuthbert, V. (St. Cuthbert.) Decim. major. & 8 6 8 minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Pri. Bodinyn, Propr. Sir Edmund Prideaux, Bart. Sir John Wilmot Prideaux, Bart. 1770. 44 0 0 PADESTOWE, alias Padstow, V. (St. Petrock.) Decim. ma- II 3 4 jor. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Pri. Bodmyn, Propr. Jo. Prideaux, Eſq. 1685. Edmund Prideaux, Eſq. 1720. Humphry Prideaux, Eſq. 1771. 44 Ö o St. Peran in Zabul, alias Pieran in the Sands, V. Decim. ma- 24 od jor. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr, and Patr. Chapels, DonativeS, AND CURACIES. - Columb Minor R. (St. Columb.) The KING. 7. certified Value. St. Agnes, Chapel to St. Peran. 331. certified Value. Cranſtock, Chapel to Padeltow. Mr. Buller. 81, certified Value. T D. Trigge 312 CORNWALL, DIOCESE OF EX E T E R. D. Irigge Major. The Priory of Launceſton, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the net annual Sum of 3541. os. 11d. I For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. d. l. 0 0 O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo d, 18 5 Alternon V. (St. Nunn.) Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. 1 16 6 gleb. Prox. 85. 5 d.] Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 8 Dewítowe, alias Davidſtow, alias Downſtock, V. (St. David.) 0 16 0 60 Vicaria ibidein val. per ann. tam in decim. major. quam minor. cum agiſt. gleb. ultra Syn. & Prox. Abb. de Cliff, Propr. The KING. Duke of Cornwall. Prince of Wales, 1750. 8 0 0 St. Genys, alias St. Gennes, V. Decim. major. & minor. Syn. o 16 8s. 9d.} Pri. Launceſton, Propr. William Crewys, 1712. Sir John Moleſworth, Bart, and Edward Eliot, Eſq. 1783. 19 O O Jacobſtow R. (St. James.) Omn. decim. ultra Syn. & Prox. 1 18 Mary Raſhley, 1705. Edward Eliot, Eſq. 1719, p. i. 1775. Lord Eliot. Launcells, alias Lancells, V. (St. Andrew.) Decim, major. & minor. Prox. gs. 5d.} Abb. Hertland in Devon. Propr. Paul Orchard, Eſq. p. i. 1776. of Marham Church R. (St. Marvenne.) Omn. decim. Syn. & IT Prox. 85. 11d.1 William Pearſe, Eſq. 1673. John Cory, Gent. p. h. v. 1728. John Walter, Eſq. 1750, 3776. 13. 10. 10 Morwinſtow V. (St. Morvenna.) Decim. major. & minor. I 7 Syn. & Prox. 95. 3d.. Pri. Bridgwater in Somerſet. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 9 10 10 North Paderwyn, alias Petherwin, V*. (St. Paternus.) Decim. 0.19 major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. ultra Syn. & Prox.' Abb.de Taviſtock, Piopr. Earl of Bedford, 1681. Duke of Bed- ford. IO 10 10 I I I 15 II I II 1 * Norih Paderw; n, alias Petherwin, V.-is in the County of Devon. 1 Suth CORNWALTE DIOCESE OF EX E TE R. 3193 I early Tériths, 2. d. s. S. O 18 O O . King's Books. 1. d. 9 2 6 South Paderwyo, alias Petherwyn cum Trewen, V. (St. Pater- 3 nus.) Decim. major. & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. ultra Syn. & Prox. Pri. St. German, Propr. Oxford Univerſity, 9 9 9 7 Treveg los and Waſbultow V. (St. Werburgh) Decim. major. O !9 15 бо & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Prox. 16s.gd. Pri. Tywardrerii, Propr. The KING. 17 Wike St. Mary R. Omn. decim. Prox. 3.5. 5.d. Grace I 14 0 Counteſs Granville, and John Lord Gower, 1716. Henry Frederick Carteret, Eſq. 1.78.1. 26 311Wikehampton, alias Lelkhampton, alias Kilkhampton, R. (St. 2 12 41 James.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. gs. 5d. George Granville, Eſq.-171.1. Earl Granville, 1763. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 42 Cleder V. (St. Clether.) Decim. major. & minor. Syn. & 6 in 101 Prox, 8s. Id.I Cantar. de St. Auſtell, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter, 1664. John Phillips, Gent. 1734. Charles Phil- lipps, Eſq. 1752. 45 o Poghill, alias Poughill, V. (St. Olave.) Decim. major. & mi- 6 12 80 nor. Syn. 75.9d.} Pri. Launceſton, Propr. The KING. 47 o Poundiftocke, alias Poundſtock, V. (St. Neot.) Decim. major. 13 6 8 & minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Syn. Ss. 9d.]. Pri. Slapton in Devon. Propr. Richard Tom, Gent. 1718. Univerſity of Oxford, 1720. Gregory Bridgman, p. h. v. 1748. John Trevenen, Clerk, 1770.. 40 0 0 minor. Syn. IO II & 500 & Prox. 8s. 5d. Pri. Launcelton, Propr. The KING, Duke of Cornwall. Whitftone, alias Whiſton, R. Omn. decim. Syn. 8s. gd.] 14. 11 o! Jo. Saule, Eſq. 1704. Univerſity of Oxford, p. h. v. 1736. I ооо 0 47 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Bóyton C. Pri. Launceſton, Propr. The KING. Prin deaux, Gent. of North Tawton. 181. certified Value. Egleſkorry Cur. (St. Petrock.) Pri. Launceſton, Propr. The KING, St. Giles's in the Heath Cur. Mo. Taviſtock, Propr. The KING. 421. 11s. 8.1 certified Value. St. Juliet. Mo. Taviſtock, Propr. Richard Rawl, Eſq. 1550 certified Value. Ss Lanett 314 CORNWALL. DIOCESE OF EXET E R. Laneſt Chap. The KING. gl. 55. 4d. certified Value. North Tamerton Cur. (St. Dennis.) Mo. Taviſtock, Propr. John Rolle Walters, Eſq. St. Mary Magdalen Cur. in Launceſton. Duke of Cornwall. Pri. Launceſton, olim Propr. St. Stephens juxta Launceſton Cur. Duke of Cornwall, Propr. 51. certified Value. St. Thomas in Newport, Chapel to Launceſton. Duke of Cornwall. Pri. Launceſton, olim Propr. Tremaine Chapel. Pri. Launceſton, olim Propr. The KING, Patr. 61. 135. 4d. certified Value. Treſmere. (St. Nicholas.) Pri. Launceſton, Propr. The KING. 21. certified Value. Werrington Cur. co. Devon. (St. Martin and St. Giles.) Abb. Taviſtock, Propr.. Lord Hobart. Columb Cur. The KING. D. Irigge minor. The 'Priory of Bodmyn, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum of 2701. os. IId. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 2. S. d.. 13 10 0 O I I2 ter. 10 O 100 0 o o Bliſand R. (St. Pratt.) Omn. decim. Prox. & Syn. 8s. 9d. I 7 John Hicks, Eſq. 1718. Charles Pye, Clerk, 1780. 16 o Egloſhele V. Val. per ann. tam in decim. major. quam minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Subdecanus Exon. Propr. Biſhop of Exe- The KING, by Devolution, 1778. o St. Endelian R. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 25. 2dį. The I Oo KING. 9 13 9 Helland R. (St. Helena.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 6s. 4d. 0'19 41 Richard Hele, Eſq. 1704. John Treiſe, Eſq. 1731. Sir Chriſtopher Treiſe, Knt. 1778. o Heredum Marny, alias Mornays in Endelian Church, P. Syn. O 10 & Prox. 25. 2d.1 Earl of Radnor, 1716, 1738. George Hunt, Eſq. 1777 St. Knee, 5 0 CORNWALL 315 DIOCESE OF EXETER. ! 1 s. 1. - s. d. 19 11 34 II 240 36 O I 2 © 13 10 King's Books. Bcarly Terths. d. II ol St. Knee, alias St. Kew, alias Lanow, V. Decim. Major, & I 19 I minór. Prox. 85. od. Pri. Sti Petri & Pauli Plyinpton, Propr. Robert Corker, Eſq. 1724. Richard Holliogs, Eſq. 1737 Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1760, 1777. 3 Lanteglos (St. Lanty) and Si. Adven R* Omn. decim. Omn. decim. Syn. 39 11 8s. 9d.j The KING. Duke of Cornwall. o St. Mabyn R. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 85. gd.] Hugh 3 Boſcawen, Eſq. 1710. Lord Viſcount Falmouth, 1774. 21 Mynfray, alias Mynforde, alias St. Miniver, V. Deciin. ma I 7 0 jor. & minor. Syn. 95. vid. Pri. Bodmyn, Propr. Fran . cis Llewellin, 1734, 1765. William Sandys, Clerk, p. h. v. 1768. 5 o o Prioris Bodmyn P. alias King's Preb. Syn. 25. 2d.] Serj. Jo. Belfield, this Turn, 1712. Francis Baſſett, Eſq. 1779. o St. Tethe V. olim a College. Decim. major. & minor. Syn. I I 4 8s. gd. Biſhop of Exeter, p. i. 3 Tintagell V up. (St. Simphorian.) Decim. major. & minor. 0 17 1] cum agiſt. gleb. Syn. 8s.gd.; Dean and Canons of Wind- ſor, Propr. and Patr. 5 o o Trehaverock P. in Endelian. Syn. 25. 2d. Í Richardſon Grey, O 10 and Catherine Grey, 1718. John Gray, 1733. Catherine Dagge, 1754. Thomas Gray, Gent. 1784. 31 o o St. Tudye R. Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 8s.gd. Lord Mo. 3 hun, 1677. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. O 10 12 O 811 2 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books, 35 o o Bodmyn V. (St. Petrock.) Decim. major. & minor. &c. Pri. 13 6 8 Bodmyn, Propr. Sir Edmund Prideaux, Bart. 1716. Sir Wilmot Prideaux, Bart. 1778. 45 0 Brewerd, alias Simon's Ward, V. (St. Bruard.) Decim. ma 8 jor. & minor. Syn. 8s. 9d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr, and Patr. oo Forrabury R. (St. Simphorian.) Omn. decim. Syn. 7d. į Sir 4 12 81 John Cotton, Knt. 1701. Cotton Amy, Eſq. 1737, 1751. Jonathan Phillipps, Eſq. and his Wife, 1779. 43 0 Leſnewth R. (St. Knet.) Omr. decim. Sýn. & Prox. 6s. 8 o 8 oo Alexander Tregian, 1609. William Glynn, Eſq. 1720, 1724. Nicholas Glynn, 1738. John Glynn, Eſq. 1767. 20 O.O O * Lanteglos—In this Pariſh is the Borough of CAMELFORD, (St. Thomas Becket,) Capel. deſtruct. Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 85. + Tintagell-In this Pariſh is the Borough of Bossiney. Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II, p. 117. S s 2 Michaelſtow 316 CORNWALL. DIOCESE OF EX E TE R. 1. S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. s. d. 44 O Michaelſtow R. (St. Michael.) Oinn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 1:0 1:3 9 50 0 8s. 4d. The KING. Duke of Cornwall. 49 17 6 Minſter R. (St. Metherian.) Omn. decim. Prox. 85. od. 22. 17. II Sir John Cotton, Kır. 1701. Cotton Amy, Eſq. “ 1753.- Jonathan Phillipps, Eſq. 1779... 42 Otterham R. (St. Dennis.) Omn. decim. Syn. & Prox. 6s. 6 14 2 William Saltern, Gent. 1708. John Saltern, Eſq. 1724. William Bettenſon, Gent. 1738, 1779. o 'Trevalga R. Omn. decim. Syn.. & Prox. ed. Dean and. 76, on Chapter of Exeter. O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Lanhedwick, alias Lanhidrock, Cur. (St. Hydrock.) Prio. Bodmyn, Propr. This Curacy has no Endowment ; but the Prebend of Heredam Marny being in the ſame Patronage, is uſually given to the Curate of Lanhidrock. George Hunt, Eſq. Temple Imp. Of exempt Juriſdiction. Knights Templars, Propr. Sir Bouchier Wrey, Patr. The Church here is en- tirely deſtroyed; and as there are only two Houſes in the Pariſh, it is become a Sine Cure. 81. 125. certified Value.. St. Michael, Chapel to Mynfray, or St. Minver. St. Enedock, Chapel to Mynfray, or St. Minver. 9. Tuleſt. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. . d. 1. d. 2 24 17 81 Cardynham R. (St. Mewbred.) Omn. decim. Syn. 8s. 11d.] 9 94 William Glynn, Eſq. this Turn, 1716. Univerſity of Oxford, 1756. John Trevenen, Eſq. 1777, 1782. 19 6 8 St. Clere V. Decim. major. & minor. &c. Syn. 8s. 11d. Pri. I 18 8 St. John of Jeruſalem, Propr. The KING. 4 2 Duloe R. (St. Cuby.) Sine Cure. 508. Baliol College, Ox 4 5 ford. Duloe 120 O o 2.2 . R. 317 --- S. 0 o O 320 O Venn.). CORNWALL, DIOCESE OF EX E T E King's Books. l'early Tenths 1. S. d. 1. . 811 01 Duloe V. (St. Cuby.) Decim. major. & minor. &c. Syn. & o 17 o 17 Prox. 8s. 11d.] Baliol College, Oxford. 3 FALMOUTH R. (St. Charles the Martyr.) Martin Killigrew, o 6 Eſq. and others, 1729, 1730. o Lanreythowe, alias Lanreth, R. (St. Marnarch.) Omn. decim. 3 4 Syn. & Prox. 85..gd. Edward Dennys, and John Johns, Gent. 1720. John Francis Buller, Eſq. 1740. 36 2 3] St. Kayn, alias St. Martin near Loo, R*, Omn. decim. Syn. 3 12 23 & Prox. 85. IldDuke of Bolton, 1715. Richard Cory, Eſq. 1720. Nicholas Cory, Clerk, 1756. Wymond Cory, Clerk, Patron, and Incumbent, 1784. 1.8 0.0 Lanſalwys, alias Lanſalloes; R. (St. Alwys.) Omn. decim. 116 0 Syn. & Prox. 85. 11d.1 Hugh Pyper, Eſq. 1740. John Spenot Long, Eſq. 1755. Sandford Eaſtcott, 1769. John Carpenter, Eſq. 1779. 14 7 1 Lanteglos near Fowey V. (St. Lanty.) Vicaria ibidem val. per I! 8 82 ann. tain in decim. major. quain minor. cum agiſt. glebie ultra 85. 11d. fol. pro Syn. & Procur. Pri. Bridgwater in Somer- ſet, Propr. Lord Mohun, 1688. Robert Pitt, Eſq. 1726.. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1771. Lord Camelford.. 18 13:11] LESKERDE, alias LISKEARD, V. (St. Martin.) Decim. major. I 17" 48 & minor. Syn. & Prox. 85. 11d. i Pri. Launceſton, Propr. Jof. Calmady, Eſq. 1708. Anne Oſborne, Widow, 1724. John Edgecombe, Gent. 1742. Richard Haydon, Clerk, and Joan Hony, Widow, 1778. . gleb. Syn. & Prox. 8s. 11d.1 Pri. St. Germans, Propr. The KING. 9 I ol St. Nyote, alias St. Neot's, V. Decim. major. & minor. &c. 0 19 11 Syn. 8s. 11d. Pri. Montacute in the County of Somerſet, Propr. John Rowe, 1706. Francis Sawle, 1730. Stephen Tho- mas, Gent. 1756. 17 18 61 Plenynt, alias Pelynt, alias Plint, V. (St. Nunn.) Decim. ma- I 15 10 jor. & minor. Syn, & Prox. 8s. uid. Pri. Newham in Devon. Propr. Francis Buller, Eſq. 1696. John Francis Buller, Eſq. 1725. 17 13 63 St. Pyonoke, alias St. Pinnock, R. Omn. decim. Syn. & I 15 41 Prox. 6s. 6d. Jo. Manley, Eſq. 1707; and Sir George Co. ryton, alternately. The Biſhop, 1745. Thomas Treffry, Eſq. and Nicholas Connock, Eſq. alternately: Thomas Treffry, 1767 60 0 0 * St. Kayn-- In this Pariſh is the Borough of EASTLOW, (St. Kayn.) Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 103 Sr. DIOCESE OF EXETER. CORNWALL. Pearly Teaths. d. s. 1. s. hing's Books, 1. d 5 ♡ 71 Si. Vepe V. (St. Ciricius.) Decim. major. & minor. &c. Syn. & Prox, 3s. Ild } Pri. Montacute in the County of Somerſet, Propr. William Hancock, Eſq. 1686. Sir Bour- chier Wrey, 1724. Philip Raſhleigh, Eſq. and John Cory- ton, Eſq. 1775. 5 Oo St. Wynnowe V. cum Nighton Cap. (St. Necton.) Vicaria ibidem val. per ann. tain in decim. inajor. quam minor. cum agiſt. gleb. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Propr. and Patr. 10 O O 45 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear lrarly Value. King's Books. 33 Boconnock, alias Bowconnock, alias Boconnox, with Broadoke, 917 8 alias Bradoc, R. Omn. decim. Prox. 25. 4d. Lady Mo- hun, 1714. Thomas Fitt, Eſq. 1724, 1740. Thomas Pitr, Eſq. 1773 Lord Camelford. Broad Oake R. (St. Mary,) with Boconnock, conſolidated, 8 13 4 1742. Omn. decim. Samuel Cabell, Eſq. 1697. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1773. Lord Camelford. St. Kean R. Onn. decim. Syn. Is. 6d. John Cory, Gent. 5 18 61 1712; Nicholas Cory, Clerk, 1756. 35 Tawlan, alias Talland, V *. (St. Tallan.) Pri. Launceſton, 10 Propr. Nicholas Kendall, Clerk, 1713. Nicholas Kendall, Eſq. 1752, 1761. 40 o Warlegon, alias Warleggon, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Omn. 5 176 decim. Prox. 25. 6d. Jo. Grigger, Eſq. 1706. Francis Gregor, Eſq. 1746. 40 O o O O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Cannock, (St. Cannock,) Chapel to St. Vepe. Demoliſhed. A Chapel in Eaſt Looe endowed with 277. per ann. Reſprin, (St. Martin,) Chapel to St. Winnowe. Demoliſhed. The Commiſſioners who ſigned the Return of the County of Cornwall, and certified into His Majeſty's Exchequer, were John Chamond, John Carmynowe, Richard Penros, Henry Trevanyon, John Tregyan, Nicholas Carmynhowe, Walter Borlas, John Thomas, and Thomas Cokke. * Tawlan, alias Talland, V.-In this Pariſh is the Borough of PORTPIGHAM, alias Westlow. Willis's Not. Parl, vol. II. p. 89, where was a Chapel anciently of St. Nicholas, Diocele [ 319 ] Diocele of Glouceſter. King's Books. d. 315 7 Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 31 10 81 I B ISHOPRICK of Glouceſter *. This was formerly Part of the Dioceſe of Lichfield, af- terwards of Worceſter ; afterwards made a diſtinct Biſhoprick by King Henry VIII. 1541. By a Return made by John Biſhop of Glouceſter, and certified into the Exchequer of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities in this Cathedral the 34 H. VIII. it appears that William Jennyns was then Dean, and received a clear annual Income of 100l. that the fix Prebendaries, viz. Richard Browne, Henry Willes, James Vaughan, Edward Bennet, John Huntley, and Thomas Kingſwoode had each a clear an- nual Payment of 20l. and that the fix Minor Canons had 101. each annually. The Cathedral Church+ (olim St. Peter, now the Holy Trinity). The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. - 4501. per ann. The Archdeaconry of Glouceſter is in the Deanry of Durſley. There are fix Prebends in the Church of Glouceſter, five where- of are in the Gift of the King, but preſented to by the Lord Chancellor or the Lord Keeper; and one is annexed to the Headſhip of Pembroke College, Oxford, by an Act of Par- liament 12° Annæ Reginæ : upon a Vacancy of the Headſhip, the Fellows preſent to it, and the Prebend of Glouceſter. * The Preb. 200l. per ann. each. A Rent Charge of gol. 145. 8d.] is paid in lieu of Firſt-Fruits and Tenths. The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe, and the Archdeaconry, are in the Gift of the Biſhop. * The Charter of Erection of this See (which is taken out of that of Worceſter) bears date Sept. 3, 1541, and is to be found in Rymer's Federa, vol. XIV. p.724, + The Charter of Endowment, and the Statutes given by the Founder to this Church, are to be ſound at large in Sir Rob. Atkins's Hiſtory of Glouceſterſhire. 6 The 320 DIOCESE OF GLOUCES TE R. GLOUCESTER was returned by the be , The Monaſtery of Hayles was returned by the Commiſiioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, of 3571. 75. 8.1.2 The Monaſtery of Winchelcombe was returned by the Commiſ . flioners to be of the clear annual Value, 'in Spiritualities and 'Temporalities, of 7591. 11s. gd The Hoſpital of Quenington was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Tem. ? poralities, of 1371. 75. Idi] The Monaſtery of Cirenceſter was returned by the Commif- fioners to be of the clear annual Value, iniSpicitúalities and ELernpotalities, of 1051l. 75. 1d. The Monaſtery of Tewkſbury was returned by the Commit. oners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of 15981. 15. 3d. The Monaſtery of Flaxley was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, of 112l. 35. 1 d. i Tbe Priory of St. Oſwald, in the Suburbs of Glouceſter, was returned to be of the clear andual Value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of gol. 105. 2 d. The Hoſpital of St. Bartholomew, in the City of Glouceſter, Commiſſioners to of the clear annual annual tas Value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of 251. 8s. 8d. The Monaſtery of St. Peter, in Glouceſter, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spirituali- ties and Temporalities, of 19461. 55. gd. The Prigry, of Stanley St, Leonard was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of 1061. 175. The Priory of St. Guthlace was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, of 169!. 195. 6d. The Priory of Ewenny, in Com. Glamorgan, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spiri- tualities and Temporalities, of 711. 6s. 8d.} The Priory of Bromfield was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the annual Value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of 171. 185. 3d. N. B. The four laſt Priories were annexed to the Monaſtery of St. Peter Glouceſter. The Priory of Lanthony, near Glouceſter, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, in Spirituali- ties and Temporalities, of 6481. 195. 1101 The 16, clear GLOUCEST 321 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. The Priory of Lanthony, in Wales, was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be of the clear annual value, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, of 991. 195. od. I, For the Particulars of the Manors, Lands, &c. belonging to the above Religious Houſes, vide the Original Survey in the Firſt-Fruits Office. D. Campdeur. 1. S. d. 1. 22 2 IO IS. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Mearly. Tenibs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. I 103 Alderton R. (St. Margaret.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 6s. 4 21 Vif. Epiſc. Is. Id. Abb. Tewksbury il. Patrono 21. 135.4d. Abb. Winchcomb 45. 8d. William Higford, Eſq. 1717. 1727. Lord Harrowby, 1782. 9 3 4 Aſton-Somerfield R. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſit. Epiſc. 0 18 4 15. William Somerville, Eſq. 1715. Lord Somerville, 1774. 2 31 Aſton-ſub-Edge R. (St. Andrew.) Synods 35. 4d. Viſit. Epiſc. "I o 21 William Savage, Eſq. 1686. Richard Morgan, Eſq. 1724. Thomas Fletcher, Gent. 1750. Lord Harrowby, 1782 16 16 101 Beckforth, alias Beckford", V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 6s. 8d. I 13 81 Synods 45. Val. in decim. oblat. &c. Colleg. Fotheringhay olim Impr. Charles Parſons, Gent. 1718. 1724. Thomas Branch and William Jones, 1755. Thomas Ramell and Eli- zabeth Nelſon, Widow, 1766. 1768. 29 6 8 Buckland R. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſit. Epiſc. 1odi. 2 18 8 Thomas Thynne, Eſq. 1714. Lord Viſc. Weymouth, p. io 1784. 20.68 CAMPDEN V uf. (St. James.) Vifit. Epiſe. 175. gd. Reddit. 2 o 8 & firm. una cum al. profic. & decim. ibidem. Abb. Welbeck, olim Impr. Poftea Pri. Stæ Warburg Ceftr. Earl of Gainſ- borough, 1720, 1743.. * Aſton Underhill (St. Barbara.) Chapel to Beckford. + Campden V.-Sir Baptiſt Hicks purchaſed the Impropriation of the Pariſh of Winfrith in Dor. ſetſhire, worth 100l. per annum, which was afterwards annexed to the Vicarage of Campden by Edward Lord Noel, Atkins's Glouceſterſhire, p. 311. Tt Clifford, 32% DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER, GLOUCEST. se d 12 19 1 23. O King's Books Fcarly Tentha 1. do 18 15 71 Clifford, alias Clifford Chanbers, R. (St. Heten.) Proxies I 17 lei 6s. 8d. Viſit. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Abb. Glouceftr. 35. 4d. William Smith, Gent. 1687. Francis Keyt Dighton, Eſq. 1732. Lifter Dighton, Eſq. 1776 2 Dorfington Ř. (St. Peter.) Proxies 35. 4d. Synods 12d. Vifi 15 1! F piſc. 18. id.. Thomas Rawlins, Gent. 1713. William Rawlins, 1778. 18 16 8 Dumbleton R. (St. Peter.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. I 17 8 Epiſc. 12d. Monaſterio Abingdon 10s. Sir Richard Cocks, 1718. Sir Charles Cocks, Bart. William Baghott De la Bere, Eſq. 1762. 8131} Hynton R. on the Green (St. Peter.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 0 17 41 Vif. Epiſc. 3d. Sir Warren Jaſon, Bart. 1727. Philip Stephens, Eſq. 1772. James Stephens, Eſq. 1783. 37 13 11 Kemerton, alias Kimmerton, alias Kennerton, R. Proxies 65.. 8d. I 15 33 -Synods 25. Viſc. Epiſc. Is. 6d. The Mayor and Corporation of Glouceſter. 17 10 Merſton Sicca, alias Merſfon Longa, R. (St. James.) Proxies I 15 Vif . Epiſc. 15. iod. Anna Loggin, 1731. Edward Loggin, LL. B. 1772. 9 14 41 Mickelden, alias Mickleton, alias Michelton, V. (St. Laurence.) 0 19 58 70 Viſ. Epifc. 15. Id. Reddit. & firm. ibidem. The KING, Abb. Eynſham, olin Impr. 18 13 4 Quinton, alias Queinton, V. (St. Swithin.) Priori Wigorn. I 17 4 1358 4d. Prompt. denar. annuatim. rec. de Abbatiffa de Pollefworth. Nunnery of Pollefworth olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 15 3 4 Shenington R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Vif. 4 Epiſc. 15. 8d. Monafterio Tewkſbury 135. 4d. The Uni- verſity of Oxford, 1720. Earl of Lichfield, 1738. Robert Child, Eſq. 1772. 18 19 91 Todnam, alias Toddenham, R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Proxies I. 17. 18 8s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 1 s. 8d. Biſhop of London. 29 15 10 Welford R. (Holy Trinity.) Penf. Sacriffæ Tewksbury il 2 19 7 Lord Dorſet, 1713. Duke of Dorſet. 31 o Weſton-ſub-Edge R *. (St. Laurence.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 3 William Bell, Gent. 1720. Dionyſius Bradley, Geot. 1744. Henry Hind Pelley, Eſq. 1777 and 1779. 13 2 6 Willerſey R. (St. Peter.) Proxies 35. Synods 25. John Aſtley, 1718. William Yare, Clerk, 1733. Jane Scott, 1744. 1748. William Scott, Clerk, 1777, upon his own Pe- tition, 25. 6d. O 0 I IO O O 2 o 28. i 6 3 * Weſton-ſub-edge-In this Pariſh was formerly a Chapel called Lower Norton, but long finçe de cayed. Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 424, 2d Edition. LIVINGS GLOUCEST.. 323 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE I 0 0 18 0 1 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books. 1. d. 18 O Childſwike, alias Wikewan, alias Wickham, V*. Proxies 7 16 10 135. 4d. Reddit. et firm. una cum al. profic. et deciin. ibidein. Mion. Bordeſley in Co. Worceſtr. Propr. The KING, 1719. 1763. Sir James Daſhwood, Bart. 1766. 48 18 4. Condicote R. (St. Nicholas.) Penſ. Rectori de Odington 105. 1o Du. Verg, ter, arabil. &c. Ann Cox, Widow, 1726. Mary Hicks, p. h. v. 1775. William Ellis, Clerk, 1781. so • Didbroke, alias Didbrook, V. (St. George,) with Pinnock R. 7 9 10 cum Hayles Capella, Prox. 6s. 8d. Synods is. Viſ. Epiſc. 8d. Profic. & prompt, denar. rec. de Abb. de Hayles per Ann. Abb. Hayles olim. Impr. Lord Viſcount Tracy, 1769. 29 4 6 Eburton V of. (St. Edburgh.) Synods 25. Prompt. denar. rec. 9 9 4 40 de Abb. de Bittleſden una cum oblat. & decim. ibidem. The KING. Abb. Biddleſden in Bucks oliin Propr. oo Pebworth VI. (St. Peter.) Reddit. & prompt. denar, rec. de 10 Abb. de Eveſham per Annum. Abb. Eveſham, Propr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1714. Earl of Salisbury, 1759. 8 00 Preſton upon Stoure, Cur. or V. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 28. 8 13 4 Prompt. Denar. rec. de Abb. de Tewkesbury per annuin, Abb. Tewksbury, olim Impr. James Weſt, Eſq. Sarah Weſt, Widow, 1783. 44 0 o Stanwey V. or Church Stanwey. (St. Peter.) Synods 25. 9 Reddit. & firm. & al. prafic. ac decim. ibidem. John Tracy, Efq. 1706, 1771, 1773. 48 0 o Stawnton, alias Stanton, R. with Snowfhill Chap. (St. Bartho- 17 11 51 lomew.) Proxies 25. Synods, 25. Vif. Epiſc. 7d. Henry Kirkham, Clerk, 1700. Lionel Kirkham, Clerk, 1771. 1776. 32 0o Todington V. (St. Leonard,) cum Cap. de Stanley Pont-large. 7.15 4 Reddit. & firm, una cum prompt. denar, rec. de Abb. de Hayles per Ann. Abb. Hayles, olim Impr. Lord Viſcount Tracey, 1768. 25 0.0 Weſton upon Avon V. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. 7 14 7 Reddit. & firm. cum al. profic. & decim. ibidem. Pri. Weſt- wood in Worceſterſhire, olim Impr. Duke of Dorſet. * Childſwike, alias Wikewan, alias Wickham,-is reckoned a Peculiar, but is ſubject to the Arch- deacon. + Eburton, alias Ebrington, V.—Sir William Kite has given rol. yearly to the Vicar. Atkins's Glouceſterſhire. Pebworth the Impropriation of this place is found in the Firſt-Fruits Roll (for Warwickſhire) among the Poſſeſſions of the Monaſtery of Studeley as above; but, in Sir Ro. Atkins's Hiſtɔry of Glouceſter, 'tis ſaid to belong to the Abbey of Eveſham in Worceſterſhire, p. 315, 2d Edition. Tt 2 Wormington 324 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCES TE R. s. 1. S Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. d. 42 O o Wormington Parva R. (St. Catherine.) Synods is. Proxies 35. 7. 15, 5 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Mary Partridge, Widow, 1694. Auguſtin Meadows, 1734. Nathaniel Jefferys, Eſq. 1775. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Cawhoneyberne, in this Deanry, is a Chapel to Church-Honey- borne in Co. Worceſter, in Dec. Eveſham, but deſecrated and made a Dwelling Houſe. Waſhborne Magna Cur. Not charged. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Propr. Mr. Darke, Propr. 31. 1hs. certified Value. Lemington Cur.. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Propr. Sir William Juxon, Propr. Churchdemoliſhed. Augmented by Lot. col, certified Value. Blockley JURISDICTION 2. S. d. I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books learly Tentbison Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo do 13 3 9 Batsford, alias Bettesford, R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 55. Syn. 25. 6 43. Viſit. Epiſc. Is. Ideš 4 virg. ter. arabil. &c. Ant. Sambach, and Thomas Harrington, Eſq. 1689. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. 14 O O Bourton on the Hill, R. (St. Laurence.) Proxies 75. 5d.1 I 8 Synods 25. Du, virg. ter. arabil. &c. Feod. Decani 135. 4d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.1 Thomas Durham, and Anne his Wife, 1707 Thomas Kemble, Eſq. 1734, 1768. . Margaret Kemble; Widow, p. i. 1784. 19 9 41 Seu bury, alias. St. Bury, R. (St. Nicholas) Proxies 6s. 8d. Proxies 6s. &d. 1 18 119 Syn ds 2s. Viſit. Epiſc. 25. 20.) Du. virg. terr. arabil. &c. Sir John Boyce, Knt. 1736. Lionel Kirkman, Clerk, p. h. V. 1776. Mr. Boyce, Mr. Sheldon, and Mr. Brown. MoreTUN HINDMARSH, (St. David,) Chapel to Bourton on the Hill. * Blockley Juriidiction—The Pariſhes in this Juriſdiction heretofore belonged to Worceſter, and paid Mortuaries to the Vicar of Blockley, Dis. GLOUCEST 325 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. 1 d. DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, do so d. 8. Seſencote, alias Seaſincote, R* Eccl. deſtructa. With Long- 9 12 11 ugh V. in D. Stowe. Proxies 75. 5d. Syn. 25. Vir. Epiſc. Is. Id. 2 virg. ter. jacen. in paſtur. &c. Earl of Guildford, and James Leigh, Eſq. 9. Cirenceſter, with the peculiar. Juriſdiction of Bieerie t. 1. d. I I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. do 13 15 5 Barnſley R. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 48. acr. terr. arabil. 7 6} &c. William Leigh, and Thomas Perrott, 1744. The Heirs of Mr. Perrott, viz. his two Daughters, in 1767: 13 I 51 Biberie V. (St. Mary,) with Winſton Chapel. (St. Michael.) 6 let Penſ. Epiſc. Wigorn. 31. 125. Priori Wigorn. 31. Priori Shene 6s. 8d. Un, parv, clauſ. decim. blador. & fæn. & ob- lat. decim. duor. molendinor. &c. Pri. Oſeney, olim Propr. Mrs. Warnford. ñ 8 4 Chedworth V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Viſ . Epiſc. 0 14 10 13.2d. 60 acr. ter. gleb. & z clauſ. decim. blador. fæn. lan. agn. ſubboſc. porc..ovor. gallinac. lin. &c. Abb. Shene in Sur- rey, olim Propr. Queen's College, Oxford, p. i. 3.6 8 Cotes, alias Coat, R. (St. Matthew.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 0.18 8 Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 78 acr. ter. arabil. &c. Walter Tin- dal, 1720. John Selfe, Gent. 1763; pro hâc vice. 9 19 41 Culne Denys, alias Coln Dennis, alias Deyns, R. (St. Dennis.) 0 19 11 Proxies 6s., 8d, Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. icd. 60 acr. terr. 28. * Sefencote, alias Seafincote, R.-- The Church lately ſuffered to be. demoliſhed, and it is now a Sine Cure in the Nomination of the Lord Guildford, and only 81. allowed to the Cirate ; but the Rec. torial Dues are worth 50l. per annum. Atkins's Glouceiterſhire, p. 336, 2d Edition, † The Jurisdiction of Biberie-contains Biberie, with Winſtow Chapel, Barntley R. and Aldſworth Chapel, which, as to Viſitations, are only tubject to the chief Officer of their Peculiar; the Biſhop and Archdeacon having no more to do with them after their Admiſſion, arabil. 2 326 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE R. GLOUCEST ܂ܐ s. 8 O w King's Books. l'early Tentbs, d, l. d. arabil. & un. clauſ. cont. dimid. acr. &c. John Sponer, and others, 1726. John Pine, and others, 1738. John Price, and others, 1742. Thomas Cliffold, 1775. 7 o 5 , Culne Rogers, alias Coln Rogers, R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies 0 14 01 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 4d. 48 acr. ter. arabil. & un. clauſ. cont. dimid. acr. &c. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. 6 Daglingworth R. (Holy Rood.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 0 16 71 Viſ. Epifc. 8d. Penſ. Prioriffæ de Godſtow 25. 60 acr. ter. arabil. & un. clauf. &c. The KING. 8 2 31 Driffelde V*. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Vir. O 16 2 Epiſc. Is. 14 acr. ter. arabil. & un. acr. prati decim. blador. fæn. lan. agn. Iac. vitul. ovor. gallinac. lin. &c. Abb. Ci- renceſter, olim Impr. Robert Veſer, p. h. v. 1711. "Tho- mas Humphreys, Clerk, 1725, 1732. Gabriel Hanger, Eſq. 1737, 1748. Thomas Smith, Elq. 1776. 13 Oo. Dunteſborne Abbots R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. I 60 Vil. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Penſ. Sacriſtæ Wigorn. 6s. 8d. 48 acr. ter. arab. & un. clauſ. &c. William Morſe, and John Lord, 1634. Joſ. Jones, this Turn, 1714. Edmund Davies, 1733. James Clutterbuck, Eſq. 1775. 8 14 91 Dunteſborne Militis, alias Roule, R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 6d. 0 17 51 Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 4d. 70 acr. ter. arabil. &c. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford, p. i. o Hampnet, with Stowel, Rt. (St. George.) Proxies 6s. 8d. I oo Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 1s. id. 64 acr. ter. arabil. & 4 acr. prati. John How, Eſq. Patr. 1726. Lord Chedworth, 1771. 21 10 77 North Cerney R. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 2 3 0 Viſ. Epiſc. 25. god. 96 acr. ter. arabil. 7 acr. paſtur. &c. *The KING, 1684. Richard Poole, 1683. Sir John Guiſe, Bart. 1736. Univerſity College, Oxford, 1780. IL OO North LECHE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Ettington Chapel. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies 6. 8d. Syn. 25. Viſ . Epiſe. Is. gd. 100 acr. terr. arab. 4 acr. paftur. de- cim. garb. fæni 13 virg. ter. cum altarag. decim. perſonal. & oblat. &c. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. то O 2 O * Driffelde V.-is endowed with all the Tythes. Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 405. + Hampnet.--The Church of Stowel was annexed to Hampnet in the Year 1660, by the Conſent of the Bithop and Patron. Atkins?s Glouceſter, p. 236, 2d Edition. 6 Preſton GLOUCEST. 327 DIOCES e or GLOUCESTE R. S. 1. s. d. o porc. &c. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 9 10 71 Preſton V *. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Vif. 0 19 0 Epiſc. rod. Mon. Cirencefter, olim Impr. 48 acr. ter. arabil. 4 acr. & diinit. prati decim. blador. fæn. lan. agn. Thomas Maſters, Eſq. 1711, 1745. George Daubeny, Efq. 1775. Thomas Maſter, Eſq. 1784, p. i. 13 6 8 Rendcombe R. (St. Peter.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Vif. 1 6 8 Epiſc. Is. 4d. 46 acr. ter. arabil. &c. Pení. Abb. Sri Petri Glouceſter. 85.6d. John Coxe, and Edward Loggan Griffin, 1710. Charles Cox, Gent. 1748. 12 7 7 6 Stratton R. (St. Peter.). Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Epiſc. Is. id. 88 acr. ter. arabil. 9 acr. paſtur. &c. Tho- mas Maſters, Eſq. 1717, 1783. I Sydington St. Mary R. (St. Mary,) united to St. Peter's. Prox. O17 22 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. id.Penf. Priori Mon- mouth 175. 8d. 40 acr. ter, arabilo 5 & dimid. acr. prati & 2 clauſ. paftur. &c. The KING. 16 5 5 Thormerton, alias Farmington, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 6s. 8d. I 12 61 Synods 2s. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 8 d. Penf. Vicario de Northleche 6s. 8d. Du. virg. ter. & un. clauf. &c. Hon. Thomas Lum- ley, 1718. Edmund Walter, Eſq. 1734, 1773. Viſ. 149 8 12 100 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value, King's Books 40 O © Bagendon R. (St. Margaret.) Proxies 25. Synods 25. Vir. 8 4 43 Epiſc. 6d. 1 60 acr. ter. arabil. un. clauſ. cont. un. acr. &c. Lord Weyımouth. 40 0 0 oo Harnhill R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. 5 16 51 Epiſc. 10d.j 12 acr. ter. arab. & 2 acr. & dimid. prati, &c. Humphry Smith, 1715. Thomas Smith, Eſq. p. in 1748, 1776. South Cerney V. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 6 16 8 Viſ. Epiſc. 15. id. Decim. perſonal. & prædial. voc. Lam- mas Tythes. Gardin. cer. mel. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Glou- ceſter, olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. 25 o o Stowel K. (St. Leonard,) with Hampnet. Synods 25. Epiſc. Iso id. Dimiff. ad firm, John How, Eſq. 17.20. Lord Chedworth, 1771. 47 10 0 Viſ. 517 I * Preſton V.-Dr. Maſters, fonetime Vicar of this Church, purchaſed the Tythes of Lands in this Pariſh, which before were exempt from Payment, and reſtored them to the Church. Atkins's Glou- keſter, p. 607. Sydington 328 GLOUCEST DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE R. d. Clear Fearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 1. 33 3 8 Sydington St. Peter V. united to St. Mary. Proxies 6s. Sd. 5 12 35 40 Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. iodož Penſ. Militi de Quenyngton il. 6s. 8d. 8 acr. prati decim. blador. fæn. perſonal. & præ- dial. lan. agn. Tac. vitul. ovor. &c. The KING. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem, olim Impr. O NoT CHARGED. I Halſtone, Chapel to South Cerney. Deſtructà. CIRENCESTER Cur*. called a Vicarage. Abb. Cirenceſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter, Patr. The KING, by Amney Mary's Cur. Abb. Cirenceſter, olim Propr. 5l. 35. certified Value. Ampney Peter's Cur. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter, Patr. 4.1. 35. 4d. certified Value. Baunton, alias Bampton, Cur. Abb. Cirenceſter, olim Propr. Mr. Maſters, Patr. 15l. certified Value. Compton Abdale Cur. (St. Oſwald.) Pri. St. Oſwald's, Glou- ceſter, olim Propr. Church of Briſtol, Patr. 71. certified Value. Eaſtleche Turville Cur. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, 1775. 181. certified Value. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Aldſworth Cur. (St. Peter.) Pri. Oſeney, Oxon. olim Propr. Chriſt Church Colleg. Oxon. Patr. 231. 1os. certified Va- lue. * Cirenceſter Cur.John Maſter, D. D. gave 57. per annum for reading Morning Prayers duly. Dr. Clarke, late Dean of Wincheſter, gave an Eſtate for improving of ten ecclefiaftical Benefices in Market Towns, whereof this is one, and is now with the Augmentation and Perquiſites worth about 150l. per annum. See Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 279, 2d Edition. D. Durdless GLOUCESTE 329 DIQ GESE OF GLOUCESTE RE D. Durfley. d. 1. d. 6 9 I 20 O o II AIM 200 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Icarly Tenthose Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo 64 10 Archdeaconry of Glouceſter *, with io 14 41 DURSLEY R. (St. James,) united. Epiſc. Wigorn. 25. Pris 51 ori Stanley il. 6s. 8d. Priori Wigorn. Is. Biſhop of Glou- ceſter. 32 15 71 BERKELEY V. (St. Mary.). Redd. 35. 4d. Reddit. & firm. 3.5 63 unacum aliis decimis. Earl of Berkeley, p. i. 30 o Beverſton R. (St. Mary,) with Kingſcot Chapel. (St. John 300 Evangelift.) Synods and Proxies 175. Vif. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. The KING, p. i. 6 13 4 Camme, alias Cam, V. (St. George.) Abb. Glouceſter, olim O 13 4 Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. 81 Domus Scholar' de Wotton. 3 31 14 o Newington, alias Bagpath, R. (St. Bartholomew,) with Wol. 8 pen, alias Oldpen, Chapel. Synods and Proxies 85. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Dan. Hickes, Gent, and Nich. Hickes, Eſq. 1707. Jane Webb, Widow, 1732. William Holbron, 1755. 15 o o Rockington, alias Rockhampton, R. (St. Oſwald.) Synods i 100 and Proxies Ss. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Suſan Whitfield, Widow, 1683. William Raymond, of Thornbury in Glou- ceſterſhire, and John Smith, of Lydiard Traygooſe in Wilts, Gent. 1729. Rev. Stephen Jenner, 1758, and 1774. 28 2 11 Slyinbridge R up. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Synods 6s. 8d. 2 16 3 2 Proxies 2s. Redd. Collegio Mariæ Magd. Oxon. 10l. De- cano il. 135. 8d. Magdalen College, Oxford. 25 15 10 THORNBURY V. (St. Mary.) Synods 93. 8d. Synods 95. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 8d. I 7 Sacerdoti Rugworthy 8s. 8d. Reddit. & firm. ibidem. Abb. II 12 1 O I 2 II * Archdeaconry of Glouceſter.- The Rectory of Durſley was annexed to this Archdeaconry in the Year 1475, by the Abbot of Glouceſter. Atláns's Glouceſter. p. 411. Nicholas Wotton the firſt Archdeacon after the Ercetion of this See, anno 1541. + Slymbridge: -The Rector pays the Ten Pounds above mentioned to Magdalen College, for Choir Dufic on the top of the College Tower on May Day. Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 346, the ad Edition. Uu Tewkſbury, 330 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE R. I 2 120 O O King's Books. Peary Tenths, le d. 1 Tewksbury, olim. Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 3 4 Uley R. (St. Giles). Synods 25. Proxies 6s. 8d. Priori [ 4 4 Stanley 135. 4d. The KING. WOTTON-UNDER-Enge, alias WOTTON-SUB EDGE, V. (St. I 7 0 Mary *.) in quad. annuał. penf. viginti marcar. in pecun. de decan & capit. Eccl. Chrilti Oxon. & manf. ad valor. 35. 4d. Abb. Tewksbury, olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 13 6 101 Cantar' Bradſton. (gr. Michael,) in Berkeley Pariſh. 6 $4 13 10 I 2 O O Redd. 75. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 36 0 Cowley, alias Coaly, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods 25. Vif. 8. 2 50 Epiſc. is. 8d. Redd. Decano 1l. 6s. 8d. Decim. ibidem. The KING. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. 30 0 0 o Frampton, fuper Sabrinain V. (St. Mary) Synods 85. ed. 711 Decimn. ibidem. Abb. Cirenceſter, olim Impr. The KING, 1721. John Wickes, Clerk, 1765. . Anne Wicks, Widoit, 1773 and 1777. William Jenkin, Clerk, poh. v. 1784. 32 o o Hill, a Donative. (St. Michael.) Abb. Sti Auguſtini in Briſtol, olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Impr. 30 o Kingſwood V. or Cor. (St. Mary.) ia Com. Wilts. Abb. Kingſwood, olim Impr. The fnhabitants of Kingſwood. 20 00 Oo Lasbrough, alias Lallborough, R. Synods and Proxies 6s. 7.12 5 Walter Eſtcourt, 1719. Thomas Eſtcourt, Eſq. 1771 and 1778. Longbridge R +. with a Chap. (Holy Trinity.) no fuch place. 17. 18. North Nibley V. or Cur. (St. Martin,) antiently a Chapel to Wotton-Under-Edge. Abb. Tewkesbury, olim Impr. Dean and Canons of Chritt Church, Oxon. 45 0 0 Woſelworth, alias Ozleworth, R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 25. 6 10 5 Redd. Priori Stanley 6s..8d. Timothy Love, 1718. Mrs. Fiter, 1743 O 22 ] * Wotton-Under-Edge, alias Wotton-Sub-Edge, V.-- is certified to the Governors at 43). 6s. 8d. Longbridge-was anciently a Rectory, but now ſwallowed up in the Impropriation of Berkeley, Not GLOUCEST. 331 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER- Not CHARGED. Stone, (All Saints,) a Chapel to Berkely. Oldbury, Chapel to Thornbury. Rangeworthy, Chapel to Thornbury. Falfield, Chapel to Thornbury. Stincomb Curacy, (St. Seir.) Glouceſter Abbey, olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter Patr. Augmented by Queen Anne': Bounty. Not charged or certified. 9. Fayrford. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Teark Tentus, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d in el. IO O I O O I 20 O O 13 II I 7 0 2 1 82 o Burthorpe R. alias Eaſt Leche Martin, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Synods 2s. Viſ. Epiſc. 1S. 4d. 48 acr. terr. arabil. & un. parv. Clauſ. &c. The KING. 51 FAYRFORD V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 13 acr. ter. arabil. 2 acr. Prati. Altarag. oblat. & al. Emolumen. Abb. Tewksbury, oliin Impr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. 26 17 31 Hampton Merſey, alias Merſey, R. (St. Mary.) cum Marſton Cap. co. Wilts. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 35. 4d. 40 acr. ter. arabil. 4 acr. Prati. 3 acr. paftur. un cotag. cum 5 acr. terr. &c. Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 1000 Hatheropp R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d. I 80 acr. ter arabil. &c. Sir John Webb, Bart. 1710. The Univerſity of Oxford, 1741 and 1749. Mary Smith, Spinſter, 1783. o Kempsford V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 35. 4d. 70 acr. terr., arabil. 6 acr. prati dimiſ. ad firm. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. 12 13 4 Lechlade V *. (St. Laurence.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 25. 2d.] Decim. garb. fæni perſonal. lan, agn. IO 1 18 0 I 5 4 * Lechlade.-Laurence Bathurſt, Eſq. Son of Sir Edward, endowed this Vicarage with the Tythes of his whole Eſtate in the Year 1670, which makes this Vicarage 140l. per annum. Atkins's Glouceſtera Ahire, 280, 2d Edition, U u 2 porc. 332 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. King's Books. . Yearly Tentbis. do. lo d. porc. ovor. lin. anc. &c. Sir George Wheate. Bart. 1761. John Morton, Efq. 1774. Priory of Lechlade, olim Propr. afterwards it belonged to the College of Wallingford. At- kins's Glouceſterſhire, p. 280, 2d Edition. 9 18 4 Quenington R. (St. Swithin.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Synods 24. Vif. Epiſc. 15. 4d. 100 acr. terr. arabil. &c. Henry Ireton, Eſq. and Wife, 1709. John Powle, Eſq. 1731. Samuel Black- well, Eſq. 177.!. 7 Cantar' Fayrford. 0 15 10 O 0 14 Q. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 0 O Q 40. - Clear l'early Values King's. Boakse 35 Ampney Crucis V. (Holy Rood.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. The 6.9 of 50 KING. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Impr. 12 acr. terr. arabil. dimid. acr. prati. decim. lan. agn. fæn, perſonal ovor. lat. vitul. porcel, fruct. lin. anc. &c. 37 0 0 Culnwyn, alias. Coln St. Aldwin, V. (St. John Baptiſt). Proxies. 8 19 41 6s. 8.d. Synods 25. un. acr. terr., arabil. decim. Jan. agn. lac. vit. porc. gardin. lin. can. Oxor. decim. prædial., & perſonal. Abba Glouceſter, olim Impr. Mr.. Ingram by Leaſe from the Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. Sir John Bridges and others, 1775. Thomas Ingram, Eſq. and others, 1782. O O Downe Ampney V. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 1.0 5 8 Viſc. Epiſc. is. Id. Unprata voc. Le Hamme ad valor. Ios. 3. pars. garb. un. ten. decim. lan. agn. laca vit. fæn. porc. ane. &c. Pri. Sfi. Johan. Jeruſalem, Propr." Dean and Chapter of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 40 Ehirborne, alias Sherborne, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies 1568 650 8d. Synods 25. Vif. Epiſés 25. 2d. 24 acr. ter. arab. decim. fæn. agn. lan.. lac, vitul. ovor. porc. anc. can. fruct. &€. Abb. Winchcombe, olim. Impra James Lenox Dutton, Eſq. 1774 45 16. O Southropp v. (St. Peter.); Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Vil. Epiſc. 5 16 & 8d. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem, Impr. 48 acr. ter. arabil. decim. fan. Ian. agna porcecah. dvor, gallinac. &c. Wadham College, Oxiford. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Eaſt Leche Turvill Cur. (St. Andrew.) Abb. Tewksbury, Propr. The Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Patr. Not in Charges 7 D. Foret* GLOUCEST. 333 DIOCESE OF GLOUCES T E R. D. Forelt *. King's Books, d. Z. I 0 15 6 6 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 5 a Awre, alias Awre and Poulton, Vt. (St. Andrew.) Synods and, Proxies 6s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 21. 135. 43. Reddit. & firm. una cum al. decim. ibidem. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr. Com- pany of Haberdaſhers, London, Patr. 7 15 a. Bromysborowe R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 8s. Prior. de Moche Mauvern 45. Robert Gorges Dobyns Yate, Eſq. 1781. 13 8. Bykenor Anglicana, alias Bicknor Engliſh, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. I 68 6s. 8d. Synods 1S. Vif. Epiſc. 21. 135. 4d. William Hodges, Gent. 1710. Mr. Mantle, Patr. and Rector 1721. William Hodges, Eſq. 1728. Samuel Whitmore, and others, 1744.. John Davis, D. D. 1780. 2050 Churcham V. with Bulley Chapel. (St. Andrew.) Proxies 2 O 6 35. 4d. Synods 25. Synods 25. Viſc. Epiſc. 25. 60.1 Reddit. & firm. una cum al. decim. ibidem. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, p. i. 9.13 9. Dymock V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods IIs. 8d. Decim. ibidem. Abb. Flaxley, olim Impr. Sir William Humphreys, 1720. George Pritchard, Eſq. 1761. 5 6 5 3 Kempley V. Proxies and Synods 7s. 82. Decim ibidem. Dean O IO and Chapter of Hereford, as Maſters of the Hoſpital of Led- bury. Impr. and Patr. 24 6 8 Lidney V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. de Ailberton, Huelsfield, and 8 8 St. Briavells. Proxies 75. 8d. Penſ. una cum alo decim. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Impr. and Patr. o Rudford R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods. 25. Dean. and Chapter of Glouceſter, p.i. 0 19 2 10 I O * D. Foreſt—This Deanry having been, till the founding the Dioceſe of Glouceſter 1541, part of Hereford Dioceſe, ſtill belongs to the Archdeacon of Hereford for the Summer Vifitation, though it is viſited in the Winter Half-Year by the Biſhop of Glouceſter's Chancellor. † Awre~BLAKENEY is a Market Town, and has a Chapel of Eaſe (All Saints) to this Pariſh of Awre, on which the Haberdaſhers Company have ſettled 40.. per Annum. Atkins?s Hift. of Glou:- cefterſh. p. 123, 2d Edition, Teynton, 334 DIOCESE OF GLOUCES.T E R. GLOUCEST. d. 20 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. d. 9 6 8 Teynton, alias Taynton, R. (St. Laurence.) Synods is. Mo O 18 8 naſterio Sri Petri Glouceſter il. 6s. 8d. Magiſtro Fothering- hay 25. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. 2 81 Weſtbury V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods and Proxies 2 o 31 75. 4d. Pro obit. 25. 4d. Reddit. & firm. una cum al. decim. ibidem. Cuſtos and Vicars of Hereford, Impr. and Patr. The College of Weſtbury, temp. H. VIII. was pofſeffed of the Manors of Kemſey, Atley, Dowdeſwell, Foxcote, Turk. dean, Shelby, Wormington, Munhills and Groveley, Bere- wood, Holley, Goodringhill, Weſtbury, Clifton, Afonferall, and North Morton, with the Rectory of Weſtbury, &c. and was rated at the clear yearly Value, after every Deduction and Outgoing, of 2321. 145. od.. - O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valme. King's Books, 49 4 0 Abynhale, alias Abenhall, R. (St. Michael.) Synods 25. 6 6 8 Vicar. Choral. Heref. 25. Redd. 2$. 3d. Charles Hyett, Eſq. 1722. John Howell, Eſq. 1742. 31 o Bleyſdon, alias Blaiſdon, R. (St. Michael.) Synods 6d. Tho- 5 7 31 mas Wade, Gent. 1705, and Mr. Haynes, alternatim. Ano Hayle, Widow, 1728. John Wade, Eſq. 1778. 41 2 8 Huntley R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Earl of Kent, 1688. Edward 7 5 10 Morſe, Gent. 1726. Ann Morſe, Widow, 1765. Lancaut R. (St. James,) and Chapel ; is part of Wollaſton. 44 17 10 Longhope V *. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. 9 7 111 Prior. Monmouth Il. 6s. 8d. Reddit, & firm. unacum al. decim. ibidem. Mary Yate, Spinſter, and others, 1742. Williain Mathews, Eſq. and Pricilla Browne, Spinſter, 1774. 18 O O Minſterworth V4. (St. George.) Prompt. denar. rec. de Prior. 10 13 4 Sfi Oſwaldi, Glouc. Pri. Sti Oſwaldi, Glouceſter, Impr. The Biſhop of Briſtol, Impr. and Patr. 29 14 8 Mitchel Deane, alias Dean Magna, V. (St. Michael.) Redd. 25. 10 16.01 Synods and Proxies 2s. 6d. Mr. Rudge, one Turn. Mr. Colcheſter, two Turns. Maynard Colcheſter, Eſq. p. i. 1783. 20 O * Longhope V.-In the Year 1701, Mr. Nourſe Yate reſtored the Impropriation to the Vicarage. Atkins's Glouceſterſh. p. 285, ad Edition. of Minſterworth V. -Sir Robert Atkins ſays, this is a Vicarage turned into a Curacy, p. 557. 6 NEWENT GLOUCEST. 335 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. 1. do O 47 II 16 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books d. lo 35 15 4 NEWENT V. (S:. Mary.) Synods and Proxies Ilse Decim. & 23 oblat. ibidem. Colleg. de Foderinghay, olim Impr. Tho. Foley, Eſq. 1690, 1729. Andrew Foley, Eſq. 1783. 6 Newland V*. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Lan- 18 6 101 daff, Impr. and Patr. 12. 10 9 Oxenhale V. (St. Anne,) an Impropriation. Proxies 6s. 8d. 912 6 Synods is. Reddit. & firm. unacuin al. decim. ibidem. Pri. Sſi Johannis Jeruſalem, olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. No Inſtitution. 13 6 8 Pauntley Chap. (St. John Evangeliſt.). Colleg. de Fothering- hay, olim Impr. Bilhop of Glouceſter. 34 Preſton V. Synods 6d. Abb. Glouceſter, olin Impr. Biſhop 7 6 8 of Glouceſter. Staunton, alias Stanton, R. (All Saints.) Prux. 6s. Prior. 7 Monmoth. 45. Lord Gage, 1720, 1765. Tiberton R. (Holy Trinity.) Prosies 11s. 4d. Synods 25. 7 16 0 Anne Twitty, and Jo. Rodd, Clerk, 1710, 1726. Richard Smart, Eſq. 1764. 20 Tuddenham, alias Tiddenham, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 75. 8d. 7 14 Prox. 35. 4d. Pri. Shiene in Surry, olim Impr. Reddit. & firm. unacum decim. ibidem. James Davis, Eſq. 1769. 6 Wollaſton, alias Woolafton, R. (St. Andrew,) with the Cha. 13. II 5 pels of Alvington, and Lancaut. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. Olim Abb. Tinterne. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1745. Duke of Beaufort, 1769,- 1782. I 11 z o 45 12 O O 47 100 49 2 O 37 12 NOT IN CHARGE. Aylberton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to I.idney. St. Briavel's, Chapel to Lidney. Dean and Chapter of Here ford, Patr. Reputed formerly a Chapel to Newland. Hewelsfield, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Lidney. NEWNHAM Cur. (St. Peter.) City of Glouceſter, Impr. and Patr. Hofp. St. Barth. olim Propr. Breem Cur. (St. James,) Chapel to Newland. 191. 1os. certi- fied Value. Newland Lectureſhip. Haberdalhers Company, London, Patr. 1776. * Newland-In this Pariſh is COLFORD, a Market Town, which has a Chapel, which was auga mented by Q. Anne, with 15l. per Annum. Atkins's Hift. of Glouceſterſh. p. 301, 2d Edition. COLFORD 336 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE R. COLFORD Cur. a Market Town, (All Saints,) Chapel to New- land. Biſhop of Glouceſter. 156. certified Value. Flaxley Cur. Abb. of Flaxley, olim Propr. 87. certified Value. Upleadon Cur. (St. Mary.) Abb. Glouceſter, olim Propr. The Biſhop of Glouceſter. 141. certified Value. Dean Parva Cur. (St. Ethelbert.) St. Barth. Hoſp. in Glou- ceſter, olim Propr. City of Glouceſter, Patr. 181. 195.9d. certified Value. . Chapel in the Lea, (St. John,) Chapel to Linton in co. Heref. in D. Roſſe. Auginented with Queen Anne's Bounty. Henry Weſtfaling, Eſq. 41. certified Value. Ruardine, (St. John Baptiſt) Chapel to Walford in co. Heref. in D. Rolle. Abb. of Flaxley, Propr. 9. Glouceſter. . l. d. 1. I 18 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books Pearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 19 7 31 Arlingham V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 6d.] 8 Abb. Leon. Stanley, olim Impr. Decim. & oblat. Henry Toye, Eſq. 1736. Elizabeth Rogers, Widow, 1776, 1780, 1783, 1784, p. i. 16 6 51 Hartpury V. (St. Mary) Synods 25. Reddit. & firm. unacum I 12 7 decim. & oblat. ibidem. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter, Impr. and Patr. 8oo Hempſted R* (St. Swithin.) Solvit 21. annuatim Dom. Regi. o 16 Endowed by Lord Scudamore, 130 and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Parliament. Lord and Lady Surrey, 14 5 10 Morton Valens P. in the Church of Hereford, (St. Stephen,) I 8 7 pro Diacono 25. 6d. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Vil. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Reddit. & firm. unacum decim. & oblat. ibi. dem. Biſhop of Hereford. 44 81 Standiſh V. (St. Nicholas,) with Sale, alias Saul, (St. James,)4 33 Randwike, and Hardwick, Chapels. · Prox. 6s. 8d. Synods 45. Reddit. & firm. unacum decim. & oblat. ibidem. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter, Impr. and l'atr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, p. h. v. 1760. O * Hempſted R.-Vide Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 248, 2d Edition. Whaddon GLOUCEST. 337 DIOCESE Op GLOUCES T E R. King's Books, 1. d. 13 6. 8 Whaddon P*. in the Church of Hereford. Synods is. Synods is. Reda dit. & firm. unacum al. deciin. & oblat. Bilbop of Hereford. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I 6 8 2 II LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books IO O Audonei Sc in Glouceſter V. Syn. 1od.Viſ. Epiſc. rod. 5 o o The Church demoliſhed, and united to St. Mary Crypt. Decimn. & oblat. ibidem. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. Aldati Sc' R. ibidem demoliſhed. Prox. 115. 8d. Syn. 35. 3. 16 8 Vil . Epiſc. is. 9d. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. United to St. Michael's. 37 0 o Alhelworth V. (St. Andrew.) Decim. & oblat. ibidem. Abb. 10 Ski Auguſtini Briſtol, olim Impr. Biſhop of Briſtol, Impr. and Patr. 6:00 St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital in Glouceſter, with St. Nicholas 25 II 3 Chapel. Viſ. Epiſc. 5d.1 City of Glouceſter. 23 3 9 Brokerhorp, alias Brookthorpe, V. (St. Swithin.) Reddit. & 7.17 6 firm. unacum decim. & oblat, ibidem. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, p. i. 43 00 Fretherne R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 55. Syn. 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 5 6 8 id. William Bayly, Efq. 1705; 1720. Thomas Hayward, Clerk, 1735. Robert Gorges Dubyns Yate, Eſq. 1774, and 1781. 30 Frowceſter, alias Froceſter, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. 6s. 8d. 10 Sýn. 25. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Reddit. & firm. cum al. decim. & oblat. ibidem. Lord Ducy, 1776. 40 Ö Harſcomb, and Pitchcomb, R up. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies 6 8 0 Synods 25. Prior. Lanthony_55. Mary Blagg, Widow, 1726. John Purnell, Eſq. and Eliz. Parnell, Spin- ſter, 1769. 49 O Harsfield V. (St. Peter.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. 17 0 Epiſc. 15. id. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr. Earl of Hard- wicke, 1780. 3 St. John Baptiſt in Glouceſter R. Prox. 6s. 8d. Abb. Sti 14 Abb. Sti 14 1 1 Ž 40 Petri Glouceſter il. Syn. Is. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. id. The KING. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. 5 IO 0 25. 8d. O O O O * Morton and whaddon Prebends are united. * Pitchcomb-Mr. David Cliffold has given 20s. yearly to the Miniſter. Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 307, 2d Edition, Laflingdon, Xx 338 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE R. 1. s. d. O 0 0 14 10 15 o Clear Yearly V'alue. King's Books, 1. d. 30 o Laffingólon, alias Laſlington, R. Prior. Sti Oſwaldi 85.6 10 Biſhop of Glouceſter, one Turn. Mr. Cook's Heirs, two Turns. John Guiſe, Eſq. 1782. 37 5 Longncy V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Viſ. 12 18 50 Epiſc. 61.1 Decim. & oblat. Pri. Malvern, oirn Impr. The KING. 20 0.0 , Madíton, alias Matſon, V. Synods 15. Viſ. Epiſc. iod.ſ 3 16 51 Pení. Abb, Sri Petri Glouceſter 155. Reddit. & firm. unacum decim. & oblat. ibidem. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Maiſmore Cur. or V. (St. Giles,) antiently a Chapel to St. Mary de Load. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. 28 16 8 Mariæ Beatæ ante Portam St. Petri, alias St. Mariæ de Load 10 13 4 ibidem, V. Prompt. denar. rec. de Abb. Sti Petri Glouc. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Propr. and Patr. Mariæ Beatæ in Auſtrali, alias Beatæ Mariæ de Crypt, alias 14 7 II 30 Chriſt Church, R. Synods 85. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. id. Abb. de Godſtow il. Prior. Lanton 35. 4d. Comiti Glou- ceſtr. 8d. The KING, St. Michael's in Glouceſter Cur. or R. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 8 16 10 25 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Seneſchallo Villæ 2d. The KING. 40 o Quedgley, (St. James,) a Donative, or Curacy; anciently a Chapel to St. Owen's Glouceſter. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr. Duke of Mancheſter, Patron. Sanct. Omnium in Glouceſter R. Syn. Is. Viſ. Epiſc. 8d. 7 I 8 Prior. Lanthony 25. This Church is demoliſhed, and the Pariſh united to St. Mary de Crypt. 24 Sandehurſt V. (St. Laurence.) Mon. Sti Oſwaldi, Glouceſter, olim Impr. Biſhop of Briſtol. St. Trinity's V *. in Glouceſter. Prox. 5d. Syn. id. Pente- 9 O o coſtals id. Prompt. denar. rec. de Abb. Glouc. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. Oo Upton St. Leonard, anciently a Chapel to St. Mary de Load. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Impr. The Biſhop of Glouceſter. 30 od Witcombe, alias Whitcombe Magna, R. (St. Mary.) Abb. 4 6 8 Ski Auguſtini in Briſtol, olim Inpr. Howe Hickes, Eſq. 1732, 1769. I 2 O O O o o 20 O 0 * St. Trinity'small taken down but the Steeple.-The Scite of the Church turned into a Marketa. Atkin's Glouceiter, p. 101, 2d Edition. United to St. Nicholas Cur. Not GLOUCEST. 339 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. NoT IN CHARGE. Barnwood Cur. (St. Laurence.) Dean and Chapter of Glou. ceſter, Patr. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Propr. St. Catherine, alias St. Oſwald's, V. Demoliſhed. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Patr. Churchdown Cur. (St. Bartholomew.) Pri. Sři Oſwaldi, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Patr. 201. certified Value. Elmore Cur. (St. John Baptift.) Pri. Lanthony, olim Propr. Sir William Guiſe, Bart. 1774. 31. certified Value. Morton Valence Cur. (St. Stephen.) Prebendary thereof, Propr. 121. 10s. certified Value. Whaddon Cur. (St. Margaret.) Prebendary thereof, Patr. 12l. ios. certified Value. Randwick Cur. Chapel to Standiſh. 81. 8s. certified Value. Norton Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Ski Oſwaldi, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Patr. 201. certified Value. St. Nicholas Cur. formerly a Chapel to St. Bartholomew's Hof- pital. Corporation of Glouceſter. Saul, Perpet. Cur. The Vicar of Standiſh, 1772. Wherenhurſt Cur. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Bruton in Somerſet, olim Impri Jaſper Selwyn, Licenced Curate, 1777. 9. Hawkisbury. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. . d. 7. d. 2 6 5 23 4 93 Boxwell R. (St. Andrew,) cum Cap. Laterton. Matthew Hunt- ley, Eſq. 1688. Richard Huntley, 1728. Ann Huntley, Widow, 1753, pro hâc vice. 14 8 11 Old Sodbury, (the Mother Church,) cum CHIPPING SODBURY V. (St. John Baptift.) Synods and Proxies 45. Reddit. & firm. unacum aliis decimis. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, Impr. and Patr. I 8 9 X x 2 Chirvilde, 340 DIOCESE OF GLOUCES T E R. GLOUCEST. 1. 1 I 14 2 16 9 14 12 14 II I I 20 O O IO King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 7. d. IO I 3 Chirvilde, alias Charfield, R. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. 85. o 1 1 8d. Edward Pillworth, 1700. John Biddle, Clerk, this Turn, 1710. The Biſhop, 1749. William Tyndale, Eſq. 1763. 17 I 8 Cold Afton R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods gs. 8d. Proxies il. 55. Viſ. Epifc. 15. Id. Prior. Bath il. 55. John Bailie, and Francis Filher, preſented, 1720. John Whittington, Eſq. 1739, 2 Cromall R. (St. Andrew.) Officiar. 6s. 8d. Synods and Prox . I 12 II ies 6s. Oriel College, Oxon. 6 Dereham, alias Dyrham, R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies I 9 3 85. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. id. William Blaithwayt, Eſq. 1753. 3 Deynton, alias Doynton, R. (Holy Trinity,) with the Free 9 II Chapel of St. Catherine. Synods and Proxies 6s. Penf. 11. 6s. 3d. The KING. 5 6 51 Doddington R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 25. Prior. 7 2 3 de Stanley 6s. 8d. Sir William Codrington, Bart. 1775. 11 16 01 Frampton Cotterel R. (St. Peter.) George Bryan, Gent. I 3 73 1704. William Southwell, Eſq. 1744, 1765. John Jacob, Eſq. 1770. 6 0 o Hildney Chapel. (St. Giles.) Demoliſhed. Formerly a Cha- pel to Hawkiſbury. In décimis & oblat. 16 0 o Horton R. (St. James.) Synods and Proxies 85. 8d. Pení. I 120 Prebendario il 25. Richard Whitehall, 1703. William Nourſe, Eſq. 1730. John Unwin, Eſq. 1777. Charles Hitch, Eſq. 1778. o Iron Acton R*. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. 8d. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. 16 o Oldbury, alias Odbury, R. united 10 Didmerton. (St. Arild.) Synods and Proxies 85. 8d. Duke of Beaufort, 1780. 14 13 4 Pokilchurch, alias Pucklechurch, Vyf. (St. Thomas Becket,) I 9 4 with Weſterligh and Abſton Chapel. (St. James.) In deci- mis & oblat. Dean and Chapter of Wells, Impr. and Patr, 5 14 41 Silſton, alias Siſton, R. (St. Anne.) Thomas Trotman, Eſq. Oil 51 1725. Samuel Trotman, Eſq. 1762. Chriſtopher Haynes, Clerk, 1775. 6 10 10 Sodbury Parva R. (St. Adeline.) Synods and Proxies 25. Epiſc. 8d. David Hartley, and his Wife, 1750. Winch- comb Henry Hartley, Eſq. 1783. 0 1 2 O 16 jo I 13 O I I2 Viſ. O 131 1 * Iron Acton-Mr. Humph. Brown, Merchant of Briſtol, has given 10l. yearly to the Miniſter. Atkins's Ancient and Preſent State of Glouceſterſhire, p. 105, 2d Edition. t. Pokilchurch, alias Pucklechurch, V.-Ralph Ergam, Biſhop of Bath and Wells, gave the Ad- vowſon and Impropriation to the Chapter of Wells. Atkins, p. 320, 2d Edition. Thormerton GLOUCEST. 341 DIOCESE OF GLOUCES T E R. so King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I d. 1. d. 27 O O Thormerton R. (St. Mary,) with Littleton, and Turvil's Afton, 2 14 0 Chapels. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. pro Viſ. 6s. 8d. Pro Vil. Turvil's Aſton 6s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Penſ. Prior. Wi- gorn. 6s. 8d. Vicario Turvil's Aſton 6l. 135. 4d Sir John Toppe, 1719. Thomas Peach, Gent. 1735. John Peach Hungerford, Eſq. 1775. Nathaniel Caſtleton, Eſq. 1777. 16 3 9 Tortworth R. (St. Leonard.) Syn, and Prox. 35. Syn. and Prox. 35. Oriel Col I 12 43 lege, Oxon. 18 WIKEWARE, alias WICKWAR, R. (Holy Trinity.) Syn, and Prox. 85. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Id. Penſ. 61. William Giles, 1734. John Cheſter, Clerk, 1777. 30 18 11 Yate R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. gd. John Bainham, 3 I 10 Clerk, 1685. Richard Wallington, 1742. William Tour- nay, 1765, pro hâc vice. I 16 O oo LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valve. King's Books, 48 100 o Alderley R. Synods 25. gd. Abb. Parſhore 25. 9d. Mat- Il 4 7 thew Hale, Gent. 1700. Matthew Hale, Eſq. and Mary his Wife, 1735. 13 Badminton Magna V*. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 25. 5 5 72 Abb. Lilleſhull in Salop, olim Impr. Duke of Beaufort. 50 0 Bitton V. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 25. Reddit. & firm. 18. 15 unacum aliis decimis. Prebendary thereof in Sarum, Impr. and Patr. 45 00 Didmerton R. united to Oldbury. (St. Laurence.) Duke of 8 Beaufort. 50 0 0 o Hawkiſbury V. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 8d. Reddit. 20 14 2 & firm. unacum aliis decimis. Abb. Parſhore, olim Impr. Sir Robert Jenkinſon, Bart. 1712, 1738. Sir Banks Jen- kinſon, Bart. p. i. 44 0 0 MarshFiELD V W. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 8d. Ele- 29 4 9 moſ. il. Reddit. & firm. unacum aliis decimis. Abb. Keyn- tham, olim Impr. Atkins's Hift. Mon. Tewkſbury, Propr. O 2 * Badminton-Atkins's Hift. of Glouceſter, p. 125, ſays, it formerly belonged to the Abby of Par- More ; but in the Firſt-Fruits Book it is found among the Poffeſſions of the Mon, of Lilleſhull; as above. + Marſhfield V.-Queen Mary gave both the Impropriation and Advowſon to New College, in Ex- change for the Manor of Steepinglee, and other Manors in Bedfordſhire and Effex. Atkins's Glou. ceſter, p. 282, 2d Edition. Mr. Elias Criſp hath given 4l. yearly for eight Sermons ; it is paid out of Salter's Hall, London, p. 288. This has been alſo greatly endowed by Mrs. Dionyſia Long. Orig, 1 342 GLOUCEST, DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE R. 1. S. 1. S. d. Clear Icarly Value. King's Books, d. Orig. Surv. of Glouceſt. New College, Oxford, Impr. and Patr. 46 7 6 Tedrington, alias Tuddington, alias Tytherington, V. Syn. and 9 II 7 Prox. 8s. 8d. Reddit. & firin. unacum al. decim. ibidem. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr, Lord 'Tracy, 1674._ Willian Hall, this Túrn, 1709. Peter Hardwick, M. D. 1736, 1741. James Hardwick, Eſq. 15 Turvil's Alton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Thormerton, olim Vic. 6 13 4 Rector of Thormerton. 35 0 o Wapley V. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 8d. Reddit. & 7 18 firin. unacum aliis decimis. Abb. Sfi Auguſtini, Briſtol, olim Impr. John Codrington, Eſq. 1738. Sir Charles War- wick Bampfylde, Bart. 1781. 49 00 Weſton Birt R. (St. Catherine.) Sir Richard Holford, Ķnt, 6 6 2 0 1702. Robert Holford, Eſq. 1739. Peter Holford, Eſq. 1769. O 0 0 NOT IN CHARGE. Badminton Parva Chapel, formerly a Chapel to Hawkiſbury, now to Badminton Magna. Duke of Beaufort, Patr. and Impr. Abb. Parſhore, olim Impr. Marſton Cur. Oldland, a Chapel to Bitton V *, Eaſt Hannam, a Chapel to Bitton. Rangeworthy Cur. Lord of the Manor, annexed to Thoru- bury in D. Durſley. gl. certified Value. . Hillley, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Hawkiſbury. Treſham, a Chapel to Hawkiſbury. Walt, Chapel formerly to Hawkiſbury. * Oldland Chap.—Mr. Arthur Farmer gave 61. per Annum, for a Sermon on the firſt Sunday in every Month. Mrs. Elizabeth Godfree gave il, for two Sermons on Michaelinas Day. Mr. Richard Kitchin gave ios, yearly, for a Sermon on Good Friday. Atkins's Ancient and Preſent State of Glou- ceſt. p. 149, 2d Edition, D. Stone. GLOUCEST. 343 DIOCESE OF GLOUCES T E R. D. Stonehouſe. King's Books, 1. d. 0 0 19 10 1200 O 10 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 24 o Avening R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 40. 4. 2 8 Penf. Dom. de Syon il Redd. 55. 4d. William Sandford, 1728, p. h. v. Edward Sheppard, Efq. 1774. Nathaniel Thornbury, Merchant, 1779. 5 BYSELEY V. (All Saints.) Syn. zs. Viſ. Epiſc.gd. Reddit. I 19 0 & firm. unacum decimis. The KING, Colleg. Weſtbury, olim Propr.. Chalford Chapel newly erected. 13 0 o o Cheriagton R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 5d. I 60 Rectori de Avening 1os. Edward Stephens, Eſq. 1716. Daniel Lyſons, Eſq. 1756. o Coberley R. (St. Giles.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 26. Abb. StiBO O Petri Glouceſt. 135. 4d. Timothy Bourne, Gent. this Turn, 1712. Lady Chedworth, 1755. Lord Chedworth, 1778, 1782. 9. I 1c} Cowley, alias Cooley, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. O 18 28 140 25. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. rod. The KING, 8 o Edgworth R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 25. Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 0 16 4d, Nathan. Ridler, Eſq. 1707. Thomas Ridler, Eſq. 1729. Rev. Richard Brereton, 1765, upon his own Pe- tition. 9 2 Elkeſton, alias Elkſton, R. (St. John Evangelift.) Proxies I 4. II 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Viſ. Epifc. Is.4d. Collegio Fotheringay 6s. 8d. Reddit. & firm. unacum al. decim. ibidem. Lord Craven, 1779. 32 14 9] Eftington, alias Eaftington, R. (St. Michael.) Penſ. Vicario 3 5 5 Frowceter il. Nath. Stephens, Eſq. 1706. Robert Stephens, Clerk, 1776. 41. 13. 4. HAMPTON, alias MINCHING HAMPTON, R. (Holy Trinity.) 4 3 4. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 2:5. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Phil. Shep- pard, Efq. 1717. Samuel Sheppard, Eſq. 1719, Edward Sheppard, Eſq. 1774, 1777: 9 2 81 Kynley Free Chapel. (St. Mary) Deſtruct. Reddit. & firm. 0 18 35 ibidem clare per annum. 8 13 4 Miſerden, alias Miſerdine, R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies 6s. 8d. 0.17 4 Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 1s. 40.1 William Sandys, Eſq. 1681. 5 Barbara O 0 12 -- 344 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. GLOUCEST. so King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1 do Barbara Sandys, and Charles Coxe, Eſq. 1728. Sarah Weſt, Widow, p. h. v. 1785. 14 15 21 PAYNESWicke V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. I 964 Viſ. Epiſc. rod. į Reddit. & firm. unacum al. decimis. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr. Sir Robert Atkyn, Knt. Phil. Shep- pard, and Thomas Stephens, 1701. The KING, 1737. Thomas Maſter, Paul Caſtleman, and Richard Stephens, Eſqrs. Truſtees, 1762. 18 1 3 Rodmerton R*. (St. Peter.) Proxies 6s. 5d. Synods 25. I 16 I Ž Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 2d. Charles Coxe, Eſq. 1720. Daniel Sanxay, Clerk, 1739. Benjamin Rogers, and John Marílı, 1756. 17 0 o Salperton, alias Saperton, Ryp. (St. Kenelm.) Proxies 6s. 8d. I 14 0 Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 4d.4 Priuri Beverley 16s. 8d. Sir Robert Atkyns, Knt. 1695. Lord Bathurſt, 1749. Earl Bathurſt, 1775. 18 I 10] Shipton Moyne, alias Duffield, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies I 16 21 6s. 8d. Synods gd. Viſ. Epiſc. 9d. Thomas Hodges, Eſą. 1697. Walter Hodges, D. D. 1753. The Rev. Mr. Nowell, Jure Uxoris. 18 15 21 Stanley Regis R. (St. George.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. I 17 63 Viſ. Épiſc. is. 8d. Lord Scarborough, 1707. Jeſus College, Cambridge, 1779. o Stonehouſe V. (St. Cyer.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. 2 4 0 160 The KING. Pri. Elneſton, olim. Impr. Reddit. & firm. unacum al. decimis. 36 13 4 TETBURIE, alias TEDBURY, V. (St. Mary.) Synods 25. Epiſc. 8d. Reddit. & firm. unacum decim. Abb. Eyneſham, olim Impr. Charles and Franc. Savage, Gent. 1712. Truſ- tees for the Town. Samuel Saunders, and others, 1778. 20 0 o Torleton P. in Ecclef. Sarum. Reddit. & firm. ibidem. "Biſhop 20 o of Saruin. o o o Woodcheſter R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. I OO Epiſc. is. Exhibitione Sd. Lord Ducie Morton, 1756. 22 O O O Viſ. 3 13 4 10 * Rodmerton-In this Pariſh is Torleton Hamlet, a Preb. in the Church of Sarum. There is a well built Chapel, with handſome Seats and Pulpit, but all Divine Service is omitted. Atkins's Glouceſter- fhire, p. 330, 2d Edition. + Salperton-exchanged for Lands, with the College of Wincheſter, lying near Hampton Court and Ileworth. Atkins's Glouceſterſhire, p. 332, 2d Edition, 4 LIVINGS GLOUCEST. 545 DIOCESE OF GLOUCES T E R. S. 1. a. 30 0 1 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 2. d. o Brympsfield R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 9 12 Pri. Brympsfield, olim Iñpř. William Sandys, Eſq. 1710, 1722. Charles Coxe, Eſq. 1726. George Lord Edge- cumbe, 1777 30 Oo, Cranham R. (Śt. James.) Synods 25. Viſ . Epiſc. 6d. Miles 6 6 8 Sandys, Eſq. 1689. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1738. John Gilbert, Biſhop of Saliſbury, 1750. Lord Viſcount Mount Edgecumbe, and Valletort, p.i. 1785. 8 O O Horſeley V. (St. Martin.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Abb. 711 51 Bruton, olim Impr. Reddit. & firm, unacum al. decim. ibidem. The KING, 1733. Biſhop of Glouceſter, 1774. 40 o Nympsfield R. (St. Margaret.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. II 60 is. od. I Abb. Sti Petri Glouceſter 1l. 6s. 8d. The KING. Ö Syde, alias Side, R. (St. Mary.) Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 4d. 3 18 4 Walter Ridler, Eſq. 1730. Nigel Kingſcote, Eſq. 1772. 8 Oo Whiteneſter, alias Wheatenhurit, Cur. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 7 12 31 6s. 82. Synods 25. Prompt. denar. rec. de Abb, de Bruton per ann. Abb. Brúton in Somerſet, olim Propr. No In- ſtitution. 30 O o Wynſton R. (St. Bartholomew.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 7 10 Viſ . Epiſc. 5d. William Sandys, Eſq. 1701. Barbara San- dys, Widow, 1742. Windſor Sandys, Eſq. 5 o ооо O 20 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Rodborough, (Holy Trinity.) Chap. to Hampton. STANLEY ST. LEONARD Cur. (St. Swithin.) Certified to be of no certain Value *, Glouceſter Abbey, olim Propr. STROUD Cur. (St. Laurence,) Chapel to Billey, Biſhop of Glou. ceſter, Patr. 171. 55. certified Value. * The Curate, by virtue of a Leaſe of Tithes under the Impropriator; has received Thirty-four Pounds annually for doing Duty. Y Y D. Stowe, 346 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE E R. D. Stowe. . 7. d. 1. 27 2 1 I 20 O 0 LivingS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 23 11 101 Bradwell, alias Broadwell, R. (St. Paul,) with Athilthorpe 2 7 27 / Chapel. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. 6d Vil. Epiſc. Is. 6 virg. ter. &c. Theophilus Leigh, Eſq. 1717. James Leigh, Eſq. 1763. 81 Bourton on the Water R *. (St. Laurence,) with Slaughter 2 14 34 Inferior Chapel. Proxies. 6s. 8d. Synods 4d, Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 10s. & cert. ter. ad uſum Capellani ad valorem 41. 35. 4d. Meffrs. Henry and Charles Vernon, Patrons, 1720. Dorothy Vernon, Spiniter, 1753. Edward Vernon, Clark, 1782. 19 5 5 Hafleton R. (St. Andrew,) with Enworthe Chap. (St. Andrew.) 1 18 65 Proxies os. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. Is. Id. 60 acr. terr. gleb. &c. TThe KING, 16 13 4 Nawnton, alias Naunton, R. (St. Andrew.) Prosies 6s. 8d. I. 13, 4 Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. 8d. 35 acr. ter. arabil. & un. acr. prati &c. · Biſhop of Worceſter. 15 6 8 Notgrove R. (St. Bartholomew.) 80 acr. terr. arabil. & dimid. 8 acr. prati, &c. The KING. 7 i Odyugion, alias Oddington, R. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 82 Vil. Epiíc. is. Id. Un. virg. ter. gleb. &c. Precentor of York. 5 Rillingdon, alias Riſlington Magna, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) 10 4 0 acr.per. arabil , & 3; acr. prati, &c. Reginald Bray, : 1686. Edmund Bray, Eſq. 1720. Frederick Frankland, Eſq. 1761. 3 11 Riſlington, alias Rillingdon Parva, R. (St. Peter.) Proxies 6s. I o 32 8d. 2 virg. terr. &c. The KING 14 14 2 Slaughter Superior R. (St. Peter.) Proxies 6s 3d. Syn. 25. 9 5. 12 acr, ter, arabil. & 4 acr. prati. Chambers Slaughter, Etq.*** 1721. Thomas Tracy, Elç. 1756, 1764. I IO 120 O O 21 2 22 2 IO 150 O 0 I ** Bourton on the Water R-Clapton (St. James) was a Chapel apnexed to Bourton, but now both that and Slaughter Infeiior are reputed Parishes of themſelves. Atkins's Gloucester, p. 293. STOWE GLOUCEST. 347 DIOCES E OF GLOUCES TE P.. learly . Tent! se 1. do s s. I 16 I 7 4 O King's Books, d. IS O STOWE ON The Would R. (St. Edward.) Proxies 6s. &d. Synods 15. 6d. Vil. Epiſc. 25. d.1 401 virg. terr. gleb. &c. Samuel Sheppard, Junior, and John Drewer, Eſq. this turn, 1713. Edward Head, Clerk, 1719. Mrs. Norris, 1733. John Hippeſley Coxe, 1765, p. h. v. 13 13 4. Sution under Brails R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Proxies 6s. Sd. 150 Syn. 25. Un. virg. ter. gleb. Biſhop of London. This Pariſh is moſtly in Warwickſhire. 9 7 31 Weſtcott R. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. Ed. Synods 25. 20 acr. terr. arabil. & 6. acr. paftur. &c. Abigail Turvil, Spinſter, 1719. Thomas Williams, Patron, and Incumbent, 1753. Thomas Brookes, Clerk, 1774. 16 6 Wike Riffingdon, alias Wick Riffington, R. (St. Peter.) Prok- 1400 ies 25. od. Syn. Is. 88. Io acr, ter: arabil. 3 acr. prati, &c. The KING, 6 13 4 Hoſp. Stæ Trinitatis. O 13 S 2 I 12 3 O O 13 4 37 10 0 6 1 2 0 . 7 6 8 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books Aſton Blank, alias Cold Aſton, V. (St. Andrew.) Synods 25. 4 40 15 acr. ter. arabil. decim. fæni lan. agn. lac. ovor. gulinac. porcel. lin. & decim. perſonal. & oblat. The KING. Pri. Malverne, olim Impr. 41 16 0 o Barington Magna V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Sın. 25. Viſ. Epiſc. is. 8d. Un. virg. ter. arabil. un. prat. voca:. Vi- car's Hamm. penf. firmar. Prioris il. 135. 4d. port. decim. garb. & feni decim. lac. porcell. anc. vitul. ovor. gallinac. & al. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr. Lord Talbot, 1742. Mary Lady Talbot, and others, 1750, 1784. 34 6.8 Barington Farva V. (St. Peter.) Proxies 4d.] Synods is. 4 19 2 27 acr. ter. arabil. & dimid, acr. prati port. decimar. garb. & fæni decim. agn. lan. lac. porcel. anc. ov. galiinac. lin. Et gardinor. The KING. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr. 24 Oo o o Bladingdon V. (St. Leonard,) a Curacy'. Vicar. habet pro ía- 6 13 4 lario ſuo in pecuniis. Abb. Winchcomb, olim Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 42 10 o Guiting Inferior, alias Nether Guiting, V, with Feriecotie 14 19 5 Chapel. (St. Michael.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is V:1. Epiſc. rod. Un. acr, ter, arabil. & un. acr. prati declin. fæni lan. agn. anc. porci lac. mel. lin. & ovor. & decim. di orum molendinorum. Idem Vicar. habet profiogniis decimis Capel. 6). Is. 4d. Priory of St. John of Jeruſalem, olin Y y 2 Impr. 348 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. s, de 3 81 25 2-1 32 13 0 Clear Pearly Value. King's Booksa . d. 1. Impr. Thomas Vernon, and David Hughes Holland, 1769. Eleanor Vernon, and John Holland, 1777. John Holland, 1780. 49 15 o Halling, alias Hawling, R. (St. Edward.) Proxies 25. 6d. 10 Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. 15. id.48 acr. ter. arabil. un. acr. prati 4 paſtur. &c. 11. 105. Penf. Abb. Winchcombe. Wil- ſiam Wyndham, Eſq. p. i. 1772. 0 Longborough V. (St. James.) Viſ. Epiſc. IIs. 3d. Syn. 25. 5 15 0 Decim. perſonal. oblat. lac. vitul. porcelanc. ovor. gallinac. lini, & port. decim. garb. & fæni. Abb. Hayles, olim Impr. James Leigh, Eſq. two Turns. Lord Guilford, one Turna Since Sefincuie, in D. Campden, became united to it. James Leigh, Eſq. 1762. 10 Pinnock R. united to Didbrook in Dec. Campden. The Church 3:13 4 demoliſhed. 4 acr. ter. arabil. &c. Lord Viſcount Tracy, 1765, 1769. o Shipton Solars R. (St. Mary.) Synods Is. Vil. Epiſc. 8d. 7 3 fu 40 acr. ter. arabil. un. clauſ. paftur. &c. William Peachy, Efq. 1710. Suſan, and Margaret Peachy, Spinſters, 1776 32 9 o Swell Inferior, alias Nether Swell, V. Proxies 6s: 8d. Synods 6 12 35 Mon. Notley in co. Bucks, Propr. 8 acr. ter. arabil. 3 acr. prati decim. perſonal. oblat. garb. fæni lan. agn. porce anc. lact. vitul. ovor. gallinac. & lini. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 48 0 0 Swell Superior, alias Over Swell, R. Synods 25. Vif. Epiſc. 6 14 6 8d. 40 acr. ter. arabil. & 3 acr. prati. Guardian of Eliz. Rufhout, 1711. Sir Hildebrand Jacob, Bart. 1759. Henry Browne, Clerk, 1779, upon his Peticior:. 38 10 0 Turkeden, alias Turkdean, V. (AH Saints.) Synods 25. Terr. 10 00 gleb. val. 135. 4d. Herbag. cæmeterii 25. &c. Pri. Ofe . ney, olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Wenriche, alias Winruih, alias Windruth, V. (St. Peter.) 5 0 Synods is. Vif. Epiſc. 6d. 34 acr. ter. arabil. & un. par- cel. prati port. decimar. garb. & foeni deciin. lan.ago. un. mo- lendini porc. vitul. lac. ovor. gallinac. mel. & cer. Pri. Lan- thony, olim Impr. Joha Dutton, Eſq. 1714. James Lenox Dution, Eſq. 1771. 20 0 Widforde R. Synods 15. 6d. 13 acr. ter. arabil. & 2 acr. 3 14 2 prari, &c. Sir George Fettiplace, Bart. 1726, 1934. Tho- was Fertiplace, Eſq. 1755. Robert Fertiplace, Esq. 1770. pro hâc vice. 23. 33 10 0 7 CHAPELS, GLOVC8ST. 349 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTEN. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES, Compton Parva Cur. (St. Dennis.) Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Propr. Chriſt Church Coll. Patr. 221. 4s, certified Value. Hales Cur. 21. 135. 4.d. certified Value. Temple Guiting Cur. (St. Mary.) Knights Templars, Propr. Chriſt Church Coll. Oxon. Patr. 207. 55. certified Value. Cold Salperton Cur. Pri. Stodeley, olim Propr. College of Wincheſter, Propr. The Leſſee finds a Curate. 81. certi- fied Value. D. Telinchcoinb. le s, d di d 1 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenthse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 3. 20 11 3 Badgworth V. (St. Mary,) with Sherington, alias Shurdington, 2 I Chapel. (St. Paul.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Viſ. Epiſc. Is, id. 21 acr. ter. arabil. dimid, acr. prati & un. parcel. paftur. decim. garb. & fæn. lan. agn. porc. anc, vitul. & al. minut. decim. Pri. Uſke, olim Impr. Paul Dodſwell, Gent. and his Wife, 1689. Sir William Dodwell, Knt. 1720, Thomas Tracy, Eſq. and his Wife, 1746. Mary Tracy, Widow, 1780. 84 6 8 Clive, alias Biſhop's Cleeve, R *. (St. Michael,) with a Chapel. 8: 88 90 acr. ter. árabil. 3 acr. prati, &c. Theoph. Coke, Wi- dow, 1698. Robert Uvedale, LL. D. this Turn, 1709. Matthew Lamb, Eſq. p. h. V. 1737: James Stuart Menteath, Clerk, 1778. 13 6 8 Dowdſwell . R . (St. Michael.) 12 acr. ter. arabil. 7. acr. in 1 6 8 Pekillworth, &c. William Rogers, Eſq. 1768. John Ready Efq. 1778. * Clive, alias Biſhop's Cleeve, R.-is exempt from the Archdeacon. It was formerly a Prebend in the Church of Weſtbury. Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 184, 2d Edirion. + Dowdſwell R.—This Pariſh and Whitington are termed the Peculiar of Whitington, the Rector of Whitington acting as the Archdeacon does in reſpect of other Chuches.. Downhatherley 359 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER, GLOUCEGT. s, d. 8 14 0 King's Pooks. Pearl Tenths, l. d. 14 41 Downhatherley V. (St. Mary and Corpus Chriſtia) Synods 25. 0 17 58 ୨୦ Viſ Epiſc. gd. { 13 acr. terr, arabil. dimid. acr. prati & un. acr. paſtur. decim. garb. fæn. agn. lan. porc, ans. oror. &c. The KING, Sri Oſwaldi Pri, Glouceſter, olim Impr. Pri: Uſke, Propr. temp. H. VI!I. 13 6 8 Hasfield R. (St. Mary,) a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. 5 acr. terr. I 6 8 arabil. 3 acr. prati in Wydnam & 4 acr. prati in Wyoholts, &c. Edward Parker, Eſq. 1727. John Parker, Eiq. 1755. 13 13 4 Leckhampton R. (St. Peter.) Decimn. dimiff. per indentur. I 17 4 Thomas Norwood, 1720. Charles Norwood, Eſq. 1767. Ii o o Prèſtburie V. (St. Mary.) Ter. gleb. ad valor. 135. Ada alta I 2 rag. oblat. & al. proven. Pri. Lanthony, olim Inpr. Wil- liam Baghot, Gent. 1699. William Baghot Delabere, Eſq. 1756, 1779 12 0 0 Staverton V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Bodington Chapel. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Peculiar of Deerhurſt *58 acr. ter. arabil. & un. clauſ. cont. un. acr. altarag. oblat. & al. emolu- Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Impr. Dorothy Lock, Wi- dow, 1714. John Lock, Eſq. 1723. Mary Lock, Widow, 1772. 6 II 51 Swidley, alias Sudely, R. The Church demoliſhed. Vif. 013 O 13. I Epiſc. 8d. 8-acr. terr. arabil. 4 acr. prati cum orto & parvo clauſo, &c. Geo. Pitr, Eſq. 1711. Lord Rivers, p. i. 1783. Whithington R. (St. Michael.) Diverf. virg. terr. in diverſis 3 villis ad valor. 51. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter. The KING, p. h. v. 1732. 13 6. 8 Whitington R. Synods' Is. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 8d. Terr. gleb. 1 6 8 ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Lord Conway, 1717. The KING, 1732. Mary Tracy, Widow, 1780. 13 6 of Wolſton, alias Woolſton, R. (St. Martin.) 27 acr. terr. arabil. 1 6 71 & dimid. acr. prati, &c. Earl of Coventry, 1783. I 4 ment. 30 o C 0 * Staverton is a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. Theſe Peculiars are ſubject to the Biſhop's Viſitation, and likewiſe to the Archdeacon's : The only difference between them and the other Churches of the Dioceſe is, that they will not come out of the Liberties of their Peculiar to be viſited by the Archdeacon, though they do to the Biſhop; and none of the Clergy pay Procurations or Synodals, the Impropriator of Deer- hurſt paying a certain Sum yearly in the behalf of them all, LIVINGS GLOUCEST. 351 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. - d. 20 O O 35 0 O 6 2 47 10 o 40 0 40 o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. lo d. Brockworthe V. (Șt. George.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 6 3 4 Viſ. Epiſc. 8d. 4 acr. & dim. ter. arab. & dimid. acr. paftur. pórt. decim. garb. decim. perſonal. lan. agn. porc. anc. lin. . can. &c. Pri. Lanthony, olim Impr. Sir John Guiſe, 1747, 1757. Sir William Guife, Bart. Coleiborne R. (St. James.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 25. Vif. .5 6 101 Epifc. I s. 8d. 24 acr. terr. arabil. &c. Phil. Sheppard, Eſq. 1713. John Sheppard, Eſq. 1747. Francis Eyre, Eſq. 1782. Corſe V. (St. Margaret,) a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. 6 acr. ter 2 9 50 arabil. un. acr. prati port. decim. garb. & fæn. decim. lan. agn. porc. anc. fruct. ſiſ. lin. ovor. &c. The KING. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Impr. 36 0 o Elmeſton Hardwick, alias Ailmundeſton, V. Sacr. ter. arabil: 9 2 31 decim. lan. vac. vitul, porc. anc. ovor. gallinac. can. lini, &c. The KING. Abb. Tewksbury, olim Impr. 36 0 o Lye, alias Leigh, V.(St. James.) Peculiar of Deerhurſt.. 20 7 16 3 acr. ter. arabil. 6 acr. prati decim. perſonal. fruct. Iac. lan. agn. vit. porc. anc. pul. & ovor. &c. The KING. Pri. Deerhurſt, olim.Impr. Corpus Chritti College, Oxon. nunc Impr. 47 4.0 Shipton Olyffe R. (St. Oſwald.) Proxies 65. 8d. Synods 25. Synods 25. 7 5 9 Viſ. Epiſc. 6d. 20 acr. ter. árabil. & un. clauf. &c. Wil- liam Peachy, Eſq. 17.11. Suſan and Margaret Peachy, Spin- fters, 1743, 1756. e o Swindon R. (St. Laurence.) Proxies 6s. 82. Synods 25. 13. I o 28 acr. ter. arabil. un. clauf. & 3 acr. prati, &c. Edmund Morgan, Clerk, 1717Henry. Skillicorne, Gent. 1746.. Thomas Fydell, 1768. 45 0 0 Tirley, alias Trynley, V. (St. Michael,) a Peculiar of Deer- 9 68. hurſt. Decim. granor.& in altarag.& oblat. The KING. Abb. Tewksbury, olim Impr.. 42 14 6. Twining V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies 85. 5d. Syn, 25. 7 9 7 Abb. Winchcomb, olim Impr. In quad. annual, penſ. rec. de Abb. & Convent. 8l. allowing for Proxies, &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. 18 0 WINCHCOMB V. (St. Perer,) svith Gretton, and Green, Chapels. Abb Winchcomb, olim Impr. There was a Chantry here, temp. H. VII. of the clear yearly Value of 6). Is. 7d. and the Chaplain at Greiton had the Profits of divers Lauds and Tenements to the Amount of 21. 16s. Id. per Annum. Lord Viſcount Tracy, 1774. NOT: 45 0 2 352 GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTE R. NOT IN CHARGE, 1 TEWKSBURY Cur. or V *. (St. Mary.) The Abby Church, pow made Parochial. The KING, Patr. The Impropria- tion is in ſeveral Hands, the moſt conſiderable Part whereof is in Lord Craven, 1201, Walton Cardiffe. Cur. (St. James.) Abb. Tewksbury, olim Impr. All Souls Coll. Oxon. Charlton King's, Chapel to Cheltenham. Abb. Cirenceſter, oliin Propr. Jeſus Coll. Oxon. Propr. Value 21. CHELTENHAM Cur. Pri. Syon in Middleſex, olim Impr. Jeſus Coll. Propr. Aſtchurch Cur of a Chapel to Tewksbury. 231. certified Value. Charleton Abbots Cur. Abb. Winchcomb, olim Propr. 61. certified Value. Deerhurſt Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Abb. Deerhurſt, olim Propr. 61. 135.4d. certified Value. Forthampton Cur. (St. Mary,) a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Propr. 131. certified Value. Oxenden Cur. (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Tewksbury. 61, certified Value. Sevenhampton Cur. Pri. Lanthony, olim Propr. 101. certis fied Valuc. Tredington Cur 1. The Bifhop, 1778. 201. certified Value. Up Hatherly Chapel. Pri. Uſke, Propr. Stoke Orchard, Chap. to Clive. Old Pen, Chapel to Badgworth. * TEWKSBURY.—This Curacy is worth bol. yearly, the Crown is Patron. Sir Baptiſt Hicks, Viſcount Campden, gave an Impropriation at St. Iſmael's in Pembrokeſhire worth gol. yearly, one Half to the Miniſter, the other Half to the Poor. Mrs Elizabeth Townſend gave 200l. for the Benefit of the Miniſter. Mr. Thomas Poulton has given ile yearly for the ſame Uſe. Mr. Serjeant Geers has given the Eaſter Offerings and Small Tithes worth 151. per Annum for a Reader. Mr. Scrimpfhire has given the Tithes of Fidenton and Tredington after one Life to the Miniſter, paying 121. yearly to the Miniſter of Tredington, and 10l, yearly to the Miniſter of All Church. Theſe Tithes are worth 100l. yearly. The Curate has no Houſe nor Glebe. Sir Robert Atkins's Antiquities of Gloucekerſhire, p. 379, 2d Edition. + Aft Church, or Ath Church.-Mr. Scrimpſhire gave to it 81. per Annum. Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 224. # Tredington Cur.Mr. Scrimpſhire has given 12l. yearly, charged on the Great Tithes to the Miniſter. Atkins's Glouceſter, p, 786. Dioceſe [ 353 ) Dioceſe of Hereford. King's Books. 1. d. 768 11 of So B l'early Tenthia 1. a. ISHOPRICK of Hereford, founded about the Year 76.17. 680. Vide the Original Roll in the Firſt-Fruits Office for the Manors, &c. belonging to the See. N. B. The Tenths of this Biſhoprick are, by Grant from the Crown, ſettled on the Biſhop and his Succeffors, but the ſame is charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits in the cominon Courſe. Putta was the firſt Bifhop in 680. Le Neve, fol. 107 The Cathedral Church. (ST. ETHELBERT *.) o o 38 6 3 Deanry habet R. de Allenſmore in D. Hereford, and Clehonger 3 16 77 260 and Preſton ſuper Wye R. in D. Hereford. Erected about the Year 1140. Gamaliel Clifton, D. D. was Dean at the time of the taking of this Survey. The KING. The clear yearly Value of the Poſſeſſions of the Dean and Chapter, temp. H. VIII. was 4261. 175. 2d. & and which was annually divided among ſeven Reſidentiaries or Canons, the Names of whom, in the Year 1535, were Gamaliel Clifton, Thomas Parker, Humphry Ogle, Nicholas Wal, wyn, William Hull, John Maſon, and Walter May. The following Dignities are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of HEREFORD. Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe. 14 3 4. Chancellorſhip has the Rectory of Hereford Parva, erected i erected 1 8 4 about the Year 1217. 21 19 7 Precentorſhip has Walford R. in D. Roſſe. Erected about the 2 3 11 Year 1195 * The Hiſtory of the Foundation of the Church of Hereford is to be ſeen in Dugdale's Mon. Tom. III. p. 180, Treaſurerſhip Z z 354 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. HEREFORD. King's Books. 1 s. d. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 019 I 9 10 10 Treaſurer hip habet Rector. de Bockleton in D). Burford. A Portion of Tithes in Bartilham, &c. Erećted about the Year 1173 4 3 93 3 5 I I 16 4 4 I 15 Ice 37 II 17 18 17 18 I 15 O СЛО 12 10 I 17 I [ 2 I? II 7 10 6 10 o 13 I IO O I IO 6 I 5 O O 3 94 I 2 8 O 16 10 O 5 3 O 15 o I 2 su I 10 o 2 O 14 15 1 3 4 o 4 4 4 95 5 05 O II O 20 O O I II 13 41 17 II Archdeaconry of Hereford. Erected about the Year 1120. 32 10 10 Archdeaconry of Salop. Erected about the Year 1175. 18 3 4 Canonici Parvi ibidem. 375 13 111 Dean and Chapter. 9 Bartonſham P. if Bullinghope Magna P. 15 Church W; thington P. This pays Tenths to the Biſhop. 15 5 Colwall P. o Cublington P. in the Pariſh of Madeley. E Ž Epiſcopi P. 6 8 Ewithington P. 8 8 III Gorwall P. Hampton P. Hinton P. 2į Hundreton P. 4 41 Huntingdon P. 15 21 Inckbarrow P. in co. Wigorn. Moreton Magna P. this pays Tenths to the Biſhop. 7 o] Moreton Parva P. 4 Nonington P. 3 4 Norton P. 7 8į Piona Parva P. 21 Prato Major P. I 19 Prato Minor P. 7 6 Preſton Superior P. 10 13 63 Putreſton Magna P. 4 10 Putteſton Minor P. 88 14 91 Vicars Choral. 7 13 4 Warham P. o Wellington P. 3 5. Withington Parva P. 3 9 7 Yve, alias Eigne, P. Sub Treaſurerſhip. Treaſurer. o Succentorſhip. The Dean and five Reſidentiaries conſtitute the Chapter of Hereford, upon the Death of any one of the Chapter (ex- cept the Dean, who is put in upon the King's recommenda- tory Letter, and the Golden Prebendary, who is put in by the Biſhop): the Lecturer of courſe becomes a Reſidentiary; then another Lecturer is choſen to ſupply the Place of the Lectures 2 2 2 IO 2 3 II 10 I O I I O O 9 8 17 a to 23 t O O O I 14 O 15 4 8 6 03 6 11] 2 o 4 0 2 O 0 4 0 HEREFORD. 355 DIOCESE HEREFORD. OF O lºcarly Tenths 1. de o O 0 O King's Books. 1. So-'d. Lecturer made a Reſidentiary, out of the Prebendaries. The Reſid. Sol. per ann. each. The Lect. 401. The Chanter. 3 6 8 Chantry of Homelacy. 3 6 8 Chantry of the Altar there. 3 & 4 Chantry of the Altar of St. Nicholas, 3 5 o Chantry of the Altar of St. Anne. 3 8 11į Chantry of Stanbury's. 3 10 o Chantry of St. Agnes's Altar. 3 6 8 Chantry of the Altar of St. Mary's. 3 o] Chantry of the Altar of Morgan. 7 Chantry of the Altar of St. Trinity. 8 Chantry of the Altar of St. Croſs. iſt. 8 4 Chantry 2d. 8 4 Chantry 3d. 5 1 Chantry of the Altar of St. Margaret. 3 3 4. Chantry of the Altar of St. Stephen. 3 Chantry of St. Mary Magdalen near the Cathedral. For the minute Particulars of the Poſſeſſions of theſe Pre- bends, &c. vide Original Survey in the Firſt-Fruits Office. 6 8 6 8 6 IO 6 6 6 10% 7 O 6 8 6 1 0 در در دا کر دی کم کن بر M دہ M N کا کر در I I 4 81 2 16 5 8 4 IO 2 4 IO 2 II 0 IS 5 6 6 4 D. froine, in the Archdeaconry of HEREFORD. The Monaſtery of Monmouth was returned by the Commiſ- ſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Income of 561. Is. uid. The Monaſtery of Flanesford was returned by the Commiſ- ſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Income of 141. 8s. gd. The Monaſtery of Acornbury was returned by the Commiſ- fioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Income of 671. 135. 2d. ] The Priory of Wormiſley was returned by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Income of 831. The Priory of Clifford was returned by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Income of 577. 75. 4d. The Abby of Dore was returned by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Income of 101l. 55. 2d. 2 z 2 IOS, 2d. 3 The 356 HERETORD. DIOCESE OF HER ET ORD. The Priory of Linbroke was returned by the Commiſſioners, teinp. Henry VIII. to be of the clear Annual Income of 22i. 175. ed. The Hospital of St. Catharine, in Ledbury, was returned by the Commiſſioners, temp. Henry VIII. to be of the clear Annual Income of 221. 55. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Sury, S. d. O O Ο ΙΟ I 2 a LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. learly Teribso Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. d. 7 8 9 Avenburv V. (St. Mary.) Redd. 8d. Proxies 75. 8d. Prat. O 14 103 60 vocat. St. Agathes Meadow & ſtipend. rec. de Abb. de Dore. The KING. Abb. Dore Propr. 5 BROMYA, D R. or P. (St. Peter) iſt Portion. Archidiac. 175. rod. Terr. gleb. ad val. 55. decimm. granor, decim. de Stanford. decim. de Grendon. Biſhop of Hereford. 6 0 0 BROMYARD R. or P. (St. Peter.) zd Portion. Epiſc. 55. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. decim. de Walton. decim. de Monderfelde. decim. de Collington. decim. de Holy Water. Biſhop of Hereford. 600 Bromyar v R. or P. (St. Peter.) 3d Portion. Redd. Epiſc. o 12 55. 11d. tertia pars denar. terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8 d. decim. de Monderfielde et Brekehampton. Bilhop of Hereford. 9 10 11 BROMYARD V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 125. 8d. eidem in Syn. 0 19 03 25. 8d. Decim. porc. anc. agn. lan. vit. ac altarag. viz. gran. & fæni decim. croc, mell, car. &c. The three Portioniſts are Patrons of the Vicarage. 20 6 3 Colwall R. (St. James.) Proxies 75. 8d. Decim. granor. fæni 2 0 8 &c. Biſhop of Hereford. 18 o Cradley R. (St. James.) Redd. Epiſc. 17:5. Id.1 Archidiac. 1 16 0 Proxies 75. 8d. Decano & Capitulo 125. Commiffar. pro le Generalls ós. 8d. Abb. de Mauvern Magna 45. Meff. cum redd. affiſ. il. 165. 4d. ter: gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Hereford. 8 5 10 Frome Biſhop's V *. (St. Mary.) The Record obliterated. 0 16 7 Pri. Lanthony Propr. Richard Hopton, Elq. 1720, 1750. Richard Cope Hopton, Eſq. 1770. O * Frome Biſhop's.—The Impropriation thereof entirely reſtored to the Church by R. Hopton, Eſq. View of the State of Religion in Sto. David's Dioceſe, publiſhed. 1721. p. 109. Frome HEREFORD. 357 DIOCESE OF HE REFORRI). d, 2 14 12 1 O King's Books, Y"carly Tenths. 1.'s. d. 1. 5 13 4 Frone Caſtri Cap' five R.(St. Michael.) Proxies 73. 8d. Terr. O 11 gleb. ad valor. il , Robert Unett, Liq. 1715, 1753. Mary Foley, Widowv, 1769. Grendon Warren Chap. The KING. 4 6 LEDBURY V. (St. Michael.) The Record obliterated. Por 9 3 tionar. ſunt Propr. & Patr. 8 7 6 Monnelley, or Muniley, Cur. or R. Proxies Archidiac. 55. ov 16 9 Commiſſario is. Manſ. cum un. virgat. terr. & paſtur. decim. gran. &c. Richard Allington Pye, Eſq. 1723, 1737, 1769. 14 Netherhall Portion in Ledbury. Redd. aſlıf. ad valor. il. 135. I 8 0 decim. gran. fæni vitul. &c. Biſhop of Hereford. 18 4 91 Overhall Portion in LEDBURY. Redd. Epiſc. 85. 10.1 Terr. 1 16 5 gleb, ad valor. 4!. 135. 4d. redd. burgag. & lib. tenen. infra vill. & for. de Ledbury, &c. Biſhop of Hereford. 13 6 8 Pencombe R. Proxies 75. 8d. Decim. gran. &c. Lord Co I 6 8 ningsby, 1716. Lady Coningsby, 1729, 1756, 1766, 1778, 1780. 9 5 73 Sapy Superior, alias Sape, R. (St. Michael.) Proxies Archidiac. 0. 18 63 35. 4d. eidem pro Syn. 6d. Commiſſar. Prox. 35. 4.d. Terr, . gleb. ad valor. 125. decim. gran. &c. Sir Edward Winning- ton, Bart. 1769. 6 16 8 Stoke Bliſs R. or V. Commiffar. Prox. 35. 4d. eidem pro 0 13 8 Syn. 6d. Penſ. Vicario Bromyard 3s. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8 d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. decim. gran. fæn. &c. Priori de Lymbroke 16s. 8d. Priori de Shene 6s. 8d. The KING. Pri. Lymbroke Propr. 8 oo Stoke Lacy R. or V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 6s. 8 d. 0 16 O 16 0 Commiffar. 6s. 8d. eidem pro Generalls 6d. Syn. 6d. Te- nement. cum 13 acr. ter. decim. garb. &c. Hon. Robert Price, baron of the Exchequer, 1706. Jolin Freeman, Gent. 1746. 1748. Thomas Griffith, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1778. 9 4 2 Stretton, alias Stretton Grandſhamn, V. (St. Laurence,) with o 18 5 Aſperden Chap. (St. Bartholoinew.) Redd. Archidiac. ós. Ed. eidem pro Prox. and Syn. 8s. 2d. Priori Monmouth 61. 1os. Mani. cum 13 acr. ter gleb. decim. gran. fæn. porc. agn. lan. debit. paſc. & oblat. Pri. Monmouth, Propr. Richard Hop- ton, Eſq. 1744. Richard Cope Hopton, Eſq. I 10 Tedſton Wafre Chiap. united to Edwin Loach, in the County of 30 Woçceſter, D. Burford. Lady Frances Coningesby, 1780. 5 6 8 Thornbury R. Archidiac. Proxies 6s. 8d. Commiffar. Proxies O 10 8 35. 4d. Manf. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. 105. decim. gran. &c. Samuel Pitts, Eiq. 1708. Edmund Pitts, Eſq. 1760, 3 Uliingwick, I 2.0 O 358 HEREFORD, DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. le s. O O King's Books. Yearly Tonilise 1. do ୨ o Ullingwick, alias Hullingwick, R. with Cowarne Parva Chap. O 18 Priori Lanthoni 8s. Commiſſar. pro' le Generalls 6d. Pri- ori Sü Guthlaci 6s. 8d. Prox, is. 2d. Manf. cum zo acr. ter. gleb. decim. gran. &c. Biſhop of Hereford. 14 14 31 Whitborne R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Redd. Epiſc. 1od. Prox. Prox. i 9 I 9 58 and Syn. Archidiac. 55. Terr gleb. ad valor. il. 95. 60. &c. Biſhop of Hereford. O IO 2 40 IO IOS. 38 o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Char l'early Value. King's Books 31 o Ayleton R. olim Cap. to Ledbury. In decim. oblat. &c. Earl 3 ° 3 4 of Oxford, 1779. 400 o Boſbury V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Decim. gran. 10 3 8 fæn, agn. lan. porc. anc. ovor. lin. fruct. &c. Endowed by Lord Scudamore, 13 and 14 Caroli Secundi, by Act of Par- liament. Biſhop of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. od Breddenbury, alias Birdenbury, R. Decim. oblat. &c. Mar I 101 garet Saunders, 1720. Richard Weſt, Gent. 1731. 1747, 1767. William Weſt, 1778. 35 0 o Coddington R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 6d. Terr. do- 4 18 4 minic. ad valor. 6s. decim. gran. &c. Biſhop of Hereford. Collington R. (All Saints.) Secundæ Portioni de Bromyard 2 18 10 Samuel Pyts, Eſq. 1715. Edmund Pyts, Eſq 1756. Cowarne Magna V. (St. Mary.) Commiſſar. pro le Prox, 6s. 81. 14 19 7 eidem pro le Generalls 6d. Decim. perſonal. & ter. pars gran. & fæn. de Leighton Court. Decim. ovor. lin. fruét. porc. anc. agn. lan. mell. cer. &c. Mon, Sii Petri Glou- ceſter, Propr. Bishop of Glouceſter, 1773. 38 5 0 Donnington R. (St. Mary.) Eccleſ. Heref. 55. Eccleſ. Heref. 55. 16 acr. terr. 3 99 arabil. decim. gran. &c. Richard Skip, Elq. 1710. John Drew, Eſq. 1765. Edivin, Ralph, R. Proxies 35. 4d. Manf. cum pom. 20 acr. 6 6 101 terr. arabil. 2 acr. prati, &c. Samuel Pytes, Elq. 1719. Edmund Pytrs, Eſq; 1746. 1760. 42 3 Eſtnor K. (St. John Baptiſt.) Decim. gran. fren. &c. cum 35 7 19 5 acr. terr. arabil. & 3 acr. paſtur. Bilhop of Hereford. 34 18 6 Evilbach, alias Yſebach, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 6d. Decim. I 16 10 gran. &c. Catharine Dobyns, Widow, 1714. Robert and Catharine Huett, and Robert Dobyns, 1744. Robert Do- byns Yate, Eſq. 1753, 1771. 13 6 3 Felton V. (St. Michael.) Abb. Glouceſter 1l. Ios. Pri Sti Pri Sti 4 12 Guthlaci Heref. Propr. Manſ. ibidem cum 13 acr. ter gleb. 5 deciin. 45 i 2 REFOR D. 359 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. i. s. d. 44 0 0 E 3 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, , s. d. decim. gran feen. agi. la.. porc. anc. ovor. mell. cer. fruct. &c. Cell to the Abbey of Glouceſier. John Price, E1q. 1708, 1734. The KiNG, 1767. Thomas Griffith, Clerk, Patron and Incumbenr, 1778. 28 30 Froma Canonicorum, alias Canonfrome, V. Commiſſar. 65.8d. 4 13 4 Archidiac. Proxies 75. 2d. Penſ. Vicario Frome 25. Decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. lin. vitul. lac, fruct. mell. cer. porc. anc. &c. Pri. Lanthony Propr. The KING, 1744. Richard Cope Hopton, Eſq. 40 7 o Marcle Parva Cur. Deſtructa. once a Chapel to Ledbury. 7 I 4 Manf. ibidem cum 38 acr. ter. gleb. decim. granor. & debit. paſc. Sir Thomas Hanbury, Knt. 1688. Sir Hungerford Hoſkins, Bart. 1722, Elizabeth Neale, Widow. Francis Barrell, Eſq. and others, 1766. Ocle Pritchard, alias Occul Piichers, V. (St. James.) Com 4 19 miſſar. Prox. 1s. 4d. Eccleſia deſecrata. Manf. cum pom. & 2 acr. ter. gleb. decim. gran. fæi, agn. lan. lin. porc. anc. fruct. ovor. &c. Pri. Sti Guthlaci Heref. Propr. Richard Stephens, Eſq. 1729. Ricliard Waring, Clerk, 1760, 1763. John Child, Gent. 1775. 18 I 6 Pixley Chap. or R. (St. Andrew.) Decim. oblat. &c. Sa- 4 Sa. 4 o 2 muel Lewis, Clerk, 1709. The Biſhop, 1743. Sir Charles Cocks, Bart. 1780. 46 0 0 Tedſton Dalamer R. (St. James.) Penſ. Vicario Bromyard 25. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Comıniffar. pro le Generalls. 6d. Prior., de Mauvern Magna 35. 30 acr. ter. gleb. decim. Anne Hay, Spinſter, 1729, 1744, 1749. Wakeman Long, Gent. 1782. 48 o o Wolfurlow V. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Prox. 35. 4d. Com- 4 4 9 miffar. pro le Generalls. 35. 40. Eidem Syn. 6d. Pení. Vicario Bromyard 25. Decim. gran. fcen. agn. anc. porc. alb. vitul, pul. mell. cer. debit. parc. & oblat. Salwey Winnington, Eſq. 1725, 1727. Thomas Winnington, Efq. 1736. Sir Edward Winnington, Bart. 1769. 25 Wollaſton Church. 2 13 4 4.5 6 3 Yarkhill , alias Yarcle, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Archidiac. 3 19 3 Eidem pro le Generalls 6d. Manf. cum 5 acr. ter. gleb. decim. gran. fæn. paftur. agn. lan. porc. ovor, mell. cer. fruct. lin. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 6 13 4 gran. &c. оо 75. 8d. CHAPELS, 363 HEREFORD, DIOCESE OF HE REFOR D. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. King's Books. 1. d. 2 14 4 Brockhampton Cur. Chapel to Hope Wolnite. 101. 8s. certified Value, Grendon Epiſc. Cur. (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Bromyard. The Portioners of Bromyard. 61. certified Value. Maſton Cur. Chapel to Pencombe. Of no Value. Stanford Epiſc. Cur. (St. James,) Chapel to Bromyard. 101. certified Value. Wackton Cur. Chapel to Bromyard. 84 certified Value. Moreton Jeffrys Cur. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Patr. or their Lefſee. 2. Hereford *, in the Archdeaconry of Hereford. D. The Priory of St. Guthlace in Hereford was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 1211. 35. 3d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. $. d. l. d. 0 3 0 I IO O O 16 III Breinton V. or Cur. (St. Michael.) Prox. 35. 10d. Dean of Hereford, Patr. 8 9 7 Dyndor Rt. (St. Andrew.) Syn. Is. Viſ. Dec. per ann. 25. 2d. Prox. 95. od. Duke of Beaufort, 1730. Uni. verſity of Oxford, p. h. v. 1766. Greenhouſe V. 13 13 9 Hampton Biſhop R, Syn. 6d. Vif. Dec. per ann. 25. 2d. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 3d. Prox. 73. 8d. Biſhop of He- reford. I o O o 2 O І 7 4 * The entire Deanry of Hereford is within the Dean's Peculiar. Little Hereford and Aſhford Carbonel are Peculiars of the Chancellor of the Church of Hereford; Moreton Magna within the Prebendary of that Name, and Selleck and Lugwardine in the Biſhop's immediate Juriſdiction, and are exempt from all Archidiaconal Viſitation. Willis's Survey, p. 837. of Rotheras (St. Mary,) is a Chapel to Dyndor. Madley HEREFORD. 361 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. . Yearly Tenths, l. S. l. de I I2 2 King's Books. d. 16 I 8 Madley V. (St. Mary,) with Tiberton Chapel annext (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. Viſ. Dec. Her. per ann. 25. 2d. Prox. 125. 6d. in groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 4 10 10 St. Owen's R. United to St. Peter's. Prox. 6s. Sd. Philip Ruffe V. 2 13 4. Cantar' Sanctæ Annæ in Eccleſia Omnium Sanctorum. 0 1 2 I Ооо 9 1 I 22 0 5 4 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valve. King's Books 14 17 6 Allenſmore V. (St. Andrew.) Synods is. In groff. per ſcrutin. 5 12 6 & exam.' commiffionar. Prox. 45. 4d. Impropriated one half to the Dean, the other half to the Chapter. Dean of Hereford, Patr. 9 o O Blakemer V. conſolidated with Preſton upon Wye. (St. 3 Leonard.) Redd. Dean and Chapter of Hereford 6d. Prox. 35. 10d. In groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 21 3 0 Clehonger V. (All Saints.) Prox. 6s. in groff. &c. Dean of 4 4 2 Hereford, Propr, and Patr. 19 0 Dewſal V. with Callow Chap. * (St. Michael.) Prox. 6s. In 4 groff. &c. Pri. Malverne Parva, Propr. Lord Carnarvon, 1718. Marchioneſs Dowager of Carnarvon, 1737. The Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, London, 1740. 46 6 6 Eton, alias Eaton Biſhop, R. (St. Michael.) ' Prox. 75. 8d. 13 Biſhop of Hereford. 36 12 8 Hope Wolneth, alias Wolhope, V. (St. George,) with St. 7 12 82 Devereaux and Brockhampton yli. (Holy Trinity) Chapels. In groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 25 13 4 Holmer V. (St. Bartholomew,) with Huntingdon Chapel. (St. 6 10 8 Bartholomew.) Viſ. Dec. is. Id. Synods 6d. Prox. 45. gd. In groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 2 8 St. John Baptiſt in Hereford V. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. Heref. 7 12 1 135. 43. Redd. Reſolut. 6s. 8d. Prox. 6s. Valet, in grofl. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford. 18 9 6 Kingſton V. conſolidated with Thruxton. (St. Michael.) Synods 6 6 8 4d.' Prox. 6s. In groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of He- reford, Propr. and Patr. O O 16 2 * Callow Chapel, certified in. D. Irchingfield, * Brockhampton, certified in D. Frome. Ааа St. Mary 1 342 HEREFORD DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. d. 8 17 0 IO o 14 12 40 o O O 0 O Char Yearly Value, King's Books . d. l. 4 St. Mary Magdalen R. in the Biſhop's Palace. Deſtru?, Dean and Chaper of Hereford. 37 17 11 St. Martin in Hereford V *, with All Saints V. conſolidated. 18. 10 Redd. Dec. & Cap. Windſor. & Epiſc. Heref. 41. 145. 4d. Vil. Dec. Heref. per ann, 15. id. Synods is, Prox. 65. 3d. In groff. &c. Dean and Canons of Windſor; Propr. and Patr. 40 5 7 Marlen, alias Merden, V. (St. Ethelbert.) Redd. Dec. Heref. 5 13 5 155. Synods. 15. Vif. Dec. Heref. per ano. 25. 2d. Prox. 95.. In groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propra and Patr. 9 St. Nicholas in Heref. R. Prox. 35. 10d. The KING. 30 Norton Canon V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 55. 6d. In groff. &c. 5 Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 19. 17 7 St. Peter's V. with St.. Owen's R. in Hereford. Proxies and 10 Synods 6s. 8d. Prior.. Ski Guthlaci 5l Valet. in grofl. &c. Thomas Foley, Eſq. 1746, 175, 1766, 1769.. 22 18 o Putley R. Penſ. Dec. Heref. 6s. 8d. Prox. 75. od. Dean and 3. 18 Chapter of Hereforda 22 13 4. Piona Canonicorum, alias Canons Pewen, V: (St. Laurence.) 5 13 61 Dec. & Cap. Heref. 1.5. &d. Prox. 75. 8d. In groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 22. 18 6 Pipe V. (St. Peter.). Synods 6d. Viſ. Decani is. 4d. Prox. 7 3 1] 55. 6d. Val., in groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and. Patr.. Q Preſton ſuper Wyham V. (St. Laurence,), conſolidated with Blakemer. Prox. 35. Iod. In groff. &c. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 1.6 7 8 Thruxton, alias Druxton, R. (St. Bartholomew.,)_united to 4 8 4 Kingſton. Viſ, Dec. Heref. per ann. Is. id. Penf. Dec. & Cap. 35. 4d. Syn. 6d. Prox. 6s.. Impropriated one half to the Dean, the other half to the Chapter. Dean of Here- ford. 41 16. 7 Withington V. (St. Peter.) Synods I's. Viſ. Dec. per apn. 5.10 25. 2d. Redd. Decano. Heref. 15. 4d. Prox. 95. od. In groff. &c. Dean of. Hereford. Eccleſia Hereford, Propr. 4 10 O 3 16 9 * St. Martin's. Church is demoliſhed. * Preſton Wynne (Holy Trinity) is a Chapel to Withington, CHAPELS IIZREFORD. DIOCESE OF HEREFORD. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Bullingham, alias Bullinghope, Chapel. Augmented, and the Prebendary thereof is lation. Amberley Chapel, in Marden Pariſh. Wiſtafton Chapel, in Marden Pariſh. Thomas Chute Hayton, Eſq. Sugwas Chapel, in Eton Biſhop Pariſh. Moreton Jeffrys Cur. olim Vicaria. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patrons, or their Leſſee. D. Jrchingfield, alias Archenfield, in the Archdeaconry of HEREFORD. King's Books. 1. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Pearly Tentiste Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. to a. 9 3 11] Bridſtow V. (St. Bridget.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 88. Prox. o 18 4 Commiff. 65. 8d. Decim. gran. foen. agn. lan. Iac. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. 21. 35. 43. Pri Shene, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 4 Ö Chapel within Wilton Caſtle ; Chapel to Bridſtow, but de- moliſhed. In pecún. numerat. 45 annuatiin. 6 15 75 St. Devereux R. Porciones Dec. Heref. 2s. 68. Præcentori 0 13 63 25. 6d. Terr. glebat. ad valor, 21. 6s. 8d. Sir Edward Clive, Knight, and George Clive, Eſq. 1771. 13 6 8 Foye V. (St. Mary.) Proxies Archidiac. 8s. 2d. Abb. Sii Abb, Sti 1 6 8 Petri Glouceſt. 21. Decim. gran. & fön. agn. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. il. 135. qd. Abb. Glouceſter, Propř. Thomas Croft, Gent. 1742. Elizabeth Jones, Widow, . 1768. o Goderick, alias Goodrich, V. (St. Giles.) Prosies 8s. 8d. O 16 Proxies or Synods Commiſſar. 55. Decim. grün. fæn. agni. lan. oblat. &al. minut. decim. cum terr. gleb. ad valor, 135. 4d. Mon. Monmouth, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. А а а 2 Hoinelacy, 8 0 364 HEREPORD, DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. s. 200 O 4 II 4 to King's Books. Yearly Tenths. le d. 2. d. 8 o Homelacy, alias Hamlacy, V. (St. Cuthbert.) Valet. clare o 16 per ſcrutin. commiſſionar. Pri. Sfi Guthlaci, Heref. Propr. Endowed by the Lord Scudainore, 13° and 14° Car. II. by Act of Parliament. Lord Scudamore, 1708. Lady Dowa- ger Scudamore, 1722. Hon. Frances Scudamore, 1744. 10 12 33 Kenchurch, alias Kynechurch, R. (St. Mary.) Lccleſ. Heref. 1 1 2 Ios. 6a. Penf. Abb. Glouceſt. 175. 6d. Prox. 6s. 8d. Terr. glebat. ad valor. 55. 7d. į The KING. 2 5 21 Kenderchurch Chapel. (St. Mary.) Proxies 45. 6d. Prior. o 4 64 Lanthony 16s. 8d. Decim. gran. agn. lan. lac, oblat. & al. minut. decim. Earl of Oxford, Propr. 8 Kilpeck Chapel. (St. Mary and St. David.) Decim. gran. fæn. O 9 2 lac. agn. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. Abb. Glouceſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter, Patr. 15 0 o Lanwarne R. (St. John Baptift.) Proxies 35. 4d. William I 100 Jones, Eſq. 1703. The Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, 1742, 1776. o Newton Wallica Cap. (St. Mary,) in co. Monmouth. Prior. o 90 Sti Johannis Jeruſalem 6s. 8d. Decim. gran. fæn. lac. agn. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. 45. Sir Walter Abington Compton, Bart. 7 10 10 Peterſtow, alias Petſtow, R. (St. Peter.) Proxies Archidiac. 0 151 6d. Proxies Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Ter. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Sir John Williams, 17!3. Duke of Chandos, 1727. The Governors of Gay's Hoſpital, 1765. 16 6 8 Selleck V. with three Chapels. Proxies Archidiac. 75. 8d. I'12 8 Proxies Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Proxies Triennal. per ann. 175. 9d. Proxies Archidiac. for King's Capel Chap. 6d. for Marſtow, or Pipe Chapel 6d. for Pencoyd Chapel nil. De- cim. gran. lac. agn. lan. & al, minut. decim. porc. annual. de Rectoria de Tretire 35. 4d. & ter, gleb. ad valor. 21. 35. 4d. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 6 1 8 Tretyre R*. (St. Mary.) Portio Eccl. Heref. 45. Portio Vic. de Selleck 35. 4d. Proxies Archidiac. Is. 64. William Wil- liams, Eſq. 1710. Duke of Chandos, 1722, 1730. The Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, 1740. 6 o 21 Whitchurch R. (St. Dubritius.) Pri. Sči Johannis Jeruſalem o 25. Prox. Archidiac. 45. 6d. Prox, Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. Duke of Kent, 1694. Thomas Cartwright, Eſq. and Joſeph Waffe, Clerk, 1728. George Catchmayd, Gent. 1772. O 12. 2 0 1 2 * Michael Church is a Chapel to Tretyre, 5 LIVINGS HERE FORD. 365 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. l. cie LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. I. d. 32 17 81 Birche Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6d. Endowed by Lord 6 12 11 Scudamore, 13° and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Parliament. The Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, 1756. 43 7 4 Dewchurch Magna V. (St. David.) Proxies Archidiac. 75. 8d. 9 13 4 Proxies Epiſc. 175. gd. Decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. lac. ob- lat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. 1os. George Maſon, 1715. Duke of Chandos, 1725. John Symons, Eſq. 1742 Richard Symons, Eſq. 1770. 40 19 10 Generew Eccleſia, alias Ganerew, R. (St. Swithin.) Prox. 6d. I 10 The Bilhop, 1720. Jolin Ivory Talbot, and others, 1721. Viſcounteſs Dowager Longueville, and others, 1733. John Davis, D. D. 1783. 24 7 5 Landinabo R. (St. Dinebo.) Proxies Archidiac. 6d. Thomas Thomas 2 18 2 18 62 Rogers, Gent. 1691, 1733, 1737, 1740. Chriſtopher Hof- kyns, Clerk, 1768. Lanrothall V. Proxies Archidiac. od. Decim. gran. fæn. 3 15 5 lac. agn. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad . Pri. Monmouth, Propr. Martin Boothby, 1685. Joſeph Powell, Gent. 1736.° William Barry, Gent. 1740. MONMOUTH. 47 Bicknor Wallica, or Welſh Bicknor, R. (St. Margaret.) 4 6 8 60 Proxies Archidiac. 6s. Prior. Monmouth 5s. The KING. 43 17 101 Dixton V. (St. Peter.) Proxies Archidiac. 75. 2d. Synods 7 3 11 Commiffar. 55. Prior. Monmouth 185. 4d. Decim. gran. fen. agn. lan. lac. filv. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb, ad valor. 55. Mon. Monmouth, Propr. Lord Gage, 1726, 1738. Thomas Griffin, 1758. Lord Gage, 1764, 1773 21 I 8 MONMOUTH V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Triennal. 175. 9d. Valet 9 2 3 in groff. fingulis annis, ut in pecuniis per Priorem ibidem Vicario folvend. Pri. Monmouth, Propr. Duke of Beau- fort, 1715, 1726, 1770. 22 10 IO valor. 550 O O Not DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. HEREFORD d. Nor IN CHARGE. King's Books. 2. s. Langarren, Chapel to Lugwardine V. in Weſton Deanry. Prox. 6s. 5 11 10 Arcop, alias Orcop, Chapel. Prior. Lanthony 135. 4d. Prox. Archidiac. 6á. Mrs. Betham. 7 8 10 Ballingham Vicaria, temp. H. VIII. cum decim. gran. fæn. agui. Jan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. Prox. Commiſſar. 35. 4d. Prox. & Syn. Archidiac. 35. Penſ. Prior. Lanthony 1l. 75. 8d. . A Chapel to Lugwardine, D. Weſton. 121. certified Value. Birch Magna Cur. (St. Mary.) Abbey of Glouceſter, Impr. Sir Richard Symons, Bart. 141. certified Value. Callow Cur. (St. Michael,) annexed to Dewſal V. Knights Templars, Propr. Governors of Guy's Hoſpital. 61. os. 8d. certified Value. 5 2 0 Garway Cur. or Chap. Knights Templars, Propr. Sir Wal- ter Abington Compton, Bart. 141. certified Value. Dewchurch Parva, Chapel to Lugwardine. Prox. 6d. . Hentland, Chapel to Lugwardine, in D. Weſton. Prox. 6d. Vicar of Lugwardine. 115 3 Harwood Peculiar Cap. (St. Dennis.) Pri. St. John of Jeruſa- lem, olim Propr. Sir Hungerford Hoskins, Bart. Patr. 101. 25. certified Value. S:. Waynard's, Chapel to Lugwardine, in D. Wefton. Prox, 6s. 201. certified Value. Wormbridge Cur. (St. Thomas the Apoſtle.) Knighis Templars, Propr. Lady Clive. 221. 1os. ċertified Value. CHAPELS, DONATIVĖS, AND CURACIES. Acornbury Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Acornbury, Propr. Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, Patrons. King's Capel, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Selleck. 121. cer- lified Value. Marſtow, (St. Martin,) Chapel to Selleck. 11l. certified Value. Pencoyd, (Sr. Dennis,) Chapel to Selleck. 11h 10s. certified Value. Bolſton is a Chapel to Homelacy. 9. Leomintter, HEREF, and RADN. 367 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. I. Leominſter, alias Lempfer, in the Archdeaconry of HEREFORD. King's Books. d. 7. 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Icarly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. do 31 3 61 Kingſland R. (St. Michael.) Viſ. Epiſc. 175. 9d Prior. 3 4 Heref. 1os. Redd. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Eidem pro Syn. 25. zd. Commiſſar. pro le Prox. 6s. 81. 60 acr. terro-arabil. &c. Robert Price, and Edward Winnington Jeffries, Eſqrs. 1721.- Brian Crowther, and Richard Davies, Clerk, 1733, 1734: Richard Evans, Clerk, Patron, and Incumbent, 1769. 36 10 21 PEMBRIDGE R. (St. Mary.). Viſ. Epiſc. 175. gd. Viſ. 3 13 0 Archidiac. 6s. 8 d. Commiſſar. pro le Prox. 1os. Syn. 15. Redd. allif. cum manf. & cert. cer: arabil. prat. paſe: & patur. ad valor. Il. 145a 4d. &c. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford, 1761. 20 o o PRESTEIGNE V *. (St. Andrew,) and Rectory are united. Redd. 2 0 0 affif. ter. dominic. decim. garb. fæn. Jan. agn. porc. anc. ovor: fruct. arbor. &c. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. Earl of Oxford, 1720; 1752. 13 10 10 RADNOR Nova R. (St. Mary.) Archidiaco . 75. Ed. Commiffar. I 7 1 1:30 68. &d. Decim. gran. &c. The KING. 35 1 01 Radnor Vetus R. with Kenarton, alias Keynarth, Chap: Prox. 3.10'11 Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Vif. Epiſc. 175. gdiſ Viſ. Archidiac. 65. 8d. Redd. aſſiſ. cum cert. ter. dominical. ad valor; 21. IOS. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, Propr. and Patr. 5 7 11 Shobdon R. or V. (St. John Evangeliſt:) Syn. Archidiac. 6d. O fo 92 Terr. dominical. ad valor. 135. 4d. decim. gran. fruct. fön. &c. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. Robert Chaplin, Eſq. 1696. William Bateman, Eſqi 1723. James and Richard Bateman, Eſqrs. 1744. Lord Bateman, 1775. 2 18 4 Chantry in the Ch. of Radnor. 0 510 O * Diſcoyd, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Preſteigne. LIVINGS 363 HEREF. and RADN. DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. J. 2. d. 30 II 2 0 2012 21 0 0 0 21 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 6 Aylmiſter, alias Almſtre, alias Aymeſtry, V. (St. John and 7 14 70 St. Alkmund.) Redd. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Commiſſar. 6s. 8d. pro Syn. 25. 6d. Decim. garb. agn. lan. porc. anc. ov. Iin. fruct. oblat. & debit. paſch. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. The KING. 2 Berely, alias Birley, V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Syn. 75. 3d. 5 9 7 Pení. 6s. Sd. Oblat. decim. gran. fæn. anc. porc. lan. agn. lin. canabi, &c. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. Nicholas Philpot, Eſq. 1717. The Earl of Tyrconnell, 1767, 1776. o Byton Cur. or R. (St. Mary,) in co. Hereford, Decim. gran. 5 30 fæn. lan. agn. vac. & vitul. cum oblat. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. The KING. 30 19 ö Croft R. (St. Michael,) united to. Yarpole. Synods 6d. 711 3 Prox. 6s. 17 acr. terr. arabil. & un. prat. &c. Sir Archer Croft, Bart. 1735, 1739. Thomas Johnes, Eſq. 5 o Eriſlonde, alias Eardifland, alias Areland, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 4 9 7 75. 8d. Pri. Shene, Propr. John Booth, Eſq. 1663, 1669. Robert Price, and John Dutton Colt, Eſqrs. 1726. James Kinnerſley, Eſq. 1772. 42 15 o Eye V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Redd. 7. 192 Commiſſar. 75. 2d. Synods is. Decim. fæn, lin. Jan. agn. porc. ovor. fruct. decim. garb. de Moreton. decim. alba oblat. &c. The KING. Pri. Leominſter, Propr. o Hereford Parva V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) A Peculiar belong- 6 14 0 ing to the Chancellor of the Church of Hereford. . Decim. prædial. fæn. Ian. agn. porc. ovor. anc. vitul. & lin. cum ob- lat. &c. Chancellor of the Church of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 30 • Humbre, alias Humber, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Syn. and 3 5° Prox. 45. Sd. Prior. Brecknock ios. Prior. Leominſter 35. Manf. cum 2 ort. 9o acr. ter. un. parv. prat. & al. parcel. prat. &c. The KING. 27 o ) o Knill R. (St. Michael.) Prox. Es. John Walſham, Eſq. 1730. 4 10 Elizabeth Walſham, Widow, 1766. Francis Garbutt, Eſq. 1768, 1780. 91 LEOMINSTER, alias LEMPSTER, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 10 3 8 Prox. Archidiac. 7s. 8d. Abb. Radinge 6s. 8a. Feod. Ap- parit. is. Manf. cum gardin. herbag. cæmeter. penf. frum. apud Stoke & Docklow Itipend, rec. Abb. de Radinge il. 105. 8d. fen. & foc. decim. prædial. piſ. & pand. infra burg, ovor. fruct. &c. The KING. Pri. Leominſter, Propr. Monckland, 120 O 37 10 5 16 o O 4) 1 2 I 20.O.O. HEREFORD. 362 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. S. d. 39 12 20 ОО O ОО 50 Clear Pearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 1. 4 Monckland, alias Monklane, V. (All Saints.) Penſ. Dec. & II 9 Cap. Heref. 6s. 8d. Coinmiſſar. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Archi- diac. Prox. 35. rod. Epilc. Syn. 6d. Ort. cum 2 acr. & di- mid, ter. arabil. decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. porc. anc. lin. cum oblat. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. Norton V. (St. Andrew.) Prior. Wigmore, Propr. Prox. 6d. 5 30 Valet. in groff. per ſcrutin. & examin. commiſſionar. 51. clare. The KING. 40 15 Puddleſton V. (St. Peter,) with White, or While, R. Redd. 7 17 87 Domino 45. Rectori de Humbre 25. Syn, and Prox. Archi- diac. 75. Manf. cum 100 acr. ter. arabil. & un. prat. decim. gran. fæn. &c. John Pattelhall, Eſq. 1717, 1754. 26 Staunton upon Arrow V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Syn. 6d. 5 17 10 40 Manf. ac 24 acr. ter. arabil. & 2 acr. paſtur. oblat. decim. garb. in gardin. agn. lan. anc. porc. lin. fruct. vit. ov. fæn. &c. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. The KING. Stretford R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Syn. 6d. Redd. reſolut. 6 19 8 2d. Manſ. ibidem cum 16 acr. ter. arabil. &c. Archer Croft, Eſq. 1715. Richard Knight, Eſq. 1743. Wigmore V. (St. James.) Synods iod. Proxies 6s. 8d. 8 0 Manf. cum clauſ. decim. garb. & fen. gardinor. decim. prædial. lin. agr. lan. fruct. &c. Prior. Wigmore, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. O O 16 10 O NOT IN CHARGE. Brimfield Cur. formerly a Chapel to Eye. Prox. 62. Bilhop of Hereford. 171. certified Value. Hatfield Chapel, (St. Leonard,) formerly a Chapel to Leomin- ſter. Prox. 6d. The Biſhop of Hereford. 31. os. 6d. cer- tified Value. Kimbolcon Cur. (St. James,) Chapel to Eye. Prox. 6d. Biſhop of Hereford. 41. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Middletun, (St. Mary,) formerly a Chapel to Eye. Prox. 6d. Bishop of Hereford. 5l. 35. 4d. certified Value. Titley Cur. (St. Peter.) College of Wincheſter, Propr. Earl of Oxford. yl. certified Value. Lenthal Earls Cur. (St. Andrew,) Chapel to Aymeſtry. Vicar of Ameſtry. . 10l. 10s. certified Value. Eyton Cur. (All Saints,) Chapel to Eye. Augmented. Gov. of Lucton School, Patr. 11. 1s. certified Value, Lucion Cur. (St. Peter,) Chapel to Eye. Gov. of Lucɔn School, Patr. They pay 20l. per annuin to the Curate, B bb Olton 1370 HEREFORD. DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. Orlton Cur. Chancellor of Hereford, Propr. Gov. of Lucton School, Patr. 201. 1os. certified Value. Yarpole Cur. (St. Leonard.) Prox. 6d. Thomas Johnes, Eſq. 277. 145. certified Value. Docklow Cur. (St. Bartholomew,) Chapel to Leominſter. Augmented. Vicar of Leominſter, Patr. 41. 45. 6d. cerii- fied Value. Hope ſub Dinmore Cur. (St. Mary,) formerly a Chapel to Leominſter. The Biſhop of Hereford. 41. certified Value. Stoke Prior Cur. Chapel to Leominſter. Augmented. The Vicar of Leominſter, Patr. 61. 15. 3d. certified Value. Leinthal Starkes Chapel. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. 6d. The Biſhop of Hereford. 4. certified Value. Elton Cur. (St. Mary,) Chapel to Wigmore. Now diſtinct. Prox. 6d. Thomas Johnes, Eſq. 131. 35. 5d. certified Value. Lingen Cur. in co. Hereford. (St. Michael.) Prox. 6d. Lefſee of the Biſhop of Hereford, Patr. 101. 10s, certified Value. Keynſham, in co. Hereford, Chapel to Preſeigne. Old Radnor V. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, 1743. 9. Rhofs, alias Rolle, in the Archdeaconry of HEREFORD. Yearly Tenths. l d. O 14 87 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d 7 7 1 Aſton Ingham R. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 7s. 8d. Prox. Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor, 21. 6s. 8d. Miles Huntley, Genț. 1694. Peter Senhouſe, and Charles Stock, Gent. 1724. John Holden, Gent. 1742. Thomas Baron, Gent. 1755. William Lloyd Baker, Clerk, Patron and In- cumbent, 1776. o Brampton Abbotts R. (St. Michael.) Vicario de Upton Epiſc. Prox. 25. 2 d. Bihop of Hereford. 6 8 Eccleſwell Capella. Cantaria deſtruct. in Linton Pariſh. 6 9 91 Fownhope V*. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 8s. Prox. Com- miffar. 35. 4de Decim. agn. lan. lac, oblat. & al. 12 O I 4 0 25. 1 0 2 8 O 12 115 gran. fæn. * Fawley, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Fownhope, minut. HER É FORD. 371 DIOCESE OF: II E R E FOR D. 1. s. do . O 12 WOO 8 10 O King's Books. Yearly Tenthose 1. d. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. 75. Pri. Shene, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Hereford. 6 5 0 Hope Manſel R. (St. Michael.) Syn. Archidiac. 6d. Prior. Ô 50 Monmouth 8s. Terr. gleb. ad valor, 135. 4d. The KING. Howcaple R. (St. Andrew,) united to Sollers Hope, or Hope. 0 18 O follers, R. Prox. Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Syn. Archidiac. 6d. Penf. Rectori de Rhoſs 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 155. Wil- liam Gregory, Eſq. 1696, 1757. William Cope Gregory, Eſq. 1780. Linton V. (St. Mary,) with Lea Chap. in co. Glouceſt. D. 017 Foreſt. (St. George.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 8d. Prox. Com- miffar. 6s. 8d. Decim. gran. fæn. Iac. agn. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. il. Pri. Shene, olim Propr. Herbert Ruſhdale Weſtfaling, 1703. John Parker, Eſq. 1760. John Parker, Clerk, 1775. 14 O 5 Marcle, alias Marcley Magna, v. with the Chapel of Kinaſton. [ 8 ob (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Prox. Com- miffar. 6s. 8d. Decim. gran. fæn: lac. agr. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum decim. parc. & ter. gleb. ad valor. 36. 8d. Pri. Shene, olim Propr. John Kyrle Ernle, Eſq. 1721, Conſtantia Ernle, 1730, 1733. James Money, Eſq. 1774. 10 6 51 Mordeford R. (Holy Rood.) Penſ. Prior. Heref. 35. Prox. 107 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Prox. Commiffar. 45. Thomas Foley, Efq. 1713, 1750, 1766. Lord Foley, 1777. Ruoss, alias Ross, R. (St. Mary) and Vicarage united. Prox. ) 175. gdel Feod. Ballivi 11. 6s. 8d. Redd. ter. dom. redd. liberor. tenen. port. decimar. an. proven. de Eccleſiis de Brampton, &c. & penf. Biſhop of Hereford. 33 16 35 Rhoss, alias Rhoss , V. with the Chapels of Brompton and >3 17 7 Weiton. Redd. 6d. į Prox. Archidiac. 8s. 2d. Prox. Archidiac. 85. 2d. Commiſſar. 6s. Sd. Decim. agn. lan. lac. oblat. & al. ininut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. 8s. 61. Biſhop of: Hereford. 3 6 3 Salary of the Chaplain of the Bleſſed Mary the Virgin, Chapel o to Marcle. Redd. & firm. com. ann. 8 17 6 Upton Biſhop V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Commiffar. 35. 4d. o 17 9 Syn. Archidiac. 15. Pros. 45. Decim. gran. fæn. Iac. agn. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. penſ. annual. de Vicar. de Rhoſs cum ter. gleb. ad valor. Ih6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 18 0 0 Welten under Pyneyard R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. 25. 2d. I 16 Biſhop of Hereford. 6 7 ) B b b 2 LIVINGS 372 HEREFORD. DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. 1. d. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, I. d. 40 3 101 Sollers Hope R. united to Howcaple R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 4 3 4 and Syn. 75. 8d. Ter. gleb. ad valor. ll. 35. 10d. &c. Wil- liam Gregory, Eſq. 1719, 1757. William Cope Gregory, Eſq. 1780. 40 15 10 Walford V. (St. Leonard,) with Ruardine Chap. in co. Glou. 13 2 1 ceſt. Prox. Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Syn. Arcbidiac. Is. De- cim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. Iac. oblat. & al. minut. decim. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. 45. Precentor of the Church of Here- ford, Propr. and Patron. NOT IN CHARGE. Ruardine Chap. in co. Glouceſt. Syn. Archidiac. 15. Decim. lac. agn. lan. oblat. & al. minut. decim. Hugonis Chap. William Gregory, Eſq. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Yatton Cur. Chapel to Marcle Magna. Kinafton, Chapel to Marcle Magna. Demoliſhed. D. TUebley, alias Tuleobley, in the Archdeaconry of HEREFORD. Yearly Tentbs. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 6.17 II Almali, alias Almeley, V. (St. Mary.). Syn. Is. Valet. in groff. &c. Pri. Wormeſley, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 7 8 Byford R. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Prox. 80 Commiſſar. 6s. 8d. "The KING, 1. s. d. 0 13 9 1 O 14 2 o Doore, HEREFORD. DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. 273 S. King's Books. Viary Tenths. 1. d. 2. 8 0 o Doore, alias Dowr Abbats, R. (Holy Trinity and St. Mary.) o 15 Prox. Is. This formerly belonged to the Abbey of Doore, bur made a Rectory apd endowed by Lord Scudamore, 13? and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Parliament. Lady Scudamore, 1722. Edward and WriotheNey Digby, Eiqrs. 1741. Lord and Lady Surrej. 13 13 4 Kinnerſley R. (St. James.) Syn. Is. Prox. 6s. 8d. Pros. Pros. I 7 10 Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Prior. de Leominſter 6s. 8d. Prior. Wormeſley 35. Sir John Morgan, Bart. 1718. Price Clut- ton, Eſq. 1767. James Clutton, Eſq. 1771. Thomas Clut- ton, Eſq. 1783. 25 2 11 KINGTON, alias Krneton, V*. (St. Mary,) with Brilly, (St. 2 10 31 Mary,) Huntington, (St. Mary Magdalen,) and Michael Church. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Is. Penſ. Eccler. Titley 135. 4d. Prox. Commiſſar. 6s. 8d. Diacono Ecclef. 6s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 175. od. Michael Church Prox. Archi- diac. 45. 4de Diacono Ecclef. 25. Valet in groff. &c. Pri. Lanthony, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. The KING, 1746. 6 15 71 Letton R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. Is. William O 13 64 Bach, Clerk, p. h. v. 1761. 4 13 4 Snowdhill free Chapel in Dorſton Pariſh. Deſtructa. 4 13 13 4 Staundon justa Wyam, alias Staunton upon Wyland, R. (St. 7 4 Mary.) Prox. Viſ. Epiſc. 175. gd. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pros. Commiſſar. 6s. 8d. Sin. Is. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church in Oxford. 9 6 8 Wynforton R. (St. Mary.) Syn. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 31. o 18 8 Prox. Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Sir Jo. Holman, Bart. 1691. The Univerſity of Oxford preſented in 1722, by Act of Parliament. The KING preſented in 1748, by Lapſe. 0.9 I 6 5 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 21 Bacton V. or R. (St. Faith.) Prox. 75. 8d. Valet clare per 313 3 13 4 ſcrutin. &c. Abb. Dore, Propr. Sir Hungerford Hoskins, Bart. 1723. The Biſhop, 1773. Sir Hungerford Hoskinſ, Bart. 1778. 43 19 10 Biſhopſton R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 7 7 6 6d: Dec. & Cap. Heref. 5.5. Prox. Cominiffar. 35. 4d. Uvedale Price, Eſq. 1727. Robert Price, 1754. Uvedale Price, Efq. 1776. * Kyneton and Michael Church Errow are in the County of Radnor. Bredwardine 374 HEREFORD, DIOCESE OF HER E F Ó Ř D. i d. O 3 10 O 2 1 1 2 Clrar Yearly Value. King's Books. 17. S. de 37 O Bredwardine V. (St. Andrew.) Valet in groff. &c. Pri. Wig. 7 8 15 more, Propr. Endowed by Lord Scudamore 13° and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Parliament. William Bridges, Eſq. 1731. Joſ. Simpſon, and Joſ. Adey, Gent. 1751. 17 o O Brigge Sallars V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. Is. Valet in groſſ. &c. Pri. Acornbury, Propr. Timothy Geers, Eſq. 1727, 1737. Sambrooke Freeman, Eſq. and Harriott Winford, Spinſter, 1764, 1770. Brobury, alias Brodbury, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. 6d. Lord 4 Scudamore, 1694. William Harris, Clerk, 1709. Joſ. Simpſon, and Joſ. Adey, Gent. 1751. 36 12 6 Clifford v. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 35. 8d. Syn. 15. 4 10 Valet in groff . &c. Pri. Clifford, Propr. Charles Walwyn, Gent. 1714. Charles Walwyn, Clerk, 1723, 1725, 1733. The Bilhop, 1763. 45 0 o Credenhill, alias Crednell , R. (St. Mary.) Repriz. 145. Prox. 17 19 4 75. 8d. Duke of Kent, 1715. Edmund Ekley, Eſq. 1741, 1745 28 11 o Cufop, alias Kewſop, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 6d. 5 19 7 Nicholas Arnold, Eſq. 1709. Edward Harley, Eſq. 1731. Earl of Oxford, 1745. Sir Francis Charlton, Bart. and others, 1754. 50 0 0 Dorfton V. (St. Peter.) Viſ. Epiſc. 175. 9d. Prox. Archidiac. 7 11 10 6s. 8d. Syn. Is. 6d. Penſ. Choriſtis Heref. 6s. 8d. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. Valet in groff. &c. Pri. Clifford, Propr. Walter Hill, and Thomas Mathews, Gent. 1699. James Maddy, and Richard Wellington, Gent. 1737. Joanna Proſ- ſer, Widow, 1751. Thomas Proffer, 1761, 1765. Joſhua Maddy, and Samuel Proſſer, 1780. 45 0 0 Erdiſley, alias Eardiſley, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. 6s. 7 12 6 8d. Syn. 15. Valet in groff . &c. Pri. Lanthony, Propr. George Coke, Gent. and William Barneſley, Eſq. 1727. William Barneſey, Eſq. 1736. The KING, 1754. 25 Kencheſter V. (St. Michael.) Dec. & Cap. Heref. & Prior. 6 5 7 40 Lanthony 75. 4d. Syn. 6d. Valet in grofl . &c. Pri. Lan- thony, Propr. 'The KING. 26 O Ó Leonhales, alias Lyon hall, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. 6s. 8d. 6 10 71 Syn. Is. Valet. in groff. &c. Pri. Wormelley, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 20 17 4. Manſell Gamage, alias Mansfield Gamage, V (St. Giles.) 5 6 8 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 15. Prior. Heref. 135. 4d. Valet in groff. &c. Pri Sti Guthlaci, Heref. Propr. Eliza- beth Geers, Widow, 1697. John Geers, Gent. 1724. Ann Geers, Widow, 1766. Sir John Cotierell, Knight, 1769, 1775 5 Mockas O O HREFORD. 375 DIOCESE OF HER E FOR D. Հ de 6 4 4 20 O O Clear icarly Value. King's Books 1. d. 38 0 O Mockas R. (St. Michael.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Is. Edward Cornwall, Eſq. 1691. Velters Cornwall, Eſq. 1730, 1744. Catherine Cornwall, Spinſter, 1770. Monfill, alias Mauncell Lacy, V. (St. Michael.) · Prox. 6s. 8d. 5 3 11 Syn. Is. Valet in groff. &c. Pri. Acornbury, Propr. Uvedale Price, Eſq. 1718, 1744. Robert Price, Eſq. 1754, 1758. 42 0 O Monington R. (S:. Mary.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. Is. Mary 7 12 10 Tompkins, Widow, 1699, 1722. John Whitmore, Eſq. 1760. Sir John Cotterell, Knt. and Harcourt Aubrey, Eſq. 1776. 29 Oo Peter Church V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Is. 6d. Valet in groſſ. 5.6 8 &c. Pri. Malverne Major, Propr. Duke of Chandos, 1730. The Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, 1760. 31 Sarnesfield, alias Sarenſhill, R. (All Saints.) Sir John Mor- 5 6 8 gan, Bart. 1732. The Univerſity of Oxford, 1766. 40 0 Stretton bear Sugwas R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Dec. &. Cap. 9 7 Heref. 15, 4d. Syn. 6d. Priori Lanthony 25. Anne Mad- dos, Widow, p. h. v. 1737. The Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, 1777 15 0 0 Turnaiton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 4d. Robert Price, Eſq. 2 14 1720. Shuck burgh Boughton, Eſq. 1754. Edward Bough- ton, Eſq. 1768. 25 0 Vouchurch, alias Fowchurch, V. (St. Bartholomew.) 5 90 in groff. &c. Prebendary of Great Puttelton in the Church of Heref. Propr. and Patr. 26 WEBLEY, alias WEOBLEY, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Valet 9 in groff. &c. Pri. Sfi Guthlaci, Heref. Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 40 0 0 Whitney R. (St. Peter aud St. Paul.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. 5 8 o Thomas Geers, Eſq. 1698. Elizabeth Geers, Widow, ' 1720. William Wardour, Eſq. 1724. Tomkins Wardour, Eſq. 1746. Elizabeth Wardour, Widow, 1763. o Willarſley R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Syn. 6d. T. Hords, 3 6 8 Gent. Edward Chamberlayne, 1712. Chamberlayne Hords, Gent. 1727. The KING, by Lapſe, 1767. Yaſor V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Syn. Is. Valet 5 126 in grofl. &c. Pri. Lanthony, Propr. Uvedale Price, Eſq. 1724, 1776. 2 0 0 Valet 5 9 O 2 I IO 10 20 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Wormſley Cur. Pri. Wormeſley, Propr. Richard Payce Knight. Eſq. 46. 85. 4d. certified Value. 9. Wetton, 376 HEREFORD, DIO-CESE OF HERE FOR D. 1 D. Thieſton, in the Archdeaconry of HerEFORD. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. s. d. 1. d. 4 1 12 1 I 0 12 3 22 2 4 81 5ỉ Bodenham V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Archidiac. & Coinmiffar. 135. 4d. Prox. & Syn. annuat. 25. 4d. Priori Heref. 1os. Decim. trium. part. gran. porcell. ovor. lin. agn. lan. fæn. fruct. arbor. oblat. cum ter. gleb. ad valor. il. Pri. Brecon, olim Propr. Lord, Coningelby, 1710. Lady Coningeſby, 1729. The Biſhop, 1756. Lady Coningeſby, 1758. The Heirs of Lady Frances Coningeſby. 6 2 6 Dylwyn, alias Delvyn, V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 85. 2d. Com- miffar. Syn. and Prox. 45. rod. Debit. paſc. decim. ovor. agn. lan. anc. porc. lin. fruct. tam arbor. quam ortor. 2 lod. frumenti. 2 lod. aven. oblat. cum ter. gleb. .ad valor. il. Pri. Wormeſley, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 7 1 Lugwarden V. (St. Peter,) with Hentland, (St. Dubritius,) Langarren, (St. Deinſt.) St. Waynard, Little Dewchurch, (St. David,) and Ballingham annexed. Viſ. Epiſc. 175 9d. I Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. Es. Decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. jorc. ovor. croc. lin. fruct. arbor. gardin. cer. & mell. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 15 O O Stoke Fdith R. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Welthide. (St. Bartho- Jomew.) Prox. Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 178. gd. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Thomas Foley, Eſq. 1720, 17:3, 1766. 8 I 8 Sutton St. Nicholas R. Commiſſar. Syn. 6d. Pri. Heref. 155. 4d. Manf. cum terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. John and Fran- cis Shepheard, 1702. Edward Rawlins, Gent. 1738. Wal- wyn Shepheard, Eſq. 1760. Mary Shepheard, Widow, 1783. 5 o 2] Tarrington V. (St. James.) Prox. 75. 8d. Oblat. decim. alba, cum decim. vitul. agn. lan. porc. & anc. port. gran. & fæni decim. ovor. cer. mell. collumb. & ter. gleb. ad valor. il. Mon. Monmouth, Propr. Thomas Foley, Eſq. 1703, 1737. Lord Foley, 1777 Ι ΙΟ Ο 16 2 010 01 Livings HEREFORD, 377 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. l. S. so do O 0 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 24 0 o Bryneſhope, alias Brynſop, V. (St. George.) Prox. Is. Decim. 4 agn. lan. porc. anc. lin. fruct. arbor. ac denar. oblat. cum terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. Pri. Lanthony, Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 8 3 4 Burghill, alias Burchall, V. (St. Mary.) Stipend. annual. de 6 18 Prior. & Convent. de Lanthony 6l. 135. 4d. cum un. tenement. & trib. acr. ter. arabil. Pri. Lanthony, Propr. The KING, 1778. The Heirs of Thomas Herring, and Governors of Guy's Hoſpital, by Turns. 20 I o Dormington V. (St. Peter.) Commiff. Syn. 6d. Prox. 35. 6d. 4 6 8 Decim. gran. foen. agn. lan. porc. anc. cer. mell. fructo ſilv. ov. lin. cum 5 acr. terr. arabil. & 2 acr. prati. Pri Sfi Guthlaci, Heref. Propr. Thomas Foley, Eſq. 1713, 1760. Hon. Edward Foley, 1782. 30 • • King's Pewen, alias Piona Regis, V. (St. Mary.) Commiff. 5 11 8 Syn. Is. Prox. Is. Pri. Wormefley, Propr. Manf. cum gardin. 6 lod. frum. 2 lod. aven. rec. de Prior de Wormelley debit. pafc. oblat. decim. porc. anc. agn. lan. fæn. & ovor. Earl of Tyrconnel, 1776. 29 7 8 Weſton Baggard V. (All Saints.) Priori de Malverne Magna 5 15 3 6s. Prox. Is. Debit. paſc. decim. gran. fan. ovor. agn. lan. lin. cer. mell. porc. & anc. oblat. cum ter. gleb. ad va- lor. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 44 6 8 Wellington V. (St. Mary.) Commiffar. Syn. 15. 8d. Prox. 15. Debit. paſc. oblat. decim. agn. lan. gran. fæn. porc. anc. ov. vitul. cum manſ. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. 6 13 4 Nor IN CHARGE, Barteſtry Cur. (St. James,) Chapel to Dormington. 4l. 95. certified Value. Sutton St. Michael's Chap. Pri. St. John's Jeruſalem, Propr. The Heirs of Mr. Lingen, and Mr. Gomond, by Turns. Moreton upon Lugg R. (St. Andrew.) A Peculiar. Preben- dary of Morton, Propr. and Pair. Weſthide, Chapel to Stoke Edith R. Prox. 6d. Сcc 1. Burford, 378 SHROPSHIRE. DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. D. Burford, in the Archdeaconry of Salop. S. d. 1. S. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthes Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. 9 13 4 Burford R. ift Part, (St. Mary,) pro tribus Portionibus inſi- 0 19 4 mul Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 155. 4d. Viſ. Epiſc. 175. 9d. Terr. gleb. decim. tam major. quam minor. William Bowles, Eſq. 1726. Humphry Bowles, Eſq. 1754, 1770, 1783- 3 o o Burford R. 2d Part. (St. Mary.) Prox. 55. id. William O 16 O Bowles, Eſq. 1732. Humphry Bowles, Eſq. 1755, 1770, 1777. 8 13 4 Burford R. 3d Part. (St. Mary.) Prox. 55. id. Humphry 017 4 Bowles, Eſq. 1770, 1783. 13 O O CLIBERRIE, alias CLEOBURY MORTIMER, V. (St. Mary.) i 6 o Proxies and Synods Archidiac. 75. 8d. Decim. blador. 165. decim. privat. & al. minut. decim. Mon. Wigmore, Propr. Sir Lacon William Child, Knight, 1699. William Lacon Child, Eſq. 1739. Charles Baldwin, Efq. and his Wife, 1769. William Child, Eſq. 1779. 5 16 51 Hopton Wafers R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. Sa Oil 7 lop is. Abb. Wigmore 6s. 8d. Priori Brecknock 6s. Gleb. decin. privat. &c. Richard Hyde, Gent. 1691. Mary Hyde, Spinſter, 1739, 1744. Thomas Whitehurſt, Gent. 1783 13 9 9 Nyend Salars, alias Neen Solars, (All Saints,) and Cap. Mil- 1 6 11 ſton R. (St. George.) Proxies and Syn. 85. 2d. Terr. gleb. decim. garb. &c. Thomas Bury, Gent. 1673. Silveſter Shaw, and his Wife, 1704. Richard Knight, Eſq. 1753. WORCESTER. CES 11 10 21 Abboteſley, alias Abberley, R. (St. Michael.) Penſ. Ecclef. 1 3 0 Aka 135. 4d. Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. 75. 2d. Decim. prædial. &c. William Bromley, Eſq. 1724, 1732, 1768. Robert Bromley, Eſq. 1780. 8 Aka, alias Rock, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Penſ. Priori I 15 2 Shene 4 Marc. Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. John Meyſey, Gent. 173.1, 1732. Charles Watkins Meyſey, 1770. 38 15 10 Eaſtham R. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Hanley Child, 2 17 7 and Orlton Chap. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn, and Prox. Archi- 37 11 diac. WORCESTER. 379 DIOCESE OF HER E FOR D. 2. S. d. b. So 25. King's Books. Pearly Tenths, d. diac. 85. 4d. Terr. gleb. redd. ten. per ann. 67. 8s. &c. Robert Poole, Efq. 1740. Joſeph Bach, Clothier, 1758. Edward Bearcroft, Eſq. 1776, 1783. 5 7 11 Hanley William R. (All Saints,) a Chapel to Eaſtham. Decim. O 10 9 prædial. &c. 26 12 11 Lindridge V. (All Saints,) with Knighton upon Team, (St. 2 13 31 Michael,) and Penſax, (St. James,) Chapels. Syn. Epiſc. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Val. in decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. porc. anc, oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, Propr. and Patr. 27 192 Ribsford R. (St. Leonard,) with Bewdly Chap. (St. Andrew.) 2 15 10 Synods and Proxies 85. 8d. Quodam anniverſario. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. red. & ten. per ann. 3. &c. Lord Herbert, 1706, 1725. Earl of Powis, 1765. 7 4 2 Staunton, alias Sanford upon Team, R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. O 14. S Pri. Malverne Magna 55. Synods 6d. Proxies 6d. Terr. gleb. per ann. il. &c. Salway Winnington, Eſq. 1718. Sir Edward Winnington, Bart. 1771. 21 O TENBURY V. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. 85. 2d. 2 2 Val. in decim. garb. fæn. porc. anc. canab. lib. pafch. oblat. &c. Pri. Shene in co. Surrey, Propr. William Bradley, Gent. 1716. Thomas Hill, Eſq. 1762, 1774. Lucy Hill, Widow, 1778. HEREFORD. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 48 0 0 Edvin Loach in Com. Wigorn. R. united to Tedſton Wafre 2 I 101 in D. Frome. Prox. 6d. Terr. gieb. per ann. Ios. decim. &c. Lady Frances Coningeſby, 1780. 35 0 o Sapy Inferior R. (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. 6d. Terr. głęb. 4 4 2 per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Margaret Adenbrook, Widow, 1702. James Squire, Gent. 1732. Edward Seward, Clerk. SHROPSHIRE. 45 0 o Corley, or Corely, R. (St. Peter.) Abb. Wigmore 6s. 8d. 5 5 10 Prox. and Syn. 75. 8d. Terr. gleb. decim. privat. &c. John Baldwyn, Gent. 1733. Frances Baldwyn, Widow, 1.761. 34 17 6 Dowlis, alias Dowles, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 6d. Terr. 4 gleb. decim. privat. &c. Lord Herbert, 1707 1727 Henry Morley Herbert, Eſq. 1779. 42 5 6 Greete R. Archidiac. Salop: is. icd. Diverſ. decim. &c. 5 0 Thomas Edwards, Eſq. 1715. Sir Henry Edwards, Bart. 1756. Sir Thomas Edwards, Bart. 1768. Сcc2 Bayton 4 0 380 WORCESTER, DIOCESE 01 HERE FORD. 1. d. 120 O O 46 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books l. d. 37 11 o Bayton V. (St. Bartholomew.) Penf. Pri, Malverne Minori 5 o 21 135. 4d. Syn. and Prox. Is. This is annexed to Mamble. Val. in decim. garb. fæn. agn. lan, vitul. lac. porc. oblat. &c. The KING, Pri. Wigmore, Propr. 30 0 o Clifton o Clifton upon Team V. (St. Kellom.) Syn, and Prox. Archi- 6 19 2 diac. 75. 8d. Penſ. Pri. I imbrook 31. Val. in decim. garb. fon. molend. comput. paſch. agn. lan, vitul. porc. anc. lin. oblat. Pri. Limbrook, Propr. Henry Jefferies, Eſq. 1707. Sir Edward Winnington, Bart. 1771, o Curewyard, alias Kyreward, R. (St. Mary.). Terr. gleb. ad 617 88 valor. 1os. decim. &c. Samuel Pytts, Etq. 1704. Edmund Pytts, Eſq. 1746, 1761, 1776. 31 3 6 Mamble V. (St. John,) with Bayton. Penſ. Abb. Wigmore 9 4 7 135. 4d. Syn. and Prox. 8s. 2d. Val. in decim. garb. foen. agift. agn. lan. mortuar. oblat. &c. The KING. Pri. Wig- more, Propr. 2 Shelley Walſh Gildon R. (St. Andrew.) Penſ. Ecclef. Clif 3 8 9 ton 35. Syn. Archidiac. 6d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Lord Foley, 1718, 1743, 1752. 47 2 6 Stockton R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 2d. Terr. gleb. 5 13 11! & ten. per ann. il. &c. Thomas Walſh, M. D. 1718. William Walſh, Eſq. 1758. Theophilus Houlbrooke, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1770. 30 16 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Hightington, (St. Giles,) is a Chapel to Aka, alias Rock. Leiſters, (St. Andrew,) co. Hereford, is a Chapel to Tenbury. Thomas Elton, Eſq. 121. certified Value. Rochford, (St. Michael,) co. Hereford, is a Chapel to Tenbury. Proxies is. Bockleton Cur. (St. Michael,) in co Wigorn. Thomas Elton, Eſg. Leffee of the Treaſurer of Hereford. 134. 45. certified Value. Cure Parva, Chapel to Curewyard. Chapel to Stoke Bliſs. Knighton upon Team, Chapel to Lindridge. Proxies is, 6d. D. Clann HEREFORD, 381 DIOCESE OP HERE FOR D. 9. Clunn and Wuenlock, in the Archdeaconry of SALOP, The Monaſtery of Wigmore, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners at the clear annual Value of 267!, 25. rod. The Monaſtery of Haleſowen, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners at the clear annual Value of 2801. 135. 2 d. į The Monaſtery of Wenlok, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners at the clear annual Value of 4011. 75. od.. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. d. 1. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 5 II o] Brompton Bryan R. (St. Barnabas.) Penf. Decano Sfi Johan-, O II I nis Jeruſalem il. Portio Vicario Wigmore 8s. Proxies and Synods 75. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 45. Earl of Oxford, 1776. SHROPSHIRE. 9 12 II Bishop's CASTLE V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. and Prox. 75. O 19 33 2d. Terr. gleb. ac diverf. minut. decim. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. Walter Waring, Eſq. 1714. Richard Waring, Clerk, 1753. Lord Clive, 1777, 7 18 61 Brofeley R. (St. Leonard,) and Linley R. (St. Nicholas.) 0 15 104 Syn. and Prox. 75. 2d. George Weld, Eſq. 1710, 1727. Sir Thomas Whitmore, and others, 1752. Brook Foreſter, Eſq. HEREFORD. 5 6 8 Bucknell V. (St. Mary,) in co. Hereford. Proxies and Synods O 10 8 75. 8d. Terr. gleb. & diverf. minut. decim. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. Bryan Crowther, Eſq. 1742. 6 2 6 Cardington V. (St. James.). Proxies and Synods 75. 8d. In 3 gleb. decim. privat. & al. diverſ. minut. Pri. Sii Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Thomas Hunt, Eſq. 1708, 1724, 1730. Rowland Hunt, Eſq. 1777. 16 0 o Clungonaz, alias Clangunas, alias Clangunford, R. (St. Cuth- bert.) Synods and Proxies 75. 8d. Richard Rock, 1724. Earl of Powis, Hugh Owen, and others, 1762. John Rock, Eſq. 1766, 1779. Cluna O 12 3 I 12 I 382 HEREFORD DIOCESE OF HER E FOR D. s. 1. d. 13 IO 0 10 O 10 Kinz's Books. Yearly Tenths, l. d. Ś Clunn V. (St. George.) Prox. 75. 8d. Pri. Wenlock, Propr. i 7 of John Walcot, Eſq. 1720, 1745. Lord Clive, 1766, 1782. 16 12 6 Hopeſay R. (St. Mary.) Syn, and Prox. 75. 8d. Mary Rock, I 13 3 Widow, 1720. Prudence Tucker, Widow, 1754. Charles Tucker, Clerk. 5 0 0 Hopton Caſtle R. (St. Mary.) Synods is. 6d. Thomas Beale, Eſq. 1698, 1729, 1754, 1778. o o Ledon, alias Leedham, alias Lyddam, R. (Holy Trinity.) 1 0 0 Synods 6d. Richard Oaklie, 1710, 1727, 1741. John Oakeley, Eſq. 1778. 13 6 8 Lidbury, alias Lidbury North, V. (St. Michael.) Synods I 6 8 and Proxies 75. 8d.' Terr. gleb. & diverf. minut. decim. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. William Plowden, Eſq. 1909. Humphry Walcot, 1739. Andrew Griffiths, 1778. 21 15 21 Mounnow, alias Munflow, R. (St. Michael.) Vif. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods is. 6d. Terr. gleb. & decim. tam major. quam minor. Sir Thomas Littleton, Bart. 1703. Thomas Powys, Eſq. 1750, 1762. Thomas Powell, Gent. 1776. 19 7 S1 Ruſhbury R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 75. 8d. Ro I 18 95 bert Creffet, Eſq. 1695. Edward Creſſet, Eſq. 1730. The Biſhop, 1747. Elizabeth Creſſet, Spinſter, 1762. 15 10 O STRETTON R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. 175. 9d. Proxies I11 and Synods Archidiac. 75. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Lord Viſcount Weymouth. 11 13 4 Wenlock Parva R. (St. Laurence.) Priori Wenlock Il. Priori Wenlock il. 1 3 4 Prox. and Syn. 25. 2d. William Hayward, Eſq. 1713, 1735. ng 2 11 Wentnor R. (St. Michael.) Syn. Archidiac. 18. Syn. Archidiac. 15. Dean and 0 14 31 Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 2 3 63 O 20 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear l'early Value. King's Booksa 43 14 6 Berrington, alias Burrington, V. (St. George.) Syn. Archi- 50 O 80 diac. od. The KING. Pri. Wignore, Propr. Lentwardine V. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 7s. 8d. Terr. 7 15 8 gleb. & diverf. minuti decim. Pri. Wiginore, Prope. Earl Oxford, 1780. SHROPSHIRE. 32 Abdon R. (St. Margaret.) Syn. 6d. Sir Humphry Briggs, 3 6 8 Bart. 1699. Sir Hugh Briggs, Bart. 1740, 1744. John Brooke, Clerk, 1780. Acton Herzf. and SHROP. 383 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. s. 42 0 20 O 2 13 O O o O O O O 35 50 O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. d. 3 Acton Scot R. (St. Margaret.) Proxies 6s. 8d. Synods 6d. 5 10 Edward Acton, Eſq. 1726, 1745, 1756. John Stackhouſe, Eſq. 1780. o Aſton R. (St. Giles.) Prox. 6d. Mary Davies, Widow, 1744. 4 The Biſhop, 1746. Somerſet Davies, Eſq. 1774. 39 o Bagfore, alias Badge Sore, alias Badger, R. (St. Giles.) Priori 4 13 4 70 Wenlock 3s. 4d. Synods 4d. Thomas Kinnerſey, Eſq. 1676. The KING, 1704. The KING, at the Nomina. tion of John Kinnerſley, Eſq. 1724, at the Nomination of Clement Kinnerſley, Efq. 1753. Hawkins Browne, Eſq. 1780. 49 o Beckbury R. (St. Miburgh.) Priori Wenlock 3s. Synods 5 3 4 80 4d. The KING. 27 o Bedſton R. (St. Mary,) in co. Heref. Syn. Archidiac, 6d. 4 13 4 Thomas Ireland, Efq. 1707. Samuel Sneade, Clerk, 1764. Samuel Sneade, Eſq. 1772. o Downton V. (St. Giles,) in co. Heref. Syn. Archidiac. 6d. 4 10 Terr. gleb. & diverſ. minut. decim. The KING. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. 30 o o Eaſt hope R. (St. Peter.) Penf. Cownde 35. 4d. Syn. Archi- 3 3 1 diac. 4d. Elizabeth Baugh, Widow, 1709. Samuel Ed- wards, 1732. William Lutwyche, Eſq. and Sarah Winford, 1777; William Lutwyche, Eſq. 1780. o Eaton V. (St. Edith.) Prox. and Syn. 7s. 8d. Terr. gleb. 5 o o decim. privat. &c. Pri. Wenlock, Propr. Francis Jenkes, Eſq. 17º3. Jenkes Lutley, Efq. 1740, 1742. Bartholo- mew Richard Barnaby, Eſq. 47 o o Holgate R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies 75. 8d. 13 993 Bithop of Hereford. 44 o Hope Bowdler R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. 6d. William Newman, 6 13 4 Gent. 1699. Richard and Dorothy Adney, 1743. Richard Adney, 1747. John Stanier, Gent. 1768, 1771. 30 o Hughley R. (St. John Baptift.) Priori Wenlock 25. Syn. 4 11 3 Archidiac. 6d. Samuel Edwards, Eſq. 1720. Godolphin Edwards, Eſq. 1744. Sir Henry Bridgeman, Bart. 1777. o Long Staunton V. Proxies and Synods 75. 8d. In gleb. de-' 7 cimn. privat. & al. minut. decim. Dean and Chapter of Here- ford, Propr. and Patr. 34 o Madeſey V. (St. Michael.) Proxies and Synods 75. 2d. Por- 4 17 10 tio Pri. de Wenlock 21. Vide inter Poffeff. Prioratus in libro Regis in Officio Primit. John Kynafton, Efq. 1728. Edward Kynaſton, Eſq. 1740, 1756, 1760. o Mainſtone, alias Mindtown, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 6d. 4 13 4 George Farmer, Gent. 1683. John Walcot, Efq. 1756. The KING, 1757 5 Moor, o O O 24 100 O 384 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. Heref. and SHROP- 1. S. d. 2 O O o O O 0 0 Clive. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, l. d. 460 o Moor, alias More, R. Penſ. Abb. Wigmore 6s. 8d. Syn. 8 6 Archidiac. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. decim. &c. Robert More, Efq. 1687. Jane More, Widow, 1720. Robert More, Eſq. 1741, 1747, 1750, 1761, 1776. 39 Stow V. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 8d. Terr. glebi 4 7 4 70 & al. diverſ. minut. decim. The KING. Pri. Malverne Magna, Propr. 40 Tugford R. (St. Catherine.) Syn. and Prox. 75. 2d. Bihop 4 13 4 of Hereford. 45 WENLOCK MAGNA V. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods 12 9 7 135. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. decim. fæn. & al. diverf. minut. deciin. Mon. Wenlock, Propr. Watkyn Williams Wynne, Eſq. 1720. Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart. 1756. 44 O o Willey, alias Wyllye, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods 6d. 5 6 3 George Weld, Eſq. 1698, 1727, 1740. George Foreſter, Eſq. 1778. SHROPSHIRE. NOT IN CHARGE. Bettus Cur. (St. Mary,) Chapel to Clunn. Lord Clive. 201. certified Value. Clunbury Cur. (St. Swithin,) Chapel to Clunn. Terr. gleb. Edgdon and Shipton Cur. (St. Michael,) Chapel to Clunn. Mrs. Harris. KNIGHTON Cur. (St. Edward,) in com. Radnor. Hoſpital of Clunn, Patr. Prior of Great Malverne, Propr. iol. certi- fied Value. Llanvair Waterdine Cur. (St. Mary,) Chapel to Clunn. Lord Clive. 301. certified Value. Norbury, (All Saints,) Chapel to Lidbury. Preen Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 6d. Pri. Preen, Propr. Elizabeth Price, Spinfter. 61. certified Value. Acton Round Cur. Chapel to WENLOCK MAGNA. Sir Richard Acton, Bart. Monks Hopton Cur. (St. Peter,) Chapel to WENLOCK MAGNA. Sir Robert Lawley, Bart. 51. 135. 8d. certified Value. Barrow Cur. (St. Giles,) Chapel to WENLOCK MAGNA. Prox. 7d. 31. 135. certified Value. Benthall Cur. (St. Bartholomew.) The Vicar of Much Wen- lock. Shipton SHROPSHIRE. 385 DIOCESE OF HER E FOR D. Shipton, (St. James,) Chapel to WENLOCK MAGNA. Thomas Mitton, Eſq. Rechop Chap Wolftafton, alias Wollaſton, R.. Thomas Whitinore, Eſg. 51. certified Value. Burton C. The Vicar of Much Wenlock. Jackfield C. The Heir of Francis. Turner Blithe, Eſq. D: Ludrow, in the Archdeaconry of Salop. King's Books. So. d. S.- 1 The Hoſpital of St. John in Ludlow was returned by the Com- miſſioners at the clear annual Value of 131. 35.-3d. For Particulars,. vide Liber Regis.. HEREFORD. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE.. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. l. d. 15 3 Richard's Calle R. ($t. Bartholomew.) Proxies and Synods I* 10 i1 7:52 8d. Viſ. Epiſc. 175. 1cd. John Salway, Eſq. 1696. Richard Salway, Eſq. 1738. Jõhn Salway, Efq. 1759. The Biſhop of Worceſter 1772.-- SHROPSHIRE. 18 6 3 Bifterley R. (St. Máry.)* Pii Wenlock' il. 38.-4d. Pri. St. 1 16 73 Guthlace il. 1os. Prox. and Sýn. Archidiac. 145. 4d. Epiſc. Vif. 175. 9d. Ter. gleb. ad valor. 31. os. 8d. Sir Littleton Powys, Knt. 1703, Andrew Hill, Eſq..1737, 1740. Tho- mas Hill, Eſq. o-Bromfield V. (St. Mary.) Proxies 75. 8di Epiſc. pro Viſita: tione per ann. 175. 9d. Decim. privat. cum al: decim. tam major. quam, minor. Pri. Bromfield, a Cell to Glouceſter Abb. Francis Herbert, Eſq. 1700.- Earl of Powis, 1749, 1769. 18. 9. 2- Culmington R: (All Saints.)' Sýn. and Pius. 145. 4d. Terr. 1 16 11 gleb. ad valor, 1l. 35. 4d. &c. Lord Sţafford, 1709. John Doharty, Gent. 1749. John Karver, and John Bodlege, 1755 6 LUDLOW. R. (St. Laurence.) Proxies and Synods 75, 8d.. I 19 3 200 ao Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. The KING, D. d d. St. Margaret 60 O" 12" 0 19. 12 386 SHROPSHIRE DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. s. 4 IO I 12 King's Books, Yearly Tenths 1. d. l. d. 2 8 4 St. Margaret Clee Cur. Penſ. Sfi Johannis de Dinſmore 145. Prox. Is. Decim. gran. & fæn. Knights Templars, Propr. Edward Creffett, Eiq. 1720. Elizabeth Creffett, Spinſter. 817 8£ Onybury R. (St. Michael.) Proxies and Synods 75. 8d. Terr. 0 17 91 gleb. ad valor. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Lord Craven, 1682, 1757. The Biſhop, 1765. 16 00 Staunton Lacy V. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 75. 8d, Epiſc. Viſ. 175. gd. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4l. Decim. privat. &c. Pri. Lanthony, Propr. Lord Craven, 1718, 1755, 1776. The Biſhop, 1779. 6 13 4 Stoke St. Milburgh V. (St. Milburgh.) Syn. and Prox. 145. O 13 4 4d. Portio Pri. Wenlock 41. 6s. 8d. Vide inter Poffeff. Priorat. in Libro Regis in Officio Primit. Wredenhall Pearce, Eſq. and his Wife, 1734, 1740. Elizabeth Pearce, 1755, 1758. William Pearce Hall, Eſq. 1772. 18 O O Wiffanſtow R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Syn. Ils. Epiſc. 1 16 0 Viſ. 175. gd. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. Lord Craven, 1690, 1764. 3 6 8 Cantar' in the Ch. of Ludlow. 68 O 2 8 4 3 6 8 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 40 o 0 Caineham V. (St. Mary.) Synods is. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 4 13 4 il decim. privat. cum al. minut. decim. Pri. Wig- more, Propr. Robert Powis, Eſq. 1718, 1722. Richard Powis, Eſq. 1730. Joſeph Oldham, Eſq. 1766, 1777. 14 Cold Weſton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6d. Lord Herbert, 1716. 2 Francis Walker, Eſq. 1757. Somerſet Davies, Eſq. 1769. 24 0 0 Hope Baggot, alias Baggotelhop, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. Epiſc. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Counteſs Dowager of Montrath, 1754. Earl of Bath, 1762. o Diddlebury V. (St. Peter.) Syn, and Prox. 75. 8d. Epiſc. Viſ. 12 I 3 175.gd. Deciin. tam major. quam minor. Dean and Chap- ter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 40 Stöke Saye V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 8d. 4 13 4 Epiſc. Viſ. 175.9d. Decim. tam major. quam minor. Abb. Haghmond, Propr. Lucius Henry Hibbins, Eſq. 1726, 1734, 1736, 1740, 1745. Thomas Pembroke, Eſq. 1750. Thomas Lloyd, and Robert Pardo, Gent. 1777. 28 o Silvington R. (St. Michael.) Syn, and Prox. 6d. Terr. 3 6 8 geb. ad valor. 135. 4d. Thomas Hill, Eſq. 1696, 1758, 48 O Not 1768. DIOCESE OF HE REFORD. 387 NOT IN CHARGE. Aſhford Bowdler, (St. Andrew,) in co. Heref. Augmented. Jonathan Green, Clerk. 91. certified Value. Alhford Carbonell, in co. Salop, Chapel to Hereford Parva in Dec. Leominſter. Augmented, and is a Peculiar. 101. cer- tified Value. Ludford V. in co. Hereford, Chapel to Bromfield. It is a Perpetual Cur. John Kinchant, Eſq. Ill. certified Value. Hawford, in co. Salop, Chapel to Bromfield. St. Leonard's, in co. Salop, Chapel to Ludlow. D. Ponsbury, alias Pontesbury, in the Archdeaconry of SALOP. SHROPSHIRE. The Priory of Chirbury was returned by the Commiſſioners, after every Deduction, at the clear annual Value of 661. 85.7dot King's Books. 1. S. d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. MONTGOM. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenihs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 37 4 41 MONTGOMERY R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. I 14 51 250 0 Salop 11s, Salop 11s. Olim Cap. to Chirbury. The KING. SHROPSHIRE. 9 6 8 Chirbury V. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 11. 75. O 18 8 10d. Annual. penf. rec. de Mon. Chirbury gl. 6s. 8d. Mon. Chirbury, Propr. Mayor and Corporation of Shrewſbury. 6 13 4 Ford Church, (St. Michael,) exonerated. Prox. 6d. College 0 13 4 of Battlefield, Propr. John Ambler, Eſq. 17 13 4 Ponſbury iſt Portion. (St. George.) Vil. Epiſc. 55. 11d. Prox. 1 15 4 and Syn. 75. Edward Owen, Eſq. 1720. Trafford Barnſton, and his Wife, 1737, 1750. Sir Rich. Corbett, Bart, and others, 1764. Nicholas Owen Smyth, Eſq. 1783. D. d d 2 Ponſbury 398 SHROPSHIRE, DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. ! d. 8 10 0 -- King's Fooks. Pearly Tonths. ho d. 1. 17 13 4 Porſbury 2d Portion. (St. George.) Vil. Epiſc. 55. 11d. Prox. I 15 4 and Syn. 75. Edward Owen, Eſq. 1720, 1726. Trafford Barnſton, and his Wife, 1739. Sir Rich. Corbett, Bart. and others, 1764. Nicholas Owen Smyth, Eſq. O Ponſbury 3d Portion. (Sr. George.) Vil. Epiſc. 55. Iid. Prox. 0.17 and Syn. 75. Edward Owen, Eſq. 1720. Trafford Barn- ſton, and his Wife, 1738. Sir Richard Corbett, Bàrt. and others, 1763. Nicholas Owen Smyth, Eſq. 10 13 4 Powderbach, alias Pulverbach, R. (St. Edith.) Syn. 7s. 2d. I 14 Edward Owen, Eſq. 1720. Trafford Barnſton, and his Wife, 1739, 1744. Nicholas Owen Smyth, Eſq. 1783. 3 6 8 Ruthlonghope Church, alias Rathlinghope. (St. Margaret.) O 6 8 John Hawkins, Clerk. 6 Scrawarden, alias Shrawardine, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. O 19 3 Syn. Is. John Bromley, Eſq. 1710. Lord Montfort, 1747, 1758. Lord Clive, 1775, 1782. 13 9 41 Weitbury in Dextra Parte R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 1 6111 175. gd. Edward Owen, Eſq. 1720. Lætitia Mitton, Wi- dow, 1734. Nicholas Smyth, Efq. 1772. Nicholas Owen Smyth, Eſq. 81 Weſtbury in Siniſtra Parte R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods i 145. 4d. Edward Owen, Eſq. 1722. Trafford Barnſton, and his Wife, 1737, 1755. Nicholas Owen Smyth, Eſq. 1781, 1782. 28 14 7 Worting, alias Worthen, R. (All Saints.) Proxies 6s. 8d. 2 17 51 Synods is. Viſ. Epiſc. 175. gd. Daniel Nicholl, Eſq. 1725. Francis Leighton, Eſq. 1765. Charlotte and Frati. ces Leighton, Spinſters, 1732. John Gaſcoigne Fanſhaw, Eſq. 1784. 9 12 II I2 3 31 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 5 10 Clear 1 carly Value. King's Books 35 00 0 0 Alberbury V. (St. Michael.) Syn. Archidiac. 14. Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. decim. privat. & al. minut. decim. All Souls College, Oxford, Propr. and-Patr. 41 0 0 Cardeſton R. (St. Michael.) Abb. Wigmore 85. Syn. Archi. 3 O o diac. 6d. Sir Edward Leighton, Bart. 1700, 1730. Sir Charlton Leighton, Bart. 1775. Charlton Leighton, Eſq. 1776. 25 O O Haberley, alias Habberley, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Archidiac. 4 o 21 6d. John Mytton, Eſq. 1736, 1758. 5 Hanwood SHROPSHIRE. 30 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. 1. S. de 22 O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. Hanwood R. Synods Archidiac. 6d, Nicholas Biggs, Eſq. 3 1716. Lucy and Sarah Biggs, 1734. George Smyıh, Eſq. 1763, 1768. John Jones, Clerk, 1782. 40 0 Milbrace, alias Bracemeoll, V. (All Saints.) Proxies and Sy- 5 nods Archidiac. 7's. 4d. Terr. gleb. deciin. privat. & al. mi- nut. decim. Pri. Wigmore, Propr. Sir Francis Edwards, Bart. 1709, 1720. Lord Malpas, 1758. John Bather, Gent. 1778. Shelve R. (AH Saints.) Synods Archidiac. 6d. Robert More, 2 13 4 Eſq. 1720, 1764, 1775. 30 Oo Sutton R. near Salop. (St. John.) Proxies 6d. Bulkeley 3 Mackworth, Eſq. 1724. Henry Mackworth, Eſq. 1733, 1738. Herbert Mackworth, Eſq. 1.762. Thomas Hill, Eſq. 1775. Noel Hill, Eſq. 1782. 15 10 O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Longdon, (St. Ruthen,) in-co. Salop and D. Salop, is a Chapel to Ponſbury in this Dioceſe. Earl of Tankerville. 81. 1450 certified Value. Church Stoke Cur. (St. Nicholas,) co. Montgom. Prox. 6d. Pri. Chirbury, Propr. Wardens of Clunn Hoſpital, Patr. 101. certified Value. Forden Cur. co. Montgom. Pri. Chirbury, olim Propr. Prox. 6d. Grocers Company, Patr. 30h. certified Value. Hiffington Cur. co. Montgom. Pri. Chirbury, olim Propr. Prox. 6d. Michael Brickdale, Eſq. 86. certified Value. Sneade R. co. Montgom. Pri. Chirbury, olim Propr. Prox. 6d. William Morris, Eſq. fol. certified Value. Buttington, (All Saints,) co. Montgom. Chapel to Welſh Poole in Dioc. of St. Afaph. Prox. 6d. Vicar of Wellh Poole. lol. certified Value. Cructon, alias Crugion, Chapel to Alberbury. Thomas Eye ton, Eſq. Woolaſton, Chapel to Alberbury. Vicar of Albury. Wolſton Nyend, (All Saints,) Chapel to Worthin. D. Stot- 390 SHROPSHIRE. DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. 9. Stottersden, alias Scottesben, in the Archdeaconry of SALOP. d. I Ó 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. bo 1. 7 of Alton Botterel R. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 8d. O 14 15 Penf. Dom..Brewde 6s. 8d. Rectori Holgate 45. Sir George Norton, Knt. 1703. Earl of Bradford, 1745. William Pulteney, Eſq. Committee of the Eſtate of John Newport, Eſq. 1781. DI O o Chetton R. conſolidated with Deuxhill and Glaſey, 1760, (St. 1 2 Giles,) cum Cap. Lughton. Prox. 75. 8d. Vif. Epiſc. 1750 9d. Abb. Wigmore 10s. Syn. Archidiac. Is. Thomas Wild, Eſq. 1716, 1750. William Bromley, Eſq. 1757. Thomas Wild, Eſq. 1767. 5 12 31 Cleobury North R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. Archi- Syn. Archi- 011 diac. 6d. The Biſhop, 1743. Thonias Warter, Clerk, and his Wife, 1768. 5 19 2 Highley, alias Higley, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. Archidiac. Is. O FI II Syır. 25. Gleb. deciin. privat. & al minut. decim. Prie Wigmore, Propr. William Higgs, and Thomas Thomas, Gent. 1720. John Higgs, Clerk, 1738. Sir Richard Acton, Bart. 1756. John Fleming, Clerk, LL. D. 1777. 6 o a Niend Savage, alias Neen Savage, V. Abb. Wigmore 135. 4d. O 1:2 Prox. and Syn. 75. 8d. Gleb. decim. privat. & al. minut. decim. The KING. Abb. Wigmore, Propr. o Scure Church. Deſtructa. Prior. Haghmond, Propr. o 4 15 10 10 Stotterſden, alias Stotteſden, V *. (St. Mary.) Prox. 1OS. Syn. 25. Gleb. decim. privat. & al. diverf. minut. decim. Abb. Salop, Propr. Sir George Norton, Knt. 1705. Earl of Bradford, 1727, 1730, 1739. Counteſs of Montrath, 1 6 8 St. Tiracius Chap. Deſtructa. © 2 8 7 5 71 Whethill, alias Wheathill, R. (Holy Trinity.) Syn. Archi- 0 14 603 diac. 1S. Thomas Holland, Elq. and Mary Crump, Widow, 1714. Bernard Holland, Eſq. 1765. 120 O O 2 I II I o 1758. 1 * Farlow (St. Giles) is a Chapel to Stotterſden. 10l certified Value. 6 LIVINGS g SHROPSHIRE. 391 DIOCESE OF HERE FOR D. i 1. S. d. 35 Od O 39 0 O 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 38 0 o Billingſley R. (St. Mary..) Prox. Is. 8d. Syn. 6d. Earl of 4 13 4 Bradford, 1739. Sir Orlando Bridgman, and his Wife, 1754. William Pulteney, Eſq. Committee of John Newport, Eſq. 1777. 360o Burwarton R. (St. Laurence.) Syn. Archidiac. 6d. Francis 4 6 8 Walker, Eſq. 1719. Anne Holland, Widow, 1736. Ber- nard Holland, Eſq. 1765. Chelmarſh V. (St. Peter.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. Archidiac. 1S. 6 5 8 Sir John Seabright, Bart. 1763. Deuxhill, alias Denfill and Glaſey, R. conſolidated with Chatton. 4 12 31 Prior. Wenlock 8s. Prox. 6d. Thomas Wild, Eſq. 1713, 1767. 36 0 Ditton Priors V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Abb. Wenlock ios. 5 15 : Prox. 6s. 8d. Syn. 6d. Decim. privat. & al. diverſ. minut. Pri. Wenlock, Propr. Richard Young, Gent. 1704. John Rutter, Gent. 1743. Charles Holland, Gent. 1763. 40 o Hopton Creffet, alias Upton Creflet, R. (St. Michael.) Syn. 6d. 4 15 23 Edward Crefſet, Eſq. 1730, 1747. Elizabeth Creffet, Spin- fter, 1765. 45 00 o Kinlet V. (St. Peter.) Prox, and Syn. 75. 8d. Gleb. decim. 8 2 4 privat. & al. minut. decim. Pri. Wiginore, Propr. Thomas Child, Gent, 1695. William Lacon Child, Eſq. 1735. William Child, Eſq. 1781. 29 Middleton Scriven R. (St. John Baptift.) Syn. Archidiac. 6d. 4 6 8 Thomas Randolph, Merchant, 1716. John Baldwyn, Eſq. 1734, 1740. Thomas Rowley, Gent. 1776. 48 0 Neenton R. (All Saints.) Prox.-6s. 8d. Syn. 6d. Richard 5 3 67 Lyfter, Eſq. 1734, 1747. 45 Oldbury R. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. 6d. The KING. 5 0 0 70 44 o Sudbury, alias Sidbury, R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies 6s. 8d. 4 17 87 Syn. Archidiac. Is. The Univerſity of Cambridge, 1740. Edward Hale, Grocer, 1753, 1758. John Purcell, Clerk, 1770, 1771. 31 00 Taſhley, alias Talley, R. Thomas Acton, Eſq. 1733. Tho- 5 6 8 mas Welde, and Thomas Eyton, Eſqrs. 1743. John White, Gent. 1778. O O O Not 392 SHROPSHIRE, DIOCESE OF HERE FORD NOT IN CHARGE. Aſton Air Cur. Abby of Salop, Propr.. Ahley Abbots Cur. Abby of Salop, Propr. Sir Thomas. Whitmore. Minſterley, Cap. to Weſtbury. Lord Weymouth. Morvield Cur. College of Bridgnorth, Propr. Arthur Weavers, Impropriator. Rold, Chapel to Aſton Botterell, Deſtruct., Dioceſa [ 393 3 1 on Dioceſe of Lincoln. $. T For Tepths 4 91 2. "HE Biſhoprick, for Firſt Fruits. 828 For Tenths. 66 13 4 A Biſhoprick was firſt founded at Dorcheſter in O.sfordſhire, about the Year 635, which afterwards was removed to Sidnaceſter in Lyndſey, about the Year 678; afterwards theſe two Sees were united.; and the See removed to Lincoln, in the Year 1086. Vide Liber Regis in Offic. Primit. for the Manors, &c. appertaining to this See, temp. H. VIII. The Cathedral Church. (St. Mary and ALL SAINTS *.) The Commiſſioners returned the Dean and Chapter to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tithes, Penſions, and ather Profits, the clear annual Sum of 5751. 7s. 2d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. King's Books. Pearly Tentbiso d. 196 10 10 Deanry. The Great Tithes of Alborn, Cheſterfield, Manf. 19 13 1 field, South Leverton, and Claworth, made a part of the Pro- fits of this Deanry, temp. H. VIII. The KING. This Deanry was erected anno 1092. 8ool. per ann. 1. I. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church, are in the Gift of the Lord Bifhop of LINCOLN. 2 II 179 19 2 Archdeaconry of Lincoln. Vide Liber Regis. Richard, 17 19 II the firſt Archdeacon, 1992. 25 17 81 Archdeaconry of Stow, with the Preb. of Liddington in co. 91 Rutland, annexed. Vide Liber Regis. William of Thorney, the firſt Archdeacon of Stow, anno 1213. 54 1 51 Chancellorſhip, with the Prebend of Stoke in Nottinghamſhire, 5 8 1 annexed. Ereded anno 1092. Vide Liber Regis. * For an Account of the Foundation of the Cathedral of Lincoln, fee Dugd. Mon. Tom. III. p. 257. Еее Cuftos 394 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN d. 2 I 1 8 I O O O O I 15 2 Q 13 9 0 7 101 King's Books. King's Hearly Tentiis d. li 20 10 10 Cuftos Altaris St. Petria 4 1 3 Miliæ Quotidianæ. The Office of Hofpitaller to the Cathedral. 3 6 8 6 Precentorſhip, erected anno 1092, with the Preb., of Kildeſby, o 16 3 co. Northampton, annexed. Vide Liber Regis.. 6 17 6 The Office of Sacriſt. . 546 5 Six Dividends in the Church 54 12 6. 35 8 1 Subdeanry of Lincoln. Vide Liber Regis. Humphry was. 3. 10. 92 the firſt Subdean, anno 11.40. 4 I 2 IL Succentorſhip. 9 31 3 18 9 Vice Chancellorſhip. 129 12 11 Vicars Chorals 25. Vide Liber Regiš., 1:2 19. 3 The diſtinct Property of each of the Prebends in this Cathe- dral Church are minutely particularized in Libro. Regis in: Offic. Primit. o Aſgarby P. I 50 2 16 8 Bedford Minor P. 5 8 26 7 7 33 Brampton P. in co. Huntingd.. 8 17 7 6 Bugden, alias Buckden, P*. in co. Huntingdi. I 14 9 o Butcolph P. in Lincoln City.. 9 Carlton cum Dalby P. 5 10 Carlton cum Thurlby P. 4 9 41 Centum Solidorum P. 0811 19 14 Clifton Puf. in co. Nottingha 5 8 Corringham P* 8 4 Crack pool P. 6 18 9 Decem Librarum P. 13101 9 3 4 4 Dunholme, alias Dunham, P: 4 12 1:0 0 2 12 1 O 0 2 O I 12 18 17 10 O I 15 O ! 2 1. 19 38 16 3 17 8 4 IO 2 O O 18 * Bugden, alias Buckden, P.This Prebend was annexed to the See of Lincoln, by Act of Parlia- ment, 4th and 5th Anne, and the reſerved Rent was ſettled as an Augmentation of the Vicarage of Buckden, in D. Leightonſfone, in co. Huntinget: of Clifton P.—The Vicarage of Clifton, which is in Nottinghamſhire, in D. Newark, and there talled North Clifton, was augınented with an. Addition of 221, per annum, by Dr. Mapletoft Preben, dary thereof, Bifhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 337: This Prebend is charged with the Payment of a Fee FiHin Rent of 5!. per ann, to the Vicar of Chiſwick in the County of Middleſex, Corringham P.-is annexed to the Vicarage of Gainſburgh, in the Deanry of Corringham, by Act of Parliament 1-704. Banbury Prebend was formerly charged at 461. 6s. 82. Cropredie Prebend was formerly charged at 46'. The Corps of both in Oxfordſhire, but diſſolved ; and are now belonging to the Biſhop of Oxford. Sutton cum Buckingham P. formerly was charged at 123!. but diſſolved tempore Edward VI. and became . Lay Fee. Ni B. Thoſe with this Mark * before their Names, are of exempt Juriſdiction. 7 Farodon, DIOCESE OF 395 LINCOLN, 30 11 I I I 1'carly Tenths, 1, d. 3 I 7 41 4 0 14 4 0 8 8 O 6 O I noooo woo O II O I 2 0 2 O O I 1 I II 8 O Ο 1ο Ο ΙΟ 61 O II 0.14 9 o 19 O o 9 82 5 12 7.6 9 10 99990 o 1 King's Books. 1. d. 3 Farndon, alias Farendon, P. in co. Nottingh. 13 13 11 Leighton Bromeſwold Ecclefia P. in co. Hunting 3 4 St. Martin's in Lincoln P. 7 3 4 Norton Biſhop's P. 4 7 Omnium Sanctorum P. in Civitate Lincolna 3 o Sexaginta Solidorum P. South Scarle P. in co. Nottingh. 10 19 Stow P. in Lindſey. 4 * Spaldwick, alias St. Crucis, Pa 5 5 5 Welton Bekal P. 5 5 5 Welton Brinkal P. Welton Painſhall Po 7 7 6 Welton Rival P. Welton Weſthall, with Gorehall P. 4 17 Cantar' Johannis Collinſon. Thorngate P, N. B. Theſe. other Prebends are entered in their reſpective TO Counties and Archdeaconries, viz. Co. Bedford. Bedford Major P. Biggleſwade P. Leighton Boſſard P. . capital Co. Buckingh. Ayleſbury P. Heydor cum Walton P. Co. Huntingd. Stow Longa P. Co. Leiceſter. Leiceſter St. Margaret's P. Co. Lincoln. Caſtor P. Slafford, alias Sleaford, P. Lowthe P. North Kelſey P. Melton Roſs with Şcamblesby P. Sutton in Mariſco P. Co. Northampt. Gretton P. Kildesby P. Marſton P. Naflington P. Co. Rutland. Empingham P. Ketton P. Liddington P. Co. Oxford. Langford Eccl. P. Langford Manor P. Milton Eccl. P. Milton Manor P. with Binbrook P; annexed. Eee 2 MET i تارة The 390 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. The Dean is elected by the Chapter upon the King's Letters re- commendatory; and, upon the Election being certified to the Biſhop, he is inſtituted into the Office of Dean, and collated to ſome vacant Prebend to entitle him to be a Reſidentiary. The Præcentor, Chancellor, and Subdean, are under the Patronage of the Biſhop, and by him collated to their ſeveral Dignities; to the Præcentorſhip and Chancellorſhip there are Prebends annexed ; and when the Subdean is collated, if he is not already a Prebendary, the Biſhop confers upon him a vacant Prebend, and by the Statutes of the Church the above Dignitaries being Prebendaries are of courſe Reſiden ciaries. The Reſid. 3501. per ann. each. D. Allacko, in the Archdeaconry of Stow. d. 1. 1. 19 100 O I 18 O 0 2.2 LINCOLNSH. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 1971 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons Proprietors, &c. di o Bliburgh R. (St.. Alkmond.). Prox: Epiſc. 75, 6d. The KING. o. Fillingham R., (St. Andrew.)- "Prox-and-Syn.: tos. Pent. 4. 2 Cantariftæ de Newarke il. Eccleſiæ de Cameringhám los.. Baliol College, Oxforda 4. Oumby, alias Dunby, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. and 9 18 4 Syn. 1os. Penſ. Pri. de Spalding 6s. 8d. pro decim. ibidem parcel. prat. pro repa. ecclef. The KING, as Duke of Lan- caſter. o Spridlington R. (St. Hilary.) Prox. and Syn. 105. Peñf. Epiſc. 1. 3. 0. Lincoln. 35. 4d. Mon.. Bullington 1:35. 4d. Ecclefiæ Lin- coln. 105. Thomas Sherbrooke, Gent. 1671. Mary Mead, Widow, 1723, 1766. 701. certified Value... 29 6.8. Wadingham St. Peter and St. Mary united R* Próxies' and '2 18 8 Synods 1os. The KING. 3 1.10 O Q II IO 2:15 O O * Wadingham St. Mary Romin the Liber. Regis, is in the Deanry of Manlake. LIVINGS LINCOLNSH. 397 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN S. l. d. 28 10 3, 16. 8 . 1:2 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 30 0o Cainby, R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 6s. 8d. Ed. 4 13 4 ward Tournay, Eſq. 17.12. Laurence Monck, Eſq 1774. O Cameringham V*, (St. Michael.)! Synods 25. 7d. Prox. 5 4 4 2 Epiſc. a Rect. 55. a Vic. is. 9d. Pri. Hilton in co. Stafford, Propr. Helena Tyrwhit, Widow, 1705. Lord Godolphin, and his Wife, 1.730. Lord Robert Spencer, 1773. 13 2: 6 Cotes, alias. Coates, V. (St. Edith.). Proxies and Synods 1os. Abby of Welbeck, "Propr. Douglaſs Butler, 1605. Sir John Ramſden: "Held- by Sequeſtration. 31 13 4 * Glentham V. (St. Peter.) Prox, Syn. & Juriſd: 1:35. 4d. 8 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 49 17 8 Glentworth V. (St. Michael,) cum Spittal Chap. (St. Nicholas.) 7.17 6 Synods 25.6dProx. Epiſc. a Rect. 55. a Vic. 15. 9d. Abb. Newſome, Propr. Lady Elizabeth Saunderfon, Widow, 1696. Sir Thomas Saunderſon, 1729. Earl of Scarbrough, 1765. Hackthorne V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. a Rect. 45. 6d. 4 a Vic. Is. 6d. Penf. 55. Mon. Bolington, Propr. Lord Caſtletor, 1631, 1632. Earl of Scarbrough. The KING, by Lapſe, 17733 38 12 0 Hanworth, alias Cold Hanworth, R. (All Saints.) Proxies and 5.10 . Synods 1os. Francis Grantham, Eſq. and Anne his Wife, 1688. Robert Craycroft , Esq. 1725. Rebecca Craycroft, Widow, 177700090 ein 13. O o Ingham V. Prox. Epifc. a Rect. 45. a Vic. 35. Mon. Boling. 6.13 4i ton, Propr. Brian Nevile, 1675. The Biſhop, 1730. Chriſtopher Nevile, Efq. 1773. 13 3 8. Firſby R. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc.:35. Duke of Newcaſtle, 6.13 4 1719. Mr. Marriot. Held by Sequeſtration. 7 2 Normanby V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. a Rect: 5 0 5 0 0 35. 4d. a Vic. 28. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. * Norton Biſhop's V. (St. Peter) Terr. quæd. in pios. uſ. 9 Prebendary thereof, in the Church of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 30 o Saxby R. (St. Helenu) Proxies and Synods gs.- 3d. Penl. 74 Pri. Sanétæ Catherinæ. Il. 6s. 8d. Lord Caſtleton, 1681. 4 o o 1 O II 37 10 O I * Cameringham.---Pri. Hilton in Staffordſh. Propr. Mon. vol. I. p. 942, 5 Sir 398 LINCOLNSH DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. 1. d. Clear 1 carly Valuc. King's Books, lo d. Sir Michael Wharton, Knt. 1705. Sir Thomas Sanderſon, 1730. Earl of Scarbrough, 1779, 8 5 o Willoughton, alias Willerton, V. (St. Andrew.). Two Medie- 742 ties. Proxies and Synods 25. 6d. Priory of St. Andrew, Northamp. was Propr. to one Moiety of the Rectory, and the Knights Templars to the other Moiety. King's College, Cambridge. The KING, by Lapſe, 1768, CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Harpfwell Cur. (St. Chadd.) Pri. Lowthpark, Propr. Prox, Epiſc. 55. 6d. Penf. 55. Sir Chriſtopher Whitchcot. iil. gs. clear Value. Hemſwell Cur. (All Saints.) City of Lincoln, Patr. Penſ. 25. 177. 35. 6d. clear Value. This was formerly a Rectory valued at 271. 135: 4d. Prox. and Syn. 1os. Vid. Liber Regis in Offic. Primitiarum. Snitterby, ($t. Nicholas,) Chapel to Wadingham St. Peter and St. Mary. Not certified. D. Aveland, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Sempringham, in this Deanry, was returned by the Coinmiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, yearly 3177. 145. id. The Monaſtery of Bourne was likewiſe, returned at 1671. 1.45. td 1 For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGE REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenibs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. S. d. I 5 of 12 10 71 Allackby V. (St. James.) Synods and Proxies ios. 2d. Pro manſ. 35, 4d. pro cæmet. 8d. pro decim. garb. in Awthorpe il. 6s. 8d. decim. Ian. agn. lac. &c. Pri Sti Johannis Jeruſa. lem, Propr. Jo. Garland, 1702. Daniel Douglaſs, Gent. 1721, Michael Barſtow, Gent. 17:52. l*-- Pisos Dowelby LINCOLNSH. 309 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. 1 3 II 21 12 5 2 2 II King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. If 19 2 Doweſby R. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Manf. cum terr. 165. &c. Thomas Burrell, Eſq. 1727. William Pochin, Eſq. 1761. Thomas Foſter, Clerk, 1773. 12.14 7 Duneſby R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies ios, 2d. Manf. I 5 5 cum terr. 155. &c. The Governors of the Charter Houſe, London. 31 FOLKINGHAM R. (St. Andrew,) with Loughton V. deſtruct. 2 3 24 unitedManf. cum terr. 135. 4d. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 38. 4d. Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Richard Wynne, Eſq. 1720, 1779 Hareby, alias Haceby, R. Synods and Proxies 105. 2d. Pro O 10 31 manf. cum terr. pertin. il. 6s. 8d. &c. William Baſeley, Gent. 1704. William Burnel, Eſq. p. h. v. 1721. Savile Cuſt, 1743. William Welby, Eſq. p. h. V. 1773, 721. 8's. 5d. certified Value. 3 4. Kirkby Underwood R. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Synods and O 12 4 Proxies 10s. -2d. Val. in manf. cum terr. pertin. 155. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 125. 4d.. Biſhop of Lincoln. 671. 18s. 6d. cer- tified Value. 10 0 0 Newton R. (St. Botolph.) Synods and. Proxies 109. 2d. Pepſ. 100 Pri. Sti Andr. in Northampt. 6s. 8d. Manf.cum terr. 1l. 6s. 8d. &c. Anne Midiemore, Widow, 1690. Richard Wynne, Efq. 1721. Will. Brown, and Dan. Douglas, 1781. Wilt Welby, 1784. 65l 1.35. &d. certified:Value. 11 12 31 Pickworth R. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. 3 2 Manf. cum terr. 135. 4d.&c. William Moor, 1605. Faith Heneage, Widow, 1703. William Cartes, Eſq. p. h..8. 1721.. Robert Carter Thelwall, Clerk, 1775- 1:4 7 1 ; (Repingale two Parts R. (St. Andrew.). Synods and Proxies i 8 8. 6s. 8di Pro manf. cum terr. pertiņ.. 10F.. decim. &c. Sir John Brownlow, Bart. 1660. Sir Gilbert Heathcote; Bart. 1765. 7 39 Repingale 3d Part R.. (St. Andrew.) Syn.and Prox. 35. 2di 0 14 41 Pro manf. 55. &c. Sir John Brownlow, Bart. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. 1765. 7 I Swaton V. (St. Michael,) with Spanby R. (St. Nicholas.) 1 4 8 Synods and Proxies 1.os. 2d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. il. decim. lan. agn. canab. lin.. &c. Penſ. Epiſc. zs. Mon. Barlings, Propr. Samuel Heyrick, 1702. John Maſon, Clerk, 1729. Mary Ducros, Widow, 1.744. Jerome Knapp, Eſq, 1777: I 3 Conſolidated in 1725. 3:2 LIVINGS . 4CO LINCOLNSK. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, ! i 1. d. 30 12 0 N LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. d. 30 Billingburgh V. (St. Andrew.) Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 6. I 8 6s. 8d. pro deciin, lan. agn. lin. porc. &c. Prox. Epiſc. a Rect. 35. od. a Vic. Is. 84. 1 prat. pro repar. ecclef. Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Vere Booth, Samuel Rolle, and Hugo Fortelcue, 1702. Lord Forteſcue, 1752. Bourne V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Stipend. Vicario 81. 8 Prox. Epiſc. a Kect, 8s. 8d. a Vic. Is. 8d. Mon. Bourne, Propr. The KING, 1727. Thomas Trollope Browne, Efq. 1756, 1763. 25 29 9 Demeſby, alias Dembleby, alias Demelby, R. (St. Lucia.) 6 11 8 Synods and Proxies 6s. Id. Pro manſ. 35. 4d. &c. Richard Pell, Eſq. 1670. Henry Pell, Eſq. 1721. worth, Eſq. and others, 1731. Everard Buckworth, LL.D. 1780. 29 15 • Haconby V. (St. Andrew,) united to Morton in 1732. Pro 5.17 6 terr. & ten. ibidem per ann. gl. 35. gd. denar. ſol. Il. 35. Prior. de Sempringham 95. 4d. Epiſc. 15. 8d. • &c. Prox. Epiſc. a Rect. 45. a Vic. 2s. id. Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 300 o Horbling V. (St. Andrew.) Pro manf. cum térr. pertin. 1os. 6 10 0 decim. Iac. pull. agn. lan. cum major. decim. &c. Prox. Epifc. a Rect. 8.s. iod. a Vic. 25. Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln., 22 19 7 Morton V. (St. John Baptift,) united to Haconby in 1732. 9 I 101 Pro manſ. 75. 6d. decim. agn. lan. lin. capab. porc. anc. &c. Prox. Epiſc. a Rect. 6s. 8d. a Vic. 15. 8d. Mon. Bourne, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 6 8 Oſburnby, alias Ofbornby, alias Oſburnbury, V. (St. Peter 7 o 5 and St. Paul.) Pro manſ. cum terr. pertin. Il. decim. gran. fæn. Ian. agn. &c. Prox. Epiſc. a Rect. 35. 4d. a Vic. 25. Mon. Kyme, Propr. Sir Charles Buck, Bart. 1720, 1763. Anne Iſted, Widow, p. i. 1784. 34 18 8 Scot Willowby, alias Water Willoughby, R. (St. Andrew.) 7 1 3 Synods and Proxies 6s. id. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 135." 4d. &c. Sir John Brownlow, 1668. Lord Tyrconnell, 1720. Lord Tyrconnell, 1740. o Sempringham V. (Si. Andrew,) cum Poynton Capell . Pro 2 15 8 maní, cum cæmet. 25. 4d. penſ. rec. Prior. de Sempringham 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 60. Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln, 1704. Charles Bates, 1706. Held by Sequeſtration. Threckingham 21 1 22 10 LINCOLNSH. 401 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. d. lo s. de Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, I. 28 Jo o Threckingham V. (St. Peter,) with Stow. Syn. and Prox. 6 8 9 105. 2d. Pro manſ. 35. 4d. penſ. de Magiſtro de Burton La. zars 2l. 135. 4d. decim. agn. lan. porc. &c. Hoſp. Lazars Burton in Leiceſt. Propr. Richard Wynne, Eſq. 1675, 1703. Riccardo Gulielmo Gaſparo Melchior Baltazaro Wyune, 1752. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1759. NOT IN CHARGE. 3 10 o Walcote, alias Walcot, Curacy. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epifc. 35. 2do Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. 1784 Chapéus, Donatives, AND CURACIES. Stainfield, Chapel to Haconby. No Chapel. Briggend, Chapel to Horbling. Olim parv. priorat. ad van lor. al. 15. nidil Harmthorp, Chapel to Morton. No Chapela Burthorp, Chapel to Sempringham. 9. Awardhurn, with Lafford, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN The Monaſtery of Kyme, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali. ties, the clear annual Sum of 101l. os. 4d. The Monaſtery of Haverholme was likewiſe returned at 701 155. 100 l Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. LIVING 402 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. S. d. I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbisa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 10 14 41 Algarby R. (St. Andrew,) united to Kirkby St. Dennis in 1737. II I 55 Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Penſ. Pri. de Kyme 25. Pro manſ. cum gleba 135. 4d. pro cæmet. 6d. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter, 1682. Iſaac Carr, and Il. Carr Fox, 1687. Earl of Briſtol. 781. 8s. 5d. certified Value. 12 4 7 Aſwarby R. (St. Dennis.) Synods and Proxies jos. 2d. Penf. 1 4 57 Abb. Bardney 16s. Pro manf. & terr. il. pro cæmet. 4d. &c. Carr Harvey, Eſq. 1714. Sir Francis Whichcote, Bart. 1748. Sir Chriſtopher Whichcote, 1777. 6 o 71 Awnſby R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. O 12 o en Penſ. Pri. de Kyme 175. 4d. Pro manf. cum gleba 135. 4d. &c. Sir Jo. Newton, Bart. 1711. William Julian, Eſq. 1721. Suſanna Archer, Widow; 1753. Michael Newton, Eſq. 1778. 591. 165. certified Value. 9 9 41 Bloxham, alias Bloxholm, R. (St. Mary,) with Digby, united 0 18 11 in 1717. Syn. and Prox. 105. 2d. Pro manf. cum terr. per- tin. 35. 4d. decim. &c. Cyprian Thornton, Eſq. 1691. Duke of Rutland, 1739. Lord Robert Manners, 1782. 641, 18s. 6d. certified Value. 7 12 81 Burton Huſey, alias Pedwarden, V. (St. Andrew.) Synods 0 15 34 and Proxies 25. 8d. Pro manf. cum terr. 24. 135. 4d. pro cemet. 8d. decim. fæn. agn. &c. Coll. de Freſton, Propr. William Sedgwick, Merchant, 1717, 1732. Thomas Orby Hunter, Eſq. 1744. 9 8 ] Evedon, alias Eavden, R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies O 18 9 Ios. 2d. Penſ. Pri. Kyme il, Preb. Nov. Lafford 35. 4d. Pri. Spalding 8s. Manf. cum terr. il. decim. &c. Dr. Berry, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1702. Sir John Eyles, and others, 1723. The Duke of Marl. borough, 1741. Lord Robert Spencer, 1777. 0 Howell Ř. (St. Oſwald.) Synods and Proxies 105. 2d. Manſ. I 7 0 cum terr. il. 6s. 8d. pro cæmet. 4d. &c. Jof. Edmonds, Eſq. 1713. Thomas Walker, p. h. v. 1740. William Hol- land, Clerk, admitted on his Petition, 1780. 6 101 Ingoldſby R. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. 2 83 Penſ. Abb. Crowland 6s. 8d. Manf. cum terr. Il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Chriſt's College, Cambridge, Patr. 13 10 21 2 Kirkby LINCOLNSH. 403 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1 Yearly Tenths, 1. d. O 10 71 O 8 72 oo o 9 I 31 35. 2d. I 6 3* King's Books. 1. d. 5 6 3 Kirkby Dennis Med. R. (St. Dennis,) united to Aſgarby in 1737. Syn, and Prox. 55. id. Pro manf. cum gleba il. de- cim. &c. Sir Robert Carr, 1681. Earl of Briſtol. 6 3 Kirkby Dennis altera Med. R. (St. Dennis.) Synods and Proxies 2s. id. Omn. decim. 6s. 8d. pro repar. eccleſ. è terr. domn. baro. Widrington. Sir Robert Carr, 1681. Earl of Briſtol. United to Aſgarby in 1737; 4 10 Lafford Vetus, alias Old Sleaford, V. (St. Giles.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. Penf. Pri. de Haverholme 21. Pro gran. & fæn. pro agn. lan. &c. il. 10s. per ann. pro repar. ec. clel. Mon. Haverholme, Propr. Earl of Briſtol. 11 19 7 Lafford Nova P. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. Lincoln. 21. 18s. Id. Vicar. Choral. 21. Diacono, Subdiacono, & Choriſtis Redd. 4d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. Il. 135. 4d. pro fæn. garb. agn. lan. &c. Bilhop of Lincoln. 13 2 83 Leſfingham South R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and Prox. 55. id. il. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. pro gleb. & paſtur. 1os. &c. Elizabeth Drake, and Thomas Herſon, 1709. 691. 155. od. Ž 'certified Value. United in 1726 with 10 15 5 Leffingham North R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods and Proxies 55. id. Penſ. Pri. de Shelford il. 35. 4d. altera Penf. 135. 4d. Pro manſ. cum terr. & paftur. 105. &c. Sir John Tho- rold, Bart. 1694. Thomas Drake, Clerk, 1720. Mundy Muſters, Eſq. and others, 1754. Friſkney Gunniſs, Gent. p. h. v. 1784. 531. 115. 8d. į certified Value. 9 2 31 Quarrington R. (St. Botolph.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. Penf. Preb. Sleford il. 6s. 8d. Manf. cum terr. 85. 8d. de- cim. &c. Elizabeth Carr, Widow, 1691. Earl of Briſtol, 1725, 1772. 651. certified Value. 14 8 11 Silke Willoughby R. (St. Dennis.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. Lincoln. Ios. Penf. Abb. Bardney Manf. cum terr. & cæmet. 135. 8d. &c. Rob. Sher- wyn, Eſq. 1717. Thomas Carter, Eſq. 1753. Lord William Manners, 1760. I 161 O 14 2 I 8 g 1os. 0 27, 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Ckar Yearly Value. King's Books. Anwick V. (St. Edith,) united to Brauncewell in 1718. Sy- 5 3 11 nods 25. 8d. Pro manſ. cum terr. Il. pro comet. Is. pro le Turff, & Thak 6s. 8d. pro fæn. agn. lan. &c. Mon. Haver- holme, Propr. Mrs. Gardiner, and the Earl of Briſtol, by Turns. Earl of Briſtol, 1760. Fff 2 Afhby 404 LINCOLNSIZ DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. d Clear Yearly value. King's Booksa . be II. lo 16 19 10 Aſhby, de la Land V. (St. Hybald.) Syn. 25. 8d. Pro manſ. 6 8 4 cum terr. Il. 35. 4d. pro lac. lan. agn. porc. anc. &c. Præ. ceptor de Temple Brewer, Propr. Edward King, Eſq. 1680. Richard King, Gent. 1731. 22 5 5 o Brauncewell R. (All Saints,) with Dunſby R. (St. Andrew,) 9.18 11 united to Anwick in 1718. Syn. and Prox. 125. 10d. Pen. I'ri. Cailey 25. Pro manf. cum ten. pertin. 1os. &c. Earl of Briſtol and Mrs. Gardiner, by Turns. Jane Hazlewood and Richard Moore, p.. h. v. 1769. 3 oo Cranwell V. (St. Andrew,) with Rauceby V. Prox. Epiſc. 1.5. iod. i Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Margaret Thorold, Widow, 1729. Biſhop of Lincoln, 1744. Sir John Tho- rold, Bart. 1771. 24 17 o Digby V. (St. Thomas Becket,) united to Bloxham in 1717 5 2 11 Syn. and Prox. 2s. 8d. Pro manf. cum cæmet. 35. 4d. pro fæn. agn. lan. lin. canab. &c. il. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Mon. Catley, Propr. John Lord Hervey, Baron of Ickworth, 1703. Duke of Rutland, 173.9. Lord Robert Manners, 1782. đó 18 10 Dirrington V.. (St. James,) with Shefford. Syn. and Prox. 55. 6. 3. 2 id. Pro manf. cuin terr. 135. 4d. pro-lac, pulk vitui. agr. lan. fæn. çanab. &c. 11. 10s. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Mon. Haverholme, Propr. Eliz. Oldfield, Widow, 1686. Sir John Heathcote, Bart. 1737 Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. 1772: $8 2 O O 37 10 O 21 Everby, alias Ewerby, alias Iwarby, alias Urby, V. (St. An. 6 10 10 70 drew.) Pro manf. cum cemet. 55. 4d. pro oblat. & obit. pro porc. anc, gall. &c. Prox, Epifc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. is. penf. 135. 4d. Mon. Kyme, Propr. Richard Rothwell, Bart. 1.669. The KING. 41 Hale Magna, alias Hole, V. (St. John. Baptiſt.) Synods and 8.6 o 9? Prox. 25. 8d. Pro manſ..cum terr. ļos. pro oblat. pro gall. canab. porc. anc. &c. The KING. Mon. Bardney, Propr. 28 II 0 Hekington V. (St. Andrew.) Decano Eccleſiæ Lincoln. 1os. 12 16 3 Pro manf. cum terr: pertin. 10s. pro oblat. pro ov..porc: anc. lin.canab. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Reci. 6s. 3d...pro Vic. 25. Id. Penf. 61. 1:35. 4d. Mon. Bardney, Propr. Henry Heron, Eſq. 1717. Francis Fane, Eſq. 1741, Patrick Heron, Eſq. 1783, p. i. 23:0 0 0 Helpringham V. (St.. Andrew.). Syn. and Prox. 25, 8d. Pro 8 3.4 manſ. cum terr. & cæmet. 145. pro oblat. cum le Waxſhot pro lan. agn. canab. lin. &c. Mon. Bourne, Propr... An- thony Truelove, Eſq. 1672. The KING, by Lapſe, 1769.. Llizabeth Lomox, p. i, 1784, Reſtington LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 1. de O 12 18 40 O O 29 16 73 Rowſton, alias Rouitortyod. Pro manf. cum cæmet. 4.5. 6d. d. Qullton, V. (St. Clement.) Sy- 6 6 2 Clear 1 early Value, King's Books, d. 46 2 11 Reſtington altera Med. alias Ruſkington, R. (All Saints.) Manf. 8 terr. cæmet. &c. dimiff. ad firm. Prox. Epifc. 45. 2d. Pro repar. eccleſ. il. per ann. William Yorke, Eſq. 1707. John Peart, Gent. 1738. George Ireton, Eſq. 1781. o Reſtington, alias Ruſkington, V. (All Saints.) Pro oblat. ibid. 317 31 per ann. Il. 8d. pro lac. canab. lin. porc. fæn. cer. mel. &c. The KING. Mon. Haverholme, Propr. 15 7 o Rowſby, alias Rauceby, V. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 5 1 0} 55. id. Pro manf. cum gleb. 55. 4d. pro cæmet. 6d. pro fæn. canab. lin. &c. Pri. Shelford in Nottingh. Propr. Sir Jo. Thorold, Bart. 1686, 1771. nods and Prosies ios. pro frument. 135. 4d. pro fæn. agn. Jan. &c. Præceptor de Temple Brewer, Propr. Sir Thomas Hodgſon, 1687. Mi- licent Neate, Spinſter, 1760. Elizabeth Wife of Charles Colby, 1770: 1:6 0 * Scredington V. (St. Andrew.) Pro manf. cum cæmet: 45. pro 6.15 4 penſ. de Rector. ibidem il. 6s. 8d. pro decim. agn. lan. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 25 10 0 * SLEFORD Nova, alias LAFFORD, V. (St. Dennis.) Pro 8 0 0 inaní. cum terr. pertin. 11s. 8d. pro decim. fæn. porc. anc. gall. ov. &c. Prebend, ibidem Propr. John Lord Hervey, Baron of Ickworth, 1703.: Earl of Briſtol, as Lefſee under the Prebendary. ZI 11 10 Swarby V. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Pro manf. cum cæmet. 6 o 35. 8d. penf. rec. prior. de Kyme 2l. 175. pro lac. agn. lan. porc. &c. Prox. Epiſc. à Rect. 35. 44. à Vic. 25. Id. Mon. Kyme, Propr. Sir Francis Whichcot, Bart. 1731. Held by Sequeſtration. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. South Kyme Curacy. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 105. od.. Olim Priorat. Sir Edward Dymocke, 1605. Duke of New caſtle. Iob. clear Value.. D. Beltidata. 406 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. D. Beitillaw, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of St. Mary de Valle Dei, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners at 1241. 55. 11d. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Liber Regis. 1. d. d. 8 17 O O 8 17 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. 6 Ballingthorpe V. (St. Thomas Becket,) with Weſtby. Synods 0 17 9 25. 8d. Pro manſ. & terr. 55. pro oblat. temp. pafch. de- cim. garb. fæn. agn. lan. porc. &c. Mon. Stixwould, Propr. Duke of Kingſton, 1748. 531. 155. certified Value. 4 8 4 Bitham Parva R. (St. Medardus.) Pro manſ. cum terr. pertin. o 8 10 65. 8d. &c. Syn. and Prox. 1os. 2d. Penf. Rect. de Careby il. With Bitham Magna, alias Caſtle Bitham, united in 1738. Biſhop of Lincoln, and Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, alter- nately. The Biſhop preſented 1759. 65l. certified Value. 16 13 31 Burton Coggles R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Syn. and Prox. l'os. I 13 2 180 2d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 21. &c. The KING. I Careby R. (St. Stephen.) Syn. and Prox. 1os. 2d. Penſ. 0 17 81 Mon. de Petriburg: 75. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 125. &c. Thomas Hatcher, Eſq. 1689. John Beſton, Clerk, 1718. Charles Snow, Gent. 1732. Samuel Reynardſon, Eſq. 1752 14 10 o Colfterworth, alias Coltelworth, R. (St. John Baptift.) Syn. I 90 and Prox. 1os. 2d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 1os. 4d. &c. 3 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Prebendary of South Grantham, in the Church of Saliſbury. 4 4 2 Gumby, alias Gunby, R. (St. Nicholas,) united to Stainbyo 8 5 in 1773. Syn. and Prox. 10s. 2d. Pro manſ. cum terr. per- tin. 8s. &c. 18s. per ann. pro repar. ecclef. Earl of Harbo. rough, 1771. 551. 105. 5). certified Value. 13 13 9 Irnham R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies and Synods 10s. 2d. Pro 7 41 manf. cum terr. pertin. 1l. 2s. &c. Elizabeth Thimbleby, Widow, 1683. The Biſhop, p. h. v. 1722. Richard Pil- kington, Eſq. 1747, 1762. 14 7 1 Lavington, alias Lenton, (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. à Rect. 6s. I 8 81 2d. à Vic. Is. 8d. Pro manſ. 35. 4d. pro oblat. pro decim. agn. lan. lin. canab. &c. decim. fæn. in Hambeke & Falkingham, & decim. garb. & fæn. apud Kyſby. Mon. Stixwould, Propr. I I Lady LINCOLNSH. 407 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. b. So King's Books, Yearly Tenths, l. S. d. Lady Bellafis, 1686. Robert Walpole, Eſq. and others, 1683. Thomas Wentworth, Eſq. 1721. Sir Gilbert Heath- cote, Bart. 1764, 1774. 6 19 2 North Witham R. (St. Mary) Synods and Pșox. 10s. 2d. 0 13 11 Penſ. Abb. Wollten in Leiceſter. 21. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 10s. &c. Lord Viſcount Downe, 1717. Honoura- ble Chriſtopher Dawney, 1745, 1775. 6 6 8 Stemby, alias Stevenby, alias Stainby, R. (St. Peter.) Pro O 12 8 manſ. cum terr. pertin. il. 45. &c. Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. United to Gumby, alias Gunby, in 1773. The KING, 1717. Bennet Lord Sherrard, 1700. Thomas Noel, Eſq. in Truſt, 1754. Earl of Harborough. 681. 165. 2d. certi- fied Value. 9 5 0 Stoke ex Parte Auſtrali R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies O 18 64 55. id. Pení. Prebendar. de Grantham ros. United to North Stoke in 1776. Pro manſ. cum terr. pertin. 1os. &c. Pre- bendary of South Grantham, in the Church of Sarum. 557. certified Value. Stoke ex Parte Boreali R. (St. Andrew.) Syn, and Prox. 10s. O 19 0 2d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 1os. &c. The KING, by Lapſe, 1697. Prebendary of South Grantham, in the Church of Sarum. 551. certified Value. Swafield R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 10s. 2d. 2 31 Penf. Pri. Thurgarton in Nottinghamſh. 135. 43. Pro manſ. cum terr. pertin. 135. 43. &c. The KING. 6 1 01 Witham ſuper Montem V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. & Prox. Ios. 1 h 2d. Pro repar. ecclef. 1l. 6s. per ann. pro manf. cum cæmet. 175. 2d. decim. foen. garb. agn. lan. &c. Pri. Bridlington in com. Ebor. Propr. William Johnſon, Eſq. 1708, 1728. George William Johnſon, 1772. 581. 115. rod. certified Value. 9 10 II 2 II I 2 2 IOO 0 0 o 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 5 II Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 30 6 1š Bilchfield, alias Bitchfield, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pro manf. 51 cum terr. pertin. 65.8d. pení. rec. abb. de Burne annuat. 21. decim. lac. vitul. pul. agn. lan. lin. canab. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 11d. į Mon. Bourne, Propr. Bilhop of Lincoln. 29 6 o Caſtlebitham V. (St. James,) cuni Halliwell, alias Holwell 7 13 6 and Awnby. Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. United to Bi- tham Parva. Pro manſ. cum terr. pertin. 6s. 8d. decim. fon, agn. lan. ap, mel. &c. cum decim. molend. de Holly- well. 403 LINCOLNSH DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 1 1. 2 O O Clcar Wcurl, l'alue. King's Books. 1. s. d. S. d. well. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Patr. alternately with the Biſhop 32 3 81 CORBY V. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 2d. 5 12 1] Pro manſ. 35. 4d. pro oblat. & pro decim. agn, lan. lac. &c. Mon. Stainford, Propr. Jo. Thimbleby, Eſq. 1680. John Breton, Clerk, this Turn, 1708. Richard Pilkington, Eſq. 1747 35 7 Creton, alias Crecton, R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 2 d. 4 15 10 70 Pro manf. cum rerr. pertin. 1os. decim. &c. The KING. 24 16 111 * Skillington V. (St. James.) Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 85. 4 19 41 un. clauf. 55. pro lan. agn. porc. anc. gall. lin. canab. ov. & in pecun. numerat. pro Stook annuat. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1776. 23 5 8 Swineſted V. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. Penſ. 6 19 7 Mon. Drax. il. Val. in manſ. cum terr. pertin. 135. 4d. decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn, porc. anc. &c. Pri. Drax. Ebor. Propr. Lord Lindſey, 1681. Duke of Ancaſter. The KING, 1745, 1771. 48 18 6 Witham South R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies and Synods ios. 3 12 11 2d. Penſ. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem 135.4d. Pro manſ. & terr. pertin, 6s. 8d. &c. 35. 4d. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Una med. ejuſdem appr. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem. Sarah Whiting, Widow, 1708. Dorothy Whiting, Widow, 1776. Chapels, Donatives, AND CURACIES, Hawthorp, Chapel to Irnham. Bulby, Chapel to Irnham. Ednam Curacy (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 73. 6d. Duke of Ancaſter, Patr. Abbey of Vaudrey, in this Pariſh, Propri' Eaſton, Chapel to Stoke Auſtral.' D. Bolingbroke, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Reveſby, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the net annual Sum of 2877. 25. 40. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 5 LIVINGS LINCOLNSH. 409 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Vzarly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 16 17 II Halton Holgate, alias Halgarth, R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies I 13 93 and Synods 85. iod. Omn. decim. Marquiſs of Lindſey, 1711. Sir Peter Burrell, and Lady Willoughby of Eresby, 1779. 711. 175. 2 d. certified Value. 3 Stickney R. (St. Luke.) Proxies and Synods 85. rod. Pens. Pri. Spalding 21. Omn. decim. Edward Scholfield, 1730. Robert Loxham, Clerk, 1749. 60l. certified Value. - I 8 Weſterkele, alias Weſt Keal, R. (St. Helen.) Prox. and Syn. 2 © 2 8s. rod. Richard Jackſon, and his Wife, 1698. Nicholas Sugar de Civ. Ebor. Gen. 1727. Bernard Wilſon, D. D. 1760. 751. certified Value. 13 II I 7 1 20 2 I Proxies >17 1 II LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 45 6 BOLINGBROKE R. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) united to Hareby in 9 19 1739. Proxies and Synods 85. 10d. Penſ. Pri. Spalding 31.- 6s. Bd. Jo. Bryan, Eſq. 1703. Thomas Francis, p. h. v. 1739. Dr. John Warren, Biſhop of St. David's, and Eliza- beth his Wife, 1782. Efterkele, alias Eaſt Keal South, R. Proxies and Synods 45. 5d. Penſ. Pri. Spalding il. 6s. 8d. John Haſtings, Gent. 1698. Robert Haſtings, Clerk, 1783. Joſeph Bracken- bury, Eſq. p. i. 1784. United in 1752 to *44 3 45 3 잃 ​Efterkele, alias Eaſt Keal North, R. (St. Helen.) (St. Helen.) Proxies and Syn. 45. 5d. The KING, by Lapſe, 1709. The Bi. ſhop, by Lapſe, 1760. Robert Haſtings, Clerk, 1783. Joſeph Brackenbury, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 29 10 6 Eſkirby V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn. 85. 10d. Val. 5 12. I in omn. profic. Pri. Sempringham, Propr. William Ellis, Eſq. 1719. The KING, 1762. 31 6 6 Hareby K. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) united to Bolingbroke in 6 4 7 1739. Prox. and Syn. 8s. rod. Mathew Wyldbore, Eſq. 1779 8 8 6 Haughneby, alias Hagenby, alias Hangulby, alias Hagneby, V. 8 (St. Andrew.) Val. in omn. profic. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Abb. Revesby, Propr. Lord Exeter, 1605. Thomas Coltman, 1782 Hundleby 1 Ggg 410 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OR LINCOL N. 1 d. 32 10 O 0 0 Clear Wearly Value. King's Books, b. de 25 3 6 6 Hundleby V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 8d. Val. in omn. exit. & pro. 7 19 4 fic. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Min. Stixwould, Propr. Duke of Ancaſter, 1779. Held by Sequeſtration. 32 7 2 Luſby R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Synods 8s. Ios. Penſ. Pri. 814 Bardney il. 105. Omn. decim. George Davenport, 1699. Carr Brackenbury, 1720. Robert Carr Brackenbury, 1780. 43 3 0 Malvilh Enderby, alias Maurice Enderby, R. (St. Michael.) 12 11 3 Prox. and Syn. 85. Iod. Sir Edward Aſcough, 1679, 1685. Decimus Reynolds, Clerk, p. h. v. 1734. Henry Beſt, Eſq. 1782. 6 Meningeſby R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. 85. 10. IS. 98 61 80 6d. per ann. in terr. ad reparand. feneſtras eccleſ. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 33 6 10 Rathby, alias Raithby, R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. and Syn. 6 14. 1; ၄၀ 85. iod. Penf. Abb. de Crowland 11. 6s. 8 d. Omn. decim. The KING. Barnaby Bowtell, Eſq. 1663. 35 3 6 Sibfey V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. and Syn. 85. rod. Prox. 11: II 3 Epiſc. 35. 6d. terr. pro reparat. eccleſ. parat. eccleſ. Val. in omn. de- 70 cim. emolument. & profic. The KING.. Pri.. Spaldinge, Propr. 38 10 6 Steeping Parva R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Synods- 8si Iod: 9 194 Duke of Newcaſtle, 1716. Duke of Ancalier, p. i. 1783. 4 72 Stickford V. (St. Helen.) Proxies 75. 6d: Epiſc. pro Impro- 6 38 priatione 3s. 4d. Val. in omn. exit. & profic. eid. vicar. per- tin. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Pri. Markby, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 6 Tointon St. Peter, alias North and South Tointon, R. (St. Pë- 12: O. 2 ter.) Prox. and Syn. 85. rod. Lord Lindſey, 1708. Sir Peter Burrell, and Lady Willoughby of Ereſby, 1784.. 8 Tointon Oinnium Sanctorum V. (All Saints ) Held as a Cu- 5.11 3. racy. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 2d. pro Vie. 2:5. 8d. Chan- try of Spilsby, Propr. Lord Lindſey, 1708. Sir Peter Bur- rell, and Lady. Willoughby of Eresby. 46 10 4 4. Thorpe V. (St. Peter.) Synods 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 20 19 4 55. pro Vic. 35. 6d. Mon. Kyme, Propr. Samuel Rowell, 1696. John Rowell, Gent. 1719. Edward Greathead, Eſq. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1781.- 27 10 II II CAAPELS, LINCOLNSH. 411 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. Chapels, Donatives, AND CURACIES. SPILSBY Cur. (St. James,) cum Earsby. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Chantry of Spilsby, Propr. Duke of Ancaſter, Patr. 121. * Revesby Cur. (St. Laurence,) olim Abb. Of exempt Juriſ- diction. John Banks, Eſq. Patr. 311. u. Chriſtianity, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Priory of St. Catherine, near Lincoln, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 2021. 55. od. į The Monaſtery of Kyrkſted was likewiſe returned at 2861. 25. 7d. The Monaſtery of Tupholme was likewiſe returned at 100l. 14s. Tod. The Abby of Stixwold was likewiſe returned at 1141. 55. 2d. I For the Particulars of the Poffeſſions, vide Liber Regis. s. 1. So ao O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. ñ 3 4 St. Benedict in LINCOLN, Cur. Preb. of North Kelſey in Lin- coln Cath. Patr. and Propr. 2 15 St. Mark Cur. Church dilapidated. Precentor of Lincold, Patr. and Propr. I 0 St. Margaret Cur. united to St. Peter's Eaſtgate, and the Church taken down. Prebendary of Haydor in Lincoln Cath. Patr. and Propr. 27 00 Mariæ beatæ in Suburbiis V. alias St. Mary in Wigford Cur. 5 3 9 Decim. fæn. cum al. increm. annual. redd. rec. de Epiſc. Lin- coln. &c. Prebendary of Gretton in Lincoln Cath. Patr. and Propr. 30 15 St. Mary Magdalen R. or Cur. Oblat. decim. occult. &c. 5 00 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Patrons and Propr. St. Martin's V. Decim. oblat. &c. Prel endary thereof, in 4 13 4. Lincoln Cath. Propr. and Patr. The KING, 1746. St. O Ο ΙΟ Gge 472 LINCOLN:SH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. da. O O 12 O 2 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. I. 5 St. Michael's Cur. The Church demoliſhed. Chanter or Præ- centor of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 2 0 St. Nicholas Newport. Demoliſhed. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Patr. and Propr. 2 5 St. Pauli in Bal. Lincoln R. or Cur. Syn. and Prox. 105. Val. 5 10 in decim. garb. fæn. in Campis Lincoln, decim. occulta &c. Archdeacon of Lincoln, Patr. Clear Value 161. 41 St. Petri ad Arcus R. Archidiac. Lin. Prox. 10.fe Penſ. Pri. 512 8 80 Shelford 105. 8d. The KING, Patr. This Church is moſt elegantly rebuilt by the City of Lincoln, for their Corpo- ration Church. 0 17 0 St. Peter Eaſtgate. The Church rebuilt. United to St. Mar- garet in 1778. The Præcentor of Lincoln, and Prebendary of Heydour with Walton, Patrons. 8 3 0 St. Peter at Goates Curacy. Præcentor of Lincoln, Patr. and. Propr. 6 00 St. Swithin's Cur. St. Swithin's Cur. The Church demoliſhed. Præcentor os Lincoln, Patr. and Propr. оо O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. 1 10. St. Buttolph's Cur. Not in Charge. Prebendary thereof, ir: Lincoln Cath. Patr. and Propr. 121. clear Value. St. John's in Newport V. Not in Charge. Ecclef. deftruéta, Preb. of Dunholme, iu Lincoln Cath. Patr. and Propr. clear Value. Meer V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Not in Charge. Eccl. deſtructi 31. 35. 4d. clear Value. St. Bartholomew's Cur. Eccl. deſtruct. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Patr. and Propr. St. Andrew Wigford V. and St. Croffe’s V. Eccl. deſtructæ. Preb. of Spaldwick, in Lincoln Cath. Propr. and Patr. All Saints V. and St. Mary's Crachpool V. Eccl. deſtructa. Preb. thereof, in Lincoln Cath. Propr. and Patr. Alia LINCOLNSH. 413 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. Aliæ Ecclefiæ in Civitate Lincoln. Deſtruct. All Saints in the Cloſe, All Saints Hungate, St. Andrew Dane- gate, St. Andrew by the Palace, St. Andrew Wigford, St. Anne's Thorngate, St. Auguſtin, St. Baron, St. Clement's in the Bail, St. Clement's Butterwick, St. Croſſes, St. Cuthbert's, St. Dennis, St. Edmund's, St. Edward's, St. Faith's, St. George's Thorngate, St. Giles, St. Gregory's, St. Innocent's, St. John's Cornmarket, St. John's the Poor, St. Laurence, St. Leo- nard's, St. Mary Crakepool, St. Michael, St. Peter's by the Pump, St. Peter's Fiſhmarket, St. Peter's Stoneback, St. Peter's Hungate, St. Rumbald, St. Stephen's, St. Trinity Grecian Stairs, St. Trinity Claſketgate. 9. Callewaith, alias Calcewath, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Priory of Markby, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the net annual Sum of 1301. 135. od. I The Abby of Hagneby was likewiſe returned at 871. 115. 4d. The Priory of Legborne was likewiſe returned at 381. 85. 4d. The Priory of Grenfelde was likewiſe returned at 631. 45. id. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis.. Pearly Tenths. 7. 7. d. 70 13 IO 1 Іоо O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 21 Beyxby, alias Beesby in the Marſh, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. 95. Iod. Penſ. Pri. Markby 25. Pri. Grenefield The KING. 13 3 4. Billesby V. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods 35. 6d. 55. ann. è terr. voc. Church Hanks. Vicaria ibidem val. in omn. decim. emolument. quibuſcunque com. ann. Pri. Markby, Propr. Sir Edward Ayſcough, Kt. 1680. Robert Parkin, and Richard Bowes de Millom in Cumberland, Gent. 1727, Thomas Wayet, Gent.. 17.79, 2 S. I 64 Gaitong 414 LINCOLNSH, DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. s. Yearly Tenths, d. 7 ce 1. S. 13 10 I 0 O I 15 0 o 8 o O 10 8 King's Pools. 1. d. 21 Gaiton, alias Gaiton in the Marſh, R. (St. George.) Proxies 195 and Synods gs. Iod. 8 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING. 17 10 2ż Mablethorpe St. Mary R. (St. Mary,) united to Stane. Prox. and Syn. gs. Icd. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, 1694. Joſ. Southcote, Gent. 1696. John Southcote, Eſq. 1759. 751. 125. id. certified Value. 4 o o Saleby V. (St. Margaret.) Val. per ann. in omn. profic. & eirolument. Prox. Epifc. 25. 4d. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. Truſtees of Alford Free School, 1764. . 63l. certified Value. 5 6 8 Stane, alias Stiver, R. (St. John Baptiſt,) united to Mable- thorp St. Mary. Thomas Southcote, Eſq. 1660. John Southcote, Elg. 1759. 19 o Sutton in Mariſco P. in Ecclef. Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. 18 10 2Ź Thedilthorp St. Helen R. with Mablethorp St. Peter. Prox. and Syn. gs. iod. Penſ. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Penſ. Epiſc. 350, 4d. Duke of Ancaſter, 1771. 7 5 21 Thedilthorpe Omn. Sanct. V. Proxies and Synods gs. iod. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. 35. penſ. 21. Epiſc. 5 acr. 2 rod. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Val. in omn. decim. emolument. & profic. Pri. Reresby, Propr. Mrs. Gould. The KING, by Lapſe, 1798. 01. 135. 4d. certified Value. 21 Willoughby R. (St. Helen.) Proxies and Synods gs. iod. Lord Willoughby, of Earsby, ' 1694. Duke of Ancaſter, 1771. 21 Witherume, alias Witherne, R. ($t. Margaret.) Proxies and Synods 95. rod. Thomas Newcomen, 1688. Geo. Fitz Williams, Eſq. 1701, 1715. Robert Vyner, Eſq. 1726, 1772. 781. i8s.6dcertified Value. O O I 18 I 17 0 O 14 61 39 10 3 19 01 18 10 I 17 01 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books, 17 15 Aby V. (All Saints,) with Greenfield, (St. Marv,) anited to 6 3 6 Hellow, alias Bellow, 1732. Synods is. Ed. Vicar. ibidein val. per ann. Lord Lindſey, 1714. Duke of Ancaſter, 1761. 29 0 0 0 ALFORD V. (St. Wilfrid,) cum Rigsby. Capellano de 10 00 Ryggesby 6l. Val. in omo decim. & profic. commun. ann. Pri. Sia Catherinæ prope Lincoln, Propr. Biſhop of Lin. coln. 41 5 0 Anvierby P. (St. Andrew,) united to Comberworth 1733. 13 10 23 Froies and Synods ys. Tode Magdalen College, Cambridge. 5 Calceby LINCOLNSH. 415 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. d. 5 10 comidun, ann. O со 5 6 8 IO Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2. d. 9 15 o Calceby V. (St. Andrew,) united to South Ormsby in 21 Hill D. Prox. and Syn. 95. rod. Pri. Kyie 135. 40. Val. in omn. decim. & emolument. Mon. Kyme, Propr. Philip Glover, E!q. 1725. Burrell Maſſingberd, Eſq. 1731. 14. o Cauthorp Parva, alias Cawthorp, V. (St. Helen.) Proxies and 3 4 41 Synods 25. 4d. Val. in omn. decim, emolument. & profic, Pri. Alvingham, Propr. Sir Henry Glem- ham, 1605. Held by Sequeſtration, 40 5 6 Claxby V. (St. Andrew,) united to Well. Proxies and Synods 5 3 13 95. 1od. Pení. Rectori de Well. 45. Val. in omn. decim. & emolument. com. ann. Pri. Freeſton, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1672. Samuel Daſhwood, Eſq. 1772. 40 od Comberworth, alias Somberworth, R. (S!. Helen,) united to 10 10 2 Anderby. Proxies: and Synods 95. rod. Magdalen College, Cambridge. 24 o Faleſthorp, alias Farleſtrop, V. (St. Andrew.) Val. vicar. ibidem 2.7 in onn. & fing. profic. & emolument. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect IS. 3d. pro Vic. 15. 10d. The KING. Mon. Legborne, Propr. 0 0 Hagnaby, alias. Hanny, R. (St. Andrew,) a Donative. The Church down. Prox. Epiſc. Iso 3d. Abby of Revesby, Propr. Thomas Carleton, 1781. 6 13 4 Haugh, alias Haw, V. (Et. Leonard.) Val. vicar. ibidem in 4 omn. decim. & emolument. Prox. Epiſc. Is. Pri. Haugh, or Legborne, Propr. Sir John Bell, 1605. William Horſ- fall, 1767. 48 II 9. Hellow, alias-Bellow, R. (St. John Baptiſt,) united to Aby, 13 3.9 1782.. Proxies and Synods. 95. iod, Lord Lindſey, 1671. Dake of Ancaſtér, 1761.. 20 18 0. Hoggſthorpe V. (St. Mary.) Val. in omn. decim. & emolument. 10 00 clare per ann. Prox. Epiſc. à Rect. 35. 4d. à Vic. 35. 51. ad reparand, rip. maris, vel ecclef. Charter Houſe, near Hull, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 6. 11. Q Holtoft, alias Hotoft, alias Huttoft, V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 6:11 8. Is. 8d... Val, in omn. decim. emolument. & profic. Prox. Epiſc. à rect. 25. 24. à. Vic. - 25. 6d. Pri. Markby, Propr. Bilbop of Lincoln. 26 O O Legbirie Cur. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 2d. Pens. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Mon. Legborne, Propr. Held by Sequef.: tiation. 28 7 6 Mablethorp St. Peter R. united to Theddlethorp St. Helen 7 10 in 1745. Proxies and Synods gs. 10d. Earl of Lindley, 167.. Duke of Ancaſter, 1771. Maltby 2 16 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. l. d. repar. eccleſ. O O 30 O O IIS. I 2 Ι ΙΦ Clear 1 cærly Value, King's Books. . d. 4.8 16 Maltby in Mariſco R. (All Saints. Prox, and Syn. 95. 10d. 11 17 S Robert Marſh, Gent. 1685. Elizabeth Dawſon, Widow, 1736. Thomas Wayet, p. h. v. 1782. 19 15 0 Mumby V. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 95. rod. Capel. 9 12 3 lano in Capella de Mumby 21. 6s. 8d. Val. in omn. decim. &c. 21. ann. voc. Church Lands & folut. guardian. eccleſ. pro Pri. Bourne, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln, Patr. 22 17 South Reſton R. (St. Edith.) Proxies and Synods 95. rod. 5 10 27 58 2 Acres of Meadow called Church Graſs. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. * Strubby R. with Woodthorpe. (St. Oſwald.) Dean and 4 13 4 Chapter of Lincoln. 18 2 6 Sutton V. in Mariſco. (St. Clement.) Val. com. ann. in omn. 6 13 4 decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 10d. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. 34 15 0 Swaby R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 11s. 6d. ann. pro terr. voc. Church Lands. St. Mary Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. Thoresby South R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. gs. 10d. 6 3 61 55 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 40 Tothill R. (St. Mary.) Synods 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 10d. 1 6 17 Lady Dinah Allington, 1689. Eleanor Verney, Widow, 1725 46 0 o Tractrop, alias Truftrop, alias Thruſthorpe, R. (St. Peter.) 19 10 2 2 2 Robert Cornthwait, Clerk, 1761. o Ulceby, with Fordington R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. pro Unione 9 16 8 Archidiac. pro Unione Is. Proxies and Synods 95. rod. Penf. Abb. Crowland Il. 6s. 8d. 2 acr. voc. Church Lands, Sir William Maflingberd, 1702. Thomas Williamſon, Gent. 1737. William and Mary Danſon, 1745. Sir William Bunbury, and others, 1746. Thomas Marwood, Gent. 1747. Mary Bayley, Widow, 1766. 35 0:0 Well R. with Dexthorpe and Claxby V. (St. Margaret.) 7 2 31 Prox. Epiſc. pro Well 15. 5d. pro Dex. Is. id. Ro. Wol- ley, Gent. 1702. James Bateman, Eſq. 1737. Samuel Daſhwood, Eſq. 1765, 1772. 31 10 O O O O O 47 10 IS. 7 CHAPELS, LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 417 , , , "Monſon, CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Markby Cur. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 6d. Pri. Markby, Propr. William Maſſingberd, 1771, 1778. 5l. clear Value. Rigſby, (St. James,) Chapel to Alford. 21. clear Value. Clarethorp, Chapel to Hellow, alias Bellow. D. Candiethoe, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 23 7 31 Croft V. (All Saints.) Synods 1s. 8d. Val. per ann. in 6 8 Bart. 1719. Lord Monſon, 1739, 1779, 1784, p. i. 15 6 8 Friſkney V. (All Saints.) Vicario per Compofitionem 15l. 8 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 45. 3d. Mon. Bolington, Propr. Zach. Burton, Gent. 1703. Henry Placey, Eſq. 1726. Joſeph Banks, Eſq. 1776. 5 10 21 Sutterby R. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. and Syn. gs.. 10d. O II of 33 Omn. decim. The KING. 8 13 4 WAINFLEET St. Mary Cur. Vicario, in temp. H. VIII. in Pecun. 8). 135. 4d. Edward Barham, by Will, added 357. per annum to this Curacy. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 5d. Penſ. Epiſc. il. Pri. Stixwould, Propr. . Governors of Bethlem Hoſpital. 3 61 WAINFLEET All Saints R. Proxies and Synods gs. Iod. Penſ, 1 12 41 Priori de Kyme 31. 6s. 8d. The KING. King's Books, 1. d. 2 I 10 O moo O 47 4 16 100 O O o O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 34 10 93 Addlethorp R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods gs. Todo 9 10 23 40 Penf. Priori Spalding 31. 6s. 8d. The KING. 40 o Aſhby R. near Partney. (St. Helen.) Prox, and Syn. 95. 10d. - 7 10 25 31. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. John Medley, Gent. 17.11. Ann Pindar, Widow, '1776. H h h Braitoft, I 418 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. LINCOLNSH. 1. d. 2 O O O 2 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 49 11 10 Braitoft, alias Bratoft, R. (St. Peter arid St. Paul.) Proxies 18 3 6 90 and Synods gs. iod. The KING. 25 5 BURGH, alias BROUGH, V. (St. Peter,) united to Winthorpe 13 6 8 in-1729. Vicar. in pecuniis per Compefitionem 131. 6s. 8d. Annuar rec. Prox. Epiſc., pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 25. 6d. icl. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Mon. Bolington, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 39 Candleſby R. (St. Benedict.) Proxies and Synods 9.5. 1od. 9 19 4 Magdalen College, Oxford, p. i. 30 5 o Driby R. (St. Michael,) united to South Ormſby in Hill D. in 8 19 4 1774. Proxies and Synods 95. iod. Sir John Bolles, Bart. 1679. "The KING, by Lapſe, 1718. Burrell Mallingberd, Eſq. 1781. 32 16 84 Firſby, alias Frifby, R. (St. Andrew,) with Steeping Magna. 12 Proxies s and Synods gs. iod: Penſ. Abb. de Bardney 10s. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1730, 1756. Edward Walls, 1782. 40 Ö Gunby, alias Gumby, R. (St. Peter.) Prox, and Syn. gs. 10d. 3 10 22 Duke of Rusland, 1717, 1953, 1784, p.i. 41 52 Ingoldmelts R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. and Syn. 95. 23 10 2 iod. Richard Bellot, Eſq. 1680. Newcomen Wallis, Efq. 1922. Thomas Wallis, Eſq. 1749, 1756. 46 16 3 Osby V. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods gs. 10d. Valet vi- 9 19:4 caria ibidem per ann. nunc vacans. Pri. Thornholm, Propr. - Biſhop of Lincoln. 44 15 9: Partney R.* (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods gs. 10d. Penf. 11 10 2) Abb. de Bardney 1l. 6s. 8d. Peregrine, Richard, and Charles Bertie, Eſqrs. 1685. Duke of Ancaſter, 1727. Sir Peter-Burrell, and Lady Willoughby, of Ereſby, 1780. 46 19 6. Skegneys, alias Skegneſs, R. (St. Clement.) Prox. and Syn. 15 6 8 9s. 103. Lord Caſtleton, 1667, 1719. Earl of Scarbrough, p. 1. 1747, 1783 48 12. 2. Skemby, alias Scremby, R. (St. Peter and St. Panl.) Proxies 16 10 21 and Synods 9s. 1od. Omn. decim. Richard Wyone, Eſq. 17:8. Henry Martinſon, p. h. v. 1775. 8 o Skendleby, alias Skendleſby, V. (St. Peter.) Synods us. 8d. Val. 4 5 in omn. decim. & profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Mon. Bardney, Propr: Richard Nelthorp, Eſq. **1684. The KING, 1732. Peter Burrel, Eſq. and Ann Braekenbury, 1780. *34.10 11 Steeping Magna V. (All Saints,) united to Frisby. Archidiac. 7 18 4 15. 8d. Val. per ann. in oma, profic. eid. vicar. pertin. 81. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 15. gd. Mon. Bard- ney, Propr. Edward Walls, 1783. 20 15 o Winthorpe V. (St. Mary,) united to Burgh in 1729. Per 8 Compoſitionem 82 clare rec. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro 2. 2 II 8 O LINCOLNSH. 419 DIOCESE OF LIN COL N. King's Books I. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Mon. Bolington, Propr. Bilhop of Lin- coln. Welton R. (St. Andrew) exonerated being a Lay Fee, a Cu- 14. 8 9 racy remainining of 131. per ann. clear Value. Proxies and Synods gs. iod. Before the Exoneration the Firſt-Fruits were, (Redd. Domino Willoughby gd. Pri. Sči Johan. Jeruſas lem is. 7d.) William Maſlingberd, 1775. NOT IN CHARGE. Wainfleet St. Thomas's Curacy. Pri. Kyme, Propr. Edward Barnes. Not certified. Irby, alias Ireby, Curacy. (All Saints.)' Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. 25. Choriſters of Lincoln Cathedral, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln; Patr: 41. clear Value. * Dalby Cur. Lord Monſon, as Leffee under the Prebendary of Carlton with Dalby, 1783. 20h clear Value. D. Corvinghain, in the Archdeaconry of Stow. The Priory in the Ifle of Axholme, in this Deanry, was 're- turned by the Commiſfioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the annual Sum of 2371.155. 2d. The Præceptory of Willoughton was likewiſe returned at 174.. IIS, idi Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. d. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, l'early Tenthse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 2. o o Bliron, alias Blyton, V. (St. Martin.) Synads 25. 7d. Prox. 4 0 Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 36. . Pri. Thornholn, Propr. Nicholas Saunderſon, Eſq. - 1686. Sir Thoiñas Sanderſon, 1726. Earl of Scarbrough, 1758. 61.175.5d. certified Value. H hh 2 *:Corringham I 2 I 420 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. . S. 1 2 O O O O 2 II King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. o * Corringham V*. (St. Laurence.) Knights Templars, Propr. 1 4 The Vicar of Gainſborough, as Prebendary of Corringham, Patr. 781. 35. certified Value. 28 16 8 Epworth K. (St. Andrew.) Proxies and Synods 10s. Pení. 2 17 8 472 Pri. Newburgh 31. The KING. 22 16 8 GAINSBURGII V. (All Saints.) Synods 35. 4d. Penſ. Epiſc. 2 5 8 pro Rect. 45. 2d. pro Vic. 45. Penſ. Commandr. de Wil- loughton 21. with the Preb. of Corringham united 3d and 4th Anne. Præceptor de Willoughton, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 25 17 6 Graingham R. (St. Radegund.) Proxies and Synods 1os. 9 Penf. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Sir John Thorold, Bart. 1694, 1742. 747. 75. IId. certified Value. 20 17 8] Haxhay, alias Haxey, V. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. 25. 3d. Penſ. 2 1 91 Pri. Newburgh 6). Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 115. 3d. pro Vic. 55. Pri. Newburg in co. Ebor. Propr. Archbiſhop of York. o Laughton V. (All Saints,) cum Wileſworth. Synods 25. 7d. I 4. O Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. Tid. pro Vic. 35. Pri. Thorn- holm, Propr. Lord Iſwin, 1711, 1726, 1731, 1763. 51l. 125. Iid. certified Value. 9 4 2 Ley, alias Lea, R. (St. Helen.) Proxies and Synods 10s. O 18 5 Penſ. Mon. de Spalding 6s. George Cockayne, Eſq. and his Wife, 17.11.' Lord Willoughby of Parham, 1679. Sir Edmund. Anderſon, Bart. 1745. Sir William Anderſon, Incumbent. 7776 35. od.1 certified Value. 4 2 Scotter R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 10s. Penſ. Abbi 2 4 5 de Peterburg 21. Redd. eidem Abb. 6s. 8d. Terr. pro re- par. ecclef. Biſhop of Peterborough. 23 o Secotton, alias Scotton, R. (St. Genewys.) Proxies and Synods 260 1os. Sir Thomas Meres, Knt. 1711. Vanſittart Hudſon, Eſq. 1750. Sir John Frederick, Bart.' p. i. 1784. 14 3 4 Springthorpe R. (St. George and St. Laurence.) Proxies and Proxies and I 8 4 Synods 1os. The KING. 3 7 81 Wrote, alias Wroot, R. (St. Pancras.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Theo o 6 93 KING. I 2 22 100 o 120 O O Vide * Corringham V.-Augmented by Dr. Harcourt, Prebendary thereof, with 10l. per ann. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 337. LIVINGS LINCOLNSHE 421 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. de o O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear l’early Value, King's Books. 1. d. l. 49.9 101 Heapham R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 10s. Penf. 1o Preb. Corringham 35. 2d. William Farmery, Gent. 1690. Charles Amcorts, Eſq. 1766. Wharton Amcotts, Eſq. 1783. 30 3 4 KIRKETON, alias Kirton In Lindsey, V. (St. Peter and St. 6 13 4 Paul.) Parcel. terr. pro. repar. eccleſ. Subdean of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 16 5 0 Northorpe V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Penſ. 4 O Epiſc. 135. 4d. Mon. Newbro, Propr. "Biſhop of Lincoln. 41 16 61 Oulſton, alias Owlton, alias Owrton, V. (St. Martin.) Syn. 19 10 and Prox. ios. 31. 45. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. New- burgh in co. Ebor. Propr.. Archbiſhop of York. The KING, p. h. V. 1777. 36 11 103 Pilham R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 10s. The KING. 6 3 4 50 NoT IN CHARGE. 32 3 4 Belton R. (All Saints,) formerly charged at 321. gs. 2d. į Now an Impropriation belonging to the City of Lincoln, by Grant 1547. Pri. de Hautemprice 3l. 6s. 8d. Synods and Proxies 1os. Id. Ž 41. ann. in terr. & ten. pro repar. eccleſ. City of Lincoln nominates to this as a Curacy. 391. 1os. certified clear Value. Chapels, DoNATIVES, AND CURACIES. Somerby is a Chapel to Corringham. Spittle Cur. (St. Edmund.) City of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 61, ios. clear Value. Weſt Butterwick, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Oulſton, Eaſt Ferry, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Secotton. D. Cartree, 42 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. D. Gartree, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The College of Tätteihall, in this Deanry, was returned at the clear anával Value of 3481. 55. 10d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. King's Books d. 1. 18 IIO O O 39 10 LivingS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo d. 6 8 Bèlchford R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Sýn. and Prox. 75. 6d. I 16 8 Penſ. Priori Spalding 155. Omn. decim. The KING. 9 11 101 Buckinghall, alias Bucknall, R. (St. Margaret.) Synods and 0 19 21 Proxies 8s. 2d. Omn. decim. Sir William Monſon, 1706. Lord Monſon, 1783. 791. 11s. certified Value. 2į Coningsby R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies gs. iod. 3 19 01 31. per ann. in pios uſus.' Sir Charles Dymoke, 1682. William Coteſworth, Eſq. 1720. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. 17 8 61 Hemingbye R. (St. Margaret.) Synods and Proxies 8s. 2d. I 14. 101 Leonard Smelt, Eſq. 1711. The Reverend Mr. Carr. of Newcaſtle upon Tyne, 1722. John Read, Gent. 1725. King's College, Cambridge, 1768. 781. certified Value. 13 13 61 Kirkby on Baine R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 9s. 2do 17 45 Penſ. Pri. Sti Leonardi Stamford 21. Omn. decim. The KING. 5 7 11 Mynting, alias Minting, V. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies" o 10. 91 8s. 2d. Decim. oblat. & al. profic. & emolument. Mon. Mountgrace, Propr. Edward Law, Gent. 1675. Catherine Edwards, 1722, 1741. John Newcome, D. D. 1755, 701. certified Value. I 20 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1 carly Value. 28 0 0 Alterby R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 8s, 2d. Omn. decim. 35. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Jane Dymock, Wi- dow, 1711, 1725. The KING, 1771, 1780, 1784. King's Books. 8 O IO Cawkwell, LINCOLNSH. 423 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. S. d. 21 o o 2 бо оо 38 2 50 O O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. l, d. 1 2.0 o Cawkwell, alias Calkwell, V. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 4 8 61 05. 2d. Penf. Pri. Noéton 6s. 8d. Val. in decim, oblat. & al. profie. Pri. Nodton, Propr. "Mon, vol. II. p. 211. Bryan Eland, 1605. Not preſented to, being of lo ſmall Value. o Dalberby R. (St. Martin,) united to Screilſhy in 1731. Sy- 4 19 41 nods and Proxies Iso-8 d. Bihop. of Lincoln, by Laple, 1709. Lewis Dymake, Eſq. 1729. John Dymoke, 1777. 48 18 6 DONINGTON UPON BAINE R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies and Sy. 15 12 nods 85. 2d. Penf. Pri. Spalding jos. Omn. decim. 21. per ann. in uf. ecclef. Sir Henry Monſon, Bart. 1699. Lord Monſon, 1759. 50 Edlington V. (St. Helen.) Val. in decim. oblat. & al. profic. 8 4 7 80 Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 35. ed. pro Vic. Is. 1od. The KING. Mon. Bardney, Propr. 4 Gawdby R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 8s. 2d. Omn. 6 3 4 decim. The KING. 9 Golceby, alias Glaceby, V. (All Saints.) Synods 8d. Decim. 6 o 2 oblat. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. pro Vic. Zs. Præceptor de Willoughton, Propr. Chriſtopher Pick- ering, Eſq. 1605. Held by Sequeſtration. 28 0 • Haltham upon Baine R. (St. Benedict,) with Roughton, united SII 3 in 1.741. Syn. and Prox. gs. 2d. Laurence Dymoke, Eſq. 1717. Lewis Dymoke, 1751. o. Horſington R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 8s. 1od. 9.11 3 Omn. decim. Magdalen College, Oxford. 27 0 Langton R. justa Horncaſtle. (St. Margaret.) Proxies and 7 19 41 Synods gs. 2d. Omn: decim. "Anne Trigg, Sarah Williams, Edward Williams, and John Weſt, 1708. Executor. Johan- nis Miller, Cler. 1725. The Biſhop of Lincoln, by Lapſe, 1779. 28 o Roughton R. (St. Margaret,) united to Haltham on Baine Ó 15 in 1741. Syn. and Prox. 95. 2d. Omn. decim. Lewis Dy- mokë, Eſq. 1724, 1751. 15 * Scamblefby Cur *, Prebendary of Melton Rofs, in D. Yarburgli, Propr. and Patr. • Staingot, alias Stenycotte, alias Staingood, R. (St. Nicholas.) 7 12 37 Synods and Proxies 8s. 2 d. Penſ. Pri. de Spalding 55. Pre- politor. Eccleſ. ibidem pro Reddit. Iso 4d. Marmaduke Al- lington, Eſq. 1716. Frances Allington, Widow, 1781. O O 0 0 37 0 * Scambleſby Cur. Augmented by Mr. Herbert Thorndike, Prebendary of Weſtminſter, with diverſe Lands, &c. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 286. The Value of this Curacy is only 20l. per ann paid by the Leffee under the Prebendary, and 5l. 55. for Land purchaſed with Queen Anne's Bounty. Stixwould 7 424 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. LINCOLNSH. 1. s. d. o O оо 1689. Mr. Dickinſon, Patr. 101, 135. 4d. clear Value. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 9 100 Stixwould V. (St. Peter.) Decim, oblat. & al. profic. Prox. 7 10 Epiſc. à Rect. 25. 4d. à Vic. 35. Mon. Stixwould, Propr. Agnes Keate, Widow, 1704. Lord Anſon, 1753. Edmund Turnor, Eſq. 1778. 28 Sturton Magna, alias Stourton Magna V. (All Saints.) Rec. 8 50 in pecun. 81. per Mon. de Tupholme. The KING. Mon. Tupholme, Propr .. o Thimbleby R. (St. Margaret.) Synods gs. 2d. Omn. decim. 13 10 10 Sir John Bolles, 1692. John Hockin, Clerk, 1719, 1725. John Hotchkin, Eſq. 1778. 35 Waddingworth R. (St. Margaret.) Synods and Proxies gs. 2d. 7 0 10 60 The KING, to o Wiſprington, alias Wiſpington, V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Mon. Kirſted, Propr. John Philips, Eſq. 1707. Mrs. Glover, 1755. Henry Martinſon, Gent. p. h. v. 1768. Nor IN CHARGE. Randby V. (St. German.) Rec. in pecun. per Prior. de Tup- 4 13 4 holme 41..1 35. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. William Dickenſon, 500 ооо Market Stainton Cur. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. William Dickenſon, 1689. Mr. Dickinſon, Patr. ől. cer- sified Value. D. Graffoo, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. Ballivatus Aquilæ, or Bailiwick of Eagle, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in demeſne Lands, &c. which were let upon Leaſe, to Sir Robert Hufy, the clear annual Sum of 1241. 25. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. LIVINGS LINCOLNSH. 425 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 2. s d. 2 13 8 I 1972 O O o 711 26 16 8 Baſſingham R. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 105. 2d. Pro manſ. cum terr. prat. & paſtur. pertin. 31. 135. id. &c. Cor- pus Chriſti College, Oxford. 19 16 3 Hickham, alias Hiccam, alias Higham, R. (All Saints.) Di- 94 miff. ad firm. Prox. Epiſc. 155. The KING 3 19 91 Swinderby V. (All Saints.) Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. il. pro lac. pull. agn. lan. lin. canab. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 35. Ballivatus de Aquila, Propr. Daniel Diſney, Eſq. 1692, 1727. Lewis Diſney Fytche, Eſq. 1782. 721. gs. 6d. certified Value. os o Thorpe on the Hill R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 105. 2d. Pro manſ. cum terr. 6s. 8d. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lin- coln. 591. certified Value. 9 IO O 19 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1*early Value. King's Books. 24 O o Awburne, alias Aburgh, alias Alkborough, V. (St. Peter.) 7 13 10 Synods and Prosies los. 2d. Pro manf. cum cæmet. 45. & in pecun, numerat. 81. decim. don. per Dom. Chriſt. Nevil pro augm. vic. Pri. de Bello, vero Propr. Pri. de Bello, vero Propr. Gervas Nevile, Eſq. 1720. Chriſtopher Nevile, Eſq. 1772. 20 0 0 Baltham, alias Boltham, R. (St. Helen.) Synods and Proxies 7 15 IOS. 2d. Omn. decim. The KING, 1736. Sarah Goulton. 1750. 46 o o Carleton in Moreland V. (St. Mary.) Pro manſ. cum cæmet. 7 o 10 55. pro agn. lan. ov. gall. anc. porc. cer. mel. canab. lin. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. pro Vic. 55. Mon. Thornton, Propr. Sir Thomas Willoughby, and his Wife, 1696, 1699. Tho. Baron of Middleton, 1716. Lord Middleton, 1754. 47 O o Dodington R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Pro 7 9 6 maní. cum terr. pertin. Il. 85. decim. &c. Sir Tho. Huffer', Bart. 1692. Sarah Apreece, Widow, 1744. Sir John Huſſey Delaval, 1770. 3.15 4. Eagle V. (All Saints.) Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. & comet. 3 5 10 75.9d. lac. pul. vitul. agn. lan. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 35. Ballivatus de Aquila, Propr. Sir Wil- liam Tyrwhitt, 1605. Held by Sequeſtration. Iii Highcombe 425 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. d. I Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 2. d. l. 5 o Highcombe Chapel. (St. Michael.) Priory of Bourne, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 35 0 0 Norton Diſney V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. 6 6 10 Penſ. Mon. de Sempringham il. 6s. 8d. Pro manſ. cum terr. 135. 4d. cæmer. Is. pro fen. garb. agn. Jan. lac. &c. Mon. Sempringham, Propr. Duke of Montagu, 1701. Dutchefs of Newcaſtle, and the Guardians of the Dutcheſs of Mon- tagu, 1714. Sir Thomas Clarges, Bart. 1763. 47 Oo North Scarle R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. 4.17 31 Penſ. ſolut. Ballivat. Aquilæ al. Pro manſ, cum terr. 6s. 8d. &c. Edmund Nicholſon, Eſq. 1690. Will. Cartwright, Eſq. 1730, 1769. 29 0 o Skellingthorpe, alias Skeldingthorpe, V. (St. Laurence.) 6 18 9 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 95. 6d. pro Vic. 35. 4d. Vicarius ibi- dem habet pro manſ. 25. & in pecun. numerat. Cantaria de Stretton, Propr. William Mompeffon, Clerk, 1689. Ro- bert Hobman, Gent. 1736. Robert Gray, 1782, 1784. p. i. 13 00 Stapleford V. (All Saints.) Synods 25. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 5 3 4 4d. Vicarius ibidem habet pro manf. 6s. in pecun. numerat. per prior. 51. Pri. Sanctæ Catherinæ prope Lincoln. Propr. Held hy Sequeſtration. NOT IN CHARGE. * Thurlby Cur. (St. German.) The Prebendary of Carlton Thurlby in Lincoln Cath. Propr. and Patr. Whiſby, Ch. to Dodington. 9. Granthain, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Newboo, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, temp. H. VIII. 711 8s. 6d. For the Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS LINCOLNSH. 427 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 1. d. O O 6 9 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Ténths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 8 13 111 Weſt Allington R. (Holy Trinity.) Synods and Proxies O 17 41 103 IOS, 2d. Penſ. Pri. de Thurgarton 135. 4d. Manf. cum terr. 18s. coemet. 4d. &c. 2 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING, 13 6 Barkeſton R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Penf. Preb. de Grantham 11. Manf. cum terr. los. &c. Prebendary cf North Grantham. 31 51 Barroby, alias Parrowby, R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 3 2 1 1os. 2d. Penf. Pri. de Eye 21. 6s. 8d. Manf. cum terr. 21. 135. 4d. &c. Savile, 1693. Lord Bruce, 1730. Earl of Thanet, 1759, p. h. v. 12 361 Belton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 2d. I 4 45 Manf. cum terr. Il. &c. Alice Brownlow, Widow, 1710. Lord Brownlow, 5 Bothby, alias Boothby Pannell, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and I 3 of Syn. 1os. 2d. Manſ. cum terr. il. 135. 4d. &c. John and James Adamſon, 1692. Robert Rowland, alias Litchford, Efq. 1720, 1733. John Rowland, Clerk, 1780, Incum- bent and Patron. 18 8 4 Denton R. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Synods and Proxies 1os. 2 d. Penf. 1 16 10 Preb. de North Grantham 21. 35. 4d. Manſ. cum terr. il. 135. 4d. cæmet. 15. 8d. &c. Preb. Nor. Grantham, Patr. 37 9 2 GRANTHAM North P*. Synods and Proxies 6s. Penf. folut. 3 4 II Vicar. Choral. Sarum 21. Dec. & Cap. Lincoln. 55. Preb. haber in eccleſ. ibidem per ann. 311. Penſ. de rect. de Den- ton 21. 135. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Saliſbury. 24 5 10 GRANTHAM South P*, Prox. 6s. Penſ. Vicar. Choral. Sarum 2 8 7 21. Dec. & Cap. Lincoln 55. In eccleſ. ibidem per ann. 261. Penf. de Ecclef. de Harlaxton 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Salisbury. 19 4 7 GRANTHAM North up, (St. Wulfran,) with Guonerby North I 18 51 V. (St. Sebaſtian,) Laudeuhope V. (St. John Baptiſt,) united. Synods and Proxies 105. 2d. Oblat. cum decim. agn. lan. ov. canab. lin. porc. anc. &c. Prebendary thereof. II 10 * Grantham North and Grantham South are Prebends in the Church of Saliſbury. + Grantham North and South Vicarages.—Theſe two Livings were augmented by Dr. Saunderſon Biſhop of Lincoln, with icol. towards a Houſe for the two Vicars, Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropri- aiions, p. 296 Ii i 2 GRANTHAM 428 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. United. 12 1 King's Books. Yearly Tonths, l. s. d. l. s. d. GRANTHAM South V*. (St. Wulfran.) Pro oblat. pro agn. lan. ov. canab. lin. foen. porc, anc. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Gunnerby South V. (St. Sebaſtian.) Pro oblat. pro ov. 17 15 72 canab. lin. anc. porc. &c. I 15 63 Braceby V. (St. Margaret.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. Pro manf. cum gardin. 6s. 8d. lac. porc. anc. agn. lan. &c. Prebendary thereof. 25 6 101 Harlaxton R. (St. Mary and St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 2 10 85 105. Penſ, Preb, Grantham 6s. 8d. Manſ. cum terr. Il. 135. 4d. decim. &c. Prebendary of South Grantham, Patr. 6 101 * Heydour V. (St. Michael,) with Kelby, (St. Andrew,) I 4 4 81 and Calverthorpe, (St. Bartholomnew,) Chapels. Pro manſ. 6s. 8d. pro part. de fæn. & gran. 31. 25. 3d. pro lac. anc. pore. pull.cer. &c. The Prebendary, Patr. Michael New- ton, Eſq. 1778. Leſſee to the Prebendary. 781. os. 10d. certified Value. II 97 Paunton, alias Ponton Magna, R. (Holy Croſs.) Synods and 2 111 Proxies los. 2 d. Penſ. folut. Preb. Granthain il. 6s. 8d. Manf. cum terr. 1l . 35. 4d. &c. 1!. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. . Prebendary of North Grantham, Patr. II 14 2 Ropeſley R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 10s. 2d. Penf. I 3 5 Mon. de Bello vero ios. Manſ, cum terr. 1os. decim. &c. Il. 6s. 8d. ann. in terr. pro repar. ecclef. Earl of Rutland, 1719. Duke of Rutland, 1780. 7 18 9 Segbrook, alias Sedgbrooke, R. Mediety.(St. Laurence.) Proxies 0 15 10 130 and Synods 5s. id. Penf. Pri. de Aey 15s. Omn. decim. The KING, 4 7 Segbrook, alias Sedgbrooke, R. other Mediety, (St. Laurence,) 0 14 51 i so with the Chapel of Eaſt Allington. (St. James.) Synods and Proxies 5s. Id Penſ. Pri. de Aey 155. Omn. decim. The KING. 31 Somerby R. (St. Mary Magdalen,) cum Humby, alias Homeby. 3 2 Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. Manf. cum terr. 135. 4d. &c. Earl of Exeter, Lord Guildford, Marquis of Lindſey, and Sir John Brownlow, Bart. 1716. Duke of Ancaſter, 1739. 1748. 10 6 3 Welby R. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods and Proxies 10s. 2d. 1 o 71 Redd. Prior. de Farley is. 2d. Manſ. cum terr. 1os. &c. Prebendary of South Grantham. o Willesford, alias Willeſworth, R. (St. Mary.) Synods and I 0 0 Proxies 1os. 2d. Manf. cum terr. 75. decim. &c. 55. ann. O O O III 2 I IO O * See Note † in the preceding Page, in LINCOLNSH. 429 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. King's Books. Yearly Tenths . d. l. do in terr. pro repar. ecclef. Lord Rockingham, 1721. Mat- thew Lamb, Eſq. 1753. Lord Melborne, 1771. 647. 165. 2 d. certified Value. 81 Woolſtrop R. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. 1os. 2d. Manſ. I 4 35 cum terr. Ili 6s. 8d. &c. parcel, terr. pro reparat, eccleſ. Duke of Rutland, 1744. 2 3. Io LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 27 o o Honington, alias Hunnington, V. (St. Wilfrid.) Pro manſ. 4° 5 cum terr. pertinen. 6s. 8d. pro agn. lan. porc, anc. gall. ca- nab. lin. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 7d.ž The KING, by Lapſe, 1720. Mon. Stixwould, Propr. Robert Apreece, Eſq. and Sarah his Wife, 1736. o Hungerton and Wivell R. Both Churches deſtroyed, and ta 2 3 4 ken into Denton and Stroxton Pariſhes. Dimiff. ad firm. Prox. Epiſc. 25.gd.Sir Andrew Hacket, 1693. Held by Sequeſtration. 45 0 0 Paunton, alias Ponton Parva, R. (St. Guthlake.) Synods and 7 10 0 Proxies 10s. 2d. Redd. 45. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 8s. &c. William Thorold, Gent. 1690. Earl of Cardigan, 1728. The Biſhop, 1735. James Penyman, Eſq. 26 oo Saperton R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 1os. 2d. 5 9 91 Redd. Abb. Crowland 2s. Manſ. cum terr. Ios. Sd. decim. &c. John Saunders, Eſq. 1692. John Ely, 1707. William Welby, Eſq. 1737, 1775. 26 0 0 Stroxton, alias Stoxley, R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 3 8 61 IOS. 2d. Manſ. cum terr. 45. 4d. decim. &c. Andrew Hacket, Eſq. 1693, 1728, 1758. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Siſton, alias Siſon, V. (St. Mary.) Not in Charge. Prox, Epiſc. 2s.6d. Mon. Wroxton, Oxon. Propr. Sir John Thorold, Bart. 1736. 534. clear Value. Braceby Chap. (St. Margaret.) 15l. clear Value. Bever, alias Belvoir. Formerly a Cell to the Abbey of St. Albans. Duke of Rutland. 9. Grimsby, 430 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. D. Grimb, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Welloo, in this Deanry, was returned by the Comm ilioners to be worih, in temporal and ſpiritual Pro- perty, the net an"ual Sum of 951. 6s. id. The Priory of Grimſby was likewile re urned at gl. 145. 7d. The Mnüſtery of Humberſton was likewiſe returned at 321. 15. 3 d. For the Particulars of the Poffeſſions, vide Liber Regis. d. 1. S. de I I II 10 IO I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenibs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. 14 10 10 Aſhby with Fenby R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 94. 2d. 9 105 0 0 The KING, 14 13 4 Barnolby, alias Barnoldby le Beck R. (St. Helen.) Penf. Ec- I 9 4 cleſiæ Southwell 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. iod. South:vell College, Nottingh. 6ol, 25. 6d. certified Value. 8 17 6 Billeſhy, alias Beelſby, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. Prox. and Syn. 017 9 95. 2 d. Penſ. Ecclefiæ Southwell 135. 4d. Southwell Coi- lege, Nottingh. 781. 155. certified Value. Cotes Magna R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 9.s. 2d. 3 1 Sir Samuel Barnardiſton, 1708. Sir Robert Sutton, Knight, 1733. John Sutton, 1752. Cotes North R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods gs. 2d. 5 I 150 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 7 18 4 GRIMEY St. Mary V. with St. James united. Synods is. 8 d. 0 15 10 Prox. Epiſc. 35. id. Sir Henry Heron, 1681. Lord Mid- dleton, 1759, 1774. 8 4 Hawton, alias Holton in le Clay, V. (St. Peter.) Syn. Is. 8d. 35 Val. in oblat. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 6d. pro V’ic. 15. 2d. The KING. Pri. Humberſton, Propr. 13 o Treby upon Humber R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. I 16 0 Penſ. Epiſc. 25. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1723. C. A. Pelham and F. Nettleſhip, Eſqrs. 1773, 1774. 591. 95. 6d. certified Value. O 10 Laceby R. (St. Margarer.) Proxies and Synods gs. 2d. Eli 4 1 zabeth Saunderſon, Widow, 1696. John Saunderſon, 1771. Thomaſin Winſhip, Widow, p. i. 1783. ógl. 95. 6d. certi- ficd Value. Sallow 1 2 10 10 I O 4 8 10 O O 12 I LINCOLNSH. 431 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. l'early Tenths. 1. d. Siro 15 1 King's Books, 1. S. d. 7 10 10 Sallow R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods gs. 2d. Sir John Tyrwhitt, 1668, 1670. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1717 Charles Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. 1778. 491. gs. 6d. certified Value. 24 10 10 Thoreſby, alias North Thoreſby, R. (St. Helen.) Proxies and Synods 95. 2d. Chriſtopher Smith, 1672, 1677. Mary Barnard, 1719 Edmund White, Eſq. 1738. Elizabeth Thompſon, Widow, 1773. 15 10 10 Waltham R. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. gs. 2d. Penf. Ec- clefiæ Southwell il.' Southwell College, Nottingh. 751. 195. 6d. certified Value. 2 9 1 I II. O 20 4 LivingS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 34 Bradley R. (St. George.) Prox. and Syn. 95. 2d. Elizabeth 5 10 10 Storey, Widow, 1698. Richard Nelthorpe, Eſq. 1749, 1755 38 0 o Briggeiley R. (St. Helen.) Prox. and Syn. 95. 2d. Penſ. Ec- 7 4 4 clefiæ Southwell 6s. 3d. Southwell College, Nottingh. 0 0 Cabourne, alias Caborn, V. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. and Proxies 5 18 15. 8d. Val. in decim. tain major. quam minor. & al. profic. de ead. Vicar. proven. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 4d. pro Vic. Is. id. Mon. Welloo, Propr. Sir Thomas Monton, 1605. Sir John Tyrwhitt, Bart. 1721. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. 1772. 8 0 o Clee V. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 5d. 1 pro Vic. Is. 6d.j penf. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Mon. Welloo, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 24 O o Cokeſwold, alias Cuxwold, R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and 5 7 6 Synods 95. 2d. Penſ. Eccleſiæ Lincoln. Ics. Pri. Nuncoton pro penſ. 6s. 8d. Henry Thorold, Gent. 1697, 1721. Jef- Top Thorold, Eſq. 1778. 24 O O Cotes Parva V. (St. Michael.) Synods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. 4 18 4 18 4 & al. profic. de eadem vicar. proven. Prox. Epiſc. 25. id. Pri. St. Leonard juxta Grimſby, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. oo Grainſby R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods is. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9 18 4 4d. Thomas Sandys, Gent. 1717. Lord William Pawler, 1726. Thomas Sandys, Gent. p. i. 1734. 36 o O GrimesBY V. (St. James,) united to Grimſby St. Mary. Re- 700 cept. pro vicar. de Abb. Welloo 71. Mon. Welloo, Propr. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 2d. Lord Middleton, 1774. Hatcliffe 432 LINCOLNSH. DIOCES E 'OP LINCOLN. l. s. d. 2 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. di . 40 O 0 Hatcliffe R. (St. Mary.) Synods 9s. 2d. Penf. Vicario de § 4 Southwell os: 8di Southwell College, Nottingh. 38 0 o Healing R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods gs. 2d. Prox. 6 4 2 Epifc. 15. 8d. Sir William Keyt and Francis Langley, 1694. Sarah and Ann Coteſworth and James Wallis, p. h. v. 1731. Robert Parkinſon, Gent. 1752. 28 0 0 Howerby R. (St. Margaret,) with Beesby, alias Overby, (St. 5 7 II John Baptilt.) Proxies and Synods gs. 2d. Penf. Eccleſiæ Southwell 25. College of Southwell. 6 oo Humberſton V. (St. Peter.) Synods is. Ed. Vicar. in denar. 5 18 4 ultra Syn. 51. 185. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. od. pro Vic. 15, 2d. Pri. Humberiton, Propr. Matthew Humber- ſton, 1722. Thomas Frederick Mackenzie, 1759. 48 0 0 Newton Wold, alias Newton on the Woulds, R. (All Saints.) 7 10 10 Synods 95. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. Lincoln. 55. 3d. Bihop of Durham. 5 Oo Eaſt Randal V. (St. Martin.) Pri. Grimesby, Propr. Val. in 500 oblat. & al. profic. in eadem eccleſ. proven. Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge. 30 o o Rothwell R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Syn. and Prox. 95. 2d. 7 10 10 Richard Sykes, Gent. 1689. Lydia Field, 1733. Lord Middleton, 1783. 40 0 0 Scarthoo R. (St. Giles.) Synods 9s. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. 8 10 10 Edward Roberts, Clerk, 1711. Jeſus College, Oxford, 1779; 29 Oo Swinehope, alias Swinhop, R. (St. Helen.)" Synods gs. 2 d. 4 17 84 Prox. Epiſc. 35. Mary Hoby, Widow, 1692. Marmaduke Allington, Eſq. 1716. Frances Allington, Widow, 1781. 20 0 o Tetney V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Syn. is. 8d. Oblat. & 7 18 4 al. profic. penſ. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 4d. pro Vic. 1s. 8d. Mon. Welloo, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 600 Wathe, alias Wath, alias Waith, V. (St. Martin.) Synods 9s. 2 14 2d. Val. in omn. profic. &c. Pri. Humberſton, Propr. Held bij Sequeſtration. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Ailesby Cur. (St. Laurence.) Not in Charge. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 1d. Abbey of Welloo, Propr. Thomas Drake Tyr- whitt, 1782. 10l. clear Value. Weſt Randal Cur. Trinity College, Cambridge. 1 D. Hill, LINCOLNSH. 433 DIOCESE OF LINCOLNN. . D. Hill, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. William Skipwith, Andrew Billesby, John Hennage, and Wil- liam Hill, were the Commiſſioners, who took the Survey of this Deanry or Diſtrict. I. d. 21 2 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 81 Fullerby R. (St. Andrew.) Prosies and Synods gs. iod. Penſ. 2 34 Pri. de Bolington 65.8d. 155. ann. in terr. pro reparat. ec- cleſ. Heirs of Nicholas Shepley, 1701. George Laſcells, 1741. Thomas Rockliffe, Eſq. 1782. Francis. Rockliffe, Clerk, 1784. 501. certified Value. 5 Hagworthingham R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods gs. I 9 o] iod. Penf. Abb. de Bardney 11. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Ely. 14 13 11 Ketes by *, alias Kellesby, (St. Margaret,) with South Ormesby I 9 4 R. (St. Leonard,) united in 1774 to Calceby and Dryby. Proxies and Syncds 195. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 9d. 45. ann. pro repar, ecclef. Anne and Burrell Maſſingberd, 1691. Burrell Maſſingbard, Eſq. 1781. 651. certified Value. 10 12 31 Langton vear Partney R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 9.5. Į 121 10d. George Langton, Eſq. 1714. Bennet Langton, Eſq. 1762. bil, certified Value, 14 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 24' o ó Aſhby Puerorum V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. is. 8d. Val. 6 3 2 in omn. decim. & profic. Choriſtæ Lincoln. Eccleſiæ, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Patr. 33 0 o Aſwardby, alias Afwerby, R. (St. Helen.) Proxies and Synods 7 19 41 9s. Iod. William Booth, Gent. 1718. Robert Carr Brack- enbury, Eſq. 1758, 1780. * By the laſt Union in 1774. This Benefice is in all future Times to be called The Rectory of South Ormesby, with Ketesby R. Calceby V. and Driby R. K k k Bagender by 434 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. - LINCOLNSH. 1. d. O O 0 2 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 37 o Bagenderby R. (St. Margaret,) and Somerby R. Prox. Epifc. 6 18 11 25. 40.1 Læritia Langhorne, 1711. Robert Burton and his Wife, 1734. Langhorne Burton, Eſq. 1580, 1784, p. i. 34 Brinckhill, alias Brinkle, R. (St. Philip.) Proxies and Synods 8 95. 10d. Earl of Eseter, 1696. The Biſhop, 1733. Eve- rard Buckworth and Frances his Wife, 1782. 41 oo Clasby Pluckacre R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. 95. rod. 6 10 10 Sir Ja. Drake, 1661. Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1700. John Col- leton, Eſq. 1735. Edward Drax, Eſq. 1758. 35 0 0 Greatham R: (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 9s. 10d. Bi. 10 19 4 ſhop of Lincoln. 35 0 0 Hameringham P. (All Saints,) with Scrayfield. Prox. and Syna' 8 14 95. 10d. Penſ. Pri. de Bolington 6s. Thomas Chaplin, Eſq. 1712, 1720. Thomas Wakefield, Clerk, 1749, 1784, p. i. 40 o o Harrington R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Syn. gs. 10d. Amy 9 16 10% Hall, 1701. Vincent Amcotes, Eſq. 1723. Charles Am- cotes, Eſq. 1770. Oxcombe R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods gs. iod. Geo. 6 15 71 Langton, 1677, 1717. Bennet Langton, Eſq. 1762. 25 o Salmonby R. (St. Margaret.) Proxies and Synods 95. 1oda 5 10 21 John Smith, 1711. The KING, p. h. ř. 1726. Henry Marſhall, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1779. 32. O Somersby, alias Somerby, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. and Syn. 4 16 51 95. rod. Richard Langhorne, Gent. Lætitia Langhorne, 17.11. Robert Burton, and his Wife, 1735. Langhorne Burton, Eſq. 1780, 1784. 350 o Saucethorpe, alias Sawcethorp, R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies and . 3 61 Synods gs. iod. John Ely, 1696. Vaughan Bonner, Gent. 1707. Robert Wilby, Gent. 1734, 1758. 17 0 0 Scrayfield R. (St. Michael,) united to Hameringham. Prox. 4 19 41 and Syn.gs. iod. Thomas Chaplin, Eſq. 1717. Thomas. Wakefield, Clerk, 1749, 1784, p. i. 40 0 0 Tedford, alias Tetford, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn.. 95. rod. 5 0. 10 Elizabeth Huſſey, Widow, 1690. John Jenkinſon, Eſq. 1720, 1753. Jolin Harriſon, Eſq. 1771. ;8 Winceby R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. and Syn. gs.. 1odPenſ. 6 o 2) 50 o Abb. de Bardney 35. 4d. The KING. 30 0 O NOT IN CHARGE. * Aſgarby Curacy (St. Swithin.) The Prebendary thereof, in Lincoln Cath, Propr. and Pátr. D. Holland, LINCOLNSH. 435 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. D. Holland, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Croylande, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 10831. 155. rod. The Monaſtery of Swinelhead was likewiſe returned at 1671. 155. 3d.ž The Priory of Spalding was likewiſe returned at 7671.75. 11d. The Hoſpital of St. Mary in Boſton was likewiſe returned at 241. For the Particulars of the Poffefſions, vide Liber Regis. King's Books d: d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. 50 18 11 Alderkirk, alias Algarkirk, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Syn. 5 i 9 and Prox. 95. Redd. 55. Baſil Beridge, Clerk, 1719. Ba- ſil Bury Beridge, Clerk, 1782, Patr. and Incumbent. 33 8 11] Bennington R. (All Saints.j Syn. and Prox. gs. Sir Wil. 3 6 101 liam Ellis, Bart. 1711. Sir Francis Dalhwood, Bart. 1754. Honourable George Hobart, 1782. 33 6 8 Boston V. (St. Botolph.) Val. in denar. rec. de Rector. ibi- 3 6 8 dem. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 95. 6d. pro Vic. 6s. 3d. Penſ. Epiſc. 21. 135.4d. Hoſp. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Mayor and Burgeſſes of Boſton. 46. 35. 4d. certified Value. 13 17 31 Donnington V. (Št. Mary and Holy Rood.) Syn. and Prox, I 7 8 95. Redd. 6s. gd. Val. in fit. Vicar. oblat. decim. lact. ca- nab. lin. &c. Pri. Beckland in Co. Somerſet. Propr. Ed- ward Legh, M. D. 1709. Elizabeth Leigh, Widow, 1729. Edward Brown, Eſq. 1772. 601. 55. certified Value. 19 6 8 Fiſhtoft, alias Toft, R. (St. Guthlake.) Penf. Abb. Croy. I 18 8 land 81. Capellano de Fenchapel 51. Omn. decim. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 10d. Thomas Aſhcroft, Clerk, 1717. James Whiting, Gent. 1739. John Birtwhiſtle, 1781. 15 0 0 Fleet R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Syn. and Prox. 9s. Penſ. Pri. de Caſtleacre iol. Thomas Lodington, 1719. Pru- dentia Lodington, 1725. Lott Male, Gent. 1729. James Aſhley and his Wife, 1782. James Athley, Clerk, Patron and Incuinbent, 1784, p. i. ., K k k 2 I 10 0 Gedney 436 LINCOLNSH, DIOCESE OP LINCOL N. h. 1. S. d. 23 II 2 240 O O Proxies 95. 200 0 0 20 2 0 7 Prox. 95. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. ci Gedney R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) A Sine Cure. Synods and 7 7 1 2 Sir Carr Scroope, 1677. The KING, 1678. Chriſt. Cratford, Anthony Keck, and others, 1699. The KING, two Turns. William Clayton, Elq. one. William Clayton, Eſq. 1773. 30 11 101 Gedney V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Syn. Is. 6d. Penſ. Abb. 3 1 25 de Crovland 21. Val. in terr. dinc, cum al. decim. comii. ann. dim. ad firm. 3 acr. terr. pro repar. eccl. The KING. 5 10 HOLBECHE, alias HOLBEACH, V. (All Saints.) Synods and 12 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Val. in firm. de- cim. fæn, vitul. pul. canab. fal. Iac. anc. &c. dimifſ, ad firin. Biſhop of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 23 13 4 Moulton V. (All Saints,) cum Moulton Chapel. Archidiac. 2 17 4 15.6d. Pení. Pri. Spalding 4). 135. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55.4d. pro Vic. 75. id. Acr. terr. pro repar. ecclef. Val. in firm. decim. garb. fæn. canab. agn. vitul. &c. dimiff. ad firm. Pri. Spalding, Propr. Sir Edward Irby, Bart. 1705. Geo. Williamſon, Eſq. p. h. v. 176.7. Maurice Johnſon, Eſq. 1785. 40 6 51 Pinchbecke V. (St. Mary.) Synods and Prox. Is. 6d. Prox. 4 o 7 Epiſc. à Reet. 6s. 3d. Val. in redd. aſlıl. decim. gleb. oblat. & omn. al. profic. commun. ann. Pri. Spaldinge, Propr. Sir John Oldfield, 1689. Henry Barker, Clerk, 1719. Mau- rice Johnſon, Eſq. 1726. The Biſhop, 1752. Fulwood Sanderſon and Benjamin Kippis, 1779. 34 17 8} Skirbecke R. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. and Prox. 9s. Omn, de 3 9 91 cim. William and Matthew Sampfon, 1719, 1736. John Smith, Eſq. 1763. John Birtwhiſtle, Gent. 1769. Surfleet R. An Impropriation. Synods and Proxies 8s. 5d. 2 15 91 Penſ. Pri. Spalding 4l. Redd. 6d. Surfleet V. (St. Laurence.) A Curacy, and not a Vicarage. I Archidiac. Lincoln. 8s. 5d. Val. in quad. annuit. 11l. ſol. vic. per major. &c. Lincoln. cum redd. un. meff. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 5d. The Impropriator. Lady Frazer, 1767. 4000 Sutton, alias Long Sutton, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in decim. 4 gran. de Luttonhurne 125. decim. lan. agn. porc. anc. but lin. canab. &c. Penſ. Pri. Caſtleacre 5l. Syn. and Proxies Mon. Croyland, Propr. William Hyde, Eſq. 1687. William Peere Williams, Eſq. 1735. Lady Peyton and others, 1749. Thomas Leigh Bennett, Patr. and In- cumbent, 1784. 23 3 4 Sutcerton V. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 9s. Penſ. Abb. 2 6 4 400 Croyland 1l. 6s. 8d. Redd. Abb. de Croyland 55. Val. in omn. exit. profic. tam de manſ. gleb. oblat. obven. & al. pro- fic. The KING. Mon. Croyland, Propr. 27 17 11 11 0 0 2 0 , Q 0 : Ios. 2d. O O Tidde LINCOLNSII. 437 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. . s. d. O 0 O King's Books. l'early Tenths, 1. d. 17 6 51 Tidde St. Mary R. Syn. and Prox. 95. Penf. Abb. de Thor I 14 7 350 ney 11. 6s. 8d. Omn, decim. The KING. 16 14 91 Whaplode, alias Quapload, alias Whaplade, V. (St. Mary.) I 13 5 150 Syn. and Prox. 95. Val. in firm. decim. fæn. vitul. pul. fal. &c. dimiff. ad firm. The KING. Mon. Croyland, Propr. 33 6 8 Wiberton R. (St. Leodegar.) Synods and Proxies 95. Lord 3 6 8 Caſtleron, 1680. John Shaw, Gent. this Turn, 1712. Tho- mas Shaw, Clerk, 1743. 9 18 61 Wrangle V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Syn. and Prox. 1s.6d. o 19 101 Penſ. fol. Abb. de Waltham 51. Val. in oblat. decim. & al. profic. proven. & creſcen. dimiff. ad firm. Abb. Waltham in Eſſex, Propr *. Elizabeth Bayly, 1708. Richard Baily, Mr. Coningion and Mr. Thirkill, 1776. Truſtees of Edward Baily, Francis Thirkill, Gent. p. i. 1784. Clerk, 1.747 22 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value.. King's Books, 47 o o Bícker V. (St. Swithin.) Val. in deciin. canab. lin. Ian. agn. de 15 cim. minut. cum oblat. & altarag. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. I.s. 4d. Mon. Buttley in Suffolk, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. 24 15 5 Butterwick V. (St. Andrew,) united to Freeſton, 17:51. Prox. 8 4 2 and Syn. 15. td. Redd. 4dVal. in ſit. vicar. decim. canab. vac, vitul. lan. & al. profic. comm. ann. Mon. Wal- tham, Propr. Frances Ingrain, Widow, 1709. Sir John Dryden, Bart. 1753. Lady Dryden, 1782. 9. Frampton V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Lincoln. 45. 5d. Decano 1.8 19 4. 4:56 5d. Proxies and Synods 45. Val. in fit. vicar. cum 201. in pecun, annuat. rec. penf. epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Durham Col- lege, Propr. Richard Tunnard, and John Croſs, Gent. Richard Tunnard, 1752, 1760. John Tunnard, 1769. 1772.. 7 78 Freeſton V. (St. James,) with Butterwick. Synods is. 6d. 16 II 10 Val. in pecun, numerat. annuat. rec. de Prior. de Freeſton. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. nod. Mon. Croyland, Propr. Sir Arthur Ingram, 1617: Sir John Dryden, Bart. 1:7526 Lady Dryden, 1782.. 45. O @ Goſpertown V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox.. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. 7d. pro Vic. 35. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 2-2 * Vid, Leland, Collectanea, Vol. I. p. 101. Kirton, 433 LINCOLNSH, DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. d. 2 I 10 LO . Clear Pearly Vurlue. King's Books, 1. d. 30 2 II Kirton, alias Kirktown, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) cum Cap. Brothertoft. Synods and Proxies is. 6d. Vicar. Choral. Lincoln. 21. 135. 4d. Val, in ſit. vicar. decim. vac. fæn. lin. canab. oblat. cum penſ. rec. de Prior. de Buckland. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem, Propr. Mercers Company, London, Patr. 23 6 4. Lecke, alias Leak, V. (St. Mary.) Vicario in pecuniis 131. 13 6 8 6s. Sd. annuat. Pros. Epiſc. gs. 4d. Penſ. ann. 21. Can- telupe's Chantery in Lincoln, Propr. Governors of Oakham School, Rutland, Patr. 33 7 6. Leverton South R. (St. Helen.) Synods and Proxies 8s. 16 6 0 Omn. decim. Samuel Whiting, Gent. 166,3. Richard Falkner, Gent. 1727. Henry Hare Hart, 1780. 33 18 31 Leverton North R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. Omn. 15 18 9 decim. The KING. 33 19 61 Quadring V. (St. Margaret,) united to Wigtoft in 1729. 10 Syn, and Prox. Is. 6d. Redd. Epiſc. il. Val. in manſ. de- cim. canab. porc. anc. ac decim. privat. comm. ann. Pri. Stainfield, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 33 15 Swineſhead V. (St. Mary.) Val. in fit. Vicar. decim. porc. 14. 9 anc. ibidem comin. ann. cum prompt. denar. rec. de Abb. de Weſtm. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 5d. pro Rect. pro Vic. 35. Pens. Epiſc 135. 4d. Mon. Sti Petri Weſtm. Propr. Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge. 38 15 4 Wigtoft V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Quadring. Syn. 11 5 O and Pros. 95. Redd. 25. Penſ. Decano Lincoln, Il. 6s. 8d. Val. in fit. Vicar. cum gleb. paſtur. clauſ. prat. decim. lact. vitul. &c. Penſ, Epiſc. 31. 6s. 8d. Abby of Door, or Doure, in Heref. Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 100 O O I 3 O NOT IN CHARGE. Brothertoft Chap. Sir Charles Frederick. Gedney Fenn End, alias Gedney Hill, Chapel. (Holy Trinity.) Feoffees of Lands given to charitable Uſes. 381. clear Value. Foſdike Cur. (All Saints.) Chapel to Alderkirk. Lutton Bourne Curacy. (St. Nicholas.) Chapel to Sutton, St. Mary. Crowland, alias Croyland R. (St. Bartholomew and St. Guth- lake.) Thomas Mackworth and Thomas Orby, Eſqrs. 1722. Thomas Orby Hunter, Eſq. 1767. 341. 16s. 4d. clear Value. 100). reputed Value. 7. Cubit LINCOLNSH. 439 DIOCES E OF LINCOL N. Clear Yearly Value. . d. Cubit Cur. (St. Mary.) Certain Truſtees are Patrons. 391. 6s, 6d. clear Value. SPALDING Cur. (St. Mary and St. Nicholas.) Formerly a Priory. Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. Certain Truſtees are Patrons. 701. clear Value. Sutton St. Edmund Cur. Vicar of Sutton St. Mary. 21. 195. id. clear Value. Sutton St. James Cur. Vicar of Sutton St. Mary. 81. 95. 3d. clear Value. Whaplode Drove Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) In Truſtees. bol. clear Value. 50 0 0 Weſton V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 4d. pro Vic. 15. rod.} The KING. Pri. Spalding, Propr. 411. 145. od. I clear Value. Wickham, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Spalding. Boſton St. Peter's, Chapel to Boſton V. The Chapel demo.o. lilhed. Creffey Hall, Chapel to Surfleet. Moulton Chapel. The Vicar of Moulton. D. Horncaſtle, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c, with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. đ. 2 1 8 5 14 4 HORNCASTLE V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. Lincoln. 6s. Sd. Penſ. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 701. certified Value. 13 10 10 Marrow, alias Maryn, alias Mareham in le Fen. (St. Helen.) Prox. Epiſc. Lincoln. 55. Biſhop of Carliſle. 12 17 6 Scrielſby, alias Scrivelſby, alias Scriſbe, R. (St. Benediet,) with Dalderby united in 1731. Lewis Dymock, Eſq. 1704, 1751. John Dymoke, 1777. 751. clear certified Value. I 7 1 I 5 g LIVINGS 440 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. I de 20 O 2 I LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. l. d. Marton, alias Maron, alias Martin, R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 6 4 Epiſc. 35. gd. Williain Stanley, Eſq. 1689. Juliana Tyr- whitt, 1753. Samuel Hewſon, Eſq. 1772. 37 0 o Moreby R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. Lincoln. 35. Bilbop 7 11 8 of Carliſle. 25 00 Thornton V. (St. Wilfrid.) Prox. Epiſc. Lincoln. pro Rect. 5 12 35. 4d. pro Vic. 15. 7d. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. 40 o Tynton, alias Tointon Inferior, alias Nether Tointon, R. (St. It I 8 Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Earl of Lindſey, 1692. Duke of Ancaſter, 1778. Sir Peter Burrell, and Lady Willoughby of Eresby, 1783. 25 O o Wilsby, alias Wilkesby, R. (All Saints.) Frox. Epiſc. 25. 4 4 2 L:wis Dymock, Eſq. 1711, 1720. George Willows, Gent. 1764. 13 Woodhall V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Penſ. Epiſc. 35. Acra terræ pro repar. eccleſ. Mon. Kirkſted, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln, O NoT IN CHARGE. Tointon Superior, alias Upper Tointon, Curacy. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 7d.] Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. Bamburgh, alias Bamber, Curacy. (St. Swithin.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 3d. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. Earl of Lincoln, 1743. Wood Enderby Curacy. (St. Benedict.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 3d. Not in Charge. Biſhop of Carline, Propr. and Patr. 231. clear Value. * TATTERSHALL Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Formerly a College, is of exempt Juriſdiction. Not charged or certified. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Penf. 1os. Duke of Newcaſtle, and Earl of Lincoln, Patr. Weſt Alhby Chap. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. Lincoln. 45. 3d. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. Maring, alias Mareham on the Hill, Chap. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. Lincola. 25. 6d. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. D. Lawres, LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. D. Lawres, in the Archdeaconry of Stow. ! The Monaſtery of Barlings, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, &c. the clear annual Sum of 2521. 55. IId.] The Priory of Thorkſay was likewiſe returned at 131. 15. 4d. The Monaſtery of Fofſe was likewiſe returned at 71. 35. 6d. The Monaſtery of Hevings was likewiſe returned at 491. 55. 2d, Vide Liber Regis for the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions. King's Books. de 1. Se de 9 10 O Sir 019 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenttisen Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. Broxholme R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 1os. Henry Monſon, Bart. 1714. Lord Monſon, 1779. 11 15 21 Burton, alias Burton jux. Lincoln, R. (St. Vincent.) Proxies 3 6.3 and Synods 10s. gl. ann. pro répar. eccleſ. Sir John Mon- fon, 1684 Lord Monſon, 1780. 541. 55. 4d. certified Value. 15 8 It Faldingworth R. (All Saints.). Prox. and Syn. 1os. Ecclef. Ecclef.: I 10 9 Lincoln. 2s. Lord Tyrconnel, 1720. Lady Cuſt, 1771. Lord Brownlow, p. i. 1785. 671. 125. 2d. certified Value. 12 1 8 Fiſkarton, alias Fiſkerton, R. (St. Clement.) Prox. and Syn. I 4 2 Penf. Abb. de Burgo 155. 3 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. 28 0 0 Kettlethorp R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) . Prox. and Syn. Jos. 2 16 0 Thomas Hall, Eſq. 1690. Charles Hall, 1728. Wharton Amcotts, Eſq. 1783. 5 13 4 THOR KESEY * (St. Peter) is only a Curacy, the Vicarage is a oli 4 Lay Fee in the Hands of Sir Charles Davers, Bart. Pri. Thorkeley, Propr. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Penf. Epiſc. 35. 4d. 18 6. 8 Willingham near Stow R. (St. Helen.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 6d. I 16 8 Wilfrid and Judith Browne, 1706. Thomas Beck, Gent. 2730. Robert Wells, Clerk, 1781. IOS, * THOR KESEY with Brampton V. is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the yearly Value of 2141. 135. 4d. Vide State of Queen Anne's Bounty, 2d Edit, p. 196. But not being certified into the Exchequer, it remains ſtill charged. LIL LIVINGS 441 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN 1. di O I 2 2 o 20 O 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clar Yearly Valuee. King': Books ba do Aiſtrop, alias Eaſt Thorpe, Ri (St. Peter., Proxies and Synods 4.10 Ios, with Thorpe in le Fallows V. Proxies and Synods 55. iod. Penf. 5 7 6 40 00 Pri. Sri Johannis Jeruſalem 55. Iod. Pri. Sîi Johannis Jeruſa- lem, Propr. of Thorpe. Sir Richard Amcot, 1605. Sir Brian Broughton Delves, 1752. Sir Brian Broughton, Bart. 1782. George Foſter Tuffnell, Eſq. 1783. 6 Barlings Curacy. (St. Edward.). Mon. Barlings, Propr.. Sir John Tyrwhitt, Patr. 45 9 10 Brattleby. R. (St. Cuthbert.), Proxies and. Synods 1os. Penſ. 7 10 Ecclef. Lincoln. 21. Baliol College, Oxford. 6 1. Buningthorpe R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Thomas Sution, Eſqa 1605, 2:0 : : 1633. Charter Houſe, London, 16 5 * Dunbam or Dunholmé V. (St. Chadd.). Prebendary there. 4. 6 8 of, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln, Patr. 19 14 * Friſtrop, R. Ecclef. Lincoln. Ics. Il 155. ann. pro repar.. 4 10 ecclef. Dean and Chapter of Lincolo. 45 9 10.1 Gateburton R. (St. Helen.) Prox. and Syn. Ios. Penſ, Pri. 8.10. IO Spalding 6s. Lady Willoughby, 1692. Geo. Cockayne, Eſq. and liis Wife, 1711. Willoughby Berrie, Eſq. 1733• Thomas Hutton, Gent. 1742. 2000 Greetwell, alias Grechalls. Curacy. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Choriſiæ Ecclef. Lincoln.. Propr.. Dean and:Chap: ter of Lincoln, Patr. Kreth, alias Knath, R. is only a: Curacy. Prox. Epiſc. is. iod. Lord. Willoughby, of Parham, 1605. Hon. James Berrie. Earl of Abington. 14 oo Marton, alias Marten, V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. . pro 4 13. 4. Rector. Is. 8d. pro Vic. 15. 6d. parcel. terr. in uſ. eccleſ. Pri . Siæ Catiferina justa Lincoln. Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln.. Nettleham, alias Neriham, Curacy. (All Saints.). Prox. Epiſc. 35. Chancellor of the Church of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 90 Neuton. V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 15, 6d. Pri. Sîæ Catherinæ juxta . Lincoln, Propr. John Stow, Gent. 1605. The KING, by. Lapſe, 1.765. 23. 13 0 Repham V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 6. 13:4; Vic. 25. 6d. The KING, 1670, 1683, 1684. Mon... Barlings, Propr. Mercers Company, London, 1771. 15 Oo Ryfolme, alias Riſcholme, R. (St. Mary:) Prox. and Syne 4 0 0 Baliol College, Oxford. Saxilby 10 5 0 3 6 8 20 4. O 8 d. pro IOS. -- LINCOLNSK, 443 DIOCESE I. IN GOIN. 2. S. 28 49 11 IO O 0 0 4 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Eooks. l. d. o Saxilby V. (St. Botolph.) Prox, and Syni. 25. 7d. 55. pro 10 ſternend. ecclef. in feſt. dedic. Abb. Newſome, Propr. Bishop of Lincoln. 61 Scampton R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. Penſ. 8 16 Abb. de Bardney 135. 4d. Sir John Bolles, Bart. 1679. Sarah Bolles, Widow, 1723• Richard Stonhewer, Eſq. 1783, p. i. Scotherne V. (St. German.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro 4 5 27 30 Vic. Is. 9. Mon. Barlings, Propr. Sir Nicholas Saunders, 1624. Earl of Scarbrough. The KING, 1754, 8 6 4 Snarford R. (St. Laurence.) Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 15. iod.ź Subdean of Lincoln, Patr. 40 Sudbrooke, alias Souldbrooke, R. (St. Edward.) Proxies and Synods 1os. Biſhop of Lincoln, p. i. 23 o Upton V. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 25. 7d. Prox. 7 4 2 Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. Mon. Swiney in com. Ebor. Propr. Willoughby Bertie, Eſq. 1740. Earl of Abington, 1755. Wharton Amcotts, Eſq. 1.783. * Welton V. (St. Mary.). Oblat. Cap. de Rylonde 135. 4d. 7 6 5 :51. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. The five Prebendaries thereof, in the Church of Lincoln, are Proprietors and Patrons. The Biſhop, 1764. 8 16 8 Willingham Cherry V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. Rect. 25. 6 13 6d. pro Vic. Is. 62. Mon. Foſſe, Propr. Steph. Maſon, Eſq. 1662. Held by Sequeſtration. 0 0 7 10 25 od 6 13 4 Nor IN CHARGE. ** Stow in Lindſey Curacy *, (St. Mary.) il. 105. ecclef. Prebendary of Corringhain two Turns, and Prebendary of Stow one. 461. ios. clear Value. Carlton North. Prebendary thereof, or his Leſſee, Patr. 151. 155. clear Value. Carlton South. Prebendary thereof, or his Leſſee, Patr. 155 155. clear Value. Langworth, Chapel to Barlings. Deſtruct. * Stow Curacy.-Augmented by Dr. Harcourt, Prebendary of Corringham, with 40l. per ann. Vide Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, pp. 336, 33.7. L 1 1 2 D. Longoboby, 444 DIOCESE OF LINCOLNLINCOLNSHA N. , 9. Longoboby, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Catteley, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo, ralities, the clear annual Sum of 331. 185. 6d. The Monaſtery of Moolton Parke was likewiſe returned at 43l. 35. 8d. The Præceptory of Templebruer was likewiſe returned at 1847. 6s. 8d. Vide Liber Regis for the Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. $ King's Books, Yearly Tenths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. J. d. I 16. 10. 7. Blankney R. (St. Oſwald.). Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. I 13 02 Penſ. Pri. Thurgarton 135. 4d. Pri. Lincoln 8s. Pro manſ. cum terr. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. 5l. per ann. pro ier. pro repar. eccleſ. Lady Elizabeth Widrington, 1712. Thomas Chaplin, Eſq. 1722. John Chaplin, Eſq. 1760. 11 12 31 Boothby Graffoo, alias Boothby juxta Navenby, R. (St. An I 3.2 drew.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Penf. Abb. de Syon in Middl. il. 6s. 8d. Manf. cum terr. Il. os. 8d. decim. &c. John Towne for 50 Years, from 17 Sept. 1679. Richard Sutton, Eſq. 1730. Mathew Lamb, Eſq. 1740, 1762. 18 17 II Brawnſton, alias Branſton, R. (All Saints.). Synods and Proxies 1.17 97 105. 2d. Penſ. Pri. de Thurgarton in Nottingh. 21. 16s. 8d. O.no. decim. 31. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Sir Thomas Meers, Kut. 1680. Elizabeth Curtois, p. h. v. 1768. 3 2. 93 Braſsbridge, alias Bracebridge, V. (All Saints.) Pro manſ. 6 III cum comet. 6s. pro agn. lan. porc. anc. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 4d. pro Vic. 15. 4d. Pri. Stæ Catherinæ juxta Lincoln. Propr. Sir Tho. Manby, Knt. 1701. William Woodcock, 1737 Thomas Nocton, Gent. 1766. bol. certified Value. o Naumby, alias Navenby, R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies I 150 105. 2d. Penſ. Coll. Corp. Chriſti in Camb. 21. Mon. Syon 21. Pro manf.cum cert: terr. pertin. Il&c. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 7.17 11 Noéton, alias Norton, V. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 0.15.95 dos. 2d. Pro manſ..cum terr. pertin. 125. 8d. pro fæn. &. garb. 17 10 LINCOLNSH. 445 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, King's Books. S. d. 2. S. 220 O O Yearly Tenths. de S. de garb. 21. 135. 4d. pro agn. lan. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. yd. The KING. Pri. Moolton Park, alias Nocton, : Propr. 13 16: 8 Potterhanworth R. (St. Andrew.). Syn. and Prox. 10s. 2d. I 7 8 Penſ. Pri. de Thurgarton il. Pro manf. cum terr. & prat. pertin. 21. &c. The KING. 20 16 8 Wadington, alias Waddingtori, R. (St. Michael.) Syn. and 2 IS Prox. 10s. 2d. Manf. cum terr. 95. decim. &c. Edward Hill, Efq. 1701. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1779. 2.6 13. 4 Walhingburgh, ahas Waſhingburrow, R. (St. John Evangeliſt) 2 13 4. Syn. and Prox. 10s. 2d. Manf. cum terr, il. 55. decim. &c. Geo. Fairfax, Eſq. 1706. Charles Hall, Eſq. 1733. Charles Amcotts, Eſq. 1763: 19 16 01 Welborne, alias Welbourne, R. (St. Chadd.) Penſ. Pri. de I 197 Eye in Suff. 21. 135. 4d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. Il. de- cim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 85. id. Sir William Elwis, Bart. 1720. Sir Richard Elwis, Bart. 1727. Lord Le Deſpencer, 1765. Arabella Herring, Widow, p. h. v. 1779. O LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value King's Books, 32 0 0 Billingay, alias Billinghay, V. (St. Michael.) Dimiff. ad firm. 13 14 Penf. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. Is. 3d. Mon. Catley, Propr. Charles Dymock, Eſq. 1687. Earl of Tyrone in Ireland, 1721, Lord Fitzwilliams, 1760. 10.00 Canwick v. (All Saints.) Vicarius ibidem habet pro omn. & 5. 6.8 fingul. decim: & oblat. in pecun. numerat. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 5d. Mon. Stæ Catherinæ, Lin- coln. Propr. Thomas Freeſton, Gent. and Mary his Wife, 1682. Truſtees for the Mercers Company, London, 1770. 29 o O Coleby V. (All Saints.) Synods 25. 8d. Pro manf. cum terr. 6 12 1 95. pro cæmet. 8d. pro fæn. agn. lan. lac. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 85. Sd. pro Vic. 35. Penſ. Epiſc. 10s. Oriel Col- lege, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 19. O 0. Duniton V. (St. Peter.) Vicarius ibidem habet, viz. pro manf. 7 0.10 cum terr. 6s. 8d. pro cæmet. 8d. & in pecun. numerat. Prior. de Moolton Park 61 135. 4d. Prox. Epiíc. pro Rect. Is. iod. pro Vic: 25. 6d. Parcel. terr. pro repar. ecclef. 81. ann. . Pri. : Moolton Park, alias Nocton, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 27 O O Harmefton, alias Ariſton, V. (All Saints. Vicarius ibidem 7. 68. habet in pecun. numerat. rec. de Prior. Siz Cath. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. 3d. 1 pro Vic. 25. Pri. Stæ Catherinæ juxta 416 LINCOLNIN DIOCESE OR LINCOL N. 1. do O O 0 31 10 Clear Icarly Value. King's Books, lo d. juxta Lincoln. Propr. Sir George Thorold, Knt. and Bart. 1715. Sir Nathaniel Thorold, Bart. 1762. 28 o Kirkby Green V. (Hoiy Croſs.) Synods and Proxies 25. 8d. II 7 6 60 Pro manf. cum gleba 6s. 8d. pro penf. 6s. 8d. pro garb. foen. agn. Jan. lac. &c. The KING. Mon. Kirkſted, Propr. 25 Oo Medringham, alias Methringham, V. (St. Wilfrid.) Synods 8 0 10 and Proxies 25. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 121. per ann. pro re- par. eccleſ. Pro cæmet. 4d. pro oblat. Il. 13s. pro agn lan. lac. lin. canab. &c. Mon. Kyme, Propr. John Lord Her- vey, 1706. Earl of Briſtol. The KING, p. h. v. 1775. Skinnand, alias Skinnon, R. Deſtructa. Synods and Proxies 5 13 11 105. 2d. Manf. cum terr. & paſt. 21. &c. James Bertie, Eſq. 1699. Lord Falkland, 1763, 1784, p. i. 331. 125. 6a. certified Value. 14 0 o Skopwick V. (Holy Crols.) Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 6s. 8 8d. pro oblat. 21. 125. 8d. pro agn. Jan. lac. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. is. 8d. Pri. Thurgarton in Nott. Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 20 0 0 Timberland V. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 105. 2d. 12 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 40.1 Pro manſ. cum terr. 105. 8d. pro vitul. Iac. pull. fæn. infra mariſc. 6l. pro mnel. porc. anc. &c. Mon. Thurgarton in Nottingh. Propr. Humph. Buckner, Gent. 1670. Held by Sequeſtration. The KING, 1785. 45 00 * Wellingore, alias Wellingar, y. (All Saints.). Pro manf. 11 10 cum terr. pertin. 10s. & pro omnibus fruct. comm. ann. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Pair. O 2 II Chapels, Donatives, AND CURACIES, Walcot, (St. Oſwald,) Chapel to Billingay, Eaſtmere, Chapel to Wadington. : 9. Lobeden LINCOLNSH 447 DIOCESE OP LINCOLN. D. Loveden, in the Archdeaconry of Lincoln. King's Books. 2. S. d. & 2 41 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenthe Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d, 1, 6 8 Beckingham R. (All Saints,) with Strugglethorpe Chapel. 4 (St. Michael.) Pròx. Epiſc. 155. Dimiff. ad firm. James Metford, 1690. Andrew Hacket, Eſq. 1721, 1763: 35 13 4 Burntbroughton R. (St. Helen.). Barth. Burton, Eſq. 1704. 3.11 4 Sir Richard Sutton, Bart. 1779. 13 51 Carlton Scroope R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 1os. I 6 2d. Manf. cum terr. Il. &c. Sir Thomas Meers, Knt. 1690. Edward Farmer, Eſq. 1728. Elizabeth: Darwin,- Widow, 1762. 20 IL 101 Cauthorpe, alias Cawthorp, R. (St. Vincent.) Synods and I: 26 Proxies 10s. 2d. Penſ. Pri. Sfi Johan. Jeruſalemn 61. 135.4d. Pri. Malton, Ebor. il. 6s. 8d. Pro manf. 6s: 8d. pro cæmet. 15. &c. Thomas Woodcock, Gent. this Turn; 1715. Tho- mas Pochin, Eſq. 1744. 15. 15. o Claypole R. South Part. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies: I II 6 55. id. Manf..cum terr. il. &c. ll. per. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Rev. Dr. Geo. Bright, 1690. John Plumtree, Eſq. 1722, 1780. 16 8 4. Claypole R. the other Med. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods I' 12 10 55. Id. Manf. cum terr: 31. os. 6d. &c. Hugo Cartwright, and William Twentyman, Clerk, 1717. Chriſtian Benſon, Widow, 1731. Elizabeth Harding, Widow, 1778. 20.15 71 Fulbeck R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Pénſ. 2 I 6 Decano & Cap. Lincoln. Ios. Manf. cum terr. Ios. &c. Franc, Fane, Eſq. 1701, 1737. Jane Fane, Widow, 1760. James Evelyn, and Jane his Wife, 1783. 15: 6 8 Hough V *. (All Saints.). Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Pro manf. cum cæmit. 1os. pro oblat. decim. lan. agn. fæn. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. The KING. Mon. Mountgrace, Ebor. Propr. 33 8 61 Hougham R. (All Saints,) and Marſton R. (St. Mary.) Sy- 3 6 101 nods and Proxies los. 2 d. Manf. cum.terr. 21..25. c. &c. } I 10 8 100 * Hough V. --See in Dec. Loveden, the Liber Regis in Offic. Prim. and fee the Warwick Roll. Lord 448 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN: d. 29 12 I 2 King's Books, l'early Tenths, 1. d. 2. Lord Brudenell, 1676. Henry Goode, Clerk, 1722. Uni- verſity of Cambridge. Earl of Cardigan, 1761. 81 Lednam, alias Longlednam, R. (St. Swithin.) Pro manf. cum 2 19 35 terr. pertin. 1os. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 125. 6d. Mary Pym, Widow, 1694. George Rayner, 1721. William Beresford, Eſq. 1729. Samuel Foſter, Gent. 1764. 3 2. Stubton R. (St. Martin.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Penſ. . I 4 41 Pri. Shelford in Nottingh. 105. Manf. cum terr. Ios. &c. 15l. per ann. pro ſuſtent, pauper. & repar. eccleſ. Thomas Moore, Gent. 1682. Eliz. Moore, 1719. Chriſtopher Moore, Gent. 1732. The Biſhop, 1760. 731. 6s. certified Value. Weſtburgh, alias Weſtborough, Med. with Shefford R. (All 2 0 0 Saints.) Synods and Proxies 5s. id. Pro manſ. cum terr. pertin. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Pros. Epiſc. 75. 6d. John Milborne, Gent. 1696. Mr. Thorold. 6 13 4 Weſtburgh, alias Weſtborough, other Med. R. (All Saints,) 0 13 4 with Dodington V. (St. James.) Pro annual. penf. 61. 135. 4d. Pros. Epiſc. pro Reet. 115. 3d. pro Vic. 2s. Pri. Shelford in Nott. Propr. Thomas Moore, Eſq. 1691. Robert Hall, Clerk, 1728. Thomas Beaumont, Clerk, 1754. Robert Hall, Clerk, 1777. 81. 155. certified Value, 20 O 16 O Q LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. Ancaſter V. (St. Martin.) Pro coemeter. 15. pro oblat. pro de- 6 13 4 cim. canab. lin. anc. porc. agn. lan. & Le Waxfhot. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Mon. Malton, Ebor. Propr. William Thowne, Gent. 1637. Mr. Towne. The KING, by Lapſe, 1769. so Long Benington V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. 20 I IO 70 Pro oblat, pro decim. fæn. agn. lan, porc, anc. viiul. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Mon. Mountgrace, Ebor. Propr. 38 13 4. Normanton R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2 d. 10 Pení. Pri. Sti. Johannis Jeruſalem il. 6s. 8d. Pro manf. 8se &c. Earl of Briſtol, 1772. 0 Со 26 5 CHAFELS, LINCOLNSH. 449 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Fenbon, or Fenton, (All Saints,) Chapel to Beckingham. Foſton, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Long Benington. Brandon, Chapel to Hough. D. Louthesk and Ludburgh, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Abby of Louth Parke, in this Deapry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 1471. 145. 6d. The Priory of Alvyngham was likewiſe returned at 1281. The Priory of Nunormeſby was likewiſe returned at 8ol. IIS. rod. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 145, 2d d. d. 3 0 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. i. lo 6 2 6 Calſthrop R*. (St. Faith.) Sine Cure. Prox. and Syn. gs. 10d. Penſ, Pri. Sixhill il. 16s. 8d. Thomas Weſt, Gent. 1660, 1665. The QUEEN, by Lapſe, 1710. The KING, 1745. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1783. 17 i 8 Hallington V. (St. Laurence,) with Rathby R. (St. Peter,) I 14 2 united. Proxies and Synods 9s. 8d. Penſ. Pri. Iegborne il. 135.4d. Abb. de Crowland 15. d. Val. in omn. decim. & emolument. Mon. Legborne, Propr. Charles Chaplin, Eſq. 1720, 1783, p. i. 36 3 4 Lowth P. Eccleſ. Lincoln. 41. 55. 7d. Vicar. Choral. 21. 3. 12 Choriſt. Lincoln. 35. 4d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 4 * Calſthrop R. -is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty at 151, 55. clear Value, M mm Ludburgh 459 LINCOLNSH. DIOCES E or LINCOL N. d. King's Books Yearly Tenths.. 1. s. d. h. 20 19 41 Ludburgh R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 94.. 10d. 2 I 11 Arthur Crefley, and William Tomlyn, Gent. 1707. John Thorold, and others, 1758. Richard Thorold, Eſq. 1778. 12 19 41 Salfetby All Saints R. Proxies and Synods gs. 19d. Mag- 5 Inter dalen College, Oxford. About 73l. certified Value. 5 0 SALFLEET, alias SALFLETBY ST. PETER R. Prox. and Syn. O 1.0 Oriel College, Oxford. About 621. certified Value. 9 18 4 North Somercotes, alias Somercotes St. Peter V *. Now pre- Now pre- 0 19 10 ſented to as a diſtinct Rectory. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. The KING, aş Duke of Lancaſter. 6. 3 South Somercotes R. (St. Mary.) Synods gs. iode. Prox. 2 4 75 Epiſc. 45.8d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 1 Welton Rt. (St. Martin.) Proxies and Synods 9$. 104, 3 2 80 The KING. 3s. ed. 120 0 22 130 O II 12 T O > LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 2 O Alvingham Cur. (St. Adewele) cum Cockerington. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. il. Terr. pro repar. ecclef. 41. 55. per ann. Pri. Alvingham, Propr. Bilhop of Lincoln. 28 o Awthorpe R #. (St. Margaret.) Penf. Collegio de Tattelhall 5 13 4 il. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Jane Thynne, Widow, 1711. Mr. Vyner, and Mr. Ward alternately. Robert Vyner, Eſq. 1778. @ Burwell V. or Curacy. (St. Michael.) Val. in omn. decim. 8 0 0 & profic. commun. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 2d. pro Vic. 2s. Colleg. de Tattelhall, Propr. Sir Hen. Glemham, 1605; Matthew Liſter, Eſq. 1723. 30 O o Carlton Parva R. (St. Edith.} Proxies and Synods gs. I iod. 5 16 101 Sir Edward Smith, Bart. 1711. Edward Smith, Eſq. 1.722. William Belçhier, Eſq. 1768. Cockerington St. Leonard V. Val. in omn. & fingul. decim. 5 1 51 oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. iS., 2l. per ano. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Stainfield, and Pri. Alvinghain, Propr. Biſhop of Lin. coln. 30 0 20 * North Somercotes V. and South Somercotes R. were united by Archbiſhop Whitgift, anno 1585- Vide Whitgift's Life, by Strype. + Welton R.—is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the Value of about 451. Avthorpe R. -is in the. Liber Regis in D, Calfwaith. Cockerington LINCOLNSH. 451 DIOCES É O LINCOL N. 2 par. ecclef. 8 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. 1. 's, di o ó Cockerington St. Mary Cur. with Alvingham. Terr. pro re- Pri. Stainfield, and Pri. Alvingham, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 45 o Coningſholme R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods gs. iod. 913 6 Sir William Ellys, Bart. 1716, 1721. Hon. George Ho- bart, 1784, p. i. 48 o o Cowham, alias Cownham, alias Covenham, R. (St. Bartholo- 17 12 mew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. 2l. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Executors of John Pym, deceaſed, 1700. Philip Pimm, 1749. Philip Pimm, and others, 1758. Jonathan Wilſon, and Robert Morehouſe, 1769. 30 o o Cowham, alias Cownham, alias Covenham St. Mary R. Prox. 10 and Syn. 95. rod. Penſ. Pri. Nun Ormſby 1h 6s. 8d. Exe- cutors of John Pym, deceaſed, 1700. The KING, 1721, 1769. 8 0 0 Elkington North V. (St. Helen.) Proxies and Synods gs. iod. 4 19 41 Penſ. Pri. Nun Apleton 135. 4d. Val. in omn. decim. &c. Pri. Nun Apleton, Propr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1749. 25 0 Ô Elkington South V. (All Saints.) Vicario de Nor. Elkington 57 6 pro Penf. 55. Rectori de Welton pro Penf. 35. 4d. Val. in omn. decim. & profic. quibuſcunque. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 3d. pro Vic. Is. 6d.} Pri. Nun Ormeſbs, Propr. Edmund Smith, 1700. The KING, 1728. Hon. James Grenville, 1781. oo Fairford, alias Fairforth, R. (St. Peter,) with Madenwell V. 6 6 8 united to Ruckland in 1753. Proxies and Synods 6s. 82. Pri. Kyme, Propr. Sir John Bull, George Martin, Gent. Anne his Wife, and Henry Doughty, Gent. 1725. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. 1778. 8 0 0 Fotherby V. (St. Mary.) Val. in omn. decim. & profic. eid. 3 vicar. pertin. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. ind. pro Vic. Is. 8d. The KING. Pri. Nun Ormeſby, Propr. 27 Gaiton, alias Gayton on the Wolds, R. (St. Peter.) Synods 8 II 50 IS. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. The KING. 30 o o Grimeſby, alias Grimoldby, R. (St. Edith.) Proxies and Synods 9 10 45. 8d. gs. per ann. pro repar. ecclef. Thomas Lord Mid- dleton, 1717. Lord Middleton, 1773. 6 13 4. Grimeſby Parva V. (St. Edith:) Proxies and Synods ís. 8d. 3 6 8 Penſ. Pri. de Nun Ormeſby 135. 4d. Val. in omn. decim. & profic. comm. ann. Pri. Nun Ormesby, Propr. John Nelthorp, Eſq. 1723, 1762. o Haugham, alias Hangholme, v. (All Saints.) Val. in omn. 8 I 8 decim. & profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. Is. 6d. William Handby, 1605. John Chaplin, 1723. Sir John Chapman, Bart. 1728. M m m 2 Keddington, 20 оо 20 o O ооо 20 452 LINCOLNSIBE DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. lo S. d. 0 0 2 Clear Fearly Value, King's Books 1. d. 17 o 0 Keddington, alias Kennington, V. (St. Margaret.) Val. in 3 6 8 omn. decim. emolument. & profic. commun. ann. Prox. Epiſc. 1od. Pri. Alvingham, Propr. Frances Earle, Wi- dow, 1668. The KING, by Lapfe, 1759. 35 0 0 ) Kelſterne V. (St. Faith.) Val. in omn. decim. & profic. 6 II 10 50 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 6d. pro Vic. 15. 2d. Mon. Thorn- ton, Propr. Chriſtopher Hildyard, Eſq. 1740. William Deniſon, Eſq. 1781. $0 Od * LOUTH ST. JAMES, alias LowTH, V. cum Louth St. Mary's 12 oo Chapel. Val. in omn. profic. & commod. per ann. clare. Prebendary thereof, in Lincolu Cath. Propr. and Patr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1764. 48 0 0 Manby R. (St. Mary) Proxies and Synod's gs. 10d. 151. 11 10 in uf. eccleſ. John Goodrick, Eſq. 1684, 17 29. Sir Har- ry Goodrick, 1723. John Hyde, Clerk, 1772. 30 oo Muckton R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. and Syn. 95. 10d. Matth. 6 Matth. 6 3. 6.3 Liſter, Eſq. 1695. Gilbert Brown, Eſq. 1739. Hum- phrey Sibthorpe, M. D. 1782, 1784, p. i. 0 o North Reſton V. (St. Edith.. ) Synods is. 8d. Val. in omn. 4 IL 101 30 decim. & profic. per ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 8d. pro Vic. 15. Pri. Torkeſey, Propr. Henry Cook, Eſq. 1677. Bryan Cooke, Eſq. 1742. Anthony Cooke, Eſq. 1761. Nun Ormeſby V. (St. Helen.) Val. in omn. decim. com. ann. 3 0 0 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 10s. pro Vic. 8d. Pri. Nun Ormeſby, Propr. Burrell Maſſingberd, Eſq. 1691, 1722. The KING, by Lapſe, 1778. Ruckland, alias Rutland, R. (St. Olave,) with Fairforth and 6 3 9 Maidenwell. Proxies and Synods 95. rod. Edmund Doughty, 1701. Sir John Bull, Knt. 1723. Charles Anderſon Pel- ham, Eſq. 1778. o Salfetby St. Clement, alias Eaſt Salfſetby, R. Prox. and Syn. 7 Ó I Alice Brownlow, Widow, 1710. Lady Anne 18 O 13 10 45 00 48 95. rod. Cuſt, 1751. 3 6 48 o o Skidbrooke V. (St. Bottolph.) Proxies and Synods gs. Tode 11 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 2d. Val. in omn. decim. & pro- fic. Abb. Torr, in Com. Devon. Propr. Thomas Beat- niffe, 1705. John Campion, 1723. Dinah Bradley, Wi- dow, 1767. 30 00 Stewton R.' (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. gs. 10d. Geo. 7 Oo Heneage, Eſq. 1669, 1711. Lord Middleton, 1725, 1780. Tathwell, alias Tatwell, V. (St. Vedaſt.) Synods is. 8d. 10 00 Val. in omn. decim. & profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. as. 2d. pro Vic. Is. 2d. The Biſhop, 1763, 1783. Utterby 40 0 LINCOLNSH. 453 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. s. 2. d. Clear Yearly Valuc. King's Books. 1. do 18 0 o Utterby V. (St. Andrew.) Val. in omn. decim. emolument. 5 6 8 &c. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 85. 8d. pro Vic. sod. Pri. Nun Ormesby, Propr. John Ely, Eſq. 1723. Catherine Ely. The KING, by Lapſe, 1756. 14 OO Eaft Wickham V. Ecclefia deſtructa. Prox. Epiſc. 15. id. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. Sir Robert Legard, 1685. John Fer- rand, Clerk, 1746. Stephen Ferrand, Gent. 1781. 38 o Witheall, alias Withcall, R. (St. Martin.) Proxies and Sy- 11 16 10 nods gs. 10d. Penſ. Pri Sti Johannis Jeruſalem 17. The KING. 7 00 Wyam near Ludburgh, with Cadeby R. (All Saints.) En. 8 dowed by Hugh Wells, Bilhop of Lincoln, in 1209. Prox. and Synods 95. rod. Anne Ellis, Widow, 1680. Sir Wil- liam Ellys, Bart. 1724. The KING, by Lapſe, 1778. 40 O O Yarburgh R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies and Synods 95. iod. Terr. quæd. pro repar. eccleſ. il. 1os. ann. Sir Thomas Yar- burgh, Knt. 1670. Samuel Townraw, 1704. James Yar- burgh, Eſq. 1722. The Biſhop, 1743. Charles Yarburgh, Eſq. and Henrietta Vanburgh, Widow, 1761. O O 100 O O 9 13 6 NoT IN CHARGE. IOS. Carlton Magna V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Penſ. Epiſc. Lincoln. Archidiac. Is. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 95. pro Vic. 15. 4d. Pri. Markby, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lin- coln. Caſtle Carlton R. (Holy Croſs.) Edward Smith, Eſq. 1711, 1723. William Belchier, Eſq. 1768. 121. clear Value. Fulltow V*. (St. Laurence.) Proxies and Synods 9s. 10d. 8 10 3 Val. in manf. cum clauſ. ibidem 16s. 8d. in decimn. vacc. porc. anc. pull. canab. lin. &c. Pri. Lowth Park, Propr. Held by Sequeſtration. 81. clear Value. Garnthorp, alias Granthorp Cur. (St. Clement.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 2d.] Pri. Afvingham, Propr. Magdalen College, Cam- bridge, Patr. 25% per ann. paid by the College. 196. 145. clear Value. Marſh Cur. (St. Mary.) The Inhabitants. 81. clear Value. Amcotes, (St. Thomas Becker,) Chap. to Awhorpe, alias Al- thorpe, R. in Dec, Manlake. * Fulſtow Vi-is in Charge. CHAPELS, DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. LINCOLN3X CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Maltby, Chapel to Hallington and Rathby. Walmgate, Chapel to Burwell. Deſtruct. Cauthorp, Chapel to Covenham (St. Barth.) D. Manlake, in the Archdeaconry of Stow. The Priory of Thornholme, in this Deanry, was returned at 1551. 195. 6d. 1 The Monaſtery of Goykewell, alias Goxwell, was likewiſe re- turned at 161, 125. rod. For Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. rearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. S. d 2 IO O O O o 2 2 O 14 10 25 0. Althorpe R. (St. Oſwald.) Proxies and Synods ,105. The 300 KING. 21 o Broughton R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 1os. Sir Ste- phen Anderſon, 1714, 1760. Sir William Anderſon. 12 0 o Burton upon Stather V. (St. Andrew,) united to Flixburgh I 4 O in 1729. Proxies and Synods 105. Pri, Bockland in Com. Somerſet, Propr. Duke of Buckingham, 1729. Sir Charles Sheffield, Bart. 1774, 1785. 702. 145. 11d. certified Value. o Crull, alias Crowle, V. (St. Oſwald.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 1 9 0 Abby of Selby, Propr. Eleanor Fox, Widow, 1718. Hen. Shuttleworth, 1722. Margaret Godfrey, Spinſter, 1767. Margaret Egremont, Widow, 1782. 0 Flixburgh R. (All Saints,) with Burton Stather. Proxies and Proxies and 1 zo Synods 10s. James Holt, Eſq. 1698. Duke of Bucking- ham, 1729. Sir Charles Sheffield, Bart. 1774, 1785, p. i. 701. 35. 2d. { certified Value. 16 0 0 Halton, alias Weſt Halton, (St. Etheldreda,) with Conisby Chapel. Proxies and Synods 1os. 41. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Bilhop of Norwich. Luddington, 13 10 I 12 Q I 3 LINCOLNSÆT. 458 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 1. d. IOS. King's Bookso Yearly Tenthis. 1. do 8 0 Luddington, alias Loddington, V. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. and O 16 Prox. ios. Abby of Selby, Propr. Thomas Pindar, Eſq: 1689, 1722. Thomas. Liſter, Eſq. 1776. 451. 115. certi- fied Value. 13 6 8 Maunton, alias Manton, R. (St. Hibald.) Proxies and Synods I 6 8 Sir Thomas Middleton, 167,8. Thomas Dalyſon, Eſq. 17.15 Iſabella Dalyſon, Widow, 1757. 671. 185. 9d. I certified Value. 5 6 8 Risby, alias Rifeby, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 8 Rešt. 25. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 4d. Pri. Thornholme, Propr. Robert Elwys, Eſq. 1714, 1727. Cary Elwes, Eſq. 1779. 691. 125. 3d. i certified Value. United in 1717 to 6 3 4 Roxby V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 10s. Pri. Drax. Ebor. Propr. Robert Elwys, Eſq. 1714, 1727. Cary Elwes, Eſq. 1779 28 0 o Winteringham, alias Wintringham, R. (All Saints.) Prox. 2 16 and Synods Ios. George Earl of Caſtleton, 1680. Sir Thomas Sanderſon, 1726. Earl of Scarborough, 1784, p. i. Ο ΙΟ 12 pro Vic. 25. 45 7 1 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Elear Yearly Value: King's Books. 2015 7 Alkborow, alias Awkburgḥ, alias Aukborough, V. (St. John 10 Baptiſt.) Synods 25. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 8s. 4d. Pri. Spalding, Propr. Thomas Denman, Eſq. 1688. Chriſtopher Goulton, Eſq. 1769, 1773. I Apulby, alias Appleby, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods 25. 10 4 O 7d. Penſ. Pri. Thornholme 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. 3 dom. cum terr. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Thornholme, Propr. Sir Rowland Wynne, Bart. 17053 1727, 1-780. 30 o 71 Bottesford; alias Botsford, V. (St. Peter,) cum Cap. Eaſt Bur- 10 ringham, united to Meſſingham in 1727. Proxies and Synods The Biſhop and Dean and Chapter of Lincoln al- ternately. The Dean and Chapter, 1773. The Biſhop, 1785. 51 Frodingham, aliás Fordingham, V. (St. Laurence:) Prosies 12 16 8 and Synods 1os. Penſ. Epiſc. 21. Mon. Revesby, Propr. Anne Leake, Widow, 1664. The KING, 17:26. George Healey, Gent. 1771. 916 Hibalſtow V. (St. Hibald.) Proxies and Synods 105. Penf. 7.10 Ecclef. Lincoln. 6s. 8d. Domus de Goykerwell, olim Propr. Subdean of Lincoln, Patr. and Propr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1782. Mellingham IOS. 22 12 20 456 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. d. 30 10 0 0 32 12 Clear Ycarly Value. King's Booki, 2. s. d. 9 Mellingham V. (Holy Trinity,) with Botsford. Proxies and 10 Synods 1os. Pri. Thornholme, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln, and Dean and Chapter alternately. 22 18 41 Redbury, alias Redbourn, V. (St. Andrew.) Prox, and Syn. 5 10 105. Abbey of Sélby, Propr. Eliz. Carter, Widow, 1715. Robert Carter Thelwall, Clerk, 1781. 5 Scawlby, alias Scawby, V. (St. Hibald.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. Penſ. Epiſc. 21. Pri. Thornholme, Propr. Nicholas and James Nelthorp, 1708. Richard Temple, Eſq. 1755. 15 50 Whitton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. and Syn. ros. Mon. 6 10 Welbeck in Nottingham. Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. The KING, by Lapſe, 1773. Winterton, alias Wincton, V. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 8 o Du. acr. terr. pro repar. ecclef.' The KING. Pri. Malton in York, Propr. O o оо 42 o 10S, CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Eaſt Toft, Cap. ad Crull, alias Crowle, fed fpectat etiam ad Aldingfleet in Dioc. Ebor. 9. Nels, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Neweſtede, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually, 371. 6s. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tentbsa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 5. d. d. l. 9 10 80 0 1. S. o 19 O o Braceburgh R. (St. Margaret.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. Penf. Hoſpit. de Burton Lázars 1l. 6s. 8d. Pri. Spalding 6s. 8d. Pro manſ, cum terr. & ccemet. 75. 8d. &c. The KING. MARKET LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 451 - 18 10 0 I 17 King's Books. Iparly Tenisse l. S. d. 1. si di 16 I 3 MARKET DEEPING R. (St. Guthlake.) Synods and Proxies I 12 I 220 O 105. 2d. Manſ. cum terr. 21. 105. &c. Lord Burleigh, 1605. The QUEEN, 1710. The KING. Gretford R. (St. Thomas Becker.) Synods and Proxies 105. 17 0 2d. Penſ. Prioriſſæ de Wynton 135. 4d. Omn. decim. The KING. 9 17 II Weſt Deeping R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. O 1992 110 O Penf. Abb. Burn. 135. 4d. Manſ. cum terr. & paftur. il. 135. 8d. &c. 2 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING. 5 24 Uffington R. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 1os. 2d. Penſ. 2 2 61 Priori de Bello vero ( Belvoir) il. Manf. cum terr. il. 115. 4d. &c. Duke of Buckingham, 1669. Charles Bertie, Eſq. 1719, 1744, 1780. 200 O O 0 5 11 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 14 II o Barholme, alias Barhalm, V. (St. Martin,) with Stow V, united 8 1772. Synods 25. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. 6d. pro Vic. 15. 9d. Pro penſ. rec. Abb. de Bourn 41. 6s. 8d. manſ. cum coemet. 35. 4d. dec. agn. canab. lin. &c. Mon. Bourne Propr. Truſtees of Oakham and Uppingham Schools. 25 14 Iį Balton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 2d. 6 I 3 50 Penf. Abb. de Crowland il. Pro manſ. cum terr. pertin. 6s. 8d. pro fæn. agn. lan. porc. anc. gall. &c. The KING. Mon. Croyland, Propr. 32 8 of Carleby, alias Carelby, R. (St. Stephen.) Syn. and Prox. 9 I 103 IOS. 2d. Manf. cum terr. & coemet. 145. &c. 41. Ios. ann. paup. ad deſp. Rectoris. John Tigh, Eſq. 1712. Charles Cecil, Eſq. h. v. 1722. Elizabeth Curtis, Spinſter, 1766. Earl of Exeter, and Sir John Smith, Bart. alternately. 2o 9 4 Deeping James, alias Eaſt Deeping, V. Pro manf. cum terr. 6 19 92 pertin. 6s. pro cæmet. 4d. & pro penſ. rec. Abb. de Thor- ney 61. 135.4d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 10s. pro Vic. 25. ód. . Mon. Thorney, Propr. Thomas Low, 1605. The KING, by Lapſe, 1717. Sir Francis Whichcot, Bart. 1739. Sir Chriſtopher Whichcot, Bart. 31 17 9. Langtoft V. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies ios. 2d. 5 5 73 Penf. Abb. Crowland 6s. 8d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. 85. 6d. pro fæn. agn. lan. porc. anc. canab. &c. Mon. Croy- land, Propr. William Hyde, Eſq. 1712. Thomas Vivian, Efq. 1762. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. 1774. 9 17 4 Stow V.' (St. John Baptiſt,) united to Barholme in 1772. In 4 39 pecun. numerat. rec. de Abb. 31. 6s. 8d. pro agn, lan, canab. Nnn OV. 458 LINCOLNSH DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 1. da V Rect. 75. 75. 6d. Clear Yearly Valus. King's Books 1. de ov. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Mon. Bourne, Propr. Truf- tees of Oakham and Uppingham Schools. 28 16 94 Thurleb, alias Thurkeby, alias Thirlbey, V. (St. Firmin.) 10 9 41 Synods 25. 8d. Pro manf. cum terr. pertin. Il. 35. pro agn. lan. porc. anc. gall. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro pro Vic. 35.' 21. 135. 4d. paup. vel pro repar. vi. ad eccleſ. Mon. St. Michael Stainford, Propr.. Simon Degge, Eſq. 1667. Eton College. 19 O 64 Tallington V. (St. Laurence.) Vicarius ibidem habet in pecun. 80 numerat.. 81. 6s. 8d. & pro manf. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. pro Vic. 34., 51. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. & al. uſ. Mon. Bello vero [Belvoir], Propr. Duke of Buckinghamy 1666. Charles Bertie, Eſq. Held by Sequeſtration.. 75. 6d. CHAPEL WilleſthorpChapel to Gretfordó. D. Stainford, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN42 The Monaſtery of St. Michael, near: Stamford, was returned by the Commiſſioniers to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 657 195. 9d. The Hoſpital of All Saints in Stamford was likewiſe returned at 181. 165. od. For Particulars,. vide Liber Regis.. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. d. ho 12 ISO 1 4 9 7 84 All Saints V. with St. Peter's R* Proxies and Synods 1os. 2d. Redd. rod. Dec. & Cap. Lincoln il. Mon. Stam- ford 34. 35. 4d. Pri. Stamford, Propr. The KING, one O * The five Churches now ſtanding in Stamford are St. John's, All Saints, St. Michael's, St. George's, and St. Mary's. Turn, 7 LINCOLNSH, 459 DIOCESE OF LINCOLNN. . King's Books, rearly Tenths. 1. de O 16 10% l. d. Turn, and Mr. Repington, two Turns. Mr. Rogers, two Turns. Sir Samuel Pennant, Knight, 1747. Henry Pen- nant, 1756. The KING, p. h. v. 1785. 8 8 61 St. Clement's R. with St. John's R. Proxies and Synods 1os. 2d. Penſ. Abb. Bevall 135. 4d. Redd. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8.1. Decim. major. & minor. cum terr. gleb. & redd. diverſ. ten. & cotag. Mayor and Corporation of Stamford, one Turn in three. Samuel Rogers, Clerk, 1719, for two Turns in three. Earl of Exeter, 1729. The Mayor of Stainford, 1752. Earl of Exeter, 1759, 1784, p. i. 586. 165. 2 d. certified Value. 21 5 94 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books St. Andrew's V. Synods 25. 8d. With St. Michael's R. Proxies and Synods 1os. 2d. - Pri. Stamford, Propr. St. Stephen's R. united. Redd. 15. 5d. Synods and Proxies 25. 8d. Decim. major. & minor. una cum exit. manſ. & *8 14 2 terr. gleb. ac redd. diverſ. ten. zl. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter, one Turn. Mayor, &c. of Stamford, one, and the Earl of Exeter, two Turns. The KING, 1731. Earl of Exeter, 1766. 28 i 31 St. George's R * with St. Poul's R. united. Proxies and Sy- 5 3 111 nods 95. 4d. Synods 25. 8d. Redd. 6d. Redd. 1d.] 10l. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Richard Snow, Gent. 1691. Earl of Exeter, 1753. 4 O 11 St. Mary's R. Archidiac. Lincoln. Proxies and Synods ios. 4 18 9 2d. Redd. 2d.] Redd. id. Decim, major. & minor. cum exit. manſ. The KING, by Lapſe, 1726. Earl of Exeter, 1738, 1745, 1754. * St. George.--There are, in this Pariſh three Frieries, exempt from Tythes. St. Leonard's, a Farm of 60l. a Year, exempt from paying of Tythes. The Chapel is uſed as a Barn. It belongs to the Earl of Exeter, NED? 9. Walfcroft, 460 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. D. TUaiſcroft, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. The Monaſtery of Irford, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 13l. 195. gd. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 1. S. 2. 3 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. d. 6 Binbrooke-St. Gabriel P*. Ecclefiæ Lincoln. 31. 15. gd. O 7 3 Vicar. Choral, 21. Choriſt. 35. 2d. Redd. 356 Vide Liber Regis. Biſhop of Lincoln. 5 Oo Kingerby V. (St. Peter.) Val. in ohlat. & al. profic. de vic. O 10 O ibidem proven. comm. ann. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. 25. Hoſp. Elſham, olim Propr. Mon. vol. II. p. 421: Edward Perrot, Eſq. 1714, 1723. John Parker, and others, 1766. Catherine Parker, Widow, 1778. 661. 18s. 2d. cer- tified Value. 16 4 2 Linwood R. (St. Cornelius.) Synods 9s. Iod. Prox. Epiſc. I 12 5 55. Sir Charles Cæſar, Knt. 1691. Mr. Sheppard's Execu- tor and Truſtee, Peter Godfrey, Eſq. 1767. 19 TO 10 Weſt Raſen, alias Weſt Raiſen, R. (All Saints.) Synods 95. I 19 1 2d. Penf. in Ebor. 21. 16s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d.. Elizabeth Smith, 1690. Jo. Pyke, Clerk, this Turn, 17173 Walter Thong, Gent. 1740. Samuel Cooper; Clerk, and Ann his Wife, p. i. 1777. 9 10 IO Toft R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods gs. 2d. Prox. 0.19 I Epiſc. 45. 31. ann. pro repar. ecclef. The KING.. 3. 6 8 Welt Wykam V. Deſtructa. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. Ian. o 6 8 30 agn. cum al. profic. ſpiritual. ultra, &c. The KING, Patr.. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. 23 18 11 Waleſby R. (All Saints.) Redd. 25. Hered. Chriſt. Wym- 2 ☺ g byſche. Prox. Epiſc. Ios. Lord Exeter, 1698. Sarah Brown, Widow, 1727. Richard Dalton, Eſq. 1767.. O O O * Binbrooke P.--This is parcel of the Prebend of Milton Maner', in the Church of Lincoln ; which. Prebind of Milton is charged in the Deanry of Cuddeſdon in.co Oxon. LIVINGS LINCOLNSE DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 2 d. 0 0 O 46 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 30 * BINBROOKE Sr. Gabriel V. 30 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. 8 Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. comm. ann. Prebendary of Milton Maner'in co. Oxon. in Lincoln. Cath. Propr. and Patr. 5 8 BINBROOKE ST. MARY R. Synods gs. 2d. Penf. Mon. juxta 10 4 2 ୨୦ Lincoln. voc. Black Monks 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 6d. The KING. 46 16 6 Clasby R. (St. Mary,) with Normanby united, 1740. Synods 8 10 10 and Proxies gs. 2d. Sir John Clopton, 1693. Earl of Mal- ton, 1740. Thomas Wheatley, Gent. 1758. 25 9 4 Croxby R. (All Saints.) Synods gs. 2d. The KING. 50 47 9 4 South Kelſey St. Mary R. Synods 9s. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 12 4 2 80 Penf. Colleg. Sti Michaelis in Cantabr. il. 6s. 8d. The KING. 37 19 4 South Kelſey St. Nicholas, alias St. Nicholas in South Kelſey, 7 10 10 R. Synods 95. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. od. Mary Aſcough, 1705. Andrew Thornhagh, Eſq. 1721. John Hewett, Eſq. 1769. 19 4 o Kirkby V. (St. Andrew,) with Oſgarby. Synods Is. 8d. Val. 8 18 4 in oblat. & al. profic. de rector. ibidem proven. comm. ana. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. à Rect. 45. à Vic. 25. 6d. Pri. El- ſham; Propr. Sir John Monſon, 1665. Held by Sequeſtra- 6 4 2 O 0 O 0 tion. 28 11 4 Newton R. (St. Michael,) commonly called Newton near 4 10 10 Toft. Synods 9si 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. 5 marc. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Lord Caſtleton, 1712. Earl of Scar- brough, 1781. 49 O O Normanby R. (St. Peter,) united to Claxby in 1740. Synods 9. 10 10 gs. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. John Clopton, 1686. The Hon. Thomas Wentworth, 1721. Lord Malton preſented immediately upon the Union. Thomas Wheatley, Gent. 49 7 4 Oweriby V. (St. Martin.) Syrods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. & 8 18 4 al. profic. inde proven. comm. ann, ultra &c. Pros. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 6d. pro Vic. 25. Mon. Royſton, Propr. Sir Henry Monſon, Bart. 1714. Lord Monſon, 1773. 29 15 6 EAST RASEN, alias Market RASEN, V. (St. Thomas Apoſtle.) 10 0 0 20 Val, in oblat. & al. profic. de cad. vic. proveo. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. 35. Terr. pro repar. ec- cleſ. 10. ann. The KING. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. Middle 1748. o 462 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. d. 19 10 21 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 1. 8 Middle Raſen Drax, alias Middle Raiſin in Tupholme, V. 7 10 10 (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Synods gs. 2d. l'enf. Pri. Drax bs. 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. cic. proven. comm. ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. 2:5. Mon. Tupholme, Propr. William Brownlow, Eſq. 1692. Lord Tyrconnel, 1734. The KING, 1772. 14 9 6 Staynton, alias Stainton le Hole, R. (St. Andrew.) Synods 4 17 6 Øs. 2d. Penſ. Pri. de Alkingham il. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. :55. 3d. The Biſhop, 168.5. Mr. Toft. The KING, by Lapſe, 1764. 2 81 Tevelby, alias Teleby, V. (All Saints.) Penſ. Pri. de Six- 6 16 % hill 31. 135. 4d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. 3d. pro Vic. 35. Par- cel. terr. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. Lord Caf- tleton, 1684. Earl of Scarbrough. 4:1 10 8 Thoreſway R. (St. Mary.) Synods 95. 2d. Penſ. Abb. de 8 10 10 60 Welloo il. jos. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 9d. The KING. 17 o Thorganby R. (All Saints.) Synods gs, 2d. Penf. Abb. de 6 O 16 Welloo il. 1os. Prox. Epiſc. 55. The KING, by Lapſe, 1730. Mr. Willoughby, 1755. Held by Sequeſtration. 37 10 8 Thornton le Moor R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods gs. 2d. 9 10 10 Biſhop of Ely. 0 Tupholme V. (St. Peter.) Mon. Tupholme, Propr. Biſhop 2 10 10 of Lincoln. North Willingham V. (St. Thomas Apoſtle.) Val. in oblat. 5 4 41 & al. profic. de vicar. ibidem proven. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 9d. Parcel. terr. pro repar. ecclef. 21. ann. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. George Heneage, Efq. 1687. Ayſcough Boucherett, 1768. O O 12 1.8 10 O NOT IN CHARGE. Ozelby, alias Uſſelby, alias Uffleby. (St. Margaret.) Parcel. terr. in uſ. eccleſ. Mon. Ellham, Propr. John Dye, 1605. Mr. Billclift. Mrs. Elliott. 81. clear Value. D. Traghe, LINCOLNSHA 463 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN D. witraghoo, in the Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. 9 The Monaſtery of Bardney, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritual and Temporal Property, the net annual Sum of 3661. 6s. id. The Priory of Stainfield was likewiſe returned at 981..8s. Id. The Priory of Sixhill was likewiſe returned at 135l. os. 9d. The Monaſtery of Bolington was likewiſe returned at 1587. 73. IId. For the Particulars of the Poffeflions, vide Liber Regis. King's Books. 7. S. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. di 23 8. 61 Beningworth, alias Benyworth, R. (St. Julian.) Synods and 2 6 101 Proxies 1:15..6d. George Heneage, Eſq. 1689. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1690. Duke of Somerſet, 1691. Lord Middleton, 1724, 1764. 7 10 10 Burgh upon Bane V. (St. Helen.) Syn. 95. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 0 15. I pro Rect. Iso 10d. pro Vic. 25. 2d. Pénfi Pri: de Nuncoton 6s. Valin oblata.& al. profic: de vicar. ibidem proven. ul- tra, &c. Pri. Nuncoton, Propr.. Biſhop of Lincolo.. Wil- liam Welcome, Gent, 1605. Thomas Liſter, Eſq. Held by Sequeſtration. 7 10 10 Hatton R. (St. Stephen.) Syn. gs. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. 0° 15 I Sir Richard Wynch, Bart, and Rebecca Wynch, Widow, 1711. Robert Lawley, Eſq. 1723. Sir Robert Lawley, Bart. 1750, 1780. 531. 195. 7d. certified Value. 17 10 10 Howton,, alias Holton, alias Howlton, with Bickering R. (All 1: 15 Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 95. 2d. Sir Juſtinian Ilham, Barta 1.708. Edmund Turnor, Eſq. 1757 681. 155. certified Value. 12 17 6 Liſſington R.*. (St. John Baptift.) Syn. gs. 2d. Penſ. Cap. I 5 9 Ebor. 6s. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. 5 acr. terr. pro repar. ec. clef. Dean and Chapter of York, 721. 185. certified Value 1 * Liffington is called a Vicarage in the laſt Infitution Aét; Ranton 464 LINCOLNSH, DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 5. o 7 9 King's Books, l'early Tenths, 1. d. 7. de 12 0 0 Panton R. (St. Andrew.) Val. in decim. tam major. quam I 4 mioor. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Sir Edmund 'Tur- nor, Knt. 1681. Edinund Turnor, Eſq. 1727, 1783. 731. 8 s. 6d. certified Value. 8 5 0 Rand R. (St. Oſwald,) with Fulnetby. Syn. gs. 2d. Prox. 0 16 j Epiſc. 6s. 10d. Penſ. Epiſc. il. James Harrington, Eſq. 1690. Thomas Weſt, M. D. and Elizabeth Nodes, 1716. Jane Harriſon, and Thomas Wilſon, 1734. Harrington Hudſon, 1780. 681. 35. 4d. certified Value. 3 17 6 Snelland R. (All Saints.) Syn. gs. 2d. Penf. Abb. de Bar- lings 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Id. Sir John Brownlow, Bart. 1671. Lord Tyrconnel, 1747. Lady Cuſt, 1778. 621. 8s. id, certified Value. 6 17 6 Wickenby R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Sir Tho. O 13 9 mas Willoughby, Bart. p. h. v. 1709. Sir Thomas Bar- nardiſton, another Turn. Sir Thomas Abdy. Sir John Shaw. Richard Cheales, 1741. George Nevile, Eſq. 1781, 8. 4 2 Wragby V. (All Saints,) united to Eaſt Terrington in 1735. Syn. 95. 2d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. pro- ven. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. Pri. Sti Oſwaldi, Ebor. Propr. Olim Pri. de Icford in Lin- coln. Edmund Turnor, Gent. 1716, 1734. Sir Edmund Turnor erected a Chapel in this Pariſh, and left an Aug- mentation of 40l. per annum to the Vicarage, for Prayers to be read twice every Day in the ſaid Chapel. 341. 155 3d. certified Value. O 16 5 21 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 21 o o Bardney V. (St. Laurence.)' Val. 'in denar. rec. de Abb. 7 o o ibidem cum 6s. 8d. pro manſ. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. 6d. pro Vic. 25. Id. Mon. Bardney, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 8 Beſkerthorpe, alias Biſchurthorpe, R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and 5 18 4 50 Prox. Is. 8d. The KING. 38 Eaſtbarkworth, alias Eaſt Barkwith, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. IS. II 10 10 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35.4d. 41. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. George Heneage, Eſq. 1684, Margaret Skipwith, Widow, 1727. The Biſhop, 1760. Lord Middleton, 1775. 35 16 6 Eaſt Terrington R. (St. Michael,) with Wragby, united in 7 10 10 1735. Synods and Proxies 95. 2d, Edmund Turnor, Eſq. 1716, 1734. 3 * Haynton, 0 O I II LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 465 s. l. da 7 IO IO 44 10 O 20 O 5 O and 1773: 46 95, 2d. Flear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. * Haynton, alias Hainton, V. (St. Mary.) Synods gs. 2d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. proven. de vic. ibidem com. ann. ultra, &c. Dean and. Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. Kirmond V. (St. Martin,) olim Kinnarſmund. Synods gs. 24. 5 Vai in decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. iod. pro Vic. I s. 8d. : Pri. Stainfield, Propr. Edmund Turnor, Eſq. 1719, 1758. 40 I 1 Langton, alias' Langton by Wragby, V. (St. Giles.) Prox. 4 13 4 Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 43. pro Vic. is. 3d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. proven. de vicar. ibidem com. ann. Mon. Boling . ton, Propr. Philip. Saltmarſhi, Elg. 1687. Duke of King- ſton, 1730, 1769, 1770; and Sir Cecil Wray, Bart. 1755, 29 9. Leggiſby, alias leggefby, V. (St. Thomas Apoſtle:) Synods 6 4 2 9 Val. in oblat. & al. profic. ibidem proven: ultra, &c. Prox. Epifc: pro Hect. 45. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 3d. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. Sir Godard Nelthorp, Bart. 1703. Sir John Nel- thorp, Bart. 1725, 1782. Ludworth Magna V. (St. Helen.) Val. in oblat. & al. profic. 4 4 4 de sicar. ibidem proven. commun. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 65. 2d. pro Vic, 15. 3d. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. George Heneage, Eſq. 1661. Biſhop of Lincoln, 1672. The KING, 1730. Lord Middleton, 1757. Ludforth, alias Ludford Parva, R. (St. Peter.) Synods is. 5 18 4 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 1s. 5d.] Thomas Barnard, Gent. 1701. Matthew Boucherett, Eſq. 1739. 36 5 0 Sixhill V. (All Saints.) Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de vicaria 6 ibidem proven. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Pri. Sixhill, Propr. Lord Middleton, 1716, 1781. 32 Sotbie, alias Saltby, R. Archidiac. 95. 2d. Decim. major. & 9 50 minor. &c. Penf. fol. Abb. de Bardney il 1os. Prox. Epiſc. 45.7d. The KING. 44 19 9 Stainton near Langworth, alias Langwith, V. (St. John Bap- 4 18 4 tift.) Synods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. proven. de vicar, ibidem comm. ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Mon. Barlings, Propr. Lord Caſtleton, 1720. Earl of Scarbrough,, 1749. 7 3 2 Weſt Barkworth, alias Weſt Barkwith, R. (All Saints.) Syn. 5 5 Isi 8d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 5d. Thomas Skipwith, Eſq. Mar- garet his Wife, and others, 1684. Margaret Skipwith, 1737. Lord Tyrconnel. Jonathan Wilſon, and Robert Morehouſe, p. h. v. 1768. Weſt 19 00 O IO оо O ооо 466 LINCOLNSH DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 0 de O O ann. Clear Yearly Value. King's Booksi. 1. s. d. 1. 17 Weſt Terrington, alias Weſt Torrington, V. (St. Mary.) 4 Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de vic. ibidem proven. comm. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 1s. 8d. Mon. Bolington, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln, 1688. Robert Jen- kinſon, Eſq. George Harriſon, 1763. 47 10 o Willingham South R. (St. Martin.) Synods 93. 2d. Prox. 13. 10 10 Epiſc. 6s. 3d. Terr. quæd. pro repar. eccleſ.. George He. neage, Eſq. 1685. Lord Middleton, 1743 NOT IN CHARGE. Stainfield Cur. with Applay. Prox. Epiſc. 7d. Pri. Stain- field, Propr. Mr. Tyrwhitt, 1784. 61. clear Value. Applay Cur. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. IS. Pri. Stainfield, Propr. Mr. Tyrwhitt. 61. clear Value.. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. * Goltho Sine Cure, with Bolington Chap. (St. James.) Pri. Bolington, Propr. Sir James Grant- ham, Patr. Fulnerby, Chapel to Rand. OF exempt Juriſdiction.. D. Warburgh, in the Archdeaconry of Lincoln.. The Priory of Newfted upon Aukeholm, in this Deanry, was returned by the Cominiffioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalites, the clear annual Sum of 381. 135. 5d. The Priory of Elſham was likewiſe returrted at 70l. os. 8d. The Monaſtery of Thornton was likewiſe returned at 5941. 175. 5d.is The Monaſtery of Newfom was likewiſe returned at 991. 25. 10d. The Priory of Nuncotton was likewiſe returned at 46l. 175. 7d. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 467 L. s. 1. I I O 2 7 4 Bardnev, Propr. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. d. 13 10 10 Bigbye, alias Bigby, R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 25. 7 2d. Robert Elwys, Eſq. 1689. Cary Elwes, Eſq. 1764. 731. 95. 6d. certified Value. 32 CASTER P. in Eccleſ. Lincoln. Val. in omn. exit. & profic. 3 4 de ead. preb. proven. comm. ann. Bilhop of Lincoln. 23 13 4 Melton Roſs with Scambleſby P. Comit. Rutl. 35. Ecclefiæ Lincoln. 31. os. 3d. Pri. Spalding 55. Cantar. de Mansfeld Il. 135. 4d. Val. in omn. exit. & profic. de ead. preb. pro- ven. com. ann. Biſhop of Lincoln. 19 IO IO Nettleton R. (St. John Baprift.) Proxies and Synods 9s. 2d. I 19 I Sir John Cooper, 1713. John Wainwright, 1743. Ann Gough, Widow, 1768.661. 195. 6d. certified Value. 16 10 2į North Kelſay P. Eccleſiæ Lincoln. 31. 115. 5d. Vicar. Cho- 1 13 01 ral. 21. Vicario ibidem 35. 2d. Vicar. de No. Kelſay pro Penf. 21. 135. 4d. Dominæ Saliſbury 25. Val. in omn. exit. & profic. de ead. prebend. proven. commun. annis. Biſhop of Lincoln. 12 18 61 Saxby R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods gs. 2d. Penſ. 5 10 Abb. de Bevall 135. 4d. Sir Michael Wharton, Knt. 1719. Sir James Pennyman, Bart. 1776, 1783, p. i. 591. gs. 62. certified Value. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valve. King's Books. 48 15 2 Barrow V. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods 45. Val. in 9 16 decim. tam major. quam minor. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. 135. 4d. pro re- par. eccleſ. The KING. Mon. Thornton, Propr. 22 16 6 Barnetby V. (St. Mary.). Proxies and Synods 1os. 2d. Prox. 6 4 2 Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. ultra, &c. Pri. Newſted ſuper Axholine, Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 35 16 11 BARTON St. Mary upon Humber V. with Barton St. Peter. 19 4 8 60 00 Prox. and Syn. 25. Penf. Pri. Bardney 21. 145. 4d. Mon. I 100 O O . proven. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 8s. 4d. The KING, and William Gildas, 1762. O 002 Brigge, 468 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. LINCOLNSH: 1. s. 14 O O 6 4 4 25 II 23 16 0 Val IE, gard, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, d. Brigge, alias GLANFORD BRIGGS, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Wrawby. Clare Hall, Cambridge. 45 17 4 Bondely, alias Bonby, V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. Is. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. id. Vat. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. com. an. ultra, &c. Pri. Beau- vale, Propr. Thomas Frewen, Eſq. 1681, 1724. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. 1752, 1784, p. i. 35 18 6 Brockleſby R. (All Saints.) Syn. 95. zd. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. 7 10 10 Penf. 35. 4d. Charles Pelham, Eſq. 1687. Charles Ander- ſon Pelham, 1771, 1784, p. i. 4 Cadnay V. (All Saints.) Syn. 15. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 7 18 4 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. Penſ. Epiſc. 25. profic. de ead. vicar. proven..ultra, &c. Pri. Thorneholine, Propr. Charles Pelham, Eſq. 1694. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Efq. 1773. * Caster, alias CAISTER, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Syn. 7 6 8 95. 2d. Penſ. Preb. ibidem 21. 135. 4d. Val. in oblat. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Lincoln Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 34 3 4. Croxton R. (St. John Evangelift.) Syn. gs. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 8 14 2 73 25. - Penſ. Pri. de Nuncoton 2l. 135. 4d. Abb. de Eltham 135. 4d. The KING. Ellam V. (All Saints.) Synods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. 7.18 4 profic. de ead. vicar. proven. &c. Prox. Epiſe. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 15. 2d. Hoſp. Elſham, olim Propr. Mon. vol. II. p. 421. William Thompſon, Efq. 1704, 1763. 24 3 I Ferreby South, alias South Ferriby, R. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. 12 17 6 1 os. 2d. Prox. Epifç. 15. 11d. Du. dom. & oxgang. cum dimid. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Biſhop of Lincoln, p. i. 19 17 4 Goxhill V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies Iso 8d. Prox. 14 18 Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. 60.1 Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar, proven, comm, ann. ultra, &c. The KING, Abbey of Thornton, Propr, 49 15 4 Grefby, alias Graſby, V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 5 17 87 25. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 3d. Val. in decim. fơn. & agn. ac. al. profic. de dade vicar. proven. com, ann, ultra, ò disa . liam Smith and Mary his Wife, 1783. 13 17. 4. Hawburgh, alias Hafburgh, V. (St. Margarety) united to Kit 8 30 0 linghome in 17401 Piox. Epifc. pro Rect. 15. god. pro Vic. 25. 62. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de cad. vicar, pro- ven. com. ann. Charles Pelham, Eſq. 1.666. The KING, 1723. Pri. Newſome, alias Newliquſe, Propr. Charles Ander Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. 1773. Halton o O 49 10 30 0 0 LINCOLNSH. 469 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. l. S. d. O O Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 14 17 4 Halton upon Humber, alias Eaſt Halton, V. (St. Peter.) 7 18 4 50 Proxies and Synods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de vic. ibidem proven. com. ann, ultra, &c. Pri. Newfome, alias Newhoufe, Propr. William Booth, Gent. 1605. The KING. 39 17 4 Horkeftow V. (St. Maurice.) Synods is. 84. Val. in oblat. 4 18 4 & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. com. an, ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 15. 8d. Præceptor de Willoughton, Propr. Edward Darell, Eſq. 1714. Charles Gore, Eſq. 1735. Elizabeth Gore, Widow, 1760. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. p. i. 1784. ROO © Keilby, alias Keelbye, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. Epiſc. 1s. id. Penſ. Epiſc. 1os. Pri. Nuncoton, Propr. Lord William Pawlet. Edward Ayfcough, Eſq. 1605. The KING, 1765. Charles Vere Dallwood, 1773. 16 17 4 Killingholme V. (St. Dennis,) with Hawburgh, united. Sy- 71 18 A nods and Proxies 15. 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. comm. ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is8d. Abb. Newfome, Propr. Charles Pelham, Eſq. 1676. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. 1773 ; 13 8 3 Kirminton, alias Kirmington, V. (St. Helen.) Synods is. 8d. 4 18 4 Val, in oblat. & al. profic. inde proven. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 2d. pro Vic. 1$. 7d. Abb. Newſome, Propr. George Holland, Gent. 1680. Charles Anderſon Pelham, Eſq. 1779. My 48 7 4 Limberg Magna V. (St. Peter.) Synods 1so8d. Val. in ob- 9. 18 4 30 lat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. comm. ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. pro Vic. Iso 4d. The KING. Domus Carthuf. in Coven. Propr. 12 10 4 * North Kelfay V. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. 8 0 proven. comm. ann. Prox. Epifc. 15. 4d. Prebendary there- of, in Lincoln Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 37 3 10 Rybie, alias Riby, V. (St. Edmund.) Synods 15. 8d: Val. 4 18 4 in oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Re&t. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 11d. Mon. Welloo, Propr. William Tomlyn, Eſq. 1706. Mar- maduke Tomline, Eſq. 1778. 40 5 2 * Sereby, alias Severby, R. with Ownby V. (St. Nicholas.) 8 Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de vicar. ibidem proven. com. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 41 17 4 Somerby R. (St. Margaret.) Synods and Proxies Iso 8d. Penf. 7 7 6 70 Abb. de Whitby 35. 4d. The KING. 16 16 2 Stallingburgh, alias Stallingborough, V. (St. Peter and St. Paulo) 11 10 10 Synods and Proxies ros. 2d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de cad. O O ann. O 4.70 LINCOLN DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. lo d. b. s. d. ead. vicar. proven. ultra, &c. Pri. Selby Ebor. Propr. Bi- ſhop of Lincoln. 19 13 Thornton Curtis V. (St. Laurence.) Synods is. 8d. Val. in 5 18 4 decim lact. oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. comm. ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 7d. Mon. Thornton, Propr. Sir Rowland Wynne, Bart. 1715, 1755 18 8 21 Ulceby V. (St. Nicholas.) Synods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. & 11 18 4 25 al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. Penſ, Epiſc. 25. The KING. Mon. Thornton, Propr. 23 8 83 Witton, alias Wotton, alias Wooton, V. (St. Andrew.) Sy- 4 18 4 nods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de vic. ibidem pro- ven. comm. ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vicar. Is. 7d. Penf. Epiſc. il. Mon. Thornton, Propr. Fairmeadon Penyſton, Eſq. 1691. George Crowle, Eſq. 1734. Dorothy Appleby, Widow, 1783. 29 17 4 Worleſby, alias Worlby, alias Worlaby, alias Worletby, V. 6 84 (St. Clement.) Synods is. 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. id. pro Vic. Is. 7d. Mon. Thornton, Propr. Lady Suſan Bellaſis, 1704. Duke of Richmond, 1722. Charles Brander, Eſq. 1769. Robert Thompſon, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 32 13 10 Wrawby V. (St. Mary,) with Brigge Chapel. Synods 55. 5d. 9 14 7 Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de vicar. ibidem proven. commun. ann. ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 8d. pro Vic. 15. 4d. Penſ. Epiſc. 10S. Clare Hall, Cambridge. 34 17 4 Ymmingham, alias Immingham, V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. 15.-7.18 4 8d. Val. in oblat. & al. profic. de ead. vicar. proven, ultra, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro 6d. pro Vic. 25. Elizabeth Jeffray, 1699. Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1710. William Alcock, 1723. Edward Greathed, Clerk, and Henry Bolton, Gent. 1727. James Ward, Eſq. 1745. Wharton Amcotts, Eſq. and others, 1782. Rect. 35. NOT IN CHARGE. ; Melton Roffe, Curacy. Prebendary thereof in Lincoln Cath. Propr. and Patr. 151. os. 8d. clear Value. Clixby and Holton le Moore, Curacy. Members of Cafter, alias Caiſter. 131. 6s. 8d. clear Value. BE D. Bedford, BEDFORDSHO 471 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. D. Bedford. The Coinmiſſioners appointed to take the Survey of this Deanry and the Deanry of Shefford, and who ſigned the Return, were Sir William Gaſcoigne,, Knight, Sir Walter Luke, Knight, Sir Michael Fiſher, Knight, Francis Pygott, Ro- bert Bulkeley, and Nicholas Luke.. The Priory of Newenham, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum of 2931. 55. Iid. The Abby of Elneſtow, was likewiſe returned at 284.. 12 s. udele The Priory of Caldwell, was likewiſe returned at 109/. 8s. 5d. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Liber Regis. d. l. 60 12 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 31 Archdeaconry of Bedford. Vide Liber Regis. Ecclef. Cath.. 6 I 2 Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. Oſbert was the firſt Archdea- con, anno 1092. Le Neve, p. 169. 7.15 21 Bedford Major P. In Eccl. Linc. Prebendar. minori 21.135. O 15 61 4d. Decano & Collegio Lincoln. 22. 23. Ballivis 135.4d. Seneſchall. 6s. 8d. Ballivo & Collect. Redd. 6s. 8 d. Vide Orig. Surv. Biſhop of Lincoln. 8 9 41 Goldington V. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. 45. Val. in minut. de O 16 111 cim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 45. Pri. Newenham, Impr. John Sanderſon Hawkins, Gent. 1717: Given to the Wife of the Reverend Mr. Collins, and ſettled on her Son,. 1724. Ann and Elizabeth Collins, Spinſters, 1749. Duke of Bedford, 1766. 571. 6s. 8d 1 certified Value. 15 19 2 Houghton Conqueſt . R *. (All Saints.) Archid. 55. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 125. 6. 77. per ann, pro repar. ecclef. Edward At- kins, Eſq. 1674. Earl of Aileſbury, and Thomas Dockwra; Ffq. 1706. Zachary Grey, D. D. 1722. St. John's Cole lege, in Cambridge. I II II * Houghton Conqueſt and Houghton Gildaple R. were united in the Reign of King Charles I. (N.) 7. Houghton 472 DIOCESE OP LINCOL N. BEDFORDSH. s. 1. s. d. 12 O II 11 13 100 . . , King's Books, Pearly Tenths. 1. de 9 19 7 Houghton Gildaple R*. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 55. 6d. Pri. 0 19 11 Newenham 45. Redd. Iso 8d. Edward Atkins, Eſq. 1674. Earl of Aileſbury, and Thomas Dockwra, Eſq. 1706. Za- chary Grey, D.D. 1722. St. John's College, in Cambridge. Kempſton V. (All Saints.) Abbiſſæ de Elneſtow zl. Val. in 4 minut. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 3d. pro Vic, 93. 8d. Pri. Elneſtow, Impr. William Davis, 1725. Wil- liam Denvis, Eſq. 1742. John Dennis, 1766. 62l. 8s. 9d. certified Value. 494 St. Mary's R. in Bedford. Synods and Proxies 55. 4d. Penf. I 2 58 Epiſc. Lincoln. 10s. Biſhop of Lincoln. 631. 125. 4d. certified Value. 1 St. Peter's Martin, alias Martin St. Peter, R. in Bedford. 1 3 34 Redd. Domino Regi 15. 4d. Redd. Hoſp. Sii Johan. 8d. Archidiac. 55. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. 5l. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING. 9 9.7 Wilſhamſtede, alias Willihampited, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. O 18 11 Ios, 6d. Vicar. ibidem habet in decim. minut. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. Vic. 35. 8d. 21. per ann. pro re- 13 6 8 Wottam, alias Waoton, alias Wotton, V.. (St. Mary.) Ar- i 6 6 S chidiac. Ios. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 65. Val. in minut, decim. &c. Pri. Newenham, Impr. Sir Hum- phrey Monoux, Bart. 1739. Sir Philip Monoux, Bart, 1775 conds LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 8 o o Bidnam, alias Biddenham, V. (St. James.) Pri. Denney, Propr. 800 Val. in minut. decim, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Penf. Epiſc. 135. 4d. William Boteler, 16050 Lord Trevor, 1721, Lord Hampden. 36 911 Cardington V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac, 35. Val. in minut. de 7.17 o cim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro. Vic. 356 6d. Pri. Newenham, Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 21 15 o Cowpull, alias Cople, alias Copull, V. (All Saints.) Archi- 717 diac. 35. Val in minut. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc, pro Rect. 35. od. pro Vic. 45. Pri. Chickſond, Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 2d. pro bridge.lel . P. Vic. 45. 1 * See Note. * in the laf Page tugerahi bas apagos St. BEDFORDSH. 473 DIOCESE OF L'INCOLN. 1. S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. l 28 12 St. Cuthbert BEDFORD R. Archidiac. 55. 4.d. Redd. Pri. 5 9 43 80 o O Dunſtable is. Redd. Domino Regi 45. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 25.6d. Dom. quæd. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING. 7.90 Elneſtow, alias Elſtow, V. (St. Mary and St. Heten.) Abb. de Elneſtow 11. IS, 2d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 95. rod. pro Vic. 35. 8d. Pri. Elneſtow, Impr. William Hillerſden, Efq. Denis Farrer Hillerſden, 1782. 39 5: St. Paul's BEDFORD V*. In pecun, numerat. pro omn. minut. 10 20 decim. iol. Prox. Epiſc. 55. diverf, dom. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Newenham, Impr. George Carteret, Eſq. 1689. Lord Carteret, 1723. Hon. Henry Frederick Carteret, 1982. 31 3 0 Willington V. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. 35. Val. in minut. 7.17 decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 8d. pro Vic. 35. 8d. Penſ, Epiſc. 6s, 8d. Pri. Newenham, Impr. Sir William Goſtwick, Bart. 1713. Earl of Godolphin, and Ducheſs of Marlborough, 1727. Duke of Marlborough, 17.51, NoT IN CHARGE. St. John Baptift R. and Maſterſhip of the Hoſpital, in Bedford, Mayor and Corporation of Bedford, D. Clophain, in the Archdeaconry of BEDFORD. The Commiſſioners appointed for the taking of the Sarvey of this Deanry, and the Deanry of Eaton, were Sir John Mor- daunt, Knight, Sir John Dove, Knight, John Fitzgeffrey, John Colbeck, Richard Slade, Edward Peke, and William Wyat. The Priory of Harwould, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 401. 185. 2d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. * St. Paul's in Bedford.Thomas Chriſtie, Eſq. gave the great Tithes to this Parith, Mag, Brit, & Hib. p. 192. Рpp LIVINGS 474 BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. king's Books. l'carly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 0 0 O I IO 10 35. 6d. 17 Bletſoe R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Ios. 6d. Prox. Epifc. 55. I 14 Terr. & dom. pro repar. eccleſ. Lord St. John, 1775. 3 0 Bromehall, alias Brumham, alias Bromehan, V. (St. Owen.) 0 16 0 Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. is. 8d. 81. 105. pro repar. eccleſ. per ann. Pri. Radwell, alias Caldwell, Impr. Eton College. 57. 105. Id. certified Va- lue. 15 6 8 Carlton R. (St. Mary,) with Chellington. Archidiac. Ios. 6a. 8 Prox. Epiſc. 55. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. 5l. per ann. Lord Trevor, 1720, 1758, 1769. 0 0 Farndiſh R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. Ios. 6d. Prox. Epifc. I Prox. Epifc. 100 Chr. Vivian, Gent. 1671. The Biſhop, 1726. Charles Cheſter, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 661. 125. certified Value. io 6 8 Knotting R. (St. Margaret,) with Souldrop, united in 1735. 108 Archidiac. 1os. éd. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 43. John Sharpe, Se- nior, 1699. Henry. Pye, Efq. 1743. Henry James Pye, Efq. 1771. 751. 55. certified Value. 7 68 Milton Earneſt, alias Milton Earns, V* (All Saints.) Prox. O 14 8 Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Abb. Sfi Albani in Hertf. Propr. Mary Rolt, Widow, 1684. Edward Turner, Sir Juſtinian Ilham, and Edmund Turnor, 1721. Suſannah Rolt, Widow, 1723. Edmund Turnor, Eſq. 1783. 0 Odell R. (All Saints.) Archidiac, tos. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 1 18 8d. Sir Rowland Alſton, 1689. Sir Thomas Alſton, Bart. 1714, 1762. 16 0 0 Turvey R. (All Saints:) Archidiac. $s. zd. Prox. Epifc. tis. 8d.' Earl of Peterborough, 1705, 1764. o Wimington, alias Wiminington, "alias Winington, R. (St. Lau- rence. Archidiac. Tos. d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Stephen New- come, 1698. Mary Newcome, Spinſter, 1733. William Gutteridge Edwards, Gent. 1782. 721. 55. certified Value., 19 II 2 O IO I O O * Milton Earneſt V.-A Houſe and Impropriate Tythes ſettled on it by Sir Edmund Turnor, Knt. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, -- 3250 . LIVINGS BEDFORDSH. 475 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. s. d. 46 13 O 0 40 2 2 20 8 14 9 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. de o Chelington R. (St. Nicholas,) united to Carlton. Archidiac. 10 1s. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 40. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Lord Trevor, 1720, 1758, 1769. 16 0.0 Clopham V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. 15. Prox. Epiſc. 5 13 4 pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 15. 4d. Pri. Radwell, alias Cald- well, Impropr. The KING, 1725. Lord Aſhburnham, 1753 Felmerſham V. (St. Mary,) with Pavenham (St. Peter.) Ar• 13 13 4 chidiac. 10s. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 45. Penſ. Epiſc. Is. 51. is. 6d. pro repar. capel. de Pavenham. Trinity College, Cambridge. 25 3 6 HARWOULD, alias HARROLD, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. 8 o o Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 35. Tres acr, terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Harwould, Propr. William Farrer, Eſq. 1710. Earl of Hardwicke, and Lady Grey. Oo Ockley, alias Ockley Raynes, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 25. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 25. 8d. Val. in de- cim. minut. oblat. & al. profic. Pri. Radwell, alias Caldwell, Impr. Eton College. The KING, by Lapſe, 1770. 43 o Puddington, alias Poddington, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. 7 6 8 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. Pri. Canons Alhby, Propr. Richard Orlebar, Eſq. 1714, 1766. 46 19 6 Sharnebrooke V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 35. Penſ. Epiſc. 8 0 70 Lincoln. il. fol. pro rector. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 25. 8d. The KING. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. 48 5 9 Souldrop, alias Soulthorp, R. (All Saints,) united to Knotting 10 o in 1735. Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Tres act. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. The Honourable Edward Carteret, and Carew Harvey, Eſq. 1710. Henry James Pye, Eſq. 1771. oo Stevington V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac, 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro 12 13 4 Rect. 35. pro Vic. 25. 8s. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Har- would, Propr. Peter Floyer, Eſq. 1716. Lord Trevor, Duke of Bedford, 1776. Il 0 0 Stachden, alias Stackden, alias Stagſden, V. (St. Leonard.) Ar- 8 chidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. pro Vic. 55. Penſ. rec. prior. de Newenham 21. &c. Pri. Newenham, Impr. Lord Trevor, 1720, 1759, 1769. 2 O O 20 PPP 2 D. Duntable, - } 476 BEDFORDSHS DIOCESE OF: LINCOLN D. Dunftable, in the Archdeaconry of BEDFORD: The Commiſſioners who took the Survey of this Deanry, and the Deanry of Fleet, and certified the Return into the Ex. chequer were Sir Francis Btyon, Nicholas Hardinge; Simon Fitz, and William Beek.. The Monaſtery of Dunſtable was returned to be worth, in Spi- ritualities and Temporalities, the net annual Súm of 3441. 135. 30.1 The Monaſtery of St. Trinity de Boſco juxta Markyate was. likewiſe returned at 1146. iós. 2d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Survey: so. 220) 129 : Q LIVINGS REMAINING: IN CHARGE: . meng's Books Yearly Yenths Réctories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. 2.6 9.7 Barton in le Clay R. (St. Nicholas.).. Abba Ramſey. Il. Ar 2 12 111 chidiac, 10s. 6 d. Prox. Epiſc. 65. 8d. The KING.. 7. Bätleſden R. (St. Petery) united to Porteſgrave. Archidiac. I: 4.11 105. 6d. Piox: Epiſc. 35. 40. Allen Bathurſt , Esq. 1727 Lord Bathurſt, 1723. Sir Gregory Page, Bart. 1726, 1775. Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart. p. i. 1784, 20 Q 0. Cadington, alias Chaddington, alias Cardington, V. (All Saints. I Archidiac. 1os. Bol. 5. nob. ann. pro repar. ecclef.. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr... 52:16 3. Eyton, alias Eaton. Bray, V. (St. Mary:) Archidiac. 108.6d. 1571. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 35. 4d. Pri. Merton in Surry, Inpr. Trinity College, Cambridge, 481.75. 8d. certified Value.. 3. 7 Higham Gobion R. Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Pri. de Markyate 0.16 111 11. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Viſcount Grandilon, 1685. John Ne- gus, Gent. 1712. Francis Hawkins, 1776. Robert Cooper:: L'ee, Eſq. 1782.. 68 10 c Leighton Bolard, alias Leighton Beaudefert, P. Ecclefiæ 6 17 74 Lincoln. 71. 175. 5d, Biſhop of Lincoln. 15 00 LEIGHTON Bosans, aitas LÊIGHTON BEAUDESERT, V: (All 1 10 Saints,) cum.Cap..de. Hethe (St. Leonardo) Stanbridge (St. . John Baptiſt:) Eggipton and Billington, a Peculiar of the Church of Lincoln. Prebendary thereof, Propri and Patr.. LUTON 75 BEDFORDSH. 477 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1 S. 1. 35 12 I II 16 140 0 O ting King's Books Troxly Tenths. 7. d. s, d. LUTON V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. pro 3 II 22 Reet. 135. 4d. pro Vic. 85. 4l. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Ab- by of St. Albans, Propr. Sir John Napier, Bart. 1706. Francis Herne, Eſq. 1760. Earl of Bute, 1779. 3 Milton Bryan, alias Milton Bryant, R. (St. Peter.) Archi I 3 7 diac. Ios. 6d. Pri. Merton 6s; 8 do Prox. Epiſc. 35. The KING. 16 9 7 Occliffe, alias Hockliffe, R. (St. Nicholas,) with Chalgrave. I 12 115 Archidiac. 10s. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Adam Houghton, Gen. this Turn, 1713. Bilhop, by Lapſe, 1719. Thomas Gilpin, Eſq. 1777. 10 19 41 Potteſgrave R, (St. Mary,), united to Battleſden. Archidiac. I 1111 85. 3d. Prox. Epiſco-35. 4d. Sophia Duncombe, 1707. Lord Bathurſt, 1723. Sir Gregory Page, Bart. 1726, 17753 292 II TODINGTON R. (St. George.) Archidiac. 1os, ód. Prox. 2 18' 31 Epiſc..513' Penf. Epiſc. il. Sir Henry Johnſon, Knt. 1713. Earl of Strafford, 1757. 8 1.3 9 Hofp. Todington. 0 17 41 5 13 4. Portio Willielmi Tate; in Hofpitio Todingtons. 4 5 13. 4 Portio Johan. Dennet, in eodem. 5 Portio Johan. Filh, in eodem. ΟΙΙ IL O Q.10 Eſq. 1777: IS. 8d. LIVINGS. DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King': Books, 24 64 Chalgrave, alias Calgrave, V. (All Saints,) united to Hock- 12 liffe in 1772. Pení. rec. prior. de Dunſtable 41. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1s. 6d. Pri Dùnſtåble, Propr. Biſhop, of Lincoln, 1712. Jonathan Norris, 1725. Thomas Gilpin, 35:11 6 King's Hougliton V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. Val. per 11: 30.4 ann. in omn, exit. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. Id. pro Vic. Pri. Dunſtable, Propr. Nehemiah Brandrith, Eſq. 1704.. Duke of Bedford. Sondon, alias Sunden, alias Sundon, V. (St. Mary.): Prox. 8.6: S Epifc. pro Rect. 1s. gd..pro Vic. 15. 8d. Mon. Sanétæ Trin. de Bofco, Impr. Thomas Cheyney, Eſq. 1687. Mr. Clay- ton, 1725. Lord Sundon, 1740. Meſſrs. Cole, Hale,.and. Smyth, 1762. 15 O 10 Stratley, alias Streatley, V. (St. Margaret,) with Sharpenho.. 6.15 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 15. pro Vic. 15. 4d. Henry Harris, 1661. Mon. Sanctæ Trin. de Boſco, Impr. The KING, 1771. James Buchanan Riddell, Erg. 1781. Studham 21 0 0 2 478 BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. d. 19 O O 19 100 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 4 O Studham V. (St. Mary.) Penſ. rec. prior. de Dunſtable 41. &c. 9 28 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. 25. 6d. The KING. Mon. Dunkable, Propr. Held by Sequeſtration. Tilſworth V. (All Saints.) Pri. Beachwood, Propr. Prox. 8 oo Epiſc. pro Rect. 15. 2d. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Richard Fowles, Gent. 1605. Sir Charles Bagot Cheſter, Bart. 1754. Cha. Cheſter, Eſq. 1775. 25 16 8 Totternall, alias Tottenhoe, alias Totternhoo, V. (St. Giles.) 10 Penſ. rec. prior. de Dunſtable 41. 6s. 8d. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. pro Vic. 25. 68. Pri. Dunſtable, Propr. Henry Lamb, LL. D. 1714, and Mr. Mitchel, alternate- nately. Henry Mead, Gent. 1733. John Wilkes, Eſq. 1762. 6 Whipſnade R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Penſ. Prior. Merton 6s. 7 13 4 80 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. The KING. 49 10 O o NoT IN CHARGE. yo o o Dunſtable, alias Dunſtaple, R*. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. The KING, Patr. The KING, Patr. Olim a Monaſtery. 53l. certified Value, N. B. The clear yearly Value of the Chapels in Leighton Pa- riſh is as follows, viz. Billington 201. Egginton 20l. Hethe 111. Stanbridge 81. 9. Eaton, in the Archdeaconry of Bedford. The Priory of Buſhmede, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 7 il. 135. gdet For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. * Dunſtable.N. B. This is the Priory Church made into a Rectory. LIVINGS BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 479 King's Books d. d. 24 0 13 8 4 Stoughton 80. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Pearly Tenihs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. lo go Bolnehurſt R. (St. Dunſtan.) Archidiac. 10s. 6d. Prox. 018 Epiſc. 25. 8d, Abb. Thorney, olim Patr. Sir William Fleetwood, Knt. 1661. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1711. Fleet- wood Churchill, Clerk, 1772. Richard Haughton, Clerk, 1783. 18 0 od Colmworth R. (St. Dennis.) Archidiac. 105., 6d. Prox. I 16 O Epiſc. 45. 7d. William Hillerſden, Eſq. 1717. William Farrer, and others, 1735. Dennis Farrer Hillerſden, Eſq. 1757: o Deane R. (All Saints.) An Impropriation belonging to Wor- 28 o ceſter Cathedral ; granted 22 Maii primo Edw. VI. no Vicar- age endowed, but ſerved by a Curate. Synods and Proxies 10s. 6d. Penſ. Pri. Sfi Johan. Jeruſalem. Vid. Plowden's Comment. p. 493. This Curacy is ſerved by a regular licenſed Curate on the Nomination of the Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, who pay him 50l. per ann. Melchburne, alias Melchbourn, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. iod. pro Vic. 25. id. 5l. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Sti Johan. Jerufalem, Propr. Lord St. John, 1775. 651. 75. certified Value. 18 o o Partnall, alias Partenhall, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archi- diac. Ios. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Chr. Clithero, and others, 1710. John King, Gent. 1747. Frances Favell, Widow, 1752 8 7 6 Riſey, alias Riſely, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d.. o 16 9 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 2d. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Ski Johan. Jeruſalem, Propr. Earl of Bolingbroke, 1690. Lord St. John, 1721, 1781. 6ol. 115. 5d. certified Value. 13 0 0 oo Shelton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. I 6 0 3 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Lord St. John, 1715, 1734. . The Biſhop, 1747. Charles Simon Oakden, 1781. Parva R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 2d. Prox. 1 6 10 10 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford. 13 10 0 Tilbrook R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 1 70 55. 7d. 41. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Lord St. John, 1715, 1782. 3 Wilden, 5 0 0 O IO I 16 2 acr. terr. . 480 BEDFORDSH DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. رئ King's Books Yearly Tenthisa 1. d. 1. d. 18 7 I Wilden, alias Wilding, R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d. 1 16 81 Prox. Epifc. 6s. Suſan Rolt, Widow, 1718. Roger Woodburn, p. h. v. 1742. William Barlow, and Thomas Butcher, p. li. v. 1774. Ducheſs of Bedford, and Robert Palmer, Eſq. 1781, 1784. 13 13 4 Yelden, alias Yevelden, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 108. 6d. 'I 7 4 Prox. Epiſc. 55. 3d. Earl of Bolingbrooke, 1698, 1705. Hopegood Beeſton, and Sarah St. John, this Turn, 1706. Lord St. John, 1722. Sir Jeremy Sambrook, Bart. 1754. Deborah Bunting, Widow, 1978. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Valwe. King's Books 18 0 0 0 Barford Magna V. (All Saints,) united to Roxdon in 1736.900 Archidiac. 35. Val. per ann. in penſ. annual. rec. de Prior. de Newnham 9.. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 2d. pro Vic. 2s. 6d. Pri. Newnham, Impr. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. 500 o Eaton, alias Eaton Socon, V. (St. Mary-) Penf. Pri. Sfi Johan- 20 13 9 nis Jeruſalem 6l. 135. 4d. Archidiac. 1os. 6d. In quadrant. Lincoln. fol. Archidiac. 25. 6d. Val. per ann, coin. ann, in decim. minut. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. 2d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. 55. per ann. pro ſtram. in eccleſ. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Duke of Bedford, 1719. Marquis of Taviftock, I36I. 27 o o Keylhoe, alias Keylo, alias Cayſhoe, V. (St. Mary.) Archi- 8 diac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. 3d. pro Vic. 25. 5d. Ios. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri, Chickſond, Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 27 0 Ravenſdon, alias Ravenſden, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. 7 Val. per ann. in terr. & paftur. 21. in decim. oblat. & al. pro. fic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 2s. 5d. pro Vic. 25. 4d, 11. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Newnham, Impr. William Goſtwick, 1688. The KING, by Lapſe, 1716. Duke of Marl- brough, 1751: 800 o Renhald, alias Reynold, alias Raynold, V. (All Saints.) Ar. 8 3 4 chidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. prọ Vic. 25. Pri. Newn. ham, Impr. Henry Beecher, 1605. William Beecher, Efq. 1713, 1744. Nathaniel Polhill, Eſq. 1783. 0 0 Roxdon, alias Roxton, V. (St. Mary,) united to Barford. 10 Archidiac. 35. Val. in decim, minut. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. 3d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Pri. Radwell, alias Caldwell, Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 5 into anche per ty Thurly, BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. 1. O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 35 o Thurly, alias Thurleigh, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 9 Reci. 35. 6d. 1 pro Vic. 35. Penſ. Epiſc. 31. 6s. 8d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Earl of Bolingbroke, 1705. Lord St. John, 1722. Sir Jeremy Sambrooke, Bart. 1734, 1748. Suſanna Crawley, and others, p. i. 1784. CURACY. Dean Cur. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 9. Fleete, in the Archdeaconry of BEDFORD. The Monaſtery of Woborne, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, annually 3911. 185. 7d. } For the Particulars of the Poffeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentus, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. do I II I 2 15 16 104 Aſpleguiſe, alias Aſpley Guiſe, R. (St. Botolph.) Archi- diac. 1o.s. 6d. Priori Newnham 6s. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. 7 aer. terr. in uſ. eccleſ. William Aufell, Gent. 1718. Edward Hall, Clerk. Duke of Bedford, 1753, 1756, 1783, p. i. Oo Clophill V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35.4d. Pri. Chickſond, I 4 C Propr. Earl of Kent, 1690. Hon. Philip York, 1754. Earl of Hardwicke, and Lady Grey. 33 2 1 Craneford, alias Cranfield, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Ar. 3 6.12 chidiac. 1os. 6d. Abb. Ramſey ilo Prox. Epiſc. Jos. 41. 6s. 8d. pro repar. eccleſ. Ralph Smith, Eſq. 1690. Ri- chard Bulſtrode, Eſq. p. h. v. 1731. Walter Frank, Eſq. 1782. Thomas Frank, Clerk, p. i. 1784. 8 Everſhott R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Priori Newnham 145. Priori I 13 2 Sii. Johannis Jeruſalem 25. Archidiac. 1os. od. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 8d. 201. ann, pro repar. eccleſ. Earl of Orford, 1699, 1721. Lord Sandys and Lady, 1753, 1766, R99 Gravenhurt 16 II 482 BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE OF L INCOL N. King's Books, Yearly Yenths. le s. d. le d. 7 12 11 Gravenhurſt Inferior R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. 6d. 0 15 31 80 0 0 Priori Newnham 10s. Abb. Ellow 6s. 82. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. The KING. 8 0 0 Hawnes V. (St. Mary.)Val. per ann. in prompt. denar. rec. O 16 0 de Prior. de Chickſond 81. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 9d. pro Vic. 25. 2d. Pri. Chickſond, Impr. Sir John Oſborne; Bart. 1690. Sir Danvers Ofborne, Bart. 1746. Sir George Oſborne, Bart. 1781, 7 15 0 Hulcote R. (St. Nicholas) with Salford, united in 1750. 0 15 6 Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Priori Newnham 5s. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Sir Pynſent Charnock, Knt, 1705. Sir Boteler Chernocke, Bart. 1746. Edward Harvey, Clerk, 1782. 721. 45. cer- tified Value. 33 17 31 Marſton Mortein R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os.. 6d. Prox. 3 7 82 Epiſc. 9s. John Snagg, 1703. Iſaac Conqueſt St. Eloy, Eſq. this Turn, 1711. George Stead, Goldſmith, 1746. St. John's College, Cambridge. 15 9 7 Maulden, alias Malden, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d. I 10 11 Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. 71. 105. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Earl of Aileſbury, 1704. Lord Bruce, 1734, 1747, 1756. 9 16 3 Milbrooke R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. ios. 6d. Prox.- o 19. 73 Epiſc. 25. Hon. Robert Bruce, 1703. Duke of Bedford, 1740, 1775, 1784, p.i. 6ol. 95. 10d. certified Value. O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books: 40 2 O AMPTHILL R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Ios. 6d. Prox. 10 6 8 Epiſc. 25. 6d. Hon. Robert Bruce, 1710. Lord Bruce, 1734. Duke of Bedford, 1774. 17 o o Fleetwick, alias Flerwick, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archi- 7.17 diac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. Un. cottag. & 3 acré terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Penf. rec. de Prior. de Dunſtable 2l. &c. Mon. Dunſtable, Impr. Mary Miid. may, Widow, 1710. · John Cotton, Eſq. 1740. Earl of Upper Offery, 1774. 45 5 0 Flitton V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Silfo Chap. (St. James.) 11 7 8 Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. 9h ann. pro repar. eccleſ. & cap. Abb. Elneſtow, Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 25 00 Harlington V. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. 3s. Prox. Epiſc. pro 11 0 0 Rect. 55. pro Vic. 25. 8d. Penſ. rec. de Prior. de Dunſtable 41. &c. Mon. Dunſtable, Impr. Sir Henry Johnſon, 1718. Earl of Strafford, 1750, 1777 Huſborne BEDFORDSH. 483 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 2. d. 0 oc 41 10 O 9 0 O O Clear carly Value. King's Books. 2. d. 14 5 Huſborne Crawley V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. Epiſc. 9 pro Rect. 45. 10d. pro Vic, 25. 8d. Val. per ann. in prompt. denar. cum ilo pro ſit. vic. & un. paftur. eid. pertin. Pri. Dur- ſtable, Propr. Robert Thompſon, Eſq. 1605. The KING, 1725. Held by Sequeſtration. 17 O o Litlington, alias Lidlington, V. (All Saints.) Val. per ann. II ut in rol. rec. in prompt. denar. de Abb. de Barking & il pro ſit. vic. & un. clauſ, eid. adjacen. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Penf. Epiſc. 10s. Abb. Berking, Propr. The KING, 1725, 1764. Lord Upper Offery, 1783. Polluxhill, alias Polloxhill, V. (St. James.) Abb. Elſtow 10s. 9 100 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. 25. 4d. Penf. rec. de Prior, de Dunſtable 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Abb. Dunſtable, Propr. Duke of Kent, 1716. Philip Yorke, Eſq. 1742. Earl of Hardwicke, and Lady Grey. 8 3 4 Ridgemonde with Segenhoe V. (All Saints.) Val. per ann. ut 50 in 81. rec. in prompt. denar. de Prior. de Dunſtable 1 os. pro ſit. manſ. & 1os. de redd. un. dom. in vill. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. 25. The KING. Mon. Dunſtable, Impr. Held by Sequeſtration. 44 13 4 Salford V. (St. Mary,) united to Hulcote in 1750. Archidiac. 7 16 3 25. Redd. Domino Regi od. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 8d. pro Vic. 15. 8d. Pri. Newnham, Impr. Sir Pynſent Char- nock, Bart. 1715. Sir Boteler Chernocke, Bart. 1746. Edward Harvey, Clerk, 1782. 46 3 o Stepingley R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Priori 6 16 3 Dunſtable 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Hon. Robert Bruce, 1750. Duke of Bedford, 1745, 1763, 1784, p. i. 44 15 • Tingriffe, alias Tingrith, R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 8d. 9 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 9d. į løs. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Sir Wil- liam Buck, Bart. 1706. Sir Charles Buck, Bart. 1724. David Willaume, Eſq. 1742. Edward Willaume, Clerk, 1783. 33 6 8 Weſtoning V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. 917 Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 4d. Abb. Elneſtow, Impr. Lord Lempſter, 1713. Earl of Pomfret, 1723, 1745. John Everitt, Eſq. 1778. NOT IN CHARGE. * WOBURNE. (St. Mary.) Mon. Woburn, Propr. Olim Cap. to Birchmore V. Ecclef. deſtruct. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Pení. Epiſc. il. Is. Stipend 361. Duke of Bedford, Patr. and Impropriator. Of exempt Juriſdiction, Q 9.9.2 1. Sheñord, 484 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. BEDFORDSH 1741. Earl of Hardwicke, and Marchioneſs Grey, 1782. D. Shefford, in the Archdeaconry of BEDFORD. The Monaſtery of Wardon, in this Deanry, was returned at 3891. 165. 60.1 The Priory of Chickſond, in this Deanry, was returned at 2121. 3s. 5d. 1 Northill College, in this Deanry, was returned at 61l. 55. 8d. Í For the Particulars of the Poffefſions, vide Orig. Sury. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 6 13 4 Aſtwick R. (St. Guthlake,) with Arlſey. Penſ. Pri. Chick- O 13 4 fond 135.4d. Abb. Sti Albani 10s. Archidiac. 105. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Thomas Browne, Efq. 1717, 1735. John Schutz, i Eſq. 1764. 647. 35. 5d. certified Value. 13 16 3 Barkford, alias Barford Parva, R. (St. Mary.) Ecclef. de 7 71 Eynſbury 2l. 135. 4d. Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Prox, Epiſc. 6s. 2 acr. terræ pro repar. ecclef. Thomas Browne, Eſq. 1720. Thomas Lee, Eſq. 1770. Jolin Schutz, Eſq. p. h. v. 1776. 46 2 II Blonham, alias Blunham, R. (St. Edmund.) Archidiac. 1os. 4 12 33 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 105. I acr. prati pro repar. bor. port. eccleſ. ut dicitur. Duke of Kent. Philip Yorke, Eſq. King's Books. 1. S. d. I 42 7.6 Biccleſwade, alias Biggleſwade, P. Priori Sfi Johannis Jeruſa- 4 4 9 lem 31. 6s. 8d. Sub Decano & Choriſtal. Lincoln. 41. 6s. Vide Orig. Surv. Biſhop of Lincoln. II 9 7 Camelton, alias Compton, alias Campton, (All Saints,) with í 211 SHEFFORD R. (St. Michael.) Abb. Sti Albani ul. Archi- diac. 1os. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Sir John Oſborne, Bart. 1702. Sir George Oſborne, Bart. 791. 75. certified Value. 211 Clifton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 6d. Prox. Epifc. 2 O 37 35. 6 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Franc. Rolt, and Charles Bayliffe, this Turn, 1708. George Edwards, Eſq. 1732. Sarah Osborne, Widow, 1738. 15 16 3 Edworthe R. (St. George.) Archidiac. 10s. 6d. Prox. Epifc. I II 71 35. 4d. Robert Cecil, Eſq. and Elizabeth his Wife, 1713. Edward Hale, Eſq. 1757 www 3 Hatley Port, 20 EDFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 485 . s. d. 1 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 8 0 o Hatley Port, alias Cokayne Hatley, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) 0 16 0 Priori de Newnham 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Il. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Archidiac. 10s. 6d. Richard Cokayne, Efq. 1711. Samuel Cokayne, and others, 1735. Savile Cokayne Cuſt, Eſq. 1766. 9.6 8 Henlow V. (St. Mary.) Penf. Priori Lanthony 11 , 135. 4d. O 18 3 Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Vicar. ibidem habet in decim. minut. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. The KING. Hofp. St. Julians near St. Albans, Propr. 801.. 781. 195. 2 d. 1 certified Value. 7 9 7 Holwell R. Archidiac. Ios. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Sir 0 14 II} Ralph Radcliffe, 1719. John Radcliffe, 1767. Sir Charles Farnaby Radcliffe, and his Lady, 1784. 561. Is. 2d. cer- tified Value. 22 o o Mepperſall, alias Meperſal, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 2 4 0 0 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Cath. Hanſcoinbe, Widow, 1714. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1765. 32 2.11 Sondhey, alias Sandy, R. (St. Swithin.) Archidiac. Ios. 6d. 3 4 33 Prox. Epiſc. 75. 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. is. Sir Humphry Mo- noux, Bart. 1682, 1722. John Marſh, Gent. 1771. Sir Philip Monoux, Bart. 6 6 101 Stondon R. (All Saints.) Priori Sti Martini 8s. Archidiac. 81 55. 3d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Joan Lawrence, 1681. Samuel Leach, Clerk, 1721. Thomas Leach, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1774. 631. 55. 11d. certified Value. 0:0 Sutton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 10s. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Sir Roger Burgoine, Bart. 1665, 1731. St. John's College, Oxford, 1777 24 o Tempsford, alias Temsford, R. (St. Peter.) Priori Sti Neot. 2 8 0 250 41. Priori Wallingford 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Tos, 6d. Prex. Epiſc. 75. 11. 45. 6d. pro repar. ecclef. James Halſal, Eſq. 1686. The QUEEN, 1711. The KING. 6 8 Wreſtlingworth R. (St. Peter.) Priori Newnham 35. Ars 0 14 8 80 chidiac. 1os. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Terr. pro repar. ec- cleſ. The KING, O 12 20 2 o o O 7 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. 25 4 Alwarden, alias Warden, alias Old Warden, V*. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Penſ. Epile. 6s. 8d. Mon. King's Books, I * Old Warden Cur.-Lady Bovey, Siſter to the Lord Maynard, gave a Legacy of 390l, which has been laid out in a Purchaſe of 10l. per annum for the Curate and his Succeffors, Vid. Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 324. and Magna Britannia & Hib, 152. Warden, 486 BEDFORDSH, DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. s d. 2 1 10 10 Clear carly Value. King's Books. 1. d. Warden, Imer. Thomas Rawlins, 1682. The KING, 1727. William Smith King, Efq. 1770. 26 3 6 Arleſy V. (St. Peter,j united to Afwick'in 1764. Archidiac. 8 0 1os. 6d. Vicar. ibidem habet in minut. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Abb. Waltham, Impr. Thomas Browne, Eſq. 1717, 1735. Jobn Schutz, Efq. 1764. * BiGGLESWADE V. (St. Andrew,) vulgo Bigleſworth, a Pe- 10 culiar of the Church of Lincoln. Penſ, Præb. 41. 45. gd. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. 30 4 0 Dunton V. (St. Mary,) with Melo Chapel, deſtructa. Prox. 10 Epiſc. 35 Vicarius ibidem habet in minut. decim. &c. Pri. Halliwell in Middl. Propr. Earl of Sunderland, 1713. Hon. John Spencer, 1742. Held by Sequeſtration. 37 2 o Eyworthe V. (All Saints.) Vicar. ibidem habet. in minut. de. 6 13 4 cim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. is. 9d. Pri. St. Helen's, London, Propr. Sir Stephen Anderſon, Bart. 1712, 1741. Charles Anderſon Pelhain, Eſq. 1781. 13 6 o Langford V. (St. Andrew..) Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 25. pro 8 8 00 45 Vic. 35. The KING. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, Impr. Potton V. (St. Mary.) Vicar. ibidem habet. in decim. &c. 13 6 8 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 6d. The KING. Pri. Minories, London, Propr. 8 Shitlington, with Gravenhurſt V*. (All Saints.) Mon. Ram. 18 oo ſey, Propr. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. gs. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Trinity College, Cambridge. Southill V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 55. Vicar. ibidem habet II 15 in decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. 35. 6d. I'ri. Newnham, Impr. Sir George Byng, 1711. Lord Tor- rington, 1752, 1770. 32 10 6 Stotfolde, alias Steckfolde, V.(St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Vicar. 5 17 1 ibidem habet in minut. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. 25. 8d. Pri. Chickſond, Propr. Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge. 0 2 38 70 33 12 39 5 0 NOT IN CHARGE. Gravenhurſt Superior Curacy. (St. Giles.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. The Pariſhioners preſent. 251. clear Value. Northill, alias Norhill, Curacy; formerly a College. (St. Mary.) Endowed with the Great Tythes, which upon the incloſure were exchanged for Land. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 4d. Grocers Company, London. * Shitlington.—This in the Original Survey was charged as a Rectory at Sol. 25. Iod. ſuppoſed to be ſince granted to Trinity College, and this Vicarage endowed out of it. D. 2Bucks, I BUCKS. 487 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. D. Bucks, alias Buckingham. The Commiſſioners appointed by the King's Writt for the taking of the Survey of the County of Buckingham were Sir William Wyndfore, Knight, Sir John Daunce, Knight, Sir Edward Donne, Knight, Sir John Baldewyn, Knight, Sir Robert Lee, Knight, Edward Peckham, John Goſtwicke, Robert Dormer, John Williams, Robert Drury, George Gifford, Thomas Lee, Thomas Mildmaye, and John Wa- terhouſe; and the following Commiſſioners affixed their Hands and Seals to the Return, viz. Sir John Baldewyn, Knight, Chief Juſtice of the Conimon Pleas, Sir William Wyndſore, Knight, Sir John Daunce, Knight, Sir Edward Donne, Knight, Sir Robert Lee, Knight, Robert Dormer, Robert Drury, George Gifford, Thomas Lee, and Thomas Mildmaye. The Monaſtery of Byttleſden, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 12.51. 45. 3d. I For the Particulars of the Manors, &c. vide Orig. Sury. 7. d. d. 7 71 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly. Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. 13. 16 3 Addeſtock, alias Adſtock, R. (St. Cecilia.) Archidiac. 10s. 7dProx. Epiſc. 25. Il 1os. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Bi- ſhop of Lincoln. 9. 9 7 Addington R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. ; d. Penf. Decano O 18 11 Sti Johannis Jeruſalem 21. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Parcel. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Sir John Buſby, Kt. 1693. Anna Buſby, Widow, 1727. Sir Charles Kemeys Tynte, Bart. and others, 1779. 6 2 II Akeley, with Stockholt R. (St. James.) Archidiac. 10s. 70. O 12 31 No Church at Stockholt. Prox. Epiſc. 23: Prox. Epiſc. 23i NewCollege, Oxford. 701. 145.-2d.certified Value. 87 14 7 Archdeaconry of Bucks. Vide Liber Regis. Eccl. Cath. Lin- . 8 15 51 coln. & Orig. Rotul. Com. Buck. Biſhop of Lincoln. Alured the Little was the firſt Archdeacon, anno 1092. Le Neve, p. 167. Richard Leighton, Archdeacon, 1535. Beachampton 3 1 488 BUCKS. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. d. I II 12 16 13 4 I 13 4 153 King's Books Yearly Tenths. lo d. 1. 14 16 51 Beachampton R. (St. Mary.) Penf. Epiſc. Lincoln. 25. 9 7 Penf. Archidiac. Lincoln. Is. Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 10s. 7d. Penſ. Abb. Weſtminſter. 1os. 5l. ann. pro repar. eccleſ . Grace Bennet, Widow, 174, 1732. Earl of Sa- lisbury, 1752. 81 Edgcot, alias Agecot, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 105. I 3 38 7.1 Penf. Guardian. Novi Collegii Oxon. 6s. 8d. Prox. Épiſc. 25. Henry Smith, Gent. 1685. Henry Boyle, Eſq. 1729, 1750. Biſhop of Lincoln, by Lapſe, 1776. The Heirs of Henry Boyle, Eſq. 671. 55. 4d. certified Value. 9 9 41 Foſcott, alias Foxcott, R. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. 10s. Archidiac. 10s. O 18 11 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. John Major, Gent. 1703. Richard Greenville, Eſq. 1749. Earl Temple, 1773, 1780, 1784, p. i. 721. 165. 9d. certified Value. * Horley V. (St. Etheldreda,) cum Hornton V +. (St. John Baptift.) Parcel. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING Olim Preb. Sutton in Ecclef. Lincoln. Propr. 80l. certi- fied Value. 15 13 4 Lekehampſted, alias Leachamſted, alias Lechamſtead, R. (St. 4 Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Sir Henry Johnſon, 1718. Lady Wentworth, 1726. William Holbeach, Eſq. p. h. v. 1764. Lady Martha Beauclerk, 1781. 7 9 7 Lillingſtone Dayrell R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 105.7d.. O 14 II} Prox. Epiſc. 25. Peter Dayrell, Eſq. 1715. The Biſhop, 1754. Richard Dayrell, Eſq. 1767, 1781. 5 o Marſton P etc. (St. Laurence.) In Lincoln Cathedral. Biſhop I 4 6 of Lincoln. 9 41 Marſh Gibbons, alias Marſh Gibwen, R. (St. Mary.) Ar 2 II 280 chidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. The KING. 18 2 1 Moreton, alias Maids Morton, R. (St. Edmund.) Archidiac. i 16 31 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Geo. Bate, LL. B. 1699. Heartley Sandwell, Gent. 1743. Thomas Long, Clerk, 1752, Francis Turner, Richard Hutton, Eſq. 1780. 11 9 41 Prelton Biſſet R. (St. Jolin Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 1os. 70.1 1 2 11 Prox. Epiſc. 35. Sir Edmund Denton, Bart. 1706. Alex- I II I2 21 2 O O * Horley and Hornton.—Theſe Pariſhes are in the County of Oxford. + Marſton Laurence V.-is in Northamptonſhire in Dec. Brackley. The Fee ſimple of the Corps belonging to this Preb. was veſted in the Leſſee, John Blencowe, Eſq. his Heirs, &c. by Act of Parlia- meut in 1776, ſubject to the Payment of the yearly Rent Charge of 171. 15, 2d, and the further annual Sum of $21. 185. iod, or 29 quarters of wheat, in lieu of the ſaid 821. 185. 1od, to the Prebendary for the time being at his option. The above Sum to be paid half-yearly on the 5th of April, and the 10th of October. The Prebendary in future to pay the annual Sums of 3!, 115, 8d. to the Vicars and Dean and Chapter, and il. 45. 61. for Tenths, ander BUCKS. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 489 1. E. 5 720 O King's Books. Yearly Tenebs hos. de d. ander Denton, Eſq. 1725. Riley Riſley, Eſq. p. h. v. 1749. George Denton, Eſq. 3 1 3 Radcliffe, alias Ratcliffe, R. (St. John Evangeliſt) with 0 16 11 Chackmore. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Abb. Oſeney 1os. Penſ. Eccleſ. Bucks 5s. Prox. Epiſc 25. New College, Oxford. No Church at Chackmore. 8 Shalleſton R. (St. Edward.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Penſ. Pre- 0 16 of bend. Bucks 25. 6d. Penſ. Abb. Ofeney '6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 38. Dimid. acr. 135.4d. pro repar. eccleſ. Elizabeth Purefoy. Widow, 1705. Henry Purefoy, 1742. George Hudlefton Jervois Purefoy, 1770, Patron and Incumbent. 13 3 9 Steeple Cleydon V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. 1 6 48 Epiſc. 25. Mòn. Oſeney, Propr. Lord Fermanhaugh, 1715, 1741. Earl Verney, 1767, 1780. 751. 25. gd. cer, rified Value. II 14 7 Stow V*. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro I 3 52 Rect. 45. pro Vic. 25. Mon. Oſeney in co. Oxon. Propr. Sir Richard Temple, Bart. 1710. Earl Temple, 1783. 11 16 3 Thornton R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. ios, 7d. Prox. I 3 7 Epiſc. 35. Sir Thomas Tyrrell, Bart. 1710. Sir Charles Tyrrell, Bart. 1747. William Cotton and his Wife, 1761. Thomas Sheppard, Eſq. 761. 175. od. certified Value. 12 16 3 Tingewike, alias Tingwick, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Ar- Ar- 1 5 71 chidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. New College, Oxford. 12 16 3 Turweſton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 103. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 1 5 71 35. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. 7 05 Water Stratford R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. O 14 of Epifc. 15. 6d. 8s, ann. pro repar. eccleſ. John Bradbourn, S.T. P. and Paul Sylveſter, 1720. Lord Cobham, 1732, Earl Temple, 1768. 9 17 3 Weſtbury V. (St. Auguſtine.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 0 19 89 pro Reet. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 15. 6d. Terr. pro repar. ecclef. Abb. Elneſtow, Propr. Thomas Price, Eſq. 1715. Cam- bel Price, Eſq. 1744. Benjamin Price Withers, Eſq. 1771. 58. 125. 8d. certified Value. * Stow V.-Augmented by Sir Richard Temple, Bart, and Knight of the Bath, with gol. per anne Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 430, RIS Livings 490 BUCK DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 1. O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Booksa b. d. de 43 17 BUCKINGHAM V*. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) A Peculiar of 22 the Church of Lincoln. Prebend Sutton, cum Buckingham, olim in Ecclef. Lincoln. Propr. Denton, Eſq. 1672. Juſtice Denton, 17246 Wenman Coke, Eſq. 1.743, 1775. 18 6 6 Caversfield, alias Kaversfield, V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epifc. 6 o pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. 1S. 40. Abb. Mifſenden, Propr. William Vaux, Gent. 1715. Abigail Gregory, 1739. John Southcote, Efq. 1753. The KING, by Lapſe, 1781. 35 9 0 Padbury V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. pro Red. 55. pro Vic. 6 13 50 25. 6d. Penf. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Terr. quæd. pro repar. eccleſ, The KING. Pri. Shene in Surr. Propr.; 23 13 o * Sutton, alias King's Sutton, V. (St. Peter,). in co. Northamp. 56 Terr. pro repar. ecclef. . Preb. Sutton, cum Buckingham, olim in Ecclef. Lincoln. Propr. John Elves, Eſq. two Turns, Sir John Willes one. A Peculiar of Lincoln Church. Thornborough, alias Thornburgh, V. (St. Mary.) Archi- 8 17 0 diac. 35. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 4. pro Vic. 25. Abb. Weftminſter, Propr. Sir Archur Throgmorton, 1605. The KING, by Lapſe, 1691. Benjamin Woodnorth, 1730. Earl Verney, 1767, 1780. O O NOT IN CHARGE. Bidlefden, alias Bitleſden, Curacy. (St. Margaret.) Abb.. Bidleſden, Propr. Earl Verney. 61. 8s. clear Value.. Twyford Rt. (St. Mary,), annexed to the Rectorſhip of Lin- coln College, Oxford. Served: by a'Curate. 501. 15$. clear: Value. Barton, (St. James,) and Cherwood Cur. (St. Mary and St. Nicholas.) Abbey of Nottley, Propre Mr. Riſley, Patr.. 201. clear Value. Car . ist vor and son * BUCKINGHAM V.---Augmented by Dr. Clarke, Dean of Wincheſter, with 301. per annum.. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 280. + Twyford--was augmented by Lord Crew with 10l. per anoum. Hillerſden BUCKS. 491 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN Hillerſden, alias Hillenden, Cur. (All Saints) Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Propr. Abbey of Notley, olim Propr. 301. 55. clear Value. Everſaw, (St Nicholas,) Chapel to Shallefton. The Chapel demoliſhed. Gawcot, (St. Andrew,) Chapel to BUCKINGHAM. Deſtructa. 9. Burnham, in the Archdeaconry of Bucks. 1 The Royal College of Eton is in this Deanry; where is a Provoſt, ſeven Fellows, two School-maſters, two Conducts, an Organiſt, ſeven Clerks, ſeventy King's Scholars, ten Choriſters. The Collegiate Church is dedicated to St. Mary and St. Nicholas, and uſed by the Pariſhioners; and the Provoſt is Rector thereof, who has Archidiaconal Juriſdiction in the Pariſh, The College of Eton, of which Roger Lupton was Provolt, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 9961. I 23. od. 1 The Monaſtery of Burnham was likewiſe returned at 51. 25. 40.1 The Priory of Ankerwyk was likewiſe returned at 321. os, 2d. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. 2. S. d. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. Yearly Tenths Rectories, &e. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 48 16 11 AGMONDESHAM, alias AMERSHAM, R. (St. Mary.) Archi- 4.17 7 diac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſca Ios. Montague Gerard Drake, Efq. 1702. William Drake, Eſq. 1728, 1746, 1775. 26 2 81 BECONSFIELD, alias BEACONSFIELD, R. (All Saints.) Archi 2 12 33 diac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Iod. Terr. pertin. eccleſ. John Newell, Gent. 1705. Magdalen College, Oxford. 16 13 4 Burnham V. (St. Peter,) cum Boveney Chapel. (St. Mary Mag. 1 134 dalen.) Prox. Epifc. pro Reeta 10s. 2d.j pro Vic. 45. 5d. I Terr. pro repar. ecclef. & cap. Mon. Burnham, Propr. John Hawtry, Gent. 1669. Gregory Halkard, S. T. P. Rrr 2 Robert 49% DIOCESE OR LINCOL Na BUCKS d. 8 lue King's Books. Yearly Tentbisa 1. 3. d. 1 Robert Young, and William Pieſley, Eſqrs. 1707, J. Sum- ner, John Naylor, and Edward Sleech, 1759. Etor Col. lege, 1774, 1783. 19 9 41 Chalfount St. Giles R. Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Prox. Epiſca 1 18 118 25. 7d.1 Bilhop of Lincoln. 15 17 1 Chalfount St. Peter V. Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. I II 81 25. 7d.1 pro Vic. Is. 2d. Abb. Mifſenden, Propr. Sta . 5 6 8 Chelham Boys R. (St. Leonard.). A Donative, olim Cap. to @ 10 8 Chelham. Lord Cheyne. Duke of Bedforda 50l95a cer- tified Value. 19 9 41 Denham R. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. Jos. 70.2 Prox. Epiſc. 1 18 118 35. Sir William Bowyer, Bart. 1669. Jane Sterpin, Wi- dow, this Turn, 1713. Sir Roger Hill, 1720. Heſter Probert, Widow, 1741. Abigail Edwin, 1748. 12 16 01 Eaſtmanſted Cheyns, alias Iſtenhampſted, alias Iftnamſtead 57 Cheynys, R. (St. Michaels) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Duke of Bedford; 1704, 1749. 5 6 8 Eaſtmanſted Latimer, alias Iſtenhampſted, alias Iftnamſtead La- 8 timers, R *. (St. Mary Magdalen.) A Donative. Sir Edwin Sands, 1605. The Duke of Devonſhire admitted Mr. Emily to this Donative in 1779; and his Succeſſor was admitted by Lord George Auguſtus Henry, his Grace's Brother. 12 16 of Farnham Royal R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. I 5 74 Epiſc. 55. Iodi 12l. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Eton College. 5 71 Hitchin, alias Hutcham, alias Hitcham, R. (St. Mary.) Ar 1 2 6 chidiac. 105. 7d. Penſ. Priori Merton 25. Prox. Epifc. 25. 2d: 1 Rebecca Evans, Widow, 1702. Benjamin Ar- cher, Gent. 1743. The KING, at the Nomination of Eton College, 1771, 1.784. :22 9 41 Horton R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. 4. Epiſc. 45. 5d.} Sir William Scawen, 1695, 1721. Mar- tha Scawen, Widow, 1759. John Brown, Eſq. p. i. 3782. 60 o Huggeley, alias Hedgerley, R. (St. Mary:) Prox. Epiſc. Q 12. Jos. cd. Sir Roger Hill, Knt. 1699. Abigail Edwin, 1754. Benjainin Way, Eſq. 1759. 65k 1.6s. 2d. certified Value. 1 O. IO II 2 * Eaftmanſtead Latimer, alias Iftenhampſted, alias Iſtnamfted Latimers, R.-is certified to the-Go. vernors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be a Chapel, of the yearly Value of 406. 95. See State of Queen Anpe's Bounty, 2d Edition, p. 203. Taplowe BUCKS. 493 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 3 101 200 0 o O 11 King's Booksa Yearly Tentoso 1. d. d. 11 18 9 Taplowe R. (St. Nicholas). Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. 1 Epiſc. 25. od. I 2 gen. vulgò voc. Church Houſes. The KING. 5 15 Waxham, alias Wexham, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 6 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. The KING. 5 Wyardsbury V. vulgo Wrasbury. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 1 9 of 1os. 70. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 25. sid. Penf. ann. il. 6s. 8d. Penſ. Vic. pro Viſit. Bibi. in Ecclef. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. 65l. 195, 6d. certified Value. 120 O O 14 10 50 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valuer King's Books. 50 O Chesham Leiceſter V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 55. 4d. Mon. 13 1 51 Leiceſter, Propr. Sir Paul Whitchcot, Bart. 1711. Duke of Bedford. United in 1767 to Chesham Owborne, alias Woburne, V. (St. Mary.) Archi- 13 1 si diac. 55. 3d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 5d.1 pro Vic. 25. rid. Pri. Owborne, Propr. Edward Ruffel, Eſq. 1711. Marquis of Taviſtock. Duke of Bedford, 1780, 33 0 0 Datchett V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 25. 11d. pro Rect. Is. 11 5d. 1 pro Vic. Penſ. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. 30 Dorney V. (St. James.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 8 10 5 Is. 5d. pro Vic. Is. 9d. Terr: pro repar, eecleſ. Mon. Burnham, Propr. Phil. Palmer, Eſq. 1699. Charles Pal- mer, Eſq. 1727. Sir Charles Palmer, Bart. 1747, 1776. 500 Ever, alias Iver, V. (St. Peter.) Held by Licence as a Cu- 13 6 8 racy only. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 8d. pro Vic. 25. 73.1 Penf. ann. Epiſc. ilo Coll. Windſor, Propr. Edward Leigh, Gent. 1663. The KING, 1688. Thomas Leigh, Q Efq. 1776. 500 o Penn V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 9 13 4 pro Rect. 25. uid. pro Vic. Is. 5di¿ Penf. Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Pri. Chacumbe in .co. Northampton, Propr. Roger Penn, Efq. 1716. Sir Nathaniel. Curzon, Bart. 1754. Asheton Curzon, Eſq. 1768. 5000 oo Stoke Pogies V. (St. Stoke Pogies V. (St., Giles.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25.4d.1 7.17 0 pro Vic. Isi 2d. 85. ann. pro repar. cujuſd. fed. in ecclef. Mon. Stæ Mariæ Overy in Surr. Impr. Sir Thomas Clarges, Knt. 1687. Matthew Snow, Eſq. 1719. George Clerges, Eſq. 1726 Francis Godolphin, Eſq.' 1754. Upton 494 Bucks. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. Clear Pearly Value. 1. d. o Upton V. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 55 The KING. Pri. Merton in Surr. Impr. King's Books. di 6.17 1. 40 O 1 NoT IN CHARGE. Langley, a Curacy, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Wraſbury. Colebrook Chap. (St. Mary.) The Appointments by Truſtees. The Town is in the Pariſhes of Horton and Wrasbury. 251. 155. clear Value. Boveney, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Burnham. 51. 165, clear Value. Fulmere R. (St. James,) olim Cap. to Datchet. 211. ann. ecclef. & paup. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Patr. 61l. 135. clear Value. Ditton, a Donative, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Stoke Poges. Duke of Montagu, Patr. Coleſhill Chap. in co. Hertf. to Agmondeſham. The Chapel demolilhed. D. Murelley, in the Archdeaconry of Bucks. The College of Asſherugg, in this Deanry, was returned to be worth annually 4161. 16s. 4d, The Priory of St. Margaret, in this Deanry, was returned to be worth annually 141. 35. Id. The Priory of Snelſhall, in this Deanry, was returned to be worth annually 181. 1s, 11d, For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Orig. Sury. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. ON Yearly Tenibs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. 1. d. 15 9 7 Chetington, alias Cheddington, alias Chiddington, R. (St. 1 10 11) Giles.) Archidiac. ļos, 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25, 40,5l. ann. vel eccleſ. vel paup. Earl of Bridgwater, 1716. Duke of Bridgwater, 1777, 1784, p. i. 3 Cublington Bơ Cas. 495 DIOCESE OP LINCOLN.. King's Books di I 2 Turu, 1717. Earl Spencer, 1773, . . , Yearly Tenthe. 1. G 9 16 . Cublington R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 1os. 78.9 Próx. oig 7 3 Epifc. 15. Harris Smith, and Richard Franks, Gent. this Turn, 1688. William Mayo, Clerk, 1724. Charles Mil- lan, Merchant, 1762. Lincola College, Oxon. 1782. 997 Dintón, alias Donington, alias Dunton, R. (St. Martin.) Aru o 18 III chidiac. 105. 70.4 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect . 55. pro Vic. 35. 4d. Richard Hampden, Efq. 1693. James Moody, this 1775. 9. 7 Drayton Beacham R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Ios. 78.3 1 2 111 Prox, Epiſc. 35. 4d. il . 10påup, eccleſ. & viis publicis. Lord Cheyne, 1708. Suſan Gumley, 1737. Martha Gum- ley, Widow, 1769 o Drayton Parflow R. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. I 4 2 acr. terf. pro repar. eccleſ. l'rox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Duke of Rutland, 1708. John Lord, Clerk, 1740. William Lord, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1778. 39 9 7 Hardwick R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 70. Prox. Epiſc. 3 18 111 45. 3d. New College, Oxford. 14 4 2. Harwood Magna, alias Horivood Magna, R. (St. James.) 8 5 Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Nov. Colleg. Oxon. pro Penſ. & Port. 31. 6s. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 43. New College, Oxford. 11 16 3 Hoggeſton, alias Hodgſon, alias Hogſton, R. (St. Peter and 3 71 St. Paul.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 21. ann. è terr, ad fuften. cler. pařoch. Arbores in dict. terr. pro repar. ecclef. Sir William Stanhope. Earl of Carnarvon, 1680. Barbara Gataker, 1702. John Reynolds, Gent. 1758. Earl Stanhope, 1782. 5 OO Kirllow, alias Chriſtlow, alias Kirſley, R. (Holy Trinity.) o Lett by Leaſe from the Crown for 99 Years, to the Lord Clifford. The Church deſacrated, and turned to a Dove Houſe. The Inhabitants go to Whitchurch Church. 9 9.7 Maſſe worth, alias Melworthy, alias Manwood, V. (All Saints.) o 18 113 Archidiac. 1os. 70.3 Prox, Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. Trinity College, Cambridge.681. gs. 8d certified. Value. II O O Mureſley, alias Murley, R. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. 10s. 7d2 I 2 Pri. Merton il. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 46. Terr. & dom, pro repar. ecclef. Earl of Rutland, 1094. Univerſity of Oxford, 1 1714. Lord Gage, 1733. Sir Sampſon Gideon, 1778. 34 9 7 Slapton R. (Holy Croſs.) Archidiac, ios 7d. Prox Epiſc. I 8 1} 35. 4d. William Theed, É{q. 1709. Duke of Chandos, 1725. Biſhop of St. Afaph, and Edward Bentham, D. D. 1775 Stewkley I I 496 Bucisi DIOCESE OF LINCOL No i. d. pro Rect. TO 0-0 L O coBedf(.. King's Books. Yearty Pertha 9 9 7 Stewkley V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s.70.4 Prox. Epiſc. 0.18 11] 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. Ios. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Kenelworth in Warw. olim Propr. Biſhop of Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 681. 195. 8d.] certified Value. 99 7 Swanbourne V. (St. Swithin.) Archidiac. 105. 78.1 Prox. o 18 m 130 Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 155. aon. pro repar. ecclef. in terr. The KING. Abb. Woburne, Propr. Whaddon V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 4d. Pri. Newnton Longvile, olim Propr. New College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 5oh. 25. įd. certified Value. 18 16 3 Wing V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d | Prox. Epiſc. 1 17 77 pro Rect. 25. 8ch pro Vic. 1S. 4d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Mon. de Pratis juxta St. Albans in co. Hertf. Propr. Earl of Cheſterfield, 1714, 1777. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 42 3 5 Edleſborough, alias Elifburrow, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 13 17 35. Prox. Epiſc. 8s. 4d. 71. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Domus Carthuf. prope London, Propr. Counteſs of Bridgwater, 1701. Duke of Bridgwater, 1783. 2017 0 Grove, alias Grove Parva, R. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Earl of 4 13 4 Cheſterfield, 1714. Sir William Stanhope, 1746. Earl of Cheſterfield, p. i. 1784. 49 18 8 Hawridge R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8 10 5 4d. Richard Sare, Gent. 1692. John Sare, 1725. Geo. Sandby, D. D. 1755, 1781. 36 16 64 IVINGHO V *. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epifc. 12 16 I *pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic, 3s. 4d. Penf. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. 10h. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Colleg. de Asſherugg, olim Propr. Earl of Bridgwater, 1707. Duke of Bridgwater, 1779. O 0 Linflade Linfade Curacy. (St. Mary.) Stipend 12l. Pri. Chickſond in 37 17 4 Mentmore V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro 6 17 o Rect. 25. pro Vic. Is. Mon. Sti Bartholomci, London, Propr. Thomas Ligo, Eſq. 1906. Lord Limerick, 1744. Richard Bard Harcourt, Eſq. p. i. 1784. o 14 0 * Ivingho V.- The Right of Preſentation belonged once to the Biſhop of Wincheſter, as may be ſeen in Registro Wykeham, ad Part, fo, 84. 7 Whitchurch Bucks. 497 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. d. l. d. 75 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 30 II 11 Whitchurch V. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. 8 17 Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 25. The KING. Abb. Woburne, Propr. 49 9 64 Wingrave V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. 9 9 7 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. id. pro Vic. 15. 4d. Earl of Bridgwater, 1705. Duke of Bridgwater, 1753. Abb. Sfi Albani, Propr. NOT IN CHARGE. Rowſham, Chapel to Wingrave. Deſtructa. Cholſbury, alias Chelbury, Cur. (St. Laurence.) Stipend 8). Formerly a Chapel to Drayton Beachamp; endowed with an Eſtate at Cublington of 681. per ann. by Mr. Neal. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Terr. & ten. pro repar. eccleſ. Truſ- tees of Mr. Neal, Patr. 121. 65. rod. clear Value. Pitchthorn, alias Pittleſthorn, alias Pitſton, Cur. (St. Mary.) Stipend gl. Prox. Epiſc. pro Réct. 25. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 4d. Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. 76. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Colleg. de Asſheridge, Propr. Duke of Bridgwater. 201. clear Value. Tottenhoe, alias Tetternho, alias Totnall, Cur. Pri. Snellſhall, Propr. William Lowndes, Eſq. 1776. Held by Inſtitution as a Rectory. Soulbury V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. Ios. Abby of Woburne, Propr. Held as a Curacy in the Nomination of Jonathan Lovett, and is now worth upwards of 100l. per ann. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Litcote, (St. Giles) Chapel to Stewkley. Deſtructa. Dagnal , (All Saints,) Chapel to Edleſborough. The Chapel down. o Nettleden Curacy. (St. Laurence.) Duke of Bridgewater. 10 Ss. D. Newportj. 499 Bucks. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. Epifc. 35. 40. Browne Willis, Elq. 1715, 1753. Truſtees D. Newport, in the Archdeaconry of Bucks. The Monaſtery of Lavenden, in this Deapry, was returned to be worth annually 794. 135. 8d. For the Particulars of the Manors, &c. vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthe Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 6 8 Artwood V. (St. Peter.) Penſ, Collegio Regis Oxon. 21. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. isi gd. pro Vic. 6d. The KING. Pri. Tickford, Propr. 29 13 i Bletchley, alias Bleachly, alias Blecheley, R*. (St. Mary.) 2 19 39 Archidiac. 105. 7d... Penſ. Nov. Colleg. Oxon. 1l. Prox. s. d. 1 1. 6 1. s. 0 1 2 d. 8 100 O 5 11 O II O 0 18 2 11 of the Will of Thomas Willis, 1768. 15 0 21 Bowbrick hill R. (All Saints.) Pení. Nov. Colleg. Oxon. il. I 10 ore Archidiac. ios, 7d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 21. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Sir Charles Buck, Bart. 1918, 1722. David Willaume, Eſq. 1760. Edward Willaume, Clerk, 1783. ci Bradwell V. (St. Laurence.) Penſ. Pri. de Shene zl. Penſ. 11 ୨୦ Nov. Colleg. Oxon. gs. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. The KING. Pri. Tickford, olim Propr. Brickill Magna R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. I 16 31 Epiſc. 35. 4d. Il. 55. ann. pro repar. ecelef. John Dun- combe, Eſq. 1678. Anne Barton, Widow, this Turn, 1715. Frances Briſtow, and Philip Barton, 1761. Brickill Parva R. (St. Mary.) An Impropriation belonging o 18 0 to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, who appoints a Curate. This formerly belonged to the Priory of Coinbwell in Kent. 276. 145. icd. certified Value. 9 7 Broughton R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Prox. 1 0 113 Epiſc. 1S. 121. quol. ſept. anno pro repar. ecclef. Francis Duncombe, Eſq. 1717, 1745. Sarah Backwell, Spinſter. The next Turn granted to Mr. Wynter. 0 10 * Fenny STRATFORD, (St. Martin,) a Curacy in the Pariſh of Bletchley. The Chapel lately re- built, and is preſented to by the Patron of Bletchley. Olim a Chantry. 7 Calverton BUCKS. 499 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 2 (2 O 27 10 I 10 King's Books. Yeary Tenths. I d. 1. 26 2 II Calverton R *. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. 31 Epiſc. 35. 4d. Simon Bennet, Eſq. 1711. The Earl of Saliſbury, 1735, 1762, 1780. o Chichley V. (St. Laurence) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 15. oit. O 16 pro Vic. 6d. Pri. Tickford, olim Propr. Sir Anthony Cheſter, Bart. 1684. The Biſhop, 1725. Charles Cheſter, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 541. certified Value. 13 6 101 Clifton Reynes R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. I 6 SI Epiſc. 25. 6d. Serjeant John Selby, 1704. Sir John Ho. bart, Bart. 1723. Alexander Small's Truſtees, 1765. 731. 155. 4d. certified Value. Crawley, alias North Crawley, R. (St. Firmin.) Penſ. 105.. : 2 15 Pros. Epiſc. 35. gd. Thomas Hacket, Eſq. 1686. Mr. Cole, this Turn, 1717. Arnold Duncombe, Eſq. 1771. 15 2 11 Emberton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Pení. Vic. 3 Ž Olney il. 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. James Smith, 1714. Benjamin Pomfret, Gent. 1741, 1753. 5 19 7 Filgrave R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Penſ. Pri. de O II III Prat. 1os. With 13 6 101 Tirringham R. (St. Mary) united. Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Prox. 1 6 81 Epiſc. 35. 3d. John Backwell, Eſq. 1699. Tyrringham Backwell, Eſq. 1736, 1756. 6 o 21 Gotehurſt R. (St. Peter,) united to Stoke Goldington in 1736. 0.12 03 Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. Iso John Digby, Eſq. 1684. John Conway, 1685. George Wrighte, Eſq. 1736, 1752, 1766. 561. 6s. id. certified Value. 460 o Hanſlope Rt. (St. James,) cum Cap. Caſtlethorp. (St. Mary.) 4 16 0 Appropriated to Newark Coll. Leiceſter, about 1538. Prox. Epiſc. 11s. 6d. pro Vic. 35. 6d. Stipend of the Curate 151. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. The Corporation of Lincoln. 13 6 101 Hardmead R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. I 6 81 Is.gd. Sir John Hobart, Bart. 1722. Lord Hobart, 1729, 1746. Alexander Smith, 1759. 15 O o Haverſham R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 3 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Lord Haverſham, 1717. Mathias Mackerneſs, 1736. Dr. Mofs, Biſhop of Bath and Wells, p. h. v. 1775. 3 I 10 * Calverton R.-The Market Town of STONY STRATFORD (having two Chapels, one called St. Giles, and the other St. Mary Magdalen) is part in this Pariſh, and part in the Parish of Wolverton; a Curate is licenced by the Biſhop. + Hanſlope R.--An Impropriation belonging to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lincoln. N. B. Hanſlope with Caſtlethorp V. is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the yearly Value of 16). State of Queen Anne's Bounty, 2d. Edit. p. 204. Sss 2 Lathbury ! 500 BUCKS DIOCES E 01 LINCOLN, l. d. 20 Q 2 I 8 62 King's Books Yearly Tentbiso ł d. 5 6 8 Lathbury Curacy. (All Saints.) Stipend 12l. Prox. Epiſc. 0 10 8 pro Rect. 25. 3d. 61. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. & pontis. Mon. Lavenden, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church in Oxford, Patr. 21 Lindiord, alias Lynford Magna, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 105. 64. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Sir William Pritchard, Knt. 1699. Thomas Uthwat, Eſq. 1748. Frances Uthwat, Wi- dow, nominated to Sir William Bagot and Sir Roger Newdi- digate, who preſented in 1770. 14 5 21 Loughton Magna R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 61. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. 20 od Milton Keynes R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Abb. . 2 O o Sti Albani 21. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Gd. Earl of Nottingham, 1693, 1727. Earl of Winchelſea and Nottingham, 1761. 16 16 3 Mullhoe, alias Moulſo, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac.. 1:05. 7d. I 13 75 Pri. Elneſtow 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Terr: pro re- Counteſs of Northampton, 1696. Earl of Northampton, 1774. 8 8 11 Newron, alias Newington Bloſſomvile, R. (St. Nicholas.) 0 16 9.1 Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Penſ. Eccleſiæ de Clifton 1:25. Prox. Epiſc. Is. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. William Farrer, Eſq. 1694, 1:773: 721. 175. 8d. certified Value. 9 7 Newton, alias Newnton Longville, R. (St. Faith.). Archidiac. 2 One 10$. 7d. Penf. Novo Colleg. Oxon. il. 6s.. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. New College, Oxford. 13 6 8 OŁNEY V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox.. Epiſe. pro Rect. 45. 6d. pro Vic. 15..9d. Penſ. Epiſc. Il. 6s. 8d. Val. com. ann. cum il. 6s. 8d. de annual. penſ, de rector. de Emberton.. Mon. Syon in Middleſ. Propr. William Johnſon, Eſq. 1718, 1735 Earl of Dartmouth, 17752 60l. 135. certified Value. 6 13 4 Ravenſton, alias Ravenſden, V*. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 0 13 4 pro Rect.. 25. 6d. pro Vic.. Is. 3d. 10l. ann. pro repar. ec- clel. Pri. Ravenſton, Propr. Heneage Lord Finch, 1680. Earl of Nottingham, 1721. Earl of. Winchelſea and N.ot- tingham, 1764. par. eccief. * Raveníton V.See Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 284. N. B. The Value of this Vicarage is not certified either into the Exchequer to be diſcharged from Firſt-Fruits and Tenths, or to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty as a Benefice qualified to be augmented ; and the reaſon Hay be, becauſe of its Endowment by Lord Chancellor Nottingham, with a Rent Charge of 84). per warruin, Shendley BUCKS 501 DIOCESE OP LINCOL N. d, 22 20 4 Il 3 20 0 25. 6d. King's Booksa Yearly Tonths, l. d, 1. 9. 7 Shendley Manſell, alias Shenley, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. John Knapp, Gent, 1709. Matthew Knapp, Eſq. 1755. 21 Sherrington R. (St. Laud.) Archidiac. 10s.7 d. Prox. Epiſc. 2 2 O 01 13s. 4d. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Biſhop of Lincoln. 14 6 3 Stoke Goldington R. (St. Peter,) united to Gotehurſt in 1736. I 8 zi Archidiac. 1os. 70.1 Prox. -Epifc. 25. 6d. Sir John Con- way, Bart. and Rich. Moſtyn, Eſq. 1702. George Wrighte, Eſq. 1736, 1759, 1766. 19 9 43 Stoke Hammond R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. "I 1.8 II Epiſc. Is, 6d. 10s. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Biſhop of Lin- coln. 17 6 8 Sympſon, alias Simpſon, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 18. I 14 8 6d. Thomas and Frances Barrabbee, 1719: Sir Walden Hanmer, Bart. 1778. Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. 8 9 7 Walton R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epifc. 0 16 111 170 Penſ. Epiſc. 15. 21. 10s. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING, and Mr. Ellis, by Turns. The KING, 1750. 26 6 101 Wavendon, alias Wavenden, R. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. 10s.. 2 12 83 7d. Prox. Epifc. 25. 6d. 51. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Ser- jeant Selby, 1702. Peter Galley, Cl. p. h. V. 1721. Tho- mas James Selby, Eſq. 1742, 1769. 7 10 o Willien, alias Willen, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pri. Tyke- 015 ford. 1os. Prox. Epiſc. pro Reet. od. pro Vic. 6d. Lord Nottingham, and others, 1712. Truſtees appointed by. Dr. Buſby, by his laſt Will; who augmented it with all the rec- torial Tythes. Vide ult. Telt. Ricardi Buſby, probat. 19 Feb. 1697. 16 9 7 Woughton, alias Boughton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. I 12:11 7.d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. id. I 25. ann. in uſ. eccleſ. Roger Nicholls, Gent. 1704. Henry Longueville, 1713. Edm.- Troutbeck, Clerk, 1746. Lucy Troutbeck, Widow, 1782. O IS. 29 10 o LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, Brickill Parva Cur. (St. Mary.) A Peculiar of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Prox. Epiſc. 2s. Mon. Combwell, in Kent; olim Propr. 'Archbiſhop of Canterbury. • Lavenden, alias Landen, V. (.St. Mary,). with Brayfield. Prox. 600 Epiſc. pro Rect. Is.6d. pro Vic. 6d. 41. ann. pro repar: ec- cier. Mon. Lavenden, Propr. Earl of Gainsborough, 1701, 1:721, 1.7640 NEWPORT 35 10 I. 502 Bucks. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. ş. d. O pro Rect. 6d. pro & pont. 9 10 30 Clcar learly Value. King's Books. 1. d. I. 38 14 Newport PagNELL V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 10 80 35. Vic. Is. 6d. Terr. pro repar. ecclel. Pri. Tickford, Propr. The KING, Robert Rowland, alias Litchford, Eſq. 1720. The Vicar is the Maſter of the Hoſpital. 7 Okeney (St. Martin,) cum Petroe R*. (St. James.) A Cura 2 17 6 cy belonging to Lincoln College, Oxon. Stantonbarry, alias Stanton Bury, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 7 6 8 Is.6d. Pri.Goring, in Oxon. Propr. Sir Thomas Witewrong, Bart. 1706. Ducheſs of Marlborough, 1735. Earl Spencer, 1782. 50 0 0 Wolſton Magna R. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. 8 16 i Epiſc. Is. Thomas King, Gent. 1704. The Biſhop, 1726. Thomas Stevens, Gent. 1773. John Stevens, Gent. 1780. 43l. 195. certified Value. Wolfton Parva R. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. 86 70 Epiſc. gd. The KING. 32 10 Woolverton, alias Wolverton, V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 10 3 9 3s. Pri . Bradwell, Propr. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 43. Sir Thomas Hales, Bart. 1702. William Bromley, Eſq. Sir George Beaumont, Bart. Thomas Bacon, Eſq. and Anthony Keck, Dr. Buſby's Truſtees, who, in the Year 1757, gave 2000l. to augment the Vicarage. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 6 6 8 Hoſpital of St. John Baptiſt in Newport. This always goes with 8 the Vicarage of Newport. 38 o O I 0 Gent. 1720 0 1 2 NOT IN CHARGE. Brayfield Cur. (St. Mary.) Stipend 5l. 6s. 8d. Chapel to La- vendon. Pri. Harwould, Propr. Hanſlope V. cum Caſtlethorp (St. Mary.) Vide the Rectory of Hanſlope. Mayor and Burgeſſes of Lincoln are Impro- priators and Patrons. 161. clear Value. Lindford Parva Donative. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. Olim Capel. to Newport. Mr. Knapp. 1ol. clear Value. STONY STRATFORD St. Giles Cur. 8s. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. 201. 25. 6d. clear Value. Formerly a Chantry with, and now united to, STONY STRATFORD St. Magdalen Cur. Olim Cap. to Wol- verton. Biſhop of Lincoln. 201. 2s.6d. clear Value. * Okeney and Petſoe. Both the Churches are dilapidated: the Pariſhioners go to Emberton Church, and pay to Emberton Poor. Weſton BUCKS. 503 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. Weſton Underwood Cur. (St. Laurence.) Sir Robert Tbrock- morton. 301. 145. clear Value. CHAPEL. United to Loughton Loughton Parva Chapel. Deſtructa. Magna. D. Tuadde den, in the Archdeaconry of Bucks. The Monaſtery of Notley, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 4371. 6s. 8d. } For Particulars of the Manors, &c. vide Orig. Surv. 2. d. d. I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. b. 12 16 o1 Aſton Sandford R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 10s.7 d. Prox. 5 71 Epifc. Is. 8d. John Fleetwood, Eſq. 1708. Richard Quin- ton, 1755. Henry Hurt, Eſq. p.i. 1784. 8 2 8{ Felmerſton, alias Fleetmarſton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 0 16 35 10s. 7d. Penf. Abb. Thame il. 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Earl of Lichfield, 1710, 1776.) 571. 25. gd. certified Value. 15 6 8 Grendon Underwood R. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. 1 10 8 Prox. Epifc. 25. Id. Thomas Watſon, Gent. 1713. Wil. liam Pigott, Eſq. 1759, 1779. 9 9 7 Hickford, alias Ickford, R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 105. O 18. 111 70.} Prox. Epiſc. 3s. Id.] Penſ. Ecclefiæ Marſh 16. 6s. 8d. Sir Thomas Tipping, Knt. 1674. John Beauchamp, Eſq. 1728. Evans Pitt, 1737. Either Newell, Widow, 1775. 8 10 5 Kingſhay, alias Kinſey, V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 35. 017 01 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect . 25. 11d. pro Vic. is. 3d. Mon. Ro- cheſter, Propr. James Herbert, Eſq. 1666. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1696. James Herbert, Eſq. 1739. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, 1783. 17 6 3 Ludgarſall, alias Ludgarſhall, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. I 14 8 7d. Pení. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 31.40 504 BUCKS. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. I IO Іоо 0 0 lo O O King's Books, P'early Tenths. 1. s d. 1. d. 35. 4d. Sir John Borlace, Bart. 1683. Borlace Warren, Efq. 1729. John Borlace Warren, Eſq. 1774. 1.5 0 0 Middle Claydon R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105.7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 3d. Lord Fermanagh, 1725. Earl Verney, 1759. 1767 717 Oving R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Penf, Pri. Sii Johan. Jeruſalem 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. id. Don. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING. Pitchcot R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. 1os. 70.1 Prox. Epiſc. I o 25. Id. Sir Thomas Saunders and Mr. Saunders, alternate- ly. Thomas Saunders, Eſq. 1685, 1725. Sir Thomas Saunders, h. 1. 1727. Thomas Sannders, Efq. p. h. V. 1773 30 12 1 Queynton, alias Quainton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. ios. 3 1 2 70. Abb. Notely 48. Prox. Epiſc. 25. id. 21. 10s. ann. pro repar. ecclef. George Evelyn, Eſq. 1691. Benjamin Allcock, Eſq. 1732. Jeffrey Ekins, fenior Clerk, 1765. Harman Leece, Eſq. and others, 1775. 9 7 Shabington V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. 1 1 0111 Prox. Epiſc. pro Re&t. 35. 11d. pro Vic. 25. id. - 10s. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Wallingford, in Berks, Propr. John Tipping, 1688. Prudence Tipping, Widow, 1736. Barth. Tipping, Eſq. 1777, 1782. 15 O o Waddeſden, firſt Portion, (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 38. 6d. ob tertia pars quadr. Prox. Epiſc. 6. 3d. Earl of Whar- ton, 1714. Earl of Godolphin, and Henrietta his Wife, 1727. Duke of Marlborough, 1781. 15 OO Waddeſden, ſecond Portion, (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 35. :6d. ob tertia pars.quadr. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 3d. Earl of Go- dolphin. Earl of Wharton, 1705. Duke of Marlborough, 1772. Waddeſden, third Portion. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. ob tertia pars quadr. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Earl of Godolphin. Earl of Wharton, 1682. Duke of Marlborough, 1744. 10 I IO I IO 13 O Ι ΙΟ Ο LIVINGS DISCHARGED. King's Books, Clear Pearly Value. 8 0 0 o o Brill (All Saints,) and Burſtall Curacies (St. James.) Olim Chapels to Oakley. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Terr. pro repar. ecclef. Abb. Sanctæ Frideſwidæ, Oxon. Propr. Sir John Aubrey, 1720, John Aubrey, Eſq. 1778. Cherfley BUCKS. 505 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, d. 2 33 15 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Pookse 7. d, 1. So 6 15 O Cherſley Donative (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 43. 46.105. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Abb. Notley, Propr. Jo. Dormer, 1605. Sir Clement Dormer Cotterel. 27 2 0 Elmer, alias Ilmer, (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 95. 30.1 Pri. 6 10 8 Studeley 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. 25. 1d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Studeley, Propr. Earl of Car- narvon, 1700. William Stanhope, Eſq. 1722. Sir Wil- liam Stanhope 1746. 47 3 Eaſt Claydon V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro 717 Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 3d. Penf. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. il. 105. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Oſeney, in Oxon. Propr. Ro- bert Hoveden, Gent. 1680. Lord Fermanagh, 1746. Earl Verney, 1767. North Merſton Curacy (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Id.1 Penf. Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. 41.10s. pro repar. ecclef. Leſſee under the Dean and Canons of Windſor. 36 om Okeley V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 12 s. 6d. 5 17 5 17 1 pro Vic. 1s. 40. 41. ann. pro repar. eccleſ." Pri. Sanctæ Fridiſwidæ, Oxon. Propr. Sir John Aubrey, Bart. 1724, 1726, 1734. Heirs of Sir John Aubrey, Bart. Patr. 10 O O Over Winchinden V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archidiac. 35, 717 0 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 11d. pro Vic. 15. 3d. Pri. San. etæ Frideſwidæ, Oxon. Propr. Duke of Wharton. Ducheſs of Marlborough. Duke of Marlborough. 43 00 Wotton Underwood Curacy, (All Saints.) A Peculiar of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Prox. Epiſc. 25. id. in uſ. ecclel. Pri. Sti Gregorii, Cantuar. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury 31 15 2 Wormenhall, alias Wominghall, alias Wornall, V. (St. Peter.) 6 18 10 Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 11d. pro Vic. 15. 3d. 45. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Sandiæ Frideſwidæ, Oxon. Propr. John Burton and his Wife, 1703. The KING, 1736. Iſaac Peccatus Shard, 1754. Edward Horne, Eſq. 1783. 125. ann. NOT IN CHARGE. Crendon Long Curacy. (St. Mary.) Stipend 8). Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Abb. Notley, Propr. Lord Norris, 1605. Duke of Marlborough, 1774. 441. 447. 175. clear Value. Chilton Curacy, (St. Mary,) cum Eaſington. Stipend 51. 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. 85. 2d. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Ttt Abby 506 Bucks. DIOCESE og LINCOLN. Abby of Notley, Propr. John Crook, 1605. Mr. Carter, Iol. 8s. clear Value. Dourton Curacy. (St. John Baptift.) Stipend 61. 135. 4d. Abb. Notley, Propr. Chriſt Church College, Oxford. Held with Athenden. 311. 155. clear Value. Afhenden Cur. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Id. ] Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. Patr. Held with Dourton. 11l. 3d. clear Value. Lower Winchenden Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Iid. Abbey of Notley, Propr. Heirs of Mr. Tyringham. 5l 63. 8d. clear Value. Hogſhaw Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) The Church in Ruins. Not certified. The Pariſhioners go to Eaſt Claydon Church. Prior. St. John of Jeruſalem, Propr. CHA PÉL. Eythorp Chap, in Waddeſden Pariſh, formerly a Chantry in the College of Fotheringhay. Sir William Stanhope. D. UT?endover, in the Archdeaconry of Bucks. The Monaſtery of Mifſenden, in this Deanry, was returned to be worth annually 2011. 145. 6d. Domus Convent. Fratr. minor. in Ayleſbury, was likewiſe re- turnéd at 3l. 25. 5d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Booles. Yearly Tenthyo Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. do 1. 2 d. 6 85 23 6 10] Aſton Clinton R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 4 acr. terr. pro repar. ecclef. Charles Muſgrave and Richard Colvil, with the Conſent of Elizabeth Stapyl- ton, the Wife of Miles Stapylton of Harrow in Middlefex, 3716. Jeſus College, Oxon, AYLESBURY BUCKS, 507 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. S. d. S. O 20 IO O A 2 II King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. 1. d. 36 0 AYLFSBURY P. in Ecclef. Lincoln. Decano & Cap. Lincoln. 3 12 pro Septimis Decimis 5l. Pení. eifdem Decano Ei Cap. 21. Biſhop of Lincola. * Burton, alias Bierton, V. (St. James,) cum Membris. IO Peculiar of the Church of Lincoln. 141. per ani, eccleſ. & paup. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 661. 95. certified Value. 17 9 9 7 7 Dynton, alias Donington, V. (St. Peter and St. Pwl. Archi I 14 I 160 diac. 10s.717. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 35. 4d. The KING, Pri. Godítowe, in Oxon. Propr. 9 7 Eliſborough, alias Elleſborough, alias Edleiburrowe, R. (St. I 2 II ] Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 1os. 70. “Prox. Epilc. 65. 8./. Penſ. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Kobert Wailis, Geut. 1636, 1722. Joſeph Wells. G nr. 1749. 15 17 i Haudenham V. (St. Mary,) with Cuddington * Chapel. (St.' III 8 Nicholas.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 45. Mon. Rocheſter, Propr. Simon Mayne, Eſq. 1089. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, 1783, p. i. 63l. 175. cer- tified Value. 9 9 9 Hampden Magna R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archidiac. 10s. Archidiac. 1os. O 18 113 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Richard Hampden, Eſq. 1719. John Hampden, Eſq. 1750, 1752. 14 5 5 Hartwell R. (St. Mary,) with Little Hampden. Archidiac. I 8 61 ros. 7d. Prox.. Epiſc. 55. Sir Thomas Lee, Bart. 1694, 1733. Sir William Lee, Bart. p. i. 1783. 26 0 0 Hayder with Walton P. in Eccleſ. Lincoln. Biſhop of Lin. coln. 10 0 21 Hulcore R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7 d. Prox. Epiſc. 1o of Is. 8d. Henry Neale, Eſq. 1699. John Marriot, Gent. 1755. Edward Bangham, 1768. Stephen Langſton, Eſq. 1779. 711. 145. certified Value. 6 2 II Kimble Parva R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. O 12 31 Epiſc. 35. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Elizabeth Chapman, 1689. Thomas Chapman, Gent. 1741. Martha Chapman, Widow, 1744. 521. 1s. 4d.] certified Value. Weſton Turvill R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s.7d Prox. 2 4 1 Epiſc. 6s. 3d. John Tipping, Gent. 1678. All Souls Col- 2 12 22 Ο ΙΟ lege, Oxon. * Cuddington Chapel. 291. 6s. 8d, certified Value. T tt 2 LIVINGS 508 Bucks. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. d. 1 8 9 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books: l. de 43 3 7 AYLESBURY V. (St. Mary.) Redd. Rectori 15. 11d. A Pecu- 24 18 liar of the Church of Lincoln. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. 49 5 of Bledlow, alias Bedlow, V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 105. 16 9 7 70.4 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 35. 4d. Penſ. Epiſc. 21. Colleg. Sti Steph. Weſtminſter, Propr. James Blank, Gent. 1662. Henry Croſs, Eſq. 1732. Elizabeth Hayton, Widow, 1775. 47 Horfingdon, alias Horſendon, alias Horfington, R*. (St. Mi- 6 17 O chael.) Archidiac. 75. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. John Grubb, Eſq. 1687, 1769. 23 OO Kimble Magna V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiae. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 6 10 pro Rect. 45. id. pro Vic. is. 8d. Mon. Miſſenden, Propr. Richard Hampden, Eſq. 1707. Jolin Hampden, Eſq. 17:52. Lord Hampden. 47 7 0 Mifſenden Parva V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. 13 3 9. Epiſc. pro Rect. 2s. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Mon. Miſſenden, Propr. Rcger Penn, Eſq. 1703, 1727. Sir Nathaniel Cur- zon, Bart. 1750. 41 3 6 Miffenden Magna V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 11d. pro Vic. 25. 1d. Mon. Miffenden, Propr. John Fleetwood, 1701. John Anſell, Eſq. 1753. Thomas Gooftrey, Eſq. and Mary his Wife, 1768. 49 4 6 Stone V. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 2d.. 9.00 pro Vic. 25. 6d. Pri. Oſeney, Appr. Sir Thomas Lee, Bart. 1706. Sir William Lee, Bart, 1783. 47 15 3 WENDOVER V. (St. Mary.) Archid. 1os. 7d. Prox, Epiſc. 12 16 I go pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 35. 4d. The KING. Mon. Stæ Mariæ Overy, in Surrey, Impr. NOT IN CHARGE. St. Leonard's Cur. AYLESBURY. Not certified. Olim Capel. to Aſton Clinton. In Truſtees. Lee Curacy. (St. John Baptiſt.) Stipend 71. Olim Cap. to Wefton Turvill. John Anſell. 4. 125. clear Value. * Horfingdon R.-Though this in the original Roll is noted as a Rectory, yet Inftitution has been given to it only as a Vicarage. Vide the Inſtitution Books in Offic, Primit. PRINCES Bucks. 509 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. PRINCES RISBOROUGH Curacy. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. 4d. Mon. Notley, Propr. Henry Penton, Eſq. 1730. Henry Grubb, Eſq. 1775. 401. clear Value. Stoke Mandevile, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Bierton. 161. 1os. clear Value. Buckland, (All Saints,) Chapel to Bierton. 2012 6s, clear Value. Towerſey V. (St. Catharine.) Formerly a Chapel to Thame in Oxfordſhire. 251. 10s. clear Value. Hampden Parva, Chapel to Hartwell. 141. 135. clear Value. Cuddington, Chapel to Haddenham. (St. Nicholas.) 291. 6s. 8d. clear Value. Wendover. (St. John Baptiſt.) Cap. in Burgo. Wendover ; de- ſacrata. 9. Wiycombe, alias TUXiccomb, in the Archdeaconry of BUCK S., The Monaſtery of Little Marlow, in this Deanry, was returned to be worth annually 23h. 35..7d. The Monaſtery of Medmenham, was likewiſe returned at. 201... 6s. 2d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Survey. S. 1. S. do 1 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. king's Books. Yearly Tenthi. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. ho d. 11 10 10 Fawley, alias. Fauley, alias Falley, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 3 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc.. 6s. 3d. Ja. Whitlock, Efq. 1678. Serjeant Thomas Gooding, 1716. Sambrooke Freeman, Eſq. 1758, 1762. oo Hambleden R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 85. Lord Rivers, 3 10 1671. William Clayton, Eſq. 1722. Sir Kenrick Clayton, Bart. 1760. Sir Robert Clayton. 13 6 8 Marlow MAGNA V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. I 6 8 105. 6d. pro Vic. 45. Penf. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Mon. Tewkeſ- bury, Propr. The KING, p.h..v. 1753. Dean and Chap- ter of Glouceſter. 7 Radnage O 35 0 310 DIOCES E OF LINCOL N. BUCKS. 5. 100 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. de 6 13 11 Radnage R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 70.4 Penſ. Priớri O 13 43 Ski Johannis 135. 4d. Redd. 25. 2d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 7d. The KING. 13 9 7 Saunderton, alias Sanderton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. Archidiac. 10s. 1 6 111 7d. Prox, Epiſc. 35. 9d. Penſ. Epiſc. 35. Anne Bigg, Widow, 1713. Magdalen College, Oxon. Vic. 35. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 44 10 0 o Bradenham R. (St. Botolph.) . Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 5 3 9 15. id.} Catherine Pye, Widow, 1684. Lady Wentworth, 1726. Lord Wentworth, 1765, 1775. 17 6 0 Ediſore, alias Hedlor, alias Headtore, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 4 O o Epiſc. 25. 4d. Mary Chilcot 1715. The Biihop of Lincoln has One Turn in Three. The Biſhop, 1742. Lord Boston, 1765, 1772. 49 3 11 Haveringdon, alias Haningdon, alias Weſt Wycombe, V. (St. 11 9 7 Laurence.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. is 6d. pro Vic. 65. 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. il. The KING, 1660, 1667, 167, 1684, 1704, 1715, 1717 Sir Francis Dalhwood, Bart. 1721, by exchange with the Crown for Aburton in Eſſex, about the Year 1723. Lord Le Deſpen- čer, 1765. Pri. Byíham, in Berks, Propr. 45 0 0 Hitchenden V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 8 17 6 pro Rect. 75. 6d. pro Pri. Kenelworth, Co. War- wick, Propr. Philip Lord Stanhope, 1713. Samuel Savage, Eſq. 1765 43 10 8 Marlow Parva V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. 8 Prox. 8 5 10 Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 6d. pro Vic. 25. 7d. Penſ. Epiſc. il. Mon. Byíham, in Berks, Propr. olim Pri. Marlow. Borlace Warren, Eiq. 1709. Burlace Warren, Eſq. 1766. Sir John Borlace Warren, Bart. 1776. 45 0 0 Medienham V. (St. Perer.) Archidiac. 35. Pros. Epiſc. pro 5 7 1 Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 6d. Du. ten. pro repar. eccleſ. Mon. Medmenham, Propr. Francis Duffield, Eſq. 1716, 1749. J. Daſhwood King, Eſq. 1759. Elizabeth Morton, Widow, 1781. 45 0 0 Thinghurſt, alias Fingeit, alias Tringhurſt, alias Finghuſt, R. 6 7 II (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 9d. The Prebendary of Dultingcot in the Cathedral Church of Wells, 1776. 20 0 0 Turfield V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105.7d. Abb. Sfi Albani 9 9 91 il. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25.4d. pro Vic. Is. 6d. 6 Abb. BUCKS. 511 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. d. 0 0 Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 1. d. 1. s. Abb. Sti Albani, Propr. The Inhabitants are Patrons. Meſſrs. Oſborn, Ovey, and Carter, 1770. 45 7 o Woburne Welt, alias Biſhop's Woburne, V. (St. Paul.) Prox. 12 Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. 25. 6d. 41. ann. pro repar. ec- cleſ. Duke of Wharton. Peregrine Bertie and his Wife. Agatha Child, Widow, 1753. 45 12 8 WYCOMBE, alias WiccoMB, alias CHIPPING WYCOMBE, V. 23. 17 (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 11s. 4d. pro Vic. 55. Pri. Godſtowe, in Oxon. Propr.. Sir Robert Daſhwood, Bart. of Wycombe, 1711. Lord Shelborne, 1724. Earl of Shelburne, 1784. I CHAPEL. Saunderton. (St. Nicholas.). Deſtruct. Chapel to Saunderton R. (St. Mary.) PECULIARS belonging to the Archbiſhop of CANTERBURY, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenthisa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. 13 6 8 Halton R. (St. Michael.) Ambroſe Holbech, Gent. 1691. I Lord Shelburn, 1724. Sir Francis Daſhwood, Bart. 1755: Oo 0. Riſborow, alias Monks Riſborow, R. (St. Dunſtan,) cum Oulf- 3 wick, (St. Peter,) Cap. Deſtructa. Archbiſhop of Can- terbury. S. d. 6 8 300 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Wotton Underwood C. in the Deanry of Waddeſden. Brickhill Parya C. in the Deanry of Newport. 512 Bucks, DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. JURISDICTION of St. ALBANS, in the Dioceſe of LONDON, in the Archdeaconry of St. Albans, and County of BUCKS. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentkes. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 6 7 11 120 1. d. 0 12 91 Afton Abbots V. (St. James.) Penſ. Coquinar. Sfi Albani 21. Rectori de Hardwick 16s. Rectori de Wyngrave 25. Abb. Sti Albani Proxies and Synods 145. 4d. Abb. Sfi Albani, Propr. Earl of Cheſterfield, 1777, p.i. O 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1 carly Value. King's Books, 40 Granborough, alias Grandborough, V. (St. John Baptift.) 8 oo 80 Olim Cap. to Winſlow. Archidiac. 6d. Synods 6d. The KING. Mon. Sti Albani, Propr. Harwood, alias Horwood Parva, V. (St. Nicholas.) Archi- 5 6 8 diac. 6d. Synods 6d. Mon. Sti Albani, Propr. Robert Grange, Gent. 1701, 1740. Kidgell Sandon, 1775. 40 WYNSLOW V. (St. Laurence.) Abb. Sii Albani Proxies and II Synods 145. 4d. Penf. 1l. 6s. 8d. Here is a Free School endowed with 20l. per ann. The KING. Mon. Sti Al- bani, Propr. 22 O O 0 0 5 10 I 20 D. Baldock, HERTFOR DSM. 513 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. D. Baldock, in the Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. King's Books. 1 1.. 22 1700 26 II ter O 1 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Pearly Tenthal Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. d. 3 61 Aſhwell V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 6d. pro 4 41 Vic. 35. 4d. Mon. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Bilhop of London. 15.5 21 Aſpden, alias Aſpenden, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 2$. 6d. I IÒ 61 Ralph Freeman, Eſq. 1706, 1776. Philip Yorke, Eſq. 1783. 8 Aſton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 58. Phil. Boteler, Eſq. 2 13 1700. Marmaduke Alington, Eſq. 1743. Sir Thomas Rum- bold, Bart. 1782. 19 o Benington R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 8d. Charles 1 18 0 Cæſar, Eſq. 1719. Rebecca Knight, Widow, 1736. Ed- ward Page, Eſq. p. h. v. 1755. 17 9 7 Bigrave, alias Bygrave, R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 44. Earl of Sa. 14 111 liſbury, 1708, 1725, 1763, Bradfield Church. Ecclef. extinct. Bradfield R. annexed to Cothered. Eccief. deftruet. An Im. propriation in the Poffefion of William Foreſter, Eſq. See Chauncey's Antiquities of Hertfordſhire, p. 71, 72, &c. 16 0.7] Clothall R. (St. Mary) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 64. Earl of Saliſ I 12 ore bury,. 1708, 1773. Thomas Cecil Grave, 1780. 8 61 Cothered, alias Cottered, R. (St. Mary,) with Bradfield an 2 0 101 nexed. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. 231. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Pulter Foreſter, Eſq. 1703. William Foreſter, Eſq. 1762. 16 0 o Hinxworth, alias Hinkſworth, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. gs. 6d. 140 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Robert Hol- den, Eſq. 1727, 1739, 1777 21 Kelſhall R. (St. Faith.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Biſhop of Ely, 2 1763 9 7 Munden Magna R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 8d. 2 111 3०० ० Terr. pro locand. appren. The KING. 15 Munden Parva R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 2d. 45. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. William Anſell, Gent. 1688, by Grant from John Woodhall of London. Robert Heyſham, Eſq. 1723. Robert Thornton Heyſham, Eſq. 1771. Radwell 0 1 0 TO O O I 20 I IR 2 O 21 2 0 I IO U x 4 514 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. HERTFORDSH King's Eools. 1. S. d. s. 9 00 o Yearly Tenthsa 7. d. 13 6 8 Radwell R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Robert Bell, 6. & Efq. 1670. Catherine Pym, Widow, 1733. William Pym, Efq. 1749, 1778. 451. 15. 2d. certified Value. Sandon V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. Vic. O 18 15. 8d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London, Propr. and Pair. 50 Therfield R. (St. Mary.) · Prox. Epiſc. 8s. Dean and Chap- 5. O, ter of St. Paul's, London. Throcking R. (Holy Trinity,) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Robert Robert O 16 Elwes, Eſq. 1706. Cary Elwes, Eſq. 1743, 1745. 591. 145. 7d. certified Value. 16 15 21 Wallington R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Emanuel I 1361 College, Cainbridge. I Inl Walkerne R. (St. Mary) Prox. Epilc.. 35. 8d. King's Col. 2 0:21 lege, Cambridge. Weltmill, alias Weſt Mile, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 2 45. 4d. Jo. Twisſleton, and Lewis Monoux, Eſq. 1706. Lucia Wall, Widow, 1727. Ralph Freeman, D. D. 1771. 31 Wormley R* (St. Laurence.) Sir Robert Atkins, and Sir I I Edward Atkins, Kots. 1689. Alexander Hume, Eſq. 1747. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. 1783. -5 Williản, alias Willing, alias Willien, V. (All Saints:). 4001. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. pro Vic. Is. 3d. Sie- phen Aſhby, Gent. 1725. Anne Rooke, Widow; 1739. 5 6 101. Hoſp. of Royſton, in the Pariſh of Therfield, voc. St. John O 20 81 and St. James. 20 20 O IO I 2 2 O IO per ann. 0 O O 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valilea King's Bookso. 39 19 8 BALDOCK R. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. 25.. 8d. Dom. & terr. 10 8 9 70 pro repar. eccleſ. The KINĄ. 44 13 Caldecot R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. 8 William Hale, Eſq. 1712, 1727. Paggen Hale, 1747- 37 18 4 Ruſhden V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 2s. 8d. pro 8 I 101 Vic. Is. gd. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 0 0 Weſton V. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect.. 2s. pro Vic. 10 6.8 5 acr. terr. pro repar. clauſ, cæmeter. Pri. Sti . Johan- 38 25. * Wormley R.--is charged in London Disceſe, in the Juriſdiction of Waltham, and ſhould be placed there, nis 7 HERTFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 515 1. d. Clear l’early Value, King's Books, 1. d. nis Jeruſalem, Propr. (olim Templarior.) Lady Williamſon, 1688. Mr. Hale, 1718. Catherine Morice, Widow, and William Hale, Eſq. 1731. 49 19 O Yardley V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. 12 pro Vic. 25. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London, Propr. and Patr, D. Berkhampfted, in the Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. The Priory of King's Langley, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 1221. 45. The Priory of St. Giles near Flamſted, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiflioners to be worth annually 307. 195. 6d. 1 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tènths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. S. , do o 10 2 8 8 20 8 61 Albury, alias Aldbúry, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Epiſc. “ 2 55. Il. 45. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Duke of Leeds, 1707. Duke of Bridgwater, 1754, 1767, 1779, 24 O o Aldenham V. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 35. 6d. Penſ. Epiſc. 135: 4d. 21. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. of Elſing Spittle, London, olim Propr. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1704, 1725. Martha Vandewall, Wi- dow, 1775. 511, certified Value. BERKHAMPSTED, alias BARKHAMSTEAD ST. PETER, R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. The Prince of Wales, as Duke of Cornwall. 41 6 8 Flamſted, alias Flamſtead, R*. (St. Leonard,) only a Curacy. 4 Stipend 12l. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Univerſity College, Ox- ford, Impropr. Val. in anno 1534, 411. 6s. 8d. 20 2 0 0 оо 200 8 * Flamſted R --An Impropriation formerly in the Poſſeſſion of one Mr. Thomas Sanders, who deviſed the Rectory and part of the Tythes to the Maſter and Fellows of Univerſity College in Oxford, and their, Succeſſors; ordaining by his Will, That for the future the Curate ſhould have 60l. per annum Salary; and that the Maſter and Fellows ſhould always appoint a Curate. Sir Henry Chauncey's Antiquities of Hertfordſhire, p. 568, U u u 2 Gaddeſden 1 518 HERTFORDSH. DIOCES E 07 LINCOLN. - King's Books, d. I Icarly Tonths, h. S. l. d. DI 1ż 81 Gaddeſden Parva R, (St. Peter and St. Paul.). Prox. Epiſc. 3 34 25. 26. 185. Sd. pro repar. ecclef. Earl of Bridgwater, 1703. Duke of Bridgwater, 1754. 16 I 101 HEMSTED, alias HEMEL HEMPSTED, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. I 12:25 Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 35. 44. College.de Asſherugg in Bucks, Propr. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Lincoln. 9. 13 4 Kenſworth V* (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect : 35. 9d. O 19 4 pro:Vic. 25. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. 8. O o King's Langley V . (Al} Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Q: 1:6 25. 11d. pro Vic. Iso 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. Sdi Pri. de King's Langley, olim Propr. "Biſhop of Ely, Propr. and Patr.. 3 North Berkhampſted, aljás North Church, alias Barkham 2. It 350 ſtead, St. Mary, R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 4d. Prince of Wales, as Duke of Cornwall. I of Puttenham R. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epifc. 25. 6d. Church- IO I head Land, for the Repair of the Church. Biſhop of Lin. coln. 16 8 11 Shenley R. (St. Botolph,) voc. Sljendley Spelhurſt. Prox. I 12. gada Epiſc. 55. John Crew, 1662. Thomas Launder, Gent. 1686. Peter Newcome, Eſq. 1744. Anne Newcome, 1751. 42. 1 101 Wheathampſted, alias Wethamſted, R. (St. Helen,) with 4 4 25 Harpenden Chap. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 85. 6d. Biſhop of Lincoln 1 21 I 10 LIVINGS- DISCHARGED. Clear 1 early Value. King's Bookso- 42.17 Gaddeſden Magna VI. (St. John Baptiſt:) Prox. Epiſc. pro 10 Rect..35. 8d, pro Vic. 25. Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Abb. St. 1 I * Kenſworth V.-Augmented by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's with 36. per annum. Vide Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 284.. + King's Langley.-Benj. Laney, late Biſhop of Ely, granted to the Vicar of this Church and his Succeffors an Augmentation of 36l. per annum, for their better Support and Maintenance. Vide Chauncey's Antiquities of Hertfordſhire, p. 545... # Gacdeſden Magna V.--Sir John Halley gave to the Vicar, by his Laſt Will and Teſtament, a conſiderable Portion of the Great Tythes for the Augmentation of his Revenue. Sir Henry Chauncey's Hiſtory of Hertfordſhire, p. 562. Albans , 1 HERTFORDSH. 51-7 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. he Sa. de Clcar l'early Value, King's Books be s. d. Albans, Propr. Henſhaw Halſey, Eſq. 1719. Thomas Halſey, Eſq. 1778. North Mims V. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro 10 Vic. 25. 4d. Penf. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. · Domus Carthuſ. prope London, Propr. Thomas Blackmore, Eſq. 1707. John Blackmore, Efq. 1749. The KING, by Lapſe, 1768. NoT IN CHARGE. Caddington V. (All Saints ) Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's London, Propr. and Parr. TRING Cur*, (St. Peter and St. Paul,),cum Long Marſton. (All Saints.) Prox. Epifc. 135.- 4d. Mon. Feverſham in Kent, formerly Impr. Chriſt Church College, Oxford. 401. clear Value. Wiggington, (St. Bartholomew,) Chapel ta TRING. Stipend 71. Chriſt Church College, Oxford. Bovingdon, alias Bovington, (St. Laurence,) Chapel' to. Hem- Ited. 261. clear Value. Flamden, alias Flaunden, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Hemſted. Now Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty, 61. 25. 6d. clear Value. Market Street Cur. (St. John Baptiſt) in Cadington Parillas Mr. Coppin.. D. Hertford, in the Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tonths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. d. 8. 61 All Saints in HERTFORD. V. and St. John united. Prox. 0.104 130 0.0 Epiſc. 25. The KING, and George Harriſon, Eſq. alter- nately. Pri. Waltham Crucis, Propr. George Harriſong: Eſq. 1741. The KING, 1771. 10 Tring R. was valued, 1534, in the King's Books, at 777, 135, 4d, fiuce made an Impropriation, 5. St. Andrew 518 HERTFORDSH. DIOCIS E OF LINCOLN. 3. 1. d. 12 I 120 4 1 O King's Books. Pearly Tenths, de 7 3 į St. Andrew HERTFORD R. with St. Nicholas HERTFORD, 4 8 and St. Mary *, Prox. Epiſc. 45. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. ang 8 61 Berk hampſted Parva, alias Barkhamſtead Parva, R. (St. An O 14 io drew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Earl of Saliſbury, 1714, 1770. u 6 3 Bromfield, alias Brantfield, alias Bramfield, alias Braunfield, I 2 8 R. (St. Audrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Edward Bour- chier, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1775. 14 13 Datchworth R. (All Saints.) Prox, Epiſc. 45. 4d. Earl of 9 4 Effex, 1709. Clare Hall, Cambridge. 7 4 2 2 Dixwell, alias Digſwell, R. (St. John Evangeliſt.) - Prox. O 14 5 Epiſc. 25. 4d. Francis Boteler Shalcroſs, Gent. 1687. Tho- mas Shalcroſs , Eſq. 1720. William Shalcroſs, Eſq. 1757. 18 0 0 Effenden, alias Eaſenden, R. (St. Mary,) with Bayford Chap. I 16 Prox. Epiſc. 55. Earl of Saliſbury, 1770. 8 13 4 Eyot, alias Ayot Magna, alias Aiot St. Laurence, R. Prox. 017 4 Epiſc. 25. 8d. Robert Briſtow, Eſq. 1661. Eliz. Briſtow, Geo. Halſey, Charles Wilſon, and Heſter Briſtow, 1705. George Townſend, Eſq. William Duncombe, and John Duncombe, Eſqrs. 1720. Sir Lionel Lyde, Bart. 631. 1050" 6d. certified Value. 7 8 61 Eyot, alias Ayot St. Peter, alias Aiot Parva, R. Prox. Epiſc. o 14 104 is. 8d. Sir John Read, Knt. 1686. Ralph Freeman, D.D. 1766. 12 15 21 Hartingfordbury R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45.. The The I 5 64. KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 36 2 HATFIELD Bishop's R. (St. Etheldreda,) with Totteridge 3 12 23 Chap. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 85. rod. Earl of Saliſ- bury, 1719, 1772. 3 4 Sacave, alias Sacombe, R. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. I o 4 Edward Rolt, Eſq. 1714. Thomas Rolt, Eſq. 1739. Maria Conſtantia Rolt, 1761. Timothy Caſwell, Eſq. 1763: 8 8 61 Stapleforth, alias · Stapleford, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 0 16 104 35. 4d. Sir Thomas Cooks Winford, 1717, Anne Deane, Widow, 1756. Robert Pargeter, B. A. 1780, 1784, p. i. 14 o Tewing R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Sir Francis Boteler, I Knt. 1688. Jeſus College, Cambridge. 19 8 61 Watton at Stone R. (St. Mary and St, Andrew.) Phil. I 18:10 Boteler, Eſq. 1694. Hamond Croſs, Gent. 1734. John Boteler, Eſq. 1762. John Stockwell, Gent. 17.81. 0 0 Welwyn R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. All Souls College, Oxford. 200 O O I IO 0 21 2 2 0 * St. John's, St. Nicholas', and St. Mary's Churches in Hertford are demoliſhed. DISCHARGED. HERTFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 519 , . DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 2. d. 9 Benjoy, alias Bengeo, V. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 7 8 6 Pri. Ski Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Thomas Byde, Eſq. 1707, 1729. Thomas Plumer Byde, Eſq. 1763. S. 1. do 490 NOT IN CHARGE. Totteridge Chap. (St. Andrew.) Rector of Hatfield. D. Hitchin, in the Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. Wymondeſley Priory, in this Deanry, was valued by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. at the clear annual Sum of 291. 195. 11d. 1 Newbiggin Priory, in this Deanry, was valued by the Com- miſſioners, temp. VIII. at the clear annual Sum of 131. 165. The Houſe of Carmalite Brethren in Hitchin, in this Deanry, was valued by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. at the clear annual Sum of 44. 95. 4d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenth's. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. S. d. d. lo 12 1: 5. I 4 I O 10 Graveley R. (St. Mary,) 'with Sheffield, alias Chivesfield, alias Chiveſley. Prox. Epiſc. 45., 6d. Penſ. Epiſc. 2s. Sir John Spencer, Bart. 1697. Sir Henry Penrice, 1728. Sir Thomas Saliſbury, 1770, now his Heirs. 80 Ikleford R. (St. Catherine,) with Pirton V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. gs. 4d. Abb. Ramſay, Propr. Dorothy How, Wi- ow, 1682. William Dean, Eſq. 1720. Ifaac Colman, Clerk, 1735. Charles Peers, Eſq. 1773. O 16 HITCHIN DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. HERTFORDSH. 1. s. d. 2 IO 12 0 King's Books, Yearly Tenthsa 2. d. 25 6 8 HITCHIN V*. (St. Mary and St. Andrew,) cum Miffenden. 8 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro Vic. 45. Pri. Elneſtow, Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 641. 175. 10d. certifted Value. o Kimpton V. ($t. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 35.-4d. Pri. Merton in Surr. 'Impr. Sir Jonathan Keate, Bart. 1698. Sir Henry Hoo-Keate, Bart. 1725. Thomas Brand, Eſq. 1757, 1773. 13 } I I Knebworth R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. William Robin- William Robin. I 6 27 ſon Litton, Èfq. 1703, 1760. [ 101 Letchworth R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Sir William Lytton, I 2 21 Knt. 1701. John Robinſon Lytton, Efq. 1748. 8 9 Lyley, alias Lilly, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. : 3 acr. I 18 101 terr. pro repar. ecclef. Sir George Warburton, Bart. 1709. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1767. 33 6 8 STEVENAGE R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 115. Joſeph 3 a 8 Bentham, D. D. Incumbent and Patron, 1719. Ann In- gtam, Widow, 1737. Williamn Baker, Eſq. 1781. I 19 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Haar Yearly Value. King's Books 43 4 8 St. Ippolits, vulgo Pallets, with Wymley, alias Wymondley II Magna, alias Wymondley with Ippolites, alias Ippoletts, V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 145. pro Vic. 35. 2d. Pri. Hertford, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 43 13 o Offey, alias Omey St. Leger, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. 9 Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 6s. Penſ. Epiſc. il Can- tar. Chalgrave in Bedf. olim Propr. Richard Spicer, alias Holder, 1699. Sir Henry Penrice, Knt. and his Lady, 1719. Sir Henry Pearice, 1927, 1734, Lady Saliſbury, 1784, p. i. 1 * Hitchin V.-Augmented with a Rent Charge of gl. per annum by Mr. Ralph Skinner, to inprove the former Augmentations of rol. yearly, by the Maſter and Fellows of Trinity College in Cambridge, impropriators thereof, and of 61. 135. 4d. yearly, paid by the Company of Cloth-workers, London. Bihop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 337. NOT HERTFORDSH. 522 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. NOT IN CHARGE, Wimley, alias Little Wymondeley, Curacy. (St. Mary:) Sti- pend 10l. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Priory of Wymondeley, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Walden Regis, (St. Mary,) a Donative. Prox. Epifc. 6s. 8d. Sir Bernard Hale, Propr. Paggen Hale, Eſq. Pri. Malton, Propr. HUNTS. D. huntingdon*. The Commiſſioners, mentioned in the Return, who took the Survey of this County, are Sir Richard Sapcote, Ķight, Sir Lawrence Taylarde, Knight, John Goſtwyke, Eſq. John Goodryke, Eſq. &c. The Monaſtery of Huntingdon, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 1877. 136. 8d. I The Priory of Hynchingbroke was likewiſe returned at 178. IS, 4d. The Hoſpital of St. John in Huntingdon was likewiſe returned at 61. 7s. 8d. The Priory of Stoneley was likewiſe returned at 561. os. 5d.1 For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. King's Books. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. Archdeaconry of Hunts. Vide Liber Regis. Eccl. Cath. 6 9 5 Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. Nicholas was the firſt Arch- deacon, 1992. d. 1. 64 14 d. 2 * N. B. In this Archdeaconry of Hunts, and Dioceſe of Lincoln, was the Juriſdiction of St. Alban's anciently. Xxx All Saints 1 522 HUNTS. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 1. d. 0 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 6 11 10] All Saints R. in Hunts, and St. John Baptiſt united in 1668. 0 13 21 150 Proxies and Synods 35. 2d. Penſ. Abb. Thorney 105. Penſ. Pri. Huntingdon Ios. Ballivis de Hunts Is. Id. Omn. decim. The KING. 6 7 6 St. John Baptift R. Archidiac. pro Indemn. 8d. Proxies and o 129 26 0 Synods 35. 2d. Redd. 55. rd Epifc. Lincoln. IS. 4d. Abb. Ramſay *25. Pri. Hinchingbroke 3s. 4d. Portion. "6s. 8d. Pri. Hubts. 6s. 8d. The-KING. 776. gs. certified Value of them both. O DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books 19 4 7 Huntingdon St. Mary Riaalted 1669 With St. Bennet. Being 10° 0 S 40 00 of very ſmall Value they are held by Sequeſtration by the Rector of All Saints. Proxies and Synods 35. 2d. Pri. Hunts. 135. 40. Ballivis de Hufts. id. The "KING. Pri. "Huntingdon, Propr. Aliæ Ecclefiæ in Oppido Hunts deſtructæ. St. Andrew's, St. Botolph's, St. >Edmund's, St. Martin's, Sito Peter's. . D. St. Jves, in the Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. The Monaſtery of Ramſey, i'this Deatty, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spici. qualities, the ctear annual Sum of 1715l. 2583d. Vide Liber Regis for the Particulars of the Poffeffions Livinos HVNT- DIOCESE OF LINGOL N. 5?3 2 King's Books ko d. 1. do 2 and Synods 13s. iod. Penſ. Abb: R Saints.) Proxies 3 990 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 32 16 of Blonțelham, alias Bluntſham, R*. (St. Mary.) Proxies and 3 5 7 Synods 1os. 8d. Bilhop of Ely. 21 13 9 Broughton R. (All Saints.) Proxies , and Synods ios. 8d. 3 4 Penl. Abb. Ramſay 135. 4d. Henry Whitebread, Gent. 1713. Richard Oakeley, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1775. Henry Pointer Standly, p. h. v. 1784. 30 6 3 Holliwell , alias Holywell, with Needing worth R. (St. Jolin 3 o 71 Baptift.) Proxies and Sypods 3s, iodPecun. pro repar. eccleſ. Earl of Mancheſter, 1797. Duke of Mancheſter, 1722, 1757 ) . Ramſay il. Stipend. Capellano 52. 6s. 8d. Şir John Bernard, Bart. 1710. Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. 1777. 6 15 0 ST. Ives V. Synods 3s. 2d. Penſ. Pri. St. Ives sl. Stipend. 013 6 Curat. de Wodhurſt 41. Curat. de Oldhurſt zt. 2il ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Mon. Ramſay, Propr. Robert Pigot, Eſq. 1717, 1759. 671. 35. 8d. certified Value. 21 7 6 Ripton Abbots R. (St. Andrew,) with Wennington. Proxies and Synods 10. 84. Penf. Abb. Ramſay 25. IOS: per ann. eccleſ. vog. Church Acre. Şir Nathan Wright, Ķnț. this Tuſn, 1792 Lord Montfort, p. h. v. 1744. Nicholas Bonfoy, Eſq. 1767. 11 19 9 Ripton Regis R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 10$. 8d. 140 The KING. 40 4 7 Somerſham R. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Somerſham Chap. I. 4 051 6$. 10d. Pidleigh (All Saiņts) il. 6s. 9d. and Colne (St. Helen) il. 6s. 2d. Proxies and Synods ios. 8d. Stipend. Capellan. de Colge and Pidleigh ļol. 135. 44. Omn. decim. Annexed to the Regius Profeforſhip of Divinity in Cam- bridge ya 13 13 I Stewkley Parva R. (St. Martin.) Proxies and Synods 1os. nd Synods 10s. 1 9 38 8d. Ferf. pro repar. eccleſ. John Bigg. Efq. 1791, 1737. Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. 1767. 2 1 3 111 O O * Erith (St. James) is a Chapel to Blonteſham. Deftruct, † Somerſham R-annexed as above, per Act. 10 Annæ. X X X 2 Warboys 4 524 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. Hunts. . , King's Books. 1. d. 27. 10 o Warboys R. (St. Mary Magdalen) Proxies and Synods 135. 4d. Penf. Abb. de Ramſey 2l. Parcel. terr. pro repar. ec- cleſ. & vi. ad eccleſ. Lucy Leman, Widow, 1694, 1721. Margaret Stona, Widow, p. l. v. 1772. 10 17 81 Wiſtow R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies and Synods 10s. 8d. Penf. Mon. Ramſey, 6s. 8d. 35. ann. pro repar. ecclef. p. h. V. . Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 2 150 I 191 O o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 23 O Hertford V. (All Saints.) Synods 10s. 8 d. Val. in decim. 4. i os 75 perſonal, altarag. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 7.d. pro Vic: 2s. 21. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING. Mon. Huntingdon, Propr. 27 14 6 Stewkley Magna V. (St. Bartholomew.) Val. in decim. per- 6 14 2 ſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 15: 4d. Terr. pro repar. ecçleſ. Mon. Huntingdon, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. The Bilhop, 1776. NoT IN CHARGE. RAMSEY Cur. (St. Thomas Becket.) Sțipend 87. Mon. Ram- ſey, Propr. Oliver Cromwell, 1605. Mr. Fellows. Little Ravely Chap: Stipend 21. 10. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Earl of Sandwich, Patr. Upwood, or Upton, (St. Péter,) with Ravely. Magna Cap. I deſtruct. Stipend 81. Mon. Ramſey, Propr. Oliver Crom- well, 1605. Oldhurſt, (St. Peter) cum Woodhurſt Cur. (All Saints.) Members of St. Ives. 176. 145. 6d. clear Value. Berry Cur. (Holy Croſs.) Sir John Bernard, Patr. Sir Ro- bert Bernard, Bart. 251. clear Value. Annexed to Hethmangrove, alias Hepmanſgrove, Cur. (St. Mary.) Abe bey of Ramſey, Propr. Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. Needingworth, (St. James,) Cap. to Holliwell, deſtructa. D. Leightonttone, HUNTS. 525 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. D. Leightontone, in the Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. The Priory of Stonley, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 461. os. 5d. 1 For Particulars, vide Liber Regis.. S. d. 1. I 2 2: LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. l'early Tenttis, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1.* s. .d. 34. 3 61 Brington R. (All Saints,) with Bithorn, (St. Laurence,) and 3 8. 45 Old Weſton Chap. (St. Swithin.) Proxies and Synods ih. Weyman Lee, Eſq. 1714. Clare Hall, Cambridge. 5 21 Buckworth R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 156. 6d. 2 64 acr. prat. pro repar. ecclef. Charles Duncombe, Eſq. An- thony Duncombe, Eſq. 173.5: Thomas Duncombe, Eſq. 1779. 17 16 101 Catworth Magna R. (St. Leonard.) Synods and Proxies 16s. 1 15 81 6d. Bțazen Noſe College, Oxford.. 29.5 o Ceviſton, alias Keviſton,, alias Kelton, alias Keyſtone, R. (St. 2 1.8 6 John Baptiſt.) Proxies and Synods 16s. 6d. Weyınan Lee, Gent. 17076 John Thornhagh, Eſq: 1751. Lord Rocking- ham, 1764. 18 13. 11 Copingford, alias Copmanford *, (All Saints,) with Upton R. I 17 33 (St. Margaret.) Proxies and Synods 18s. Penſ. Epiſc. 25. Earl of Montagu, 1703. Duke of Montagu, 1723, 1747- 18 Covington, alias Covingham, R. (Al Saints.) Proxies and 1 o 2 Synods 1os. 8d. 37. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Mary Taylor, Widow, 1698. Earl of Malon, 1738. Lord Rockingham, 1767. 797. 195 3d. certified Value. o. Ellington V. (All Saints.) Dimiff . ad firm. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 88. 9d. pro Vic. 55. 301. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. & al. piis uſ. Pri. Huntingdon, Propr. Peter Houſe, Cam- bridge: 26 14 41 Graffam, alias Graffham, R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods i 13 58 135, 2d. Penf. Pri. Hunts. 6s. 8d. Penſ. Pri. Thorney 10s. Penf. Epiſc. Eli. 6s. 8d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. John Bigg, Eſq. 1713. : Sir John Bernard, Bart. 1768. IO 20 0 2 0 * Copingford.--The Church is demoliſhed. Hamerton 526 Hunts. DIOCES E 08. LINCOL N. 1. d. I O IO I 3 I King's Books. Yearly Tenths. L d. 13 15 5 Hamerton R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 135. 4d. 7 61 Penſ. Abb. de Colcheſter 57. 6s. 8d. Omn. decim. Samuel Smith, Eſq. 1731. Lord Stanley, and James Barry Smith, 1774. 5 0 0 KIMBOLTON V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. 6d. Penſ. Epifc. 21. Pri. Stoneley, Propr. Duke of Mancheſter, 1761. 6olo 55. 4d. certified Value. 57 15 2į Manor of Leighton Bromeſwold P*. 9 15 61 11 10 10 Melleſworth, alias Moulſworth, R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods 25. iod. Redd. 6s. Penſ. fol. Epiſc. Eli. 1os. The Archbiſhop of York, Patr. by Exchange with the Lord Malton, for the Curacy of Old Malton in Yorkſhire, 1728. 33. 2 3 Stow Longa P. in Eccleſia Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. 3 6 2 12 13 6į Swanſhed, alias Swinelhead, alias Swineſted, R. (St. Nicho- las.) Proxies and Synods gs. 8d. I 5 41 2 acr. terr. pro repar. ec- cleſ, Earl of Mancheſter, 1716. Duke of Mancheſter, 1722, 1762. II 4 2 Thurning R. (St. James.) Proxies and Synods gs. 2d. Penf. i 25 Epiſc. Eli. 6s. 8d. Emanuel College, Cambridge. 661. 195. uid. certified Value. 9 9 2 Wolley R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 1os. 6d. John 0 18 11 Bedell, Eſq. 1707 William Peacock, Eſq. 1746. The Bilbo, 1754. Thomas Clark, Eſq. 1761. LivingS DISCHARGED. Clear l'carly K'alue. King's Books, 41 0 9 Alconbury, alias Alkmunbury, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) 8°6 I cum Weſton. Proxies and Synods 16s. 6d. Redd. 135. 95. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Pri. Merton in Surr. Impr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Patr. * Brampton V. (St. Mary.) Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. 8 ! 4 oblat. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Eccleſ. Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 47 0 3 * Buckden, alias Bugden, V . (St. Mary.) Biſhop of Lin- 8 coln. 44 8 0 O * Manor of Leighton Bromeſwold P.--A Lay Fee. Vide Liber Regis in the Firſt-Fruits Office, fo. 264. 'This Prebend was granted away in the time of Edward VI. by Gilbert Smith, the then Pre. bendary, to Sir Robert Tyrwhit. + Buckden, alias Bugden; V.-The Prebend of Bug den, in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, was annexed to the See of Lincoln, and the reſerved Rent was ſettled as an Augmentation for the Vicar of Bugden, by Act of Parliament anno 4º & 5° Annæ Regiææ. Gidding HUNTS. 527 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. S. 1. s. do O O O 40 16 o 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 43 14 2 Gidding Magna V. (St. Michael.) Val. in decim. perſonal. 8 5 5 2 altarag. oblat. &c. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. Is. gd. Mon. Huntingdon, Propr. Lord Sondes, 1714. Lord Sondes, 1781. go o Gidding Parva R*. (St. John.) Synods and Proxies 35. 4d. 7 6 4 33 The KING. * Leighton Broineſwold V. (St. Mary.) Val. in profic. pro- ? ven. de vic. ibidem tam in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. quam al. decim, unacum redd. manſ. 3 acr.ter. pro repar. eccleſ. Prebendary thereof, Prope, and Patr. 207,0 * Spaldwick V. (St. James.) Val. in deciin. perſonal. altarag. 12 oblat. &c. Prebendary of Long Stow, in Lincoln Cath. Propr. and Patr. o Steeple Gidding R. (Şt. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 85. 8. 17 81 Sir John Cotton, Bart. 1691. John Cotton, Eſq. 1739. John Heathcote, Eſq. 1772, 19782. Winwick'V. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies 35. 2d. Val. 7 16 10 in decim. perfonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Mon. Huntingdon, Propr. Duke of Montagu, 1714, 1:744. Duke of Monta- gu, and others, 1782. O 10 4.5 10 38 8 O Nor IN CHARGE. * Eaſton V. (St. Peter.) 77 ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Pre- bendary of Stow Longa, in Lincoln Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. * Long Stow, (St. Botolph.) ſerved by a Curate. Prebendary of Stow Longa, in Lincoln Cathedral, Propr. and Parr. 16.l. certified Value. Carworth Parva, Chap. to Stow, deltru&ta. Gidding Parva R: The Tythes were reſtored to it by the Family of the Farrars, 1633. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of:Impropriations, p. 235. Buts it is now only 33...per ann. D: Sf. Peots, 528 HUNTS. DIO G-E SE. OF LINCOLN. D. St. Neots, in the Archdeaconry of HUNȚINGDON. The Monaſtery of St. Neots was returned to be worth annu- ally 2411. 115. 40.1 Vide Liber Regis for the Particulars of the Manors, &c. 1. S. d. O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentosa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 6 13 9 Everton, (St. Mary,) in co. Bedf. with Tetworth V. Synods 0 13 41 and Proxies 3s. 2d. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. 2 acr. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Sti Neoti, Propr. Clare Hall, Cambridge. 641. os. Tod. certified Value. 32 3 9 Eyneſbury R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods gs. 8d. Penſ. 3 4 41 Pri. Sfi Neoti 21. 163. 8d. Earl of Sandwich. The Biſhop, 1768, by Lapſe. 17 5 Godmancheſter v*: (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 155. [ 14 of 10d. Redd. il. 35. id. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Pri. Merton, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. 661. 8s. Iod. I certified Value. 26 13 4 Hemingford Abbas R. (St. Margaret.) Proś. Epiſc. 35. 8d. 2 13 4 Lady Anne Trevor. Gurdians of Sir John Bernard, Bart. 1714.. Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. 1748. 19 Offord Cluny R. (All Saints.) Próxies and Synods ios. 6d. 1 18 25 130 Biſhop of London. 15 8{ Offord Darcy R. (St. Peter.). Proxies and Synods ios. 8d. I 10 31 Pri. Hunts. 2l. 10s. George Merrit, Gent. -1697: Francis Naylour, Efq. 1740, 1752. William Naylour Blundell, Eſq. 1774 16 Paxton Magna Vt. (Holy Trinity.) Proxies and Synods 35. I 12 31 2d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. gs. 2d. Cum. Cap. de Toſeland, (St. Mary,) and Paxton Parva. (St. James.) Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 2 I O 2 2 IL * Godmancheſter.–Augmented with 30l. per ann, by the Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Patrons thereof, by charging the ſame on their Lefſee. Vide Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 338. + Paxton Magna V.-Augmented by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, by Increaſe of 751. per an- num. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 282. 7 Saitho, HUNTS: 529 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N., E 1. d. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 14 2 31 Saitho, alias Southo, V. (St. Leonard,) cum Cap. Halliweſton, i 8 21 alias Haleweſton, (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Prox. 95. 2d, Curato de Halliweſton 51. 6s. 8d. Val, in omnim. decim. ab- lat. & al. profic.. Pení. Epiſc. il. Pri. Hunts, Propr. Ro. Pullein, Eſq. 1691. Charles Grove, Clerk, and his Wife, 1747. Henry Pointer, Gent. 1748. so o Stoughton Magna V. (St. Andrew.) Vicar. ibidem habet de prior. dom. Carth. London. in pecun. numerat. ann, 2ol. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 45. 4d. Penf. Epiſc. 105. Do- mus Carthuſ. London. Propr. St. John's College, Oxon. 5 Yelling R. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. and Synods gs. 8d. Penſ. I 9 of 25000 Pri. de Marten Abbey 4h. Penſ. Pri. Hunts il. Penf. Epiſc. Eli. 1h 46 105. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING. his wil 20 o 2 0 0 14 10 37 IO samut : Pros LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books 330 o Abboteſley V. (St. Margaret.) Proxies and Synods 45. Penf. 8. 17 Epiſc. 21. Terr. & pecun. pro repar. eccleſ. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. ,penſ. &c. Baliol College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 41 2:6 Dedington, alias Dodington, V. (St. Laurence.) Proxies and í 7024 71 Synods 95. 8d. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Merton College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. o Fenny Staunton V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) cum Hilton, Cap. 11 II 52 (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies and Synods 95. Val. in de- cim: perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. 201. ann. pro repar. ecclef. 9l. pro repar. cap. Colleg. Sti Stephani, Weſtminſt. Propr. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. 30 00 Grandeſon, alias Granſden Magna, V. · (St. Bartholomew.) - 5 7 3} Proxies and Synods gs. iod. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. 1ol. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Penſ. Epiſc. il . Abb. Sfi Auguſtini, Briſtol, olim Propr. Clare Hall, Cam- bridge, Propri and Påtr. 24 14 o Hemingford Grey V. (St. James.) Proxies and Synods 35. 2d. 9 16 10 21. 55. pro repar. ecclef. Val. in profic. proven. de vicar. ibidem in decim. perſonal. altarag, oblat. & penſ. Mon. Huntingdon, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 14 4 o St. Neots V. (St. Mary.). Val. in decimn. perſonala altarag. 10 70 oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect, 6s. 6d. pro Vic. 15. 7d. The KING. Pri. Sti Neoti, Propr. 49 10 o Warelly V. (St. Andrew.) Proxies and Synods 35. 2d. Penſ. 8 16 51 Epiſc. 35. 4d. Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem, Propr. Pembroke Hall, Cam- bridge, Patr. D. Parley, O O O Y yy 53% DIOCESE LINCOL N. Hunts. D. Warley, in the Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. The Monaſtery of Sawtre, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 1411. 35. 88. Vide Liber Regis, for the Particulars of the Poffeffiods. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Year! Tenthis. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. 1. d. 9 5 10 6 II 1 14 4 Alwalton R. (St. Andrew.) Prox, and Syn. 135. 2d. Omn. o 18 7 decim. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. 60l. certified Value. 23 9 2 Ayleton, alias Elton R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 135. 2d. Penf. Abb. de Ramſey 31. 03. 84. Elizabeth Ball, 1708. Ann Ball, Widow, 1731. Williain Fuller, Efq. 1738. B. 610f Bottlebridge, alias Botolpkbridge, R. united to Overton, alias o 16 88 Orton Longvile, (All Saints,) in 1721. Proxies and Synods 135, 2d. Penſ. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem 21. 138. Ad. Lord Viſcount and Lady Morpeth, 1721. Jonathan Cope, Efq. 1761. 37 3 4. Cheſterton R. (St. Michael.) Proxies and Synods 13s. 2d. Pení. Pri. de Royſton 2l. Penf. Abb. Thorney 125. John Dryden, Eſq. 1696. Robert Pigorr, Eſq. 1753, 1959. 611. 105. certified Value. 19 6 8 Gonington R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 16s. 6d. Sir í 18 8 John Cotton, Bart. 1699. Sir John Heathcote, Bart. 1754. John Heathcote, Eſq. 1782. 9.3 9 Fletton R. (St. Margaret.) Próxies and Synods 13t. 2d. Jo. o 18 41 Proby, Elg. 1694, 1736. Lord Carysfort, 1760. Folkeſworth, alias Pholkſworth, R. (St. Helen.) Proxies and 0 16 71 Synods 10s. 8d. Penf. Abb. de Croyland 6s. 8d. John Sherard, Gent. 1706. Catherine Sherard, 1722. Richard Edwards, 1739. Samuel Addenbrooke, Clerk, 1751. Sa- muel Stevens, Currier, 1781. gol. 75. certified Value. * 8 11 Glation R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 165. 6d. . Penf. 2 103 Abb. de Mifſenden 4. 135.44. Penf. Epiſc. Eli Ilo 6s. 8d. John Sherard, Gent. 1690. Samuel Addenbrooke, A. M. 1735. John Hopkinſon, Clerk, 1778. Haddon 8 6 3 HUNTS DIOCESE OR LINCOL N. 531 I O Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. King's Books Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. s. d. II 5 O Haddon R. (St. Mary'). Proxies, and Synods 135. 2d. Penſ. [ 2 6 Abb. de Thorney 55. Robert Pigot, Eſq: 1708. Robert Pigott, Eſq. 1776. 781. 145. 7d. certified Value. 10. 6 101 Morborne R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods ios. 8d. Penſ. 8m Abb. de Croyland al. 6s. 8d. Parcel. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Sir Charles Duncombe, Knt. 1703. Anthony Duacombe, Eſq. 17.35. Thomas Duncombe, Eſq.. 1778. 6 5: Overton, alias Orton Longvile, R. (Holy Trinity,), united to I 4 78 Bottlebridge. Prox. and Syn. 135: 2d: 3 acr. terr. pro re- par. ecclef. Lord Viſcount and. Lady Morpeth, 1721. Jo- nathan Cope, Eſq. 1746, 1761. 12 11 51 Overton Watervile R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 135. 2d. I 5*1* 8 1 of Sawtry Bunnis, alias Sawtry Beams, alias Sawery St. Andrews 0 16 14 R. Prox. and Syn.75. 6d., Robert Cotton, Eſq. 1706. Jo. Cotton, Eſq. 1743. Arthur Anneſley, Eſq. 1771. 8 15 73 Sawtry Moigne, alias Sawtry All Saints, R. Prox. and Syn. 0 17 61 75. 6d. Terr. val. 195. ann. ecclef. Duke of Devonſhire, two Turns, 1701. Lord Rockingham, One. Duke of De- * vonſhire, 1767. 6 6 101 Standground, (St. John Baptiſt,) and Faſcet, alias Farcet, V. O 12 81 (St. Mary.) Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 60.1 Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. 5 acr. terr. pro repar. eccler. Abb. Thorney, Propr. Emanuel College, Cambridge. 7 13 61 Stepington, alias Stibington, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Proxies...o 15 41 and Synods 135. 24., Penſ. Abb. de Thorney 135. 44. 1ol. per ann. in ut. paroch, Duke of Bedford, 1721, 1780. Stilton R. (St. Mary.) Prox, and Syn. Ios: 8d. Penf. Pri. de 7 Hunts los. 1l. is. 8d. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Biſhop of Lincoln. 6 9 2 Ź Water Newton R. (St. Remigius.) Proxies and Synods 13s. 22. o 12 11 Penſ. Abb. de Thorney il. 1©S. Arthur Turner, Eſq. 1720. Richard Edwards, Eſq. 1738. Robert Auſtin, 1755. 59). 8d, certified Value. 11 3 Woodſton, alias Woodſtone, R. (St. Auguſtine.) Prox. a Prox. and 0 15 0 15 il Syn. 135. 2d. Penf. Abb. de Thorney. 6s. 8d. George Maydwell, Gent. 1702. Carryer Tompſon, Eſq. 1723. James Thompſon, Eſq. 1762. John Bevis, Gent. p. h. v. 1780. Woodwalton R. (St. Andrew.) Proxies and Synods 95. rod. I 2 0 Thomas Dacres, Eſq. 1706, and Sir John Marſhalí , alter- nately. Humphry Morice, 1779. Mr. Morice and Mr. Jackſon, alternately, Y yy 2 5 10 I 2 11 OO LIVINGS 532 HUNTS. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN, 1. S. O 39 10 LivingS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valae. King's Books. li d. d. Caldecote R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Proxies and Synods gs. 7.3 6 iod. Ro. Newcombe, Merchant, 1698. John Norton, Gent. 1770. William Wilſon, Eſq. 1774. 48 11 6 Denton R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 10s. 8d. Ro. 5 13 61 Cotton, Eſq. 1711. John Cotton, Eſq. 1746. William Wells, Eſq. 1781. 30 YAXLEY V. (St. Peter.) Val. in decim. perſonal. altarag. ob- 11 0 0 70 lat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 11S. The KING. Mon. Thorney, Propr. . оо O CURACY. Holme Eur. (St. Giles.) Chapel to Glatton. Not certified. D. Ackley, in the Archdeaconry of LEICESTER. The Commiſſioners appointed by the King's Writt to take the Eccleſiaſtical Survey of the County of Leiceſter, were Sir John Villers, Knight, Sir John Nevell, Knight, Sir Thomas- Pulteney, Knight, Sir William Turvill, Knight, John Har- ryngton, Roger Radcliff, Roger Wygſton, William Aſſheby, Chriſtopher Villers, Thomas Trye, John Beamount, Thomas Waldram, Peter Ithell, and Robert Wyngfeld. The Monaftery of Garradon, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 1591. 195. rad. I The Priory of Ulneſcroft was likewiſe returned at & zl. 10s, 6d. I The Monaſtery of Gracedieu was likewiſe returned at 921. 35. gd. The Monaſtery of Langley was likewiſe returned at 29%. 75. 4d. The Priory of Bredon was likewiſe returned at 241. 10s. 4d. Caſtle Donington Hoſpital was likewiſe returned at 31. 135. 4d. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surya 3 LIVINGS LEICESTERSH. 533 DIOCESE e OF LINCOL N. -- 1. - s. d. s. d. 2 I 10 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. I. 15 81 Barrowe upon Soar V*. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. 11s. id. 3. Val. in decim. major. & minor. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. pro Vic. 25. il. 45. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Mon. Lei- ceſter, Propr. St. John's College, Cambridge. 10 6 of Cole Orton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. Prox. Epiſc. 1 o 7 25. 11d. Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 1727, 1778, 1784. p. i. 701. certified Value. 12 0 o Hatherné R. (St. Peter.) Hatherné R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. IIs. Id. Abb. Leiceſ 4 O ter 21.45. Ecclefiæ de Keggworth 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d.ź 41. 135. 4d. pro repar. ecclef. James Abney, Eſq. 1682. Sir Ambroſe Philips, 1694. Ambroſe Phillips, Eſq. 1732. Samuel Philips, Eſq. 1765. Sir William Gordon, in right of his Wife. 25 15 71 Keggworth R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. IIs. id. Prox. 2 II 63 Epiſc. 10s. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 13 6 8 Long Whatton R. (All Saints) Terr..gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. I'68 290 45. 8d. The KING. 40 16 3 LOUGHBOROUGH R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.). Archidiac. 155. 4 1 72 id. Manſ, terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 95. Emanuel Col- lege, Cambridge. 7 o Olgathorpe R. (St. Mary.) Priori Holland. 1l. Prox. Epiſc. 0 14 0 15. 3d. Lord Huntingdon, 1679. Earl of Huntingdon, 1764. 671. 145. certified Value. 14 4 41 Ounlip, alias Wanlip, R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. 1 8 si Vicario de Rothley 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Archdale Palmer, Eſq. 1703. Henry Palmer, Eſq. 1770. Charles Grave Hudſon. 691: 125. rod. certified Value. 5 15 10 Pakington, alias Packington, V. (Holy Rood.) Prox. Epiſc. 7 pro Rect. 25. vid. pro Vic. 15. 2d. Val. in pecun. cum manſ. Mon. Coventry, Propr. Earl of Huntingdon, 1690. Jo. Laughton, Clerk, this Turn, 1705. Earl of Hunting- don, 1783, 1784. p. i. II 0 5 Rothley, alias Rodely, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. il. Ss. off 6d. Val. in decim. major. & ininor. cum maní. &c. Præ- ceptor de Rothley, Propr. Thomas Babington, Eſq. 1691. e O Ο ΙΙ 1 2 * Barrowe upon Soar V:-was augmented by: Dr. Beveridge, Biſhop of St. Aſaph, and the Patro- page thereof given to the College of St. John's aforeſaid. , Vide Willis's Antiquity of St. Aliph, p. 95, Thomas 534 LEICESTERS, H DIOCESE OR LINCOLN. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. do d. Thomas Babington, Eſq. p. i, 1783. 756. 105. 2d certified Value. 17 8 1 Shaile, alias Seale, alias Nether Seale, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 1 14 10 Epiſc. 55, 3d. Thomas Greſby, Eſq. 1993, Sir Robert Burdet, Bart. 1705. William Inge, Eſq. 1715 Lee Gref. ley, Elq. 1748. John Wilcockſon and John Wall, Gent. 1759. 21 18 4 Sweptton R. (St. Peter,) cum Cap. Snareſton. Archidiac. 135. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Thomas Charnells, Gent. 1662. Thomas Charnells, Eſq. 1722. Dudley Charles Ryder and his wife, 1782. 23 7 81 Thurcaſton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. gs. Penſ, Pri. Shene 26 94 Il. 75. Manſ. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. gs. 4d. Ema- nuel College, Cambridge. The KING, p. h. v. by Promo- tion, 177.6. 2 3 10 Val. in pecun. Vic. 2s. O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 44 0 0 ASHBY DE LA Zouch V. (St. Helen,) and Blackfordby, alias 14 10 4 Blaugherby (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. 35. cum manſ, & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. 3d. pro Vic. 25. Id. Mon. Lilleſhull, in Co. Salop. Propr. Earl of Huntingdon, 1783. p. i.' 47 15 o Belton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. in decim. major. & minor. 8 18 4 cum máni. & al. profic. Penſ. Epifc. pro Rect. 25. 70.1 pro 81. ann.,pro repar. pont. & viar. Mon. Gracedieu, Propr. Lord Huntingdon, 1764. to Bredon, alias Breedon, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in pecun. nume- 6 2 8. 70 rat. cum manf. & al. profic. com. ann. Pri. Bredon, Propr. Earl of Stamford, poi. 1784. Caſtle Donington V. (St. Edward.) Archidiac. lis. od. Val. 8 2 31 in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 5d. pro Vic. 25. Penſ. Epiſc. il. 105. Pro Hoſp. Sfi Jotiis Caſtle Donington, vide Orig. Surv. Mon. Norton, in Celtr. Propr. The Reverend Henry Markhain, 1704. Eſther Markham, Spinſter, 1758. Leonard Fof- brooke, 1781. 41 12 8 Deſworth, alias Dyſeworth, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Val. in pe. 4 OO cun. numerat. cum manſ. & al. profic. com. ano. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 1s.gd. pro Vic. iod. Mon. Langley, Propr. Com- pany of Haberdaſhers, London. 40 2 8 Lokington V. (St Nicholas,) cum Hamington Cap. deſecrata. 6 7 34 Penl. Abb. Leiceſt. 24. 135.4d. Val. in decim. major. & mi. 33 1 0 I nor. LEICESTERSH. DIOCES E O LINCOLN. 535 ܕܐ Clear Pearly Value. King's Books, 1, 3, 2. nor. cum manſ. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. John Bainbrigge, Eſq. 1703. Mary and Elizabeth Bainbrigge, Spinſters, 1777: o Shepiſhed, alias Sheepſhead, V. (St. Botolph.) Archidiac. 35. 8 10 10 6d.. Penſ. Abb. Leiceſt. 11. 6s. 8d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. 'cum manf. & al. profic, comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 11d. pro Vic. 15. 5d. Mon. Leiceſter, Prop. Wil- liam Philips, Eſq. 1717 Samuel Philips, Eſg. 1775. Sir William Gordon, Knt. 1783. 45 16 10 Świthland R. (St. Leonard.j Archidiac. 125. 5d. This is à 10 à 10 4 7 80 Peculiar of Groby. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. The KING, 25 Whitwick V. (St. John Baptift) with Thrington and Swan 9 14 7 50 nington. Archidiac. 115.98. Val. in decim. major. & mi- nor. cum manf. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 11d. pro Vic. is. 9d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Mon. Holande, in Lancaſt. Propr. O O NOT IN CHARGE. * Dixley, alias Dithley, with Thorpe Curacy. (All Saints.) Stipend 64. 135. 4d. Penf. Epiſc. 35. Mon. Garradon, Propr. William Philips, Efq. Sir William Gordon, in right of his Wife: Grinſton Chapels (St. Peters) in the Pariſh of Roteley. 187. clear Value. Snareſton, (St. Bartholoniew,) Chapel to Swepſton. Anſty, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Thurcaſton. Quarendon, (St. Bartholomew,) Chapël to Barrow. 121. clear Value. Woodhouſe, ($t. Mary;) Chapel to Barrow. Keame, alias Keham, alias Kayhai, (All Saints,) Chapel to Rothley. sol. clear Value. Mount SORRELL, (St. Peter,) Chapel in the Pariſhes of Bar- row and Rotbley. The Vicar of Barrow. Over Seale, in the Pariſh of Nether Seale. Cap. deſtruct. Spibſton, (St. Mary,) Chapel in the Pariſh of Pakington. Stanton Harold, (Holy Trinity,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Bredon. Walton, (All Saints,) Chapel in the Pariſh of Keggworth. Wartnaby, (St. Michael,) Chap.in the Pariſh of Rothley. ill. clear Value. Gaddeſby, alias Gadeby, (St. Michael,) in the Pariſh of Koth- ley. 401. clear Value. Cawdwell, (St. Mary,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Rothley. Worthington, Cur. (St. Mathew.) Lord Scarſdale. 3. Chrittantty, 536 LEICESTERS DIOCESE OR LINCOL N. 2. Chriſtianity, alias Leiceſter, in the Archdeaconry of LEICESTER, The Monaſtery of Leiceſter was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 9511. 145. 5d. The College of Newark was likewiſe returned at 5951. 75. 4d. The College of St. Mary near the Caſtle was likewiſe returned at 231. 125. uid. The Hoſpital of St. Urſula was likewiſe returned at 81. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. King's Books. 2. d. d. 87 19 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. I. Archdeaconry of Leiceſter. Vide Liber Regis. Ecclef. Cath. 8 15 II Lincoln. & Orig. Rotul. Biſhop of Lincoln. St. Margaret's P. in Lincoln Cath. Archidiac. Leic. 75. 2 14 72 Penſ. 21. 175. Vic. Chor: 21. Biſhop of Lincoln. St. Peter's V. Val. in omn. decim. cum manſ. gardin. & al. o 4 6 profic. comm. ann. Abb, Leiceſter, Propr. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 27 6 3 2 5 0 5 0 O LIVINGS: DISCHARGED. Clear icarly Value. King's Books, 15 12 9 All Saints V. Archidiac. 8s. 6d. Val. in profic. proven. 4 8 5 40 de vicar. ibidem tam in decim. major. quain minor. unacum exit, manf. &c. The KING. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. 5 6 8 St. Leonard's V. the Church down, and the Pariſh united to 6 0 0 All Saints. Val. in prompt. denar. per abb. commun. ann. fol. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. • 5 5 9 * St. Margaret's V. Redd, Duci Lancaſter. 25. 1od.1 Val. 17 8 61 in decim. major. & minor. unacum exit. manſ. cum pom. & 2 clauf. adjacen. Prebendary thereof, in Lincoln Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. St. Mary's V. Val. in pecun. numerat. per Abb. Leic. 81. 8 O o The KING. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. St. Martin 12 0 0 oo LEICESTERSH. 537 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 6 13 Clear Yearly Value. King's boo's. 1. d. 1. s. d. 9 13 74 St. Martin V. Val. in omn. decim. cum manſ. gardin. & al. 4 profic. The KING. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. 6 St. Nicholas V. Archidiac. 8s. iod.. Val. in decim. major. 3 II 3 50 & minor. cum manſ. gardin. & al. profic. com. ann. The KING. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. 100 0 O O NOT IN CHARGE. St. Clement's V. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. Ecclef. deftruct. St. Michael. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. Ecclef. deſtruct. Knighton Chap. in the Pariſh of St. Margaret, Leicelter. 61. 6s. clear Value. o Wigſton Hoſpital. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. The Mafterſhip. 300 1 D. Frainland, in the Archdeaconry of LEICESTER. The Priory of Kyrkby Bellers, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tein- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 1421. 105, 3d. The Monaſtery of Croxton was likewiſe returned at 3851. os. Iod. The Hoſpital of Burton Lazars was likewiſe returned at 2651. Ios. 2d.] For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Penths, 2. S. d. o III Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 15 10 5 Abkettleby V. (St. James.) Archidiac. Ios. Id. Val. in pro- fic. proven. de vic. ibidem tam in decim. inajor. quam minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. comm. annis. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 9d. Mon. de Launda, Propr. John Perkins, Clerk, 1714. William Browne, Eſq. 1738. Priſ- cilla Gretorex, Widow, 1758. Z z z Bottisford 538 LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL.N. S. 1. So. Manſ. gar- 2 $ 12 King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. d. d. 51 5 O Bottisford R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 155. id. Redd. il. 5 2 6 od.1 Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Duke of Rutland, 1711, 1782. 15 10 5 Braunſton R. (St. Guthlake.) Archidiac. 115, III ož din. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Duke of Rut- land. 721. 75. certified Value. II 5 71 Broughton Inferior, alias Nether Broughton, R. (St. Mary.) I 6 Archidiac. 115. od. Pri. Lenton il. 1os. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 11d. John Lord Jefferies, 1693. Anthony Duncombe, Eſq. 1711, 1740. The Truſtees of the late Lord Feverſham, 17-72. 8 7 31 Buckminſter V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. IIS. id. O 16 82 Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manf. & terr, gleb. commun. annis. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 70.1 pro Vic. 25. 3 clauſ. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Kirkby Bellers, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1717, 1764. 731. 125. 4d. certified Value. o o Burrow, alias Borowe, alias Borough on the Hill, alias Erd I 40 burrough, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 8s. 5d. Omn. decim. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 9d.] John Suffield Brown, Eſq. 1755. Francis Lane, 1759. 19 12 31 Cold Overton, vulgo Orton, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archi I 19 21 diac. 115. 6d. Gardin. pom. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Samuel Hartopp, Gent. 1720. Edward Hariopp Wigley, Eſq. 1782. 16 6 3 Colſton, alias Coſton, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Ils. 7 106 od. Prox. Epiſc. 45. The KING. 9 o Dalby Parva V. (St. James.) Val. in decim. major. & minor. o 18 cum manf. pom. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 44. pro Vic. Is. 2d. Penſ. Epiſc. Ios. Mon. Langley, Propr. Williain Hartopp, Eſq. 1718. Edward Hartopp Wigley, Eſq. 1783. 14 12 81 Edmunthorpe, alias Edmondthorpe, R. (St. Michael.) Ar 9 34 chidiac. IIs. id. Pení. Pri. Tutuiſbury 8s. 4d. Pom. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Indii The KING. Eftevell, alias Eatwell, K. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 6s. O 19 21 l'enf. Abb. Leiceſt. il. Epiſc. Lincoln. 25. Prox. Epifc. IS. 4d.- The KING. 16 Gawdeby Marwood, alias Goadby Marwood, R. (St. Dennis.) Archidiac. IIS. Manſ. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 15. gd. Henry Law, Eſq. 1700. Duke of Rutland, 1778. John Law, D. D. Archdeacon of Rocheſter, 1779. 20 o 0 Hareby, alias Harby, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 11s. Id. 2 od Prox. Epiſc. 35. Sd. Duke of Rutland, 1751. Knipton I 12 o O I 200 9 12 1 110 O I 12 O o LEICESTERSH. 539 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN: 1 1 s. 2 116 0 I 2 2 D King's Books, Yearly Tenihi, lo ile 16 1 2 31 Knipton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Ils. id. Manſ. 2 clauſ. I 13 garlin. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiíc. 25. 41. Duke of Kut- land, 1750. 711. 15. 3d. certified Value. 16 8 9 MELTON MOWBRAY V. (St. Mary.) A chidiac, IIS Ca- I 12 101 pellano in Melton 5.. 35. 4.d. Curat. de Sylonby & Welbey 51. Cuidam Diacono 4.d. Curat. de Burton 51. Curat de I'reby & Wymerley 5l. Val. in decim. major. & miuor. una- cum omn. al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. 3. pro Vic. 45. 4d. Pri. Lewes in Suflex, Impr. St. John Ben- net, Eſq. 1690. Elizabeth Bennet, Spintter, 1741. Lord Howe, 1773. 481. 16s. 6d. certified Value. 15 13 1į Muſton R. (St. John.) Archidiac. gs. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. III 33 The KING. 9 Redmile R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 115. 1d. Penf. Pri. de I 4 11 Bever 1l. Ios. Omn. decim. cum manſ, &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. rod. Duke of Rutland, 1770. 8 I 101 Scalford V. (St. Martin.) Archidiac. 35. 3d. Prox. Epiſc. 0 16 25 pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 15. 6d. Val. in decim. major. & minor, cum manf. pom. & terr. gleb. Pri. Daventre, in co. Northamp. Propr. Poftea conceff. Eccleſiæ Chriſti, Oxon. Lady Caſtlehaven, and Edward Cary, Eſq. 1707. Duke of Rutland, 1724, 1775. 561. 145. certified Value. 16 3 11 Ştatherne- R. (St. Guthlake.) Archidiac. IIs. Priori de I 12 33 Bever 16s. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Id. Peter Houſe, Cambridge. 6 17 81 Thorpe Arnold V. Archidiac. 35. Abb. Leiceſt. 1l. 6s. 8d, O 13 9 ) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 2d. Val. in de. cim. major. & miñor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. commun. ann. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. Duke of Rutland, 1715. Duke of Buckingham, 1725. Duke of Rutland, 1740. 19 5 0 Waltham, alias Walton on the Woulds, R. (St. Mary.) Ar I 18 6 chidiac. 115. id. Penf. 1l. 45. Manf. pom. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. . Ri. Liſter, Eſq. 1687, 1689, 1692, by Leaſe for 99 Years from the Earl of Rutland. Duke of Rutland. 600 o Wifordby, alias Wyverby, R. (St. Mary.) Manſ. terr. gleb. O 120 & omn. decim. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 2d. Sir John Hartopp, Bart. 1701. Joſeph Hurlock, and others, 1763. Elizabeth Dallowe, Widow, 1776. 781. 11s. certified Value. o Wymondham R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. lis. id. Abb. I 4 0 Tuttilbury 8s. 4d. Manf. & terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 3s. od. ſ William Goulſton, 1660. The KING. I2 ОО 120 Z z 2. 2 LIVINGS 549 LEICESTERSH, DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. l. s. d. o 2 com. ann. LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books l. d. 19 0 0 Barſton, alias Barkíton, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 35. 7 5 5 6d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum exit. manſ. gardin. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. od. pro Vic. 15. 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Pri. Bever in Lincoln, Propr. Duke of Rutland, 1719, 1755. I Claxton Long, alias Long Clawſton, V. (St. Remigius.) Ar- 9 10 chidiac. 35. 6d. Pri. Bever ili 6s. 8d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 11d. pro Vic. 15. 2d. Pri. Bever, Propr. Tho- mas Gerrard, Eſq. and his Wife, Calvert Wright, Eſq. and his wife, 1660. Thomas Gerrard, Eſq. William By- ley, and Ro. Wright, 1665. William Turvile, Clerk, 1739. Ellen Turvile, Widow, 1757.. William Halhed, Eſq. and John Caſwall, Clerk, 1776. 41 7 of Crox on Kernier, alias Croxton Kyriel, V. (St. John.) Ar- 7 14 7 chidiac. 35. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 11d. pro Vic. Is. 2d. Val. in decim. major. & mioor. cum manf. & terr. gleb. Mon. Croxton, Propr. Duke of Rutland, 1776. 15 5 o Eyton, alias Eaton, . V. (St. Deonis.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. 7113 25 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. is. gd. pro Vic. Is. 9d. Val. in de- cim. major. & minor. cum manſ. gardin. pom. &c. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Ralph Jackſon, in Right of his Wife, 1605. The KING, 1768. 41 OD Garthorpe V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim. 7 5 2 major. & minor. cum manſ. pom. & terr. gleb. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 105. 31. 1os. in uf. ecclef. Pri. Kirkby Bellers, Propr. Lord Rockingham, 1697. Earl of Rockingham, 1730. 01 Harelton R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. Ils. id. Penſ. Abb. 8 8 75 Leiceſter. 93. Omn. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. The KING, 24 17 o Hooſe, alias Hoſe, alias Howes, V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 7 2 6 los. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 2s. pro Vic. Is. 2d. Val. . in profic. proven. de vic. ibidem cum decim. major. minor. &c. Pri. Bever in Lincoln, Propr. Duke of Rutland. o Plungar V. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Is. 5d.ž pro Vic. iod. Pri. Bever. Duke of Rutland. o Saltby V. (St. Peter.) Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum 7 oO manſ. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 2s. Id. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Pri. Drax, Ebor. Propr. Duke of Rutland. 43 17 94 Saxby, alias Sawceby, R. (St. Peter.) Omn. decim. &c. 5 Omn. decim. &c. Śco Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. John Richardſon, 1691. Lord Sherard, 0 O 1 48 I o O 9 10 25 10 two LEICESTERSH. 541 DIOCESE OF LINCOLNN. . 1. d. 41 II Clear l’early Values King's Books. . d. two Turns, and Mr. Richardſon one. Lord Harborough, 1728. Lord Robert Manners, and Thomas Noel, Eſq. 1763. I o Somerby V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 35.6d. Val. in decim. & 6 16 8 minor. cum manf. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 6d. Mon. Langley, Propr. Eliz. Green, Widow, 1617. Henry Munton, and others, 1759. 25 0 o Sproxton, and Saltby, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 6d. 7 4 4 Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manf. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 1os. od. Mon. Croxton, Propr. Duke of Rutland, 1763. 48 10 6 Stapleford V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim. 13 O major. & minor. cum al. profic. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 10d. Pri. Kirkby Bellers, Propr. Earl of Harborough, 1774. 13 13 4 Stoniſby, alias Stoneſby, V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. 5 o 71 Priori Freeſton 25. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & gardin. coin. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 2d. Pri. Freeſton in co. Linc. Propr. John De la Fountaine, Eſq. 1681. Duke of Rutland. The KING, 1777, by Lapfe. Withcocke, alias Withcot, R. Archidiac. Is. 9d. Priori 6 9. 41 Launda 25. 4d. Omn. decim. cum inani. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 11d. Matthew Johnſton, Efq. 1706. Galfrid Johnſton, Eſq. 1727. Edward Palmer, Eſq. 1755. 20 O O NOT IN CHARGE. Kirkby Bellers Cur. (St. Peter,) was formerly a Priory. Sti- pend 121. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 7de John De la Fountaine, Efq. 1676. Sir John Meres. Heirs of Sir John Meres. 61. 6s. 8d. clear Value, Bertſanby, alias Beſelby, Chapel in the Pariſh of Saltby, de- ſtruct. Holt Chap. in the Pariſh of Abkettleby. Kettleby, alias Eye Kettleby, in the Pariſh of Melton Mow. bray, Cap. deftruct. Normanton Chap. in the Pariſh of Bottisford. Seuſtern (St. Michael) Chap. in the Pariſh of Buckminſter. Holwell (St. Leonard) Chap. in the Pariſh of Abkettleby. Freaby Chap. (St. Mary) in the Pariſh of Melton Mowbray. 201. clear Value. Brentingby 542 LEICESTERSH. . DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. ann. Brentingby Chap. in the Pariſh of Thorp Arnold, Sextenby, alias Syfonby, Chap. in the Pariſh of Melton Mow- bray. 201. clear Value. Welby, Chapel to Melton Mowbray. 161. clear Value. Burton Lazars (St. James, Chap. in the Parish of Melton Mow- bray. Penſ. fol. per Epiſc. Eli, 41. 1os. 41. 6s. clear Value. nooit D. Gartree, in the Archdeaconry of Leicester. The Monaſtery of Olveſton, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear. annual Sum of 1611. 145. 2d.! The Priory of Bradley was likewiſe returned at 20l. 35. 4d. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I 9 2 9 621 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 14 10 0 BILLESDON, alias BILSDEN, V. (St. John.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. com. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 1s. 8d. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Chriſtopher Coles, Gent. 1684. John Smith, Eſq. 1692. Duke of Chandos, 1730. John Cham- berlin, Gent. 1758. 24 15 71 Boſworth, alias Huſband Boſworth, R. (All Saints.) Archi- diac. IIs. od.] Abb. Leiceſter 31. 35. 4d. Abb. Lenton 1os. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 2d. Sir Edward Smith, Bart. 1700. Ed- ward Smith, Eſq. 1737. Thomas Smith, Eſq. 1777. II 15 o Bringhurſt V. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in decim. major. & minor. unacum exit. manf. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 9d. pro Vic. 15. 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. 135.4d. Abb. Petriburgh, Propr. Lord Rockingham, 1669, 1721, 1727. Earl of Guilford, 1772. 454. 185. certified Value. 18 5 10 Burton Overy R. Archidiac. Ils, od. Priori Shene 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Edward Abbot, Chriſtopher Sherrard, and John Yates, 1710. Thomas Lee, and others, 1758. Elizabeth Lee, Widow, 1774. 18 15 10 Carlton Curliew, alias Carlton cum Ilfton, R. (St. Mary:) Ar- chidiac. IIs. odd Priori Shene 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. I 3 6 I 16 - 7 I 17 7 35. id. LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 543 - 1 I 16 3 2 I 1781. 6, King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. so d. 1. s. d. 35. id. Sir Geofry Palmer, Bart. 1717, 1722. Sir John Paliner, Bart. 1768. 48 13 4. Church Langton R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. IIs. od. Prox. 4.17 4 Epiſc. 85. 4d. George Aſhley, Eſq. 1703. Thomas Ba- bington, Walter Rudding, Eſqrs. Sam. Heyrick, and John Elliot, Clerk, 1725. John Taylor, Eſq. 1747. Williain Hanbury, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1782. 8 168 Cranew, alias Cranoe, alias Cranhoe, R. (St. Michael.) Archi- 0 17 8 diac. 35. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Earl of Cardigan, 1717, 1727. Duke of Montagu, 1781. 571. 155. id. cer- tified Value. 18 2 , 6 Galby, alias Gaulby, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 115. od. I Mon. Burton Lazar. 3l6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Sir Richard Newdigate, Bart. 1687. John Glover, and others, 1715. William Vincent, and James Sharman, h. v. 1727. Sarah Wragg, 1737; Luke Hucknall, Gent. p.i. 1783. I2 14 Glen Magna V. (St. Cuthbert,) with Stretton Chap. Val. in 5 5 decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. id.į pro Vic. Is. 3d. Pri. Studeley in co. Warwick, Propr. George Hewet, Eſq. 1714. Sir George Robinſon, 1771. 681. 175. certified Value. 8 0 0 Glouſton, alias Gloofton, R. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 0 16 Earl of Cardigan, 1687. Duke of Montagu, 1781. 681. 16s. 3d. certified Value. 16 2 6 Gumley, alias Gumby, R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. u1s, od. 3 Manſ. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epifc. 15. 10d.] Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. 17 6 % HALLAUGHTON, alias HallATON South Med. R. (St. Michael.) I 14 8 Archidiac. 55. 6d.} Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Berkley Street, Eſq. 1710. The Rev. Mr. Fenwick, and Mr Bewick, by. Turns, Elizabeth Bewick, Widow, 1760. United in 1723, to 18 13 4 HALLAUGHTON, alias Hallaton North Med. R. (St. Michael.) 117 4 Archidiac. 55. 6d.] Penſ. Guardian. Eccleſiæ de Nowelley 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Sir Thomas Hallerigg, Bart. 1688. The Rev. Mr. Benj. Bewick, and Mr. Fenwick, by Turns. Elizabeth Bewick, Widow, 1760. 16 ci Houghton on the Hill R. (St. Catherine.) Archidiac. 115. 1 od. Penſ. Charterhouſe prope Coventry 21. Prox. Epiſc. 2s.6d. John Cave, Eſq, 1706. John Bradgate, Gent. 1724. Sir William Halford, 1746, Richard Coulton, Clerk, the Incumbent, p. h. v. 1773. 39 15 0 Kibworth Becham, alias Beauchamp, R. (St. Wilfrid.) Archi- 3 19 6 diac. 115. id. Rectori Sadyngton 14s. Priuri Shene 135. 47. 3 Prox, o I I 2 I I 12 544 LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. kir 2 IO IO I Prox. Epiſc. pro 0 2 I 18 3 o hing's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. le do Prox. Epiſc. 25. 34. James Vernon, Eſq. and Sir George Beaumont, Bart. 1704. Truſtees of Peter Shuter, 1769. Merion College, Oxford, 1780. Ó 11 8 Knoffington, alias Knofton, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 85. O 13 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 15. James Halſall, Eſq. 17:18. John Wakelin, and Joſeph Greaves, Gent. 1736. Richard Pal- mer, 1780. 5 Laughton, alias Loughton, R. (St. Luke.) Archidiac. 115. I 01 od. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 40.1 William Cole, Eſq. 1697. James Shuttleworth, Eſq. 1754. Robert Shuttleworth, Eſq. 1775. s s'o Lubbenham V. (All Saints.) Held as a Curacy. Val. in o 16 6 pecun. cum manf. et al. profic. com. ann. Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Penf. Epiſc. I S. Mon. Sul- bye in co. Northampt. Propr. 151. certified Value. . 35 11 01 Medbourne with Holt R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. Ils. od. 3 11 id Abb. de Burgo Sti Petri il. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 2d. St. John's College, Cambridge. 16 . Pickwell R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. vis. od Prox. Epiſe. I 12 25. 6d. Earl of Gainſborough, 1712, 1779. 19 6 Sadington R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. 115. od Abbi Stue I 18 203 Agarbæ 135.4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. gd. The KING. o Scraptoft V. (All Saints.) Val. in decim. major. & minor. 0 17 cum manſ. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect, 2s, id. id. pro Vic. I s. Mon. Coventry, Propr. Thomas Boothby, Eſq. 1720. James Wigley, Eſq. 1733. Ann Wigley, and Ed- ward William Hartopp, Eſq. 1767, 10 13 4 Shangton, alias Shankton, R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 75. I I 4 Prox. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Sir Juſtinian Ilham, Bart. 1719. Sir Edmund Iſham, Bart. 1757. 9 18 11 Staunton Wyvell R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 115. od 0 19 104 Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. William Roberts, this Turn, 1703. Earl of Cardigan, 1726, 1761. Duke of Montagu. Stokerſton R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 75. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 1 6. O Robert Deſborow, Gent. 1672. Sir Charles Dun- combe, Knight, 1703. Thomas Duncombe, Eſq. 1741. Charles Slingby Duncombe, Eſq. p. i. 1780. 621. 155. 3d. certified Value, 100 Thurnby V. (St. Luke,) cum Stoughton. Archidiac. 3s. 6d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manf. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. is. od. 51. ann. pro repar. Cap. de Stoughton. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Sir Geo. Beaumont, Bart. 1717. Ann and Arabella Beau- mont, Spinſters, 1746. Anthony James Keck, Eſq. 1773. 521. ios. certified Value. Welham 8 10 O 5a. Ž I I O IS. 8d. II I 2 13 -- 7 LEICESTERSH $45 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. . 6 3 4 Welham V. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val, in de 0 12 4 cim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. Id. pro Vic. 10d. The KING. Mon. de Launda, Propr. 100 o 20 O 20 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 35 o Evington V. (St. Dennis.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decina. 7 16 8 major. & minor. cum al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rečt. 2s.6d. pro Vic. 2s. ich Un.`acr. terr.pro tepár. ecclėl Mon. Leiceſter. Bifhop of Lincoln. Foxton V. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decimi 7 3 4 45 major. & minor. cum manſ. & ter. gleb. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 2s. 6d. pro Vic. 1od. The KING. Mon. Daventry in Northampt. o Horningwould, alias Horninghold, V. (St. Peter,) cum Blaſton. 6 10 g Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim. 'major. & minor. cum mans. pom. & al. profic. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. Is. '8d. pro'Vic. iod. Pri. Bever in co. Linc. Propr. Sir John Heath, 1670. John Atkins, Eſq. 1722. Thomas Dummer, 1969, 32 7o Norton near Galby V. (St. John Baptift.) Archidiac. 55. 6.700 'Val. in decim, major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Parcel. terr. in pios uſ . Mon. Olveſton, Propr. William Whalley, Eſq. 1714. Bernard Whalley, Eſq. 1749. Slauſton V. (All Saints:) Archidiac. 35. 63. Val. in decim. 6 5 major, & minor. cum manf. & terr. ġleb. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 25. id. pro Vic. 7d.] Mon. Olveſton, Propr. Earl of Cardigan, 1761. Duke of Montagu. :41 o Thedingworth V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. IIs. od. Abb. 8157 Leiceſter 135. 4d. Val . in decim. major. & minor. Unacum exit. manſ. & terr. gieb. commun. ann. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 28. 6d. pro Vic. Iso 3d. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Sir Richard Newdigate, Bart. 1713. Elizabeth Davis, Widow, 1723. Sir Thomas Cave, Bart. 1765, 1774. 20 9 4 Wiltow V. (St. Winſton.) Val. in pecun. & al. profic. com. 8 18 4 aan. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. pro Vic. 25. id. "Pens. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Mon. Sulby in co. Northampt. Propr. “Sir Richard Halford, Bart. 1695. Sir William Halford, Bart. 17.54. Dame Sarah Halford, Widow, 1782. Earl of Den. Digh and his Counteſs“ (late Dame Sarah Halford), p.i. 1734. 20 0 O NOT 546 LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OR LINCOLN - e palue. NOT IN CHARGE. Fleckney, alias Eckney, Cur. (St. Thomas Becket.) Stipend 81. Biſhop's Book. William Nowel, Gent. 1695. Lady Noell. Lord Wentworth. 441. 145. Iod. I clear Value. Kilby Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Stipend 56. Sir Richard Halford. Francis Chamberlain. Sir William Halford, Bart. 51. clear Value. St. Mary's in Arden Cur. Chriſt Church Collego, Oxford. Propr. and Patr. Noſely and Part of Ilſton. Stipend 12l. 135. 4d. Thomas Hallerigg, Gent. Sir Arthur Haflerigg. Eaſton Magna (St. Andrew) Chap. in the Pariſh of Bringhurſt, Goadeby Chap. in the Pariſh of Billeſdon, Holt (St. Giles) Chap, in the Pariſh of Medborne. Ilſton (St. Michael) Chap. in the Pariſh of Carlton Curliew. Kibworth Harcourt Cur. Merton College, Oxford. The Chapel is down, and Merton College has not appointed a Miniſter to it for many Years. Blaiſton, alias Blaſton St. Giles, R. or Free Chap. The KING, 1686. Mr. Bracebridge was liçenced to Blaſton St. Giles as a Curacy, 24 Sept. 1738. 741. 135. clear Value. Bowden Magna Cur. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 3d. 151. ann: pro repar. eccleſ, & al. uſ, Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Parr. and Propr. -31. clear Value. HARBOROUGH Cur. (St. Dennis.) Chriſt Church, Oxford. . 751. 55. 4d. clear Value. Flexley, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Wiſtow. Thorpe Langton, (St. Nicholas,) Chap. to Church Langton. Rolleſton Chap, in the Pariſh of Billeſdon. Stretton Parva Chap. in the Parilh of Norton. gl. 10s. clear Value. Stretton Magna Chap, in the Pariſh of Glen. (St. John Bap- tift.) Weſterby Chap. in the Pariſh of Kibworth. Tirlangton Chap. in the Pariſh of Church Langton. (St. An- drew.) Newton Harcourt, (St. Luke,) Chapel to Wiſtow. 61. 1350 4d. clear Value. Owſton, alias Olveſton, Cur. (St. Andrew.). Olim a Priory. 401. clear Value. Drayion, (St. James,) Chapel to Bringhurſt. Defacrata. 9. CWU- LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 547 547 1 King's Books. d. 1. S. head Land pro repar. eccleſ. Sarah Penton, 1684. D. Goodlarton, alias Guthlarton, in the Archdeaconry of LEICESTER. The Hoſpital of Lutterworth was valued, temp. Hen. VIII. at 261. 95. -5d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Survey. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. f'early Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. d. 31 8 111 Aileſton, alias Elſton, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 115. odol 3 2 10 Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Duke of Rutland. 7 18 111 Aſhby Magna V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in 0 15 101 decim. major. & minor. cum exit. manſ. & al. profic. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 4d. Pri. Cateſby in co. Northampt. Propr. Earl of Aylesford, 1719, 1777: 701. 15, 6d. į certified Value. 5 7 6 Aſhby Parva R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 115. Id. Penſ. Hoſp. o 10 9 80 Sfi Johannis Jeruſalem 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 31. ann. eccleſ. The KING, en ek 33 12 8f Afton Flamvile, alias Flavel, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 11s. 3 7 31 Prox. Epiſc. 4s. Duke of Kent. 1718. Lord Royſton, 1756. Lord Hardwicke, and Lady Grey. 4 3. ož Bitteſwell, alias Bitſwell, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in profic. pro o 8 31 ven. tam in decim. major. quam minor. unacum exit. manf. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 51. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. The Haberdaſhers Company, and the Governors of Chriſt's Hoſpital, London, by Turns. 15 5 Blabye R. (All Saints,) with Counteſthorpe. (St. Andrew.) I 10 6 250 Archidiac. 115. id. Abb. Leiceſter, 31. 14.5. Prox. Epiſc. - 35. 8d. The KING. 7 6 Brentingthorpe, alias Bruntingthorpe, R. (St. Mary.) Archi- diac. 85. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Parcel. terr. voc. Church- Wil- liam Major, and Diana kis Wife, 1724. William Brad o gate, Eſq. 1749. Mehetabell Pocklington, Spinſter, 1770. 26.10 5 Broughton Aſtley R. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. Its. id. Prox. 2 13 of Epiſc. 45. 71. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Sir Nathan Wright, 4 A 2 Kate O IS. O O IO I o 9 548 LACESTERS DHOG E SE ON LINCOL.N. . b. s. IO 1 30.10 ani. I 21. 45. King's Books, Yearly Tenths do I, s dor Knt. 1774. George Wright, Eſq. John Mundy, Mercer, P: h. v. 1778. 6. 8. Corteſbatch, alias Coatſbatch, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiaco I O'S IIs. od. I Prox, Epiſc. 25. 4d. St. John Bennet, Eſq 1701. Elizabeth Bennet, 1739. Thomas Holled, Eſq. 1768. 5 Claybrook V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. IIs. id. Va!. in de- 3 1 0 2300 cim. major: & minor. unacum exit. manf. & al. profico.com. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. 56. 4d.... gl. ann. pro repar. ecclef. The KING. Mon. Nuneaton in co. Warwick, Propr. 12. 3. 4. Croft, alias Crofts, R. Archidiac. 115. id. Abb. Leiceſter 4 4. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Nath. and Ja. Sherinan, Clerk, 1718. James Chambers, Gent. 1731. Samuel Chambers, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1777 6.13: 4 Elmeſthorpe R. Here is no Church, and but one Houſe, O 13. 4 1o.'ois a Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Lord Viſcount Cullen, 1709. Sir Clobery Noel, 1727. Lord. Went- worth, 1763. 56). certified Value. 14. 2 3. Froſton, alias Fawlton, alias Foſton, R. (St. Bartholomew.) 18:21 Archidiac. 115. od... Prox. Epiſc. 35. Thomas Boothby, Eſq., 1704, 1750. 0 Froleſworth, alias Frowleſworth, R. (St. Nicholas.). Archi. I 5 o diac. iis. id. Prox. Epiſc. 35. St. John Bennet, Eſq. 1679... George. Noble, Gent. 1723, 17647 17 14. 91 Gilmorton R. (All Saints.) Archidiaco IIs. 3d. Prox. Epifc. 1 15" 5 35. 4d. . 21. ann. pro repar. ecclel. Geo. Palmer, 1666.. Eliz. Welehman, 1712. Sir Gilbert Pickering, Knt. and Bart. 1715. Katherine. Orger, Widow, 1738. Robert Bur- dett, Clerk, and Martha his Wife, poi. 1784. 13 991 Glenfield R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 11S. id. Priori Shene 1 6 111 is. Rectori Ailſton 1. Abb. Leiceſter. il. Prax. Epiſc. 35, 4d. James Winſtanley, Eſq. '701, 1722, 1761. 20 16 3, Kilncote, alias Kincote, alias Kilmcoate, R. (All Saints.) 2 I 71 Archidiac. 135. yd. Prox. F piſc. 55. Hon. Eleanor Verney, 1713, 1.722. Lord Willoughby de Broke, 1771, 1781. 15 5. Kilworth: Abbas, alias North Kilworth, R. (St. Andrew.). I 10. ož Archidiac. 125. Ild. Abb. Leiceſter. 26. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Terr. pro repaſ. ecclef. William Belgrave, Junior, 1701. Charles Watts, Gent. 1725. George Bel-- grave, Gent. 1757. 32. 12. 6, Knaptoft R. Archidiac. IIs. od. The Church down. 3 5 3 Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Lord Lempſter, 1713. Duke of Rur, land, 1781, Leyr, 12 IQ O LEICESTERSH. 549 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. s. 1. 2 1-2 a 200 O O O. I'I 2 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. ho d. 9 14 9! Leyr, alias Leare, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 115. odol o 19 5* Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Duke of Kent, 1725. Lord Hard- wicke, and Lady Grey, 17656 26; O 0. LUTTEKWORTH R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. T'Is. Id. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Sd., Terr. var. eccleſ. The KING. + 16 13 4 Miſterton R. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. 11s. id. Prox: I 13:4 Epiſc. 55. 4dr Crew Olley, Eſq. 17150 John Offey, Eſq. 1748. 26.14. 4+ Northborrow, alías Narborough, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Archidiac. 2 13 2 13 5 11S. id. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 40. Anne Wood, his Turn, 1697. William Wollaſton; Efq. 1737, 1764. 9 14 7. Peatling Parva R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 95. Prox. 0 19 51 80 0.- Epiſc. 15. 8d. The KING, 1661, by Lapſe. The KING. 10 11. 10] Sapcote R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 115. 3d. Priori Shene 65. 8d. Redd. Domino Regi 25. Prox. Epifc. 25. Henry Turner, Serjeant at Law, 17.12. Thomas Frewen Turner, Clerk, 1779. 9 18 9 Sharnford R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. 115. od. Pri.-Ex . 0 19 103 140 ham 21. 135. 4d. Vicario Cleybrook 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. The KING 9 o Shawell R. (All Saints:) Archidiac. 11s. ido Prox. Epifc. O 18 25. 8d. Thomas Prior, Gent. 1692. The KING 8 111 South Kilworth R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 11s. Id Prox. O 10 140 Epiſc. 35. 51. ann. pro repar. ecclef. The KING. 14 13 1 Stony Staunton R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac, 11s. Prox. I 9 38 Epiſe. Is. 8d. Parcel. prat. pro repar, eccleſ. Earl of Huntingdon, 167:6. Rowland Cotton, Eſq. h. v. 1722. Earl of Huntingdon, 17359: 17790- 5: 5 21. Thorpe Thomas, alias Cathorpe, R. (St. Mary and All O 10 61 Saints.}. Archidiac. 6s. 3d. Prox. Epiłc. Isi 4d. Thomas-- Caldecots Eſq. 1680, 1720, 1742. Joſeph Harpur, Eſq.. 1751.- 13 19 7. Thurleſton. R. (All Saints... Archidiac. 11S. od. Prox. I I 7711 Epiſc. 38. 4d.. The Heirs of Mr. Turvile, 1705. Edward Turvile, Gent. 1725.- George Sandiford Crowe, Eſq. 1961. 3. Willoughby Waterleſs-R. (St. Mary,) with Peatling Magna, I united in 1929. Archidiac. 95. 10d. Abb. Leiceſt. 35. 4d. Rectori Petling 35. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Earl of Stam- ford, 17.10. Richard Bearsford, Gent. 1724. Elizabeth Levet, Widow,. 1756... 28. o 120 O O 10 I O O. II II 3 1 LÍVINGS 550 LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. so de O 70 O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Y carly Valus. King's Books. 2. d, 18 o Coſby, alias Coſty, V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. 4 15 o Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. IS. Val, in deciin. major. & minor. unacum manſ. & al. profic. com. ann. The KING, by Lapſe, 1717, 1763. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Jervois Clarke Jervois, Eſq. 1782. 47 16 8 Desford R. (St. Martin.) Archidiac. 115. id. Prox. Epiſc, 8. 97 15. 8d. The KING. .33 Dounton, alias Dunton Baſſet, V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 6.o 10 pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic, 1s. 9d. Vic. 15. gd. Val. in profic. proven. tam in decim. major. quam minor, unacum exit. manf. &c. Pri. Canwell in co. Warw. Propr. Mary Hewet, Widow, 1690. John Cox, Gent. 1748. John Cox, Clerk, 1776. 46 16 01 Enderby V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. in decim. major. & minor, 10 8 9 unacum manſ. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Richard Smith, Eſq. 1720, 1756. Charles Loraine Smith, Eſq. 1779. 26 0 0 Erneſby, alias Arnelby, alias Arnſby, V. (St. Peter.) Ar. 5.168 chidiac. 35.6d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. unacum exit. manf. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. 8d. Penf. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Mon. Caldwell, alias Radwell, in Bedf. Propr. William Bootlıby, Eſq. 1676, The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1731. John Sherwin, Eſq. 1745. 20 Oo Owdeby, alias Oadby, V. (St. Peter.) Val. in decim. major. & 8 O o minor. unacum exit. manſ. &c. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 4d. Ios. ann. pro repar. ecclef. Mon. de. Launda, Propr. Thomas Lord Beaumont, 1662. The KING, by Lapſe, 1714. George Wright, - 1739, 1771.". 37 10 • Peatling Magna V. (All Saints,) united to Willoughby Water- 5 9 2 leſs. Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim, major. & minor. unacum manſ. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 4d. Abb. St. Elbrufe, Propr. Jane Jarvis, Widow, 1716. Dr. Edward Butler, 1730. Eliza- beth Levett, Widow, 1756. 35 17 8 Ratby, alias Rathby, alias Roiby, V. Archidiac. 55. 6d. This 5 5.10 is a Peculiar of Groby. Val. in profic. proven. de vicar. ibi- dem tam in decim. major. quam minor. unacum exit. manſ. &c. Mon. Nuneaton, in Co. Warwick, Propr. Lord Stam- ford, 711, 1772, 1784. p. i. The Biſhop of Lincoln inſti- tutes, and iſſues a Mandate to his Archdeacon. 5 Swinford LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 551 S. 1. d. Clcar learly l'alue. King's Books, 1. d. 33 10 10 Swinford V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim. 5 7.11 major. & minor. unacum manſ. & al. profic. cum. ann. Prox. Epifc. 35. Pri. St. John of Jerufalem, Propr. John Parſons, Gent. 1718. The KING, by Lapſe, 1731. Sir Thomas Cave, Bart. 1783 33 O O Wigſton Magna V. (All Saints.). Val. in decim. major. & mi- 9 89 nor. cum manſ, & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. Penſ. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Pri. Lenton, in Nottingham, Propr. Company of Haberdaſhers, London, and Chriſt's Hoſpital, alternately. NOT IN CHARGE, Bitteſby, or Bittelalby, in the Pariſh of Claybrook. Deſtruct. Wibtoft, (St. Mary,) in Co. Warw. In the Pariſh of Clay- brook, Co. Leicester. Dugd. Warw. p. 48.is Burbache, (St. Catherine,) Chapel in the Pariſh of Affon Flam- vile. Cotes Deviłe Chap. in the Pariſh of Kilmcoate. Deffruct. Glen Parva Chap. in the Pariſh of Aileſton. Huncote Chap. (ruinated) in the Pariſh of Burrow.. Kirby, (St. Bartholomew.). Chap. in the Pariſh of Glenfield. Lubſthorpe Chap. in the Pariſh of Ailefton. Deſtruct: Sketchley Chap. in the Pariſh of Afton Flamvile. Deſtruct. Skeveſby, alias Sheveſby, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Knaptoft. Sutton juxta Broughton Chap. in the Pariſh of Broughton Afte ley. Deſtructa. Thorpe juxta Coſby, (St. Mary,) Chap. in the Parilh of Colby. Walton, Cbap. to Knaptoft. Wigſton Parva Chap. in the Pariſh of Claybrook. Counteſthorp, (St. Andrew,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Blaby. Braunſton, (St. John Baptiſt) Chap. to Glenfieldi Whetſton, (St. Peter,) Chap. to Enderby. Mowſely, Chapel to Knaptoft. Walcote, (St. Martin,) Chap. to Miſterton. Deſtructao D. Gorcot, DIOCESE O LINCOL N. LEICESTERSH. D. Colcot, in the Archdeaconry of Leicester. L c The Monaſtery of Launda, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 3991. 35. 30.1 The Preceptory of Dalby, Rotheby, and Heyther, was likewiſe returned at 2311. 75. rod. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury, d. 15 II LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Terths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 2. d. 6 18 4 Alaxton, alias Allexton, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 8s. 6d. 0 13 I9 Prox. Epiſc.25. Counteſs of Burlington, 1.713. Lady Jane Boyle, 1762. John Kright and George Watſon, 1771. 8 Asfordby R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1 145. id. Penf. Cantar. III 2 de Pell, in Eccleſ. Lincoln. 41. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Hugh Burneby, 1693. Andrew Burneby, 1724. Maurice Cam, Gent. 1726. Thomas Beaumont Burnaby, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1777. 15 2 6 Beby R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. IIs. od.. Abb. Croyland 1 103 11. 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Earl of Shafte bury, 1725, 1742, 1768, 1501. 13 6 8 Belgrave V *. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 115. od.. Abb. Shene 6 8 5. Abb. Exham 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. 18 acr. terr. pro repar, eccleſ. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr, olim. Biſhop of Lichfield and Coventry, Propr. and Patr. 531. 85. 10d. cer- tified Value, $ 12 6 Brokeſby, alias Brookſby, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 73. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. id. Sir Nathan Wright, Knt. 1713. George Wright, Eſq. 1755. 19 7 6 Coffington R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. IIs. od. Prox. Epiſc. I 14 9 35. 4d. Thomas Babington, Eſq. 1710, 1783, 1984. 8 9 Hobye, alias Howby, (All Saints.) Archidiac, us, od: 2 Redd. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Charles Coxe, Eſq. 1716. I O II 3 4 105 * Belgrave R.--was formerly charged at 431. 165. 3d. but is now made a Part of the Biſhopric of Zoventry and Lichfield. ohing LEICESTERSH. 553 DIOCESE OF OF LINCOLN. 1. s. l. S. o 25. O O King's Books, l'early Tenihs. d. de John Orton, 1743. Henry Browne, Clerk, Patron and In- cumbent, p. i. 1784; 7 16 8 Ratcliffe upon the Wreck V. (St. Botolph.) Archidiac. 95. 6d. 0.15 S 80 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Val in decim. major. & minor. cum manf. & terr. gleb. com. ann. The KING. Pri. Cherley, Propr. 17 9 7 Rereſby, alias Rearſby, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 115. od I 14 11 ] Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Simon Barwell and John Ludlam, this Turn, 1715. Thomas Boothby, Eſq. 1760. 8 8 4 Rotherby R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 8s. 6d. Penf. Priori O 16 10 Launda 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Robert Sherrard, Eſq. and Elizabeth his Wife, 1716. Thomas Squire, Gent, and his Wife, 1768. Samuel Steele Perkins, Eſq. 1775. 9 o Saxulby R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. Ils. Id. Prox. Epiſc. O 18 0 Lord Guernſey, 1709, Earl of Aylesford, 1734, 1764. 661. 35. rod. certified Value. 19 8 11 Segrave, alias Seagrave, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Ils. I 18 10 270 od. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Lord Berkeley, 1660, 16$1. Sarah Rogers, Widow, 1715. Richard Benſkin, 1722, 1725, 1727. Queen's College, Cambridge, by Exchange with the Earl of Radnor. 12 13 9 Skeſfington R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. I I 5 42 Prox. Epiſc. 55. Thomas Skeffington Broome, Eſq. 1699. Thomas Skeffington, Eſq. 1727. Sir Thomas Peyton, Bart. 1768. William Farrell, Eſq. 1771. 12 16 8 Tilton V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. pro Vic. 25. 4d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum exit. manſ. com. ann. Mon. de Launda, Propr. John Smith, Efq. 1713. Sir George Dalſton, 1738. Thomas Noel, Eſq. 1769, and two others, in three Turns. 8 4 Tugby V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. 'IIs. od. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 4d. pro Vic. 15. 8d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. gleb. com. ann. The KING. Abb. Croxton, Propr. 15 o Walton on the Woulds R. (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. 75. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Henry Haſtings, Gent. 1682. Robert Wilmot, Eſq. 1729. Philip Harley Bainbridge, Eſq. 1758. John Laycock Story, Eſq. 1777. I 5 8 120 O II I Z TO 100 O O O I 100 4 B LIVINGS 554 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. LEICESTERSH. 1. S. d. 14 O 45. 8d. 28. pro repar. ecclef. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Walter Noble, llaac Woolafton, Eſq. 1719. James Woolaſton, Eſq. 1727 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valu. King's Books 1, s. a. 4 0 Afhby Folvile V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 115. od. Val. in 9 decim. major. & minor. cum manf. & terr. gleb. com. ann. Prox.Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 8d. pro Vic, 25. Mon, de Launda, Propr. Lady Anne Carington, 1709. Kenetry Mackenzie, Efq. 1723. Sir Joſeph Danvers, Bart. 1749. Hon. John Grey, 1776. 37 15 11 Barkby V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Penf. Abb. Lei- 10 100 ceſter ile Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. pom. & al. profic. com. ann, Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. pro Vic. Pri. Trentham in Staff. Propr. Thomas Pochyn, Eſq. 1693. William Pochin, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 16 O o Dalby Chaucombe, alias Chalcombe, alias Dalby Magna, V. 8 4 7. (St. Swithin.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. pomar. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 15. 8d. pro Vic. 15. Pri. Chaucumbe in co. Northampt. Propr. Sir Charles Sedley, 1681. The KING, this Turn, 1718. Sir Charles Sedley, Bart. 1761. 43 7 10 Friſby V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in 7 16 8 70 decim. major. & minor. cum exit. manſ. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. pro Vic. 25 Vic. 25. The KING. Mon. de Launda, Propr. 44. 0. O Humberſton V. (St. Mary.) Archidiae. 35. 6d. Val. in de- 8 o a cim. major. & minor. cum manf. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. gd, pro Vic. Is. 8d. Penſ. Epiſc. 21. Terr: by the Conſent of William Higgs, Gent. 1714. Iſaac Dud- ley, Fifhmonger, 1761. 28 6 2 Hungarton V. (St. John Baptiſt,) united to Twyford in 17.32.9 8 11 Val. in pecun. & terr. gleb. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 8d. The KING, by Lapſe, 1717. George Aſhby, Eſq. 1719. Shukbrugh Athby, 1767. Abb. Leiceſter, Propr. 27 5 11 Loweſby, alias Loſeby, V. (All Saints.) Val. in exit. manſo 7 1 51 & cujuſd. clauſ. & pecun. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 8d. pro Vic. is. 8d. Hoſp. Lazars Burton, Propr. O O 27 10 0 The KING, by Lapſe, 1775. Queinborough, alias Quinborough, alias Quenyborowe, V. (St. 8 mo Mary.) Arcluidiac. 35. 6dVal. in decim. major. & minor. eum mani, terr. gleb. & al. profic. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro LeicesTERSH. 555 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 1. de Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 2. Si d. pro Rect. 25. Ad. pro Vic. Is. 8d. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Nathan Wright, Clerk, 1716. Marſh Dickenſon, Gent. 1748. John Darker, Eſq. 1767. 10 9 6 Silby, alias Sileby, alias Saiby, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in pe. 8.15 5 cun. cum manf. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 4s. pro Vic. Is. 4d. Penf. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Pri. St. Elbrufe, Propr. Thomas Pochyn, Eſq. 1707, 1731. William Pochin, Eſq. 1765. 47 9 8 Siſton V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 115. id. Val. in pecun. 7 2 7 cum exit. manſ. & al. profic. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 7d. pro Vic. 15. 8d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Ulnecroft, Propr. Univerſity of Oxford. 37 ö 94 South Croxton R. (St. John Baptiſt) Archidiac. 8s. 2d. Prox. 8. 3 4 Epiſc. 25. Duke of Rutland, 1770. 32 5 4 Thruſhington V. (Huly Trinity.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in 60o decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 8d. pro Vic. 15. 4d. Pri. Sempringham in co. Lioc. Propr. Lord Coningsby, 1715. Lady Frances Co. ningesby, 1778. 47 -2 6 Twyford V. (St. Andrew,) with Hungarton, united in 1732. 8 8 6 Archidiac. 35.6d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum maoſ. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Red., 25. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 8d, Penſ. Epiſc. 105. Pri. Kirkby Bellers; Propr. Geo. Alhby, Eſq. 1720, 1757. Shukbrugh Aſhby, 1767. so 2 o Wymeſwould V. (St. Mary.) Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & terr. gleb. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 25. Mon. de Bello Capire, (Beauchiffe,) co. Derb. Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. NOT IN CHARGE. Lodington R. (St. Michael.) A Curacy. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Penf. Epiſc. 25. Pri. Launda, Propr. Edmund Morris, Eſq. 1712, 1756. gol. clear Value. Burſtalland Thrumarſton, (St. John Evangelift,) Cap. to Belgrave. 221. each clear Value. Ingersby Chap. in the Pariſh of Hungarton. South Markfield, Chapet to Tilion. Deſtructa. Eaſt Norton Chap. in the Pariſh of Tugby. Deftru&a. Shoulesby, (St. Michael) Chapel to Saxulby. Thorpe Sackvile, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Twyford. 291. 6s. od. clear Value. 4 B 2 Hamilton, 1 556 LEICESTER S.A. DIOCES E OR LINCOL N. Hamilton, Chapel to Barkby. Deſtructa. Launde Cur. (St. John Baptiſt:) Anciently a Priory. Rakedale, alias Ragdale, Cur. (All Saints.) Penf. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Earl Ferrers, Patr., Pri. Bakenwell, Propr. olịm. * Dalby on the Woulds Cur. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem; Propr. Lord Fever ham. 80l. per ann. Preſtwould V. (St. Andrew,) cum Cap. Houghton. Próx. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Pri. Bolingbroke in co. Lincoln. Propr. Counteſs of Shrewsbury, 1605. Clifton Pack, Eſq. 2014 clear Value. 9. Sparkenhoe, in the Archdeaconry of Leicester. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenthsi. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 3. d. l. 3. d. O II 20 2 1 20 IO 2 55 18 9' 41 Appleby R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. Its. Id. Priori Litham 135. 4d. Rectori. de Shail 2h. Prox. Epiſc. zs.gd. Samuel Saunders, Eſq. 1683. Thomas Mould, Gent. 1721. Ed- ward and Elizabeth Dawſon, 17438 Edward. Dawſon, Eſq. p. b. v. 1777 71. Barwell R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 125. 1d. Abb. Pollef I 0 worth 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Humph. Paget, Gent. 1680. Thomas Bird, and Thomas Segrave, this Turn, 1705. William Aſhby, Eſq. 1746. Elizabeth Aſhby, Sir George Newdigate, and Thomas Bloxam, 1779. 4 Bosworth, alias MARKET BOSWORTH, R. (St. Peter.) Ar- 5 11 19 chidiac. 155. 2do Abb. Sanctæ Mariæ, Ebor. il. 6s. 8d. Penf. 1l. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 125. 6d. Sir Woolſton Dixie, 21 Cadeby R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Priori Dunſtable ) o 9. of 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Dom. & 9 acr. terr. pro repar. ec: cleſ. Beaumont Dixie, Efq. 1719. Jane Dixie, Spinſter, (with the Conſent of Eliz.) 1747. 571. 45. rod. certified Value. 5 3 61 Congeſton, alias Cungſton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 95. 2d. O 10 4 Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. 21. apń. pro repar. eccleſ. John Pal- mer, Gent. 1696. Anne Palmer, Spinſter, 1740. George Booth, Clerk, 1759. 611. certified Value. Bart. 1719, 1740 4 10 7 Fenny LEICESTERSH. DIOCES. É Of LINCOLN. 557 1 1. 1. s, d. 1 I 10 William King's Books. Icarly. Tenth. d. II I 51 Fenny Drayton R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. IIs. Priori 1 Shene 75. John Purefoy, Eſq. 1662. Jo. Clendon, Esq. this Turn, 1708. Samuel Bracebridge, Eſq. 1722. Samuel Bracebridge, Eſq. 1762. 7 9. 41 Higham upon the Hill R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 11s, id. 0 14 114 Brownie, Eſq. p. h. V. 1740. James Chambers, Clerk, 1765- 9 9 91 HINCKLEY, with its Members, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 75. O IS 11 Penf. Priori de Montegrace 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rečt. I 25. 6d. pro Vic. 25. éd. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manf. & al. profic. comm. ann. Abb. Lyra olim Propr. Pofteà Mon. Weſtminſter. Dean and Chapter Dean and Chapter of Westmin- ſter, Propr. and Patr. 571. 125. 6d. certified Value. 19 8111 Ibotſtocke, alias Ibſtock, R. (St. Dennis.) Archidiac. 115. [ 18 10 od. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 155. ann. pro repar. cap. Biſhop. of Rocheſter. 15 0 Kirkby, Mallory R. Archidiac. 145. 6:1. Prox. Epiſc. 5s. gd. Sir Thomas Noel, Bart. 1681. Sir Clobery Noel, Bart. 1928. Lord Wentworth, 1763- 8 Markfield R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 45. 6d. Priori Shene 6s. Sd. Vicar. Rotby 25, Redd. March. Dorfet 10d. Prox. Epiſc. is. 9d. Earl of Huntingdon, 1749. 481. 6s. 8d. certified Value. 24 9. 91 Naileſton, alias Nelſon, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 113. od.. 205 Prox. Epiſc. 45. The KING. 6 8 11] Newbold Verdon R. (St. James.) Archidiac. 115. I do Prox. O 12 10 Epiſc. 35. gå. Ja. Tomſon, Gent. 1719. Duke of Shrewf- bury. Univerfity of Cambridge, 1743. Duke of Norfolk. 621. 95. 3d. certified Value. 14 Norton near Twycroſs, alias Hog's Norton, R. (Holy Trinity,) I & O cum Bilſon. Archidiac. 11s. 4d. Penſ. Priori Beyner 11. Prox. Epiſc. 45. The KING. 8 o Peckleton, alias Peculton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 8s.6d. o 16 Priori Shene 4s. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Humph. Pager, Senior, 1671. Jo. Moore, Eſq, this Turn, 1712. Eliza- beth Vann, Widow, 1764. Suſanna Meade, Spinſter, 1769. 741. 35.9d. certified Value. 13 4 91 Shepey North Part R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 6s. 6d. I I 6 5 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Elizabeth Vincent, Widow, 1710. The Biſhop, 1760. Edward Wolfrelton, Eſq. 1768. 13 4 91 Shepey South Part R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 6s. 60.1 I 51 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 61. Elizabeth Vincent, Widow, 1712. Thomas Greſley, Elizabeth Grelley, and Hannah Vincent, 1758. Robert Evans, 177 10 Sibbifton, 6 I Q12 2 2 & II mlet O O O Ο Ο 200 O 558 LEICESTERSM. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. Yearly Tenths, 2. s. d. III 10 King's Books. 1. d. 15 18 11 Sibbiſton, alias Sibſon, R. (St. Botolph.) Archidiac. 115, Id. Pri. Shene 41 Prox. Epiſc. 55. William Bromley, Eſq. 1715. Sir Clobery Noel, Bart. 1727. Pendock Neale, Eſq. 1769, 1782. 16 2 2 31 With rley, alias Waderley, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. IIs. id. Priori Shene 1l. Prox. Epiſc: 35.gd. Samuel Brace. bridge, 1673. Mary Smith, Widow, 1745. Theophilus Grove, 1756. I 12 21 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear l'early Value. King's Books 46 i 0 Heather R. (St. John.) Archidiac. gs. Prox. Epiſc. Iso 6d. 7.17 8 Alice Duport, Widow, 1681. John Everard, 1727, 1751. Joſeph Shirley, Gent. 1775. 47 14 0 Overton, alias Orton on the Hill, V. (St. Edith.) Archidiac. 6 12 8d. Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum exit. manf. & al. profic. comm. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. Is. rod.) Penſ. Epiſc. il. Mon. Meryvall in co. Warw. Propr. Biſhop of Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 6 Shakerſton V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. Val. in decim. 5 2 33 inajor. & minor. cum manſ. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. Epiſc. pro Re&t. 35. gd. pro Vic. is. 3d. Penſ. Epiſc. il. 65. 8d.' Pri. Harwold, co. Bedf. Propr. Abb. Peterburgh, Propr. Burton Leiceſt. p. 319. Thomas Hall, Gent. 1713. Thomas Strong Hall, Eſq. 1779. $4 1 9 Thorneton V. cum Bagworth. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 35. 6d. 6 10. 2 Val. in decim. major. & minor. cum manſ. & al. profic. com. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. od. pro Vic. Is. 3d. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Thomas Bralesford, Gent. 1718, 1729. Lord Maynard, and others, 1780. 39 12 ann. NOT IN CHARGE. Earlſhilton Cur. (St. Peter,) Chapel to Kirkby Mallory, Atterton Chap. in the Pariſh of Witherley. Deitructa. Barleſton, (St. Giles,) Chapel, in the Pariſh of Boſworth. Barton in Fabis Chap. in the Pariſh of Naileſton. Deſtructa. Carleton, (St. Mary,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Boſworth. Dadlington Chap. (St. James,) in the Pariſh of Hinckley. Dunnington on the Heath, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Ibftock. Gopſal LEICESTERSH, 559 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. Gopſal Chap. olim a Cell to Merryvall, estra parochial. Huggleſcote, (St. James,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Ibſtock. Potters Merfton Chap. in the Pariſh of Barwell. Normanton on the Heath Chap. in the Pariíh of Naileſton. Oddeſton Chap. in the Pariſh of Shakerſton. Deſtructa. Radcliffe, (All Saints,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Shepey. Shenton Chap, in the Pariſh of Boſworth. Sketchley Chap. in the Pariſh of Hinckley. Deſtructa. Stapleton, (St. Martin,) Chap. in the Pari!h of Barwell. Stanton under Bardon Chap. in the Parilh of Thorneton. Stoke, (St. Margaret,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Hinckley. Sutton Cheynell, (St. James,) Chap.in the Pariſh of Boſworth. Twicroſs, (St. James,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Overton. Upton Chap. in the Pariſh of Sibbiſton. Deſtructa. Whellesborough Chap. in the ſame Pariſh. Deſtructa. Wykin Chap. in the Pariſh of Hinckley. Deſtructa. Lindley (St. John Baptiſt,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Higham. Badgworth, (Holy Rood,) Chap. in the Pariſh of Thornton. Hide, in Co. Warw. Chap. to Hinckley. The Chapel down, . Diocete [ 560. ] King's Books. 1. d. 1 000 0.0 1. s, B Dioceſe of London. Yearly Tentbso d. ISHOPŘIC of London *. Vide Liber Regis. 100 This was once an Archbiſhopric. Heylin, p. 122. After the Metropolitical Power thereof was transferred to Canterbury, it ſunk into a Biſhopric, about the Year 604, when Melitus was made the firſt Bilhop. The Cathedral Church. (ST. PAUL.) 210 12 I Deanry. “Vide Liber Regis. The KING. The Dean is 21 I 21 Patron and Impropriator of Lamborne in Berks, and of Sandon, Co. Hertford. 18ool. per Ann. This Dignity is very ancient, as appears by the Names of ſeveral Deans extant in Newcourt's Repertorium, before the Norman Conquelt. 725 7 11 Chapter of the Cathedral Church. Vide Liber Regis. 72 10 91 The Dean and the three Reſidentiaries conſtitute the Chapter of St. Paul's, and are appointed by His Ma- jeſty out of the Prebendaries. Reſid. 800l. per ann. . each. The following Dignities in this Cathedral Church, are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of LONDON, and pay their Tenths to him. 3 6 o 33 0 o Chancellorſhip has a Houſe and Lands in Fulham, the Rec- tories of Boreham and Ealing, ſeveral Tenements in St. Paul's Church Yard, St. Gregory's, and two Penſions. E- rected before the Year 1150. 161. ann. reſol. camer. ecclef. * The Fiſhop retains his own Tenths, and has the Tenths of the Dean, the Chapter, the Preben- daries, and Canonries, and of St. Alphage Rectory. See Dugdale's Mon. Tom. III. p. 298. Dug- dale's Hiſt, of St. Paul's, and Newcourt's Repertorium, Præcen- DIOCESE OF LONDON. 561 1. S. 2 7 4 C O o O 0 1 King's Books. Yearly Tenthse 1. d. d. 46.7 6 Præcèntorſhip has the Impropriation of Biſhopſtortford, in Co. 4 12 9 Hertf. and ſeveral Tenements in St. Paul's Church Yard. Erected anno 1203. Sol. Epiſc. London. 25. od. pro red. & pro denar. diſtrib. inter pauper. de Stortford il. 37 0 Treaſurerſhip has the Patronage and Impropriation of Brent 3.14 0 Pelham, Furneaux Pelham, and Aldbury, in Dec. Braugh- ing, Co. Hertf. and ſeveral Tenements in St. Paul's Church Yard. Erected anno 1160. 61. 135. 4d. ann. ſol. ſacrift. & 135. 4 d. camer. ecclef. 23 13 4 Archdeaconry of London has the Patronage and Impropriation of St. Leonard's Shoreditch. Erected before the Year 1136. 520 o Archdeaconry of Eflex has the Manor of Senables in Weſt 5 4 Ham. 11s. annuat. fol. reg. majeſt. pro denar. quond. voc. Peter Penf. Erected before the Year 1142. 50 Archdeaconry of Colcheſter has the Impropriation of Ardleigh 5 in Eſſex. Erected before 1132. 200l. per ann. This has likewiſe a Corps in Throgmorton Street. 60 Archdeaconry of Middleſex. Erected þefore the Year 1138. 6 14 6 8 Brondeſbury P. in Willeſdon, Middleſex. Pan. 31. os. 8d. 8 8 Obit. 21. 13 13 4 Broundeſwood P. in Willeſdan. 7 4 6 8 Cadington Major P. in Co. Bedford. Pan. 31. 6s. 82. 8 60 Ó Cadington Minor P. in Co. Bedford. Pan. 34.6s. 8d. 34 8 9 Cantlers, alias Kentiſh Town, P. in Middleſex. 3 8 10 £ 8 6 8 Chamberlynwood P. in Willeſdon. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. O 16 8 17 19 Cheſwick P. in Middleſex. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. Obit. 21. 17 I 15 II 6 O Conſumpt. per Mare P. in Walton le Soken, Effex. Pan. 31. o 12 6s. 8d. Obit. 21. No Corpſe. 5 6 8 Ealdland P. in Tillingham, Effex. Obit. 21. No Corpſe. 8 5 15 10 Ealdſtreet P. in Shoreditch. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. 7 39 13 4 Finſbury, alias Halliwell, P. Pan. 37. 6s. 8d. Vide Ad of Par. 3 19 4 liament 9 Geo. III. 6 Harleſton P. in Willeſdon. Obit. 21. 3 8 5 5 Holborne P. near London. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. Obit. 21. O 16 60 5 Hoxton P. in Shoreditch. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. Obit. 21. I 0.6 11 10 10 Illington P. in Middleſex. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. Obit. 21. Quit I 3 Rents. 0. Mapesbury P. in Willeſdon. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. 4 19 17 6 Mora P. near London. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. 9 7 13 4 Neafden P. in Willeſdon. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. No Corpſe. 0 Newington P. in Middleſex is Patr, of Stoke Newington R. 2 16 Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. 3 Oxgate P. in Willeſdon. Obit. 21. No Corpſe. O 14 i I II [ 2 0 1 2 o 2 o o O IO O II 2 I O 10 O L 12 O 1 I 19 O 15 4 28 O O 4 C Pancras, 562 DIOCESE OF LONDON. 2 17 d. I O IO King's Boots Yearly Tentoso hon So do 2. 28. 15. 10 Pancras, alias Kentiſh Town, P. in Middlefex, cum Ofic. Pae- pitentiarii. The Prebendary is Patr. and Impr. of Chigwell, in Eſſex. Pan. 34. 6s. 8d. Obit. 21. Pro Penitentiar. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. Obit. 21. 5.6 & Port Poole P. in St. Andrew's Holborn. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. No o 10 % Corpſe. 8 6 8 Reculverland P, in Tillingham, Effex. Pan. 31. 6s, 8d. Obit. , . 0 16 & zl. No Corpfe. 5 6. 8 Rugmere P. in the Pariſh of St. Pancras, Middleſex. Obit. 21. & 13 6. 8 Sneating P. in Kirby Pariſh, in- Eſſex. Pan. 31. 6s.8d. Obit. 21. 6 8 Tottenhall P. in the Pariſh of St. Pancras. Pan. 31. 6s. 8d. 4. 12 Obit. 21. 5 6 8. Twiford P. in: Willeſdon. No Corpſe. 8 6. 8 Wenlocks Barnes P. in the Parilh of St. Giles's, Middlefex. 8 Obit. 21. 7 17 Wildland P: in Tillingham, Effex. Penf. 31.69.8d. Obit. 2l. O 15 O 15 82 Willeſdon P. a Pariſh in Middleſex. Pan. 3... 6s. 8 d. Obit, 21. i 4 None of the Prebendaries of St. Paul's have any Voice in the Chapter. They have ſeparate Corps, which are granted by them upon. Leaſes with Fines under the reſerved Rents. I 46 O. QI 2:1 2 2 I. 12 The following Dignities are in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of St. PAUL'S. 20 13 10 24 17 II Subdeånry and firſt Minor Canonry: Vaga Portio: 56. Oso 8d. 2 9 93 Pan.. cerviſ. cib. &c. 6. 3 The ſenior Cardinal, and ſecond Minor Canonry... Vag. Port. 2 0 72 sl. os. 8d. Pan. cervil. cib. &c. 6 3. The junior Cardinal, and third Minor Canonrý. Vag. Porta 2 72 41.9s. Pán.. cerviſ. cib. &c. 51 Fourth Minor. Canonry. Vag. Port. 3li 65. 5d. Pan. cerviſ. I I 7 72 cib. &c. 15 9 9 Fifth Minor Canonry.. Vag. Bort. 51. Pan. cerviſ. cib. &c. I 10 11 16 15 10 Sixth Minor Canonry. Vag.. Port. 61. 65. Pan cerviſ.cib. &0. 7. 15 9. 91 Seventh Minor Canonry. Vag. Port. 51. Pan. cervif. cib. &c. 8 Eighth Minor Canonry. Vag. Port. 71625. Pan..cerviſ. cib.&c. it 9, 91 Ninth Minor Canonry.. Vag. Port. 4. Pan. cervif. cib. &.C. 8 15 16 Pench Minor Canonfy. Vag. Port. 61. 6s. 8d. Pan. cerv. cib. &c. I 13 8 13 10 10 Eleventh Minor Canonry. Vag. Port. 31.is. Id. Pan. cerviſ. 7 cil. &c. 13 861 Tweifth Miner Cànonry. Vag. Port-2). 185. 8d.. Pan..cerviſ. 1 16.101 cib. &c. Readerſhip of Divinity. I 13 Hi 10 II * 17 MI I 15 2 .II & I. I! . 3 By DIOCESE + LONDON 563 By a Return made by Thomas Biſhop of Weſtminſter, and certi- fied into the Exchequer, of the Values, &c. of the newly erect- ed Dignities in this Cathedral, temp. Hen. VII. it appears that William Benſon, D. D. was the firſt Dean, and received à clear annual Income of 232l. 10s, that the twelve Pre- bendaries, viz. Simon Haynes, John Redman, Edward Leigh- ton, Anthony Belaffes, William Brytten, John Parkyns, Hum- phrey Parkyns, Turpyn, Thomas Elefride, Weſton, William Harvye, and Gerard Carleton, had each a clear annual Payment of 281. 55. and that the twelve Minor Canons had 101. each annually. The Biſhopric of Weſtminſter, of which Thomas Thurlby was Biſhop, was valued at 5731. 55. 6d. per ann. After the Diffolution of the Monaſteries" King Henry the Eighth erected ſeveral new Cathedrals, and endowed them out of the Eſtates of the diffolved Monaſteries, which were made Epiſcopal Sees, one of which was Weſtminſter: but the Biſhopric of this place did not continue long; it was altered again, and the Monaſtery turned into a Collegiate, Church by Queen Elizabeth, and has now a Dean and twelve Prebendaries, who are appointeď by His Majeſty: The Deanry' roool. per ann. The Prebends 350l. per ann. each. The Royal Hoſpital of the Savoy was returned by the Commiſ. fioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spiritualities, after every Deduction under the Inftructions, the clear annual Sum of 5291. 155. 73.1 The College of Guildhall was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 131. 165. 8d. The Hoſpital of St. Catherine near the Tower was likewiſe ree" turned to be worth annually 3157. 145. 2d. Corpus Chriſti College, London, commonly called St. Lau- rence Pulteney, was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 791. 175. 10d. The Hoſpital of St. Bartholomew, Weſtſmithfield, was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 3052. 6s. 5d. Elfing Priory, alias Ellingſpittle, was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 1931. 155. 6d. 1 The Priory of St. Thomas Acon, in the City of London, was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 2771. 35. 6d. The Priory of St. Elens, London, was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 3201. 155. 8d 1 4 C 2 The 564 DIOCESE OF LONDON. The Priory of Holywell near London was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 300l. 195. 5d. The Priory of St. Mary Clerkenwell was likewiſe returned tº be worth annually 262l. 195. The Priory of the Minories was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 3181. 8s. 5d. The Monaſtery of St. Mary de Gratiis near the Tower, Lon. don, was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 5471. os. 6d. į The Priory or Hoſpital of St. Mary without Biſhopgate was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 5041. 125. 11d. The Priory or Houſe of Captive Brethren in Hownflow was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 741. 85. od. I The Priory or Hoſpital of St. John of Jeruſalem in England was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 23851. 195. 11d. The Monaſtery of St. Bartholomew, London, was likewiſe re- turned to be worth annually 6931. os. rod.. The Houſe of Auſtin Friers was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 571. os. 5d. The Houſe of White Friers was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 621. 75. 3d. The Houſe of Black Friers was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 104. 155. The Houſe of Crutched Friers was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 521. 135. The Priory of St. Leonard Stratford Bow was returned to be worth annually 1081. 15. 11d. I The Monaſtery of St. Peter's Weſtminſter was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 34706 os. 2d. I The Monaſtery of Syon was likewiſe returned to be worth an- nually 1731l. 8s. gd. The College of St. Stephen Weſtminſter was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 4587. 45. rod. The Charter Houſe near London was likewiſe returned to be worth annually 6421. os. 40.1 The Priory of Kilbourne was likewiſe returned to be worth an- nually 741.75. 11d. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions of the above Priories, &c. vide Liber Regis. RECTORIES DIOCESE OF LONDON. 565 Rectories and VICARAGES within the City and Dioceſe of LONDON, in the Archdeaconry of LONDON. 2. d. O O 200 O 22 IIO O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 16 8 11 St. Alban Woodſtreet R. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. I 12 10 170 35. 4d. Penſ. Abb. Weſtm. 135.4d. United to 7 7 II St. Olave Silverſtreet R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. O 14 9 25. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's and Eton College al- ternately. Dean and Chapter of London, 1768. 36 13 4 Allhallows Barking V. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 75. 8d. Penſ. 3 13 4 Reg. 10l. Abb. Berking, Propr. Archbiſhop of Canter- bury. The KING, p. h. v. 1783. 41 18 11 Allhallows the Great, alias Omnium Sanctorum ad Fenum, R. 4 3 91 Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Prox. Archidiac. 45. United to Allhallows the Leſs R. Not in Charge. Archidiac. 25. 6d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 6 8 Allhallows Lombard Street R. Cant. Pecul. Prox. Archie- 4 8 piſc. 75. 70.1 Penf. 2s. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, by Lapſe, 1745, 1755. The Dean and Chapter of Canter- bury, 1732, 1738. 37 13 9 Allhallows Bread Street R. Prox. Archiepiſc. 75. 7d. Penſ. 3 15 47 15 19' 7 St. John Watling Street R. Cant. Pecul. Prox. Archiepiſc. I 1111) 140 75. 7d. Penf. 135. 4d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Patr. 8 16 8 Allhallows on the Wall R. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 25. O 17 8 150 6d. Penf. Prior. S. Trin. London. 35. The KING. 8 St. Alphage R. Pays Tenths to the Biſhop of London. Prox. 0 16 0 Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Penf. il. 135. 4d. Biſhop of London. 180 St. Andrew Holborn R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Prox. Archidiac. I 16 C 35. Duke of Montagu. The Ducheſs of Buccleugh, 1781. 3 St. Andrew Underſhaft R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 35. 1) With 5 St. Mary Axe R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Biſhop of London. 270 St. Andrew Wardrobe R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Prox. Archidiac. I 15 160 35. 4d. United to 55. With O O O O 0 O O 100 O O O 25 II 2 II O O IO O O 17 10 o O St. 366 DIOCESE OF LONDON. 2. d. 1. S. O o 140 O II 2 I 1 20 2 I 20 O O O 23 17 1 2 18 I 100 O O O O King's Books, Yearly Tenisse St. Anne Black Fryers R. or Cur. Not in Charge. Robert Earl of Leiceſter, 1663. The KING, and Pariſhioners, alternately. The Pariſhioners, 1766. 8. St. Anne and Agnes near Alderſgate R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 0 16.0 Prox. Archidiac. 28. United to St. John Zachary R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 25. 6d. 2 21 Penſ. Dec. & Cap. il. Biſhop of London, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, alternately. The Biſhop, 1780. 81 St. Anthony, alias St. Antholin, R. Prox. Epiſc 75. 6d. 2 O 31 Proxies Archidiac. 45. Penſ. Sancti Pauli ili 145, iod. United to 15 18 9 St. John Baptiſt R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. 35. I II 101 4d. The KING, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, ale ternately. The Dean and Chapter, p. h. v. 1774. 19 16 ož St. Auſtin R. Prox. Epiſc. 65. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. I 1971 172 Penſ. Sti Pauli 6s. 8d. With St. Faith R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. 7 8 Penf. 135. 4d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 8 St. Bartholomew Exchange R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. I 16 2 35. 4d. The KING. 8 St. Bartholomew the Great R. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. © 16 Edward Henry Edwardes, Eſq. 1737. William Edwardes, Eſq. 1768, p. i. 13 6 8 St. Bartholomew the Leſs V. olim a Priory. Prox. Archidiac. Prox. Archidiac. 1 6 8 35. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Prox. pro Rect. 2h. Go- vernors of St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital. 18 3 St. Bennet Gracechurch R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Prox. Ar- I 16 i chidiac. 35. 4d. Penf. Sti Pauli 6s. 8d. United to St. Leonard Eaſtcheap. A Peculiar of Canterbury. Prox. 180 75. 7d. Penf. 25. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, alternately. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 1778. 13 19 41 St. Bennet Paul's Wharf R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Prox. Ar I 7 111 chidiac. 35. Penf. Sti Pauli zl. With 9 4 St. Peter Paul's Wharf R. Prox. Epifc. 45. Prox. Archi: 0 18 5 diac. 35. Penf. Dec. & Cap. 15. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 23 16 of St. Botolph Billingſgate R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Prox. 27 77 Archidiac. 35. Penf. Sti Pauli 6s, 3d. With 8 St. George Botolph Lane R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 0 16 0 25. 6d. The KING, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, alternately. Dean and Chapter, 1779. St. Botolph Biſhopgate R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Biſhop of 2 oo 270 London. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and Biſhop of Win- cheſter, p. b. v. 1776. I 20 o 1 25 10 2 II O o O 4 2 I 20 O O O O 200 O O O O 0 St. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 567 ti s. d. I I 2 0 O IO O 0 200 o 0 120 0 0 0 O I 0 O 2 IO O 120 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 16 o St. Bridget; alias St. Bride, Fleet Street, V. Prox. Epiſc. 190 75. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 145. 9d. Abb. Weſtminſter, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. 5 6 8 St. Catherine Coleman R. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 25. 8 130 Penſ. Abb. Weſtm. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of London. 26 13 4. Chriſt Church V. Prox. Epiſc 155. Archidiac. 5. Olin-fuit 2 13 4 Eccleſia Fratrum Franciſcanorum. With 26 13 4 St. Leonard Foſter Lane R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Prox. Archi- 2. 13 4 diac. 25. 6d. Governors of Chriſt Church Hoſpital, and Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter,, alternately. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminster, 1789. 14 St. Chriſtopher's R. Prox. Epiſc. 115. Prox. Archidiac. 35. i 8 a 4d. Biſhop of London. 13 2 St. Clement Eaſt Cheap R. Prox. Epiſc. 756 6d. Prox." 1 6 21 Archidiac. 28. 6d. Penſ. Abb. Weſtin. 25. 8d. With 19 16 3 St. Martin Orgars R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Prox. Archidiac. I 1.9 180 35. 4d. Penſ. Sãi Pauli 145 Bilhop of London, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. The Biſhop, 1760. 25 St. Dionis Back Church in Lime Street Ry Cant. Pecul. Prox. Archiepiſc. 75. 70.1 Penſ. 165. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, Patro 60 711 St. Dunſtan in the Eaft R. Cant. Pecul. Prox. Archiepiſc. 6.0. 91 75. 7d.1 Penf. 51. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Patr. 26 4 9 St. Dunſtan in the Weſt V. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Piox. Ar 2 12 5 80 chidiac..75. 8di Abb. Alnwick in Northumb. Propr. Jo- ſeph Taylor, Eſq. 1758. Miſs Williamſon, 1764. 21 14 St. Edmund the King, Lombard Street, R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 2 3 5 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Penf. 1.45. 4d. With 13 St. Nicholas Acons R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 35. I 6. The KING, and' Archbiſhop of Canterbury, alternately. The KING, p. h. v. 1745. The Archbiſhop, 1784. 6 St. Ethelburga R. Prox. Epiſco55. Prox. Archidiac. 25. 6d. 95 Biſhop of London. 5 St. Giles Cripplegate V. Prox..Commiff. 6s. 8d. Penf. Dec. 3 4 6 & Cap. 135. 4 do Penſ. Dec. & Cap. pro Decimis 21. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. 17 14 7 St. James Garlick Hith R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Prox. Ar I 15 5 chidiac. 25., 9d. Penf. Abb. Weſtm. Il. Biſhop of Lon- den. 280 5 St. Lawrence Jewry. V. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Prox. Archidiac. I 16 ci 45. Pení. Baliol Coll. Oxon. 271. 1:35.4d. Baliol: College, Oxon. Propr. With 19 17 6 St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Prox. 1 19 9 240 Archidiac. 35, 4d.. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. 21. 120. Penſ. Abb. Caut. 200 o O 2 O 200 0 II 1 2 I 3 3 O 32 0 120 O O 568 DIOCESE OF LONDON. de King's Books, Yearly Tenthi 1. d. lo Cant. il. Baliol College, Oxford, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, alternately. Baliol College, 1780. 69 5 5 St. Magnus R. Prox. Epiſc.. 10s. Prox. Archidiac. 45. 6 18 6 Penſ. Abb. Bermondſey il. 6s. 8d. Penſ. Abb. Weſtm. 135. 4d. With 8 St. Margaret New Filh Street R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox. 3 3 2 240 Archidiac. 35. Penſ. Abb. Weſtm. 1os. Biſhop of Lon- don. The Archbiſhop of Cant. by Lapſe, 1747. 13 6 8 St. Margaret Lothbury R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 64. Prox. Ar I 6 8 chidiac. 35. 4d. The KING, St. Margaret Pattens R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. IO O 31 II: 8 O O 100 O O 10 O 35. 4d. With 12 O o I 4 0 o I 0 20 2 120 St. Gabriel Fenchurch R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Prox. Archidiac. 240 25. 6d. The KING, and Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. al- ternately. The City Turn is one Time in the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and another Turn in the Lord Mayor and Common Council. Lord Mayor and Common Council pre- ſented anno 1729. The KING, 1745. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, 1766. 33 17 81 St. Martin Ludgate R. Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Archidiac. 6s. 3 7 94 180 Penſ. Abb. Weſtm. 155. Biſhop of London. 13 9 91 St. Martin Outwich R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 25. 6 II 90 Merchant Taylors Company, 1748. 6 St. Mary Abchurch R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Prox. Archidiac. 2 0 3 35. 4d. Penf. Coll. Poult. 21. Corpus Chriſti College, Cambridge. With St. Laurence Pounteny, alias Pulteney. Not in Charge. A Curacy, olim fuit Collegium. Corpus Chriſti College, Cambridge, p. i. 1773. 41 oo St. Mary Aldermary R. A Peculiar of Canterbury. Prox. 4 2 0 Archiepiſc. 75. 7d. { Penf. 4l. 85. 4d. With St. Thomas the Apoſtle R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 7d. Archbiſhop I 150 of Canterbury, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, alter- nately. The KING, by Promotion, 1747. Archbiſhop, 1775 33 12 33 Śt. Mary le Bow R. Prox. Archiepiſc. 75. 7d.I A Pe 3 7 21 culiar of Canterbury. 13 6 3 St. Pancras Soper Lane R. A Peculiar of Canterbury, 6 7 19 3 9 Allhallows Honey Lane R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Archi 8 41 diac. 35. 4d. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury preſents twice, and the Grocers Company once, in three Times. The KING, 1744. The Grocers Company, 1771. The Archbiſhop, 1778. I 2 O 4 0 O I 6 I United, 200 St. Mary DIOCESE OF LONDON. 569 1. do O I I 2 200 120 oo 10 10 6 10 O IIO O O O 2 10 200 O O 21 2 2 2 1 2 O Q 28. King's Books. Kings Yearly Tentos, d. 36 13 4 St. Mary Hill R. Prox. Epiſc. 95. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. 3 13 4 16 St. Andrew Hubbard R.Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 35. 4d. The Pariſhioners and the Duke of Northumberland, alternately. The Duke of Northumberland, 1784. 19 5 St. Mary Magdalen Old Fiſh Street R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. I 18 6 Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. il. With St. Gregory. Not in Charge. Q. if not Minor Canons of St. Paul's. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. St. Mary Somerſet R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 25. 6d. I 1 With St. Mary Mounthaw R. Prox. Epiſc. 2s. Prox. Archidiac. O 13 4d. Billiop of Hereford, and General Oglethorpe, by Turns. The Biſhop of Hereford, 1776. 25 St. Mary Wolnoth R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox. Archi- diac. 35. 4d. With 18 13 4 St. Mary Woolchurch R. Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Prox. Archidiac. I 17 4 45. The KING, and John Thornton, Eſq. alternately. The KING, 1752. John Thornton, Eſq. 1779. 7 31 St. Mathew Friday Street R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archi. 82 diac. 35. 4d. Abb. Weſtm. pro Penſ. 1os. With 26 9 St. Peter Cheap R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 9 180 Penf. 45. Duke of Montagu, and Biſhop of London, alternately. Duke of Montagu, and others, 1771. 7 o o St. Michael Royal R. A Peculiar of Canterbury. Prox. Ar- chiepiſc. 75. 7d. United in 18 13 4 St. Martin Vintry R. Prox. Epiſc. 105. Archidiac. 35. 4:. I 17 4 140 Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and Biſhop of Worceſter, al- ternately. 17 St. Michael Baffilhaw R. Prox. Epifc. 55. Prox. Archidiac. 130 35. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 35 8 St. Michael Cornhill R. Prox. Epiſc. 105. Prox, Archidiac. 6s. 3 10 8d. Penſ. Abb. Eveſham ile 6s. 8d. Drapers Company, London, p. i. 1784. io St. Michael Queenhith R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 8 7 6 St. Trinity R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. 25. Penſ. Penſ. o 16 9 160 Il. 45. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, alternately. The Biſhop, 1768. 26 8 4 St. Michael Crooked Lane R. Cant. Pecul. Archiepiſc. 75. 7d. Penf. 55. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Pair. 18 13 4 St. Michael Wood Street, alias Hogan Lane, R. Prox. Epiſc. 1 17 4 75. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Penf. Abb. Sfi Albani 45. With 5 6 S St. Mary Staining R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 25. The 8 150 KINŲ, and the Pariſhioners, alternately. The KING, 1759. 4 D St. Mildred o 14 O 0 O I 14 0 O 1 2 220 0 o I 12 35. With O 212 10 100 O 0 010 570 DIOCESE OF LONDON. s. 1. d. : 12 I 0 0 200 O O diac. 25. 0 0 2 2 I 15 5 O King's Books. Books 5* Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 16 6 8 St. Mildred Bread Street R Prox. Epiſc. 55. Prox. Archi. I 12 8 diac. 25. 6d. With 4 41 St. Margaret Moſes R. Prox. Epiſc. 105. Prox. Archidiac. 4 53 170 25. 6d. The KING, and William Scortreth, Eſq. alter- nately. William Scortreth, Eſq. 1761. 18 13 4 St. Mildred Poultry R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Prox.. Archi- 1 17 4 diac. 2s. With St. Mary Cole Church R. Not in Charge. A Curacy. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 35. 4d. The KING, and the Mer- cers Company, alternately. The Mercers Company, 1775. Hoſp. Sti Thomæ Martyr. olim Propr. 18 13 4 St. Nicholas Coleabby R. Prox. Epiſc. 105, Prox. Archi. I 17 4 With 7 197 St. Nicholas Olyffs R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 63. Archidiac. 2s. 0 15 112 180 6d. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. The KING, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, alternately. The KING, 1746. 23 7 6 St. Nicholas ad Macellas R*. Prox. 35. 4d. Penſ. gs. Cum 6 9 17 14 St. Olave Hart Street R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Prox. Archi- 2.50 diac. 25. 6d. Thomas Dineley, Eſq. and others, 1760. 10 18 61 St. Olave Jewry V. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Archidiac. 3s. I 10. 4d. Pri. Butteley in Suff. olim Propr. With 7 6 St. Martin Ironmonger Lane R. Prox. Epifc. 6s. Archi- 4 9 270 diac. 25. The KING. 39 5 71 St. Peter in Cornhill R. Prox. Epiſc. 105. Prox. Archidiac. 3 18 63 6s. 8d. Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of London. 5 16 8 St. Peter le Poor R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. Is.. 6d. 8 130 Penf. Dec. & Cap. 55. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Patr. and Ordin. St. Sepulchre V. Prox. Epifc. pro Reet. 6s. pro Vic. 45. 180 Prox. Archidiac. 45. Pri. St. Bartholomew, Propr. St. John's College, Oxford, p. i. St. Stephen Coleman Street V. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Mon. Butteley in Suff. Propr. The Pariſhioners thereof. Henry Painter, and others, 1754. 17 13 9 St. Stephen Walbrook R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 25. I 15 41 With 8 13 4 St. Bennet Sherehog R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 38. O 17 4 180 4d. The KING, and Grocers Company, alternately. The KING, 1937: Grocers Company, 1784. 1 I 2 I O O Ilo 0 0 O II O 20 O 2 оо 0 II I 2 Со оо IIO O Q * St. Nicholas (ad Macellas) Shambles.—This Church, with the Tenements and Ornaments, was by Henry VIII given to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City, towards the Maintenance of the new Pariſh then to be erected in the late diffolved Church of Gray Friers, now Chriſt Church. Strype’š! Survey of London, Book III. p. 128, 129, 130. St. Swithin DIOCESE OF LONDON. 571 h 92 21 10 5 St. Michael Querne R. King's Books, Yearly Tenthia d. 1. d. 15 17 11 St. Swithin R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 35. 4d. i 11 United to IO IO St. Mary Bothaw R. A Peculiar of Canterbury. Prox. I 10 140 0 Archiepiſc. 75. 70.1 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and Elizabeth Beachcroft, alternately. Dean and Chap- ter of Canterbury; 1776. 33 5 10 St. Vedaſt R. A Peculiar of Canterbury. Prox. Archiepiſc. 3 6 7 75. 7d. Penſ. 6s. 8d. United to 160 chidiac. 35. 4d. Penf. Dec. & Cap. il. 6s. 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, by Turns. The KING, 1744. The Dean and Chapter, 1779. O O 2 3. ož O NOT IN CHARGE. тоо Q 100 0. 200 O O Allhallows Staining R. Sine Cure. Prox. Epifc. 6s. 6d. Archidiac. 15. 6d. Abb. de Gratiis, olim Propr. Grocers Company, London. o St. Bennet Fink Cur. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Hoſp. Sfi Antonii de Vienna, olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. St. Botolph Alderſgate Cur. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 9s. Colleg. Sti Martini, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. St. Botolph Aldgate Don. or Cur*. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archi- diac. 75. 4d. Pri. Stæ Trinitatis, olim Propr. Thomas Kynaſton, Eſq. 1765. Bridewell Hofpitium. Governors thereof. 700 St. Catherine Cree V. or Cur. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 25. Pri. Stæ Trinitatis, olim Propr. Magdalen College, Cam- bridge, Inpropr. Miniſter appointed by Magdalen Col. lege. St. Catherine's Hoſpital has å Maſter, three Brethren, and three Siſters for the Endowment of this Hoſpital. Vide Newcourt's Repertorium and the Liber Regis in the Firſt- Exuits Office. The Maſter 400l. per annum The Bre- thren 150l. per annum each, and the Siſters 75% per an- num each. * St. Botolph Aldgate Curacy.-The Eaſter Offerings ſettled upon the Curate by Samuel Brewſter, Efq. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 327. Charter 4 D 2 572 DIOCESE OF LONDON Yearly Tenthisning ܕܠ ܢ ܕܐ King's Books, de 6. Charter Houſe Chapel. The Governors. Ely Chapel, Holborn Hill; late the Scite of the Biſhop of Ely's Palace. Fleet Chapel. Guildhall Chapel. St. Helen V. or Cur. Prox. Commiffar. 6s. 8d. Penf. Deca & Cap. 6s. 8d. Pri Stæ Helenæ, Propr. The Heirs of Mr. Parker. St. James Duke's Place, Cur. Lord Mayor and Aldermeni. Pri. Chriſt Church, olim Propr. Lamb's Chapel, in Hart Street, by Cripplegate. London Workhouſe Chapel near Bifhopigate. 150 o o St. Mary Aldermanbury Cur. or R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Ar- chidiac. 35. Penf. Sti Pauli il. Pri. Elling Spittle, Propr. The Pariſhioners thereof, Patr. 959 o O Maſterſhip of the Temple. The Temple Church dedicated to St. Mary. The KING. Mercers Chapel, alias St. Thomas de Acon. Newgate Chapel. Noble Street Chapel. Serjeant's Inn Chapel, in. Chancery Lane. The Judges and Serjeants. Sion College. BO 0 St. Trinity in the Minories Curacy. Olim a Priory. Abba Stæ Trinitatis, olim Propr. The KING. Wood Street Compter Chapel.. RECTORIES in the County of MIDDLESEX and Suburbs of LONDON, and in the City of WESTMINSTER, remaining in Charge, in the Archdeaconry of MIDDLESEX. King's Books. 7. d. d. s. 8 14 0 O Yearly. Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. Acton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 10s. Biſhop of Lon- don. St. Clement without the Bars, alias St. Clement Danes, R. in 5 4 81 the City of Weſtminſter. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox, Archidiac. 55.5d. Synods 35. 5d. Earl of Exeter, 1773, 1 O 0 350 52 7 I Chelſithe, P. i. MIDDLESEX. 573 DIOCESE OF LONDON. I. s. do. 1. S. I O II 0 0 0 0 1 12 оо O 20 2 o O O Q: 2 1 2 O 2a O 2 1 2 O King's Bookisor Yearly Tonths, d. 13 6 8 Chelithe, alias Chelſey, alias Chelſea, R. (All Saints.) Prox. 6 8 390 Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Archidiac. 75. od. Synods 35.5d. Sir Hans . Sloane, Bart. 1732. Lord Cadogan and Hans Stanley, Esq. 1770, p. i. Lord Cadogan, 1775, p. i. Cowley, alias Cowley Peachy, R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. 1 I 2 Epiſc. 45.. Archidiac. 6s.. 8d. Synods 35. 5d. John Wee- don, Gent. 1718. Claude Criſpigny, Eſq. p.is 1771. 16 Cranford R. (St. Dunſtan.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Ar- 150 chidiac. 8s. Synods 3s. 5d. Lord Berkeley, 1694. Earl of Berkeley, 1768, 1771, p. i. o Finchley R. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Biſhop of Lon- 160 don. 26 0 Fulham R. (AP Saints.). Sine Cure. Let upon Leaſe for three Lives. 401. reſerved Rent. Prox. Epiſc. 155. Penſ. Cancellar. 61. Biſhop of London. Greenford Magna R. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Archidias. 115. ac 350 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Synods 35. 5d. Henry Caſtle, Gent. 1.69,9. King's College, Cambridge, 1770, p. i. 26 0 o Hackney R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Sine Cure. 2012 reſerved Rent. Prox. Epiſc.. ili 55. Thomas Cook, Eſq. 1689. Francis John Tyffon, Efq. 1770, p. i. Hanwell R.. (St. Mary.), Prox. Epiſc.. 55. Prox.. Archi- 150 diac. 8s. Synods 3s. 5d. Biſhop of London. 4 Hanworth R. (St. George.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox, Are 34 chidiac. 125. Synods 35. 5d. Sir Thomas Chambers, Kut. 1.685. Thomas Chambers, Eſa: 1730. Lord Vere, 1778, 24 o Hardington, alias Harlington, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul) 240 Prox.. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 6d. Synods 35o. 5d. This Pariſh conſiſts of about 1200 Acres of Land be- fides Common. Sir John Bennet, 1681. Ford Bolingº broke, 1732. Edward Stephenſon, Efq. 1748. Rev. Ro. bert Burd Gabriel.. o Haringay, alias Hornſey, R. (St. Mary.) Pros. Epiſc. 456. 2 ° 1:40 Biſhop of London. 13 6. 8. Ickenham R. (S. Giles.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. Proz. Epiſc. I 68. 53. Synods 35. 5i. Phis Pariſh coatains about 1200 Acres of Land. Richard Shoreditch, Eſq. 1714, 1725. Biſhop of London, 1777. 14 0 Litlington, alias Littleton, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. I. 8. o Epifc. 75. Archidiac. 5s, id. Synods 35. 5to. Thomas Wood, Gent. 1690. Thomas Wood, Eſq. 1765. 3.1 17 31 Si: Niary Whitechapel R. Prox. Epiſc. 108. Brazen Noſe 3: 3 87 College, Oxon. 1.768.. St. 20 0 2 O O II 1.3 I 7:00 a Q: Pi.. O 2 8. o O. O 22 4 ОО O. 2 CQ O O 1:20 O 3000 574 DIOCESE OF LONDON. MIDDLÉSEX. 18 13 4 100 O IO ОО 100 O 2 1 2 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenihs. i. s. d. 2. so do St. Peter in the Tower' R. or Cur. The KING. I 17 4 Stanmer, alias Stanmere Magna, R. (St. John Evangelift.) 1 Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Prox. Archidiac. 8s. 5d. Synods 3s. 5d. Duke of Chandos, 1720. Andrew Drummond, Eſq. 1749. 26 o Sheperton R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. IIs. Prox. Ar- 230 chidiac. gs. id. Synods 3s. 5d. Richard Holditch, Eſq. 1731. Thomas Harwood, Gent. 1752. Henry Reynell Spiller, Eſq. 1753. 40 o Stebinheath, alias Stepney, alias Ratcliffe Stepney, R. (St. 4o Dunftan.) Prox. Epiſc. il. 105. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. Stoke Newington R. (St. Mary.) A Peculiar. Prox. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. Prebendary of Stoke Newington in London Cathedral. 13 8 4 Strond, alias St. Mary le Strand, R. in Civitate Weſtminſter. 270 The KING. 0 O IO O ܘ ܘ ܙ 1 6 10 o DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 5000 Perrivale, alias Little Greenford, R. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 1od. 6 13 4 Synods 35. 5d. Mary Harriſon, Widow, 1720. Philip Fletcher, Clerk, and his Wife, 1752. John Schreiber, Eſq. 1783. NOT IN CHARGE. 400 OO St. Anne Weſtminſter R. Biſhop of London. St. Anne Limehouſe R. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. Audley Street Chap. North and South, in St. Geo. Hanover Square Pariſh. Bentink Chap Berkley Chap. John Street, Berkeley Square. 130 00 St John Clerkenwell R. The KING. Almondry, or the New Way Chapel, in St. Margaret's, Weſt- minſter. Berwick Street Chap. to St. James Weſtminſter. Rec. of St. James's. St. George Bloomsbury R. The KING. . Chriſt Church, Spitalfields, R. Brazen Noſe College, Ox- ford. p.i. 400 Oo 9 Duke MIDDLÈSEX. 575 DIOCESE OF LONDON. King's Books 1. Se d. 1. S. Clear Yearly Palue. d. Duke Street Chapel, by St. James's Park, in St. Margaret's Weſtminſter Parilh. The Rev. Richard Shepherd. 800 oo St. George, Hanover Square, R. in Civitate Weſtminſter. The KING, 1725. The Biſhop. The KING, 1774. 210 o St. George the Martyr R. Queen's Square, Ormond Street, Taken out of St. Andrew, Holborn. The Duke of Monta- gu. Ducheſs of Buccleugh, 1781. St. George in the Eaſt R. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford.' 450 o St. Giles in the Fields R. Olim Hofpitium. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 6s. 6d. Synods 35. 5d. The KING. Grey Coat Hoſp. Chap. in Tothill Fields, Weſtminſter, in St. Margaret's Pariſh. Grays Inn Chapel, in Holborn. The Benchers. Hampſted Chapel. (St. Mary,) cum Kilborne. Olim Capella annexa Eccleſiæ de Hendon. Lord of the Manor, Patr. Highgate Chapel, (St. Michael,) in the Pariſh of Hornſey. Vide Newcourt's Repertorium. Hog Lane Chapel, in St. Giles's Pariſh. Horſe Guard Chapel. Hoxton Chap. near Hoxton Square. Haberdaſher's Company. St. James's Chapel Royal. St. James Clerkenwell R. Olim a Priory Church. The Pariſhioners. 700 o o St. James R. in Civitate Weſtminſt. Biſhop of London, two Turns, and nominates to the Heirs of Biſhop Compton eve- ry third Turn. Edward Compton, Eſq. 1763. St. John the Evangeliſt R. in Civitate Weltminſt. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. St. John's Chapel in Millman Street, near Bedford Row, in St. Andrews Parith. St. Luke R. The KING, p. St. Margaret, in Civitate Weſtminſt., R. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Propr. and Patr. A Peculiar belonging to the Ch. of Weſtminſter. St. Mary le Savoy Chap. or Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Olim an Hoſp. The KING, St. Mathew Bethnal Green R. Brazen Noſe College, Oxon. St. Mary Stratford Bowl, conſecrated 26 Mar. 1721. Bra- zen Noſe College Oxon. 350 St. Paul Covent Garden R. in Civitate Weſtminſt. Duke of Bedford. Ilington Alms Houſes Chapel. h. V. 1775. 150 o o 200 O O Kingland 576 . DIOCESE OF LONDON. MIDDLIBET Kingſland Chapel, juxta Iſington. The Inhabitants elect, St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital confirms. King Street Chapel by Golden Square, in St. James's, Weſt- minſter. Rector of St. James's. Long Acre Chap. in the Pariſh of St. Martin's, Weſtminſter. The Vicar of St. Martin's. Oxenden Chap. near the Haymarket, in St. Martin's Pariſh, Weſtminſter. Vicar of St. Martin's. Palmer's Alms Houſes Chapel near Tothill Fields, in St. Mare garet's Pariſh, Queen's Square Chapel, by St. James's Park, in St. Margaret's Pariſh. Queen's Street Chapel, near Lincoln's Ion Fields, in St. Giles's Pariſh. Ruffel Court Chapel. Spring Garden Chapel, in St. Martin's Pariſh, Weſtminſter, Vicar of St. Martin's. Skinners Alms Houſes Chap. on Mile End Green. Somerſet Houſe Chapel. Deſtroyed. Trinity Chapel in Conduit Street. Mr. Robſon. Tabernacle in Petticoat Lane, Spitalfields. Tabernacle in White Lion Yard, Spitalfields. Tothill Fields Chapel. Trinity Alins Houſes Chap.on Mile End Green. Vintner's Alms Houſes Chapel at Mile End Green. Upper Clapton Chap. Vicar of Hackney. Whitehall Chapel. Charlotte Street Chap. Bloomſbury. Brompton Chapel, in the Pariſh of Kenfington. Vicar of Kenſington, Patr. May Fair Chapel, in the Pariſh of St. George Hanover Square. Rector of St. George, Patr. Bedford Chapel, in the Pariſh of St. George Bloomſbury. Reet. of St. George Bloomſbury, Patr. St. George's Chapel, Brentford, in the Pariſh of Ealing. Vi. car of Ealing. Wheeler's Chapel, in the Pariſh of Chriſt Church Spitalfields. VICARAGES MIDDLESEX, 577 DIOCESE OF LONDON. I VICARAGES in the County of Middlesex, in the Liberties of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER and Suburbs, remaining in Charge. d. King's Books. Yearly Ténths Vicarages, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. 1. d. 9 18 4. Cheſwick V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Decan. & Cap. 6s. 8d. 0 19 10 Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. Patr. and Ordin. 26 ENFIELD V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rector. 14. 105. 2 12 0 150 pro-Vic. os. Prox. Archidiac. 13s. 5d. Synods 3s. 5d. • Abb. Walden olim Propr. This Pariſh is computed to be about 25 Miles in Circumference. Trinity College, Cam . o O bridge. 18 300 O * 10 1 op. 46. 250 10 оооо I 20 O O 15 150 0 O Edmonton V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. il. 55. 1 16 1 16 0 pro Vic. 75. 5d. Syn. 35. 5d. Abb. Walden olim Propr. Dean and Chapter St. Paul's. Fulham V. (All Saints.) Proxies Epiſcop. 45. Rector thereof. 0 Hampton upon Thames V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſe. pro I CO Rect. gs. pro Vic. Is. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. los. Synods 35. 5d. The KING. Winton College olim Propr. * Hendon V. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 155. pro Vic. ºr ſo 25.6d. Prox. Archid. 7s.6d. Syn: 35.5d. Penf. 1s. Stephen Hern, Eſq. 1679. The Duke of Powys was Lord of the Manor and Patron, 1919. David Garrick, Eſq. 1772, p. i. Olim fuit Rectoria, nunc diffoluta. o Hackney V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Epifc. 6s. Francis Francis 2 0 Tyſſon, Etq. 1703. William Cornthwaite, p. h. v. 1753. Harmanſworth V* (St. Mary,) conſolidated with Weſt I Drayton. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 155. pro Vic. 15. Prox. Archidiac. 115, 2d. Syn. 35, 5d. Collegium de Winton olim Propr. Lord Paget, 1713. Lord Uxbridge, 1727. William Harveſt, Clerk, p. i. 1772. Culling Smith, Eſq. 1779. 20 O O 400 I 2 180 O 4 O O * Harmanſworth V.-The College of Wincheſter 'were Impropriators and Patrons of this Vicarage till the Time of K. Hen. VIII. who became Poffeffor thereof by Way of Exchange with that College. Newcourt, Vol. I. p. 633, Heſton 4 E 578 DIOCESE 61 LONDON. MIDDLESEX - 300 200 O 18 O · . . Rect: King's Books, Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. b. s. d. II O Heſton V *. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 135. pro ! 2 O 80 O Vic. 15. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 105. Syn. 35. gd. Winton Colleg. olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 18 o Iftleworth, alias Idleworth, V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 1 16 35. 5d. Winton Colleg. olim Propr. and Patrr Dean and Canons of Windſor, 1777, p. i. 0 INington V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Prox. Archi- 300 diac, 38.4d. Subject to the Archdeacon of London. Pri. Sti Leonardi, Stratford Bow, Propr. George Stonehouſe, M. D. 1720. Francis Stonehouſe, Eſq. 1738. Richard Smith, Eſq. p. i. 1772. 8 4 Kenſington V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 135. pro 1 16 10 250 Vic. 6s. Prox. Archidiac. 8s. 9d. Synods 35. 5d. Penſ. Abb. de Abingdon, in Berks, Propr. Biſhop of Lon- don. o St. Leonard Shoreditch V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Ios. 6d. 1 14 O pro Vic. 55. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Archdeacon of London, Propr. and Patr. St. Martin, alias St. Martin in the Fields, V. Prox. Epifc. 1 4 500 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. Syn. 35. 5d. Mon. Weltm. olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 15 0 Northall V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 38. od. pro 250 Vic. Is. 6d. Penſ. & Portio 15.7d. Møn. Walden, Propr. Biſhop of London, Propr. and Patr. 9.50 St. Pancras, alias Kentiſh Town, V. Kentiſh Town, V. Prox. Dec. & Cap. 6s. O 18 6 6 8d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. Patr. and Riſelipp V. (St. Martin.) Prox. Epiſc. 115. Archidiac. 95. 90 id. Synods 3s. 5d. This Pariſh is ſaid to be near 20 Miles in Circumference. Pri. Okeborne, in Co. Wilts, olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windfor, p.i. 3 4 Stanes V. (St. Mary,) cum Laleham & Alhford Cap. (St. I 4 4 Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. &c. il. 155. pro Vic. 6s. pro Laleham Is. 4d. Prox. Archidiac. 45. 4d. Syn. 35. 5d. The KING. Abb. Weſtminſter, Propr. 33 6 8 Stebinheath, alias Spitalfield Stepney, R. and V. (St. Dan 3 6 & ſtan.) Vid. Act of Parliainent for uniting the Moities and 25. 17 00 12 O O оо O I 10 0 0 0 Ordin. I 2 O I 0 O 12 200 O O * Hetton V.--This likewiſe belonged to the College of Wincheſter, and was exchanged in like man- ner, Newcourt, p. 644. This Pariſh is near 12 Miles in Circumference. 4. Iftieworth V.--This formerly belonged to Wincheſter College, till Henry VIII. became Pofleffoe thereof by way of Exchange. Newcourt, Vol. 1. p. 674. 3 Pora MIDDLESEX. 579 DIOCESE OF LONDON, 1. S. 100 O King's Books. Yearly Terths. d. 1. $ de Portions of the Rectory of St, Dunſtan Stepney, alias Ste- binheath; and for making one Rector full Incuinbent of the ſaid Rectory; and for converting the Chapel at Poplar into a Pariſh Church; and appointing a Diftrict for a new Pariſh to the ſame, and for the Maintenance of the Miniſters of five new Churches, at Stratford Buw, Poplar, Spittlefields, Wapping Stepney, and Limehouſe. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. This Pariſh comprehends four Hamlets, viz. Ratcliffe, Mile End Old Town, Mile End New Town, and Poplar. There are five Alms Houſes in this Pariſh, each of which has a Chapel. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. 13 6 6 Sunbury V. (St. Mary. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro Vic. Vic. 1 6 8 45. Portio Pri. Sti Barthol. is. Perſ. Abb. de Greſt is. Prox. Archidiac. 85, 6d. Synods zs. 5d. Dean and Chap- ter of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. 14 o Tottenham, alias Tottenham High Caoſs, V. (All Saints.) I 8 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. 6d. pro Vic. 45. Prox. Archi- diac. 75. 9d. Synods 35. Ed. Pri. Sanétæ Trinitatis, Lon- don, olim Propr. There is a Free School for Boys, and a Chapel belonging to Reynardſon's Alms Houſes in this Pariſh. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. o Twicknam, alias Twickenham, V*. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. I 160 pro Rect. 35. 4d. pro Vic. Is. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 9d. Syn. 35. 5d. Winton Colleg. olim Propr. Dean and Ca- nons of Windſor. 14 O o Willeſden V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Twiford. Prox. Dec. [ 8 & O & Cap. 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. Patr, and Ordin. 13 6 8 Yelling, alias Eling, alias Ealing, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. I 300 o pro Rect. 125. 6. pro Vic. Is. 2d. This Pariſh is reckoned 18 Miles in Circumference, it comprehends the Villages of Great Ealing and Old Brentford; in Old Brentford is George Chapel. Biſhop of London, Propr. and Patr. O 100 o II 0 O O O * Twicknam, alias Twickenham, V.—This formerly belonged to Wincheſter College, till it paſſed by way of Exchange to King Henry VIII. Newcourt, Vol. I. p. 757. 4 E 2 Liviros 580 MIDDLESEX. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 1. s. d.. 34 10 O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1 early Value. King's Books 1. d. Bedfonte V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. pro Vic. 6 13 4 35. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Synods 3s. 5d. Pri. de Houn- flow, Propr. Biſhop of London. The KING, 1761. 35 14 Feltham V. (St. Dunſtan.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 6d. 8: O 55 pro Vic. 9d. Prox. Archidiac. 55. 7d. Syn. 35. 5d. Hoſp. Sti Egidii in Campis, Propr. Sir Thomas Chambers, Knt. 1674. Thomas Chambers, Eſq. 1723, 1732. Lord Vere, 1783, p. i. 43 10 o Hillingdon V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with UXBRIDGE Chapel 1:6 OO 100 o (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. Il. 85. pro Vic. 4.5. Prox. Archidiac. , s. 9d. Syn. 35. 52. Pinprt Epifc. Wi- gurn. Biſhop of London. 47 8. of South Myms V. (St. Giles.) Prox. Epiſe. pro Rect. 118. pro 12 3 4 130 Vic. 25. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. id. Syn. 35. 5d. Abb. Walden, in Hertf. Propr. Grace Mark, Widow, 1707. William Parker, Eſq. 1724, 1731. The KINGS po h. v. 1766, 1769, 1770, 1773. 35 15 o. Stanwell V. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. il. 10s. pro 9. Vic. 45. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 3d. Syn. 35, 5d. This Ma- rith comprehends the Villages of Weſt Bedfont and Pyle, and has an endowed Public School. The KING. Mon. Chertſey in Surrey, Impr. 30 o Weſt Drayton V. (St. Martin;) conſolidated with Harmondf- 13 6. worth. Prox. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. Dec. & Cap. Sti Pauli, olim Propr. Earl of Uxbridge, 17271: William Harveſt,, Clerk, 1760. Culling Smith, Eſq. 1779, O 0 100 O NoT IN CHARGE Arlington. Earl of Tankerville. Bow, by Stratford, R. (St. Mary.). Brazen Noſe College, Ox ford, Patr. p. i. 1.50 O O BRENTFORD, alias New Brentford, (St. Laurence,) a Chapeli formerly, in the Pariſh of Hanwell.. Rector of Hanwelly, Patr. Bromley, by Bow, Don. (St. Mary.) Abb. Sti Leonardi, Bromley, Propr.. Heirs of Sir Peter Roberts. Chelſea College maintains two Chaplains.. Little Chelſea Chapel, EDGIARE MIDDLESEX. 581 DIOCESE OF LONDON, King's Books. d. l. S. BOO 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. 2. EDGWARE Cur. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. 135. 4d: Syn. 35. 5d. Prior. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem, Propr. Earl of Co- ventry. Friern Barnet, alias Friars Barnet, Chap. (St. James.) Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. Vid. Newcourt's Repertorium. Firmar. & aſſign. ſui maner. de Friern Barnet inven. fumpti- bus eor. propriis & expenf. unum capellanum idoneum cur. eccleſ. ibidem deſervitur. ac facramenta & facramentalia pa- rochianis ejuſd. eccleſ. miniftratur. durante termino. Mi- niſters Accounts of the Poſſeſſions of the Hoſpital of St. John of Jeruſalem, 32. Henry VIII. in the Augmentation Office.. Hadley Don. (St. Mary:) Prox. 25. Lords of the Manor are Patr: Mon. Walden, in Effex, Propr. Hammerſmith Chapel, (St. Paul,) in the Pariſh of Fulham. Biſhop of London, Patr. Harefield Cur. (St. Mary) Sir Richard Newdigate, Lord of the Manor. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem, olim Propr. HOUNSLOW Cur. (Holy Trinity,) in the Pariſh of Heſton. Domus Fratrum Stæ Trinitatis, in Hounſlow, olim Propr.. Richard Bulſtrode, Eſq. Propr. and Patr. St. Johır Wapping R. Made a Pariſh by Act of Parliament 5. and 6 William and Mary. Prox. 35. 4d. Brazen Nofe College, Oxon. Patr... French Chapel Wapping The KING. Kentiſh Town, Chapel to St. Pancras.. Kingſbury Cur. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 6s. 6d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Patr, and Propr. Knightſbridge Chapel. (Holy Trinity.) Partly in St. Marga. rer’s Parith, Weſtminſter, and partly in St. Martin's Parilh.. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. Laleham C. (All Saints,) united to Stanes Vic. Prox. 15. 4d. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. The Vicar of Stanes, Lincoln's Inn Chap. The Benchers. Maribone, alias St. Mary le Bone, Cur.. or R. Pri. Black- more, in Effex, olim Propr. Lord. Oxford. Duke of Port- land's Truftees, p. i. 1765. Muſwell Hill Chap. Lord of the Manor, Patr. Oxford Chapel, by Cavendiſh Square, in Marybone Pariſh. Portland Chapel, in Marybone Pariſh. Duke of Portland. 5000 Poplar R. (St. Mary.) Brazen Noſe College, Oxon. and the East India. Company, alternately. Eaſt India Comp. 1774. Pad- $82 MIDDLESEX, DIOCESE OF LONDON. . King's Books, 1. S. d. ICO Clear Yearly Value. I. d. o Paddington Perpet, Cur. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of London. St. Paul Shadwell R. Prox. 35. 4d. Dean of St. Paul's, Patr. Made a Parith by Act of Parliament 21 Car. II. The Rolls Chap. Maſter of the Rolls. Stanmer Parva, alias Whitchurch, Cur. (St. Laurence.) Pri. St. Barth. London, Propr. Duke of Chandos, Patr. South Gate, alias South Street, Chap. in the Parila of Edmon- Mr. Barclay. Taviſtock Chap. in the Pariſh of St. Martin Weſtminſter. Spring Gardens Chap. in the Pariſh of St. Martin Weſtminſter. Teddington Donative *. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 85. Synods 55. 5d. Sir John Bridgeman, Bart. and Tryon Per- kins, Eſq. olim Patr. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Olim Cap. to Stanes. Mr. Perkins, Lord of the Manor. Twiford Chap. to Willeſden. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. Uxbridge Chap. Truſtees of the Will of George Townſend, Eſq. 1767. ton. Peculiars of CANTERBURY, in the County of MIDDLESEX. S. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 33 4 2 Harrow, alias Harrow on the Hill, V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. 3 6 5 Pinnour, (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Archiep. 6s. 8d. This was a Rectory anno 1534. Sir John Rufhout, Bart. and John Kennion, Eſq. 1776. John Kennion, Eſq. 1779. 40 Oo Hayes R. (St. Mary.) Sine Cure.) Prox. Archiepiſc. 6s. 8d. 4 O o Ralph Hawtry and Chriſtopher Cratford, Eſqrs. 1689. Geo. Cooke, Eſq. 1739. Edward Jennings, Eſq. 1759. oo Hayes V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Norwood. Ralph Hawtry 2 00 and Chriſtopher Clithero, Eſqrs. 1712. James Clithero, Thomas Jenyns, Mercer, and John Jenyns, Eſq. 1723. Geo. Cooke, Eſq. 1739. Edward Jennings, Eſq. 1757. 4 13 4 Throckington Free Chapel. Deſtructa. o 9 4 N. B. The three firſt of theſc pay Tenths to the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, the other is in the Charge of the Crown Receiver. 20 * Teddington.—The old Stipend was 61. 45. Augmented by Lord Keeper Bridgeman, with Fee. Farm Rents of 811. per Annum. Ex Relatione Reverendi Doct. Bray, D. Bar- ESSEX. 583 DIOCESE OF LONDON. D. Warking, alias Berking, in the Archdeaconry of Essex. The Monaſtery of Berking was returned by the Commiflioners to be worth annually 8621. 125. 5d. I The Monaſtery of St. Mary Stratford Langhorne was likewiſe returned at 511l. 16s. 3d. The Hoſpital of Ilford was likewiſe returned at 161. 135. 4d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. free Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. Yearly Tenthse . l. d. l. d. O 45. 6d. 19 10 120 0 Q 120 O O 19 8111 BARKING, alias BERKING, V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. i 18 101 300 pro Rect. Il. 55. Archidiac. 10$. Synods is. Abb. Bar- king, olim Propr, All Souls College, Oxford. 14 5 5 Chingford, alias Chinkford, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. I 861 370 . Archidiac. 85. Synods IS. Thomas Halle- wood, 1687. Robert Boothby, Efq. 1720, 1741. Ralph Freffelicque, 1778. 0 Dagenham Y. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. pro I 19 Rect. 10s. pro Vic. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 8s. 8d. . Synods is. Abb. Berking, Propr. This Pariſh is Fifteen Miles in Cir- cumference. Samuel Keckwich, 1704. William · Black- borne, Eſq. 1719, 1739. 14 3 9 Eaſtham V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. I § 42 15.8. pro Vic. 25. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 1s. Pri. Scratford, olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 11 13 2 Ilford Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epi'c. 1s. 6d. Archidiac. I.3 41 55. Synods is. William Morley, Eſq. 1680. Juhn Bill, this Turn, 1713. William Wight, Eſq. 1736. Henry Wight, Eſq. 1764. 18 3 9. Lonighton R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 1 16 41 260 75. Synods Is. John Wroth, Eſq. 1706. Elizabeth Wroth, 1735. Anne Whitaker, Spinſter, 1778. 6 13 9 Wanſtede, alias Wanſted, R. (St. Mary:) Prox. Epiſc. Iso O 13 43 350 6d. Archidiac. 55. Synods isa 76 acr. terr. gleb. Sir Richard Child, Bart. 1707. Earl Tilney, 1769, p. i. 13 6 8 Walthamſtow V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. I -68 1500 6d. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Syuods is. Pri. Sanctæ Trinitatis, London, I 10 O O 0 O Q o 384 DIOCESE 05 LONDON. Essex l. So d. O O II 12 I o 33 12 O 100 o the King, Queen, and House 0. melis King's Books. Yearly Tenthr, 1. d. London, Propr. John Conyers, Efq. 1708. Edward Con- yers, 1733. John Conyers, Eſq. 1759, 1776. 39 8 4. Weſt Ham V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect . Il. 2s. 25. 6d. 3.18 10 300 pro Vic. 6s. 6d. Synods is. Penſ. Sanctæ Trin. 25. The KING. Pri. Stratford, olim Propr. Woodford R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 1 3 23 300 55. Synods is. Lord Caſtlemain, 1720. Earl Tilney. Charles Wymondeſold, Eſq. p. h.v. 1766. LivingS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 0 Leighton, alias Low Leighton, alias Low Leyton, V. (St. 7 12 Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 75. Syn. Is. Penſ. rec. per Vicar. 3. Abb. Stratford, olim Propr. Dr. John Robinſon, Lord Biſhop of London, in his own Right, 1720. David Ganſell, p. h. v. 1737. Major General Ganſel, 17:54. o Naſeing, alias Nafing, V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 14 5 5 80 Archidiac. 75. Syn. Is. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. Abb. Waltham, olim Propr. Samuel Jones, Eſq. 1688. The KING. NoT IN CHARGE. Havering Bower, alias Havering atte Bowre, Cur. (St. John Evangeliſt.) John Heaton, Eſq. 1784. Here were two Chapels to Hornchurch, one a Peculiar Royal Chapel for Officers, &c. Newcourt, vol. II. p. 338. But here is now Horn Church V *. (St. Andrew.) No Inſtitution. Exempt Epiſc. New College, Oxford, Propr. Patr. and Ordinary. Ilford Magna Chapel, in Berking Pariſh. The Chaplain has 141. per ann. Bamber Gaſcoyne, Eſq. Propr. Leytonſtone Chapel, opened in 1754. RUMFORD, (St. Edward,) Chapel to Horn Church, has the Small Tythes of a certain Diſtrict, &c. The temporary Vi- 43 10 o O a car, Patron. * Horn Church V..Is held by Leaſe from New College in Oxford. D. Barttaple, Essex. 585 DIOCESE OF LONDON, D. Barftaple, in the Archdeaconry of Essex. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenisse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 2 $. de 3. 25 120 0 o 0 O 0 Bower's Gifford, alias Buers Gifford, (St. Margaret.) Prox. 2 10 Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Syn. 15. Edward Cockayne, 1681, the next the Reverend Mr. Joſeph Hall, a third Túrn Mr. Filher Helipake of Southam, Warwickſhire. Alexander Preſcot, Eſq. preſented 1721, in the Turn of the Reverend Jof. Håll. Jaſper Kingſman, Eſq. 1738. William Honeychurch and his Wife, 1780. 230 o Bulfann, alias Bulvan, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 1os. 6. 12 Archidiac, 8s. 8d. Syn. Is. Sarah Darby, Widow, this Turn, 1711. The Patronage is alternate between Mr. Bury, and Jaſper Kingſman, Efq. Mary Bury, Widow, p. h. V. 1739. *7 6 8 Burſted Magna, alias Burghſtead, V* with BILLERECAY L. 14 8@ Chapel. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro Vic. 45. 6d. Synods is. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1719. The Duke of Somerſet, 1729. Lord Peter, 1738. Pri. Stratford Langthorn olim Propr. Sainuel Ward, Patr. p. b. V. 1767, Burſted Parva, alias Burghſtead, R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. 14 Dunbar, late Rector of this Pariſh, left 201. per ann. to the ſucceding Rectors, payable out of an Eſtáte cál- led Braintrees. Biſhop of London. 17 13 4. Chaldwell , alias Chadwell, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 5 4 179 Archidiac. 7s. Syn. Is. Thomas . Velley, Gent. 1692. William Herringham, 1764. John Herringham, 1781. 22 134 Corringham R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 6s. Archidiac. Ss. 2 5 4 8d. Syn. 15. Anthony Biddulph, Eſq. 1713. Robert Biddulph, Eſq. 1725. Abraham Chambers, Eiq. 1779. I 2 1500 I O 1 TOO O * Burſted Magna V.-In this Pariſh is a Chapel, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, formerly a Chantry Chapel, conſecrated by the Lord Bifhop of London, 1693. Mag. Brit. p. 683. Billerecay is faid to be a diſtinct Chapelry, and not annexed to Burſted. 4 F Dontong 5865 Essex DIOCESE OF LONDON. 1. de I. 0 O I 2 2 0 0 IO O o I O Q 0 0 O 21 2 ооо O O O O o King's Books. Frarly Tenths, King d. 14 13 4 Donton, alias Dunton Walett R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 94 80 45. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is, King's College, Cam- bridge. 81 Downham R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 1 4 33 130 85. 8d. Synods is. Francis Platt, Efq. 1712. Oſmond. Beauvoir, Eſq. and otliers, 1760. 3 9. Dudinghurſt, alias Doddinghurſt, R. (All Saints.) Prox. 1 Prox. I. 0. 41 140 Epiſc . 6s. "Archidiac. 8s. 8d. Syn. Is. Anthony. Luther, Eſq. 1713: Hannah Luther, Widow, 1751. Eaſt Horndon R. (All Saints.). Prox. Epifçı 35. Archidiac. 75 55. Syn. 15. John Tyrrell. Eſq. 1714. Sir John Tyrrel, Bart. 1764. Mary Criſp, p. i. 1768, 0 Fobbing R. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 75., 6d. Archidiac. 250 85. 8d. Syn.. 15. The KING. 8 Hutton R.. (All Saints.) Prox.. Epiſc. 2si 6d., Archidiac. 0.16 o 16 140 55. Syn. Is. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's.. 7 13 4 Ingrave, alias Gingrave, alias Ging Ralph, R. (St. Nicholas,) 0.15 4 170 united to Thorndon, alias Weſt Horndon, by Act of Par- liament: 10 Annæ.. Prox. Epifc. 155. Archidiac. 6s. Syn. IS. Henry Sherbrooke, Gent. 1696. Lord Petre, 1733, John Fiſher, Eſq. p. i. 1765. 35 6 8 Laingdon R. (St. Nicholas,) with Battelſdon, alias Baſildon, 3:10 8 Chapel. (Holy Croſs.). Prox. Epiſc. 105. Biſhop of London. 0 0 Mucking V..(St. John Baptiſt.). Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 11S. 82 pro Vic..gd. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Syn. 15. Abb. Berking IS. 8.d. The Rents of this Pariſh are about 2000l. per Abb. Berking olim Propr.. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, p. i. 16. Od 0 North Benfleet, alias North Bemfleet, R. (All Saints.) Ar. 150 chidiac: 7). Syn. 15. Sir William Wiſeman, Bart. 1685 John Wilmer, Gent. 1765. William Cropley, Clerk, 1777; 1778, p. i. 29 6 8 Orſett R. (St. Giles and All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 12:56. Penſe 2- 18 8 Cancell. Sti.Pauli 61. Biſhop of London. 16 13 4 Pitſey R. (St. Michael.). Prox. Epiſc. 15. Prox. Archidiac. I 13. 4. 75. Syn. Is. Sir Samuel Moyer, Bart. 1709. Benjamin Moyer, Eſq.. 1757. John Heathcote, Eſq. and others, 1782, p. i. 14 0. Ramſdon Belhouſe R. (St. Mary,) conſolidated with Harford I 8 Q DO Stock. Prox. Epiſc. 54. Archidiac. 6s. Syn. 1S. Sir Thomas. Gerard, Knt. 1886. The KING, 1700. Lady, Garrard, 1733. John Unwin, Eſq. 1769. Ramſdon. 200 0 0 IO I Q O. ann. 1 12 o 4000 O 100 O > O 0 Essex. 557 DIOCESE OF LONDON. --- Pearly Tenths, 2, . 2 O 683 3 I 9 to 220 o I 511 200 O King's Books, 1. 20 o O Ramſdon Crays. alias Cray, R. (St. Mary.), Prox. Epiſc. zs. 80 Archidiac. 55. Syn. 15. George Walton, Eſq. i John Hopkins, Efq. 1723. John Hopkins, and others, 1749. 14 18 4 Shenfield R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 8s. 8d. Syn. Is. Duke of Kent, 1716. Earl of Hard- wick, and Marchioneſs Grey his Wife, 1767, 1772, p. i. 1 2 19 91 Stanford le Hope R. (St. Margaret.) Prox, Epiſc. 125. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Syn. Is. Sir Henry Fetherſton Haugh, | Bart. 1711. Şir Harry Fetherſtonhaugh, Bart. 1774. 13 15 Thurrock Parva R. (St. Mary:). Prox. Epifc. 45. Archidiac. 75. Syn. Is. Francis Hayes, 1717. Ebenezer Muffel, 1743. John Unwin, Eſq. 1783, p. i. 14 13 4 Weſt Horndon R. (St. Nicholas,) united to Ingrave R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Archidiac. 75. Synods is. The KING, 1699. Sir Nathaniel Curzon, Bart. 1733. John Fiſher, Eſq. p. i. 1765. Weſt Tilbury R. with Weſt Lee Chapel. (St. James.) Prox. 260 Epiſc. 1os. Archidiac. 8s. 8d. Synods is. The KING. 14 o Wykeford, alias Wickford, R. Prox. Epiſc. 175. 6d. Ar- chidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Cheſter Moore, Gent. 1677. Maria Caſe, Widow, 1730. Cheſter Moore Hall, Eſq. 1761. O I76 100 o I 94 20 o 2 oo o оооо O I 8 80 go LIVINGS DISCHARGED. O O O оо O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 49 Eaſt Tilbury V. (St. Margaret,) cum Eaſt Lee Chap. Prox. 13 6 8 70 Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archidiac. 6s. Syn. 35. 4d. The KING. Colleg. Cobham in Kent, Propr. 50 o Fange, alias Vange R. (All Saints) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archi- 14 100 diac. 75. Syn. Is. Anne Mariner, Widow, 1708. Will. Ayllett, p. h. v. 1742. Charles Smith, Eſq. p. h. v. 1766. 49 HORNEDON ON THE Hill V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 14 6 8 Rect. 95. pro Vic. 35. 6d. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 18. Abb. Colcheſt. 15. 6d. Pri. Berm. Is. 3d. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. Abb. Berking olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of St. Pauls, poi. 50 o Langdon Hills R. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Archidiac. 75. 10 3 9 go Syn. Is. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 40 ö Newenden, alias Nevendon, R. (St. Peter.) Pros. Epiſc. 45. 10 13 45 Archidiac. 35. Syn: 15. Mary Wakefield, Elizabeth Ne- хоо O O 0:0 O O 4 F 2 vile 588 DIOCESE OF LONDON Essex, оо IS. O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books lo d. d. vil, and Joſhua Galliard, 1712. Pierce Galliard, Eſq. 1743. 50 Souin Bevfleet, alias South Bemflet, V. (St. Mary.). Prox. 16 5 5 65 0 Epiic. pro Reet. 5.5. pro Vic. 45. od. Archidiac. 78. Syn. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Propr. and Paté? 49 o Thunderſley R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 64. Archidiac. 14. 13. 4 100 45. 6d. Synods is. James Dauling, Efq. 1700. Roger Woodcock, Gent. 1703. George Montgomerie, Elq.. 1757 The KING, 1784. 35 7 Thurrock Greys, alias Thurrock Magna, V. (St. Peter and '5 10 40 St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 75. Synods Is. Pri. Sti Johan. Bapt. olim Propr. William Kenwrick, Eſq. O 1693. Lydia Catherine Davall, Widow, 1725. Sir John Van Hatten, Knt. 1763, p. io Zachariah Button, Efq.- 1784. O 0 til Not 'IN CHARCE. Chapel in Canvey Ifland, (St. Catherine,) in the Pariſh, of Laingdon. By. Contribution about 251. certified Value Mr. Orger. The Biſhop of London, pih. v. 17720.01 Ramſdon Barnton Chap. Vide Newcourt, vol. II. p. 486. St. Nicholas, a Chapel in the Parifi of Stanford le Hope. Abba. Waltham, Propr. Weſt Lee, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Weſt Tilburyo Deftruetan 11 D. Chafford, in the Archdeaconry of Essex . S. Heb LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenthse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7. do d. 13 13 4 Craneham, alias Cranham, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 1 7 4 . 63. Arehidiac. 85. 8d. Synods Is. Sir Nathan Wright, 1720. Herbert Tryft; and Dame Abigail Wright his Wife, 1735 North 1300 O E SEX. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 589 або о 0 TO I оо 0 O 33 6 8 South Wokindon King's Books, Yearly Tenths. h fd. 1. 16 13. 4 North Wokindon, alias Okendon, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) | 13 4 Piox. Epifc. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Sir 7 komas Poyntz Littleton, Bart. 1697. Littleton Maynell, Eſq. 1730. Littleton Poyntz Maynell, Eſq. 1750. Tho- et mas Browne, Efq. 1772. Ö Rainham V. (St. Helen and St. Giles.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 90 1-25. 6dib Archidiac. , 85, 8d. Syo, is Abb. Leſnės in co. Kent, Propr. Ralph Freeman, Eſq. 1706. Sir Jolin Croſs, Bart. 1742. Peter Day Croſſe, 26 13 4 South Weld, alias Weald, V. (St. Peter,) with BRENTWOOD, 2 13.4 300 alias BUSANTWOOD. (St. Thomas Becket.) Thomas Becket.) Prox. Epiſc. pro- Rect. 10s. pro Vię. 36. Archidiac. 85. 8d Synods 15. Endowed with Great and Small Tythes. Abb. Waltham olim Propr. Biſhop of London. Prox. Epiſe. 128. 6d. Archidiac. 8s. 8d. Synods is. Sir Charles Cæſar, 1-689. Joſiah Kinſinan, this Turn, 1711.. John Goodere, Elq. 1738. Patience Thomas Adams, Érq, 1791, p. h. v. George Leith, Etq. p. b. v. 1784. 0 Stifford R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epilc.85. Archidiac. 85. 8d. 160 0 Synods is Elizabeth and Thomas Latham, 1709. Eliza- beth Sedley, Widow, p. h. v. 1764. Jaſper Kingſman, and Patience Thomas Adams, 1772, p. h. v. John Hogarth,.. Junior, 1784. 26 13 4 Upmifter, alias Upminſter, R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſco- 2 135 4 0% 9%, Archidiae. 85. 8. Synods is Jane Bray, Widow, 1689. Thomas Bradſhaw, Gent. 1735. James Bingham, Clerk, 1770. William Hilden, Eſq.. 1780, p. io. 14 0.0 Warley Magna R. (Şt. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 45o Archidiaco I 80 170 7s. Synods is Seth Wigmore, Gent. 1703.. St. John's College, Cambridge, p.i. 1773; 3: 9 Warley Parva R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. I 2: 41 74. Synods Is.. Sir Charles Tyrrell,, Bart. 1687. The Archbilhop, 1745. Mary. Tyrell and Elizabeth Tyrell, 1778, 1780, poi. 8 o Wenington R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 65. Archidiac. 756 0.16 0. 183 0 Synods is. No Parlonage Houſe. Biſhop of London, 15 0 I IO. 200 O IL 100 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, a 8 Alvelėy Vi (St. Michael:) Prox. Epift. pro Rect. 45. Archi- 14 10 5 60 diac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Abb. Lefnes in Kent, Propr. Déan and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. Biſhop of London.. 5. Childerdich: 590 DIOCESE OF LONDON. Essex, 1. d, O O O Clear Yearly Values King's Books, 2. d. 42 9 10 Childerdich V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epifc. 35. 4d. Archidiac. 8 70 55. Synods is. Abb. Coggeſhail olim Propr. Lady Läti- tia Ruſel, the late Wife of Sir John Cheek, Knt. 1695. Thomas Lord Archer, 1760. 35 Weſt Thurrock V. (St. Clement.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1l, 15 13 4 70 4d. Colleg. de Haſtings in Suſſex, Propr. Nathaniel Grantham, Eſq. 1718. Mary Grantham and Caleb Grant- ham, 1724. John Seare, Eſq. and Mary his Wife, 1763. Arnold Duncombe, Eſq. p. i. 1771. 2 2 o o NOT IN CHARGE. BRENTWOOD, alias BURNTWOOD, (St. Thomas Becket,) Chap. to South Weald. Lord of the Manor of South Weald. Thomas Tower, Eſq. 1776. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty. This Chapel was built in the 13th Century by the Abby of St. Ofyth, and then endowed with a Houſe, Or- chard, and 5l. per an. Rainham Free Chapel. D. Chelmnesford, in the Archdeaconry of Essex. The Priory of Leighs, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 1141. 15. 4d. The Houſe of the Preaching Brethren, or Friers, in Chelmſ- ford, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually gl. 6s. 5d. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly I entha Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 6 8 Badow Magna V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. I 16 8 6d. pro Vic. 35. gd. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 15. The. Circumference of this Pariſh is computed to be 20 Miles. Pri. Repington in Derb. Propr. Henry Paſchal, Eſq. 1684. Lord Viſcount Fermanagh, 1721. Robert Thiſtle- thwayte, 1. 18 120 O O ESSEI . . DIOCESE OF LONDON. 595 King's Books. Sed OO 6 13 o IO 1000- 2 300. O 0 Yearly Tenths, 1. thwayte, 1742. Elizabeth Itchenor, Widow, 1771. Eli- zabeth Dutens, Widow, 1779, p.i. 7 13 4 Badow Parva R. (St. Mary.) A Sine Cure.) Prox. Epiſc. 0 15 4 80 0 55. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Sir Gobert Barring- ton, Knight, 1679. Lord Viſcount Barrington, 1758. John Strutt, Eſq. p. i. 1780. 4 Blackmore V. (St. Laurence.) Impropriation. Prox. Epiſc. 0 13 4 35 25. 6d. Pri. Blackmore olim Propr. Charles: Alexander, Eſq. 1756. 3 9 Boreham V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro I O 41 Vic. 6s. 6 do Archidiac. 8s. Synods is. Ecceſ. Cath. Str Pauli olim Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 31 6. CHELMES FORD R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Charles 3 2 3 Lord Fitzwalter, 1706. Earl Fitzwalter, 17394. Dame Ann Mildmay, Widow, 1774. 10 14 7 Chekinhall Magna, alias Chignal St. James and St. Mary, R. 1 53 united to Malhbury R. Prox. Epiſc. is. Ed. Prox. Archi-- diac: 75. Synods 1s». John Wale, Gent. 1692, and Tho-- mas Reve, Clerk. John Strutt, Eſq. 1761, 1780, p. i. o Danbury R. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. Epiſc. 2s. 3d. Ar- 1.500 chidiac. 6s. 6d. Synods is. Penſ. Ski Barthol. od. Sir George Piers, Bart. and Meſſrs. Maſter and Lake, 1704. Edmund Fowler, Eſq. 1746. Sir Brooke Bridges, Bart. 178 3. 13 15 71 Eaſt Haningfield R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 68. Ar 6 1боо chidiac. 55. Synods is. Lord Petre, 1713. Chriſtopher Smith, Gent, and others, 1749. Ann Bernard, Widow, p. h. v. 1774. 16 13. 4 Ginge Abbots, alias Ingatſtone, R. (St. Mary and St. Ed I 13 4 1700 mund.). Prox. Epiſc. 105. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Penſi Abb. Berking 9d. John Ralph, this Turn, 1716. Thomas Bramſtone, Eſq. 1755. David Lloyd, Clerk, p. 110 0 O 20 O 2 I h. V. 1771. оо LOQ O 10. 230 оо O o Ginge Hoſpital, alias Friarn Ing, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. O 18 Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 55. Synods Is. Wadham Col. lege, Oxford. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1783. 0 Harford Stock, alias Herward Stock, R. conſolidated with O 18 Ramſdon Belhouſe. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Archidiac. 45. Synods 1s. Edward Rigby, Eſq. 1703. Love Cox, 1734. John Unwin, Eſq. 1768, pei. 1 Leighs Magna R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. ics. Archidiac. 2 10 8 85. 8d. Synods 15. Margaret, Anne, and Catherine Len- nard, 1713. Samuel Wilmot, and Joſeph Lamb, 1741. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1764, p.ie Leighs 25 7 250 0 592 DIOCESE OF LONDON ESSEX: S. s. © 0 200 O o O 13 o IO O O 0 e 130W, 1755. Sir Jor. II I 2 Abbá los. pro Walth. Waltham, Propr. Trinity College, Oxford, Patr. King's Books. Yearly Tentbsa b. 1. d. de 0 Leighs Parva R. (St. John Evangelift.) Prox. Epifc. Is. 6d. O 18 9 80 Archidiac. 55. Synods 15. Pri. Leighs, Propr. Harman Olmius, Eſq. 1701. Lord Waltham, 1750, 1778. 326 3 3. Ratingdon, alias Rettenden, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epifc. 85.3.4077 Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Biſhop of Ely. 13 Archidiac. 85. i 60 Runwell R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 85. 130 8d. Synods is. Robert Pugh, Eſq. 1694. Sir George Merttins, and George Negers, 1721. Elizabeth and Mar- garet Pick, 1767. Thomas Griffin, p. Thomas Griffin, p. i. 1770. Ann Durens, Widow, 1779. 6 8. Sandon R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epife. 4. 6d. Archidiac. 68 180 8s. Sd. Synods 15. Rachael Burdet, 1714. Queen's College, Cambridge. South Haningfield R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epifc. 45. Archi- i 80 diac. 55. Synods 15. Univerſity of Cambridge, in Right of the Lord Petre, 1727. Samuel How, Hankey, Knt. 1755. 6 8 Springfield Boſwell, alias Boſworth's Portion, R. (All Saints,) 150 conſolidated with Springfield Richards by Biſhop Sherlock. Charles Gretton, this Turn, 1708, the Right in Sir Charles Tyrrell, Bart. 1684. Elizabeth Grerton, Reliet of Dr. Gretton, 1746. Charles Gretton, 1784. 4 91 Springfield Richard's R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epifc. 75. 6d. 2 52 Archidiac. 45. 8d. Synods is, Sir Charles Tyrrell, Bart. 1684. Charles Gretton, this Turn, 1703. Sir Jo John Tya rell, Bart. 1747: 18 13 4 Waltham Magna V. (St. Mary and St. Laurence.) Prox. 1500 Synods is. Abb. Waltham Parva R. (St. Martin.) Prox. Epifc. 85. Archi- 3 150 diac. 85. d. Synods 15. Penf. Pri. Hatf. Pev. Is. 6d. Duke and Ducheſs of Norfolk, 1703. Walter Noble, Eſq. this Turn, 1708. Arthur Dabbs, Eſq. 1749. Mary Al- lén, Widow, 1760. 16 13 4 Welt Haningfield R. (St. Mary and St. Edward.) Prox. Épiſc. 1 13 4 150 Archidiac. 105. Synods 15. Lord Petre, 1713. Sir Nathaniel Curzon, Bart. 1737. Sir Joſeph Hankey, Knight, 1754. 4 Woodham Ferrers R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 1os. Ar 2 chidiac. 85. 8d. Synods Is. Abb. de Bec. 25. zde Mary Mildmay, Widow, 1700. Elizabeth Waterſon, 022 1718. Sir Brooke Bridges, Bart. 1770. D LIVINGS O o 1 1 IO O O 0 II IO I o 103. 28 13 Essex, DIOCESE OF LONDON. 593 S. 1. S. d 2 2 O O O O O 41 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 32 15 10 Badow Parva V *. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. The Rec- 8 60 tor, 1672. · Lord Viſcount Barrington, 1758. 45 Bromfield V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 11s. pro Vic. 70 0 55. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Synods is. Pri. Stæ Trin. 35. gd. Pri. Stæ Trinitatis, London. Propr. Biſhop of Lon- don. 8 Chekenhall Semeley, alias Chignal Smeely, alias Chignall, R. 5-6 (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. is. 6d. Archidiac. 75. Synods is.- Sir Henry Afhurſt, 1704. Samuel Woodgate, M. D. this Turn, 1714. Daniel Cooke, Gent. 1745. Thomas Cooke, Clerk, 1756. 48 o 31 Ging Margaret, alias Margaretting, V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 9 60 Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Archid. 45. Syn. Is. Pri. Blackmore olim Propr. Lord Petre. Sir Nathaniel Cur. zon, Bart. 1745, 1757. 27 18 4 Ging Mountney, alias Munnaſing, alias Mount Neſling, V. II 45 (St. Giles.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. pro Vic. 55. Ar- chidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Penſ. Pri. de Thoby 25. 3d. Pri, Thoby olim Propr. Lord Petre. Duke of Somerſet, 1722. Sir Nathaniel Curzon, Bart. 1733, 1748, 1758. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1727, 1766. Thomas Newman, Clerk, p. h. v. 42 4 2 Widford R. (St. Mary.) Prox, Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archidiac. 55. 8 70 Synods 25. 8d. Charles and James Tryon, Gent. 1697. Thomas Inwen, Eſq. 1732. Francis Auſten, Eſq. 1767. 2 O ord Petre . Sic O O h. V. 1774. 0722.700hom O o NOT IN CHARGE. Bedeſmanneſburgh Chapel. Lord Petre, Propr. Writtle Cur. or V. (All Saints,) cum Cap. Roxwell. Prox. Com. Vic. 55. Exempt Jur. New College, Oxford, Propr. Patr. and Ordinary. Paranaero Black Chapel, Chapel to Great Waltham. 191. 45. 4d. certi- fied Value, * Badow Parva. In this Pariſh was a Chapel called Le Graſs, Chapel, now diſſolved. Vide New- court's Rep. vol. II. p. 27. Butteſbury, 4 G 594 ESSEX DIOCESE OF LONDON. Butteſbury, alias Ginges Joyberd, Don. or Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Bromley, olim Propr. Sir John Tyrell, Bart. 1764. David Lloyd, Clerk, p. h. v. 1771. 141. certified Value. Roxwell Don. 241, certified Value. D. Colcheſter, in the Archdeaconry of Colchester, The Monaſtery of St. John in Colcheſter was returned by the Commiffioners to be worth annually 523l. 16s. od The Priory of St. Botolph was returned by the Cominiſfionérs to be worth annually 1131. 125. 8d. The Houſe of the Brethren of the Holy Crofs was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 71.675. Bd. The Hoſpital of St. Mary Magdalen was teturned by the Com- miſſioners to be worth annually. 116. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. l'early Ténths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. S. d. 1. 5 100 O O O I2 160 оо IO O O Greenſted R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archia diac, 25. Synods is. . The Biſhop of London, '1725. The KING, 1728, 1730, 1754, 1776, 1783. Lexden R. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 2s. I 4 @ Synods Is. Samuel Rawftorn, Eſq. 1706. Sarah Raw- ſtorn, Widow, 1729. Ann Rawſtorn, Spinſter, 1770. St. Mary R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Exempt from the Arch- deacon as to Induction. Biſhop of London. St. Michael Myland, alias Mile End, R. Duke of Kent. 0 15 0 Thomas Grent, 1720. Earl of Hardwicke, and Märch. Grey, p. i. 1777 St. Mary Magdalen Hoſpital. Prox. Epiſc. 75. No Inſtitu 20 tion. The KING. 1 O 70 O 7 10 200 O 0 do te me II O O I LIVINGS DISCHARGED. King's Bookson Clear Pearly Value. 30 o St. Giles R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Archidiac. 25. Synods is. 500 Lord Lucas, 1662. John Lucas, Eſq. Jeremiah Bentham, Eſq. 1771. O St. James's ESSEX. 595 DIOCES É Of LONDON. l. S. d. 0 o p.i. O 6 13 4 O 12 O 0 0 оо Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 30 St. James's R*. Prox, Epiſc. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 25. Syn. 15. II 10 40 16 'O St. Leonard, alias The Hythe, R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archi- 10 diac. 25. Synods 15. Baliol College, Oxford, 1761, 1783, 3 St. Martin's R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 2s. Synods is. 50 Thomas Audley, 1537. Executors of Dr. Robinſon, late Biſhop of London. The KING, 1760. William Smi- thies, Surgeon, p. i. 1770. St. Nicholas R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 25. Synods Is. 10 25 Executors of Dr. Robinſon, late Biſhop of London. Baliol College, Oxford. The KING, 1771. 35 St. Peter's V. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 25. Synods is. 10 40 Pri. St. Botolph, Colcheſter, Propr. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. Hatton Compton, Eſq. 1714. Dr. John Robinſon, Lord Biſhop of London, in his own Right, 1720. Emma Robinſon, Widow, 1738, Humphrey Carle- ton, 1760. Charles Smith, Hoſier, 1781. od St. Rumbald, or St. Runwald's, R. Prox. Epiſc. 2. Arçhi- 713 4 diac. 25. Synods is: Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. Executors of Dr. Robinſon, late Biſhop of London. The KING, 1760. Charles Gray, Eſq. p, I. 1772. 15 0. St. Trinity R. cum Cap. Weſt Donyland. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 613 4 50 Archidiac. 25. Synods is. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. The "late Biſhop of London, Dr. Robinſon, in his own Right. Baliol College, 1766, 1771. ОО O O 3 0.0 ОО NOT IN CHARGE. 100 O 30 O O All Saints R. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 25. Synods iso Baliol College, Oxford. Beer Church, (St. Michael,) a Curaey. Formerly a Chapel united to St. Trinity in Colcheſter. Sir Robert Smyth, Bart. p. i. 1769. Pri. Sti Johannis, Colcheſter. Propr. * St. James. R.-The Crown is Patron in exchange with Samuel Hill, Eſq. for the Vic. of Shenſton in Dec. Tamworth in co. Stafford, anno 1724. to test 2017 Just 4 G 2 CHAPELS 596 Essex DIOCESE OF LONDON. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. St. Anne's Chapel, olim an Hermitage. St. Botolph's, Colcheſter, Cur. Ecclef. deftruat. Pri. Sti Botolphi, olim Propr. Since in the Family of the Audleys. Executors of Dr. Robinſon, late Biſhop of London. Baliol College, Oxford. St. Helen's Chapel. Now a Quakers Meeting Houſe. D. Dengey, in the Archdeaconry of Essex. The Monaſtery of Bileigh, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear yearly Value of 1571. 165. 11d.de The Houſe of the Carmelite Brethren of Malden, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear yearly Value of il. 6s. 8d. O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1, S. d. 48 O Bradwell R. near the Sea *. (St. Thomas Apoſtle.) Prox. 4 16 0 700 Epiſc. il. 1os. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Portio Hatf. Pey. 28. 6d. Bacon Portio 45. 184 acr. ter. gleb. Sir Robert Viner, 1673. Annabella Hollingworth, 1698. Philip Hawkins, Eſq. 1727, 1736. Eliz. Carlyon, Widow, p. h. v, 1739. Thomas Hawkins, Eſq. 1751. George Paw- ſón, M. A. 1774. 22 13 4 BURNHAM V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro 5 4 230 Vic. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 15. Pri. Dun- mow, olim Propr. Lord Fitzwalter, 1749. Sir William Mildmay, Bart. p. i. 1767. O O * Bradwell.-Here was formerly a Chapel within this Pariſh next to the Sea, called St. Peter ad Murum, now diſuſed. See Newcourt, vol. II. p. 85. Dengey Essex. 597 DIOCESE OF LONDON. King's Books. d. li S. 140 0 O I20 O O Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 13 o Dengey R. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Archidiac. I 6 0 6s. Synods is. Hoſp. of the Savoy, olim Propr. Lord Viſcount Fanſhaw, 1708. Thomas Fanſhaw, Eſq. 1725. Simon Fanſhaw, Eſq. 1762. 18 6 8 St. Laurence Newland R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Archidiac. 1 16 8 160 75. Synods is. The KING. 13 Munden, alias Mundon, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 16 Rect. 6s. 6d. pro Vic. 35. Archidiac. 75. Syn. 15. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Abb. Sti Johannis, Col- cheſter, olim Propr. 16 13 4 Norton, alias Cold Norton, R. (St. Stephen.) Prox. Epiſc. 1 13 4 45. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. Synods is. The Governors of the Charter Houſe, London. 10 0 0 All Saints V. and St. Peter Malden united, alias Malden All 100 Saints with St. Peter. Malden is a Seaport, and has three Hamlets belonging to it. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 35. 6d. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is, Abb. Bileigh, olim Propr. Ulricia Bludworth, 1710. Thomas Snell, Clerk, 1749. John Forteſcue, M. D. 1770. 25 o Purleigh R. (All Saints,) annexed to the Provoſtíhip of Oriel 2 10 250 College, and held without Inſtitution. Prox. Epiſc. 95. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Syn. 15. Warham Horſmanden, 1680. Daniel Horſmanden, Eſq. 1726. Oriel College, Oxford. 4 o Dengey Portion, alias Bacon's Portion in Dengey, R. (St. 0 8 0 James.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Henry Mildmay, 1680. George Wegg, Eſq. 1767. Samuel Wegg, Eſq. 1781, p. i. 18 6 8 Stow, alias Stow Mary's, R. (St. Mary and St. Margaret.) I 16 8 140 Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. John Cooper, 1720. Lord Fermanagh, 1727. The KING, 1761. William Bragge, Eſq. 3 O o Snorehamn R. (St. Peter.) Ecclef. deſtructa. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 35. Synods 15. This Pariſh comprehends only one Farm Houſe, called Snoreham Hall. The KING, 1695. Thomas Argal, Eſq. 1701. Raphael Courteville, Eſq. 1742. John Strutt, Eſq. 1768, p. i. Sudmiſter, alias Southminſter, V. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epifc. 2 55. Abb. St. Ofyth, Propr. The Governors of the Char- ter Houſe, London, p.i. 25 3 9 Tillingham V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. 2 10 41 Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. Patr. and Ord. 12 13 11 Woodham Waters, alias Woodham Walter, R. (St. Michael.) I 5 34 Prox. Epilc. 65. Archidiac. 6s. Synods Is. William Fytche, Eſq. 1721. Thomas Fytche, Eſq. 1769. Lewis Diſney O O 21 2 0 0 0 100 0 100 O 598 Essen, DIOCESE OR LONDON. Yearly Tenthsa I. d. s. King's Books. 4. d. Diſney Fytche, Eſq. and his Wife. The KING, by rea- ſon of Simony, p. b. v. 1783. 6.13 4 Woodham Mortimer R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 45. Synods Is. Sir Charles Tyrrell, Bart. 1695, 1731. Sir John Tyrrell, Bart. 1741, 1745. O 13 4 80 0 O O O o O I 40 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books. 35 0 0 Althorn V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35.6d. Abb. St. O. 14 ſyth, Propr. Samuel King, Gent. 1683. The KING, 1731. George Nelthorpe, Eſq. 1745. John Greenhall, 1774, p.i. 48 Afheldam, alias Aſheldon, V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 16 13 4 80 6d. Archidiac. 55. Syn. is. The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. Pri. Hockelly, olim Propr. Biſhop of London, Patr. The KING, 1777. 33 8 Crickſey, alias Crickſea, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. Ar- 9 8 10 chidiac. 25. 6d. Synods is. Robert Weſterne, Eſq. 1715. William Weſterne, Eſq. 1728. Ann Weſterne, 1732. Anne Dolliffe, 1760. 30 0 0 Hafeleigh, alias Haſeley, R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods is. John 4 13 4 Allen, 1708. Sir John Smith, Bart. 1724, 1732, 1760. 31 II 4 Mayland V. (St. Barnabas.) Augmented by Queen Anne's 13 6.8 50 Bounty, &c. Abb. St. Oſyth, olim Propr. The Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital. 48 9 10 North Fambridge R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Ar- 4 13 4 70 chidiac. 6s. Syn. Is. - The KING. Quære, The Valor Orig. 23 Steeple with Stangate, alias Stanſgate, V. (St. Laurence and All 15 18 Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 25. 3d. pro Vic. 35. Archi- diac. 56. . Syn. 15. Portio Abb. Colcheſt. od. "Pri. Stan- gate, olim Propr. Henry Mildmay, Eſợ. 1678. Biſhop of London, 1716. Elizabeth Waterſon, 1742. Edmund Fow- ler, Eſq. 1750 O O O 23 2 O NoT IN CHARGE. St. Mary's at Malden A Peculiar. Dean and Chapter of Weitminftar, Patrons. Monait. Weſtmonaft. olim Propr. Here was, forinerly an Hoʻpiral of St. Giles, which was ap- propriated to Bileigh Abby, and diſſolved with it. Vide Newcourt, Vol. II. p. 40!. 5 D. Dun- Essex. 599 DIOCESE OF LONDON. D. Duninow, in the Archdeaconry of MIDDLESEX. The Monaſtery of Tyltey, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth yearly 1671. 25. 6d. The Priory of Dunmow, was likewiſe returned at 1501. 35. 4d. The College of Plecy, éndowed for a Maſter and lix Fellows, was likewiſe returned at 1391. 38. Iod. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. d. 1. 13 120 - оо I, 6 оо IO O O o O o Barnſton, alias Bernſtone, R. Prox. Epiſc. 4s. Prox. Epifc. 45. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 35. 4d.. Walter Adamſon, Gent. 1699. John Cockman, 1724. Nicholas Tooke, Eſq. and Elenor his Wife; 1945. John Tooke, Eſq. 1766, p.i. 1 2 71 Canfield Parva R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 8s. Synods I 4 0 160 35. 4d. Sir Thomas Pilkington, Knt. 1690. Chriſt's Col- lege, Cambridge, p. i. 1774. o Chickney R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 45. 70 0 Sýnods 35. 8d. William Walker, Gent. 1693. Joſeph Cranmer, Eſq. 1764, 1781, p. i. 18 13 4. Dunmow MAGNA V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1l. I 17 4 130 55. pro Vic. 45. Archidiac. 1os. Synods 3s. 4d. Pri. de Cruc. Reg. Is. 6d. Endowed by Biſhop Compton, with 61. per ann. Colleg. de Stoke, juxta Clare, in Suff. Propr. Biſhop of London. 14 14 7 High Efter, alias High Eaſter, V. (St. Mary,) conſolidated 9 51 with Good Efter V. 29 Auguſt, 1771. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. 6d. pro Vic. 35. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Mon. Walden, Propr. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's 1966. 4. Eyſton, alias Eaſton Magna on the Hill, R. Prox. Epiſc. 10s. I 17 4 180 Archidiac. 95.4d. Syn. 35. 4d. Pri. Lewes 9d. Lord May- nard, 1776, p. i. 0 Eyſton, alias Eaſton Parva, R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 130 6s. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Lord Maynard, 1762, 1781. 9 14 7 Maſhbury R. united to Chignal St. James R. Prox. Epiſc. Prox. Epiſc. O 1951 50 35. 6d. Archidiaç. 55. Syn. 35. 4d. Cant. in Caſtro Pleſhy 35. 9d. John Petre, 1662. Thomas Reve, Clerk, and John Wale, Gent. 1692. John Stock, Gent. 1726, 1745. John Strutt, Eſq. 1761. Roding 1 9 60 0 18 13 o 10 I O O 600 Essexi DIOCESE OF LONDON. 20 O 2 O O 200 O O JO I 2 100 0 0 I 2 O O I10 08 , Kocha 2.1733 2 1 2 O I I 20 O O King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 1. d. o Roding Alta R. (All Saints.) No Parſonage Houſe. Prox. Epiſc. 95. Arcbidiac. 75. 2d. Synods 35. 4d. Penſ. Pri. Lewes 9d. Sir Robert Jocelyn, Bart. 1694. Sir Congers Jocelyn, Bart. 1763. 6 Roding Margaret R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. gd. 1 3 Archidiac. 55. 2d. Syn. 35.4d. Penſ. Eleemof. Sti Alba- ni gd. John Allen, 1674. John Godbold, Eſq. 1747, 1762. o Roding Mary Aythorp R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Ar 1 4 chidiac. 6s. Syn. 35. 4d. Portio Pri. de Colne Is. 6d. Richard Luther, Gent. 1670. Robert Salmon and Simon Bird, this Turn, 1708. Richard Smith, Gent. 1733. John How, Eſq. 1734. 26 o Roding Parva Alba R. (St. Martin.) Prox. Epiſc. 155. Ar- 254 0 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 35. 4d. Penf. Abb. Colcheſt. 35. 9d. Houblon, 1685. Margaret Maryon, Widow, 1720. Margaretta Maria Waller, Widow, 1760. John Jones, Eſq. and his Wife, 1762. 12 13 4 Roding Plumbea R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. gd. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 5 4 Synods 35.4d. Pri. Caſtleacre 6d. The KING. 24 o THACKSTED, alias THAXTED, V*. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 8 pro Rect. il. 55. pro Vic. 55. Archidiac. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. Is. 2d. Synods 35. 4d. Colleg. de Stoke, juxta Clare, in Suff. Propr. Lord Viſcount Maynard, 1783, p. i. 16 o Willinghall Doo R. (St. Chriſtopher.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 130 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 35. 4d. The Parilla Churches of Wikinghall Doo and Willinghall Spain are both in the ſame Church Yard. Robert Cole, Gent. 1715, 1721. William Mills, Eſq. 1753. 7 13 4. Willinghall Spain R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Ar- 0 15 4 130 chidiac. 6s. Syn. 35. 4d. The KING, at the Nomina- tion of the Biſhop of London, o o Wymbilh R. (All Saints.) Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 105, 4 © Archidiac. 6s. Syn. 35. 4d. There is a. Hamlet of about 170l. per ann, that pays to the Church and Poor at Thaxted, to the KING and Highway at Wimbiſh. Elizabeth Glan- ville, 1711. John John Salter, Eſq. 1733. John Wale, Eſq. and Ann Barnard, Widow, 1755. Sarah Barnard, Widow, and others, 1774. o Wymbilh cum Thunderley V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. O 16 o 80 Archidiac. 2 s. id. Syn. 35. 4d. Penf. Pri. Sfi Neotis 3s. The Rector thereof. O 200 O O I 12 o о O O I 2 8 * THACKSTED, alias 'T HAXTED.-Lord Maynard gave 2000l, for the Augmentation of this Vica- rage. Bihop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 321. LIVINGS USSEX бэг . DIOCESE OF LONDON. 1. O I оо 47 O 8 OO LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Char l'early l'alue, Kirg's Books, d. 28 Oo Broxted, alias Chawreth, V. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Archidiac. 7 y 15, 8d. Syn. 35. 4d. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, olim Propr. Mary Awdley, 1663. William Warner, Gent. 1690. Oſmond Beauvoir, Eſq. 1739. Richard Beauvoir, Eſq. 41 Canfield Magna V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 108. pro Vic. 25. 13 6d. Archidiac. Is. 8d. Syn. 35. 4d. Pri. Sri Walerici is. id. Pri. Hatfield Regis, olim Propr. Sir William Wiſe- man, Bart. 1662, 1671. John Haſſell, 1723, 1740. James Wyett, Eſq. 1753. Jolm Wyett, Gent. 1779. 400 o Good Efter, alias Good Eaſter, V. (St. Andrew,) conſolidated : with High Efter. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro Colleg. Sancti Martini le Grand, poſtea Abb. Weſtinimter, Propr. William Arnold, Gent. 1711. Martin Carter, 1744. Thomas Harriſon, 1745. John Yeldham, Eſq. 1764. An- gell Silke, Clerk, 1769. 28 18 Lindſell V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. pro Vic. 1sid. Ar. 8 chidiac. 6s. Syn. 35. 40. Abb. Walden, Propr. Earl of Guilford, 1744. 36 10 Shellow Bowells R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 28. 7 13 4 Archidiac. 6d. Synods 35. 4d. Sir Richard Wiſeman, 1672, Jo. Ange and Mary his Wife, 1713. Thomas Marſh, 1734. Thomas Bramſton, Eſq. 1758. Thomas Berney Bramſton, Elg. Vic. 45. Weldham, 2 Nor CHARGED. Press, 20 Berners Rothing, or Roding, Cur. or Don. Mon. Bromley, olim Propr. Lord Harcourt, 1766. Thomas Berney Bram- ſton, Eſq. 1780. 121. certified Value. Dunmow Parva Cur. or Don. (St. Mary.). Prior. Dunmow, Propr. James Hallett, Eſq. 1773, p. i. 201. certified Value, Pleſhy Don. (Holy Trinity.) See Newcourt, Vol. II. p. 469. ano John Jolliffe Tuffnell, Eſq. 91. 10s. certified Value. Saling Parva, alias Bardfield Saling, (St. Peter.) Chap. to Bardfield Magna. Jones Raymond, Eſq. Patr. 9). 165. 3d. certified Value. Tilty, (St. Mary,) Don. in the Gift of Lord Viſcount Maynard. Abb. of Tilty, Propr. 30k certified Valųe. 4 H D. Yarlow, 6. Essex. DIOCESE OF LONDON. D. Harlow, in the Archdeaconry of MIDDLESEX. The Priory of Hatfield Regis, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 1221. 135. 2d. 7 d. 15 7 II 0 0 Vic. 45. 22 0 O O o O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. Harlow V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro I 10 9 180 Archidiac. 75.9d. Syn. 35. 4d. Port. Abb. Sti Albani 4d. Vicarage ordained and endowed 23 Dec. 1398. This Pariſh is 15 Miles in Circumference. Abb. St. Ed- mondſbury, olim Propr. William Turner, Clerk, 1679. Earl of Guilford, 1777, p. i. 0. Hallingbury Magna R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 7s. 4d. 2 4 0 250 Syn. 35. 40. Abb. Colch. 25. 6d. Sir Edward Turner, Knt. 1692. Jacob Houblon, Eſq. 1737, 1758, 1781, p. i. 15 o Hallingbury Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Ar I 100 160 chidiac. 6s. id. Synods zs. 4d. Pri. Berm. Is. 6d. The Governors of the Charter Houſe, London, p. i. 1766. 7 Lacton, alias Latton, V. (St. Johın Baptift.) Prox: Epiſc. 25. 0.14 130 3d. Archidiac. 6s. Id. Synods 35. 4d. Sir James Altham gave a Grant of Tythes to this Vicarage. Prior. Latton, olim Propr. Laventhorpe Altham, Eſq. 1680. 1680. William Altham, Eſq. 1758. William Luſhington, Eſq. 1782, pai. 5 Maching V. (St. Mary.) Prơx. Epiſc. pro Rect. 7s. Od. pro 75 Vic. 35. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. Id. Synods 35. 4d. The Vi- car endowed with a Part of the Great Tythes. Abb. Wal- than, Propr. Biſhop of London nominates. The Feoffees or Truſtees of. Felíted School, 1761. 13 6 8 Nettiſwell, alias Netteſwell, R. Prox. Epifc. 25. 6d. Archi- I 6 8 diac. 6s. id. Synods 35. 4d. Robert Pigot, Eſq. 1680. Richard Sayer, Gent. 1716. William Bedford, Gent. p. h. v. 1734. Mathew Martin, Eſq. 1766, p. 1. 16 10 77 Pervington, alias Paringeon Magna, alias Parndon, R. Prox. 113 0 140 a Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 85. Synods 35. 4d. Abb. Bileigh gd. Sir Richard: Child, Bart. 1714. Earl Tylney, one Turn in three. The Governors of Bridewell and St. Tho. 3 mas's 0 0 0 0 1 2 IO I 0 O 100 0 O O Essex. DIOCESE OF LONDON: 603 0 O O 46 18 O olim 125. rod. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. s d. mas's Hoſpitals, p. h. v. 1754. Patience Thomas Adams, p. h. v. 1784. 13 13 4 Shering R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 6s..4d. I 74 180 Synods 35. 4d. Abb. de Berm. 1 s. 6d. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, p. i. 1778. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1'early Value. King's Books 47 8 HATFIELD REGIS, alias BRADOKE, V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Hat- 7 II field, olim Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge, Patr. o Pervington, alias Parndon Parva, R. Prox. Archidiac. 15. 6 0 0 70 Synods is. Charles Turner, Eſq. 1719. Thomas Craw- ford, 1742. Edward Parſons, Eſq. 1772. 30 20 o Roydon V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archidiac. 6s. 12 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Penſ. Pri. Caftleacre 6d. Augmented by Queen Anlie's Bounty, &c. Pri. St. John Jeruſalem, Bart. 1713. Earl Tylney, 1752. CHAPE L. St. Nicholas Chapel, in the Pariſh of Shering. Vid. Newcourt, vol. II. p. 524. D. Hedningham, in the Archdeaconry of Middlesex Caſtle Hedningham Priory, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 291. . Halſted College, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſ- ſioners to be worth annually 231. 16s. 5d, O 4 H 2 LIVINGS 904 Essex, DIOCESE OF LONDON. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthe Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. d. 1. S. II I 2 O IIO O O O - O I o O O O O 18 100 O baci sa Syaods 34. I I IO 120 O O O O O 20 2 O O 16 o Alphamſton R, Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 45. 8d. Syn. 35. 4d. The KING. 14 o Belchamp St. Paul V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Dec. & Cap. 8 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. 19 Birdbrook R. Prox. Epifc. 155. Archidiac. 8s. 8d. Synods i 18 170 35. 4d. Samuel Ruſh, Eſq. 1719. John Ruſh, Eſq. 1759. Šamuel Ruſh, Eſq. 1771, p. i. 9 O Borley R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 45. 6d. Synods 35. 4d. Philip Walgrave, 1709. Duke of Somerſet, 1719. John Baines, Gent. 1723. Earl Waldegrave, 1758, 1770. 6 13 4 Brondon R. Prox. Epiſc. 2s. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Synods 3s. O 13 O 13 4 4d. Lacy Wyndham, 1719. 15 Steeple Bumpſted V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 5s. 21 pro Vic. 45. The KING. Pri. Stoke in Suff. olim Propr. Eldham Magna, alias Yeldham, R. (St. Andrew.). Prox. 150 Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 1os. Syn. 35. 4d. John Kelynge, Efq. 1716. Jolin Ruſh, Eſq. 1732. Samuel Ruſh, Eſq. 1773, 1777, 1782, p. i. 8 Eldham Parva, alias Yeldham, R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. gd. Ar- chidiac. 1os. Synods zs. 4d. The KING. 8 Effe, alias Afhen, R. Prox, Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 6s. Sy- o 16 0 nods 35. 4d. . The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 6 8 Felſted V. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Reét. 11. pro Vic. I 6 8 Archidiac. 6s. Synods 35. 4d. Mr. Goodroffe, en- dowed, this Vicarage with 20l. per ann. Mon. Syon in Mid- dleſex, olim Propr. Sir Richard Child, Bart. -1712. Earl Tylney, 1781, p.i. 18 Finchingfield V. (St. John Baptift.). Trox. Epifc. pro Rect. I 16 O il. 25. pro Vic. 6s. Archidiac. 1os. Synods zs. 4d. Pri. Dunmow 6d. Pri. Stoke gd. Du. Cap. jux. Ecclef. Pri. Thetford, olim Propr. John Grimſton, Gent. 1715. William Scortreth, Efq. 1753. John Marriott, Clerk, 1771. Mary Hodgſon, Spinſter, 1782. 4 41 Foxherde, alias Foxearth, R. Prox. Epifc. 6s. Archi 1054 120 diac. 55. 1d. Syn. 35. 4d. Haynes, 1720. Richard Byatt, Gent. 1730. Edward Pemberton, M. A. 1759, 1765, p. i. Geſtingthorp O'O 100 O O 16) 13 120 O 41. ОО оо 200 10 o Essex. 605 DIOCESE OF LONDON. 1 4. Henry o оо 1 22 O- 2 I 2 1 4o O King's Books. Learly Tenths S. d, 13 6 8 Geſtingthorp R. (St. Mary.) Sine. Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 1os. 6 8 6d. Archidiac. 35. 6d. Synods 35. 4d. Port. Pri. de Stoke is. 6d. John Morley, Gent. 1714. Sir Henry Elwes, Bart. 1733. John Elwes, Eſq. p. i. 1784, 17 Halsted V. (St. George.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. 6d. I'140 230 pro Vic. 55. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. de Stoke is. 6d. Pri. de Colne is. 2d. Pri. Stoke juxta Clare in Suff. Propr. Biſhop of London. o Hedningham Sibley, alias Sibble Henningham, R. (St. Peter.) 4 o Prox. Epiſc. 175. 6d. Pri. de Hatfield 25. 6d. Pri. de Colne is. John Miller, Gent. 1690. Mary Cooke, Wi- dow, 1733. Mary Sneyd, Widow, 1759, 1773, p. i. 13 6.8 Henny Magna, and Henny Parva, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1 6 8 90 6s. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Henny Magna R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. William Grimſton, Eſq. 1708. Margaret Brome, Spinſter, 1765, p. i. Henny Parva R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. No Church. John Little, Gent. 1689. George Sawbridge Littell, 1727. Elizabeth Clarke, Widow, and others, 1771. 151 . o 21 Lammarſh R. (Holy Innocents.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 150 45. 8d. Synods 3s. 4d. Francis Powell, 1716. James Hurlock, Gent. 1761. Lifton R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. od. Archidiac. 6s. Synods 35. I 4 0 4d William Clopton, Eſq. 1719. William Campbell, Eſq. 1749, 1783, p. i. 8 34. Mapleſted Magna V. (St. Giles.) Pros. Epiſc. 6s. Archi- o 16 4 92 diac. 6s. rod. Synods 35. 4d. Portio Pri. de Colne 4d. Abb. Stratford, oliin Propr. John Tindall, Eſq. 1700. Jaſper Blythman, Elq. 1713, 1718. Charles King, Clerk, 1742. John Judd, Eſq. 1769, p. i. Middleton R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archidiac. 25. 8d. Syn. 0 16 80 4d. John Kingſbury, Gent. 1721, 1724. Philip Ro- binſon; 1740. Samuel Raymond, M. A. 1769. p. i. Oton Bechamp R. (St. Ethelbert and All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. i 4 Archidiac. Ils. 4d. Synods 35. 40. Robert Malti- ward, and John Voyce, 1721. John Voyce, 1751. New- digate Poyntz, Eſq. 1765. Newdigate Poyntz, LL. B. PS i. 1784. 7 o Ovington R. cum Albright Cap. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 3d. Ar- O 14 O chidiac. 35. Syn. 35. 4d. Timothy Felton, Efq.. Mary Thompſon, Widow, 1725. Charles Henry Talbot, Efq. 1761. o Paynefield, alias Panfield, alias Pantfield, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 6s. Synods 35. 43. Jo. Culley, 12 O O I0Q O. O O 8 ОО оо 35. 4d. I 2 O O o I 20 O O IOS. O I100 0 1684. 100w...7 10 10 I I 0 120 O O 606 DIOCESE OF LONDON. Essex. d. 10 O O O O 100 O 75. 12 220 O O "chard Whiſhaw, 1737 ( King's Books. King's Yearly Tenths, .l Thomas Kynaſton, Eſq. 1764. Pedmerih, alias Pebmarſh, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Epiſc. I Archidiac. Is. 10d. Synods 35. 4d. This Pariſh is about 12 Miles in Circumference. William Grimſton, Efq. 1716. Jolin Ekins, Gent. p. h. v. 1746. Pentlow R. (St. George.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. 6d. Archidiac. I 4 0 55. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. de Thetford is. 6d. Pri. de Stoke 25. Robert Garwood, 1719. Margaret Garwood, 1769, p. i. 14 13 4 Rayne Parva R. ('All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archidſac. I 9 4 140 35. 4d. Synods 35, 4d. Earl of Effex, 1719, 1756, p. i. 15 Stamborn R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Prox. Archidiac. 85. 8dPri. de Stoke 35. 4d. Portio prima 25. Portio fecunda 2s. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Stebbing V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archidiac. 1 4 0 70 6s. Synods 35, 4d. Pri. Sti Johan. Jerufalem, olim Propr. John Afleck, Eſq. 1712. William Batr, Efq. 1748, , 1769, p. i. Sturmere, alias Sturmer, R. Próx. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 45. O 17 0 3d. Synods 35. 4d. This Pariſh is ſaid to contain 1000 Acres of Land. Thomas and Matchew Ferrand, 1677. Counteſs of Oxford, 1750. Dutcheſs of Portland, 1771. 8 Tilbury near Clare R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. gde Archidiac. 6s. O 16 O 80 Synods 35. 4d. Lord Townſhend, 1680. Mary Thomp- fon, Widow, 1725. Charles Henry Talbot, Eſq. 1761. 26 diac. 13s. Iod. Synods 3s. 4d. Abb. Colcheſt. is. 6d. Porrio Pri. de Stoke 6d. Peni. Pri. Stoke 25. The KING. Wethersfield V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. Epifc. 175. 1 4o 80 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Colleg. Stoke in Suff. Propr. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Wick hain St. Paul R. (All Saints.) Prox. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. O I 10 200 o I 2 O O O 8 10 0 IOO O 0 0 0 2 12 0 0 300 I 2 0 O 9 00 O 18 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 22 19 2 Belchampe Walters V. (St. Mary,) conſolidated with Bulmer 600 50 V. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 45. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Colne, Propr. William Ayloffe, and others, 1680. John Elliſton, Eſq. and Samuel Raymond, Gent. 1732. Samuel Raymond, LL. B. p. i. 1784. BRAINTREE O Essex. 607 DIOCESE OF LONDON. 1. d. O O 4 100 O O O O o O O 0 70 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 48 BRAINTREE V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Domus Car- 12 3 thuſ. London, olim Propr. Lady Scarſdale, 1690. John Olmius, Eſq. 1709. Lord Waltham, 1778, p. i. 39 o Bulmer V. (St. Andrew,) conſolidated with Belchampe Wal- 8 oo 64 0 ters V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. pro Vic. 55. Archi- diac. 45. Synods 35. 4d. Mon. Bruſyard in Suff. olim Propr. John Browne, this Turn, 1708. Robert An- drews, Eſq. 1751. Samuel Raymond, LL. B. p. i. 1784. 33 5 6 Geſtingthorp V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 4s. Augmented in 7 0 0 a 60 1723. Rector. ibidem, Propr. John Sparrow, Eſq. 1668. John Morley, 1721. George Gent, Eſq. 1758. John Elwes, Eſq. 1767. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1784. 35 Gosfield V. (St. Catherine.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Archidiac. 8 o 6s.gd. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Hedningham, olim Propr. Sir Thomas Millington, Knight, 1696. Robert Nugent, Eſq. 1750. Earl Nugent, 1782, p. i. 25 Redelwell, alias Ridgwell, V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. 10 pro Rect. 75. 6d. pro Vic. 35.gd. Archidiac. 95. 4d. Sy- nods 35. 4d. The KING, 1721. Catherine Hall, Cam- bridge, 1770, p. i. Abb. Deny, olim Propr. in Cambridge- fhire. 26 o Saling Magna V. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. od. pro Rect. 7 pro Vic. 45. Archidiac. 25. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Dunmow, olim Propr. Martin Carter, Gent. 1674. Jones Raymond, Eſq. 1766. 39 Shalford V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Recr. 11s. pro 7 7 00 60 Archidiac. 35. Synods 35. 4d. Prebend. de Shalford in Ecclef. Wellen. Propr. & Patr. 48 o Twinfted, alias Twineſhead, R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Arcliidiac. 6 35. 4d. Syeods 35., 4d. The KING. 0 O.O 40 0 0 0 o Vic. 45. 2 O o O 100 0 o DONATIVES. Hedningham ad Caftrum Don. Pri. Hédningham, Propr. Sir Henry Houghton, Bart. Mapleſtead Parva Don. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem, oliin Propr. Davis, Eſq. 106, certified Value. D. Lerden, 608 DIOCESE OF LONDON. Essex. 2. d. I 8 94 All inc. 6s. 8d. D. Lerden, in the Archdeaconry of ColcheSTER. The Monaſtery of Coggſhall was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the annual Value of 2511. 2s. The Priory of Colne was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the annual Value of 1561. 125. 4d. 3 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 14 7 8] Abberton R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 120. O o 6ș. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. The KING, in Exchange with Sir Francis Daſhwood, for Weſt Wicombe in Bucks, 1721, 1775, p. i. Aldham R. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Biſhop of London. The I 40 13o Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1745. Bergholt Sackville, alias Weſt Bergholt, alias Weſt Barfield, Synods 25. 8d. William Boys, Gent. 1706. Duke of Dorſet, 1756. Thomas Fiſher, p. i. 1784. Birch Magna R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. Archidiac. 150 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Penſ. Prior. Lees 31. 6s. 8d. Bi. ſhop of London, p. i. 1778. 13 6 8 Bures Mount, alias Bures on the Hill, R. (St. John.) Prox. I 6 8 Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 65. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Duke of Dorſet, 1721, 1723, 1730. John Woodroffe, Clerk, 1784. 3 4. COGGSHALL V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro I 130 Vic. 55. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 3d. Said to be endowed with a Glebe of 20 Acres and Small Tythes. Abb Coggſhall, olim Propr. Daniel Finch, Eſq. and others, 1679. Nehemiah Lyde, Efq. 1725. Peter Du Cane, Eſq. 1773, p. i. 8 10 10 Earles Coln V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. pro o 17 Vic. 45. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. There is an endowed publick Free School in this Pariſh. Pri. Colne, olim Propr. John Eldred, Eſq. and others. Robert Kirk. towne, Elq. 1716. John Wale, Eſq. 1755. 13 17 6 Coln Engayne, alias Gainſcolne, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 1 7 9 140 00 Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. This Pariſh 1 2 оо IO I O 100 O II I 2 0 оо O O 10 0 0 b. s72, 7300 " woonkamer II 2 4 O O I 100 0 0 Essex. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 609 12 · I 20 O I 2 acr. ter. I IO 200 MOOO IO 1 12 O O . . King's Books. Yearly Tenihs, 2. d. 1.. d. Pariſh is ſaid to be 12 Miles in Circumference. The Go- vernors of Chriſt's Hoſpital, London, p. i. 5 Coln Wake, alias Wakes, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. I 4 o 75. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. gleb. William Grimſton, Eſq. 1704. William Lord Vif- count Dunboyn, 1725. Lord Grimſton, 1729. Richard Goſling, 1765. 15 3 4 Copford R. *Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Exempt from the Archdeacon. 4 The KING. 2] Dedham V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 115. pro Vic. I. 003 170 4S. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Sýn. 25. 8d. There is an en- dowed Grammar School in this Pariſh with an Eſtate for the Maintenance of two Scholars at St. John's College in Cambridge. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Mon. Butteley in Suff. olim Propr. O 'Eaſt Donyland R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Archi I OB 80 diac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 8d. Thurſton, Widow, 1720. Francis Folkland, Clerk, 1733. Ann Salter, Widow, 1759. Eaſthorpe R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 55. 4 @ Syn. 2s. 8d. Ann Green, Widow, 1703, Thomas Greene, . Efq. 1725. George Baker, ånd Nicholas Eaton, p. h. v. 1735. © Eaſtmerſey R. (St. Edmund.) Prox. Epiſc. 95. Archidiac. 22 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 8d. Pri. de Prittlewell 35. The KING. 14 4 85. 140 8d. Syn. 25. 8d. Pri. Horkelly 6d. Pri. Okeburne is. 6d. Francis Wheeler, Eſq. and John Savile, Gént. 1689. Duke of Kent. 1730. Samuel Savil , Eſq. 1743. Hon. Philip Yorke, 1750. Samuel Savil, Eſq. p. h. v. 1763. 15 0 Horkelly Magna R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 7s. 6d. Ar- 250 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 8d. Pri. Prittlewell 9d. Earl of Kent, 1683. Duke of "Kent, '1732. Lord Royſton, 1761. o Inworth, alias Inford, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. I O o Archidiac. 6s.. 8d. Syn. 7s. 8d. 57 acr. ter. gleb. John Hill, Gent, 1702. Capell Luckyn, Gent. 1732. Suſan Angier, Spinſter, 1761. 14 13 4 Lagenhoo, alias Langenhoo, R. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 9 4 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 8d. John Campbell, 1709. Earl Walde- grave, 1770, p. i. 17 II o] Langham R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 85. Archidiac. 6s. I 15 15 8d. Syn. 25. 8d. 70 acr. ter, gleb. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Layer 12 I IOO 21 200 o OO to I NO I IO оо O 200 IO O 120 O I 9 100 O 220 0 0 4 I 1 610 ESSEX. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 1 S. 2. S. d. 0 200 O King's Books. Fearly Tenths, 1. di 7 o Layer Bretton R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 0 14 Syn. 25. 8d. Sir Iſaac Rebow, Knt. 1692. Charles Chamberlain Rebow, 1734. James Cecil, Eſq. 1761. Thomas Adams, Eſq. and Mary his Wife, 1769, p. i. 15 3 4 Layer Merney, alias Marney, R. (St. Mary.) Prox, Epiſc. i 10 4 180 55. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 2s. 8d. Nicholas Cor. ſellis, Eſq. 1710. Nicholas Cæſar Corſellis, Eſq. 1773, poi. 1 14 100 оо O O 8 0 100 O Markſhall R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archi 8 diac. 55. Synods 25. 6d. Robert Honeywood, Eſq. 1718, 1723. Philip Honeywood, Eſq. 1774. o Meſſing V. (All Saints.) Prox. pro Rec. 55. pro Vic. 45. 6d. 0 16 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. 36 acr. ter. gleb. Pri. Colne, olim Propr. Mary Luckin, Widow, 1704. Ed- ward Luckyn, Efq. 1745. Harbottle Luckyn, 1756. Sa- rah Johnſon, Spinſter, 1783. Lord Grimſton, 1784. 16 15 10 Peldon R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 6s. Archidiac. 6s. 1 137 170 00 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Biſhop of London, 1690. Sir Tho- mas Pope Blunt, 1725. Earl of Orford, 1744. Catherine Day, Spiniter, 1761. 10 17 6 Staneway, alias Stanway, R. (All Saints,) with Albright I 19 250 0 Chapel. (St. Albright.) Deſtruct. Prox. Epifc. És. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. 80 acr. ter. gleb. Samuel Angier, Eſq. 1703. Magdalen College, Oxford, p. i. 1774 18 0 0 Tey Magna R. (St. Barnabas.) Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 45. I 16 0 300 0 0 Archidiac. 75. 5d.1 Synods 25. 8d. George Creffener, 1714. Stephen Wolfenden, and others, 1746. Roſamond Clarke, Widow, 1763, p. i. 18 17 6 Wigbarrow, alias Wigborough Magna, R. cum Salcot Wig- 117 2 1500 barrow. The Pariſhioners of Salcot Wigbarrow hire their Miniſter and pay him. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 78. 8d. Sýnods 3s. 8d. Sir Mar. Guyon, Knight, 1680. Humfrey Sydenham, Eſq. 1730. John Bennet, Gent. p. 7 13 4 Wormingſord V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 95. 015 4 75 pro Vic. 75. 63. Archidiac. 6s. 82. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. Weeks, olim Propr. Clement Corrance, Eſq. 1709. Joha Jolliff Tufnell, Eſq. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1760. h. v. 1772: o O LIVINGS Essex 611 DIOCESE OF LONDON. de 70 0 O Іоо O 70 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. l. d. &1 10 0 Birch Parva R. (St. Mary.) The Church in ruins. Prox. 5 6 8 Epiſc. 15. Archidiac. 35. Synods 25. 8d. John Orpwood and his Wife, 1694. William Round, Eſq. 1754. The Biſhop of London. 28 10 8 Boxted, alias Buxted, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. prol Rect. 7 13 55. 6d. pro Vic. 45. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods as. 8d. Abb. Colcheſt. 9d. Pri. St. Bot. 6d. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. Pri. St. Johan. Colcheſter. Propr. un. Med. Pri. Horkelly, Propr. alterius Med. Biſhop of London. 50 0 o Fering V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 125. 6d. II pro Vic. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn, 25. 8d. Exempt from the Archdeacon as to Induction. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 36 10 o Fingringho, alias Fingringhou, V. (St. Andrew,) Prox. 13 7 Epiſc. pro Rect. il gd. pro: Vic. 55. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 8d. Colleg. de Highạm Ferrers, Propr. Thomas Hickeringill, Efq. 1717. Richard Mickelfield, Gent. p. h. v. 1749. Richard Hunt, Eſq. p. h. V. 1771. Mary Hickeringill, Widow, 1784, poh. v. o Salcot Verley, alias Verli, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 7 13 4 Archidiac. 55. Synods 25. 8d. Sir Robert Abdy, Bart. 1717. Charles Chamberlain Rebow, Efq. 1740. Jane Crank, Widow, 1761. Robert Glover, 1778. 33 o Tey Magna V. (St. Barnabas,) cum Pontiſbright Cap. Prox. 7 40 Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 75. 5d. Syn. 25. 8d. Rector ibid. Propr. George Creffener, 1714. Maria Anna Creſſener, Widow, 1746. William Coleman, Eſq. 1763. Thomas Aſtle, Eſq. 1782, p. i. 40 Tey Parva R. (St. James.) Prox. Epifc. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 4. O 50 15. 3d. Synods 15.-3d. Biſhop of London. o Weſtmerſey V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 22 Rect. 55. pro Vic. 55. Archidiace 5s. Syn. 25.8d.. Col- leg. Higham in co. Northampt. Propr. Edmund Kidby, Clerk, 1708. John Kidby, Efq. 1738, 1748. o Wigbarrow, alias Wigborough Parva, R. (St. Stephen.) 10 go Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. Is. Synods Is. The Go. vernors of the Charter Houſe, London, p. i. 44 10 o Wivenhoo, alias Wivenhoe, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 10 130 0 Archidiac. 6s. Scho Synods 25. 8d. Nicholas 4 I 2 Cor- 37 10 50 0 0 оо o O o :27 0 O 41 10 o o O O 75. 6d. 612 DIOCES E OF LONDON Essex King's Books, i. Go 1720. Baliol College, Oxford, 1770, p. Clear Yearly Value. 2. d. Corſellis, Eſq. 1710. Nicholas Corfellis, Eſq. 1750. Nicholas Corſellis, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1771, p.i. NOT IN CHARGE. 30 O-O Coln Alba, alias Whites Coln, Cur. or Don. Decim. foen. & lign. Mon. Abingdon, olim Propr. The KING, 1731. Rebecca Knapp, 1759. 221. 11s. certified Value. Layer de la Hay Cur. 121. per annum. Mon. Sti Botolphi, Colcheſter, olim Propr. Francis Canning, Efq. Sir Ro- bert Smyth, Bart. 1769, p. i. roo oo Marks Tey, alias Tey ad Ulmos, V. Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 35. 9d. Archidiac. 15. Archidiac. Isi Synods is. 35 acr. ter. gleb. Pri. Sti Botolphi, Colcheſter, olim Propr. Dr. John Ro. binſon, Lord Biſhop of London, Patron in his own Right, i. go o 0 Parſwick, alias Patſwick. (St. Mary Magdalen.) A Donative. Olim a Chapel to Fering. Bilhop of London. Mon. Welt. minſter, Propr. Horkelly Parva Don. or Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Aug- * mented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. William Blair, M. D. p. i. 1766. Pontilbright, Chapel to Tey Magna. The Pariſhioners of the Chapel diſtrict, Patrons. Vide Newcourt's Repertorium, 251. certified Value. 6 D. Newport, in the Archdeaconry of COLCHESTER. Byardey Priory, in this Deanry, was returned at 29l. 6s. 40.1 Newport Hoſpital, in this Deanry, was returned at 23l. 10s. 8d. LIVINGS Essex. 613 DIOCESE OF LONDON. - King's Books. s. d. S. I 20 O 14 IO 120 0 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Pearl Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 2. d. 9 13 4 Birchanger R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. C 194 45. Syn.-25. 8d. New College, Oxford. Chiſhall Parva R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. rod. 1 9 0 Archidiac. 6s. 8d, Syn. 25. 8à. Sir Peter Soame, Bart. 1717, 1774, 1776, p. i. 22 13 II Clavering V. (St. Mary and St. Clement,) with Langley 2 5 44 130 Chapel. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 155. pro Vic. 95. Archidiac. ios. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. Prittlewell, olim Propr. The Governors of Chriſt's Hof- pital, London, 1753, 1762. 19 o Elmedowne, alias Elmdon, V. (St. Nicholas,) with Wendon 60 Loughts. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. 6d. pro Vic. 45. Ar- chidiac. 75. 5d. 1 Syn. 25. 8d. There is a Grammar School endowed with 141. per ann, in this Pariſh. Pri. Shene in Surr. Impr. Robert Penning, Gent. this Turn, 1712. George Wale, Eſq. 1719. John Wilkes, 1781. 23 8 9 Farnham R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 45. Archidiac. 6s. 2 6 101 180 8d. Synods 25. 8d. John Archer, Eſq. 1682. John Pole, Gent. 1706. Trinity College, Oxford, 1756. 18 o Haydon, alias Haidon, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. I 16 O Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Sir Peter Soame, Bart. 1717, 1777, p. i. 26 13 4 Littlebury R. (Holy Trinity) Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 1os. 2'13 4 Archidiac. 75. 5d.1 Penſ. Præcen. de Ely 1s. 6d. Biſhop O I 18 O 100 O of Ely. 0 O I 2 II 60 Wicken Bonant, alias Bonhunt, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. gd. Archidiac. 55. Synods 25. 8d. Francis Bradbury, Eſq. 1709. John Griffith, Eſq. p. i. 1765. Catherine Tutty, Widow, 1784. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 43 8 9 Arkeſden V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. 6s. 6d. 136 8 pro Vic. Is. id. Archidiac. 75. 5d. Syn. 25. 8d. Abb. Walden, Propr. Thomas Maynard, Eſq. 1721. John Em- merſon, Clerk, 1765. Louſia Cheeke, Spinſter, 1772. 500 o Bearden, alias Berden, Curacy. (St. Nicholas.) Pri. Bear- den, olim Propr. & Patr. Chriſt's Hoſpital, London, Patr. Chifhall 614 Essex, DIOCES E or LONDON 1. S. d. O O 2 L 20 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 2. s. d. 25 O Chiſhall Magna V. (St. Swithin.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 10 45 O 0 pro Vic. 45. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 2s. 8d. “Abb. Wal- den, olim Propr. Gervaſe Wilcocks, Gent. 1721. John Wilkes, Eſq. 1764, 1781. 25 0.0 o Creſhall, alias Chriſthall, V. (Holy Trinity.) Augmented 13 0 0 40 with Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 47 o Littlebury V. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 10 55. Synods 25. 8d. The Rector thereof, Patr. 40 o o Manuden, alias Munden, alias Maunden, V. (St. Mary.) 14 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 85. pro Vic. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. Lewes is. Pri. Hatfield Regis, Propr. George James, 1663. Henry Southouſe, 1731. Samuel Southouſe, Eſq. 1769, p. i. o Newport V. (St. Mary.) Augmented by Queen Anne's 9 10 40 Bounty, &c. Exempt from the Archdeacon. The KING. Colleg. Sti Martini le Grand, London, olim Propr. poſtea Abb. Weſtmonaſt. Propr. 40 ó Quendon R. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 9 Synods 90 68 25. 8d. Arthur Barnardiſton, and Joſeph Moyle, Eſqrs. 1735. Henry Cranmer, Eſq. 1764, 1773, p. i. 36 0 O Rickling V. (All Saints.) Prux. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. 6d. Abb. 10 60 Walden, olim Propr. Vicarage ordained, 1237. Biſhop of London. 40 Strethall R. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 55. Synods 25. 8d. 13 60 Edward Colſton, Eſq. 1720. The Biſhop, 1740. Ro- bert Carr, Clerk, 1743. Frederick Atherton Hindley, Eſq. 1780, p. i. 45 Wendun Lowth, alias Loughts with Elmdon, R. ($t. Dunſtan.) 9 10 10 60 Prox. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 25. 6d. Synods 25.,8d. John Mead, Gent. Matthew Lancaſter, 1707. John Wilkes, Eſq. 1740, 1781, p. i. Wendon Magna V. (St. Mary,) voc. Wendons ambo. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 9s. 2 d. Synods 55. 4d. Pri. Barnwell, olim Propr. in co. Camb. 44 17 Wendon Parva R. Eccl. deſtruct. and unired to Great Wen 17 OO 50 don. Charles Howard, Eſq. 1739. Earl of Suffolk, 1741. Earl of Briſtol, p. i. оо 0 0 O © O O O O O O O D. Dngar, Essex. 6.15 DIOCESE OF LONDON, D. Dngar, in the Archdeaconry of Essex. 1. S. d. 1.400 I 16 2500 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenthi. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. d. 13 6 8 Bobinger, alias Bobingworth, R. (St.German.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. I 6 S Archidiac. 75. Synods is. James Lordell, Merchant, 169.2. Jacob Houblon, Eſq. 175.1. 18 0 o Chigwell V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 8d. pro Vic. 55. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Here is a Charity School founded by Archbiſhop Harſnett, and endowed with the Great Tythes of Toddington in Norfolk. The Preben- dary of St. Pancras in St. Paul's Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. The Biſhop, 1721. The Prebendary, 1727. The Biſhop by Lapſe, 1746. The Biſhop, 1764. 25 7 6 Fifield R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. gs. Archidiac. 85. 2 10 9 8d. Synods is. Pri. de Bermondſey_4s. There is a pub- lic School in this Parilh, founded by Dr. Walker in 1692, and endowed with Lands. Lord Mancheſter, 1692. Earl Tylney, 1733, 1740. Richard Lockwood, Eſq. 1753. 6 13 4. Greenfted R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. od. Archi. 0 13 4 go o diac. 35. Synods is. Vide the Will of Benjamin Pratt, 29 May, 1714. Mary Lucy, Widow, 1700. The KING, 1729. Biſhop of London, 1738. o Kelvedon, alias Keldon Hatch, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 1 4 0 130 55. Archidiac. 55. Synods is. Thomas Binckes, Gent. 1731. John Wright, Efq. 1758. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1760. 14 o Lambourn R. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. i 80 300 Archidiac. 6s. Syn, 1s. Port. Pri. Trin. 3d. Dr. Tooke, Incumbent and Patron, 1718. Robert Tooke, Clerk, 1764. Corpus Chriſti College, Cambridge, 1778. Bennett College, Cambridge, 1780. 14 8 High Laver R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. Archidiac. 1 8 2 150 8s. 8d. Synods 15. George Cole, Gent. 1710. William Cheval, Gent. 1727. John Turvin, Eſq. 1733. Alexander Cleeve, 1734. Thomas Velley, 1778. 5 Lavar Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 6s. III. O 340 Synods is. Maurice Hunt, Eſq. 1697. Samuel Malham, Eſq. 1744. Robert Palmer, Eſq. 178.1, p. i. 5 Magdalen 0 12 0 O O O o 6 I O o 15 10 616 Essex) DIOCESE OF LONDON. CESI 1. do 16 12 120 O 20 O 2 0 O I 6 4 7 O O 39 10 200 O King's Books. Yearly Tentbs, d. I Magdalen, alias Mawdlin Lavar, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) I 13 21 Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 6s. . Syn. is. Thomas Har- vey, Gent. 1702. William Cole, 1720. Henry Cole, Eſq. 1747. John Cozens, Eſq. 1768. Thomas Burford, 1783, p. 1. Moreton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 95. Archidiac. 85. 8d. 190 Synods is. St. John's College, Cambridge. 13 3 9 Naveſtocke V. (St. Thomas Apoſtle.) Prox. Dec. & Cap. I Sri Pauli 6s. 8d. Endowed by the College. Dec. & Cap. Sti Pauli, London, olim Propr. Trinity College, Oxford. The Incumbent inſtituted by the Dean and Chapter of London. 13 6 8 Northweld Baſſet V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Ar í í 6 8 150 chidiac. 25. Synods is. There is a School in this Pariſh endowed with iol. per ann. Pri. Clerkenwell, olim Propr. Biſhop of London, and the Impropriator alternately. The Biſhop, 1775. William Plummer, Eſq. 1764. 5 High Ongar R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. il. Archidiac. 8s. 3 19 01 8d. Synods is. Penſ. Pri. Dunmow 2s. Lord Mancheſ- ter, 1700. Duke of Mancheſter, 1733. 14 JO o Roding Abbots R. (St. Edmund.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archi I 9 diac. 6s. Synods is. John Maryon and Edward Hinton, 1732, 1737. John Maryon, Clerk, 1748. 16 19 4 Roding Beachamp R. (St. Botolph.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Ar- chidiac. 75. Synods is. Pri: de Colne 25. Mary Syday, Widow, 1721. Ann Coinyns, Widow, 1752. Nicholas Toke, Gent. p. h. v. 1776. 9 15 o Shelley R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. is. Archidiac. 35. Sy- @ 196 nods is. Hadgley Green, Gent. 1686. John and Sarah Baker, Andrew and Mary Trebeck, 1732. The Archbi- ſhop, 1752. Mary Trebeck, Widow, and James Trebeck, Clerk, 1769. 26 13 4 Stanford Rivers R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. il. Archidiac. 2 13 4 350 85. 8d. Synods is. This Pariſh is upwards of 20 Miles in Circumference. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Stapleford Abbats R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archi- diac. 75. Synods is. Portio Pri. Stæ Trin. 6d. The KING. 15 8 9 Stapleford Tawney R. (St. Mary,) united to Theydon Mount. I 10 10 160 Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 7s. Syn. Is. Francis Thomp- ſon, Eſq. 1691. Sir Edward Smyth, 1754. Sir William Smyth, Bart. 1780, p. i. 13 6 8 Stairdon Parva, alias Stondon Maſſy, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 1 6 8 Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 6s. Synods is, William 6 Kendall, ICO O O I 13 4 100 O 100 O O O 16 15 0 0 I 13 6 200 0 0 100 O Essex. 617 DIOCESE OF LONDON. . O O O King's Books. Yearly Tenthsa 1. s d. 1. fa d. Kendall, Eſq. 1695. Simon Bird, this Turn, 1707. Ri- chard Smith, Gent. 1733. John Howe, Eſq. 1735. 17 o Theydon Garnon, alias Cooper Sail, R. (All Saints.) Prox. I 14 0 250 Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 75. Synods is. Sir Robert Ab- dy, Bart. 1722. Sir Anthony Thomas Abdy, Bart. 1752, 1773. Thomas Abdy, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1780. 13 6 8 Theydon Mount R. (St. Michael,) united to Stapleford Taw- 1 6 8 ney. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 3d. Archidiac. 45. Synods 15. Sir Edward Smith, Bart. 1700. Thomas Bramſton, Eſq. p. b. V. 1755. Sir William Smyth, Barr. 1780. 100 O DISCHARGED. O Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. 45 17 3 CHIPPING ONGAR R. (St. Martin.) Prox. Epiſc. 1s. Ar. 6 95 chidiac. 85. 8d. Synods is. Thomas Gouldeſbrough, 1692. Edward Alexander, Eſq. 1721, 1733, 1750. Ri- chard Henry Alexander Bennett, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 0 0 NOT IN CHARGE. 14 o 600 Norton Mandevile Don, or Cur. (All Saints.) John Searle, Eſq. 1772, 6s. certified Value. o Theydon Boys Cur. (St. Mary.) Prior. St. Barth. Smithfield, olim Propr. Benjamin Bond, 1780. 301, certified Value. D. Rochford, in the Archdeaconry of Essex. The Priory of Prittlewell, in this Deanry, was returned to be of the clear yearly Value of 1551. 11s. 2d. 1 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentbs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. d. 1. 18 I 16 O Oo o Barling Magna V. (All Saints.) - Prox. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr, and Ord. 4 K Canewdon 618 DIOCESE OF LONDON. ESSEX 1. do 34 I 220 0 I 2 O I 100 0 O pro Q оо 1 O O This Pariſh is ſaid to: King's Books. Pearl Penthe d. 1. de 3 Canewdon V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox., Epiſc. pro Rast, gspro 3 8 2 Vic. gs. Archidiac. 75. Synods is. 60 acr. terr. gleb. This Pariſh is about 20 Miles in Circumference, having one Village and about 52 Houſes. Pri. Prittlewell, olim Propr. Biſhop of London, Eaſtwood V. (St. Laurence and All Saints.) Prox, Epiſc. 4 Rect. 6s. pro Vic. 45. Archidiac. 45. 6d. Synods 15. Port. Pri. Prittlewell 38. 3d. The KING, Pri. Prittle- well, olim Propr. 17 South Fambridge R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Ar- I 14 90 chidiac. 75. Synods 1s. contain 1000 Acres of Land. Sir Jo. Oſborne, Bart. 1683. Sir Danvers Oſborne, Bart. 1723. Sir Danvers Oſborn, Bart. 1734 John Stephenſon, Eſq. 1769. Truſtees of John Stephenſon, Eſq. 1782, p. i. 13 6 8 Hawkſwell, alias Hackwell, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 45. 6 8 80 Archidiac. 45. 6d. Synods is. Robert Briſtow, Eſq. 1736, 1757 0 Leigh, alias Lee, R. (St. Clement.) Prox. Epifc. 45. Ar- 140 chidiac. 55. Syn. Is. Here is an endowed Charity School of 141. per Ann. Biſhop of London, by exchange witla the Earl of Nottingham, by Act of Parliament 9 Wila liam II1. 26 o Pagleſham, alias Pakeleſham, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epifc. 6s. Archidiac. 75. Syn. 15. Pri. de Dunmow 4d. Pri. de Prittlewell 4d. Exempt from the Archdeacon as to In- duction. Biſhop of London. 18 13 4. Prittlewell V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. pro Re&. 125. Ar- 1 17.4 chidiac. 85. 8d. Synods. Is. Penſ. Pri. de Prittlewell Is. 3d. Here is a free Grammar School. Pri. Prittlewell, olim Propr. Biſhop of London is Patron, by exchange with the Earl of Nottingham, by Act of Parliainent 9 Will. III. ROCHFORD R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archi- diac. 85. 8d. Synods isa Port. Rect. Alhindon 2dHenry St. John, Eſq. 1691. Earl Tyluey, 1735, 1755, p. i. 20 13 4. Rawreth R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 65. Archidiac. 8s. I 4 8d. Syn. 15. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. 17 17 6 RAYLEIGH, alias RALEIGH, alias RALEY, R. (Holy Trinity.) 1 15 9 180 Prox. Epiſc is. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods I's. Pri. de Prittlewell is. 3d. Lord Nottingham, 1690, 1692. Ro- bert Briſtow, Eſq. 1718, 1768, p. i. 14 13 4 South Shobury R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Ar- I 9 4 80 chidiac. 85. 8d. Synods IS. Robert Briſtow, Eſq. 1715, Stam- 15 Ι ΙΟ. ОО O 2 1 2 200 O O 20 2 O оо 120 O 2 110 O 0 1773. Essex, DIOCESE OF LONDON. 619 s. O 2 O o , ( King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. de 20 270 o Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 95. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synnds -15. The Governors of the Charter Houſe, London, p. i. Sutton Magna R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Archidiac. 7s. Syn. I I 2 0 Elizabeth and Martha Brittridge, 1696. Cheſter Moore Hall, Eſq. 1770. Martha Hall, Spinſter, 1775. o Wakering Parva V. (St. Marys) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 4 90 pro Vic. 2s. Prox. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Syn. Is. Portio Pri. de Stoke is. Id.1 The Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hoſpital, London, Propr. and Patr. p. i. 20 13 4 Wakering Magna V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. I 4 80 55.26d. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Syn. Is. Port. Pri. de Prit. 25. 6.4. Abb. Bileigh, olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 0 II O 1000 O IS. I 2 I 0 0 O 2 0 0 44 12 O O O 107 o 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, o Aſhindon, alias Aſlingdon, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 155. 8 13 4 80 Archidiac. 35. Syn. Is. Penſ. Pri. Lewes 95. 3d. Port. 6. Rect. Rochf. 2d. William Arnold, Gent. 1712. James Smith, Eſq. 1725. William Wright, Eſq. 1764. 43 16 10 Foulneſs R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 2s. Vid. Terrier of 15 Rochford R. in 1610. Lord Nottingham, 1714. Earl of Winchelſea and Nottingham, 1771, p. i. 47 15 o Hadleigh, alias Hadley, Ř. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. . 45. 11 14 7 107 Archidiac. 45. 6d. Syn. Is. William Judd, Gent. 1712, 1731. Robert Polhill, Eſq. 1750, 1759. 48 II 2. Hockleigh, alias Hockley, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 16 3 9 60 Rect. 123. 6d. pro Vic. 45. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 1s. Abb. Berk. 6d. Pri. Prit. 3d. Abb. Berking, olim Propr. Wadham College, Oxford, Propr: and Patr. p. i. 32 0 North Shobury V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Archi- 9 o 50 diac. 85. 8d. Syn. Is. Port. Pri. Prit. od. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. The KING. Pri. Prit- tlewell, olim Propr. 27 13 6 Shopland, alias Chopland, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. 900 Epiſc. 7. 6d. Archidiac. 85. Synods is. Years by Sequeſtration. Abb. St. Ofyth, olim Propr. Thomas Tyrrell, 1639. Edmund Tyrrell, Eſq. 1741, 1761. 42 19 o Stambridge, alias Stanbridge Parva, R. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. 12 80 Archidiac. 75. Syn. 15. The KING. 0 o O Held many O O 4 K 2 9. Samp- 1 620 Essex. - DIOCESE OF LONDON. 9. Sampford, in the Archdeaconry of COLCHESTER. The Monaſtery of Walden, in this Deanry, was returned to be worth clear annually 3721. 185. id. The Priory of Tremhale was likewiſe returned at bol. 185. 73.1 S. d. 3 O O II O 0 0 O 100 6d. pro II O ОО 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. d. 28 4 Aſhdon R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 155. Archidiac. 73. 2 16 4 300 5d. { Syn. 25. 8d. Penſ. Pri. Lewes 35. gd. Here is a ſmall Gild of great Antiquity appropriated to the Poor of the Pariſh. Robert Baron, Gent. 1697. Caius College, Cambridge, 1743. BREDFIELD, alias BARDFIELD MAGNA, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Reci. 175. Vic. 45. Archidiac. 75. 5d. Syn. 25. 8d. Pri. Stoke, juxta Clare; in Suff. Propr. George Andrews, Gent. 1691. Percival Alhpool, 1728. Benoni Peers, Clothier, 1733. Amy Burrell, Widow, p. i. 1771. Bredfield, alias Bardfield Parva, R. (St. Catherine.) Prox. go Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 6s. Sd. Syn. 25. 8d. Pení. Pri. de Haverill 35.9d. Thomas Bernard, Gent. 1676. John Wale, Eſq. 1755. Sarah Bernard, Widow, and others, 1774. Jolia Godeve and others, 1780. John Harriſon, 1782. See the Will of Thomas Bernard, Clerk, proved November 27, 1773. 0 Bumpſted Helion V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epifc. pro Rect. I 6 75. pro Vic. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 1os. Synods 25. 8d. Penf. Pri. Prit. 3.5. Pri. Hatfield Regis, olim Propr. pro Conceſſ. a Decano & Capit. Sti Pauli, London. Samuel Cole, Gent. 1694. Trinity College, Cambridge, 17372 1773, p. i. Cheſterford Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 55. Archi- diac. 6s. 8d. Syr. 25. Ed. Earl of Suffolk, 1714. Charles Howard, Eſq. 1728. Earl of Portſmouth and ochers, 1747. Depden, alias Debden, R. (St. Mary.) l’rox. Epiſc. 175. 3 8 goo Archidiac. 75. 51.1 Synods 25. 8d. Portiones & Penſiones 25. 3d. Henry Kelſay and William Faſhion, 1712. Joſeph Cock, Eſq. 1745. John Cock, D. D. 1706, p. i. 3 Elfenham 13 IIO O II 1 2 0 0 I20 O 34 0 0 Essex, DIOCESE OF LONDON. 621 60 0 O 100 o O 100 O O 21 I 2 I King's Booksi Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. II IO o Elſenham V. (St. Mary.) Prox. pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 15. I 30 6d. Synods 25. 8d. Penſ. Pri. Panfield 9d. Abb. de Ber- king 9d. Mon. Walden, olim Propr. George Canning, Gent. 1678. Thomas and Mary Howlett, 1731. George Guyer, Gent. 1757. Thomas Canning, Patron and In- cumbent, p. i. 1784. OPE 19 Hadſtock R. (St. Botolph.) Prox. Epiſc. 10s. Archidiac. i 18 O 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Biſhop of Ely. The KING, 1740, 1754 17 Henham V. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. I 14 8d. Pri. Dunmow, Propr. Edmund Pye, Eſq. and Ann his Wife, 1685. Stephen Feake, Eſq. 1737. Ann and Mary Feake, Spinſters, 1776, 1779, p. i. Radwinter R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Archidiac. 6s. 2 3 2 1 8d. Synods 25. 8d. William Maynard, Eſq. 1704. John Bullock, Eſq. 1724. Lord Maynard, 1746. Rachael Bullock, Spinſter, p. h. v. 1758. IS o Sampford, alias Sandford Magna, V. (St. Michael,) with 1 16 0 Hempſted Chapel. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. il. 25. 60. Archidiac. pro Sampf. 6s. 8d. pro Hempſt. 75. 5d.. Synod. pro amb. 55. 4d. Abb. Battel, in Suſſex, olim Propr. William Hervey, Eſq. 1701, 1767, p. i. Sampford, alias Sandford Parva, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. I 2 0 230 75. 6d. Archidiac. 65. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. Stoke Is. 9d. Pri. de Ruſſel. 6d. William Peck, Gent. 1689. The Biſhop, 1730. New College, Oxford, p. i. 1768. o Takeley V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. pro Vic. 6s. Abb. I 2 O 75 Sfi Johannis Bapt. Colcheſter. Propr. Biſhop of London, 25 Widington R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. gd. Archidiac. 180 55. Synods 25. 8d. Sir Peter Soame, Bart. 1717. John Turner, Efq. 1725. Thomas Bithrey, and others, 1757. John Unwin, Eſq. p. i. 1783. 200 O O O 110 II O O O II O P. i. O 2 10 O. O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 25 Chefterford Magna V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 175. 6d. 10 40 Archidiac. 7s. 5d. Synods 25. 8d. Here is a publick en- dowed School. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Earl of Suffolk, 1732. Earl of Portſmouth, and others, 1747. Earl of Briſtol, 1780. 43 19 7 Stanſted Mountfitchet V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 13 6 8 175. 6d. pro Vic. 45. Archidiac. 6s. -8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pri 100 622 Essex. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 1. 'S. do William Bayley, Vicar of Walden, and Meriton and Par- Clear Pearly Value. King's Books 1. so d. Pri. Trémhale, olim Propr. Sir Hen. Fetherſton, Bart. 1675, 1679. Sir Thomas Middleton, Knt. 1691. Tho- mas Heath, Eſq. 1728. William Heath, Eſq. 1769, 1782, p.i. 13 o Ukeley, alias Ugley, V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. 55. pro Vic. 14 13 4 60 35. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. Hatfield Re- gis is. Id.] This Pariſh is ſaid to be 12 Miles in Circum- ference. Abb. St. Ofyth, olim Propr. The Governors of Chriſt's Hoſpital, London. 42 4 3 WALDEN Saffron, alias SAFFRON WALDEN, V. (St. Ma- 33 6 8 go ry.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. il. 25. 6d. pro Vic. 45. Ar- chidiac. 7s. 5d.] Synods 25. 8d. Vide a Compoſition for Tythes, &c. exhibited in the Year 1629, in 'a Cauſe depending in the Court of the Biſhop of London, between оо O O ker. Abb. Walden, Propr. Earl of Suffolk, 1743. Sir John Griffin, 1766. CHAPEL Bardfield Saling Chap. (St. Margaret.) Endowed with the Tythes of Hay, &c. and an annual Rent of zl. D. Lendering, in the Archdeaconry of COLCHESTER. The Monaſtery of St. Ofyth, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth yearly 6771. Is. 2d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Y early Tenthus. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. d. 13 o Bentley Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archi- i 6 o 200 diac. 55. Syn. 25. 8d. William Peck, Eſq. 1712, 1721. Henry Harrington, Draper, p. h. v. 1765. Beaumont l. O Essex 623 DIOCESE OF LONDON. 18 оо . O I 'IO King's Books. Yearly Tenths. ho d. 1. d. 0 0 Beaumont R. (St. Leonard,) and More, Eccl. deſtructa, R. I 16 (St. Mary,) united * Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Archidiac. 5se 4d. Syn. 25. 8d. Earl of Guildford, 1723. Suſannah Cecilia Hoare, and others, 1778, p. h. v. 16 16 01 Bromley Magna R. (St. George.) Prox. Epiſc. 7s. 6d. Ar I 13 75 150 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. 81. John Freeman, Gent. 1710. Thomas. Filk, 1722. John Fiſk, Gent. 1764. Nicholas Garrard Lynne, Eſq. 1767, p. i. 8 © Bromley Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. Archi- 0 16 90 diac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Thomas Newman, Gent. 1717, 1733, 1736. 17 13 9. Holland Magna R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 64. Archi- Archi- 115 43 260 diac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Mary Thurſton, Widow, 1692. Daniel Bayley, 1725. John Williams Willaume, Eſq, 1767. Edward Willaume, p. i. 1770. John Cle- ment Ives, A. M. 1784. John Blackburn, Eſq. 15 Lalford, alias Lawford, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 5s. 6d. 300 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Richard Butler, Eſq. 1706. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1720, 1779, p. i. Mole R. (St. Mary,) united to Beaumont R. Prox. Epiſc. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Penſo Pri. de Horkeſley id. 23 Oakley Magna R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 10S. Archi. 400 diac. 65. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. 60 acr. ter. gleb. Robert Blackwell, Gent. 1673. William Grimwood, M. A. and Langhorn Warren, 1738. St. John's College, Cambridge. o Oakley Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 7 let 6s. 8d. Synods 25. ed. Daniel Smith, Gent. 1706. Carteret Leathes, Eſq. p.i. 1741, 1764. John Leathes, Efq. 1778. 16 o Tendering, alias Tendring, R. (St. Edmund) Prox. Epiſc. I 12 250 55. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Penf. Abb. St. Olyth ed. 80 acr. ter. gleb. Baliol College, Oxford. 16 Thorington, alias Thurrington, R. (St. Mary Magdalen,) I 12 with Frating. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. St. John's College, Cambridge. 35. 2 6 0 13 II I O O ОО O 0 O 100 * Beaumont and Moſe-united anno 30 Car. II. per Actum Parliamenti, LIVINGS F 624 DIOCESE OF LONDON. Essex 1. Se d. O 100 O O O IO loo O O OO O pro Rect. 55. pro Vic. 45. À LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valve. King's Books. 1. d. 45 0 Alresford, alias Ailesford, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 80 9di Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Sarah Field, Widow, 1711. Matthew Martin, Eſq. 1727. Samuel Martin, Eſq. 1765. Mary Rebow, Widow, 1781. 46 0 0 Ardleigh V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. pro Vic. II is. id. Archidiac. 7s. 5d. Synods 25. 8d. This Pariſh is about 12 Miles in Circumference. The KING. Archidi- aconatus Colcheſter, Propr. 28 16 Bentley Magna V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. 7 80 pro Vic. 25. Archidiac. 145. Synods 25. ed. Exempt from the Archdeacon, as to Induction. Pri. Colne, Propr. Biſhop of London. 30 0 0 Bradfield V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. pro 12 13 4 60 Vic. 45. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. Sfi Bar- tholomei in Smithfield, London, Propr. Richard Rigby, Eſq. 1720. Hon. Richard Rigby, p. i. 1774, 1779. o Britchelſey, alias Brightlingſea, V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 17 o 5 Abb. Colcheſt. Is. 6d. Here is a Writing School endowed with 61. per ann. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Ecclefia Sti Pauli, olim Propr. Biſhop of London, p. i. 47 15 Claxton, alias Clacton Magna, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 10 75 0 Epiſc. pro Rect. 155. pro Vic. 45. Exempt from the Arch- deacon. Abb. St. Oſyth, olim Propr. Lord Rivers, 1703. Earl of Rochford, 1726. Samuel Ennew, Eſq. p. i. 1769. 41 7 o Claxton, alias Clacton Parva, V. Prox. Epiſc. 2s.6d. Exempt 6 13 4 80 from the Archdeacon. Abb. St. Ofyth, olim Propr. Earl of Rivers, 1660. The QUEEN, 1712. Richard Savage Napar, Eſq. 1749. Thomas Inman, 1784. 31 Dover Court V. (All Saints,) with Harwich Chapel. (St. 5,0 10 Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro Vic. 45. Ar- chidiac. 55. Syn. 25. 8d. Exempt from the Archdeacon. There is a publick Free School in Harwich, The KING. Mon. Colne, oliin Propr. 34 7 10 Elmſted V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6s. pro 8 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. Pri. St. Ofyth, olim Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. O 41 16 100 0 0 o o o O O оо 100 100 0 0 Vic. 25. - Frating ESSEX 0625 DIOCESE OF LONDON. S. d. 37 10 O оо оо Clear Yearly Valae. King's Books, 2. d. 1. 37 5 4 Frating R. with Thorington. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Archi- 10 diac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 88. Penſ. Pri. Sti Barth. 3d. Lord Cornwallis, 1745. St. John's College, Cambridge. Frinton R. Prox. Epifc. Iš. Od. Archidiac. 65: 8d. Synods 7 6 8 600 28. 23, 8d. Much of this Pariſh has been ſwallowed by the Sea. It contains only two Farin Houfes, with a finall:Chapel near the Shore. Thomas Warren, 1691.. Jeremy Warren, 1723, 1726. •Geórger Lynn, Éle. 4 1750 1751. John 19 Tekell, and Thoinas Pitfield Slater, 1782. trots 50 o Kirby in le Soken V. united to Walton and Thorpe. (St. 10 130 Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Exempt from the Archdea- con. Dec. & Cap. Sti Pauli, London. olim Propr. Lord Rivers, and Reginald Bretland. Earl (of - Rochford, 1724. Hon. Richard Rigby, 1779, p. i. lig 45 1 3. Miſtley R. (St. Mary,) with MANINGtree Chapel. Prox. 16 13 4 Epiſc. 45. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Abb. Colch. 4d. Edward Rigby, 1693. Biſhop of London, 1708. Hon. Richard Rigby, 1779, p. i. 42 o Ramſey, alias Miſelto, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. pro 15 O Ιοό Redt. 55.- pro Vie. 45. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. The KING. Abb. St. Oſyth, olim Propr. 48- 0 o Thorpe in le Soken V. (St. Mary,) united to Kirkby and 16 70 Q Walton... Prox. Epiſc. 25. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Dec. & Cap. Sti Pauli, London, olim Propr.. Earl of Ox- ford, 1712. Earl of Rochford. Hon. Richard Rigby, 1776, p.i. oo Walton in le Soken V. united to Kirby and Thorpe. (Allg Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Dec. & Cap. Sti Pauli, Lon- don, olim Propr. Earl of Rochford. Hon. Richard Rigby 6 13 4. Weeks, alias Wickes, Cur. or Don. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. Here is a Charity School endowed with 5l. per annum, Pri. Weeks, olim Propr. Thomas Hicker- ingill, Eſq. p. i. 1771. 47 0 o Willeigh, alias Weeley, alias Wiley, R. (St. Andrew.) 12 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6di Archidiac. 55. Syn. 25. 8d. 7 acr. ter. gleb. Exempt from the Archdeacon, as to Induction. The KING, 1724. Biſhop of London. 46 0 o Wiabnays, alias Wrabneſe, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 8 Archidiac. 55. Synods 25. 8d. This Pariſh contains 1000 Acres of Land. The KING, p. i. O 21 O O I 20 O 25. 4 L Nor 626 Essex. DIOCESE OF LONDON. NoT IN CHARGE. Harwich, Chapel to Dover Court. sl. Holland Parva Don. No Church. The Pariſhioners refort to Great Clacton. Abb. St. Ofyth, Propr. Earl of Roch- ford, Patr. 61. St. Oſyth Don. Prox. Epiſc. 155. Exempt from the Arch- deacon. Earl of Rochford. D. Tulithain, in the Archdeaconry of COLCHESTER. d. SO de соо O оо 2700 хоо O 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly. Tenthisar Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. b. 12 0 Bradwell R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. 4is. Archidiac. I 70 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 84. Anthony Maxey, Gent. 1693.. Elizabeth Maxey, 1727. Martin Carter, Eſq. 1754, 1783. Alle 19 Braxted Magna R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 6.so Archi I 1:8 diac. 66. 8di Lord Perre. Benet College, Cambridge, 1762, 178.2, p. i. 6 13 4. Fairſted R. (St. Mary..) Archidiac. 6s. 8d.. Synods.25. 8d. O 134 Biſhop of London, p. i. 6 13 4. Falkbourn R. (St. Geemain.). Prox. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Archi- O 1:34 diac. 6s. 8d. Synods 2:5. Sd. Edward Bullock, Eſq.. 1690. Jofiah Bullock, 1729, 1.746. 25 14. 91 Goldhanger R. ($t. Peter,). with. Totham Parva Chapel an 2 II 53 goo nexed. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 8... Archidiac. 85.-2d.. Synods 5So 4d. Henry Jermyn, 1703. John. Casborne, Clerk, 1745. Charles Cowley, M. A. p.. so 1770, Patron and Incumbento o Heybridge V. (St. Andrew.): Piox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. The Vi I o carage endowed, A.D. 1243. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, Propr. Patr. and Ord. 1783. 4 Keldon, alias Eaſterford, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro O 18 5 o 18 Rect. Fl. pro Víc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. IIs. 5d.] Synods 25. 8d. Hereis a School and ſeyen Ailms Houſes endowed. .3 Exempt 100 O 2 9 100 Essex. 627 DIOCESE OF LONDON. - 1, s. IO O I 10 220 0 1:0 o I O 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. do d. Exempt from the Archdeacon, as to Induction. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 4 91 Langford near Malden R. (St. Giles.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Ar 1 O 51 80 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Nicholas Weſtcombe, Eſq. 1681. Charles Ley, this Turn, 1712. John Em- merton, Eſq. 1723. Nicholas Weſcombe, Eſq. 1767, p. i. 15 Black Notley R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 95. od Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Penſ. Sti Pauli 35. Here is a School with a ſmall Endowment. Mary Pyke, 1686. Thomas Davies, Eſq. 1690, 1692. Elizabeth Attry, Widow, 1723, 17.25, 1734. The Biſhop of London, 1763. o White Notley V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. pro Vic. 35. 70 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Mon. Thetford in Norfolk, Propr. Thomas Davies, Eſq. 1692. Peter Pennell, Clerk, and Mary his Wife, 1725. Davies Pennell, Clerk, p. h. v. 1770. Samuel Ridges, Surgeon, p. h. v. 1772, upon the Nomination of the Biſhop of London. 5 5 Ravenhall, alias Rivenhall, R. (St. Mary and All Saints.) 2 2 2 61 300 Prox. Epiſc. 155. 6d. Archidiac. 75, 5d.] Synods 25. 8d. Williem Weltern, Efq. 1721. Charles Weſtern, Eſq. 1734. Thomas Wallingham Weſtern, Clerk, p. i. 1772. 16 6 3 Tolleſbury V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 155. pro I 127 Vic. 55. Archidiac. 145. Synods 25. 8d. Abb. Berking, olim Propr. Jo. Sandford, Gent. 1698. Ann Tooke, Widow, 1725. John Ruſh, Eſq. 1734. 16 13 4 Tolleſhunt Knights R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. I 13 4 180 0 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. The KING. o 71 7] WITHAM V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 75. 6d. 4 03 300 Archidiac. 75. 5d. 1 Syn. 25. 8d. Pení. Cap. S. Mar. 35. 6d. Exempt from the Archdeacon, as to In- duction. Pri. Sfi Johan. Jeruſalem, olim Propr. Bilhop of London. 3 4 Wykham, alias Wickham Biſhops, R. Prox. Epiſc. 65. 1 4 4 160 100 acr. ter. gleb. Biſhop of London. 21 O O IOO o 22 2 O O pro Vic. 85. 1 2 O o 21 II LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 6 Braxted Parva R. (St. Nicholas.) No Houſe. Prox. Epiſc. 3 6 8 35. Archidiac. 25, 6d. Synods 25. 8d. Thomas Roberts, Éſq. 1680. The KING, 1723. John Ruſh, Eſq. 1729, 1757 4 L 2 300 O Creſſing 628 Essex. DIOCES E or 'LONDON. S. 1. s. d. O 0 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 37 17 4 Creſfing V*. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 2s. 7 15 5 6d. Synods 25. 8d. Mon. Weſtminſter, Propr. Colleg. Sfi Martini, London, olim Propr. The Vicar of Waltham, Patr. The Biſhop, 1782, p. h. v. 39 16 8 Hatfield Peverell V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 8 oo 155. 6d. pro Vic. 35. Archidiac. 6s, 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. Hatfield Peverell, Propr. Charles Boyle, Jo. Freke, and John Webb, Eſq. 1702. Arthur Dabbs, Eſq. 1731, 1734, 1749. John Tyrrel, Eſq. 1764. John Wright, Eſq. 1775. 46 0 o Terling V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epifc. 15. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. to 70 Synods 25. 8d. The Extent of this Pariſh is 24 Miles: 1 Bi- ſhop of Norwich, Propr.. George Nott, Eſq. 1698. Sir Mathew Fetherſtonhaugh, Bart. 1760. John Strutt, Eſq. 1765, p. i. 42 13 Tolleſhunt Darcy V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 18 10 80 65. pro Vic. 6s. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pria Tiptre, olim Propr. Abraham Hedgthorn, Gent. 1685. Biſhop of London, 1714. Iſaac Martin Rebow, Eſq. p. io. 1770. Mary Hefter Rebow, Spinſter, 1782. 8 Tolleihunt Major V. (St. Nicholas.). Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. 8 OO 50 Archidiac. 55. Synods 25. 8d. Penſ, à Rect. 5l. per annum. Pri. Radwell, alias Caldwell, in Bedf. Impr. George Sams, Eſq. 1684. Robert Jegon, Gent. 1721. The KING, 1730. Mary Jeggon, Widow, 1761. William Jeggon, Gent. p. i. 1774. Totham Magna V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 45. 70 pro Vic. 45. 6da Archidiac, 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Ed- mund Percival, Eſq. 1690. The QUEEN, 1711. William Ayloffe, Gent, 1735. Samuel Carter, and Joſeph Gullifer, 1753. Suſanna Foiter, Widow, p. i. 1765. Thomas Fenn, p.i. 1777. Abb. Clerkenwell, olim Propr. 18 10 o Ultinge V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55. Archi- 7 4 2 diac. 6s. 8d. Synods 25. 8d. Pri. de Hatfield Regis Is. Idež Abb. Bileigh, olin Propr. John Tyrrell, Gent. 1669.. The KING, 1732. Robert Thornton, Gent. 1743, 1745. Joſeph Banks, Eſq. 1770, p. i. 30 II O O 26 IO 6d. IO Q Salcote V. No Inſtitution. 74. certified Value. Totham Parva, (All Saints,) Chapel to Goldhanger. Charles Cowley, M. A. Parr. * Creſling Temple.- A Chapel belonging formerly to the Knights Templars, afterwards to the Priory of St. Jobn of Jerusalem, which was diſſolved by K. Henry VIII. Newcourt, vol. II. p. 199. JURIS- Essex. 629 DIOCESE OF LONDON. E JURISDICTION of WALTHAM. Waltham Abby was returned by the Commffiioners to be worth annually gool. 4s. 3d. 7. d. do O. IO 0 o 100 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo 17 13 4 EPPING V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Il. 25. 6d. I 15 4 260 Here is a Chapel and Pariſh Work houſe with ſeveral private Schools Abb. Waltham, Propr. Lord North and Grey, 1710. Edmund Waller, Eſq. 1753. John Conyers, Eſq. 1768, 1779, p. i, o Wormley R. (St. Laurence,) in Hertfordſh. Prox. Epiſc. I o 15. 6d. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Sir Robert Atkins, and Sir Edward Atkins, 1689. Alexander Hume, Eſq. 1747. , N.B. Wormley R. is charged alſo in Lincoln Dioceſe, in the Deanry of Baldock, there is no fuch Place in that Dioceſe in the Bithop's Book. West WALTHAM, or WALTHAM HOLY CROS8. Not charged. A Donative in the Gift of the Lord of the Scite of Waltham Abby, to which 100l. per annum was given and ſettled thereon for ever, by Edward Earl- of Norwich.. N. B. The Appointment of a Curate of Waltham, is in the ſurviving Truſtees of the Earl of Norwich. lees of the Earl of JURISDICTION of CANTERBURY, in the County of Essex. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. K'ing's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1, d. 1, d. 35 10 3 11 0 37 o Bocking R. (St. Mary.) Archbiſhop of Canterbury. o Latchingdon and Lawling R. (St. Michael.) Archbiſhop of 3 14 Canterbury Stiltede, 630 Essex. DIOCESE OF LONDON. King's Books, l. d. Yearly Tenths, so do 2 4 1. 22 terbury o Stiftede, alias Styltead, R. (All Saints.) Archbiſhop of Can- 27 O 10 South Church R. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. N. B. Theſe four Livings pay Tenths to his Grace the Arch- biſhop of Canterbury. 2 14 1 Peculiars belonging to the Biſhop of LONDON, or his Commiſſary. Epping, Waltham. Peculiars of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, in Essex. Barling, Wickham and Belchamp St. Paul's, Heybridge, Nave- ſtock, Tillingham, and Weſtleigh. Peculiar of the Dean and Chapter of CANTERBURY. St. Mary's at Malden. Peculiars of New COLLEGE, in OXFORD. Writtle, Wroxwell Chapel, and Hornchurch. Peculiars of the Hon. RICHARD RIGBY. Kirkby, Walton and Thorpe in le Soken. D. bat 1 HERTFORDSH. 631. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 9. St. Albans, in the Archdeaconry of St. Albans. The Monaſtery of St. Albans was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Impropriations, &c. the clear annual Sum of 21021. 75. Id. Hertford, a Cell to the above Monaſtery, was returned to be worth annually 721. 145. 2d. Monkton, in Pembrokeſhire, a Cell to the above Monaſtery, was returned to be worth annually 571. 95. 3d. Hatfield Peverell, in Eſſex, a Cell to the above Monaſtery, was returned to be worth annually 60l. 145. IId. Redborne, or Redbourn, a Cell to the above Monaſtery, was returned to be worth annually gl. 25. Bynham, in Norfolk, a Cell to the above Monaſtery, was re- turned to be worth annually 1401. 55. 4d. Tynmouth Priory, in Northumberland, a Cell to the above Monaſtery. The Priory of Sopwell was returned to be of the clear yearly Value of 401. 25. lodo 1 ko 1. s. d. S. 22 2 O 2 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. de 2 81 BARNET, alias EAST BARNET, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 4 35 250 75. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 7.5. 2d. Synods 75. 2d. 2d. The KING. 18 Buſhey R. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 10d. Prox. Archi I 16 21 3:00 0 diac. -35. 10d. Synods 35. iod. The Reverend Mr. Smith, Incumbent and Patr. 1721. Catherine Ibbetſon, Widow, and Samuel Ibbetſon, 1748. Exeter College, Oxford, 1782. 9 St. Peter's V. in St. Albans. Prox. Epiſc. 35. rod. Prox. Prox. O 18 130 0. Archid. 35. rod. Syn. 35. Iod. Syn. 35. Iod. The Extent of this Pariſh is about 15 Miles. Abb. Sti Albani, olim Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 16 RICKMANSWORTH, alias RICKMERSWORTH, V. (St. Mary.) I 12 140 Prox. Epiſc. Is. Prox, Archidiac. 6d. Syn. 6d. Tnis Pariſh is computed to be 25 Miles in Circumference, and is divided into 5 Hamlets. Abb. Sti Albani, olim Propr. Biſhop of London. Sarett IO I 0. оо 632 DIOCESE OF LONDON. HBRTFORDSH. 1. S. O o 9 120 0 9 120 0 O O O 0 0 O 21 12 I 2. 6d. Synods 7d. This Pariſh contains about 1600 Acres King's Books. Yearly Tenthso 2. d. d. Sarett V. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Prox. Archi- 0.18 diac. 25, 6d. Synods, 2 s. Abb. Ski Albani, olim Propr. Duncomb, 1721. Sir Gilbert Williams, 17,24. John Duncomb, Eſq. 1725. Arnold Duncomb, Eſq. p. i. 1768.doniatostad 5 16 Shephall V. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. iS. Prox. Archidiac. O 18 7 I s. 8d. Synods is. 8d. The KING. Abb. Sti Albani, Propr. IO Walden Abbots, alias Paul's, V*. (All Saints.). Prox. Epiſc. I 70 35. iod. Abb. St. Albans, olim Propr. Dean and Chap- ter of St. Paul's. Viss WATFORD V. (St. Mary.) Prọx, Epiſc. 35. 1od. Here are 3 21 250 two Schools and 12 Alms Houſes endowed. Abb. Sti Alba- ni, Propr. Earl of Eſſex, 1743, 1762. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 40 St. Albans V. five R up. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Here is a public 10 Grammar School. Mayor and Burgeſſes of St. Albans. 50 Codicote V. (St. Giles.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. Prox, Archi- 7 5 10 80 diac. 6d. Syn. 7d. Syn. 7d. This Pariſh is ſaid to contain 1800 Acres of Land. Mon. Sii Albani, olim Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 15 Hexton V. (St. Faith.) Prox. Epiſc. 1s. Prox. Archidiac. in 13 4 of Land. The KING, 1723. Mon. Sti Albani, Propr. The KING, 1738. Chriſtopher Eaton, 1739. The KING, by Lapſe, 1772. Francis Hawkins, Gent. p. h. v. 1776. 40 o Idleſtree, alias Elſtree, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 1S. 8 80 Prox. Archidiac. od. Syn. 6d. The KING. i O O 100 O O 0 O O 20 0 0 PE o O O * Walden Abhots, alias Paul's, V.-This Living has been conſiderably augmented by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 284. . + St. Albans. V.-Augmented by Dr. Clarke, Dean of Wincheſter, with 30l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 280. The faid Dr. Clarke gives moreover, to ſome convenient Church in Malden in Effex, if any come within the Qualifications in [his) Will, 30l. per annum for ever; and to the Miniſter that officiates in Stony Stratford near Newport Pagnel, and his Succeffors, if it may be ſo ſettled; but if it cannot be for the Benefit of that Place, (then) to any other Place (that ſhall be choſen) 30l. per annum for ever.' Ibid. I Codicote V.- Augmented by the Biſhop of Ely, above 301. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 283. Langley I HERTFORDA. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 633 s. de O [ 3 100 O O 20 0 0 in Circuit, and is divided : This Pariſh is about 12 Miles Clear Yearly Value. King's Book: A. d. 1. 45 0 o Langley Abbots V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 2d. 15 90 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 2d. Synods 75. 2d. Here is a pri- vate School endowed. Abb. Sti Albani, Propr. Sir Ro- bere "Rayinond, Knight, 1724. William Batt, 1748. Be- verfbam Filmer, Eſq. 1760." 50 a St. Michael in St. Albans V. Prox. Epiſc. 35. rod. Archi- 10 diac. 35. rod. Synods 35. 10d. The Rents of this Pariſh are ſaid to be 4000l. per ann. Abb. St. Albans, Propr. William Grimſton, Efq. 1713. Lord Grimſton, 1778, on p. i. OLOGIA Cum 0 Newenham, alias Newnham, V. (St. Vincent.) Prox. Epiſc. 500 30 38. - 10d. Archidiac. 35. rod. Synods 3s. 1od. Abb. Sfi Albani, Propr. Matthew Hutton, Eſq. 1719. Barbara Hutton, 1743. Philip Yorke, Eſq. 1778. 25 Norton near Baldock V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. is. 5 6 8 Prox. Archidiac. 6d. Synods 6d. This Pariſh contains 1081 Acres of Land. Mon. Ski Albani, Propr. Thomas Hafelfoote, Gent. 1679;, William Hallefoot, 1741. Ro- bert Haſelfoot, Eſq. 1766, 1782, p. i. 50 Redburne V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 2d. Archidiac. 16 5 O 7. 2d. Synods 75. 2d. Mon. Sti Albani, Propr. Wil. liam Grimſton, Efg. 1703. Lord Grimſton, 1726, 1730, 1746. 30 (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epiſc. 2s.6d. Prox. Ar- 6 13 4 1409 o chidiac. 25. 6d. Synods 25. 6d. Abb. Sti Albani, Propr. Sir Thomas Pope Blount, Bart. 1718, 1725. Sir Harry Pope Blount, Bart. 1749. Philip Yorke, Eſq. 1774, 1779, p. i. 40 0 o Sandridge V. (St. Leonard.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. rod. Ar- 8 chidiac. 35. Iod. Synods 3s. iod. Abb. Ski Albani, Propr. Duke of Marlborough, 1714. Earl Spencer, 1774, p. i. 44 0 St. Stephen in St. Albans V. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archi- 15 o diac. 25. 64. Syn. 25. 6d. into three Wards. Abb. Sti Al- bani, Propr. Killigrew, 1721. Caleb Lomax, Eſq. 1728. The KING, 1730. Caleb Lomax, Eſq. 1749. O O zo o O o 70 0 • Rydge V. os 700 o O O 110 O 4 M Not 634 HERTFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LONDON. Wa, NOT IN CHARGE. Archdeaconry of St. Albans, conſtituted anno 1550, is not charged with Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. Biſhop of London. 08 Nore. This Archdeaconry has no Stall or Place in the Choir or Chapter. Brantfield, a Donative, appr. formerly to St. Albans. Lord Grandiſon, Patr. Sir H. Chauncey's Hertf. p. 515. CHIPPING BARNET, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Eaſt Barnet. Vid. Newcourt's Repertorium. Northall, alias Northaw, (St. Thomas Becket,) a Donative.. Sir William Leman. William Strode, Eſq. D. Braughing, in the Archdeaconry of Middlesex. The Priory of Royſton, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 8gl. 16s. Commiſſioners to be worth annually 131. 105. Xing's Books. d. s. 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo 1. d. 7 9 7 Albury, alias Aldbury, V. (St. Mary.) Treaſurer of St. O 14 II] Paul's, Propr. and Patr. 21 13 4 Anſtye, alias Anſtye ad Caftrum, R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. 3 4 Archidiac. 10s. 5d. Synods 35. 4d. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. BARKWAY V. (St. Mary Magdalen,) cum Cap. Northamſted. I 8.0 80 Deſtructa. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Il. pro . Prox. Archidiac. 75. gde Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Abb. Wald. is. Abb. Colcheſter, Propr. Edmund Cheſter, Eſq. 1718. Robert Cheſter, Eſq. 1727, George Jennings, Eſq. 1750. John Street, Clerk, Patron and Incumbeñt, 1777. Barley 200 14 O O O O 4 HERTFORD SIT : DIOCESE OP LONDON. 635 26 13 2 13 4 o Abb. Weltminſter, olim Propr. Earl of Saliſbury, 1689, King's Books. l'early Tenths, 1. d. 1. do 4 Barley R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Epifc. 6s. Archidiac: 75. 250 gd. Synods 35. 4d. Prox. Abb. Colcheſter. 35. Here is a ſmall School endowed with 5l. per annum. Biſhop of Ely, p. i. 19 13 4 Braughing V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. IIs. pro I 194 Vic. 45. Prox. Archidiac, 85. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Sanctæ Trinitatis, London, Propr. William Harvey. Eſq. 1714. Jacob Houblon, Eſq. 1761. Eliab Harvey, Eſq. and others, 1781. Bucklaud R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox. 2 Archidiac. 75, 9d. Synods 35. 4d. King's College, Cam- bridge, p. i. 26 CHESHUNT V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. ili pro 150 Vic. 25. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods. 35. 4d. 20 Ο Ο Ο Ο 180 2 12 O оо 0 0 7 II 2 100 OO 10 I 4 100 O 66 13 O O 1748, 1773, p. i. 8 Eſtwicke, alias Eaſtwick, R. (St. Botolph.), Prox. Epiſc. 9d. o 15 Prox, Archidiac. 35. iod. . Synods 35. 4d. Mr. Allen left a Library of 1700 Volumes to his Succeffors in this Church. William Plummer, Eſq. 1719. John Plummer, Eſq. 1726. William Plummer, Eſq. 1781. 3 4 Gelſton, alias Gedleſton, alias Gilfton, R. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 8s. 2d. Synods 35. 4d. Here is a School ſupported by a ſmall Rent Charge. Exempt from the Arch- deacon, as to Induction. Biſhop of London. 4 Hadham Magna R. (St. Andrew,) cum Hadham Parva Cha- 6 13 4 400 pel. Prox. Epiſc. il. 145. 3d. This Pariſh is rated to the Land Tax at 2500l. and Little Hadham at 1500l. Exempt from the Archdeacon, as to Induction. Biſhop of London. Hormead Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc.. 55. Roger I Woodcock, and Charles Crouch, Gent. 1719. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1768, p.i. Hunſdou R. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. · Synods ! 4 35. 4d. Penſiones Prior. Merton 6s, Catherine Bluck, Widow, 1719. Nicholſon Calvert, Eſq. 1756, 1773, 1777. 14 16 3. Leyſton V. (St. Bartholomew,) cum Alſewick, Cap. deſtruct. I 9 7 70 0 and BUNTINGFORD. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 11s. 6d. pro Vic. Is. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Here is a Grammar School and an Hoſpital, both endowed. Pri. Sanétæ Trinitatis, Propr. Charles Crouch, Gent. 1681. John Hawkins, Eſg. 1720. Catherine Wool. ball, 10 оо 120 I 2 o Q 120 O 0 O 4 M2 - 636 DIOCES E OF LONDON. HERTFORDSH. do 1 Іоо o O IIO O O 1 o 10 o O O O King's Books, Yearly Texths, d. ball, 1748, 1754. Sir Hanſon Berney, Bart. 1762. Dame Catherine Berney, 1779, 1784. 12 13 4 Meſden, alias Meelden, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 35. 4d. 5 4 Archidiac. 35. 4d. Synods 35.4d. Anthony Lucher, Eſq. 1721. Jacob Houblon, Eſq. 1750, 1781. 7.10 7£ Pelham Parva, alias Stocken, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 0 15 01 25. 6d. Archidiac. 85. Synods 35. 4d. James . Perkins, Clerk, 1701. Felix Calvert, Efq. 1728. Nicholſon Cale vert, Eſq. 1771. 13 6 8 Reed R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 58. Archidiac. 6s. Id. 68 140 Synods 35. 4d. Thomas Newland, Eſq. 1718. Sir Jobn Jennings, 1727. George Jennings,, Eſq. 1758, 1777 , poi. Royston V *. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Exempt 1 o 80 from the Archdeacon. Pri. Royſton, Propr. Robert Cheſ- ter, Eſq. and others, 1692. Edward and Catherine Chef- ter, 1731, 1739. The Biſhop, 17:52. Thomas Plummer Byde, Eſq. 1768. The Biſhop of Killaloe, and Thomas Brand Hollis, Eſq. 1778, p. i. 17 SAWBRIDGWORTH, vulgo SAPSWORTH, V. (St. Michael.) 1 14 80 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. il. 155. pro Vic. 65. 6d. Archi- diac. 85. 8d. Syn. 35. 4d. Penf. Sacr. de Weſtminſter 35. gd. Penf. Pri. de Harley 25. 6d. Penf. Abb. de Col. chefter 29. 6d. Exempt from the Archdeacon, as to duction. This Pariſh is about 7 Miles from North to South, and four and half from Eaſt to Weſt. Sacriſta Abb. Weſtminſter, Propr. Biſhop of London, p. i. STORTFORD, alias Bishop's STORTFORD, V. (St. Michael.) I 4. O 80 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro Vic. 45. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Præcentor of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. 16 13 4 Thorley R. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 6s. I 13 4 id. Synods 35. 4d. Biſhop of London. 6 o Thundrich V. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Trinity College, O 12 Cambridge. United to WARE V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. Il. 1os. pro Vic. 7s.6d. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Shene in Surrey, Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 12 13 4 Wideford R. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Archi 5 4 go diac. 55. id. Penf. Pri. de Berm. 6d. Portio Dom. Pri. O I 2 O O 200 O O O 20 IO O 2 1 150 O I * Royſton.---The Town of Royſton being five Pariſhes are reduced to one called St. John Baptiſt, in Royſton, a Vic. and to have the Priory Church by Act of Parliament 32 Hen. VIII. cap. 44. I Is. 6d. 637 1726. The KING, 1765. chard Goulſton, Eſq. 1712.. Francis Gulſton, 1748, 1752. HERTFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LONDON. King's Books. 2. so. d. 15. 6d. Mary Parry, 1695. William Plummer, Eſq. 16 o Widihall R. (St. Giles.) Prox. Epiſc. 55, 6d. Archidiac. 75. 9d. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Sanétæ Trinitatis is. 8d. Ri- Yearly Tenibs, 1. s. 0 I 12 тоо 0 O O ) 49 8 6 52 100 O O o 2 O 35. 4d. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 33 7 8 Amwell, alias Amwell Magna, V. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Cap. 6.0 70 Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 1os. pro Vic. Is. id. Archidiac. 45. 8d. Synods 35. 4d. Pri. Hertford, olim Propr. Ro- bert Elwes, Eſq. 1734, 1743. Cary Elwes, Eſq. 17745 1781. 9 Broxborne V. (St. Auſtin.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. Exempt from 12 the Archdeacon. Here is a Free School and an Alms Houſe for fix Widows. Biſhop of London, Propr. and Patr. p. i. 23 Hormead Magna V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 6 3 9 50 6s. pro Vic. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. id. Synods Pri. Blackmore, in Eſſex, Propr. Charles Crouch, Gent. 1714, St. John's College, Cambridge, 1768, p. i. 44 0 Pelham Arſa, or Brent Pelham, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 7. 6 8 pro Rect. 35. gd. pro Vic. gd. Prox, Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. Treaſurer of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. The Biſhop, 1771. 32 30 Pelham Furneaux V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 55.9 pro Vic, Is. 62. Dec. & Cap. 6s. 8d. Treaſurer of St. Paul's, Propr. and Patr. The Biſhop, 1771. 7 Stanſted Abbots V. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rect. 155. 10 60 pro Vic. As. Archidiac. 75. 9d. Syn. 35. 43. Here is a Chapel in which the Public School is kept. Pri. Merton, in Surrey, Propr. Sir Thomas Middleton, · Knt. 1682. Paul Feilde, Eſq. 1767, 1781, p. i. 34 19 11 STONDON, alias STANDON, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 45. '14 13 4 Archidiac. 75. 3d. Synods 35. 4d. Here is a free School endowed with an Eſtate of 451. per Ann. Pri. Sfi Johan. Jeruſalem, Propr. John Ward, Eſq. 1719. Richard Goul- ſton, Eſq. 1728. How, 1747. William Plummer, Eſq. 1747 O 49 8 O O O 120 O Nor 638 HERTFORDSH, DIOCESE OF LONDON, MAS PRE NAS NOT IN CHARGE, BUNTINGFORD (St. Peter;) Chap:in the Parish of Leyſton. HODDESDON (St, Catherine,) Chap. to Broxborn. Exempt from the Archdeacon. Stanſted Thele Donative, (St. Margaret.) Lord of the Manor. 0966600 Shes Diocefe [ 639 ] - so far Dioceſe of Norwich 1. S. King's Books. do 834 II 72 ISHOPRIC of Norwich, diſcharged of Fenths, and charged with Firſt Fruits, to the Sum of There was firſt a Biſhopric at Dunwich, then at Elmham, from thence removed to Norwich in the Year 1091. Le Neve, 7 P• 207, 208. This Dioceſe was once divided into two Biſhoprics, the one of Suf. folk at Dunwich, then on the Sea Coaſt, now under the Water, and generally called Southwold Bay; the other of Norfolk at North Elmham. Sigebert, King of the Faſt Angles, returning out of France, after the Death of Gerpenwald, where he had been baniſhed, and there converted to the faith of Chriſt, and being placed on the Throne had brought over with him Felix, a Burgundian, and made him Biſhop of the Eaſt An- gles, and placed his See at Dunwich, in the eaſtern part of Suffolk, in 636. His third Succeſſor, Bifus, being old, die vided this Dioceſe into two parts, appointing Bedwin the firſt Biſhop of that Part which is now called Norfolk, and p.lacing his See at North-Elmbam in 673.. After the Death of St. Humbert, the tenth and laſt Biſhop of Elmham, both Sees. laid vacant upwards of an hundred Years, by reaſon of the Devaſtations of the Danes. In the Year 995 both Sees. were joined in one in Elmham, and continued till 1075, when.. Herfaſt or Arfaſtus removed the See to Thetford in Nor- folk, where it continued till 1088, there being only three Bi. ſhops of Thetford; the laſt, Herbert Leſing, tranſlated the See to Norwich in the Reign of William Rufus, where the See only continues, all the Lands having been taken away by King Henry the Eighth. Thoſe of Holm Abby deſtroyed, St.Benedi&t's in Norfolk were aſſigned to it by way of Exchange. Dugdale, Vol. I. fol. 50. Vide Act of Parliament 27 Hen. VIII. for the Benefices in the Collation of the Biſhop of Norwich. The 640 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. The Cathedral Church. (St. TRINITY.) The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. Wil. liam Caſtleton, the laſt Prior, was made the firſt Dean, by the Charter of King Henry VIII. bearing Date May 2, 1538. 6ool. per Ana. The Commiſſioners for the taking of this Survey, and who ſigned the return, were Robert Hołdych, Auſten Styward, Reynold Lytylfrow, Thomas Godfalve, Nicholas Hare, and Bryan Taillor. The Spiritual and Temporal Poffeffions of the Dean and Chap- ter temp. Hen. VIII. amounted, after every Deduction, to the Sum of 861. 125. 2. 1 2 All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church, are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Norwich. King's Books. Pearly Tentbsp d. 1. The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe 2201. per Am. 143 8 4 Archdeaconry of Norfolk had the Rectory of Cafton temp. H. 14 6 10 VIII. Erected before the Year 1124. 71 3 Archdeaconry of Norwich. Erected before the Year 1200. 7 is 76 9 41 Archdeaconry of Sudbury. Erected about the Year 1126. 7 12 11 892 I Archdeaconry of Suffolk. Erected before the Year 1127. 8 18 21 0 14 2 Hoſp. vocat. Hilderlands. I 5 There are fix Prebends in the Church of Norwich, five whereof are in the Gift of the King, but preſented to by the Lord -Chancellor or Lord Keeper; and one is annexed to the Maſterſhip of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, 12 Annæ Regi- næ, and preſented to upon a Vacancy by the Fellows of that College with the Maſterhip. None of the faid Prebends are charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths ; but they pay with the Deanry in lieu thereof 897. 11.s. 5d. The Prebends 250l. per Ann. each. 0 1 The DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 648 sliq SSS The City of Norwich, in the Archdeaconry of Norwich, The Priory of St. Trinity in Norwich was returned by the Com- miffioners to be of the clear annual Value of 874l. 145. 6d. The Hoſpital of St. Giles in Norwich was likewiſe returned at 90l. 125. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Fearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 20 70 8f St. Botolph R. Eccleſia profanata. Vide Certific. Collect. O o 4 of Decim. 3 5. 5- St. Mary's in Combuſt. R. Eccleſia profanata. Redd. 35. 4d. 6, 61 Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. The Biſhop of Norwich. S. d. 1. O 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Ckar Yearly Value. King's Books: All Saints in Beere Street R. with St. Julian and St. Clement. 3 14 7 Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. appropriated to the College in the Fields, juxta Norwich. Nathaniel Axtel, Eſq. 1714. Robert More- ton, Eſq. 1737. Charles Buckle, Eſq. 1768. 17 5 03 St. Auguſtin R. Epiſc. pro Syn, 3d. Dean and Chapter of 6:17 87 40 Norwich. 277 3 11 St. Clement at the Bridge R. Magift. de Stoke Clere 6s. 8d. 7 9 2 Abb. Wyndham 4s. Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. Ineumb. hab. med. meff. in paroch. & coemet. fine gleb. Gonvil and Caius Col- lege, Cambridge. 14 10 21 St. Edmund R. Redd. 2d.} Epifc. pro Syn. 3d. Sir Wil- 14 6 3 40 liam Cleere, olim Patr. William Cecil, Clerk, 1712. Geo. Hainſworth, 1737. Thomas Beckwith, 1751, 1781. 19 13 St. Edward, Julian, and Clement, R. with All Saints in Beere 3 6 3 40 Street. Epiſc. pro Syn. 9d. Humphrey May, olim .Patr. James May, Eſq. 1675. Robert Moreton, Eſq. 1737. Charles Buckle, Eſq. 1768. 0 13 9 St. John of Mathermarket R. Penſ. Magiſt. Novi Collegii, 7.10 40 Oxon. 6s. 8.2. Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. The Archbiſhop, 1749. New College, Oxford. St, I o O 1 2. 4 N 642 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. S. 1. s. de O O Ο Ιο 11 12 2 JI O IO 3 O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books ho d. 16 5 11] St. Laurence R. Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. 2001. Augment. The 4 13 9 30 KING. 70 St. Margaret of Weſtwick R. wish St. Swithin. Epifc. pro Syno 5. 4. ož 3d. 400l. Aug. Bilhop of Norwich. St. Mary, in Mariſco R. Profanata eſt. Dean and Chapter of 5 of Norwich. St. Michael Coffany R. Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. Gonvil and Caius 13 6 8 50 College, Cambridge. St. Michael el ad Placita R. Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d, Epiſc..pro Syn. 3d, Sir William 6 10 35 Adams, Bart. 1678. Earl of Suſſex, 1690. Thomas Len- nard Barret, Eſq. 1747. Sir Lambert Blackwell, Bart. 84 St. Peter Hungate R. Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. The KING. John 3. I 5. Crop, de Civ. Norw. Chirurgus, oliin Patr. 2 re 11 3 St. Peter Southgate R. Biſhop of Norwich, 1738. 16 2 17 31 OIL 10. St. Simon and St. Jude R. Epiſc. pro Syn. id.i Tude R. Epiſc. pro Syn. id. Biſhop of 3.10 30 Norwich. St. Swithin R. with St. Margaret of Weftwick. Epiſc. pro Syn. . 6. 3. 4. 3d. Bihop of Norwich, p. i. 1738. 4 17 6 St. Stephen V. Camerario Eccleſiæ Cath. Norw. 21. 135. 4d. 90 55 Epiſc. pro Syn. 3d. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, p. i. 1773. 1775... The kind -Z 12 20 O' 2 O . O 20 0 0 The following Churches are in Mr. Ecton's MS. as formerly belonging to the City of Norwich. St. Bartholomew's and St. John de Beere Street. Pri. Wymond. ham, olim Propr. St. Clement's in Conesford. Pri. Cockford, olim Propr. Ec- cleſia deſtructa. Gonvil and Caius Coll. p.i. St. Croſs. Ecclefia deftructa. St. John's at the Bridge R. Bridge R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. St. John's at the Gate R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patro St., Katherine V. Eccleſia deſtructa. Pri. Carrow, Propr. St. Mary's and St. Cuthbert's R. Eccleſia profanata. St. Martin's and St. Michael's in. Beere Street.. Rs . Churches DIOCESE 643 OF NORWICH. 1a elim. a King's Books, 1. S. 2 0 , . , DIOCESE Churches in Norwich. Mag. Brit. p. 457. Valores infra extratti funt à Libro Tanner, 2. d. St. Auſtin's R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr.. 171.6 7 8] 55. od. certified Value. St. Andrew's Don. Coll. in the Fields, Norwich, Propr. The Pariſhioners preſent. , 11l. 65. 8d. certified Value. All Saints in Beere Street, R. with St. Julian and Edward. 3. 4 41 tifiedaniel Axtel , Eſq. Robert Moreton, Eſq. 1742. Cer: 14 0 St. Bennet's V. Richard Ward, olim Patr. The Parihioners. Certified. St. Clement's on the Bridge. Gonvil and Caius College, Patr, 7 9 * 274. 35. 1 1d. certified Value. St. Edmund's, R. annexed to All Saints. William Cecil, Clerk, 4 6 3 Patr. 1712: Thomas Beckwith, p.i. 1781. 141. 105. 2d. I certified Value. Lo Propr. 21. 145. certified Value. St. George of Tombland. Biſhop of Ély, Patr. Certified. 2 St. George Colgate R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr, 103. ceriified Value. St. Giles's R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. Certified. 30 o St.Gregory's R. - Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. 3l. certified Value. 40 St. Helen's. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. 361. certi- fied Value. St. James's R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. certified Value. St. John de Sepulchro R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, 301 Patr. gl. is. certified Value. 16 St. John's Tumberhill R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. 2 Il. 125. certified Value. St. John's of Mathermarket R. The KING and New Col. 7 10 21 lege, Oxon.191135.9d. certified Value. St. Julian's. James May, Eſq. Patr. 1675. Charles Buckle, Efq. 1768. 191. 135. ld. certified Values St. Laurence. The KING, Patr. . .161. 55. 1 d.} certified 4 13 9 Value. St. Margaret's. Biſhop of Norwich. Certified. O St. Martin's at the Palace R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, a Patr. 1l. certified Value. 4 N 2 1 40 O O 0 20 il. can and 20 0 0 0 St. 644 DIOCESE OF NORWICH . 30 o O 20 o 20 O o se poate Pri , . Valores infra extracti funt è Libro Tanner. King's Books 1. d. 1. S. de St. Mary Collany. 155. 4d. certified Value. St. Martin's at Oak R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. Il. certified Value. St. Michael's at Thorn R. Earl of Buckinghamſhire, 1762. Certified. St. Michael's at Pleas, alias Muſpoole, R. Earl of Suflex, 6 10 1690. Sir Lambert Blackwell, 1775, p. i. 111. os. iod. certified. St. Michael's Coflany R. Gonvil and Caius College, Patr. 136 8 20 0 St. Paul's cum Pockthorp R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. 21. certified Value. St Peter's South Gate R. Biſhop or City of Norwich, Patr. 217 37 The Biſhop, 1738. 77. 125.82.1 certified Value. St. Peter's by Mountergate. Chapter of Norwich. 181. cer- tified Value. too o Ö St. Peter's of Mancroft C. Truſtees, Patr. 10l certified Value. St. Peter's of Hungate. Held by Sequeſtration, John Crop, 36 151 Parr. The KING. 71. 128. 8d. I certified Value. St. Saviour's. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. Pri. Norwich, Propr, 31. certified Value. St. Simon and Jude. Biſhop of Norwich, Patk. iis. jod. 3 10 certified Value. $t. Stephen's V. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. 9,0 41. 175. 6d. certified Value. Şt. Switbin's. Biſhop of Norwich, Patr. 105. certified Value. 6 0 2} O 45 0 O 1 O NORFOLK..., 9. Blofield, in the Archdeaconry of Norwich. The Priory of Weybridge, in this Deanry, was returned by the BYCommiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value, after every. Deduction, of 7h 135. 4d. Vide Orig. Sury, for Particulars. LIVINGS NORFOLK 645 DIOCESE DE NORWICH. 1. O 2 220 o O IIO O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentho Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. zo 0. Acle R. (St Edmund..) Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 2 1600 Earl of. Arundel, olim Patr. Reynolds Galthorpe, Eſq. i 1911. The KING, 1768, -pabrio: Sti Pauli Norw. 105. 23 6 8 Blofield R*: (St. Andrew.). Hofp. Sti Pauli Norw. 10s. 6 8 Redd. 2d: Epiſc. pro Syn. Is. . Edward Pafton, Eſq. olim Patr. Henry Reeve, Eſg, and others, 1671. Samuel Col. by; 1727. Ifaac Park, 1735. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, p. i. 1769» 14. 0 Cantley R. (St. Margaret.): Epifc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. . 75. 18 o 7d. Sir Robert Gawdy, olim Patr. Harbord Härbord, Efq. 1720, 1736. James Coyte, 1779. o Poſtwike, alias Joftwick, R. (All Saints.) Priori Norw. il. Ioa 0.0185.4d. Şenefchall. is. 8d. Epiſc. 15.. Archidiaco 45. Sir Edward Ward, Bart. 1697, 1740. Thomas Ward, Eſq. olim Patr. 18 Redeham R. (St. John Baptiſt) Abb. Hulme is. 8d. Epiſc. t 16 25. 8d. Archidiac. . 78. 70.1 Sir Richard Berney, Patr. Richard Berney, Eſq. 169. Sir Lambert Black- well, 1720. Carteret Leathes, Eſq. 1739, 1758; 1775, 1779, p. i. BE o. Thorpe R. (St. Andrew.) Epifc. pro Syn. 62. Edward 0 16 0 Palton, Eſq. olim Patr.. Duncan Dee, Eſq. 1706. The KING, 1734. Thomas Vere, Eſq. 1753, p. i. 13 6 8 South Wallham St. Laurence R. Abb. Hulme 145. 8d. I 6 8 160 Collectori Is. 6d. . Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 John Gill, Eſq. 1697. John Anſtis, Efq. 1718. Earl of North-- ampton, olim Patr... Queen's College, Cambridge. 10 o 120 O O 200 0 kladiva 100 O 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 48 6. Beighton, or Boyton, R. (All Saints.). Hoſp. Sti Pauli Norw. 13 700 65. 8d. Epiſc. pro Syn. Is. Edward Paſton, Eſq. olim :: O O O O * Blofield R.-is not charged with Procurations to the Archdeacon, which is ſuppoſed to be the · Cafe of all ſuch Livings as anciently belonged to the old Biſhoprie, before it was exchanged for the Abby of St. Bennet's.. Patra, 646 DIOCES E OF NORWICH. NORFOLK 1. O 140 оо 40 1 38 O o Bishop of Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, le d, S. 2 Patr... Sir Henry Bedingfield, Bart. and Sir Henry Beding- field, 'Knight, 1681. John Bennett, Gent. 1733. Thomas mas Anſon, Eſq. 1769, p. i. 40 o Birlinghamn, alias Blingham St. Andrew, R. Epiſco-Is. 12 40 O Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Sir Richard Berney, olim Patr. Ri- chard Berney, Eſq. 1691. Carteret Leathes, Eſq. 1741, 1751. Conſolidated with Foto 40 o Birlingham, alias Blingham St. Edmund, R. Epiſc. 6s. Ar. 12 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Sir Richard Berney, olim Pair. Duke of Norfolk, 1697. Carteret Leathes, Eſq. 1741, 1751. 30 O Birlingham, alias Blingham St. Peter, R. Epiſc. 1s. Archi- 50 o diac. 35. Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk, John Anſtis, Eſq. 1727, 1732. William Taylor, and Fran- cis Loggin, Gent, 1737. Univerfity of Cambridge, 1773, p. h. v. Bradſton, alias Braydeſton, R. (St. Michael.) Epifc. 15. 5 6 8 70 CO Archidiac. :55. Sir Richard Berney, olim Patr. Richard a Berney, Eſq. 1691. John Pitts, Clerk, 1724. Carteret 1 Leathes, Eſq. 1.735, 1758, 1764, p. i. o Brundall, alias Brundhall, R. Epiſc. Iso - Archidiac. zs. 6d. 4 10 500 Sir Miles Hobart, olin Patr. Hewer Edgley Hewer, Eſq. 12 1719. William Blackborne, and others, 1737. The Bi- Shop, 1775 Elizabeth Edgeley Hewer, and others, 11779, p. i. BUCKENHAM, alias BUCKNAM Ferry, R: (St. Michael.) conſolidated with Haflingham. Epiſc. is. Archidiac. 55. 60 Thouias Godfalve, Eſq. olim Petr. Lady Elizabeih Halo o tings, 1717. Sir Thomas Beauchamp Proctor, Bart. 1.967, 1784, p. i. 28 o Fiſhley R. Epiſc. 8d. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Elizabeth 5 30 Spooner, olim Patr. John : Man, Efq. 1690. William Luſon, 1.722.. Hewling Luſon, 1753. Sir Charles Saun. ders, Knt. 1774, p. i. Freethorpe V. (All Saints.) Mon. Horſham Sanctæ Fidis, Propr. Richard Berney, Eſq. 1692. i The KING, 1752. Carteret Leathes, Eſq. 1771, 1775, p.i. Halvergate V. (St. Peter and St. Paul., Epiſc. 25. 8d. Ar 5 chidiac. 70.1 Mo. Tinterne, co. Monmouth, Propr. 14 o Hallinghem R. (St. Mary,) conſolidated with Buckenham. 4 Rectori Beighton 4s. Epiſc. Iso Archidiac. 35. Th mas Godſalve, Eſq. oliin Patr. Lady Elizabeth Haſtings, 1717 Sir W lliam Beauchamp Proctor, Bart. 1767, Sir Thom is Beauchamp, Proctor, Bart. 1784, p. i. Limpenhaw, 46 O o O 40 IQD O oy 12 0 20 O 49 10 0 75. 7d.. 00 0 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 647 d. 1, do 40 O 1 6 13 4 18 O 1729. Thomas a O 120 0 I 2 O o 6 3 Clear rearly Value. King's Books, 2. Limpenhav, alias Limpingham, V. with South wood R. 60 Epiſc. Isi zde Archidiac. 2satArchidiac. 68. 8d. Mon. Langiey. Richard Berney, Eſq. 1698. Carteret Leathes, Efq. 1735, 1779, P.1,12 Moultou V. with Tonſtall. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. Archi- 5 39 diac. 6s. 8d. Colleg. Norw. Propr. Richard Anguil), Gent. olim Patr." Edinund Anguilh, Eſq. 1699. Thomas Page, Clerk, 17:23, 1729. Thomas Anguilh, Clerk, 1735, 1769, p. i. 44 o Plumpſted Parva R. (St. Gervaſe and St. Protaſus,) with Wit-- 7 12 6. tou. Epiſc. isi Archidiac. 65. 8d. Sir Miles Hobart, olim Patr. Patr. Hewer Edgley Hewer, Eſq. 1719. Williain Black borne, Efq. and others, 1746. Elizabeth Edgley Hewer, and others, 1779, p. i. Randworth V. (St. Helen.) Epifc. 25. 44. Archidiac. 6s. 4 o o 18 8d. . Mon. Langley, Propr. Biſhop of Ely, p.i. Strumpfhaw R. (St. Peter.) Epifc. 15. Archidiac. 55. Sirs . Richard Beroey, olim Patr. Richard Berney, Eſq. 1681. John Pitts, Clerk, h. v. 1724. Carteret Leathes, Eſq. 1735, 1764, 1771, p. i. 24 o Upton V. (St. Margarer.) Epiſc. 25. 4d. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 5o 30 Mon. Butteley, Propr. Biſhop of Ely, p.i. 35 South Wallham V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Hulme 15. Redd. 8 d. 5 O 55 Epiſc. 25, Hoſp. Sti Egidii, Norw. Propr. Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich, p.i. 29 Wickhampton R. (St. Andrew.) Epifc. 15. Archidiac. 35. 4 Archidiac. 35. 4 oo 4. Sir James Edwards, Bart. and Michael Edwards, Elq. 1697. South Sea Company. 50 Witton R. (St. Margaret,) with Little Plumpſted. Epiſc. 15. 60 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Sir Miles Hobart, olim Patr. Robert Suckling, Eſq. 1701. William Hewer, Eſq. Elizabeth Edgley flewer, and others, 1979. Woodbaftwick V. (St. Fabian and St. Sebaſtian.) Epiſc. 25. 4d. Archidiac. 75. 8d. Mon. Hulme, Propr. Sir John Corbet, olim Patr. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 47 1776. 60 Pauxworth, alias Panxforth, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Is. John Houghton, Eſq. olim Patr. Francis Bacon, Eſq. and others, 1684. William Morden, Elg. 1736. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 1776, p. i. O 48 100 O O / O 0 0 Ο Ο O O 6 13 4 O O 6 - 2 O CRAPELS, 648 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. 40 o Hemblington Cur. (All Saints.) Dean and Chapter of Nor- wich, Patr. 15l. certified Value. 40 0 0 Lingwood Cur. (St. Peter.) Ed. Hilton, olim Propr. iil. certified Value. o Plumpfted Magna Cur. (St. Mary.) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. 161. certified Value. Tonſtall Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Mon. Sydon, Propr. Held with Moulton.. bl. 135. 4d. certified Value. 20 D. Breckles, in the Archdeaconry of NORWICH. The College of Thomſon was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear Sum of 521. 10s. jd.) The Hoſpital of St. John of Jeruſalem in Carbrooke was like- wiſe returned at 761. 55. 38. £ Vide Orig. Surv. si 1. O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthes Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. d. 19 13 61 Alill R. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. 1$. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. I 19 41 130 Fri. Thetford 135. 4d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 185. 2d. &c. Sir Henry Bedingfield, olim Patr. John Kid, Eſq. 1687. Hyde Parnell, Gent. 1729. Thomas Watts, Gent. p. i. 1772. II 19 Cafton R. (Holy Croſs.) Epifc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 5s. i 3. II 90 Firm. terr. gleb. 1l. 55. &c. John Cotton, and Roger Burgoyne, Eſq. 1720. Sir Richard Berney, olim Patr. John Cotton, Eſq. 1735. James Tyllyard, Eſq. and others, 1767 21 14 91 Saham Tonye R. (St. George.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 2 3 54 7d.1 Penſ, Novo Collegio 21. Seneſchallo 3s. 4d. Per- quiſ. cur. per ann. Is. &c. Wincheſter College, Oxford. 5 LIVINGS ON 150 00 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 649 1. IO II II . 41 '18 O O O Abb. Marham 155. Firm. terr. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books, 2. s. d. d. 13 9 8 Breckles V. or Cur. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 25. Pri. Weſt- 7.17 IT acre, Propr. Firm. terr. gleb. decim. oblat. cum 31. 6s. 8d. pro penſ, rec. de Prior. de Weltacre per ann. Sir Robert Gardner, olim Patr. Carbrooke Magna and Parva V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 7 12 6 Knights Templars, Propr. Lady Southwell, olim Patr. Commanderium de Carbrooke, Propr. Decim. oblat. cum 41. rec. de Magiſtro Commander. Sti Johannis ibid. per ann. William Clayton, Eſq. 1748, 1771. Lord Howard de Walden, p. in 1784. Little Ellingham R. (St. Peter,) with Great Ellingham V. 71 7 I 10.1 140 Epiſc. Is. Archidiaco 4s. Terr. gleb, ad valof. 18s. 8d. &c. Robert Flint, olim Patr. Earl of Syffolk, 1717, Jonas Bond, Gent. 1728. Thomas Bond, Clerk, p. io Patron and Incumbent, 1777 28 9 6 Griſton V. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 25. Decim. oblat. redd. 7 8 & firm. cum 21. pro penf. rec. de Prior. de Buckingham Mon. Thetford; Propr. Bilaop of Ely. 40 5 © Marton, alias Merton, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 15. Epiſc. Is 8di Archi. . 6 oo diac. 55. Priori Lewes ih 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 2l. os. 10d. &c. Sir William de Grey, olim Patr. Thomas de Grey, Efq. 1696, 1731, 1761, Lord Wal- fingham. 37 5 o Ovington R. (St. John Evangefiſt.) Epiſc. Esq Archidiac. 7 3 6£ 60 55. Redd. & firm. per . ann. 155. 5d. &e. Cambridge Univerſity. Thomas Wright, Gent. olim Patr. 48 18 10 Scoulton R. (All Saints.). Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 10 4 2 80 Firm. terr. glebs. per am. 11. 49. 2d. &ca Lady Southwell, olim Patr, Elizabeth Beadle, Widow, 1691. Patrick St. Clair, Clerk, 173% John Weyland, Eſq. 1764. o Stow Bedon Vo (St. Botolph.) Epiſc. 25. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 4 19 47 70 0 cim. "oblat. &c. Thomas Gooche, olim Patr. Nathaniel Coddington, Clerk, 1720, James Smith, Clerk, 1750. 34 14 4 Threxton R. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Penr. Epiſc. 7 # 91 70 135. 4d, Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 16$&c. Biſhop of Norwich. $ 8 Tottington, alias Tottingdon, V. (St. Andrew.) Epifc. 35. 6 14 21 18 *** 4d. Archidiac. 75: 70.1 Pri. Campſey, Propr. Decim. & oblat. cum 3l. 6s. Bd. pra penfrec. de Prioriſa de Campor 45 0 0 per ann. 6 0 5 o o O 0 19 18 O O 10 o 650 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWIC HI. 3. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. d. ſey per ann. Sir Thomas Southwell, olim Patr. The Bi- fhop of Norwich, by Lapſe, i The Governors of - of Chigwell Free School, 1779, p. i. 49 6 9 WÁTTON V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. Firm. terr. gleb. de 7 бо cim. oblat. cum il. 6s. 8d. penf. rec. de Prior. Monach. in Thetford per ann. Pri. Bokenham, Propr. Sir Edward Barkham, olim Patr. John Woodhouſe, Eſq. 1691. Wil. liam Henry Fleining, Eſq. 1730. Francis Hicks, Gent. 1779, p. i. O re CURACIES. I 170.1 Sturſton Cur. (Holy Croſs,) in Dec. Cranewife. 61. 1ºs. certified Value. o Thompſon Cur. (St. Martin.) Humph. Fuller, Gent. olim Propr. Mr. Coleman. 201. certified Value. 20 O 5 bb 9. Brifley, in the Archdeaconry of Norwicie The Abby of Wendlyng, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſfioners to be of the clear annual Value, after every Deduction made in Purſuance of the Act of Parliament, of 551. 18s. 4d. * For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. Jim LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 11 King's Books. Yearly Tenthisa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 81 1. s. d. L s. do 7 15 10 Great Frantham R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 7d. Archidiac. Archidiac. O 15 7 150 75. 78.1 Redd. Is. Firm. terr. gleb. per annum 2h. Iso 3d. &c. Samuel Flack, this Turn, 1703. Dorothy Flack, Widow, 1715. Earl of Eſſex, the third Turn, 1727. John Buck, Clerk, 1780, p. h. Ý. 15 13 4 Grefſenhall R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. is. 8d. Archidiac. 75. I ll 4 7d.] Priori de Caſtleacre il. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per o 130 0 ann, NORFOLK, 651 DIOCESE OF NORW I C H. b. s. IL I 2. I 20 King's Books. l'early Tenths, le s d. de ani. il. 75. 2d. &c. Sir Hamond L’Efrange, olim Patr. Sir Nich. L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1710. Sir Thom. L'Eſtrange, & Bart. 1744. I 10 Mildham, alias Mileham, alias Mitcham, R. (St. John Bap- 28 tiſt.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Penſ. rec. de Rectore de Tyttleſhall il. redd. &c. Stephen Barnwell, Eſq. olim Patr. Charles Barnwell, Gent. 1704, 1744. Charles Barnwell, Clerk, 1753. Charles Barnwell, Eſq. 1775, p. i. 8 18 9 Palley, alias Payſhley, alias Pattelley, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) O 17.10 Sine Cure. Nul. Ecclef. Epifc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 25. e Penf. rec. extra Maner. de Palley 61. 135. 4d. &c. Aug- mented by Lott, 1741. Gonvil and Caius College, Cam- bridge. The KING, 1743. 9 o 21 Skarning, alias Scarning, R*. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. 0 180 01 Archidiac. 35. 4d. Priori Norwich 4s. Priori Cattle- acre 10s. Redd. rod. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 135. 3d. &c. Thomas Elliot, Eſq. 1716. Edward Anguiſh, Efq. olim Patr. Richard Warner, Eſq. 1723, 1741. 15 10 2] Swanton. Morley, (All Saints,) with Worthing R. (St. Mar I 11 of 0 - garet.) garet.) Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Curato 61. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 1os. 3d. decim. &c. Biſhop of Nor- wich, by Lapſe, 1711. Robert Neve, olim Patr. Tho- mas Daye, Gent. 1744. John Patteſon, 1779, p. h. v. IS. 150 0 O 120 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 46 0 Beeſton R. near Milham. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. 5d. Archi- 13 diac. 7s. 7d. Redd. 2d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. il. 5d. &c. Stephen Branwell , olim Patr. Thomas Hoogan, Eſq. 1709: Charles Barnwell, Clerk, 1734, 1770. 38 0 ó Betely, alias Brighly, R. (St. Mary.) Firm. terr. gleb. 4d. 9 711 45 0 decim. &c.—Nutting, and Jane his Wife, in Right of John Athowe; Lord St. John, in Right of his Wife; and Sir John Powell, olim Patr. Sir Nicholas L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1680. Charles Morley, M. D. 1722. Chriſtopher Munnings, Clerk, 1782. O * Skarning, alias Scarning, R.-(Vide Skarning among the diſcharged Livings.) There are two Incumbents, and the Rectory' is no Sine Cure (as was ſuppoſed). The Service is performed alternately between the Rector and the Vicar; the Rector is intitled to a Moiety of the Tythes, the Tythes of the other Moiety are impropriate. The Rectory is 361. The Vicarage 19), per annum, as by Letter from the Reverend Mr. Lane, the Vicar, March 1, 1718. บ Little 4. 02 642 DIOCES E OF NORWICH. NORFOLK s. 1. $. a 10 O O 1.2 o O. ОО 0 0 Sir Hamond L'Firange, olim Patr. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 2. d. Little Betring R. Epifc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 25. Firm. 2 13 64 terr. gleb. per ann. 8s. 2d. &c. Robert Seaman, Gent. 1711. Chriſtopher Crowe, Gent. olim Patr. Thomas Crowe, M. D. p. la 1730. 40 o Brilley R. (St. Bartholomew:) Epiſc. 15. 5d. Archidiac. 8 7 8 60 6s. 8d. Redd. 2d. Redd. & firm per ann. 185. rod de- . . las L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1716. Sir Thomas L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1742, p. i. 49 0.0 0.o Colkirke R*. (St. Mary,) with Stibbard. Epifc. 25. Ar- 10 chidiac. 7.5. 7d. Nicholas Timperley, olim Patr. Thomas Bendiſh, Eſq. 1712. Lord Townſhend, p.i. 1741, 1768. 48 Great Dunham R. (St. Mary and St. Andrew.) Epifc. 25. 12 1101 130 2d. Archidiac. 75. Pri. Caſtleecre 8s. Colleg. Eton 35. 4d. Redd. 3d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. Il. '&ci John Waſtell, Gent. 1694. Thomas Hoogan, Eſq. 1721. The KING, 1752. Thomas Hoogan, Gent. p. i 1768. Little Dunham R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 1S. 6d. Archi- 916 16 90 diac. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 138. &c. Tho- mas Rogers, Efq. 1716, 1725, 1748. Sir Ed. Coke, olim: Patr. Edward Parry, Eſq. 1783. 30 o Eaſt Bilney R.. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Įs. 8d. Archidiac. 45. 5 14 5 14 25 $5 Redd. Is. 3d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 1l. &c. Sir Ha- mond L'Eſtange, and Chriſtopher Athowe, olim Patr. Spelman Crowe, 1708. Ann Crowe, Widow, 1756. Chriſtopher Munnings, Clerk, 1778, 1782, p. i. 30 Little Franſham R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 11d. Archidiac. 6s. 6 84 90 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 11, 8s. decim. &c. Richard Beckham, olim Patr. Mary Mawſon, Widow, 1705. Gib. fon Neale, Eſq. 1743. George Barnwell, Eſq. 1774, p. i. 30 o Gately V. (St. Helen.) Pri. Creik, Propr. Epiſc. is. 8d. 3 283 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Firm. tert. gleb. per ann. Ios. 8d. de- cim. oblat. &c. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. No Vicarage Houſe: 1'8 oo Goodwick R. with Tillefhall.. Epiſc: 4d. Archidiac..4.. 82. Firm terr. gleb. per ann, 65. decim. &c. Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. Thomas William Coke, Eſq. 1784, p.i. 40 0 Horningtoft, alias Horningtoftes, R. (St. Edmund.) Epiſc. 617. 81 60 0 IS. 7d. Archidiac. 55. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 195. decim. &c. Thomas Garnys, oliin Patr. Sir Richard Ber- ney, Bart. 1699. Sir Hanlon Berney, Bart. 1776, p. i.. 48 O O O 0 0 O O o I 10 10 O O * Colkitke R. This in the Original Survey, is placed in D. Toftres, Kempiton NORFOLK, DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 653 S. ho S. d. O 4 18 20 O 0 O 40 O 0 45 0 O O Priori . . . . . , Clear Pearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 15 o Kempíton V. (St. Paul.) Epiſc. Is. 4d. Archidiac. 25. 4. Penf. rec. de Prior. de Caftleacre per ann. 31. 8. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 155. decim. &c. Mon. Caſtleacre, Propr. Sir Edw. Coke, olim Patr. Edward Coke, Eſq. 1694. Thomas William Coke, Eſq. 1781, p.i. 30 Eaſt Lexham R. (St. Andrew,) with Lycham. Epiſc. Is. 4d. 8 6 G 60 &c. Sir Thomas Woodhouſe, olim Patr. Edward Wood- houſe, Eſq. 1702. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. p. i. 1742. 30 Weſt Lexham R. (St. Nicholas.) Epifc. 25. Archidiac. 55. 511 8 Priori Caſtleacre ili Redd. & firm. &c. Edm. Morton, olim Patr. Edward Woodhouſe, Efq. 1702. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. p. i. 1779. LYCHAM, alias LUTCHAM, with Eaſt Lexham R. (All Saints.) 9 2 6 190 Epiſc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 75. &c. Sir Thomas Woodhouſe, olim Patr. Edward Woodhouſe, Eſq. 1710. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. p. i. 17425 40 o Northelmham V. (St Mary.) Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 55o. 13 15 65 5 0 decim. &c. Pri. Norwich, Propr. Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. John Harvey, Eſq. 1704. Richard Warner, Eſq. :741. Richard Mills, Eſq. 1778, p. i. 44 Oxwick R. (All Saints.). Firmn. terr. gleb. per ann. ll. 6 9 2 65 Thomas Barſham, Gent. olim Patr. Thomas Bendiſh, Eſq. 1712. John Sparrow, Merchant, 1741. Charles Barn- well, Clerk, p. i. 1765. o Roughain V. (St. Mary.) Epifc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 8 65 30 Penf. Vicario Walton 31. Penſ. rec. de Prior. de Caſtle- acre per ann. 135. 4d. decim. &c. The KING. Mon. Weftacre, Propr. 26 o. o Skarning, alias Scarning, a Mediety V. (St. Peter and St. 9 19. Paul.. ) Epiſc. 15. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Mon. Waltham, Propr. Penf. rec. de Abb. de Waltham per ann. 4h. de- cim. & oblat. &c. Francis Steward, Eſq. olim Patr. Tho- mas Elliot, Eſq. 1716. Richard Warner, Eſq. 1723, 1741. 43 Stanfield R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 6 14 50 Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 95. decim. &c. Sir Hamond L'Eſtrange, olim Patr. Sir Nicholas L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1712. Sir Thomas L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1756, p. i. 48 Tilleſhall, alias Tittleſhall, R. (St. Mary,) with Goodwick. 9 12 8 118 Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Pri. Caſtleacre 1l. 135.4d. Rectori Milelam il. Redd. & firm. per ann. 11. 45. 2d. &c. Robert Coke, Eſq. 1678. Lord Lovell, 1742. Sir Ed- ward O O 20 I 0 2 ОО O 654 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK, King's Books. d. d. O O . . Clear Yearly Value. 1. . ward Coke, olim Patr. Thomas William Coke, Eſq. 16 Weſenham All Saints V. Archidiac. 25. Rectori Willing- 15 10 40 ham 25. 8d. The KING. Abb. Wendlyng, Propr. With 19 Weſenham St. Peter V. Decim. & oblat. ad firm. dimiff. &c. The KING. Abb. Wendlyng, Propr. 28 o Wellingham, alias Willingham, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 15. 5 8 61 45 Archidiac. 55. Pri Sanctæ Fidis 6s. 8d. Penſ. rec. de Vi- car. de Weſenham per ann. 25. 3d. redd, &c. Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. Robert Coke, 1678. Tnomas William Coke, Eſq. 1779 49 o Wyſingſet, alias Whiffonfett, alias Wiſſingfleet, R. (St. Mary.) 10 3 4 Epiſc. 1s. 6d. Archidiac. 75. Pri. Caſtleacre zl. Redd. & firm. per ann. 21. 55. gd. &c. Chriſtopher Cawthorpe, Eſq. 1718. Sir Thomas L’Eftrange, Bart. 1745. Dame Mary L'Eſtrange, Widow, p. i. 1781. 40 Ο Ο Ο Ο O bert Cokey 1020 mer . The MM оо 100 D. Brooke, alias Broke, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. The Monaſtery of Langley, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value, after every Deduction, of 1041. 16s. 5d.[ The Monaſtery of Carow was likewiſe returned at 641. 165. 6d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 2 2. 6 70 O 13 170 o Aſhby (St. Mary) and Halagſton, alias Hellington, R. (St. O 12 John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 158. 3d. Sir Ro- bert Gawdy, olim Patr. Thomas Gawdy, Eſq. 1701. John Beddingfield, Eſq. p. i. 1738. Joſeph Price, Clerk, 1766. 6 8 Berghapton and the Mediety of Holveſton R. (St. Martin.) 1 6 8 Redd. Domido 7d.] Epiſc. 35. 7d. Archidiac. 155. iod. Ath Wyndham, Eſq. 1718. Lord Abergavenny, 1720, 1765, 1780, p. i. 7 Calter o NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 655 1. OOS o 1500 0 12 I оо 4.0 200 o 10 O o 0 IIO O 110 O 0.9 Epifc. ) 5 King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. . d. 1. d. 9 0, Caſter St. St. Edmund R. with Marketfall. Epifc. 25. Archi. O 18 0 IIO diac. 6s. 8d. Roger Godſalve, olim Propr. Sir John Pet- tus, Bart. 1695. Sir Horatio Pettus, Bart. 1746. 16 o Ditchinghain R. (St. Mary-) Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 i 12 Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk, 1709. Sir Rowland Hill , Bart. 1752, p. i. Sir Rowland Hill's. Heir may preſent any Fellow, except a Plat Fellow, of St. John's College, Cambridge, to this Living. o Elingham R. (St. Peter.), Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 75. 7d.} Olim ſpectabat Colleg. de Artilborough. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 185. 8d. &c. Earl of Suffolk, 1717. Charles Howard, Eſq. 1729. The Biſhop, 1746. o Kirkſted, (St. Margaret,) with Langhall R. (St. Stephen.) I Epiſc is. 6d. Archidiac. 35. 6d. Thomas Spooner, Gent. olim Patr. Edward Oſborn, Eſq. p. i. 1730. Prudence. Oſborn, Widow, 1777. Charles Hutton, Efq. 1778, p.i. 6 13 4 Rockland Major R. (St. Chriſtopher,) cum altera Med. de 0 13 4 Holveſton, (St. Mary,) and Rockland Minor. Abb. Lang . fey 1l. Magiſtro Collegii Ski Johan. Cantab. 21. Epiſc. 45. 8d. Archidiac. 156. 10d, Queen's College, Cambridge: . 10 13 4 4 Topcroft R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 75. I I 4 2.1 7d.] Biſhop of Norwich. 5 o Trowſe V. (St. Andrew,) conſolidated with Lekenham. Pri 80 Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 4 Woodſton, alias. Wotton, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 28. chidiac. 75. 70.1 Carol. Suckling, Eſq. oliin Patr. Denzill Suckling, Eſq. 1744. Hannah Suckling, Widow, 1774. The KING, for Robert Suckling, 178.2. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 30 o Bedingham, V. (St. Andrew.). Epiſc. 35. Mo. Wallingham, 5 0 0 :50 Propr. John Goſling, Eſq. 1680, at the Nomination of A the Biſhop of Norwich. George Stone, Eſq. 1781, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich. 45 0 Bixley R. (St. I Wandegiſilus,) with Earls Framlingham. 50 Archidiac. 75. 7d.fi Owen Shepherd, olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk, 1690. Suſan Ward, p. ii 1747. 01.? (James Robſon, for this Turn, 1781. 48 Bramerton R. (St. Peter.)" Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 65, 8d. 60 80 Sir Robert Gawdy, olim. Patr. Sir Thomas Berney, Bart. 1714. John Houghton, Eſq. 1756, p. i. Brome 110 0 ооо Ο ΙΟ o 6 Are O 13 4 200 O O O I 12 O O o - 656 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. S. 1. d. 100 O 0 0 O 120 O 0 O 0 59. Pa i Sir T 34 0 Clear Yearly Values King's Books. 1. d. 45 00 Brome R. (St. Michael.) Epifc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 73. 70.1 6 13. 4 William Coke, Gent. and Mary his Wife, olim Patr. John Fowle, Efq. 1701, 1738, 1760, p. i. 30 o Broak, alias Broke, V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archi- 5 go diac. 78.7dThe KING. ABB. Bury, Propr. 38 0 Carleton St. Peter, with Claxton and Aſhby, 1746, R. Epiſc. 9 35. 8d. Archidiac. 135.4d. Sir Robert Gawdy, olim Patr. Cuthbert Brereron, Efq. 1718. William Smith, and Sir Robert Rich, alternately. William Smith, Gent.'p, h. v. - 1746. 42 o Chedgrave R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Ja. Hobart, 5 6 8 70 Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Charles Turner, Knight, 1717. Sir William Beauchamp Proctor, Bart. 1759, p. i. Sir Tho- mas Beauchamp Proctor, Bart. 37 0 0 Framlingham Earles R. (St. Andrew,) with Bixley. Epiſc. 3 IS. 3d. Archidiac. 55. Lord Arundel, Samuel Needham, Clerk, and Peter Parham, M. D. 1698. John Anſtis, Efq. 1719. Dame Suſan Ward, 1747. James Robſon, - 1781. o Framlingham Picot R. Epifc. Is. 3d. Archidiac. 55. Lord 3.6 8 5000 Arundel, Samuel Needham, Clerk, and Peter Parham, M. D. 1698. Thomas French, 1724. Benjamin Paul, Clerk, 1764, for this Turn. 30 Geldifton, vulgò Gelſton, R. (St. Michael.) Redd. Duci 6 70 Suff. 45. 2d. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. The KING. 45 o o Gillingham All Saints R. cum Winſton and Windell, Epiſc. 50 55. Archidiac. 175. 30.1 Nich. Bacon, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir John Rouſe, Bart. 1692. Dame Suſan Bacon, and others, 1760, p. i. Mrs. Schutz. United to 45 o Gillingham St. Mary R. Epiſc. 8d.1 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 5 6.8 Nich. Bacon, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir John Rouſe, Bart. 1692. Dame Suſan Bacon, and others, 1760, p. i. Mrs. Schutz. 47 Hadiſcoe R. (St. Mary,) with Toft Monks. Epifc. 28. 170 chidiac. 75. 70.1 King's College, Cambridge. 4 • Hedenham R. (St. Mary.) Pri. Bromeholme 4s. Epifc. zs. 13 6 8 80 4d. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Elizabeth Bedingfield, Widow, 1707. Philip Bedingfield, Efq. p. i. 1762. 40 How, alias Hoo, R. With Porlingland Parva. (St. Mary.) 8.13 4 oo Epiſc. 1s. 6d. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 John Denny, Eſq. olim Patr. Denzil Onllow, Éfq. 1691. Earl of Hunting- don, 1767, p. i. S Kirkby ОО O 180 o o Ar- 1 2 O o оо O O 0 O 130. 0 1 NORFOLK. 657 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. . d. O o 0 2 0 0 0 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. s. d. 36 0 Kirkby Bedon St. Andrew R. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 7s. 8 d. 6 4 93 8 0 Owen Shepherd, Eſq. olim Patr. William Brooke, Eſq. 1714. John Bendiſh, Eſq. and his Wife. William Brooke, Eſq. 1745. Sir John Berney, Bart. 1784. 44 Kirkby Cane R. (All Saints.) Epifc. 35. Archidiac. 75.7d.} 10 Richard Cateline, Gent. olim Propr. Sir Nevile Cateline, Knt. 1700. Sir Charles Turner, Bart. p. i. 1733. Henry William Wilſon, Eſq. 40 o Porlingland Magna, vulgò Porland R. (St. Michael.) Duci 6 13 21 Norf. 135. 48. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 8s. 4d. Du. acr. terr. gleb. & diverf. al. parcel. terr. & prat. in Yelverton Porrington Mag. & diverſ, hamlet. Sir Thomas Holland, olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk, 1696. The Biſhop, 1764. Duke of Portland, 1780. 45 0 0 Saxlingham Nethergate R. Epiſc. 1s. 6d. Archidiac. 75.7d. { 13 118 Nicholas Hare, olim Patr. Robert Herne, Gent. 1717. Guibon, Eſq. Biſhop of Norwich, 1740, by Lapſe. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. 1782, p.i. United to 25 o Saxlingham Thorpe R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archi- 6.134 150 diac. 75. 7d. Sir Robert Gawdy, olim Patr. Robert Herne, Gent. 1717. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. 1782, p. i. Shotſham All Saints V. Pri. Pentney, Propr. William Min- 6 13 4 35 gay, Gent. 1715. William Fellows, Eſq. 1764, p. i. 25 0 o o Shottham St. Mary V. with St. Botolph. Pri. Pentney, Propr. 600 45 O William Mingay, Gent. 1715. William Fellows, Eſq. 1764, 18 or Shotſham. St. Martin R. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Bi- 4 57 Oſhop of Norwich. Silland, alias Sizeland, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 4 13 9 65. 8d. Roger Godſalve, olim Patr. Thomas Berney, Eſq. 1913. Anne Berney, Widow, 1734. John Berney, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 30 Stockton R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. 2s. 2d. Archidiac. 75. 8 80 70.1 Sir John Holland, olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk, 1700. Valentine Lumley, Gent. 1758, p. i. Ö o Surlingham, alias Slingham Salvatoris & Mariæ, V. (St. Sa- 6 13 4 viour.) Pri. Carow 135.4d. Penf. Epiſc. Il. 135. 4d. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 125.7d. Mon. Carow, Propr. Nathaniel Axtel, Eſq. 1756. John Smith, Gent. 1720. Rich, Gent. 1727, 1736, by Nomination of the Biſhop. The Biſhop nominates, and the Impropriator preſents. 30 o Thorpe near Hadeſcoe R. (St. Matthias.) Epiſc. Is. gd. 3 6 8 60 Archidiac. 7s. 70.1 Chr. Calthorp, olim Patr. Mary Prime, 25 O o O O p.i. O 0 0 30 O o O 8 0 0 Oouis O 0 22 0 4 P 658 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. NORFOLK 1. So 1758. O O O O O O o O 0 O O O o O 45 100 O 48 O Hales Cur. (St. Margaret.) Hobart, Efq. .olim Propr.. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. s. do do Prime, Widow, 1717. The KING, 1753. An Alterna- tive. James Calthorpe, Eſq. I 40 Thurlton R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. is.gd. Archidiac. 75.7d.1. 6 13 4 90 Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich. 40 Thwaite, alias Twaite, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 15. 8d. Archi. 4 50 diac. 6s. 8d. Duke of Norfolk. Earl of Strafford, 1769. 40 Toft Monks R. (St. Margaret,) with Hadiſcoe. Epiſc. is. 8 00: 4d. Archidiac. 75. 7.1 King's College, Cambridge. 40 Wheatacre, alias Quetacre All Saints, R. Epiſc. 25. Ar- 6 6 53 80 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Lord Willoughby of Parham, olim Patr. William Grimſton, Eſq. 1715. Lynne Smear, Clerk, p. i. 1758. Caius College, Cambridge, 1781, p. i. Wheatacre Burgh, alias St. Peter, R. (St. Mary.) Rectori 7 6 8 de Wheatacre 125. Epiſc. 8d. Archidiac:, 6s. 8d. Sir John Wentworth, olim Patr. William Grimſton, Efq. 1713, Charles Tuck, Clerk, and Philip Bedingfield, Eſq. p.i. 1764. 16 Yelverton R. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 130 KING. art. Not IN CHARGE. .60 LODDON V. (Holy Trinity.) Mon. Langley, Propr. Biſhop of Ely, p. i. 53 Stoke Crucis V. (Holy Croſs.). Pri. Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. p. i. 1781. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Aldebie Cur. (St. Mary.) Matthew Trott, olim Propr. Dean : and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. 1751. 201. cer- tified Value. © Amringale (St. Mary.) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr... and Patr. 1765. 161. certified Value. 30 V. (St. Andrew The KING. Pri. Bliburgh, Propr. Sir Robert Rich, 1747. 0 0 Pri. St. Olaves, Propr. William Wyndham, Eſq. Hardeley Cur. (St. Margaret.) City of Norwich, Propr. Hofp. St. Giles, Norwich, Propr. 401. certified Value. Heckingham The 10 O nich. Frops and bitrate 20 IO NORFOLK 659 DIOCESE OF NORWIC HI. King's Books. 1. s. S. d. d. 6 13 20 O 0 O Clear Yearly Value. 1. 4 Hekingham Cur. (St. Gregory.) Mon. Langley, Propr. Wil- liam Wyndham, Eſq. Hillington Cur. Philip Bedingfield, Eſq. 80 o Kirkby Mariæ Cur. No Church. Mon. Langley, Propr. Mr. Brooke. o Langley Cur. (St. Michael. Richard Berney, Eſq. olim Propr. Mon. Langley, Propr. Sir Thomas Beauchamp Proctor, Bart. 30 Mandham St. Peter's Cur. Hoſpital of St. Giles, Norwich, Propr. City of Norwich. Norton ſub Corſe Cur. (St. Margaret.) Ravington, alias Rareningham, Cur. (St. Andrew.) John Caſtle, Eſq. olim Propr. Coll. Metingham, Propr. Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart. 301. certified Value. Porlingland Parva Cur. conſolidated with How R. Edmund Doyley, Eſq. olim Propr. Earl of Huntingdon. SOO Seething Cur. (St. Margaret.) City of Norwich. Hoſp. of St. Giles, Norwich, Propr. Thurſton, alias Thurton, Cur. (St. Ethelbert.) Thomas God- ſalve, Propr. 1747. Sir Thomas Beauchamp Proctor, Bart. Thomas Godſalve, olim Propr. Mon.Langley, Propr. 161. certified Value. 60 o Wicklingham, alias Witlingham, Cur. (St. Andrew.) Ham- let to Trowſe. Mr. Hare, olim Propr. Pri. St. Olave's, Propr. D. Burnham, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. The Monaſtery of Cockforth, alias Cokesforth, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritua- lities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 1211. 185. Iod.1 The Fraternity of Carmelites in Burnham was likewiſe returned at il. 1os. 8d.1 For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 4 P 2 LIVINGS 660 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. d. I. 17 10 O 20 16 8 100 o OL LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. BURNHAM St. Albert, and Mediety of the Rectory of BURNHAM St. Margaret and BurnHAM All Saints R. Abb. Ramſey 135. 43. Pri. Caſtleacre 16s. 8d. Abb. Wynd- I 15 170 ham 6s. &d. Archidiac. 135. 9d. Epiſc. 35. 6d. The KING. John Soame, Eſq. olim Patr. BURNHAM St. Mary, alias Weſtgate, Mediety of St. Marga- ret’s, alias Norton, and BURNHAM All Saints, alias Ulp, R. Penſ. Colleg. Chriſti Cant. ios. Archidiac. 105. IId. Epiſc. 45. John Har- 2 1 8 ris, Eſq. 1685, 1724. Hutton Perkins, Gent, p.i. 1766. John Soame, Eſq. olim Patr. 4 BURNHAM Deanry. 4 Burnham Ouery, alias BURNHAM MARKET, V. (St. Clement.) o 16.0 Archidiac. 75. 7d. Epiſc. 25. 9d. The KING. Mon. Wallingham, Propr. Burnham Thorpe R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 75. 7d.} Epiſc. Sir Phil. Parker, olim Patr. Peter Lombard, Efq. 1715, 1720. Horatio Walpole, Eſq. 1755. FAKENHAM R. (St. Peter.) Redd. 45. 10d. Archidiac. 75. 3 10 8 70.1 Epiſc. 25. 8d. Trinity College, Cambridge. Fulmonſton, alias Fulmedeſton, R. (St. Mary,) with Croxton, (St. John Baptiſt.) Priori Caſtleacre 135. 44. Archidiac. &s. Epiſc. 25. 9d. John Wace, Clerk, 1705. William Clapham, olim Patr. Corpus Chriſti College, Cambridge, 1778, p. i. 0 Nareing, alias Little Snareing, R. (St. Andrew,) conſolidated 4 85 0 with Thursford. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Ri- chard Gwyn, Eſq. olim Patr. Penelope Clerges, 1744. William Herne, Clerk, p. h. v. 1774. 33 6 8 North Creake, alias North Creke, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 3 6 8 75.68. Epifc. 15. 4d. Biſhop of Norwich, 1727. Lord Marchmont, Beverſham Filmer, and John Spencer, 1760, ΟΙ 8 O 80 o O 19 10 O I 19 I10 0 28. 35 6 8 300 O IO 0 o I I 20 O O I 2 O o O 300 p. h. v. IO. O 1 o O o Penſthorpe R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 8sa 4d. Ecclefia Vaſtata. .30 Edmund Bedingfield, 1679. Richard Hammond, Eſq. 1768. Anthony Hammond, Gent. 1783. 13 13 4 Siderſterne, vulgò Sarſton, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 60 Epiſc. 15. 4d. Robert Donne, Gent. 1705. Lord Viſ- 7 I 7 4 O 0 count NORFOLK. 661 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. King's Books. i de Yearly Tenths, 1. d. s. 16 1 I 1? count Townſhend, 1721. Right Hon. Robert Walpole, 1724. The Archbilhop of Canterbury, 1763. Earl of Orford. Skulthorpe R. (All Saints.) Priori Lewes 135. 4d. Vicario de So. Creke 35. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Epifc. 35. Wil- liam Yelverton, Eſq. olim Patr. Robert Donne, Gent. 1703. John Howes, Eſq. p. b. K. 1739. Daniel Jones, Gent. p. h. y. 1767. 100 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. o O O O O O o 1766. оо оо O оо Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookse 15 Bagthorpe, alias Bæythorpe, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 2.5. 5 10 0 30 Epiſc. 15. 4d. Thomas Goddard, Gent, oliin Patr. Ro- bert Barber, Gent: f.i. 1771. 39 Burnham Depdale R. (Șt. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. II : IS. 10d. William Armiger, olim Patr. John Harris, Eſq. 1686. Elizabeth Money, Widow, p. i. 1745. Catherine Henley, Widow, 1 25 o Dunham, alias Dunton, V. (St. Mary,) with Doulton, alias 5 6 8 30 Duckton. Archidiac. Is. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Mon. Marmond, Propr. William Gwavas, Eſq. 1686. Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. Lord Lovel, 1736. Thomas William Coke, Efq. 1782. 16 Eaſt Barſham, alias Eaſt Baſham, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 6.13 4. 80 6s. 8d. Epifc. 15. 4d. Monaſt. Caſtleacre, Propr. Sir Chriſtopher Calthorpe, Bart. 1690. Thomas Farmer, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Thomas L'Eſtrange, 1742. Dame Mary L'Eſtrange, 1771. 35 Eaſt Rudham R. (St. Mary,) with Weſt Rudham. Epiſc. is. 6 6 8 go 10d. Lord Viſcount Townſhend, 1720, 1771, p. i. 40 Houghton near Harpley V. (St. Martin.) Priori Cocksforth 5 60 Il. 165. Archidiac. 75. 7 d. į Epiſc. Isa rod. Mon. Cockf- forth, Propr. Robert Walpole, Eſq. 1685, 1724. Earl of Orford, 1768, poi. 40 Kettleton, alias Kettleiton, R. (All Saints.) Priori Caſtleacre to 85. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Iso 10d. The KING. 48 0 North Barſham R. (All Saints.) Priori Caſtleacre 21. Archi- 6 6 O 55 00 diac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Phil. Ruſſel, Eſq. oliin Patr. James Ward, Eſq. 1690. William Rootley, Eſq. 1724. Lord Walpole, 1762.. Ryburgh O O: O O 100 O оооо 0 NED 10 NORFOLK, OF NORWICH. NORWICH S. 1. S. d. O O O оо 40 O O 170 O 75. 7 d. : . Conſolidated with 662 DIOCESE OF Clear Pearly Value. King's Bookso 1. d. 8 o Ryburgh Parva V. (All Saints,) united to Riburgh Magna, in 7 13 4 D. Toltres. Priori Bynham 135. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Priori Bynham, Propr. Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart. 1740. Mary Bacon, Spinſter, 1779. 35 South Creake, alias South Creek, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 22 50 Donne, Turn, 1710. olim . Viſcount Townſhend, 1774, 1784, p. i. Stibert, alias Stibard, R. (All Saints,) with Colkirk, (St. Ma- II 13 4 ry.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Lord Viſcount Townſhend, 1720, 1768, p.i. 60 ó o Tatterford R. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. 6s. 3d. Epiſc. Is. 6 6 8 4d. Thomas Farmer, olim Patr. Frances Villet, Widow, 16.17. Diana Drury, 1727. Thomas Wright, Eſq. 1767. 50 o Tatterſet, alias Gateſend, R. (St. Andrew.) Priori Caſtleacre II 'I 8 IOO 11. 135. 4d. Archidiac. 1os. Epiſc. 25.4d. Robert Drury his Wife, and others, 17.09. Henry Violet, Eſq. olim Patr. Diana Drury, Widow, 1727. Thomas Wright, Eſq. 1767. Watterden R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epifc. 15. 40. 50 Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. Anne Gwayas, Widow, 1696. Earl of Leiceſter, 1750. Thomas William Coke, Eſq. 1780, p. i. Weſt Barſham V. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Is. 4d. . Mon. 5 12 Caſtleacre, Propr. James Calthorpe, Eſq. 1690. Thomas Gurney, olim Patr. Charles Cowper Morley, Eſq. 1756. John Balders, Eſq. 1774, 1783, p. i. 23 0 0 Weſt Rudham V. (St. Peter,) with Eaſt Rudham. Epifc. Is. 7 6 iod. Mon. Cockforth, Propr. Lord Viſcount Townſ- hend. O O 40 O 5 6 8 O O 18 15 O 20 - 0 0 CURAC I E S. Barmer, alias Barmere, Cur. (All Saints.) Mr. Scarlet, olim, Pri. Cokesford, Propr. Bruneſtorpe Cur. Eccl. deſtruct. and now Part of Eaſt Rud- ham. The KING. Pri. Cokesford, Propr. D. Cran- NORFOLK 663 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. D. Tranwiſe, alias Cranwich, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. Gnobl LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. 2. d. o ann, IOS. 12 100 O O 17 18 1]. Creſfingham Magna R. (St. Michael,). and St. George's. I! 1594 250 Chapel, with Bedney.. Eccleſiæ Norw. 21. 155. 4d. Redd. & firm. per ann, .Il. 11s. 9d. profic. nundin. ibidem comm.. The KING. 2. 81 Eaſt Bradenham R. (St.- Mary.): Epiſc. 15. 6d. Archidiac. I 4 34 75. 7d. 1. Penſ. 45. Redd. & firm. per ann. il. 6s. 82.1 &c. Anna Cæſar, . olim Patr.. Maurice Goulſton, Eſq. 1916: Gibſon Lucas, . Gent. 1735. Benjamin Crofts, Clerk, 1782,, p. i. 14 17 31 Feltwell St. Mary R.. Epifc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 73.1 Priori" 1984 Caftleacre 1os.. Redd. 4d. Redd. & firm. per ann. il. 165. 3d. Libert. paftur. & faldag. 300 verv. &c. The KING. 19 o Feltwell St. Nicholas R. Terr. gleb. ad firm. dimiff. &c. Bi. 1 18 I 18" o is gent. 1735. Benjamin Croft 1.700 120 O samil. ſhop of Ely. molashTerr . gleb. ad O o 19 9 13 111 Hockwolde, alias. Hokewold, R. (St. Peter.) 4 Portions. O 1944 150 0 0 with Wilton. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Penſ. Gonvil Hall, Cantabr. 21. 6s. 8d. Redd. id. Firm. terr. glėb. per ann. il. 45. - &c. . Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. 9.10“ o Narborough y*. (All Saints,) with Narford. Epifc. 2s. Archidiac. 75. 78.1 Penſ, rec. de Prior. de Weſtacre per ann. il. 6s. 8d. firm. terr. gleb. per: ann. Il. decim: &c. Mon. Weſtacre, Propr. Mündeford Spelman, Efq. 1692. John Spelman, Eſq. 1753, 8. 6. 8. Neeton, alias Neighton, R. (All Saints,) with the V: Priori Priori o 16 % 130 o. o. Weſtacre 2l. Decim. &c. Anthony Hoogan, Gent. olim Patr. Henry Waſtell, Clerk, 1718. Mary Yonge, p.ho. Vi 1752.. Thomas Patrick Young, Clerk, 1752. 130 0 o * Narborough V.–Augmented with the Tythes of the Pariſh, by Mundeford Spelman, Eſq. 1680 Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, P: 298, Northwold 2 664 NORFOLK, DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. s. 2. s. d. 200 O 135. 43. I 13 IO 18 I I O O King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 29 14 91 Northwold R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 2 1953 7d 1 Pri. Caſtleacre il. 1os. Curat. 51. 6s. 8d. Eleemoſ. Redd. Is. Redd. & firm. per ann. 4.. 28. &c. Biſhop of Ely. 4 Portio Dec. Appropriat. Narborough. 0 3 3 4 1 ] Southacre R. (St. George.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 80 Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 175. 3d. decim. &c. - Sir Edward Barkham, oliin Patr. Sir William Parker, Bart. 1695. Sir Andrew Fountain, 1723, 1740. Charles Townſhend, and John Spelman, Eſqrs . 1756. 3 61 Spurley, alias Sporle, V. (St. Mary,) with Little Pagrave. I 0 43 85 Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. Is. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 45. 6d. penſ. rec. de Coll. de Eton per ann. 87. 135. 4d. de- cim. &c. Eton College, Propr. and Patr, olim Priory of Sparley. 14 5 10 Swaffham V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. 25. 8d. Aro 1 87 140 chidiac. 75. 7d. Penf. Ecclef. Norw. 1os. Redd. 75. 9d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 13.5. 6d. decim. &c. Mon. Weft- minſter, olim Propr. The Biſhop of Norwich. 1 ] Weeting All Saints R. with St. Mary. Epiſc. 25. Archi I O o diac. 6s. 8d. Redd. & firin. per ann. 145. 2d. libert. paſ. tur. & faldag. 300 verv. per ann. 21. &c. George Fowler, Eſq. olim Patr. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. IO . O IQ 81 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 29 0 0 Bilchamwell, alias Bycham All Saints, R* Archidiac. 75m 6 13 4 7d. 1 Epiſc. Is. 6d. Elizabeth Gray, Widow, 1676. The KING. Bilchamwell, alias Bycham St. John R. alias Beechamwell St. 43 10 Mary, &c. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. Is. 4d. 90 Athowe, Eſq. olim Patr. Urſula Folkes, and Siſters, 1764. Bilchamwell, alias Bycham St. Mary, R. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Sir William de Grey, olim Patr. Mary Wells. Urſula Folkes, and Siſters, 1764. 45 Bodney R. (St. Mary,) with Great Creſſingham. Epiſc. Is. 6 7 31 80 6d. Archidiac. os. 8d. Priori Weſtacre 135. 4d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. The KING. Conſolidated. Thomas >9 13 4 O * Bilchaiwell, alias Bycham All Saints, R.-This with the other Bilchamwells, in this Deanry, in the Original Survey are placed in D. Fincham. Bokenham NORFOLK. 665 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. S. d. I оо 7.] 40 0 40 O O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 1. 15 o Bokenham Parva R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 15. 8d. Archi- 3 diac. 55. Decim. &c. Henry Partridge, Eſq. 1728. Tho- mas Newman, Clerk, p. h.v. 1776. 6 13 6. Caldecote R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.} 3 I 101 Redd. 25. 8d. Ecclefia profanata. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 185. 2d. &c. Sir Henry Bedingfield, Knight, 1688. Biſhop of Norwich, by Lapſe, 1717 48 0 Cockle Clay R. (All Saints,) with St. Peter. Epiſc. Is. 10d. 8.17 70 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 1l. 35. 9d. &c. Cambridge Univerſity, 1701. Sir Henry Bedingfield, Bart. 1706. Edward Walpole, Eſq. 1735. Robert Rolfe, Clerk, 1779, p. 1. v. Colſton R. (St. Mary,) with Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. Dudlington, alias Didlington, V. 1os. fid. Redd. 3d.] No Church at Colſton. Penſ. rec, de Abb. de Marham per ann. 21. 135. 4d. firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 8s. 5d. de- >12 14 7 cim. &c. Abb. Marham, Propr. Robert Wilſon, Eſq. 1. 1720, 1727, 1748. Henry Holdich, Eſq. olim Patr. Cranwiſe, alias Cranwich, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 2d. 897 50 Archidiac. 75. id.ị Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. Il. libert. faldag. & paftur. ov. il. &c. John Koivet, Eſq. 1690. Edmund Wace, this Turn, 1713. Henry Partridge, Eſq. 1750, 1779. 40 o Crellingham Parva R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archi- 13 12 6 65 0 diac. 6s. Decim. &c. Sir Robert Southwell, olim Patr. Thomas Crane, Gent. 1690. John Soley, Clerk, 1732, 1747, p.i. 23 Croxton V. (All Saints.) Decim. oblat. &c. Chriſt's Col. 6 13 4 40 lege, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 25 o Fouldon V. (All Saints,) with Oxburgh. Epiſc. 25. 4d. 10 I 10 Archidiac. 75. 7d. Decim. oblat. &c. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. oo Gooderſtone V. (St. George.) Epiſc. is. Iod. Archidiac. 6 12 75. 7d.1 Redd. 3d.1 Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 45. 3d. decim. &c. Abb. Barlings, in Linc. Propr. Sir William Read, olim Patr. Sir John Enwill, 1719. The Biſhop, 1730. Anthony Horrex, Gent. 1775, p. i. 49 o Hilborough R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 25. 4d. Archidiac. 75. 13 6 8 7d. Redd. 20 Firm, terr. gleb. per ann. 165. &d. &c. Sir John Hare, olim Patr. Lancaſter Topcliffe, Clerk, 1681. Mary Nelſon, Widow, 1756. 4 Holme Hale, alias Hale Brian, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 12 16 51 öö 45. Archidiac. 105. Feod. Seneſchalli Is. Redd. & firm. per apn. il. 135. 4d. perquil cur. com. ann. Is. &c. 4 Q Thomas o O o o 20 O 100 O O O 120 - 666 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. S. O O 43 6 8 IO O O оо Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 1. s. d. 1. d. Thomas Bedingfield, Eſq. 1675. Jeremy Benton, Gent. 1711. William Young, Gent. p. i. 1752. 35 Houghton on the Hill R. (St. Mary,) with North Pickenham. 4 18 9 Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 55. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. II. od. &c. Sir Henry Bedingfield, olim Patr. Robert Walpole, Eſq. 1718. Robert Say, Clerk, p. i. 1748, 1764. Thomas Say, Surgeon, p. i. 1784. Ickborough R. (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. Is. 42. Ar-) chidiac. 35. 4d. Firm. terr. glebo per ann. 75. decim. &c. Thomas Bedingfield, Eſq. olim Patr. Edwyn Fra. Stanhope, Eſq. 1758. 60 2 81 Langford R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Is. 4d. Archidiac. 55. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 75. 6d. &c. The KING, 1671. Sir Nicholas Garrard, Bart. 1696. Thomas Methold, Eſq. olim Patr. Edwyn Francis Stanhope, Eſq. 1758. 24 0 o Methwold, alias Mewell, V. (St. George.) Epiſc. 25. Ar- 9 I 3 45 0 chidiac. 75. 8d. Decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Caſtleacre, Propr. Roger North, Eſq. 1713, 1722. Sir John Hobart, olim Patr. Henry Partridge, Efq. 1763, 1780. 40 o Moundeford, alias Mountford, R. (St. Leonard.) Epiſc. 25. 717 6 60 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 195. 4d. decim. &c. Giles Killingworth, Eſq. olim Patr. Lady Allington, Widow, 1690. Hildebrand Lord Alling- ton, 1720. Marquis of Granby, and others, 1761. The Earl and Counteſs of Aylesford, 1770, p. i. 31 Oo Narford V*. (St. Mary,) with Narborough. Epifc. 25. 2d. 6 13 4 Archidiac. 45. Penf. rec. de Prior. de Weſtacre per ann. Il. 135. 4d. firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 85. 8d. decim. &c. Mon. Weſtacre, Propr. John Spelman, Eſq. 1753. 45 O O Necton, alias Neighton, v. (All Saints,) annexed to the R. 8 I 8 Epiſc. is. id. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Redd. & firm. per ann. il. 95. 8d. decim. &c. Mon. Weſtacre, Propr. John Thorowgood, M. D. 1708. Ro. Hoogan, Gent. olim Patr. Thomas Patrick Young, 1752. 0 Newton V +. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Is. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 2 15 Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 45. 6d. decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Caſtleacre, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. O O 20 0 0 * Narford V.--Augmented by Dr. Laney, Biſhop of Ely, with 10l, per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 284. + Newton V.-Augmented by Dr. Laney, Biſhop of Ely, with 12l. per annum, Biſhop Kennet's Caſc of Impropriations, p. 284. 4 Oxburgh NORFOLKI 667 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. I. de S. 40 O O O O 0 2S. O O o O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 0. Oxburgh R. (St. John Evangeliſt,) with Fouldon. Epiſc. 18 6 8 175 15. 6d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. il. 25. 6d. &c. Sir Henry Bedingfield, olim Patr. Mary Meriton; Widow, 1717. Gonvil and Caius College, Cam- bridge. 48 0 North Pickenham R. (All Saints,) with Houghton. Epiſc. 5 14 2 160 Archidiac. 75.70.1 Penſ. Abb. Quoverham Il. Redd. & firm. per ann. 155. 6d. &c. Sir Henry Bedingfield, olim Patr. Sir Ralph Hare, Bart. 1719. Robert Say, Clerk, Patron and Incombent, 1748. 48 0 South Pickenham R. (All Saints,) with St. Andrew. Epiſc. 8 1 51 70 15. 11d. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Priori Weſtacre it. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 35. 34. &c. Cordal Bradbury, Éſg. olim Patr. Thomas Leonard Chute, Eſq. 1914. Sir William Spring, Bart. 1722. Thomas Lobb Chute, Eſq. p.i. 1736, 1979. 35 Santon R. (St. Helen.) Vid. Decanat. Thetford. The Cor- poration of Thetford, 1778. 18 Stanford V. (All Saints.) Epifc. 2s. 4d. Archidiac. 78. 5 13 tj 30 8d. Decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Shuldham, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 45 o Weering St. Mary R: with All Saints. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 8 I 8 140 6s. 88. Red. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 95.6d. decim. &c. George Fowler, Eſq. olim Patr. Gonvil and Caius Cola lege, Cambridge. 44 Weſt Bradenham V. (St. Andrew.) Epifc. 24. Firm. terr. 7 I 101 55 gleb. per ann. 21. 11s. 7d. decim. &c. Mon. Boken- ham, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 49 Weſt Tofts R. (St. Mary.) Firm. tert. gleb. per ann. 105. 8 6 0 65 2d. &c. Sir Richard Berney, olim Påtr. Earl of St. Al- bans, 1682. Henry Partridge, Eſq. 1732. George Nel- ſon, Eſq. 1773, p. i. 41 00 Wilton V. (St. James,) with Hockwold. Epiſc. 15. 10d. 6 g 6 Archidiac. 65. 8d. Penſ. rec. de magiſt. & foc. de Gonvil w Hall, Cant. per ann. 21. decim. &c. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. O O O O O O O оо o O 0 0 CURACIES. Linford Cur. Ecclef. deftructa. Pri, Thetford, Propi. Stirſton Cur. (Holy Croſs.) Earl of Suſſex. Pri. Dunmow, Propr. 4 0 2 ED. Depurade, : 668 NORFOLK 'DIOCESE OF NORWICH. D. Depwade, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthisa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. d. O I 14 0 20 O 0 200 O O O 8 o O 17 o Bunwell, alias Bulwell, R. (St. Michael.) Pri. Lewes 6s. 170 0 8d. Pri. Caſtleacre 55. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 Thomas Grey, Eſq. this Turn, 1698, and Mr. Buxton, al- ternately. Robert Buxton, Eſq. p. i. 1750. John Buxton, Eſq. 1781. Forncet, alias Forneſett St. Mary and St. Peter, R. Epiſc. 2 O o 45. gd. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Thomas Aggas, h. v. 1702. The Hon. Richard Hill, 1725. Duke of Norfolk. Sir Rowland Hill, Bart. 1764. 6 13 4 Hempoall V. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 45. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 0 13 4 75 Pri. Dunmow, Propr. Earl of Suſſex, olim Patr. Capel Luckyn, Gent. 1697. Lady Mary Luckyn, 1724. Lord Grimſton, p. i. 1774. Shelton R. (St. Mary,) with Hardwick. Epiſc. & Archidiac. o 16 85 95. id. Sir Peter Gleane, 1683. Sir Ralph Shelton, and Sir Peter Gleane, olim Patr. altern. Vicib. Maurice Shel- ton, Eſq. 1714. Samuel Salmon, Gent. 1746. Edward Bacon, Eſq. 1779, & Stratton All Saints K. (St. Michael and St. Peter.) Penf. o 13 35 70 Magiſtro Novi Collegii, Oxon. 135, 4d. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Archidiac. 11s. 8d. New College, Oxford, two Turns; Duke of Norfoik, one. Edward Hibgame, 1762, p. h. v. New College, Oxford, 1727, 1778, 1779. Stratton Long Mary R. Epiſc. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 75. 7doj 139 Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, p. i. Tacolnſton R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 6... 8d. 90 George and Mary Townſend, 1705. Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1706. Dame Suſan Ward, 1764, p. h. v. Taſburgh R. (St. Mary,) cum Rainſhorp. Priori Thetford 0 16 135. 4d. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. James Pigot, olim Propr. Thomas Seaman, Junior. Iſrael Fielding, Efq. this Turn, 1709. Thomas Warkhouſe, Eſq. 1725. Miles , Branthwayt, Eſq. 1731. Thomas Beevor, Eſq. and his Wife, 1757, p. 1, 3 LIVINGS 6 12 o O I O O. O 12 O O I 4 o O 8 0 O 80 0 NORFOLK, DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 1. S. d. 48 O o O 0 o 0 0 o O 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 1. d. Aſhwell Thorpe R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 6s. 30 Archidiac. 6s. 6 13 4 80 8d. Thomas Knivet, Eſq. 1693, 1728. Henry William Wilſon, Eſq. 1775: Carlton Rode R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 9s. 70.1 16 150 Firman Denny, Eſq. olim Patr. Thomas Hoogan, Gent. 1698. John Buxton, Eſq. 1731, 1781. 40 0 0 Fritton R. (St. Catherine.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 85. rod. 9 Ralph Smith, Eſq. olim Patr. Anne Smith, Widow, 1697. John Howes, Eſq. 1715. Thomas Howes, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1775, p. i. 40 Hardwick R. (St. Margaret,) with Shelton. Epiſc. & Archi- 5 5 0 0 50 diac. 45. od. Sir Peter Gleane, olim Patr. Waller Bacon, Eſq. 1715. Frances Bacon, Widow, 1748. Edward Ba- con, Eſq. 1779. 30 0 0 o Moulton All Saints, alias Parva, R. Ecclef. deſtruct. Redd. 4 3 1] 55. Epiſc. Is. id. Archidiac. 6s. Sd. Biſhop of Norwich. 30 Moulton Magna St. Michael R. Redd. Domino Maner. 35. 6 13 4 Priori de Horsford 35. 4d. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Elizabeth Chute, Widow, 1717, 1726. Nicholas Rivet, olim Patr. Thomas Lobb Chute, Eſq. 1765, p. i. 45 o Moringthorpe R. (St. John Baptift.) Epiſc. vid. Archidiac. 80 6s. 8d. The KING. 45 Therſton, alias Tharſton, V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. IS. 4d. 5 I 8. Penſ. fol. per Epiſc. Eli. 31. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Pentney, Propr. Biſhop of Ely, p. i. Tibenham V. (All Saints.), Epiſc. & Archidiac. 75. 7d.£ 7 68 60 Mon. Horſham Stæ Fidis, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 45 Wackton Magna R. (All Saints.) Epifc. iod. Epifc. rod. Archidiac. 5 70 William Stafford, Gent. 1715. Claudius Grey, Gent. John Soley, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1752. Joſeph Hepworth, Clerk, 1780, p. i. 30. O o Wackton Parva R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. iod. Archidiac, 15. 2 13 4 Sir John Duke, Bart. 1700. John Soley, Clerk, this Turn, 1721. Sir Edward Duke, Bart. 1724. Thomas Lobb Chute, Eſq. 1762. Jofeph Hepworth, Clerk, 1780, p. i. O O 85 O 7 0 O O 0 0 46 0 O o o O O 0 0 IS. Nor 670 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NOT IN CHARGE. Fundenhall Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Pri. Flixton, Propr. Mr. Berney Hapton, alias Apeton, Don. or Cur. (St. Mary.) Mon. Crick, Propr. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. Haſkton, alias Haſketon, alias Aftacton, Cur. (St. Michael.) Pri. Thetford, Propr. Mr. Lee Warner. Edward Cooper, 1753. 10. 55. certified Value. D. Fincham, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. The Monaſtery of Weſt Dereham, in this Deanry, was return- ed by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear yearly Value of 2281. os. od. The Monaſtery of Shuldham was likewiſe returned at 1381. IS. 6d. The Abby of Marham was likewiſe returned at 391. os. 1d The Monaſtery of Marmound was likewiſe returned at 10h 75.7d. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Orig. Surv. Pearly Tetths, S. d. I. do o I 8 O O I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectorios, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7. 14 Barton St. Andrew R. Priori Sii Neotis 5l. Archidiac. 75. 160 7d.] Epiſc. Is. 6 do The KING O 13 4 Deanry of Fincham. 10 13 4. Denver R. (St. Mary.) Two Medieties, voc. Eaſthall and 165 0 Weſthall. Archidiac. 6s. 88. Epiſc. 25. Robert Gawſer, Efqi olim Patr. Gonvił and Caius College, Cambridge, 0 Helgay, alias Helgaie, R. Abb. Ramſey 1l. Archidiac. 75. 7d.Epiſc. 25. Henry Willoughby, olim Patr. Wil- liam and Robert Spencer, 1705. William Nelſon, Gent. 1774. John Royle, 1782, po i. 4 4 I I p.i. 19 I 0 0 оо IIO Rongtong NORFOLK 671 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. I 0 15 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 1. s. d. 12 O o Rongton, alias Runcton, alias Wrongton, (St. Andrew,) with 4 o 170 Holme, (St. James,) and Wallington R. (St. Margaret.) Redd. Is. Abb. Bury 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Epiſc. 1S. iod. Biſhop of Norwich, 1672. Sir Robert Rich, olim Patr. Charles Davy, Gent. 1756. Henry Bell, Eſq. 1778, p . 7 10 o Southrey, alias Sotherby, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 0 15 Epiſc. 2s. Henry Willoughby, Eſq. olim Pair. Elizabeth Gray, Spinſter, 1705. Joſeph Sewell, Eſq. p. h. v. 1737, 16 0. Upwell, (St. Peter,) with Welkenby R. Abb. Ramſey il. I 120 500 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Epiſc. 35. Beaupre Bell, Eſq. 1698. William Greaves Beaupre Bell, Eſq. 1757. Ed- ward Pemberton, p. h. v. 1764. 14 16 8 Watlington R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Redd. 15. Archi- 80 diac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Thomas Gauſell, Eſq. olim Patr. Edmund Roffe, Gent. 1710. Suſanna Davis, 1726. John Davis, Eſq. 1767, p. i. тоо 0 0 O o O I 98 O 0 O O 0 оо оо 5 6 8 O оо O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 38 o Beckſwell, alias Bexwell, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 3d. 7 11 S 40 Epiſc. 25. Biſhop of Ely. 39 Barton All Saints R. Priori Dunmow al. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 5 13 4 50 Epiſc. 25. John Meriton, Clerk, 1698. Sir Thomas Ber- ney, 1736. Sir Henry Peyton, Bart. 1784. 39 Barton St. Mary R. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. is. 6d. Sir Ro- 50 bert Rich, olim Patr. John Meriton, Clerk, 1698. Sir Thomas Berney, Bart. 1736, p. i. 49 0. Boughton, alias Buckton, R. (All Saints.) Priori Dunmow 10 75 il. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Earl of Suſſex, olim Patr. Mary Meriton, Widow, p. i. 1717. Sir Thomas Berney, 1736. John Daville, Clerk, p. i. 1765. 25 o Crimpleſham V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. Colleg. Stoke, 8 O o 30 Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 45 Downham R. (St. Edmund.) Sacriſtæ Ramſey 45. Archi- 6 13 4 80 diac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Sir Thomas Hare; Bart. 1688, 1733: Elizabeth Moore, Widow, p.i. 1779. 33 Fincham St. Martin V. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. 25. The 10 KING. Mon. Shuldham, Propr. Conſolidated with 45 Fincham St. Michael R. Priori Caſtleacre 4l. 16.. 4d. Priori 7 6 8 Shuldham 21. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. 25. Sir Robert Rich, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Hare, Bart. 1682. Mariha Forby, p.i. An Alternative becauſe of the Conſolidation. Marham, оооо O O O O O оо IIO 672 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. S. I. d. 28 O O O 22 O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2. d. o o Marham, alias Cherry Marhain, V. (Holy Trinity.) Redd. 25. . 6 13 4 40 iod. Archidiac. 75, 7d.1 Epiſc. 45. Pri. Weltacre, Propr. St. John's College, Cambridge, p.i. Sir Ralph Hare, olim Patr. 40 Outwell R. (St. Clement.) Penſ. Ecclefiæ de Elme 6s. 8d. 16 0 0 150 Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Epiſc. 45. Biſhop of Ely. o Shingham R. (St. Botolph.) Archidiac. 65, 8d. Epiſc. 15.4d. 4. 6 8 60 The KING. 24 Stow Bardolfe V. (Holy Trinity,) with Wimbotſham. Archi- 6 6 8 40 diac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Mon. Carow, Propr. Sir Ralph Hare, olim Patr. John Moore, Clerk, 1764. Elizabeth Moore, Widow, 1779. 25 Stradſet V. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Epiſc. 25. Mon. Dereham, 3 6 8 30 Propr. Anne Pawlet, Widow, 1682. Edmund Saffery, Gent. 1744. Philip Caſe, Eſq. 1774, p. i. 39 Wimbotſham R. (St. Mary,) with Stowbardolph. Abb. 5 6 8 45 Ramſey il. Archidiac. 6s. 8d, Epiſc. 25. Sir Ralph Hare, Bart. 1722. Thomas Moore, Clerk, 1764. Eli- zabeth Moore, Widow, 1779, p. i. O 0 O O O o O O O CHAPELS, Donatives, AND CURACIES. Fordham Cur. Pri. Norwich and Pri. Wormgay pro Chapter of Norwich. Fofton, alias Fafden, Cur. (St. Peter.) Dean and Chapter of Ely, Propr. and Patr. Riſton cum Roxham Stip. Cur. (St. Michael.) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr, and Patr. Shouldham All Saints and St. Mary's Cur. Pri. Shouldham, Propr. Sir Thomas Mildmay. Shouldham Thorpe Cur. (St. Mary,) with Garbeſthorpe. Pri. Shouldham, Propr. Mr. Gawdy. Stoke Ferry Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Shouldhain, Propr. Ga- maliel Nightingale, Eſq. 1780. 181. certified. Value. Thorpland Cur. (St. Thomas.) Pri. Weſtacre, Propr. Ec- cleſia deſtructa. Tottenhill Cur. Pri. Pentney, Propr. · Biſhop of Ely, Propr. 121. certified Value. Wearham, alias Wyrham, Cur. (St. Margaret.) Pri. Should- ham, Propr. Mr. Warren. 10l. 28. 6d. certified Value. Welney Cap. to Outwell. Weſt Dereham Cur. (St. Andrew.) Olim a Priory. Biſhop of Ely, Propr. Wormgay, NORFOLK, 673 DIOCESE OF NORWICH, Wormgay, alias Wrongay, Cur. (Holy Croſs.) Olim a Pri- ory. Biſhop of Norwich, Propr. 201, certified Value. Wretton, alias Wrotton, Cur. (All Saints,) Mon. Dereham, Propr, Mr. Warren. 101. 28.68, certified Value. D. Flegg, in the Archdeaconry of NORWICH. The College of Heryngby, called God's Houſe, was returned by the Commiſlioners to be of the clear annual Value, after every Deduction made purſuant to the Act of Parliament, of 231. 6s. The Hoſpital of Great Yarmouth was returned at 41. 135. 44, For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. I. d. 10 O I 0 0 Ο ιο оо 200 O O 8 0 0 1 2 O © II 1 I 2 1 0 Aſhby R. (St. Mary,) cum Obey, &, anno 1604. Thirne R. (St. Edmund.) Epiſc. Norw. Iod. Archidiac. Norw. pro Syn. & Prox. 35. Biſhop of Norwich, 4 CASTER St. Edmund R. united in 1608 with 6 CASTER St. Trinity V. Prox, and Synods 35. 6d. Penſ. Pri. Shuldham 4s. Ecclefiæ Cath. Norw. 35. 4d. Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Roger Crow, Eſq. 1708, 1724. Eli- zabeth Salmon, Widow, and others, 1781, p. h. v. 51 Fylbye, alias Filby, R. (All Saints.) Pri. Horford 21. 105, 106,90 Pri. Norw. 135. 4d. Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Carolus Cleere, olim Patr. Sir William Coke, Knight, William Taylor, Genç. p. i. 1770. Gibſon Lucas, Eſq. 1771. 5 O O Heringby R. (St. Ethelbert,) united to Stokeſby R. Epiſc. Is. 5d. Archidiac. 55. Mr. England, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich. John Berney, D.D. p. i. 1748. 13 6 8 Mawtby R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 250 65. 8d. William Pafton, olim Patr. Earl of Yarmouth, 1698. Thomas Anſon, Eſq. 1771. 13 6 8 Stokeſby R. (All Saints,) united to Heringby R. Epiſc. 25. 80 8d. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Charles Cleere, Eſq. olim Patr. Charles on Logo ♡ IO 1 6 8 O O heby fe. Epile . In I 68 o 4 R 674 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. - I 120 O O 2 40 0 O 0 0 Caſtle, Eſq. 1704. John Smith, Eſq. 172 King's Books. Yearly. Tentos, 1. d. l. do Charles Wyndham, Eſq. 1667. John Berney, D.D. p. i. 1748. 20 13 4 Winterton R. (All Saints,) with Eaſt Somerton Chapel.. (St. 2 4 Mary.) Redd. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 78.70 1. Charles Harman, 1082. Edward Knight, Gent. 1720. Sir Charles le Groſs, olim Patr. Engle Knights, Eſq. p. i. 1769. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 16 168 Billockſby R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 7d. Archidiac. 35. Tho 8 9 mas Mahue, olim Patr. George England, Eſq. 1701. James Reddall, Eſq. p. i. 1775. 17 14 71 Burgh, alias Burrowe St. Margaret R. Epiſc. 15. od. Archi- 8 13 4 80 diac. 55. Sir Edward Cleere, olim Patr. John Wellh, Gent. 1711. Anne Ord, Widow, 1774, p. i. Confolia dated with 24 14: 71 Burgh, alias Burrowe St. Mary R. Epiſc.. Is. Archidiac. 35. 40 Sir Edward Cleere, olim Patr. John Welſh, Gent. 1711. Anne Ord, Widow, 1774, p.i. 29 14 8 Clippeſby R. (St. Peter.) Epifc. Is. Archidiac. 45. Sir 6 13 4 65 0 Randolph Crewe, olim Patr. William Clark, Gent. 1718. John Goodwyn, Eſq. 1742. o Hemiſby, alias Hemeſby, V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. pro Sýn. 25. 4 6 8 65 0 Mon. Norwich, Propr. Edward Paſton, Efq. 1683. Lady Elizabeth Knivet, olim Patr. Simon Taylor, Eſq. 1728. Robert Tilyard, Clerk, p.i. 1770, Patron and Incumbent. 29 4 4 8 Martham V. (St. Mary.) Epíſc. & Archidiác. pro Synods 6 13 g 80 and Proxies 75. 7d. Exempt from the Juriſdiétion of the Dean and Chapter. Mon. Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 25 81 Ormeſby V. (St. Margarét and St. Michael,) with Scrowtby 10 O INI V. (All Saints.) United anno 1548. Epiſc. pro Syn. 45. Mon. Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, 41 17 o Rolleſby R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. IS. Archidiac. 75. yd.1 17 0 0 Catherina Drury, olim Patr. Leonard Mapes, Efą. 1708, 1742. 19 16 8 Runham V. (St. Peter.)' Mon. Horſham Sanctæ Fidis, Propr. 4 40 Bifhop of Ely, p. i. 8 Thrigſby, alias Thrigby, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 15. Archi- 60 30 diac. 75. 7d.j Charles Cleere, Eſq. olim Patr. Robert Robert Woolmer, Gent. p. i. 1771. CHAPELS, O 21 II O O O 2 100 O Redd. 45. 120 0 O 0 oo 24 II O NORFOLK 675 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Ormeſly Cur. (St. Andrew, St. Michael, St. Peter.) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. 25 Oo Repps, cum Baſtwick Chap. (St. Peter.) Hoſpital of St. Giles. City of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. 3l . certified Value. 16 00 Weſt Somerton Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Lord of the Manor 161. certified Value. YARMOUTH, alias JERNEMUTHA MAGNA, (St. Nicholas,) a Market and Borough Town, in this Deanry. Not in Charge. Pri. Norwich, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. St. George's, Chapel to St. Nicholas, in Yarmouth. 300 0 0 9. Hingham, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK: The Monaſtery of Wymondham, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, af- ter every Deduction, purſuant to the Act of Parliament, of 2111. 16s. 6.1 Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 5. d. l, S. d. 12 I 2 O o 8 11 Barnham Broome R. (St. Peter.) Firm. terr. gleb. il. 6s. 8d. 4 94 &c. With 6 8 Bixton R. (St. Andrew,) and Kimberley. Epifc . 35. Archi o 4 8 250 diac. 95. 40.1 Terr. gleb. necnon decim. oblat. &c. Ed- ward Chamberlain, olim Patr. Earl of Torrington, 1708. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. 5 18 61 Craneworth R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 15. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. O II 10 : 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. With 7 14 7 Letton R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 2s. 6d. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 015 51 Pri. Lewes il. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 35. 8d. decim. &c. 4 R 2 Thomas 110 0 0 676 DIOCESE OF NORWI c H. NORFOLK, S. 41 0 0 Sacerdot. 122. Terr. gleb. in occupat. dicti vicarii peranno Sanétæ Mariæ in Southwark 6s. 8d. Redd. & firm. Il. ros. Bry's Docks, Yearly Tenths, 7. . d, bo Thomas South well, Eſq. olim Patr. Thornhaugh Gursion, Efq. 1715, 1750, 1762, p. i. 3 11 EAST DEREHAM R. (St. Nicholas.) Feod. Seneſchalli 3s. 4d. 4 2 3 2 Perquil. cur. 1s. redd. aſlif. 2!. 55, 5d. decim, &c. Suſan Wood, 16.76. James Verdon, 1680. The Biſhop, 1716. Francis Wollaſton, Eſg. 1761, p. i. United to 17 3 4 Easr DEREHAM V. (St. Nicholas,) with Hoo Chapel, . Syn. [ 14 4 Epiſc. 45. 7d. Archidiac. 125. 7d.] Stipend. duoruin 31. decim. &c. William Wollaſton, Eſq. 1769, p. i. 15 34 Hardingham R. (St. George.) Epiſc. 25. 5d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Decim. & oblat. ac al. profic. ad firm. dimiſſ. &c. Anthony Thwaits, olim Patr. Executors of Thomas Cole- man, Eſq. 1719. Robert Stone, Clerk, and Thomas Blake, 1720. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1759, p. i. 4 HINGHAM R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc, 2s. 8d. Archidiac. 75. I 80 7d.1 Redd. 25. uid. Curato 61. 135. 4d. Feod. Seneſ- challi 25. Perquiſ. cur. Is. gdo redd. & firm. 31. decim. &c. Edmund Woodhouſe, Eſq. Sir Thomas Woodhouſe, olim Propr. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. 1777, p. i. 7 3 4 Hockering R. (St. Michael,) with Bergh near Martihall. O 14 4 Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Norw. 8s. Pri. 1 10 4 20 0 24 18 2 9 10 o O channel I 9 12 h 14 II 0 0 o 11d. decim. &c. Francis Windham, Eſq. 1687. Mat- thew Trott, olim. Patr. Matthew Poftlech wayt, Clerk, p. h. V. 1742. 51 Morley St. Botolph R, with St. Peter's Chapel. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d.} Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 135. 8d. decim. &c. Robert Grigfon, 1674. Sir John Hobart, olim Patr. Thornhaugh Gurdon, Eſq. p. h. v. 1726. James Branſby, Gent. 1765. 27 7 6 Shipdam, alias Shipedham, R: (All Saints.) Epiſc. 23• 5d. 2 14 g 205 0 Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Rectori de Saham 45. Stipend. Curat. • 8d. Redd. & firm. 1l. 145. &c. Lord Townſhend, 1707, 1754. Sir Robert Gawdy, olim Patr. 5 5 North Tudenham R. (St. Marys) with Weſt Tudenham. 61 180 Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.Pri. Romborough 45o Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. id. &c. Martin Skip, Gent. 1687. Edmund Young, this Turn, 1710. Theodore Goodwin, Eſq. olim Patr. Leonard Shelford, 1750, Yaxham R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 15, 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7d. I 1 90 00 Redd. Is. 7d. Terr. gleb. ad valor, 11. 45. 4d. decim. &c. Henry Hoogan, Eſq. olim Patr. Thomas Scot, Gent. 1720. Grigſon Heyhoe, Clerk, 1768. Edward Heyhoe, 51. 6s. IO I. jo 0 1 Clerk, 1734. LIVINGS NORFOLK, DIOCESE OF NORWICH, 677 1. d. - i. 1 O . , ) . 1s. 6 John Berney, Eſq. , . LIVINGS DISCHARGED.. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, li de 22: 19 8 Barford, alias Bereford one Mediety, R. (St. Botolph) Epiſc. 4 8 4 80 6d.1 Archidiac. 35. iod. Terr. gleb. ad yalor. 1os. de- cim. &c. Earl of Exeter, olim Patr. Sir Henry Wingfield, Bart. 1699. Anthony Wingfield, Eſq. 1727. Earl of Rochford, p. i. 27 OII South Bergh, alias Barrow, alias Hingham Barrow, R. (St. 5.13 61 45 0 0 Andrew.) Epiſc. Is. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Rectori de Hingham 55. Redd. cd.] Redd. & firm. 15. 6d. decim. &c. Thomas Forth, Gent, olim Patr. Thornhaugh Gur- don, Eſq. 1715, 1762, p. 30 4. Bergh near Mattelhall, alias Mattilhall Bergh, alias Hingham 3 15 10 45 Bergh, with Hockering R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 2$. Archi- diac. 6s. 8d. Redd. & firm. gs. 2d. decim. &c. Oliver St. John, olim Propr. Thomas Berney, Eſq. 1700. Matthew Poſtlethwait, Clerk, p. h. v. 1742. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. . . oblat. &c. Pri. Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 46 4 10 Brand, alias Brrandon Parva, R. (All Saints.) Archidiace 8 3.9 go 0 0 6s. 8di Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 185. decim. &c. Sir Thomas Lovel, olim Patr. Thomas Berney, Eſq. 1710. 1756, 1783, p. i. 31 Colton R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Iso 11d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 6 9 21 Abb. Wymondham il. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 145. 4dó decim. &c. The KING. 30 3' 4 Crounethorpe, alias Crownthorpe, R. (St. James.) Syn. and 4 12 6 60 Prox. 75. 6d. 20 acr. terr. gleb. il. herbag. unius clauſ. voc. Windams per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Mr. Coningſ- by, olim Patr. Afh Wyndham, Eſq. 1714. William Windham, Eſq. 1755, p. i. 19 9 10. Depham V. (St. Andrew.). Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 5 9 11 40 Penf. rec. de Prior. Eccl. Chriſti Cant. per ann. Il. 158. id. terr. gleb. ad valor.-25. 6d. decim. &c. Dean and Chap- ter of Canterbury, Propr. and Patr, 23 15 8 Eaſton V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Ī II IO 35 Colleg. Norwich, Propr. Decim. oblat. &c. Martin Ringhall, Gent. 1700. William Woqton, olim Patr. Edmund Rolfe, Eſq. 1767, 1783, p. i. 31 18 71 Eaſt Tudenham V. (All Saints,) with Honingham. Pri. 7 6 01 Woringay, Propr. Penſ. rec. de Prior. de Pentney per 40 12 100 O 0 0 o O ann. 678 NORFOLK, VIC H. DIOCESE E SE OF NORWICH, 0 8 60 0 0 O O n. &c. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. lo d. lo de Tilney, E1q. olim Patr. Fred. Tilney, Efq. 1694. Charles Townſhend, Eſq. 1753, p. i. 29 8 Foverhow Carlton, alias Carlton Forehoe, R. (St. Mary.) 5.17 I Epifc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Decim. &c. Sir Tho- mas Woodhouſe, olim Patr. Redd. & firm. 18s. 2d. de- cim. &c. Sir Armine Wodehouſe, Bart. 1740. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. 43 13 10 Gornaſton, alias Gervaſton, R. (St. Margaret.) Epifc. Is. 7 160 70 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Sir Thomas Southwell, olim Propr. William Clayton, 1703, 1778, p. i. 21 13 4 Hackford, alias Hakeford, alias Hackforth, R. (St. Mary.) 4 15 10 40 Epiſc. iod. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Redd. 25. 2d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 18s. 7d. 1 decim. &c. Sir John Hobart, olim Patr. Elizabeth Long, Widow, 1710. Francis Long, Eſq. 1755 44 3 101 Honingham V. (St. Andrew,) with Eaſt Tudenham. Epiſc. 8 12 6 15. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Firm. terr. , gleb. per ann. 21. 85. 8d. decim. &c. Mon. Sawtrey, in Hunts, Propr. George Griffith, 1690. Sir Thomas Richardfon, olim Patr. Charles Townſhend, Eſq. 1753, p. i. 22 19 61 Kimberley V. (St. Peter,) with Barnham Broome. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Penſ. rec. de Magiſtro & Sociis Aul. Trinitat, in Cant. per ann, 21. 135. 4d. terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. gs. 4d. decim. &c. Sir Thomas Woodhouſe, olim Patr. Sir John Woodhouſe, Bart. 1701, 1729. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. 31 6 Marlingford R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 35. 7 12 8] Firm. terr. gleb, per ann. 1h 10s. 6d. decim. &c. Francis Jermy, Eſq. olim Patr. Suſan Clarke, Widow, and John Clarke, Eſq. 1700. Thomas Green, Eſq. p. i. 1750. 34 4 21 Mattefhall V. (All Saints,) with Pasteſley, or Palley. Epifc. 7 7 31 35. 2d. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Redd. & firm. per ann. 10). decim. oblat. &c. Fra. Sturges, Efq. olim Patr. Gonvil and Gaius College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 0 Melton Parva V *. Pri. Ixworth 21. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. 2d. 5 5 8 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Ixworth, Propr. Emanuel Col- lege, Cambridge. 49 3 Remirſton, alias Reymerſtone, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 25. 6d. II 36 70 Archidiac. 65.8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. uid. decim. cim. &c. Sir George Coppin, olim Patr. Robert Long, Efq. 1683. Francis Long, Eſq. 1761. 6 12 3 500 o I 20. O O 10 12 I O * Melton Parva V.--This in the Original Survey, is placed in D. Humbleyard. Runhall NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 679 s. 1. d. 0 0 43 12 O O * uecim. &c. Thomas Thomas Marſham: Clear Yearly Values King's Books. 1. d. IO O O Runhall V. (All Saints.) Epifc. 8d. Archidiac. 55. Firm. 6 18 1] terr. gleb. per ann. 45. 6d. decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Weft- acre, Propr. Sir Thomas Woodhouſe, olim Patr. Sir John Wodehouſe, Bart. 39 13 16 Thuxton, alias Thurſton, alias Threxton, R. (St. Paul.) 4 6 3 45 Epifc. 6d. Archidiac, 6s. 8d. Redd. & firm. per ann. 7d.decim. &c. Richard Thwaits, olim Patr. Robert Long, Eſq. 1683. Charles Buckle, Eſq. 1752, p. i, Welborne R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 15, 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 5 18 4 60 8d. il William Steward, olim Patr. Edward Heyhoe, Clerk, 1720. Jermyn Heyhoe, Gent. 1763, p. i. 19. 17 8 Weſtfield R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 35. 35. Epiſc. Is. 4 4 2 Manf. cum 14 acr. terr, gleb. per ann. Is. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Knight, 1703. William Clayton, Eſq. 1778, p. i. With 31 10 7 Whinburgh, alias Whinchbergh, R. (St. Mary) Epiſc. 9d. 6 18 6] Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 75. decim, &c. Sir Thomas Southwell, olim Patr. Sir Robert Clayton, Knt. and John Morris, 1681. Biſhop of Norwich, by Lapſe, 1684. William Clayton, Eſq. 1778, p. i. 28 6. 7 Wittlewood, alias Wicklewood, V. (St. Andrew and All 6 50 Saints.) Epiſc. 25. 3d. Archidiac, 6s. 8d. Redd. 4d. Penſ. rec. de Prior. Eccl. Chrifti, Norwie. Il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Mon. Norwich, Propr. Martin Jubbs, Eſq. 1701. Thomas Skipp, olim Patr. Martin Baylie, Clerk, 1751, p. i. 35 10 Wood Riſeing R. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. 18. 4d. Archidiac. 4 50 6s. 8d. Pri. de Lewes 5s. Redd. & firm. per ann. 125. id. į decim. &c. Sir Thomas Southwell, olim Patr. George Bedell, Eſq. 1712. Elizabeth Bringloe, Widow, and others, 1750. 45 2 Wramplingham R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. 25. 8d. 5.4 95 go Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Firm. terr. gleb. il. 45. 2d. decim. &c. Ro. Thornton, Eſq. olim Patr. Mary Marſham, Widow, 1691. , Eſq. p. i. 1770. 49 13 WYMONDHAM, alias WYNDHAM, V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 35. 10 14 43 Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Curato 61. 135. 4d. Port. Abb. de Wymondham per ann. 51. decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Wymondhain, Propr. Biſhop of Ely, 100 OO 1 O 0 O 4 18 O 0 0 O 2 IIO O rec. de CHAPELS, 689 NORFOLK BIOCK $ £ AF NORWICH. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES BB Barford altera Med. (St. Botolph,), Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. Bowthorpe R. (St. Michael.) Mr. Yaxley, Patr. 161. © Coſteſſy Cur. (St, Edmund,) Hoſp. Civitat. Norwic. Propr. City of Norwich, Colton, alias Corſtone, Cur. (St. Michael.) Archdeacon of Norfolk, Propr, and Patr. 21h. certified Value. D. hitcham, alias hecham, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Pearly Tertlas, Rectories, &ē, with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 2. 1. 22 200 139 0 O © Bircham Magna R. (St. Mary') Archidiac, 75, 7d. Epiſc. 2 4 25. 3d. Sir Thomas Southwell, olim Patr. Robert Wal- pole, Eſq. 1705. Earl of Orford, 1744. 24 Brancaſter R. (ốt. Mary.) Abb. Ramſey 21, Sacriſtæ ibid. 2 8 135.4d. Rectori de Burpham Depdale il 65, 8d, Archi- diac. 75. 7d,Epiſc. 25. Sir Thomas Hare, Bart. 1681, Sir Charles Cornwallis, olim Patr. Norborne Berkeley, Eſq. 1751. 6 8 Deanry of Hitcham. 8 3 6 8 Ringſted Parya R. five Capella, (St. Andrew,) with Ringſtedo 6 8 St. Peter. Archidiac. 76.7d. Epiſc. Is. 4d. The KING, by Lapſe, 1720. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1751. 6 8 Ringſted St. Peter R. with Ringſted St. Andrew. Abb. Ram 28 ſey 135. 4d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Epiſc. Is. 4d. Sir Ni- cholas L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1719, Sir Henry L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1754, p. i. 16 0 @ Stanhow R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 75. 7d.} Epiſc. 25. John Bernard, Eſq. 1681. Nathaniel Hill, Clerk, 1701. Sir Robert Walpole, 1731. The Archbiſlaop, 1760. Earl of Orford. Titch well 1 70 o ...? I I2 100 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 681 s. S. I 2 O O I 4 0 O O o O O TM King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 2. d. 1. d. Titchwell R. (St. Mary.) Colleg. Eton. 135. 4d. Redd. 15. 75 0 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. is. 6d. Eton College. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 10 oo Barwick, alias Barwick in the Brakes, V. (St. Mary.) Ec- 6o clef. deftrućt. Pri. Bokenham 13s. 4d. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. Is. id. Mon. Bokenham, Propr. Sir Roger Townt- hend, olim Patr. º Jane Otley, Anne and Elizabeth Sher- win, 1701. The KING, by Laple, 1761. Ann Glover, 1783 5 Bermer, alias Burnham, V. (All Saints.) Mon. Cockesforth, Propr. Earl of Qrford. 39 Bircham Newton R. (All Saints,) with Bircham Tofts. Ar. 7 13 4 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Calibut Walpole, Eſg. olim Patr. Robert Walpole, Eſq. 1719. Earl of Orford, 1771. 4900 Bircham *Tofts R. (St. Andrew,) with Bircham Newton. 6 13 4 Archidiac. 6s. 88. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Sir Charles le Groſs, olim Patr. Robert Walpole, Eſq. 1715. Earl of Orford, 1771. 44 0 0 Doeking V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Epiſc. 35. 13 6 3 Eton Colleg. in co. Bucks, Propr. Eton College preſent, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich. o Hitcham, alias Hetcham, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 75. 70.1 6 13 4 Epiſc. Is. 5d. Mon. Lewes, in Suffex, Propr. Sir Nicho- las L'Eſtrange, Bart. 1710. Sir Hamond L'Eſtrange, olin Patr. Sir Thomas L'Eſtrange, Bart. 40 Hunſtanton, alias Hunſton, V. (St. Mary.) Redd. 1s. id. 12 о о 45 Archidiac. 75. 7d. į Epiſc. 15. Mon. Hamond, in co. Sa- lop, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. Holme near the Sea V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Epiſc. 6 13 4 . Lilleſhull , Propr. in comit. Salop. Hamond L'Eſtrange, Efq. 1738. Samuel Johofon, Etq. p. i. 1761. 45 16 7 Ingoldit horpe R. (St. Michael.) Priori Bynhain 1h 6s. 8d. 12 o o 70 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. 4d. The Rev. Francis Cre- mer, Clerk, 1690. John Cremer, olim Patr. Robert Lawſon, Gent. p. i. 1745. 40 Oo 0 Ringſted Magna St. Andrew R. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 9 Is. 4d. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 25 o Seggesforth, alias Sedgford, V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Chrifti, 8 o Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. Sherborne, alias Sharnborne, v. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 8 Redd. Is. Mon. Pentney, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. SNETTESHAM tarvy Archite 100 O O 20 Oo o O O 15.10 20 o Ο Ο O O O O O 21 O 0 o 30 O 0 0 4 S DIOCESE NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH . 1. s. l. s. da o 2 II O (St. Mar 682 Clear Yearly Values King's Books d. 14 SNETTESHAM V. (St. Mary.) Redd. Domino Regi is. 64. 5. 68 Maner. Ruſteyn 6d. Johan. Burgh id. Epifc. is. 4d. Mon. Wyndham, Propr. Robert Cobb, Gent. 1697. Ni- cholas Styleman, Eſq. 1770. 25 0 0 Southmere, alias Southmire, R *. (All Saints.) Synods and 8 Proxies 8s. 4d. Eton College. 37 0 Thornton, alias Biſhop's Thornham, V. (All Saints,) with 10 50 Titchwelle Epiſc. Norwich, Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. -30 Oo Chofel, alias Chofel, C. William Rand, olim Patr. Eccleſia profanata. Abb. Nutley, co. Bucks, Propr. 35 Frenge C. (All Saintsa) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propra and Patr. D. Hoit, in the Archdeaconry of NorwICH. The Priory of Waborne, in this Deanry, was returned by the: Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum, after the common Deductions, of 24h. 195. 6d.] For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LivingS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. i. 1. d. 26 13 4 Blakeney R. (St. Nicholas,) with Glanford Chapel, 2 13. 4 205 tin,) and with Cockthorpe and Langham Farva. Epiſc. 8d. Archidiac. 105. vid.} James Calthorpe, Eſq. 1686, 1727. John Calthorpe, Eſq. 1781, p. i. o S. d. Q IS. * Southmere, alias Southmire, R.-In the Original Survey this is placed in D. Brifley, but this is its proper Deanry. 7 Barrow 2 NORFOLK, DI OG ES E OF NORWICH. 683 1 d. O Ο Ο I IO I 20 O O II I 2 8 120 O • 2d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. King's Books. lvarly Tenths, 1. 1. d. 4 Barrow R. (St. Mary,) alias Burgh Parva with Melton Con o 8 ſtable. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Archidiac. 35. Sir Jacob Aſtley, Bart. Sir Edward Aſtley, Bart. 1764. 22 13 4 CLEYE, alias CLEY NEXT THE SEA, R. (St. Margaret.) - 2 5 4 Redd. 6d. 1 Epiſc. 1s. 3d. Archidiac. 7s. 70.1 John Harbord, Eſq. 1690. John Tomlinſon, Eſq. 1764. 6 8 Edgfield R. (St. Perer.) Epiſc. 25. 4d. Archidiac. 7s. 70.] Priori Bynham 1h 135. 4d. Sir William Yelverton, olim Propr. Robert Donne, Gert. this Turn, 1700. Rebecca Harbord, 1743. John Marcon, Eſq. p. h. v. 1767.. II 17 31 Hölt R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 7s. 70.1 I 3 8 130 Sir James Hobart, olim Propr. Thomas Burlingham, Gent. 1688. Thomas Bromfield, M. D. p. h. v. 1721. Eliza- beth Briggs, Spinſter, p. i. 1750. 3 6 8 Langham Parva V. (St. Mary,) united to Blakeney and Coke- o o 6 8 thorpe in D. Wallingham. Epifc. is. Mon. Wendelyng, Propr. James Calthorpe, 1679. Joſeph Ward, Clerk, h. v. 1727, James Calthorpe, Eſq. 1781. 6 o Melton Conſtable with Burgh Parva R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 70 Sir Edward Aſtley, Bart. 1764. 18 Morſton, alias Marſton, R. (All Saints,) with Stif keys. Epiſc. 1 16 I 16 0 140 Is. 9d. Sir Nathaniel Bacon, Nathaniel Bacon, olim Patr. Lord Townſhend, 1714, 1769: 12 17 31 Saxlingham R. (St. Mary,) with Sharington. Epiſc. 15. Ar I 5 8 125 chidiac. 75. 7d. 1 Johannes Jermy, Eſq. olim Patr. Fran- cis Guibons, 1682. Richard Warner, Eſq. 1733. Eliza- bech Joddrell, Widow, 1758, p. i. 6 18 4 Thornage, alias Thornedge, R. Epiſc. 1s. 3d. Eccleſiæ Cath. O 13 10 160 Norw. 135. 4d. - Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Propr. Sir Ja- cob Aſtley, Bart. 1690. Sir Jacob Aſtley, Bart. 1758. O 0 o 12 O ОО ОО оо оо O O O O O 29. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 42 9 6 Batheley, alias Bale, R. (All Saints,) with Gunthorp. Epiſc. 10 13 4 60 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Rectori Gunthorpe 6s. 8d. Tho- mas Buxton, Gent. 1691. Richard Godfrey, Eſq. 1722. William Alſton, Clerk, 1749. Elizabeth Lloyd, p. i. 1758. The 27 3 4 Bayfield, alias Baifield, R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. Is. Archi- 4 0 diac. 6s. 8d. Sine Cure. Eccleſia deſtructa. William Yel- verton, olim Patr. Mary Cockſedge, Widow, 1705. John Jermey, Eſq. 1744. 4 S 2 Bodham 30 0 O 684 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. O Clear rcarly Value. King's Books, 1. d. do 48 12 9. Bodham R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 25. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 9 o 60 O John Lang, Gent. 1701, 1744. Zuriſhaddai Girdleſton, 1767, p.i. 37 16 5 Brinton, alias Brunton with Thornage, R. Epiſc. 1od. Pri- 8 1 4 ori Stæ Trinit. Norw. 6s. 8d. Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Patr. Sir Jacob Aſtley, Bart. 1713. Sir Jacob Atley, Bart. 1758. O 0 O 24 16 оо 0 O 24 9 01 Briſton, alias Burſton, V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 25. 3d. Ar- 4 9 91 50 chidiac. 75. 7d. Aula Trinitatis Norw. Propr. John Cleere, and others , 1696. Feoffees of Wiveton. The Church Wardens of Wiveton in Norfolk, 1750. 16 19 0 Daling, alias Feildalling, V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. is. 8d. ) . 5 8 1] Archidiac. 75. 7d. Collegium Beatæ Mar. Camps. Nor- wich, Propr. John Herbert, Clerk, 1679;,. - Haydon, Winn, 1744. Alice Winn, p. i. 1763. 39 6 6 Gunthorp. R. (St. Mary,) alias Gunthorpe with Bale. Epiſc. 13 1s. id. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Richard Godfrey, Eſq. Tho- mas Buxton, Gent. 1693. Elizabeth Lloyd, p.i. 1758. Hemſted V. (All Saints.) Ecclefiæ Cath. Norw. 21. 135. 4d. 9 2 6 157 Eccleſ. Cathedr. Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 34 4 8 Hunworth, alias Hanworth, R. (St. Laurence,) united with 4 O 70 Stody. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 55. Sir Nicholás Bacon, olim Patr. Mary Pigot, Widow, this Turn, 1710. Robert Britiffe, Eſq. 1719. Earl of Buckinghamſhire, 1761. 38 9 2 Kelling R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 55. Pri- iż 50 ori Brabourn 6s. 8d. Thomas. Thetford, Eſq. olim Patr. Matthew Lang, 1695. Jolin Lang, Gent. 1714. Zuriſhad- dai Girdleſton, 1782, p. i. o Langham Epiſcopi V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. is. Biſhop of 4 10 10 60 Norwich, Patr. and Propr. 47 6 7 Laringſer, alias Leatheringſet, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 1s. 12 67 8 d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. John Jeriny, Eſq. olim Patr. Ma. ry Cockſedge, Widow, 1705. Sarah Burrell, Widow, 1741. John Burrell, Clerk, Patr. and Incumbent, 1759. 42 5 ? Salthouſe R. (St. Nicholas.) Epifc. is. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 20 7d.] John Lang, Gent. 1714. John Lang, Eſq. 1745. Zuriibaddai Girdleſton, 1782, p. i. 43 0 0 Sharington R. (All Saints,) with Saxlingham.. Epifc. 15. 9d. 10 Oo Archidiac. 6s. 8d. William Hunt, Efq. olim Patr. Richard Warner, Gent. 1720, 1724. Richard Warner, Efq. 1732. Elizabeth Jodrell, Widow, 1758, p. i. 39 14 8 Stody R. (St. Mary,) with Hunworth. Redd. 1d. Epifc. Is. 8d. Arcliidiac. 6s. 8d. Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Patr. Mary Pigot, 1709. Earl of Buckinghamlhire, 1761. 3 Swanton o 43 16 0 0 o O 6 3 4 NORFOLK. DIOCES É OF NORWICH. 685 Cleara King's Books. 2 de 1. s.' d 35 Ž 10 Swanton Newars K. (St. Edmund,) with Woodnorton in D. 4 15 24 Sparham. Priori Walfingham 4d. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Archi- Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 46 4 101 Wiverton, alias Wiveton, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. is. 44. 15 Archidiac. 75.98.1 Priori Caffleacre 16s. William Ar- miſtede, olim Patr. Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart. 1661. Ri- chard Ellis, 1758. George Wyndham; Eſq. 1779, p. i. s. diac. 25. Oo 100 o O NOT IN CHARGE. Burcingham Cur. (St. Maurice.) Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Patr. and Propr. Sherringham V; Certified in D, Repps. Biſhop of Ely; , Mon. Natley, in com. Buckingham, Propr. 167. certified Value. Waburne Cur. (All Saints.) Olim a Priory. Lord Corn- wallis. about D. humbleyard, in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7. d. 1, d. 10 o I O O 900 O IQ 80 O.O o o Brakenalh, alias Braconah, R. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Robert Wood, Efq. olim Patr. Ti- mas Woods, Eſq. 1684. Timothy Ganning, 1728. Tho- mas Berney, Eſq. p. i. 1774. John Berney, Eſq. p. i. 0 Hethell, alias Hethwold, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. & Archidi. I oo ác. 8s. 2d. Miles Branthwait, Gent. olim Patr. William Brauthwait, Eſq. 1698. Miles Branthwait, Efq. 1743. Thomas Beevor, Eſq. and his Wife, p.i. 1754. Hetherſet R. (St. Remigius.) Du. Med. cum Capel. Canec- 0 16 0 loff. Capellano 61. Sacriſtæ il. 35. 4d. Epiſc. 55. Ar- chidiac. 1 15. 4d. John Geſtlin, S.T. P. 1702. Thomas Flowerdew, olim Patr. Gonvil and Caius College, Cam- bridge. Higham, 8 O 200 O 686 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. S. 1. S. d. O O O O 10 0 010 0 O O O O 100 King's Books, Yearly Tentis, 1. d. 6 13 4 Higham, alias Higham near Norwich, R. (St. Bartholo. O 13 4 I 60 mew.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Norwich. 5 Keſwick R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 15. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. With 5 0 0 Intwood R. (All Saints,) united 40 Elizab. Epiſc. is. 2d. 80 Archidiac. 75. 70.] Sir John Hobart, Bart. 1708, 1720. Lord Hobart, 1743. 6 13 4 Melton Flotman, alias All Saints, R*. Priori Redingfield 0 13 4 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Henry Mingay, Eſq. olim Patr. John Angwiſh, Eſq. 1680. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. United to 6 13 4. Melton St. Mary R. Abb. Wyndham 6d. Epiſc. 15. id. . 0 13 4 160 Archidiac. 7s. 2d. Earl of Shrewſbury, and Mr. Downes, olim Patr. Edmund Reeves, Eſq. 1707. Edmund Kenne, Merchant, 1712. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. 14 Milberton, alias Mulberton, (St. Mary Magdalen,) with Ke I 8 ningham R. Ecclef. deſtructa. Epiſc. 45. rod. Archi: diac. 135. 4d." Edwin Rich, Esq. 1672. Richard Freer, olim Patr. Edmund Salter, Gent. this Turn, 1721. John Revet, p. h. v. 1741. Peter Forſter, Clerk. Patron and Incumbent, 1766, p. h. v. Newton Flotman R. (St. Mary.) Priori Horford 135. Epiſc. IO Is. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Thomas Blundevile, Eſq. olim Patr. Matthew Long, Eſq. 1721. Suſan and Sarah Long, Spinſters, p. i. 1763. 12 13 4. Swaynſthorp R. (St. Peter and St. Mary.) Epiſc. 35. 40. Ar- I 5 4 90 chidiac. 75. The KING, 1721. John Mingay, Gent. olim Patr. William Brooke, Clerk, p. i. 1778, 1782. Elizabeth Brooke, Widow, p. i. 1784. o Wreningham R. (All Saints,) cum Neyland, (St. Peter,) I oo ୨୦ with Wreningham Parva." (St. Mary.) Penlio Collegio Eccleſiæ Chrifti, Cambr. 6s. 8d. Priori de Carrow Epiſc. 8s. 2d. Archidiac. 115. 8d. Thomas Glenham, and others, 1695. Eliz. Wilſon, Widow, 1749. Hen. Wil- liam Wilſon, p. i. 1777. O IO O 100 O O O 10 O * Melton Flotman, alias All Saints, and Melton St. Mary, united by A & of Parliament 12° Annæ. LIVINIS NORFOLK. 687 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. S. 1. d. o 55 O O O 41 II O I- O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 44 II 111 Carlton St. Mary * R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 45. 8d, The Cor- . 4 55 poration of the City of Norwich. With Carlton St. Peter R. Epiſc. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 7d. The 6 KING. 8 Colney R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Henry 6.13 4 85 0 Yaxley, Esq. olim. Patr. Tereſa Norris, Widow, 1901. Francis Loggin, Gent. 1744. 22 13. 8 8 Earlham V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 7s. Priori 5 7 81 40 o Carrow, Propr. Waller Bacon, Eſq. 1714, 1724. Edward Bacon, Eſq. 1758, p. i. 30 Eatan V. (St. Andrew. Mon. Carrow, Propr. Dean and 35 Chapter of Norwich. 42 19 61 Fordon, alias Flordon, R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 6 13. 4 60 95. 11di Robert Kemp, Eſq. olim Propr. Sir Robert Kemp, 1719. Sir John Kemp, Bart. 1761, p. i. 4 Ketheringham, alias . Katheringham, V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 25. 6. O o 50 Archidiac, 8s. 70.1 Pri. Pentney, Propr. Sir John He- vingham, olim Patr. Henry Heron, Eſq. 1716. Edward Atkins, Eſq. p.i. 1728, 1761. 30 Lakenham V. (St. John Baptift,) with Trowſe, in Brooke D. 60 Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. 21 14 4 Swardiſton, alias Swerdefton, V. (St. Andrew.) Priori Carow 6 0 0 45 Il. 35. 4d. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Archid. 6s. 8d. Anthony Styles, Dorothea Hobart, olim Patr. Dudley Scargill, Clerk, 1690. Sir John Hobart, Knight of the Bath, 1726. Henry Ho- bart, Eſq. 1771, 1773, p. i.. 0 Q 27 12 O. O I O O. O NOT IN CHARGE. 45. Oo © Cringleford Cur. (St. Albert.) City of Norwich. Hoſp. of Norwich, Propr. Dunſtone Cur. (St. Remigius.) City of Norwich. Priori Flixton, Propr. Suſan and Sarah Long, Spinſters, 1761. 181. certified Value. 35 0 o Eton Cur. (St. Andrew.) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. * The Rectories of Carlton St.Mary and Carlton St. Peter are now held ſeparately. Markſhall 688 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 40. O o Markſhall R. (St. Edmund.) Sine Cure. Sir John Pettus, olim Patr. Ecclefia deſtructa. Sir Horace Pettus. Melton Parva V. Vide D. Hingham. Emanuel College, Cam- bridge. Pri. Ixworth, Propr. Brakenhale, alias Brakendele, Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Ecclefia deſtructa. Pri. Norwich, Propr. D. Ingworth, in the Archdeaconry of Norwich. King's Books. 1. d. 100 O O 0 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l 17 19 7 AILESHAM V. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. 25. 3d. Archidiac 75. I 15 Un. manf. cum crofto cont. 4 acr. paftur. cum ſep. & foff. ann. 8s. in duabis cur. per ann. 6s. in diverſ. tenen. per ann. 21. 145. in decim. gran, creſcen. in quodam Campo, voc. le Sextensfield per ann. 61. in decim. viſul. agnel. Jan. alb. decim. fæn. ſilvæ porcel. anc. anat. canab. pull. &c. Pri. Lewes, Impr. vel Pri. Battel. Dean and Chapter of Can- terbury. 9 o Baconſthorp R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. 9d. Archidiac. 6s. O is 70 8d. John Lang, Gent. 1701, 1747. Zurilhaddai Girdle- ſton, 1767, p. i. 10 15 10 Baningham R. Epiſc. 7d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Duke of 80 Norfolk. Earl of Effingham, p. i. 1767. 10 13 4 Blickling, alias Bickling, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 11d. II - 4 Archidiac. 75. 7d. į Sir John Hobart, Bart. 1684. Earl of Buckinghamſhire, 1767, p.i. 15 13 11] Cawston R. (St. Agnes.) Redd. Duci Suff. ad. Epiſc. is. 48 130.00 4d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Sir John Hobart, olim Patr. Eraſmus Earle, Eſq. 1720. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. 7 6 Coleſale, alias Coltelhall, alias Coultelhall, R. (St. John Bap- o 14 3 tift.) Epifc. is. 4d. Archidiac. 55. King's College, Cambridge. 9 16 101 Haydon R. (St. Peter,) with Irmingland. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Ar- 0 1981 chidiac. 75.70 Į Sir Roger Townfhend, olim Patr. Eraſ- mus Earle, Eſq. one Turn, and Richard Hayes, the other Turn, 1713 John Thurſton, M. D. 1757. William Wigget Buliner, Eſq. 1771. LIVINGS I I 7 0 0 100 O III 2 200 ICO O O NORFOLK. 689 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 1 1. s. d. O O O 0 оо 7 12 6 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. le d. 37 O Aldbie, alias Albie, R. (St. Ethelbert.) Epiſc. Is. Archi- 7 II 8 45 diac. 55. Comes Northampt. olim Patr. Elizabeth Spel- man, Widow, 1715. Horace Walpole, Eſq. 1740, 1755. 45 0 o Barningham Parva R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. gd. Archidiac. 5 15 23 45. John Dix, alias Ramſey, Eſq. 1631, 1639, 1671. Richard Knights, Eſq. 1745. John Brown, Gent. p. h. v. 1767 34 Belhaw, alias Bilough, alias Belehaugh, R. (St Peter.) 6 70 Epiſc. Is. Archidiac, 6s. 3d. Abb. Sti Benedicti 25. Bi- ſhop of Norwich. 36 0 o Bowton, alias Booton, R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Is. 3d.} 7 12 50 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Chriſtopher Layer, Eſq. 1708. Peter Elvin, Eſq. 1774, p. i. o Brampton R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. gd. Archidiac. 45. Redd. 5 00 6d. William Bell, this Turn, 1714. Charles Townly, Eſq. 1744. Robert Marſham, Eſq. 1774. 35 o Burrough, alias Aillham Borough, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. gd. 9 17 50 Archidiac. 45. Sir Ed. Coke, olim Patr. Peter Elwyn, Gent. 1704. George Villiers, Clerk, 1762. Geo. Hunt Holley, Gent. 1778. 30 Buxton V. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Is. Id. į Archidiac. 55. 5 13 9 80 Pri. Sempringham. Earl of Yarmouth, 1692, 1725. George Anſon, Eſq. 1777, p. i. 27 Calthorpe V. (St. Margaret,) five Capella. Hoſp. Sfi Egidii, 35 Norw. Propr. Earl of Yarmouth, 1698. Corporation of Norwich, p. i. 380 Coleby R. (St. Giles.) Epiſc. 6d. Archidiac. 45. John 8 15 10 45 Harbord, Eſq. 17º2. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 1777, 0 32 40 O O I O O оо 0 а оо O O p. i. 6 O IO O o O 45 140 Corpuſty V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Is. Pri. Horſham Stæ Fidis, 4 12 81 Propr. Nathaniel Earle, Gent. Clip by Bacon, Gent. olim Patr. Mr. Damee. o Erpingham R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 1od. Archidiać. 75. 7d.] 9 18 9 Frances Wyndham, Widow, 1697, and Biſhop of Norwich, alternately. The Biſhop, and Mr. Wyndham, alternately. The Biſhop, 1769. o Hautbois, vulgò fobbies Magna, R. (St. Theobald.) Epiſc. 4 6 8 8d. Archidiac. 45. Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Chriſ- tian Warner, Widow, I'?01. William Taylor, Eſq. and Francis Loggin, Gent. 1737. Mary Howard, Widow, p. h. v. 1783. Hautbois, O 35 50 O 4 T 690 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. s. 1. d, O O O 0 O 42 . O h. V. o ОО Clear 1 early Value. King's Books, d. 43 Hautbois, vulgò Hobbies Parva, (St. Mary,) with Lamas R. 7. 55 (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 6s. Robert Allen, olim Patr. Iſrael Long, Eſq. 1700, 1736. Philip Chand- ler, Senior, Clerk, p. i. 1764. Honingham, alias Hevingham, R. (St. Botolph.) Epiſc. Is. 10 16 o 80 iod. Priori Stæ Trin. Norw. 6s. 8d. Sir John Hobart, olim Patr. Richardſon, 1672. Richard Hayes, Merchant, this Turn, 1720. John Bennett, Gent. P. 1758. 33 o o Ingworth R. (St. Laurence.) Epiſc. 9d. Archidiac. 45. 5 0 0 45 Alh Wyndham, Eſq. 1701, 1724, 1747, p. i. 29 o Irmingland R. (St. Andrew,) with Haydon. Epiſc. gd. Ar- 5 5 00 cbidiac. 25. Sir Owen Smith, olim Patr. Eraſmus Earle, Eſq. one Turn, and Richard Hayes, the other, 1713. Wil- liam Wiggett Bulmer, Eſq. 1777, p. i. 37 o Itteringham R. (St. Mary,) two Medieties. Epiſc. 15. Archi- 5 17 I 60 diac. 75. 70.1 Sir Ch. Heydon, Richard Godfrey, Efq. Mr. Houghton, and Phil. Gay, Yeoman, quaternis vicibus olim Patr. Robert Houghton, this Turn, 1674. William Barker, Gent. this Turn, 1721. Horatio Walpole, Eſq. 1747. Edmund Jewell, 1764. Lord Walpole, 1777. 6 13 4 Mannington, alias Manningham, R. Epiſc. 9d. Archidiac. I 16 51 Sir Roger Potts, Bart. 1710. Sir Charles Potts, 1726. Lord Walpole, 1779. 43 Mareſham, alias Marſam, R. (All Saints.) Redd. Epiſc. 1S. 10 12 Q 6d.} Priori Six_Trin. 135. 4.d. Epiſc. Is. 1od. Seneſ- challo is. 8d. Earl of Yarmouth. Chriſtopher Layer, Gent. 1717. James Bennet, Gent. p. h. v. 1748, Lord Anſon, 1757, p. i. 29 Owlton, alias Oulton, V. (St. Paul.) Epiſc. gd. Archidiac. 8 5 0 75. 7d. Pri. Walfingham, Propr. Ontlaw Bell, and Eli- zabeth Bell, this Turn, 1714. Nicholas Bell, 1750. Ri- chard Bell, olim Patr. Bell Cooke, 1763. Oxnede R. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. rod. Archidiac. 55. The 9 1 5 82 QUEEN, this Turn, 1711. John Bennett, p. h. v. 1740. George Anſon, Eſq. 1777, p. ia 27 Saxthorpe V. (St. Andrewa) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 4 13 4 6o Aulæ Sanctie Trin, in Cantabr. 25. Pembroke Hall, Cam- bridge, 35 Scottow V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 24 6d. 81 8 13 62 60 Mon, Sii Benediéti, Huline, Propre Biſhop of Norwich. zo o Skeyton, alias Skyton, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Is. 4d. Ar- 9 10 90 chidiac. 75. 70.1 Seneſchallo is. Sarah Burton, Widow, this Turn, 1704, and Sir Miles Hobart, two Turns in three. Lord Anion, 1.759, Stratton 28. 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 NORFOLK, 691 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. s. ત, 0 O o 0 O O 28. Cliar l'early Value. King's Books 1. d. 30 Stratton Strawley, alias Strawleſs, R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 8 8 60 Is. 1od. Archidiac. 55. Thomas Marſham, Eſq. 1721, 1774. Robert Marſham, Efq. p. i. 1784. 34 Swanton Abbas, alias Abbots, R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. rod. 6 10 40 Archidiac. 35. 4d. Mon. Hulme il. William Pafton, Eſq. olim Patr. by Leaſe from the Biſhop of Norwich. Earl of Yarmouth, 1718. George Anſon, Eſq. 1776, 1784, p. i. 39 oo Thwayte, alias Twaite, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 7 0 0 Mon. Hulme il. Jonathan Clapham, Clerk, 1690. Biſhop of Norwich, p. i. 13 o Tuttington V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Ar- 5 o 7 7 chidiac. 55. Pri. Bromeholme 24. 135. 4d. Mon. Campſey, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 30 Wolterton R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 9d. Archidiac. 55. 8 o go Thomas Armiger, olim Propr. Mrs. Gray, and Sir Charles Potts. Horatio Walpole, Eſq. 1755. Lord Walpole. Conſolidated with 40 O o Wickmer R. Epiſc. 9d. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Rectori Bar-lo ningham Parva 25. 4d. John Dixe, Gent. olim Patr. Lady Spelman, 1716. Horatio Walpole, Eſq. 1755. Lord Wal- pole. Ž O O 18 o оо O NoT IN CHARGE. Weſt Beckham Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Sanct. Trin. Norwic. Propr. Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. D. Lynne, in the Archdeaconry of Norwich. The Monaſtery of Caſtelacre, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, after the Deductions were made agreable to the Inſtructions, of 3061. IIS. 4d. The Monaſtery of Weſtacre was likewiſe returned at 260l. 135. 7d.. The Priory of Pentney with Wormgay was likewiſe returned at 1701. 45. gd. 1 The Priory of Blagburgh was likewiſe returned at 42!. 6s. 7 d. į 4 T 2 692 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. The Priory of Crabhouſe, alias Crabtreehouſe, was likewiſe re- turned at 241. 195. 6d. The Priory of Flitcham was likewiſe returned at 554. 55. 6d.; The Hoſpital of St. John in Lynne was likewiſe returned at 7.. 6s. lid. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. $. 6 d. 8 0 p. 1. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Bing's Books. Pearly Tentisso. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &e. 1. l. d. 18 All Saints in LINNE V. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Epiſc. Is. I 16 8 80 Mon. Weitacre, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 6 Aileſweythorpe, alias Geytonthorp, R. (St. Mary.) Archi. O 12 diac. 35. Epiſc. 8d. Sir Edward Barkham, olim Patr. Samuel Taylor, Eſq. 1714. John Hollworthy, Eſq. 1722. Hugh Naifh, Eſq. 1737. Edward Spelman, Eſq. 1755, Clenchwharton R. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. 75. 7d1 I 8 8 Epiſc. 11d. William Guybon, Eſq. olim Patr. Gervas Needham, Gent. 1674. Charles Green, and Thomas. Whale, 1720. Anthony Etheridge, Gent. p. i. 1768. Congham St. Andrew R. Archidiac. & Epiſc. 35. With 6 Congham St. Mary R. Archidiac. 25. Archidiac. 25. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Do- rothy Flack, Widow, 1715. Dorothy Foſter, 1723. Bridget Squire, Widow, 1752. 6 8 Derſingham V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 Epiſc. 0.10 8. 15. 4d. Mon. Bynham, Propr. William Cobb, Eſq. lõbo. klizabeth Hoſte, 1700. John Hofte, Eſq. 1705. Theo- dore Hoſte, Eſq. 1768, 1775: Dixon Hoſte, Eſq. 1784, 14 6 8 100 O O 6 10 O o 13 O 0 1 2 0 118 O 5 Ico O O p. i. I 0 2 I 6 I 2 жо O O ICO 6 8 Deanry of Lynne. 8. 13 8 St. Edmund of North LYNNE R. Redd. 10d. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. Is. Thomas Guybon, olim Patr. Henry Box, Eſq. 1711. Ruth Dade, Widow, 1720. Ralph Box, Eſq. and others, 1729. John Peele, and Edmund Nelſon, 1756, p. i. 5 13 4 Gaywood R. (St. Faith.) Pení. Pri. Sanctæ Margaritæ, O II 4 Lynne, 31. 6s. 8d. Thomas Thurlby, olim Patr. Mary Wych, Widow, 1714. Cyrill Wych, Eſq. 1768. Cyrill Clough, Clerk, and others, 1782. 26 13 4. Grimſon R. (St. Botolph.) Pri. Caſtleacre 2l. 139. 4d. 2 13 4 130 Abb. Wymondham 21. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Epiſc. 35. Henry Cremer, Gent. 1692. Queen's College, Cam- bridge, p. i. 7 Harpley O o NORFOLK, 693 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. S. 22 100 I. I 20 O 6 8 10 I 20 O O O 18 O O O 3 1:20 o King's Books learly Tenths. 1. . 1. d. Harpley R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Epiſc. 2 4 15. 4d. Richard Stubbs, Eſq. olim Patr. William Hooker, and his Wife, 1715. Tarl of Orford, 1744. 13 6 8 Hillington R. (St. Mary.) Pri. Lewes 6s. Ed. Pri. Caſtlea 6 8 cre 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Charles Stuart, Esq. 1700. Sir Simeon Stuart, p. i. 1758. Sir Martin Browne Folkes, Bart. 1782. 33 8 Maffingham Magna R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Epiſc. 3 6 8 230 25. gd. William Thirlby, Eſq. olim Patr. 'Sir Robert Yallop, Knight, 1694, Sir Robert Walpole, 1731. Earl of Orford, 1771, p. 1. o North Rongton, alias Rounton, (All Saints,) with Hardwick 0.17 and Sechy R. Pri. Blagburgh ili 135. 4d. Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. 25. iod. Trinity College, Cambridge. 9 St. Peter in Weſt LYNNE, R. Pri. Lewes 1os. Archidiac. 6s. 130 8d. Epiſc. Is. Id. Charles Turner, and Thomas Whale, Sen. and Jun. 1695. Earl of Mancheſter, olim Patr. Lord Coleraine, 1736. The KING, 1762. 34 6 8 Terrington R. (St. Clement.) Archidiac. 75. 7d.} Annexed 8 8 to the Margaret Profeſſorſhip of Cambridge. 23 6 8 Terrington V. (St. John.) Epiſc. 35. Margaret Profeſſor, 2 6 8 8 Propr. 30 o Tylney, alias Tilney, V. (All Saints.) Redd. 25. Syn. 35. 3 1.70 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7.} Aula Pembr. Cantabr. Propr. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. o Walpole Elien, alias Sti Petri, R. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 2 Epiſc. is. 10d. Redd. 25. Redd. 25. The KING. Walfoken R. (All Saints.) Redd. & Penſ. 21. 45. 3d. Ar- 3 3 1 4 1:35 chidiac. 75. 7d. Epiſc. 2.5. Ed. Croſs, Sen. Gent. 1717. John Creed, Eſq. 1742. Weſt Walton Elien R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. gd. I 12 so Epiſc. 15. 10d. Pri. Lewes 6d. Lord Coleraine. The KING. 4. Weſt Walton R. (St. Mary.) Pri. Lewes 2l. 135. 4d. Penf. I 13 bar Vicario Walpole 6s. Sd. Archidiac. 35. gd. Epiſc. 15. 10d. The KING, 1692, 1694, 1762. Richard Brown- low, Eſq. olim Patr. James Townſhend, Eſq. 1770, 1777 9 13 4 Weit Winch R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 45. Epiſc. 35. The O 19 4 1:50 KING o Wolforton, alias Wolverton, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 35. I 4 0 70 Oo 6d. Epiſc. 8d. Galfrid. Cobb, Eſq. olim Patr. James Hoſte, Eſq. 1713, 1731. Henry Corniſh Henley, Eſq. 1768, p. i. Wyken, Ο Ο 3 O 21 O 2 200 O O 16 O Q O Q 16 13 12 Q O O I 2 694 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. Pearly Tenths, 1 3. d. 6 13 O 13 4 King's Books. 1. 2, 4 Wyken, alias Afwiken, with Leſgiat R. (All Saints.) Priori Wellacre il. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 45. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Tho- mas Thurlby, Elq. olim Patr. Elizabeth Jane, 1716. Phi- lip Nind, 1758. Lord Spencer, p. i. 1771. O O O O O 0 0 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valuc. King's Books. 8 0 0 Appilton, alias Appleton, V. (St. Mary.) Repriz. null. 8 Colleg. Sfi Stephani, Weſtminit. Propr. Edward Paſton, olim Patr. James Coldham, Gent. 1706. Edward Pafton, E!q. 47 15 Aumer, alias Anmer, R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. 9 70 IS. 4d. Thomas Norris, olim Patr. James Coldham, Gent. 1709. Charles Buckle, Eſq. p. h. v. 1747. 30 o Babingley, alias Baburghley, R. (St. Felix,) with Sandringham. 4 13 4 Archidiac. 35. 6d. Epiſc. 8d. James Hoſte, Eſq. 1717, 1732. 29 10 6 Bawley R. (St. James.) Pri. de Lynne 8d. Archidiac. 55. 4 35 0 0 Epiſc. Is. 4d. Thomas Thuriby, olim Patr. Jane Thoreſ- by, Widow, 1681. Edmund Hill, Gent. 1728. Thomas Stona, Clerk, 1781, p. i. 24 Caſtleacre V. (St. James.) Repriz. null. Mon. Caſtleacre, 5 6 8 45 Propr. Thomas Comes, Exon. olim Propr. John Coke, Efq. 1709. Ralph Cauldwell, Eſq. 1771. Thomas Wil- liam Coke, Eſq. 1781, p. i. o Gayton, alias Geiton, V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 75. 7d.I 8 6 Epiſc. 25. Colleg. Sti Stephani, Weſtminſt. Propr. Biſhop of Norwich, p. i. Sir Ed. Mundeford, olim Patr. 28 0 St. German in Wigenhall, alias Wignall, V. Penſ. Ecclefiæ 6 0 0 Chriſti, Norw. 125. 4d. Archidiac. 75. 70.Î Epiſc. 15. Mon. Chriſti, Norwic. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Nor- wich. 27 o Iington V. (St. Mary.) Redd. Iid. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 6 13 4 бо Epiſc. 15. Iod. 'The KING. Mon. Blackburgh, Propr. 49 St. Mary in Wigenhall, alias Wignall, V. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 12 10 50 Epiſc. Is. The KING. Mon. Weſtacre, Propr. Thomas Fik, Clerk, 1693. 36 Mary Magdalen in Wigenhall, alias Wignail, V. Archidiac. 5 15 10 45 75. 7d. ž Epiſc. is. Mon. Caſtleacre, Propr. Peter Pate- fon, Clerk, 1720, p. i. Suſan Garforth, Widow, 1756. Maſlingham Parva R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 913 4 S Epiic. 15. 4d. Sir John Mordant, Knight, 1715. Sir 3 Charles 42 po O 0 Со 4 оо NORFOLK. 695 DIOCESE OF NORWICH, 1. s. d. p. i. O O O O O O O 20 ОО O O moo NO Clear Pearly Value King's Books, 1. d. Charles Mordant, 1725. Sir John Mordaunt, Bart. 1779, 47 Middleton V * (St. Mary.) Repriz. null. Repriz. null. Mon. Black. 7oo 70 burgh, Propr. John Horne, 1700, 172.2. Iſaac Leheup, 1743. Elizabeth Lloyd, Widow, p. i. 1758.. 41 Weit Newton R. (St., Peter.) Archidiac. 35. Epiſc. 8d. 5 6 8 70 The KING, 40 St. Peter in Wigenhall, alias Wignall, V. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 6 0 50 Epiſc. Is. The KING. Mon. Shuldham, Propr. 35 RISING, alias CASTLE RISING, R. (St. Laurence.) Duke of 8 Norfolk, olim Patr. William Fielding, Eſq. and his wife, 1707. Lord Viſcount Andover, 1755. Conſolidated with o Rydon R. (All Saints.) A Peculiar. Ralph Waller, olim 5 135 Patr. William Fielder, Eſq. and his Wife, 1707.. Lord Viſcount Andover, 1755. Sandringham R. (St. Mary,) with Babingley. Pri. Bynham 5 6 8 80 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 45. Epiſc. 8d. Lady Mary Cobb, olim Patr. James Hoſte, Eſq. 1717, 1732. 45 o Walpole V. (St. Andrew.) A Moiety. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 26 13 4 Epiſc.. IS. iod. Pri. Lewes, in Suſſex, Propr. Lord Coleraine, 1682, 1725. Sir John Holland, olim Patr. The KING, 1762. 30 Eaſt Walton V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Pentney 25. id. Archi- 6 3 4 50 Epiſc. 35. 3d. Mon. Weſtacre, Propr. Sir Edward Barkham, Bart. 1670. Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1696. Samuel Taylor, Eſq. 1723. Edward Spelman, Eſq. 1755. 45 Eaſt Winch V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 55. Epiſc. 15. 8d. 8. 60 Mon. Carowe, Propr. Ro. Auſtie, olim Patr. Thomas Berney, Eſq. 1681. James Verdon, Clerk, 1716. John Corion, Eſq. 1722, 1733. Sir John Tyrell, Bart. p. i. 1765. 30 North Wotton V. (All Saints.) Duke of Norfolk, olim 10 65 Patr. Cuthbert Brown, & ał. Lady Diana Fielding, 1724. Lord Suffolk, 1758. Viſcounteis Andover, 1780, 35 South Wotton R. (St. Mary.) Penf. 25. A Peculiar. The 8 8 6 8 70 KING, O o Оо 0 diac. 95 O O O O оо 0 0 p. i. O * Middleton V.-Augmented by Sir Henry Spelman, Knight. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropria- sions, p. 2270 NOT 696 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. King's Books 1. d. NoT IN CHARGE. Clear Yearly Value. 1, s. . Congham Saints. Pri. Wymondham, Propr. Dr. Forſter, p. i. 1731. Mintling Don. (St. Michael.) Pri. Norwich, Propr. Lady Wiche. 100 0 o Sanétæ Margaretæ, in King's Lynne, Cur. cum Lynne St. Nicholas. Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. Eaſt Walton St. Andrew Cur. Mon. Caſtleacre, Propr. Mr. Taylor, of Lynne. Weſt Bilney Cur. (St. Cæcilia.) Pri. Pentney, olim Propr. Sir Ralph Freeke. 201. certified Value. Flitcham Cur. Mon. Flitcham, Propr. Sir Thomas L'Eſtrange. 201. certified Value, Pentney Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pri. Pentney, Propr. Mr. Noyes's Heirs. 201. certified Value. Weſtacre Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Weftacre, Propr. Mr. Naſh. 161. certified Value. Caſtle Riſing, Rydon, North, and South Wooton, are Pe- culiars. D. Redenhall, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. 1. s. d. 12 O I O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. do o Alberghe, alias Alburrow, R. (All Saints.) Feod. Seneſchalli 35. 4 go 4d. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 John Harbord, Eſq. 1699. Sir Rowland Hill, Bart. 1729, 1755. Sir Rowland Hill's Heirs may preſent any Fellow of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, except a Plat Fellow, to this Living. Brokediſh R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. Is.gd. Archi I o diac. 6s. 8d. John Knapp, Gent. olim Patr. Francis Lawrence, Gent. 1686. Richard Meene, h. v. 1724. Sa- muel Gibbs, p. i. 1752, 1774. Bryfinghain, 10 оо 105 00 NORFOLK. 697 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 1. d. o 28. O I I 2 © O O O O 220 O King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 15 o o Bryfingham, alias Briſingham, R. (St. John Baptift.) ' Epiſc: 1 10 105 Archidiac. 8s. 70.1 Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. William Clayton, and Thomas Dwyer, this Turn, 1715. Earl of Effingham, p. i. 1740. Jeremiah Burroughs, Eſq. p. h. V. 1-761. 16 o Burton, alias Burſton, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 5d. Ar- 170 chidiae. 75. 7d. 1 The KING, p. . i. 24 Denton R*. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac: 78.7d. 2 8 13о о Duke of Norfolk. Robert Horne, this Turn, 1714. The Biſhop, 1745. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1750. 28 o Dikilburghe, alias Dykeburgh, alias Dickleburgh, R. (All 2 16 Saints.) Four Portions. Trinity College, Cambridge. 33 6 8 Dysse, alias Diss, R. (St. Mary.) Pri. Horford 105. Ca. 3 6 8 130 pellano 5l. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 85. 7d. William Boſworth, Clerk, by Turn, 1695. William Bur- lington, Gent. 1714. Earl of Suſſex, 1729. John Hobart, Eſq. olim Patr. William Manning, Clerk, 1778, p. i. 15 Ereſham, alias Erlham, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 25. Archi. 130 diac. 75. 7d. 1 Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. William Longuevill, Eſq. 1702. John Anſtis, Eſq. 1718. Daniel Burcham, Merchant, p. i. 1740. 6 6 8 Ferfield, alias Fersfield, R. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Thetford 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 55. Thomas Cornwallis and An- thony Wingfield, olim, alternis vicibus. Thomas Barker, by Turn, 1685. Henry Blomefield, Gent. 1729. Thomas Lambert, Clerk, p. i. 1752. 14 16 53 Gwiſing, alias Gilling, alias Giſling, R. (St. Mary.) Pri. But- 9 73 ley il. 6s. 9d.] Epiſc. 25. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7d. į Sir Robert Kempe, Bart. 1694. Sir John Kempe, Bart. 1761, O I I оо o 0 1 2 120 o O I 120 o poi. 0 20 O O 33 6 8 Pulham R. (St. Mary) with Pulham St. Mary Magdalen Cap. 3 6 8 400 Epiſc. 45. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.ị The KING. Redenhall R. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. HARLESTON, (St. John 2 250 Baptift.) Pri. Bungey 2l. Epifc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. ad Nom. Epiſc. Norw. Fre- derick Howard, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Nor- wich, 1724, 1745. Earl of Effinghart, 1748, 1763, at the Nomination of the Biſhop. * Denton R.-The Adyowſon of this Living was given by the Will of Mr. Poſtlethwayt, to the Arbhbiſhop of Canterbury and his Succeffors, upon Condition that the ſaid Archbifhop fould from time to time, as the ſame ſhould be void, collate one of the Fellows, or cne who had been Fellow pf Merton College in Oxford; which Will is dated September 5, 1713. Rogdon FU 698 NORFOLK, DIOCESE OF NORWICHH. . 0 O 0 I 14 17 110 o O King's Books. rearly Tenthri lo d!! 1, d. 9 Roydon R. (St. Remigius.) Epifc. 1s. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 0 18 120 O 84. Edward Havers and Laurence Lomax, olim Patr. Ro- bert Burroughs, Gent. 1705. Francis Blomefield, Clerk, 1746. Leonard Chappelow, Clerk, 1777, p. i. Shelfanger, alias Skelfanger, R. (All Saints.) Two Medieties. Pri. Eye 25. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Archidiac. 7s. 70.1 Richard Richinond, 1688. Thomas Brand, 1741. Duke of Nor- folk. Jeremiah Burroughs, Eſq. p. h. v. 1766. Sterſton R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Mon. Thetford 6s. Pri. Mundham il. Duke of Norfolk, 1699. Sir Rowland Hill, Bart. p. i. 1746, 1769. o Tyvetíhall, vulgo Titſhall, R. (St. Mary and St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75, 7d.1 Sir Thomas Cornwallis, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis, 1701. Horace Walpole, Eſq. 1742. Lord Walpole, 1765, p. i. O I IO 15 ICO 0 0 20 0 2 O 200 O o O O O 0 O Ar- 9 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Valuc. King's Books 45 Billingford, alias Pirleſton, R. (St. Leonard,) with Thorpe 90 m 80 Parva. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] John le Gris, Gent. olim Patr. Edward Carter, Eſq. 1704. Rowland Holt, Eſq. 1739, 1772. 30 Frenze, alias Frenſe, R. (St. Andrew.) Samuel Blenerhayſet, 2 13 4 35 Eſq. olim Patr. John Fincham, Eſq. 1673. Dymond Nison, Gent. 1702. Sir Robert Kemp, Bart. 1725. Dame Elizabeth Kemp, and Eleazer Davy, Eſq. 1767. Eleazer Davy, Eſq. 1774, p. i. 46 Oſinondſton, alias Schole, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. Ar 80 chidiac. 6s. 3d.] Sir Thomas Cornwallis, olim Patr. Ro- bert Britiffe, Eſq. by Turn, 1702. Lord Cornwallis, 1751, 1756. 30.oo Ruthall , alias Riveſhall, V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Langley, Propr. 4 o James Branſby, Gent. 1774. Samuel Cooper, Ď. D. 1779. 47 • shimpling R. (Śt . George.) Epiſc . 2s. Archidiac. 75. 70.4 10 13 70.4 60 John Sherlow. Gent. olim Patr. John Buxton, Gent. 1706, 1743. Robert Buxton, Clerk, 1771, p. i. 46 0 0 Thelveton R. (St. Nicholas.) Prioræ Sanctæ Mariæ Overies 9 90 55. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75, 8d. The KING. 49 Thorpe Abbots, alias Cornwallis, R. (All Saints.). Epiſc. 6 70 Archidiac. 75. 7d. Ž Sir Thomas Cornwallis, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis, 1694, 1757 Thorpe Parva R. (St. Mary,) with Billingford. Eccleſia 4 Eccleſia 40 devaſtata. Edward Doylie, olim Patr. Thomas Robin- ſon, a оо O O O O O O O 23. 30 0 NORFOLK, 699 DIOCESE OF NORWICH, Clear Yearly Value. King's Picokse le si do b. $. do ſon, Gent, 1700. John Holt, Eſq. 1724. Rowland Holt, Efq. 1772. 45 • Winfarthing, alias Wynnefarthing, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 12 OO 65 Archidiac. 'S. 7d. Ž Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Sir Robert Marſham, Bart. 1711. John Briſtow, Eſq. 1749. Earl of Albemarle, 1774. O O 0 25. CURACY. 15.00 Needham, juxta Harleton, Cur. (St. Peter.) Pri. Thetford, Propr. Mr. Freeſton, D. Repps, in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk. The Priory of Beeſton was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 431. 25. 40.3 For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. LIVINGS REMAINING IN Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. 1. s. d. 1 3 21 0 0 I 6 81 100 O II II 103 Gimingham R. (St. Mary,) with Trunch. Epiſc. 25. Ar- 170 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Mon. Lewes 32. 6s. 8d. John Duke, Eſq. olim Patr. Catherine Hall, Cambridge. 13 7 . I Knapton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. is. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Priori Bromeholme 6s. 3d. Thomas Buckworth, Gent. olim Patr. Jolin Fowle, Eſq. and Mary his Wife, 1709, and Maſter of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, al- ternately. Mary Fowle, Widow, 1773. The Biſhop of Carliſle, 1781, as Maſter of Peter Houſe, p. h. v. 18 North Repps R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 The KING, as Duke of Lancalier. 16 South Repps R. (St. James.) Epiſc. 25. 3d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 4 Trunch R. (St. Botolph,) with Gimingham. Epiſc. is. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Priori Caſtleacre 21. Catherine Hall, Cambridge. 4 U 2 0 I 16 G 200 O I 12 0 10 13 I I. 4 LIVINGS 700 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. " S. 1. 6 II O O оо 500 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. di d. 46 0 O Ailmerton R. two. Medieties. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epifc. 25. 50 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Roger Wyndham, Eſq. olim Patr. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1688. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1763. 45 Aldborough, alias Aldeburgh, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. 8 06 9d. Archidiac. 65. 8d. Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Harbord Harbord, Eſq. 1717- Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 25 15. 8. Antingham St. Margaret R. annexed to North Walſham. Epifc. 5. 6 8 gd. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Abb. Hulme 155. Biſhop of Norwich. 42 o Antingham St. Mary R. Epiſc. Is. 4.d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 6 3. It 50 000 Sir Robert Kemp, 1679. Alh Wyndham, Eſq. 1690, 1717. William Kemp, Eſq. 1705. Sir Jolin Wyndham, and Robert Kemp, Eſq. alternis vicib. olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk. Sir William Harbord,. Bart. 1754, p. i. 40 0 0 Barningham Norwood R. (St. Mary.) Redd. 6d. Epiſc. 613 4 55. Oo Is. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d.. Sir Auſtin Palgrave, olim Patr. Richard Knight, Gent.. 1692. Sir. Auſtin Palgrave, Bart. 1706. Sir Richard Palgrave, Bart. 1721. William Wynd- ham, Eſq. 1769, p. i. 40 0 0 Barningham Town R. (St. Peter.) Epiſci Is. 6d. Archidiac. 6 13 41 6s. 8d. Edward Pafton, Eſq. olim Patr. Greſham Page, Gent, and Jonathan Newhouſe, Clerk, by Turn, 1714.. Joſeph Lane, 1750. William Ruſſell, Eſq. 1764. 30 0.0 Baſſingham R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. is. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 4. 6 84 William Pafton, Eſq. olim Patr, Counteſs of Yarmouth, 1684. John Jermy, Eſq, and others, 1732. Lord Anſon, 1758. Thomas Anſon, Eſq. 1772, p. i. 35 0 Beeſton near the Sea R. (All Saints.) Epifc. is. 6d. Archi. 16 O. 40 diac. 75. 8d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 0. CROMER, alias SHIPDEN, V. (St. Peter and St. Paula) Penſ. 9. 4. 9 Epiſc. 54. 4d. Syn. Epiſc. is. Penſ. Domui Carthuſ. Lon- 45 I chidiac. 6s. 8d. Roger Wyndham, Eſq. olim Patr. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1688. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1763,.. 44. O o Grelham R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Iso II di Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 6 18 9) 50.00 Priori Caſtleacre. 1os. William Paſton, Eſq. olim Patr.. Counteſs: 45. O O O IO O 100 O o pii . NORFOLK 701 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. . b. S. 1. So O O 2s. 24 O O O O O O O 2 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, d.. do Counteſs of Yarmouth, 1684. Lord Anſon, 1758. Tho- mas Anſon, Eſq. 1772. 35 0 o Gonton R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc.. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8 d. John 8 8 oo- Jermy, Eſq. 1661. Harbord Harbord, Eſq. 1732.. Con- folidated with 30 0 0 Hanworth V. (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. 9d. Archidiac. 65. 5. I: 8 8d. Pri. Hickling, Propr. Sir Edward Cleere, olim Patr. Lord Hobart, p. i. 1737. Sir William Harbord, Bart. 1.768, 1774, p. i. 28 0 Matlaſk R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 1od. Archidiac. 6s. 8di The 5 70 KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 35 Metton, alias Melton with Felbridge, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 7 Epiſc. 7 Oo Archidiac. 6s. 8d. John Bartram, olim Patr. Cathe- rine Wyndham, Widow, 1693. Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1721. Ath Wyndhain, Eſq: 1736. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1763 o Mundeſly R. (All Saints.) Epifc. 9d. Archidiac. 65.- 8d.. 8.: 9.9 80 The KING; as Duke of Lancaſter. 2.5 Overſtrand, alias Oxtrond, R. (St. Martin.) Epiſc. & Archi 2" 1 52 30. diac. 85. 3d. Penf. Rectori de Southſtrand 5s. Thomas Kemp, Eſq. olim Patr. Nathaniel Life, Efq. 1714. Cæſar. Life, Eſq. 1748. Mary Rant,. Widow, p. i. 1779. 32 Plumſtead, alias Plumſtede, R. Epiſc. iod. Archidiac. 65. 5 3 4 60 8d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 34 o Roughton V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. Pri. Bungay, Propr. 6 40 Biſhop of Ely. Runton R. Epiſc. 15. 6do Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Thomas 10 60 Wyndham, Eſq. olim Patr. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1685. Aſh Wyndham, Eſq. 1746. Suffield, alias Southfield, R. (St. Margaret:) Epiſc. 25. Ar- 14 70 chidiac. 75. 70.1 Earl of Suffolk, olim Patr. Harbord Harbord, Eſq..1714. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. p. i.-1774. 2:6 o Syderſtrand, alias Syſtrand, alias Sideſtrond, R. (All Saints.) 5 100. 30 Epiſc.. IS. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. The KING, and Tho- 'mas Kemp, Eſq. olim Patr. alternis vicibus. Roger Dun. combe, 1712. Thomas Thornbery, Eſq. 1748. 30 o Thorp Market V. with the Donative of the Mediety of Brad- 5.11 33 50 field. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 15. 7d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. - Priori Cockforth 21. in aliis Repr. 11s. 4d. Pri. Cockisford, Propr.. Thomas Worts, and Richard Thompſon, olim Patr. Sir William Rant, Knight, 1709. Sir William Harbord, 1748. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 48o 0 Thurgarton R. Epiſc. is. rod. Archidiac. 75.-7d, Biſhop 9: 6.8 80 of Norwich. 5.- Trimingham O O 0 O Q 0 45 0 0; O O 48 0 O 0 0 O. O O O O O ОО O. ; i 792 NORFOLK; DIOCESE 0 NORWICH 1. d. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. d, 25 o Trimingham R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) -Epiſc. Is. 4d. Ar- 60 70 chidiac, 6s, 8d. 'The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter, O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Eaſt Beckham Cur. (St. Helen.) The Church down. Mr, Wyndham. Pri. Waburn, Propr. 16 @ O Suſted, alias Siſead, alias Suthſtede. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) The KING. Pri. Thetford, Propr. 161. certified Value, 16 0 o Skyringham Cur. Biſhop of Ely, Propr. 9. Bockland, in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk. The Monaſtery of Bokenham, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value, after every Deduction made purſuant to the Act of Parliament, of 1081. 1os. 2d. The College of Ruſsheworth was likewiſe returned at 851. 155.odel The College, with the Chapel of Attilborough, was likewiſe returned at 21l. 16s. 4d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv, 1. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, P'early Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. lo 19 8 9 ATTILBOROUGH MAJOR R. (St. Mary,) with Attilborough I 18 10} 200 O 0 Minor. Epiſc. 15. Prox. 55. Id. Redd. 4d. Feod. Seneſ- challi 3s. 4d. Feod. Ballivi. Is. 8d. Sir Francis Bickley, Bart. 1683, 1708. Sir Phil. Knivet, olim Patr. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1755, 1773, p. i. 3 61 Banham R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 0 18 45 Abb. Stæ Mariæ, Ebor. 41. Priori Romborough 21. Pri. ori Thetford 135. 4d. Redd. & firm. per ann. Il. 45. 6d. port. Decim. rec. extra Rector. de Quiddenham 25. 44. &c. The KING of Bridgham, alias Brigham, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 75. 7d.] I I 150 Terr. gleb, ad valor. Ils. &c. The KING. 6 Eccles 200 O o I 2 O NORFOLK 703 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. King's Books, 1. S. d. 14 O O 100 O O 12 103 O O 0 o l'early Tonths, . d. Eccles R. (St. Mary.) Decim. oblat. firm. terr. gleb. &c. 3 8 Sir Nathaniel Bacon, olim Patr. William Green, Eſq. 1720, 1721. Lord Albemarle, 1779, p. i. 19 16 of Garboldſham, alias Garboreſham, R* (St. John Baptift.) 1 19 71 160 Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 145. 3d.} Priori Thetford 6s. 8d. Feod. Seneſchalli 35 4d. Perquiſ. cur. per ann. 15. redd. firm. &c. Lord Viſcount Hereford, 1663, 1691. Peter Parham, M. D. 1683. Sir Edmund Bacon, 1726, 1748. Criſpe Molineux, Eſq. 1777, p. i. East HARLING R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Epiſc. 15. 3d. i 40 Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Redd. firm. &c. Sir Fra. Lovel, olim Patr. Thomas Wright, Eſq. 1720, p. i. The KING, 1738, 1778, p. b. v. 9 18 4 Weſt Harling, (All Saints,) with Middle Harling R. (St. An- O 19 IO 90 drew.) Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 85. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 35. 43. &c. Joh. Gandy, Eſq. Sir Ballingburn Gandy, Bart. 1720. The KING, by Lapſe, 1738. William Crofts, Éfg. 1766, p. i. o 21 Larling, alias Larlingford, R. (St. Ethelbert.) Epiſc. Is. I O oben Archidiac. 65, 8d. Redd. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor 13s. 8d. &c. Sir Fra. Lovel, olim Patr. Charles Houghton, Eſq. 1682. Paul Jodrell, Eſq. 1722. Sir Edmund Bacon, p. i. 1735. William Woodly, Eſq. 1782, p.i. 17 5 Lopham R. St. Nicholas, with St. Andrew. Epiſc. 35. Ar I 14 o chidiac. 75. 7d. į Redd. 8d.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 145. 7d. &c. Sir John Caryl, and Sir John Holland, olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk. Sir Rowland Hill, Bart. 1760. 12 17 I Snetterton, alias Snytterton, R. St. Andrew, with All Saints. I 5 81 I 20 O Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. gs. gdež Redd. 5d. Redd. firm. &c. Sir John Hare, olim Patr. Jo. Hare, Eſq. 1670. John Briſtow, Eſq. 1756. Earl of Albemarle, p. i. 1770. The Executor of the late Earl of Albemarle, 1772, p. h. v. 31 Eaſt Wretham, alias Eaſt Wrotham, R. (St. Ethelbert.) I 3 23 Epiſc. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. id. Eton College. 3 Weit Wretham, alias Welt Wrotham, alias North Wrotham, I 5 11 R. (St. Laurence.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75.70.1 Terr. gleb. cum libertat. faldag. & paftur. 100 ov. il. 35. rod. &c, King's College, Cambridge. 10 100 O 210 O o O 11 12 IOO O I 2 II 100 O * Garboldſham St. John's R. 1-Inſtitutions to theſe on the Preſentation of Sir Edmund Bacon, All Saints R. J in the Years 1726 and 1778, LIVINGS 904 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. S. d. 1. S. d. O O 0 I 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED.. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. 42 5 o Attilborough Minor pars R. (Holy Croſs) with Attilborough 8.2 Major. Epifc. 6d. Archidiac. 25. 6d.£ Feod. Senefchalli Is.. Perquiſ. Cur. Is. 8d&c. Sir Roger Potts, Bart. 1709. William Wyndham, Eſq. 1755. 48 15 6 Beſthorpe, V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 5 6 101 60 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1l. 25. 2.d. I decim. oblat. &c. Colleg. Norwich, Propr. Arthur Drury, Eſq. olim Patr. Elizabeth Shaw, Widow, 1716. Edward Turnour, Eſq. 1759. Lord Winterton, 1781. 40 6 8 Brettenham R. (St. Andrew.) Epifo. 25. 5d. Archidiac. 55. 5 126 :5:5 Abb. St. Alban's 55. Priori Thetford 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. &c. Biſhop of Ely. 3.1 16.10 Ellingham Magna V. (St. James). 'with Ellingham Parva. 6 5 10 Epiſc. Is. 4d. Decim. oblat. &c. Colleg. de Attilburgh, olim Propr. Sir Anthony Wingfield, olim Patr. Thomas Cockayne, 1684.. Thomas Bond, Clerk, 1747, Patron and Incumbent. 34 8 Harphaîn, alias Harſham, R. (All Saints) with Wilby. 4 4 Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 148. &c. Henry Gurney, Eſq. olim Patr. Nicholas Hare, Gent. 1688. Hugh Hare, Eſq. 1769. o Hockham, alias Hecham, v. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. Is. 8 17. 11 55 00 Archidiaç. 75. 7d. 1 Priori Thetford 135.4d. Penf. rec. de Magiſtro Coll . de Thomſon 55. Terr. gleb. ad valor. IS, 4d. Decim. ablat. &c. Pri. Thetford, Propr. Sir Robert Jermyn, olim. Patr. Philip Ryley, Eſq. 1717, Philip Kemſey Ryley, 1754, p.i. Banoni Mallett, Gent. 1772, p. i. 37 2 © Illington, alias Hillington, R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 15. 6 19 2 45 O Archidiac. 7s. 70.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 145. 4d. per ann. John Gaſcoign, olim Patr. William Churchman, Eſq. 1712. John Beddingfield, 1738. Biſhop of Norwich, by Lapſe, 1756. 40 o Kenninghall V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75, 7d.j. 517 I 60 Port. decim. rec. extra Rector. de Quiddenham, per ann. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. rod. &c. Pri. Bucken- ham, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 33 7 8 Kilverſton, alias Kilverdefton, R. Epiſc. IS. Archidiac. 35. 7 14 9 80 Priori Butley 135. 4d. Redd. 6d. Terr. gleb. cum libertat. faldag. & paſtur. ov. Il. 95. 4d. &c. The KING. 38 5 o Norton Blow Ř. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 5 6 3 45 6s. 2d. Priori Caſtleacre 1os. Priori Thetford 3s. 4d. Terr. 40 10 o O O O NORFOLK. 705 DIOCESE OF NORWI CHE оо Widow, 1779 valor. il. 11S. iod. Decim. oblat. &c. Colleg. Thomſon Clear rearly Value. King's Books. b. s. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1.45. 8d. &c. Henry Brampton, Efq. olim Patr. Robert Browne, Eſq. 1722. Charles Brown, Clerk, p. i. 1762.. . 40 Quiddenham R. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 15. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 8 4 61 75 5. Vicario de Kenninghall 3s. 4d. ' Rectori de Banbam 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. 11s. 4d. Sir Henry Bedingfield, olim Patr. Sir John Holland, Bart. 1705. Iſabella Diana Holland and Charlotte Holland 1731. Mary Green, 48 9 : 14 Redleſworth, alias Bidleſworth, (St. Peter.) with Gaſthorpe il 2 8 2 65 R; (St. Nicholas.) Epiſe, 2s. Archidiac. gs. 8d. Redd. 9d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. 145. 10d. &c. Sir Drew Drury olim Patr: Sir Bafingburo Gandy, Bart. 1713. Diana Drury, Widow, 1739. Sarah Wake, Widow, 1767. . 1782, p. i. 44 0 ROCKLAND All Saints and St. Andrew, R. Epiſc. 25. Ar- 10 19 41 50 chidiac. 6s. Priori" de Caftleacre '45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. 8d. &c. John Webb, olim Patr. Anne Mar- tell, Widow, 1910. Elizabeth Hutchinſon, p. i. 1750. 29 18 8 Rockland St. Peter, R. Epifc, 1s. Archidiac. zs. Priori 4 16 51 40 de Caſtleacre 45. Terr. glebo ad valor. Ils. 5d. Decim. ablat. &c. Edward Bulwer, Eſq. olim Patr. Jonas Grig. for fon, 1736. Jermin Heyhoe, Gent. p. i. 1742. 1768. 23 6 Rowdham, alias Roudham, V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Is. 4 16 52 25 Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Terr. gleb, ad valor. 3d. 3d. Decim. u oblat. &e. Mon Weltacre Propr. Sir Thomas Lovell, olim Patr. John Lovell, Eſq. 1701. Richard Wright, Eſq. 1752. Richard Crofts, Ełq. 1781, p. i. 30 6 Shropham V. (St. Peter.) Epifc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 8 13 9 40 Priori de Caſtleacre 135. 4d. Redd. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad • Propr. Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich. 48 14 2 Wilby R. (All Saints) with Harpham, alias Hargham. Epilc. 7 4. 73 II O Archidiac. 75. 78.1 Priori Romborough 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. ıl. 25. per ann. &c. Sir John Hare, olim Patr. Nicholas Wilton, Efq. 1686. Anne Harė, Widow, 1720. Thomas Hare, Eſq. 1730, 1769, p. io. ostore O O o 0 2 Q 2 @ 25. NoT IN CHARGE. 17 00 Buckenham All Saints, C. (All Saints and St. Andrew.) Sir Thomas Lovel, olini Propr. Pri.. Buckenham Propr. The Inhabitants preſent. 4 X Buckenham 706 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK 1. Clear Yearly Value. 6. King's.Books. d. I. 3. d. 25 0 0 Buckenham St. Martin, C. Pri. Buckénhám. Propr. : The Inhabitants preſent. Rockland St. Mary and St. Martin. John Anſtis, Eſq. 1718. Duke of Norfolk. 16 0 0 Ruſheworth, alias Ruſhford, C. (St. John Evangeliſt.) olim a College. Mr. Buxton's Heirs.. D. Sparham, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK.. 1. S. d. S. d. 10 O 0 0 II 110 0 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Booksa, Yrarly. Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors,. &c. 1, o Byntree, .alias Bintree, R. (St. Swithin.) Epiſc.. Isi vid.. I 9.0 Archidiac. 75. 7dit Sir Jacob Aſtley, Bart. 16.90.. Sir Edward. Aſtley, Bart. 1771, p. i.n T 27 14.93 EOULSHAM, alias Follham, R. (Holy Innocents.) Epiſc. 1s.gd. 2.15 53 180 Archidiac. 75. 7d. Şir Jacob Aſtley, Bart. 1715. Sir Edward Aſtley, Bart. 1771, p. i. 0 0 Lynge, alias Ling, with Whitwell, R.. (St. Miehaels) Epiſc. I o. 1S. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.} Priori Stæ Fidis, iose Earl of Yarmouth, olim Patr. William Cecil , Aflign. Jo. Corrance, Eſq. 1673, William Cecil, Clerk, (by Turn) 1702. John Bennet, Gent. p. 1. v. 1748. Lord. Anſon, 1757. George, Anſon, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 12 19 7 Salle, alias Saul, R., (S:. Peter and St. Paul.). Epiſc. Is. 8d. 5 int Archidiac. 75, 7d. Redd. 2d. Eraſmus Earle, Eſq. 1720. Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge. 9. 17 IL Sparham R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 74. 8d. Sene- O 19 91 ſchallo 2s.. Sir Edward Coke and Sir Phil. Stanhope, olim Patr. Edward Lambe, Eſq. 1712. John Haſe, 1743. : Mary Haſe; Widow, 1763, p.i. 7 12 3. Woodnorton, alias Norton R. (All Saints) with Swanton o 15 22; o Novers, alias Nevers. Epiſc. 25. 60. Archidiac. 75. Penf. Vicario de Gerſt 1os. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford I 100 O O IIO 0 0 120 0 0 ; LIVINGS NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH 707 . s. 1. d. O O O O 17. 10 O O 8 millest . LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 23 7 8 Alderford R. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Attilbridge. Epiſc. 4 6 8 50 Is. 6d. Archidiac, 25. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. Bawdſwell R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. is. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 7 40 Sir Edward Coke, olim Propr. Alexander Pitfield, Eſq. 1683. Edward Lombe, Eſq. 1721. Mary Haſe, Widow, p. 1. 1774. 42 o Billingford R. Epiſc. is. rod. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Rectori 50 de Bawdſwell, 1s. 4d. Rectori de Below, 145. Rectori de Foxley, 25. Sir Edward Coke, olim Propr. Anne Coke, Widow, 1680... Thomas Coke, Eſq. 1721. Lord Lovel, 1742. The Executors of the late Earl of Leiceſter, 1763. 35 Brandeſton R. (St. Nicholas.) Redd. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 7 12 Priori Sanctæ Fidis, 6s. 8d. Magdalen College, Oxford. 45 o Elling R. Epiſc. is. rod. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Caſtle- 5 II 70 acre, 6s. 8d Thomas Brown, Efq. 1686. 1741. Mary . Green, Widow, 1781, p. i. 46 10 o Foxley R. (St. Thomas.) Epiſc. Is. iod. Archidiac. 6s.:8d. 6 13 4 5.5 Lady Anne Savage, olim Patr. Edward Lambe, Eſq. 1712. John Haſe, 1743. Mary Haſe, Widow, 1763, p. i. 23 Gaftwate, alias Geiſtwick, alias Gueſtwick, V. (St. Peter.) 5 .30 Epiſc. 1s. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Mon. Waltham, Propr. Edward Bulwer, Eſq. 1714. 1724. Edward Athill, Seq. 1764. 1ο o o Gerít, alias Geiſt, alias Gieſt, V. (St. Andrew,) cum Cap. 5 15 5 16 Gaiſthorpe. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 7s. 8d. Mon. Waltham Propr. William Hunt, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Robert Drury, Bart. 1681. The KING, by Lapſe, 1755. Hakeford, alias Hackford, R. (All Saints,) with Whitwell V. 14 10 5 (St. Michael,)_1542. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Pentney, Propr. Mary Palgrave, 1721, p. i. Ann Turner, 1750. George Hunt Holley, Gent. 1758. 27 o Helmingham, alias Morton, R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 6d. 3. 14 7 40 Archidiac. 25. Thomas Southwell, olim Pátr. Clement Herne, Eſq. 1678. William Helwys, Eſq. 1724. Ca- tharine Helwys, Spinſter, 1753. o Heverland, alias Heveringland, V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Is. 8. Epiſc. Is. 8d. 4 12 I 16 O O Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Horſham Sanctæ Fidis, Propr. Sir 1. Thomas Hyrn, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Nor- wich. 4 X 2 Hindolveſton o 8 O O O 0 O IO ОО O. I 42 O I10 O O O 12 o 708 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. s. 1. So d. 0 O O 1 O O 200 o 20 ОО O O O O O 0 C'ear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. 27 O o Hindolveſton, alias Hilderſton, V. (St. George.) Exempt 6 1 40 Juriſdiction. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Eccleſia Sanctæ Trinitatis Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, p. i. REIFHAM, alias Repham Magna St. Michael Mediety, alias Reepham, R. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Archidiac. 35. 43. Redd. 28. Francis Annyſon, Gent, 1681. Rebecca Annyſon, Wl- 40 dow, 1700. Rebecca Ward, Widow, 1757. p. i. o Reipham, alias Repham Mary's, the other Mediety, R. alias 18 1 01 Reepham, alias Cardeſton. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Rebecca Annyſon, Widow, 1700. Rebecca Ward, Widow, 1757, p. i. o Ringland V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. IS. Abb. Weſtdereham, 3 6 of 30 Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 45 Swannington R. (St. Margaret,) with Woodalling. Epiſc. 15.8d. 6 11 5 125 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Redd. 9d. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 25 Thimblethorpe, alias Themilthorpe, alias Thimelthorpe, R. 4 2 81 35 (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. Is, id. Archidiac. 25. Sir Jacob Aſtley, Bart. 1715. Sir Edward Alley, Bart. 1774. o Thurning, alias Thirning, R. (St. Andrew.) Epifc. 15. 4d. 7 O o 50 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Dr. Richard Hunt, olim Patr. Eraſmus Earle, Eſq. 1706. Bennet College, Cambridge. 25 Twiford R. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. 5d. Archidiac. 35. George 4 19 91 30 Grime, Elg. olim Patr. Auguſtin Holl, Eſq. 1720. Na- thaniel Cowper, Gent. 1774. William Colliſon, and others, 1781. 48 0 0 Welton Longueville R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 8 18 11 75. 7d. 1 Penf. Colleg. Sanctæ Mariæ in Oxon. 41. New College, Oxford. 23 o Witchingham, alias Wickingham, St. Faith R. Epiſc. rod. 5 o o 05 Archidiac, 6s. 8d. Penf. Novo Colleg. Oxon. 35.4d. New College, Oxford, conſolidated with oo Witchingham, alias Wickingham, St. Mary V. Epiſc. Is. 8d. 4 17 11 New College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 4.8 Woodalling V. (St. Andrew,) with Swannington. Epiſc. 35. 8 8 4 70 Archidiac. 75. 73.1. Redd. 8d. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Propr. and Pair. p. i. 38 o O O O o 0 0 O 20 DONATIVE, Belaugh, alias Belagh, Don. (St. Mary.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Ralph Cauldwell, Eſq. and others, Executors of Lord Leiceſter, 3 . . 709 1 King's Books. Collen 1. (All Saints.) Epiſc. Ise 81 Taverham, the other Mediety, R. (St. Edmund.) Epiſc. 6d. 0 3 35 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH9. Laverham, in the Archdeaconry of NORWICH. The Priory of Horſham, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value in Spiritualities and Temporalities of 1621. 16s. lid.] For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. Fretenham R. (St. Peter,) with Staninghall. Epiſc. Is. Archidiac. 6s. Sd. William Peake, olim Patr. Peter Parham, M. D. 1682. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 6 Hayneford, alias Heinford, alias Hemford, R. (All Saints.) o 12 0 12 21 70 Epiſc. 6d. Archidiac. 55. John Manfield, olim Patr. Thomas Ayde, Gent, 1716. Wharton Peck, Eſq. 1773. John Richard Daſhwood, Eſq. and his Wife, 1781. Helliſden R. (St. Mary,) with Drayton. Epiſc. Is. Ar- 4 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Norwich. 7 10 Horfted R. (.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d.' 0 15 O Colleg. Regali, Cantab. 31. 135. 4d. King's College, Cam- bridge. 81 Taverham Mediety R. (St. Edmund.) Epiſc. 6d. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Pri. Sanctæ Fidis, 35. 4d.. Thomas Southerton, Eſq. 1690. and the Biſhop, by turns. The Biſhop, 1722. Thomas Sotherton, Eſq. 1756. The Biſhop, 1766. Miles Branthwayt, and his Wife, 1778. p. h. v. united with 4 70 Archidiac. 35. 4d. Pri. Sanctæ Fidis, 35. 4d. Biſhop of Norwich, 1668, 1669, and Mr. Southerton, by turns. The Biſhop, 1722. Thomas Sotherion, Eſq. 1756. The Biſhop, 1766. Miles Branch wayt, and his Wife, 1778. 1. d. S. . 10 OOS I 0 0 125 0 O 2 но O I 2 O I O 220 O O O 100 O 4 2 o 8 34 2 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. 18 6 3$ Attlebridge, alias Attlebrigg, V. (St. Andrew,) with Alderford. Epiſc. 6d. Archidiac. 45. 6d. Fccleſia Sanctæ Trinitatis Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. King's Books. 4 6 101 Beeſton, 710 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. s. do 20 3 6 8 O 2 17 6 O. O 2 9 Iy 12 O O Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. d. 9 8 Beeſton St. Andrew R. near Norwich. Sine Cure. Epiſc. rod. 3 25 Archidiac. 35. Sir John Corbet, olim Parr.. Sir Sir Charles Adam, Bart. 1693. Dame Anne Blackwell, 1741. Sir Lambert Blackwell, Bart. 1778. p. i. 29 4 11} Catton V. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 6d. Archidiac. 6d. Pri. 4 3 9 40 Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 44 19 7 Croſtwaite, alias Croſtwick, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. & Ar- 55 chidiac, 5s. Charles Harman, alias Le Groſs, 1694. Biſhop of Norwich, 1729. 1754. 34 19 41 Drayton R. (St. Margaret,) with Helliſden. Epiſc. 8d. Ar- 6 chidiac. 75. Biſhop of Norwich. 4 Felthorp R. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 6d. Archidiac. 35. 6d. 4 35 Biſhop of Norwich, p. i. 2 Horesford, alias Horsford, alias Hosforth, V. (All Saints.) 4 5 21 misini Epiſc. 6d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Horſham Sanctæ Fidis, Propr. Sir Ralph Hare, Bart. 1707. Viſcount Hereford, 1735. Philip Stephens, Eſq. 1770. p. i. o Rackley, alias Rackheath, Major & Minor R. (All Saints.) 6 13.4 70 Redd. 5d. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 6.75. Sir Horatio Pettus, Bart. 1711. Sir John Pettus, Bart. 1739. 9 12 11 Staninghall R. with Frettenham. Epiſc. is. Archidiac.. 25. I 13 6] Eccleſia profanata. John Harbord, Eſq. 1700. Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1710. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 4 Spixworth R. (St. Peter.) Epifc. 15. Archidiac. 55. William 6 0 0 60 Peck, Eſq. olim Patr. Francis Long, Eſq. 1706, 1756. 40 14 II] Wroxham (St. Mary,) with Salhouſe V. (All Saints.) 7 17 80 Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Mon. Carrow, Propr. Sir John Corber, olim Patr. Anne Woodhouſe, Widow, 1719. Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. 1736, 1776. p. i. 29 IO 100 0 O 38 17 O 35 II O O I CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. 20 O Sprowſton Cur. (St. Mary and St. Margaret.) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. St. Faith's, alias Horſham St. Faith’s. V. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Propr. and Patr. Sir John Hobart, Bart, olim Patr. Sanctæ Mariæ Cap. juxta Norwic. 1 D. Thet- NORFOLK, 711 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 9. Thetford, in the Archdeaconry of Norwich. The Monaſtery of Thetford was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum, after every Deduction, of 3121. 145. 4d. The Priory of the Canons in Thetford was likewiſe returned at 391. 6s. 8d. The Priory of the Monks in Thetford was likewiſe returned at: 401. 115. 2d. . Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars.. 1. S. S. 2: LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. d. 8 9 St. Nicholas R. Epiſc. 5d. Archidiac. rod. Redd. 6d. O 4 IoT United to St. Peter's. Eccleſia deſtructa. The KING, 1757 1:13 61 Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Magdalenæ. 03 45 . LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, Coleils zorgen King's Books. d. d. 29 St. Peter in THETFORD R. Epiſc. 5d. Archidiac. iod. Pri. 5 52 Lewes is. United to St. Nicholas. Sir Thomas Holland, olim Patr. The KING, 1757 30 6 Stanton Houſe, alias Santon, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. ìs. Ar- 1 15 10 35 chidiac. 75. 8d. Eccleſia vaſtata. Mayor, &c. of Thetford, p. i. 1. 2. O I O St. Etheldred R. Eccleſia deſtructa. Biſhop of Ely. Sanctæ Mariæ Magdalenæ R. Deſtructa. 14 Oo St. Cuthbert's in Thetford R. With the Holy Trinity. Pri.. Thetford, Propr. Duke of Grafton. D. Cottres, 712 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 9. Loftres, in the Archđeaconry of Norwich. The Priory of Hempton, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value of 321. 155. 8d. Vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. d. l. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. . &c. with 1. 3 4 Deanry of Toftres. Ő 8 Raynham St. Margaret R. Archidiaci 76 70.1 Epiſc. 18, 7d. I 180 Lord Townſhend, 1693, 1748, 1776. With 18 13 4 Raynham St. Mary R. Rectori Raynham Sanétæ Margaretæ i 17 4 11 Arehidiac. 73, 74,1 Epiſc. is, 7d, Lord Towníhend, 1693, 1748, 1776. o 13 6 8 O 0 O 1ο LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 30 Holghton, alias Houghton, alias Heighton, V. (All Saints,) 6 13 4 80 with Raynham St. Martyn. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. is. 7d. Muð. Horſham Sanétæ Fidis, Propr.- Lord Town- fhend, 1684,-1748. O o Norton, alias Poduing Norton; R. (St. Margaret.) No Church, 6 o and only one Houſe in the Paridh. Archidiac. gs. Epifc. Is. 6d. 10 minute Paris, olim Patr. - Francis Weſthorp, 1711. Charles Cowper Morley, Eſq. p. i. 1744. Bo o Raynham St. Martin V. with Holghton. Epiſc. 15o 7d. Mon. 6 O o Blackburgh, Propr. Lord Townſhend, 1684, 1740, 1748. 49 © Riburgh, alias Riborough Mágna, R. (St. Andrew,) cum Par- 14 16 101 Pri. Bynham iki 6s. 82. Pri. Walfingham 15. Ar- chidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 25. Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart. 1720, 1745. Mary Bacon, Spinſter, 1779, p. i. 38 o o Sherford, alias Shireford, alias Sheringford, Ř. (St. Nicho- 9.00 50 las.) Pri. Lewes ile Archidiac. 35. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Ni- cholas Browne, by Turn, 1696. Lord Townſhend, p. i. 1721, 1731, 1766, p. i. Teſterton 28 1 100 O va. NORFOLK. 713 DIOCESE OF NORWIG H. 1. S. d. O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books b. s. d. 130 of Teſterton R. (St. Remigius.) Archidiac. 35. 4d. Epiſc. 15. 5 O 25 4d. Thomas Townſhend, Eſq. olim Patr. John Curtis, * Merchant, 1911. William Lake, Thomas Weatherhead, and John Curtis, 1749. o Toftrees, alias Toſtres, V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 15. 6d. Mon. y 18 6 Lewes, in Suſſex, Propr. Lord Viſcount Townſhend, 1706, 1784, p.is I 2 O 16 0 CURACI E S. Hempton Cur. (St. Andrew.) Olim a Priory. The KING, Propr. Eccleſia deſtructa. Horſham Sanétæ Fiđís Cur. Sir John Hobart, olim Patr. 9. Tallingham, in the Archdeaconry of Norwich. The Monaſtery of Walſingham was returned by the Commiſlio ners to be of the clear annual Value of 6521. 38. I IId. For Particulars, vide-Orig. Surv. I. da LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Vearly Tenthus Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. o Çokethorpe R. (All Saints,) united to Langham Parva (St. 0 10 Mary,) in D. Holt, 1606. ' Pri. Eccleſiæ Chriſti Norw. 35. 4d. Archidiac. 55. gd. Epiſć. Is. 6d. Chriſtopher Cal- throp, Eſq. olim Patr. James Calthorpe, Eſq. 1743. 13 4 Deanry of W Walfingham. 4 8 0 0 Egmere R. (St. Edmund.) Eccleſia profanata & in Hor. mu. O 16 65 0 o tatą. tatą. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Sir Edmund Ba- con, Bart. 1720. Mary Bacon, Spidſter, 1761, 1780, p. i. 24 0 0. Snoring Magna K. (St. Mary,) with Thursford. Archidiac. 2 S 75. 7d. 1 Epiſc. 25. 3d. Sir Ralph Shelton, olim Patr. Samuel Verdon, Gent. 1681. St. John's College, Cam. bridge. 25 o Stif key St. John R. and Marſton. Archidiac. 75.7d.1 Epiſc. 2 10 175 00 Iso 10d. Lord Townſhend, p. i. 1769. With Stifkey O 200 Q 714 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK. Yearly Tenths. le s. do 11 I 2 8 O O King's Books. 1. d. Stifkey St. Mary R. Archidiac. 65. 8d. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Lord Townſhend, p. i. 1769. 6 8 Wareham St. Magdalen R. Pri. Bynham 25. Archidiac. 6s. 90 8d. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Robert Gawſell, Eſq. 1672. Sir John Turner, Bart. 1749. Wareham St. Mary R. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Robert Gawſell, Eſq. 1672, Sir John Turner, Bart, 1749, p.i. 26 13 4. Wells, alias Welles, R. (St. Peter.) Pri. Bynham 10s. 80 0 chidiac. 75.70 Į Epiſc. 15. 8d. Edward Rolt, Eſq. 1714. John Cory, Clerk, 1744. James Robinſon, Gent. 1755. Ar- 2 13 4 O O 21 18 o o I 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 2 Barney, alias Berney, V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Bynham il. 6s. 8d. 6 13 4 30 0 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Priori Bynham, Appr. Sir Jacob Aſtley, Bart. 1712, 1720. Sir Edward Aſtley, p. i. 1782. 5 6 Bynham, alias Binham, V. (Holy Croſs.) Epiſc. 35. Mon. 6 13 4 Bynham, Propr. The KING, p. h. v. 1750. Ann Dar- by, p. i. 1784. 24 7 4 Hindringham V. (St. Martin.) Archidiac. 75. 7d. Epiſc. 9 00 30 IS. Mon. Chriſti in Norw. Propr. Richard Browne, 1696. Firmar. Rectoriæ. Robert Butts, Clerk, 1768. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, 1744, 1783. 23 11' 41 Holkham, alias Holkham, V. (St. Withburgh,) two Med. 8 13 4 Archidiac. 75. 7d1 Epiſc. 35. Mon. Dereham, Propr. William Armiger, olim Patr, Anne Guavas, Widow, 1696. Lord Leiceſter, 1750. Ralph Caldwell, Eſq. p. i. 1777. Thomas William Coke, Eſq. 1780. 13 17 8 Houghton near Walſingham V. Mon. Horſham Sanctæ Fidis, 8.0 Propr. Sir Henry Sidney, olim Patr. Henry Lee War- ner, Eſq. 1740, 1742. 42 13 9 Thurforth, alias Thursford, R. (St. Andrew,) with Snoring. 8 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 2s. St. John's College, Cam- bridge. 43 18 8 Warham All Saints R. Archidiac. 75. 7doEpiſc. 15. 4d. 16 o 70 The KING. 19 I 10 Wighton V. (All Saints.) Pri. Ecclefiæ Chriſti Norw. 11. 65. 11 II 8 30 8d. Archid. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Mon. Chriſti Norw. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 40 0 o 20 o O O 0 0 4 CHAPELS, NORFOLK. 715 DIOCES E or NORWICH. E CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. - Walfingham Parva Don. (St. Mary.) Sir Henry Sydney, olim Patr. Mon. Walſingham, Propr. Henry Lee Warner, Eſq. WALSINGHAM Saints Don. Sir Henry Sydney, olim Patr. Mon. Walſingham, Propr. Henry Lee Warner, Eſq. Patr. WALSINGHAM Magna Cur. Sir Henry Sydney, olim Patr. Mon. Walingham, Propr, Henry Lee Warner, Eſq. Patr. D. Warton, alias tutarham, in the Archdeaconry of NORFOLK DC The Monaſtery of Hulme; in this Deansy, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum of 5831. 175. od The Priory of Bromeholme was likewiſe returned at 100l. 55. 3d. The Priory of Hickling was likewiſe returned at 100l. 185.7d. The Priory of Ingham was likewiſe returned at 611. gs. 70.1 For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. Kupo Portal LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tcrtbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l, d. 1. 8 140 016 o o North WALSHAM V. (St. Mary,) with Antingham (St. Mar. garet.) Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 7s. 70.4 Mon. Huline, 2 Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. བ རྣམ་ W LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Hearly Value. 5 o Afhmenhaugh, alias Alhmanhaugh, Cur. (St. Swithin *.) Mon. Holme, Propr. King's Books, O 10 0 * Biſhop Hayter and the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty conveyed the Patronage of this Cu. racy to Mr. Preſton, upon his augmenting it with 2001. 4 Y 2 Baketon, 715 DIOCES. Ear NORWICH. NORFOLK. 5, 1. so d. 0 0 оо 100 o O 0 al o O 16.00 oo O O Eccles . , . Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. h . 17 Baketon, alias Backton, V. (St. Andrew.) Epifc. 25. Archi- 5 3 13 6) diac. 75. 7d.} Pri. Bromehatt, Propr. John Smith, Eſq. olim Patr. Julia Brainthwait, Widow, 1711. Biſhop of Norwich, 1715. Sarah Barker, Widow, 2743. 1.743Miles Branth wayte, Efq. 1746. 35 Barton Turfe V. (St. Michael,) with Irftead. Epifcó 2.5. Ar. 3 134 çhidiaç. 75. 7d. Pui. Bromeholme, Propr. Biſhop of Nor- wich. 25 Beeſton St. Andrew, alias St. Laurence, R. Epiſc. 18. 8d. 6 0 OG 70 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Monaſterio de Hulme 6s. 8d. Sir John Hobart, olim Patr. Jacob Preſton, Eſq. 1714, 1724, 1772, p.i. 35 Bradfield Med. R. (St. Giles.) Epiſc. Is. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 3 15 71 50 8d. Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Duke of Somerſet, 1716. Lord Effingliam, 1758. Honourable Thomas Howard, 1776, p. i. 44 Brunſtead, alias Brunſtede, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 35. Ar. 6 5 73 60 chidiac. 6s. 6s. 8d. Rectori de Stalham 25. 4d. Lord Aber- gavenny, 1669, 1671, 1729, 1780; p. i. 48 o Catfield, alias Gatefield, Re and V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 256 7.10 Archidiac. 75. 7d. Bishop of Norwich and the Earl of Shrewſbury, by Turns. The Biſhop, 1773.1 33 0 o Croſtwick, alias Croftweit, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. is. Ar 5 6 8 40 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. de Bromeholmé 38. 4d. Sir Charles Le Groſs, olim Patr. Charles Harman; alias Le Groſs, Efq. 1720. Lord Walpole, 1736. Counteſs of Orford, 1753. John Sharpe, Eſq. 1754. Biſhop of Norwich, by Lapſe, 1756. V o Dilham V. (St. Nicholas,) with Honing. Epifc. 25, 25 diac. 6s. 8d. Pri. de Bromeholme, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 6 15. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Church down. Roger Drury, Eſq. olim Patr. Simon Baldero, 1688. The KING, 1773. Mary Haſe, Widow, 1775, p.i. 40 o Edingthorpe, alias Edythorpe, R. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 25. 5 5 23 80 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. The KING as Duke of Lancaſter. 17 Eaſt Ruſton V. (St. Mary,) with Redlington. Syn. and Prox. II II 10 10s. 6d. Penſ. Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Gollegium de Wyndeſor, Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor. o Felmingham R. Quarta pars. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and Prox. 6o 35. 4d. Thomas Crofte, Gent. olim Patr. John Graile, Clerk, 1706. James Talman, 1723. Thomas Sotherton, Efq. and Mary his Wife, p. i. 1756. Felmingham 120 O 0 O 0 16 oo Archi- 5 7.11. со 0 O 0 o 0 10 40 0 6 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH, 777 a. O Ο Ο 0 O 0 O оо 20 O O 0 chidiac. 65.8d. Mon. Hulme. Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 1. 16 @ O o Felmingham V. (St. Andrew.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 5. 6 o 80. O Mon, Hulme, Propr. Stephen Burrel, Gent. 1661. Giles Bladwell, Gent. 1703. The KING, 1749. Biſhop of Norwich, and Mr. Atherton and his Wife. The Biſhop, 1779 40 o Happiíburgh V. (St. Mary.) Epifc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 6 6 8 75 7d.} Abb. Wymondham, Propt. The KING, 1727. Biſhop of Norwich. 45. HEIGHAM Potter V. (St. Nicholas.) Epifc. 25. 4d. Ar- 6 13 4 go HICKLING V. (All Saints.) Epifc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 5 3 4 Pri. Hickling, Propr. Martin Calthorpe, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir James Montague, Knight, 1716. Lord Walpole, 1732. John Micklethwaite, Eſq. p. i. 1769. 43 o Hempſted R. (St. Mary) with Leffingham and Eccles. Syn. 9 6 8 50 Epiſc. 15. 11d. Archidiac. os. 8d. Robert Wood, Eſq. pro duabus vicib. and Sir John Corbett, pro tertia vice olim Thomas Wood, Eſq. 1690, 1724. The Biſhop of Nor- Twich, by Lapfé, 1739. 17 Hofton, alias Hoveton St. John, V. Mon. Hulme, Propr. 25 Biſhop of Norwich. 35 o Hofton, alias Hoveton St. Peter, V. Mon. Hulme, Propr. 45 Biſhop of Norwich. o Honing V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Dilham. Epiſc. 25. 4 13 . 4 Pri. Bromeholme, Propr. Bilhop of Ely. 8o D. Din Horning V. Mon. Hulme, Propr. Biſhop of Norwich, 30 6 o Horſey V. (All Saints.) Deſtructa. Epiſc. Is. 2d. Archi- 3. I si 25 diac. 6s. 8d. Rectori de Waxtonſham 35. 4d. Pri. Hick- ling, Propr. William Pafton, Eſq. olim Patr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1776.no 28 o Ingham Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Pri. Ingham, Propr. Biſhop 50 of Norwich. Ô Ifſtead R. (St. Michael,) with Barton Turf. Epifc. 8d. 6 13 4 60 Archidiac. 6s. 8dPenf. Mon. Hulme 133. 4d. Biſhop of Norwich. 38 0 öd o Leffingham R. (All Saints,) with Hempſtead. Epiſc. 10d. 6o Archidiac. 6s. 8d. King's College, Cambridge, 1751. 32 Ludham V. (St. Catherine.) Epiſc. 35. 3d. Archidiac. 75. 5 6 8 70.1 Mon. Hulme, Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. 25 Neatſhead, alias Netelherd, V. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 45. Ar- ' 3 13 14 400 chidiac. 75.70.1 Mon. Hulme, Propr. Biſhop of Nor- wich. Agamle Pafton ОО Ο Ο Ο Ο 22 O 35 0 o O O O O O O 28 camisel on 130 O O O 120 0 0 O 718 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. , lo d. O O Od Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. 15 o Paſton V. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 25. Mon. Hulme, Propr. 6 13 4 30 Sir William Pafton, olim Patr. The Biſhop, 1725. Geo: Anfon, Eſq. p. i. 1781. 4 o Pawling, alias Palling, V. (St. Margaret.) Epiſc. 1s. 8d. 2 6 8 Archidiac. 75. 7d. Pri. Hickling, Propr. Sir William Woodhouſe, olim Patr. Sir James Montague, Knight, 1732. 1769. 26 o Redlington, alias Ridelington, R. (St. Peter.) with Eaſt 4 6 8 Ruſton. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Collegio Wyndſore 155. Priori Bromeholme 35. 4d. Sir William Woodhouſe, olim Patr. John Norris, Eſq. 1712, 1757. mu 38 0 o Sloley R. (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. 25. 1 Archidiac.” 6s . 56 8d. Sir Cha. Le Groſs, olim Patr. Charles Harman, alias Le Groſs, Eſq. 1720. Counteſs of Orford, 1753. John Sharpe, Eſq. p. h. v. 1754. Earl of Orford, p. i. 1784. 40 Smalburgh, alias Smallbergh, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 25. 10 4 0 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Sir Charles Le Groſs, and Sir Phil. Parker, alternis vicibus, olim Patr. Charles Le Groſs, Efq. 1681. Biſhop of Norwich, p. i. 1931. The Archbiſhop, O 50 O O 80 O 100 1762. 18 o 45 0 40 60 оооо 34 0 70 O O O 23 45 0 Stalbam V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 2:s. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 7d.£ 5 o Trinity College, Cambridge, Propr, Catherine Smith, Widow, 1713. Anthony Brown, Eſq. 1738. The Biſhop, 1742. Earl of Orford, 1744. Sutton R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. 15. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 6 16 8 Lord Abergavenny. o Swafield, alias Swayfield, alias Swaythefield, R. (St. Nicho. 60 las.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 6s. 80. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Tuníted, alias Tunſtede, V. (St. Mary) with South Ruſton 18 9 7 Chapel. (St. Michael.) Epift. 35. 4d. Penf. Epifc. il. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Pri. Campſey, Propr. William Pierce, Gent: 16956 William Clarke, Gent. 1746. Wil- liam Pearſe Clark, Eſq. 1782. o Walcot, (All Saints,) Appro. Pri. Campſey, Propr. Bi- Shop of Norwich. Waxham, alias Waxtonſham, R. (St. John and St. Margaret.) 6 13 4 Epiſc. 45. 6d. Archidiac. 8s. 70. Sir William Wood- houſe, olim Patr. Samuel Thompſon, 1682. Thomas Blofield, Eſq. 1733. Berney Brograve, Efq. p. i. 1769. Weſtwick R. (St. Botolph.) Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7dot 913 9 Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk. William Petre, O 26 30 35 60 Pro. Pr. Can 0 O O 30 50 0 NORFOLK. 719 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. d. ho do Petre, 1748. John Berney Petre, Eſq. p. i. 1768. The KING, 1784. Witton V. (Śt. Margaret.) Epiſc. 15. 9d. Pri. Bromeholme, 4 19 11 Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 45 0 Wursted, alias WORSTED, V. (St. Mary.) Epifc. 25. 100 60 o Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Norwich, Propr. Dean and Chap- ter of Norwich. 14 O o 0 o SUFFOLK. 9. Blackbourne, alias Blackburn, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. The Commiſſioners appointed by the King's Writt for the taking the Survey of this County, were Sir Arthur Hopton, Knight, Sir Anthony Wyngfield, Knight, Sir Thomas Tyrell, Knight, Sir Humphry Wyngfield, Knight, Sir Thomas Rulhe, Knight, Sir William Rouſe, Knight, Sir John Cornewallis, Knight, Sir William Walgrave, Knight, Sir John Jernegan, Knight, Sir Thomas Barnardeſton, Knight, Sir. William Drury, Knight, &c. The Monaſtery of Ixworth, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 1687. 195. 7d... after ſuch Deductions as were allowed by the Ina ſtructions. Kor: Particulars, vide Orig, Surv. King's Books, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. ali Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l'early Tenths, d. 2. 7 17 IIOO 1. d. O 15 82 o I Bardwell R*. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 75, 7d.1 Syn. Epiſc. 45. 8d. Ann. rec. de Prior. de Bromholme 71. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. St. John's College, Oxford. 7 11 101 Barnham St. Gregory R. with Euſton. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. EpiſcIs. 6d. Valet. per ann. in terr. gleb. is. 015 25 * Bardwell R.-Annexed to the Vicarage thereof, and given to St. John's College, Oxford, by Mrs. Ellen Gouldſton. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 228. lod. 720 SUPPOLK. DIOCESE OF NORW PICHI C H. . d. II 7 II IIO 0 0 King's Books. Fearly Tenils. 1. d. iod. &c. Sir John Crofts, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Han- mer, Bart. 1718, 1722. Duke of Grafton, 1784. 8 5 5 Barnham R. (St. Martin,) with Eufton. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. o 16 65 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 15. 2d. Valet per ann. in terr: gleb. 15. 8d. &c. Sir John Crofts, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Harmer, Bart. 1718, 1732. Duke of Grafton, 184, p.i. TỈ Elmſwell R. (St. John Evangelift.) Prox. Archidiac. 75.170.1 1 2 81 Syn. Epiſc. 15. 7d. Hofpitular. Bury 18s. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 1os. 4d. &c. Gardiner Webb, Eſq. olim Patr. Thomas Browne, Gent. 1679. Martha Gall, Wi- dow, 1726. William Chapman, Eſq. p. i. 1767. 13 7.1 Euſton R. (St. Euſkon R. (St: Genoveſe,) with Barnham R. Prox. Archi- diac. 75.72.1 Syà. Epiſc. 28. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. -16.91 115. &c. Nicholas Rookwood, Efq. olim Patr. Sir Tho- mas Hanmer, Bart. 1718. Duke of Grafton, p. i. 1784. · 5 16 101 Langham R. (St. Mary.) Prox.. Archidiac. 55. Syn. Epiſc. O 11 81 15. 8d. Mon. Ixworth 135. 4d. Valet per ann. in terr, gleb: il. ios. &c. The KING. 14 3 9 Norton R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Archidiac. 7s. 70. Syn. I 8 41 Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir John- Taſburgh, and Mileſon Edgar, Eſq. by Turns, 1709. Peter Houſe, Cambridge. 8 7 87 Stowlangtoft R. (St. George.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. o 16 91 100 Epiſc. is. 6d. Redd. 4d. Valet per ann. in 'terr. gleb. 27. &c. Sir Robert Alhfield, olim Patr. Sir Symonds D’Ewes, Bart. 1710. William Baker, Clerk, 1722. Mary Smith, 1763. Richard Ray, Eſq. p. h. v. 1775. 12 16 01 Yngham, alias Ingham, R. (St. Bartholomew,) with Culford i 5 75 230 and Tymworth. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Edmund Ba- con, olim Patr. Sir Harbottle Grimſton, Bart. 1670. Waldegrave Sidey, Gent, and John Ling, 1727. Lord Cornwallis, 1741, 1755. 8 100 0 0 O 0 O O 7 44 To 2 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 4. Barningham R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 13 9 60 Syn. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 5s, 6d. &c. Earl of Suſſex, olim Patr. Thomas Browne, LL. D. Francis Browne, and James Andrews, 1716. Francis Bi- ihop, and Samuel Fiſher, Eſq. 1732. Thomas Evans, Eſq. p. i. 1745 Culford, SUFFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 721 l. s d. 8 44 II o I O O poi. (St. M arvest 47 II 100 O 168, 34 9 9 Sranton All Saints R. With Stanton. Se Clear Yearly Valve. King's Books. 1. d. e Culford, alias Colsford, R. (St. Mary,) with Ingham. Prox. Archidiac. 75. Syn. Epifc. 25. Hoſp. Bury 8s. Rectori Fornham Jenaffeyth 75. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 55. &c. Sir Nich. Bacon, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis. 45 10 81 Fakenham Magna R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 11 10 5 60 Syn. Epiſc. 23. Valet per ana. in terr. gleb. 1l. 25. &c. Edward Cordell, Eſq. olim Patr. Thomas Ruthbrooke, 1678. Duke of Grafton, 1762, 1782. 48 4 Hepton, alias Hopton, alias Hempton, R. (All Saints.) 13 5 130 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per-ann. ou in terr, gleb. 11. 145. 8d. &C. The KING. 49 10 43 Hepworth R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Syn. 13 17 31 85 0 O - Epiſci 2... Valet per ann. in terra gleb, los. &c. Sir Tho. mas Jermyn, olim Patr. Samuel Rye, Clerk, 1721, p. i. Martin Nunn, Clerk, 1767. Robert Nunn, Clerk, 1781, 3 Hindercley R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 9 19 41 o Epiſc. 26. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Sir Edmund Ba- con, olim Patr. Rowland Holt, Eſq. 1711, 1759. 39 13 2 Honington R. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 6s. 8d. Valet 7 134 per ann. in terr. gleb. 18s. 4d. &c. The KING. 8 Knettilhalt, alias Knadilhall, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archi- 6 Y II diac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 188. &c. Charles Croft, olim Patr. Sufanna Read, 1721, pui. Tho. Crofts Read, Eſq. p. i. 1768. 4 Levermore Parva R. (St. Peter,) with Livermore Magna, alias 6 12 11 Livermere. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Ik &c. Thomas Crofts, olim Patr. Richard Cooke, Efq. I Baptiſt Lee, Eſq. 1722. Nathaniel Acton, Eſq. 1768, p. i. 71 Rekenball Lower, alias Rickinghall Inferior, R. (St. Mary.) 16 5 21 80 Prox. Archidiac. 75: 70.1 Syn. Epiſc. 28. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. sh 16s. &c. Sir Edmund Bacon, olim Patr. Rowland Holt, Eſq. 1712, 1778, p. i. diac. 75. 7d.} Syn. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Penf. 45. Valet pe per ann. in terr. gleb. 2l. 105. &c. Sir Robert Jermyn, olim Patr. William Capell, Eſq. 1679. Robert Bugg, Gent. 1720. Edward Capel, .p. i. 1756. Truſtees of the Will of Edward Capel, Efq. 1781. * 8 Stanton St. John R. with Stanton All Saints. Prox. Archidiac. 94 91 6s. 8d. Syn. Epifc. 25. 6d. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. • 185. &c. Sir Robert Jermyn, oliin. Patr. Thomas Ruſbrook, Gent. 1683. Robert Bugg, Gent." 1720. Edward Capel, p. i. 1756. Truſtees of the Will of Edw. Capėl, -Eſq. 1781. Thel- 80 O O 29 II 40 o 34 II 37 10 O O 100 O O 39 10 4 Z 722 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK.. 1. id. ΙΙο 0 0 IIO Samuel Baker, 1713. Samuel Moody, and Anna Robina? . per anni in terris Clear Yearly Value. King's Bonks. 1. d. 49 10 201 Thelnetham R. (St. Nicholas.). Prox. Archidiac. 7s. gd. 16 18.4 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 31. &c, Edm, Bokenham, Eſq. olim Patr. Richard Bokenham, Eſq. 1699. Thomas Tyrrell, Eſq. p. i. 1734. Robert Brown, Gent. p. i. 1758.11 44.10 41. Trofton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Syn. 10 o Epiſc. 25. 2 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 155. 4d. &c. The KING. 45 II 0 Wattlesfield, alias Warlesfield, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 811 8 70 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 35. &c. Mr. Oſborne, olim Patr. Elizabeth and Baker, Spinſter, 1740. Thomas Decker, Patron and In- o cumbent, p.i. 1784. no tot 2510 4 Weſton Coney, alias Counſton, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archi- 13 0 5 60 diac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. is. 6d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. &c. Sir Johu Hobart, olim Patr. Maurice Shel- -- I ton, Eſq. 1709. Rob. Martin, 1733. Thomas Evans, 0 Eſq. 1746. abne 44 8 Weſton, alias Market Weſton, R. (St. Mary.). Prox. Archi- 8 19 7 80 diac. 75. Syn. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Valet il 1'85. &c. Rich. Bokenham, Eſq. 1705. Thomas Tyrrell, i Efq. 1727. Edmund Tyrrell, Eſq. 1747. 32 10 0, Wordwell R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. :8d. Syn. 7 7 31 50 Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 25. 6d. . &c. Sir William Harvey, olim Patre Earl of Briſtol, 1720, 1777.... O O 3 44 II o O 1 O NoT IN CHARGE. 30 pi? Aſhfield C. (All Saints.) Pri. Ixworth, Propr. Lord Thur- low. - 161. certified Value. Badwell Al Ç. (St. Mary.) Pri. Ixworth, Propr. Mr. Clough. 131. certified Value. Fakenham Parva R. (St. Andrew,)- with Euſton. Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. 1720. D. Grafton, Patr. oo Hunſton, alias Huntſdon, C. (St. Michael.) Mr. Aſhfield, , olim Patr. Pri. Ixworth, Propr. John Symonds Heigham, Efq. 1747. 161. certified Value. Ixworth C. (St. Mary.) Mr. Norton. Pri. Ixworth, Propr. o Sapiſton, alias Sapeſton, Cur. (St. Andrew.). Duke of Grafton. 3 Pri. Ixworth, Propr. fol. certified Value. o Thorpe, juxta Ixworth, C. (All Saints.) Pri. Ixworth, Propr. Walſham le Willows C. (St. Mary.) Mr. Hunt. Pri. Ixworth, Propr. 121. certified Value, 5 D. Boli 40 O 2 I O SUFFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 123 1. si d. 1 d. 12 1 4 5 Robert Nunn, Gent. p. h. v. 1769. 9. Bolmeze, in the Archdeaconry of Sur FOLK. The Hoſpital of St. John of Batisford was returned by the Commiſſioners at gl. 105. 32. Vide Orig. Sury. 2. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenthse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 4 91. Bailham R. * (St. Peter.) John Acton, Eſq. 1689. William Acton, Eſq. 1722, 1735. Nathaniel Acton, Eſq. p. i. 27 10 71 Barking R. (St. Mary,) with Dermiſden, alias Darnſdon, 2 15 ore Chapel. (St. Andrew.) Francis Needham, Eſq. olim Patr, John Gaſcoign, S. T. P. and Anne his Wife, 1699. The- odoſia Crowley, Widow, 1775. Lord Aſhburnham, and Charles Boone, Eſq. 10 3 4 Blakenham Parva R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Archi IO4 diac. 75. 6d. Rectori de Aldham 6d. Earl of Cleveland, olim Patr. John Milner, Eſq. 1712. Lord Orwell, p. i. 1764. 13 3 9 Bramford V. (St. Mary.) Domino Maner. 2d. Syn. Epiſc. I . 1 6 43 Archidiac. 75. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 6s. 8d, denar. rec. per vicar. &c. Abb. Battle, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 5 Coddenham V. (St. Mary,) with Crowfield Chapel. (All I 4 o Saints.) In decim. herbag.. lactag. oblat. &c. Nicholas Bacon, Eſq. 1690. Nicholas Bacon, Eſq. 1739. John Ba- con, Clerk, p. i. 1768. Pri. Royſton, olim Propr. 18 o Helmingham R. (St. Mary.) Rector. ibidem, viz. Roger 1 16 0 Ramlen, tem. Hen. VIII. man. in com. Norf. The KING. 51 Hemmingeſton, alias Hemingſton, R. (St. Gregory.) Syn. o 17 13 Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. cum fcit. I rector. Il. 1os. &c. Oliver Thorn, Gent. 1688. Coleman 100 O 1763. 25. 12 O @ 200 O 8 Il * This and ſeveral other Places in this Deanry are without Procurations or Synodals, &c. by reaſon the Accounts of ſuch Places, being written on Paper, are torn out in the Original Survey. of Bramford.—This Impropriation is found among the Poffeffions of the Abb. of Battle. See the Liber Regis in the Firſt Fruits Office, in co. Suflex. 4 Z 2 Micklefield, 224 DIOCESE OF NORWOCH. SDSFOLK2 - 2. d. 9 II dleton, Efq. 1783. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. of Micklefield, alias Miclefield, R. (St. Andrew.) Redd. 4d. 0 19 15 70 fcit . rector . 26. 13. console Archidiac: 67:8d. Terr, gleb. cum Habart, olim Patr. Abraham Chaplin, Clerk, 1674. John Blomfield, by Turn, 1715. William Ray, Clerk, p. i. 1745. 11 18 11 Ringſhall R. Thomas Tyrrelt, olim Patr. Thomas Tyrrelt, olim Patr. William Peppen, i 3 93 1707, 1741. Sir William Barker, Bart. p. h. v. 1744. Soham Earles R. (St. Mary.). The Counteſs of 'Hereford, i 1 ο ο 130 1705. John Berkley, Eſq. and others, 1729. Lord He- reford, p. i. 1740. Francis Capper, Esq. 1759, p. i. Somerſham R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. O 16 o Vicario Ofton 45. Domino Maner. 6d, Terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. 21. 6d. &c. Richard Glanvill, Gent. 1717. Richard Gideon Glanvil, Eſq. 1745, 1751, 19 10 2] Stonham Aſpall R. (St. Lambert.) Terr. gleb. ad valor. zł. I 19 01 &c. Sir Arthur Capell, ohim Patr. Mary Greenwood, 1703. Dame Cecilia Garrard, p. i. 1746. William Mid- IIO O IO O O 2 1 14 3 17 130 O O Sir 6 Stonham Earles R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epifc. 25. Prox. Ar- chidiac. 75. 6d. Stephen Soame, olim Patr. John Orlebar, Jun. Efq. 1696. John Berkeley, Eſq. and Eliz. Viſcounteſs of Hereford, his Wife, 1727. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 1744, 1748. 0 0 LIVINGS. DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Palwe. King's Books. 43 17 51 Afhbocking, alias Ath, V. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 918 61 90 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 4d. Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. 17 acr. terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. decim. granor. oblat. &c. The KING. Priory of Canterbury, Propr. 45 Oo Battisford, al Battisford, alias Battisfield, V. (St. Mary.) John Barker, Eſq. 8 o 71 olim Patr. Robert Barker, Eſq. 1710. Sir William Bar- ker, Bart. 1744. Blakenham Magna, alias Blakenham fuper Aquas, R. (St. Ma- 6 16 of ry.) Terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. Bl. 6s. 8d. &c. Eton College. 4 Creeting St. Olave R. Ecclef. deftruct. With Creeting All 4 17 87 60 Saints, Dec. Stowe. Sir Robert Crane, olim Patr. Robert Walpole, Eſq. 1685. Orlando Bridgman, Eſq. 1711. Mary Dove, Spinſter, 1743. Claude Champion Creſpigny, 46 14 0 Creeting St. Mary R. Eton College, 1720, 1753. 7 14 2 Flowton, 30 12 22 o LL. D. 1775 4 SPFPOLK. 725 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. h. de 35 0 O 8 5 5 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 26 14 0 © Flowton, alias. Flouton, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 28. 3 9 9 ] Prox. Archidiac. 35, Earl of Exeter, olim Patr. William Peppin, Gent. 1717. John Clubb, Clerk, 1758. Catherine y Sherwood, Widow, 1769. 38 II 4 Goſbeck, alias Boſbeck, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 40 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. cum ſcít. rector. 145. &c. William Style, olim Patr. Elizabeth Style, 1713, 1720, p. i. Thomas Beft, Efq. 1753. Lord Orwell, p. i. 1767. 27. II 10 Nettleited R, (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Prox, Archidiac. 8 11 101 550 75. 6d. Terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. 6s. &c. John Fuller, Eſq. 1708. William Bradley, 1724. John Brownrigg Leake, Clerk, 1749, Patron and Incumbent. 29 10 11] Ofton, alias Offington, alias Offton, R. (St. Mary,) with Brifet 7 16 of 400 Parva R. Deſtructa. Syn, Epiſc. 15. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 25. ed. Terr. gleb, cum fit. rector. 1os. &c. Robert Spar- row, Sen. 1709. John Sparrow; Gent. 1749. 8 Stonham Jermingham, alias Stonham Parva, R. (St. Mary,) 9 18 11 50 Syna Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Mon. Gipſwich Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Thomas Goodwin, olim Patr. John Gage, Efq. 1687. Richard Woodhall, Eſq. 1706. Joſhua Grigby, 1758. Philip Toofey, Clerk, p. i. 1769, Patron and Incumbent. O 49 10 IS. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Badley, alias Badlie, Cur. (St. Mary.) Knights Templars, Propr. Lord Alhburnham, and Charles Boone, Eſq. Briſet Magna Cur. (St. Mary and St. Laurence,) olim a Priory. King's College, Cambridge. NEEDHAM Market, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Barking 1ol. certified Value. Williſham, alias Willowlham, Cur. (St. Mary.) Trinity Pri. in Ipſwich, Propr. Mr. Browning. 9. Carles- 726 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIG H. C D. Carlesford, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK? 2. s. os cent Po 17 II 90 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 16 13 4 Clopton R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Valet I 13 4 in terr. gleb. Il. 35. in decim. granor. &c. Mary Brown- rigg, Widow, 1686. Francis Fálkard, 1721. William Couperthwaite, Clerk, 1758. John Spurgeon, Gent. p. i. 1764. 3 Grundleſburgh R. (St. Mary.) Capellæ Segenho 155. Prox. 1 15 il Archidiac. 7s, 6d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet in terr. gleb: per ann. Il. 115. &c. Trinity College, Cambridge. 16 6 51 Otley R. (St. Mary.) Redd. Domino Bergavenny 45. 7d. 1 12 72 Proxies and Synods ios. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 3l. 6s. 8d. &c. Mary Grove, p. h. v. 1702. Lord Aberga- venny, 1742, 1780. 18 13 4 Witneſham R. (St. Mary:) Proxies and Synods 9s, 6d. 6d. Va I 17 4 let in terr. gleb. per ann. il. 105. in decim. granor: &c. John Meadows, Gent. 1708. Peter Houſe College, Cam- bridge, p.i. I 20 0 120 41 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 3 iis abi. Clear 1 early Value. King's Books. 43 16 10 Burgh, alias Burrow, R. (St. Botolph.) Pení. Abb. Brufyerd 8 4 135 4d. Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb, per ann. 8s. 3d. &c. Sir John Rouſe, 1677. William Betts, Gent. 1701. Miles Barne, Eſq. 1748, 1760. o Beelings, alias Bealings Magna, R. (St. Mary.) Pri. Wood 10 4 7 bridge 135. 4d. Proxies and Synods' 95:"4d. Valet in tërr. gleb. il. 45. in decim. granor. &c. Henry Webb, alias Wood, olim Patr. John Pitt, Efq. 1720, 1726. Lady Jane Brydges, p. i. 1766. 70 o Culpho Cur. (St. Botolph.) Valet in decim. granor. oblat. &c. 5 7 11 Proxies and Synods 75. 8d. Sir John Blois, 1767. Bramp- ton Gurdon Dillingham, Eſq. p. i. 1772. 49 6 8 Haſketon near Woodbridge R. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Lethering- '13 6 8 60o ſet il. 6s. 8d. Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. - Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Ib. 135. id.I &c. Sir Thomas Baker, olim Patr. SUFFOLK, DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 727 a.) 1. S. de O 1719, 1727. Charles Synods 95. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. 1os. in decim. granor. ob- Clear Yearly Values King's Books, d. Patr. Margaret Mariot, 1677. Charles Stuart, 1762. Frances Stebbing, Spinſter, and others, p. i. 1775. 47 to Martleſham R. (St. Mary.) Redd. 6d.1 Proxies and Synodś 10 18.9. 60 9s. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 55. 6d. &c. John Goodwin, Gent. 1698. Elizabeth Goodwin, 1724. John Goodwin, Gent. 1750. 20 14. 8. Newborne, alias Nunburn, R. (St. Mary.). Redd. Duci Norf. 7 4 2 zd. Proxies and Synods 55. 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. 35. &c. Edm. Purpet, Esq. olim Patr. Anne Weltern, Widow, 4 Ruſhmere V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. I'lin decim. in decim. herbag, lactag, oblat. &c. Mon. Ipſwich, Propr. Sir Thomas Jermy, olim Patr. Samuel Barnardiſton, Efq. 1717. Sir John 23 6 Tudingham, alias Tudenham, V. (St. Martin.) Proxies and 10 13 4 lat. &c. Mon. Säödtæ Trinitatis, Ipſwich, Propr. Sir Eda mund Withipoll, olim Patr.. Leiceſter Martyn, Eſq. 17090 Thomas Fonereau, Eſq. p. i. 1735, 1750. 35 0 0 37 II 4 6 8 17.56Peter Edge, Clerk, "1782. Shaw, Bart. and others, O O NOT IN CHARGE. Playford Ch. (St. Mary) Pri. Eye, Propr. Earl of Briſtol. Woodþridge Cur. * Mon. Woodbridge, Propr. Thomas Carthew, Clerk, Propr. and Patr. 451. certified Value. p. i 1770. With Foxaļl Ch. t (All Saints.) Deſtructa.- Sir John Shaw, Bart.- p. i. 1770. Kefgrave Cur. Pri. of Butley, Propr. Mr. Barnardiſton. * Woodbridge, a Curacy.-In the Year 1667, Mrs. Dorothy Seckford ſettled the Tythes of the- ſaid Town on the Miniſter, amounting to about 40l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropria.- tions, p. 280. + In Colneys Deanry- D. Clare, 728 SUFFOL DIOCESE OF NORWICH. D. Clare, in the Archdeaconry of SUDBURY. The College of Stoke, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 3241.45. Idib after the Deductions were made agreeable to the Inſtructions. The College of Denſton, returned at 221. 8s. 7d. Vide Orig. Sury, in Offic. Primit, for Particulars. d. J. do 1. 17 100 1 o O 15 10 100 0 O IIO 0 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 51 Bradley Magna R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 74.1 I 14 11 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. Il. 25. 8d. &c. Bartholomew Soames, Eſq. 1692. Stamp Brookſbank, Eſq. 1728. John Harriſon, Eſq. 1783. 5 Dalham R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Syn. I llo? Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. il. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Martin Stutville, olim Patr. Biſhop of Norwich, 1713. Gilbert Affleck, Eſq. 1736, 1763, p. i.. 10 II 51 Depding, alias Depden, R. (St. Mary:) Prox, Archidiac, 1 1 2 3 6s 8d. Syn. Epiſc . 25. Pri de Caſtleacre 11. Valet per ann. in terr. &c. John Jermyn, Eſq. olim Patr. Richard Thornhill, Eſq. 1705. Coell Thornhill, Eſq. 1740. Hutchinſon Mure, Eſq. p. i. 1761. Thomas Hutchiſon, Eſq. p. i. 1769 7 10 0 o Hanedon, alias Hankdon, alias Hawkedon, R. Prox. Archi- o 15 140 diac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Decano de Stoke 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 11. 6s. Bd. &c. Ambrofe Eve- rard, olim Patr. Galfrid Maltiward, Gent. 1709. Alicia Maltiward, 1728. William Gilly, Gent. p. i. 1759. 16 8 61 Kedington, alias Ketton, R, (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. I 12 10 Archidiac. 95.7d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. &c. Sir Thomas Berney, oliin Patr. Sir John Bennet, Knight, Thomas Williams, and Samuel Barnardif- ton, Eſqrs. 1710. Henry Kedington, Gent. 1750. Tem- ple Chevallier, Clerk, p. i. 1762. 15 10 5 Ledgate, alias Lydgate, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 7s. III o 150 70.1 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 55. &c. Sir John Cotton, olim Patr. Nath. Fairclough, Gent. 0 0 200.0 O를 ​O SUFFOLK. 729 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. ΙΟ 120 O O II I 200 O O King's Books. Yearly Tenths, d. 2. Gent. and M. Shute, Widow, 1701. Gilbert and John Afleck, Eſq. 1740. Charles Manners, p. i. 1765. 13 6 8 Moulton R*. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet ! 6 S per ann. in terr. gleb. 2l. 85. &c. Sir Henry North, olim Patr. Mr. Carter, 1721. John Gee, 1734. Chriſt's Col. lege, Cambridge, 1772, 1784. 4 7 81 Moulton V. (St. Peter.) Syn. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Redd. Nun o 8 nery.de Thetford 1s. 9d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb, gd. decim. oblat. &c. Sir Henry North, olim Patr. Mr. Car- ter, 1721. John Gee, 1734. Chriſt's College, Cambridge, 1772, 1784. 3 9 Owſden R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Syn. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Syn. i 45 Epiſc. 2s. Valet in terr. gleb. 21. Is. &c. Humfry Moſe- ley, Eſq. olim Patr. Richard Moſely, Eſq. 1712. Tho- mas Moſeley, Eſq. 1762, p. i. 9 41 Stansfield, alias Stanesfield, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archi 2 112 diac. 95. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Colleg. de Stoke 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb, il. 185. &c. The KING. ož Stradſhall , alias Stradeſwell, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Archi, 0 19 diac. 75. 7d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 1os. &c. Duke of Devonſhire, 1901. James Vernon, Efq. 1738. The Guardians of Henry Vernon, 1778. 51 Thirlow, alias Thurlow Magna, V. (All Saints.) Prox, Ar 1 I 12 chidiac. 75. 7d.1 Penſ. Abb. Battel 25. Valet per ann. iņ terr. gleb. Il. 35. 2d. in decim. oblat. &c. 2d. in decim. oblat. &c. Colleg. de Stoke, Propr. John King, Eſq. 1715. Edward Vernon, Eſq. 1760. The KING, on the Nomination of Henry Vernon, 1774 5 Thirlow, alias Thurlow Parva, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archi- 0 15 of 80 diac. 75. 7d.1 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Penf. Colleg. Stoke il. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Stephen Soame, olim Patr. William Soame, Eſq. 1683. Stephen Soame, 1726. William Sell, 1768. Henry Soame, Clerk, 1782, Patron and Incumbent. 9 17 Wethersfield, alias Wythersfeild, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Ar- 0 1981 chidiac. 75. 7d.} Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 95. &c. Sir Giles Allington, olim Patr. Hildebrand Allington, 1717. Sir John Jacobs, Bart. 1723. Lord and Lady Guernſey, p. i. 1756. Counteſs Dowager of Ayles- ford, 1782. 9 II IIO O O IO II 100 O o 7 IO O 1 120 O O * Moulton R. and V. are Peculiars of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 5 A Wratting 730 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICHII . 1. o Іоо O O King's Books. l'early Tenths, 2. 2. S. d. 8 o Wratting Magna R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. O 16 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 105. &c. Sir John Bennet, Knt. and Samuel Barnardiſton, Eſq. 1720.. Sir Robert Barnardiſton, 1726, p. i, Lott Knight, Gent. 1760. Temple Chevallier, Clerk, 1762, p. i. 4.19 91 Wratting Parva R. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Syn.. Epiſc. 25. 80 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 125. &c. Anne Turner, olim Patr. Sir Edw. Turner, Knight, 1671. John. Henry Mertins, Eſq. 1760.. Dey Syer, D. D. 1769. 8 6 101 W.ykambroke, alias Wickhambrooke, V. (All Saints,), cum 0. 1.6. 8 Cap. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet ann. in terr. gleb. 35. decim. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Pipewell, in co. Northamp. Propr. O. O 1.00 0 0 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED.. Glear learly Valut. King's Booksa 39 o Barondiſton, alias Barnardiſton, alias Bernardſton, R. (All 7 10.5; 50. Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. | Syn. Epiſc... 25. Valet per anni in terr. gleb. Ili &c. Sir Thomas Barnardiſton, olim Patr.. Sir John Bennet, Knight. Thomas Williams, and Samuel Barnardiſton, Eſqrs.. 1.714. John Henry. Mer- tins, Eſq. 1760. Ann Bridgman, Widow, 1766.. 44 19 8. Bradley Parva R. (All Saints.) Syn. Epifc. 65. Válet per 5; 0.10: 85 0 ann. in terr. gleb. 1950. &c. Georgius le Hunt, olim Patr.. Lord Cornwallis, 1687. Francis Dickens, Eſq. 1724, 1745,- 1778, p. i. 46 o ó Chetbury, alias Chedburgh, R. (All Saints) with Ickworth. 4 2. 8.1 Prox. Archidiac. 35. Syn. Epiſc. Is. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Robert Drury, olim Patr. Earl of. Briſtol, 1720, 1749. o] Ciare V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Redd. 55. Prox. Archi- 4:189: 70 diac. 75. 7d. I syn. Epiſc. 25. Penf. Decano Stoke il. Va . let in terr. gleb.95. decim. oblat. &c. The KING, as Duke: of Lancaſter. 42 10 01 Hundon V. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in 7 13 4; 50 o terr. gleb. il. 6s. 8d. in decim. &c. Colleg. de Stoke, Propr. Penelope Denham, Widow, 1664. Jeſus College, Cam- bridge. 38 10 01 HAVERILL V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Syn. 6. 5. O 60 Epiſc. 25. Quiet. Redd. Domino de Haverill 4d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 35. in decim. &c. Pri. Caſtleacre, in Norf. Propr. Thomas Cole, Gent. olim Patr. George Coldham, Eſq. 1715. George Howland, p. i. 1769, 1774. Kentford, 37 10 0 0 O O SUFFOLK. 731 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. O O 41 II O Clear Yearly Value. King's Book 1. s. d. 1. die 43 16 6 Kentford, (St. Mary,) with Gayfley V. (All Saints.) Syn. 7 3 4 60 Epifc. 25. Valet in terr. gleb. 8s. in al. decin. &c. Coll. of Stoke Clare, Propr. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Patr. 0 Poftlingford, alias Poſtlingworth, V.* Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 6 10 60 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Penſ. Pri. Dunmow 31. 6s. 8d. Col- leg. de Stoke il. Pri. Dunnow, Propr. Valet in terr. gleb. 85. in al. decim. &c. George Golding, Eſq. 1716, p. i. 1767. 8 Whixoe, alias Wrixoo, R. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Syn. Epiſc. 5.13 11 60 Valet in terr. gleb. 85. &c. John Soame, Eſg. olim Patr. John Goldſmith, Eſq. 1698. Henry Berkley, p. i. 1727. Eliz. Berkley, p. i. 1766. James and Mariana Bromfield, 1776. 44. I 2 0 25. CURACIES. Chipley Cur. Eccleſia deſtructa. In Clare Parich. Coolidge Cur. (St. Margaret.) Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Denſton Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Pri. Tunbridge, co. Kent, Propr. Mr. Robinſon, Patr. Denham Cur. Sir Edward Lewkenor, olim Patr. Pri. St. Ofith, Propr. Lord Townſhend, 1755. Stoke juxta Clare Cur. (St. Auſtin.) Coll. of Stoke, Propr. Sir Harry Elves. 45 0 Oo 35 00 9. Cleydon, in the Archdeaconry of SurFOLK. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Penths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 1. d. 5 ož I2 IO 5 Bergham, alias Bargham, alias Barham, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 1 25. Id. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Portio Pri. de Eye il. Terr. 120 O * Poflingford V.-Augmented with a Rent Charge of 5l. per annum, by Mr. Ralph Griggs of Stansfield. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Improptiations, p. 339. gleb 5 A 2 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 732 SUFFOLK IO 80 со 2 I IO King's Booksi King Yearly Tenthsa d. he de gleb. ad valor. ii. 146. 2d. &c. John Southwell, Eſq. olim Patr. James Harvey, Eſq. 1703. Nicholas Bacon, Eſq. 1732, 1739. John Bacon, Clerk, 1759, p. i. o Cleydon R. (St. Peter,) with Akenham. Samuel Ailmer, Eſq. 10 a olim Patr. Priſcilla Beaumont, 1713. George Drury, Clerk, 1782, p. i. 15 6 DEBENHAM V. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 3 75. 6d. Decim herbag. lactag. oblat. &c. Mon. Butteley, Propr. Sir Robert Candy, olim Patr. Thomas Rodbard, and Edward Gandy, Esq. 1699. John Pitt, Eſq. 1730. Lady Jane Brydges, 1773, p. i. 10 0 21 Framſden V. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. 2 s. Prox. Archidiac. 1 0 0 75. 6d. Portio Epiſc. 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. 6s. 8d. oblat. herbag. lact. &c. Pri. Sanctæ Claræ, London, Propr. Sir Lionel Tallmach, olim Patr. Lord Dyſert, 1711, 1760. 6 11 51 Whitton, (St. Mary,) with Thurlton R. (St. Botolph.) Syn. 0 13 13 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. 145. &c. Biſhop of Ely. 9 3 9 Winſton V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. Epifc. is. 8d. Prox. Archi O 18 43 diac. 75. 6d. Terr. gleb, cum fcit. vicar. ibidem 31. decim. herbag, oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Propr. and Patr. 28. O 63 O Prox. 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 45 Akenham R. (St. Mary,) with Cleydun. Samuel Ailmer, 911 51 Eſq. olim Patr. John Haughfen, Eſq. 1711. Oliver Thorne, Gent. 1720. George Drury, Clerk, 1744, 1782. 32 13 8 Henley, alias fiendale, V. (St. Peter.). Sy.n. Epiſc. 25. 0 10 Archidiac. 45. Portio Sacriſtæ Mon. Norw. 6s. 8d. Pri. Norwich, Propr. Penf. rec. de Ecclef. de Hegham 2l. 135. 4d. Terr. gleb. 10s. decim. herbag. lactag. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 33 Pethaughe, alias Petaugh, R. (St. Catherine.) Syn. Epiſc. 15. Prox. Archidiac. 75. Terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. ibidem 21, &c. John Turner, Gent. olim Patr. Samuel Stephenſon, Clerk, this Turn, 1706. Robert Meadows, Gent. 1711. Philip Bennet, Eſq. 1763. 49 6 31 Swillond V. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 7 8 42 So 0 6s. 8d. Colleg. de Aiton 25 Terr. gleb. cum fcit. vicar. ibidem zl. herbag, lactag. oblat. &c. The KING. Weſterfield 45 10 55 0 9 12 1 O O SUFFOLK, 733 DLOcese of NORWICH, Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 1. d. b. 2. 47 16 10 Weſterfield R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. 11 10 71 Archidiac, 75. 6. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. &c. Biſhop of Ely. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Afhfield Cur. (St. Mary,) Eccl. deſtructa, cum Thorpe Capel: (St. Peter.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Lady Jane Brydges. Helmingham Parva R. (St. Mary.). Eccleſia deſtructa. The KING, Patr. D. Colneys, alias Colnes, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. d. 1. S. do IS. 44 II O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookso Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 32 16 10 Beelings, alias Bealings Parva, R. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 6 7 31 Prox. Archidiac. 35. Valet. in terr. gleb. 155. &c. Thomas Seckford, Eſq. olim Patr. Thomas Redgrave, Gent. 1720. Mary Atkinſon, 1726, 1737. Samuel At- kinſon, Eſq. p.i. 1764. Buckleſham R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Archidiac. 9 1 8 50 6s. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. 185. &c. Thomas Brooke, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Robert Brooke, Bart. 1692. Philip Brooke, Eſq. 1744. William Walford, Gent. 1773, p. i. 24 14 o Colmky, alias Hemley, R. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. Is. Prox. 4. 192 70 Archidiac. 35. Valet in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. The KING, 45 II 6 Falkenham V. (St. Ethelbert.) Valet in terr. gleb. 8s. in de. 7 11 3 80 cim. granor. oblat. &c. Synods and Proxies ios. Priori Dodnaſh, Propr. The KING, p. i. 6 Felixtow, alias Felix Stow, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with 5 9 7 Walton. Valet in decim. lan. agn. oblat. lactag. &c. Mon. ibidem Propr. Henry Seckford, Eſq. olim Patr. Mary Cage, 1681. Mary Atkinſon, Widow, 1720. George Thomſon; Eſq. 1780. 6 Kirketon, O O o 29 12 734 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF N Ó R WIC H. 2. d. 41 12 1ο) O O O Clear l'early Value. King's Books. 1. s. d. 4 Kirketon, alias Kirton, (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 7s. 10 13 4 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. The KING, p. i. 18 10. O Levington R. (St Peter,) with Nacton. Prioriffæ Redling. 6 1 8 field 6s. 8d. Synods Is. Prox. 35. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 35. 4d. &c. James Stebbing, Clerk, 1730. Phi. lip Brooke, Eſq. p. i. 1734. Edward Vernon, Eſq. 1752. 20 14 8 Newbon, alias Nunburne, R. (St. Mary.) Ro. Filher, Gent. 7 2 6 1710. 29 II Naketon, alias Nackton, R. (St. Martin,) with Levington. 8 7 I 50 0 Redd. Manerio is. od. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8 d. Valet in terr. glèb. ios. &c. Robert Brooke, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Rob. Brooke, Bart. 1673, Philip Brooke, Gent. 1722. Edward Vernon, Eſq. 1752. 6 Trimley, alias Tremley, St. Martin R. Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox. 12 Prox. 12 0 5 55 Archidiac. 11S. Redd. Mon. Flixton Is. Valet in terr. gleb. il. &c. Sir Robert Barker, olim Patr. Sir William Barker, Bart. 1712, 1749. Richard Savage, Eſq. 1778. 43 10 6 Trimly, alias Tremley, St. Mary R. Redd. Mon. Flixton Is. 16 13 4 180 Synods and Proxies gs. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. Il. &c. The KING. 21 14 o Waldringfield R. (All Saints.) Redd. 25. Redd. 25. 4d. Penſ. Eccleſ. 4 17 11 30 Martleſham 25. 6d. Proxies and Synods 6s. Valet in terr. gleb. 16s. in decim. granor. &c. Edmund Purpet, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Samuel Barnardiſton, Bart. 1696, 1705, 1719. Dame Anna Maria Shaw and others, p. i. 1744. 6 Walton V. (St. Mary,) with Felixtow. Synods and Proxies 50 75.9d. Pri. Felixtow, Propr. Valet in decim. herbag la- Čtag. oblat. &c. Henry Seckford, Eſq. olim Patr. Mary Cage, Widow, 1681. Mary Atkinſon, Widow, 1720. Sa- muel Atkinſon, Eſq. 1764. Oliver Baron, Eſq. and others, 1770. George Thomſon, Eſq. 1780, p. i. 43 10 O O 0 0 0 0 41 12 4 6 $ 0 0 CURACIES. Alleſton, alias Alteſton, alias Altempſtone, Cur. (St. Jolina Baptiſt.) Deſtructa. Held with Tremly St. Martin. Stratton Cur. Deſtructa. Held with Tremly. D. Dun. SUFFOLK, 735 DIOCESE NORWIC M. OF OF D. Dunwich, alias Donwich, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK The Monaſtery of Sibton, or Sybeton, was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 250l. 155. 73.1 The Monaſtery of Leyſton was likewiſe returned at 1811. 175. Id. The Priory of Wangford was likewiſe returned at 30l. 95. 5d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books.. Yearly Ténths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. do 1. s. d. 24 18 O 5 12 0 O O Benacre R. (St. Michael,) with Eaſton and Northales, alias I 16 Covehithe. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. il. 35. in decim. granor. &c. Humfry Yarmouth, Eſq. olim Patr. Henry North, Eſq. 1701. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. 1776, p.i. 5 I 101 DUNWICH, alias DONWICH, St. John R. Demolifhed. Syn. 0.10 23 and Prox. 95. 6d. Valet in decim. granor. &c. Henſted R. (St. Mary.) William Sydnor, Eſq. olim Patr. I 4 0 Sir Thomas Culham, Bart. 1673. Emanuel College, Cam- bridge. 13 6. 8 Huntingfield R. (St. Mary,) with Cookley. Syn. and Prox. Syn. and Prox. 16. 8. 300 1os. 3d.} Feod. Seneſchalli 135. 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. per annum 41. &c. Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. Horatio Walpole, Eſq. 1709. John Wells, Clerk, poh. v. 1745. Sir Joſhua Van Neck, p.j. 1764. Sir Gerard William Van Neck, Bart. 1782.. 13 6 8 Ugglelhall , alias Ouchell, alias Uggerhall, R. (St. Mary,) I 6 8 with Sotherton. Synods end Proxies 75. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 25. &c. Sir Thomas Playters, olim Patr. Sir John Playters, Bart. 1679. John Rouſe, Eſq. 1721. Lydia Rous, 1741, during her Son's Minority. 21 6.8 Wrentham, alias Wrenſham, R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods gs. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 21. in decim. granor. &c. Francis Brewſter, olim Patr. John Brewſter, #fq. 1696. Philip Brewſter, p.i. 1757, Iſabella Brewſter, Widow, p. i. 1770.. 2 2 5 LIVINGS 736 SUFFOLK, DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. s. d. 0 2 1 1 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. C.!04r-Hearly 1"olile, King's Books, 1 d. 40 5 Bramfield V. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 2s. Valet 6 7 6 60 in terr. gleb. per ann. 25. in decim. herbag. lactag. oblat. &c. The KING. Pri. Bliburgh, Propr. 45 2 10 Brampton R. (St. Peter.) Synods and Proxies 7s.6d. Valet 20 in terr. gleb. per ann. 35. decim. granor. &c. Johannes Leman, olim Patr. Thomas Leman, 1681. Robert Le- man, Eſq. p. i. 1728, 1742. 7 Cheſton, alias Chedeſton, V. (St. Mary,) with Haleſworth. 6 7 6 Syn, and Prox. 15. Valet in terr. gleb. 2l, in decim. her- bag. lactag. oblat. &c. Priori Pentney, in Norf. Propr. Francis Baxter, Eſq. olim Patr. Henry Blomfield, Gent, 1717. William Plummer, Eſq. 1746. 29 3 4. Cokeley R. (St. Michael,) with Huntingfield. Syn. and Prox. 6 13 4 85. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Is. 4d. in decim. granor. &c. Sir George Carew, olim Patr. Horatio Walpole, Eſq. 1709. Charles Gibbs, Clerk, 1731. Sir Joſhua Van Neck, Bart. 1764. Sir Gerard William Van Neck, Bart. 1782. Cratfield V. (St. Mary,) with Laxfield. Syn. and Prox. 85. 5 7 II iod Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 1os, in decim. granor. oblat. &c. Pri. Sti Neoti, Propr. Johannes Lany, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Charles Blois, Bart. 1707. Lord Lovell, 1743. Sir Joſhua Van Neck, Bart. 1758. 7 Darſham V. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 95.6d. Pri. Thet- 4 10 10 30 ford, Propr. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 45. 2d. in decim. granor. oblat. &c. Thomas Bedingfield, Eſq. olim Patr. John Rouſe, Eſq. 1706, 1720, p. i. Lydia Rous, 1748. Sir John Rous, Bart. 1775, p. i. o Dunwich, alias Donwich, All Saints Cur. Sir Jacob Down- ing. Mon. Eye, Propr. This is now the only Church re- maining in Dunwich. Eaſton Bavent R. (St. Nicholas,) with Benacre North Hales. 6o Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 6d. Ecclefia de- ſtructa. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 145. in decim. granor. &c. Geoffry Howland, Eſq. 1667. Thomas Carthew, Eſq. p. i. 1734. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. 1776. o Froſtenden R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. Syn. and Prox. gs. 6d. Valet in 12 terr. gleb. per ann. il. 1os. in decim. granor. &c. Wil- liam Glover, Eſq. 1720, 1742: Robert Barker, Gent. p. h. V. 1756. Fordley 26 2 O 0 13 0 4 10 45 16 0 SOFFOLK, 737 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 2. 2. o 45 10 100 O Ο Ο Ο Ο O Clear Yearly Valae. King's Bcoks, 1. de 36 10 • Fordley (Holy Trinity,) with Middleton R. Syn. and Prox. 5 0 85. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. per annum 135. sd. &c. Ed- ward Page, Eſq. olim Patr. Jo. Woodcock, Gent. 1664. Ann Freak, 1734. John Harriſon, p. h. v. 1753. 33 0 HALLISWORTH R. (St. Mary,) with Cheſton. Syn. 15. Prox. 20 80 Archidiac. 8s. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 5! 8s.gd. &c. Sir Giles Allington, olim Patr. Diana Lady Wy- mondley, 1690. Dorothy Botts, Widow, 1723, Wil- liam Plummer, Eſq. p. i. 1746. o Hevingham, alias Heveningham, R. (St. Margaret.) Priori ri 6 130 Sfi Neot. il. Syn. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75.6d, 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 65.8d. &c. The KING. 30 Holton R. (St. Peter-) The KING. 10 13 4 32 o Knottelhall R. (St. Laurence,) cum Buxlow Cap. deſtructa, 11 0 40 (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 155. 6d. Valet in decim. gra- nor. &c. Arthur Jenny, Eſq. olim Patr. Robert Jenny, Eſq. 1716, 1735. Edward Vernon, Eſq. p.i. 1748. 80o Northalls, alias Covehithe, V. (St. Andrew,) with Benacre and 5 6 8 Eaſton Bavent. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 64. Valer'in terr. gleb, 25. 6d. in decim. herbag. oblat. &c. Sir Edward Cleere, olim Patr. Thomas Carthew, Eſq. 1720. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. 1776. 13 6 8 Peaſenhall Cur. (St. Michael,) with Sibton, alias Sipton. Mon. Sibton, Propr. Sir John Rouſe, olim Patr. Elizabeth Barker, 1748. © Raydon, alias Reydon, V. (St. Margaret,) with SOUTHWOLD 13 6 8 Chapel. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. In de- cim. granor. oblat. &c. Pri. Wangford, Propr. Sir John Rouſe, Bart. 1713, 1727. Sir John Rous, Bart. 1777. 45 0 o Sibton, alias Sipton, V. (St. Peter,) with Peaſenhall. Prox. 8 8 4 Epiſc. 75. 6d. Syn. Archidiac. is. Valet in fcit. manfion. cum g acr. terr. gleb. per ann. 185. in redd. pro parcell. terr. gleb. dimiff. inhabitan. ibidem per ann. 25. in profic. 175 vaccar. infra paroch. ibidem, commun. ann. propter vacc. de paſtur. ſuper terr. domin. nuper abb. ibidem, ad 2d. vacc. per ann. Il. 165. 5d. 1 in decim. vacc. vitul. agn. lan. anc, porc. pull. fruc. mel. cer. in decim. foen. herbag. &c. Mon. Sibton, Propr. Edmund Chapman, alias Barker, olim Patr. Elizabeth Barker, Widow, 1712, 1748. 43 I 7 Sotherton R. (St. Andrew,) with Uggelhall. Syn. and Prox. 5 6 8 85. 8d. - Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 1os. &c. John Rouſe, Eſg. 1720. Lydia Rous, 1741. Sir John Rous, Bart. 5 B Southcore 28. o 738 SUFFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. I. d. O 211 O 33 10 0 0 I 20 O 0 O Clear l'early Value. King's Books. I d. 23 O Southcove R. (St. Laurence.) Syn, and Prox. 6s. 8d. Valet 6 70 in terr. gleb. 8s. &c. The KING. Speckſhall, alias Spexhall, alias Sparkiſhall, R. (St. Peter.). 14 Priori Bumburgh ih. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 8s. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 16s. &c. The KING, 31 13 4" Theberton alias Thebarton, R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 26. 13 4 150 9.1. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 63. &c. The KING. 30 Thorington R. (St. Peter.) Priori Blyburgh il. 1os. Syn. 7 o o 75 and Prox. 75. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. John Bence, Eſq. 1694. Alexander Bence, Eſq. 1722, 1758. 35 Ubbelton V. (St. Peter.). Syn. and Prox. 85. 6d. Valet in 6 13 4 45 terr. gleb. per ann. 6s. in decim. granor. oblat. &c. Pri. Sti Neoti, in Hunt. Propr. Wolfran Dowlinge & Jana Uxr. olim Patr. Sir R. Kemp, Bart. 1705. Dame Eliza- beth Kemp and Eleafer Davy, Eſq. 1767. Eleazer Davy, Eſq. 1774, p.i. 30 Wenhaſton V. (St. Peter.) Valet in terr. gleb. 55. in decim. 6 O 10 granor. oblat. &c. The KING. Priori Bliburgh, Propr. 40 Weſthall V. (St. Andrew.) Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 41. 10 2 31 60 in decim. granor. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Nor- wich, Propr. and Patr. 33 6 Weſileton V. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. gs. 6d. Valet in 8 0 40 decim. herbag. lactag, oblat. &c. Mon. Sibton, Propr. Sir Edward Coke, olim Patr. James Fiſkę, Clerk, 1710. Everard Woods, 1737. John Crowfoot, Gent. p. i. 1754. 37 15. o. Yokesford, alias Yoxford, V. (St. Peter.)Syn, and Prox. gs. 5:14 2 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 45. decim. granor. oblat. herbag. &c. Thomas Bedingfield, Eſq. olim Patr. John Rouſe, Eſq. 1711, 1730. Sir John Rous, Bart. 1753. O O O 0 O 0 0 O 40 O O NOT IN CHARGE. BLITHBOROUGH, olim BLIBURGH, C. (Holy Trinity.) Olim'a Priory valued at 22l. 145. 3d. vide Orig. Surv. Mr. Went- worth, olim Patr: Sir John Blois, 1779. Bliford, alias Blythford, C. (All Saints.) Pri. Bliburgh, Propr. Robert Oneby, Eſq. 1751. Thomas Breton, Eſq. George Wrighte, Eſq. and others, Heirs at Law of Mr. Oneby, 1785. Dunwich, alias Donwich, St. Peter's Cur. Ecclefia deſtructa. Mon. Eye, olim Propr. The KING. Dunwich, alias Donwich, St. Martin's Cur. Eccleſia deſtructa. Món. Eye, oliin Propr. The KING. Dunwich, SUFFOLK. 739 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. Dunwich, alias Donwich, St. Nicholas Cur. Eccleſia deſtructa. Mon. Eye, olim Propr. The KING. Laiſton Cur*. (St. Maigaret,) cum Siſwell Cap. (St. Nicho- las.) Deſtrucła. Pri. Laiſton, Propr. Governors of Chriſt's Hoſpital, London, 1768. Linfted Magna Cur. (St. Peter.) Pri. Mendham, Propr. Sir Joſhua Van Neck, Bart. Linſted Parva Cur. (St. Margaret.) Pri. Mendham, Propr. Sir Joſhua Van Neck, Bart. Mellis, (St. Margaret,) Cap. to Wenhaſton. Deſtructa. Rumbrough Cur. (St. Michael.) Priori Rumbrough, Propr. The Pariſhioners, 1767. 251. certified Value. Stoven Cur: (St. Margaret:) Pri. Wangford, Propr. John and Rachael Button, and others, 1752. Rachael Button and Robert Nelſon, 1771. 61. 105. certified Value. Walberſwick Cur. (St. Andrew.) Chapel to Bliburgh. Walpole Cur. (St. Mary.) Priory of Redingfield, Propr. Han- nah Farmer, 1744. Ann Foreward, p. i. 1758. ill. certi- fied Value, Wangford, alias Wayngford, Car. (St. Peter.) Pri. Wang- ford, Propr. Cur. habet decim. minut. Sir John Rous, 1757, 1767 Wiffet Cur. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Rumbrough, Propr. Execu- tors of Mrs. Fleetwood, 1770. 201. certified Value. CAMBRIDGSH. 9. Fordham, in the County of CAMBRIDGE, in the Arch- deaconry of SUDBURY. The Priory of Fordham was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually rol. 135. 4d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. l'early Tenihs Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. S. d. l. d. l. 8 O 16 оо 100 o Aſhley R. (St. Mary,) united to Sylverley. Lord North and Grey, 1682, 1730. Lord North and Guilford, p. i. 1750. * Laiſton. Augmented by the Company of Haberdaſhers, London, by buying in the Impropriation of about solo per Annum, formerly wholly appropriated to Laiton Abby. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 410. Burwell 5 B 2 740 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. CAMBRIDGSH. . 1. So 2 O O ro 1 120 0 0 27 II 200 0 O amide Dr. Tanner's King's Books. Pearl, Tenthsa 1. s. d. d. 30 14 Burwell R. (St. Mary,) cum Burwell (St. Andrew.) Ecclefia 3 I 5 300 O deſtrneta. Lord North and Grey, 1705. The Biſhop, 1733. Lord North and Guilford, 1772, p. i. 16 8 1Chevely R. (St. Mary.) Sir John Cotton, olim Patr. Sir I 12 g 350 Robert Davers, Bart. 1704. Thomas Harris, 1730. James Thomas Hand, Clerk, 1778, Patron and Incumbent, p. i. 10 o Kirtling, vulgò Catlidg, V. (All Saints.) Biſhop of Rochef- ter, Propr. Lord North and Grey. The Biſhop, 1731. Lord Elibank and his Wife, 1750. 11 10 10' Knet, alias Kennet, R. (St. Nicholas. Lord Petre, olim Patr. 3 1. Sir Samuel Barnardiſton, Bart. 1696. The Biſhop, 1751. John Williams Leigh, Eſq. p. h. v. 1774. oi Snalewell R. (St. Peter.) Biſhop of Ely. 2 15 15 32 16 51 Soham V. (St. Andrew,) cum Cap. de Barraway. Mon. Rew. 3 5.78 250 ley, Propr. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. 7 17 31 Sylverley V. (All Saints,) united to Athley: Pri. Hatfield 0.15. 81 Regis, Propr. Lord North and Grey, 1717. Lord North and Guilford, p.i. 17.5®.. LIVINGS DISCHARGED Clear Yearly Valuea King't Books 26 9 41 Burwell V. (St. Mary.) Academia Cantabr. nominat duas per. 20 Book, p. 211. The Biſhop, by Lapfe, 1733. Earl of : Guilford. 9. 41 Chippenham V. (St. Margaret.) Mon. Walden, Propre. Earl 11 12 6 бо of Oxford, 1700, 1719. Lord Sandys and Letithea his Wife, 1748. 6 Downham V. (St. Mary.) The KING. Pri. Ixworth, Propr. 46 9. 4. Fordham V. (Št. Mary.) Mon. Sempringham, in co., Lincoin. 13 6 8 70 Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. Woodytton, alias Wood Ditton, V. (All Saints,) conſolidated 12 16 53 with Newinarker R. (St. Mary.) Mon. Thetford, in Norf. Propr. Duke of Norfolk, olim Patr. George Read and John Lloyd, 1714. The Heirs of John Nowys, Eſq. 1720. Lord and Lady Granby and Lord and Lady Guernſey, 1752. The Duke of Rutland, 1782.. o 0 0 4.1 O O II II O 28 O O CHAPELS, i. CAMBRIDGSH. 141 DIO C-E SE OF NORWICH. lefon Chapels, Donatives, or CURACIES. All Saints Newmarket, Chapel to St. Mary's R. in Newmare ket and Woodyton. The Biſhop of Norwich. Barway, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Soham. Kenford, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Kennet. Landwade Cur. (St. Nicholas,) a Chap. to Ixning in the County of Suffolk. Wyken Cur. (St. Laurence) Pri.. Spiney, Propr. Lord Sandys. SUFFOLK. D. Fordham, in the County of Suffolk, in tře Archdeaconry of SUDBURY. 2 200. O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 14 15. 10 Barton Mills R. (St. Mary.) Collegio de Stoke zl. Prox.. I 9.7 150 O Archidiac. 75.7d. Syn. Epiſc. Is. 6d.. Valet per ann. in. terr. gleb. 21. 8s. &c. The KING. 20 18 I BRANDON, alias BRANDON FERRY, R. (St. Peter,) with I 93 Valet per ann. 'in terr. gleb.. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Thomas Wright, Eſq. 1670, 1718. Rowland Holt, Eſq. 1742, 1772, p. i. 12 17 6 Elvedon, alias Elden, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Archidiac. I - 5 O 1500 75. 7d. Syn. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 59 41. &c. Robert Cooke, olim Patr. Thomas Breeſe, Gent, 1706. Edward Owen, Eſq. 1728. Thomas Criſp, Eſq. 17.40. 36 6 8. Eriſwell, alias Earſwell, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 7s. I 1:2 en 7d.} Penſ. Epiſc. Eli. 31. Syn. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Abb. Colcheſter 2!. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 155. &c. Sir Henry Bedingfield, olim Patr. Thomas Smith, Eſq. 1716. The Biſhop, 1764. Thomas Evans, Eſq. 1766, p.j. Tho- mas Ball, D. D. Patron and Incumbent, 1770. 5 Lcklingham O I 200 o 742 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK. 1. d. 12 17 100 O 0 22 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 6 Icklingham All Saints R. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 72.1 Syn. I 59 Epiſc . Is. 6d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Arthur Capell, olim Patr. Earl of Effex, 1700, 1727. Herbert Mayo, D. D. 1780, p. i. 13 9 6 Ixning. V. (St. Martin,) with Landwade. Prox. Archidiac. ' I 6 9 75. 7d.1 Syn. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 8d. in decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Battel, in Suſſex, Impr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 8 11 Mildenhall, vulgò Milner, V. (St. Mary.) Prox, Archi 2 4 9 diac. 75e7d. { Syn. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c: Mon. Bury Sti Edmundi, Propr. Sir Henry Warner, olim Patr. Anne King, 1714. John Hunt, 1736. Sir Tho. Cha. Bunbury, Bart. p. i. 1764: 10 17 6 Todenham, alias Tudenham, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. I 9 75. 7dot Syn. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Penſ. Thetford 21. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. 125. &c. . John Harvey, Eſq. 1698. Earl of Briſtol, 1749. 19 6 8 Worlington R. (All Saints.) Redd. Edw. Newell is. 6d. I 18 8 Redd. Magiſtro Tyndale 15. 6d. Prox. and Syn. 1os. 3d.; Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. 125. &c. Robert Warren, 1665. Lord Sandys, and Letithea his Wife, 1748. Chriſ- topher Bethel, Efq. and his Wife, p. i. 1783: 200 OO I 100 0 0 200 o O O O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 30 Cavenham V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. Epiſc. 1s. 6d. Valet per 5 5 10 60 ann. in terr. gleb. Il decim. oblat. &c. The KING. Colleg. de Stoke, Propr. 25 0 o Frekenham V. (St. Andrew.) Redd. Is. Prox. Archidiac. 3 15 25 75. Syn. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb, ios. 8d. in decim. oblat. &c. Penf. annua' rec. de Rector., 21. Vide terr. gleb. Rector. in Orig.. Rotul. Eliz. Sotherton, preſented to the Rectory and Vicarage, 1723. This Pariſh is in Rocheſter Dioceſe. 49 9 41 Herringfwell R. (St. Ethelbert.) Collegio Stoke 2s. 8d. 2.99! 70 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 70.£ Epifc. Is. 6d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 1os. &c. Sir Stephen Soame, olim Patr. Charles Wright and Anne his Wife, 1700. Grace Burton, 1740. John Holden, p. i. 1751. 6 Icklingham St. James R. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Syn. II II 51 85 00 Epiſc. Is. 68. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Ios. &c. Sir Thomas Holland, olim Patr. Sir John Holland, Bart. 1690. Daniel Gwilt, Efq. 1739, 1967, p.i. 6 Lakenheth, O O 44 II SUFFOLK. 743 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. s. 1. d. O O ОО o Valet Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 44 9 41 Lakenheth, alias Lakenheath, V. (St. Mary,) with Undley. 4 18 111 60 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. { Syn. Epile. Is. 6d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 135c 4d. in decim. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Ely, Propr. and Patr. The KING, 1784. 33 9 NEWMARKET St. Mary R. with Woodytton. Abb. Battel. 4 15 21 180 il. 6s. 8d. Prox. Archidiac. 45. Syn. Epiſc. 25. per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Sir Giles Allington, olim Patr. Hildebrand Allington, Efq. 1717. Marquis of Granby, and others, 1752. Duke of Rutland, 1782. o Wangford, alias Wainford, R. (St. Dennis,) with Brandon 9 11 81 Ferry. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Va- let per ann. in terr. gleb. 145. &c. John Southwell, Eſq. olim Patr. John Wright, Clerk, 1717. Rowland Holt, Eſq. p. i. 1750, 1772. 39 II NOT IN CHARGE. Mowton juxta Bury R. Sir Thomas Jermyn, Bart. 1674, 1685. Ditton C. (Omnium Sanctorum,) cum Wood Ditton. 50 0 0 Downham Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Ixworth, Propr. Mr. Wright. Wiken, alias Wicken, C. in co. Cant. Spinney Abbey, Propr. (which was near this place.) Heirs of the Earl of Orford, Patr. 9. Gippiſwick, alias Jpfwich, in the Archdeaconry of SUF FOLK. The Monaſtery or Priory of St. Trinity Gippiſwick was re- turned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 881. 6s. gd. after the Deductions were made agreable to the Inſtructions. Vide Orig. Surv. 1 RES DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK. REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Ténths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo d, d. 1. I 4 12 Stoke St. Mary R. Synods and Proxies 75. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 2l. &c. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 8 13 9 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1"early Value. King's Boots - 33 13 8 St. Helen's R. with St. Clement in IPSWICH. Syn. Epiſc. is. 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 41. 185. 10d. &c. Mr. Ap- pleton, olim Patr. Ann Docking, 1743. Thomas Adkin, 1753. John Greene Baſeley, 1770, p. i. 19 19 St. Matthew's R. The KING, 50 5 2 St. Stephen's R. Synods and Proxies 75. 6d. Valet in decim. 4.12 81 granor. &c. Sir Edmund Withipoll, olim Patr. Lord He- reford, 1684. Thomas Fonnereau, Eſq. 1772. 5 o 0 0 0 NOT IN CHARGE. All Saints Cur. In Ipſwich, deſtructa. St. Auſtin's Cur. In Ipſwich, deſtructa. Caldwell Cur. In Ipſwich, deſtructa. St. Clement's Cur. with St. Helen's R. Ro. Brook, Efq. 1699. Philip Brook, Eſq. 1735, to St. Clement's only. Thomas Adkin, 1753 St. George's Cur. In Ipſwich, deſtructa. St. John's Cur. In Ipſwich, deſtructa. St. Laurence Cur. Pri. Trinity in Ipſwich. The Pariſhioners. 61. certified Value. St. Margaret's Cur. Pri. Trinity in Ipſwich, Propr. Thomas Fonnereau, Eſq. lol. certified Value. St. Mary at the Elmes Cur. Pri. Trinity in Ipfwich, Propr. The Pariſhioners, 1778. 91. certified Value. St. Mary at the Key Cur. Pri. St. Trinity's in Ipſwich, Propr. The Pariſhioners, 1764: 25l. certified Value. St. Mary at the Tower Cur. Pri. Trinity in Ipſwich, Propr. The Pariſhioners, 1779. 60l certified Value. St. Mildred Cur. Deſtructa. St. Nicholas SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 745 St. Nicholas Cur. Pri. St. Peter's in Ipſwich, Propr. The Pariſhioners, 1755 101. certified Value. St. Peter's Cur. Pri. St. Peter's in Ipſwich, Propr. Thomas Fonnereau, Eſq. 1764, 1770. 301. certified Value. D. Hartiſmert, in the Archdeaconry of SUDBURY: The Monaſtery of Eye was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 161l. 25. 3d. The Monaſtery of Redlingfield was likewiſe returned at 674 os. Id. A more I. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. 1. d. 19 12 O O p. . I 7 Ο ο LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tentho, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 31 Backton, alias Baketon, R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods I 19 21 150 8s. 4d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. &c. 15. 16s. 8d. &c. Sir John Prettyman, olim Patr. Thomas Syer, Gent. 1663. John Needham, John Symonds, and John Ramp- ley, 1695. Elizabeth Cockſedge, Widow, 1722. Sarah Barker, Widow, p. i. 1743. John Barker, Eſq. p. i. 1770. 13 10 10 Burgate R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Syn. I 7 I 130 Epiſc. 15. 5d. Valet per ann. in terr. 31. os. 8d. &c. Sir Edmund Bacon, olim Patr. John Holt, Efq. 1720. Rowland Holt, Eſq. 1764. John Patteſon, Eſq. 1782, p. i. 15 IO 21 Cotton R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 8d. Syn. I II 0 Epiſc. Is. 5d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 16s. &c. Peter Prettyman, Gent. 1702. Barton Prettyman, Eſq. 1743 II 14 © Eve V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 1 3 51 Syn. Epiſc. 9d. Priori Eye is. Redd. 2d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. in decim. &c. Mon. Eye, Propr. Nicholas Grace, 1698. Thomas Burdus, Eſq. 1724, 1728. John Sayer, Eſq. p. i. 1745. Earl Cornwallis, p. 26 1 51 Gellingham, alias Gillingham, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archi- diac. 6s. 8d. Syn, Epiſc. 15. IId. Priori Eye 35. 4d. Valet I 20 O O : 100 o O i. 1784. 2 1 2 200 O 5 C 746 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. SUFFOLK. " V. . King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1.- s. d. 2. S. d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 41. 6s. &c. Michael Beding- field, Eſq. olim Patr. Charles Pleys, Sen. Clerk, 1707. Charles Bedingfield, Eſq. p. i. 1728. Letitia Bedingfield, Spinſter, 1770, p. i. 9 15 Melles, alias Mellis, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 8s. Id. 0 19 6 Syn. Epiſc. 45. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 135. 4d. &c. The KING. 14 9 I 150 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 185. 8d. in decim. oblat. &c. Dec. & Cap. Ciceſt. Propr. Thomas Goodwin, Eſq. olim Patr. Edmund Shepperd, Eſq. 1697. Thomas Brame, this Turn, 1714. James Chilton, Clerk, 1745. Thomas Groſs, Gent, and Pleaſance Colliſon, Widow, 1776, p. ОО 110 O 2 8 11 O h. v. 1 O O 19 II I 20 O O 19 si Occold, alias Ocolt, R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods I 18 1 170 8s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 41. 125. 11d. 1 &c. Mr. Daſſet, olim Patr. Sir Andrew Hacket, Knight, 1681. Robert Malyn, 1745. John Gibbs, Clerk, p. i. 1768 9 4 91 Okeley R. (St. Nicholas,) with Brome. Proxies and Synods 0.18 58 125. 10d. Domino Duci Suff . 55. 8d. Cum Okeley Parva. (St. Peter.) Eccl. deſtructa. Valet per ann. 195. 4d. &c. Thomas Cornwallis, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis, 1720, 1774. 3 Palgrave R. (S:. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. and Syn. Epiſc. I 19 I 85. gd. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il 8s. &c. Sir Thomas Cornwallis, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis, 1711, 1755. Counteſs of Cornwallis, p. b. v. 1766. 7 13 11 Rifhangles R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 0 15 3 80 Syn. Epiſc. 1s. 4d. Rectori de Stoke Aſh 2l. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 31. 185. &c. Sir Harbottle Grimſton, olim Patr. Edward Vernon, 1720. The Biſhop, 1740. Lord Orwell, 1770, p. i. 3 Stoke Aſh R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s, 8d. Syn. 2 il Epiſc. Is. 4d. Pri. de Eye 45. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. 155. port. rec. de Prior. de Butteley il. 1os. port. rec. de Rector. de Thorndon 135. 4d. port. rec. de Rilhangles 21. &c. Sir Henry Bokenham, olim Patr. Walſingham Bokenham, Gent. 1712. Thomas Tyrrel Bokenham, 1729, William Garrood, Clerk, 1755, p. h. v. 24 II 101 Thorndon R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods gs. Id.] 2 9 2 25° 0 0 Pri. de Eye 135. 4d. Rectori de Stoke Ah 135. 4d. Valet per ann. iu terr. gleb. 71. 35. 4d. &c. Sir John Prettyman, & alij olim Pati Jo. Howchin, George Girling, and 0 1 1 110 O O their SUFFOLK. 747 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. Kings O O King's Books. Icarly Tenths, 1. Se d. 1. d. their Wives, 1704. Thomas Howes, 1724. Thomas Howes, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1773, p. i. 13 6 8 Thrandeſton, alias Franſton, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Ar- Prox. Ar- 1 6 8 170 chidiac. 75. 70.1 Syn. Is. 5d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Frederick Cornwallis, olim Patr. Lord Cornwal- lis, 1709, 1759. 33 9 2 Wetheringſet, cum Broxford, alias Brockford, R. (All Saints.) 3 6 in 300 Prox, 75. 7d.Syn. Epiſc. 15. 5d. Rectori de Stoke Aſh 55. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 71. &c. Sir Stephen Soame, olim Patr. Mary Gibſon, alias Brittiffe, 1715. Edmund Jenney, Eſq. 1745. James Jackſon, Eſq. p. i. 1774 81 Wortham Everard, or Southmore, R. Mediety. (St. Mary.) I 6 31 Prox. Archidiac. 35. 9d.z Syn. Epiſc. uid. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 16s. 4d. &c. Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Patr. Acton, Eſq. 1720. Nathaniel Acton, Eſq. 1739. John Patteſon, Eſq. 1782, p. i. Conſolidated with 13 CI Worthamn Jervis, or Eaſt Gate, R. the other Mediety. (St. I I 6 Il Mary.) Proxies and Synods 45. 6d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 45. &c. Sir Anthony Felton, olim Patr. John Holt, Eſq. 1720. Rowland Holt, Eſq. 1761, 1772, p. i. John Patteſon, Eſq. 1782, p. i. 6 6 51 Yaxley R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Syn. Epiſc. O 12 71 80 15. 3d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. George Johnſon, olim Patr. John Clarke, Gent. 1703, 1739, 1746. John Gibbs, Clerk, p. h. v. 1767. 13 2 I 0 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. o оо Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 42 13 4 4. Brefworth, alias Braiſeworth, alias Braſier, R. Proxies and 4 8 lj so Synods 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 15. 11d. Pri. Eye 35. 4d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 25. &c. William Cole- man, olim Patr. Suſan Payne, 1691. Lord Cornwallis, 1737, 1756. 44 II Brome R. 2 Med. (St. Mary,) with Oakley. Pri. Thetford 10 0 21 160 135. 4d. Pri. Eye 55. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. IS. 3d. Valet per ann. in tcrr. gleb. il. 6s. 2d. &c. Sir Thomas Cornwallis, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis, 1705, 1774. 48 IL 3 Fenningham, alias Finningham, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. 10 10 5 80 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Edm. Cotton, Gent. olim Patr. “Jo. Frere, 1667. Edward Frere, Eſq. p.i. 1722, 1728, 1730. 3 Ç 2 Redgrave, . 748 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. s. LE ΙΙο O o 43 II IOR 0 0 O o 34 II Clear Yearly Value. Kingºs Books 1. d. d. 48 10 8 Redgrave, with BOTESDALE, alias BU D'ESDALE, R. (St. Bo- 25. 7 tolph.) Proxies and Synods 85. 110.1 Penf. Amarri Bury St. Edmunds 135. 4d. Hoſpitular. Bury 45. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. 8s. 6d. &c. Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Patr. Sir John Holt, Knight, 1709. Rowland Holt, Eſq. p. i. 1778. 4 Rekenhall, alias Rykinghall Superior, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 9.13. 11. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Pri. Eye 6s. 7d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. Is. 6d. &c. Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Patr. Roland Holt, Eſq. 1712. Rowland Holt, Eſq. 1742. 31 13 4 Sturſton R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 55. Syn. Epiſc. 6 16- 8, 70 Is. 3d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 175. 2d. &c. Sir Thomas Cornwallis, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis, 1713; 1755. 9 Thwaite, alias Thweyt, alias Wheight, R. (St. George.) 6 3 5 60 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. Is. 5d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb, 135. &c. Sir William Soame, olim Patro- Sir Robert Reve, Bart. 1688. Elias Mayer, this Turn, 1711. Duke of Norfolk, 1713. John Shepherd, Eſq. and his Wife, 1722. Robert Williams, Gent. 1740. Sir Samuel Prime, Knight, and his Wife, 1775. 01 Thornham Magna, alias Pylecocks, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 7 II Archidiac. 75. 72.1 Syn. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Pri. de. Eye 452 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 1l. 105. &c. Sir Henry Bo- kenham, olim Patr. Charles Killigrew, Eſq. 1712, 1744. Charles Tyrrell, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1768, p.i. Conſolidated in 1744 with 28 13 3 Thornham Parva R. Proxies and Synods 6s. 5d. Pri. de Eye 4 14 41 105 55. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 195. 8d. &c. Sir Henry Bokenham, olim Patr. Charles Killigrew, Eſq. 1702, 1727. Charles Tyrrell, Clerk, Patron and Incum- bent, 1768, p. i. o Wiverſtone R. (St. George.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 8 14 91 80 0 Epiſc. 15. Iid. Pri. de Eye 35. 4d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 10s. &c. Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Patr. Thomas Barnardiſton, Eſq. p. i. 1707, 1721, 1739. 3 Weſthorpe K. (St. Margaret.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 4 18 1} 70 Epiſc. 15, 11d. Valet per ann. terr. gleb. 6s. &c. Mau- rice Barrowe, olim Patr. Henry Shelton, Eſq. 1688. Poley Clayton, M. D. 1729. Arabella Taylor, p. i. 1746. Margaret Steggall, Widow, 1767. Wickam Skeith R. (St. Andrew.) Valet per ann. terr. gleb. 5 8 13 60 Es. &c. Mr. Freeſton, olim Patr. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Bart. 47 IO O O 31-II 43 II O 40 10 I SuXFOLK. 749 DIOCESE OF NORW IC H. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. le do to so de Bart. 1663. Sir William Godbold, Ķnight, 1670. Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart. 1725. Sir Armine Wodhouſe, Bart. 1768. John Wodehouſe, Eſq. 1775, p. i. CURACIES. Aſpall Cur. Pri. Butley, Propr. Mary Crooke, Widow, p. i. 1756. Redlingfield, alias Ridelingfield, Cur. Pri. Redlingfield, Propr. William Adair, Eſq. p. i. 1.7720- D. Horne, alias horon, in the Archdeaconry of Suffolk. The College of Wingfield was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value, after the De- ductions were made agreeable to the Inſtructions, of 691. 145. 5d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. 1. S. d. 1. 2 200 0 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 22 16 8 Badingham R. (St. John Baptift.) Terr. gleb. cum fit. rector. 5 8 ibidem per ann. 31. 135. 5d. &c. Syn Epiſc. Prox. Archi- diac. 1os. 2d. Prior. Sti Fid. 11. 6s. 8d. Reginald Rowſe, Eſq. olim Patr. Henry Blomfield, Eſq. 1679. Elizabeth Blomfield, Widow, 1727. Jeremy. Pemberton, Clerk, p. i. 17.62. 3 IT of Carlton R. (St. Peter.) John Bence, Efq. 1705. 201. certi 07:11 fied Value. With 5 Kelyhall, alias Kelliſhall, alias Kelſale, R. (St. Mary,) 2 o 01 conſolidated 1679. Duci Norf. Domino Maner. Id. Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. ibidem 3l. 175. &c. Sir Thomas Holland, olim Patr. John Bence, Eſq. 1705. Alexander Bence, Eſq. 1757. George Golding, Eſq. p. i. 1770. Dennington 20 0 I 750 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. s. O 75. 6d. 0 0 12 I 20 O I 2 I 100 King's Books. Yearly Tentbs, 1. d. I. 36 3 4 Deonington R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Archidiac. 3 12 4 250 Valet in terr, gleb. 117. 135. 8d. decim. &c. John Rouſe, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Johu Rouſe, Bart. 1683, 1726. Lydia Rous, 1741. Sir John Rous, Bart. 1771. Beeſton Long, Eſq. p.i. 1784. 17 17 1 Freſſingfield V *. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Witherſdale. I 15 8] 250 Coll. Norwich, in the Field, Propr. Decim. oblat. herbag. lactag. &c. Emanuel College, Cambridge. 7 Horham R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 85. I 4 81 4d. Penſ. Vic. Hoxne 35. 6d. Pri. Brownwell 55. Rectori Allington 155. 4d. Peni. Vicario de Denham is. 4d. Terr. gleb. cum fit. rector: ibidem per ann. 1l. 175. 7d. &c. Sir Edward Coke, olim Paer. Thomas Coke, Eſq. 1716. Earl of Leiceſter, 1746. Sir Gerard William Van Neck, Bart. 1783 3 64 Hoxne, alias Hoxon, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Valet in 4 41 terr. gleb. 185. 8d. in decim. oblat. &c. cum quad. port. annuat. rec. Rector. de Hòrham 3s. iod. Biſhop of Nor- wich, Propr. Sir Robert Southwell, olim Patr. William Maynard, Eſq. 1690. Charles Maynard, 1743. Thomas Maynard, Eſq. 1772, p. i. 19 5 21 Soham Monks R. (St. Peter.) Syn. Epiſc. Is. 1od. Prox. I 18 61 150 Archidiac. 75. 6d. Penſ. Abb. Bury Sti Edmundi 15. Terr. gleb. cum fit. rector, ibidem per ann. 61. &c. Sir Lionel Talmach, olim Patr. Edmund Clench, Gent. 1663. Sa- muel Ray, Sen. this Turn, 1706. Anthony Deane, Eſq. p. i. 1757, 1759. 26 6 101 Wilby R. (St. Mary.) Terr. gleb. cum fit. rector. per ann. 2 12 81 150 51. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Thomas Wingfield; olim Patr. Sir Robert Wingheld, Bart. and Sir John Jacob, Knight, 1662. Samuel Ray, this Turn, 1699. Thomas Ray, Clerk, 1766. Sarah Cobbold, Widow, 1767, p. 1 .i. 31 Worlingworth R. (St. Mary,) with SouTHWOLD Chap. (St. i 19 21 Margaret.) Syn. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 73.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. decim. &c. John Thurſton, olim Patr. Edward Barker, Eſq. 1704. William Ranſome, Clerk, 1761. Catherine Buckle, Spinſter, 1780, p. i. o o 19 12 120 O O * Freſlingfield V.-Augmented with a confiderable Eſtate in Fee Farm Rents by Dr. Sandcroft, late Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 304. LIVINGS SUFFOLK. 751 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. l. S. d. 2 O O 0 0 O O O 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. i d. 299 8 Athelington, alias Allington, R. (St. Peter.) Syn. Epiſc. 4 14 70 25. Prox. Archidiac. 45. Pri. Sanctæ Fidis 35. 4d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. Il. &c. The KING. 48 10 4 Bedfield R. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. Epiſc. 4d. Archidiac. 75. 14 O 60 6d. Penf. Pri. Eye il. Terr. gleb. cum fit. rector. ibidem per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. John Cornwallis, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir John Rouſe, Bart. 1720. Lydia Rous, 1742. Sir John Rous, Bart. 1775. 49 5 8 Bedingfield V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Snape, Propr. Thomas 8 oa 60 Bedingfield, Eſq. olim Patr. John Bedingfield, Clerk, 1720. Philip Bedingfield, Eſq. p. i. 1762, 1770. 39 9 8 Denham V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. Epiſc. 25, Prox. Ar- 5 O 10 70 chidiac. 45. Terr. gleb. cum fit. vicar. ibidem per ann. 1l. 6s. 8d. in decim. herbag. lactag. oblat. &c. Pri. Norwich, Propr. Sir Thomas Southwell, olim Patr. William Maynard, Eſq. 1690. Thomas Maynard, Eſq. 1730. Lord Maynard, 1772, p. i. 44 9 10 Laxfield, alias Layfield, V. (All Saints) with Cratfield. 9 13 4 130 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. Pri. de Eye 41. 45. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 95. 4d. per ann, decim. herbag, lac- tag. minut. profic. &c. Mon. Eye, Propr. Earl of Ox- *** ford, 1684. Thomas Coke, Eſq. 1719. Lord Lovel}, 1743. Sir Joſhua Van Neck, p. i. 1758. 234 7. Mendham V. (Al Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Pri. Mendham 5 5 21 70 135. Ad. Pri. ibidem 25. Pretium gallinæ & centum ovo- rum, in denar. folut. decim. herbag. oblat. &c. Pri. Mend- ham, Propr. Antonius Goſnald, olim Patr. Stephen Bax- ter, Gent. 1685. Thomas Whitaker, Clerk, 1737. Ur- ſula Whitaker, Widow, 1754, 1778, 1780, p. i. 33 9 10 Stradbrooke V. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Archi- 9 18 61 6o diac. 75. 61. Terr. gleb. cum fit. vicar. 35. 6d. decim. her- bag. Iatag. &c. Pri. Mendham, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. o Tattington, alias Tanington, V. (St. Ethelbert,) with Brun- 12 10 21 ditch Chap. (St. Andrew.): Proxies and Synods 10s. 6d. Sir Walter Devereux, olim Patr. Bilhcp of Rocheſter, Patr. p. i. 26 9 2 Waybred V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archi. 4 15 70 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Butteley, Propr. Francis Morris, olim Patr. Bar- bara Aſhley, Widow, 1690. Philips Colman, Gent. 1753. Peter Edge, Clerk, 1778. 3 Wetherſdale O O 45 10 66 O O o diac. 75. 752 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1, S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookse 1. s. d. 41 14 4. Wetherſdale R. (St. Mary Magdalen,) with Freſſingfield. 6 16 8 60 0 Franciſcus Jermy, Eſq. olim Patr. Francis Sandcroft, Gent. 1681. Emanuel College, Cambridge. O NOT IN CHARGE, 20 oo Metfield *, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Mendham. The Pas riſhioners. 80 Silehám Vorf (St. Mary.) Coll. Wingfield, Propr. Iſabell Barry, and Ann Barry, Spinſters, 1776. 80 o Aldringham, (St. Andrew,) cum Thorpe Cur. (St. Mary.) Mo. Leiſton, Propr. Mr. Harvey. 30 oo Wingfield Cur. (St. Andrew.) Coll. Wingfield, Propr. Biſhop of Norwich, Patr. O D. Looſe, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. The Monaſtery of Butteley, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value of 3181. 175. 2 d. The Monaſtery of Woodbridge was likewiſe returned at sol. The Priory of Letheringham was likewiſe returned at 26. 18s. 5d. Vide Orig. Sury. in Offic. Primit. for Particulars. 3s. 5d.] * Metfield.-Lands ſettled on the Curate there to the Value of 5211. 1os. by Mr. Chapman, Mi- niſter of Thorpe near Norwich. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 329. + Sileham V.-The impropriate Tythes thereof ſettled on the Vicarage by Mr. Anthony Barry of Sileham. It had been formerly given to the proper Uſes of Wingfield College in that Neighbourhood, and the Rectory wholly impropriated without any Vicarage endowed, or any Maintenance fixed for ſerving the Cure. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 324. An additional Benefaction of a Houſe and a Cloſe of three Acres given thereto by Mr. Chriſtopher Barry. Ibid. p. 325. LIVINGS SUFFOLK, 953 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 2. d. O o LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. s. 1. di 14 5 Alh near Campſey, alias Campſey Aſh, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) I 8 6 150 0 Prox. and Syn. 10s. 2d. Redd. Pri. Campſey idź Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. &c. Earl of Suffolk, olim Patr. Deborah Brame, Widow, 1719. Elizabeth Braham, and others, p. i. 1751, 1778, 1784. 43 6 8 FRAMLINGHAM R. (St. Michael,) with Saxted Chapel. (All 4 6 8 500 Saints.) Rectori Ketibear. 25. Vicar. Parham 25. Redd. Duci Norf. 10$. iod. Syn. 10s. 8d. Decim. granor. &c. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. 8 0 Kenton V. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. gs. 11d. Redd. 16 Pri. de Redlingfield is. Pri. Butley, Propr. Valet in terr. gleb. cont. 16 acr. cum ſit. vicar. ibidem 11, in decim. gra- nor. oblat. &c. Framlingham Gandy, Eſq. olim Patr. Anthony Sturt, Eſq. and James Groundman, Gent. 1711. George Pitt, Eſq. 1735. Lady Jane Brydges, 1772, p.i. 8 13 4 Mownden, alias Monewden, alias Monowden, R. (St. Mary.) 0 17 4 Prox. and Syn. 8s. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. cont. 36 acr. cum fit, rector. ibidem 21. &c. Sir Lionel Talmach, olim Patr. Earl of Leiceſter, 1704. Henry Maſterman, Efq. p. i. 1752, 1763. 24 13 4. Rendleſham R. (St. Gregory.) Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 9 4 300 31. 6s. 8d. in decim. &c. Prox. and Syn. gs. jod. The KING, o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. I 0 I Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 43 19 11 Beyton, alias Beynton, alias Boyton, R. (St. Andrew.) Valet 5 12 50 0 in decim. granor. &c. Prox. and Syn. gs. 4d. William Forth, Gent. olim Patr. Anne Warner, Widow, 1697, 1733. Lord Hereford, and others, 1741. Sir John Rous, Bart. and others, 1764. 28 I 10 Boulge, (St. Michael,) with Debache, R, (All Saints.) Prox. 3. 12 and Syn. 10s. 8 d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſcit. reétor. ibid. per ann. Il. &c. Thomas Seckford, Eſq. olim Parr. Tho- mas North, 1710. Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. 1734. Ro- bert Reynolds, Clerk, 1779, Patron and Incumbent. 41 9 7 Brandeſton R. (All Saints.) Redd. Maner. 15. Prox. and 8 13 4 Syn. 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 21. &c. Charles Seckford, olira 5 D 754 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 100 gleb.com 45 12 60 0 o 41 2 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books: 1. s. d. be olim Patr. William Eeles, Daniel Scot, and John Ellicock, 1724. Nicholas Criſpe, and others, 1760, 1770. 42 9 5 Creetingham, alias Gretingham, V. (St. Andrew.). Maner. 9. 10 10 Framíden in Augmentatione Vicar. ibidem 6s. 8d. Colleg. de Dinnington Is. 6d. Pri. St. Peter's, Ipſwich, Propr. Valet in terr. cum fcit. vicar. ibidem il. 125. 3d.] in 13 decim. granor. oblat. &c. The KING. 9 Eſton, alias Eaſton, R. (All Saints.) Capella de Segenho 10 18 61 155. Prox. and Syn.95. 11d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 15. 4d. &c. Sir Anthony Wingfield, olim Patr. William Churchill, Eſq. 1707. Earl of Rochford, 1742, 1745. Richard Sa- vage Naſſau, Eſq: 1779. Earl of Rochford, 1784, p. i. o (All .) andSynrod 50 Feod. Cur. ibidem 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. cont. 24 acr. cum ſcit. rector. ibidem al. 45. -6d. in redd. affiſ. 145. 2d. &c. Earl of Suffolk, olim Patr. Henry Boughton, 1689. Nathaniel Rye, Clerk, 1743. Jacob Chilton, Clerk, Pa- tron and Incumbent, p. i. 1773: 22 18 31 Hatcheſton, alias Hacheſton, with Parham. V. (All Saints.) 6 1 10 Prox. and Syn. gs. 6d. Decim. lactag. herbag. oblat. lan. &c. Pri. Hickling, Propr. Edmund Warren, Eſq. olim Patr. Clement Corrance, Eſq. 1708. Jolin Corrance, Eſq. 1739. William Caſtle, Eſq. and others, 1753. 47 Marlesford R. (St. Andrew.) Penf. Pri. Sanctæ Fidis 13s. e Fidis 135.968 70 4d. Syn. gs. 6d. Valet. in terr. gleb. cum fcit. 'rector. ibidem il. 25. 7d. &c. Sir William Devereux, olim Patr. Stephen Newcomen, Gent. 1698. Robert Williams, Gent. 1740. Robert Williams and Sarah his Wife, 1775; pi i. Parham V. (St. Mary,) conſolidated with Hatcheſton. Pri. 60 Hickling, Propr. Thomas Wingfield, Eſq. olim Patr.. Jo. Corrance, Eſq. Clement Corrance, Eſq. 1733 j William Caſtle, Eſq. and others, 1753, p. i. O O O 20 O O CURACIES. Charsfield, alias Chaſefield, Cur. (St. Peter.) Pri. Lethering- ham, Propr. William Leman, Gent. William Jennens, Eſq. 81. certified Value. Hoo Cur. (St. Andrew and St. Euftachius.) Pri. Letheringham, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. Letheringham Cur. (St. Mary.) Olim a Priory. William Leman, Gent. D. Lothing- SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 735 d. d. o O O d. . . . D. Lothingland, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. The Monaſtery of Heringfleet was returned to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, temp. H. VIII, the clear annual Sum of 49. 115. 7d. Vide Orig. Sury. in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectoriés, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. I. 28 Bradwell R. (St. Nicholas.) Redd. Domino Maner. 25. Syn. 2. 16 I 25 and Prox. gs. 7d. Valet in terr. gleb. 45. &c. Sir John Wentworth, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Allen, Knt. 1683. Peter Scott, p. h. v. 1717. Samuel Kellett, 1733, p. h. v. William Turner, Eſq. p. h. v. 1767. 14 13 4 Oldton, alias Owlton, R. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 1os. I 9 4 Valet in terr. gleb. Il. 1os. in decim. &c. Edward Hobart, olim Patr. Dorothy Reve, Widow,. 1702, Gerard Van Heythuyſen, Efq. 1720. John Marſton, 1758, p. h. v. Executors of John Marſton, p. h. v. 1774. Somerlton, alias Somerleyton, R. ($t. Mary.) Sir John I 4 o Wentworth, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Allen, Bart. 1690, 1732. Mary Love, Widow, p. h. V. 1770. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. GED. AD Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, Belton R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 7d. Valet in 17 15 0 ο Ο terr. gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. in decim. granor. &c. The Bi- ſhop 46 4 8 Blundeſton R. (St. Mary,) with Flixton. Syn. and Prox. 8s. 13. 6 S 80 Sydnor, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Thomas Allen, 1690, 1726. Mary Love, Widow, p. h. v. 1770. I Borrough, alias Burgh, Caſtle R. (St. Peter.) Redd. 4d. Syn. 6 13 4 350 and Prox. IOS. Valet in terr. gleb. il. in decim. granor. &c. The KING. 24 I Carlton Covell R. (St. Peter.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Ar- 12 10 71 400 chidiac. 75. Valet in terr. gleb. gs. decim. &c. Edward 5 D 2 Bruce, 100 O I2 0 0 0 IOO 0 31 16 I 200 O 44 6 0 0 O 756 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 1 10 O O O O O O 20 IO O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. S. de I. s. da Bruce, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Richard Allen, Bart. 1719. Charles Hall, Clerk, p. h. V. 1764. Sir Alhurſt Allin, Bart. 1770, p.i. Corton V. (St. Bartholomew.) Abb. Layſton, Propr. The 55 KING. 14. Flixton R. (St. Andrew,) cum Blundeſton. Sir John Went- worth, olim Patr. Sir Richard Allen, Bart. 1703, 1726. Matth. Britton, 1727. Mary Love, Widow, p. h. v. 1770. 39 17 9 Freton, aljas Freeton, alias Fritton, R. (St. Edmund.) Śyn. 6 13 4 50 and Prox. 75. gd. Valet in terr. gleb. 105. decim. &c. William Sydnor, Eſq. oliin Patr. Thomas Allen, 1675. George Clarke, Gent. this Turn, 1720. Elizabeth Clarke, Widow, 1726, 1727. James Buşkin, Clerk, 1742. Sarah Allins, Widow, p.i. 1767. Gunton R. (St. Peter.) Syn. Epiſc. Is. Prox. Archidiac, 45. 5 6 8 Valet in terr. gleb. 125. 8d. decim. granor. &c. Dorothy Holle, 1692, 1694. Dorothy and Penelope Holle, 1702. Hewling Lufon, Eſq, 1758. Sir Charles Saunders, p. i. 1774. 46 16 9 Gurlſton, alias Gorleſton, V. (St. Andrew,) cum Southtown, II os 60 alias Yarmouth, R. (St. Nicholas.) Conſolidated in 1520. Syn. and Prox. 135. 5d. Epifc. Norw. 55. Valet in decim. herbag. lactag. &c. Owen Smith, Eſq. olim Patr. Chriſ- topher Bedingfield, Eſq. 1705, 1722. John Aſtley, Clerk, p.i. 1777: 429 71 Gylleham, alias Giſelham, R. (Holy Trinity.) Syn. and Prox. 13 6 8 160 85. 19d. Valet in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. in decim. granor. &c. The KING. 16 0 o Halkby, alias "Aſhby, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc . Is. 1d. 6 .. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 8s. 6d. decim. granor. &c. Sir John Wentworth, olim Patr. Sir Richard Allen, Bart. 1707. Sir Thomas Allen, Bart. 1726, 1757, p. i. • Kirkley All Saints, alias Tyrkele, alias Thirkely, R. Syn. 5 6 101 Epiſc. is. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 70,1 Valet in terr. gleb. 125. decim. &c. Edward Hobart, Eſq. olim Patr. Ro- bert Richman, Eſq. 1697. Charles Hall, Clerk, 1748. Charles Garneys, Eſq. p. i. 1770. o Kiſſingland, alias Keifſingland, V. * (St. Edmund.) Redd. Is. 10 90 8d. Ecclefiæ Cath. Norw. 25. Prox. and Syn. Ios. 2d. O O O 15 10 42 10 O * Killingland V.-Augmented by ſeveral Contributions collected by Mr. William Whiſton. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 330, Valet 4 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 757 . 0 .6d. in decim. granor. oblat. &c. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. I. d. Valet in terr. gleb, cum fcit. vic. ibid. 31. in dec. gran. oblat. &c. Pri. of the Minories, London, Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. 40 10 3 Lound R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. Epiſc. 15. id. Prox. 8 ös 50 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. 1os. in decim. &c. Sir John Wentworth, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Allen, Bart. 1691. Samuel Killett, p. h. v. 1733. William Turner, Eſq. p. h. v. 1.767. 43 16 6 LOWYSTOFT, alias LOWESTOFF, alias LEYSTOFT, V. (St. Mar- 10 I 01 150 garet.) Syn. Epiſc. 8d.} Prox. 8s. 3d. Valet in terr. gleb. Il. in decim. herbag. &c. Mon. Sti Bartholomei, London, Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. 30 19 3 Mutford V. (St. Andrew,) with Barnaby, alias Barnby, R. 7.17 7 1 45 00 (St. John Baprift.) Sýn. and Prox. 25. 8d. Valet in terr. : vil and Caius College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 29 I Pakefield R. both Medieties (AH Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 14 40 85.4d. Valent in terr. gleb. 8s. 9d. &c. Edward Hobart, Efq. and Sir Thomas Playters, olim Patr. Daniel Procter, Eſq. 1697. The KING, 1743. William Leman, Gent. 1766. Robert Nelfon, Gent. p. h. y. 1780. 25 Ruſhinere R. (All Saints.) Redd. 15. Prox. and Syn. 85. 3d. ☺ 6 8 40 Valet in terr. gleb. 85. 6d. in decim. granor. &c. Edward Hobart, Eſq. olim Patr. Timothy Stamp, 1714. Ri- chard Garneys, Eſq. 1742. Robert Barker, Gent. p. h. 7. 1756. O O I O O O O оо NOT IN CHARGE. Heringflete Ch. (St. Margaret.) Mon. Heringflete, Propr. Mr. Muffenden. 100 O O Hopton C.* (St. Mary.) Dean and Chapter of Norwich, Patr. and Propr. * Hopton.-Augmented by the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, by granting a Leaſe of the Rectory to the Miniſter. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 332 9. Drford, 758 SUFFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. Drford, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. The Monaſtery of Bruſyard, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spiritu- alities, the clear annual Sum of 561. 25. id. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 1. S. d. d. 20 O O o o 12 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, fushaj Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. Blaxhall R. (St. Peter.) Syn. 35. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. 2 Redd. Maner. 1d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. ibi- dem 31.6s. 8d. &c. John and Alexander Bence, Eſqrs. 1706. Mary Martin, Widow, 1737. Letitia Jackſon, p. i. 1762. 6 Clenbam, alias Glemham Parva, R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and 70 Prox. 85. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 8s. 5d. &c. Sir Henry Glemham, olim Patr. Dudley North, Eſq. 1717, 1749. Ann Herbert, Widow, 1779, p. i. 8 14 41 Sternefield R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. 8d. O 17 58 80 Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 31. 6s. 8d. in decim. granor. &c. Sir John Gawdery, Bart. 1691. Dudley North, Eſq. 1739. Charles Long, Eſq. 1780. 33 6 8 Sudbourn R. (All Saints,) with ORFORD Chap. (St. Bartho. 3 6 8 300 lomew.) · Prox, and Syn, Ios. 6d. Pri. Elienſ. 105. Va- let in terr. gleb. cum ſit. rector. ibidem 5s. 4d. in decim. granor. &c. The KING. 9 2 81 Sweftling R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 0 18 31 75. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. gs. 2d. &c. Petrus Leigh, olim Patr. Sarah Fleetwood, Widow, 1717. Ri- chard Jenkenſon, p. h. v. 1737. Elizabeth Copland, 1778. O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books, 41 3 ALDEBURGH, alias ALDBOROUGH, V. * (St. Peter and St. 33 6 8 55 Paul,) cum Cap. de Hallewood (St. Mary.) Deſtructa. Syn. O O * ALDEBURGH.--This in the orignal Record is called a Rectory, Epiſc. SUFFOLK. 759 DIOCESE of NORWIC H. : O O 2 44 18 оо Clear l'early Value. King's Books, 1. Sod. 1. S. d. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Feod. Seneſcalli 6s. 8d. Abb. Colcheſter, Propr. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. il. in perquiſ. cur. 6s. 8d. decim. granor. oblat. &c. John Graunge, Geut, olim Parr. John Bence, Eſq. 1702. Earl of Strafford, 1729, 1755, 1769. 28 16 Benhall V. (St. Mary.) Syn. is. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 7 1 3 35 25. 6d. in quad. penf. rec. de Prior. de Butteley in prompt. denar. Il. 6s. 8di in gran. ad valor. il. 125. 8 d. decim. her- bag. lactag. &c. Mon. Eye, Propr. Sir Henry Glemham, oliin Patr. Sir John Duke, Bart. 1702. Sir Edward Duke, 1725. John Rulh, Eſq. p. i. 1764, 33 6 Chefilford, alias Chillisford R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 5 3 4 40 55. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 1l. 6s. 8d. &c. Lord Abergavenny, olim Patr. Theophilus Hook, 1700. Dudley North, Eſq. 1720. William Symonds, 1739. Montague North, Clerk, 1754. George Bitton, Gent. 1781, p. i. Cransford, alias Cranyford, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 6 13 4 50 6s. 8 d. Epifc. 25. Abb. Sybton 21. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. Vicar. ibidem ili ros. in decim. granor. oblat. &c. Mon. Sybton, Propr. Duke of Norfolk, olim Patr., Law- rence Echard, Clerk, this Turn, 1696. Elizabeth Blom- field, Widow, 1743. Jeremy Pemberton, Clerk, p. i. 1762. 41 17 4 Eken, alias Iken, R. (St. Botolph.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 8d. 6 13 4 50 Valet in terr. gleb. 10s. in decim. granor. &c. Lady Anne Wingfield and Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. alternately. Bi- fhop, by Lapſe, 1696. Sir Henry Wingfield, Bart. 1679. Earl of Rochford, 1724 1748. Chriſtopher Jeafferſon, Clerk, p. i. 1776, Patron and Incumbent. 14 o 6 Freſton V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Snape, Propr. Valet in terr. 5 o gleb. per ann. 25. 8d. in decim. herbag. oblat. &c. Sir Henry Glemham, olim Patr. Sir Henry Johnſon, Knt. 1706. Earl of Strafford, 1748, 1780. With 19 8 o Snape V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Valet in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. in 5 5 40 decim. herbag. oblat. &c. Sir Henry Johnſon, Knt. 1706. Earl of Strafford, 1748, 1779- 8 SAXMONDHAM, alias SAXMUNDHAM, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) 8 15 10 60 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet in decim. granor. &c. Sir John Rouſe, olim Patr. Charles Long, Elq, 1716, 1730, 1780, 1783, p. i. 25 12 6 Stratford St. Andrew R. Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Archidiac. 5 O o 70 0 o o 6s..8d. Valet in terr. gleb. 25. 6d. in decim. granor. &c, The KING, 6. Tunſtall O 48 13 O O 760 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK 1. s. d. 48 3 Clear Pearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. ö Tunſtall R. (St. Michael,) with Doningworth, alias Dunning- 21 o 5 worth. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies gs. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſcit. rector. ibid. il. &c. Wolfran Stubb, S.T.P. 1688. Edmund Stubb, 1722. Chriſtopher Jeafferſon, Clerk, p. i. 1776, Patron and Incumbent. NoT IN CHARGE. Bruſyard Cur. (St Peter.) Pri. Bruſyard, Propr. Sir John Rous, Bart. 61. 135. 4d. certified Value. Farnham Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Charles Long, Eſq. 151. certified Value. Glemham, alias Glenham Magna, Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Ann Herbert, Widow. 201. certified Value. Rendham V. (St. Michael.) Mon. Sybton, Propr. Mr. Friar, olim Propr. Seth Powell, Eſq. 1713. William Barnet, and Anne his Wife, 1749, 1774.36h certified Value. Wanteſden Cur. (St. John Baptift.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Wil . liam Chapman, Eſq. 1773. Thomas Breton, Eſq. George Wrighte, Eſq. and others, the Heirs at Law of Robert Onebye, Eſq. 1785. 10l. certified Value. D. Sampford, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. s. d. 25 10 o Braham, alias Brantham, R. (St. Michael,) with Barholt, 2 II alias Eſtberholt, Chap. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods IIs. 1od. Valet in terr. gleb, cum fcit. rector. ibidem zl. &c. William Cardinal, Gent. olim Patr.” Henry Parker, Eſq. 1662, 1665, 1670. John Shaplyn, Eſq. 1722. Sir Joſeph Hankey, p. i. 1744. Joſeph Chaplin Hankey, Eſq. Capells, 1782. SURFOLK, 761 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 2. d. I 7 10 II 100 O II II mo 100 O King's Books, learly Tenths. 1. d. 13 18 4 Capells, alias Capell, R. (St. Andrew.) Synods and Proxies 95. 6d. Redd. 4d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. in de- cim. granor. &c. John Appleton, Eſq. olim Patr. Oliver Johnſon, Gent. 1682. Peter Hingeſton, 1726. John Hingeſton, 1750. IO 13 4 Everwardton, alias Edwardſton, alias Erwarton, R. (St. Mary.) 1 I 4 Proxies and Synods 55. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſcit. rec- tor. il. &c. Sir Philip Parker, olim Patr. Philip Parker, Eſq. 1686. Lady Martha Parker Long, 1745. Lady Mary Chedworth, p. i. 1767, 39 Herkſted, alias Harkſtead, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 1 2 41 75. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſit. rector. ibidem ul. &c. John Oſborne, Eſq. olim Patr. John and Peter Cocks, Gent. 1697. Thomas Coggeſhall, Genț. 1738. Richard Canning, Clerk, 1769. 33 9 7 Hintlefham R. (St. Nicholas.). Syn. and Prox. 115. 6d. Va- 3 6 112 let in terr. cum fit. rector. ibidem il. 25. &c. Henry Tim- perley, Eſq. 1709. Elizabeth Powys, and Mary Powys, p. i. 1744. 3 Holbrooke R. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. Is. Prox. Archidiac. I 3 11 8s. Rectori Sutton 6s. Valet in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. &c. Thomas Clinch, olim Patr. Sir Robert Filmer, Bart. 1694. Robert Nunn, Gent. Gent. 1735. Thomas Trapnell, Clerk, 1781, p. i. 14 o Roydon R. (St. Mary.) -- Redd. Domino Maner. 135. 4d. I I 8 0 300 Maner. Wenham Parva 35. Manerio Holton 6d. Syn. Epiſc. 25, 4d. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fcit. rector. ibidem 21. 1os. &c. Martha Skelton, Widow, 1682. Ralph Hewit, Eſq. 1702. Lawrence Goodwin, Gent. 1730. Cecilia Kerridge, Spinſter, p. i. 1744. oo Shotley, alias Kirketon, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox.'gs. 2 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. rector. ibidem 3. &c. Sir Anthony Felton, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Felton, Bart. . 1708. Frances Felton, Widow, 1730. Earl of Briſtol, 1748, 1783. 20 18 9 Sprowton, alias Sproughton, R. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 2 I 101 gs. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. 1l. 6s. 4d. &c. Sir Anthony Felton, olim Patr. Adam Felton, 1690. Earl of Briſtol, 1732, 1783 6 Stutton, alias Sutton, R. (St. Peter.) Proxies and Synods gs. I 5 9 6d. Redd. Maner. 25. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſit. rector. ibidem 31. redd. affiſ. 185. &c. Anne Jermy, Wi- dow, 1683. John Jermy, Efq. 1728. Thomas Tipping, Clerk, p. i. 1748. Tatingſton, O O 20 12 17 5 E 762 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. SUFFOLK. p. i. O o brooke. Prox. and Syn. 6s. Valet in terr. glebcu ath: 9. 12. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 2. 1. d. 4 Tatingſton, alias Tadingſton, R. (St. Mary.) Valet in de o 13 O 13 4 cim. granor. &c. Henry Stoneſtreet, olim Patr. William Brand, Gent. 1699, 1731. Robert Garwood, and John Morley, Eſq. 1760. Margaret Garwood, Spinſter, 1772, LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Booksa 49 14 II Belſted, alias Balſtead Parva, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. Is. 7 6 ož 55 id. Prox. Archidiac. 45. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſcit. rector. ibidem 21. &c. Thomas Bloſs, Gent. 1720, 1726, 1733 45 18 of Bentley V. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Redd. Priori Stæ 6 2 II 50 Trin. Gippeſwich Is. Pri. Stæ Trin. Gippeſwich, Propr. Valer in terr. gleb. Įs. 8d. in penſ. rec. de Prior. Stæ Tri- nit. Gippeſwich 21. 135. 4d. in decim, herbag, lactag. oblat. &c. Sir Lionel Talmach, olim Patr. Sir Anthony Dean, Knight, 1697. Morgan Morgan, Eſq. 1727. Anthony Dean Whittington, Efq. 1770. Anthony Dean, Eſq. 1772. 24 7 8 Chateſham, alias Chattiſham, V. (All Saints and St. Margaret.) 4 13 4 30 Syn. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Prox, Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. 35. in decim. granor. oblat. &c. Eton College, Propr. and Patr. 46 2 8 Chelmundeſton, alias Chempfton, alias Chelmondeſton, R. 8. 10 (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. 75, 5d. Valec in terr. gleb. ibidem 3s. 6d. redd. affil. 6s. 6d. &c. The KING 41 14 o Coppedhooke, alias Copdock, R. (St. Peter,) with Waſh. 9. 12. 81 . cum fit. rector. ibidem per ann. il. &c. John Sherman, olim Patr. William Palgrave, Gent, 1714. Thomas De Grey, Eſq. 1753. Lord Walfingham. 47 Freſton R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. 45. Valet in terr. 6 76 150 gleb. cum fit. rector. ibidem 145. &c. Thomas Gooding, Gent. olim Patr. Henry Johnſon, Eſq. 1676. Thomas Staunton, Eſq. 1755. Charles Kent, Eſq. p. i. 1775: 47 13 10 Higham V.* (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 5. 6 8. 75. 8d. Priori Gippeſwich Il. Pri. Trinity in Ipſwich, O ΙΙο I 20 OO O O 80 0 * Higham V.-Augmented with the Parſonage Tythes by Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Sunith, 1681. Biſhop Kennei's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 297. Propr. 2 SUFFOLK DIOCESE O NORWICH 763 1 s. in decim. granor. Acara ??? 49 II 0 49 IL 2 O O Stratford R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies 85. 20 c. . , Hi Isa 4d. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 7. d. do Propr. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. vi Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. vicar, ibidem il. 35. 6d. in decim. granor. &c. In Truſtees. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1760. Holton R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. IS. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 7 14 7 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. rector. Il. IIs. 3d. &c. Fra. Mannock, Eſq. olim Patr. Richard Snow, Gent. 1708. Sir John Williains, 1719, 1732. Arabella Rowley, Widow, p. iz 1773. 2d. Valet 130.0 130 in terr. gleb. cum fit. rector. ibidem il. 5s. 8d. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 44 8 6 Waſhbrook V. (St. Mary,) with Copdock. Syn. Epiſc. 15. 8 6 8 Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit, vicar. ibidem 125. in decim. Knapp, Gent. olim Patr. William Palgrave, Gent. 1714. Thomas De Grey, Eſq. 1753. Lord Walſinghain. Wenham Combuſta, alias Magna, R. (St. John.) Syn. Epiſc. 8 13 4 gleb. ad valorSir John Wentworth, olim Patr. Philip Barker, and others, 1684. Sir Philip Barker, Bart. p. i. 1732. Wenham Parva R. Syn. 15. 4d. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 58 !! 60 Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. rector. ibidem 135. 4d. &c. John Bruiſe, Gent. olim Patr. William Browes, Efe. 1674. John Hingeſton, p. i. 1749. 44 IO Wherfted, alias Querfted, V. (St. Mary.). Proxies and Sy- 5 80 nods 45. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. vicar. ibidem 16s. in decim. herbag. lactag. &c. The KING. Pri. Trinity in Ipſwich, Propr. 34 13 0 Wolfreſton, alias Wolverſton, V. (St. Michael.) Proxies 5 S and Synods 6s. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. Il. 6s. 8 d. in decim, granor. &c. Arthur Woolrich, olim Patr. John Rouſe, Eſq. 1709. John Tyſſon, Eſq. 1722. Knox Ward, and others, 1735. Francis. John Tyffon, Eſq. and Thomas Firmin, 1762, 1764. 45 12 0 60 O 45 1 2 0 2 O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Burſtall Cur. (St. Mary,) Chapel to Bramford. In Boſmere Deanry. Felchurch, Chapel to Waſhbrook. Deſtructa. Mon. Dart- ford in com. Kanc. olim Propr. Shelley Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Samuel Ruſh, Eſq. 1767, 1780. 5 E 2 Southeir 764 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 9. Southelmham, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK *. The Monaſtery of Flixton, in this Deanry, was returned hy the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempora- lities, the clear annual Sum of 23l. 45. Id. i Vide Orig. Surv. S. do 5 II 0 0 29 10 оо LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7. d. 1. 27 Flixton V. (St. Mary.) Dec. Wangford. Mon. Flixton, 6 50 Propr. Sir John Taſburgh, olim Patr. Thomas Merry, Gent. 1695. Edward Merry, Gent. 1727. William Adair, Eſq. p. i. 1776. Homersfield R. (St. Mary.) Dec. Donwich. With Sanderoft. 5 6 8 45 0 Valet in terr. gleb. 155. &c. Lady Dorozhy North, olim Patr. Mary Le Grys, Widow, 1693. William Smith, 1721. William Adair, Eſq. 1776, p. i. 40 10 Sandcroft, alias Sancroft, R. (St. George,) with Homersfield. 10 0 0 50 0 Valet in terr. gleb. il. gs. &c. Sir John Taſburgh, olim Patr. Mary Le Grys, Widow, 1693. William Smith, p. h. v. 1721. William Adair, Eſq. 1776. Southelmham All Saints R. Dec. Wangford. Valet in terr. 18 8 oo gleb. 6d. decim. granor. &c. Dorothy North, olim Patr. Grace Britton, Widow, p. i. 1743. The Biſhop, by Lapfe, 41 10 1744: 50 o Southelmham St. Nicholas R. Dec. Dónwich. Ecclefia de-16 Oo ſtructa. Valet in terr. gleb. per annum 1os. decimr. granor. &c. John Taſburgh, Efq. 1705. Grace Britton, Widow, 1743. 38 12 11] Southelmham St. James R. Dec. Donwich. Valet in terr. 8 00 glebo per ann. 95. &c. Sir John Taſburgh, olim Patr. O * South Elmham ab antiquo non fuit Decanatus, fed Ecclefiæ fequentes numerabuntur in Dec. Wang- ford, Donwich, & Hoxne, ut fequitur, By the Patent of the Commiſſaryſhip of this Juriſdiction it is exempted from paying Synodals to the Biſhop, and Procurations to the Archdeacon of Suffolk, 3 Baldwin 1 SUFFOLK 765 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. -- 41 12 2 II Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, I. d. 1. s. d. Baldwin Conyers, Eſq. 1705. Anthony Ellis, D. D. 1737. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1743. Ő Southelmham St. Margaret R. with St. Peter. Dec. Don- 6 wich. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 125. &c. Dorothy North, olim Patr. William Clayton, and Jane Clayton, Widow, 1717 Grace Britton, Widow, p. i. 1753. Southelmham St. Michael R. Dec. Donwich. 16 acr. terr. 4 17 11 30 gleb. &c. Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. The Pariſhioners. 32 10 4 Southelmham St. Peter R. with St. Margaret. Valet in terr. 8 0 0 тоо O gleb. per ann. Il. 45. &c. Sir John Taſburgh, olim Patr. William Clayton, and Jane Clayton, Widow, 1717. Grace Britton, Widow, p. i. 1753. 19 10 o O D. Stow, in the Archdeaconry of SUDBURY. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. si d. 1. S. d. o 0 20 O 200 O 5 Buxhall R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Pros. Archidiac: 75.' 2 7d.1 Valet in terr. gleb. 21. 135. 4d. &c. Henry Cop- pinger, olim Patr. Sarah Coppinger, Widow, 1709. Sarah Hill, Widow, 1743. Suſan Hill, Widow, 1776, p. i. o O 25 17 81 Coinbes R. (St. Mary.) Redd. Sto Johanni Colcheſter is. 2 1191 150 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.Ž Valet in redd. ſolut. 125. 4d. Terr. gleb. 16s. &c. Sir Nathaniel Bacon, olim Patr. Orlando Bridgman, Eſq. 1711, 1723. Theo- doſia Crawley, Widow, 1735. Earl of Athburnham, and Charles Boone, Eſq. 1775. 7 6 Onhouſe, alias Onehouſe, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. Epiſc. 0 14 3 70 Prox. Archidiae. 55. Valer in terr. gleb. gs. &c. Sir John Deane, olim Patr. John Pettiward, Eſq. 1708. Dan. Pertiward, Eſq. 1729. Douglas Pertiward, Widow, 1776, p. i. 2 o 25. LIVINGS 766 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. SUFFOLK. s. 1. s. 45 1 2 O 0 0 2 6 60 37 10 Prox. 5 I 3 60 O O . LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clar Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. d. Crecting All Saints R. with St. Olave. Dec. Boſmere. Syn. 10 05 to Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Valet per ann. in terri gleb. Il. &c. Thomas Clench, Eſq. olim Patr. Ora lando Bridgman, Eſq. 1706. Catherine Bridgman, Frances and Suſan Hamby, 1737. Claude Champion Creſpigny, 1775 p. 46 11 Creeting St. Peter, alias Weſt Creeting, R. Priori de Hey 10 Abb. 55. Synods and Proxies IIs. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 85. &c. Penſ. Epiſc. Eli . 55. John Farnley, olim Patr. Orlando Bridgman, Eſq. 1706. Acton Ferne- ley, Gent. 1724. John Freeman, Gent. p. i. 1766, 1764, oj Finbarow Magna V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Archidiac. 75. 7d. į Valet per ann. in penſ. rec. de Prior. de Butteley 135. 4d. in terr. gleb. 6s. decim, &c. Mon. Butteley, Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 8 Finbarow Parva Cur. (St. Mary.) Priory of Bricet, Propr. 1 13 4 40 King's College, Cambridge. 44 10 o] Halley, alias Haughley, alias Hawelee, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 7 9 2 Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Redd. Domino Suff. IS. 6d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Hayles, in co. Glouceſts. Propr. Mr. Prettyman, olim Patr. John Need- ham, Gent. 1702. James Turner, Gent. 1758. Charles Turner, 1763, p. i. Thomas Hutchinſon, Clerk, p. h. v. 1771, Patron and Incumbent. 27 14 8 Halſton, alias Harleſton, R. Richard Muſket, olim Patr. 49 John Gage, Eſq. 1708. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1729. William Wollafton, p. i. 1776. Joſhua Grigby, Eſq. p. 46 o] St. Mary and St. Peter in Stow, alias Stow Market and Srow 16 15 140 Upland, V. Syn. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. 155. 3d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Richard Howe, olim Patr. Samuel Blackerby, Eſq. 1710. Mary Chavet, Spinſter, 1756. Mary Aldrich, 1773, p. i. 48 Newton near Stow, alias Old Newton, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 7 15 5 60 Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.Î Mon. St. Oſyth, Propr. Valet per ann. in penſ. rec. de Abb. Stæ Olith, in Ef. 41. terr. gleb. decim. &c. Samuel Clarke, Eſq. 1683. Thomas Craſke, Gent. 1715. Elizabeth Fiſke, Widow, 1747. John Unwin, Eſq. 1765, p. i. 49 10 01 Wetherden R. (St. Mary.) Prioriffæ de Blackborow 11. 6 13 4 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Valet in terr. gleb. 125. &c. The KING. CURACY, O O 2 O h. v. 1779 I O O 0 0 O I 20 O O SUFFOLK. 767 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. --- CURACY. Shelland Curacy. Olim Capel. to Haughley. Mon. Hayles, Propr. D. Sudbury, in the Archdeaconry of Sudbury. The College of Sudbury was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear an- bual Sum of 1221. 18s. 3d. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars - Yearly Tenths. 2. S. d. O 18 8 0 o LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 9 6 8 Acton V. (All Saints.) Penſ. Priori de Hatfield Peverel 6s. 80 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Prox. Archidiac: 75. 7d.] Valec in decim. oblat, &c. Pri. Hatfield Peverell, co. Effex, Propr. Fra. Daniel, olim Patr. Samuel Alſton, Eſq. 1690. Mr. Froſt, this Turn, 1701. Charles John Drew, 1720, 1729. William Jennens, Eſq. p. i. 1774. 10 13 4 Aldham R. (St. Mary:) Priori Colne, in Eſſex, il.. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Prox. Archidiac. 75.78.] Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. &c. Sir Edw. Coke, olim Patr. Hora- tio Walpole and Ann his Wife, 1693. Lord Lovel, 1737. Sir Joſhua Van Neck, 1775, 1782, p. i. 8. Alpheron, alias Alfleton, alias Alton, R. Prioriſſæ de Dart- 150. Oo ford in Kent 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. . 25. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. II. 1os. &c. Mr. Al- lington, olim Patr. John Crow, Gent. 1667. Mary Smith, this Turn, 1704. Richard Sparrow, Gent. 1727. Ann Smythies, Widow, 1746. Francis Smithies, Eſq. 1781, I I 4 200 0. O IO I Ι Ο p. i. I 5. S I 20 12 16 101 BILDESTON R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75: 7d.] Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. ll. 16s. 6d. &c. John Rivet, Eſq. olim Patr. William Rivet, Eſq. 1670. William 768 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. S. 20 O 90 O II O O I 20 0 0 K'ing's Books. Minh Yearly Tenths. lo 8. d. William Alſton, Eſq. and his Wife, 1733. William Beale Brand, Eſq. p. i. 1758, 1782. Boxford R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 2 2 0 0 230 7d. Terr. gleb. &c. The KING. 8 Brentilletii, alias Combuſt, alias Burnt Illeygh, V. or R. (St. O 16 Mary.) Penf. Mon. Olith. Eſſex, il. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 8s. in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. St. Ofyth in Effex, Propr. Sa- muel Colman, olim Patr. Richard Colman, Gent. 1706. Edward Colman, Gent. 1735. Richard Budworth, Gent. 1764, p. i. 3 11į Brettenham R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 2 s. Prox. Archidiac. 1 2 41 140 6s. 8d Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 155. &c. The KING. 12 16 o] Bures St. Mary V. * Syn. Epiſc. 3$. Prox. Archidiac. 75. I 5 74 7d.1 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. nil. in decim. oblat. &c. Colleg. de Stoke, Propr. William Sydney, olim Patr. Henry Benion, Gent. 1716, 1721. Duke of Dor- ſet, 1731. 26 o Cavendiſh R. (St. Mary.) Priori Hertford Il. 6s. 8d. Colle- 260 gio Stoke il. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Prox. Archidiac. 7s. 7d.£ Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 41. 155. &c. Brian Smith, olim Patr. Jeſus College, Cambridge, p. i. 8 8 9 Chelleſworth R. (All Saints.) Penſ. Hofpitio de Bury Ios. 0 16 10 130 Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 175. &c. The KING. 30 Cockfield, alias Cokefield, R. (St. Peter.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 3 0 0 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7di] Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. Mr. Spring, olim Patr. St. John's College, Cambridge, p. i. 8 8 ] Corneth Parva, alias Cornard, R. (All Saints.) Collegio de 0 16 35 150 Stoke 6s. 8d. Collegio de Sudbury 6s. 8d. Priori Ski Bo- tolphi 6s. 8d. Priori de Hatfield Peverel 25. 4d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 45. &c. Thomas Newman, Gent. 1720. Lawrence Gib- bon, Eſq. 1732. Catherine Gibbon, and others, p.i. 1744. 30 Glemsforth, alias Glemsford, R. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. Is. 3 0 0 300 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7 d. į Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 41. 135. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Ely. 2 I 2 0 0 300 IOS. &c. 2 0 O * Bures St. Mary V.-Augmented by William Martin, of Lincoln's Inn, Eſq. with 401. per ann. Biſop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, P. 340. Growton, SUFFOLK 769 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. S. s. d. 1. 8 1 O O 25. 2 I O I 200 o ON 300 o 2 13 4 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. 8 Growton, alias Groton, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Syn.. Epiſc. 0 16 2 170 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 165.4d. &c. John Wintrop, olim Patr. Thomas Waring, Eſq. 1703, 1742. John Keyſall, Eſq. p. i. 1785. 45 HADLEIGH, alias Hadley, R. * (St. Mary.) Redd. 6s. 4 10 2 É 310 Prox. Archidiac. 10s, 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 71. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 13 7 I Helmfet, alias Elmſeth, R. (St. Peter.) Mon. Sti Johannis, 68 Colcheſter, il. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. &c. Richard Glanvil, 1668. Joſ. Crane, 1669. Stephen Coe, 1686. Richard Glanyil, Eſq. 1720. Clare Hall, Cambridge, p. i. 29 14 Herteſt and Boxted R. (All Saints.) Penf. Collegio de Stoke 2 19 5 135. 4d. Syn. Epiſc. 45. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Va- let per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 55. &c. The KING. 26 13 4 Hetcham, alias Heckham, alias Hitcham, alias Hickham, R. 300 (All Saints.) Redd. Epifc. Elien. 45. Syn. Epifc. 3$. Prox. Archidiac. -75. 7d.} Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 11. 45. 4d. &c. The KING. LAVENHAM, alias LANHAM, R. (St. Peter.) Priori de Colme 270 in Effex ul. Syn. Epiſc. 45. 5d. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 Valet per ann. în terr. 5l. decim. &c, -Thomas Skymere, olim Patr. Sir Symonds D’Ewes, Bart. 1710. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. 2 81 Lawſhell, alias Lawlhall, R. (All Saints.) Penf. Abb. Ram. 2 o 31 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 35., Prox. Archidiac. 73° 7d. } Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. decim. &c. Henry Drury, Eſq. olim Patr. Thomas Lee, Gent. 1704. Baptiſt Lee, Eſq. 1732, 1767, p. i. 16 o 71 Leigham, alias Leyham, R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. Epiſc. 35. I 12 03 300 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 72.1 Valet in terr. gleb. il. 16s. &c. Henry Stapleton, olim Patr. John Hodges, Eſq. 1690. St. John's College, Cambridge. 28 6 Melford, alias Long Melford, R. Penſ. Hofpitio de St. Sa. 2 16 3 350 viours in Bury 3l. Syn. Epiſc. 45. 5d. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 Valet per ann. in reddit . affiſ . 61. 105, terr. gleb. 5l. &c. Sir John Cordell, Bart. 1690. Mr. Firebrace, 1720. Robert Bridge, 1741. Catherine Oakes, Widow, and others, p. i. 1768. 20 2 II 2 31 0 O 20 200 O O o O 2 O 0 * Hadleigh-is a Peculiar of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury. + Melford.-Memorandum, there is another Melford charged in this Deanry, in the King's Books, by the Name of Melford Longa, (Holy Trinity,) Value thereof in the King's Books 231. 6. 8d. the Tenths 21. 6s. 8d. Milcing, 5 F 770 DIOCESE OF NORWICHPICH. SUFFO EK 1. dor 1 I10 O O 200 0 22 бо 0 0 220 . Emanuel Collecs & . King's Books Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. 10 13 4. Milding, alias Milden, R. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 4. 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 115. 7d. &c. James Allington, Eſq. olim Patr. William Rivet, Eſq. 1697. Miles Burket, Clerk, 1703. John Gurdon, Eſq. 1751. Philip Gurdon, Cleak, 1780, p. i. 14 18 111 Munſellith, alias Monks Ely, R. * Redd. Priori Canterbury 1.7 109 Is. 2d. Syn. and Prox, Archiep. Cant. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 125. &c. 'Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 17 3 9 Newton near SUDBURY R. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. I 14 4€ 170 Prox. Archidiac 75. 70.1 Penſ. Collegio de Stoke 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 18s. &c. Maurice Bar- rowe, Eſq. olim Patr. Edward Alſton, Gent. 1683. Thomas Alſton, Eſq. 1722. Peter Houſe,, College, Cam- bridge, 1775 Poleſted R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 2 4 0 75. 72,1 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 1os. &c. Benjanin Hargrave, p. i. 1720. Guy Sindrey, 1724, p. i. Ann Hargrave, Spinſter, 1751. Samuel Alſton, Gent. 1763. Thomas Preſton, D.D. 1781. 5 6 of Preſton R. (St. Mary:) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 7s. O IO 71 7d.Pri. Trinity in Ipſwich, Propr. Valet per ann. in penſ. an. rec. de Prior. de Chriſt Church al. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Roberr Rice, Gent. olim Patr. . 7 Semere R. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 2 81 75. 7d.; Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 2l. 105. &c. Ben. jamin Brand, Gent. olim Patr. Elizabeth Cox, Widow, 1705, 1731. Thomas Cooke, Clerk, 1749. William Beale Brand, Eſq. p. i. 1757. 1 Shimplingthorne, alias Shimplingthorpe, R. (St. George.) Syn. 1 13 81 Epifc. 25. 4d. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 31. 35. &c. Zachariah Fiſk, Gent. 1704. Tho- mas Fiſk, 1722. John Fiſke, Gent. 1767. The KING, 1773) 6 16 8 Somerton R. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Valet 0 13 8 per ann. in terr. gleb. 1l. 105. &c. Edward Cropley, Gent. olim Patr. Sir Francis Blundell, Bart. 1699. Lord Blun- dell, p. i. 1739, 1752. 0 0 Stanſted R. (St. James.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. Io oo 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 165. &c. Jane Alling- ia I 20 11 I I 200 0 0 16 17 200 0 0 Іоо O O 10 I 20 O. O * Munfellith, alias Monks Elymo is a Peculiar of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury. ton, SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 771 1. S. do 1 o 10 I 18 , King's Books. learly Tentbs. 1. si de. ton, olim Patr. _Sir Robert Cordell, 1666. Edward Par- fey, Gent, this Turn, 1720. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. 1738. John Robinſon, Eſq. p. i. 1748. 19 Stoke V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Naylond. (St. James.) Penſ, 1500 0 0 Priori de Horſeley 1l. Syn. Epiſc. 45. 5d. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 3d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Colleg. Stoke, Propr. 1720, 1751. Sir William Rowley, 1756. Dame Arabella Rowley, p. i. 1769. 18 14 41 Thorpe Morieux R. (St. Mary.) Redd. Priori Ski Bartholo [ 17 56 070 mei 135. 4d. Syn. Epiſc. 2s. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Valet in terr. gleb. 185. &c. Frances Coleman, Widow, 1673. Joſ. and John Sparrow, this Turn, 1701. John Riſby, Eſq. 1720. John Fiske, Clerk, 17 3. Sarah Thomas Fiske, Spinſter, 1781, p. i. 6 8 Waldingfield Magna R. (St. Laurence.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 2 8 Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 10s. &c. Paul Powel, olim Patr. Catherine Clubb, Widow, 1711. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1782, p. i. 15 5 Whatfield R. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 I 100 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 41. &c. Robert Rolfe, olim Patr. James Harriſon, Gent. 1703. Catherine Clubb, Widow, 1711. Richard Head, Clerk, 1735. Jeſus Col- lege, Cambridge, 1773.. 4 19 41 Wiſton, alias Wiſeton, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 09118 1.500 Prox. Archidiac. 55. Pri. Horkelley, Propr. Valet per ann. in penf. rec. in gran. de rector. ibidem 31. 4d. decim. oblat. &c. The KING, O 21 O 320 0 O 1 470 0 O 0 100 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. 47 10 0} Aſhington, alias Affington, V. (St. Edmund.) Syn. Epiſc. 10 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Valet per ánn. in terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Hatfield Peverel in Effex, Propr. Nathaniel Gurdon, S. T. P. 1691. John Gurdon, Eſq. 1732. Philip Gurdon, Clerk, 1780, p. i. 48 12 8 Chilton R. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Valet per 5 6 52 60 ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Sir Robert Crane, olim Patr. Lady Bellaſis, 1691. Sir John Woodhouſe, Bart. 1726. John Wodehouſe, Eſq. 1775, p. i. 39 10 of Corneth, alias Cornard Magna, V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. 9 o 80 Epiſc. 2s. Prox. Archidiac. 75. Valet per ann, in penf. rec. de F 2 772 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 25. 49 11 100 44 II 100 O o Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 1. d. de Abb. de Mallyng 2l. 135. 4d. in terr. gleb. gs. decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Malling in Kent, Propr. Thomas Hares, olim Patr. John Aldred, Eſq. 1686, 1726. Ann Wale, Widow, p. i. 1761. 39 11 Edwardſton, alias Edwarſtow, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 4 13 4 70 0 0 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Pri. Colne, Propr. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 6s. decim. oblat. &c. Elizabeth Brand, 1695. Robert Kemp, Eſq. 1706. William French, 1736. William Sheldon, Eſq. p. i. 1781. Kettilberſton, alias Ketelbaſton, R, (St. Mary.) Portio Rec- i3 6 8 tori de Monks Ely 45. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. Wil- liam Appleton, olim Patr. William Leman, Gent. 1711, 1749. John Forbes, Eſq. p. h. v, 1760. Brand Coulter, 1768. 6 Nawton, alias Naulton, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 10 15 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8 d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 2l. &c. Thomas Kemp, Eſq. ulim Patr. Earl of St. Albans, and Thomas Jermyes, Eſq. 1676. Joſiah Stubbin, 1681. Edmund Scubbin, Gent. 1728. John Stubbin, Gent. 1756. Nedding, alias Nedging, R. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 8 12 If 60 6s. 8 d. Valet Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 13s.gd. &c. Sir John Higham, olim Patr. William Pooley, Eſq. 1672. Richard Phillips, Eſq. 1726, 1729. Samuel Boulton, Gente 1763. p. h. v. SUDBURY All Saints V. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 4 II 51 to 6s. 8d. Mon St. Albans, Propr. Valet per ann. in decim. oblar. &c. Sir Thomas Eden, olim Patr. John Littell, Eſq. 1719. Sarah Tyfſen, 1747. Biſhop of Norwich, by Lapſe, 1750 Waldingfield Parva V. (St. Laurence.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. 4 18 mil 60 Archidiac. 6s, 8d. Pri. Colne, Propr. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 35. iod. decim. oblat. &c. Jof. Jackſon, Gent. 1687, 1690. Elizabeth Jackſon, 1727. Grace Syer, 1762. Dey Syer, D. D. 1773, p. i. 44 II 20 O 29 II O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, or CURACIES. 150 o Kerſey C. (St. Mary.) King's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Lindſey SUFFOLK. 773 DIOCESE OF NORW I C H. King's Books, 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 40 O o Lindſey C. (St. Peter.) Valet per ann. temp. Hen. VIII. 51. King's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Sudbury St. Gregory's Cur. with St. Peter's Chap. annexed. Coll. Sudbury, Propr. Peter Upchor, Eſq. 1779. Watteſham C. (St. Nicholas.) Priori Bricer, Propr. King's College, Patr. D. Lhedwafter, in the Archdeaconry of Sudbury. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 1. d. I 3 84 120 O O I10 O 16 17 I 200 0 0 IT 17 3] Bradfield Monks, alias St. George, R. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 75. &c. Sir Thomas Jermyn, olim Patr. Sir Robert Davers, Bart. 1711. Sir Jermyn Davers, Bart. 1732. Sir Charles Davers, Bart. 1771, p. i. 7 4 7 Bradfield St. Clare R. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 0 14 53 25. id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 45. &c. Sir Tho- mas Jermyn, olim Patr. Bartholomew Young, Eſq. 1720. Edward Wyneve, Eſq. p. i. 1759. Drykiſton, alias Drinkeſton, R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Sy- 1 13 87 nods gs. 8d.] Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Arthur Ingram, olim Patr. George Gooday, Eſq. 1694. William Boſworth, Clerk, this Turn, 1695. George Goodday, Eſq. 1741, 1750. William Moſeley, Eſq. p. i. 1763. 8 4 7 Felſham, alias Folſham, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. O 16 51 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. 1d. Penf. folur. Capellæ Lynſey 65. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 6s. &c. William Riſby, Eſq. olim Patr. John Riſby, 1700, 1723. Peter Edge, Clerk, 1764. Anthony Luther Richardſon, Clerk, 1775. 12 17 11 Hedgefet R. (St. Ethelbert.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 5 92 Epiſc. 25. Id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 125. &c. Sir Edmund Bacon, olim Patr. Robert Walpole, Eſq. 1680. Thomas Leheup, Eſq. 1724• Michael Leheup, Eſq. 1740, 1778, p.i. 6 Livermore 100 1 I I 20 0 0 : *74 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 150 O O 20 ОО 200 0 0 8 0 King's Books, King' Yearly Tenths. d. li d. 15 8 11] Livermore Magna, alias Livermere Magna & Parva, R. (St. 1 10 10 Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. id. Valer per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. &c. John Claxton, Eſq. olim Patr. Phil. Claxton, Widow, 1681. Baptiſt Lee, 1726. Nathaniel Acton, Eſq, p. i. 1768. 21 Ratilſden, alias Ratleſden, R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Sy- 2 o ob 270 nods 95. 92.1 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. ll. &c. Mr. River, olim Patr.. William Pooley, Eſq. 1671. George Gooday, Eſq. 1711, 1731, 1747. William Moſeley, Eſq. p. i. 1763, 1778. 23 18 61 Rougham R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 72.1 Syn. 2 7 10 Epiſc. 25. id. Abb. de Bury 41. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 35. 8d. &c. Robert Drury, Eſq. olim Patr. Cle- ment Corrance, Eſq. 1710, 1723. Sir Charles Davers, Bart. 1769, p. i. 21 Staningfield, alias Stanfield, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Archi- o 16 of diac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Robert Rookwood, olim Patr. Thomas Ruſhbrooke, Gent. 1682. Sir Jermyn Davers, Bart. 1723. Frederick Barnwell, Clerk, p. h. v. 1771. 9 17 11 Tymworth R. (St. Andrew,) with Ingham in Dec. Blackburn. O 19 91 Prox. Archidiac. '6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. &c. Sir Nicholas Bacon, olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis, 1692. Charles Batteley, Eſq. 1717. Lord Cornwallis, 1741, 1755. 9 15 71 Whelnetham Magna R. Prox. Archidiac. 759 7dež Syn. Syn. O 19 63 Epiſc. 25. 2d- Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. &c. Sir · Thomas Jermyn, olim Patr. Margaret Brundiſh, 1680. Thomas Folkes, Eſq. 1726. 6 IS 9 Wolpit, alias WOOLPITT, R. (St. Mary) Prox. Archidiac. 0 13 101 140 Syn. Epiſc. 25. id. Mon. Bury 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. &c. Sir Robert Gardiner, olim Patr. Charles Wood, Eſq. 171.5. George Mandevile, Eſq. 1757. Thomas Cobbold. Clerk, p. i. 1781. IIO O 120 0 0 O 2 I 29 12 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 8 Ampton, alias Ameton, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. 85. 5 40 9d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 175. &c. William Whe- tell, Eſq. olim Patr. James Calthorp, Eſq. 1692, 1745, 1781, p. i. 39 IO II Barton Magna V. (Holy Innocents.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. 10 15 71 Syn. Epiſc.-25. id. Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. 21. 135. 4d. decim. 100 O o I SUFFOLK 775 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 5 So. d. o 0 0 Clear l'early Value. King's Books. d. l. decim. oblat. &c. Catharine Audley, olim Patr. Ro. Mal- tiward, this Turn, 168.1. John Warren, 1701. Thomas Folkes, Eſq. 1723. Sir Charles Bunbury, p. i. 1768, 1781. 29 IO II Becton, alias Beighton, R. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 4 3 9. 80 Epilc. 25. Id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 55. &c. Anne Warner, 1697. The KING, 29 12 7 Bradfield Combuſta R. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 75. Id. 4 19 7 50 0 0 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. &c. Robert Cutler, olim Patr. Benjamin Cutler, Eſq. 1674. Bartholomew Young, Eſq. 1726. The KING, 1759. Walter Craſke, Clerk, 1768, Patron and Incumbent, p.i. 35 10 11] Fornham Geneveſe, alias St. Genoueſe, R. Prox. Archidiac. 7 I 01 50 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. 1 d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 11. &c. Lady Elizabeth Kidſon, olim Patr. John Harring- ton, Gent. 1712. Thomas Hill, Eſq. p. i. 1744. 37 10 II} Fornham St. Martin R. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 7113 80 25. id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 55. 6d. &c. Lady Elizabeth Kidſon, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Gage, Bart. 1711. Philip Holman, Eſq. p. i. 1738. William Adams, Gent. p.i. 1771. 23 15 71 Gedding R. Prox. and Syn. 85. 9d. Valet per ann. in terr. 4 13 4 40 gleb. decim. granor. &c. Robert Page, olim Patr. Jer. Catlyn, Clerk, 1672. Corporation of Thetford. Query, Corporation of Ipſwich, 1738. (Cant. Inft.) 41 10 II Pakenham V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. Syn. 10 3 Epiſc. 25. 1d. Mon. St. Edmundſbury, Propr. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. in decim. oblat. &c. Lady Anne Gardiner, olim Patr. Sir Thomas Spring, Bart. 1696. Thomas Diſcipline and his Wife, 1742. Del. Diſcipline, 1765. John Godbold, Eſq. 1778, p. i. 39 IO II Ruſhbrooke R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 8 1 51 50 00 Epiſc. 25. id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Thomas Jermyn, olim Patr. Earl of St. Albans, 1691. Sir Robert Davers, 1722. Sir Jermyn Davers, Bart. 1733. Sir Charles Davers, Bart. 1768. Thurſton, alias Throſton, V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 6 13 4 70 75. 7d, Syn. Epiſc. 25. idValet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 1os. in decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Bury Sancti Edmundi, Propr. Ro. Bright, olim Patr. Henry Shelton, Eſq. 1685, 1726. Edmund Tyrrell , Eſq. 1762. Charles Tyrrell, Clerk, p. h. v. 1768, Patron and Incumbent. 39 IO II Toſtoke, alias Toſtock, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Archidiac. 6 8 61 700 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 55. 0 0 39 10 O 776 DIOCESE OF NORWICH, N OR WICH, SUFFOLK. 160 3:9 Chevington R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.ź Syn. I 12 Clear 1 early Value. King's Books. 1. s. d. 1. d. 55. 6d. &c. Henry Lambe, Eſq. olim Patr. Sir Dudley North, 1664. Lady North, 1679. Thomas Bright, 1726. Richard Moſeley, Eſq. 1741. Thomas Moſeley, Eſq. 1775, p.i. 29 10 11 Weſtow, alias Weſt Stow, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 917 31 80 o 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. 1d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Ios. &c. Sir John Crofts, olim Patr. Edward Progers, Eſq. 1708. Frances Fowke, Widow, 1749. Barham Ruſhbrooke and John Plampin, Eſqrs. p. h. v. 1767. 35 IO II Whelnetham Parva R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d. 1 4 13 4 45 0 0 Syn. Epiſc. 25. id. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Thomas Jermyn, olim Patr. Earl of St. Albans, 1681. Sir Jermyn Davers, p.i. 1726. Margaret Davers, Widow, 1763. Sir Charles Davers, Bart. 1766, p. i. D. Thingo, in the Archdeaconry of SUDBURY. REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tonths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 23 9 91 Barrow R. (All Saints.) Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 1l. 145. 230 &c. Sir Clement Higham, olim Patr. Anne Quarles, Wi- dow, 1685. The KING, 1762, p. h. v. St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge, 1774, p. i. 4 2 Brokeley, alias Brockley, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Archi I 0 5 diac. 75. 70.1 Syn. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Valet per anń, in terr. gleb. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Robert Drury, -olim Patr. John Riggs, Gent. 1690. Henry Barrett, Clerk, p.h.v. 1734. Joſhua Grigby, Eſq. p. i. 1766, 1771. 16 43 . 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 1l. &c. Lady Kidſon, olim Patr. Counteſs of Rivers, 1690. John Tur- ner, and Heigham Riſby, Gents. 1727.. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1734. John White, Clerk, p. i. 1776, Patron and Incumbent. 5 Flenton, alias Flempton, alias Phleinpton, R. (St. Catherine.) O 100 130 with Hengrave. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Syn. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Valet per annum in terr. gleb. 11. &c. Lady Kidſon, olim Patr. d. 1. $. d. 2 6 11Ă O O IO 13000 O O O o SUFFOLK. 777 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. S. 19 1ο 200 Bart. 1720, 4 II O I 38E 200 0 O King's Books. Pearly Tenths, 2. d. ko sa d Patr. Sir William Gage, Bart. 1720. The Biſhop, 1730. Jonathan Carter, Clerk, p. i. 1768, Patron and Incumbent. 5 Fornham All Saints R. with Weſtley. Prox. Archidiac. 75. I 19 0 70.1 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 45. &c. Lady Kidſon, olim Parr. Richard Pryme, Gent. 1705. John Warren, this Turn, 1713. Sir William Gage, Clare Hall, Cambridge. 8 Hargrave R. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. Is. 8d. o 92 1000 Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Sir Robert Drury, olim Patr. Sir Jo. Gregory, Bart. 1672. John Turner, Eſq. and Heigham Rilby, Gent. 1727. Thomas Uuder- wood, Gent. p. i. 1755. 9 3 1 Hengrave R. united to Flenton. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. o 28. 85 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Jo. Coale, Clerk, 1667. Sir William Gage, Bart. 1720. Jo- nathan Carter, Clerk, p.i. 1768, Patron and Incumbent. 11 16 10Halſted, alias Hawſted, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 7d.] Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 28. 6d. &c. Sir Robert Drury, olim Patr. Sir Dudley Cullum, Bart. 1690, 1720. Sir Jaſper Cullum, Bart. 1737. Sir John Cullum, Bart. 1762. 10 17 81 Horningchire, alias Horningſheath Magna, R. (Śt. Leonard.) ir 93 Penſ. Rectori Yxworthe 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 70.1 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Id. Hofpitular. Bury 1l. 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 105. &c. Sir Thomas Jermyn, olim Patr. Ro. Sharpe, 1683. Sir Symonds D'Ewes, 1720. Sir Jermyn Davers, Bart. 1725. Sir Charles Davers, Barta 1767, 1784, p. i. Conſolidated in 1448 with 2 16 01 Horningchire, alias Horningſheath Parva,, R. Deſtructa, 0 5 7 Prox. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Syn. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Portio Seller. de Bury 135. 5d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Thomas Jermyn, olim Patr. Ro. Sharpe, 1683. Sir Symonds D’Ewes, 1720. Sir Jermyn Davers, Bart. 1725. Sir Charles Davers, Bart. 1767, 1784, p. i. 19 10 5 Lakeforth, alias Lackford, R. (St. Laurence.) Proxies and I 19 o 150 O Synods 95. 7d. į Valet in terr. gleb. 155. &c. Lady Kid- fon, olim Patr. Sir William Gage, Bart. 1714. William Webb, Eſq. 1752. Samuel Kent, Eſq. p. i. 1761. 5 19 41 Nawton, alias Noughton, alias Nowton, alias Noulton, R. (SO OIL 11 Peter.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 3d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Hof- pitulario Bury il. 6s. 8d. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 10s. 8d. &c. William Payne, Gent, olim Patr. Sir Robert Davers, 1720, 1757, p.i. Riſby, 200 0 0 O go o O 5 G 778 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. s. 1. S. d. I 20 O O IIO 0 0 0 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. de 19 10 5 Riſby, alias Riſeby, R. (St. Giles.) Prox. Archidiac. 175.7d. 1 I 19 03 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Lady Kidſon, olim Patr. Thomas Mariot, jun. 1680. John Luckin, Gent. 1720. Thomas Hill, Eſq. p. i. 1744. II 13 111 Saxham Magna R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. Ils. id. { Syn. I Syn. 1 3 42 Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in ferr. gleb. 75. &c. Jolin El- dred, Eſq. olim Patr. Thomas Lee, ſen. Efq. 1686. John Carter, Gent. 1721. Hutcliiſon Mure, Eſq. 1767, p. i. 8 11 51 Saxham Parva R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. o 17 1 95 Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. il. &c. Sir John Crofts, olim Patr. William Crofts, 1692. Anthony Crofts, Eſq. 1720. William Crofts, Eſq. p.i. 1765. 9 15 5 Weſtley R. (St. Thomas Becket,) with Fornham All Saints.) o 19. 61 Redd. 3d. Prox. Archidiac. 95. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. &c. Lady Kidſon, olim Patr. Jo. Latham, fen. Clerk, this Turn, 1705. Sir Wil- liam Gage, Bart. 1720. Clare Hall, Cambridge. 14 4 2 Whepfted R. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 3d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Va- 150 let per ann. in terr. gleb. 15s. &c. Sir Robert Drury, olim Patr. Charles Wood, Eſq. 1711. Edmund Hor- rex, Eſq. p.i. 1772. Thomas William Temple, Clerk, 1781. I 8 5 O 34 11 LivingS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books o Ickworth, alias Ekeworth, R. united to Chedburgh, in Dec. 711 53 Clare. Proxies and Synods 85. 8d. Earl of Briſtol, 1720, 1749 44 II o Rede R. (All Saints.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. Epiſc. 2 18 11 Valet per. annum in terr. gleb. il. &c. The KING. Joe O 100 O 25. The Monaſtery of Bury St. Edmunds was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 16561. 75. 3d. after the Deductions were made agreeable to the las Itructions. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. Not SUFFOLK. 779 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NOT IN CHARGE. Bury St. EDMUNDS has two Churches, viz. St. Mary and St. James. The Curates are choſen by the Corporation, and have about 8ol. per ann. each. The Abby of Bury St. Ed. munds, anciently Propr. and Patr. D. Tulaynford, alias Tulangford, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. The Monaſtery of Bungey, or Bungay, in this Deanry, was re- turned by the Commiſſioners, temp. H. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value of 621. 25. 1d.Z The College of Metyngham, was likewiſe returned at 2021. 75. 50 € For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv, in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, l'early Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. I IO d. 8 O 21 12 200 15 6.8 Barſham R. (Holy Trinity.) Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 150 55. &c. Sir John Lee, olim Patr. George Brame, Gent. 1673. Ro. Suckling, Efq. 1714. Denzil-Suckling, Eſq. 1744. Edward Holden, Clerk, 1774, Patron and Incumbent. 31 BECKLES R. (St. Michael.) Synods and Proxies 175. 4d. 2 Valet in terr. gleb. Il, in decim. granor. &c. William Read, Eſq. and Sir Robert Yallop, olim Patr. John Elmy, jun. 1715. Robert Sparrow and others, 1764. Ann Sparrow, Widow, and Mary Bence, Spinſter, 1774, p. i. 8 13 4 Ilketſhall St. John V.* The KING: Monaſter. Bungay, O 17, 4 150 Propr. O O O * St. John in Ilketſhall.-A Sine Cure R. with the Curacy annexed. 5 G 2 Ringfield, 789 SUFFOLK. BIOCESE OF NORWICH. . © King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 2. d. 1. so do 12 oo Ringfield, (All Saints,) with Redſham Parva R. (St. James.) i 4 Ecclef. deftruet. Syn. and Prox. 16s. 5d. Valet in terr. gleb. 21. 165. 8d. &c. Sir John Duke, olim Patr. Philip Prime, ſen. 1708. Charles Radcliffe, 1737. Giles Rick- aby, and others, p. i. 1755. o Worlingham Magna R. (All Saints,) cum Worlingham Parva. 160 0 (St. Peter.) Eccl. deſtruct. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 21. decim. granot. &c. The KING. I2 I 4 O O o 0 6 1 20 O 500 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 21 15 BINGEY, alias BUNGAY S:. Trinity, V. Syn. Epiſc. 25. 3d. 8 5 50 Valet in terr gleb, per ann. 185. 8d. in decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Bungay, Propr. Biſhop of Ely, p. i. 4 Endegate V. (St. Mary,) now Part of Beccles. Synods and q 6 8 Proxies 6s. Valet in decim. herbag. oblat. &c. The KING. 36 12 Ilketſhall St. Andrew V. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox. Archidiac. 5 13 4 6s. 9d. Pri. Bungay, Propr., Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. il. 2s. in decim. herbag. lactag. oblat. &c. Thomas How- ard, 1685. Truſtees of Bungay School. Richard Nelſon, Henry Williams, John Botwright, and John Kemble, 1748. Henry Williams, and Richard Nelſon, 1756. 27 II 4 Ilketſhall St. Margaret V. Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Archidiac. 5 13 9 40 0 75. 2d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 45. in decim. ob- lat. &c. Earl of Arundel, olim Patr. Mon. Bungay, Propr. Duke of Norfolk. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1731. Valentine Lumley, Gent. 1755. 4. Metingham V. (All Saints.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Prox. Ar- 6 17 37 60 chidiac. 75. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per annum 2l. 35. 4d. in decim. herbag, oblat. &c. Mon Bungay, Propr. Sir Edmund Bacon, olim Patr. Elizabeth Hunt, Widow, 1694. Tobias Hunt, p.i. 1731. John Hunt, Eſq. 1758, p. i. 48 8 10 Northcove R. (St. Botolph,) with Willingham. (St. Mary.) 100 160 Syn. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Is. &c. The KING: 38 17 9 Shadingfield R. (St. John Baptift.) Syn. Epiſc. 35. Prox, 12 Archidiac. 75. 6d. Valet in terr, gleb. per ann. 35. 4d. &c. Earl of Suffolk, 1688, 1733. Earl of Briſtol, Earl and Counteſs of Portſmouth, and others, 1752. 3 Shipmedowe, 29 II O o O-O 500 1 SUFFOLK 781 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. s. 1. d O O 1 O O 44 10 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 36 0 Shipmedowe, alias Shipmeadow, R. (St. Bartholomew.) 10 60 Prox. Archidiac. 6s. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Sir Thomas Lee, olim Patr. Ro. Suckling, Eſq. 1688, 1733. Hannah Suckling, and others, 1758. The KING, 1764. 5. Saterley, alias Sotterley, R. (St. Margaret.) Synods and 10 90 Proxies 8s, 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. Il. &c. Sir Thomas Playters, olim Patr. Sir John Playters, Bart. 1678, 1727. Miles Barne, Efq. 1758, p. i. 46 8 7 Weſton, alias Coney Weſt, R. (St. Peter.) Synods 13 6 8 and Proxies 85. Id. Valet in decim. granor. &c. The KING. 35 I 10 Willingham All Saints, alias Ellow, R. Synods and Proxies 12 50 0 0 8s. 2d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 155. &c. Sir Thomas Playters, olim Patr. John Playters, Eſq. 1711. Sir John Playters, 1749. 23 o Willingham St. Mary R. with Northcove. Syn. Epiſc. iS. 100 gd. Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 6s. &c., The KING. 120 O O O O 6 134 оо O CURACIES. Bungay St. Mary's Cur. Priory of Bungay, Propr. Duke of Norfolk. 151. certified Value. Bungay St. Thomas Cur. Priory of Bungay, Propr. Duke of Norfolk. Cove St. Peter's Cur. Deſtructa. Ilketſhall St. Laurence Cur. Pri. Bungay, Propr. Mr. Townſ. hend. 51. 125. 4d. certified Value. Redſham Magna Cur. (St. Peter.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Mr, Bence, 87. certified Value, • 782 SUFFOLK: DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 9. Tulilford, in the Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK. The Monaſtery of Campſey was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 Hen. VIII. to be of the clear annual Value of 1821. g's. 5d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. s. d. 1. d. 14 18 I 4 O 9 10 200 O I Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. Alderton R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. 115. 4d. Penſ. Pri. Sanctæ Fidis 35. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſcit. rector. ibid. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir James Bacon, pro duabus vicibus, olim Patr. The Biſhop of Norwich has every third Turn. Hugh Chamberlen, M. D. 1707, 1727. The Biſhop, 1769, p. h. V. 12 16 8 Hollelly, alias Holeſlie, R. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 105. 2d. Valet in terr. gleb, cum fit. rector. ibidem 16s. in redd. aſſif. 45. 8d. in decim. granor. &c. Sir Michael Stanhope, olim Patr. Siz Cæſar Cranmer, Knight, and Thomas Webb, Eſq. 1701. Charles Wood, Eſq.. 1739. Thomas Bolton, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1772. William Bolton, 1783. 16 o Kettleborough R. (St. Andrew.) Earl of Suffolk, olim Patr. John Maddox, Gent. 1696. Robert Sparrow, Gent. 1739 5 8 O I 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Oo O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 43 4 8 Bawdſey, alias Baudeſey, V. (St. Mary.) Valet in decim. 6 13 4 70 herbag. lactag. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Butteley, Propr. 46 1 6 Bradfield V. (St. Andrew.) Penſ. Mon. Butteley, 135. 43. 4 4 2 50 Mon. Campſey 35. 4d. Syn. 25. Redd. Prioriffæ Campſey 5d. Manerio 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fit. vicar. ibidem il. 15. 3d. in decim. granor. oblat. &c. The KING. Pri. Butteley and Campſey, Propr. Bromeſwell O O SUFFOLK. 783 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. 1. d. 0 O O o O O o O 60 0 O Clear learly Values King's Books. d. 26 o Bromeſwell R. (St. Edmund.) Prox, and Syn. 115. 8d. Va- 4 15 77 40 let in terr. gleb. per ann. 55. 8d. &c. Earl of Suffolk, 1708. Charles Howard, Eſq. p. i. 1728. Earl of Briſtol, 1762. 48 II o Dalinghoe R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 95. 4d. Priori 13 6 8 600 Bromeham 35. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 16s. &c. Sir Anthony Wingfield, olim Patr. Sir Henry Wingfield, 1675. William Churchill, Eſq. this Turn, 1708. Samuel Ray, 1747. Earl of Rochford, 1776. Samuel Kilderbee, Gent. 1784. 23 o Lowdham, alias Ludham, (deſtruct.) with Pitiſtre V. (St. Peter 6 10 60 and St. Paul.) Valet in decim. herbag. lactag. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Campſey, Propr. 47 19 8 Melton R. (St. Andrew.) Præcentor. Ely 10s. Pri. Eye & 9 6 8 Domino Willoughby is. 2d. Prox. and Syn. gs. Valet in terr. gleb. 55. 2d. per ann. &c. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 22 12 84 Shoteſham, alias Chateſham, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. and 4 16 0 30 0 Syn. 95. 4d. Valet in decim. granor. &c. William Steb. bing, Gent. olim Patr. Charles Burwell, Gent. 1693. Ma- ry Burwell, Widow, 1739. Mary Kell, and William Kett, 1781, p. i. 24 5 Sutton V. (All Saints.). Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Epiſc. 45. 8 2 I 40 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. cum fcit. vicar. ibidem 8s. 2d. in de- cim. lan. lactag. herbag. oblat. &c. Mon. Eye, Propr. Sir John Rouſe, Bart. 1702. Philip Candler. Clerk, p. b. v. 1736. Sir John Rous, Bart. 1765. 48 3 8 Ufford Ř. (St. Mary.) Syn. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Prox. Archidiac. 8 5 0 70 75. 40. Capellæ Seyenhoe il. Valet in terr. gleb. cum ſcit. rector. ibidem per ann. 155. &c. Sir Michael Stanhope, olim Patr. Suſan Luskin, Widow, 1678. Francis Cheſter, and Grace Breſſey, Widow, 1723. William Chapman, Eſq. 1765, 1779, p.i. Thomas Breton, Eſq. George Wrighte, Eſq. Mr. William Morris, and others, the Heirs at Law of Robert Onebye, Eſq. 1785. WICKHAM MARKET V. (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 6 16 g Valet in fit. vicar. ibidem per ann. Ils. in decim. her- bag. lact. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Campſey, Propr. оо O o 22 O O 100 O O 25. CURACIES. Butley Cur. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Capel. Eccl. deſtructa. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Butley, Propr. Mr. Clyet. 131. certi- fied Value. 4 Ramſholt 784 SUFFOLK; DIOCESE O NORWICH, King's Bookse 1. so de Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 40 o Ramſholt Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Butteley, Propr. Mr. Mars tin. 13. certified Value. Camden ſays that there are in the County of Nor- folk 660 C. Suffolk 575 22 In all 1235 Pariſhes, Ann. Dom. 1372, in the Time of Edward III. it appears by the Chronicles of John Stow, there were then in Norfolk 806 In Suffolk 515 In all 1321 Pariſhes, Dioceſe OTO [ 785 ) Dioceſe of Drford. King's Books. 1. S. d. l'early Tenths. 1. d. 38 3 11 s. 381 11 of B'Formerly Part of the Sce of Lincoln. Robert King, ISHOPRIC of Oxford *. Formerly See , the laſt Abbot of Ofeney, was the firſt Biſhop of Oxford in 1542. The Cathedral Church. (CHRIST CHURCH.) The Deanry and eight Canonries of this Church, including two Profeffors, viz of Divinity and Hebrew, are all in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. By a Return made by Robert Biſhop of Oxford, and certified into the Exchequer of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities in this Cathedral, temp. H. VIII. it appears that the Dean received a clear annual Payment of rool. the fix Prebendaries 201. each ; and the lix Minor Canons 10l. each. King Henry VIII. granted leave to Cardinal Wolſey to convert the Monaſtery of St. Frideſwide into a College. The Patent at length is in Rymer's Foedera, vol. XIV. p. 15. by Virtne of which Cardinal Wolſey changed the Name into Cardinal College, and King Henry confirmed it by Patent. In 1531 all the Lands and Patronages were ſurrendered into the King's Hands ; then the King changed the Name from Cardinal Col- lege to King Henry the Eighth's College and velted all the * This See was erected by King Henry VIII. and placed firſt at Oſeney, as appears by the Letters Patent of Erection, dated September 1, 1542. See Rymer, Vol. XIV. p. 754. See likewiſe a Grant made to the Biſhop, upon the Removal of the See to Oxford, dated June 9, 1545, 37 Henry VIII, Rymer, Vol. XV. p. 75. The Charter of Foundation of the Biſhopric of Oxford now ſubſiſting, is dated 4 November, 37 Henry VIII. In the printed Catalogue of Manuſcripts in the Bodleian Library, p. 290, Nº 6457, 45. A Copy of an Act of Parliament, 27 Henry VIII. 1546, exempting the two Univerfities from Firſt Fruits and Tenths, exemplified 29 January, 8° Eliz. in Cur. Cancellar. Vid. 1 Eliz. Cap. 4. Sect. 34. See Burnet's Ref. p. 339. Hift, and Ant. Oxon. p. 281. Land, 5 H 786 D. DIOCESE OF OXFORD. OXFORD. King's Books. Yearly Tenthsa 1, s. d, 1. do Lands and Patronages back again into the Hands of Truſtees. Rymer's Foedera, vol. XIV. p. 443. In 1542, the King not liking the ſituation of Oſeney, removed the See to Oxford, and once more changed the Name from King Henry the Eighth's College to Chriſt Church College. Le Neve. Richard Cox, Dean at Oſeney, was the firſt Dean at Oxford in the Year 1546. Le Neve, fol. 230. The Deanry 1oool. per annum. The Canons 400l. per an- num each. The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe 150l. per ann. and the Arch- deaconry are in the Gift of the Biſhop. Dr. Curren, Arch- deacon, 1535. Vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. 71 6 oj Archdeanconry of Oxford has the Impropriation of Eifley, 7 2 71 alias Yefley. Vide Liber Regis, Eccleſ. Cath. Lincoln. 100l. per annum. Biſhop of Oxford. Alfred was the firſt Archdeacon, 1092. Le Neve, p. 16:5. The ſeveral Livings following are not in Charge for Firſt Fruits or Tenths. 0 1.0 N. B. The Firſt Fruits and Tenths of the following Benefices, are diſcharged by Act of Parliament 27° Henry VIII, ex- empting both Univerſities from thoſe Payments, but the Values and Tenths are inſerted here as they formerly paid. 5 6 8 All Saints * incorporated into one Collegiate Church, with the 8 College of Lincoln. St. Mildred's Pariſh is united to this. Lincoln College, Oxford. 8 13 4 St. Aldat R. in Oxford. Penf. Epiſc. Lincoln. 135. 4d. Prox. 0 17 4 6s. 8d. Pembroke College, Oxford, 541. clear Value. Binſey Donative, (St. Margaret,) with the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen. Pri. Stæ Frideſwidæ, olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Patr. St. Clement in Oxford, alias Bridgſet, R. Non in Onere. 6ol. per annum. The KING. 3 5 Sta Ebba R. in Oxford. Prox. Is. 6d. The KING. o 6 6 30 31 St. Giles. V. cum Capella Beatæ Mariæ. Repriz. gs. 10d. Abb. Godſkowe, I 9 24 St. John's College, Oxford. The KING, 1763. 10). clear Value. 0 O o 14 12 * All Saints. Augmented by Lord Crew, Biſhop of Durham, 10l. per annum. St. John OXFORD. 787 DIOCESE OF OXFORD. 1. s 1. s. a. O 12 5 4 2 King's Books. learly Tenthie d. St. John Baptiſt Cur. Merton College Chapel is the Pariſh Church here, which is dedicated to St. John Baptiſt. 8 1 51 St. Martin, alias Carfax in Oxford, R. Proxies and Synods 0 16 1] 6s. 8d. The KING. 181. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. 6 oo St. Mary Magdalen in Oxford V. Redd. Abb. Oſeney il. 6s. 8d. Penf. Guardian, Eccleſiæ 165. 8d. Valet per ann. in omn. decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Oſney, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 161. clear Value. St. Mary the Virgin in Oxford V. The Univerſity Church. O 10 5 Oriel College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 35l. clear Value. St. Michael's Cur. * incorporated into one Collegiate Church, with College of Lincoln. 16l. clear Value. 3 14 2 St. Peter Le Bayley R. Proxies and Synods 6s. 8d. The o 7 5 KING. 181. Augmented with Queen Anne's Bounty. St. Peter in the Eaſt V, with Wolvercote Cap. (St. Peter,) 13 [6 21 (221. clear Value) and Halliwell Cap. (Holy Croſs.) - (161. clear Value.) Prox. 115. 8d. Val. per ann. in omnim. de- cim. tam major. quam minor. oblat. &c. Merton College, Oxford, Propr, and Patr. St. Thomas Cur. in Suburbiis, alias St. Nicholas. Abb. Ofe- ney, Propr. Chriſt Church College, Oxon. In Oxford were anciently theſe other Churches, which have been long ſince demoliſhed, viz. St. Andrew, St. Budoc, St. Benedict, St. Edward, St. George, St. Michael South- gate, St. Mildred, and St. Catherine's Chapel. The Poſſeſſions of the following Colleges, with the Names and Salaries of the Heads and Fellows of each College, are par- ticularly recited in this Survey, viz. Merton, Queen's, Uni- verſity, All Souls, Lincoln, Oriel, Corpus Chriſti, Chriſt Church, New Coll. Exeter, Baliol, Braſen Noſe, and Mag- dalen, 2 I * St. Michael's Cur. Augmented by Lord Crew, Biliop of Durham, with 10l, per annum. 5 H2 D. atton. 788 OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFORD. D. Afton. The Monaſtery of Thame, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually, in Manors, Lands, Te. nements, Great Tythes, &c. 256). 145. 7.d.] The Monaſtery of Oſney was likewiſe returned at 6541. 105. 20.5 The Monaſtery of King's Place, alias Locus Regalis, was like- wiſe returned at 1741. 35. od. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. d. I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. S. d. II 0 2į Amington, alias Emington, R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and 2 0 Proxies gs. 7d. Sir Henry Alhurſt, Bart. 1695, 1725. Sir William Athurſt. 781. certified Value. 18 16 01 Baldwin Brightwell R. (St. Bartholomew.) Synods and Proxies I 17 75 10s. 70. Jo. Stone, Eſq. 1704, 1732. Mary Stone, Wi- dow, 1734. Francis Lowe, Eſq. 1740, 1747 17.50. 6 19 2 Britwell Salham R. (St. Nicholas.) Synods and Proxies Is. 6d. O 13 II James Stopes, Clerk, 1732. Chriſtopher Stopes, Eſq. 1740, 1744. Mary Stopes, Widow, 1782. 10 5 5 Chalgrove V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Berwick. Syn. and Prox. io 61 75. 8d. Pení. Abb. Thame il. 165. Abb. Thame, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 26 0 5 Chinnor R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 8d.1 Priori 2 12 01 Wallingford gs. Dorothy Nelſon; 1698. The Biſhop, 1727. William Huggins, Eſq. 1750. Jane Muſgrave, 79 91 Crowell R. (St. Mary.) Syn, and Prox. 105. 7d.1 Lady Ca O 14 11 therine Wenman, Viſcounteſs Tuain, 1695. The KING, 1722. Lord Wenman, 1730, 1755, 1778, 1784. 9 10 5 Cuxham R. (Holy Rood.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 7 d. Merton 0 19 01 College, Oxford. 701. certified Value. 5 Ewelme R. (St. Mary,) vulgò Newelme. Syn. and Prox. 105. 2 3. ož 7d.} Annexed to the Regius Profeſſorſhip of Divinity in Ox- ford Univerſity. 17 9 41 Pirton V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Standell deſtructa. Synods I 14 115 and Proxies 1os. 7d.Mon. Norton in Chelliire, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 4 Southweſton 1778. 2 I IO OXFORD. 789 DIOCESE OF OXFORD. King's Books. 1. d. 2 Yearly Tenibs, lo d 6. Southweſton R. (St. Laurence.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 7d.1 o 18 3 9 Queen's College, Oxford. 12 17 I Stoke Stalmage, alias Stoke Talmage, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) I 1 5 81 Syn. and Prox. 1os. 70.1 Thomas Parker, Eſq. 1720. Francis Blandy, Gent. 1732. Earl of Macclesfield, and others, 1751, 1763, 1770. 82 12 31 Thame P. an Impropriation.. Capellano Lincoln 77. 35. 2d. 8 5 2 Seneſchallo 135.4d. Vicario 187. 2 11 101 Warpſgrave R. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. Is. 6d. Grace 5 24 Shepard, 1680. Thomas Shepard, Eſq. 1719. The KING, 1779. 9 10 10 Whitfield, alias Wheatfield, R. Synods and Proxies 105.70 1 19 Sir Thomas Tipping, Bart. 1709. Dame Anne Tipping, Widow, 1722. Edward Rudge, Eſq. 1737, 1746, 1749. 20 0 O Hoſp. de Ewelme. o Hoſp. de Ewelme. Vide Orig. Sury. 2 0 O T O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 100 O o 35 18 4 12 6 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 40 o'o Adwell R. (St. Mary.) Penf. Collegio Windſor. 6s. 8d. John 4 13 9 Newell, Eſq. 1705. William Newell, Clerk, 1729. El- ther Newell, Widow, 1747, 1775. 49 5 5 4 Aſton Rowant V. with the Chapel of Stokenchurch. (St. Pe- 16 18 11 ter and St. Paul.) Syn, and Prox. 35. Priori Wallingford 55. The KING. Pri. Wallingford, Propr. o Eaſington R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. Is. 6d. Biſhop 4 12 of Lincoln. 50 od Ibeſton R. (St. Nicholas.) Syni . and Prox. 1os. 7d.1 Mer- 9 9 41 ton College, Oxford. 46 7 o Lewkenor V. (St. Margaret,) cum Cap. Sfæ Mariæ de More, 11 17 0 alias Ackhanſtead. Synods and Proxies 35. Abb. Abing- don, Propr. All Souls College, Oxford. 27 oo Shirborne, alias Shirbourn, alias Shereborne, V. (All Saints.) 10 16 ox Synods and Proxies ios. 70.1 Mon. Dorcheſter, Propr. Thomas Lord Parker, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain, in his own Right, 1720. Earl of Macclesfield, 1731, 1748. 43 0 0 THAME V. * (St. Mary,) with the Chapels of Towerſey in co. 18 Bucks, (St. Catherine,) Sidenham, (St. Mary,) and Tetſ- o * THAME V.--This Living is in ſome reſpects under the juriſdiction of the Church of Lincoln. Some Incumbents have been inſtituted by the Bifhop of Lincoln ; and others have been inſtituted by the Biſhop of Oxford. John Newborough inſtituted by the Biſhop of Lincoln, 1761, wortle 790 OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFORD. 1. s. d. C'ear Yearly Value. King's Books, To d. worth in co. Oxon. (St. Giles.) Oliin Prebend of Thame in Lincolo Cathedral. Earl Granville, Patr. and Impr. 1761. 37 4 WATLINGTON V. (St. Leonard.) Abb. Oſeney, Propr. Tho- 12 mas Stoner, Eſq. 1711. Edward and Samuel Horne, Eſqrs. 1757. John Henry Tilſon, Eſq. 1784. 0 CHAPELS. North Weſton, Chapel to Thame. Ricote, (St. Michael and All Angels,) formerly a Chapel to Haſeley, founded anno 1449. Earl of Abingdon. 9. Burceſter. The Priory of Burceſter was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Gieat Tythes, Penſions, &c. the clear annual Sum of 1471. 25. Iod. The Monaſtery of Godſtowe was likewiſe returned at 258%. Ios. 6d.j For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. A'ing's Books. 2. d. 1. O II 12 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 5 12 81 Ardeley R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 105, 8d. John Par- 35 ron, Gent. 1707. George Townſhend, Eſq. 1726. Duke of Marlborough, 1753, 1778. 9 41 Blechingdon R. (St. Giles.) Abb. Oſeney 6s. 8d. Prox. and Prox. and I 4 II Syn. 10s. 8d. Queen's College, Oxford. 13 16 of Bucknell R. (St. Peter.) Penf. Abb. Ofeney 135. 4d. Prox. 7 72 and Syn. 1os. 8d. Dimiſſ. per Indentur. New College, Ox- ford. 9 41 Charleton upon Otmere R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 105. 2 111 8d. Domui le Charterhouſe in Shene 2h. Queen's College, Oxford. Finmore 1 21 2 OXFORD. 791 DIOCESE OF OXFORD. 1. d. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 8 9 41 Finmore R. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 10s. O 16 i 8d. John Chaplin, Gent. 1704. Lord Cobham, 1726. Thomas Edmunds, Clerk, 1734. Earl Temple, 1771, 1783. 12 16 of Fringford R. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. Lord i 5 74 Brooke, 1697. Dodington Greville, Eſq. 1726. Fulk Greville, Eſq. 1753. The Biſhop, 1756. 7 18 9 Goddington R. (Holy Trinity.) Proxe and Syn. 8s. Corpus 0 15 101 Chriſti College, Oxford. 6 2 2 81 Hampton Poyle R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 105. 8d. 0 12 34 Queen's College, Oxford. 10 13 11 Hayford at the Bridge, alias Heyford Purcell, R. (St. Mary.) 1 I 33 Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. Epiſc. Linc. pro Penſ. 25. Archi- diac. Oxon. pro Penſ. is. Abb. Eynſham il. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford. 13 16 oị Hayford Warren R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 8d. I 7 7 Abb. Oſeney 135. 4d. Dimiff. ad firm. New College, Oxford. 7 9 41 Hethe R. (St. George and St. Edmund.) Prox, and Syn. 105. 0 14 11 90 8d. The KING. 16 13 61 Iflip R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. Dean and I 13 41 Chapter of Weſtminſter, 9 41 Langton, alias Launton, R. (St. Mary.) Olim Cap. to Bur I 2 II 400 ceſter. Abb. Weſtm. il. 6s. 8.d. Prox. and Syn. 1os. 3d. Biſhop of London. 8 9 41 Lillingſtone Lovell R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 8d. O 16 I 130 The KING, 12 16 01 Middleton Stoney R. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 105. 8d. 5 75 Biſhop of Lincoln. 15 9 41 Mixbury R. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. Bihop Biſhop I 10 11) of Rocheſter. The KING, 1759: 3 15 5 Newton Pricel, alias Purcel, (St. Michael.) Samuel Trotman, o 7 61 Eſq. 1705, 1720, 1734. Fiennes Trotman, Efą. 1762, 4 O O Shellilwell R. (St. Ebbe.) Ecclefia deſecrata. Samuel Trot- o so man, Eſq. 1705, 1720, 1734. Fiennes Trotman, Eſq. 1762, 1774 12 16 01 Odington upon Ormere R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. I 5 72 105. 8d.' Trinity College, Oxford, Patr. 15 I 101 Somerton R. (St. James.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 8d. Abb. 1 o 25 Oleney 7s. 6d. Bridget Lille, Fran. Lille, and Mary Pearne, 1724, 1728. Barfoot Colton, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1769. Soulderne II O O 0 1 1774. With 792 OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFORD. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. O 17 5 8 14 on. 25. King's Books. l. d. 2 Soulderne R. (St. Mary.) Decano Colleg. de Frediſwid. Ox- Abb. Eynſham 21. 35.4d. Proxies and Synods 10s. 7.d. St. John's College, Cambridge. 11 9 41 Windlebury, alias Wendyſbury, R. (št. Giles.) Prosies and Synods ios. 8d. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxa ford. I 2 115 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 42 5 3 Ambrofden V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 35. Convent 11 17 de Bonhommes de Afheruge, in co. Bucks, Propr. Sir Ste- phen Glynn, Bart. 1721. Sir Edward Turner, Bart. 1765. Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart. 1779. 49 o O Burcester, vulgò Biſter, V. (St. Edburgh.) Pri. Burceſter, 16 Oo Propr. Sir John Glynn, Bart. 1719. Sir Edward Turner, Bart. 1752. Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart. 1779. 45 6 8 Cheſterton V.* (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods ios. 8d. Wil- 7 8 9 Ellys vicar. ibidem, perpet. & vicaria valet per ann. cum re- priſ. commun. ann. ex recognitione ſua ſuper ſacramentum. Colleg. de Bonhoin. de Afheruge, in co. Bucks, Propr. New College, Oxford. 48 5 6 Cottisford, alias Cotesford, R. (St. Mary.) Eton College. 24 13 4 Curtlington, alias Kirtlington, V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Sy- 11 9 4 nods 1os. 8d. Pri. de Charterhouſe, juxta Warwick, Propr. St. John's College, Oxford. 34 8 8 Fritwell V. (St. Olave.) Proxies and Synods ios. 8d. Prior. 7 9 4 Stæ Fridiſwidæ, Oxon. Propr. Samuel Jones, Eſq. 1703, 1711. George Wheate, Eſq. 1729. Sir Baldwin Wake, 1740. William Wake, Efq. 1763. 19 13 4 Hardwick R. (St. Mary.) James Farmer, 1709. James Sut- 5 0 0 ton, Efq. 1738. Sir Henry Dafhwood, Bart. 1784. o Marton, alias Merton propè Ambroſden utic, V. (St. Swithin.) 8 o o Abb. Eynſham, olim Propr. Exeter College, Patr. and Impr. 6 13 4 I 2 O * Cheſterton.-Poſibly the Alienation of Tythes from this Parochial Church might occaſion one of the firſt Vicarages in England, if we believe the Report of common Lawyers ; for Mr. Noy, urging the Antiquity of Vicarages in this Kingdom, that they were before the Time of K. John, ſays, “That in Oxfordſhire there were four Vicarages before his Reign.' Biſhop Kennet's Par. Antiq. p.91. + Merton, alias Meriton propè Ambroſdeni.-The Appropriation and Advowſon thereof given to Exeter College. Kennet's Par. Antiq. p. 671.--Merton is a Vicarage, but no Vicar hath been in. ſtituted for 130 Years. The Fellows of Exeter College ſerve it yearly by Turns. Pidington OXFORD793 DI . D'IO CES É Of OXFORD. 1. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 7 de de 41 7 8 Pidington Cur. (St. Nicholas.) This was taken out of Ainbroſ- den Pariſh. The Inhabitants nominate. 37 8 10 Stoke Lyn V. (St. Peter.) Mon. Notley, Propr. Charles Holt, Eſq. 1705. Newſham Pierce, Eſq. 1734. Francis Vernon, Eſq. and Benjamin Adamſon, 1756. Toſmere R. Eccleſia deſtructa.) Helen Farmer, Widow, 1704. 3 5 o Mr. Farmer. o Weſton on the Green V. (St. Mary.) Monaſt. Oſeney, Propr. Norris Bertie, Eſq. O 15 0 28 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Blaekthorn Chap. in Ambrofden Pariſh. Deſtructa. Hampton Gay Cur. (St. Giles.) Mon. Oſeney, Propr. Stoner Chap. in Watlington Pariſh. Deſtructa, Mon. Oſeney, Propr. Stratton Audley Cur. (St. Mary.) Chriſt Church, Oxford, Patr. Taken out of Burceſter Pariſh, Olim Cap. to Bur.. ceſter. D. Chipping Norton. haha The Monaſtery of Bruern, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiflioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 134.. 10s. 1od. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. L. 3. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tonths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. de 25 5 10 Charlebury V. (St. Mary,) with Chadlington Cur. (St. Mary.) 2 10 7 and Shorthampton Cur. (All Saints.) Abb. Eynſham ih Proxies and Synods 75. 7d. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Eynſham, Propr. Frances Saunders, Widow, 1696. St. John's College, Oxon. Challeton 5 I 794 OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFORD, 2. d. 2 9 NI cim. oblat. &c. Prebendary thereo King's Books: Yearly Tenths, l. d. 9 • 21 Challeton R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods sos. 7d. Abb. O 18 Ofeney 21. Thomas Greenwood, 1715, 1730, Milcah Greenwood, Widow, 1752. 7 11 104 Haythorpe R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn. 95. 8d. Di- Di-015. 2 miff. ad firm. Earl of Plymouth, 1722. Reginald Wyn- niate, 1770. 691. certified Value. 17 11 8 Kingham, alias Kinkham, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. i 15 1os. 7 d. Elizabeth Dowdeſwell, Widow, 1711. George Dowdeſwell , Eſq. 1750. Ann Foley, Widow, 1784. 16 9 41 Rolleright Magna R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 70.1 1 12 111 Dimiff. per indentur. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. 3 Salford R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. gs. 8d. Matthew 0 19 13 Goodwin, Clerk, 1710. The Biſhop, 1725. Lionel Kirk- ham, 1779. 8 18 1] Sareſden, alias Sarſden, alias Sarfton, R. Abb. Eynſham 128. o 17 91 4d. Prox. and Syn. gs. 8d. Sir John Walter and Ro. Wal. ter, Eſq. 1721. John Walter and Dennis Rolle, Efqrs. 1762. 39 6 3 Shipton under Wichwood R. or P. in Sarum Cathedral. Prox. 3.18 71 and Syn. 135. 7d. Dimiff. ad firm. Annexed to the Pro- fefforſhip of Civil Law in Oxford, by Act of Parliament 1617. 16 o o Shipton under Wichwood V. (St. Mary.) In this Pariſh is the Chapel of Le Field, founded by Sir Henry Unton, April 1, 32 Eliz. and dedicated to St. Michael. Val. per ann. in de- Propr. and Patr. sol. certified Value. 9 8 9 Spilleſbury V. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 7d. Coll. O 18 101 de Warwick, Propr.. Val. in decim. oblat. &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 50l. certified Value. 15 7 1 Swarford R. (St. Mary,) with Showell Chap. Richard Bride I 10 81 oke, Eſq. 1691. Ralph Brideoak, Clerk, and Richard Lynch, 1727, 1739. Richard Rogers and his Wife, 1756. Timothy Earl, Eſq. 1779. I 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Ckar Yearly Value, King's Books. 46 u2 8 CHIPPING NOR TON V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Glouceſter, Propr. 10 6 8 Valer per ann. in pecun. rec. Abb. & Convent, Glouc. 1ol. 65. 8d. pro gilda de Chipping Norton, vide Orig. Surv. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. 4 Churchill OXFORD. 795 DIOCESE OF OXFORD. 1. d. O 2 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 14 I 8 Churchill V. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 78. Val. per 7 16 of ann. in omn. decim. & oblat. in pecun. &c. Pri. Stæ Fri- diſwidæ, Propr. The KING, 1760, 1768. 45 Cornwell, alias Cornwall, R. Proxies and Synods 1os. 7d. 7 4 80 Abb. Oſeney 55. The KING. 36 0 o Enſton V. (St. Kenelm.) Proxies and Synods 10s, 7d. Val. 9 14 4 in terr. gleb. & pecun. rec. per ann. Abb. Winchcomb, in co. Glouceſter, Propr. Earl of Lichfield, 1774. Charles Dillon Lee, Eſq. 1784. 43 0 0 o Rolleright Parva R. Abb. Eynham 10s. Prox. 35. 4d. Na. 5 6 8 thaniel Booth and Percival Hart, Eſqrs. 1700. Nathaniel Booth, Eſq. and Sir Thomas Dyke, Bart. 1743. Sir John Read, Bart. 1771. ооо O NOT IN CHARGE. Afcot under Wichwood Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Olim Cap. to Shipton, Mr. Craven. 181. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Fyfield Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Cap. to Swinbrooke, in Dec. Witney. Chancellor of the Church of Sarum. Hooknorton Cur. (St. Peter.) Mon. Oſney, Propr. Biſhop of Oxford, Patr. Idbury Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Cap. to Swinbrooke, in Decano Witney. Chancellor of the Church of Sarum. D. Cuddeldon. This Deanry was ſurveyed and ſigned by Sir Walter Stonore, Knight, Sir Thomas Carter, Knight, and John Williams, Commiſſioners. The Monaſtery of Studley, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, without the Deductions allowed by the Inſtructions, annually 123. 16s. 5d. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. 5 1 2 LIVINGS - 696 DIOCESE OF OXFORD, OXFORD. 2. 1.6 a Cuddeſdon V § Milton Maner Preb.-In the Survey of the County of Oxford, in the Firſt Fruits Office, after the LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectòries, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 9 2 81 Albury, alias Albere, R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. 105. 0 18 31 7dij Prior. de Studley 6s. 8d. Earl of Abingdon, 1711, 1759. o Beckley. V. * (St. Mary,) with a Chapel at Horton formerly, o 1.6 and now at Stodeley. Pri. Stodeley, Propr. Chriſt Church College, Oxford. 17 (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 105. 7d.] Annexed to the Bi- ſhopric of Oxford. 6 8 11 Ellisfield V.+ (St. Thomas Becket.) Vide Paroch. Antiq. p. O 12 91 326. Pri. Stæ Frideſwidæ, . Oxon. Propr. Earl of Guil- ford. 14 19 93 Garfington R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 70.1 Colle- I 9111 gio Reginæ gl. Henry Barker, D. D. 1731. Gilbert Par- ker, D.D. 1776. 30 e o Hafely R. (St. Peter.). Rector non comperuit, temp. Hen. 3 O o VIII. Annexed to the Deanry of Windſor. Holton R. (St. Bartholomew.). Synods and Proxies 1os. 7d.1 15.11 Thomas Whorwood, Efq. 1702, 1724, 1751. Anne Pene- ·lope Whorwood, Widow, 1775. 6 13 4 March Balden R. (St. Peter.) Temp. Hen. VIII. rector non O 13 4 comperuit. Ralph Freeman, this Turn, 1676. William Cumming, 1736. Chriſtopher Willoughby, Eſq. 1783. 24 O O Milton Maner P.$ in the Church of Lincoln. Vide Orig. 2 8 Sury. The Biſhop of Lincoln, Patr. 33 18 61 Milton Eccleſia P. or R. Sol. pro ſept. & dec. 61. fol. Vic. de 3 7 101 Cholſey al. & ad Chor. Is. 6d. Biſhop of Lincoln. * Beckley V.-This is ſerved for rol. 1os. per annum, being an Impropriation, as by Letter from the Rev. Mr, Watkins, Miniſter there, dated February 20, 1718. Note. This has not been certified into the Exchequer, or to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty. + Ellisfield V. Note. This is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the. Yearly Value of 201. Vide State of the Bounty, 2d Edit. p. 227. I Hafeley, —Annexed to the Deanry of Windſor, per Actum Parl. 7° Annæ. 12 19 2 oo Charge upon this Preb. it follows, “ Prebenda de Binbrok “ Prebenda de Binbroke eſt parcel, dictæ Prebendæ, & taxatur in " Com. Lincoln.” In Dec. Walſhcroft ibidem. 6 Great OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFOR D. 797 King's Books. l. S. di ģ. Tos, 7d. Jo. Nourſe, Eſq. 1705. Francis Nourſe, Tearly Tentbs. 1. S. d. Great Milton V. (St. Mary.). There is a Chapel at Aſcot in 1 Ιο 15 o this Pariſh. Richard Carter, Eſq. 1723, 1729, and 1749. Owen Manning, Clerk, 1782, 1784. 15 6 of Newenham, alias Newnham Courtney, R. (All Saints.) Syn. 1 10 73 and Prox. 1@5. 8d.] Abb. Abbingdon il. 1os. Lord Har- - court, 1714, 1736. 18 13 4 Newington R. * with Britwell Priors Chapel. Archbiſhop of I 17.4 Canterbury 16 9 41 Stanton St. John R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn, and Prox. 1os. I 12 11 : 7d. New College, Oxford. 10 16 01 Waterſtock R. (St. Leonard.) Syn. and Prox. 105. 7d. Sir I 71 George Coke, Knight. Sir Henry Aſhurſt, Bart. 1726. Sir William Aſhurſt. O 10 Woodeyton, alias Woodeaton, R. (Holy Rood.) Syn. and i o Prox. Eſq. 1931. John Nourſe, Eſq. 1751, 1767. 80 o Yefley, alias Eyfley, V. f (St. Mary,) only a Curacy. An- nexed to the Archdeaconry of Oxford. Archdeacon of Ox- ford, Propr. and Patr. I IO I O 16 26 0 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's. Books, Marſton propè Oxon: V.1 (St. Nicholas.) Pri. Stæ Frideſwidæ, Propr. Thomas Whorwood, Eſq. 1728, 1752, 1771. 42 Noke R. (St. Giles.) Syn. and Prox. 35, 2d. Dutcheſs of 7 19 7 Marlborough, 1726. Duke of Marlborough, 1773: 35 Waterperry Y. (St. Mary.) Mon. Oſeney, Propr.Sir John $ i 5! Curſon, Bart. 1682, Thomas Rowney, Eſq. 1716. The KING, 1739. O O * Newington R.-is a Peculiar of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury. + Yefley, alias Eifly, V.-is a Curacy ſerved by the Appointment of the Archdeacon of Oxford, who is the Impropriator. Note. This is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the yearly Value of 121. but having not been certified into the Exchequer, by Virtue of the Diſcharging Acts, it ſtill remains charged. f Marſton V.-Edward Maſters and Dinah his Wife preſented 1685. Robert King preſented (hac vice) 1705. The Biſhop of Oxford collated 1718. Thomas Whorwood, Eſq. Patr, 1726, 1728, 1752, 1771; NOT 798 OXFORDE DIOCESE OF OXFOR D. NOT IN CHARGE. Cowley Cur. (St. James.) Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church. Mon. Oſeney, Propr. Culbain V. (St. Peul.) Abbey of Abbingdon, olim Propr. Biſhop of Oxford, Patr. FARO Forreſthill Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Mon. Oſeney, Propr. 251. clear Value. Horſpath Cur. (St. Giles.) Magdalen College, Oxford. Knight's Templars, olim Propr. Haddington, alias Heddington, V. (St. Andrew.) Thomas Whorwood, Eſq. 1776. Pri. Stæ Fridifwidæ, Própr. Littlemore, formerly a Priory. No Church here. Sandford Cur. (St. Andrew.) Knights Templars, Propr. Lady Curzon. 9. Dedington. The Gild of St. Mary the Virgin, in Banbury, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Lands, Tenements, &c. the clear annual Value of 481. 6s. od. I For the Particulars of the Diſburſements, &c. vide Orig. Surv. The Priory of Clatercote was likewiſe returned at 34). 195. 11d. The Priory of Wroxton was likewiſe returned at 781. 145. 3d. I The Hoſpital of St. John, in Banbury, was likewiſe returned at 151. 15. 10d. Vide Orig. Surv. 7. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. de 1. 4 Adderbury V. (St. Mary,) with the Chapels of Bodicot, (St. 2 2 2 58 John Baptiſt,) and Barford Parva St. John. Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. Redd. Epiſc. Winton 6s. New College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Awkerington, 21 XFORD. 799 DIOCESE OF OXFORD. 1. So I King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. d. 6 39 Awkerington, alias Alkirton, R. (St. Michael.) Proxies and 12 41 Synods 1os. 8d. William Townſhend, Gent. 1720. Fran- cis Townſhend, and his Wife, 1733. John Townſhend, Gent. 1761. John Capel Townſhend, Clerk, 1775. 60l. certified Value. 18 16 of Broughton R. (St. Mary.) Proxies and Synods 1os. 8d. Lord 1 17 74 Say and Seale, 1683, 1704, 1732. Thomas Twilleton, Eſq. and ophers, 1771, 1781. 26 10 10 Cropedie V. * (St. Mary.) There was formerly a Prebend of 2 13 Cropedie, who was Proprietor. Biſhop of Oxford. 12 16 01 Drayton R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 8d. Sir Jona- I Sir Jona- 1 5 74 than Cope, Bart. 1726, 1731, 1742. Sir Charles Cope, Bart. 1769. John Cleaver, Eſq. 1770. 17 16. 04 Drayton Hanwell R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 8d. Dimiſ. I 15 74 per Indentur. Sir Jonathan Cope, Bart. 1722, 1725, 1750. 6 2 81 Over Worton R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. O 12 34 Thomas Cartwright, Eſq. 1693. William Cartwright, Efq. 1752, 1763. Thomas Cartwright, Eſq. 1766. 8ol. certi. fied Value. 9 9 41 Swacliffe V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Epwell , (St. Anne,) 0 14 111 and Shetford Chap. (St. Martin.) Proxies and Synods 1os. 8d. New College, Oxford, Patr. and Propr. fol. certified Value. 13 11 of Tadmerton R. (St. Nicholas.) Proxies and Synods 10s. 8d. I 711 Abb. Abbington 31. 18s. 8d. Michael Woodhall, Eſq. Devereux Bulleine, 1744. Matthew Woodford, 1780. 6 13 4. Tew Magna V. (St. Michael.) Abb. de Godfowe, Prapr. 0'13 4 Anthony Keck, Eſq. The KING, 1781. 17 2 81 Wiggington R, (St. Giles.) Proxies and Synods 1os. 8d. Di- 1 14 31 miff. per Indentur. Sir Francis North, Knight, and others, 1683. Jeſus College, Oxon. 15 1 101 Hoſp. Sti John, Banbury. Val. in redd. aſiſ. per ann. Biſhop I 10 25 of Lincoln, Patr. 1702. * Burton Magna, (St. Michaely) Cleydon, (St. James,) Mollington, (All Saints,) and Warden. ton, (St. Mary Magdalen,) are Chapels to Cropedie. And there was a Priory at Clatercote alſo in this Parith, LIVINGS 800 OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFOR D. s. s. .. O 2 8 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. l. 16 15 6 Banbury V. (St. Mary.) Repr. 6s. 6d. Val. per ann. in omn. 22 reven. & profic. Biſhop of Oxford, Propr. and Patr. olim Preb. Banbury, in Cath. Linc. Propr. and Patr. Barford St. Michael V. Johan. Box vicar. perpet. ibid. & vicar. 6 5 0 ſua val. per ann. ultra repriſ. com. ann. ex recog. ſua ſuper facramentum ſuum. Pri. de Chawcombe, Propr. John Polo lard, Eſq. 47 0 o Bloxham V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Milcombe. (St. Laurence.) 17 9 4 Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. Val. in decim. oblat. & al. profic. Pri. Godſtowe, Propr. Eton College. 48 0 DeDDINTON, alias DADINGTON, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 15 9 4 Prox. and Syn. 1os. 8d. Val. per ann. in pecun. numerat. Dec. & Cap. Wyndeſor, Propr. Edward Loveden, Eſq. 1700. William Hunt, Eſq. 1747, 1751. South Newington V. (St. Peter.) Abb. de Eynſham, Propr. 8 oO Val. per ann. in pecun, numerat. per compoſit. 81. The Biſhop, 1742. Exeter College, Oxford. per ann. 20 0 Do Not IN CHARGE. :) I CUTE 220 1 na. O 0 Horley, (St. Ethelreda,) and Hornton Cur. (St. John Baptift.) The KING. Olim Cap. to King's Sutton in Dec. Bucking- ham. Milton St. John, Chap. to Adderbury. Deſtructa. Nether Worton Cur. (St. James.) Olim Cap. to Tew Mag- The Duke of Argyle. 10l. clear Value. Tew Parva Chapel. Deſtructa. Wroxton V. (All Saints,) with Balſcort Cap. (St. Mary Mag- dalen.) They are both called Vicarages in the Charter of Henry VIII. to Chriſt Church. The Tenant, Lord Guil. ford, as Lefſee to Chriſt Church College, provides for Di. for vine Service in them. Abb. Wroxton, Propr. 20 12 I was D. ben: OXFORD 80! DIOCESE OF OXFOR D. D. Henley. The Monaſtery of Dorcheſter, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually, without the Dedục. tions allowed by the Inſtructions, 2171. 55. gd. The Monaſtery of Goryng was likewiſe returned at bol. 55. 5d. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Orig. Sury. King's Books. 5. d. s. dia 12 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. 915 Byxgibwin, (St. Michael,) and Bixbrand R. (St. James.) Syn. O 19 6 and Prox. 10s. 7d. 1 The firſt of theſe Churches is demoliſhed. William Marſh, 1682. Earl of Macclesfield, 1722. Earl of Macclesfield, 1774. 19 9 41 Chakenden R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. I 18 il 7d.] Richard Lybb, Eſq. 1711. Hárwood Awbery, Gent. 1746. Univerſity College, Oxford, 1776, 1769. 6 oj Crawmerſh Gifford R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Priori Goring 1 4 72 105. Syn. and 'Prox. 10s. 7d. Sir Thomas Spencer, Bart. *1683. Sir Clement Cottrell Dormer, Kat. 1750. Charles Turner, Eſq. 1778. 12 10 5 Harpden, alias Harding, R. (St. Margaret,) with Bowlney í 5 0] annexed. Ecclef. deftructa, 1453. Syn. and Prox. 1os. 7d. į All Souls College, Oxford. 21 1 3 HENLEY UPON THAMES R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 2 2 11 8d.4 Bilhop of Rocheſter. Caroline Cornwallis, Widow, 1784. 9 9 41 Mongewell R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn, and Prox. 105.7d.1 0 18 111 John Saunders, Eſq. 1685. Ro. Selwood, Gent. 1902. Sir John Gyſe, Bart. 1750, 1755. Shute, Lord Biſhop of Landaff, 1776. V 12 10 0 Mapledereham, alias Mapledurham, V. (St. Margaret.) Syn. 5 0 and Prox. ICs. Penf. Collegio Eton 41. Collcgio Wyndſor il. Eton College, Propr. and Patr. 81 Rutherfield Gray, alias Rotherfield Greys, R. Syn. and Prox. 31 108. 70.1 Trinity College, Oxford. 1 10 12 I I • 5 K Rutherfield 802 Oxford. DIO C ISE OF OX FOR D. 1. d. O Kingets Books CHE Yearly Tenths, 1. do 9 9 41 Rutherfield Peppard R. (All Saints.) Synods and Proxies O 18 111 10s. 7d. Jeſus College, Oxford * 14 10 Northſtoke V. (St. Mary,) with Newnham Warren Chapel, 1 9 (St. Mary,) and Ipſden Chapel. (St. Mary.) Olim Pri. Bromhill Propr. St. John's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 7 9 41 Swynecombe, alias Swyneſcombe, R. (St. Botolph.) Syn.and 0 14 11) 180 Prox. los 7d.The KING. 7 16 101 Tuffield, alias Nuffield, R. (Holy Trinity.) Syn. and Prox. O 15 84 10s.70.1 Pri. Goring 10s.. Abb. Dorcheſter 25. 6d. Mary Spire, Widow, 1692. William Gibbons, M. D. and Ri- chard Jones, Eſq. 1723. Dame Catharine Champion, 1760. 16 2 81 Whitchurch R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 8d. Col-. I 12 31 250 leg. Wyndeſor pro Beks Tythe il, 6s. 8d. The KING. O . O o LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books o ó Shiplack V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Syn. and Prox. 35. 7. Io Mon. Mifſenden in co. Bucks, olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor. 30 Southſtoke V. (St. Andrew,) with Woodcote Chapel. (St. 12 16 of Leonard.) Syn. and Prox. 10s. 70.] Abb. Eynſham, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. O o NoT IN CHARGE, mo Caverſham Cur. uh (St. Peter.) Mon. Noteley, olim Propri Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Patr. Goring Cur. (Sr. Thomas Becket,) formerly a Priory. Rutherfield Peppard was given to Jeſus College in truſt, that upon every Vacancy they ſhall pre- fent the Principal. + Caverſham is called a Vicarage in the Charter of Henry VIII, to Christ Church, and the Advow. fon of it granted to them. D. ww hit- OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFORD. 803 1 turned by the Commiflioners D. Juihitney. The Hoſpital, or Priory, of Burford, in this Deanry, was re- of 131. 6s. 6d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. s. de 8 o 17 0 1 I O IO O porno IO Ο ΙΟ I 24 10 9 01 8 16 8 Alnſcott, alias Alveſcott, R. Vicar. Bampton 135.4d. Archi- diac. Lincolà. 75. 8d. Prox. and Syn. 25. 8d. Edmund Adams, 1701. Thomas Fettiplace, Eſq. 1751, 1765. Robert Fettiplace, Eſq. 1774. 10 O 10 0 10 BAMPTON V. one Part. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Ecclef. Exon. 3. I 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter, Patr. and Propr. of the three Portions. BAMPTON V. the ſecond part or Comportion. (St. Mary.) I Penf. Ecclef. Exon. 31. 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. BAMPTON V. the third Part or Comportion. (St. Mary.) 1 Prox. and Syn. 105, 7d. Eccleſiæ Exon. 31. 6s. 8d. Abb. Oſeney 155. Abb. Eynſham 125. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 5 Ducklington R. (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. and Syn. 10s.70.1 2 Magdalen College, Oxford. 6 19 41 Kencote, alias Kencott, R. (St. George.) Prox. and Syn. O 13 114 105. 7. Abb. Oſeney 105. William Hamerfly, Eſq. 1664. William Oldſworth, Eſq. 1666. Ro. Lodar, Eſq. 1722. Martha Lodar, Spinſter, 1743. Hugh Hammerſly, Eſq. 1780, 1784. 13 6 101 Langford Church P. 41. 6s. Ecclefiæ Lincoln. . Biſhop of 16 81 Lincoln. 15 14 2. Langford Manor P. in the Church of Lincoln. Ecclefiæ Lin- 5 coln. 41. 135. 2d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 21 19 41 Langford V. (St. Mary.) Preb. Langford Ecclef. Propr. De- 2 311 cim. ublat. &c. James Stephens, Eſq. 1692. Thomas Knapp, Gent. 1730. Richard Boyes, 1760. James Ayling, Gent. 1770. 16 10 10 Stanlake R. (St. Giles.) Prox. and Syn. 95. idis Magdalen I 13 I I College, Oxford. Weſtwell I II 5 K 2 204 OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFORD. s. d. 9 12 O 10, . King's Books. l'early Tentbisa 1. s. d. l. 5 3 9 Weſtwell R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 7d. Dean 0 10 41 and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 47 9 41 WHITNEY R. (St. Marý.) Penſ. Epiſc. Winton. 41. 6s. 8d. 4 14 11d Prox. 10. 8d. Biſhop of Wincheſter United to 6 WHUTNEY V.* (St. Mary. Epifc. Lincoln. 25. Epiſc. O 19 3 Winton. pro quieto Redd. 25. 8d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Llear l'early Value King's Books. 21 8 Aftall V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn: 193..7d. Val . per 9 9 41 ann. in cmn. decim. oblat. &c. Eton College, Patr. and Propr. 45 Blackburton V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Oleney, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Bradwell, álias Broadwell, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with 8 14 46 Kelmſcote, (St. George,) and 'Holwell Chapel. Prox. and Jeruſalem, Propr. Thomas EdwardsEſq1727. Alexan- der Ready, Gent. 1742. Alexander Colſton, Eſq. 1762, 1765. o Broughton Poğges, alias Pongis, alias Broughton Poggs, R. 7.9 in (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. 10s, 7d.William Goodenough, Efq. 1721, 1730. Samuel Goodenough, Clerk, 1769. William Goodenough, B. P. 1769. BURFORD V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Fulbrooke Chapel . (St. 31 13 James.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 7d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. prat. paſc. & paftur. decim. oblat. &c. Hoſpital of Burford. Vid. Orig. Surv. Abb. Keynſham in Somerſet, Propr. Biſhop of Oxford. 30 Clanfield V. (St. Stephen.) Proxe and Syn. 10s. 70. Epiſc. 7 6 54 Lincoln 35. Val. in omn, decim. & al. profic. Abb. El- ftowe, Propr. Anne Gunn, Widow, 1731. Thomas Ben- nett, 1782. Elford, alias Yelford, R. (St. Swithin.) Vicariis Bampton 5. 4 3 624 Prox. and Syn. 45. uid. Jonathan Lenthall, Eſq. 1707, 1750, William Lenthall, Eſq. 1772., 400 Miniter Lovell V. (St. Kenelm.) Prox. and Syn. 105. 7d. 8 9 7 Val. per ann. in omn. decim. &c. Eton College, Propra and Patr. 45 O 45 0 16 O 29 in 0 0 * The Rectory and Vicarage of Whitney were united, 9 Car. I. into one Benefice, by the Name of the Rectory of Whitney, but all Dues and Fees reſerved as if they were ştill ſeparate. Norton OXFORD BIOCESE OF OXFORD. -7. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. $. do 42 o Norton Bruyne, alias Brifé Nórtón, V. (St. Briſe.) Principi 9 7 11 Wal. 64. Redd. 25. Abb. Oleney 75. Prox, and Sýn. Val.- per app. in omn. decimm. & profic. comm. ann. di- miff. ad firm. Abb. Eynſham, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church,, Oxford . 48 ö ö Shelton, alias Shilton, V. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Lincoln. 5 5 $ 15. 64. Valet per annum in omn. exit. decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Bewley. in Southton, Propr. Jane Bray, Widow, 1710. Thomas Fettiplacé, Eſq. 1750, 1765. Robert Fetci- place, Efq. 177c. Teynton, alias Tainton, V. (Bi. John.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. ox. and. Syn. 1os. 7 9 41 Vali in pecun. rec. Abb. gl. Abb. Tewkeſbury, Propr. Ed. Bray, Eſq. 1712. Lady Talbot, and others, 1750. Counteſs Talbot, 1784. O 7d. NOT IN CHARGE. Cockthorpe, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Ducklington. Cogges V. (St. Mary.) Eton College, Patr. and Propr. Olim a Priory. Northmore Cur. (St. Dennis.) The Rectory is appropriated to St. John's College. Vide Rotul. in Offic. Primit. Trin, 4 Eliz. St. John's College, Oxford, Patr. Shifford, Chapel to Bampton, Swinbrook Cur. (St. Mary.). Chancellor of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. Cum Fyfield & Idbury in Dec. Chipping Norton. D. Uticodſtock. I The Priory of Stodeley was returned to be worth annually, in fpiritual and temporal Property, the clear Sum of 821.45. 4d. The Monaſtery of Eynſham was likewiſe returned at 4411. 125a 2d For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS 806 OXFORD. DIOCESE OF OXFOR D. d. to S. d. o 0 16 34 I II 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Pooks. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 16 5 Blaydon R. (St. Martin,) with WOODSTOCK Chapel (St. Mary 1 12 Magdalen.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 7d. Duke of Marlbo- rough, 1715, 1778. 7 9 41 Cuddington, alias Kiddington, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and O 14 II Syn. 105.7d. À Dimiff. ad firm. Sir Henry Browne, Bart. 1666, 1686. John Buſwell and John Knap, Gent. 1729. Earl of Lichfield, 1771. 8 2 81 Duns Tew V. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 10s.7d. Val. per ann. in omn. decim. oblat. & al. profic. Pri. Merton, Propr. Sir John Read, Bart. 16yo. Dorothy Daſhwood, Widow, 1746. Sir Henry Daſhwood, Bart. 1768. 751. 125. certi- fied Value. 6 16 of Glimpton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 7d. Frances 0 13 73 Wheat, Widow, 1684. Sir Thomas Wheat, Bart. 1741. Sarah and Ann Wheat, Spinſters, 1782. 6 o] Hanburgh, alias Hanborough, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 7 Abb. Reading il. 105. Prox, and Syn. 1os. 7d. Dimiff. ad firm. St. John's College, Oxford. 9 41 Rolliſhain, alias Rowſham, R. (St. Mary.) Synods and Proxies I 2 11 105. 7d. Abb. Oſeney il. 6s. 8d. John Dormer, Eſq. 1716. Robert Dormer, Eſq. 1730. Sir Clement Cottrell Dormer, Knt. 1752, 1758. 9 41 Shipton upon Charwell R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. Iơs. I 2 115 7d. Dimiff. ad firm. Robert Perrot, Eſq. 1675. Wil- liam Withers, and William Guidot, Eſqrs. 1719. Samuel Raſh, Eſq. 1780. 16 2 81 Steeple Aſton R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. 10s. 70. Bra I 12 31 zen Noſe College, Oxford. 19 9 41 Tackley R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 70. St. 7d. } I 18 111 Jolin's College, Oxon. 7o • Weſtcote Barton R. (St. Edward.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 70.1 0 14 0 John Welchman, Gent. 1712, 1749. Conſtance Welchman, and others, 1760. John Welchman, and Samuel Seagrave, 1763. 751. certified Value. 5 5 0 WOODSTOCK New Chapel. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Vid. Lit. O 6 Pat. dat. 6 Mar. 26 H. VI. 15 SI Wotton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 105.7d. Abb. Eyn- I 10 31 Mam 6s. 8d. New College, Oxford. LIVINGS II II o10 2 ) OXFORD, Boy DIOCESE OF OXFOR D. S. d. d. O O O Abb. 15 14 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. L. 40 North Aſton V. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 35. 4d. Val. 6 10 per ann. in decim, oblat. &c. Pri. Bradſtock, Propr. Wi- nifred Brooks, Widow, 1711. Charles Bowles, 1740, 1763. 5000 () Caſſington, alias Carlington, V.* (St. Peter.) Redd. Regi 12 55. 61. Olim Cap. to Eynſham. Val. per ann. in decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Eynſham, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 36 0 0 Erdington, alias Ardingtox, alias Yarneton, V. (St. Bartholo. 8 5 5 mew.) Val. per ann. in decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Eynſham, Propr. Sir Ro. Dallwood, 1720. Dorothy Dalhwood, 1739 The Biſhop, 1761. Sir Henry Dathwood, Bart. 1780. 40 o o Eyníham V. (St. Leonard.) Proxies and Synods 35. Eynſham 125. Valet per ann. in decim. -oblat. &c. Abb. Eynſham, Propr. Thomas Jordan, Gent. 1665. Samuel Weeley, this Turn, 1705. John Martin, Eſq. 1748. Philip Barton, Clerk, p. h. v. 1751. John Martin, Elq. 1767, 1770, 1778. 38 o Northley ý. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 105. 7d. The 9 2 0 60 KING. Abb. Hayles, Propr. Val. per annum in decim. oblat. &c. 25 Sandford V. Prox. and Syn. 10s. 70. Val. per annum in 7 o 5 decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Oſeney, Propr. Alice Croker, Widow, 1695. Joſeph Taylor, Eſq. 1731, 1736, 1742, 1750. The Duke of Marlbrough, 1784. Staunton Harcourt V. (St. Michael,) with Southley Chap. (St. 16 13 4 James.) Val. per ann. in decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Redyng, Propr. Biſhop of Oxford. o Steeple Barton V. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 7d. Val. 7 9 43 per ann. in duab. virgat. terr. gleb. in decim. lan. agn. cum oblat. &c. Mon. Oſeney, Propr. John James, Eſq. 1712. оо O O 34 0 0 0 31 0 o * Caffington, alias Carfington, V.-Augmented by Dr. Jaſper Mayne, 1672. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 284. † Sandford V.-formerly a Chapel to Steeple Barton, as appears in Kennet's Par. Antiq. p. 263, 280. But 'tis ſuppoſed, when Sandford was ſeparated, the Chapel of Ledwell, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, was ſeparated with it. For that Chapel, now deſtroyed, is reckoned to be in the Pariſh of Sandford. 3 Earl 868 OXFORDI DIOCESE OF OXFORD . ܐ . Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, . d. Earl of Godolphin, 1729. Duke of Marlborough, Francis Page, Eſq. and Dr. Taylor, by Turns. The Duke of Marl- borough, 1772. 40 00 Stonesfield R. (St. James.) Ducheſs of Marlborough, 1731. 4 19 91 The Duke of Marlborough, 1771. Wivelcote, alias Wilcote, R. (St. Peter.) John Cary, Gent. 2 13 4 1682. Richard Cary, Eſq. 1733. Elizabeth Wellington, Widow, 1761, 1774. 21 10 O Not: IN CHARGE. Begbrook R. (St. Michael.) Dorothy Daſhwood, 1739. Sir James Daſhwood, Bart. 1765, 1776. Combe Longa Cur. (St. Laurence.) Augmented with 10l. per annum by Lord Crew, Bilhop of Durham Lincoln College, Patr. Godſtow Cap. olim Prioratus. No Church here. Kidlington V. (St. Mary) annexed to the Rectorſhip of Exeter College. Mon. Cleney, olim Propr. Exeter College, Ox- ford, now Propr. and Patr. Peculiar Juriſdiâion of Dorchester, formerly in the Abbý of DORCHESTER, now in ROBERT FETTIPLACE, Eſq. It was anno 1291 included in CuDDESDEN Deanry. ch Benſington, alias Benſon, Cur. (St. Helen.) Dean and Chap- ter of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Patr. Mon. Dorcheſter, Propr. Chiſelhampton Cur. (St. Mary.) Mon. Dorcheller, Propr. Charles Peers, Eſq. Clifton Cur. (St. Michael.) Mon, Dorcheſter, Propr. Dorcheſter Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) olim the Abby Church. Robert Fettiplace, Eſq. Patr. Mon. Dorcheſter, ei ole tarPropr. Logo Drayton Cur. (St. Leonard.) Dean and Canons of Chriſt in the near Church, Oxford, Patr. Mon. Dorcheſter, Propr. Toot Balden V. (St. Laurence,) held with Marſh Balden. Mr. Yateman, Patr. Mon. Oleney, Propr. Nettlebed 4 OXFORD. 809 DIOCESE OF 0.XFOR D. Nettlebed Cur. (St. Bartholomew,) with Piſhull Cur. Mr. Stoner, Patr. Mon. Dorcheſter, Propr. Overy, a Donative. Mon. Oſeney, Propr. No Church here. Studham Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Mon. Dorcheſter, Propr. Charles Peers, Eſq. Warborough Cur. (St. Laurence.) - Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford, Patr. and Propr. Olim Mon. Dorcheſter, Patr. and Propr. ces Corpus c - 5. L Dfacere [ 810 ] Dioceſe of Peterborough. King's Books i S. d. Pearly Tenibs, lo TI HE Commiſſion for the taking the Survey of the County of Northampton was dated the 30th Day of January, 26 Hen. VIII. and the Commiſſioners were as follow, viz. Sir William Parre, Knight, Sir John Ruſſell, Knight, Sir William Newenham, Knight, Sir Thomas Treſham, Knight, Edward Mountague, Serjeant at Law, John Lane, Thomas Lovett, Thomas Cave, Robert Chauntrell, Thomas Brude- nell, John Tournour, Richard Button, and George Quarles. 414 17 81 BISHOPRIC of Peterborough. 41 9 94 This See was formerly Part of Lincoln Dioceſe. See the Charter of Erection, dated September 4, 1541; 33 Hen. VIII. in Rymer, Vol. XIV. p. 731. John Cham- bers was the laſt Abbot, and the firſt Bilhóp of this Church in 1541 The Cathedral Church. (ST. PETER.) The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. 300l. per ann. By a Return made by Gerard Carleton, Dean of Peterborough, and the Chapter of the ſame Church, and certified into the Exchequer of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Digni- ties in this Cathedral, 34 Henry VIII. it appears that he re- ceived, as Dean, a clear annual Income of 100l. that the fix Prebendaries, viz. Matthew Whythall, William Judd, Ro- bert Peerſon, Nicholas Morey, John Cheyney, and Richard White, had each a clear annual Payment of 20l. and that the eight Minor Canons had 10l, each annually; excluſive of two Stipendiary Prieſts, who had each 61. 135. 4d. There are fix Prebends in the Church of Peterborough, all in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Peterborough. None of the NORTNAM). DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. $11 1. King's Books. King's Yearly Tenthse do the ſaid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths in Particular, but they pay with the Deanry 102l. 16s. 8d. in lieu thereof. 120l. per annum each. LOT 1 I Archdeaconry of Northampton *. Biſhop of Peterborough. 10 14 82 Vide Liber Regis Ecclef. Cath. Lincoln. & Decan. Leighton- ſtone in com. Hunt. 1221. 75. per ann. Nigellus was the firſt Archdeacon, anno 1092. The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe, in the Gift of the Biſhop. 9. Brackley. The Priory of Canons Aſheby, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 109/. 40.1 after the Dedu&ions were made agreeable to the in- Itructions. The Priory of Chacombe was likewiſe returned at 83d. 185.9d. I Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. 1. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 25 5 5 Ayno, or Aynhoe, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. 2 10 61 Abb. Walden 45. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 3d.1 Thomas Cart- wright, Efq.. 1711, 1739, 1770. 9 9 ng Ayfton on the Wall R. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. o 18 11 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. St. John's College, Oxford. Bodington R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Penf. 2 0 0 Epiſc. Lincoln. 35. 4d. Penf. Archidiac. Is. 8d. Priori de Shene il. 6s. &d. Priori Chacombe 135, 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Lord Sunderland, 1696. The Hon. Thomas Went- worth, 1721. Earl of Malton, 1740. William Wainman, Efq. p. h. v. 17.74. * The Archdeaconry of Northampton, in the Original Survey, is valued in the County of Hunts, and D. Leightonſtone. 5 L 2 Braden 812 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP, 1.. d. 8 O 26 10 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. le so. d. 14 6 8 Braden R. (St. Michael.) Valet in deciin. &c. Prox. Epiſc. I 8 35. 6d. William Ives, Eſq. 1697. Sir Thomas Samwell, and his Wife, 1739. William Ives, 1762. The Biſhop, 1779 28 o Byfield R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Priori Shene 2 16 55. Prox. Epiſc. 75. Lucy Knightley, Eſq. 1697, 1721, 1763, 1777 o Chipping Warden R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 2 13 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Earl of Hallifax, 1719. Earl of Guildford, 1773. 10 00 Cold Higham R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Prox. - 10 Epiſc. 25. 6d. Earl of Pomfret, 1729, 1777. 15 3 61 Crowelton, alias Crowton, alias Carwelton, R. (All Saints.) 1 10 41 Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d: Robert Friend, S.T.P. 1719, 1732. William Maximilian Friend, Eſq. p. i. 1779, 1783. 10 0 o Culworth V. (St. Mary.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. IO O Epiſc. 23. 68. Canons Aſhby Pri. Propr. Sir Pope D'An- vers, Bart. 1694. Sir John D'Anvers, Bart. 1735. Sir Michael D'Anvers, Bart. 1765. Meriel D'Anvers, Spin- ſter, 1781. 60l. certified Value. 12 Oo Edgecote R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. I 4. 3s. Tobias Chauncey, Eſq. 1684, 1703. William Chauncey, Eſq. 1733. William Henry Chauncey, Eſq. 1778. 16 16 3 Eydon R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 1 13 73 45. 2d. The KING. 16 o Farthingħo, alias Farmingho, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Ios. 70. Abb. Leiceſtr. 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Sir John Egerton, Bart. 1726. Sir Thomas Egerton, 15 5 21 Gayton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Abb. Delaprey 1 10.61 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 10d. Sir Thomas Samwell, Bart. 1682. Thomas Samwell, Eſq. 1741. Richard Kent, Fiſhinonger, 1753: 9.0 5 Gretworth R. (St. Peter.) Epifc. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. O 18 od 3d. Charles How, Eſq. 1705, 1739. Pheaſant Hartley, Apothecary, 1752. of Helmedon R. (St. Nicholas.). Archidiac. 105. 7d. Hofpit. I Ski Johannis Northampt. 21. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 43. John Dodford, Gent. 1705. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford. oc Hinton R. (Holy Trinity,) with Stene. Archidiac. ios. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. The Bilhop of Durham, as Lord Crew, of Steane, 1719. Earl Spencer, 1771. Leweſden, 170 o O 0 I I2 Bart. 1770. 13 II 7 11 IO IÓ NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROU G H. 813 $. de 20 V 31 II Q O King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. lo 6 17 6 Leweſden, alias Weeden, V. (St. Peter and St. Mary.) Va- 0.13 9 let in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 9d. Mon. Bitleſ- den in Bucks, Propr. King's College, Cambridge: 8 8 9 Maidford R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. 016101 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 3d Andrew Tryſt, M. D. 1737, 1746. Ann Tryſt, 1753. Thomas Barker, and others, 1968, 1772. 461. certified Value. Marſton St. Laurence V. cuin Warkworth R. (St. Mary.) 2 Archidiac. 105. 7d. Priori Shene it. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Shene, Propr. Anaftafia Holman, Widow, 1705. Chriſtopher D’Oyly, Gent. 1734. John Blencowe, Eſq. 1754. Samuel Blencowe, Eſq. 1780. Prebendary thereof, in Lincoln Cath. Propr. 3 Middleton Cheney R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Pri. 3 3.11 Shene zl. 125. Prox. Epiſc. 75. uid. Brazen Noſe Col- lege, Oxford. 38 0 Norton Davy, alias Greeus Norton, R. (St. Laurence,) cum 3 16 0 360 Whitlebury, (St. Mary,) and Silveſton Cap. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. gs. 6d. The KING. 6 11 10} Pattiſhull one Part V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. Is. 6d. 0 13 25 70 Prox. Epiſc. 35. 2d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. God- ſtowe, in Oxon. Propr. Thomas Welch, Clerk, preſents to both Parts alternately with the KING. 6 11 101 Pattiſhull the other Part V. (Holy Trinity.) Archidiac. Is. 70 6d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Dunſtable, Propr. Thomas Welch, Clerk, preſents to both Parts alternately with the KING, 13 Sirelham R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. Ios. 70.1 Abb. I. 6 Leiceſter. 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Sir Richard Hol- loway, Knight, and Francis Heywood, Gent. 1684. Chol- mondy Turner, Eſq. 1723. Sir Charles Cotterell Dorinei, and others, 1760. 999Slapton R. (St. Botolph.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 0 18 113 25. 4d. Peregrine Gaſtrell, Gent. 1694. Thomas Lack, 1754. Thomas Welch, Gent. 1770. 6ol. certified Va. lue. 3 6 8 Sutteſbury R. or Chapel. (St. John.) Deſtructa. Mon, 06 8 Ski" Andreæ, Northampton, Propr. Univerſity of Oxford. 2 II Thorpe Mandeville R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 195. 7d. I 0 31 Colleg. Frideſwid. Oxon. 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. gd. William Holbech, Gent. and Catherine Wainwright, Wi- dow, 1711. William Holbech, Eſq. 1727. Thomas Ni- coll, Clerk, 1745. O O 2 Tyffield, 814 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP. 2. so d. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 9 9 7 Tyffield, alias Tiffield, R. (St. John.) Archidiat. 10s. 78. o 18 111 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Catherine Gilbert, 1698. Ann Gil- bert, 1730. Frances Gilbert, Widow, 1749. Ann Gilbert, Spinſter, 1778. 21 9 93 Warpenham, alias Wappenham, R. (St. Mary.) Redd. 45. 2d. 2 11 Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Capellano 21. Pro::. Epiſc. 55. 4d. Biſhop of Lincoln. Whitfield R. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. 0 17 6 Epiſc. 25. 4d. Chriſtopher Temple, and William Saunders, 1691. Worceſter College, Oxon. 5 6 8 Cantar' de Chacomb. 8 2 8 15 Ο Ιο 0 35 II O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Booksa 39 2 2 5 Blakelly, alías Blaxley, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Zs. Prox. 9 17 Epiſc. 25. 6d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. St. John Jeruſalem, Propr. Jo. Watts, Bartholomew Elmes, and Phil- lis his Wife, 1692. William Wight, Eſq. 1731. Henry Wight, Eſq. 1753: 30 7 51 BRACKLEY V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 19 18 6 55. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Fermor Liſle, Eſq. 1729, 1734. Duke of Bridgwater, 1766. 6 Chacombe, alias Chalcomb, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul. Va- 7 17 let in decim. oblat. &c. Archidiae. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 11d. Pri. Chacombe, Propr. Charles Fox, Eſq. 1737, 1741, 1774. 26 i 0 Evenley V. (St. George.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. 7 O o Epifc. 15.-9d. Mon. Evenley, Propr. Magdalen College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 37 13 10 Newbottle V. (St. Mary Magdalen,) with Charlton. Archi- 10 ο Ισ diac. 25. 8d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Pri. Dunſtable in co. Bedf. Propr. Sackvile Tufron, Eſq. 1720. Earl of Thanet, 1735, 1752, 1777. 42 9 6 Plompton, alias Plumpton, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 79.7 los 7d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. Iod. Horario Moore, Eſq. and others, 1702. Thomas Buſby, 1720. Edward Buſby, Gent. 1753, 1767) 7 Stene, alias Steyne, R. (St. Peter,) with Hinton. Archidiac. 5 9 7 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Duke of Kent, 1724. Earl Spencer, 1771. 46 18 8 Sulgrave V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 9.17 o 6d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Sti Andreæ, North- ampton, O NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBORO U G H. . 815 s. d. 16 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. ampton, Propr. Suſanna Wykham, 1724. Richard Wyk- ham, Eſq. 1731, 1741, William Humphry Wykham, Eſq. 774 Ž Theñtórd Archidiac.. IOS. 7a. Prox. epiico 10 25. 6d. Biſhop of Lincoln. Towceter, alias Towceſter, V. * (St. Laurence,) before this Exonerated. was Exonerated the Firſt Fruits were 13 6 8 The Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield, Impr. and Pair. p. i. 40 0 o Woodford V. (All Saints.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. 6 10 . O 120 Epiſc. Is. gd. The KING. Abb. Rouceſter in co. Staff, Propr. vel Abb. Ski Jacobi, juxta Northampton t. O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, AND CURACIES. Adſon Cur. Chapel to Aſhby Canons. Sir John Dryden, Patr. Alhby Canons, (St. Mary,) formerly a Priory. Sir John Dry- den, Patr. 121. certified Value. Brackley St. James, Chapel to Brackley V. (St. Peter.) Radſon Cur. (St. Laurence.) Pri. Shene, Propr. Mr. Hol- bech, Patr. 61. Brackley (St. John Evangelift and Baptift) Hoſpital Church, , held with the Vicarage of St. Peter's Brackley. D. Daventree, vulgò Daintree. The Priory of Catify, or Cateſby, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 1321. IS. IId Vide Orig. Surv. * Towceter, cum Cap. Abthorpe. (St. John Baptift.) This was formerly a Rectory, but is now made a Part of the Biſhopric of Coventry and Lichfield. + Woodford.—To be found both among the Poffeffions of the Abby of St. James, and in the Ac- sount of Rouceſter-Abby in Staffordfhire. I Livings 816 OF PETERBOROU G H. NORTHAMP. - DIOCESE King's Books. d. 1. So d. 2 II 2 II 2. IO ܘ ܘ 20 2 II 0 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. I early years Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 30 Barbey R. with Onely. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. 3 0 3 Epiſc. 75. 6d. Anne Holled, Widow, and others, 1701. Truſtees of Knightley Holled, deceaſed, 1756. 31 Brandefton, alias Bramſton, R. (St. Giles.) Abb. Elſtowe il. 3 31 Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 75. gd. Jeſus College, Oxon. Catesby, alias Catesby Hellydon, V. (St. Mary.) Valet in 100 decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Pri. Catesby, Propr. John Parkhurſt, Eſq. Charwelton R. (Holy Trinity.) Penſ. Pri. Oſwald de Noftell 2. o 32 in Ebor. 135. 3d. Archidiac. ios. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 5.8. William Adams, Efq. 1697. Giles Knightley, Eſq. 1731, 1763, 1772 10 Dodford V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Valet in decim.:ob- lat.. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Gilbert Gunter, Gent. 1707. John Welchman, Gent. 1749. Richard Welchman, Clerk, 1772. 2:4 Everton, alias Everdon, alias Everſden, R. (St. Mary.) Ar 2 8 31 chidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Eton College. 13 18 111 Farthingſton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 3d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 7 9 7 Fawefly V.* (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Valet in decim. O 14 11 oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. zs. Colleg. Sanctæ Frideſwidæ, Oxon. Propr. Earl of. Oxford, Thomas Foley, and John Scroope, Eſqrs. 1720. Lucy Knightley, Eſq. 1765, 1778. o Killesby R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d, Annexed I 80 to the Precentorſhip of Lincoln, in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. 16 9 7 Lytchbarrow, alias Litchborrow, R. (St. Martin.) Abb. Sii I I2 II Jacobi, Northamp. Il. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 1d. Knightley Purfey, Eſq. 1691. John Addington, and Mathias Rogers, 1727: William Addington, Eſq, 1782. II 6 10 14 O o * Faweſly V.-The Impropriation reſtored to it by Richard. Knightley, Esq. Bishop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 228. Preſton NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 817 k. So King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. d, 8 5 Preſton Capes V. alias Preſton on the Hill R. * (St. Peter 0 16 of and St. Paul.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Colleg. de Stæ Frideſwid. Oxon. Propr. Earl of Oxford, Thomas Foley, and John Scroope, Eſqrs. 1720. The Fa- mily of the Knightleys name two, and certain Truſtees pre- ſent one of them. Charles Knightley, Clerk, inſtituted 23d July, 1778. 18 o o Stowe R. with nine Churches . (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 1 16 Pri. Sti Andreæ Northampt. il. Redd. 25. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. John Lloyd, Eſq. 1720. John Lloyd, Clerk, 1754. 6 13 4. Cantar' de Aſhby Leodgare. 6 13 4. Cantar' de Wedenbeck, O 13 4 6 13 4 Cantar' de Charwelton. 4 O 13 4 O 13 Ar- 14 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookin 35 7 0 Aſhby Leodgare's, alias Legers, V. (St. Mary and St. Leod- 6 13 4 gare.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Mon. de Launda, in Leiceſt. Propr. Joſeph Aſhley, Eſq. 1711. John Aſhley, Eſq. 1743. Samuel Harris, Gent. 1764, 1766. Joſeph Aſhley, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 39 8 4 Badbey V. (St. Mary,) cum Newnham. (St. Michael.) chidiac. 35. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 6s. 8d. decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Mon. Eynſham, Inpr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 18 19 6 Killesby V: (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Valet in de 7 cim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 9d. Rector thereof, viz. the Precentor of Lincoln. 30 oo Stareton, alias Staverton, V. 1 (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Pri. Daventry, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Patr. p. i. 19 O 10 Wedenbeck, alias Weedenbeck, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 11 Archidiac. 45. Olim Priory of Daventry. Valet in decim. 0 * Preſton V.--The Impropriation reſtored to it by Richard Knightley, Eſq. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 228. “ So it is now both Rectory and Vicarage, and Adiniſfion to both.” + Stowe.--There is only one Church belonging to Stowe; it is diſtinguiſhed by the Name of Stowe with nine Churches, becauſe formerly it is likely that ſo many belonged to it; or as giving Name ane ciently to a Deanry. Stareton.-The Rectorial Tythes are conſolidated with the Vicarial, by the Gift of Nicholas Onley, D.D. oblat. 5 M 818 DIOCESE er PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. si do oblat. &c. Pri. Dunſtable, Propr. Jo. Thornton, Efq. 1689. Thomas Thornton, Efq. 1734, 1747, 1781. 23 2 8 Welton V. (St. Andrew.) Valet in decim. oblat. &e. Prox. 7 o Epifc. Is. 9d. The KING. Pri. Daventry, Propr. 70 0 O CURACIES. 3 DAVENTREE Cur. (Holy Croſs,) olim a Priory. Chriſt Church College, Propr. and Patr. 5ol. certified Value. Helledon, alias Hellidon Cur. or V. (St. John Baptift.) Pri. Catesby, Propr. William Bradgate; 1689. Elizabeth Bradgate, Widow, 1735. John Scrafton, and his Wife, 1760. Morton Pinckney Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Canons Aſhby, Propr. Oriel College, Oxford, Patr. 401. certified Value. Norton Cur. or Vic. (All Saints.) Pri. Daventry, Propr. Elizabeth Breton, 1701, 1706. Benjamin Shepheard, Gent. 1746. Eliab Breton, Efq. 1754. D. Haddon. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. learly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. lo do 1. s, 200 O O IO I'o o Abington R. (St. Peter.) Archid. 10s. 7d. Prox. 55. Epiſc. 2 Sir William Meredith, Bart, and others, 1710. John Har- vey, Eſq. 1768. John Harvey Thurſby, Eſq. 1783. 19 oo Billing Magna R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. gd. Bra- 1 18 zen Noſe College, Oxford. The Biſhop, 1748. 2 11 Billing Parva R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Pri. Sii o 33 Andr. Northamp. il. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. George Dixon, Gent. 1702. Richard Woodford, Gent. 1737. Martha Drury and others, 1761. 20 9 7 Boughton, alias Buckton, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) This Church 2011 is in ruins, and the Service is performed in a Chapel. Ar- chidiac. 10s. 7d. Valer in decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 55. id.} 6 Sir NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 819 King's Books. d. 1. s. d. 0 O 34 0 I O 1 King' Yearly Tenths. Sir Jo. Briſcoe, Knight, 1700. Earl of Strafford, 1748, 1776. 25 19. 7. Brampton R. (St. Botolph.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. 6s. 2 II III 6d. Biſhop of Peterborough, 1694. Charles Gore, Eſq. 1727. Henry Pinnel and others, 1758. Earl Spencer, 1769. John Ford and John Baker, 1772, 1776. 40 o o Brington R. (St. Mary.). Prox. Epiſc. 105. Lord Sunderland, 4 1699, 1721. The KING, 1742. Earl Spencer, 1775. 13 Brockhole R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. I 6 0 Prox. Epiſc. 35. 3d. Thomas Thornton, 1707, 1722. The Biſhop, 1753 o Bugbroke R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 3 8 8c 8s. 6d. William Whitfield, Clerk, Ro. and Samuel Kein- ton, Clerk, 1705. Samuel Whitfield, Eſq. 1733. John Whitfield, Gent. 1753, 1784. 10 00 Claycooton, alias Clay Coton, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 6s. 0 8d. Abb. Leiceſter il. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Henry Tate, Gent. 1698. Thomas Blackwell, Gent. 1733, 1741, 1744, 1749. Thomas Whitmell, 176o. 6 0 5 Coldalhby V. (St. Dennis.) Valer in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. O 12 od Epiſc. Is. 6d. Abb. Pipewell, Propr. William Lee, Eſq. 1706. Thomas Thornton, Eſq. 1763, 1775. 581. certified Value. 26 O 10 Coterſbrooke, alias Cotiſbrook, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Prox. 6s. 6d. Epiſc. Sir James Langham, Bart. . 1694. Sir John Langham, Bart. 1732, 1755. Sir James Langham, Bart. 1781. 32 13 1} Creeke, alias Crick, R. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. Tos. 7d. 3 5 34 Priori Inſul. Axe zl. Prox. Epiſc. 8s. 3d. St. John's Col- lege, Oxford. I 8 Creeſton, alias Creaton, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 6s. gd. I 2 Prox. Epiſc. 25. gd. William Clendon, ſen. this Turn, 1708. William Ginger, Eſq. 1754. Chriſtopher Hodgſon, Clerk, 1773. 551. 85. 8d, certified Value. 17 O Flower V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. “Ios. 7d. Pri. Sti Andr. I 14 Northamp. 6s. 8d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 3d. Prí. Merton, in Surry, Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 17 3 4 Guileſborough V. (St. Wilfrid.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. I 14 O Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Pri. Sancti Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Edward and Michael Harvey, Eſqrs. 1721. Michael Poul- ton, p, h. v. 1741. Anthony Munton Wollaſton and Ri- chard Roulat, p. h. v. 1744. 571. 175. certified Value. 20 9 7 Harleſton R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 105.7d. Pri. Lenton O zl. Pri. Sancti Andr. Northamp. il. Prox. Epiſc. 55. id. 5 M 2 Thomas 2 1 2 I II 2 22 2 820 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH NORTHAMP. 20 200 King's Books, Yearly Tenths, h. d. 1. S. d. Thomas Andrew, Eſq. 1710. Sir Arthur Hefilrige, Bart. and John Andrew, Eſq. 1756. Robert Andrew, Eſq. 1771. 8 10 5 Hayford, alias Heyford, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archi- 0 17 ož diac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 3d. Fielder Hammond, Clerk, 1764. 536. 115. 8d. certified Value. 2 11 Holdenby R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105.7d. Prox. Epiſc. 2 o 31 55. The KING. 18 13 4 Horpoole, alias Harpole, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. I 17 4 Abb. St. Albans 21. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 10d. Henry Paget, Efq. 1704. Mary Corey, Widow, 1737. Earl of Malton, 1740. Earl Fitzwilliam, 1783. 18 9 7 Killingbury R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. 116 117 Pri. Sti Andr. Northamp. 21. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 7d. 1 William Perkins, 1709. John Perkins, 1728. Edward Farndon, 1736. John Jephcott, Clerk, Patron and Incum- bent, 1777 14 3 9 Maulton, alias Molton, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archi 1 8 41 diac. 35. Pri. Sti Andr. Northamp. 135. 4d. Valet in de. cim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 7d. Pri. Sfi Andr. Nor- thamp. Propr. Lord and Lady Hation, 1690. Lord Hat- ton, 1736. Mary Bridget Moſtyn, Spinſter, 1765. 12. 16 3 Overſton R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. . Prox. 1 5 71 Epiſc. 35. 2d. John Ives, Gent. 1703. Sir Thomas Dru- ry, Bart. 1746. Martha Drury and others, 1761. Pisford R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 1 15 II} 45.6d. Sir John Briſcoe, Knt. 1699. Earl of Strafford, 1748, 1769. 11 13 4 Ravenſthorpe V. (St. Dennis) Knights Templars, Propr. i 3 4 Valet in decim. obla.. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Chriſt Church College, Oxford. 661. 115. 8d.] certified Value. 15 o o Spratton, alias Sprotton, V. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. Pri. Ski Jacobi, Northamp. Propr. Michael Bateman, Gent. 1684. Thomas Lucas, Gent: 1733. Anne Watſon, Wi- dow, 1738. Francis Beynon, Eſq. 1776. 13 00 Thurnby R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Redd. Is. 2d. 1 6o Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Langham Rokeby, Eſq. 1722. Ro. bert Rogers, Gent. 1751, 1767. 7 81 Watford V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 35. The I 2 93 KING. St. James' Monaſt. Northamp. Propr. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 1od. 16 16 3 Weſton Favile R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. I 13 73 Epiſc. 45. 4d. Ambroſe Mayhew, and John Clarke, p. h. v. 1736. Elizabeth Harvey, Widow, 1752, 1759. Whilton I IO II NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROU G H. 821 King's Books. I. d. d. 5 71 Yearly Tentbs. 1. 12 16 3 Whilton R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. I 35. 2d. John Smith, Gent. 1684. Earl of Hallifax, 1722. John Roſe, 1749. William Roſe, Eſq. 1766, 1776. 15 6 8 Winwick R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 1odii Biſhop 1 10 8 of Lincoln, p. i. 25 0 O 10 Yelvertoft R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 2 10 I 65.4d. Sir William Craven, Knight, 1700. Lady Craven, 1721, 1726. Lord Craven, 1773. 6 OG Cantar' de Brington. 0 1 2 O o O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valuc. King's Books, 3.0 2 2 Bugby, alias Long Buckby, V.* (St. Gregory.) Prox. Epiſc. 10 25. 6d. Pri. Markyate, Impr. unæ Med. Pri. Dunſtable, in Bedf. Propr. Medietatis alteræ. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield, Impr. and Patr. 48 6 4 Eaſt Haddon V. (St. Mary:) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 15 O 3.5° 9d. Valet in decim, oblat, &c. Mon. Sulbye, Propr. Elizabeth May, Widow, 1702. John Woodhull, Eſq. 1743 Dame Elizabeth Humble, 1748. Ann Rogers, Spinſter, 1769. Henry Sawbridge, Eſq. 1782. 34 4 4 Lilburne V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. Valet in decim. ob. 6 60 lat, &c. Prox. Epifc. 15, 6d. The KING. Mon. Leiceſ- ter, Propr. 7 3 2 Nathesby, alias Navesby, V. (All Saints.) Valet in decim. 8 oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25, Mon, Combe, in co. Warw. Propr. William Pike, Gent. 1688. George Aſhby, Eſq. 1752, 1767. The KING, by Lapſe, 1783. 9 7 8 Stanford upon Avon V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. 9 10 5 Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Abb. Sul- bye, Propr. Sir Verney Cave, Bart. 1720. Sir Thomas Cave, Bart. 1765, 1777. 39 18 4 Wilford, alias Welford, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Pení. 8 0 0 Abb. Sulbye, 21. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Mon. Sulbye, Propr. Biſhop Biſhop of Oxford. 45 98 Weſt Haddon V. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 3d.1 Pri. 13 Sanctæ Frideſwidæ, Oxon. Propr. Sir James Butler, Knt. 1693. Robert Watkins, 1748. John Whitfield, Eſq. 1772, 1780, 1784, p. i. 6 8 * Bugby, allas Long Buckby, V.—This is not charged in the Original Roll as a Vicarage, but as a Rectory, Value 301. 115. 8d. Decima 37. 15. 2d. Ultra 81. Solut. Priori, de Markyate ; & Syn. Porn, Archidiac. 10s. 7d. But is fince made a part of the Biſhopric of Lichfield, D. Digham DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH NORTHAMP. 2. Higham Ferrers. The College of Higham Ferrers, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 1561. 25.70.1 The College of Irtlingborough was likewiſe returned at 641. 125. rod.) For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 2. d. 1. I I 29 10 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 10 12 81 Addington Magna R. (All Saints.) Terr. gleb. unacum exit. 31 manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Robert Smith, 1720. Charles Lawrence, 1728. William Lambe, Gent. 1755, 1767. Edward Tiley, Clerk, 1778. 10 17 I Barton Segrave R. (St. John.) Abb. Killingworth 21. Ar II 81 chidiac. 1os. 70.1 Valet in decim, major. & minor. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Geoffry Barton, and John Sawyer, 1703. Duke and Dutcheſs of Montagu, 1773. Burton Latimer R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. Dimiff. ad 2 190 firm. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 2d. Sir Gilbert Dolben, 1721. Sir William Dolben, Bart. 1757. Thomas Barwick, Eſq. 1758. 9 9 7 Craneford St. Andrew R. Archidiac. Ios. 70.1 Prox. Epiſc. o 18 itt 25. 4d.Ž Valet in decim. major. & minor. unacum exit. manſion. &c. John Bullivant, 1719, 1742. Sir George Robinſon, Bart. 1742, 1775. Craneford St. John R. Archidiac. 75. gd.1 Dimiff. ad firm. 4 0 Prox. Epiſc. 35. Biſhop of Lincoln. 12 16 3 Grafton Underwood R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. ios. 6d. I Ś 77 Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35, 8d. Thomas Harper, Clerk, 1692. Lady Gowran, 1742. 13 6 8 Hargrave R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Priori I 6 8 Hunts. 6s. 8d. Terr. gleb. unacum exit. manſion. &c. Piox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. John Sprigg, Gent. 1684. Edward Cuthbert, Eſq. 1726. William Bunbury, Clerk, and Mary Bunbury, Spinſter, 1745, Mary Bunbury, Spinſter, Newton 1 2 0 O I 17492 NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETER BOROU G H. 823 II IIO O O 12 16 I 120 O O 12 I 0 O King's Books. Yearly. Tenths. 2 d. 1. d. 8 3 4 Newton Bromſwold R. (St. Faith.) Archidiac. 35. Terr. 0 16 4 gleb. unacum exit. mani. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 2s. Thomas Bletfoe, Gent. 1710. Rebecca Little, Spinſter, 1743. Eliz. Bletſoe, 1746. Jeffry Fiſher, 1748. Eliz. Bletſoe, Spinſter, 1778.71l. certified Value. 9 7 Raunds V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Penſ. il. 6s. 1 2 111 8d. Valet in decim. oblat. cum exit. manfion. &c Prox. Epiſe. 28. 9d. The KING. Abb. Newark, in Leiceſter, Propr. 3 Rufhden R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Terr. gleb. di- 5 - 72 miff. ad firm. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. The KING. 9 41 Stanwick R. (St. Laurence.) Abb. Burg. Sti Petri il. Ar- 4 11 180 chidiac. 1os. 7dei Terr. gleb. unacum exit. manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. id. The KING. I Thingdon, alias Finedon, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Val. in terre gleb. decim. oblat. cum exit. manſion. &c. Abb. Croxton, in Leiceſter. Propr. Sir Gilbert Dolben, 1719. Sir William Dolben, Bart. 1757, 1784, p. i. 18 16 3 Warketon R. (St. Edmund.) Archidiac. 1os. 7di Manf. I 17 72 cum terr. gleb. &c._Prox. Epiſc. 45. 8d. Duke of Mon- tagu, 1742. Sir Edward Montagu, and others, 1756. Duke and Dutcheſs of Montagu, and Lord and Lady Beau- lieu, 1774 8 Ii Woodford of Cokes Part, one Mediety R. (St. Mary.) Ar I 2 gå chidiac. 55.2d.1 Terr. gleb. unacum exit. manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 9d. Lord St. John, 1770. 5ł Woodford of Stiles Part, the other Mediety R. (St. Mary.) I Archidiac. 55. 3d.] Valet in decim, major. & minor, una- cum exit. manfion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 9d. Lord St. John, 1710, 1770. 10 17 I I 81 11 II I I 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 26 II IS. Clear Yearly Values King's Books, 4. Addington Parva V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. pro auxil. Vic. 7 12 Valet in decim. oblat. cum exit. manfion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Is. Iod. Mon. Sulbye, Propr. Anthony Saunder- ſon, Clerk, 1720. Harvey Sparkes, and William Sander- ſon, 1737. William Sanderſon, Clerk, 1770. 34 O 4 Bozeat, alias Bozeak, V. (St. Peter.) Valet in decim. profic. 8 0 0 &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Abb. Sti Jacobi juxta Northampton, Propr. John Wiſeman, 1708. Hefter and Eliz. Wife- man, 824 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROU G H. NORTHAMP. O O Clear rearly Value. King's Books, 1. s, d. lo d. man, 1729. Dutcheſs of Marlborough, 1739. John Spen- cer, Eſq. 1753. 17 11 8 Densford, alias Denford, (Holy Trinity,) and Ringſteed V.* 8 10 (St. Mary.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epifc. 25. gd. Biſhop of Lichfield, Propr. Lord Peterborough, 1681. Sir Jeremy Sambrook, Bart. 1752. The KING, 1766. Leonard Burton, Eſq. 1777. 27 9.. 3 Eaſton Mawditt V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Valet in 6 decim. oblat. cum exit. manſion. &c. Prox. Épiſc. Is. 6d. Pri. de Launda, co. Leic. Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 46 6 11 Ircheſter, alias Archeſter, V. (St. Catherine,) with Wollaſton. 8 Archidiac. 35. Valet in profic. proven. de vicar. ibidem in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Colleg. Newarke, in Leiceſt. Propr. Samuel Collins, Eſq. 1688, 1721. Valen- tine Knightley, Eſq. 1745, 1748. Ambroſe Dickens, Eſq. 1752, 1777 13 13 4 Irtlingborough, alias Irthlingborough, R. (All Saints.) Terr. 5 6 8 gleb. unacum exit. manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 4d. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough, 1661, 1664. Sir Thomas Wentworth, 1726. 30 OO KETTERING R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Abb. Sii Petri 21. 34 13 Archidiac. 1os. 70.1 Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 85. 8d. Lord Rockingham, 1709. Hon. Lewis Watſon, 1755. Lord Sondes, p. i. 1783. 48 12 8 Strixton R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. Is. 6d. Dimiff. ad 7 firm. per indentur. Prox. Epiſc. 15. rod. Catherine Wiſe. man, Widow, 1707. Hefter and Elizabeth Wiſeman, 1721, 1733. John Spencer, Eſq. 1753. 24 3 8 Wollaſton V. (St. Mary,) with Ircheſter. Archidiac. 35. 6 8 let in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Abb. de la Pray, Propr. The Hon. Thomas Wentworth, 1712. Am. broſe Dickens, Eſq. 1765, 1770, 1777. O O Va- 13 1 NOT IN CHARGE. HIGHAM FERRERS V. (St. Mary,) cum Chelverſton Cap. (St. John Baptiſt,) and Caldcot. Olim a Collegiate Church. Colleg. Higham, Propr. Sir Robert Dacres, Knt. 1691. * Densford, &c.-Epifc. Ceſtr. in Originali Rotulo in Offic. Primit. eſt Propr. Thomas NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH.. 825 cingham, 1753, 12021 Thomas Dacres, Eſq. 1726, 1730. Earl of Malton, 1735, 1745. Marquis of Rockingham, 1752, 1762. 331. 45. 4d. certified Value. Irtlingborough, alias Irthlingborough St. Peter, V. Colieg, Irtlingworth, Propr. The Hon. Thomas Wentworth, 1720. Earl of Malton, 1738, 1745. Marquis of Rockingham, 1762. 331. 6s. 8d. certified Value. D. Northampton. 1 The Priory of Saint Andrew in Northampton was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the Sum of 2631. 7s. ido annually, after the Deduc- tions were made agreeable to the Inſtructions. Vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. for Particulars. The Hoſpital of St. John in Northampton was likewiſe returned · at 571. 195. 6d. The Houſe of White Friers in Northampton was likewiſe re- turned at rol. Ios. The Abby of St. James near Northampton was likewiſe re- turned at 1751. 8s. 2d. { The Abby De Pratis, alias De la Pre, near Northampton was likewiſe returned at 1191. gs. 70.1 The Hoſpital of St. Leonard in Northampton was likewiſe re- turned at rol. The Hoſpital of St. David near Kingſthorpe was likewiſe re- turned at 241. 6s. Vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. learly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 22 0 2 4 All Saints in NorTHAMPTON R.* cum St. Mary's, St. Cathe- rine's, and St. Gregory's. Ecclefiis deſtructis. Valet in penf. ann. rec. de prior. Sti Andr. in Northampton 131. 6s. 8d. &c. The Corporation of Northampton. * All Saints R. and St. Mary's V. were united Feb. 20, 1589. Vide Strype's Life of Archbiſhop Whitgift, p. 322. 5 N St. 826 H. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP. 1. O 18 ΟΙ ΙΟ 0 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. S. d. d. 4. St. Edmund V. (united to St. Sepulchre's,) with St. Michael and St. Laurence. Theſe three Churchəs are demoliſhed. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. 13 5 o Hardingſton V. (St. Edmund.) Valet in decim. & oblat. ibi . I 6 6 140 dem accid. com. ann. Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. The KING. Pri. St. Andrew's Northampt. Propr. 5 St. Mary's V. united to All Saints. Deſtructa. Valet in de- 5 0 cim. oblat. &c. 34 2 II St. Peter's R. with St. George's, demoliſhed, with Kingſthorp 3 8 31 (St. John Baptiſt,) and Upton (St. Michael,) Chapels. Peni. Pui. Sti Andr. 61. 135.4d. Archidiac. Jos. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 8s. St. Katherine's Hoſpital near the Tower of London. 2 10 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 35 14 11 Dalington V. (St. Mary.) Valet in decim. & oblat. ibidem, ac- 6 15 & cid. Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. is.gd. Pri. Sti Egidii in Boſco in co. Hertf. Propr. Richard Rainsford, Eſq. 1706. Elizabeth Griffen, 1719. Joſeph Jekyl, Eſq. 1739, 1752. George Wright, Eſq. jure Uxoris, 1769. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1783. 19 13 5 Dufton V. (St. Mary.) Valet in decim. & oblat. ibidem accid. 6 8 10 Prox. Epifc. 15. 8d. Archidiac. 35. Abbey of St. Jarnes, Northampton, Propr. Thomas Coke, Efq. 1706. George Lewis Coke, Eſq. 1738, 1746. Sir Mathew Lamb, Bart. 1768. 43 13 2 St. Giles's V. Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Archidiac. 15. 7 19 0 Prox. Epiſc. 25. Priory of St. Andrew's, Propr. Natha. niel Whalley, 1710, 1735. St. Sepulchre V. in Northampton. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Pri. 6 I O Sti Andr. Propr. Nathaniel Whalley, S. T. P. 1708. Eyre Whalley, Clerk, 1748. Joſeph Trapp, Clerk, 1762. Ed- ward Watkin, Clerk, 1776. 57 19 7 St. John's Hoſpital in Northampton. In Charge. Biſhop of 25 6 3 Lincoln. 20 IO IO CHAP E L. St. Leonard's, Chap. to Hardingſton. Demoliſhed, 9. Dandts. NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 827 9. Dundle. The College of Fotheringhay was returned by the Commiſſio- ners to be of the clear annual Value of 4191. 11s. sodej For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. s. d. 1 d. I 9 7] II 6 I 1 14 16 3 Achurch R. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Thorpe Watervill. Ar- chidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35.9d. Lord Exeter, 1685. Earl of Exeter, 1737, 1743, 1743. Thomas Powys, Eſq. 1778. 12 4 2 Aldwinckle All Saints R. Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. I 4 5 35. Id. Sir Andrew St. John, Bart, 1708. Elizabeth Fleet- wood, Widow, 1721. John Kimpton, 1764. 3 Aldwinckle St. Peter R. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. I 2 72 iod. Mary Walker, Widow, this Turn, 1707. Earl of Exeter, 1724. Thomas Powys, Eſq. 1773, 1778. 17 2 1 Barnwell St. Andew R. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. I 14 2 ] 3d. Duke of Montagu and others, 1781. 15 6 8 Barnwell All Saints R. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8 Duke of Montagu, 1779. 35 9 7 Benyfield, alias Benefield, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. 3 10 II} Prox. Epiſc. 35. 5d.] Sir Thomas Middleton, Knt. 1681. James Joye, 1724. Charles Joye, Eſq. 1753. 17 3 9 Clapton R. (St. Peter.) Penf. Pri. Sfi Neoti il. 5s. 8d. Archi- I 14 41 diac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. į Sir Matthew Dudley, Theophilus Rogers, Gent. 1726. Sir Hut- chins Williams, Bart. 3 KING'S CLIFFE R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Abb. de I7 73 Martyn Abby il. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Earl of Weſtmore- land, 1726, 1759. 15 6 8 Ilip R. (St. Nicholas.). Archidiac. 105. 7d. Abb. Thorney 8 Prox. Epiſc. 35. iod. William Atwell, Gent. 1681. Thomas Smith, this Turn, 1706. Lady Elizabeth Germain, 1743, 1746. Bart. 1710. 13 16 I IO 135. 4d. 5 N 2 Lilford 28. 45 2 lliam Smith, Gent. p. h. v. 1737. John Scriven, Clerk, 828 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. d. l. s. d. 7 12 31 Lilford with Wigſthorpe V.* (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 105.7 d. o 15 23 Valet in decim. & oblat. cum exit, manſ. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Coll. Futheringhay, Propr. Sir Thomas Powys, 1712. Thoinas Powys, Eſq. 1755, 1772. 571. 145. 3d. 1 certified Value, 8 8 9 Ludington, alias Lullington, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 0 16 101 103. yd. Prox. Epiſc. 2s. 2d. Duke of Montagu, 1730, 1779. . 6d. Value. 16 8 11] Luffwick, alias Lowick, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. 12 10 Abb. Thorney 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Lady Elizabeth Germain, 1744, 1761. Lord George Germain, 1779. 51 Lutton with Waſhingley R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 10s.7d. 2 3. Ti Prox. Epifc. 55. 40.2 Lord Rockingham, 1706, 1733. Lord Sondes, 1763, 1767, 1784, p. i. 31 Naflington P. Decano & Capitulo Lincoln. 6l. 8s. 10d. Penf. 4 10 23 Vicario al. Redd. Dominæ Reginæ 8s. 3d. Collegio, de Fotheringhay 8d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 29 3 64 Potchbrooke, alias Polebrooke, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 2 18 45 105. 7d. Bishop of Peterborough. 20 Stoke Doyl R. (St. Rumbald.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Lord Chief Baron Ward, 1708. Edward Ward, Eſq. 1730. Philip Ward, Eſq. 1735. 5 10. Sudborow R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 10so 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 1o 7 25.7d. Biſhop of London, p. i. 12 11 Tanfor, alias Tanzor, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Archidiac. Ios. 7d. I 7. 31 Penſ. Prebendario de Naſſington 31. 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. 14 5 5 THRAPSTONE R. (St. James.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Abb. I 8 61 150 Burne 4s. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. The KING. Titchmarſh R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. À 10 Epiſc. 115.4d. Sir Charles Cæſar, Bart. 1677. Elizabeth and Frances Pickering, Spinſters, 1751. Edward Dickin- fon, Eſq. and Anne Pye, 1770. 90 o Twiwell R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Abb. Thor. O 18 ney il. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Thomas Ekins, Gent. 1705. Patron and , , oo Waddinghoe, alias Wadenhoe, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Sarah Bridges, Widow, 1747, 1749 Brooke Bridges, Clerk, 1783, p. i. 2 II 2 09 31 I I 20 0 0 13 O O 45 o Ò I 2 * Lilford V.-In Originali Rotulo in Offic, Primit. Decan. & Capit, Lincoln. ſunt Propr. LIVINGS NORTHAME. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 829 S. d. 1. Se d O O Priori de Fyrmeſhed 6s. 8d. Vide the Livings DiscHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. en nedtui loos King's Books, i. 37 19 Cotterſtock * (St. Andrew,) with Glapthorne V. (St. Leonard.) The Rectory is diſſolved and become a Lay Fee. Elmes Steward, Eſq. 1708. John Rowe, Eſq. 1735. John Pate, Eſq. 1742. Eleanor Vaughan, Widow, 1771. 35 8 4 Hemington V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. 6 97 Prox. Epiſc. Is. 9d. Priory of St. Neots, Propr. Lord Montague, 1705. Duke of Montagu, 1744. Sir Edward Montagu and others, 1761. 48 2 4 Pilton R. (St. Michael and All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. 11 Prox. Epiſc. 35. Simon Digby, Eſq. and others, 1722. The Biſhop,, 1756. Thomas Powys, Eſq. 1765, 1772, 1773 45 14 o Naſſington V. (All Saints.) Valet in decim. & oblat. cum exit. 7 13 4 penſ, manſ. &c. Prebendary thereof in Lincoln Catliedral, Propr. and Patr. 23 19 8 OUNDLE V.4 (St. Peter,) with Alhton Chap. Prox. Epiſc. 13 6 8 150 35. 4d. Valet in pecun. numerat. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Petriburg. Propr. 46 4 10 Slipton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Priori 5 12 33 Sti Johannis, Northampt, il Valet in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. is. 5d. Pri. Sti Johannis, Propr. Sir John Germayne, Bart. 1707. Lady Betty Germain, 1737, 1769. 9 Southwick V... (St. Mary.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. 876 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 2d. Mon. Sulbye, Propr. John Lynn, Eſq. 1691. George Lynn, Eſq. 1730, 1736, 1749, 1754. II 6 5 Warmington V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Egilthorp. Valet in 13 6 8 pecun. numerat. oblat. &c. Mon. Petriburg, Propr. Lord Weſtmorland, 1680. Earl of Weſtmorland, 1781. * Cotterſtock V.-Augmented by John Norton, Eſq. with 20l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 338. The Rectory is an Impropriation, but charged as a Rectory in the Survey of Henry VIII. the Value whereof was 421. 155. ud. The Reprizes were as follows: Archiciac. 105. id. Penſ. Epiſc. Lincoln. 21. Decano & Capitulo Lincoln, il. Penſ. Archidiac. Northampt. 55. of Oundle V.-Augmented by Capt. Edward Bedles of Oundle. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impro- priations, p. 337. | Southwick V.-Augmented by John Lynne, Eſq. with 20l. per annum for ever. Biſhop Ken- net's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 338. O 34 6 CHAPELSE 830 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMR5 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Apethorpe, (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Naſlington. Finiſhed Cur. (St. Mary.) Formerly a Monaſtery. Fotheringhay Cur. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Formerly a College. Heirs of Mr. Hewer. Newton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Naſſington. Yarwell, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Naflington. *** D. Peterborough. The Monaſtery of Peterborough was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 1721h. 145.0d.after the Deductions were made agreeable to the Inſtructions. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. S. d. d 52 12 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Year!y Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. 28 10 Barnock R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Penſ. Abb. Peterb. 155. Ar- 2 17 chidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 75. Biſhop of Peterborough. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1751. 81 Caſtor R. (St. Weneburge.) Held with the Biſhopric, being 5 5 34 annexed thereto. Penſ. Abb. Peterb. 51. Archidiac. 1os. 9d. Valet in decim. major. & minor. &c. 97 Colliweſton, alias Collinweſton, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. I 4 11] 130 Ios. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 3d. The KING. 19 8 9 Eaſton near Stamford R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 105. 7d. 1 18 103 Penſ. Abb. Peterb. 21. Penſ. Epiſc. Lincoln. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Lord Exeter, 1695. Earl of Exeter, 1764. 9 9 93 Etton R. (St. Stephen.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 0 18 114 25. 6d. Earl Fitzwilliam, 1741, 1745, 1757, 1769. 31 Marham, alias Marholm, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1os. O 18 25 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Earl Fitzwilliam, 1771. I 2 0 O 2 Norborow, NORTHAMT. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 832 King's Books. 1. I early Tenth's, do 1. do 10 19 7 Norborow, alias Northborough, R. (St. James and St. An I 1111 drew.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Pros. Epiſc. 2s. gd. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. 541. certified Value. 13 7 11 Pafton R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Penſ. Elemoſ. 6 92 Peterb. 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Biſhop of Peterbo- rough 18 3 111 Peakerke, alias Peakirk, (All Saints,) with Glynton R. (St. 1 16 48 Benedict.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. Sacriſtæ Peterb. 155. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 7de Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. 17 1 3 Thornehough R. (St. Andrew,) cum Wainsford Chap. (St. I 14 I } Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Pro Indemn. 35. Abb. Pe- terb. 35. Decim. major. minor. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 3d. Duke of Bedford, 1708, 1766. 26 13 4. Ufford R. (Holy Trinity,) cum Bainton Chap. (St. Mary.) 2 13 4 Redd. 2d. Archidiac. 1os. 7de Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. St. John's College, Cambridge. 35 2 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 6 Helpeſton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Redd. 35. 2d. Valet in pe. 8° 5 cun, numerat. cum exit. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 28. Chriſt's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 47 13 St. Martin at Stamford Bridge, alias St. Martin Stamford Ba- 7 13 9 ron, V. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Mon. Sfi Michaelis, Stamford, Propr. Earl of Exeter, 1782. 45 1 8 Maxie V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Redd. Is. 5d. Burgo 10 O Sti Petri, al. Redd. 45. Valet in decim. & oblat. cum exit. manſ. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Mon. Peterburg. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. 44 6 11 WITTERING, alias WHITTERING, R. (All Saints.) Redd. Regi. 8 Q10 næ 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Pri. Stamford 25. Archidiac. IOS. 7d. Penf. Abb. Petri 6s. 8d. William Watſon, Gent, 1692. Earl of Exeter, 1743. NOT IN CHARGE. Eye C. (St. Matthew.) Abbey of Peterborough, Propr. Bi- ſhop of Peterborough. 161. certified Value. St. John Baptiſt V. in the City of Peterborough. Biſhop of Peterborough. 491. clear Value. Longthorpe, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Peterborough, 4 Oxney, 832 DIOCES E 01 PETERBOROUGH, NORTHAMP, Oxney, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Peterborough. Deſtructa. PETERBOROUGH Cur. (St. John Baptift.) Abbey of Peter, borough, Propr. Biſhop of Peterborough, Patr. 661, 5d. t certified Value. Sutton, (St. Michael,).Chapel to Caftor. Upton, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Caſtor. UA) Wirrington, (St. Mary and St. John Baptiſt,) Chap, to Pafton. 9. Preſon. a The Priory of Sewely, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 12l. 6s. 7d. Vide Orig. Sury. for Particulars. Sizdasoro LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. ZATO DA Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. In I 2 O I O LO O O-O 0 0 0 m 120 O 20 I 14 Alderton, alias Aldrington, R. (St. Margaret.). Archidiac. 35. 4 1 50 Prox. Epiſc. 25. The KING. dins Alhney, alias Aſhton, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 35. 70.3 10 Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. The KING. 3 9 Bliſworth R. (St. John Baptift.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 5s. Lord Hatton, 1662. Jo. Knibb, 1687. Wil- liam Roberts, 1701. Lord Hatton, 1728, 1762. 17 9 7 Caſtle Athby R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d. I 14 Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Lord Northampton, 1680. Earl of Northampton, 1773. 17 0 o Coginghoo, alias Coginghey, alias . Cooknoe, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Jane Whalley, Widow, 1701. William Freeman, Eſq. 1743. Palmer Whalley, Clerk, 1762. 16 10 5 Collingtree R. (St. Columbus.) Archidiac. 10s. 6d.} Prox. I 13 of Epiſc. 45. 2d. William Harvey, Erg. 1679. Ambroſe Mayhew, and John Clarke, 1736. James Harvey, Clerk, 17:52. William Harvey, 1768. Robert Knight, Clerk, 1778, 1780. 3 Covelgrave, alias Coſgrave, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 10są, i 9 iš gd. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 10d. Lord Maynard, 1698. John Battiſon, p. h. y. 1729. Lord Maynard, 1752. Curtenhall 14 II NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROU G H. 833 d. I. 12 10 10 1 O O O O 16 O 7 0 O 14 I 0 22 2 ih Bayield. Archi O 12 IL King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Curtenhall R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. I 5 150 Priori Lenton 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 2d. The KING. 8 o Eaſton Neſton V. with Hulncote. (St. Mary.) Valet in de- cim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Priory of Sewardley in this Pariſh, Propr. Lørd Lempſter, 1711. Earl of Pomfret, 1777. 521. 2s. 6d. certified Value. o Furthoo, alias Further, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 15. gd. Jeſus College, Oxford. 7 17 Horton V. (St. Mary,) with Piddington. Archidiac. is. O 15 87 80 Valer in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 15. vid. The KING. Abb. Süi Jacobi juxta Northampton, Propr. Oo Houghton Magna R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. ios, 7d. Prox. 4 Epiſc. 55. 6d. Francis Arundell, 'Efq. 1708. Jonathan Warner, and William Beevor, Eſq. 1731. Robert Rogers, and Jonathan Warner, 1742. Margaſet Goodfellow, Wi- dow, 1782. 6 9 2 Houghton Parva V. with Brayfield. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Va- let in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. is. 7d. Pri. Sfi Andreæ, Northampton, Propr. William Ward, Eſq. 1720. Thomas Ward, 1749. Tilley Walker, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1775. 471. 35. 4d. certified Value. 16 15 10 Middleton,lialias Milton Malfor, R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. 1 13 7 Is-Toso, 6d. Prox, Epiſc. 45. 2d. John Clarke, Yeoman, 1673. Richard Gleed, and others, 1679. Edward Price, Eſq. 1745. George Backhouſe, Clerk, 1754. o Paffenham R.1' (St. Guthlake.)Prox. Epifc. 55. Thomas Maynard, Eſq. 1706. The KING, 1727: Lord May- opard, 1779. 24 4 2 Pawlerſpurie R. (St. James.). Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. 8 5 Epiſc. f.os. f Sir Benjamin Bathurſt, 1687. John Pierce, Eſq. 1748. New College, Oxford, 1760, 1775 70 o Preſton V. (St. Peter' and St. Paul.) · Archidiac. 1os. 7d. 0 14 Valet.in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Pri. Stæ Fri- difwidæ, Oxon. Propr. .Sir Richard Newman, Bart. 1719. Frances Newman, Spinſter, and others, 1748, 1753, 1766, 11767.51l. 135. 10di certified Value.. 3 9 Quinton R. (St: John Baptift.) Archidiac. 35. Pri. Sti 1 2 43 Andre Northampt. 6s. 8d. Ti Prox.l Epiſc. 25. od. The KING. 30 Stoke Bruern R. * (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. 3 o o Epiſc. 75. 6d. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. 20 O 2 2 II I 20 O O O * Stoke Bruern.--In the Original Roll this is charged in Dec. Brackley. 5 O Whiſton 834 H. . NORTHAMP. 1. So 2 21 15 O Frances Bathurſt, Widow, 1708. Lord Bathurſt, 1729 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGHKing's Books. Icarly Tenthis. d. ho S, d. 14. 11 of Whiſton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. ros. 6d Prox. Epifc. 1 9 1 135. 70.1 Richard Roſe, Gent. 1697. Sir William Irby, Bart. 1747, 1755. Lord Bolton, 1762, 1778. 15 1 101 Wickdive, (St. John Evangeliſt,) with Wickamon R. (St. i 10 2 James). vulgò Wickins. Eecleſ. deſtructa. Archidiac. 103.7d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Lord Sunderland, 1702. Charles Hoſier, Eſq. 1722, 1745. Thonias Prowſe, Efq. Wotton R. (St. George.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 2 3 6 55. 6d. Exeter College, Oxford. 13 16 01 Yardly Haſtinges R. (St. Andrew,) cum Devington. Priori 1 7 7 Sti Andr. Northampt. 1. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 105. 6d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 5d. Lord Northampton, 1696. Earl of Northampton, 1768. LIVINGS DISCHARGED: Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 39 3 4 Brayfield upon the Green V. (St. Laurence,) with Little 6 13 6! 50 Houghton. Archidiac. 3s. Valet in decim. oblats. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 1S. 8d. Priory of St. Andrew's, Northamp- ton, Propr. Thomas Ward, Eſq. 1686. William Wardy Efq. 1732. Thomas Ward, Eſq. 1746. Tilley Walker, Clerk, Incumbent and Patron, 1725. 21 8 8 Glendon, alias Clendon, alias Grendon, V. (St. Mary.) Va- 800 let in decim. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25.. Trinity College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 49 7 74 Grafton King's R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. bos. 7d. Prox. 9: 9:41 Epiſc. 25. 4d. The KINÉ. Hartwell R. or Chapel. (St. John Baptiſt.) Valet in redd. & profic. &c. Earl of Hallifax. o Potterſpury V. * (St. Nicholas.) Valer in decim. oblat. &e. 8. 6. O Prox. Epiſc. 25. id. Domus , Carthufe in Coven.- Propr. 17 5 o Rotherthorpe, alias Rotherthorpe, V. (St. Peter and St. $ 941 Paul.) Archidiac. 35. Prox. Epiſc. is. 4d. Valet in de- cim. oblat. &c. Abb. Sti Jacobi, Northampton, Propr. Sir Thomas Samwell, Bart. 1727. Thomas Samwell, Eſq. 1756. Sir Thomas Samwell, Bart. 1774. O o 100 O O 20 O 31 12 * Potterſpury V.-Augmented with solo per annum, by Edmund Arnold, Efq. 1675 Biſhop Ken- net's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 287. 2 CHAPELS, WORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROU G H. 835 CHAPELS. Deynton, Chapel to Whifton and Yardly. (St. Mary Magda- len.) Pidington, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Horton. 201. certified Value. Rode, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Collingtree. 15l. certified Value. D. Rothwell. The Monaſtery of Sulbye was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the Sum of 2851. 8s. 5d. annually, after the common Deductions. The Priory of Rothwell was likewiſe returned at 5l. 195. 8d.} Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. L. d. 1. S. 12 2 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. l'early Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 81 Arthingworth R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. ios. 7d.} Pri- 4 31 ori Launda il. 6s. 8d. Dimiff. ad firm. - Prox. Epiſc. 35. Langham Rokeby, this Turn, 1707. Langham Rokeby, Eſq. 1727. Thomas Rokeby, Eſq. 1767, 1775. 15 4 2 Bowden Parva R. (St. Nicholas.). Priori Launda 135. 4d. 1 10 5 Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 9d. } Arthur Mowſſe, Gent. 1697. Rowland Walker, Eſq. 1726. Anne Wotton, Spinſter, 1758, 1766, 1771. John Brockett, Gent. and Anne his Wife, 1776. Duke of Mon- tagu. 23 6 10} Braybrooke R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d.[ Valet in 2 6 81 decim. major. & minor. cum exit. manſion. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 55. gd. Thomas Griffin, Efq. 1685. John Ball, Gent. p. i. 1718. Peter Shuter, Clerk, and others, 1759. 21 9 7 Broughton R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Dimiff. 2 ad firm. per indentur, Prox. Epiſc. 55. Duke of Montague, 5 0 2 1709. 2 - d. O O ne bog ome 012 O 2 II nd his 21 2 Johannis Jeru. ,0 13. 9. 836 DIOCESE OF PETER BORO U G H. NORTHAMP: King's Books. King Yearly Tenths, d. 1. 1709. Edward Montagu, Eſq., and others, 1753. Duke of Montagu, and others, 1782. 8 0 Clendon R. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. 6s. 9d. į Valet in profic. 0.16 proven. de rector. ibidem dimiff. ad firm. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Fra. Lane, Eſq. 1665. Ralph Lane, Eſq. 1719. John Booth, Eſq. 1761. II 12 81 Clipſton Two Parts R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 75. 4d. Terr. I 3. 34 gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Chrift's College, Cam- bridge. 60 o Clipſton Third Part R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. &c. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. Draughton R. (St. Catherine ) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Priori i 4 31 Delaprey il. 6s. 8d. Teir. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. John Courtman, Gent. 1691. Gerard Gore, Eſq. 1705. Sir John Shelley, Thomas Scawen and his Wife, 1740. James Scawen, Eſq. 1778. 8 11 Eeon R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archidiac. 10s. 60.1 Terr. 2 9 gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 4d. Thomas Catteſby, Eſq. 1688. Thomas Evans, M. D. 1720. John Palmer, Eſq. 1732, 1738. Barbara Whalley, Widow, 17623 US 13 oj Farnden, alias Eaſt Farndon, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archi. 1.6 16 diac. 1os. 7d. Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. St. John's College, Oxford. 13 6 8 Halcote, alias Hulcote, R. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Penſ, I .6 8. Præpof. Dingley 21. Archidiac. nos. 7d. Terr. gleb. &c. dimiff. ad firm. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Mary Woodford, Widow, 1745. Elizabeth. Gill, Widow, 1778. Edward Montgomery, Clerk, 1780. 3 Hanington R. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Waldgrave. i I I I Archidiac. 10s. 6d.1 Prox. Epiſc. 28. od. Terr. gleb. &c. Biſhop of Lincoln. falem 1l. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Şir Edward Nicholls, Bart. and Lady Jane Nicholls, 1690. John Nicholls Rainsford, 1738. Juſtinian Rainsford, Eſq. 1742, 1755, 1761, 1777. 541. certified Value. 15 9 7 Harrington R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.). Archidiac. 7d. I 10 11) Dimiff. ad firin. Prox. Epiſc. 35. rod. Earl of Dyſart, 1724, 1757. Hon. Wilbraham Tollemache, 1779. 13 14 9 Hafelbech R. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 10s. 7 53 7d. Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epifc. 35. 6d. William Wykes, 1708, 1711, 1729: Richard Bond, Eſą, and his wife, 1755 6 Ilham I 1720. award 10 II IOS. I NORTHAMP. DIOCES E OF PETERBOROU G H. 837 lo 1. do 7 10 O 7 10 6 IO O O King's Books. Yearly Tenibs. da • Ilham Superior R. * (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 1s. 8d. Eli- o 15 zabeth Bagley, 1710. William Franks, Clerk, 1742. Sa- muel Morton, 1744. Anne Franks, Widow, 1760. Tho- mas Rokeby, Eſq. 1774. 621. 125. 8d. certified 'Vrlue. o Ilham Inferior R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Biſhop of 0 15 0 Lincoln. 621. 125. 8di certified Value. 23 I 5 Kelmarſh, alias Kilmarſh, R. (St. Dennis.). Prox. Epiſc. 55. 2 12 9d. Thomas. Hanbury, Eſq. 1700. William Hanbury, Eſq. 1737, 1759. 48 2 6 Lamport R. (All Saints,) with Faxton. Chapel. (St. Dennis.) 4 16 3. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 125.. Sir Juſtinian Ilham, Bart. 1719. Sir Edmund Ilham, Bart. 1773 4 41 Lodington, alias Loddington, R. (St. Andrew.) Terr. gleb.. i o 55 150 &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Sir Thomas Bridges, Knight, 16.92. The KING, 10 8 11 Maidwell St. Mary R. Archidiac. 1.os. 7.d. Terr. gleb. &c. o 9 Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d.1 George and Jo. Palmer, 1706. inas Scawen, Eſq. 1746, 1759. James Scawen, Eſq. 1778. United to 4 171 Maidwell St. Peter. R. Archidiac. 35. Terr. gleb. dimiff. ad'o 9 83 firm. &c. Prox. Epiſc. is. 8d.1 Thomas Scawen, Eſq. 1746, 1759. James Scawen, Eſq. 1778. 1.5 Marſton Truſſel R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d. I 10 31 Prox. Epiſc. 35. od. Terr. gleb. eb. &c. Robert Breton, Eſq. this Turn, 1701. The Bihop, 1741. 20 7 31 Orlingbury R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1.os. 70.1 Terr. gleb. 2 &c. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Jo.. Bridges, this Turn, 1.699. Sir Brook Bridges, Bart. p. i. 1726, 1783. 1:8 12 81 Oulde, alias Woulde, alias Old, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 1. 17 3 IQS. 7d.. Terr. gleb. &s. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. 138 4. Oxenden Magna R. (St. Helen.). Abb. Siſternenſ. 2l. Ar- chidiac.. 10s. 70.1 Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Jo. Courtman, Clerk, and others, 1706. Suſanna a Morton, Widow, 1728. William Pippin, 1729. Anne Morton, Widow, 1737. Ann Franks, Widow, 1752, 1760. Tho. mas Rokeby, Eſq. 1773. 2 II o 82 I 6. 10 * Iſham Superior and Ilham Inferior R:-were both valued de novo, after the Valuation taken, and in the new. Valuation as above, there are no Reprizals, mentioned. Vide the Roll in Offic. Primit. Pightley, 838 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAN .l s. d. 1 10 12 I :I O IO aco Rectory, (an Impropriation,) annexed to the Biſhopric of Coventry and Lichfield. Dr. Morton, Bi. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 2. d. 30 3. Pighilley, alias Pitchley, R.* (All Saints.) Abb. Burgi Siti 3 O IĮ Petri 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 7:5. 6d. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. Ruſhton All Saidrs R. Archidiac. gis. Valet in decim. major. II 21 & minor. cum exit. manſion. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25.-6d. Lord Cullen, in Ireland, 1725. William Haggist, Merchant, p. h. v. 1756. 11 13 4 Rufhton St. Peter R. Archidiac. 6s. 9d.1 Valet in decim. 3 4 major. & minor. cum exit. manſion. terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Lord Cullen, in Ireland, 1725. William Hag- gitt, Merchant, p. h. v. 1756. 14 Scaldwell R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. I 8 I Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Duke of Montagn, 1.722. Sir Edward Montagu, and others, 1758. Duke and Dutcheſs.of Montagu, 1774: 6 4 91 Sibberſtore, alias Sibbertofte, V. (St. Helen.) Archidiac. Ios. 0 12 5 7d. Valet per annum in decim. oblat, unacum exit. manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Mon. Sulbye, Propr. Biſhop of Oxford. 151 Siwell, alias Sywell, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. i 2 II 10s. ;d. Pri. Sti Andr. Northamp. il. 6s. 8d. Redd. Is. Terc, gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. William Wilmer, Eſq. 17:10, 1738, 1742. 2 Thorpe Malveſor, alias Malſor, R. (All Saints:) Archidiac. los..7d. Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Ro. Manſell, Eſq. 1681. Catherine Manſell, Widow, 1719. Thomas Manſell, Eſq. 1735, 1742. 60l. certified Value. 4 : Waldgrave R. (St. Peter,) with Hanington. Archidiac. 1os. 2 4 51 7d. Tenr. gleb &c. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 6d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 13 19 44 Wilbye, alias Wilbey, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. i 7 III Terr. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Lord Longueville, 1713. Earl.of Suſſex, 1728, 1756, 1782. 8 WILLINGBURY, alias WELLINGBOROW, alias WELLINGBO 2 8 2 ROUGH, V. (All Saints.) Abb. Crowland 21. Elemoſ. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 55. Valer in decim. & oblat. cum exit. man- fion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Abb. Crowland, in Linco Propr. Lord Brooke, 1711, 1753. Earl of Warwick, 1774• * Pightſley, alias Pitchley, R.–There is no Rector, only a Vicar at 30l. per annum paid out of the top of Coventry and Lichfield, did abate good Part of his Fine to increaſe the Portion of the Vicar of Pitchley in Northamptonſhire. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 299. LIVINGS 64. Mon LI II 14 I 35 22 24 1 NORTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 839 ܕܐ ܐܬ. ܬ .. ܀ ܂܂ li d. O 0 O O 1 22 O 40 0 43 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. d. 42 10 11į Barton Earles V. (All Saints.) Valet in decim. oblat. &c. 10 60 Prox, Epife: 256d. The KING. Abb. de la Prey juxta Northampton, Propr. 29 9 Brixworth: V. (All Saints.) - - Archidiac. 35: 4d. Valet in de- 14 15 10 cim. oblat. cum exit. manfion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d.. Chancellor of Saliſbury Cathedral, Propr. and Patr.. & Cranley V. (St. Andrew.) Valet in profic. proven. de vicar. 8 5 ibid. in pecun. numerat. per annum. Prox. Epiſc. 25. od.se Colleg. Newarke, in Oppido Leiceſter; Propr. John Ro- binſon, Eſq. 1720, 1739, 1744, 1761, 1778, 1782. O 4 Daifborrow, alias Deſborow, V. (St. Giles.) Valet in decim. 80 & oblat. unacum exit. manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Abb. Pipewell, Propr. The KING, 1727. Charles Joye, Eſqi 1772, 1.776. Peter. Joye, Eſq. 1778 ano Dodington V. (St. Nicholas.) Valet in profic. de vicar: in pe- 8. 134 60 o o cun.. numerat. per ann. Proxi Epiſc.. 25. 2d.. The KING. Abb..de la Pre, Propr.- 43 12. 5ł Harrowdown, alias Harrowden Magna; V. (All Saints,) cum 13: 3:8 Harrowden Parva. Valet in decim. oblat. cum exit, manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Mon. Sulbye, Propr. The Hon. Thomas Wentworth, 1719. Marquiſs of Rockingham,. 1753 37 6: 8 Meris Aſhby, alias Meers Alhby, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac: 4 13 9 105. 7d. Valet in decim. oblat. cum exit. manſion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 4d. Domus Carthuf. in Coventry, Propr. Nicholas Hacket, Eſq. 1690. Sir John Langham, Bart: 1742: John Watkin, Clerk, P. h. V.. 1751. Sir Villiers Charnocke,. Barti. 1762. 12 13: 2 ROTHWELL V.- (Holy Trinity,) with Orton Chap: (All Saints.) 7 18 11 Archidiac. 1os..7d. Valet in decim. oblat. cum exit. man- fion. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 255 Mon. Cirenceſter, in co. Glou- ceſter, olim Propr. William Ward, Eſq. 1719. . Daniel Gehf, Eſq. 1741. Hon. Charles Vane, p. h. y. 1776. Wila. liam Higginſon; Clerk,, 1780, CURACY: 840 DIOCESE OF PÉ T E R B ORO U G H. Nor Thamri 1 CURACY. Pitchley Cur. (All Saints.) Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield, . 301. certified Value. This was formerly charged in the King's Books as a Rec- tory at 301. 15. id. but the Rectory thereof has been appropriated to the See of Lichfield, ſince the Year 1 543• D. Waleldon. The Monaſtery of Pipewell, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 2861. TIS, 8d. The Monaſtery of Fynnelhed was likewiſe returned at 56). 10s. aid. For Particulars of the Manors, &c. vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. King's Books. s. d. s. d. O 45. 4d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. 17 o Aſhley R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. I 14 Samuel Templar, Eſq. 1696. Alexander Leith, Clerk, 1730. John Clough, and Joſeph Peppin; 1745. Richard Cowliſhaw, Eſq. 1773. 3 Blatherwick R. (Holy Trinity.) PenſEpiſc. Lincoln. 35. 4d. 1 9 11 Archidiac. 1s. '8d. Pri. Launda 1.35, 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Henry Stafford, Eſq. 1675. Suſanna Obrien, Widow, 1726. Donatus Obrien, Eſq. 1764. 65%. 175. 10d. certi- fied Value. 21 6 8. Brampton, alias Brampton near Dingley, R. (St. Mary.) Pri. Sti Neoti 11. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 1os. Prox. Epiſc. 55. 4d. Sir Eraſmus Norwich, 1720. Sir Wil Sir William Norwich, Bacto 1732, 1734. Earl Spencer, 1777. Brigſtock, 14 II 2 2 8 Northamp. DIOCESE OF PET E R BOR OU G H. 841 1. S. d. I 3 81 18 7 I King's Books, Yearly Tenthi. lo d. Il 17 3] Brigſtock, (St. Andrew,) with Stanion V. (St. Peter-) Ar- 8 chidiac. 35. Valet in decim. & oblat. cum exit. manf. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Abb. Cirenceſter, in Glouceſt. Propr. of Stanion. Sir William Bowyer, Bart, and Ebenezer Sadler, 1705. Ann Smith, Widow, 1737, 1742. The KING, 176). John Newport, Eſq. 1773. 401. 135. 3d.] certified Value. Bulwick R. (St. Nicholas.) Redd. 85. 9di Elemoſ. Is. 4d. 116 ST Prox. Epiſc. 45. 7d. Charles Tryon, Eſq. 1692, 1721. John Clarke, Eſq. and his Wife, 1770. John and Rebec- ca Clarke, 1780 12 16 3 Carleton R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 1 5 73 35. 4d. Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Bart. 1732. Sir John Pal- mer, Bart. 1768, 1778, 1781. 13 16 3 Corby R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 15. 5d. Prox. Epiſc. I 7 72 35, 6d. Earl of Cardigan, 1742. Duke of Montagu, 1777, 1781. 23 7 31 Cottingham R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Abb. de 2 6 81 Burgo 6s. 8d. Prox. Epiſc. 55. rod. Brazen Noſe Col- lege, Oxford. The Biſhop, 1780. 24 3 61 Dean, alias Deen, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 105.7d. Prox. 8 43 Epiſc. 35. 4d. Earl of Cardigan, 1727, 1754. Duke of Montagu, 1777, 1781. 9 9 41 Dingley R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. Ios. 7d.1 Prox. Epiſc. 0 18.11 25. 40.1 John Mapletoft, M. D. 1683. Edward Griffin, Eſq. 1721. Thomas Peach, Gent. 1751, 1754. John Peach Hungerford, Eſq. 1777: 21 13 11 Gretton Weldon P. in Eccleſia Cath. Lincoln. Eccleſia Cath. 3 31 Lincoln. 5l. 3d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 4 16 8 Haringworth Free Chapel. (St. John Baptiſt.) Mon. Elſtow, o 9 9 8 in Bedf. Propr. Charles Stanhope, Eſq. 1672. 7 7 6 Okeley Parva R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 1od. Eliza- beth Drake, alias Trotman, 1719. Duke of Montagu, 1729. Sir Edward Montagu, and others, 1756. Lord and Lady Beaulieu, 1769. 507. 145. certified Value. 31 ROCKINGHAM R. * (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. 1os. 7d. Prox. I O 2 Epiſc. 28. 6d.] Earl of Rockingham, 1722, 1727. Lewis Watſon, Eſq. 1755. Lord Sondes, 1763, 1777. .iol. 8s. certified Value. 2 2 O O 14 9 . IO 2 1 * Rockingham R.-- is ſaid to be only a Curacy, ſerved by the Appointment of the Lord Rocking- ham at 1ol. per Annum. This in the Original Survey was charged as above. Vide the Original Roll in Offic. Primitiarum, 5 P Stoke 842 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP: 1. 1. S. II 12 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. & 13 6 8 Stoke Albany, R. (St. Botolph.) Pri. de Beyver il. 6s. 8d. 1 68 Archidiac. 105. 7d. 1 Prox, Epiſc. 35. 4d. Lord Rocking- ham, 1713. Lord Sondes, 1777. 6 Wakerley R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 1 3 3 William Wotton, this Turn, 1713. Earl of Exeter, 1730. 1748, 1783. 13 6 8 WELDON R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 10s. 7d. Prox. Epiſc. I 6 8 35. 4d. Lord Hatton, 1684. Penelope Goode, Widow, 1727. Lord Viſcount Hatton, 1761. 1: 17 i Weſton on Welland V.* with Sutton. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 1 3.85 35. Prox, Epiſc. 35. Abb. de Launda, in co. Leiceſt. Propr. Lord Rockingham, 1697, 1739. Lord Sondes, 1777: 7. 17 i Wilberſton, alias Wilbarſton, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. 0 15' 81 Valer in decim. oblat. cum exit. manſ. &c. Prox. Epiſc. is. 11d.. Abb. Elneſtow, in co. Bedf. Propr. Lord Rocking- hain, 1691, 1745. Lord Sondes, 1762, 1777. 5 II LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. IO o Geddington V. (St. Andrew.). Valet in decim. & oblat. cum od exit. manf. &c. Mon. Pipewell, Propr. Duke of Montagu, 1726, 1735, 1742. Sir Edward Montagu, and others, 1755. Duke of Montagu, and others, 1777. 48 o O Gretton V. (St. James,) cum Dodington Capel. (St. Mary.) 19 6 & Valet in decin. & oblat. cum exir. manſ. &c. Lord Not- tingham, 1710. Prebendary thereof, in Lincoln Cathedral, or his Leſſee, Patr. 33 34 Harringworth V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Valet in decim. oblat. II 15 10 &c. Prox. Epiſc. 35. Mon. Elſtow, in Bedf. Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 43 18 o Veckley, alias Weekley, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 35. 9 05; Valet in decim. & oblat. cum exit. manſ. &c. Prox. Epifc. 25. 4d. Abb. Sti Jacobi juxta Northamp. Propr. Lord Mountague, 1704. Duke of Montagu, 1722, 1744. Duke of Montagu, and others, 1774. * Weton.--In the Northampton Roll in Offic. Primitiarum, is ſaid to be appropriated to the Hof- pital of St. John's in Dingley, CHAPELS, NORTHAMP. 843 . DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH, CHAPELS, DONATIVES, or CURACIES. Laxton Cur. (All Saints.). Pri. Finiſhed, Propr. 201. certi- fied Value. Newton St. Mary, a Donative. Not in Charge. Duke of Montagu. Okeley Magna Cur. (St. Michael.) Abb. Pipewell, Propr. Mr. Supple. RUTLAND. Allow hundred. King's Books. 1. d. t. 2 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Pearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 20 16 3 Aſhwell R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 2d.] Lord Exeter, 71 1680. George Gregory, Eſq. 1743. William Burton, Eſq. 1759 10 13 11 Burlie, alias Burley, V. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. od. 1 3 Pri. Nuneaton, in co. Warw. Propr. Earl of Nottingham, 1729. Earl of Winchelſea and Nottingham, 1744, 1761. 25 16 3 Cotteſmore R. (St. Nicholas,) cum Cap. Barrow. Deſtructa. 7 Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 6d. Earl of Gainſborough, 1724, 1749, 1762. 311 of Friſtelton, alias Thiſtleton, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 07 11 The QUEEN, by Lapſc, 1704. James Brudenell, Eſq. 1740. George Bridges Brudenell, Eſq. 1755, 1771. Iod. certified Value. 5 3 9 Greetham V.* (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Pri. Sii Pri. Sri 0 10 41 Sepulchri, Warw. Propr. Earl of Nottingham, 1729. 2 11 IS. 531. * Greetham V.-The Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham, 1702, demiſed to the Vicar thereof and his Succeſſors, all the Tythes of Corn, Grain, Hay, and Woud, ariſing in Wolfox, for an Augmentation of at leaſt 81. per annum. Henry Foſter, of Thifleton, did, in 1702, give unto the ſame Vicar of Greetham, and his Succeſſors for ever, all the Tythes of Corp, Grain, Hay, and Wood, ari. fing from the Lands of ſeveral in that Pariſh, which Tythes are about 15l. per annum, and by his. Will gave 10l. per annum more. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of impropriations, p. 423. Earl 5 P 2 844 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. RUTLAND. 1. S. 14 II King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. 1. S. d. Earl of Winchelſea and Nottingham, 1746, 1766. 60l. 7d. 1 certified Value. 3 Market Overton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Prox. Epiſc. 35. I 9 11 10d. John Wingfield, Eſq. 1700, 1724. Elizabeth Wing- field, Widow, 1746, 1760. Robert Hall, and Edward Mux- loe, 1782. 7 17 1 Stretton R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Edward Horf- 0 15 87 man, Eſq. 1719. Edward Smith, Eſq. 1741. - 59). 10s. 42.1 certified Value. 2 11 Tighe, alias Teigh, R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. 1 8 31 Lord Sherard, 1704. Earl of Harborough, 1737, 1743. 14 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear l'early Value. King's Books. 40 O O Exton V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. id. Pri. 8 7 8 Ski Andr. Northamp. Propr. Earl of Gainſborough, 1780. o Wiſſenden, alias Whitſondine, alias Whiſſendine, V. * (St. 7 I 0 Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 9d. Pri. Sempringham, in co. Lincoln, Propr. Sir Jof. Danvers, and Thomas Noel, Eſq. 1753. Earl of Harborough, 1771, 1778. -46 O o Eaſt Hundred. 7. d. so do II 2 II LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. Caſterton Magna R. (St. Peter and St. Paul) with Pickworth. I 2 33 Prox. Epiſc. 25. gd. Elizabeth Pollard, Widow, 1691. Earl of Exeter, and the KING, ad corroborand. Titul. 1728. Earl of Exeter, 1783, 1784. 6.15 5 Caſterton Parva R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. John o 13 61 Brown, Eſq. 1701. Francis Browne, Eſq. 1749. Thomas Browne, Eſq. 1765. * Wiſſenden, alias Whitſondine, alias Whiſfendine, V.-Augmented by Mr. Forſter, of Thifletong with 10l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 424. f Empingham RUTLAND, DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 845 1. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 2 IO 72 8 I O 2 King's Books, d. 25 6 51 Empingham P. in the Church of Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. 6 8 Hornfield R. (All Saints,) united to Eston. This is a Sine Cure, the Church being demoliſhed. Prox. Epiſc. 7d. Earl of Gainſborough, 1722, 1761, 1780. 29 10 21 Ketton P. in the Church of Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. 5 Tinewell, alias Tinwell, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. od. Earl of Exeter, 1754. 0. Whitwell R. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 5d. Earl of Gainſborough, 1750, 1784, p. i. 2 19 01 I 5 ož I 2 10 Ο 1Ο 5 0 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 39 0 0 * Empingham V.* (St. Peter.) This is a Peculiar of the 7 14 gi Church of Lincoln. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Parr. 42 3 4 * Ketton V. up (St. Mary,) with Tixover. (St. Mary Magda- 8 o o len.) This is a Peculiar of the Church of Lincoln. Pre- bendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. o Royal, alias Ryhall, V. (St. John Evangeliſt, with Eſſenden 13 17 Cap. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Pri. Sti And. Northamp. Propr. Lord Exeter, 1711. Earl of Exeter, 1773 42 3 1 Tilkencore, alias Tickencoat, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6 5 8 7d. Jo. Wingfield, 1711. John Wingfield, Eſq. 1750. John Wingfield, Clerk, 1758. Sarah Wingfield, Widow, 1773 31 10 I D. Dkeham Soca. The Hoſpital of St. John, in Okeham, was valued, temp. Hen. VIII. at 121. 125. uid. Empingham V.-Augmented by Mr. Henry Forſter with 10l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, P: 424. oli Ketton V-Augmented by Mr. Henry Forder with 101, per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 424. LIVINGS 846 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. RUTLAND. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. IO O I 5 Kilpellham R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d.£ Richard Ooi Snow, Eſq. 1695, 1722, 1729, 1731. Paul George Snow, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1764. 63l. 175, 5d. certified Value. 28 3 11 OKEHAM V. (All Saints,) cum Cap. de Edg:on, (St. Edmund.) 2 16 31 Langham, (St. Peter and St. Paul,) Barleythorpe and Brooke. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 85. Abb. Weſtminſter, olim Propr. Earl of Nottingham, Patr. by an Exchange with the Biſhop of London, by Act of Parliament 9° Willielmi tertii. Earl of Winchelſea, 1782. o Pikeworth, alias Pickworth, R. (All Saints.) (This is a Sine o go Cure, the Church being down.) With Caſterton Magna. Prox. Epiſc. Is. Earl of Exeter, 1783, 1784, p. i. 4 OO DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 46 15 3 Wardley R. (St. Mary,) with Belton Cap. (St. Peter.) Prox. 10 16 70 Epiſc. 25. 8d. 1 The KING. Pri. de Launda, Propr. CURACIES. Branſton Cur. (All Saints,) Chapel to Hambledon. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Patr. 271. 6s. 4d. certified Value, Brouk Cur. 51. 1os. certified Value. 9. Rutland, alias Martingaley hundred. The Priory of Broke, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 401. LIVINGS ROTLAND. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROU G H. 847 King's Books, 1 I 6 17 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenibs Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. ho so do li d. 8 7 82 - Ayſton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 2s. Id. The Honoura- o 16 91 ble James Brudenell, 1710. Robert Wright, p. h. v. 1735. George Bridges Brudenell, Eſq. 1774, 1780. 14 7 6 Edweſton, alias Edith Weſton, alias Eddiweſton, R. (St. Ma- 8 9 ry.) Prox. Epiſc. 35.7d. Charles Halford, 1687. Ri- chard Halford, Etq. 1735. Mary Lucas, 1753. 10 17 in Hambledon V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 82.1. Dean I 18 and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. Linden, alias Lyden, R. (St. Martin.). Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. O 13 81 Sir Thomas Barker, Bart. 1687. Samuel Barker, Eſq. 1.731. Thomas Barker, Eſq. 1765. 631. 135. 11d. cer- tified Value. 6 05 Martinthorpe R. (St. Martin.) Ecclef. deftructa. This is a O 12. 63 Sine Cure. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 6d. Earl of Denbigh. 9 17 6 Preſton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 5d. O 19 9 Henry Fawkner and his Wife, 1703. Cornelius Belgrave, Clerk, 1734. 581. 125. certified 'Value. 3. Ridlington R. (St. Mary and St. Andrew.). Prox. Epiſc. 25. 11 6d. Earl of Gainſborough, 1777. 6 8 Tho. Burley Decan. Rural. UPRINGHAM R: (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 140 Biſhop of London. 7 5 5 Winge, alias Wing, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Epiſc.: 0 14 61 15. 9d. The KING, 1.2 13 Ii Hoſp. Sti Johannis Evangeliftæ in Oakham.. I 5 34 10 I I 0.8 20 Ο ΙΟ 2 I 100 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly. Value. King's Bookline 10 O O Manton.V. (St. Mary.) The KING, 1772. Mary Bourne; Spinſter, 1774. 40 6 10 Normanton R. (St. Marthew.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 30.1 Sir 5 4 7 Sir Thomas Mackworth, Bart. 1721. Sir John Heathcote, Bart. 17:51: 2. Warang 848 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. RUTLAND, D. Wuirangdike Hundred. d. 20 2 O I O I 2 1 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 14 13 i Barrowden R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. Iod. Lord Exe I 9 38 ter, 1692. Earl of Exeter, 1754. 12 16 101 Glayſton R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 2d. The Biſhop, I 5 8 1734. Peter Houſe College, Cambridge. O 10 Liddington P. in Eccl. Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. 17 5 North Luffenham R. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 3d. I 14 01 Emanuel College, Cambridge. 6 South Luffenham R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 1d.1 Wil 5 3 liam Barker, Gent. 1721, 1725. Joſhua Cox, Gert. 1731. Carteret Leathes, Eſq. 1734. 10 19 7 Morecote, alias Morcot, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 10d. I III Matthew Hutton, Gent. this Turn, 1668. John Savage, and William Savage, 1721. George Pochin, Eſq. and others, 1754• ID 2. I Stokedry R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epifc. 25. 5d. John Con I 2 2 1 duitr, Eſq. 1736. John Wallop, Eſq. 1742. Thomas Powys, Eſq. 1755, 1772. 7 6 Seyton, alias Seaton, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Ed. 2 ward Coney, Eſq. 1682. Charles Tryon, Eſq. 1724, 1749. John Monckton, Eſq. 1774. I 20 o 9 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. - 31 Clear Yearly Valuc. King's Books 8 4 Biſbrooke V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 6d. Mon. 6 0 4 Daventree, olim Propr. deinde conceſſ. Eccleſiæ Chriſti, Oxon. Earl of Rutland, 1698. Duke of Rutland, 1721, 1731. Lord Granby, 1771. 43 12 7 * Liddington V. (St. Andrew,) with. Caldecote Chapel. (St. 8 2 0 John.) This is a Peculiar of the Church of Lincoln. Pre- bendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. Pilton RUTLAND. 849 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROU G H. 2050 5000000ocos d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. l. 31 6 8 Pilton R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 3d. Sir Thomas 4.17 31 Powys, 1718. Simon Digby, Eſq. and Kenelm his Son, 1722. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. 1764, 1767. Memorandum. That Empingham, Liddington, and Ket- ton, in this County, are exempt from the Juriſdiction of the Bilbop of Peterborough, and are Peculiars to the See, or Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Q Dioceſe [ 850 ] King's Books, d. 358 4 91 S. B" Dioceſe of Rocheſter. Yearly Tenths, le de ISHOPRIC* This Biſhopric, by the Survey the 26th 35 16 53 of Henry VIII, had the Great Tithes and Rectories of Frendiſbury, Dartford, Denton, and Illeham, in Kent, with the Rectory of Taddington in Effex, with Penſions from fix. teen other Churches in Kent; and the Manors of Bromley, Stone, Cokefton, Cobham, &c. and by a Return made by Nicholas Biſhop of Rocheſter, and certified into the Exche- quer of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities in this Cathedral the 34th of Henry VIII. it appears that Wal- ter Philippes was then Dean, and received a clear annual Income of 1ool, and that the fix Prebendaries, viz. Hugh Ap Ryce, John Wilbore, Robert Johnſon, John Symkyns, Robert Salyſbury, and Richard Engeſt, had each a clear annual Payment of 2ol. and that fix of the Minor Canons had 101, each annually. The Cathedral Church. (ST. ANDREW.) Deanry, conſtituted about the Year 1541. 400l. per ann. The KING. 34 14 91 Archdeaconry of Rocheſter, erected about the Year 1089. 3 9 54 Biſhop of Rocheſter. Nicholas Metcalfe, Archdeacon in 1535. The Manor of Longfield appertains to this Arch- deaconry N. B. There are fix Prebends in this Church, four whereof are in the Gift of the King, but preſented to by the Lord Chancellor, or the Lord Keeper of the * The Biſhopric of Rocheſter is the moſt ancient, next to Canterbury, of all in England; a Biſhop's See being erected there by St. Auguſtine, who firſt preached the Goſpel unto the Saxons, Anno 606. The Cathedral Church was firſt erected by Ethelbert King of Kent. This Biſhopric was anciently in the immediate Patronage of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, which continued till about the Year 1147. Heylin, 137. Juftus, afterwards tranſlated to Canterbury, was the firſt Biſhop in 606. Dugdale, Vol. I. Fol. 19, Great DIOCESE OF ROCHE S T E R. 851 Great Seal; one is annexed to the Proroftſhip of Oriel College, Oxford, by an Act of Parliament 12° Annæ Reginæ, and preſented to upon a Vacancy by the Fel- lows of that College with the Provoſtfhip, and one annexed to the Archdeaconry of Rocheſter by Letters Patent of King Charles the Firſt. Theſe with the Deanry pay a Řent Charge of 115l. in Lieu of Firſt Fruits and Tenths. 160l. per ann. each. The Monaſtery of St. Andrew in Rocheſter was worth an- nually, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, at the Time of the taking of this Survey, the net Sum of 4861. 11s. 5d. The College of Cobham was likewiſe worth per annum 1281. 25. Id. The Hoſpital of Strode, called Newark, was likewiſe worth 521. 195. Tod. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. KENT, . 9. Dartford. The Monaſtery of St. Mary and St. Catherine in Dartford was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth the annual Sum of 4801. gs. od. į Vide Certificate under the Flands of the Commiſſioners, Nevyll, Hattclyff, and Cranewell, for Particulars. d. b. s. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, l'early Tenthus Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. 16 18 9 Beckingham R. (St. George.) Prox. and Syn. 7s.6d. and 35. 1 13 10 4d. pro Viſ. Epiſc. Val. in manſ. & 25 acr. terr. 1l. 1os. &c. Henry St. John, Eſq. 1661. Sir Walter St. John, 1678. Sir Henry St. John, Bart. 1711. Lord Viſcount St. John, 1726. Lord Viſcount Bolingbroke, 1765. Joſeph Roſe, Gent. 1778. 10 7 81 Charleton R. (St. Luke.) Prox. and Syn. 8s. 8d. Valet in I 0 9 manf. & 10 acr. terr. & prat. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. William Lang- horne, Eſq. 1704. Elizabeth and Anne Cadwell, 1752. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1781. 5 Q 2 Chellesfield] 852 KENT, DIOCESE OF ROCHE S T E R. S. 2 II 2 I 7 11 King's Books. Yearly Tenihs, 1. do 1. d. 24 14 2 Chellesfield R. (St. Mary,) with Farneborow Chap. (St. Giles.) 9 5 6d. Pro Vif. Epiſc. 45. Redd. Ss. 1d. Val. in manſ. & 50 acr. terr. il. 135. 4d. &c. George Petty, Gent. 1692. All Souls College, 1774, 1781, p. i. 16 3 61 Cheſilhurſt R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. gs. 68. Pri. Rocheſ 41 ter 31. 25. iod. Val. in manſ. & 12 acr. terr. & prat. il. 1os. &c. Biſhop of Rocheſter. 13 9 91 North Cray R. with Rokeſley. (St. James.) Ecclef. deftruct. Prox. and Syn. 8s. iod. Val. in manf. & gardin. 125. &c. William Bowes, Eſq. 1628. John Buggins, 1701. Sir Thomas D’Aeth, 1729. Jeffrey Hetherington, Eſq. 1765. Thomas Coventry, Eſq. 1779. 12 13 4 Powles Cray, alias Pauls Cray, R. (St. Paulinus.) Prox. and I 5 4 Syn. 11s. 2d. Val. in manſ. & 40 acr. terr. & paft. 2l. 135. 40. &c. Richard Hawkins, 1681. John Selwyn, Elq. 1740. Hon. Thomas Townſhend, p.i. 1782. 12 17 31 Deptford V. (St. Nicholas.) Mon. Beigham, in Suffex, Propr. I 5 See Appropriated about 1202. Sir John Cutler, Bart. 1662, 1672. Edmund Poulter, Eſq. 1702. Adolphus Meet- kerke, Eſq. 1731. John Lawrence, and Thomas Walker, Gent. p. h. v. 1763. 9 12 6 Earith V. (Sc. John Baptiſt.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 6d. Val. O 19 3 in manſ. & 6 acr. paſturz il. &c. Abb. Leſnes, alias Weſtwood, Propr. Sir Thomas Thynde, Knight, 1661. William Bateman, Eſq. 1693. Sir James Bateman, Knt. 1713. James Bateman, Eſq. 1733. Sainuel Daſhwood, Eſq. 1787. GREENWICH V. (St. Alphage.) The KING. Abb. Shene, 2 2 0 300 Propr. Mon. vol. I. p. 973. Abb. Beigham, olim Propr. Mon. Ang. vol. II, p. 640. 8 Lee, alias Leigh, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. and Syn. 86. 4d. O 7.2 180 Val. in manſ. & gardin. 135. 4d. &c. The KING. 23 19 Lewiſham V. (St. Mary.) Prox. & Viſ. Epiſc. 10s. 1od. 7 II Mon. Lewiſham, olim Propr. Mon. Ang. tom. I. p. 550. Abb. Shene, in Surr. Propr. Mon, vol. I. p. 973. Lord Dartmouth, 1689. Earl of Dartmouth, 1739. 6 18 4. Plomſted, alias Plumſted, V. (St. Nicholas.) Preb. Sfi Mar- 0 13 10 tini, Ludgate, 2l. 135. 4d. Val. in manſ. & 2 acr. terr. 1os. folut. an. per Priorem Sancti Aug. Cant. 21. decim. lan. agn. &c. Mon. Ski Auguſtin. Cantuar. Propr. John Michel, Eſq. 1707. Rice Williams, 1741, p. h. v. Henry Kipling, Eſq. 1752. OO Sutton V. at Hone. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. in manſ. cum I Oe gardin. 3 acr. prat. 7 acr. paſt. & 8 acr. terr. arab. 4 quart. gran. 21 Со Ооо 3 II O O 2 2 1 KENT, 853 DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER, King's Books. S. d. 1. I 3 I II 10 10 * early Tenths, 1. s. d. gran. decim. agn. lan. &c. Mon. Rocheſter, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, Propr. and Patr. Weſt Wickham R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 155. iod. Val. in manſ. cum gardino & 26 acr. terr. 21. &c. Lady Len- nard, 1624. Sir Stephen Lennard, 1680. Richard Hughs, Gent. 1705. Sir Stephen Lennard, 1720. Mary Lennard, a Minor, 1761. Mary Lennard, Spinſter, p. i. 1784. 7 12 6 Woolwich R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 75. 9d. Pri. Rocheſter O 15 3 il. Iso gd. Val. in manſ. & 6 acr. terr. 135. 43. &c. Biſhop of Rocheſter. 6 17 6 Wylmington, alias Willmington, V. (St. Michael.) Val. in o 13 9 manf. & 8 acr. terr. decim. lan. & agn. &c. cum penf. annuat. rec. de Prior. de Rocheſter 5l. Is. 4d. Mon. Roffen. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, Propr. and Patr. I 10 2 2 100 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 38 Codam, alias Cowdham, alias Cudham, V. (St. Peter and 13 60 St. Paul.) Pro Viſ. Epiſc. 25, 2d. Val. in manſ. cum gar- din. 75. 8d. decim. lan. agn. &c. The KING. Mon. Bermondſey, in Surrey, oliin Propr. 42 17 Footes Cray R (All Saints.) Proxies and Synods 6s. 3d. S 3 4 Val. in manf. & 6 acr. terr. il. &c. The KING, 45 5 101 DARTFORD V. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. 75. 6d. Pen!. Pri. 18 11 3 Rocheſter 141. 55. 6d. Redd. Iso 4d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. il. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. There was a Chantry in this Pariſh endowed with fix Acres of Land in Stonham- field, and fix Tenements in Dartford. Biſhop of Rocheſter, Propr. and Patr. 32 8 o Eltham V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 25. 6d. Val. in manſ. 3 2 6 & gardin. 105. decim. lan, agn. &c. Abb. Keynſham, in Somerſet, Propr. appropriated 1244. Oriel College, Ox- ford, preſented 1628, 1636. Charles Henſhaw, Eſq. 1726. Sir Gregory Page, Bart. 1749. Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart. 1784. 39 I 3 Horton, alias Horton Kirby, V. (St. Mary.) Proxies and 5 7 6 Synods 1os. Appropriated 1378. Val. in manſ. & 7 acr. terr. 75. decim. lan. agn. &c. There was a Chantry in this Pariſh endowed with 43 Acres of Arable Land, 5 Acres of Meadow, 4 Acres of Wood, &c. Colleg. Cobham, Propr. Sir Thomas Bathurſt, 1670. Francis Bathurſt, 1691, 1698. Lord Bathurſt, 1743. Thomas Williams, 1764, 1770. Lullingſtone 854 KENT DIOCESE OF ROCHESTE R. 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 39 I 3 Lullingſtone R. (St. Botolph,) cum Lullingſtone V. Penf. 7 16 8 annuat. rec. per le Grocers, London. 21. 135. 4d. in oblat. liberæ Cap. in Lullingſtone il. &c. Proxies IIs. Sir Percival Hart, Knight, 1681. Percival Hart, Eſq. 1727. Sir Thomas Dyke, 1748. Sir John Dixon Dyke, Bart. 1772. NOT IN CHARGE. BROMLEY Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Biſhop of Rochel- ter, Propr. and Patr. This was, in the Year of our Lord 1534, a Rectory, and valued at 391. 125. Eaſt Wickham, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Plumſted. Leſnes, alias Weſtwood, Cur. Formerly a Monaſtery. Wea- ver's Fun. Mon. p. 337- Deptford St. Paul R. Eccleſ. noviter erecta. The KING, 1731. John Thornton, Eſq. 1775. D. Malling. The Monaſtery of St. Mary Malling was valued in the Original Survey, after all Deductions and Outgoings, at 2181. 45. 2d. I For Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primitiarum. The Præceptory of Weſt Peckham was likewiſe valued at 631. 6s. 8d. Sist LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. king's Books Yearly Tenihso Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 8 0 I 2 6 6 8 Addington R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 6s. 8d. William Wat- ton, Eſq. 1660, 1689, 1701. Sir Roger Twiſden, Bart. 1741. Sir Roger Twiſden, Bart, and his Lady, 1768. I 2 17 I Barming R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 75. 6d. Pri. Ledes. 25. 150 The KING. I 5 81 O O Brenchley KENT. 855 010 CE SE of ROCHESTER. I2 18 5 rož Il 15 O 2 1 2 King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. si d. 1. d. 9 Brenchley V. (All Saints.) Prox. 7s.6d. Pri. Tunbridge, I Propr. George Courthop, Eſq. 1709, 1744, 1773. 6.9 41 Byrling, alias Birling, V. (All Saints.) Prox. 75. 6d. Mon. O 12 111 Bermondſey, Propr. Mon. tom. I. p. 641. Lord Aberga- venny, 1660, 1715, 1757. 9 18 111 Cowden K. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. 35. 4d. Lord Lei 0 19 10 ceſter, 1688, 1720, 1732. Dame Anne Yonge, Widow, 1761. Thomas Harvey, Eſq. p. i. 1778. Ditton R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 55. Heneage Finch, Eſq. 1702. 1 3 6 Earl of Aylesford, 1749, 1757, 1768. 13 o Hadlow V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Pri. St. John Jeruſa I 60 lem, Propr. Appropriated 1282. Appropriated 1282. John Rivers, 1666. George Rivers, Eſq. 1701. Sir George Rivers, 1717. James Beardmore, Gent. 1749, 1753. 26 3 9 Horſmunden R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 75. 6d. Redd. 25. 43 Henry Haughton, Gent. 1666. Deeds Hide, 1673. Tho- mas Haſſell, p, h. v. 1724. Mr. Marriott. 19 13 4 Kempling V. (St. Mary,) with Seale Chap. (St. Peter.) Mon. I 19 4 Bermondſey, in Surrey, Propr. Duke of Dorſet, Patr. 5 Lamberherſt V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 75. 6d. Turno Vic. 3d. I 5 of Redd. 6d. Mon. Leeds, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. a 17 13 4 Layburne R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Fran- I 15 4 cis Clarke, Eſq. 1667, 1686, 1690. Thomas Halſey, Eſq. and Gilbert Clarke, 1706. Edward Hall, Eſq. 1720. Francis Whitworth, 1727. John Charlton, Eſq. p. h. v. 1758. 9 18 9 Ligth, alias Leigh, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 78. 62. Pri. Tun O 19 Ici bridge, olim Propr. Earl of Leiceſter, 1706, 1712, 1740. Lady Sydney Sherrard, and Mrs. Perry, 1758. 10 OO West Malling, West MALLING, alias MALLING, V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Mal 1 0 0 ling, Propr. John Rayney, 1695, 1698. Sir John Beau- mont Rayney, 1712. Sir Roger Twiſden, Bart. 1748, 1770. 14 2 6 Mareworth, alias Mereworth, R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. 6s. i 8 3 6d. Lord Weſtmorland, 1660, 1702, 1748. Lord Le Deſpencer, 1776. Sir Thomas Stapleton. Nettleited R. * united to Barming. Prox. 95. 4d. Pri. Roffen. I 5 I il Redd. 55. Edward Scott, Eſq. 1662. Sir Philip Bote- I 2 10 I 2 1 10 ſ Barminget, Chapel to Nettleſted. Weſt Barling, Chapel to Nettleſted: now a Malting. 3 ler, 856 DIOCESE OF ROCHES TE R. KENT, King's Books. 1. S. d. 1782. 10 2 11 I Yearly Tenths, d. ler, Bart. 1706, 1714, 1736, 1761. ; Elizabeth Bouverie, 3 6 8 Padleſworth R. Eccleſ. deſtructa. Prox. 75. 6d. John Mar- o 6 8 fham, 1673. Lord Romney. No Inſtitution. 15 5 o Speldhurſt R. * (St. Mary.) Prox. 7s. Henry Weſton, Eſq. i 10 6 1660. William Cornwall, 1693. Sarah Kearſley, Widow, 1727. Thomas Scawen, Eſq. 1768. Troftcliffe, alias Trolley, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. o 32 6s. 2d.] Biſhop of Rocheſter. 4 16 oĮ Tudeley V. (All Saints.) Prox. 25. 8. Pri. Tunbridge, o 9 7 Propr. Lord Weſtmorland, 1660. Counteſs of Weſtmor- land; 1702, 1716. Earl of Weſtmorlard, 1750. Sir Tho. mas Stapleton, Bart. 1782. E 3 4 TUNBRIDGE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 1os. Præ. 2 0 4 ceptor de Weſt Peckham, olim Propr. Pri. St. John Jeru- ſalem, Propr. Mon. 510, vol. 1. Jacob Tillie, Eſq. 1685. Lord Bernard, 1705, 1712.. Francis Hawes, and Henry Har- pur, Eſqrs. 1748, 1756. 5 Weltfarley, alias Weſt Farleigh, V. (All Saints.) Mon. Leeds, O 13 oj Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. 19 19 41 WESTRAM, alias WESTERHAM, (St. Mary,) and Eaton Bridge I 19 11) V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 75. 6d. Eccleſia Cath. Cantuar. Propr. Appropriated 1327. John Collet, Gent. 1696. Jo. Steers, Gent. 1706. John Bodicoate, Eſq. 1749, 1771. 20 18 9 Yalding v. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Pri. Tunbridge, Propr. 2 I 101 Thomas Bliſs, Eſq. 1706. Tho. and George Ward, 1737. Thomas and Richard Warde, Gent. 1751. Thomas Wardę, p. h. V. 1759 20 6 IO LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 35 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 35 OO Allington R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. 35. 4d. Sir Iſaac Aſtley, 616 8 Bart. 1660, 1677. Sir Ja. Aſtley, Bart. 1714. Lord Rom- ney, 1746, 1752. Athuit, alias Atherſt, R. Prox. 35: 4d. Lord Dorſet, 1717. 5 4 7 Duke of Dorſet, 1722, 1772 o o Bithborowe, alias Bidborough, R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Is. 5 4 4 8d. Redd. 25. 2 d. Sir Thomas Smith, Knt, 1689. Joſ. Jones, this Turn, 1716. Sidney Stafford Smythe, Eſq. 1731. bo 40 * Tunbridge Wells, (King Charles the Martyr,) Chapel to Speldhurſt, Offhain KENT, 857 DIOCESE OF ROCHE ST E R. 1. s. ho do O O O O o o 450 10 Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, d. 40 Ofham R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 45, 6d. The KING, 60 90 Weſt Peckham V. (St. Dunſtan.) Appropriated 1387. Prox. 7.5 8d. Mon. Leeds, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. 46 10 o Penburie, alias Pepingburie, V. (St. Peter.) Appropriated 6 8 8 1278. Prox. 35. 4d. Redd. 4d. Mon. Beigham, in Suf- fex, Propr. George Bolney, 1677. Charles Seby Amherſt, Efq. 1731. Thomas Abraham, 1738. Univerſity of Ox- ford, p. h. v. 1752. 4000 Ryarſh V. (St. Martin.) Appropriated 1242. Prox. 85. 4d. 8 10 Mon. Merton, in Surry, Propr. William Watton, 1661. William Watton, Eſq. 1702. The KING, 1730. Sir Ro. ger Twiſden and bis Lady, 1768. 47 0 0 Teſton, vulgò Teeſon, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Pri. 6 10 Leeds il. Pri. Leeds, Propr. The KING, 1664, 1683. Sir Philip Boteler, 1711, 1736, 1761. Elizabeth Bouverie, 1781. 48 o O Wateringberrie, alias Wateringbury, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Soo Pri. Leeds, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. . NOT IN CHARGE. Capel near Tunbridge, (St. Thomas Becket,) Chap. to Tudley. Præceptor de Weſt Peckham, Propr. Cell to St. John Jeru. falem. Grombridge, (St. John Baptiſt and Evangelift) Chapel to Speldhurſt. Shipborne Cur. Præceptor de Weſt Peckham. Olim Cap. to Tunbridge. Lord Vane, Propr. and Patr. D. Rocheſter. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, l'early Ténths. Rectories, &e. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2 Ath' R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. 0 19 10 Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem 6l. 135. 4d. John Petley, Gent. this do 1. s. d 9 5 R 858 DIOCESE OP ROCHESTER. KENT I. J, d. 10 2 O O 4 ,128 2 I 2 I 8 o I 6 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. this Turn, 1701. Jane Luſhington, 1736. Dame Jane Lambard, Widow, 1780. Multon Lambard, Eſq. 1782. Oo. Aylesford V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Rocheſter, Propr. Hoſp. 100 Stroude, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Cobhamburie P. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Not known. Cobham College. This was, in 1726, a Farmn called Cobham- 12 16 bury, in the Poffeffion of Abraham Spencer, Lfq. who paid the Tenths yearly. There is an Hoſpital at this Place. 14 Oo Cowling R. (St. James.) Prox. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Priori Roffen. 6s. 8d. The KING, 1660. Matth. Tomlinſon, Eſq. 1669. William Boothby, Eſq. 1673, 1688. Fred. Colleine, Eſq. 1706. Thomas Farrington, 1733. William Gordon, Gent. 1763. Thomas Beſt, p. h. v. 1768. Hop- kins Fox, 1783 14 15 5 Cuxtor, alias Cookſtone, R. (St. Michael.) Portio Decima- Priori Rocheſter 5s. Abb. Malling 55. Redd. Epiſc. 8s. Bishop of Rocheſter. Bennet O 12 11 Walter, Widow, and George Gifford, Eſq. 1666. Jo. Selby, and others, this Turn, 1712. Sir Phil. Boteler, Bart. 1721. John Selby, Eſq. and his Wife, p. h. v. 1726. Sir Philip Boreler, Bart. 1758. ai 15 South Fleet R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Archidiac..75. 6d. Pri- 3 3 6 ori Poffen. 8s. 9d. Biſhop of Rocheſter. 3 1} Frendifbury V. (All Saints.) Prox. 75. 6d. Priori Roffen. I 0 4 IS Iso id: Biſhop of Rocheſter, Propr. and Patr. 15 GRAVESEND R. (St. George.)Proxies 6s. 8d. The 200 KING. 7.13 4 Halling V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Hoſp. Stroude, vocat. New- 0 15 4 ark, olim Propr. Bean and Clapter of Rocheſter. 14 5 71 Halitow, alias Halftoe, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 75. 6d. 6d. 1 8 61 Priori Roffen. 1l. 65. 8d. Sir Edward Hales, 1639, 1664. Walter Blount, 1670. Jo. Bartie, Clerk, 1718. Edward Chapman, Gent. 1753, 1763. 70 o Hartley R. (All Saints.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Earl of Shrewſbury, O 14 1667, 1080, Earl of Plymouth, 1720. Robert Clarke, Geni. p. h. y. 1771.ph 8 10 o Higham V.* (St. Mary.) Prox. 165. 8d. St. John's College, 017 0 Cambridge, Propr, and Patr. 9 63 9 61 rum IOS. I + ! IO o o 1 Ιο O O * Higham was a poor Priory of Nuns, ſuppreſſed by Fiſher Bidop of Rochefter's means, and given to St. John's College in Cambridgc. Leland Itin. rol. VI. p. 20. hra Kingſdowne I o 859 OF ROCHES TE R. . 1. d. I 2 II IL I 3 1 оо 10 0 o 16 12 1 I 12 Ібо 20 2 Milner, M. D. p. i. 1760. «X013 M.; KENT. DIOCESE King's Books. Yearly Tonths, 1. s. d. 9 8 Kingſdowne R. with Mapiſcomb R. (St. Edmund.). Prox. O 18 10s. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. boreely 3. Luddeſdowne R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 75. 64. 1 Redd. Is. John Cooke, and John Ruſhworth, 1660. u Sir John Gulſton, Knight, 1689. John Tyſoe, Gent. 1746. Frances Harland, Widow, p. h. v. 1765. jaud 2 13 4 Mareſtone R. (St. Giles.) Ecclef. deſtruct. The KING. 60 o 5 4 St. Margaret's V. in Rocheſter. Mon. Roffen. olim Propr. 1 Dean and Chapter of Rochelter, Propr. and Patr. St. Mary's R. in Hoo. Prox. 75. 6d. Priori Roffen. il is. I 13 22 Is Abb. Reading 1s. 2d. Sir Edward Hales, 1630, 1660. Thomas Chiffinch, Eſq. 1719. Edward Chapman, Gent. 1751, 1763 16 5 10 Milton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 7s.6d. The 7 KING, two Turns, the Biſhop, one Turn. The KING, 1727, 1766. 8 9 St. Nicholas and St. Clement in Rocheſter V. Priori Roffen. 2d O 101 21. 35. Biſhop of Rocheſter, Propr. and Patr. 1 3 14 91 Ridley R. Prox. 6s. 8d. Sir Charles Sedley, Bart. 1681, o 7 5* 1719, 1731, 1740. William Evelyn, Eſq. p. i. 1772. 13 1 8 Shorne V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Pri. Bermondſey, in 1 6 2 Surrey, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, Snodeland R. (All Saints.) Biſhop of Rocheſter, 26 10 Stone R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 35. 4d. Biſhop of Rocheſter. 25 13 4 Swaneſcombe R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 75. 6d. John Jenyns, Eſq. and Sir Roger Jenyns, Knight, 1705, Sidney College, Cambridge. cov buona che LIVINGS DISCHARGED. . Clear Yearly Value. altibare King's b'vots, 30 - All Saints in Hoo V: Pri. Roffen. olim Propr. The KING, 8 1716. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. 46 o o Burham, alias Burgham, y. (St. Mary.). Prii Sii Johannis 80 Jeruſalem, Propr. William Randolph, Eſq. 1700. Bihop, by Lapſe, 1708. Walter Franklyn, Eſq. 1740. Charles 40 Chalke V. (St. Mary.) The KING.9Colleg. Cobham, 6 3 60 Propr. 45 3 o Hoo, alias St. Warburg in Hoo, V. Prox: 75. 6d. Pri. Ro- 186 cheſter, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, Propr. and Patr. 5 R 2 Longfield 20 O 2 O O O 2 13 o 2 II 4 7 II 0 O O 860 KENT. DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. Clear Pearly. Values King's Booksa 2. d. 1. 30 O 0 Longfield R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. 35. 3d. Redd. 5 17 6 Archidiac. 6d. Biſhop of Rocheſter. 30 o 0 Nurſted, alias Newſted, R. (St. Mildred.) Prox. 55. Fran. 4.15 0. cis Aiſhton, Eſq. 1660. Adye Barham, 1678. William Hugefſen, 1693. William Huggeſon, Eſq. 1704. John and Edward Huggeſon, 1720. Thomas Chiffinch, Eſq. 1744. Henry Edmeads, Gent. 1777. 30 00 Stoke v. (St. Peter.) Appropriated 1244. Mon. Boxley, 8118 Propr. William Swan, Eſq. 1060, 1679. George Etkins, Eſq. 1691. Baldwin Duppa, Eſq. 1710, 1753. Richard Duppa, Eſq. 1778. 30 DO. Woldham R. (All's Woldham R. (All Saints.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Abb. Mallinge 2l. 14 6 54 Biſhop of Rocheſter.. NOT IN CHARGE. Chatham, (St. Mary,), a Curacy held by Leaſe from the Dean : and Chaprer of Rocheſter, Pri. Leeds, olim Propr.. Cobham V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pri. Bermondſey, Propr. William Pemble, 1719, 1762, 1766. Stroude, alias Strode, Donative. (St. Nicholas.) Hoſpital. de Strode, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rochelter, Patr., D. Shoreham.. 1. s. d. LIVINGS REMAINING, IN CHARGE.. King's Books, l'carly Tentbsa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo 12 16. 8. Aynęsford, alias Eynsford, R. (St. Martin.) A Sine Gure. I 5 8 Valet in dom. rect. & 60 acr. terr. 31. 155. &c. Prox. 6s. 8d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Aynesford, alias Eynesford, V. (St. Martin.) Val. in decim. I: 4:0 fæn. lan. agn. boſc. &c. George Gifford, Eſq. 1662. The Rector of the Sine Cure, Patr. I2 O * Aynesford, alias Eynsford, V.-A Rent reſerved out of the Leaſe of the Rectory, of 201. per ann. by Mr. Franç. Potter, Rector. Vide Bihop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, P. 306., Bexley KENT. DIOCESE OF ROCHES T E R. 261 d. I Cloves Hoo, where have been held ſeveral great Councils King's Books. Yearly Tenths. i, so d. 1. 13 4 7 Bexley V. (St. Mary.) Val. in dom. vicar. cum gardin. & 4 6 57 acr. prati, decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Cantuar. Propr. Anne St. George, 1707. Thomas Dare, Eſq. 1736. Tho- mas Townſhend, jun. Efq. 1770. 6. 8 Brafted R. (St. Martin.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. & 26 4. S acr. paſtur..31. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 28 9. 41 Chedingſtone R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Domus rector. 2. 16 III cum 3 acr. prati, & uno tenemento, decim. &c. There was a Chantry in this Pariſh, having a Houfe, three Acres of Land, and a Payment in Money of rol. Archbiſhop of: Canterbury 2.3.6 8. Chevening R. (St. Botolph.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. Rectori 2 2 8 Shoreham il. Val. in dom..rect. 7 acr. prati, & 1 acr. terr. 21. is. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 50 Clive, alias Cliffe at Hoo, R. (St. Helen.) Formerly called 5 22 2 O O O and Synods. See Philpot's Survey of Kent, p. 118. Valet in dom. rect. &.6 acr. paftur. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury 35 13 4. Eard, alias Crayford, Ri (St. Paulinus. Prox. 6s. 8 d. Val. 3.11 in dom. rect. & 30 acr. & dim. terr. & prati 21. 75. Todi &c. Earl of Weſtmoreland, 1711. Executors of Sir Henry Fer- mtor, 1738. John: Fermor, Clerk, 1759. 6 16 8 Eaſt Farley V.* Prox. 35. 4d. Val. in dom. vic. & gardin. O 13 8 60 45. decim. gran. foen. Jan. agn. &c. The KING. Hofpit. Maidſtone, Propr. 2 5 10 Farningham V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Val. in dom. vica. O IS 7 riæ cum gardino Il. decim. lan. agn. fæn. gran. &c. Pri. Cantuar. olim Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. a NORTH FLEET V. (St. Botolpb.) Prox. and Syn. 65. 8d. 2 Valet in decim. gran. lan. agn..oblat. &e. The KING. Pri. Sti Greg. Cant. Propr.. 15.13 11). Gillingham with Upberry, V. (St. Mary,) cum Lidfing Cap. III (St. Mary Magdalen.) Mon. Sexburgh, Propr. Val. in dom. vic. & 3 acr. cum pertin. ik ose 4d. deciin. gran. lau. agn. &c. Brazen Noſe College, Oxford, and the Gover- nors of Middleton School. Brazen Noſe College, 1729, 1753, 1780. 9:11 8: Grayne, alias Greane, Vi (St. James.) An Ifand. Val. per 19 ann. in 2 acr. paftur. 25. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Mon. Sexburgh; Propr. William Kenrick, Eſq. 1699, 1677. 21 2 2 2 O 160 o O 41 2. * Eaſt Farley V.-Appropriated by Archbiſhop Reynolds to the Hoſpital at Maidzone. William: 862 KEN. DIOCESE ROCMES T E R. on 1. s. 0 11 Tann. 9 ou I II 1 IO I 12 King's Books, L' early Tentbs. a. 1. S. de ceve. Gent. 17 William Reeve, Gent. 1716. Thomas Belt, 1753. Ri- chard Peck, 1756. Walter Nynn, 1774. 5 17 11 Halſted R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 35. 4d. Val. in dom. rect. 91 ibideni cuin 9 aci. terr. per ann. 45. 6d. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 15 7 34 Hever R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 35. 4d. Priori Camberwell 2l. I 10 8 35. 4d. Val. in dom. rect. 2 acr. prari, 10 acr. paftur, cum pertin. per ann. ll. 1os. 8d. &c. Nehemiah Panton and others, 1662. Earl of Suſſex, 1714. George Lewis, Clerk, 274. Maurice Smelt and others, 1753. Thomas Frede. ric Hamlin, 1762. The Archbiſhop, 17.70. 16 13 11 Hunton, alias Huntingdon, R. (St. Mary) Prox. 25. Sd. I 13 33 t. & 21 acr. paftur. 96. dec. . 15 16 8 Ightham R. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in dom. cum pertin. il. de- 8. cim. &c. The Archbifhop, 1693. William James, 1725, 1763, 1781. 8 4 Eaſt Malling V. (St. James.) Val. in dom. vic. cum 6 acr. I 0 10 terr. il. 6s. 8d. deçim. Jan. agn, oblat. &c. Mon. Malling, Propr. Sir Thomas Twiſden, Bart. 1704. Sir Roger Twiſden, Bart. 1762. 16 3 4 Meopham V. (St. John Baptift.) Val. în dom. vic. cum 5 acr. 4 terr. Il. penſ. per rector. ibidem 31. 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Priori Cantuar. Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, Patr. 30 14 41 Orpington R. (All Saints,) cum CRAY SANCTÆ MARIÆ Sine Cure. Prox. 65.8d. Val. in dom. rect. cum 40 acr. empt terr. & prat. eid. adjacen. 31. 175. 8d. penf. extra Hayes 16s. 8d. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. The KING, by Lapfe, 1782. 23 Eaſt' Peckham R. (St. Michael.) An Impropriation. Prox. . 2 6 0 65.8d. Dom. rect. cum 30 acr. terr. 27. &c. Sir Roger Twiſden, as Leflee to the Dean and Chapter of Canter- buryale 14 Eaft Peckham V. (St. Michael.) Val. in decim. Ian, agn. 1 8 o oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 30 6 o] Penſhurſt R. (St. John Baptift.) Prox. 65. 8d. Val. in dom. 3 0 71 si redt. & 29 acr. prat. & paftur. 41. os. 8d. in reddit. 125. de- - cim. &c. Earl of Leiceſter, 1960, 1709, 1743. Elizabeth Perry, Widow, 1770, 1773. 13 6 8 Sevenoake, alias Senock, R. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in dom. I 6 8 rect. & 10 acr. paſtur. 1l. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Joho Cham- 19 berlayne; Eſq. 1703. Sir Charles Farnaby, Knt. 1716. Sackville Bale, Eig. and others, 1747. David Papillon, Eſq. and his Wife, 1775, 1777. I O o O Seven. KENT. DIOCESE OF ROCHESTE R. 863 GA King's Eooks. le de l. I IO o 7 51 5 0 . , & . * Bartholomew.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Vicario 211. Redd. Archi. 3 8 11 l'early Tenths , d. 15 3 1} Sevenoake, alias Senocks, V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 6s. 8d. 31 Penſ, Rectori Shoreltam 3!. 65. 88. Val. in dom. vic. & gar. decim. lan. agn. &c. Sackville Bale, Esq; and others, 1750. David Papillon, Eſq. and his Wife, 1775, 1777 34 gl Shoreham R. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) cum Orford Cap.* (St. 3 diac. 65. 8d. decim. &c. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. 22 13 4 Sundridge R. Prox... Archiepiſc. 6s. 8dVal. per ann. in 2 5 4 manſ. & 12 acr. terr. 11. is. 6d.. &c. Archbiſhop of Can- terbury 3 14 7 Woodland R. five Cap. Proxies yearly 35. 48.. Deſtructa. Annexed to Wrotehain V. Val. per ann. in manf. cum 28 acr. terk ilo &c. 59 8 11 WROTEHAM R. (St. George,) with Stanſted Chap. (St. Mary.) o 9 Abb. Malling 1os. Redd. 25. Dom. rect. & 68 acr. paſ. tur. ad val. 51. 185. decim. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. The KING, 1781, 1784. 22 5 10 Wroteham V. (St. George.) Prox. 7s. 6d. Val. ys. 6d. Val. per ann. 2 4 7 3. in dom. vic. cum gardin. 135. 4d. decim. lan. agn. oblat. &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. The KING, 1781, 1784. o dottore LIVINGS DISCHARGED. BLOOD Clear early Values Do trine noong King's Books. o Daruth; alias Darenth, V. (St. Margaret,) Pro Vif. Archiep. 9 18 ni Cant. 15. 8d. Val. in manf. & 3 acr. terr. per ann. Il an- nual. penf. rec. de rect. 47. decim. lan. agn &c. Pri. Ro- cheſter, Propr. Dean and Chaprer of Rocheſter. 4900 Hayes R. (St. Mary.) Rectori Orpington 16s. 8d. Val. per 6 18 ann. iu manſ. cum pertin. 155. &c. The Rector of Orping- ad o 119 i un totally Ifield R. Proxies yearly 35. 4d. 7 acr. terr. gleb. deciin. 4 7 0 &c. William Child, Eſq. 1661, 1667. Nicholas Zinzano, Clerk, 1707. Thomas Chiffinch, 1720, 1744. Henry Ed- meads, Gent. 17.7. 40 o o Keyſton, ařías Keſton, R. Proxies 35. 42. yearly. Valet in 6 10 manf & gardin. 11. decim. gran. &c. Archbiſhop of Can- terbury. 45 0 ton. 26 10 IT * Shoreham and Otford R.-An Impropriation in the Dean and Chapter of Weitminſter. Orpington 864 ΚΕΝΤ. . DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. 2. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 45 o Orpington V. (All Saints,) cum Cray Cap. (St. Mary.) Val. Il 10 5 in omn. decim. &c. The Rector of Orpington. Shoreham V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Dean and Chapter of 14 6 8 Weſtminſter, Propr. and Patr. 45 Oo Not in CHARGE. Nockholt, alias Knockholt, Chap. to Orpington and Cray. The Rector of Orpington. Plaxtool Chap. to Wroreham. Downe Chap. to Orpington and Cray, .. d. SUFFOLK 9. Fordham. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. . King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. 1. d. 16 IL 51 Freckenham R. (St. Andrew.) Pro Vicaria, vide D. Fordham I 13 15 in co. Suff. William Harriſon, Eſq. 1705. Elizabeth Sy- therton, Widow, 1723. Peter Houſe College, Cambridge. CAMBRIDGE. DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. 46 0ė Iflame, alias Illeham, V. (St. Andrew,) in com. Cambridge. 133 Biſhop of Rocheſter, Propr. and Patr. Dioceſe 1 [ 865 ] King's Books. 1. S. d. 1385 5 0 8) Posao tot 10 to 1339 to stabila baada Dioceſe of Salisbury. Yearly Tenibs. 1. S. de ISHOPRIC has the diffolved Prebends of Blewbery, 138 10 6 Lavington, and Pottern. Vide Orig. Surv. for the Manors, &c. appertaining to this See temp. H. VIII . This Biſhopric was made out of two, viz. Sherborn in Dor. ſetthire, and Wilton in Wiltſhire, about the Year 1056. Vide Dugdale, Vol. I. Fol. 340. The Cathedral Church (St. Mary.) 601 12 204 10 o Deanry has Heytiſbury R. Godalmyn R. in Surrey : Mere 800 in Wilts ; Sunning, Ruſcomb, Hurſt, and Sandhurſt Rec- tories in Berks; and Wokingham in Berks. Erected by Oſmund the ſecond Biſhop of Saliſbury. The Charter of Inſtitution was dated and confirmed at Haſtings in the Year 1091. Roger was the firſt Dean; but the Year of his Appointment is not known, ſuppoſed about the Year 1092. Le Neve, Fol. 260. Vide Orig. Survey 21 temp. Hen. VIII. The KING, Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church. Vide Orig. 60 Surv. 35 17 81 Dean and Chapter and Fourteen Choriſters. Vide Orig. 3 II 91 Surv. 76 16 10{ Corporation of the Keepers of the Fabric in the ſaid Church. Vide Orig. Surv. The Dean and Six Canon Reſidentiaries conſtitute the Chap- ter of Saliſbury, and upon a Vacancy of a Reſidentiary elect out of the Prebendaries. Reſidentiaries, per annum 25ol, each. . I 3 2] 7 13 8 5 S All 866 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. d. IOI 2 I 2 All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of SALISBURY. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. h. Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe. 56 5 10 Chancellorſhip has Odyhain R. in co. Southampton ; Swin. 5 12 7 brook cum Fifield and Idbury in Oxon ; and Brixworth R. in co. Northampton. Vide Orig. Surv. temp. Hen. VIII. 69 6 8 Præcentorſhip, alias Chantorſhip, has the Rectory of Weſtbury, 6 18 8 co. Wilts. Vide Orig. Surv. temp. H. VIII. 3 11 Treaſurerſhip * has Fighelden R. Alwardbury, alias Alderbu- 10 3 ry, R. Putton, alias Pitton, R. and the Prebendary of Calne, co. Wilts. Vide Orig. Surv. 70 11 8 Archdeaconry of Saliſbury has the Preb. of Rothfen. Found 7 ed 1085. Vide Orig. Surv. 64 18 9 Archdeaconry of Wilts has the Rectory of Mynty. Founded 6 9 101 1157. Vide Orig. Surv. The Archdeacons and Church Officers have Corps an- nexed to their Dignities. 1000 North Alton P. in com. Dorſet. Vide Orig. Surv. South Alton P. in com. Dorſet. Vide Orig. Surv. I 19 4 13 4 Axford P. in com. Wilts. Vide Orig. Surv. 9 4 6 Bemifter Prima P. in co. Dorfet. 3 5 71 Bemiſter Secunda P. in co. Dorſet. 4 6 32 Bedmiſter and Redcliffe P. in co. Somerſet. 3 4 19 9 2 Bilhopfton P. in co. Wilts. Vide Orig. Surv. I 19 11 29 Bitton P. in co. Glouceſter. 2 18 31 Burbage P. in co. Wilts, united to Husborn P. in D. Ando- 2 Å ver, in co. Southampton. 13 16 8 Chardſtock P. in co: Dorfer. 8 35 16 3 Chute and Cheſſenbury P. in co. Wilts. 72 29 3 1į Combe and Harnham P. in co. Wilts. 2 18 38 30 Durnford P. in co. Wilts. 3 20 3 4. Fordington in Dorſetſhire P. and Wridlington in Somerſeth. 3. 4 Vide Orig. Surva 32 I 101 Grimſtou and Yatmiſter. P. in co. Dorſet. Vide Orig. Surv. 3 4 21 Grantham North P. and Grantham South P. onerantur in co. Lincoln. D. Grantham. Vide Orig. Surv. co. Wilts. I I2 19 10 o ô Go 20 2 2 O 22 2 o O O o II 2 I 2 I 17 3 II O * Treaſurerſhip.-United to Fighelden R. in Dec. Amesbury. of Coube and Harnham P.-The P. of Ruſcombe North is annexed to this Preb. Vide D. Reading, in 0. Berks. Vide the Inſtitution Book in Oficio Primit, Highwortla I DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. 867 So do 62 O 10 O I 6 10 O 13 2 O O 4 20 O 2 O 43 12 0 0 I 14 91 20 O King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 2. d. 2. o Highworth P. in co. Wilts. 6 4 64 139 Horton P. diſſolved and exonerated in co. Glouceſter. Vide 6 943 Orig. Surv. Lime P. and Halſtock, in co. Dorſet. o Major Pars Altaris P. Minor Pars Altaris P. o Netherbury in Terra P. in co. Dorſet. 6 Netherbury in Eccleſia P. 4 7 3 Netherhaven P. oneratur in D, Pottern. 17 Preſton P. in co. Dorſet. Vide Orig. Surv. 39 6 3 Shipton ſubtus Wichwood R. or P. in co. Oxon. Annexed to 3 18 the Law Profeſſorſhip in Oxford. o Slape P. in co. Dorſet. 5 Stratford P. in co. Wilts. Vide Orig. Sury. 21 35 15 5 Stratton P. in co. Dorſet. Vide Orig. Sury. 3 II 61 I 13 4 Subdeanry of Sarum. Vide Orig. Surv. 3 4 Succentor or Subchantorſhip. Not in Charge. 63 13 4 King's Teynton P. in co. Devon. 6 7 4 Torleton P. in co. Glouc. 236 11 8 Vicars Chorals. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. 23 13 Uffculme P. oneratur in co. Devon. D. Tiverton. 7 Warmiſter P. in co. Wilts. 0 14 25 16 01 Wilsford and Woodford P. in co. Wilts. 71 3 4 2 Yatesbury P. in co. Wilts. 6 5 18 Yatmiſter Prima P. in co. Dorſet. Vide Orig. Surv. I 16 14 13 4 Yatmiſter Inferior P. in co. Dorſet. Vide Orig. Sury. 9 25 i Hoſp. Sei Nicholai. The Biſhop, 1782. 400l. per ann. pro Magift. © Hofp. Gilberti Kemmer. 2 I Ο ΙΟ o w ON 20 O 2 O 2 O O 2 II 0 O O I 4 2 2 10 23 II I NOT IN CHARGE. Blewberry P. in co. Berks, diſſolved. Now a Part of the Bio ſhopric. Gillingham Magna P. Formerly charged at 541. ſince exone- rated. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 121. 8s. 8d. &c. Gillingham Parva P. co. Dorſet in Gillingham Magna Pariſh. Olim Axford, co. Wilts. Ilfordcomb P. co. Devon. Olim Bere Chermiſter, co. Dorſet. 501. 45. 4d. Loders P. in comit. Dorſet. Quam Abb. Syon habuit. Difa ſoluta. 5 S 2 Shirborn 868 DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. Shirborn P. in co. Dorſet, diſſolved; formerly belonged to the Abby of Shirborn in Dorſetſhire. Winterborne Earls P. olim Rotesfen; formerly charged in Dec. Ambroſbury, the Tenths whereof were il. 6s. 11d. but are exonerated. The Biſhop of Sarum, Patr. Decanatus. Sarum. Lime Regis P. + Precentoria. Teynton Regis P. in Derona Cancellariatus. Alton Boreal. P. Theſauriatus. Tarleton P. in Glouceſter, N. B. Theſe four have Epif- Chardſtock P. + copal Juriſdiction. Husborne and Burbage P. Uffculme P. + Archidiaconat. Berks. Combe and Harnham P. + Archidiaconat. Sarum. to Bitton P. Archidiaconat. Wilts. + Preſton P. + Shipton P. annexed to the Pro- Yatesbury P. feſſorſhip of Civil Law in the Highworth P. + Univerſity of Oxford. Winterborne Earls Po Netherbury P. + Durnford P. + Grantham South P. Slape P. Grantham North P. Alton Auſtral. P. Chiſſenbury and Chute P. + Gillingham Minor P. Bedmiſter P. Gillingham Major P. Griinſton P. + Wariniſter P. Willesford and Woodford P. + Stratton P. Bemiſter Prima P. Ilfracombe P. in Devon. Beiniſter Secunda P. Sub Dean. + Netherhaven P. + Sub Chantor. Netherbury P. Fordington and Wridlington Bilhopfton P. + P. +in Dorſet and Somerſet. Yarmiſter Prima P. . The four firſt have Epiſcopal Juriſdiction, viz. the Deanry, Precentorſhip, Chancellorihip, and Treaſurerſhip. All that are croſſed have Archidiaconal. The Prebendary of Chiffenbury and Chute, beſides his Pre- bendal (Archidiaconal) Juriſdiction in Chute, hath Epiſcopal Juriſdiction in Winterborne Danteſey, in Wilts The Sub Dean has Archidiaconal Jurifdi&tion over the three Pariſhes in the City of New Saruin (not including the Cloſe, where the Dean has Epiſcopal,) and Stratford ſub Vetus Cal- trum, and all their Precincts. The Treaſurer, although he has Epiſcopal Juriſdiction over Al- derbury, Pitton, Farley, and Fighelden, yet he has but Prebendal DIOCESE @F SALISBURY. 869 Prebendal Juriſdiction in Calne and its Appendages; viz. Chirrill, Berwick, Baſſet, Blackland, and Part of Calſton ; Calne being a Prebendary annexed to the Treaſurerſhip. The Dean and Chapter have Epiſcopal Juriſdiction, which they exerciſe by their Communar, (an annual Officer,) as their Official over Cannings Epiſc. Burtford, Humington, (in Wilts), Bremſhaw (Part in Wilts and Part in Hampſhire), and Stower Paine in Dorſet. The Biſhop has ſeveral Peculiars, which are viſited by his Vicar General twice every Year, over which no Archdeacon has Authority; viz. Marlborough St. Mary, Marlborough St. Peter, Preſhute, Devizes St. Mary and St. John, Lavington Epiſc. Potterne, Stert, Trowbridge, and Berwick St. James's,: all in Wiltſhire.. WILTS. City of Salisbury, in the Archdeaconry of SARUM: The Commiſſioners appointed to take the Survey of the ſeveral Diftricts or Deanries in this County were as follow, viz. for the Biſhoprick, the Cathedral Church, the City of New Sa- rum, and the Deanry of Ambrosbury, the Lord Bihop of Sarum, Sir John Bourchier, Knight, the Mayor of the City, Sir Edward Baynton, Knight, Roger Yorke, Charles Bulke- ley, and Thomas Froude ; for the Deanries of Wilton, Chalke, and Wyley, Sir William Effex, Knight, Sir Walter Hungerford, Knight, Thomas Ap Price, Thomas Holland, Anthony Styleman, and Walter Seymour; for the Deanries of Pottern and Marlborough, Sir John Seymor, Knight, Sir Edward Seymor, Knight, Edmund Mompeſſon, John Erne-- ley, and William Button ; for the Deanries of Malmsbury, Cricklade, and Avebury, Sir John Brydges, Knight, Sir. Anthony Hungerford, Knight, Sir Henry Long, Knight, John Benham, Henry Poole, John Hamlyn, and Thomas Seymon. The College of St. Edinund in Salisbury was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum of 941. ,S. The School near the City of New Sa um, vocat. Vaux College, was likewiſe rerumed at 781. 1s. Bil. The Hoſpital of St. Nicholas in Sulisbury was likewiſe returned at 251. 25. 2d. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. Dis. 879 Wilts. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. DISCHARGED. Ckar l'early Values King's Books, 1. s. d. 8 St. Martin R. or Cur. No Parſonage Houſe. This formerly II belonged to the College of St. Edmund in Sarum. Prox. 25. sod.Edward Hearit, Eſq. 1727, 1757. Robert Cooper, Elq. p. h. V. 1767 30 II 50 3 NOT IN CHARGE. St. Edmund R. or Cur. This formerly belonged to the College of St. Edmund. Biſhop of Saliſbury. 100l. per ann. Aug- ment. 141. per ann. incl. No Parſonage Houſe. 301. certi- fied Value. St. Thomas Cur. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, Patr. and Propr. 70l. per ann. D. Ailesbury, alias Ambrosbury*. The Monaſtery of Ambroſbury was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 4951. 155. 2d. The Priory of Edoros was likewiſe returned at 1221. 185. 6d. The Priory of Maiden Bradley was likewiſe returned at 1801. Ios. Iod. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. Year'y Tenths, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 14 13 4 Aldington, alias Allington, R. Archidiac. Is. 7d. Prox. 35. 80 0 0 8d. Lord Craven, 1719, 1775. 1. I 9 4 * AMESBURY St. Mary and St. Melor Cur.-The Church here is a Donative, but was formerly a Monaſtery. Chapter of Windſor, Patr, and Propr. Bofcombe WILTS. 873 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1 7 8 II O I 2 o o O 2 6 o 7 10 o O I IO O ton. 3 King's Books. Y"early Tenths. I. d. l. s. d. 13 17 1 Boſcombe R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. pro Prox, and Syn. 100 O 0 35. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 5d. Biſhop of Saliſbury. 71 Chaldrington, alias Choldrington, R. (St. Nicholas.) Archi ol diac. pro Prox. and Syn. gs. 11d. Prox. Epiſc. 25. iod. A Terrier in 1677. Oriel College, Oxford. 9 Durnford, alias Durnesford, V. (St. Andrew.) Val. comm. O 18 0 80 an. in decim. lan. agn. cum decim. minut. &c. Prox. 25. iod. Prebendary thereof, in Sarum Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 23 Figbelden R. (St. Michael,) united to the Treaſurerſhip of Saliſbury. Alderbury V. (St. Mary,?J furerſhip of Sarum, over Appendages to the Trea- Dil- with Pitton, (St. Peter,) and Farley Chapels *. which he has Epiſcopal / charged. Juriſdiction. 21 Grimſted, alias Weſt Grinſted, R. Archidiac. pro Prox. 015 O Iž Ob 80 and Syn. 35. 3d. Prox. 15. iod. Steph: Fox, Eſq. 1717. Earl of Ilchelter, 1763. 15 6 of Idmeſton, alias Idinerſton, V. (All Saints,) cum Cap. de Pur- 71 80 Archidiac. pro Prox, and Syn. 145. Prox. 35. gd. Eccleſia Sarum, Propr. Val. com. ann. in decim. lan. agn. cum minut. decim. &c. A Terrier in the Biſhop's Reg. Bilhop of Saliſbury, Patr. 4 3 3 9 Landford R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. pro Prox. and Syn. o 8 41 50 65. 5d. Prox. 15. A Terrier. John Eyre, Eſq. 1705, 1724, 1762. Henry Eyre, Eſq. 1778. 6 8 LUDGERSHALL, alias LURGESHALL, R. (St. James.) Priori [ 2 Ambroſbury 41. Epifc. 15. Archidiac. pro Pros, and Syni. I 25. 4d.} Prox. 25. 1cd. Epifc. No Parſonage Houſe or Glebe. Morgan Randyll, and John Birch, D. D. 1707. George Auguſtus Selwyn, Eſq. 1763, 1777, p. i. 12 15 21 Milſton R. (St. Mary,) with Brickmiiton. Priori Ambrof- ( 5 6.5 bury 35. 4d. Archidiac. pro Prox. and Syn. 85. 30.] Sir Fred. Hyde, Knight, 1670. The Biſhop, by Lapic, 1703. Edward Polhill, Eſq. 1757. William Bowles, Clerk, 1762. 19 13 9 Newton Tony R. Archidiac. 9.s. iid. Archidiaci gs. id. Prox. 4.6. ind. A 1 19 47 Terrier in the Biſhop's Regiitry. Queen's College, Cam- bridge. IT 17 Tidworth, alias North Tidworth, R. (Holy Trinity.) Ar 1 3 87 250 chidiac. Ios. 9d. Prox. 25. uidit A Terrier in the Bi- ſhop's Regiſtry. The KING. O 8 II 120 I20 0 200 O O I O * Farley Hoſpital built and endowed by Sir Stephen Fox, It'ent 872 Wilty. DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. l. $. d. O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 19 4 41 Weſt Dean R. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Grimſted, alias Eaſt I 18 54 300 Grinſted. Archidiac. pro Prox. and Syn. 103. gd. Epiſc. Winton. 15. 8d. Archidiac. Winton. pro Prox. 45. 6d. & Syn. 35. 3d. A Terrier in 1677. Sir Robert Eyre, Knt. and John Eyre, Eſq. 1714. Duke of Kingſton, 1733• George Fort, and George Fort, jun. 1754. John Ray, Gent. 1761. Henry Dawkins, Eſq. 1779. 12 16 101 Winterborne Cherbrough, alias Gunner, R. (St. Mary.) Ar 1 5 81 chidiac. gs. lid. A Terrier. Prox. 35. 2d.] Jo. Dampny, Gent. 1717. Hen. Dampny, Clerk, 1723, 1730. Peter Sainthill, Eſq. 1763. Joſeph Scott, Clerk, p. i. 1768. 18 13 4 Winterſlow R. (All Saints.) Penf. ul. Archidiac. 10s. gd. I 17 4 300 Prox. 45. 8d. A Terrier in 1677. Franc. Thiſtlethwaite, 1722, 1739. George Speke, and Robert Henley, Eſqrs. p. h. v. 1745. Hon. Stephen Fox, 1767, p. i. Woodford, (All Saints,) and Wilesford V. (St. Michael.) 1 70 60 Val. commun. ann. in decim. lan. agn. cum minut. decim. &c. Prox. 35. 4d. 1 Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. Sarum Pecul. 100 0 0 O O 13 10 O 0 0 43 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 6 Fighelden V. (St. Michael,) [no Church] with Plaitford C. 14 Val. in decim. lan. agn. cum minut. decim. &c. Prox. 35. 6d. The Treaſurer of Sarum is Patr. and Impr. This is a Peculiar of the ſaid Treaſurer. White Pariſh V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 125. gd. Val. com. 137 50 ann. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Prox. 35. 4d.] Colleg. Sti Edmundi, Sarum, Propr. Nich. Lechmere, Eſq. 1704. Robert Briſtow, Eſq. 1721, 1730, 1769, p. i. O 2 36 NOT IN CHARGE. Almeſbury, alias Ameſbury, Don. 40l. per annum. Dean and Canons of Windſor. Alton Chap. formerly charged at iol. 105. Val. in decim.gran. fæn lan, agn. &c. Bremſhaw, alias Bramſhaw, V. (St. Peter.) A Peculiar. Communarius five Officialis Dec. & Cap. Sarum ſuper Elec- tionem Dec. & Cap. Dean and Dean and Chapter of Sarum, Patr. and Propr. Bulford Cur. (St. John.) Mon. Ambrosbury, olim Propr. 40 per ano). No Houſe or Glebe. Andr. Duke, Eſq. Impr. and Patr. 1725. Durrington WILTS, $73 DIOCES E OF SALISBURY. Durrington Cur. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Patr. and Propr. Sol. per ann. Ivychurch, a Chapel in Clarendon Park, formerly a Priory. Whelpley Chap. (St. Leonard.) Formerly charged at 2l. 135. 4d. In Downton Pariſh. Deſtructa. Whitchurch Chap. Colleg. Sti Edmundi, Sarum, olim Propr. Winterborne Dantzey Don. (St. Edward.) Preb. of Chute, in Sarum Cathedral, Patr. and Propr. Winterborne Earls Cur. (St. Michael.) Preb. of Winterborne Earls, in Sarum Cathedral, Patr, and Propr. Prox. 35. 4d.* Dr. Gurgany, Impr. D. Avebury, in the Archdeaconry of Wilts. S. d. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tentheid Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. 31 16 101 Alcannings R.* (St. Anne.) Archidiac. IIs. 6d. Prox. 75. 3 3 81 300 rid.Abb. Sfi Petri Glouceſtr. 24. 135. 4d. Abb. Stæ Mariæ Winton 21. A Terrier. Phil. Darcey, Eſq. 1678. Edward Thornburgh, Eſq. 1681. Walter Ernle, Eſq. this Turn, 1709. William Fowles, Gent. 1734. John Fullerton, Efq. 1770, p. h. V. 6 18 11į Alton Barnes R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. IIs. 2d.Prox. O 13 10 15. 9d. New College, Oxford. 7 Bechingſtoke, alias Beachamſtoke, R. (St. Stephen.) Archi O 14. 32 diac. 115. 3d.} Prox. 1s. 9d.[ Heneage Walker, Eſq. 1715. John Mayo, Clerk, p. h. v. 1737. John Walker Heneage, Eſq. 1779, p.i. 15 15 o Bremhill, alias Bremble, V. (St. Martin.) Archidiac. 125. I 10 6 400 8d.1 Vicariis in Eccleſ. Sarum 201. Abb. Malmſbury 45. Prox. 3s. gd. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Biſhop of Salisbury, Patr. 100 0 0 I 20 0 * South Brome St. James, at the end of the Devizes Town, is a Chapel to Alcannings. There was formerly a Preb. of Alcannings, valued in the King's Books at 137. Itchilhampton St. Andrew, Cha- pel to Alcannings. 5 T Brombam, 874 WILTS. DIOCES E OF SALISBURY. s. 1. s. 200 0 o 120 O O O 100 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. lo d. d. 12 16 01 Bromham, alias Brumhall, R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. I 5 7 IIs. 30. Abb. de Bello 2l. Abb. Wilton 10s. Prox. 35. 2d. A Terrier in the Biſhop's Reg. Edward Bayn- ton, Eſq. 1660. Sir Edward Baynton, 1668. Henry Smith, p. h. v. 1717. Edward Baynton Rolt, Eſq. 1741. 8 5 0 CALNE V. (St. Mary,) with the Chapels of Chirrill, (St. 0 16 6 James,) and Berwick Baſſet. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in decim. minut. & al. profic. Prox. 25. 2d. 1 Treaſurer of Salisbu. ry, Propr. and Patr. The Dean gives Inſtitution upon the Treaſurer's Preſentation. 17 19 2 Cannings Biſhop's V. (St. Mary.) Rectori Bromham 6s. 8d. 1 15 11 Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in decim. gran. Ian. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, Propr. and Patr, 9 Cleve, alias Cliffe Peppard, alias Cleeve Pepper, V. (St. Pe 0 18 o ter.) Archidiac. 85. rod. Prox. 25. 3d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. decim. minut. &c. Abb. Laycock, Propr. Richard Gale, 1718. Francis Goddard, Eſq. 1720. Edward Goddard, Eſq. 1745. Edward Goddard, Clerk, 1780. 13 6 101 Compton Baiſet R. (St. Swithin.) Priori Biſfater 41. Rectori 6 81 Calne 2s. Archidiac. IIs. 2d.] Prox. 35. 4d. A Terrier in 1704. Biſhop of Salisbury. 8 14 41 Hedington R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 1os. 9d. Prox. 25. 017 53 80 2 d. A Terrier. Geoffry Daniel, Eſq. 1670. Henry Rogers, Gent. 1721. Brian Watton, p. h. v. 1740. Fran- cis Rogers, Patron and Incumbent, 1752. 6. 8 Helmerton, alias Hilmerton, V. (St. Laurence.) Abb. Sfi 08 150 Petri Glouceſt. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 115. 2d.Ž Val. in de- cim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Prox. 55. id. The KING. Mon. Bysſhamn, in Berks, Propr. 14 18 111 Henton Magna, alias Broad Hinton, V. (St. Peter.) Val. I 9 101 in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Pros. 35. 8d. Ter- riers of different Dates. St. Nicholas Hoſpital in Salisbu- ry, Propr. and Patr. Lady Winif. Glanvill, Impr. 2 15 71 Newenton, alias North Newnton, alias Hilcot, R. and P. * o 5 64 Vicario ibidem 21. Archidiac. IIs. 2d.] Val. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Prox. 25. od. Earl of Pembroke, 1702, 1744, 1759. 7 3 Newenton, alias North Newnton, alias Hilcot, V. (St. James.) 0 14 11 Olim Abby of Wilton. Val. in decim. lan, agn. in minut. decim. &c. Prox. Is. 9d. Prebendary thereof. I 200 O O 0 O 20 ti 2 Q O 80 O 1 20 OO * Newenton P. has the Preb. of Knoyle Parva, in D. Chalke, as an Appendage, and nominates a Lurate to the Chapel of Knoyle Parya aforeſaid. It belonged to Wilton Monaſtery, 6 Overton WILTS. 875 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. d. O O 12 II 100 6 13 O 13 4 100 O O 0 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. 1. d. 23 6 0 5 Overton V. (St. Michael,) cum Cap. Alton Prior, (All 2 ok 140 Saints,) and Fifield. Archidiac. 145. 11di Val. in decim. foen. lan, agn. decimn. minut. &c. Prox. 55. 9d. Pri. Sti Swithini, Wincheſter, Propr. John Bɔwles, Eſq. 1691. Duke of Marlborough, p. i. 1738, 1759, 1784. 51 Stanton, alias Stanton Bernard, P. Vicario Stanton 2l. 25. 1 5 1 Sine Cure. In Abb. Wilton. In Abb. Wilton. Prox. 35. 30.1 Earl of Pembroke, 1712, 1722. 4 Tokenham, alias Tokenhain Weck, R. (St. John.) Archi- diac. 95. Penf. Regin. Angl. gs. 3d. Prox. Is. 8d. No Terrier. The KING. 18 9 7 Winterborne Baffer R. (St. Catherine.) Archidiac. 11S. I 16 1 300 2d.} Pri. Lewes il. 1os. Prox. 45. 7d. Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. Woodborrow, alias Woodborough, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) 10.0 160 Archidiac. 115. 2d. Prox. 25. 6d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Hum. Wall, Gent. p. h. v. 1709. Heneage Walker, Eſq. 1720, 1728. John Walker, Eſq. 1753. Charles Gibbes, Clerk, p. h. v. 1764. Wooron, alias Wotton Basset, V. (All Saints.) Archi. 1 16 111 160 diac. 115. 2d. 1 Abb. Stanley il. Val. in decim. fæn, lan. agn. minut. decim. &c. Prox. 35. A Terrier in the Re- giſtry dated in the Year 1704. Abb. Stanley, Propr. Law- rence Earl of Rocheſter, 1691. Lord Clarendon, 1724. Lord Hyde, 1762, 1772. 17 3 4 Yateſbury R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 115. 28.1 Prox. 45. I 14 4 5d. John Ernle, Gent. 1662, 1680. Thomas Fettiplace, Elg. 1708. Jo. Kirle Ernle, Eſq. 1720. Conſtantia Ern- ley, Spinſter, 1735; 7 17 1 Cantar' Beatæ Mariæ Virginis in Calne. Vide Orig. Surv. O 15 ST IO O O 12 O O 0 I20 O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 48 0 o Avebury, alias Abury, V. (St. James,) united to Mounton 9 900 140 Winterbourne, 1747. Archidiac. 115. 2d.1 The KING. Mon. Cirenceſter, in co. Glouceſt. Propr. Val. in terr. decim. fæn. in decim. minut. &c. Prox. 25. 3d. A Ter- rier. 39 o O Blakeland, alias Blackland, R.* (St. Peter.) Prox. 10d. į .3 10 10 Henry Smith, Gent. 1668. William Smith, Gent. 1713, 1753. Thomas Smith, Gent. John Biſhop, and William Eflington, Gent. 1779. * Blakeland.—The Treaſurer of Sarum by means of his Prebend of Calne has Archidiaconal Juriſ. diction here; and the Dean of Sarum has Epiſcopal. Calfton 5 T 2 876 Wilts. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. l. d. 46 o Calſton, alias Calſton Willington, alias Calnſton, R. (St. Ma. 4 13 4 ry.) Archidiac. 75. 6d. Prox. 15. 2d. George Ducket, Eſq. 1722. Lionel Ducket, Eſq. 1740. Thomas Ducket, Eſq. 1758. 40 Ö o Mounton, alias Monkton Winterborn, V. (St. Mary Magda- 5 o len,) united to Avebury V. 1747. Archidiac. 1os. 6d. Val. in decim. foen. lan, agn. &c. Prox. 15. 3d. The KING. 35 Round, alias Rowde, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 115. 3d.] 6 10 50 Prox. Is. 70.1 Val. in decim. lan. agn. in decim. minut. &c. A Terrier. Abb. Stanley, Propr. Edward Rolt, Eſq. and his Wife, 1718. Lord and Lady Somerville, 1732. Sir Edward Bayntun, Bart. 1764. 40 Stanton Bernard V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 115. 2d.1 Prox. 7 0 0 25. gd. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. decim. minut. &c. Preb. ibidem, Propr. A Terrier. . Earl of Pem- broke, 1720, 1776. O O O O 0 0 80 NOT IN CHARGE. ica Eaſt Kennet, alias Kynnet, Imp. Pri. Sanctæ Marg. Marl- borough, olim Propr. Shute Lord Biſhop of Sarum, in Right of his Wife. Lyneham Cur. (St. Michael.) A Terrier in Reg. Pri. Brada deſtoke, olim Propr. Hump. Long, Eſq. 1734. en? Foxham, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Bremble. Hyway, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Bremble. Bakenton Chap. formerly charged at 4. 85. Deſtructa. In Avebury Pariſh. Vide Orig. Surv. Calne Hoſp. formerly charged at 21. 25. 8d. Vide Orig. Surv. Corton, Chapel to Clive Pippard ; formerly charged at 31. 6s. 8d. Deſtructa. Vide Orig. Surv. Monketon, Chapel to Overton, alias y Prox. Is. 3d. 40ha per annum. Formerly charged at 41. Deſtructa. 2. Chalke, WILTS. 877 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. D. Chalke, in the Archdeaconry of Sarum. King's Books, 2 7. 2 0 O 160 0 O O I 20 O o O I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. d. 24 81 Barford St. Martin R. Penf. il. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Ios. 9d. 2 8 31 240 Prox. 6s. 5l. per ann. pro repar. ecclef. Edw. and Jo. Foyle, and Richard Fleming, Eſqrs. 1713. All Souls Col- lege, Oxford. 26 13 4 Barwick St. John R. Archidiac. 10s. 9d. Prox. 65. 8d. A 2 13 4 Terrier. New College, Oxford. 8 6 8 Barwick St. Leonard R. cum Cap. Sedghell. Archidiac. 35. O 16 8 80 3d. Prox. 25. 1d. This Pariſh conſiſts only of a Farm Houſe, and three or four Cottages. Sir James How, Bart. 1698, 1723, 1731. Henry Lee Warner, Eſq. 1774. II 10 21 Baverſtock, alias Baberſtock, R. Archidiac. 95. 11d. Prox. uid. Prox. 1 3 0 25. Iod.ſ Anne Clark, Widow, 1713. Exeter College, Oxon. pleno jure, 1774. 13 o Burtford, alias Britford, v. (St. Peter.) Val. in decim. ob- 6 0 80 lat. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. 35. 3d. Dean and Chap- ter of Salisbury, Propr. and Patr. 19 14 2 Biſhopſton, alias Ebblesborne, R. (St. John Baptiſt,) with I 195 300 Flampſton. Archidiac. 6s. Prox. 45. 11d. Earl of Pem- broke, 1688, 1747 3 Biſhopſton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. per ann. in terr. de I 4 I Ž cim. oblat. &c. Prox. 35. Earl of Pembroke, 1780. 19 13 4 Chilmark R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 45. rod. A Terrier in A Terrier in 1 19. 4 240 1704 in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. Earl of Pembroke, 1660, 1770. 25 10 21 Damerham V. (St. George,) cum Capell. Martin. Archi 03 diac. Il. Is, 6d. Abb. Glafton 25. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. port. &c. Prox. 6s. 4d. Abb. Glaſton, Propr. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1698, 1766. 6 Dinton V. (St. Mary.) Val. per ann. in terr. oblat. port. penſ. O 12 60 & al., profic. Prox. Is. 6d. Mon. Ambroſbury, Propr. Ro. Hyde, Eſq. 1695. Magdalen College, Oxon. 13 6 8 Donhead St. Andrew R. Archidiac. 125. 4d. Penſ. 21. 135. I 6 8 270 4d. Prox. 35. 4d. A Terrier. William Thomas, Clerk, 1742, Thomas Bennet, Eſq. p. h, v. 1781. Donhead O O 0 I 2 1 O 2 II 120 O O O оо O 878 WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. d. I O 2 I 20 IO O o I 0 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 30 14 41 Donhead St. Mary R. cum Cap. Charleton. Archidiac. 125. 3 300 4d.1 Prox. 75. 8d. The KING, 1660. Lord Arundel, 1684, 1693. Edward Aſh, and Thomas Grove, p. h. y. 1737. George Pitt, Eſq. 1946. 15 81 Dunington, alias Dinton, R. cum Cap. Teffount. (St. Mary.) 1 10 31 Archidiac. 105. gd. Vicario 1l. 6s. 8d. Prox. 35. 9d. Robert Hyde, Eſq. 1671. Magdalen College, Oxford, Propr, and Patr. 18 0 0 Ebbesbourne Wake R.* (St. John.) Archidiac. Archidiac. 95. 60. I 16 0 Prox. 45. 6d. Fonthill Biſhops R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 35. 3d. Prox. 60 25. 6d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 13 10 Fonthill Gifford R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. ios. rd. I 7o 150 Prox. 35. 4d.] The KING, 1660. The Biſhop, 1680. George Woodroffe, Eſq. and Thomas Heath, Efq. 1710. Thomas Beckford, Eſq. and others, 1749. William Beck- ford, Eſq. 1769. 17 Fovant, alias Foffont, alias Fovent, R. (St. George.) Archi- I 14 0 diac. 105. iod. Prox. 45. 3d. A Terrier. Earl of Pem- broke. 30 Knoyle Magna, alias Eaſt Knoyle, alias Knoyle Biſhop, Royi 3 250 (St. Mary.) Archidiac. gs. 6d. Prox. 75. 6d. Three Terriers in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 8 12 11 Knoyle Parva P. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Val. in terr. decim. terr. decim. 017 31 oblat. &c. Prox. 75. 6d. This is an Appendage to the Prebend of Newenton, in D. Chalke. Under this Prebend is a Curacy, in the Nomination of the Prebendary of New- enton aforeſaid. II 17 II Oldſtocke, alias Odſtoke, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 95. I 3 91 iod Prox. 25. uid.] A Terrier in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. Henry Curle, Gent. 1693. The Executors of Thomas Bedwell, p. h. v. 1729. Francis Loggin, Gent. 1734. Sir John Webb, Knight, 1740. 17 81 Semlye, alias Seamleigh, alias Semble, R. (St. Leonard.) I 14 34 160 Archidiac. 1os. 9dProx. 45. 3d.. Glebe worth 6oi. per ann. du. acr. terr. pro repar. ecclef. George Barbour, 1661. Ro. Barbour, 1662. William Phillips, Gent. 1709. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. оо оо 160 O O o I 20 2 o * Ebbesbourne Wake R.-This is an Impropriation held under the Sub Chanter of Sarum. + Kvoyie Magna.-- In this Pariſh is the Free Chapel of HINDON, (St. John Baptiſt,) a Borough Town, to which the King nominated 1725. Stratford Wilts. 879 DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. King's Books. d. 2. 12 O 1 4 0 o O 120 0 O Yearly Tonths. s. do Stratford Tony R. (St. Laurence.) Archidiac. 105. Penſ. 140 Pri. Shene il. 1os. Prox. 35. Thomas Harris, Gent. 1718. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxon. 13 6 8 Sutton Mandevile R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 95. IId. Prox. 1 6 8 35. 4d. Three Terriers of different Dates. Lady St. John, 1662. Matthew Bealing, and others, 1709. Michael Downe, this Turn, 1714. Jeremiah Cray, Eſq. 1729, 1737 8 13 4 Swallowcliffe P. in the Church of HEYTESBURY. Val. per 0 17 4 ann. in terr. decim. oblat. &c. Dean of Sarum, as Dean of Heytesbury. Pecul. 8 0 Teffont Evias R. Archidiac. 35. 3de Prox. 25. A Terrier 0 16 0 in 1703 in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. John Aſh, Eſq. 1662, 1670. John Mayne, Eſq. 1724, 1769. 18 10 10 Tisbury, alias Tilbury, V. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Cap. 1 17 80 Eaſt Hatch. Monaſterio Shafton il. 105. Prox. 45. 7d. Archidiac. 125. 6d.] Val. in teir. decim. oblat, port. &c. A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Mon. Shafton, Propr. Tho. mas Merchant, Gent. this Turn, 1699. Lord Arundel. Tabitha Merchant, Spinſter, 1740. Elizabeth Wilmer, Widow, 1779. 16 Tollard Ryall R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 135. Iide Prox. 45. A Terrier in the Regiſtry, John Keene, Eſq. 1696. Richard Long, this Turn, 1702. Walter Long, Gent. 1734. Dorothy Frome, Widow, 1736. Thomas Hard. wick, and others, 1770. 100 O 1 O I 12 оо 120 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books 48 18 6 Broad Chalke V. (All Saints,) with Burr Chalke (Holy Tri- 27 14. O nity,) and Alveſton V. (St. Mary.) Val. in terr. decim. ob- lat. & al. profi.c. Prox. pro Alveſton 25. 6d. King's Col- lege, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 20 Combe Biffet V. (St. Michael.) Prox. 1s.gd. Val. per ann. 7 00 in terr. decim. oblat. & al. profic. Prebendary thereof, in Sarum Cathedral, Propr., and Patr. Chicklade R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 6s. 4d. Prox. 25. 9d. II 53 The Pariſh lately incloſed. Henry Hyde, Eſq. 1617. Tho- mas Apprice, this Turn, 1702. Harry Edgell, Eſq. 1735; 1780. 20 Oo Compton Chamberlain V. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Il. Dec. 13 & Cap. 65.8d. Prox. 35. 3d. Archidiac, 12s. 9d. Val.in terr. decim. oblat. penf. port. & al. profic. Two Terriers in 40 00 0 o 880 WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. do Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. de 1. in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. Colleg. Sanéti Edmundi, Sarum, Propr. Thomas Penruddock, Eſq. 1717, 1733. Charles Penruddock, Eſq. 1748. 50 Fifield R. Archidiac. 15. 7d. į Prox. Is. iod.John Han- 7 10 100 0 0 cock, Gent. 1661. Lord Weymouth, 1695, 1711. Sir John Aſtley, Bart. p. h. V. 1750. The KING, p. h. V. 1777: Ottoboa оо Q . CHAPELS, DONATives, or CURACIES. Aníty Cur. (St. James.) Olim Hofpit. Vide Orig. Surv. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem, Propr. Vide Mon. Tom. II. p. 547. Lord Arundel, Patr. Badpit Free Chap. Formerly charged at 21. 115. 8d.] Vide Orig. Surv. Bowers Chalk, alias Burchalk. 261. 45. certified Value. Hummington Cur. (St. Mary.) A Peculiar of the Church of Saliſbury. Dian and Chapter of Saliſbury, Propr. and Patr. Knoyle Parva Car. Chapel to Newenton Hilcot. A Terrier. Laverſtoke Cur. (St. Andrew.) Dean and Chapter of Sarum, Patr. Vicarii Chora). Sarum, Propr. Stratford V. (St. Laurence,) near Old SARUM, which is in this Pariſh. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, Patr. and Impr. Weſt Harnham (St. George.) Sarum Pecul. Cap. to Combe Biffet. Obidor Teftaran 311oСТ Е Лісу. Sendo comeduod D. Cricklade, in the Archdeaconry of Wilts. tool 9816 190 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Textbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. s. do 1. 16 O O 220 Aſhton Keynes V. (Holy Croſs,) cum Leigh Capella. Archi- i 12 diac. 115. 3d.] Abb. Tewkſbury 4 Marc. Valet in terr. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Prox. 45. A Terrier. The KING, 1675. Edward Foyle, Eſq. 1719. Haw- 4 kins Wilts. 881 DIOCES E OF SALISBURY. l. d. 8 19 2 10b O O o O O O O 2 um ม O 12 80 O King's Books. Yearly Tenibsi 1. d. kins Chapman, Eſq. 1724. Thomas Croome Wickes, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1783, p. i. 6 6 8 Bifhopfton V. (St. Mary.) Pecul. Dec. Sarum. Prebendary 0 12 8 60 thereof in Saruin Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. Blounſden, alias Blunſden, St. Andrew R. Archidiac. 115. O 17 II 3d.1 Prox. 25. 3d. No Parſonage Houſe. Earl of Cla- rendon, 1677. Fran. Keck, Eſq. 1714, 1726. John Ni- cholls and his Wife, 1738. Anthony Keck, Eſq. 1760, 1766. 19 Caſtle Eaton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 11s. 3d. Prox. 45. 1-18 0 140 9d. Edward Goddard, Eſq. 1696, 1762. 18 11 10] CRICKLADE St. Sampfon V. Archidiac. 35. 10d. Val. in de I 17 22 160 cim. gran. foen, &c. Prox. 45. 7d. An endowed Free School. Dean and Chapter of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. 31 4 41 Elingdon Wroughton R. (St. John Baptiſt and St. Helen.) 3 53 Archidiac. 75. 7d.1 Abb. Sei Swithini , Wincheſter, 5l. Colleg. de Freiwid. Oxon. 1l. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Win- cheſter. o Elingdon V. (St. John Baptiſt and St. Helen.) Archidiac. 4s. 4 Val. in terr. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Prox. 35. A Terrier in 1671. Rector thereof, Propr, and Patr. 7 O 10 Haningdon, alias Hannington, V. (3t. John Baptiſt,) with o 14 80 Blunſden Chap. Archidiac. 45. Val. in terr. decim. gran. fæn. &c. Prox. 1s.gd. Colleg. de Newarke, in Leiceſter. Propr. Thomas Freke, Eſq. 1713. William Freke, Eſq. 1721, 1775 13 6 8 Henton, alias Hinton Parva, R. (St. Swithin.) Archidiac. I 6 8 IIS. 3d.£ Du. acr. terr. gleb. Biſhop of Wincheſter. o Ingleſham V. Archidiac. 115. 3d.1 Prox. 25. Valet in de o 16 0 cim. gran. foen. lan. agn. decim. minut. & omn. al. profic. & emolument. Monaſt. Beaulieu, in co. Southamp. olim Propr. Mon. Vol. I. p. 926. Biſhop of Salisbury. 9 3 4 Latton V. (St. John Baptift.) Archidiac. iis. 3d. 1 Val. in 018 4 70 decim. gran. fæn, lan. &c. Prox. 28. The Vicarage Houſe not habitable. Mon. Cirenceſter, in co. Glouceſt. Propr. Henry Dunch, Eſq. and others, 1710. Anne Newſham, Elizabeth Elliot, and Mary Cotton, 1924. Sir John Hinde Cotton and others, 1748. Earl Nugent and Edward Eliot, Eſq. 1780. 17 4 41 Lidiard Milchett, alias Millicent, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 1 14 54 Ils. 3d. } Prox. 45. 30.1 Robert Townſend and others, 1664. Sir John Askew, 1720. Joſhua Maile, h. v. 1723. Ferdinando Askew, 1754. John Davis, Gent. p. h. y. 1784. Lidiard I O I20 8 O I 20 O O I 20 O 5 U 882 DIOCES E OF SALIS B U R Y. WILTS lo's. Yearly. Tenth so 1. S. d. I o 61 200 O O I 8 8 0 o O King's Books i. IO 5 5 Lidiard Tregooſe R. (All Saints.) Archid. Ils. 3d. į Abb. Sri Petri, Glouceſt. 12. Prox. 25. 6d. Terriers in Reg: Sir Walter St. John, Knt. and Bart. 1692. Sir Henry St. John, Bart. 1714. Viſcount Bolingbroke, 1736. George Watſon, Gent. 1780, p. h. v. 14 Luddington, alias Liddington, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 75. 80 50.} Prox. 35. 6d. A Terrier in the Biſhop's Reg. Sir John Talbot, Knt. 1702. Duke of Marlborough, 1759. The KING, p. h. v. by Promotion, 1775. 22 17 6 Puriton, alias Purton, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 125. 1od. 250 Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. in decim. minut. &c. Prox. 55. 8d. 1 A Terrier taken in 1711. Abb. of Malmſ . bury, Propr. Lord Aſhley, 1664, Maurice Aſhley, Eſq. 1715, 1725. Earl of Shaftesbury, 1748, 1761. The Bi- ſhop, 1771. 17 Radburne Cheney St. Mary V. Archidiac. 145. 3d.f Valet 70 in terr. in decim. gran, fæn. lan. agn. in decim. minut. &c. Prox. 4s. Id. Terriers in Reg. Mon. Malmsbury, olim Propr. Gilbert Cowper, Clerk, 1720. John Morſe, Gold- ſmith, 1737. Francis Child, Eſq. 1756. Peregrine Ber- tie, Erg. 1762. Arthur Evans, Patron and Incumbent, 2 5 9 O O 0 0 I 14 0 1778. O 16 0 8 60 оо оо 10 2 I I 03 4 100 O O o 17 102 Somerford Keynes V. (All Saints.) Archid. 115. 3d.1 Prox. 25. Val. in terr. decim. gran. fæn. Ian. agn. decim. minut. &c. Pri. Merton, in Surr. Impr. • Edward Foyle, Eſq. 1686. George Foyle, Eſq. 1741, 1750, 6 Stanton Fitzwarren. R. Archidiac. 11s. 3d.} Prox. 25. 6d. John Hippeſley, 1720. William Hippeſley, Eſq. 1741. Ellen Hippelley, Spinſter, and others, 1767. SWINDON V. (Holy Rood.) Archidiac. 125. 3d. Prox. 45. 3d. The KING. The Priory of Southwyk, in Hamp- tire, olim Propr. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. ſan. agn. in minut. decim. &c. 73 Wanbrough, alias Wanborough, V. (St. Andrew.) Archi- diac. 125. iod. Prox. 55. 4 d.; Valet in terr. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn, decim. minut. &c. Mon. Ambroſbury, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Propr. and I 14 0 O 21 12 2 3 0 100 0 0 Patr. LIVINGS Wilts. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 883 1. s. d. 12 thereof in Sarum Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. prebendary LIVINGS DISCHARGED. GED: Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. s. d. CRICKLADE St. Mary R. Archidiac. 8s. rod. Prox. IS. 2 d. 4 14 gt The Biſhop, 1660. The QUEEN, 1704. The Biſhop of Saliſbury, 1751. The KING, 1779. 47 Oo Eiſey, alias Aiſey, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 125. Prox. 25. II 14 4 11d Val. in terr. decim. gran. fæn. ago. lan. decim. mi- nut. &c. The Vicarage Houſe down, Abb. Cirenceſter, Glouceſt. Propr. Sir Stephen Fox, Knt. 1683. Lord Il- cheſter, 1782. Highworth V. * (St. Michael,) cuin Cap. Sevenhampton 44 8 4 (St. Andrew.) Ecclefiæ Highworth 1s. is. Cant. Highworth valet in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn, &c. o Luddington V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 45. 2d. Prox. 45. 17 00 3d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan, &c. A Terrier in the Biſhop's Reg. Augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, &c. The Rector thereof Propr. and Patr. Serencott, alias Sharncote, R. Abb. Tewkſbury 10s. Archi, 4 7 6 diac. 8s. 2d. Prox. Is. id.The KING. 30 Stratton St. Margaret V. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. Is. 8 12 33 80 6d. Prox. 25. id. A Terrier. 3 acr. terr. pro repar. ec- cleſ. Valet in decim. gran. fæn. lanago. &c. Merton College, Oxford. 45 00 40 00 O 40 100 O O NoT IN CHARGE. 20 0 0 South Marſton, Chapel to Highworth. Sarum Pecul. Poulton Curacy. (St. Michael.) Priory of Poulton, Propr. Thomas Ingram, Eſq. and others, 1782. Vide Orig. Surv. pro Poulton Pri. * HIGHWORTH.-Dean of Sarum has the Epiſcopal Juriſdiction here, and the Prebendary has the Archidiaconal. † Stratton V.-Augmented with 200l, by Sir William Hedges. Vide Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Im- propriations, p. 324. 5 U 2 D. qalmis 884 W.11.13 DIOCESE OF SA LISB UR Y. 1 D. Malmsbury, in the Archdeaconry of Wilts. no com The Monaſtery of Kington, alias Kynton, alias Kirton, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of: 251. 95. Id. odt The Abby of Stanley was likewiſe returned at 1771. os, 8d. The Abby of Laycock was likewiſe returned at 1681. 95. The Monaſtery of Malmſbury was likewiſe returned at 8031. 175. 7.d. Home The Priory of Bradneſtoke was returned at 2,1 21, 195. zd. For the Particulars of the Poffeffions, vide Orig. Sury. door 2 S.. di 00 O LiQo O o osibid LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. lo do I 1.3 4 Avon, alias Aven, R. ſive Cap. to Chriſtian Malford. De 3 4 ſtructa. Valet in terr. decim. gran. "Jan. agn. fæn. &c. Prox. 55. Robert Hungerford, Imp. 75 8 2. Box V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archidiac. 1os. Prox. 35. I 10 10 al 10d. I Pri. Monkton Farley, zł. Val. in terr. decim.. gran. agn. fæn. &c. A Terrier in Reg. Pri. Farley, Propr. George Speke, alias Petty, Eſq. 1694, 1707; .Lucy Webb, Spinſter, 1740. Jane. Oland, Widow, and y others, 1774. LE 23. 9 Brinkworth R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 115. Camerar: 2 6 11 3.00 2 Malmſbury 135. 4.d. Prox. 55, 10dA Terrier, George · Ayliffe, Eſq. 1711. Judith Ayliffe, Spinſter, 1732 Lord'. bHolland, 1780. CASTEL COMB R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. liiki 2 dan Prox. 0 18 0 150 31225. 3d. A Terrier in 1737. John Scrope, Efq. 1705. 1 Richard Scroop, Eſq. 1714. Gorges Scroop, Eſq. 1724, Richard Scropes. D. D.. 1777 27 Chriſtian Malford R. (All-Saints.). Archidiac. IIsa. 24.1 Prox. 2 14 o o qo bound 9d. A Terrier in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 16 11 101 Collern R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Sine Cure. Archidiac. 75. 50.1 113 21 Penſ. Novo Collegio 8d. Prox. 45. 1d. New College, Oxford. Crudwell 2 Q 90 O 200 бо о 0 0 WILTS DŁOGESE OF SALISBURY. 885 l. S. 200 O 200 O O 100 10 Іоо O 13 10 I20 O King's. Books, Yearly Tenthse d. 17 5 2į Grudwell R. (All-Saints.) Archidiac. 182. 2d. Prox. 45. I 14 65 3. Duke of Kent, 1718. Reginald Lygon, Eſq. 1763. Earl' of Hardwicke and the Marchionefs Grey his Wife, 1782, p. is 13 6 3 Dauntſey, alias Dantſey, R. (St. James,) cum Cap. Weſtend. I 6 72 Archidiae. 11s. 2d. I. Prox. zs. 4d. A Terrier. Duke of York, 1674 Lord Viſcount Bolingbroke, this Turn, 1713. Earl of Peterborough, 1722, 1730. Executors of the Earl of Peterborough; 17.50.. The Biſhop, 1757 - 6 7 11 Draycot Cerne R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 75. 10. Prox. Prox. 01-29 Is. 7d. Sir Juſtinian Ilham, Bart. 1662. Sir James Long, Bart . 1687, 17.11. Sir James Tylney Long, Bart. 1779. 9 91 Gariſdon, alias alias Garfden, (All Saints,) with Lea R. (St. Giles.) I O II Archidiac. 135. 4d. Abb. de Malmſbury, of sc. Gires. 25. 7d. į Lord Ferrers, 1689, 1716. Laurence Shirley, Efq. 1728. John Daſhwood King, Eſq. 1763.. o Grutlington, alias Grittleton, R. (St. Mary,) . 17 0 105. 2d. Abb. Glaſton 3s. Prox. 35. 40.1 Three Ter- riers in Reg. Edward Thrift, Gent. 1675. Ann Hind, Widow, 1691. Thomas Banks and Jo. Ferrer, 1719. The Biſhop, 1750. Samuel Martyn, Eſq. 1763. Hankerton V. (Holy Crofs.) Val. in dec. gran. lan. agn. fæn. O 170 minut. decim. &c. Prox. 25. 7d. Pri. Malmsbury Propr. Lady Irwyn 1723: The Earl of Suffolk. The Biſhop, 1763. James Wigget, Rector of Crudwell, 1785. 1.15 5. Hallebury R. (All Saints.) Eccleſia Deſtructa. Archidiaco 3 61 45.7d. No Inſtitution. Prox. 35. odd The KING: 4. 7 Kembill, alias Kemble, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 11s 2d. I 2 53 80 Abb. de Malmsbury 205. Val. in terr. decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Prox. 25. 9d.1 A Terrier. Abb. Malmsbury, olim. Sir Edward Poole, 1662. Henry Poole, Eſqe 1706. Charles Cox, Eſq. and Elizabeth his Wife, 1760,1765, Charles Weſtley Coxe, Eſq. p. i. 1785. 8 941 Kington, alias Keynton St. Michael, V. Archidiac. 63. 9d. 0 16 111 90 Val. in terr. dec. gran. lan. agn. fæn. &c. Prox., 25. 10.1 Pri. Kington, Propr. Sir James Long, Bart. 1716. Sir Robert Long, Bart. 17.57. Sir James Tylney Long, Bart. 1779 9 91 Weſt Kington, alias Keynton, R. (St. Mary.). Archidiac. 2 112 240 11S. 2 d.Ž Penſ. Domino Regi 5l. Prox. 25. 100.1 Bifhop of Salisbury. 7 31 Langley Burrel R. Archidiac. IIs. 2d. I Archidiac. 115. 2d. Prox. 35 Id.. Sa 4. Bet 160 muel Aſh, Eſq. 1703, Elizabeth Afhe, Widow, 2743 0 Robert Alhe, Eſq. 1777, p. lo 4 Leigh 8 10 100 o O II I O 0 O II T O O I 2 1 -886 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. Wilts 2. O O 2 O 18 12 1 100 0 0 0 I 2 IO O C, 1732. Earl of Radnor, 1780. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 2. d. 1. 2. 8 • Leigh Dallamer R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 25. George Bayly, 0 16 co Gent. 1675. Sir James Long, 1721. Henry Chivers Vince, Eſq. 1730, 1752 8 4. Lacock, alias Leycock, V. (St. Cyriack.) Archidiac. 135: 9d. O 16 5 80 Prox. 25. od. A Terrier. Abb. Lacock 3s. 9d. Valet in terr. decim. gran. lan. agn, fæn. &c. Abb. Lacock Propr. Sir John Talbot 1707. The Biſhop, 1753. John Talbot, Eſq. 1.734, 1765. 9 781 Lokington, alias Luckington, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. O 18 94 70 IIs. 2d.] Prox. 25. 4d. A Terrier made fince the Inclo- ſure. il. 125. 6d. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. John Fitzherbert, Eſq. 1664, 1675. William Norris, Eſq. 1721. Humphrey Firzherbert, Eſq. 1758. Nettleton R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Ils. 2 d.} Abb. Glafton 1 17 21 1:15. Id. Prox. 45. 7d. Richard Grubham How, 1686. Sir Richard How, Bart. 1714. Lord Chedworth, 1753. 6 8 8 4 Oseffy, alias Oakſey, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. IIs. 2d.] o 90 Pri. Farley al. Prox. Iso 7d. A Terrier. Sir Edward Poole, 1670. Henry Poole, Eſq. 1687, 1711. Benjamin Adam- fon, Eſq. 1760, 1770. p. i. 6 Pool R. Archidiac. IIs. 2d.} Prox. Is. 10d. The KING, 015 3 as Duke of Lancaſter. 12 14 7 Somerford Magna R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archidiac. 1 5 51 •I.15. 2d.} Prox. 35. 2d. A Terrier. Henry Bayliffe, Gent. 1702. Exeter College, Oxford. . 8 Somerford Parva R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 11s. ad. 0 16 81 so Abb. Malmsbury is, Prox. 25. Id. A Terrier. Sir Humphrey Tufton, Bart. 1660. Sir Stephen Fox, Knt. 1709. Earl of Ilcheſter, 1781. 5 Sopworth R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 13s. Prox. 25. 1d.] 0 17 ož Duke of Beaufort, 1710, 1757: 5 73 Stanton St. Quintin R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. IIs. 2d. Io 63 Penſ. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 45. 2d. Prox. 25. 6d... Lord 16 17 81 Weſtport V. (St. Mary), with Charlton and Brokenborow I 13 91 Chapels. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 115. 4d. Abb. de Malmsbury il. Val. in terr. decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. minut. decim. &c. Prox. 45. 2d.j. The Biſhop, 1670. The KING, 1705, 1721, 1782. Pri. Ivychurch, Propr. Earl of Suffolk. 15 9 North Wraxhall R. (St. James.) Archidiac. IIs. 2d. Prox. 160 35. Iod. A Terrier. Sir John Button, Bart. 1697, 1708. Heneage Walker, Eſq. 1718. John Walker, Eſq. 1761. Yatton, 7 1 2 I 20 O 160 O 7 I O O 8,10 IIO O O 10 210 0 0 150 0 0 2 I IO II O 0 WILTS, DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. 887 - King's Books. Pearly Tenths. s. o 44 8 100 o O I 8 O Solliam , 1. d. 8 7 1 Yatton, alias Yatton Kennell, R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 25. id. O 16 83 80 0 A Terrier, in 1704. William Ducket, Eſq. 1661. John Child and William Jacob, 1706. Benjamin Pidding, Clerk, Patron and Incumbent, 1745. The Biſhop, 1764. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books, o Aſhley R. (St. James.) Archidiac. 11s. 2d.} Prox. 25. 5d[ 9 16 51 A Terrier. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 18 10 O Bremillam, alias Brembleham, alias Cowitch, R. Archidiac. - 4 8s. Prox. Is.. No Parſonage Houſe. Lord Wharton, 1713. The Biſhop, 1729. Sir John Rulhout, Bart. 1760. 25 00 Buddelon St. Peter and Nicholas, alias Bidſton, R. Val. in 2. 18 4 . terr. decim. gran. &c. Prox. 70. A Terrier. William Mountjoy, Gent. 1719, 1766. 7 Calloes, alias Kelways, R. (St. Giles.) Deſtructa. Prox, 6d. 1 2 13 4 30 Walter Long, Gent. 1681. Thomas Long, Eſq. 1754. The KING, 1785. 44 CHIPPENHAM V. (St. Andrew,) with Tetkirton, alias Tudring. 13.19.4 60 ton, Chap. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 45. Pri. Monkton Farley al. Val. in decim. gran, lan. agn. fæn, &c. Prox. 15. 6d. Pri. Monkton Farley, Propr. A Terrier in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Tetkirton has the Great Tythes. 40 Collern V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 35. 60. Novo Col. 9 16 0 50 legio 6d. Val . in terr. deciin. gran. fæn. lan. agn. minut. decim. &c. Prox. 25. 52. The Rector thereof. 49 6 Corſham, alias Korſham, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Archidiac. 10 16 60 45. Prox. 2s. 8d.1 Val. in terr. decim. gran. fæn. Jan. agn. minut. decim. &c. A Terrier. Monaſt. Syon, in Middleſ. Propr. Sir Edward Hungerford, 1677. Lord Weymouth, 1713. Jo. Conyers, Eſq. 1720. Benjamin Haskins Styles, Eſq. 1723 Paul Methuen, Eſq, 1765. 2000 Ditcheridge R. Archidiac. 45. 8d. Proxies 7d. George 2 . . 2 8 9 Speke, alias Petty, 1716. Edward Gore, Eſq. and others, 40 6d.A Terrier in 1698. Eſtcourt Hodges, Eſq. 1713. Walter Hodges, M. D. 1733. William Nowell and Eliza- beth his Wife, 1769, 46 I 8 Foxley R. Archidiac. 95. 7d. Prox. 11d. George Ayliffe, 317 81 Eſq. 1679. Judith Ayliffe, 1726. Hon. Henry Fox, 1763. Holla- O O O 0 0 ОО O O O O O :888 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. Wilts. 1. å. O 0 O O O O alan... Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 44 o Hullavington V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 135. 4d. Collegio 6 13 0 80 Eton. 55. olim Priory of Clatford. Val. in terr. decim. gra- . c Eton College, Propr. and Patr. 49 Littleton Drew R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. gs. 7d. Prox. 15. 6 99 70 7d. A Terrier. Biſhop of Salisbury. 45 o Mynty, alias Minty, V. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. Ils. 2d. I 7.7 6 50 Prox. 15. 10d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan, &c. Arch- deacon of Wilts, Propr. and Patr. 45 Neventon, alias Newnton, alias Long Newington, R. (Holy 8 5 O Trinity.) Archidiac. 1 25. Abb. Malmsbury 8s. Prox. 25. William Eſtcourt, 1680. Walter Eſtcourt, Eſq. 1713. Thomas Eſtcourt, Eſq. 1779, p. i. 23 OO o Norton, alias Newton Colparle, V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 75. 2 1991 Mon. Malmsbury, Propr. Val. in terr. decim. gran. lan. agn. fæn. ininut. decim. &c. Prox. 7d.] Sir Thomas Eft- court, Knt. 1687. Robert Greenway, Gent. 1727. Ed. ward Gould, Eſq. 1752. 28 St. Paul in MALMSBURY V. with Corſton (All Saints,) and Rod- 8 iž 80 born (Holy Rood.) Archidiac. 155. Abb. Malmsbury 41. Mon. Malmsbury, Propr. Val. in terr. decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. A Terrier in the Regiſtry Office. The KING. 15 o Segrey, alias Seagry, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 55. 11d. 7 13 11 40 Val. in terr. decim. gran. foen. agn. lan. &c. Prox. Is. IId. Pri. Bradneſtoke, Propr. Thomas Boucher, Eſq. 1724. Robert Sawyer Herbert, Eſq. 1750, 1762. 30 o Sterſton, alias Sherſton Magna, V. (Holy Crofs.) Archidiac. 10 50 45. Iid, olim Abb. of Laycock. Val. in terr. decim. gran. lan. agn. &c. Prox. 25.78.1 Three Terriers in Reg." Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Propr. and Patr. Sutton Benger V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. gs. 30.1. Val. in 6 3 4 terr. decim. gran. lan. agn. fæn. &c. Prox. 15. 6d. Two Terriers. il. 155. per ann, pro reparat. eccleſ. Dean and Chapter of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. Sherſton Pinkney R. Formerly charged with Firſt Fruits at 3 14 41 This is united to Sherſton Magna. The Church demoliſhed. The KING, 1640. No Inftitution ſince. O 2 оо 2 O оо 20 оо 40 O Not WILTS. 889 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. NOT CHARGED. ZO Aldrington, alias Alderton, (St. Giles.) Chapel to Sherſton Magna. 301. per ann. Harden Huith, alias Harniſh, R. Henry Waters, Eſq. 1741. Joſeph Colborne, Eſq. 1770, 1777. 30l. per ann. Slaughtenford, alias Slattenford. Formerly appr. to the Priory of Farley. Cuſtos Winton. Impr. do hotel D. Marlborough, in the Archdeaconry of Wilts. NE OOM The Hoſpital of St. John near Marlborough was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 61. 185. 4d. The Priory of St. Margaret in Marlborough was likewiſe re- turned at zol. 95. 6d. The Priory of St. Trinity in Elfton was likewiſe returned at 421. I 25. 8d. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. d. 1. 1. s. 26 6 2 1 2 170 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 114 King's Books. soos Ycarly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 3 ALDBOURNE, alias AWBORNE, alias AUBORN, V. (St. Michael.) 72 O Archidiac. 145. 2d. Prox. 6s. 6de A Terrier in the Re- giſtry. Monaft. Ambrosbury, alias Amesbury, olim Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury, Patr. Dec. & Cap. Wincheſter, Propr. 9 6 8 Bedwin Parva V. (St. Michael.) Sarum Pecul. Prox. 25. o 18 8 60 41 Lord Bruce, 1723, 1741. 7.3 1] Burbage V. (All Saints.) Pecul. Dec. Sarum. Prox, Is. 9d. } o 14 34 80 Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. Buttermere R. (St. James.) Archidiac. 10s. iod. Prox. 25. 80 6d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 14 8 9 Chilton Foliat R, (St. Mary.) Archidiac. II S. 3d.] Prox. 35. 8 101 300 70. Alexander Popham, Eſq. 1714. Henry Pophain, Efq. 1743. Dorothy Popham, Widow, p.i. 1779. Chute V. (St. Nicholas.) Dec. Sarum Epiſcopal. Jur. habet. I 2 Prox. 25. 9d. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. 5 X Collingborn O O 0 O ΙΟ O O I 0 O O 1 O II 0 0 890 Witis. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. d. o o 0 12 O King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. d. 15 7 31 Collingborn Abbas, alias Collingborn Kingſton, alias Colling. I IQ 81 80 born Regis, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 125. 10d. A Ter- rier in the Biſhop's Reg. Pro reparat. ecclef. Il. 45. ann. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Propr. and Patr. olim Abby of Hyde. 16 6 8 Collingborn Duke's R.* (St. Andrew.) Abb. Wherwell 81. I 12 8 350 Archidiac. 135. 4d. Prox. 45. id. A Terrier in 1704 in the Incumbent's Poſſeſſion. Duke of Somerſet, 1662. Fr. Browne, de Merton Colleg. Oxon. p. h. v. 1700. Lord Bruce, 1738. Earl of Ailesbury, 1743. Lord Bruce, 1756. 6 6 8 Draycot Foliat R. Ecclef. Deſtructa. In 1783 Mr. God- 8 70 dard, the Rector, gave the following Anſwer to the Viſita- tion Queries, viz. “ Here is neither Church, Chapel, or “ Place of Reſidence, nor divine Service performed in this “ Pariſh in the Memory of Man, lave at the Induction of " the Rector." Archidiac. gs. Prox. Is. 7d. William Bryan, Gent. 1711. Robert Smith, Eſq. 1723. John God- dard, Eſq. 1758. Ambroſe Goddard, Eſq. 1780. 16 4 41 Everley R. (St. Peter.). Archidiac. 11s. 3d.] Abb. Wher I 12 54 well 21. Vicario Collingborne Abbots 45. 6d. Prox. 45. od. I A Terrier. The KING, 1660. Duke of Beaufort, 1717. Duke of Portland, 1737, 1782, p. i. 6 8 Ham R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 135. 4d. Prox. 35. 1d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 8 6 8 Huiſh R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 25. 1d. A Terrier. Archi- 0 16 8 80 diac. 1os. 6d. Annexed to the Chaplainſhip of Froxfield Hoſpital. Truſtees of Froxfield Alms Houſe, p. i. 9 10 21 Manningford Abbas R. Prox. 25. 4d. A Terrier. Duke o 19 01 80 of Somerſét; 1717, 1741. Sir John Aſtley, Bart. 1770. 4 Manningford Bruce R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 115. 2d. Prox. 1 ó 4 ës.6d. Sit. & un. acr. terr. gleb. Oliver Nicholas, 1661. Richard Smith, 1679. Robert Nicholas and Thomas Smith, Eſqrs. 1713. Atine Buffield, Widow, 1722. Sarah Wells, Widow, 1763. 17 8 9 Mildenhall , alias Minall, alias Mineau, R. (St. John Baptift.) I 14, 101 140 Archidiac. 115. 3d. Prox. 45, 5d. Terr. &c. pro repar. 200 12 I 4 8 I 20 O O O COO IO 10Ο o * Collingborn Duke's R.--This was formerly parcel of the Duchy of Lancaſter, and therefore called Collingborne Duke's, but was granted by King Henry VIII. to Edward Earl of Hertford, aſter- wards Duke of Somerſet, and Protector of England. Upon his Attainder it was forfeited to the Crown, and afterwards regranted by Queen Elizabeth to Edward Earl of Hertford; from whom it is deſcended to the Right Honourable Charles Lord Bruce, Baron of Whorlton, who, by his Lordſhip’s Mother Elizabeth, late Counteſs of Ayleſbury, inherits all the Lands of the late Duke of Somerſet. Letter from Lord Bruce to Dr. Aſtry, December 13, 1725. eccleſ, WILTS. 891 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. So do 2 I1 0 0 1 O O 2 13 8 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, l. d. eccleſ. A Terrier. Earl of Pembroke, 1619, 1660. Elizabeth Counteſs of Northumberland, 1684. Edward Ryder, Efq. 1691. Edward Poçock, Clerk, 1719. Charles Longueville and Henry Mompeſſon, Eſqrs. 1727. John Pocock, Clerk, 1763. 15 Okebourne, alias Okeborn St. Andrew, alias Ogborne, V. 1 10 31 60 cum Rohee Cap. (St. Leonard.) Deſtrucła. Prox. 35. sd. Sarum Pecul. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. The two Okebournes were formerly a Preb. in the Ch. of Sarum. 14 5 10 Okebourne, alias Okeborn St. George, alias Ogborne, V. S 7 160 Sarum Pecul. Prox. 35. 6d. 1 Dean and Canons of Wind- ſor, Propr. and Patr. 26 16 8 Pewley R. (St. John Baptiſt) Penf. Abb. Hyde 10l. 11s. 8d. 600 Archidiac. 21. 25. 2d. Prox, 6s. 8d.] Earl of Pembroke, 1662. George Stanley, 1685, 1792. John Thorpe, Eſq. this Turn, 1705. William Stanley, Eſq. 1729. Philip- pa Stanley, Widow, 1737. Chạuncy Townfend, Eſq. 1764. 8 o Preſhutt, alias Prelhute, V. (St. George.) Prox. 25. Cor. O 16 0 80 poratio ad uſum Choriſtarum, Propr. Magiſter Choriſta- rum, Patr. 9.13 1į RAMSBERRY V. (Holy Croſs,) cum Cap. Baydon (St. Nicho O 19 31 las.) Sarum Pecul. Olim Prebend. Propr. onerabatur ad 481. 11s. 8d. The KING. 6 13 4 Titcomb, alias Tidcomb, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. 15. 8d. 0 13 4 Pri. Stæ Trin. in Eſton, olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. 5 Wotton Rivers R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 125. 4d. Prox. 015 01 195 0 15. rod. į St. John's College, Cambridge, 1728. King's College, Oxford, p. h. v. 1768. 7 12 31 Cantar. de Ramsberry, 0 15 20 O 100 0 0 7 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 30 BEDWYN MAGNA V.* (St. Mary,) cum Grafton Cap. (St. Ni- 8 10 10 cholas.) Deſtructa. Pecul. Dec. Sarum. Prox. 25. Pre- 40 O O Bedwyn Magna V.-Lord Bruce conſtitutes an Official with Archidiaconal Juriſdiction in Bedwyn Magna, Bedwyn Parva, Collingborne Ducis. In Bedwyn Magna and Parva the Dean of Sarum has Epiſcopal Juriſdiction, in Collingborne the Biſhop. There was formerly a Prebend of Bedwyn Magna, valued in the King's Books at 63). 135. 4d. 5 X 2 benda 892 WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. O оо 0 Clear y early Value. King's Books I. d. d. benda ejuſdem diffoluta, olim Propr. Lord Bruce, 1714, 1774. The Dean of Sarum, by Lapſe, 1784. go Cheſulden, alias Chiſedon, V. (Holy Croſs.) Archidiac. 45. 8 8 9 80 2d. Prox. 25. Ido A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Monaft. . Hide, in Southamp. olim Propr. Iſabella Calley, Widow, William Calley, Eſq. 1756, 1762. 28 Froxfield V. (All Saints.) A Chapel in the Almlhouſe. Prox. 8 16 4 36 0 Is. 11d.1 No Glebe or Tythes. Pri. Sanctæ Trin. Eſton, oliin Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor. 44 O O MARLBOROUGH St. Mary V. Proxies 25. 70.1 A Terrier in 10 9 4 1698. The Church of Salisbury, Propr. Dean of Salis- bury MARLBOROUGH St. Peter R. Prox. 35. A Terrier. The 12 30 Church of Salisbury, Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury. 40 Milton Lilborne V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 135. 4d. Prox. Is. 11d. A Terrier. Monaſt. Cirenceſter, olim Propr. Tho- mas Michell, Gent. 1674. Richard Stacey of Abbots Ann, Efq. 1721. Richard Stacey, Eſq. 1733. Philip Pulſe, Eſq. 1775: 30 o o Wilcot V. (Holy Croſs,) cum Cap. Draycot. Archidiac. Ils. 6 17 0 3d. Prox. 15. 8d. A Terrier in the Reg. dated in 1704. Pri. Bradneſtoke, Propr. Franc. Wroughton, Eſq. 1686, 1716. The Biſhop, 1752. George Wroughton, Eſq. 1779. 21 O O @ ооо O 7 13 6 DE NOT CHARGE. Axford Chapel to Ramsbury. Deſtructa. Baydon (St. Nicholas.) Chapel to Ramsbury. Clatford Cur. "Olim Prioratus. Eton College, Propr. and Patr. Eaſton Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Deſtructa. Pri. Eaſton, Propr. Earl of Ailesbury. Littlecot Chapel to Chilton Foliat. Priori Bradneſtoke, olim Propr. Selk V. juxta Marlborough in Mildenhall Pariſh. Deftructa. Knights Templars, Propr. D. Pottern, WILTS. 893 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY, D. Pottern, in the Archdeaconry of Sarum. The Rectory, or Priory, of All Saints in Edyndon, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 4421. 95 70.5 The Priory of Farleigh was likewiſe returned at 1531. 145. 2d. I For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. King's Books. l. d. 180 O O O O I 12 220 O O II O 25. rod. 100 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 19 3 11į Broughton Gifford R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Abb. Malmsbury I 18 48 65. 8d. Archidiac. 6s. 7d.} Prox. 45.9d.The KING. 16 Cheverel Magna R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 10s.gd. Prox. 45. Earl of Radnor, Patr. by an Exchange with Queen's College, Cambridge, by Act of Parliament, 1774. 7 31 Cheverel Parva R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 10$. 4d. Prox. I 2 83 160 Sir Edward Deſbouverie, Bart. 1735. Lord Viſcount Folkſtone, 1764. Earl of Radnor. 7 14 2 Culſton, alias Cowlſton, R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Archi- 0 15 5 diac. 8s. 7d. Prox. 15. 9d. The Pariſh contains nine Houſes, 6 of which are Cottages. Tne KING. 19 4 91 Enford V. Archidiac. 165. Prox. 45. 9d. Mon. Winch- . 1 18 51 150 combe, in Glouceſter, Propr. Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London, 1782. 23 Fittleton R. (All_Saints.) Priori Shene 135. 4d. Archidiac. 2 6 0 240 105. 9d. Prox. 55. 9d. Magdalen College, Oxford. 7 I Kevel, alias Keevill, V. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. 185. id. Prox. 35. id. Pri. Edingdon, olim. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Patr. and Impr. 3 Biſhop's Lavington, alias Weſt Lavington, V. (All Saints.) I. 3 73 Prox. 25. 11d.] Biſhop of Salisbury, Propr. and Patr. 14 6 East LAVINGTON, alias LAVINGTON FORUM, V. (St. Mary.) I 8 8 3 Archidiac. 85. gde Prox. 35. 6d. College of Edingdon, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Impr. and Patr. O O O O 12 I 4 82 тоо o 11 16 120 O O 2 I 20 O O Milklam, 894 WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. s. 1. S. d. I 20 O 28 19 2 120 O 200 20 O o I 2 II of 6 Steeple Aſhton to King's Books. King Yearly Tenths. d. 38 9 41 Milkſham, alias Melkſhan, V. * (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 3 16 111 95. 10d. Prox. gs. 70.1 Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, Propr. and Patr. Netherhaven P. in Eccleſ. Cath. Sarum. Redd. Domino 2 17 11 Regi 1s. Biſhop of Salisbury. 19 8 4. Patney R. (St. Swithin.) Prox. 45. 10d. Biſhop of Win. I 18 10 cheſter, 6 5 Polfhott R. (St. Peter) Proxięs Įs. 6d. Penſ. Epiſc. il. O 12 6 Archidiac. 35. 4d. 83 acr, terr. gleb. &c. Biſhop of Sa- lisbury. 6 8 Pottern V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 5s, id. Biſhop of Salisbury, 2 o 8 170 Propr. and Patr. 8 Ruffali, alias Ruſhall, R. (St. Matthew.) Penſ. Priori Ederoſ. 1 5 2 260 il. Archidiac. 85. 4d. Prox. 35. id. Vide Terrier in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. William Gifford, Gent. 1708. pal of Brazen Noſe College, and Warden of Merton College, Oxford, 1778. 17 Penf. 121. Archidiac. 11. Is. 6d. Prox. 45. 3d. 1 Mon. Romſey, in co. Southampton, Propr. Vide Leland's Itin. vol. VII. p. 69. John Martyn, Gent. 1688. Samuel Mar- tyn, Gent. p. h. v. 1738. George Sandby, D. D. 1971. 81 TROWBRIDGE R. 1 (St. James.) Penſ. Vicario de Aſhton 45. I 31 300 Archidiac. Ios. 9d. Prox. 55. id. Duke of Somerſet, 1718, 1730. Marquis of Granby, Earl and Counteſs of Aylesford, and others, 1774: 8 17 II Wilford, alias Willesford, v. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. O 17 97 60 Į 15. 3d. Prox. 25. 2de St. Nicholas Hoſpital, Salisbury. The Maſter thereof, Propr. and Patr. 5 16 51 Winkfield R. (St. Mary.) Archidiae. 25. 3d.} Prox. Is. O II 73 40 2d.1 Sir Walter Long, Bạrt. 1687. Martha Parker, 1723, 1747. Edward Bowles, Gent. 1775, p. i. Cantar de Eaſt Lavington. 6 O 100 O O 20 12 2 o O 5 15 0 Ο ΙΙ * Milkſham, alias Melkſham, Y.-Seen, (Holy Croſs,) and Earlſtock, (St. Mary,) Chapels are in this Pariſh. # TROWBRIDGE.-Staverton Chapel is in this Pariſh, LIVINGS WILTS. 895 DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. 1. do 120 O оо 0 O 0 0 O 34. o O o 5 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valuee King's Books, 1. d. 42 O BRADFORD V. (Holy Trinity,) with fix Chapels *. Archi- 10 I 3 diac. 75. 6d. Prox. 25. 61. Pri. Shaftsbury, olim Propr. Vid. Leland's Itin. vol. VII. P. 81. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Propr. and Patr. 33 North Bradley V. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 35. 3d. Prox. 11 40 25. 9d. Colleg. Asſhrugg, in co. Bucks, olim Propr. Wincheſter College, Propr. and Patr. The Biſhop, 1777. 40 Chaldfield Magna R. (St. Catherine.) Prox. Is. 6d. Augm. 6 Augm. 6 Oo 60 Vide Terrier in 1671. No Parſonage Houſe. Lord King- fton, 1712. Duke of Kingſton, 1762, p. i. Charlton V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Ederoſ. Propr. Dean and 6 15 6 Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 44 o Cheriton, alias Chirkton, alias Chirkſton, V. Archidiac. Ils. 11 70 ooh id. Prox. 25. 9d. The KING. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeru- falem Dom. Maner. Mon. tom. II. p. 547. Pri. Lantho- ney, in co. Glouceſter, Propr. Vide tom. II. p. 72. Vid. Terrier dated 14 Feb. 1704, in the Regiſtry. 48 o o Erchfont, alias Urchfont, Vet (St. Michael,) cum Cap. Stert. 15. 15 10 (St. James.) Prox. 35. iod. A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Dean and Canons of Windſor. 50 o Hilperton, alias Hilprington, R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 16 80 15. 7d.Ź Prox. 45. Three Houſes left for beautifying the Church. 1. Thomas Buckley, this Turn, i 702. John Eyles, Eſq. 1723, 1750. Edward Eyles, Eſq. 1777, p. i. 40 Marden V. (All Saints.) Prox. 25• 2d.1 Archidiac. 45. 8 17 6 60 Pri. Bradenſtock, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Impr. and Patr. 38 0 Mounton, alias Monkton Farley, R. (St. Peter.) Penf. Pri- 7 15 21 80 ori 15. Archidiac. gs. Iid. Prox. Is. 11d. Biſhop of Salisbury. 43 13 4 Netherhaven V. (All Saints.) Redd. Domino Regi 15. Prox. 13 6 S 35. 4d. Prebendary thereof, Propr. and Patr. who has Archidiaconal Juriſdiction here. o O O O o o O o 80 0 o * BRADFORD V. hath fix Chapels, viz. Weſtwood, Stoke (St. Mary), Wintley (St. Nicholas), Wraxal (St. James), Alworth, and Holt (St. Catherine). Erchfont, alias Urchfont, V.--Here was formerly a Prebend Value 181, in the King's Books. It belonged to Wincheſter Nunnery. Uphaven 896 Wilts. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. d. O O Clear 7'early Value. King's Books 1. d. 36 0 o Uphaven V.* (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 105. 9d. Prox. Is. 7 16 8 50 11d.j The KING. Colleg. Windſor, olim Propr. Mon. vol. III. p. 73. Vid. Terrier in 1704. 46 Whaddon R. Archidiac. Archidiac. Is. 7d. Prox. 25. od. { A Ter- 8 4 41 бо rier in the Regiſtry. Sir Walter Long, Bart. 1706. The Biſhop, 1744. Walter Long, Eſq. 1782, 1784, p. i. O Q O Not CHARGED. Devizes St. John R. with St. Mary's Chapel. By Contribù. tion. 301. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. A Houſe and Gar- den purchaſed with Queen Anne's Bounty. The KING. Edingdon, alias Eddington, Cur. (All Saints,) formerly the College of Bonhommes. Joſhua Smith and Drummond Smith, Eſqrs. 1783. Imber Cur. (St. Giles.) Thomas Thynn, Eſq. 1760. Richard Lewes, Eſq. Impr. At Imber there was formerly a Prebend, Value 175. 95. 8d. now a Lay Fee. The Curacy was endowed by Lord Weymouth, with about 6ol. per annum. E. Gle D. Uuliiton, in the Archdeaconry of SARUM. Diaconus in Mon. de Wilton. Val, in denar. rec. de Abb. ibid. in corod. & in port. com. ann. 41. 145. 4d. Epiſtolarius in Mon. de Wilton. Val. in denar. rec. de Abb. in præt. un. rob. in penſ. com. ann. 21. gs. 4d. Hoſpit. Ski Johannis propè Wilton. Val. in redd. aflıf. in terr. prat. paſc. paftur. & corod. com. ann. 141. 135. 10d.[ Hoſpit. Sfi Egidii propè Wilton. Vał. in terr. decim. oblat. penſ. & al. profic. com. ann. 5l. 135. 4d. The Monaſtery of Wilton was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalies, the clear annual Sum of 601l. is. id. For the Particulars of the Manors, &c. vide Orig. Surv. * Uphaven.-Here was formerly a Prebend which belonged to the Priory of Ederos, or Ivechurch, in Wiltshire. LIVING Wilts. 897 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. - 1. d. lo S. II 2 I I 10 Ι Ο Ο LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books learly Tenihs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. Bulbridge V.* (St. Peter.) Archidiac. pro Syn. and Prox. 2 21 85. 4d. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. & in corod. com. ann. Prox. 25. 9d. 1 Epiſc. Mon. Wilton, Propr. Earl of Pem- broke, 1753: o o Ditchampton R.* (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. pro Syn. and öd Prox. 55. 7d. Earl of Pembroke, 1753. Downton . V. (St. Laurence,) cum Cap. Nunton. Val. in 0 0 150 decim. oblat. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. 55. Wincheſ- ter, Coll. Propr. 24 o Fulſton, alias Fowlfton St. Peter, and Bemerton, R. (St. An- 2 8 o drew.) Archidiac. 95. 11d. A Terrier. Lord Pembroke, 1712. Earl of Pembroke, 1759: 12 16 3 Wilton St. Mary R. cum Netherhampton, (St. Catherine,) 1 5 7 Ditchampton, (St. Andrew,) and Bulbridge. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 1os. 6d.} Prox. 35. 2d. į A Free School for 20 Boys, endowed with 100l. per annum. Earl of Pem- broke, 1753 20 O o 2 • and Patr. 0 200 O 1 160 O O 0 O 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 48 Fiſherton Anger R. (St. Clement.) Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Prox. 13 . 0 0 80 45. 6d. Eleanor Shadwell, Widow, 1692. John Talman, Clerk, 1731. Thomas Troughear, 1754. Elizabeth Ma- thews, Widow, 1758. 9 South Newton V. (St. Andrew,) with Ugford and Chilhamp- 12 18 4 60 Abb. Wilton is. Val. in decim. penf. oblat. & al. pro- fic. com. ann. Prox. 35. 2d. A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Mon. Wilton, Propr. Earl of Pembroke. 45 6 ton. * Bulbridge V, and Ditchampton R. are united to the Rectory of Wilton, 5 Y Nor 898 WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. NOT IN CHARGE. Burcombe, alias South Burcombe, Cur. The Maſter of St. John's Hoſpital, in Wilton, appoints the Miniſter. Stratford Deans Cur. (St. Laurence.) Subdean of Sarum, Patr. and Propr. Old Sarum is now included in this Pariſh. Stratford ſubter Caftrum Curacy. Dean and Chapter of Sa- lisbury D. Wylye, in the Archdeaconry of SARUM. 7. d. d. I O II IO 80 O O 200 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. o Biſhopftrow R. (St. Adelme.) Archidiac. 10s. gd. Penf. 21. 3 Prox. 25. 10dı Ben. Gifford, Eſq. 1686. John Gifford, 1727. Thomas Buck, Eſq. and his Wife, 1756. William Buckler, Eſq. 1767. 27 17 31 Boyton R. (St. Mary,) with the Chapel of Roydon, co. So- 2 15 81 merſet. Prox. 6s. ind. Archidiac. Ios. iod. Edmund Lambert, Eſq. 1717. Thomas Clifton, 1727. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1764, 1782. 19 ol Brixton Deverel R. (St. Michael.) Penſ. Epiſc. il. Archi. I 18 1] 1бо diac. 10s. 9d. Prox. 45. gd. Biſhop of Salisbury. 18 Codford St. Mary R. Archidiac. 105. Iod. Prox. 45. 6d. I 16 0 160 St. John's College, Oxford. 17 15 Codford St. Peter R. Archidiac. 1os. 9d. Prox. 45. 3d. 1 15 6 Earl of Pembroke, 1681. William Swanton and Henry Biggs, Gent. 1730. The Biſhop, 1762. Charles Thomas Kellow, Clerk, 1777, p. i. 13 0 o Deverel Langbridge V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) cum Deve I 4 0 rel Monkton Chapel. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. &c. Abb. Glaſton, Propr. Thomas Thynne, Eſq. 1685. Lord Weymouth, 1724, 1760. 10 4 2 Hildeveril, alias Hilldeverell , P. in Eccleſia HAYTESBURY. I 0.5 Diacono Eccleſiz Haytesbury 1h 6s, 8d. Val. in terr. de- 0 Opel o O O O 2CO O cim, Wilts. 899 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 9 15 19 15 160 O O O King's Books. l'early Tenths, 1. d. 1. So d. cim. &c. Dean of Salisbury, as Dean of Haytesbury. The KING, 1757 o Horningham P.* in the Church of HAYTESBURY. (St. John o 19 6 Baptiſt.) Archidiac. 75. 6d. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. &c. Dean of Salisbury, as Dean of Haytesbury. o Kingſton Deverel R. Archidiac. iis. ed. Prox. 45. Idei I 196 Henry Coker, and his Wife, 1660. Elizabeth Cooper, Widow, 1705. Henry Coker, Eſq. 1728. Lord Ched- worth, p. h. v. 1741. Lord Weymouth, 1770, p. i. 34 71 Langford Magna, alias Steeple, R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. 3 8 of 400 125. 10d. Prox. 8s. 6d. A Terrier. Thomas Healy, and others, 1732. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford, 1763. John Baker, Clerk, 1779. 7 13 4 Langford Parva R. (St. Nicholas.) Archidiac. 85. Prox. O 15 4 80 is. uid. No Regiſter Book. Earl of Pembroke, 1772. Mere V. (St. Michael.) Pecul. Dec. Sarum. Val. in de- 2 16 5 60 cim. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. 75. od.] Dean of Salisbu- ry, Propr. and Patr. 19 7 6 Orſton St. George, alias Orcheſton, R. Archidiac. lis, 8d. I 18 9 Prox. 45. Iod. Vid. Terrier in the Reg. Thomas Lam- bert, Eſq. 1694, 1728. Richard Head, Eſq. 1772, p. i. 13 13 9 Orſton St. Mary, alias Orcheſton, R. Priori Bradſtock i6s. I 7 4 160 8d. Archidiac, 11s. 4d. Prox. 35. 5d. Giles Thorn- burgh, Clerk, 1660. Richard Hayter, Gent. 1680, Giles Thornburgh, 1590. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1772, 1777: oo Sherington R. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. 1os. 11d. Prox. 25. gd. Vide Terrier in the Regiſtry. Edmund Lambert, Eſq. 1717, 1772, 1778. 18 Stockton R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Penſ. Collegio Sanctæ Cru I 16 2 cis propè Winton 5l. Archidiac. Wilts 11s. 8d. Prox. 45. 60. A Reg. Book and Terrier. Biſhop of Wincheſ- 28 4 O NO A 200 O O II I 2 Ιοο o O 2 I 200 O o ter. I 14 0 17 160 O O Stourton R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 1os. 9d. Prox. 45. 3d. Augmented with 16l. per annum by the late Mrs. Hoare. Thomas Phillips, 1666. Lord Sturton, 1671. Oſmond Hill, Gent. 1727. Henry Hoare, Eſq. 1755. * HAYTESBURY Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Here is a Church, and under it is, beſides Knook Chapel, three other diſtinct Churches, as Hill, Horningham, and Tidiington; all preſented to by the Dean of Sarum, and the three Prebendaries which they entitle. 5 Y 2 Tidrington 900 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. WILTS. 1. s 1. S. d. I o I I 12 the King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 915 o Tidrington P. in the Church of HAYTESBURY. (St. James.) 0 19 6 Archidiac. 75. 8 d. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. &c. Dean of Salisbury, as Dean of Haytesbury. 17 18 113 Upton Lovell R. Archidiac. gs. vid. Prox. 45. id. A 14 103 150 ' 16 7 Upton Scidmore, alias Upton Scudamore, R. (St. Mary.) & 1 160 Prox. 45. id. A Terrier. Penſ. Ecclefiæ Sarum il. Ar- chidiac. 135. 4d. Sir Stephen Fox, Knt. 1691. Richard Barry, Clerk, 1749. Cath. Barry, Widow, 1766. Viſitors of Queen's College, Oxford, 1779. Veny Sutton R. (St. Leonard.) Archidiac. 10s. 9d. Prox. 2 2 0 55. 3d. Heneage Walker, Eſq. 1716. John Walker, Eſq. 1731. John Walker Heneage, Eſq. 1780, p. i. 18 21 WARMister, alias WARMINSTER, V. (St. Dennis,) cum I 16 01 80 Cap. Penſ. Ecclefiæ Sarum ios. Archidiac. Ios. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. 45. 6d. The Ori. ginal Survey ſays the Biſhop of Sarum is Rector. The Bi- thop, being Impropriator thereof, is Patr. 21 14 Wyly R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 135. 6d. Prox. 55. 5d. 3 5 Earl of Pembroke. The Archbiſhɔp of Canterbury, 1774. 7 1 Wilhford Magma R. (St. Giles.) Archidiac. 25. 6d. Abb. I 15 ore Wilton 6s. 8d. Decim. & iol. per annum pro repar. ec- cleſ. Prox. 45. 4d.1 A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Sir Ri . chard How, Bart. 1710. John Howe, Eſq. 1740. Lady Chedworth, 1770. 38 4 7 Hoſpit. de HAYIESBURY. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Vid. 3 16 51 Orig. Surv. The Chancellor of Sarum, Patr. 1737, 21 O 300 0 O O 2 2 200 17 10 120 O 8 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Icarly Value. King's Books 25 0 0 Berwick St. James V. Prox. 25. Id.Pecul. Epiſc. Sarum. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. &c. Pri. Mottisfont, Propr. Edward Herſt, Gent. 1682. The KING, 1728. Caroline Heartt, Spinſter, 1768. Henry Penruddocke Wyndham, Eſq. and Caroline his Wife, 1782, p. i. 38 Chitterne All Saints V. Archidiac. 11s. 5d. Val. in terr. de- 7 cim. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. Is. 10d. Vide Terrier in the Regiſtry. Domus Scholar. propè Sarum, vocat. Vaux College. Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury. 35 Chitterne St. Mary V. Archidiac. lis. 4d. Val. in terr. de. 6 0 0 50 cim. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. Is. 9d. Domus Scholar. propè Sarum, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, Propr. and Patr. 3 Corfly, o 10 QO O WILTS. 901 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. d. O 10 60 o O > O O O 0 0 O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 1. 39 O Corſly, alias Corſley, R. (St. Margaret.) Archidiac. 1s. 70.1 II Prox. 25. od. Improved by a late Incloſure. Thomas Thyone, Eſq. 1672. Lord Weymouth, 1783. 42 o o Fiſherton Dallemer V. Prox. 25. 2d. Archidiac. 35. 4d 8 17 0 Val. in terr. oblat. & al. profic. Prior. Maiden Bradley, Propr. Duke of Bolton, 1721, 1772. The Biſhop, 1778. 40 Norton Baven, alias Bavant, V. (All Saints.) Val. in terr. Val. in terr., 6 0 10 64 0 decim. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. Is. 6d. The KING. Pri. Dartford, Propr. in Kent. 28 Pertwood R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 55. 3d. Prox. gd. Vid. 31 52 40 Terrier in Reg. Sir James How, Bart. 1710, 1731. Henry Lee Warner, Eſq. 1767, p.i. 46 Rowlſton, alias Rolſton, R. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. 55. 7. 1951 So Prox. 25. A Terrier. The KING. 40 Shrewton, alias Shreſton, V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 125. 6d. 8 o o 60 Val. in terr. decim. oblat. & al. profic. comm. ann. Prox. 31. 45. per ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Abb. Lycock, Propr. Bishop of Salisbury. ol 33 0 Stapleford V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Wilts, pro Syn. 125. 10 4d. Eccl. Cath. Sarum 35. 4d. Val. in terr. decim. oblat. & al. profic. Prox. 25. 6d. Pri. Efton, Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Impr. and Patr. 30 o Tydulfide, alias Tilſide, alias Tilſted, V. Archidiac. 55. Val. 7 16 0 50 in terr. decim. oblat. & al. profic. Pros. Is. 11d. The KING. Pri. Ederoſ. Propr. 49 WESTBURY V. (All Saints,) with Dilton Chap. (St. Mary,) 44 16 0] and Bratton Chapel. (St. James.). Val. in terr. decim. oblat. port. & penſ. comm. ann. Prox. Ils. 2d. Pręcentor of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. and has Epiſcopal Juriſdiction. Sa- rum Pecul. 40 Winterborne Stoke V. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 55. Val. in II 50 terr. decim. oblat. & al. profic. com. ann. Prox. 25. 9d. Pri. Shene, in Surr. Impr. E. Rutland, 1615. Sir John Nicholas, 1679. Edward Nicholas, Eſq. 1708, 1711. Lord Chedworth, 1755, 1757, 1762. 25. O 0 0 o 100 O 28 NOT IN CHARGE. Haitesbury V. alias Perpet. Cur. 151. per annum. Knook, Chapel to Haytesbury. (St. Margaret.) Sarum Pecu- liar. Madington. (St. Mary.) The Miniſter has the Tythes of Wool, &c. 60. Mon. Ambrosbury, Propr. Lord Ilcheſter, 1753. MAIDEN go2 WILT). DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. MAIDEN BRADLEY Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Maiden Bradley, Propr. 40l. per. ann. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Norridge, Chap. to Warminſter, deſtructa. Formerly charged at 21. 125. 6d. Val. in terr. decim. et al. profic. com. ann. BERKS. 2. Abingdon, in the Archdeaconry of BERKS. The Monaſtery of Abingdon was returned into the Exchequer, temp. Hen. VIII. to be worth, in Temporal and Spiritual Property, the clear yearly Sum of 18761. 105. yd. d. 1. s. de I O 30.12 1 250 I I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 13 5 . o Appulton, alias Appleton, R. (St. Lawrence.) Prox. 35. 3d. 1 6 6 200 O A Terrier. Magdalen College, Oxford. 54 18 61 Archdeaconry of Berks *. Founded 1220. Biſhop of Salisbury. 5 9 10 The KING, 1734. 6 Aſhbury R. (St. Mary.) Sine Cure. Biſhop of Bath and 3 3 Wells. Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1776. Aſton Torald, alias Aſton Tyrell, R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 32 25. 7d. A Terrier. Magdalen College, Oxford. 8į Burwaſcot, alias Burſcot, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 55. 3d.2 31 240 Terriers in the Biſhop's Regiſtry. John Vannam, Gent. 1716. Mary Barber, Widow, 1725. John Archer, Eſq. and John Loder, Clerk, p. h. v. 1761. 33 14 7 Childry R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 8s. 5d. an endowed School. 3 7 51 Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford. 13 8 4 Chitton R. (All Saints.) Prox. 35. 4d.. Sir John Button, Bart. 1692. Mary Read, Widow, 1714. John Walker, Eſq. 1736, 1756, 1766. 17 11 8 Collhall, alias Colleſhull, alias Coleſhill, V. (All Saints.) 1 15 2 Prox. 45. 4d. Pri. Edingdon in Wilts, Propr. Tho. Pley- dell, Eſq. 1705. Mark Stuart Pleydell, Eſq. 1731. Sir 10 12 II 160 O 21 2 2 2 20 O I 6 10 100 0 0 10 0 O * Archdeaconry of Berksis united to North Moreton R. Colfhall V. augmented by William Earl of Radnor, by a Deed enrolled, with a Fee Farm Rent of 45?. 135. 7d. payable out of the Manor of Haningdon, in Wilts. 4 Mark Berks. 923 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. S. 100 o 0 20 12 o O 18 7 I I 20 O 42 10 0 14 I I 8 mo O І IO O 0 200 O O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 s. d d. Mark Stuart Pleydell, Bart. 1764. Viſcount Folkeſtone, 1771. 9 18 9 Compton Bechamp, alias Compton Regis, R. (St. Swithin.) 0 19 10} Prox. 25. 5d. A Terrier. Edward Richards, Eſq. 1703, Rachael Richards, Widow, 1731. William Wright, Clerk, 1778, p. i. 6 Dudcot R. (All Saints.) Prox. 55. 2d. Two Terriers in Reg. 2 I 3 150 Brazen Noſe College, Oxford. Eton Haſtings R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 45. 7d. A Terrier. I 16 81 Edward Keat, Gent. 1670, 1671. Tho. Orchard, Gent. 1694. John Smith and Henry Stapylton, 1725. Bond Spindler, Clerk, 1752. Richard Rice, Clerk, 1784. FARINGDON P. diffolved and made a Lay Fee. Vid. Orig. 4 5 0 Sury. co. Wilts. Henry Pye, Eſq. Propr. FARINGDON V. (All Saints.) Pecul. Dec. Sarum. Prox. 8 II 70 35. 6d. Sir Robert Pye, 1661, 1663. Henry Pye, Eſq. 1739, 1759. Henry James Pye, Eſq. 1769, 1779. 15 5 21 Eaſt Hendreth, alias Eaſt Hendred, K. (St. Auguſtine.) 61 2 50 Prox. 35.gd. A Terrier. Biſhop of Salisbury. 8 19 91 Weſt Hendreth, alias Weſt Hendred, V. (Holy Trinity.) 0 17 11 Prox. 25. 3d. A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Pri. Wallingford, Propr. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford. The Vicar has a Leaſe of the Impropr. which makes it worth 200l. per ann. 4 2 Harwell, alias Princes Harwell, V. (St. Matthew.) Prox. 35. 4 5 A Terrier. Abb. Oſeney, Propr. Sir Jemmet Raymond, Knt. 1718, 1726. John Craven, Clerk, and his Wife, 1772. 6. Hatford R. (St. George.) Prox. 35. 2d. A Terrier in the I 5 9 60 Reg. Albanus Pigott, Eſq. 1671. John Jennings, Eſq. 1718. Nicholas Tyndall, Eſq. 1721. Francis Cooke, Clerk, 1761. 23 7 6 Hinton Waldriſh R. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 55. gde Thomas 2 6 9 Loder, Gent. 1678. Charles Loder, Eſq. 1717. John Loder, Gent. 1743. Alexander Ready, Eſq. p. b. v. 1749. 6 51 Kingſton Bagpuz, alias Kingſton Bagpure, R. (St. John Bap- I I 0 7 140 tiſt.) Prox. 25. 7d. St. John's College, Oxford, p. i. 15 2] Letcomb Baſſet R. (All Saints.) Prox. 35. od. Corpus 10 cm 80 Chriſti College, Oxford. o 'Lockings, alias Eaſt Lockinge, R. (All Saints.) A Terrier. 3 3 150 Prox. 75. gd.] All Souls College, Oxford. 27 I 101 Longworth R. (St. Mary,) with Charny Chap. (St. Peter:) 2 14 21, 240 Prox. 6s. 9d.1 Jeſus College, Oxford. 14 15 7. Marcham V. (All Saints,) with the Chapel of Garford. I 9 63. Prox. 35. 8d.. Mon. Abingdon, Propr. A Terrier, in the Poſſeſſion of the Dean and Chapter of Chriſt Church. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Milton 12 I 100 o 12 17 O O 200 O O IO O O o I 0 31 10 O O O O O IOO 904 Bekks. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. S. d. 17 9 O O 0 190 o 20 0 2 0 0 160 worden. Sien King's Books. learly. Tenths. 7. d. in Milton R. (St. Blaſe.) Pros. 45. 4d. A Terrier, in the I 14 III 140 Regiſtry. The KING, 1660. Paul Calton, Eſq. 1679. William Fiſher, this Turn, 1703. Sir Thomas Abney, p. h. v. 1743. Earl of Marchmont, 1780. 16 13 4. North Moreton R, (All Saints,) annexed to the Archdea- I 13 4 conry of Berkſhire. A Terrier. 12 15 5 South Moreton R. (St. John.) Prox. 35. 2d. Richard Hol I 561 140 loway, Eſq. 1660. Richard Lybb and Jo. Brook, Gent. this Turn, 1718. Anthony Blagrave, Eſq. 1751. Truſ- tees for Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1781, 1734. 8 12 11 Puley R. (All Saints.) Proxies 25. Ide Biſhop of Salis O 17 31 80 bury. 17 8 1!] Shillingford R. (St. Faith.) Pros. 45. 40.1 Robert Packer, 1. 14 101 Eſq. 1694 Winchcomb Howard Packer, Eſq. 1736. Earl Spencer, 1777, p. i. Shrevenham, alias Shrivenham, V. (St. Andrew,) with the Chapels of Longcot, (St. Mary,) and Watchfield. Prox. 55. A Terrier in the Regiſtry. The KING. Mon. Ciren- ceſter, Propr. 7 Sunningwell R. (St. Leonard,) with Kennington Chapel. I 5 5] ico (St. Swiihin.) Prox. 35. 2d. Two Terriers in 1634 and 1677. The Biſhop, 1672. Tho. Baſkervile, 1707. Sir Jobin Stonehouſe, Bart. 1722, 1730, 1746, 1753. 9 5 21 Stevington, alias Steventon, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. 25. 3d. 1 0 18 69 A Terrier. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Propr. and Patr. 18 13 4 Sutton Courtney, V. (All Saints,) with Appleford Chape). I 174 (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 45. 8d. Dean and Canons of Windſor. Propr. and Patr. 3 I 103 Tubney R. Eccleſia deſtructa. Prox. Is. 60.1 Magdalen o 6 25 50 College, Oxford. 35 81 WANTAGE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Sarum Pecul. Prox. 3 10 3 10 35 8s. 9d.] Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. who have Archidiaconal Juriſdiction here. 7 5 21 Wightham, alias Wighton, R. (All Saints.) Prox. Is, vid. 0 15 64 A Terrier. Earl of Abingdon, 1759. Wittenham Abbats, alias Parva, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 45. 4d | A Terrier in Reg. Ed. Dunch, Eſq. 1694, 1698. Hariot, Arabella, and Elizabeth Dunch, 1724. The Duke of Mancheſter and George Oxenden, Eſq. 1753. Hon. Charles Greville Montague and others, 1764. 8 00 Cantar. Sanctæ Catharinæ. To 16 1 2 14 O 120 o O 100 o O O 2 120 o 100 O O 17 10 O I 15 200 O O LIVINGS BERKS. 905 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. s. 1. S. d. O O O 0 0 O O 45 0 0 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 49 15 ABINGDON St. Helen V. cum Cap. Drayton, (St. Peter,) 29 II 3 200 Radley, (St. James,) Shipton and Sandleford. Prox. 75. 4d.4 The KING. Mon. Abingdon. 15 ABINGDON St. Nicholas R. Prox. Is. 9d. The KING. 60 70 @ 26 0 Ardington V. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. 25. id. Abb. Oleney, 8 7 7 9 50 Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 49 0 Aſhbury V. (St. Mary,) cum Chapelwick. Prox. 25. 11d. 1 18 11 60 The Rector of the Sine Cure prefents to the Vicarage ; but as to Chapelwick, Magdalen College names three, and the Rector muſt preſent one of them. Beſſells Leigh, alias Beſfell Leigh, R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. 4 17 31 15. 2d.1 Edmund Fettiplace, Gent. 1684. John Lenthall, Eſq. 1703. The Bilhop, 1753. William Lenthali, Eſq. 1763. John Lenthall, Eſq. 1783. 47 o Blewberry V.* (St. Michael,) olim Prebenda in Eccl. Cath. 16 6 101 70 Sarum. Biſhop of Salisbury, Patr. and Propr. The Dean and Chapter inftitute. Prox. 4s. Id. 35 Buckland V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 45. 8d Epiſc. Briſtol. 18 4 7 Modernus Proprietar. Pri. Edingdon in Wilts, olim Propr. Mary Millington, 1720, 1725, 1733. Thomas Browne, , Eſq. 1755. Charles Pye, Eſq. 1779, p. i. 35 7 01 Cokelwell, alias Coxwell, alias Coxwell Magna, V. (St. 7 7 IL 50 Giles.) Prox. Is. Tod. Mon. Beaulieu in co. Southamp- ton, olim Propr. Mon. vol. I. p. 926. A Terrier in the Biſhop's Reg. Biſhop of Saliſbury. 38 0 Comner, alias Cumner V. (St. Michael,) with the Chapels of 24 17 80 North, alias St. Laurence Hinxey, South Hinxey, (St. John,) and Wotton. (St. Peter.) Prox. 6s. 20. Į A Ter- rier in 1704. Mon. Abingdon, Propr. Earl of Abingdon, 1781. 36 0 O Denchurch, alias Denchworth, V. (St. James.) Prox. Is. 7 10 10 iod. Î Mon. Bruern, Oxon. Propr. Gregory Geering, Eſq. 1720. Judith Geering, 1749, 1750. Worceſter College, Oxford, 1775, p. i. 45 0 0 Hagborn V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 35. rod.1 A Terrier. 15 10 7 Mon. Cirenceſter, Propr. in co. Glouceſter. Richard Bril- O оо 80 O O O O. O o * Blewberry.Upton and Auſton Upthorp are Chapels in this Pariſh. Sarum Peculiars. , 5 Z toll, 906 BERKS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1736. O O O O O O O O O Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. s, d. 1. s. toll, 1665. Thomas White, Jun. 1685. The Biſhop, Elizabeth Burrough, Widow, 1749. 28 Hanny V. (St. James,) with Lidford, alias Lyford, Chapel. 22 12 6 60 Prox. 55. 8d. Vicarii Chorales Eccleſ. Sarum, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury. 31 0 0 Letcombe Regis V. (St. Andrew,) with the Chapels of Eaſt 10 13 17 50 Hallow (St. Nicholas,) and Weſt Hallow, alias Challow (St. Laurence.) Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Propr. and Parr. olim Pri. Ambrosbury in Wilts. 26 North Morton V. (All Saints.) Prox, 45. 2d. Archdeacon 7 17 8 50 of Berkſhire, Propr. and Patr. 26 o Offington, alias Uffington, V. (St. Mary,) with the Chap. 21 70 Balking (St. Nicholas,) and Wolfton. Prox. 55. 3d. A Terrier. Abb. Abingdon, Propr. Richard Jones and others, 1660. Elizabeth Aldridge, 1678. William Jeffop, Eſq. this Turn, 1712. William Archer, Eſq. 1729. John Archer, Eſq. 1763, 1769. 45 Sparſhall, alias Sperſholt, V. (Holy Croſs,) with the Chapels 20 2 33 160 of Kingſton, Lille, (St. John Baptiſt,) and Tallar (St. James.) Proxies 5s. od 1 A Terrier. Abb. Abingdon, Propr. Queen's College, Oxford. 41 Stamford, alias Stanford in the Vale, V. (St. Dennis,) with 21 I 10 ] yo Gooſey Chap. (All Saints.) Prox. 55. 3d. A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Parcel. terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Propr. and Patr. 37 Wittenham Earls, alias Wittenham Longa, V. (St. Peter.) 12 12 6 50 Prox. 35. id. Pri. Newton Longville in Bucks, olim Propr. Exeter College, Oxon, Propr. and Patr. O O o O O O NoT IN CHARGE. Coxwell Parva Chapel to Farringdon, (St. Mary.) Drayton Chapel, (St. Peter,) in the Pariſh of St. Helen's, Abingdon. Fifield V. or Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 6s. 3d. St. John's College, Oxon, Propr. and Patr. Kennington Chap. (St. Swithin,) in the Pariſh of Sunningwell. Radley Donative. (St. James.) The Stonehouſe Family nomi- nate. Weſt Hallow Cap. Preſented to by Mr. Pigot, and Eaſt Hal. low by Mrs. Blandy, 2. Dewbury. BEKKS. 907 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. . D. Newbury. mo The Priory of Donyngton, in this Deanry, was returned inta the Exchequer to be worth clear per ann. 191. 35. iod. King's Books. S. 1. S. 180 O ICO O 20 O 2 O 0 I 20 O O II 15 I 7 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Year'y Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 8 16 01 Aldworth V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Bromfield, Propr. Prox. 25. o 17 74 2d. St. John's College, Cambridge. 8 o Avington R. Prox. 25. A Terrier. John Southby and O 16 others, 1672. Richard Jones, Eſq. 1709, 1717. William Jones, Eſq. 1760. Boxworth, alias Bosford, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 55. A Terrier. John Anderton, 1672. Thomas Cowſlade, Erą. p.j. 1719. Elizabeth Taſſell, 1751. The KING, 1772. - o Brightwalton, alias Brightwaltham, R. (All Saints.) Prox. 2s. 3 6 160 rid. A Terrier in the Reg. Edward Pocock, S. T. P. 1661. Richard Howſe, Gent. 1666. Rebecca Lytton, Widow, 1676. William Hitchcock, Eſq. 1722. Robert Eyre, 1743. Eliz. Plumptre, Widow, 1778. o Brimpton V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Is. 9d. A Terrier. Donat. Donat. O 14 60 pro repar. eccleſ. Thomas Hunt, Gent. 1684. Anthony Chute, Eſq. 1732. John Deane, Gent. 1769. 17 o Buckleberry, alias Bucklebury, V. (St. Mary,) cum Capel. I 14 90 Merſton, alias Marlſton. Prox. 45. 3d. Abb. Reading, Propr. Sir Henry Wincomb, Knt. 1662. Mary Coward, Widow, 1686. Lord Viſc. Bolingbroke, 1726. Penyſton Powney and William Le Marchant, Eſqrs. p. h. v. 1749. 5 5 71 Catmer, alias Catmere, R. (St. Margaret.) Olim Cap. to 6 60 0 Farnborough. Prox. Is. 3d. A Terrier in the Regiſtry, Ralph Shirley, Clerk, 1719, 1726. Ralph Shirley, Eſq. 1740. John Archer and John Loder, Eſqrs. p. h. v. 1761. 3 Cheveley V. (St. Mary,) with the Chapels of Winterborne, 2 13 13 300 Oure, and Leckhamſted, (St. James.) Prox, 6s. 8d. Abb. Abingdon, Propr. Richard Pocock, Eſq. 1656, 1709. James Bufarr, Gent. 1724. Sir Thomas Head, Knt. and Margaret Capel, Spinſter, 1753. Enborne, alias Enbourn, R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 25. 6d. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. Lord Craven, 1717, 1771. Farnbrough, 0 O O Ο Ιο O 26 II O IO оо со Io I 20 5 Z 2 908 BERKS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. s. 1. S. d. I 200 O O O O 60 0 O I 100 O o O 200 O o 22 O O Vean and Ca. 2 14 17 0 Shefford Parva, alias Eaſt Shefford, R. Prox. 25. 4d. A Ter- O 1914 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 12 8 4 Farnbrough, alias Farnborough, R. (All Saints.) Prox. 35. 4 IO idol Ralph Price, Gent. 1732. Ralph Price, Clerk, 1739, 1757, 1765, 1769, 1777, 1783. 8 Fridleſham, vulgò Frilſham, R. (St. Fridiſwide.) Prox. 25. O 16 0 Lord Abingdon, 1691, 1730. Sir George Cornewall, Bart. * 1981, 1785, p. i. 12 14 41 Hampfted Marſhall R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 35. 2d. A Terrier. 5 53 Lord Craven, 1715, 1771. 9 13 4 HUNGER FORD V. (St. Laurence.) Pecul. Decan. Sarum. O 19 4 80 O Prox. 25. 5d. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. 22 13 4 East IDSLEY R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 55. 8d. A Terrier in the 2 5 4 Regiſtry. Robert Barnes, Clerk, Incumbent and Patr. 1754. Brackley Kennett, Eſq. 1771. 7 4 82 240 nons of Windſor. The Biſhop, 1751. 11 14 7 Inckpen R. (St. Michael.) Proxies 25. vid.I A Terrier. 1 3 51 Audria Brickenden, Widow, 1714, 1721. Richard Moſe- ley, 1737. Thonias Butler, Gent. 1779. Kentbury, alias Kintbury, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 55. Mon. Ambrosbury, in co. Wilts, Propr. Sir Jemmet Raymond, Knt. 1719, 1739. Jemmet Raymond, Eſq. 1762. 10 II 101 LAMBORN, alias Chipping Lamborn, V. (St. Michael,) cum I [ 23 80 Eaſtbury, (St. James.) Capel. deſtructa. Prox. 25. 73.1 Abb. Stanley, olim Propr. Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Propr. and Patr. 38 16 101 NEWBURY R. (St. Nicholas. Prox. 95. 8d.} A Terrier. 317 84 The KING. I Peyſmer, alias Peaſemore, R. Prox. 35. 2d. A Terrier in the i5 21 280 Regiſtry. John Whitwick, Eſq. 1680. Mary Coward, Widow, 1686. Ralph Shirley, Clerk, 1719. John Ar- cher and John Loder, p. h. y. 1761. 8 Shaw R. with Donington (St. Mary.) Prox. 45. Id. Tho 1 5 2 mas Dolman, Eſq. 1660. Sir Thomas Dolman, Knt. 1691. John Warner, 1719. Ann Cuthbert, 1775. Shawborne, alias Shaiborne, V. (St. Michael.) Peçul. Dec. Pecul. Dec. 1 9 9 70 Sarum. Prox. 35. 8d. į Priori Shirborne, olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patrons, who have Archidiaconal Juriſdiction here. 3 rier in the Regiſtry. Henry St. John and Frances his Wife, 1707 Robert Parker, Eſq. 1729. Winchcombe Henry Hartley, Eſq. 1777, p.i. Weſt 220 0 0 20 O 2 0 0 оо 110 o 220 O O 12 I 2 12 II 150 o 0 9 II 70 o BERKS. gog DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. d. I 8 I 20 o O O IO o 1 2 100 O O O 20 100 O O 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 14 3 4 Weft Sliefford, alias Magna, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 38. 6d. 4 19 Mary Linton, Widow, 1715. Brazen Noſe College, Ox- ford. 14 Speen V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 35. 60. A Terrier in the Re- IS I 80 giſtry. Knights Templars, Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury. 8 8 Stanford Dawley, alias Stanford Dingley, R. (St. Dennis.) 0 16 Prox. 25. A Terrier. Francis Sawyer, Clerk, 1705. Tho. mas Walker, Clerk, 1757. Benjamin Walker, Clerk, 1775, 1785, p. i. Thatchain V. (St. Mary,) with the Chapels of Greenham and 2 O o Migiam, alias Midgham. Proxies 45. 11d. A Terrier. Abb. Reading, Propr. Martin Wollaſcot, Eſq. 1660. Sir Henry Winchcombe, Bart. 1687. Lord Viſcount Boling. broke, 1714. Richard Waring, Eſq. 1723. Sir Archer Croft, Bart. 1773. sbt fel 35 15 5 Welford R. (St. Gregory,) with Wickham Chap. (St. Swi. 3. II 3 II 62 400 thin.) Prox. 8s. iod. A Terrier. Un. acr. & 25. 60. ann. pro repar. eccleſ. Ralph Shirley, Clerk, 1719. Ed- ward Sawbridge, Eſq. 1761. Dorothy Shirley, Widow, 1780. 4 3 Woodhay, alias Weft Woodhay, R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Is. od.. Benjamin Rudyer, Eſq. 1691. William Sloper, Eſq. 1719, 1732, 1736, 1771, p. i. 8 Yattenden R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. 35. 7d. Eliza. I 8 8 140 beth Sayer, Widow, 1650. Sir Thomas Draper, Bart. 1663. Sir Edward Norris, Knt. 1711. James Bertie, Eſq. 1724. Norreys Bertie, Eſg. 1744, 1748. Lancelot Hill, Gent. 1758. Cantar. five Cap. Sti Bartholomei. @ 195 o O 4 8 5 I 20 O O 14 6 0 O 9 14 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 20 Oo Bedon, alias Biddon, alias Budon, V. (St. Nicholas.) Pros.' 6 10 10 IS. 7d. } Mon. Abingdon, Propr. Sir Compton Read, Knt. 1671. Sir Thomas Read, Bart. 1728. The KING, 1731. Sir Thomas Read, Bart. 1743. Sir John Read, Bart. 1783. 38 Chaddleworth V.* (St. Andrew.) Prox. 25. 3d. A Ter. 9 4 7 50 rier in the Regiſtry. Priori Poghley, olim Propr. Mon. оо 0 0 * Chaddleworth.--In this Pariſh the Priory of Poghley was ſituate. 3 Vol 910 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. BERKS, 698 Mon. Ambrosbury, in co. Wilts, Clear 1early Value. King's Books, k. d. 1. d. Vol. I. p. 266. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Propr. and Patr. 40 Oo Compton Compton V. Prox. 25. uid. A Terrier. Abb. Reading, 11 14 41 Propr. The KING, 1683. John Head, Eſq. 1703. Sir Thomas Head, Knt. 1779, p.i. Walter James James, Eſq. p.i. 1785. 37 Eaſt Gariton, alias Garſton, vulgò Argarſton, V. (All Saints.) 13 6 8 60 Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. o Hampſted Norrice V. with the Chapel of Langley. Deſtructa. 9 18 11] 130 Prox. 25. 5d. Pri. Goring, in Oxon. Propr. Conſtantine Skynner, Eſq. 1666. John Sale and William Beſt, this Turn, 1710. Robert Lee, Eſq. 1748, 1753. Edwin Blundell Sandys, Eſq. 17821 o Waſing R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 1od. 18 acr. terr. gleb. 3 13 4 65 Sir Ralph Varny, Kot. 1684. Lord Fermannah, 1718. Ri- chard Cope, Eſq. 1732. John Mount, Eſq. 1774. оо оо 4.5 0 40 a NOT IN CHARGE. Fawley Parva V. (St. Mary.) Monaſt. Ambrosbury, Propr. Sir John Moore, Bart. 5 D. Reading. d Musavitatis "The Monaſtery of St. Mary in Reading was returned into the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners, 20 H. VIII. be to worth, in Manors, Lands, &c. clear annually 19381. 145. 3d. The Monaſtery of Britleſham Mountague was likewiſe returned at 1851. 115. od. į The Monaſtery of Hurley was likewiſe returned at 1211. 185. 5d. The College of Shotteſbroke was likewiſe returned at 331. 18s. 8d. LIVINGS BERKS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 911 1 King's Books. 1, s. 1. s. I 2 1 2 I O O O 18 17 I Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1759. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d, d. 8į Aldmerſton, alias Aldermaſton, V. (St. Mary.) Un. acr. terr. 5 35 60 in uſ. eccleſ. Pri. Shirborne, Propr. Queen's College, Oxford. Lord Stawell, Leſſee. 8 Arborfield R. * (St. Bartholomew.) .Prox. 25. Elizabeth 0 16 0 60 Waterman, 1739. Richard Hayes, Eſq. 1755. 5 15 71 Bark ham R. (St. James.) Proxies 35. uid. A Terrier. OII 6 170 Francis Wroughton, Eſq. 1694. John Waterinan, Eſq. 1739. William Pitt, Efq. 1768. John Pitt, Eſq. 1782. Binfield R. (All Saints.) Prox. 45. 8d.1 A Terrier in Reg. A Terrier in Reg. I 17 87 1 50 The KING. 19.7 81 Bradfield R. (St. Andrew.) Samuel Thomſon, Eſq. 1686. I 18 9,5 350 Fran. Springet, and others, 1703. Septimus Turton, Clerk, 1727. Francis Blandy, p. h. v. 1740. Henry Steevens, Gent. 1758. BOL 25 4 41 Bray V. (St. Michael.) Prat. pro repar. eccleſ. Part of 2 To 51 140 Maydenhyth is in this Pariſh. . A Terrier. Men. Ciren- ceſter, in co. Glouceſter, Propr. Biſhop of Oxford. 14 19 2 Burfield, alias Burghfield, R (St. Mary.) Prox. 35. ed. I I 9 II 450 A Terrier. Earl of Shrewſbury, 1682. Sir Thomas Lyt- tleton, Bart. 1728. Mathew Robinſon Morris, Eſq. Charles Robinſon, and Charles Commeling, Gent. 1767. 14 o] Cluer, alias Cleworth, alias Clewer, R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 1 8 15 35. 6d. Eton College. Vide Act of Parliament 3d and 4th of King William and Queen Mary. 14 14 Cookham Voy (Holy Trinity.) Prox. 35. 3d. Mon. Ciren- 1 9.5 150 ceſter, in co. Glouceſter, Propr. Jane Weldon, Widow, 1694. Walter Plummer, Eſq. 1723. William Plummer, Eſq. 1746, 1769. 11 12 81 Englefield, alias Inglefield, R. Prox. 25. Iod. A Terrier. 3 35 140 Fran. Powlet, 1711. Powlet Wright, Eſq. 1759, 1770. 9 41 Finchamſteed, alias Finchamſtead, R. (St. James.) Prox. 35.. 90 id. į A Terrier. Thomas Marſh, 1660. Richard Palo O O O O O O I 100 O 2 O I O O I 2 I 4. Il o * Arborfield - The Dean of Sarum has Peculiar Juriſdi&tion here. * Cookham.- Part of Maidenhead is in this Pariſh ; eſpecially the Chapel there, which is dedicated to St. Andrew. The Mayor, Bridgemaſters, and Burgeſſes of Maidenhead nominate to the Chapel.. 80l. per annum, mer: 912 BERKS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 9 I 0 O 12 O O 10 o 120 O I 9 9 83 0 IO O O I II I2 O O King's Books ? early Tenths, 1. s. d. 1. se de mer, Eſq. 1682. James Goodyer, Gent. 1709. The KING, 1738. Ellis St. John, Clerk, 1744. 3 Eaſt Hampſted R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. 25. 3d. Dean O 18 1 So and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. 6 8 Padworth R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 1s. 7d. A Terrier 8 go in the Regiſtry. The KING, o Pangborne Ř. (St. James.) Prox. 25. 6d. Thomas Brum I 0 0 ſted, Eſq. 1688. John Breedon, Eſq. 1717. Anthony Blagrave and John Breedon, 1726. John Breedon, Eſq. 1766. 12 17 3 Purley R. (St. Mary.) Purley R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 2d. The KING. I 5 83 130 14 17 31 READING St. Giles V. Prox. 35. 8d.1 Terriers. Terr. & 250 ten. pro repar. eccleſ. . The KING, Mon. Reading, Propr. READING St. Laurence V. Prox. 25. 6d. Two Terriers, one So in 1580, the other 1634. St. John's College, Oxford. Mon. Reading, Propr. 31 READING St. Mary V. Prox. 25. 10d. Three Terriers, Three Terriers, I 3 2 350 viz. in 1608, 1677, and 1704. The KING. Mon. Rea- ding, Propr. o] Remnam, alias Remenham, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 55. A II Terrier. Jeſus College, Oxford. 4 Ruſcomb North P. (St. James.) This is annexed to the Pre- O 134 bend of Combe and Harnham in the Church of Sarum. Biſhop of Saliſbury. 6 13 4. Ruſcomb South P. (St. James.) Biſhop of Saliſbury. . 4 3 i į Shunningfield, alias Shinfield, V. (St. Mary,) with Swallow- 3 field Cap. (All Saints.) 301. Prox. 55. od.] A Terrier. Benefac. pro repar. eccleſ. Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Propr. and Patr. 6 o į Sulhamited Abbas R. (St. Bartholomew,) with Sulhamſted I 075 Baniſter annexed. Prox. 25. 7dQueen's College, Ox- ford. 6 5 o Sulhamited Baniſter R. (St. Michael,) with Sulhamſted Ab- 6 bas, 2 Nov. 1782. Prox. Is. 6. Queen's College, Oxford 6 4 Sulham R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Is. 6d.Ž A Terrier. Ro- O 12 5 70 bert Maſon, Gent. 1674, 1708. Henry Wilder, Gent. 1728. John Spicer, Gent. 1754. Henry Wilder, LL. D. 1785. 7 I Sunning V. (St. Andrew.) Sarum Pecul. Prox. 55. id. 2 0 81 80 Dean of Saliſbury, Propr. and Patr. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1743. Tidinarth 20 I 2 O 200 0 6 13 O 13 20 2 O 150 O 10 200 0 1 2 120 2 O O 20 BERKS. DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. 913 King's Books, d. S. 2 6 O O 2 3 6 O 300 55. 5d. IL O The Pearly Tenths, lo 1. c. 5 6 Tidmarſh R. (St. Laurence.) Prox. 1s. 3d. Two Terriers. O IO $ 70 The KING, 1685. Edward Strode, Eſq. 1707. Samuel Lynnc, Eſq. 1720, 1730. Richard Holford, and others, 1739, 1740. Robert Dalzell and Charles Bailey, 1785. 21 15 21 Tilehurſt R. and V. united anno 1586. (St. Michael.) Prox. Terr. pro repar. eccleſ. The KING, 1680. Thomas Walker, Clerk, 1719. William Beft, D.D. 1743. . Edward Wiſe and Ben. Walker, 1769. 3 11 Ufton Nervet R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 25. 9d. Elizabeth Elizabeth 12 31 180 Aldridge, Widow, 1678. John Archer, Eſq. 1700. Oriel College, Oxon. 4 Waltham Abbas, alias White Waltham, V. (St. Mary,) united 1 14 to Shotteſbrook V. 1744. 140 A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Mon. Chertſey, in Surrey, Inpr. Prox. 25. 8d. Arthur Vanfit- tart, Eſq. 1722, 1728, 1744. 6 3 Waltham St. Laurence V. Prox. IS. Iod. A Terrier. Abb. O 14 8 70 Hurley, Impr. Richard Nevile, Eſq. 1712. Grey Nevile, Eſq, 1722. Henry Grey, Eſq. 1735. William Vachell, Eſq. 1758. Richard Aldworth Neville, Efq. 1784. 13 6 8 Warfield, alias Berfield, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. zs. 4d. A I 6 8 70 Terrier, in 1634, in Offic. Archid. Abb. Reading, Impr. 1704. John Terry, 1733. Stephen Terry, 1750. Tho- mas Earle, 1768, 1773. 13 13 61 Wargrave V.* (St. Mary.). Prox. 35. 5d. A Terrier. Abb. I 741 Reading, Propr. Richard Nevile, Eſq. 1689. Henry Grey, Eſq. 1735. William Vachell, Eſq. 1758. Richard Aldworth Neville, Eſq. 1784. 7.17 6 Woolhampton, alias Wolhampton, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. 0 15 9 80 Is. vid. I A Terrier. Martin Wollaſcot, Eſq. 1695. Anthony Chute and Richard Shipway, Eſqrs. 1722. John Deane, Gent. 1769, p. i. 10 13 O 7 6 8 O O O * Wargrave V. -- June 4, 1551. John Poynet, Biſhop of Winton, did, by Indenture, give to King Edward VI. the Manors of Wargrave, Waltham, Billingbere, and Warfield, of which the Hundred of Warfield confifts, and all Franchiſes thereunto belonging, together with the Advowſons of the Churches, which was confirmed by the Dean and Chapter September 4 following; which King on the 22d Day of the fame Month of September, grants the fame to Henry Neville, Eſq. and to his Heirs ; and to Wini- frede Loſs. Aſhmole's Antiq. of Berkſhire, vol. II. p. 426. Theſe Manors were granted to the See of Wincheſter by King Henry III. ibidem p. 425. 6 A LIVINGS 914 BERKS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 1. O O I O O . 0 0 100 0 pro repar. ecclef. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 7. d. de 50 Benham Valence, alias Beenham, V. (St. Mary.) Tour Ter. 7.17 7 0 80 riers in the Reg. Prox. 15. 11d.] Abb. Reading, Propr. Nathaniel Knight, Eſq. 1660, 1690. Thomas Goddard, 1731. Thomas Horton, Clerk, 1753, 1757. 15 0 0 Byſham, alias Buſtleſham. alias Bifhain, V. (All Saints.) *7 13 Abb. Byſham. Augmented by Lot, 1767. Sir Thomas Hoby, Bart. 1704, 1722. Sir Philip Hoby, Bart. 1763. 43 o Hurley V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. 12l. per ann. 6 13 61 80 pro repar. eccleſ. Pri. Hurley, Propr. John Lovelace, 1683. Robert Gayer, Eſq. 1722, James Gayer, D. D. 1764. Duke of Marlborough, 1782, p. i. 40 0 0 Stratfield Mortimer V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 25. 3d. 50l. per 8 19 43 ann. pro repar. eccleſ. & paup. Eton College, Propr. and Patr. 42 Wink field V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 25. od. A Terrier. Terr. 8 5 10 Abb. Abbingdon, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Saliſbury. 14 NEW WINDSOR V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 35. 9d. A 15 3 4 Terrier. Abb. Byfham, alias Buftleſham, Berks, Propr. Mon. tom. III. p. 27. Abb. de Waltham, in Eſſex, Propr. The KING. The Collegiate Church, or Chapel of Windſor was founded by King Edward the Third, in the 20th Year of his Reign, to conſiſt of a Cuſtos, or Dean, and twelve Ca- nons; the Letiers Patent bear Date Auguſt 6th, 1348. The Chapel is dedicated to St. George and Sr. Edward, and the Dean and Canons are in his Majeſty's Royal Pa- tronage. William Mugge was appointed the firft Dean of this Society in the Year 1348. The Dean of Wind- for is Regiſter of the Moft Noble Order of the Garter. Dean, 900l. per ann. Canons, 400l. per ann. each. Val. per ann. temp. Hen. VIII. 13961. 175. id. Port. Decan. per ann. 1531. 6s. 6d. Port. 12 Canon. 6137. 2s. &c. 16 0 Old Windfor you (St. Peter.) Prox. 25. Id. Decim. minut. 8 8 8 Abb. Byſham, alias Buſtleſham, Propr. Mon. tom. p. 27. O O 100 O o * o 100 0 O O * Leland's Collectanea, vol. I. p. 101, + Old Windſor V.-Augmented by Mr. Weldon with 201, per annum, Bishop Kennet's Caſe of Im- propriations, p. 340, Abby BERKS. 915 DIOCESE OF SALISBUR Y. King's Books. l. Clear Pearly Value, be d. Abb. de Waltham, in Eſſex, Propr.* Sir Thomas Dolman, Knight; 1686. The KING. NOT IN CHARGE. Hurſt, (St. Nicholas,) Chap. to Sunning. Peculiar of Sarum. The Dean of Sarum, Patr. 401. per annum. Maidenhead Cur. (St. Andrew.) The Corporation of Maiden- head, Patr. gl. 35. 43. certified Value. OKINGHAM, alias WOKINGHAM, (All Saints,) a Market Town. Perper. Cur. Pecul. Dec. Saruin. Dean of Sarum, Patr. 401, certified Value. Ruſcombe V. (St. James,) Cap. to Sunning. Peculiar of Sa- rum. 301. certified Value. Sandhurſt, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Sunning. Peculiar of Sa. Dean of Sarum, Patr. 15l. certified Value. Shotteſbrook V. (St. John Baptiſt,) olim a College, with White Waltham V. annexed, 20 Mar. 1744. A Terrier in the Regiſtry. Charles Calverly, 1685. Arthur Vanſıttart, Eſq. 1722, 1728, 1744. Sunninghill Cur. or V. (St. Michael.) Prox. 55. id. A Ter. rier in 1704. Olim Pri. Bromhill. St. John's College, Cam- bridge, Patr. and Propr. 101. certified Value. rum. Twiford Chap. (St. Swithin) in the Pariſh of Sunning. 9. Wulallingford. The College of St. Nicholas, within Wallingford Caſtle, was returned into the Exchequer, temp. H. VHI. to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 1461.75. odos The Hoſpital of Wallingford was likewiſe returned at 6). * Vide Leland's Collectanca, vol. I. p. 101, 6 A 2 LIVINGS 916 BERKS. DIOCESE SALISBURY. OF O lo d. d. o LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 44 17 11 Brightwell R. (St. Agatha.) Prox. 11s. 2d.1 A Terrier in 4 9 91 300 the Office of the Archdeacon of Berks. Biſhop of Win- cheſter. 9 91 Choulſey, alias Cholſey, V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Moulsford. I 16 11 (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 45. 70,1 The KING. Abb. Reading, Propr. 7 6 Stretley, alias Streatley, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 25.7d. Two 109 80 Terriers. 6 acr. terr. pro repar. ecclef. Pri. Hurley, Propr. Biſhop of Saliſbury. 18 1 50 0 0 IO 0 O LIVINGS. DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value, AT 23: King's Books, 40 oo Baſilden V. (St. Bartholomew,) with Aſhampſted Chapel. (St. 17 14 41 Clement.) Prox. 45. 5d. Abb. Lyra, olim Propr. John Bedingfield, and others, 1664. Peter Sawyer, Gent. 1706. William Allen, 1728. Sufanna Sayer, Widow, 1734. Charles Lord Fane, p. h. v. 1751. Thomas Gill, Efq. 1767, p. i. 34 St. Leonard's R. WALỊING FORD * cum Satwell, alias Stotwell, 7 12 6 50 Capella. (St. James.) Prox. Is. 11d. The KING. ct St. Mary's R. WALLINGFORD. Prox. Isa Augmented. The 4 0 KING. 25 St. Peter's R. WALLINGFORD. Augmented. Prox. Is. 6d. 6 I A Terrier in 1704. Edward Gregory, Gent. 1679, 1691. Jo. Clayton & Ux. Jonat. Bramley & Ux. Jof. Bromley & William Blackſtone, E!q. 1768, p. i. 0 0 O 12 O O o 3 Ux. 1722. * Wallingford. There was alſo another. Church in this Place, viz. (All Saints, which, with St. Pe- ter's, was demoliſhed about 1648. All Saints is a Sine Cure, and in the Gift of Pembroke College, Oxford. St. Peter's is rebuilt, Dioceſe [ 917 ] Dioceſe of Tulincheſter. BIS ISHOPRIC of Wincheſter for Tenths 2501. 145. d. For Firſt Fruits thereof 28731. 18s. id. The firſt Biſhop of this See was Birinus, tranſlated from Dor- cheſter in Oxfordſhire, about the Year 636. The Biſhop of Wincheſter is Prelate of the Moſt Noble Order of the Garter. Dugdale, vol. 1. fol. 12. The-Cathedral Church. (St. TRINITY.) This Cathedral was firſt founded by Kingil, King of the Weſt Saxons, who began his Reign in the Year 612. The Church now in being, was begun by Biſhop Wakelyn about the Year 1073, and was finiſhed by William of Wykeham, who. was made Biſhop here in the Year 1365. It was firſt dedi- cated to St. Amphibalus, afterwards to St. Peter, then to St. Swithin, and laſt to the Holy Trinity. The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. 6001. per annum, The Dean and Chapter was erected out of the diſſolved Priory of St. Swithin's, by King Henry VII. By a Return made by Stephen, Bifhop of Wincheſter, and cer- tified into the Exchequer of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities in this Cathedral, 34 H. VIII, it appears that William Kingſmill was then Dean and had a clear annual Income of 991. 135. od. that the twelve Prebendaries, viz. Edward Stewarde, John Crayford, John Deane, John Buſhop, Henry Milles, Thomas Rompcome, Richard Reder, Williain Medowe, Anthony Barker, Peter Langryshe, Thomas White, and John White, had each a clear annual Payment of 311.. ós. 8d. and that the twelve Minor Canons had annually among them. 1401. and the Subdean over and above the reſt 31. 6s. 8d. All 918 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. l. d. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of WINCHESTER. King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. d 67 15 21 Archdeaconry of Wincheſter, erected before the Year 1114. 6 15 64 William Bolen was Archdeacon in 1535, and gave to the King's Commiſſioners the Particulars of this Valor. There are twelve Prebends * in the Church of Wincheſter, all in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Wincheſter; none of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. But they pay a Rent Charge of 1601. 115. 7d. in lieu thereof, which being purchaſed by Biſhop Morley, is now paid for the Support of the College of Cler- gymen's Widows, by him founded near the Cathedral Church. Preb. 250l. per ann. each. The Priory of Saint Swithin in Wincheſter in the Original Va- lor or Return made by the Commiſſioners in the Year 1535, is charged at the clear annual Sum of 15071. 175. 2d. The Monaſtery of flyde, without the Walls of Wincheſter, was likewiſe returned at 8651. 185. od.. The Monaſtery of St. Mary's in Wincheſter was likewiſe re- turned at 1791. 75. 2d. The Hoſpital of St. Croſs, of which John Incent was Maſter, was likewiſe returned to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, annually the Sum of 841. 45. 2d. The Hoſpital of St. Mary Magdalen was likewiſe returned at 161. 16s. 2d.j St. Elizabeth's College, of which Dr. Pers was Principal in 1535, was returned at 112l. 175.4d. St. Mary's College near Winton, of which Edward More was Principal, was returned at 6281. 135. 6d. For Particulars of the Manors, &c. vide Orig. Surv, in Offic. Primit. * The Priory of St. Swithin's in Wincheſter being diſſolved anno 31 Henry VIII. 1539, the ſame King, by Charter dated March 28, 1540, erected a New Chapter to conſiſt of a Dean and twelve Pre- bendaries, D. Alres . SOUTHAMP. 919 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. D. Alresford. { Note. The whole County of Southampton is in the Archdea- conry of Wincheſter. 7. d. I 49 12 I 3 2² LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenibs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 13 6 8 Abberſton, alias Abbotſton, R. (St. Peter,) with Ichenſtoke 6 8 V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Romeſey, Propr. Duke of Bolton. 8] ALRES FORD R. (St. Mary,) with the Chapels of Meidſted, (St. 4 19 34 Andrew,) and New ALBESFORD. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. 75. 5d. Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. II II 101 Avington R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 85. 3d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 19 8 11 Bighton R. (All Saints.) Repriz. 115. 11d. Sir Robert I 1998 Worſley, Bart. 1708. Edward Stawell, George Pitt, and John Cope, 1732, Joſeph and John Eyre, 1770. 8 134 Bradlie, alias Bradley, R. (All Saints.) Prox. 6s. 8d. An. 0.17 4 thony Henley, Eſq. 1696, 1725. Earl of Northington, p. i. 1783. 8 34 91 Bramdean R. (St. Simon and St. Jude.) Prox. and Syn. 55. 0 17 54 3d. Bihop of Wincheſter. 23 4 2 Browne Candover R. (St. Peter.) Repriz. 155. 11d. The Biſhop, 1677. Sir Robert Worſley, Bart. 1709, 1734• James Burleigh, and others, p. h. v. 1766. 66 2 ! 6 Cheriton R. (St. Michael,) with the Chapels of Kilmerſton, 6 12 3 alias Kymeſton, and Titchbourne. (St. Andrew.) Repriz. 105. uid.į Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 6 6 3 Chilton Candover R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 3d. Sir Henry Worlley, Bart. 1665. Sir Robert Word-y, Bart. 1732. Thomas Hodgſon, and James Burleigh, 1766, p. b. Y. 26 6 8 Eaſton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Pecul. Biſhop of Wine 2 12 8 chefter. 19 II 10) Henton, alias Hinton Ampner, R. (All Saints.) Repriz. 2). 1 19 2 85. 3d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 4 6 8 Ichen Abbois P. (St. John,) belonged to Wincheſter Nun 8 8 neryRepriz, 18s. 8d. The KING, 3 Ichen 2 6 5 012 7 20 920 DIOCESE OF WINCHEST E K. . SOUTHAMP. S. lo d. I I 1 mlet 19 10 King's Books. Pearly Tenths. l. d. 14 51 Ichen Abbots R. (St. John.) Duke of Boſton, 1707. The 8 KING, 1714. Simon Burton, M. D. 1735. Robert Slo- per, Eſq. 1776. Henry Bonham, Eſq. 1785. 9 10 o Ovington R: Repriz. 21. 1os. Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. O 19 21 Sutton, alias Surton Biſhop, V. (St. Nicholas,) with Ropeley I 19 03 Chapel. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. gs. 11d. Mon. Marten, Surr: Inpr. Thomas Jones, S.T. P. 1672. London, Widow, 1711. Anne Alexander, Widow, 1725. John Wood and George Jackſon, Efqrs. 1757. 22 12 6 Worthy King's R. (St. Mary.) Repriz. 21. 85. 3d. Duke of 2 5 3 Bedford, 1768. 21 Worthy Martyr R. (St. Swithin.) Prox. and Syn. gs. Ild. of Biſhop of Wincheſter. 4 0 Cantar' de Titchborne in Pecunia. OSO 15 10 I II o O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 35 Preſton Candover V. with Nutlie Chapel. (St. Mary.) Mon. 18 Southwick, Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter. Swarroughton, alias Swarraton, alias Swerweton, alias Swarne- 45 21 ton, R. Prox. and Syn. 85. 3d. Sir Robert Henley, 1685. Anthony Henley, Eſq. 1715, 1733. Earl of Northington, 1768. 45 O O NoT IN CHARGE. Weld Ecclefia. (St. James.) Pecul. Pri. Newark, Propr. Earl of Portſmouth. Weſt Tiſted Chapel. A Donative. Magdalen College, Ox- ford, Patr. and Propr. Woodmancot Chapel. (St. James.) In the Pariſh of Browne Candover. Mon. Hyde, Propr. D. Alton. 1 SOUTHAMP. 921 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTE R. D. Alton. King's Books. d. 1. so d. OS O I 10 O IOS. ter. 14 10 11 cachy bangle 22 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenihs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. 15 ALTON V. (St. Laurence,) with the Chapels of Haliburne, (Holy Rood,) Binſted and Kingelley. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Mon. Hyde, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſ- 5 Bentworth R. (St. Mary.) Repriz. 31. gs. 8d. Acton Semor, i 9 oz 1677. John John Acton and Joſeph Henley, Eſq. 1719. Joſeph Acton and others, p. h. V. 1762. Truſtees of the Will of Edward Acton, 1776. John Hinton, 1777 18 9.2 Bramſhott R. (St. Mary.) Prox, and Syn. 8s. 3d. Queen's [ 16 il College, Oxford. 5 5 Chawton R. (St. Nicholas.) Repriz. il. 15. 3d.ị Richard 1 2 62 Knight, Efq. 1652. Chriſtopher Knight, Eſq. 1690. William Knight, Eſq. 1719. Bulftrode Peachy Knight, Eſq. 1725. Thomas Knight, Eſq. 1744. 941 Colmer R. with Dean Prior Chapel. Prox, and Syn. 85. 6d. 2 4 111 Sir Henry Tichburn, Bart. 1719. John Tarrant, Gent. 1740, 1747. Samuel Toulman, Gent. 1758. James Cook- fon, Clerk, 1767, 1775. 16 Oo Eaſt Tiſted R. (St. James.) Prox. and Syn. 7d.Sir John 20 Norton, Bart. 1680, 1691. Norton Pawlet, Eſq. 1725. Samuel Caſe, Eſq. 1760. John Hinton, Clerk, and William Budd, 1767, 1772. 18 6 01 Faringdowne, alias Faringdon, R. (All Saints.) Repriz. il. 75. ind. William Cage, Eſq. 1660. Catherine Harlackin- den, 1684. William Cage, Eſq. 1722. Richard Roman, p.i. 1761. Lewis Cage, Eſq. p. i. 1782. 6 5 10 Gretham, alias Greatham, R. (St. Jolin Baptift.) Prox, and Syn. Is. 3d. Richard Love, Eſq. 1679. Ro. Love, Eſq. 1703, 1717. Suſannah Love, Widow, 1746, 1754. Su- fanna Beckford, 1785. 1 101 Hartlie Maudett R. Repriz. 55. 70.1 Sir Nicholas Stuart, 23 1660. Sir Simeon Stuart, Bart. 1713, 1748, 1783, p.i. 4 7 Hedleigh R. (All Saints.) Repriz. 31. 85. gd. Queen's Col. 51 lege, Oxford, 1765. 6 B Lafham, I 12 I 16 71 O 127 core, Widow : 177 10 1 0 21 2 2 922 SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WIN CHEST E R. 1. d. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, s. d. 2. 6 18 9 Laſham, alias Laſſam, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 6s. O 13 10. 3d. The KING, 1661. William Guidot, Eſq. 1713, 1731. Robert Child, Eſq. 1764. 13 10 21 Newton Valence V. Prox. gs. 8d.j Coll. Edyngton in I 7 0 Wilts, Propr. Richard Glyde, Gent. 1662. Ro. Michel and Richard Downes, 1698. James Glyde, Gent. 1718. Hannah Yalden, Widow, 1746, 1761. Edmund White, Clerk, 1785. 8 O o Selborne Chapel. In Orig. Surv. No Chapel here. 8 Selborne V. (St. Mary.) Magdalen College, Oxford, Impr. 0 16 21 and Patr. olim Priory of Selbourne. Shalden R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prox. and Syn. 45. 0 19 7 4d. The KING. O 16 0 2 I 9 15 10 I 20 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 29 0 0 Empfhot R. or. V. (Holy Rood.) Prior. Southwick, Impr. 5 16 51 Norton Pawlet, Eig. 1701, 1728. John Buller, Eſq. 1772. 37 o o Froyle V. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 85. 8d. Mon. of St. II 12 31 Mary's Winton, Impr. William Salmon, 1697. Gauden Draper, Gent. 1706. William Draper, Gent. 1719, 1733. Joanna Loggin, Widow, 1773. 35 00 Eaſt Worldham, alias Warldham, V. Magdalen College, Ox- 5.18 11 ford, Propr. and Patr. olim Priory of Selbourne. Hann NoT IN CHARGE. Perpetual Curacies not in the King's Books. Bentley Cur. (St. Mary,) Cap. to Farnham. The Leffee of the Tythes is Patron, and has the Nomination to the Curacy, under the Archdeacon of Surrey. Hawkly, alias Hawkerley, Chapel, (St. Peter and St. Paul,) in the Pariſh of Newton Valence. Edinund White, Clerk. Lifle Cap. or Cur. annexed to Odiham in D. Baſingſtoke. Weft Worldham, alias Warldham, Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Mag- dalen College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. D. 81- SOUTHAMP. 923 DIOCESE OF WINCHES T E R. D. Andover. The Monaſtery of Whorwell, in this Deanry, was returned in- to the Exchequer by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Lands, &c. annually the clear Sum cf 3391. 75. 7d. Vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Tearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. 1. d. 30 od O 12 12 42 17 6 Abbots Anne R. (St. Mary.) Repriz. 1l. 1os. 8de1 Edmund 4 5 9 Lambert, Eſq. 1709. Robert Pitt, Eſq. 1718. Thomas Pitt, Eſq. 1730. Thomas Wall, p. h. v. 1774. 25 7 11 Amport V. (St. Mary.) Repriz. 1ol. 175. 2d. Dean and 2 10 91 Chapter of Chicheſter, Impr. and Patr. 17 4 41 ANDOVER V. (St. Mary,) with Foſcott Cap. Repriz. 21. I 14 51 155. 4d. Olim Prioratus. St. Mary's Colleg. Winton, Impr. Wincheſter College. Oo Burroughclere, alias Burchclear, R. (All Saints.) Prox. 75. 3 O 5d.1 Pecul. Sir Robert Sawyer, Knt. 1690. Robert Her- bert, Eſq. 1719, 1746, 1767. Lord Portcheſter. 6 Crokeſeafton, alias Crook's Eaſton, R. (St. Michael,) with I 5 3 New Chapel. Prox. and Syn. 65. 3d. Edward Liſle, Eſq. 1703. Mary Liſle, Widow, 1742. James Burton, 1751. John Smith, M.D. 1774. • Eneham, alias Enham, R. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. 6s. 10 3d. Queen's College, Oxford. 26 31 Faccombe R. (St. Michael,) with Tangley. Prox. and Syn. 2 I 15. 6d. į Martha Eyre, Widow, 1706. Jonathan Raſh- leigh, Efq. 1739, 1742, 1751. John Peachey, 1753. Lovelace Bigg, Eſq. 1769, 11 12 11 Fyfield R. (St. Nicholas.) Repriz. il. 135. 11d. The I 3 32 130 KING. 15 9 2 Gratley, alias Grateley, R. (St. Leonard.) Prox. and Syn. 1os. 1od.1 Samuel South, 1699. Joſhua Strother, Clerk, 1731, 1737. Catherine Strother, Spinſter, 1764, 1773. 7.13 9 Highclere R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Pecul. Sir 0.15 4.! Robert Sawyer, Knight, 1680. Robert Herbert, Eſq. 1719, 1757. Lord Portcheſter. 6 B 2 Holbornc 10 O 2 2 I 2 O O I 10 11 924 DIOCESE OP WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMP. 1. S. 2 II bury. 90 Pros and 8 12 25 12 , , ja Sir Philip Meadows, 1725. Joſhua Strother, Clerk, 1736. King's Books Y early Tenths, d. . d. 41 9 2 Huſborne Terrant P. annexed to Burbage P. in the Cathedral 4 Church of Saliſbury. Prox. and Syn. IIs. Biſhop of Saliſ- 6 Huſborne Terrant V. (St. Peter.) Prebendary thereof, in Sa. 0 17 3 1o. rum Cathedral, Patr. and Impr. 1 Kympton R. Proxies and Synods 78. 3d. Elizabeth Miller, 2 11 21 1680. John Smith, Francis Stonehouſe, and Humphrey to Norborne, Eſqrs. in Truſt for Mrs. Foyle. 1693, 1719 Gorges Foyle, p. i. 1750, 1784. 7.0 5 Linkinholt, alias Ninknold, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. O 14 of 6s. 3d. John Spicer, Gent. 1683. James Worgan, Gent. 1705. John Worgan, and others, 1727. Robert Worgan, Clerk, 1761, upon his Petition as Patron. 12 19 7 Ludlhelfe, vulgò Lichfield, R. (St. James.) Prox. and Syn. 1 511) 95. 11d. Henry Kingſmill, 1714. The KING, 1727, 1741. Robert Kingſmill, Ef. 1781. 18 9 7 Middleton, alias Long Pariſh, P. (St. Nicholas.) Repriz. 2l. 1 16 111 1os. 8d. Duke of Bolton. Edward Woodcock, Eſq. 1765. . Olim Abb 14 12 11 Munxton, alias Monxton, R. Prox. and Syn: 75. 3d. King's I . 9 31 College, Cambridge. 29 5 21 Over Wallop R. (St. Peter.) Repr, 21. 145. od.} George 2 14 64 Wythers and John King, Eſqrs. 1662. Bluet Wallop, Elq. 1701. Lord Limmington, 1729. James Hayes,. Efq. p. h. V. 1770. Earl of Portſmouth, 1781. 9 9.12 81 Penytonne, alias Penyton, alias Penton Mewſy, R. (Holy Tri. O 19 34 nity.) Prox. and Syn. 8s. 5d. Edward Pollen, Eſq. 1706. Barbara Strother, 1764. I Quarley R. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 3d. Maſter, Brothers, and Siſters, of St. Catherine's Hoſpital, near the Tower, London. 15 12 11 Thruxton, Thruxton, alias Thurloxton, R. (Holy Rood.) Prox. and III 37 3d. Sir John St. Barb, Bart. 1709, 1720. Three Siſters of Secretary Craggs , the Widow Newſome, the Wi- dow Elliot, and Sir John Hinde Cotton's Lady, 1725. Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart. and others, 1747. William Ro- binſon and James Hayward, 1772. 14 15 21 Tudworth, alias South Tidworth, R. (St. Mary.) Repr. il. 9 6 1 2 35. IId. John Smith, Eſq. 1703. William Smith, Eſq. 1733. Thomas Asſheton Smith, Eſq. 1785. 22 Oo Upclatford R. (All Saints.) Repr. 1l. os. 8d. Thomas Jer-2 4 voile, Eſq. 1709, 1727. Earl of Portſmouth, and others, 15 12 I II Syn. 75. I 1747: SOUTHAM DIOCES E 02 WINCHESTER. 925 O Wh O 21 2 O .In Penſione . 13 13 4 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. b. So de 2. do 1747. Jane Roman, Widow, p. i. 1782. Richard Willis, Eſq. p. j. 1783.TO 26 0 o Wey, alias Weyhill, R. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn. 75. 3d. 2 12 Queen's College, Oxford, 44 II 01 Whorwell P. or R. (Holy Croſs,) in the Nunnery of Whor- 4 9 il well. Repr. 21. 45. 7d. Sir John Fryer, Knt. 1719. Joſhua Iremonger, Eſq. p. i. 1763, 1782. 14 0 Whorwell V. (Holy Croſs.) Repr. 61. Prebendary thereof, 1 8 o or Rector, Patron of the Vic. 6 01 Eaſt Woodhay R. (St. Martin,) with Aſhmerſworth Chapel. 2 71 Repr. 5l. 75. 5d.Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books, 35 Combe V. (St. Swithin.) . Dean and Canons of Windſor, 6 13 4 Propr. and Patr. Goodworth Clatford V. (St. Peter.) Mon. of Whorwell, 10 o o Impr. The KING, 1625. Sir John Fryer, 1720. N Na- thaniel Braſſey, Eſq. 1738. Joſhua Iremonger, Eſq. 1749, 1782, p. i. 32 6 9 Huſborne Prior V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 75. 5d.1 Hoſp. of 12 19 43 St. Croſs in Wincheſter, Impr. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 30 o Middleton, alias Long Pariſh, V. (St. Nicholas.) Prebendary 8 thereof, Impr. and Patr. 24 19 Shipton, alias Shipton Bellinger, V. (St. Mary.) Mon. de 8 Novo Loco in Surr. Impr. Cornelius Macham, 1689. Jo- ſeph Macham and Mary Coleman, 1725. William Macham, LL. D. 1761. William Freeman, Eſq. p. i. 1783. 49 16 0 Nether Wallop V. (St. Andrew.) Ebor. 1). 65. 8d. Subchanter and Vicars Choral of York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 30 0 WHITCHURCH V. (All Saints.) Prox. 75. 5d.1 Pecul. Hoſp. 13 12 81 of St. Croſs in Wincheſter, Impr. Bilhop of Wincheſter. do o sms joillwch na Ortodoby do WPH zemst bon dolara e) wbI I Noe asils dinowhes ! out has on topia tinguadolu READ sojada de la ons or 45 00 O O O 10 O NOT 926 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMP. , . NoT IN CHARGE. Appleſhaw Chapel, in the Pariſh of Amport. Aſhmanſworth, alias Afhmerſworth, Chap. (St. James,) in the Pariſh of Eaſtwoodhay. Bullington Chapel, (St. Michael,) in the Pariſh of Whorwell. Patr. St. Mary Bourn Chapel, in the Pariſh of Hubborne Prior. Pecul. New Town, alias Sandleford, near Newberry, (St. Mary and St. John Baptift,) Chapel to Burghclere. Tangley, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Faccombe. Tufton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Whorwell. Vernam's Deane, Chapel to Huſborne Terrant. 's las Woodcot Cur. 201. ontod D. Balingſtoke.com On The Priory of Wintney, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually the clear Sum of 43ł. 35. For Particulars, vide Orig. Şury. 1. 3. d. 1. s. 9 II LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 51 Aſhe R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. 8s. 8d. Charles Wither, Eſq. O 19 I 1686, 1713. Charles Wither, Eſq. 1729. Benjamin Lang- lois, Eſq. p. i. 1783. 7 12 I Baghurſt R. Repr. 11s. 8d. Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. O 15 21 10 16 3 Cluddiſdeane, alias Cliddiſdon, alias Cliſdon, R. United to 7 7 Fairlie. Prox. 75. 3d. Earl of Shaftſbury, 1673. Lord Lymington, 1722, 1731. Earl of Portſmouth, 1760. James Hayes, p. h. v. 1770. Earl of Portſmouth, p. i. 1782. Crondal I I SOUTHAMP, DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. 927 King's Books, 2. S. 1. 22 I Brocas, Yearly Ten bs. d. d. 5 71 Crondal V.* (All Saints,) with the Chapels of Sutton (All 2 4 67 Saints,) Yately up (St. Peter,) and Alderſhot * (St. Michael.) The Maſter of the Hoſpital of St. Croſs, Wincheſter, Impr. and Patr. 10 811) Deane R. (All Saints.) Prox. 10s. 2d. George Wither, I O 10 1676. Charles Wither, Eſq. 1713, 1729. Edmund Bramſ- ton, Eſq. 1757. Francis Auſten, Eſq. p. h. V. 1773. 9 6 8 Dogmersfield R. (All Saints.) Repr. il. 95. 11d. Elizabeth Elizabeth o 18 8 Whelpdale, 1679. Ellis St. John, Eſq. 1718. Sir Henry Pawlett St. John, 1773. 14 12 31 Dummer R. (All Saints.) Prox. 8s. 3d. John Terry, Gent. 9 2 1694. Thomas Terry, Gent. 1721. Michael Terry, Eſq. 1742. Robert Worſley, Eſq. p. h. v. 1781. O 16 41 Gent. 1703. Stephen Terry and others, 1734. Sir William Gardiner, Bart. pro hâc vice, 1776. Richard Willis, Eſq. 1785. Elvetham R. Prox. 55. Sir John Cope, Bart. 1717. Regi- o 18 O nald Calthorpe, Eſq. 1710, 1732. Henry Calthorpe, Eſq. 1743. The KING, p. b. v. 1774. 8 9 Everſley R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 3d. Sir John Cope, Bart. 2 103 1707, 173, 1745. Rev. Sir Richard Cope, Bart. 9 12 6 Farley, alias Farleigh Mortimer, R. (St. John.) United to Cluddiſdeane. Prox, 8s. 3d. : Earl of Shaftſbury, 1673. Lord Lymington, 1722, 1731. Earl of Portſmouth, 1760. James Hayes, Eſq. p. h. v. 1770. 6 7 31 Hannington R. (All Saints.) Prox. 10s. A Peculiar. Biſhop O 12 of Wincheſter. 16 12 11 Hekefield, alias Heighfield, V. (St. Michael,) with Mattingley 1 13 33 Chapel. New College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 17 19 7 KINGSCLERE V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 55. Monaſt. of Byſham, I 15 11 Berks, Propr. Duke of Bolton, 1773. o Laverſtock R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 105. Sir John Trott, Bart. O 17 1670. Sir Charles Shuck burgh, Bart. 1700. Lady Shuck- burgh, 1725. Sir Stewkley Shuckburgh, Bart. p. i. 1746. 90.a II I 8 8 10 o * Crondal.—The Tythes and Nomination to the Chapel of Sutton, alias Long Sutton, are held by Leaſe from the Maſter of St. Croſs's Hoſpital near Wincheſter. + Yately. The Tythes and Nomination of the Curate hereof are lett by Leaſe from the Maſter of St. Croſs's Hoſpital near Wincheſter. Alderſhot.—The Tythes and Nomination of the Curate are lett by Leaſe from the Maſter of St. Croſs's Hoſpital near Wincheſter. Newnham 928 SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCH ES TE R. S. 2. d. I 23 II I II King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 17 17 I Newnham R. (St. Nicholas,) with the Chapel of Mapledurwell, I 15 81 alias Mapletrewell, (St. Mary.) Repr. 135, 3d.] Queen's College, Oxford. 11 13 111 Oaklie, alias Oakeley, R. (St. Leonard.) Repriſ. 145. 7d. 3 4 Queen's College, Oxford. 51 ODYHAM, alias ODIHAM, V. (All Saints,) with Grewell Chapel, 2 7 (St. Mary.) Repr. 85. Chancellor of the Church of Salil- bury, Impr. and Patr. 29 19 7 OverTON R. (St. Mary.) Sine Cure. Prox. 75. 5d. Biſhop 2 19 11] of Wincheſter. 14 1 2 31 Overton V. (St. Mary,) with Tadley Chapel, (St. Peter.) A 9 2 Peculiar. The Rector thereof, Patr. 9 8 11 Sherborne St. John R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. il. 25. od.} Ed- 0 18 91 ward Chute, Eſq. 1699, 1702. Anthony Chute, Eſq. 1725, 1746. The KING, by Promotion, 1769. Thomas Lobb Chuté, Eſq. p.i. 1784. 3 61 Sherfield, alias Sherfield Loden, R. (St. Leonard.) Repr. il. I 2 4* 35. 33. Duke of Bolton, 1730, 1748. Robert Sloper, Eſq. and Charles Powlet, Clerk, 1772. Samuel Prince, Clerk, 1785. 9 6. oį Silcheſter R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 85. 3d. Sir Thomas Draper, o 18 7 1698. Lady Bleſſinton, 1719. Lord Mountjoy, 1726. Biſhop of Wincheſter, by Lapſe, 1743. The KING, by Promotion, 1769. 4 7 Stephinton, alias Steventon, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 85. 82.1 I 25 John Lewknor, Eſq. 1696. Bulſtrode Knight, Eſq. and his Wife, 1727. Thomas Knight, Eſq. 1761. 24 13 0 Stratfield Saye R. (St. Mary.) Prox. ios. 8d.] George Pitt, 2 9 41 Eſq. 1717, 1775. Lord Rivers. 6 10 2] Stratfield Turges R. (All Saints.) Prox. 35. 3d. George Pitt, 0 13 0 Eſq. 1709, 1769. Lord Rivers. 8 18 9 Turnworth, alias Tunworth, R. (All Saints.) Prox. and Syn. 0 17 10Ź 15. 3d. The KING, 1684. William Hall, 1713. Tho- mas Hall, 1725, 1755. Triſtram Huddleſtone Jervoiſe, Eſq. 1779. 15 13 4 North Waltham R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 6s. 8d. A Peculiar. 4 Biſhop of Wincheiter. 14 12 31 South Warneborow, alias Warborough, R. (St. Andrew.) Repr. 41. St. John's College, Oxford, 8 16 101 Winchfield R. (St. Mary.) Prox. gs. gd.1 James Rudyerd, 0.17 83 Eſq. 1684. Trinity College, Oxford, 1725. Ellin Wright, p. h. v. 1755. Ellis St. John, Clerk, 17854 13 81 Wolverton R. (St. Catherine.) Prox. 1os. George Browne, George Browne, 16 37 Eſq. 1661. The Biſhop, 1697. Jemmet Raymond, Eſq. 1719, 1769. Worting II I II I 1 9 2 2 2 SOUTHAMP 929 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER: , Yearly Tenths, s. d. 0 17 9 King's Books. 1. d. 817 81 Worting R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Syn. and Prox. 9s. od,} Thomas Bigg, p. h. v. 1745. William Wither, Eſq. 1724, 1772. 2 31 Wotton, alias Laurence Wotton, V. (St, Laurence.) . Prox. 8s. 7d. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Impr. and Patr. 10 1 0 2,3 oo 25 00 o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 49 0 0 BASINGSTOKE V. (St. Michael,) with the Chap. of Nately 30 16 53 (St. Stephen,) and Baſing (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. Ios. 8d.] Pri. Selborne, olim Propr. Magdalen College, Ox- ford, Propr. and Patr. The Vicar Lefſee. 30 O o Bramlie, alias Bramley, V. (All Saints.) Queen's College, Ox. 3 3 6] ford, Propr. and Patr. The Vicar Leffee. 38 0 o Eſtrop Chapel or R. Gilbert Serlé, 1699. Peter Serle, Eſq. 2 O o 1725, 1778.012 Ewhurſt R. or Chap. (St. Mary.) The Biſhop, 1725, 1754. I 6 8 Thomas Pryor, Eſq. 1762. 47 o Farnborow, alias Farnborough, R. Prox. 75. 3d. Earl of An. 7 12 II gleſea, 1725. The KING, 1747. The KING, 1747. Henry Wilmot, Eſq. 1778. 35 Harriard V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Wintney, Impr. Duke of 7 6 5 Bolton, 1736, 1758. 40 o Hartley Waſpull R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 35. 48. Dean and Ca- 6:16 8 nons of Windſor. 40 o Scures, alias Skyers, alias Nately Scures, R. (St. Swithin.) 5 10 10 Prox. 35. 7d. Anthony Henley, Eſq. 1697, 1743. Earl of Northington, 1777: 44 0 o Sherborne, alias Sherbourn St. John, V. (St. Andrew.) The 7 Rector thereof, Propr. Anthony Chute, Eſq. 1747 38 0 o o Sherburne, alias Sherbourn Monks, V. (All Saints.). Queen's 8 o 7€ College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. The Vicar Leſſee. Olim St. Julian's Hoſpital, Southampton. 35 O o Wintney Hartlie V. (St. Mary.) Monaſt. Wintney, Propr. 4 James Zouch, Eſq. 1674. James Field, 1718. James Field, Junior, 1725. Pawlet St. John, Eſq. 1755. .36 0 o Wynflade R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 8s. Duke of Bolton, 1947, 6 12 1782, p.i. O O 1 6 C Nor 930 SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTE R. I. d. NOT IN CHARGE. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. s, d. DT Cold Henley Cur. St. Croſſes Hoſpital juxta Winton, Propr. and Patr. Itchingſwell Chapel, (St. Laurence,) in the Pariſh of Kingſ- clere. Lyſſe Chapel, (St. Peter,) in the Pariſh of Odyham, the Tythes and the Noinination to the Curacy are held by Leaſe from. the Chancellor of Sarum by Earl Tylney. Pamber Ecclef. Queen's College, Oxford. Olim Capel. to Monks Sherborne. Rotherwick Chapel. The Tythes and the Nomination to the Curacy are held by Leaſe from the Chancellor of Sarum-by Earl Tylney. Sidmanton Chapel, (St. Mary,) in the Pariſh of Kingſclere. Upton, alias Ufton Grey, Curacy. Queen's College, Oxford. Hoſpital of St. Julian's, Southampton, Propr. Weſton Patrick Chapel, (St. Laurence.) The Tythes and the Nomination to the Curacy are held by Leaſe from the Chan-o cellor of Sarum. Grewell Chapel, (St. Mary,) in the Pariſh of Odyham, 500 o Holy Ghoſt Chapel near Baſingſtoke. The KING. 6 13 4 Yately Cur. John Limbrey, Patr. Val. 401. voi D. Drokinsford. O The Spiritual and Temporal Poffeffions of the Priory of South- wick, in this Deanry, were returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annualìy 2571. 45. 48.1 The Abby of Tychefield was likewiſe returned at 2491. 16s. 3d. The Hoſpital of St. Nicholas Portſmouth was likewiſe returned at 331. 195.50.1 Vide Orig. Surv, for Particulars, LIVINGS SOUTHAMP, 931 DIOCESE OF W IN CHESTER. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. l. d. 21 2 10 Ο ΙΟΟ O I II 3 O O 2 6 o] Alverſtoke R. (St. Mary.) Repr. 71. os. 9d.] Pecul. Biſhop 2 7 of Wincheſter. 3 9 Bedhampton R. Repr. 1os. 3d. William Heycroft, 1688. I 0 41 William Cotton, Eſq. 1713. Frederick Franklin, Eſq. 1725. William Talbot, Eſq. 1736. Executors of Lady Hillſborough, 1780. 6 7 81 Blendworth R. (St. Giles.) Repr. 185. Iid. Duke of Beau O 12 94 fort, 1711, 1741. 32 16 104 Buriton R. (St. Mary) with PETERSFIELD Chapel (St. Peter.) 3 5 81 Prox. and Syn. 95. 11d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 20 Chalton, alias Chalkton, R. (St. Michael.) Repr. 61. gs. 4d. 2 Duke of Beaufort, 1756. Clanfield R. (St. James.) Repr. 21. 6s. 8d. Duke of Beaufort, I 2 1756. 17 19 41 Drokinsford R. (St. Mary's and All Saints.) Repr. 77. os. gd.1 115 114 Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 35 i 8 Eaſtmean V. (All Saints,) with Froxfield, (St. Peter,) and Stepe 3 10 Chapels. Prox. 75. 5d.j Peculiar. Biſhop of Wincheſter, Patr. and Impr. 6 01 Exton R. Prox. 5l. 145. id.1 A Peculiar. Biſhop of Win I 0 75 cheſter. 8 12 6 FAREHAM V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Repr. 85. 11d. A O 17 3 Peculiar. Hoſpital of St. Croſs, olim Impr. Biſhop of Wincheſter. Cool Th 9 13 4 Farlington R. Prox. 1os. 8d. Thomas Brereton, Gent. 1689. O 19 4. . Thomas Dacre, Efq. 1725. Thomas Smith, 1737. Charles William Taylor, Eſq. 1781. HAMULDON, alias HAMBLEDON, V. (St. Peter.) Repr. gs. Ed. Edoš 2 13 Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter, Propr. and Patr. 24 6 01 Havant R. (St. Faith.) Repr. 21. 75. 5d. I Pecul. Biſhop ? of Wincheſter. 46 2 11 Meanſtoke R. (St. Mary.) - Prox. 105. 5d.I A Peculiar. 4 12 31 Cum Subberton Capella. Biſhop of Wincheſter. Portiffaie, alias Portlea, V. (St. Mary.) Repr. gs. 7d. Pri. 4 Southwick, Impr. Wincheſter College, p. i. 6 13 4 Portsmouth V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Pri. Southwick, Impr. 013 4 Wincheſter College. 6 o 21 Rowner R. Prox. Is. 7d.] Charles Brune, Eſq. 1691, 1730, ch 1760. 6 C 2 Тітен 10 26 19 2 8 73 1 12 O O I O 0 1 2 932 SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. 1. S. d. II 2 26 12 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. s. 2. 6 17 31 TITCHFIELD V. (St. Peter.) Prox. 10s. 7d. Mon. of Titch 0 13 8 field, Impr. Earl of Southampton, 1660. Duke of Port- land, 1725. Duke of Beaufort, 1734. Peter Delmè, Eſq. 1779 1. Upham R. Pecul. Cum Durley Capella. Biſhop of Win- 1 3 21 cheſter. 81 WALTHAM, alias Waltham Bishop, R. (St. Peter.) Repr. 2 13 31 131. 145. Id.] Biſhop of Wincheſter. 19 9 41 Warblington R. Prox. 1os. 8d. Thomas Brereton, Gent. 1 18 11 1688, 1720. Thomaş Panton, Eſq. 1740, 1753, 1764. 21 9 41 Warnford R. Prox. Ios. 8d. į Pecul. Thomas Neale, Eſq. 2 2 11% 1666. George Freeman, Eſq. 1703. Freeman Delbouve- rie, Eſq. 1733. Admiral Griffin, p. h. v. 1771. Weſtmeane R. Prox. 75. 5d.ź Pecul. Cum Privet Capella. 3 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 8 2 81 WICKHAM, alias WYKEHAM R. (St. Nicholas.) Repr. 1l. 85. 8d. John Nicholas, D. D. 1705. William Nicholas, Eſq. 1730. Philip Raſhleigh, Eſq. 1766, 1784, p. i. 14. II 101 Widley R. (St. Mary Magdalen,) with Wimering V. (St. Pe. I 9 21 ter and St. Paul.) Repr. 135. 3d.] Pri. Southwick, Impr. Richard Norton, Eſq. and Wincheſter College, 1716. Francis Whitehead, Eſq. 1748. Alexander Thiſtlethwayte, Eſq. 1768. Robert Thiſtlethwayte, Eſq. and Wincheſter College, 1777 30 17 II O 16 34 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear l'early Value. King's Books. 37 • Chatterington, alias Katerington, alias Catherington, V. (St. 9 5 10 Catherine.) Prox. 105. Pri. Nun Eaton, Warw. Impr. John Bugby, 1684. John Brett, Gent. 1740. Jervoiſe Clarke Jervoiſe, Eſq. 1778. 47 0 0 Hayling, alias Hayling Southwood, V. (St. Mary.). Prox. IIS. 8 10 4d. Pri. Shene, in Surr. Impr. Lady Mary Howard, 1703. John Anſtis, Eſq. 1725. Duke of Norfolk. Earl of Effing- ham, 1773 o Porcheſter V. (St. Mary.) The KING. Pri. Southwick, 6 O o Propr. o 30 o 50 o Not SOUTHAMI 933 DIOCESE OF WINCHEST E R. NOT IN CHARGE. Córnhampton, alias Corhampton, alias Corinanton, Cur. Wil- liam Richards, Patr. Crofton Chapel, (Holy Rood,) in the Pariſh of Titchfield. Durley Chapel in the Pariſh of Upham. GoSport Chapel, (Holy Trinity,) in the Pariſh of Alverſtoke. The Rector of Alverſtoke, Patr: Idſworth Chapel in the Pariſh of Chalton. Northwood Chapel, (St. Peter,) in the Pariſh of Hayling, Nuſted, alias Nurſted, C. Privet Chapel in the Pariſh of Weſtmean. Southwick Cur. (St. James.) Exempt from Epiſcopal Juriſdic- tion. Priory of Southwick, Propr. Robert Thiſtlethwayte, Eſq. Patr.. Wanited Chap. Pri. Southwick, olim Propr. Weftbury Chapel in the Pariſh of Weſtmean, The Chapel turned into a Wood Houſe. Weſtburhant Chapel. Pri. Southwick, Propre. D. Fordingbridge: The ſpiritual and temporal Poffeflions of the Priory of Chriſt Church Twynham, in this Deanry, were returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually 3121. 75. od.. The Priory of Bromer was likewiſe returned at 1541. 145. Id.j For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. 1. S. LIVINGS REMAINING IN. CHARGE. X'ing's Books; l'éarly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 16 CHRIST CHURCH TWYNHAM V. (Holy Trinity.) Olim the Priory Church. Priory of Chriſt Church Twynham, Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter. 302 31 FORDINGBRIDGE V. (St. Mary.) Prox. IIs, idKing's 3 O. 21 College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. . 6 Minſted d. 0 0 1 I 2 O 934 SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTE R. 1. d. 7 12 I 0 II 4 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 6 Minſted R. (All Saints.) Prox. IIS. The Biſhop, 1679. 0 15 3 John Fuſſell, Eſq. 1714. James Willis, Gent. 1740. Hen- ry Compton, Eſq. 1779, 1781, p. i. 20 13 11 Milford V. Prox. and Syn. 45. 6d. Pri. Chriſt Church Twyn- 2 3 ham, Inpr. Queen's College, Oxford. 5 13 4 North Carford Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Eccleſ. deſtrú. éta. It belonged to Bromere Priory. 75 5 5 RINGWOOD V. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) with Harbridge Cha- 7 10 pel. Repr. 31. 14s. 8d. King's College, Cambridge, Impr. and Patr. 12 16 101 Sopley V. (St. Michael.) Prox. and Syn.gs. 11d. Pri. Chriſt I 5 81 Church Twynham, Impr. Sir Henry Tichburne, Knight, 1674. Richard Goodrick, Eſq. 1690. James Willis, 1725, 1728. John Willis, Eſq. 1760, 1779. 61 28 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 0.0 Boldre V.* (St. John.) Repr. 31. os. 12d. Pri. Chriſt Church, 12 Impr. Henry Brougham, Clerk, 1695. Henry Jones, 1702. John Howell, 1724. William Mitford, Eſq. 1734, not exceeding 1777: 20 0 • Ellingham V. (St. Mary.) Pros. 45. 3d. Eton College, Impr. 8 4 93 not exceeding and Patr. Olim a Priory. 25 0 0 Whitiſbury, alias Whitſbury, V. (St. Leonard.) Prox, and Syn. 5 13 4 35. 3d. In com. Wilts. Priori Bromer, Impr. Lord and Lady Mancheſter, 1713. Duke of Mancheſter, 1747, 1777. NOT IN CHARGE. 250 50 Oo 0.0 Breamore, alias Bromer, Donative, (St. Mary.) Olim a Prio- ry. Earl Brooke and Warwick, Brokenhurſt Chapel in the Pariſh of Boldre. Hale Donative, (St. Mary.) Priory of Breamore, or Bromer. Duke of Mancheſter. Holdenhurſt Chapel in the Pariſh of Chriſt Church. Holehurſt Chapel to Sopley. Ibſley, (St. Martin;) Chapel to FORDINGBRIDGE.uz * Boldre.The Borough of LYMINGTON, (St. Thomas Becket,) is in this Pariſli. Lindhurit SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCH E S T E R. King's Books. 1. d. S. Clear Yearly Value. 1. de Lindhurſt Chapel, (St. Michael,) in the Pariſh of Minſted. LYMINGTON Chapel, (St. Thomas Becket,) in the Pariſh of Boldre. Milton Chapel, (St. Mary Magdalen,) in the Pariſh of Mil- ford. Hordel Chapel, (All Saints,) in the Pariſh of Milford. Rockburn Donative, (St. Andrew.) Pri. Maiden Bradley, in Wilts, Propr. Duke of Mancheſter, Patr. 200 0 a to D. Somborne, in the Archdeaconry of WINTON. The Monaſtery of Romſey, in this Deanry, was returned by CIA the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, &c. the clear yearly Sum of 3931. 1os. iod.} The Priory of Mottisfont was likewiſe returned at 1241. 35. 5d. d. s, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. d. 7.16 3. Aſhley R. (St. Mary.). Prox. 85. John Davis, 1680. Tho O 15 71 mas Hobbes Weekes, 1728. Abraham Weekes, Eſq. 1749. The KING, by Promotion, p. h. v. 1777. 8 2 1 Barton Stacie V. (All Saints.) Pri. Lanthony in Glouceſter, O 16 2 olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Propr. and Patr. o Broughton R. (St. Mary,) with Boffington Chapel. Repr. 1l. 3.15 55. od.] The Hon. Mr. Juſtice Eyre, 1722. Anthony Shute, Eſq. and Thomas Puckridge, Gent. 1744. Robert Thiſtlewayte, Eſq. 1767, 1781. 26 9 41 Chilbolton R. (St. Mary.) Repr. 31. 9d.Pecul. Biſhop 2 13 111 of Wincheſter. Elden, alias Elling, R. (St. John Baptift,) five Capella. Siro John Cloberry, 1679. James Huſſey, 1740. 28 2 81 Houghton R. (All Saints.) Prox. 75. sdi Pecul. Biſhop of 2 16 35 Winchefter. 3 Leckford, 37 10 O 2 O O 4 0 936 SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCHES T E R. 1, s. 2. O 26 12 1775. done King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 90 o Leckford, alias Lekeford, P. or R. (St. Nicholas,) in Whor O 18 well Nunnery. Repr. 31. 75.9d. St. John's College, Ox- ford. 26 13 4 Michildever V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Hyde, Propr. Lady Ra- 2 13 4 chel Ruffel, 1688, 1722. The Duke of Bedford, 1765. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1773. 81 Michilmeríh R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 75. 5d.] Pecul. Biſhop 2 13 31 of Wincheſter.pl 14 18 11į Mottisfont, alias Motſon, R. (St. Andrew.) Repriz. il. 25. I 9 10 od. į Marchioneſs of Dorcheſter, and others, 1668. Geo. Fulham, S.T.P. and Richard Story, 1701. The Directors of the South Sea Company, 1723. Goodyer St. John, Eſq. 6 10 21 Sherfield Engliſh R. (St. Leonard.) Prox. 55. 3d. William William O 13 03 Tichburne, 1672. Edward Keele, this Turn, 1707. John Tarrant, p. h. v. 1737. Robert Briſtow, Eſq. 1769. I 101 King's Somborne V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Repri . 21. 35. 11d. 2 2 2 Pri. Mottisfont, Impr. Sir John Mill, Bart. 1690. Sir Richard Mill, Bart. 1720, 1747. Sir John Hoby Mill, Bart. 15 13 61 Stoke Charitie R. (St. Michael.) Prox. 75. gd. Corpus I 11 41 Chriſti College, Oxford. 5 Wellow V. (St. Margaret.) Prox. 35. 4d. Mon. de Letteley, o 10 Impr. Duke of Chandos, 1776. 8 5 10 Weſt Tiderley, alias Weſt Tuderley, R. Repr. 145. Henry o 16 7 Whitehead, Efq. 1708. The Biſhop, by Lapfe, 1737. Robert Thiſtlethwayte, Eſq. 1774, 1781, p. i. 46 15 73 Wonſton R. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. 75. 5d. Pecul. Biſhop 4 13 63 of Wincheſter, 21 O O o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 29 Lekeford V. (St. Nicholas.) Prebendary or Rector thereof, 8 16 101 Propr. and Patr. 41 13 11 Longſtock V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Mottisfont, Propr. Sir John 10 15 O Mill, Bart. 1695. Sir Richard Mill, 1733. Sir John Hoby Mill, Bart. 41 6 8 Romsey V. (St. Mary.) Olim the Abby Church. Prox. 2l. 20 18 ) 85. 8d. Pri. Romſey, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Win- chefter, Propr. and Patr. Not SOUTHAMP. 937 DIOCESE OF WINCH E S T E R. op Nor IN CHARGE. Boffington Chapel, (St. James,) in the Pariſh of Broughton. Eaſt Dean Chapel, in the Pariſh of Mottisfont. John Walter Rolle, Eſq. Eaſt Tiderley Chapel, (St. Peter.) A Donative. John Wal- ter Rolle, Eſq. Lockerley Chapel, (St. John,) in the Pariſh of Mottisfont. Northington Chapel, (St. John,) in the Pariſh of Michildever. Pittleworth R. in Lay Hands. The Church down. Popham Chapel, (St. Catherine,) in the Pariſh of Michildever. Somborne Parva Chapel, (All Saints,) in the Pariſh of King's Somborne. Stratton Chapel, (All Saints,) in the Pariſh of Michildever. STOCKBRIDGE Chapel, (St. Peter,) in the Pariſh of King's Somborne. Sutton Chapel, in the Pariſh of Wonſton. Timſbury Curacy. (St. Andrew.) Olim Prebenda. Diſſoluta. Pri. Mottisfont. John Fleming, Eſq. 1970. Thomas Dum- mer, Eſq. 1780. G D. Southampton, in the Archdeaconry of Winton. Abb. de Bello Loco, alias Beaulieu, was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spiritualities, the clear annual Sum of 3261. 13s. 2d. Abb. de Læto Loco was likewiſe returned at 100l. 125. 88. The Priory of St. Dennis was likewiſe returned at 801. 115. 7d. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. ONA King's Books Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 5 10 21 Botleigh R. (All Saints.) Prox. 75. 3d. Lady Noel, 1679. Cut of 10. Lord Portland and Elizabeth his Lady, 1914. Duke of Beaufort, 1733. Duke of Portland, 1744, 1748, 1780. 6 D Dipdene, 2. . S. b . 1 938 DIOCESE OF WINCHES TE R. SOUTHAMP 3. d. s. II 18 John Speed, M. D. 1680 King's Books, Pearly Tenths, 1. I. d. 5 12 II Dipdene, alias Dibden, R. Pros. gs. 11d. William Churchill, o 11 31 Eſq. 1663. John Harris, Eſq. 1707. James Harris, Eſq. p.i. 1743, 1758. Sir James Harris, Knight, p.i. 1784. 11 Eling V. (St. Mary.) Prox. 115. 5d. Pri. Montisfont, Propr. I 3 9 34 13 61 Falley, alias Fawley, R. (All Saints.) Prox, 75. 5d.1 Pecul. 3 2 41 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Milbrook R. (St. Nicholas.) Repr. il. 35. vid. Biſhop of 72 Wincheſter 13 11 101 Nurſing R. Repr. 21. 85. 3d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 7 2 1 37 5 Ś Precentorſhip in the Church of St. Mary near Southampton, 3 14 67 alias the Rectory of St. Mary's, Southampton * Repr. 77. 85. id. Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 21 9 7 North Stoneham, alias Stoneham Abbats, R. (St. Nicholas.) 21] Prox. 175. 4d. Lord Maynard, 1672. Richard Fleming, Eſq. 1714, 1723. The KING, 1749, 1762. John Fle- ming, Eſq. 1780. le 12 0 0 South Stoneham, alias Stoneham Epiſc. V. (St. Mary.) The I 4 Precentor or Rector of St. Mary's, near Suuthampton, Patr. aiid Propr. IO 6 3 I O I 2 O O 18 60 24 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. 790 dicto Batu wanita King's Books. All Saints R. in Southampton. Repr. Il. 83. 3d. The 8 I 103 KING. St. Croſs, alias Holy Rood, in Sotrthampton, V. Repr. 31. 8s. 12 1 1oz 3d. Queen's College, Oxford. Pri. of St. Dennis, olim Propr. 49 2 4 Hound V. (St. Mary:) Proxies zs. 4d. This with the Cha 5 4 7 pels els of Bùrfelden, or Burleſden, (St. Leonard,) and Hamble, (St. Andrew,) are under the Juriſdiction of the Re&tor of Biſhop's Waltham. Wincheſter College, Impr. and Patr. , St. John in Southampton R, The KING. United to 10 St. Laurence R. in Southampton. Repr. 155. The KING. 7 10 St. Michael in Southampton V. Repr. 145. 11d. The 12 II 103 50 KING. Při. of St. Dennis, Impr. AMDI BOLT erreu 2 оо 6 13 4 30 JI O ооооо O 20 O * In this Parilla of St. Mary's, in Biſhop Andrews's Time, was erected a Chapel, called Jeſus Cha. pel, and by him conſecrated; the form of Confecration whereof may be found at the End of his Ratio- nale on the Common Prayer. The Founder of the ſaid Chapel promiſed to endow it with a fufficient Alaintenance for a Minister to officiate there, but by what Means that Déſign' miſcarried is not known. A ATT basb104 deri sztolus NOT 2 SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCHEST E R. 939 ald NOT IN CHARGE, Baddeſley Chapel. (St. John.) A Donative. Olim Præcep- toria. Thomas Duminer, Eſq. 1780. Beawley, alias Beaulieu, Cur. (St. Bartholomew.) Duke of Montagu. Abby of Beaulieu. 6 Chilworth Cur. Abb. St. Dennis, Southampt. Propr. Peter Serle, Eſq. Exbury Chapel, in the Pariſh of Fawley. Jeſus Chapel, in the Pariſh of St. Mary's, Southampton. Fra. Mylles, Eſq. Netley Chapel, in the Pariſh of Hound. Deſtructa. Olim an Abby. Owre Chapel, in the Pariſh of Elinge. Deſtructa. Sherley Chapel, in the Pariſh of Milbrook. Deſtructa. და არ და D. Jlland of utlight. The Abby of Quarre was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear an- nual Sum of 1341. 35. 11d. The Preceptory of Baddyſley was likewiſe returned at 118). 165. 7d. Vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. for Particulars. ik bare o LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 010 OHLA. Silo Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. King's Books. cor Yearly Tenths. 7. d. 1 d. 19 12 32 3 4 Brighſtore, alias Brixton, R. (St. Mary.) Repr. 1). 75. 52.1 3 4 4 Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter, o quštvood 81 Calborne R. (All Saints.) Repr. 175, 5d.} Pecul. Biſhop 1 19.34. of Wincheſter. 23 8. 1} Carisbrooke V. (St. Mary,) with NEWPORT Chap. (St. Tho. Sito Lomas Becket;) Northwood R. and St. John Baptiſt Chapel.: oradia ba Prox. 125. Pri. of Shene in Surry, Propr, Queen's Colecules bras lege, Oxford, Patr. and Propr. Chale 2 6 94 2 6 D 2 940 SOUTHAMP DIOCESE OF WINCHESTE R. 25 18 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, l. d. 1. 5. d. 14 3 111 Chale R. (St. Andrew.) Prox. 6s. 3d. Earl of Gainsto I 8 43 rough, and others, 1684. Sir Robert Worſley, Bart. 1708. Robert and James Worſley, Eſqrs. 1753. 9 8 4 Freſhwater R. (All Saints.) Repr. 81. is. 8d. St. John's I 18 10 College, Cambridge. 9 e R. (St. Olave.) Prox. 63. 3d. Jo: Worſley, Eſq. . 2 II 101 1691, 1708. Truſtees of Edward Worſley, Eſq. 1773. 5 6 8 Kingiſton, alias Kingſton, R. Sir William Meaux, Bart, O 10 8 Bart. 1682. Elizabeth Miller, and others, 1732. James Worley, Eſq. and Williain Clarke, 1779. 11 16 3 Motiſtone R. (St. Peter and St. Paul,) united to Shorewell V. 1 3 72 Prox. and Sýn. 6s. 3d. Sir Robert Dillington, Bart. 1692. John Leigh, Eſq. 1725. Barn. Eveleigh Leigh, Eſq. 1744, 1763. 7 I Nighton R. (St. John Baptiſt,) united to Godſhill V. Repr. 2 0 8 1 21. 35. 4d. Queen's College, Oxford. o 21 Shorewell R. (St. Peter.) Sine Cure. Repr. il. 75. 5d. I 2001 Elizabeth Leigh, and others, 1668. John Leigh, Eſq. 1700, 1738. Elizabeth Randolph, 1752, p. h. v. 79 7 Capella-Sti Spiritus in Newton. 7 Capella Sei Spiritus in Newron. Deſtructa. Queen's College, O 14. 11] 19 5} Whippingham R. Repr. 18s. 8d. The KING. I 18 I 250 16 01 Worton R. (St Edmund.) Repr. 45. 7d. Edward Lifle, 0 15 71 Efq. 1718. Mary Line, Widow, 1736, James Burton, Eſq. 1767. 6 6 101 Yeaverland R. Repr. 75. 3d. į Elizabeth Richards, 1662. O 12 81 Edward Richards, Eſq. 1710, 1724. William Wright, Clerk, 1772. 20 20 I O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valut. King's Books, not 0 0 not 50 O 0 not 50 Areton, alias Atherton, V. (St. George.) Syn. 15. 3d. Mon. 21 Quarre, Propr. Edward Fleming, Eſq. 1690. Richard Fleming, 1733. The KING, p. h. v. 1763. John Fleming, Efq. 1785 Benfted, alias Binſted, R. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. 35. 4d. Pe 1 7 1 cul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 50 00 Bonchurch R. (St. Boniface,) with Shanklin Chapel. Repr. 615 5 115. 3d. John Popham, Eſq. 1719. Sarah Popham, Wi- dow, and Elizabeth Popham, Spinſter, 1765. sooo Broke, alias Brooke, R. or Chapel. (St. Mary.) Knights I 18 9 Templars, Propr. William Bowerman, Efq. 1701, 1766. 3 BREARDING, not ( SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE OF WINCH EST E R. 941 d. not O o O not O not od BREARDING, alias BRADING, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 20 St.'ce' Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1 1. d. 50 15. 5d. Pri . Bromer, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 50 od Eccleſia in Caſtro Caresbrook V. (St. Nicholas.) Mon. Quarre, 7 0 0 Propr. The Governor of the Ifland. 50 0 Godſhill V. (All Saints,) with Whitwell Chapel, (St. Rade- 37 17.6 gund) united to Nighton R. Repriz. 85, 8d. Pri. Shene in Surrey, Impr., Queen's College, Oxford. Todo 50 od Bart. 17-9. Robert and James Worſley, Eſq. 1753.04 50 New Church V. (All Saints.). Repriz. il. 15. 4d. Mon. de 12 6 8 Bello Loco, Propr. Biſhop of Briſtol, p.i. 50 Shalfiléer V. Prox. Is. 3d." The KING. Pri. Byfham in 18 12 Berks, Propr. 50 0 Shorewell V. (St. Peter,) united to Motiſtone R. Prox. 70.1 17 16 OŽ Rector. ibidem, Propr. John Leigh, 1738. Elizabeth Randolph, p. h. v. 1752. Barnabas Eveleigh Leigh, Eſq. 1763 50 O Ó Thorley V. Proxi Iso 3d. Pri. Chriſt Church, Impr. Tho. 6 18 9 mas Gother, Gent. 1698. Andrew Gother, 1751. Eliza- beth Gother, Spinſter, 1770. YARMOUTH R. (St. James.) Tne KING. 30 not 0 O 4 0 0 not O O not O o I 10 O 0 0 SOBREM 05 Not IN CHARGE. Chapel of St. Radagund, a Chapel to Gatcombe. St. Helen's Chapel. Eton College, Propr. and Patr. Weſt Cowes Curacy. 201. per annum were given to this Cu- racy by Bilhop Morley for a Lecturer ; 'tis in Cariſbrooke Pa. riſh, and was erected 1662. Ride Chapel, (St. Thomas Apoftle,) in the Pariſh of Bentlesk. Ancient Chapels in the Isle of Wight. Deftruéta, Alverſton. 21. 8d. Brittleforth, alias Brittleworth. Il. 6s. Sd. Halden, alias Appeldurford, (St. Mary Magdalen,) in Godeſhill Pariſh. 42. Standon, (St. Leonard,) in Brading Pariſh. 31. 6s. 8d. D. amir. 942 Diocese of WIN CHESTER. SOUTHAMP. - Support 1. d. l. do O 16 8 4 . D. Triincheſter, bioto 29 contealedon LIVINGS -ated LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yeary Tenths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. - 2 8 6 S Chilcomb R. Repriz. Il. 145. 4d.. Pecul. Biſhop of Win- cheſter. 23 6 8 Compron R. (All Saints.) Repriz. 135. 4d. Pecul. Biſhop 2 6 8 of Wincheſter. 35 134 Crawley R. (St. Mary,) with Hunton Chapel. (St. James.) 3.11 Prox. 6s. 8d. Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter: uji 1 Farley Chamberlaine R. (St. Mary.) Repriz. il. 15. 3d. 2] The Biſhop, 1679. Ellis St. John, Eſq. 1720, The KING, 1765, p. h. v. Sir Henry Pawler St. John, 3 6 8 St. George R. in 6 8 Maurice. Biſhop of Winton. Hurſley W.: (All Saints.) Pecul. With Otterborn Chapel. o 18 (St. Mathew.) The College of St. Elizabeth, Winton, Impr. William Heathcote, Eſq. 1720. Sir Thomas Heathcote, Bart. 1780. 7 St. Mary Calendre R. in Wincheſter, united to St. Maurice. O 14 0 Prox. Is. Id. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 210 6 St. Maurice Wincheſter R.* united to St. Mary. Calendre. Deſtructa. Repr. 125. 6d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. St. Mary Wood, alias de Wode, alias Oade, R. Demoliſhed. o 4 United to St. Mary's and St. Maurice. Biſhop of Wincheſ- ter, 3 4 2 St. Peter's in Wincheſter, alias St. Peter in Marcellis, R. De. o 6 5 moliſhed. United with St. Thomas and St. Clement. Bi- ſhop of Wincheſter. 16 10 2). Sperſhort , alias Sperlholt, vulgò Sparshall, V. (St. Stephen.) 1.13 of Prox. 9s. uid. "The KING. Mon. Wyntney, Propr. v 14 17 6 Stoke Biſhops R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Win 99 cheſter. 8. Twyford V. (St. Mary.) Repriz. 1l. 75. 5d. Pecul., Deo, 1 5 31 cim, oblat. & al. caſual. Hoſp. St. Crois, Propr. Ema- IO 12 I I 2 9. O o will O O 6 7 0 1 2 9 2d O I10 0 o I 2 1 2 * St. Maurice R.---This Living was aug:nented by Biſhop Morley. St. George's, St, Mary de Wode, and St. Mary Calendre, are united to this Rectory, nucl , , , SOUTHAMP, DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER 943 s. I I II 15 12 0 1 O 5 0 ter. 2 I - O O O 6 5 O O 0 the Vice Chancellor, and the King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. s. de 1. d. nuel College, Cambridge, nominates, and the Heirs of Ca- rew Mildmay, Eſq. preſent. Worthy Mortimer, alias Headbourne Worthy, R.* (St. Mar- 21 tin.) Prox. 75. 11d. Dr. Radcliffe's Truſtees, Oxford. o Wynnall R. Řepriz. 17s. 4d. 4d. Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſ- 12 19 Wyke, alias Weeke, R. (St. Mary.) Repriz. 75. 7d, Bi 5 11 fhop of Wincheſter, art 91 ans 2000, a bollladon Wai sonor brot Il LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Posto ។ Clear Yearly Values King's Books, 7 8 4 St. Bartholomew in Soca Wincheſter V. The KING. Mon. 10 45 Hyde, Propr. 19 6 8 St. Laurence in Wincheſter R. The KING. 60 an bator 16 5 Layneſton, alias Lainſton, R. Penfione ſolut. Vic. de Sper- 2 13 4 fhott ih-6s. 84. Anthony Dawley, Eſq. 1707. Suſanna Merill, Widow, 1737. John Merrill, 1759. Robert Ba- thurſt, Clerk, 1778. 14 14 4 St. Michael in Soca Wincheſter R. united to St. Swithin. Bi- 5 17 II ſhop of Wincheſter. 32 6 8 Moreſted R. Repriz. 35. rod. Pecul. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 6 16 6 St. Peter Chilhull, alias Choeſhill, in Soca Wincheſter, R. 14 9 91 40 Repriz. il. The KING. St. Peter Southgate, Wincheſter, R. and St. John's. Demo- 3.13 3 13 4 liſhed. The KING. bantuan 46 0 oo St, Thomas R. with St. Clements R. R. Ecclef. deftruct. In -13 17 87 Wincheſter. Repriż. 123. 5d. | Biſhop of Wincheſter. 8 St. Swithin's, alias King's Gate in Wincheſter, R, united to St. 6 6 19] 4000 Michaelin Socá. The KING. TI RODONTO * Worthy Mortimer, alias Headbourne Worthy, R.- This Living by the Will of Dr. John Rado a cliffe, dated 13th of September, 1714, as often as it becomes void, is to be beſtowed on a Member of Univerſity College in Oxford, to be nominated by two Divinity Profeſſors, the Mater of Univerſity College, and the Rector of Lincoln College, for the time being, or the major Lart of them." luge 210023 gia WÁ A 12 2008 al 19351,2 se negato a Bookstage O o O 2 O R$ 12 2 8 12 I NOT SOUTHAMP. 1 1, and one was the Man 944 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER Nor IN CHARGE. 10101 ann. including St. Faith's R. "Biſhop of Wincheſter. St. Faith, appropriated to St. Crofs Hoſpital, and joined with it. Pecul. Ibidem. Saint George, Hants; Free Chapel. Biſhop of Winton. St. John's R. in Wincheſter. Biſhop of Wincheſter. Owſlebury Chapel, (St. Andrew,) in the Pariſh of Twyford. In this Deanry is the Chapel of Littleton. (St. Mary Magdalen.ua Ch. of Wincheſter, Propr. and Patr. In this Deanry is the Hoſpital of St. Mary Magdalen, the Maf. terſhip whereof is in the Gift of the Biſhop of Wincheſter. Wincheſter College-hassa Warden, a Schoolmaſter, ten Fel. lows, three Chaplains, an Uler, ſeventy Scholars, fixteen Choriſters, and three Clerks. The Churches now remaining in Wincheſter, are St. Laurence's, St. Maurice’sz St. Thomas's, St. Swithin's, St. John's, St. Bartholomew's, St. Peter's, and St. Michael's. RE oner Bodony ? qodirobot 5.5. belsom 2 o busi 1902 sine tidlsodo anilo elimino 9181 D. Guernſey. I 12 By a Return into the Exchequer in Purſuance of a Writ dated 11 July 27 Hen. VIII, directed to Thomas Compton, Lieute. nant of the Illand of Guernſey, and James Guille, Bailiff there, it appears that the following Spiritual Promotions in that diſtrict were given in upon Oath at the following annual Values,, viz. King's Books. 1. d. **edit: Pearly Tenths St. Peter's Port R. i St. Salveur R. O Lady Caſtle R. 5 St. Sampſon R. 4 Valle V. O 13 4 6 13 4 St. Andrew R. O 13 4 St. Peter du Bones R. 1 2 11 13., 4 St. Martin R. I 3 4 70 Foreſt R. O 14 0 Tortepal d. I 4 I: O: O 1 O O 10 O IO O O O Ο IO 0 6 13 II O O o DIOCESE AT WINCHES T E R. 945 Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. Ο 1ο O оо o I 21 King's Books. 8. d. 5 0 o Torte val R. 5. O Lihow V. 0 1 2 O St. Brioc V. O 0 St. George's Chapel. 30 Lady Mare's Chapel. feel N. B. The Deanry of Guernſey 100l. per ann, is in the Gift of the Governor, as are all the Livings. na Logo 2 O 4 0 SURREY. - MATUM od Piya itu D. Ewell. The Priory of Merton in this Deanry was valued, temp. Henry VIII. in Temporalities and Spiritualities, at the clear annual Sum of 9571. 195. 5d. The Priory of Shene was likewiſe valued at 7771. 125. od.; For Particulars of the Return, vide Liber Regis. Note. The whole County of Surrey is in the Archdeaconry of Surrey. d. 1. S. [ LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 13 15 5 Afhted R. (St. Giles.) Epiſc. pro Próx. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 7 61 pro. Syn. 2s, id. 30 acr. terr, gleb. temp. Hen. VIII. Thomas Howard, Efq. 1698. Earl of Berkſhire, 1742. Hon. Thomas Howard, 1754, 1777, afterwards Earl of Suffolk and Berkſhire. The Biſhop, 1782, p. h. V. 9 3 4. Barnes R. (St. Mary.) Pecul. Pro Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 8d. Ó 18 4 Redd. Domino de Barnes 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London. 19 19 41 BLECHINGLY R. * (St. Mary.) Repriz. null. Sir Robert I 19 11 Clayton, Knt. 1704. William Clayton, Eſq. 1731. Sir Kenrick Clayton, Bart. Sir Robert Clayton, Bart. The KING, 1737, 1775, by Promotion. * Blechingley R. -An Act for difuniting the Re&ory of Blechingley and the Chapel of Horne, 3 & 4 Annæ Reginæ, 6 E Buckland 946 I II O IOS. 7 12 7s. 19. 16 8 Charlewood R. (St. S.). Decano Peculiar 6s. 8d. Wincheſter. Syn. 25. id. Archidiac. Surr. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Thomas ud: cm DIOCESE OF WINCHEST E R. SURREY, King's Books Yearly Tenths. 2. d. 1. s. d. 11 12 11 Buckland R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Wint. pro Syn. 25. Id. 1 3.33 Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. All Souls College, Oxford. 15. 13 4 Burſtow R. (St. Bartholomew.) Pecul. Archiepiſc. pro Prox. 4 270 6s. 8d. The KING. 17 Š Š Chaihame, alias Cheame, alias Weſt Cheam, R. (St. Dunſtan.) I 14 61 Pecul. Archiepiſc. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. Abb. de Ber- 2. mondſey 1l. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 10s. 8d. decim. &c. St. John's College, Oxford. (Nicholas.) Pecul. Ecclefiæ de Charle I 19 8 wood Penſione 10 Thomas Honywood, 1711. Mathew Wiſe, Eſq. 1747, 1749, 1770. Henry Chriſtopher Wiſe, Eſq. 1784. 17 13 111 Chipited, alias Chipſtead, R. (St. Margaret ) Archidiac. 1 15 41 Surr. pro Prox. 75. 7d.j. Epiſc. Winton pro Syn. 25. Tho- mas Moore, Eſq. 1718, 1725. Anthony Nott, Eſq. 1753. 31 Codington V. (St. Mary.) Eccleſia deſtru&ta. Epiſc. Wintono 15 23 pro Prox. s. 7d. Archidiac. Surs, pro Syn, 25. id. Val. per ann, in pecun, nuinerat. fol. per man. Prior, de Merton, Pri. Merton, Impr. No Inſtitution. 12 0 5 Long Ditron R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. 9d. Penſ. I 4 o] Priori Merton il. Val. per. ann. in manſ. gardin. pom. ac 30 acr. terr. gleb. 1l. 109. du. acr. woodland 25. &c. Ann Evelyn, Widow, 1665. 1665. Robert Colemán, Gent. 1714. Jofeph Clarke, 1723. George Elers, Gent. 1758. A 4 Elher R. * (St. George.) Here was formerly a Seat or Palace O 19 10 of the Biſhops of delphia his Wife, 1699. Lord Trevor, and others, 1726. Wadham College, Oxford. Henry James Pye, &c. 1777. 9 2 81 Gatton R. Penl. Priori Lewes il. 105. Epiſc. Winton pro pro O IS O 13 31 Turgis, Eſq. 1668. William Newland, Eſq. 1715., 1733. Sir George Colebrooke, Bart. 1762. The Bithop, by Lapſe, 1769. The KING, by Lapſe, 1775. Horne, alias Hourne Chapel, or R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. 0.9 91 C . Epifc. Winton pro Syn. 25. 1d. pro quiero Redd. 11d.i William Clayton, Esq. 1728. Sir Robert Clayton, Bart. 1780. 5 Leigh, alias Ligth, R. (St. Bartholomew.) This is only a III 01 Curacy. Pri. Newarke in Surr. Propr. Vide inter Poffel- fion. ejuſdem Prioratus. Thomas Scawen, Eſq. ingat bor. V bilan * The Advowſon of Ether was given by Deed to Wadham College, Oxford, by John Latton, Eſq. 1714. Aubrey's Hiſtory of Surrey, vol. HII. + Leigh R. This is only a Curacy, though in the Liber Regis in the Firſt Fruits Office it appears to have been ſurveyed as a a Rectory. obnuga Teitsik Lym- 1385. godine sunt 9 18 4 17 11 Sufr. pro 15 10 p. 123. 3 on De SURREY. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTE R. 947 DOBA bo 1. d. 2 8 5 0 pro Prox. Bart. 1771. 14 14 7 Nutfield R. (St. Peter and Si King's Books. Pearly Ten:bs Xozane wystal etiocinio de do s. 25 5 Lymmifield, alias Limpsfield, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Winton os pro Syn. 2s. Id. Archidiac. Prox. 6s. 3d. Penf. Abb. Battel 25. John Holman and others, 1728. Thomas Mompaſfon and others, 1757. Sir John Greſham, Bart. 1781. Gothing Maldon V. (St. John,) cum Chefilden Cap. Prox. Epiſc. 0 16 6 6s. id. Val. per ann. in manſ. pom. et 18 acr. terr. gleb. decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. boſc. &c. Merton College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. ile bangun 22 18 8. Meſtham, alias Merſtham, R. (St. Catharine.) Pecul. Archi 2 4 2 diac. Surr. pro Prox. & Syn. 6s. 8d. Pro quieto Redd. 1S. 4d. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. M 12V borgarbo 13 Oo Mickleham R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. Winton 75.7d. 1 6o Archidiac. Surr. pro Syn. 25. id. 14 acr. un. rod. et dim. terr. gleb. decim. &c. Sir John Parſons, Knt. 1698. Tho- mas Walton, Gent. p. h. v. 1744. Sir John Hynde Cotton, BOTTOM 1701 7 Morden R. Archidiac. pro Syn. and Prox. 8s.gd. Val. in 0 15 31 manſ. gardin. pom. ac 12 acre terr. gleb. per ann. 165. &c. George Garth, Esq. 1670. Richard Garth, Eſq. 1725, 1744. Charles Peers, Eſq. 1778. I 9 51 25. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 7d. William Hollingworth was Patron for two Lives, and afterwards Jeſus College, Oxon. and Mr. Turner alternately. Joſeph Cook and his Wife, 1731. Jeſus College, Oxford, 1759. Jeſus College, Oxon. and William Wynne, Henry Haitell, and William Thomas. 24 6 oị Oxtead R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. pro Syn. 25. id. Archidiac. 8 7 pro Prox. 6s. 8d. William Hoſkins, Elq. 1705, 1746. 10 7 o Saunderſted R. (All Saints.) Archidiac. pro Prox. 75.73 O 14 Epiſc. pro Syn. 25. Id. Oliver Atwood, 1678. George Atwood, Gent. 1705. John Atwood, Eſq, 1734. Atwood Wigfell, Eſq. 1778. 13 11 3 Stoke Daberon, alias Dalborn, R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. pro [ 7 11 Prox. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. pro Syn. 25. id. Sir Francis Vincent, Bart. 1690. 1732, 1770. 911 51 Walkinſted V. with Godſtone R. (St. Nicholas.) Epiſc. pro O 19 I Syn. 2s. Id. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 7 dni Val. clare per sowia 34 ann. in omn. profic. &c. Pri. Tanrigg habet dimid. Rector. 1: Horn de Walkinſted. Pri. Leyſnes in Kent habct alteram partem. George Evelyn, Efq. 1675. Charles Saunderſon, Gent. 1715. Edward Evelyn, Eſq. 1730. John Garth, Eſq. 1-6. Anne Elizabeth Boone, Spinſter, 1781. I 2 II 2 O 6 E 2 War- 948 SURREY. DIOCESE or WINCHESTE R. lo s. 1. So 090 IT 7 O Open Mary Overy, Impr. John Leigh, Eſq. 1680. Sir John nete. King's Books. Yearly Tentlis. d. de II 12 11 Warlingham, V. (All Saints,) with Chelſham Chapel, (St. I 3 3 3 Leonard.) Epiſc. pro Syn. 25. Id. Archidiae. Surr. pro & Prox. 75. 7d.1 Mon. Bermondſey, Propr. George Atwood, 07 Gent. 1715. John Atwood, Eſq. 1728. Atwood Wigſell, 11. Efq. 1778. 35 2 II Wimbleton R.* (St. Mary.) Impropriation. Archidiac. pro 3 10 33 Syn. and Prox. 6s. 8d. 25 acr. et un virgat. terr. gleb. ad. valor. 11. 55. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 6. Woodmanſtone, alias Woodmanſtern, R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. 1 2 g 150 o pro Prox. 75. 7d. Archidiac. pro Syn. 25. 1d. Penſ. Pri. Sanétæ Mariæ Overy il. Val. in manſ. cum 30 acr. terr. di arabil. per ann. 21. decim. &c. The KING. Dords LIVING'S DISCHARGED. 2005 3809b mi Clear learly Veslue, King's Bocks, 30 o 0 Adington V. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. pro Syn. 25. id. Mon. of 4. 16 53 Kno. 1709. Sir John Leigh, Knr. 1725. John Ben- not exceeding 50 Banſted V. (All Saints.) Epiſc. 75. 7d.1 Archidiac. Surr. 13 8 71 2 s. id. Vic. cum parv. pom. gardin. et un, acr. rerr. val. per ann. in decim. vac. vitul. agn. &c. Mon. of St. Mary Overy, Propr. Frances Noys, Widow, 1663. Charles Buckle, Ela. 1714 Chriſtopher Buckle, Eſq. 1725, 1754. 44 oo o Buckwoorth, alias Beachworth, V. (St. Michael.). Mon. of ý 8.111 St. Mary Overy, Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor. 45 o Cartran, alias Catterham, R. (St. Laurence.) Epiſc. pro Syn. 8 o 0 1 ] 25. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 7d. I 75. 70.Abb. Waltham in Effex, Propr. Propr. George Roffey, Gent. 1705. Samuel Ruffel, not exceeding Efq. 1734. Joſeph Hodgkin, Eſq. 1776. Chaldon R. (St. Peter.) Epiſc. Winton pro Syn. 25. id. Ar: 7 10 72 chidiac. pro Prox. 75. 7d. George Kettleby, Gent. 1684. George Vernon, Eſq. 1926. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 1742. Anne Piggott, Widow, 1780. 9 6 8 Coveham, alias Cobham, V. (St. Andrew.) Archidiac. pro Syn. 9 17 11 Mon. Chertſey, Impr. William Inwood, Gent. 0 0 500 o Chaldon 23. Id. * Wimbleton is ſupplied by a Curate at the Appointment of the Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, the impropriators. It was appropriated with many other of the greateſt Benefices fince 1534. Putney (St. Mary) is a Chapel fupplied by the Appointment of the ſaid Dean and Chapter of Wor. cefter: it was annexed, temp. Hen. VIII, to the Rectory of Wimbleton, and let upon Leaſe at 121. per 24u, 1677 SURREY, 949 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. O Clear l'early Value, King's Books. 1. so di I. do 1677: William Weſtor., Clerk, 1700, 1713. William Mount, p, h. y. 1728. Henry Perkins Weſton, Eſq. 1778. 45 0 CROYDON V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pecul. Penf. Abb. de Ber. 21 18 9 mondſey 5h 6s, 8d. Redd. Manfon. 2d. Val. per ann. in decim. vac. 120 equor. molend. agn.. lan. cunic. porc. anc, cer, mel. &c. Mon, Bermondſey, Propre Archbiſhop of Canterbury, 46 o o Ebeshame, alias EpsoME, V. (St. Martin,) pro Syn. & Penf. 89.93 25. id. Vak, in manf. cum gardin. et 15 acra terrgleb. cum decint. ov. lac. Jan. agn. porc. arc. pom. cera mel, fily. ced. 149&c. Mon. Chertſey, Propr. Richard Evelyn, Efq. 1669. O Sir Ch. Buckle, Knt. Ch. Buckle, Efq. and John Lewknor, Eſq. 1704. John Parkhurſt, Eſq. 1725. John Parkhurſt, M. A. p. i. 1782. 24 O O EWELL V. * (St. Mary.) The KING, 1663, 1676, 1696, 8. o 1722. Robert Lewen, Eſq. 1752. Val. in denar. annuat. rec. de rector. et proprietar. ibid. 8). Sir George Glynn, O Bart. 1777: 45 Oo Lider 50 O 1 O 75. 6d. Farlie, alias Farley, R. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. Surr. pro 4 16 51 Prox. 35. Epifc, pro Syn. 25. 1d. Merton College, Oxford. o Harlie, alias Horley, v: (St. Bartholomew.) Epiſc. pro Syn. 14 oi 25. 1d. Mon. Chertſey, Propr. The Governors of Chriſt's Hoſpital, London, 45 0 o Hedley. R. Epiſc. Winton 75. id. 12 acr. terr. gleb. deciin. 8 7 6 &c. John Stydolph, Eſq. 1686. Margery Stydolph, Widow, 1710. Charles Edwin, Eſq. 1743. The KING, by Lapſe, 1771: 40 o o Karſalton, alias Carſhalton, V. (All Saints.) Epifc. pro Prox. II 126 Archidiac. pro Syn. 25. Id. Val. in manſ. cum 30 aer: terr. gleb. in decim. major. & minor. &c. Pri. Marten, Propr. Henry Byne, Gent. 1674, 1690, 1703, Cha. Byne, Efq: 1725. Anne and Henry Byne, 1759. Joſeph 1 Roſe, Gent. p. h. v. 1776. 34 7 o Kingston upon Thames V. (All Saints.) Archidiac. pro Prox. 20 n. 25. 6d. Val. in decimn. gran. molend, anc. porc. colluin. ov. canab. fruct. gardin. boſc. tegul. vac. vel. mel. cer. oſ. pul. &c. Mon. Harding, Eſq. 1712, 1725. George Hardinge, Esq. 1778. , Mon. Marten, Propr. Nicholas oo o Lethered, alias Leatherhead, V. (St. Mary and St. Nicholas.) 14 6 01 Archididac. pro Syn. & Prox. 95. 8d. Val. in decim. 8d. [ Val. in decim. gran, a:v! 0 6 3 75. 7d. { S: n. under 50 0 SE * Ewell V.-The Survey in Offic. Rem. Primitiar. et Decimarum, fays this Rectory was appropri- ated to the Priory of Newark in Surrey; but from Regiſt. Wykeham, fol. 130, it appears to have been appropriated to the Abby of Chertſey, Jan. 9.50 DIOCESE OF WINCHES T E R. SURREY. 2 Cranmer, Eſq. 1779. (lear Yearly Value. King's Books, lo so d. b. d. lan. agn. porc. anc. vitul. columb. cap. lac. ov. mel. &c. Mon. Leeds in Kent, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, 1767. 35 O O Micham, alias Mitcham, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archi- 10 diac. pro Syn. 25. id. Epiſc. pro Prox. 75. 7d. Eccleſiæ Cant. pro quieto Redd. 8d. Pri. Sanctæ Mariæ Overy 25. Val. per ann. in manf. gardin. pom. 8 acr. terr. gleb. decim. foen. vac. vitol, lin. fab. porc. anc. fruct. &c. Mon. of St. Mary Overy, Propr. James Cranıner, Gent. 1717. James Ο ΙΟ under 45 O O RYGATE V.* (St. Mary Magdalen.) Epifc. pro Syn. 25. id. 20 5 5 Archidiac. Surr. pro Prox. 75. 7d. Pri. Sanctæ Mariæ Overy, Propr. Roger James, Eſq. 1697. Edward Thur- land, Eſq. 1708. Robert Lambert, D. D. and the Maſter and Preſident of St. John's College, Cambridge, h. v. 1728. Grace Bird, Widow, 1732. Richard Fleetwood, 1740. Thomas Barnard and John Smith, 1781. Richard Fleet- wood, p.i. 1782. Folio 500 oo Tattesfield, alias Tattersfield, R. Epiſc. pro Syn. 2s. id. pro 5 o 5 Prox. 55. pro Penſione il. 135. 4d. Sir Marmaduke Grelham, Bart. 1667. Sir Charles Greſham, Bart. 1715. John Hol- man, ſen. Eſg. John Auſtin, Eſq. and John Kirrill, Eſq. h. v. 1728. Thomas Mompeflon and John Godfrey, 1757 not exceeding Sir John Greſham, Bart. 1766. 50 0 0 Walton on the Hill R. (St. Peter,) cum Chelſam Capella. 12 Archidiac. pro Cenſu gs. 8d.} Vål. per ann. in manſ, cum 30 acr. terr. gleb. un. gardin. ad valor. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Nicholas Carew. Eſq. 1690. Sir Nicholas Carew, 1743. Sir Thomas Hankey, Knight, p. h. v. 1746. William Pel- latt, Eſq. 1776, p. h. v. The Collegiate Church of Lyngfeld was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be of the clear yearly Value, in Rents of Ma- nors, &c. of 751. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. 6 51 * RYGATE-Here were formerly three Chapels : one is a Barn and Oatmeal Mill; one a Market Houſe and Seſſions Houſe; and one a Dwelling Houſe. Not 951 Efe Cla SURREY. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. NOT IN CHARGE., Donors bagi St. Anne's Kew Green Chapel, in the Pariſh of Kingſton ; now a diſtinct Pariſh. George Hardinge, Eſq. Patr. 51. certi- fied Value. Burrough, a Chapel in the Pariſh of Banſted; now a Barn. Capel Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Knights Templars, Propr. Crowhurſt Vic. or Cur. (St. George.) Pri. Tanrigg, Propr. Lingfield Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) ad St. Paul.) Olim a College. Earl and Counteſs of Effingham, 1764. Merton Cur. (St. Mary.) Formerly a Priory there. Henry Newton, Eſq. Mr. Johnſon. Mortlack, Chapel to Wimbledon ; now a diſtinct Pariſh. Can- tuar. Pecul. Dean and Chapter of of Worceſter. Faſt Moulſey Chapel, in Kingſton Pariſh. George Hardinge, Eſq. Weſt Moulſey Cur. Lord Biſhop of Wincheſter nominates to Weſt Moulſey. Corpus Chriſti College, Oxon. 61. 65: 8d, clear Value.. 40 Peterſham Chapel, (St. Peter,) in the Pariſh of Kingſton. Geo. . 1 Hardinge, Eſq. do 1977 Richmond Chapel, (St. Mary Magdalen,) in the Pariſh of ar Kingſton; now a diſtinét Pariſh. George Hardinge, Patr. Tanridge Vič. or Cur. Pri. Tanridge, Propr. Elizabeth Fuller, Anne Badger, and Lætitia Fuller, 1726. Heirs of Mr. Fuller. Thames Ditton Chapel, (St. Nicholas,) in the Pariſh of King- fton ; now a diſtinct Pariſh. George Hardinge, Eſq. Patr. Woldingham Dons or Cur. Pri. Merton, Propr. Humphry l'arſons, Efq. 1725 urange, Eſq. ܒܓܝܢ 1. South: 9.52 SURRER. DIOCE.SE o WINCHEST I R, - D. Southwark. denn A Bode The Temporal and Spiritual Poffefſions of the Monaſtery of -Berinondſey, in this Deanry, were returned by the Commiſ- fioners to be worth clear.commun. ann. 4741. 145. 4d.net The Hoſpital of St. Thomas in Southwark was likewiſe returned ai 2661. 175. 11d. 78.org The Priory of St. Mary Overy was likewiſe returned at 6241. The Priory of Rigate was likewiſe returned at 681. 165. Sd. The Priory of Tanridge, alias Tanryge, was likewiſe returned at 781. 165. rod. For Particulars of the Incomes and Deductions, vide Liber Regis. More 1. d. 2. S LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, lidostao s Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 13 15 21 Batterſea V. (St. Mary.) Mon. Weſtminſter, Propr. Sir 7 64 Walter St. John, Bart. 1675, 1701. Lord St. John, 1739.1 Lord Viſc. Bolingbroke, 1758. Richard Gardnor, and Sam. Thompſon, 1778. 13 16 8. Bedington R.* (St. Mary) Epiſc. pro Syn. gs. 8d. Sir Ni- 1 78 cholas Carew, 1684. Nicholas Carew, Eſq. 1708. Sir Nicholas Hacket Carew, Bart. 1745. William Pellatt, Eſq. p. i. 1783 1 Bedington Portion. (St. Mary.) In Lay Hands 0 17 21 15 8 111 Bermondſey R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Penf, Abb. Bermond- I 10 103 ſey 14. 6s. 82. Epiſc. pro Syn. 25. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 7d.{ Edward Trapps, Eſq. 1662. James Gray, 1696. William Browning Tanner, 1723. William Ham, bley, Eſq. 1744. Thomas Hambley, Clerk, 1777, on his Petition, being Patron. Camberwell V. ($t. Giles.) Epiſc. pro Syn. 25. id. Mon. 200 Bermondſey, Impr. Anne Billingley, p. h. v. 1691. Sir William Bowyer, Bart. 1728. John Thornton, Eſq. 1769. 8 1 2 20 de booslo78139 tada * Bedington R. and Portionary, in the Liber Regis are in Dec. Ewell, 22 Clapham , 933 OF WINCHESTER . S. I 18 13 9 O 32 15 71 Lambeth Rais(St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro quiero Red. 31. 6s. 7&c. 8s. 5d. Penſ. Abb. de Chertſey 135. 43. Robert Ma. SURREYDIOCESE King's Books. Yearly Teaths, ho d. I. d. S * 10 Clapham R. (Holy Trinity) Archidiac. pro Prox. 75, 7d. 0 16 Epiſc . pro Syn. 25. 1d. Sir Richard Atkins, 1663. Tady Rebecca Atkins, 1705. Sir Henry Atkins, 1727. Sir Ri- chard Atkins, 1753: 21 16 54 Cellerdon R. * (St. John Evangelint.) Epifc. Winton pro Syn. 2 3 71 Id. Archidiac. pro Pro pro Prox. 7s. 70.1 Archbiſhop of Can- St. George's in SOUTHWARK R. Penl. Abb. Berinondſey il. I 17 42 250 Epiſc. pro Syn. 2s. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. 7s. 70.1 The KING... 3 5 6 -8din Epiſc. Roffen. pro Penf. 23. d. Epifc. Winton pro Syn. 25. id. Archidiac I pro Pioxd43.7dArchbiſhop of Canterbury. doman 16 oo Newington R. (St. Mary.) Pecul. Archidiac. Sürr. pro ' i 12 Prox: 63. 8d. Bilhop of Worceſter. 10 B 68 4 91 St. Olave's in Southwark R. Epiſc. pro Syn. 75.. 78.1 Aro 6 16 51 chidiac. pro Prox. 1756-474.2. Penli-Pri Lewes KING. 18 0 0 Rotherhill, alias Rotherhith, R. (St. Mary:) . Epiſc. pro Syn. I 16 25. 1di Archidiace pro Prox. 57.2 Penh. . Ber: mondſey 1l. John Strong, Efg. 1681. Humphrey Whad cock, Gent. 17114 Clare Hall, Cambridge. 18 13 9 Stretham, alias Streatham, R. (St. Leonard.) Prox. 25. 70.1 I 17 41 Syria Archidiac.7.90 Lady Elizabeth Howland, 1910. Duke of Bedford, p. ivota noite 16 18 4 Sutton Roubo (St. Nicholası). Epifc. 8 Archidiac.' pro syna I 13 10 ſon, Efq. 1685. Lady Malon, 1690. Henry Eliffe, Era.it 1745. Margaretta Eleanora Cliffe, 1767. 717 31 Titſey R. Epiſc. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. Archidiac. pro Syn. o 15 25. id. Sir Marmaduke Greſham, Bart. 1690. Sir Charles Greſham, Bart. 1715. Sir Marmaduke Grelham, 1726. . Sir John Greſham, Bart. 1776. 8 61 Toting Parva, alias Gravenny, R. (St. Nicholas.) Penf. Pri. 0 16 10 Stæ Mariæ Overy 15s. Prox. and Syn. 25. 1d. Epiſc. pro Viſitatione 25. 5d. Sir William Turner, 1686. James Bateman, Efq. 1720. Marja Lethulier, Widow, 1730. jabolix Stasi in 2011 13 000 ora 200 O O **?"742 Perfo Pri. Lewes 4l. The o 1 * Culleſdon R. is in the Līber Regis placed in D. Ewell. + Sutton R. in the Liber Regis is placed in D. Ewell. 1 Titſey R. in thở Làber Regis is placed in D. Ewell: ons te online 122) 6F Robert 954 SURREY. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTE R. King's Books. l'early Tenthsa 1. d. ܕܐ . Call Saints Boites personer och I 10 61 Robert Burrow, Eſq. and Francis Gregg, Gent. p. h. v. 1769. 15 5. 5 Wandſworth V. (All Saints.). Epiſc. pro Syn. 25. id. Ar- chidiac. pro Prox. 75. 7d.1 Mon. Weſtminſter, Propr. Thomas Andrew, Eſq. 1687. Anne Jackſon, and others, 1736. Thomas Andrew Ackworth, Eſq. 1778. 20 TB bibit NoT IN CHARGE. SAN bu Chriſt Church R. in Southwark. John Rich, and others; 1713. Truſtees of the Will of John Marſhall, 13 in unm- ber. Biſhop of Wincheſter, by Lapſe, 1771... Sarile Draper's Alms Houſes Chapel in Blackmore Street, Southwark, in St. George's Pariſh, Drapers Alms Houſes Chapel at Newington Butts, in Newing- ton Pariſh. Dulwich Hoſpital or College, in Camberwell Pariſh. or brinis St. John Horlydown, Southwark, R. 200l. per ann. The KING. Marſhalſea Chapel in Southwark, in St. George's Pariſher marts St. Peter's Hoſpital Chapel in Southwark. 2 tools St. Thomas's Hoſpital in Southwark. Governors of the Hof- pital. St. Saviour's, alias St. Mary Overies, Cur.. Olim the Priory Church in Southwark. Two Chaplains choſen by the Pa. riſhioners in a ſelect Veſtry at rool. per annum each, King's Bench Chapel in St. George's Pariſh. son bike Fithmonger's Chapel in St. George's Pariſh. Chuqca adol.1371.Di dalla tubrog 110 euro bosVI. . 1. D. Stoke. set baids Hestato swofino broj 8 The Monaſtery of Chertſey, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear, annual Value of 659. qarli The Priory de Novo Loco, alias Newark, was likewiſe returned at-2587. 114. 11d. 1 The Monaſtery of Waverley was likewiſe returned at 1746 toimia. For the Particulars of the Temporalities, &c. vide Liberi di Regis. LIVINGS 155. 82.3 8d 8s. 3d. SUAREY. CESE OR WINCHESTER 955 Women 3d LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Ténths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. I I2 13 1 1 8 11 Abinworth, alias Abinger, R. (St. James.) Prox. and Syn. 4 94 Archidiac. Surr. gs. 8d. 1 Manf. cum. ort. gardin. diverſ. terr. arab. prat. paſc. &c. George Evelyn, Efq. 1690. Sir John Evelyn, Bart. 1752, 1764. 17 12 81 Aldbury, alias Alderbury, R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) I 15 31 Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 75. 5d. 30 acr. terr. arab. voc. gleb. &c. Earl of Aylesford, 1780. 6 11 3 Alford, alias Awfold, R. 5 Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. Surr. 58. id. Manſ. & gardin, cum' ort. & 2 acr. terr. gleb. Chriſtopher Coles, Gent. 1694. Mary Strudwick, 1715. Betty Strudwick, Widow, 1764. 495 91 361 Archdeaconry of Surrey *, erected before the Year 1120. Vide Orig. Surv. Biſhop of Wincheſter. anda 1120:1.9 2 44 15 18 11] Àſh R. (St. Peter,) with Frimley Chapel. Penf. Abb, de I II ICH Chartſey 55. Próx. and Syn. Archidiac. 95. 8d Mantense cum ort. gardin diverſ, terr, &c. Wincheſter College. 6 39 Aſum, alias Haſcombe R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. Ar- 0 12 41 chidiac. 58.-1d. Manf. cum ort. gardin. cert. terr. &c. John Wright, 1694. Thomas Delahay, Eſq. 1708. Sir John Frederick, Bart. 1734. John Serocold, Eſq. .p. h. v. 8 Bifleet R. (St. Mary,)-olim cum. Cap. Wixley. Prox, Archi 0.19 : 2 diac. 55. Id. Manf. cum ort. 20 acr. terr. gleb. &c. The KING. 7 16 8 Brilley, alias Biſhley, alias Biſley, R. (St. John Baptift.) 0 15 8 Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 25. id. Manf. cum ort. gardin. &c. Lord Lanſdown, Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. and Charles Halſted, Eſq. 1713. Abel Walter, Eſq. 1738, 1948. - Lord Onflow, 1779. 13 13 4 Chartsey, alias CHERTSEY, V. (All Saints.)Prox. and - Syn. Archidiac. 25. Id. Firm. manſ. cum ort. & diverſ, terr. prát: ac paſtor. unacum b paſtur. unacum boſc. & fübboſc. ac decim, tam major. quam minor. Mon. Chartſey, Impr. Sir Charles Orbey, Bart. 1 Robert Hunter, Eſq. 1725 Hen- 1780. 9 II 120 o O ܝܬܕ I 74 Archdeaconry of Surrey has the Rectory of Farnham in Surrey, Chapelry of Fremeſham, or Frontham, (St. Mary,) and the Chapelry of Bentley in Chapelry of Bentley in co, Southampt, the Chapelries of E.Ited (St. James) and Sele, alias Seale, in Surrey. 250l. per annum. 6 F 2 rietta 956 SURREY, DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER 26 17 and 0 IO 2 1 13 10 1 O IC , 10 6 101 Eaſt Clandon R. Prox. Wenchandon R. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 85. od. Manſ. , King's Books, King Yearly Tenths, d. 1. rietta Hunter, and others, 1737, Thomas Orby Hunter, 1758. 4 y Chidingfold R.* (St. Mary,) with Haſemere Chapel. Prox. 2 12 5 Syn. Archidiac. 85. od. Manf. cum ort. & diverf. terr. 390 arab. &c. The Dean of Saliſbury. Chobam, alias Chobham, V. (St. Laurence.) Prox, and Syn. I 2 Archidiac. 25. Id. Firm. manfi cum ort. ac decim. terr. DO prat. ac paſt. unacum decim. ta tam major. quam minor. Mon. Chartſey, Impr, James Zouch, Eſq. 1690. Abel Wal- Eſq. 1748. Lord Onflow, 1779. Prox. and. Syn. Archidiac. gs. 8d. I o81 Manf. cum ort. gardin. 16 acr. terr. gleb, &c. Thomas 10 Heath, Efq. 1707. Richard Heath, Efq. 1717. Sit Pe ter King, Lord Chief Juſtice, 1720. , 1720. Lord King, 1,729. 7 cum ort. cert. terr. arab. &c. Lordi Onllow, 17251750. 15 4 91 Compton R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syno Archidiac. gs. P 10 52 8d. Maní. & gardin. com ort. &c. Edward Fulham, S. T. P. 1684. George Fulham, S. T. P. 1702. John Fulham, Eſq. 1715, 1922. 1715, 1.722. ”James: Mathias and James Clerembault, p. p. h. V. 1777 20. 18 11 Cranley R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. of 2 1 .. " E 94 8d. Manf. cum ort. gardin. 90-acri terf. gleb. &c. Sir 3.704. Sarah. Cheynell, Widow, -1734. Charles- Dymoke Willaume, Eſq. 1765. 14 13 11] DARKING, alias. DORKING, V. (St. Martin.) Prox. and Syno. Il gia 48 Archidiac, 25. id. Firm. manf. cum. ort. & diverfo tefr. prat. paſc. & paftur. eid. vic. pertin. unacum decim. tam major. quam minor. Pris Rygateji Impr..! Sir Johne fons, Knight, 1.705. Thomas Walton, Merchant, 1744. Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart, and Dame Anne his Wife, - 1-767 12 071 Dunsfold, alias Dunsford, R. (St. Marya). Prox. and Syn. 1 4 0 3:39 Id. Manf. cum ori cert. terr: araba &c. 55. The KING. II 97. Egham V.. (St. John Baptiſt) Prox, and Syns Archidiac: 28. 2 111 nowo ide Firm. manf. cum ort. & 50 acr. torr. prat, & paſtur. - sito son: sunacum decim, tam major. quam-minok. eid. vigare pertin.se per annum. Mon. Chartſey, Impr. John Thyone, Eſq. 2012 1977110 going to handlad slator Don 20 Archidiac. 1 2919 I * Chidingfold.--In this Pariſh is the Borough of Hallemere (St. Bartholomew). 1662, SURREY. DIOCESE OF WINCH E S T E R. 957 I 4 8 0 21 IO 2 3 od 23 17 II 0 . Secondly, That he or his Curates ao . King's Books King Yearly Tenths, d. 1. . 1661. The Biſhops 1725. James Seawen, Efq. 1771, : 1774 I % 7 31 Ewhurſt R. (St. Peter and St. Paut.) Penf. Prior. de Marten. 150 Hl. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 95. Ed.; Manſ, cum ort. gardin 32 acr. terr. gleb. &c. The KING. 29 5 5 FARNHAM V.* (St. Andrew.) Firm. manf. cum ort. & gar- 2 18 6 din. ac cert. terr. prat. paſc. & paftur. unacum decim. tam major. quam minor. Archdeaconry of Surrey, Propr. and Patr. 5 Fetcham R. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. gs. 88.1 Manſ. cuin ort. gardin. 28. acr. & dim: terr. gleb. &c. Arthur Moore, Eſq. 1719. Thomas Revell, Eſq. 1737. Sir George Warren, p. i. 1772. GODALMYN, alias GODALMYNG, V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) 2 7 91 250 Archidiac. pro Prox, and Syn. 2s. id. Val. in manſ. cum ort. & diverſ. terr. adjacen. unacum decim. tam major. quam minor. Dean of Salisbury, Propr, and Patr. 6 7 11 Hamuldon, alias Hambledon. R. (St. Peter.) Prox, and Syn. o 12 91 Archidiac. . id. Manſ. cum ort. & gardin. &c. William Elliot, Eſq. 1702. The Biſhop, 1723. Francis Elliott, eos en 1742, 1756.. Earl of Radnor. 12 16 51 Eaſt Horſley Riti (St. Martin.) Pecul. Repr. null. Manſ. I 5 73 . CUTÁ Oft gardin &c. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Weft Horſley R. (St. Mary:) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. gs. 2 581 8dit Manf. cum' ort: & gardin. &c Jobo Nicholas, Eſq. 1715. Edward Nicholas, Eſq. 1725. Henry Weſton, Efq. 1758. Henry Perkins Weſton, Eſq. 1770. 5 5 St Mary's in GUILFORD R. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. : "9. Í 4. 6] id. Manſ. cum ort. gardin. cert. terr. &c. The KING. 8 182 4. Newdigate R. (St. Peter.) Prox. and Syn. Atchidiac. 85. 85 0 17 10 Manſ. cum ork. gardin. 2 acr. terr. gleb. &e. The KING Oldendol chete * Farnham V... Augmented by. Dr. George Morley, táte Biſhop of Wincheſter, with 201. per an num upon Conditions : First, -That the Vicar ſhall always refidé upon; this Vicarage, notwithſtanding the Comtnori' Prayer evēry Day in the Week, Morning and Evening.. Thirdly, That he or his Curates fliall.catecbife, the Children and Ser. vants of this Pariſh every Sunday. Itérti , He gives iol. per anmuin, to the Vicarage of Horiwell , upon Condition the Vicarage Houſe and Tythes be reſtored to the Church Bifhop Kennet's Caſe of Im.. propriations, p. 294, 295109 odos aqui vahiss old 7. Eaft Horſley formerly belonged to the Biſliop of Exeter. Leland's Itin. vol. VII.p.70 I St. Mary and St. Trinity Rectories in Guildford, were united by Act of Parliament 10 &11 Wil. lielmi: 11I. being augaiented by Dr. Morley, late Biſhop of Wincheiter, and Sir Ríctiaid Onſloni ſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations; AppeAdix} P; $t. St. Nicholas 22 17 I I 2 200 o 200 O od Bic 958 DIOCES E OF WINCHES TE R. SURREY, 21 o o II 2 I --- II 12 1 I edas no ). . &c. . . . 8 18 1į Send V. (SE ANG. diac. ore King's Books. Yearly Tenths :I.S d. O 10 St. St. Nicholas GUILFORD R. Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. 2 2 I 250 gs. 8d.] Manſ. cum ort. gardin. diverſ. terr. arab. prat. &c. The Dean of Saliſbury. 16 is Archidiac. 8s. 9d. Manſ. cum ort. & 95 acr. terr. gleb. Clare Hall, Cambridge. Okeham, alias Ockham, R. (All Saints.) Prox, and Syn. i 2 2 Archidiac. 6s. Id. Manf. cum ort::gardin: 50 acr. terr. gleb. &c. Sir Peter King, Lord Chief Juſtice of the Com- mon Pleas, 1716. Lord. King, 1737, 1764, 1785. 5 Oking, alias Woking, V. (St. Peter.) Repr. null. Firm. I tam mājor. quam minor. Pri. Newarke, Propr., James 11 Zouch, Eſq. 1699. John Walter, Eſq. 1730. Lord On- flow, p. i. 1784. II 17 II Puttenham R. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum Cap. Woxborough, 3 91 130 or Warnborough, (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. and Syn. Ar- chidiac. il. 85. 8d. Manſ. cum ort. & gardin. ac cert. prat. &c. Archidiac. 25. id. Val. in manf. cum ort. & cert. terr. arab. prat. & paft. unacum decim. tam major. quam minor. OIS Pri. Newarke, Propr. Sir Richard Styles, 1694, 1701. Lord Onflow, 1736, 1763. 26 I 51 Shire, alias Sheire, R. (St. James) Prox. and Syn. Archi 2 12 12 * Manf. cum ort. & 80 acr. terr. gleb. &c. Meneage Lord Finch and William Finch, Efq. 1714. Robert Pountney, Gent. 1746. George Bray, Clerk, 2 1764. 18 O 5 Stoke near Guilford R. (St. John Evangelift.). Prox, and 1,168 of Syn. Archidiac. 95. 8d. Manf. cum ort. cert, terr. arab. &c. William Coleworth, Eſq. 1712. John Ruſſell, 1749.1 o Ruſſell, and others, 1766. Peter Lafargue, in Clerk, 1785. dois 775. aasvib 5 13 4 Thorpe V. (St. Mary.) Repr. null. Firm, manſ. cum ort... 0 11 4 & gardin. ac. diverf. terr. arab. prat. & paſtur. upacum de- cim. tam major. quam minor. The KING. Abb. Chert. fey, Propr. II 11 of St. Trinity in Guilford R.* united to St. Mary's, Guilford. 3 15 T loto bi se da 2101132 oni bil 1912 ? Prox. 01:3012 vanil. W ODIO quarto di otan yang sdn balisa uler dine e * There are two Chapels in the Pariſh of St. Trinity in Guilford, one in the Hoſpital founded by Wago TOP 20 b3 bal toooti Ho NOYDA Archbiſhop Abbot, the Chaplain whereof is appointed by five Truſtees, viz, the Mayor of Guilford, che Sirles, 1994 , 17 93. 82.1 Catherine R colo 700 o ADE SURREY, DIOCESE OP WINCHESTER, 959 King's Books o 120 O o 10 O the. Rector of St. Trinity, the Vice Maſter Yearly Tenths. le so do 1. s. startin, do Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 75. id. Manf. cum ort. gardin. 048 cert, terr. &c. The KING. 7 5 Weybridge R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. O 14 o 75. id. Manf. cum ort. gardin. &c. The KING. 9 7 Windleſham, vulgò Winſham, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Prox. I 0111 130 and Syn. Archidiac. 75. Id. Manf. cum ort. diverſ. terr. prat. &c. The KING, 24 13 9 Worpleſdon R.* (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. gs. . 29. 43 8d.1 62 acr. terr. gleb. &c. Eton College. Vide Act of Parliament 3 and 4 W. and M. 12 18 9 Wotton R. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Syn. Archidiac. 95. 8d.j 1 5 101 Manf. cum ort. gardin. cert. terr. arab. &c. Sir John Eve- lyn, Bart. 1739. Sir Frederick Evelyn, Bart. 1778. 1600 LIVINGS. DISCHARGED. tofad Clear Yearly Value. 8 King's Books. 35:00. Bokeham Magna, alias Bookham, V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 79.17 3] and Syn. Archidiac. 25. Id. Firm. manf. cum ort. & gardin. & 10 acr. terr. arab. prat. paſc. & paftur. boſc. ſubboſc. &c. Mon. Chertſey, Impr. Samuel Rouſe, 1661, 1668. Ar- thur Moor, Eſq. 1728. William Moor, 1737; Vice Ad- miral Geary, 1769. sad sustina o Bokeham Parva, alias Bookham Parva, R. Prox. and Syn, 25. 6 157 Id. Manf. cum ort. gardin. 18 aer. terr. gleb, &c. Sir Benjamin Madox, Bart. 1670. Bart. 1670. John Pollen, Efq. 17258 Edward Pollen, Efq., 1728. Thomas Pollen, Clerk, 1777. . 28 o Effingham V. (St. Laurence.). Repr. null. Firm, manf. cum7.18 9 бо о о major . quam minor. The KING. Pri. Marten, Impr. ort . & 10 acr. terr. arab. prat. ac paſtur. unacum deciin, tam 48 16 71 Merowe, alias Merrow, R. (St. John Evangelift.) Penſ. Prio- 9 O 21 riffæ Ivingho 2l. 135. 4d. Prox. 95. 8d. Manf. cum ort. diverſ. terr. arab: &c. Lord Onſlow, 1751, 1763: The * Biſhop, 1784, p.hey. So in den vorban own -- 2030 biol Trinity, if an unmarried Man, may make the Maſterſhip his Option without any Election. The other . Chapel is in the Hoſpital, called the Spittle, the Chapel whereof is turned into a Woodhouſe. * Worpleſdon R.-The Advowfou hereof ſettled on Eton College by Parliament. Antig of Surrey, vol. III. p. 321.01.htm se by way of Exchange by an Act of a Story Ogie 1 Peper- aper 45o O 960 DIOCESE OF WINCHES TE R. SURREY, S. I. 48 O 60 o 20 o cum &c. Lord Middleton, p.1. 1769. sa Unacum decim.. de ., Archdeacon of Surrey. Clear learly l'alue. King's Bookse 1. d. uder 50 0 o Peperharrowe, alias Pepperharrow, R. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 6 7 6 and Syn. 75. Id. Manf. cum ort. gardin. 40 acr. terr. gleb. o Shalford V. (St. Mary) with Bromley Chapel. Prox, and Syn. 8 4 71 95. 8d.] The KING. Hoſp. Bethlem extra Biſhopſgate, London, Propr. Val. in manf. cum ort. gardin. ac cert. . terr. prat. & paſtur. unacum decim, tam major. quam minor. 6 8 Walton upon Thames V. (St. Mary.) Repr, null. Firm. 12 13 4. 60 manſ. cum ort. & gardin. ac diverſ. terr. prat. & paftur, ypa; decim. Osamde quam minor. per ann. This was ap. propriated to two Chaplains, officiating at the Altar of All Hallows in the Cathedral of York, anno 1414. See the Re- gifter at Wincheſter. The KING. 40 19 o Winley R. with Pyrford V. Denzil Onſlow, Eſq. 1703. Lord Onſlow, 1766, 1784, p. i 29 48 0 0 Witley V. (All Saints,) with Thurſley V. Val. in manſ. cum 17 15 10 Kent, Propr. William Myers, Eſq. 1739, 1754. John Myers, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 35 0 0 Wonnerfh, alias Ognerſh, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Próx. and 15 I 3 Syn. Archidiac. 75. id. Firm. manf. cum ort. & diverſ. terr. prat. ac paftur. unacum decim. Hoſp. Bethlem Biſhopſgate, London, Propr. Henry Duncumb, Efq. 1684. Elizabeth Brancaſter, 1718. Nathaniel Sturt, 1725. George Stúrt, Eſq. 1756. Lord Grantley. PERPETUAL CURACIES NOT IN CHARGE. Bagſhot Chapel in the Pariſh of Windleſham. Leſſee of the Tythes and Nomination of the Curate under the Archdeacon of Surrey. Frenſham Cur. (St. Mary.) William Biſhop, Eſq. Patri and Leffee of the Tythes and Nomination of the Curate under the I Horhill Chap. (St. Mary) Pri. Newark, Propr: Đenzil Onſlow, Eſq. Lord Onſlow.. bet 2013 St. Martha's Chap. Duke of Marlborougha, Patr. Pri. Newca ark, Propr. 6 Okewood SURREY, 961 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTE R. Okewood Cur. (St. John Baptiſt,) in the Pariſh of Wotton. Sir John Evelyn, Bart: Pitford Cur. Lord Onſlow. Purbright Chapel. (St. Michael.) Pri. Newark, Propr. Seale Curacy. William Biſhop, Efq. Patr. and Leffee of the Tythes and of the Nomination to the Curacy under the Arch, deacon of Surrey. mumi Bu GALE LAB Dlacak CRI ] [( 962 mioceſe of uniorceſter. B В 294.3 tooteniVISH V SLOS 2 แนวนอน ISHOPRIC, diſcharged from the Payment of Tenths, but charged for Firſt Fruits with the Sum of 929). 135. 3d. This Bihopric was founded by Etheldred King of the Mercians, Anno 679, and taken out of the Dioceſe of Lichfield. See Dugd. Mon. tom. I. p. 120. Bofelus was the firſt confe- crated Biſhop of this See in the Year 679. Le Neve, fol. Vide Orig. Surv. temp. Hen. VIII. for the Manors, &c. appertaining to this See, in Offic. Primit. The Biſhop of Worceſter collates to the following Livings in his own Dioceſe, together with the Archdeaconry and Chan- cellorſhip, viz. Alvechurch R. Bilhampton V. Blockley V. Elmley Caſtle V. Fladbury R. cum Capellis, Grimley V. cum Capella de Hallow, Halford R. Hartiebury R. Kin. warton R. cum Capellis, Ripple R. cum Capellis, Snitter- V. Upton upon Severn R. and St.. Alban R. St. Helen R. and St. Nicholas R. in Worceſter; and alſo preſents to Newington R. in the County of Surrey and Dioceſe of Win- cheſter, Naunton R. and Wythington R. in the County and Dioceſe of Glouceſter, Richards Caſtle R. in the County and Dioceſe of Hereford, and alternately with the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury to the united Rectories of St. Michael Royal and St. Martin Vintry in London. field i The Cathedral Church (CHRIST AND THE BLESSED Stotius munca Te to qid Virgin MARY). 2755 2010 Deanry 6ool. per ann. Henry Holbech, alias Rands, the laſt Prior, was conſtituted the firſt Dean by the New Charter, afterwards made Biſhop of Rocheſter in 1542. Le Neve, fol. 301. The Charter of Foundation of this Deanry bears Date January 24, 1541-2, 33 K. Hen. VIII. for the Endowment of a Dean, ten Prebendaries, eight Minor Canons, eight Lay Clerks, one Organiſt, ten Choriſters, two Schoolmaſters, forty King's Scholars, ten Bedeſmen, two Virgers, two Sex- solo tons, 963 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, d. d. 1. Wichenford V. Wolverley V. St. Andrew R. St. Clement WORCESTERSH. DIOCESE OŚWORCES T E R. de S. tons, two Porters, two Butlers, one Manciple, two Cooks. At the ſame Time was given a Body of Statutes. The Dead and Chapter of Worceſter are Patrons of the follow- ing Livings in the Dioceſe of Worceſter, viz. Berrow C. Bredicote R. Broadwas R. Bromſgrove V. cum Capellis, Cleve Prior V. Cropthorne V. Harvington R. Himbledon V. R. Cap. Lench- cum Norton V. Norton C. in Kempſey, Overbury V. cum Cap. Sedgeberrow R. Stoke Prior v. Tibberton V. OS واب 58 10 R. St. Martin R. St. Michael R. St. John V. St. Peter V. cum Cap. St. Swithin R..in Worceſter, the Maſterſhip of St. Oſwald's Hoſpital in Worceſter, and a qualified Right to preſent to Shipſton upon Stour R. They are alſo Patrons of Lindridge V. cum Capellis, and Old Radnor V. cum Cap. in the Dioceſe of Hereford, Quinton V. and Old Sodbury V. in the Dioceſe of Glouceſter, Warton V. and Thornton V. in the Dioceſe of Cheſter, Deane Cur. in the Dioceſe of coln, Wimbleton, Putney, and Mortlake, Chapels, in the Dioceſe of Wincheſter, and Packington R. in the Dioceſe of Lichfield and Coventry. The Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe is in the Gift of the Biſhop. Archdeaconry of Worceſter pays Tenths to the Biſhop of Wor- 5170 ceſter, and pays annually to the Biſhop bl. 6s. 8d. for Syno- dals. Erected 1989. Peter Vaynor, Archdeacon, at the taking of this Survey in 1535. ੧॥ This Archdeaconry has the Rectory of Claverdon, in co. War- wick, appropriated to it. Biſhop of Worceſter. The Archdeacon preſents to Claverdon V. with the Chapel of Norton Lindſey annexed. 100l. per ann. N. B. There are Ten Prebends in the Cathedral Church of Worceſter, nine whereof are in His Majeſty's Royal Patronage, and one is annexed to the Margaret Profeſſorſhip of Divinity in Oxford Univerſity, by Act of Parliament. The Patent of Union of the ſixth Prebend to this Office bears Date the 5th of July, 1628, 3 C.I. Theſe with the Deanry pay in lieu of Firſt Fruits and Tenths 1931. 15. 8d. per ann. Preb. 300l. per ann. each. Em Blondon ogon 20 yinsa od to incitabato 10:15, The temporal and ſpritual Poffefſions of the Monaſtery or Pri- ory of the Cathedral Church of Worceſter, as returned by the Commiſſioners, amounted to the clear annual Sum of 12991. 125. 8d. The in 6 G 2 964 DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. WORCESTERSR. The Hoſpital of St. Oſwald Biſhop, near the City, was like- The Hoſpital of St. Wolftan Biſhop, near the City of Worceſter, was likewiſe returned by the Commiſſioners at 631. 18s. 1od. wiſe returned at 131. 145. 4d. The Priory or Houſe of White Monks of Whiſton was likewife returned at 531. 35. 7d. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. Archdeaconry of Worcester. 1 1. s. d. d. O O nilipol.12 D. Blockley. ) qite or 398191 you to by mu mo. V sobibri } ud to soins solo todo lo mi N.B. The Deanries of Blockley and Eveſham are Peculiars' vi- ſited by the Biſhop, in which the Archdeacon has no Jurif- diction, and the Whitſun Farthings or Pentecoſtals in thoſe Deanries are received by the Crown. Lai ai legoi se trollsound IT LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE.abdor A King's Books. sa bus toiles l'early Ten:ls Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1, 54 o Blockley V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Bp. Proč. 105. Decim. 5 8 molend. agn, lan. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter, Propr, and Patr. zoo Daylesford R. (St. Peter;) in the Archdeaconry o of Gloceſter. 14 Bp. Proe. 35. 44. Val. per annum in terr. gleb. 195. &c. Thomas Brookes, the Incumbent, in Right of Mary his Wife, 17.06. ing., Dichford R. (St. Giles,) in com. Warwick, Annexed to the Rectory of Stratton, Bp. Proc. 35. 40. z oo 8. Evenlode, alias Elmbode, B. (St. Edward.) Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. I 3 2 Valet per ann, in terr. gleb. il. 135a4d. Mary Hughes, Wi- to dow, 1767 1.000.000 8 od Iccombe R. (St. Mary.). Penſ. Priori Wigorn. Il. Bp. Proc. o 16 o 6sa: 8d. Val, per ann. in terr. gleb. fig.4d. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſtereo vodo con Isbodno 11 0.0 Siraton upon the Foſs R, (St. Peter,) in com. Warwick. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. William Longford, the Incumbent, and Eliza- beih his Wife, Hudſon Jervis Parefoy and Mary his Wife, 1770. Coheireſſes of William Hawes, Clerk. 3 D. Droit- 60 o o 0 1 2 O 1 II I 2 O WORCESTERSH. 965 DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. D. Droitwich. * The temporal and ſpiritual Poffeffions of the Monaſtery of Bor- deſley, in this Deanry, were returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 3881. 95. rod. The Priory of Weitwood was likewiſe returned at 751. 185. Iid. * For Particulars, vide Orig Surv. N. B. 'The Livings with this Mark * are exempt from Archidia- conal Juriſdi&tion. 7. d. 24 16 8 2 IOS. . LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenth s. Rectories, &c. with their Patróns, Proprietors, &c. 1, d. * Alchurch, alias Alvechurch, R. (St. Laurence.) Bp. Proc. 98 Pentecoſt. Is. 3d. Val. in terr. Val. in terr. gleb. 52. decim. major. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter. 7.-16.101 Beoly, alias Bely, V. (St. Leonard.) Val. in firm. manſ. ibi 0 15 83 dem cun orto per ann. 1l. in decim. major. &c. Bp. Proc. 35. 40. Ar. Proc. IIs. 5d.} Pentecoft. iod. Abb. Alceſt. Propr. The Earl of Lichfield, 1772. 41 8 11 BROMESGROVE V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with King's Norton Chap. 4 2 g (St. Nicholas.) Bp. Proc. 155. "Ar. Proc. 125. 5d. Pen- tecoft. 25. id. King's Norton Pentecoſt. Is. 8d. Val. in firm. un. orti 25. in decim. ſilvar. minut. decim. &c. Priory of Worceſter, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 31 Dodderhill V. (St. Auſtin.) Pri Eccleſ. Wigorn, Propr. Val. in decim, tam major. quam minor. &c. Bp. Proc. 6s. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d. Pentecoſt. Is. 4d. Harriot Holbeche, Spin- 9 16 of Hampton Lovett R. (St. Mary.) Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. gs. O 1974 5d. 1 Pentecoſt. 5d. 1 val. in terr: gleb. il. 11s. &c. Sir Herbert Perrot Pakington, Bart. 1767. 29 16 8 * Hanbury R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Bp. Proc. sos. Pentecoſt. 8 IS. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 17. jos. &c. Henry. Ce- cil, Eſq. and Emma his Wife, 1730. 4 9 7 St. Nicholas R. in the Town of DroitWich. Bp. Proc. 25. o 8 ili 80 Decim. major. &c. The KING. ON North- 12 12 I 5 Iter, 17745 2 19 966 WORCESTERSHE DIOCESE OF WORCESTER, S. 1. d. King': Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 14 15 21 Northfield R. (St. Laurence,) with Cofton Chap. (St. Michael.) 19 ( 9 61 Val. in terr. gleb. il. 6s. 8d. per ann. &c. Bp. Proc. 8s. Ar. Proc. 115. 5d.Pentecoſt. 11d. Cofton Pentecoſt. 4d. Jervoiſe Clarke Jervoiſe, Eſq. 1779. 14 14 7 Salwarp R. (St. Michael.) Val. in terr. gleb. 1l. 65. 8d. &c. 1 9 51 Bp. Proc. 85. Ar. Proc. IIs. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 6d. Sir Her- bert Perrot Pakington, Bart. 1782. Boo Tarbigg, alias Tardebigg, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Mon. Bor- o 16 deſey, Propr. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 35. 4d. in decim. "major. &c. Bp. Proc. 21. 135. 4d. paid by the Impropriator. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d. į of which the Impropriator pays 75. 5d.ž and the Vicar 25. Pentecoſt. 15. Earl of Plymouth, 1780. 2.31 Upton Warren R. (St. Michael.) Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. 21 105. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. 21. 6s. 8d. &c. John Ingram, Gent. 1749. II LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 39 15 4 Hadſor R. (St. John Baptift.) Val. in terr. gleb. 2l. 35. 4d. 67 31 decim. major. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 35. Pentecoſt. zd. Richard Amphlet, Eſq. 1780. 39.2.0 Martin Hoſentree R. (St. Nicholas.) Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 5 14 41 15. Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb. 15. iod. &c. David Williains, Patron and Incumbent, 1779. 36 15 o St. Peter's V. in the Pariſh of DROITWICH. Pri. Studely in 6 0 0 .co. Warwick, Propr. Bp. Proc. 15. 4d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.{. Pentecoſt. 9d. Val. in decim. tam major. quam minor. 37. 158. &c. Treadway Nah, D. D. Patron and Incumbent, 1761. 39 5 8 Stoke Prior V. (St. Michael.) Pri. Ecclef. Wigorn, Propr. 12 Val. in firm. manſ. ibidem cum cert. terr. & ten. il. decim. major. &c. Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 7d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 39 17 7 Witton St. Andrew and St. Mary * R. in Droitwich. Valet in 7 12 70 0 terr. gleb. per ann. 145. Id. decim. major. &c. Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Ar. Proc. 185. 11d. Pentecoft. 18.4d. The KING. ܘ ܘ 1 O * The Pariſhes of St. Andrew and St. Mary Witton, in Droitwich, were united by Act of Parlia. ment.13 Cha, H. o tomtomto obecanja ba 90 Nor WORCESTERSH. 967 DIOCESE OF WORCESTERR. . NOT IN CHARGE. Bordeſley Chap.* (St. Stephen,) in Tardebigg. Moſeley , (St. Mary,) Chapel to Bromſgrove. Withal, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Bromfgrove. Elmbridge, (St. Mary) Chapel to Dodderhill. Pentecoſt: 4d. St. Godwall's, Chapel to Stoke Prior. D. Evelham, olim in Exempt. Júriſd. Abbatis de Evesham. The Monaſtery of Eveſhain was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum cf 11831. 125. 9d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. shadow or d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Islanice King's Books. vill Yearly Tenobs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1.- so 5 17 81 Norton V. (St. Egwin;) cum Lenchwick Cur. (St. Michael.) o 11 91 Abb. Eveſham, Propr. Valet per ann. in terr. gleb. 8s. Penf. perpetual. rec. de Abb. 31. 95. rod. &c. Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter: aid seal LivingS DISCHARGED: 319.00 bis eso Clear Icarly Value. a bas arba 12 con King's Books, 7 51 All Saints in EVESHAM V. Penf, Abb. Eveſham 4l. United 10 16 01 to St. Laurence in. Eveſham. Decim. perſonal. oblat. ac al. ann. minut. decim. Bp. Proc. 45. The KING. Abb. Eveſham, Propr. 2 100 0 0 * Bordeſley_in the Pariſh of Tardebigg, but independent of the Church there, and the Earl of Plymouth appoints the Miniſter. † Moſeley.-100l, given to this Chapel by Job Markton, Erg. Bishop Kennet's Caſe of Impropria. mons, p. 425 Badſey 968 WORCESTERSH DIOCESE OF WORCESTER, S. 1. d. 31 10 O 18 12 I 30 16 2 Clear learly Valut. King's Books. 1. d. 4 Badſey Cur. (St. James.) Penf. Abb. Eveſham 135.44. Abb. 5 6 & Evelham, Propr. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 85. port. per- pet. ex decim. garbar. & fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. 55. Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxon. 4 0 0 Bengeworth Curacy. (Holy Trinity.) Abb. Evelham, Propr. 7 10 10 Decim. perſonal. oblat. & al. minut. decim. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Talbot, Eſq. 1772. 8 Bretforton V. (St. Leonard.) Abb. Eveſham, Propr. Valet 6 5 per ann. in terr. gleb. 18s. ann. penf. rec. de Abb. 21. 1os. &c. Bp. Proc. 45. Sarah Winford, Widow, 1782. 19 91 Broadway V. (St. Edburgh.) Mon. Parlhore, Propr. Valet 10 17 6 per ann. in terr. gleb. 8s. 6d. decim. agr. penfi &c. Bp. Proc. 4S. Elizabeth Savage, Spinſter, 17726 George Savage, Eſq. 1784. Church Honeyburn * Cur. (St. Egwin.) Abb. Parſhore, Propr. 6 4 41 Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 125. 4d. penſ. perpetual. rec. de Abb. 31. 95. rod. &c. Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Edward Williams, Clerk, 1773 2o 7 8 Hampton Cur. (St. Andrew.) Abb. Everham, Propr. Bp. 7 12 31 Penſ. perpet. rec. de abb. 41. in decim. perſonal. oblat. &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 6 0 9 St. Laurence in EVESHAM Cur. united to All Saints. Penf. 9 16 8 Abb. Eveſham 3l. 135. 4d. Bp. Proc. 45. Decim. perſonal. oblat. ac al. ann. minor. decim. The KING, Patr. Abb. Éveſham, Propr: 23 13 5 South Littleton Cur. (St. Mary and St. Nicholas.) Bp. Proc. 4 I. 101 Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 165. decim. fæn. perſonal. &c. Abb. Eveſham, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 21 19 North Littleton and Med. Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Abb. Eve. 6 13 9 Mam, Propr. Bp. Proc. 25. 2di Decim. garbar. decim. per- ſonal. oblat. &e. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Ox- ford. No Church now at North Littleton. 27.19 8 Uffenham, alias Offeriham, Cúr. (St. Milburgh.) Abb; Evé. 6 11 51 ſham, Propr. Bp. Proc. 35. Penſ. perpet. rec. de Abb. an- nuat. 41. 175.-4di decim. perſonal. &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 16 2 O Wickhamford Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Bp. Proc. Is. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 85. in decim. piſar. perſonal. &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford: Abb. Eveſham, Propr. Proc. 25, 2$. 4 41 * Church Honeyburn—has the deſecrated Chapel of Caw Honeyburn annexed, in the County of Glouceiter, and Deanry of Campden, D. Bidder. WORCESTERSH. 969 DIOCESE OF WORCÉ S T E R. D. Kidderminſter. King's Books. d. s. d. O I 18 0 I : 0 O 120 O O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Year'y Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. 19 o Belbroughton R. (Holy Trinity.) Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 15. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. il. &c. St. John's College, Oxford. 5 3 4 Brome R. in co. Stafford. (St. Peter.) Bp. Proc. 15. Ar. 4 Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 3d. Richard Clive and John Tibbatts, Gent. 1770. Truſtees of Mr. Dolman. 17 3 4. Chaddeſley Corbet V. (St. Caffyon.) Stipend 1l. 6s. 8d. Bp. . I 14 4 150 Proc. 6s. 8d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d. į Pentecoft. is. Val, in terr. gleb. il. 135. 4d. decim. agn. lan. &c. The KING. Colleg. Warw. Propr. 8 16 51 Clent V. (St. Leonard,) in co. Stafford. Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. o 17 Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 7d. The KING. Mon. Haleſ- owen in co. Salop, Propr. 7 18 61 Dudley V. (St. Edmund,) with Dudley. (St. James.) Pri. O 15 10 Dudley 10s. Domino de Dudley Iso 4d. Fra. Stanley is. Pri. Dudley, Propr. Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. 95, 5d.j Pentecoſt. Is. id. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. in decim. major. &c. Lord Viſcount Dudley and Ward, 1779 17 2 6 Elmely Lovett R. (St. Michael.) Rector, de Hartiebury 1!. I 14 3 6d. Bp. Proc. 6s. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 6d. Val, in terr. gleb. per ann. Il. &c. Robert Burgis, the Incumbent, for this Turn, 1776. 10 6 53 Hagley R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Bp. Proc. 35. Ar. Proc. Io 73 8s. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. il. &c. Lord Lyttelton, 1767. 30 0 0 * Hartlebury R. (St. James.) Pri. Wig. 1l. 6s. 8d. Epiſc. 3 O o Wig. Is. 8d. Bp. Proc. 1os. Pentecoſt. 25. Val, in firm. terr. gleb. per ann. 11. 115. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter. 30 15 71 KIDDERMINSTER V. (All Saints.) Pri. de Mayden Bradley 3 1 61 3l. 6s. 8d. Pri. Mayden Bradley in co. Wilts, Propr. Bp. Proc. ios. 10d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.1 Pentecoſt." 25. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 41. decim. major. &c. Lord Fo. ley, 1776. 6 H Pedmore od 970 WORCESTERSHIR DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. 9 10 10 120 O O 160 King's Books. Yearly Tenthso 1. s. d. 1. d. Pedinore P. (St. Peter.) Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 8s. 5d.1 0 19 O. Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb. 155. &c. Lord Foley, 1754 6 8 Rulhock R. (St. Michael.) Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 45. I o8 Pentecoſt. 3d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 13o 4d. &c. The KING. Olim Cap. to Chaddefley. 150 Stone V. (St. Mary.) Decano & Collegio Warw. 21. Bp. I lo Proc. 35. Ar. Proc. 85. Pentecoft. 3d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 35. 4d. decim. major. &c. Ine KING. Colleg. Warw. Propr. 26 6 8 Old Swinford R. (St. Mary.) Bp, Proc. 75. Ar. Proc. 95. 8 5d. į Pentecoſt 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. Il6s. 8d. &c. Lord Foley, 1777 * Woverley, alias Wolverley, V. (St. John Baptiſt.). Prior. Worceſter, Propr. Bp. Proc. 45. Pentecoſt. 7d.] Val. in terr. gleb. Il. decimn. agn. lan. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter.. O 0 2 12 13 6 & 28 7 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value: King's Books, 8 Churchill R. (St. James.) Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 8. &c. 5 6 8 Bp. Proc. Is. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 3d. Lord Lyttelton, 1737 49 4 8 Doverdale R. (St. Mary.) Rectori de Hartlebury 25. Val. in 5 3.61 terr. gleb. per ann. 11. 45. &c. Bp. Proc. Is. Ar. Proc. 23. Pentecoſt. ģd. Philip Laurents, Clerk, 1771. 45 O O Yardley V.* (St. Edburgh.) Pri. Maxtoke, Propr. Bp. Proc. 9. 1941. 35. 8d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.} Pentecoft. I's. Val. in terr. gleb. 25. in decim. major. &c. The KING, 1726. The Biſhop, 1729 The Univerſity of Oxford; 1732. The KING, 1766. 46 10 HALESOWEN V. (St. Mary and St. John Baptift,) in co. Salop. 15 8 11 Abb. Haleſowen, Propr. Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. - Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 25. Lord Lyttelton, 1731.. Lord Weft- cole, 1784. 2 * Yardley.-In this Pariſh is a Chapel called Marſton Chapel, built and endowed with about 5ch per ann. by Job Maríton, Eſq. about the Year 1704. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 425. CHAPELS, WORCESTERSH. 971 DIOCESE OF WORCESTER, - CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Frankley, (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Haleſowen. St. Kenelm, Chapel to Haleſowen. Theſe two are preſented to by the Lyttelton Family, ſince their Endowment by them an- no 1675. Mitton, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Kidderminſter. Mon. Halel- owen, Propr. Oldbury in Shropſhire, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel in the Pariſh of Haleſowen. Vicar of Haleſowen puts in the Miniſter. There is no Place of that Name in the Dioceſe, in the Dioceſe of Lichfield there is. Rowley, (St. Giles,) Chapel to Clent, co. Stafford. Pentecoſ- tals 8d. STOUR BRIDGE is a Market Town in this Deanry, in the Pariſh of Old Swinford. A Chapel of A Chapel of St. Mary anciently here ; there is now a Church built in the Town, but it is ſupplied by the Rector of Old Swinford. . D. Parſhoare, alias Perſhore. The temporal and ſpiritual Poſſeſſions of the Monaſtery of Parſhoare were returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth clear annually, after the uſual Deductions, the Sum of 643l. The Abby of Cokehill was likewiſe returned to be worth an- nually 351. 95. 3d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 45. 5d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthys, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. S. do 1. s. 7 O O 0 Abbots Crome, alias Crome Dabitot, R. (St. Mary Magdalenu) 0 14 United to Pirton R. in Worceſter Deanry. Penf. Rectori de Ripple il. Bp. Proc. Is. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 1os. dec. blad. &c. Earl of Coventry, 1762. 6 H 2 Abbots 972 WORCESTERSK. DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. S. 0 IS. 100 O O go O I 9 8 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. 8 0 0 Abbots Moreton R. (St. Peter.) Terr. gleb. &c. Bp. Proc. o 16 Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.Ž Pentecoſt. 5d.Edward Ellins, Patron and Incumbent, 1768. 3 oo Besford, Chapel to St. Andrews Church in Perſhore. I o 60 9 17 11 Birlingham R. (St. James.) Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. Il 0 19 91 185. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. 4d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. Is. John Aſtley, Incumbent and Patron, 1776. Thomas Brad- ſtock, Clerk, 1784. 72 1! 0} * Bredon R. (St. Giles.). Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 12l. &c. 7 5 1] Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Pentecoſt. 25. Benjamin Pearkes, Gent. 1781. KO 9 11 101 Churchlench R. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 125. 4d. de. O 19 25 cim. garb. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. 4d. Ar. Proc. 98. 5d.] Pen- tecoſt. 6d. The KING. 7 10 Hill Crome, alias Croome Montis, R. (St. Mary.) Rectori 0 15 01 Ripple 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 185. decim. blad. &c. Bp. Proc. IS. 4d, Ar. Proc. 35. Pentecoſt. 4d. The KING. 14 17 31 Cropthorne V. (St. Michael.) Pení. Pri. Wigorn. 55. Pri. Wigorn. Propr. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 1l. 6s. decim. privat. &c. Bp. Proc. Is. 8d. Ar. Proc. gs. 8d. Pente- coſt. I.s. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, 16 0 0 Crowill, alias Crowle, V. (St. Peter.) Penf. 21. 6s. 8d. Hoſp. Sfi Wolſtani, in Worceſter, Propr. Bp. Proc. 2s. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 125. decim. blad. fæn. &c. Edward Pearce, Gent. 1770. 81 jo o * Fladbury R. (St. John Baptiſt,) with the Chapels of Throg- 8 2 I morton, Bradley, and Wyre Pidle. Feod. Seneſchall. 6s. 8d. Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Pentecoſt. 35. Val. in redd. affiſ. tam liber. quam cuſtum. ten. per ann. 41. ļos. 2d. in terr. gleb, 31. 6s, 8d. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter, Grafton Flyford R. (St. John Baptift.) Bp. Proc. Bp. Proc. 35, 6d. 2 O Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 7d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 37. 6s. decim. blad. &c. Earl of Coventry, 1774. 15 6 8 Harvington R. (St. James.) Bp. Proc. 25. 8d. Ar. Proc. 25. I 10 8 Pentecoft. 4d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. 21. 25. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Inckbarrow V. (St. Peter.) Prebendary thereof, in Hereford I 12 2] Cathedral, Propr. Bp. Proc. 35. Ar. Proc. Iis. 5d.] Pentecoft. Is. 62. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 11.45. decim. blad. fæn. &c. Lord Abergavenny, Patr. 1747. 15 Nawnton Beauchamp R. (St. Bartholomew.) Penf. Abb. 1 10 130 Parfhore il. Bp. Proc. 35, 6d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.1 Pen- tecoſt. 6d. Vat. per ann. in terr. gleb. 17. &c. The KING. North I 12 O 20 10 162 1 O O WORCESTERSH, DIOCESE O WORCESTE R. 973 Ar, Do d. O 18 I ! II IO 9 1 3 North Piddlet King's Books. Yearly Tonths, 1. 1. d. 1 85. 11d.] Pentecoft. 3d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 1os. 8d. &c. Treadway Naſh, Clerk, 1771. 8 00 Priors Cleve, alias Cleeve Prior, V. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Wor- o 16 0 ceſter, Propr. Bp. Proc. Is. 6d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pente- coft. 6d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. ll. 1os. decim. blad. fæn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. @ Pypulton, alias Peopleton, R. (St. Michael.) Penſ. Abb. Par I 30 Thore il. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 6d. -1939 Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 10s. 8d.] Joſiah Dineley, E1q. 1746. 42 6 4. Ripple R. (St. Mary,) with Queenhill Chapel, and Holdfaſt 4 4.8 Chapel. Demoliſhed. Bp. Proc. 6s. Pentecoſt. Is. 6d. Terr. gleb. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter. 9 o 5 Rouſelench R. (St. Peter.) Penf. Rectori de Fladbury 6s. 8d. O 18 o] Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 165. &c. Bp. Proc. is. 6d. 95. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 6d. Charles Forteſcue, Clerk, the Incumbent, this Turn, 1772. 13 15 71 Sedgebarrow R. Penf. Pri. Wigorn. 155. Bp. Proc. 25. 64. I7 63 Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.1 Pentecoft. 5d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 105. decim. blad. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wor- U cefter. Oo Strenſham R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Bp. Proc. 25. 4d. Ar. Proc. I 4 - 8s. 5d.1 Pentecoft. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 8s. pt decim. blad. &c. Charles Trubſhaw Withers, Eſq. and Frances Ruſſell Withers, his Wife, 1774. o 'Cantar. de Bifhampton. Un meſſuag. cum cert. terr. & prat. 5 II 51 Cantar. de Ripple. 1 2 2 o 4 0 I 1 I O 2 20. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value.. lash King's Books 27 16 63 Abberton R. Bp. Proc. is. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 48. 58. iz 플 ​Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 134. 4d. &c. Thomas Sheldon, Elq. 1772. 44 16 0 St. Andrew's in PARSHORE V. Mon. Parſhore, Propr. Bp. 8 19 Proc. Is. 6d. į Ar. Proc. 8s. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 15. 3d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. cum decim. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. Wie 21 14 11 Bilhampton V. (St. Peter.) Penf. Rectori de Fladbury 6s. 8d. 70 9 91 Pri. Cokehill, Propr. Bp. Proc. Is. Ar. Proc. IIS. Pente- coſt. 6d. Valet in terr. gleb. per ann. Iho decim. agn. lan. &c. Bihop of Worceſter. Brickle 974 WORCESTEREH DIOCE SE or WORCES TĘ R. so d. Il 2 I of od 250 it 6 8 Clear learly value. King's Books, 2. d. 1. 3 8 Brickle Hampton, (St. Michael,) Chapel to St. Andrew's Per. 2 14 Dore. 26 IS 6 Broughton Hacket R. (St. Leonard.) Bp. Proc. IS, 4d. Ar. 8 60 Proc. 25. Pentecoft. 4d. Deciin, garb. fen. &c. The KING. 46 13 S Churchill R. (St. Michael.) Ter. gleb. &c. Bp. Proc. is. 13 6 8 10d. Ar. Proc. 35. Pentecoſt. 6d. Rowland Berkeley, Eſq. for this Turn, 1781. 35 13 2 Comp‘on, alias Comberton Magna, R. (St. Michael.) Bp. 10 Proc. 2-5. 4d. Ar. Proc. 28. Pentecoft. 5d, 1 Val. in terr. gleb. &c. Stephen Lightfoot, Gent. 1766. o Compton, alias Gomberton Parva R. (St. Peter.) Bp. Proc. 25. 9:02 Ar. Proc. 25. 4d. Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. il. 6s. &c. Î lomas Byrche Savage, Eſq. 1754. 8 6 Defford, (St. James,) Chapel to St. Andrew's Perſhore. 2 13 4 21 19 61 Eckington V. (Holy Trinity:) Abb. Parſhore, Propr. Bp. 5 Proc. Is. id. Ar. Prac. 95. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 15. Decim. agn. Ian. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. Elmeley Caſtle V. (St. Mary:). Bp. Proc. os. Ar. Proc. Ios. 5:6 51 5doſ Pentecoft. 6d. Val. in terr. głeb. per ann. Is. decim. privat. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter, Propr. and Patr. 6 17 Feckenham V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Shene in com. Surr. 9 Propr. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 15.14d. decim. garb. fæn. agn. lan. &c. Bp. Proc. I s. 8d. Ar. Proc. 115, 5d.Pen- tecoſt. 6d. John Neale, Eſq. 17:42. Thomas Neale, Eſq. 1751. The Biſhop, 1767. 33 o 6 Flyford Flavell R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Bp. Proc. Is. Ar. 5 4 91 Proc. is. 6d. Pentecoſt. 5d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Thomas Sheldon, Eſq. 1782. 45 13 54 Himbleton V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Bp. Proc. 15. 4d. Ar. ,8 6 101 Proc. 2s. Pentecoſt. 9d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. perf. &c. Pri. Worceſter, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 41 I o Irliſcrome, alias Earleſcrome, R. (St. Nicholas.) Penſ. Rector. 7. 8 I] de Ripple il. Bp. Proc. 15. 6d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 5d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 35. decim. blad. &c. Ed. inund Marten Welles, Eſq. 1781. 3.8 18 5 Kington R. (St. James.) Penſ. Pri. Hereford 105. Val. per 8 00 ann. in terr. gleb. 35. 4d. decim. blad. &c. Bp. Proc. 15. 6d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoft. 3d. In future Henry Cecil, Eſq. and Emma his Wife. Emma Vernon, Spinſter, preſented laſt in 1764. el 1, O I Over- WORCESTERSR. DIOCESE OF 975 WORCESTER, s. 1. s. d. 2 IO Clear 1 early Value. King's Books, 1. d. 38 4 81 Oierbury V. (St. Faith,) with the Chapels of Alſton, (St. Mar- garet,) Tedington, (St. Nicholas,) and Waſhburne Parva. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 85. decim. fæn. agn. lan, &c. Bp. Proc. is. 6d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d. Pentecoltals is. 7d. Alſtɔn Pentecoft. 3d. Teddington Pentecoſt. 4d. Waſh- bourne Pentecoft. 3d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Prio:y of Worceſter, olim Propr. 6 2 o Pynveyn Chap. to St. Andrew's in Parſhore. 30 3: 74 Upton Snoddeſbury V. (St. Keneline.) Prí. Malverne Major, 8 Propr, Bp. Proc.. 10d. Ar. Proc. 1os. 5d.}. Pentecoft. Isa Val. ibidem in pecun. numerat. annuat. folvend. per man prior. Major. Malverne 3). Robert Dormer, Eſq. 1722. Richard Nah, Eſq. 1739. Armel Green, Gent. 1768. 419. Wyck, (St. Laurence,) Chapel to St. Andrew's in Paríhore. f 2 IO S o 2 1 3 4 EXONERATED. Dormeſton Cur. Penſ. Pri. Stodeley 2). Bp. Proc. iod. Ar: 4 10 IQ Proc:. 35: Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. in. terr. gleb. 55. decim. blad. foen. &c. Thomas Vernon, Eſq. Prior. Stodeley, Propri llogabi CHAPELS AND CURACIES. Curſden, Chapel to Bredom. Holy Croſs Cur. in Perſhore. Pentecoſtals 15.-3d. Olim the Abby Church. Chapel to St. Andrew, Perſhore. Hoddington Cur. (St. Michael.) Pentecoſtals 4d; Hofp. of St. Wolltani's in Worceſter, Propr. Lench Abbats, Chapel to Fladbury. Denjoliſhed. Norton, Chapel to Bredon. Pentecoft: is. ;. bude 9. Powick I 1976 DIOCESE 0 WORCESTER. a WORCESTERSH. Q а . King's Books. d. 1. d. wiſe returned Ilvecote wear annual'Şum of 3081. 15, 4d. 07.10) A jobban sa 01:27. 10. V odte dew D. Powick.com utiset The Monaſtery of Great Malverne, in this Deanry, was re- turned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Temporalities The Malverne, was like 9.12) 281. 6s. 2d. bloda 2010 The Monaſtery of Little Malverne was likewiſe returned at 981. 1os. gd. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. atlil.ojo o bodo 1910s) owo LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Pearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. 7 8 11 Birts Morton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Val. per annin 0 14 91 terr. gleb. il. &e. Bp. Proc. 38. 6d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.j Pentecoſt. 6d. Hon. Edw. Monckton, 1779. 16 si Checkenhull, alias Chocknell, V. Church demoliſhed, and I 12. Iš the Pariſh united to Leigh. Abb. Parſhore, Propr. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 27. in decim. gran. fæn. privat. &c. I 17 I Cleavelod Chap. Demoliſhed. United to Madersfield, 1595. United to Madersfield, 1595. O 3 81 Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 85. 4d. in decim. granor. fæn. 44 in 13 9 41 Leigh R. (St. Edburgh.) Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. decim. &c. Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.Ž Pentecoſt. I s. 4d. John Cocks, Eſq. 1769. 14 17 31 Longdon V. (St. Mary,) with the Chapels of Caſtle Moreton, I 9 (St. Gregory,) and Chaſeley, alias Chatelley. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 1os. decim. gran. fæn. &c. in penf. 31. Bp. Proc. 85. 6d. Ar. Proc. 85. 5d. I Pentecoſt. Is. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. Mon. Weſtminſter, Propr. 3 13 11] Maddersfield R. Pri. Wigorn. 25. Val. per ann. in terr. o 7 4 gleb. 135. 4d. decim. granor. &c. Bp. Proc. 35. iod. Ar. Proc. 45. Pentecoft. 2d.] Reginald Lygon, Eſq. 1741. William Lygon, Eſq. 2 II Pendock R. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. os. iod. decim. 1 2 3] &c. Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 4d. Lord Bellamont, 1735. 4 Ridmerley I &c. I 6 115 9 8 11 WORCESTERSH. 977 DIOCESE OF WORCESTER. terr. 2 I 2 King's Books. 1 carly Fenths. 1. S. d. 1. da 16 10 71 Ridmerley Dabitot R. (St. Bartholomew.) Val. per ann, in I 13 01 terr. gleb. il. 65. 8d. &c. Bp. Proc. 8s. Ar. Proe, 10s. . gd.1 Pentecoſt. 1od. Francis Morton, Gent. 1750. II 5 o Staunton R. (St. James.) Bp. Proc. 35. 6d. Ar. Proc. gs. 6 8d. Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 24. 135. 4d. &c. Francis Clare, Eſq. 1764. 26 14 9] Suckly.R. (St. John Baptiſt,) 1l. 95. 3d.] cum Capellis de 213 53 або о о · Lulley *, (St. Giles,) 125. and Alfric , (St. Mary,) 125. 2d.. Penſ. Collegio de Foderinghay 21. 135. 4d. Portio Pri. Malvern. Major. 35. 4d. Bp. Proc. 85. Ar, Proc. 125. 8d. Pentecoſt. 6d. Alfrick Pentecoſt. 4d. Lulſey Pentecoft. 44. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. ib. decim. gra- nor. &c. The KING. 27 Oo Upton upon Severn R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Bp. Proc, 2 14 0 rios: Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 15.9d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 61. 11s. 10d. decim., &c., Biſhop of Wor- ceſter. LIVINGS DISCHARGED Clear Yearly Valuee King's Books 47 17 0 A&on Beauchamp R. (St. Giles.) Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. 400 9s. 5d. į Pentecoft. gd. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 105, in decim. &c. Rowland Berkley, Eſq. 1741. 39 19 1 Berrow V. (St. Faith.) Pri. Wigorn 75. Pentecoſtals 4d. 7 18 4 Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 135. 4d. decim. gran. fæn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Pri. Worceſter, Propr. 26 4 84 Caſtle Moreton Chapel. (St. Gregory.) Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. 5 8 61 Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 8d. Decim. privat. & al. minut. decim. Vicar of Longdon. 14 11 14 Chafeley, alias Chateſley Chap. (St. John Baptift.) Bp. Proc. 5 14 7 25. Ar. Proc. 8s. 5d.1 Pentecoft , 8d. Val. per ann. in gleb. Is. in decim. privat. &c. Vicar of Longdon. 41 6 4 Eldersfield V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Malverne Parva, Propr. 8 16 8 Bp. Proc. 45. 6d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 100. Val. per annum in terr. gleb. 55. decim. gran. fæn. &c. Edmund Lechmere, Eſq. 1781. 42 16 01 Handley Caſtle V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Malverne Parva, Propr. 12 15 Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. 8s. sdot Pentecoſt. 15. 1od. O Lulſey. Penf. Rector. Suckly il. # Alfric. Penf, Rector. Suckly 21, 61 per 978 WORCESTERSH; DIOCESE OP WORCESTE R. ho d. Proc. 95. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. s. d. I. per anni in terr. gleb. 85. decim. gran. fæn. &c. Edmund Lechmere, Efq. 1767.1 8 o 61 Malverne Major V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Malverne Major, Propr. 8 3 4 Bp. Proc. 35. 6d. Ar. Proc. 8š. 5d. Pentecoſt. Is. 4d. Val. per ann. in penf. rec. de Prior. Majoris Malverne 81. &c. Lord Foley, 1758. Olin the Priory Church. 37. 19 i Mathon V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Abb. Parſhore, Prapr. Bp. 8 fcen. privat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. 42 3 21 Powick V. (St. Peter and St. Laurence,) cum Cap Mördeford. 10 (St. Leonard.) Pri. Malverne Major, Propr. Bp. Proc. 21. 1'35. 4d. paid by the impropriator... Ar. Proc. 1os. 5.1 paid by the Vicar. Pentecoſt. 25. Val. per 'ann, in terr. gleð. 4s in decim. privat. &c. Earl of Coventry, 1764, UO 49 9 64 * Welland V. (St. Jamesi). Val. per.ann. in terra gleb. Ssin 8 60 decim. gran. for. &c. Bp. Proc. z.s. 6d. The KING. Pri. Malverne Parva, Propr. 2 7 2 II O CHAPELS AND CURACIES. Bransford, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Leigti. Pentecoſt.sachen Bufhley Cur. (St. Peter.) Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. is. Mo. Teuxbury, Propr. Thomas Dowdeſwell, Eſq. 1781. Newland, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Malvern Magna. Malvern Parva Cur. (St. Giles.), Bp. Proc. 115. Mr. Savage, Patr. Pri. Malverne, Propr. Olim a Priary.: 06 O boss Wordsfield, Chapel to Malverne Magna. In:Ruins of iso 18 د) 9. Tuligorn*, 3.907.. a mola v slaidesab137 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 21. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. Xtry's Books, 1. d. 1. S. d. O o Areley R. (St. Bartholomew.) Penf. Ecclefiæ Martley 6s. 8d. O 18 Val. per ann. in terr. głeb, 1os. decim. &c. Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoft. 6d. Rector of Martley, Patr. St. * The Livings in this Deanry pay Tenths to the Bishop of Worceſter, Atley, WORCESTERSH. DIOCES E or © WORCESTE A. 979 King's Books, d. d. . and &c. Sambrooke . and Sarah his Wife, pada tos. 51.1 Pentecoſt. 25. Martin Dunn, Eſq. l'early Texths. 1. l 15 13 4 4. Anley R. (St. Peter.) Bp. Proc. 21.-135. 4d. Ar. Proc. gs. III 4 uidi Pentecoſt. Is. 6d. Val. per anni in terſ, gleb. 25.4d. Harriot Winford, Spinſter, 1764. Coheireſſes of Tho- mas Winford, Eſq. IO 92 . alias Bredweys, , R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) . 10.10 Pri. Wigorn. il. 98. 4d. Penſ. Sacriſtä Wigorn. il. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 31. gs. 4d. iu decim. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. 4d. Pentecoſt. çd. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 5.16 8 Cothridge, alias Cottryche, Cụr. ($t. Leonard.) Pri. Weſt OII 8 Propr. Val. per ann. in annual. ſtipend. 21. os. 8d. in decim. &c. . &c. Bp. Proc. 2.. Ar. Proc. ios 54.] Pente- coſt. Is. 62. Rowland Berkley, Eſq. 15 17 84 Holt R. (St. Martin,) with Witley Parva Chap. (St. Michael.) I 17 9 Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoft. iid. Val. per and, in terr. gleb. 21. 45. in decim. garbar. &c. Lord Foley, 1764. 17 31 Kentwick, (St. John Baptift) Cap. to Knightwick. Val. pero 2 83 ann. in decim. garb. foen. &c. Pentecoſtals 2d.I North -Foley, Eſq. 1722. Demoliſhed. 13 13 4 Knightwick R. (Śt. Mary,) with Doddenham Chapel. (St. An. 1 74 drew.) Val. per ann. in ferr. gleb. 55. &c. Terr. gleb. apud Doddenham 1h 135, 4d. Doddenham Pentecoft. 3d. Bp. Proc. 2s. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſtals 3d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 0 Martley R. (St. Peter.) Penſ. Collegio de Foderinghay 135. 5 0 per ann. in ferr. gleb. 21. &c. Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Ar. Proc. . 5d.. . 1770. 15 3 4 St. Martin R. in Worceſter. Pení. Priori Wigorn. 135. 4d. 4 Val. in redd. un. ten. & un. paſtur. il. 35. 4d. &c. Bp. Proc. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 15. 6d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 12 4 2 St. Peter's V. in WORCESTER. Mon. Parſhore, Propr. Val. I 4 5 per ann. in penſ. rec. de Abb. de Parſhore 3l. 6s. 8d. in de- cim. herbag. & gárbar. dei Whittington & Bathall, &c. Bp. | Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 95. 52.1 Pentecoit. i's. 6d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter.de 08c0 0 Pirton Ro* (St. Peter.) Val. per ann.-in terr. gleb. 125. &c. : 0 160 Q2 22.10 2 I IO 25. * The Rectory of Cromb Dabitot in the Deanry of Perſhoré was united to Pirton R. by-Biſhop John- ſon Deed of Union bears Date Izth April, 1771... 6 1 2 Bp. 980 DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. WORCESTERSM. 23. 0 18 55 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d to so do Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 6d. Earl of Coven- try, .1762. 21 17 4 Severn Stoke R. (St. Dennis.) Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. 2 3 2 75. 4d. &c. Bp. Proc. 8s. Ar. Proc. 95. 11d.1 Pentecoſt. Earl of Coventry, 1775. 9 4 41 Shelleſley Beauchamp R. (All Saints.) Penſ. Rectori de Mart- ley 135. 4d. Bp. Proc. Is. 8d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoft. 6d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 155. in decim. herbag. garbar. &c. Lord Foley, 1783. 9 17 I Shrawley R. (St. Mary.) Bp. Proc. Is. 8d. Ar. Proc..95. 5d. O 19 81 Pentecoſt. 8d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 2l. in decim. gar- bar. &c. William Wheeler, of Briſtol, for this Turn, 1782. Henry Cecil and Emma his Wife the Advowſon. 9 10 Wichenford V. (St. Laurence.) Rectori Stæ Ellenæ in Wigorn 0 19 6s. 8d. Pri. Wigorn. Propr. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 1os. 4d. in decim. garbar. & fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. 15. Pen- tecoft. is. Id. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 6 17 31 Whitelady Aſhton, alias Eaſton, alias Biſhops Aſhton, V. (St. o 13 82 John Baptiſt.) Pení. Rectori de Warmington 10s. Pri. Whiſton, Propr. Bp. Proc. 15. 8d. Pentecoft. 5d. Val. per ann. in decim. privat. 41. 125. in decim. garb. & fæn. &c. Rowland Berkley, Eſq. 7 6 3. Witley Magna R. (St. Michael.) Bp. Proc. Is. 6d. Ar. Proc. O 14 71 95. 50.1 Pentecoſt. Is. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 55. de- cim. garbar. &c. Lord. Foley, 1741. 10 0 21 Warmington, alias Warrenton, alias Warndon, R. (St. Nicho- 1 0 0 las.) Bp. Proc. 25..4d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 21. decim. granor. &c. Treadway Naſh, D. D. the Incumbent, 1761. o LIVINGS DISCHARGED *. 43 Q 0. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 6.16 6 All Saints R. in Worceſter. Penf.. Priori Wigorn. 6s. 8d. Bp. 13:12 4 70 Proc. 35. 4di Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoft. IS. Iod. Val., per ann, in redd. 3 ten. ibidem il. &c. The KING. 90 I St. Andrew's in Worceſter V. Penf.. Priori Wigorn. 1.l. Bp. 10 Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. Is. id. Val. per ann. 5 10 * The Tenths of theſe 19. Livings, being the Property of the Biſhop of Worceſter, remain ſtill un- diſcharged, as they are payable to him, and ſtand only exonerated from Firſt Fruits to the Crown 2. in WORCESTERSH. 981 DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. So de 1. d. 3 6 8 O O O IQ OO Clear learly Value.. King's Books. . in redd. z. ten. & 3 gardin. ibid. il. 85. decim. privat. &c. Abby of Parlhore, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. * St. Alban R. in Worceſter. Penſ, Abb. de Eveſham Iso 4d. 5io Bp. Proc. 8d. Pentecoſt. 3d. Val. per ann. in redd. diverf. terr. & ten. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter. 39 16 51 Bredicote R. (St. James.) Bp. Proc. 15. Ar. Proc. 25. Pen- 3 18 11 tecoſt. ad.] Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. in decim. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 6 5 24 St. Clement's R. in Worceſter. Bp. Proc. is. 8d. Ar. Proc. 5 5 10 25. Pentecoft. 7d. Val. per ann. in decim. privat. &c. Dean and Chap.er of Worceſter. 46 19 31 Grimley V.. (St. Bartholomew,) with Hallow Chapel. Pri 14 Eccleſ. Wigorn. Propr. Val. per ann. in decim. garbar: in annua penf. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. 4d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pen- tecoſt. Iid. Hallow, Pentecoft. 11d. Biſhop of Worceſter. 10 2 6 * St. Helen, alias Ellen, R. in Worceſter. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. II Pentecoſt. • 35. Val. per ana. in redd. 2: ten. ibidem il. 13s. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter: 37 16 11 Henlipp, alias Hinlip, R. (St James.). Rectori. St. Ellen 35. 5 16 01 4.d. Bp. Proc. Is. Ar. Proc. 25. 4d. Pentecoſt. 3d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 155. in decim. garb. foen. &c. Ann Graves, Widow, p. h. v. 1779. 44 17 6 * St. John Baptiſt in Bedivardin V. in Worceſter. Pri. Wor- 13 6 8. ceſter, Propr. Bp. Proc. Is. 6d. Pentecoſt. 25. 3d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 35. 4d. in decim. privat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 41. 3 4 * Kemſey V. (St. Mary.). Colleg. de Weſtbury in co. Gloceſ- 6 18 9 ter, Propr. Bp. Proc. 1os. Pentecoſt. 25. Val. per ann. in decim. privat. 41.75..4d. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wor, ceſter. 5 7 St. Michael's R. in Bedwardin in Worceſter. Bp. Proc. . Is. 8d. 7 12 Pentecoft. 5d. Val. per ann. in pret. 4. quart. frum. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 23:13 71 * St. Nicholas R. in Worceſter. Bp. Proc. Is. 6d. Pentecoſt. 16 10 71 , 15. 6d. Quat. gardin. & du. ſtabul. ad val. 105. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter. 18. * Norton Chapel, (St. James,) in the Pariſh of Kemſey. Pen 2 126 tecoſtals. is. Val. per ann. in decim. privat. Il. 6s, 4d. &c. -- Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Vide Biſhop's Certificate, 10 Feb. 1682. 38 2 8 * Oddingley R. (St. James.) Bp. Proc. 15. 6d.". Vål. per ann. ann: 4 29 41 in terr. gleb. 25. decim. granor. &c, Thomas Foley, Eſq. 1776. Omberley, O 0 982 DIOCES E 0.8 WORCESTE R. . WORCESTERSH b. d. Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. per ann. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. s. d. 39 8 51 Omberney, alias Umbreſley, V. (St. Andrew.) Abb. Eve. 15 7 3! ſham, Propr. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 1os. 5d. Pen. tecoſt . 35. Val. per ann, in parva clauſ. 1s. 8d. decim. foen. &c. Lord Sandys, 1776. 14 19 11 St. Swithin's Run in Worceſter. Ballive Civit. Socage iodo] 15 15 O Penſ. Priori Wigorn, 1.55. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoft . 1s. 6d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 39 16 10 Spetchley R. (All Saints.) Penf. Priori Wigorn. 25. Bp. 6 1 3 Proc. 25. 4d. Ar. Proc. 25. in terr. gleb. 1. in decim. garbar. &c. Rowland Berkley, Eſq. 1777 22 6 4 * Stowlton Chapel, (St. Edmund,) in the Pariſh of Kemſey. 4 4 I 8 Pentecoſt. Is. Val. per ann. in decim. privat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Vide Biſhop's Certificate, 10 Feb. 1682. * Tibberton V. (St. Nicholas.) Pri. Worceſter, Propr. Bp. 3-15 io Proc. 15. 4d. Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. il. 25. rod. in decim. privat. &c. Dean and Chapter of Wor, ceſter. 31 10 8 CHAPELS, OR CURACIES. * Clains Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Whiſton, Propr. Pen. tecoſt. 15. 7d. William Denne, Eſq. Whitington, (St. Philip and St. James,) Chapel to St. Peter's in Worceſter. WARWICKSHIRE. D. Kington, alias Kineton. The Collegiate Church of Stratford upon Avon was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Těm- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 1231, 11s.gd. The Fraternity of Thelford, alias Thelisford, was likewiſe re- turned at 231. gs. iod. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. LIVINGS WARWICKSH. 982 DIOCESE E OF WORCESTER: King's Books. S. d. s. de 1 2 3: 11 2. 10 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenthis. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. 13 8 Atherſton R. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Bp. I 6 Proc. Is. 10d. Ar. Proc. 15. 6d, Pentecoſt: 4d. Edward Townſend Kenwrick, the Incumbent, 1766. 6 Oo * Aulſton, alias Alveſton, V. (St. James.) Pri. Tewkeſbury, O 12 Propr. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Pentecoſtals 6d. Rector of Hampton Biſhops, Patr. 11 II of Bareford R. (St. Peter.). Val. in terr: gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 25: 4d. Ar.. Proc. 1os. Pentecoſt. 4d. Edward Tart, 1727, 1.740. 12 17 II Barton upon the Heath R. (St. Laurence.) Val. in terr. Val. in terr. 1 5 9 gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 95. IId.1 Pentecoſt. 4d. Trinity College, Oxford. 25 00 Brayles V. (St. George.) Pri. Kenelworth; Propr. Vali in terr. geb. in decim, oblat. & al. emolumenr. fpiritual. Bp. Proc. 45. 44. Ar. Proc. 95. 50.1 Pentecoſt. 1s. 6d. James Bayley, Eſq. 1760. 11 10 71. Cherington, alias Cheriton, R. (St. John Baptift.) Val. in I 3 online terr. gleb. in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 10s5d.1 Pentecoſt . 4d. Richard Nicoll, D. D. the Incumbent, in full Right, 1780.. 10 O o Compton Parva, alias Compton Wynniatt, R. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 1S. 6d. Pent.-30.1Val. in terr. gleb., in decim.- gran. fæn. &c. Earl of Northampton, 1770.. 10 9 91 Halford, alias Hawford, R. (St. Mary.) Mon. Kenelworth 21. Priori Shene 8s. Val. in terr: gleb. in decim: gran. fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. Ss. 11d.1 Pentecoſt. 6d. Biſhop of Worceſter. 42 * Hampton Biſhops; alias Lucy, R.* (St. Peter:) Vicario 5 Walperron 46. Val. in. terr. gleb. in decim, gran. foen. &c. Bp. Proc. 6s. 8d. Pentecoſt. 15. 6d. George Lucy, o 110 ani 1760. 30 6 Ilmington R. (St. Mary.) Val. in terr. gleb. in décim. "gran. 3 fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. 55. Ar. Proc. 11s. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 15. 2d. Richard Swann, Clerk, 1781.. I O O 51 6 8 2 8 * Hampton Biſhops in the Original Record is placed in D, Warwick. Lighthorne 984 DIOC ES E or W O'R CES TER. WARWICKSH. S. d. 1 9 83 A KO , King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. 14 17 31 Lighthorne R. (St. Laurence.) Val. in terr. gleb, "in decim. gran. fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d. Pente- coſt. 6d. Lord Willoughby de. Broke, 1771. 14 19 o Oshill' R. (St. Laurence.) Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. 19 &c. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 10s. 5d.Pentecoſt. 4d. William Throckmorton Bromley, Eſq. 1760. 8 o Pillardington, alias Netherton, or Lower Pillerton, V.(St. Mary.) o 16 Val. in denar. numerat. fol. per man. decan. & cap. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc, 95. 11do] Pentecoſt.. rod. Colleg. Warw. Propr. Duke of Rutland. 13 6 8 Urlicote, alias Idlicot, R. (St. James.). Val. in terr. gleb. in I 6 8 2. decim. gran. fæn. (&c. Bp. Proc. 28. Pentecoft. 3d. 1 Robert Ladbroke, Eſq. 1782. 12 17 31 Whatcot R. (St. Peter.) Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. &c. I 5 83 Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. Iợs. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 4d. Earl of Northampton, 1774: 20 17 31 Whitchurch R. (St. Marys) Val. in terr. gleb.in decim. gran. 2 1 82 foen. &c. Bp. Proc 45. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d. Pentecoſt. 6d. Sarah Weſt, 1780. 61 Wichford R. (St. Michael.): Val, in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. 1 18 104 fon. &c. Bp. Proc. 55. Ar. Proc. 12$. 6d. Pentecoſt. 15. Sufannah Horne, Widow, 1768. WORCESTERSHIRE. 5 7 87 * SHIPSTON upon Stowre V. (St. Edmund,) cum Tidmington 0.109) Cap. Penf. Rectori Tredington is. Val. per ann. in per- Dean and. Chapter: of Worceſter, one Turn, Jeſus: College, Oxon, two Turns. 99 17 6 * Tredington R.* (St. Gregory;) Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 9.19.9 -31.35.4d.-&c. Bp. Proc. 45. 6d. Pentecoſt. 15. 2d. Jelus College, Oxford. 15 16 3 Cantar' šti Nicholai in Tredington. 7 Ž 1 19 8 I II * Tredington R. is to be divided by Act of Parliament anno 6 Georgii, entitled, “. An A& for ma- “ king the Townſhips of Shipſton and Tidmington a diſtinct Pariſh from the Pariſh of Tredington, in " the County and Dioceſe of Worceſter, and for dividing the Rectory of the faid Pariſh of Tredington into " three Parts,” thus: Tredington iſt Part R. Val. 331. 55. rod. X* 31. 6s: 78. Tredington ad Part R. Val. 331. 55. 104. X* 31. 6s.-7d. Shipfton cum Tidmington R. Val. 331. 55. 10d. X* 37. 6s. 7d. LIVINGS WARWICKSH. 935 DIOCESE OF WORCES T E R. 1. d. 7 15 2 I 2 6 0 I LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 44 3:11 Barcheſton R. (St. Martin.) Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. 13 6 8 gran. fæn. &c. Bp. Proc. Is. Ar. Proc. gs. vid. Pen- tecoſt. 8d. Henry Watkins Daſhwood, Eſq. 1777. * Biſhopſton, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Stratford upon Avon. 06 Butlers Marſton V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Pri. Alceſter, 8 3 4 Propr. Val. in denar. numerat. fol. per man. prior, & con- vent. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5di] Pentecoſt. 6d. Charles Henry Talbot, Eſq. 1770. 20 14 0 * Charlecote V. ſive Capella. (St. Leonard.) Domus Thel- 6 ford, Propr. Bp. Proc. 15. Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. in terr, gleb. decim. oblat. &c. George Lucy, Eſq. p. i. 1784. 41 4 Long Compton V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.). Abb. Walden 12 15 77 in co. Effex, Propr. Bp. Proc. 55. Ar. Proc. 135. Pente- coſt. 15. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Eton College. 48 o 8 Eatington Inferior V. (St. Thomas Becket.) Pri. Kenelworth, 12 o 7 Propr. Val. in terr, gleb. decim. oblat, &c. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d. Pentecoſt. 6d. Hon. George Shirley, 1782 30 5 0 Honington V. (All Saints.) Pri. Coventry, Propr. Bp. Proc. 9 6 8 45. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.] Pentecoſt: 11d.j Gore Town- ſhend, 1781. 13.0 Kington, alias KinetON, V. (St. Peter,) cam Cap. Com- 8 6 8 brook. (St. Mary and St. Margaret.) Pri. Kenelworth, Propr. Val. in denar. numerat. rec. per man. abb. & con- vent. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 15. Charlotte Bentley, Spinſter, 1746. 32 8 111 Loxley V. (St. Nicholas.) The KING. Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. 5 6 8 Proc. 95. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 4d. Val. in omnib. exit. Pri. Kenelworth, Propr. 45 19 6 Newbould Pacy V. (St. George.) Olim Pri. Sïi Oſwaldi in 8 39 co. Ebor. Propr. Bp. Proc. 23. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d. į Pen- tecoft. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb, in decim. oblat. &c. Queen's College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. by Grant from St. Or- wald's, 1349. * STRATFORD upon Avon V. (Holy Trinity.) A Peculiar. 20 Oo Colleg. Stratford, Propr.. Bp. Proc. 55. Pentecoſt. Is. 4d. Duke of Dorſet, 1762. 29 9 6 Tyſoe V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Stone in com. Staff. Propr. Bp. 10 oo Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 15. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. decim. oblat. &c. Earl of Northampton, 1749. 6 K Walton Calcom mais 50 0 0 0 20 O Proc. 45. 986 WARWICKSH. DIOCESE OF WORCESTER, S. 1. s. d. 40 per ann. 150 O O Clear Icarly Value, King's Books. / d. 49 3 8 Walton D'eivell R. (St. James.) Val. in terr. gleb. decim. 4 13 4 gran. fæn. & in omn. al. decim. oblat. & emolument, ſpiri- tual. The KING. * Waſperton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Coventry, Propr. 5 00 Bp. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. in omn. exit. & decim. The Rector of Hampton Lucy, Patr. 45 14 8 Welleſburne V. (St. Peter,) with Walton. The KING.711 8 Pri. Kenelworth, Propr. Val. in terr. głeb. in decim. oblat. & al. emolument. fpiritual. Bp. Proc. 35. Ar. Proc. IIs. 11d.1 Pentecoſt. Is. 3d. 41 3 2 Wolford V. (St. Michael.) Pri. Stone in co. Stafford, Propr. 8 oO Bp. Proc. 21. 135.4d. Ar. Proc. gs. vid.} Pentecoft. is, Val. in omn. profic. per annum. Merton College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. WORCESTERSHIRE, 71 Alderininſter V. (St. Mary.) The KING. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. 7 0 50 Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.} Pentecoft. 7d. Val. per ann. in decim. agn. lan. perſonal. &c. Abb. Parſhore, Propr. 29 12 O WARWICKSHIRE, CHAPELS, DONATÍVES, AND CURACIES, NOT IN CHARGE. Biſhopſton, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Stratford. Burmington, (St. Nicholas,) Chap. to Wolford. Pentecoft. 6d. Compton Murdock Cur. Colleg. Warwick, Propr. Lord Willoughby de Broke, Patr. Eatington Superior, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Eatington Inferior. Demoliſhed. Holy Croſs, Chapel to Stratford; in the Middle of the Town. Luddington, Chapel to Stratford. Demoliſhed. Morton Merial Cur. (Holy Croſs.) Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. Pentecoft. 6d. The KING. Hofp. St. John's War- wick, Propr. Over Pillerton, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel' to Lower Piller- Burnt down, 1666. Thalesford, alias Tellesford, Cúr. (St. Radegund.) Pri. Thales- ford, alias Tellesford, Propr. Mr. Lucy. Walton D'eivill, Chapel to Wellelburne; rebuilt by Sir Charles Mordaunt. IIS. ton, D. Wary SVARVICKSH. 987 DIOCES E or WORCESTER, or D. TTiarwick. IOS. 2d. The Collegiate Church in Warwick was returned by the Com- millioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 2471, 135. od. The Hoſpital of St. Michael was likewiſe returned at 101. IS. 8d. The Priory of St. Sepulchre was likewiſe returned at 411. I The Priory of Studeley was likewiſe returned at 1171. 15. 5d. I The Priory of Alcettur was likewiſe returned at 65l. 75. Iid. The Priory of Wroxhall was likewiſe returned at 721. 155. 6d. a The Priory of Pynley was likewiſe returned at 231. 6s. 1 id. The Houſe of Preaching Brethren in Warwick was likewiſe re- turned at 41. 18s. 6d. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. . S. d. 1. d. I I 10 10 71 Arrow R. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 1os. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 4d. Earl of Hert- ford, 1775 6 o Baggots Moreton R. (Holy Trinity.) Val. in terr. gleb. de O 120 cim. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. 8d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pente- coſt. 4d. John Horſley, 1757. 7 16 01 Bewdeſerte R. (St. Nicholas.) Ecclef. Wotton 25. Nicholas.) Ecclef. Wotton 25. Val. in 0 15 71 90 terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. 4d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 2d.] The KING. 8 10 Binton R. (St. Peter.) Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. 017 Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 95, 5d. Pentecoft. 3d. Earl of Hertford, 1766. 817 31 Exhall R. (St. Giles.) Penſ. Abb. Kenelworth 135. 4d. 017 83 Val. in terr. gleb. & omn. al. decim. tam granor. &c. Bp. Proc O O O 100 O 6 K2 -- 988 DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. WARWICKSH. O 14 2 Col- 0 13 4 O 6d. wick 45. 25. 11 IO 10 . King's Books. Kings Yearly Tenths. s, de b. s. d. Proc. 35, 4d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.Pentecoſt. 2d. The KING. Fulbrooke R. Demoliſhed. The Pariſh united to Sherborne o is in the year 1428 ; here was then ſaid to be only four Inha- bitants. 6 13 4 Haſelor V. (St. Mary and All Saints.) The KING. Col- 70 leg. Warwick, Propr. Val. in denar. ſol. per decan. & cap. eccl. cath. War. 61. 135. 4d. Bp. Proc. 125. 4d. Pentecoſt. 4 9 41 Haſeley R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Mon. Sti Sepulchri in War- o 8 111 Val. in terr. gleb. & omn. al. decim. Bp. Proc. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 3d.} William Davenport Bromley, Eſq. 1775- 71 Ippelley R. (St. Peter.) Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. i 3 of &c. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 95, 5d. Pentecoſt. 8d. Thomas Dolben, the Incumbent, 1781. 17 11 01 Kinwarton R. (St. Mary,) with Great Alne, (St. Mary Mag. 1 15 11 dalen,) and Wethley, (St. James,) Chapels. Val. in de. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 12sa 5d.] Pentecoſt. Is. Great Alne Pentecoſt. 3d. Wetheley Pen- tecoſt. 4d. Biſhop of Worceſter. 9 9 7 Lapworth R. (St. Mary.) Val, in terr. voc. głebeland in de- 0 18 11 cim. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d. į Pentecoſt. 7d.1 Merton College, Oxford. St. Mary's V. in the Town of WARWICK. Colleg. de War- 2 0 150 wick, Propr. Bp. Proc. 135. 4d. Ar. Proc. * Pentecoſt. 25. 5d. The KING, 13 6 8 St. Nicholas V. in WARWICK. Colleg. Warwick, Propr. i . I 6 8 Val. in denar. numerat. annuat. fol. per decan. & canon. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. * Pentecoſt. 25. 5d. Mayor and Corporation of Warwick. 4 O O Preſton Baggots R. (All Saints.) Bp. Proc. 25. 4d. Ar. 0 8 0 Proc. 25. Pentecoſtals Is. Val, in terr. gleb. & omn. al. decim. Richard Welchman, Incumbent and Patron, 1772. Salford V. (St. Matthew.) Pri. Kenelworth, Propr. Bp. 18 o Proc. 25. 8d. Ar. Fros. 11s. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. Is. 3d. Val, in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. & al. emolument, ſpiri- cania cim. 20 O 0 0 оо O 9 0 0 * The Corporation of Warwick pay for the Archdeacon's Procurations of St. Mary and St. Nicholas together 155. 4ch 4 cual, WARWICKSH. 989 DIOCESE OF WORCESTER. . d. 1. S. O King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. tual. Sir Francis Skipwith, Bart. 1758. Sir Thomas Skip- with, Bart. 1784. 8 o Snitterfield V. (St. James.) Pri. Sti Sepulchri, Warwick, o 16 Propr. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d.Į Pentecoſt. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. Biſhop of Worceſter. 710 71 Wolverdington R. (St. Mary.), Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. 0 15 03 gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 1os. 5d.] Pen- tecoſt. 3d. James Roberts, Clerk, 1775. 6 Cantar' de Guicliffe. 014 3 19 3 9. Hoſp. Sri Johannis. Vid. Orig. Surv. 18 2 I 16 I 18 43 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 2 10 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 32 14 61 AULCESTRE, alias Alcestre, R. (St. Nicholas.) Pri. Hen. 14 wood 1l. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 45. Ar. Proc. Ios. 5d.] Pentecoſt. Is. 2d. Earl of Brooke and Warwick, 1775. 6 21 Aſton Captlow V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Maxtoke, Propr. 9 9 7 35 Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. & al. emolument. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. 125. 5d.] Pentecoſt. 15. 2d. Shel- - don. Stephens, Clerk, 1776. 20 15 21 Bidſord V. (St. Laurence.) Pri. Kenelworth, Propr. Bp. 7 10 71 Proc. 25. 8d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 7dı} Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. &c. . Sir Francis Skipwith, Bart. 1758. Sir Thomas Skipwith, Bart. 1784. 12 8 o Billeſley, alias Biffeley, R. (All Saints.) Val. in terr. gleb. 5 4 7 decim. gran. &c. Bp. Proc. 25. 8d. Ar. Proc. gs. 5d. I Pentecoſt. 5d. Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. 1776. 49 9 O Budbrooke V. (St. Michael.) Colleg. Warwick, Propr. Bp. 80 Proc. 25. 8d. Pentecoft. 6d. Val. in denar. numerat. annuat. ſolut. per man, decan. & cap. eccl. coll. 87. Mayor, Alder- men, and Burgeſſes of Warwick, Patrons. 36 18 104 Clardon, alias Claverdon, V. (St. Michael.) Bp. Proc. 25. 5 12 1 8d. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.ź, Pentecoſt. 8do Val . in terr. gleb, in decim. oblat. &c. Archdeacon of Worceſter, Propr. and Patr. 13 9.64 Coughton V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Studeley, Propr. Val. in terr. 9 10 73 gleb. in decim. oblat. & emolument. ſpiritual . Bp. Proca 3$. Ar. Proc. 95, 5d. 17; Pentecoſt. 8d... Sir Robert Throg : morton, Bart. HENLEY 999 WARWICKSH. DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. . d. 9 16 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. de HENLEY in Arden, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Wotton Wawen. Pentecoſtals is. 17 4 Norton Lindſey, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Claverdon. Arch- o deacon of Worceſter. 45 13 41 Rowenton, alias Rowington, V. (St. Laurence.) Bp. Proc. 7118 60 35. 4d. Ar. Proc. cs. 5d. į Pentecoſt. Is. Valin terr. gleb. in decim, oblat. & al emolument, fpiritual. The KING. Mon. Reding, Propr. 37 9 8 Spernall R. (St, Leonard.). Val. in terr. gleb. & omn. ah de- 318 i cim. Bp. Proc. 15. 8d. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſta 3d. Thomas Chambers and Mary his Wife, Daughter of T. Al- len, 1763 8 o o Studley Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Studeley, Propr. Ar. Proc. 8 oo 95. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. 15. 2d. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. ob- lat. &c. Earl of Catherlough, 1768. 41 16 4 Tanworth V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pri. Maxtoke, Propr. 6 13 4 Val. in terr. gleb. in deciin. oblat. & al. emolument. fpiri. tual. Bp. Proc. 35. 4d. Pentecoſt..1s. and pays a yearly Penſion to the Biſhop of 135. 4d. Hon. Ann Elizabeth Archer, Maria Archer, and Harriott Archer, Spinſters, 1780. 5 5 o Temple Grafton Cur. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Wroxhall, Propr. Pentecoſt. 70.1 Mr. Parker. 8 Woolbarrow, alias Oldbarrow, alias Oldberrow, R. (St. Ma- 4 O 0 0 ry.) Bp. Proc. 25. Ar. Proc. 25. Pentecoſt. 3d. į Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. &c. John Hollyoake, Gent. 1725. The Biſhop, 1769. 33 Wotton Wawen V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Maxtoke, Propr. Bp. 11 9 7 Proc. 21. 175. 4d. Ar. Proc. Ios. 5d.1 Pentecoſt. Is. Val. in terr. gleb. in decim. oblat. & al. emolument. ſpiritual. King's College, Cambridge, Propr. & Patr. die 1.2) Volcott 44 II 8 3 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES, NOT IN CHARGE. Brearly, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Wotton Wawen. 1? A Hatton Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Pri. Wroxhall, Propr. Ar. Proc. 95. 5d.] Pentecoſt., 6d. Truſtees nominate the Clerk, that the owner of Pinley Farm Manſion Houſe appoints, 1783. Outenhall, (St. Mary) Chapel to Wotton Wawen. Pente- coſtals 6d. 3 Sherborne WARWICKSH. 991 DIOCESE OF WORCESTE R. Sherborne Cur. (All Saints.) Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Pentecoſtals 6d. John Webb, Eſq. 1782. Wigglesford, (St. Milburgh,) Chapel to Exhall. Pentecof. tals 2d. I Wilmcote, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Aſton Cantlowe. Demoliſhed. Perto Al Wroxhall Cur. (St. Leonard.) Pri. Wroxhall, Propr. a D MUNGU la liste Sinong sistema molto be one that there! Dioceſe [ 992 ] this See, temp. Hen. VIII. Dioceſe of St. David's. King's Books. 1. 426 2 ISHOPRIC of St. David's, Eſgobaeth Ddewi. David removed the See from Caerleon to St. David's, Anno Domini 577, once an Archiepiſcopal See, but loſt its Archiepiſcopal Power about the Year 1115. Le Neve, p. 511. However, ſome Attempts were not wanting to reco- ver this Dignity ; but Wales being ſubdued by the Engliſh, and the Cauſe being hung up at Rome, it remains there un- decided. Brown Willis, fol. 453. Vide Godwin. Vide Liber Regis for the Privileges and Emoluments of d. Yearly Tenths. . d 42 12 21 S, I B'S The Prebendary of Llangamarch, being the Treaſurerſhip in the Collegiate Church of Chriſt in Brecon, in the Deanry of Buelte in co. Brecon is annexed to the Bilbopric, in lieu of Mortuaries, by an Act of Parliament 12° Annæ. The Cathedral Church (St. David AND ST. ANDREW). All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of St. David's. 20 6 101 Præcentorſhip in the aforeſaid Church, with the Preb. of Llan. 2 O 84 beder Pont Steven included, was founded anno 1225 by Bp. Gervaſe. Syn. and Prox. 11. 45. rod. Vide Liber Re- gis, temp. H. VIII. 56 8 8£ Archdeaconry of St. David's, cum P. Meidrim in co. Caermar- 5 12 101 then, non in onere. [Archdiagon Ddewi Wallicè.] Repr. 31. 6s. 6d. Erected before the Year 1128. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. 72 15 0 Ecclefiæ appropriat’ad Suſtentation Divini Servitii in Eccleſ. 7 5 61 Cathedrali. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. 1 20 19 7 Ecclefiæ appropriat' ad Canon' reſident' in Eccleſia prædict. 12 III Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. 61 Treaſurer's Office, with the Prebend of Llandifilio Gogoff in- cluded. Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. Į Is. 6d. Vad. Ballivi 24 18 2 9 10 10s. PEMBROKESH, DIOCES E OF ST. DAVID'S. 993 King's Books se IOS. reu, Yearly Texths. de 1. $. do Was founded Nov. 12, 1259, by Biſhop Richard Car- Vide Liber Regis. The Archdeacons and Church Officers have Prebends annexed to their Dignities. There was a College of St. Mary the Virgin near the Cathedral of St. David's, temp. H. VIII. which was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Great Tythes, &c. annually the clear Sum of 1061, 35. 6d. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. 19 9 7 Llanrian, alias Llan Rhiain, P.* Synods and Proxies 35. rod. I ISI Vide Liber Regis. 25 14 41 Mathrey, alias Merthir, P. Val. in terr. dom. perquiſ. cur. 55 toln. in fer. & nundin. fruct. garb. &c. 5 4 41 St. Nicholas Penfoyft P. Syn. Archidiac. 2 s. O 10 55 N. B. The Chancellorſhip of St. David's is the Prebend Llaw. haddon in the Deanry of Dongledy in co. Pembroke. It was founded anno 1287 by Biſhop Thomas Beck, who, anno I 284, oppoſed the Archbiſhop of Canterbury viſiting his Church as Metropolitan, and pleaded it's ancient Rights. Llangan P. is in Charge in D. Carmarthen. Llandewy P. is the Preb. of Llandewy Aberarth in Dec. ultra Ayron in co. Cardigan, and there charged. Clydey P. is in Charge in D. Emnlyn. 2 II NOT IN CHARGE. Caerfai P. Caerverchel P. Prebenda Epiſcopi. Trefloyden P. There is no Dean in this Cathedral. The Reſidentiaries upon a Vacancy fill up the Number out of the Archdeacons, Church Officers, and Prebendaries. The three Church Officers are Reſidentiarii Nati by Virtue of of their Offices, the other three are elective; and under theſe fix Canons is the Government of the Church. Can. Reſid. 80l. per ann, each. * Llanrian, alias Llan Rhiain, P. This is annexed to the Archdeaconry of Carmarthen. Vide Dº Carmarthen. 6 L The 994 PEMBROKESN. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. The diſſolved College of LLANDWY Brevy, in CARDIGANSHIRE, had the following Prebends in it. Llanvaire Cledogee P. which belonged to the Præcentor. Blaenporth P. in Cardigan, D. Sub Ayron. Llanuchairon P. in Cardigan, D. Sub Ayron. Hewyde P. in Cardigan, D. Sub Ayron. Llanwenok P. in Cardigan, D. Sub Ayron. Yſtratt P. in Cardigan, D. Sub Ayron. Llangeby P. in Cardigan, D. Sub Ayron. Caron P. in Cardigan, in D. ultra Ayron. Carok P. in Cardigan, in D. ultra Ayron. Llanbaderne Odyn P. in Cardigan, in D. ultra Ayron. Llanbeyduy P. in D. Carmarthen. Trefleghe and Bettws P. in D. Carmarthen. Treffeglwys P. in Cardig. D, ultra Ayron. The College being diffolved, theſe all became Lay Fees; but they are ſtill continued in Charge in the King's Books, and of courſe liable to the Payment of Tenths. Names of the Prebends in the Collegiate Church of Brecon, tranſlated from ABERGUILLY, in CAERMARTHENSHIRE, to BRECKNOCK, by K. Hen. VIII. Llangevelach, non in onere, in D. Gower, co. Glamorgan, quæ eſt Domini Epiſc. ut Decan. Brecon. Llanvenneth, in D. Llandilo, co. Carm. quæ eft Præcentoris. Llanbiſter, in D. Melleneth, co. Radnor, quæ eſt Cancel- larii. Llangammarch, in D. Buellt. co. Brecon, quæ eſt Theſaurarii. Trallwng, Garth Brengi, in D. Primæ Brecon. Llanwthwll, in D. Buellt, co. Brecon. St. Harmons, Llandegla, Llan Gynllo, Llan y Drindod, ip D. Melleneth, co. Radnor. Moughtry, in D. Melleneth, co. Montgomery. Llan Dyffylio, io D. Carmarthen. Llanarthne, in D. Llan Deilo, co. Carmarthen. Llandarwg, in eod. Dec. Llan Deygwy, alias Llandoge, in D. Sub Ayron, co. Cardi- gan. 4 Nante PEMBROKESH, 995 DIOCESE OF ST, DAVID'S. Nantgwnllo, Lledrod, in Dec. ultra Ayron, co. Cardigan. Clyro, Llanſaufraid, Llanbedr Pain Caſtle, alias Bochroyd, Llan Ddeilo Grabau, Llan Elweth, in Dec. Elwell limoneth, co. Radnor. Archdeaconry of Sr. David's. 2. Pebidiawke. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. King's Books. d. 1. d. 1. 26 O ce 2 IO IO O O o Brodey, alias Brawdey, alias Browy, V. (St. David,) and 3 18 9 Hayſcaſtel V. (St. Mary.) Prox. quolibet tertio anno 15. 4d. Habet decim. caſ. mel. &c. Biſhop of St. David's, Impr. and Patr. 15 O O St. Dogwaels, alias Dogwells, V. Viſitatione quolibet tertio 4 16 01 anno Is. 2d.Syn. Archidiac. 25. rod.] quolibet anno. Val. in 16 acr. terr. gleb. fruct. &c. John Edwards, Eſq. p. h. v. 1719. The KING, 1729. The KING, 1729. Chantor and Chapter of St. David's, 1756. 7oo St. Elveis, alias St. Elvies, (Llan Elfyw] R. (St. Teilaw.) Val. in manſ. gleb. 4 acr. terr. in dom. &c. Prince of Wales. 16 FISHGARD, [Aber Gwayn] alias FISHINGARD, alias FISH- 4 o 5 30 GUARD, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. quolibet tertio anno 15. Viſit. Archidiac. quolibet anno 15. 11d. Habet annuatim tert. part. fruct. & oblat. &c. Prince of Wales. Abb. St. Dog- waels, Propr. 24 Granſtone (St. Katherine) and St. Nicholas and Marthery V. 6 8 11] Pro Indemn. 125. Prox. quolibet tertio anno is. Viſit. Ar- chidiac. quolibet anno 45. 3d. Habet dimid. fruct. eccleſ. Abb. Sfi Dogwaels, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. 0 0 Jordanſton, alias Tre Jordan, R. (St. Cwrda.) Vifit. quolibet 6 3 9 tertio anno 1s. Syn. Archidiac. quolibet anno 45. ed. Lewis Vaughan, Eſq. 1714. John Vaughan, Eſq. 1766. Gwynn Vaughan, Eſq. 1772. 6 L 2 St. 0 .996 PEMBROKESHO DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 1. d. 18 3 18 o O 40 0 o 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2 d, St. Laurence R. Penf. Præceptor. Slebeche 6s. 8d. Viſit. 9 30 Ordinar. 45. gd. Syn. 35. 4d. Prince of Wales. 0 Letterſtone, alias Tre Lethert, R. (St. Giles) with Llanvair 12 II of 70 Chapel. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Præceptor. Slebeche 8s. Prox. quolibet tertio anno Is. 10d.I Viſit. Archidiac. quolibet 55. gd. Val. in manſ, cert. terr. &c. Prince of Wales. 5 5. o Llandeloy V. (St. Teilaw,) with Llandely, alias Llandewy, 5 0 0 alias Llandhowell. (St. Hoel.) Val. in manſ. 8 acr. terr. gleb. decim. &c. Chantor and Chapter of St. David's, Propr. and Patr. 29 Llanrian, alias Llan Rhiain, V. (St. Rheanus.) Viſit. quolibet 6 11 3 tertio anno Is. 11d. Val. in tertia parte omn. fruct. per ann. Archdeacon of Carmarthen, Impr. Biſhop of St. David's. 14 Llanwnda V. (St. Wnda.) Viſit. quolibet tertio anno 15. 2d. 1 3 5 2] Syn. quolibet anno 4d. Habet altarag. & oblat. Chantor and Chapter of St. David's, Patr. and impr. Oo o Merthir, alias Marthrey, alias Mathery, V. (Holy Martyr.) 4 7 6 Syn. quolibet anno 55. gd. Annexed to Granſtone, alias Grandeſton, Vic. Val. in decim. caſ. mel. piſc. ov. &c. Biſhop of St. David's, 1741. Prebendary thereof, Impr. and Patr. o o Whitchurch Fgwlyfwen V. (St. David.) Prox. quolibet tertio 5 15 71 anno 45. 6d. Val. per ann. in decim. garb. fæi, caſ. Jan. agn. &c. Chantor and Chapter of St. David's, Patr. The 10 Chapter and Vicars Choral, Impr. 0 0 I 2 "Davida 20 s choracom NOT IN CHARGE. St. David's V. The Ch of St. David's, Propr. and Patr. St. Ederns, alias St. Edrins, Cur. Church of St. David's. 41. certified Value. Forde Chapel. Noviter erecta. William Knox, Eſq. 21. certified Value. Llanrythian, alias Llan Rheithan, V. (St. Rheanus.) Vicars Choral Patr. Impr. 4l. Value. Llanſtinan Cur. (St. ) (St. Juſtinian.) Subchantor of St. David's, Patr. 41. certified Value. Maner Nawen Cur. (St. Mary.) Vicars Choral. 4. çertified Value, Gwrthyd Capell. Nun Capell. All theſe five Chapels in St. Patrick Capell. (St. Patrick.) David's Pariſh are now in Pyſtill, alias Piſtyle, Capell. Ruins. Stinan Capell. (St. Juftinian.) D. Donglebie, PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE OF S T. D A VID'S. 997 2. S. d. I, d. - Llangolman and D. Dongledie, alias Dau Gleddau. The Præceptory of Slebeche, in this Deanry, was returned by the Coinmiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 1841. 105. 11d.j Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. roti LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Terths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 17 17 i Llahadden, alias Lláwhaddon, and Bletherſton P. (St. Aidan,) I 15 81 or Chancellorſhip. Archidiac. 55. 9d. Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno 25.2d Vid. Liber Regiş. Biſhop of St. Da. 2 4 7 New Mote R. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. 55. 0 4 51 9d. Prior. de Pulla Rector. appropriat. ſibi & fucceff. fuis. William Scourfield, Eſq. 15 4 2 Rudbacfton, alias Radbarſton, R. (St. Michael.) Penf. 5 150 Præceptoriæ de Slebeche 8s. Ordinario quolibet tertio 5 anno 25. 2d 1 Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. 9d. Præcept. Slebeche, olim Patr. The KING, or Prince of Wales. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 7 ó Ambleſton, alias Amleſton, V. (St. Mary.) Ordinario quoli- 3 19 41 30 bet tertio anno 8d. Habet terr. part. fruct. commun. ann. The Prince of Wales. Preceptor. de Slebeche, olim Propr. 30 Llahadden, alias Llawhadden, V. (St. Aidan.) Ordinario quo- 8 18 61 libet tertio anno Is. 6d. Habet manf. cum párt. omn. fruct. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Chancellor of St. Da- vid's, Impr. o o Llyfivraen, alias Lyſyvarne, R. (St. Miler.)". Archidiac. quo- 30.5 fibet anno '5sgd. Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno 84. 84. Dom. de Ferrers & al. Patr. "1535. William Scourfield, Eſq. 1717; and Sir John Philips, alternately. Sir John Philips, 1750. 9 Llandeilo. Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno 15. 4d. Syn. and CSIBERO Prox. vid's. I 10 O I IO O O O 0 20 3 18 2 998 PEMBROKESHO DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 2. d. Prox. 55. gd. Habet tert. part. fruct. Pri. Sti Dogmael. Patr. & Propr, Flugh Bowen, Clerk, 1765. 28 o Prendergaſt R. (St. David.) Præceptor. Slebeche 25. Ordi. 9 149 nar. quolibet tertio anno is. 6d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. gd. Manf. cum 2 gardin. &c. The KING, or Prince of Wales. Præcept. Slebeche, olim Patr. 00 50 O NOT IN CHARGE. Bletherſton, Chapel to Llahadden. Boulſton Cur. Præceptory of Slebeche, olim Impr. Clarbefton Cur. (St. Martin.) Sir John Stepney. 51. 156. cer- tified Value. Llandeilo Cur. (St. Teilaw.) The Church down. United to Maenclochogg. Hugh Bowen, Clerk, 1765.10 Llangolman Cur. (St. Colman.) Hugh Bowen, Clerk, 1765. Monochlogddu Cur. (St. Dogmael.) Abb. St. Dogmaels, Propr. Lord Milford. Slebech Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Preceptory of Slebeche, , olim Impr. William Knox, Eſq. 5l. certified Value. Spittle, alias Spittal, Cur. (St. Mary.) Præceņtor of St. Da- vid's, Patr. 51. 1os. certified. Value. Uzmaiton, alias Oſmundeſton, Cur. (St. Iſmael) Chapter of . St. David's, Patr. 51. 105. certified Value. Walton Eaſt Cur. (St. Mary.) James Philipps, Eſq. 1o. Wiston, alias Weston, Curacy. (St. Mary.) .l. certified Value. and D. Rouſe, alias Rhos. The Priory of St. Thomas, Haverfordweſt, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 1331. 115, 1d. The Priory of Pill was likewiſe returned at 521. 25. 5d. For Particulars, vid. Liber Regis, ( LIVINGS PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 999 15 12 II Efq. 1535. Rowland Philipps, Eſq. 1725. William Allen, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7 d. 1. si d. Burton R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 15. 4d. Archidiac. I II 31 quolibet anno 5s.gd. The KING, 1535. John Campbell, Efq. two Turns. Sir Hugh Owen, one. John Campbell, Eſq. 1765. Sir William Owen, Bart. 1779. 7 13 4 Caſtlewalwyn [Caſtell Gwalchmai] R. (St. James.) Ordinario o 15 4 80 quolibet tertio anno is. Archidiac. quolibet anno 5s.gd. The Prince of Wales. John Parrett, 1535. 7 13 4 Herbrandſton R. (St. Mary.) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno O 15 4 80 Is. id. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. 9d. Prior de Haver- fordweſt, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. 6 8] Hubarſton, alias Hubberſton, R. (St. David.) Penſ. Priori de o 12 33 70 0 Pulla 35. 4d. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno Is. 8d. Archi- diac. 55. 9d. The Prince of Wales. Prior de Pulla, olim Patr. 6 6 8 Roberſton, alias Roberton Weſt, R. Ordinar. quolibet tertio 8 70 Archidiac. quolibet anno 5s.gd. John Parret, 1535. The Prince of Wales. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books, 35 00 St. Bride's, alias Bridis, R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 15 12 II 15.4d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. 9d. John Wogan, O O 2 o 0 1 2 O anno IS. 6 10 5 his 20 Eſq. 1744. William Philipps, Eſq. 1765. 40 o 0 Camros, alias Camroſe, V. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno IS. 2d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 15. 11d. Manf. cum gleb. &c. Pri. Haverford Weſt, Propr. William and John Innys, Gent. 1714. Hugh Bowen, upon own Petition, 1765. William Wheeler Bowen, Eſq. 1778. o Freyſtrop, alias Freſtrop, R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 5 13 9 40 8d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55.9d. Prior de Palla, olim Patr: The Prince of Wales..! of 36 0 Haſcard R. (St. Peter.) Penſ. Pri. de Pulla Il. 6s. 8 d. Ar- 18 6 6 chidiac. quolibet anno 55.9d. Ordinario quolibet anno is. Prior de Pulla, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. 24 0 © Johnſton R. united to Staineton. Ordinario quolibet tertio 2 0 5 anno 8d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55.9d. Penſ. Pri. de Pulla оо O O 80 tertio O O 100 O 1000 und PEMBROK ESIT. DIOCE'S E OF S T. D'AVID'S. 1. s, d. Fior de O O O O 47 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 0 Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, lo d. Pulla 6$. 8d. The Prince of Wales. Prior de Pulla, olim Patr. 48 0 Staineron, alias Steynton, V. united to Johnſton, (St. Peter, 917 31 called St. Kewil in the Monaſticonl) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 6d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 25. 4d. Parv. manf. &c. Pri. Pill. olim Prop. The Prince of Wales. 30 St. Iſmael, alias St. Iſhmael's, V. Ordinario quolibet tertio 6 12 8 50 anno 9d. Prior Haverfordweſt, Propr. The Prince of Wales. o Llangwm R. (St. Hierom.) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 7 12 11 15. 4d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. gd. Dom. de Ferrers & al. Patr. 1535. Henry Walter, 1705. Sir Arthur Owen, 1717. Sir Richard Walter, 1725. Elizabeth Elliot, Wi- dow, 1765. Llanſtadwall, alias Llanſtadwell, V. (St. Sywall.) Ordinario 7.17 quolibet tertio anno is. 2d. Archidiac. quolibet anno is. uid. Manf. cuin fruct. &c. Pri. Haverford Weſt, Propr. Wil- liam Allen, Eſq. 1708, 1714. John Allen, 1745. John Lloyd and Elianor his Wife, 1778. Marlos V. (St. Peter.) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 1od. 5 O O 30 Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. 9d. Colleg. St. David's, olim Propr. Prince of Wales. St. Mary HAVERFORD West V. Pri. Haverford Weſt; Propr. The Corporation. Nolton, alias Knowelton, R. (St. Madoc.) Penſ. Pri. de Pulla 4 2 11 45. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 15. Archidiac. quolibet anno 5s. gd. The Prince of Wales. Prior. de Pulla, olim Patr. 15 Ros Market, alias Roſemarket, V. (St. Iſmael.) Præcept. Sle- 4 0 30 beche, Propr. The Prince of Wales. 17 0 Rupa, alias Rock, alias Roch, V. (St. Mary.) Çaftell y graig 4 13 9 30 Roch. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno is. 2d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. Manſ. cum gleb. &c. Pri. Pill. olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. oo Talbenny R. (St. Mary.) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno is. 10d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. od. Dom. de Ferrers, 1535. Wyrriot Owen, Eſq. 1714. Sir Arthur Owen, Bart. 1727. Sir William Owen, Bart. 1760, 1780. 14 Oo Trefgarn R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 8d. | Archidiac. I 13 9 quolibet anno 5s. 9d. Thomas Newport, Eſq. 1535. Mar- tha Fowler, Widow, 1715. James Jones, 1720. Eleanor Joạes, Widow, 1739. Thomas Kymer, Eſq. 1767 1049 0.0 Walton, alias Walton Weſt, R. Ordinario quolibet tertio 6 13 4 anno iod. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55.9d Henry Cathern & 19 10 28 40 O оо OV Oer оооо 35 00 9 12 6 PEMBROKESI, TOOL DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. King's Books, 1. Clear Yearly Value. 1. S. d. & al. Patr. 1535. Sir Thomas Stepney, Bart. 1719, 1739, 1763. NoT IN CHARGE. . Dale Curacy. (St. Jamies.) David Allen, Eſq. 61. certified Value. Eaſt Haroldſton, alias St. Iffel's, Cur. (St. Iſınael.) Lord Milford. gl. certified Value. Weſt Haroldīton Cur. (St. Padoc.) Pembroke College, Ox. ford. HAVERFORD West St. Thomas R. The Prince of Wales. Lambſton Cur. Lord Milford. 51. certified Value. St. Martin in HAVERFORD West. Pri. Haverford Weſt, olim Propr. William Wheeler Bowen, Eſq. 61, certified Value. 50 0 0 1 ale tarile 2010 D. Pembroke, alias Parberth, alias Caſtle Martin. Magdalen Hoſpital near Tenby was valued at 2l. Magdalen Hoſpital near Pembroke was valued at il. 6s. 8d. The Priory of Mounkton and Pembroke was a Cell to the Mo- naſtery of St. Albans. King's Books, LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Al Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &e. lo S. d. 1. S. do I I O IO IO 100 O 16.12 o Angulo, alias Angle, alias Nangle, R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. Pri. Pembr. il. 35. 4d. Viſ. Ordinari. quolibet tertio anno 15, id. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. 9d. Abb. Sfi Albani, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. St. Florence R. Viſit. Ordinaria quolibet tertio anno 25. 2d.1 13 21 Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 5s. 9d. Rex, olim Patr. St. John's College, Cambridge. 6 M Hogeſton, I IỚOZ PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE OF S T. DAVID'S. s. O 15 4 o 9 9 2 11 200 0 0 King's Books, Pearly Tentbis. 1. d. 1. d. 7 13 4 Hogeſton, alias Hoſton, R.* Viſit. Ordinaria quolibet tertio anno is. id. Prox. & Syn. quolibet anno 55. 9d. William Rachford and William Davies, 1675. Sir Arthur Owen, Bart. 1724, 1728. Lewis Pryſe and John Howell, Eſq. p. h. v. 1757: 4 17 6 Jeffreyſton V. (St. Jeffry and St. Oſwald.) Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 25. 6d. Gleb. &c. Gleb. &c. Chantor and Chapter of St. David's, Impr. and Patr. The KING, 1740, 1761. 25 10 10 NARBERTH R. (St. Andrew,) with the Chapel of Robeſton 2 Walthan. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55.9d. Vifit. Ordina- ria quolibet tertio anno 35. 4d. Rex ratione Dominii ſui de Narberth, 1535. The Prince of Wales. 9 I 2 II Pulchrohon, alias Pwllychrochon, R. (St. Mary.) Ordinario 0 19 31 quolibeť tertio anno 15. 4d. Syn. and Prox. 55.9d. Abb. Sti Albani, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. 15 12 11 Rofcrowther, alias Rhôs y Cryther, R. (St. Decumanus.) Or I II 3 150 dinario quolibet tertio anno Is. 4d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. 9d. The Prince of Wales. 6 8 Stackpoole Baſcher, alias Bofherton, alias Botheſton, R. (St. 1 2.8 Michael.) Penſ. Pri. Pembr. 6s. 8d. Ordinar. & Archi- diac. 6s. 8d. John Campbell, Eſq. 1720, 1778. 15 12 II Stackpoole Elider, alias Cheriton, R. (St. James and St. Eli I II 3 dor.) Sine Cure. Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno 1s. 4d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. gd. John Campbell, Eſq. 1715, 1718. Pawlet St. John, S. T. P. 1724. John Camp- bell, Eſq. 17.33, 17-9, 1766, 1780. 26 10 10 TYNEBY; alia's TEŃBY, Rt. (St. Mary.) Ordinario quolibet 2 13 zgo tertio anno 35. 4dit Archidiac. quolibet anno 58. gd: Abb. Sti Albani, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. . 100 0 0 O O II 1 0 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Oriya Clear Yearly Values King's BooŘs. 9 Oo Amroth V. (St. Elidér, or Eliêre.) i Archidiac. qüolibet anno 3 18 61 15. 6d. Val. in gleb. &c. Præceptor Slebech, Propr. Richard Fowley, 1741. John Poyer, Eſq. 1782. 26 Oo Angulo, alias Angle, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. quolibet anno 15. 3 19 Manf. cum part. decim. Rector, Propr. Biſhop of St. Da- vid's. 2 * Vide Hogefton V. among the Diſcharged Livings. + TYNEBY, alias Teney, R.--annexed to the Vicarage by Queen Anne, 2 Begeley, EMBROKESH, DIOCESE OF S T. DAVID'S. 1003 2 47 0 0 20 7 17 6 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 Clear learly Value, King's Books, l. 2. o Begeley, alias Bigelly, R. Syo. and Syo. and Prox. 6s. 9d. John 12 19 'ogan, Eſq. 1535. Sir John Philips, Bart. 1700. Eli- zabeth Philips, Widow, 1765. Baron Milford, 1779. 14 o „Carew V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Biſhop of St. David's, Impr. and Patr. oo Caſtle Martin V. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. quolibet an- no 28. 6d. Val. in altarag. &c. Prior. Pembrok. Propr. Joho:Campbell, Eſq. 1720, 1760, 1782. Cocheſton, alias Colheſton, R. (St. Michael.). Ordinario quo- 11 12 II libet tertio anno 1S. 4d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. od. Sir Arthur Owen, Bart. 1740,1751. Sir William Owen, Bart. 1:774, 1780. SI 35 Cronver, alias Crinowr, alias Crunwear, alias Cronowr, R. 6 6 103 150 (St. Elider, or Eliêre.) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 9d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. 98. Abb. Sti Albani, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. I oo St. Florence V.* Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 8d. Archi- 4 18 4 diac. 1S. Epiſc. olim Patr. The Reverend Dr. Peter Need- ham, the Rector thereof, 1717. Edward Yardley, D.D. Rector, 1761. 30 0 0 Gumfreſton, alias Gumferſton, R. Ordinario quolibet tertio 9 12 33 Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. od. James Wil- liams, Eſq. 1535. Jo. Williams, 1693. Francis Merricke, Eſq. and his Wife, 1729. John Meyrick, Eſq. 1770. 29 o Hogeſton, alias Hoſton, Vigo 33 o Jarberton, alias Yerbeſton, R. (St. Laurence.) Syn. and Prox. 5 3 9 quolibet anno 55.9d. Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno Iso 4d. I John Wogan, Eſq. 1535. Sir John Barlow, 1700. John Barlow, Eſq. 1718. John Symmons, Eſq. 1781. oo St. Ifmaels, alias St. Iſfells, V. Archidiac. quolibet anno 25. 6d. New Coll. near St. David's, olim Patr. Chantor and Chapter of St. David's, Patr, and Impr. 5 o Lamfey, alias Llamphey, alias Llantiffi, V. (St. Faith.) Syn. 5 8 11] and Prox. 25. Val. per ann, in deciin. cal. oblat. &c. Bi- ſhop of St. David's, Patr. and Impr. 3 45 Oo Lawrenny R. (St. Caredog.) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 13 Archidiac. quolibet anno 55. gd. John Wogan, Eſq. anno 25. 12 3 17 6 O IS. * St. Florence V. In the Liber Regis in the First Fruits-Office, from whence the Progurations, &Co are taken, this Vicarage is ſaid to be in the Collation of the Biſhop of St. David's. † Hogefton V.—This, by the Certificate, is returned as a Vicarage, but that is a miſtake, it ſhould have been the Rectory which is left charged, and there is no Vicarage diſtinct from that Rectory: Letter from Mr. Row, Incumbent, December 7, 1724. 6 M 2 1535. 1004 PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE OF ST. DA VID'S. 0 O O O Pecun. O O O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. s. d, do 1535. Lewis Barlow, Eſq. 1723. Hugh Barlow, Eſq. 1751. Elizabeth Barlow, Widow, 1780. 12 0 0 Loweſton, alias Loveſton, R. Ordinrrio quolibet tertio anno 4 5 5 2d.] Archid. quolibet anno 45. 6d. William Butler, Eſq. 1535. John Hooke, Eſq. p. h. v. 1741. The Biſhop, 1748. John Campbell, Eſq. " 30 o Ludchurch, alias Eglwys Llwyd, R. (St. Elider, or Eliêre.) 3 14 41 40 Archidiac. quolibet anno 55.9d. Regina, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. 14 o Mannerbier, alias Maenor bir, alias Manor beer, V. (St. 8 James.) Pri. Mounéton, Propr. Chriſt's College, Cam- bridge, Impr. and Patr. Percipit de Colleg. annuat. in 16 o o Martlewy, alias Martelwy, alias Martletwy, V. (St. Marcellus.) 4 Val. per ann. in port. Præceptor Slebech, Propr. John Barlow, Eſq. 1718. The Bishop, by Lapſe, 1771. Sir William Hamilton. 40 St. Michael's V. in Pembroke, with St. Nicholas, alias Mounc- 4 ton V. Manf. cum gleb. &c. Prior. Mouncton, Propr. Lord Viſcount Hereford, 1699, 1739, 1742, Patr. and Impr. 30 Nah R. with Upton Ch. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 2d.1 6 12 81 Archidiac. quolibet anno 35. 9d. Penſ. Pri. Pembr. 35. 4d. John Bowen, Eſq. 1708. Morris Bowen, Eſq. 1738. Tho- mas Skyrme, and others, 1764, 1774. o Penally V. Archidiac. quolibet anno is. 7d. Ordinario quo- 4 17 II libet tertio anno 7d. Nunnery of Acornbury, Propr. Bi- fhop of St. David's, Patr. 32 00 St. Petrock, alias St. Petrox, R.* Ordinario quolibet tertio an. 7 3 9. no 8d. Ar diac. quolibet anno 55.9d. Penſ. Pri. Pembr. 105. John Campbell, Eſq. 1728, 1780.00 o Stackpool Elider, alias Cheriton, alias St. Elider, V. (St. James.) 3 18 4 Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 4d.] Archidiac. quolibet anno 1s. 5d. Habet gleb. & tert. part. fruct. Rector ibi- dem, Propr. John Campbell, Eſq. 1766. 13 6 8 TYNEBY, alias TENBY, V. (St. Mary,) annexed to the Rec• 13 3 8 tory. Ordinario fingulis annis 35. Abb. Sti Albani, Propr. The Prince of Wales. O 22 10 1 2 * N.B. Mr. Campbell has finely adorned three Churches in this Deanry, viz. Stacpool Boſher, Stacpool Elider, and St. Petrock. St. PEMBROKESH. 1005 DIOCESE OF ST. DA V I D'S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 1. 24 O St. Twinell's, alias Winnoc, alias Wemor, alias Lymoc, (St. 317 II Winocus.) Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 4d. Archidiac. quolibet anno is. 11d. Habet manſ, cum fruct. Chantor and Chapter of St. David's, Impr. and Patr. 100 o Warren, alias Woran, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. quo- 4 8 11 libet anno 25. Bihop of St. David's, Impr. and Patr. Oo NoT IN CHARGE. St. Ann's Chap. juxta Pembroke, in Ruins. Coadcandlaſs Chap.* in Martlewy Pariſh. John Butler, Patr. 1535. Sir Hugh Owen, Bart. Craney R. The Prince of Wales, Patr. St. Daniel's Chapel near Pembroke. Pri. Pembroke, Patr. Valec tempore Hen. VIII. in manſ. 2 acr. terr. &c. 'Ios. А Methodiſt Tabernacle. Flimſton, Chapel to Caſtle Martin. Biſhop of St. David's. Minivear, alias Winwear, Ch. (St. Womar.) 71. certified Va- lue. William Knox, Eſq. Newton Chap. Abb. of St. Dogmael's, Propr. Julius Deedes, Eſq. PEMBROKE St. Mary's V. Pri. Mouncton, Propr. Lord Viſ- count Hereford, 1722, 1770. Williamſton Chapel to Begeley. Lord Milford. Jeffreſton, alias Jeffreyſton, Cur. (St. Jeffry and St. Oſwald.) Chantor and Chap. of St. David's. 71. certified Value. Reynoldſton Cur. Chapel to Begeley. Lord Milford. 2l. certified Value. Ridpert, alias Ridbert, Chapel to Carew. Biſhop of St. Da- vid's, Patr. 21. 55. certified Value. * Coadcandlaſs Chap._having laid 60 Years in Ruins, was neatly rebuilt on the Old Foundation, and endowed by Sir Arthur Owen, Bart, anno 1718. MSS. Browne Willis, Eſq. accination Col What Archdeaconry 1006 BRECKNOCKSN. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. Archdeaconry of Brecon. D. Firſt part of Brecon. The Priory of Brecon was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 1121. 145. 2d. Vide Liber Regis, for Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, Soc. 1. S. d. 1. S. d. to 0 0 0 0 100 O O Archdeaconry of Brecon, with the P. of Llanvaes, Llowes, 4 and Llanddew included. Erected before the Year 1140. Biſhop of St. David's. Vide Liber Regis. 9 10 71 Cantreffe, alias Cantref, R. (St. Mary.) Pro Ordinaria Ju O 19 01 riſdiétione 55. gd. Ann Jones, 1720. John Powell, Gent. 1743 The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1745. Gabriel Powell, Eſq. 1780. 14 14 41 Devunnock, alias Devynnock, (Dyfynog] V. (St. Kynog.) I 9 51 Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 6s. Val. in decim. lan. foen. garb. Pri. Brecon, olim Propr. The KING, 1707, 1716, 1732. Biſhop of Glouceſter, Impr. The Biſhop of Glouceſter, Patr. 1752, 1765, 1774. 9 10 71 Iſtradgunleſs, alias Yſtradgunlais, alias Yſtradgwnleſs, R. (St. O 19 0 Kynog.) In Ordinaria Viſit. pro Syn. and Prox. 1os. 5d. Richard Portrey, Eſq. 1715. Chriſtopher Portrey, Eſq. 1739, 1743. John Woodhouſe, Eſq. 1781. 13 o Llandavilog, alias Llan Dyfailog, R. (St. Tyfailog.) The 60 130 Prince of Wales. 710 71 Llan Ddetty, alias Llanthetty, R. (St. Dhetty.) Syn. and o 15 0 Prox. 9s. 5d. James Hughes and Anne his Wife, 1714. Roger Jones, Eſq. 1731. Roderick Gwynne, Eſq. 1769. Thynne Howe Gwynne, Eſq. 1777. 6 1 8 Llanhamlach, alias Llanhamwich, (Kanamlwch.) R. (St. Pe- ter.) Pri. de Malverne 11s. Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 10s. 5d. John Baldwyn, 1714. John Pritchard, Gent. 1755. Henry Rogers, Clerk. Llanfanfraid, I 0 12 2 BRECKNOCKSH. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 1007 5. 0 1 2 King's Books. carly Tentis, l. d l. d. 64 7. Llanſanfraid, alias Llanfaintfraid, [Llan Sain Ffred.] R. (St. 52 Bridget.) Penſ. Pri. Brecon os. 8d. Syn. and Prox. annua- tim 1os. 5d. Lord Aſhburnham, 1717, 1781. 20 100 Llanvigan, alias Llanfigan, alias Llan Feugan, R. (St. Men 2 10 ghan.) Archidiac. Brecon pro Prox. 6s. 11d. Pro Syn. Epiſc. 6d. Pro Prox. Epiſc. quolibet tertio anno 25. 8d. Manſ.cum 12 acr. terr. arab. &c. Sir Charles Kemys, Bart. 1702, 1717, 1724. Sir Charles Kemys Tynte, Bart. 1747. 4 10 71 Llanvrenathe, alias Llanfrynach, (Llan Fernach.) R. (St. Bry- 0.9 nach.). Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 95. 5d. Mary Wa- ters, an Infant Heireſs, by her Truſtees, 1719. George Kemys, p. h. v. 1741. Sir Charles Kemys Tynte, Bart. 9 10 5 Llulle, alias Lliwell, V. (St. David.) Syn. and Prox. quoli- 0 19 01 플 ​bet anno gs. 7d. Val. in dccim. lan. fæn. garb, &c. The Biſhop of St. David's. Church of St. David's, Impr. The KING, 1741. 9 3 11 Penderyn R. (St. Cynog.) Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno gs. o 18 48 5d. 'Edward Williams, Eſq. 1713. William Winter, Eſq. 1733, 1736, 1751, 1754. 8 3111 Vaynor, alias Y Faenor, R. (St. Gwendelina.) In Ordinaria 0 16 48 Vifit. 95. 5d. The Prince of Wales. 100 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 40 0 0 Abriſker, alias Aberyſkir, with Aber Eſgair, V. (St. Mary.) 3 6 3 Pri. de Malverne 6s. 8d. Syn. and Prox. 85. od. Val. in decim. garb. agn. caſ. lan. &c. Pri. Malverne, olim Propr. William Flower, Eſq. 1714. Lord Viſcount Aſhbrook, 1763 31 6 0 BRECON V. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Olim the Priory Churchi 613 4 Pri. Brecon, olim Propr. Sir Edward Williams, Bart. 1718. Sir John Williams, Bart. 1720. Edward Williams and Soanna Davies, 1748. William Philips and Sir Ed- ward Williams. 400 o Llandewalley, alias Llandefalley, alias Llandevachle, and 5 oo Crickadarn, V.* (St. Teilaw.) Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 45. 8d. Charles Vaughan, 1713. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1748. 34 0 0 Llanfpythid, alias Llanſpyddyd, (Llan Yſbyddyd.] V. (St. 5 27 81 Codocus.) In Ordinaria Juriſdictione 35. 2d. Val, in dec. * Llandewalley in the Liber Regis is placed in D. Secundæ Partis Brecon, garb, 1008 DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. BRECKNOCKSH. O IO 20 O Blaen Glyn met Clear Yearly Value. Bad Se 91AVH King's Books. 1. s. d. los do garb. lan, fæn, caf. &c. Pri. Malverne Major in Worceſter, Propr. Sir Galfrid Jeffreys, 1702, 1707. Frances Jeffreys, 1751. Lord Campden, &c. 1781. 25 0 Llanvayes, alias Llan Faes, alias St. David's in Llanvayes, V. 515 71 (St. David. Syn. and Prox. 45. 6d. Val. in decim. garb. fæn. lan. &c. Archdeacon of Brecon, Impr. and Patr. 3 0 0 Merthyr Cynog, alias Merthyr Kinnock, V. (St. Cynog.). Syn. 7 10 5 and Prox. quolibet anno 95. 7d. Val. in decim. & oblat. Pri. Malverne Major in Worceſter, Propr. Nicholas Jeffreys, Eſq. 1729, 1736, 1741. 1736, 1741. Mary Jeffreys, 1758. Penoyre Watkins, Eſq. 33 o O Talachdy, alias Talachddû, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 4 12 1 quolibet anno 55. 5d. Edward Lewis, Eſq. 1700, 1733, 1760. John Williams, Gent. 1782. Garth Brengy P. and Curacy, in the College of Brecon, (St. 3 6 8 David.) The Biſhop of St. David's. 41 8 o Trallon P. and Curacy, in the College of Brecon, (St. David.) 9 o The Biſhop of St. David's. Not. IN CHARGE. Battle, alias Battel, Cur. (St. Cynog.) 51. 55. certified Value. Bettws, Chap. to Llanfpythid Pariſh. Lord Campden. 21. certified Value. Tawy, Chapel to Devunnock. Biſhop of Glou. ceſter. Capell Kynog, alias Capel Cynog, Chap. Chriſt's College in Brecknock. Biſhop of St. David's. Colbren, Chap. to Iſtradgunleſs. Il certified Value. Colwen, (St. Colven) Chapel in Iſtradgunleſs Parith. 3. cer- tified Value. Crickadarn, Chapel in Llandefalley Pariſh. 141. certified Value. por Difryn Hondy, alias Dyffryn Honddû, Curacy, in Merthir Pa- rilh. * Garthbrengy C. (St. David,) under the Preb. 10l. certified Value. motor Iſtrad Welfry, alias Veltrey, alias Yſtradfellte, (St. Mary,) an. nexed to Devunnock V. 221. certified Value. Llachvane, alias Llechfaen, Chap. to Llanhamlach. Llandeilo Vaur, alias Llandeilo Fawr, Chap. (St. Teilaw.) Llaniwern C. 52. certified Value. 4 Llannant reco boosli tiegesi . BRECKNOCKSH. 1009 DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. Sant Llannant Brane and Llandilo Vanec, alias Llannantbran and Llandilor Faen, C. gl. certified Value. . Llanvihangell Nantbrân Chap. (St. Michael.) Pri. Malverne Major in Worceſter, Propr. Walter Jeffreys, Eſq. Llanvihangell Vechan, alias Llanfihangel Fechen, (St. Michael.) A Chapel to Llandevailog R. Llanthew, alias Llanddew, C. (Holy Trinity,) under the Arch- deacon of Brecon. 61. certified Value. Llanwnnen R. St. Mary Chap. in Brecknock. Vicar of St. John's Brec. 41. 6s. 2d. çertified Value. Nanddye, alias Nantddû, Chap. in Cantreff Pariſh. 21. cer- tified Value. Penpont Chap. in Llanfpythid, alias Llanſpyddyd. Rhyd Bryw, alias Rhd y Bryw, Chap. to Lliwell V. 21. cer- tified Value. Tafe Vechan, alias Taf Fechan, Chap. in Llandetty Pariſh. 21. 125. certified Value. Trallong Cur. (St. David,) under the P. thereof. 10l. certi- fied Value. Tyr Abbot, alias New Church, Cur. Sackville Gwynne, Eſq. Yltid, alias Iltyd, (St. Ilfyd,) Chapel in Devunnock Pariſh. Biſhop of Glouceſter. 31. certified Value. 1 MONMOUTHSH, 2 9. Second part of recknock. 1. S. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. d. 9 13 Ii Comduy, alias Llan Fihangel Comduy, alias Saint Michael Cwm- 0 19 33 du, V.* (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 6s. uid. Duke of Beaufort. 9 8 9 Comerdney V. Val. in decim. & oblat. com. ann. o 18 rož 5 9 91 CRICKHOWEL (Cryg Hywell] R. (St. Edmund.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. Richard Lewis, 1742. Duke of Beaufort. 4 14 7 Crickhowel Portion (St. Edmund.) An Impropriation. Syn. O 09 57 and Prox. quolibet anno 75. I do O 10 II * Comduy. In the Liber Regis this is the only Benefice that is placed in D. Third Part of Brecon 6 N 1010 BRECKNOCKSH, DIOCESE OF ST. DA VID'S. s. l. d. 5 io 1 -- & oblat. Duke of Beaufort. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. 2. 31 13 9 Llangattock, alias Llan Gattwg, R. (St. Cadocus.) Sine Cure. 3 3 41 Richard Weekſy, 1734. Duke of Beaufort, 1757 13 14 7 Llangynedr and Eglwyſveſey, alias Llangunnider, R. (St. Eyni- I 7 57 der.) Syn. and Prox. 125. 5d. Duke of Beaufort. o Llangors V. (St. Paulinus.) Syn. and Prox. gs. 5d. Val. ino II decim. & oblat. com. ann. Pri. Brecan, oliin Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor, Propr. and Patr. 19 15 21 Llan Fibangell Cwmdu R. (St. Michael.) Duke of Beaufort. I 1964 6 14 91 Llanvillo, alias Llan Filo, R. Penſ. Abb. Wigmor. 75. Syn. O 13 5 and Prox. 1os. 9dEarl of Aſhburnham. 7 31 Llandevailog Trefy Graig Cap. (St. Tyfailog.) Annexed to o 2 81 Llanvillo. 28 acr. terr. arab. 45. in decim. gran, fæn. car. &c. Earl of Aſhburnham. Iil, certified Value. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valué. King's Books. 30 o Brunles, alias Breynllys, [Brwnllys.] V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 4 16 oj and Prox. 55. 3d. Val. in dec. & oblat. Charles Vaughan, 1739. Walter Wilkins, Esq. o Crickhowel, alias Cryg Hiwell V. (St. Edmund.) Syn. and 3.17 87 O Katheddin, alias Kathedine, R. (St. Michael. Repriz. 55. gd. 5 Elizabeth Colbatch, 1731. Richard Davies, Efq. 1765. 45 o Llanellw, alias Llanelly, alias Llamell, R. (St. Elliew.) Syn. 4 6 3 and Prox. 75. Id. Earl of Aſhburnham. 30 o o Llangaſtey Tall y llyn R. (St. Gaſty.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. id. 4 18 9 Edward Williams, Gent. 1703. Mary Parry, 1743. Ri . chard Davies, Efq. 1762. Sir Edward Williams. 40.0 o Llanfihangell Tall y llyn R. (St. Michael.) Pri. Brecon 5s. 4 12 31 Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 95. 5d. William Philips, Eſq. 1713. Mary Phillips, Widow, 1763. o Llifwen (Llys Wen.] Ř.. Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 55. 5d. 3. 147 Sir Edward Williams, Knight, 1718. Chriſtopher Doyley, Eſq. and Edward Allen, Gent. 1759. Sir Edward Wil liams, 20 O 40 2 II O 45.0 Nor BAECKNOCKSH, Stois DIOCESE OR ST. DAVID'S. sket Nor. IN CHARGE. Llangattock V. Duke of Beaufort. Llanelliw, (St. Elliew,) Chapel to Llangattock. Duke of Beaufort. Llangenag, (St. Trillo,) Chapel to Llangattock. Duke of Beaufort. Llantony, Chap. in Cwmduy Pariſh. gl. certified Value. Lord Oxford. Tre Tower, alias Old Caſtle, Chap. in Cwmduy Pariſh. 21. IOS. certified Value. D. Third Pazt of Brecknock, alias Haye. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Spa King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, , &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. d. 1 d. 10 O O I O 100 O Glaſbury V. (St. Peter.) Valer in decim. & obvent. The Prince of Wales and Biſhop of Glouceſter, Patr. alternately. The Biſhop, Impr. The Biſhop of Glouceſter, 1720, 1759; 1778. 16 17 6 Llan Bedr and Patricio R.* (St. Peter. Duke of Beaufort. I 13 9 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. ilmovi.. King's Books. 17 0 o Hara, alias Hay, [Y Gelli.) V. (St. Mary.) Val. in oblat. 7 0 5 &c. Prior. Brecon, Propr. Sir Edward Williams, Bart. 1745, 1754, 1777. o Llanigen, alias Llanigon, V. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in decim. 7 12 & fruct. Pri: Brecon, Propr. The Prince of Wales. 81 40 50 оо O * Llan Bedr R. -This in the Liber Regis is put in D, Buelte. 6 N 2 NOT 1012 DIOCESE OF ST. DA VID'S. BABCKNOCKSH. NOT IN CHARGE. NOT MUSIC Aberllunrý, alias Aberllunfi, Chapel to Glaſbury. Almoſt in Ruins. Capel. y Fien, alias Capel y Fun, C. in Llanigen. Heref. Craſwell Chap. (St. Mary,) in the Pariſh of Clodock. 71. certified Value. Thomas Prichard, Gent, 1722. James Clerk, 1736. Walter Wilkins, Esq. Heref. Clodock, alias St. Cloodock, V. (St. Cleodocus.) Thomas Prichard, Gent. 1722. James Clerk, p. b. v. 1736. De la Haye Reece, Gent. &c. 1756. Kingſmill Evans, 1758. Charles Vaughan, Eſq. 1768, 1774. DIV Monmouth. Cwmjoy, alias Cwmyoy, Curacy, (St. Michael.) Lord Oxford. ill. certified Value.me Heref. Dulace, alias Dulas, (St. Michael.) A Chapel to Ewias Harold. The Bilhop of Gloucefter. 41. certified Value. Heref. Ewias Harold C. (St. Michael.) The Biſhop of St. David's. 201. certified Value. Gwenthwr, alias Gwenddwr, C. Henry Farmer, Eſq. 61. cer- tified Value. St. John Baptift, Chapel to HATA V. In Ruins.ro Heref. Langtown Chap. (St. Peter,) in the Pariſh of Clodock. Thomas Prichard, Gent. 1722. James Clerk, 1736. Wal. ter Wilkins, Eſq. 161. certified Value. Heref. Llanwaine, alias Llanweno, (St. Peter,) Chap. to Clo. dock. Thomas Prichard, Gent. 1722. James Clerk, 1736. Heref. Llanfihoe, alias Llancilloe, C. (St. Peter.) Lord Ox- ford. 31. certified Value. Llanywern C. (St. Mary.) The Pariſhioners, Patr. Heref. St. Margaret's Cur. Lord Oxford. I 6. certified Va- lue. Hesef. Michael Church Eſkley C. (St. Michaels) Lord Ox. ford. 71. certified Value. Monmouth. Old Caſtle C. (St. John Baptift.) Lord Oxford. 31. certified Value. horar os Heref. Rowlſton, alias Roulſton, C. (St. Peter.) Lord Ox- ford. 46. certified Value. Talgarth V. in Brecknock, (St. Gwendeline.) Dean and Ca pons of Windſor. Heref. Walterſtone Cur. (St. Peter.) Lord Oxford. 3la certified Value. . - D. abuelte BRECKNOCKSH. DIOCESE OF S T. DAVID'S. 1013 in gama D. Buette, alias Builth: 9. : ook 2. d. 1. S. d. * LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 2003 King's Books 1990 l'early Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. obao Bo 9 8 9 Llanavon Vawr, alias Llan-Afan Fawr, R. (St. Avanus.) Bi- o 18 101 ſhop of St. David's. 27 o Llangamerch, alias Llan Gammarch, P. in the College of Breck- nock. Vide the Biſhopric*. This is the Treaſurerſhip of Brecknock College. 9 12 II Llanwchull, alias Llan Wrthwi, P. in the College of Breck- 0 19 31 nock. Biſhop of St. Davids. 2 14 N LIVINGS DISCHARGED. est Clear learly Value. King's Books. 30 Llan Gammarch V. Val. in decim. & oblat. com. ann. Preb. 8.14 5 ibidem, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 20 00 Llanwrthull V. (St. Mwthwl.) Preb. ibidem, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 25 Oo Llanynis, alias Llanynys, R. Syn. and Prox. 5s, 5d. Biſhop 70 7 of St. David's. 40 o o Maeſmynys R. (St. David.) Penſ. 21. 6s. 8d. Syn. & Prox. 7 I 3 55. 5d. Biſhop of St. David's. NOT IN CHARGE. Altmawr, (St. Mauritius,) Chap. to Llanavon Fawr V. The Vicar of Llanavon noininates. 21. 175. certified Value. Llanllowenwell, alias Llan Lleon Fel, Chap. to Llanwrthull V. The Biſhop of St. David's. zł. 135. 44. certified Value. Llanavon Vechan, (St. Avanus,) Chap. to Llanavon Fawr V. Biſhop of St, David's. ! 131. certified Value. Llanvihangell Abergweflin, (St. Michael,) Cur. to Llanga- - merch. Biſhop of St. David's. * Settled on the Biſhop in lieu of Mortuaries, Llan- 1014 DIOCESE OF S.T. Đ A VID'S BRECKNOCKSH. Llanvihangell Prinapon, alias Brynpabean, Cur. to Llanavon Fawr. Biſhop of St. David's. 16. certified Value. Llanddewy Abergwiſſen, (St. David,) Chap. to Llanayon Fawr. Biſhop of St. David's. 181, certified Value. Llanwrtyd, (St, David,) Cháp: to Liangamerch. Biſhop of St. David's. 141. 175. 10d. certified Value. Llanganten, (St. Catherine,) Chapel under the Prebendary of Llandaróg. Biſhop of St. David's Tgl. certified Value. Llanſeynfrede, alias Llanſaintfraid, Chap. to Llan Gammarch. Biſhop of St. David's.com Llangynoc, alias Llangunnog, (St. Kynog,) Chapel under the Prebendary of Llandarog. Biſhop of St.: David's." 21. 125. gd. certified Value. Llanddewyr Gwin Chap. (St. David.)., 5l certified Value. LLANVAIR, alias Llanfair, in Buelte, (St. Mary,) Cur. A A Market Town in this Deanry. Pri. Brecknock, olim Propr. Byſshe Shelley, Robert Kingſcote, and Richard Pocock, Efgrs. lol. certified Value. biri td to goale Rayder Chap. to Llan Gammarch, wbbyobbye binas Serbia 50 godlicno16 I Vomasti alami yebron 118 agoya H28115 RADNORSHIRE, D. Pelleneth, Melinydd, alias Elfel Uchmynnydd. The Monaſtery of Cwmhire, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, &c. clear annually 24l. 195. 4d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 30 godina (via T VIOH) beter och LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. CS tid gia SHORTCOV Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c .; King's Books, d. d. ho 10 12 1. I I 21 I Blethvaugh, alias Bleddfa, R. (St. Mary.) Biſhop of St. Da- vid's. 3 17 31 St. Harmon, alias Llan Armon, P. in the College of Breck o 7 8 8 19 41 Keventhles, alias Cefuilys, alias K Cefullys, alias Kevenllys, R. (St. Michael.) o 17 118 Biſhop of St. David's. 34 o o Llanbyſter P. is the Chancellorſhip in the Church of Breck- nock. Biſhop of St. Davids 5.0 o Llandegla, alias Llandegle, P. in the College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. David's. Port 1964 Llan- 3 8 0 O IO O 3 RADNORSH. 1015 DIOCE SE S T. DAVID'S. . King's Beoks, d. 1. So 13 O O I 6 1 O 50 40 00 Yearly Tenths, 1. s d. Llangunllo P. in the College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. Da. vid's. 11 17 6 Nantmell, alias Nantmel, V. (St. Kynlog.) Bihop of St. Da- vid's, Patr. Church of St. David's, Impr. . 13 9 MONTGOMERYSHIRÉ. 17 8 4 Kerry, alias Ceri, V. (St. Michael.) Val. in fruct. &c. Bi I 14 10 Thop of St. David's, Patr. and Impr. in e bardhe do gor RADNORSHIRE. ONU decade Domingo od s PCE LIVINGS DISCHARGED.sprut me Clear Yearly Value. Vrbs King's Books. 35 o o Beguildy, alias Bugaildy, V. (St. Michael.) Biſhop of St. 7 15 71 David's, Patr. Church of St. David's, Impr. 25 Caſcomb, alias Caſcob, R. (St. Michael.) Biſhop of St. Da 7 o 77 vid's .. 25 0 0 Llanſanfraid Cwmyddayddwr V.* (St. Bridget.) Biſhop of St. David's. St. Harmon V. Val. in fruct. com. ann. Biſhop of St. Da- 5.15 21 vid's, Patr. Prebendary, Impr. 25 o Hiope, alias. Heyope, R. (St, David.) Biſhop of St. David's. 5 6 8 38 0 Llanbiſter V. (St. Kynlog.) Val. in fruct. &c. Preb. ibid. 6 11 52 Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 46 0 Llanbadarn Faur R. (St. Paternus) Biſhop of St. David's. 7 12 6 25 o Llandegla, alias Llandegley, V. (St. Tecla.) Val. com. 3 5 5 pro port. Preb. ibid. Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 28 oo o Llangynllo, alias Llangullo, V. (St. Kynlog:) Val. in fruct. 5 1 0 com. ann. Preb. ibid. Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 30 Llandrindod, alias Lledrindod, P. (Holy Trinity.) Biſhop of 5 8 9 St. David's. m 32 o Moughtry, alias Mochdre, P. with Cure, (All Saints,) co. I7 Montgomery. Biſhop of St. David's. 24 o Whitton R. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. David's. 4 71 012 40 godina NOT IN CHARGE. elle Cwmhire Abby, alias Abby Cwmhir, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Llanbifter. Biſhop of St. David's. 41. 135. certified Value. Llanyre, (All Saints,) Chapel to Nantmell. Biſhop of David's. 221. certified Value. o o n. ann. 0 0 0 O . * Llanſanfraid Cwmyddayddwr.-The Tithes divided between the Prebendary and Vicar. Llanfihangell - 1016 Ş DIOCESE 08 S T. DAVID'S. RADNORSK. Llanfihangell Religion, alias Helligen, Chapel to Nantmell. Biſhop of St. David's. 31. certified Value. Llanwanno, alias Llananno, alias Llanvenno, (Sr: Wonno,) Cha- pel to Llanbiſter. Biſhop of St. David's. 101. certified Va- lue. Llanfihangel Rid Ithon, alias Rhydithon, (St. Michael,) Cha- pel to Llanbiſter. Biſhop of $t. David's. 14h. certified Value. Llanbadern Vyneth, alias Fynydd, (St. Wynith,) Chapel to P. Llanbiſter. Biſhop of St. Dávid's. 1ol. certified Value. Llanddewy Yſtradenny C. (St. David,) Chapel to Llanbiſter. Biſhop of St. David's. 14. certified Value. Llandrindod Cur. (Holy Trinity,) under the Preb. thereof. The Biſhop of St. David's. 61. certified Value. Moughtry, alias Mochdre, Cur. (All Saints,) co. Montgome- ry, under the Preb. thereof. The Biſhop of St. David's. 81. certified Value. Pilleth, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Llangunllo. Biſhop of St. Da- vid's. 41. 125. 6d. certified Value. RHAYDER Gwy, alias RHAÍADAR Gwy, (St. Clement,) Cha- pel to Nantmell. Biſhop of St. David's. Il 155. certified Value. D. Elwell, alias Elfael Jlmoneth. N. B. No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in the Liber Regis in this Deanry. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbsa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. d. l. 1 II I 2 12 13 4. Aberdowe, alias Aberedw, R. (St. Gewydh.) Biſhop of St. 5 4 David's. 6 8 Bryngwyn R. (St. Michael.) Biſhop of St. David's. 8 7 6 8 Clyrowe, alias Clyro, alias Clyre, P. (St. Michael,) in the O 14 8 College of Brecon. Biſhop of St. David's. 16 0 0 Diſerth, alias Diſſerthi, alias Bettws Diſerth, R. (St. Gewydh.) i 12 Biſhop of St. David's. 41 Glanftery, alias Glandeſtry, alias Gladeſtry, R. (St. Mary.) 1 511 The KING, or Prince of Wales. Llanfanfreet, O I 20 O O I RADNORSH. DIOCESE. TO ST. DA VI D'S. 1047 - S. I porta of cum 4000 o . & . King's I King's Books ..? learly Tenths. d. 2. d. 6 8 Llanſanfreet, alias Llanſanfread, alias Llanſantfraid, P. in the o 2 8 College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. David's. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 42 0 Boughrodde, alias Boughrwd, alias Boughrood, alias Bochrudd, 12 6 8 V. (St. Gyrog.) Val. com. atin. in fruct ejufd. preb. -pro &c. Preb. ibid. in Eccleſ. Coll. .Brecon, Propr. Bi- ihop of St. David's. oo Clyrowe. Decim. & oblat. ad port. fuam pertin. Preb. ibid. Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 35 0 o Crigina, alias Cregina, [Orig. Tregyna] R. (Şta David.) Bi- 9 6 8 Top of St. David's. 34 0 o 'Glafcombe; alias Glafcwm, v. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. Da- 13 6 8 vid's, Patr. and Propr. 40 0 o Llanbedr Pains Caſtle, alias Bochroyd, P. (St. Peter,) with a 0 13 4 Curacy in the College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. Da- vid's. 44 O 0 Llandilo Graban P. (St. Teilaw,) with a Cur. in the College of 9 13 Brecknock: Biſhop of St. David's poopoo 25 0 0 o Llanelweth, alias Llanelwedd, P. (St. Matthew,) with a Cur. 6 10 in the College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. David's. 40 Llanfan Ffraid, alias Llanfanfread, V. (St. Bridget.) Val. in 5 14 91 fruct. &c. Preb. ibid. Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 28 o Llowes, alias Llywoſe, V. (St. Meilig.) Vic. percipit pro 8 10 parte ſua. Chantor and Chapter of the Church of St. Das vid's, Propr. and Patr. alshouve a commen 15 0 Nantmellan, alias Llanvihangle Nantmelan, V. (St. Michael.) 4 13 4 25 0 Val. in fruct. deciin. & oblat. The KING, or Prince of Wales, Patr. 1 *** 25 0 0 Newchurch R. (St. Mary.) Biſhop of St. David's. 5 6 8 G D 1601 sliva Not IN CHARGE. I .12 10 ron to at 4 O 0 0 0 O Bettws Clirow Chap. Biſhop of St. David's. Bettws, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Diſſerth. Biſhop of St. David's. 181. certified Value. Colva, alias Colfa, (St. David,) Chapel to Glaſcombe. Bi- ſhop of Sr. David's. 101. certified Value. 60 Llanbede 7 1018 RADNORSH. DIOCIRE 08 S T. DA VID'S. Llanbedr Pains Caſtle C. under the Preb, of Boughrwd. Bi- ſhop of St. David's, or Prebendary._ 81. certified Value. Llanddewy Vachion, alias Llanddewi Fach, (St. David,) Chap. to Llowes V. Arehdeacon of Brecon. Llandilo Grabun C. (St. Teilaw,) under the Preb. Biſhop of St. David's, or Prebendary. Llanbadarn y Garey, (St. Patern,) Chapel to Clyrow. Biſhop of St. David's. Llanwarth, alias Llanfaredd, alias Llanvareth, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Aberedw. Biſhop of St. David's. 43l , certified Value. Llanelweth Cur. (St. Matthew,) under the Preb. Biſhop of St. David's, or Prebendary. 6. certified Valụe. Llanbadarn y Garreg, Chapel to Cregrina. Bilhop of St. Da . vid's. 121. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Llanftephan C. (St. Stephen.) Lefſee to the Archdeacon of Brecknock, Impr. gl. certified Value. Rulen, (St, David.), Chapel to Glaſcombe. Biſhop, of St. Da vid's. 4h135. 4d. certified Value. CARMAR THENSHIR Brion E. Archdeaconry of CARMARTHEN. USAS Coti u strogenu De Carmarthetto basta N.B. No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanry, but to Llandefilio P. and Llandewy Cur, or Vic. The Monaſtery of Alba Launda, or White Land, in this Dean- ry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in: Spir ritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Suin of 135!. 35. 6d. atque The Priory. of St. Johu, Carmarthen, was likewiſe returned at 164. os. 4d. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars., , 2 out 30A 15ite dans to statistio od obstante ge to GOR Puigvialibrat IJVINGS CARMARTHENSH. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 1019 d. 1. d. in O I 12 O 8 0 O O 100 16 Richard: e. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. tests King's Books Pearl, Tenthis. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. . 16 0 Archdeaconiy of Carmarthen, has the Preb. of Llanrian, alias Llan Rhiain, in the Church of St. David's, annexed. Biſhop Si of St. David's. Erected before the Year 11go. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. o Eglwyſcymmyn R. (St. Margaret Marlos.) The Prince of 0 16 o Wales. Llambeudy, alias Llańboidy, P. an Impropriation; (St. Bry. i 12 noch,) formerly in the Church of Llandewi Brevi. Biſhop of St. David's. Llandawk and Pendige R. (St: Margaret Marlos:) Richard 0 15 Stedman and Jane the Wife of Charles Hanmers Eſqi 1720. Stedman, Eſq. 1736. William Powen, LL. D. 1759, 1776. 7 @ @ Llan Gan P. (St. Ganj) in the Church of St. David's. Bio o 14 ſhop of St. David's. 450 LLAUGHARN, alias LLACHARN, P.* (St. Martins) An Im- 4 10 propriation in the Church of Wincheſter. o Llanfædyrnyn, alias Llanſadurnen, R. (St: Sadwrn;) united to LLAVOK AAN V.* (St. Mårtin.) Dom. Máner.de Laugharãe, o 18 olim Patr. Edward Hughes, 1907, 1717 by Grant from Lord Arthur Somerſet. Richard Waring, Clerk, 1748. 12 9 41 Llandyſilio P. (Sc. Tyffilio,) in the Church of Brecon. Pent. 4 11 Collegio de Abergwilly il. Syň. and Prox. 108. gd. Bi- ſhop of St. Davids. 8 13 4 Llanſtephan V. (St. Stephen.) Præceptor. Šlebech, Propr. o 17 4 8g ở ở The KING, or Prince of Wales. 16 0. Trefleghe, alias Tre’lêchar Bettws, P. (St. Teilaw.) An Im I 12 0 propriation, formerly in the College of Llandewi Brevi. Bi- ſhop of St. David's. PEMBROKESHIRE..ge 10 0 0 Llan Bedr Velfry, altas Lfanpeter, Ř. (St. Peter.) The KING, o Prince of Wales: 100 7 10 O 0 1 2 O 6 6 O O I O 100 o *Lľaughard. The Advowſon thereof gráfited to the Church of Wincheſter, Aug. 21, 1547. Strype's Memorials, vol. II. p. 76, & vide Rotul. de Term. Mich. anno 6° Eliz, whereby the Tenths of this Rectory are diſcharged. 6 O 2 Llanddewivelfrey, T. . :D AV ID'S. . PEMBROKESH. s, o O O 17 O O O Merthyr Rai Archdeacon of St. David's, Impr; 1020 DIOCESIE OF STKing's Books Icarly Tenths, lo d. T. de 8 Llanddewivelfrey, alias Llauddwi. Wilfrai, R. Portion. (St. 0 16 130 o David.) Sine Cure and V. The Prince of Wales. Berita TOMT 13 diw) CARMARTHENSHIRE. heng, LIVINGS DISCHARGED. CIUC Oost Clear Yearly Value. 2013 King's Bookso Aberiant V. (St. Lucia,) and Cynwyl Chạp. Vali com. ann. 7 13 4 in fruct . decim. &c. Pri. Carmarthen, iProprii John Saint- loe; Mary, Anne, and Theod. Tilly, 1727. John St. Loe, Eſq. 1742 2 10 18. 4. CARMARTHEN V. (St. Peter.) Val. in penſ. anộual. rec. de 6 13 4 30 Prior. de Carmarthen pro ſtipend. Pri. Carmarthen, Propr. The Prince of Wales. 20 0 o. Ste Clares, alias St. Clears; V, All Souls College, Oxford, 4 172 ! Propr. and Patr, 11 obsan baru 31 o Henllan Amgood R. (St. David.), The KING, 1535... The 6 10 5 Biſhop, 1717. The Pariſhioners, being Freeholders. 350 Oto Killmaenlloyd, alias Cul y Maenllwd, R. (St. Philip and St. 6 10 50 James.) The Prince of Wales. 310 000 Llanbeudy, alias Llanboidy, V. (St. Bryạoch.) Ch, of Llan8 dewi Brevi, olim Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 014 17.00 Llandeffillio, alias Llan Dyffylio, V. (St. Tyſlilio.). Biſhop of St. David's. - Prebendary in the Church of Brecon, Impr: 38 LLANDOVERO, alias LLAN DEFEROWR, alias LLANDOWROR, R. (St. Gringat.) Sir John Philips, Bart. 1716, 1761. bytok btak, 250 0, Llan Falteg R. (St. Maltig.) Biſhop of St, David's. bol 4 Q 5 Llan Gan V. (St. Gan.). Val, in fruct. & emolument, com. 3 ann. Preb. of Llangan, in the Chi of St. David's, Propr. Biſhop of $t. David's. 8), 7 engolah 160 o Llanglodwen, alias Llanglydwen, R. (St. Clydwn.) The 213 48 250 Prince of Wales ile or color 47 4.17 60 Liza 12 10 43 O Meidrim, alias Mydrim, V. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. David's. a 7010, 0 16 Trefleghe Bettus , () College of Llandewi Brevi, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 9:29 PEMBROKESHIRE, Llanddewiwillfrei, alias Llan Ddewi Velfrey, Second Portion, 7 9 45 alias V. (St. David.). The Prince of Wales.za 16 57 5:17.gal cilas of sb luidshin 0;... ioy qalsitons!! betodolib 016 yos 6 0 18 O ооо 0 I O O o Q O 38 50 оо O NOT CARMARTHENSH. I021 DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. Nor IN CHARGE. กระเป522 8 7 ฮสง 11 . I Betrws, Ohapel to Trefleghe, usila Convil Elvet, alias. Colwell, alias Cynwyl, (St. Gonvil,) Cha. pel to Abernant. 31. certified Value. 01.Egermond, alias Egremond, Cur. (St. Michael.) Rawleigh Manſell. Eſq. 31, certified Value. Eglws Fair, (St, David,). Chapel to Henllan Amgoed.- 19 apLantâf, alias Whitland, Chapel to Llan Beudi Kylfig, St. Kyllig,) Curacy to Llaugharn. 141. 125. certified i Value. Llanllwch, Chapekto Carmarthen. Ios, certified Value. Llangain Chap. (St. Synin.) 41. certified Value, Llanybri, Chapel to Llanyſtephan V.* Llangynog, alias Llangunnog, (St. Cynog,) Chapel to Llãny- ftephan V. 101. certified Value. Llanvihangel Abercowyn, (St. Michael,) Chap: to Mydrim V. The Biſhop of St. David's. 29 Llan Newidd, alias Newchurch, Cur. Cavendish Tyrrel Man waring, Eſq. 61. certified Value: Llangining, Chapel-to St. Clare's. 31. certified Value. teeb? Llandilo Aber Cowin C. 161. 8s. certified Value.Eta Llanwinnio C. (St. Gwinnio) 81. certified Values Llanwndle C. (St. Michael.) Marros, Chapel to Llaugharn. 12le certified Values; 25. St. Nicholas Chap. cum Marblechurch dianybre to gomis .:: Hi polis bölgesi als 100 1 80 02 D. Kidweily: 3 ) Glo con ց Լ. N.B. No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanry- is het The Priory of Kidwelley was returned by the Commiſſioners i be worth annually 297. 105. . to For Particulars, vide Liber Regis... G * Llanftephan V. (St. Stephen,) a Meeting Houſee LIVINGS 1022 CARMARTHENSHA DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. who King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. ho so do Lilan Edi R. (St. Edith.) The Prince of Wales. O 16 go 9 13 4 Llanvaylog, alias Llan Defailog, alias Llandeveylogg, W. (St. O 19 4 Tyfailog) Coll. Newark in Leiceſter, Propr. Luke of So- 'merſet, 1736. Marquis of Granby and his Wife, 1753. Duke of Rutlands 1. 8 O O 0 O o kę of Kurlando I the ones the 50 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. ***033 I eil's too donte *** 3100 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 40 KLDWELLY, alias CYDWELI, V.* (St. Mary) Pri. Kidwelly, 7 10 0 Propr. The Prince of Wales. 27 6 8 LWANELL¥, alias LEAN ELLI, alias. LLANGENNITH, V. (St. 6 6 8 Elliew.) Pri. Kidwelly, Propr. Duke of Somerſet, 1741. Duke of Rutland. 30 0 0 Llan Gunnor V. (St. Gwinnour.). Bishop of St. David's. 3 o Penbrey, alias Pen Bre, V. (St. Ilfyd.) Calleg de Newark 6 6 8 in Leiceſter, Propret or Abb. Sherborne in Dorſet. Duke of Somerſet, 1728. Lord Roos, 1767. Earl of Aſhburn- ham. 40 St. Iſınael's, alias St. Ihmael V. The Prince of Wales. 700 50 0 10 15 оо O Not IN CHARGE. Llanſant, (All Saints,) Chapel to Iſmael's. The Prince of Wales. Ifan, (St. John,) Chapel to Llanelly. Llangennish, (St. Gwynnoc,) Chapel to Llanelly. Duke of Rurland. 61. 135. 4d. certified Value. * Kidwelly V.--In this Pariſh are five ruined Chapels vins Tyles, Lhavibangel, Coker, Cadoc, and St. Thomas. + Penbrey-is-foundationrg the Poffeffions of the College of Newark in Eeiecfteri Vide Orig. Surr. in Offic. Primit. & Decimarum Llandyrw, CARMARTHENS. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 4023 of St..David's... a Llandyrw, Chapel to Penbrey, Dewi Chap Ruined. Dyddwen Chap. Ruiped. Llangendeirn, (St. Cynderin,) Chapet to Llandevaylog. Duke of Rutland. 61. 135: 4d. certified Value. Elannon C. (St. Non.) Împr. Duke of Rutland. 67. 138. 4d. certified Value. Y Drindod. Chap. Ruined. 6) in ob odysvobasli cat, godiste abil este consist Ortois laseb do gostyn et bare to BiopisMOTI 191 19T 9. Llanddillo and Lian Garog: N.B. No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanry. The College of Abergwilly, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth annually 421. The Monaſtery of Falley was likewiſe returned at 136l. gs. 7 de For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. ibin tata 2 V 20000 mg la LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. "Stone King's Books, Yearly Terthso Rectories, &c. with their Patrons,. Proprietors, &c. 1. s. 1:5 Q. Llanarthney P. (St. David,) in the College of Brecknock *; formerly in the Ch..of Abergwilly. Biſhop of St. David's.. o Llanddarog P. (St. Twynog,), in the College of Brecknock. Biftop of St. David's. 16.0: O: LDANDILO FAUR, alias Llan Deilo fawr, V. (St. Teilow.) I 12. Abb. de Valle Regali, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 70 0. Llandraddatza alias Llàndingad, V. (St. Dingat.). Chapter of O 14 St. David's, Propre Biſhop of St. David's. 8.13" 4Llan Fgwad V. (St. Egwod:) Abb. Talley, Propr. Biſhop o. 17 4 go oo LEANGAD DOEK, alias Llan Gadog, V. (St. Cadocils.) Colleg. 0. 18 Abergwilly, Propr. Biſhop of Sr. David's. 8 o Llanvedneth, alias Llan Fynnyd, P. (St. Egwod,) is the Præ- 1 16 centrſhip of Brecon Biſhop of St. David's. 075 TEODORA 1. s. d. so 0. I 10 IO O I: 0 0 * See Browne Willis's Mitred Abbies, vol. II. p: 303, for the Foundation Charter of the College: of Breckoock, Kil: 41 1024 DIOCESE OF S T. DAVID'S. CARMARTHENSH. King's Books. 1. d. 5 O 0 Yearly Tenths. 1. do Kilcombe V. alias Cul y Cwm Cur. (St. Michael.) Vali in o 10 fruct. &c. Thynge Howe Gwynne, Eſq. Kinivilgaio, alias Conwilgaio, alias Cynwyl Gaio, V. (St. Kin- vil,) with Llanſawell. Abb. Talley, Propr. The Prince of Wales. O O IO 5 60 o O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 48 0 o Abergwilly, alias Aber Gwili, V. (St. David.) Pri. Carmar- 3 6 8 then; Propr. “Billiop of St. David's, Patr. Chapter of Windſor, Impr. 10 0 o Llanvihangell Kilwargen, alias Llan Fihangel Cul Fargen, R. I 6 8 (St. Michael.) Duke of Bolton, 1731. Richard Vaughan, Eſq. 1770. 0 40 o Llanarthney V. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. The 8 Prebendary thereof, Impr. .40 0 o Llandeby, alias Llan Dybiaw, V. (St. Tybie.) Biſhop of St. 4 O o David's, Patr. Chapter of St. David's, Impr. The KING, 1782. 40 00 Llangathen, alias Llan Galthen, V. (St. Michael and All 6 13 4 Saints.) Nunnery of Cheſter, Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. Llanſadurn, alias Llan Sadwrn, alias Llanwarda, V. (St. Sa- 6 10 dwrn.) Abb. Talley, Propr. Francis Cornwallis, Eſq. 1716, 1721. Emma Robinſon, Widow, and others, 1743. Dame Elizabeth Maude, Widow, and others, 1761. 23 00 Llanthenny, alias Llanllwni, V. (St. Llwny.) Pri. Carmathen, 5 0 0 Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Biſhop of Lincoln, 39 10 O Impr. 46 od 260 O Llanvenneth, alias Llanfynydd, V. (St. Egwod.) Biſhop of 6 13 St. David's, Patr. Præcentor of Brecknock, Impr. Llan Fihangel Ararth V. (St. Michael.) Pri. Carmarthen, 6 6 8 Propr. John Lewes, Eſq. 1730. John Lewes, Eſq. and James Lewes, Gent. 1753. 7o o Lloughbether, alias Llanybyddar, alias Llanybyder, V. (St. 4.0, Peter.) Pri. Carmarthen, Propr. The KING, 1741. The Prince of Wales. 30 o Mothby, alias Mothvey, alias Myddfai, y. (St. Michael.) 6 6 8 Biſhop of St. David's, Impr. and Patr. 27 0.0 Pencarreg V. (St. Patrick.) Abb. of Strata Florida, Propr. 4 O o John Lewis , Eſq. 1696. Lewis Langton, Eſq., 1733. Geo. Lewis Langton, Eſq. O po Not CARMARTHENIJ. DIOCESE OF ST.DAVID'S. 1025 NOT IN CHARGE. Abergorlech Chap. Vicar of Llanybydder noininates. Bach Chap. Ruined. Bettws C. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. David's. 61. certified Value. Brechva, alias Brechfa, C. (St. Teilaw.) Miſs Gwynne and George Morgan, Eſq. alternately, 81. 5$, certified Value. Cynfab Ch. to Landingat. Ruined. Gwynvey Ch. The Vicar of Llangadock nominateş. Gwnfan Chap. Ruined. Holy Trinity or Tilliaris Chap. alias Taliaris Ch. in Llandilo. Owners of Talliaris nominate. 10l. certified Value. Kil y Cwm, alias Cul y Cwm, C. Thynne Howe Gwynne, Eſq. iol, certified Value. Llandarwg, alias Llanddarog, V. (St. Twrrwg.) Biſhop of St. David's. 8l certified Value. Llan y Pumpſaint Chap. to Abergwilly. Vicar of Abergwil- ly nominates. 56. certified Value. Llan Fihangel Wchwily Chap. (St. Michael.) Vicar of Aber- gwilly nominates. Llanlloian Chap. In the Hands of the Methodiſts, Llanvihangell Rhoſycorn Chap. annexed to Llanllony. Biſhop of St. David's, &c. Llanycrwys Chap. (St. David.) John Bowen, Eſq. nominates. Llanſawel, (St. Sawell,) Chap. to Caio. Prince of Wales. Llandingat, alias Llandingad, V. (St. Mary.) Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Church of St, David's, Impr. Llanvair ar y Brin Chap. and Pariſh, annexed to Llandingad. Biſhop of St. David's. Llandeveyfant, alias Llanddewiſant, Don. John Vaughan, Eſq. Llanbither, alias Llany byddar, Don. John Vaughan, Eſq. 61. 1oś, certified Value. Llanfihangel Aberbythych, C. (St. Michael.) John Vaughan, Eſq. 15l. certified Value. Llanlawthog, alias Llanllawddog, Chap. (St. Lawdog.) Biſhop of St. David's. 5l certified Value. Llandeveyſon, alias Llanddeuſant, C. annexed to Llanzadog. Biſhop of St. David's. 31. certified Value. Llanwnda, alias Llanwrdra, (St. Cwrda,) Chap. to Llanſadwrn. Owners of Taliaris Eftate. Newid Chap. Ruined. 6 P Pelyn 1026 CARMARTHENSH. DIOCESE OF STST. . DAVID'S. DA VI D'S. Pelyn Chap. Ruined. Pencader Chap. Ruined. Tally, alias Talley, C. (St. Michael.) Olim an Abbey. The joint Proprietors of the Abermarlais Eſtate nominate. 81. certified Value The following Chapels are ruinated. Criſt (Foly Trinity:) Mair, Llanvihangel, Cynhwn, and Trilo. Capel. Gwilym Fæthus, by Cothi Bridge. In Ruins. IS Dom GLAMORGANSHIRE, actes D. Gower, alias Gwyr. No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanty .. LIVINGS REMAINING IN. CHARGE. ID King's Books. Pearly Tenths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietórs, &c. 1. d. L. d. O 18 8 100 o I 20 0 0 100 O O 9 6 8. Biſhopſton R. (St. Teilaw.) Biſhop of Llandaff. 9 7 31. Cheriton R. (St. Cadocus.) Abb. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, O 18 81 olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. 7 31 Llandevailog Trefgraig, alias Llandeilo Tref. Graig, Church o 2 82 or Chap. Quære. If in this Deanry. Guardianatus de Swanzey five P. An Impropriation. Vide Vide 2 0 0 Liber Regis. 9 6 8 Ilſton R. (St. Ilfyd.) Abb. Sancti Johannis Jeruſalem, olim o 18 8 9. Propr. The Prince of Wales. 13dA logistics! 9 14 91 Llangevellach, alias Llangyvelach, V. (St. Geffeliach.) The o 19 54 Impropriation of this is in the Biſhop of St. David's, as Dean of the College of Brecknock. 9 Llanvaydock, alias Llanfadog, alias Llanmadock, R. (Sti Ca- docus.) Abb. Sfi Johannis Jeruſalem, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. 5 Lloher, alias Llwchddwr, alias Llwhwr, R. (St. Michael.) 0 19 o1 IOR O The Prince of Wales. Port, O 18 0 100 O O 9.10 0 GLAMORGANSH, DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 1027 lo d. King's Books. Pearly Tonths, 1. d. 9 5 10 Port, alias Portheinon, alias Porteynon, R. (St. Cadocus.) o 18 7 Abb. Sti Johannis Jerufalem, olim Pátr. The Prince of Wales. 9 6 8 Roſfille, alias Rhofilly, R. (St. Mary.) Abb. Sti Johannis o 18 8 Jeruſalem, olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. ΠΙΟ O O 120 O IO O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valueam. King's Books, oó Llandewy, alias Llan Ddewi, V. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. 3 3 4 David's , Patr . Chapter of St. David's, Impr. 15 o o Llangynnedr, alias Llangennych, alias Llangenith, V. (St. Gwy- 516 8 nour.) All Souls College, Oxford, Patr. and Impr. Llanrhidian V. (St. Ilfyd.) Dom. de Slebech, olim Patr. 12 13 4 George Morgan, Efq. 41 Llandilo Tal y Bout, alias Llan Deilo Tal y Bout, V. (St. Tei- 4 14 7 law.): Abb. Nethe, Propr. Sir Thomas Manſell, Bart. 1708. Buffy Manſell, Eſq. 1731, 1743. George Venables Baron Vernon, 1781. 29 Nicholafton R. (St. Nicholas.), Lord Manſell, 1735. Tho- 5 il o mas Manſell Talbot, Eſq. 1761. ? 40 0 Oxwich R. (St. Ilfyd.) Lord Manſell, 1735. Thomas Man- 99 fell Talbot, Eſq. 1772. o Penmaene, alias Penmain, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) The Prince 4 10 500 - of Wales ..? o Pennarth, alias Penkerth, V. (St. Mary.) All Souls College, 3 16 8 Oxford, Patr. and Impr. 35 0 o Rynalton, alias Reynoldſtown, R. (St. George.) George Ver. 511 0] 플 ​non, 1535 Lord Manfell, I7175 1749. 36 0 Swansey, alias Swanșe , alias - Aber Tawy, V. (St. Mary.) 7 14 1 - Hoſp. Swanſey, Propr. Thomas Herbert, Eſq. 1717, 1729. William Powell, 1752, 1757. o O O 2 35 0 8 a 원 ​1 O NOT IN CHARGE. $1 Eglwys Jevan, alias Eglwys Evan, Cur. Bu St. John's Cur. Lord Vernon. 5l. certified Value. Knoylſton, alias Knolſton, V. (St. Maurice.) Chapter of St. David's Propr. and Patr. Llangwyner Chap. (St. Gwynour.) Llanſamlet Cur. (St. Samlet.) Annexed to Llangyvelach. Bi- fhop of St. David's. 121. certified Value. 6 P 2 Llan. 1023 DIOCE S E OF ST. DAVID's. GLAMORGANSW. Archdeaconry of CARDIGAN. (,) ( Prince of Wales Waenor Deifi, R. Allocat. pro O 18 Llangwick, alias Llanguke, C. (St. Gwiek.) Pickton, Eſq. 1ol. certified Value. Oyſtérmouth C. (All Saints.) Roger Powell, Eſq. 1ol. cer- tified Value. PENRICE C. (St. Andrew.) Talbot, Efq. sl. certified Value. VI 997 to 2004 4.2 biva i 20 godina 1939 SS 223 PIMIROKESHIRE. D. Emlyn LIVÍNGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthe Rectories, &c. with the Patrons, Proprietors, &c. of St. David's. Biſhop of St. David's. . 900 libet anno 55.9d. Ordinaria Viſ. quolibet tertio anno 15. 8d. The Prince of Wales. Olim diverf. Perfois. Paroch. Patr. 12 18 9. Llan Geler, alias Llan Gefat, R. (St. Celer.) Sine Cure. I 5. 101 150 Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 5s.ed. Vif. Ordinaria quo- libet tertio anno 25. 2d. Olim Domin. de Emlyn, Patr. The Prince of Wales. 9 • Manerdyvy; alias o o 90 Repriſ. ios.gd. Marchionefs of Wincheſter, 1720. Duke of Bolton, 1748. Richard Vaughan, Efq. 1771. John Vaughan, Efq. 1784. 2. d. La 3. 12 O o 4 0 8 O 0 0 O . 2 LWINGS PEMBROK ESR. .-1029 DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 1, s. d. 2:5 0 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. o Clyddey, alias Clydai, V. (St. Criſtiolus.) Billiop of St. Da- 6 vid's. Rector or Preb. is Propr. of the Great Tythes. 115 0 Kennarth, alias Cefnarth, alias Cenarth, V. (St. Llawdog.) 4 6 8 Nunnery of Llanweir, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. 38 .0 KILGARRAN, alias CulgeRRAN, alias CYLGERDDAN, R. (St. 9 0 Llawdog.) The Prince of Wales. 28 o Llangeler, alias Llangelar, V. (St. Celer,) in Carmarthenſhire. 6 13 4 Biſhop of St. David's. 24 o Penbedw, alias Llan Flhangel Penbedw, R. (St. Michael.) 6 4:0 The Prince of Wales, 18 Penreth, alias Penrydd, R. The Prince of Wales. 30 4 0 Q оо O O O 50 o O Q O O 0 O D. Kemmes, alias Cemmaes. N.B. No Procurations or Synodals in this Deanry. The Abby of St. Dogmaels was returned by the Commif- fioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 871. 8s. éd. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Char Yearly Value. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. King's Books. S. d. le S. d. 1. 30 O 0 6 10 20 O O Alba, alias Whitchurch, [Eglwys Wen] (St. Michael.). Wil- 6 liam Lloyd, Eſq. 1714. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. and Anne his. Wife, 1759, 1763. o Bayvill v. with Moylgrove. (St. Andrew.) Abb. St. Dog- 500 maels, Propr. The Prince of Wales, Bredelloth, alias Bridell, alias Brydell, R. (St. David.) The 9.00 Freeholders of the Pariſh. Calle Burgh, alias Bigh, R. (St. Michael.) John Parrot, 6 o Eſq. 1535. The Prince of Wales.. Dinas, 32 O 23 o O DIOCESE OF S.T. DAVID'S. 1030 PEMBROKESH 13 1. d. O 0 O 20 O 44 O 0 O O O as we 0 0 Llanichaith, alias Llan ychaeth, (St. David.) John Vaughan, 3 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. s. d. 42 O Dinas, alias Dynas, R. (St. Brynach.) Dom. de Audley, olim 8 Patr. Williain Laagliarne, Eſq. 1708, and William Lloyd, Efq. Lords of Kemys. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. and Anne his Wife, 1753, 1758. John Bateman, 1784 . 16 o Eglos Errow V. [Eglwys Wrw] (St. Criſtiolus.) Abb. St. Dog- 3134 maels, Propr. The Prince of Wales. o Llanvernach, alias $ Llan Fernach, R. (St. Brynach.) Præ- 10 60 cept. de Slebeche, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. 32 o Llanerchlwydog, alias Llanychloydog, alias Llanchellodoyock, alias Llanycloythog, (St. David,) and Llanllawer. Dóm. de Audley, olim Patr. William Laagharne. Eſq. 1718, and William Lloyd, Eſq. Lords of Kemys. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. and Anne his Wife, 1758. John Bateman, Eſq. 1784. 13 6 8 1728. Thomas Warren, Eſq. .1729. Thomas Williams, Eſq. and Ann his Wife, 1762. 34 0 0 Meleney, alias Mylen, alias Melinau, alias Meline, R. (St. 10 Dogmael.) Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. 1704, as Lord of Kemys. The Freeholders of the Pariſh, 1735. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. and Anne his Wife, 1759.. The Freeholders,..1783. Morvill. R. (St. John Baptift.) Dom. de Ferrers, olim 2 oo Patr. Sir John Philips, Bart. 1715, 1730, 1745. Lord Bernard.) Jo. Woogan, Eſq. 1535. William Scourfield, Eſq. 1714, 1763, 1768. 30 o Nearne, alias Newerne, alias Nyfer, alias Nevern, V. (St Bry-soo 50 nach.) St. David's College, olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. 44 0 0 NEWPORT TREFDRAETH R. (St. Mary.) Dom. de Audley, 16 Oo olim Patr. Anne Lloyd, Widow, 1714. -John Langharne, Eſq. 1735. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. and Anne his Wife, 1759. Pont Faen R. (St. Bernard.) Prior. de Pulla, olim Patr. The 3 6 8 Prince of Wales. Poyngeſton, alias Puncheſton, alias Ponthardefton, alias Caſtel 5 6 8 Maul, R. (St. Mary.) Diverf. Patron. 1535. John Vaughan, Eſq. 1728. Thomas Warren, Eſq. 1729. Thomas Wil liams, Eſq. and Anne his. Wife, 1762. 15 St. Thomas Dogwell, alias Dogmael's St. Thomas, V. with 4 13 4 Llanrwood, (St. Ilfyd,) and Monington. (St. Nicholas.) Abb. St. Dogmael's, Propr. Biſhop of Șt. David's, 1698. The Prince of Wales. Not 8 IO , olim 22 O O O O 20 O 22 O O PEMBROKE SH. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 1031 6 13 4 Not IN CHARGE. ad Kilywynne, alias Culgwyn, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Nearne. Llanllawer Chapel. Llantood, alias Llantwd, V. or C. (St. Ilfyd.) Prince of Wales. 5l. certified Value. Llanvair Nant Gwyn C. (St. Mary,) annexed to Whitchurch. 31. certified Value. LITTLE NEWCASTLE. (St. Peter.) Thomas Williams, Eſq. 51. certified Value. · Maenchlogdye, alias Monachloggddu, C. Lord Milford. 5l. certified Value. Monington C. (St. Nicholas.) Prince of Wales. 3. certified Value. vary EST Ydrindod, Chapel to Penboyr, alias Trinity, Chapel to Pen- boyr. Y Caſtel, Chapel to Kenarth, alias Newcaſtle Emlyn Chap. lately endowed by J. Vaughan, Eſq. Vicar of Kesarth, Patr. ODS Hot BPOM Begit adó lê CARDIGANSHIRE. sin HD. Sub Ayron. (bruto The Priory, or Cell, of St. Mary the Virgin in Cardigar was returned by the Commiſſioners at 131. 45. 9d. The Collegiate Church of Llandewy Brevi was likewiſe re- turned at 381. 11s. Ser For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. 6509 Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. i. s. {6 O 0. Blaynport, alias Blaenporth, P. (St. David,) formerly in Llan- dewi Brevi College. An Impropriation. Dichwood, alios Dihewid, alias De Hewyde, P. (St. Vitalis,) 0 13 4 formerly in Llandewi Brevi College. An Impropriation. 8o2 Penſ. Eceleſ. Llandewi Brevi il.6sa 8de og 69 1 King's Books d. 050 l. à, 0 1 2 Inrad, 1032 CARDIGANSKO DIOCESE OF ST, DAVID'S. 4 18 O 10 12 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. S. 2. 7.14 41 Iſtrad, alias Yſtrad, P. (St. Michael,) Formerly in Llandewi o 15 O 15 55 Brevi College. An Impropriation. Syn. & Prox. quolibet anno 55. 9d. Penf. Eccleſ. Abergwilly al. Biſhop of St. David's. 11 Llanarth and Llan Ina V. (St. Vyſtygy.) The Tythes are all o 9 gi reſtored. Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 25. Bilhop of St. David's. The KING, 1706. 18 o Llan Dyfryog, alias Llandewrydock, P. (St. Tyfrydoc.) 1 16 alias Archidiaconat. Cardigan. Archidiac. pro Prox. 10l. Biſhop of St. David's. Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. This Archdeaconry was erected before the Year 1147, for in that Year David Fitzgerald, Archdeacon of Cardi- gan, was promoted from it to be Biſhop of this See. 81 Llandeygwy, alias Llandygwydd, alias Llandoge, P. (St. Dyg- 1 I 131 gwd) in the College of Brecon. Syn. and Prox. 55. gd. Penf. Ecclef. de Abergwilly al. Ordinario quolibet tertio apno is. 8d. Biſhop of St. David's. 12 16 8 Llandiffell, alias Llan Dyſful, R. (St. Tyſilio.) Sine Cure, . i 5 Syn. and Prox. 55. gd. Vifit. Ordinar. 45. Annexed to the Headſhip of Jelus College, Oxford. 16 8 Llan Gybi P. (Si. Cybi,) formerly in Llandewi Brevi College. O 2 8 An Impropriation. 12 13 6] Llan Goedmawr, alias Llangoedmore, R. (St. Cynnlo.) Syr. 130 and Prox. quolibet anno 55. yd. Ordinario 25. Abb. de Talley, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. 3 o] Llanychairon, alias Llanerch Aeron, P. (St. Llwchich,) for o 6 1 merly in Llandewi Brevi College. An Impropriation. The Biſhop of St. David's. 17 12 11 Llanwennog P. (St. Gwenog,) formerly in Llandewi Brevi 1 15 31 College. An Impropriation. The Biſhop of St. David's. 15 Oo Llan Fihangel Penbrin, alias Penbryn, V. (St. Michael.) i 100 Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 25. Abb. de Talley, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. I $ 10 o I LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Icarly Value. King's Bpoks. 24 Aber Porth R. (St. Cynfil.) Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 55. 5.13 9 9d. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 8d. Biſhop of St. Da- vid's. Bangor R. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. David's. 13 ws Bledrws R. (St. Bledrws.) . Syn. and Prox. quolibet 4 7 81 anno 55.9d. Biſhop of St. David's. CAR- 20 5 6 8 оо o CARDIGANSH. 1033 DIOCESE OF S T. DAVID'S. وکی lo d. I O O 0 O 30 0 19 o ô O Clear Yearly Value: King's Books 1. d. CARDIGAN (Aber Teifi] V. (St. Mary.) Ordinario quolibet 9.15 10 tertio anno is. 8d. Archidiac. quolibet anno 25. 8d. Abb. Chertſey, Propr. The Prince of Wales. 27 Llandeſilio Gogo V. (St. Tyſlilio.) Syn. and Prox. quolibet ari 3 18 1 no 25. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Treaſurer of St. Da- vid's; Impr. 18 Iſtrad, alias Yſtrad, V. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. quoli. 4 13 1] bet anno 25. Coll. Llandewi Brevi, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. The KING, 1743. ó Kellam, alias Kellan, alias Cellan, R. (All Saints.) Syn. and 5 7 8] Prox. quolibet anno 55. 9d. Biſhop of St. David's. 42 O O LLANBEDDER, alias LLANPETER, alias LLAN BEDR, V. (St. 6 13 4 Peter.) Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Chapter of St. David's, Impr. 13 o Llandefriog, alias Llan Dyfriog, V. (St. Tyfridoc.) Biſhop 8 o of St. David's, Patr. Archdeacon of Cardigan, Impr. 26 10 o Llandiſſell, alias Llan Dyfful, V. (St. Tyſſil.) Abb. Whitland, 10 0 0 Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 26 0 0 Llan Gynnllo, alias Llangunllo, alias Llanguillo, R. (St. Gynllo.) 6 13 4 Pariſhioners, being Freeholders. ó Llanllwchiarn, alias Llanllwchhaiarn, R. (St. Llwchaire.) Syd. 6 7 84 and Prox. 55. gdo Manſ. gieb. fruct. Biſhop of St. Da- vid's. o Llanvairy Clwyn, alias Llanfair Orllwyn, R. (St. Mary.) Bi. 4 13 4 ſhop of St. David's. The KING, 1761. 24 Oo Llan Wenog V. (St. Gwynoc.) Coll. de Llandewi Brevi, 8 oa Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. o Llanwnnen, alias Llan Wnnen, V. (St. Lucia.) Abb. Vale 3 4 gi Royal in Cheſter, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's: Trefdruy, alias Trefdroyer, alias Llan Fihangel Tredeyrn, R. 13 OO 55 (St. Michael.). Dux Somerſet, olim Patr. The Prince of Wales. Y Ferwig, alias Verwick, V. (St. Petroc.) Vic. habet ter- 10 13 4 २० ० tiam partem decim. Pri. of Cardigan and Abbey of Talley, Propr. The Prince of Wales. 48 0 13 Od 14 0 40 оо 22 O Not In CHARGE Bettws Iran, alias Evan, (St. John,) Chapel to Penbrin. Blaenporth C. (St. David.) 5l. certified Value. Bryngwyn, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Penbrin. Criſt Chapelo (Holy Croſs.) 6Q Cynon, 1034 CARDIGANS DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 8 Cynon, alias Capel Cynon, (St. Cynon,) Chapel to Llandifilio Gogo. Dichwood, alias Dihewid, C. (St. Vitalis.) Biſhop, Patr. Prebendary of Dihewid, in the Church of Brecknock, Impr. 41. certified Value. Henfeniew, alias Henfenew, alias Fenyw. (St. David.) Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Church of St. David's, Impr. Henllan V. a Chapel to Bangor R. Biſhop of St. David's. Julien Chap. (St. Julien.) Llandigwy, alias Llandygwydd, C. (St. Dygwyd.) The Pre- bendary nominates. 71. certified Value. Llangyby C. (St. Cybi.) Biſhop of St. David's. 21. certified Value. Llanvair Treligon, alias Llanvair Helygen, alias Trefylon, Curacy, annexed to Llandyfriog. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Llanvair Cludogie, alias Llanfair Clydogau, C. (St. Mary.) Biſhop of St. David's. 41. certified Value. Llanychaeron, alias Llanuchayron, C. (St. Non.) Biſhop of St. David's. 41. certified Value. Llangraynog, alias Llangrannog, V. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr.' Treaſurer of St. David's, Impr. Mount C. (Holy Croſs.) 31. certified Value. Tremayne, alias Tremein, C. (St. Michael,) Chapel tó Fer. wig. Biſhop of St. David's. iol. certified Value, D. Ultra Xyron' and UcHairon. The Monaſtery of Strata Florida was returned by the Commil- fioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 1187. 75. 3d. The Abby of Llanweir (though the Abbot refuſed to appear) was likewiſe returned at 401. afterwards by a Schedule ré turned at 571. 55. 4d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS CARDIGANSH. 2 DIOCESE OF: S T. DAVID'S. 1035 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books l'early Ténths. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. ܕܐ ܐ si d. 10 I O o Aberath, alias Aber Arth, R. (St. David,) is the P. of Llan- dewi Aberath, in the Church of St. David's. Biſhop of St. David's. 4 0.0 Caroge, alias Carrog, P. formerly in the Church of Llandewi o 80 Brevi. An Impropriation. 13 6 8 CARON, alias TRE GARON, P. (St. Caron,) formerly in the 1 6 8 Church of Llandewi Brevi. An Impropriation. Llanbaddarn Odyn P. (St. Paternus,) formerly in the Church of Llandewi Brevi. An Impropriation. in 6 8 Nanguntlo, alias Nantgynllo, alias Nantgenlle, P. (St. Gun O 14 8 lloc,) in the College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. David's. O o Treffeglos, alias Tref Eglws, P. (St. Michael,) formerly in i 4 O the Church of Llandewi Brevi. An Impropriation, 6 0 O 0 1 2 12 O 20 27 00 Oo 20 O O o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookste 32 5 CARON, alias Tre GARON, V. (St. Caron.) Colleg. Llan- 8 dewi Brevi, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Kilie Airon, alias Cilian Aeron, alias Kiliau Aeron, R. (St. 5 00 Michael.) Biſhop of St. David's. LLANBADDERNE VAUR, alias LLANBADARN Fawr, V. (St. Pa- 20 ternus.) Abb. Vale Royal in co. Cheſter, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. © Llan Geitho R. (St. Geitho.) The Biſhop of St. David's. 6 30 o Llanriſted, alias Llan Rhyſtyd, V. (St. Reſtitutus.) Biſhop 6 13 4 of St. David's, Patr. Chapter of St. David's, Impr. 27 Llanſanfreet, alias Llanſaintfraid, alias Llan Sain Ffréd, v. 6 13 4 (St. Bridget.) Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. Vicars Choral, Impr. 45 o o Llanfihangel Genaurglyn, alias Caſtle Walter, V. (St. Michael.) 12 0 0 Abb. Vale Royal, in co. Cheſter, Propr. Biſhop of St. Da- vid's. 28 Llan Fihangel Gelindrod V. (St. Michael.) Abb. Vale Royal, 8 Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. 29 15 o Llanylar, alias Llanilar, V. (St. Hilary.) Abb. Vale Royal, 6 13 4 co. Cheſter, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's, Patr. 6 Q 2 Lledrod O O O 0 1036 CARDIGANSH. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. l. 20 Clear Yearly Value, King's Books. 1. d. s. d. Lledrod P. (St. Michael,) in the College of Aberguilly, with a 6 13 4 Cur. Biſhop of St. David's. 13 0 0 Nantgynllo, alias Nantgunllo, V. (St. Cynllo.) Prebendary 3 13 4 thereof, Propr. Biſhop of St. David's. 13 0 0 Roſdye, alias Rhôſdu, alias Rhofdie, R. (St. Michael.) Bi- ! 6 8 ſhop of St. David's. 25 o Treffeglos, alias Tref Eglwys, V. (St. Paternus.) Biſhop of 6 St. David's, Patr. 1900 Trefilan R. (St. Hilary,) with V. Iſtrad annexed. Biſhop of 5 Oo St. David's. O o NoT IN CHARGE. ABERIST WITH, alias ABERYSTWITÆ, C. built, but not yet en- dowed. Bettws C. under Llandewi. 135. 4d. certified Value. Blaynepenhalt, alias Blaenaupenallt, C. (St. David,) under Llandewi. 135. 4d. certified Value. Eglwſvach, alias Eglws Fach, C. 51. certified Value. Garthely C. under Llandewi. 135.4d. certified Value. Gwnvil, alias Gwnvill, C. (St. Gwinfil.) under Llandewi. 135. 4d. certified Value. Gwynnys, alias Gwnnws, C. (St. Gwynwis.) 51. certified Vaa lue. Kilcennyn, alias Culcennin, C. Biſhop, Patr. 51. certified Value. Llandewi Aberarth C. (St. David,) under the Preb. thereof. 61. certified Value. Llanganfeling, alias Llangynfelin, alias Llangafalon, C. (St. Cynfelin.) Biſhop, Patr. 61. 135. 4d. certified Value. Llanhinol, alias Llan Ddeinol, C. (St. Daniel.) Llanbadarn Odyn C. (St. Paternus,) under Llandewi. 51. cer- tified Value, Llandewi Brevi C. (St. David.) Biſhop, Patr. 61. certified Value. Llan Ddeiniol, alias Carrog, e. The Biſhop, Pair. 61. cer- tified Value. Llanavon C. (St. Evanus.) 31. 6s. 8d, certified Value. Llanychairon, alias Llauuchayron, C. The Bihop, Patr. 67. 135. 4d. certified Value. Llanygrwyddon C. (St. Urſula.) Biſhop, Patr. 61, 135, 4d. certified Value, 3 Llanfihangel CARDIGANSH. 1037 DIOCESE OF ST. DA VID'S. Llanfihangel Edwin Ch. (St. Michael.) Lledrod Č. (St. Michael,) under the Preb. thereof. 4. certi- fied Value. Sputty Cenfin C. (St. John Baptiſt.) Sputty and Yſtrad C. (St. John Baptift.) 3l. 1os, certified Va- lue. Strata Florida, alias Iſtrad Flwr, C. Thomas Powell, Eſq. 81. certified Value. MOL UNTIL Diocese JAVA ( 1038 ] s, d. 8 BISH y Act of Parliament 12° Annæ, Mioceſe of St. Alaph. King's Books. King's l'early Tenths, L. ae 187 11 ISHOPRIC of St. Aſaph. Vide Orig. Surv. 18 15 2 This Biſhopric was founded about the Year 560. Heylin, p. 70. Kentigern, Biſhop of Glaſcow in Scotland, being driven out of his Country about the Year 560, is ſaid to be the firſt Erector of an Epiſcopal See near the River Elwy; he continued here many Years, and, returning to Scotland to his old Charge, left this Biſhopric to a Diſci- ple of his named Aſaph, from whom all the Biſhops of this See have ſince been ſtiled Epiſcopi Affavenſes. No further Intelligence relating to this See to be come at till when Gilbert is ſaid to be confirmed Biſhop of St. Afaph, in the Reign of King Stephen, 1143. Godwin. 74.15 71 Archdeaconry of St. Afaph. The Archdeacon temp. Henry 7 9 61 VIII. had the Rectories of Abergelle, Llanguſtenyn, and Bettus, in Denbighſhire, and Diſerth and Relofnoid in Flintſhire. Vide Orig. Surv. Held in Commendam, not Union, with the Biſhopric ab anno 1573. Willls’s Survey of St. Aſaph, p. 111. Erected before the Year 1127. the first Sine Cure in this Dioceſe that happens in the Biſhop's Gift, to be void after the making that Act, is to be annexed to the Biſhopric for ever in lieu of Mortuaries. This Sine Cure ſo annexed was Nor- thopp in Flintſhire. 'The DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. 1039 The Cathedral Church (Sr. Asaph). King's Books l. d. 45 11 All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of St. ASAPH. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 5.1. Deanry of St. Aſaph *, united to the Vicarage of Henllan in 4 II I the Deanry of Rofſe, and there charged. It has part of the Tythes of St. Aſaph, and Llanvair Tythes. It was erected before the Year 1239. 12ol. per ann. 40 A Portion of the Preb. of Vaynoll, Præcentorſhip. Vide Orig. 4 Surv. 37 13 4 Llanufith P. Chancellorſhip. Vide Orig. Surv. 3 15 4 9 5 5. Llanvaire prima Portio P. Vide Orig. Surv. 62 9 5 5 Llanvaire ſecunda Portio P. Vide Orig. Surv. 6į 28 Ő 8 Meladyn P. Treafurerihip. Vide Orig. Sury. I 16 8 36 8 Myvod, alias Myvard, P. Vide Orig. Surv. O 6 8 O O O o 18 O 18 The following are called Curſal Prebends. 2 2 2 10 2 6 8 Preb. Adam Renfall, alias Rekenfall. Vide Orig. Surv. 68 Preb. Arthur Buckley, alias Bulkeley. Vide Orig. Surv.. 71 Preb. David ap Hoel, alias Howell. Vide Orig. Surv. 6 Š Preb, Galfr. Ruthin. Vide Orig. Surv. 6 8. Preb. John Griffith. Vide Orig. Surv. 6 8 Preb. Radulph Berkinhead. Vide Orig. Survo 6 8 Preb. Richard Harriſon. Vide Orig. Surv. 4 8 4 8 5 0 4 8 4 8 4 8 2 2 4 2 DISCHARGED. King's Books. 26 is Clear Fearly Value. 33 00 Four Vicars Chorals. Vide Orig. Sury. Nore. In this Church are alſo an Organiſt, four Singing Men, four Singing Boys or Choriſters. * Deanry of St. Aſaph.--Dr. Stanley, Dean of St. Aſaph, compounded for the Deanry of St. Aſaph and Vicarage of Henllan at the Rate of 61. 115. 1d.. Tenths, both in one Compoiition, 17 April, 1707. Vide the Compoſition in Offic. Primit. For the Particulars of the Deanry, temp. Hen. VIII. vide Orig. Sury. The 6 1040 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. The Members of this Cathedral are the Dean, Archdeacon, who is the Biſhop, Chancellor, Præcentor, Treaſurer, three Prebendaries, and ſeven Curſal Canons; which fifteen are all Members of the Chapter. Willis's Sur- vey of St. Aſaph, fol. 218. : FLINTSHIRE Legengle. The Monaſtery of Baſingwerk, in this Deatry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 150l. 75. 3d. Vide Orig. Sury. for Particulars. . S. d. 1. 9 10 O 19 9 100 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenih Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. do CAERWYS R. (St. Michael.) Lactual. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Prox. 35. 4d. pro Viſit. 1S. 4d. Val. in groff. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. With CAERWYS V. (St. Michael.) Lactual. Epife. 6s. 8d. Prox. 019 35. 4d. pro Viſitat. 15. 4d. Valet in groff. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 6 15 5 Combe, alias Cwm, R. (St. Valacinian:) Sine Cure. Lactual. O 13 63 Epiſc. 55. 4d. Prox. annual. 45. 4d. Val. in groff. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 18 10 10 Eſceiviog, alias Skeviog, R. (St. Mary.) United to the Vi- 1 17 I carage. Lactual. 125. 6d. Prox. annual. 155. pro Viſitat. 25. 1d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 25. decim. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 14 711 Halkyn, alias Halkeynė, R. (St. Mary:) Lactual. Epiſc. 1356 4d. Prox. annual. 1os. Pro Viſit. 2s. 8d.1 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 16 14 7 Kilken, alias Kilkeyne, R. Sine Cure. Lactual. i6s. 8d. I 13 5 Prox. annual. 6s. 8d. Pro Viſit: 25. 2d. 1 Val. in groff. Bi- ſhop of St. Afaph. 911 51 Llanafaph V. (St. Kentigern and St. Afaph.) Lactual. 45. Lactual. 45. Ó 19 Iž Prox. annual. 45. Pro Viſit. 10d. Val. in groff. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. The Biſhop Propr. of the Rectory. Northopp I 8 9 FLINTSH. DIOCESE OPST. ASAP H. 1041 do S. II IO 3 c } (St. Mary." King's Books. Pearl Ten:bs. 1. s. d. d. 49 14: 91 Northopp R.* [Wallicè Llan Eurgain) (St. Peter.) Lactual. 4 19 5 Epiſc. 155. Prox. annual. 155. Pro Viſit. 78. 6d. 14 6 8 Northopp V. (St. Peter.) Lactual. 55. Prox. annual. 55. I 8 8 Pro Viſit. 35. 5d. Val. in grofs. Val. in groſs. Bifhop of St. Aſaph. 5 Ruddlan, alias Rhuddlan, V. (St. Mary.) Sextis Epiſc. 35. I 3 C Val. in grofl. cum terr. gleb. ad valor. com. ann. The Bi. ſhop, the Dean and Chapter, Propr. Biſhop of St. Alaph. 28 17 6 Whitford R. (St. Mary.) Sine Cure. Lactual. Epiſc. 12sa 6d. 2 17 9 Prox. annual. 105. Val. in grofs. grofs. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. The Archbiſhop of Canterbury, p. h. v. 1761. To - tor gonna LIVINGS DISCHARGED. ils se Clear l'carly Value King's Books, 40 Bodvarry, alias Bod Fari, R. (St. Stephen.). La&tual. Epiſc. 95 21 3.36:44. Prox. annual. 1 Os. Pro Viſit. 15. 5d. Val. in grofs. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 29 Combe, alias Cwm, V. (St. Valacinian.) Val. in groſs. The 5.8 9 Rector, Propr. Biſhop of St. Alaph. 42 o o Dymerchion V. (Holy Trinity.) Val. in groſs. Chantor of 5 0 0 St. Afaph, alias Preb. Vaynol, Propr. of the Rectory. Bi- ſhop of St. Afaph. 30 o o Eſcewiog, alias Skeviog, V. (St. Mary.) Lactual. 45. 2d. 6 3 61 Prox. annual. 55. Pro Viſit. 15. 8d. Rectory and Vicarage . terr. . . of 20 o 0 Gwaynyſcore, alias Gwaynyſcor, ! Epiſc. 35. 4d. Prox. ann. 6s. 8d. Pro Viſit. is. id. Redd. Regi uid. Terr. gleb. ad val. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. The KING, 1708, 1709. 40 0 0 HOLY WELL V. (St. Winefrid.) Wallicè Tré Fynnon, alias 915 Fynnon Gwenfrewi. Lactualia 25. Prox. annual. 35. 4d. Val in groffi Abb. Baſıngwerk, Propr. Jeſus College, Ox- ford. 33 Kilken V. Val. in terr. gleb. 15. in decim. gran, fæn. lactual. 6 6 &c. Ręctor, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Nannerch, alias Nannergh, R.4 (St. Mary,) with the Vicarage. 98 u Lactual: 6s. 81. Prox. annual. 5s. Pro Viſit. I's. 4:1. Val. in groff. Biflop of St. Afaph. O 40 * Northopp R. -Annexed to the Bishopric in lieu of Mortuaries, by Act of Parliament 12 Annæ. + Nannerch.--By Inquiſition taken November 16, 1619, there appears to have been a Vicarage of Nannerch charged ás diftin&t from this Rectory, and there are now diſtinct Inſtitutions to both as fe- parate, but the Vicarage, though there charged at 41.,145 2d. has not been put amongſt the Livings. charged, ſo as to be made liable to pay First Fruits or renths. Vide the Original Roll ut fupra. 6 R Whits 1042 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A PH. FLINTSH. d. nates. groff. Rector is jezo appear any Inſtitution Clear Yearly Value King's Books 7. d. 1. 38 0 o Whitford V. (St. Mary.) Lactual. Epiſc. 45. 2d. Prox. an- 911 51 nual. Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, NOT IN CHARGE. Differth Cur, (St. Bridget.) The Biſhop, as Archdeacon, in Commendam, Propr. and Patr. 201. 6s. 8d, certified Value, Flind* (St. Mary) Chapel to Northop. The Biſhop nomi- Llanelwis, alias Llanelwy, alias St. Afaph, V. (St. Aſaph aud St. Kentigern.) The Biſhop, Dean, Chaunter, Chancellor, and the four Vicars are Proprietors of the Tythes. The Biſhop, Patron. Melideu, alias Meliden, Cur. (St. Melid.) The Treaſurer of St. Afaph Cathedral, Proprietor of the Tythes, and appoints the Curate. RHELOFNOID Cur. (St. Michael.) The Biſhop as Archdeacon is Proprietor of the Tythes, and appoints the Curate. D. Moulde, alias Mold, alias de Monte Alto. (Br. Gwyddgrygg.) LIVÍNGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Fearly Tenthese Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors,. &e. bo o Eaſtyn, alias Queenhope, R. (St. Cynfar:) Terr. gleb.ad va- lor. 1:35..4d. &c. The Hoſpital of St. John's in Cheſter is Propr. of one Part of this Rectory; the other Part is a. Sine Cure. * Flint.—This by virtue of a Commiſſion of Edward VI. dated 18th December, in the sth. Year of his Reign, was charged as a Rectory at 126. 115. 7d. ultra Epiſc. pro Lactual.-6s. 8d. pro Procur. an- nual. 65, 8d. & Epife. pro ejus. Viſit, 25: 2d. I per Annum. thereto, and the fame does not now remain among the Livings charged with Firſt Fruits or Tenths. Vide the Charge entered on the Original Roll in Officio Primit. d. l. So d. 10 I I 0.02 4 Mons FLINTSH. 1043 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. King's Books, Yearly Tentbs, 1. d. 2 s d. IO O Mons Altus, alias Moulde, alias Mold, V. (St. Mary.) Bi- fhop of St. Afaph, Patr. Abb. Biſham, oliin Propr. DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 44 0 © Eaſtyn, alfas Queenhope, V. (St. Cynfar.) Val. in groft . The 6 13 4 Recor is Propr. of a Moiety. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. S CURACIES. Nerquis Cur. (St. Mary.) Cap. to Mold. gl. certified Value. Tryddyn Cur. (St. Mary.) Capell, to Mold.) 81. certified Value, MONTGOMERYSHIRE. D. Poole, alias pola and Carenion, alias pole and Caer Einion. The Abby de Strata Marcella, in this Deanry, was returned by the Coinmiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 641. 145. 2d. For Particulars, vide Orig Surv. 1. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Texths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. I. 12 17 6 Caſtle R. (St. German.) Lactual. Epiſc. 105. gd. Prox. an I 5 9 nual. 105. Pro Viſit. 15. iod. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. &c. Biſhop of St. Afaph. II O O Guilsfield, alias Gillesfield, V.* (All Saints.) Wall. Cegidfa. I 2 0 Val. in groſs. Abb. de Strata Marcella, oliin Propr. Dean and * Gillesfield. In the Original Survey there is a Rectory valued at 211, 6 R2 Carous . IO $41 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H I MONTGOMERESATI S. open en schuif Church, Oxford, Propr. Bilhopof St. 2 2 2 !I O 18 3 0 II 4 · 55. 9d. Pro Visit Lactual. Epifc. 95. 2d. Prox. 0.18 6. , : 7 King's Books, Fearly Tentbs. 2. a. di si do Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph, Pátr. 24 16 101 Llandrinyo R. (St. Peter.) Held with the Biſhopric. Lactual. 9 81 135. 4d. Prox. annual. 175. 9d. Pro Viſit. 55. 6d. Llanervill R. (St. Ersyll.) Lactual. Epiſc. gs. 2d. Prox. an- nual. 55. 9d. Pro Viſit. 25. id. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 9. 5o Llangadvan R. (All Saints.) annual. . Viſit. 25. . Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 5 13 4. Llangyuyo, alias Llangyniw, R. (All Saints.) Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 14 6 8 Llanſanfraid in Mechen R. (St. Bridget.) Sine Cure. Lac- I 8 8 tual. Epiſc. 6s. Prox. annual. 1os. Pro Viſir. 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 1os. &c. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 8 15 10 95. Prox. 135. 4d. Pro Vifitat. 250 The Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 5 15 5 Llanvihangle, alias Llanfihangel, R. (St. Michael.) Lactual. 011 61 Epiſc. 105. 8d. Pros. annual. 6s. 8d, Pro Viſit. Is. 8d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 10 13 61 LLANVYLLING, alias LLANFYLLIN, R. (St. Mylling.) Lac- II 41 tual. Epiſc. 1os. 6d. Prox. annual. 135. 4d. Pro Viſt. 2s. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 15. 14 2 Myvod, alias MeiFORD, alias MeivoD, V.* (St. Tyſlilio.) III 5 Lactual. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Prox, annual. 11S. iod. . Vifit. 25. Ebonyd. Val. in decim. gran. fæn, agn. lan. terr. glebat. , &c. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Propr. Bi- ſhop of St. Aſaph. Abb. de Strata Marcella, olim Propr. 11 16. 101 Pennant R. (St. Melange, alias St. Michanget. [Ang. St. Mi I 3 81 chael]) Lactual. Epiſc. 125. 6d. Prox. annual. 8s. 9d. Pro Viſit. 35. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb. 45. &c. Biſhop of St. TE DW be. Alaph. المد 007 alias com LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Glear Yearly Value. King's Books. 19 o o "Garthbibio, alias Garthbeibio, alias Garth Pibo, R. (St. Tyde- 6 i 8 cho.) Lactual. Epiſc. 35. 4d. "Prox. annual. 35. 4d. Biſhop of St. Afapha n o Hyrnant, alias Hirnant, R. (St. Ilhog.). Lactual. Epiſc. 8s. 4 311 4d. Prox, annual. 6s. 8d. Pro Viſit. 15. 4d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 37 10 * Myvod.- In the Original Survey there is a Rectory charged at 151, 135, 4d. Lanvair, MONTGOMERYSH. 1045 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. 1. de O o Clear Yearly Valuc. King's Books, 1. d. 34 7 6 Lanvair, alias Llanfair, V. in Caerinion. (St. Mary.) Val. in 10 groſs. Biſhop of St. Alaph. ita 26 O o o Llangynog R. (St. Gynog.) Lactual. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Prox. 4 8115 annual. 35. 4d. Pro Viſit. Is. Id. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 41 10 0 Llanſanfrid in Mechen, alias Mechain, V. (St. Bridget.) Lac- 5 17 6 tual. Epifc. 25. Pro Viſit. 8d. Val in grofs. Rector is Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. is 46 18 9 Poole, alias Welch PoolE, V.* (St. Mary.). La&ual. Epiſc. 13 5 21 35. 4d. Penf. annual. 35. gd. Viſit. 15. id. Val. in groſs. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Proprietors. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Patron. Abb. of Strata Marcella, olim Propr. 24 6 6 Pennant V. (St. Melangl.) Lactual. 35. 2d. Prox. annual. 5 16 51 25. Pro Vifit. 15. 4d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. lactual. terr. gleb. port de Bryn, &c. The Rector is Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. NOT IN CHARGE. Buttington Cur. (All Saints,) in co. Salop, Chapel to Poole. lol. certified Value. Llandefilio, alias Llandyffilio, R. (St. Tyflilio,) Chapel to Llandrinio. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llanwddin Cur. (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Llanrhaiadr. lol. certified Value. New Chapel, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Llandrinio. 201. cer- tified Value. * Poole, alias Welſh Poole, V.-In the Original there is a Rectory, charged, and valued at 30l. Buttington Chapel in the Deanry of Ponſbury, co, Salop, belongs to this Parifi. See Dec. Poníbury in Hereford Dioceſes 2 D. bydts . 1046 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H, MONTGOMERYSH) 45. 7d. Prox. annual. 35. 7.d. Pro Viſit. 15. id. Val. in D. Bydewen, alias Kydewain. 2 The Priory of Llanlugan, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 221. 145. 8 d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LivingS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s: d. 13 6 8 Berryw, alias Berriw, alias Aberryw, V. (St. Beuno.) Val. in i 6 8 groſs. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Mon. de Strata Marcella, olim Propr. 14.0 o Llandyſlill, alias Llan Dyſful, R. (St. Tyſlilio.) Sine Cure. Sine Cure. I 8 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. United to 7 10 10 Llandiffill, alias Llan Dyſful, V., (St. Tyſfilio.) Lactual. Epifc. o 15 groſs. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 8 18 4 Manavan R. (St. Michael.) Lactul. Epiſc. 1cs. Prox. annual. o 17 10 95. 6dPro Viſit. 25. 4d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 8 15 0 New Town R. (St. Mary.) Prox. annual. 1os. Lactual. o 17 6 Epiſc. 135. 4d. Pro Viſit. Is. 8d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 1. d. I 24 hou ca 40 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 48 0 o Aberhaveſpe, alias Aberhaves, alias Aber Rafeſt, R. (St. Gy- 96 8 nog.) Lactual. Epiſc. 1os. Prox. annual. 25. 6d. Pro Vi. fit. iod. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. o o Bettws V. (St. Beuno.) Val. in grofs. Biſhop of St. Afaph, 10 0 0 Patr. Mon. de Strata Marcella, olim Propr. 44 Llanllwchyarne, alias Llanllwchairn, V. (St. Llwchairn.) 7 7 6 Lactual. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Prox. annual. 55. Pro Viſit. Iod. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. Nunnery of Llanllugan, olim Propr. 10.00 3.5 O o Llanmerewig R. (St. Llwchairn.) Prox. annual. 55. Lactual. 6 13 9 is. 8d. Vifit. 8d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llan- O MONTOOMERYSH. DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P : 1047 d. 1. S. Clear Yearly Value King's Books & Si di 43 0 e Llanwythelan R. (St, Gwendeline.) La&ual. Epiſc. 5s. Prox. 3:8: 4 annual. 55. Vilt. Is. 8d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. GURACIES Elanligan; alias Llanllugan, Gur. Mr. Hughes, Impr. and Patr. Olim a Priory. 10l certified Value. Tregynan Cur. (Sk. Knonkell.) Mr. Weaver, Patr. and Impre Knights Templars, olim Propr. 201. certified Value. prila ply D. Keviliock,, alias Kybeilog. or Tiba Yearly Texthis. 1. I: I O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books . Rectories; &c, with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. de 10 17 II Darrowen, alias Dår Owain, R. (St. Tydwr.) Sine Cure. of Lactual. 135.4d. Prox. annual. 6s. 8d. Pro Vifit.-25. 2do Biſhop of St. Afaph. Sige 7 00 Kemmaes R. - (St. Tydecho.) Biſhop of St. Aſaph. O 14 4. 14. 91 Lanbrynmair R. (St. Mary.) Sine Cure. Lactual. Epiſc. 75. 0.95 6d. Prox. annual. 45. 4d. Vifit. 15.- 1d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 12 16 5l Lanwrin R. (St. Wrin.). Lactual. Epiſc. 155. Proxé annual. 57 6s. 8d. Pro Viſit . 25. Biſhop of St. Afaph, II 10 71 MAGHUNTLEY, alias MACHYNLLAETH, R. (St. Peter.) Sine I 3:03 Cure. Lactual. Epiſc. 10s. Prox. annual. 35. 6d. Vi. ſit. 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 25. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 6 6 01 MAGHUNTLEY, alias MACHYNLLAETH, V. (St. Peter,) united 0 12 75. to the Rectory. Lactual. Epiſc. 55. Prox. annual. 25. 2do Pro Vifit. Is. id. Val. in groſs. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 7. 19 7 Penegweſt, alias Penegos, R. (St. Capfareh.) Lactual. Epiſc. 0 15 111 115. 8d. Prox. -annual. 6s. 8d. Viſit. 25. 2d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. I Mode LIVINGS 1048 MONTGOMERYSA. DIOCESE og OF S T. AS A P H. 2. de 0 2 LIVỈNGS DISCHARGED.Treldrasti Clear 1 early Value King's Books 1. d. 38 Darrowen V.* (St. Tydwr.). Rector of the Sine Cure, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 44 0 0 Llanbrynmaire V. (St. Mary.) Lactual. Epiſc. 75. 6d. Prox. 4 8 1] ..annual. 35. 400 Pro Viſit: 15. id. Val. in groſs. Bifhop of St. Aſaph. Po goro MERIONETHSHIRE. witam D. Mowthwy, alias Wowddwy. wiw LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenebs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. S. d. . 1 si 2. 6 18 4 LLANYMOUTHWY, alias LLAN YM MOWDDY, R. (St. Tyde- 0 13 10 cho.) Lactual. Epiſc. 11s. 8d. Prox. annual. 8s. 4d. Pro Viſit. 25. Biſhop of St. A ſaph. 61 TO 15 5 Malwyd, alias Mallwyd, R. (St. Tydecho.), Lactual. Epiſc. 155. Prox. annual. 85. 4d. Viſit. Is. 4d, Biſhop of St. Aſaph. I 1 be 9. Penllyn and Jdernion. The Commandry of Hawſton was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Lands, Tenements, &c. clear annually q bolo o 145. The Monaſtery of Llanllingen was likewiſe returned at 2:21. *2009 For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. ist 145, 8d. * Darrowen V. was erected hy Biſhop Robert, July 27, 1545, at the Requeſt of Richard ap Gruff, Rector, MSS Biſhop of St. Aſaph, written by Biſhop Fleetwood, 3 LIVINGS MERIONETHSH. 1049 DIOCESE OF ST. ASAP H. King's Books. 1. Si d. d. I 10 15 5 10 o 14 0 I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Texths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. s. CORWEN R. (St. Sulien.) Sine Cure. Lactual. Epiſc. il. 6s. 7 8d. Pro Viſit. 35. 6d. Prox. annual. Tos. $d. The KING, 1703, 1704, 1748. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, 1749, 1774, 1782. 7 I 3 Corwen V. (St. Sulien.) Lactual . Epiſc. 135. 4d. Prox. an- I nual. 55. 4d. Viſit. Is. 5d. Decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan. ob- lat. &c. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 2 13 4 A Free Chapel in the Town of Glothaith, alias Gloddaith. (St. 0 5 4 Mary.) O 13 4 Llan Aelhaiarne, alias Llanetharne, R. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 4 3 Llandrillo R. (St. Trillo.) Sine Cure. Prox. annual. ics. 72 Lactual. Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Pro Vifit. 25. 8d. Held with the Biſhopric. Llandervell, alias Llanderfel, R. (St. Derfelgadarn.) Lactual. I 7 32 Epiſc. 1os. Prox. annual. Ios. Pro Viſit. Is. 8d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 5 0 Llanvawr, alias Llanfawr, R. (St. Deinel.) Sine Cure. Lac- 6 tual. Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Prox. annual. 16s. gd. Viſit. 55. en Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 8 10 21 Llanuwlſyn, alias Llanuwehllyn, R. (St. Deniel.) Lactual. O 17 0 Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Prox. annual. 6s. Viſit. 35. 2d. Biſhop PSA of St. Aſaph. 9 4 41 Llanycil R. (St. Beuno.) Lactual. 135. 4d. Prox. annual. O 18 51 135. 4d. Pro Viſit. 15. id. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Bala is a Market Town in this Pariſh. 15 16 I II 13 12 II II 2 of LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 32 o o Bettws Givervil Goch, alias Bettwys Gwerfil Goch, R. (St. 5 4 7 Mary.) Lactual. Epiſc. 103. Prox, annual. 55. Pro Viſit. . 8d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph.. 30 Gwiddelwerne V. (St. Beuno.) Val. in gro Val. in grofs. Vicars Choral, Propr. of the Rectory. Bilhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. 40 0 Llandrillo V. (St. Trillo.) Prox. annual. 1.35. 4d. Ladual. 7.17 55. Pro Viſit. 15. 4d. Val. iu groſs. The Rector, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph.hasa sa to Quo on 6 SA: A Llan- o I 1050 MERIONETHSH. DIOCESE OF ST. A S A P H. 1. S. d. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 40 O o Llangar R. (All Saints.) Prox. annual. 6s. Lactual. Epiſc. 5711 55. Pro Viſit. 15. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 30 Oo Llangower R. (St. Gower.) Lactual. Epiſc. 10s. Prox. an 5 5 a nual. 35. Pro Viſit. 25. Billiop of St. Aſaph. 13 oo Llanfanfraid Glyndyfrdwy R. (St. Bridget.) Lactual. 25. Lactual. 25. I 17 Prox. annual. Is. Pro Viſit. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. 35. 4d. &c. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 2014 40 0 Llanvawr, alias Jolanfawr, v. (St. Deiniel.) Lactual. Epifc. 5 i 51 135. 4d. Prox. annual. 55. 8d. Pro Viſit. Is. 8d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. lactual. terr. gleb. oblat. &c. Rector, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. E NoT IN CHARGE. Baby bb. Kimmer, olim Propr. Bi- Llanwllyn Cur. (St. Deinol.) ſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. Rûg, Chapel to Corwen. for DENBIGHSHIRE. D. Rhoſe, alias Rhos. a The Monaſtery of Conwey, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities, and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 162k. 156. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. lost ne te copia TV LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. SOTM King's Books. Yearly Tenth so Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c• 1. li S. d. Henllan V. * (St. Sadwrn.) Val.. in decim. gran, fæer fæn. Ian. 2 20 O O TALA agn. &c. * Henllan V. united to the Deanry of St. Aſaph, and the Dean pays Tenths and Firſt Fruits for the faine. See the Books of Compoſitions in the Firſt Fruits Office. Llan DENBIGHSH. DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. 1051 1ο I II I 2 o 6 10 5 0 10 Pro Alapbeh alias Folk King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. d. lo d. 8 1į Llan Kerrig y Druidion R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. an I O 9* nual. 25. Lactual. 35.-6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 135.4d. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 27 3 Llandrillo, alias Dinerth, alias Denergh, R. (St. Trillo.) Sine 2 14 1] Cure. Prox. annual, 135.4d. Pro Viſit. 2s. Id. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 4 7 Llangumdimell, alias Llangwm, R. Sine Cure. Ladual. 16s. I 2 si 9d. Prox. annual. 128. Biſhop of St. Afaph. LLAN Rwst R. (St. Rhwſt.) Sine Cure. Prox. annual. Epiſc. I 40 jos. 8d. Lactual. 165. Pro Vifit. 35. 4d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 6 10 5 Llan Sannan R. (St. Sannan.) Firſt Portion. Prox. annual. O 13 ci Epiſc. 55. Pro Viſit. 25. 1d. Lactual. 6s. 3d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 5 Llan Sannan R. (St. Sannan.) Second Portion. Prox. annual. O 13 o Epiſc. 55. Pro Vifit. 25. id. Lactual. 6s. 3d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. The KING, 1769. Llan Sannan V. (St. Sannan.) United to the Rectory. Prox. O 10 . decim. gran. foen. lan. agn. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. o o Mary's of Penrhyn Free Chapel. (St. Mary.) LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. vid King's Books 47 0 0 ABERGELY, alias Abergele, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. annual. 12 9 97 6s. 8d. Lactual. 75. Pro Viſit. 35. 4d. Val. in dec. grai. or fæn. lan. agn. oblat. &c. The Biſhop, as Archdeacon, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. 48 o o Bettws V. (St. Michael.) Prox. annual. 25. 3d. Lactual. 95. 12 15 2d. Valet in groff. The Biſhop, as Archdeacon, Propr. Biſhop of St. Alaph, Patr. Denbigh, alias Whitchurch, alias St. Martel, R. and V. (St. 23 17 31 Marcellus.) Prox. annual. 55. Lactual. 85. 4d. Pro Vifit. os. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 16s. 8d. &c., Biſhop of St. way, olim Propr. Governors of the School and Almlhouſe at Llanrwſt are Proprietors of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph, Patr. 40 o o Gwitheryn R. (St. James.) Prox. annual. 45. 4d. Lactual. 6 12 105. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 40 o Kegidock, alias Kegidog, alias St. George, R. [Wallic. Llan 10 3 4 70, o San Sior.) Prox, annual. 55. 9d. Lactual. 35. 8d. Pro Vi. fic. 2 o 48 O O O O 6 S 2 1052 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P 11. DENBIGHSIT. s. d. ba 20 6 1 52 nual. Is. Clcar l'carly Value. King's Books, 1. d. ſit. 15. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. &c. The KING, or Prince of Wales. 30 Llan Rwst V. (St. Rhwſt.) United to the Rectory by Act of 6 5 5 Parliament 29-30 Car. II. Rot. 18. Prox. annual. 28. 8d. Lactual. 45. Pro Viſit. Is. 4d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llanddogeti, alias Llan Ddoged, R. (St. Dogvan.) Prox. an- 5 13 1] nual. Is. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 26 oo Llanddulas R. (St. Cymbryd.) Lactual. Epiſc. 35. Prox. an- Pro Viſit. 4d. Rectori Abergelle 75. 8d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 40 o o Llandrillo, alias Dinerth, alias Donergh, V. (St. Trillo.) Prox. 8 15 10 annual. 6s. 8d. Pro Viſit. 8d. Rector of the Sine Cure, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 40 o o Llanelian R. (St. Hilary.) Prox. annual. 85. 8d. Lactual. 85. II I 8 4d. Pro Viſit. Iso 4d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 45 00 Llangernew V. (St. Digain.) Sexta Epiſc. 2l. 6s. 8d. Pro 7 6 ore Viſit. 8d. Rectori de Llangernew 6s. 8d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Chanter of St. Aſaph, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. 30 o Llangumdimell, alias Llangum, V. Lactualia Epiſc. 55. 3d. 6 0 0 Val. in groff. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 30 o o Llanfanfraid, alias Llan Sanct Fraid, alias Differth, alias Llan 7 6 8 San Fraid Glyn Conwy, R. (St. Bridget.) Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 45 0 0 Llanvihangle, alias Llan Fihangel, R. (St. Michael.) Pro Vifit. 6.12 15. 4d. Prox. annual. 15. 4d. Lactual. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Alaph. 45 0 0 Llanfydd, alias Llan Nefydd, V. (St. Mary.) Chancellor of 10 0 0 the Church of St. Aſaph, Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph, Patr. 44 0 0 Lliſvaen, alias Llys Faen, R. (St. Cymfian.) În co. Carnar- 12 Lactual. Epiſc. 45. Prox. annual. 55. Terr. gleb. ad 55. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Nantglyn V. (St. James.) Prox. annual. 35. 4d. Lactual. 25. 4 13 4 6d. Val. in groff. The Biſhop and four Vicars Choral are Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Pacr O 5 von valor.. 28 O O NoT IN CHARGE. Capel Garmon, (St. German,) Chap. to Llan Wrwſt. Eglwys Rhoſe Cur. (St. Hilary.) In co, Carnarvon. Abby of Conway, Propr. Biſhop, Patr. 77. certified Value. . 2 Llan- DENBIGHSH. 1053 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. Llanguſtenin, alias Llangwyſtenin, R. (St. Conſtantine ) In co. Carnarvon. The Biſhop, as Archdeacon of Sc Afaph, Propr. and Patr. Llanvairtal Hayarne Cur. (St. Mary.) Dean and two Compor- tionaries, or Prebendaries, of Llanyair, in the Church of St. Aſaph, Propr. Llanyfydd Cur. (St. Mary.) Preb. of Llanyfydd, Propr. Bi- ſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. Spitty Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Ski Johan. Jeruſalem, olin Propr. Denbigh, (St. Hilary, Chapel to Whitchurch. 9. Bromfield and Wale. d. 21 2 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 1. d. 3] Gresford, alias Croes Ifordd, alias Croes Fôrd, V.* (All Saints.) 2 2 Lactualia Epiſc. 125. Prox. annual. 55. iod. Pro Viſit. 25. iod. Val. in decim. gran. fæn, oblat. &c. Dean and Chap- ter of Wincheſter, Propr. Colleg. St. Stephen's, Weſt- minſter, olim Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. 31 15 0 Llanarmon R. (St.German.) Sine Cure. Lactual. 155. Prox. annual. Ios. Pro Viſit. 38.4d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 12. 16 8 Marchwyel, alias Marchwiel, R. (St. Marcellus.) Lactualia 5 8 Epiſc. 35. 4d. Prox. annual. 55. Pro Viſit. Is. 8d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 13 6 01 Rhuabon, alias Rhiw Fabon, V. (St. Mary.) Lactual. Epiſc. I: 6 71 35: 4d. Prox. annual. 35.-9d. Pro Viſit, is.gd. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. Abb. de Valle Crucis, olim Propr. 19. 9. 91 WREXHAM V. (St. Giles.) [Wallicè St. Silin.] Lactual. Epiſc. I 18:11 Frox. annual. Ios. 3d. 1 Pro Viſit. 25. rod. Bi- ſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. Abb. de Valle Crucis, olim Propr. 3 3 6 I 155. 6d. * The Advowſon of Gresford R. granted by the Crown to the Dean and Chapter of Winchester, Aug. 22, 1547. Strype's Memorials, vol. II, p. 76. Formerly a Rectory charged at $ól. gs. ultra Lac- kual. Epiſc. 11. 75. 6d. Prox. annual. 75. 6d. 6d. Vide Orig. Sury, in Officio Primit. In this Pariſh is Holt Chapel, which is in the Dioceſe of Cheſter, LIVINGS 1054 DIOCESE OF S T. ASAP H. DENBIGHSH. 1. s. d. 25. 5 10 , . (. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. d. 42 O 0 Arbiſtock, alias Erbiſtock, R. (St. Hilary.) La&ual. Epiſc. 7 14 Prox. annual. 25. Pro Viſitat. Is. 8d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 28 0. Llandegla R. (St. Tecla.) Lactual. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Prox. an- 8 12 31 nual. 25. 8d. Pro Vifit. is.gd. Biſhop of St. Aſaph.. 44 0 0 Llanarmon Dyffryn Keiriog in Yale V. (St. German.) Lactual. 12 Epiſc. 5s. Prox, annual. 35. 4d. Pro Viſit. Is. 4d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. lac. minut. decim. oblat. &c. Bi- ſhop of St. Afaph.de 48 0 o Llanverres, Llanverres, alias Llanverrons, R. (St. Briſe.) Lactual. Epiſc. 14 8 di Prox. annual. 6s. 8d. Pro Viſit. 25. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 55. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. O NOT IN CHARGE. Bryn Eglwys Cur. (St. Tyffilio.) Sir Watkyn Williams Wynne, Bart. Impr. and Patr. Abb. de Valle Crucis, olim Propr. 61. certified Value. Williams Wynne, Bart. Impr. and Patr. Abb. de Valle Crucis, olim Propr. 61. certified Value. Mineva, alias Mwynglawdd, Chap. to WREXHAM Pariſh. 5l 1os. certified Value. los. goslogota obligatoire D. Marchia. dalam ben SI The Abby de Valle Crucis, or the Vale of the Croſs, was re- turned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Manors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tythes, &c. the clear annual Sum of 1881.8s. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. oi ben 470 si aids and wallica fa 10 eb DITO A SUT LIVINGS DIOCESE OF ST. A S A P H. 1055 King's Books. l. d. S. 1. So O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. rast de 18 16 01 Llanrhayader in Mochnant R. * (St. Dogvan.) Sine Cure. I 1775 Lactual. Epiſc. il. 10s. Prox. annual. 155. Pro Viſit. 35. 4d. 9 3 4 Llanrhayader V. (St. Dogvan.) Lactual. Epiſc. 105. 8d. 0 18 4 Prox. annual. 55. Pro Viſit. 15. 4d. Val. in groſs. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 80 Llanfylin, alias Llanfilin, V. (St. Silin,) co. Denbigh. The o 16 Biſhop, Dean and Chapter are Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph, Patr. 12 13 4 Llanymowthwy, alias Llanygemenech, R. (St. Agatha.) Lac- I 5 4 tual. Epiſc. 55. Prox. annual. 55. Pro Viſit. 35. 43. Bi. ſhop of St. Aſaph. 12 9 9Silattyn R. (St. Mary,) in co. Salop. Lactual. Epifc. 10s. I 4 114 Prox. annual. 55. Pro Viſit. 25. 2d. Ro. Lloyd, Eſq. 1719: Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. 1750. 25 4 2 Whittington R. (St. John Baptiſt,) in co. Salop. Redd. 6s. in co. Salop. Redd. 6c 5 Lactual. Epiſc. 1os. Prox. annual. Ios. Pro Viſit. 35. 4d. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. 1681. Richard Boycot, Eſq. 1718. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. 1749. DENBIGHSHIRE. 17002 tisto, cib LivingS DISCHARGED.' Datinga ozon Write SM Clear Pearly Value. King's Books, 30 0 0 o o Chirke (Eglwys y Waun] Vorf (St. Mary.) Prox. annual. is. 51 rid. "Pro Viſit. 8d. Abb. de Valle Crucis, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 40 0 Llanarmon Dyffryn Keiriog R. (St. German.) Lactual. Epiſc. 8 11 101 35. 4d. Prox. annual. 35. 4d. Pro Vifit. Is. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. &c. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 39 5 0 Llanyblodwell, alias Llanyblodwel, cum Cap. Moreton R. (St. 7 1 Michael,) in com. Salop. Lactual. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Prox. annual. 35. 4d. Pro Vilt. 25. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Propr. . and Patr. 2 10 + 6 11 O I 2 * Llanrhayader R.-Willis, in his Antiquities of St. Afaph, ſhews that this Rectory was granted to the Choir of St. Aſaph, p. 199. Biſhop Fleetwood's MS. ſays, that Dr. South was Rector there. † Chirke V.-Tythes reſtored to the Church by the Middleton Family. Llan. 1036 DENBIGHSH, DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. s. 1. s. d. O O O 46 O Ckar Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 45 o Llangollen V. (St. Collen.) Prox. annual. 6s. 8d. Pro Viſit. 9 11 101 25. 2d. Abb. de Valle Crucis, Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph, Patr. SHROPSHIRE. 30 o Kinneſſly, alias Kinnerley, V. (St. Mary:) Pri. St. John of 7 6 8 50 Jeruſalem, olim Propr. The KING, or Prince of Wales. o Knocking R. (St. Mary.) Sir John Bridgman, Knight, 1695. 5 o Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Bart. 1760, 1761. IS St. Martin V. in com. Salop. The Hon. William Herbert, 5 2 31 was Proprietor of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph, Patr. OSWESTRY [Croes Ofwallt7 V. (St. Oſwald.) Lactual. 21. 23 15 77 Prox. annual. 155. Pro Viſit. 25. iod. Val. in groſs. Mon. Salop, Propr. The Hon. William Herbert, 1706, 1713. Francis Loggin, Gent. 1736. Llanvarthyn V. formerly charged at 9 8 9 Prox. annual. ios. Viſit. 35. 4d. Val. ir decim. gran. fæn. lan, agn. oblat. &c. O O 56 NOT IN CHARGE. Chriſt Chąpel in Aſton. Llanſanfraid Clyn Keriog Cur. (St. Bridget.) 78. 16s. 6d. cer- tified Value, Llanarmon Mynyd Mawr Chapel. (St. German.) Llangedwinn, (St.-Gedwin,) Chapel to Llanrhaiadr. Llan Cadwalladr, (St. Cadwallader,) Chapel to Llanrhaiadr. Llanwthyn Chapel, Melverley. (St. Peter.) The Rector of Llandrinio. Morton Chapel Cur. 1ol. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Halſton Cur. (St. John Baptift.) N.B. This Pariſh is of exempt Juriſdiction. Memorandum. By an Act of Parliament anno 29º & 30° Ca- roli Secundi, Llanrayader R. in the Deanry of Marchia is veſted in the Dean and Chapter of St. Aſaph, towards the Repairs of the Cathe- dral for ever *. * Vide Willis's Antiquities of St. Afaph, p. 268, And DENBIGHSH. 1057 DIOCESE OF ST. AS A P H. And by the ſame Act the following Rectories and Vicarages are united : Caerwys R. and V. Denbigh R. and V. Llandyflil R. and V. Llanrooſt R. and V. Llanſannan R. one Portion and V. Machynlleth R. and V. Nannerch R. and V. Skeviog R. and V. I sit die staat eroon Cuſtomary Mortuaries formerly due to the Biſhop of St. Asaph on the Deceaſe of every Clergyman beneficed in ST. Asaph Dioceſe. Imprimis, His beſt Gelding, Horſe, or Mare. for Item, His beft Gown. Item, His beſt Cloak.bonits elega's Item, His beſt Coat, Jerkin, Doublet, and Breeches. & Item, His Hofe, or neither Stockings, Shoes, and Garters. Item, His Waiſtcoat. Item, His Hat and Cap. 5 Item, His Faulchion. Item, His beſt Book. od Item, His Surplice. Item, His Purſe and Girdle. Iten, His Knife and Gloves. Item, His Signet or Ring of Gold *, od to the N. B. Theſe Mortuaries, as already mentioned, amounting to a very inconſiderable Value; and having been by Biſhop Fleetwood never above once or twice taken in Kind, his Lordſhip forgiving the poor Widows, and compounding with the Rich, and applying the Money he took of them towards buying Books for the New Library he cauſed to be made over the School. The ſaid worthy Biſhop, as a far- ther Teſt of his Generoſity, joined in procuring an Act of Parliament for ſetting aſide this Cuſtom, and beneficing his Succeffors, by ſettling on the See a Living of a very conſide- rable Income in lieu thereof; which good Deed, as it has ac- cordingly took place, ſo it will be for ever be remembered with Honour by the ſucceeding Bilhops and Clergy of this Church and Dioceſe. ht * Vide Willis's Antiquities of St. Aſaph, p. 268. 6 T Dioceſe [ 1058 1 Dioceſe of Bangor. T: King's Books. Yearly Tenths. lo . s. d. 1. S. d. HE Commiſſioners appointed by the King's Writt under the Act of Parliament to take the Survey and make the Return of this Dioceſe, were the Biſhop. Bangor, Sir Ri- chard Bulkeley, Knight, William ap William, John Ar- nold, John Pulleſton, John Bulkeley, William Griffyth, Reginald Conwey, Hugh Conwey, John Wyn ap Meredith, Griffith ap Robert Vahan, Eliazor ap Morys, Hugh Lewes, Richard ap David, Richard ap Hoel ap Jenkin Vachart, John ap Hoel Vachan, Henry Parker, and Richard Haw- kyns. Several of the Seals affixed to the Return remain perfect at this Day. 131 16 3 BISHOPRIC of Bangor. Vide Orig. Sury. 13 3 73 Erected about the Year 516. Vide the Engliſh Monaſt. p. 374. Harvæus is the firſt Biſhop that appears with any certainty, and that about the Year 1107; and in 1109 was tranſlated to and became the firſt Bilhop of Ely. Dug- dale. 58 10 71 Archdeaconry of Angleſea. Vide Orig. Surý. Erected be- 5 17 02 fore 1269. 48 6 3 Archdeaconry of Bangor *. Vide Orig. Surv. This Archdea- 4 16 71 conry was erected about the Year 1166. The Cathedral Church (ST. DANIEL). 22 17 31 The Deanry. This Deanry was founded about the Year 60g. 2 5 8 The Rectories of Gyffyn, in the County of Carnarvon, and Llanvihangle Eſkyveok, with Llanfynan Chapel, in An- gleſea, made a Part of the Income of this Deanry, temp. H. VIII. Vide Orig. Sury. The Biſhop Patr. * The Archdeaconries of Angleſea and Bangor are united to the Biſhopric of Bangor, by Act of Parliament 1° Jacobi Secundi, Willis's Survey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor, p. 291. 6 Memo. DIOCESĘ OP BANGOR. 1059 Memorandum. That by Act of Parliament 12° Annæ, the firſt Sine Cure that happens to be void in the Biſhop's Gift after the making that Act, is to be annexed for ever to the Biſhop- ric in lieu of Mortuaries: and by this Act Llanynis Sine Cure, co. Denbigh, became ſettled. 1. $. 1. do 4 [ All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of BANGOR. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. 13 3 4 Archdeaconry of Merioneth, with Llandudno R. Founded 6 1280. Vide Orig. Sury. 3 4. Canonicat. Hugo ap Robert. 4 3 4 Chancellorſhip. Val. nil. 4 2 Præcentorlhip. Val. nil. o 5 Ó 18 9 Treaſurerſhip. Vide Orig. Surv. I 1ο: 17 5 Two Vicars Chorals. Vide Orig. Surv. I 14 of 29 16 8 Llanvair, alias Llanfair, P. 2 16 8 6 Cantar. O 12 0 O O O O O O o DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 30 Oo Pennenith, alias Penmynydd, P. (St. Gradivael,) with the Cu- 8 5 73 racy. N.B. In this Church are likewiſe an Organiſt, four Singing Men, four Singing Boys, and ten poor Children, who wear Surplices and officiate in the Choir, who receive 40s. a-piece Salary on that account. The Cathedral of Bangor has a Dean, the Archdeacon of Me- rioneth, a Treaſurer, two endowed Prebendaries, and five unendowed Prebendaries, Præcentor, Chancellor, Canons, iſt, 2d, and 3d, theſe ten conſtitute the Chapter. Willis's Survey. 6 T 2 D. Arvoni, 1060 CARNARVON, DIOCESE OF BANGOR. D. Arvon, alias Uchor and Jfter, in the Archdeaconry of BANGOR. de 1. d. woo 0 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, , &c. 1. 24 o Clynnog Vawr R. (St. Beuno.) Prox. Epiſc. il. 145. 1od. 8 Archidiac. 55. Vide Orig. Surv. Annexed to the Headſhip of Jeſus College, Oxford. 19 8 Llangeinwen, alias Llanginivell, R. (St. Glinwen.) Angleſea. I 18 The Biſhop 1708. Earl of Pembroke, 1746, 1784, p. i. 5 12 6 Llanrug R. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 10d. Archidiác. O II 3 15. 8d. Certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Boun- ty at 251. Biſhop of Bangor. 71 Duæ Cantar' in CARNARVON. I 2 MERIONETH. 15 10 21 Llangimin, alias Llanglynnin, R. (St. Celynin.) Earl of Pem- o broke, 1766. 2 II I II CARNARVON. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. I O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 38 0 o Clynnog Vawr V. (St. Beuno.) Archidiac. 35, 4d. Val. in 600 decim. gran. Jactual. fæn. lan. agn. oblat. &c. Colleg. ibid. olim Propr. The Biſhop, 1768. 49 o Llandeiniolen, alias Llanthaniolen, R. (St. Deyniolen.) Prox. 13 8 9 бо Epiſc. 55. iod. Archidiac. Is. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 35. 4d. &c. The KING, or Prince of Wales. 30 0 o Llanvil hayrn, alias Llanaelhaiarn, alias Llanaylhairn, R. (St. 6154 Elhayarn.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Archidiac. 15. 4d. Biſhop of Bangor. 35 0 Llanbeblick, alias Llanbeblin, V.* (St. Peblig,) with Carnar- 12 5 5 von Chapel. The Rectory thereof belonged formerly to Cheſter Monaſtery. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. * Llanbeblick.-In the Original Survey a Rectory as well as a Vicarage valued at 20l. including the Reprizals following, Prox. Epifc. 1h 25, 2d. Redd. Domino Regi ise 4d. Penſ. Priori Ceftr. 3). The Chapel of Carnarvon is in the Pacifh of Llanbeblick, Llana CARNARVON. 1061 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. 1. d. 10 O Elear Yearly Valve, King's Books. 1. 's. d. 0 0 Llan Beris, alias Llan Peris, R. (St. Peris.) Prox. Epiſc. rod. 4 18 9 Archidiac. 5d. Bilhop of Bangor. 49 o Llanwrog, alias Llanţurok, R. ($t. Twrog.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. II II 52 8d. Archidiac. 25. Val. per ann. in terr. gleb. 55. &c. Biſhop of Bangor. 9 0 0 Llan Wnda V. (St. Beuno,) and Llanfaglen Ch. The Rectory is a Sine Cure, annexed to the Headſhip of Jeſus College, Oxford. Biſhop of Bangor. 7 0 0 Llanvair Is gaer V. (St. Mary,) with Bettws Garmon Chapel. 3 6 8 Val. in groſs. Pri. Bethkylhert, Propr. Robert Roberts, Efq. 1674. Biſhop of Bangor. o Llanllyfini R. or V. (St. Credyw.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Ar- 17 6 chidiac. 1od. Biſhop of Bangor. 22 O NOT IN CHARGE. BANGOR V. (St. Daniel,) with Pentir Chapel. Tythes ap- propriated to the Church of Bangor. The Biſhop. Betws Garmon Chapel. (St. German.) CARNARVON, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Llanbeblick. Dinas Orueg Chapel. Llangedoll Cur. (St. Tegay.) , Vicars Choral, Propr. Llanvaglan, (St. Baglan,) Chapel to Lanwnda. Pentire Chapel, (St. Kedul,) in Bangor Pariſh. Tythes belong to the Vicars Choral. 9. Årltechwedd, alias Ughaph, Jllaph Manconwey et Czuthyn, in the Archdeaconry of Bangor. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. COM King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 7 d. 7. de I 8 8 14 31 Aber, alias Llan Aber, R. (St. Bodvan.) Prox. Epiſc. 105. Archidiac. 15. 8d. Sir William Thomas, 1621. Richard Thomas, Eſq. 1661. Griffin Thomas, Eſq. 1679. Edward Wile 1062 CARNARVON. DIOCESE OF BANGOR. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. de 1. S. d. o 8 111 O 0 13 11 Williams, Esq. and Lady Jane Bulkeley Williams, 1753. Lord Vicount Bulkeley, 1773. 4 9 7 Caerhun, alias Kaerhun, V. (St. Mary,) annexed to Llan Bedr R. Prox. Archidiac. 35. 48. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. lin.canab. &c. The Biſhop, Patr. The Re&orial Tythes annexed to the Biſhopric. 6 19 41 Llan Bedr y Cennin R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Archidiac. IS. Terr. gleb, ad valor. per annum 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Bangor, Patr. 15 13 4 Llanllechid R. (St. Llechid.) Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Archi- diac. 25, iod. 220l. per annum. Biſhop of Bangor. 9 10 o Llan Penmachno V. or Cur. * (St. Tyddud.) Certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty at 81. Abb. Bard- ſey, Propr. Robert Vaughan, Eſq. and Ann his Wife, 1775. I IL 4 O 19 IO LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookse CONWAY, alias CynwAY, V. (St. Mary.) The Tythes ſeteled 7 7 6 on the Poor of Conway and three other Parilhes. Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 25. rod. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. decim. privat. &c. Abb. Conway, Propr. Rich. Jones, 1697. The Biſhop, Patr. The KING, p. h. v. 1755 15 O o Dwygyfylehig, alias Dwygyfulchi, alias Dewy Gonnlchy, V. 313 4 (St. Gwinning.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 2d. Archidiac. is. 8d. Val. in groſs. Abby of Conway, olim Propr. Reginald Rut- ter, Gent. 1662. The KING, by Lapſe, 1771. Thomas Kyffin, Eſq. 40 OOL o o Llanvair Fechan, alias Llanfairfechen, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 6 17 6 Epiſc. 1os. iod. Archidiac. Is. &d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. per ann. 6s. 8d. &c. The Biſhop of Bangor. 40 o Llangelynin R. (St. Gelynin.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. 4d. Archi- 7 diac. Is. 8d. The Biſhop of Bangor. 25 oo Trefriw, alias Trefrhiew, R. (St. Mary,) with Llanrhychwyk 7 15 10 Chapel. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Archidiac. 15. Biſhop of Bangor. o o o * Llan Penmachno.—This, in the Original Survey in Officio Primit, is called a Rectory, but Inſtitu. tion is given to it as a Vic, NOT CAKNARWON. 1063 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. NoT IN CHARGE. Bettws y Coed, (St. Michael,) Chap. to Trefriw. 34. 145. 4d. certified Value. Cureg, (St. Cyric,) Chap. to Llanllechid. 31. certified Value. Dolwyddelan C. (St. Gwyfelan.) Mon. de Bethkilhert, olim Propr. 8l. certified Value. Gyffin Cur. (St. Benediced.) The Biſhop. 161. certified Va lue. Llandidno Curacy. (St. Tudno.) Archdeacon of Merioneth, Propr. The Biſhop, Patr. iol. certified Value. Llandygai, alias Llantegai, Cur. (St. Tegay.) Biſhop of Ban- gor, as Archdeacon of Bangor, is Rector and Patr. 81. cer- tified Value. Llan Rhocwin, (St. Rhocwin,) Chap. to Trefriw. 9. Llyn, alias Lleyn, in the Archdeaconry of BANGOR. The Monaſtery of Bardſey, in the Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities , the clear annual Sum of 461, 15. 4d. 1 For Particulars, vide Orig, Surv. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthe Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. l. 941 Aberdaron R. (St. Howyn.) Prox. Epiſc. IIS. 4d. Archidiac. I 0111 35. 4d. St. John's College, Cambridge. 25 11 51 Llan Bedrog R. (St. Petroc.) Prox. Epiſc. 185. 4d. Prox. 2 II 1 8d. Biſhop of Bangor. 3 9 Llan Jeftin, alias Llanjeſtyn, R. (St. Juſtin.) Biſhop of Bangor, 2 2 41 JO Archidiac. 35. 21 LIVINGS 1064 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. CARNARVON: S. 1. s. d, 0 O 0 50 0 I2 oo Bryncrois, alias Bryncroes, Chan Melley IDnwyddnodle. Mon. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Cicar l'early Value. King's Books, ! d. 16 O Aberdaron Vi (St. Howyn.) Val. in decim. gran. fæn. agn. 3 9 41 lan. &c. Biſhop of Bangor. 14 Abereche, alias Aberearch, vulgò Berach, V. (St. Cwrda.) 6 Val. in grofl. Pri. Berthkylherte, Propr. Robert Roberts, Eſq. 1673. Biſhop of Bangor. 24 O O Bodvean, alias Bod Eon, R. (St. Buan.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. 6d. 6 6 8 Archidiac. 15. Biſhop of Bangor. 45 0 o Edern, alias Edeyrn, alias Edarne; R. (St. Edern.) Prox. Epiſc. 8 5 0 6s. 6d. Biſhop of Bangor. oo Llan Einion Frenin, alias Llan Eigan, alias Llan Eingan, R. 17 6 51 (St. Eingan.) Prox. Epiſc. 11s. 8d. Archidiac. 25. Biſhop of Bangor. John Norris, 1699, o Llanor, alias Llanfawr, V. (Holy Croſs,) and Denio. Arch- deacon of Bangor, Propr. Biſhop of Bangor. 24 oo Meylltyrn, alias Mildeyrne, R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 5 15 O 2d. Archidiac. 15. Biſhop of Bangor. 7 0 0 Newyn, alias Nefyn, alias Newin, alias Nevin, R. and V. 2 13 4 (St. Peter.). Penſ. Abb. Hamond 11. 135: 4d. 135: 4d. Prox. Epiſc. Archidiac. 25. Abb. Hamond in com. Salop, olim Propr. Biſhop of Bangor. €2 Rhiw, alias Rew, R. (St. Eelrhuw) Procur. Epiſc. 45. Ar- 6 14 91 chidiac. 15. 4d. Biſhop of Bangor. NoT IN CHARGE. Bodveryn, (St. Meryn,) Chap. to Llan Jeſtyn. Deſtructa. ou foto i * , to Bardeſey, olim Propr. John Griffith, Eſq. 1772. 46. 45. certified Value. 125.01 Carngwch, (St. Beuno,) Chap. to Edeyrn. alba IT Denyves Chap. to Llañor, 2017 St. Julian Chap. to Llan. Jeſtýn. to conta & KEIDIO, alias Ceidio, Ch. (st. Keidiaw.) Abbi de Kinmer, olim Propr. Biſhop of Bangor, Propr. Love Parry, Eſq. 1775. 51. certified Value. Kirverther Ch. to Llanbedrog. Carnarvon, D. Llyn. Llandudwen, alias Llandidwen, (St. Tudwen,) Chap. to Rhiew. Llandwnny, alias Llan Tynwen, (St. Tudwell,) Ch. to Rhiw. DAPAT Llanvaelrhys, (St. Maelrhys,) Chap. to Aberdaron. 3 Llangiaa los. - T .? ! CARNARVON. 1065 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. Llangian Chap. to Llan Bedrog. Llanvihangel Bachellaeth, (St. Michael,) Ch. to Llan Bedrog. Llangwunod, alias Llangwnadle, alias Llangwynod and Tid- weilioc, C. (St. Gwynen.) Mon. Bardeſey, Propr. Henry Thrale, Eſq. 1775. 81. certified Value. Llan Dwgwuinio, alias Llandegionin, (St. Conning) Chap. to Llan Jeftyn. Nantgundanyll C. (St. Daniel.) Mon. Bardſey, Propr. Penllech, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Llan Jeſtyn. Penrhos, (St. Cynwill,) Chap. to Abererche. PWLLHELY, (St. Beuno,) Chap. to Llan Fawr. Pyſtyll Chap. to Edeyrn. D. Evionydd, alias Evioneth, in the Archdeaconry of tagu.one To Merioneth. O con sede The Monaſtery of Bethkylhert was returned by the Commif- fioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 70l. 35. 8d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. Yearly Tenthe. 1. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. S, . 15 3 4. Llan Giby, (St. Kebi,) and Llan Armon R. (St. Garmon.) Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4de Archidiac. 35. 4d. Biſhop of Bangor. 1 8 11 Llanyſtyndwy R. (St. Jokin Baptiſt.) Prox. Epiſc. 85. Archi- diac. 45. No Parfonage Houſe. Biſhop of Bangor. si a. I 10 4 1 2 92 olno LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value King's Books. 42 0 0 CRICKEITH, alias Merthir, R. (St. Catherine.) Prox. Epiſc. 13 8 113 85. 4d. Archidiac. 45. 2 d. No Parſonage Houſe. Biſhop of Bangor. 45 00 o Penmorva R. (St. Beuno,) with Dolbenmaen Chapel. Prox. 9 12 6. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac. 25.6d. Biſhop of Bangor. 6 U NOT 1066 CARNARVON, DIOCESE OF BANG O R. NOT IN CHARGE. Bethkylhert, alias Bethkelert, alias Berdcelert, Cur. (St. Mary.) A ruinated Chapel here, called Nant Hwy.nan. Zach. Hughes, Clerk, Impr. 81. certified Value. Dolben Maen, (St. Beano,) Chap. to Penmorva. Llanvihangel y Penant R. (St. Michael.) Augmented in 1735, the Rectory being bought with 400l for that Purpoſe. The Biſhop, 1778. 81. certified Value. Trefflys, (St. Michael,) Chap. to Crickeith. Ynys, Cynhaiarn, (St. Cynhaiarn,) Chapel to Crickeith. 20. Ardudwy and Eſtimanner, in the Archdeaconry of MERIONETH. The Monaſtery of Kimmer, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 511. 135. 4d. Vide Orig. Sury, for Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 5. d. 1. S. I 2 II 18 O O 13 8 Dolgelle R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc, 35. 4d. Archidiac. I 6 230 Is. 8d. No Parſonage Houſe. The KING, or Prince of Wales, 9 Llan Aber R. (St. Bodvan.) Prox. Epiſc. 105. Archidiac. I 3 101 150 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. per ann. 6d. &c. The KING, or Prince of Wales. 5 6 8 Llan Egryn, alias Llandegrin, V. or Cur. (St. Mary.) Val. O 10 8 in groff. com. ann. cum 11. 6s. 8d. pro ann. penſ. rec. de Abb. de Kimmer. Abb. Kimmer, Propr. Certified to the Governors at 131. John Tamberlain, Clerk, 1773. 10 18 11 Llanenddog and Llanddwywe, alias Llanthoyway and Llanen 19 thowin, alias Llanendwyn, R. (St. Damien.) Prox. Epifc. 6s. Archidiac. 25. Biſhop of Bangor. Llan. I 2 MERIONETH. 1067 DIOCESE OF BANGO R. bo s. d. King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. d. 6 14 91 Llanvihangell Itraith, (St. Michael,) and Llandeckwin R. uni O 13 5* ted to the Treaſurerſhip of Bangor. Penf. Eccleſ. Bangor 135. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 125. Biſhop of Bangor. 60 13 4 Tywyn, alias Towyn Merioneth R.* with the Chapels, (All 6 I 4 Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. 21. Archidiac. 135. 4d. An Impro- priation in the Biſhop of Lichfield, &c. 613 4. Tywyn, alias Towyn, V. (All Saints.) Val. in groff. Nun- 0 13 4 nery of Berking in Effex, olim Propr. Biſhop of Bangor. 4 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 45 0 @ Feſtiniog, alias Feſtinioc, R. (St. Michael,) and Maentoroc, 10 (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Bilbop of Bangor. Llan Ddanwg, (St. Tanwg,) and Llan Bedir, R. (St. Peter.) 7 13 1] Prox. Epiſc. 45. 8d. Archidiac. 25. 4d. Biſhop of Bangor. 32 0. Llanfair juxta Harlech R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. 6 10 10 Archidiac. 25. 5d. No Parſonage Houſe. Biſhop of Bangor. 30 o Llanfrothen, alias Llanwrothen, R. (St. Brothen.) Prox. Epiſc. 6 15 35.4d. Archidiac. 15. 8d. Biſhop of Bangor. 48 0 o Trawsfynydd, alias Traws Vynydh, R. (St. Modryn.) Prox. 8 12 Epiſc. 6s. Archidiac. 25. Biſhop of Bangor. 35 00 o o I NOT IN CHARGE, BALA, a Market Town, but no Ch. here. Llanfachreth Cur. Abb. Kimmer, olim Propr. Hugh Vaughan, Eſq. 1772. 81. certified Value. Llanbedr Chapel. Note. In this Chapelry ſtood at Harllech a Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen, now difuſed. Llanvihangel y Traeth, (St. Michael,) and Llanddeckwin, Cu- racy. Treaſurer of Bangor, Propr. 141. 6s. certified Value. Llaniltyd, (St. Ilfyd,) Chapel to Llanfachreth. 61. certified Value. Llanvihangel y Penant, (St. Michael, Cur. Chap. to Towyn. 201. 135. 6d. certified Value. * Tywyn R.-This, by a forced Exchange, temp. E. VI. was made Part of the Biſhopric of Coven: try and Litchfield. 6 U 2 Penalt 1068 MERIONETH, DIOCESE OF BANGOR. Penalt Curacy, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Towyn. 221. certified Value. Tallyllyn Curacy, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Towyn. 211. 10s. "*: çertified Value. MONTGOMERYSHIRE, D. Arnſey, alias Arnfley, vel Arwyftit. N. B. The following Pariſhes, co. Montgomery and Denbigh, are in no Archdeaconry, but ſubject to the immediate Juriſ- diction of the Biſhop of Bangor. I d. 2 22 @ O 2 O LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tentissa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. ho d. Llan Ddinam Eccl. Comport.* (St. Lhonio.) Prox. Epifc. 21. 4 73. 11 Llan Ddinam V. (St. Lhonio,) with Benhaglog Chap. Val. in O 14 34 groff. Chapter of Bangor, Impr. Biſhop of Bangor. • Llangurrick, alias Llangirrick, alias Llan Gurig, V. (St. Cyrick.) o 19 Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Pro Viſit. 25. 2d. Val. in decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. oblat. &c. The Church of Bangor, Impr. Biſhop of Bangor. Abb. de Strata Florida, olim Propr.. Vide Orig. Sury. in Oficio Primite 9 10 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books o o Carno V. or Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. St. John of Jerufa- lem, Propr.. Henry Shales, and his Wife, 1765. 34 0 o Llanydlos, alias Llanidloes, (St. Idlos.): The Church of Bangor, 4. 3. 4 Impr. Biſhop of Bangor. 40 0 o Llanwnog, alias Llan Wynnog, V. (St. Gwynnog.) Pro Vifit. 416 51 8d. Val. in groff. The Church of Bangor, Impr.. Biſhop of Bangor. * Llan Ddinam Comportions are veſted in the Dean and Chapter of Bangor, by Act of Parliament 1. Jacobi II. 1685, for repairing the Cathedral and augmenting the Vicarages thereof. See Willis's Sur.. yey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor, &c, p. 291... Penſtrowed MONTGOMERYSH. 1069 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. King's Books, 1. d. S. 5 8 4 Clear rearly Value. 1. d. 27 Penfrowed R. (St. Gwrci.) Biſhop of Bangor. o o 32 o Tref Eglwys V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Pro Vi. fit. 25. 2d. Val. in groff. The Church of Bangor, Impr. Geo. Pope, Eſq. Patr. 1673, 1676. Mon. Haghmond, co. Salop, olim Propr. Vid. Survey of King Henry VIII. in Offic. Primit. The Biſhop, 1706. Bromwich Pope, Eſq. 1731. William Humphreys, 1764. DENBIGHSHIRE 11:01 D. Dyffrynciwyd and Kemerch. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 1. d. 12 I 4 O 6 26 13 Clokaynog, alias Cloecaenok, R. (St. Vodhyd.) Biſhop of Bangor. 10 15. O. Derwenymall, alias Derwen, R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 2s.. Ι Ι 8d. 14 acr. terr. glebo ad valor. per ann. 85. &c. Biſhop Bangor. 19 19 7 Llandyrnuc R. (St. Tyrnog.). Prox. Epiſc. 85. 4d. Pro Vi. I 18 11 'fit. 25. 2d. Held in Commendam with the Billopric, 1718. Cúr, worth 401. per annum. 6. Llanenys, alias Llanynys, R. (St. Sacran.) Annexed to the 2 13 4 Biſhopric in lieu of Mortuaries. 8 13. 4. Llanenys, alias Llanynys, V. (St. Sacran,) with Gyffylliog o 17 4 Chap. Prox. Epiſc. il. 6s. 8d. Val. in decim. gran. tæn. lan. agn. &c. Biſhop of Bangor. 8 Oo Llanledan, alias Llanelidan Church, firſt Comportion. (St. Eli 0 16 0 dan. Biſhop of Bangor. 8 o Llanledan, alias Llanelidan Church, the other Comportion. 0 16 (St. Elidan. Settled on the School at Ruthin. 16 13 4 Llanvorbck, alias Llanfurog, R. (St. Mwrog.) Prox. Epiſc. 1 13 4 55. Archidiac. Is. 8d. Bilbop of Bangor. 13 8. Llanbedir Dyffryn Clwyd R. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Biſhop of Bangor. 0 Llan Rhayador, alias Llanrhaider, R.* (St. Dyfnog.) 30 2000 Tante O I 6 2 30 ० * Llán Rhayador R. Sannexed to the Biſhopric by Act of Parliament, s' Jac. II., 6. Llan 1 1979 DENBICHSA. DIOCES E OF BANGOR. ş, d. 28 13 King's Books, Fearly Tenthi. In so de 4 Llan Rhayador, alias Llanrhaider, V. (St. Dyfnog.) Prox. & 17 4 Epiſc. il. Pro Viſit. 6s. 8d. Val. in groff. 13 açr. terr. gleb. Biſhop of Bangor. 13 3 4 Llauvaire, alias Llanfair Dyffrinclwyd, V. (St. Meugan.) Preb. I 64 of Llanvairę, Impr. Biſhop of Bangor. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 20 O Clear Icarly Value. King's Books. 30 oo Evenechtyd, alias Efenechtyd, alias Veneghtid, R. (St. Mi- 6 I 51 chael.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. Pro Viſit. 8 d. 10 acr. terr. gleb. Daha ad valor. per annum 25. &c. Biſhop of Bangor. 43 0.0 Llanganbavaliste Llanganhaval, alias Llan Gynhafall, R. (St. Cynhavel.) Prox. 15 15 Epiſc. 55. Biſhop of Bangor. o o Llangwyfen, alias Llangwiwen, R. (St. Gwyfen.) Prox. Epiſc. 7 18 9 Is. 4de 10 acr. terr. gleb. &c. Biſhop of Bangor. 30 o Llanhychan R. (St. Flychan.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Biſhop of 7 176 Bangor. A Posted sagats to come boszol lige Not IN CHARGE. NON isson Cyffeſtiog, alias Gyffylliog, Chapel to Llanenys. Llanrhydd Chapel (St. Meugan) belongs to the Hoſpital of Ruthin in Denbighſhire, Afaph D. 200 0 0 o o Ruthin Wardenſhip, or Hoſpital. (St. Peter.) Vide Orig. . Surv. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Patr. singl 27 legendo wbudowa aw3190 stedeutus lagsta Gogh vartal 02 joqndo le TEM 18) ODIT ANGLESEA. NH ANGL E o ogolloDuo 111697bach 3 shivbo bobol of 1154 610 D. Liivon and Lalybolion. in -oibisin wylotodil olsas dedor do M 10 av lagnathiya 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE.losłodfi ay King's Books. studosis of logody golasM 12) 2013 Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. ilmsku points as I otion 3 111 Llanbulan R. (St. Peulan,) with the Chapels, alias LLANBEUI. 4 4 Prox. Epiſc. 165. Archid. 6s. 10d. Biſhop of Bangor. Llan- L. Ano 7. d. 201-simal 1. S. d. 22 2 LAN ANGLESEA. 1071 DIOCESE OF B A N GO R. King's Books. 2. d. 16 17 O O O 49 12 Sort Pearly Tenths. l. So do I Llanvethly, alias Llanfaethly, R. (St. Maethle.) Prox. Epiſc. i 13 81 135. Archidiac. 35. 4d. Biſhop of Bangor. SHIVAT LIVINGS DISCHARGED. zip 20 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 15 Llan Badrig, alias Llan Bedrie, V. (St. Patrick.) Val. in groft. 7 8 il 50 Abb. Conwey, olim Propr. The KING, 1783, 21 Llan Ddeuſant, alias Llanyddeyſant, R. (St. Marcellus and St. 20 16 3 Marcellinus.) Prox. Epiſc. 16s. 4d. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Biſhop of Bangor. 42 o Llanfachell , alias Llanvecheth, alias Llanfechell, R. (St. Ma- 11 11 3 chutus.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 2s. 1d. Biſhop of Bangor. 47 15 41 Llan Rhuddlad R. (St. Rhydlad.) Prox. Epiſc. 1os. 6d. 14 II 8 Archidiac. 45. 8d. Biſhop of Bangor. 47 15 4 Llantriſſant, alias Llantriſaint, R. (St. Sanan, St. Afran, and 15 10 St. Jevan,) with its Chapels. Prox. Epiſc. 155. 6d. Archi. diac. 85. Biſhop of Bangor. 48 16 6 Llanfachraeth R. (St. Machraeth.) Prox. Epiſc. 1os. 2d. 14 12 Archidiac. 4. 2d. Biſhop of Bangor. 48 0 o Rhoſcolyn R. (St. Gwenfaen.) Epiſc. 115. Archidiac. 45. 2d. 10 5 0 Biſhop of Bangor. 24.com O I Not IN CHARGE. Bettws Bwchwdw, Chapel to Llantriffant. Ceirchiogg, (Holy Roode) Chapel to Llámbulan. Bahan Gwaredock, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Llantriſſant. Holy HEAD, (St. Cybi,) a Donative, olim Collegium. Vide Orig. Surv. Eccleſia Collegiat. de Caſtro Cubii, cum Cap. de Bodedern, Bodwrog, & Llandrygarn. Jeſus College, Ox. ford, Patr. and Impr. 321, certified. Value. Keidio, alias Rodigeidio, (St. Ceidiow,) Chapel to Llantriſſant. Llanvibangel yn Towyn, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Rhoſcolyp. Llanfair yn Kiwbwl, alias Deubwl, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Rhofcolyn. Llanvaeloc, (St. Maelog,) Chapel to Llanbulan. Llanlibio, (St. Libio,) Chapel to Llantriſſant. Llanfurog, (St. Mwrog,) Chapel to Llanvaethley. Llanvair Inghornwy, (St. Mary) Chapel to Llandeuſant. Llan- LO72 DIOCESE O BANGOR, ANGLESEA. 1 Dipechones Llandogwell, (St. Dogwell,) Chapel to Llanfachel and Llan- rhruddlad. Llanpabo, alias Llanbado, (St. Pabo,) Chapel to Llanddeufanf. Llanflewyn, (St. Flewyn,) Chapel to. Llanrhaddlad. Llanrhywydrys, alias Llanrodris, (St. Rhydrys) Chapel to Llanrhuddlad. Llanynghendle Chapel, and Llanvigail, alias. Llanfiguil, (St. Ynghednodd,) Chapel to Llanvachraith, alias Llanfachreth. Llanerch Ymedd, (St. Mary;) Chapel to Llanbulan. 41: certi- fied Value. Ini Llandrygarn, (St. Trygarn,) and-Bodwrog, (St. Twrog, ) Cha- pels to Holy Head. 15l. certified Value. ta oma Túllyllyn, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Llanbulan! so bilobas ..zout (etusta CURACY. 2) s balladt mell: 18. ibidor Bodedern Cur. (St. Edern) Chapel to Holx HEAD. 12. 155. certified Value. Gro M 18) - dansnosti od Tople to come se nebo ouis. Ir (22) Amploblasti 9. mener, alias Qenai and Maltraith. 01/10 MI Toil LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. To Boo window any rearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 20 15 10 Aberffraw R. (St. Beuno.) Prox. Epiſc. 115. 8d. Archidiac. 2 300 55. Iod. The KING, or Prince of Wales. o Llandwynne, alias Llandowin, R. (St. Dynwen.) The 180 Church in Ruins. Biſhop of Bangor. als brot 14 8 11 Trefdraeth R. (St. Beuno.) Prox. Epiſc. 115. zd. 2001. 1 8.103 per annum. Biſhop of Bangor. King's Books I. d. 1. I 7 0 O 14 O del lado del 2) pobos der (odeidrias tunelio bend you a) I LIVINGS ANGLESE A. 1073 DIOCESE OF BANGO R. . d. O 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. s. d. 35 o Eglwyffail, alias Eglwyſael, alias Llangadwalad, (St. Cadwal. 16 711 50 lader,) with a Chapel. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 6d. Archidiac. Is. uid. The KING, or Prince of Wales. 37 0 9 Heneglwys R. (St. Llwydian,) with the Chapel of Llanfeirian. 9 3 4 Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 35. 4d. The Bilbop of Bangor. 35 Llanbeder R. (St. Peter.) Biſhop of Bangor. Llan Eidan, alias Llanidan, alias Llan Nidan, V. (St. Aidan.) 100 Val. in groff. Sir Thomas Groſvenor, 1696. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. 1722, 1730. Lord Boſton, 1781. Pri. Beth- kelert, olim Propr, 40 o Llangefni, alias Llangefyn, R. (St. Cynfar.). Prox. Epiſc. 9 13 4 6s. 4d. Archidiac. 35. 2d. Biſhop of Bangor. 35 0 0 NEWBURGH, alias NEWBOROUGH, alias RHOSFAIR, R. (St. 9 10. O 140 Peter.). Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Archidiac. 35. 4d. The Biſhop, 1705. The KING, or Prince of Wales. 59 O 40 O 0 0 O NOT IN CHARGE. Llangeinwen R. 260l. per annum. Earl of Pembroke. Llan Ddeiniol, (St. Deniel Fab,) Chapel to Llan Eidan, alias Llan Nidan. Llanfinan, (St. Finan,) Chapel to Llanvihangel Ys Ceifog, alias Eſkyveok. Archidiac. Bangor, Propr. Llangadwallader R. with Llanforian Chapel. Thę KING, 1401. per annum. Llangaffo, (St. Gaffo,) Chapel to Llangeinwen. Llangwyfen, (St. Gwyfen,) Chapel to Trefdraith. Llanvair Ys Cwnamyd, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Llan Eidan, alias Llan Nidan. Llanwillog Cur. (St. Gwilloc.) Pri. Penmon, olim Propr. 57. certified Value. Llanvihangel Ys Ceifog, (St. Michael,) and Llan Jeſtyn Cur. (St. Jeſtin,) certified together. Two Cottages and ſome Lands appropriated for the Uſe of the Church. Dean of Bangor, Propr. Llangriſtiolys, (St. Chriſtiolus,) and Kerrig Keinwen, alias Karick Ywen, Cur. (St. Ketuwen.) Archdeacon of Angle- 6 X ſea, 187 1 1074 DIOCES E OF BANGOR. ANGLESE AL ſea, Propr. The Biſhop has the Tythes. 43l. certified Value. Trefgaian, alias Treganin, (St. Caiarn,) Chapel to Llangefni. Trefwalchmai, alias Trewalchmae, (St. Morhaiarn,) Chapel to Heneglwys. D. Dyndd and Lurkely, Lwrcelyn, alias Lyndackthwy. The Monaſtery of Penmon, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in the Rents of Manors, Lands, Tenements, Great Tythes, &c. yearly 401. 175. gd, 1 For Particulars, vide Orig Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Book's. l'carly Tentoon Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. S. d. l d. 38 6 8 Llanddyfnan R. (St. Dyfnan.) Prox. Epiſc. 1l. 45. 4d. Ar- 3 16 8 chidiac. 95. Held in Commendam with the Biſhopric. Bi- ſhop of Bangor. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. O Clear Pearly Value. King's Bookso 40 o ó Llandegvan R. (St. Tydecho,) with BEAUMARIS. Chapel. (St. 19 II 8 Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Archidiac, 35. 5d. Lord Viſcount Caſhel, 1762. Lord Bulkeley, 1778, 36 0 o Llandyfrydog R. (St. Tyfrydoc.) Epiſc: 75. 6d. Arehidiac. 14 9 7 25. 11d. Billop of Bangor. 30 o Llaneigrad R. (St. Eigrad.). Prox. Epiſc. 55. rod. Archidiac. 9 II 101 25. 5d. Biſhop of Bangor. Llan Elian R, (St. Elian.) Prox. Epifc. 1 2:4, 6d. Archidiac. 14 I 8 6s. Biſhop of Bangor. 27 0 0 Llanfair Pwllywingy!l R. (St. Maryo) Prox., Epiſc. 45. Archi- 6 15 diac. Is. id. Biſhop of Bangor. 34 o o Llanſadwrn, alias Llanſadwin, R. (St. Saturninus.)Penf. 76 oj Epiſc. il. Prox. Epiſc. 55e Archidiac. 25. 4d. Biſhop of Bangor. 37 O I Not ANGLESEA. 1075 DIOCESE OP BAN GO R. NOT IN CHARGE. Amlwch Ch. (Št. Eleth.) .Arch. Angleſea, Propr. Biſhop of Bangor, Patr. 201. 155. certified Value. BEAUMARIS, (St. Mary,)Chap. to Llandegvan. Bodedwrd, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Llan Elian, Coedane, (St. Blenwydd,) Chap. to Llan Elian. Itha and Pentraeth, (St. Mary) Chap. to Llandifnan. Llanallgo, (St. Galgo,) Chap. to Llanygraid. Llanbedr, (St. Peter,) Chap. to Llandyfnan. LandiMilio, (St. Tyfilio,) Chap. to-Llánvaire Pwllgwingyli. Llanfair Mathefarn, (St. Mory,) with Llanbeder Goch, Cha- pels to Llandifnan. Llanvihangel Trialwyn, (St. Michael,) Chap. to Llarjeſtyn. Llangoed, (St. Cwrda,) Chap. to Llanjeſtyn. Llangwillog C. Lord Bulkeley. Llan Jeftyn V. (St. Jeſtin.) Chantor of Bangor, Impr. Wil- liam Hughes, Eſq. 1765. Llanwyan Llyfo, alias Llanwynllwivo, (St. Wenllyffe;) Chap. to Amllwch. Llan Yſtalloc, Chap. to Amlwch. Llanvewgan, Chap. to Llandegvan. Llygwy, (St. Michael) Chap. to Llaneigrad. Meugan, Chap. to Beaumaris. Demoliſhed. Rhofperio, (St. Peirio,) Chap. to Llanelian. Treffàbard, alias Trerbardd, Chap. .o Llandefrydock. CÜRACÍ ES. Llanfaes Cu. (St. Catherine.) Pri. Llanfaes, olim Propr. Lord Bulkeley. 61. 12s. certified Value. Llandona Cur. (St. Dona.) Pri. Penmon, olim Propr. 41. 10s. certified Value. Penmon Cu. (St. Seiriol.) Pri. Penmon, olim Propr. Lord Bulkeley. 62. 85. 6d. certified Value. Penrhos Cur. (St. Michael,) Chap, to Lian Eigrad. 6). certi- fied Value. 6 X 2 Diocefe [ 1076 ] King's Books. 1. s. d. 154 14 2 B Dioceſe of Landaff. Pearly Tenths, 1. so do ISHOPRIC of Landaff, erected about the Year 490. 15 9 5 St. Dubritius, who was conſecrated the firſt Archbiſhop of Wales, is reckoned the firſt Biſhop of this See. St. Te- liau, or Eliud, was the ſecond Archbiſhop in 522. The Cathedral Church*. (St. PETER AND ST. Teilaw.) This Cathedral was richly endowed, “ As may appear by the great Multitude of Lands conferred on it by the many Do. nors mentioned out of Dugdale, inſomuch that Biſhop God- win ſays, if it were now pofſeffed of the tenth Part of what it once had, it might be reckoned one of the richeſt Churches in Chriſtendom.". The Cathedral being near the River Taffi was thence called Llandaff, Llan in the Welſh Tongue ſignifying a Church. It may be obſerved that nei- ther here nor at St. David's there neither is nor ever was any Dean belonging to the Chapter, but the Archdeacon preſides here, and the Chanter (Præcentor) at St. David's. Dugdale's Monafticon." Vide Liber Regis. Memorandum. The Treaſurerſhip, with the Prebend an- nexed, in this Church, is annexed to the Biſhopric in lieu of Mortuaries, by an Act of Parliament 12 Annæ. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of LANDAFF. colo era 38 12 81 Archdeaconry of Landaff, founded 914, has the Tithes of 3 17 31 Merthir Mawr, in co. Glamorgan, Biſhopſton and Kilgur- rock, in co. Monmouth. This Valuation appears to have been given in by John Quarr, Archdeacon in 1535 Vide Liber Regis. 87 12 II The Cathedral Church of Landaff. The Profits appertaining 8 15 31 to this Church ariſe from Rents in the Lordſhip of Llandaff, * An Account of the firſt State of this Cathedral may be found in Dugd. Mon. tom. III. p. 181, 191. and 4 DIOCESE OF LANDA F F. 1077 S. 1. S. O 0 1 2 I 2 2 II King's Books. l'early Tenths, 1. d. d. and various other Lordſhips, in Appropriations, annual Pen- ſions, &c. 2 13 9 Chancellorſhip of Landaff, alias Preb. Magift. Will. Howell, 5 41 has the Tythes of Iſtradowen, in co. Glamorgan, and thirty- fix Acres of Land in Landaff. 6 o o Precentorſhip of Llandaff, alias Preb. Magiſt. Hen. Hicman, has a fourth Part of the Tythes of Landaff, 22 Acres of Glebe there, &c. Treaſurerſhip, annexed to the Biſhopric in lieu of Mortuaries, 1 4 31 erected about the Year 1290, by Biſhop Henry de Aberga- veny, who alſo founded the Chancellorſhip and Præcentor- ſhip, and the other nine Prebends at the ſame Time, has the Tythes of Llanthewy Vach, in co. Monmouth, and a fourth Part of the Tythes of Landaff Pariſh. Vide Liber Regis. 4 o o St. Andrew's, alias Thomas Bafſchurch, P. had formerly a good o 8 0 Farm in Landaff Pariſh of about gol. per ann. but alienated temp. Edw. VI. and only 31. 135. 4d. Rent left. 3 1071 Caire P. has the Tythes of Caire, in co. Glamorgan, and of o7 Llandogó, in co. Monmouth, and Penterry in D. Groneath. o 18 i St. Croſs, alias Henry Morgan P. No Corpſe, but has a Houſe 0 1 98 and two Acres of Land in Landaff. This Prebend, temp. Hen. VIII. had half an Acre of Land, the Tythes of the Mills of Landaff and Eley, and other ſmall Profits. 1 3 4 St. Dubritius, alias Doct. Griffith Leyfan P. No Corpſe. This o 2 4 Prebend had Glebe Lands, &c. to the amount of 1l. 35. 4d. temp. H. VIII. 1 6 8 Henry the Third, alias Magiſt. Mayo, alias St. Nicholas, P. 8 No Corpſe. This Prebend had a Corpſe, temp. H. VIII. of the yearly Value of 135. 4d. and other Profits. 3 5 5 Langwm P. has Part of the Tythes in Llangwm Pariſh, in co. o 6 61 Monmouth. 5 6 8 Thomas Jones, alias Fairwater P. ſo denominated from a Ham- let in Landaff Pariſh. Has a fourth Part of the Tythes there. 317 1 Warthacum P. Prox. Epifc. 55. Has Part of the Tythes of o 7 Llangwm, in co. Monmouth. 4 O o William Clarke, alias Harwell, alias Fairwell, P. has two Parts o 80 of the Tythes of Landaff Parifh. Note. In this Church were two Vicars Choral, an Orga- nift, four Singing Men, and four Singing Boys or Cho- riſters, The Members of the Cathedral are the Biſhop, Archdea- con, Chancellor, Præcentor, and Treaſurer, who, with the nine Prebendaries conſtitute the Chapter. Willis's Survey 1. Lan- O 2 O 10 8 7 S 1073 DIOCESE OF LAND APK. GLAMORGANSH. 1. 1. 3. 2. O I LLANTRISS D. Landaff. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with the Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 14 13 1 St. Andrew's R. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Prox, 25. Syn. 6s. 8d. 9 33 170 O Abb. de Tewkeſbury 5s. Vai, in terr. gleb. 21, 135, 4d. &c. Lord Brook, 1725. The KING, 1734, 1779. 6 9 2 Bonvilſton Church, or Curacy. (St. Mary.) This belonged 0 12 11 to the Abbey of Mergham. Abb. Mergham 16s. iod. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 6s. 5d. Procur. Landaff. 25. Viſit. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. domin. 31. cal. vitul, agn. lan. fæn. &c. 2ol. certified to the Governors. 14 9 7 St. Fagan's R. Epiſc. 135. 4.d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. I 8.11 25. 5d. Val. in terr. gleb. 21. 11s. 4d. &c. Thomas Lewis, Efq. 1721. Elizabeth Lewis, Widow, 1742. Earl of Ply- mouth, 1769, 1783- 7.11 Kelligaer, alias Kellygare, R. (St. Cadocus.) Epiſc. & Archi 2 0 9 diac. 95.4d. Terr. gleb. ad val. 23. &c. Lord Viſcount Windſor, 1729, 1757: with its Chapels. Epiſc. & Archidiac. IIS. Val. in decim. garb. lan. agn. porc, anc. Abb. Tewkeſbury, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Propr. and Patr. 5 71 Mether Tydvill R. (St. Tydvil.) Terr, gleb. ad valor. 35. 4d. 2 O 63 &c. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 55. 11d. Lord Windſor, 1708. The KING, 1731. Lord Windſor, 1751. Lord Windſor, 1751. Honourable Andrews Windſor, 1764. 8 13 4 Penmark V. (St. Mary,) belonged formerly to the Abby of o 17 4 Tewkſbury. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 35. Val, in terr. gleb. 31. 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. molend. caf. anc. &c. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Propr. and Patr. 7 12 81 St. Peter's, alias Peterſtone, R. ſuper Ely. Epiſc. & Archi- 0 15 31 diac. 75. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Simon Patrick, S. F. P. 1684. Buły Manſell, Efq. 1695. Sir John Au- brey, Bart. 1717, two Turns, and Thomas Matthew, Eſq. one Turn. The Heirs of Sir John Aubrey, Bart. 1744. Thomas Mathews, Eſq. 1779. 20 26 14 2 20 Wenvo GLAMORGANSH. DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. 1079 30 0 0 domin. Er King's Books. Prary Tonths. 1. d, ho d. 13 7 I Weivo R. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 35. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Maryi 6 84 Thomas, 1681. Sir Edmund Thomas, Bart. 1725. Peter Brit, Eſq. 1777, 1779. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Ycarly Valųe. King's Books. ó Cađoxton, alias Cadoxton near Barry, R. (St. Cadocus.) Epiſc. 5 2 1 & Archidiac. 8s. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 35. 4d. Alex. ander Popham, Eſq. 1705, and David Morgan, Eſq. alter- nately. The Biſhop, 1750. Edward Popham, Eſq. 1757, 1766. John Llewellin, Eſq. and others, 1777. v 35 o Eglwys Yland, alias Eglwys Ilan, V. (St. Helen.) Val. in terr. 6 13 11 domin. 6s. 8d. in caſ. &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff. 46 0 St. George R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 75. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad 7 5 71 valor. 21. &c. Lord Viſcount Windſor, 1717. Henry Llew. ellin, Gent, 1756. 0 0 St. Hilary V. Val. in vac. vitul. lan. agn. parc. anc. &c. 5 14 41 "Archeacou and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 30 0 St. John's in CARDIFF V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with St. Mary's 13 14 61 united. Val. in decim. perſonal. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Propr. and Patr. 40 Llancarvan, alias Llan Garvan, V. (St. Cad.cus,) belonged to the 8 13 9 Abby of Glouceſter. Epifc. & Archidiac. gs. 5d. Val. in terr. gleb. 8s. 4d. decim. garb. lan. agn. caſ. &c. The SKING, or Prince of Wales. Dean and Chapter of Glou- ceſter, Propr. of the Rectory. 40 o Llandogh V. (St. Tocho,) with Cogan, (St. Peter,) and 8 8 4 Letwycli, alias Leckwith, R. (St. James.) Epiſc. & Archi- diac. 6s. 5d. Val. in garb. 3. 6s. 8d. terr. domin. 35. vac. vitul. fan. agn. porc. piſcat. &c. Edward Herbert, Eſq. $1714. William Powell, Eſq. 1753, 1756. William Ri- chards, Eſq. 1783. Elizabeth Jones and William Hurſt, 1784. 19 Oo Llanedern, alias Llan Edeyrn, V. (St. Edern.) Val. in terr. Val. in terr. 5 8 III . ter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 38 0 o Llanhary, R. (St. Iltyd.). Epiſc. & Archidiac. 45. Sd. Terr. 5 12 ST gléb. ad valor: 6s.. 2di &c. Earl of Leiceſter, 1671. Coun- teſs of Leicefter, and others, 1704. Joſlin Sidney, Eſq. 1728, 1735, 1738. Robert Powell, Gent. p. h. v. 1753. Henry Streatfield, Eſq. and his Wife, 1761. Llan- 12 O O 60 O - 1089 ber GLAMORGANSH. AF F. 1. 28 0 0 Mertherdivanean . and Chapter of Glouceſter . De 1S. DIOCESE OF LAND Clear learly Value, King's Books, le do 260 o Llanſanor, alias Thawe, R. (St. Lythao.) Epiſc. & Archi- 715 71 diac. 45. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 95. 9d. &c. Francis Gwyn, Eſq. 1670, 1707, 1748, 1770. 46 0 0 Llantrithed, alias Llan Truddid, R. (St. Iltyd.) Epiſc. & 8 13 4 Archidiac. 75. :5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 8d. &c. Sir John Aubrey, Bart. 1670, 1902, 1708, 1726, 1735, 1741. James Edgecomb, D. D. p. h. v. 1744. 42 0 ó o St. Llythan’s, alias St. Lythian's, V. The Vicarage is endowed 6 1 3 with all the Tythes. Epiſc. & Archidiac. il. 85. 8d. Arch- deacon of Landaff. 28 o o St. Mary's in CARDIFF V. Eccl. deſtructa. United to St. 4 5 10 John's. Val. in decim. perſonal. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Mertherdivan R. (St. Teilaw.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 55. 4d. 4 17 33 Terr. gleb. ad valor. 135. 4d. &c. Alexander Popham, Eſq. 1705. The Biſhop, 1750. Edward Popham, Eſq. 1757. Peter Birt, Eſq. 1779. 40 00 St. Michael, alias Michaelſton upon Eley, R. with St. Bride's 8 6 8 fuper Eley (St. Mary) united. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 1os. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. Jeffery, Eſq. 1689. Lord Viſcount Windſor, 1721. Henry Llewellin, Gent. 1756. 20 0 O Michelftowne, alias Michaelſton le Pitt, R. (St. Michael.) 4 10 71 Epiſc. & Archidiac. 8s. 5d. "Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 155. Oliver Jones, 1681. Thomas Jones, Eſq. 1704. Robert Jones, Eſq. 1736, 1753, 1781. 48 0 St. Nicholas R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 55. 5d. Terr. gleb. ad 11 10 valor. 21, &c. Martin Button, Eſq. two Turns. Miles Button, one Turn. Martin Button, the ſecond Turn, 1719. Truman Harford, p. h. v. on the Nomination of Martin But- ton, Eſq. 1744. Thomas Price, Eſq. 1779. 40 o Pendoyloyn, alias Pendoylon, V. (St. Cadocus.) Archdeacon 8 13 4 and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 8 o O Pennarth, alias Penmarth, V. (St. Auſtin,) with Llavernock. 4.17 II Epiſc & Archidiac. 75. 5d. Abb. Sti Auguſtini 6s. 8d. Val. in garb. fæn. vac. vitul. terr. domio. &c. Abb. Ski Aug. Briſtol, Propr. Richard Lewis, Eſq. 1669, 1689. Tho- mas Lewis, "Efq. 1716, 1735. Earl of Plymouth, 1752, 1782. 20 Oo Pentrich, alias Pentirch, aliàs Penrise, V. (St. Cadocus.) 8 3 15 Epiſc. & Archidiac. 8s. Val. in terr. domin. agn. lan. vitul. fon. frument. &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. Porth- O O GLAMORGANSH. 1081 DIOCESE OF LAND AF F. I. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 40 o o Porthkerig, alias Porth Kerry, R. (St. Kirig.) Epiſc. & Ar 7 8 1 chidiac. 146. 11d. Terr. gleb, ad valor. il. 105. &c. Phi- lip Jones, 1686. Robert Jones, Eſq. 1728, 1757, 1780, 1783. 46 0 0 Sully R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 1os. 2 d. 11 9 91 Sir Edward Stradling, 1670. Elizabeth Stradling, Widow, 1695, 1711. Sir Edward Stradling, Bart. 1721, 1732. Lady Manſell, 1751. NOT IN CHARGE. Barry R. (St. Nicholas.) Edmund Seys, Eſq. 1674. Evan Seys, Eſq. 1732, 1746. Robert Jones, Eſq. 1784. 261. certified Value. Caire Cur. (St. Mary.) Prebendary of Caire, Propr. and Patr. Iſtrad Owen Cur. (St. Owen.) Chancellor of Landaff Cathe- dral, Propr. and Patr. LANDAFF V. (St. Peter and St. Teilaw.) The Tythes appro- priated to the Præcentor, Preb. of Fairwater and Fairwell, and Treaſurer of Landaff . Chapter of Landaff, Patr. Llantwit vaird, (St. Iltyd,) Chapel to Llantriſant. The Vi. car of Llantriſſant. 61. certified Value. Llaniſhen Cur. (St. Dennis.) Abb. Tewkſbury. Earl of Ply- mouth. fol. certified Value. Llaniltern, (St. Iltyd,) Chapel to St. Fagan. Llanvabon, (St. Conſtantine,) Chapel to Eglwys Yland. Llanwonno Chapel, (St. Wonno,) Chapel to Llantriſant. Llavernock R. (St. Laurence,) annexed to Pennarth. Thomas Lewis, Eſq. 1714, 1735. Earl of Plymouth, 1782. St. Martin's near CARPHILLY, Chap. to Eglwys Yland. Radyr V. (St. John Baptiſt:) Church of Landaff, Propr. Thomas Lewis, Eſq. 1724. Earl of Plymouth, 1747, 1769. 151. certified Value. Ruddry Chapel, (St. Janies,) belongs to Bedwas in the County of Monmouth. Whitchurch, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Landaff. Aberdare, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Llantriſant. 201. cer- tified Value. Iſtrad y Vodwg, (St. Divodug,) Chapel to Llantriſant. The Vicar of Llantriſſant. 10l. certified Valne. 6 Y St. 1082 GLAMORGANSH DIOCESE OF LAND A F F. St. John Baptiſt, Chapel to Llantriſant. Llyſvaen Cur. (St. Dennis.) Sir Charles Kemys Tynte and Mrs. Lewis. Abb. Tewkſbury. Iol. certified Value. Roath V. (St. Margaret.) The KING, by Lapſe, 1754. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1770. 71. certified Value. Wellh St. Donats, Chapel to Llanblethian, (St. Donat,) in. Da Groneath. 151. certified Value. Brithtir, Chapel to Kelligaer., D. Groneath, alias Cowbridge: The Monaſtery of the Bleſſed Virgin Mary of Nethe was valued in the Parliamentary Survey, 26 H. VIII. at 1321. 75. 7d.; a Particular of which Value is extant in the Firſt Fruits Office. There are likewiſe in this Deanry the Monaſtery of St. Mary the Virgịn of Morgan, alias Marghain, valued at 1811. 75. 4d. and the Priory of Gwenny, or. Wenny. or Ewenny, va-- lued at 591. 45. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. S. d. 1. So 6. 21 2 LIVINGS. REMAINING IN CHARGE: Test King's Books. Yearly Tenthe Rectories, &c. with their. Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. 1 8 Coychurch Y Goettre, alias Coytchurch, R. (St. Ilhog.) Epiſc. 2 2 25. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Seneſchallo 13s. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 10s. &c. Earl of Leiceſter and others, 1708., Charles-Edwin, Efq, 1727. Lady Charlotte Edwin, 1768. 21 12 31 Coytiffe, alias Coyty, R. (St. Mary) with Noulton Chapel. 2 3 23 (St. Mary:) In Noulton Chapelry is Bridgend, a Market Town. Archidiac. gs. 8d. Seneſchallo 35. 4d.. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. &c. Earl of Leiceſter, 1674. Samuel Edwyn, Eſq. 1721. Charles Edwin, Eſq. 1732. Lady Charlotte Edwin, 1769. dem trol 2 31 Llanyais, alias Llanmas, R. (St. Cadocus.). Epiſc. Is. 5d. )15 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. domin. 31. &c. Gervas Powell, Gent. 1699. Lord Viſcount Windſor, 1733, 1740. Thomas Edwards, Eſq. 1771. Lord Cardiff, 1782. W NEATHE, 20 2 GLAMORGANSH. DIOCESE OF LAND A F F. 1083 King's Books, d. 2 IS. chidiac. 35. 8d. Pearle Tenths. I. 1. d. 16 31 NEATHE, alias Neath, alias Nethe, alias Nedd, R. (St. I 12 21 Thomas the Apoſtle.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 115. Id. John Rumſey, and others, 1687. Lord Viſcount Windſor, 1708, 1736. Thomas Edwards, Eſq. 1768, 1770. 17 4 7 Newton Nottage R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Epiſc. pro Vifitatione I 14 51 ſua is. 8d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 35. &c. Richard Lougher, Eſq. 1661. Busſhel Manſell, 1678. Edward Herbert, Eſq. 1709. Catherine Llougher, 1718. Jane Edwards, 1719. Thomas Herbert, Eſq. 1721. Robert Knight, Eſq. 1734. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1743. Elias Jenkins, p. h. v. 1785. 15 9 7 Tatha, alias St. Tathan, alias St. Athan's, R. (St. Athanaſius.) I 10 11 Epiſc. 135. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 25. Viſit. Epiſc. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 31. &c. Sir Edward Stradling, 1674. Lady Elizabeth Stradling, 1717. Sir Charles Srrad- ling, Bart. 1734. Charles Wyndham, Eſq. 1767. Robert Jones, Eſq. 1775 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books. 45 ABERAVON V. (St. Mary,) belonged to the Abby of Mergham. 94. y} The Vicarage is endowed with the Great Tythes. Epiſc. Archidiac. 55. Syn. il. os. rod. Lord Manſell, 1714. Buffy Manſell, 1725. Hon. Buffy Manſel, 1744. George Venables Vernon, Eſq. and his Wife, 1760. 38 OO St. Brides Minor upon Ogmer R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 55. id. 5 3 61 Val. in terr. domin. 6s. 8d, &c. Earl of Leiceſter, 1670, 1696. Charles Edwin, Eſq. 1725. Lady Charlotte Edwin, 1764. 45 0 0 St. Brides Major V. Penſ. Priori de Wenny 21. 45. Pri. 9 16 51 Gwenny, Propr. Val. in lib. paſch. decim. agn. lan. vitul. molend. &c. Edward Turberville, John Turberville, Eſqrs. and Jane Carne, 1716. Richard Turberville, Eſq. and Jane Carne, 1735, 1737, 1740. 20 od Cadoxton juxta Neath V. (St. Cadocus,) belonged to the Abby 511 101 of Neathe. Syn. 5d. Val. in terr. domin. frument. caí. fæn. porc. &c. Lord Brooke, 1718, 1732, 1742. 30 Oo Collwinſton, alias Coulſton, V. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. & Ar- 6 6 8 decim. agn. lan. caf. vitul. fæn. &c. Pri. of Gwenny, olim Propr. Sir Edward Manſell, Bart. 1670, 1704. Lord Manſell, 1741. David Thomas, Eſq. 1766, 1771. Viſit. 15. 6 Y 2 St. 1084 DIOCESE OF LAND AF F. GLAMORGANSA. 1. d. 17007 I mile 40 00 40 0 1764. Abb. M20olim Propr. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 30 O St. Donats V. Val. in decim. garb, fæn. lan. agn. caſ. vital. 3 14 41 os terr. domin. &c. Sir Edward Stradling, 1673, 1731. Sir John de la Fountain Tyrwhitt, Bart. 1759. Thomas Drake Tyrwhitt, Efq. 1783.8 del si Oo Egluſbrues, alias Eglws Brewis, R. (St. Briſe.) Epiſc. Ise 9d. 3 18 61 Archidiac. 25. Val. in terr. domin. 11. 1os, &c. Evan Seys, Eſq. 1720. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1749. 45 0 0 Flemyſton, alias Flimſton, R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. & Ar. 4 18 9 chidiac. &s. John Tombes, Gent. 1677. Humphry Edwin, Eſq. 1699. Charles Edwin, Efq. 1742. Lady Charlotte Edwin, 1763. 25 00 Gileſton R. (St. Giles.) Epiſc. Is. 6d. Archidiac. 35. Val. 5 13 61 a in terr. domin. 145. &c. William Giles, Gent. 1672. Ma- aria Carne, 1719. The Biſhop, by Lapſe, 1738. o Julit, alias Llanylid, R. (St. Julit.) Epiſc . 15. 4d. Archidiac. 7.15 71 60 35. s Val. in terr. domin. 25. &c. The KING, or Prince of Wales. 25 Killibebill, alias Cyl Bebill, R. (St. John the Evangeliſt.) The 4 6 8 KING, or Prince of Wales. 45 Llanblithian, alias Llan Bleddian, V. (St. John Baptiſt,) cum 10 3 4 Cap. COWBRIDGE. (St. Mary.) Epiſc. 155. gd. Senef- challo 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. domin. 31. decim. caſ. lan, agn. vitul. porc. anc. &c. Abb. Tewkſbury, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Impr. and Patr. 49 o Llandan, alias Llandow, R. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. Is. 9d. 7 4 41 Archidiac. 55. Sir Thomas Manſell, Bart. 1707. Maria Carne, 1730. Jeſus College, Oxford, 1742, 1780.19014 30 Llandevodwg V. (St. Devodug.) Pri. Gwenny, Propr. Epiſc. 8 13 4 & Archidiac. 25. Val. in decim. ago. caf. fæn. virul. aven. &c. Anne Carne, Widow, 1693. John Turberville, Eſq. 1921. Richard Turberville, Gent. 1755. Elizabeth Tur- berville, 1772. 911dlertain 40 Oo Llandough R. (St. Tocho,) juxta Cowbridge. Epiſc. 15. od. 4 18 9 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. domin. 21. &c. Sic Tho- mas Manſell, Bart. 17073 Thomas Manſell Talbot, Eſq. 1759. 48 0 o Llangan R. (St. Gan.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 55. Id. Val. in 12 16 01 terr. donin. 31. 135. 4d. &c. Charles Edwin, Eſq. 1725. Lord Manſel, 1746. Lady Charlotte Edwin, 1767. 45 Oo Llangonod, alias Llangonwydd, V. (St. Glynwr.) Epiſc. Is. 19 5 O Archidiac. 55. Dimiff. ad firm. Sir Thomas Manſell, Hon. George Venables Vernon and his Wife, со о 0 0 40 O O O o 8d. Bart. 1707: 1193 2 LLAN- 1085 h. s. da 20 paſch, decim. agn. lan. vitul, porc. anc. &c.wal. in lib. cen, yitul. GLAMORGANSH. DIOCESE OPL AND AFF. Clear Pearly Value, King's Books, 2. d. 25 O LLANTUDE, alias LLANTWIT, Llan Ilmud Major, V. (St. Il- 14 13 9 1 tyd.) il Epiſc. Il. 6s. 5d. Archidiac. 135. 4d. Val • c. Abb. Tewkf- bury, olim Propr. The Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter, Impr. and Patr. 12 ewigi erils soidiniai 18 0 o Llyſevanoth, alias Lliſworney, V. (St. Tidvill,) annexed to 4 7 3 Llantwit . Val. in decim. garb. fæn. Ian. agn, vitul, caf, &c. The Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. siis asofiyanet 47 0 0 Marcros, alias Macrofs, R. (Holy Trinity.) Epiſc. 155. 1d. 9 10 10 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr . domin. 21. 165. &c. Arch- deacon and Chapter of Landaff. oo St. Mary on the Hill, alias Kelligarne, R. Epiſc. & Ar- 5 6 8 chidiac, 8s. gd. Val. in terr. domin. Il. 6s. 8d. Sir John Aubrey, Bart. 1741. James Edgcomb, D. D. 1744. Fran. ces Jephſon and Margaret Aubrey, 1756. ilvosi I cils un 40 o 0 St. Mary's Church near Kelligarne R. Thomas Lord Manſell, 511 3 1717. Thomas Manſel Talbot, Eſq. 1760. 40 o 0. Michaelſton, alias Llanvihangell, near COWBRIDGE, R. (St. 4 12 8 ] Michael.) Archidiac. 75. rod. Samuel Edwyn, Efq. 1708. Charles Edwin, Eſq. 1727. Lady Charlotte Edwin, 1763. 48 0 New Caſtle V. (St. Iltyd.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 135. 8d. 7 7 31 lan I Tewkſbury, olim Propr. The KING, or Prince of Wales. o O Penellayne, alias Pellayne Church, alias Penllyne, alias Llan- 4 15 21 frynach, V. (St. Brynach.) Epiſc. & Archidiac. 45. gd. 24 Val. in decim. caf. fæn. lan. agn. porc. &c. Abb. Neathe, Propr. Samuel Edwin, Eſq. 1704. Charles Edwin, Eſq. 31750. Charles Edwin, Eſq. 1782. gibovabas 0 0 Pile, (St. James,) and Cynfug V. (St. Mary Magdalen,) be- 4 8 ut longed to the Abby of Tewksbury. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Ar- chidiac. 6s. 8 d. Val. in decim. vac. vitul. lan. agn. lan. in michell. mel. molend. &c. The KING, or Prince of Wales. Code 2) dyrebas! A Boo SD DIA 25 fed Ustas zem Not IN CHARGE. оо 60 O 20 I 2 St. Andrew Minor C. The Church ruined. 5l certified Value. esile, bone Bagland, ? (St. Baglan,) Chapel to Aberayan. 361. certified Value. Bayden Chap. to Llangoned. 81. certified Va Bettus C. (St. David,) to Newcaſtle. 371. certified Value. Britton 1086 DIOCESE OF LAND AT F. GLAMORGANSKA ton. non. Britton Ferry C. (St. Mary.) Abb. Margham. Lord Vernon. Iol, certified Value. Crynant, (St. Margaret,) and Aberpergwin, Chapels to Cadox- 81. certified Value. Ewenny C. (St. Michael.) Richard Turberville, Eſq. Prior. Ewenny. 181. certified Value. Glyncorrwg C. (St. John Baptiſt.) Abb. Margham. Lord Vernon, Propr. and Patr. 10l. certified Value. Llaleſtone, (St. David,) and Tithegſtone, (St. Tyddwg) C. to Newcaſtle. 171. certified Value. Llantwit, (St. Iltyd,) Chap. to Neathe R. andra Llanharan, (St. Julius and Aaron,) Chap. to Llanilid. 381. certified Value, Llangwinor C. (St. Gwinewr.) Abb. Margham. Lord Ver- Iol. certified Value. Llanvihangel juxta Cowbridge R. (St. Michael.) Mr. Edwin. Margham C. (St. Mary.) Abb. Margham, Propr. Olim the Abby Church. Thomas Manſell Talbot, Eſq. Propr. and Patr. 401, certified Value. Merthyr Mawr C. (St. Teilaw.) Archdeacon of Llandaff, Propr. John Franklin, Eſq. 1785. 131. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Michaelſtone ſuper Avon C. (St. Michael.) Prior. Ewenny, Propr. 51. certified Value. Les Monk Naſh Cur. or Don. (St. Mary.) Abb. Margham. Tho- mas Manſell Talbor, Eſq. 15l. certified V'alue. Peterſtone, (St. Peter) Chap. to Coytchurch. 141. certified Value. 10 za Reſolven C. to Neathe. 131. certified Values Sortie ) Wick, (St. James,) C. to Brides Major. 141. certified Value. navda bol Pardan tayyorgarli leynativ vettes A MONMOUTHSHIRE, D. Bergavenie, alias Abergaveny. prenosy zed A bio The Priory of Abergaveny was returned by the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII, at the annual Value of 1291, 55. 8 d. clear of all Deductions, The Monaſtery de Gratia Dei, alias Gracedieu, was, likewiſe returned at igl. 45. 4d. The Cell de Malo l'aſſu, alias Malpas, near Newport was like- wiſe returned at 141. 95. Iid. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 5 LIVINGS 1 1 MONMOUTHSH. 1087 DIOCESE OF LAND AF F. obou LivingS REMAINING IN CHARGE. eta Le Yearly Tenibs, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. King's Books. 7. S. d. 1. So d. 7 10 100 0 0 21 St. David's, alias Llandewi Skirrid, R. Prox. and Syn. 35. 4d. 0.15 01 Valet in terr..domin. 31. 6s. 8d. &c.. Francis Earl Brooke, 1755 7. 4. 4Llanfoyle, alias Llanfoyſt, R. (St. Faith.) Penf. 6s. 8d. 0.14 54 Syn. Is. 3d. Prox, Isi. Domino Bergaveny od. Lord Abergavenny, 1780.. ID 7 3.1. Llangottage, alias Llan Gattock, near Uske R. (St. Cadocus.) I 2. 82 Syn. and Prox. 45. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad val. 31. 25. Iod. &c. Lord Abergavenny, 1772, 1785. 50 6 51 Llangottage Gleming V. (St. Cadocus.) Syn. and Prox. 25. O. 10 73 5d. Penf. 25. Pri. Abergaveny, Propr. Val. in decim. garb. foen. porc, anc. agn. lan. lin. canab. &c. The Prince of Wales. 10 10. 5. Llantillio, alias Llandeillo, Creffney V. (St. Teilaw.) Val. I I 01 in terr. domin. Il. 135. 4d. decim. garb. fæn. vac. vitul. &c. The Bilhop, Archdeacon, and Chapter of Landaff. 5: 21 Llanvapley R. (St. Mapley.) Syn. and Prox. 35. 3d. Valet o 61 in terr. domin. 51. &c. Lord Abergavenny, 1701, 1743. - 5 I 104. Llanvayer Kilgedine, alias Kulkyllyn, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. O 10 O 10 24 and Prox. 45. 3d. Penf. 25. Val. in terr.. domin. 21. &c. Charles Morgan, Eſq. 14.17. 81 Llanvetherin, alias Llanveryn, R. (St. James the Elder.) I' 9 95 Syn. and Prox. 6s. 3d. Val, in terr. domin. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Lord Abergavenny, 1711, 1761, 1765, 1769, 1785. 98. 4. Llanvihangel Iſternllewyrne R. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. O 18 10 6s. 3d. Val. in terr. gleb. 31. &c. Lord Abergavenny, 1709, 1743 26:6; 3. Llanwenarthe R. (St. Peter) Syn. and Prox. 6s. 3d. Penſ . 2 12 73 Priori Bergaveny 35. 4d. Terr. domin. ad val. 27. &c. Lord Abergavenny, 1780. 931906 90 10 I trattamente sono continues be sorollon oli stol Against an ab dan 90 LIVINGS 1088 MONMOU THIGH. DIOCESE OP L AN DA F F. d. 0 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly l'alue. King's Books. 1, d. 1. 14 BERGAVENIE, alias ABERGAVENNY, alias ABERGAFENI, V. (St. 10 7 Mary.) Priory of Abergaveny, Propr. Syn. and Prox. 145. 11d. Val. in decim. vac. vitul. agn. lan. fæn, ori. gardin, &c. Ro. Gunter, Efą. 1691. Letitiá Gunter, Widow, 1719. Mary Milburne, Spinſter, 1776. 12 O o St. Brides, alias Llanſanfraid, R. Syn. and and Prox. 15. 3d. 2 13 111 Val. in terr. dominic. Ili 35. 4.d. &c. William Jones, Eſq. 1710, 1730. John Richards, Gent. 1770. 40 Bryngwyn R. (St. Peter.) Syn, and Prox. 35. 4d. Penſ. 35. 4. 89 4d. Lord-Abergavenny, 1705, 1743. 41 o Coytre, alias Goytre, R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 35. 4d. 4 7 6 Penſ. 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. domin, 15. &c. Lord Aberga- venny, 1698, 1768. 38 10 0 Dynſtow, alias Dingeſtow with Tregare, V. (St. Mary.) Val. 4 10 in terr. domin. 16s. 8 d. decim. garb. fæn. porc. anc. vac. vi- tul. &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 40 o GRISMOND R. (St. Nicholas,) with Llangona R. Syn. and 6 5 21 60 Prox. Il. 1S. 3d. Val. in terr. domin. ald. &c. The Prince of Wales. 40 o Llandewy Rethereck, alias Llandewy Ryddereth, V. (St. Da- 7.15 5. 60 vid.) Syn. and Prox. 45. 7d. Priory of Abergaveny, Propr. The Vicar of Llandewy and Free School of Abergavenny have the Tythes. The Prince of Wales. 35 Ö Llanellon, alias Llanellen, V. (St. Helen.) Penſ. il. 6s. 8d. 8 10 7 Syn. and Prox. Is. 70. Vicar of Llanellon and Free School of Abergavenny have the Tythes. Pri . Abergaveny, olim Propr. Ro. Gunter, Eſq. 1697. Mary Gunter, Widow, 1721. Mary Milborne, Spinſter, 1785. 45 o Llangattock Llingoid V. (St. Cadocus.) Priory of Abergave. 5 6 51 60 ny, Propr. The Prince of Wales. 15 o Llangona, alias Llangua, alias Llangowa, R. (St. James.) An 2 15 10 nexed to Griſmond. Syn. and Prox. 25. 3d. William Scuda- more, Eſq. 1728, 1734, 1748. John Scudamore, Eſq. 1772. o Llangortage Vibon Avell, alias Llangattock Vibon Avell, V. 6 18 111 (St. Cadocus.) Syn. and Prox. 6s. 3d. Priory of Mon- mouth, Propr. Val. in terr. domin. 15. decim. garb. fæn. porc. anc. &c. Thomas Evans, Eſq. 1709, 1737, 1766, 1772. 10. Oo Llanhileth, alias Llanheveth, R. (St. Iltyd.) Lord Abergaven- 7 15 73 ny, 1775. Llannarthe оо O оооо 20 O 31 0 oo MONMOUTHSH. 1089 DIOCESE OF LAND A FÉ. - s. d. 1 o Elear Yearly Value. King's Books 1. d. 40 Lłannatthe V. (St. Teilaw,) cum Cap. Clitha & Bettus. Val. 10 3 4 in terr. domin. 21. 135. 4d. decim. foen. vác: vitul. ågn. lah. &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff, Impropr. and Patr. 42 6 9 Llanover V. with its Chapels. Syn. and Prox. 45. 4d. Val. 15 3 67 in terr. domin. 55. decim. paftur. porc. anc. agn. lan. &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 40 Oo Llandilo Portholey V. (St: Teilaw.) Val. in terr. domin. Il. 8 3 9 135. 4d. decim. caſ. vitul. agn. lan. molend. porc. anc. &c. The Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 30 o 0 Llanvihángel, alias Llanfihangle, juxta Uske R. (St. Michael.) 3 8 9 Syn. and Prox. 35. 4d. Penſ. 35. 4d. Val. in terr. domin. 135. 4d. &c. Walter Cecill and Charles -Hughes, Eſqrs. 17091 Robert Hughes, 1731. Mary Higgins, 1737. Jane Hughes, Widow, 1743. 42 o Llanvihangel, alias Llanfihangle, Killcornell, alias Cracorney, 5 19 7 60 0 V. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 35. 4d. The Tythes fet- tled on the Vicar and ſome Charities at Abergavený. . The KING, or Prince of Wales. Pri. Abergaveny, Propr. Rockfield V. (St. Kenelm.) Priory of Monmouth, Propr. 4. 3 Ij Syn. and Prox. 45.-60. Vál. ih decim. garb. fæen: "lan. agn. porc. anc. vac. &c. Mary Powell and others, 1685. Brid- get and Winifred Powell, 1737: Michael Lorimer, Gent. 1758. 35 0 Skenfreth V. (St. Bridget.) Priory of Gracedieu, Propr. 5.16 103 Väl. in decim. garb. fæn. porc, anc, yac. vitul, agn. laa. &c. Joba Stephens, p. 5. v. 1725. James Walwyn, Eſq. 1734. Walwyn Cecil, Eſq. 1760. William Cecil, Eſq. 1770, 1778. 360 Wonftowe, alias Winaſtow, alias Llanwarow, V. (St. Wonnow.) 4 15 5 Priory of Monmouth, Propr. Syn. 4sí 3d. Charles Mil- borne, Efq. 1691, 1770, 1772. 1 1131 NOT IN CHARGE. sin O 21 0 0 Aberiſtwith, (St. Peter,) Chap. to Llanwenarth R. St. John Baptiſt Chap. to Abergaveny.20. VI Mamhilade C, to Llanover. gl. certified Value. St. Moughan's Ch. to Llangottage Vibel Avon. Mehr Penrhos, (St. Cadocus,) Chap. to Llantilio Creffeney. St. Thomas, Chaj, to Mary's V. in Monmouth, in Hereford Dioceſe. Duke of Beaufort. 6 Z Tregare, 1092 MONMOUTHSH: DIOCESE OF LAND AF F. Tregare, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Dynſtow. Trethvin, (St. Cadocus,) C. to Llanover. 181. certified Value. In this Chapelry ſtands, Pontypwl, alias Pontipool, a Market Town, viz. in Trethvin Chapelry. D.ba sodiritture 9. Chepftow, alias Netherwent. B 7 1. d. . S. d. The Monaſtery of Tinterna, alias Tintern, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſfioners, temp. Hen. VIII. to be worth in Spiritualities and Temporalities the clear annual Sum of 1921. Ts.40.1 The Monaſtery or Priory of Chepſtow, of which Roger Shrewyſburye was Prior, was likewiſe returned to be worth in Rents, Tythes, Oblations, &c. the clear annual Sum of 321.35. 67 to For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 57 jort ayolladino LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. avau King's Books. oda niligno 2070 Tearly Tentoso Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 9102593 5 o Llandevad Church. In Ruins. Ecclef. Llandaven. 1l. 135. 4d. O 10 Prebendary of Warthecwm, Propr. and Patr. 6 11 51 Llanhennock, alias Llanbeder Curacy. (St. Peter.) Llandaven. zl. Val. in decim. garb. lan. agn. &c. The Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff. I 13 Mértheir Geryn Church, (St. Gerin.) The Church dilapidated, o 3 11 the Scite utterly unknown, though it was near Tintern Ab- by in Magor Pariſh. Epiſc. pro Prox.: 'Is. 3d." - Val.. in decim, garb. vac. vitul. vac. vitul. agn. lan. &c. Toda Wi 30: To valor 16 8 Servic. Crucifix. in Chepſtow. Val. in dom. cum cert. terr. burgag. gardin. &c. OSTEOh mi 1961 boe gois Hot + 58 miw.gov LivingS DISCHARGED. ü olsa Ckar Yearly Value. King's Books, 30 0 St. Bride's Netherwent R"Syn. and Prox. 155. 34. Terr. 6 10 3 gleb. ad val. il. 45. &c. John Jeffreys, Efq. 1739, 3742. Thomas Matthews, Eſq. 1760, 1775. Caer- Ecclef. 0 13 1$ sterr. 6 2 8 O I ning MONMOUTHSH. DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. 1091 1. d. 1. d. II 8 20 o , 0 Bart. 1770. 20 2 , New paper o , , 7 I worofloydoquio Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. alias Cas Gwent, V. 46 0 o Caerwent, alias Cas Gwent, V. (St. Stephen.) Stephen.) Ecclef. Lan- 7 II daven. 135. 4d. Val. in 4 acr. terr. gleb. 25. 8d. in decim. garb. fæn. vac. &c. The Biſhop and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. CAIRLEON V. (St. Cadocus.) Val. in un. aer. terr. decim. 15. 8 4d. decim. fæn. oblat. &c. · Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 19 Caldicot V. Priory of Lanthony, Propr. Epiſc. pro Syn. and 6 o 71 Prox. 25. 6d. Val. in redd. terr. gleb. 45. oblat. &c. Sir CHEPSTOW V. (St. Mary) Val. in oblat. minut. decim. &e. 6 8 Priory of Chepſtow, Propr. Priori Chepſtow Il. Maria Faunt, Widow, 1702. Edward Williams, 1740, 30 Chriſtchurch, alias St. Trinity, V. Priory of Goldcliffe, olim 13 4 Propr. Val, in terr. domin. ſilv. & paſc. il. 95. 4d. deciin. fæn. pil. &c. Eton College, Propr. and Pati. 9 1 Goldclif V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Priory of Goldcliffe, olim 13 2 6 Propr. Val. in decim. ovor. garb. &c. Eton College, Propr. 32 0 o Llanvaghes, alias Llanvaches, R. Charles Morgan', Eſq. 1772. 10 30 o o Llanyſton, alias Llangſton, R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. pro Syn. 4 I of and Prox. 115. 11d. Val in terr. dominic. 185. &c Willi- am Gore, Eſq. 1709. Edward Gore, Eſq. 1781. Llanmartin R. (St. Martin,) with Wilkirke. Epiſc. pro Syn. 4 6 10] Iso-3d. John Jeffreys, Eſq. 1739, 18 o Llanwayn, alias Llanwern, R. (St. Mary), Prox. and Syn, 45. 4 3d. Vann, Eſq. 1709, 1758. 18 Oo Llanvihangell R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. pro Prox. and Syn, Is. 3d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. 25. &c. Charles Morgan, Eſq. o Magor, alias Magor with Redwick, V. (St. Mary.) Abby, of 7 1 0 Tinterne, Propr. Val. in terr. gleb. 135, 4d. decim. vac. vi- tul. molend. lan. agn. &e. Duke of Beaufort, 1752.109 Matherne V. (St. Theodorick.) Val. in terr, dominic. 85. 4 d. 6 3 61 in garb. fæn. lan. agă. &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Lan- daff, Propr. and Patr. 13 6 Naſh V. (St. Mary.) Val. in decim. garb. fæn. vac. vitul. &č. 9 15 Eton College, Patr. and Propr. 6000 Epiſc. pro Prox. gs. 3d. Val. in redd. quar. terr. 135. 4d. &c. The Prince of Wales. Mads 2009 Syn. Epiſc . gs. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 11. 75. &c. Morgan Lewis, Eſq. 1755. 6 Z 2 Pen. and Patr. o 27 0 O o 6 9 41 16 0 35 0 I 40 O 1092 DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. MONMQUTHM. 1. S. d. 15 6 QZ I 2 . . . O 0 Tinternę Parva R. Epiſc. & Archidiąc. pro Syn. 35. 3d. Val. , . 6 7 81 Clear Yearly Value. Boishigal ร. Horti King's Books. d. 30 O Pephow R. (St. John Baptiſt) Syn, and Prox, Epiſc. 15. 3d, Vif. 5 4 91 Archidiac, 6s. 3d, Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. &c. "George Lewis, Eſq. 1693. Johın Romſey, Eſq. 1705. Elizabeth Lloyd, 1727, Andrews Lloyd, Eſq. 1765. oo St. Peter's, alias St. Pier's, R. with Parſanet R. Syn, agd 312 31 Prox. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Val. in terr. domin. 135. 4d. decim. &c. Morgan Lewis,. Efq. 1755. 40 0 o Rogiet R. cum Ifton R. Syn. and Prox. Epiſc. & Archidiaç. 12 125. 6d. Terr. dominic. 2l. 135. 4d. &c. John Morgan, Efq. 1719. Oo o Sudbrocke, alias Sudbrooke, R. (Holy Trinity.) The Church 4 14 7 in Ruips. Epiſc. pro Prox. ls. 3d. Ters, ģleb. ad valor. . . , bert, Eſq. 1694. Charles Van, Eſq. 1740. . 2151 in decim. gurgit. voc. Lynwere 6s. 8d. &c. The Bihop, 1697. Elizabeth Fielding, per Guard. 1713: Guard. 1713: John Curre, Efq. 1734, 1752, 1756, 1768. 7 o o Undy, alias Nondy, v. Val . in terr. dominic. 21. 6s. 8d. in de- 4 10 71 cim. vac. vitul. foen. &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Lan- Propr. and Patr. 28 31, 16s. Ⓡd. in oblat: &c.? oblat: &c. Archdeacon and Chapter of Lan- daff and Eton College, Propr. and Patr. alternately, Eton College preſented 1756. Chapter of Landaff preſented 1775. oo Wilkirke R. united to Llanmartin. Syn. and Prox. Epiſc. 356 1925 40. Terr. gleb. ad valor: 6s. "8d. &c. John Jeffreys, Eſq. 17394 18 0 0 Ytton, alias Itton, R. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 3d. Terr. gleb, ad va- 4 10 10 lor, 9s. &c. John Jeffreys, Efq. 1702. John Curre, Eſq, 1761, 1762. HOST 10 10 NOT IN CHARGE. LOAD $t. Arvans C, (St. Arvan.) Abb. Tinterne. Duke of Beau...) fort. 10l. certified Value. Chapelhill c. The Duke of Beaufort appoints, a Curate. Within this Chapelry was the ſtately Abby of Tinterne, where its ruins are now to be ſeen. iil, certified Value. Criche Chap. to Matherne. Dynam Chap. to Llanvaire Difycoed. Ruined. 3 Ifton MONMOUTHSH. 1093 DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. by of Bath Ifton R. United to Rogiet. The Church dilapidated. St. Kinemark's. Belonged formerly to the Abby of Bath. Duke of Beaufort, Impr. ånd. Patr... I Llancadwalladr, alias Biſhopfton, Cur. (St. Cadwallader.) Arch- s deacon of Landaff, Impri and Patr. Llanhenog C. (St. Joltes Baptic... Chaprof Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 101. certified Value. Llanvrechva C. under Landaff. Val. in decim. garb. &c. The Archdeacon and Chapter 3 Landal Prõpt. and Patr. 12l. certified Value. Llanphewyvach 6, Jeſus Colli Qxon, Propra under the Trea- fuçer of Landaffe. 8t. sentified Value. 10 dagpla Llandevad and Llanbeder Ç. ($t. Peter, under the P. of War- sharumBath decayed and gumed. 4. certified Value. Llanyaif Difgged G. (St. Mary Chapter of Landalf, Prepr. and Pair abas 10 con Mounton & Ecclefia, defrydłą. Il certified Value. Mr. Lloydo Newchurch C, AbbTintern, glim Propr. Duke of Beaufort, Proprio 39 certified Value. Penterry C. P. of Caire in Landaff Cath. Propr. and Patr. 9.0 2k sertified Valugt barn Redwick, (St. Thomas, SCh. t9 Magor, 81. certified Value. Runſton Chap. to Matherne, Ruined, 10 ت 3 از امر و اعمال ربانی 120316 pe D. Newport. D. wewport. 29 us . 1. d. 1. d. 1 I 0 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. qedo King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with the Patrons, Proprietors, &c. Sound no ron 10 14 91 Bedwas, alias Bedwes, R. (St. Barrog.) Prox. and Syn. 2s. 8d. 5$ Val. in terr. dominic. 135. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Landaff. The KING, 1725, 1754. 4 18 i St. Bride's V. Prox. Epiſc. Is. 8d. Val. in terr. dominic. is. o 9 98 8d. decim. , agr. vacvitul. anc. porc, e cermel. decim. avium marinar. &c. Biſhop of Landaff, Propr. and Patr, 10 16 51 Maghen, alias Machen, R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. & Archi . I 173 diac. pro Syn. and Prox. 25. 8d. Epiſc. quolibet tértio anno 35. 4d. Val. in un. acr. terr. arab. cum orto Is. 6d. &c. Charles Morgan, Eſq. 1780. St. 094 DIOCESET or LAND AF. MONMOUTHSK. lo s, . S. d. 40 lan. agr. ov. pan. nabeu King's Books, 19933 digisbiglia Joigol o borimo i noil' rearly Tenthso d. dost to ddA 907 iterumot beno! 7 12 31 St. Michael's near Rumpney, alias Michaelſton Veddo, alias 0 16 24 Llanvihangel . Veddow, R. Prox. &Syn.: at. Valin 16 acr. terr. gleb. 155. &c Sir Charles Kemeyſs, Bart. 1702. Sir Charles Kemys: Týnte, Bart: 1743. 2). 90's V balls19.lor .ST bus Typ digo ob ni IsVisbris. In- OsvgruriSKI LIVINGS DISCHARGED. rogh 1.V boil . King's Books. 0 6 Baffaleck. "alias Byrales, alias Bailegg, V. (St. Bafilius,) with 14 13 61 the Chapels of Riſca, (St. Michael,) and Henllys. (St. Pe. ter.) Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Syn. Epiſc. 25. Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. 7s. 8d. Val. in clauf. & gardin. 25. deci . molend. fæer. &c. Abb. Glaſton in So- merſet, olim Propr. Biſhop of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. Marisfteld; alias Merthfield, alias Marchfield, V. belonged for- 6 2 6 merly to the Abby of Briſtol . Sy9, and Prox, quolibet ter- Val. in decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. lin. ca- lac. porc. &c. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, 35 OO St. Melans V, with Llanedern, belonged formerly to the Abby 101 15 of Bristol Syn, and Prox. 65: 11d. Val. in terr. dominic. 135. 4d. penf. quor. granor. 31. 135. 4d. decim. caf. &c. Chapter of Briſtol, Impr. Biſhop of Landaff, 1740. Archdeacon and Chapter of Landaff, p. h. v. 1743.it 20 Oo Newport, alias St. Woolos, alias Gunlin, V. (St. Gunleus.) 7 3 11] Syn. and Prox. 145. 8d. Val. in terr. dominic. is. in oblat. in decim. porc . vitůli caf. 1 & Abb. Glouceſter , olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter, Propr. and Patr. 10 0 o Rumpney V. (St. Auguſtine,) belonged formerly to the Abby 5 10 71 of Briſtol. Syn: and Prox. Is 8d. Val. in decim. vac. vi- tul. fæn. caſ. piſ. porc. anc. lin. &c. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Propr. and Patr. 1 ento est diiv s popie Dalt 18 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. beda 20 tio a gd. anno IS. Bedwelty C. (St. Sannan.) The Biſhop of Låndaff, Propr. and Patr. 15l. certified Value. St. Bride's Weörlog C. The Biſhop of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 721 certified Value. Bettws, (St. David,) Chapel to Newport. 31. 85. certified ODE. Value. 9:54 Sori erant Coed- MONMOUTHSH. 1095 DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. Coedkernew C. (All Saints.) The Biſhop of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. gl. certified Value. Henlis, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Bafſaleg: 5l certified Value. Munthulloin C. (St. Tyder.) The 'Biſhop of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. 15l. certified Value. Malpas C. (St. Mary.) Pri. Montacute, co. Somerſ. Propr. Charles Morgan, Eſq. 5l certified Value. Peterſtone Wentlog C. (St. Peter.) Dean and Chapter of Briſtol, Propr. and Patr. Olim Abb. Briſtol. 121. certified Value, Riſca, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Baſſaleg. The Vicar of Bal- ſaleg. gl. certified Value. 2 to 19902295 trios subrege (19AAH AIG Cavintindi ona ce model det broon ng iyong khi and D. Uske [Ctiyſc]. rd it like to The Monaſtery of Lanterna, alias Lanthony, was returned by @ 'the Commiſſioners, 26 H. VIII. to be worth, in the Rents of cof Manors, &c. the clear annual Sum of 711 35. 2d. The Monaſtery, or Priory, of Ulke was likewiſe returned to be II E worth, in Rents of Afiſe, Demeſne Lands, Tythes, &c. the . clear annual Sum of. 591.. 45. 5d.15) Vide Liber Regis for Particulars. Loop d. 2 8 2 120 O O do LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. one Pearly Tents Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &@. con los detenidam 1. h d. 41 91 Curat! Eccleſiæ de Gillgurrock, annexed to the Archdeaconryo 4 54 of Landaff. In decim. garb. foen. caf. lin. canab. . &c. 81 New Town Wolfs R. (St. Thomas Becket.) Syn. and Prox. 0 16 34 -4c6s3d The Prince of Wales.r : 0191.ph 19 10 10 Langebye, alias Llangibby, R. (St. Çuby:y/ Syns and Prox. -1.55. 3ds Sir. Trèves Williams, Bart.01678.2) Madállard Jor. I . dan, Gent., 1709. Sir Hopton Williams, Barto 1721. Sir --:John Williams, Bart. 1730. William Adams. Williams, Esq. and his Wife, 1774. 10 Q1 5. Tredoņock RefStiriAndrew.) Syn. and Prox. 45. 3de xoJólin id , coco - Grubbam2 Hond;: 1686. Ann Morgan, and others, 17011 Jishing wit]19 csaioab riist 2.55 Tema Jóba 100s to dua dito I 19 I 101 100 1096 DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. MONMOUTHSM. IO oo 1357, Anne Curre, . Prox:. . , . . King's Books. Y early Tenths. l. s. de 1. d. Jolin How, Eſq. 1713, 1739. Lord Chedworth, 1742, .1753 12 8 1} Troy R, with Cw.ncarvan. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. & Archi- I 4 9: diac. pro Syn. and Prox. 18s. 5d. Val. in terr. Horninit. 1l 135. 4d. &c. Charles Fooker, Esq. 1702. Lord Viſ- count Windfor, 1974, 1752. Lord Cardiff, 1982. 8 o Trellage, alias Tréteck, V. (St. Nicholas; j'I with Penalt. 0 16 o 80 Val. clare per annum. Pri. Chepſtow, olim Propt. The KING; or Prince of Wales. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear 1 carly Value. o King's Bookin 30 0 0 Cur. St. John Baptiſt. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem, Propr. 5 3 4 3. Duke of Beaufort. Cur. of Llanbadock: "(Sr. Madocus.)" Pri. Uſke, Propr. Val. 5 8 9 in decim. vitul. mel. cer. fæn. caf. &c. Lord Viſcount Windfor. Lord Cardiff. T.: 2015: Do y ccncia oo Cur. of Llangoven. (St. Goven) H Ecclefiæ Landaven: il. :7 I Val. in 3 acr. terre gleb. 2s. 4d. in decim.. gårbo caf. fon. &e. Chapter of Landaff, Propr. apd Paties 8 0 0 Curs of Llanifhen, alias Llanguiſhen." (St. Dennis.) Syna and 3 II of Prox. 55. 3d. Val. in decim. garb..caf. foen. &c. Pri. St. Kynmark il. Pri. Kynmark, Propir. Duke of Beaufort. 40 Cur. of Troſtrey [Trawſdre]. (St. David.) Penf. 25. Priori 3 8 111 de Uſke 6s. éd. Pri. Uſke, Propr. Val. in decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &C. Valentine Morris, Efqa 1955. 27 Oo Gwerneſey, alias Gwerneſney, R. (St. Michael.) Epiſc. pro 2.18 61 Syn. 35. 3d. Vah in terr. dominic. 4d. &c. William 1708. Lewis Davis, Eſq. 1755. Kemmys [Cemmaes)alias Kemeys InfériorztR: (Ab. Saints.) 6 10 Syn. Is. 38. Archidiac. pro Prox. 26. Vat. in tertudominic. Il: 134da&. William Kemeys, Eſq. 1666, 1681. Lau- rence Lord, Eſq. 1719, 17:25. Allen Lord, 1754. Tem- perante Lordz Widową and others; 1773. tatardagen o Llandegweth R. (Ste Thomas.) Epiſc. pro Syn. Is. zde Ar- 4 4 91 Sir Hopton Williams, Bart. 1719. Ellen Williams, Spin- 000 Llandeny, alias Llanthony, V. (Sta John,) annexed to Ragland. 5.15 5 Pri, de Ulke zlo Epiſco quolibet tertio apno 3561 40. Sin- gulis annis 15. 2d.Val. in decim. garb. caſ. vitul. paſtur. fæn. porc, anc. lin. canab. &c. Duke of Beaufort. Llanlloweli 20 Gent: 1664 20 O 6 10 5. 40 0 fter 1741. II MONMOUTHSH. DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. 1097 ܕܐ I. S. d. 20 20 25 0 O Clear Yearly Valve King's Books, d. O Llanllowell R, Epiſc. pro Syn, red. Archidiac. pro Prox. 2 13 1} 25.4d. Edward Williains, Gent. 1675. The Bifhop, 1641. Nicholas Jenkins, Gent. 1719. Nicholas Jenkins, Clerk, 1754. o Llangwm V. (St. Hierom.) Val. in decim. garb. caſ. agn. lan. 4 16 8 molend. paftur. porc. anć. lin. canab. vac. vitul. &c. The Biſhop, 1722. Prebendary of Llangwin, in Landaff Cath. Propr. and Patr. 36 0 o Llanſocy, alias Llanſoy, R. Pro Syn. and Prox. Epiſc. & 6 10 10 Archidiac. 45. 3d. Val, in terr. dominic. 105. &c. Earl of Pembroke, 1666. Lord Viſcount Windſor, 1740, 1745. Duke of Beaufort, 1781. Llantriſſant, alias Llantriſſent, V. (St. Peter, St. Paul, and 6 8 9 St. John.) Syn. and Prox. 6s. 3d. Pri. Llanthony 31. 6s. 82. Val. in decim. garb. fæn. caf. vitul. paft. &c. Pri. Lanthony, olim Propr. Thomas Reynolds, Eſq. 1675. George Har- ris, Eſq. Margaret his Wife, and Richard Vaughan, Gent. 1702. Eliz. Morgan, 1754. 30 oo St. Michael Thormineth, alias Llanvihangle Tor y Minedd, R. 2 15 5 Syn. and Prox. 25. 7d. Terr. dominic. ad val. 6s. 3d. &c. Archdeacon of Landaff. The Biſhop, 1734. 44 Pantedge, alias Panteag, alias Panteague, R. Val. in decim. • Val. in decim. 7 10 21 terr. domin. 45. &c. Sir Edward Morgan, Bart. 1673. Sir Trevor Williams, Bart. 1680. Anne Morgan, 1709. John Howe, Eſq. 1729. Lord Chedworth, 1749. Jolin Hanbury, Eſq. 1769. o Ragland [Rhaglan] V. (St. Cadocus,) annexed to. Llandeny. 4 6 Pri. Uſke, Propr. Val. in terr. dominic. 10s. decim. fæn, caf. vitul. paftur. agn. molend. &c. Duke of Beaufort, Impr. and Patr. 25 Oo Sc. David's Epiſc. Ecclefia. Eccleſiæ Landaren. 1os. Treaſu- 2 5 5 rer of Landaff, Propr. and Patr. Decim. garb. &c. 30 Oo Uske (Bryn Buga) V. (St. Mary.) Val. in decim. garb. fæn. 10 10 in 13 mod. filig. decim. caſ. agn. anc. porc. or. ort. croci, &c. Pri. Ulke, Propr. Sir Trevor Williams, Bart. 1665, 1682. Sir John Williams, Bart. 1695. The Biſhop, 1716. Lady Williams, 1741. Ellen Williams, Spinſter, 1742, 1745. John Adams Williams, Eſq. 1785. 22 . 7 A Nor rroga MONMOVE#SN DIOCESE OVLAN DAF K. NoT IN CHARGE. Value. la and Bettws Newich, Chap. to Llanarth. Chapter of Landaff, Patr, Propr. 31. certified Value. Kemeis Commander C. (All Saints.) Knights Templars, Propr. :51. certified Value. Kilgurrug Cur. Archdeacon of Landaff, Propr. 145. certified Llangoven and Penyclanth C. Chapter of Landaff, Patr. and Propr. 20l. certified Value. Llandvgoe. (St. Dochoe.) P. of Caire, in Landaff Cath. Patr. and Propr. 155. gs. certified Value. Llanvihangel Pontimoyle Cur. (St. Michael.) Abb. Tintern, Propr. Duke of Beaufort. 51. certified Value. -Llanvihangel juxta Lanternan Cur. (St. Michael.) Heirs of Edmund Bray, Eſq. Abb. Llancarvan, Propr. Llanilhen C. (St. Dennis.) Pri. Kynemark, Propr. Duke of Beaufort. 87. certified Value. Llangyniow C. (St. David.) Heirs of Sir Hopton Williams, Impr. Pri. Ulke, Propr. 61. certified Value. Monkſwood Cur. Duke of Beaufort, Impr. Olim Abb. Tin- tern, Propr. sl. certified Value. .Penalt, Chap. to Trellage. 211, 125. 6d. certified Value. Pertholey, (St. Bartholomew,) Chap. to Llanteiffant. bilan B Trellegs Grainge, Chapel to Trelléch. Abb. Tintern, Propr. Duke of Beaufort. 56 certified Value. tan. en gobrodd ei goimisto 307598 blogonsM so Toni Spine Pele Togg10 9001 ន trogonist pa vido yós guont Erica **bargo 10 911 01:42 mid elit no Y to god ddons busian B to 9180iz9 noyaudzes) tosh boa to for theils to 99999990 end 190tal *120 e 3DO 199g li to bas svafl booli 9 THE RENAUMEM [ 1099 ) THE 0311 PROVINCE OF YORK. ait odda mitu King's Books. 1. d. lo 16100 O So, solo bonito B 2 30019 bus 193731 de clasa M ) olyogtintel logosdrasli do gzish (to son logesagtesia Total libyenomis dovedi bumba 9:00 torsdag (veidato 12) mathias av batteso 18. totuse IIW eamisum Dorgo Dioceſe of Dork. suis betting3 190749 90V The Cathedral Church, door an 1990 a Yearly Tenths, RCHBISHOPRIC of York. totes to go 161. Ooo Concerning this Church Dr. Heylin ſays it is the moſt ancient Metropolitan See in England, having been made fuck at the Time of King Lucius in 180. On the Converſion of the Saxons this See was, by Pope Gregory deligned to its former Honour, 'which took effect when Paulinus was made Archbiſhop, and then each Metropolitan to have twelve Suffragan Biſhops; at pre- fent it only retainis Durham, Carliſle, and Cheſter, though formerly this Archbiſhop was Metropolitan of Scotland. There enſued many contentions between this See and Canterbury, all which have terminated in this, that the Archbiſhop of York ftiles himſelf * Primate of England,” and He of Canterbury" Primate of all England,” and the former has ſtill Precedence of all Dukes who are not of the Blood Royal, and of all great Officers of State except the Lord Chancellor, Dugdale, vol. I, fol. 290. 7 A 2 Paulinus A J100 DIOCESE OF YORK. 700l. es.de mi ; and Advowſon thereof. The firauhdeacon of the Eaſt King's Books. Tearly Tenids. di S. 2. Paulinus was the firft Archbiſhop, in the Year 625. About 631, that Country being full of Troubles, he left it, and returning into Kent was prevailed upon to accept the Bic & fhopric of Rocheſter, after his Departure the See was vacant above twenty Years. 1009811 to 19451 308 10 71 Deanry of the Cathedral Church. Ere&ted in the Year 1090. 30 17:03 Vide Le Nere. The KING. 21028 The Deanry eanry has the Rectories ef Pocklington, Pickering, and Kilham, of which he is Patron and Ordinary; he likewiſe preſeints to Thornton, Ebberſton, Ellerburne, Barnby Moor, Gevendale, and Hayton Vicarages. baglog The Dean appoints the Reſidentiaries, but muſt chuſe them out of the Prebendaries; the firſt Prebendary he fees after a Vacancy has a Right to claim the Reſidentiaryſhip. The ** Dean and the four Reſidentiaries conſtitute the Chapter. 101 Refid. 2001. per annum each. anna . PODSİTorqen sowiedAW asi a'qotilidiota omiet All the following - Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of His Grace the Archbifhop of York. u& estiguudisest to you gris ad dgtud 1975 Chancellorſhip of the Dioceſe. og bidyo 36 O 10 Archdeaconry of Cleaveland. The firſt Aợchdeacon of Cleave- 3. 12 62 14 7 Archdeaconry of the DA land was abou: the Year y of Mapleton, 6. 552 son Riding was about the Year 1130; 61 o 10 Archdeaconry of Nottingham. Vide Liber Regis. The firſt 6 2 Archdeacon that occurs was in 1174, 90 3 iArchdeaconry of York,, alias Weſt Riding. Erected about the 9o 33 Year 1cgo. Has the Rectories of Mesborough, and Bray- ton, co. York. o Abſthorpe P. in D. Retford, co. Nottinghain. O 16 350 o. Ampleford P. has Heflington, in Bulmer P. and Campleford 3 10 in D. Ridal. 14 8 4 Barnby, alias Barnby Moor, P. has Barnby, in Harthill D. Bilton P. has the Impropriation of Bilton, in Anfty D. 8 101 17 17 Bole P. in co. Nottingham, has the Rectory of Bole, in Ret- ford D. 17 17 Botivant P. faid to be ſo denominated from one Botivant, the 1 15 84 Founder of it. Bugo 1 the Easterido I 207137 OTS. 80 е almer Die 1 8 10 14 8 1 9 I I 15 81 DIOCESE OF YORK, IIOI King's Books. d. ܕ 11; 26 : 110 0 13 12 I 19 I 10 9 17 1 I 32 134 Din D. Yearly Tenibs. 34 7 31 Bugthorpe P. has the Rectory of Bugthorpe, with Stockton 38 89 Chapel, in Bulmer D.* 85 6 8 Chancellorſhip to with the Prebend of Laughton. Erected an 810 8 ou mesta in no 1090.30€ od 9 439 6 Chapter of the Cathedral Church. 43 18 3 409VI STOGA 136 5 5 College of Vicars Choral. 61 19 10 10 Donington P. has the Manor of Donington near York, 37 15 5 Fenton P. has the Rectories of Fenton and Shirborne, in An- 3 15 61 aſty D. 38 16 01 Frydaythorpe P. has ſome Lands in Frydaythorpe, in Buc- 3.17 7 foſe D. and the Manor, &c. of Tange, in D. Pontefract. 6. Gevendale, alias Gevindal, P. has the Manor of Gerendale, I I 0 3 with Lands in Millington, in D. Herthill. I Grindal P. has the Manor and Impropriation of Grindal, in 0 1981 D. Dickering. He has alſo the Tythes of Grafton Chapel, D. Burrowbridge, and a Moiety of Axmifter Impropriation, co. Devon. 11 3 9 Holme Archbiſhop's P. has. Withernwick Impropriation, D. 2 41 Holderneſs. 38 17 11 Huſwhat, alias Hufthwaite, P. has the Manor and Imprópris 3 179) ation of Hufwhat, in Dorbuda D. Bulmer, and Lands in Carleton, North Newbald, and North Cave.s 10 o 42 17 I Knareſburgh P. has the Rectory of Knareſburgh, in D. Bur- 4 5 8 rowbridge. 43 19. 7 Langtoft P. has the Impropriation of Langtoft, in D. Dicker- 4.7 I ing and North Grimſton, in D. Bucroſe. :North Newbald P. Impropriation of North Newbald, 4 in D. Herthill, and a Houſe in Stonegate, in York City. 8 Offic. Cuſtod. Fabr. 7 13 P. is Impr. e and Patr" of Gate 3 5 4 96 4 2. Preceptorſhip I, erçeted anno 1090, cum Preb. Driffield, cum 9 12 5 5,13. 4d, Increm, has the Rectory of Driffield, D. Herthill. 8 Ricall P. has the Manor and Rectory of Ricall, in 'D. Bulmer. 3 7 munikaal * Bramham P. was annexed to the Priory of Nofell: It confiftéd of the impropriations of Bråm- ham, Whareham le Street, and Lythe Rectories, and was rated at 551. in the King's Books, and was d was rated at 55 do diſſolved with that Priory, + The Chancellorſhip has the Impropriations and Advowſons of Acelam, D. Bucroſe, and Waghen, in D. Holderneſs; and, in Right of ihe Prebend of Laughton, the Impropriation of Laughton le Mor- thing, in D. Doncaſter. The Precentorſhip has the Rectory of Uſborne Parva, in Di Burrowbridge, and the. Advowſon of the Vicarage. South 7 II 40 o 0 O 2 33 II . 2 1 1 102 DIOCESE OZ YORK : js. d. 50 14 2 Subdeanry, fous anno the Minſter Yard at York, King's Books. 2 Yearly Tintbs: 1. So, d, 14 9 7 South Newbald Pr has the Manor of South Newbald, in D. 1 811 Herthill. ! 47 16 51 34 Stillington ?. has the Rectory of Sellingtoni in DBulmer. 4 1571 777 Strenfall, alias Whitby, Pi has the Manor and Impropriation 7 14 81 of Strenfall, in D. Bulmer, with the Chapelries of Osbald wicke, Hexby, and Moreton, with other Lands in ſeveral Pariſhes, and a in . 5 I 5 rton in D. Holdernefs. 30 Sub Treaſurerſhip *. • Succenſorſhip has the Rectory of. Tunſtall, e Rectory of Tunſtalt, in D. Holderneſs ! Tockriagron R. co. Northumberland, has the Impropriation o 05 & of Tockerington, in Hexhamſhire. Ulliſkelfe P. cum 195.30.1 Increm. has the Manor of Ullikkelfe, 3 9 2 in n D. Ainſty. 6 Warthill P. has the Rectory of Warthill, in D. Bulmer, and o 12 a Moiety of the Rectory of Axmiſter, in co. Devon. 82 II 3 Wetwang P. has the Rectory of Wetwang, in D. Buctoſe, and 8 5 10 the Advowſons of Frydaythorpe, Elloughton, and Kükby upon Wharfe.antutan ' Sexca 5 Wighton P. has the Rectory of Wighton, in D. Herthill. 3 5 o of Wiltow. P. has the Rectory of Willow, in D. Ainfty, and is 6 11 78 Patron of Cawood in the fame Deanry, and has Lands in ſe- veral other Places, and a Houſe in the Minſter Yard, York * 16 13. 8 0 1 13 4 016 O 2 17 34 II 2 0 32 JO 65 16 * The Treaſurerſhip charged at 2331. 6s. 8d. in the King's Book, was diffolved and made a Lay Fee by K. Edw. Vl, as was the Prebends of Wilton and Newthorpe annexed thereto. This Office was erected anno 1090. Seminta oliwedd 28W le 1969 o gelo begeleb erabad + Salton Prebend was annexed to the Priory of Noftell, and conſiſted of the Impropriation of Salton Roctory in D. Ridal, was valued at 53% 135, 4d. in the King's Books, and was diffálved with that Priory. Maffam Prebend was the richeſt Prebend in the Church of York, and was valued at 1361. per ann. in the King's Books ; it confifted of the Manor and Rectory of Maffam, cum. Kirby Malzerd, in D. Catterick, and was diffolved and made a Lay Fee anno 1546, by Archbishop Holgate, si South Cave Prebend confifted of the Impropriations of South Cave and Wadſworth, and a Moiety of the Impropriation of Otley; and was valued at 896. per annüm in the King's Books. It was diffolved and became a Lay Fee anno 1549, by John Wilſon the dalt Prebendary who alicned it. Robblezal sdt is-91. ŠTEK yg adt an aid duiwestoi bas do 4 to 19tqand tuis ans 90.9 Iqalx9 Olls is too: ein. a IAM YORKER. DIOCESE or YORK. 1103 The wife return % 16.40 . Estado do condotti atsasti I bladwrote i et City of Dork, and 9. Minty, in the Archdeaconry of ' YORK, alias WEST RIDING. started to 11,89791 chu 1500 W OSTOM bon idxs! The Monaſtery of St. Mary, without the Walls of the City of York, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, ia Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear anpual Sum of 1650l. 75. od. Cell of St. Trinity of Wederhall in Cumberland was like- returned at 1171. 11ş. iod. The role of St. Mary Magdalen ncar Lincoln was likewiſe re- at 231. . . donde vigo 6 The Çell of St. Bees in Cumberland was likewiſe returned at 1431. 165. 2d. (26) MODA sa The Monaſtery of Selby was likewiſe returned at 729). 125. The Priory of Drax was likewiſe returned at 329l. 25. Iide of The Priory:of Arthington was likewiſe returned at 71. 115. 73.1 The Priory of Estholth was likewiſe returned at 13l. 55. 4d. The Hoſpital of St. Leonard, York, was likewiſe returned at 3621. 115. 1d. Sto Mary Chapel, commonly called. St, Sepulchre's, was like to 4 wife regurned at :1381. 195. 20.1. klo otte St. Andrew's College of Neder Acaſter was likewiſe returned ar 274.13. 4d.io gehiag bs the six.St Nicholas Hoſpital, withont Wamgate Barr, was likewiſe re- turned at 2011 19.4d. idente 799 Ther Priory of St. Clement's, without the Walls, was likewiſe . was, likewiſe returned at 681. 11s oder Helaugh Park Priory was likewiſe returned at 72h los conde do Synyngthwait: Priory was likewiſe resurned at 60l.19.5 2do? For the Particular. Pofefſions of the above Monafteries, ans o&e vide-Origio Surf. in Offic. Primit. NB. The Livings with this * Mark are under the Jørifdi&ion of the Dean and Chapter of York, and thoſe with this ** Mark in this Diocefe are alſo exempt. i odot. s 2 bred centre. Primit. . & 1 LIVINGS 1104 DIOCESE OF YORK YORKSH. 1. s. d. le d. I 12 4 33 12 400 6 Barwicke, alias Berewyke, in Elmet, R. (All Saints.) Penſ. 3 7 3 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, BORD King's Books, rearly Tenths, . Rectories, &c. with their Patroirs, Proprietors, &c. 16 3. 4. Athil), alias Adle, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Sanctæ Trin. fli 135.45 || Syn. 45. Prox. 73. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. ni vilak 6s. 8. Charles Breary, Merchant," 1677. Cyril Ar- zo shington, Efq. 1702. Thomas Arthington, Efq. 1766. 0 0-9 de gsnsArchiepifc. prb Syn. 25. 8d. 7 Dimiff. ad firm. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 36 0 0 0 Birkin, alias Birkyn, R. (St. Maiył) Syn. 75.16d. Prox. 3.12 45. Val. in ſcit. manfion. cum 10 acr, terr. de gleba ibidem per ann. 136. tdi &c. John Thornton, .p. h. v. 1698. William Ainabie, Eſq. 1718. Thomas Wright, 1741. 39 15 2. Bolton Percy R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Ar- 3.1961 chidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Dimiff. ad firm. Archbiſhop .: of York. but s'iwell es 2 17 8] Garfurthe, alia Gerford, R. (St. Mary.) Abb. Sanctæ Ma. O 17 98 rize 11.sos. sPri! Pontefract. 1.14.5. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Prox. 6s. 8d. - Val. in ſcitrector. cum terr. arab. prat. paſc. & paftur: per ann. 21. 185. &c. James Witham, and others, 16858 James Witham, Gent. 1714. ! Charles Al- lanſon,, 1750, 1764. 26 0 0 --Gilley, alias Guifeley, R. (St. Oſwald.) Robert Hitch, Eſq. 2 12 1709. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1724. Henry wil. to loughby, Eſqipoh. v. 1772721 13 6 8 Hamſtwaite, alias Hamſthwait, V. (St. Thomas Becket.) De. 6 8 icim. fæn. agri de Hamſwaité & Örton com. ann. gs. 4d. lán. agn. vitul. anc. ov. &c. Domus Fratrum de Knaresburgh, Propr. Thomas (Atkinſons 1915.- William Woodburb, Gent. 1738. Thomas Shann, 177 11.1 of Kirkby Overeleysalias Overblows, "Rx (All Saints.) Penf. 2o il 350 Capellano Stainborne4ki Penf! Capx Alnwick 151. Pent. easi Archiepiſc. il. Penf. Camerario Ebori 106 1 Penf. Cantar. 5l. Syn. and Prox. 1.16. 6d. Val in terr. gleb. per ann. 41. &c. The QUEEN, 1713. Sir Orlando Gee, Knight, noit V6B:51. The KING1549Earl of Egremont, Patron. * Vide Act of Parliament ab and gth of William and Mary. 15 11 10] Kirkdighton R. (All Saints:) Syn. and Prox. 115. 6 d. Val. III 24 so manf. cum. terr. gleb. per annum ll. 25. decim. &c. William Thornton, Eſq. 1694, 1703. William Thomp- fon, Gent. 1747 LEEDS, I 20 I O YORKSH. . DIOCESE OF YORK. 115 S. d. j eo O 100 оо O 8 0 rious True &c. Mon. Sanctæ Trin. Ebor. Propr. In va- King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. S. d. 1. 38 o 21 LEEDS, alias LEDES, V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Sanétæ Trin. 10l. 3 16 3 16 0 Redd. 25. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in ſcit, manſ, cum ort. & clauf. per ann. 155. 8d. decim. lan. agn, oblat. c. . . rious Truſtees. Richard Wilſon, Eſq. and others, 1750. Leeds St. John V. The New Church. The Vicar and Cor- poration of Leeds. Leeds Holy Trinity R. The Recorder, Vicar, and Curate of St. John's in Leeds. 7 2 81 Leythley, alias Leathley, R. Val. in manf. cum 5 bovat. O 14 31 terr. per annum il., 135. &c. The KING. 16 19 7 Moremunketon, alias Moremụncton, R. (All Saints.) The I 13 111 180 KING. 14 Newton Kyne, alias Neuton, R. (St. Andrew.) Archiepiſc. I pro Syn. 4s. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. ibidem per andum Ios, decim. &c. Lord Fairfax, 1691. Robert Fair- fax, Eſq. 1725, 1781. 6 II 101 Rither, alias Rithre, alias Ryther, R. (All Saints.) John 0 13 25 80 Cale, Eſq. 1703. The KING, 1772, 736 8 Spofurthe, alias Spofforth, R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro 7 6 8 Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in exit. & profic. tam in gran. gleb. decim. privat. &c. Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet, 1700, 1712. The KING, 1747. Earl of Egremont, 1783 16 i 8 Swillington, alias Swylington, R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. 1 12 . Prox. 6s. 8d. . in terr. gleb. per annum il. &c. William Lowther, Eſq. 1708. Sir William Low- ther, Bart. 1749, 1757 24 3 9 Wannalley, alias Hutton Wannaſley, alias Long Marton, R. 2 8 41 (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4s. Prox. 75., 6d. Val. in ſcit. rect. apud Wannaſley 125. un. pary, clauſ. cum 3] acr. terr. gleb. 6s. un. clauſ. abbut. ſuper rect. ll. 6s. 8d. lib. redd. per ann. 45. &c. &c. Henry Roundel, Eſq. 1681. Bolt Richard Roundel, Eſq. 1705. Robert Robinſon, p. h. v. 1759. 9 6 8 Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Bothom, alias Bothaw, O 18 8 6 8 Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Horsfair. 8 6 13 4 Hoſp. Sanctæ Trinitatis in Foſgate. O 13 2 IT I 2 4 7 B LIVINGS 1106 YORKSH, DIOCESE OF Y OR K. s. se do 2 O O оло O O 38 2 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. l. d. 1. 14 17 All Saints North Street R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. 4d. Ar- 4 7 11 30 chidiac. 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. un. ten. in decim. perſonal. &c. The KING. 15 3 9 All Saints in the Pavement R. Archidiac. pro Prox. 65. 8d. 5 16 10] 50 Val. in decim. perſonal. oblat. &c. And Little St. Peter's V. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 35. Val. in decim. perſonal. ort. oblat. &c. The KING. Mon. Dunelm, Propr. 28 6 9 St. Cruce, alias St. Croſs, R. (St. Crux.) Abb. Sanctæ Mar. il6 16 8 50 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 35. 6d. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in decim. perſonal. &c. The KING. 6 St. Cuthbert R. with St. Hellen on the Walls. Val. in decim. 5 10 10 50 perſonal, &c. Archiepiſc. pro Sýn. 9d. And All Saints in Peaſeholm R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. Is. 4d. Val. in decim. perſonal. et prædial. proven. de vill. de Heworth per ann. 41. &c. The KING. Capellan. Ebor. olim Propr. 31 17 © St. Dennis in Walmgate R. with St. George and Nabourn V. 4 O 10 annexed. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. 8d. Val. in firm. un, ten. infra civit. Ebor. per. ann. 6s. 8d. 14 acr. prat. decim. per- ſonal. &c. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Penf. 135. 4d. Val. in decim. perſonal. &c. The KING, and George Palmes, Eiq. alter- nately, 1707. The KING, 1726. The Univerſity of Cam- bridge, 1744. 14 4 6 St. Helen in Stangate V. Penſ. Archiepiſc. 6s. 8d. Prox. and 4 5 5 30 Syn. Is. 8d. Val. in decim. perſonal. et oblat. The KING. Pri. Mulſeby, Propr. St. Lawrence V. and St. John's Cur. Pen. Decano Ebor. 10s. Val. in decim. prædial. perſonal. et oblat. Dean and Chap- ter of York, Propr. and Patr. 8 5 St. Margaret in Walmgate R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Val. 4 9 91 in firm. un. ten. in vico voc. Walingate per ann. 105. &c. With St. Peter le Willow V. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. 6d. The KING. Eccl. Ebor. Propr. 21 16 8 St. Martin in Coney Street V. Val. in decim. perſonal. oblat. 4 0.0 &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. 46 464 St. Martin in Micklegate R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 35. 4d. "5 16 3 Archidiac. 6s. 8d. With St. Gregory V. Val. in decim. garb. fæn. &c. Edward Thompſon, Samuel Dawſon, Tho- mas Bendlowes, jun. Nathaniel Gold, Abraham Rolfe, Phil. Nisbet, Heyford Wainwright, and Ri. Stretton, 1699. In Truſtees. Nathaniel Payler and others, 1745. St. Mary O O 13 4 10 5 10 Ö 7 20 o 0 YORKSH. 1107 DIOCESE OF YORK. s 1. d. O O 10 4 0 40 O O O O o Ο Ιο Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2. d. St. Mary Biſhopſhill ſenior, firſt Mediety R. Pri. Sanétæ Trin. 5 25. 6d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Val. in decim. gran. et fæn. de Middlethorp per ann. 41. redd. ten. cuin orto in civit. per ann. Is. 8d. &c. Heirs of Lord Rivers and the Crown alternately. Dean and Chapter of York, 1747. 39. 2 5 St. Mary Biſhopſhill junior, ſecond Mediery R. Penſ. Pri. 5 0 10 Sanétæ Trin. 25. 6d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Val. in decim. gran. et fæn. de Middle. per ann. 41. redd. un. ten. Iso 8d. per ann. &c. Heirs of Lord Rivers and the Crown alternately. Dean and Chapter of York, 1747. 15 St. Mary in Caſtle Gate R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 35. Archi 2 8 6 Ž 50 diac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Abb. Sancte Mar. Ebor. 5s. 3d. Penſ. Theſaurar. Eccl. Ebor. 5s 3d. Val. in decim. perſonal. et prædial. ex omn. gen. eid. rector. pertin. &c. The KING. 11 17 9 St. Michael Belfreys, with St. Wilfrid R. Arehiepiſc. pro 2 0 Syn. Is. Val. in redd. et firm. ten. infra civit. per. ann. Is. decim. &c." Dean and Chapter of York. 19 3 8 St. Michael in Spurrier Gate, alias St. Michael at Owſe 8 12 1 Bridge, R. Penf. Abb. Sanctæ Mar. 1l. 16s. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 58. 4d. Archidiac. 6s. 8d. Decim. perſonal. &c. The KING. St. Saviour's R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. Is. 8d. Archidiac. 5 6 8 60 6s. 8d. Abb. Sanctæ Mar. Ios. Redd. 35. Magiſtro Pon- tis Owſe is. 6d. Val. in decim. prædial. renovant. infra vill. de Hewyth com. ann. 21. 105. penf. &c. The KING. St. Trinity in Goodramgate R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Val. 12 4 91 in decim. perſonal. fæn. &c. With St. John Delpike R. Val. in decim. prædial. &c. And St. Maurice without Monk Bar, V. Mon. St. Mar. York, Propr. Redd. Theſaur. Ebor, Is. Archbiſhop of York, 17 18 9 St. Trinity in King's Court V. in Civitate Ebor. Val. in penſ. & rec. de Magiſt. Hoſp. per ann. 81. The Archbiſhop, p. h. v. 1748. Maſter of Weīl Hoſpital, Propr. and Patr. Theſe firſt eighteen Churches are ſtill remaining in York. The united pariſhes are all of them demoliſhed, except St. Mau- rice's : beſides theſe, there are five more, viz. St. Mary's New Biſhopſhill, St. John's Ouſebridge, St. Olave's, St. Sampſon's, and St. Trnity Micklegate. 30 17 II o 19 6 0 31.10 8. ABURFORD, alias ABERFORD, alias ABERFURTH, V. (St. Ri- 6 1 & chard.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in fcit. manſ. cum terr. et prat. per ann. 21. 6s. 8d. decim. foen. lan, agn. porc. &c. Oriel College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Acafier 7 B 2 1108 DIOCESE OF YORK, YORKSH, 1. S. d. 25. II 3 16 oed Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. 2. 13 15 O Acaſter V. (Holy Trinity.). Abb. Newboo, alias Newbo- 56 rough, Propr. Lord Fairfax, 1720. Robert Fairfax, Eſq. 15 14 8 * Acomb V. (St. Stephen.) Redd. Theſaurar. Ecclefiæ Ebor. 3 9 2 Val, in ſcit. vicar. cum terr. gleb. per ann. Il. paftur. cert. beſt. in paſtur. vil. ibid. &c. Mr. Waller, 1721. The. faurar. Ebor, olim Propr. 35 6 10 Alkham Richard V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Nunmonkton, Propr. 4.13 4. John Swale, Gent. 1681. Jof. Thompſon, Gent. 1711. William Garforth, 1737. Edmund Garforth, 1756. 9 6 Bardſey V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 4 · 18 6s. 8d. Val, in ſcit. manſ. ibid. cum toft. et crofti per ann. 75. decim. lan. agn. porc. vitul. gal. ap. &c. Lord Scarf- dale, 1719. The Duke of Argyle and others, 1732. Sir John Goodricke, Bart. 1782. Cuſtos Cap. Sanctorum Ange- lorum voc. Sepulchres Ebor. alias Sacriſta Ebor. olim Propr. 28 02 * Bilton V. (St. Helen.) Val. in ſcit. vicar. ibid. cum 6 acr. terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. decim. perſonal, porc. gall. ov. &c. Pre- bendary thereof, in York Cathedral, Propr, and Patr. 24 15 o Biſhop Thorpe V. (St. Andrew.) Val. in garb. decimal. ex omn. gener. com. ann. 21. 135. 4d. decim. quadrageſ. &c. Pri. Sti. Clementis, Propr. The Archbiſhop, Patr. by Act of Parliament, 1729. 25 00 * Bramham V. (All Saints.) Val. in ſcit. manſ. ibid. cum 22 6 7 6. acr. terr. et prat. eid. pertin. per. ann. Il. 105.4d. decim. fon. de toft. et croft . &c. The Archbiſhop, 1717; Chrift Church College, Oxford. Prebenda ibidem, olim Propr. 41 14 63 Brayton V. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. 5d. Val. in 7 14 41 redd. et firm, manſ. ibid. cum un. bovat. tert. et quat. clauſ. in Brayton il decim. agn, canab. &c. Mon. Selby, Propr. Bartholomew Walıneſly, 1698, 1700. Nicholas Starkey, Eſq. 1720, 1727. Edinund Starkie, Eſq. 1773. 44 14 10 * Brotherton V. (St. Edward.). Dec. & Cap. Ebor. 16s. 8d. 5 6 8 Val. in ſcit, manſ. ibid. cum 2 bovat. terr. per ann. Il. 135. 4d. decim. Jan. agn. canab. lin. porc. pomor. falmon. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. 6 o Collingham V. (St. Oſwald.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 3 11 52 6s. 8d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 1os. 4d. decim. gran. foen. lan. agn. &c. Earl of Huntingdon, 1677. Lady Elizabeth Haſtings, 1712. Richard Darley, 1762. Cuſtos Cap. Sanct. Angelorum Ebor. alias Sacriſta Ebor. Propr. 38 2 5 Cowthorpe, alias Colethorp, alias Calthorp, R. (St. Michael.) 4 15 10 Bartholomew Walmeſley, 1697. Edmund Starkie, Eſq. 1748, 1768. Drax. V. (St. Peter.) Penſ. ann. rec. de prior. 41. The 4 0 0 25 KING. Mon. Drax, Propr. * Fenton 4 0 21 13 16 O O O YORKSH. 1109 DIOCESE OF YORK. 1. 41 00 O 8 4 I I 5 10 O 45. Clear Yearly Values King's Books. To d. d. * Fenton V. Val. in ſcit. manſ. ibid. cum ort. per ann. decím. 6 13 4 perſonal. agn. lap. lac. canab. lin. pom. decim. garb. et fæn. in ort. et curt. &c. The Prebendary thereof in York Cathe- dral, Propr. and Patr. 27 15 2 Fewſton, alias Fawſton, V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Val. in 5 0 0 denar. annuat. rec. de prior. et convent. per ann. 54. The 40 KING. Domus Fratrum de Knareſburgh, Propr. 19 Harwood, alias Harewood, V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro 14 Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in denar. annuat. rec. de prior. et convent. de Bolton, 141. 135. 4d. Pri. Bolton in Craven, Propr. The KING, 1699. The Archbiſhop, 1904. John Boulter, 1724. Boulter Thomlinſon, p. h. v. 1764. © Helaugh V. (St. John Baptift.) No Inſtitution. Val. in ann. 60 penſ. rec. de prior. & convent. de Helaugh, 61. Mon. Helaugh, Propr. Duke of Wharton, 1720. Brookf. bank. 34 16 4 Kippax, alias Kippaffe, V: (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 5 7 1 500 Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in terr. gleb. cum manſ. ibidem per ann. 11. 105. cert. terr. arabil. cum cotag. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. perſonal porc, anc. gall. ov. &c. The KING. Pri. Poniefract, Propr. 43 13 4 Kirkby Wharfe V. (St. John Baptift.) Val. in fcit. manf. cum 3 16 8 ort. per ann. 75. 8d. decim. lan. agn. lin. canab. porc. anc. vi- tul. Iac. pull. plough. penſ. &c. Preb. Wetwang in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 44 7 8 Ledſham, alias Ledelham, V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro 7 4 2 Syn. 55. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in ſcit. manſ. ibid. per ann. 45. dec. fæn. lan. agn. porc. anc. &c. Mon. Stæ Trin. Ebor. Propr. Lady Eliz. Haſtings, 1719. Earl of Huntingdon, 1764, 1770. 41 0 0 New Biſhopfhill V. in Civitate Ebor. ($t. Mary.) Archiepiſc. 10 pro Syn. 25. 8d. Val. in decim. lan. agn. perſonal. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. 38 6 8 OTTLEY V.* (All Saints.) Val. in denar. annuat. rec. 131. 13 131. 13 18 6s. 8d. Prox. 55. The KING. Cuſtos Capellæ Sanct. Angelorum, voc. Sepulchres, alias Sacrilta Ebor. Propr. and Preb. So. Cave. 12 6 8 Panpal, alias Pannel, V. (St. Robert of Knareſborough.) Val. 5 5 0 in ſcit. manf. ibidem per ann. 55. in ann. penf. 51. Domus O 100 O * OTTLEY V.-In this Pariſh is the Curacy of Bramhope, the Chapel was erected by Robert Dinely, Eſq. the Curate appointed by fix Truſtees for that Purpoſe. Ex relatione Edwardi Yardley de Coll. Sancti Johannis, Camb. olim Socii, Fratrum 1110 YORKSHI DIOCESE OF YOR K. 1. S. d. 1 32 10 40 0 0 Clear icarly Values King's Books, 1. d. Fratrum de Knareſburgh, Propriet. The KING, 1745. George Loup, 1751. John Raper, 1758. Rufforth, alias Rufford, V. Hoſp. Sii Leonardi Ebor. Propr. 4 13 Kcightley, 1721. James Whitehead, Gent. 42 17 II * SHERBURN V. (All Saints.) Val. in decim. fæn. 45. 6d, 10 17 fcit. manſ. ibidem cum pertin. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. porc. anc. gall. vitul. &c. Prebendary of Fenton, in York Cathe- dral, Propr. and Patr. Micklefield Chap. to Sherburne. Not certified. 88 TADCASTER, alias TADCASTRE, V. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. 8 4 91 pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75.6d. Val. in ſcit. vicar. ibidem cum fæn. decim. com. ann. 1l. 6s. 4d. decim. lan. lin. canab. porc. anc. gall. &c. Mon. Salley, Propr. Orlando Gee, Eſq. 1684. Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet, 1703. Duke of Somerſet, 1725. Earl of Egremont, 1752, 1779. 12 16 8 Thorner, alias Thornoure, V. (St. Peter.) Val. in ſcit. vicar. 8 3 4 ibidem, cum cert. domib. eidem annex. per ann. 35. 4d. in ann. penſ. 81. The KING. Domus Fratrum de Knareſburgh, Propr. 24 16 4 Thorparch V. (All Saints.) Sacriſta Stæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. 315 5 alias Capella Sti Sepulchri. Savill, Eſq. 1672. Wil- liam Wrightſon, Eſq. 1728. Granville Wheeler and others, 1749. Earl of Huntingdon, 1775. 18 13 54 Weſton V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Val. in 6 11 57 decim. perſonal. fæn. lan. agn. porc, anc. &c. The Free School of Sedbergh, Propr. and Patr. The KING, 91 Whitkirke V. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 13 5 77 6d. Val. in gleba cum terr. prat. & paftur. per anni, 4.. de- cim. perſonal. agn. Ian. porc. &c. Commendatar. de New- land, Propr. Trinity College in Cambridge. 25 15 o Wighill V. (All Saints.) Pri. Helaugh, Propr. Henry Sta- 5 3 61 pylton, Eſq. 1712, 1745, 1762, 45 1 4 * Wiſtow V. (All Saints.) Syn. 15. Redd. Archiepiſc. 10d. 8 0 Val. in terr. & ten. in Wiſtow il. 6s. 8d. decim. perſonal. pul. fruct. çanab. lin. lan. agn. &c. The Prebendary thereof in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. , 1769. 40 12 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Armley, (St. Bartholomew,) Ch. to Leeds. 261. Is. 4d. certi- fied Value. Aſkham Bryan C. five V. (St. Nicholas.) Abbey of York, Propr. 81. certified Value. Baildon, YORKSH. IIII DIOCESE OF YO R K. 2 Baildon, (St. Giles,) Chap. to Ottley. 20l. 55. vid. certified Value. Barley Chap. to Brayton. Beeſton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Leeds. 281. certified Value. Bilborough Cur. Abb. Newboe, Propr. 461. 6s. rod. certi- fied Value. Bramley Ch. to Leeds. 301. Is. certified Value. Bramhope Ch. to Ottley. 43l. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Burley Ch. to Ottley, Thomas Maude and Thomas Molley, Eſq. 251. 35. 8d. certified Value. * CAWOOD C. (All Saints.) Preb, of Wiſtow in York Cathe- dral, Propr. and Patr. 281. 75. 6d. certified Value. Allerton Ch. to Leeds. 21. 1os. certified Value. Denton Chap. to Ottley. 201. certified Value. Farnley C. in Ottley. 41. 185.4d. certified Value. Farnley C. in Leeds. Francis Fawkes, Eſq. 5l. 10s. certified Value. Fulforth Chapel to St. Olave's in York. In Bulmer Deanry. John Key, Eſq. 61. 155. 4d. certified Value. Hadleſey Chap. to Birkin R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Heddinley, (St. Michael,) Chap. to Leeds. ill. 135. certified Value. Holbeck Chap. to Leeds. 161, 18s. 8d. certified Value. Horsforth Chap. to Giſley. 61. 115. 8d. certified Value. Hunflet, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Leeds. 151. 16s. 8d. certified Value. St. John's Ouſebridge C. in Civitate Ebor. Chapter of York, Patr. 411. 35. 4d. certified Value. Monk Tryſton Chap. Preb. of Wiſtow, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. St. Olave C. in Civitate Ebor. Abb. of York, Propr. Sir William Robinſon, Patr. gl. 10s. certified Value. Pool Ch. to Otiley. Popleton Superior V. (All Saints.) Abbey of York, Propr. Dean and Chapter of York. Popleron Inferior Cur. Archbiſhop of York, Propr. and Patr. 234. certified Value. Rawden Ch. to Gilley. Richard Emmott, Eſq. 221. čertiñed Value. St. Sampſon C. in Civitate Ebor. Chapter of York, Propr. Subchantor and Vicars Choral of York, Patr. 31. 155. cer- tified Value Saxton Cur. (All Saints.) The Sequeſtrator nominates. 121. certified Value. * Selby C. (St. Mary and St. German.) Formerly a Monaſ- tery. Lady Stourton or Edmund Starkie, Eſq. 176. 105, certifred Value. 3 Selby UII2 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. Selby Lectureſhip. Archbiſhop of York, Patr. Stainborn Chapel to Kirkby Overblows. 187. certified Value. Thornthwait C. 21. 35. gd. certified Values * Ulliskelfe Cur. P. ibidem in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. Walton C. Mon. Newhouſe, Propr. The Impropriators, Pa- trons. 71. 135, 4d. certified Value. WetherBÝ Cur. (St. James.) Ch. to Spofurth. 181. 35. 2d. certified Value. N. B. In this, and alſo in Cheſter Dioceſe, ſeveral Cha. pels were built originally for domeſtic Uſe, which be- ing afterwards uſed as parochial, never became conſe crated, as it is traditionally reported. D. Buckroſe, (E. R.) in the Archdeaconry of East Riding, This Deanry was ſurveyed by Sir John Conſtable, Knight, Sir William Conſtable, Knight, Sir Ralph Ellerker, Knight, and Robert Crake, Commiſlioners. The Monaſtery of Kirkham, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo; ralities, the clear annual Sum of 2691. 55. gd. Vide Orig. Sury, for Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Kirg's Books. Yearly Tenthose Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c 1. s, d. li S. d 4 0 1 2 6 3 4 Kirkby Hundleſdale, alias Underdale, R. (All Saints.) Penſ. 160 0 Monaſt. Beatæ Mariæ Ebor. 165. 8d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6. Prox. 7s. 64. Prepof. Beverley pro Avenis 11. 6. 8d. Val, in manſ, ibidem cum cert. terr. gleb. per ann. 165. 8d. decim. garb. &c. The KING. 17 4 7 Langton R. (St. Andrew.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 1 14 52 130 75. 6d. Abb. Ebor. 25. Præpoſ. Beverley pro Thraves 25. Val. in ſpiritual. cum terr. gleb. &c. The KING. 14 7 81 Scorpinbeck, alias Skirpenbeck, R. Abb. Whitby 135. 4d. I 8 9 150 Archiepiſc. pro Syn.55. Prox. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Præpoſ. Beverley O O 0 I YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK, 1113 King's Books 42 12 Yearly Tenths. bo b. d. Beverley pro Thraves 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum 4 bovat. terr. in campo de Scorpinbeck 1l. 6s. 8d. & 2 bovat. terr. in campo de Thora)dby 135. 4d. decim. garb. &c. The KING. 21 II 10] Serangham, alias Scrangham, R. (St. Peter.) Val. in manſ. 2 3 21 150 00 & oct. bovat. terr. eidem pertin. il. 125. un. toft. 2 croft. & un. al. toft. & croft. apud Lepington cum 3 Le Flatts 95. decim. &c. Penf, Abb. Ebor. 21. 6s. 8d. Penf. Col. Be- verlac. 6s. 8d. Syn. 55. Prox. 75. 6d. The KING. 6 Settrington R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 95. Prox. 4 5 3 75. 6d. Præpof. Beverley pro le Thraves 55. 44. Val. in. manſ. ibid. cum cert: bovat. terr. arabil. & diverſ. clauſ. prat. & paftur. eid. pertin. per ann. 51. 75. 2d. decim. &c. Counteſs of Bridgwater, 1699, 1710. Duke of Bridgwa- ter, 1775: 12 0 o o o Thorpbaſſet R. (All Saints.) Earl of Carliſle, 1706, 1722. I 4 O Sarah Thompſon, alias Dawes, Widow, 1766, 1771. 96 01 * Weverthorpe V. (All Saints.) Epifc. pro Syn. 55. Val. o 18 o 18 7 in manſ. ibid. cum 2 bovat. terr. eid. pertin. per ann. 85. decim. lan. agn. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. 6 8 Weſt Hellerton R. (St. Andrew.) Penſ. Eccleſ. Wyverthorp 2 2 8 55. Syn. and Prox. 135. 6d. Val. in temporal. & fpiritual. &c. The KING. 5 4 2 Yeddingham V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. 0 10 5 Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. ibid. cum trib. bovat. terr. el. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Yeddingham, or Bridling- ton, Propr. John Barnard and Chriſtopher Wilſon, 1701. William Barton, 1717. Thomas Earl of Malton, 1740. . Marquiſs of Rockingham, 1767. 21 360 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Cicar Yearly Valke. King's Books. 24 13 0 * Acklam V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. in diverſ. minut. decim. 5 o o unacum oblat. & al. profic. proven, com. annis 5l. Chancel- lor of York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 19 O O * Bugthorpe V. (St. Andrew.) Val. in fpiritual. cum terr. 20 Oo gleb. &c. Prebendary thereof, in York. Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 46 12 2 Burythorp Ro (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn, 2s.6d. Prox. 6 16 3 7. 6d. Prị. Beverley pro Avenis 2s. Mon. Kirkham 135. 4d. Val. in manſ. ibid. cum cert. acr. terr. gleb. per annum 55. decim. garb. &c. The KING. Coldham, бә o o 7C I114 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. s. d. O O Uxor. 1722 17 10 O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. l. 30 O Coldham, alias Cowlam, R. Syn, and Prox. 75. 6d. Præpof. II II 3 Beverley pro Thraves Is. 4d. Val. in ſpiritual. cum terr. gleb. &c. Henry Bernard, Eſq. 1720, Charles Bernard, 1735. Bernard Foord, Eſq. 1776. 32 * Frydaythorpe V. Val. in manſ. ibid. cum 4 bovat. terr. gleb. 4 13 4 per annum 135. 4d. Decim. foen. lan. agn. &c. Preben- d'ary of Wentwang, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 30 15 0 * Helperthorpe V. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6d. A 4 19 7 Peculiar. Val. in decim. lan. agr. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. 31 66 Kirkby Grindalyth, alias Kirkby Grindal, V. (St. Andrew.) 8 9 7 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 6s. 6d. Val. in mef. & 4 bovat. terr. il. decim. minut. &c. Pri. Kirkham, Propr. Towry, 1674. Sir Richard Osbaldeſton & Cath. Catherine Osbaldeſton, 1730. Elizabeth Mary Agnes Lillingſton, Spinſter, 1781. 36. 17 6 * North Grimſton V. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in meſ. & 5 bovat. 6 6.8 terr. gleb. 2l. 6s. 8d. in ſpiritual. &c. Prebendary of Lang- toft, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. o Rillington, alias Rollington, V. (St. Andrew.) Archiepiſc. 8 14 g) 30 0 pro Syn. 45.. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. ibid. cum 2 bovat. terr. per annum 145. oblat. decim. &c. The KING. Abb. Byland, Propr. 18 3 Sherburn, alias Sherborn, alias Sherborne, V. (St. Hilda.) 6 0 21 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in decim. garb. fen. diverſ. minut. decim. &c. Pri. Gisburne, or Gisburgh, Propr. Sir William Strickland, Bart. 1708. Sir George Strickland, 1737, 1744. 8 15 0 Sledmere V. or Cur. (St. Mary.) Mon. Kirkham, Propr. Mr. Roper and Mr. Strang ways, 1720. Rev. Mark Sykes, D. D. 38 2 6 Weſtow V. (St. Mary.) Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. 4 18 4 in manſ. ibidem cum 2 bovat. terr. eidem pertin. 85. decim. fæn. &c. Pri. Kirkham, Propr. Archbiſhop of York, Patr. 32 9 O * Wetwang V. (St. Michael.) Val. in manſ. ibid. cum terr. 9 7 83 gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. annual. ſtipend. rec. de rector. in pecun. zl. 135. 4d. profic. rec. de vill. Fymbre 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Pre- bendary thereof, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 13 9 * Wareham V. in Le Street. (St. Mary.) Val. in decim. fæn. 6 0 0 lan. agn. &c. Preb.. Bramham, Propr. Sir Charles Buck, Bart. 31 0 0 Wareham Perſey V. Val. in manf. ibid. cum 2 bovat. terr. 11 13 4 eid. pertin. 6s. 8d. ſtipend. rec.. de Prior. de Hawtemprice 2 in YORKSH 1115 DIOCESE OF YORK. King's Books, l. s do Clear Yearly Values d. in pecun. IIl. 6s. 8d. Pri. Hawtemprice, Propr. ibidem. Lady Buck, 1731. Sir Chai Buck, Bart. 1751, 1752, 1774• CHAPELS, OR CURACIES. Birdfall C. (St. Mary.) · 151. certified Value. Eaſt Hellerton, Chapel to Weſt Hellerton. Finmere, alias Femere, Chapel to Wetwang. Kirkham Cur. (Holy Trinity.). Priory of Kirkham, Propr. Knapton, Chapel to Wintringham. 61. certified Value. Leppington, Chapel to Scrangham R. Lutton, Chapel to Weverthorpe. Norton Cur. Pri. Malton, Propr. Thomas Ewbank, Gent. 91. 45. id. certified Value. Scampſton, Chapel to Rillington. Wintringham Cur. (St. Peter.) Pri. Malton, Propr. Sir George Strickland, Bart. 171. 6s. 8d. certified Value. D. Bulmer, (N. and E. R.) in the Archdeaconry of CLEAVE LAND. This Deanry was ſurveyed by Roger Laſſells, Eſq. Marmaduke Wyvell, Eſq. Robert Mennell, and James Fox, Commiſ- fioners. The Priory of Newburgh, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo. ralities, the clear annual Sum of 3671. 135. 3d. The Abby of Beland was likewiſe returned at 2386 95. 4d. The Priory of Marton was likewiſe returned at the clear annual Sum of 1511. 55. 4d. The Priory of Thykhed was likewiſe returned at the clear an- nual Sum of 201. 18s. iod. The Preceptory of St. John's Hill was likewiſe returned at the clear annual Sum of 1021. 135. rod. 1 7 C2 The j116 YORKSH. DIOCE-SE OP Y OR K. The Priory of Molsbye was likewiſe returned at the clear an. nual Sum of 261. 25. rod. For Particulars of the above Priories, &ę, vide Orig. Sury. 2. S. I 4 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 1. d. 9 8 111 Barnsby, alias Bransby, R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 0 18 10 11s. 6d. Manf. cum gleb. & 22 cotag. per ann. 31. 6s. &c. Hen. Beane, 1682. Leonard Thompſon, 1733• Thomas Lumley, p. h.y. 1765. 12 00 Boffall V. (St. Botolph.) Val. in manf. cum orto per ann. 105. 2 meff. cum 10 bovat. terr. per ann. 3l. deeim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Colleg. Dunelm. in Oxon. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 11 OO Bulmer R. (St. Martin.) Syn. and Prox. Efs. 6d. Val. in I 20 manf. & quinque bovat. terr. per ann. 1l. 1os. decim. &c. Talbot Aſhborne, Gent. 1693. Thomas Leybourne, Clerk, 1718. Marquis of Rockingham, 1776. oo Crayke, alias Craik, R. * (St. Cuthbert,) in Alvertonſhire. Of exempt Juriſdiction. Val . in manſ. cum gleba per ann. I 25. &c. Biſhop of Durham. 19 0 Donnington, alias Dunnington, R. (St. Nicholas.). Firma 1 18 Regi 8s. Syn. and Prox. 75. 10d. Val. in marif. fine gleba per ann. 35. 4d. &c. Earl of Bridgewater, 1681. Coun- teſs of Bridgewater, 1712. Duke of Bridgewater, 1754, 1776. 23 3 9 Eſcrick R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. Archiepifc. & Archi- 2 6 41 diac. 125. 6d. Abbati Beatæ Mariæ 6d. Val. in manſ. & duab. bovat. terr. duob. ten. & un. parva clauſ. voc. Preiſt's Croft per annum il. deçim. &c. Sir Henry Thomp- ſon, 1682. Bielby Thompſon, Eſq. 1715, 1752. 10 O O Felifkirk V. (St. Felix,) cum Boltby Capella. (Holy Trinity.) 100 Syn. and Prox. 115. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. eid. annex. per ann. 21. decim. lan. agn. vitul. &c. Præceptor. Mon. Sti Johannis, Propr. Archbiſhop of York, Patr. O O * Crayke, alias Craik, R.-This Living is in the Biſhopric and County of Durham, and therefore the Incumbents thereof do always receive their Collation from the Biſhop of Durham, the Archbiſhops of York having no Juriſdiction here; it is reckoned a Living within the Archdeaconry, and Peculiar Juriſdiction of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, Fofton YORKSHI 1117 DIOCESE OF YOR K. S. 1 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. le d. 14 O O Foſton R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 125. 6d. Val. in I 8 0 160 O O manf. & quatuor bovat. terr. per ann. 125. decim. &c. The KING. 8 0 0 Holtby R. (Holy Trinity,) in Howdenſhire. Penſ. Mon. Sti 0 16 Cuthbert, viz. pro Syn. and Prox. Il. 55. Of exempt Juriſ- diction. Val. in manf. cum duab. bovat. terr. voc. glebeland 10$. &c. Samuel Howlet, Gent. 1684. Thomas Thomp- fon, Gent. 1716. Elizabeth Thompſon, 1753. Thomas Nelſon, Clerk, 1774. 57 10 10 Kelvington, alias Belvington, alias South Kilvington, R. (St. 115 Wilfrid.) Syn. and Prox. 115. 6d. Val. in manf. cum qua- tuor bovat. terr. un. cotag. in Upſal, un cộtag. in Thorn- barght, & quatuor corag. in Kilvington, per ann. 21. 145. &c. Sidney College, Cambridge. 8 2 1 Kirkby Knowle R. Syn. and Prox. 115. 6d. Val. in manſ. 0 16 2 1 cum gleb. eid. annex. Il. decim. &c. Thomas Frankland, Eſq. 1673. Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart. 1737, 1739. 17 0 21 Seaſy R. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn. and Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in I 14 01 manſ. cum gleb. & 4 cotag. per ann. 11. 165. decim. &c. Lord Viſcount Downe, 1697, 1777. 17 3 4 Sutton Galtres, alias Sutton in the Foreſt, V. (All Saints.) 1 14 4 Val. in manſ. cum omn. profic. decimal. eid. pertin. dimiff. ad firm. Pri. Marton, Propr. The Archbiſhop of York. 23 18 61 Terington R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 135. 6d. Val. in 7 10 manf. cum gleb. fingulis annis 17. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. - Micklethwait, this Turn, 1681. William Barnes, Eſq. h. v, 1721. Leonard Thompſon, Efq. 1734. William Dawſon, Eſq. and others, 1765. 19 192 * Topcliffe V. (St. Columb.) Archidiac. 75. 6d. Val. in 1 19 11 manf. fine gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. oblat. minut. & privat. de- cim. &c. Abb. de Fontibus, olim Propr. Dean and Chap- ter of York, Propr. and Patr. 25 17 31 Wheldrake, alias Weldrake, R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. 2 II 8 9s. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. eid. annex. per ann. il. &c. Archbiſhop of York. 14 13 4 * Wigrington, alias Wiggington, R. Penf. Eccleſ. Ebor. 1 9 4 140 55. Val. in manſ. & un. bovat. terr. per ann. Ios. &c. The KING. 2 o LIVINGS 1118 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF Y O R K. 33 16 8 O O 29 12 ailed LIVINGS DISCHARGED, Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1. d. 1. d. * Alne V. (St. Mary.). Val. in un. columbar. 6s. 8d. decim. 10 quadrageſimal. cum oblat. &c. Ecclef. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Earl Falconberg 25 Brafferton V. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in 915 6 40 manf. cum ort. & pomar. per ann. 35. penſ. annual. rec. de Prior. de Newburgh 1ol. The KING, by Exchange with the Archbiſhop for Biſhopthorpe V. by an Act of Parliament, 1729. Pri. Newburgh, Propr. 42 19 3 Crambe, alias Crambon, alias Crawm, V. (St. Michael.) Syn. 9 1 8 and Prox. 16s. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. annex. per ann. 135.4d. gran. decimal. il. tos. decim. lin. canab. &c. Pri. Kirkham, Propr. The Archbiſhop of York, Patr. 6 Dalby R. (St. Mary.) - Syn. and Prox. gs. 6d. Val. in manſ. 5 5 Io cum gleba ſingulis annis ios, decim. &c. Thomas Lum- ley, Gent. 1692. Thomas Lumley, Clerk, 1765. 27 9 2 EASINGWOLD V. (All Saints.). Penf. Archidiac. Richmond 51. 12 II Archidiac. Cleaveland 75. 6d. Val. in manf. fine gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. vitul. pull. lin. canab. &c. Archidiaconus Richmond, olim Propr. Biſhop of Chelter, Impr. and Patr. 45 o Elvington R. (Holy Trinity.). Syn. and Prox. 85. 6d. Val. 517 31 in manſ. cum duab. bovat. terr. & duab. acr. prati per ann. ih 25. decim. &c. The KING. 7 15 * Gatehelmelley, alias Gatehemylſaye, V. (St. Mary.)Val. Val. 200 in decim. minut. privat. & al. oblat. & profic. ut in lib. qua- drageſimal. ſingulis ann. 21. Prebendary of Osbaldwick, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 28 Hemingbrough V. (St. Mary.). Of exempt Juriſdiction. The 50 KING. Colleg. de Hemingbrough, Propr. 2 Huntington V. (All Saints.) Val. in manſ. cum 2 bovat. terr. 5 gleb. per ann. il. decim. agn. lin. canab. cum al. fruct. &c. Eccleſia Cath. Ebor. Propr. --Vicars Choral of York, Patr. The KING, 1770. 29 12 6 Myton upon Swale V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Stæ Mar. Ebor. 6 olim Propr. Archbiſhop of York, Propr. and Patr. * Osbaldwicke V. (St. Thomas.) Val. in decim. fæn. lan. agn. 4 lin. canab. &c. Ecclef. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Prebendary thereof, Impr. Preb. of Strenſall, Patr. 19 5 Over Helmſly, alias Hemylſey, R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 4 19 75. Sd. Val. in manf. cum tofto & crofto per ann. 55. &c. The KING Overton ОО 60 O O o O O O 14 10 0 o 13 10 O 2 60 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. 1119 S. l. S. d. 35 O o 1 60 O O . c 27 18 9 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 28 2 0 Overton V. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn. and Prox. 125. 6d. Val. in 4 8 11 Ebor. Propr. John Bourchier, Eſq. 1733, 1750. Peter Johnſon, and Henry Thompſon, Eſq. 1782,0 * Ricall V. (St. Mary.) Val. in manſ. cum orto & pomar. per 6 6 o oo ann. 25. 4d. decim. minut. &c. Eccleſ. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Prebendary thereof, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. Sherif Hutton V. (St. Helen.) Val. in penſ. rec. de Prior. de 10 O o Marton fingulis annis rol. Pri. Marton, Propr. Archbiſhop of York 33 8 4 * Skelton R. (All Saints.) Redd. Ecclef. Ebor. Is. 8d. Val. Val. 5 O o in manſ. cum quatuor acr. terr, arabil. per ann. 45. decim. &c. Sir Hen. Frankland, Knight, 1719 Hep- worth, Eſq. 1784. 40 3 Skipwith V. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. 6s. Penf. Capella- 10 11 3 no il. 135. 4d. In Jur. Hoveden. Val. in firm. terr. & prat. in Duffield per ann. Il. 115. decim. fæn. lan. agn. vitul. Iac. canab. lin. &c. The KING. Pri. Dunelm. olim Propr. 7 well Houſe. Syn. and Prox. 55. 9d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. annex. 109. decim. &c. Roger Talbot, Eſq. p. i. 1762. 27 18 9 South Ottrington 2d Part R. (St. Andrew,) voc. Weatherel 7 14 41 Houſe. Syn. and Prox. 55. 9d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. an. nex, 105. &c. Roger Talbot, Eſq. and Mr. Pullen, alter- nately. 33 12 6 Stillingfleete V. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. 125. 6d. Val. 9 7 6 in manſ. cum dimid. bovat. terr. per ann. 85. decim. gal. porc. anc. agn. pomor. &c. Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Horsfair, Propr. Dean and Chapter of York, Patr: 30 0 0 Stillington V. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. and P108. 55. Val. in 4.15 5 manſ. cum terr. dominic. eid. annex. per ann. 45. lib. firm. ibid. annuat. il. 'dec. fæn. lan, agn. &c. Eccl. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Prebendary thereof, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 37 0 0 * Strenfall V. (St. Mary.) Val. in manſ. cum 2 bovat. terr. 4 13 4 gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. lin. canab. &c. Eccleſ. Ebor. Propr. Prebendary thereof, in York Cathe- dral, Propr. and Patr. 26 15 8 Thirkleby V. (All Saints.). Syn. and Prox. 55. 4d. Val. in 6 o o manf. cum du. bovat. terr. & un. cotag. per ann. 18s. 4d. de- cim. fæn. lan, agn. vitul. &c. Pri. Newburgh, Propr. Archbiſhop of York. Thormanby + 2 1126 YORKS DIOCESE OF YORK. l. S. d. 2 II 34 12 pangbey, chapel toy Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 49 2 3 Thormanby, R. (St. Mary.)- Penſ. Pri. Molibye 135. 4d. Syn. 8 and Prox 8s. 10d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. annex. 10s. &c. Elizabeth Robinfon, Widow, 1705. Hon. John - Dawnay, 1735. Sir George Cayley, Bart. 1772. 8 14 0 * Wharthill V. (St. Mary.) Val. in gran. decimal. viz. ordei 3 1 8 & filig. cum decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Ecclef. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Sir Archibald Acheſon, Bart. 1774. Prebendary thereof, in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 4. Whenby V. (St. Martin.) Syr. and Prox. 85. 6d. Val in 4 8 4 manf. cum 2 bovat. terr. gleb. 1os. penf. rec. Prior. de Molfbý fingulis annis 2l. 135. 4.d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Molſby, Propr. Thomas Algood, 1684. Richard Grantham, Eſq. and others, 1720. William Garforth; Eſq. 1724, 1739. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Ios. certified Value. Birdforth, Chapel to Thirkleby. Archbiſhop of York, 61. 65. 2 d. certified Value. Carlton Mincot, Chapel to Thirſk. 41. 125. certified Value. Coxwold C. (St. Michael.) Earl Falconberg. Diſhforth, Chapel to Topcliffe. 61. certified Value. Farlington, (St. Leonard,) Chapel to Sheriff Hutton. Arch- biſhop of York. 271. 16s. Id. certified Value. * Heflington C. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Preb. of Ampleford, in York Cathedral, Patr, and Propr. 6l. certified Value. Hinderſkelfe Capella, in Bulmer Pariſh, moſt elegantly built by the Earl of Carliſle. * Huſtwhait C. Preb. of Huſtwhait, in York Cathedral, Propr. Lord Falconberg, 1761. 251. certified Value. Huttons Ambæ ſuper Derwent C. (St. Margaret,) Archbiſhop of York, Patr. Pri. Newburgh, Propr. 13h certified Va- lue. Kilburn. (St. Mary.) Pri. Newburgh, Propr. Archbiſhop of York, Patr. 201. certified Value. Marton in Galtres C. Abbey of York, Propr. Archbiſhop *, Patr. 15! 10s. . Marton in the Moor, Chapel to Topcliffe. 61. 45. certified Value. Newton upon Quze C. Hoſp. of St. Leonard's, York, Propr. Mr. Bourchier, Parr. 431. 6s, certified Value. of York 5 Over YORKSIT. DIOCESE OF YORK. fizi Stude D. Cleaveland, (N. R.). Over Silton, Chapel to Kilburne, or Cowsby. Earl Falcon. berg, Patr. 121. certified Value. Raskelf, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Eatingwold. 81. certified Va. lue. Sand Hutton, (St. Mary) Chapel to Thirsk, 38. ros. 2d. certified Value. Sowerby, Chapel to Thirsk. Archbiſhop of York. 141. cer- tified Value, Stockton Ç. Preb. Bugthorp, in York Cathedral, Patr. and Propr. gl. 18s. 6d, certified Value. Thirsk Nova C. (St. Mary.) Vál. in meſuag. cum pertin. ja- cen. in paroch. de Bagby per ann. 1l. 65. 8d. redd. & firm, diverf. cotag. in Thirsk il. 195. 8d. &c. Pri. Newburgh, Propr. Archbiſhop of York, Patr. 401. certified Value. In this Pariſh is the Borough Town of Old Tbirsk, where was a Chapel of St. James, but it is demoliſhed. Thorganby C. (St. Elen.) Anne Baldwin. CLE A VELA N D. This Deanry was ſurveyed by Sir James Strangways, Knight, Robert Bowes, Eſq. and William Rokeby, Commiſſioners. . The Monaſtery of Gisburn, in this Deadry, was returned by the Commiflioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spiri- tualites, the clear annual Sum of 6287. 35. 4d. The Monaſtery of Whitby was likewiſe returned at 4371. 25. 9d. The Monaſtery of Mount Grace was likewiſe returned at 3231 . 25. rod. The Hoſpital of St. James near Northallerton was likewiſe re- turned at 561. 25. 2d. The Priory of Arden was likewiſe returned at 121. 6d. The Priory of Gromont was likewiſe returned at 121. 25. 8d. The Priory of Baſdale was likewiſe returned at 201. 15. 4d. The Priory of Handall , or Grindall, was likewiſe returned at 131. 195. For Particulars of the above Monafteries, &c. vide Orig. Sury, N. B. The Livings where the Croſs is o are in the Biſhop of Durham's Peculiar Juriſdiction, and theſe where the double Croſs is belong to the Dean and Chapter of Durham. 7 D LIVINGS 4122 DIOCESE 0 YORK YORKSH. 11330 1. si d. s, . I 2 180 O O Prox. I 10 o & Sir Jarps 65. 84. Archidia? 4 18 9 Maria Terr. gleb. ad, v V LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. ditet King's Book:. no Yearly Tentis, Recories, &'c. with theit Patrons; Proprietors, &c. 10 11 101 Cráthorne R. (All Saints.) Priori Gisburn 6s. 8d. Archii diac. pro Syn: 4 Prox. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. il. Cockayne, Efq. 1715. Charles Lord Viſc. Cullen, 1768, 1.7816 14 8 67 Elington, aliás: Ellington, R. (Aų Saints:) Priori Gisburn riori Gisburn i 8 101 it. Archidiac. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 7s. 6d. Val. in ſcit. manf. cum un. bovat. terr. gleb, per ann. 128. &c. The KING. 15 o Hinderwell R. (St. Hilda.) Archidiac, pro Syn. 45. Po 75. 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il . decim. &c. Archbiſhop of York, by Lapſe, 1714. The KING, by Promotion, 1747. Boynton Langley, Eſq. 1763. The Archbiſhop of York, by Lapſe, 1781. 6? 2 10% Prox. Val. in decim. garb. &c. Archbiſhop of York. 16 o out Leeke V. (St. Mary,) in Alvertonſhire *. Of exempt Ju- riſdiction. Val. in manſ. cum trib. bovat. terr. gleb. in Villa de Newton per ann. 185. liber. redd. 1/ 6s. 8d. decim. fæn, agn. lan, &c. Biſhop of Durham, Propr. and Parr. o] Lofthouſe R. (St. Leonard.): Archidiac. pro Syn, and Prox. 11 130 , The KINGRO V. (St. Cuthbert.) Archidiac. c. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 0 9 101 Val: in ſcit, manf. cum pertin. per ann. cim. lan, agn. &c. Mon. Gisburn, Propr. Archbiſhop of York. NORTH. ALLERRON, alias North. ALVERTON, V. (All 'i 15 Saints,) in Alvertonſhire. Of Exempt Juriſdiction. Priori Dunelm. 201. Val, in manſ. cum gleb. ibidein per ann. 8l. decim. . faen. agn. l'an. &c. Colleg. de Dunelm. in Oxford, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham, Patr, 6 18 61 Ormesby V. (St. Cuthbert.) Archidiac. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 0 13 10) 7s.61. Val. in feit. manf. cum tērr. gleb. per ann. 10s. der . I I2 O 10 il I 1 O 6s. 8d. der O 17 10 I carab, vit. non * N. B. All the Livings in Allerton ſhire are ſubordinate under the Archbiſhop of York) to the Church of Durham, and exempt from this Archdeacon's Viſtation. cim. YORKSH. 1123 DIOCESE OF YOR K. King's Books d. 13 - 2 Yearly Tenthase d. cim. agn. lan pitul. &c. Pri. Gisburn, Propr. Archbi- ſhop of York,!! žo 0 o Rydby, alias Hutton Rudby, V: All Saints.) Here was a 3 0 0 Rectory charged at 30in the King's, Books, but, being given to Chritt Church College, it is exonerated. Val. in denar. rec. de rector. de Ruciby per comp, 301, Collegium Regium, voc: Chriſt Church, Oxon. Propr. Lady Fran- ces Ingram, 1679. . Arthur Ingram, Efq. 1700. John Lumley, Gent. 1735;v George Cary, Eſq. 1774, 1780. 12. 13 4 Siggefton, alias Sigfton, R. (St. Laurence,) in Alverton 15 4 . Priori Dunelm. . Val, in fcit. manf. & cert. paf- tur. pro gleba ibidem per ann, 11. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Serjeant Turner, Eſg. 1675. John Turner, Eſq. 1708, 1729. Tho- mas Dade, Clerk, p. h. V 1751, 6 Sneton, alias Smeton, R. Abb. Whitby ros. Archidiac. pro Syn, and Prox, 75, 6d. Terr. glęb. ad valor. 16s. 8 d. &c. The KING. 5 14 Stainton V, (St. Peter.) Archidiac. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 5 6d. Val. in fcit. manſ. cum terr. gleb, ibidem per ann. 11 . 6s. 8d. decim, Jan. agn. &c. Mon. Gisburn, Propr. Arch- biſhop of York. 30 6 101 STOKESLEY, alias STOAKESLEY, R. (St. Peter.) Archidiac. 3 O 88 pro Syn. gs. Prox. 75.6d. Val. in ſcit. manf. cum terr. . ejuſdem per ann. il. 1os. &c. The Archbiſhop of York. 7 Welbury R. (St. Leonard.) Priori Gisburn 11. 6s. 8d. Syn. 0 14 3] and Prox. gs. 6d. Val. in ſcit. manſ. cum una bovat. terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. 195. &c. The KING. 6 o | Weſt Roughton, alias Weſt Rouncton, alias Weft Wrong- ton, R. (St. James,), in Alvertonſhire. Of. exempt Juriſ , diction. Val. in ſcit, manf. cum quatuor bovat, terr. gleb. ibidem per app. il. 6s. 8d. &c. The KING. I 6 3 140 O 4 Prox. 7s; 2 O II 2 11 I10 O O 12 100 37 10 31 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valvė. King's Books o of Birkby, alias Bretteby, R. (St. Peter.) In Alverton dhire. Of 6 13 4 exempt Juriſdiction. Val. in manf. cum duab. bovat. terr. gleb. per ann. il, decim. &c. Biſhop of Durham. oli Cowsby, alias Cousby, R. in Alvertonſhire. Of exempt Ju- Silo riſdiction. Val. in manſ. cum una bovat. terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. Jos. decim, garb. &c. Lord Crew, :1716. Sir Rowland Alſton, Bart. 1733, 1757. 45 19 7. Hawnby R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 7.5 7.1861 6d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. Il. 6s. 8d. &c. Roger Shackleton, 7 D 2 Elg. s 11 1124 D HOC ES E 075YO R K. YORKSH. 2 d. D.D. 1745 Se She Restor preſents to this Vicarage. Thomas Hayter, Value 35 Clear Yearly Valerie de avid (2 9 satys H asia flor A King's Books, peEfq. 1689. William Berkley, 1703, John Lowther, Eſq. 1732. Jane Lowther, 1749. Lord Frederick Cavendish to and Lord John Cavendiſh, 1775. 4 Kildale R. (St. Cuthbert.) Archidiae pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 10 3 4 foodi Val. in ſcit. manf. cum quatuor bovat, terr. Gleb. 1). 45. &c. Charles Turner, Eſq. 1719. Margaret Turner, Wi- dow, 1737, Sir Charles Turner, Ba Bart. 27.0 Kirkby v. cum Broughton. (St. Auſtin.) Val, in minut. dec. 5 6 8 Dolina 20 13 4 Kirklętham V. ($t. Cuthbert:) Val. in fcit, vicar. cum denar . 13 6 annuat, rec. de magiſtro coll. 135. 65. 8d. Colleg. de Stain- sno drop in Dunelm, Propr. Serjeant Turner, 1675, Cholm- ley. Turner, Eſq. 1723. Sir Charles Turner, Bart. 44 Ó Ó Lyrh“v. (Sta Oſwald.) Pri. Sai Oſwaldi ex Rectoria 247. Ar to iz 12 chidiac. pro Syn. and Prox. ex Rectoria 16sr Pri. Sti Oſwal. » adi, olim Propr., Archbiſhop of York. Here was a Rectory charged at 341. 45. 2d. but lance 1554 or appropriated to the See of York. 25 15 o Marsk V. (St. German.) . Arehidiac. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 10 11 103 pudelid Vats in ſcit, mapſ, cum terr. gleb. ibidem per ann. 1), 6s. 8d. decim. ågn. lan, vitul. &c. Prior. Gisburn, Propr. - od Anthony Łowther, Eſq. 1685, Sir Thomas Lowther, Bart. 1717. Sir William Lowther, Bart. 1749. 35-15 g *North Otrrington Y. ($t, Michaels) in Alvertonſhire. Of 4 exempt Juriſdiction. Val. in decim. agn. lan. virul. &c. -19 Hofp. North Allerton, Peopr. Chriſt Church College, Ox- 12 7 O afo Ofmotherley, alias Ofmonderley, V. (St. Peter,) in Alver- 8 10 o Sitonihire. Of exempt Juriſdiction. In decim. vitul. agn, &c. Portionar. five Preb. five Retoria de Ofmotherley, Propr. Bichop of Durbam. 18 18 4 Thornton in Lę Street V. (St. Leonard.). In Alvertonſhire. 4 4. Of exempt Jurifdictions Valet in decim. vitul, agn, lao. &c. Hofp. North Allerton, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Chrift Church, Oxførde die ich zaujo dotgaival de 9i2V dorting a 1110110 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES, 18 Co toplim 931090 (da je no19lbil4 Anabie, Chap. to Whitby, Archbiſhop of York. V bhi1139 Acklam, Chap. to Stainton. Archbithap of Yoskla 17t: gs. 48. certified but no os god 'gowo Appleton upon Wiske, Chap. to Saetop, Ayton, BA Church som on, Patr. CURACIES BOM I YORKSH. XD DOCES E 0 YO RIK. + 1125 to tion. w 22 1.pdón 6 . , . 71. 7s. 4d. certified By 5. certified Value. Bad , . Estad, certified Value: Ayton, alias Hayton, C. (All Saints.) Abb. Whitby, Propr.) Jane Turner, Widow, 1761. certified Value. 1 Broughton, Chap. to Kirkby. Deffrütta. I Carlton Cur. Abb. Whitby, Propr.Heirs of Mr. Priſick. Value. Ora Danby Cur.. Pri. Gisburn, Propr. in Lorr Viſcount Downe. Dighton R. in Alvertonlire. Gale. Of exëmpt Jurirdio- William Peirfe, Dolatore certified Value, & Eaſton, Chap. tò Ormsby. Archbiſhop of York.' 193. Tosi 4d. The certified Value. To o Hinem Sh 397 fauore Eaſt Hartlefey Cúr. Abb, Whitby, Proprac o Mr. Lawſon, 12h. ss. certified Value. 10 pe 15010 Egton, (St. Hilda,). Chap. to Lyth. Archbilhop of York. 211. certified Valuě. ě. 1119 20 bas niya orqosibiris Facebry, Chap. to Carlton: Heirs of Mr. Priſficko 1:91. 55. certified Value 01 SSIDIOTA ( .m.12) V Fylingdales, (St. Stephen,) Chap; to Whitby. Atehbiſhop of York. 21l. certified Value. i 2051 96 mbob, 13.10 Gisburgh, alias Gisborough, Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Pril Gisbo, rough, Propr. "Archbiſhop of York, Patr. 12 Glazedale, Chap. to Ayſton. Archbiſhop of York.'s ok 115 8d. certified Value. 1350 igm1989 Highworfell C. in the Pariſh of North Allerton, 1 17/658d. cer- 81.00 Hilton C. Jane Lowther, 1750. 51. gs. 4d. cerified Valdes Hutton, or Hunton Bonvile, (St. Laurence,) Chap. to Birk- by. William Peirſe, Efq. 10k certified Values to to Ingleby Arncliffe Cur. Pri. Gisburn, Propr. William: Coo- per, Eſq. 64 certified Value. 19912 I DHOOTOUT Ingleby Greenhow. C. Mon. 6. Mon. Whitby, Propr. Şir William Foulis, Bart. 134. 135. 4d. certified Value sinon.qIoH Kirk. Levington Cur. (St. Martin.) Archbiſhop of Yorkad 21k. 55. certified Value. Formerly a Cell to Whitby. Everald Huftier, 1760. 61. certified Vatūé. (421H Midleton C. (St. Cuthbert.). George Cary, Eſq. 41. gsp 8d. certified Valued to gonidporadridVi oj rsd siden Netbes Silton, Chap. to Leek, Newton, Chap. to Hurton Rudby. *62, 45. Certified Value, . 001922 of codegalai W noqo sio lyga Nugliorp Middlesborough C. bijis 1126 DIOGes e of YORK. YORKSH. . ale . - : * , Nunthorp C. (St. Mary.) Mr. Lowther. 10. 125. certified Value. Seamer, (St. Martin,) Chapel to Carlton. 77. 175. certified Skelton Cur: (All Saints,) with-Brotton Chap. Pri: Gisburn, Propr. Archbiſhop of York. 291. 35-4d. certified Value. Sleights in Eskdaleſide, Chap. to Whitby. Tabitha Bower. Thornaby, Chap. to Stainton. "Not in Charge. Uggle 165. 8d. Value. Weſterdale, Chap. to Stokeſley." WHITBY Cur. (St. Mary.). Olim'a Monaſtery in this Pariſh, Archbiſhop of York. Whorton, alias Whorlton, (Holy Croſs,) Chap. to Rudby. George Cary, Eſq. 131. 1os. certified Value. Wilton C. (St. Cuthbert.) Pri. Gisburn, Propr, Sir William Lowther, Bart. 191. gs. 6d. certified Value. YAR UM Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Olim Capella to Kirkle- vington. Pri. Gisburn, Propr. Archbiſhop of York, 38). 3546d. certified Value. to D. Craven, (W. R.) in the Archdeaconry of York, . alias WEST RIDING. The Priory of Bolton in Craven was returned by the Commiſſio- ners to be worth annually, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 2121. 35. 4d. The Monaſtery of Sawley was likewife returned at 1471. 35. 10d. S. d. 1. de LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. II 13 4 Bolton R. (St. Peter.) John: Tonge, Eſq. 1680. Ambro. 3 4 Pudſay, Efq. 1709. Bridget Pudſay and Chriſtopher Daw- ſon, Eſq. 1748. Chriſtopher Dawſon, Gent. I 1773 36 0 o Burnfall R. (St. Wilfrid.) Two Medieties, il, 16s. each. 4 John Alcock, Gent. 1709, to one Mediety, Sir William 3 Craven I 3 12 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. 1127 2 d. . I II 100 O O o 21 2 O 13 4 O o O. O I 1775. Oni King's Books Yearly. Tenths, l. d. Craven to the other. Mediety, 1690. Rebecca and Dorothy Heber, Spinfters, 1753. Lord Craven, 17774. DONE 12 13 inį Gargrave V. (St. Andrew.) Abby of Salley, Propr. Hen 5 44 ry Marſden, Eſq. 1673. Chriſtopher Dodgſon, ſen. 1717. Henry Marſden, Eſq. 1737: The Archbiſhop, 1762. c. Henry MarſdenEſq. 1778. 6 8 GISBOURN, alias GisBURN, V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Stainfield, I 2 8 Propr. The KING, 71 Kighley, alias Keighley, R. (St. Andrew.) Lord Burlington, 2. ,1679, 1747, 1753. Duke of Devonſhire. 6 13 4. Kiçkby in Malham Dale V.* Abby of Weſt Dereham in Norf. olim Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1775. 32 Linton R. (St. Michael.) Two Medieties Il. 125. each, The 3 4 300 KING. 14 14 41 Marton R. (St. Peter.) - Heber, Eſq. 1672, 1679. 9 54 Tþomas Weber, Eſq. 1728. Elizabeth Heber, Widow, , 10 18 111 Preſton, alias Long Preſton, V. (St. Mary.) Prior. Bolton, I 1 10% olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Skipton R. (Holy Trinity..) Dean and Chapter of Chriſto Church, Oxford. 28 Slajtbourne, alias Slaidburn, R. (St. Andrew.) Charles Marf- Charles Marſ-2 16.0 1630. Jahn Cowley, Gent. p. h. v. 1729Henry Marſden, Eſq. 1734. James Wigleſworth, Eſq. 1762,- 17.82. 4 od Slaitbourne Cur. (St. Peter.) Chap. to Slaitbourne R, (Ste' o 8 Andrew.) 19 5 21 Thornton R. (St. Mary.) Chriſtopher Liſter, Eſq. 1699. I 18 61 Sir Arthur Kay, Bart, 1708. Sir John Kaye, Bart. 1739. 1734. Richard Richardſon, Eſq. 1778. Mary Richard- fon, Widow, 1783. Sir John Lyfter Kayé, Bart. p. i.? 1784 TANTE 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. do Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 40 4 0 Addingham R. (St. Peter.)I Vavafour, Bart. 1679.9 7 81 Cambridge Univerſity, 1714, The KING, 1720, Sir John Ingilby, Bart. 1745. William Thompſon, Clerk, 1782. Arncliffe V. (St. Ofwald.). Univerſity College, Oxford, Propr. 13 6 8 and Patr. Diet 4 o IO 8 I 0 O O 39 12 2 * Kirkby in Malham Dale V.-Certified to the Governors at 301, Bingley 1128 YORKSHA DIOCESE OF YORK d. 42 16 I O o 0 O 2 Clear Yearly Values King's Books. 1. le Bingley V. (All Saints.) The KING. Pri. Drax, Propr. 76 8 80 8 Bracewell V. (St. Michael.) Abby of Kirkham, Propr. 2 9 91 Thomas Weddell , Eſq. 1717. Richard Weddell, Eſq. 1750, William Weddell, Eſq. 1780. 24 12 o Broughton V. (All Saints.) 'Prior. Bolton, olim Propr. The 5 16 oj Archbifhop of York, 1727, 1741. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. 1783. 30 4 0 Carleton V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Bolton, olim Propr. Dean and 5 Capons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 45 2 o Giggleſwicke V. (St. Alkald.) Cella de Fynkall in Durham, 21 3 4 Propr. William Winſhop, 1686. Richard Jackſon, 1720. Anthony Liſter, Gent, 1730, 1741. Mary Lifter, Widow, and others, 1756. The Archbiſhop, by Lapſe, 1782. 29 18 6 Ilkley V. (All Saints.) Pri. Hexham, Propr. Stephen Weelks, 713 9 Efq. 1703. Robert Weelks, Clerk, 1716. Florence Bowles, Widow, 1727. The Archbiſhop, by Lapſe, 1734. Florence Bowles, Widow, 1735, 1745. George Hartley, Eſq. 1778. 6 Kettlewell V. (St. Mary.) Abby of Coverham, Propr. Wile S liam Faucet, Gent. 1699. The KING, by Lapſe, 1740. Richard Tenant, Gent. 1760. 38 28 8 Kildwick V. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Bolton, olim Propr. Dean 10 8 11 and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Mitton V. (St. Michael.) Mon. Stæ Mar. Ebor. Propr. Sir 14 7 01 Nicholas Sherborne, 1696. John Anſtis, Eſq. 1719, 1726. Earl of Litchfield, and others, 1761, 1771. 39 12 10 Skipton V. (Holy Trinity:) Pri . Bolton, Propr. Dean and 10 12.6 Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 22 18 01 Waddington Cur. (St. Helen.) Chapel to Mitton. Edward 2 8 9 Parker, Eſq. SETTLE, a Market Town in this Deanry. 22 II Q. 43 00 CHAPELS, Donatives, OR CURACIES. Barnoldſwick C. (St. Mary.) Edmund Starkie, Eſq. 51.85. 4d. certified Value. Bolton, Chapel to Skipton, V. (St. Mary and St. Cuthbert.) Duke of Devonſhire. 321. 105. certified Value. Coniſton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Burnfall. Grindleton, Chapel to Mitton. 41. 35. certified Valne. Haltongill Cur. 121. 15. 2.d. certified Value . Horton C. 131. certified Value. Hub YORKSH. 1129 DIOCESE OF YOR K. Hubberholm, (St. Michael,) Chapel to Arncliff. 10l. 6s. certi- fied Value. Rilſton, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Burnſall. ** Silſden, (St. James,) Chap. to Kildwick. Earl of Thanet. 201. certified Value. Toffet, (St. Bartholomew,) Chap. to Giſbourne. 57. 185. cer- tified Value. Waddington, (St. Helen,) Chapel to Mitton. D. Dickering, (E. R.) in the Archdeaconry of East RIDING. ? This Deanry was ſurveyed by Sir John Conſtable, Knight. Sir William Conſtable, Kne. Sir Ralph Elleker, Kint. and Robert Crake, Commiſſioners. The Monaſtery of Bridlington, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 5471. 6s. Ildo For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. lo S. lis 20 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, learly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. d, 6 3 Burton Agnes V. (St. Martin.) Penf. Abb. Ebor. 1ol. 135.48. o 72 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 75. 6d. Prox. 85. Val. in exit, un. manſ. cum oct. bovat. terr. gleb. 51. 6s. 8d. un. cot. cum terr. in camp. de Herpham il. tert. part. garb. & foen. infra paroch. 131. decim. lan. &c. Abb. St. Mar. Ebor. Propr. The Archbiſhop, 1702. Sir John Thompſon, Knt. p. h. v. 1734. William St. Quintin, Eſq. 1760. Sir William St. Quintin, Bart. p. i. 1784. 15 0 0 Folkton R. (St. John Evangelift.) The KING, 1683, 1684. I 10 Earl of Carliſle, 1687. Lenox Smith, Widow; 1697. William Green and his wife, and others, 1718. John Stainton, Gent. 1727. Richard Oſbaldefton, 1748. Hum- phry Olbaldeſton, Eſq. 1778. 22 Oo Foxhole, alias Foxhalls, R. Abb. San&tæ Mariæ 41. Præpof. Beverley pro Thraves 10s. Pri. Bridlington 125. Syn. and Prox. 15s.6d. Dimiff. ad firm. William Gee, Eſq. 1712. Thomas Gee, Eſq. 1726. Timothy Foord, 1736, 1762. Bernard Foord, Eſq. 1778. Joſeph Sykes, Eſq. 1783. 7 E HUNMANBY 2 4 1130 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YOR K. s. 1. d. 0 2 20 2 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. . de I 8 HUNMANBY V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 85. Abb. Bardney 6s. 8d. Val. in exit. manſ. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. foen. Jan. agn. &c. Abb. Bardney, Propr. William Olbaldeſton, Eſq. 1696, 1715. Humphry Olbaldefton, Eſq. 1785, p. i. 18 16 51 Seamere V. (St. Martin.) Archidiac. pro Syn. 75. 6d. Prox. I 17 g 7s.6d. Diacono ibidem 21. Val. in exit. meſ. cum terr. gleb. in Seamere il. terr. & ten. in Caton. decim. garb. trigint. bovat. terr. in Hirton. decim. lan. agn. &c. Sir John Napier, Bart. 1694, 1707. Duke of Leeds, 1757, 1782. Abb. Whitby, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 50. 1 Twing, alias Thwing, R. Firſt Mediety. (All Saints.) Præ- 0 17 21 poſ. Beverley 25. 8d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4s. Prox. Iso gd. Val, in exit. manf. & 3 boyat. terr. 8s. 8d. &c. The KING. I Twing, alias Thwing, R. Second Mediety. (All Saints.) 0 17 23 Præpoſ. Beverley 25. 8d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 15. gd. Val. in exit. manſ. & 3 bovat. terr. gleb. 85. 8d, &c. The KING, 8 12 120 O O 8 12 120 10 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Near Yearly Value. King's Books. 26 8 6 Boynton V. (St. Andrew.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 7.14 2 75. 6d. Val. in exit. un. manſ. & un. columbar. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. & fæn. in camp. de Carthorp. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. Sir George Strickland, Bart. Patr. 6 8 Burton Fleming V. Val. in exit. un. manſion. per ann. 8s. 6 4 decim. lan. &c. Sir Richard Oſbaldeſton, Bart. 1721. Humphry Olbaldefton, Eſq. Abby of Bardney, Propr. 43 4 o Carnaby V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. 7 8 11 Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in exit. un. mef. & 2 bovat. terr. gleb. Ilo decim. garb. 10 bovat. terr. in camp. ibid. il. 105. decim. fon. &c. Sir Thomas Strickland, Bart. 1682. Sir William Strickland, Bart. 1703, 1728. Sir George Strickland, Bart. 1750, 1776. Pri . Bridlington, Propr. 2 13 4 Ergham R. (St. John Baptift.) Val. in exit. omn. profic. &c. 4 O o The KING, 1716. The Archbiſhop, 1731. John Grimſton, Eſq. 1764 29 4 o Folkton V. (St. John Evangeliſt.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. 8 11 10% Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in decim. lan. agn. &c. The KING, 1683, 1684. Earl of Carliſle, 1687. Lenox Smith, Widow, 1697. William Green and others, 1717. John Stainton, Richard Olbaldefton, D. D. 1748. Hum- phry Obald eſton, Eſq. 1778. 3 Foſton Gent. 1727 YORKSH. It3t DIOCESE OF YORK. 1. S. 1. S. d, O 45. Prox. O O 25 od Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, d. 18 o O Foſton on the Wolds V. (St. Andrew.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 15 8 63 50 75. 6d. Val. in annual. ſtipend. rec. de Prior. Dom. Cart. juxta Hull. The KING. Prior. Bridlington, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 49. Charter Houſe at Hull, Propr. 27 10 0 Galmpton, alias Ganton, V. (St. Nicholas.) Archiepiſc. pro 5 2 6 Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Pri. Bridlington 45. Val. in exit. manf. ibidem 25. ter. part. decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Sir John Legard, Bart. 1708. Sir Digby Legard, Bart. 1747. Prior. Bridlington, Propr. 12 18 0 Garton V. (St. Michael.) Archidiac. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 5 6 8 30 0 6d. Val. in manſ. & 2 bovat. terr. gleb. 1os. decim. foen. quadrageſimal. &c. The KING. Pri . Kirkham, Propr. * KELLOND, alias Kilham, V. (All Saints.) Valet in exit. 6 13 4 un meſ. & 5 bovat. terr. Il. 175. diverf. cot. &c. Dean of York, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 50. Dean of York, Patr. 31 9 8 * Langtoft V. (St. Peter.) Val. in temporal. viz. 6 bovat. terr. 8 0 0 eidem pertin. per ann. il. in decim. oblat. &c. Prebendary thereof in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 30 3 0 Muſton V. (All Saints.) Val. in exit. manf. cum tofto & 4 acr. 6 10 0 terr. gleb. ter, part. garb. ter. part. fæn. ter. part. agn. tot. lan. &c. Pri. Thorneton, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 50. William Osbaldeſton, Eſq. 1687. Humphrey Osbaldefton, Eſq. 18 6 8 Nafferton V. (All Saints.) Abb. Mella 35. 4d. Val. in exit. 13 15 4 un. meſſ. & un. bovat. terr. per ann. 125. annual, penf. rec. Abl. de Malſa 131. 6s. Sd. Abb. Melſa, Propr. Archbi- ſhop of York. 27 O O Righton V. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6d. Val. in exit. un. manſ. 9 10 cum 2 bovat. terr. gleb. 85. deciin. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Thornton, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 50. Ed- ward Hutchinſon, Eſq. 1690, 1720. Mathew Smith, Eſq. 1747, 1768. 39 10 0 Rudſton, alias Roodſtone, V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro 9 13 63 Syn. 45. Prox. 75.6d. Val. in exit. 7 bovat. terr, gleb. 11. 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. St. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 49. Archbiſhop of York, 38 o O SCARBOROUGH, alias SCARBROUGH, V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Brid: 13 6 8 lington, Propr. Earl of Bridgewater, 1696. William Thompſon, Eſq. 1708, 1721, 1750. Sir Charles Thompſon, Bart. 1782. 44 10 O Scawby, alias Scalby, V. (St. Laurence.) Archiepiſc. pro Archiepiſc. pro 6 13 4 Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Valet in exit. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &c. 7 E 2 1132 YORKSH; DIOCESE OF YORK. do 28 10 O o Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 1. So &c. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Nor- wich. Willerby V. (St. Peter.) Pri. Bridlington 10s. 8d. Archiepiſc. 9 o 71 50 pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in decim. garb. & foen. lan. agn. &c. Thomas Coundon, Eſq. 1691. Pri. Brid- lington, Propr. The KING, 1721, 1736, 1762. 27 OO Wold Newton V. Valet in exit. un. mef. cum 2 bovat. terr. 6 19 91 105. decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Thornton, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 50. Abb. Bardney, Propr. Edward Autchinſon, Eſq. 1690, 1721. Richard Langley, Eſq. 1742. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Awburn Cur. Sir George, Strickland, Bart. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. 21. 135. 4d. certified Value. Bempton Cur. (St. Michael.) Pri. Bridlington, Propr. 131. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Beffonby Cur. (St. Magnus.) Harrington Hudſon, Eſq. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. 52. 65. 8d. certified Value. BRIDLINGTON, alias BURLINGTON, Cur. (St. Mary.) Arch- biſhop of York. Pri. ibidem Propr. 81. certified Value. Butterwick, Chap. to Foxhole. Cotham, alias Cottam, in D. Buckroſe, Chap. to Langtoft. Cayton, (St. Leonard,) Chap. to Seamer. Cloughton, Chap. to Scawby. Eaſt Ayton, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chap. to Seamer. Finley, alias Filey, Cur. (St. Oſwald.) Pri. Bridlington, Propr. John Roberts and Elizabeth Roberts. 161. certified Value. Flamborough Cur. (St. Ofwald.) Archbiſhop of York, and Walter Strickland alternately. Prior. Bridlington, Propr. 161. certified Value, Fordon, Chap. to Hunmanby. Fraiſthorp, Chap. to Carnaby. Sir George Strickland, Bart. 31. certified Value. Grindal, Chap. to Bridlington. 51. certified Value. Hackneſs C. (St. Peter.) Formerly a Priory or Cell to Whit- by Abby. Marquiſs of Annandale. 211. certified Value. Harphain, Chap. to Burton Agnes. 4 bovat. terr. Lowthorp Cur. (St. Martin.) Sir William St. Quintin, Bart. Collegium ibidem, Propr. gl. 34. 8d. certified Value. Ruſton YORKSH. 1133 DIOCESE OF YO R K. Ruſton Parva, alias Ruiſton, C. Sir William St. Quintin, Bart. 41. 175, certified Value. Speeton C. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. Sir James Pennyman, Bart. Michael Newton, Eſq. and others. 31. 55. 6d. certi- fied Value. 9. Doncaſter, (W. R.) in the Archdeaconry of York, alias WEST RIDING. The Monaſtery of Rupe, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners, to be worth in Spiritualities and Tempora: lities the clear annual Sum of 224. 25. 5d. The Monaſtery of St. Mary Magdalen of Monkburton was likewiſe returned at 2391. 35. 6d. The Priory of Hampall was likewiſe returned at 631. 55. 8d. Rotherham College was likewiſe returned at 581. 125. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE...? King's Books. l'early Tenths, Rectories, &c. with the Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. a. 1. d. 12 17 1 100 6 Arkſey V.* (All Saints.) Val. in ſcit. manf. cum gardin. per 5 9 ann. 45. penſ. annual. rec. de prior. 121. 175. 4d. Monaſt. Lenton in.co. Notting. Propr. Sir George Cooke, Bart. 1674, 1702, 1708, 1748, 1773. 8 18 9 Armthorpe, alias Arnethorpe, R. (St. Mary.), Archiepiſc.. o 17 10% pro Syn, 25. Prox. 35. 4d. Val. in ſcit. manf. cum gardin. 45. un. cot. cum croft. & 2 acr. prat. &c. The KING. 12 15 21 Aiton, alias Alſton, R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. I 5 65 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. columb. & terr. gleb. 175. 6d. decim. gran. &c. Earl of Holderneſs, 1712, 1734, 1754, 1777. o * Arkſey V.-Augmented to 100l. per Annum by. Bryan Cooke, Eſq. 1660. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 276. 5 Athwicke, 1134 YORKSH, DIOCESE OF YORK. l. d. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 4 13 4 Athwicke, alias Adwick in the Street, V.* (St. Laurence.). O 9 4 Mon. Hamppall, Propr. Val. in penſ. ſeu falar. annuat. rec. de prior. 41. 135. 4d. Henry Savile, Eſq. 1720. John Finch, Eſq. 1736. Savile Finch, Eſq. 1772. 32 5 10 Badſworth R. (St. Mary.) Penſ. pro Clement. tith. Pre- 3 4 7 bend. Pontefract. 21. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in ſcit mapſ. cum gardin. adjacen. 1os. terr. gleb. 31. 6s. 8d. decim, &c. Earl of Derby, 1680, 1688, 1698, 1716, 1738. 23 0 0 Barnburgh, alias Barnborough, R. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. 2 6 0 pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Penf. Southwell 161. Val. in fit. manſ. gardin. pomar. & columbar. il. 6s. 8d. terr. gleb. 31. &c. Southwell College, Patr. 14 6 101 Burgh wales, alias Burghwallis, R. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. 1 8 81 pro Syn. 55. 6d. Prox. 45. Val. in manf. cum gardin. 6s. 8d. terr. gleb. ibid. il 135. 4d. &c. George Burton, Gent. 1684. Sir George Tempeſt, Bart. 1703. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1728, 1733. Peter Johnſon, Eſq. 1755. 53 1 8 Darfield R. (All Saints,) one Moiety. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 5 62 and Prox. 55. 9d. Pri. Pontefract. 10s, 9d. Val. in [cit. manf. cum gardin. & columbar. Il terr. gleb. 21. 125. 8d. decim. &c. James Greenwood, Eſq. 1705. John Finch, Eſq. in Right of his Wife, 1736. George Cooke, Clerk, 1782. 32 19 DONCASTER V. (St. George.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. 8d, 3 5 II Prox.. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. annex. per ann. 6s. 8d. penf. annual. rec. de abb. 331. 6s. 8d. Mon. Sanctæ Mariæ, Ebor. Propr. Archbiſhop of York. 19 3 4 Egglesfield, alias Ecclesfield, alias Eglesfield, V. (St. John I 18 4 Baptiſt.) Val. in manſ. cum gardin. & croft. 35. 4d. terr. & ten. 21. 135. 4d. decim. garb. & gran. lan. agn. &c. This Vic. is endowed with one third Part of all the Tythes of the Pariſh, given to it by Aletheia, one of the 3 Daugh- ters and Co-Heireſſes of Gilbert Talbot, Earl of Shrewſ- bury, who died 1616; the other two Parts are in the Duke of Norfolk. On a late Encloſure, Lands have been ac- cepted in Lieu of a Portion of theſe Tythes. Mon. Char- ter Houſe, in Coven. Propr. Duke of Norfolk. Marquis of Rockingham, 1768, 1775. 7 I 101 Felkirk, alias Felliskirk, v. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro 0 14 21 Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. il. decim. gran. de Coldhendlay il. 1os. de- 2 * Athwicke, alias Adwicke, Chapel in the Street.-Mrs Anne Savile purchaſed this Rectory and reſtored it to the Church. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 278. cim. YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YOR K. 1135 I 10 15 5 0 Hatfield V. (St. Laurence.) No Inſtitution ſince the Reign King's Books Pearly Tentosa 1. S. d. de cim. Ian. aġn. &c. Archbiſhop of York. Mon. Sti Of- waldi, Propr. 13 3 9 Filậlake V. (St. Cuthbert.) Archidiac. pro Syn. 25. Archidiac. pro Syn. 2s. Prox. 1 6 41 8s. Val. in ſcit. manf. cum gardin. 55. red. diverſ. terr. & ten. 25. penſ, &c. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 12 4 7 Handſworth R. (St. Mary.) Val. in manſ. cum gardin. co [45 lumbar. & terr. gleb. ibid. il. I IS. 2d. decim. &c. Duke of Norfolk 6 of Queen Elizabeth. Pri. de Rupe, Propr. Val. in ſcit. manf. cum gardin. 55. penf. annual rec. de Prior. de Rupe 151. Earl of Portmore. 18 II 101 Herthill, alias Harthill, R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro I 17 21 Syn. 45. Prox. 7s. 6d. Pri. Lewes íl. 6s. 8d." Val. in manſ. cum gardin. columb. & terr. gleb. ibid. 31. decim. &c. Marquis of Carmarthen, 1716. Duke of Leeds, 1757. 20 I 01 Hymmelworth, alias Hemſworth, R. (St. Helen.) Redd. Do. 2 ó 1 mino Regi pro Clement, tith. 135. 4d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum terr. gleb. il. 135. 4d. redd. &' firin. &c. Robert Wrightſon, Gent. 1685. Thomas Wrightſon, Efq. 1718. William Wrightſon, Eſq. 1749. John Smith, Eſq. 1763, p. h. v. 4 4. Kirkbramwith R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 5s. I 5 10 130 Prox. 45. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. & terr. gleb. 2l. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. oKirkſmeaton R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. O 14 75. 6d. Val. in fit. manſ. cum gardin. columbar. & terr. gleb. ibid. il. Is. decim. &c. Thomas Birdſall, Gent. 1721. Hon. Thomas Wentworth, 1725. Marquis of Rockingham, 1769. Earl Fitzwilliam. 8 7 31 Rawmerſh R. (St. Mary.) Abb. Welbek 21. Archiepiſc. 016 83 pro Syn. 4s. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. 55. terr. gleb. ibid. cum pertin. Il 25. decim. &c. The KING 12 15 21 SHEFFIELD V. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. I 5 6 75. 6d. Val. in ſcit. manf. cum gardin. 1os. oblat. lib. paſch. decim. lan. agn. &c. William Jeffop, Eſq. 1694, 1713. Andrew Wilkinſon, Eſq. 17:54. Mon. de Char- ter Houſe, in Coven. Propr. St. Paul, the New Church, at Sheffield, erected 1740. The Vicar of Sheffield, Patr. 44 18 9 Sprotburgh, alias Sprodborough, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and 4 9 101 Prox. 125. 6d. Val. in manſ, cum pom. gardin. & co- lumbar, 12 18 O O IO I I I 20 0 0 1136 DIOGESE OF YO R K. YORKSH, II 350 od. decim. &c. King's Books. Yearly Tenthes, 2. Sod, 1. so de -lumbar. 1). terr. gleb. 2l. prat. paſc. & croft. Il. 11s. 8d. firm. &c. Sir Godfrey Copley, Bart. 1701. Lionel Cop- ley, Eſq. 1718. Godfrey Copley, Eſq. 1743, 1760. 17 13 4 Sylkiſton, alias Silkſton, V. (All Saints.) Val. in manf. cum I 15 4 gardin. 6s. 8d. 8 clauſ. 21. 55. decim. gran. &c. Mon. Pon- tefract, Propr. Archbiſhop of York. 26 21 Tankerſley R. (St. Peter.) Archiepifc. pro Syn. 5s. Prox. 2 12 03 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. 195. terr. gleb. il. os. 8d. decin. &c. The KING, 1678. The Archbiſhop, 1680. Thomas Wentworth, Efq. 1715. The Executors of the Marquis of Rockingham, 1782. 781 Thurnſcoe, alias Thurnſcough, R. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. I I 2 98 Prox. 85. 8d. Val. in ſcit. manſ. cum gardin. adjacen. 6s. 8d. terr. gleb. Il. 105. decim. &c. Thomas Wentworth, Eſq. 1714. Lord Malton, 1734. Marquis of Rocking, ham, 1763. 12 II 51 Thribergh, alias Tirbeigh, R. (St. Leonard.) Archiepiſc. 1 5 1 pro Syn. 25. Prox. 6s. 8d. Manſ. cum gardin. 6s. 8d. terr. gleb. Il. 1os. &c. Sir John Brearſby, Knight, 1687. Charles Savile, Eſq. 1723. Elizabeth Finch, Widow, 1749. Savile Finch, Eſq. 6 14 7 Todwick R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. O 13 51 45. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. croft. & terr. gleb. 135. 4d. decim. &c. Earl of Carmarthen, 1690. Duke of Leeds, 1736, 1775. 12 O O Treton, alias Treeton, R. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. I 4 45. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum columb. & terr. gleb. il. decim. &c. Lord Malton, 1728. John Griffith, 1753. . William Simpſon, 1765. Duke of Norfolk. 10 0 O Whiſton. alias Wifton, R. (St. James.) Archiepiſc . pro Syn. 100 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. & columb. ac terr. gleb. il. 35. 40. decim. &c. Duke of Norfolk. Earl of Malton, William Simpſon, 1749, 1764. 21 Wikerſley R. (St. Alban.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Prox. 0 16 0 6s. 8d. Pri. Werſop 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. & terr. gleb. il. redd. annuat. rec. pro terr. in Wikerſley Sylveſter, 1715. The KING, 1734. Anne Lowes, Wi- dow, p. h. V. 1766. 1738. 8 0 LIVING. YORKSH DIOCESE OF: Y QR K. Y R 137 l. d. 1. S. O o o Clear rearly Valve, LIVINGS DISCHARGED do o Dinnington R. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in manf. cum gardin. & 4 osti. ": 191 Clear Pearly .Palue, guided (324) ivoilla ja . King's Books de 18 O Barnby V. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. tis. 6d. "Val. in pe- 9 12 6 cun. numerat. Tol: "Colleg. Corterſtock, Propr. James Sto- vin, Eſq. 1773. 111 11 Tiro97 zemolT 3 6 13 4 Bolton V. fuper Bern. (St. Andrew.) Val. in manf. cum gari 6 15 4 din. 25. penf. uat,"tec. de mont in pecún. numératx61.13s. 4d. Mori. de Monk Breron, Propr. in William-Marſden, Eſq. 1769. his I d.o'o6X9M 10 46 5 94 Braithwell V. (St. James.), Archiepiſc. prở 'Syni' 25. Prox. 1676 50 75. 6d, Valin Våld in feit. manf. cum gardin. ibid. 6s. 8d: oblát. decim. grán: foen. lán: agh. &c. TheKING. Pei. Lewes, in Säfſex, Propr. 70 2000, 9113 31. 18.6 Brodſworth V. (St. Michael.) Archiepife. pro Søn. 45. Prox. 6 6 101 75. 6d. Vald in ſcit. maní. cum gardin. & terr. gleb. 1l. 135. 4d. clauſ. cum columbar. ibid. 135. 4d. decim. fæn. Ian. agn. &c. Archbiſhop of York. Ecclefia Ebor. Propr. o o Campfall V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Vali in feit. manſ cúm 16 16 8 pertin. 35. 4d. penf. in pecun.Shumerátper ann. rec. extra monaſt. 161. 135. 401. Pri. Walling Welis in Notting. Propr. Mr. Yarburgh. 19 3.11Cantley V. (st: Wilfrid.) Val. in inanſ. cnm gardio. & 13 acr. 6 6 51. terr. gleb. per ann. 85. decim. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Walling Wells in Nottingh. Propr. Lady Pierrepoint, 1688. Duke of Kingſton, 1716. Elizabeth Pierrepoint, 1749. Edwin Laſcelles, Eſq. 1758, 1776. 28 15 9 Coniſbrough, alias Conifburgh, v. (St. Peter.) Syn. and 8 12 8 Prox. 'Ils. 6à. Val: in manf. cum gardin. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn, lan. agn. molend. &c. Archbiſhop of York. Mon. Lewes in Suflex: Propr. 16 3. 94 Darfield V. (All Saints.) "Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 2s. Prox. Zs. 14 IT 7** 9d. Val. in fcit. manf. cum gardin. adjacen. 45. penkin pecun. numerat. de Prior. 141. 135. 4d. Trinity College, Cambridge. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem, Propr. 14 10 10 Darton V. (All Saints.) Val . in manf. cum crufto los. penf. 12 10 annuat. rec. de Prior. 121. Mon. Monk Breton, Propr. William Wentworth, Eſq. 1704. Godfrey Wentworth, Efq. 1746, 1770. terr. gleb. il. decim. &c. The KING. 29 14 6. Edlington R. (Şt., Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Prox. 75. 9 6d: Val, in fcit. manſ.cum gardin. & terr. gieb. 11. decim. &c. 7 Fu. Ro- 23 WS I 2 O 40 O 1138 YORKSHO DIOCESE OF YORK. 1. S. de 500 agn. &c. Clear Pearly Valve. King's Bookso l. d. Robert Moleſworth, Eſq. 1699. John Battie, Gent. 1730. Lady Mary Moleſworth, 1749. 0 High Hoyland R. firſt Mediety. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro 5 3 4 Syn. 25. Val. in fcit. rector. cum gardin. 35. 4d. tert. gleba 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Sir William Wentworth, Bart. 1746. Sir Thomas Wentworth, Bart. 1774. 50 Oo High Hoyland R. ſecond Mediety. (All Saints.), Archiepiſc. 5. 3. 4. pro Syn. 25. Val. in manf. cum gardin. & orto 35. 4d. terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Charles Savile, Eſq, 1726. Earl of Mexborough, 1777, 1784, p. i. 26 17 34 Hooton, alias Hutton Pannell, V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. 5.10 24 pro Syn. 104. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in fcit. manſ.cum gardin. & croft. adjacen. 1os. terr, gleb. II. 1os. decim. foen. lan. The Governors of the School at Wakefield. Mon. Sanctæ Trin. Ebor. Propr. alias Sacriſta Ebor. 43 7 0 Hooton Roberts R. (St. John Baptift.) Archiepiſe. pro Syn. 7 II 8 25. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. & terr. gleb. ibid. 144. Id. decim. &c. Sir Conyers D'Arcy, 1678. Earl of Stafford, 1692. Earl of Holderneſs, 1714. Mar- quis of Rockingham. Earl Fitzwilliam. 42 0 South Kirby V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 15 10 25 178. od. Val. in manſ. cum-gardin. ibid. adjacen. 105. decim. gran. de Stubbs & South Helmfal zl. decim. lan. agn. &c. Armitage, Efq. 1678. Sir John Armitage, Bart. 1721. James Swallow, 1728. James Allot, Clerk, 1747. James and Elizabeth Allot, 1759. Mon. Sti Oſwaldi de Noſtel, Propr. 27. 5. 6. * Laughton V. (All Saints.) Val. in manſ. cun gardin. 5.5. 6 13 4 lib. pafch. 1h 108. decim. lan. agn. &c. Cancellar. Ebor. Propr. & Patr. 23. 12 10. Maltby V. (St. Bartholomew.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. 8 d. 4 13 4 Prox. 7s. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. ibid. adjacen. 6s. 8d. oblat. decim. fæn. lan. agnº &c. Mon. Arthington, Propr.) The KING, 1680, 1698, 1729. Earl of Scar- brough,: 1779. 2 Marr Cap. (St. Helena Stipend. Mon. Hampnall, Propr. 4 8 4 Earl of Kinnoulo 16 Owſton V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 7 0 25 6d. Val. in ſcit. Inania cum crofto un. acr. & dim, terr. arab. adjacen. 6s. 8d. decim. foen. Ian. agn. &c. Mon. Welbek, Propr. John Adams, Eſq. 1671, 1695. Henry Cooke, Eſq. 1708. Bryan Cooke, Eſq. 1744, 1782. 32 2 IL Penniſton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. and Prox. 125.. 6d. 16 14 Val. in manf. cum gardin. & 10 acr. terr. ibid. al.. 6s. 8d. pense i ani so 400 O 1 35 2 II 2 YORKS. 1139 DIOCESE OF YORK. S. le d. 21 90 o Clear Yearby Value. King's Books. h d. penf. rec. de decan. 161. The KING, 1690. William Boff- vile, Eſq. 1718, 1722. Godfrey Boſville, Eſq. 1761. Ca- pell. Sti Stephani, Weſtminſt. Propr. O 10 ROTHERHAM V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. 60. 16 8 6 Prox. 75. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. 65. 8d. penf. rec. de mon. in pecub. 161. 135. 4d. Henry Howard, 1670. Lord George Howard, 1701. Earl of Effingham; 1734, 1782. Mon. Rufford, Nottingh. Propr. 38 9 0 Ruſton, alias Ruiſton, alias Royſton, V. (St. John Baptiſt:) 17 3 4 Val. in manſ. cum gardin. & ter. gleb. jos. penf. annuat. rec. prior. 161. 135. 4d. Archbiſhop of York. Mon. Monk Breton, Propr. 45 6 94 Little Sandall R. (St. Oſwald.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4s. 9 Prox. 6s. 8d. Pri. Lewes in Suflex 6s. 8d. Val. in fcit. & firm. manf. cum gardin. 1os. terr. gleb. 9d. decim. gran. &c. The KING: 19 15 6 Stainton, alias Stenton, V. (St, Winefrid. Vat. in fcit. manſ. 5 15 9 cum gardin. 35. 4d. terr. gleb. 6s. oblat. decim. lan. agn. &c. Mon. Ski® Oſwaldi Noſtel, Propr. Lord Caſtleton, 1721. 'Earl of Scarbrough, 1767. Lora Tickhill, alias TICKHALL, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 7 Ź 2 115. 6d. Val. in ſcit. manſ. cum gardin. 85. oblat. decim. lan. agn. &c. Francis Foljambe, Efq. 1689 Francis Fer- rand Foljambe, Eſq. 1774. Mon. Sti Oſwaldi, Propr. 23 II 5 * Wadworth, alias Wadſworth, V. (St. Mary.) Qu. Preſenta- 4 2 6 tion, 1748. Val. in ſcit. cum gardin. & ter. gleb. ibid. 145. decim. fæn. lan. agri. &c. Preb. de South Cave, in Eccl. Ebor. Olim Propr. William Arthur, 17:2. Mrs. Wordf- worth. 41 16 1 Warmſworth R. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 15. Val. 6 10 10 in ſcit. manf. cum gardin. & terr. gleb. ibidem il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. John Battie, 1700, 1716. John Battie, Eſq. 1744, 1747 30 Wath V. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 11s. 6d. Val. in ſcit . 15 10 21 manſ. cum gardiñ. & cert. ter. gleb. 10s. lib. pafch. 61. de- cim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Mon. Sri Oſwaldi, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. In Wah Church is an endowed Lectureſhip, in the Gift of certain Truſtees, 25 12 O 2 6 I 10 sto 7 F 2 CHAPELS, 1140 DIOCESE OF YOR K. YORKSH. G . . , CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Propr. 201. 55. certified Value. Attercliff, (Holy Jeſus,) Chapel to Sheffield. Tol. certified Value. Auſton, alias Anſton. (St. James.) Preb. Laughton, Propr. and Patr. 101. 10s. certified Value. BARNESLEY, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Silkeſton. Aěchbiſhop of York. 181. 18s. certified Value. Bolterftone, Chapel to Egglesfield. Lord Viſcount Melbourne. 77. 145. 7d. certified Value. Bradfield, Chapel to Egglesfield. 241. certified Value. Breton, or Monk Breton, Chapel to Silkſton. Sir Thomas Blackett, Bart. Patr. Cawthorne Cur. (All Saints,) Chapel to Silkſton. The Princi- pal Inhabitants. 331. 45. 4d. certified Value. Cumberworth, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Silkſton. 181. 155. certified Value. Denby, Chapel to Peniſton. 321. 75. 6d. certified Value. Eccleſhall, Chapel to Sheffield. 9!. ios, certified Value. Frickley, cum Clayton Cur. (All Saints,) Chapel to Hooton Pannell. Val. in deciin. fæn. lan. agn. porc. Canab. lin. &c. Patientius Ward, Efq. 177. 35. Iod. certified Value. Furbeck and Letwell Cur. (St. Peter,) Chapel to Laughton. Preb. Laughton, Propr. and Patr. 15l. 155. 10d. certified Value. Grealbrook, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Rotherham. Marquis af Rockingham. 51. 1os. certified Value. Hatfield Cur. * (St. Laurence.) Earl of Portmore, Patr. 4256 145. certified Value. Hickleton Cur. (St. Dennis.) Godfrey Wentworth, Eſq. Pri. Monk Breton, oliin Propr. 41. certified Value. Hoyland Upper and Nether, Chap. to Wath. Francis Town- end, Patr. St. John's Cur. Chapel to Laughton. Preb. Laughton, Propr. 77. 145. 7d. I certified Value. Leverſall, Chapel to Doncaſter. 101. 10s. certified Value. The ſame Church, called Hatfield V. in this D. It was a Vicarage endowed, an. 1346 ; but there has been no Inſtiction to it ſince the Reign of Quee: Elizabeth. It is now held as a Curacy. Melton YORKSH. 1141 DIOCESE OF YORK. Melton ſuper Montein Cur. (St. James.) Val. in pení. annuat. rec. de Mon. de Hampole 4l. 135. 4d. John Fountayne, D. D. 201, certified Value. Mexborough Cur. Archdeacon of York, Propr. and Patr. 201. certified Value. Middop C. or Miſdop, Chapel to Egglesfield and Pennifton. 71. 135, Certified Value. Ranfield, alias Ravensfield, (St. James,) Chap. to Mexborough. 1ol. certified Value. Shelbrook, alias Skelbrook, C. (St. Michael,) in South Kirby Pariſh. Henry Browne, Eſq. 1755. Sir Richard Perryn, Knt. ' lol. certified Value: Sikehouſe, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Fiſhlake V. 71. IIs. 8d. certified Value: Stainbrough Chapel, in Silkiſton Pariſh. Stainington, Chapel to Egglesfield. Swinton, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Wath. Marquis of Rocking- ham. 241. certified Value. Temple Newſome, formerly a Commandry of Knights Templars now the Seat of Lord Viſcount Irwyn. Thorp Salvin Cur. (St. Peter,) Chapel to Laughton, united to Wales Cur. Preb. Laughton, Propr. William Hewett, Efq. 1761. John Hewett, Eſq. 101. 45. certified Value. THORN C. (St. Nicholas.) Earl of Portmore. 481. 175. 10d. certified Value. Tinſley, alias Tinſlow, Chap. to Rotherham, called a Vicarage. Marquis of Rockingham. 291. 185. certified Value. Wales Cur. (St. John,) Chapel to Laughton, united to Thorp Salvin Cur. Preb. Laughton, Propr. William Hewett, Eſq. 1761. John Hewett, Eſq. 10. 5s. certified Value. Wentworth Cur. (Holy Trinity.) Marquis of Rockingham. 271. 105. 5d. certified Value. Wombwell. Chapel to Darfield. Wooley, Chap. Val. in penf. annuat. rec. de prior. 41. 135. 4d. Godfrey Wentworth, Eſq. 211. 145. 4d. certified Value. Worsborough, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Darfield V. The Rector of Darfield, Patr. In the Church of Worsborough is an en- dowed Sunday Evening Lectureſhip. Wortley, Chapel to Tankerſley. D. Let thill, 1142 DIOCESE OF YORK, YORKA, Thé Carthuſian Monaltery near Hull was likewiſe returned at D. Herthill and huil, (E. R.) in the Archdeaconry of EAST RIDING. The Priory of Warter was returned by the Commiffioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear an- nual Sum of 1431. 75. 8d. The Priory of Altemprice was likewiſe returned at 100l. of. 3d.] The Priory of Ellerton was likewiſe returned at 621. 85. iod, The Priory of Fereby was likewiſe returned at 60l. 1$. 2d. The Priory of Nunburnholme was likewiſe returned at 86. is. The Collegiate Church of Howden. The Collegiate Church of Beverley, The Monaſtery of Walton was likewiſe returned at 360l. 18s, iod. The Office of St. Gilbert of Sempringham was likewiſe returned at 641, 135. 4d. 1741. 185. 4d. For the Particulars of the above Priories, &c. vide Orig, Sury, rid. 1. S. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenibs. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 2. 48 16 3 St. Andrew in Beverley P.* Now no ſuch Prebend, but a 4 17 73 Lay Fee. 35 14 91 Baynton R. (St. Andrew.) Preb. Sõi Michaelis 3. 135, 4d. 311 51 Syn. and Prox. 125. Job Hudſon, Eſq. 1681. St. John's College, Oxford, p. i. 6 Burnholme, alias Nunburnholme, R. (St. James.). Archbi- o 19 3 ſhop of York. 9 12 St. Andrew in Beverley P.-Note, This Prebend, with that of St. Michael, St. Nicholas, &c. in this Deanry, are all diſſolved, and long ſince extin&t. They were founded in Beverley Miniter, and were of very conſiderable Value temp. H. VIII. Catton YORKSH 1 143 DIOCESE OF YORK, h. s. d. 2 3 31 200 Oo 20 2 I 2 II 2 100 O оо o 10 0 O 10 King's Books, Pearly Tenths, le sa de 21 I 2 81 Catton R. * (All Saints.) Penf. Preb. Beverley pro Thraves Ik 6s. 8d. Syn. and Prox. 145. The KING. 106 13 4 Cottingham R. (St. Mary.) Impropriation. Belonging to the 10 13 4 Biſhop of Cheſter, made ſo ſince 1537. 9 +1 Eyton, alias Erton, R. (St. Mary.) Archbiſhop of York. O 111 8 Godmanham, alias Goodmadam, R. (All Saints.) Penf. Ec 5 cleſ. Beverley II. 135. 4d. Syns and Prox. 125. William Smith, 1673. John Taylor, Gent. 1718. Elizabeth Alh, Widow, 1948. Henry Egerton, M. A. 1779. 10 7 Heſt and Huli, alias Heſſel, V. (All Saints.) The KING. IO 081 Pri. Gisburgh, Propr. 27 Holme in Spaldingmoor Rob (All Saints.) An Inpropriation. 2. 14 Penſ. Ecclef. Beverley il. Diacono Il.. Syn. and Prox. 115. 6d. Redd: 45. St. Jobn's College, Cambridge. Holme in Spaldingmoor V. (All Saints.) St. John's College, I. Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. • 7 Hotham, alías Holtham, R. (St. Oſwald.) The KING. I 00 110 15 Hugget, alias Huggate; R. (St. Mary.) The KING 160 o Lokington R. (St. Mary.) Richard Remington, Eſq. 1684. Sidney College, Cambridge, 1726, 1748. William Bur- ton, Eſq. 1755 Margaret Gulby, Widow, 1776. 16 Oo Lonisborough, alias Loundsbrough, R. (All Saints.) Lord Burlington, 1715, 17.36. Counteſs of Burlington, 1757. Lord Mansfield, 17.69. 1:4 2 81 St. Mary's V. in Beverley, with Holme Church, in the Jurif. I & 3 di&tion of Beverley. The KING. The Preb. of St. Mar- tin's in Beverley, olim Propr. 31 18 4 St. Michael in Beverley P. No ſuch Prebend, being now a 3 3. 10 Lay Fee. 15 3 4 Middleton, alias Middleton on the Wolds, R. (St. Andrew.) 1 10 I 10. 4 In the Juriſdiction of Beverley. Thomas Fleetwood and George Durant, 1706. Lellis Breary, Widow., 1735- Chriſtopher Spencer Breary, Clerk, p. i 1784. 23 6 8 North Burton, alias Cherry Burton, R. (St. Michael.) In the 2 6 8 Jurifdiction of Beverley. Edmund Barker, Gent. 1703. O 0 0 I I O 20 2 O I 1.2 * Catton R.-The Advowſon came to the Crown in Exchange with the Duke of Somerſet. Vide Act of Parliament 3 and 4 W. and M. † Holme R.-Is an Impropriation in St. John's College, Cambridge; the ſaid College preſents to the Vicarage thereof, and lets out the Rectory to the Vicar by Leafo for his Life, at a Pepper Corn. yearly Rent, if demanded. 5 Thomas 1144 YORKSH, DIOCESE OF YORK, 20 12 O King's Books Yearly Ténths, King' do fo de Thomas Gee, Efq. 1727 · 1927. Jahn Burton, 1736. Elizabeth Barker, Widow, 1740. The Executors of Robert Waddi- love, Gent. 1755. I 8 Rowly, alias Rowley, R. (St. Peter.) Dorothy Barrington, 2 1690. Efter Hildyard, Widow, 1716. Sir Robert Hil- dyard, Bart. 1734. retus South Dalton R. (St. Mary.) In the juriſdiction of Beverley. I I 4 0 Lady Elizabeth Hotham, 1689. Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. 1715, 1736, 1757 14 14 in Sutton ſuper Darwent R. (St. Michael.) Eccleſia Beverley I 9 53 Il. Syn. and Prox. 115. 6d. Chriſtopher Store, p. h. v. 1698. Sir Thomas Clarges, Bart. 1721. Thomas Clerges, Eſq. 1750 24 13 4 Walkington R. in Howdenſhire. In the Juriſdiction of Hove- 9 4 den. Pri. Dunelm. 5l. Preb. Ski Jacobi pro Thraves 31. 135. 4d. Val. in terr. gleb. per gleb. per ann. 21. decim.gran. &c. Sir John Barrington, Bart. 1680. Sir Francis Marſham, Bart. 1690. Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart, and Walter Sero- cold, Eſq. 1729. Mary Watſon, Spinſter, 1736. Tho. mas Hancock, 1751. Eskrick Hancock, Eſq. 1778. Hen: 0 ry Charles, Gent. 1781. 25 Welton V. (St. Helen,) in Howdenſhire. The KING. Chantry in Lincoln Cathedral, olim Propr. O 10 Hoſp. Sancti Nicholai in Beverley. I to edgarotokio o Hoſp. Sanctæ Trinitatis juxta Hull. Vide Orig. Sury. wod I • Thomas Clerges . 2 O 2 10 0 оо 200 0 10 I 5 10 Ι Ο Ο 32 12 4 © O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. o noso anys Inn Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 6 Awthton, alias Aughton, V. (All Souls,) cum Cottonwith. Pri. Ellerton. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 49. Lord Caſtleton, 1689. Earl of Scarbrough, 1753. Thomas Moſley, Clerk, 1763. 18 oo * Barnby Moor, alias Burnby, V. (St. Catherine.) The Dean 5 6 8 of York, Propr. and Patr. 32 3 4 * Biſhop's Burton V. (All Saints.) Dean and Chap. of York, 5 6 8 Propr. and Patr. * Biſhop's Wilton V. (St. Edith.) Treafurer of York, Propr. 7 3 67 Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 49.0 46 14 7 Brantingham V. (All Saints,) in Howdenſhire. Syn. and Prox, 12 9 175. 6d. Val. in penſ. rec. de prior. Dunelm. Dean and Chapter of Durham, Propr. and Patr. Colleg. de Dunelm. in Oxon, olim Patr. Bubwith 12 10 2 V YORKSH. 1145 DIOCESE OF YORK. . 1. S. S. de оо 2 0 0 17 00 O 24 II O 2. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, d. l. 17 O Bubwith firſt Mediety V. (All Saints.) The KING, Patr. 7 6 30 26 7 * Bubwith ſecond Mediety V. (All Saints.) The Dean and 80 5 Chapter of York, Patr. The Chapter of York Propr. of one Mediety. Abby of Bella Landa Propr. of the other Me- diety. 26 2 4 Burnby R. (St. Giles.) Earl of Burlington, 1708, 1720, 1735. 7.15 Lord Mansfield, 1769. Duke of Devonſhire, 1771. * Driffield Magna V. (All Saints, and 7 10 2 Driffield Parva (St. Peter.) Præcentor of York as Prebendary 5. 3 4 of Driffield, Propr. and Patr. 30 o Eloughton V. (St. Mary) Mon. Kirkleys, Propr. The Pre- 5 5 bendary of Wetwang in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 45 o Eftrington, alias Eaftrington, V. (St. Michael,) in Howden- 12 9 7 60 ſhire. The KING. Pri. Durham, Propr. 49 10 6 Everingham R. (St. Emeldis.) William Weſtoby, Gent. 1707. 8 6 8 Chriſtopher Dawnay, Eſq. 1755. John Mathews, Eſq. 1766, 1773; 8 Ferriby, or North Ferriby, V. (All Saints.) The KING. 8 13 4 40 Præceptor ibidem Propr. 39 15 Full Sutton R. – Dealtry, Gent. I672. John Eyre IO 12 81 and Frances his Wife, 1713. William Simpſon, Eſq. 1739, 1757: 14 0 * Gevindale V. Dean of York, Propr. and Patr, 4 27 4 2 Harſwell R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. gs. 6d. Sir Thomas 4 Slingsby, 1703. Sir Henry Slingsby, Bart. 1755. 29 * Hayton V. (St. Martin.) Dean of York, Propr. Eng. 7 II o] Mon. vol. II. p. 49. Dean of York, Patr. 6 13 4 Holme, alias Holmley, V. (St. Peter,) united to St. Mary's Be- 8 197 verley. Syn. and Prox. 105. Præpoſ. Beverley 45. 6d. Preb. Sfi Andreæ 6s. Val. in oblat. decim. foen. &c. Colleg. Be- verley, Propr. The KING, 1720, 1767. 21 0 0 Hoton Craneſwick, alias Hutton Craneſwick, V. (St. Peter.) 15.8 6 Pri. Watton, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 49. Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. 1711, 1724. Sir Charles Thompſon, Bart. 1780, 1783. 6 16 8 * Kildwick, alias Kildwick Percy, V. (St. Helen.) Dean of 4 16 3 York, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 49. Dean of York, Patr. 0 Kirkbourne, alias Kirborne, V. (St. Mary.) No Vicar fince 4 10 23 30 1625. Now held as a Curacy. The KING. Pri. Gisburn, Propr. 27 Kirk Ella, alias Elveley, V. (St. Andrew.) Pri. Hawtemprice, 13 81 Propr. Sir James Bradſhaw, Knt. 1686, 1705. Ellerker Bradſhaw, Eſq. 1723, 1734. Lựconfield 4 18 O 1 IO O 2 O O O 2 7 G 1146 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. s, 1. s. d. O O 12 13 O 0 0 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 9 13 4 Leconfield V. In the Juriſdi&tion of Beverley. Abb. Alne- 8 wick, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 48. Walter Compton, Eſq. 1721. Thomas Lee and Edward Lee. 24 6 6 Lund V. (All Saints.) Pri, Warter, Propr. Eng. Mon. vol. 6 6 og II. p. 49. Chriſtopher Legard, Gent. 1684. Richard Re- mington, Gent. 1719. Robert Heſelfoot, 1733. John Grimſton, Eſq. 1765. 8 8 0 Millington Cur. Chap. to Gevindale. Dean of York, * Newbald, alias North Newbald, V. (St. Nicholas.) Preben. 4 O o dary thereof in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 46 10 © North Cave V. (All Saints.) Pri. Carthuf. apud Hull, Propr. 10 7 6 Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 48. Thomas Worſley, Eſq; -1684. Hugh Montgomery, Eſq. 1721, 1728. Robert Burton, Eſq. 1773 9 6 8 North Dalton Cur. (All Saints.) Abbey of Watton, Propr. Robert Wharrain, Eſq. 1765. 39 * POCKLINGTON V. (All Saints.) Dean of York, Propr. and 10 Į 102 Patr. 8 6 8 Sauntun, alias Sancton, V. (All Saints.) Pri. Watton, Propr. 6101 John Broadley, Eſq. 47 5 0 o Scorbrough R. (St. Leonard.) In the Juriſdiction of Beverley. 700 Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet, 1688. Executors of the Duke of Somerſet, 1750. Earl of Egremont, 1783. 6 7 Sculceats, alias Scolcoytes, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in penf. rec. 5 6 8 25 de prior. Dom. Cart. juxta Hull per ann. 51. 6s. 8d. The KING. Prior. Carthuſ. apud Hull, Propr. Eng. Monaft. vol. II. p. 48. 38 60 Seaton Rofre, Cur. (St. Edmund.) Priory of Wartree, Propr. Duke of Leeds. 13 5 0 Skerne, alias Skyren, Cur. Pri. of Watton, Propr. The Rev. Mr. Browne. 30 * South Cave V. (All Saints.) Preb. ibidem in York Cath. 8.0 olim Propr. Preb. Propr. 32 Thorneton V. (St. Michael.) Dean of York, Propr. Eng. 7 5 10 Mon. vol. II. p. 49. The Dean of York, Patr. 17 8 4 Warter, alias Wartre, V. (St. James.) Pri. Warter, Propr. 4 O o The KING, 1728. Sir Joſeph Pennington, Bart. 1779. * WICHTON V. (All Saints.) Prebendary thereof in York 4 13 9 Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 27 Wreffel V. (St. John of Beverley.) Pri. Drax, Propr. Duke 5 13 9 and Ducheſs of Somerſet. Earl of Egremont, 1769. 0 o 1 44 10 o O Not YORKSH. 1147 DIOCESE OF YORK. . NOT IN CHARGE. Thompſon, Bart. па Allerthorpe, Ch. to Thornton. Beilby, (St. Giles,) Chap. to Hayton. Beſwick, Chapel to Kildwick juxta Watton. Sir Charles BEVERLEY MINSTER, alias Beverley St. John. In the Juriſdic- tion of Beverley. College of Beverley, Propr. The Town of Beverley, Patr. 311. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Blacktoft, Chap. to Brantingham. 20l. certified Value. Barnby Marſh, Ch. to Hoveden. In the Juriſdiction of Hove- den. 2o1. . certified Value. Bolton, Chap. to Pocklington. Cottingham V. (St. Mary.) Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr. and Propr. 421. certified Value. Eaſt Cottonwith, Chap. to Aughton. Earl of Scarbrough. Ellerker, Chap. to Brantingham. Ellerton C. (St. Mary.) Pri. Ellerton, Propr. 10l. certified Value. * Frangfoſs Cur. Chap. to Barnby Moor. Dean and York, Propr. and Patr. 81. 1os, certified Value. Holme on the Wold Çur. Nunnery of Swine, Propr. Anne Bernard, Spinſter, 1775. Howden, alias. Hoveden, V., (St. Peter.) In the Juriſdiction of Hoveden. College of Hoveden, Propr. The KING, 1746. *Kildwick juxta Watton Cur. (All Saints.) Priory of Watton, Propr. John Grimſton, Eſq. 1765. Laxton, Chap. to Hoveden. In the Juriſdiction of Hoveden. St. Mary's in Hull Cur. Samuel Thornton, Eſq. Patr. Shipton, Chap. to Wighton. Skidby, Chap. to Cottinghain, (St. Michael.) 20. certified Value. St. Trinity in Kingſton upon Hull V. Corporation of Kingſton Charter Houſe in Hull, Propr. Watton Cur. (St. Mary. Priory of Watton, Propr. 10. 105. certified Value. Wilberfoſs C. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pri. Wilberfoſs, Propr. 121, certified Value. Yapham cum Melſonby, Chap. to Pocklington. upon Hull. 7 G 2 D. Dot 1148 1 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. D. Holderneſs, (E. R.) in the Archdeaconry of East RIDING, This Deanry was ſurveyed by Sir John Conſtable, Knight, Sir William Conſtable, Knight, Sir Ralph Ellerker, Knight, and Richard Crake, Commiſſioners. 4 The Monaſtery of Melfa, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporali- ties, the clear annual Sum of 2991. 6s. 4d. The Hoſpital of St. Sepulchre near Haun or Hedon was likewiſe returned at 11l."18s. 4d. The Hoſpital of Newton was likewiſe returned at 211. os. 2d. The Monaſtery of Swine was likewiſe returned at 821. 35.9d.{ The Monaſtery of. Kellynge was likewiſe returned at 357 155. 5d. For Particulars, vide Orig, Surv.. 1. So 1766.. 2 4 0 LIVINGS. REMAINING. IN CHARGE. King's Books. Viearly Tenths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. l. d. 13 11 101 Barmiſton, alias Barmſton, R. (All Saints.) Præpoſ. Beverley 1.7 25 pro Avenis 11. 8. Archiepic pro Prox. 7. 64. Archi- diac. pro Syn. 45. Val. in ter. gleb. cum clauſ. eid. pertin. per ann. 145. 4d. &c. Sir Griffith Boynton, Bart. 1720, 22 o O O Beförd, alias Beeford, R. (St. Leonard.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 75. 6d. Prox. Archidiac. 55. Pri. Bridlington 135. 4d. Penf. 135. 4d. Præpoſ. Beverley pro Aven. 31. 2s. 8d. Val. in exit. un. meff. cum ter. gleb. eid. per ann. 2li cot. rect. pertin. il. 1os. ter. & ten. in. Dodington 1.55. ter. in Leſit. 45. &c. Archbiſhop of York. 24 13 4 Brandeſburton, alias Brandſburton, R. (St. Mary') In the 2 94 Juriſdiction of Beverley. Mon. Beverley. 31. 6s. 82. Alia penſ. 21. Eid. Mon. pro. Prox, and Syn. 125. Val. in exit. manſ. &c, George Noel, Eſq. and others, 1688. George Noel, Gente 1692. St. John's College, Cambridge. 5 Catewicke, alias Caterwick, alias Catwick, R. (St. Michael.) 10.6 Penſ. Pri. Pontefract. al. Præpof. Beverley pro Thraves 17.6s. Id. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 75. 6dProx. Archidiac. 10 O 110 0 55. YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. 1149 King's Books. d. 1. So prati & 0 O Archiu C. Yearly Tenths. d. 55. rod. Ter. gleb. ad valor. Ih 45. per ann. &c. The KING, 13 6 8 Hallham R. (All Saints.) In the Juriſdiction of Beverley. 1 6 8 Præpof. Beverley pro Ávenis 21. Penf. 11. 6s. 8d. Eidem Præpof. pro Syn. iOS. Archiepifc. pro Indemn. 45. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum un. parva clauſ. eidem annex. 10 acr. 9 acr. ter: arabil. per ann. Il. 25. Ralph Rand, Gent. 169,6. Earl of Cardigan, 1722, 1737. Duke of Montagu, 1770. 13 3 4 Hornſey, alias Hornſea, V. (St. Nicholas,) cum Riſton R. (St. 1 6.4 150 Margaret.) Archiepiſc. pro Prox. 8s. 6d. Penf. 31. 68. 8d. Hornſey Il. 6s. 8d. un. manf. cum ter. gleb. in Rifton il. decim. garb. fæn. in Arnold, &c. The KING. Abb. Stæ Mar. Ebor. Propr. to Hornſey. Eng. Mon. vol. II. p. 48. 16 13 4. Leven R. (St. Faith.) In the Juriſdiction of Beverley. Præ I 13 4. poſ. Beverley pro Thraves 37. 6s. 8d. Eidem pro Syn. & Prox. Il. 10s. Seneſchall. 10s. Val. in exit. manſ. cum 4 bovat. ter. 31. oct. cotag. Il. 10s. 4d. & paſtur. pro 18 vac. & 10 box. in Hall Carr 31: 6s. 8d. &c. Eſq. 1673. Sir Michael Wharton, Knight, 1711. Sir James Pennyman, Bart. and others, 1737. Sir James Pen- nyman, Bart. Charles Anderſon Pelham, and Michael New- ton, Eſq. 1775. 0.0 Nuthill R. The Church is demoliſhed. Sir Michael 4 Newton. 6 3 Owthorne V. (St. Peter.) Abb. de- Criſtall 2l. Archiepiſc. 2. 73 pro Syn. 45. 6d. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in decim. fæn. lap.. agn. &c. The KING. Abb. Kirkſtall, or Criſtall, Propr. oo PATTRINGTON R. (St. Patrick.) In the Juriſdiction of Bever. 22. 4 0. ley, Præpoſ. Beverley 1l. Idem per Aven.. 61. 85.4d. Ei- dem pro Syn. 105. Val. in manſ..cum 6 bovat. ter. arab. & prat. per ann. 31. 125.. diverſ. redd. & firm.. in vill. de.Pá- trington per ann. Il. 18s. 6d. decim. &c. Edward Saunders, Gent. 1632. Clare Hall, Cambridge. 19 o O Rooſe, alias Roſſe, R. (All Saints.) Pri. Kirkham 2!. Ar- I 18 30 chiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. 6d. Præpoſ. Bever. pro Aven. 31. 11s. 8d. Archidiac. 75. 6d. Val, in temporal. & fpiritual. dimiff. ad firm. Earl of Exeter, 1792, 1695. Mark Kirk- by, Gent. 1726, 1735. Sir Chriſtopher Sykes, Bart. p. i. 1783. 817 Rowth, alias Routh, R. (All Saints.) Præpof. Beverlėy pro o 17 Thraves 13s. pro Aven. 95. 9d. Archiepiſc. pro Prox. 75. 64. Archidiac. pro Syn. 35. Terr. gleb. ad valor. iki 95. &c. Wharton, 2 II I 100 O O 22 81 2 1150 DIOCESE OF YOR K. YORKSH. 1. 10 120 0 O tual. & temporal. dimiff. ad firm. 121. Sir Robert Hildyard, King's Books Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. &c. Ellerker Bradſhaw,. Efq. 1712, 1737. Eaton Man- waring Ellerker, Eſq. 1769. 05 Ryes, alias Rifé, R. In the Jurifdi&tion of Beverley. Præ- I do al poſ. Beverley pro Aven. 145. 4d. Eidem pro Syn. 75. 6d. Eidem .pro Prox. 75. 2d, 75. 2d, Manf. & terr. glebo ad valor. il. 6s. 8d. per ann. &c. The KING. Pilar 31 3. Sigleſton, alias. Siglefthorn, R. (St. Laurence.) In the Jurif- 3 2 11 diction of Beverley. Præpof. Beverley. pro Aven. 37. Eidem pro Thraves 31. 75. Iid. Prox. 105. Penf. 32. 6s. 8d. Val. in exit. maniſ. & ter. glebe cum un. calumbar. ibid. 11. 135. 43. &c. The KING, DIA 7 0 10 Sprotley, alias Sproatley, R. ($t. Swithin.). Præpoſ. Beverley o 14 i pro Aven. 11. 16s. Eda Archiepiſc. pro. Syn. 45.1 Archi- diac. pro Prox.75. 6d. Ter. gleb.rado valor. cal. per ann. &c. Trantham, Gent. 1681. Ralph Rand, Gent. 1714. Earl of Cardigan, 1766. Duke of Montagu, 1775. 13 18 9 Sutton Collegiate Church (St. James.). No ſuch College now. 7 1o Val. in fcit. manſ cum un. bovat. ter. per. ann. Il. 105. dec. garb. foen. Ian. agn. &c. O o Wynſted, alias Wylſted, R. (St. German.) Præpoſ. Beverley i 4.0 pro Aven. Il. 1os. Syn. and Prox.n.95. 6d.. Val. in fpiri- I 200 O O I 12 4 Bart. 1689, 1720, 1775. II 18 4 Hoſp. Sfi Sepulchri juxta Headon. Vide Orig. Surv. I 3 10 O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Ĉ Clear learly Value. King's Books. 44 • Alburgh, alias Aldburgh, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Val . in exit. 13 15 O 60 un. meff. ibidem per ann. 35. 4d. decim. Ian. agn. &c. The KING. Abb. Kirkſtall, Propr. (Monaft:) 34 17 o Atwick, alias Attinwyke, V. (St. Laurence.) Archiepiſc. pro 4 711 50 Prox. 75. 6d. Archidiac. pro Sýn. 45. Val. in augment. ſol. eidem per prior. de Bridlington 21. decim. garb. de Argom. decim. foen. lan. agn. &c. The KING. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. 26 10 0 * Burton Pidſey V. (St. Peter or St. Mary.) Val. in ſalar. an- Val. in ſalar. an- 6 0 0 nuat. rec. in pecun. de Cam. ecclef. Ebor. per antiq. compoſ. 61. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr, and Patr. Coledon Parva, alias Coldon, R. Swallowed up by the Sea. 2 13 4 The KING. oo Effington, alias Eaſington, V. (All Saints.) Stipend. Capellano 10 Owte Newton 41. Val. in pecun. annuat. rec. de Abb. de Mella 20 0 YORKSH. 1151 DIOCESE OF YOR K. s, 12 O O O 200 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 2 S. d. 1. d. Melfa 141. Monaft. Mella, Proprietor. Archbiſhop of York. o Frodingham, alias North Frodingham, V. (St. Elgin.) Val. in 5 m 25 manf. cum paftur. pro 4 groſ. animal. per ann. 135. 4d. dec. lan, ago, &c. Abb. Thornton, Propr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1768. George Acklam, Gent. claims the Patronage. 10 5 0 Garton V. (St. Michael.) Val. in manf. cum un. acr. ter. per 6 i oj ann. 1os, decim. agn. &c. The KING. Abb. Thornton, Propr. 44 2 4 Goxhill, alias Gowſeley, R. (St. Giles.) o Præpof. Beverley 8 145. 2d. Eidem pro Syn. and Prox. 145. 2d. Ter. gleb. ad valor. 10s. per ann. &c. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. Robert Moore, Gent. 16:25. Ralph Lutton, Eſq. 1689. William Liſter, Eſq. 1721, 1753. 18 0 * HEADON, alias HEYDEN, Cur. (St. Auftin.) It goes along with the Vicarage of Preſton.. Subdean of York, Propr. and Patron. 31 811 Hilſton R. (St. Margaret.) Stephen Clarke and Jane his Wife, 5 oo ni 1684. . Ralph Carțille, i Gent. 1713, 1788, 1731. Henry Münby, p. h. v. 1759.35 JA 48 o O Holym V. (St. Nicholas,) with Withernſea Cur. Withernſea Cur. Syn. and 9 19 ..:Prox. 115. 6d. si Archiepiſc. pro Aver. il. 135. 4d. Val. in manſ, ibidem, unacum lexit. garb. decimali ibidem com. ann. 71. minut. decim. &č. Prior. Kirkſtall, Propri Sir Charles 9) Hotham, 11709. IVMayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Bever- ley, Patr. 1718, 1780, 1784. 25 o Holmpion, alias Hompton, R. Penf. Abb. Criſtall 55. Archi- 4. 3 4 50 epiſc. pro Syn. 6d. Val. in manf. cum trib. bovat. ter. ac 4 parv. cot. in villa Holmpton per ann. 21. decim. garb. &c. 10. The KING.L.LV 6 10 Humbleton V. (St. Peter.) Val. in exit. ter gleb. tam in El. 10 I 0 ſtanwyk quam in Humbleton cum cotag. 8s. 8d. { decim. lan. .-1agv. &c. Abb. Thornton, Propr. The KING. o Kayingham V. (St. Nicholas.) Val. in ſalar. rec. in pecun. de 12 Abb. de Melſa per compof. 121. Abb. Melfa, Propr. Arch- . biſhop of York. I 8 10 o Kilnſey, alias Kilpſea, V. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6 8 63 45.. Prox. 7s..6do. Val in decim. fæn.lan. agn. &c. Abb. Kirkſtall, Propr. Thomas Bacon, Eſq. 1711. The KING, 1727. Leonard Thompſon, Eſq. 1769, 1775, 1779. 24 0 o Mapleton V. (Al Saintsa) Val in manſ, cum parvo clauf. per 4 13 4 ... ann. gs. 4d. decim. quadrageſimal. &c. Archdeacon of Eaſt Riding, Propr. and Patr. 2 O O 2. 0 ܘ ܘ Marfleete 1152 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. is. 1. O O 5 0 Clear learly Value. King's Books. d. 6 15 Marfleete Cur. Colleg. Sutton, Propr. Richard Brodrepp, Impr. 1721. Mr. Waterland, Propr. and Patr. 47 10 o Pagula, alias Paul, V. (St. Andrew and St. Mary.) Præpof. 10 Beverley pro Avenis 14: 4d. Archidiac. pro Prox. 4s. Val, in exit. terr. & ten. infra camp. de Pagula per ann. 10S. 8d. decim. garb. fæn. &c. Abb. Kirkſtall, Propr. Arch- biſhop of York. 15 00 * Preſton V. (All Saints:) Val. in exit. fæn. decimal. per 12 ann. Il. 105. decim. quadrageſimal. apud Heddon 4l. &c. Sub Dean of York, Propr. and Patr. 48 9 8 Skeekling, alias Skegling, alias Skeckling, V. (All Saints,) 70a with Burſtwick. Val. in exit. un. manf. terr. gleb. cum clauſ. il. 75. decim, fæn, lan. agn. &c. Pri. Kirkſtall, Propr. The KING, 1691. Earl of Cardigan, 1723, 1758. Duke of Montagu, 1784. 10 OO Skeffling, alias Shefling, V. (St. Helen.) Val. in pecun. rec. 5 O de Abb. de Kirkſtall pro ſal. 5l. Pri. Kirkſtall, Propr. Holmes, 1724. Dinah Holmes. 16 4 0 Skipſea V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Val. in 9 16 0 pecun. annuat. rec. de Abb. de Melfa rol. Pri. Melſa, Propr. Archbiſhop of York. 32 10 8 Swine, alias Swyne, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in ſalar. annuat. rec. 8 00 in pecun. de Prior.. de Swine 8l. Pri. Swine, Propr. Anne Tadman, Widow, 1.705. Walter Wade, Samuel Liſter, and Thomas Salter, Eſqrs. 1766. Mary Bramley, late Moorhouſe, 1776. Sutton Cur. (St. James.) Richard Brodrepp, Eſq. 1721. * Tunſtall V. (All Saints.) Succentor Canonicorum, Ebor. Propr. and Patr. 20 Oo Ulrome V. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. IS. Val. in terr. gleb. cum 3 19 2 clauſ. & un. columbar. 165. decim. fæn. &c. The KING, by Lapſe, 1721.. Sir Griffith Boynton, Bart. 1745. 30 * Waghen V. (St. Peter.) Val. in exit. un. meſ. per ann. 70 1os. decim. quadragefimal. &c. Chancellor of the Church of York, Propr. and Patr. 14 Welwick V. (St. Mary.) In tke“ Juriſdiction of Beverley. 6 13 4 30 Præpof. Beverley pro Prox. 1os. Val. in [cit. manſ. ac un. bovat. terr. eid. pertin. 1os. decim. garb. foen. &c. The KING. Præpof. Beverley, Propr. 34 15 o * Withernwick V. (St. Alban.) Penf. Perſon. ibidem 25. Val. in manf. cum parvo crofto per ann. 35. 4d. decim. foen. &c. Prebendary of Archbilhop's Holme, in York Cathe- dral, Propr. and Patr. CHAPELS, 1.0 O O 20 O O O IO O оо 0 6 71 YORKSH 115.3 DIOCESE OF YOR K. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Bilton, (St. Peter,) Chap. to Swine. Burſtwick Cur. (All Saints,) Chap. to Skeckling. Pri. Kirk- ſtall, Propr. Duke of Montagu. Drypool C. (St. Peter.) Abby of Swine, Propr. Robert Wilberforce, Eſq. 111. 10s. certified Value. Eaſternick, Chap. to Humbleton. Liſſet, (St. James,) Chap. to Beford. Marton, Chap. to Swine. Nunkeeling C. Priory of Nunkeeling, Propr. John Thort- ton, Eſq. 201. 135.4d. certified Value. Ottringham C. (St. Wilfrid.) In the Juriſdi&tion of Beverley. Prior. Bridlington, Propr. Francis Boynton, Eſq. 171. cer- tified Value. Skirlaw, (St. Auſtin,) Chap. to Swine. Thorgumbald, Chap. to Paul. Witherenſea Cur. (St. Nicholas.) Held with Hollym. Abb. Kirkſtall, Propr. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Be- verley. . 9. Pontefrad, (W. R.) in the Archdeaconry of York, alias WEST RIDING. This Deanry was ſurveyed by Sir George Darcy, Knight, Sir Richard Tempeſt, Knight, Robert Chaloner, and Tho- mas Grice, Commiſſioners. The Monaſtery of Noftell, alias Noitells, was returned by the Commiffioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo- ralities, the clear annual Sum of 4921. 185. 2d. The Cell of Bamburgh was likewiſe returned at 1161. 125. 5d. The Cell of Stokirk was likewiſe returned at 31. The Cell of Woodkirk was likewiſe returned at 471. os. 4d. The Cell of Hirft in the Iſle of Axholme was likewiſe returned at 5l. 105. Id. The Monaſtery of Pontefract was likewiſe returned at 3377. 145. 82.1 H 7 H The 154 . DIOCESE OF YORK. YORKSN The Priory of Kirkleys was likewiſe returned at 15l. 85. 2d. St. Trinity's College in Pontefract was likewiſe returned at 182k145. 7. The Preceptory of Newland was likewiſe returned at 129l. 145 ride For Particulars of the above Monafteries, &c. vide Orig. Surv. 2. d. 1. s 22 1 2 O 100 0 0 20 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, l'early Teaths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. o] Ackworth R. (St. Cuthbert.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 4 11 150 75. 6d. Val. in ter. gleb. 31. 6s. 8d. dec. &c. The KING, aš Duke of Lancaſter. 9. 12 II Adlingfleet V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. . 019 31 7s.6d, Val. in manf. ibid. cum głeb. il. dec. foen. canab. agn. lan. &c. The KING. Mon. Selbye, Propr. 20 715 Almondbury, alias Almondſbury, V. (All Saints.) Penſ. Vi 2 o cario Dewfbery zb. 85. 8d. Archiepifc. pro- Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. ibidem 55. dec. fan. agn. oblat. &c. Collegium de Rotherham, Propr. The Truſtees of the Free School of Clithero in Lancaſhire, Patr. BRADFORD V. (St. Peter.) Colleg. Newark in Leiceſter, 2 0 0 Propr. Buller and his Wife, 1677. James Bul- ler, Eſq. 1710. Francis Buller, Eſq. 1718. Joſeph and Jane Sykes, 1752. William Herring and John Dealtary, 1784. Hammond Croffe, Eſq. p. i. 20 13 11 Caſtleford R. (All Saints.) Archiepifc. pro Syn. 55. Prox. 2 I 34 140 6s. 6d. Val. in ter. gleb. 31. 1os. annual. penf. rec. de pri- or. de Pontefract. Il. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lan- caſter. 0.21 Croften, alias Crofton, R. (All Saints.)Archiepiſc. pro I 0 0 Syn. 25. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in ter. gleb. ibidem per ann. il. 185 dec. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 14 0 71 Elmely, alias Emley, R. (St. Michael.) Archiepifc. pro Syn. I 8 0 45. Frox. 75. 6d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. it. decin. &c. Lord Halifax, 1675. George Savile, Eſq. 17010 Sir George Savile, Bart. 1714. The Archbiſhop, 1731. Sir George Savile, Bart. 1735, 1772. 84 13 61 HALLIEAX V. (St. John Baptift.) Archiepifc. pro Syn. 6s. 8 9:45 2500 Prox. 7s.6d. Pri. Lewes 141. 135. Val. in manf. cum gar- din. & diverſ. ſhop. eid. adjacen. per ann. 8s. decim. unius molend. 25. oblat, &c. The KING, Pri. Lewes in Suſſex, Propr. 0 0 10 IIO 0 O Kirk YORKSHO 1155 DIOCESE OF YOR K. O 0 0 King's Books. Yearly Tenthse 1. s. d. 1. da 6 8 Kirkberton, alias Kirkburton, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Vicar. 13 I 6 8 1 20 O Dewsberry 4. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 7s. 6d. Prox. 45. Val. in manſ. cum pomar. ac ter. gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. dec: agn. lan. molend. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Coll. Sfi Stephani, Weſtminſt. Propr. 25 13 9 Kirkheaton R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Vic. Dewsbery il. 35. 4d. 41 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. & pomar. ibidem per ann. 6s. 8d. ter. gleb. 21. 6s. 8d. dec. gran. &c. Tam Rex quam Thomas Wentworth, Efq. 71670. Richard Beaumont, Eſq. 1693: Sir William Wentworth, Bart., 1712, 1757. Henry Smithſon, Eſq. 1785 copia 25 8 61 Methley, alias Medley, R. (St. Oſwald.) Archiepiſc. pro 2 10 101 230 Syn. 45. Prox. 7s.6d. Val. in ter. gleb. ibidem per ann. 21. 18s. 3d. decim. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lan- çafter. 40 74 Thornhill R. (St. Micnael.) Vicario Dewsbery. 145. Archi- 4 0 0% epiſc. pro Syn. 4.5. Prox. 75.6d, Ter. gleb. ad valor. 21. 135. 43. &c. Lord Halifax, 1671. George Savile, Elg. 1701. Sir George Savile, Bart. 1714, 1732, 1767. 29 19 WAKEFIELD V.* (All Saints.) Archiepifc. pro Syo. 45. 2 19 11 Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. columbar. & po- mar. ibidem per ann. 135: 4d. decim, fæn. agn. &c. The KING. Collegium Sancti Stephani, Weſtmonaſt. Propr. The Lectureſhip of Wakefield is in the Gift of the Mercers' Company, 34 2 Warmfield V. (St. Peter,) with Kirkthorp. Archiepifc. pro O 10 5 Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val, in manf. cum gardin. & po- mar. ibidem 39, 4d. decim. gran, fæn. agn, lan. &c. Mon. Sti Oſwaldi, Propr. The Maſter of bridge, and others, Patrons, as Truſtees of Barn. Oley, Clerk. 2 220 o an * In the Church of Wakefield is a Lectureſhip endowed with 751. per ann. founded by Lady Cam- den, in the Interval between the Death of Charles I, and the Reftoration. 7 HZ LIVINGS - 1156 DIOCESE OF YORK. YORKSH, 1. d. . 48 19 2 O decim. Dr. Val. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books l. s. d. 25 6 8 Batley V. (All Saints.) Archiepifc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 16 11 8 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. & clauf. annex. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. gran. fæn. agn. &c. Mon. Sancti Oſwaldi, alias Noftell, Propr. Lord Brudenell, 1685. John Copley, Ci. 1719. Earl of Cardigan, 1754. Duke of Montagu and the Heirs of Mr. Copley, alternately. Birſtall V. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. 8d. Prox. 75. 23 19 2 6à. Val. in manf. cum gardin. adjacen. per ann. 1os. de- cim. fæn. lan. agn. ,&c. Archbiſhop of York. Coll. Sii Stephani, Weſtm. 37 5 6 Calverley V. (St. Wilfrid.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 9 IT TO 60 os. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. ibidem per ann. 35. 4d. penſ. annual. rec. Cuſtod. Capel. 10l. The KING. Ca- pella Sanct. Angelor. Ebor. Propr. Darrington V. (St. Luke and All Saints.). Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 16 11 55. Prox. 75. 6d. Præb. Pontefr. il . 45., Priori Pontefr. . . Sfi Johannis Baptiſtæ de Pontefract, Propr. 46 4 51 Dewsbury V. (All Saints:) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 22 13 9 70 75. 6d. Penf. annual. rec. de ecclef. de Thornhill, Kirkbir. ton, Almonbury, Huddersfield, Kirkheaton, & Bradford, de- cim. agn. &c. The KING. Collegium Sancti Stephani, Weſtmonaſt. Propr. 15 3 4 * Ferry Friſton, alias Water Freſton, V. (St. Andrew.) Ar- 5 19 chiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in månf. cum gardin. & pomar. per ann. 35. 4d. decim. agn. lan. oblat. &c. Succentor and Vicars Choral of York, Propr. and Patr. 45 'o o Fetherſton, alias Featherſtone, V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro 5 8 64 Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in ter. gleb. 55. dec. lan. agn. oblat. &c. Mon. Ski Oſwaldi, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, Patr. 45 10 HUDDERSFIELD V. (St. Peter.) Vicar. Dewsbery zł. 135. 4d. 17 13 4 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 35. Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gardin. per ann. 35. 4d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Mon. Sancti Oſwaldi, Propr. Sir William Ramſden, Bart. 1696. Sir John Ramſden, Bart. 1773, 1784, p. i. o Kellington V. (St. Edmund.) Val. in firm. manf. ibidem cum 9 811 gardin. per ann. 55. decim. lan. agn. canab. lin. &c. Præcep- tor de Newland, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Merfield, 35 00 3 I 0 0 2 32 10 YORKSH. 1157, DIOCE'S E OF YO R.K. ܕܐ 1 d 1 2 14 I O O 41 18 10 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. o Merfield, alias Mirfield, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in manſ. cum 6 of gardin. & croft. adjac. per ann. 95. dec. agn. lan. &c. Pri. Kirkleys, Propr. Sir Thomas Armytage, Bart. 1682. Sir John Armytage, Bart. 1716. Sir George Armytage, Bart. 1778. 48 72 Normanton V. (All Saints.) Præceptor de Nun Appleton, 7 Propr. Trin. Coll. Cambridge. 47 PontEFRACT, alias POMFRET, V. (All Saints,) cum St. Giles 13 6 8 90 Capella, nunc in Foro. Val, in penſ. annuat. rec. de prior. i de Pontefracto 131. 6s. 8d. The KING. Mon. Ski Johannis Baptiſt. in Pontefract, Propr. Rothwell V. (Holy Trinity.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 19 12 II 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gardín. & columbar. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Sfi Oſwaldi in co.. Ebor. Propr. Gervas Pierpoint, Eſq. 1681, 1702, Duke of Kingſton, 1739. Robert Harper, Eſq. and Samuel Harper, Gent. 1748, 1757 48 17 4Sandall Magna V. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Penſ. 13 7 8 80 135.4d. Val. in manſ, cum gardin. eidem annex. per ann. 55. penf. annual. rec. de decan. col. 141. The KING. Col. , legium Sti Stephani, Weſtmonaſt. Propr. 24 0 o Womerſley, alias Wormeſley, V. (St. Martin.) Archiepiſc. pro 6 11 52 Syn. 55. Prox. 75. 6d. Val.in manf. cum gardin. 55. dec. fæn. lan. agn. lin. canab. &c. Mon. Stæ Mariæ Heyninges in Lin. coln. Propr. Thomas Harvey, Eſq. 1689. Stanhope Har. vey, Eſq. 1744, 1775. O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES.. St. Anne in the Groves, Chapel to Hallifax. 31. certified Value. Armin, (St. David,) Chap. to Snaith. Earl Percy and Ed. mund Starkie, Eſq. alternately. 71. certified Value. Bretton Ch. in the Pariſh of Elmley; endowed by the late Sir William Wentworth, but not conſecrated. Sir Thomas Blackett, Bart. Patrá Birſtall, a new Chapel. Endowed by Subſcriptions. Carlton, (St. Mary,) Chap. to Snaith. Ellen Hooke, Spinſter, 1772. Chapelthorpe, (St. James,) Ch. to. Sandall Magna. 211. 1950. certified Value. Cleckhearon, Chap..to Birſtal. Richard Richardſon, Eſq.. he Coley, DIOCESE OF YORK. YORKSH, 07 Coley, Chap. to Hallifax. 131. 125. 2d. certified Value. Crofterne, alias Croſtone, Ch. to Hallifax. 231. 25. 6d. certi- fied Value. Cumberworth Cur. Sir Thomas Blackett, Bart. 181. 155. cer- tified Value. Eaſt Ardeſley C. Duke of Montagu. 271. certified Value. Eland, alias Eliand, (St. Mary) Chap. to Hallifax. 261. 10$. certified Value. Fockton, Chap. to Thornhill. 31l. 55. certified Value. Hartilhead, Ch. to Dewsbury, cum Clifton Cur. Pri. Knareſ- burgh, Propr. 81. 95. 64. certified Value. Haworth, (St. Michael,) Chap. to Bradford. 31l. certified Value. Heptonſtall, (St. Thomas Becket,) Chap. to Hallifax. 101. Ios. certified Value. Holmfirth, Chap. to Kirkberton. 141.95.-6d. certified Value. Hook, (St. John,) Chap. to Snaith. Edmund Starkie, Eſq. 81. 135. 4d. certified Value. Honley, Ch. to Almondbury, 241. 6s. 6d. certified Value. Horbury, (St. Peter,) Ch. to Wakefield. The Vicar, Patr. 71. certified Value, Idle, Ch. to Calverley. 131. certified Value. Illingworth, (St. Mary,) Ch. to Hallifax. 121. 16s. certified Value. Knottingley, (St. Botolph,) Chap. to Pontefract. Lightcliffe, alias Lightwick, Chap. to Hallifax. 101 11s. 68. certified Value. Luddenden, Chap. to Hallifax. 34. 135. 4d. certified Value. Marſden, Chap. to Almondbury. 31. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Meltham, (St. Bartholomew,) Chap. to Almondbury. 341. 35. 6d. certified Value. Nun Appleton Cur. Sir William Milner, Patr. Pri. Nun Ap- pleton, Propr. Offet, (Holy Trinity,) Ch. to Dewsbury. '5l. certified Value. Pudley, Chap. to Calverley, (St. Laurence.) Pudſey, Cor. (All Saints.) Pri. Sti Oſwaldi, Propr. 201. 55. certified Value. Raſtrick, Ch. to Hallifax. 57 certified Value. Ripponden, (St. Bartholomew,) Chap. to. Hallifax. 1221. 135. 4d. certified Value. Roecliffe, alias Rawcliffe, (St. James.) Ch. to Snaith. Charles Yarburgh, Eſq. 401. certified Value. Scamanden, alias Stadmadeň, alias Deanhead, Ch. to Hudderſ- field. 151. certified Value. Slackthwait, Ch. to Huddersfield. 45. certified Value. ** SNAITH YOR KSH DIOCESE OF YORK. 1159 - Woodkirk, aliae xa ** SNAITH C. (St. Mary.) Pri. Snaith, Cell to Selby Abbey, Propr. Charles Yarburgh, Efq. 441. certified Value. Sowerby Bridge, Chap. to Hallifax. 61. certified Value. Sowerby, (St. Peter,) Chap. to Hallifax. 121. 25. 8d. certified Value. Swinefleet, Chap. to Whitgift. Thornton, (St. James,) Chap. to Bradford. 1ol. 135. 4d. certi- fied Value. Tonge, Ch. to Birſtal. John Tempeſt, Eſq. 71. ros. certified Value. Whitgift C. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pri. Sti Oſwaldi, Propr. Charles Yarburgh, Eſq. 401. certified Value. Wibſey, (Holy Trinity,) Ch. to Bradford. 131. 55. certified Value. kirk, Propr. Duke of Montagu. 3.11. 55. certified Value. Wragby Cur. (St. Michael.) Pri. Sancti Oſwaldi, Propr. Sir Rowland Wynde, Bart. D. Ridali, (N. R.) in the Archdeaconry of CLE A VELAND. IOS. The Monaſtery of Ridall was returned at 2787. 105. 2d. The Monaſtery of Old Malton was likewiſe returned at 1971. The Priory of Yedyngham was likewiſe returned at 2 il. 16s. 6d. 1 The Priory of Boſdall was likewiſe returned at 371. 125. sd. The Monaſtery of Wickham Was likewiſe returned at 251.. 175. 6d. The Priory of Keldome was likewiſe returned at 291. 6s. id. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Book'so Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. si d. 1. s, d. 7 8 61 Appleton V. (All Saints.) Abb. Sancti Albani, Propr. Sir O 14. 101 William Strickland, Bart. 1699, 1706, 1728. Hugh Cholmley, Eſq. 1740. Grace Thompſon, Widow, 1764. arton 1160 DIOCESE OF Y OR K. YORKSK. $, 8 10 13 10 2 IO 4618 8 Eaſton, alias Edſton, V. Pri. Hexham, Propr. Eng. Monaft. 7 10 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. l. S. d. 14 3 61 Barton in the Street R. (St. Michael.) Viſcount Irwin, 1696. I Iſabella Viſcounteſs Dowager Irwin, 1716, 1748, 1750, 1783, p. i. o Gillinge R. (Holy Croſs.) Lord Fairfax, 1675, 1710. The I 70 Archbiſhop, 1715. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1767. Ri- chard Heaton, Eſq. 1770. 14 17 6 Hurton Buſhell V. (St. Matthew.) Abb. Whitby, Propr. 19 Sherrard, Eſq. 1674. Thomas Wentworth, Eſq. 1721. Lord Malton, 1729, 1740. Marquiſs of Rockingham, 1752. Earl Fitzwilliam, 1782. 25 I joj Miſperton, alias Kirby Miſperion, alias Kirkby Over Carr, R. 21 (St. Laurence.) Duke of Buckingham, 1670. Edmund Charles Blomberg, Eſq. 1707. Thomas Duncombe, 1763, 1770. Charles Slingsby Duncombe, Eſq. 1780. 1 8 Oſwaldkirk R. (St. Oſwald.) Henry Frankland, Eſq. 1700. IO 2 Maria Moor, Spinſter, 1731. Mary Thompſon, Widow, 1774 I 101 Shinglesbie, alias Slingsby, R. (All Saints.) Duke of New- 4 2 1 caſtle, 1689. Robert Ward, Clerk, 1718. The Dutcheſs of Buckingham, 1739. John Cleaver, Gent. p. h. v. 1773• 8 Stangrave, alias Stonegrave, R. The KING. 250 Thorneton in Pickering R. (All Saints.) Mary Cholmley, Widow, 1699. Hugh Cholmley, Eſq. 1721. John Hill, Eſq. 1745, 175, 1768. Richard Johnſon Hill, Eſq. 1781. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. King's Books 27 0 0 * Ampleford V. (St. Hilda.) Prebendary thereof in York 4 °6 51 Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 8 o Brompton V. (All Saints.) Pri. Malton, Propr. Sir William 12 Cayley, Bart. 1,685. Sir George Cayley, Bart. 1736. * Ebberſton, alias Ibberſton, V. Dean of York, Propr. and 517 31 Patr. IO I 33 6 8 3 6 8 20 2 0 0 29 8 Oo O 35 0 vol. II. p. 50. Counteſs of Salisbury, 1698. Grace Ben- net, Widow, p. h. v. 1726. Earl of Salisbury, 1763, 1774. * Ellerburne V. (St. Hilda.) Dean of York, Propr. and Patr. 7 4 gi HELMSLY 19 Oo YORKSH. 1161 DIOCESE OF YORK. s. 1. S. d. I O Ο ΙΟ 100 0 o o O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. 35 8 HELMSLY V. (All Saints.) Pri. Kirkham, Propr. Sir Robert 11 8 63 Clayton, Knt. and others, 1691. Thomas Duncomb, Eſq. 1728. Thomas Duncomb, Eſq. 1756. 49 KIRKY MOORSIDE V. (All Saints.) The KING. Prior. 14 Newburgh, Propr. 49 15 o Laſtingham V. (St. Mary.) The KING. Abb. Sanctæ Ma- 17 7 6 90 riæ Ebor. Propr. 34 Levelham, alias Ledſham, alias Leaviſham, R. Mary Ethering- 7 8 11 on, Widow, 1691. The KING, 1698. Mary Wykes, Widow, 1752 22 15 3 Middleton V. Abb. Kirkſtall, Propr. Samuel Skelton, Clerk, 10 11 8 1683. Thomas Robinſon, Efq. 1716, 1763. John Robin- ſon, Clerk, 1782. 5 6 Normanby R. The Archbiſhop, 1701. Richard Hill, Eſq. 1719. 9 12 John Hill, Eſq. 1745, 1762. Richard Johnſon Hill, Eſq. Nunnington R. (All Saints.) The KING, 50 * Pickering V. (St. Peter.) Dean of York, Propr. and 8 3 9 Patr. 38 8.10 * Salton V. (St. John of Beverley.) Preb. of Salton in York 4 10 10 Cathedral, oliin Propr. Earl of Salisbury, 1743. 37 Scawton R. (St. Mary.) Thomas Worlley, Eſq. 1729, 1731, 2 19 1733. 48 9 12 6 39 10 13 6 8 o 41 O O Q 2 NoT IN CHARGE. Allerſton, Chap. to Ebberſton. Bildſdale, Chap. to Helmſley. 61. certified Value. Cold Kirby, Ch. to Eafingwold. Edward Liſter, Gent. 1765. 81. 135. 4d. certified Value. Goatland, alias Goathland, C. to Pickering. 41. certified Va- lue. Hovingham C. (All Saints.) Pri. Newburgh, Propr. Earl of Carliſle. 201. certified Value. Kirkdale C. Pri. Newburgh, Propr. Univerſity of Oxford. 121. certified Value. ST. LEONARD's C. in New Malton. Capel. to Old Malton. 161. 135.4d. certified Value. With ST. MICHAEL'S C. in New Malton. Capel. to Old Malton. 161. 135. 4d certified Value. Old Malton C. (St. Mary.) Pri. Malton, Propr. Marquiſs of Rockingham is Patron of Old Malton, in exchange with the Arch- 7 I 1162 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. Archbiſhop for Melleſworth R. in Hunts. 161. 135. 4d. cer- tified Value. Old Byland Cur. Deſtructa. Abb. Byland, Propr. Earl Fauconberg. 141. certified Value. Roſedale Cur. (St. Laurence.) Pri. Roſedale, Propr. The Inhabitants nominate. 51. certified Value. Swinton C. 241. certified Value. Synnington C. Maſter of Hemſworth School, Propr. and Patr. 191. certified Value. Wykeham C. (All Saints.) Abbey of Wykeham, Propr. Mr. Hutchins, Patr. 201. certified Value. D. Rippon. l. s. REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. d. 8 Duæ Cantar. de RIPPON. 24 71 Hoſp. Stæ Mariæ Magd. ibidem. Archbiſhop of York. 10 14 41 Hoſp. Sfi Johannis juxta Rippon. Archbiſhop of York. O оо Yearly Tenths. 1. d. O 16 o 8 03 1 I 51 2 D. RIPPON CUM MASSAM. A Peculiar Juriſdi&ion. Rippon Eccleſia Collegiata, (St. Peter and St. Wilfrid.) There are in the Collegiate Church of Rippon a Deanry, Subdeanry, and fix Prebends. The KING is Patron of the Deanry. The Subdean is elected by the Dean and Chapter : And, as to the Prebendaries, the Dean and Chapter nominate three Perſons to the Archbiſhop of York, who muſt collate one of them. The Deapry 350l. per The Preb. 201. per annum each. Aldfield Cur. cum Studley, (St. Laurence,) Chap. to Rippon. Heirs of William Aiſlabie, Eſq. Biſhops Monckton C. 271. certified Value. Biſhops Thornton C. 251. certified Value. Bongate, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chap. to Rippon. Deſtructa. * Middleſmoor, Chap. to Maſſam, in D. Catterick, in Cheſter Dioceſe. A Peculiar of the Dean and Chapter of York. annuin. Pata YORKSH. 1163 DIOCESE OF YOR K. Patleybridge C. (St. Mary.) Parochial Ch. to Rippon. 261. . 35. 4d. certified Value. Sawley C. (St. Michael.) 301. certified Value. Skelton C. 271. 16s. certified Value. Winſley Evefton cum Grantley C. (St. Oſwald.) 351. certified Value, The College of Rippon is Propr. of all theſe, and alſo Patr. except Aldfield cum Studley. HEXHAMSHIRE Peculiar Juriſdiction, co. NORTHUMBERLAND. Allendale Cur. cum Ninebanks Cap. 261. 6s. 8d. certified Value. HEXHAM * Cur. (St. Andrew,) cum Whitby Capella. 131. 6s. 8d. certified Value. St. John Lees C. 61. 135. 4d. certified Value. St. Mary in Bingfield C. 81. certified Value. St. Oſwald, Chap. to St. John Lees. Sir Thomas Blackett, Bart. is Patr. of the five firſt of theſe Benefices in Hexham- fhire. They were all appropriated to Hexham Mon. Tockerington C. The Prebendary thereof in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. Norts. D. Bingham. N. B. The whole County of Nottingham is in the Archdeaconry of Nottingham. The Priory of Shelford, in this Deanry, was returned at 1161. Os. 8d.] The College of Clifton was likewiſe returned at 201. 25. 6d. For Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Liber Regis. * Hexham.- In this Pariſh is a Lecture of confiderable Value, in the Gift of the Company of Mer. cers, London 7 I 2 LIVINGS 1164 NOTTS. DIOCESE OF YORK. d. d. O O pro Prox. t II I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE, King's Books. Pearly Tenthose Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c 1. li s. 4 17 6 St. Anne in Sutton Bonnington R. The KING. 80 9 9 o 19 3 9 Barton in Fabis R. (St. George.) Archiepifc. pro Syn. 45. I 18 4 Archidiac. pro Prox. 7s.6d. Penſ. ſol. pri. Lenton 55. Val. in manſ. cum glėb. ibidem per ann. 21. os. 8d. decim. garb. &c. Archbilhop of York. 44 7 IT BINGHAM R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archi- 4 8 91 diac. Prox. 75.6d. Val. in manſ. ibidem cum 6 bovat. ter. per ann. 21. 8s. in trib. dom. pertin. rector. per ann. 185. 8d. in decim. &c. Mary Brunſell, Widow, 1688. Earl of Cheſterfield, 1711, 1764. 9 41 Broughton Sulney R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 6s. 8d. 2 111 Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. Il. 105. decim. garb. &c. Sir Gervafe Clifton, Bart. 1689. Sir Robert Clifton, . , 1767 6 101 Clifton R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syo. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Vide Liber Regis. Sir Gervaſe Clifton, Bart. 1689. Lord Middleton, 1721. Sir Robert Clifton, 1754. Sir Gervaſe Clifton, Bart. 10 7 31 Codgrave iſt Mediety, (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. o 82 Archid. pro Prox. 35. 4d. Sol. pri. Lenton il 25. 6d. Rect. hab. manſ. cum gleb. ibidem qu. val. 145. decim. &c. Duke of Kingſton, 1722. Abraham Tilghman, Eſq. 1750. Heirs or Repreſentatives of the Duke of Kingſton. 9 14 Codgrave 2d Mediety, (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. 0 19 51 Archidiac. pro Prox. 35. 4d. Rect. hab. manſ. cum gleb. ann. valor. 6s. 8d. &c. Earl of Kingſton, 1698. Abraham Tilgh- man, Eſq. 1750. Heirs or Repreſentatives of the Duke of Kingſton. 8 7 7 6 Colſton Baffet V. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Val. o 16 2 in manf. cum gleb, ibidem per ann. 135. 8d. in oblat. in dec. paſch, in dec. Iin. canab. lan. agn. &c. The KING. Pri. . Landa, Propr. 7.18 4 Cortlingſtock, alias Coſtock, R. (St. Giles.) Archiepiſe. pro o 15 10 Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 16s. in dec. paſt. garb. &c. Carew Weeks and others, 1701. Ann Perkins, Spinfter, and Roby Sherwin, 1708. John Wiſeman, Gent. 1752. Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bart. 1768, 1783. Elton I O Norts. 1165 DIOCESE OF YORK. - King's Books. d. 1. s. Pearly Tenths. 1. S. d 8 Elton fuper Montém R. (St. Michael.) Archiepiſc. 45. Ar. o 16 01 chidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. fol. prior. de Blyda-ann. il. 65. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 135. 4d. in dec. garb. &c. Gabriel Moore, 1681, 1636. Langford Collin, Eſq. 1720, 1745, 1750. 19 8 61 Eaſtbridgford, alias Eſtburghford, R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. 1 18 101 pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. gleb. dec. &c. Patrick Chaworth, Eſq. 1707. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1742. Peter Broughton, 1783. 19 8 61 Gothain R. (St. Laurence.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archi I 19 10 diac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ, cum or. gardin. pom. & columbar. ac circa 30 acr. ter. gleb. ibid. per ann. il. 1os. William Skeffington, jure Uxoris, 1673. Duke of Newcaf- :3 tlé, 1674. Heyne Caythorp, 1710. Charles Jennens, Eſq. 1746. Durches of Portland, 1776. 8 13 9 Hawkfworth R. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Archiepifc. pro O 17 42 Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ.cum 3 bovat. ter. ibidem per ann. 11. 45. in decim. garb. &c. Wild liam Clay, Eſq. 1690. Richard Butler, Eſq. 1707. Tho. mas Wright, Gent. p: h. v. 1733. Executors of Hammond Turner, 1975. Creed Turner, Clerk, p. i. 1784. 18 8 4 Hickling R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn, 45. Archid. 1 16 10 pro Prox. 75. 6d. Penſ. fol. pri. Thurgarton il. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. gleb. dec. &c. Queen's College, Cambridge. 15 y 6 Holme Pierpoint R. (St. Edmund,) cum Adbolton. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75.6d. Val, in manf. ib. cum clauf gleb. per ann. 1il. in dec. garb. in Gamſton, Ad. bolton, &c. Duke of Kingſton, 1719, 1740: Abraham Tilghman, 1770. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton. 7 5 0 Keworthe, alias Keyworth, R. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archie- 0 14 6 piſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac, pro. Prox. 55. Pení. rect. de Plumtree 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum 8 bov. ter. ibid. per ann. 21. in decim. garb. &c. Thomas Hayes, Gent. 1715. Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bart. 1728, 1783. 7 11 Langar R. (St. Andrew.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 85. Archidiac. I o91 pro Prox. 7s.6d. Val. præter port. pri. de Lenton & Thur- garton in manf. cum gleb. ibidem per annum 1. &c. The KING, 1695. Scroope Lord How, 1714. Lord Viſcount Howe, 1753, 1776. 25. 4. 7: Weſt Leke R. (St. Helen,) cum Eaſt Leke, (St. Mary.) Ar 2 10 5 chiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Valet in manſ. in Weſt Leke cum gleb. per ann. 21. in i meff. cum gleb. in Eaſt Leke per ann. 165. decim. Frances Stanhope, Widow, 1717. Earl of Huntingdon, 1737, 1770. St. I 10 9 1166 Norts. DIOCESE OF Y OR K. s. 1. S. 2 1 King's Eooks, Yearly Tenths, I. d. d. 15 St. Michael in Sutton Bonnington R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. I IO 21 pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 25. 6d. in decim. molend. garb. fæn. &c. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. qui o] Normanton ſuper Sore R. (St. John.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. 015 11 Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. an. fol. pri. Durham 135. 4d. Val. in manf. cum 2 virg. ter. gleb. per ann. il, decim. garb. &c. Jo. Jorey, this Turn, 1697. Richard and James Richards, 1719. James Richards and John Richards, 1729. John and Thomas Richards, 1731. James Harryman, Gent. p. h. V. 1777 19 19 7 Plunítree R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Archi. I 19 11] diac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum 8 bovat. ter. & pral: ibid. per ann. 2l, in trib. cot. ibid. 155. in un. toft. & 4 acr. ter. in Chipſton 8s. in dec. garb. &c. Comes Devon, 1683. Lionel Copley, Eſq. 1718. John Moxon, Eſq. p. h. v. 1760. 4 12 6 Radcliffe, alias Ratcliffe, upon Trent V. (St. Mary.). Archiepiſc. 0 9 3 pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Valet in manſ. cum gardin. ibid. per ann. 45. penf. rec. pri. de Thurgarton Il. ros. dec. porc. &c. . Prior. Thurgarton, Propr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1740. The Duke of Kingſton, 1771. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton. 13 2 6 Remſton R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 1). in dec. garb. &c. John Newton and others, 1689. John Bellamy, Eſq. 1702. Sidney. College, Cambridge, 1748. 9 7 6 Stanford upon Sore R. (St. John Baprift.) Archiepiſc. pro o 18 9 Syn. 6s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 21. dec. garb. &c. Thomas Lewis, Eſq. 1686. Francis Lewis, Eſq. 1722. Charles Lewis, Eſq. 1755. Samuel Philips, Eſq. 1768, 1771. Charles Vere Daſhwood, Eſq. 1775. 15 9 41 Thorlaſton, alias Tollerton, R. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro I 10 11 Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum clauſ. adjac. viz. 6 bov. ter. & prat. ibid. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. in dec. garb. &c. The KING, 1684. John Neale, Eſq. 1692. Pendock Price, Eſq. 1717. John Neale, Eſq. 1729. Pendock Neale, Eſq. 1770, 1782. Weſtbridgford, alias Weltburghford, R. (St. Giles.) Archie- 1 13 5 piſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. fol. rect. de Holme annuat. 25. Val. in manf. cum ter. adjac. una- cum 2 bov. ter. gleb. per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. dec. &c. Thomas Fuller, 16 3 16 14 2 NOTTS. DIOCES E of Y OR K. 1167 5 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. de 1. s. d. Fuller, S. T. P. 1692. Millicent Fuller, Widow, 1723. Mundy Muſters, Eſq. 1749. John Muſters, Eſq. 1770. 14 16 01 Widmerpole R. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archi- 1971 diac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. eid. pertin. per ann. il. 105. in dec. gran. &c. Earl of Kingſton, 1704 . Duke of Kingſton, 1731, 1759. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton. 18 17 6 Wilford R. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. and Prox. non fpecificat. 1 17 9 Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 165. in dec. paſc. piſc. &c. Sir Gervaſe Clifton, Bart. 1694. Sir Robert Clifton, Bart. 1733, 1752. Barrows Harris Stanyford, Eſq. 1781. 2 13 9 2 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 19 17 6 Adbolton R.* · Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Archidiac. pro Prox. 35.4d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 1os. in decim. garb. &c. Duke of Kingſton, 1719, 1740. Abraham Tilgh- man, 1770. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton. 16 5 0 Bunney V. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Archidiac. 6 14 O pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. il. 35. in decim. molend. vent. lan. agn. porc. anc. &c. Prior. Úlveſcroft, Propr. Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bart. 1690, 1714, 1769, 1781, 1784. 30 14 8 Carcolſton V. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archi- 6 10] diac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum i bov. ter. gleb. per ann. 1l. 25. in decim. lan. agn. porc. anc. columb. &c. Pri. Wirkſop, Propr. Richard Porter, Eſq. 1728, 1731, 1750. 32 0 Flyntham, alias Flintham, V. (St. Auſtin.) Archiepiſc. pro 6 2 6 Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 21. dec. lan. agn. porc. anc. pul. lin. ca- nab. &c. Trinity College, Cambridge. Abby of Welbek, Propr. 8 Granby and Sutton V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. 6 3 61 Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. ibid. per ann. 55. in dec. paſch. il. in dec. lan. agn. porc. anc. pul. vac. vitul. &c. Duke of Rutland, 1704, 1720, 1756. Pri. Thurgar- ton, Propr. 26 14 * Adbolton R.-only a Vicarage, and joined to Holme Pierpoint, 1707. See the Books of Inſti. tutions in Officio Primit. Kneton 1168 DIOCESE OF YOR K. Norts, S, S. d. 47 12 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, l. d. le 8 O 0 Kneton V. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45» Archidiac. 4 9 41 pro Prox. 65.8d. Vicar. hab. manſ. ibid. cum penſ, fol, per abb. de Newboo qu. val. per ann. 5l. Abb. Newboo, Propr. Sir Francis Molyneux, Bart. 4 Kynalton, alias Kinolton, V. (St. Wilfrid.) Val. in manſ. ibid. 7 18 11 per ann. 5s, in oblat. in dec. paſch. in dec. foen. lan. agn. &c. Archbiſhop of York, Propr. and Patr. 44 6 6o Orſton V.4 (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 8s. Archidiac. 12 4:7 pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. five gleb. ibid. per ann. 35. 4d. in quad, augment. per ann. 41. 6s. 8d. dec. lan, agn. vac. vit. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. The Archbiſhop, by Lapſe, 1782. 24 0 0 Radcliffe upon Sore V. (Holy Trinity.) Syn. and Prox. null. 6.134 Val. in pec. numerat. an. fol. per firm. pri. de Burſcough 6l. 135.4d. Pri. Burſcough in Lancaſt. Propr. Aſsheton Cur- zon, Eſq. 14 3 4 Rodyngton, alias Rodington, V. (St. Peter.) Sym. 8s. Prox. 6 13 4 75. 6d. Val, ſine manſ. in dec. Ian. agn. porc anc. lin. canab. pom. mel. cer. ov. &c. Col. Durham, Propr. The KING, 1753. Duke of Devonſhire, 1781. 43 3 0 Screiton, alias Screveton, R. (St. Winifred.) Archiepiſc. pro 6 19 Syn. 45. Archidiac. prọ Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum 4. bov. ter. gleb. per ann. 21. in un, meff. &c. Robert Thoro- ton, Eſq. 1728. Thomas Thoroton, Eſq. 1782. 43 OO Staunton on the Wolds R. Staunton on the Wolds R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn.45. Archidiac. 2 13 4 pro Prox. 35. 4d. Val. in manf. cum un. virg. ter. ibid. per ann. 6s. 8d. in dec. garb. &c. Lady Parſons, 1721, 1733. Sir Mark Parſons, Bart. 1780. oo Thorpe in Glebis R. Eccleſia deſtructa. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 12 9 41 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 65. 8d. Vide Liber Regis. Armſtrong, 1673. Richard Fownes, and Margaret Arm- ſtrong, 1699. Sir Thonias Parkyns, Bart. 1748. Tithby, (Holy Trinity,) cum Cropwell R. A Curacy only. William Chaworth, Eſq. Pri. Thurgarton, Propr. 28 10 Whatton Vet (St. John of Beverly.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. 5 6 8 Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 105. in decim, lan. agn. porc. anc. pul. &c. Abb, I IO 14 II I O * Orſton V.-Augmented ſince the Reſtauration by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Antiq. of Nottingham, p. 117. + Whatton.-Galfr. Archbiſhop of York, appropriated the Church of Whatton to the Abby of St. James's at Welbeck, ſaving always a Competency.for the Vicar that fhould miniſter, viz, a third Part. Thoroton's Antiq. of Nottinghamſhire, p. 143. Welbek, 4 Norts. DIOCESE OF YORK. 1169 21 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. i. s. de Welbek, Propr. William Shipman, Eſq. 1725. John Hewett, Eſq. 1763, 1781. 7 4 Willoughby on the Wolds V. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Ar- 6 18 61 chiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Vide Liber Regis. Pri. Wirkſop, Propr. Afterwards in Edward VI's Time, the College of Fotheringay. The KING, 1702. Julius Hutchinſon, Eſq. 1737. Thomas Hutchinſon, Eſq. 1772. Thomas Marſham, Clerk, and John Heaviſide, Eſq. 1775. O o Wiffawe, alias Wyſall, V. (Holy Trinity.) Archiepiſc. pro 4 11 ož 를 ​Syn. 45. Valet in manſ. cum 10 acr. ter. gleb. ibid. per ann. 8s. in an. penf. rec. de prior. de Wirkſop il. 6s. 8d. in dec. lan. &c. Pri. Wirkſop, Propr. Hon. Philip Savage, 1713. Arthur Acheſon, Eſq. 1751. Sir Archibald Acheſon, Bart. 1774 . CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Alacton Cur. (St. John of Beverley.) Abb. Welbeck, Propr. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton. Awthorp, alias Owthorpe, Cur. (St. Margaret.) Pri. Thurgar- ton, Propr. 10l. certified Value. Edwalton, (Holy Rood,) Chap. to Rodington. William Cha- worth, Eſq. 51. 10s. certified Value. Flaford, (St. Andrew,) Chap. to Rodington. Kingſton ſuper Sore, (St. Wilfrid,) Chap. to Radcliffe on Sore. Duke of Leeds. 141. certified Value. Rodington Coll. founded by William Babington, Eſq. t. H. VI. Vide Liber Regis. Scarrington, Chap. to Orſton. Shelford C. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Prior. Shelford, Propr. Earl of Cheſterfield. 401. certifield Value. Staunton Cur. (St. Mary,) Ch. to Orfton. Pri. Haverholme, Propr. Job Staunton Charlton, Eſq. 161. certified Value. Thrumpton, (All Saints,) Chap. to Radcliff on Sore. Prior. Norton, Propr. John Emmerton Weſcomb Emmerton, Eſq. 278. 105. certified Value. 7 K D. Newarke. 7170 Netts, DIOCESE OF YORK. 9. Pewarke. The Priory of Brodeham, in this Deanry, was returned at 161. 55. 2d. The Wardenſhip of Sybthorpe was likewiſe returned at 25l. 18s. 8d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGĖ. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 1. S. de 20 2 o Averham, alias Aram, R. (St. Michael,) with Kelham R. an- nexed. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. per ann. in ter. gleb. & prat. Il. 195. 6d. in dec. garb. &c. penſ. ſol. pri. Selby al. Lord Lexington, 1711. Sir Francis Molyneux and others, 1734. George Sutton, Eſq. 1785, p. i. 13 2 31 Crumwell, alias Cromwell, R. (St. Giles.) Archiepiſc. pro 1 6 2 Syn. 25. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 3d. Val. per ann. in ter. gleb. & prat. 21. in decim. garb. &c. Duke of Newcaſtle. 1717, 1765. 9 16 0) Eikering, alias Ekring, R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Prox. 6s. O 1978 8d. Val. Val. per ann. in manſ. cuin ter. gleb. 135.4d. in decim. garb. &c. fol. ecclef. Ebor. 35. 4d. Marquis of Dorcheſter, 1709. Sir George Savile, Bart. 1722. Duke of Kingſton, 1758. Sir George Savile, Bart. 1777. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton and the Heirs of Sir George Savile, Bart. alter- nately: Elſton R. (All Saints.) Syn. 25. Prox. 55. Val. in manf. o 18 101 cum ter. gleb. per ann. 2l. 175. 4d. in dec. garb. &c. Anne Laſcells, Widow, 1702. Robert Darwyn, Eſq. 1732. Ro- bert Waring Darwin, Efq. 1766. 976 Fledborough R. (St. Gregory.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Ar- o 18 9 chidiac. pro Prox. 75.6d. Val. in manſ. cum pertin. per ann. 1 1 s. 8d. in ter. gleb. & prat. 1l. 6s. 8d. in decim. gran. &c. Marquis of Dorcheſter, 1712. Duke of Kingſton, 1756. The Archbiſhop, by Lapſe, 1779, 1783. 17 13 4 Hawton juxta Newarke R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. I 15 4 6s, Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manf. cum ter. gleb. 2l. 25. in dec. garb. &c. Sir Richard Newdigate, Bart. 1697. Thomas Beaumont, Clerk, p. h. V. 1755. Sir Ro- ger Newdigate, Bart. 1785, p. i. 5 Hokertoe 8 9 NOTTS. 117 DIOCESE OF YORK. King's Books. 1. S. I 18 10 21 O 220 o Yearly Tenths . d. 7. d. 9 9.44 Hokerton R. (St. Nicholas.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn, 45. Ar- o 18 ili chidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in ter. gleb, il. 6s. 82. in dec. garb. &c. Henry Newcomb, Clerk, 1721. John Whetham, Eſq. 1750, 1781. Elizabeth Whetham, p.i. 1784. 19 8 4 Kellome, alias Kelham, R. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. 4s. Prox. 75. Val. per ann. in ter. gleb. 11. 6s. 8d. in dec. garb. mo- lend. &c. Lord Lexington, 1690, 1720. George Sutton, Eſq. p.i. 5 21 NEWARK upon Trent V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archiepiſc. 2 2 61 pro Syn. 175. 6d. Archidiac. pro Prox. 175. 63. Val. in decim. pul. anc. porc. pom. &c. Sol. pro Bellſtrings 45. &c. The KING. Pri. Sanctæ Katherinæ, Linc. Propr. 10 1 3 Rolſton, alias Rollefton, V. (Holy Trinity.) Archiepiſc. pro I o lj Syn. 35. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. Val. per ann. in manſ. & gleb. il. in dec. lan. agn. aqu. &c. Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 6 14 41 Shelton in the Vale R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. Is. 0 13 54 Archidiac. pro Prox. 55. Val. in manf. & gleb. 1l. 45. in dec. garb. &c. Vide Preſentation 31 March, 1684. Coun- teſs of Salisbury, 1712. Earl of Salisbury, 1749, 1759. 14 I 101 South Collingham R. (St. John Baptiſt. . Syn. and Prox. 11s. Syn. and Prox. 115. 18 20 6d. Val. in inanf. cum un. oxgang. ter. per ann. Il. Is. in dec. garb. &c. Biſhop of Peterborough. 16 13 111 Staunton in the Vale R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. I 13 41 Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ. ter. gleb. decim. garb. &c. Anne Staunton and others, 1689. Anne Charl- ton, Widow, 1714. Job Charlton, Eſq. 1726. Jane Degge, Widow, 1739. Charles Doncaſter, Eſq. 1776. Ann and Emma Charlton, 1782. © Thorpe near Newark R. (St. Laurence.) Archiepiſc. pro O 16 Penſ. & Synag. 135.4d. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in ter. gleb. & prat. il. in dec. garb. &c. Penf. fol. Pri. Averholme il. The KING. 19 2 II Weſton in the Clay R. (All Saints.) Syn. 45. Prox. 75. 6d. I 18 3 Val. per ann. in ter. gleb. cum manf. il. in dec. garb. &c. Sir Thomas Willoughby, Bart. and John. Digby, Eſq. 1704. The Duke of Kingſton, 1746, 1771. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton. 711 01 Wynthorpe, alias Winthorpe, R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. 0 25 11 75. 8d. Archidiac. 25. Eccleſia deſtructa. Penſ. fol. pri. Ellham 6s. Val. in manſ. cum 2 oxgang. ter. per ann. Il. Is. in decin. garb. &c. Roger Pocklington, Eſq. Patron, 7 K2 who I 8 0 100 0 O 1172 Norts. DIOCESE OF YORK. King's Books. 2. d. Yearly Tenths, 2. who purchaſed the Advowſon of the Corporation of New. ark, to whom it had been granted by King Charles II. A. D. 1672. The Archbiſhop, 1778. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. - 25. Oo I Clear early Value, King's Books, 25 19 6 Barneby, alias Barnby in the Willows, V. (All Saints.) Syo. 5 9 gi Val. per ann. in manf. cum gardin. 45. in dec. alb. &c. Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 18 0 O Cottam, alias Cotton, alias Cotham, V. (St. Michael.) Archi- 7 18 epiſc. pro Syn. 25. Val. per ann. in manf. 45. in dec. Ian. &c. & 57. 35. 4d. ſol. in pecun. per pri. de Thurgarton. Pri. Thurgarton, Propr. Ducheſs Dowager of Portland. 14 O O Farenden, alias Faringdon, (St. Peter,) cum Balderton Capell. 6 13 4 (St. Giles.) Val. per ann. in manſ. & ter. gleb. Is. in decim. lan. agn. lin. anc. &c. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 48 7. Kilvington R. (St. Mary.), Archiepiſc . pro Syn. 25. Archi. 6 12 diac. pro Prox. 55. Val. in manſ. & ter. gleb. per ann. Il. 45. in dec. garb. &c. William Cartwright, Eſq. 1681, 1721, 1746, 1767. 44 oo Kneeſall, alias Knefall, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Alloc. 6s. 8d. 10 Val. per ann. in manſ. & un. oxgang, ter. 6s. 8d. Penſ. fol. per vic. Southwell 10l. Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 38 10 6 Laxton, alias Lexington, V. (St. Michael,) cum Moorhouſe. IL OO Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Vide Liber Regis. Earl of Kingſton, 1694. Duke of Kingſton, 1722, 1748, 1762. Colleg. Rotherham in co. Ebor. olim Propr. Heirs of the Duke of Kingſton. o Marnham V. (St. Wilfrid.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Archi- 8 19 2 Prox. 75. 6d. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum ter. gleb. il. 105. in dec. in lan, agn. vit. porc, anc. &c. Knights Templars, Propr. William Brownloe, Eſq. 1690. Earl of Tyrconnel, 1721, 1735. Viſcounteſs Dowager Tyrconnel, 1779. Lord Brownlow, 1782. 35 14 Normanton upon Trent V. (St. Matthew.) Syn. 45. Val. per 4 5 4 5 0 50 ann. in manſ. 6s. 8d. dec. in Gryſthorpehall 105. decim. Ian. &c. Prie Wirkſop, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1772. North Clifton V. (St. George.) Val. per ann. in manf. cum gardin. 55. in decim. molend. &c. & decim. de Sutton Clos. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 3 North 40 o diac. pro 0 0 37 D 7 6 o Norts. DIOCESE OF Y OR K. 1173 s. 8 15 0 0 7 10 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. d. 1. d. North Collingham V. (All Saints.) Val. per ann. in manſ. cum 8 14 Q gardin. 45. & in ann. penſ. rec. abb. de Petriburg, &c. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. Abb. Petriburg, Propr. North Muſkam ſecond Mediety. V. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. and 8 19 7 Pros. null. Val. per ann. in manf. cum clauf. & gardin. 125.' in dec. lan. agr. &c. Pri. Shelford, Propr. Earl of Chef terfield, Patr. 29 2o South Scarle V. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. gs. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. gs. Val. 5 2 6 per ann. in manſ. 35. 4d. in dec. agn. lan. porc. anc. ov. &c. Prebendary of Southſcarle in the Church of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 36 Ill Stoke near Newark V. (St. Oſwald,) cum Sireſton, Codington, 8 13 O and Elſton, Cap. (All Saints.) . Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 11s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 155. Val. per ann, in manſ. 6s. 8d. in decim. molend. Ian. &c. Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 29 19 8. Sutton upon Trent V. (All Saints.) Prior. Wirkſop, Propr. 5 6 8 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 55. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75.-60. Val. per ann. in manſ. 45. in dec. alb. lan. in dec. alb. lan. agn. lin. can. &c. The KING, 1715. Édward Hulſe, S. T. P. 1731. Sir Ed- ward Hulle, Bart. 1783. 15 I 6 Thorney, alias Turney, V. (St. Helen.) Syn. 6s. Val. per 4 7 6 ann. in manf. cum gardin. 55. in dec. lan. &c. cum dec. frum. &c. de dom. de Bromholme. The KING, 1703. Prior. Brodholme, Propr. John Diſney, Eſq. (Thoroton, p. 194.) CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Fiſkerton, (St. Mary) Chap. to Farenden. Langford C. (St. Bartholomew.) Mr. Duncombe, Patron, Knights Templars, Propr. fol. certified Value. Maplebeck C. Abb. Rufford, Propr. Duke of Newcaſtle, 191. 105. certified Value. Omington Cur. (Holy Rood.) Knights Templars, Propr. William Cartwright, Eſq. Sibthorp Cur. (St. Peter.) College of Sibthorp, Propriet. Ducheſs Dowager of Portland. Winkburn C. Knights Templars, Propr. Mrs. Burnell. 187.. certified Value. i D. Rot 1374 DIOCESE Mọi DIOCESE OF YORK. . D. Nottingham, The Priory of Lenton, in this Deanry, was returned at 3877 10s. Iod.] The Priory of Thurgarton was likewiſe returned at 2591. 95. 42.£ The Priory of Newſted in Shirwood was likewiſe returned at 1671. 165. 11d. The Priory of Felly was likewiſe returned at 401. 195. id. The Priory de Bello Valle was likewiſe returned at 1961. 6s. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions of the above Priories, vide Liber Regis. d. 1. ' s. 1. 6 1 8 7 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentos, Rectories, &c. with the Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. o] Colwicke R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Ar O 12 let chidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. dec. &c. Jo. Mufters and others, 1680. Mundy Muſters, Eſq. 1749. John Muſters, Eſq. 1770. 13 1 8 Eperſton R. (Holy Crofs.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Archi I 6 2 diac. pro Prox, 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. Il. 43. dec. &c. Elizabeth Litherland, Widow, 1701. Scroop Lord How, 1705. Lord Howe, 1749, 1770. 14 6 of Gedling firſt Mediety R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. null. I 8 Earl of Cheſterfield, p. i. 1745, 1784. 6 16 8 Gedling ſecond Mediety V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 0 13 8 Archidiac. pro Prox. 35. 9d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. & clauf. ibid. per ann. 135. 4d. dec. molend. prat. agn. vit. Ruſſel, Eſq. 1682. Catherine, Eli- zabeth, and Bridget Wood, 1703. Earl of Cheſterfield, p. i. 1745, 1784. Pri. Shelford, Propr. 7 19 2 Gonalton, alias Gonalſton, R. (St. Laurence.), Archiepiſc. pro 0 15 11 Syn. 2s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum 2 bov. ter. ib. per ann. 145. dec. &c. Sir Humphrey Monoux, Bart. 1691, 1745. Sir Philip Monoux, Bart. 1785, p. i. 18 I 8 Kirkby in Athfielde R. (St. Wilfrid.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 65. I 16 2 Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in dec. garb. &c. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1700. William Shepard, Gent. 1734. Du- cheſs Dowager of Portland, 1765. Lamley, 25. porc. anc. &c. Norts. 1175 DIOCESE OF YORK. King's Books, 1. d. I Pearly Tenths, 1. d. 10 16 3. Lamley, alias Lambley, R. (Holy Trinity.) Archiepiſc. 45. I I 7 Prox. 75. 6d. Penf. ann. fol. eccleſ. Lowdam 135. 4d. Val. in mani. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. Il. 6s. 8d. dec. &c. Eliza- beth Anthill and John Balſer, p. h. V, 1712. Wood, 1714. John Marler, p. h. v. 1719. Sarah Wire, Widow, and others, p. h. V. 1761. John Dodney Flamſteed, Eſq. 1780. 10 5 ó St. Mary in Nottingham V. Archiepiſc. pro Sýn. 6s. Archi 0.6 diac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val..in manſ. cum gleb. ib. per ann. Ilo-ros. in dec. pan. cerviſ. lan. agn. ane. porc. pull. fruct. &c. Marquis of Dorcheſter, 1708. Duke of Kingſton, 1722. The Archbiſhop; 1730. Repreſentatives of the Duke of Kingſton. Pri. Lenton, Propr. 7 7 6 MANSFIELD, alias MAUNCELL, V. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. 0. 14. 9 pro Syn. 55. Archidiac. pro Prox. 78. 6d. Val..in manf. ib. per ann. 6s..8d. in pecun. voc. Holybred Silver 6s. 8d. dec. fæn. toft..porc. anc. ov. lin. &c. Dean of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 9. 19. 2 Teverſhall , alias Terfall, R. (St. Catherine.) Archiepiſc. pro o 19 11 Syn. 3și Archido pro Prox. 6s. 82. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. Ili in dec. Rog. Grenhill, Arme 21. in dec. in Stanley 1l. in dec. in Trinfell 155. in dec. &c. Sir Francis- Molyneux, Bart. 1716. Sir Charles Molyneux, 1753. Thomas Bury, Eſq. and his. Wife, and Diana Molyneux, Spinſter, 1779. I 01 Hoſp. ad finem Pontis Nottingham. Vide Liber Regis. 4: 13 4; Hoſp. Sti Johannis.. Vide Liber Regis. 9 4 DI I 2 I 18 15 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Cléar Yearly Values King's Books, 24 11 8 Arnold, alias Arnhall, V. (St. Mary.) Arehiepiſc. pro Syn. 7 17 8 45. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 17. 65. 8d. penf. rec. coll. Il. 6s.. 8d. deciin. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Duke of De- vonſhire. Colleg. Newark in Villa Leiceſter, Propr. o Attenborough, with Bramcote V. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. 4 6 8 ad Feſtum Michaelis 35. Val. in manf. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. 105. decim. porc. anc. ov. lin. canab. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Felley, Propr. The KING, 1711, Francis Foljambe, Eſq. 1748, 1767. Francis Ferrand Foljambe, Eſq. p. i. 1783 14 16 8 Basford V. (St. Leodegarius.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Ar- 8 17 § 30 o o chidiac. pro Prox. 25. Val. in manſ. cum un. acr. gleb. ibid.. 1176 DIOCESE OF YO R K. Noits. d. 25 10 O O 2 6s. 8d. in decim. &c. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 1. s.-d. 1. ibid. per ann. jos. 8d. in decim. molend. Il. 45. decim. porç. anc. foen. &c. The KING. Pri. Catesby in com. North. Propr. Beeſton V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Archidiac. Notting. pro Prox. 4 15 0 65. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. ibid. per ann. Il. 1os. decim. lan. agn. lac. porc. anc. lin. &c. cuin decim. voc. Maynport. Duke of Devonſhire. Pri. Lenton, Propr. 37 6 8 Bilburgh R. (St. Martin.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archi- 3 12 6 Prox. 85. 8 d. Val. in manſ. & gleb. in Bilborrow & in parc. de Strelley, cum clauſ, in Broxtow per ano. il. Edge, 1722. Thomas Sheppard, Eſq. 1728. Thomas Edge, 1783 33 Bullwell R. (St. Mary.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. 5 5 10 pro Prox. 25. Val. in manſ. cum 2 bovat. terr. ibid. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. in un. bovat. terr. gleb. in Hempfall 5s. de- ciin. &c. . 1701. Turner, Eſq. 1.729. Godfrey Wentworth, Eſq. 1771. 25 0 0 Burton Jorce, alias Joyce, V. cum Bulcote Cap. (St. Helen.) 4 19 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. Is. Val, in manſ. ibid. per ann. 75. 8d. in decim. fæn. lan. agn. porc. pul. &c. Earl of Cheſter- field, 1694, 1719, 1782. Pri. Shelford, Propr. 39 15 o Eftwayte, alias Eaſt Wayte, alias Eaſtwood, R. (St. Mary.) 4 13 1] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, 2s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 55. Val. in decim. &c. Henry Plumtree, Eſq. 1689. John Plumtre, Eſq. 1730, 1767 II O oo Gryeſley, alias Greyeſley, alias Greaſley, V. Val. in pecun. 8 5 o rec. per. ann. de Pri . Dom. de Bello Valle pro ſal. 41. in ob- lat. &c. Prior. de Bello Valle, Propr. The KING, 1726. Sir Robert Sutton, 1728. Lord Viſcount Mel. bourne, 1776. 20 O o Hucknall V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. 4 18 1 Val. in mani. cum 6 acr. ter. eid. pertin. per ann. Ils. 8d. in decim. lac. vit. molend. lan. agn. pul. equar. &c. Lord Byron. Pri. Newſted, Propr. Lenton V. (Holy Trinity.) Penſ. fol. Prior. de Lenton il. 8s. 9 5 $ 8d. Val. in manf. cum un. acr. terr. 6s. 8d. dec. lan. agn. pore, anc. pul. lin. canab. fruct. &c. The KING, Pri. Lenton, Propr. 41 9 6 Lowaam V. Archiepiſc , Ebor. pro Syn. 6s.. Archidiac. pro 4.18 4 Prox. 78, 6de Val. in augment. ſal. per Abb. Weſtm. in pe- cun. il . izs. 4d. decim. molend. lan. agn. &c. Marquis of Derehelfer, -1712. Duke of Kingſton, 1730, 1773 Re- preſentatives of the Duke of Kingſton. Mon. Weſtminſter, Lyudeby, 2. I 2 16 "I 30 0 0 NOTTS. DIOCESE OF YORK 1197 43 0 30 0 dec. &c. Sir Thomas Willoughby, Bart. 1709. Lord Mid- Clear learly Value. King's Books. 1. §. 2. 1. 0 Lyndeby, alias "Lindby, R. (St. Michael.) · Archiepiſc. pro 4 9 91 Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. ibidem cum 2 bov. ter. per ann. 135. 4d. in dec. garb. &c. Lord Rochdale, 1689. William Stanhope, Eſq. 1723. Frederick Montagu, Efq. 1762. 15 7 9 St. Nicholas in Nottingham R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Ar- . . 2 16 8 chidiac. pro Prox. 6s.8d. Val. in mans. cum gardin. ibidem per ann. 85. in oblat. dec. paſc. &c. penſ. annual. fol. prior. de Lenton Ios. The KING, 1714, 1749. Lord Middleton, 1766. The KING, 1773. 31 0 0 Nuthall R. (St. Patrick.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4s. Archidiac. 3 14 21 pro Prox. šs. Val. in manſ. cum 2 bov, gleb. il. dec. &c. Richard Slater, Eſq. 1688, 1694. John Ellis, Clerk, 1729. Sir Charles Sedley, 1761. 2 19 St. Peter in Nottingham R. Syn. 45. Prox. 6s. 8d. Valet 8 7 6 in manf. ibidem per annum 6s. 8d. in decim. perſonal. ob- lat. &c. Penſ. fol. prior. de Lenton per annum 16s. The KING. 23 0 V. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. 3 9 41 40 pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in ter. ten. prat. & paſt. ibid. 11. 1os. decim. herbag. de Sutton Moor 85. dec. porc. anc. lin. ca- nab. lan. agn. dec. molend. &c. The KING. Prior. Len- ton, Propr. 6 7 Selſton V. (St. Helen.) Vat. in manſ. cum gardin. ibidem per 5 oo ann. 35. 4d. dec. molend, pul. porc, anc. ov. lin. &c. Pri. de Bello Valle, Propr. The KING, by Lapſe, 1749. o Strelly, alias Strelley, R. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6 4 8 Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in manſ. ib. B12537 125. &c. John Thynne, 1689. Richard Edge, 1722. Tho- mas Sheppard, Eſq. 1728. Thomas Edge, 1783. 40 o o Trowell firſt Mediety R. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. 4 14 4 Archidiac . pro Prox. 35. 4d. Rect . hab. iranſ. & 2 virg. ter . qu. val. per ann. Il. ros. un. meff, & 3 acr. in Collalls 8s. 30 0 o Radford O o poco the kn O 20 O 17 10 25. 25. 1 dleton, 1724, 1766. 45 00 Trowell ſecond Mediety R. (St. Helen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 414 41 Archidiac. pro Prox. 35. 4d. Rect. hah. manſ. cum ? bov. ter. ann. val. 1l. 6s. 8d. dec. garb. &c. Jolin Hacker, Gent. 1674, 1719. Eliz. Hacker, 1746, 1753. 44 13 o Wollaton R. (St. Leonard,) cum Cap. Cofiall. Archiepiſc. 14 6 pro Syn. 75. 6d. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in maof. cum gleb. ibidem per ann. 11. 1os. in dec. rec. de Jo. Wylo loughby, Mil. & Her. fuis infra paroch. 71. dec. lan. &c. cum decima. 2 7 L 1178 Norts, ID 10'C ES E OF YOR K. Clear Yearly Value. . s d. decim. in Coffáli. Sir Thomas Willoughby, Bart. 11708. Lord Middleton, 1724, 1766. King's Books. d. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Bradbu, Ser Ho stop Wallcam Chow The Hoſpital of St. Mary Magdalen of Bradbuſh. Sir 'Hum. phry Monoux, Bart. 1740, 1745: Anneſley C. (All Saints.) Cantar. in Anneſley val. in manſ. cum trib. bov. ter. per ann. 1l. 2s. cum diverſ. meſfuag. &c. Pri. Felley, Propr. William Chaworth, Eſq. 201. certified Value. Awſworth C. in Nuthall Pariſh. Earl of Stamford. Broxſtow, Chap. to Bilburgh. Deſtructa. Hoveringham C. (St. Michael.) Trinity College, Cambridge, or their Leſſee, Patr. Pri. Thurgarton, Propr. 201. cer- tified Value. Kimberley, Chap. to Gryelley. Deſtructa. Mansfield Woodhouſe, (St. Edmund,) Chapel to Mansfield. Dean of Lincoln. 401. 135. 4d. certified Value. Paplewick C. (St. James.) Pri. Newſted, Propr. Frederick 2 Montagu, Eſq. 171. 85. 6d. certified Value. Skegby, Chap. to Mansfield. Dean of Lincoln. 131: 65.8d. certified Value. Snèynton Chap. (St. Stephen.) Repreſentatives of the Duke air of Kingſton. Pri . Lenton, Propr. 121. certified Value. Stapleford C. (St. Helen.) Pri. Newſted, Propr. The KING. 61. 25, 10d. certified Value. Sutton in Aſhfield C. (St. Mary:) Pri. Thurgarton, Propr. Duke of Devonſhire. 147.6s. 8d. certified Value. Thurgarton C. (St. Peter.) Tr. Cant. id eccleſ. temp. H. VIII. Trinity College, Cambridge, or their Leffee, Patr. 2012 8 ob certified Value. Produse ads 1975) 80 392 og din 1973 Tosin seront 038 000 den toda gide olan 200 m CHEBA 12 to iss 20 nya org bliqot A teny og frisch toas quis til 23 ne 09. ohq seibidor one oso o dals a betont monil 20-4919edo. TE: O Chow diw Niento2) Videos xor074 sibidata fry Og ligeidota 3 NOTTIS 4179 DIOCE $-E op YORK D. Retford.biltenhos The Monaſtery of Welbeck, in this Deanry, was returned at 2491. 6s. 3d. The Monaſtery of Rufford was likewiſe returned at 1761. 115.6d. The Priory of Workſop was likewiſe returned at 2396. 155. 5d. The Priory of Blythe was likewiſe returned at 1131. os. 8d. The Priory of Materſey, alias Merſey was likewiſe returned at 55l, 25. 5d. The Priory of Wallingwells was likewiſe returned at 581. gs. Iod. For the Particulars of the Poffeflions of the above Religious Dc Houſes, vide Liber Regis. 2007 Wallingweļls w d. de 2 I 9 II LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. D. King's Books. 17RT OM Vcarly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. swoigs I. 14 19 Babworth R. (All Saints.) Archiepifc. pro Sya 55: 8d. Archidiac. pre Syni. 75. 6. Manf. ter. gleb: decim. &c. John Simpſon, Efq. 1727. William Simpſon, Eſq. 1743. TO John Simpfon, Clerk, 1769. 15 13 4. Carlton in Lynrike, alias Lindrick, R. (St. John.) Archie 1 II 4 piſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s 8d. Penf. ann. fol. prior. de Wallýnwells 2l. 13.4d. Val, in manf. ter. ten. &c. Archbiſhop of York. 26 10 10 Clayworth R. (St. Peter.). Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archi 2 13 diac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val, in manſ. ter. gleb. decim. &c. Dean of Lincoln. 9 3 4 * Eaſt Drayton V. (St. Peter,) cum Cap. Alkham & Stock- 0 18 4 ham. val. per ann. in mant- & ster. gieb. Ih penf. rec. ca- pit. Ebor. 1os. 2d. decim. garb. fæn. lin. &c. Dean and Chapter of York. 14 0 0 Edwinſtowe, alias Edenſtowe, V. (St. Mary,) cum Cap. Car 8 0 berton, Ollerton, and Paleſthorpe. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 6s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 7 k. 75. 6d. Val. per ann. in manf. cum gleb. 1os. in dec. garb. fæn. fin. canab. &c. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. II 18 111 Eaſtmarkham V. (St. John Baptiſt,) with Weſt Drayton Chap. 1 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 73. 6d. 7 L 2 Val. I 1 3 10.1 1180 DIOCESE OF YORK. NOTTS, I 170 0 KING. 1 gleb. . . o , . pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. ter dec. &c. Wit. pastminſter, King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. S. do 1. Si d. Val. per ann. in manſ. & ter. gleb. 31: 6s. 8d. in dec. tan. agn. &c. in dec. gran. fæn, lan. &c. apud Welt Drayton. 13.4 91. Fenningley R. (St. Oſwald.) Archiepiſc. pro Syo. 45. Ar- . 1 6. Si chidiac: pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum ter. gleb. dec. &c. Richard Sheppard, Gent. 1684. 1684. Jo. Harvey, Erq. :519 1712, 1733, 1764. 25. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Penl. ann. pri. de Mer- fey 1l. 135. 4d. Val. in manſ, ter. gleb. decim. &c. The IJ 14 2 Grove (St. . -Archidiac, 35 aliam Wogan and Samuel Buck, Eſq. 1689. William Le- vinz, Eſq. 1737, 1749. 5 9. 7. Hartworth, alias Harworth, (All Saints,) cúm Membris, V. O 10 il Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 65. 8d. Vid. One Liber Regis., Thomas Howard, 1684. Jolin Fell, Gent. this Turn, 1719. The Univerfity of Cambridge, 1738. DO , Propr. 15 12:6 Heydon, alias Headon, R. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. I 113 55 6d. Vak-in-manſ. ter. gleb. cum dec. &c. Sir ! a dolph Wafteneys, Bart. 1695, 1707, 1727, Lady Waſte- A neys, 1760. 7.14 9. Kirton, alias Kirkton, R. (Holy Trinity:) Archiepifc. pro o 15 51 ci Sy'n. 25. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum reiter. gleb, dec. &c. Duke of Newcaſtle. 19.10 73 . Qrdfalk R. (All7Saints,) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4s. Archi- Archi-. I 190 6d. Penf. fol. preb. de Ditton annuat. da bis. 8 de Valo in manf. ter: gleb. dec. &c. Sydney Wortley, r695. . John Barker, Gent: 1727: Edward Wortley, 1743 Earl of Bute and Lady Mountſtuart his Wife, 1774. i sz. Rolington R. (St. Michael,) in co. Ebor. Archiepiſc. pro ' 1 2 Syn. 4s., Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in man. ter. gleb. dec. &c. Mayor and Burgeſſes of Doncaſter, 1690, 01706, 17.1.0/ James Carrington, Clerk, and others, 1763. James Stovin, Eſq. 1733. 14 8.64 Saundby, alias Sandby, R. (St. Martin.) Archiepiſc. pro I 8 104 Syni 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. in manſ.. cum vister. gleb. dec. &c. Thomas Lord Middleton, 1715, 1720. Honourable Francis Willoughby, 1725. Lord Middleton, 1738x 1771.. South I Prox. 75. diac. pro 3 I Archiebt 179 NOTTS. DIOCESE OF YO R K. 1181 Ο 1ο 81 I 1:2 2 w of Rockingham, 1752, 1778. Earl Fitzwilliam, 1753-1 fol. Cläreborough, alias Cläreburgh, V. (St. John Baptift.) Valet 915: 4 King's Books Pearly Teaths. 2. d. 6 13 4 South Leverton V. (All Saints.), Archiepifc. pro Syn. 35. O13 4 Archidiac. pro Prox. 75 6d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. 175. in penſ. fol. per rect. al. in dec. porc. anc. lin. canab. &c. cum cert. deduct. Dean of Lincoln, Propr. and Patr. 57 3£ * Stourton in the Clay, alias. Stretton in the Clay, V. (St. Pe. peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Archidiac. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. per ann. in. maní. 6s. 8d, in dec. Ian. agn. porc. anc. &c. Dean and Chapter of York. 22 15 2! Warſop R. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 2 5 61 45. Prox. 7s. 6d. Val. in manſ..cum ter. gleb. decim. &c. Iſaac Knight, Eſq. 1703. Ralph Knighty, Eſq. 1735. Elizabeth Gally, Widow,, 1778. 7 1? I Weſt Markham V. (All Saints,) with Pendercots, alias Bever. o 15 2 cotts V. (St. Giles.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in manf. & ter. gleb. 21. as. cad. dec. garb. fæn. lap. agn. &c. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1775. Abb. Weſtminſter, Propr. 4 2 WORKSOP V. (St. Mary and St. Cuthbert.), Archiepiſc. pro I 4 5 Syn.: is. Val. per ann. in manſ. & penf. réc. pri . de Work- of fop 12l. 45. 2d. Pri. Worklop, Propr. Sir John Rodes, Bart. 1685. Thomas Wentworth, Esq. 1718. Marquits 6 6 8 BAUTREY Hoſp. Bautrey. Vide Liber Regis. Archbiſhop of York. 8 8 1.4. 2 Hoſp: BLYTHE. Vide Liber Regis. 0. 17. 5. LIVINGS DISCHARGED: Clear mearly Value. King's Books, 49 Bilſtrop, alias Bilſthorpe, R. (St. Margaret.) Syn, and Prox. 5° 8 gleb. &c. Sir Brian Broughton, Bart: 1714. Humphry Mackworth Prade, Eſq. and Dame Mary Delves, 1749. Sir George Savile, Bart. 1752, 1760. BLYTHE V. (St. Martin.) Val. per ann. in manf: cum roft . & 14 9 48 gardin. 6s. 8d. Penſ. rec. de patron. il. in dec: foen. lin. ca. nab. &c. & dimid. dec: lan: & agn. Trinity College, Cam- bridge, Propr: and Patr. Pri: Blythe, olim Propr. 12 0 0 * Bole V. (St. Martin:) Val. per ann. in manſ. & ter, gleb. 4 13 4 6s. 8d. in dec. prat. il.65. 8d. in oblat. dec. lin. canab. porc, &c. Prebendary thereof in York Cathedral, Propr. and Patr. 35 0 o ( per ann. in man£ cum toft. 75. dee. lan: agn. &c. & decim. garb, O 12 45. 10d. 35 0 O 1182 DIOCESE of Y OR K. Norts. do ter.. Aibidckney, V. (St. Ma- 9 8 61 . . . 35. in . . agn. porc. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. garb. & foen. de ſcroft & tøft. Sacrifta Sanctæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1976. 20 0 o ry.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. pro Prox. 75. 6d. Val. per ann. in manf. cum g acr. ter. gleb. 125. in dec. lan. agn. porc. anc. &c. Abb. Welbeck, Propr. Marquis of Dorcheſter, 1710. Duke of Kingſton, 1725. Reprefenta- tives of the Duke of Kingſton. 25 0 o Egmanton V. Mary.) Archiepifc. 45. Penf. rec: antuat . 4 6 01 gleb. 135. 135: 4d. in dec. lan. agn. &c. Prior. Newfted, Propr. Thomas Broughton, Efq: 1694. John Neale, Gent. 1718. Pendock Neate, Eſq. 1752, 1783. ik 16 00 Elkiſley, alias Elkeſley, V. (St. Giles.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 45. . 3.16 o} Val. anc. &c. Mon. Welbeck, Propr. Duke of Newcaſtle. 15 O O ESTRETFORD, alias Eaſt Retford, V. (St. Swithin.) Val. per 5 5 o atn. in manf. 55. & in pa penf. fol. ann. per rect. gl. Sacriſta Sanct. Mariæ Ěbör. Propr. The KING, 1752. Duke of Devonſhire, 1772. 30 Oo Everton V. (Holy Trinity.) Val. per ann. in manf. cum ter. 7 §. 2 gleb. il. 135. 4d. lib. pafch. dec. Ian. agn. &c. Saefifta Sfæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 1753. 15 0 Grinley on the Hill V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Archiepiſc. 18 4 pro Syn. 7s. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum ter. gleb: gs. 4d. dec. lan. agn. &c. Pri. Wirkſop, Propr. Duke of Rutland, p. i. 1781. 26 o Hayton V. (St. Peter.) Val. per ann. in manf. cum ter. gleb. 4 15 5 185. 4d. in dec. lan. agn. porc. &c. Sacrifta Sanct. Mariae Ebor. Propr. Archbiſhop of York, 1753, 1775 : 36 16 8 Heydon, alias Headon, V. (St. Peter.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4 3 4 6s. Val, in manſ. ter. gleb, cum prat. Il. 45. in dec. porc. anc. &c. The Rector, Patr. 22. IL 6. * Lanain, alias Laneham, V. (St. Peter.) Val. in manſ. cum 5 3 4 ter gleb. per ann. Il. os. 4d. in dec. lan. agn. lin. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. .34 2.0 Matterſey, alias Mareſey, alias Merſey, V. (All Saints.) 6 8 9 Val. per ann. in manf. cum terr. gleb. 108. in penſ. il. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Archbiſhop of York, Propr. and Patr. 17 10 o * Miſterton V. (All Saints,) with Stockwith Chapel. Val. 10 per ann. in manſ. 55. & in penſ. fol. per eccleſ. Èbor. sol. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. 3 Myflyn, O 5 0 Norts. DIOCESE OF YORK. 1183 47 10 O O de Archid. pro Prox. 35. 43. Val.in manf. ter. gleb. prat. .) Clear Yearly Value: King's Books. 1. d. I. d. 0 Myſſyn, alias Millin, V. Val. per ann. in manſ. & ter. gleb. 6 4 41 60 133. 4d. in decim, lan. agn. &c. The KING. Pri. Mat- terſey, Propr. 18 13 9 Sutton upon Lownd, (St. Bartholomew,) with Scrooby V. (St. 10 Wilfrid.) Val. per ann. in manſ. cum terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. in decim. Jan. agn. lin. canab. &c. Sacriſta Sanctæ Mariæ, Ebor. Propr. Mary Butler, 1683. Counteſs of Oxford 1742, 1750. Ducheſs Dowager of Portland, 1777. 40 16 4. Truſwell, alias Treſwell Eaſt Part, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) 8 1 4 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 25. Archidiac. pro Prox, 35. 4d. Penf. abb. fol. cap. Ebor. 135. 4d. manſ. cum terr. gleb. de- cim. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, and the Rev. Mr. Stevenſon, alternately. John Maſon, John Bright, and John Bingley, p. h. v. 1764. 40 3 4 Truſwell, alias Treſwell Weſt Part, R. (St. John Baptift,) 915 8 united to Treſwell Eaſt Part 12 Dec. 1764. Arcbiep. pro Syn. dec, &c. Sir Thomas Willoughby, Bart. 1709. Elizabeth Sharpe, Widow, 1733: Dean and Chapter of York, and the Rev. Mr. Stevenlon, alternately. 22 13 11 per ann. in manſ. & terr. gleb. Il. 75. in decim. lan. agn. anc. &c. Pri. Newſted, Propr. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. 30 o Walkringham V. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 4 25. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum gleb. il. in decim. foen. lan. agn. lin. &c. Pri. Wirk- fop, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridgerie 29 13 9 Waylisbye, alias Wailesby, V. (St. Edmund.) Archiepiſc. 6 1 3 pro Syn. 25. Archidiac. pro Prox. 65. 8d. Val. in manſ. La cum terr. gleb. per ann. 1l. os. sd. in decim. lan. agn, &c 3 DE Abb. Weſtminſter, Propr. and Patr, Lord. I Halifax, 1675. Sir George Savile, Bart. 1720, 1760, 1782. T Weſt Retford R. (St. Michael.) Archiepiſc. pro S¥n. 25. 2 13 4 Archidiac. , pro Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ, terr. gleb. ten. decim. &c. Bailiffs and Burgeſſes of Eaſt Retford. bus 49 O o Whetely, alias North Wlieatly, V. (St. Peter.) 1. Archiepiſc. 3. 18111 pro Syn. 45. Archidiac. pro Prox 6s. $dąu Val , per ann. in manſ, cum gleb, 11. 6sin decim. garb. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Weſtminſter, Propr. William Sacheverell, Eſq. and others, 1688. Lord Middleton, 1720, 1776, 1784.5 Val. 4 14 7 o 7 II at bacaodox to porast bns ansa * Tuxford V:-In the Ręcord after Synodals 2s, it follows, " and alſo for Belſtringe Bourdes by s Compoſition 25. CHAPELS, 1184 NOTTE DIOCESE OF YORK, CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. * Abſthorp, alias Apeſthorpe, V. (St. Peter.) Preb. of Abr- thorp, in York Cathedral, Patr. and Propr. 91. IIs. 8d. certified Value. Auſterfield, Chapel to Blyth. 151. 8s. 4d. certified Value. BAUTREY, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Blyth. In the County of York. Bothumfall, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Elkifley. Duke of New- caſtle. 211. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Boughton C. [demoliſhed] Chapel to Kneeſal. Chapter of Southwell. Iol. certified Value. Cottam, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to South Leverton. Littleborough C. Abb. Welbek, Propr. John Hewett, Eſq. 41. 35. 4d. certified Value. Serleby, Chapel to Hartworth, alias Harworth. Deſtructa. Upton, Chapel to Heydon. Wellow C. (St. Swithin,) in Edwinſtow Pariſh. Abb. Ruf- ford, Propr. Sir George Savile, Bart. il certified Value. Weſt Burton C. (St. Helen.) Abb. Newſted, Propr. The Impropriators, Patr. 12l. 135. 4d. certified Value. 1 Jurisdiction of Southwell. All the following Benefices are in the Gift of His Grace the Lord Archbiſhop of YORK. s. d. 2 II BENEFICES REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. d. l. 3 Eton, alias Eyton, alias Eaton, P. Val. in manſ. cum ter. 5 h gleb. per ann. 1l. in decim. garb. & fæn. per ann. 81. &c. ſol. vic. chor. 41. &c. 16 15 10 Beckingham P. Val. per ann. cum terr. gleb. & prat. 61. in 1 13 7 decim. gran. garb. & fæn. ill. &c. fol. vic. choral. 41. &c. 23 11 3 Dunham P. Val. in manſ. per ann. cum ter. gleb. 6s. 8d. de 7 Iš cim. garb. & fæn. 231. 135. 4d. fol. vic. chor. 48. ball. 6s. 8d. Coll. Southwell 25. 20. 1 Exton, 2 2 NOTTS. 113 DIOCESE OF YORK. 1. So 2 22 o o O IO O King's Books, l'early Tenths, d. 1. $. d. 22 19 7 Exton in Cropwell P. alias Oxton iſt Part. Val. per ann. in 5 II manſ. cum ter. gleb. 135, 4d. dimid. dec. ibid. 51. 6s. 8d. &c. vic, choral. 41. &c. 24 10 0 Exton altera P. alias Oxton 2d Part. Val. per ann. cum ter. 2 90 gleb. & prat. 135. 4d. dimid. dec. ibid. 51. 6s. 8d. &c. vic. choral. 41. &c. 8 17 6 Halıniſton, alias Hallaughton, P. Val. in manſ. cum ter. & 017 9 prat. 81. &c. fol. vic. chor. 41. bal. Ios. Coll. Southwell 25. 2d. 1 6 of Normanton P. Val. in manſ. cum parv. clauſ. & decim. garb. 2 4 7 & fæn. per ann. 161. 15. 6d. &c. fol. vic. chor. 41. & Coll. Southwell 25. 2d. 5 North Leverton P. Val. in decim. garb. & foen. gl. &c. 32 5 North Muſkam P. Val. in ter. & ten. per ann. in North 3 4 6 Muſkam 141. IIs. 7d. in Baithley íós. 2d. &c. vic. chor. 41. &c. 27 19 7 Northwell Paliſhall P. alias Norwell P. ſecunda. Val. in de- 2 15 III cim. garb. fæn. per ann. 161. &c. fol. vić. chor. 41. bal. 135. rec. II. 1os. Coll. Southwell 25. 2d. I 48 I 3 Norwell, alias Northwell Overhall, P. Val. per ann. in mans. 4 16 i } cum terr. & prat. 81. dimid. dec. garb. & fæn. ibidem 121. &c. vic. chor. 41. &c. 5 21 Norwell Tertia P. alias Northwell third Part. In decim. &c. o ſol. vic. chor. 41. & Coll. Southwell 25. 2d.} 15 17 II Rampton P. Val. per ann. in manſ. cuin 11 acr. paſt. 1l. 135. III 92 4d. in decim: garb. & fæn. 181. 6s. 8d. fol. vic. chor. 41. Coll. Southwell 25. 2 d. į 6 Segefton, alias Sacriſt, P. Val. per ann. in cert. ter. & prat. in Camp. de Southwell cum cot. 21. 6. 8d. &c. fol. vic. choral. 41. &c. 13 4 7 South Muſkam P. Val. per ann. cum ter. arab. & prat. Il. I 6 51 125. in decim. garb. & fæn. gl. 6s. &c. penf. vic. chor. 41. &c. 39 5 10 Southwell College. Vide Liber Regis. 3 18 7 115 13 4 Sixteen Vicars Choral of Southwell College, each 145. 5d.} 11 II 4 Vid. Liber Regis. 917 II Woodburgh P. Val. in ter. arab. per ann. 31. &c. fol. vic. 0 19 91 chor. 4). Coll. Southwell 25. 2d.] O IO 1 2 0 2 3 7 M D. South 1186 NOTTS DIOCESE OF YORK. . 9. Southwell and peculiar Jurisdiction. 2. 1. S. 5 15 17 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 2. di 38 0 o Beckingham V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. 8d. Val. per ann. 15 3 in manſ, cum parv. clauf. & 2 acr. prat. 105. & 30 acr. terr. & prat. voc. Meaſe in Beckingham il. 45. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. O Bleasby V. (St. Mary.) Syne and Prox. null. Archiepiſc. 4. O o 35. Val. per ann. in manf. cum 2 oxgang. terr. 135. 4d. cotag. 75. cloſ. voc. Bulting 25. clof. voc. Cromwell 25. in decim. Heſilfordfery, &c. Chapter of Southwell, Propr. and Patr. 24 2 0 Bludworth V. (St. Mary.). Syn. and Prox. null. Val per ann. 4 0 0 in manſ. cum dimid. oxgang. ter. in paſt. 1os. in decim. lan. agn. &c. The Prebendaries of Oxton, alias Exton, Propr. and Patr. alternately. Calverton V. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. and Prox. null. Val. per 4 0 0 ann. in manf. 35. in oblat. in decim. lan. agn. porc. anc. pul. . &c. The Prebendaries of Exton, Propr. and Patr. alter- nately. 27 14 4 Caunton V. (St. Andrew,) cum Beſthorpe. Syn. and Prox. 4 2 1 null. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum ter. gleb. 1os. in decim. lin. canab. porc. anc. lan. agna &c. Prebendary of North Muſkam, Patr. 25 13 0 Cropwell Biſhop V. (St. Giles.) Syn. and Prox. null. Penſ. 5 3 4 rec. Preb. de Southwell il. 6s. 8d. in oblat. in decim. lan. agn. porc. etc. The two Prebendaries of Oxton, alias Ex- ton, Propr. and Patr. Dunham V. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. and Prox, null. Val. per ann. ann. 4 13 4 in manſ. cum ter. gleb. & prat. 1os. in decim. lan. agn. lin. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 20 0 0 Eddingley V. (St. Giles.) Syn. and Prox. null. Sol. eccleſ. 4. O o Southwell 4). Val. per ann. in manf. cum ter. gleb. & de- cim. garb. & fæn. 41. decim. lan. agn. &c. Chapter of Southwell, Propr. and Patr. Eton, 49 IO NOTTS. DIOCESE OF YORK. 1187 20 O IO Clear Yearly Value, King's Books, 1 d. 1. 49 5 10 Eton, alias Eaton, alias Idleton, V. (All Saints.) Archiepiſc. 4 13 4 pro Syn. 45. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum ter. głeb. & prac. 45. parv. toft. 8d. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 23 10 0 Exton, alias Oxton, V. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. null. 6 QQ Val. per ann. in manſ 35. 4d. in oblat. 155. in decim. lan. agn. &c. The Prebendaries thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 26 15 o Farnesfield V. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. null. Val. per 4 OO ann. in parv. manſ. cum croft. & prat. 6s. 3d. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Chapter of South well. o Kirtlington V. (St. Swithin.) Syn. and Prox. null. Val. per 3.13 4. ann. in manf. cum un. osgang. terr. & prat. 155. & in garb. & fæn. 81. 5s. fol. preb. 41. & Eccleſ. Southwell il. 65. 8d. Chapter of Southwell, Propr. and Patr. 1 2 14 3 North Leverton V. (St. Martin.) Syn, and Prox. null. Val. 5 om per ann. in manſ. cuin gardin. & ort. 105. decim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 0 0 North Muskam firſt Mediety V. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. and 5 6 8 Prox. null. Val. per ann, in manſ. cum clauſ. 11s. in oblat. in decim. Ian. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. Northwell, alias Norwell, V. (St. Laurence.) Syn. and Prox. 4 12 II null. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum terr. gleb. & prat. il. 45. in oblat. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary of Norwell Tertia, Propr. and Patr. 17 10o Northwell, alias Norwell Overhall, V. (St. Laurence.). Syn. 4 12 IT and Prox, null. Val. per ann. in manſ. cum terr. gleb. il. 45. in oblat: 125. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 35 17 2 Rampton V. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. null. Val. per 10 O 3 per ann. in manſ. cum ort. & 21 acr. ter. gleb. 2 acr. voc. Leys, 11 acr. & dimid. prat. 31. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell, College, Propr. and Patr. 38 15 0 South Muskam V. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. and Prox. null. Val. 4 O O per ann. in manf. cum gardin. 8s. in oblat. 1l. 75. 4d. in de- cim. lin. canab. &c. Prebendary thereof, in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 9 3 4 SOUTHWELL V. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. null. Val. per 7 13 4. ann. in manf. cum gardin. 105. in dimid. acr. prat. 15. 4d. de Preb. Normanton in augment. Il. in decim. privat. &c. Chapter of Southwell, Propr. and Patr. South 35 0 7 M 2 1188 NOTTS: DIOCESE OF YORK. l. s. d. 2 Clear Yearly Values King's Books, 1. d. 23 13 4 South Wheatley R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. null. Penf. 6 14 fol. eccleſ. Southwell il. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum cert. ter. per ann. 1os. in dec. garb. & fon. 61. 135. 40. dec. lan. &c. Chapter of Southwell, Propr. and Patr. 35 14 0 Upton V. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. null. Val. per ann. in 4 II 51 manf. cum ter. gleb. & prat. 11. 1os. de Capit. Southwell in augment, il. 6s. 8d. in dec. lin. &c. Chapter of Southwell, Propr. and Patr. 13 0 o Woodburgh, alias Woodborough, V. (St. Swithin.) Syp. and 4 o o Prox. null. The Prebendaries of Exton, Propr. and Patr. , alternately CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Carlton upon Trent, Chap. to Norwell. Darleton, (St. Giles,) Chap. to Dunham. Halam (St. Michael,) Ch. to Southwell. 75. certified Value. Halloughton C. (St. James.) Prebendary of Halloughton in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. iol. certified Value. Holme, (St. Giles,) Chap. to North Muskam. Earl Faucon- berg. 71. 10s. certified Value. Morton C. (St. Dennis.). Prebendary of Dunham in Southwell College, Propr. and Patr. 191. 75. certified Value. Ragnal, (St. Oſwald,) Chap. to Dunham. 1 Diocele [ 1189 ] Dioceſe of Carliſle *. King's Books do 531 4 92 1. S. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 53 2 53 B' ISHOPRIC of Carliſle. Erected anno 1133, out of the Dioceſes of York and Durham. Athelwold was the firſt Biſhop in the Year 1133. For the ſpiritual and temporal Poffeſſions of this See, t. H. VIII. vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. The Cathedral Church. (ST. MARY THE VIRGIN.) By a Return made by Robert Biſhop of Carliſle, and certified into the Exchequer, of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities in this Cathedral the 34th of H. VIII. it appears that Lancelot Salkeld was the firſt Dean, and received a clear annual Income of 120l. 75. 6d. that the four Prebendaries, viz. William Florence, Edward Loſshe, Barnaby Kyrkebryde, and Richard Brandling, had each a clear annual Payment of 221. 55. and that the eight Minor Canons had 81. each an- nually. The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths, founded anno 1542 The Priory of St. Mary's Carliſle was ſurrendered into the Hands of K. H. VIII. in 1540. Lancelot Salkeld, the laſt Prior, was the firſt Dean of Carliſle.. The Deanry 300l. per ann. There are four Prebends in the Church of Carliſle, all in the Gift of the Biſhop. None of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths, but they pay with the Deanry a Fee Farm Rent of 821. IIs. Iide in lieu * Carlile, or Carliſle:—Some have affirmed that the Right Honourable Perſon who had the Title of Earl from it Anno Domini 1661, was the firſt that inſerted the Letter (S) into the Word Carliſle, thereby to ſtrengthen the Pronunciation, and make it ſound better ; but this muſt be a Miſtake, for there are ſeveral Atteſtations mentioned in our Hiſtories, t. H. VIII, from authentic Copies where it is ſo writ. Dr. Todd. thereof, 1190 DIOCESE OF CARLIS L E. thereof, which being ſold by the Crown, is now paid to the Corporation for the Support of the Widows of the poor Clergy. Dr. Todd. The Preb. 140l. per ann. each. The Archdeaconry has the Rectory of Salkeld appropriated to it150l. per ann. CUMBERLAND 9. Alderbit, alias Alnedale, vel Allerdale. The Priory of St. Mary in Carliſle was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 4181. 35. 4d. The Abby of Lanercoft was likewiſe returned at 771. 115. 11d. The Abby of Holme Cultram was likewiſe returned at 4776 195. 3d. The Rectory or College of Kirk Oſwald and Dacre was likewiſe returned at 271, 85. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. 7. s. d. 1. S. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 9 4 7 Addingham V.* (St. Michael.) Syn. 45. Prox. 15. 4d. Manſ. O 18 52 & gleb. val. per ann. 135. dec. foen. lin. can. lan. agn. vitul. decim. alb. &c. Pri. Carliol. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 10 4 2 Aſpatrick Vorbi (St. Kentigern.) Syn. 55. Prox. 15. 8d. I 0 5 Manſ. & gleb. cum uno paryo orto val. per ann. 6s. 8d. dec. fæn. lin. vitul. &c. Pri. Carliol. olim Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 19 18 4 Bolton R. (All Saints.) Syn. 25. Prox. 35. 4d. Manſ. & gleb. I 19 10 val. per ann. 125. un. ten. & un. parv. cotag. jacen. in Bol- ton per ann. 5s. 6d. decim. gran. &c. Joſeph Porter, Eſq. 1665. Richard Thompſon, Eſq. 1702, 1710. Adam Al- kew, Efq. 1752. Charles Chriſtian, Gent. 1761. 0 0 Bromfield V. (St. Kentigern.) Syn. 45. Prox. 25. 2d.ị Manſ. & gleb. val. per ann. 135. 40. dec. gran. in Blengogo per ann. 22 2 4 0 * Addingham, Aldhingham, Auldingham, oppidum ad lapides antiquum penſiles. † Afpatrick, Aſpatryke, as commonly called Aſpatria, Goſpatricii vel Afpatricii Habitatio, 5 43, CUMBERLAND. DIOCESE OF CARLIS L E. 1191 s.' 1. 50 kann. 55. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. L. d. l. d. 45. un. ten. in Blengogo q. val. per ann. 45. decim. fæn. &c. Mon. Sanctæ Mariæ, Ebor. Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle. 45 13 61 Caldbeck R. (St. Kentigern.) Syn. 4s. Prox. 45. 6d. Sol. 4 11 41 Prior. Carl. 35. 4d. manſ. & gleb. val. per ann. Il. 1os. ten. cum molend. val. per ann. 81. Jos. 6d. rec. Mon. de Holme Coltram 35. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Carliſle. 811) Crofthwaite V. (St. Kenrigern.) Syn. 4s. Prox: 45. 40.1 5 0 10 Abb. Sanétæ Mariæ de Fontibus in co. Ebor. Propr. Pení. fol. Abb. per ann. 131. 6s. 8d. manf. & gleb. val. per ann. 43. decim. fæn. vitul. lan. vell. agn. alb. decim. &c. Bi- ſhop of Carliſle. 40 7 81 Grayſtock R. and College. (St. Andrew.) Syn. 2s.6d. Prox. 4 O JI 35. iod. Penf. ſol. Epiſc. Carl. 21. Manf. & gleb. val. per ann. 185, 8d. diverf. ter. & ten. jac. in Villa de Gray- Atock per ann. Il. 135. decim. &c. The Honourable Charles Howard, 1686. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1693. . Sir Wilfrid Lawſon, Bart. 1711, 1717. Adam Askew, Eſq. 1746. 8 13 61 Iſuell, alias Ifall , V. (St. Miehael.). Syn. 4s. Prox. Is. 2d. 1 0 17 48 . vell. agn. alb. decim. &c. Mon. Hextulde ham, (Hexham,) Propr. Sir Wilfrid Lawſon, Bart. 1661, 1669, 1711, 1729. Sir Gilfrid Lawſon, Bart. 1782. o Kirkland V. (St. Laurence.) Syn. 45. Prox. 25. . Manſ. & 0 17 0 gleb. val. per ann. 21. decim. alb. 31. 55. decim. foen. lin. canob. &c. Mon. Carliol. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carlile. 33 I 3 Laſingoy, alias Lazonby, V. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. 25. Prox. 1 6 11 Manf. & gleb. val. per ann. 145. diverſ. ter. & ten. qu. val. per ann. 16s. 6d. herbag, de Plumton. dimid. decim. garb. &c. Pri. Lanercoſt, Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle. 12 11 51 Melmerby R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. 25. Prox. 25. Manf. Manf. I 5 & gleb. val. per ann. 125. decim. garb. &c. Lancelot Threlfield, Eſq. 1661. Richard Hutton, 1684. Thomas Patteſon, Gent. 17016 Thomas Pattenfon, Efq. 1739. John Stephenſon, and others, 1760. Thomas Pattinſon, Eſq. 1785 12 6 3. PENRETH, alias PENRITH,. V. * (St. Andrew.) (St. Andrew.) Syn. 45. Syn. 45. 1 4 73 Prox. 45. 4d. Manſ, cum uno cotag. ibid. qu. val. per ann. 25. * Penreth V.augmented by Biſhop Stern with 20l. per annum. Mr. William Mawſon gave a Leaſe of Tythes in Slegill, in the Pariſh of Moreland, Weſtmoreland, about rol. per annum, Dr. Smith Bi- hop of Carliſle gave gool, for an Augmentation, 1192 CUMBERLAND. DIOCESE OF CARLISL E. s. 22 10 10 King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 2. d. 1. d. I 25. decim. lact. vitul. &c. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 20 14 91 Plumbland R. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn. 25. Prox. 35. Manf. & 2 1 51 gleb. val. per ann. 3l. 6s. 8d. columb. gardin. decim. gran. &c. Richard Thompſon, Eſq. 1686, 1711. Sir Wilfrid Lawſon, Bart. 1728. Adam Askew, Eſq. 1760. Salkeld R. (St. Cuthbert,) united to, and held with, the Arch- 5 I deaconry of Carliſle. Syn. 55. Prox. 6s. Manſ. & gleb. val. per ann. I 1S. 4d. Syn. Archidiac. 41. 65. 8d. &c. Bi- ſhop of Carliſle. The Archdeaconry *, founded 1133: 43 3 6į Skelton R. (St. Mary.) Syn. 45. Prox. 6s. gd. Manf. & 4 6 41 gleb. val. per ann. 21. decim. gran. &c. Corpus Chrifti College, Oxford. 33 6 8 Torpenho, alias Torpennow, alias Torpenhow, V. (St. Mi- chael.) Syn. 45. Prox. 25. 8d. Manf. & gleb. val. per ann. 65. decim, gran, in Torpenho com. ann. 161. decim. fon. lin. lan. &c. Abb. Roſedale, Propr. Biſhop of Car- lille. 17 18 1] Uldaile, alias Ulndale, R. Syn. 25. Prox 35. 4d. Manf. & I 15 94 gleb. val. per ann. 1os. decim. gran. &c. John Dalſton, 1662, 1684, 1697. John Dalſton, Eſq. 1719, 1752. Sir William Dalſton, Knight, 1771. William Norton, Eſq. 1780. 13 13 4 Ulnesby, alias Ounsby, alias Ouſeby, R. (St. Patrick.) Syn. I 7.4 8d. Prox. 25. 8d. Penf. refol. annuat. Ecclef. Cath. Carl. 6s. 8d. Manf. & gleb. val. per ann. 75. decim. gran. &c. Biſhop of Carlifle. 3 6 8 s O O O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Icarly Value. King's Books 35 Ainſtable, alias Ainſtablith, V. (St. Michael.) Syn. 25. 8 8 2 38 Prox. iod. Manſ. & gleb. val. per ann. Ios. un. ten, per ann. 6s. decim. fæn. lin. &c. Abb. Lanercoſt, Propr. Leonard Barrow, Gent. 1661. Barbar. Hagget, Widow, 1680. Bridget Lowthian, 1737. Richard Lowthian, 1749, 1782. 33 Bride Kirk V. (St. Bridget.) Syn. Is. 6d. Prox. 35. 4d. 10 13 4 Manf. & gleb. val. per ann. Il. decim. fæn. lin. canob. agn. 0 55 0 * Vide Willis's Survey, p. 815. The Archidiaconal Power here is ſmall, the Juriſdi&ion being veſted in the Biſhop and his Chancellor, 4 lan, CUMBERLAND 1193 DIOCESE OF CARLIS L E. do O 14 10 15 II O Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. h S. d. I. lan. vell. alb. decim. &c. Pri. Giſburne in co. Ebor. Propr. Geo. and Thomas Lamplugh, 166.40 Ro. Lamplugh, Eſq. 1701, 1720, 1755. 47 o Crogling R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. 25. Prox. 25. Manſ. 8 8 oo 65 0 & gleb. val. per ann. gs. decim. garb. &c. Lord Whar- ton, 1660, 1671, 1691, Mathew Smales, Gent. 1724. Henry Chaytor, I78o. 9 Dacre V.*' (St. Andrew.). Penſ. annual. rec. de Magiſt. 8 Coll. 81. The KING. Colleg. de Kirk Oſwald, Propr. 30 9 Deerham V. Syn. 25. Prox. 10d. Maní. cum orto live gleb. 4 13 4 25 val. per ann. decim. fcen. agn. vell, lan. lin. canob. vitul. &c. Mon. Giſburne in Ebor. Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle. 43 7 8 Edenhall V. (St. Cuthbert,) cum Langwathby. Syn. 6s. 17 12 I 78 15 II Prox. 15. 4d. Manſ. & gleb. val. per ann, 11. decim. fæn. lin. canob. &c. penſ. rec. Prior. Carl. per ann. 21. 135. 4d. &c. Dean in and Chapter of Carliſle. Pri. Carliſle, olim Propr. 22 16 4. Gilcrux V. (St. Mary.) Syn. zs. "Prox. Is. 2d. į Manf. & 5 14 2 gleb. val. per ann, 11, 65, 8d. penſ. rec. Mon. de Cawder annuat. 21. 135. 4d. deciin. foen. agn. &c. Mon. Cawder, Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle. 45 0 Holme CULTRAM, (St. Mary,) cum NEWTON ARLOish V. 6 13 4 50 (St. John Baptiſt.) Val. in compoſit. real. per ann. 61. 135. 4d. Abb. Holme Holme Cultram, Propr. Univerſity of Oxford, 1715, 1730, 1767. Hoten, alias Hutton in the Foreſt, R. (St. James.) Syn. 18 12 81 50 0 Manf. & gleb. val. per ann. Ilo 45. decim. gran. &c. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 44 Kirk Bride R. (St. Bridget.) Syn. Is. Prox, 8d. Manſ. 50 50 & gleb. val. per ann. 55. decim. gran. &c. Sir William Dalſton, Bart. 1661, 1678. Sir Charles Dalſton, Bart. 1717. Sir George Dalfton, Bart. 1750. 8 KIRK OSWALD V. (St. Oſwald.) Pení. annual. rec. per man. 8oo 56 0 Magiſt. Coll. 81. The KING. Colleg. de Kirk Oſwald, Propr. 40 12 2 Sowreby, alias Caftle Sowerby, V. (St. Kentigern.) Syn: 45. 17 10 5 Prox. Is. 4d. Redd. refol. Dom. Regi 6s. gd. Manf. & gleb. val. per ann. 21. decim. fæn. lin. can. lan. agn. decim. alb. &c. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. оо O 2 39 lo Prox. 251 Frox O O O O O O 100 0 * Dacre V.—This is only a Curacy, though ſtited a Vic. in the Original Survey, os † Kirk Oſwald. Only a Curacy though ſtiled a Vic. in the Original Survey. 7 N WIGHTON, 1194 CUMBERLAND DIOCESE OF CARLISLE. 1. de o Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1 d. 32 13 4. WIGATON, alias WIGTON, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. Įs. 4d. 19 19 01 70 Prox. 25. 2do Manſ. & gleb. val. per ann. 35. 4d. rec. Abb. de Holme Cultram per man. Procurator. Ecclef. de Wigton commun. ann. 171. 16s. 8d. habet 2 ten. in Kirkland 135. 4d Mon. Holme Cultram, Propr. Biſhop of Carline. Keswick is a Market Town in this Deanry. It is in Caldbeck Pariſh, but no Chapel there. The Conventual Houſe at Armthwayte was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 181. 16s. 8d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Allhallows, alias Ukmanby, Cur. formerly a Chapeł to Aſpa- trick. Biſhop of Carliſle. gl. certified Value. 351. clear Value. Allanby, (St. Saviour,) Chapel ro Bromfield. Beſſenthwait, alias Bafſenthwaite, C. (St. Rega.) Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Patr. and Propr. 221. 45. 8d. certified Value. 551. clear Value. Bolton Cur. 5l. certified Value. Borrowdale, Chapel to Croſthwait. Augmented with 600l. Braumwry, (St. Mary,) formerly a Chapel to Edenhall. De- moliſhed. Camerton Cur. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Patr. and Propr. 15l. 1os. certified Value. Craſcanonby Cur. (St. John.) Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Patr. and Propr. 251. certified Value. Culgarth, (All Saints,) Chapel to Kirkland. 61. 8d. certified Value. 5ol. clear Value. Flimby, alias Flemingby, (St. Nicholas,) Chapel to Camerton. 21. 45. certified Value. gl. 1os. clear Value. Hawes, Chapel to Beſſenthwait. St. John's, Chap. to Croithwait. 44. 155. certified Value. 30% clear Value. Ireby Cur. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 251. certified Value. Long Wathby, (St. Peter,) Chapel to Edenhall Matterſdale, Chapel to Grayſtock. 61. 45. gd. certified Value. 201. clear Value. Mungriſdale, Chapel to Grayſtock. 51. 145. Ildo certified Va. lue. 381. clear Value. C 1 Newton CUMBERLAND 1195 DIOCESE OF CARLISL E. Newton Arloiſh V. (St. John.) Church ruined, and united to Holme Cultram. 211. 125.7d, certified Value. Newland, Chapel to Crofthwait. 211. clear Value. Plumpton, (St. John and St. Eva,) Chapel to Laſingby. Raughtonhead, Chapel to Sowerby. . Rebuilt anno 1666. 41. 10s. certified Value. 301. clear Value. Renwick Cur. Pri. Hesham, Propr. The Inhabitants, Patr. 41. certified Value. 491. clear Value. Skinburne Neſe, (St. John,) formerly Chapel to Holme Cul- Demoliſhed. Thornthwait, Chapel to Croſthwait. 231. clear Value. Threlkeld, (St. Mary,) Chapel to Grayſtock. 81. 16s. 6d. certified Value. 287. clear Value. Weſtward Cur. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Patr. and Propr. 231. certified Value. 291. clear Value. Wethermelock, Chapel to Grayſtock. 71. 15. rod. į certified Value. 251. clear Value. Wyborne, Chapel to Crofthwait. 381. clear Value. tram. D. Carliſle. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. si d. 1. 2. 1 9 33 O 1 2 I 14 13 1į Aikton R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. 45. Prox. 15. 4d. Penf. 21. Manf. & gleb. per ann. 2l. 6s. 8d. decim. garb. &c. Lord Lonſdale, 1707. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1753, 1781. Earl of Lonſdale, 1784. Arthuret R. (St. Michael.) Dec. gran. temp. pacis 21. With Arthuret V. (St. Michael.) Manf. cum gleb.com. ann. Ss. dec. 25. 2d. į alb. vitul. agn. & minut. dec. ac dec. fæn. &c. In this pa- riſh lies Longtown, a Market Town. Sir Richard Graham, Bart. 1673. Lord Preſton, 1688, 1735. Sir James Gra- ham, Bart. 1785. 0 Bewcaſtle R. (St. Mary.) Val. per ann. temp. pacis 21. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 21 13 111 Bownes, alias Bowness, R. (St. Michael.) Syn. 55. Prox. 25. 2d. Manſ. & gleb. com. ann. il. 6s. decim. garb. &c. Lord Lonſdale, 1697, 1731. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1753, 1763. Earl of Lonſdale, 1784. 2 0 o 4 0 2 3 4 7 N 2 BRAUP- 1196 DIOCESE OF CARLISL E. CUMBERLAND. d. O O King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. . d. 8 BRAMPTON V. (St. Martin.) Syn. Epiſc. 45. Pro Viſitatione o 16 0 8d. Valet per ann.cominunibus annis 81. Priory of Laner- coſt, olim Propr. Earl of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 8: 18 11 Daliton V. (St. Michael.) Syn. 45. Prox. Is. Id. į Manf. 0 17 9 cum orto val. per ann. 35. 4d, dec. fæn. lin. canob. alb. dec. &c. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 1: I 01 Kirklinton, alias Kirklevington, R. (St. Cuthbert.) Dec. garb. o 2 1 totius paroch. per ann. 1os. dec. foen. &c. Edmund Apple- by, Eſq. 169.5. Joſ. Appleby, Eſq. 1707, 1731. Joſeph Dacre, Eſq. 1761, 1777: William Dacre, Eſq. 1783. 9. Oo Orton R. Syn. 45. Prox. 25. 8d. Manſ. & gleb. per ann. O 18 0 IOS. dec. gran, fæn. &c. William Briſco, Eſq. 1665, 1691. Jo. Briſco, Eſq. 1709, 1730. Joſeph Nicolſon, Eſq. 1771. John Briſco, Eſq. 1772. 9.00 Stanwicke, alias Stanwix, V. (St. Michael.) Syn. 105. 8d. O 18 0 Prox. 1s. Manf. cum clauf. ibidem necnon dec. garb. de Et- terby com. ann. 21. dec. fæn. lin. can. agn. lan: piſ. alb. &c. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 1 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 1 0 O 42 50 0 0 O 23. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 18 6 Beamond, alias Beaumont, R. (St. Mary,) united to Kirk An- 8 I 8 56 0.0 dres. Syn. 35. Prox. 25. 8d. Manf. & gleb.com. ann. 135. 4d. decim. garb. fæn. falmon. &c. Lady Arundel, 1663. Earl of Norfolk, 1679. Sir John Lowther, Bart. 1692. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1762, 1780. 13 8 Burok upon the Sands V. (St. Michael.) Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. 5 Prox. 5 I 101 25 10d. Manſ. & ter. gleb. annuat. 125. dec. fæn, can. alb. &c. Abb. Holme Cultram, Propr. The Biſhop, 1669. The KING, 1739. Caſtlecarrick, alias Caſtlecarrock, R. (St. Peter.) Syn. Epiſc. 5 12 II Viſit. Epiſc. Is. Penſ. Prior. Carl. 25. Manſ. & gleb. val..annuat. 6s. 8di &c. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. o Croſby upon Eden V. (St. John.) Syn. 2s. Prox. Is. Penſ. 3 II 51 49 25. Gleb. deſtruct. per aquam Edenæ, 9. val. annuat. Il. 45. dec. fæn. lan. agn. lin. alb. &c. cum ten. in Brunſketh. Bi- ſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 16 8 Denton R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Sya. 2s. Viſit. 8d. Manſ. & 4 5 2 gleb. val. annuat. 6s. 8d. &c. Billiop of Carliſle. 30 o Irthington, alias Irdington, V. (St. Kentigern.) Syn. Epiſc. 35. 6 1 5 Pro Viſit. Epiſc. 7d. Manf. & gleb. comm. ann. il. decim. gran. in Irthington per apn. il. 155. dec. foen. Jin. &c. Pri. Lanercoſt, olim Propr. Sir Thomas Dacre, 1666. Henry Dacre, 27 10 O I 20 O O 38 CUMBERLAND. 1197 DIOCESE OF CARLIS L E. 1. S. d. 150 00 O O 32 10 Clear Yearly Value: King's Books, lo d. Dacre, Eſq. 1692. Suſan Mary Dacre Appleby, Widow, 1731. Joſeph Dacre, Eſq. 17.45, 1763. Kirk Andres, alias Kirk Andrews upon Eſke, R. cum Nichol 5 II 52 Foreſt annexed *. (St. Andrew.) Syn. 25. Prox. 6d. Lord Preſton, 1682, 1730. George Peacock, 1759. Sir James Graham, Bart. 1785. 9 9 8 Kirk Andres, alias Kirk Andrews upon Eden, united to Beau- 56 mond R. (St. Andrew.) Manf. & gleb. com. ann. 75. 5d. dec. garb. &c. Lord Lonſdale, 1703, 1705. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1762, 1780. Kirk Bampton, alias Kirk Hampton, R. (St. Peter.) Penſ. 14 17 10 Epiſc. Carl. 35. 4d. Syn. 45. Prox. 15. 4d. Manf. & gleb. per ann. il. 25. dec. garb. fæn. &c. in diverſ. hamlet. Sir James Lowther, Mr. Briſco, and Mr. Dacre, by Turns. Lord Lonſdale, 1740. 18 o Scaleby. R. (All Saints.) Syn. 25. Prox. 15. 3 Manf. & gleb. 7 com. ann. 1os. dec. gran. &c. Biſhop of Carliſe. 24 o. Stapilton, alias Stepleton, R. (St. Mary.) Dec. garb. alb. min. I 8 11 28 &c. Ter. gleb, ad valor. 45. Lord Preſton, 1687, Lord Carliſle, 1714. Robert Graham, Clerk, 1771. 40 • Thurilby, alias Thorſby, alias Thurſby, V. (St. Andrew.) 11 10 5 Syn. os. Prox. 15. 4d. Manf. & gleb. val. com. ann. 16s. 8d. dec. gran. agn. alb. lin. canob. &c. Penf. fol. pri. Carl. 1:35.4d. Penſ. ſol. Epifc. Carl. 45. Dean and Chapter of Garliſle, Propr. and Patr, 7 12 I O O 0. O 55.0 O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Armathwait, (Chriſt and St. Mary,) Chap. to St. Cuthbert's in Carliſle. 261. 1os. clear Value Cammock Cur. The Church in Ruins. The Biſhop, Patr. Carlatton C. The Church in Ruins. Pri. Lanercoít, Propr. The Biſhop, Patr. CARLISLE St. Mary's C. The Cathedral, the Nave whereof is parochial. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 30l. clear Value. * Nichol Foreſt Tas valued in the King's Books at 21, and annexed to Kirk Andres ſuper Eſk, as fuppoſed, by Letters Patent dated 11 Maii, 7 Caroli. The two Livings of Kirk Andres abovemen- tioned not being diftinguished in the King's Books, and but one of them ever in Charge in the ſaid Books, it is difficult to knot which of them that Charge belongs to. Kirk Andres ſuper Eſk is ſup- poſed to have been taken out of the Pariſh of Arthuret about 100 Years ago, CARLISLI 1198 CUMBERLAND DIOCESE OF CARLIS L E. - CARLISLE St. Cuthbert's C. The Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 30l. clear Value. Combrew, alias Cumrew, Cur. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Patr. and Propr. 131. 125, 10d. certified Value. 281. clear 4.Value. Cumwhitton Cur. (St. Mary.) Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Patr. and Propr. 1ol. certified Value. 451. clear Value. Drumburgh, alias Drumbugh, formerly Ch. to Bownes. De- moliſhed. Eaſton, Ch. to Lapercoſt. The Ch. in Ruins. Farlam, (St. Thomas Becket,) Chap. to Lanercoſt. In Ruins. 41. 155. certified Value. 221. 155. clear Value. Grinſdale C. (St. Kentigern.) Chap. in Ruins. Pri. Lanercoſt, olim Propr. 21. certified Value. Hayton Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Dean and Ch. of Carlile. Pri. Lanercolt, olim Propr. 91. 55. certified Value. 421. clear Value. Hesket, (St. Mary,) Chap. to St. Cuthbert's in Carliſle. 221. 155. certified Value. 361. clear Value. Ivegill, Ch. to Dalſton. 221. clear Value. Lanercoft Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Pri. Lanercoſt, Propr. William Dacre, Eſq. Patr. 141. 55. certified Value. 271. 105. clear Value. Rowcliff, alias Rockliffe, C. Dean and C. of Carliſle, Patr. and Propr. 201. certified Value. Seburgham, alias Sebram, C. (St. Mary.) Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. Iyl. certified Value. 95l. clear Value. Upper Denton C. 231. 105. certified Value. Walton Cur. Prior. Lanercoſt, Propr. William Dacre, Eſq. Patr. 91. 55. certified Value. 131. clear Value. Warthwick, alias Warwick, (St. Leonard,) Ch. to Wetherall. With Wetherall Curacy. (Holy Trinity.) Prior. Wetherall, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Patr. 60l. clear Value. . Wrea, alias Wray, (St. Mary,) Ch. to St. Cuthbert's in Carliſle. 321. clear Value: D. Wetmorland. WESTMORLAND, 1199 . DIOCESE OF CARLIS L E. D. Tuleftmorland. ? The Commiſſioners appointed by the King's Writ for the taking of this Survey of the Councy of Weſtmorland were Sir Tho- mas Clyfford, Knight, Sir John Lowther, Knight, Sir Eda Ward Muſgrave, Knight, Sir Thomas Wharton, Knight, Ri- chard Redmayne, Thomas Sandford, Lancelot Salkeld, Jef- frey Middelton, Ambroſe Middelton, Thomas Muſgrave, William Lancaſter, John Warcopp, John Lambert, Thomas Blenkenſopp, Gilbert Wharton, William Blythman, and Roger Metcalf. - The Abby of Shapp was returned by the Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of 1547. 175. 70.1 For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. k se d. 1. d. 2 23 13 4 Alkby, alias Aſhby, R. (St. Peter.) Syn.. 450. Prox. 15. 8d. 7 4 Val. in gleb. ibid. per ann. 25. &c. Sir George Fletcher, Bt. 1694. Geo. Vane, Eſq. and others, 1728. Tho. Pattenſon, Eſq. 1739 II I 01 Barton V. (All Saints.) Syn.45. Prox. 15. 8d. Val. in manſ. I 2 I cum gleb. per ann. 1l. 6s. 8d. dec. gran. fæn. lan. agn. dec. alb. &c. Pri. Warter, Propr. Sir John Lowther, Bart. 1662, 1705. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1738, 1753, 1759. 8 8 9 BURGH, alias Brough, under Stainmore V. (St. Michael.) Syn. 15. 0 17. 101 6d. Prox is.gd. Val.in manfi cum gleb. & cot..per ann. Il dec. fon. lin. can. vitul. &c. Queen's College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 16 10 71 Brougham, alias Burgham, R. (St. Wilfrid.) Sýn. -35. Prox. I 13 03 45. id. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. &. un. ten. per ann. il. 55. &c. Earl of Thanet, 1713, 1722, 1770. 8 3 4 Clifton R. (St. Cutlibert.) Syn. 34. Prox. 25. 8d. Val. in: 0 16 4 manf. cum orto per ann. 25. &c. Biſhop of Carliſle. 48 19 2 2. KIRKBY STEPHEN V. (St. Stephen.) Syn. Iso 4d. Prox. 156 4 17 II 4d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. & cert. ter. per ann. 31. 6s. 8d. decim. fon. lin. canab. lap. agn. vicul. &c. Mon. Stæ Mariæ, 1200 DIOCESE OF CARLISLE WESTMORLAND. 1404: 55. King's Books. Tarly Yenths, l. S. d. d. Mariæ, Ebor. Propr. Lord Wharton, 1681, 1699. Ma. thew Smales, Eſq. 1734. Henry Chaytor, Eſq. 1746. 1759, 17.78. 37 17 11 Kirkbythore R. (St. Michael.) Syn. 45. Prox. 35. 4d. Val. 3.15 91 in manſ. cum cert, ten.& gleb. ibidem per annum 4l. 146. &c. Earl of Thanet. 9 5 2] St. Laurence, alias St. Lawrence, in in APPULBY, alias Apple- APPLE- 0 18 6 7.* Syn. 45. Prox. 10d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann, 21. 135. 4d. decim. gran. fæn. lin. &c. Collegium Stæ Trinitatis, Wetherhall, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 3 2 10 manf. cum gleb. & trib. cotag. per ann. Il 12s. 2d &c. Sir John Lowther, Bart. 1694. Lord Lonſdale, 1738. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1769... 21 15 73 Marton R. (St. Margaret.) Syn. 4s. Prox, 3s, Tod: Vaļ . 7 in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. &c. John Tufton, Eſq. 1679. Earl of Thanet. 16 17 31 Orton, alias OVERTON, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 55. Prox. 55. ( 13 81 Val. in manf. cum gleb. & un. ten, per ann. Ilo:45. decim. lan. vel. agn. lin. canab. ConingſhivedPropr Inhabitants thereof, Freeholders.. 82 2 3 65 31 16 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. ITA Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. • Aſton, alias Afkham, V. (St. Columb) Syn. 45. "Prox. 4d. 6° 0 54 Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. I decim. lan, agn. lac. minut. decim, &c. Pri. Warter, Propr. William Sand- ford, Eſq. 1696, 1717, 1723. Elizabeth Tatham, Widow, and others, 1776. & 13 4 Bampton, alias Bapton, V. (St. Patrick.) Syn. 45. Prox. 75 40 4d. Decim. lac vitul. oblat. minut, decim. &c. The KING. Abb. Shappe, Propr. Cliburn R. (St. Cuthbert.). Syn. 35. Prox. Is. 4d. Val. in 9 I 53 60 maní. cum gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Biſhop of Carliſle. 40 10 O * St. Laurence in Appulby, alias Appulbee, V.-The Dean and Chapter of Carliſle being Impro. priators, have given back to the Vicar and Schoolmaſter all the Great Tythes by Leaſe, reſerving only to themſelves and Succeſſors the ancient Rents, which it was not in their power to give away. Dr. Todd. 5 Crosby WeSTMORLAND. DIOCES E OF CARLISL E. 1201 1. d. O O 35 12 48 18 6 .. St. Michael's in APPULBY, alias APPLEBEE, alias Bongate, V. 20 13 9 - Muſgrave R. (St. The folle. Clear l'early Value. King's Books. 1. d. 47 2 6 Croſby Garret, alias Garrard, R. (St. John.) Syn. 4s. Prox. 19 4 41 55 IS. 8d. Val, in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Mon. Whitby, in Ebor. Propr. Sir Philip Muſgrave, Bart. 1663. Mary Daviſon, Widow, 1702. Thomas Gate, Gent. 1713. William Bird, Clerk, 1742. Richard Burn, LL. D. and Ann Coulſton, Widow, 1763, 1769, 1770. 7 Croſby Ravenſwart, alias Crosby Ravenſworth, V. (St. Lau 7 13 4 rence.) Syn. 45. Prox. 25, 8d. Decim. fæn. lin.canab. lac. vitul. oblat. &c. Abb. de Fontibus, Ebor. Propr. Alan Bellingham, Eſq. 1685. Ja. Grahme, Eſq. 1708. Earl and Counteſs of Suffolk and Berkſhire, 1747. Lady Mary Howard, 1783 Dufton, alias Dalton, R. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn. 4s. Prox. 19 2 6 65 00 55. 2d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. & un. ten. per ann. il. 8d. &c. Sir Chriſtopher Clapham, 1661, 168c. Wil- 40 be 50 Syn. Epifc. Car. 45. Archidiac. Is. 4d. Prox. 1s. 6d. Val. in manſ, cum gleb. & du. ten. per ann. 1l. 25. decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. vitul. &c. Colleg. Stæ Trinitatis Wetherhall, Propr. Biſhop of Carlille. 45 Morland V. (St. Laurence.) Syn. 45. Prox. 15, 4d. Val. in 11 18 80 gleb. per ann. 165. decim. lan: agn. lin. canab. vitu!." Tac. &c. Collegium Stæ Trin. Wetherhall, Propr. . Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 48 . I 111 manſ. cum gleb. & un. ten. per ann. 16. 135. 4d. &c. Bi- ſhop of Carliſle. O Newbigging R. (St. Edmund.) Syn. Is. Prox. 4d. Val. 4 14 50 in mapſ, cum gleb. per ann. 10s. &c. Baynard Edwards, Eſq. 1679. Richard Crackanthorp, Efq. 1698. Richard Crackanthorp, Eſq. 1731. Ann Crackaothorp, Widow, 1766, 1780. 40 Ormeſhead, alias Ormiſide, R. (St. James.) Syn. 45. Prox. 17 17 31 70 25. 8d. Val. įn manf. cum gleb. per ann. Iós. &c. Biſhop of Carlife. 6 SHappe, alias HEPP, V.* (St. Michael.) Syn. 45. Prox. 8.15 7 300 5d. Decim. lin. canab. lac.-mell. oblat. &c. The KING, 1759 Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1776. Abb. Sharp, Propr. O o O O o O O O ICO 22 O 2 O O O O O O O * Shapp, alias Hepp, V.--This is only a Curacy, though ſtyled a Vicarage in the Original Record. 70 Warcope 1202 WESTMORLAND DIOCESE OF CARLISL E. 1. S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. d. 1. 45 0 o Warcopp V. (St. Columb.) Syn. 45. Prox. Is. 6d. Val. in 9 5 il manſ. cum gleb. & un. ten. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Abb. Shappe, Propr. Richard Brathwaite, Eſq. 1670, 1714. William Stephenſon Preſton, Eſq. 1785. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, or CURACIES. 1706 Blea Tarn, formerly a Chapel to Warcopp. Demoliſhed. Bolton, (All Saints,) Chapel to Morland. 5l. certified Value. 381. clear Value. Brougham, (St. Wilfrid,) Chapel to Brougham R. No Sti- pend. Divine Service ſometimes performed in the Afternoon, when the Family are at the Manſion Houſe adjoining, Burgh St. Mary, formerly a Chapel to Burgh under Stanmore. Demoliſhed. Mallerſtrange, Chapel to Kirkby Stephen. Ill. 125. certified Value. bol. clear Value. Martindale, Chapel to Barton. 10l. 155. 7d. 1 certified Value. 201. clear Value. Milbourn, (St. Cuthbert,) Chapel to Kirkby Thore. 491. for biclear Value. Mardale, Chapel to Shappe. 21. 155. certified Value, 261. clear Value. Morton, (St. Cuthbert,) formerly Chap. to St. Michael in Ap- bantu pleby. Demoliſhed. Patterdale, (St. Patrick,) Chapel to Barton. gl. certified Va. lue.. 201. clear Value. Ravenſtondale Cur. (St. Oſwald.) Abbey of York, Propr. Lord Lonſdale. 181. 15. certified Value. 5ol. clear Value. Southby, or Soulby, Chapel to Kirkby Stephen. 201. certified Value. 50l. clear Value. Stainmore, Chapel to Burgh. 81. certified Value. 806. clear Temple Sowerby, (St. James,) Chapel to Kirkby Thore. 541. ouise clear Value.. Thrimby, or Thurnby, Chapel to Morland. 101. certified Va- lue. 201. clear Value. N. B. Several of theſe ſmall Chapels were never conſecratedo 30 952 Value. Ons Dioceſe in £ 1203 ] King's Books s. 1. 5. 420 I d. 8 2 BINI Dioceſe of Chetter. te cila be Ycarly Tenths, I. d. ISHOPRIC of Cheſter *. The Rectory of Waverton 42 * was annexed to this Biſhopric, by Act of Parliament 28 G. II. ch. 6. Vide Liber Regis in Offic. Primit. for the Revenues of this See certified into the Exchequer by John Biſhop of Cheſter, 34 H. VIII. by the fame Certificate it appears that the Dean received 100l. per annum, the ſix Prebendaries 2010 each, and the fix Minor Canons 101. each. . The Cathedral Church is dedicated to CHRIST AND THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. ST. WERBURGH is the ancient DRG Name of the Abbey, now the Cathedral. The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. Erected anno 1541. 2501. per ann. There are ſix Prebends in the Church of Cheſter, all in the Gift of the Biſhop; none of the ſaid Prebends are charged in Particular with any Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenth's. 1201. per annum each. . Nominated by, and receive a Pen- Archdeacon of Richmond, fion of, sol. per ann, each from Archdeacon of Cheſter, the Biſhop of Cheſter, but have no Juriſdiction. Sin The Archdeaconry of Cheſter was ſevered from the See of Lich- field, by King Henry the Eighth, and given to the See of Cheſter, and made a part of that Biſhopric. It had the Im- propriation of Bolton le Moor in Lancaſhire, and was valued at 65l. 1os. per ann. * The Charter of Erection of this Biſhopric is dated 4 Auguſt, 1541, in the 33d Year of King Henry VIII. and is to be found at length in Rymer's Federa, vol. XIV. p.717. John Bird, Biſhop of Bangor, was tranſlated, and became the firſt Biſhop of this See in the Year 1542. The 7 O 2 1204 DIOCESE OF CHESTER, - The Archdeaconry of Richmond formerly belonged to the See of York, the Endowments and Perquiſites whereof were worth above 200l. per annum, and was eſteemed the beſt Archdeaconry for Profits and Privileges in England; but it was annexed by King Henry VIII. to the See of Cheſter, and made Part of the Revenues of that Biſhopric. On the 27th of September, 1729, Samuel Peploe, and Tho- mas Whitaker, were appointed by the Biſhop of Cheſter, Deans conjun&tim & diviſim of the following Rural Deanries, viz. Cheſter, Wirrall, Frodſham, Bangor, Malpas, Namptwich, Middlewich, Macclesfield, Mancheſter, Blackburne, Lay- land, and Warrington. The following Livings are Part of the Poffeffionis of the Biſhopric of CHESTËR. of Arlecdon, in co. Cumbr. Backford, in D. Wyrrhall, co. Ceftr. Bidſton, in D. Wyrrhall, co. Ceſtr. y Bolton in Lonſdale, co. Lanc. Bolton in le Moors, in D. Mancheſter, co. Lanc. Bowden, in D. Frodſham, co. Ceftr. Bradley, in D. Lapley, co. Staff. This Rectory Impropriate was alienated from the See by John Bird, the firſt Biſhop, reſerving a Rent of 10s. per ann. but it does not appear that the Rent was ever paid. Budworth, co. Ceftr. D, Frodlham. Cartmel, co. Lanc, Caſtleton, co. Derb. D. Alt. Pecco. . Childwell, D. Warrington, in co. Lanc. Chipping R. in D. Amounderneſs, in co. Lane. of Clapham, in D. Kirby Lonſdale, co. Ebor. Cottingham, in D. Harthill, in co. Ebor. up Eaſingwould R. in D. Bulmer, co. Ebor. Kirkby Ravenſworth, in D. Richmond, in co. Ebor. Llangathen, in D. Carmarthen. Llanbeblick, in co. Carnarvon, D. Vehor and Ifter. Mottrum, in D. Macclesfield, co. Ceftr. Over, in D. Middlewich, co. Celtr. Patrick Brompton, in D. Caterick, co. Ebor. Rincheſter, in D. Amounderneſs, in co. Lanc. por Thornton Sreward, in D. Caterick, co. Ebor. Wallizey, în D. Wyrrhall, co. Celtr. 3 Waverham, ! DIOCESE OF CHESTER. 1205 Waverham, in D. Frodham, co. Ebor. Waverton, in D. Ceſtr. co. Ceftr. N. B. Thoſe with this Mark toe were Part of the Endowment of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, See, for the Endowment and Privileges of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, in Gale's Regiſtrum Honoris de Richmond, in Appendice, p. 62, 63, 64. See Dugdale's Mon. tom. III. p. 243, concerning the Archdea- conry of Cheſter, and Le Neve, p. 131, CHESTER. D. Chelter, in the Archdeaconry of CHESTER: The Monaſtery of St. Werburgh was returned by the Com- miſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 100zl. 55. uid. The Monaſtery of St. Mary in Chelter was likewiſe returned at 661. 185. 4d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. King's Books 1. d. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Am E Fearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. I. 19 6 si Barrow R. (St. Bartholomew.) Penſ. Prebendario Tervyn 45. i 18 73 Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. il. 5s. 6d. in decim. gran. &c. Lord Rivers, 1682, 1707. Philip Egerton. Eſq. 1736. Thomas Salisbury Brereton, Eſq. 1754. Earl Cholmondeley, 1785. 39 5 o Chriſtieton R. (St. James.) Prox. and Sýn. 16s. 4d. Penſ. 3 18 6 Abb. Ceſtr. il. 35. Val. in terr, gleb. per ann. 37 175. in decim. gran. &c. Sir Roger Moſtyn, Bart. 1659, 1717. Sir Roger Moſtyn, Bart. 1775. 7 o 2] Dudleſton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 85. 2d. Penf. Abb. Ceftr. o 14 01 18s. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 35. 4d. decim. gran. &c. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. 15 13 11] Eccleſton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. 85. 2d. Val. in terr. gleb. III 43 per ann. il. 45. in decim. gran. &c. The KING, 1660. Earl of Abingdon, 1701. Sir Richard Groſvenor, Bart. 1758. Lord Groſvenor, 1776. Howarden, 1206 21 CHESTER DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. a. 1. so 6 12 72 King's Books learly Tenibs, 1. s. d. 60 6 51 Hwarden, alias Harden, R. in co. Flint. (St. Deinol, or 6 12 Daniel.) Prox. and. Syn. 16s. 4d. Redd. 55. Val. in terr. 15. gleb. per ann. 31. 145. 4d. in decim. gran. &c. Sir William Glynn, Bart. 1666, 1685, 1714. Sir John Glynne, Bart . 1741. Sir Stephen Richard Glynne, Bart. 1780. 52 o o St. Mary on the Hill R. in Civitate Ceftr., Val, in grofl . Ro- 5 4 m ger Wilbraham, Eſq. 1662, 1673. Ralph Wilbraham, Eſq. 1715. Randle. Wilbraham, Eſq. 1.744. John Windſor, Gent. 1768. Mary Wilbraham, Spinſter, 1772. 6 13 4 Plemiſtow, alias Plemondſtall, V. (St. Peter.) Val. in claris 0 13 4 denar. ſolut. per rector. ejuſd. eccleſ. 61. 135. 4d. Eccleſia Colleg. Sti Johannis Ceftr. Propr. Sir Henry Bridgman, 6 15 10 Pulford R. (St. Mary.), Prox. 15.6. Val. in groſ. Sir Geo. Warburton, Bart. 1663, 1720. Sir Peter Warburton, Bt. 1767 19 11 0} Terwyn, alias Tarvyn, V. (St. Andrew.) Val.in dec. foen. I 19 dec. minut . &c. Prebendary thereof in Eccl. Lich. Propr. and Patr. 24 7 81 Thornton R. (St. Mary.) Prox. and Syn. 165. 4d. Val. in 2 8 9 ter. gleb. per ann. 1l. 45. in dec. gran. &c. Sir John Arden 1666. Lord Warrington, 1691. Richard Hill, 1720. Thomas Hill, Eig. 1733, 1760. 3 4. Torperley, alias Tarporley, R. (St. Helen.) Prox. and Syn. 2 O 4 85. 2d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 16s, decim. granor. &c. John Arden, Eſq. four ſucceſſive Turns; the Dean and Ch. of Cheſter one ; and Philip Egerton, Esq. one. Ut dic. Jane Dane, 1660. Sir John Crew, 1695, 1709. John Arden, Eſq. and others, 171.5. Richard Arden, Eſq. 1732, , 1752. John Arden, Eſq. 1778. 23 6 8 Waverton R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox, Archidiac. & Abb. 2 6 8 Ceftr. 125. 2d. Val. in ter. gleb. 1l. 6s. 8d. in dec. granor. &c. Annexed to the Biſhopric of Cheſter in lieu of Mortua- ries, which were given up. 13 MII Hoſp. Sfi Johannis Baptiſtæ. 1 6 92 20 LIVINGS ** CHESTER, DIOCESE OF CHE S T É R. 1207 can also LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. l. 27 O St. Oſwald V. in Cheſter. Prox. 15. 6d. Val. in dec. gran. 8 18 com. ann. 4l. 135. 4d. Penſ. rec. de Abb. de Ceftr. il. 35. 4d. dec. minut. &c. Mon. Sanctæ Werburgh Ceſtr. Propr. 12 18 4 St. Peter in Cheſter Cur. Archidiac. & Abb. Ceſtr. 21. 1s. 6d. 6 13 4 Val. in dec. min. &c. Biſhop of Cheſter. 33 11 10 Holy Trinity in Cheſter R. Cheſter R. Prox. 8s. 2d. Val. in dec. gran. 8 15 6 &c. Lord Derby, 1720. Earl of Derby, 1780. d. O 4 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR. CURACIES. St. Bridget's R. in Cheſter. Colleg. St. John's Ceftr. Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter, Patron. 181. 145. certified Value. Bruera, alias Church on the Heath, (St. Mary,) Chapel to St. Oſwald's. P. 414. certified Value. Farndon, (St. Chadd.) P. Coll. of St. John's Ceftr. Propr. Lord Groſvenor. 331. certified Value. Gilden Sutton Cur. P. Colleg. of St. John's Ceftr. Propr. Sir John Stanley, Bart. 121. certified: Value. Hargrave Chap. (St. Michael.) P. In Tarvyn Pariſh. Truſ- tees nominate. 401. 55. certified Value. HOLT, (St. Chadd,) in Denbighſhire, Chapel to Gresſord, in St. Afaph Dioceſe. .P. Dean and Chapter of Wincheer . 324. 135.4d..certified Value. Ince, (St. James.) P. 201. by Impr: precarious. Mon: St. Werburgh, Propr. Richard Hill Waring, Eſq. 81. 35. 3d. certified Value. St. John Baptiſt V. in Chefter. Olim a Collegiate Church, and anciently the Biſhop's See. Thomas Adams, Eſq. p. i. 1785. 312.6s. certified Value. Iſcoyd, co. Denbigh, Chap. to HOLT. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Patr. Little St. John's in Cheſter Cur. Salary rol. Corporation of Cheſter, Patr. Sto- Martin in Cheſter R. Abby of. Cheſter, Propr. 1.). 165. certified Value. With St. Michael in Cheſter Cur. P. Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr, Mon. Cheſter, Propr., 1:51. certified Value. Sr. 2 1208 DIOCESE OF CHESTER. CHESTER. St. Olave in Cheſter Cur, P. Mon, Chefter, Propr, Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr, Il, certified Value. Plemonditall *, (St. Perer,) Cur. P. College of St. John's Cheſter, Propr. Sir Henry Bridgman, Patron. 80l. preca- rious, N.B. Where the Letter P. is placed, it is to thew that the Chapels are parochial. tots D. Frodilham, in the Archdeaconry of CHESTER. The Monaſtery St. Mary de Valle Regali, or Vale Royal, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 5181. 195. 8d. The Monaſtery of St. Mary Norton was likewiſe returned at Idol.75. 6d.] For Particulars, vide Orig. Sury. 1 d. 1. I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 13 4 7 Alhton, alias Aſhton upon Merſey, R. (St. Martin.) Pens. 6 51 Ecclefiæ de Lymme 25. Val. in ter. gleb. com. ann. 18s. 6d. &c. Sir Thomas Brereton, Bart. 1661, 1663. Richard Maſſey, Eſq. 1679. Ro. Malyne and Thomas Elliſon, Gent. 1717. The Biſhop, 1730. Roſamond Norton, Widow, 1967. William Johnſon, Clerk, and others, 1774. 24 O O Bowden V. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. 155. 4d. Val. in ter. gleb. 2 8 0 il. 135. 40. oblat, dec. fæn. &c. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. Pri. Birkenhead, olim Propr. Budworth V. (St. Mary and All Saints.) Val. in pecub. folut. O 13 vicario 61. 1os. Mon. Sanct. Mariæ de Norton, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford, 23 13 11} FRODSHAM V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. and Syn. 6s. 5d. Val. 2 74 in ter. gleb. 11. 6s. 8d, dec. fæn. agn. lan. &c. Mon. Sanct. Mariæ de Valle, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 6 10 O * This Plemondſtall, and that called a Vicarage in p. 1206, are one and the ſame Place, and the Church is only a Curacy. Grap- CHESTIR DIOCESE OF CHEST Ê R. 120g 1. S. ! II 11 5 Lymme the other Media King's Books Yearly Tenthra d. l. do 6 11 104 Grappenhall R. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn, and Prox. 8s. 2d. Abb. Ö 0 13 26 Ceftr. IS. Val. in ter. gleb. com, anh: 1 2.8d. fac: Nicho- las Starkey, Efe 1896. Nich. Starkey and Edward Væirdig, Efq. 1700, 1722. Edmund Taylor, Clerk, 1775. 0 7 Lymme with Warburton R. (St. Mary.) Sir George Warbur- 1 2 off ten, Bart. 1662, 1714, 1732. Sir Peter Warburtou, Bart. 1 O 5 I 2 0 dieties 8s. 2d. Val. in ter. gleb. com. annis 4h. gs. 4d. &c. Auguſtin Leigh, Eſq. 1686, 1700, 1720. Egerton Leigh, LL. D. 1749, 1758. 10 4 2 Rinton, alias Runcorø, V. (St. Bartholomew.) Val. in ter. I o 5 gleb. 1l. 145.44. dec. gran. fæn. agn: lan. &c. Mon. Beatæ Mariæ Norton, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrift Church, Oxford. 100 Roufhorn, alías Roftkern, V. (St. Mary.) Val. in pecuniis [ 0 cfare folur. vicario 1ol. Mon. de Landa in com. Northamp. Propr. Peter Venablés, Efq. 1662, 1673. George Vena- bles Vernon, Efq. 1726, 1730, Lord Vernon, 1963. 691 95. 7d. certified Value. 12 11 101 Waverham, alias Weverham, V. (St. Mary:) Syn. and Prox. 5 28 145. iod. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 1l. 65. 8d. decim. foen. agn. lan. &c. Mon. Beatæ Mariæ de Valle Regali, Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. o Whitegate R. (St. Mary.) An Impropriation. Mr. Chol. Ó 12 mondeley, of Vale Royal, Impr. See Whitegate V. in Deco Middle Wich. 1 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURÁCIES. Altringham is a Market Town in this Deanry, but no Church or Chapel in it; it is in Bowden Pariſh. Alvandley Chap. (St. Mary,) in Frodſham Pariſh. John Ar- den, Efq. 5k 108 certified Value Carrington Chap. in Bowden Pariſh. Earl of Stamford. Latchford; (St. Jamesy) in Grappenhall Par. Rector of Grap- penhall, Patr. Conſecrated 1781. Ringey, in Bowden Pariſh. John Crewe, Eſq. Warburton, (St. Werburgh,) Chap. to Lymme. Supplied by the Rector of that Mediety. 7 Is 1210 CHESTER, DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. Vicanos In Great Budworth Parilh. A Little Leigh Nether Peover, (St. Oſwald.) Sir John Fleming Leyceſter, Bart. Nether Whitley. Said to be domeſtic. Sir John Chetwode, Bart. Witton, (St. Helen,) P. Northwich, a Market Town in this Chapelry. Sir John Fleming Leycefteſ, Bart. 201. 35. cer- tified Value. tas In Roſthern Pariſh. High Leigh. Said to be domeſtic. KNOTTÉSFORD, alias KŇUTSFORD, V. (St. Peter.) Made a Pariſh Church by Act of Parliament, 1740. The four Lords of the Manors of Over Knutsford, Nether Knutsford, Toft, and Bexton, preſent to the Vicarage by Turns. 261. 16sa 2d. certified Valve. Over Peover, (St. Laurence.) Sir Henry Mainwaring, Bart. 356. 85. 2d. In Runcorn Pariſh. Afton, built 1637. Henry Harvey Afton, Eſq. 181. 155. 4d. certified Value, Dareſbury, (All Saints.) P. 351. 10s. certified Value. 14 Halton, (St. Mary.) John Chefshyre, Eſq. 141. 125. certified Value. Thelwall. P. Augmented with Queen Ange's Bounty, 1782. Edward Pickering, Eſq. rigouf ndodh ed. D. Maccles CHESTER, 1211 D 10 CE SE O CHESTER in the season D. Macclesfield, in the Archdeaconry of Chester. ادامه دارد King's Books. ܕܐ S. do 105 I how LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. sa do l. 14 10 10 Alderley R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 2d. Abb. Ceftr. 1 9 1 25. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 8s. &e Sir Peter Stanley, Bart. 1674. Hamlet Woods, Gent. 1714. James Croft, 1741. Sir Edward Stanley, Bart. 1753. George Hartley, Eſq. 1762. 13 o 73 Chedill, alias Chedle, alias Cheadle, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and 6 0 Prox. 135. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 85. gd. Dorothy Bulkley, Widow, 1695. Lord Viſcount Bulkley, 1720, 1723. Arthur. Barron, Clerk, 17630. Samuel Buck, Eſq.• 1775. 9 4 41 Goſworth, alias Gawſworth, R. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. 0 14 51 15. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 25. dec. gran. &c. Earl of Macclesfield, 1683, 1703. Charles Mordaunt and Elizabeth his Wife, 1724. Elizabeth Parrott, Widow, 1769. 23 3 4 Mobberley R. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 2d. Val. in 2 6 4 ter, gleb. per ann. il. 10s. &c. Richard Vaughan, Clerk, 1664. Mary Mallory, Widow, 1674. Mary Brideoke, Wi- dow, 1684. William Plumb, Gent. 1733. Thomas Mal. lory, 1770, upon his Petition. 32 3 9 Mottrum, alias Mottram, R. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 3. 4 41 165. 8d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. al. 1os. &c. An Impro- priation belonging to the See of Cheſter. There is a Vicarage endowed, the Vicar appointed by the Biſhop of Cheſter. 10 7 6 Northenden, alias Northerden, alias Northen, R. (S:. Wilfrid.) Syn. Prox. & Penſ. Il. 145. 10d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 6s. &c. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. o o Preſtbury, alias Preſbury, V. (St. Peter.) Val. in ter. gleb. Too per ann. Il. &c. dec. gran. 61. dec. min. &c. Mon. Sanct. Werburg, Propr. Thomas Legh, Eſq. 1667. John Legh, Eſq. 1691. John Legh, Eſq. 1722, 1733. Charles Legh, Eſq. 1772 70 6 8 Stockport R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 16s. 8d. Val. in ter. 7 o 8 gleb. per ann. 31. Is. 8d. &c. Sir George Warrên, Knt. B. 1769. Mary Preſcott, Widow, 1783. 1 o 9 10 7 P 2 Wimſlow, 1712 CHESTER: DI CESE OF CHEST E B, S. d. King's Books. Yearly Tenths l. s. de 32 15 o Wimllow, alias Wilmſlow, R. (St. Bartholomew.) Syn. and 3 5 6 Prox. 85. 2d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. Il. 10$. &c. Johạ Newton, Gent. 1673. Roger Rogers, Gent, 1699. Jahn Harriſon, 1705, 1713. Giſbert Berresford, Eſq. 1770. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 41 4 10 Taxal R. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. Is. Abb. Ceftr. 10$. 92 Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. il 135. 4d. &c. Edmund Downes, Gent. 1661. William Goddard, 1672. Reginald Downes, 1690. John Shalcrafs, Eſq. 1707, 1727. Joſeph Dale, Clerk, 1753. John Swain, Clerk, 1775. 9 2 6 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Woodhead, Chap. to Mottram. Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr. 21. cersified Value. In Preſtbury Pariſh. Adlington. Said to be domeſtic. Mrs. Legh, Patr. Boſley. P. Vicar of Preſtbury, Patrá 31. 185. certified Value. Capefthorn C. (Holy Trinity.) Conſecrated 1722. Davies Davenport, Eſq. Patr, Chelford. P. Mr. Parker, Patr. 12h 95. Iida certified Value Foreft Chapel. Earl of Derby, Patra . MACCLESFIELD, (St. Michael.) P. The Mayor of Macclef... field, Patr. 501, certified Value. Chriſt Church in Macclesfield, in 1779. William Roe, Eſq. Marton. Davies. Davenport, Eſq. Patr, 6l. 195. certified Value. Pott Chap. Peter Downes, Eſq. Patr. 221, 1os. certified Value. Poynton, (St. Mary) Sir George Warreng. Knt. B. Rainow. Vicar of Preſtbury, Patr... Saltersford. Vicar of Preſtbury, Patr. Siddington. Davies Davenport, Eſq. 221. 135, certified Values Wincle. Erected about 1647. Vicar of Preſtbury, Patr. fa CHESTER 1213 DIOCES E OF CHEST E R. In Stockport Parish Chadkirk, (St. Chadd.) Rector of Stockport. About 30l. per ann. certain. Difley, (All Saints.) Peter Legh, Eſq. Patr. 6l. 135. 4d. paid yearly by the Rector of Stockport. Marple. Rector of Stockport. 2). certified Value. About 35l. per ann. certain. Norbury. Peter Legh, Eſq. Pátr. St. Peter in Stockport. Built and endowed 1768. Henry Oftley Wright, Clerk, Patr. About 1701. per ana. certain.. 9. Malban Tutch, alias Namptwich, in the Archdeaconry: of CHESTER. The Monaſtery of Cumbermeyre, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of 2257. gs. 7d. The Collegiate Church of Bumbery. was likewiſe returned at: 481. 25. 8 d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv... LIVINGS- REMAINING. IN CHARGE. King's Books. l’early Tenths, Rectories, &.c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. S, 1. d. I 18 II Ο 11 1997 Acton V. (St. Mary.) Syno and Prox. 165.4d. Abb. Cum- bermeyre zl. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 21. dec. vitul. agn., lan. &c. Sir Thomas Wilbraham, Bart. 1662, 1673. Ld Dyſert, 1720, 1745. Wilbraham Tollemache, Eſq. 5. 16. 8. Aldalem, alias Audlem, V. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. 135. 4d. Ballivo 6s. 8d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 35. 4d. dec. foep. lan. agn..&c. Pri. Sfi Thomæ Staff. Impr. Sir Tho. mas Smith, 1662, 1664. Richard Liſter, Eſq. 1696. Ri- chard Brocleſby, 1716. Thomas Read, 1743. William Wickſted, Clerk, 1752. 681. 115. 7d. certifiej Value. 25 7 1 Barthumley, alias Barthomley, alias Bertunley, R. (St. Berto- line.) Syn, and Prox. 145. Val. in ter. gleb..per ann. 21.. &ca. 2 10. 82. 1214 CHESTER DIOCESE OF CHESTER. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. lo dio 1. So do &c. John Crewe Offey, Eſq. and his Wife, 1685. Anne Crewe Offey, Widow, 1703. John Crewe, Eſq. 1721, 1726. John Ward and others, 1739. Davies Davenport, Eſq. 1758. Edward Mainwaring, Esq. 1777, 1782. 6 10 o Coppenhali R. (St. Michael.) Penſ. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield, p. i. 521. 135. 4d. certified Value. Wiburnbury, alias Wibunbury, V. (St. Chadd.) Penſ. Epiſc. 1 7 21 135. 4d. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. dec. gran. agn. lan lig. &c. Bilhop of Coventry and Lichfield, Propr. and Patr. p. i. o 13 13 12 I LIVINGS DISCHARGED. King's Books Clear Yearly Value. 24 3 6 Baddeley, alias Baddiley, R. (St. Michael.) Sir Thomas Main- waring, Bart. 1662, 1691. Ralph Bridge, Gent. and others, 1731. Sir Henry Mainwaring, Bart. 1759. 33 16 8 Wiſtaſton R. (St. Mary.). Penſ. Epiſc. 55. 4d. Vicario Wi- burnbury 6s. Val, in ter. gleb. per ann. 35. 4d. &c. Ri. chard Walthall, Eſq. 1674, 1704. Peter Walthall, Eſq. 4 0 3 1737, 1761. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. 25. 8d. Bunbury Cur. (St. Boniface.) This Curacy has two Miniſters, a Lecturer and a Reader. Company of Haberdaſhers, Lon- don, Patr. Olim a Collegiate Church, and valued at 431. Burwardſley, Chap. to Bunbury, (St. John.) Conſecrated 1735 Burleydam, in Acton Pariſh. Sir Robert Saluſbury Cotton, Bt. Patr. Church Minſhull, (St. Bartholomew,) in Coppenhall Pariſh. P. Monaſt. Combermeyre, Propr. Thomas Brooke, Eſq. Patron. 231. 125. 6d. certified Value. Hallington, Chap. to Barthumley. Sir Thomas Broughton, Bt. 201. certified Value. Marbury Chap. Supplied by the Rector of Whitchurch in Shropſhire, in Whitchurch Parifh, Lichfield Dioc. in Dec. Salop. NAMPT CAESTER. 1215 DIOCESE OF CHESTER. NAMPTWICH, (St. Mary and St. Nicholas.) Olim Cap. to Acton.) John Crewe, Eſq. Patr. now held by Inſtitution as a Rectory. 271. 35. 4d. certified Value, Wrenbury, (St. Margaret,) in Acton Parilh. P. Vicar of Ac-- ton, Patr. 301. certified Value. 9. Matyas, in the Archdeaconry of CHESTER. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenthes. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 2. S. d. 16.17 81 Alford, alias Aldford, R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. and Prox. . I 13 9 145. iod. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. Il. &c. The KING, 1662. Mary Minſhull and others, 1672. Lord Brandon, 1675. Whitehead, p. h. v. 1728. Lord 'Groſve- nor, 1769. 48 8 4 MALPAs firſt Portion R. (St. Oſwald,) with St. Chadds Chap. 4 16 10 Val. in groff. &c. Lord Cholmondeley, and William Drake, Eſq. alternately. William Drake. Eſq. 1770. 44 19 2 Malpas ſecond Portion R. (St. Oſwald,) with Whitwell Ch. 4 9 11 Val. in groff. William Drake, Eſq. 1750. 13 17 6 Tattenhall R. (St. Alban.) Archidiac. Ceftr. pro Syn. and 7 9 Prox. 8s. 2d. Penſ. Abb. Ceftr. 35. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 75. &c. Biſhop of Cheſter. Thilſton, alias Tylſton, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. 2d. 1 4 31 Penſ. Rectori de Malpas 6s. 8d. Valet in ter. gleb. 6s. 8d. dec. gran. &c. Lord Cholmondeley and William Drake, Eſq. alternately. Lord Cholmondeley, 1773. I I 2 2 II 1 Ban • 1216 FLITSI. DIOCE % E O CHESTER 9. Bangor. 1. S. d. 1. S. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 39 6 8 Bangor R. (St. Dinoth.). Šyn. and Prox. il. Val. in com. 3 18 8 mod. & al. profic. William Lloyd; Eſq. 1691. Thomas Lloyd, Eſq. 1745. Philip Eloyd Fletcher, Efqi and Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. 6 13 4 Hanmer V. (St. Chad.) Mon. Haghmond in.co. Salop, Propr. 013 4 Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. Patr. 491. 175. 5d. certified Value. 19 13 4 Worthenbury R.* (St. Binoth.) Sir Roger Paleſton, 1683. 1 19 4 Thomas Puleſton, Efq. 1714. Robert Williams and others, 1755. Richard Puleſton, Eſq. 1779. LIVINGS DISCHARGED: CHESTERS Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 46 12 5 Codington R. (St. Mary) Val. in ter. glėb. per ant. d. dec. 5° 4 2 gran. &c. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. 47 9 4 Handley R. (All Saints.), Syn. and Prox. 85. 2d. Abb. Ceſtr. 6. Os 135. 4d. Val. in rer. glebi 35. 6d. decim. gran. &e. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter: CHAPELS, DONÀTIVES, OR CURÀCIES. Harthill Cur. (All Saints.) P. William Drake, Eſq. Patri 181. certified Value. Overton, alias Orton Madoe, (St. Marys) in Bangor Pariſh, co. Flint. P. Stokelack, alias Shocklach, (St. Edith:) P. Thomas Puler- ton, Eſq. Coll. St. John's Ceftr. Propr. 261. certified Value. * Worthenbury.-Taken from Bangor R. and made a diſtinct Pariſh by Act of Parliament 2 W. & M. Parl, 2. Seff. I. 5 D. Mid- CAESTERE 1217 DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. middle wlich, in the Archdeaconry of CHESTER. King's Books. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenihse Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. I. . 68 o Aſbury R. (St. Mary,) with CONGLETON, (St. Peter.) Syn. 6 16 0 and Prox. 16s. 8d. 'Abb. Ceftr. 125. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 21. 45. 8d. dec. gran. &c. Sir Andrew Hackett, 1676. John Egerton, Eſq. 1705. John Amſon, Eſq. 1731. Charles Crewe and John Wright, Eſq. 1758. Peter Brooke, Efq. 1782. 70 5 Brereton R. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. and Prox. Iš. Penf. Rectori 0 14 01 de Aſtbury is. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. dec. gran. &c. Sir William Brereton, Bart. 1662. Francis Ld. Brere- ton, 1719. Sir Liſter Holte, Bart. 1731, 1755, 1767. 23 13 11 Davenham R. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn, and Prox. 165. 4d. Valet 2 7 33 in ter. gleb. per ann. 1os. decim. gran. &c. Henry Leigh, Efq. 1662. Mary Broadhurſt, Widow, 1678. Lord Ri- vers, 1681. James Croxton, Gent. 1725. Edward Vau- drey, Eſq. 1744. Thomas Brock, Eſq. 1775. 15 10 23 SANDBACH V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 3s. Val. in ter. gleb. per I'II of ann. 11s. 10d. minut. decim. &c. Thomas Stephens, Eſq. 1674, 1695. Thomas Vaudrey, Eſq. and his Wife, 1729. Edward Powis, Eſq. 1739. Mary Haddon, Widow, 1773. 5 1 3 Swetenham R. Syn. and Prox. 45. 10d. Penſ. Rect. de Arte O 10 11 bury is, Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 135. 4d. &c. John Da. venport, 1661. Tho. Swettenham, 1677. William Swet- tenham, Eſq. 1716, 1722. Thomas Swettenham, Eſq. 1735. Abigail Painter, 1783. 491. certified Value. 12 4 7 Warmingham R. (St. Leonard.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. 2d. Val. 1 4 53 in ter. gleð. per ann. 21, &c. John Crew, Eſq. 1680. Daniel Cotton, Gent. 1714. John Crew, Eſq. 1746. Sa- muel Egerton, Eſq. and others, 1777. Philip Egerton, 1782. . 7 e LIVINGS 1218 CHESTER DIOCESE OBCHISTE R. lo. S. 34 12 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. . King's Books d. 1. d. 47 7 6 Lawton, alias Church Lawton, R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 9 2 7 Is. 8d. Penf. Rectori Aſtbury is. Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 185. decim. gran. &c. William Lawton, 1663, 1682. Jof. Lawton, 1705. John Lawton, Eſq. 1782. MIDDLEWICH V. (St. Michael.) Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. il. 14 O o 0 6s. 8d. & in pecun. fol. per prior. de Lentop per ann, 12l. 135. 4d. Pri. Sanet. Trinit. Lenton in Notts. Propr. The KING, 1680, 1695. Lord Brereton, 1719. Robert Lowe, Eſq. 1731, 1736. Ifaac Wood, Eſq. and his Wife, 1780. 18. 16 0 Over V. (St. Chadd.) Val. in ter. gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. min. 7 4 O dec. &c. Eccleſia Colleg. Sfi Johan. Ceftr. Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. In Aſbury Parish. CỌNGLETON (St. Peter.) Corporation of Congleton, Patr. 411. 155. Certified Value. Little Budworth, (St. Peter,) Cur. P. Biſhop of Cheſter, Propr. and Patr. 2h certified Value. In Sandbach Pariſh. Gooftrey Chap. P. Vicar of Sandbach, Patr. Iol. 1os. cer- tified Value. With Holms, or Church Hulme, Chap. Vicar of. Sandbach, Patr. 234. 35. certified Value.. Watenhall, alias Wetenhall, in Over Pariſh. P. Vicar of . Over, Patr. Whitegate, alias Newchurch, V. (St. Mary.) P. Made a Pariſh 33 H. VIII. taken out of Over. Mr. Cholmondeley, Patra 21. los, certified Value.. D. U verze - CHESTERI DIOCESE OF CHESTER 1219 Sortid Clear annual Sum of gol. 135. · Heirs of Jofeph Whitmore per ut dic. Thomas Browne, Hind others, 1664. 9. Włyrrehall, alias Utorrali, in the Archdeaconry of CHEST E R. The Monaſtery of Birkhead, alias Birkenhead, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritu- For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenthine Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. The 10 Cooltono 30 13 4 Babington, alias Bebington, R. (St. Andrew.) Syit and Prox. 3 8.5. 2d. Terr. gleb. decim. gran. &c. Daniel Bavand, Gent. 1662. John Slater, 1716. Roger Jackſon, 1739. Simop Jackfon, Clerk, 1753, 17776 18 8 4 Heſwall R. Syn. and Prox. 8s. 2d. Val. in terr. gleb. com I 16 IO mup. ann. Il. 55. &c. Davies Davenport, Eſq. and the Gent. 1660. Edward Clegg, Gent. 1666. Mary Bur- roughs, Widow, 1702. George Davenport, Eſq. 1716. Neh. Griffith, 1737. Richard Davenport, Eſq. 1763. : -165. rod. certified Value. 28 13 4 Kirkby, alias Weſt Kirkby, R. (St. Bridget.) Syn, and Prox. 2 17 4 165. 8d. Val. in terr. głeb. per ann. 21. is. 8d. &c. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. 5 0 Neston V. (St. Mary and St. Helen.) Abb. Ceſtr. il. 135. 4d. Mon. Sanct. Werburg, Propr. Val. in terr. gleb. 6s. 8d. decim. gran. & minut. decim. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter, 25 9 2 Woodchurch R. (Holy Croſs:) Sýn. and Prox. 16s. 8d. Abb. Ceftr. il. 1os. Prox. 65.8d. Val. in terr. glėb. per annum . Burches, Widow, 1673. Hugh Burches, 1704. The KING, 1705. John Crookhall, and his Wife; 1747. 1. S. d. 1. S. d. 4 1 591. 165. II I 2 10 It 7 R 2 LIVINGS 1 220 DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. CHESTER .ܐ S. d. s. de 19 II 10 Burton Cur. (St. Nicholas.) LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Pearly Value. The bo ling King's Books Backford V. (St. Oſwald.) Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 135. 5 o 5 4d. annual. penf. rec. de Prior. de Birkhead il. &c. Pri. Birkkenhead, olim Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter, Propr. and Patr. 32 3 4 Eftham, alias Eaſtham, V. (St. Mary.) Abb. Ceftr. il. 35. 12 13 4d. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. 55. 4d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Ceftr. olim Propr. Dean and Chap. of Cheſter. 35 13 6 Thurſtafton, alias Thurſtanton, R. (St. Bartholomew.). Syn. 6 13 6 and Prox. Is. 6d. Abb. Ceftr. 55. Val. in terr. gleb. per ann. il. &c. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. 44 9 10 Walizey, alias Wallazy, R. Med. (St. Hilary.) Syn. and 11 021 Prox. 8s 2d. Abb. Ceſtr. 25. Val..in terr. gleb. per ann. 109. decim. gran. &c. Biſhop of Cheſter: An Impropria- tion, one Moiety belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter, the other Moiety the Rector has. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Bidſton, cum Ford. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. Mon. Byrkhed, olim Propr. 211. certified Value. Birkhead, alias Birkenhead, Chapel to Bidſton. Richard Parry Price, Eſq. Morton, Chapel to Bidſton. Deſtructa. Richard Parry Price, Eſq. Bromburgh. (St. Barnabas.) Mon. St. Warburg, Ceftr. Propr. Dec. & Cap. Ceftr. Patr. 51. 115. 8d, certified Value. John Baptift, in Lichfield, Impr. and Patr. Over Church, in Upton, Cur. College of St. John's, Propr. Rev. Simon Jacſon, Patr. 41. certified Value. Shotwick. Cur. (St. Michael.) P. Mon. St. Werburg; in Ceftr. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter, Patr. 231. 155. certified Value. Stoke Cur. P. St. John's Coll. Ceftr. Propr. Sir Thomas Charles Bunbury, Bart. 291. 45. certified Value. D. Andzens, LANCASH. 1221 DIOCESE OF CHISTE R. 9. Andreus, alias Amounderneſs, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. The ſworn Commiſlioners who took the Survey of the Archdea- conry of Richmond, were William Knight, Archdeacon of Richmond, John Dawkyns, Robert Bowes, Roger Laſſelles, William Blythman, John Metcalfe, James Rokeby, and Ri- chard Crosby The Abby of Cockerſand, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tempo, ralities, the clear annual Sum of 1571. 145. od. Ź Vide Orig. Sury. for Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with the Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. l. d. 24 16 51 Chipping R. Syn. 25. Prox. 35. 4d. Terr. gleb. ad valor. 2 85. &c. An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſ- ter, made ſo fince 1542. 14 3 4 GABSTANG V. (St. Helen.) Syn. 25. Prox. 35. 5d. Val. in 1 8 4 terr. gleb. per ann. 25. decim. garb. lan. agn. &c. Abb. Cockerſand, Propr. Richard Richmond, M. D. 1684. Richard Richmond, Clerk, and others, 1706. Silveſter Richmond, Gent. 1722, 1731. James Pedder, Gent: 1772. 731. 1os. certified Value. 21 I 01 KIRKHAM V. (St. Michael.). Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. 6s. 8d. 2 2 1 Ž Val. in manf. cum gardin. per annum 15. decim. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Mon. de Valle Regali, Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 556 certified Válue. 41 O O LANCASTER V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. 85. 10d. 4 2 O Val. in gleb. per ann. Ile decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. vitul. &c. Mon. Syon, Propr. George Towlſon, 1672, 1682, 1684. Robert Gibſon, Eſq. 1714. Sir Thomas Heſketh, Bart. 1767. 15 311) PRESTON V. (St. Wilfrid.) Syn. 25. 8d. Penſ. Mon. de Syon I 10 48 6). 135. 4d. Val. in manf. cum orto 25. decim. parcel. gran. decim. lan. agn. yitul. &c. Colleg. de Newarke, in Lei- 4 ceſter, 1222 DIOCESE OF CHESTEN. LANCAST: annex. do King's Books Yearly Tenthese le 1. s. do ceſter, Propr. Sir Richard Houghton, Bart. 1662. Sir Charles Hoghton, Bart. 1682, 1700: The KING, 1727. William Shaw, Efq. 1743. Sir Henry Hoghton, Bart. 1782. :39 9 91 Ribcheſter R. (St. Wilfrid.). "Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. 35. 4d. 3 18 113 Val. in manf. cum gleb. & diverf. ten. per annum 81. 55. rod. &c. An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Chefter. O 44 10 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Bookso 36 13 4 Chipping V. (St. Bartholonew.) Olim the Rector of the Sine Čuré. Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr. 38 -10 Cockerham V. Syn. 15. 6d. Prox. 25. 3d. Val. in manſ. cum 10 16 8 gardin. & pom.'terr. dom. per ann. 6s. decim. ſal. lan. agn. &c. Mon. Lancaſter, Propr. The KING, 1661. Walter Froſt, 1695. •Francis Charteris, Eſq. 1722. Edmund Star- kie, Eſq. 1737. Francis Charteris, Eſq. 1781; St. Michael upon the Wyre V.. Syn. 2s. 8d. Prox. 45. 10d. 10 17 6 . lin. canab. &c. Coll. Battlefield, in Lich. Dioc. Propr. Williain - Johnſon, Eſq. 1668. Thomas Clitheral, Gent. 1715 Edward Cromleholme, Gent. 1728. Richard Whitehead, Eſq. 1768. John Swainſon, 1784, p.i. 28 18 51 Pulton, alias Poolton, alias Poulton, V. (St. Chadd.) Syn. 7 16 8 25. 6d. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in manſ. cụm orto per ann. 1S. 8d. decim. vitul. lin.canab. &c. Mon. Syon, in Middlef. Propr. Richard Fleetwood, 1674. Edward Fleetwood, Eſq. 1726. Roger Heſketh, Eſq. 1749. Frances Heſketh, Widow, 1770. 38 19 1 RIBCHESTER V. (St. Wilfrid.) Olim the Rector of the Sine Cure. Biſhop of Chefter, Patrol CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Bifpham C. Bold Hesketh, Eſq. Nunnery of Syon, Propr. 81. certified Value. Copp €. in St. Michael's Pariſh. Vicar of St. Michael's, Pair. Ellell, Chapel to Cockerham. Vicar of Cockerham. ili 10s. certified Value. $ Lytham LANCASH. DIOCESE or C-HESTE Ř. 1223 Value. Lytham Cur. (St. Cuthbert.) Priory of Durham, Propr. 221. certified Value. Shirehead Cap. in Cockerham Pariſh. Vicar of Cockerham. 11. 25. certified Value. Wood Plumpton Cap. in St. Michael's Pariſh. Vicar of St. Michael's, Patr. 31. certified Value. Chapels in Garítang Parith. Chapel in the Town. Vicar of Garſtang, Pátr.. Pilling. (St. John Baptiſt.) Pi Conſecrated 1921. Geoffrys Hornby, Eſq. 11l, 135. 4.d. certified Value. In Kirkham Parilh. Gooſnargh. P. Vicar.of Kirkham, Patr.. 31. 18so certified Value. Hambleton. P. Vicar of Kirkham, Patr... 11l. -55. certified Lund. Vicar of Kirkham; Patrz 61. 185.4d. certified Value. Ribbey, with Wray. Conſecrated, 1755. . Vicar of Kirkham, Patr. Singleton. ($t. Anne.) Conſecrated 1754. Mr. Shaw. Warton Chap. (St. Paul.) Conſecrated anno 1725. Vicar of. Kirkham, Pätr. Whitechapel.. Vicar. of Kirkham, Patr.. Gw In Lancaſter Pariſh. Aliado baba pre Admarſh.. 51. ICs. certified Value. Gaton, in Lonſdale Deanry. P. gl. ios, certified Valuie. Greflogham, in Lonſdale Deanry. Pin gl. certified Value. St. John, in Lancaſter. Conſecrated 1755.html Littledale. (St. Anne under Caton.) Confecrated 1755. Inhas- bitants. Overton. 121. 55. certified Value.. A D Poulton. Conſecrated 1745. Stalmine. (St. James.) P. 281. 123. 4d. certified Values Wyderſdale, Ill. Ios. 6d. certified Value. The Office of King's Preacher. The Biſhop. In Preſton Pariſha Broughton... P. Sir Henry Hoghton, Bart. 344. 85. certified Valuea St. Laurence 1 224 LANCASHI DIOCESE OF C H EST. ER St. Laurence, Mr. Shuttleworth. New Chapel in Grimſargh. (St. Michael.) Confecrated 1726. Vicar of Preſton. New Chapel in Preſton Town. (St. George.) Conſecrated 1726. Vicar of Preſton, In Ribcheſter Pariſh. Longridge. Sir Henry Hoghton, Bart. 41. 135. 4d. certified Value. Stidd. P. Served by the Vicar of Ribcheſter. 31. 195. id. certified Value. 1 9. Blackbourn, in the Archdeaconry of Chester. The Monaſtery of Whalley, in this Deanry, was likewiſe re. turned at 3211. gs. id.I For Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Liber Regis. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Ténthsa Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1: S. d. 2. 8 1 2 8 BLACKBOURN, alias BLACKBURN; V. * (St. Mary.) Syn. and o 16 Prox. 1l. 35. Epiſc. Ceftr. 85. 1od. Penſ. Eccl. 11. Mon. Whalley, Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. 6 3 9 Whalley Voup (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 21. 35. Epiſc. 0 12 41 Ceftr. 21. 'Redd. Guardianis Whalley Il. Mon. Whalley, Propr. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Blackbourn V.-A Penfion ſettled on this Pariſh by Archbiſhop Sancroft. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 308. + Whalley V.-A Penſion ſettled on this Pariſh by Archbiſhop Sancroft. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 301. The Borough of Clithero is in this Pariſh. CHAPELS, LANCASH. 1225 Diocese of chester "Su noile CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR Curacies. .pl In Blackburn Parith. Balderfton. (St. Leonard.) Vicar of Blackburn. gol. real Value. Darwen. (St. James.) P. Vicar of Blackburn. Sti 16s. 8d. certified Value. gol. real Value. Harwood. (St. Bartholomew.) P. Conſtructa 1505. Vicar of Blackburn. 141. 155. certified Value. 6ol. real Value. Lango. Vicar of Blackburn. 71. 6s. 8d. certified Value. 701, Law, or Lowchurch, alias Walton in le Dale. (St. Leonard.) 15. 185. 8d. certified Value. 401. real Value. Samlesbury. (St. Leonard.) P. Vicar of Blackburn. 141. 16s. 8d. certified Value.. 45l. real Value. Tockholes. (Št. Michael.) Vicar of Blackbum. 154. 15. 8d. certified Value. gol. real Value, dans real Value. In Whalley Pariſh. Acrington. Vicar of Whalley, Patr. 155. certified Value. sol. real Value Altham. (St. James.) P. Asheton Curzon, Eſq. Patr. ill. 155. 8d. certified Value. 301. real Value. . Peter.) P. Edmund Townley, Eſq. Pațr. 231. 16s. 8d. certified Value. 2501. real Value. Caſtle, demoliſhed, the Profits given to Whitwell. 6l. certified Value. Church Kirk. (St. James.) P. Asſheton Curzon, Eſq. Patr. 124. 175. 8d. certified Value. 80l. real Value. CLITHERO. (St. Michael.) P. Asſheton Curzon, Eſq. Patr. 22h 125. certified Value, 50k real Value. Colne. (St. Bartholomew. 5°p. Vicar of of Whalley, Patr. 301. 165. 2 d. certified Value. gol. real Value. Downham. (St. Peter.) P. Asfheton Curzon, Eſq. Patra 10h. 155. 4d. certified Value. 701.. real Value. Goodthaw, under Hallingden. Vicar of Whalley. HASLINGDEN. (St. James.) Vicar of Whalley, Patf. 17l. 8s, oda certified. Value. 8gl. real Value. Holme, under Burnley. Vicar of Whalley, Patr. 35l real Value.. 7 R Marſden, 1226 DIOCESE OF CHESTER. LANCASH. m? ci (), Furnes 16. 138. 4d. & . . . . Marſden, under Colne. 165. 8d. certified Value. Newchurch in Pendle. (St. Mary.) Asheton Curzon, Eſq. Patr. 11. 125. certified Value. 456. real Value. Patr. 231. 105. certified Value. 160l. real Value. Padiam. (St. Leonard.) Le Gendre Starkie, Eſq. 151. gs. gd. certified Value. 6ol. real Value. Whitwell. Vicar of Whalley, Patr. The ſame certified Value that belonged to Caſtle Chapel, viz. 61. certified Value. 50% real Value. D. Furnes and Cartmel, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. The Abby of Furnes was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear annual Sum of 8051. 165. 5d. The Priory of Conyngelhed was likewiſe, returned at 97% 2d. The Priory of Cartmet was likewiſe returned at gih os. 3d. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis.. REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 37 19 2 Aldington, alias Aldingham, R. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn. 35. 4d. 3 19 11 Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 1os. decim. &c. The KING. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear learly Value. King's Books. 19 6 8 Dalton in Furnes V. (St. Mary.). Val. in manf. cum gardin. 17 6 8 30 per ann. 135. 4d. denar. numerat. annuat. rec. de Abb. de 135. c. The KING, as Duke of Lan. caſter. Abb. Furnes, Propr. 13 10 * Kirkby Irelith V. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. os. 5 6 8 8d. Val. in manſ. pom. ort. cum gleba per ann. 85. oblat. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. Urſwick 1. d. 1. S. d. 27.) O O 0 O LANCASH. DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. 1227 7 Urſwick V Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. d. sd. 5 0 (St. Michael.) Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. 35. 4d. Val. 7.17 6 in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. lin. canab. &c. Abb. Furnes, Propr. Pariſhioners thereof, Patr. among whom the Tythes and Patronage are divided. 1. 20 9 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. en Choi CarTMEL Cur. (St. Mary.) Pri. Cartmel, Propr. Olim a Monaſtery. Lord George Cavendiſh. Coulton. (Holy Trinity.) Land Owners, Patr. Abby of Furnes, Propr. 181. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Dendron, Chapel to Aldingham. Rector of Aldingham. HAWKSHEAD. (St. Michael.) The KING, as Duke of Lan- caſter. Abby of Furnes, Propr. 421. certified Value. Pennington. (St. Michael.) The KING, as Duke of Lan- caſter, Patr. Abby of Conilhed, Propr. iol. certified Va- lue. Ruſland, (St. Paul,) Chapel to Coulton. Conſecrated 1745. Curate of Coulton, and others. Saterthwaite, Chapel to Hawkſhead. Abby of Furnes, Propr. Land Owners nominate. 21. certified Value. Tinſthwait, alias Finſthwait, Ch. (St. Peter,) in Coulton Pa. riſh. Conſecrated 1725. Land Owners nominate. ULVERSTON. (St. Mary.) Abby of Coniſhed, Propr. EſqValùe. Woodland, Chapel to Kirkby Irelith. Land Owners, Patr. . Braddyli , £fq . 281. 185. certified Valbed, Propr. Wilſon Chapels in Cartmel Pariſh. Cartmell Fell. (St. Anthony.) Lord George Cavendiſh, Patr. 81. 105. 2d. certified Value. Flookborough. (St. John Baptiſt.) Lord George Cavendiſh, Patr. 91. 125. certified Value. Lindall. Lord George Cavendiſh, Patr. 5l. 8s. certified Value. Staveley. Lord George Cavendiſh, Patr. 61. 35. 6d. certified Value. Field Broughton. (St. Peter.) Confecrated 1745: Truſtees, Patr. 193014 Ads Y 199 dolg in hoge met SAV 7 R2 In 1268 LANCASH. D1:0 C E-SE OF CH ESTE R. In Dalton Pariſh. Irelith. 31. certified Value. Ramfide, alias Ramſtead. 81. 35. 4d. certified Value. Walney, an Iſland. The Vicar of Dalton nominates, and the Inhabitants or Land Owners elect. gl. 145. certified Value. In Kirkby Irelith Pariſh. BROUGHTON, (St. Mary Magdalen.) Eſther Sawrey. 71. 1osi ud. certified Value. Seath wait & Dunnerdale Capellæ. William Penny, Eſq. 31 185. 6d. certified Value. In Ulverſton Parilh. Blawith. Wilſon Braddyll, Eſq. 41. certified Value. Coniſton. The Inhabitants. 3. 95. 10d. certified Value. Lowick. William Fred. Blencowe, Eſq. 1oł. certified Values Torver, or Tower. 77 35, certified Value. 9. Kirkby Lonsdale, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. 2. I LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Vearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. so. . 13 9 91 Whittington R. Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. 25. 2d.1 Penf. Pri. 6 11 Cartmell 21. 135. 4d. Val. in manf. cuin gleb. annex. il. 195. 8d. deciin. gran. &c. Chriſtopher Carns, Eſq. 1681. Edmund Hornby, Efq. 1716. Geffry Hornby, Efq. 1768. Geoffry Hornby, Clerk, 1782. 35 7 81 Bentham R. in co. York. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. 25. 8.d. 3 10 94 Prox. 45. 5d. Val, in manſ. cum gleb. per annum cum diverf , ten. 41. &c. Anthony Bouch, Eſq. 1670. The Archbi- ſhop of York, 1717. Ferdinand Hudleſton, Eſq. 1720. John Parker, Eſq. 1758. Edward Parker, Eſq. 1761. Tatham LANCASH 1229 DIOCESE OF G HE'S TER. King's Books, 1. So Icarly Tenths. . do I 4 4 6. 2 17 33 do 125 Tatham R. in co. Lane. (St. James.). Syn. Is. Prox. Is. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb, per ann. 135. 4d. &c. Lord Mor- ley, 1660. Lady Mounteagle, and others, 1699. Earl of Idia, and others, 1734 Francis Charteris, Eſq. 1750, 1781. 561. 45. certified Value. 28 13 11 Thornton R. in co. York. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. 25. 8d. . Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in manf. cum gardin. & orto & terr. dom. cum diverf. teni per ann. 31. 105. &c. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, Propr. and Patr. of the Vicarage, which is not charged. 661. 10s. certified Value This Rectory being made an Impropriation' was granted to the faid Dean and Chapter, they or their Lefſee pay the Tenths thereof. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 40 O O ceft. Propropili 21. O: O 3 133 Clear Yearly Value. biccione King's Books. 27 0 o Claughton R: (St Chada.) Syn. is. 4d. Prox. 1s. 8d. Val. 9 13 10 in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. 48. decim. gran. &c. Richard Legh, Esq. 1683. Peter Legh, Eſq. 1700, 1773. 28 5 2 Mellinge V. (St. Peters) Syn. 25. 82. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in 7 I 101 manſ. cum gardin. per ann. 1S. 9di decim. fæn. minut. & privat. décim. &c. The KING. Mon. Croxton, in Lei- Oo , Tonitall; alias Tunſtall, V. (St. John Baptiſt.) (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. 25. 8d.. 6 Prox. 45, 5d.. Val, in manſ. cum gardin. per ann. 15. decim. miriur. & privat. &c. Moin Croxton, in Leiceſt. Propr. - John Girlington, Erq: 1664. Jo. Borret, Gent. , 1699, 1737. Suſanna Borret, Widow, and others,, 1756. YORK. 5o Clapham V. Syn. IS: 4d. Prox. Is. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum 5 17 1 orto per annum 6s. 8d. decim. garb. foen. &c. Archidiac. Richmond, olim Propr. Bifhop of Chelter, Impr. and Patr. WESTMORLAND. 49 13. 8 KIRKBY LONSDALE V. (St. Mary,) in co. Weſtmorland. Syn. 20 15 25. 4d. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in mani. cum gleb. per annum Il. 6s. 8d. decim.' fæn. minut. & privat. decim. &c. Mon. Sanctæ Mariæ, , Ebor. Propy. Trinity College, Cain-- bridge. 42 17 4 SEDBERGH V. (St. Andrew.). Syn. 25. 8d. Prox. 61. 8d. 12 Penſ. Monaſterio Goverham, the Feodor 26, 108. Nal. in. 4 20 2 YORKSH. 8:0 manſ. 123 DIOCESE OF CHEST ER. manſ. cum gleb. & terr. dom. in trib. clauſ. il. 165. decim. gran. fæn. agn. vitul. &c. Mon. Coverham, Propr. Tri. nity College, Cambridge. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR Curacies. Burton, in Thornton Pariſh. 151. certified Value. LECK Cap. in Tunſtal Pariſh. Vicar of Tunſtall. 21. 185. cer- tified Value. Tathain Fell Cap. in Tatham Pariſh. Rector of Tatham. 21. certified Value. besterin In Benthain Parich, co. Yorkcotton que INGLETON. P. Rector of Bentham. 201. certified Value. Ingleton Fell. Rector of Bentham. 7. certified Value. In Kirkby Lonſdale Pariſh, co., Weſtmorland. Barbon. Vicar of Kirkby Lonfdale. 31. Is. 63. certified Value. Firbank. Vicar of Kirkby Lonſdale. 41. 8s. 4d. certified Va- lue. Hutton Roof. Vicar of Kirkby Lonſdale. 27. 1os. certified Value: Killington. Vicar of Kirkby Lonſdale. , 81. 105. certified Va- lue. Middleton. Vicar of Kirkby Lonſdale. 81. certified Value. Manſergh. (St. Peter.) Vicar of Kirkby Lonſdale. In Melling Pariſh, co. Lancaſter. Archolm. Vicar of Melling. 81. 1os. certified Value. Hornby. (St. Margaret.) Francis Charteris, Eſq. 61. 135. certified Value. In Sedbergh Pariſh, co. York.is Dent. (St. Andrew.) P.1:24 Sideſmen'nominate. 331. 18s. cer- tified Value. Garſdale. (St. John Baptift.) The KING. 177. 5s. certified Value: (72 Howgil. Vicar of Sedbergh. 9A certified Value. too 9. Lei- LANCASĂ. 1231 DIOCESE OT CHESTER 9. Letland, in the Archdeaconry of Chester. The Monaſtery or Priory of Penwortham, in this Deanry, was returned at 291. 185.7d. For Particulars, vid. Liber Regis. King's Books. 2. d. d. 3 27 los. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. 31 11 101 Crofton R. and V. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 1l. 8s. 8d, 3 Epifc. Ceftr. 195. 4d. Mon. Syon 531. 6s. 8d. Pauperibus William Pilkington, and others, 1683. Charles Lay- field, and others, 1689. Charles Layfield, S.T.P. 1703. Anne Maſter, Widow, and others, 1759. 28 16 01 ECCLESTON R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 165. Redd. 145. 2 17 7 8d. Mon. Syon ih Ballivo al. John Criſpe, 1671. Wil- liam Latham, 1704. Thomas Mercer, 1736. John Dou- glas, Eſq. 1740. Richard Whitehead, Eſq. 1770. Il 0 o Leiland; alias Leyland, V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and Prox. 1350. 4d.. Pri. Penwortham el. Abb. Evelham, Propr. Edward Fleetwood, Eſq. 1677, 1684, 1690. Henry Fleetwood, Eſq. 1719, 1733, 1736. Robert Harper, and others; 1748. John Baldwin, Clerk, 1753. 45 16 8 Standiſh R. (St. Wilfrid.). Syn. and Prox. 175. Ballivo 5l. 4 11 8 Edward Standiſh, Eſq. 1678. Ralph Standiſh, Eſq. 1713. The Univerſity of Cambridge, 1722, 1723. Richard Clay- ton, Eſq. 1760. Sir Richard Perryn, Knight, 1779. I 2 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 49 15 6 Brinhill, alias Brindle, R. (St. James.) Syn. and Prox. 55. 12 8 4 Ballivo il. Duke of Devonſhire. 45 3 0 Hoole R.* (Holy Trinity.) Martha Porter, 1660. Sir Tho. 6 14 mas Wheate, 1701. Elizabeth Hamby, 1703. John Sker- rett, Gent. 1732. Henry Heſketh, Eſq. 1763, 30 * Hoole, taken from Crofton and made a diſtinct Pariſh by Act of Parliament 17 Car. I. CHAPELS, 123 DIOCESE OF CE S T E R. LANCASTLE .. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. 1 sau Copull, in Standiſh Pariſh. Samuel Crooke, Efq. 1o. cer- tified Value. 5ọl. real Value, Douglas, in Ecclefton Pariſh, Rector of Ecclefton. 101. çer. tified Value. 701. real Value. Longton, in Penwortham Pariſh. James Barton, Efq. 141 certified Value. quando In Croſton Pariſh. 28 29 lubelsä. Beconfall. Rector of Crofton. 21. 75. uid. certified Value. 50% real Value: certified Value; 201. of whịch by the Rector. Rufforth ($t. Mary.) Rector of Crofton. 221. of Croſton. 227. 135. certified Value ;' 2ol. of which by the Rector. Tarleton (St. Mary) Conſecrated 1719. Peter Legh, Eſq. 1 In Leiland Pariſh. cordo Euxton. Reverend James Armetriding. fol. real Value. tudo o's Heapy. Vicar of Leiland. . 7h95. certified Value. gol. real Value. Penwortham (St. Mary.) A Pariſh Church, Olim a Priory Church. James Barton, Esq. Patr., D. Wancheſter, in the Archdeaconry of CHESTER. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. den King's Books Yearly Yenibia Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. l. 2. d. 1. 2 13 4 26 13 4 Aſhton under Line R. (St. Mary.) Lord Delamore, 1662. Earl of Warrington, 1700, 1926. Thomas Hunt, Efq. and Mary Counteſs of Stamford, 1738, BURY LANCASH DIOCE SIE OF CHEST E R. 1233 King's Books. Den/"! Prox. 155. 4d. Counteſs of 2 19 rearly Tenths. l. d. l. d. . 2 11 Derby, 1660. Earl of Derby, 1674. Thomas Banks, Eſq. 1712. Earl of Derby, 1743, 1778. 36 3 113 Middleton R. (St. Leonard.) Syo. and Prox. 16s. 8d. Sir 3 12 41 Ralph Aſsheton, 1662, 1701. The QUEEN, 1714. Sir Ralph Aſsheton, Bart. 1752, 1957. POLEN, 1714. Sir 46 4 91 Preſtwich with Oldham R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 155. 4 12 58 4d. Edward Ahton, Eſq. 1660, 1685. Lord Malton, 1732. John Simpſon, Eſq. 1752. Abraham Balme, Eſq. 1763. James Lyon, Clerk, 1783. 21 O 5 Radcliffe, alias Ratcliffe, R. Syn. and Prox. 25. Sir Ralph 2 2 off Aſsheton, Bart. 1662, 1695, 1716, 1719, 1724, 1757. Lord Grey de Wilton, p. i. 1784. 4 91 Rachdale, alias ROCHDALE, V.* (St. Chadd.) Syn. and I 2 53 Prox. 155.4d. Mon. Whalley, Propr. Archbiſhop of Can- terbury LIVINGS DISCHARGED. 18 19 Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 36 2 6 Bolton in the Moors V. 4 (St. Peter.) Eccl. Lichfield, Propr. 10 3 0 Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. Dean V. (St. Mary.) The KING. Monaſtery of Whalley, 4 0.0 60 Propr. 45 15 Eccles V. (St. Mary,) with Pendleton Chap. (St. Thomas.) 6 8 80 Syn. and Prox. 155. Mon. Whalley, Propr. Sir Francis Anderton, 1720. The KING. o S.C. Mary, The Pendleton champ de Thomas I NOT IN CHARGE. MANCHESTER Collegiate Church. A Warden appointed by the King, 400l. per ann. and four Fellows choſen by them- ſelves, 250l. per ann, each. Val. clare temp. H. VIII. 2131. St. Anne in Mancheſter R. Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr. IOS. IId. * RachDALE V.-A Penſion ſettled on this Pariſh by Archbiſhop Sandcroft, Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 308. + Bolton.— The whole Endowment of this Vic irage is a Penſion of 361. per Ann. paid by the Bridge man Family, who are Leſſees under the Biſhop. 7 S St. 1234" DIOCESE OF CHESTER. LANCASIL St. John in Mancheſter R. Conſecrated 1769. Heirs of Ed. ward Byrom, Eſq. next Turn, then the Warden and Fel. lows of Mancheſter. St. Mary in Mancheſter R. Conſecrated 1756. Ward. and Fell. of Mancheſter. St. Paul's Cur. Conſecrated in 1766. Wardi and Fell. of Mancheſter. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Ellenbrook, in Eccles Pariſh. A domeſtic Chapel of the Duke of Bridgewater. 231, 65.3d. certified Value, Flixton Cur. (St. Michael.) P: Prebendary of Flixton in Lichfield Cathedral Patr. and Impr. 341. certified Value.- In Aſhton Pariſh. Hey or Lees (St. John.) Rector of Aſhton, Patró- Moſley. Rector of Aſhton, Patr.. Stayley Bridge. Earl of Stamford. In Bolton Párift: Little Bolton (All Saints.) Conſecrated 1743. George Garsa fide, Eſq. Patr. Blackroad (St. Catherine.) Vicar of Bolton. 211. os. od. çere tified Value. Bradſhaw. Vicar of Bolton. Turton (St. Bartholomew.) Mordecai Green, Eſở: 41. 1446 certified Value. Walmſley. Vicar of Bolton, Patr. 51.-135. certified Value... In Bury Pariſh. Bury St. John. Rector of Bury, Patr. Heywood. Rector of Bury, Patr. 81. certified Value. at Holcombe. Rector of Bury, Patr. Edenfield, or Eatonfield. Rector of Bury, Patr. 58. certified Value, 1 Io lonel LANCASH.. 1235 DIOCESE OF CHESTER. In Dean Pariſh. Horwich. Vicar of Dean, Patr. Peele. Conſecrated 1760. Jofeph Yates, Eft. Weſt Houghton (St. Mary.) Vicar of Dean, Patr. 21. Is. 6d. certified Value. In Mancheſter Parith, Ardwick (St. Thomas.) Ward. and Fell. of Coll. Church, Patr. Birch. John Dickenſon, Eſq. 31. 1os. certified Value. Blakeley. Ward. and. Fell. Mancheſter. 271.75. 8d. certified Value. Cholerton, or Choilton. Warden and Fellows of Mancheſter. il. 155. certified Value. Denton (St. James.) Sir Thomas Egerton, Bart. 12l. certi- fied Value. Didſbury (St. John.) P. William Broom, Eſq. 5le 4s, cer tified Value. Goſton, alias Gorton, (St. James.) Ward, and Fell. of Man- cheſter. 81. 155. certified Value. Heaton Norris (St. Thomas.) Ward. and Fell. of Mancheſter. Newton. Ward. and Fell. of Mancheſter. Beſides a Houſe and Garden, il. 155. certified Value. Salford (Holy Trinity.) John Gore Booth, Eſq. 60l. certi- fied Value Stretford. Ward, and Fell. of Mancheſter. 11. IS, 2d. certi- fied Value In Middleton Pariſh Aſhworth. William Egerton, Eſq. Cockey. Rector of Middleton. 21. 155. certified Value. In Prestwich Pariſk. Oldham (St. Mary.) P. Rectors of Preſtwich, Bury, and Middleton, Parr. Ringley (Holy Trinity.) Rectors of Preſtwich, Bury, and Middleton, Patr. Shaw, Rector of Preſtwich. 7 5 2 In TE LANCASH 1236 DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. In Rachdale, alias Rochdale, Pariſh. tes Friarmere. Conſecrated 1768. Vicar of Rochdale. Hundersfied (St. Mary.) Conſecrated a Co dale. ar? confecrated 1768. Vicar of Roch- Littleborough (St. James.) Vicar of Rochdale, Patr. 1ol. cer- tified Value. Milnrow. Mr. Haigh, Patr. 131. 135. 6d. certified Value. Sadleworth, in Yorkſhire, (St. Chadd.) P. Vicar of Roch- dale, Patr. 161. 1os. certified Value. Todmerdine (St. Mary.) P. Vicar of Rochdale, Patr. In- cluding il. for the Houſe 2l. certified Value. Whitworth (St. Bartholomew.) Mr. Starkey, Patr. 61. 6s. 8d. certified Value. DO 9. Warrington, in the Archdeaconry of CHESTER. The Priory of Holland, in this Deanry, was returned at 53l. For Particulars, vide Liber Regis. 35.4d. sto d. 1. s. d. 100 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbos. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. B. d 14 15 5 Aughton R. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. gs. 4d. Redd. I 961 Guardianis Ecclefiæ 55. William Heſketh, Eſq. 1674. Alexander Heſketh, Eſq. 1700. Thomas Heys, Gent. 1721. John Plumbe, Eſq. 1734. Thomas Plumbe, Eſq. 1769. 511 8 Childwall V. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 8s. 1d. Monaft. OII 2 Holland, Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. 581. 35. certified Value. 51 Halfal R. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn, and Prox. 125. Ballivo 3la 2 9 If 6s. 8d. Lord Brandon, 1660. Lord Macclesfield, 1683. Peter Walter, p. h.v. 1719, 1730. Charles Mordaunt, Eſq. 1757. Charles Lewis Mordaunt, Eſq. 1778. & 3 4 Norinineoles R. (St. Cuthbert.) Syn. and Prox. 85. 8d. Pri o 16 4 Penwortham 6s. 8d. Edward Fleetwood, Eſq. 1684. Hen- ry Fleetwood, Eſq. 1708, 1726, 1733, 1735. Robert Har- per, Eſq. and others, p. h. v. 1748. 24 II 3 PRES- LANCASH. DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. 1237 24 10 Sir King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. lo d. O Prescott V. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 155. 4d. Penf. 2 8 1 Epiſc. 135. 4d. King's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 30 I 8 Sephton R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. 155. 4d. Anne Moſ- 3 0 2 ley, 1675. Sir Charles Mollyneux, 1678. Earl of Cardi- gan, 1722. James Rothwell, Clerk, 1763. 69 16 101 Walton R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 155. 4d. Ballivo 51. 6 19 84 Abb. Shrewſb. il Capellano 135.4d. Earl of Southamp- ton, 1660. Counteſs of Southampton, 1671. Earl of Car- digan, 1722. Earl of Macclesfield, 1768. 6 13 4 Walton V. (St. Mary. The Rector thereof. O 13 WARRINGTON R. (St. Helen.) Syn. and Prox. 155. 4d. Abb. 4 Shrewſbury il. Holt, Eſq. 1690. Richard Atherton, Eſq. 1718, 1723. Robert Vernon Atherton Gwillim, Eſq. 1767. 611. 185. 3d. certified Value. 80 13 4 WIGAN R. (All Saints,) with Holland Chapel (St. Thomas 8 1 4 Becket.) Syn. and Prox. 165. 8d. Seneſchallo 41. Ballivo Wygan 41. Subſeneſchallo il. 6s. 8d. Penf. Eccleſiæ Lich- field zol. Sir Thomas Remington, and o: hers, 1660. Arch- biſhop of Canterbury, 1672. The Biſhop of London, Sir Ralph Verney, and others, 1689. Sir John Bridgeman, Ld. Digby and Orlando Bridgeman, Eſq. 1714. Lord Digby, 1750. Sir Henry Bridgeman, Bart. 1776. 102 9 91 Winwick R. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. and Prox. 155. 4d. Seneſ- 10 4 113 challo 5l. Ballivo 51. Pri. Sõi Oſwaldi 5l. Earl of Derby. The Burrough of Newton is in this Parith. 40 O 1 6 9 0 LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 42 0 © Hilton, alias Huyton, V. (St. Michael.) Syn. and Prox. 45. 4d. Mon. Burſcough, Propr. Earl of Southampton, 1662. William Farrington, 1708. Jacob Jones, Gent. 1737. Ld. Strange, 1765. 32 18 4 LEIGH V. (St. Mary.) Pri. Herbury in Warw. Propr. Tho- 9 Oo mas Moffocke and others, 1662. Anne Moffocke and others, 1685: Frances Bedſhaw and others, 1691. Richard Shut. tleworth and others, 1696. William Rawſthorne and others, 1733. James Scholes, Gent. 1767, 1784. 44 5 6 ORMSKIRK V. (St. Peter and St. Paul.) Mon. Burſcough, 10 0 0 Propr. Earl of Derby. Not 1238 DIOCESE c LANTASK. OF CH E S T E R. NOT IN CHARGE. LIVERPOOL two Medieties R.* (St. Nicholas and St. Peter.) The Mayor, Aldermen, Bailiffs, and Common Council of Liverpool preſent to St. Nicholas and St. Peter. Chapels in Liverpool Pariſh. St. George's Church in Liverpool Cur. Conſecrated "1732. Has two Miniſters appointed by the Corporation. St. Paul's Church in Liverpool Cur. Confecrated 1769. Has two Miniſters appointed by the Corporation. St. Thomas's Church in Liverpool. Conſecrated 1750. Has two Miniſters appointed by the Corporation. Altcar Curacy. (St. Michael.) P. Abb. Merevale, Propr. Earl of Sephton. IIl. 105. certified Value. Croſby Magna Chap. in Sephton Pariſh. Rector of Sephton, Patr, In Childwall Pariſh. HALE (St. Mary.) P. John Blackburne, Eſq. 171. 175. cor- tified Value. Garlton. The Heirs of Tophain Beauclerk, Eſq. In Halſall Pariſh Maghall. Rector of Halfall, Patr. Beſides zol. by the Rector, sl. certified Value. Melling (Holy Rood.) Rector of Halſall, Patr. certified Value. 281. 1os. * LIVERPOOL, R.--An Act to enable the Town of Liverpool in the County Palatine of Lancaſter, to build a Church and endow the ſame ; and for making the ſaid Town and Liberties thereof, a Pariſh of itſelf diſtinct from Walton, 10 William III. Parl. 1. Seff 1. An Act for building and endowing a Church upon the Scite of the Caſtle of Liverpool, and for ex- plaining a fornier Ac for building another Church there, i Georgii, lo LANCASH.- 1239 DIOCESE OF CHESTER In Leigh Pariſh. Aſtley (St. Stephen.) Vicar of Leigh and principal Land Owners and Inhabitants, Patr. 377. 195. 8d. certified Va- lue. Atherton, alias Chowbent, (St. John Baptiſt;) Chap. to Leigha Conſecrated 1723--- In Ormſkirk Pariſh. Latham. A domeſtic Chapel of Richard Wilbraham Bootle, Eſq. Skelmerſdale Chap. Confecrated 1781. Vicar of Ormſkirk, Patr.. In Prefcot Pariſh. - St. Helen's in Windle. Vicar of Preſcot, Pátr. 77. 135. 6d. certified Value.. Farnworth (St. Wilfrid.) P. Vicar of Preſcot, Patr. Beſides 241. 135. 7d. for 32 Years, 161, 165. certified Value. Raindford. 'Vicar of Preſcot, Patr. Beſides 751. left, 191. 175, certified Value. Sankey Chapel. Robert Vernon Atherton, Eſq. In Walton Pariſh. | Formby. (St. Peter.) Rector of Walton, Patr. 201. by the Rector. 231. 25. certified Value. Foxteth Park (St. James.) Near Liverpool. The Proprietors of Seats for 30 Years, then the Rector of Walton. Kirkby (St. Chadd.) P. Rector of Walton, Patr. 246. cer- tified Value, 221. of which by the Rector. Richmond Church, or Chap. (St. Anne.) Near Liverpool. Vide Act of Parl. 12 Geo. III. c. 36. Meſſrs. Dobb and North three Turns, and then the Corporation of Liverpool for ever. Weſt Derby (St. Mary.) Rector of Waiton, Patr. 43). 25. 8d. certified Value, 201. 165. of which by the Rector, 1 Ima 1240 LANCASH. DIOCESE OF CH ES TE R. In Warrington Pariſh, Burntwood, alias Burtonwood. Nothing perpetual. About 201. during Lives. Rector of Warrington, Patr. Holinare, alias Halinfere. Rector of Warrington, Patr. 61. 25. certified Value. Trinity Chapel in Warrington Town. Confecrated 1709. Re- built, enlarged, and reconſecrated 1760. Peter Legh, Eſq. 176 10s, certified Value. In Wigan Pariſh. Billing. Rector of Wigan, Patr. 341. os. 8d. Certified Value. St. George's in Wigan. Conſecrated 1781. Proprietors of Seats, and then the Rector of Wigan. Hindley. Built 1651. Rector of Wigan, Patr. 381. 135. 6d. certified Value. Holland (St. Thomas Becket.) Rector of Wigan, Patr. Olim a Priory Church. 271. 25. 8d. certified Value, 251. of which by the Rector. In Winwick Pariſh. Aſhton. Rector of Winwick, Patr. Beſides 50l. by the Recu tor, il. 125. certified Value. Newchurch. Rector of Winwick, Patr. Beſides 501, by the Rector, 21. 105. certified Value. Newton (St. Peter.) Peter Legh, Eſq. Beſides 2ol. by the Rector. 181. gs. certified Value. Lowon, alias Loughton (St. Luke.) Conſecrated 1731. Reco- tor of Winwick, Patr. 9. Bur- -- - YORKSH. 1241 DIOCESE OF CHESTER. D. Burrowbridge, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND: Vide Orig. Surv. for the Values of the Collegiate Church of Ri. pon, of the Prebends, &c, in this Deanry. Fountains Abby, in this Deanry, was returned by the Com- miffioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spiritualities, the clear annual Suin of 9981. 6s. 8d. I The Houſe of Saint Robert near Knaresborough was likewiſe returned at 351. 1os. IId. The Priory of Nun Monketon was likewiſe returned at 751. 125. 4d. I The Commandry of Ribſtone was likewiſe returned at 2071. 95. 78. Vide Orig. Surv. for Particulars. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentés, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. S. d. 2. s. d. 6 8 O 3 6 8 Condall, alias Cundall, V. (St. Mary and All Saints) is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear yearly Value of gl. No Inſtitution. Pri. Newburgh, Propr. Nathaniel Cholmeley, Eſq. 6 12 I Farneham V. or Cur. Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5d. No Inſtitu- 0 13 O 13 2] tion. Certified as above at gl. Val. in manſ. cum clauf. per ann. 55. denar. annuat, numerat. de Pri. de Bello Valle 61. 135. 4d. Pri. de Bello Valle, in co: Linc. Propr. The Impropriators. of Goldsborough R. (St. Mary.) Syd. 25. Prox. 45. 5d. Penf. I 0 11 Capitulo Eccleſiæ Ebor. 31. Val. in manf. cum gleb. & ten. per ann. 35. decim. &c. Richard Hutton, Efq. 1661, 1670. Robert Byerley, Eſq. 1707. Man. Byerley, Gent. Elizabeth Byerley, Spinſter, 1957. Daniel Lal- celles, Eſq. 1783. 5 17 31 * Hunſingore V. (St. John Baptift.) Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 60. O 11 8 å Commandria de Ribſtone, in co. Ebor. Propr. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. lan, agn. lin. canab. &c. Sir Henry Goodrick, Bart. 1690, 1737. Sir John Good- ricke, Bart. KNARIS $ 1716. 7 T -- 1242 YORKSH. DIOCESE O: CHESTER. 1 2 6 ici Prox. 25. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, I. d. 1. do 9 9 41 * KNARESBOROUGH V. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. 25. Prox. O 18 I III 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ, cum gleb. per ann. Ios. decim. parc. de Melton il. 135. 4d. decim. molend. lan. agn. &c. Preb. Knaresborough, in Eccl. Ebor. Propr. Sir Thomas Slingf- by, Bart. 1716. Sir Henry Slingsby, Bart. 1735. 581. 195, certified Value. 23 8 9 RIPLEY R. (All Saints.) Syn. 25. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in manf. cum orto & gardin. & 16 acr. terr. cum ten. per ann. 21. 125. gd. &c. Sir John Ingolsby, Bart. 1695. Sir John Ingilby, Bart. 1736, 1759. 8 17 11 Staniley, alias Staveley, R. (All Saints.) Syn. 25. o 17 g 2d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 11. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Thomas Slingsby, Bart. 1677, 1716. Richard Kay, Clerk, 1742. George Aſtley, Clerk, 1775. 3 8 4 Little Usborne V. (Holy Trinity.) No Inſtitution. Cer- o 6 10 tified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, by the Name of Owsborne at 131. 155. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 55. decim.. privat. &c. Præcentor of York, Patr. and Impr. 7 17 1 Wikeſley, alias Whirley, V. or Cur. No Inſtitution. Syn. O 15 81 Prox. 43. 5d. Certified as above at iol. 1os. Vali in manf. cum orto 35. 4d. denar. numerat. de Miniſt. Sti Ro- berti annuat. 81. Domus Sti Roberti, Knaresburgh, Prapr. Heir of Chriſtopher Tancred, Eſq. O 29 12 45 0. O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Values King's Books. Aldburgh, alias Aldborough, V. (St. Andrew.) Val. in 9 19 5 manſ. cum gleb. oblat. cum decim. minut. Dean and Chap- ter of York, Propr. and Patr. 26 * Burton Leonard V. (St. Helen.) Val. in manſ. cum duob. 3 I o meſuag. & terr. gleb. Il. decim. lan. agn. lin. canab. &c. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. o Copgrave R. (St. Michael.). Syn. 25. Prox. 45.. 5d. Val in 5 9 7 manſ. cum gleb. per annum 25. decim. garb. &c. Thomas Harriſon, 1565. The Biſhop, 1702, 1703. Henry Hod- ges, Eſq. 1718, 1730. Henry Duncombe, Efq. 1755, 1783. 47 9 11 Kirkby on the Moor V. (All Saints.). Syn. 28. Prox. 45. 5d. 7 1361 Val. in manſ.cum gleba per ann. 1.1. 135. 4d. decim. lan. agn ortor. &c. The KING. Mon. Newburgh, Propr. 5 Marſton, YORKSHI DIOCESE OF CHEST ER. 1243 d. Clear Yearly Falke, X'ing's Books, be d. 1. 29 13 10 Marſton, alias Marton, V. cum Grafton. Syn, and Prox. 75. 2 1943 5d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. Il. decim. minut. &c. Abb. Malton, Ebor. Propr. St. John's College, Cam- bridge. o Nidd V. Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. 3 6 10 40 per ann. il. 1os. decim. lan, agnell, &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Colleg. de Rippon, Propr. 39 10 Great Usborne, or Ouſeburne, v. (St. Mary.) Val. in manſ. 3 100 cum gleb. ıl, 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. ort. &c. Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5dMon. Egletton, Propr. The KING, 1699, 1740, 1762. 25 II O O CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES, Allerton Maleverer. (St. Martin.) Lord Viſcount Galway, Propr. and Patr. 81. certified Value. Arkendale, (St. Bartholomew,) Chap. to Knaresborough. Vi- car of Knaresborough, Patr. Harrowgate, (St. John,) Chapel to Knaresborough. Confe- crated 1749. Vicar of Knaresborough. Kirkhamerton. (St. John Baptiſt.) Nunnery of Muncton, Propr. Thomas Thornton, Eſq. 161. certified Value. Marton, Cap. to Kirkby ſuper Moram, York Dioc. 7l certi- fied Value. Nunmonckton. Formerly a Nunnery. William Tufnell Jol- liffe, Eſq. 181. certified Value. Stainley Cur. Mary Beilamy, 1770. ili certified Value. Chapels in Aldborough Pariſh. BURROUGHBRIDGE, alias BURROWBRIDGE, alias BURROUGH- BRIGGE. (St. James.) 10l. certified Value. Dunſtorth, alias Dunsforth, (St. Mary,) allowed by the Vicar. jol, certified Value. T2 D. Cat - 1244 YORKSH. DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. 9. Catterick, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. The Abby of Jorrevall was returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Temporalities, the clear an- nual Sum of 2341. 185.5d. The Abby of Coverham was likewiſe returned at 160l. 18s. 3d. The Priory of Ellerton was likewiſe returned at 15l. 105.6d. The Hoſpital of Well was likewiſe returned at 2cl. 175. 11d. For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. ). d. d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Booksa Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. 89 4 91 BEDALL R. (St. Gregory.) Syn. 25. Prox. 6s. 8d. Feod. 8 18 8 18 58 Præceptor. 24. 135. 4d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. & ten, per ann. 61. 55. decim. &c. The KING, 1660. William Peirſe, 1698. Edmund Barſtow and Robert Hitch, Eſqrs. 1722. Sir George Cooke, and others, 1731. Lord Downe, 1775. Chriſtopher Hodges, Eſq. 1783. 37 6 8 Burneſton V. (St. Lambert.) Val. in manf. cum gleb. decim. 3.14 8 &c. Mon. Sanctæ Mariæ, Ebor. Propr. William Robin- ſon, 1668, 1682. The QUEEN, 1714. Gregory Elſley, Eſq. 17:65. 25 2 1 CATTERICK V. (St. Anne.) Syn. 8s. Prox. 6s. 8d. Penſ. 2 10 25 Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebar. 135. 4d. Pri. Sanct.. Mertun 2h. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 10s. decim. fæn. lin. ca- nab. agn. lan. &c. The KING. Mon. Sanctæ Mariæ, Ebor. Propr. 5 15 10 Downham, alias Downholm, V. or Cur. (St. Michael.) No a. 1:17 Inftitution. Syn. 25. Prox. 25. 2d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. 135. 4d. decim. gran. fæn. lan. agn. &c. Certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear yearly Value of 61. 105. by the Name of Downholm (ſee the State of Queen Anne's Bounty) but not diſcharged, as not being certified into the Exchequer. Duke of Bol- ton, Par. and Impropriator. Gale, Mon. Coverbam, Propr. John Hutton, Eſq. 200 QO YORKSH, 1245 PLOCE S E OF CHESTER King's Books. S.. de l. / 2 2 10 81 Pearly Tenths. . s. d. 5 3 61 Eaſt Witton V.* (St. Ella.) Syn. 25, Prox. 45. 5d. 45. 5d. Val. in O 10 41 manf. cum gardin. & du. acr. terr. per ann. 1os. denar. rec. de Abb. 5l. Abb. Jorrevall, Propr. The Biſhop, 1671. Toby Hodſon, Eſq. 1703. Charles Hodſon, 1754, 18 18 4 Fingall R. (St. Andrew.) Syn, 25. Prox. 6s. 8d. Penſ. I 17 10 Mon. Sanctæ Agathæ 6s. 8d. Penſ. Pri. Mertun os. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. & gardin. cum trib. corag. per ann. 1l. 1os. decim. &c. Sir Chriſtopher Wyvill, Bart. 1665. William Raper, 1711. Thomas Johnſon and Joſeph Coates, 1735 20 14 41 Hawkſwell R. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. 35. Prox. 45. 5d. Penf. I55 Mon. Beatæ Mar. Ebor. 11. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. & gardin. Il. &c. Sir William Dalton, 1670. Charles Dal- ton, Eſq. 1720. Sir Charles Dalton, Knight, 1737. 25 7 31 Kiiklington R. Syn. 25. Prox. 25. 2d. Val, in mapſ. cum glebo per ann. 31. 6s. 8d. &c. Sir Chriltopher Wandes- ford, Bart. 1662, 1705. Lord Caſtlecomer, 1717, 1749. Earl Wandesford, 1758, 1773. 30 Oo * Marſham, (St. Mary,) cum KIRKBY MALZERD V. (St. An- 3 0 0 drew.) Val. in manſ. cum uno cotag. per ann. 135. 4d. decim. foen. vitul. lan. agn. &c. Preb. Marſham, in Eccl. Catli, Ebor. olim Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 611. certified Value. 15 9 41 MIDDLEHAM Deanry. (St. Mary and St. Alkeld.) A Pecu 110 111 liar Juriſdiction of its own. Penſ. 6s. 8d. Val. in manſ. cum terr. dominic. 31. 6s. Sd. penf. de Dom. Regie 5l. de- cim. gran. fæn. &c. The KING. 34 13 11 Patrick Brompton R. (St. Patrick.) Syn. 3.5. Prox. 6s. 8d 3 9 3 Penf. Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ebor. 175. 4d. Val. in manſ, cum gleb. per ann. 21. 135. 4d. decim. granor. &c. An Impro. priation belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter, who is Patron of the Vicarage. 14 o 5. Scruton R. (St. Radegund.) Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5il. Val. i 8 8 of in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 21. decim. gran. &c. Tho- mas Danby, Esq. 1664. Earl of Carliſle, 1665, 1670. Roger Gale, Eſq. 1705, 1720. 1738. Charles Turner, Eſq. 1756. 20 10 5 Spenithorne R. (St. Micbael.) Syn. 35. Prox. 6s. 8d. 2 103 Peni. Pri: Sti Mertun ios, Val. in manf. cum gleb. per Eaſt Witton—was certified amongit the diſcharged Livings at the clear yearly Value of 121. but is herè put amongit the Livings remaining in Charge, becauſe thie. Tenths are payable yearly by the Im- propriator, ann, , 1246 YORKIN. DIOCESE OF, CHESTER I King's epoki Fearly Tentos, to so de ann. 135. 4d. &c.' William Wetwang, Gent. 1663. Sir Chriſtopher Wyvill, 1672, Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Bart. 1729, 1764. Chriſtopher Wyvill, Clerk, and Elizabeth Wyvill, 1778. 13 Ö 5 Tanfield R. (St. Nicholas.) Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. I 60 in manf. cum gleb. cum un. ten. & duob. cotag. 31. 1os. 8d. &c. Earl of Aileſbury, 1682. Lord Charles Bruce, 1726. Elizabeth and Thomas Church, p. h. v. 1743. col. 25. certified Value. 6 10 10 Thornton Wattles, alias Watlas, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. O 13 Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. Pri. Sti Mertun 6s. Val. in manf. cuin gleb. cuin duob. cotag. per ann. 135. 44. &c. Chriſto- pher Danby, Eſq. 1672. Sir William Blacket, Bart. 1696. John Milbank, Efq. 1703, 1748, 1768. 17 17 1 Wath R. (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5d. Penſ. Mon. I 15 8 Sanét. Mar. Ebor. 35. 4d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb, per ann. It. &c. Earl of Aileſbury, 1693. Lord Bruce, 1723, 1734. Earl of Ailesbury, 1780. 49 9 91 Wenſley R. (Holy Trinity.) Syn. 55. Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. 4 18 11% Pri. Sği Mertun ili 135. 4d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. il. 6s. 8d. &c. Lord St. John, 1673. Marquis of Wincheſter, 1683. James Clayton, S.T. P. 1702. Duke of Bolton, 1750. o O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Valaes King's Books. 42 14 • Aſkarthe, alias Aiſgarth, V. (St. Andrew.) Val. in denar. 1958 numerat. Abb. de Jorrevall igl. 6s. 8d. Abb. Jorrevall, Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 42 8 Grinton V. (St. Andrew.) Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. 12 5 7 бо in manſ. cum gleb. il. decim. gran. fæn. but. & caſ. lan. agn. plumb. vitul, &c. The KING. Pri. Bridlington, Propr. 37 6 8 * Hornby V. (St. Mary.) Val. in manſ. cum orto per ann, 25. 6 15 6 denar, numerat. annuat. de ecclef. cath. Ebor. 61. 135. 4d. Dean and Chapter of York, Propr. and Patr. o Kirkby Fletham V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. Prox. 25. 2d. 9 18 2 Val. in manf. cum orto 5s. in decim. Jan. agn. &c. The KING. Commandria Montis Sti Johannis in co. Ebor. olim Propr. 19 9 4 Piccall, alias Pickhall, V. (All Saints.) Hoſp. Sii Leonardi, 5 13 4 Propr. Val. in pecun. numerat. annuat. 5ls 135. 4d. Trinity College, Cambridge. Thornton 32 5 40 YORKSH. 1247 DIOCESE OF CHE S T E E R. 1. S. d. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 7. d. 31 17 6 Thornton Stuard, alias Steward, V. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. 25. 6 13 111 Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in decim. ap. lan. agn. &c. Biſhop of Cheſter, Impr. as Archdeacon of Richmond, and Patr. Well V. (St. James.) Syn. 25. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in denar. 8 13 7 numerat. de hoſp. annuat. glo Maſter of Well Hoſpital, Propr. and Patr. Earl of Exeter, Patr. 1781. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Bellerby, Chapel to Spenithorne. John Metcalfe, Eſq. 41 certified Value. Coverham. (Holy Trinity,) Formerly an Abby. Sandford Hardcaſtle, Clerk. 16l. certified Value. Horſhouſe Chapel. In Coverham Pariſh. ili gs. certified Va- lue. Hunton, (St. John,) Chapel to Patrick Brompton. Deſtructa. Leeming, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chapel to Burneſton. Vicar of Burnefton. 5lo certified Value. Muker. (St. Mary.). In Grinton Pariſh. 81. 6s. 8d. certified Value. Keld. In Grinton Pariſh. In Ruins. Patrick Brompton Cur. (St. Patrick.) Biſhop of Cheſter, Propr. and Patr. 221. certified Value. Weſt Witton Cur. Duke of Bolton, Patr. Abb. Jorreval, Propr. 51. 16s. 8d. certified Value. In Aiſgarth Pariſh. ASKRIGG. (St. Oſwald.) 10l. thereof precarious. Vicar of Aiſgarth. 151. 1os. certified Value. Hardrow. Edward Wortley, Eſq. HAWES. P. 101. thereof precarious. The Land Owners. 131. certified Value. Lundes. 28. thereof precarious. Vicar of Aiſgarth. 31. 1550 certified Value. Stallingbuſk. The Inhabitants. In Catterick Pariſh Bolton upon Swale. (St. Mary.) P. 61. thereof by the Vicará Vicar of Catterick, Patr. 171. 155. certified Value. Hipſwell 1248 Yorksit, DIOCESE OF C H EST E R. Hipſwell. P. gl. thereof by the Vicar. Vicar of Catterick, Patr. . gl. 135. certified Value. Hudſwell. gl. thereof by the Vicar. Vicar of Catterick, Patr. 91. 135, certified Value. In Wenſley Pariſhi Bolton. (St. Oſwald.) Paid by the Rector. Rector of Wenney, Patr. 15l. certified Value. Redmires. (St. Mary.) Paid by the Rector. Rector of Wenfa ley, Patr. 151. certified Value. D. Richmond, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. The Monaſtery of St. Agatha, in this Deanry, was returned by the Commillioners to be worth, in Spiritualities and Tem- poralities, the clear annual Sum of ul. 175. 11d. The Monaſtery of Eggleſton was likewiſe returned at 361. 8s. 3d. The Priory of Marryke was likewiſe retnrned at 431. 185. 2d. The Hoſpital of St. Nicholas near Richmond, was likewiſe re- turned at 101, For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv. 1. s. d. 1. S. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patroiis, Proprietors, &c. d. 19 17 I Barmingham, alias Bermingham, R. (St. Michael.) Syn. 35. I 1983 180 0 0 Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 21. decim. &c. The KING. 6 Brignall V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 45. Redd. 45. Val. in manf. 017 3 cum gleb. per ann. 21. decim. gran. fæn. agn. lan, vitul. &c. The KING. Hoſp. Sti Leonardi, Ebor. Propr. 8 4 Croft R. (St. Peter.) Syn. 75. Monaſt. Sc. Mar. Ebor. 1ol. Cell. Sanct. Martini Il. rosi Val. in manſ. cum 9 acr. terr. gleb. 6s. 8 d. decim. &c. The KING. 9 3 11į Danly Wilke R. Syn. 45. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in manf. cum O 18 41 gleb. per an. 145. &c. The KING, 1662. George Smithſon, 8 12 ICO 21 2 2 IO 200 O O 2 YORKSH. 1249 DIOCESE OF CHESTER. - $, O O O Propr. ad pero King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. S. d. 1. de Smithſon, Efq. 1684. Matthew Tarran, h. v. 1723. Sa- muel Peacock, Gent. p. h. v. 1761. 2 13 4 Eaſtby V.* (St. Agatha.) Stipend. 21. 135. 4d. Val. in ſa 5 4 25 lar. rec. de abb. & convent. Sanct. Agathæ per ann. 21. 135. 4d. The KING. Mon. Sanctæ Agathæ, Ebor. 23 11 51 Gilling V. (St. Agatha.) Syn. 45. 5d. Prox. 45. Penſ. 2 7 1 Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebor. 5l. Val. in ſit. manf. cum gleba ann. 61. decim. lan. agn. fæn. lin. canab. vitul. &c. Pri. Sanèt. Mar. Ebor. Propr. John Mitford and John Cleaver, 1681. Margaret Wharton, Widow, p. h. v. 1705. William Wharton, Eſq. 1742, 1750. John Hall Stephenſon, and William Farquharſon, Eſqrs. 1777. 25 5 21 Kirkby Ravenſthorpe, alias Ravenſwath, R. (St. Peter and 2 10 61 St. Felix.) Syn. 45. Prox. 35. 4d. Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebor. 21. 25. Firma 6d. Val. in manſ. cum terr. gleb. & trib. cotag. il. 6s. 8d. decim. gran. &c. An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter, made ſo fince 1541. Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr. 27 16 51 Kirkby Wiſke R. (St. John Baptiſt.) Syn. 55. Prox. 135. 2 15 75 4d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 185. &c. Sir Hugh Smithſon, Bart. 1697, 1722. Earl of Northumberland, 1762. 8 6 3 3. Mandfield, alias Manfield, V. (All Saints.) Prox, and Syn. O 12 11 160 1os. Eleemoſ. il. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 21. 65. 8d. decim. fæn. lan. agn. lin. canab. &c. The KING, Mon. Sanct. Agathæ, Ebor. Propr. 6 51 Marík R. (St. Cuthbert.) Prox. and Syn. 45. 4d. Vah in I 4 78 manf. cum gleb. per ann. il. decim. lan. &c. John Hut- ton, 1694. John Hutton, Eſq. 1747. 211 Melſhambý, alias Mellhonby, R. (St. James.) Syn. and 10 31 Prox. 4s. 5d. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. Il. &c. Univerſity College, Oxford. Middleton Tyers, alias Tyas, V. Syn. 55. Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. 21. decim. gran. fæn. Ian, agn. &c. The KING. Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ebor. Propr. 15 5 71 RICHMOND R. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 185. 4d. Penf. 6 170 Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebor. 51. Pri. Sti Martini 135. 4d. Val. in manf. cum orto pomar. & uno vaſt. burgag. per ann. 35. rod. decim. garb. &c. The KING. I o 0 I 2 120 O IO O I II 15 10 140 0 I IO O * Eaſtby V.-is an Impropriation. The Curate is paid by the Impropriator but 81. 6s. 84. per ann. Certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the yearly Value of 231. (State of Queen Anne's-Bounty, 2d Ëdit. p. 173.) but not certified into the Exchequer, ſo not diſcharged. 7 U Romaldkirk از روزل - 1250 YORKSY. DIOCESE OF CHESTER. s. 58 14 King's Books, Pearly Tenths, 3. do lo d. Romaldkirk R. (St. Romald.) Syn. and Prox. 1l. 6s. Val. in 5 17 5 manf. cum gleb. per ann. 21. redd. firm. per ann. 1ol. &c. The Biſhop, 1665. John Duck, Eſq. 1682. Mark Brow- ell, Gent. 1713. Sarah Gibſon, Spinſter, p. h. v, 1764. 13 13 4. Smeton, alias Smeaton Great, R. Syn. and Prox, 8s. 5d. 1 7 4 Penſ. Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebor. 51. 55. Capellano 51. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. il. &c. Richard Fletcher, 1666. Leonard Smelt, 1699. Henry Hewgill, Eſq. 1755. 6 13 4 Staynlocks, alias Stanwich St. John, V.* five Preb. (St. John 0 13 4 Baptiſt.) Val. in denar. annuat. rec. Prebendar. de Rippon 61. 135. 4d. Ecclefia Colleg. Rippon, Propr. William Wharton, Eſq., 1722, 1746. Margaret and Mary Whar. ton, Spinſters, and others, 176.9. ! Wicliffe, alias Wycliffe, R. Syn. and Prox. 45. Decim. 1921 gran. &c. William Fielding, Eſq. 1661. John Wicliffe, Efq. and others, 1661. Thomas Rayne, Eſq. 1691. Uni- verſity of Cambridge, 1697. The Biſhop, 1731. Univer- bfity of Cambridge, 1770. 34 12 O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Ckar Yearly Value. King's Books 39 I 8 Anderby, alias Steeple Anderby, V. (St. Helen.) Val. in fa. 13 6 8 50 lar. annuat. rec. de abb. & convent. de Jorrevall 13l. 6s. 8d. The KING. Abb. Jorrevall, Propr. 38 0 0 Eaſt Cowton, alias Long Cowton, V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 45. 4 6 101 Prox. 6s. 3d. Val. in manf. cum orto & pomar. 4s. decim. fæn, agn. lan. &c. Hoſp. of St. John Kirby Ravenſworth, Patr. Pri. Bridlington, olim Propr. 47 5 0 Langton on Swale R. Syn. 25. Firma is. Val. in manf. cum 6 10 10 gleb. viz. 7 acr. per ann. 75. decim. &c. Earl of Holder- neſs. o Rokeby V. (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. 3d. Prox. 25, 2dı Penf. 4 39 30 Abb. Eggleſton 75. gd. Val, in decim. gran. foen. lan. vitul. &c. The KING. Abb. Eggleſton, Propr. 33 Startforth, alias Sturtford, alias Stratforth, V. (Holy Trinity.) 4 Val. in manf. cum toft. & croft. per ann. 45. decim. fæn, laa. agn. &c. Mon. Eggleſton, Propr. Robert Simpſon, Gent. 1675. Lord Lonſdale, 1734. Sir John Ramſden, Bart. 1751. 2110 O 0 0 O I * Staynlocks, alias Stanwick, V.-This is not certified into the Exchequer, fo not diſcharged; but iş certified to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne to be of the yearly Value of 381. 105, State of Queen Anne's County, 2d Edit. p. 273. CHAPELS, YORKSH1251 .. DIOCESE OF CHESTER. " CHApels, DONATIVES, OR Curacies. Arkengarthdale, Chapel to Startforth. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 81. certified Value. - Barton Cap. (St. Cuthbert.) In Stanwick Pariſh. Vicar of Stanwick. 11l certified Value. Bowes Cur. (St. Giles.) Abby of York, Propr. Corpelius Harriſon, Eſq. 201. 155. certified Value. Clealby. Dean and Chapter of Ripon. Abby of York, Propr. IOS. certified Value. Kirkby Ravenſworth Cur. (St. Peter.) Biſhop of Cheſter, Patr. and Propr. 156. certified Value. Learkirk, Chapel to Romaldkirk. Served by the Rector. 201. certified Value, Marrick Cur. (St. Andrew.) William Powlett, Efq. 1o. Ios, certified Value. Richmond, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Richmond. Mayor and Aldermen of Richmond. Yeaforth, Chapel to Danbywisk. P. Served at the Charge of the Rector. Rector of Danbywisk, Patr. 51, certified Value. Chapels in Gilling Pariſh Barton. (St. Mary.) Paid by the Vicar. Vicar of Gilling. 10l. certified Value. Eriholm. (St. Mary.) P. Vicar of Gilling. 271. 45. 6d. cer- tified Value. Forcet. (St. Cuthbert.) P. Vicar of Gilling. 581. certified Value. Hutton Magna. P. Vicar of Giling. 281. 6s. 6d. certified Value. South Cowton. (St. Mary.) P. Vicar of Gilling. 391. 45. certified Value. estos Steel 2 stare 179do lo 7 U2 D. Coup- cas* 3252 A DIOCESE ORCHEST E R. CUMBERLAND: cum D. Coupland, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. 9 The Abby of Çalder, in this Deanry, was returned by the it Commiſſioners to be of the clear annual Value of gol. 95. 3d. The Priory of Seaton was likewiſe returned at 121. 125. od.1 For Particulars; vide Orig. Súrv. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. o que SEU Tearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. I. s, d. s. 1. do I 19 8 . per, این ولا 19 17 37 BOTILL, alias Bootle, R. (St. Michael.). Sýn. 25. 1d. Próx. 4s. 5d. Penſ. Pri. San&t. Begæ 4s. Val. în manf. cum gleb. I POD & ten, per ann. 125. 4d. decim. gran. piſc. marinór. &c. William Pennington, Eſq. 1660. The KING, 1664. Ro- bert Pennington, Eſq. 1704. William Lewihwaite, Gent. 1760. Myles Sandys, Eſq. and others, 1771. Myles Coo- Gent. p. h. v. 1776. 701. 25. 2d. certified Value. 19. 3. It Dean R. (St. Oſwald.) Syn. 2s. id. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in 1 18 34 manf. cum gleb. per ann. 41. 135. 4d. &c. Lord Wharton, 1688, 1705, 1712. Richard Buşo, Clerk, 1750. 741. 95. certified Value. 7 1 o} Diſtington, alias Dillington, R. Syn. ks. id. Prox. jIs. Todo o 14 1] Val. in manſ. cum gleb. per ann. il. 55. decim. gran. &c. Sir John Lowther, Bart. 1685: Sir James Lowther, Barta 1712. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1747. Earl of Lonſdale, 1785: 681.95, 2d. certified: Values (pogging 4 7 Lamplugh R. (St. Michael.) Syn. 35. id. Prox. 451., 5d. 1 0 51 manſ Thomas Lamplugh, Eſq. 1701. "James Lowther, Eſq. and Samuel Winder, Merchant, 1730. Thomas Lamplugh, Clerk, 1768. 711. 11s. 6d. certified Value. Wirklington, alias Workington, R. (St. Michael.) Syn. 35. Syn. 35. 2 6 6 id. Prox. 6s. 8d. Penf. Mon. Sanctæ Begæ 26. 1550 4d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 31. decim. gran. &c. Henry Curwen, Eſq. 1679. Clement Nicholſon, Gent. 1724. Pas Henry Curwen, Efq. 1726, 1753. John Chriſtian, Eſq. in e Right of his Wife. grasime do longa auto 5 LIVING3 10 3 : CUMBERLAND. DIOCESE OF CHESTER. 1253 ronn 1. S. d. Val. in 9 17 on I LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 2. de 44 15 16 Brigham V. (St. Bridgét.) Syn. 45. id. Prox. 65. Sda 20 1.6 ož Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. Ila ós. 8d, in denar, nūme- rat. per Coll. de Stainthorp annuat. folut. 201. Mon. Stain- thorp, Propr. Sir George Fletcher, Bart. 1665. George Fletcher, Eſq. 1705. Henry Fletcher, Eſq, 1736. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 1782. 22 11 10 Corney R. (St. John Baptift.) Syn. 11d. Prox. 25.. manſ, cum gleb. per ann. Ios. decim. gran. &c. Miles Pennington, 1666. Robert Pennington, Eſq, 1738. 45 15 10 EGREMOND, alias EGREMONT, R. (St. Michael.) Ş Syn. 25. 7 12 id. Prox. . 45. 5d. Penſ. Pri. Sanctæ Begæ 1l. 25. Val. in manf. cum gleb. per ann. 55. 6d. decim. gran. &c. Duke and Ducheſs of Sõmerfet, 1685, 1692. Duke of Somerſet; 1737. Earl of Egremont, 1758, 1977. 35 0 0 Gosforth R. (St. Mary.) Syn, 25. id. Prox. 45. 5d. Val. in 17. 14 7 manſ. cum gleb. per ann. Il. 175. decim. gran. &c. John Senhouſe, Eſq. 1662, 1676. Auguſtin Earle, Eſq. 1738. William Wiggett Bulmer, and Henry Calder, 1773: 37 0 o Haveringham, alias Harrington, R. Syn. 15. id. Prox. 25 7 9 31 3d. Val. in-manſ. cum gleb. per ann. 1os. decim. garb. &c. Henry Curwen, Eſq. 169.5, 1753. John Chriſtian, Eſq. in Right of his Wife. 26 8 Millom V. (Holy Trinity.) Syn. 35. Prox. 6s. 8d. Val. in 8 5 8 50 lan. agn. porc. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. . Mon. Furnes, Propr. 23 o o Moreſby R. (St. Bridget.). Syn. Is. id. Prox. 25. 4d. Val. 6 2 31 . in manf. cum gleb. per ano. 5s. 6d. decim. gran. &c. Jof. Yates; 1711. Francis Yates, Clerk, 1720. John Fletcher, Eſq. 1728.. Francis Yates, 1735. Sir James Lowther, 1:8 1:6 6: Wayberthwait, alias Waberthwait, Waberthwait, R: (St. John.) Syn: 11d. 3 11 8 Prox. Is. 8d. Val. in manſ.cum gleb. per ann. 85. 8d. decim. Sir Wiliam Pennington, Bart. 1677, 1704. Sir John Pennington, Bart. 1737: John Pennington, Eſq. 3 Whittingham, alias Wicham, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. Is. 9d. 8.15 a. Prox. 35. 4d. Penſ. Pri. Sanctæ Begæ ios. Val. in mánſ. cum gleb. pomar. & orto 11. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Miles Pen. nington, Efq. 1720. John Smith, 1746, p.hiv. I O O Bart. 1754 ; R: is gran, &c. 1776. 49 12 CHAPELS 125+ CUMBERLAND DIOCESE OF CHÉST E R. 1 & CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Arleckdor, alias Arlecdon, Cur. Bifhop of Cheſter, Impr. and Patr. Archdeacon of Richmond, olim Propr. and Patr. 101. certified Value. St. Bees, alias Kirby Beacock, Cur. (St. Bega.) Formerly a Monaſtery. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 121. certified Va. lue. St. Bridget's Cur. Abby of Calder, Propr. Elizabeth Todd, Iſabel Todd, and Henry John Todd. th certified Value. Cleator Cu.. (St. Leonard.). Abby of Calder, Propr. John Gale, Eſq. 61. 125. certified Value Clifton. In Workington Pariſh. Rector of Workington. 51. certified Value. Drigge. (St. Peter.) John Pennington, Eſq. Abby of Co- nilhed, Propr. sl. 6s. 8d, certified Value. Hayle Cur. Lord Lonſdale, Parr. Abb. Coniſhed, Propr. 71. certified Value. St. John's Cur. Elizabeth Todd, Iſabel Todd, and Henry John Todd. · Abby of Calder, Propr. 71. certified Value. Irton Cur. (St. Michael.) Pri. Seton, Propr. Sir Jofeph Pennington, Bart. 41. 13s. 4d. certified Value. Muncaſter, alias Mulcaſter, Cur. (St. Michael.) Sir Joſeph Pennington, Bart. Abby of Conilhed, Propr. 10l. certified Value. Ponſonby Cur. Abhy, of Coniſhed, Propr. George Edward Stanley, Eſq. 9. 25. certified Value. RAVINGLASS, alias RavenGLASS, is a Market Town in this Deanry. No Church there, 'tis in Muncaſter Pariſh. Whitbeck Cur. William Parke, Eſq. Abby of Conilhed, Propr. gl. 145. 8d. certified Value. 04 Chapels in St. Bees Parilh. Emmerdale, alias Epnerdale. Frances Hamilton, and others. 41. 135. 4d. certified Value. Eskdale. (St. Catherine.) P. George Edward Stanley, Eſq. gl. certified Value. Lowlewater. P. Twelve Sidemen nominate. 46. 115. certi- fied Value. Nether Waſdale. P. The Inhabitants. 51. certified Value. Wafdale- CUMBMLAND, 1255 DIOCESE OE CHEST E R. Waſdalehead. The Inhabitants. 31. certified Value. WHITEHAVEN Old Church. (St. Mary.) P. Sir James Low- ther, Bart. and the Proprietors of the Pews, alternately, 401. certified Value. GO SA Whitehaven Trinity Ch. or the New Church. P. Sir James Lowther, Bart, and the Proprietors of the Pews, alternately. 401. certified Value. St. James. Sir James Lowther nominates. v bsidint be In Brigham Pariſh. miehenol COCKER MOUTH. (St. Mary.) P. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 341. 135. 4d. certified Value. Seckmurthy. The Inhabitants. 21. certified Value.co Embleton. (St. Cuthbert.) P. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 81. 55. certified Value. Pro Lorton. (St. Cuthbert.) P. Sir James Lowther, Bart. 77. certified Value. Buttermire. The Inhabitants. Il. certified Value. Estas Wythorp. The Inhabitants. 27. 75. certified Value. Moſfer. (St. Philip.) Rebuilt 1773. Conſecrated 1776: The Inhabitants. In Millom Pariſh. Thwaits Cap. (St. Anne.) Conſecrated anno 1724. Five of the principal Inhabitants. Ulpham, alias Ulpha. P. Vicar of Millom. 51. certified Value. NA - Hoodid WESTMORLAND. D. Kendail, in the Archdeaconry of RICHMOND: 1. d. 1. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books, Yearly Tenthe Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 36 13 4 Everſham, alias Haverlham, V. (St. Peter.) Redd. Sanct. 3 13 4 Mar. Ebor. 21. Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. 135. 4d. Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 691. 125, certified Value. 3 Grefmer, *1236 DIOCESE OF CH E S T E R. WESTMOR LÅND. do 8 9 20 2 King's Books bo 16W rearly Tenths. l. 1. s. d. 28 11 51 Greſmer, alias Graſmere, R. (St. Oſwald.) Penf. Abb. Beatæ 2 17 1 Mar. Ebor. 21. 6s. 8d. Val. in redd. un. clauſ, ibidem per ann. 8s. decim. &c. Sir Daniel Fleming, 1684. Sir Wil- Hiam Fleming, Knt. 1729. Sir Michael le Fleming, Bart. 2 Haylham, alias Heyſham, R. (St. Peter.) Co. Lanc. Syn. 25. O 16 II Prox. is. 8d. Firm. Mon. Syon. 6s. 8d. Val, in manf. cum gleb. per ann. il. decim. granor. &c. "Thomas Mather, Gent. 1671. William Werden, Gent. 1698. Thomas Clarkſon, Clerk, 1735. 1756. 5701.95.gd. certified Value. o 71 Halton R. Syn. and Prox. 35. 2d. Val. in manf. cum terr. oo dom. 61. 135. 42. &c." Cairns, 1706. Chriſtopher 92 5 0 KENDALL V. (Holy Trinity.) Prox. 135. 4d. Præceptori 21. 9 4 6 Val. in marif. cum gleb. & ten. per ann. 10l. dec. foen. vitul. molend. &c. Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge. 21 Warton R.* (Holy Trinity.) Co. Lanc. An Impropriation. 7 9 0 Syn. and Prox. 7s. id. Val. in manf. cum gleb. annex. & di- verf. ten. per ann. 81. 55. 2d. &c. Dean and Chap: of Wor- ceſter, Impr. and Patr. of the Vicarage. 24 6 8 Windanmere, alias Windermere, R. (St. Martin.) Penſ.-Abb. 2 8 8 Sanct. Mar. Ebor. il. 135. 43. Vicario de Kendall 135. 4d. Val, in manf. cum ter. dom. eid. annex. per annum 8s. &c. John Barton, p. h. V. 1705. William Buckley, Eſq. and others; -1778. William Buckley, Eſq. 1728. Sir Michael le Fleming, Bart. Elizabeth Fleming, George Edward Stan- ley, Eſq. and. Dorothy Stanley, bis Wife, 1780. de 6 4 41 Hoſp. five Domus Leproſorum. Val. in manſ. cum diverſ. clauſ. o 12 54 & ter. arab. per ann. 21. 75. 4d. redd. & firm. in tenur. diverſ. ten, &c. 74 10 13 6 30 o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 8 Beethom, alias Betholme, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. 35. 4d. 13 7 4 Val.in mahl. cum gardin. per ann. 1os. penf. annuat. 131. &c. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Cantar. de Ec- cleſ. olim Propri catanci Svo 28 3. 4 Bolton in the Sands V. Co. Lanc. Syn. 25. Prox. 4s. 8d. 4 15 0 . Val. in inanſ. cum gleb. eid. annex. per ann. 1l. decim. lan. O * Warton-is certified to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the yearly Value of 781. 1550 This was a very conſiderable Benefice, t. H. VIII, before it was made an Iinpropriation, agn. WESTMORLANDI DIOCESE OF G H ESTÉR. 1. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books. 1. So d. agn. &c. Archidiaconus Richmond; oliin Propr. Bifhop of Cheſter, Propr. and Patr., 31 6 8 BURTON, alias Burton in Kendall, V. (St. James) Penſ. Mod. 15 17 Sanct. Mar. Ebor. 2l. 13.f. 4d. Val. in manf. cum gleb. spec ann. 21. 6s. 8d. dec. fæn, lan..aga, &c. Món. Sanc. Mara Ebor. Propr. Sir George Middleton, 1662. Mary Oldfield, Widow, 1691: Elizabeth Oldfield; 1694. Thomas Beni- fon, 1722. Jeffrey Tenant and Thomas Hătton, Yeomen, 1764: CHAPELS, DONATIVES, ÒR CURACIEŚ. Aughton, (St. George) in Halton Parik. Rector of Halton, Patr. 221. 35. 4d. certified Value. Croſſcrake. Vicar of Haverſham, Patr. Croftwaite, in Haverſham Pariſh. The Inhabitants with the Vicar's Approbation, Patr. 13. certified Value. Over Kellet, (St. Cuthbert,) in Bolton Pariſh. Mr. Leaper with the Approbation of the Inhabitants, Patr. 291. certi- fied Value. Preſton Patrick, (St. Patrick,) in Burton Pariſh. The Inhabi- tants, Patr. 41. 35. 4d. certified Value. Silverdale, in Warton Pariſh: Vicar of Warton, Patr. 51 certified Value. Troutbeck, called Jeſús Chap. in Windermere Pariſh. Rector of Windermere, Patr. 10l, certified Value. Witherſlack, (St. Paul,) in Betholme Pariſh. Truſtees, Patr. 311. Is. 8d. certified Value. In Greſiner, alias Graſmere, Pariſh. AMBLESIDE. Sir Michael le Fleming, Bart. Patr. 10l. certi- fied Value. Langdale. Rector of Graſmere, Patr. 51. 155. 6d. certified Value, In Kendall Parilh. Burdſide, alias Burnſide. Land Owners with the Approbation of the Vicar, Patr. 131. 55. 8d. certified Value. Crook. Land Owners with the Approbation of the Vicar, Patr. 77. gs. certified Value, 7 X Grayrigg 1258 DIOCESE OF CHEST E R. WESTMORLANDO Din barrow, Ģrayrigg. Land Owners with the Approbation of the Vicar, Patr. 61. 135. 4d. certified Value. St. George in Kendal. Vicar of Kendal, Patr. Helſington. Vicar of Kendal, Patr. Hugill. Land Owners. 61. 105. certified Value. Kentmire. Inhabitants. Inhabitants. 81. 6s. certified Value. Longſteddale, alias Longſledale. Inhabitants. gl. 55. certified Value. Natland. Vicar of Kendal. 155. certified Value. , New Hutton. Vicar of Kendal, Patr. Old Hutton (St. John Baptiſt.) Vicar of Kendal. gl. 175. rod. certified Value. Sellide (Chriſt's Chapel.) Land Owners. 81. 55. certified Va-- lue. 1. 113 H Staveley. Land Owners. 77. 35..4d. certified Value. Land Owners, Owners, gl. is: 6d. certified Values: Winſter, Land Owners. 51..15. certified Value.- to bene 10 isqas Ongout et go od og god and it bas" 01 1 78 239 dhe hoita 53)ịt 1 chi bluem conta on 29 medicale bariousus 999 Aitor 1 một nhà và tregon conka tom169 os bus 55 M 19900 alla bacolods as bolsas - tlov visbysu conta os ladro 2 zuorete and adminto? 10-419msdotto di notow orcih !!! pobu's rigut bis orari Wo 19ibuni o boste Ilse BW Ai or boi gaidir et podily got angustion and rebut dguH BV its se bat od beords sast gut sit worfw bristelnou . I love elabgaa bobgott od 90.1919m9i5vQD) 913 God as Y lo qoidobia to tertiban Doro? Dioceſe MATE [1259 ) a : Dioceſe of Durham. 1950 King's Books. h so de Yearly Tenihs, Ernsts bei so da 2 ie HE ſworn Commiflioners who took the Survey, and made the return into the Exchequer, of the County of Durham, were Cuthbert Biſhop of Durham, Sir Tho- mas Tempeſt, Knight, William Frankleyn, William Blithman, Robert Hyndemere, Robert Bowes, Robert Menell, John Metcalf, James Rokeſby, and Richard Croſby. 1821 I 3 BÍSHOPRIC of Durham. For the Manors, &c. apper- 182 taining to this See. Vide Orig. Surv. in Offic. Primit. The Biſhopric of Landisfarne was founded anno 635, which anno 900,' was changed into the Biſhopric of Cheſter in the Street, in the County of Durham ; and, in the Year 995; the See was removed to Durham. Aldhun was the firſt Biſhop of Dunhõlme, or Durham, in the Year 996. The whole Biſhopric-of Durham between Tine and Teis, 0 : the two Rivers, was formerly called St. Cuthbert's Patri- mony, having been conferred on him by King Alfred; and at the Time of the Conqueſt the Biſhop was reputed a Palatine, and it was adjudged that the Biſhop ſhould have all Forfeitures and Eſcheats within his Liberties as the King had without; which Privileges were retrenched by King Henry the Eighth, and all the Rights of the Biſhopric conferred on the Crown by the Parliament in the laſt Year of Edward the Sixth. That Act was re- pealed in the ſecond Parliament of Queen Mary, and the Biſhopric reſtored with all its Royalties. Dugdale, vol. 1. fol. 14. There were two Biſhops of Durham, Earls of Northumber- land, Walcher or Walter in 1071, and Hugh Pudſey in 1154. King Richard the Firſt was ſo well affected to- wards Hugh Pudſey that nothing was done without his conſent, and when the King went abroad he had the en- tire Government of the Kingdom. Dugdale, vol. I. fol. 214 Cardinal Wolſey, Archbiſhop of York, was Biſhop in 1523, and exchanged for Wincheſter. Dugdale. 7 Y 2 The 1260 DIOCESE or DU RH A M. d. 1. s. d. co Val, in manf. in vill. de Eaſington cum tere The Cathedral Church. (ST. CUTHBERT AND ST. MARY.) King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. By a Return made by the Dean and Chapter of Durham, and certified into the Exchequer of the Values, &c. of the newly erected Dignities in this Cathedral, 34 H. VIII. it appears that Hugh Whitehed was then Dean, and received a clear annual Income of 2661. 125. Id. that the twelve Pre- bendaries, viz. John Crayforth, Roger Watſonn, Thomas Sparke, William Bennett, William Todd, Stephen Merley, Robert Dalton, John Tutyn, Nicholas Merley, Ralph Bla- kiſton, Robert Bennett, and William Watfon, had each a clear annual Payment of 331. 6s. 8d. and that the twelve Minor Canons had 10%. each annually. The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. It was founded May 12, 1541. 2000l. per ann. There are twelve Prebends in the Church of Durham, all in the Gift of the Biſhop. None of tħe faid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt Fruits or Tenths. The Prebends are of different Values from 400l, per ann, to 8ool. per ann. oo Archdeaconry of Durham, erected before the Year 1080, 10 paftur. 121. Decem cotag. ibidem 21. decim. garb. &c. This has the Rectory of Eafington, in D. Durham, annexed to-it. 500l. per ann. The Biſhop. The Archdeaconry of Northumberland is in the Deanry of Newcaſtle upon Tyne. 100 D. Durham, în the Archdeaconry of Durham. The Monaſtery of St. Cuthbert in Durham, with the Cells of Fynchkall, Jarrow, Wermouth, Inſula ſacra, Farne Eland, Lethum, Stamford, and Durham College were returned by the Commiſſioners to be worth, in Temporalities and Spiri- tualities, the clear annual Sum of 18041. 1os. 3d.Ž For Particulars, vide Orig. Surv, in Offic. Primit. LIVINGS DURHAM. DIOCESE OF DU RH A M. 1261 d. 1. S. lo 5 20 O Ο 1ο O 2 II Syn. and Prox. 45. Val, in fit. manf. cum gan eu clauſ. . LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. d. 5. Apoftolorum Duodecim infra Caſtrum Bernardi. ol © Arcliffe, alias Acliffe, alias Aicliffe, V. (St. Acca.) Prox. Epiſc. 10s. Mon. Sancti Cụthberti Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 3 1j Billingham V. (St. Cutlibert) Syn. 55. 4d. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 1 2 33 : 8d. Val. in manſ. & ter. gleb. dec. & oblat. Mon. Sti Cuthberti Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 24 13 4 Boldon, alias Boldovers, R. (St. Nicholas.) Valet in manſ. 2 g 4 &c. Prox. Epiſc. 115. Biſhop of Durham. 60 10 5 Braundiſpeth, alias Branſpeth, alias Brancepeth, R. (St. Bran- 6 I ot dan.) Syn. 35. Redd. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Val. in ſit. rect. & ter. gleb. 61. decim. gran. &c. Prox. Epiſc. il. 135. 4d. The KING, 1660, 1662. Thomas Swinborne, Eſq. 1695. Edward Tong, Clerk, 1727. Robert Shafto, Esq. 1745, 1760. 7 18 11 Coniſcliffe, alias Conſcliff , V. (St. Edwin.) Syn. and Prox. 015 9# Val. in fit. manſ. cum ter. gleb. 21. 6s. 8d. decim. lan. agn. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 75. Biſhop of Durhani. Crayke R. Vide D. Bulmer in co. Ebor. Eggleſcliffe, alias Eggſcliffe, V. (St. John Baptiſt:) Syn. and 2 1783 Prox, 35. Val. in fit. manſ. & octo bov, ter. arabil. de gleb. cum clauf. 41. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Prior. Finchdale, alias Finkall, Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 20 18 11 Elwick R. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 25. Prox. Epiſc. 135. 2 1 93 4d. Val. in fit. manſ. & gleb. ibidem cum pertin. 61. 135. 4d. dec. &c. Biſhop of Durham. 39 6 of Ganesford, alias Gaynford, alias Gainford, V. (St. Mary.) 3.19 78 6s. . gran. fæn. lan, agn. porc. Prox. Epiſc. 185. Mon. Sanct. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge. 27 13 4 Gateſhhead R.* (S:. Mary.) Syn. 25. Redd. Hofpit. de Ke 2 15 4 peyere 2... 135. 4d. Val. in manſ. & tri. clauſ. 1l. decim. garb. falmon. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Prox. Epiſc. 1os. Biſhop of Durham. 25. 10 O I O O 28 17 * The Rector of Gateſhead is always Maſter of the Hoſpital of King James in Gateſhead; formerly called the Hoſpital or Free Chapel of St, Edmund King and Martyr in Gateſhead aforeſaid. Prox. Epiſc, 135, 4d. Hart, 4 1 262 DURHAM DIOCESE 0:P DU RH A M. & cæter. S. I 0 Propr. some 17 12 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 2. d. 1. d. II 17 Hart, (St. Mary Magdalen,) and HARTIPOLE, alias HARTLE- I 3 87 180 o POOL, V. (St. Hilda.) Syn. and Prox: 3s. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Val. in manſ. & ter. gleb. cum clauſ. gleb. cum clauf. & pertin. 41. dec. garb. de Thorpbulmer, &c. The KING. Prior. Gilburne, 5.3 68 Haughton R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and Prox. 25. Val. in fit. 5 6 8 manſ. cum ter. gleb. ibidem 4l. cotag. ibidem 21. dec. garb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. il. Biſhop of Durham. 6 Hazilden Monachorum, alias Monk Heſilden, V. (St. Mary.) 0 15 3 Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Val. in ſit. manſ. cum pertin. 21. dec. fæn. lan. n. &c. Mon. Sti Cuthberti, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 671. certified Value. 27. 5. 5 Hurworth R. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 25. Vál. in ſit. 2 14 64 manſ. cum ter. gleb, unacum clauſ. 21. diverſ. cotag: ibidem per ann. 105. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 125. Chriſtopher Pinckney, Eſq. this Turn, 1714. Ralph Carr, Eſq. 1761. Triſtram Hogg, 1784. 12 14 91 Hetchinſon, alias Heighinton, alias Heighington, V. s Heighington, V. (St. Mi- Mi- I 5 52 chael.) Val. in ſit. manf. cum ter, gleb. per ann. 1os. dec. &c. Prox. Epiſc. gs. Mon. Sii Cuthberti Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 124 o Houghton in le Spring, alias Houghton le Spring, R. (St. 12 8 0 Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 21. 6s. 8d. Sit. manſ. ejuſdem rect. gleb. cert. cottag. ter. & ten. eid. pertin. 181. decim. garb. &c. Biſhop of Durham. Kellow, alias Kelloe, V. (St. Helen.) Val. in fit. manſ. cum ter. gleb. & cæter. fructibus. Prox. Epiſc. 10s. Biſhop of Durham. Long Newton R. Prox. Epiſc. 125. Biſhop of Durham. 6 Margaret St. ibidem Crucis, in Civitate Dunelm. Dean and 3 Chapter of Durham. 14. 4 9Merrington V. (St. John.) Syn. 25, Val. in fit. manf. cum 8 58 2 acr. & clauf. ibidem per ann. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. gs. Mon. Ski Cuthberti, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durliam. 4 19 02 Middleham Biſhop's V. (St. Michael.) Syn. 25. Penſ. fol. 0911 prior. Dunelm. 21. Val. in fit. manſ. dict. vicar. • cum 21 acr. ter. gleb. il . 15. decim. &c. Pros. Epiſc. 45. The KING. Cella de Fynckhall, olim Propr. 4 O o Middleton St. George R. (St. George.) Syn. 25. Prox. 08 Epiſc. 45. 6d. William Killinghall, Eſq. 1693. Chriſto- pher Pinckney, this Turn, 1705. Robert Killinghall, Eſq. 1 storey bow 1722, 1746. 713011Middleton O . 20 O 2 20 O 2 O O 5 I 2 O II I 100 o O 8 0 a URHAM. 1263 DIOCESE OF DUR H A M. M 1. s. 2 II 31 II . O I 1.2 0 2S. ... oum * Is certified by the Name of St. Mary le Boy which King's Books: Pearly Tenths. bo si de d. 25 17 I Middleton in Teeſdale R. Syn. and Prox. 35. Val. in fit. 81 manf. cum gleb. Il. 6s. 8d. decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 165. The KING. 5 Oo North Bayley in Durham *, alias St. Mary the Great. Valet Valet O 10 in fit . manſ. cum decim. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 2s. Archdeacon of Northumberland, Patr. 51 Norton V. (St. Mary.) Syn. and Prox. 25. Vide Orig. 3 3 1$ Surv. for Norton P. Prox. Epiſc. 175. Val. in fit. vicar. cum ter. gleb. per ann. 61.135. 40. dec. lan. agn. &c. Col , lege of Norton, Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 16 0 St. Oſwald in Durham V. Prox. Epiſc. 75. Mon. Sti Cuth- berti, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. ? . ann. dec. &c. Biſhop of Durham. 42 10 10 Ryton R. (Holy Croſs.) Syn. and Prox. 25. Prox. Epiſc. 185. 4 5 1 Redd. Epifc. 1os. 8d. Penſ. Hoſpit. de Kepeyere 1l. 6s. 8d. Sit:,manf. & ter. gleb. 41. dec. de Ryton 61. dec. de Wyn- laton 61. 135. 4d. dec. de Crawcruke 4l. 6s. 8d. &c. Biſkop of Durham. . $ 55: Seaham V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. Val. in fit. manſ. cum gleb. 3!. dec. agn. lan. &c. Abb. Coverham, Propr. Earl of Gainſborough, 1697. Jane Robinſon, Spinſter, 1779. Mary Robinſon, Widow, 1783. 73 18 11 SEDGEFIELD R. (St. Edmund the Biſhop.) Syn, and Prox. 250. 7.7 98 Val. in. ſit. manſ. ſive maner. cum ter. gleb. per ann. 121. dec. garb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. il. 135. 4d. Biſhop of Durham. The KING, 1777, p. h. v. 7500 ល 67 68 STANHOPE R. (St. Thomas Apoſtle.) Val. in fit. manf. & 16:14 83 vocat. Parſon's Byers 71. 6s . Bd. decim. garb. &c. Prex. Epiſc. il. 105. Biſhop of Durham. The KING, 1771, P. 12 13 4 Staynton in Strata R. CALL in Strata R. (All Saints.) Penſ. Abb. Beatæ Mariæ 1 5 4. 130 Ébor. 135. 4d. Val. in fit. manſ, cum terr. gleb..2 acr. decim. &c. The KING. lourd 18 Waſhington, alias Wellington, R. Valet in fit. manf. &c. I 16 Prox. Epifc. Ios. Biſhop of Durham. silengja 10119 89 18 11 Wearmouth Epiſcopi Rogh (St. Michael.)Prox. 25. Vale 8 19 in fit. manſ. &c. Prox. Epiſc. Il. 185. Biſhop of Durham. . h. v. 0 O acr . deciros. Epiſc. 85. Val. Oo Toronto soleibol 2. વતન See the diſcharged Livings. non t Wearmouth Epiſcopi R. _Sunderland R. which was a Part of this Pariſh, is by an Act of Parlia- ment 5 Geo. made a diſtinct Pariſh from Wearmouth Epiſcopi, in the Gift of the Bithop. It is dedi- cated to the Holy Trinity , Whitborden: 3. 1264 DIOCESE OF DU RH A M. DURHAM. 1. S. 1. a King's Books, Yearly Tenths, d. 39 19, 41 Whitborne, alias. Whitbourn, R. Prox. · 23. Redd. Epifc. 3 19 111 125, Prox. Epiſc. 175. Val. in manſ. & ten. cum fin. voc. Potterland 5l. exit. cotag. in villa de Whitburo il 6s, iod. dec. &c. Biſhop of Durhan. 20 8.111 Wickham, alias Whickham, R. (St. Mary.) Syn. 25. Epiſc. 2 O 10% 135. Val. in un. clauſ, retro rector. il. un. clauf. voc. Aller- dene il. 6s. 8d, trib. beſt. de paſt. in le Halhe 75. 4 acr. prat. ICs. 6 acr. ter. jac. &c. Redd. Hoſpit. de Kepeyere il. 6s. 8d. Biſhop of Durham. 31 13 4 WOOLSINGHAM, alias Wolſingham, R. (St. Mary, and St. Ste- 3 3 4 phen.) Prox. Epiſc. 185. Val. in ſit. manf. cum ter. gleb. & clauſ. eid. adjac. 6s. 8d. dec. gran. &c. Biſhop of Dur- ham. 9 18 11 Wynſton, alias Winſton, R. (St. Andrew.) Syn. and Prox. 25. O 19 9 Prox. Epiſc. 75. Val. in fit. manſ. cum ter: gleb. per ann. 21. dec. &c. Biſhop of Durham. 5 9 41 Hoſp. infra Caftrum Bernardi. Redd. ter. apud Hullerbuſke o 10 11) 10s, in Ovington 5s. de ter. voc. ſeptem Alattes. 35. 4d. un. cotag. ibid. 35. un. toft. in Selby cum croft, & cert. paſtur. ibid. & 12 acr. ter. &c. The KING, Patr. 37 11 25. 44 o o LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books o Biſhopton, alias Biſhopſton, V. (St. Peter.) Syn. and Prox. 4 5 10 Prox. Epiſc: 75. Val. in fit. manf. cum ter. gleb. ibidem 21. dec. fæn. &c. - Maſter and Brethren of Sherborn Hoſpi- tal, Propr. and Patr. Cockfield R. Syn. and Prox. 25. Val. in fit. re&t. cum 10 acr. 9 18 O ter. gleb. cum manſ. & cert. clauf. 135. 4d. decim. &c. The Bifhop, 1690. Lord Barnard, 1698, 1714, 1728. Henry Vane, Eſq. 1734. Lord Barnard, 1747. Lord Darlington, 40 17 111 Dalton V. (St. Andrew.) Val. in ſit. manſ. cum ter. gleb. dec. 6 7 vitul. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Monaſt. Sfi Cuthberti Dunelni. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 31 5 8 Dittinſdale, alias Dinſdale, R. (St. John.) Val. in ſit. manf.cum 4.11 51 meſ. ibid. & cert. ter. & ten. cum gleb. per ann. 21. du. ten. in Middleton 125. dec. &c. Redd. monaft. Dunelm. 6s. 8d. Syn. and Prox. 25. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 24 11 8 Edmunbyers R. (St. Edmund.) Syn. 25. Val, in fit. manſ. &c. 64 Prox. Épiſc. 45. 6d. Dean and Chapter of Durham, Elton 1756241 DURHAM. 1 265 DIOCESE OF DU RH A M. S. S, d. 36 10 37 Oo 3 6 8 Clear Icarly Value. King's Books, 7. d. 1. Elton R. Pro duobus Syn. 25. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Val. in 7 I 53 fit. manſ. cum ter. gleb. ibid. 135.4d. dec. &c. Mark Shaf- to, Eſq. two Turns, Ann Jefferſon one Turn. Ann Jefferſon, 1758. 28 7 o Gretham, alias Greatham, V. Syn, and Prox. 25. Prox. Epiſc. 7 i 8 45. Val. in manſ. cum ter. gleb. il. 6s. 8d. Red. duor. cotag. ibid. 45. dec. lan. agn. foen. porc. fal. Iac. &c. Gre- tham Hoſp. Propr. and Patr. Grindon V. (St. Thomas Becket.). Syn. and Prox. 25. Val. 4 IL SE in fit. ejuſd. vic. cum ter. gleb. dec. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc, 25. 6d. Maſter and Brethren of Shirborn Hoſp. Propr. and Patr. 4 2 6 Kinneſworth, alias Kimleſworth, R. Eccl. deſtructa. United to Witton Gilbert. Val. in fit. manſ. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 25 14 8 Middleton St. George R. (St. George.) Syn. and Prox. 25. 3. 13 Il Penſ. fol. rect. de Eggleſcliffe 5s. Val. in fit. re&t. & 2 acr. ter. gleb. per ann. 6s. 8d. dec. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 45. 6d. William Killinghall, Eſq. 1723. Robert Killinghall, 1746. 5 6 8 Monk Weremouth Cur. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 4s. Sir Hedworth Williamſon, Bart. Patr. 48 311 Pitlington, alias Pittington, alias Piddington, V. (St. Laurence.) 14 14 2 Syn. 25. Val. lit. manf. cum ter. gleb. dec. fæn. lan, agn. vit. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Mon. Sfi Cuthberti Dunelm. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 23 O O Sockburn, alias Stockburn, V. (All Saints.) Syn. and Prox. 3 18 1] Val. in fit. manf. cum un. acr. ter. gleb. ibid. per ann. 55. dec. oblat. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Maſter and Bre- thren of Shirborn Hoſp. Propr. and Patr. 45 00 Stranton, alias Staunton, V. (All Saints,) with Seton Chapel 17 16 0] annexed (St. Thomas Becket.) Syn. and Prox. 45. Val.in ſit. manf. vicar. cum clauſ. ter. gleb. &c. Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Mon. Giſburne in co. Ebor. Propr. Thomas Thurſby and Robert Noble, this Turn, 1710. John Dodſworth, Ef. 1728. Mathew White, Eſq: 1738, 1745. 2:56 The Hoſpital of St. Giles Kepeyere was returned to be worth clear annually 1671. 25. Iid. Shireburn Hoſpital was likewiſe returned at 13:51. 75. Greteham Hoſpital was likewiſe returned at 971. 6s. 3d. Gateſhed Hoſpital was likewiſe returned at 6h 25. 4d. Nelham Priory was likewiſe returned at 20l. 175. 7d. Stanedroppe College was likewiſe returned at 1261. 55. god. 7 Y Tha 1266 DURHAM DIOCESE OF DURH A M. The Collegiate Church of Aukland was likewiſe returned at 1001. 75. 2d. Norton College was likewiſe returned at 346. 135. 4d. Derlington Deanry was likewiſe returned at 361. 8s. Ad. For the Particulars of the Poſſeſſions, vide Orig. Surv. NoT IN CHARGE. 3 STOCKTON upon Tees V.* Anciently a Chap. to Norton St. Thomas. Biſhop of Durham, Patr. Sherborn Hoſpital. Biſhop of Durham. . ST. ANDREW AUKLAND C. The Biſhop, Patr. Pri. Durham, Propr. sol. certified Value. Part whereof precarious, viz. 191. 185. St. Anne's Chap. in Biſhop Aukland. A Curacy within the Pariſh of St. Andrew Aukland. The Biſhop, Patr. Ahh or Eth Cur. (St. Michael.). Chap. to Lancheſter. Curate of Lancheſter, Patr. 61. 135. 4d. certified Value; out of which is paid il. 85.4d. clear 5l. 5s. BERNARD CASTLE Cur. (St. Mary.) College of Bernard's Caſtle, Propr. The Vicar of Gainford. Birkby R. (St. Peter,) in the Dioceſe and County of York, but in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Durham, in D. Cleaveland, and there certified. 351. certified Value. Caſtle Eden Cur. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 401. College of Aukland, Propr. Rowland Burdon, Eſq. Patr. 121. 46o certified Value. Cheſter Cür. (St. Mary and St. Cuthbert.). College of Cheſter, Propr. Sir Ralph. Milbanke, Bart. and William Jolliffe, Eſq. Croxdaile Cur. Prox, Epiſc. 25. 6d. Chapter of Durham, Patr. Pri. Durham, Propr. DARLINGTON C. (St. Cuthbert:) College of Darlington, Propr.. Lord Vane, Patr. 201. certified Value. Denton, Ch. to Ganesford. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. The Vicar of Ganesford, Patr. 461. 145. 4d. certified Value. Eaſington R. (St. Mary.) Annexed to the Archdeaconry of Durham. Prox. Epiſc. 21. i ! * Stockton upon Tees.-An A & for making the Chapelry of Stockton in the County of Durham a diſtinct Pariſh, 12 Annæ, Seff. 1. An Act for explaining a former Ac for making the Chapelry of Stockton in the County of Durham a diſtina Pariſh, i Georgü (42.) Ebcheſter DURHAM 1267 DIOCESE OF DURHA M. Ebcheſter Cur. (St. Ebba.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 4d. Maſter and Brethren of Shirborn Hoſpital, Propr. and Patr. 161.75, 5d. certified Value. Eggleſton Cur. within the Pariſh of Middleton in Teeſdale. College of Eggleſton, Propr. The Rector of Middleton. Elmdon, alias Embleton, Chapel to Sedgfield. Eſcomb Cur. Chapel to St. Andrew Aukland. Biſhop of Durham, Patr. College of Aukland, Propr. 13l. certified Value. Falſton C. in the Pariſh of Simondbourn in Northumberland. The Rector. Patr. 101. certified Value. St. Giles's in Durham. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. John Tempelt, Eſq. Patr. Hoſp. Kepeyere, Propr. 201. 6s. certified Value. Hamiterley Cur. (St. James.) College of Aukland, Propr. The Heirs of John Cuthbert, Eſq. 181. 6s. certified Value. St. Hellen's AUKLAND C. The Biſhop, Patr. Pri. Durham, Propr. 138 95.4d. certified Value. Hunſtanworth Cur. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 43. Hoſp. of Kepeyere, Propr. Lord Chief Baron Ord, p. i. 1758. John Ord, Efq. 1784. 1ol. certified Value. Jarrow Cur. (St. Paul,) and Nether Heworth Cur. Prox. Epiſc. 25. Eliz. Montagu, Widow, and others, Patr. Pri. Jarrow, olim Propr. 461. Is. certified Value. St. John's, Chap. to Stanhope R. The Inhabitants nominate, and the Rector of Stanhope approves. Lancheſter Cur. (All Saints.) Biſhop of Durham, Patr. Col- lege of Lancheſter, Propr. 141. 85. 4d. certified Value. Lameley Cur. College of Cheſter, Propr. St. Mary le Bow, alias North Bayley in Durham, R. 151. cer- tified Value ; 10l. whereof precarious. Archdeacon of Nor- thumberland. St. Margaret's in Durham Cur. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Durham. Prior. Durham, Propr. 61. certified Value, certain only. Medumſley, alias Medomſley, (St. Mary Magdalen,) Chapel to Lancheſter. Biſhop of Durham. 10l. 35. 4d. certified Value. Mugleſwick Cur. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. - Dean and Chapter of Durham, Patr. Pri. Durham, Propr. 15l. 18s. 8d. certified Value. St. Nicholas in Durham C. Prox. Epiſc. 25. John Tempelt, Eſq. Patr. Hoſp. of Kepeyere, Propr. 136. 195. 4d. cer- tified Value. Pendhere Cur. within the Pariſh of Houghton le Spring. The Rector of Houghton le Spring, Patr. Sattley, Chapel to Lancheſter. Curate of Lancheſter, Patr. ul. 45. certified Value. Sedberghe, 7 Y 2 1268 DURHAM, DIOCESE OF. DURH A M. Sedberghe, alias Sadberge, Chap. to Houghton. The Rector of Houghton. Shields, alias St. Hilda, alias South Shields, Curacy. Prox. Epiſc. 15.4d. Dean and Chapter of Durham, Patr. Pri. Durham, olim Propr. 661. 85.4d, certified Value. South Båyley in Durham R. (St. Mary. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 31. 95. 4d. certified Value ; out of which is paid 63. 8d. The KING, Patr. Staindrop Cur. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. Coll. of Stein- drop, Propr. Earl of Darlington. 441. 55.- certified Value, 401. whereof precarious. Sunderland. A new Chapel, dedicated, 1769, to St. John. John Thornhill, Eſq. Tanfield Cur. (St. James.) Coll. of Cheſter, Propr. Triindon C. (St. Mary Magdalen.) Prox. Epifc. 25. Deviſees of Woodifield Beckwith, Eſq. Patr. Whitworth V. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Dean and Chapter of Durham, Patr. Pri. Durham, Propr. Winlaton, a private Chapel built for the Uſe of a Particular Fac- tory. Whorlton Cur. Chap. to Ganesford. The Vicar of Ganesford, Patr. 121. 1os, certified Value. Witton le Wear C. (St. Philip and St. James.) Coll. Aukland, Propr. The Heirs of John Cuthbert, Eſq. III. 1os. cer- tified Value. Witton Gilbert with Kimbleſworth, alias Kinneſworth. Eccl. deſtruct. Prox Epiſc. 35. 4d. Chapter of Durham, Propr. 551. 11s. certified Value. Wolviſton Ch. (St. Peter) Chapter of Durham, Patr. Pri. Durham, Propr. D. Ainewick, in the Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. The Abby of Alnewick was returned at 1891.. 155. The Priory of Holyfton was returned at ill. 56, 6 LIVING NORTHUMBERLAND. DIOCESE OF DU RH A M. 1269 d. II 9. 8 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Pearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. d. 23 3 11 Egglingham V. (St. Maurice.) Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Biſhop 2 6 37 of Durham. Pri. Tinmouth, olim Propr. 3 4 Embleton V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 7s. 8d. Merton Col- 1 2 4 lege, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 24 16 8 Ingram R. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Henry Ogle 2 and Cuthbert Collingwood, Gent. 1662. Henry Ogle, Eſq. 1664. Lancelot Algood, this Turn, 1703. Richard Greive, Gent. 1744. William Radley, p. h. v. 1746. Robert Ogle, Eſq. 1776. 58 68 ROTHBURY R. (All Saints.) Prox. Epiſc. il. 135. 4d. Biſhop 5 16 8 of Carliſle, 1677. Archbiſhop of York, 1720. William Herring, D.D. and others, p. h. V. 1758. Joſeph Banks, Eſq. 1784. 18. 5 71 Warkworth V. (St. Laurence.) Prox. Epiſc. 135. 1d. Biſhop 1 16 64 of Carlile, Propr. and Patr. 3. Whittingham V. (St. Bartholomew.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 8d. 1 5 1 Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. Pri. Car- line, olim Propr. The Biſhop of Durham, 1783. 12 II O LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Ekear Yearly Value. King's Books. 18 © Alneħam, alias Alnham, V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epifc. 25. 3 17 I 8d. Pri. Alnewick, Propr. Duke of Northumberland. 45 o Edlingham V. (St. John Baptiſt) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Dean 6.14, 4 and Chapter of Durham, Propr. and Patr. 35 Shivilbottle, alias Shilbottle, V. (St. James.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4 14 & 60 4d. The KING. Pri. Tinmouth, Propr O O O a CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Allinton, alias Allenton, Ch. (St. Michael.) Duke of Nora thumberland. ALNWICK Cur. (St. Mary and St. Michael.) Pri. Alnewick, Propr. The Biſhop of Durham, Patr. Bewick, (Holy Trinity,) Chapel to Egglingham. In Ruins. Boltong 1270 DIOCE S ER DU RH A M. NORTHUMBERLAND. Bolton, Chap. to Edlingham. Brinkburn Cur. Cheventon, Chap. to Warkworth. Halliſton Ch. (St. Mary.) Pri. Halliſton, Propr. Duke of Northumberland. 81. certified Value. Rennington, (All Saints,) Chapel to Embleton. Rock. (St. Philip and St. James,) Chapel to Embleton. D. Bambrough, in the Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. The Priory of Brokenbourne, in this Deanry, was returned at 681. 195. Id. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 1. .. d d. O ü O 20 BARWICK, alias Berwick upon 'Tweed, V. (Holy Trinity:) Pros. Epiſc. 105. Pri. Durham, olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham, Propr. and Patr. .25 0 o Bothali R. (St. Andrew,) with Shipwaſh R. Prox. Epiſc. 18s. 2.10 8d. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1667. Elizabeth Stafford, Wi- dow, 1685. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1691. Earl of Oxford and Mortimer and his Wife, 1736. The KING, p. h. v. 1761. 36 g Branston, alias Brauxton, V. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Mon. Du o 6 8 nelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 12 16 of Chatton V. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Epiſc. 85. 8d. Pri. Alne. I 5 75 wick, Propi. Duke of Northumberland. 4 Chillingham V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 2s. 8d. Pri. Alne- 08.0 wick, Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 6 5 5 Ellingham V. (St. Maurice.) Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Mon. 61 Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 24 0 0 Ford R. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. il." The KING, 1660. 2 8 0 Francis Blake, Eſq. 1677. Francis Blake Delaval, Eſq. 1723. Francis Blake Delaval, John Huſſey Delaval, and Eliſha Biſcoe, Eſq. 1761. Foto 10 -3 13 4 Newton Kirk, alias Kirk Newton, alias Burch Newton, V. o 7 4 (St. Gregory.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Pri. Kirkham, co. Ebor. Propr. William Strother, Eſq. 1669, 1681. Tho- mas Ord, Gent. 1732. William Lowes, Eſq. 1770, 1778. Norham O 0 I2 NORTHUMBERLAND. DIOCESE OF DURH A M. 1271 lo d. King's Books. Hearly Tenths. 1. d. 8 Norham V. (St. Cuthbert.) Prox. Epiſc. 95. Mon. Dunelm. I JO 8 olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 5 8 1į WOLLER, alias WOOLER, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. O 10 94 8d. Pri. Alnewick, Propr. Biſhop of Durham. LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear Yearly Value. King's Books, 25. o o Haughton Longa, alias Long Houghton, V. (St. Peter.) 9 9 4 Prox. Epifc. 6s. 8d. Pri. Alnewick, olim Propr. Duke of Northumberland. 27. o. Ollderton R. (St. Michael.). Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. . Duke of 4:00 Northumberland.. 43 5 3. Leſbury V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. The KING. 8. 2.10 70 Pri. Almewick, olim Propr. Meldon V. (St. John.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Dean and Chap- 4 7 II ter of Durham. 45:00 Whitfield R: Prox. Epiſc. 2s. 8d: Mathew Whitfield, Eſq. 1665. 8:00 William Whitfield, Eſq. 1703. Mathew. Whitfield, Eſq. 1748. William Ord, Eſq. 1764, 1784. O O 14 O CHAPELS; DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. -- Aldcroft, Chapel to Holy Iſland. Banbrough, alias Bambrough, Cur. (St. Aidan.) Pri. Noſtel, Propr. Lord Crewe's Truſtees, Patr. Belford, (St. Mary,), Chapel to Bambrough. The Heirs of Abraham Dixon, Eſq. Patr. 21. certified Value. Beadnell, Chapel. to Bämbrough. The Curate of Bambrough,... Pátr. Carham Chap. (St. Cuthbert.). Cornhill," Chapel to Norham. ill. is. certified Value: Doddington, Chapel to Chatton... Duke of Northumberland. Hebburne, Chapel to Botball. Holy Iſland V: or Cur. (St. John Evangelift.) 361. certified Value. Kyive, alias Hyloé, Chap. to Holy Illand. - Dean and Chapter of Durham. 131. certified Valde. Lowick, Chapel to Holy Inand. Dean and Chapter of Dure: ham. 11h 1os. certified Value.... Lucker Cur. The Curate of Bambrough, Patr. Tweedmouth, (St. Bartholomew,) Chap. to Holy Inand.' 151. certified Value, D. Cor. 1272 DIOCESE OP DURHAM. NORTHUMBERLAND, .. 261, certified oli D. Corbridge, in the Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. The Priory of Hexham, in this Deanry, was returned at 1221. IIS. id. The Abby of Whiteland, in this Deanry, was returned at 401. gd. Ovingham, Cell to Hexham, in this Deanry, was returned at 111. 25. 8d. LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. 9 18 14 Bywell St. Peter V. (St. Peter.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 8d. Mon. O 1994 Dunelm. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 0 13 54 ham, Propr. Sir William Fenwick, Bart. 1662. Sir John Fenwick, Bart. 1689. Walter Blacket, Eſq. 1733. 8 Corbridge V.* ($t. Andrew.) Prox. Epiſc. 55. Pri. Carliſle, I 3 2 Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 3 IĮ HAUNTWEZELL, alias HALTWHISTLE, alias HALTWAZELL, 4 315 V. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 8d. Biſhop of Durham. 3 8 4 Kirkharle V. (St. Wilfrid.) Prox. Epiſc. Is. Ed. Abb. de o 6 10 Alba Landa, Propr. Sir Thomas Loraine, Bart. 1669. Marmaduke Theakſton, Gent. p. h. v. 1726. Sir William Loraine, Bart. 1771. 581. 1os. certified Value. 5 8 4 Ovingham V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epifc. 45. 8d. Mon. Stæ O 10 10 Mar. Ebor. Propr. Ovingham, Cell to Hexham, Propr. The QUEEN, 1909. Mr. Bigg, Impropriator and Patr. 3 Symondsburne, alias Symonburne, R. (St. Symon.) Prox. 3 8 71 Epiſc. 16s. John Rippon, and others, 1666. Univerſity of Cambridge, 1696. The KING, 1697. The KING, by the Attainder of the E. of Derwentwater, 1723. The Governors of Greenwich Hoſpital, 1771. 1. d. 1. d. 12 I 34 6 * Corbridge.--Formerly appropriated to the Priory of Tinmouth, after in exchange to Carliſle. Leland's Itin, vol. V. p. 93. Warden NORTHUMBERLAND. DIOCESE OF DURH A M. 1273 ham, o'sir Sarah King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 d. le d. 8 16 3 Varden V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 75. 8d. Pri. Hex 0 17 7% Propr. Sir William Blacket, Bart. 1695 1,704, . Sir Walter Blackett, Bart. 1753. Elizabeth Hop- kins, Widow, 1782. 661. certified Value. LIVINGS DISCHARGED.Tudu Clear I'early Value. King's Books. 23 0 0 ALDESTON, alias ALSTON MOOR, V. in Cumberland. (St. Auſtin.) 7.13 O Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Pri. Hexham, Propr. Moſes Henzell, Gent. 1696. Richard Whitfield, Gent. p. h. v. 1728. Sir James Creed, Knight, and others, 1756. Dom 23 oo Bywell St. Andrew V. Prox. Epiſc. 25. 6d. Abb. de Alba 3 9. 2 00 Landa, Propr. Henry Thornton, Efq. 1686. William Fenwick, Eſq. 1705, 1711. William Smith, Eſq. 1729. name William Fenwick, Efq. 1757, 1778. 26 0 o Kirkhaugh R. Prox. Epiſc. 15. 5. Epiſc. is. 8d. Jo. Hilton, Eſq. 1670, 4 81 1697- Richard Hilton, Efq. 1722. Robert Hilton, Eſq. fon, Eſq. 1781. 46 0 o Knarfdale, alias Knareſdale, R. Prox. Epiſc. Is. Ed. Biſhop 4 18 , -80 of Durham, 1661. The KING, O 0 CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. IV Ailmouth, (St. John Baptiſt,) Chap. to Lesbury. Bellingham, Chap. to Symondsbourne. The Rector, Patr. Birtley, Chapel to Chollerton. Blanchland Curacy. Biſhop Crewe's Truſtees, Patr. Chipchaſe, Chap. to Chollerton. Fawſtone, Chap. to Symondsbourne. The Rector, Patr. Garragill, alias Cargill, co. Cumberland, Chapel to Allton Moor. Halton, Ch. to Corbridge. Haydon, (St. Cuthbert,) Chap. to Warden. Newbrough, Chap. to Warden. Shotley, (St. Andrew,) Chap. to Bywell St. Andrew.) Biſhop Crewe's Truſtees, Patr. il. 155. certified Value. Slaley Cur. William Fenwick, Eſq. Patr. 151, certified Va lue. Whittenſtall, Chap. to Bywell St. Peter's. 7 Z D. 202- : 1274 DIOCESE OF DURHA M. NORTHUMBERLAND D. Morpeth, in the Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. The Abby of Newminſter, in this Deanry, was returned at lool. 85. uid. 2. d. 100 o O 100 O O 20 2 LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentha Rectories, &c. with the Patrons, Proprietors, &c. le da 6 13 4. Bolam V. (St. Andrew.). Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4d. The KING. The KING. 0 13 4 Pri. Tinmouth, Propr. 3 13 4 Felton V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. The KING, o 7 4 Pri. Brinkburn, Propr. O 10 Hartborne, alias Hartburn, V. Prox. Epiſc. 135. 4d. Pri. o I Tinmouth, Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 4 8 1į Hedwallen V. (St. Andrew.) The KING. Abb. de Alba o 8 9 Landa. 7 13 4 Horſley Longa V.* (St. Helen.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Pri. 015 4 Brinkbourne, Propr. Earl of Effex, 1679. Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet, 1692. The KING, 1729, 1748. 32 16 8 MORPETH R. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. il. Earl of Car- 3 5 S life. 16 Newburne V. (St. Michael.) Prox. Epiſc. 8s. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. Biſhop of Durham, 1783. 13 6 8 Ponteland V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 6s. 8d. Merton Merton í 6 8 College, Oxford, Propr. and. Patr. 3 17 I Shipwaſh R. held with Bothal R. (Holy Sepulchre.) Prox. 0 7 81 Epiſc. 25. Duke of Newcaſtle, 1691. Earl of Oxford, 1736. The KING, 1761. 14 18 11 Stamfordham, alias Stamford Hiam, v. Prox. Epiſc. 75. I 9 94 230 8d. The KING. Pri. Hexham, Propr. 5 13 4 Staynington, alias Stanington, alias Stamington, V. (St. Ma- 4 ry.) Prox. Epiſc. 25. 8d. Abb. Newminſter, Propr. Bishop of Durham. O I 12 O 0 Ο ΙΙ * Horſley Longa V.-The Advowfon ſettled in the Crown 4° & 5° Will. & Mar. per Act of Parlia. ment. Walton 4 NORTHUMBERLAND. DIOCESE OF DURH A M. 1275 King's Books. l'early Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 13 8 11 Whalton R. Prox. Epiſc. 75. 8d. Ralph Bates, Eſq. 1689. I 6 94 Thomas Bates, Eſq. 1710, 1723. Ralph Bates, Eſq. 1745, 1760. 7 3 4 Whelpington, or Kirk Whelpington, V. (St. Bartholomew.) O 14 4 Prox. Epiſc. 35. 8d. Abb. Newminſter, Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 21 15 71 Woodhorn, alias Woodborn, V. (St. Mary.) Prox. Epiſc. 135. 2. 3 63 4d. Pri. Tinmouth, Propr. Biſhop of Durham. CHAPELS, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. Hooton, alias Horton, Chapel to Woodhorn. 151. thereof precarious. The Vicar of Woodhorn, Patr. 161. certified Value. Long Framlington, Chapel to Felton. Meldon R. (St. John.) Prox. Epiſc. 45. 4d. Dean and Chap. of Durham, Patr. Nether Witton, (St. Giles,) Chap. to Hartborne. Newbiggin, (St. Bartholomew,) Chapel to Woodhorn. Ougham, or Ugham, Chapel to Morpeth. Riall, Chapel to Stamford Hiam. Widdrington, Chapel to Woodhorn. Sir George Warren, K. B. Patr. 9. Rewcatle upon Line. The Priory of Tynmouth was returned at 3977. 10s. 5d.j The Priory of Newcaſtle upon Tyne was returned at 361. 03. Iod. St. Catherine upon Sandhill Hoſpit. was returned at 81. id. St. Mary in Weſtgate Hofpit. was returned at 261. 135. 4d. 7 22 LIVINGS 1276 DIOCE SL of DURHAM NORTHUMBERLAND 2 state abond to 2018 ore ! l. S. d. lo I @ LIVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. King's Books. Yearly Tentbeo Rectories, &c. with their Patrons, Proprietors, &c. do 13: 6 & Bedlington V. (St. Cuthbert.). Prox. Epiſc. 75. 8d. Pri. 6 8 Durham, Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 20:00 o ELLESDEN, alias ELSDON, R. (St. Cuthbert.) Prox. Epiſc. 22 O 1os. 8d. Frances Mitford, 1673. Jo. Douglas, Eſq. and Charles Waite, 1715. Mrs. Howard, 1742. Earl of Nor- thumberland, 1765. 500 o St. Nicholas Newcaſtle V.. (St. Nicholas.) Prox. Epiſc. il.. 50 25. Biſhop of Carliſle, Propr. and Patr. 36.13: 4. Northumberland Archdeaconry, with Howick Ri (St. Máry.) 3.13 4 This. Archdeaconry was erected before the Year 1140. 400l. per ann... Biſhop of Durham.. 0.13 4 Hoſp. Elſhaw. 4. 9,11 51 Hoſpit. Beatæ Mariæ, in Newcaſtle.. Prox. Epiſc. 35. 4de. O 19. Ibu O I 13. LIVINGS DISCHARGED.- Clear Yearly Value. King's Books 38, o Benton, alias Mickle Benton, alias Long Benton, V. (St. Bar- 3 3 tholomew.) Proxi Epiſc. 15o 4d. Baliol College, Oxford, . Propr. and Patr. Corſenſide: V. Prox. Epiſc. 25. John Anneſlėy, Gent. 1732,- 1744. The Biſhop, . 1764. Mary: Daviſon, and Francis Weddel; Eſq. 1773.; 35. o Heddon on the Wall V. (St. Andrew.) Prox. Epifc. 25. The 60 KING. Abb. de la Landa, Propr. 24: 0 Mitford V. Prox. Epiſc. 45. Abb. Newminſter, Propr. Bi. 10 6 8. lop of Durham,.. 1759, 1773 41 18 03 Tinmouth, alias Tynemouth, V. (St. Olwin.) Prox. Epiſc. 24 19., 4. 145. Pri. Tinmouth, Propr. Earl of Eſſex, and William Pierpoint, Eſq. 1672 Francis Blake Delaval, 1749. O O O Chapels, DONATIVES, OR CURACIES. St. Anne's Cur. in Newcaſtle. The Corporation, Patr.. Cramlington, (St. Luke,) Ch. to St. Nicholas, in Newcaſtle. Sir Mathew White Ridley, Bart. p... 61. certified Value, . L Earſden, NORTHUMBERLAND, DIOCESE OF D'U'R HAM.- 1277 DEG60056690 Earſden, Ch. to Tinmouth, The Proprietors of Lands, Patr. - ill, certified Value. Gosford, Ch. to Nicholas, in Newcaſtle. NEWCASTLE St. Andrews, Ch. to St. Nicholas. Newcastle St. John's, Ch. to St. Nicholas. NEWCASTLE All Saints, Ch. to St. Nicholas. St. Thomas Cur. in Newcaſtle. The Corporation, Patr. - Trinity Houſe Chap. in Newcaſtle. Wallſend Cur. (Holy Croſs.) Prox. Epifc. 15, 8d. Pri... Durs- ham, Propr. Chapter of Durham, Patr. ber Jambo basi BRODERS 1 um Babitantes APPENDIX: Xian q 1 to eqorih ada a ahola 2000 bosansbro gangerang e qedonian SON Tahan Sultangbro vol 01 bis 5 es Si sonst ein may at tilbage -10 so of ei ad id non Store onbet no 185995 tl suit burde housand of this 10 DOA 941001 ETO070 vel Tots att slip, boftes o rotto BADE Bueno av enkel oss og Grecia JOBBATO ! de boligisto opijo onder de birocrats into host akasza arte bine 58 od rototom strane mot 2016 KS TEST TË SIGNED LE SITE ons burato ed of ter ound that sich do HONLAUD O in ist sibista ono sto sybulwed 113109 od 5000 PO Boito on yli 10 vt dont neque Batzo ad otton DE a lasts adrelou sougolisens rotato UFO Tete imbs By HodTV ateho sd si eisinio bang OTE FREE to go to sito no es by 70 povedal busti 2. Vinna Susando sentado por last on lasty to bottone 2 no 13 led ol bus botoadstyd si sos todo .bomsiba 329115 lettrotend to 310 510) Hov Vis 900 Dotto) Via TOU glasinorit 17 POSTO 2009 danom bris boiseł 25 lewis borngit ad you to Do de dur poles Dodol 2018 undA e de to USB zeggello du [ 1279 ] Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. N' I. The Archbiſhop of CANTERBURY's Directions to the Biſhops of his Province, Anno 1759, concerning Orders and Curates. . T I. THAT you require of every Perſon, who deſires to be admitted to Holy Orders, that he ſignify to you his Name, and Place of Abode, and tranſmit to you his Teſtimonial, and a Certificate of his Age duly atteſted, with the Title upon which he is to be or- dained, at leaſt Twenty Days before the Time of Ordination; and that he appear on Wedneſ- day, or at fartheſt on Thurſday in Ember Week, in order to his Examination. II. That if you ſhall reject any Perſon, who applies for Holy Orders, upon the Account of Immorality proved againſt him, you ſignify the Name of the Perſon ſo rejected, with the Reafon of your rejecting him, to me within one Month; that ſo I may acquaint the reſt of my Suffra- gans with the Caſe of ſuch rejected Perſon before the next Ordination, III. That you admit not any Perſon to Holy Orders, who having reſided any conſiderable time out of the Univerſity does not ſend to you, with his Teſtimonial, a Certificate ſigned by the Miniſter, and other credible inhabitants of the Pariſh where he ſo reſided, expreſſing that Notice was given in the Church, in time of Divine Service on ſome Sunday, at leaſt a Month before the Day of Ordination, of his Intention to offer himſelf to you to be ordained at ſuch a Time : and that, upon ſuch Notice given, no Objections have come to their Knowledge for the which he ought not to be ordained. IV. That you admit no Letters Teſtimonial, on any Occaſion whatſoever, unleſs it be therein expreſſed, for what particular End and Deſign, ſuch Letters are granted; nor unleſs it be declared, by thoſe who ſhall fign them, that they have perſonally known the Life and Behaviour of the Perſon for the time by them certified ; and do believe in their Conſcience, that he is qualified for that Order, Office, or Employment, to which he deſires to be admitted. V. That in ail Teſtimonials ſent from any College or Hall, in either of the Univerſities, you expect that they be ſigned, as well as ſealed ; and that among the Perſons figning, the Governor of ſuch College or Hall, or in his Abſence, the next Perſon under ſuch Governor, with the Dean, • 1280 A PP E N D I X. . , to . Dean, or Reader of Divinity, and the Tutor of the Perſon to whom the Teſtimonial is granted (ſuch Tutor being in the College, and fuch Perfon being under the Degree of Maſter of Arts), do ſubſcribe their Namez, VI. I hat you admit not any perſon to Holy Orders upon Letters Dimiſſory, unleſs they are granted by the Biſhop himſelf , or Guardian of the Spiritualities, ſede vacante ; nor unleſs it he expreſſed in ſuch Letters, that he who grants them, has fully ſatisfied himſelf of the Title, and Convertation, of the Perſon to whom the Letter is granted. VII. T liat you make diligent Inquiry concerning Curates in your Diocefe, and proceed to Feelefiaftical Confures agaimt toſe, who ſhall preſume to ſerve Cures without being first daly licenſed thereunto; as alſo againſt all fncumbents who Thall receive and employ thein, without firſt'obtaining ſuch Licenſe. VII That you do not by any Means admit of any Miniſter, who removes from another Dioceſe , to ſerve as a Curate in yours, without the Teſtimony in Writing of the Biſhop of that Dioceſe, or Ordinary of the Peculiar furiſdiction, from whence he comes, of his good Life, Ability, and Conformity toʻthe eccleſiaſtical Laws of the Church of England. IX. That you do not allow any Miniſter to ſerve more than one Church or hapel, in one Day, except that Chapel be a Member of the Pariſh Church, or united thereunto ; and unleſs the ſaid Church or Chapel, where ſuch Miniſter ſhall ſerve in two Places, be not able, in your Judgment, to maintain a Curate, X. That in the Inſtrument of Licenſe granted to any Curate, you appoint him, what ſhall appear to you, upon due Combideration of the Duty to be performed by him, the Value of the Benefice, and the other Circumſtances of the Cafe, a fufficient Salary, according to the Power veſted in you by the Laws of the Church, and the particular Direction of the A&t of Parliament for the better Maintenance of Curates. XI. That you take Care, as much as is poſſible, that whoſoever is admitted to ferve any Cure, do reſide in the Parith where he is to ſerve; eſpecially in Livings that are able to ſupport a Reſi- dent Curate : and where that cannot be done, that he do at leaſt reſide ſo near to the Place, that he may may conveniently perform all the Duties both in the Church and Pariſh. XII. That you be very in accepting Reſignations; and endeavour with the utmoſt fices. XIII. That you require your Clergy to wear their proper Habits, preſerving always an evident and decent Diſtinction from the Laity in their Apparel ; and to thew in their whote Behaviour, 94 and a Certificate under the maid. A. B. didi , , The following Form may be uſed for a Certificate of a Clergy- man's having read the Common-Prayer, and for his having per- formed other Things therein mentioned, as requiſite to be done by him, after his Admiſſion to a Benefice. EMORANDUM, That on Sunday thie Day of in the Year of our Lord A. B. Rector of C. within the Dioceſe of and County of did read in Iris Pariſh Church of C. aforeſaid; publickly and fo- lemnly, the Morning and Evening Prayer, according to the Form preſcribed in and by the Book entitled, “ The Book of Commorr-Prayer, and Adminiſtration of the Sacraments, and other “ Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Uſage of the Church of England, to- “gether with the Pfalter or Pſalms of David, pointed as they are to be ſung or faid in Churches; "and the Form and Manner of making; ordaining, and confecrating of Biſhops, Prieſts, anid “ Deacons.” And immediately after reading the fame, tlte faid A. B. did openly and publickly, bè- fore the Congregation there aſſembled, declare his anfeigned Affent and Conſent to all i hings there- in contained and preſcribed ; - iir theſe Words following, viz. “1 A. B. do hereby declare my un- “ feigned Affent and Conſent to all and every. Thing contained and preſcribed in and by the Book “ entitled, [The Book of Common-Prayer, and Adminiſtration of the Sacraments and other Rites and “Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Ufe of the Church of England, together with the Pfalter “ or Pfalms of David, pointed as they are to be fung-or faid in Churches:; and the Forin and Man- ner of making, ordaining, and conſecrating of Biſhops, Prieſts, and Deacons].” Alfo that he did publickly and openly, on the Day and' Year aforeſaid *, in the time of Divine Service, read this Declaration following : viz. rgy of the Church Händ Right Reverend Father in God, Lord Biſhop of in the following : . . and did declare .his unfeigned. Afſent and Conſent thereto.:. And, theſe Things we promiſe to teſtify upon our corporal Oaths, if at any Time, we ſhould be duly called thereto. os In Wit neſs, &c. 03 Jan I * If done on the fame Day, but if on any other Day within three Months preſcribed as above for reading, the ſame, the Certificate of the Performance of theſe Things may be made ſeparately, as the Caſe ſhall require. A 1286 App E N D I X. A Preſentation to a RECTORY or VICARAGE. IT To the Right Reverend Father in God, R. by Divine Permiſſion, Lord Biſhop of P. to his Vicar General in Spirituals, or to any other Perſon or Perſons, having, or have ſufficient Authority in this Behalf'; J. S. of, &c. the true undoubted Patron i of the Rectory of E. in the County of N. and your Lordſhip’s Dioceſe of P. Greeting : ULTURE I Preſent to your Lordſhip, and to the Rectory and Pariſh Church of E. aforeſaid, now void by the nutural Death of. C. N. Clerk, the laſt Incunibent there, and to iny Preſentation in full Right belonging; iny Beloved in Chriſt, J. A. Clerk, Maſter of Arts * humbly praying that your Lordſhip would be graciouſly pleaſed to admit, and canonically to inſtitute him, the faid J. A. to the Rectory and Pariſh Church of E. aforeſaid, to inveſt him with all and fingular the Rights, Members, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, to cauſe him to be inducted into the real, actual, and corpora! Poffeffion thereof, and to do all other Things which to your Paſtoral Office may in this Caſe áppertain or belong. In Witneſs, &c. of N. B. Where the Benefice is valued at Tok or above, in the King's Books, the Preſenta - tion muſt have a 61. Stamp; if under rol. a 6s. Stamp is fufficient. *0* If a Minor prefents. bo By the Advice, and with the Approbátion-of-M. B. Efq.-my Guardian law fully appointed. statkan Letters Teftimonial for Holy ORDER:S. To the Right Peverend Father in God, R. by Divine Permiſſion, Lord Biſhop of P. Greeting (HEREAS our well-beloved, in Chrift . R. M. Batchelor of Aſts, hath declared to us his Intention of offering himſelf a Candidate for the facred Office of a Deacon, and for that end hath requeſted of us Letters Teſtimonial of his Learning and good Behaviour : We there- fore, whoſe Names are hereunto ſubſcribed, do teſtify, that the ſaid R. M. having been perſo- mälly known to us s for the ſpace of three Years laſt paſt , hath duritig tlat Time, lived piouſly, fo- erly, and honeſtly, and diligently applied himſelf to his Studies ; nor hath he sat any Time fas far as we know, or have heard) maintained or written any Thing contrary to the Doctrine or Diſcipline of the Church of England: And moreover, we think him a Perſon-worthy to be ad- mitted to the ſacred Order of a Deacon. In Witneſs, &c. Letters A P P EN DI KX Letters Teſtimonial for INSTITUTION. To the Right Reverend Father in God, R. by Divine Permiſſion, Lord Biſhop of P. E whoſeare here mes are here under, written, teſtify and make known, that the Reverend A. B. Clerk, Master of Arts, Vicar of B. in the County of C. and Dioceſe of D. having been perfonally known to us for the ſpace of three Years laſt paſt, hath during that Time lived piously, ſoberly, and honeſtly,: Nor hath he at any Time (as far as we know, or believe) held, wnitten, or, taught any, Thing contrary to the Doctrine or Diſcipline of the Church of England. In Witne£s whereof we have hereunte ſet our Hands. Dated the Day, of in the Year of our Lord Qualification for a Nobleman's Chaplain. T O all and fingular to whom theſe. Preſents ſhall come, J. Sackville, E. of T. fend Greets ing : Know ye, that I the ſaid Sackville, E. of T. for, and on account of the great Pro- bity of Life; Integrity of Morals, and Proficiency in Sacred Learning of J. D. Clerk, M. A. have nominated, appointed, taken, and admitted, and by theſe Preſents do nominate, appoint, take, and admit him the faid J. D. into the Number of my domeſtic Chaplains, to ſerve me in the Performance of Divine Offices within my Houſe or Chapel ; by virtue whereof it ſhall, and may be lawful, to and for him the faid: J. D. my faid Chaplain, freely to have, enjoy, and maintain all and fingular the Privileges, Benefits, Liberties, Preleminences, and Immunities whatfoever, given and granted to the Chaplaws of the Barons and Peers of this renowned Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Statutes and Laws thereof, to all Intents and Purpoſes of Law that may follow thereapon : And this I have thouglat fit to-teſtify to all and every of you, as I do. by theſe Preſents. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, &c. N. by Divine Permiſſion, Biſhop of D. to all and ſingular to whom thefe Preſents ſhall come, Greeting. Know ye, that we the ſaid N. Biſhop of D. for, and in Conſideration of the Learn- ing Good Life, and ſincere Religion of qur Beloved in Chrift, R. si q rk, Maſter of Arts, have admitted, conftituted, and appointed, and by thefe Prefents, do al t, .conſtitute, and appoint him the ſaid R. S. one of our domeſtic Chaplains, that he may, by virtue hereof, have and enjoy all the Privileges, Benefits, Immunities and Advantages, which may, or do of Right be- long to the Chaplains of the Biſhops and Peers of this Realm, according to the Form of the Sta- tute in that Cafe made and provided. In Teftimony whereof we have put our Seal, which we ufe in this Cafe, to thefe Prefents; and have fubfcribed the ſame this Day of in the Year of our tozd and in the Vear of our Cona. ſécratione A 388. APPEND TXA F indituted in judged to be yoid, and the Patron may preſent in the thereof, the firſt Benefice ſhall be adie A Clauſe in the Ad of Parliament 21 Hen. VII. Cap. 130 concerning Pluralities of Livings. a Ons 2017 I any Perſon having one Benefice with Cure of Souls, being of the yearly Value of 81. or above doth accept of another with Cure of Souls, and be inducted fellion of the fame; then immediately after ſuch Poſſeſſion , ad , another. But no Deanry, Archdeaconrý, Chancellorſhip, Treaſurerſhip, Chanterſhip, or Prebend in. any Collegiate or Cathedral Church, no Parſonage that hath a Vicar endowed," nor any Benefice perpetual appropriate, to be taken in the Name of a Benefice with Cure of Souls. onebior A 19 SETOVE 08 Toisin9929 Pogosto The Number of Chaplains every Peer, &c. may qualify by the Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. Cap. 1 3. 2094 motto le om to on beddeban Boos duit EVERY VERY Archbiſhop GULI Duke onsumo Marquiſs and Earl og bab. Od Viſcount ukut Biſhop Ice Chancellor, Baroni, and Knight of the Garter be Ducheſs, Marchioneſs, Counteſs, and Baroneſsį being Widows Treaſurer and Comptroller of the King's Houſe, the King's Secretary, the Dean of the Cha- pel, the King's Almoner, and Maſter of the Rollsten 2 The Chief Juſtice of the King's Bench, and Warden of the Cinque Ports Proviſo, That the King's Chaplains may hold as many Livings as the King ſhall give. siiski so mision saeb sa be more 300 bomba bas ao 210H sin laitto a Other Perſons qualified to purchaſe Licenſe to hold two or more si to garson A. Benefices by the fame Statute, ziadaue inusi boe sw' 6 6 AL LL Spiritual Perſons of the King's Council may purchaſe Licenſe to hold three Livings with Cure: All other the King's Chaplains, not ſworn of his Council, Chaplains of the King, Prince, or Princeſs, or any of the King's Children, Brethren, Siſters; Uncles, or Aunts ; the Brethren and Sons of all Temporal Lords borli in Wedlock, the Brethren and Sons born in Wedlock of every Knight *, may all of them purchaſe Licenſe to hold two Livings with Cure as aforeſaid. od Al Doctors and Batchelors of Divinity, Doctors and Batchelors of Law, admitted to ſuch De . grees by the Univerfities, and not by Grace only, may purchaſe Licenſe to hold two Livings with Cure of Souls as above. Is branca de tot to dodo bisit osoittaa * But not of Baronets, that Dignity being created ſince this Act. Biſhop Gibſon's Codex. 5 Proviſo, AP P E N D I X. 1289 E T. at all Times hereafter cutors, Adminiſtrators and Affigns, ſhall and may from time to time, and Proviſo, That every Ducheſs, Marchioneſs, Counteſs, Baroneſs, Widows, and after niar- Tying Commoners, may qualify the fame Number of Chaplains, as if they had continued Wi- dows. 25 Hen. VIII. Cap. 6. 000 01 OD PITS VERY Judge of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, the Chancellor and Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and the King's attorney and Sollicitor General, may eacli of them have one Chaplain to be attendant on his Perſon, having one Benefice with Cure, who may be non." resident upon the ſame. osoba on tode bonsoin crit asochistos Dad Inths 10 13:40 Othere 113 almost do 59tqondes Grant of a Preſentation to a Vicarage, on the next Avoidance. costos jo rodada 91 all Chriſtian People to whom theſe Preſents Hall come, A. B. of, &c. Eſq. true and undoubted Patron of the Vicarage of the Parish Church of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. ſendeth Greeting. Know ye, that the ſaid A. B. for divers good Caules and Con- fiderations him hereunto eſpecially moving, hath given, granted, aſſigned and confirmed ; and by theſe Preſents doth give, grant, aſſign, and confirm unto F. G. of E. &c. Eſq. his Executors, Adininiſtrators and Afligns, the firſt and next Avoidance, Donation, Collation, Nomination, Preſentation and Free Diſpoſition of the ſaid Vicarage of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. aforeſaid; whenſoever, howſoever, and by what Means foever the ſame Vicarage ſhall firft and next lappen to become void, by the Death, Refignation, Deprivation, Ceflion, Permuta- tion, Diſmiſłon, or by any other way whatſoever, (other than by Promotion of the preſent In- cumbent to a Biſkepric, as is hereafter mentioned and expreſſed,) willing, and by this preſent i Writing granting, that it ſhall and may be lawful to and for the faid F. G. his Executors, Ad- miniſtrators and Affigns, to preſent a fit Perſon to the ſame, and to do all and every other Thing I and Things, which to the Office or Duty of a Patron or Patrons of the fame Vicarage of C. do, or doth belong or appertain, in as full and ample Manner as he the ſaid A. B. might or could have done therein, if theſe Preſents had not been made. And farther know ye, that the ſaid A. B. for himſelf, his Heirs, Executors and Adminiſtrators, doth covenant, promiſe and grant to and with the ſaid F. G. his Executors, Adminiſtrators and aſſigns by theſe he the ſaid A. B. now is true and rightful Patron of the ſaid" Vicarage, and now hath rightful Power and lawful Authority to give, grant and aſſign the faid firſt and next Avoidance of the ſaid Vicarage, according to the true Intent and Meaning of theſe Preſents. And farther, that he the ſaid F. G. hiş at all Times hereafter, lawfully, quietly, and peaceably hold and enjoy the next Avoidance of the Premiffes, and effectually preſent to the ſame his Clerk, who ſhall and may be thereupon duly inſtituted and inducted, without the Lett, Suit, Trouble or Interruption of him the faid A. BU his Heirs, Executors, Adminiſtrators or Alligns, or any Perſon or Perfons lawfully claiming by, de from, or under him. And farther know yè, that if it ſhall happen that the ſaid Church of Ć. W ſhall next become void, by the Promotion of the now preſent Incumbent thereof to be a Biſhop, ois whereby the King's Majeſty, his Heirs, or Succeffors ſhall be entitled to preſent to the fame! A That then and in ſuch Caſe the ſaid F. G. his Exécutors, Adminiſtrators and Afligns, ſhall haver the next Prefentation to the ſaid Church of C. when it ſhall become void after the Preſentation of the King's Majeſty, his Heirs or Succeſſors. Provided always, that as ſoon as the next Preſentation or Nomination ſhall have taken Effect, according to the true Intent and Meaning 8 B of 1290 A P P E N D I .. of theſe Preſents, that the free Diſpoſition and Right of Patronage ſhall remain, and revert to the faid A. B. and his Heirs, as if this prefent Grant or Writing had never been made. In Witneſs, &c. A Reſignation before a Publick Notary. 9 a bi metaboli TN the Name of God Amen, Before you a Notary Publick, and credible Witneſſes here pre: ſent, Ibi Vicar of the Pariſh Church of on in the County of and Dioceſe of *, for certain juſt and la:yful Cauſes me hereunto eſpecially moving, without Compulſion, Fraud, or Deceit, do purely, ſimply, and abſolutely reſign and give up iny faid Vicarage and Pariſh Church, with all their Rights, Mem- bers, and Appurtenances, into the facred Hands of the Right Reverend Father in God, by Divine Permiffion, Lord Biſhop of or of any other whomſoever, that hath, or thall have Power to admit this my Reſignation ; and I totally renounce my Right, Title and Poffeſfion, in and to the fame Vicarage and Pariſh Church, with all their rights, Members, and Appurtenances heretofore had, and hitherto belonging to me, I quit them, and exprefly recede from them by thefe Preſents : And, that this my Reſignation may have its full Effect, I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved in Chrift, and jointly and ſeverally my Proctors or Subſtitutes to exhibit this my Reſignation to the ſaid Reverend Father, and in my Name to pray that his Lordſhip would graciouſly vouchſafe to accept thereof, and to pronounce and declare the Vicarage of aforeſaid'void, and to be void of my Perſon, to all intents of Law that may follow thereupon ; and to decree that an Intimation of the faid Avoidance may be iſſued to the Patron thereof, in Witneſs whereof I have hereunto ſet my Hand and Seal this Day of in the Year of our Lord Witneſſes, Total Li Bid alebo preto anoda to TOVODE Iconin sosul yd 99 1099 bot* If it be a Reſignation upon a Perinutation, Being deſirous to exchange my faid Vicarage and Pariſh Church for the Rectory of M. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E, 17 malay bopolqor of buis biedt viel 05 1740 se vidaesi ah o W bo is tot Reſignation to a Biſhop.com ما را در ایران با N the Name of God Amen, before you the Right Reverend Father in God, R. by Divine the County of N. and in your Lordihip's riddere winnefics here preſent, I T. D. Vicar of L. in Juriſdiction of P. for certain juft and law- ful Cauſes me hereunto eſpecially moving, without Compulfion, Fraud, or Deceit, do purely, fimply, and abſolutely reſign and give up my ſaid Vicarage and Pariſh Church of L. with all their Rights , facred , Title and Poffeffion of, in and to the fame; I quit them, and expreſly recede from them by theſe Preſents, humbly praying, that your Lordſhip would be gracioufly pleaſed to accept this my Re- lignation, and to pronounce and declare the Vicarage of L. aforeſaid void, and to be void of my Perſon to all. Intents of Law that may follow thereupon, and to decree that an Intimation of the ſaid Avoidance may be be iſſued to the Patron thereaf. In Witneſs, &c. It 2 A P P E N D I X. 1291 It is to be obſerved, that a Refignation is to be made to the Biſhop or Ordinary, and not to the Patron, except the Church or Chapel be a Donative exemipt, in which Cafe it is to be made to the Patron, in the preſence of a Notary Publick and two credible Witneſſes. And in Caſes of Exchange, or Permutation of Benefices, on Account of Health, or other Conyeniences, which the Law allows, it ſeems to be the moſt adviſeable for the Parties to reſign before a Notary, that the Ordinary; becauſe it may be doubted, whether a conditional Reſignation be valid or not, if the Words purely, ſimply, and abſolutely be omitted; for, by the Statute of the 31ſt of Q. Eliz. c. 6, § 8, all corrupt Refignations are ftri&tly prohibited in the following Words: “ That s if any Incumbent of any Benefice with Cure of Souls, after the End of the ſaid Forty Days, do, * or ſhall corruptly refign or exchange the fame, or corruptly take for, or in reſpect of the retign- “ing or exchanging of the fame, directly or indirectly, any Penfion, Sumn of Money, or Bene- 6.fit whatſoever ; that then as well as the Giver, as the Taker of any fuch Penſion, Sumn of * Money, or othrer Benefit corruptly, thall foſe double the Value of the Sum ſo given, taken, or ** had; the one Mojety, as well thereof, as of the Forfeiture of double Value of one Year's pro- " fit before mentioned, to be to the Queen's Majeſty, her Heirs and Succeſſors, and the other " Moiety, to him or them that will ſue for the fame, by A&tion of Debt, Bill, or Information, « in any of her Majeſty's Courts of Record, in which no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law Hor Privilege, Thall be admitted or allowed.” ont chassi ploraxo sains bar 32501bON Wden ob bin Form of Nomination to an augmented Chapelry or Curacy. 3 DE JOTO stilousov toho SRODOT911 webin tat To the Right Reverend Father in God T. Lord Bilhop of E. the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of E. feyd Greeting. torri zion 15 Y adi o HERE S Curacy in the City and Dioceſe of E. is augmented, or ſhortly intended to be augmented, by the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy; by reaſon whereof it is requiſite, that a Curate ſhould be duly nominated, and li- cenſed to ſerve the ſaid Cure, purſuant to an Act of Parliament in that Cafe made e made and provided. Now We the ſaid Dean and Chapter do hereby nominate Clerk, (the Perſon employed by Us in ſerving the ſaid Cure) to be Curate of the faid Chapel of and We do humbly pray your Lordſhip to grant him your Licenſe to ſerve the faid Cure, and to perform all divine Offices therein accordingly. In Witneſs , &c. es W , , in the Pariſh of auti i The Form of Donation or Nomination to a Church or Chapel, - basilaris that is Donative and exempt from Epiſcopal Juriſdiction. .. young ob dies Observatie 0 BTCASTLE YO nosis officient si astus ini T. O all Chriſtian People to whom theſe Preſents ſhall come, A. B. of C. in the County of D. Efq. Lord of the Manor of E. in the County aforeſaid, Greeting : g: Whereas the Church or Chapel of T. in the County is now void by the natural Death of T. S. the laſt Incumbent there, and doth of Right belong to my Gift or Donation : K faid A. B. haye not only given and granted the ſaid Church or Chapel of T. with all its Rights and Appurtenances, unto my unto my beloved in Chriſt J. S. Clerk, M. A. of whofe Probity and Learn- ing I am well ſatisfied, but alſo by Virtue of theſe Preſents, do induct him the fáid J. S, into 8 B 2 Know ve ye, that 1 I the the 1292 A P PAE N D I X. the corporal Poſſeſſion of the ſaid Church or Chapel, with its Rights and Appurtenances as aforea ſaid. In Witneſs, &c. N, B. That the Clerk in this Cafe is to ſubſcribe and take the Oaths before his Patron. Borisport SH Another Form of Donation to a Chapel. sed odi of outerwelionista corbatosisig om - de cuinastoposto our site To tlie Right Reverend Father in God, bem Lord Biſhop of blot si su A. B. of, &c. fendeth Greeting. Whereas the free Chapel (the Donative or Curacy) of Yus zo in the County of and Dioceſe of les is now void by of the Death of T. S. the laſt Incumbent there, and doth of Right belong to my. Gift or Donation: to Theſe are humbly to certify your Lordſhip, that I do nominate to A. M. to be. Curate of the ſaid free Chapel of animatex humbly beſeeching your Lordſhip to grant him your 19 Licenſe for ſerving the ſaid Cure. In: Witneſs whereof, &c. biov sd DEORET 199 Extract from an Ad for the better Maintenance of Curates, &c. for preventing any Ecclefiaftical Perſons from buying the next Avoidance of any Church Preferment. I 2 Annæ, Cap. 12. is on Seff. 2. to pay lua to VoW och yo od tistih 100510020 bakal bo o 2008 GSA JOKPIA on bir aleta E , fhall Curate to the Bifhop or Ordinary to be licenſed to ſerve the Cure in his Abſence ; the Biſhop haying regard to the Greatneſs of the Cure, and Value of the Living, Thall, before granting ſuch Licenſe, appoint under his Hand and Seal , a Stipend not exceeding sol. per annum, nor leſs than 201..to be paid at ſuch I imes as he ſhall think fit by the ſaid Rector or Vicar ; and upon Complaint made that any Curate licenſed before that Time, liath not a ſufficient Maintenance, , : ſuch determine the ſame, and ſequeſter the Profits of the Benefice until Payment ſhall be made.. "If any Perſon after 29 Sept. 1714, ſhall for any Sum of Money, Reward, Gift, &c. in his as wn. Name, or in the Name of any other Perſon take or accept the next Avoidance of, or Pre- ſentation to any Benefice with Cure of Souls, Dignity, &c. and ſhall be preſented thereupon ; then every ſuch Preſentation thall be void, and ſuch Agreement deemed a Simoniacal Contract , and the Crown may preſent to ſuch Benefice, Dignity, &c. for that Time only, and the Perſon fo corruptly taking or procuring luch Benefice or Dignity, &c. fhall, be adjudged a diſabled Perſaiz în Law to have and enjoy the ſame; and ſhall alſo be Tubject to any Pain, &c. inflicted by the Eccleſiaſtical Laws, in-like Manner as if ſuch corrupt Agreement had been inade after fuch. Benefice, & fe had become vacant., had become vacant.. od odgybloedt zoto 2100ston Inuyai tie otomet 79110 to 541 25th M 270.1370D ni ning str 2160 ton soito osasto oggi W ghn istoog od ve taroto zuoristrada dos Vilbps lo os bajnokierse Stojam o sistit UV nito sit ind barstorg od fedt werk stelt is 15 anodige tot de bandet By ZA PP EINT DIA X. $o$1293 I . , QUI III. That the c! the Good - ceive them, where an TOLLE 2008160TIOQA bms assig: I exi tinja 0 Lowo bist od io nonno Isoqrov ods By By an Act of Parliament 1:2 Annæ, ' . Cap. 14. 8.1 T is enacted, That when a Preſentation ſhall be brought to to examine the Perfon prefented:on Oath, before he give him Inſtitution, whether to the beſt and utmoſt of his Knowledge or Belief the Perſon or Perſons who made fuch Preſentation to be the true and real Patron or Patronts of the ſaid 'Benefice or Ecclefiaftical Living, or made the ſaid Preſentation in his, her, or their own Right, or whether ſuch Perſon or Perſons ſo preſenting be not mediately or immediately, directly or indirectly, Truſtee or Truſtees, or any way inte- reſted for ſome other; and what Perſon or Perfons by Name ; who is or are Papifts, or make * Profeſſion of the Romiſh Religion; or the Children of ſuch, or for any other, and what Perſon or Perſons, and what he knows, has heard, or believes, touching or concerning the ſame. 1a And if ſuch Perſon or Perſons ſo preſented, ſhall refuſe to be ſo examined, or ſhall not-anfwer directly thereto, then, and in every ſuch Cafe, ſuch Preſentation ſhall be void. oma sisu to ouM1919 sdi 101 DA DE (01Detix) Ke Rules and Orders for the Augmentation of the Maintenance A . of the Poor Clergy, &c. to sorsbiova TI HAT the Augmentations to be made by the ſaid Corporation, ſhall be by the way of Purchaſe, and not by the way of Penſion. inveſted in a Purchaſe, at the Expence of the Corporation. DOS lue of rol. per Anit. and ſhall augment no other, till thoſe have all received our Bounty of 2001. except in the Cafes, and according to the Limitations hereafter named. Is bieg od 01 DESIV. That in order to encourage Benefactions from others, and thereby the fooner to compleat 200, Cures not exceeding sol. per Annum*, where any Perſons will give the ſame, or greater Sům, or: Value in Lands or Tythes. V. That the Governors ſhall every Year, Between Chriſtmas and Eaſter, cauſe the Account of what Money they have to diftribute that Year to be. audited; and when they know the Sum, public Notice ſhall be givenrin the Gazette, or ſuch other Way ås Thall be judged proper, that they have ſuch a Sum to diſtribute in ſo many Shares ; and that they will be ready to apply thinle Shares to fuch Cures as want the ſame, and are by the Rules of the Corporation qualified to re- Value in Lands or Tythes, for any ſuch particular Cure. Q 16111 VI. That if ſeveral Benefactors offer themſelves, the Governors ſhall fitft comply with thoſe that offer moft. VII. Where the Sums offered by other Benefactors are equal, the Governors ſiál! always pre- fer the poorer Living: VIII. Where the Cures to be augmented are of equal Value, and the Benefactions offered by others are equal, there they ſhall be prefered that firſt offer. 1a * Thirty-five Pounds in the firſt Rules -- IX, Pro- 1204 A P P E N D 1 X. of the Corporat; Particulars of the Matters ſo given; the fame Book to be kept by the Secretary laid before the Account ſhall be entered in a book LD IX. Provided nevertheleſs, that the Preference ſhall be ſo far given to Cures not exceeding 10%. per Annum, that the Governors ſhall not apply above two third Parts * of the Money they am x. tw dietetice berners have expected til Michaelmas hiat Benefactors will offer themſelves, then no more Propoſals ſhall be received for that Year ; but if any Money remain after that to be diſpoſed of; in the firſt Place, two or more of the Cures in the Gift of the Crown, not ex- ceeding 10!. per Annum, fhall be choſen by Lot, to be augmented preferably to all others : The precife Number of theſe to be ſettled by a General Court, when an exact Lift of them ſhall be brought in to the Governors. & 19000 stabil og 29X1. As for what ſhall remain of the Money to be diſpoſed of after that, a Lift fhall be taken of all the Cures in the Church of England, not exceeding 101. per Annum ; and Annum ; and fo many of them be chofen by Lot, as there fhall remain Sums of 2001. for their Augmentation. -- XII. When all the Cures not exceeding 10h per Annum ſhall be fo augmented, the Gover- nors ſhall tlien proceed to auginent thofe of greater Value, according to ſuch Rules as ſhall at any Time hereafter be propoſed by them, and approved of by us, our Heirs or Succeffors, wi- der our or their Great Seal. XIII. That all charitable Gifts, in real or perſonal Eſtates, made to the Corporation, ſhall be ſtrictly applied, according to the particular Direction of the Donor or Donors thereof, where the Donor Thall give particular Direction for the Diſpoſition thereof: And where the Gift ſhall be generally to the Corporation, without any ſuch particular Direction, the ſaine ſhall be applied as the reſt of the Fund or Stock of the Corporation is to be applied. 9 XIV. That a Book ſhall be kept, wherin ſhall be entered all the Subſcriptions, Contributions, Gifts, Devices, or Appointments, made or given, of any Monies, or of any real or perſonal Eſtate whatſoever, to the Charity mentioned in the Charter, and the Names of the Donors ; . XV, That a Memorial of the Penefactions, and Auginentations made to each Cure, ſhall, at the Charge of the Corporation, be ſet up in Writing on a Stone, to be fixed in the Church of the Cure fo to ſo to be encreaſed, there to remain in perpetual Memory thereof. XVI. When the Treaſurer ſhall have received any Sum of Money for the Uſe of the Corpo ration, he ſhall, at the next General Court to be holden after ſuch Receipt, lay an Account thereof before the Governors, who may order and direct the ſame to be placed out for the Im- thereofupon ſome , till out in proper Purchaſes Cures. XVII. That the Treaſurer do account annually before ſuch a Committee of the Governors, as ſhall be appointed by a General Court of the faid Corporation, who ſhall audit and ſtate the pt for that Purpoſe, General Court after ſuch ſtating ; the ſame to be there re-examined and de- termined XVHI, The Perſons whoſe Cures ſhall be augmented, Thall pay no manner of Fee or Grati- fication to any of the Officers or Servants of this Corporation. to cud oldstobitnod s ovat mohse Note. If a Living of ſmall Value be augmented either by Lot, or by way of private Be- nefa&tion, as above, which Living by ſuch Augmentation is not advanced fo, as to be of the clear yearly Value of 50'. or upwards; the ſame Living is capable of a ſecond Augmentation, if 200!. more be offered the next Year after ſuch Augmentation, pro- vided the Living after ſuch additional Augmentation do not exceed in yearly Value fifty Pounds. i * One third in the firſt Rules. Directions A P P E N D I X. 1295 . If the Deviſe be to be made of Money to the Corporation generally, without not i 14, , . yn brou 19879781919 918 pls prorftovent Cabriore XI light out to art 150 Directions to ſuch as ſhall deſire to become Contributors to the Augmentation of ſmall Livings. P by Gift. In Caſe the Contributor deſires to apply fuc! Gift to any particular ſmall Living, in order to entitle fuch Living to 200l. of the late Queen's Bounty, according to the fourth Rule of the Governors; it will be proper to do it by one of the Forms of Propoſals hereafter fet forth : But if he defires to give any Sum of Money generally, without any particular Direction or Application thereof, the Contributor upon ſignifying ſuch his Intention to the Board, may imme- diately, if defred, pay in his Money to the Treaſurer: Or, in Caſe the Benefaction offered be any Eſtate in Lands, he may have it ſettled on the Corporation in ſuch manner as proper Coun- cil ſhall adviſe. Bogora od strategy 215977) iad: 10 DO DO If by Will or Deviſe. Where the Deviſor deſires to apply the Sun of 20cl. or more to any particular ſinall Living, it may be done in the following Form: "Iten, I give to the Corpora- * tion of the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Mainte- "nance of the poor Clergy, the Sum of [ 2001.*) to be paid to the ſaid Governors, fo foon after my Deceaſe the ſaid Governors ſhall order the Sum of 2001. out of their Revenue to be added thereto, to be laid out for a perpetual Augmentation of the [Rectory +] of C. in the " County of D. and Dioceſe of E." any particular Direction or Appointment of the Devifor, it may be ſufficient if in this Form: “ Item, I give to " the Corporation of the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the “ Maintenance of the poor Clergy, the Sum of to be by them applied to the Augmenta- “tion of ſmall Livings, according to the Powers veſted in them by their Charter, and Rules “ made for that Purpoſe. bo osts list oth MOUS Obto veterwarsvo out stoted to retha it is a Rectory, fay [Rectory;] where it is a Vicarage, fay [Vicarage ;) where it is a Curacy, ſay (Curacy] of the Chapel of F. in the Pariſh of C. in the County of D. and Diocele of E. tuotteist 1920 19 10 bisbe to the many boroga od ler2 ob bus Om Forms of Propoſals for augmenting ſmall Livings, &c: biri bonato HE Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, &c: having lately given Notice, that they have a conſiderable Sum of Money ready to be diſtributed in the Augmentation of poor Cures, cdo hereby farther advertiſe, that they will receive Propoſals from all ſuch Perſons as deſire to join with them in augmenting, &c. and that the Propoſals muft be made lowing Manner : guimaud 20101 stabase 10 02 10 ouer vísty Test 01 poustuoagu. but nois 193 194 ant baisios 9100 10001 FONDA ola V Viss boss 104 ob Toisas margini, issionibhs slopists gaivint casi Lola cbrog ut as * If TH made in the fola la 2003 1296 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν D 1 X. < In Caſe of a Propoſal of Money. Botha I. A. B. Of M. in the County of N. [Gent.*] for himſelf, his Heirs, Executors, and Adminiſtrators, propoſeth and promiſeth to the Governors of the Boun- ty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, to advance and pay the Sum of [2001.+] ſo ſoon as the ſaid Governors ſhall order the Sum of 2001, out of their Revenue to be added thereto, to be laid out for a perpetual Augmentation of the [Rece tory [] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. In Witneſs whereof he hath hereunte ſet his Hand and Seal the Day of Sealed and delivered in Preſence of * If a Gent: ſay Gent. if of other Condition, expreſs it as it is. * The Sum-muſt not be leſs than 2001. if more, expreſs it. I Where it is a Rectory, ſay as above, [Rectory) of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. Where it is a Vicarage, ſay the (Vicarage) of C. in the County of D. and Diocefe of E. Where it is a Curacy, ſay the (Curacy of the Chapel of E. in the Pariſh] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. Upon Receipt of the Money, the Governors ſhall give the Bene- factor an Inſtrument under their Common Seal, in this Form. , in HE Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance County of N. [Gent*] the Sum of (200!.+] and do hereby promiſe to add thereunto the farther Sum of 200l, and to lay out the whole Sum of with all convenient Speed, in a Purchaſe of Lands, Tythes, or other Hereditaments, to be ſettled for a perpetual Augmentation of the [Rectory 1].of C. in the County.of. D. in the Dioceſe of E. purſuant to her Majeſty's Rules; and until ſuch Purchaſe can be made, will apply the Profits to be made thereof, for the Benefit of the [Rector of the ſaid Church 8.] In Witneſs, &c. + As before. § If a Rectory, fay as above, [Rector of the ſaid Church.] If a Vicarage, fay. [Vicar of the faid Church.] If a Curacy, ſay [Curate of the ſaid Chapel.] In Caſe of a Propoſal of Lands or Tythes as a Gift. II. Of M. in the County of N. [Gent*]propoſeth, promiſeth and agreeth for himſelf, his Heirs and Aſſigns, to and with the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, well and fufficiently to convey and al- ſure, or procure to be conveyed and aſſured, the [Tythes +] of G. in the County of H. of the full A.B. * † As before, Value A P P E N D I X. 1297 [2001.* *] to or for the Benefit of the [Rector +] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. and his Succeſſors, for a perpetual Augmentation of the ſaid Rectory) in ſuch Manner as the ſaid Governors fhall order, and their Council ſhall adviſe, fo foon as the ſaid Governors ſhall order be a of the ſaid [Rectory I.] In Witneſs, &c. * When it is Tythes, fay as above [Tythes] of G. &c. when Land, fay (A Meſfuage or Tenement, and Acres of Land, ſituate, lying, and being in] G. &c. * If it be a Rectory, ſay as above (Rector,] &c. if a Vicarage, ſay (Vicar,] &c, if a Curacy, fay [Cu, rate of the Chapel of F. in the Pariſh,] &c. $ If it be a Rectory, ſay [Rectory;] if a Vicarage, [Vicarage ;] if a Curacy, [Curacy.] Upon ſuch Conveyance made, the Governors ſhall give the Be- nefactor an Inſtrument under their Common Seal, , to this Effect. HE Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance TH of the poor Clergy, in Conſideration of a Benefaction in [Tythes *] made by A. B. of M. in the County of N. [Gent.t] do hereby promiſe to lay out the Sum of 200l. with all convenient ſpeed, in a Purchaſe of Lands, Tythes, or other Hereditaments, to be ſettled for a further Aug- mentation of the [Rectory :] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. purſuant to her Ma- jeſty's Rules; and until ſuch Purchaſe can be made, will apply the Profits thereof for the Benefit of the [Rector of the ſaid Church. §] In Witneſs, &c. *+ IS As before. In Caſe of a Propoſal of Lands of the Value of above 40cl. where the Party is not willing to give the whole. A.B. III. Of M. in the County of N. [Gent. *) propofeth and promiſeth for him- o ſelf, his Heirs and Affigns, to and with the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, well and fufficiently to convey and aſſure, or procure to be conveyed and aſſured, the [Tythes +] of G. in the County of H. of the full Value of [400l. I) and upwards, to or for the Uſe and Benefit of the (Re&tor*] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. and his Succeſſors, for a perpetual Augmentation of the ſaid [Rectory +] in ſuch Manner as tlie laid Governers ſhall order, and their Council fhall adviſe : They, the ſaid Governors, paying unto the ſaid A. B. or his Order, upon Execution of the ſaid Conveyances, the Sum of 260'. In Witneſs, &c. N. B. The Propoſals muſt be on Stamped Paper, and the Execution thereof atteſted by Witneſſes, 'as is uſual in other Deeds. je *+. As before. Ut 4001, Value is the leaſt for which the Governors are entitled to pay 200l. If the Value be more, ex- be more ex. preſs it. porte 8 C Direétions 1298 A P P E N D I X. I Directions for Incumbents of augmented ſmall Livings. T! HE Incumbent is to procure a Certificate froin the Biſhop or Ordinary of the Dioceſe, That he is the Perſon officiating in ſuch augmented Benefice, which Inſtrument the In- cumbent muſt exhibit to the Treaſurer, to ſhew that he is the proper Perſon entitled to receive the Intereft allotted to be paid half yearly upon ſuch Augmentation. If he be Incumbent of a ſmall Living, that is augmented with a private Benefaction, as well as with the Queen's Bounty, which Benefaction remains in the Hands of the Benefactor not laid out in a Purchaſe, or not paid in to the Treaſurer ; the Incumbent in ſuch Caſe, before he receives the Intereſt of the Governors' Money, muſt certify to the Governors, that he has received the Intereſt of the Benefactor's Money, which may be done in tlre following Form": June the 1785. Do hereby humbly certify to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, &c. that I have received one Year's Intereſt *, due at Lady Day laft, for the Money propoſed for the Augmen- tation of the V. of in the County of and Dioceſe of Hand A.B. Vicar of I Witneſs my * If Lands are propoſed, ſay, Rent due at Lady Day laſt for the [Land. Form of a Receipt for the Governor's Intereſt. Efq R ECEIVED of William Stevens, Eſq. Treaſurer to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen: Anne, &c. the Sum of being half a Year's Intereſt (due on Lady Day laſt paſt) of Two Hundred Pounds, appropriated by the ſaid Governors for the Augmenta- tion of the of in the County of. and Dioceſe of I ſay re- ceived by me A, B. of aforeſaid. N. B. The Times for receiving the half yearly Payments of the Governors' Money, are between Lady Day and Midſuinmer, and between Michaelmas and Chriſtmas, at which Times conſtant Attendance is given by the Treaſurer for ſuch Payments. IN DE X [ 1299 ) I N D E E X 0 F THE Dioceses, COUNTIES, ARCHDEACONRies, and DEANRIES, contained in this Book. pen The Province of CANTERBURY. 84 22 Dioceſe of Canterbury. - Archdeaconry of Wells, 'HE Cathedral Church P. 20 SOMERSET. THE Axbridge P. 61 Carey 69 The Archdeaconry of CANTERBURY. Frome 81 Kent. Juriſdiction of Glaſtonka Ilcheſter 86 Bregge, alias Bridge Merſton Canterbury City 26 89 Charing 28 Poulet, alias Pawlet 92 Dover 31 Elham Archdeaconry of BATH. 34 Lymme, alias Lympne Bath Oſpring 40 Redclife and Bedmifter 93 Sandwich 43 Sittingbourn 46 Archdeaconry of TAUNTON, Sutton Bridgwater 66 Weſtbere 52 Crewkerne 73 Jur. Cantuar. in D. Middleſex 54 Dunſter 77 Taunton 97 Dioceſe of Bath and Thiells. The Cathedral Church 8 C2 Dioceſe 30 64 49 50 1300 I N D D E X. IOI 173 175 179 183 102 186 1:22 e and Stone Dioceſe of Briſtol. DERBY. Caſtillar The Cathedral Church Cheſterfield GLOUCESTERSH. Derby Briſtol Repington 107 Town of Briſtol 109 Archdeaconry of SALOP. DORSET. SHROPSHIRE. Kirport, alias Bridport Newport Dorcheſter I EI Pinpern Salop 116 Shifton. Shaftſbury 119 Archdeaconry of STAFFORD. Whitchurch 124 STAFFORDSH; . Dioceſe of ChicheGer. Lapley and Treizull Leeke and Alton, alias Alveton The Cathedral Church 131 Tamworth and Turbury Archdeaconry of CHICHESTER, Archdeaconry of COVENTRY. Sussex. WARWICK SH. Arundel 134 136 Arden Boxgrave Chicheſter Coventry 140 Marton Midhurſt 151 Pagham, Cant. Juriſdict. 155 Stonely Storington 160 Terring, Cant. Juriſdict. 164 Dioceſe of Ely. Archdeaconry of LEWES. The Cathedral Church Dallington 14.1 Haſtings Archdeaconry of ELY. 143 Lewes 145. CAMBRIDGESH. Pevenſey 156 Berton, alias Barton South Malling 1:59 Bourne, alias Knapwell Camps Dioceſe of Coventry and Cambridge Cheſterton Lichfield. Ely Shengey The Cathedral Church 165 Wilbich 194 198 201 206 210 2.15 218 22 1 225; 226 228 230 233 235 237 233 240 Diocefe of Ereter. Archdeaconry of DERBY. DERBY, Alto Pecco Alhborne The Cathedral Church 242: 168 171 Arch. I N 1301 DE Dioceſe of Gloucefter. Archdeaconry, of EXETER. DEVONSH. Ayliſbeare Cadbury Chriſtianitie, alias Exeter Dunkeſwell Dunsford Honyton Kenne Plymptree Tiverton 257 263 336 Archdeaconry of BARNST APLE. Barnſtaple Chumleigh Hertland Shirwell South Molton Torrington 346 The Cathedral Church 244 319 249 Archdeaconry of GLOUCESTER. 251 256 GLOUCESTERSH. Blockley Juriſdiction. 324. Campden 321 268 Cirenceſter, with the peculiar Ju- 274 riſdiction of Biberie 325 290 Durtley 329 Fayrford 331 Foreſt 333 Glouceſter 247 Hawkifbury 253 339 Stonehouſe 259 343 Stowe 279 Winchcomb 349 293 (A Dioceſe of Hereford. 262 The Cathedral Church 353 266 Archdeaconry of HEREFORD. 271 272 HEREFORDSH. 276 Frome 355 Hereford Irchingfield, alias Archenfield 363 295 Leominſter, alias Lempſter 367 2.97 Rhoſs, alias Roffe 370 Webley, alias Weobley 372 Weſton Big 3.76 283 Archdeaconry of TOTNESS. Holſworthy Ipplepen Morton Okehampton Plympton, alias Plymouth Tamerton Taviſtock Totton, alias Totneſs Woodleigh 286 288 360 Archdeaconry of CORNWALL. GORNWALL. Eaſt Kerier Penwithe Powdre Pydre Trigge Major Trigge Minor Welt. 378 381 Archdeaconry of SALOP.. 300 302 SHROPSH. 305 Burford 3.97 Clun and Wenlock 310 HEREFORDSH. 312 Ludlow 314 316 MONTGOM. Poníbury, alias Ponteſbury Sorterſden, alias Stotteſden 385 387 390 Dioceſe 1302 x I ET D Dioceſe of Lincoln. Archdeaconry of Bucks, alias Bueking. HAM. 398 498 506 401 406 408 411 اور انسان The Cathedral Church 393 BUCKINGHAMSH. Archdeaconry of LINCOLN. Bucks, alias Buckingham, 487 Burnham 491 LINCOLNSH. Mureſley 494 Aveland Newport Afwardhurn, with Laffordoba Waddeſden 503 Beltiſlaw Wendover Bolingbroke Wycombe, alias Wiccomb, 509 Chriſtianity Peculiars belonging to the Archbi- Calſewaith, alias Calcewath, 413 ſhop of Canterbury 510 Candleſhoe 417 Juriſdiction of St. Albans, in the : Gartree 422 a Dioceſe of London, in the Arch- y Graffoo 424 deaconry of St. ALBANS 07512 Grantham 426 Grimſby 430 Archdeaconry of HUNTINGDON. Hill 433 HERTFORDSH. Holland 435 Baldock Horncaſtle incopoi 439 513 Berkhamſted 515 Longoboby 444 Hertford 517 Loveden 447 Hitchin 519 Loutheſk and Ludburgh 449 Neſs, 456 HUNTING DONSH. rosari Stamford Huntingdon 52 1 Walſcroft St. Ives 522 Wraghoo 463 Leightonſtone Yarburgh St. Neots Yaxley 530 Archdeaconry of Srow. Archdeaconry of LEICESTER. Anacko 396 Corringham 419 LeicesTERSH. 100 to Lawres 441 Ackley 532 Manlake? 454 Chriſtianity, alias Leiceſter, 536 Framland 537 Archdeaconry of BEDFORD. Gartree 542 Goodlaxton, alias Guthlaxton, 547 BEDFORDSH, Goſcot 552 Bedford 471 Sparkenhoe Clophain 473 Donſtable Eaton 478 Dioceſe of London. Fleete 481 Shefford 484 The Cathedral Church 560 Arch- 30 458 460 o 466 525 528 556 476 . 5 IN 13.03 D D X. E E 630 Peculiars of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's in Eflex Peculiar of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Peculiars of New College, in Ox- ford Peculiars of the Honourable Ri- chard Rigby ibid. Archdeaconry of LONDON. TO Rectories and Vicarages within the City and Dioceſe of London 565 Rectories in the County of Mid- dleſex and Suburbs of London, and in the City of Weſtminſter 572 Vicarages in the County of Mid- dleſex, in the Liberties of the Cities of London and Weſtmin. fter and Suburbs 577 Peculiars of Canterbury in the County of Middleſex 582 ibid. ibid. Archdeaconry of St. .ALBANS. HERTFORDSH. St. Albans 631 640 641 Archdeaconry of MIDDLESEX. HERTFORDSH, Braughing Essex. Dunmow Harlow Hedningham Archdeaconry of Essex. Barking, alias Berking, Barſtaple Chafford Chelmesford Dengey, Ongar Rochford Dioceſe of Norwich 634 The Cathedral Church Archdeaconry of Norwich. 599 602 The City of Norwich 603 NORFOLK. Blofield Breckles Briſley 585 Flegg Holt Ingworth Lynne Taverham 617 Thetford Toftres Walſingham 583 0 588 590 644 648 650 673 682 688 691 709 711 712 713 596 615 Archdeaconry of COLCHESTER. Colcheſter Lexden Newport Sampford. Tendering Witham Juriſdiction of Waltham Peculiar Juriſdiction of Canterbu- ry, in the County of Eſſex Peculiars belonging to the Biſhop of London, or his Commiſſary 594 bas 612 620 622 626 654 659 663 So629 Archdeaconry of NORFOLK. Brooke, alias Broke, Burnham Cranwiſe, alias Cranwich, Depwade 668 Fincham Hingham Hitcham, alias Hecham, Humbleyard Riedenhall 696 Repps 670 675 680 685 ibid. 630 1304 [ N D E X. 702 Henley 803 805 Pabina 728 HA 74.5 Thedwafter 2007 to sisodio 767 815 NORFOLK. OXFORDSH. Repps 699 Dedington 798 Rockland 801 Sparham 706 Whitney Waxton, alias Waxham, 715 Woodſtock Peculiar Juriſdi&tion of Dorcheſter 808 Archdeaconry of SUDBURY. SUFFOLK. 13:39 Dioceſe of Peterborough. Clare Fordham, in co. Camb. 739 The Cathedral Church 810 Fordham, in co. Suff. 10 TSI 741 Hartiſmere Archdeaconry of NORTHAMPTON. Stow ka 765 NORTHAMPTONSH. Sudbury Brackley 811 773 Daventree, vulgò Daintree, Thingo 3 101776 Haddon 818 Higham Ferrers 822 Archdeaconry of SUFFOLK, Northampton 20 Blackbourne, alias Blackburn, 719 Oundle late Boſmere 723 Peterborough do produk Carlesford Preſton 726 Cleydon 731 Rothwell Colneys, alias Colnes, 733 Weldon dol846 Dunwich, alias Donwich, 735 RUTLANDSH. Gippiſwick. alias Ipſwich, 743 Alſtow Hundred Ebiona Hoxne, alias Hoxon, 749 Eaſt Hundred Looſe 752 Okeham Soca Lothingland 755 Rutland Deapry, alias Martinſley Orford Hundred 846 Sampfordato 1190535 760 848 Wrangdike Hundred Southelmhain 764 Waynford, alias Wangford, nhau. Wilford Dioceſe of Rocheſter. 825 827 830 832 835 843 844 845 of 7:58 ** 779 782 The Cathedral Church do 1850 Dioceſe of Drford. The Cathedral Church Archdeaconry of Rochester: *vobar 785 KENT. 851 864 857 Archdeaconry of OxFORD. Dartford osta Malling OXFORDSH. Rocheſter Aſton serene 788 Shoreham 860 Burceſter satin doar 799 Fordham, in co. Suff, and Camb. 864 Chipping Norton 793 Cuddeſdon 79.5 Dioceſe I IN DE 1305 X. 870 893 het 873 880 884 1967 1969 976 978 Dioceſe of Salisbury. Archdeaconry of SURRY. ONCE SURRY. The Cathedral Church 865 Ewell 945 Archdeaconry of SALISBURY. Southwark 100th 952 Stoke Wilts. to press bis 954 City of Saliſbury 869 Dioceſe of Worceſtez. Amesbury, alias Ambrosbury Chalke TRUNG 877 The Cathedral Church 962 Pottern SL bra Wilton 896 Archdeaconry of Worcester. 10 Wylye 898 WORCESTERSH. Archdeaconry of Wilts. Blockley 964 Droitwich U NUOLA 965 Avebury Eveſham, olim in Exempt. Juriſd. Cricklade Abbatis de Eveſham Malmsburys buvo Kidderininſter Marlborough us W 889 Parſhoare, alias Perſhore 971 Powick Archdeaconry of Berks. Wigorn BERKSH. WARWICK and WORCESTERSH. Abingdon 902 Newbury Kington, alias Kineton Reading 910 Wallingford 915 ราคา 271 ( Dioceſe of St. David's. Dioceſe of WUlincheſter. olan The Cathedral Church 992 The Cathedral Church 917 Archdeaconry of St. David's. Archdeaconry of WINCHESTER. PEMBROKESH. SOUTHAMPTONSH. Pebidiawke 995 Alresford Dongledie, alias Dau Gleddau 997 919 Roure, alias Rhos, Alton 921 Pembroke, alias Narberth, alias Andover 923 Caſtle Martin Bafingſtoke 926 Drokinsford 930 Fordingbridge Archdeaconry of Brecon. 933 Somborne 935 BRECKNOCKSH. Southampton 937 Firſt Part of Brecon 1006 Iland of Wight 939 Second Part of Brecknock Wincheſter 942 Third Part of Brecknock, alias Haye 1011 Guernſey 944 Buelte, alias Builth 1013 8 D RAD- 146 907 too 987 982 907 Warwick ands 998 1001 1009 I go 6 I ND E X. 1054 huiskok IO2 I BANGOR. RADNORSH. Shropsh. and DenBeast, to iete Melleneth, Melinydd, alias Elfel Marchia Uchmynnydd IO14 Elwell, alias Elfael Iſmoneth 1016 Dioceſe of Bangor MIA Archdeaconry of CARMARTHEN. The Cathedral Church mitasi 1058 CARMARTHENSH.RID Carmarthen 1018 Kidwelly CARNARVON and MERIONETH. Llanddillo and Llan Garog 1023 Arvon, alias Uchor and Ifter 821060 GLAMORGANSH. Arllechwedd, alias Ughaph, If Gower, alias Gwyr 1026 ſaph Nanconwey & Cruthyn 1061 Llyn, alias Lleyn 1063 Archdeaconry of CARDIGAN. Archdeaconry of MERIONETH. PEMBROKESH. max. 10 Emlyn 1028 MERIONETHSH. Kemmes, alias Cemmaes 1029 Evionydd, alias Evioneth AERO 1065 CArdudwy and Eſtimanner budou 1066 CARDIGANSH. Sub Ayron 1031 MONTGOMERYSH. Ultra Ayron and Uchairon 1034 Arnſey, alias Arnſtley, vel Ar- Team wyſtli 1068 Dioceſe of St. Afaph. DENBIGHSH Dyffrynclwyd and Kemerch 1069 The Cathedral Church 1039 understand to depois Archdeaconry of ANGLESEA. Archdeaconry of St. A$APH. Lliçon and Talybolionoi 1070 FLINTSH. Meney, alias Meney and Maltraith 1072 Tegenglecta o 100 1040 Dyndd and Turkely, Twreelyn, MONTGOMERY SH. alias Tyndackthwy 1074 Vibd Moulde, alias Mold, alias de Mon. te Alto. (Br. Gwyddgrygg.). 1042 Dioceſe of Landaff.AETA Poole, alias Pola and Carenion, alias Pole and Caer Einion : 1043 The Cathedral Church Kydewen, alias Kydewain al 1046 zobus Keviliock, alias Kyveilog 1047 O Archdeaconry of LANDAFF. brutandort MERIONETHSH.101 GLAMORGANSH. Mowiłwy, alias Mowddwyd ogheden og 8 1048 Landaff Penllyn and Idernion ibid. Groneath, alias Cowbridge OS 1082 MONMOUTHSH. DENBIGHSHA Rhoſe, alias Rhos Bergavenie, alias Abergaveny 1086 teso Chepſtow, alias Netherwent 1090 Bromfield and Yale 1053 Newport 1 1093 Ulke (Wyſc.] 1095 PRO. та 2076 NE X. 81297 Dork.is Skogu 1099 1103 1112 I2II Arshdeaconey of CARLIS£#. PROVINCE OF YORK. CUMBERLAND Alderbie, alias Alnedále, rel AL1 lerdale Dioceſe of work.com iedisits 1190 Carlifle Cover 1195 The Cathedral Church WesTMORLAND. A TO Yacou OHIT 2010 Weſtmorland 1199 Archdeaconry of YORK, ats West RIDING. YORKSH. Dioceſe of Cheſter. City of York and D. Ainſty Craven 1126 The Cathedral Church 1203 Doncaſter 1133 Pontefract 1153 Archdeaconry of Chester. CHESTER. Archdeaconry of East RIDING, Chelter 1205 Buckroſe Froditham 1208 Dickering 1129 Macclesfield Herthill and Hull 1142 Malban Wich, alias Namptwich 1213 Holderneſs 1148 Malpas 1215 Bangor 1216 Archdeaconry of CLEAVELAND. Middle Wich 1217 Wyrrehall, alias Worrall 1219 Bulmer II15 Cleaveland LANCASH I 12:1 Ridall Blackbourn 1224 1159 Rippon Leiland 1231 Rippon cum Maſſam. A Pecu. Mäncheſter 1232 liar Juriſdiction 1162 Warrington 1236 Hexamſhire Peculiar Juriſdiction, co. Northumberland 1163 Archdeaconry of RICHMOND ...? . Andreus, alias Amounderneſs Archdeaconry of NOTTINGHAM. Furnes and Cartmel 1226 NOTTINGHAMSH. Kirkby Lonſdale, in co. Lancaſt. Bingham ibid. Weſtmorl. and York 1228 Newarke 1170 YORKSH. Nottingham 1174 Burrowbridge 1241 Retford 1179 Catterick # 1244 Juriſdiction of Southwell 1184 Richmond 1248 D. Southwell, and Peculiar Ju- riſdiction 1186 CUMBERLAND. Coupland was bo 125? Bo Dioceſe of Carliſle. WESTMORLAND, Kendall 1256 The fathedral Church 1189 8 D 2 Dioceſe 1162 1221 دوران باردار کانادا از تو . 1308 1 ND E X. DURIAN Dioceſe of Durham. Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. NORTHUMBERLAND. The Cathedral Church 1260 Alnewick 1268 Bambrough 1270 Archdeaconry of DURHAM. Corbridge 1272 Morpeth 11274 60 Durhamn ibid. Newcaſtle upon Tine 1275 Appendix. 1279 HOIDJETI 18 Boe 2 buwiu 06 M sisttes pos, ATOM bra chile. IOITTO Baibato vidurini isventola esille, jobd Hotel estis admo pils 116198 Don was WlAlo sorszadó balonom stoot 960 od cash afraid we ។ giglfishoud INDEX 3 [ 1309 ] ICE ?o sl40010 10 vincuraha I ND E X OF THE SEVERAL LIVINGS, MONASTERIES, PRIORIES, HOSPITALS, &c. in Alphabetical Order, 102 A 825 1199 608, 973 884 so os 378 Bury CH 971 629 BBATSLEIGH 110 Abby of Coverham 1244 Abby of St. James near Abberſton 919 Cwmhire, alias 1015 Northampton Abberton Dore 355 Shapp Abbington Magna 231 Dunkeſwell 256 Stanley Parva ibid. Durford 151 Stixwold 411 Abboteſley 529 Elneſtow 471 de Strata Marcella 1043 alias Ford 269 Thorney 240 Abbots Anne 923 Fountains 1241 Torr 266 Bickington M 263 Furnes 1226 Tychefield 930 SO 105 Hagneby 413 de Valle Crucis, or Carſwill 266 Hertland 259 1054 Hit Crome, alias Holme Cultram. 1190 Waltham Moreton 972 Jorrevall 1244 Wendling 650 Abbotſham 261 de Læto Loco 937 Whiteland 1272 Abbotſtock 102 Lanercoft 1190 Abdon, alias 382 Abbotts Combe, alias 90 Laycock 884 Aber, alias 1061 Abby of Alnewick 1268 Llanweir ,00 1034 Aberath, alias 10.35 Battelem 164 Louth Parke i 449 Aberavon 1083 Beland 1115 Marham 670 Aberdare 1081 di de Bello Loco, alias 937 Newham 263 Aberdaron 1063, 1064 12 Buckfaſtleigh 295 Newminſter 1274 Aberdowe, alias 1016 Calder 1252 de Pratis, alias 825 Abereche, alias 1064 Canonleigh 290 Quarre 939 Aberffraw 1072 Cockerſand 1221 Robertſbridge 164 Abergely, alias 10.50 DOT Cokehill 971 St. Dogmaels 1029 Abergorlech 1025 Aber- 1310 IN DE 136 36 1226 1020 1192 239, 818 186 210 TOO to. Berks. ibid . 2 , Abergwilly, alias 1024 Adwick upon Dern 1140 Aldingborne Aberhavelpe, alias 1046 Agmondeiham, alias 491. Aldington, co, Kent Aberiſtwith, alias, co. Aikton 1195 alias, co. Salif- Cardig 1036 Aileſby 432 bury 870 co. Monmouth 1089 Aileſham 688 alias, co. Lan- Aberllunry, alias JOI2 Aileſton, alias 547 caſhire Abernant 692 Almerſton, alias 911 Aber Portla 1032 Ailmerton 700 Addrefwas, co. Derby, alias 166 Abingdon St. Helen 905 Ailmouth 1273 co. Staff, alias 208 St. Nicholas ibid. Ainſtable, alias Aldrich, alias 206 Abington Aiſhbrittle 97 Aldringham 752 Abinworth, alias 955 Aiſtrop, alias 442 Aldrington, co. Suſſex 148 Abkettleby 537 Aka, alias GHT 378 alias, co. Devon. 247 Abrighton 192 Akeley 487 alias, co. Wilts. 889 alias Akenham 732 Aldſtre, alias Abriſker, alias 1007 Alaxton, alias 552 Aldſworth 328 Abſthorp, alias 1184 Alba, alias 1029 Aldwincle All Saints 827 Abſthorpe Albaſton Church, alias 179 $t. Peter Aburford, alias 107 Alberbury 388 Aldwortti, co, Berks. 907 Aby 414 Alberghe 696 Alford, co. Somerſet 69 Abynhale, alias 394 Alberton alias, co. Cheſter 1215 Acaſter I108 Alborne- 125 co. Lincoln 414 Achurch 827 Alborough, alias 700 alias, co. Surrey 955 Acklam 1113, 1124 Alburgh, alias Alfreton 177 Ackwort! 1154 Albury, alias 515, 634, 796 Alfrifton 158 Acle 645 Alcannings 873 Alkborow, alias 455 Acornbury 366 Alchurch, alias 965 - Alkcham 31 Acrington 2 1225 Alciſton TOTO010 158 Alfanbý OJTAI I94 Acris, alias 34 Alconbury, alias 526 Allen Dobrodd go7 Acton 572, 767, 1213 Aldalem, alias 900 1213 Allenfimore fotoddA 361 Beauchamp 977 Aldati Sc' le melano 337 Allendale Sol no 1163 Pigot 192 Aldbie, alias bio ! 689 Aller 86 Round 384 Aldbourne, alias 889 Allerſton Scot 383 Aldburgh, alias 6 1242 Allerthorpe 1147 Truffel 204 Aldbury, alias intenci 9001 din Adbafton 205 Aldcroft CCM. 1271 Malleverer bie 1243 Adbolton 1167 Aldebie 658 Alleſton, alias 734 Ailderbury 798 Aldeburgh, aliasco 758 Alleſtry 182 Adderley 186 Aldenham 515 Allhallows, alias mora 1194 Addeſtock, alias 487 Alderbury 871 Barking 565 Addingham 1127, 1190 Alderfordonc.) lub 707 Breadſtreetseibid. Addington 487, 854 Alderkirk, alias 435 the Great, faljas dibid. Magna 822 Alderley, co. Gloceft, 341.. 00 in Goldſmith cdo Parva ni 823 co. Cheſter 1211 Street, Exéter: 252 Addlethorp 417 Alderminſternisero 986 Honey Lane 568 Adington 948 Alderton, alias , ] the Leſs clo 565 A diſham co. Gloceſt. Lombard Street ibid. Adlingfleet 1154 co. Suffolk 782 20- Staining 2008 571 Adlington I 212 Aldefton, salias e 1273 on the Walk252, 565 Admarſh 1223 Aldfield 1162 Alington, cai Donfet 107 Adſon 815 Aldham, co. Effex 608 co. Kent 'o') 856 Adwell 789 co. Suffolk 767 Alinton, alias line 1269 All 1.150 Voita HOT 955 Allerton 832 321 22 3 IT N3 DE X. 1311 217 1013 St. Mary 634 1209 St. Mary 522 36 1124 191 All Saints, co. Kent 27, 54 Althorn 598 Anity, co. Leiceſt. co. Glouceſter 109, 535 Althorpe 454 co. Warwick co. Derby 183 Altmawr 286 co. Devon 266 Adton 872, 921 Anſtye, alias in Edyndon, Recoat Barnes | 873 Anthony, alias 301 tory or Priory 893 Pancras 128 Antingham St. Margaret 700 co. Eflex 595, 597. Altringham ibid. co. Hertford 517. Alvandley ibid. Anwick in Hoo 403 859 Alveley 188 Apethorpe 830 co. Hunts co. Effex 589 Apildram co. Leiceſter 1536 Alvéiſtoke 139 931 Apilton, alias, co. Norf. 694 co. Lincoln 412, 458 Alverſton 1941 Apoftolorum Duodecim Newmarket 1741! Alveſton: Il 182: infra Caftrum Bernardi 1261 in Lynne, co.: 2013 Alveton, alias 199 Applay 466 Norfolk 1692 Alvinghamn 450 Appleby in Northampt. 82,5 556 Alvington, alias 5, 298 Appledore co, Oxford 786 Alwalton 530 Appleſhaw 926 co. Southampt. 938 Alwarden, alias 485 Appleton upon Wiſke co. Suffolk 744 Alwardiſcot, alias 260 Appulton, alias 902 co. Suſſex 151' Alwington ibid. Apulby, alias 455 co. Worceſter 980 Amberley, co. Heref. 363 Arbiftock, alias 1054 in Eveſham, co. co. Suſſex 134 Arborfield Worceſter 911 967 Ambleſide 1257 Arcal Parva 188 North Street, Ambleſton, alias 997 Arcall, alias co. York IIÓ6 Ambroſden 792 Archolm in the Pavesi Amcotes 1230 453- Arcliffe, alias ment, co York ibid. Amington, alias 788 Arcop in Beere Strect, Amlwch 366 1075 Ardeley 790 Norwich 641, 643 Appleford 1100, 1160 Ardington 905 Almali, alias 372. Ampney Crucis 332 Ardleigh 624 Aluner 125 Mary's 328 Ardwick Almeſbury, alias Peter's ibid. Areley, co. Stafford Almisford, alias 69 Amport co. Worceſter Almifter 978 59 Anipthill 482 Areton, alias 940 Almondbury, alias 2 11:54. Ampton, alias 774 Arkendale Almondry Chapelarik... 4517:4 Amripgale 1243 658 Arkengarthdale Almonſbury Glocefter 108 Amroth I 002 Arkefden Alms Houſe of St. Tri VA Amwell, alias 637 Arkſey báty in Arundel 134 Ancaſter 448 Arleckdon, alias 1254 Anderby, alias 1250 Arleſy 486 Alneham, alias 1269 Anderſton, alias 128 Arley Aluſcott, alias 803 Andover 923 Arlingham Alphamſton 601 Andrex St. Parya, Barn- Arlington 580 Alpieton, alias 767 well 234 alias Alphington 268 St. Magna, Pa Armathwait Alresford, alias, co. Eſſex 624 roch' Į 197 ibid. Armin co. Southampt, 919 Angerſleigh 99 Armitage Alfop 172 Angleſea Archdeaconry 1058 Armley Alta QMey Angulo, alias 1001, 1002 Armthorpe, alias Altcar 1238. Anneſley 1178 Arncliffe Alternon 312 Anfeley, alias 212 Arne Altham 130 1225 Anſty 880 Arnold, alias Arrington 1261 872 1235 197 923 1251 613 1133 Alae 1118 210 336 158, 279 1157 209 IIIO 1133 1127 201 1175 13127 INDEX.1 39.00 484 Tap.402, 434 1195 Afhted 125 751 03983 1239 1104 1134 724 Aſhwell II40 I 150 tot 1236, 1257 Arrington 26 Afhow 11:221A Atwick Arrow 987. Alhover 175, 185 Aftwood 498 Arundel 135 Afhpringhiain 1. 1996 Aſwarby Arthingworth 835 Afhraignge, alias [293 Afwardby, alias 433 Arthuret 945 Atheliampfted, alias Aſcot under Wichwood' 795 Aſhton 201240 Athelington, alias Afgarby, co. Lincoln 394, 402 1 alias 1298. Atherſton Aſh, or Eth 1266 Keyns pelet 880 - Atherton bio 2.14 co. Kent 24, 857 ** Under Line 1232 alias On co. Surrey 955 Aſhurſt 162 Athill, alias near Campſey 753 alias 856 Athwicke, alias Athberton, alias 2742 Aſhwater broj 262 -- Atlow I 172 Aſhbocking, alias 513, 8434 Attenborough, alias. 1175 Afhborne 171 Thorpe siis 1.0609 Attercliffe Aſhburnham 141 Aſhworth C'1235 Atterton 558 Aſhbury, co. Devon 9747. Aſkarthe, alias 1246-. Attilborough Major 702 co. Berks 902, 905" Aſkby, alias 1199A Minor Pars 704 Aſhby, co. Lincoln 417, 430 Afkerwell 1024 Attingham, alias 191 co. Norfolk 654, 673 Aſkham Bryan is ITO Attlebridge, alias. 709 Canons 815 Richard 1108 Atwick, alias 112.00 Folvile 554 Afkrigg De 1247 Audley toro V.09 203 de la Land 404 Aſkum, alias 955 Street Chapels Leodgare's, alias 817 Aſlabie II 24 North and Magna 547 Aflackby 398 South Cotab 574 Parva ibid. Anlacton 1169 - Audonei Sc':in Glouc. 337 Puerorum 433 Aſpall 749 Aughton de la Zouch 534 Afpatrick 1190. Aulceſtre, alias 989 Aſhcombe 268 Afpden, alias 513 Auleſcombe, alias our 256 Aſhdon 620 Aſpleguife, alias bis 481 Aulſton, alias 983 Aſhe 926 Aſpundell, alias 128 Aulftonfield, alias 199 Aſheholt 66 Aſtall 804 Aumer, alias 694 Aheldam, alias 598 Aftbury 1217 Aufterfield 1184 Alhelworth 337 Aſtchurch 352 Avebury 356. Afhenden 506. Afterby 422 alias Aſhfield 722, 733 Aſtley 193, 284, 979, 1239 Avening 343 Aſhford Bowdler 188, 513, 383, 1210 . Averham, alias 1170 Carbonell * ibid. 001 alias 1133, 1200! Aveton Gifford 1.298 co. Derby Abbots 512 Avington , 907, 919 co. Devoir Air Lost i 884 alias, co. Kent Blank, alias 347 Awburn 511321 Afhfordby 552 Botterel SA 390 Awburne, alias 1425 Aſhill 58, 75, 648 Birmingham 21 Aweſley, alias Aſhindon, alias 619 Cantlow 989 Awkerington 799 Aſhington Clinton 506 Awnſby 402 alias 771 Flamvile, alias 547 Awre, alias 333 Afhley 281, 739, 840, 887, Ingham 370 Awſworth 1178 935 Rowant 7891. Awthorp, alias 1169 : Abbots foSandford 503 Awthorpe 450 Aſhmanſworth, alias 926 Somerfield 321 Awthton, alias Alhmenhaughi, alias 715 ibid. Axbridge 62 Aſhmore 116 Super Trent 179 Axford 866, 8921 Afhney, alias 832 Torald, alias 902 Axmouth 264 * 875 387 Aſton 170, 281 248 392 Avon 28 u 215 90, 161 392 1144 Sub Edge Ax- IN DE 1393 X. 677 383 120723 172 Barkſham bouti 1219 ren$ 231 175 231 Balfall 230 Barley Axmynſter, or $264 Bagendon 327 Barcheſton 985 Aytberton 335 Bagginton 221 Barcombe 145 Ayleſbury 395, 507, 508 Baggots Moreton 987 Bardfield Saling 622 Aylesford 858 Baghurſt 926 Bardney 464 Ayleton 358 Bagland 1085 Bardwell 719 alias 530 Bagnal 3.903 204 Bareford 983 Ayliſbeare 240 Bagſhot 960 Barford, alias Aylmiſter, alias 368 Bagfore, alias altera Med. 680 Aynesford, alias 2209860 Bagthorpe, alias le 661 Magna 480 Ayno, or 816. Baildon IIII St. Martin 877 Ayſhton 257 Bailham St. Michael 800 Ayfton 847. Bakenton 87. Barholme, alias 457 52 on the Wall 811 Baketon, alias 716 Barkby 564 Ayton, alias 1125 Bakewell тбg Barkefton foto 427 Bala 1067 Barkford, alias. 484 TE Balcomb Anh 145 Barkham 911 B. porabib Balderſton 1225 Barking 723 come Baldock 514 alias del 583 Babcarey bi 694 Baldwin Brightwell 788 Barklow, alias : 230 Babchild, alias b49 Ballidon 09132 Babingley, alias. bota 694 Ballingham 366 Barkway 634 Babington 82 Ballivatus Aquilæ, or Bai Barlavington alias liwick of Eagle 424 Barleborough 2 Baburham 214 Barleby 1120 Babworth om 11791 Baltham 635,1111 Bach menic 1025 Balftonborough alls 85i Barling Vuoi 630 Backford 01220 Baltham, alias 425 Magna 617 Backton, alias naino 745. Bamburgh, alias 440 Barlings 442 Backwell 93, 94 Bampton, alias 12001 Barlow 2 178 Badonſthorp 688 130803. Barmer, alias 662 Badton tibbits 373 ſecond Parts ibid. ibid. Barming Del 854 Badbey third Part ibid. Barminget 855 Badoombe, alias Our 69: Banbrough, alias 1271 Barmingham, alias 1248 Baddeley, alias 1214 Banburgh 697 Barinifton, alias 1148 Baddeſley 939– Banbury 800 Barnby, alias 1100, 1137 08 Enfor 214 Bangor 1032, 1061, 1216 Marſh 1147 Badeſley Clinton 211 Archdeaconry 5 1058 Moor, alias 1144 Badgworth Biſhopric ibid. Barnburgh, alias 1134 Badingham 749 Canonicat. 1059 Barneby, alias 1172 Badlefmere Cantar. ibid. Barnes 945 Badley, alias 725 Cathedral 1058 Barreſley 1140 Badow Magna 590 * Chancellorſhip - 1059 Barnet, alias 631 Parva Deanry 1058 Barnetby 467 Badmington Magna 341 Præcentorſhip 1059 Barney, alias 714 Parva 342 Treaſurerſhip ibid. Barnham 720 Badpit Free 880 Vicars Choral ibid. alias 135 Badſey 968 Banham Broom Badſworth adt un 1134 Baningham 688 St. Gregory. 1.7191 Badwell Aſh Banſted 948 Barningham Bagbey I IÍ20 Banwell 61 Norwood 700 Bagborough 97 Barbey 816 Parva 689 Bagenderby 434 Barbon 1230 Town 700 8 E Bar, one Part 817 61, 349, 559 41 od 591, 593 702 675 EN 722 720 1314 IX NI DE X. 154 1 383 1319 209 riigi 227 THE 775 1244 by 081 476 St. Andrew fios Barnock 138*830 Barwicke, alias of -1104 Beauxfield, alias leg pe blato 22 Barnolby, alias gih 430 Baſchurch 191 Beawley, alias 939 Barnoldſwick D91929 1928 Basford & 1175 Bebton, alias Barnſby, alias Els blir16 Bafilden ? 916 Bechingſtoke, alias -873 Barnſley 325 Baſingborne, alias *238 Beckbury Barnſtaple 1248 Baſingſtoke 929 Beckforth, alias 321 208 Archdeaconry 243 Baſlow ** 170 Beckingham 447, 851, 11847 Barnſton, alias BALT599 Baffaleck, alias guilty 1094 1186 Barnwell All Saints 827 827 Baffingham SAW 425, 700 Beckington Pas 10111 81 St. Andrew w ibid. Baffugthorpe 406 Beckles 779 Barnwood 339 Baſton iba 457 Beckley 1:41, 796 Bärondiſton, alias Go-730 Bafwick 166 Beckſwell, alias 67.1 Barr 398 alias 204 Beconfall 1232 Barrington Batcombe 210 122 Beconsfield, alias 491 Barroby, alias 427 Bathampton, alias 65 Becton, alias Barrow 57, 97, 180, 384, 467, Bath Archdeaconry 57 Bedall 683, 776, 1205 Batheley 683 Beddington, alias 138 22 alias 1062 Batheſtone 64 Bedemanneſburgh 593 Barrowden SibA848 Bathwicke ibid. Bedfield 751 Barrowe upon Soarele 533 and Wolley 65 Bedford Chap. 576 Barry Batlerden Archdeaconry it 471 Barſham 779 Batley 1156 Major 395, 471 Barfted, alias Batsford Minor 394 Bariton 214, 540, 599 Battel 141 Bedhampton 931 Barteſtry 952 Bedingfield Barthumley, alias 1213 Battisford, alias 724 Bedingham 655 Barton 209, 226, 490, 1199, Battle, alias ilgia 1008 Bedington Bedington sanals V fas 952 1251 Battlefield 193 Portion USA All Saints 671 Baverſtock, alias 877 Bedlington 1276 223 Blunt Baunton 30328 Bedmiſter in le Clay alias and Redcliffe.866 David 58, 71 Bautrey 1184 Bednall 204 12. Earles 839 Bawderipp desde 92 Bedon, alias 909 in Fabis 558, 1164 Bawdſey, alias .782 Bedſton 383 Os upon the Heath 983 Bawdſwell 707 Bedwas, alias no 4093 #100 Magnast 774 Bawley 694 Bedwelty 1094 OQA Mills is bigr141 Baxterley Sale 213 Bedwin Parva St. Andrew A10 670 Bayden 1085 Bedworth 361 St. Mary 26 671 Baydon <0.1 892 Bedwyn Magna sugere 891 upon Humbo Bayfield, alias Obras 683 Beelings, alias 726 ber 467 Bayleſton, alias 174 Parva Segrave astia 822 Baynton 1142 Beer Church 595 Stacie Lo Hob. 935 Bayton 380 Beerecrocombe 75 ogg in the Streets Y 1160 Bayvill boda 1029 Beere Hatchett CAL Tuffe 911716' Beachampton 488 Regis 125 Bartonſham 354 Bealey 170 Beeſton 651, III1, 1176 Barway 7+1 Beamond, alias 710 Barwell 556 Bearden, alias oth-613 -613 near the Sea 700 Barwick, alias -681, 1276 Beatæ Mariæ, Cap. 786 Beethom, alias 1256 St. Jamesto Beaumaris 1075 Beford, alias 1148 St John 877 Beaumont 623 Begbrook 808 St. Leonard ibid. Beauworthy, alias 274 Begeley, alias 100.3 Be- 155 com 324 377 Batterſea PW 751 - 01. ibid. 174 La 94 476 291 889 zoals 215 asts 733 I 22 1196 900 IN ND E 1315 or yo (1269 Chap: 799382 250 Beguildy, alias 1015 diety of Holveſton 654 Beverſton 329 Beighton, alias * 177 Bergholt Sackville, alias 608 Bewcaſtle 1195 en 645. Berkhampſted, alias tr515 Bewdeſerte Beilby wbl 987 pogn 1147 Parva, alias 518 Bewfield, alias Belaugh, alias 708 Berkley Belbroughtons 969 S881 Bewick 9 574 Bexhill Belchamp St. Pauli 604 Berkeley slest143 329 Bexleyebilitat 861 Belchampe Walters 606 Berks Archdeaconry 4.902 Beyton, alias záloh 753 Belchford 422 Berkſwell Kantor 211 Beyxby, alias A low 413 Belford 1271 Bermer, alias 39 681 Biccleſwade, alias 484 Belgrave 594552 Bermondſey $1.952 Bicker bo0W 437 Belhaw, alias W 689 Bemard Caſtle 1266 Bickington. est dloftibu 272 Bell, alias ET 122 Berners Rothing, or 601 Bickleigh Bellerby 287 Belts Bisne 1247 Berrington Bellingham 97, 290, 382 Bickleighe 17091290 - 1273 Berted, alias SOTE 51 Bicknaller 80 Belport, alias 131. 179 Bertſanby 20 541 Bicknor Belſted, alias tabri 762 Berrington, alias- wou 47 Wallica, or: 365 Belton 421, 427, 534, 755 Berrow 977 Bitton 2 Bemifter Prima 193 866 Berry do Biddenden Secunda 513bwoy 29 ibid. Berryw, alias 1046 Biddulpho troqu 30 203 Bempton 117030260 137 Berwick go Bideford, alias : Benacre title 735 alias 156 Bidford Benagre, alias 7896989. 81 Street Chapel. 574 Bidleſden, alias Rais 9 490 Benonden oko 30 Berynarber, alias 1279 Bidnam FO 472 Bengeworth Galerg968 Besford F91972 Bidſton Benhall 1220 odg 759 Bekkerthorpe 464 Bifleet Benham Valence, alias erila voimet 955 las sa 914 Beſfells Leigh, alias 905 Bigburie Benington 513 Beſſenthwait, alias. sit 1194 Bigbye, alias 467 Benjoy, alias 19. 519 Beſfonby 1132 Biggleſwade Baina 395, 486 Bennington 435 Beſwick 61147 Bighton Benningworth, alias 919 THX 463 Beſthorp 704 Bignell, alias no SIM 213 Benſington, alias 3808 Beteley, alias 47651 Bignor Benfted, alias 151 bis 940 Bethkylhert, alias 1066 Bigrave, alias Benthall 251752 513 384 Betley 19 204 Bilborough Bentham 1228 Betriſden, alias wws 29 Bilburgh roll on 1176 Bentink Chap 574 Bettiſcomb Bentley 664 215, 762, 922 Bettifhanger, alias fait 44 Bilchfield, alias alias 407 Woo 172 Bettus 384, 1185. Bildelton 40bn A 767. Magna NY 624 Bettws 1008, 1017, 1021, 1025, , VISI 2 188 1036, 1046, 1051, 1094 1161 Benton, alias 1276 Bledrw's T 1032 Billeſby 190 Bentworth 413 do921 Bwchwdw 1071 alias Benyfield, alias Zogor 827 5751 430 Clirow 1017 Billeſdon, alias giusto. 542 Beoly, alias 339965 y Coed | 1063 Billeſley, alias seni Bere Ferrers Garmon01061 Billing 989 Berely, alias 1240 Givervil Goch, alias Magna Berfreyfton, alias 38 od 818 44 HD 1049 Parya Bergavenic, alias 1088 Iran, alias 251 21 1033 Billingay, alias Berglı near Matterhall, alias 677 Newich 1098 Billingburgh Bergham, alias 731 Bever, alias BI429 Billingford 29000 Berghapton and the Me- 2017 desti Beverley Minſter, alias 1147 Billingford, alias 8 E 2 Bil. Bigburies 1:0298 T 1066 IIII Y 102 Bilchamwell, alias, M 1081 Bildewas Bildſdale H socis KI SE AB 622 Parva aiya) 286 10368 the E (ibid, 119 445 esis doi 7400 689 1 1316 I* NI DE X. 542 fotv 674 201 202 Babe 945 St. Mary 931 1014 jutot 675 867, 905 lo 334 do 15 365,611 Blackauton Billingham 1261 Biſhopſtrow TL10 TO 898 Blatherwick 23840 Billinghurſt 3.161' Biſhop Thorpe od 1108 Blawith babet228 Billingſley 391. Biſhop's Burton stade 1144 Blaxhall 758 Billington 438 Caſtle 381 Blaydon 3 806 Billifdon Herſt 132 Biaynepenhalt, alias su 1036 Billoekſby Lavington, alias 893 Blaynport, alias 1031 Bilfingtoni 39 Monckton 1162 Blea Tarn Bilfton 197 Wilton ixod 1144 Bleaſby on 1186 Bilftrop, alias 1181 Biſhopton, alias 1264 Blechingdon "11510790 Bilton 218, 1100, 1101, 1153 Biſpham ubo 1222 Blechingley Binbrooke St. Gabriel 460,461 Bitham Parva 210 406 Bledon v bo 61 T261 Bithborowe at 107856 Bledlow, alias wise be 508 Bincombe be Bittaden III i da 10 281 Blendworth Binfield 911 Bitterley IKKO 385 Bleſſed Mary the Virgin 371 Bingey, alias B580 Bitteſley, or 551 Bletchley, alias 498 Binghain 1164 Bitteſwell, alias 547 Bletherſton It's best 998 Bingley 1128 Bitton - 341, 866 Blethvaugh, alias Binley 224 Bixley 655 Bletſoe 474 Binfeyrė baubad 786 Bixton, 675 Blewberry Binſtead 135 alias 244 Bleyſdon, alias Binton 987 Blabye 547 Bliburgh Foto 396 Birch 1235 Blachington 158 Blickling, aliassa 688 Maghia M 366,608 Blackbourne, alias Ost 1224 Bliford, alias TÉMOMEO 738 Parva 297 Bliſland 314 Bircham Magna 680 Blackbrough Dudogne 274 Bliſworth Sono 832 Newton 681 Blackburton uomet 804 Blithborough 738 Tofts ibid. Black Chapel fusin tribal aris m 202 Birchanger Notley ResTA STO 627 Bliton, alias Bircholt Blackforde 71 Blockley posz 964 Birdbrook 604 Blackington, alias Blofield A 645 Birdſworth 11 20 Blackmanſton 36 Blonham 136 Blackmore $91 Blonteſham, alias 523 5. Birdfall Blackroad 1234 Blore Roy 199 Birkby rionsabu 1266 Blackthorn 793 Blounſden, alias alias *** ba 1123 Blacktoft 1 147 Bloxham chi 800 Birkhead, aliagis atbra ob 1220 Blacktoriton, alias 262 alias Birkin, alias 1104 Blackwell 177, 182 Bloxwichi Birlingham 972 Bladingdon 347 Bloxworth alias 646 Blaen Glyn Tawy 1008 Bludworth en 1186 Birminghain St. Martin 211 Blaenporth 994, 1033 Blundefton 11:0755 Birport 102 Blagdon 61 Blurton alias Blaſton, alias brw.ro 546 Blymhill 119+ Birſtall 1156, 1157 Blakeland, alias 1.875 Blytheismo tradhoo 118 i Birtley 1273 Blakeley 1235 Bobbing Birts Morton 976- Blakemer ERSE 301 Bobenhult in 166, 220 Biſbrooke RELA J10848 Blakeney Paroda 682 Bobinger, alias ysis 615 Biſhampton 973 Blakenhain Magna cler 188 724 Bobington Biſhopibourn 814 Boblake Bithopihult Blanchland 1273 Bochenhampton, alias 107 Biſhopſton 158, 373, 866, Blandford Forum so 116 Bocking 877, 881, 985, 1026 Mary's 125. Bockletons Ort 380 Biſhopſton, alias 87.7 Blankney 444 Boconnock, alias 318 Bodedern 593 Blithfield I COM 613 34 KO0419 148 484 Birdham SMS les bailis 1115 881 402 209 osien 125 wentatio205- 105 DO 49 217 EM Pun 1632 Blakeſley, alias xt629 12 N D E X. 13:1 yoltgailli 228 811 Boſley 201 138 Broan, 823 456 815 erot 120 812 2, 1140 454 in tl Bodedern aber 1972 Borrough Caſtle Bodedwrd 1075 Boſbury 321c755 Boxted, alias torcigrulina 11 Bodenham nii 358 Baxwell 376 Boſcombe flur kynnt839 Bodham 684 Boſeham mtoto and 871 Boxworth alias Bodington Hoon907 alias 153 Boffall post 14A 1701212 Boynton 1116 Boyton arba 130 Bodmyn 315 Boffington 937 Y_373, 898 Bodney 664 Boſton Och 937 Bozeat Bodvarry, alias 435 Braceburgh 1041 St. Peter's food439 Braeby Bodvean, alias 1064 Boſwiddy 28218 428, 429 Bodveryn ibid. Boſworth, alias trigrad 307 Brackley B 814, 815 Bodyham 542, 556 St. James 141 Bothall, Bokeham Magna, alias 1270 Bracewell 1128 1959 Bothby, alias $arga Parva, alias 30 427 Bradalton, alias ibid. Bothumſall Immoomia 97 Bokenham Parva 1184 Bradborné 665 Botill, alias blue 172 Bolam Pred: 1252 Bradbourn, alias 1274. Botivant 34 Braden Elle a 1100 Bold 392 Botleigh Boldon, alias 1261 Botsfleminge FR937 Bradenham 510 Boldre se 300 Bradeworthy 9.34 Bottesford elu, 262 538 Bradfield 513, 62:4, 782, Bole f100, 1181 alias Church Polingbroke 409 Botteſham, alias boto 513 Combuſta Bollas, alias Vesi 231 186 Bottlebridge, alias 530 St. Clare sorgi 775 Bollſover, alias 177 Bottwňog Med. rot 773 Bolnehurſt bezgalis 479 Boveney 716 Bolney 148 Bovingdon, alias Sal 517 Bradford 99, 262, Bolſton 99, 262, 895, 1154 encová 366 Bovitracy 2710 Abbots Bolſterſtone 1140 Boughrodde, alias 119 Sarong bra Peverell Bolton 1126, 1128, 1147, Boughton 29, 1184 Bradherſt 1190, 1194, 1202, alias pakrtat 52 1248, 1270 22, 40, 571, Bradley 171, 194, 431 om Magna fuper Dern Monchelſey db 728 49 Parva in the Moors 1233 Boulge To 730 juxta Stafford Percy A ESTERI 753 Boulſton 1104 anorgen 204 DEKA 998 Bradlie, alias 1256 Bourne 919 229, 400 Bradninch 1247 Bourton on the Hill Bradſhaw Den 276 Bonchurch 151234 Bondely 346 Bradfton, alias 468 Bow bag, XI 646 Boneleghe, alias do 580 Biadſtone 253 Bowbrickhill toba 498 Bradwell 498, 596, 626, 755, Bongate Bowden Bonnington ails 1208 alias 546 Bonteſhall 346, 804 Parva Bonwick con 835 Brafferton 238 Bowes Boothby Graffoo, alias 1251 Brahain, alias 444 Bowers Chalk, aljas 760 Borden 1880 Brailesford Gifford, alias Borderſbury 18:585 Braintree bend219 Bownes, alias o 1195 Braithwell Bordeſley y do 4967. Bowthdrpe 1137 Boreham obe80 Braitoft, alias Bowton to 418 Borian, alias ils ont 591 'aliasueneris les 185 Brakenalh, alias 689 Brakenhale, alias 688 Iroda ibidBox - Borley 604 Boxford etila serie,884 Brambrough, alias No 163 Borrington, alias 253 Boxgrave 0 12 dtion 768 Bramdean 919 Barrowdale 137 Bramerton 1194 Boxley 49 Bramfield 3 736 Bram- as IC64 9494 Monks, alias 773 III we 1137 upon Swale 940 on the Water 324 2 289 1162 991 36 Magna A SOT 11118 607 Roll, 685 Deanry gradibid. Do BAR!!eld 305 SL655 1318 N E N X Spuit 66 I108 IIII selo 363 468 1007 stok 1253 149 369 Tag 87, 907 Di 082 Deanry * Brixw. Leverelika 316898; Bramford tout 723 Brearly 990 Bridgwater Bramham ASIC Breaſon 183 Bridlington, alias Bramhope mult II 32 Brechya, alias 1025 Bridſtow Bramley reiser ibid. Breckles 6649 Brigge, alias Bramlie, alias 929 Brecon Sallars 374 Brampförd speke 249 Archdeaconry 1006 Briggeſley 431 Brampton 183, 526,689, 736; Breddenbury, alias 358 Brigham 819, 1116 Brede 141 Brighthelmſton alias S 840 Bredelloth, alias 1029 Brightling 96 boat 142 Abbotts 370 Bredfield, alias 626 Brightſtone 939 co. Huntingdon 394 Bredgar 47 Brightwalton, alias 907 Bramſhott 921 Bredicote 981 Brightwell 727, 916 Brancafter 680 Bredon 972 Brignall 1248 Brand, alias 677 alias 534 Briğſtock 841 Brandeſburton, alias 1148 Bredfall, aliasodolls 180 Brill Brandefton 504 707, 753 Bredwardine sono 374 Brimfield alias 816 Breewood 196 Brimington 178 Brandon 280449 Bremhill, alias 873 Brimpton non alias 741 Bremilham in 887 Brinckhill, alias e 110 Braneſcombe 434 1 244 Bremſhaw, alias. DE 872 Brinckley 230 Bransford 978 Brenchley 885 Bringhurſt 542 Branſton Dr. 846 Brendon, alias - 281 Brington 525, 819 Brantfield 634 Brenſet, alias 36 Brinhill, alias 1231 Brantingham 1144 Brent 59 Brinkburn et 1270 Branxton, alias 1270 alias 296 Brinklow SPOT Brapell, alias po 105 Torr 299 Brinkworth Bragington aber 172 Brentford, alias 580 Brinton, alias Braſsbridge 444 Brentilleth, alias 768 Briſet Magna si Brafted 861 Brentingby Brattleby b442 Brentingthorpe, alias of 547 alias Bratton 955. DA 71 Brentwood, alias 590 Briſlington voi 97 Clovelly is endis: 272 Breoke, alias 302 Briſtol Cathedral A Fleming 240 12/279 Brereton I217 Braughing 635 Breſworth, alias 747 Briſton, alias Braumwry 1194 Bretforton 968 Britthelſeys!! 624 Brauncewell 404 Breton WW2 1140 Brithtir 1082 Braundiſpeth, alias 1261 Brettenham 703; 768 Brittleforth, alias, 941 Braunſton 538, 551 Bretton01 1157 Britton-Ferry has 1086 Braunton, alias 279 Brewerd, alias.bils 315 Britwell Salhamos 788 Brawnſton, alias 4.44 Brewton 1672 Brixham 267 Braxted Magna 307 Brixton 278 Parva 627 Bray 911 Parva 498, 501, ST Brixworth Braybrooke 835 Brickle Hampton :45 Brayfield Kirka I Bed Chift upon the Green 834 Brideſtowe mith 288 Feed Oaké 5391. eta Brayles 983 Bridewell Hofpitium. 1571. Broademinet, alias 254 Brayton I108 Bridford afrigt 257 Broadhemburie tapety Breamore, alias 934 Bridgham, alias SPIDE 702 Broadmayne Breane, alias 62 Bridgnorth St. Leonard's 188 Broadwas, aliaşiis setgi 979 Brearding, alias 941 Bridgruel SERI: 263 Broadwater Broad- 196 884 10649684 725 is te 652 542 Briſley LOI ibid. segi 684 Alasu so no 968 Britthelſey 000 626 Brey 498 839 879 502 Bride Kirkhan 974 Broad Chalke brood it! 244 18h 116. ILI 276 1.217 I.X N D C E DE X. 1319 - saat 293 287 D1202 CO 113 241 Talias 207 76 381, 799 ne 948 2fb525 so 9891 donol 887 220 ora 2 Med. 110 1208 outs 9394 Broadway 968 Brookland, alias SITEIT 36 Buckland Brewer Buckland Brewer * 9261 Brobury, alias 374 Broſeley ci 1 0 381 Dinham 28 10 82 Brockhole 3819 Brotherton els 1108 Filleighe Brockleſby CA 9468 Brothertoft 438 Monachoruny Brockley and S.95 Brougham in Mora 272 Brockworthe 0.351 aliastab 1199 Newton, alias 125 Brodehempſton 266. Broughton 182, 193, 454 Ripers Brodeway Els 111 498, 523, 799, Buckleberry, alias 907 Brodewood Kelly 10, 273 082 835, 935, 1125, Buckleſham 733 Brodey, alias got 995 GIOCIMA 1128,1223,1228 Buckminſter stad 538 Brodſworthstabla 1137 174 Bucknall 3-ing Brodwinſor van te 103 Aſtley 20140547 Bucknel Broke, alias nind: 940 Gifford abe893 fbs893 Bucknell Brokediſh об 696 Hacket 974 Buckrell 276 Brokeland 254 Inferior, alias 538 Bucks Archdeaconry day 487 Brokeley, alias bisit 776 Cei Pogges, alias 1804 Buckwoorth, alias Brokenhurſt 01934 Sulney 1164 Buckworth Brokeſby, alias alt552, Browham um:72 Budbrooke Brokethorp, alias 337) Browiſhford, alias 1877 Buddeſton St. Peter and Brömburgh cory 1220Browne Candover 919 Nicholas, alias Brome t656 Brownſover Budock 288 2 Med. E oriern.747, Broxborne be 10.637 Budworth in co. Staff. M 969 Broxholme Vol 441 441 Bugbroke Bromehall, alias old 474 Broxítowe be 1178 Bugby, alias 821 Bromeſgrove spfe 965 Broxted, alias së soqog 601 Bugden Bromeſwell sow:783 Bruera, alias T o 1207 Bugthorpe IIOI, I113 Bromfield 385,1518, 593, Brundall, alias 646 Bulbridge RUM 1190 Bruneſtorpe zile Hall 662 Bulby gebride Bromham, alias 874 Brùnles, alias esita asil. 010 Bulfann, alias 585 Brownhill orilase 39 Brunſtead, alias FOTO 716 Bulford Bromley Isrb1854Bruſhford til boom 2251 Bulkington , Abbats bistrot 208 Bruſyard spres 001960 Bullingham, aliagalog yang 580 Bryaneſton, alias adojk 98125 Bullinghope Magna - 914 354 1623) Brympsfield and 345 Bullington Parva zis ibid.) Bryncrois, alias sio 1064 Bullwell 1176 1 209) Bryn Eglwys 1054 Bulmer 607, 1116 Brompton eril 1125, 1160 ) Brynelhope, alias me:3771 Bulwick Bryan yn 381 Brygwyn 1016, 1033, 1088 Bumpſted Helion Chap. 1.disa $760 Bryfinghamn, alias " 11 697 Bungay St. Mary's Is og 981 TOS: Ralph tos773 Bubwith firſt Med. 1145 to St. Thomas 10 ibid. Regis 10_209 ſecond Med. ibid.a Bunney 1167 Bromſhelfe, alias isravo 1999 Buckden L 5262 Buntingford SY 638 Bromyard, Firſt Portion 356 Buckenham, alias v 18 646 Bunwell, alias Second Portion ibid. All Saints 7054 Burbache 551 Third Portion ibid. St. Martin 706 Burbage 866, 6893 St. Peters ibid.' Buckfaſtleigh owoi 01. 296. Burccifero Bromyſborowe, is tenutno 333 Buckinghall, alias lotulisy4224. Burcombe, alias Brondeſbury Senior 5610 Buckingham Tha: 490 Burdide Brondon 1257 14,6040 Buckington, alias cils 247 Bures Mount, alias S. 3101603 Broodwode Wiger, alias 288Buckland , 32, 41, 56, 58, 73, Brook 286, 321, 509, 635, Burfield, alias H9111 alias 656 905, 945 · Burford 804 Bura ode: 897 408 de 872 no 216 363 goin 926 bor by Bow 588 Magna 180, Regis zeils at 841 noii 620 668 592 898 5 St. Mary 768 -, 24, 846 I 19 20 INI DI E11 X.I V 585 105 T 812 Burgh, alias too 2017 726, 1199 714 olov706 coqmel 855 97.343 upon Bane 1110: 1272 ve Agnes Bradftock 1 Coggles ante 406 218 Haſtings and 220 843 euils rou1.250 36 9.86 476 O Burford Firſt Part 36.378' Burſted Magnaalias-osi 584 Buxton 170, 689 Second Part ibid. Parva, alias 585 Byfield Third Part ibid. Burſtocke Byford 372 Burgate YEPOLA 745 Burftow 110119946 Bykenor Anglicana, alias 333 230, 418, 674 Burftwick fast 1153 Bynham, alias Burtford, alias 877. Byntree, alias 463. Burthorp. foisia 401" Byrling St. Mary 1202 Burthorpe, alias 331 Byfeley 343 upon the Sands 1196 Burton 385, 999, 1220, 1230 Byſhain, alias 13 brown 914 Burghill, alias 377 alias 122, 441, 507, Byton 368 Burghwales, alias 1134 697, 1257 Bywell Burgwith, alias 141 1129 St. Andrew on 1273 Burhain, alias 589 208 102 Byxgibwin 803 Buriton 931 tibao Burleſton Yangoora 125 bilan upon Dunſmore Burleton astro 197 Fleming 20 II 30 C.216 book Burleydam 1214 Burlie, alias Huſey, alias Esci 402 Cabourne, alias its 435 Burliſcomb 1209 12 noon 292 Jorce,'alias bioto 1198! Cadbury Burmeríh esils zesloxon Latimer bron 1822 Caddington 517 Burmington Lazars 170104542 Cadeby Burnby 1145 Leonard 1242 Cadington, alias-bs14 Burneham Salon Overy 542 Major 99 561 Burnell, alias 190 Minor eit liori ibid. Burnelton : Done 1244 454 Cadleighe Buruét:10 95 upon Trent sils 208 Cadney Burnham 491, 596 Burwardeſley esis U 1214 Cadoxton, alias SON All Saints, alias 6601 Burwarton : juxta Neathe Deanry ibid. Burwaſcot, alias ils 291 góż Caerfai anda bu 993 Depdale 661 Burwell asmo 450, 740 Caerhun, alias 1062 Ouery, alias 660 Bury 132, 135, 1233 35, 1233 Caerverchel 993 St. Albert 116. Ibid. Pomery **** 266 Caerwent, alias SKA 1091 St. Margaret ibid. St. John Elisoit 120 no 1234 Caerwys St. Mary, alias ibid. Burythorp Cainby 397 Thorpe ibid. Buſhbury 196. Caincham 386 Burnholme 1142 Buſhey 2713631- Caire 1077, 1081 Burningham esils 978 Cairļeon. I 685 Buſhley neist 1225 Buſlingthorpe Burnley 442 Calborne 939 Burnfall 61876 1126 Butcomb euils frisson Calceby 415 Burntbroughton 447 Butleigh ble AT84 Caldbeck 1191 Burntwood 1240 Butlers Martton brogu? Caldecot Burriton, alias 304 Butley 1106483€ Caldecote Burrough 951 Butterleigh arti 276 - alias 689 Buttermeresc, A 889 Caldicott201 1091 Lurroughbridge, alias I 243 Buttermire Caldon como sigis 1256 Caldwell Bútterton Burroughclere, alias 923 Burrow, alias 538 Butterwick 437, 1132 a Calk Burſakis SER 132 Butteſbury, alias com Calleigh, alias 594 Buriham, alias Calloes, alias Burflem Buttolph in Lincoln City 394 Callow 366 Buritall and Thrumarſton 55 Buxted 555 159 Calthorpe 689 61 ono 1242 01150 557 Pidſey upon Statliers 102 97rgl 249 List 468 bis 1079 0017 1083 Si 1 wodd 1040 II13 ** 1091 985 NT 200 2010. 185, 744 Wasou 185 254 5887 is 874 135 Bu Buttington 389, 1045 204 763 Buxhall 765 Calne Calfthrop IN ᎠᎴ E X. 1324 499, 1186 .10.14 j 81, 1194 443 von 6872 . 1197 Calfthrop NO 449 Cantar' de Chacombs 814 Carleton St. Peter 656 Calftrocke Bainis esforzar la 300 4:31 4:11 de Aſhby Leodgare 817 Carliſle Archdeaconry 1190 Calfton, alias warhodio 876104 de Wedenbecks ibid. Cathedral 1189 Calverley 1156 de Charwelton ibid. Deanry ibid. Calverton de Brington 821 Minor Canons ibid. Calwoodley, alias 290 Beatæ Mariæ Vir- Prebendaries ibid. Camberwell 3952 ginis in Calne 875 St. Cuthbert's 1198 Cambourne, alias 305 de Ramſberry 891 & St. Mary's 1197 Camelton, alias 484 Stæ Catherine 1 904 Carlton 474, 749, 1125; 1157 Camely 181 five Cap. Sti Bard. Curliew, alias 542 Cameringham 397 tholomei 909 Covell 755 Camerton de Titchborne 920 cum Dalby 394 Canime and 329 de Bilhampton 973 in Lynrike, alias 1179 Cammock 1197 de Ripple ibid. Magna o 453 Campden 32 t Sti Nicholai in Mincot II20 Campſall 1137 IA Tredington 984 North Camros, alias 999 de Guicliffe in 989 Parva 45 Candel Epiſcopi, alias 120 28 duæ in Carnar- Rode 669 Candle Sturton, alias I 24 1060 St. Mary Candleſby 418 duæ de Rippon. 1162 St. Peter ibida Canewdon 618 Canterbury Archdeaconry 20 Scrope 447 Canfield Magna 601 Cathedral ibid. South 443 10 Parva 599 Cantlers, alias 561 cum Thurlbyfa 394 Canford, alias 125 Cantley 1188 Cannings Biſhop's 874 Cantreffe, alias 1006 Carmarthen A 1020 Cannington 66 Canwick 445 Archdeaconry 1019 Cannock **** 197, 318 Capel 951 Carmelites, Fraternity of, Cantar' duæ in Eccl, Sti Garmon 1052 in Burnham 9659 Dunſtani pro- Gwilym Foethus 1026 Carnaby 1130 or pè Civ. Can- y Fien, alias 1101012 Carnarvon 1061 Kynog, alias 1008 Carnewch 1064 vocat. Brenchils ibid. near Tunbridge 857 Carno 1068 una duar. voc. A- Capella Sancti Spiritus in Caroge, alias 1035 rundels ibid. Newton 1994 de Waltham ibid. Capells, alias 761 Caron ibid. I de Goldſwell ibid. Capefthorn I2 I 2 alias 1035 ibid. Carbrooke Magna and Magna and Carrington 1209 Pevington ibid. Parva 5:10 649 Carrow 687 de Bredger ibid. Carcolfton ails 1167 Carſington Johannis Finkell, Cardefton 388 Carſwill , alias 251 Mil. in Eccl. o Cardigan 1033 Carthuſian Houſe, in D. Sti Pancraſii, ouble Cardington IT 381, 472 Coventry 215 London 22 Cardinham Monaſtery near Tamerton Foliat. 287. Careby 406a Hull 1142 Bradfton 330 Careſwall, alias 0101: 199 Cartmel Colbrook 1003 Cartmell Fell Fayrford 332 Carham 1271. Cartram, alias Stæ Annæ 361 Cariſbrooke 939 Caſſington, alias- in the Ch. of Lud- Carlatton Caſter low 386 Carleby, alias 457 alias Johannis Collin. Carleton 230, 558, 841, 1128 St. Edmund 655, 673 fon 350 395 in Moreland 425 8. St. Trinity 673 8 F Cat- 10 645, 1137 upon Trent tuar. 21 940 Çarok Burley 172 316 250 Carew ibid. 948. 807. 467 468 1322 NDE 561 336 204 881 694 305, 866 Cafter Magna:: 844 Caxfton 229 Chalton, alias 931 Parva ibid. Cayton, 1132 Chalvington, alias bo 158 Cattle 1043, 1225 Ceirchiogg 1071 Chamberlynwood Alhby 832 Cell, Bamburgh 1153 Chantry in the Church Burgh, alias 1029 Bynham, ca. Norf. to of Radnor 367 Camps 230 St. Alban's Mon. 631 Chapel in Eaſt Love 318 Cary 71 Hatfield Peverell, co. in le Frith 170 Carlton 453 Ellex, 'to the fame ibid. in the Lea Church Herfford, to the fame ibid. of St. Radagund 941. Donnington 532, 534 Hirſt in the Iſle of Ax- in Salcomb 247 Eaton holme 1153 in the Town 1223 Eden 1266 de Malo Pafſu, alias 1086 within Wilton Martin 1003 Monkton, co. Pemb. Caſtle 363 Moreton 977 to St. Alban's Mon. 631 Chapelhill Riſing 696 Oyingham 1272 Chapelthorpe 1157 Caſtleacre Redborne, to St. Al Charburghe, alias 129 Caſtlebitham 407 ban's Mon. 631 Chard 56 Caſtlecarrick, alias 1196 St. Bees in Cumberland Charde 73 Caftlecomb 884 1103 Chardſtock Caſtleford I154 St. Martin gear Rich Charell, alias 279 Caſtleton 124, 169 mond ibid. Charhampton, alias 79 Caſtlewalwyn 999 St. Mary Magdalen Charing sro 29 Cafton 648 near Lincoln ibid. Chạrlebury 793 Caſtor 395, 830 St. Trinity of Weder Charlecombe art. 465 Catcomḥ 266 hall in Cumberl. ibid. Charlecote 985 Çaterſtock, alia's 103 Stokirk 1153 Charleton 205, 298, 891 Catesby, alias 816 Woodkirk ibid. Abbots 352 Catewick, alias 1148 Centum Solidorum 394 upon Øtmere 790 Catfield, alias 141, 716 Cerne Abbots 129 Charles Church, alias 277 Catherine Hall, Camb. 7233 Ceviſton, alias 525 Charleſworth 169 Catñer, alias 907 Chabſon, alias 183 Charlewood 946 Caton 1223 Chacombe, alias 84 Charlotte StreetChạp.. Catterick 1244 Chaddefley Corbet 969 Charlton 07.134, 69, 895 Catton 710, 1143 Chaddleworth 909 bidi Adam leben 88 Catworth Magna 52'5 Chadkirk 1213 A Camfield, alias 91 Parva 527 Chadfunt o 224 bid King's 352 Caulton 201 Chafcombe na:M skor 75 bd Mackarell. 86 Caúndell Merſe, alias 122 Chagford 3.715257 Charmiſter 115 Purſe ibid. Chaihame, alias non 946 Charmouth 105 Caunton 186 Chakenden sicf 1801 Charsfield, alias 754 Cauthofp 454 Chalbery SS 136 Chart near Sutton 49 Parva, alias 415 Chaldfield Magna no 895 Magna 29 Cavendish 768 Chaldon mi 1948 Parva ibid. Cavenham 742 Herring UTHI Charter Houſe near London Caversfield, alias 1490 Chaldrington, alias 871) of 564 Caverſham 802 Chaldwell, alias Chapel) 572 Cawdwell 940) Chartham 23 Cawhoneyborne 324 Chalfount St. Giles 492 Chartſey, alias 955 Cawkwell, alias 423 St. Peter ibid. Charwelton 816 Cawood (1111 Chalgrave, alias -477 Chafeley, alias 977 Cawthortie 1140 Chalgrove 988 Challeton 794 Cawlton *688 Chalke 859 Chateſham 238 Chatel- 576 ir 535 Chale INDEX 1323 105 285 : III last 97 736 88 91 200 61, 577 , alias Chateſham, alias 962 Chefelborn S125 Chilborowe, alias 105 Chatham 860 Cheſelborow De 86 Chilcomb 942 Chatherſton, alias 105 Cheſham Boys 492 Chilcombe Chatterington, alias 932 Leiceſter 2012 493 Childerdich 590 Chatton 1270 Owbourne, alias ibid. s ibid. Child Qakeford Superior 120 Chattres, alias 237 Cheſhunt 635 Inferior ibid. Chawton 921 Cheſilford, alias 759 Childon, alias Chayleigh, alias 145 Cheſilhurit 852 Childry 902 Chebſey, alias 202 Cheſter 1266 Childwall 1236 Checkenhull, alias 976 Archdeaconry 1203 Childſwike, alias 323 Checkerell Cathedral ibid. Chilfrome 103 Checkley 198 Deanry ibid. Chilham 23 Chedder 61 Prebends ibid. Chillendon, alias 24 Cheddon Fitzpain 97 Cheſterblade, alias 73 Chillingham 1270 Chedelhampton, alias 247 Cheſterfield 125 Chilmark 877 Chedgrave 656 Chesterford Magna 621 Chilmarton 170 Chedill, alias I2II Parya 620 Chiltington 161 Chedingſtone 861 Cheſterton 224, 235, 530, 792 Chilton 67, 505, 771, 902 Chedington 103 Cheſton, alias alias Chedſey, alias 66 Cheſulden, alias 892 Candover 919 Chedull 198 Cheſwardine 196 Cantloe Chedulton Cheſwick Foliat 889 Chedworth 325 Chetbury, alias 730 Chilworth 939 Chekenhall Semeley, alias Chetington, alias grob 494 Chingford, alias 583 118 Chinnor Chekinhall Magna, alias 591 Chetton 390 Chipchaſe 1273 Chelerley, alias 228 Chetwyn, alias 186 Chipley 731 Chelford 1212 Chevely 740 Chippenham 740, 887 Chellafton 175 Chevening 861 Chipping 1221 Chellesfield 852 Cheventon 1270 Barnet Chelleſworth 768 Chcverel Magna JM 893 Norton 794 146 Parva ibid. Ongar Chellington 475 Chevington 776 Warden Chelmarſh 391 Chew Magna 93 Chipſtable 77 Chelmundefton, alias 762 Chewſtock 95 Chipſted, alias 946 Chelmesford 591 Chewton 82 Chirbury 387 Chelſey Coll. 580 Chichley 499 Chirke 1055 Chelſithe, alias 573 Chicheſter Archdeaconry 132 Chirvilde, alias 340 Cheltenham 352 Cathedral 131 Chilhall Magna Chelvey Chancellorſhip 132 Parva Chelwood, alias ibid. Deanry 13 Chiſelhampton 808 Chepſtow 1091 Precentorſhip 132 Chiflet 52 Cherdlinch, alias 2266 Sub Deanry ibid. Chitterne All Saints 900 Cheriehayes 307 Treaſurerſhip ibid. ibid. Cherington 2011-343 Chicklade 879 Chittingley 132 alias bas 983 Chickney 300 599 alias 158 Cheriton 31,919, 1026 Chickſton 246 Chobam, alias 956 alias 895 Chidham 138 Cholerton, or 1235 - Biſhops 258 Chidingford 956 Chollerton 1272 Fitz Paine 250 Chidioke 1:07 Cholſbury 497 North 91 Chigwell 615 Chorley 1232 Cherſley 505 Chilbolton 1935 Choſel, alias 682 8 F 2 Choul. 593 Chettel 788 634 617 812 614 613 95 St. Mary 1324 E X. I ND D E. 41.5, 460 St. Mary our - 259 82 116 wo 1225 BL Choulſey, alias 2970 916 Claughton sodi 1229 Clift St. Georgend 244 Choral Vicars 354 Clawton potd 263 Honyton C'246 Chrich, alias 181 Claxby COB 244 Chriſt Chapel 1056 Pluckacre: 434 Sackville 246 Chriſt Church 574, 954 Claxton 658 Clifthydon 0.275 alias 109, 1091 Long, alias TO 540 Cliftlaverans, alias ibid. in Macclesfield Magna, alias bio 624 Clithero 10 1225 I 212 Parva, alias ibid. Clive, alias. do 349, 861 Twynham 933 Claybrook 548 Clixby and Holton le More Chriſtian Malford 884 Claycooton, alias 819 4.70 Chriftleton 1205 Claypole South Part 447 Clodock, alias IOI 2 Chriſtow the other Med. ibid. Cloford, alias Chudleighe 268 Clayton 146 Clokaynog, alias а 1069 Chumleigh 254 Clayworthose 1179 Clopham 475 Churchdown 339 Cleaſby 3251 Clophill 481 Churchel Parva, alias Cleator 1254 Clopton OT726 Church Eyton 194 Cleaveland Archdeaconry 1100 alias 95, 239 Honeyburn 968 Cleavelod 976 Clothall 513 Kirk 1225 Cleberrie, alias spreken 378 Clothered ibid. Langton 543 Cleckheaton 1157 Cloughton edilib1132 Minſhull 1214 Cleder Con DEX 313 Cloweſworth Hier 91 Staunton 256 Clee 431 Clowne 176 Stoke 389 Clehanger WRITE 291 291 Cluddifdeane, alias 926 Wythington 354 Clehedon, alias 256 Cluer 913 Churcham 333 Clehonger 361 Clunbury 384 Churchill 63, 795, 970,974 Clenchwarton 692 Clungonaz, alias 381 Churchlench 972 Clendon 836 Clunn 0 382 Churchover 216 Clenham, alias Vawr Churſton Ferrers 268 Clent 3 969 Clutton afst 93 Churftow 299 Cleebury North 390 Clyddey, alias Chute 889 Cleve, alias 874 Clydey BEID 993 and Cheſſenbury 866 Clewdon, aliasta 95 Clymping, alias-esb 134 Cirencefter 328 Cleydon 732 Clynnog Vawr Clains 982 Cleye, alias 683 Clyro 995 Clanfield Cliburn J1200 Clyrowe, alias 10.16, 1017 Clannaburgh 254 Cliffe I 151 Coadcandlaſs ante 1005 Clapham 135, 953, 1229 alias A 360 Coberley 343 Clapton 827 Clifford 860 Clarbeſton alias 322 College TUBETE 858 Clardon, alias 989 Clifton 172, 484, 808, 1164, Cobhamburie ibid. Clare 730 1199, 1254 Cocheſton, alias. in 1003 Clareborough, alias 1181 Campville 206 Cockerham 71222 Clare Hall, Camb. 233 Cure 109 Cockerington St. Mary | 451 Portion in Tiverton on Dunſmore 219 St. Leonard 450 St. Peter's Church 290 on Maybank obel: i20 Cockermouth 1255 Clarethorp 417 in co. Nottingham 394 Cockey 1235 Clatford Reynes Clatworthy, alias 77 3:80 alias 146, 768 Clavelleigh, alias 260 Clippeſby 674 Cocking 15.1 Claverby, 188 Clipfton two Parts 836 Cockington on 267 Clavering 6.13 Third Part 1. ibid. Cockle Clay 665 Claverton il 165 Clif Founſon, alias. valo 244 Cockſhute 192 Cock- 758 0 Іобо 1028, 1929 10ba 804, 931 374 Cobham 998 to 892 499 Cockfield, 1264 upon Team I 1325 N X. DE 853 915 1008 728 1182 431 827 563 311. 1008 Wye 25 Cockthorpe 805 College of Arundel 134 College of St. Nicholas within 10 Codam, alias Asſherugg 494 Wallingford Car- Coddenham 723 Aſtley 215 tle Coddington 358 with Chap. of At- St. Stephen, Weſt- Codford St. Mary 898 tilborough 702 minſter 564 St. Peter ibid. Bablak 215 St. Trinity's in Codgrave Firſt Mediety 1164 Battlefield 189 Pontefract 1154 Second Mediety ibid. Bridgenorth ibid. Shotteibroke 910 Codicote 632 Chriſt's, in Breck- South Malling 159 Codington 946, 1216 nock Stanedroppe 1265 Codfall 197 called Chriſt's Col- Stoke Coedane 1075 lege 233 Sudbury 767 Coedkernew 1095 Clifton 1164 Tattelhall 422 Cogges 105 Cobham 851 Thomſon 648 Coggſhall 608 Corpus Chrifti 233 Tonge 189 Coginghoo, alias 832 Cranſtock 310 Vicars Choral in Cokeley 736 Crediton 249 Exeter Cathe- Cokeney, alias Denſton 728 dral 243 Cokeſwell, alias 905 Eton 491 Weſtbury 334 Cokeſwold, alias Fotheringhay Wimbourne Min- Cokethorpe 713 Glaſeney 302 ſter 116 Colan Guildhalt Wingfield 749 Colbren Heryngby 673 Colcheſter Archdeaconry 561 Higham Ferrers. 822 Wyngham ibid. Cold Afton 340 Irtlingborough ibid. Collegiate Church of Auk. Henley 930 John's 233 land 1266 Higham. 812 King's ibid. of Beverley 1142 Kirby 11614 Knoll 210 of Brecon 994 Overton Llandwy Brevy 994 of Bumbery 1213 Salperton 349 Maidſtone 52 of Howden I 142 Waltham Metyngham 779 of Llandewy Brevi Weſton 386 Michael Houſe 233 1031 Cofdaſhby Mounde Roy 60 of Lyngfield, co. Coldham, alias II14 Newark 536 Surrey 950 Coldred, alias 43 Norton 1266 of Mancheſter 1233 Colebrooke 2.50, 494 Peter Houſe 233 of Ripon I 241 Coleby 445, 689 Plecy: 599 of St. Mary, co. Coledon Parya, alias 1150 Queen's Stafford 201 Cole Orton 533 Rodington 1169 of Stratford upon Colerudge, alias 255 Rotherham 1133 Ayon 982 Coleſale, alias 688 Rusſheworth 702 of Sutton I150 Coleſbone. 35! St. Andrew's of in Warwick 987 Coleſhili 494 Neder Acaſter 1103 Collern 884, 887 Coleworth 132 St. Chad 189 Collingborne Abbas, alias 890 Coley St. Edmund in Dukes ibid. Colford Saliſbury 869 Collingham Coliton, alias 264 St. Elizabeth's 918 Collington 358 Raleghe 244 St. John's alias 69 Colkirke 652 St. Mary 536; 993 Collingtree 832 Collacomb, alias Ottery 244 Colliweſton, alias 839 College of Abergwillý 1023 St. Mary's near Collwinſton, alias 1083 All Saints 179 Winton 918 Collwich 166, 208 Col. 538 fo 154 819 233 1158 336 1108 233 279 2 1326 IN DE X. 297 609 1225 po 687 563 689 III sa Colmer 921 Compton Chamberlain? Cornewood Colmky, alias 733 Dando 95 Corney 1253 Colmworth 479 Dondon, alias 88 Cornhampton, alias 933 Coln Alba, alias 612 Dundon 58 Cornhill 1271 Wake, alias Greenfield 108 Cornwall Archdeaconey 243 Colne Martin 93 Cornwell 795 Engayne 608 Murdock 986 Cornworthy 297 Colney Parva 349 Corpus Chriſti College, Collhall, alias 211, 902 alia's 983 London Colſterworth, alias 406 Paunsfoot 20 69 Corpuſty Collton 665 Valence, alias Corringham 394, 420, 585 alias 538 Comyntenhede, alias 268 Corſe 351 Baſſet 1164 Condall, alias 1241 Corfecombe 103 Colton 206, 677 Condicote 321 Corſenſide 127,6 Columb 314 Condover 191 Corſham, alias 887 Minor 311 Congeſton, alias 556 Corſly, alias 901 Columpton 275 Congham St. Andrew 692 Cortton 95 Colva, alias 1017 St. Mary ibid. Cortlingſtock, alias 1164 Colwall 354, 356 Saints 696 Corton 89, 756, 876 Colwen 1008 Congleton 1218 Corverell 193 Colwicke 1174 Congraſbury 61 Corwen 1049 Comb 73 Coningſby 422 Cofby, alias 550 Martin 279 Coningſholme 451 Coffington Combe 925 Conington 228, 530 Coflmington, alias 92 alias 1040, 1041 Coniſbrough, alias 1137 Coftefly 680 Biffet 879 Coniſcliffe, alias 1261 Coſton, alias ibid. and Harnham 866 Coniſton 1128, 1228 Coterſbrooke, alias Longa 808 Conſumpſit per Mare 561 Cotes, alias 325, 397 Combeflory 97 Conventual Houſe Devile 551 Combehawey, alias 80 Armthwayte 1194 Magna 430 Combes 161, 765 Convil Elvet, alias North ibid. Fifteen Prebends of 58 Conway, alias 1062 Parva 431 Combkeynes, alias 113 Cookliam 911 Cotham, alias 1132 Comberton 227 Coolidge 731 Cothelſtone, alias Comberworth, alias 415 Copford 609 Cothered, alias Combraleigh, alias 256 Copgrave 1242 Cothridge, alias 979 Combrew, alias 1198 Copingford, alias 525 Cottam 1184 Combpyne 265 Copnal 197 alias 1172 Comduy, alias 1009 Copp Cottenham 235 Comerdney ibid. Coppedhooke, alias 762 Cotteſbatch, alias Commandry of Hawſton 1048 Coppenhall 1214 Cotteſmore 843 Ribſtone 1241 Copſton 214 Cottingham 841, 1143, 1147 Temple Copull 1232 Cottisford, alias 792 Combe 89 Corbridge 1272 - Cotton 745 Comner, alias 408, 841 alias 213, 227 Compton 137, 910, 942, 956 Corfé Caſtle Cotterſtock 829 alias 288 Cottleigh 264 Abbas 106, 120 Corley 217 Coughton 989 Abdale 328 379 Coulton 1227 Baffet 874 Cornelly 309 Counde, alias 190 Bechamp, alias 903 Corneth, alias 771 Counteſtorp 551 Biſhops 58, 60, 62 Parva, alias 768 Cove 293 552 819 at 1021 IOO 513 I 222 548 905 Corby III 974 Coriton or 7 Cove 1 N DE 1327 700 ibid. 1196 I 20L 1238 1257 Su St. Mary je 858 716 1812 TO 141, 951 Cove St. Peter's sodi 78r Crathorne Coveham, alias 1122 Cromall 237 Crawford Parva 3340 Coveney ibid. Crawley 119 Cromer, alias Caventry. Archdeaconry 215 149, 942 Crondal alias PEP927 499 Cronver, alias. and Lichfield Ca Crawmerſh Gifford 8o1 Crook 1003 thedral 165 Crayke 1261 Cropedie 1257 Deanry alias II15 Cropthorne 799 Coverham 1247 1247 Creacomb, alias 285 Cropwell Biſhop 972 Coverſgrove, alias 83? Creche, alias 1186 98 Croiby upon Eden Covington, alias 525 Credenhill, alias 374 Cowarne Magna Garret, alias 358 Crediton, alias HAD 268 Magna Cowden 855 Creeke, alias 819 Ravenſwart, alias 1201 Cowfold 146 Creeſton, alias ibid. Croſcombe Cowham, alias 451 Creeting All Saints 70 766 Croſſcrake Cowick 270 724 Crofterne, alias Cowley 798 St. Olave ibid. Crofthwaite 1158 alias 330, 343, 573 St. Peter, alias 766 Crofton Da 1191 Cowling 858 Creetingham, alias 1231 754 Croftwaite, alias Cowpull, alias 472 Crendon Long 710, 1257 505. Croſtwick, alias Cowſby, alias 1123 Crelhall, alias Cowthorpe, alias 1108 Creffage 614 Crounethorpe, alias 677 192 Crowan, alias Coxwell Parva 906 Creſſing Sat305 Coxwold 1120 Creſſingham Magna 628 Crowden 239 Coyệhurch y Goettre, alias 663 Crowell Parya 788 665 Crowelton, alias 2082 Creffey Hall Coytiffe, alias ibid. Creſwell, alias 439 Crowhurit 205 Crowill, alias Coytre, alias 1088 Creton, alias 672 Crack pool 408 Crowland, alias 394 Crewkern 438 Crade, alias 76 Crowley 307 Criche 184 Cradley side 1092 Croxby TOBA 356 Crickadarn 460 1008 Croxdaile Crambe, alias cot's 1118 Crickeith, alias STRA 1266 1065 Croxden Cramlington s1276 Crickhowel ber 200 Croxton 1009 Cranbourne, alias alias 1010 Kernier, alias Cranbrook Portion 3540 Craneford 1009 Croydon 481 Cricket 949 St. Andrew 75 Cructon, alias Malerby 389 ibid. Crudwell ibid. Cricklade St. Sampſon 885 881 Çrudworth, alias Craneham, alias 588 211 Cranew, alias 883 Crues, alias 283 nusta 543 543 Crickfey, alias Craneworth -598 Cruetheke, alias i 675 Crigina, alias 300 Craney 2017 Crull, alias $1005 Crimpleſham 4.54 usu 671 Crumwell, alias. Cranford 03:573. Cringleford 1170 alias 687 Crundall 16:00 - 759 759 Criſt Crunant 23 Cranham 1086 cb A 345 Criſton, alias Cranley It dies 62 Cubbington 956 Crocombe 66 Cuberte, alias Cranſley 361 Cranſtock b79839 Crocton 389 Gubit 34 Croft' 368, 4178 1248 Cubley Do 139 Cranwell 201404. alias Cranwiſe, alias ta 1548 Cablington -665 Croften, alias 354, 495 Crafcanonby 1154 Cuddeldon 796 Craſwell Od 194 Crofton 932 Cuddington, alias 806 Cudlawe Cratfield 2736 Crokeſeafton, alias 134 923 Cudworth Cul. 228, 468,665 118 1:29 822 St. John St. Mary 1026, 1033 222 SOT 35 -173 00 , 1193 58, 60, 77 1328 X. 1 D E N. 732 953 Dale 1001 728 143 847 325 Dalſton Sin 609 * 1051 905 Home 1227 73 Culford, alias 721 Dalby Chaucombe, alias 554 Debenham Culgarth 1194 Parva 538 Debtling 5T Cullam 798 on the Woulds -556 Decanatus de Haſtings, Culleldon infra Caſtellum de Hal-.. Culm Stock 292 Dalham tings Culme Davy 257 Daling 684 Decan. Rural. Tho. Bur. Culmington 385 Dalinghoe 783 ley alias 69 Dallington 141, 826 Decem Librarum 394 Culne Denys, alias 1196 Decuman 60 Rogers, alias 326 Dalton 1264 Decumani, St. 58 Culnwyn, alias 332 in Furnes 1226 Deddington, alias 800 Culpho 726 Dalwood 107 Dedham Culſton, alias 893 Damerham 877 Dedington, alias 529 Culve, alias 67 Danbury 591 Deeping James, alias 457 Culworth 812 Danby I 125 Deerham 1193 Cumberworth 1140, 1158 Wiſke 1248 Deerhurſt 352 Cumborow 166 Dareſbury 1210 Defford 974 Cumwhitton 1198 Darfield 1134, 1137 Demeſby 400 Curat' Ecclefiæ de Gill- Darking, alias 956 Denbigh 175, 1053 gurrock 1095 Darleigh Boreal, one Part 168 alias Cure Parva 380 Med. Auſtral. 169 Denburie 266 Cureg 1063 Darleton 1188 Denby 1140 Curewyard, alias 380 Darlington 1266 Denchurch, alias Curland 76 Darrington 1156 Dendron Curry 56, 58 Darrowen 1048 Dene Prior 296 Mallett alias 1047 Dengey 597 - Rival ibid. Darſham Portion, alias ibid. Curtenhall 833 Dartford 853 Denham 492, 731, 751 Curtlington, alias 792 Dartmouth 254 Cuſop, alias 1137 Dennington 750 Cuftos Ataris Sancti Petri 394 Daruth 863 Densford, alias 824 Cutcombe 77 Darwen 01225 Denfton *731 Cutton 244 Daſſet Magna, alias Dent '1230 Cutfden 975 Parva Denton 34, 158, 427, 532, Cuxhan 788 alias 697, III, 1196, Cuxton, alias 493 Cwmjoy, alias Datchworth 518 Denver 670 Cyffeſtiog, alias 1070 Dauliſh 269 Denyves 1064 Cynfab 1024 Dauntſey, alias. 885 Depden, alias 620 Cynon 1034 Davenham 1217 Depding, alias 728 Daventree 818 Depham Davington, alias 42 Deptford D. Dawley Magna 188 St. Paul Daylesford 964 Derby Archdeaconry 179 Dacre 43 Dereham, alias 340 Dadlington 481, 1233; 1252. Deritend 214 Dagenham alias 841 Derlington Deanry 1266 Daglingworth Parva 336 Derneford 166 Dagnal 497 top and Chapter of Coven Derſingham 692 Daiſborrow, alias839 try and Lichfield 166 Dertington, alias Dalherby 423 and Chapter for 12 301 Derwent Dalbury, alias 173 Chorifters 100 ibid. Derwenymall, alias 1069 Dalby 419, 1118 Deane 479, 927 Desford 736 253 Dennes 374 Darton 22 I 166 22 I 858 Datchet 1235, 1266 IOI 2 antis 677 852 854 1193 Deal 558 Dean 58 326 296 ID 182 IN DE X. 1929 - 550 970 864 St. Mary 383 323 386 1232 Desford 550 Dixton 365 Dounton, alias Deſworth, alias 534 Dixwell, alias 518 - Dourton 506 Dethick 178 Docking 681 Dovebridge 173 Dettſham, alias 296 Docklow 370 Dover Court 624 Deverel Langbridge 898 Dodbrooke 299 Doverdale Devizes St. John 896 Dodderhill 965 Dowdſwell 349 Devunnock, alias 1006 Doddeſcomhleigh 258 Dowelby 399 Deuxhill, alias 391 Doddington 340, 425, 1271 Dowilton, alias 293 Dewchurch Magna 365 Dodford 816 Dowland 295 Parya 366 Dodington 41,67, 237,839 Dowlis, alias 379 Dewi 1023 Dodleſton 1205 Dowliſwake 75 Dewfal 361 Doginersfield 927 Down Ampney 332 Dewſbury 1156 Dolben Maen 1066 Downe Dewſtowe, alias 312 Dolgelle ibid. 250 Deynton 835 Dolwyddelan 1063 Downeham 237 alias 340 Domus Scholar' de Wotton Downham 586, 671, 740, Diaconus in Mon. de Wil- 329 743, 1225,1244 ton 896 Fratrum Auguſtini, Downhatherley 350 Dichford 964 in Villa de Ather Downhead, alias 73. Dichiat 69 Iton 210 Downton Dichwoud, alias 1031, 1034 Conyent. Fratr, mi Draper's Alms Houſes Chap. Didbroke, alias nor. in Ayleſbury in Blackmore Str. 954 Diddlebury 506 at Newington Butts Didmerton 341 Doncaſter 1134 ibid. Didſbury 1235 Doneghton, alias 137 Draughton 836 Difryn Hondy, alias 1008 Donglas Drax 1108 Digby 404 Donhead St. Andrew 877 Draycot Cerne 885 Dighton 1125 St. Mary Foliat 890 Dikilburghe, alias 697 Donington 186, 110 Draycott in le Moor 202 Dilham 423 Drayton 546, 710, 799, 808, Dilhorne, alias 199 Donkerton 906 Dinas, alias 1030 Donnington Baſſet 206 Orueg 1061 alias I116 Beacham 495 Dingley 841 Donnyet, alias 74 in Hales 186 Dinnington 77, 1137 Donton, alias 586 Hanwell Dinton 877 Doore, alias 373 495 alias 495 Dopeford, alias 296 Driby Dipdene, alias 326 Dirrington 404 Dorlafton 206 Driffield Magna Diſerth, alias Dorcheſter 808 Parva Diſhforth 1120 Deanry II2 Drigge 1254 Diſey Omnium Sancto Drokinsford 931 Differth 1042 114 Dronfield Diftington, alias 1252 St. Peter 115 Drumburgh, alias 1198 Ditchampton 897 Dormefton 975 Drydrayton 235 Ditcheridge 887 Dormington 377 Drykiſton, alias 773 Ditchingham 655 Dorney 493 Drypool 1153 Ditchning, alias Dorſet Archdeaconry Ducklington Dittinſdale, alias 1264 Dorfington 322 Dudcot 903 Ditton 494, 743, 855 Dorſton 374 Dudinghurſt, alias 586 Priors 214 Dudleſton 192 Dixley 535 Doulting 69 Dudley 969 8 G Duda 878 716 upon Baine 81 358, 435 799 Pallow 418 938 Dore 178 Driffelde 1145 ibid. 1016 1-213 rum 177 149 IOI 803 391 Doftill 1330 X, I E N D 1250 73 156, 937 376 36 144 821 E. 852 893 Dudlington, alias 665 Durweſton I 26 Eaſt Cottonwith 1147 Duffield 181 Dufton 826 Cowton, alias Dufton, alias 1 201 Duxford 40 231 Crenmore Duke Street Chapel 575 St. John 232 Dean Dulace, alias 1012 Dwygyfylehig, alias 1062 Deane 138 Dullingham 232 Dyddwen 1023 Dereham 676 Duloe 316, 319 Dýlwyn, alias Donyland 609 Dultingcot 58, 60 Dymchurch Drayton 1179 Dulverton 77 Dymerchion 1041 Farley 861 Dulwich Hoſpital or College Dymock 333 Garſton, alias 910 954 Dynam 1062 Grinſted 146 Dumbleton 322 Dynſtow, alias 1088 Guildford, alias Dummer 927 Dynton, alias 507 Haddon Dunchurch 218 Dyfle 697 Hampſted 912 Dunchedikoc 269 Haningfield 591 Duncton, alias 154 Hannam 342 Duneſby 399 Harling 703 Dunham 442, 1184, 1186 Haroldſton 1001 alias 661 Eade, alias 270 Hartleſey 1125 Dunholme, alias 394 Eagle 425 Hendreth, alias 903 Dunington, alias 878 Еaldland 561 Heſlerton I115 Dunkſwell 255 Ealdſtreet ibid. Horndon 586 Dunmow Magna 599 Eard, alias 861 Horſley 957 Parva 601 Earith Idſley 908 Dunnington 558 Earles Coln -608 Kennet, alias 876 Duns Tew 806 Earlham 687 Lavington, alias Dunsfold, alias 956 Earlſhilton 558 Leche Turvill 332 Dunsford 258 Earneſhill 74 Leche Turyille 328 Dunſtable 478 Earſden 1277 Lexham 653 Dunſter 78 Eartham 132, 137 Lidford 71 Dunſtone 197, 445, 687 Eaſington 789, 1266 Lulworth Dunſtorth, alias 1243 Eaſingwold Malling Dunterton 289 Eaſt Allington 298 Mardon 138 Dunteſborne Abbots 326 Anſty Moulſey 951 Militis, alias ibid. Angmerton, alias 134 Norton 555 Dunton 486 Ardeſley 1158 Peckham 862 Dunwich All Saints, alias 736 Ayton 1132 Pennard 71 St. John, alias 735 Barſham, alias 661 Preſton 136 St. Martin's, alias Beckham 702 Quantoxhead 67 Bilney 652 Randal St. Nicholas, alias Borne 132 Raſen, alias 461 739 Bourne 156 Riding Archdeaconry! St. Peter's, alias 738 Bradenham Durham Archdeaconry 1260 Brent Rouncton 1125 Cathedral ibid. Bridge Rudham 661 Deanry ibid. Buckland 280 Ruſton 716 Prebends ibid. Budleigh 246 Sutton, alias 45 Durley 933 Camell 89 Teingmouth 270 Durnford 866 Chinnock 86 Terrington 464 alias Clandon Tiderley Durrington Claydon 505 Tilbury 587 Durtley 329 Coker 89 Tifted 114 862 I118 283 738 432 IIOO 663 61 28, 37 871 873 956 937 921 7 Eaft IN DE X. 1331 453, 854 488 Eaſt Tudenham 677 Éccles 703, 716, 1233 Eggington 173, 478 Walton GODT 695 Eccleſhall 166, 203, 1140 Eggleſcliffe, alias 1261 St. Andrew 696 Eccleſia in Caſtro Caref. Egglesfield, alias 1134 Wickham brook 941 Eggleſton 1267 Wightring, alias 138 Eccleſton 1205, 123! Egglinghain 1269 Winch 695 Eccleſwell 370 Egham *956 Witton 1245 Echingham, alias 141 Egleſkorry 313 Woodhay 925 Eckington 176, 974 Eglos Errow, alias 1030 I Worldham, alias 922 Eaton 836 Egloſhele 314 Worlington 283 Edall 170 Egluſbrues, alias 1084 Wretham 703 Edburton 159 Eglws Fair 1021 Eaſtbarkworth, alias 464 Eddingley 1186 Eglwſvach, alias 1036 Eaſtbourne, alias 152 Edenfield, or 1234 Eglwys Fair ap Lantâf, alias Eaſtbridgford, alias 1165 Edenhall 1193 1021 Eaſtby 1249 Edenfor 168 Jevan, alias 1027 Eaſtchurch 22, 46 Edern, alias 1064 Rhoſe 1052 Eaſtdowne 280 Edgcot, alias Yland, alias 1079 Eaſternick 14 1153 Edgdon and Shipton 384 Eglwyſcymmyn 1019 Eaſtham 74, 378, 583 Edgecote 812 Eglwyſfail, alias 1073 Eaſtharptree 59, 82 Edgfield 683 Eglwyſvach, alias 1051 Eaſthatley 239 Edgmond 186 Egmanton 1182 Eaſthope 383 Edgware 581 Egmere 713 Eaſthorpe 609 Edgworth 343 Egremond, alias 1253 Eaſthothley, alias 156 Edingdon, alias 896 Egton 1125 Eaſtinghanger, alias 37 Edinghall 209 Eikering, alias 1170 Eaſtlambrooke 75 Edingthorpe, alias 716 Eiſey, alias 883 Eaſtling 40 Ediſore 759 Eaſtmanſted Cheyns, alias 492 Edlaſton 172 Ekeſborne 273 Latimer, alias ibid. Edleſborough, alias 496 Eland, alias 1158 Eaſtmarkham 1179 Edlingham 1269 Elberton, alias 109 Eaſtmean 931 Edlington 423, 1137 Elden, alias 935 Eaftmere 446 Edmonſham 116 Eldersfield 977 Eaſtmerſey 609 Edmonton 577 Eldham Magna, alias 604 Eaſton 59, 95, 408, 527,677, Edmundbyers 1264 Parva, alias ibid. 892, 919, 1125, 1198 Edmundthorpe, alias 538 Eleham 34 alias 1160 Ednam 408 Elerkie, alias 307 Bavent 736 Edſleighe, alias 207 Magna 546 Edftarſton, alias 10 188 alias 804 Mawditt 824 Edwalton 1169 Eling, Southampt. 938 Neſton 833 Edwardſton, alias 772 Elingham near Stamford 830 Edweſton 847 Eliſborough, alias 507 Eaſtry 43 Edwin Loach 379 Elkeſton, alias 343 Eaſtwell 30 Ralph 358 Elkington North 451 Eaſtyn, alias 1042, 1043 Edwinſtowe, alias South ibid. Eatington Inferior 985 Edworthe 484 Elkiſley, alias Superior 986 Effingham 200 Eaton 193, 383, 687 Egbaſton, alias 214 Ellafton, alias 199 alias 480 Egermond, alias Ellell 1222 Ebbeſbourne Wake 878 Egerton 31 Ellenhall 204 Ebcheſter 1267 Eggbuckland, alias 287 Ellerburne 1160 Ebeſhame, alias 949 Eggesford Eburton 323 Eggiden 153 Ellerton 8 G2 Elleſden, 510 Eken 293 Elford 655 1179 1182 959 Elkſton 1021 3878 255 Ellerker 1147 ibid. 133) INDEX I 220 550 Ef 269 753 887 2 12 635 687 830 173 1234 Elleſden, alias 1276 Emberton 499 Eftevell, alias 538 Ellingdon 88 Embleton 1255, 1269 Eftham, alias Wroughton ibid. Emmerdale 1254 Eftington, alias 343 Ellingham 934, 1270 Emner, alias 67 Eftiſley, alias 229 Magna 704 Empingham 395, 845 Efkirkby 409 Ellington 525 Empſhot 922 Eſtlangton, alias 44 Ellisfield 796, 927 Enborne, alias 907 Eftlavent, alias 155 Elliſmere 190 Endegate 780 Eftnor 358 Elliſworth, alias 228 Enderby Eſtoke, alias II2 Elmbridge 967 Endon 200 Eſtogwell, alias Elmdon, alias 1267 Endfield, alias 194 Efton, alias Elme 83 Eneham, alias 923 Grey, alias with Emneth 240 Enford 893 Eftretford, alias 1182 Elmedon Englefield, alias 911 Eftrington, alias 1145 Elmedowne, alias 613 Enſton 795 Eſtrop 929 Elmeley Caſtle 974 Eperfton 1174 Eftwayte, alias 1176 Elmely 46 Epiſcopi 354 Eftwicke, alias alias 1154 Epiſtolarius in Mon, de Eftwood 618 Lovett 969 Wilton 896 Eton Elmer, alias 505 Epping 629, 630 alias 361, 1184, 1187 Elmeſthorpe 548 Epworth 420 Haſtings 903 Elmeſton 23 Erchfont, alias 895 Etton Hardwick, alias 351 Erdington, alias 807 Etwall Elmore 339 Erdiney, alias 374 Euſton 720 Elmſted 624 Erę, alias 79 Euxton alias 35 Ereſham, alias 697 Eva, alias 308 Elmſwell 720 Ergham 1130 Evedon, alias 402 Elmton 177 Erghe 305 Evenechtyd, alias 107* Elneftow, alias 473 Eriholm 1251 Evenley Eloughton 1145 Erifonde, alias 368 Evenlode, alias 964 Elſenham Eriſwell, alias 741 Ever, alias 493 Elſham 468 Erme 308 Everby, alias 404 707 Ermington 277 Everchriche, alias 71 Priory 563 Mediety ibid. Everley 890 Elſted 152, 960 Erneſby, alias 550 Everingham 1145 Elfton 1170 Ernley with Almodington 137 Everſaw 491 Eltham 853 Erpingham 689 Everſden Magna 229 Elton 170, 1265 Erthingley, aliąg Parva 228 ſuper Montem 1165 Efceiviog, alias 1040 Everſham, alias 1255 Elvafton, alias 181 Efcewiog, alias 1041 Everſhott 481 Elvedon, alias 741 Eſcomb 1267 Everſley 927 Elvethain 927 Efcrick 116 Everton 528, 1182 Elvington 1118 Elher 946 alias 816 Elwick 1261 Efington, aliąs: 1122 Everwardton, alias 761 Elworthy 78 Eſkdale 1254 Evington 54.5 Ely Archdeaconry 226 Efkdaleſide 1125 Evilbach, alias Cathedral 225 226 Efraffe, alias 283 Ewell 31, 949 Chancellorſhip 225 Effe, alias 604 Ewelme 788 Deanry ibid. Effenden, alias 518 Ewenny Prebends ibid. Eflex Archdeaconry 561 Ewhurſt 929, 957 238 Ellington, alias 1150 Ewias Harold I012 Chapel 572 Efterkele, alias 409 Ewithington 354 Ewny, 814 621 Elfing 146 358 1086 St. Mary's 1 N N D DE X. 1333 1 22 I бөT ibid. Ewny; alias 305 Falmer 149 Felpham 135 Exbury 939 Falmouth 317 Feliham, alias 134, 773 Exceit 132 Falfton 1267 Felſted 604 Exeter Archdeaconry 243 Fange, alias 587 Feltham 580 Biſhoprick 242 Fareham 931 Felthorp 710 Cathedral ibid. Farenden, alias 1172 Felton 358,1274 Chancellorſhip 243 Faringdon 245, 903 alias 97, 190 Deanry 242 Faringdowne, alias 921 Feltwell St. Mary 663 Dean and Chapter ibid. Farlam 1198 St. Nicholas ibid. Prebends 243 Farleigh, alias 144 Fenditton 234 Precentorſhip ibid. Farley, alias 927 Fenningham, alias 747 Subdeanry ibid. Chamberlaine 942 Fenningley 1180 Treaſurerſhip ibidi Hungerford 83 Fenton 449, 1101, 1109: Exford: 78 Farlie, alias 949 Fenny Drayton 230, 557 Exhall 217, 987 Farlington 931, 1120 Compton Exmifter 269 Farnborow, alias 93, 929 Staunton 529 Exmouthi 247 Farnbrough, alias: 908 Fenyton 275 Exton 78, 844, 931 Farnden, alias 836 Ferfield, alias alias 1187 Farndon 1207 Fering 611 in Cropwell 1185 alias 395 Fernhurſt, alias 154 altera P. ibid. Farneborow 222 Feșreby South, alias 468 Eydon 812: Farneham 1241 Ferriby 1145 Eye 368,745, 831 Royal 492 Ferring 132, 135 Eyke, alias 754 Farnesfield 1187. Ferry Friſton, alias 1156 Eynebury 528 Farnham 613, 760, 957 Feſtiniog, alias 1067 : &ynſham 807 Farningham Fetcham 957 Eyot, alias 518 Karnley in Leeds IIII Feverſham 41 Eyfton, alias 599 Ottley 110.9 Eythorp 506 Farnworth 1 239 Field Broughton 1227 Eythorn 43. Farthingho, alias 812 Fiffehead 75 Eyton 187, 193, 369, Farthington 816 Fif head, alias 129 alias 47.6, 540, 1143 Farwell 209 Fighelden 871, 872 Eyworthe 486 Faweſly 816 Fifield 615, 880, 906 Fawkehamn 8:58 Filgrave 499 Fawkenhurſt, alias 37 Fillingham 396. : Fawley, alias 509 Fillongley Parva 910 Filton Faccombe 923 Fàwſtone 1273 Finbarow Magna 766 Faceby 1125 Fayrford 331 Parya ibid. Fairfield 39, 170 Feckenham 974 Fincham Deanry Fairford, alias 451 Fedington 67 St. Martin 671. Kairſted 626 Felack, alias 305 St. Michael ibid. Fairwaye 264 Felbridge 700 Fiachampſteed, alias QUI: Fakenham 660 Felchurch 763 Finchingfield 604 Magna 72! Feliſkirk 1416 Finchley Parva 724 Felixtow, alias 733 Findon, alias 182 Faldingworth 441 Felkirk, alias I 245 Kaleſthorp, alias 415. Felleighe 247 Fingringho, alias Falfield 331 Fellye, alias 308 Finiſhed 830 Falkbourn 625 Felmerſham 475 Finley, alias 1132 Falkenham 733 Felmeríton, alias 503 Finmere, alias 1115 Halley, alias. 938 Felmingham 716, 717 Finmore . 791 Finta 861 213 108 670 573 1134 Fingall 611 1334 I N D E X. 1239 226, 545 210 I 20 435 Forde 218 GR01147 1132 864 Finſbury, alias Firbank Firles Firſby alias Fiſhborne, alias Fiſherton Anger Dallemer Fiſhfield, alias Fifhgard Fifhlake Fifhley Fiſhmonger's Chap. Fiſhtoft, alias Fiſkarton, alias Fiſkerton Fittleton Fittleworth Fitz Fitzhead Fladbury Flaford Flamborough Flamden, alias Flamſted, alias Flaxley Fleckney, alias Fledborough Fleet Chap. Fleetwick Flemyfton, alias Flenton, alias Fletching Fletton Flexley Flimby, alias Flimſton Flint Flitcham Flitton Flixburgh Flixton alias Flockton Flookborough Flower Flowton, alias Flyford Flavell Flyntham, alias Fobbing Foleſhill 561 Folke 120 Foxherde, alias 604 1230 Folkeſtone 31 Foxhole, alias 1129 132 Folkeſworth, alias 530 Foxley 707, 887 397 Folkingham 399 Foxteth Park 417 Folkington 158 Foxton 140 Folkton 1129, 1130 Foye 363 897 Fonthill Biſhops 878 Fragwell 901 Gifford ibid. Fraiſthorp 1132 Footes Cray 853 Framlingham 753 995 Forcet 1251 Earles 656 1135 Ford 135, 1270 Picott ibid, 646 alias 65 Frampfield 160 954 Church 387 Frampton 114, 340, 437 996 ſuper Sabrinam 330 441 Forden 389 Framſden 732 1173 Fordham 609, 672, 746 Francton 893 Fordingbridge 933 Frangfoſs 132, 152 Fordington 114 Frankley 971 191 in Dorſetih. 866 Frant, alias 156 8o Fordley 737 Fraternity of Thelford, alias 972 Fordon 982 1169 alias 687 Frating 625 1132 Fordwich 28 Freaby 541 517 Foreſt 944, 1212 Freckenham 515 Formark 185 Free Chapel in the Town 336 Formby 1239 of Glothaith, alias 1049 546 Forncet, alias 668 Freefolk 926 1170 Fornham All Saints 777 Freeford 167 114, 435 Geneveſe, alias 775 Freeſton 437 St. Martin ibid. Freethorpe 482 Forrabury 315 Frekenham 742 1084 Forreſthill 798 Fremington 248 776 Forthampton 352 French Chap. Wapping 581 158 Forton 194 Frendiſbury 858 530 Foſcott, alias 488 Frenge 682 546 Fofton 449, 1117 Frenſham 960 alias 672 Frenſted, alias 49 1005 on the Wolds 1131 Frenze, alias 698 1042 Fotherby 451 Freſhford 65 696 Fotheringhay 830 Freſhwater 940 482 Fouldon 665 Freſſinfield 750 454 Foulneſs 619 Freſton 759, 762 756, 764 Foulſham, alias 706 Fretenham 708 166 Fountmell I 20 Fretherne 337 1158 Fovant, alias 878 Freton, alias 756 1227 Foverhow Carlton, alias 678 Freyſtrop, alias 999 819 Fowey 309 Friarmere 725 Fownhope 370 Friern Barnet, alias 51 974 Foxall 727 Frickley 1140 1167 Foxcot 926 Fridleſham, vulgo Frilſham 586 Foxcote 83 908 217 Foxham 876 Fringford 791 Frinton 572 646 1194 1236 IŅ DE X.. 1335 436 438 843 261 548 1127 I I2 453 798 1279 Frinton 625 Gedney Friſby 546, 554 Fenn End Friſkney 417 G, Geldifton 656 Friſtelton, alias Gelſton, alias 635 Friſton 156 Gaddeſby, alias 535 Generew Eccleſia, alias 365 Friſtrop 442 Gaddeſden Magna 516 Georgeham 280 Frithelftock Parya ibid. Gerens 308 Frittenden 27 Gainſburgh 420 Gerſt, alias 707 Fritton 669 Gaiton, alias 414, 451 Geſfingham, alias 745 Fritwell 792 Galby, alias 543 Geſtingthorp 605, 607 Frodeſley 191 Galmpton, alias 1131 Geſtling 144 Frodingham, alias 455, 1151 Gameſton, alias 1180 Gevendale, alias I101 Frodſhain 1208 Gamlingay 228 Gevindale 1145 Froleſworth, alias Med. ibid. Gidley 259 Froma Canonicorum, alias 359 Ganesford, alias 1261 Gidding Magna 527 Frome Biſhop's 356 Garboldſham, alias 703 Parva ibid. Caſtri ола. 357 Garfurthe, alias 1104 Giggleſwicke 1128 St. Quintin 126 Gargrave Gilcrux 1193 Vauchurch Gariſdon, alias 885 Gild of St. Mary the Vir- Whitefield 126 Garnthorp, alias gin Zelwood 81 Garragill, alias 1273 Gilden Morden 239 Froftenden 736 Garſdale 1230 Sutton 1207 Froſton, alias 548 Garſington 796 Gileſton 1084 Frocefter, alias 337 Garftang 1221 Gilling Froxfield 892 Garſton 1238 Gillinge 1160 Froyle 922 Garthbibio, alias 1044 Gillingham 120 Frydaythorpe 1101, 1114 Garth Brengy 1008 All Saints Fulbeck 447 Garthely 1036 Magna 867 Fulborne All Saints, alias 234 Garthorpe 540 Parva ibid. Fulbrooke 988 Garton 1131, 1151 656 Fulburne Sti Vigoris, alias 234 Garway 366 861 Fulford 205 Gaſtwate, alias 707 Gilmorton Fulforth IIII Gatcombe 940 Gimingham 699 Fulham 573, 577 Gateburton 442 Ging Margaret, alias 593 Fulletby 433 Gatehelmeſley, alias Mountney, alias ibid. Full Sutton 1145 Gately 652 Ginge Abbots, alias 591 Fulmer, alias 227 Gates, alias 133, 134 Hoſpital, alias • Fulmere 494 Gateſhead 1261 Girton Fulmonſton, alias 660 Gatton 946 Giſbourn, alias 1127 Fulnctby 466 Gawcot 491 Giſburgh, alias 1 12.5 Fulſton, alias 897 Gawdby 423 Giſley, alias 1104 Fundenhall 670 Gawdeby Marwood, alias 538 Gittiſham Funtington 139 Gayor Major 167 Glanſtery, alias 1016 Furbeck and Letwell 1140 Minor ibid. Glaſbury Furthoo, alias 833 Gaydon 224 Glaſcombe, alias 1017 Fyfield 795, 923 Gayton Glatton Fylbye, alias alias 694 Glayſton Fylingdales 1125 Gaywood 692 Glazedale Fyndon 163 Gedding 775 Glemham, alias Geddington 842 Glemsforth, alias 768 Gedling firſt Mediety 1174 Glendon, alias ſecond Mediety ibid. Glenfield 548 Glen 656 St. Mary with Upberry 548 I118 ibid. 235 264 IOII 204, 812 673 530 848 1125 760 834 +336 I N D DE E X. 1-253 Greete 91 319 Gotherſt 468 546 som 841 Gretworth 812 431 363 512 Grewell Grimeſby 923 Grindal Glen Magna 543 Gosforth 376 Parva 551 Goſpertown 437 Greetham 843 Glentham 397 Goſport 933 Greetwell, alias 442 Glentworth ibid.' Golion, alias 1235 Greinton 92 Glimpton 806 Goſworth, alias 1211 Grendon 357 Gloſſop 169 Gotehill alias 198 Glouceſter Archdeaconry 319, Gotehurſt 499 Underwood 503 329 Gotham 116; Greſby, alias 468 Cathedral dan 67 Grefeley 185 Chancellorſhip ibid. Goudherſt, alias 49 Gresford, alias 1053 Deanry ibid. Goxhill Greſham 700 Gloufton, alias 543 alias et 1151 Grefmer, alias 1256 Glynde 160 Graffam $25 Grefſenhall 650 Glyncorrwg 1086 Graff ham 152 Grefſingham 1223 Gnoſall 205 Grafton Hyford 972 42 Gretford 457 Goadeby King's 834 Grethain, alias 921, 1265 Goatland, alias 1161 Underwood 822 Gretton 395, 842 Godalmyn, alias 957 Graingham 420 Weldon Goddington 791 Grainſby Goderick, alias 930 Godmancheſter 528 Granby and Sutton 1167 Grey Coat Hoſp. Chap. 575 Godmanham, alias 1143 Granceſter 227 431 Godmanſtone 126 Grandeſon, alias 529 alias 451 Godnierſham 23 Granídon Parva 228 Parva ibid. Godnefton, alias 25 Granftone Grimley 981 Godſhill 941 Grantham North 427,866 Grimſby St. Mary 430 Godſtow 808 South 427, 428 Grimſted, alias 871 Golceby, alias 423 Grappenhall 1209 Grimſton 535, 692 Goldcliff 1091 Gratewich and Yatmifter 866 Goldhanger 626 Gratley, alias Goldington 471 Gravely 228 Grindleton 1128 Goldſborough 1241 Graveley 1265 Goltho with Bolington 466 Graveney 42 Grinley on the Hill 1182 Gonalton, alias 1174 Gravenhurſt Superior 486 Grinſdale 1198 Gonvil Hall, Camb. Inferior 482 Grinfell 193 Gooderſtone 665 Graveſend 858 Grinton 1246 Good Efter, alias 601 Grayne, alias 861 Griſmond 1088 Goodleigh 280 Grayrigg 1258 Grifton Goodneſton 42 Grays l'nn Chapel 575 Grombridge Goodſhaw 1225 Grayſtock 1191 Grove Goodwick 652 Greaſbrook I 140 alias 496 Goodworth Clatford 925 Great Dunham 652 Growton, alias 769 Goofiargh 1223 Franſham 650 Grundleſburgh 726 Gooftrey 1218 Milton 797 Grutlington, alias 885 Gopfal 553 Torrington 294 Gryeſley, alias 1176 Goring 163, 802 Uſborne, or 1243 Guardianatus de Swanſey 1026 Gornaſton, alias 678 Greatham 434 Guildhall Chap. 572 Gorwall 354 Green, alias 163 Guileſborough Gofbeck, alias 725 Greenborough, alias 220 Guilsfield, alias 1043 Gofebradon 74 Greenford Magna 573 Gurting Inferior, alias 347 Gosfield 607 Greenſted 594, 615 Gulwatts, alias 305 Gosford 1277 Greenwich 852 Gumby, alias 406 Gum- I TOI 519 Grindon 233 649 857 1180 819 5 IN DE X. 1337 556 IOI 581 910 348 co Gay Gumfreſton, alias 1003 Hadſtock 621 Halwill 262 Gumley, alias 543 Hagborn 905 Ham, co. Kent 43 Gunby, alias 418 Hagley 969 co. Wilts 890 Gunnerby 428 Hagnaby, alias 415 Hambleden 509 Gunthorp 684 Hagworthingham 433 Hambledon 847 Gunton 701, 756 Haia, alias IOIT Hambleton 1223 Gurlſton D756Haifnor, alias 707 Hamerton 526 Guffage Omniuin Sanctorum Haiteſbury 901 Hamerwich 209 118 Hakeford, alias 707 Hamilton All Saints Halam 1188 Hammeringham 434 St. Michael 116 Halberton 292 Hammerſmith Guſton 33 Halcote, alias 836 Hamoune, alias 116 Gwaredock 1071 Hale 934, 1238 Hampden Magna 507 Gwaynyſcore, alias 1041 Magna, alias 404 Parya 509 Gwenthwr, alias IOI2 Hales 658 Hampnet 326 Gwerneſey, alias 1096 Haleſowen 970 Hamprefton 116 Gwiddelwerne 1049 Halford, alias 68, 983 Hampſtead 133 Gwinap 304 Halkyn, alias 1040 Hampſted Chapel 575 Gwiſing, alias 697 Hallam, alias 181 Marthall 908 Gwitheryn Blik 1051 Hallaughton, alias 543 Norrice Gwnfan 1025 Halley, alias 766 Hampton 354, 968 Gwnvil, alias, 2010, 1036 Hallifax 1154 alias 343 Gwrtnyd 1996 1996 Halling 858 in Arden 2 Il Gwynnys, alias 1036 alias Biſhops, alias 983 Gwynvey 1025 Hallingbury Magna 602 793 Gyffin Parva ibid. Lovett 965 Gyhern, alias 241 Hallington 449 Merſey, alias 331 Gyſleham, alias 756 Hallilham 156 Poyle 791 Halliſton 127 upon Thames 577 Halliſworth 737 Hamptonet H. Halloughton 1188 Hamſey 146 Halmiſton, alias 1185 Hamſtall Ridware 207 Haberley, alias 388 Halſal 1236 Hamſterley Haccombe 269 Halle 99 Hamſtwaite, alias Hackford, alias 678 Halſham 1149 Hamuldon, alias 931, 957 Hackington 26 Halfted 605 Hanburgh, alias 806 Hackneſs cil 1132 alias 777 Hanbury 207, 209, 965 Hackney 573, 577 Halſtock 107 Hancdon, alias 728 Hackthorne 1056 Handley 1216 Haconby 400 alias 766 alias 118 Haddenham 507 Halftone Caſtle 977 Haddington, alias 798 Halſtow 47 Handſworth 207, 1135 Haddiſcoe 656 alias 858 Hanford 124 Haddon 531 Haltham upon Baine 423 Hangelton 149 Hadenham 238 Halton 71, 511, 1210, 1256, Haningdon Hadham Magna 635 1273 Hanington ibid. Hadleigh, alias 769 alias 454 Hankerton Hadleſey IIII Holgate, alias 409 Hanley William Hadley 581 upon Humber, alias Hanmer 1216 Hadlow 855 469 Hannington 927 Hadnall 193 Haltongill 1128 Hanny 906 Hadſor 966 Halvergate 646 Hanſacre 167 8 H Hanlope 1063 138 1267 1104 397 Halfton 328 : 836 885 379 1338 X. N. 4.573 432 1145 603 1274 Hatford 903 273 533 153 Haitfield 463, 485, 990 177 689 Hanſlope 499, söz Harringworth 842 Hallington 1214 Hanwell Free Chap. 841 Haſſingham 646 Hânwood 389 Harrow 54 Haſtingley 34 Hanworth 0701 alias 582 Hatch Bechamp 74 alias ho 397 Harrowdown, alias 839 Hatcheſton, alias 754 Happiſburgh Harrowgate ; 1243 Hatcliffe Haptont, alias 676 Harſcombe and Pitclicomb 337 Hatfield 369, 1135, 1140 Harberton 296 Harsfield ibid. Biſhop's 518 Marbledowne DON 26 Harſwell Peverell 628 Harborough 546 Hart 1. 1262 Regis, alias Hardeley 1658 Hartborne, alias Harden Huiſh, alias 889 Hartey, alias 40 Hatherby Hardham 156, 158 Hatherne Hardingham 676 Harthill 1216 Hatheropp 331 Hardingſton 826 Hartingfordbury 518 Hatherſage 169 Hardington 83, 86 Hartington 172 Hatley Port, alias 485 alias 573 Hartiſhead 1158 Hatton Hardmead 499 Hartlebury 969 Haugh, alias 415 Hardres Magna 23 Hartley 22, 858 Haugham, alias 451 Hardrow 1247 Waſpull 929 Haughneby, alias 409 Hardwick 221,495, 669, 792 Hartlie Maudett 921 Haughton 202, 1262 Hardwicke 836 Hartlip 46 Longa, alias 1271 Hardwike, alias 229 Hartpury 363 Hault Hucknall Hareby 409 Hartſhorne 184 Hauntwezell, alias 1272 alias 399, 538 Hartwell 507, 834 Hautbois, vulgò Hobbies Harefield 581 Hartworth, alias I 180 Magna Hareſton 540 Harvington 972 vulgò Hobbies Harford Stock, alias 591 Harwell, alias go3 Parva 690 Hargrave777, 822, 1207 Harwich Chap. to Dover Havant 931 Haringay, alias 573 Court 626 Haverford Weft St. Tho- Harlaxton 428 Harwood 366, 1225 Harleſton 561, 8190 alias 1109 Haverill 739 Harleton, alias 227 Magna, alias 495 Hayering Bower, alias 584 Harley 190 Harwould, alias 475 Haveringdon, alias 510 Harlie, alias 578 999 Haveringlom, alias 1253 Harlington 482 Haſelbeare Briant, alias 126 Haverſham 499 Ilarlow 602 Hafelbech 836 Hawburgh, alias 468 Harmanſworth 577 Hafelbere 59 Hawchurch, alias Harmefton, alias 445 Hafeleigh, alias 598 Hawes I 194, 1247 Harmondſworth seo Hafeley 988 Hawford 387 Harmthorp 401 Haſelor ibid. Hawkeridge 78 I larpden, alias 801 Hafely 796 Hawkhurſt Harpford with Fenoterye 245 Hasfield 350 Hawking 32 Harpham 103. 1132 Haſilbere 88 Hawkiſbury 341 alias 704 Haſkby, alias 756 Hawkley, alias 922 Harpley 693 Halketon near Woodbridge Hawkſhead Harpſwell 398 726 Hawkſwell 1245 Harptree 60 Haſkton, alias 670 alias 618 Harreſtone, alias : 227 Hallebury 885 Hawkſworth 1165 Harriard 929 Halleton 346 Hawnby 1123 Harrietſham 57.50 Hallingden 482 Hairington 836 Hallingfield 1158 mas IOOI 949 Haſcard 103 29 1227 1225 Hawnes 227 Haworth 4 Haw- IN DE *339 X. 874 721 222 1118 465 674 336, 717 1 684 516 Hawridge 4.96 Hellow, alias 415 Henton Georgii, alias OT175 Hawſton, alias 227 Helmedon 812 Magna, alias Hawthorp 408 Helmerton, alias 874 Henxhill, alias 39 Hawton, alias 430 Helmingham 723 Hepton, alias juxta Newarke 1170 alias 707 Heptonſtall 1158 Haxhay, alias 420 Parva 733 Herberbury, alias Hayder with Walton 507. Helmſet, alias -769 Herbert 175 Haydon 688, 1273 Helmſly 1161 Herbrandſton 999 alias 613 Helperthorpe 1114 Heredum Marny, alias 314 Hayes 54, 55, 582, 863 Helpeſton 831 Hereford Archdeaconry 354 Hayford, alias 820 Helpringham 404 IS: Chathedral 353 at the Bridge, alias 791 Helſington 1258 Chancellorſhip ibid. Warren ibid. Hemblington 648 Chantry of Homelacy Hayle 1254 Hemingbrouglı ibid. Hayling, alias 932 Hemingbye 422 the Altar there Hayneford, alias 709 Hemingford Abbas 528 di ibid. Haynton, alias Grey 529 the Altar of St. Hayſham, alias 1256 Hemington 829 Nicholas. ibid, Haythorpe 794 Hemiſby, alias the Altar of St. I Hayton 1145, 1182, 1198 Hemmingeſton, alias 723 Annect ibid. Hazilden Monachorum, alias Hempnall POTCU 668 Stanbury's ibid. 1262 Hempſted St. Agnes's Headon, alias 1151 Hempton 713 Altar ibid. Heage 182 Hemſted the Altar of St. Healing 432 alias Mary's. ibid. Heampton, alias 280 Hemſwell 398 the Altar of Heaphum 421 Hemyock Morgan :ibid. Heapy 1232 Henbury Dit 109 the Altar of St. Heather 558 Hendon 577 Trinity ibid. Heaton Norris 1235 Heneglwys 1073 the Altar of St. Hebburne 1271 Henfeniew, alias 1034 Croſs, ift, 2d, Hedcron 30 Henfield, alias 146 and 3d ibid. Heddinley VIIII Hengrave 777 the Altar of Sci! Heddon on the Wall 1276 Hepham Margaret 'ibid. Hedenham 0.656 Henley, alias 732 the Altar of St. Hedgeſet 773 Stephen ibid. Hedington in Arden 990 St. Mary. Mag- Hedleigh 1921 Henlipp, alias 981 dalen near the: Hedley 949 Henlis 1095 Cathedral ibid. Hedningham Sibley, alias 605 Henllan 1034, IOSO Deanry 353 ad Caſtrum Amgood 1020 Parva 368 Hedwallan 1274 Henlow 485 Precentorſhip 353 Heigham Potter 717 Hennington, alias 81 Sub Treaſurerſhip 354 Hekefield, alias 927 Hennocke 272 Succentorſhip 1 ibid. Hekingham 659 Henny Magna 605 Treaſurerſhip-s. ibid. Hekington 404 Parva ibid. Vicars Choral 7. ibid. Helaugh 1109 Henry the Third, alias 1077 Herford, alias 2.18 18:27:7 Helgay, alias 670 Henſted 735 Heringby Helland 314 Henftridge 58, 60, 89 Heringfiete Helledon, alias 818 Hentland 366 Herkſted, alias. 11.00 761 Hellingley 156 Henton, alias 881, 919 Hermitage Hellifden 709 Blewet 195. Herne :52 8 H 2 256 621 upon Thames 801 874 607 * **1985 073 det, 757 124 Herno 1340 1 Ν D Ε x. - kutje 40 615 I I20 eils bi676 704 619 478, 791 663 estobol.638 e 220 917 994 Hilfton Hernehill High Halden * 29 Hifton St. Andrew's biva36 Herringſwell 742 Hoyland iſt Med. 1138 St. Etheldredibid. Herteſt and Boxted 769 Hoyland 2d Med. 1138 Hitcham, alias Cod:681 Hertford Prvi 524 Laver Deanrý: 15.1077680 Herthill, alias NO 1135 Leigh 1210 Hitchenden 510 Hertland 261 Ongar 616 Hitchin 520 Helket 1198 Highley 133 alias 492 Hellington alias 390 Hitherlands 293 Heſt and Hull, alias. 1143 Hightington 1380 Hittiſleigh Heſton 259 578 Highworſell o 1125 Hobye, alias Heſwall 552 1219 Highworth 867, 883 Hockering Hetcham, alias 769 Hilborough 665 Hockham, aliast 16 Hetchingſon, alias 1262 Hilderſham 231 Hockleigh, alias Hethe , 791 Hildeveril, alias 157 898 Hockwolde, alias Hethell, alias 685 Hildſley Sty 1239 340 Hockworthy 292 Hetherſet ibid. Hilfield Blast 130 Hoddeſden Hethfield 98, 133, 142 Hill JISTO 330 Hodnell Hethmangrove, alias 524 Crome, alias 972 Hodnet asi 186 Hever 862 Hillerſden, alias pils. 491 Hofton St. John, alias Heverland 707 Hilling.lon 494 580 St. Peter, alias ibid. Hevingham, alias 737 Hillington 659, 693 Hogeſton, alias 11002, 1003 Hevitree, alias 252 Hilmorton 220 Hoggeſton, alias 495 Hewelsfield 335 Hilperton, alias 895 Hoggſthorpe 415 Hewithe, alias 277 Hilſey 342 Hog Lane Chap. 575 Hewyde 1151 Hognaſton 172 Hexham 1163 Hilton 3197, 1125 Hogſhaw 506 Hexton alias STS 1237 Hoke, alias - 105 Hey, or 1234 Himbleton 1703244974 Hokerton 1171 Heybridge 626, 630 Hinckley Hinckley 557 Hokington, alias 236 Heydon, alias 122, 1180, 1182 Hindercley 27721 Holbeche, alias Toy 436 Heydor cum Walton 395 Hinderſkelfe I120 Holbeck Heydour 428 Hinderwell 1122 Holbeton Heyfield 169 Hindley wania 12401 1240 Holborne 561 Heywood 1234. Hindolvefton, alias 708 Holbrooke Hibalſtow 455 Hindringham inline 714 Holcomb Burnell 258 Hickford, alias 503 Hingham 676 Holcombe 59, 83, 1234 Hickham, alias 425 Hinley, alias 195 Rogus, alias 292 Hickleton 1140 Hinſtock 187 Holdenby 820 Hickling 717, 1165 Hintleſham 761 Holdenhurſt 934 Hide 559 Hinton 354, 812 Holehurſt ibid. Higham 86, 762, 858 Marico de 124 Holgate 383 alias 686 Mertell 117 Hołghton, alias 712 Gobion Parva, alias 118 Holinare I 240 Ferrers 824 St. Andrew 47734234 Holkham 714 557 Waldriſh 903 Holl, alias Highampton 274 Hints 209 Holland 1110111240 Highbraie, alias G280 280 Hinxton, alias le 232 Magna ith 623 Highclere 923 Hinxworth, alias Parva 1626 Highcombe 426 Hiope, alias tiste - 1015 Hollefly, alias 25.01 076782 Higherline 254 Hipiwell 1248 Hollingbourn todo 50 Highgate Chap. 575 Hirtum, alias 152 Hollington 144 High Efter, alias 599 Hiffington Bagi , 389. Holliwell, alias 523 Holme 632 IIII CD-277 761 476 upon the Hill 297 $513 I NI DE 1341 D E X. 855 298 I10I 1193 361 1 681 248 458 64 ibid. 415 612 1 Holme 136532, 1988, 1-225 Hope Bowdler 383 Horſmunden alias . 11 1144 So Manſell 371 Horſpath Archbiſhop's 288 ſub'Dinmore 370 Horfted 709 Cultrama - Wolneth, alias Caynes 156 Hale, alias 665 Hopeſay 382 Parva 157 Pierpoint na 1165 Hopton 757 Horton 35, 118, 200, 340, 492, pear the Seau Caſtle 382 833, 867, 1128 in Spaldingmoor 1143 Creffet, alias 391 alias 853 on the Wold 1147 Horbling 400 Horwich 1235 Holmer 1 och bi 361 Horborne 207 Horwood Holmfield oo 178. Horborow Magna 216 Hoſpital of All Saints in Holmfrithebo 1158 Horbury 1158 Stamford Holmpton, alias 1151 Horde! a 935 Bath Holms FDOT 1218 Hordley 191 Bautrey 1 181 Holſton, alias 126 Horesford, alias 710 Beatæ Mariæ Bo- Holfworthy 262 Horfield, alias 109 thom, alias Holt 541, 546,683, 979, 1207 Horham 750 1105 Holtby. 1117 Horkeſley Magna 609 Horsfair Holtoft, alias. Parya Magdalenz 162, Holton 7:37, 763, 796 Horkeſtow 469 711. Holwalle, alias 120 Horley 488, 800 in Newcaſtle Holwell 415, 485, 541 Hormead Magna :) 637 1276. Holym 1151 Parva 635 Blythe 1181 Holy Croſs 975, 986 Hornby 1223, 1230, 1246 Brainber 160 Ghoſt Chap 930 Horncaſtle 439. Bridgenorth 189 : Head 1071 Horn Church 584, 630 or Priory of Burford Iſland Horne, alias 803 Trinity 253 Horneblowton 701 Burton Lazars 537 alias 104 1025 Hornedon on the Hill 587 Calne Gids in Cheſter 1207 Hornfield infta Caſtrum Ber- 1 Well 1041 Horning 717 Drone i nardi ;) 1264 Homelacy, alias.gal 364 364 Horningham 899. Ci Homersfield 64. Horninghire Magna 7:77 forum Hongre Hatley, alias di 229 Panya ibid.. Elſhaw Honing ITHUDI 711 Horningſey, alias 235 Ewelme 789 Honingham 218,678 Horningtoft, alias ? 652 Gateſhed 1265. alias 690 Horningwould; alias 545 Gilberti Kemmer Honington 7215.985 Hornſey, alias; 1149 867 alias 429 Horpoole, alias 820 Great Yariñouth 673 Honley 1 1158 Horsforth Gretelam Hony Church 274 Horſe Guard Chap, 575 Hayteſbury 900 Honyton 264 Horſeley 345 vocat. Hilderlands Hoo 35 1:42, 754 Horſeth, alias 231 640 alias sa Blg859 Horſey 717 the Houſe of God Hook 1158 Horſham at Dover 33 Hooknorton Stæ Fidis Ilford 583 Hoole 1231 960 Kalendar 107 Hooſe, alias 540 Horſhouſe 1247 Lutterworth 547 Hooton, alias. 1938, 1275 Horſingdon 508 Magdalen near Roberts 1138 Horſington Pembroke Hope 37, 169 Horſley 181 near Tenby Baggots, alias 386 Longa 1:274 ibid Hof. 1271 Cile e 253 946. $76 845 five Domus Lepro- 1356 2017276. IIII 1265 D.795 161. 713 23 Horihill 89, 423 IOOI 1342 IN D E X. ton James 0 er 563 upon Sandhill ; " ; : -. ܝܳ܂ I Hoſpital of Newport 612 Hoſpital of St. John in Lynne! Hoſp. Stæ Trinitatis 349 Newton 1148 Sims 692 in Foſgate 1105 ad finem Pontis Not- in Ludlow 385 juxta Hull 1144 tingliam 1175 near Marlbo- St. Urſula 536 Poor Lepers 140 rough 889 Sherborn 1266 Poor Prieſts, Can- in Northamp- Shireburn 1265 terbury 28 825 or Spittlehouſe in Quenington 320 Northgate 28 104 the High Peke, Royſton, voc. St. in Okeham 845 ibetween the Vil- John and St. in Sub. Civ. lages of Hopeand 514 Lich. 168 Caſtleton 185 St. Barth. in Civ. St. John's 826. Strode, called New- Glouc. 320 Sti Johannis 989, arks 851 de Saltwood 35 1175 Todington 477 Weft Smith- Baptiſtä T206 Portio Williel field 563 Evangeliftæ in mi Tate, in St. Catherine 93 Oakham 847 eodem Hof- near the Tow- juxta Rippon pitium ibid. 1162 Portio Johan. in Ledbury 356 propè Wilton Dennet, in 896 eodem ibid. 1275 St. Laurence 1.20 Portio Johan. St. Croſs 918, 944 St. Leonard in North- Fiſh, in eo- St. David near Campton 825 dem ibid. Kingſthorpe 825 York 1103 Wallingford 915 Sti Egidii propè Stæ Mariæ Magd. Well 1244 Wilton 896 de Rippon 1762 Hoten, alias 1193 St. Giles Kepe- St. Mary 107 Hotham, alias ryere : 1265 1 in Boſton 435 Hothfield 29 -ive first in Norwich 641 Magdalen 2107, Hoton Craneſwick, alias 1145 Sti Jaeobi Shore- 594, 918, 944 Hove 158 21. liain 148 Magdalen of Hoveringham ca 1178 St. James, Can- Bradbuſh 1198 Hough 447 28 in Weſtgate Hougham 32, 447 near Northal- 1275 Houghton 523, 935 lerrton 1121 St. Michael 987 Conqueſt near Tam- Sti: Nicholai Gildaple 472 worth 206 in Beverley 1144 near Harpley : 661 1 St. John 237, 798 St. Nicholas, Har-1 on the Hill 543, 666 Banbury 799 bledowne 28 Magna 833 the Baptiſt 107, Portſmouth 930 Parva ibid. 215 near Richmond in le Spring, alias 1 262 Baptiſt in New 1248 near Walſingham 714 port 502 in Saliſbury 869 Hovingham of Batisford 723 without Wam. Hound 2938 in Birpool 102 gate Barr 1103 Hounſlow 07014581 in Exeter 251 St. Sepulchre near Houſe of Auſtin Friers in Hunting- Haun 1148, 1150 Black Friers ibid. don 521 St. Thomas the Mar- Crutched Friers. ibid. of Jeruſalem in tyr, Eaſtbr. 28 White Friers ibid. 1 Carbrooke in Southwark in North- 952, 954 es in: ampton 825 Houſe 1143 terbury 471 1867 1161 0564 648 I N D E .. 1343 1130 thren s9O IIII 681 137 Ibeſton 291 lbſley 354 Iccombe 522 1118 St. James the Preaching Bre. Huddersfield Houſe of the Carmelite Bre. Hungerford 908 thren 2r5,519,396 Hungerton and Wivell 429 Hunmanby I. Huntdon 635 in Warwick Hunſhaw 248 Jackfield 385 987 Hunſingore 1241 Jacobftow 312 the Brethren of the Hunſlet Jarbeſton, alias 1003 Holy Croſs 594 Hunftanton, alias Jarrow 1267 St. Robert near Hunſtanworth 1267 İberton, alias 126 Knareſborough Hunfton 789 1241 alias 722 Ibotſtocke, alias 557 How, alias 656 Hunteſham 934 Howarden, alia's 1206 Huntingdon 964 Howcaple 371 St. Mary Ichen Abbots 919, 920 Howden, alias 1 147 Huntingfield 735 Ickborough 666 Howell 402 Huntington Ickenham 573 Howèrby 432 Huntley 334 Ickham 23 Howgil 1230 Hunton 1247 Icklingham All Saints 742 Howthley, alias 149 alias 862 ibid. Howton, allias 126, 463 Hunts Archdeaconry 521 Icklington, alias 231 Hoxne, alias 750 Huntſpill 92 Ickworth, alias 778 Hoxton 561 Hunworth, alias 684 Idbury 795 Chap. 575 Hurley 214, 914 Iddesford, alias 271 Hoyland Upper and Nether Hurſley Iden 942 142 1140 Hurſt Idle 915 1158 Hubarſton, alias 999 Pier Point 146 Idleftree, alias Hubberholm 1129 Hurſtmounſex, alias 871 Hucknall 1176 Hurworth 1262 Idſall, alias 186 I 156 Huſborne Crawley Idſworth 933 Huddington 975 Prior 925 Jeffreyfton 1002 Hudſwell 1278 Terrant 924 alias 1005 Hüggeley, alias 492 Huſtwhait 1120 Jeſus Chap. 939 Hugget, alias 1143 Hufwhat, alias 1101 Jevington 157 Huggleſcote 559 Hutchington, alias Hughley 383 Hutton 61, 586, 1125 Ifield 146, 863 Hugill 1258 Buſhell 1160 Iford 146 Hugonis 372 Magna 1251 Ifton 1093 Huiſh 295, 890 Roof 1230 Ightfield 190 Chamflowre 78 Huttons Ambæ ſuper Der Ightham 862 Huiſhe and Langport 88 went Ikilſam 144 Hulcote 482 Huve -Ikleford 133 519 Hullavington 888 Huville ibid. Ilam 198 Humberſton 432, 554 Huxham 245 Ilderton Humbleton 1151 Hymmeſworth, alias Ilfordcomb 867 Humbre, alias 368 Hynton on the Green 322 Ilfordcombe, alias Hummington 880 Hyrnant, alias 1044 Ilford Magna 584 Huncote 551 Hyway 876 Parva 583 Hundersfield 1236 Ilkeſton, alias 181 Hundleby 410 Ilketſhall St. Andrew 780 Hundon 730 St. John 779 Hundreton 354 St. Laurence 781 Hungarton 554 St. Margaret 780 632 142 Idmeſton, alias 483 218 Ifan 1022 I I20 1271 1135 281 Ilkley 1344 I N D E X. 74. Iſham Superior 184 615 41.8 681 Ilkley 1128 Irthington, alias 3 r96 Keidio, alias 1064, 1075 Illington, alias 704 Irtlingborough, alias 824, 825 Keilby, alias 469 Illingworth It 1158 Irton Pa 1254 1254 Keld 1247 Illfington, alias 271 Iſcoyd 1207 Keldon, alias 626 1lmington 983 Isfield, alias 1159 Kellam, alias 1033 Ilminſter 837 - Kellie 289 Ilſton 546, 1026 Inferior dibid. Kelligaer, alias 1078 Ilton 59, 75 Iſlame, alias af 864 Kelling Imber .896 Ille Abbots, alias 75 Kellington 1156 Impington 236 Ifebruers 76 Kellome, alias 1170 Ince 1207 Inington 561, 578 Kellond, alias 1131 Inckbarrow in co. Wigorn 354 Alms Houſes Chap.575 Kellow, alias 1262 co. Worceſter 972 Iflip 791, 827 Kelmarſh, alias 837 Inckpen 908 Iffington 694 Kelſhall 5:3 Ingerſby 555 Iftleworth, alias 578 Kelſterne 2452 Ingeſtre 1202 Iſtrad, alias | 1032, 1033 Kelſton 64 Ingham 397, 717 Owen 1081 Kelvedon, alias Ingleby Arncliffe 1125 y Vodwg ibid. Kelvington, alias I117 Greenhow ibid. Welfry, alias 1008 Kelyhall, alias 749 Ingleſham 881 Iſtradgunleſs, alias 1006 Kemberton 186 Ingleſton, alias - 65 Iſuell, alias 1191 Kembill, alias 885 Ingleton 1230 Itchingfield 161 Kemeis Commander 1098 Fell ibid. Itchington 167 Kemerton, alias 322 Ingoldmells Biſhop's 222 Kemmaes 1047 Ingoldſby 402 Itchingſwell 930 Kemmys 1096 Ingoldſthorpe Itha and Pentraeth 1075 Kempley 333 Ingram 1269 Itteringhamn 690 Kempsford 331 Ingrave, alias 586 Ivechurch 37 Kempfing 855 Ingworth 690 Ivegill 1198 Kempſton 472, 653 Inſtow 248 Ivingho 496 Kemfey 981 Intwood 686 Ivychurch 873 Kencheſter 374 Inwardleighe 273 Julien 1034 Kenchurch, alias 364 Inworth, alias 609 Julit 1084 Kencote, alias 803 Johannis, Sti, ſub Caſtro Iwade 49 Kendall 1256 de Lewes 147 lwern, alias 125, 122 Kenderchurch 364 Johnſton 999 Ixning 742 Kenelworth 223 Jordanſton, alias 995 Ixworth 722 Kenford 741 Iping bls. 152 193 Ippeſley 9988 Kennarth, alias 1029 Ipplepen me 267 K. Kenne 97, 269 Ipſtones 204 Kennerley Irby 419 Kenninghall 704 Ircheſter, alias 824 Karſalton, alias 949 Kennington eru 966 Ireby 1194 Katheddin, alias be1010 Kenſington 579 upon Humbert. 430 Kayingham 110 1151 Kenſwick es979 Irelith Pregl 1228 Keame as thus 535 Kenſworth HOT 516 Ireton, alias 171 Keddington, alias 452 Kentbury, alias Ons 908 Irliſcrome, alias 974 Kedington, alias 728 Kentford 731 Irmingland 690 Kedlaſton, alias 181 Kentiſhbeare 275 lraham 406 Keele 204 Kentiſh Town 581 Iron Acton 340 Keggworth 533 Kentmire DVD 1258 Irftead 717 Kegidock, alias 1051 Kenton 269, 753 7 Kenyng NW Now we Kenley 251 I N D E X 1345 233 548 516 377 1028 867 548 I 20 678, 117 988 2 1 2 216 78 Kinlet Kenyngton 30 Kilmarſh 278 King's Cliffe 827 Kerereton, alias 37 Kilmerſden, alias 83 Hall, Camb. Kerry, alias 1015 Kilncote, alias Houghton 47 Kerſey 772 Kilnſey, alias 1151 Langley Keſgrave 727 Kilpeck 364 Nymet, alias 284 Keſwick 686, 1194 Kilpeſham 846 Pewen, alias Keteſby 433 Kilreddin Cul Rhyden Somborne 936 Ketheringham, alias 687 Kilton 68 Teynton Kettering 824 Kilverſton, alias 704 Weſton 71 Ketteſbury, alias 280 Kilvington 1172 Kington 974 Kettilberſton, alias 772 Kilworth Abbas, alias alias 71, 373, 885, 985 Kettleborough 782 Kily Cwm, alias 1025 Magna Kettleby 541 Kilywynne, alias 1031. Kinivilgaio, alias 1024 Kettlethorp 441 Kimberley 391 Kettleton, alias 661 Kimble Magna 508 Kinnarſley 187 Kettlewell 1128 Parya 507 Kinnerſley 373 Ketton 395, 845 Kimbolton 369, 526 Kinnerſly, alias '1056 Kevel, alias 893 Kimpton 520 Kinneſworth, alias I 265 Keventhles, alias 1014 Kinaſton 372 Kinwarton Keworthe, alias 1165 Kinfare, alias 197 Kippax, alias 1109 Kewſtoke 62 Kingerby 460 Kirby 551 Keynlham 95 Kingeſbury, alias Monach' in co. Heref. 370 Kingeſton in le Soken Keyran, alias alias 229 Kirford, alias Ķeyfhoe 480 Kingham, alias 794 Kirk Andres, alias 1197 Keyſton, alias 863 Kingiſton, alias 940 Bampton, alias ibid. Kibworth Harcourt 546 Kingſbury 58, 74, 581 Bride Becham 543 Kingſclere 927 Langley, alias 180 Kidderminſter 969 Kingſdon 86 Levington 1125 Kidlington 808 Kingſdown 47 Oſwald 1193 Kidwelly, alias 1022 Kingſdowne 859 Kirkberton, alias 1155 Kighley, alias 1127 Kingſhay, alias 503 Kirkbourne, alias Kilburn 1120 Kingſland 367 Kirkbramwith 1135 Kilby 576 Kirkby 461,630, 1124, 1239 Kılcennyn, alias 1036 Kingſley alias Kilcombe, alias 1024 Kingſnoth, alias 37 in Aſhfielde 1174 Kildale 1124 Kingſteynton, alias on Baine 422 Kildeſby 395 Kingſton 23, 147, 204, 278, Bedon St. Andrew. 657 Kildwick 361 Bellers 541 alias 1145 alias 90 juxta Watton 1147 Bagpuz 903 in Cleaveland 1122 Kilgarran, alias 1029 Bowſey 147 Dennis Med. 403 Kilgurrog 1098 Deverell 899 altera Med. ibid. 314 Kilie Airon, alias 1035 Seymour 93 Ella, alias 1145 Kilken 1041 fuper Sore 1169 Fletham 1246 alias 1040 949 Green 446 Killeſby 816, 817 King Street Chapel by Golden Grindalyth, alias 1114 Killibebill, alias 1084 Square Hundleſdale Killingholme 469 Kingſwere 268 Irelith Killingſbury 820 - Kingſwood Knowle Killington 1230 King's Chapel Lonſdale Killmaenlloyd, alias 1020 Bench Chap: in Malham Dale 1127 8 I Kirk- 98 625 152 OGA 303 1193 1145 546 Chap 198 1219 | 271 1128 Cane lo 657 upon Thames 576 II2 1226 11117 330 366 ;. 954 1229 1346 I: N D E X. 979 Lamféy, alias 1003 70 901 1.200 114 1081 878. 1027 1021 : . Kirkby Mallory 557 Knightwick Mariæ, 659 Knill 368 Lamiat Moorſide 1161 Knipton 539 Lamley, alias 1175 on the Moor I 242 Kniveton 170 Lammarſh 605 Qvereleys, alias 1104 Knocking 1056 Lamoren 308 Ravenfthorpe 1249. Knook Lamplugh 1252 Ravenſworth 1251 Knoſlington, alias 544 Lamport 837 Stephen 1199 Knottesford, alias 1210 Lanam, aliás no 1182. Underwood 399 Knotteſhall 737 Lanbrynmair 1047. Wharfe 1109 Knotting 474 Lancaſter 1221 Wilke 1249 Knottingley 1158 Lancaut 334 Kirkbythore Knoulton 43 Lancheſter 1267 Kirkdale 1161 Knowefton 283 Lancras 261 Kirkdighton 1104 Knowl Landaff Kirketon, alias 421, 734 Knowle 77, 214 Archdeaconry 1076 Kirkham 1115, 1221 Knoyle Magna, alias Cathedral ibid. 0 0 0 Kirkhamerton 1243 Parva 878, 880 Chancellorſhip 1077 Kirkharle 1272 Knoylſton, alias. Præcentorſhip ibid.. Kirkhaugh ibid. Kyf&g Treaſurerſhip 1076, Kirkheaton 1155 Kyloe, alias 1271, 1077. Kirkland 1197 Kympton 924 Landawidnack, alias 304 Kirklethain 1124 Kynalton, alias 1167 Landbeach 236 Kirkley All Saints. 756. Kynley 343 Landford Kirklington 1243 Landinabo Kirklinton, alias 1196 L. Landulphe 300 . Kirkſmeaton 1135 Landwade. 741 Kirkſted 655 Laceby 430 Lanercoft 1198 Kirminton, alias 469 Lacock, alias 886 Laneſt Kirmond 465. Lacton, alias 1165 Kirflow, alias 495 Ladbroke 218 Langarten- 366 Kirtling, vulgo Cartlidg 740. Ladford 254 Langdale 1257 Kirtlington 1187 Ladocke 308. Langdon Hills 587 Kirton, alias 438, 1180 Lady Caſtle 944 Langebye, alias 1095 Kirverther 1064 Mare's Chap. 945. Langford 100, 486, 666, E03, Kiffingland, alias 756 Lafford Nova 403 Kiteford, alias Vetus, alias ibid. alias 187 Kitnor, alias 79. Lägenhoo, alias 609 Eccl. P. 395 Knaptoft 547 Laingdon Church 803 Knapton 699, 1115 Laifton 739 Magna, alias Knapwell 229 Lakeforth, alias 777 near Malden Knareburgh Lakenham 687. Manor P: 395, 803 Knareſborough 1242 Lakenheth, alias 743 Parva Knarfdale, alias 1273 Laleham 581 Langforth, alias 173, 174, Knebworth 520 Lalford, alias 623 Langham Kneefall, alias 1172 Lamberherſt yoga Epiſcopi Knet, alias 740 Lainbeth 953 Parya Kneth, alias 442 'Lamborn, alias 908 Langley 50, 192, 494, 659 Kneton 1168 Lambourn 615 Abbots: Knettiſhall, alias 721 Lamb's Chap. : 572 Burrell Son Knightſbridge . 581 Lambſton 1001 Lango 1225 Knighton 112, 384, 537 Lamely 1267 Langridge 65. 380 Lamerton. -289 Langtoft $57, 1101, 1131 Langa 871 3655 200602 Langar 13 314 1173 98 5.86 899 627 IIOI O - 899 609, 720 855 684. 683 633 885 upon Team I N D E 1347 Herring 300 Leinthal 936 488 on Swale IOI2 7I172 255.855 de la Hay 382 317 1045 B315 44,8 Lihgton 423, 1112 Lawford, alias 218 Leighton Bofard, alias 476 alias 465, 791 Lawhitton 300 Broomſwold 395,527 106 Lawrenny 1003 Leiland, alias 1231 Long Blandford 117 Lawſante, alias 379 Matravers, alias 112 Lawſhell, alias 769 Lekeford near Partney 433 Lawton, alias 1218 Lekehamſted, alias 1250 Laxfield, alias 751 Lekewotton 222 Langtown Laxton 843, 1147 Lemington 324 Langtree 294 alias Haſtings 219 Langwith 178 Layburne Prior 223 Langworth 443 Layer Bretton 6 IO Lench Abbats 975 Langwm 1077 612 Lenham 50 Lanhedwick, alias 316 Merney, alias Pr 610 Lenthal Earls 369 Lanivet 311 Layneſton, alias 943 Lenton 1170 Lankinghorne, alias 300 Lea Marſton 214 Lentwardine Lantivery 308 Learkirk 1251 Leominſter, alias 368 Lanrake 301 Le-Blockhurſt 193 Leonhales, alias 374 Lanreythowe, alias Lechlade 331 Leppington II-15 Lanrothall 365 Leek 1230 Lelbury 1271 Lanfalwys, aliás 317 Leckford, alias 936 · Leſkerde, alias 317 Lanteglos 315, 317 Leckhampton 350 Leſnes, alias 4854 Lanvair, alias Leconfield 1146 Lefnewth Lanwarne 364 Ledbury 357 Leffingham 757 Lanwrin 1047 Ledgate, aliasilien 728 North 403 Lapley 196 Lednam, alias. South ibid. Lapworth 988 Ledon, alias 382 Leftwithiel, alias Laringſet, alias 684 Ledſham, alias 1109 Letchworth Larling, alias 703 Lee 508 Letcombe Baſſet Laſbrough, alias 330 alias Regis au 906 Laſham, alias 922 Leebotwood 193 Lethered, alias Laſingby, alias Leeds 52 Letheringham 754 Laffingdon, alias 338 alias 1105 Letterſtone, alias 996 Laftingham 1161 Holy Trinity ibid. Letton 373, 675 Latchford 1209 ibid. Leven 1149 Latchingdon and Lawling 629 Leeke 199, II22 Leveland 42 Latham 1239 alias 438 Leverington Lathbury 500 Leeming I 247 Levermore Parva 721 Latton 881 Legborne Lavar Parva 615 Leggiſby, alias 465 Leveſham, alias Lavenden 501 Legh 297 Leverton North *438 Lavenham, alias 969 Leiceſter Archdeaconry South Tuo ibid. Laverſtock 927 St. Margaret's 395 Levington 734 Laverſtoke 880 Leigh 199, 976, 1237 Lewes Archdeaconry Laverton 83 alias 618, 946 Leweſden, alias 813 Lavington, alias 406 Dallamer 886 Lewiſham Laughton 158, 420, 1138 Leigham, alias 769 Lewkenor 789 alias 544 Leighland 86 Lewtrencherde 289 Launcells 312 Leighs Magna 591 Lexden 594 Launde 556 Parva 592 Ley, alias 420 Launting 163 Leighton Igi Leyr, alias 549 Law, or 1225 alias 584 Leyſdon, alias 47 Lawenecke, alias 300 Bofard 395 Leyſton 8 I 2 Leythley, 309 1520 % 903 852 o 949 1191 1 St. John start 240 415 Leverfall 1140 1161 536 5132 852 635 64348 X. bo, 103 alias > F 881 do us ΙΟΙΙ 07 Beris, 463 20 945 Liſton 9 1036 top1006 a3 1 N D Leythley, alias manos Lindley 559 Litton Leytonſtone 584 Lindridge 379 Livermere Magna, alias 774 Libera Cap. Throcking Lindrell nooi Liverpool two Medieties 1238 toni, co. Midd. 22 Lindſey vil 773 Llächvane, alias 1008 Capella de Rad Ling, alias 68 Llahadden, alias las 997 field, in Paroc. Lingen 370 Lļaleſtone annos 1036 de Babchild 48 Lingfield do 95! Llambeudy, alias 1019 Lichfield St. Mary in foro 208 Lingwood Page 648 Llan Aber is otsas 1066 Lidbury 382 Linkinholt, alias 924 cru: Aelhaiarne, alias 1049 Liddington 395, 848 Linſlade cais dish 496 So Badrig 1063 Lidford debih 289 Linſted Magna att 739 1071 Lidiard Milchett, alias Parva ibid. Bedr y Cennin 1062 Tregooſe 882 Linton 232, 371, 1127 and Patricio Lidney roj 33 Linwood od 460 Velfry, alias 1019 Lifton + 289 Life 922 Beris, alias 1061 Lightcliffe, alias to 1158 1158 Liflet 1153 ivo Cadwalladr 1056 Lighthorne S: 984 Liffington Strooi 463 20. Ddariwg 1067 Ligth, alias B855 Liſtleighe, alias 1271 Ddeilo Grabau 995 Lihow 605 700 Ddeiniol 1073 Lilburne 821 Lithewyll 701 270 alias Lilford with Wigſthorpe 828 Litlington, alias 239, 483, 573 Ddetty, alias Lilleſhull w 187 Little Betring LED 652 Ddewſant, alias 1071 Lillingſtone Dayrell de 488 Bolton Ddinamn 1068 Layell 791 Budworth is 1218 Eccl. Comport. Lillington 123, 223 Chelfea Chap. C3 58o ibid, Lilſtock 68 Dunham 652 ss Deygwy 994 Limberg Magna 463 Ellinghain 649 oy Drindod ibid, Lime Franſham 652 Dwgwuinio, alias 1:065 Limmington 86 Hampton 136 Dyfryog, alias le 1032 Limpenhaw, alias LE 647 Hardres en 26 for 994 Limpelham in 62 Hempſton, alias Edi IO22 Lincoln Archdeaconry 393 SI210 Que Egryn, alias 1066 Cathedral ibid. Mongham 45 1023 Chancellorſhip ibid. Newcaſtle. 1031 1073 Deanry ibid. Over 182 Einion Frenin, alias 1064 Dividends 3394 394 CM Sandall Elian 1074 Hoſpitaller to the St. John's in Cheſter Elweth Do 995 Cathedral ibid. 201207 1020 Precentoxlhip wibid. Torrington 294 Fihangel Ararth 1024 Sacriſt ibid. Uſborne 1 242 Gelindrud 1035 Sub Deanry ibid. Littleborough 1184, 1236 Penbrin, alias 1032 Succentorſhip ibid. Littlebourn Wchwily 1025 Vicars Choral ibid. Littlebury 613 614 Fihangell Cwmdu 1010 Vice Chancellor Littlecot 2 892 Gammarch 1013 ſhip ibid. Littledale 990 1223 Gana1019, 1020 Lincoln's Inn Chap. Littleham th: 246, 260 Geler, alias Lindall 1227. Littlemore Geitho 1035 Linden, alias 1.847 Littleport 237 Giby 1065 Lindford 667 Littleton Goedmawr, alias 1032 alias 500 alias Gunnor I022 Parva 502 Drew 888 3 1032 Lindhurf 1.935 Littlington Gynllo. Zoils 994, Llan 1234 867 Dyſfýlio 266 20 Leigh * Egwad o Eidan, alias 1139 Falteg 23 581 1028 7.98 108, 944 Code Gybi 158 - 3 1349 1021 3020 Wenog Llarr Gynnllo, allás 1033 Llanblithian, alias 1084 Llandilo Aber Cowin 1021 Jeftin, alias 1063 Llanbrynmaire 1048 Faur 1023 DE Jeſtyn 1075 Llanbulan 1070 Graban I017 • Kerrig y Druidion 1051 Llanbyſter 1014 Grabun 1018 Newidd, alias Llancadwalladr, alias 1093 Portholey 1089 Penmachno 1062 Llancarvan, alias 1079 Tal y Bout, alias 1027 y Pumpſaint 1025 Llandan, alias 1084 Llandingat, alias 1025 Rhayador, alias 1009, Llandarwg 994 · Llandiſfell, alias IC32, 1033 1070 alias 1025 Llandiſlil, alias 1046 Rhocwin 1063 Llandavilog, alias 1006 Llandiſfilio 1075 Rhuddlad 1071 Llanddarog 1023 Llandiwern 1008 Rwſt 1051, 1952 Llanddewiwillfrei, alias I020 Llandogh 1079 Sannans 105: Llanddewivelfrey, alias ibid. Llandogivell 1072 Firſt Portion ibid. Llanddewy Abergwiſſen 1017 Llandona 1075 Second Portion Vachion, alias 1018 Llandovero, alias. ibid. Yſtradenny 1016 Llandough 1084 1033 Llanddewyr Cwm 1014 Llandraddat, alias 1043 Wnda süpe 1061 Llanddogett, alias * 1052 1052 Llandrillo 1049, 1051 Yſtalloc 1075 Llanddulas ibid. alias 1052 Llanallgo 1075 Llanddyfnan 1074 Llandrindod 1016 Llanarmon 1053 Llandeby, alias 1024 alias 1015 Dyffryn Keiriog 1055 Llandefriog, alias 1033 Llandrinyo 1044 Dyfryn Keriog in Llandegla 994, 1014, 1054 Llandrygarn 1072 Yale 1054 alias 1015 Llandudwen, alias 1064 Mynynd Mawr 1056 Llandegvan 1074 Llandvgoe 1098 Llanarth and Llani Ina 1032 Llandegwerh 1096 Llandwnny, alias 1064 Llanarthie 994 Llandeilo 998 Llandwynne, alias 1072 Llanarthney 1023, 1024 Vawr, alias 1008 Llandyfrydog 1074 Llanafaph45 1040 1040 Llandeiniolen, alias 1060 Llandygai, alias Llanavon 1036 Llandeloy 996 Llandyrnoc 1069 1013 Llandeny, alias 1096 Llandyrw 1023 Joer Vechan ibid. Llandervell, alias 1049. Llandyſilio 10419 Llanbadarn Faur 1015 Llandefilio, alias 1045, 1014 Liandyffill, alias y Garey 1018 Gogo 1033 Llanedern, alias 1079 y Garreg ibid. Llandeſfillio, alias 1020 Llaneigrad Odyn 1036 Llandevad 1090 Llaneliani 1052 Llanbaddarn Odyn 1035 and Llanbeder 1093 Llanelliw Llanbadderne Vaur, alias ibid. Llandevailog Trefy Graig 1010 Llanellon, alias 1088 Llanbadern Vyneth 1016 Trefgraig, alias Llanelliw, alias Llanbaderne Odyn 994 1026 Llanelly, alias Llanbadock 1096 Llandeveyſant, alias 1026 Llanelweth 1018 Llanbeblick, alias 1000 Llandeveyſon, alias ibid. alias 1017 Llanbedder, alias 1033 Llandevodwg: Llanelwis, alias 1042 Llanbeder 1073 Llandewalley, alias 1007 Llanenddog and Llanddwywe, Llanbedir Dyffryn Clwyd 1069 Llandewi Brevi : 1036 alias 1066 Llanbedr 1067, 1074 Aberarth ibid. Llanenys, alias 1069 Pains Caſtle 1018 Llandewy 993 Llanerchlwydog, alias 1030 alias 995, 2017 alias 1027 Llanerch Ymed 1072 Llanbeudy, alias Rethereck, alias 1088 Llanervill 1044 Llanbeyduy 994 Llandeygwy, alias 1032 Llanfachell, alias 1071 Llanbifter 994, 1015- Llandidno 1063 Llanfacraeth ibid. Llanbither, alias 1025. Llandigwy,, alias 1067 Llan. at 1063 Vawr 1046 1074 JOIF 10II 1022 1084 1020 1034 Llanfacreth 1350 1 X N D E X. 1047 at b1025 to 1097 7 1021 2011073 1091 1021 Llanfaes 1807 Llangining 1021 Llaniſhen, aliás nisi Toge Llanfain juxta Harlechi! 1067 Llanglodwen, alias 1020 Elanlawthog, alias 1025 yn Kiwbwl, alias 107: Llangoed 10:74 Llanledan firſt Comportion, 35 Mathefanns? 1075 Llangollen 1036 alias і 1069 Pwllywingyll [ 1074 Llangolman. 998 the other Compor- Llanfiliangel Rid Ithon 1016 Llangona, alias 1088 tion, alias ibid. Aberbythych 1025 Llangonod, alias 1084 Llanlibio 1071 Edwin 1037 Llangors 21010 Llanligan, alias Genaurglyn, alias Llangottage, alias 1087 Llanllawer 1031 TO 35 Gleming ibid. Llanllechid 1062 Llanfihangell Tally Llyn 1010 Vibon Avell, alias Llanlloian Religion, alias 1016 1088 Llanllowell Llanfinan 1073 Llangoyen 1096 Llanllowenwell, alias1013 Llanflewyn "1072 and Penyclanth 1098 Llanllwch Llanfoyle, alias 1087 Llangower som 1050 Llanllwchiarn, alias 1033 Llaiyfrothen, alias 1067 Llangraynog, alias 1034 Llanllwchyarne, alias 1046 Llanfurog 1071 Llangriſtiolys 1073 Llanllyfini 2009 1061 Llanfydd, alias 11052 Llangumdimell, alias 1051, Llanmartin Llangaddock, alias -1023 1052 Llanmerewig 1046 Llangadvan 1044 Llangunllo 11015 Llannant Brane and Llandilo Llangadwallader 1073 Llangurrick 1068 Vanec, alias 15.03.2009 Llangaffo ibid. Llanguſtenin, alias 1053 Llannarthe 1089 Llangain Llangwick, alias 1028 Llannon 1023 Llangamarch 994 Llangwillog 1075 Llanor, alias 1064 Prebendary 992 Llangwinor 1086 Llanover 1089 Llangamerch, alias 1013 Llangwym 10.50, 1097 Llanpabo, alias 1072 Llangan 923, 1084 Llangwnnod, alias "1065 Llanrhayader 1055, 1056 Llanganfeling, alias 1536 Llangwyfen 1073 in Mochnant 1055 Llanganhaval, alias) 1070 alias 1070 Llanrhidian 1027 Llanganten 1014 Llangwyner 1027 Llanrhydd (1070 Llangar 1050 Llangyby 1034 Llanrhywydrys, alias 1072 Llangafty Tall y Llynn 1010 Llangynidr and Eglwyfveſey, Llanrian, alias Llangathen, alias 1024 alias 1016 Llanriſted, aliás 1035 Llangattock Llangynnedr, alias 1027 Llanrug 1обо alias Llangyniow 1098 Llanrythian, alias Llingwid 1038 Llangynllo, alias 201015 Llanſadwrn, alias 1024, 1074 Llangeby 994 Llangynoc, alias IỚ14, 1021 Llanſadyrnyn, alias 1019 Llangdwll 1061 Llangynog 1045 Llanfamlet 1027 Llangedwinn 1056 Llangynyo, alias 1044 Llanſan Ffraid, alias 2017 Llangefni, alias 1073 Llanhanilach, alias 1006 Llanſanfraid 1007, 1052, Llangeinwen ibid. Llanharan 1086 1056 alias 1060 Llanhary Cwmyddayddwrios Llangeler, alias 1029 Llanliennock, alias 1090 ' in Mechen 1044 Llangelynin 1062 Llanhenog 1093 Glyndyfrdwy 1050 Llangenag IOII Llanhilėth, alias 1088 Llanſanfreet, alias 1017, 1035 Llangendeirn 1023 Llanhinol, alias 1036 Llanſanfrid in Mechen 1045 Llangenith 1022 Llanhychan VH1070 Llanſanor, alias 1080 Llangernew 1052 Llanichaith, alias 1030 Llanſant Llangevelach 994 Llanigen, alias Llanſaufraid 995 Llangevellach, alias 1026 Llaniltern 1081 Llanſawel 1025 Llangian 1065 Llaniltyd 1067 Llanfeynfrede, alias IO14 Llangimin, alias 1060 Llaniſhen 1081, 1098 Llanfilloe, alias 993, 996 101I 1010 995 1079 1022 ΙΟΙΙ 1012 Llail- I NO N DE1351 E: : X. 1081 1093 1 1087 1013 . .) 2 1081 1061 ar y Brin Llanſocy; alias mind tog Llanvenneth, alias 1023, 1024 Llanwinnio. 102 i Llanfpythid, alias Pa 1007 Llanvernach, alias 1030 Llanwllyn 1050 Llanſtadwall, alias 1000 Llanverres, alias 1054 Llanwnda 996 Llanſtephan 1018, 1019 Llanvertherin, alias 1087 alias 1025 Llanftinan 996 Llanvethly 1071 Llanwndle 1021 Llanſylin, alias 1055 Llanvewgan 1075 Llanwnnen 1009 Llanthenny, alias s. 1024 Llanvigan, alias. 1007 alias 1033 Llanthew, alias 1009 Llanvihangel Abercowyı 1021 Llanwnog 1068 Llanthewyvach Bachellaeth 1065 Llanwonno Llantillio, alias ys Ceifog 1073 Llanwrog, alias 1061 Llantony IOII juxta Cowbridge Llanwrthull Llantood, alias 1031 1086 Llanwrtyd I014 Llantriſſant 1078 Iſternllewyrne Llanwthull, alias, 1013 alias. 1071, 1097 1087 Llanwthwll : 994 Llantrithed, alias 1080; Killcornell, alias Llanwthyn 1056 Llantude, alias 1085- 1089 Llanwyan Llyfo, alias 1075 Llantwit 1086 juxta Lanternan Llanwythelan 1047 Vaird 1098: Llanyblodwell, alias ini 1055 . Llanvabon ibid: y.Penant 1067 Llanybri 1021 Llanvaeloc, 1071, 704 y Pennant 1066 Llanychaeron, alias 1034 Llanyaelrhys: 1064 Pontimoyle 1098 Llanychairon, alias 1032, 1036 Llanvaghes, alias IO9I- yn Towyn 1071: Llanycil. 1049 Llanvaglan y Traeth 1067 Llanycrwys 1025 Llanyair, alias I014, 1059 Trifilwyn 1075 Llanydlos, alias. 1068 1025 juxta Uſke 1089 Llanyfydd 1053 Cludogie, alias 1034 Llanvihangell 1091 Llanygrwyddon 1036 ys Cwnamyd.1073 .. Abergweſlin 1013 Llanylar, alias 1035 Diſcoed 1093 Itraitli 1067 Llanymouthwy, alias 1048 Fechan, alias". 15 1062 Kilwargen, alias Llanymowthwy, alias 1055 Inghornwy 10714 1024 Llanynghendle, alias 1072 Is Gaer Jeg 1061 Nantbrân 1009 Llanynis, alias 1013 Nant Gwyn-1031 Prinapon, alias Llanyre 1015; Treligon, alias) 1034. 1014. Llanyſton, alias 1091 Waterdine Rhofycorn 1025 Llanyſtyndwy Llanvaire, alias 1070 Vechan, alias 1009 Llanywern Cledogee 994. Llanvihangle, alias 1044,;1052 Llavernock 1081 Prima Portio 1039 Llanvilhayrn, alias 1062 Llaugharn 1019 Secunda Portio ibid. Llanvillo, alias alias ibid. Llanvairtal Hayarne 1053 Llanvorock, alias 1069. Llechynvary 1072 Llanvairy Clwyn, alias: 1033 Llanyrechya 995, 1936, 1037 Llanvais, alias 1082 Llanvrenathe, alias, 1907. Lliſyaen, alias 1052 Llanvapley 1087 Llanuwllyn 1049 Lliſwen 1010 Llanvarthyn 1056. Llanvylling, alias 1044 Lloher, alias 1026 Llanvawr, alias 1049, 1050 Llanwaine, alias 1012 Lloughbether, alias TO24 Llanvaydock, alias 1026 Llanwanno, alias 1016 Llowes, alias 1017 Llanvayer Kilgedine, alias Llanwarth, alias JC:8. Llulle, alias 1007 1087 Llanwayn, alias 1091 Llygwy Llanvayes 1008 Llanwddin 1045 Llyfevanoth, alias - Llanvaylog, alias Lłanwenarthe 1087 Llyfiviaen, alias 997 Llanuchairon 994 Llanwennog 1032. Llyſvaen 1082 Llanvechen, alias 1044 Llanwenok 85 Llanyenneth 994 Llanwillog *1073. Locker 183 5 Lockerley 2 1 384. 1065 IOI2 1010 1993 Lledrod 1045 1085 1022 994: Load 1352 X. I DE N D 828 184 533 Lund 1122 I 200 Lockerley 1937 Longtown, alias forzó 170 Ludworth Magna 463 Locking 362 Longworth 903 Luecombe, alias 103 Lockings, alias 903 Loniſborough, alias 1143 Luffingcot 263 Lockſton 62 Looſe 51 Luffwick, alias Loddefwill 298 Lopham 703 Lugwarden 376 Loddon 658 Loppington 191 Lullingſtone 854 Loders 106,867 Lorton 1255 Lullington on Lodington 555 Loughborough 1146, 1223 alias 837 Loughton 583 Lundes 1247 Lodifworth 154 Magna 500 Luppit 256 Lofthouſe Parva 503 Luſby 410 Lokington 534, 1143 Lovington 72 Lufton, alias 88 alias -886 Lound in 757 Luton 477 Lollington 159 Louth St. James, alias 452 Lutterworth 549 Lolworth 229 Lowdam 1176 Lutton I115 London Archdeaconry 561 Lowdham, alias 783 Bourne 438 Cathedral 560 Lowerline 254 with Waſhing Chancellorthip ibid. Lower Winchenden 506 ley 828 Chapter of the Cath. Loweſby, alias 554 Luxborough 80 Church ibid. Loweſtor, alias 1004 Luxulyan, alias Sanatate 308 Deanry ibid. Lowick 2 1228, 1271 Lycham, alias de 653 Præcentorſhip 561 Lowne, alias 176 Lychet Matrevers 126 Treaſurerſhip ibid. Lowſewater 1254 Lydde 37 Workhouſe Chap. Lowth 449 Lydden 32. near Biſhopſgate 572 Lowthe 395 Lydiard St. Lawrence 98 Long Acre Chap. 576 Lowther Epiſcopi 99 Aiſhton 96 Lowthorp. 1132 Lydling, alias Benington 448 Lowton 1240 Lye, alias 351 Compton 985 Lowyftoft, alias 757 Lyley, alias 520 Crechel, alias 117 Loxbear 292 Lyme Regis 106 Ditton 946 Loxley 98.5 Lyminge, alias 34 Eaton 183 Loxore 280 Lymington 935 Frainlington 1275 Lubbenham 544 Lymiſter, alias 134 Newton 1262 Lubſthorpe 551 Lymme, alias 39 Staunton 383 Luccombe with Warburton 1209 Stow 527 Lucker 1271 the other Mediety ibid. Sutton 88 Lucton 369 Lymmifield, alias 947 Wathby 1194 Ludburgh 450 Lympſton 245 Longbredy 103 Ludchurch, alias 1004 Lynche 153 Longbridge 330 Luddenden 1158 Lyndeby, alias 1177 Longborough 348 Luddeſdowne 859 Lyneham 876 Longdon 389, 976 Luddington 883, 986 Lynge, alias 706 Longfield 860 alias 455, 882 Lynne Deanry Push 692 Longhope 334 Ludenham 40 Lynſted Longleate 84 ;Ludford 387 Lynton 50, 282 Longney 338 Ludforth, alias 465 Lyſſe 930 Longnor 193, 200 Ludgarſal, alias 152, 503 Lytchbarrow, alias 816 Longridge 1224 Ludgerſhall, alias S871 Lyth 1124 Long teddale, alias 1258 Ludham B717 Lytham 1223 Longhock 936 Ludington, alias 828 Lythe Chap. 154 Longton 385 Lytton 59, 83 Longthorpe 831 Ludhhelfe, vulgo Lichfield 924 Ma. I 21 78 40 1232 Ludlow IN 1353 DC Ex. 1 1 338 M. 212 411 1028 440 236 wold 526 1230 338 892 Magdalen, alias sin ibid.4 Manavon 1046 Mariæ Beatæ in Auſtrali, alias Manby 452 Manceter ante Portam Sti Mandfield, alias 1 249 Petri, alias ibid. Mablethorp 415: •Mandham St. Peter's 659 in Suburbiis 21.17 Mablethorpe St. Mary 41+ Manerdyvy, alias in foro Lewes 147 Macclesfield I 212 Maner Nawen 996 Maring, alias Maching 602 Mangotsfield 109 Marisfield, alias 1094 Mackworth 181 Maningford Abbas 890 Mariſtow 289 Maddersfield Bruce ibid. Markby 417 Madeley 203. Mannerbier, alias 1004 Markeſbury 96 Madeſey 383 Mannington, alias 690 Markfield 557 Madhurſt 135 Manor of Leighton Bromef- Market Deeping 457 16 Madingley Jew 307 Madington 9or Manfell Gamage, alias 374 O Overton 844 Madley 361, Manſergh Stainton 424 Madron, alias 306 Mansfield, alias 1175 Street 517 Madſton, alias Woodhouſe 1178 Markſhall 610, 688 Maenchlogdye, alias 1031 Manton 847- Mark's Tey, alias Maenclochogg 997 Manúden, alias 072 614 Marland, alias 209 Maeſmynys 1013 Maperton 70. Marlborough St. Mary 616 Perſonat. 103 St. Peter Maghall 1238- Mapeſbury 561 Marldon 268 Maghen, alias 1093 Maplebeck 1173 Marlesford 754 Maghuntley, alias 1.047 Mapledereham 801 Marlingford 678 Magor, alias 1091 Mapleſted Magna 605 Marlos 1000 Maiden Bradley Parva 607 Marlow Magna 509 Maidenhead 915 Mapleton Parva 310 Maidford 813 Marbrook 200 Marnehull Maidſtone 5.1 Marbury Marnham 1172 Maidwell St. Mary 837. Marcham 903 Marple St. Peter ibid. March Balden 796 Marr 1138 Mainſtone, alias 383 Marchington 209 Marrick 1251 Major Pars Altaris 867 Marchwyel, alias 1053 Marrisfield, alias 157 Maiſmore 338 Marcle, alias 371 Marros 1021 Maker 301 Parva '359 Marrow, alias 439 Maldon 947 Marcroſs 1085 Marſden 1158, 1226 Mallerſtrange 1202 Mardale Marſh 453 Malpas 1095 Marden 50, 895 Gibbons Iſt Portion 1215 alias 362 Marſhalſea Chap. in South- 2d Portion ibid. Mardon wark 954 Maltby 454, 1138 Mareſham, alias dolu 690 Marſham 1245 in Mariſco 416 Mareftone alias Malverne Major 978 Mareworth, alias 855 Marſhfield 341 Parva ibid. Marfleete 1152 Marſhwood 107 Malviſh Enderby, alias 410 Margaret St. ibidem Crucis Marik 1124, 1249 Malwyd, alias -1048 Marſton 137, 175, 205, 342, Mamble 380 Margliam 1086 395, 488 Mamhead, alias 672, 830 alias 173, 1243 Mamhilade O Church Mortein 482 Manathon, alias 304 Mariânſleigh propè Oxon. dos 797 Manaton, alias 271 - Maribone, alias 581 St. Laurence 8 K Marſton 902 1151 I 21 I214 on 1213 1 202 an 488 133 859 21 . 1262 270 Marham, alias jy 1089 1 312 2,86 1813 1354 I" N D. EX. I 202 544 Mere 21 214 1157 213 839 123 Merſton 210 2 I 46. co: Marſton Truffel 8:37 Meagę 297 Meningeſby 410 Marſtow 366 Meanſtoke 931 Mentmore 496 Marten Hoſentree 966 Mear 205 Meopham 862 Martham 674 Meaſham 185 Mepall 237 Martin, alias 294 Meavy 288 Mepperſall, alias 485 Martindale Meching 149 Mercers Chapel 572 Martinhoe 2:82 Medbourne with Holt 8.99 Martinthorpe 847 Medley, alias alias 84 Martlewy, alias 1004 Medmenham, 510 Mereval Martletham 727 Medringham, alias 446 Merfield, alias Martley 97.9 Medumfley, alias 1267 Meriden Martock 58 Meer 412 Meriet, alias 76 alias 88 Meidrim, alias 1020 Merioneth Archdeaconry 1059 Marton 220, 1122, 1127, Melborne 239 Meris Aſhby, alias 1153, 1200, 1243 Melburne 184 Merowe, alias 959 alias 669, 440, 442 Melbury Abbas 121 Merrington 1262 in Galtres I I20 Bubb ibid. Merſham, alias 37 in the Moor ibid, Oſmond Marſham Samford 196 alias Mary Magdalen in Wigen Melchburne, alias, in 479 Bigote, alias 82 hall, alias 694 Melcomb Horſey I 26 Magna 9,1 Mary's of Penrhyn Free Meldon 1271, 1275 Sicca, alias, 322 Chapel I051 Meldreth 239 Mertheir Geryn 1090 Maſhbury 599 Méleney, alias 1030 Merther 310 Maſſeworth, alias 495 Melford, alias 769 Tydvill 1078 Mallingham Magna 693 Melideu, alias 1042. Merthir, alias 304,996 Parva 694 Meller 169 Merthyr 1020 Maſterſhip of the Temple 572 Melles, alias Cynog, alias 1008 Meſton 369 Melleſworth, alias Mawr 1006 Matherne 1091 Melling 1238 Merton 351 Mathon 978 Mellinge Merwood, alias. 280 Mathrey, alias 739 Meſden, alias 636 Mațlalk 701 alias 81 Meſhaw, alias 285 Matlock 171 Melmerby 1191 Meſſing 610 Matterſdale 1194. Melſhamnby, alias 1249 Meffingham 456 Matterſey, alias 1182 Meltham 1158 Meſtham, alias 947 Mattefhall 678 Melton 783 Metfield 752 Maulden 482 Conſtable with Burgh Methe 294 Maulton, alias 820 Parva 683 Metherdivan 1080 Maunton, alias 455 Damerell 262 Methley, alias 1155 Maveſyn, alias 207 Flotman, alias 686 Methwold, alias 666 Mawgan and Martin, alias 303 Mowbray 539 Metingham 780 Mawnan ibid. Parva 678, 688 Metton, alias 701 Roſs 395 Meugan 1075 Maxie 831 with Scambleſby Mexborough Maxtoke 213 467 Meylltyrn, alias 1064 Mayden Newton 103 Roffe 470 Michael Church Eſkley 1012 May Fair Chap St. Mary 686, Michaelſton, alias 1085 Mayfield 160 fuper Montem 1141 Michaelſtone fuper Avon 1086 alias 200 Melverley 1056 Michaelſtow Mayland 598 Mendham 751 Micham, alias 950 May Fooder 126 Mendletham 746 Michelftowne, alias 1080 Michil. 746 526 1229 993 Mellis Mawthy 673 1141 576 316 I N D 0355 Ex IIIO Chinnock 71 398 179 52 Middlewich Michildever 963 Milom 112'53 Monaſtery of Atlielnicy 66 Michilmerſh ibid. Milnrow 1236 Bardney 463 Mickelden, alias 322 Milour 303 Bardfey 1063 Micklefield Milfton 871 Barlings 441 alias 724 Milton 28, -46, 859, 904, 935 Baſingwerk 1040 Mickleham 947 alias 236, 289 Bath 64 Mickle Over 180 Abbots, alias 129 Berking 583 Middle 190 Bryan, alias 477 Bermondſey 952 86 Clevedon Betlíkylliett 1065 Claydon 504 Earneſt, alias 474 : Bildtvas 189 Rafen Drax, alias 462 Ecclefia 796 Bileigh 596 Middlelam Biſhop's I262 Keynes 500 Birkhead, alias 1219 Deanry I 245 Lilbörné 892 the Bleſſed Virgin Middleſborough I 125 Maner 796 Mary of Nethe Middleſex Archdeaconry 561 St. Jolin 800 1082 Middlefmoor 1162 Milverton $8 , Bokeilham 702 Middleton 133, 135, 214, 369, Prima Archdea- Balington 463 605, 695, 1125, conry 58, 38 Bordeſley 965 1161, 1230, Milwich 203 Bourne 1233 Miheva, alias 1054 Bredfall Parke alias - 833, 924, 925 Miniſter 48 Brewood 189 1143 alias Brewton 73 Clfeney 813 Minivear, alias 1005 Bridlington 1129 Scriven 391 Minor Pars Altaris 867 Brittleſham Moun- St. George 1262, Minſted 934 tague 910 316 Bruern 793 Stoney 791 Lóven 804 Bruſyard 758 Stony 170 Minſterley 392 Buckland 286 Teefdale 1263 Minſterworthi 334 779 Tyers, alias 1249 Minterne, ália's 129 Burnhamn 491 1216 Mintling 696 Burton upon Trent Middle zoy 85 Miſerden, alias 57 343 206 Middop 1141 Milperton, alias 1160 Bury St. Edmund's Midhurſt 154 Miffæ Quotidiane 394 Mid Lavant 139 Millenden Magna 508 Butteley 752 Midley, alias 37 Parva ibid. III Milberton, alias 686 Miſterton 76, 1182 Byttleſden 487 Miborne St. Andrew with Miſtley 625 Campfey 712 129 Mitchel Deane, alias 334 Carów Milbourn I 202 Matford Canleacire 1276 691 Port 90 Mitton 971, 1128 and Cathedral Ch. Milbrace, alias 389 Mixbury 791 of Coventry 215 Milbrook 938 Mobberley or Priory of the Ca- Milbrooke 482 Mochelney 86 thedral Ch, of Mildenhall, vulgo Milner 742 Moćkas 375 Worceſter 963 alia's 890 Modbury 277 Catteley 444 Mildham, aliàs 651 Monagey, alias 309 Cerne Milding, alias 770 Mònaſtery of Abingdon 902 Chateris 240 Milford 934 Acornbury 355 or Priory of Chep- Milkſham, alias Alba Ląunda, or ſtow 1090 Mikſted, alias 48 White Land 1018 Chertſey 954 Millington 1146 Ambioſbury 870 Cirenceſter 320 Monal. 1265 Miniter Buhigay 778 2. Byndon Dewlith out 654 I2II I 24 i 894 8 K 2 1356 IN DE X. 608 788 1179 1133 401 411 498 552 48 536 198 476 1248 509 884 670 in Cheſter 1205 1 à 19:124 Monaſtery of Clyve Monaſtery of Kenelworth 221 Monaſtery of Romſey 935 Cogglhall Keynſham 93 Rufford Cockforth 659 King's Place Rupe Combe 215 Kington, alias 884 Salop 189 Combwell 48 Kirkham III2 Sawley II26 Conwey 1050 Kymne Sawtre 530 Croxden 198 Kyrkſted St. Agatha 1248 Croxton 537 Langley 532, 654 St. Alban's 631 Croylande 435 Lanterna, alias 1095 St. Andrew in Ro- Cumbermeyre 1213 Lavenden cheſter 851 Cwinhire 1014 Launda St. Auguſtine 20, 107 Dala 179 Leeds St. Bartholomew, Denne 240 Leiceſter London 564 Derlegh 179 Leyſton 735 St. Cuthbert in Dorcheſter 801 Lilleſhulle 189 Durham 1260 Dulacres Little Malverne 976 St. John in Col- Dunſtable Marlow cheſter 594 Eggleſton Llanlligen 1048 St. Mary and St. Ca- Eveſham 967 Malmſbury therine in Eye 745 Marmound Dartford 851 re Eynſhamn 805 Medmenham 509 Flanesford 355 Melſa 1148 de Gratiis, near Flaxley 320 Meryvall 210 8 the Tower Flixton 764 Middleton 564 Foffe 441 Mifſenden T.506 Magdalen of Fynneſhed 840 Mochelney 85 Monkburton Garradon 532 Monmouth 355 Giſburn I I21 Montague Malling Glaſton 85 Moolton Parke 444 Norton 1208 Godſtowe 790 Mount Grace - 1121 in Reading 910 Goring 801 Newbo Stratford Lang- Goykewell 454 Newſom horne 583 Gracedieu 532 Neweſtede de Valle Dei 406 de Gratia Dei, alias Noftell, alias1153 de Valle Regali 1086 Notley Masba: 503 por Great Malverne 976 the Virgin of Greſley 183 Old Maltoņio.!59 o2d Morgan, alias Hagmond 189 Oſney 1082 Haleſowen 381 Parſhoare, stb971 the Virgin de Haverholme Penmon 1074 Pratis Do- Hayles 320 or Priory of Peniai Heringfleet 755 wortham Yu1231 08 or King's Hevings 441 Peterborough 830 Hulme 715 Pipewell without the Hulton Pontefract 231153 201 Humbcrfton 430 Ramſey vad.527 City of York Huntingdon 521 Radegund VEGS1033 1;) 1103 Hurley 910 Go Redlingfield in 745 St. Mary's in Win- Hyde 918 Repington 183 cheſter Irford 491 St. Michael Ixworth 719 Ridall 1159 St. Neots Kellynge 1148 Rocetur St. Oſwald Biſhop 964 Monaſ. SI 1133 85 854 On 1426 bio 466 001794456 1208 Olveſton 1 542 v 1.788 410 Domini Regis, 1 Meadow 179 Iron 840 Par conto Walls of the 460 10esbi Reveſby 918 158 528 198 I N D E X. 1357 360 48 476 1369 916 384 More Monaſtery of St. Oſyth 622 Monaſtery of Weſt Dereham Moreton Jeffrys 363 St. Peter 320 670 alias and St. Paul Weſtacre 691 upon Lugg 377 Abbotſbu- Whalley I 224 Magna 354 ту 102 Whitby 1121 Parva ibid. St. Peter's Weſt- Whorwell 923 Say 188 minſter 564 Wickham 1159 Moringthorpe 669 St. Saxburgh Wigmore 381 Morland I 201 St. Thomas de Wilton 896 Morley 188 Bello Capite 175 % Winchelcombe 320 St. Botolph 676 St. Trinity de Bof- Woborne 481 Morpeth I 274 co juxta Marky- Woodbridge 752 Morthoe 282 ate Wymondham 675 Mortlack 951 or Pri. of St. Tri Monck, alias 78 Morton 400, 1056, 1188, nity Gippiſwick Monckland I 202, 1220 743 Mongewell 801 Hampſtead r 271 St. Werburgh 1205 Mongham Magna, alias 143 Merial St. Wolftan Biſhop Moniaſh 170 Pinckney 818 964 Monington 375, 1031 Valence 1339 Selby 1103 Monketon 876 Valens 336 Sempringham 398 Monk Naſh 1086 Morvall 317 Shafton 119 Tryſton IIII Morvield 392 Shirborne ibid. Weremouth 1265 Morvill 1030 Shuldham 670 Monke Okehampton 273 Morwinſtow 312 Sibton 735 Monks Hopton 623 Stonely 221 Monkſwood 1098 Moſeley 967 Strata Florida 1034 Monkton, alias 98 Moſely 551 Studley 795 Monmouth 365 Moſley 1234 Sulbye 835 Monneſley 357 Moſfer Swine 1.148 Monochlogddu 998 Mota Henrici, alias 10O Swineſhead 435 Mons Altus, alias 1043 Mothby, alias Syon 564 Michaelis 304 Motiſtone 940 Talley 1023 Monsford 191 Mottisfont, alias 936 Tarent Monſill 375 "Mottrum, alias 1211 Taviſtock Montgomery 387 Moughtry 994 Tewkibury 320 Moor, alias 384 alias 1015, 1016 Thame Mora 56i Moulton 435, 439, 647, 729 Thetford 711 Morborne 531 All Saints 669 2: Thornton 466 Morchard Biſhop's 250 Magna ibid. Tinterna, alias 1090 Mørdeford 371 Mounfield, alias 143 Tortyngton 134 Morden 126, 947 Mounkleigh, alias 260 Tupholme 411 Morebath 292 Mounſlow, alias 382 Tyltey 599 Moreby 440 Mountague, alias 88 or Pri. of Uſke 1095 Morecote, alias. 848 Mount Walden 620 Moreleigh 299 Sorrel 535 Walfingham 713 Moremunketon, alias 1105 Mounton Walton 1142 Moreſby 1253 alias 876, 895 Wardon 484 Morefted 943 Mownden, alias Waverley 954 Moreton 112, 176, 616 Mowton juxta Bury. 743 Welbeck 1179 alias 488 Mucking 586 Welloo 430 Corbett Muckton 452 Wenlok 381 Hindmarſh 324 Mudforde 91 4 Mug- 1255 1024 I16 288 788 i 1034 1093 753 191 1358 I N DE x. 1247 Narford 500 Naſh 597 Natland 346 1095 Neaſden 772 39-1 Muggington T8o Narberth do2 Nettleden voo4.07 Muggleſton, alias 202 Narborough 663 Nettleham, alias 442 Mugleſwick 1267 Nareing, aliás 650 Nettlefted 725, 855 Muker 666 Nettleton 467, 886 Mullyan 304 "Nafeing, alias 584 Neventon, alias 888 Mulſhoe, alias 1004, 1091 Neverſtockens 616 Mumby 416 Naflington 829 Newark upon Trent 1171 Muncaſter, alias 1254 Preb. 395, 828 Newbald, alias 1146 Muncton, alias 52 Natheſby, alias 821 Newbigging 1201, 1275 Munden, alias 1258 New Biſhopſhill I109 Magna 513 Naumby, alias 444 Caſtle 1085 Parva ibid. Naveſtock 630 Chap. 1045 Munderly 701 Nawnton, alias in Grimſargh 1224 Mundham 138 Beauchamp bro 972 Ein Preſton Town Mungriſdale 1194 Nawton, alias 772, 777 ibid. Munſellith, alias 770 Nearne, alias 1030 Church 941 Munthuſloin 561 Claſs, Vicars Choral 60 Munxton, alias 924 Neathe, alias 1083 Hutton 1258 Murclinch 85 Neatſhead, alias 717 P Mote 997 Mureſley, alias 495 Necton, alias 663, 666 Rumney 38 Muſburie 264 Nedding, alias Ć Town 1046 Muſgrave 1 201 Needham juxta Harleton 699 alias 1926, 1091 Muſton 539, 1131 Market 725 Wolfs 1095 Muſwell Hill Chap. 581 Needingworth to 524 Unde Line the 204 Mutford 757 Neenton Windſor 914 Mynehead 78 Nenfield, alias 142 Newbold upon-Avon 216 Mynfray 315 Nerquis Verdon 557 Mynhenyote, alias 3091 Neffcliffe on 193 Newbon, alias 734 Mynting, alias 422 Neſton 2:19 Newborne 727 Mynty, alias 888 Neſtrange Ligon (192 Newborough 209, 1273 Mylin, alias 1183. Netherbury and Bemnifter 104 Newbottle 814 Myton upon Swale 1118 in Ecclefia 867 Newbould Pacy (*** 985 Myvod, alias 1039, 1044 in Terra ibid. Newburgh, alias 1073 Nether Cerne 130 Newburne 1274 Compton 123 Newbury 908 N. Peover 12-10 Newcaſtle St. Andrew's 1277 Shugborough St. John's ibid. Nackington 28 Silton Ahl Saints ibid. Nafferton II31 Stowey 67 Newchurch.1037), 38, 1017, Naileſton, alias 557 Wallop 925 1093, 1240 Naketon, alias 734 Wafdale 1254 in Pendale I 226 Namptwich 1215 Whitley 1210 in Roſendale ibid. Nanddye, alias 1009 Witton 1275 Newdigate 957 Nanguntlo, alias 1035 Worton 800 Newenden, alias 587 Nannerch, alias 1041 Netherex Netvenham, alias 22, 42, 633, Nantglyn 1052 Netherhaſe Portion in Led- 797 Nuntgundanyll 1065 bury 357 Newent 335 Nantg nllo 995 Netherhaven 867, 894, 895 Newgate Chap. 572 Nantg; n!!o, alias 1036 Netley 939 Newick 147 Nantmell, alias 1015 Nettiſwell, alias 602 Newid 1025 Nantınellan, alias I017 Nettlebed 809 Newington 32, 46, 561, 797, Napton 220 Nettlecombe 78 953 5 Newing- 1043 224 CO I 1-2-5 251 IN 1359 D E. X. or 24 831. 80 I 124 87 67 667 268 1166 upon Trent 693 426 807 254 : 1-270 1105 506 Newington, alias 3292 874) Nockliolt, alias 864 North Molton 2851 Newland 335,978, 1195 Noctonx alias, 4441 Moreton 904 Lectureſhip 335 Noķę 797 Morton 906 Newmarket St. Mary 743Nolton, alias ippo Muſkham 1185 Newnham 335 Noņington 354 Firſt Med. 11871 with Mapledurwell, 928 Second Med. 11731 Newport 188, 614, Nony, alias 8.2 Newbald 1ΙΟΙ alias 1094 Norborow, alias Newton Pagnell 502 Norbury 171, 182, 195, 384 Nibley 330 Trefdraeth 1030 1213 Ottrington Newtimber 147 Norfolk Archdeaconry 640 Paderwyn, alias 312 Newton 240, 399, 442, 461, Norham 1271 Perrot 666,830, 1005,1125, Normanby 397, 461, 1161 Petherton 1235, 1240 Normanton 178, 448, 541, Pickenham alias 500 847, 1157, 1185 Piddle 973 de Abbats ſuper Sore Repps 699 Arloiſh 1195 1172. Reſton 452 O Bromſwold 823 Norridge 902 Rongton, alias Buſhell 272 North Allerton, alias II 22, Scarle Fambridge 598 Alton 866 Shobury 619 Ferrers 277 Aſton Somercotes, alias 450 Flotman 686 Barſham 661 Stoneham, alias 938 Harcourt 546 Bayley in Durham, Tamerton 314 Kirk, aljas alias 1263 Tawton Kyne, alias Benfleet, alias 586 Tudenham 676 Nottage - 1983 Berkhamſted, alias Walſham 715 Bovie Waltham 272 GII 20 928 Poppleford Bradley 895 Weſton 790 Pricel, alias Burton, alias I143 Willingham 462 Regis 211 Cadbury 70 Witham 407 alias 216 Carford 934 Wokindon, alias 589 Saintloo Cave 1146 Wooton 696 St. Mary Cerney 3.26 Wotton 124, 695 Sti Cerici 250. 154 Wraxhall St. Petroek 294 Clifton 1:172 Northall 578 Solney Collingham alias near Stow, alias Cray 852 Northalls, alias 737 770 od near Sudbury, Creake, alias 660 Northam 261 871 Curry 99 Northampton Archdeaconry 248 Dalton 1146 Valence 922 Fleet 861 Northbarowe 72 Wallica 364 Grimſton II.14 Northborow 549 Wold Kelſay 467, 469 Northbourn, alias 44 Newtown 188 Kelſey 395 Northcove 780 Newynden 29: Leche 326 Northelmham Newyn, alias Leverton 1185, 1187 Northenden, alias Nicholafton 1027 Ley, alias 264 Northfield 966 Nidd 1243 Littleton 968 Northill 301 Niend Savage, alias Lųffenham 390 alias 848 486 Nighton Mardon 138 College 484 Ninehed Merfton 505 Northington 937 Noble Street Chapel Mims 273 North- upon Ouze 246 791 64 843 Chap. 886 185 1173 634 766 Tony Tracy 811 432 6531 1064 1211 940 99 572 517 Northlewe 1360 INDE x. qedot 807 Notgrove Darcy 265 1949 Nụn 36 421 .233 Nuthall de 84.1 - alias 597, 712, 888 € 83. Oakeford, alias Warren alias Northley 346 Offørd Cluny 21 Narthmeoles Cu 1236 Nottingham Archdeaconry vivibid. Northmore 805 IIOO Offwill Northopp 2996. Ofton, alias' maana w 1725 Northorpe Appleton 1158 Oke Northover 88 Ormeſby 452 Okebourne, alias 891 Northſtoke 65, 134, 802 Nuneaton 1 212 Okebrook, alias 60183 Northumberland Archdea Nunkeeling 1153 Okeford 127, 284 Co conry 1260 Nunmonckton 1243 Shillings, alias 126 with Howick 1276 Nunnington 1161 Okeham 1846 Northwell, alias? 1187 Nunthorp.* 1126 Tu alias 9581 Baflet 619 Nurfling 938. Okehampton 273 Paliſhall 1185 Nurſted, alias 860 in Burgo 274 Northwingfield 176 Nufted, alias 933. Okeley 505, 746 Northwold 664 Nutfield 947 Magna "pus 843 Northwood 1177 Parva Northyam 142 Nuthill 1149 Okeney 502 Norton 40, 178. 204, 251, Nuthurſt TOI Okeover, alias 1200 339, 354, 369, 720, Nyend Salars, alias 378. Okewood . 818, 967, 975, 981, Nymet Biſhop's 283 Oking, alias 958 1115, 1169, 1263 Rowland 255 Okingham, alias 915 St. George 2832 : Oldbury 331, 391 near Baldock 633 Nymettracie, alias alias allas 340 Baven, alias 901 Nympsfield 345 Win Shropſhire 971 Biſhop's 395, 397 Old Byland 1162 Blow 704 Caſtle 20. IOJ2 2 Bruyne, alias 0. Cleve Canon Hutton bio 1258 $ Canonicor', alias 121 -1 Malton e jo 209. Oakley Magna 623 352 ** fub Corſe Parva Radnor 370, 3. Davy, alias Oaklie, alias 628 Rumney Oburne, alias 123 Sodbury 339 Occliffe, alias 477 Swinford 970 72 near Galby -545. Occold, alias Windſor doo in Hales 187 Ocle Pritchard, alias 359 Oldham 1235 #3* near Hampden 87 Ockley, alias 475, 958 Oldhurſt Oldhurſt aile 10 524 990. Odcombe 87 Oldland 342 e Mallreward 94 Oddefton 559 Oldrudge 1270 Dok Mandeville 617. Oddingley 981 Oláſtocke, alias 878 in le Moor 20 Oddymere, alias 143. Oldton, alias est 755 Philip's Odell 474 Olúey 500 near Twycroſs, alias Odington upon Otmere 791/ Oloughton, alias 167, 220 557 Odyham, alias 928. Olveſton 1108 Norwell, alias 1185 Odyngton, alias 346. Omberſley, alias la Tertia, atias ibid. Ofchurch 149 223. Omn. Sanctorum Nhóch Archdeaconry 620 Offham 857 * Cathedral ibid. Office of King's Preacher 1223 in Civitate Lin- 30% Chancellorſhip ibid. Offic. Cuftod. Fabr. III. coln. 395 Deanry ibid. Offington, alias 906 in Haſtings 144 Prebends ibid. Omley in Palatin. Cicetr. Nofely and Part of Ilfton 546 alias 520 Onhoute, 254 e * 80 1-362 I 161 12 Chap Pen 659 ibid. 813 36 38 426 98 746 914 19. Lindſey 82 982 Page 167 IN DE X. 1:361 386 I 210 581 786 418 690 Worton 1027 653 1028 164. 213 aliasis Onhouſe, alias 765 Over Kellet 1257 Oxford Chap. Onybury Peover Deanry Orby Pillerton 986 Oxgate Orchard Portman 561 99 Seale 535 Oxhilt Orcharleigh 984 83 Silton II21 Oxnede Ordfall 1180 Shugborough 220 Oxney 832 Orgarſwick 37 Wallop 924 Oxtead 947 Orlafton 39 Winchinden 505 Oxwich Orlingbury mer 837 799 Oxwick Orlton 370 Overbury 975 Oyſtermouth Ormeſby 1674, 1122 Overhall Portion in Ledbury Ozelby 462 Ormeſhead, alias I 201 357 Ormefly 675 Overſton 820 Ormſkirk 1237 Overſtowey 68 P. Orpington 862, 864 Overſtrand, alias 701 Orre, alias 144 Overton 875, 928, 1119, 1223 Paching, alias Orfett 586 CT alias 531, 558, 1218 Packington Magna Orfton 1168 Watervile 531 Parva ibid. St. George, alias 899 Overy 80g Packwood 214 St. Mary, alias ibid. Oving 137, 504 Padbury 490 Orton BE1196 Ovinge 132 Paddington 582 alias 1200 Ovingham 1272 Padeftowe Orwell STIC 370 anil 227, 228 Ovington 605, 649, 920 Padiam 1226 Ofbaldwicke 1101, 1118 149 Padleſworth 856 Oſburnby, alias 400 Ougham, or 1275 Padworth 912 Olgathorpe 533 Oulde, alias 837 Pagham 155 Olmanſton 182 Vulfton, alias 421 Pagleham, alias 618 Ofmafton 175 Oumby, alias 396 Pagula, alias 1152 Ofmington Oundle 829 Pakefield 757 Oſmondfton, alias 698 Ounlip, alias 533 Pakenham 775 Ofmotherley, alias 1124 Outenhall 990 Pakington, alias Oſpring 533 40 Outwell 672 Palgrave 3746 Offet 1158 Owdeby, alias 550 Palmer's Alms Houſes Chape Offington 1173 Owerſby 461 $76 Oftinghanger 21 Owlton, alias 690 Pamber Oſwaldkirk 930 1 1160 Owre 939 Pampsford, alias 232 Olweſtry alias 42 Pancras, alias 562 Otham 50 Moyne, alias 112 Panghorne 912 Otherey, alias 85 Owfden 729 Pannal, alias 1109 Otley 726 Owſlebury 944 Pantedge, alias Oton Bechamp 605 Owlton 1138 Panton 464 Otterham alias 546 alias 266 Otterhampton 68 Owthorne 1149 Paplewick 1178 Ottrinden, alias 41 Oxburgh 667 Papworth St. Agnes 229 Ottringham 1153 Oxcombe 434 Everard Otterton 245 Oxenden 352 Paracomb 281 Ottery St. Mary 246 Chap 576 Parham - 163, 754 Ottley 1109 Magna 837 Parkham 260 Over 236, 1218 Oxenhale 335 Parfenet 1091: Church 1220 Oxefly, alias 886 Parſwick, alias 612 Compton, alias 121 Oxford Archdeaconry 786 Partnall, alias els 479 Helmſly, alias 1198 Cathedral 785 Partney 418. Itchington 224 Chancellorihip 786 Parva in Borian 306 8 L 112 1056 1097 316 ibid. Parwich 1362 IN DE X. 1854 857 1026 810 do AG H 375 1047 1202 (143 24 Pawlerſpuries 833 Esiq068,"Opervington, alias Parwich * 172 Penboyre, alias do 1028 Peterborough Cathedral 810 Palley, alias 651 Penburie, alias Chancellorſhip 811 Paffenhain 833 Pencader Deanry Pafton 718, 831 Pencarreg 1024 Minor Canons ibid. Patingham 196 Pencombe 357 Prebendaries ibid. Parleybridge 1163 Pencoyd ilguero di 366 Peter Church Patney 894 Penderyn çovie V 1007 Peter's Tavy 287 Patrick 996 Pendock abobo 976 Petermerland 295 Brompton 1245, 1247 Pendoyloyn, alias no 1080 Peterſham 951 Patrickſbourn 23 Penegweſt, alias Peterſtone 1086 Patterdale Peneira 031 255 Wentlog 1095 Patteſhall 197 Penellayne, alias 1085 Peterſtow, alias 364 Pattiſhull, one Part 813 Penhurit Petham the other Part ibid. Penhow 1092 Pethaughe, alias han 732 Pattrington 1149 Penkridge 197 Petſhall 1924 197 Pauntley 335 Penley Bis 192 Pett to 144 Paunton, alias 428 Penllech ZEG 1065 Petton 293 Pauxworth, alias 647 Penmark List 1078 Perworth 152 Penmon 1075 Pevenſey 132 Pawling, alias 718 Penmorva Τους alias 157 Paxton Magna 528 Penn 1493 Pevington 29 Payhemburie 275 Pennant 1044, 1045 Pewfey 891 Paynefield, alias 605 Pennarth, alias 1027, 1080 Peyſmer, alias Payneſwicke 344 Pennedomer, aliast 87 Philip Ruffe 361 Peakerke, alias 831 Pennenith, alias The 10$9 Piccall, alias 3. P1246 Teak Foreſt 170 Pennington 2605 1227 Pickering 1161 Peafemarſh 31138 Pickwell But if 544 Peaſenhall 737 Penpont bet 1009. Pickworth BUSCAN 399 Peatling Magna 550 Penreth, alias 1029, 1191 Pidington 793, 835 : Parva 549 Penrhos 1065, 1076; 1089 Pightley, alias Pebworth 1028 Pikeworth, alias 21196 846 Peekleton, alias 557 Penſelwood shop cena 2 Pilaton 301 Podinghori artis 149 Penſhere 2017 1267 Pile 1085 Pedmerſh, alias 606 Penſhurſt - 1862 Pitham Pedmore nero 2010 in 970 Penſthorp asil 660 Pil, alias Peele Chino 1235 Penſtrowed 1069 Pilardington, alias al 984 Peldon is 257610 Penterry esile breek: 1093 Pilling 1223 Pelefton, alias 274 Peħtire also141061 Pilleth Pelliam Arſa, alias is 637 637 Pentlow 101606. Pilton 58, 72, 240, 829, 849 por Furneaux ibid. ibid. Peritney d9696 Pimperne 3 Parya, alias 470635 Penttich 19 781 Decanati ibid. Perlifton, alias alias f 1080 Pinchbecke DE 436 Pelton, alias bar 192 Pentrigg, alias 117 Piðhoo, alias 10695100245 Pelyn Perwortham Pianock 20A1914 348 Pembridge 367. Peby tonne, alias SOFI-924 Piona Canonicorum, alias 362 Peñaroke Hall, Camb. mo33 Peperharrowe, alias Parva 354 +7 30 St. Mary's Perrivale for 0574 Pipa Parva 167 Men, alias 196 Pertholey tras. 1098 Pipe Pertwood S. 901 i Penalt 603 Penbedw, alias zalo 11.40261 Petcham hoor in Burg Pisford net 1700820 Penbrey, alias rezz! Peterborough sebatis 832 Pitchtot chila vam! 504 matgru Pitcha 908 115 143 Pennifton ICT 838 323 Penrice SVE 421 1016 OG 1.17 NO 106 DE 1233 mo1966 afdos Penany satu 362 209 788, 979 281 N E 1393 Xs 978 852 L12 72 12 12 Oos 937 Pool 938 af Dalby IIII 1154 143 due 657 659 1078 419 Sri 384 1101190 167 978 1237 GÅ 891 Pitchforder- 192 Ponings, alias 147 Powick Pitchley 840 Ponſbury, iſt Portion 387 Powles Cray, alias Pitchthorn, alias 497 2d Portion 388 Poxwell Pitcomb 3d. Portion ibid. Poyngeſton, alias 1030 Pitford 961 Ponſonby 1254 Poynton Pitlington 1265 Pont Faen 1030 Prato Major 354 PitmiſterRALI 99 Pontefract, alias 1157 Minor ibid. Pitney 88 Ponteland 1274 Precentorihip in the Church Pitſey is 586 Ponteſbright 612 of St. Mary near South- Pittleworth 130, 886, III ampton, alias Pitt Portion in Tiverton St. Poole, alias 1045 Preceptory of Baddyſley 039 Peter's Church 291 Popham 937 552 Pixley 359 Poplar 581 St. Jolm's Hill 1115 Plaxtool ayitdelt 864 Popleton Inferior Newland Playdon, alias Superior ibid. Shengay 238 Playford Sordo .. 727 Porcheſter 932 Slebeche 997 Plemiftow, alias si 1206 Porkiſhead, alias 94 Swinfield 33 Plemondſtall LAM 1208 Porlingland Magna Templebruer 444 Plenynt, alias GATY 317 Parva Weft Peckham 854 Pleſhey DonTM 601 Porlock Willougiiton Pleſley, alias MB 176 BEI 176 Port, alias 1027 Preen Plompton, alias SM 3814 Portbury 96 Prees 190 Plomited, alias 852 Porteaft 309 alias Plackley 30 Porthkerig, alias 1081 Prendergaſtola Plumbland 1192 Portio Dec. appropriat. Preſcott Plumpton 1195 Narborough 664 Preſhutt Plumſtead, alias see 701 Portiſham 104 Preſtburie 350 Plumſted Magna on 648 Portiſlade, alias 149 Preſtbury, alias Parva TOM 647 Portiſſaie, alias 931 Preſteigne 367 Plumtree 1166 Portland Preſton 24, 42, 114, 149, 327, Di Plungar noto 540 T05 Chap. 335, 770, 833, 847, Plymouth St. Andrew 277 Portlemouth, alias 299 867, 1152, 1221 Plympton de 278 Porton, alias 106 alias 112'7 alias vel 147 Port Poole, 562 Baggots rombos St. Mary's 278 Portſmouth on? 931 Biſlet Plymſtock ibid. Poftling 34 Candover 920 Plymtree toidugi ។ 275 Poſtțingford, alias 731 Capes, alias Pocklington 159731 1146 Poftwike, alias 645 193 Podimore Milton Patchbrooke, alias 828 Patrick Podington, alias 284 Pott Erripupon Stoure 323 Poghill noqula? 250 Potterhanworth 445 e Superior 354 alias upon Wildmore 7 Pointingtonlar 90 Potterſbury bashori ſuper Wyhamn 362 Pokilchurch, alias 340 Potters Merſton jos 559 Preftwich with Oldham 1233 Pokington - 1 ore T 5674 Potteigrave 12H 477 Preſtwould Pole, aiias doch 298 Potton 486 Princes Rilborough Poleſted 770 Poulet, alias 92 Prioris Bodnja, 315 Poleſworth Poultonord 3, 1223 Priors, alias 973 Poling to be 135 Roundiſtocke, alias 313 Lee Polluxhill , alias 90 483 110 483 Powderbachi, alias Do Quarter in Tiverton 292 Pollhottiiw 894 Powderhamn 894 Powderliam11 269 Priory of Abergaveny 1086 Polimore BIUTOWA 245 Powerſtock, alias 106 Alcettur Priorý I2II II2 Chap... 581 988 488 817 Gobals 87 Ck 1257 I 212 313 Pottern 894 834 187 556 509 213 883, 100 388 987 8 L 2 1264 1x N D E. X. 976 Clifford 2 1021 . Colne I 121 196 180 233 80 in Wales II21 USA Leighs 1 Lewes a Ad dein Erbury 1103 se Le Markby Ino Marryke boil Matherſey edon Marton Fereby 131006 . 210 Priory of Altemprice to 1143 Priory of Clatercote 10 1798 Priory of Keldome 9 70 359 Alvecote 355 or Kidwelley, Alvyngham $80 449 608 Kilbourne 564 ai Angleſey, 230 Conyngeſhed 1226 as 192 King's Langley 515 Ankerwyk 491 Cornworthy 295 Kirkleys 1154 SATI Arden Crabhouſe 692 Kyrkby Bellers 537 Arthington 20g 1103 Dodley Llanthony near Barnewell, Donyngton 907 Glouc. 320 stidy Barnſtaple 247 Dover 33 321 Drax Vid Bafdale 1103 Launceſton 312 Ade Beeſton 699 Dunmow 599 Leghornes 413 de Bello Valle 1174 02 Dunfter 77 590 Berlych w 77 081 Eaſtbourne botar Lenton 151 1174 Blaburgh 691 Edoros 8708 11094 1 Letheringham 752 Blythe our 1179 Ellerton 1142, 1244 02 145 Bodmynn Eltham 314 988 180 466 Linbroke 1356 Bolton in Craven 215 Llanlugan 1046 1126 Efholth $011 Maiden Bradley 870 7 Boldall 47 1159 89 Eweney 320 413 s Boxgrave PETZ 136 588 Farleigh 993 1248 Bradley 10 542 SORT Felly 012 1174 1179 Bradneſtoke web 884 1142 IIIS Brecon Flitcham 692 Maxtock ace Bredon Folkeſtone potnik 4532 33 Merton 945 Breewoodoo 194 Fordham 739 Michelham 164 Bridgwaterfall. 66 Frethylſtok Minchinbarow 93 Brodeham oil 1179 Grenfelde 413 the Minories De 564 Brokemon151) 846 bidi Grimſby 430 Molſbye 1116 22 Bromeholmc Gromont 1121 8211 Monks in Thet- Yol 6715 d. Bromer is synd 933 Gwenny, or 1082 ford 711 Bromfieldonor 320 Hampall 1133 Mottisfont 935 dosa Burcefter Mounkton and bio 179020 Handall, or Bulhmede Harwould 473 Pembroke Byardy esiis 1101012 Haſtings (New Mynchyn Bluck- Byrkell lenzon 73 Priory) land 66 Ide Caldwell Migro 471 Hatfield Regis 602 Neſham 1265 Canons Atheby 811 Helaugh Park 1103 Newburgh 588 1115 in Thetford 711 Newcaſtle upon Canyngton 84 Asta Tyne 1275 or Houſe of Cap. 9 Henwood Newenham 471 AOB tive Brethrenin 4 Hexham SOE 1272 Newfted upon Awke- Hownflow.91564 715 828,012 holm Cartmel M con 1226 Holland 1236 in Shirwood Catilby, or bidi 815 Holyfton 1268 1174 Caſtle Hedningham Holywell near Lon- Novo Loco, alias 954 2 до yigd1603 60 don 11 564 Nunburnholme 1142 Chacombe admo814 Horſham 466 ors Cheſhunt gott 634 dos Hychinbroke 521 Chickfond Icklington 230 Nun Monketon 1241 Ere bec Chirbyrys odlo387 715 Nunormeſby 449 Chriſt ChurchiliT deg a'risd in the Iſle of Axo' Pentney with Uyyy Twynham 691 933 tgd som holme 419 milaw Wormgay ode 259 000 SO01 1121 MISS 478 1001 164 712 og - sie Son Hempton 260 Henton 66 unts 210 bide 9. Hickling 466 708 210 & Nuncotton tuon Nuneaton 2 avay 484 .12 0 Ingham Priory IX NI DE 1363 1189 ore 247 DOO 932 og 965 OSE i Rigate 20 Ronton 918 @ES 201 201 835 011 634 eee 20 weſt 998 musſton 61 28 Oory the Pribiy of Più ble ** 4.968 Priöry of St. Mary Overy 951 Priory of Tywardreth you Plympton 276 Sca St. Mary's Ulnefcroft 532 Polefworthy 210 -St. Nicholas in Waborne 682 277 volg Poo In Exeter 251 Exeter 251 Wallingwells 1179 Prittlewell 617 225 St. Oſwald 320 Wangford 735 Vodi 212 Pylton 4 St. Sepulchre 987 Wartera 1142 253 Pynley sul 987 St. Swithin in Win 2011 Weftwood cheter Weybridge 644 St. Thomas or Houſe of White Rothwelt Acon, in the Monks of Whir- Royſton City of ton . 964 Ruſpar 1601 15 London 563 ATT SilsWitneyeb 926 St. Andrew in 01. Haverford- Wombridge 189 Northampton 825 Workford 1179 St. Botolph 594 *498 St. Trinity in El- Wormidler 355 St. Catherine 411 889 1€ Whoxhall 987 Οροί St. Clement's 1103 in Norwich 641 movaWroxton 789 ar 8 79 St. Dennis 937 Seaton 1252 Wurfpryng St. Edmund in Sepulchre Wymondeſley 519 Camb. com- Seweſly 832 Yédyðgham 1159 monly called Shelford 1163 Prifton 94 White Canons Shene 945 Prittlewell oftenberg 618 233 Shulbred. 151 Privet 933 St. Elens, London Sixhill 463 Puddington, alias 77 475 Snelſhall 494 Puddlenton, aliaseza 127 NO St. German 300 Sopwell 631 Puddleſton swabia 369 ad 2 St. Giles near Southwick 930 Puddletowže, alias a 1:27 Flamſted 515 Spalding 435 Puddletrenthyde. 18 ibid. St. Gregory Stainfield 463 Pudſey Salone mord 1158 St. Guthlace 320 Stanley St.. Leo- Pulbergh, alias Tord St. John the Bap. nard bos ao tift in Wells 60 Stodeley 805 Pulford gilson 1206 St. John, Car- Stone Pulham sboodtas 1 127,-697 1018 Stoneley 521 Pulton, alias biaya I 222 or Hofpital of St. Stonley 525 Puncknoll 104 John of Jeru sode Swafham Bulbeck Parbright 197blau 961 230 Puriton. IA 279.75) coquland 564 Synyngthwait 1103 PurleighT ni 597 $t. Leonard Strata Tanridge, alias 952 Purley 201797isu 912 ibid. Taunton 904 494 Thorkfay 362 in Marlbo- Thornholme 516,958 rough 889 Thurgarton 1174 Putteſton Magna. 354 Cell of St. Ma- Thykhed I115 ayo ibid. u. Virgin in 001 Totton Hits) 63 Ademlor Cardigan 1031 Tremhale 620 Pwllhely 1065 or Hoſpital of St. Trentham 147 Mary without 206 Pynkfton imoden 176 564 Tynmouth 975 St. Mary in Car- AS Cell to St. 973 lifle - 0 Eli cil 1190 Alban's 996 VABA Clerkenwell 564 oslo: Mon. 63L EL 5170 Pyſtyl. 563 Pai 20 320 Pulchrohon, alias 265 1002 201 Youa marthen falem in Eng- 92, 882 D disford Bow 3377 A TO St. Margaret 97 Pufey to shteti na 441 Putley 19tá v 454 Puttenham wol or Aceasils Minor. 295 Puxton His 1 Tutbury LA220019Biſhopgate 201 Pycombe admob 1275 Pynveyn olabi Pypulton, alíasduino Pyſtill, alias rona 1366 I N DE X. 1188 017 1212 St. Mary 924 Rame Quarndon 40M 338 645 697 607 Quendon 2012 5000 Pyftyll start 157 15 1065 Ragland M 32 10 1097 Raynham St. Margaret 712 Pyworthy sto 262 Ragnal St. Martin ibid. 0 Raindford so 1239 St. Mary ibid. Foto Rainham 589 Reading St. Giles rett. 912 Q. Free Chap. 590 St. Laurence ibid. * Rainow tque ibid. Quadring boowita 438 Rakedale, alias 2 st -556 Rechop 385 Quarindon dust 535 Rakingford, alias 284 Reétory or College of Kirk Quarley oH 10 301 Oſwald and Dacre 1190 183 Rameſham, alias 104 Reculver, vulgò dito 53 Quarrington 403 Rampton 236, 1185, 1187 Reculverland Oman 562 Quatford 188 Rainſberry 891 Redburne 633 Quatt Gobindano 195 Ramſden Barnton 588 Redbury, aliás 456 Quedgley qorxon Bellhouſe 586 Redeco stisov 778 Queen Charlton 97 Crays, alias 587 Rodeham qiiod ja Queen's Square Chap. 576 Ramſey 524 Redenhallit:') 13 Street Chap ibid. alias 625 Redeſwell 1900106 Queenborough 49 Ramſholt 784 Redgrave sinoel 748 Quemborough, alias 554 Ramſide, alias 1228 Redleſworth, alias 705 014 Rand 464 Redlinch 72 Quenington 332, Randby 424 Redlingfield, alias 749 hom Quéynton, alias 504 Randwick 339 Redlington, alias 718 Quiddenham 705 Randworth bodi 647 Redmarſhall 1263 Quinton folg 633 833 Ranfield, alias und 1141 Redmile 539 alias SL BARCELO 322 Rangeworthy skin 331, 342 Redmires 1248 Raſkelf Redſham Magna. 781 stollins Raſtrick 1158 Redwick 1093 R, 39037 Ratby, alias sans 550 Reed 636 volbu Ratcliffe 553 Reifham, alias 708 Rachdale, alias 1233 Rathby, alias 410 Reipham, alias ibid. Rackley, alias is not to 710 Ratilſden, alias 774 Rekenhall, alias 748 Racton cum Lordington 138 Ratingdon, alias 592 Lower, alias 32 72 1 Radbourn 180 Ratteley 223 Remifton, alias TE678 Radburne Cheney St. Mary Rattrey 297 Remnam, alias 912 882 Ravenhall, alias 627 Remſton 1166 Radcliffe 559 Ravenſdon, alias sa 480 Rendcombe 327 alias 489, 1166, 1233 Ravenſthorpe 820 Rendham 760 Ravenſtonda? Rendleſham 753 Raddypole alias 500 Renhald, alias 480 Radford 1177 Ravenſtondales Rennington 1270 Semeley 223 Raughtonhead 1195 do 1254 Repham 442 Radmell 147 Ravington, alias T 659 Repingale, Two Parts 399 Radnage 510 Rauds olvi Third Part ibid. Radnor Nova 367 Rawden Repps 675 Vetus ibid. Rawmerſh sisaret 1135 Repton 185 Radfon Rawreth 618 Rereſby, alias 553 Radſtock, alias 1014 Reſolven 1080 Raydon, alias T 737 Reſpernel to 306 Raxwell aails 03.14 Rayleigh; alias 618 Refprin ni 2010. 318 Radwinter aus 1627+ Rayited Parva pa 606 Reſtington, alias esile esile 405 Kadyr 1081 Raynham , Per- II21 3 upon Sore 1168 184 I14 I202 1195 Renwick Radley efugo el 906 Ravinglaſs, alias da 823 IIII Bu 815 mus82 Rayder 223 Radway 46 4 I N DE X. 1367 1158 T T 746 674 I 222 195, 207 0104 ibid. 10 1171 Dost 30 936 1168 b0546 Reſtington altera Med. alias 2 Ripley 1242 Roding Parva Alta 600 405 Ripple 973 Plumbea ibid. Revęſby tana 411 alias 044 Rodington Rewe 275 Rippon Eccleſia Collegiata; Rodmeríham, alias Reynoldſtone 1005 1162 Rodmerton 344 Rhayder Gwy, alias 1016 Ripponden 1158 Rodyngton, alias Rhelofnoid SEA de 1042 Ripton Abbots 523 Roecliffe, alias Rhiw, alias Balon 1064 Regis co?ibid. Rogate 153 Rhofcolyno 1071 Riſborow 15.11 Rogiat 1092 Rhofperio por part 1075 Riſby, alias 4552 778 Rokeby 1250 Rhoſs 371 Riſca 1095 Roking, alias Rhuabon, alias +62 37 1053 Riſelipp 598 Rolleright Magna 794 Rhyd Bryw, alias 1009 Rifhangles Parva 795 Riall 1275 Riſing, alias 695 Rolleſby Ribbey BC 1223 Riſley 183 Rollefton Ribcheſter alias si 479 RolliSham, alias 806 Ribsford to 379 Riffingdon, alias 5346 Rolſton Riburgh, alias 712 Riffington, alias alias Ricall 1101, 1119 Riſton 1672 Rolvynden, alias Richard's Caſtle 385. Rither, alias 110.5 Romaldkirk Richmond 01250 951, 1239, 1249, Riton, alias 222 Romandeſleighe, alias Horix: 284 11251 Road Huiſh od 80 Romſey Archdeaconry 1203 Roathe : ne Po82 Rongton,alias Rickling 614 Roberſton, alias als 671 999 Ronton rit dns 204 Rickmanſworth, alias 631 631 Rocefter, alias 200 Roode, alias Ricote 790 Rocheſter Archdeaconry 850 Rookeby, alias. Ride 2219 941 Cathedral ibid. Rooſe, alias Ridgemondeo 483 ibid. Ropeſley 4:8 woolods 859 Minor Canons ibid. Rofcrowther, alias Ridlington Pants 847 Prebeirdaries ibid. Rofdie, alias tron 1002 Ridmerley Dabitot 977 Rochford vol. 380, 618 Rofedale Ridmore, alias) 299 Rock 1270 Ros Market, alias Ridpert, alias been dal no 000 1005 Rockbeare 246 Roffille, alias anas: 19270 Righton se po 1131 935 Roſſington Rigſby i go 417 po 417 Rockfield 1089 Rothbury Rothbury PS 1239 Rigwick, alias bersi161 Rockingham is a won 841 Rotherby T: 010552 Rillington, alias i Pile II 14 Rockington, alias 329 Rotherfield Rilſton 19112157 1129 Rockland All Saints and Rotherham Rimpton PUTN1139 90 St. Andrew 705 Rotherhill, alias Ringey h. 953 1209 655 Rotherthorpe, alias Ringfield ***1980 ose St. Mary and Rotherwick is 0.930 Ringland Martin, sur 706 nu706, Rothley, alias 533 Ringley 1235 St. Petebla 705 Rothwell 432, 839, 1157 Ringmere, alias 160 Rodborough a bosid 345 Rottingdon, alias 147 Ringſhall 724 Rodbroughe, alias is si 294 Rougham is usid 653, 774 Ringſted Magna St. Andrew Rodhurn, aliascone 220 Roughton 423, 701 680 Rode 835 Ruan Major, alias 1 01 303 Parva 680 Roding Abbotsoprattu 616 6 Minor, alias St. Peter Alta 600 Ruardine Ringwood 336 934 Beachamp in co. Glouc. 0372 Ringwoulde, alias 44 Margaret boo Ruckland, alias 452 Riton, alias 1209 Mary, Aythorex ibid. Rudbacfton, alias 997 83 I 140 2012Deanry auta ibid. Ridley . 77561036 Rockburn an od 180 Major del 708 51 304 Wie ibid. Rudby, 1368 - ND ET. X. 208 1018 pe 168 518 Runham obra 641 643 ibid. 981 St. Auſtin's Rudby, alias "A syisi 1123 Rydon 695, 696 St. Anne's Limehouſe 574 Ruddington, aliashara 8o. Rye 145 Weſtminſter ibid. Ruddlan, alias 1041 Rygate 951 St. Ann's alle sissi19 1081 Ryes, alias 1005 Ruddry 1150 St. Anthony 304 Rudford 333 Ryme 123 in Roſeland 309 Rudſton, alias no 113: Rynálton, alias 1027 St. Arvans 1092 Rufforth 1232 Rype 157 St. Afaph Archdeacenry 1038 alias see 1110 Ryfólme, alias 440 Cathedral 1039 Rûg 1050 Ryton 1263 Chancellorſhip, Llanu. Rugely alias 187 fith ibid. Rugmere27G 562 Ryvér 33 Deanry ibid. Ruiton, alias 192 Pșæccntorſhip, a Por- Rulen tion of the Preb. of Rumbroughs bent nee 7.39 S. Vaynoll, ibid. Rumford 18 584 I Prebends ibid. Rumpney 1094 Sacave, alias Treaſurerſhip; Mela- Kunhall 679 Sacriſt, Office of, dyn ibid. 86212 674 Saditigton 544 Vicars Choral Runſton 1093 Sadleworth 1236 St. Auguftin Runton sigor Saham Tonye 648 St. Auftell 307 Runwell 592 Saint Agnes 311 St. Auftin 566 Ruon Lanyhornc 309 St. Alban Rupa, alias 1000 St. Alban's Archdeaconry 634 St. Bartholomew Exchange Rufcomb North 912 Wood Street 565 566 South ibid, St. Alcman 190 the Great ibid. Ruſcombe 915 St. Aldat the Leſs ibid, Ruſhall 208 St. Alkmund 183 in Soca Win. alias 934 698 St. Alphage cheſter 943 Ruſhbrooked.com St. Andrew 412,944 St. Bartholomew's 140, 412, Ruſhbury Aukland I 266 944 Ruſhden 514, 823 T142 Rufhdon Holborn 565 337 , Minor and St. John de Rufhmere :0. 727, 757 Onderſhaft 1565 Beere Street 642 Ruſhock 910 Wardrobe ? ibid. St. Bees, alias 1254 Ruſhton All Saints 56 St. Benedict 234, 411 St. Peter ibid. , 571 Rufhington, alias 135 643, 1078 Gracechurch 566 Ruſland 1227 1077 Paul's Wharf ibid. Rufpär, alias de 162 in Parſhore 973 Sherehog 570 Ruffall, alias 31894 in Worcefter 980 St. Bennet's Ruffell Court Chap. 576 St. Anne and Agnes near St. Botolph 234, 522, 641 Ruſton, alias 1139 Alderfgate Alderfgate 571 Parva, alias : 100 Black Fryers: 370 565 Aldgate ibid. Rutherfield Gray, alias 801 in the Groves 1157 Billingſgate * Peppard in Manchetterie 1233 ibid. Ruthlonghope Church 388 and St. Michael 282 St. Bottolph's Ruthin Wardenſhip, or 1079, in Sutton Bonning- St. Breoke Ryarth 1 ton 1164 St. Briavel's 335 Rybie, alia's 469 St. Anne's 596, 1266, 1276 St. Bride's 662 000 alias Ryburgh Parva ho by 150 alias Rydge Kew Green 1. 951 * Major 1083 St. 786 26, 565 382 in Beverley 60 Hoſpital in co. Glouc. 1085 838 St. Andrew's 26, ś6, 140, 145, St. Bennett Fink alias * 643 566 1133 366 802 * Biſhopſgate 556 310 857 han 1093 999, 1088 633 IN D LE 1369 x. - mer 1254 ΙΙο6 995 412 1084 786 567. . bet bat Cree 826 23 12674 205 208 308- St. Bride's Minor upon Og St. David's St. David's Præcentorſhip 992 - St. Creorge of Tombland 8.13 ce 1083 I rebenda Epiſcopi 993 St. George's 4599-675-74402 100% Netherwent logo Treaſurer's Office 992 Chapel 576, 9+509 Wentleg 1094 St. Decuman 79 Church in Liver-ehus St. Bridget 567 St. Dennis water 309 pool: 1238. St. Bridget's in Walmgate in Southwark 1953 in Chefter 1207 St. Devereux oi 363. St. German in Wigeriltall , St. Brioc 945 St. Dionis Back Church 567 aliasi Tothorus M 694,19 St. Budeaux, alias 278 St. Dogwaels, alias St. German's oncolog? 3925 St. Buttolph's St. Dominick in 300 St. Giles 193, 235, 594,643, St. Catherine 339 St. Donats Chap. in Canvey St. Dubritius, alias 1077 Cripplegate Iſland 588 St. Dunftan's 27 in the Fields 5750 Colemán 567 in the Eaſt 567 St. Giles's 571 in the Weſt ibid.. in Durham St. Catherine's Hofpital ibid. St. Ederns, alias 1, 996 in the Heath 3130 St. Chadd 193 St. Edmund 252, 522, 641, St. Gluvias and St. Budøke 393. St. Chadd's 826, 870 St. Godwall's 96702 alias the King 567 St. Goran St. Chriſtopher's 567 of North Lynne 692 St. Grada, alias 303 St. Clares, alias I 1020 St. Edmund's 643 St. Gregory's Dogoro+3643 St. Clere 316 316 Șt. Edward 234 St. Harmon 15 1015 St. Clement without the Bars, Julian, and Clement alias OIL alias 572 641 St. Harmons Ob 994 at the Bridge 640 St. Elveis, alias 995 St. Helen - 572 Eaſt Cheap 567 St. Endelian 314 alias 981 in Hattings 144 St. Enedock in Stangate 898 in Oxford 786 St. Enoder, alias St. Hellen's 596, 643, 7441.9449 St. Clement's 43, 234, 459, St. Erven Aukland 1267. 537,744, 981 St. Efye, alias ibid. in Windle 1239 alias 307 St. Ethelburga 567 St. Hilary in 1079-10 Bridge 643 St. Etheldred 643, 711 St. Jacobi in Dover 22 in Cernesford 642 St. Evali, alias * 310 St. James -32, 110, 595, 6437 St. Columba Major St. Ewny near Redruth, alias 1255 St. Conſtantine ** 305 Bury St. Edmunds 779 are St. Côſmus St. Fagan's 1078 Clerkenwell 1.0575 St. Croſs 27, 642 St. Faith Duke's Place 1572 ? alias St. Faith's, alias 710 and St. Keby, alias 308 in Southampton, St. Feoke 309 Garlick Hith 567 alias 938 St. Florence jse 1001, 1003 St. James's Chapel Royal 575 .1 St. Cruce, alias 1106 St. Gabriel Fenchurch 568 St. Ilarii, alias qui nuo 30507 St. Cùthbert ibid. St. Genys, alias á 312 St. Illogan 2013 306 Bedford 473 St. George 26, 109, 252.9.942, St. John 151, 252,1300, 1423 Vicar 60 944, 1079 alias St. Cuthbert's in Thetford 711 Bloomfbury. 574 Baptiſt 54, 15", 217, St. Dahiel's 1005 Botolph Lane 566 TH, 24I, 337, 36, 37 St. David's 996 Colgate e 643 * 473, 522, 787 alias in the East 575 831,1082, 1039, s Canonry 9939 Hanover Square ibid. VE 1096 Cathedral in Kendal 1258 in Bedwardin 98105 Epiſc. Ecclefia 1097 the Martyrol 57 5 in Cheſter 1207 8.M Sta je 316 1106 310 . ibid. * 310- 3: 304 26 Honey 27, 642 1077 566, 944 1987 992 IN 1370 NDE X. ou at Oak 644 643 110 578 252 0801 Med. i ibid. 33 " 568 Breddin : munds 779 $t. John and St. Benedi&t 85 St. Lawrence 52, 1106 St. Martin's near Camphills Clerkenwell 574 Jewry 567 Boten 1087 the Evangeliſt 575 St. Leonard '252, 278, 595 at Oak Dost 588 1 Horſlydown 954 Eaſt Cheap 566 at the Palace and St. Laurence Foſter Lane 567 St. Mary ni 594, 1009 Lees 1163 Shoreditch Abchurch 568 of Mathermarket 641 St. Leonard's 110, 387, 508, Alderinanbury 572 in Mancheſter 1234 536, 826, 1161 neaAldermary 568 de Sepulchro 643 Wallingford 916 Arches boow in Southampton 938 St. Llythan’s, alias 2o 1080p Axe riscailow 565 Wapping 581 St. Ludgvan, alias ** 306 in Binfield 1163 Watling Street 565 St. Luke 575 Biſhopſhill ſenior, Zachary 566 St. Luke's Chap. 154 firſt Med. 1107 St. John's 744, 944; 1027, St. Mabyn 315 junior, ſecond 1140,1194,1254, St. Magnus 568 1267 St. Margaret 411 Bothawarkan S7I at the Bridge 642 Clee svet 386 120 Bourns 926 in Cardiff 1079 at Clyffe le Bow Borud 568 Chapel in Millman Lothbury ang on alias 52 1267 Street # 575 Moſes 570 27 8 642 tep at the Gate New Fiſh Street 568 of Mathermarket 643 Pattens ibid. Calendre 942 in Newport 412 in Walmgate 1106 in Caſtle Gate 1107 Ouſebridge in Civitate Weſt 12 Chapel, alias 942 Tomberhill minfter 575060 Cole Church i 470 $t. Ippolits 520 of Weſtwick 1642 Coſlanya 644 St. Ilmael, alias 1000 St. Margaret's 28, 536, 643, oder at the Elmes 744 St. Iſmacis, alias 1003, 1022 744, 859, 101 So Haverford Weſt 1000 St. Juliet $313 in Durham (1267 Te Hill569 St. Julianjima 1064 St. Mark 411 21:0, on the Hill, alias 1085, in Salop 18193 St. Mark's I10 aloiwboa 1206 St, Julian's ai i 643 St. Martha's 960 at the Key to 744 St. Jufte Photo 306 St. Martin 362, 522, 537, 870, Magdalen 923314, 362, alias 308 944, 1056 Čong 411 Gai* 300, 523 alias 3.578, 717 21 gols with a 27 St. Katharine TV in Cheſter 1 207 10 l w Old Fiſh Street St. Kayn, alias 317 in Coney Street 1106 110610 WIEM 509 St. Kean O in Haverford Weſt in Oxford: 4787 St. Kenelm 22 971 1001 TB Major u voor I 252 St. Kenwyn and St. Kee 308 Ironmonger Lane 570.0 in Mancheſter1 234 St. Kinemark's 1093 Ludgate 25.04 568.00 in Mariſco M 642 St. Kirrian Cin Micklegate 1106 0 081 1 Milk Street mal 567 St. Kitee, alias Orgars 34567 Les Mounthaw tad 569 St. Laurence 252, 642, 643, Outwich Co Northgate M 27 on 744, 941, 1209, at Stamford Bridge, 22. in Nottingham 1175 1224 alias Port in Evelham 968 Vintry 569 Redcliffe ibid. Newland in Worceſter 979 le Savoy to 575 Pounteny 568 St. Martin's 26, 140, 252, tai and St. Peter in Stow, in Southampton 938 395, 411, 595 alias ATL 766 in Winchester 943 and St. Michael's in Şomerfet 569 St. Laurence's 944 Beere Street 642 Staining ibid. St. IIII 643 scu St. Ives om 1642 D2R8318 is 0.252 315 568 Bo He 831 I 10 597 ce 4 1 N E X. 1371 2 569 988 IIII og det 943 St. Olave 569 do 565 570 | :10 IIO Myland Lane 569 St. Nicholas Newport w Bethnal Green 575 St. Mary Steps 1252 : St. Michael Crooked 412 Stratford Bow 575 , alias 594 in Nottingham 1977 at the Tower T 744 Penkeville 308 Penfoyſt 993 in Truro 309 in Placite 642 Olyffs 570 the Virgin in Oxford Queen Hith 569 and St. Clement in 787 Querne 571 Rocheſter 859 Whitechapel 573 Royal in Warwick in Wigenliall, alias 694 in St. Alban's - 633 Wode 53 Wood, alias A 942 in Soca Wincheſter St. Nyote, alias 317 Wolnoth 569 Woolchurch in Southampton 938 in Cheſter 1208 St. Mary's 459, 472, 536, 13 in Spurrier Gate, Hart Street 570. 826, 859 alias 1107 Silver Street in Beverley 1143 in Sutton Bonning- Jewry in Cardiff 1080 ton 1166 St. Olave's 140, 253 in the Caſtle 27 Thormineth, alias in Soutliwark 953 in Chicheſter 140 St. Oſwald 1097 1163 Church 267 Wood Street, alias 569 in Cheſter I 207 near Kelligarne 1085 upon the Wyre 1222 in Durhain 1263 in Combuft. 641 St. Michael's 110, 151, 208, St. Ofyth 1 logs. 626 and St. Cuthbert's 642 1299137235, 270, 338, St. Owen's, alias in Dover 33 h 362, 412, 787, in Hereford 361 the Great pay 235 944, 1004, 1161 St. Pancras trist 1:40, 253 in Guildford alias 957 in Appulby, alias 265, 578 in Harding Soper Lane 568 in Hull 1147 in Bedwardin ac 981 St. Paul 253, 306, 1135 at Malden 598, 630 Coſlany 644 Covent Garden 99 575 Parva 234 in Coventry 216 in Malmſbury 1888 in Rumney Marſh 37 in Derby 181 Shadwell in Salop in foro Lewes 149, St. Paul's 268, 1234 in Sandwich in Bal. Lincoln 412 45 Wallingford at Pleas, alias 644 Bedford.. 473 in the Town of War Ondre, near Rumpney 1094 Deanry of, 560 ca wick at Thorn 644 Chapter of, Si ibid. 27, 744 Subdeanry and firſt St. Matthew Friday Street 569 Bread Street 530 Minor Canonry of, St. Matthew's 744 0 Poultry 570. Tag 562 St. Maryan 311 St. Moughan's 1089 Senior Cardinal and St. Maurice Wincheſter ſecond Minor Ca- 942 St. Neot's St. Maurice's 944 St. Newlyn 311 nonry of, ibid. St. Melans sa 1094 St. Nicholas 110, 307, 339, Junior Cardinal and ? St. Melyan, alias third Minor Ca. 16 300 537, 588, 595, St. Merin 311 603, 711, 745, nonry of, ibid. St. Mewan 308 981,1021, 1080 Fourth Minor Ca- St. Michael 316, 537 567 nonry of, * ibid. alias 1080 Coleabby 570 Fifth Minor Canon- Baffiſhaw 569 in the Town of ibid. Belfreys 1107 Droitwich Sixth Minor Canon- 965 in Beverley ibid. in Durham 1143 in Cheſter in Guilford 1207 Seventh Minor Ca- Cornhill 569 nonry of, ibid. Collanyo 642 Newcaſtle 1276 8 M 2 ons St. 235 cm 546 I 201 Git 582 193 83 150 916 988 20 529 Acons ry of, ry of, 11269 958 570 ad Macellas 1372 T I N D E X. 1 1 277 45 verpool ry of, Alms Houfe 152 134 ry of, stveno ibidin nonry of, 916 942 Totalms cc in Guilford 1s2 958 of, co in Kings Court 1107 in the Minories 2572 Jacobina OSII es IIO afgid. 570 St. Sancret, alias matby 306 St. Wynaſ, alias Hungate... Dovos 042 St. Paul's, Eighth Minor St. Peter's Porte 944 5. St. Thomas's Church ir Li. Canonry of, - 5625*412 join Sandwich duris? Ninth. Minor Canon.id in Thanet 53. St. Tiračius such pail?1238 ibid. in the Tower 12 574 St. Trinity wobe 2 390 20.569, 595 Tenth Minor, Canon Wallingfordista in Wincheſter 152 in Coventry 216 Eleventh Minor Ca...oh in Worcefter itse 979 Dorchiefter ibid. St. Petri ad Arcus N9012 of 113 412 in Goodramgate 1 107 Twelfth Minor Ca- in Dover nonry of, ibid. St. Petrock Dartmouth, alias IDO 2 & 1 Readerſhip of Divinity fisbus 297 in Kingſton upon ibid. alias robi 1004 Hull calle paipoglund Holse 147 in Liverpool 291 1238 St. Petrox es's 253 cum Pockthorp Pa 644 St. Philip and Jacob 110 St. Trinity's 2357 338 with Ede St. Pedrock Minor, alias. 311 St. Probus Groguthaduwse 309 St. Twinctls, alias loc 26 St. Piran Uthnoe budy. 306 St. Tudye Malias 315. 1 de St. Peran in Zabul, alias ibid . St. Pynnoke, alias. volus ziy St. Ved afts, amas seiqm, 1095 os i St. Peter le Bayley 2787 St. Roche boste 309 "St. Vepe 318 du Bones sis23, 944 St. Rumbald denne T 595 St. Waynard's 366 Cheap ongid 944 St. Wendron 303 in Cheſter swis 1207 St. Sampſon 944, 1111 St. Werburgh Chifhull, alias 2015-943 St. Sampſon's, alias 15 309 St. Werbriger, alias 182 Cornhin : in the Eaſt the Frauen 140 642 St. Sepulchte pred 570, 826 Salcombe the Leſs ter 240 St. Sepulchre's 628 and St. Mary, vulgo St. Simon and St. Jude 1 642, Salcut 61 St. Anne's sorodix 644 Saleby cheepb. 150 Tsh: 414 in Nottingham 1177 St. Stedian's, alias !! OBX 303 Salehyrſt Paul's Wharf St. Stephen vdlux 642 Salfleet, alias le Poor points-5708 in St. Alban's bis 633 Salfletby All Saints mobilo Southgate 642, 644, 943 St. Stephen's ITO, 253, 302, St. Clement 50452 in Stockport 459, 644, 744 Salford 483, 794, 988, 1235 in Thetford Coleman Street - 570 Saling Magna. wanaoteeya 711 juxta Launceſton 314 Parva, alias 601 872 in Wigenhall , alias 695. Walbrook fiqa 570 Saliſbury Archdeaconry 866 > &t. Peter's 27,33,45,110,131, St. Swithin ...a escort 571, 642 *2007 Cathedral 140, 235, 242, 362, St. Swithin's:' 412,644, 944, 2212 Chancellorſhip. 866 522, 536,595,631, ot! 1-11 982 Corporation of use 632,745, 826,944, alias Keepersºof,052 Fabric 315 Dodao 966 St. Tethe To alias 1078, 1092 St. Theobald Cath. ECT in Derby 181 St. Thomas 110, 870, 943, Dean and Chap. ibid. Eaſtgate and four- at Goates ibid.. O alias tason 160787 teenChon Hoſpital Chap. in na the Apoſtle 568 016 ibid. Southwark Beckettgood: 278..,79 Deanrý, len asb ibid. of Hungate Dogwell, alias 41039 Præcenforſhip, alias of Mancroft: ibid., Martyr 866 gels bisit2980 Martin in Newport 31 314 Treaſurerſhip ibid. 82 by Mountergate 644 St. Thomas's to 944 Vicars Choral 867 3 Salkeldi eller att 200 St. Saviourlins 644, 100 se i Wynnowe 3115306 Saitho, alias do s. 318 Sgwyt safons 529 234. Salcote only 246 Salcut Verley dossbris !42 Dorte hartupb 566 85 oo, 1213 2&11 in Weft Lynne 693 607 dba 943 20 in, 247 3109865 s 181 412 an 2.32 esile a filters 2 90 954 Sofie 0644 OT ed269 25.472 si 8218 · 1 N D X. 1373 1267 Scredington 1168 540 Saul ISVOG por 01699 1263 99, 621 1130 531 - Sea Salter euroa si 273 alias, ibid. Sandcroft, alias 1370941217 Saxulby , alias con Malla Salkeld loogie BE2Salle, alias 1192 Sarum Succenfor, or Subchan"Scot Willowby, alias 400 706 torſhip ibid. Scoulton 649 008 Sallow 431 Saterley, alias... 781 Scraptoft 10 cSalmonby 544 434 Saterthwaite la W & 1227 Strawarden, alias 388 Salop Archdeaconry, 190, 354 Satterleigh i yt 285 Scrayfield Canonici Parvi 434 354 Sattley19910 W 405 Salperton, alias 344 Saucethorpe, alias Orisalby Store. 434 Screiton, alias 339 Serielſby, alias Saltersford 439 1212 Saundby, alias . Scropton foi tSaltford, alias 183 96 Saunderſted Salthouſes 947 Scruton 1245 684 Saundertonin 511 Sculcoats, alias Salton 1146 1161 alias on 12 510 Scures, alias Saltwood 929 35 Saunton, alias 1146 Scute Church alla 3. Salwarp 966 Sawbridgworth, vulgò 636 Seaham 390 Samleſbury 1225 Sawckcliffe , alias og 4.53 Seale 200 Sampford fieba 60 Sawley start, 183, 1163 Seamer des oi 5197 .2961 alias Sawſton, alias 231 vol Brite, alias 78 Sawtry Bunnis, alias 2531 Sea Salter DOE Courtnay 54 Moigne, alias". ibid. Seaſy Orcas 1117 90 Saxby nolar 397, 467 Seathwait 1228 Peverell 29.1 540 +Seaton Rofte sellino 1146 Spiny 288 Saxham Magna 90 Vision 1982 778 Seburgham San&t' Omnium 1198 338 Parya & Sancta Ebba Saxilby 443 Seckmurthy 1910 9 Sanctæ Margaretæ în King's 1255 Saxlingham Nethrergate 657 Secotton, alias Batik ON Lynne 420 Thorpe god ibid. Sedbergh 1229 Marize vol 710 Saxmondham, alias 2 :959 Sedberghe, "alias bus 1 268 Magdalenæ a 711 tiei 711 Saxthorpe 690 Sedgebarow Sandall Magna 973 zsils apabt?' 1111 Sedgefield Sandbach 1263 stor pod 1953. Sedgeley Church, 195 338 Scaleby ons enerigata 1197 € Segbrook, * 428 251, 798, 807 Scalford 539 Segeſton,'alias 1185 Sandherſtein anis 30 Scamanden, alias Scamanden, alias' 1158 Seggesforth, alias Sandhurſt 915 Scambleſby Preb. 423 Segrave, alias 558 Sand Huttons Scampfton til 888 180, 183 Scampton Sandon 150 203; 514, 592 Scarborough, alias 1131 Selborne , 922 633 Scarcliffe 178 Selby 695 Scarrington 1169 Lecturefhip Sankey 1239 Scarthoo 432 Sele Monacliorum, alias Santon 255 667 Scawby, alias blado 71131 Selford, alias Sapcote 133 549 Scawlby, alias ekso 1 T 456 Selham, alias veda 13 420 Scawton 1161 Selk Sapiſton, alias 722 School near the City of New Selleck 29160 364 Sapy Inferior 379 Sarum, noch 1 1869 Selling sdo siglo, bi 3 bio Superior, alias 42 357 Scorbrough jodoh 1.146 Sellinge, alias 110? la 39 Sarefden, alias 794 Scorpinbeck, alias: (1 Selmefton ឬប ( 5 ) Sarett hosil 632 Scotherne 11ooms 159 443 Selfey 138 Sarnesfield, alias 375 Scotter Selfide Sarum. Subideanry 1258 867 Scottow brez 690 Selfon: 9191017 el! 1177 212 786 90 696 ihesi 1157 Saxton Sandehurit la ndishi 764 Scaldwell 1 2 1659 1977 $38 Seething alias one and 681 1121 1115 Segrey, alias a 443 Sela, alias EPS 1,888 in manis 30 Sandiacfed A YO Såndridge and Sandrmgham 100 2008. IIII II12 437 Saperton bursa : 154 892 III2 Dog 420 Selly 1374 N D E X. a. 603 685 Shields, alias 2 ! A mat og om 805 SOR 698 469 Magna1 ft 228 2005.770 atasu 1160 857 Seton , alias briseadmed 802 324 Shelbrook, alias atogia2 PC Selfy 133, 137 Shaw with Donington pe908 Shering Selworthie, alias 201978 Shawborne, alias ibid. Sherley Semere riitssc: 939 770 Shawburie esta 192 Shermanbury 1/147 Semlye, alias has 878 878 Shebbear 295 Sherringham Sempringham BROD 400 Sheen, alias esile ot201 Sherrington 501, 899 Office of St. 2 Sheffield SE34 1135 Sherſton Pinkney 888 Gilbert of, 1142 Shefford Parya a tas 908 Sherwell ansam 549 Senbury, alias 1141 Shields, alias 1268 Send 958 Sheldon 1 170, 212 Shifford Sephton 105! 1237 Shelfanger, alias 698 Shildon, alias 2257 Serangham, alias Paulo IT13 Shelford DO P1169 Shillingford 270, 293, 904 Sereby, alias Shilton Serencott, alias 883 220 Parva 227 Shimpling 698 Serjeants Inn Chap. ago 572 Shelland 767 Shimplingthorne, alias Serleby 1184 Shelleſley Beauchamp 20.980 Shingham 672 Servic'Crucif.in Chepſtow 1090 Shelley 616, 763 Shingleſbie, alias Sefencote, alias 325 Shellifwell Pes 791 791 Shipborne 1.265 Shellow Bowells 601 Shipdam, alias 676 Settle 1128 Shelfey Walſh Gildon 380 Shipham V63 Settrington 1113 Shelton BE479, 668 Shiplack Sevenhampton 352 alias 805 Shipmedowe, alias 781 alias 974 in the Vale 1171 Shipſton upon Stowre 984 Sevenoake, alias 862, 863 Sheloe 389 Shipſtow Seven Parts 167 Shelwich, alias Shipton 385, 1147 Severn Stoke 980 Shendley Manſell dd 501 alias 925 Sevington 39 Shenfield e des 387 upon Charwell 806 Sevioke, alias 301 Shengey oli satt i 19240 es George George in 107 Seuſtern 541 Shenington 344 Sexaginta Solidorum 395 Shenley Olyffe bis 351 Sextenby, alias 542 Shenſton, alias Solars Seyton, alias 848 Shenton 559 ſubtus Wichwood 867 Shabington 504 alias 192 under Wichwood 794 Shadingfield with 780 Sheperton w 574 Shipwaſh Shadockſherſte 39 Shepey North Part 2 868 Shafton, alias 121, 123 South Part ibid. Shirborne, alias 78, 333 I 21 Shephall 632 Shire, alias Shaile, alias 534 Shepherdſwell, alias 3 44 Shirehampton Shakerſton 558 Shepiſhed, alias 535 Shirehead Shalden 922 Shepley, alias 264 Shirland Shalfeet 941 Shepreth STOD 228 Shirley de 174 Shalford :59, 607, 960 Shepton Bechamp 74 Shirwell, alias 281 Shallefton 489 Mallet *70 Shitlington Shangton, alias 544 Montague 72 Shivilbottle, alias Shapewike 85 Sherborne 121, 928,992 Shobbrooke Shappe, alias alias a 138 681 Shobdon alt 367 Shapwicke VO2117 Sherburn 30 19,10 Shopland, alias Share hall 197 alias 1114 Shoreham Sharington UW 684 Sherburne, alias 929 Nova Sharnebrooke that 475 Sherfield, alias Vetus ibid. Sharnford jed10 549 Engliſh 936 Shorewell 940, 941 Shaugh 298 Sherford, alias $ 859 Shaw od 1235 Sherif Hutton 1119 Shoteſham, alias 783 Shotley 288 ama Moyne, alias on 322 55 516 2208 348 * 1274 557 Shirborn og Deanryu 958 9701 : 109 to: 1223 nuotr.176 6344 in 486 1269 5250 1201 619 TO 863, 864 BE 250 . 928 7.12 Shorne I N.DE 1375€! con 718 I 220 y 182 St. Mary 30 04 232 213 464 1172 Shotley 1273 Siſton, alias 429 Sleights 1126 alias 761 Sithney to al TOGEL 304 Slinfield, alias 162 Shotſham All Saints 657 Sittingbourn all 50001 47 Slipton 829 St. Martin - ibid. Siwell, alias grand 838 Sloley 718 St. Mary ibid. Sixhill 7b465 Slymbridge 329 Shatſwell 223 Skarning, alias 2651, 653 Slyndon, alias 155 Shotteſbrook 1 sono 915 Skeekling, alias 64 1152 Smalburgh, alias Shotwick Skefling, alias Sithibid. Smalley dhe Shouldham All Saints and taste Skegby 1178 Smallhithe 30 31 30672 Skegneys, alias 418 Sinarden Shouleſby 36 555 Skellingthorpe, alias 90 426 Smethcote 192 Shrawley isibis 980 Skelmerſdale 1239 Smeton, alias 1250 Shref hales, alias 20 195 Skelton 1119, 1126, 1163, Smithby 183 Shrevenham, alias 002 904 VE 1192 Snaith Shrewton, aliasas 1159 n, alias 901 901 Skemby, alias 418 Snaleſwell 740 Shropham WOŚ Skendleby, alias , ibid. Snape 759 Shudy Campesis ordinig Skenfrethi 1089 Snareſton 535 Shulbred Chap. 154 Skerne, alias 1146 Snarford 443 Shunningfield, alias 912 Skeſſington 553 Snargate 38 Shuſtocke Sketchleybi 551, 559 Snaade 389 Shuttington dú 214 Skeveſby, alias $16.551 Sneating 562 Sibberſtote, alias swobs 838 Skeyton, alias 690 Snelland Sibbiſton, alias no 558 Skidbrooke 452 Sneton, alias 1123 Sibſey 410 Skidby 1147 Snetterton, alias 703 Sibthorp 79 Snettelham 682 Sibton, alias 737 Skinburne Neſe 1195 Sneynton 1178 Sidbury 245 Skinnand, alias S: 446 Snibſton 535 Siddenham Damerell 289 Skinners Alms Houfes Chap. Snitterby Siddlefcombe'is DIYOM 142 TOEDE 576 Snitterfield Siddlington Skipſea 1152 Snodeland Siderſterne 660 Skipton Snoreham 597 Sidinanton doi: 930 Skipwith 1119 Snoring Magna Sightford, alias 203 Skirbecke 436 Snowdhill DOS: 373 Sigleſton, alias 1123, 1150 Skirlaw Sock A87 Sikehoufe 1141 Skit Torre 290 Sockburn, alias } 1265 Silattyn ols 1055 Skopwick 446 Sodbury Parya 340 Silby, alias 555 Skulthorpe 661 Soham 740 Silcheſter 928 Skyringham Earles 724 Sileham 752 Slackthwait 1158 Monks 750 Silke Willoughby brat albas 403 Slafford, alias 395 Soller's Hope 372 COM Silley Inful 304 Slaitbourne 1127 Solyhull Silſden 1129 alias ibid. Somborne Parva 93.7 Silfton, alias 340 Slaley 1273 Somerby 421, 428, 469, 541 Silton Slape 867 Somerford Keynes 882 Silverdale karooneldorf 1257. Slapton 299, 495, 813 Magna 886 Silverton 148 * 275 Slaugham Parva ibid. 25 386 Slaughtenford, alias Silvington 889 Somerley 132 Singleton 138, 1223 Slaughter Superior 346 Somerlton, alias, 755 Sion College 572 Slaufton 545 Somerſby, alias 434 Sirelham 813 Slebech 998 - Somerſet Houſe Chap. 576 Sifland, alias 657 Sledmere 1114 Somerſhall Herbert 174 Sifton sa 555 Sleford Nova 405 Somerſham 523, 724 Somerton yalton mmo 398 8 989 859 1212 1127, 1128 713 102 1153 902 212 T21 1376 IN DE X. 22314 485 70 en 1133 3856 664 677 74 421 998 1968 Southſtoke Somerton 87, 770, 791 South Ottrington, Second Part Sparhain 706 Sondhey, alias 1119 Sparkford, alias Sondon, alias 4773 Paderwyn, alias 313 Sparſhall, alias 13.996 Sopley 934 12 Perrot 104 Spaxton Sopworth 886 Pickenham 667 Speckſhall, alias 738 Sotbie, alias 465 Reſton 416 Speen 909 Sotherton 737c Scarle 395, 1173 Speeton Soulbury 497 Shobury 618 Speldhurſt Soulderne 792. Somercotes 450 Spenithorne 1245 Souldrop, alias 475 Stoke 65, 135 Spergrove 69 Southacre Stoneham, alias 938 Spernall 990 South Alton 866 Tawton 258 Sperſhott, alias 942 Barrow 72 Walſham 647 Spetchley 982 Bayley in Durham 1268 St. Laurence 645 Spetiſbury, alias 127 Benfleet, alias 588 Warneborow, alias 928 Spickwyke 272 Bergh, alias Weld, alias 589 Spileſbury 794 Bradon Wheatley 1188 Spillbý 411 Cadbury 70 Wingfield 178 Spittle Cave 1146 Wokindon 589 alias Cerney 327 Wooton 696 Spitty 1053 Church 630 Wotton 695 Spixworth 710 Collingham 1171 Southam 219 Spofurthe, alias 1105 Cowton 1251 Southbent 62 Spoondon 181 Creake, alias 662 Southby, or 1202 Spraiton, alias 259 Croxton 555 738 Spratton, alias 820 Dalton 1144 Southeighton 157 Spridlington 396 Farabridge 618 Southelmham All Saints 764 Springfield Boſwell, alias 592 Fleet 858 St. James ibid. Richards ibid. Gate 582 St. Margaret 765 Spring Garden Chap. 576 Haningfield 592 St. Michael ibid. Gardens Chap. 582 Kelſey St. Mary461 St. Nicholas 764 Springthorpe 420 St. Nicholas ibid. St. Peter 765 Sprotburgli , alias 1135 Kilworth 549 Southeſe 148 Sprotley, alias JISO Kirby 1138 Southill 301, 486 Sprowſton 710 405 Southmere, alias 682 Sprowton, alias 761 Leigh 265 Southrey, alias 671 Sproxton 541 Leverton 1181 Southropp 332 Spurley, alias 664 Littleton 802 Sputty Cenfin 1037 Luffenham 848 Southwell and Yſtrad ibid. Markfield 555 College 1185 Stachden, alias 475 Marſton Vicars Choral ibid. Stackpoole Baſcher, alias 1002 Molton 286 Southweſton 789 Elider, alias I002, Moreton 1004 Muſkam ? 1185, 1187 Southwike 112, 205 580 Sow, alias 217 Archdeaconry Newbald 1102 Sowerby 1121, 1159 Stainborn II12 Newington 800 Bridge 1159 Stainbrough Newton 897 Sowreby, alias 1193 Staineton, alias 1000 Normanton 196 Spalding 439 Stainfield 401, 466 Ottrington, Firſt Med. Spaldwick 527 Staingot, alias 423 1119 alias 395 Staining d. Kyme 1187 883 904 Southwick 829, 933 150 Stafford Myms 201 11741 162 Stain I : N D E X. 1377 1141 1234102 Cone 638 0507,4875 SI 721 oshi: 4622 20126364 11.574, 578 718 882 no 469 410 St. John Barton, 1671 807 604 489 580 323 Stainington Stanſted Mountfitchet 621 Stayley Bridge Stainley. 11243 Thele 638 Staynington, alias Stainmore - 1274 1202 Stanton 107, 185 Staynlocks, alias Stainton bos, 3250 1123 alias 875 Staynton, alias alias on 1.139 All Saints in Strata near Langworth, alias a under, Bardon 559 Stebbing uitsch 606 465 Bernard 876 Stebinheath, alias Stalbridge 121 juxta Dale 185 Ştedham Stalham Fitzwarren Steeping Magna. i 418. Stallingburgh Harold 2535 Parva Stallingbulk 261 1247 og Houſe, alias 711 Steeple Aſhton 894 Stalmine 1223 juxta Pontem 184 Aſton 806 Stalls, alias 64 721, 797 Five vacant St. Quintin 886 Bumpſted Seven vacant ; ibid. Stantonbarry, alias 502 Cleydon Stalsfield, alias 41 Stanwell Gidding 527 Stamborn 606 Stanweg with Stangate, alias 598 Stambridge, alias 619 Stanwick Toto 823 Stemby,.alias 407 Stamford, alias 906 Stanwicke de 1198 Stene, alias 814 Stamfordham, alias 1274 Stapenhill C 184. Stepelton 119 Stanbridge 478 Stapilton, alias 1197) Stephinton, alias 928 Standerwicke 82 Staple Fitz Paine 74. Stepingley 483 Standiſh 336, 1231 St. James 25 Stepington, alias Standon 531 202, 934 Stapleford 227, 426, 541, gol, Steple Morden 239 Parva, alias 1178 Stepleton, alias Stane, alias al 190 in stab414 Abbats 616 Sterndale, alias mor172 Stanes skrb 578 Tawney ibid. Sternefield 758 Staneway, alias 610 Stapleforth, alias 518 Sterfton 698 Stanfield alto 653 Stapleherſt 50 alias 888 Stanford 667 Stapleton a 109, 559 Stetchworth, alias 232 upon Avon sot 821 Stareton, alias 817 Stevenage 520 Dawley, alias 909 Startforth, alias 1250. Stevington 475 Epiſc. 360 Statherne 539 alias 904 le Hope 587 Staveley 1227, 1258, Stewkley 496 Rivers 616 Stavely Magna wi: 176 524 1166 Staundon juxta Wyam, alias Parya 523 Stangrave, alias 1160 373 Stewton 452 Stanhope 1263 Staunton 977, 1169, Stibert, alias 662 Stanhow 680 alias 96, 192, 335, 379 Stickford 410 Staniley, alias 1242 All Saints, alias 236 Stickney 110409 Staningfield, alias 774 upon Arrow 369 Stidd Staninghall 1710 Lacy 386. Stifford 589 Stanlake 803 Harcourt 807 Stifkey St. John 713 Stanley 183 St. Michael 714 St. Leonard 345 in the Vale 1171 Stilțingfleete T119 344 on the Wolds 1168' Stillington I 102, 1119 Stanmer, alias 0.160, 574 Wyvell 544. Stilton 531 Parva, alias 582 Staverton 267, 350 Stinan Stansfield, alias 729 Prior, alias 96, Srincombe Stanſted 331 99, Stirfton 667 Abbots 637 Stawnton, alias 323 Stirchley 187 8 N Stiftede, 077616 616 upon Sore 1224 236 St. Mary, 2014 Regis 102 996 779 Stawley 1378 X. L. D E N 217 114 937 I21 118 I 22 100 299 St. Mary 10 597 789 upon Tees 229 Juro 67 - 1216 273 294 817 000172 544 Stowel 91 96 Biſhops 1123 Stowford Ovo sa Stiftede, alias 630 Stoke ex Parte Auſtrali 1 - 407 Magna 529 Stivichall Boreali ibid. Parva 479 Stixwould 424 Piro, alias 80 Stourbridge 971 Stoadland, alias Pogies 493 Stoure Parva, alias Stockbridge Prior 26370, 966 Payne Stockbury, aljas 47 Rivers 281 Stourmiſter Newton Stockentynhede, alias 269 St. Gabriel, alias 267 Stourton 899 Stockingford 214 à , St. Gregory in the Clay, alias 1181 Stockingham, alias 2 61 *T: 744 744 Stow 205, 232, 384, 395, 457, Stockleigh Engliſh 100 250 St. Milburgh 386 His ibid. De ve 489 Pomery Saye ibid. alias Stockport 1211 Stalmage, alias Archdeaconry 393 Stockton 187, 219, 380, 657, upon Teyrn Sunde 187 Bardolfe 672 **899, 1121 upon Trent dot 202 Bedon 649 1266 Stokedry 848 Longa 395, 526 Stodmarthol 25 Stokegurfey alias Stodeleighe, alias 284 Stokelack, alias in Lindſey 443 Stody 684 Stokeland 73)104 St. James's Stoke 217, 559,771, 860, Graunts, alias 68 St. Petrock, alias I 220 Stokelinch Magdalen 76 Stowe alias Otterſey ibid. on the Would 347 Albany bio 842 Stokerſton ) Aſh 746 Stokeſby 673 Stowey sy ligero 942 Stokeſley, alias 289 Bliſs 357 Stokewake 127 Stowlangtoft 720 ube 833 Stokewoed Canons 246 Stonar 44 Stowting 35 Charitie 936 Stondon 485 Stradbrooke 751 juxta Clare 731 Stradſet Clymeſland. 301 Stone 38, 205, 331, 500, 859, Stradthall, alias 729. Crucis son-ini 658 970 Stranton, alias Daberon, alias 947 Stonehouſe Strata Florida, alias 1037 Damerell nafc289 Stonely Stratfield Mortimer 914 Doyl 828 Stoner 793 Saye 928 Edith als 376 Stonesfield 808 Turges ibid. Ferry 672 Stonham Aſpall 363, 867 Fleming: ibid. Garland Jermingham, alias 725 fubter Caſtrum 898 Gifford Leio d 108 Stoniſby, alias 541 | Deans ibid. alias 36 63 Ştony Staunton 549 St. Andrew. 759 Goldington Stratford St. Giles 502 Tony near Guilford St. Magdalen ibid. Stratley, alias Gumber, alias. 80 Stopham Com 154 Stratton 115; 313, 327, 734, Sub Hamden 72 Storington 162 867 Hammonds 501 Stortford, alias 636 All Saints 668 Lacy 209 Audley 793 793 Stotfolde, alias 486 on the Foſs 83, 964 Mandevile 509 Stotford 1:67 Long. Mary near Newark 1173 Stotterſden, alias 390 St. Margaret *** Newington 574 Stoven 739 Strawley, alias 601 Orchard 352 Stoughton . 139 Street C Bruern 123 Stowlton 1987 peet alias o 637 fel 673 1265 278, 344 222 Earles at 1267 1.23 724 Stratford upon Avon 985 501 958 879 477 357 Stotfold Lyn: 3668 883 Streete INI DE 1379 x. I 081 2322 ibid. 708 1027 526 z 184 417 651 685 113 237, , Streete 150 Sulhampſted Abbas ibid. Swacliffe." 799 Strelly, alias 1177 Baniſter ibid. Swaff ham 231, 664 Strenfall 1119 Sullington 162 Bulbeck alias 1102 Sully 1081 Cirici Strenſham 973 Sumpting, alias 163 Swafield Stretford 369, 1235 Sunbury De Park 497 579 alias Strethall voda u 7.18 614 Sunderland 1268 Swallow, alias e adot,167 Stretham 237 Sundridge 863 Succentorſhip alias 953 Sunning Swallowcliffe is soos 87.9 912 Stretley, alias 916 Sunninghill Stretton 197, 217, 375, 382, Sunningwell 915 Swanbourne 1904 Swaneſcombe 855 844 Surfteet 436 Swannington alias 357 Surlingham, alias 657 Swanſey, alias Baſkerville 216 Surrey Archdeaconry 955. Swanſhed, alias in le Field 184 Suſted, alias 702 Swanton Abbas 691 Magna 546 Sutcomb. 262 Morley with Worthing Parva ibid. - Sutterby Strixton 824 Sutterton 436 Newars Strond, alias 574 Sutteſbury 813 Swanwich, alias Stroud ' 345 Sutton 60, 133, 152, 158, Swarby 405 Stroude, alias 860 100 687 Stroxton, alias 429 718, 783, 832, 937, Swarford 794 Strumpfhaw alised 647 953, 1152 Swarkſton Stubton 448 alias 436, 920 Swarroughton, alias Studham 478, 809 in Alhfield blo920 1178 Swaton 399 Sțudley 888 Swaviſey, alias 229 Stuntney 238 Bingham 90 Swayneſwicke 65 Sturinere, alias 606 under Brails 347 Swaynſthorp 686 Sturminfter Marſhall juxta Broughton 551 Sweftling CE Sturmouth 24 Cheynell Sturrey 271 in Colfield" 0 2121 Inferior, alias Sturlton 6592748 Courtney 904 Superior, alias ibid. Sturton Magna, alias 424 in Le Dale 3.178 Swepſton 534 Stutton, alias 761 ſuper Darwent Swetenham Stynsford, alias Galtres, alias 1117 Swidley, alias 350 Stypull, alias at Hone 852 Swillington, alias Suckly 0977 in Lefield, alias 174 $willond Sudborow upon Lownd 1183 Swimbridge 249 Sudbourn 758 Maddock 187 Swinbrook BIC805 Sudbrooke 443 Magna 619 Swinderby 425 Sudbury 174 Mandevile 2879 Swindon 351, 882 alias 395 in Mariſco 395,414,416 Swine, alias 1152 All Saints 772 Montague -70 Swinecombe, alias 802 6 Archdeaconry 640 St. Edmund 439 Swineffeet Sons, 1159 St. Gregory's 773 St. James ibid. Swinehope, alias, as 432 Sudmiſter, alias 597 St. Michael's Swinerhead Suffield, alias 701 St. Nicholas 376 Swineſted Suffolk Arclideaconry 640 Swinfield Sugwas Valence 33 551 Sulgrave 814 Waldron Regis 195 Sulham 416 Swinnerton 8 N 2 Swinton . A 180 **- 990 Bengerci 127 559 Swell 758 76 348 1144 1217 II2 1105 732 2828 377') 438 408 upon Trent 1173 363 50 Swinford I 22 912 Swaby 202 2380 I N. D E... 316 5 966 F141 1202 291 485 328 623 1117 628 164 693 167 1209 713 857 T. 160 Swinton 1141, 1162 1162 Tanworth 990 Swithland 535 Taplowe 493 C Newſome Swyre 106 Tarbigg, alias Sowerby Syde, alias 345 Tarleton 1232 Templeton Syderſtrand, alias 1701 Tarrant Gunvile 717 Tempsford, alias Sydington St. Mary 327 Hinton ibid. Tenbury 379 St. Peter Kayneſton, alias ibid. Tendering, alias Sydleſham 133, 139 Monachorum, alias 119 Tenham 41 Sydling 129 Rawſton, alias ibid. Tenterden 30 Sydınouth 245 Ruſhton 117 Terington Sylkiſton, alias 1136 Tarringe Nevile 157 Terling Sylverley 740, Tarrington 376 Terring, alias Symondſborrow BELS 104 Taſburgh 668 Terrington Symondſburne, alias 1272 Taſhley, alias 391. Tervin Sympſon, alias 501 Tatchbrooke ondeo 222 Terwyn, alias Synnington 1162 Tatenhill 165, 207 Teſterton Tatha, alias 1083 Teſton, vulgo Teefton Tatham 6.30 1229 Tetbourne, alias 258 Fell Dood 1230 Tetburie, alias 344 Tathwell, alias 452 Tetney 432 Tabernacle in Petticoat Lane Tatingſton, alias 762 Tettcot 263 576, Tattenhall 1215 Tettenhall 197 White Lion Tatterford 662 Tevelby, alias 462 Yard. ibid. Tatterſett, alias ibid. Teverſhall, alias Tachbrooke 167 Tatterſhall 440 Teverſham Tackley 806 Tattesfield, alias 950 Tew Magna 799 Tacolnſton 668 Tattington, alias 751 0 Parva 800 Tadcaſter, alias Taunton 59 Tewing 518 Taddington 170 D Archdeaconry 58 Tewkſbury 352 Tadham 154 Taverham Mediety 709 Tey-Magna 610, 6 I'T Tadlow other, Mediety ibid. • Parva Tådmerton 799 Táviftock 290 Teyngrace 271 Taf Vechan, álias onto 1009 582 Teynton, alias 334, 805 Takeley Tavy St. Mary Drew, alias 258 1008 Tawednock Thackſted 600 Talaton astia : 276 Tawlan, alias 318 Thakeham Talbenny 1000 Tawftock 248 Thalesford, alias 986 Talgarth 1.012 ibid. Thame 789 Talk Taxal Thames Ditton 951 Talke 204 Toddington 28 Tallington 458 Teddiſcombe, alias 150 Thatcham gog Tally, alias 1026 Tedford, alias 434 Theberton, alias 738 Tallyllyn 581068 Tedrington, alias 342 Thedilthorp St. Helen 414 Tamerton 287 Tedfton Wafre 357 Thedilthorpe Omn. Sanct. Tamworth Delamer 359 10. ibid. Tanfield 1246, 1268 Teffont Evias 879 Thedingworth 545 Tangley 926 Teinton Biſhops 270 Thelnetham 722 Tangmere 155 Tellesford 83 Thelveton 698 Tankerſley 1136 Temple, alias IIO Thelwall Tanridge 951 Grafton Tanſor, alias 828 Guiting 514 Therſton 1175 10234 IITO 1,611 arts239 12 Chap 621 287 Talachdy 307 1012 Tawton Biſhop's 200 I 212 582 Thanington to generis 91026 210 1210 815 990 Thenford 349 Therfield IN EX. 1331 - 426 458 cits 299 544, 820 526 II2I 659, 775 679 1255 623 1166 188, 335 Therfton alias 669 Thornthwait 1112, 1195 Thurforth, aliàs 1 714a. Theydon Boys 617 Thornton 440, 489, 1127, Thurgarton. 701,-1178 Garnon, alias ibid. 1159, 1206, 1228 Thurilby, alias 1197 Mount ibid. alias 682 Thurlby Thilfton, alias 1215 Curtis 470: Thurleby, alias; e Thimbleby 424 Le Moor 462 Thùrleſton 349: Thimblethorpe, alias 708 in Pickering 1160 Thurlſton Thingdon, alias 823 in le Street 1124 Thurlton 658 Thinghurſt, alias 510. Stuard, alias 1247 Thurluxton 67 Thirkleby H19 Wattles, alias 1246 Thurly, alias. 481 Thirlow. Magna, alias 729 Thorparch 1110 Thurnby Pàrya, alias ibid. Thorpbaſſet 1113 Thurning Thirne 673 Thorp Market 701 alias 4 708 Thirfk Nova Salvin 1141 Thurnfcoe, alias 1136 Thomas Jones, alias 1077 Thorpe 172, 410, 645,958 Thurrock Grey's, alias 588 Thompſon 650 Abbots, alias 698 Parva 587 Thoreſby, alias 431 Thorpe Arnold 539 Thurſtafton, alias I 220 South 416 Conſtantine 207 Thurſton, alias Thoreſway 462 in le Fellows 442 Thuxton, alias Thorganby 462, 1121 in Glebis 1168 Thwaite, alias 658, 748 Thórgumbald 1.1 53: near Hadeſcoe 657 Thwaits Thorington 738 on the Hill 425 Thwayte, alias 691 alias juxta Ixworth 722 Tibberton 982 Thorkeley 441! Langton 546 Tibenham 669 Thorlafton, alias Malvefor, alias 838 Tiberton Thorley Mandeville 813 Tibſhelfe 178 Thormanby Morieux. 771 Tickenham 96 Thormerton 341 near Newark 1171 Tickhill alias 327 Parva 698 Ticknall Thorn II41 Sackvile 555 Tidcomb Portion in Tiverton Thornaby in le Soken 625 St. Peter's Church. 291 Thornage 683 Thomas, alias 549 Tidde St. Mary. A 437 Thornborough, alias 490 Thorpland 672 Tideſwell, alias Thornbury 263, 329, 357, 490. Thrandefton, alias 747 Tidmarſh 913 Thorndon 746 Thrapſtone 828 Tidrington Thorne Coffin 88 Threckingham.j 401. Tidworth, alias. 871 Thornecomb 265 Threlkeld 1195 Tighe, alias Thornehough 831 Threxton 649 Tilbrook Thorner, alias Thribergh, alias 1136 Tilbruge, alias 284 Thornerton, alias 2-1 250 Thrigſby, alias 674 Tilbury near Clare 606 Thorneton 558 Thrimby, or Tilehurſt Thörneford 123 - Throckington 55 Tilkencote, alias Thorney 133, 241 582 Tillelhall, alias 0653 alias 1173 Throughley, alias 41 Tillingham 597, 630 Abby 240 Throwleigh, alias 258 Tilmanſton 45 Thornfawlcon 98 Thrumpton 1169 Tilftock po 193 Thorngate 395 Thruſhington 555 Tilſworth 478 Thornham 50 Thruxton, alias Tilton 553 Magna, alias 748 Thunderſley 588 Tilty Parya ibid. Thundrich 636 Timberland 446 Thornhill 1155 Thurcafton 534 Timberfcomb 59 7. Timberfcombs, 636,-9411 1120 1139 182 1126 169 9900 1844 479 IIIO I 202 913 845 Free Chap 362, 924 601 1 -- 1382 E I ND 94 129 845 1701095 Mil. 1072 In 1994 1075 351 1074 Tirthney 154 Torleton Timbercomb, alias con 80 Toller Porcor' 1. 104 Tre Tower, alias STIONE Timeſborow, alias Tolleſbury 627 Treborough esile U180 Timſbury 937 Tolleſhunt Darcy 628 Tredington +352; 984 Tincleton, alias Knights 627 Tredonock Tinewell, alias Major 286 Trefdraeth Tingewike, alias 489 Tolliton, alias 153 Trefdruy, alias! boops 1033 Tingriffe, alias 10. 483 483 Tolpudell 127 Tref Eglwys of1069 Tinſley, alias 1141. Tomeſton, alias Lila 129 Trefilan 1036 Tin thwait, alias (1227 Tonge 47, 188, 1159 Treffeglos, alias 1925, 1036 Tintangell 315 Tonftall 648 Treffeglwys Tinterne Parva IC92 alias 1229 Treffibard, alias Tinmouth, alias 1276 Toot Balden TIO 808 Treffleghe and Bettws +994 Tipton 209 Topcliffe SI117 1117 Trefflys J1066 Tirlangton 546 Topcroft 655 Trefford COCA-153 Tirley, alias Toppesfield 606 Trefgaian, alias Tirringham 499 Topiham 1246 Trefgarn ES is 1000 306. Torbrian 267 Trefleghe, alias 1019 Tirwicke 867 Bettus, alias "1020 Tiſbury, alias 879 Torr Mohun ale 268 Trefriw, alias 1062 Tiffington, alias 172 Torpenho, alias 1192 Trefwalchmai, alias 1074 Titchfield 932 Torperley, alias 1206 Tregare 1090 Titchmarſh 828 Torteval 945 Tregynan 1047 Titchwell 681 Tortington 136 Trehaverock 315 Titcomb; alias 891 Tortworth 341 Trellage, aliasis 1096 Tithby 1168 Torver 1228 Treliegs Grainge ogt 1098 Titley 369 Tolmere 793 Tremayne, alias 1034 Titley 953 Toffet 1129 Trento 90 Tittenhull 88 Toftoke, alias 775 Trentham Tiverton 292 Toſtres Deanry in 712 Trentiſhoe Tixall Totham Magna 628 Treſham Tockerington 1163 Parva stos ibid. ibid. Trefmere 314 Tockholes nad 416 Trethvin 0 Jogo Tockrington Fields Chap. 576 Treton, alias 1136 Todbere 123 Toting Parva, alias 953 Tretyre Todd, alias 240 Totneſs 297 Trevalga Todenham, alias 742 Tottenhall 562 Treveglos and Warbuſtow 313 Todington 323, 477 Tottenham 1268 Todmerdine 1236 Tottenhill 672 Trimingham 702 Todnam, alias 322 Tottenhoe, alias 497 Trimley, alias 734 Todwick 1136 Totteridge 519 Trimly, alias ibid. Toft 460. Totternall, alias 478. Trinity Monks 658 Tottington, alias 649 Alms Houſe Chap. Tofte Totton Archdeaconry 243 Toftrees, alias 713. Towceter, alias Chap. Conduit Street Tointon Omn. Sanct. 2410 Towerſey 1509 * St. Peter, alias ibid. Townſtall 297 to Moreton 178 Superior 440 Tractrop, alias 416 to Warrington Tokenham, alias Trallon 1008 Tolland 79 Trallong 1009 Hall, Camb. 233 Tollard Ryall 879. Trallwng 994 - Triplowe Taller Fratrum . 114 Trawsfynydd, alias 1067 Troftcliffe, alias 856 Trofton ' 1209 282 1 342 203 1225 Tothill II02 364 9316 579 Trimdon VI: 310 229 576, 1277 815 576 875 Town 1240 11:228 IN DE X. 1383 po 924 CARS bis 352 iborg 265 E bu * 576 133 s: 1064 SA 930 T-371 ei :250. Trofton 722 Twining Firſt Mediety, alias Undy, alias 1092 Troſtrey G1096 Beato 1130 Upcerne Trotton, alias FEB 127 SI 153 Second Mediety, alias Upchurch 47 Troutbeck 1257 ibid. Upclatford Trowbridge 894 Twinſted, alias 607 Upham Trowell firſt Med. ember 932 1177 Twitchen 286 Up Hatherley ſecond Med. ibid, ibid, Twiverton 65 Uphaven 896 Trowſe to 655 Twyford 182, 490, 555,942 Uphill 63 Troy 11096 Twynam, alias 148 Upleadon 336 Trumpington is zote 227 Tydulfide, alias 901 Upletham 1126 Trunch 791 699 Tyffield, alias 814 Uplime Truſham, alias nits bred269 Tylney, alias 693 Uploman 291 Truſley DNE Sons 174 Tymworth 774 Upmifter, alias 589 Truſwell, alias 1183 Tyneby, alias 1002, 1004 Upotree, alias 256 Tryddyn 1043 Tynham 113 Upper Clapton Chap. Tubney cals, 904 Tynton, alias The 440 Denton 1198 Tuddenham, alias 7 335 Tyr Abbot, alias 1059 Uppingham 1849 Tudeley 26 Butto 856 Tyfeherft rost. 142 Uppington, alias 193 Tudingham, alias 727 Tyfoe 985 Upthorne, alias Tudworth, alias esile 924 Tyvetſhall , vulgo Tetſhall 698 Upton 443, 494, 559, 647, Tuffield, alias CIKÉDIE 802 Tywardreth 309 832, 1184, 1188 Tufton 972 926 Tyw.yn, alias alias Tugby JE 553 Biſhop Tugford 384 og Hilion Tullyllyn sur 10.72 Lovell ୨୦୦ Tunbridge sain 856 U. Magna 190 Wells oileibid, Parva 1877 Tunſtall 47, 760, 1152 Pyne 250 Tunfted 0718 Ubbeſton 738 Scidmore, alias 900 Tupholme os 462 Uhley 977 Turfield TE 510 Uffculme 291, 867 Snoddeſbury Turkeden, alias 07033481 Uffenham, alias 968 St. Leonard Turnafton 119 375 Uffington 193 Wafers Turnditch is 101.827 Ufford 783, 831 Warren Togo Turnerſpondell, alias 517129 Ufton Nervet 913 Upway, alias 113 Turneworth ibid. Uggborough 278 Upwell 671. Turnworth, alias batool 928 Ugglé Barnaby 1126 Upwood 524 Turton no 1234 Uggleſhall, alias 1227 Turveſton 489 Ukeley, alias Turvey biocento 1097. csis 4747 Ulceby 416, 470 Uffington 457 Turvil's Afton : Psica soti3427 Ulcomb 51 Utlicote, alias 984 Tutbury 208. Uldaile, alias H 1192 -4537 Tuttiugton 691 Uley 200 Tuxford 1183 Ulingwick, alias: 358 Uxbridge 580, 582 Tweedmouth 1271 Ulliſkelfe 1102, II12 Użmafton, alias 998, Twelve Vicars Charal in Uineſby, alias 1192 Cath. Chicheſt. 133 Uiphain, alias : 1255 Twicknam, alias 519 Ulrome Twicroſs 559 Ultinge 628 02 Twiford 562, 579, 582, 708, Ulverſton. 1227 915 Underbarrow 1258 3 Valle 96 upon Severn I : 975 338 378 966 735 Urſwick $622. Ulke 1192 Utterby 330 Uttoxeter i 1152 1 1387 N. DE X. 1 : 10 104 882 7. A07934 7397743 2 926 Walizey, alias 1220 ** 904. 524. 1203, 1:42 Walney 636 I114. Walderne, alias 157 Walton on the Woulds 553 Walderſhare 45 Wambroke Waldgrave 838 Wanbrough, alias Waldich 109 Wandſworth Waldingfield Magna 770 Wangford, aſias Parva 7.72 Wannaſley, alias 1105. Waldringfield Valle 9:44 734 Wanfted 933 Wales 1141 Wanſtede, alias Vaynor, alias 1007 583 Waleſby 842 Veckley 460 Wanſtraw Walford Veny Sutton 900 372 Wanſtrow Wantage Vernam's Deane Vintners Alms Houſes Chapo Walkhampton Walkerne 514 Wanteſden 760 576 287 Wapley 342 Walkington Virginſtow 187, 514, 1144 Wappenbury 290 219. Walkinſted Vouchurch, alias 375 947 Warblington 932 Walkringham 1183 Warborough 809. Wallſend 1277 Warboys Walmer 45 Warburton W. Walmgate -454 Warbylton, alias Walmſley 1234 Warcopp 1202 1228 Warden 21, 48, 1273 Waburne Walpole 685 695, 739 Wardenſhip of Sybthorpe 1170 Wackton 360 Elien, alias 693 Ware Walfall Magna 669 207 Wareham Perſey ibid. Walſham le Willows Parva in le Street 722 ibido Waddeſden, firſt Portion 504 Walfingham Magna 715 St. Magdalen 714, Parva ibid. Second Portion ibid. St. Martin and St. Saints ibid: Third Portion ibid. Mary 127 828 Walfoken Waddinghoe, alias 693 714 Walterſtone 1012 1128, 1129 St. Michael 128 Waddington Waltham St. Peter 24, 133, 431, 630 ibid. Waddingworth alias Wadhurſt 139, 539, 932 St. Trinity ibid. Wadingham 396 Abbas, alias 913 Warehorn 38 St. Laurence Wadington, alias 445 ibid. Warelly Wadworth, alias Magna 592 Warfield, alias 913 I Parva ibid. Wargrave ibid. Waghen 1152 Walth ainſtow Waiforde, alias 583 Warham 351 Walton Wainfleet All Saints 96, 178, 301, 535, All Saints 417 714 St. Mary ibid. 551, 734, 1112, Warketon 823 St. Thomas's 419 1198, 1237 Warkleigh, alias? 284 alias 1000 Wakefield Warkworth 1155 1269 Wakering Magna 619 C Cardiffe 352 Warlegon, alias Parya ibid. D'eivell 986 Warley Magna 589 D'eivill ibid. Wakerley Parva ibid. Eaſt Walberſwick 739 998 Warlingham Walberton 136 on the Hill 950 Warmfield 1155 Walcot 446, 718 in le Soken 625 Warmford 932 Walcote 401, 551 960 Warmingham 1217 Walcotes, alias 65 and Thorpe in le Warmington 222, 829 Walden Abbots, alias 632 Soken 630 alias 980 Saffron, alias 622 fuper Trent 184 Warmiſter 60, 867 War- St. Mary 424 160 529 1139 76 318 842 948 upon Thames 2 ND D E X: 1385 2 1 2 Magna 817 200 **.239 274 625 664 738 I 102 St. Mary 162 * Warmiſter, alias 59,900 Waybred 751 Wemworthie, alias 255 Warmley, alias 113 Wayliſbye, alias 1183 Wen, alias 311 Warmfworth Wearham, alias 672 Wenbury 278 Warneham 162 Wearmouth Epiſcopi 1263 Wendon, alias -68 Warpenham, alias 814 Webley, alias 375 Lowth, alias 614 Warpſgrave 789 Weddington ibid. Warren 1005 Wedenbeck, alias Parva ibid. Warrington 1237 Wedmore 56, 59, 60, 63 Wendover 508, 509 Warflow Wedneſbury, alias 208 Wendy Warfop 1181 Week St. Germain's Wenham Combuſta, alias 763 Warter, alias 1146 Weeks, alias Parva ibid. Warthacum 1077 Weeting All Saints Wenhafton Warthill 667 Wenington 589 Warthwick, alias 1198 Weford 167, 210 Wenlock Magna 384 Wartling 142 Wegenholt Parva 382 Wartnaby Site 535 Welborne Wenlocks Barnes 679 562 Warton 1223, 1256 alias 445 Welſh St. Donats 1082 Wafdalehead 1255 Welby 428, 542 Wennisford 79 Waſhborne Magna 324 Welbury 1123 Wenriche, alias 348 Waſhbrook 763 Welcombe 261 Wenſley 1246 Waſhfield 291 Weld Ecclefia Wentnor 920 382 Waſhford Pyne 285 Weldon 842 Wentworth 1141 Waſhington 163 Welford 322, 909 alias 237 alias 1263 Welham 545 Wenvo 1079 Wafing 910 Well 416, 1247 Were, alias 62 Wafperton 986 Welland 978 Werrington 314 Waſt 342 Welleſbrough, alias 38 Weſenham All Saints Watchet 80 Welleſburne St. Peter ibid. Waterbeach 236 Wellia 59 Weſt Allington 427 Waterden 662 "Wellingham, alias 654 Anſty 286 Waterfall Wellingore, alias 446 Aſhby 440 Wateringberrie, alias 857 Wellington 98, 167, 191, 354s Barkworth, alias 465 Water Newton 531 377 Barling 855 Overton Wellyngton 56 Barſham 662 Stratford 489 Wellow 83, 936, 1184 Beckham by 691 Waterperry 797 Wells, alias 714 Bilney კეტვა 696 Waterſtock ibid. Archdeaconry 57 Bradenham 667 Watford 632, 820 Subdeanry 58 Bradley Wath 1139, 1246 Treaſurerſhip ibid. Bromwich 209 Wathe, alias 432 Welney Buckland 100, 281 Watlington 143, 671 Welſh Hampton 193 Burton '1184 Wattenhall, alias 1218 Welton 419, 443, 450, 817, Butterwick 421 Watteſham 773 1144 Camell 90 Wattlesfield, alias Bekal 395 Clandon IT 956 Watton Brinkal ibid. Coker 90 at Stone MOJIH 518 Painſhall, alias ibid. Cowes HOT 941 Wavendon, alias 501 Rival ibid: Crenmore nihil ,73 Waverham, alias 1 209 Weſthall ibid, Dean 1159, 872 Waverton 1206 Welwick 1152 Deeping eile 457 Waxham, alias 493, 718 Welwyn 518 Derby Wayberthwait, alias 187 Dereham 672 8 O 654 986 201 214 73 672 722 650, 1147 1239 1253 Wem Wef 1386 N DEX. ITO 584 uport Avon 323 342 53 122 Haroldftoninis 1001 alias 13 bileti 933 820 9c8 708 139 885 588 upon. Trim upon the Sea 653 8'55 om 806 101207 Worldham, alias 947 Weſtburhant 857 Welterficld Weft Drayton 580 Went Wightring, alias 139 Weftmyſton, alias * Tes Grinſted 162 Winch 693 Weſton 64, 96, 439, 514, Haddon 821 Witton Hallow 906 922 alias 722, 781 Ham Worlington 284 Hangmering 135 Wretham, alias 703 Birt Haningfield 5.92 Wykani; co. Lincoln 460 Baggard 377 Harling 703 Weſtbere Banfield Harnham 880 Weſtbourne 137 Buckhorne 139 in the Clay 1:17 1:17.11 Hendreth; alias 903 Weſtbridgford, alias 1 rt 6 Coney, alías 722 Hellerton II13 Weſtbroughi 132 fiib Edge 322 Horndon 587 Weſtburgh, alias 448 Favile Horſtey 957 on the Green 793 Houghton 1235 Weſtbury 63, 334, 489, 901, fubter Lizard 196 Idney 933 Longueville Jitchnor in dextra Parte 388 Patrick 930 Kington, alias er in finifter Parte ibido. under Pyneyard 371 Lee 109 under Redcaſtle 188 Leke 1105 Weſtcliffe 33 63 Lexham Westcote 282 upon Trent 180, 205 Malling, alias Barton Turvill 507 Markham 118.1 Weſtcott 347 Underwood co 503 Milton 1'07 Weſtdeane 132, 13,9 on Welland Moulſey 951 Weltdowlith under Wetherley 27 Newton. 695 Weſtdo:vne. 282 in Zoyland, aliasil 84 Ogwell 270 Weſterby 546 Weſtoning Oke, alias 139 Westerdale P126 Weſtow Peckham alias Pennard 85 Wefterkele, alias 409 Weſtperley, aliás , direktno 117 Putford 263 Weſtfarley, alias teinit 856 Weſtport ” 886 Quantoxhead 80 Weſtfieiu. " 142, 679 Weftram, aliàs in Randal 432 Weſthall 738 Weſtward 2015 th 1195 Raſen, alias 460 Weſthallam 182 Weſtwell Retford 1183 Weftham, co. Suflex. 157 Weſtwick Roughton, alias 1123 Weſtharptree 96 Weſtwratting 23.1 Rudhani Weſthatch 100 Wetherby JI Shefford, alias 909 Weſtheth, alias 38 Wetherall 1198 Somerton Weſthide 377 Wetherden 766 Terrington; alias 466 Weſthorney, alias 137 Wetheringſet 747 Thurrock 590 Weſthorpe 748 Wethermelock. 1195 Tiderley, alias 936 Weſtlángton, aliàs. 45 Wetherfdale 7522 Tiderley, alias 936 Weftleigh 249, 630 Wethersfield qui 606 Tilbury * 587 Weſtleton aliaz. Tiſted 920. Weftley 7.78 Wetherftòn 104 Tofts 667 Waterleſs 231 Wethicombe Waltham 629 Weltlidford 70 Wethyham 157 Walton 693 Weftmeane Elien, ibid. Weſtmerſey 611. Wetwang IIO2, II14 Wickham, co. Kent 853 Weftmill, alias 514 Wevelfcomb 79. Cới Cambị 233 Watminfter Deanry1040 S6 563 Weyerthorpe. 1.113 Wey, 842 75 223 483 1114 733 776 859 30, 804 PO 7.18 662 675 aliàs. OYS 738 724 79. 932 Wetton 201 IND I EX. 138 Mos 464 I 218 576 748 659 hasabatda 345 790 1275 348 637 IIIO 621 her 925 Whitchurch Deanry 128 Wickenby Wey, aliaste Weybridge to 959 Egwlyfwen 996 Wickliani 237, 439 Whaddon 239, 337, 339, 496, Whitechapel I 223 alias 24, 932, 1264 896 Whitegate's 1209 and Belchamp St. Whalley 1224 alias Paul's 630 Whalton 1275 Whitehall Chap. Market 783 Whaplode, aliased 437 Whiteliayen 1255 St. Paul 606 Drove 439 Trinity ibid. Skeith Wharthill stort 1120 Whitelady Aſhton, alias 980 Wickhamford 968 Whatcoton 984 Whitelakington 59, 76 Wickhampton 647 Whatfield 7603 771 Whiteneſter, alias 345 Wicklingham, alias Whatley 82 White Notley 627 Wickmer 691 Whatlington Pariſh 872 Wicliffe, alias 110791 1250 Whatton 1168 Whitfield 814, 1271 Widcombe, alias 246 Wheatacre, alias dit 658 alias 789 Widdrington Burgh, alias ibid. Whitford 1041, 1042 Wideford 636 Wheatliampfted, alias 516 Whitgift 1159 Wideworthie, alias 265 Wheathill 72 Whitington 179, 190, 193, Widford 593 Wheaton Aſhton but 197 Do 209, 982 Widforde Wheeler's Chap. sch 576 Whitiſbury, alias 93+ Widihall Wheldrake, alias ou 1117 Whitkirke Widington Whelleſborough 559 Whitmore 204 Widley 932 Whelnetham Magna 774 Whitnaſh Widinerpole 1167 Parva 776 Whitney 375, 804 Wifordby, alias 539 Whelpington, or bem 1275 Whitſtaple 54 Wigan 1237 Whelpley, 873 Whitſtone, alias 313 Wigbarrow, alias 610, 611 Whenby Whittenſtall 1273 Wiggington 517 Whepſted won 778 Whittingham 1269 Wigginton 209, 799 Wherſted, alias dis alias 1253 Wigglesford 991 Whetcombe et 115 Whittington Wighill Whetely, alias broj 1183 Whittleford, alias 232 Wightham, alias 904 Whetenhurſtrit 339 Whitton 456, 732, 1015 Wighton 714; 1102, 1146 Whethill, alias bune 390 Whitwell 177, 845, 1226 1194 Whetſton 551 Whitwick 535 Wigmore 369 Whichnor 209 Whitworth 1236, 1268 Wigrington, alias I117 Whilton 821 Whixoe, alias 731 Wigſton Hoſpital 537 Whinburgh, alias viet 679. Whorton, alias 1126 Magna 551 Whippingham Whorwell 925 Parva 940 ibid. Whipſnade 13 478 Whympehill, aliás 245 Wigtoft 438 Whilby it gertat 426 Whyteford 282 Wike Church, alias 140 Whifton bolare 834 Wiabnays, alias Riffingdon, alias 347 alias 1258, 1136 Wiberton 437 313 Whitacre ſuper sitesi 214 Wibſey 1159 Wikehampton, alias ibid. Whitaker inferils ibid. Wibtoft 551 Wiken, alias Whitbeck Es pot? 41254 Wiburnbury, alias 1214 Wikerſley 1136 Whitborne dros 358 Wichampton, alias. 117. Wikeſley, alias 1242 alias watt Wichenford 980 Wikeware, alias, 341 Whitby 11 26 Wichford 984 Wilberfoſs Whitchurch 59, 104, 191, 287, Wick 1086 Wilberſton, alias 842 364, 497, 802, 873, Wickdive 834 Wilberton 238 925,984, 1081 Wicken Bonant, alias. 613 Wilburham Magna 232 8 0 2 Wil- 222 4 1120 763 1055, 1228 1110 alias! 625 St. Mary PUB 743 1264 1147 1388 IN DE 114 128 873 114 ibid. 105 128 901 872 458 21.6 Wilburham Parva 231 Wilſhampſtede, alias The 472 Winterborne Baffet mit 875 Wilby 705, 750 Wilton 667, 1126 Came Wilbyc, alias 838 St Mary 897 Clierbrough, alias Wilcot 892 Wilts Archdeaconry 866 8.72 Wilden, alias 480 Wimbith 600 Clenſton Wildland o 562 cum Thunderley ibid. Dantzey Wilford bo 1167 Wimbleton 948 Earls satu 868, 873 alias 821, 891 Wimbotſham Fred 672 Monkton 113 Wilkirke Costaboo1092 Wimington, alias é 474 St. Germayne Willand in 292 Wimley, alias Wimley, alias 52 I St. Martin Willarſley esto 375 Wimſlow, alias 12120 Stepleton Willeigh, alias too 625 Wincanton povo.72 OR Stickland Willenniu nonce 501 Winceby on 434 Stoke Willenhall is resto 197 Winchcomb Tocmns 351 Whitchurch 130 Willerby 1132 Winchelſea sweet 145 Winteringham, alias 455 Willerley ou 322 Wincheſter Archdeaconry 918 Winterſlow Willeſden en bon 579 Cathedral eno 917 Winterton Winterton is 674 Willeſdon dontoo 562 College ( 944 alias 456 Willesford asile 428 Dean and Chapter Winthorpe 418, 1171 Willeſley 185 bet 917 Wintney Hartlie 929 Willeſthorpados Deanryibid. Wintringham 1115 Willey Prebends 918 Winwick w9: 527, 821, 1237 alias 384 Winchfield 928 Wirkefworth 171 William Clarke, alias 1077 Winchtaunton d'75 Wirklington, alias 1252 Williamſton 17 1005 Wincle ende eritrobo 1212 Wirrington to dos 832 Willian, alias 514 Windanmere Ambo 1256 nebo 1256 Wiſbich 2SL 5240 Willien, alias 501 Windlebury, alias bei 792 Wiſhaw So 212 Willingbury, alias 838 Windleſham, vulgò db 959 Wiſhford Magna Willingdon b159 Winefcombe, alias obce 63 63 Wiſley 39000 960 Willinghall Doo 4600 Winfarthing, alias 699 Wiſprington, alias out 424 Spain at ibid. Winford Add 94. Wiffawe, alias $ 1169 Willingham 441 Eagle terbaboo 115 Wiſſenden, alias 36 844 alias 236 Winfrith Newburgh boo113 Wiffet esta 739 All Saints, alias 781 Wing ban 496 Wiftanftow 0 386 Cherry on 5443 Winge, alias Winge, alias a toboa 847 Wiſtaſtone W 363, 1214 St. Mary at 781 781 Wingerworth Loo 1,8 Wiſton S nsole 162 South 17466 Wingfield 1752 alias 771, 998 Willington 182, 473 WinghambaM 25' Wiſtow 524, 545, 1102, 1110 Williſham, aliastron on: 725 Az College ibid. Witchford 237 Tiliton into 80 Wingrave tona 497 Witchingham St. Faith, alias Willoughby 220, 414 Winkburn 1173 bro.708 Waterlefst 549. Winkfield 11894, 914 2 St. Mary, alias on the Wolds 1 169 Winkleigh 295 asilsanoto ibid. Willoughton, alias tot 398 398 Winlaton zona 1268 Witchling ilt ootaal, 48 Willmington cu 159 Winſham KIT175 Witcombe, alias mil 338 Wilmcote 1991 991 Winſley Evefton cum Grantley Witham Erorit 627 Wilncote 215 ile 1163 Friary Witne 183 Winſter 190, 1258 sa ſuper Montem 407 Vilſby, alias G440 440", Winſton zuils anistorico 132 South an 408 Wüsfield 150 Winterborne sinyob 108/ Withcocke, alias Wasford and Woodfors. 867 Abbotson 00104 Witheall si 453 2012 Wis 910 838 On 236 84 451 ܝ ܝ INDE X." 1389 1 178 257 853 875 679 9966 Wollavingtone Witherenſea 1153 Wolftafton, alias 385 Woodlaigh 299 Witherley, alias 558 Wolfton 389 Woodmanicote Withernwick 1152 alias 350 Woodmanſtone, alias 948 Witherflack 1257 Magna 502 Woodneſborough, alias 44 Witherume, alias 414 Parva ibid. Woadnorton, alias 706 Withibrooke 217 Wolterton 691 Woodſtock New Chap. 806 Withicombe, alias 272 Wolverchurch Woodſton, alias 531, 655 Withington 350, 362 Wolverdington 989 Woodwalton 531 Parya 354 Wolverfrington, alias 83 83 Woodytton, alias 740 Withypole 80 Wolverhampton 197 Woolafton 389 Witley SEB 960 960 Wolverton 928 Wooley I141 Magna 980 Wolvey S: 167, 217 Woolfardifworthy 261 Witneſham 726 Wolviſton 1268 Woolhampton, alias 913 Wittenham Abbats, alias 974 Womborne 196 Woolfingham, alias 1264 aa Earls, alias 906 Wombwell 1141 Woolſton 219 Wittering, alias 831 Womerſley e 1159 Woolſtrop 429 Wittleſhey St. Andrew 238 Wonnerih, alias 960 Woolverton, alias 502 Wittlewood, alias 679 Wonfton 936 Woolwich * Witton 214, 647, 719, 1210 Wonftowe, alias 1089 Wooton, alias alias SEJ 470 Wood Enderby 440 Worceſter Archdeaconry 963 Gilberto I 1268 Plumpton 1223 Cathedral 962 St. Andrew and St. PA Riſing Chancellorſhip 963 Mary Street Compter Chap. 572 Deanry ole Wear ( 1268 Woodalling in 708 Prebends Wittriſham, alias Woodbafton, alias 197 Word, alias Wivelcote, alias 808 Woodbaftwick 1647 Vordsfield 978 & Wivelſcombe at 58" Woodborrow, alias 875 Wordwell 722 Wivenho, alias broli6j1 con 611 Woodbridge 727 Wore Wiverſtone venti 748 Woodburgh Jason 1185 1185 Worfield 196 Wiverton, aliastenby 685 alias TaI188 1188 Workfop 1181 Wixall as Pa 793 Woodbury 246 Worleſby, alias 470 Woburne 483 Woodcheſter 344 Worlingham Niagna 780 Weſt, alias sain 511 Woodchurch 29, 1219 Worlington 742 Wokey 58,63 Woodcot 926 Worlingworth Wolbarrow, alias 990 el 990 Woodeyton, alias 797 Wormbridge 193, 366 Wolberdham, alias ESL 153 Woodford 584, 815, 872 Wormenhall, alias 505 Wolborow 1.267 of Cokes Part, one Warmgay, alias Woldham 860 Mediety 823 Wormhill 170 Woldingham 011951 of Stiles Part, the Wormingford 610 Wold Newton Tenint 1132 other Mediety Wormington Parva 324 Wolford web 986 B. ibid. Worminſter Wolfhamcote e Woodhall 440 Wormifter 60 Wolforton, alias 693 Woodham Mortimer 598 Wormleighiton Wolfreſton, alias 763 Ferrers in ot 592 514, 629 Wolfurlow 359 Waters, alias" cu 597 Wormfhill Wallaſton 335, 359, 824 Woodhay, alias 90g Wormſley 375 Wollaton 1212 Worpleſdon 959 92 Woodhorn, alias 1275 Worlborough H141 Waller, alias, c. 1271 1271 Woodhorne, alias 133 Worth 148 526 Woodhoufe 535 Matravers Wolpit, alias 774 Woodkirk, alias 1159 Wortham Everard Woltánton 268, 863, 1229 Warhan 7 962 963 39 51 204 750 673 ان کے بال اتر جا 59 220 223 Wormley 55 1177 Woodhead Wolley 115 747 203 Woodland 1390 N: DC E1 X. I I 216 y754 719 0929 4031 856 Wyc 10079 257 1 834 675 W ragby 90 Wortham Jarvis 747 Wullavington, alias 133 Worthenbury Wurle, alias 63 Worthington 535 Wurfted, alias Worthy King's 920 Wyam, alias 168 Martyr ibid. near Ludburgh 453 cm Mortimer, alias 943 Wyardſbury 493 Worting Wyborne 1195 Y Drindod alias 386 Wyck 103556 A 1023 975 Caſtel Wortley 1 1-4'I Wycombe, alias Su Yalding Woſelworth, alias 330 Wyderſdale 1223 Yalgrave 166 Wottam, alias qilolion 472 Yalmeton 2:5 278 Wotton 58, 73, 806, 834, College bid. Yapham cum Mefonby I47 940, 959 Wyer Gifford 260 Yapton 136 alias 35, 929 Wyghtring 133 Yarburgh 4:53 Courtney -79 Wýkambroke, alias od 730 Yarcombe under Edge, alias 330 Wyke, alias 72, 943 Yardley 575, 970 Fitze Payne 103 Regis 113 Haſtings Glanfield 1 28 Wykeford 587 Yarkhill, alias 359 Rivers 897 Wykeham 1162 Yarlington 70 Underwood 505, 541 Wyken 217, 741 Yarmouth 941 Wawen 990 alias 694 alias Woverley, alias 970 Wykham, alias (27 Yarnſcombe 249 Woughton, alias 501 Wykin 559 Yarpole 379 ab 464, 1159 Wylmington, alias 853 Yarum 1126 Wramplingham 1679 Wyly Yarwell 830 Wrangle 437 Wymborne Omn. Sanétor. Yafor 375 Wratting Magna 730 118 Yate 34.1 Parva ibid. St. Egidii ibid. Yately 930 Wrawby 470 Wymeſwould 555 Yateſbury 867, 875 Wraxhal 105 Wymondhain 539, 679 · Yatminſter Wraxhall 94 alias 679 Yatmiſter Inferior Wrea, alias 1.198 Wympall, alias 227 Prima ibid. Wrenbury 1215 Wyndham 133 Yattenden 909 Wreningham 686 Wynforton 58, 60, 94, 372 Wrentham, alias 7:35 Wynnall 1943 alias Wreſſell, alias 3146 Wynſham Pilet 56 Yaxham 676 Wreſtlingworth -485 Wynſlade 532, 747 Wretton, alias 673 Wynſlow 1031 Wrexham 1053 Wynfted, alias 210 1150 Yeaforth 1251 Wridlington 83 Wynſton 345 Yeaverland 940 Wrington 94 alias 1264 Yeddingham Writtle 393, 630 Wyrdford, alias 113 Yefley, alias 797 Wrockerdine 192 Wyſingſet; alias 654 Yelden, alias Yelden, alias , Wrote, alias 420 Wythioll, alias 1100 311 Yelling 529 Wroteham 863 Wythorpais 1255 alias Wroxeter 192 Wythridge, alias 285 Yelvertoft 821 Wroxhall 991 Wyttyſton, alias 1092 Yelverton 658 Wroxham 7:10 Wyvelſcomb etilgan 60 Yeovelton 87 Wroxton 800 Yevelcheſter, alias ibid. Wroxwell Chap: Yevely 175 Wulfardiſworthie 285 and Barrowe ibid. 124 867 373 Yatton 887 929 Yaxley 512 Ydrindod I113 480 was 579 1639 Yevil, IN DE 1391 X. Yevit, allas 90 York College of Vicars Cho- Yltid, alias 1009 ral I101 Ymmingham, alias 470 Deanry II OQ Yngham, alias 720 Precentorſhip IIOI: ZA USTOW Ynys 2066 Subdeanry I 102 Yokesford, alias 738 Sub Treaſurerſhip ibid. . York Archdeaconry 101 Succeiltoríhip Zeborough, alias GET 76 alias I:100 Yoxhall 207 Zele. Cathedral 1099 Yitiatt 994 Zenar, alias Chancellorſhip IIOO Ytton, alias 1092 Chapter of the Cath. 354 Church UOL ITOI 259 5 306 Yve เลยนาน เรา salto I I S. 华 ​: سنسر UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN من 3 9015 07484 7016