B 405557 ARTES 1837 VERITAS LIBRARY SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN L-PLURIBUS UNUM TUE BOR? SI QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE པད་དང་དམ་ག་ཡོད་པས་ད་ཡོད་པ་དང་ར་ག་ར་ད་ད་ས་འདས་པ་སོགས་ལ་་་་་ や ​223 .T9 C75 49 United States Circuit Court, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN EQUITY. THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY vs. THE MCKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. DEFENDANT'S RECORD, IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. EXHIBITS, (ONLY) (FOR DEPOSITIONS SEE VOL. I.) B. F. THURSTON, GROSVENOR LOWREY, R. N. DYER, H. D. DONNELLY, W. K. GRIFFIN, Of Counsel. MAGNUS PFLAUM, Defendant's Solicitor. C. G. Burgoyne's Printing Business, 146-150 Centre St., N. Y, Pleadings: Answer... INDEX. 49362. Vol. I. PAGE. DEPOSITIONS. ... 1 Batchelor, Charles (Deposition taken in Interference Proceeding): Direct........ 301 Cross...... Re-direct...………………. Direct. Cross........ 318 338 Batchelor, Charles (Deposition taken on further Examination) : 340 365 .... Re-direct..... Barker, Prof. Geo. F. (taken on prima facie Case)…………………. Barker, Prof. George F. (taken in Rebuttal): Direct.... Cross... Recalled, Direct..... Cross...... Bracket, Prof. Cyrus F.: Direct....... Cross....... Re-direct..... Re-cross Re-re-direct………………………….. Recalled, Direct......... .... 389 15. ..... 526 568 577 ... ..... ...... 582 419 484 508 509 512 513 • Cross....... Broadnax, Amos: Direct...... Cross....... Re-direct 520 625 .... 630 630 Dyer, Philip S. (Deposition taken in Interference Proceeding) : Direct.......………………. Cross...... Re-direct.. Re-cross. Dyer, R. N. : 745 746 750 751 Direct.......... Cross.... . 765 781 .... II Vol. I. PAGE Edison, Thomas A. (Deposition taken in the Interference Proceeding): Direct...... Cross........ Re-examination….... Re-cross... Edison, Thomas A. (Deposition taken on further Examination) : 164 197 242 247 Direct...... 252 Cross........ 291 Re-direct......... 296 Re-cross.... 296 Field, Stephen D. (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct 724 Force, Martin R. (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct....... 688 Cross.. 690 Galloway, R. M.: Direct... Garden, Hugh R.: 755 Direct..... Cross.... 641 649 Goddard, Calvin : Direct......... 751 ..... Cross. ... 755 Griffin, Walter K......... 159 .... Hays, Jacob: Direct..... Cross...... 631 633 Re-direct..... Re-cross.... Hochhausen, William : Direct Cross.... 636 637 62 71 Re-direct... 86 Re-cross..... 90 Re-re-direct.... 90 Recalled: Direct....... Second Recall : Direct.......... 637 640 Cross 641 Holzer, William : .... Direct........ Cross...... 618 619 .... Johnson, Edward H. (Deposition taken in the Interference Proceeding): Direct.... Cross...... 695 697 III Keating, John M. D.: Direct......... Cross....... Re-direct...... Re-cross. Recalled: Direct..... Cross....... Vol. I. PAGE: 55 58 60 • 8888 60· ..... 160 163. Kruesi, John (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct ....... Cross .. Re-examination..... Kruesi, John (Deposition taken in the Interference Proceeding on Recall): Direct...... Cross....... Lowrey, G. P. : Direct........ Cross.... Man, Albon: Direct......... O'Keeffe, James E. (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- 699 700 703. 720- 722. 757 761 639 ceeding): Direct..... 737 Cross............ 738. Potter, James D. (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct...... 736 Russel, James A. (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct........ 734 Cross.... 735 Sawyer, Geo. W.: Direct......... 20 Cross... 41 Deposition taken in Interference Proceeding.…………..50-54´¯ Sawyer, William (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct....... Cross............ Sharp, William : Direct...... Cross.... Re-direct. Re-cross Stillman, Thomas B. (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct....... Cross........ 731 734 92 116 151 157 726 729 IV 1 Vol. I. 'Tomlinson, John C. : Direct.. Cross....... Upton, Francis R. (Deposition taken in the Interference Pro- ceeding): Direct...... Cross....... Upton, Francis R. (Re-called in Interference Proceeding) : Direct......... Vineing, Henry E.: Direct.... Cross........ Wilson, Prof. William P.: Direct....... Cross..... Wright, James Hood: Direct.... Cross.... EXHIBITS. PAPER EXHIBITS (OTHER THAN PATENTS). PAGE 797 811 703 714 ...' '740 392 415 586 608 762 764 Offered. Vol. I. Printed. Vol. II. PAGE. PAGE. Herald Article of Dec. 21, 1879………….. Offer of Sharp's Statement for Inspection Complainant's Exhibits Sharp's Drawings, Fig- ures 1, 2 and 3 (bound in where offered)……………. Edison Exhibit No. 1, Sketch............ ...15 & 174 96 121 37 135 169 269 No. 2, Herald Article……….. 174 270 " (( No. 3, Pages 1 to 15 of Note Book 176 126-131 (C No. 4, Sketch....... 178 271 No. 5, Notes ….. 179 272 " No. 6, Sketch.... 185 273 No. 7, Notes...... 186 132 • (( " No. 8, N. Y. Sun Article ........ 194 133 "( (( No. 9, Sketch...... 213 274 No. 13, 246 275 Complainant's Exhibit Edison, Maxim & Swan Interference Record (not printed) .. 296 Edison's Exhibit No. 14, Notes 303 276 Defendant's Exhibit Note Book, No. 52 344 V Offered. Printed. Vol. I. PAGE. Vol. II. PAGE. Defendant's Exhibit Philosophical Transac- tions, Paper No. 1, Paper No. 2, Paper No. 3, Paper No. 4, Paper No. 5 and Paper No. 6 Defendant's Exhibit Extracts from Collected Works of Sir Humphrey Davy 522 71-119 522 45-59 Defendant's Exhibit Violette Paper 523 123-125 Defendant's Exhibit Sidot Paper....... 523 150-152 Defendant's Exhibit Extracts from Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry .... 523 60-62 Defendant's Exhibit Extracts from Mechanics' Magazine of 1846...... 525 63-70 Defendant's Exhibit Published Description of Ladiguin's Electric Light...... 525 120-122 Defendant's Exhibits Wilson Drawings, March 21st, 1889 ... 617 260-268 Defendant's Exhibit "Broadnax-Cheever" Let- ter...... 629 19 Defendant's Exhibit Electro-Dynamic Light Record, March 20th, 1879 (printed)…………… Edison's Exhibit No. 10, Article from Scrib- ner's...... 644 710 175-188 } Edison's Exhibit No. 11, Record Book of Life of Lamps 711 135-141 722 (Not reproduced.) 221-259 Edison's Exhibit No. 12, Memorandum Book.. Defendant's Exhibit Fontaine's Book-offered p. 1188 of Complainant's Record………….. Defendant's Exhibit Higgs Translation of Fontaine's Book-offered p. 1188 of Com- plainant's Record...... Defendant's Exhibit Morton's Paper on the Electric Light (in four parts)—offered p. 1332 of Complt.'s Record....…………. Defendant's Exhibit Sanitary Engineer, Letter and Interview April 24, 1889-offered p. 1334 of Complt.'s Record...... Defendant's Exhibit Extract from Ferguson's Electricity offered p. 1623 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1599, Complt.'s Record. Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer Tribune Interview -offered p. 1623 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1601 to 1604 inclusive, Complt.'s Record.. Defendant's Exhibit Extract from Prescott's Book-offered p. 1623 Complt.'s Record, printed, 1607 Complt.'s Record..... Defendant's Exhibit Extract from Du Moncel Electric Lighting-offered p. 1623 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1608 Complt.'s Record... 189-220 280-312 27 VI Offered. Vol. I. PAGE. Printed. Vol. II. PAGE. Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer's World Letter of Dec. 24, 1879-offered p. 1623 Complt.'s Record, printed, pp. 1609 to 1611 inclusive, Complt.'s Record... Defendant's Exhibit Morton Tribune Inter- view-offered p 1334 Complt.'s Record ..... Defendant's Exhibit Prof. Cross' Report No. 1— offered p. 1216 Complt.'s Rec......... Defendant's Exhibit Prof. Cross' Report No. 2— offered p. 1216 Complt.'s Rec………………….. Defendant's Exhibit New York Times, Oct. 30, 1878-offered p. 872, Complt.'s Rec....... Defendant's Exhibit Preece's Philosphical Magazine Article-offered p. 1623 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1615 Complt.'s Record... Defendant's Exhibit Preece Electrician Extract-offered p. 1624 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1615 Complt.'s Record........ Defendant's Exhibit Tyndall Extract Feby. 16, 1879-offered p. 1624 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1615 Complt.'s Record......... Defendant's Exhibit Bennett and Valon Report-offered p. 1624 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1616 Complt.'s Record...... Defendant's Exhibit Redwood Extract-offered p. 1624 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1616 Complt.'s Record... Defendant's Exhibits Engineering Extracts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8-offered p. 1624 Complt.'s Record, printed, pp. 1616-17-18-19 Complt.'s Record.... Defendant's Exhibit Thompson Extract— offered p. 1624 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1618 Complt.'s Record...……………………. Defendant's Exhibit Weisendaugh English Mechanic Extract-offered p. 1625 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1618 Complt.'s Record... Defendant's Exhibit Telegraphic Journal Ex- tract-offered p. 1625 Complt.'s Record, printed, p. 1629 Complt.'s Record.............. Edison's Exhibit No. 23, Letter Showing Sig- nature of W. E. Sawyer.. 32: 153-155 156 171-172, 728 277-278 Edison's Exhibit No. 24, Note from Wm. E. Sawyer to Stillman 728 279 Edison's Exhibit No. 25, Extract from N. Y. Sun of January 5, 1880...... 729 142 Offers of Depositions, Exhibits and Patents, taken and used on behalf of Edison in the Interference Proceeding………………….. 10-17 VII Offered. Vol. I. PAGE. Defendant's Exhibit Interference Stipulation, John H. Kitchen, Examiner Defendant's Exhibit Sharp's Statement.......... Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 1 Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 2........... Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 3........... Printed. Vol. II. PAGE. 17 37-44 24 160-170 11 25 Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 4...... 26 ..... (Not reproduced) .22 Edison Exhibit Sawyer Book Edison Exhibit Herald, January 5, 1880... Edison Exhibit Herald, January 6, 1880....... Defendant's Exhibit Cheever-Man Letter Defendant's Exhibit Letter........ Arnoux-Hochhausen Chart of Specifications and Amendments patent in suit.......... ...... 232 20 18 PAPER EXHIBITS, PATENTS. Offered. Vol. I. Printed. Vol. II. PAGE. (6 66 (( " ( " U. S. Patent to T. A. Edison No. 264,642... 266,793...... 369,280...... " 214,636... 214,637.... 218,866...... .... PAGE. 341-346 347-350 313-315 (( 316-318 ...... (( 319-320 (6 219,628..... 321-322 << 248,417...... 337-338 224,329.... 241 326-327 (6 (( << 227,227..... 241 328-330 " (C " " 227,228..... 227,229. 241 331-333 241 & 256 334-336 (6 223,898....... 241 & 256 323-325 English U.S. No. 2402 of 1879 256 695-714 (C "" " Sawyer & Man No. 205,144..... 256 360-365 (( 210,152..... 256 366-369 (( 66 210,809.... 256 370-372 (( W. E. Sawyer Sawyer & Man “ 219,771. 211,262..... 256 256 373-379 380-381 "" 229,335. (( T. A. Edison J. W. Swan (( 233,445....... 227,118....... 251,540....... 256 388-389 256 382-387 267 400-403 1 VIII Offered. Vol. I. PAGE. Printed. Vol. II. PAGE. Defendant's Exhibit Pinkus English Patent No. 8644 of 1840………….. 523 404-451 Defendant's Exhibit De Moleyn's English Pa- tent No. 9053 of 1841..... 523 452-463 Defendant's Exhibit King's English Patent No. 10,919 of 1845..... 523 464 470 Defendant's Exhibit Greener & Staite's English Patent No. 11,076 of 1846 ... 523 471-476 Defendant's Exhibit Staite's English Patent No. 12,212 of 1848......... Defendant's Exhibit Shepard's English Patent No. 13,302 of 1850..... 523 477-510 524 511-526 Defendant's Exhibit Slater & Watson English Patent No. 212 of 1852.... 524 527-545 Defendant's Exhibit Roberts' English Patent No. 14,198 of 1852...... 524 546-566 Defendant's Exhibit Binks' English Patent No. 119 of 1853.... 524 567-578 Defendant's Exhibit Way's English Patent No. 2547 of 1856.. 524 579-585 Defendant's Exhibit Harrison's English Patent No. 588 of 1857....... 524 586-603 Defendant's Exhibit Burleigh & Danchell's English Patent No. 3164 of 1857............... Defendant's Exhibit Way's English Patent No. 2841 of 1857..... 524 604-609 524 610-619 Defendant's Exhibit Konn's English Patent No. 3809 of 1872........ 524 620-627 ...... Defendant's Exhibit Konn's English Patent No. 91 of 1873........... 524 628-634 Defendant's Exhibit Kosloff's English Patent No. 441 of 1875..... 524 635-649 Defendant's Exhibit Jensen's (Konn's) English Patent No. 970 of 1875........ 525 650-656 Defendant's Exhibit Werdermann's English Patent No. 4805 of 1876... ............. 525 657-662 Defendant's Exhibit English Patent No. 4905 of 1876 ... 525 663-494 Defendant's Exhibit Gardner & Blossom's Pa- tent of June 29, 1858....... 525 390-392 Defendant's Exhibit Kosloff Patent of August 17, 1875.... 525 396-399 Defendant's Exhibit Woodward's Patent of August 29, 1876..... 525 393-395 Defendant's Exhibit Le Molt Patent of 1849... 525 157-159 Defendant's Exhibit Gauduin Patents of 1876 and 1877 568 144-150 IX EXHIBITS, SPECIMENS AND APPARATUS. Offered. Vol. I. Printed.. Vol. II. PAGE. PAGE. Defendant's Exhibit Lodyguine French Patent 1171 of Complainant's Record..... Edison's First Incandescent Lamp. (Not printed). 177 Edison's Commercial Incandescent Electric Lamp.. 182 Edison's Exhibit No. 15, Portion of Lamp..... 310 Edison's Exhibit No. 16, Carbonized Blotting Paper...... 317 Edison's Exhibit No. 17, Pressed and Carbon- ized Blotting Paper 317 Edison's Exhibit No. 18, Cemented and Pressed Blotting Paper..... 317 Edison's Exhibit No. 19, Blotting Paper, Cemented and Carbonized Without Pressure Edison's Exhibit No. 20, Blotting Paper, Cemented and Carbonized with Pressure……….. Edison's Exhibit No. 21, Carbonized Tissue Paper.... 317 317 318 Edison's Exhibit No. 22, Carbonized Bristol Board....... 318 Defendant's Exhibit Wilson Rock Elm Specimen, March 19, 1889 ... 595 Defendant's Exhlbit Wilson Maple Specimen, March 21, 1889.... 617 Defendant's Exhibit Specimen of Lignite, April 24, 1889—offered, p. 1331 of Complainant's Record...... Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer & Man Electric Co.'s Lamp No. 1-offered p. 875 Complt.'s Rec.......... Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer & Mnn Electric 'Co.'s Lamp No. 2-offered p. 875 Complt.'s Rec......... Defendant's Exhibit Experimental Lamp, pro- duced by Man-offered p. 1331 Complt.'s Rec........ STIPULATIONS AND CONSENTS. Offered. Printed. Vol. I. Vol. II. PAGE. PAGE. As to Herald article of Dec. 21, 1879.... Consent as to proof of publication, etc., of 14 said Herald article..... 15 X. Offered. Printed. Vol. I. PAGE. Vol. II. PAGE. 19 54 "Consent to Physician examining Geo. W. Sawyer........... Consent that Notary Farnham sign Geo. W. Sawyer's deposition.... As to use of Keating's deposition in the suit pending in the Southern District of New York.... As to Edison's deposition in the Interference.. As to objections to Edison's deposition in Interference Case based on Patent Office practice....... 61 163 1 164 301 525 526 As to Government printed copies of patents.... 241 & 256 As to Batchelor's deposition in Interference.... As to use of copies of publications offered that they have the same force and effect as if originals were offered...... Admissions that publications offered were published at their respective dates…………………………………. As to copy Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Electric Dynamic Light Co. of the Meeting held March 20, 1879, offered in evidence for the defendant.............. As to John H. Kitchen's appointment as Special Examiner. Admission as to Exhibit Sawyer's Book.......... Admissions as to Herald articles.. 645 1 13 13 ... Interference Depositions, Exhibits and Stipula- tion offered... 10-17 Offers of Sharp's Statement and Scientific American articles.. 15 NOTICES, ORDERS, CERTIFICATES, ETC. Order Appointing John H. Kitchen, Esq., Examiner ... Notice of Examination of Geo. W. Sawyer. Notice of Examination of Geo. W. Sawyer..... Notice of Examination of witnesses on behalf of defendant...... • 22 6 5 77 8 Order Appointing Wm. H. Farnham, Special Examiner... 3 Notice of Examination before Examiner Notary Farnham's Certificate Kitchen. .... Examiner Kitchen's Certificate. Examiner Farnham's Certificate..... 9 4 173-174 UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1 THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY AGAINST THE MCKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. In Equity. Letters Patent, No. 317,676. 2. It is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between the respective parties to the above-entitled suit that John H. Kitchen, Esq., one of the Standing Examiners of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of of New York, be appointed Special Examiner in the above suit to take the proofs on behalf of the defendant there- in, and that such proofs may be taken in the City of New York and that the proofs so taken before the said John H. Kitchen, Esq., and in the City of New York, shall have the same force and effect as though taken be- fore one of the Standing Examiners of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of Penn- sylvania, and It is further agreed and stipulated that an order in conformity with this stipulation may be entered by the defendant in the above-entitled suit at any time with- out notice. Dated July 20th, 1888. MAGNUS PFLAUM, Solicitor for Defendant. THOMAS B. KERR, By W. BAKEWELL & SONS, Solicitors for Plaintiff. 3 4 2 .5 UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY 6 AGAINST THE MCKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. No. 5, May T., 1888. In Equity. Letters Patent, No. 317,676. 7 8 له On reading and filing the annexed stipulation entered into between the solicitors for the respective parties to the above-entitled suit; It is ordered that John H. Kitchen, Esq., one of the Standing Examiners of the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, be and he hereby is appointed Special Examiner in the above suit to take the proofs on behalf of the defendant therein, and It is further ordered that such proofs may be taken in the City of New York, and with the same force and effect as though taken before one of the Standing Ex- aminers of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Dated July 28th, 1888. Certified from the Record this 28th July, 1888. H. D. GAMBLE, BY THE COURT. [SEAL.] Clerk. 3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. ך CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COM- PANY VS. MCKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. No. 5, May Term, 1888. In Equity. 9 10 Upon presentation to the Court of the stipulation hereto attached, entered into by the respective solic- itors for complainant and defendant, It is ordered, that Wm. T. Farnham, a Notary Pub- lic, in the City of New York, State of New York, be and he hereby is appointed Special Examiner in the above suit to take proofs on behalf of the defendant therein under the order of this Court dated the 18th day of February, 1889, and during any extensions of time given the defendant by such order, and that the proofs so taken before the said Wm. T. Farnham shall have the same force and effect as though taken before one of the Standing Examiners of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsyl- vania. This order of appointment is made nunc pro tunc. Dated Feby. 23, 1889. 11 12 By the Court. From the record. SEAL.] Witness my hand and seal of said Court this 23d day of Feby., 1889. H. D. GAMBLE, Clerk. 4 13 I, WILLIAM T. FARNHAM, a notary public in and for the County of New York, in the State of New York, do hereby certify that the annexed deposition of George W. Sawyer was taken before me in the cause now pend- ing undetermined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania on the equity side of said court, wherein The Consolidated Electric Light Company is complainant and McKees- port Light Company is defendant, on the part of the defendant; that said deposition was taken under the 14 notices hereto annexed at the time and place therein named and was continued from day to day as appears in said deposition, until concluded; that the parties to the cause named in the caption of said notices were present at the taking of said deposition, the said com- plainant by its counsel Amos Broadnax and Thomas B. Kerr and by Albon Man and the said defendant by its counsel Richard N. Dyer and Walter K. Griffin, as therein appears; that before deposing said Sawyer was by me first duly cautioned and sworn to tell the truth, 15 the whole truth and nothing but the truth in said cause above named; that said deposition was reduced to writing by Mary F. Seymour and William C. Huson, who acted as amanuenses for me by consent of said counsel : that the signature of the witness to the deposition was waived by consent of counsel present for the respective parties and it was consented between said counsel at the close of said deposition that I subscribe the same with the name of the witness; that I did so sub- scribe the witness' name to the deposition; that the 16 notice under which said deposition was taken was due and reasonable notice and was given by the party taking it to the solicitors for the complainant and stated the name of the witness, the time and place of taking the deposition and the reasons for taking it de bene esse; that said witness lived at the time of taking his deposition at the City of New York, a place distant more than one hundred miles from the place of trial of the cause above named; that said witness was very in- firm at the time of taking his deposition and has since died, his death occurring February 25th, 1889, about 5 2:30 o'clock A. M., as appears to me by a certificate 17 thereof hereto annexed of the Health Department of the City of New York; that said witness was examined on the direct examination by Walter K. Griffin, Esq., on behalf of the defendants, and was cross-examined by Amos Broadnax, Esq., on behalf of the complainants. I have retained the said deposition in my possession for the purpose of forwarding the same to the United States Circuit Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, the Court for which the same was taken. That I am not of counsel for either of the parties to 18 the cause or interested directly or indirectly in the event of the cause. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of March, 1889. WILLIAM T. FARNHAM, [L. S.] Notary Public, County and State of New York. 19 20 6 21 UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY In Equity. No. 5. May Term, 1888. AGAINST 22 THE MCKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. 23 24 TO AMOS BROADNAX, ESQ., and LEONARD E. CURTIS, ESQ., Of Counsel for Complainants: GENTLEMEN-Take notice, that on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 20th, 1889, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon I shall proceed to take (de bene esse) the testimony of George W. Sawyer, as a witness for the above defendant, be- fore William T. Farnham, Notary Public, at the Mitchel House, corner of Broadway and Forty-second street, in the City of New York, according to the statutes in such case made and provided, said George W. Sawyer being a resident of the City of New York, living at a greater distance from the place of trial than one hundred miles, and being infirm. The examination will be continued from day to day until completed. You are invited to be present at the time and place named to cross- examine the said witness. Dated New York, February 19th, 1889. RICHD. N. DYER, Of Counsel for Defendant. Service of a copy of the above acknowledged Febru- ary 19, 1889). LEONARD E. CURTIS, Of Counsel for Compl't. AMOS BROADNAX, Of Counsel with Complainant. 7 UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY AGAINST THE MOKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. 25 In Equity. No. 5. May Term, 1888. 26 TO THOS. B. KERR, ESQ., Solicitor for Complainant : SIR-Take notice, that on Wednesday, February 20th, 1889; at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, I shall pro- ceed to take (de bene esse) the testimony of George W. Sawyer, as a witness for the above defendant, 27 before William T. Farnham, Esq., Notary Public, at the Mitchel House, corner of Broadway and Forty- second street, in the City of New York, according to the statutes in such case made and provided, said George W. Sawyer being a resident of the City of New York, living at a greater distance from the place of trial than one hundred miles, and being infirm. The examination will be continued from day to day until completed. You are invited to be present at the time and place named to cross-examine the said witness. Dated New York, February 20th, 1889. RICHD. N. DYER. Service acknowledged February 20th, 1889, at 10:20 28 o'clock A. M. THOMAS B. KERR, Solicitor for Compl't. 8 29 UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY 30 AGAINST THE MCKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. In Equity. No. 5, May Term, 1888. On Letters Pat- ent 317,676. 31 32 TO THOMAS B. KERR, ESQ., 32 Nassau Street, New York City, N. Y.: Take notice, that on Saturday the 23d of Febru- ury, 1889, at the office of Messrs. Dyer & Seely, No. 40 Wall street, in the City of New York, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, counsel for defendant will proceed to put in defendant's testimony and proofs un- der the order of the Court, herein dated February 18th, 1889, and will continue from time to time by adjourn- ment until they have finished putting in such proofs and testimony as they may wish to adduce under said order. Complainant's counsel are invited to be present. RICHD. N. DYER, Of Counsel for the Defendant. Dated New York, February 21st, 1889. Receipt of copy acknowledged Thursday, February 21, 1889, 4:25 P. M. T. B. KERR, Complt.'s Solicitor. 9 UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY AGAINST THE MCKEESPORT LIGHT COMPANY. 33. In Equity. 34 SIR-You will please take notice that the defendant in the above-entitled cause desires the evidence of the witnesses hereinafter named to be taken orally under the Sixty-seventh Rule of the Supreme Court as amended. And you will further take notice that on the 9th day of March, 1889, at the office of John H. Kitchen, Esq., No. 50 Pine street, New York City, a 35 Special Examiner duly appointed in the above-entitled suit to take proves on behalf of the defendant therein, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; said defendant will at such time and place proceed to take the testimony of Albon Man, Amos Broadnax, Jacob Hays, Hugh Mc- Cullough, Lawrence Myers, J. P. Kernochan, Mr, Wil- liam Hockhausen and others, as witnesses in behalf of defendant. Such examination will proceed as directed by said Examiner, and you are hereby invited to attend and cross-examine. Dated March 8, 1889. RICHD. N. DYER, Of Counsel for Deft. 36 TO THOS. B. KERR, ESQ., Sol. for Complt. 10 37 -38 39 40 NEW YORK, March 21st, 1889. Met pursuant to adjournment. Present-Same counsel as before. Pursuant to stipulation between counsel for the re- spective parties dated March 14th, 1889, the defend- ant offers and files in evidence, in behalf of the defend- ant, the following depositions and exhibits from the interference record of Sawyer and Man vs. Edison, to wit: I. Depositions of Martin N. Force, Edward H. John- son, two depositions of John Kruesi, depositions of Francis R. Upton, Stephen D. Field, T. B. Stillman, William Sawyer, James A. Russell, James D. Potter and James E. O'Keefe. II. The following exhibits, of which the following is a list, are offered and filed in evidence, to wit: (1) Edison Exhibit No. 1, sketch referred to in an- swer 16 of Edison. (2) Edison Exhibit No. 3, referred to in answer 26 of Edison. (3) First incandescent lamp, referred to in answer 27 of Edison. (4) Edison Exhibit No. 4, referred to in answer 29 of Edison. (5) Edison's Exhibit No. 5, referred to in answer 29 of Edison. (6) Edison's commercial incandesent electric lamp, referred to in answer 33 of Edison. (7) Edison's Exhibit No. 6, referred to in answer 39 of Edison. (8) Edison's Exhibit No. 7, referred to in answer 42 of Edison. (9) Edison's Exhibit No. 8, referred to in answer 60 of Edison. (10) Edison's Exhibit No. 9, put in by Sawyer and Man, x-Q. 173 of Edison. 11 • (11) Batch of patents put in on Edison's behalf 41 after x-Q. 373, as follows, viz.: Letters patent of Thomas A. Edison No. 224,- 339, dated Feby. 10th, 1880; 227,227, dated May 4th, 1880; 227,228, dated May 4th, 1880 ; 227,229, dated May 4th, 1880; 223,898, dated January 27th, 1880; also specification of Eng- lish patent of Thomas A. Edison, No. 2402 June 17th, 1879; also Letters Patent 205,144 of Saw- yer & Man dated June 18th, 1878; 210,152 of Sawer & Man, dated November 19th, 1878; 42 210,809 of Sawyer & Man dated December 10th, 1878; 219,771 of Wm. E. Sawyer, dated Sept. 16th, 1879; 211,262 of Sawyer & Man dated January 7th, 1879; 229,335 of Sawyer & Man dated June 29th, 1880; 227,118 of Albon Man dated May 4th, 1880. (12) Edison Exhibits No. 10, Upton article in Scribner's. (13) Edison's Exhibit 11, referred to in Upton's answer 31. 43 (14) Edison's Exhibit 12, referred to in Kruesi's answer 47. (15) Edison's Exhibit 13, referred to in Edison's answer 379. (16) Edison's Exhibit 14, referred to in Batchelor's answer 7. (17) Edison's Exhibit 15, referred to in Batchelor's answer 28. (18) Edison Exhibit Nos. 23 and 24 referred to in Stillman's answer 14. (19) Edison's Exhibit No. 25, referred to in Still- man's answer 16, being a copy of Edison's Ex- hibit 23 published in N. Y. "Sun," January 5th, 1880. III. Also all other exhibits referred to in the depo- positions of Edison, Batchellor, Force, Johnson, Kruesi, Upton, Stillman, Sawyer, Russell, Potter, Field and O'Keefe. 44 12 45 IV. The defendant further offers in evidence the fol- lowing stipulation entered into between counsel for the parties to the said interference on the 11th day of October, 1882, of which the following is a copy, the defendants "N. Y. Herald and Sawyer Book Stipulation." The following is the stipu- tion referred to, viz. : "IN INTERFERENCE. 46 SAWYER AND MAN VS. EDISON. Paper Carbons for Incandescent Electric Lamps. 47 48 Present-GEORGE W. DYER, Counsel for Edison, and AMOS BROADNAX, counsel for Sawyer and Man. Parties met, pursuant to agreement, at the office of Amos Broadnax, at No. 10 Pine street, 11th October, 1882. Counsel for Edison, in behalf of Edison, puts in tes- timony a book entitled Electric Lighting by Incandes- cence, by William Edward Sawyer, published by D. Van Nostrand, of New York, 1881. The same is marked Edison Exhibit "Sawyer Book." Book objected to by counsel for Sawyer and Man as incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial, and not evi- dence in any sense. Counsel for Edison also puts in evidence copy of the New York "Herald" of December 24, 1879, and the same is marked Edison Exhibit "Herald, December 24, 1879." Also copy of the New York" Herald" of January 5, 1880; the same is marked Edison Exhibit " Herald, January 5, 1880." Also copy of New York "Herald" of January 6, 1880; the same is marked Edison Exhibit "Herald, January 6, 1880," 11th October, 1882. J. E. B. • 13 Counsel for Sawyer & Man enters the same objection. 49 to the said papers that he entered to said book. 50 Counsel for Sawyer & Man admits that the book marked Edison Exhibit Sawyer Book, was written and published by William E. Sawyer, one of the parties to this interference, at the date set down in said book, and that letters signed W. E. Sawyer in the "New York Herald" of December, 1879), and January 5 and 6, 1880, were written and published by William E. Sawyer, one of the parties to this interference, at the rates shown in said newspapers; but counsel for Sawyer & Man, nevertheless, reserves his right to urge all legal objections against the said book and said articles in said newspapers, excepting the fact that the book and said articles in said newspapers were written and published by William E. Sawyer; and counsel for Sawyer & Man reserves especially the right to show that William E. Sawyer is not now and never has been a party in interest to this interference; and that at the time he wrote the letters in the newspapers put in evi- dence he did not own the whole or any part of the in- 51 vention in controversy, excepting as a mere stockholder in the Electro-Dynamic Light Company; and that at the time he wrote the book in question he had no interest whatever in the inventions; that he was openly hostile to the owners of said inventions, patents and the other patents granted to said Sawyer & Man; that one of his avowed purposes in writing said book was to destroy and injure the patents and inventions thereto- fore made and obtained by William E. Sawyer and Albon Man, both jointly and severally, meaning so many of them as were then owned by the Electro- Dynamic Light Company, and that the statements in said books in many particulars are false and malicious. And counsel for Sawyer & Man gives notice to counsel for Edison that as he understands the decision of the Commissioner he may put in rebutting testimony, not only to the book and the newspaper articles, but also to the testimony-in-chief put in on behalf of Mr. Edi- son, and that if the counsel for Mr. Edison has a dif- ferent understanding of the Commissioner's decision, 52 14 53 then he gives notice that he will move the Commis- sioner immediately. or as soon as he can prepare the necessary papers for leave to put in such testimony and request counsel for Edison to state upon the record whether he agrees with counsel for Sawyer & Man as to his right to put in such rebutting testimony under the decision of the Commissioner in opening his de- cision. Counsel for Edison accepts the notice above given, and states that he does not know what construction 54 will be given to the order of the Commissioner in re- opening the case. Counsel for Edison further gives notice that he here closes his testimony. [SEAL.] J. EDGAR BULL, Notary Public, N. Y. Co., N. Y. It is stipulated between counsel that Defendant's Ex- hibit, "Batchellor Note Book No 52," offered in evi- 55 dence, March 7th, 1889, before question 171 of the deposition of the witness Batchellor be retained in the custody of Mr. Dyer, one of the counsel for the de- fendant, and that a copy of said book is to be marked in evidence in lieu of the original and with the same force and effect, defendant's counsel agreeing to produce the original at the hearing or at any reasonable time if requested by complainant's counsel. Adjourned to 3 P. M. at Mr. Dyer's office, 40 Wall street. 56 15 Met pursuant to adjournment. MARCH 23d, 1889. 57 Counsel for defendant now produces the book which was marked for identification "Defendant's Exhibit A, Feby. 20, 1889," after answer 3 of the deposition of the witness, George W. Sawyer, aud tenders it to the coun- sel for the complainant for examination if desired, stating that it is not the purpose of the defendent now to offer that book or any part of it in evidence. Counsel for defendant further states that the book was shown for identification to the witness, George W. Sawyer because it was believed to contain good sec- ondary evidence of matters which have since been sufficiently proven by the best evidence, namely, by the original minutes, contained in the original minute book of the Electro Dynamic Light Company, of a meeting and transactions of the Board of Trustees of said Elec- tro Dynamic Light Company, held March 20th, 1879. 58 Counsel for defendant, in accordance with the request 59 made by counsel for complainant, as appears of record on the cross-examination of the witness Sharp, hereby offers in evidence the sworn statement of the witness Sharp, referred to during his cross-examination, and the same is marked "Defendant's Exhibit Sharp's Statement." Counsel for defendant also offers in evidence the following publications in the "Scientific American," viz.: An article entitled "Another New Electric Light," published in the "Scientific American" for November 60 16th, 1878, at page 304, and the same is marked "Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 1." An article entitled "The Sawyer-Man Electric Lamp, published in the "Scientific American" for December 7th, 1878, at pages 351, 354 and 355, and the same is marked "Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientiffe American Article, No. 2." Two articles entitled respectively "The Sawyer-Man Electric Light" and "A New Form of Carbon," pub- 16 61 lished in the "Scientific American" for March 8th, 1879, at page 145, and the same are marked respectively "Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 3," and "Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 4." Counsel for complainant waives proof of publica- tion and objects to the exhibits as incompetent. 62 63 64 17 • Defendant's Exhibit "Interference Stipu- 65 lation," John H. Kitchen, Examiner. The complainant, by its counsel, hereby stipulates and consents that the defendant may introduce and file in evidence, at or before the closing of its proofs in this suit, and as a part of said proofs, the deposition of any witness examined in the interference (Sawyer & Man vs. Edison), with the right on the part of either party to recall any such witness for further examina- tion or cross-examination, and also that defendant may 66 introduce and file in evidence in this suit any exhibits contained in said interference record. Such deposi- tions of witnesses to have same force and effect as if the witnesses had been regularly called, sworn and ex- amined herein, and such exhibits to have same force and effect as originals properly proven, introduced and filed in this suit, subject to objection as to competency and materiality. This stipulation to be without prejudice to the claim of the complainant that it has already well and suffi- ciently introduced the entire interference record in evidence, and that the same is now a legal part of the complainant's case herein. Dated Mar. 14, 1889. THOMAS B. KERR, For Complt. 67 H. D. DONNELLY, For Deft. 68 18 69 Defendant's Exhibit "Arnoux-Hoch- hausen" Letter, J. H. K., Ex. ARNOUX & HOCHHAUSEN, Electric Experts, DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINES, For Electric Lights, Electrotyping, Gold, Silver, Nickel, Brass and Copper Plating, 2 and 4 Howard Street, Corner Centre Street, *70 71 MR. CHAS. A. CHEEVER: NEW YORK, Jany. 9, 1880. DR. SIR-The Horseshoe Lamp which has found its way into your possession, was put in ours on the 22d Dec. last. We at once recognized it as a lamp which we had seen at the corner of Walker & Elm streets prior to 1st May last. We saw several styles of carbon burners there about the same time. One object of the experi- ments made, was to obviate the shadows cast by the carbon holder, & this amongst others was devised. Should you desire legal attestation of these facts with dates, by advising with our attorneys, we will put them in possession of the same so that they will be able to draw the necessary papers. We refer you to Mess. Knox & Woodward. Yours very truly, ARNOUX & HOCHHAUSEN. "72 19 Defendant's Exhibit Exhibit Brodnax-Cheever 73: Letter, J. H. K., Ex. CHARLES A. CHEEVER. P. O. Box 3592. 5 TRIBUNE BUILDING. NEW YORK, Jany. 8th, 1888. DEAR SIR-In reply to your question I have to say that some time in November, 1878, I saw in operation. an electric lamp at 94 Walker street in the City of New York. The alleged invention of William E. Sawyer & 74 Albon Man fitted with a U shaped carbon. I saw the lamp in successful operation there a number of times. It was in all respects the same as the lamp you show me and which is marked A. M. & B. Very truly yours, &c., AMOS BROADNAX, 97 Broadway, N. Y. CHAS. A. CHEEVER, Tribune Building. 75 76 20 77 CONSOLIDATED CO. VS. MCKEESPORT Co. Defendant's Exhibit Man-Cheever Letter, April 4, 1889. W. T. F., S. E. 3 MERCER ST., N. Y., Dec. 12th, 1880. CHAS. A. CHEEVER, ESQ. : DEAR SIR—I have received your two notes of 11th 78 inst., enclosing letter from the Patent Office advising Messrs. Baldwin, Hopkins & Peyton of substitution of Mr. Broadnax as attorney in carbon arch matter. You are quite right in supposing that I had nothing what- ever to do with the matter, and that I should if acting in it have taken all measures to avoid the least dis- courtesy to Mr. Baldwin, who has in all things con- ducted himself in the matter not only courteously, but efficiently & to my entire satisfaction. You will also permit me to disclaim on the part of the Electro-Dy- 79 namic Light Co. and its officers, not only any inten- tional discourtesy, but also to express to Mr. Baldwin through you the thanks of the company for his efficient and able management of the matter. The fact is, I suppose, that the whole subject matter has been left to Mr. Broadnax, the attorney. You will, I think, agree with me that Mr. Broaduax is a gentleman who would not intentionally be discourteous to any one. I shall submit your letter to him and I am sure he will be able to make satisfactory explanation; possibly his letters to Mr. Baldwin may have miscarried or he may have failed to see him as he is now in Washington, and some urgency in getting hold of the details of the matter which he could not do in the Patent Office without fil- ing the power of attorney to himself may have driven him to file it before communication with Mr. Baldwin. Of these things I cannot know, but of the desire of a portion of the officers of the company to keep Mr. Baldwin in the case I do not know, and that the matter of keeping him retained has not yet been acted upon by the company, and that Mr. Broadnax knew this and is 80 21 not only of himself and naturally opposed to any dis- 81 courteous action in any case, but would be especially careful to avoid even the appearance of giving offense under these circumstances. I re-enclose the notice of the department to Baldwin dated Dec'r 9th. I shall see you as soon as possible after our meeting of to- morrow. Very respectfully yours, ALBON MAN. As I told you the object of the substitution was to have all patent matters under one supervision. 82 ALBON MAN. 83 84 22 85 Defendants' Exhibit B, "Herald" Article of Jany. 5, 1880. W. T. F., S. E. Exhibit B. [From the "Herald" of January 5, 1880.] No. 78 Walker Street, New York, January 4, 1880. To the Editor of the "Herald": Notwithstanding the assertion that one of Mr. Edi- 86 son's electric lamps has been running for 240 hours I still assert, and am prepared to back up my assertion, that Mr. Edison cannot run one of his lamps up to the light of a single gas-jet (to be more definite, let us call it 12-candle power) for more than three hours. To be still more definite I offer to Mr. Edison at No. 226 W. 54th street, in this city, an opportunity to prove what he says. 87 88 From the private residence in that street wires are run a circuit of a thousand feet. Mr. Edison shall have every facility; he shall use my wires; he shall have my dynamo machine or other generator of electricity he may prefer, and all I ask is that the power of his light shall be measured by a photometer; that once in place it shall not be interfered with; and that a committee of gentlemen, preferably nominated by the editors of the New York press, shall be present to certify to the facts of the test. Furthermore, I will place one of my lamps side by side with Mr. Edison's; it shall run at a power of 25 candles; it shall outlast the entire forty lamps at Men- lo Park, run at the power of 25 candles; my lamp to stand as it is put up, and Mr. Edison to put up a fur- ther lamp as fast as the preceding lamp shall have burned out. I am anxious for this test, and if Mr. Ed- ison has really one of his horse-shoe lamps 240 hours he will not refuse to accept my offer, for he will be treated with the utmost courtesy and shall have every- thing his own way. I adhere in every particular to my original challenge to Mr. Edison. Respectfully, W. E. SAWYER. 23 89 CONSOLIDATED E. L. Co. VS. MCKEESPORT L. C.o Defendant's Exhibit C, Herald of Jany 6, 1880. W. T. F., S. E. Exhibit C. [From the "Herald" of January 6, 1880.] MR. SAWYER'S EXHIBITORIUM. To the Editor of the Herald: Your remarks this morning were both interesting and to the point. A great newspaper as the Herald un- doubtedly is, should be impartial. I don't know much about the newspaper business, but I know that much. In all the time I have been working at this problem of electric lighting, I have been working simply and solely with a view to a genuine scientific success. I have made no money out of it. Instead of selling out I have increased my original interest by $19,000; have bought my own stock from those to whom I made a gift of it, at 50 per cent. of its par value. I think I know enough about this business not to make a very great mistake, and am not risking my reputation by any wild challenges. The Herald is in error in implying that this is my residence, and that in consequence, this is a kind of a family matter. I hunted New York over to find some one who would permit me to use his house for a pub- lic exhibition. As may be imagined, it was not an easy thing to do. Allow me to correct. My residence is No. 261 W. 42nd street; my office is No. 78 Walker street, my shop is No. 141 Elm street, the exhibitorium is No. 226 W. 54th street. W. E. SAWYER. 90 91 92 24 93 Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 1. 94 95 [Scientific American, November 16th, 1878.] ANOTHER NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT. During the past week the Electro-Dynamic Light Company of New York have exhibited an electric light which is, to say the least, very promising. The appa- ratus employed was the Sawyer-Man electric lamp, the joint invention of William E. Sawyer, a well-known and successful electrical inventor of this city, and Albon Man, of Brooklyn. As we hope soon to lay before our readers a complete description of the the lamp, with illustrations of its mechanism, we will merely remark in this connection that the lamp is enclosed in a her- metically sealed globe of glass, filled with nitrogen, and appears to differ from the common mode of exhibiting the electric light in non-supporters of combustion, mainly in the addition of a slender pencil of carbon, which completes the circuit between what would other- wise be the two carbon poles, and by its incandescence furnishes light in the place of the ordinary voltaic arc. An essential feature of the invention is an ingenious device for dividing the current, and for maintaining a constant uniform resistance in the circuit, whether the lamps are on or off. The light exhibited was steady and brilliant. 96 25 * Defendant's Exhibit Sawyer. Man Scientific 97 American Article No. 3. [Scientific American, March 8th, 1879.] THE SAWYER-MAN ELECTRIC LIGHT. 99 It will be remembered that in our issue of December 7th, 1878, we gave illustrations of this novel and prom- ising form of electrical apparatus. Since that date the inventors have been busy with endeavors to perfect 98 the invention, and, on the evening of February 20, a public exhibition of the light was given in this City by the Dynamo-Electric Light Co. Several improvements in details of construction have been made, but no radi- cal changes. The chief improvement is in the bearing of the upper carbon holder, to allow for expansion; the lamp has also been made slightly taller. The light exhibited was soft, pure and steady, and susceptible of perfect regulation. Any lamp in the circuit could be turned up or down, from a dull glow to brilliant incan- descence, without affecting the rest. An important improvement has also been made in the switch. The dynamo machine used was about half the size of the one previously employed; there were more lights in the circuit, and the illumination was more brilliant and satisfactory. Comparison was made with gas light, and also with the voltaic arc, clearly demonstrating the superiority of light by electric incandescence for ordi- nary uses. The carbons used in the Sawyer-Man lamp are now proved to be comparatively indestructible. 100 If, however, the lamp should be broken or otherwise in- jured by accident, it can be as easily and cheaply re- moved and repaired as an ordinary gas burner. As regards economy, tests upon a large scale have not yet been feasible. With the power at command, the indi- cations are that the production of light by this system will range between one-fifth and one-half the cost of gas. 26 101 Defendants' Exhibit Sawyer-Man Scientific American Article No. 4. [Scientific American, March 8th, 1879.] A NEW FORM OF CARBON. In describing the Sawyer-Man Electric Light, last December, mention was made of the peculiar carbons employed, the manner of their production being a se- cret which Mr. Sawyer did not choose at that time to 102 disclose. 103 We have now been favored with an exhibition of the process, and a very pretty experiment it makes. The carbons in question are about half an inch long, with the diameter of one-sixteenth of an inch. Their color is steel-gray, and the surface is hard as steel; within the carbon is tolerably soft. In his earlier experiments, Mr. Sawyer employed as the source of incandescence, slender pencils of gas retort carbon in an atmosphere of illuminating gas. The car- bons were slowly destroyed, but at the same time they took on a superficial deposit, evidently of carbon, but unlike in lustre and hardness any carbon that Mr. Sawyer had seen. Inferring that a more rapid deposit would be made in a denser hydro-carbon, Mr. Sawyer experimented with a great variety of such liquids, find- ing Olive oil most satisfactory. His method is simply to heat the carbon to an extremely high temperature, by passing through it an electric current, while it is immersed in the oil. The best results are obtained by 104 the use of a pencil of willow carbon, upon which an in- tensely hard deposit of carbon rapidly forms, as the hydrocarbon is decomposed by the heated pencil. 27 Consolidated vs. McKeesport, Defendants' 105 Exhibit Morton Sanitary Engineer, Letter April 24, 1889. W. T. F., S. E. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SANITARY ENGINEER : Having a sincere respect for Mr. Edison as an en- thusiastic and ingenious investigator, I am sorry to see his name used by writers who evidently are quite ignor- ant of the subjects about which they treat in a way that will inseparably connect it with discreditable (be. 106- cause false) claims, evidently made in the interest of financial speculators. No one can more thoroughly appreciate than I do the originality of conception, the indefatigable patience and immense labor which have been involved in the series of experiments, of which a sketch has been given in the "New York Herald" of Sunday, the 21st; but when I see the conclusion of these, which every one acquainted with the subject will recognize as a conspicuous failure, trumpeted as a wonderful success, I have only left be- 107 fore me the two alternative conclusions-that the writer of such matter must either be very ignorant and the victim of deceit or a conscious accomplice in what is nothing less than a fraud upon the public. Such writing as this, in fact, has the melancholy re- sult of placing Mr. Edison and his electric light in the same category with Mr. Keely and his "water motor," Mr. Payne and his "electric engine," Mr. Garey and his "magnetic motor," and others of the same class. Against this I protest in behalf of true science and 108 for the sake of Mr. Edison himself, who has done and is doing too much really good work to have his record defaced and his name discredited in the interests of any stock company or individual financiers. HENRY MORTON. 28 } 109 STEVENS' INSTITUFE OF TECHNOLOGY, December 22d, 1879. { P. S.-When I say that the achievements described by the "Herald" of Sunday, the 21st, constitute "a conscious failure," I do not, of course, mean that Mr. Edison has not now, as he had a year ago, a lot of elec- tric lamps running at Menlo Park; but that his year's work, starting out with the most confident assertion of an accomplished success, only awaiting granting of pat- ents to be made public, has ended in landing him in an 110 old method repeatedly tried and abandoned by others, and which this description furnishes no reason to be- lieve has received any important improvement in Mr. Edison's hands. 111 112 29 Consolidated vs. McKeesport, Defendant's 113 Exhibit Morton Sanitary Engineer Interview April 26, 1889. W. T. F.. S. E. A SCIENTIFIC VIEW OF IT. [From the "New York Times" of December 28th.] Prof. Henry Morton, the president of the Stevens Institute of Technology, who is well known for his researches in physics, and whose experiments were a 114 source of unfeigned pleasure and astonishment to Prof. Tyndall, recently sent a communication to the “Sani- tary Engineer" protesting against the trumpeting of the result of Edison's experiments in electric lighting as a "wonderful success," when "every one acquainted with the subject" will recognize it as a "conspicuous failure." To this was added the statement that Edison "has done and is doing too much really good work to have his record defaced and his name discredited in the interests of any stock company or individual finan- 115 ciers." Edison, to whose attention this letter was called, was reported in a newspaper yesterday morning, as inviting Prof. Morton or any other electrician to visit the Menlo Park laboratory and see the light in practical operation. In conversation with a Times reporter yesterday Prof. Morton said that for several reasons he did not think he would accept Mr. Edison's kind invitation. "What is needed to be learned," said the Professor, "is the durability of these new lamps of Mr. Edison's and the actual economy in the 116 conversion of power into light by his arrangement. For example, according to the statement in the 'Sur,' Mr. Edison places his present lamps and machines as yielding him what is equivalent to 10 gas burners for every horse-power. Now, my own experience with the best dynamo-electric machines, such as those of Sie- mens, Weston, Brush and Maxim, using the ordinary carbon poles, show that we may obtain a light of from 1,200 to 1,600 candles per horse power. Assuming a gas burner to be equal to from 12 to 16 candles, this 30 } 117 would be about 100 burners per horse power. As compared, therefore, with the electric light obtained between carbon poles, Mr. Edison gets only 10 per cent., showing, therefore, precisely that enormous loss in the division of the light which has been alluded to before as one of the standing difficulties in the way of the practical application of such a system as Mr. Edi- son is working upon. This is taking simply his ap- parently rough estimate. For any definite and certain conclusions prolonged and careful experiments, en- 118 tirely under the control of the investigator, are abso- lutely necessary." As regards the durability of Prof. Edison's new lamps, Prof. Morton was not at all sanguine. "Lamps," said he, "in all essential respects identical with these described by Mr. Edison, have been in constant experimental use for several years past, with one invariable result, namely, that while the carbon would operate successfully for periods varying from a few hours to several days, it has been 119 found utterly impossible to render them reliably per- manent. It is, therefore, in my estimation, here also necessary that experiments of some length, likewwise under the entire control of the investigator, should be made in order that a decisive conclusion may be reached. With reference to the confident assertions of success which reach me from various quarters, I must fall back upon my experience of a little over a year ago. Every one remembers how, at that time, Mr. Edison read some remarks of mine by the light of 120 his then brilliantly-glowing electric light, and pointed to it as a shining refutation. In turning over some old letters a few days since I came across one from a friend of mine, who is a scientific man of high standing, and was at that time on very intimate terms with Mr. Edison. This letter is dated October 1878, and in it I am assured that Mr. Edison's lamp is a perfect suc- cess, capable of replacing a gas-burner, and that when I see it I shall, no doubt, be charmed with its sim- plicity and efficiency. When I reflect that this pre- vious complete success has been since abandoned by 31 Mr. Edison, I feel that a little caution is needed in ac- 121 cepting the enthusiastic conclusions of his friends, even when they are illuminated by the shining electric lamps which occasion them." "Can you tell me, Professor," asked the reporter, "what are some of the chief difficulties in the way of the success of Mr. Edison's light ?" "Well," Prof. Morton replied, "the first difficulty of all is the production of a lamp which shall be thor- oughly reliable, and neither complicated or expensive. All attempts up to the present lamp in this direction 122 are acknowledged to be failures, and, as I have pointed out, there does not seem to be any novelty, such as would authorize us to hope for a better success in the present one. The next difficulty is in the economical production of small lights by electricity. This is what is commonly meant by the phrase, 'Dividing the elec- tric light.' Up to the present time, and including Mr. Edison's latest experiments, it appears that this in- volves an immense loss of efficiency. Next comes the difficulty of distributing on any large scale the immense 123 electric currents which would be needed, and to pro- vide for their equal action at different points under varying conditions of the number of lights used. In reference to this, as far as I judge from the reports, Mr. Edison has been running not over 50 lights in all, while his 80 horse-power engine ought to supply 800 lights. The small number actually in use does not, therefore, develop this problem in any practical way." "The question of measuring the current," added the Professor, as the reporter turned to leave, "the loss 124 involved from the necessity of running the machinery without a moment's intermission during the entire time that any light is needed-in other words, the absence of any storing capacity in electricity-and various other matters of detail, while less important than the three principal difficulties which I have given you, are, nevertheless, very serious difficulties in the direction of a successful practical application of electricity for gen- eral illumination." 32 125 [New York Tribune, Nov. 25th, 1880.] ELECTRIC LAMPS IN DAILY USE. As easily regulated as Gas. The nature of the new incandescent light-interest shown in it by scientific men-points in which it differs from other lights. Professor Henry Morton, of the Stevens Institute, 126 Hoboken, read a paper at the recent meeting of the National Academy of Sciences on the measurement of new forms of electric lamps operating by incandescence, in which he gave the results of a number of experiments made with the new Maxim lamp. These results were unexpected by those members of the Academy who are specially interested in electric lights. Professor Wolcott Gibbs, of Cambridge, expressed his astonishment with- out reserve, and said that no one had dreamed that the light of incandescence could compete with the light of 127 the arc. Professor George F. Parker, of Philadelphia, who has taken an active interest in the subject from the beginning of Mr. Edison's experiments, said that the statements of Professor Morton certainly marked a year of great progress in electric lighting. The paper by Professor Morton and the comments it called forth have attracted public attention in no small degree to the electric lamp operating by incandescence, and to the claims that are made for it. Numbers of people daily visit the Equitable Building, in Broadway, 128 and examine the lights there. The basement hall is lighted by one or two large arc lamps of about 4,000 candle power each. The public has become so familiar with lamps of this nature that they no longer attract attention. The novelty is the small incandescent lamp, no larger than a gas jet, of which about sixty are kept burning day and night in the rooms and vaults of the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company. The handsomely furnished new reading room of this company is lighted by a number of these lamps arranged like gas jets. Some are placed upon the walls and some are clustered 33 in a chandelier. In order not to dazzle the eyes of 129 readers the brilliancy of the lights in this room is re- duced, and it is therefore only in the vaults that the lamp shines with its full strength. The light flickers. somewhat, but this defect is probably due to some im- perfection in the regulator, which controls the dynamo machines furnishing the electric current. The flickering is not at all marked, and one must look twice to detect it, so that the failure to secure perfect steadiness is not regarded as a serious drawback to the incandescent lamp. The great security vaults of the company, the 130 storage vaults and the rooms, including the large offices and halls, are furnished with the electric light. The larger areas are lighted with the arc lamps, while the incandescent lamps make the smaller rooms as bright as if flooded with sunshine. The electric current is furnished from a single Maxim machine, deriving its power from the engines in the Equitable Building. This machine is controlled by à regulator which determines the force of the electric current required. The lamps. are so constructed that they can be turned on and off 131 at will, as gas is managed, with the advantage that the lamps light themselves. There is no waste, because when lamps are turned off the regulator causes the ma- chine to furnish a current of proportionately less strength to the remaining lamps. The lamps now used at the Equitable Building have been burning day and night for three weeks, without the failure of a lamp or any perceptible change in the light of a lamp. 132 1 AN EXPLANATION BY PROFESSOR MORTON. A " Tribune" reporter received from Professor Mor- ton a few days since a clear explanation of the pecul- iarities of the Maxim lamp. "This incandescent lamp," said he, "'differs from other electric lamps in the re- spect that it starts with a filament or conductor of carbon made in any way. This filament is placed in a glass globe from which the air has been exhausted, and replaced by the vapor of gasoline. If there is any weak 34 133 point or thin part in the carbon filament, when the current is passed through it. this point or part will be- come hotter than the rest, and will decompose the gaso- line so as to deposit carbon in the form known as coal gas carbon upon that particular spot. When this spot has been built up to an equal conductivity with the rest of the filament, the current from the machine is increased with the effect of seeking out the next weakest point or thinnest part, and repeating the process just described. In this way the filament becomes glazed 134 with gas carbon. The gasoline is then withdrawn from the globe, and the lamp is ready for use. "The incandescent lamp differs from the Edison lamp in this regard: Mr. Edison makes a carbon fila- ment and this filament must be perfectly uniform at the start. If any one point happens to be a worse con- ductor than the rest of the carbon, this point becomes more highly heated than any other point, and if the whole filament is run up to the necessary intensity to give a good light, this point is carried beyond its endur- 135 ance and vaporizes. As Mr. Edison himself says, it bursts and disappears, and the lamp is destroyed. He has no means of remedying this except by extreme care in selecting material so as to make his filament abso- lutely uniform; he has no method for correction. "Another important feature in the Maxim lamp is in the nature of this glazing, as it may be called, or plat- ing of gas carbon-a material which has long been known for its remarkable resisting powers. It is not only incombustible, but it is mechanically strong in a 136 notable degree. In attempting to cut it, the best files and steel saws are soon ruined. Lumps of it may be put into a cupola furnance and they will come out practically unchanged. This would seem, therefore, to be a peculiarly fit material to stand the severe strain to which it is subjected in these electric lamps. “In determining the economy and efficiency of these and other lamps, it is required to know three things: The amount of light they give as compared with the standard candle, which consumes two grains of sper- maceti per minute; the amount of electric current 35 flowing through the lamp, and the amount of resistauce 137 to the electric current present in the lamp. In order to obtain this knowledge the lamp is placed in the instru- ment, known as the Photometer, where the light it gives is accurately measured by a comparison with that of one or two standard candles, and at the same time by appropriate electric instruments, the amount of the current and the resistance in the lamp are measured. These quantities being known, the power expended by the electric current in overcoming the resistance of the lamp can be calculated by a simple formula. And 138- this is an accurate measure of the work done or the valuable energy expended in the lamp. The candle power is, of course, a measure of the light produced, and that lamp is the most econom- ical which for a given amount of work done or energy expended in it will give us the most light. The work done is expressed in foot pounds per minute, whether it be an electric current or any other form of energy. Thus, a current of 34 webers passing through a resist- ance of 5 ohms would do a work in one minute of 139 about 2,700 foot pounds. A horse-power, as every- body knows, is equal to 33,000 foot pounds per minute. Therefore, this amount of work is about one-eleventh of a horse-power. The lamp in which this amount of force was being developed or converted into light gave at that time a light of 12 candles; and as evidently 11 such lamps might have been operated by a current developing eleven times the energy of the one used, they would have together produced the light of eleven times twelve candles, or 132 candles, and we would 140 then say the efficiency of this lamp was 132 candles per horse-power of electric current. The exact amount of mechanical force in a steam-engine or the like required. to produce an electric current of one-horse power would vary, of course, with the particular dynamo electric machine employed and with other conditions, and would, of course, always be notably more than the electric current itself represented." (( What, in a word, would you say the Maxim lamp has accomplished ? " 36 141 "The system of Maxim is the first one in which has been practically solved the problem of producing a moderately small life with a correspondingly small electric current; or, in other words, of utilizing the small portions of a divided current. There is nothing new, of course, in the idea of dividing the electric cur- rent; the practised novelty is in the construction of a lamp that enables us to utilize the portions of the cur- rent when it has been divided. What I mean may be made plain by an illustration. Let it be supposed that 142 at one time gas was so little understood that it could not be used except when passed through a burner of not less than 100 candle power, and then let it be sup- posed that somebody discovered a means by which gas became luminous when used as it now is. The person who, under this supposition, brought gas into general use would have accomplished with gas what the incan- descent lamp has done in electric lighting.' "" 143 144 37 • IN THE MATTER OF THE LITIGATION NOW PENDING BE- 145 TWEEN SAWYER & MAN AND THE EDISON ELEC- TRIC LIGHT COMPANY. WILLIAM SHARP, being duly sworn, testified as follows: BY MR. TOMLINSON: Q. Please state when you first met Mr. Albon Man, or Mr. Wm. E. Sawyer? A. I knew Mr. Man for some time prior to the ex- periments of Sawyer & Man on electric lighting; Mr. Sawyer I met for the first time at the shop of Arnoux & 146 Hockhausen, No. 2 Howard street. Q. Please state in detail what was the first work done by you for either Mr. Sawyer or Mr. Man relating in any way to electric lighting? A. I was living in Brooklyn and had a lathe and some tools at my house and did work there. The first work that I did for either Sawyer or Man was done at my house in Brooklyn. Mr. Man brought me some glass globes and some blocks of gas retort carbon, and stated to me that he desired the carbon filed down and 147 a lamp made. I don't now remember in detail just the character of the lamp. I think I made two lamps, but not more than two. I got pieces of metal and made them in the proper size and shape; as nearly as I can now recollect, the lamp contained a globe of glass about six inches long, and about three or four inches in diam- eter. I made the supports for the carbon of the lamp and they were inserted through the neck of the lamp globe into the lamp and fastened there by nuts and paper washers. I worked the blocks of carbon down 148 until I had got two pieces of carbon, one of about the size and shape shown in No. 1 of the drawing marked "A," the other a strip of carbon of about the size and shape shown in No. 2 of the drawing marked “A.” The circular carbon was, I think, an experiment, and I don't think it was ever put in the lamp. The carbon worked down to the shape shown in No. 2, was the size and general shape of the carbon I put in the lamp. These lamps were so made that the carbon could be replaced. I gave the lamps to Mr. Man. Mr. Man, while I was 38 149) working on these two lamps, at my house, came at least half a dozen times to my house to instruct me in the work, and occasionally helped me do the work. I should think I was working on these lamps about a month. I have no knowledge whether while I was making these lamps at my house, anybody else was making lamps for them. I did not know that it was a lamp that I was working on was working on until I went to Mr. Man's office to get my money for it, when he asked me if I knew what I had been making and I told him 150 no; he then told me that it was an electric lamp. I am quite confident that I made but two lamps and two pieces of carbon. The carbon was gas retort carbon which I worked on, as I have said. About a month after I had delivered this lamp, I saw it for the first time in Sawyer's place, at No. 2 Howard street; I saw it lit at intervals, during a month or two, and I under- stood that occasionally they would light it and show it. I did not understand that they burned it steadily. They would merely run it to incandescence for a few 151 minutes at a time, and it was their custom to replace the carbon. 152 Q. When next did you work for Sawyer and Man? A. I entered their employ while they were at No. 2 Howard street, and remained with them after they were at Elm and Walker streets, leaving them, as nearly as I can now recollect, about May, 1879. Q. During this time were you at their laboratories or shops during the working hours of each day? A. Yes, sir. Q. During this period were you familiar with the work that was done at these laboratories? A. Yes, sir. Q. And with the various experiments that were con- ducted? A. Yes, sir. Q. Was any attempt made to conceal from you what was being done, or did you have free access through the laboratory, and were you generally familiar with all that was done while you were in their employ? A. I had the privilege of seeing anything that was 39 going on and am generally familiar with what was done. 153 I am not an electrician but am an expert mechanic and was largely employed on mechanical work. Q. What was the general nature of the work in which you were engaged? A. Chiefly on the mechanical parts of the lamps that were made; I also worked in forming the carbons to the desired size. Q. During the time that you were employed by them, what was the general type of lamp on which they were experimenting, or making, as nearly as you now 151 remember? A. The lamp contained a glass globe about eight inches long by about two inches in diameter. The base of the globe, by nuts and washers, was fastened to glass plates; the glass plate and the globe were clamped together by metal rings. The interior part of the lamp was fastened mechanically to the base of the lamp in different ways. The base of the lamp was then sur- rounded with melted sealing-wax; after this was done the base was placed in a metallic shell and filled with 155 bees-wax. The interior of the lamp contained a short pencil of carbon; a disk of soapstone or metal separ- ated the illuminating part of the interior from radiators such as are shown in figure 1 of Letters Patent 205,144. The shape and character of these radiators, however, differed; some being serpentine and some of other shapes. • Q. From the time that you first were regularly em- ployed by them until the time you left them, which, as nearly as you can recollect, as I understand you, was from September, 1878, to May, 1879, how many com- pleted lamps in all were made by them? A. I should say a couple of dozen; I am sure that not more than fifty were made. Q. What was the character of carbon usually em- ployed in these lamps as the incandescent conductor? A. Usually pencils made from gas retort carbon. Q. What was the shape and dimensions of these pencils? A. Straight pencils, about half an inch in length, 156 40 157 varying in diameter from three sixty-fourths to one-six- teenth of an inch. Q. Were these lamps so constructed that they could be taken apart and new pencils of carbon inserted? A. They were. Q. Do you know, and if so, state whether it was their habit to take their lamps apart and replace the pencils which were consumed by new pencils of carbon? A. I do know that it was their habit so to do. Q. What is the longest period during which you have 158 known one of their lamps to remain at continual incan- descence? 159 A. Not over an hour; certainly not over two. Q. Do you ever remember to have been told of a lamp remaining incandescent for over that time? A. No; I do not remember. Q. If any lamp had remained incandescent for two or three days at a time, or for a week or two, do you not think you would have been likely to have known of it, or have heard of it? A. I do. Q. Did you ever know or hear of a lamp remaining at continual incandescence for as long as a day? A. I never did. Q. If one had burned as long as that, would you not have been apt to have known or heard of it? A. I think I should. Q. During the entire time that you were there did they make any lamp which you would consider a prac- tical lamp? I mean by that, one that could be made 160 and sold commercially, and actually used for purposes of illumination? A. No, sir; I think their lamps were merely experi- ments. Q. Did you ever know of their making any test of the life of their lamps, or keeping any records as to how long the lamps would burn? A. No; I don't know anything about that. Q. Did you ever know of their doing any carboniza- tion while they were at Howard, or at Elm and Walker streets? By carbonization I mean taking some mate- 41 rial such as wood, or paper in its natural state, and 161 making it into carbon by the heat of the furnace ? A. No. Q. If this had been done to any extent, or if carbons thus made had been used to any extent, would you not have been apt to have known of it? A. I would. Q. Then, as I understand you, the carbons which were used, so far as your knowledge goes, were car- bons purchased by them and reduced mechanically to the desired size? A. Yes. Q. Did you ever know or hear of their carbonizing paper wood or other substances? A. I never did. Q. Did you ever know or hear of their using, or try- ing in their lamps, carbons made from paper? A. No, sir. Q. If this had been done would you have been apt to have known of it? A. I would, probably. Q. Did you ever know or hear of their carbonizing any fibrous or textile material? A. I never did. Q. If they had done so, would you have been apt to have known of it? A. I think I would. Q. Do you know of their using or trying any carbons other than gas retort carbon, and if so, please state the fact as you understand it? 162: 163 A. I remember their getting what were called willow 164 charcoal; these were what is generally known as artist's crayon's. They were filed down to the desired size. These crayons were always treated by putting a shell of carbon on the outside. The willow crayons are the only kind of carbon, other than gas retort carbon, which I ever knew them to try or use. I remember some car- bons called French carbons, such as are used in arc lights, but these I understand to be gas retort carbons. Q. In their laboratories did they have extensive ap- paratus for the conduct of experiments? 42 165 A. They had pretty fair tools, but very little chemi- cal apparatus, as I understand it. The shop more re- sembled a mechanic's workshop. Q. Do you know whether they had an air pump of any kind? A. I never saw one, and I don't think they had one. I think that for a short time they had some sort of ap- paratus for taking the air out of the globes with water ; but they used to send their lamps out. Toward the last they had Mr. Stillman came up to the shop; they then 166 had some apparatus to charge the globes with gas. 167 168 Q. Did you ever know of their using in any of their lamps an incandescent conductor as long as two or three inches and as fine as a horsehair? A. No, sir. Q. If they had ever used such a conductor while you were with them, would you have known of it? A. I certainly would. Q. Did you ever know, or hear, of their experimenting in any way with such a conductor? A. No, sir; I never did. Q. Had they ever done so, would you have been apt to have known or seen or heard of it? A. I certainly would. Q. If they had had any apparatus for the obtaining of a high vacuum, would you have been apt to have known of it? A. I think I would. Q. Did you ever know of their having such an appa- ratus ? A. I never did. Q. Who, beside yourself, worked at the shops of Sawyer and Man? A. Principally-Mr. Meyers, young George Sawyer, William E. Sawyer and William Sawyer, Sr. Q. Did you ever hear of a Mr. Keating? A. I believe Keating did some work for them before I went with them. I have heard of him and seen him. Q. Did you ever know of the interior of their lamp being enclosed in a globe entirely of glass? 43 A. I never did. Q. Afterwards did you work with Mr. William E. Sawyer when he was in Ansonia ? A. I did. Q. Did you assist him in his experiments there? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you know of any lamps being made with a circular carbon, such as shown in the drawing of Patent 317,676, while you were in New York? 169 A. Yes, I did work, myself, on a lamp containing such a carbon. I don't think over two such lamps were 170 made. I think the round carbon was too bothersome. They made many more of the other kind of lamp. Q. You say you worked with Mr. Sawyer after his separation from Mann, at Ansonia ? A. I did. Q. What kind of lamp was he then at work upon? A. The feeder lamp. Q. Do you know whether he considered that type of lamp better than the lamps he had made in New York? 171 A. I believe he did. I think he considered it a better style of lamp.. Q. Did you ever know of his making a lamp at Ansonia that could be considered practical? A. I never did. Q. In the lamps made in New York, were they troubled with blackening of the globe of the lamp? A. They were; the globe would always blacken if they burned them long enough. Q. When the globe would blacken, was it their habit 172 to take the lamp apart, clean the globe and put in a new carbon ? A. It was. Q. When was the first you ever heard of paper carbon being tried by Sawyer, or anybody with whom you were connected ? A. Sometime after Sawyer had left Ansonia I knew of Mr. William Wallace, Sr., trying to carbonize a piece of paper, but I don't think it was ever put in a lamp, as far as I know. He tried to carbonize it, I 44 } 173 think, between two pieces of iron. I believe he was led to this by the publication of Edison's experiments. WILLIAM SHARP. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 17th day of June, 1886. '} JOHN C. TOMLINSON, Notary Public, N. Y. Co. The above statement was made by Mr. Sharp in the presence of Mr. James A. Russell and Martin R. 174 Winchell and Mr. J. C. Tomlinson, the witness being interrogated by Mr. Tomlinson, and questions and answers being taken by Mr. Winchell in shorthand. 175 176 45 Collected Works of Sir Humphrey Davy, 177 Vol. II. London, 1839, Pages 211 to 213 inclusive. AN ACCOUNT OF SOME EXPERIMENTS OF GALVANIC ELEO- TRICITY MADE IN THE THEATRE OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION. The apparatus employed in these experiments was composed of 150 series of plates of copper and zinc of four inches square and 50 of silver and zinc of the 178 same size. The metals were carefully cemented into four boxes of wood in regular order after the manner adopted by Mr. Cruickshank and the fluid made use of was water combined with about 6 part of its weight in nitric acid. 1 The shock taken from the batteries by the moistened hands was not so powerful, but that it could be re- received without any permanently disagreeable effects. Charges were readily communicated by means of them to connected jars and to a battery, but in this case the 179 effects produced by the electricity were much less distinguished than in the case of immediate applica- tion. When the circuit in the batteries was completed by mean of small knobs of brass the spark perceived was of a dazzling brightness and in apparent diameter at least one-eighth of an inch. It was perceived only at the moment of the test of the metals and it was ac- companied by a noise or snap. When instead of the metals pieces of well-burned 180 charcoal were employed the spark was still larger and of a vivid whiteness and evident combustion was pro- duced, the charcoal remained red-hot for some time after the contact and threw off bright coruscations. Four inches of steel wire of an inch in diameter on being placed in the circuit became intensely white-hot at the point of connection and burned with great vivid- ness, being at the same time red throughout the whole of their extent. Tin, Lead and Zinc in thin shavings were fused and 46 181 burned at their points of contact in the circuit with a vivid light and with a loud hissing noise. Zinc gave a blue flame, tin a purplish and lead a yellow flame at the circumference. When copper leaf was employed it instantly inflamed at the edges with a green light and vivid sparks and became red hot throughout the whole of its diameter when it did not exceed four inches. Silver leaf gave a vivid light, white in the centre and green towards the outline with red sparks or corusca- 182 tions. Platinum in thin slips when made to complete the circuit became white hot and entered into fusion and gave scintillations at the edges, but whether any part was converted into oxide could not be accurately determined. When gold leaf, attached by gum water to white paper was burned by the spark the light was of a bright yellow and the noise comparatively loud; the gold was converted into an oxide of a purplish brown color which firmly adhered to the paper and by regulating 183 the course of the spark by means of the communicating wire letters and figures were traced by the fusion which appeared somewhat transparent when exposed to the light. When the galvano-electric spark was taken by means of pieces of charcoal barely covered with cotton, the cotton was readily inflamed; whether in its simple state or sprinkled over with resin or sulphur. Fulminating murcury and gun pipe were deflagrated by means of the communication of charcoal; and 134 hydrogen and the compound inflamable gases were readily made to burn when simply in contact with the atmosphere and detonated when mixed with oxygen. A few only of these results have any claim to originality. On the phenomena of the combustion of bodies by galvanism we have been already furnished with many striking experiments by our own country and by the German and French philosophers. And after the path is once discovered, in researches of this kind, to pursue it requires but little ability or exertion. 47 An account of common facts under new circumstances 185 particularly when they are accompanied by striking phenomena can, however, never be wholly useless and it sometimes gives a novel interest to the subject and tends to awaken curiosity. 186 817 188 48 189 Collected Works of Sir Humphrey Davy, London, 1839, Vol. II., beginning at 190 191 192 page 214, under the title : ACCOUNT OF SOME EXPERIMENTS MADE IN THE LABORA- TORY OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION RELATING TO THE AGENCIES OF GALVANIC ELECTRICITY IN PRODUCING HEAT AND IN EFFECTING CHANGES IN DIFFERENT FLUID SUBSTANCES- particularly pages 216-18-19-20. * * * * * 3. When two small pieces of well burned charcoal or a piece of charcoal and a wire were made to complete the circuit in water vivid sparks were perceived, gas was given out very plentifully and the points of the charcoal appeared red hot in the fluid for some time after the contact was made, and as long as this ap- pearance existed elastic fluid was generated with the noise of ebullition. The sensible phenomena were nearly the same with the volatile and fixed oils, ether and alcohol; and by means of charcoal the sparks could be produced in concentrated and sulphuric and nitric acids, which are among the best of the less perfect con- ductors. The gases produced from different fluids by the galvano-electric spark were examined, and as the re- sults were in most cases what might have been ex- pected from theory, the analysis of them was not made with very minute attention. When water was acted upon by sparks taken from two pieces of charcoal the elastic products evolved were about one-eighth of carbonic acid, one-eighth of oxygen and the remainder an inflammable gas, which required a little more than half its volume of oxygen for its combustion. With gold and charcoal, the gold being on the zinc side, the gas produced appeared to be chiefly a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, for it diminished by the electric spark. ΤΟ The gas disengaged from alcohol, the spark being taken by gold connected with the zinc end and char- coal, was a mixture of nearly two parts of oxygen and 49 eleven parts of inflammable gas which appeared to be 193 light hydro-carbonate. Ether in the same method of operating gave four parts of oxygen and twelve parts of inflammable gas. From sulphuric acid oxygen and hydrogen were pro- duced very rapidly, the oxygen being more than suffi- cient for the saturation of the hydrogen by combus- tion, and the acid became blue. The gas from nitric acid detonated with great vio- lence by the electric spark and the residuum was oxy- gen mixed with a little nitrogen. 194 The products from the acids there is every reason to believe were evolved chiefly in consequence of the decomposition of the water they contained. And in operating upon these substances as well as upon pure water, a portion of the elastic fluid must have been produced at the time of the slightest transmission of the electricity during the momentary interruption of contact. The apparent ignition of the charcoal in the different fluids depended probably in some measure upon its being surrounded at the moment of contact 195 by globules of glass which prevented the heat produced at the points of it from being carried off by the fluid. When the spark was taken by means of iron wire in phosphorus rendered fluid by heat under a stratum of water, permanent gas was produced from it, but in a quantity too small to be examined after a process that continued an hour. I purpose to repeat the experiment with conductors of dry charcoal. * * * * * * 5. As the great quantity of electricity by it circulate 196 through perfect conductors by means of the larger ap- paratus increases their affinity for oxygen more, per- haps, than any known agent, and as charcoal by means of it can be rendered white hot and kept in constant combustion in oxygen gas or atmospherical air, I thought that trying the effects of the electrical ignition of this substance upon muriatic acid gas confined over mercury. This experiment was made by means of a small glass tube containing a slip of platina hermetically sealed into it and having a piece of charcoal attached to its 50 197 lower extremity; a communication was effected by means of iron wires and the charcoal was made white hot by the successive contacts continued for nearly two hours. At the end of this time the muriatic acid gas had diminished a very little in volume; much white matter had formed upon the charcoal, which was not sensibly consumed. When the gas was examined 3/4 of it were instantly absorbed by water and the remain- der proved to be inflammable. The process was re- peated three times; and when the spark was most vivid 198 a white cloud was always perceived at the moment of its production. I am inclined to attribute this phenomenon and other phenomena to the depo- sition of the water held in solution in the gas by the charcoal and the mercury adhering to it; and the white matter was probably muriate of mercury. The acid gases are rapidly absorbed by charcoal, and this substance, when well made, will take up more than thirty times its volume of muriatic acid gas; so that in the process of ignition a part of the water and of the 199 acid must have been acted upon in a very condensed state. The want of success in this experiment, the results of which are very similar to those obtained by Mr. Wm. Henry in his trials with common electricity, prevented me from carrying on the process upon fluoric acid gas as I had at first intended. Many of the compounds of gases that are decomposed by heated charcoal might probably, however, be classed in a very simple manner by means of the ignition of that substance by galvanic 200 electricity; and this mode of operating may be conven- iently applied for ascertaining the relations of the affin- ities of charcoal for the constituent parts of compoud gases at very high temperatures. APPARATUS FOR TAKING THE GALVANIC-ELECTRICAL SPARK IN FLUIDS AND AERIFORM SUBSTANCES. Fig. 1 represents the apparatus for taking the spark in fluids. A is a tube graduated to grain measure; C + 51 is a platina wire hermetically sealed into the tube and 201 having a piece of charcoal attached to its top; B is a movable platina wire having charcoal at its top; the effect is produced by making a contact between the pieces of charcoal. In cases when the fluids are very imperfect conductors the wires may be used without the charcoal. Fig. 2 represents the apparatus for taking the spark in gases; it is used over mercury. A and B are the connecting platina wires to which the charcoal is fasts ened, and C is the graduated tube in which the gas i- 202: acted upon. 203 204 52 205 Collected works of Sir Humphrey Davy, Vol. IV., London, 1840, pp. 109, 110, 111, 112, 221, 231, 232. * * X * * Let two platina wires from the extremities of a bat- tery composed of plates of a foot square be plunged into water, the quantity of gas disengaged from the wires will be nearly the same as from an equal number of plates of an inch square; let the fingers of each hand, 206 moistened with water, be applied to the two extremities of the battery a shock will be perceived, nearly the same as if there had been no connection between the wires and the water. Whilst the circuit exists through the human body and through water let a wire attached to a thin slip of charcoal be made to connect the two poles of the battery, the charcoal will become vividly ignited. * * X * * The first distinct experiment upon the igniting 207 powers of large plates was performed by MM. Four- croy, Vauquelin and Theuard. But the greatest com- bination ever constructed for exhibiting the effects of extensive surface was made by Mr. Children; it consists of twenty double plates, four feet by two, of which the whole surfaces are exposed in a wooden trough, in cells covered with cement, to the action of diluted acids. This battery when in full action had no more effect on water or on the human body than one containing an equal number of small plates; but when the circuit. 208 was made through metallic wires the phenomena were of the most brilliant kind. A platina wire of of an inch in thickness and 18 inches long placed in the cir- cuit between bars of copper instantly became red hot, then white hot; the brilliancy of the light was soon insupportable to the eye, and in a few seconds the metal fell fused into globules. The other metals were easily fused or dissipated in vapor by this power. Points of charcoal ignited by it produced a light so vivid that even the sunshine compared with it appeared feeble. 53 * X- * * * 209 · 27. The most powerful combination that exists in each number of alternations is combined with extent of surface is that that constructed by the subscriptions of a few zealous cultivators and patrons of science in the laboratory of the Royal Institution. It consists of two hundred instruments connected together in regular order, each composed of ten double plates arranged in cells of porcelain, and containing in each plate thirty- two square inches; so that the whole number of double plates is 2,000, and the whole surface is 128,000 square 210 inches. This battery, when the cells were filled with 60 parts of water mixed with one part of nitric acid and one part of sulphuric acid, afforded a series of brilliant and impressive effects. When pieces of char- coal about an inch long and one-sixth of an inch in di- ameter were brought near each other (within the thirtieth or fortieth part of an inch) a bright spark was produced, and more than half the volume of charcoal became ignited to whiteness, and by withdrawing the points from each other a constant discharge took place 211 through the heated air in a space equal at least to four inches, producing a most brilliant ascending arch of light, broad and conical in form in the middle. When any substance was introduced into this arch it instantly became ignited; platina melted as readily in it as wax in the flame of a common candle; quartz, the sapphire, magnesia, lime, all entered into fusion; fragments of diamond and points of charcoal and plumbago rapidly disappeared and seemed to evaporate in it even when the connection was made in a receiver exhausted by 212 the air pump; but there was no evidence of their hav- ing previously undergone fusion. When the communication between the points posi- tively or negatively electrified was made in air rarified in the receiver of the air pump the distance at which the discharge took place increased as the exhaustion was made, and when the atmosphere in the vessel sup- ported only of an inch of mercury in the barometrical gauge the sparks passed through a space of nearly half an inch, and by withdrawing the points from each other 54 213 the discharge was made through six or seven inches, producing a most beautiful coruscation of purple light, the charcoal became intensely ignited and some platina wire attached to it fused with brilliant scintilla- tions and fell in large globules upon the plate of the pump. All the phenomena of chemical decomposition were produced with intense rapidity by this combination. When the points of charcoal were brought near each other in non-conducting fluids such as oils, ether and oxymuriatic compounds brilliant 214 sparks occurred and elastic matter was rapidly gener- ated; and such was the intensity of the electricity that sparks were produced even in good imperfect conduc- tors such as nitric and sulphuric acids. V. OF CARBON OR CHARCOAL AND THE DIAMOND. 1. The name carbon signifies the pure inflammable part of charcoal, lampblack and other similar sub- stances. The purest known form in which it can be 215 obtained is by passing oils or spirit of wine through ignited tubes. It even appears as an impalpable black powder; it has no taste or smell; it is a conductor of electricity; it is more than twice as heavy as water. For the common purposes of experiments the charcoal of light wood, such as the alder, that has been exposed to boiling water and afterwards ignited to whiteness is sufficiently pure. Such charcoal, however, rapidly at- tracts moisture from the atmosphere so as to increase in weight from 12 to 14 per cent. and when dry absorbs 216 several times its volume of any gas to which it may be exposed and it must therefore be employed immediately after ignition and whilst yet warm. Carbon whether coherent in charcoal or in powder is infusable by any heat that has hitherto been applied. I have exposed it to the powers of intense ignition of different voltaic batteries-that of Mr. Children men- tioned on page 109, one of forty double plates of 18 inches square and the battery of 2,000 double plates of four inches both in vacuo and in compressed gases on which it had no power of chemical action. A little hydrogen 55 was given off from it and it slowly volatized in these 217 experiments and the part remaining was much harder than before, so as in one case to scratch glass, and the lustre was greater, but its other properties were unaltered, and there was no appearance of fusion. Its capacity for heat, according to Dr. Crawford, is to that of water as .2631 to 1. * Page 231. * * * * * * 25 12. Plumbago or black lead and. anthracite or stone coal are both tolerably pure forms of the carbonaceous 218 element. In plumbago the carbon is united either chemically or mechanically to about of iron; in an- thracite with small quantities of earthy matter. In the anthracite of Kilkenny in Ireland, the texture is often fibrous and the substance has all the characters of well- burned charcoal. In flaming coal the carbonaceous ele- ment is united to bitumen. 13. Few substances are more important in civilized life than the different forms of carbon; in their various uses they are essential to the comforts and well being 219 of society and are necessary in almost all the useful arts. and manufactures. The inflammable gases produced by the distillation of pit coal have already been successfully used in man- ufactories for the purposes of affording light, and the application is at once safe and economical. In nature the carbonaceous element is still active in an important series of operations; it is evolved in fer- mentation and combustion in carbonic acid; it is sepa- rated from oxygen in the organs of plants, is a principal 220 element in animal structure and is found in different forms in almost all products of organized beings. 56 221 Collected works of Sir Humphrey Davy Vol. V., London, 1840, pp. 172, 173. 222 X * * * * When small pieces of charcoal from the willow that had been intensely ignited are acted upon by voltaic electricity in a Torricellian vacuum every precaution be- ing taken to exclude moisture from the mercury and the charcoal, the results were very different from those occurring in the case of plumbago. When plumbago was used after the first spark which generally passed through a distance of about of an inch there was no continuation of light without a con- tact or an approach to the same distance; but from the charcoal a flame seemed to issue of a most brilliant purple and formed as it were a conducting chain of light of nearly an inch in length at the same time that elastic matter was rapidly formed some of which was permanent. After many unsuccessful trials I at length succeeded in collecting the quantity of elastic fluid 223 given out by half a grain of charcoal; the process had been continued nearly half an hour. The quantity of gas amounted to nearly an eighth of a cubical inch; it was inflammable to the electric spark with oxygen gas and four measures of it absorbed three measures of oxygen and produced one measure and a half of car- bonic acid. The charcoal in this experiment had be- come harder at the point and its lustre where it had been heated to whiteness approached to that of the plumbago. 224 * * Pp. 220, 221, 222. * * * III. FURTHER INQUIRIES RESPECTING CARBONACEOUS MATTER. On the idea which I have stated that they may con- sist of the carbonaceous matter combined with a little oxygen I exposed charcoal intensely ignited by voltaic electricity to nitrogen, conceiving it possible that if this body was an oxide containing oxygen very intimately -57 combined it might part with it in small proportions to 225 carbonaceous matter and give an important result. The charcoal which had been made with great care was preserved for a quarter of an hour in a state of igni- tion in which platina instantly fused. It did not appear to charge in its visible properties; but a small quantity of black sublimate which proved to be nothing more than finely divided carbonaceous matter collected in an arborescent state upon the platina wire to which the charcoal was attached. The gas had increased in volume ; but this was owing to the evolution of carburetted 226 inflammable gas from the charcoal; the nitrogen was unchanged in quantity and as far as my examination could go, in quality. The points of the charcoal where the heat had been intense were rather harder than be- fore the experiment. I have mentioned that charcoal even when strongly ignited is incapable of decomposing corrosive sublimate. When charcoal in a state of ignition is brought in con- tact with oxymuriatic acid gas the combustion in- stantly ceases. I electrified two pieces of charcoal in 227 a globe filled with oxymuriatic acid gas which had been introduced after exhaustion of the globe. They were preserved after nearly an hour in intense ignition by the same means that had been employed in the experi- ment on nitrogen. At first white fumes arose probably principally from the formation of common muriatic acid gas by the action of the hydrogen of charcoal upon the oxymuriatic acid and the combination of the gas so produced with aqueous vapor in the globe; but this effect soon ceased. At the end of the process oxy- muriatic acid gas was found unaltered in its properties, copper leaf burned in it with a vivid light. The char- coal did not perceptibly differ from the charcoal that had been exposed to nitrogen. My view in making this experiment was to ascertain whether some combination of carbonaceous matter with oxygen might not be formed in the process, and I hoped likewise to be able to free charcoal entirely from combined hydro- gen and from alkaline and earthy matter supposing they existed in it not fully combined with oxygen. That 228 58 229 hydrogen must have separated in the experiment it is not possible to doubt, and on evaporating the deposit on the sides of the globe, which was in very minute quantity and acted like concentrated muriatic acid, it left a perceptible and saline residuum. P. 275. V. SOME CONSIDERATIONS OF THEORY ILLUSTRATED BY NEW FACTS. 230 * X- * * * X- 1; Muriatic acid gas, as I have shown and as is further proved by the researches of MM. Gay Lassac and Thenard is a compound of a body unknown in a sep- arate state and water. The water, I believe, cannot be decompounded unless a new combination is formed thus it is not changed by charcoal ignited in the gas by voltaic electricity; but it is decompounded by all the metals; in these cases hydrogen is elicited in a manner similar to that in which one metal is precipitated by 231 another; the oxygen being found in the new com- pound. VII. RESEARCHES ON THE OXYMURIATIC ACID, ITS NA- TURE AND COMBINATIONS, AND ON THE ELEMENTS OF THE MURIATIC ACID; WITH SOME EXPERIMENTS ON SULPHUR AND PHOSPHORUS MADE IN THE LABORATORY OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION. P. 285. In the second volume of the Memoirs d'Arcueil, MM. Gay Lassac and Thenard have detailed an extensive 232 series of facts upon muriatic acid and oxymuriatic acid. Some of their experiments are similar to those I have detailed in the paper just referred to; others are pe- culiarly their own and of a very curious kind; their general conclusion is that muriatic acid gas contains about of its weight of water; and that oxymuriatic acid is not decomposable by any substance but hydro- gen or such as can form triple combinations with it. One of the most singular facts that I have observed on this subject, and which I have before referred to, is 59 that charcoal, even when ignited to whiteness in oxy- 233 muriatic or muriatic acid gases by the voltaic battery, effects no change in them; if it has been previously freed from hydrogen and moisture by intense ignition in vacuo. 234 235 236 60 237 Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry, Vol. 1, London, 1863, pp. 759 and 760. CARBON. Wood Charcoal. Wood consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the two latter being in the proportion to form water. When heated in the open air it burns completely away with the exception of a small quan- tity of white ash; but if the supply of air is limited 238 only the more volatile ingredients burn away and a greater part of the carbon remains behind. This is the principle of the process of charcoal burning as it is practiced in countries where wood is abundant, on the Harz mountains in Germany for instance. A number of billets of wood are built up vertically in two or three rows into a large conical heap which is covered over with turf or moistened charcoal ash, holes being left at the bottom for air to get in. A hollow space is also left in the middle of the heap to serve as a flue for the 239 gaseous matters which are evolved. The heap is set on fire by throwing burning pieces of wood into the cen- tral opening near the top of which, however, a kind of grate made of billets of wood is placed to prevent the burning fuel from falling at once to the bottom. The combustion then proceeds gradually from the top to the bottom and from the centre to the outside of the heap; and as the central portions burn away fresh wood is continually thrown in at the top so as to keep the heat quite full. The appearance of the smoke 240 shows how the combustion is proceeding; when it is going on properly the smoke is thick and white; if it becomes thin and especially if the blue flame appears it is a sign that the wood is burning away too fast ; the combustion must then be checked by partially stopping up the holes at the bottom or by heaping fresh ashes on the top and sides, and pressing them down well so as to diminish the draft. As soon as the combustion is completed the heap is completely covered with turf or ashes and left to cool for two or three days. It is then taken to pieces and the portions still hot are 61 cooled by throwing water or sand upon them. The 241 quantity of charcoal thus obtained varies with the manner in which the combustion is conducted. 100 parts of wood yield on the average from 61 to 65 parts by measure or 24 parts by weight of charcoal. When the burning is very carefully conducted the quantity may amount to 70 per cent. by measure. In England a large quantity of charcoal is obtained in the dry distillation of wood for the preparation of acetic acid. For this purpose the wood is heated to redness in cast iron cylinders whereupon a number of 242 volatile products are given off, including a large quan- tity of tarry matter and inflammable spirit called wood spirit or wood naphtha and acetic acid; and in the re- torts there remains a quantity of charcoal. For the manufacture of gunpowder charcoal is some- times prepared by subjecting wood in iron cylinders to the action of overheated steam (Violette, Ann. Ch. Phys. (3) XXIII., 475). Wood charcoal is more or less compact according to the kind of wood from which it is formed. The lighter 243 woods such as willow yield a very porous charcoal, hav- ing comparatively little power of conducting heat and electricity; boxwood on the contrary yields a very compact charcoal which is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and is admirably adapted for exhibit- ing a voltaic light. The density and conducting power of charcoal are greatly increased by exposing it in close vessels to a very high temperature. Charcoal retains the form and to a considerable extent the external structure of the wood so that a horizontal section ex- 244 hibits distinctly the concentric rings and the traces of the medullary rays. When burned it leaves from 1 to 5 per cent. of ash. According to Berthier 1,000 parts of lime wood leave 50 parts of ash; of oak, 25; birch 10; fir 8; hornbeam 26; beach 30. 62 245 Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry, London, 1875. Second Supplement. P. 255. CARBON. Carbon Allotropic Modifications: Despretz found several years ago that all kinds of carbon heated in the electric arc of a battery of 500 to 600 Bunsen's elements soften and are ultimately converted into graphite. Ac- cording to Bettendorf (Arch. Pharm., 2, CXLIV., 79), 246 gas coke may be thus transformed by a battery of only 24 elements. When wood (of box, ash, hornbeam, elder, lilac or cork) or flax, hemp, cotton, paper or silk is placed in a porcelain tube, vapor of carbon sulphide passed over it at or during temperatures till all the air is driven out and the tube then slowly and gradually heated to redness for about an hour, the organic sub- stance is found, after cooling, to be converted into a kind of coke, having the ring of steel, silver, &c., and a great power of conducting heat and electricity. When 247 heated it gradually becomes incandescent throughout its whole mass, without taking fire at any particular part, and cools down as soon as the source of heat is re- moved; it might perhaps be used to form the carbon cyl- inders of Bunsen's battery. It exhibits metallic lustre on its surface, is denser than wood-charcoal, and does not sensibly absorb gases. A kind of carbon which is a good conductor of heat and electricity, and does not absorb gases, is likewise obtained by strongly heating wood in a crucible filled with charcoal powder. Wood- 248 spirit, hydro-carbons, &c., likewise act like carbon sul- phide in converting wood into elastic and conducting carbon. The wood-spirit suffers decomposition at the same time, whereby the interior of the tube be- comes coated with silver white threads of carbon about a centimeter long (Sidot. Compt., Rend. LXX., 605). 63 "Mechanic's Magazine,” Vol. 44, pp. 312- 249 316, London, 1846. KING'S PATENT ELECTRIC LIGHT (Letters Patent for Scotland, dated November 26, 1845; specification en- rolled March 25, 1846). The nature of this invention (a communication from abroad) is described generally as consisting in "the ap- plication of continuous metallic and carbon conductors intensely heated by the passage of a current of elec- tricity to the purposes of illumination. The follow- 250 ang details would be nearly in the words of the pat- entee: Metallic Conductors.-The metal most advantageous for the purpose is that which while it requires very high temperature for its fusion has but a feeble affinity for oxygen and offers a great resistance to the passage of an electric current. Platinum, though not so unfusible is iridium, has but little affinity for oxygen and offers a great resistance to the passage of the current; and as it is abundant and easily worked into the required form 251 it is deemed preferable to any other metal. The pla- tinum should be worked into those exceedingly thin sheets known by the name of leaf platinum. This may be accomplished by the ordinary process of the gold- beater; but a more accurate method is to place a piece of platinum foil between two thick plates of rolled cop- per and reduce the whole to a thin sheet by rolling, when on separating the copper pieces the platinum leaf will be found of uniform thickness in every part. In this way it may be obtained so thin that on holding it 252 before a printed page the letters can be distinguished through it. A strip is to be cut from one of those sheets of a width proportionate to the quantity of the current which with Daniel's cells 20 inches high and three inches in diameter is about of an inch and of a length proportionate to the intensity which, of course, varies with the number of cells. Great care must be taken to cut the platinum strips of an equal width throughout, and with a clean edge, and if this is not carefully at- tended to the strip will be unequally heated and will 64 1 253 be fused in one part before the other parts have ob- tained a sufficiently high temperature to produce a bril- liant light. Platinum strip is now to be suspended be- tween two forceps in an instrument made for the pur- pose, one form of which is shown in Section in the engraving annexed and marked No. 1; A is a square brass bar fixed into the wooden stand C, having a bind- ing screw F attached to its lower end. The two arms ED are attached to sockets which slide on this bar so as to admit of their being placed at different distances 254 from each other. They are both bent at right angles, as seen in the figure, and terminated by bright forceps tipped with platinum. These forceps are closed by the milled screws HI; the arm C has a rod N with a screw cut on it, passing through it, and by means of the two nuts BB working on this rod the arm may be adjusted to any required height and the distance between the forceps thus regulated. The rod passes through the stand and is attached to the binding screw G. The socket K is lined with ivory 255 or some other non-conducting substance so as to pre- vent any metallic connection between the arm E and the bar; S is the strip of platinum leaf which is first clamped in the upper forceps; the arm E is now ad- justed to any required height and the lower forceps are closed so as to clamp the lower end of the strip of plat- inum. It may now be included in the battery circuit by attaching one of the wires to the binding screw at F and the other to that at G. The current should be one of considerable intensity and the distance between the 256 forceps should be sufficient to prevent the platinum being fused. The distance can be lessened by raising the arm E and shortening the strip of platinum until it attains the highest temperature it will bear without fusing; or the same object may be attained by increas- ing the intensity of the current. The glass shade R which serves to screen the platinum from currents of air, dust, &c., may then may be placed over the appara- tus as seen in figure 1. Carbon Conductors. When carbon is used, it becomes necessary on account of the affinity this substance has 65 for oxygen at high temperature to exclude from it air 257 and moisture. To accomplish this in the most perfect manner it should be enclosed in a torricellian vacuum. One form of the apparatus for this purpose is shown in section in the figure No. 2; a, is a glass tube similar to those used for barometers except that it has its upper end enlarged into a cyndrical bulb and a stout platinum wire sealed in at the top. A small cup for holding mercury is fixed on the top of this wire whose lower end screws in the iron piece d, to this piece the forceps fare attached and it is connected with a similar piece 258 at h by a porcelain rod i. The forceps are attached to h, and clamped to the lower end of the carbon piece c which is its upper end, held by this at f; n is a copper wire which is fixed into the piece at h and extends to the bottom of the tube; the tube is filled with mercury in the same manner as a barometer, the usual precau- tions being taken to expel the air; its length independ- ent of the bulb should be about thirty inches so that when it is inserted in a cup of mercury a vacuum will be formed in the bulb. The instrument is included in 259 the battery circuit by connecting one of the wires from the battery with the cup fixed on the wire e and the other with the wire which passes into the mercury in the cup at the bottom of the tube. The circuit is thus completed by the column of mercury, and when it is depressed in the tube by the formation of vapor of the mercury in the bulb the action is preserved by the cop- per wire n; that form of carbon on the interior of coal gas retorts which have long been used is well suited for this purpose and it may be worked into the form of 260 either small pencils or thin plates by the aid of the saw and file. As carbon will bear a very high temperature. without fusion or volatilization a much more intense light can be produced by this means than by platinum. When an intermittent light for light houses is required it may be obtained by breaking the circuit at intervals by clockwork; to effect this one of the wires from the battery is connected with a spring which is made to press on the circumference of a metallic wheel fixed on one of the arbors of the clock having certain 66 261 portions of its surface cut away so as to break and close the circuit at any required intervals. When the ap- paratus is suitably sealed it may be applied to sub- marine lighting and also to the lumination of places where it is necessary to guard against the inflammation of highly combustible or explosive compounds; as in powder magazines, mines, &c. When a current is of sufficient intensity two or more lights may be made in the same circuit, care being taken to regulate the power by increasing or diminishing the number of cells-if a 262 voltaic battery is the source of electricity, or the num- ber of armatures of a magneto-electric machine be used so that the united resistance of the strips of platinum or carbon shall be sufficient to prevent the passage of such a quantity of electricity as would destroy them. 263 Claim. "The application of continuous metallic and carbon conductors intensely heated by the passage of a suitably regulated current of electricity to the purposes of illumination as before mentioned." NOTE BY THE EDITOR. We fear that the project of lighting by electricity- now a very favored one with ingenious speculators and well deserving, doubtless, of every encouragement-is now likely to be much advanced by the present scheme. Both platinum and carbon have been before proposed to be employed as the illuminating bodies or media and both found objectionable the former as yielding too 264 feeble a light, and the latter a light which though brilliant is uncertain and, at best, of short duration. We subjoin two paragraphs from our common-place book which may suffice to show not only the want of novelty in Mr. King's imported invention but the point at which the labors of men of science in this department have arrived. "1845, November 8, M. de la Rive is stated in the Moniteur Industriel to have succeeded in obtaining a brilliant light for lighting mines by the galvanic bat- tery. His pile is composed of several concentric 67 cylinders of copper or platina separated by porous 265 cylinders and forming a series of four or five couples. An amalgam of liquid zinc or potassium the positive metal; and a solution of sulphate of copper for copper cylinders and chloruret of platina for platina ones. The difficulties in maintaining a constant light have been overcome by employing small, hollow cylinders of coke similar to those used in Bunsen's pile but smaller and arranged like the wicks of a lamp and rings or discs of metal around these. The electric current passes between the two. The current must be made to 266 pass from the coke cylinder that the particles of carbon which are carried off may fall again by their own weight. The whole is placed in a glass globe which must be her- metically sealed. There is no occasion to form a vacuum in it as the small portion of oxygen is soon absorbed ; but it must be carefully excluded from the outer atmos- phere. The pile is fitted with two metallic wires- one connecting with the cylinder of charcoal and the other with the metallic conductor.” 1845, December 7. Professor Groves soon after the 267 publication of his nitric acid battery was struck by the facility and constancy with which the voltaic arc could be obtained by that combination as compared with any previous one and made many attempts to reduce it to practical form for the purposes of illumination with, however, only limited success; charcoal as in M. de la Rive's experiment formed the terminals of the voltaic pile. Sometimes he could keep a constant light for four or five hours but it was never sure; from some un- seen defect in the charcoal it would become suddenly 268 extinct; the glass also became dull from carbon vapor which settled upon it; it was costly and not sufficiently portable. There were difficulties which he could not overcome and he proceeded to experimentalize on an- other method which struck him as likely to be more applicable to lighting mines; he substituted the vol- taic ignition of a platinum wire for the disruptive dis- charge in place of the charcoal arrangement. The light from the platinum is doubtless inferior to the carbon yet it is too intense for the naked eye to sup- 68 269 port and employ sufficient for the miner to work by. His plan was to ignite a coil of platinum wire as near the point of fusion as practicable in a closed vessel of atmospheric air or other gas and by the light of which he states he has experimented and read for hours and the apparatus he used was as follows: at each end of a coil of platinum wire is affixed a copper wire of con- venient length the lower ends of which are to be well varnished and inserted either through the bottom of a glass vessel or bent up along its sides and connected to 270 each end of a nitric acid battery; water is then poured into the vessel and another glass inverted over the coil and its supports which the water thus hermetically seals and an ignited wire now gives a steady light with- out an alteration or inconvenience as long as the battery continues constant-the length of time being of course dependent on the quantity of electrolyte in the battery cells. The spirals of the coil should ap- proximate as near as possible as each aids by its heat that of its neighbor and it should be as long as the 271 battery is capable of igniting to a full incandescence. The helix form offers the advantages that the cooling effects being lessened a much longer wire can be ig- nited by the same battery; by this increased length of wire the battery fuel is economized while a greater light is afforded; by the increased heat the resistance is still further increased and the consumption still further diminished; so that contrary to the usual result the increment of consumption decreases with the exal- tation of effect produced. The very 272 of enclosing the coil in a glass necessity recipient also augments the heat, the light and the resistance. In experiment on the effect of different gases on radiant heat he found by filling the vessel with hydrogen, the coil was not even visible in the dark; an increase of volume by expansion took place from 35 to 43; in carbonic acid cherry red by daylight increased from 35 to 43; in oxygen by daylight 35 to 45; nitrogen the same; and atmospheric air the same as in oxygen. These appear important and satisfactory results but actual practice on a larger scale can alone test their efficiency." 69 [The Mining Journal], p. 348. KING'S PATENT ELECTRICAL LIGHT. SIR: In your last number are some remarks ap- pended to the specification of Mr. King's patent for an electrical light where it appears to me you have over- looked the distinctive feature of this arrangement. 273 All the early attempts that have been made to effect this important and interesting object were founded on the well-known experiment of producing an arch of 274 flame between two charcoal points forming the termi- nation of the conducting wires of a battery; but they have failed in consequence of the difficulty of rendering the light permanent; for it is found that the substance of one of the points is carried away and deposited on the other which ultimately destroys the essential con- ditions of success, besides which the light frequently ceases without any apparent cause so that it cannot be depended upon with any degree of certainty even for a few minutes. Mr. Starr (the inventor of this patented arrangement) has overcome the difficulty by using continuous me- tallic and carbon conductors sufficiently thin to be in- tensely heated by the passage of electricity through them. This every electrician will allow, differs essen- tially from the disruptive discharge taking place through the air as in the experiment with the charcoal points which was performed by Sir Humphrey Davy, and of which M. de la Rive's arrangement is only a slight mod- ification. The experiment of Professor Grove is without doubt the same in principle as that claimed by the patentee, the only difference (when the platinum is used) being in the form of the conductor which, however, affects the result as regards the quantity of the light produced very considerably. The experiment of Professor Grove was first made public on December 1st, 1845; but Mr. King's patent was sealed for England November 4th of the same year; so that the priority is unquestionable, as is also the novelty of the principle of obtaining light 275 276 70 277 for the useful purposes from intensely heated contin- uous conductors. The claim is not for a new substance for producing the electrical light but for a new method. Carbon has long been used for the terminal points be- tween which the light passes, but its application as a conductor itself to be rendered luminous by the passage of the electricity through it is unquestionably new. Respecting the utility of the invention it would at pres- ent be premature to offer any remarks, as it must be tried on a scale of magnitude similar to that which will 278 be required for its ultimate application in order to fairly test it. This will very shortly be done as Mr. Starr is at present engaged in fitting up apparatus which will fully demonstrate it. I may, however, observe that the light produced by the platinum in this arrangement is by no means favor- able, for it exceeds in power any light at present used. That from the carbon is still more brilliant than the platinum and is not in the least degree uncertain; nor is there any reason to believe from the experiments 279 already made that any change will take place in its sub- stance, however long it may continue in operation. I hope shortly to be able to communicate definitely the results of these experiments and of others which are about to be made, as they will be found very interest- ing not only on account of their useful application but as affording very beautiful illustrations of the laws of electrical action and eliciting some new and important facts. 280 Yours respectfully, WILLIAM WILLIAMS. 1 Francis-Street Regents Square, May 1st, 1846. + 71 Defendant's Exhibit Philosophical Trans- 281 actions, Paper No. 1, W. T. F., Spec. Exr. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON FOR THE YEAR 1809, VOLUME 9. Part I., Printed by W. Bulmer & Co., Cleveland Road, St. James, London, England, Pages 32 to 38 inclusive. II. An account of some experiments performed with a view to ascertain the most advantageous method of con- structing a voltaic apparatus for the purposes of chem- ical research by John George Children, Esq., F. R. S. Read November 24, 1808. 282 The late interesting discoveries by Mr. Davy having shown the high importance of the voltaic battery as an instrument of chemical analysis, it became a desirable object to ascertain that mode of constructing it by which the greatest effect may be produced with the least waste 283 of power and expense. For this purpose I made a battery on the new method with plates of copper and zinc connected together with leaden straps soldered on the top of each pair of plates; which are 20 in number, and each plate four feet high by two feet wide. The sum of all the surfaces being 92,160 square inches, exclusive of the single plate at each end of the battery. The trough is made of wood with wooden partitions well covered with cement to render them perfectly tight so that no water can flow 284 from one cell to another. The battery was charged with a mixture of three parts fuming nitrous and one part sulphuric acid diluted with thirty parts of water and the quantity used was 120 gallons. In the presence and with the kind assistance of Messrs. Davy, Allen and Pepys the following experi- ments were made: Experiment 1. 18 inches of platina wire of one-thirtieth of an inch were completely fused in about twenty sec- onds. 72 • 285 286 Exp. 2. Three feet of the same wire were heated to a bright red, visible by strong daylight. Exp. 3. Four feet of the same wire were rendered very hot, but not perceptibly red by daylight. In the dark it would probably have bright red throughout. Exp. 4. Charcoal burnt with intense brilliancy. Exp. 5. On iron wire of about one-seventieth of an inch diameter the effect was strikingly feeble. It barely fused ten inches and had not power to ignite ten feet. Exp. 6. Imperfect conductors were next submitted to the action of the battery and barytes mixed with the red oxide of mercury and made into a paste with pipe clay and water was placed in a circuit, but neither on this nor on any other similar substance was the slight- est effect produced. Exp. 7. The gold leaves of the electrometer were not affected. Exp. 8. When the cuticle was dry no shock was given by this battery, and even though the skin was wet it 287 was scarcely perceptible. Before I offer any observations on the inferences to be drawn from these experiments I shall mention some others performed for the sake of comparison with the foregoing with an apparatus very different in size and number of plates from the one just described. This second battery was precisely the Couronne des Tasses of Sig. Volta, consisting of 200 pairs of plates, each about two inches square, placed in half pots of common Queensware, and made active by some of the 288 liquor used in exciting the large battery to which was added a fresh portion of sulphuric acid equal to about a quarter of a pint to a gallon. To state as shortly as possible the effects produced by this battery: Experiment 1. It decomposed potash and barytes readily. Exp. 2. It produced the metallization of ammonia with great facility. Exp. 3. It ignited charcoal vividly. 73 Exp. 4. It caused considerable divergence of the gold 289 leaves of the electro-meter. Exp. 5. It gave a vivid spark after being in action three hours. At the expiration of twenty-four hours it retained sufficient power to metallize ammonia and con- tinued with gradually decreasing energy to produce the same effect till the end of forty-one hours, when it seemed nearly exhausted. From the results of the foregoing experiments which though simple and not numerous, I trust are satisfac- tory, we see Mr. Davy's theory of the mode of action 290 of the voltaic battery confirmed. He says (in his paper on some chemical agencies of electricity, Section 9, after having shown the effect of induction to increase the electricity of the opposite plates): "The intensity increases with the number and the quantity with the extent of the series." That this is so, the effects produced on the platina and iron wires in the first and fifth experiments with the large battery and the subsequent experiments on imperfect conductors with the small apparatus suffi- 291 ciently proved. The platina wire being a perfect con- ductor and not liable to be oxydated presents no ob- stacle to the free passage of the electricities through it, which, from the immense quantities given out from so large a surface evolved on their mutual annihilation heat sufficient to raise the temperature of the platina to the point of fusion. With the iron wire of one seventieth of an inch di- ameter, the effect is very different, which is explained by the low state of the intensity of the electricity (suffi- 292 ciently proved by its not causing any divergence of the gold leaves of the electro-meter), which being opposed in its passage by the thin coat of the oxide formed on the iron wire at the moment the circuit is completed, a very small portion only of it is transmitted through the wire. To the same want of intensity is to be attributed the total inability of the large battery to decompose the barytes and its general weak action on bodies which are not perfect conductors. The small battery on the contrary exerts great power on imperfect con- 74 293 ductors, decomposing them readily, although its whole surface is more than thirty times less than that of the great battery; but in point of number of plates it con- sists of nearly ten times as many as the large one. The long continued action of the small bat- tery proves the utility of having the cells of sufficient capacity to hold a large quantity of liquor by which much trouble of emptying and filling the troughs is avoided, and the action kept up without intermission for a long space of time, a circumstance in many ex- 294 periments of material consequence. Besides this ad- vantage with very large combinations a certain distance between each pair of plates is absolutely necessary to prevent spontaneous discharges which will otherwise ensue accompanied with vivid flashes of electric light as I have experienced with a battery of 1,250 four-inch plates on the new construction. And here I beg leave to mention an experiment which though not directly in point cannot be considered as foreign to the subject of this paper. It has been urged as one proof of the non- 295 identity of the common electricity and that given out by the voltaic apparatus that in the latter there is no striking distance. That objection, however, must cease. I took a small receiver open at one end, through per- torations in the opposite sides of which were placed two wires with platina points well polished. One was fixed by cement to the glass, the other was movable by means of a fine screw through a collar of leathers, and the distances between the points was ascertained by a small micrometer attached. This receiver was inverted 296 over well-dried potash, over mercury, and suffered to stand a couple of days to deprive the air it contained as thoroughly as possible of moisture. The 1,250 plates being excited precisely to the same degree as the great battery mentioned in the beginning of this communica- tion, and the little receiver placed in the circuit, I as- certain its striking distance to be one-fiftieth of an inch. That I might be certain that the air in the ap- paratus had not become a conductor by increase of temperature, I repeated the experiment several times with fresh cool air and always with the same result; 75 but perhaps it will be objected that the striking dis- 297 tance was so small as not to afford a satisfactory refutation of the argument alluded to when it is con- sidered to how very great a distance comparatively the spark of the common electrical machine can pass through air. The answer to this is obvious. Increase the number of the plates and the striking distance will increase, for we see throughout the intensity propor- tioned to the number, and it probably may be carried to such an extent as even to pass through a thicker plate of air than the common spark. The great simi- 298 larity of the appearance of the electric light of this bat- tery in vacuo and that of the common machine might also be urged as an additional proof of the identity of their nature. The effect of this large combination on imperfect conductors was, as may be supposed, very great. Of the same platina wire of which the four feet plates fused eighteen inches, this battery melted but half an inch, though had the effect been in the ratio of their surfaces it should have fused nearly fourteen inches. 299 The absolute effect of a voltaic apparatus, therefore, seems to be in the compound ratio of the number and size of the plates, the intensity of the electricity being at the former, the quantity given out as the latter; con- sequently regard must be had in its construction to the purposes for which it is designed. For experiments on perfect conductors very large plates are to be preferred, a small number of wicks will probably be sufficient; but where the resistance of imperfect conductors is to be overcome, the combination must be great, but the size 300 of the plates may be small, but if quantity and inten- sity be both required, then a large number of large plates will be necessary. For general purposes four inches square will be found to be the most convenient size. Of the two methods usually employed, that of having the copper and zinc plates joined together only in one point and movable is much better than the old plan of soldering them together through the whole surfaces and cementing them into the troughs, as by the new con- 76 301 struction the apparatus can be more easily cleaned and repaired and double quantity of surface is obtained. For the partitions in the trough glass seems the sub- stance best adapted to secure a perfect insulation; but the best of all will be troughs made entirely of Wedge- wood's ware, an idea I believe first suggested by Dr. Babington. 302 303 304 77 Defendants' Exhibit Philosophical Trans- 305 action Paper No. 2, W. T. F. Spec. Exr. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON FOR THE YEAR 1815. Volume 15, Part I. Printed by W. Bulmer & Co., Cleveland Road, St. James, London, England. Pages 363 to 374, inclusive. XX. An Account of some Experiments with a large 306 Voltaic Battery by J. G. CHILDREN, ESQ., F. R. S. Read June 15, 1815. In 1809 I presented to the Society a short account of some experiments performed with a voltaic battery of unusually large plates, which has been honored by publication in the Philosophical Transactions for that year. Since that period I have constructed another of still larger dimensions, the effects of which form the subject of the present communication. The copper and zinc plates of this apparatus are connected to- 307 gether in the usual order by leaden straps; they are six feet long by two feet eight inches broad, each plate pre- senting thirty-two square feet of surface. All the plates are attached to a strong wooden frame suspended by ropes and pulleys, which, being balanced by counter- poises is easily lowered and lifted so as to immerse the plates in the acid or raise them out of it at pleasure. The first trials of the power of this instrument were made in July, 1813, in the presence of several philo- sophical friends, but the effects then fell very short of 308 my expectations, arising, as I afterwards found, from a defect in the construction, which has been since remedied and another copper plate added to each member of the series, so that every cell now contains one zinc and two copper plates, and each surface of zinc is opposed to a surface of copper. This was done at the suggestion of Dr. Wollaston and has very considerably increased the power of the battery. From some comparative experiments which I made with a small apparatus the increase in quantity of 78 309 electricity thus effected is at least one-half. The cells. of the battery are twenty-one in number and their united capacities amount to nine hundred and forty-five gallons. To each pole of the battery a lead pipe about three-quarters of an inch in diameter is attached by solder and the opposite end of each pipe immersed in a basin of mercury (a separate basin for each pipe), by means of which the circuit is completed and a perfect contact ensured. The first experiments I shall men- tion were made on the comparative facility with which 310 different metals are ignited when placed in the elec- trical circuit. For this purpose in each experiment two wires of dissimilar metals were taken of equal diameter and length; one end of each was in contact with one of the basins of mercury communicating with the poles of the battery, and the other end bent to an angle and the wires connected continuously by hooking them together. The length of each wire was eight inches and the diameter one-thirtieth of an inch. The battery was moderately excited by a charge of one 311 part acid diluted with forty parts of water. 312 Exp. 1. A platina and a gold wire being thus con- nected and introduced into the electrical circuit, the platina was instantly ignited, the gold remained un- affected. Exp. 2. A similar arrangement of gold and silver wire. The gold was ignited, the silver not. Exp. 3. The same with gold and copper. No percep- tible difference in the state of ignition; both metals were heated red. Exp. 4. Gold and iron. The iron was ignited; the gold unchanged. Exp. 5. Platina and iron. The iron ignited instantly at the point of contact next the pole of the battery. Then the platina became ignited through its whole ex- tent. After this the iron became more intensely heated than the platina and the ignition of the latter decreased. Exp. 6. Platina and zinc. The platina was ignited. The zinc was not, but melted at the point of contact. In a subsequent experiment the zinc did not melt, but the platina ignited as before. 79 Exp. 7. Zinc and iron. The iron was ignited; the 313 zinc bore the heat without fusing. Exp. 8. Lead and platina. The lead fused at the point of contact. Exp. 9. Tin and platina. The tin fused at the point of contact. No ignition of either wire took place in the last two experiments. Exp. 10. Zinc and silver. The zinc was ignited before it melted. The silver was not ignited. The results in every case were the same to whichever pole of the battery either wire was presented. I varied 314 these experiments by introducing several alternations of different wires continuously connected into the cir- cuit and obtained in every instance analogous results. Thus : Exp. 11. Alternations of platina and silver three times repeated; all the platina wires were ignited and none of the silver. Exp. 12. One zinc wire between two platina; both the platina wires were ignited, the zinc not. Exp. 13. One iron between two platina. Both the 315 latter first ignited; then the iron, which soon became most heated and fused. It is unnecessary to enter into a farther detail of these experiments; it will be sufficient to say generally that when wires of several different metals were intro- duced at once into a circuit the order of their ignition was precisely that of the former experiments. In one experiment with copper and gold, the copper was de- cidedly most heated. I feel some difficulty in attempting an explanation of 316 the preceding phenomena, and offer the following con- jecture with diffidence. When a perfect communication is established between the poles of the battery, the electricity circulates without producing any visible effect; but if it meet with resistance in its passage it manifests itself by chemical action by the evolu- tion of heat or both. Thus, if a bar of metal be connected with one pole of the battery and its extrem- ity immersed in a basin of mercury connected with the other pole, at the instant the surfaces come in contact 80 317 heat and light are evolved, which cease as soon as the bar, if it be of sufficient size, is fairly plunged beneath the surface of the quick- silver. If the circuit be completed by two pieces of charcoal, the evolution of heat and light is permanent as long as their surfaces remain in contact, because that contact can never be so perfect as to op- pose no resistances to the electricity; whereas, in the case of the bar of metal and the mercury it soon be- came complete and the current is then uninterrupted. 318 Resistance, therefore, appears to occasion the develop- ment of heat (whatever may be the ultimate cause of the phenomenon), and as this must be inversely as the conducting power when any two of the wires connected continuously are placed in the circuit, that which is the worst conductor must be most heated, and thus platina having the lowest conducting power is ignited before all the rest; and silver which conducts best is not heated red when connected with any of the other metals. Should it be objected that if the electricity 319 meet with greater resistance in one body than in the other, equal quantities cannot be transmitted in equal times by the two substances (a circumstance essential to electrical action), I answer that a body may be pro- pelled through two media of different densities with equal velocity if the propelling forces be proportionate to the resistances; and it is a necessary consequence that whatever effect the passage of the body was capa- ble of producing in the least resisting medium it will produce it in a still greater degree in the most resist- 520 ing; and if that effect be heat the greatest portion will be developed in the latter instance. In the case in question, indeed, there is but one propelling force; but as it is sufficient to overcome the greater resistances the energy is unshaken. That the ignition of the wire is generally first perceptible at the point of contact next the pole of the battery (to whichever pole it be pre- sented), is in favor of the hypothesis. I once thought the phenomenon might be owing to the joint effect of difference of conducting power and inequality of the different metals for heat; but the experiments of Craw- 81 ford, Leslie, Dalton, Irvine and others, militate against 321 that idea; for, according to them, the capacities of the iron and platina exceed those of all the other metals, whereas on the supposition alluded to they ought to be inferior. From the foregoing results the order of the conducting powers of the metals tried is silver, zinc, gold, copper, iron and platina. Tin and lead fuse so immediately at the point of contact that they cannot be placed. Between gold and copper the difference is tri- fling; and with regard to platina and iron their rela- tions to each other in this circumstance seem to be 322: affected by elevations of temperature. It may be ob- served that the order of the above metals as conductors of electricity nearly follows that of their powers to con- duct heat. In an experiment in which equal lengths of two pla- tina wires of unequal diameter (the larger being one- thirtieth the smaller one-fiftieth of an inch), were placed together in the circuit parallel to each other, the thicker wire was ignited because it conveyed more electricity without proportional increase of cooling surface. When 323 connected continuously the order of ignition was re- versed. These two results were foreseen by Dr. Wol- laston who suggested the experiments. The experiments which I now proceed to mention were made with the battery in a high state of excita- tion; and I consider them as representing nearly the maximum of effect which it is capable of producing. As the quantity of acid was increased from time to time and that previously added often almost spent before fresh was put in, it is not easy to say exactly what 324 proportion it bore to the water; perhaps the largest may be stated to be about one-twentieth. On this as on former occasions, I found a mixture of nitrous and sulphuric acids to produce the most powerful and per- manent effects. Exp. 1. Five feet six inches of platina wire, of an inch in diameter, were heated red throughout visible in full daylight. 100 Exp. 2. Eight feet six inches of platina wire, of an inch in diameter, were heated red. 82 325 -326 Exp. 3. A bar of platina one-sixth of an inch square and two and a quarter inches long was also heated red and fused at the end, and, Exp. 4. A round bar of the same metal 7% of an inch in diameter and two and one-quarter inches in length was heated bright red throughout. Exp. 5. Fine points of box-wood charcoal intensely ignited in chlorine neither suffered any change nor pro- duced any in the gas. The result was similar when heated in azote. I next tried the power of the battery to fuse several refractory substances. The subject of experiment was placed in a small cavity made in a piece of well-burnt box-wood charcoal floating on the surface of the mer- cury in one of the basins above mentioned and the cir- cuit completed by another piece of charcoal communi- cating by stout copper wire with the other basin. Exp. 1. Oxide of tungsten, which (as well as all the other metallic oxides operated on) had been previously intensely ignited in a charcoal crucible in a powerful 327 furnace fused and was partially reduced. The metal grayish white, heavy, brilliant and very brittle. Exp. 2. Oxide of tantalum. A very small portion fused. The grains have a reddish yellow color and are extremely brittle. Exp. 3. Oxide of uranium; fused but not reduced. Exp. 4. Oxide of titanium; fused, not reduced, when intensely heated it burned, throwing off brilliant sparks like iron. Exp. 5. Oxide of cerium; fused, and when intensely -328 heated it burnt with a large vivid white flame, and was partly volatilized, but not reduced. The fused oxide on exposure for a few hours in the air fell into a light brown powder containing numerous shining particles of a silvery lustre interspersed amongst it, and exhaled an odor similar to that of phosphuretted hydrogen. Exp. 6. Oxide of molybuena; readily fused and re- duced. The metal is very brittle, of a steel gray color, and soon becomes coated with a thin coat of purple oxide. 83 Exp. 7. Compound ore of iridium and osmium; fused 329 into a globule. Exp. 8. Pure iridium; fnsed into an imperfect glob- ule not quite free from small cavities and weighing 7.1 grains. The metal is white, very brilliant, and in its present state its specific gravity is 18.68 which must be much too low on account of porous state of the globule. In the minutes of the experiments in July, 1813, mention is made of the fusion of a small portion of pure iridium into a globule weighing of a grain which had been previously submitted to the action of a battery of 2,000 330- plates of four inches square without melting. Exp. 9. Ruby and sapphire were not fused. Exp. 10. Blue spinel ran unto a slag. Exp. 11. Gadolinite fused into a globule. Exp. 12. Magnesia was agglutinated. Exp. 13. Zircon from Norway was imperfectly fused. Exp. 14. Quartz, silex, and plumbago were not affected. In the year 1796, M. Clouet, converted iron into steel by cementation with the diamond with the view of con- 331 firming the nature of that substance and of ascertaining the exact state in which the carbon exists in steel. Clouet had also previously formed steel by cementation with carbonate of lime. Mr. Mushet repeated this ex- periment, using instead of the carbonate caustic lime, and obtained also what he considered to be cast steel; whence he concluded that the carbon necessary to con- vert the iron into steel had not been furnished as Clouet supposed by decomposition of the carbonic acid, but that it had found its way from the ignited gases of the 332 furnace to the iron. This result occasioned suspicions. of the accuracy of the deductions from the experiment with the diamond; and Mr. Moshet accordingly at the suggestion of the editor of the Philosophical Magazine repeated the experiment made at the Polytechnic School only keeping out the diamond. The results (for he made several experiments) uniformly gave him good cast steel, whence he concludes that we are still without any satisfactory or conclusive proof of the steelification of iron solely by means of the diamond; and adds that he 84 333 doubts whether the diamond afforded even one particle of carbon to the iron. The details of both Clouet's and Mushet's experiments may be found in the fifth volume of the Philosophical Magazine. Sir George M'Kenzie repeated both Clouet's experiments, and those of Mr. Mushet and obtained results confirming the conclusions of the French chemists. The labors of this gentleman, indeed, seems sufficiently conclusive; but if a doubt should remain, it occurred to Mr. Pepys that the battery would afford an experimentum crucis on the subject: 334 and his ingenuity readily suggested a mode of making it every way unobjectionable. He bent a wire of pure soft iron so as to form an angle in the middle in which part he divided it longitudinally by a fine saw. In the opening so formed he placed diamond powder securing it in its situation by two finer wires laid above and be- low it and kept from shifting by another small wire bound firmly and closely around them. All the wires were of pure soft iron and the part containing the diamond powder was enveloped by thin leaves of talc. 335 Thus arranged the apparatus was placed in the electri- cal circuit when it soon became red hot and was kept so for six minutes. The ignition was so far from in- tense that few who witnessed the experiment expected, I believe, any decisive result. On opening the wire, however, Mr. Pepys found that the whole of the diamond had disappeared; the interior surface of the iron had fused into numerous cavities notwithstanding the very moderate heat to which it had been exposed; and all that part which had been in contact with the diamond 336 was converted into perfect blistered steel. A portion of it being heated red und plunged into water became so hard as to resist the file and to scratch glass. This result is conclusive, for as the contact of any carbona- ceous substance except the included diamond was effect- ually guarded against, to that alone can the change produced in the iron be referred. This experiment will also probably be deemed fatal to the opinion of those mineraleogists (if they do still maintain that opinion), who class the diamond with substances of siliceous genus. 85 When dry caustic potash was exposed to the intense 337 heat between the two pieces of charcoal, it fused and appeared to decompose, throwing off a large volume of the peculiar purple red color that attends the combus- tion of potassium. When moist caustic potash was placed in the circuit the water only was decomposed. I endeavored to ascertain if there be any difference in the degree of heat produced at either pole of the bat- tery by placing two small earthenware cups, each con- taining an equal weight of mercury in the circuit and connected together by a platina wire of such size and 338 length as to be kept constantly ignited. The mercury in the cup connected with the zinc end of the battery attained in twenty minutes the temperature of 120°; that in the other cup, 112º. The battery, even in its most active state, communi- cated no charge to the Leyden foil. I give the following experiment, the last with which I shall occupy the time of the Society without com- ment. 1 I separated all the zinc from the copper plates by 339 dividing the leaden straps that united them; and then by means of other leaden straps I connected all the zinc plates together as one plate, and all the copper plates in the same manner; thus reducing the whole battery to only two plates, each presenting a surface of 1,344 square feet, reckoning the copper surface as oniy equal to the zinc. When the plates thus arranged were suspended quite out of contact with the acid a com- munication was made between the two metallic surfaces by means of a platina wire of an inch diamater 340 and about of an inch long with every possible atten- tion to ensure a perfect contact; but, although the ex- periment was made in the dark, not the slightest ap- pearance of ignition was perceptible in the minute wire by which these extensive surfaces were connected. It is known, I believe, to almost every member of this So- ciety that Dr. Wollaston has shown with the delicate apparatus invented by him that the platina wire of the same dimensions as that just mentioned is instantly ig- nited by a single pair of plates one inch square on being 3 1 5 0 0 0 86 341 immersed in a diluted acid. The ratio of the areas of the plates of the respective batteries is 1 to 48,384. When the plates of the larger battery in the usual order of arrangement were immersed in mere pump water pre- vious to any acid having been put into the cells, they ignited one-fourth of an inch of platina wire, ʊ of an inch diameter, and fused the end of it into a perfect globule. 342 343 344 87 Defendants' Exhibit Philosophical trans- 345 actions, Paper No. 3. W. T. F., Spec. Exr. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Volume 20, published in London in 1820, under Section 2, Page 21, Title Comparative Experiments on the Illuminating and Heating Powers of Olefiant Coal and Oil Gases and on some General Properties of Radiant Matter, at pages 26 and 27. 346 10. There are certain substances, the chemical re- lations of which are singularly affected by the influence of direct solar rays. Among these the mixture of chlorine and hydrogen is most remarkable: If kept in common daylight but out of direct sunshine, the gases do not act upon each other; but the moment the mixture is placed in the sunshine the muriatic acid begins to be formed. I therefore hoped that this prop- erty might be applicable in certain photometrical 347 experiments. I exposed a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen in a tube inverted over water capable of holding about four cubical inches and blown into a thin bulb at its upper extremity to the brilliant effects produced by a large olefiant gas flame; it was exposed for 15', but underwent no other change than a slight increase of bulk, acting as an air thermometer. 11. It now occurred to me to try how far any effect would be produced by the more intense light of the voltaic battery, and I placed the tube containing the 348 mixed gases in a darkened room within about an inch of the charcoal points connected with an apparatus of 100 pairs of plates highly charged; upon making the contact the effect of the light upon the mixed gases was very remarkable; fumes of muriatic vapor were instantly produced, the water rose in the tube in con- sequence of the production of muriatic acid and in about five minutes the absorption was entire; but the most curious circumstances was that in two instances an explosion of the gases took place the moment they felt the impulse of the electric light. 88 349 Defendant's Exhibit Philosophical Trans- actions, Paper No. 4, W. T. F.. Spec. Exr. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON FOR THE YEAR 1821. Part I., Volume 21, pages 425 to 439, inclusive. XXIX. Farther researches on the Magnetic Phe- nomena produced by electricity; with some new experi- 350 ments on the properties of electrified bodies in their relations to conducting powers and temperature by Sir Humphrey Davy, Bart., F. R. S. Read July 5, 1821. I. In my letter to Dr. Wollaston on the new facts discovered by M. Oersted, which the society has done me the honor to publish, I mentioned that I was not able to render a bar of steel magnetic by transmitting the electrical discharge across it through a tube filled with sulphuric acid; and I have likewise mentioned 351 that the electrical discharge passed across a piece of steel through air rendered it less magnetic than when passed through a metallic wire; and I attributed the first circumstance to the sulphuric acid being too bad a conductor to transmit a sufficient quantity of elec- tricity for the effect; and the second to the electricity passing through the air in a more diffused state than other metals. To gain some distinct knowledge on the relations of the different conductors to the magnetism produced by 352 electricity, I instituted a series of experiments which led to very decisive results, and confirmed my first views. II. I found that the magnetic phenomena were pre- cisely the same whether the electricity was small in quantity and passing through good conductors of con- siderable magnitude; or whether the conductors were so imperfect as to convey only a small quantity of elec- tricity; and in both cases they were neither attractive of each other nor of iron filings, and not affected by the magnet; and the only proof of their being magnetic 89 was their occasioning a certain small deviation of the 53 magnetized needle. Thus, a large piece of charcoal placed in the circuit of a very powerful battery being a very bad conductor compared with the metals, would not affect the compass needle at all unless it had a very large contact with the metallic part of the circuit; and if a small wire was made to touch it in the circuit, only in a few points that wire did not gain the power of attracting iron filings; though when it was made to touch a surface of platinum foil coiled around the end of the charcoal a 354 slight effect of this kind was produced. And in a simi- lar manner fused hydrate of potassa, one of the best of the imperfect conductors, could never be made to exert any attractive force on iron filings; nor could the smallest filaments of cotton moistened by a solution of hydrate of potassa placed in the circuit be made to move by the magnet; nor did steel needles floating on cork on an electrized solution of this kind placed in the voltaic circuit gain any polarity; and the only proof of the magnetic powers of electricity passing through such 355 a fluid was afforded by its effect upon the magnetized needle when the metallic surfaces plunged in the fluid were of considerable extent. That the mobility of the parts of fluids did not interfere with their magnetic powers as developed by electricity, I prove by electri- fying mercury and Newton's metal fused in small tubes. These tubes, placed in a proper voltaic circuit, attract- ed iron filings and gave magnetic power to needles; nor did any agitation of the mercury or metal within either in consequence of mechanical motion or heat, 356 alter or suspend their polarity. III. Imperfect conducting fluids do not give polarity to steel when electricity is passed through them; but electricity passed through air produces this effect. Reasoning on this phenomenon and on the extreme mobility of the particles of air, I concluded, as M. Arrago had likewise done, from other considerations that the voltaic current in air would be affected by the magnet. I failed in my first trial, which I have referred to in a note to my former paper, and in other trials 90 357 made since, by using too weak a magnet; but I have lately had complete success; and the experiment ex- hibits a very striking phenomenon. Mr. Pepys having had the goodness to charge the great battery of the London Institution consisting of 2,000 double plates of zinc and copper, with a mixture of 1,168 parts of water, 108 parts of nitrous acid and 25 parts of sulphuric acid, the poles were connected by charcoal so as to make an arc or column of electrical light varying in length from one to four inches accord- -358 ing to the state of rarefication of the atmosphere in which it was produced; and a powerful magnet being presented to this arc or column having its pole at a very acute angle to it, the arc or column was attracted or repelled with a rotary motion, or made to revolve by placing the poles in different positions according to the same law as the electrified cylinders of platinum de- scribed in my last paper, being repelled when the nega- tive pole was on the right hand by the north pole of the magnet, and attracted by the south pole and vice versa. It was proved by several experiments that the motion depended entirely upon the magnetism and not upon the electrical inductive power of the magnet, for masses of soft iron or of other metals produced no effect. 359 The electrical arc or column of flame was more easily affected by the magnet, and its motion was more rapid when it passed through dense than through rarefied air; and in this case the conducting medium or chain of aeri- form particles was much shorter. I tried to gain similar results with currents of com- 360 mon electricity sent through flame and in vacuo. They were always affected by the magnet; but it was not pos- sible to obtain so decided a result as with voltaic elec- tricity, because the magnet itself became electrical by induction and that whether it was insulated or connected with the ground. (Foot note: I made several experiments on the effects of currents of electricity simultaneously passing through air in different states of rarefication in the same and different directions, both from the Voltaic and common electrometers; but I could not establish the fact of 91 their magnetic attractions or repulsions with regard to 36h each other, which probably was owing to the impossi- bility of bringing them sufficiently near.) IV. Metals, it is well known, readily transmit large quantities of electricity, and the obvious limit to the quantity which they are capable of transmitting seems to be their fusibility or volatilization by the heat which electricity produces in its passage through bodies. Now, I had found in several experiments that the in- tensity of this heat was connected with the nature of the medium by which the body was surrounded; thus, 362 a wire of platinum which was readily fused by trans- mitting the charge from a voltaic battery in the ex- hausted receiver of an air pump, acquired in air a much lower degree of temperature. Reasoning on this cir- cumstance, it occurred to me that by placing wires in a medium much denser than air, such as ether, alcohol, oils or water, I might enable them to transmit a much higher charge of electricity than they could convey without being destroyed in air, and thus not only gain some new results as to the magnetic state of such wires, 363 but likewise perhaps determine the actual limits to the powers of different bodies to conduct electricity and the relations of these powers. A wire of platinum of three inches in length was fused in air by being made to transmit the electricity of two batteries of ten zinc plates of four inches, with double copper strongly charged; a similar wire was placed in sulphuric ether and the charge transmitted through it. It became surrounded by globules of gas, but no other change took place, and in this situation it 364 bore the discharge from twelve batteries of the same kind exhibiting the same phenomena. When only about an inch of it was treated by this high power in ether it made the ether boil and became white hot under the globules of vapor, and then rapidly decomposed the ether, but it did not fuse. When oil or water was sub- stituted for the ether, the length of the wire remaining the same, it was partially covered with small globules of gas, but did not become red hot. Though, on trying the magnetic powers of this wire 92 365'in water, they were found to be very great, and the quantity of iron filings that it attracted was such as to form a cylinder round it of nearly the tenth of an inch in diameter. To ascertain whether short lengths of fine wire, pre- vented from fusing by being kept cool, transmitted the whole electricity of powerful voltaic batteries, I made a second independent circuit from the ends of the battery with silver wires in water, so that the electrical decomposition of the water indicated a residuum of 366 electricity in the battery. Operating in this way, I found that an inch of wire of platinum of one two hun- dred and twentieth, kept cool by water, left a great residual charge of electricity in a combination of twelve batteries of the same kind as those above mentioned, and after making several trials I found that it was barely adequate to discharge six batteries. V. Having determined that there was a limit to the quantity of electricity which wires were capable of transmitting, it became easy to institute experiments on 367 the different conducting powers of different metallic substances, and on the relation of this power to the temperature, mass, surface or length of the conducting power and to the conditions of electro-magnetic action. These experiments were made as nearly as possible under the same circumstances, the same connecting copper wires being used in all cases, their diameter being more than of an inch and the contact being always preserved perfect; and parts of the same solu- tions of acid and water were employed in the different 368 batteries and the same silver wires and broken circuit with water were employed in the different trials, and when no globules of gas were observed upon the nega- tive silver wire of the second circuit it was concluded that the metallic conducting chain or the primary cir- cuit was adequate to the discharge of the combination. To describe more minutely all the precautions observed would be tedious to those persons who are accustomed to experiments with the voltaic apparatus, and unintel- ligible to others; and, after all, in researches of this nature it is impossible to gain more than approxima- 93 tions to true results, for the gases disengaged upon the 369 plates the different distances of the connecting plates and the slight difference of time in making the connec- tions all interfere with their perfect accuracy. The most remarkable general result that I obtained by these researches and which I shall mention first, as it influences all the others, was that the conducting power of metallic bodies varied with the temperature and was lower in some inverse ratio as the temperature was higher. 220 Thus, a wire of platinum of 2 and 3 inches in 370 length when kept cool by oil discharged the electricity of two batteries or of twenty double plates; but when suffered to be heated by exposure in the air, it barely discharged one battery. Whether the heat was occasioned by the electricity or applied to it from some other source, the effect was the same. Thus, a wire of platinum of such length and diameter as to discharge a combination without being considerably heated, when the flame of a spirit lamp was applied to is so as to make a part of it red hot, lost 371 its power of discharging the whole electricity of the bat- tery as was shown by the disengagement of abundance of gas in the secondary circuit, which disengagement ceased as soon as the source of heat was withdrawn. There are several modes of exhibiting this fact so as to produce effects which, until they are witnessed, must almost appear impossible. Thus, let a fine wire of platinum of four or five inches in length be placed in a voltaic circuit so that the electricity passing through it may heat the whole of it to redness and let the flame of 372 a spirit lamp be applied to it so as to heat that part to whiteness, the rest of the wire will instantly become cooled below the point of visible ignition. For the converse of the experiment let a piece of ice or stream of cold air be applied to a part of the wire, the other parts will immediately become much hotter, and from a red will rise to a white heat. The quantity of elec- tricity that can pass through that part of the wire sub- mitted to the changes of temperature is so much smaller when it is hot than when it is cold that the 94 373 absolute temperature of the whole wire is diminished by heating a part of it, and vice versa increased by cooling a part of it. In comparing the conducting powers of different metals, I found much greater difference than I had ex- pected. Thus, six inches of silver wire of one two hundred and twentieth discharged the whole of the electricity of 65 pair of plates of zinc and double copper made active by a mixture of about one part of nitric acid of commerce, and 15 parts of water. Six inches 374 of copper wire of the same diameter discharged the electricity of 56 pairs of the same combination, six inches of tin of the same diameter carried off that of 12 only, the same quantity of wire of platinum that of 11, and of iron that of 9. Six inches of wire of lead of ¿ʊ seemed equal in their conducting powers to the same length of copper wire of. All the wires were kept as cool as possible by immersion in a basin of 200 water. (Foot Note: Water is so bad a conductor that in ex- 375 periments of this kind its effects may be neglected al- together; and these effects were equal in all the experi- ments.) I made a number of experiments of the same kind, but the results were never precisely alike, though they sometimes approached very near to each other. When the batteries were highly charged so that the intensity of the electricity was higher, the differences were less between the best and worst conductors, and they were greater when the charge was extremely feeble. Thus, 376 with a fresh charge of about one part of nitric acid, and nine parts of water wires of of silver and platinum of 5 inches long discharged respectively, the electricity of thirty and seven double plates. Finding that when different portions of the same wire plunged in a non-conducting fluid were connected with different parts of the same battery equally charged, their conducting powers appeared in the inverse ratio of their lengths; so when 6 inches of wire of platinum of discharged the electricity of ten double plates, 3 inches discharged that of 20, 1 inch, that of forty, 220 95 and 1 inch that of sixty; it occurred to me that the 377 conducting powers of the different metals might be more easily compared in this way, as it would be possi- ble to make the contacts in less time than when the batteries were charged, and, consequently, with less variation in the charge. Operating in this way, I ascertained that in discharg- ing the electricity of 60 pairs of plates, 1 inch of platinum was equal, to about 6 inches of silver, to 51 inches of copper, to four of gold, to 3.8 of lead, to about 9 10 10 of palladium, and of iron, all the metals being in 378 a cooling fluid medium. I found, as might have been expected, that the con- ducting power of a wire for electricity in batteries of the size and number of plates just described, was nearly directly as the mass; thus, when a certain length of wire or platinum discharged one battery, (Foot Note: A foot of this wire weighed 1.13 grains. A foot of the other 6.7 grains). the same length of wire of six times the weight discharged 6 batteries; and the effect was exactly the 379 same, provided the wires were kept cool, whether the mass was a single wire or composed of six of the smaller wires in contact with each other. This result alone showed that surface had no relation to conducting power, at least for electricity of this kind, and it was more distinctly proved by a direct experiment; equal lengths and equal weights of wire of platinum, one round and one flattened by being passed transversely through rollers so as to have six or seven times the surface, were compared as to conducting 380 powers. The flattened wire was the best conductor in air, from its greater cooling powers, but in water no difference could be perceived between them. VI. I tried to make a comparison between the con- ducting powers of fluid menstrua and charcoal and those of metals. Six inches of platinum foil 1 inches broad were placed in a vessel which could be filled with any saline solution, and a similar piece of platinum placed opposite at an inch distant; the whole was then made part of a voltaic circuit, which had likewise an 96 381 other termination by silver wires in water, and a solu- tion of salts added till gas ceased to be liberated from the negative silver wire. In several trials of this kind it was found that the whole of the surface of six inches, even with the strongest solutions of common salt, was insufficient to carry off the electricity even of two pairs of plates only, whereas an inch of wire of platinum of (as has been stated) carried off all the electricity of sixty pair of plates. The gas liberated upon the sur- face of metals when they are placed in fluid renders it 382 impossible to gain accurate results, but the conducting power of the best fluid conductors, it seems probable from this experiment, must be some hundreds of thous- and times less than those of the worst metallic conduc- tors. 3 1 10 A piece of well burnt compact boxwood charcoal was placed in the circuit, being of an inch wide by thick, and connected with large surfaces of platinum. It was found that 1 inch and carried off the same quantity of electricity as 6 inches of wire of platinum 383 of 20. 2 T VII. I made some experiments with the hope of as- certaining the exact change of ratio of the conducting powers dependent upon the change of the intensity and quantity of electricity, but I did not succeed in gaining any other than the general result, that the higher the intensity of the electricity the less difficulty it had in passing through bad conductors, and several remarkable phenomena depend upon this circumstance. Thus in a battery where the quantity of the electric- 384 ity is very great and the intensity very low, such as one composed of plates of zinc, zinc and copper are arranged as to act only as single plates of from 20 to 30 feet of surface each and charged by a weak mixture of acid and water. Charcoal made to touch only in a few points is almost as much an insulating body as water and can- not be ignited, nor can wires of platinum be heated when their diameter is less than of an inch and their length 3 or 4 feet, and a foot of platinum wire of 3' is scarcely heated by such a battery, whilst the same length of silver wire of the same diameter is made red 80 97 hot, and the same lengths of thicker wires of platinum 385 or iron are intensely heated. The heat produced where electricity of considerable intensity is passed through conductors must always in- terfere with the exact knowledge of the changes of their conducting powers, as is proved by the following experiment. A battery of twenty pair of plates of zinc and copper plates ten inches by six was very highly charged with a mixture of nitric acid and water, so as to exhibit a considerable intensity of electrical action, and the relative conducting powers of silver and 386 platinum in air and water ascertained by means of it. In air six inches of wire of platinum of discharged only four double plates, whilst six inches of silver wire of the same diameter discharged the whole combination; the platinum was strongly ignited in this experiment, whilst the silver was scarcely warm to the touch. On cooling the platinum wire by placing it in water, it was found to discharge ten double plates. When the in- tensity of the electricity is very high, however, even the cooling powers of fluid media are of little avail; thus, I 387 find that fine wire of platinum was fused by the dis- charge of a common electrical battery under water; so that the conducting power must always be diminished by the heat generated in a greater proportion as the intensity of the electricity is higher. It might at first be supposed that when a conductor placed in the circuit left a residum of electricity in any battery increase of the power of the battery or of its surface could not enable it to carry through any additional quantity. This, however, is far from being 388 the case. When saline solutions were placed in the circuit of a battery of twenty plates, though they discharged a very small quantity only of the electricity when the troughs were only one-quarter full, yet their chemical decom- position exhibited the fact of a much larger quantity passing through them when the cells were filled with fluid. And a similar circumstance occurred with respect to a wire of platinum, of such a length as to leave a con- • 98 389 siderable residuum in a battery when only half its surface was used; yet, when the whole surface was employed it became much hotter and nevertheless left a still more considerable residuum. VIII. I found long ago that in increasing the number of alternations of similar plates, the quantity of electricity seemed to increase as the number, at least as far as it could be judged of by the effects of heat upon wires; but only within certain limits, beyond which the number appeared to diminish rather than increase in 390 quantity. Thus, the 2,000 double plates of the London Institution when arranged as one battery would not ignite so much wire as a single battery of ten plates with double copper. 391 It is not easy to explain this result. Does the intensity mark the rapidity of the motion of the electricity, or merely its diminished attraction become less in proportion as the circuit through which it passes or in which it is generated contains a greater number of alternations of bad conductors? Mr. Children in his account of the experiments made with his battery of large plates has ingeniously referred the heat produced by the passage of electricity through conductors to the resistance it meets with and has sup- posed what proves to be the fact that the heat is in some inverse ratio to the conducting power. The greatest heat, however, is produced in air, where there is reason to suppose the least resistance; and as the presence of heat renders bodies worse con- ductors another view may be taken-namely, that the 392 excitation of heat occasions the imperfection of the conducting power. But till the causes of heat and of electricity are known, and of that peculiar constitu- tion of matter which excites the one and transmits or propagates the other, our reasoning on this subject must be inconclusive. I found that when equal portions of wires of the same diameter, but of different metals, were connected to- gether in the circuit of a powerful voltaic battery acting as two surfaces, the metals were heated in the following order: Iron most, then palladium, then platina, then 99 tin, then zinc, then gold, then lead, then copper, and 393 silver least of all. And from one experiment in which similar wires of platinum and silver joined in the same circuit were placed in equal portions of oil, it appeared that the generation of heat was nearly inversely as their conducting power. Thus the silver raised the tempera- ture of the oil only 4º, whilst the platinum raised it 22º. The same relations to heat seem to exist whatever is the intensity of the electricity; thus, circuits of wire placed under water and acted on by the common elec- trical discharge were heated in the same order as by 394 the voltaic battery, as was shown by their relative fusion; thus iron fusing before platinum, platinum be- fore gold and so on. If a chain be made of wire of platinum and silver, in alternate links soldered together the silver wire being four or five times the diameter of the platinum, and placed in a powerful voltaic circuit, the silver links are not sensibly heated, whilst those of the platinum be- come intensely and equally ignited. This is an impor- tant experiment for investigating the nature of heat. If 395 heat be supposed a substance, it cannot be imagined to be expelled from the platinum, because an unlimited quantity may be generated from the same platinum, i. e., as long as the electricity is excited or as often as it is renewed. Or if it be supposed to be identical with or an element of electricity, it ought to bear some rela- tion to its quantity, and might be expected to be the same in every part of the chain or greatest in those parts nearest the battery. IX. The magnetism produced by electricity, though 396 with the same conductors, it increases with the heat, as I mentioned in my last paper, yet with different con- ductors I find it follows a very different law. Thus, when a chain is made of different conducting wires and they are placed in the same circuit, they all exhibit equal magnetic powers and take up equal quantities of iron filings, so that the magnetism seems directly as the quantity of electricity which they transmit. And when in a highly powerful voltaic battery, wires of the same diameters and lengths, and of which the best conduct- 1 100 397 ing is incapable of wholly discharging the battery, are made separately and successively to form the circuit, they take up different quantities of iron filings in some direct proportion to their conducting powers. Thus, in one experiment two inches of wire of of an inch being used, silver took up 32 grains, copper 24, platinum 11, and iron 8. 398 399 400 101 Defendants' Exhibit Philosophical Trans- 401 actions. Paper No. 5. W. T. F., Spec. Exr. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, FOR THE YEAR 1839. Part I., Vol. 39, Page 89. Fifth Letter on Voltaic Combinations with some account of the Effects of a large Constant Battery. Addressed to Michael Faraday, Esq., D. C. L., F. R. S., Fullerian Prof. 402 Chem., Royal Institution, &c., &c., &c. By J. Frederick Daniell, Esq., F. R. S., Prof. Chem. in Kings College, London. Received April 11. Read May 30, 1839. MY DEAR FARADAY: In my last letter to you which the Royal Society have done me the honor to publish in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, I observed that the " principal circumstance which might be supposed to limit the 403 power of an active combination within a conducting sphere in any given electrolyte is the resistance of that electrolyte which increases in a certain ratio to its depth or thickness." The superficial measure of the conducting sphere and the distance of the generating metal or the depth and resistance of the electrolyte are in fact varible conditions in a voltaic combination upon which its efficiency depends; and their relations re- quire further investigation before we shall be able to determine what may be the proper proportions for the 404 economical application of the power to useful purposes. I shall venture, therefore, to trouble you with results of some further experiments upon the subject and upon different combinations of the constant battery before I proceed to communicate some observations upon electrolysis which I trust you will find not without interest and to which according to my plan my atten- tion has been lately exclusively directed. Looking for a moment upon the affinity which circu- lates in the battery as a radiant force, it seemed de- 102 405 sirable to ascertain what would be the result of inter- cepting the rays by the conducting surface nearer to their centre than in the arrangements which have been previously described as the relation of the generating and conducting metals to each other might be thereby more clearly ascertained. For this purpose, I constructed a battery of ten cylinders of copper 19 inches in length by 1 inches in 14 diameter. As the quantity of acid and sulphate of copper which the cylinders could contain was too small 406 it was necessary to provide for the perpetual renovation of the charge as the zinc became dissolved and the copper precipitated. This was effected by connecting all the membranes which held the acid and the zinc rods at their lower end with a pipe terminating in a stop-cock. Their upper ends were fixed in a cistern from which they could be gradually supplied with fresh acid as the saturated acid flowed out below. All the exterior cells formed between the membranes and the copper cylinders also terminated below in a common 407 reservoir, surrounding the former pipe by which their exhausted contents could be drawn off as a fresh supply of sulphate of copper was furnished from above by an exterior cistern holding the solution. When the bat- tery was in action a saturated solution of sulphate of copper thus supplied from the top could be drawn off almost colorless at the bottom; and it remained con- stant for a considerable time. The effect produced was 4 inches of mixed gases per minute measured in the vollameter formerly de- 408 scribed. I compared this result with that obtained from a battery of ten cylinders 20 inches in length and 31 inches in diameter which gave in the same vollameter 11 cubic inches per minute. The surfaces of the con- ducting cylinders were respectively 89.5 square inches and 220 square inches; and the products of gases in equal times were nearly in the same proportion as the surfaces. The zinc rods were 1½ inches in diameter in both cases. I next proceeded to compare two small hemispheres 103 of copper with the large hemisphere of brass of 9½ 409 inches in diameter, formerly described. They were fitted up as before as single circuits with a zinc ball of 1 inch diameter first placed in the membranes below the surface of the solution of copper. The measure made use of was the calorific galvanometer; the first was 4 inches diameter and produced a permanent effect of 45° upon the thermometer. The second of 2 inches diameter produced an effect of 29°. The effect of the large hemisphere was 90°. Here it will be observed that the action was by no means proportioned to the 410 surfaces of the conducting hemispheres, but approxi- mated more nearly to the simple ratios of their diame- ters. Hence, it would appear that the circulating force of both a simple and compound voltaic circuit increased with the surface of the conducting plate surrounding an actual centre; but the experiments are not sufficient to determine the law of the increase. I now constructed a battery of ten larger cylinders of four inches diameter, the arrangement in everything 411 being the same as before; I found that the action was reduced to one-half the amount of mixed gases in the vollameter per minute being only 5 cubic inches. The experiments were repeated several times, and the ac- tion maintained for several hours and always with con- sistent results. This extraordinary and sudden decline of force requires further investigation; and indeed the only conclusion which we can at present draw from the experiments which I have just detailed, but which is of considerable practical importance, is that cylinders of 412 3 inches diameter form much more effective produc- ing plates in a voltaic arrangement than cylinders of either greater or less diameter. It must, however, be borne in mind that this has only been proved by a series of ten cells; for it is highly probable that the limits of efficiency may change with the number of the series. The following experiments with the different combi- nations which may be made with twenty cylinders throw some light on the question of the influence of the 104 413 numbers of a series, the diameter of the numbers of which is limited to 3 inches. The cylinders were 20 inches in height and the zinc rods were of an inch in diameter. The electrolyte consisted of eight parts of water and one part of oil of vitriol by `measure, and in the exterior divisions of the cells was a saturated sul- phate of copper. The temperature was about 65°; the duration of each experiment was one minute. FIRST SET OF EXPERIMENTS. 414 No. of cells...1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 Cubic inches of gas........0 Just vis- ible 1급 ​317 6121 151 171 All cells direct. Cubic inches of gas...........17 Cubic inches of gas.......84 Cubic inches of gas........ SECOND SET OF EXPERIMEENTS. 1 inverted. 2 invert. 3 invert. 15 12 10 4 invert. 5 invert. 6 invert. 7 invert. 8 invert. 5 31 15/1 11 9 invert. ........Just visible. 415 THIRD SET OF EXPERIMENTS. Number of double cells....... 5 10 Cubic inches of gas...... .11 20 FOURTH SET OF EXPERIMENTS. Cubic inches of gas.. 5 triple cells. 5 quadruple cells. .14 15 ... When a series of 5 single cells was connected with a 416 series of 5 double cells and the same voltameter em- ployed the amount of gas was 15 cubic inches. Each double series alone gave 11 cubic inches. From these experiments it appears that the most ad- vantageous adjustment of active force and resistance is in the series of ten single cells when they are of the diameter of 3 inches, and that the largest amount of work which can be derived from twenty such cells is when they are arranged in two series of ten; for 105 Cells. Cubic in. Cells. Cubic in. 10 give 12 5 give 6 2 4 20 25 20 24 Cells Cubic in. 417 4 give 37 20 5 199 20 in single series give 17 cubic inches. 10 double cells give 20 cubic inches. Cells. Cubic in. 5 double give 11 20 2 22 Cells. Cubic in. 5 quadruple give 15% 20 152 418. I now combined in a single series a battery of 70 cells of the same dimensions and charged in the same manner for the purpose of observing chiefly the effects of light and heat produced by the current, in a state of high intensity and constant action. The interior cells were formed of light porous earthenware and an- swered their purpose perfectly, offering no more obstruc- tion to the current than the membranes and being much more convenient in use. a The quantity of decomposition per minute from 419 voltameter with the usual charge of dilute acid was only 17 cubic inches; while with distilled water the passage of a current was scarcely indicated by a few bubbles of gas which arose from the electrodes. In The flame between charcoal points was of consider- able volume and formed a continuous arch when the points were separated to about three-quarters of an inch. This striking distance did not appear to be in- creased in the flask exhausted by the air pump. The light and radiant heat were most intense and proved 420 highly injurious the eyes of many of the party who did me the honor of assisting me in my experiments. my own case, although protected by dark gray glasses of double thickness, a high state of inflammation was produced, which it required very active medical treat- ment to subdue; and as you well know in others even the application of leeches was found to be necessary. The whole of my face was also scorched and inflamed as if it had been exposed for many hours to a bright mid-summer sun. When reflected from an imperfect 106 421 parabolic metallic mirror in a lantern the rays were collected into a focus by a glass lens and readily burnt 422 a hole in paper at many feet from their source. The heat was quite intolerable to the hand when held near the lantern. Paper steeped in nitrate of silver and afterwards dried was speedily burnt brown in the light; and when a piece of fine wire gauze was held before it the pattern of the latter appeared in white lines corresponding to the parts which it protected. The phenomenon of the transfer of the charcoal from one electrode to the other, which I believe was first re- marked by Dr. Hare, was abundantly produced. The transfer took place from the zincode (or positive pole, or charcoal connected with the last copper cylinder of the battery) to the platinode (the negative pole, or charcoal connected with the last zinc rod of the battery). (Foot Note: I have so strongly felt the want of some distinctive names for the two poles of the battery con- 423 sistent with the principles of nomenclature which you have adopted, that I have ventured to propose those mentioned above and have constantly used them in my lectures. The anode and cathode have relations to the surfaces of the electrolyte, and if we distinguish the electrodes themselves as the anelectrode and the cath- electrode confusion is apt to arise; I find practically that students easily recollect that the zincode is that electrode which in the regular battery would be con- structed of zinc and the platinode of platinum.) 424 And in the former a sharp well-defined cup-like cavity was produced and on the latter a corresponding protuberance or nipple. The carbon of the latter proved to be very hard and had the rough mammil- lated structure of the carbon which is found coating the interior of gas retorts. When a platinum rod was substituted for the charcoal at the platinode the trans- fer of the charcoal from the zincode still took place, and the metal became coated with carbon which was beautifully molded at its extremity. When this arrangement was reversed and the zincode was formed 107. of platinum, and the platinode of charcoal, particles of 425 platinum were transferred and the charcoal became covered with distinct and numerous fused metal. globules of the The transfer of matter of such dissimilar kinds in this definite direction renders it probable that it is es- sential to the disruptive discharge and is entirely analogous to the transfer of matter which has been ob- served by Fusineri in all cases of the Leyden discharge, and of the discharge of atmospheric electricity by lightning. 426 As connected with this subject, I may recall to your recollection the attempts which were made to produce a spark before contact and in which we reduced the re- sistance between two platinum wires connecting the two ends of the battery to the utmost possible degree with success. Even when the wires were heated in the flame of a blow pipe no passage was established. At the suggestion of Sir John Herschel, I adjusted two brass poles connected with the two ends of the battery within a very minute distance of each other, and while in this 427 situation I passed a spark of a small Leyden jar be- tween them and immediately the battery current was established and the brass poles which were hollow were burnt. Is it not probable that the Leyden discharge in this case transferred the conducting matter which was essential to the existence of the voltaic flame, and which was afterwards supplied by its own energy ? The arch of flame between the electrodes was found to be attracted or repelled by the poles of a magnet ac- cording as one or other pole was held above or below it, 428 as was first ascertained by Sir H. Davy; and the re- pulsion was at times so great as to extinguish the flame. When according to the suggestion of Mr. Gassiot the flame was drawn from the pole of the magnet itself included in the circuit it rotated in a very beautiful manner. (Foot Note: This modification of Sir H. Davy's ex- periment was first made, as I am informed, by Mr. Sturgeon.) When the zincode was connected with the marked 108 429 pole and the platinode was held over it, the rotation was from west to east, or in the contrary direction to the motion of the hands of a watch; but when the ar- rangement was reversed and the zincode was connected with the unmarked pole, the rotation was reversed. The flame was also made to rotate by the induction of the magnetism of the earth upon a poker of iron held in the direction of the dip. The experiment was again varied by leading the cur- rent through a spiral twisted round a horse-shoe bar 430 of soft iron, and causing the flame to rotate under the influence of its own magnetic force. The heating power of the battery was very great and the greater intensity of the heat on the side of the zincode than on that of the platinode extremely re- markable. Mr. Gassiot first pointed out to me that when two stout copper wires of of an inch in diameter were connected with the extremities of the battery, and held across each other so that the flame passed between them, the wire at the zincode became red hot while the .431 other remained comparatively cool. A bar of platinum of an inch square freely melted and dropped in large globules in the former situation, but showed no signs of fusion at the platinode. When the zincode was formed of hard carbon taken from the gas retorts and a cavity ground in it, the most infusible metals placed in it were melted in consider- able quantities. Pure rhodium immediately ran into a perfect globule and burnt with scintillations and a blue light. The 432 native alloy of irridium and osmium as well as pure ir- ridium were also completely melted. These metals were kindly supplied to me for the experiments by Mr. Johnson. Titanium fused instartly and burnt with scintilla- tions very much resembling those from iron. The native ore of platinum was completely fused, but the mass when cold proved to be very brittle. After four hours constant action the power of the battery was found to be undiminished and the amount of the zinc consumed was very small. 109 In conclusion, I shall briefly describe the results of 433 some experiments on the evolution of the mixed gases from water in a confined space and under constant high pressures which I made from July to October, 1837, and which I intended to have further extended. My objects were to ascertain first, in what manner conduction would be carried on supposing that the tube in which the electrodes were introduced were quite filled with the electrolyte and there were no space for the accumulation of the gases; secondly, whether de- composition having been effected recombination would 434 take place at any given pressure; and thirdly, whether any reaction on the current force of the battery would arise from the additional mechanical force which it would have to overcome. The first apparatus which I made use of was a stout glass tube into the lower end of which a platinum wire was inserted to form an electrode. This end was her- metically closed and the upper end drowned and fitted with a platinum valve pressed upon by a lever which could be loaded with weights to any required amount. 435 From this valve a wire projected into the tube to form the other electrode. The tube was accurately filled with the standard dilute acid and placed in the battery circuit with a voltameter by which the rate of work and the quantity of the gases disengaged could be ascer- tained. The battery made use of consisted of ten large cells with the usual charge. Before pressure was ap- plied the rate of work was always ascertained with the tube and voltameter in their places. I tried many ex- periments with this arrangement; but it will only be 436 necessary to describe the general results. The pressure was carried up to 98 lbs. upon a circu- lar area of inch diameter, the apparatus appeared to be quite tight for a long time and bubbles of gas evolved from the two wires when the circuit was complete. The liquid became hazy and bubbles of gas seemed to line the tube. The stream of oxygen from the upper wire was projected downward into the liquid as if with considerable force. The liquid ultimately oozed out between the edge of the tube and the valve, and the ex- 110 437 periment was stopped. When the pressure on the valve was removed a puff of gas took place and the liquid slowly effervesced for a considerable time but was not projected with any violence. The compression tube felt warm to the hand, but not very hot. The quantity of gas which first escaped seemed to bear but a small proportion to that which was indicated by the volta- meter included in the circuit and the rate of decompo- sition was not at all altered by the accumulation of the elastic force. 438 To carry the experiment as far as the resistance of the glass could conveniently admit of, I caused a com- pression tube to be made of inch in thickness of the capacity of 13 cubic inch. Two platinum plates were sealed into its lower end; one cubic inch of standard acid was poured into it, and it was then hermetically sealed at the top. It was placed securely in the battery circuit with a voltameter and the progress of the experi- ment was watched from a safe distance. The evolution of the gas which was measured at short 439 intervals took place with perfect regularity and did not appear to be in the slightest degree affected by the gradual increasing compression. In four and one-half minutes, when 19 cubic inches had been collected, the compression tube burst with a loud explosion and the fragments which were very small were scattered all over the laboratory. Ισ If we were to calculate that 19 cubic inches were com- pressed into the of a cubic inch space unoccupied by the liquid this would be a compression of 63 into 1, 440 and the pressure would amount to nearly 940 pounds upon the square inch; but if were to reckon, as was probably the case, that two cubic inches of the gases were kept down by the solvent power of the liquid at this high pressure, then the compression would have amounted to 56 into 1, and the pressure to 840 pounds upon the square inch. It is probable that the means here pointed out might be applied with advantage to the compression of some of the gases whose liquefaction you have already af- 111 fected; and I purpose when my avocations will permit 441 to return to the experiments with this view. I remain, my dear Faraday, Your faithful friend, J. F. DANIELL. Kings College, London, April 9, 1839. 442 443 444 112 445 Defendants' Exhibit Philosophical Trans- actions, Paper No. 6. W. T. F., Spec. Exr. 446 447 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, FOR THE YEAR 1832. Part I, Volume 32, at page 292. XIII. Experimental Researches in Voltaic Electricity and Electro Magnetism by the Rev. William Ritchie, L.L.D., F.R.S., Prof. of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in the University of London. Read January 19, 1832. PART III. APPLICATION OF THE PRECEDING PRINCIPLES TO FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. 20. There are only three substances which can be regarded as good conductors of voltaic electricity : viz. : The metals, charcoal, and acidulated water. The metals when employed as conductors seem to have been the only substances whose deflecting energy on the needle has been carefully examined. It appeared to me worth an experiment to ascertain if charcoal deflected the needle and that too with the same energy metal conducting an equal quantity of voltaic elec- 448 tricity. This was ascertained with the following arrangement. Exp. VIII. A piece of charcoal about 14 inches long was placed between two slips of copper fixed perpendicularly in a piece of wood and an astatic needle suspended by a fibre of silk brought over the middle of the charcoal. Fig. 6 will exhibit this arrangement. [Here insert Fig. 6.] 1 113 C In which A B is the charcoal e c' slips of wires w w' 449) wires soldered to the copper slips. When the wires were connected with an elementary or with a compound battery the needle was deflected in the same manner as by a metallic wire. When one of the slips of copper was placed below the needle and at the same distance as before the needle was equally deflected. The needle. is therefore deflected by the quantity of electricity con- ducted without any regard to the nature of the conduct- ing substance. Since charcoal, therefore, deflects the needle, it 450 might be made to rotate about a magnet agreeably to the laws as established by the ingenious experiments of Mr. Faraday. This was accomplished as follows : Exp. IX. A thin slip of copper having a small cup soldered on the middle and two short tubes on the end to hold pieces of charcoal was placed on the point of a needle on the pole of a horse-shoe magnet, the points of charcoal being made to dip into the mercury con- tained in the wooden cup as in the experiment for the rotation of a wire. The charcoal was now made to 451 conduct voltaic electricity from a battery of a hundred pair of plate when it revolved rapidly as a metallic wire would have done in similar circumstances. a 21. The French philosophers have introduced distinction between the current of voltaic electricity passing along a metallic conductor and that transmitted by a liquid conductor which seems to me entirely ground- less. This distinction may be given in the words of Mr. Cumming in his translation of Demonferrand's Manuel of Electro Dynamics: "In the present state of science, it 452 is perhaps expedient to consider electrical currents in another point of view, namely, as being continuous or discontinuous. The first are those which are trans- mitted by perfect conductors, and whose intensity varies insensibly in two consecutive instants, as in the thermo electric or in the common galvanic circuits. When the conductors are imperfect, the currents are discontinuous. For bodies of this description permit the electricity to accumulate for a certain time after which the insulating force being overcome it passes 114 -453 with an explosion; and if the electro motive power con- tinues to act there ensues a second accumulation and explosion as before, and so on successively. The dis- tinctive character of such currents is that they are in- capable of producing a deviation in the magnetic needle" (Cummings' Translations of Demonferrand's Electro Dynamics, page 116). From the manner in which this distinction is laid down by the French writers, I had always taken it for granted that a needle suspended above the liquid part 454 of a conductor of voltaic electricity was feebly deflected, and should probably have remained in this belief had I not entered on the present experimental investigation. This assertion I put to the test of experiment as fol- lows: 455 Exp. X. Having cemented a glass tube about an inch in diameter and four inches long into two wooden boxes A, B, as in Figure 7. [Here insert Fig. 7.] and filled the whole with water, I placed two plates of copper cc', having copper wires soldered to each opposite the ends of the glass tube T. The wire pro- ceeding from c after extending about a foot upwards was bent towards the left at D and then made to de- scend at E, and pass parallel to the needle N, S, and thence to the end of a battery. The other wire w was 456 connected with the other end of the battery. It is ob- vious from this arrangement that the effects of the electricity arranged in the cylinder of water and those of the horizontal branch of the wire above the needle would be to turn the needle in opposite directions. When the branch G, H, was further from the needle than the axis of the tube represented by the dotted line the needle was deflected in obedience to the cylinder of water; but when the wire was brought nearest the needle it was deflected in the opposite direction. When the wire was placed at the same distance from 115 the needle as the axis of the cylinder the needle re- 457 mained perfectly stationary. When a disc of zinc was substituted for one of the copper plates and the wires. connected so as to form an elementary battery the needle was deflected with the same force by the column of water as by the metallic part of the circuit. Hence, it is obvious that a cylindrical column of water conduct- ing voltaic electricity deflects the needle with the same energy as a metallic wire passing along its axis and forming a part of the same circuit. 22. To complete this part of the enquiry, I was 458 anxious to make a hollow column of water revolving about the pole of a magnet. This was accomplished as follows: Exp. XI. Having procured two thin hollow cylinders of wood, the one about two inches and a-half in diam- eter, and the other about an inch and a-half, I cemented the one within the other at the bottom. Two flat rings of copper were then fixed parallel to each other at the bottom and top of the cylindrical box, the space between them being for the reception of the water or 459 diluted acid. This annular space was divided into two compartments by thin slips of wood placed perpendicu- larly to prevent the water revolving without carrying the box along with it. Two small metallic points were made to pass from the lower copper ring through the bottom of the box for the purpose of dipping into a cup for holding mercury. The opposite sides of the upper ring were connected by a wire, to the middle of which was soldered a metallic point to dip into a small metallic cup for holding mercury at the top of the 460 magnet. The whole arrangement will be obvious from the simple inspection of figure 8. [Here insert Fig. 8.] In which the cylinder C is seen in perspective with the metallic point to dip into the mercury contained in the wooden cup which is used for the common rotation 116 461 of a wire, and N, the magnet. The box is partly sus- pended by an untwisted thread T, so that the metallic point may not rest on the bottom of the cup on the top of the magnet, but simply dip into the mercury. When the wire w, from the cup on the top of the magnet is connected with one end of a powerful bat- tery and the wire from the wooden cup into which the metallic point dips connected with the other, the water in the box is rapidly decomposed, and the whole re- volves about the pole of the magnet. By changing the 462 poles the box and its contents are made to turn round in the opposite direction. I was now anxious to make the hollow cylinder of water revolve whilst the vessel in which it was contained remained stationary. This was accomplished by the following arrangement. Exp. XII. Two glass cylinders were cemented into grooves in a circular piece of wood, through the centre of which the magnet was made to pass, as in the pre- ceding experiment. The circular rims of copper were fixed as in the wooden cylinder, the breadth of the 463 upper ring being considerably less than that of the lower. The inspection of figure 9 will render the whole obvious. [Here insert Fig. 9.] In which A, B, is a section of the glass cylinders N the magnet W, the wire connected with the lowest cop- 464 per ring w, that connected with the other, and reaching to the ends of the battery; V represents a wooden vane having two vertical branches immersed in the conducting fluid and balanced on a fine point resting on the top of the magnet. When the wires are connected with a powerful bat- tery the water begins to revolve forming a real vortex and carrying the wooden vane along with it. When bodies of the same specific gravity as that of the fluid are thrown into it, the rotation is rendered obvious without the wooden vane. When the lower ring is con- 117 nected with the negative end of the battery, the 465 bubbles of hydrogen as they ascend wind around in a spiral direction till they reach the surface of the fluid. These experiments demonstrated that the action of magnets is entirely on the electric arrangement without any relation to the ponderable substances with which it combines; and they may yet enable us to assign the cause of currents in the ocean which have not received a satisfactory explanation. 23. In examining the changes which took place in water placed between the platinum poles of a powerful 466 galvanic battery, I was struck with the difference of temperature which I observed in the water at the two poles. The phenomena which thus presented them- selves appearing to me new and highly interesting I was induced to examine the subject by careful experi- ments and investigation. The following arrangement presented itself and brought out new and unex- pected results which seem to open a wide field for future inquiry. Exp. XIII. Having made a small rectangular box, I 467 divided it into three compartments by diaphragms of bladder as in Figure 10. [Here insert Fig. 10.] In which A, B, C, are the three chambers and the box nearly filled with common water. The copper wires w w', being connected with the ends of a powerful bat- 468 tery, the water was rapidly decomposed through the moist bladder. After decomposition had gone on for eight or ten minutes, the temperature of the water in the three cells was examined, when it was found that the temperature of the water in each of the cells had risen during the experiment, that the temperature of the water at the positive pole had risen several degrees higher than that in the negative cell; but what seemed most remarkable was the fact that the water in the middle cell had risen several degrees higher than the 118 469 water in the positive or hottest chamber. The cause of this curious result soon presented itself. The general rise of temperature in the conducting fluid is undoubtedly caused by the same agency which raises the temperature of a metal where perform- ing the same office as the fluid. The difference of temperature in the extreme cells depends on the speci- fic heats of the gases disengaged. The specific heat of oxygen is nearly the same as that of hydrogen. But there being twice as much hydrogen given off at the 470 negative pole as oxygen at the positive it will absorb nearly twice as much heat from the water in that cham- ber as the oxygen does from the water in the other. The temperature of the water in the negative chamber must, therefore, be kept lower than that in the other compartment. If liquids could conduct voltaic electri- city without suffering decomposition, the diameter of the whole mass between the poles would have its tem- perature equally elevated in every point; but the two unequal cooling processes going on in the extreme cham- 471 bers occasion the striking inequality of temperature in the three divisions. But this experiment appears to me to establish another point of vast importance in the theory of voltaic electricity. If the hydrogen which is set at liberty at the negative pole traversed the fluid between the two poles, it is obvious it must have ac- quired its specific heat at the positive pole, and con- sequently could not have lowered the temperature in the negative cell. The oxygen, then, which is disen- gaged at the positive pole must have belonged to the 472 film of water in contact with the negative pole. There appears, therefore, to be no actual transfer of the com- ponent parts of the water, but agreeably to the views of M. Grotthus, a continued series of decompositions and recompositions along the whole chain of acqueous par- ticles between the two poles. 24. The explanation now given of this curious phe- nomenon receives the strongest confirmation from the decomposition of other substances besides water. When a solution of sulphate of copper was placed between the poles of a powerful battery, and the temperature of + 119 the cells examined as before, it was found that a much 473 greater difference between the temperatures of the ex- treme chambers took place; but the temperature of the negative chamber was now higher than that of the posi- tive. In some of my experiments the temperature of the negative cell rose 8 or 10° above that of the positive, whilst the middle chamber was nearly of the same tem- perature with the negative compartment. The same striking difference was observed when a solution of acetate of lead was employed. The cause of this change of temperature depends as 474 in the case of water on the specific heats of the elements separated at the two poles. When a metallic salt is decomposed by the agency of voltaic electricity, the pure metal is separated at the negative pole whilst the oxygen appears at the other pole. Now, the speci- fic heats of metals are exceedingly small. The change of state, then from the liquid to the solid which took place in the negative chamber must have raised the temperature, while no such change of state took place in the positive compartment. Hence the temperature 475 of the negative cell must he higher than that of the positive. It is unnecessary to multiply examples. we know the specific heats of the substances set at liberty in the extreme chambers we can tell a priori which of the compartments will have the highest tem- perature-which affords the most satisfactory evidence of the accuracy of the explanation given of this interest- ing phenomena. If 476 120 477 Defendants' Exhibit Published Description of Ladiguin's Electric Light. W. T. F., Spec. Exr. 478 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, LONDON, 1872-3, VOL. 21, AUGUST 22, 1873. p. 779. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. It will be in the recollection of the readers of the “Journal” that in April last an analogy was pointed out between sunlight and the electric light, and that certain conditions were therein indicated as being most favorable to that particular development of light which would best bring out the separation of the power pro- ducing the light from the place of its manifestation. Those conditions were the employment of magneto-elec- tricity and the use of a closed incandescent conductor 479 in an atmosphere which would not oxidize or otherwise affect the durability of the light producing material. From the quotation from the Russian paper " Galos " which follows it will be seen that the results anticipated are even now in the course of realization, and all that practical men can do is to wish the plan the success it seems to deserve, and to wait the result of the further exhibitions of its power in London and other places more accessible to the western nations that St. Peters- burg: 480 "On Tuesday, the 8-20 of May, a most interesting trial was made for the first time in public at the Admi- ralty House in St. Petersburg, under the auspices of Messrs. S. A. Kosloff & Co., the proprietors of the pat- ent of a new system of lighting by electricity, the inven- tion of Mr. A. Ladiguin of that town. "Owing to the restricted space in the hall made use of on this occasion, the number of spectators was nec- essarily limited, but still they consisted of more than a hundred specialists from different countries, representa- tives of science, honorable visitors, and many reporters, 121 who were all deeply interested, and unanimously de- 48k cided that the trial was really successful. "Up to the present time, as is well known, the elec- tric light has been used only for light-houses, as an electric sun illumination for signals, or on the stage where a strong light may be required without regard to cost; but thus far it has been impossible to employ it for lighting streets or houses. "By the old method the electric spark was passed between two points of charcoal, each attached to a cop- per wire connected with an electro-magnetic machine. “The disadvantages attending this mode consisted in the facts that for each light a separate machine was re- quired and that the light so obtained, although very powerful, was impossible to be regulated, besides being non-continuous, owing to the rapid consumption of the charcoal points from exposure to air. "All the difficuties Mr. A. Ladiguin has tried and apparently overcome most successfully. 482 "By his newly-invented method only one piece of charcoal or other bad conductor is required, which be- 483 ing attached to wire connected with an electro-magnetic machine is placed in a glass tube from which the air is exhausted and replaced by a gas which will not at a high temperature combine chemically with the charcoal. This tube is then hermetically sealed, and the machine being set in motion by means of a small steam engine, the charcoal becomes gradually and equally heated, and emits a soft, steady and continuous light, which by a most simple contrivance can be strengthened or weak- ened at the option of those employing it; its duration 484 being dependent solely on the electric current, which of course will last as long as the machine is kept in motion. "Taking into consideration the fact that one machine worked by a small three-horse power engine is capable of lighting many hundreds of lanterns, it is evident what an enormous advantage and profit could be gained by the illumination of streets, private houses, public buildings and mines with the new electric light. In the latter it must prove invaluable, as no explosion need 122 485 ever be feared from it, and these lanterns will burn equally as well under water as in a room. "Without mentioning the many advantages this mode of illumination has over gas, which by its unpleas- ant odor and evaporation is slowly poisoning thousands of human beings, and from which explosions are fre- quent, we can state that by calculations made this electric light can be produced at a fifth of the cost of coal gas. "We hope shortly to place before the public more 486 complete particulars, as well as reports of further ex- periments which are proposed to take place in Vienna, Paris and London." See the Russian paper "Galos," No. 129, of May 11-23, 1873. -487 488 123 Defendant's Exhibit Violette Paper. W. 489 T. F., Spec. Exr. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS, VOL. 16. G. P. Putman & Sons, New York, 1853 (p. 270). OVERHEATED STEAM APPLIED TO THE CARBONIZING OF WOOD. For several years past overheated steam has been 490- used in numerous industrial operations, and we may say generally that it may be applied in all processes in which a temperature between 100° and 500° C. is re- quired. Among these processes is the extraction of wood spirit, the continuous baking of bread, the pre- paration of sea biscuit, the drying of wood, the preser- vation of meats, the extraction of volatile substances insoluable in water, the purification of fatty acids by MM. Leplay and Dubrunfaut, the extraction of the mercury from the residues of zinc amalgam by M. 491 Violette, and finally the carbonizing of wood by the same chemist. M. Violette is a member of the commission on powder and saltpeter, and in this situation he has turned his attention to the ingredients of powder, the manufacture of which still admits of much improvement. The char- coal employed in this manufacture is of a quality inter- mediate between wood and ordinary charcoal; it is called red charcoal (charbon roux), and is produced at 300° C.; at a higher temperature it becomes black 492 charcoal, and at a lower the carbonization is incom- plete. By the old process of heating in closed cylinders, 10,000 kilogrammes of wood furnish 2,000 kil. of black charcoal, and 1,300 of red. The new process with steam yields a better article in larger quantity for 10,000 kil. of wood give 4,000. The wood immersed in the vapor is readily carbonized, and as it is easy to regulate the temperature of the vapor charcoal may be obtained of a constant and uniform character. It has some use 124 493 since, though overheated steam was first adopted in this process by M. Violette, and now the red charcoal, before employed only for the finest powder, is in gen- eral use for the cheaper kinds, so simple and certain is its production by means of steam. M. Violette communicates to the Academy some new results. He shows that the change to charcoal takes place differently with different woods, and that the products of the same temperature differ in elementary constitution. Exposed to moist air the charcoals absorb 494 more water the lower the temperature to which they are exposed and the is of their power of conducting heat and electricity. Charcoal made at 1,500° C. conducts much better than the charcoal of gas retorts, and serves perfectly for electric illumination. The density increases in the same proportion. When lighted charcoals remain ignited for a time, which de- creases as the temperature of carbonization increases. The charcoal made at 260° C. burns more easily and longer; that made between 1,000° and 1,500° C. will 495 not ignite or burn. The most inflamable of all charcoals is that of an Agaricus. It takes fire spontaneously at 300° C. Other charcoals prepared at the temperature 300° C. take fire in the air spontaneously between 360° and 380° accord- ing to the wood that is afforded, though the charcoals of the lighter woods burning the most readily. When charcoals are mixed with sulphur they are in- flamed at a temperature much below that required when alone; the mixture of the two prepared between 496 150° to 400° C. is wholly consumed at 250° C. On the contrary, when the charcoal employed has been pre- pared at 1,000° or 1,500° C. only the sulphur burns. To decompose saltpeter, the charcoals require a higher temperature; and heat of 400° C. is needed for charcoals prepared between 150° and 432°, and a red heat for those made between 1,000° and 1,500°. Sulphur decomposes saltpeter at a higher temperature than charcoal requires, viz., at 432º. The sulphur alone inflames in common air at 250° C. and not at 150°, as stated in treatises on chemistry. 125 The deflagration of powder takes place at 250°, but 497 this combustibility varies with the charge and the size of the grain. The powder in grains burns between 270° and 320°, while powder pulverized burns between 265° and 270°. In view of the facts M. Violette concludes that it is necessary to revise the charges employed, taking into consideration the actual position of the charcoal. Trials made with this in view upon hunting powder with charges calculated according to the actual position of the charcoal have given a range much beyond the 498 standard rate obtained with the ordinary powder. 499 500 126 501 502 Edison Exhibit No. 3. (Book No. 67. Pages 1 to 15, inclusive.) RECORD OF LAMPS. . No. 142. Resistance, 150 ohms. 1880. Jan. 2, Has burnt at least 200 hours. S 12 noon.' This lamp is hung on the two main wires over the pumps. Jan'y 5, measured resistance; no change. Hours. 200.00. Jan. 2. 19.30. 3. 9.58. 4. 20.50. 5. 3.47. 5. 20.26. 6. 12.15. 7. 22.00. 8. 9.00. 9. Till 5 o'clock. 503 504 360.00. total. Jan. 9, 6.50. Jan. 10, 19.15. Jan. 11, 7.00. Jan. 12, 11.00. Total, 405.05, up to noon. Busted Jan. 13, 2 A. M. No. 159. Hung on leading, over pumps. Resist., 153 ohms. > Jan. 2, 1880, Has burnt 200 hours. noon. Jany. 5, measured resistance; no change. Hours. Jan. 2. 200.00. 3. 19.30. 4. 9.58. 5. 20.50. 5. 3.47. 6. 20.26. 7. 12.15. 8. 22.00. 127 Jan. 9. - 9.00. Total time, 360.12. Jan. 9, 5 P. M. 505 A Jany. 8, resistance same. 11.00. Total 404.05 up to 12 o'clock. 9. 6.50. 10. 19.15. 11. 7.00. 12. 12. 9.30. 13. 11.00. 13. 11.30. 14. 22.30. 15. 11.30. 424.35 12 480.30 12 No. 189. Chandelier in top room nearest pumps. Resist. 149. Has run 13 hours. Jan. 2, 1880, noon. Hours. Jan. 2. 13.00. 3. 19.30. 4. 9.58. 5. 20.50. 5. 3.47. 6. 20.26. 7. 12.15. 8. 22.00. 9. 9.00. } } Total time burned 173.12 at 5 o'clock P. M. 9. 6.50. 10. 19.15. 11. 7.00. 12. 11.00. } Total time burned 217.17 up to noon. Busted at 8.40. No. 285. Second chandelier, top room. Resist. 142. Jan. 2, 1800. J20. 2 Has run 13 hours. § 12 noon. Has run since 8.21, total running. Broke by vibration in taking off, and on center (Edison saw this Jan. 2, 1880, 8 P. M.). says not quite sure about this. in above Edison 506 507 508 128 309. No. 255. Second Chandelier, top room. Resist. 200. } Jan. 2, 1880, Has run 13 hours. § 12 noon. Jan. 3. 19.30. 4. 9.58. 5. 20.50. 5. 3.47. 6. 20.26. 7. 12.15 8. 22.00. 510 9. 9.00. Total time burned 173.12 at 5.00 P. M. 9. 6.50. 10. 19.15. 11. 7.00. 12. 11.00. 217.17 up to 12 o'c. 12. 9.30. 13. 11.00. 237.47 " 13. 11.30. 14. 22.30. 15. 11.30. 294.17 “ 511 223, third chandelier, top room. Resist 140 Burnt 13 hours S Jan. 3, 19.30 Busted. } Jan. 2, 1880, noon. 4, 9.58 5, 20.50 5, 3.47 6, 20.26 7, 12.15 512 8, 22.00 9, 9.00 total time burned 143.12 at 5 P. M. 9, 6.50 10, 19.15 11, 7.00 12, 11.00 12, 9.30 13, 11.00 (( (( 13, 11.30 14, 22.30 30 "( 187.17 up to noon. (( 207.47 " << 129 Jan. 15, 11.30 total time burned 262.17 up to noon. Busted. Busted. 193, chandelier near organ. Resist 154 Burnt 13 hours Jan. 3, 19.39 4, 9.58 Jan. 2, 1880, noon. 513 5, 20.50 5, 3.47 Taken out on Jan. 9, 1880, to put in street lamps 514 replaced by 376 experiment. 162 chandelier near organ. Resist 147 Burnt 13 hours > Jan. 2, 1880, noon. Jan. 3, 19.30 4, 9.58 5, 20.50 5, 3.47 Taken out on Jan. 9, 1880, replaced by 375 experi- ment bent on end of tip taken to Cornishes where it 515 burnt 102.00 total. Brought up for diver light. 167, third chandelier top room north side. Resist 136 Burnt 13 hours Jan. 2, 1880, noon. Saw this burst at 3 P. M. Jan. 2. Inside glass broke. Total length of burning, 15 hours. 204, Flammer's bench. Resist Burning 13 hours} Jan. 2, 1880, noon. January 2, 1880, taken out by Edison and five pr. given Upton to make test for rupture. Total burning, sixteen hours. 203, Flammer's bench, 142 Resist, ≥ Jan. 2, 1880, Burnt 5 hours. noon. After burning a total of 17½ hours it broke. 516 130 517 155 Over Carman's desk, office. Resist 126 ohms, Jan. 2, 1880, Burnt 50 hours. S noon. Jan. 3, 19.30, 4, 9.58, 5, 20.50, 5, 3.47, 6, 20.26, 7, 12.15, 518 8, 22.00, 9, 9.00, total time burned, 160 hours up to 5.00. 9, 5.50, 10, 19.15, 11,. 7.00, 12, 11.00, 12, 9.30, 66 204.05 up to noon. 13, 11.30, (( (( 224.35 "" 13, 11.30, 14, 22.30, 15, 11.30, (( 66 280.05 " 519 201 Over Carman's desk, office. Resist 147 Burnt 50 hours, S Jan. 2, 1880, noon. Jan. 3, 19.30, 4, 9.58, 5, 20.50, 5, 3.47, 6, 20.26, 7, 12.15, 520 8, 22.00, 9, 9.00, total time burned, 160 hrs. up to 5 P. M. 9, 6.00, 10, 19.15, 11, 7.00, 12, 11.00, 12, 9.30, 13, 11.00, 13, 11.30, (" 204.05 up to noon. (( 224.30 " 14, 22.30, 15, 11.30, 66 (" 280.00 " (< 131 164, Office chandelier near door, Resist 182 Burnt 50 hours, Jan. 3, 19.30, Jan. 2, 1880, noon. 4, 9.50, 5, 20.50, 5, 3.47, 6, 20.26, 7, 12.15, 8, 22.00, 521 9, 9.00, total time burned, 160 hrs. up to 5 P. M. 522 9, 6.50, 10, 19.15, 11, 7.00, 12, 20.00, (6 (6 (C 204.05 up to noon. 13, 22.30, 14, 22.30, (C (( 224.05 " correct total. 15, 11.30, (( (C (C 322.13 " (( 172, Chandelier over Griff's desk. Resist 135 Burnt > 50 hours Jan. 2, 1880, Jan. 3, 19.30, noon. 4, 9.50, 5, 20.50, 5, 3.47, 6, 20,26, 7, 12.15, 8, 22.00, 9, 9.00, total time burned, 160 hrs. up to 5 P. M. 9, 6.50, 10, 19.15, 11, 7.00, 12, 11.00, (6 204.15 up to noon. 12, 11.30, 13, 22.30, 14, 11.30, 66 259.45 “ (6 523 524 132 -525 Edison's Exhibit No. 7. Extracts from records of experiments, book No. 85 : "All pumps give a great deal of trouble at F where a contraction is made so that the air in G may be forced out from H. "B. This stop-cock placed too far from the main reservoir so that the tube near it caught air. This could be worked out by letting the Hg work up and down. The McLeod should not be used until a high 526 vacuum has been attained. For if this has not been done the Hg sticks in the side tube. Last evening a vacuum was obtained so that the spark jumped five inches outside of the tube rather than across inch in vacuum. The changes in vacuum were extremely rapid from green to preventing a small spark in a few seconds. and then in a few minutes to stopping the large spark. The finely divided copper and sulphuric acid may have had a strong influence on this F, the tube contracted here so that a pressure can be obtained in G to drive 527 the air out through the stop-cock H. 1 “The enlargement of the tubes at L and L¹ is a mistake, as a bubble of air collects here and is drawn up into the pump. Making stop-cock D with tube to left inclined upwards may be a mistake, as the Hg col- lects above the cock and stops the Geissler. Pure black rubber tube placed inside of white rubber to pre- vent soiling Hg." 528 133 Edison Exhibit No. 8. [New York Sun, December 22d, 1879.] ELECTRICIAN SAWYER'S CHALLENGE ΤΟ ELECTRICIAN EDISON. 529 If a party possesses an interest in something that he considers valuable, he is not very likely to part with it, especially if it be something in the line of electric lighting, where what may nominally be $1 may really 530 be $1,000. Therefore, when Mr. Edison sells out all his interest in his electric light there is a reasonable chance for a suspicion that he considers his invention worth very little. Mr. Edison's reputation before the public is founded upon the newspaper publications about: 1. The quad- ruplex telegraph; 2. The telephone; and 3. The phono- graph. As to the quadruple telegraph, I may say that it was an adaptation of the French and German systems. 531 When Mr. Edison took hold of the 4-plex there were already known five systems of 2-plex, three of 4-plex, and three of 6-plex and 8-plex. The 4-plex of Edison was a failure. A modest young gentleman, Assistant Electrician of the Western Union Telegraph Company, whom I have not seen for several years (Mr. Gerritt Smith), made it a success, and some day he will get the credit for this invention; for he, and not Edison, is the genius in this case. As to the telephone, Mr. Edison is not the inventor. 532 Andrew Graham Bell is the inventor of the telephone. As to the phonograph, which really made Mr. Edi- son's reputation, it is of no earthly value, and the manufacture by Bergman has practically been dropped. The real inventor of the phonograph will never be known, in all probability, for I understand that Mr. Edison anticipates a Western man but three days in priority of invention. Now, all that remains for Mr. Edison is electric light. He is going over the same ground that Bou- 134 533 liguine, Lodygreine, Kosloff, Koun, Starr King, myself, and others have traversed first, iron; second, plati- num; third, carbon in different shapes. And Edison has failed, in my opinion. To show that I mean what I say, I deny every one of his allegations made at the Saratoga Convention of the American Society for the Advancement of Science, and, specifically, I challenge him: FIRST. To maintain a vacuum in his lamps. SECOND. To run his carbonized paper lamp three 534 hours. (In practice, in a perfect vacuum, it will last twenty minutes). 535 536 THIRD. To consolidate platinum by heating elec- trically in the Sprengel vacuum, as he claims. FOURTH. To prove that his dynamo-electric machine develops not ninety, but even forty-five per cent. of the feet pounds applied to it. FIFTH. To show that he can obtain a light of twenty- five candles from platinum with less than three-horse power. SIXTH. To show that platinum or iridium will not disintegrate in twenty hours' actual running. SEVENTH. To prove that with his carbonized-paper lamp he can obtain two lights of ten candles each per horse power. EIGHTH. To show that the effect of the oxide of magnesium is to harden his wire, and make it more refractory. And I further allege that all Mr. Edison's statements are erroneous, and I offer $100 as a prize for him to prove each of the above allegations. Let him run one of his lamps three hours, and the public will be satis- fied that I am correct. W. E. SAWYER. 78 Walker street, New York, Dec. 21. 135 CONSOLIDATED E. L. Co. VS. MCKEESPORT L. Co. S Edison Exhibit No. 11, W. T. F., S. E. Edison Exhibit No. 11, W. H. M., Notary Public, N. Y. Co. FROM NOTE-Book No. 74, PGs. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14. RECORD OF LAMPS. No. 159. Hung on leading wires over pumps first- over pumps nearest to chandelier. Res. 153 ohms. } Jan. 2, 1880. Has burnt 200 h. § Noon. Place. 537 538 Jan. 2. 200. 3. 19.30. 539 4. 9.58. 5. 20.50. (( 6. 20.26. 66 7. 12.15. (( 8. 22.00. 9. 15.50. Res. the same, total h., 310.12. ❝ 10. 19.15. " 11. 7.00. · 12. 20.30. Total hours burned, 381.57. " 13. 22.30. "14. 540 22.30. " 15. " 16. " 17. 11. ‹‹ 17. 11.30. 437. 23.00. (( 471. 8. " 18. 2. " 19. " 19. " 20. Jan. 20. “20. ∞Ó 8. 489. 11. 11. 509. Over. Up to 509. 11. 136 541 Jan. 21. 22. 9.15. 15.45. 23. 8.00. Total, 553.10. 23. 5.00. 24. 18.30. 25. 6.00. 26. 10.00. 592.40. 27. 10.40. Total, 614.20. 27. 11.00. 27. 10.25. Hrs., 614.20. 542 28. 11.00. 635.40. 28. 10.00. 29. 11.00. 656.45. 29. 11.00. 30. 16.00. 27.00. Busted at 8 o'clock. Total hours, 683.45. 223. Third chandelier, top room, in Laboratory. Res. 140. Jan. 2, 1880. Burnt 13 hours. Noon. Place. 543 Jan. 3. 32.30. 4. 9.58. 5. 23.47. 6. 20.26. 7. 12.15. 8. 22.00. 9. 15.50. Total time burned, 173.12. 10. 19.15. 544 11. 7.00. (6 217.17. Noon. 12. 20.00. 13. 22.30. 14. 22.30. "( 237.47. << 15. 11.30. (( (: 294.17. << 15. 11.00. 16. 22.00. 17. 11.00. "( "" 339.17. 18. 18. 18. 2. 19. 8.00. (6 (( 367.17. Total time. 137 One clamp red-hot, poor vacuum. Busted at 155. Over Carman's desk office. Res. 126 ohms. Jan. 2, 1880. Burnt 50 hours. Noon. Place 31. Jan. 2. 50. 3. 69.58. 4. 9.50. 5. 23.47. S 6. 20.26. 7. 12.15. 8. 22.00. 9. 15.50. Total time burned, 173.12. 10. 19.15. 11. 7.00. 12. 20.00. 13. 22.30. (( 217.17. Noon. 237.47. . 14. 22.30. 15. 11.30. 15. 11.00.. (( (" 271.47. 16. 22.00. 17. 19.00. 18. 8.00. 18. 2.00. 19. 19.00. 389.17. 545 546 547 20. 11.00. (( 377.17. 20. 11.00. 21. 9.15. 22. 15.45. 23. 8.00. 416.17. 548 24. 5.00. 24. 18.30. 25. 6.00. 26. 10.30. 26. 10.40. 27. 11. "( 450.17. (( 471.57. Over. 27. 10.25. 28. 11.00. Total, 507. Noon. 28. 10.00. 138 549 Jan. 29. 11.00. Total, 538.14. 30. 12.00. 31. 11.00. Busted at clamp or Post 1. 562.14. 201, over carman's desk (office). Res. 147 Burnt 50 hours } Jan. 2, 1880, Place 30, noon. Jan. 3, 19.30 4, 9.58 550 (( 5, 23.47 6, 20.26 7, 12.15 8, 22.00 9, 15.50 10, 19.15 11, 7.00 12, 20.00 13, 22.30 14, 22.30 551 15, 11.30, total hours burned 322.13 noon. 15, 11.00 16, 22.00 17, 11.00 (( 372.10 (( 17, 8.00 18, 2.00 19, 19.00 20, 11.00 66 (( 412.13 (( 20, 11.00 21, 9.00 552 22, 15.45 23, 8.00 (( 456.13 23, 5.00 24, 18.30 25, 6.00 26, 10.30 (( 496.13 (( 26, 10.40 27, 11.00 << 517.53 27, 10.00 28, 11.00 538.14 noon 29, 22.00 over. 1 139 553 Jan. 30, 22.00 31, 22.00 Feb. 1, 6.00 2, 9.00, total 608.14 3, 11.00 619 hours. 3, 10.00 4, 9.00 638 hs. Busted March 21. 164, office chandelier near door. Res. 182 Burnt 50 hours ( } Jan. 2, 1880, Place 28, 554 noon. Jan. 3, 19.30 4, 9.50 5, 20.47 6, 20.26 7, 10.15 8, 22.00 9, 15.00 10, 19.15 11, 7.00 12, 20.00 13, 22.30 14, 22.30 15, 11.30, hours burnt 322.13 noon. 555 15, 12.00 16, 11.00 (C 367.13 66 17, 11.00 17, 8.00 18, 21.00 19, 19.00 556 20, 11.00 418.13 20, 11.00 21, 9.15 22, 15.45 23, 8.00 (( 462.13 23, 5.00 24, 18.30 25, 6.00 26, 10.30 26, 10.40 (( (( 502 " 140 557 Jan. 27, 11.00, hours burnt 523.43 noon. 27, 10.25 over Jan. 28, 11.00, total 537.14 5 P. M. 28, 10.00 29, 11.00 538.14 29, 11.00 30, 22.00 31, 22.00 Feb. 1, 6.00 2, 9.00 558 2, 9.00 (( 610.14 3, 11.00 3, 10.00 4, 9.00 66 640.14 noon. 172, chandelier over Griff's desk. Res. 135 Jan. 2, 1880. Burnt 50 Jan. 3, 19.30 4, 9.58 559 5, 23.47 6, 20.26 7, 12.15 8, 22.00 9, 15.50 10, 19.15 11, 7.00 12, 20.00 13, 22.30 14, 22.30 560 15, 11.30, total hours burned 322.13 noon. 15, 11.00 16, 22.00 17, 11.00 17, 8.00 367.13 18, 2.00 19, 19.00 20, 11.00 418.13 20, 11.00 21, 9.15 22, 15.45 141 Jan. 23, 8.00, total hours burned 246.13 noon. 23, 5.00 24, 18.30 25, 6.00 享 ​561 26, 10.30 502.13 (C 26, 10.40 27, 11.00 (( 523.43 27, 10.25 Jan. 28, 11.00 28, 10.00 29, 11.00 544.15 538.15 562 29, 11.00 30, 22.00 31, 22.00 Feby. 1, 6.00 2, 9.00 2, 9.00 3, 10.00 4, 9.00 Taken to Edison's parlor. 158 CONSOLIDATED E. L. Co. VS. MCKEESPORT L. Co. 610.15 noon. 619.15 638.15 563 564 142 565 566 CONS. E. L. Co. VS. MCKEESPORT Co. Defendant's Exhibit No. 25. W. T. F., S. E. Edison's Exhibit No. 25. W. H. M., Notary Public, N. Y. Co. MR. EDISON CHALLENGED BY MR. SAWYER. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SUN-Sir: Notwithstanding the assertion that one of Mr. Edison's electric lamps has been running for 240 hours, I still assert, and am prepared to back up my assertion, that Mr. Edison cannot run one of his lamps up to the light of a single 567 gas jet (to be more definite, let us call it twelve-candle power) for more than three hours. To be still more definite, I offer to Mr. Edison, at 226 West Fifty-fourth street, in this City, an opportunity to prove what he says. From the private residence in that street wires. are run to a circuit of 1,000 feet. Mr. Edison shall have every facility; he shall use my wires; he shall have any dynamo machine or other generator of elec- tricity he may prefer; and all I ask is that the power of his light shall be measured by a photo metre; that, 568 once in place, it shall not be interfered with; and that a committee of gentlemen, preferably nominated by the editors of the New York press, shall be present and certify to the facts of the test. Furthermore, I will place one of my lamps side by side with Mr. Edison's; it shall be run at the power of twenty-five candles; it shall outlast the entire forty lamps at Menlo Park run at the power of twenty-five candles; my lamp to stand as it is put up, and Mr. Edison to put up a fresh lamp as fast as the preceding lamp shall have burned out. 143 I am anxious, for this test; and if Mr. Edison has 569 really run one of his horse-shoe lamps 240 hours he will not refuse to accept my offer, for he will be treated with the utmost courtesy, and shall have everything his own way. I adhere in every particular to my original challenge to Mr. Edison. W. E. SAWYER. 78 WALKER STREET, NEW YORK, Jan. 4. -The Sun, Monday, January 5th, 1880. 570 571 572 144 573 LETTERS PATENT, for fifteen years, taken out July 12th, 1876, by Mr. Gauduin (Octave) of Paris, rue de la Roquette, No. 130, and which was granted to him by order of the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, under date September 16th, 1876, for a carbon intended for the manufacture of utensils of chemistry and physics, etc. 574 LETTERS PATENT No. 113,706. Certain utensils of chemistry and physics, like the crucibles intended for the reproduction of precious stones or for chemical laboratories, the pencils intended for the production of electric light, etc., should be made of chemically pure carbon. Now, the dust of retort- carbon ("retort-charcoal "), though containing but a small proportion of foreign matters, is not sufficiently pure for these uses, and its employ presents difficulties. The washings with acids or with alkalis to which the carbonaceous (coaly) matters can be subjected, with the 575 object of taking out the impurities which they contain, are costly and insufficient; soot is sufficiently pure, but high-priced and difficult to use, and I had to look for another source of pure carbon for the economical fab- rication of these objects. I manufacture pure carbon at a low price by decom- posing, by heat, in closed vessels, dry or liquid pitch, tar, rosin, bitumen, natural or artificial essences and oils, organic matters capable of yielding sufficiently pure carbon after their decomposition by the heat. 576 The apparatus which I employ to effect this decompo- sition are closed retorts or crucibles of cast-iron, iron, refractory clay, but preferably of graphite (plumbago). They are arranged in a furnace capable of heating them to clear red heat. The upper part of the retort is fur- nished with two tubes, the one for the escape of the gases and volatile matters, the other for the introduc- tion of the raw material. Figure 1 will explain this arrangement. The volatile products of the decomposition may be conducted under the grate of the hearth and burned to heat the retort, 145 but it is more advantageous to lead them into a con- 577 densing-chamber, then into a serpentine ("serpentine pipe ") of copper, lead, tin, or pottery, and, after con- densation, to collect the tar, oils, essences, and carburets of hydrogen, which are produced by this operation. I utilize these different products for the manufacture of my carbon utensils, and, as they are not met with in the trade in a state sufficiently pure for my industry, they are exceedingly useful to me. It is indispensable to avoid (using), for condensing or preserving these products, vessels of iron, cast-iron, 578 zinc, or other materials susceptible to their attacks, for their whole value lies in their purity. Whatever the raw material is that is used in the manufacture of my carbon, the decomposition by heat may be operated slowly or quickly, according to the na- ture of the secondary products which I wish to obtain. To operate slowly I fill a retort two-thirds full and I heat it gradually to clear, red heat, avoiding, as much as possible, the swelling (puffing) of the material. To operate rapidly, I first heat the empty retort to a good 579 red heat, and I cause the raw material to arrive at the bottom of the retort in small portions, either in a small stream, if it is liquid, or in small pieces if it is solid. The slow distillation produces more tar, heavy oils and little gas; the quick distillation produces more light essences and gas. I employ the one method or the other, according to the products which I need. When the raw material has been suitably selected, there remains in the retort pure carbon, more or less compact; I pulverize it as fine as possible, and I 580 agglomerate it, either alone or mixed with a certain quantity of soot, by means of pure carburets of hydro- gen obtained as secondary products. Thus prepared these bodies are completely free from iron and are greatly preferable to those met with in trade, not only for the agglomeration of the carbon, but also for the impregnation of the manufactured articles, an operation which, while stopping up their pores, introduces into them oxide of iron when it is performed with the pro- ducts of commerce. Nevertheless, I reserve the right 146 581 of exclusive use of carburets of hydrogen, pitch, tar, oils or essences of coal, etc., found in commerce, to agglomerate or impregnate the objects which I manu- facture, as appears from the Certificate of Addition to my Patent No. 87,569. The articles made of agglomerated carbon are, taking the same kind of carbon, more combustible as they are more porous, and more porous as they have been molded at less pressure. I use molds of bronze, cast iron or steel capable of resisting the greatest pressure of a 582 strong hydraulic press. Figure 2 shows a crucible- mold, a simple examination of which will cause the mechanism to be understood. Although the drawplate ("drawplate" is a literal translation of the term filière) or molding apparatus, long used in the manufacture of the pencils of carbon, soot, plumbago (graphite), etc., intended for writing or drawing, might serve, without any modification, for the manufacture of pencils for electric lighting, I have made certain improvements in this apparatus, the ex- 583 clusive use of which I desire to reserve. Instead of causing the pencils to go out from top to bottom, going vertically, I place the (there has evidently been some omission here on the part of the copyist in France) or the orifices of the mold on the side, and in such a manner that the pencils pass out, forming with the horizon a descending angle from 20 to 70 degrees. They are guided along their whole length by tubes or by channels (grooves). This arrangement enables one to empty out all the material contained in the mold 584 without interrupting the work, and, as the pencils are constantly supported they no longer break under their own weight, which often happens when they pass out downwards. It is above all useful in the manufacture of thick and long pencils intended to be used as posi- tives in electro-chemical decompositions; these carbon positives replacing advantageously the platinum. Figure 3 represents a pencil-mold with outlet-pipe on the side. Paris, July 12th, 1876. (Signed) GAUDUIN. B? N: 1137 06 · 18 Juilla 1876 - Gauduin. 1 C A Fry. 1 B 1 Echelle variable Armenian Creunt pris le 12 juillet 1876- to It Gand Paris, le 2 2 1989 Pour axpedition cortifie confirme SPP du Buteau de la Propriété Industrielle Weitten Fig. 2. • Fig. 3. 1 Echelle an 1/3 Echelle an 1/ 147 FRENCH REPUBLIC. MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. PATENTS. Descriptive account accompanying : The certificate of addition, taken out 12 June, 1877, by Mr. Gauduin, represented by Mr. Rouart, in Paris, rue Oberkampf 151, and relating to letters patent, for 15 years, taken 12 July, 1876, for a carbon intended for the manufacture of utensils of chemistry and physics, etc. The said certificate of addition being granted, by order of the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, on the 13th September, 1877. * * * CERTIF. OF ADD. TO LET. PAT. No. 113,706. Fig. 1 represents the vertical section, and Fig. 2 the plan of a tubular furnace permitting the baking ["burn- ing"], continuously, of pots, [crucibles], pencils for electric lighting and for electro-chemistry, and other utensils of carbon which I manufacture. It is composed of a framework of bricks [iron bands] held on the exterior by strong iron-work. The tubes G, G, of refractory material, traverse it through and through and are closed at the two ends only by clay plugs, which can be easily removed for the charging and discharging [placing and removing] of the objects to be baked. These are enclosed in cylindrical boxes of sheet iron represented in Fig. 3. They can glide easily in the refractory tubes. When the boxes and their contents have attained a sufficient [degree of] temperature, they are taken from the tubes and re- placed by others. The charging and discharging are thus performed very easily, without stopping the working of the furnace, and without a noticeable cool- ing off. H H, draught chimney. J J, hearth. K, grate. L, ash pit. 585- 586 875 588 148 -589 - It is evident that the tubes might be arranged in a furnace either completely vertical or completely hori- zontal, with no great inconvenience. So also the rela- tive dimensions might be changed, within certain limits. What I consider as my property is the idea of heating tubes in any suitable furnace, and baking in them ob- jects of carbon, enclosed or not in movable boxes. I have found that a mixture of albumen and sugar, dissolved in water, in suitable proportions, can com- municate certain useful properties to the objects of 590 carbon. I reserve for myself the use of this syrup for agglomerating and impregnating the utensils of carbon, crucibles, pencils, etc. The albumen may be replaced by the other albumenoid substances. The drying of the objects formed may be performed in the open air or in a suitably heated drying-chamber. These means are rather slow. It is more expeditious to enclose the objects in a hermetically closed receiver, in which a vacuum can be produced by means of a pneumatic pump. It is well to intercalate, between 591 the receiver and the pump, a vessel containing lime, chloride of calcium, or other materials capable of ab- sorbing the vapors as they are produced. To recapitulate : I claim by the present certificate of addition : 1. The exclusive use of tubular furnaces for the baking of crucibles, pencils for electric lighting and for electro-chemistry, and other utensils of carbon. 2. The agglomeration and impregnation of the differ- 592 ent varieties of carbon by a syrup of albumen and sugar. 3. The rapid drying of the manufactured objects by the employ of the vacuum, either alone or aided by materials capable of absorbing the vapors emitted. Paris, 12 June, 1877. (Signed) OCTAVE GAUDUIN. α By 1 Compe longitudinals et J в O O O O O O O O OOOO 000000000 P. Fig. 2. Coupe horizontale sur abed. e J Fig. 3. O 1 b B Amenéain Certificat Juis le 18 j'nin 1877 Paris. Lo wat die Bitsina. Le 51 mars дойдный 1889 Fuer expédition certifiée conforme SeChef du Burde the Propricle Industries?. Wastre 9 Wanting 149 CERTIFICATE OF ADDITION, taken out April 593 7th, 1877, by Mr. GAUDUIN, Octave, at Paris, rue de la Roquette 130, and which relates to Letters Patent, for fifteen years, taken out 12th July, 1876, for a carbon intended for the manufacture of utensils of chemistry and physics, etc. the said certificate of ad- dition granted by order of the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, on June 22d, 1877. CERTIFICATE OF ADDITION TO LETTERS PATENT No. 594 113,706. I have succeeded in giving to my carbon the definite form which it is to preserve, and in simplifying con- siderably the moulding and the forming of the objects which I manufacture by the following process: I form the crucibles, vessels, pencils for electric light- ing or for electro-chemistry, etc., with dry wood, suit- ably selected, by all the methods proper to working in wood. I convert this wooden object into a hard and 595 compact carbon, conserving its primitive ["original"] form by drying it suitably, impregnating it with tar, pitch, bitumen, rosin, essences and oils of coal, any carbon of hydrogen, sugar, caramel or other matter possessing analogous properties. I distil it slowly so as to expel the volatile bodies; ; I impregnate it anew and re-distil it as many times as necessary, and finally I heat it to a high [degree of] temperature in a reductive atmosphere. For objects which need a very pure carbon, like the 596 pencils for electric lighting, it is good to wash the carbon object when it is still porous with acids and alkalies, so as to dissolve the impurities which it may contain, and to rinse it afterward in plenty of water. I can also heat it to red heat and submit it during a certain time to the action of chloride of carbon, hydro- chloric and hydrofluoric gaseous acids. I finish by vapors of carburet of hydrogen capable of stopping the pores by depositing carbon in them. I also manufacture articles of carbon from cotton, 150 597 hemp, flax, cellulose in any state, kneaded and im- pregnated with pitch, tar, etc., and formed so as to give it the desired shape. I finish them as if the object were of impregnated wood. 598 To recapitulate : By the present Certificate of Addition I claim the manufacture of crucibles, pencils for electric lighting and electro-chemistry, vases and utensils of any kind, by converting the wood and the cellulose into carbon by the means described above, or by analogous means. Paris, 7th April, 1877. Signed: OCTAVE GAUDUIN. 599 COMPTES RENDUS, LXX. 60, PARIS 1870. Action of carbon sulphide and carburetted gases upon wood charcoal. M. SIDOT. In a preceding work I showed that carbon sulphide was decomposed by cbarcoal, that the latter increased in weight and that sulphur was liberated. While pur- suing those researches I examined how carbon sulphide acts upon certain organic bodies of vegetable or animal origin. Into a tube of porcelain I introduce small bundles of wood, over which I pass cold vapor of carbon sulphide, 600 so as to expel all air from the tube. This result ob- tained, I heat the tube slowly and gradually to a red heat, for about one hour. After cooling we find in the tube rings of a carbon different from ordinary carbon in physical properties. The essences of the most divers wood, ash, box, horn- beam, lilac, elder and cork may give rise to this new carbon. What particularly distinguishes it is its sonority, like that of bodies called the most sonorous such as steel, silver, aluminium, glass, etc. I have the honor to sub- 151 mit to the eyes of the Academy some specimens of 601 these sonorous carbons. When we suspend them by a string and strike upon them, they give a metallic sound. Wishing to obtain a sonorous instrument with this carbon, I turned a bell of ash, and I submitted it to the action of carbon sulphide after the process just de- scribed. This piece of ash became a bell, which also I present to the Academy; it gives a sound comparable to that of a metallic bell of the same diameter. I con- clude that it would be easy to reproduce a gamut with 602 a xylophone of carbon, and to construct a harmonicon of carbon bells. Very hard woods seems to give the purest and most harmonious sounds. These same carbons, distinguished so clearly from ordinary ones, by their elasticity, also differ widely by their great conductivity of heat and electricity. I think they might replace the carbons in the Bundsen cell. The pencils made of them give an electric light far more intense than the light obtained with carbons from 603 gas retorts. This carbon conductor heats up like a metal and be- comes progressively incandescent in the whole mass, without igniting at one point, like ordinary carbon; it cools as soon as it is removed from the fire. It may be characterized from a point of view of conductivity as wood charcoal transformed into coke. I have obtained similar results from flax, hemp, cot- ton paper and silk. The carbon obtained from wood has a metallic lustre, 604 but this lustre is only superficial. It has a greater density than wood carbon. It does not perceptibly absorb gases. I should men- tion in this connection, that by heating the wood to a high temperature in crucibles filled with finely pulver- ized cinders, we obtain likewise a carbon deprived of ab- sorbent qualities, and besides, a good conductor. Carbon sulphide is not the only agent for this re- markable change of wood into sonorous conductive 152 605 carbon. Wood spirit, hydrocarbons, etc., similarly change wood into elastic conductive carbon. More than this; I assured myself that by passing vapor of methylic alcohol over wood heated red, this vapor was decomposed, and the interior walls of the tube were carpeted with a very singular carbon at the same time. This carbon, in fact, presents itself in the form of filaments, one centimetre in length, constituting a kind of silky and frothy coke of a silvery white. These fila- 606 ments seem to be formed of small juxtaposed balls. 607 608 153 CONSOLIDATED E. L. Co. VS. MCKEESPORT L. Co. Defendant's Exhibit Prof. Cross' Report of 1881 (No. 1), April 20, 1887, W. F. F., S. E. MASS. INST. OF TECHNOLOGY, F. H. BETTS, Esq.: BOSTON, June 23d, 1881. DEAR SIR-I have examined the American patents and the various works on electric lighting with refer- ence to the matter of the resistance of incandescent lamps previous to the date of Mr. Edison's patent. I have not yet looked at the English patents, preferring not to delay longer before writing to you. I will look them over to-morrow or next day. 609% 610 From all the statements that I can find, or calcula- tions that I can make, based upon these statements, I should say that the lamps previous to Mr. Edison's 611 patent had a resistance of not over five ohms, and gen- erally much less than this. I infer this from the state- ments made regarding the size of carbons, in which they are called "pencils," "small rods," &c. ; also from the measured dimensions as given in the drawings of said lamps. In Sawyer's book on Lighting by Incan- descence, p. 90, the resistance of his lamp is stated to be twenty-five one-hundredths ohms. The only statement regarding higher resistance is in Sawyer's book, and also in his Patent No. 205,303 612 (Distribution of Lamps), the resistance of lamp is called 10 ohms when hot, "practically nil" when cold, practically nil" being, I suppose, one-quarter ohm. But the effect of heat on carbon (unlike its effect on metals) is to diminish its resistance, this diminution being, according to Mathieson, about 12 per cent. when the carbon is raised to incandescence. The in- crease of resistance from heating of the metallic con- ductors could not be great in any lamp that could be practically used, so that I am inclined to think that 154 613 the number, 10 ohms, is stated at a venture. Mr. Edi- son could probably solve this question immediately from his practical knowledge. By the way, can the Sawyer patent, No. 205,303, for distribution of lamps, be held? The principle on which any resistance should be arranged for maximum effect has been familiar to every scientific man for the last forty years. Compared with all these actual resistances (up to 5 ohms), that of the Maxim lamp is certainly "high" be- 614 yond a question. The only point regarding which an objection could be made is that one hundred ohms is the lowest resistance mentioned in the Edison patent. On the other hand, Mr. Edison here describes for the first time (if I am right) a process by which a carbon filament can be made practically. No carbon rod of, say 20 ohms resistance upward, could readily be made to emit light by incandescence by any current that could be practically and economically employed. At least this, I should judge, to be the case. Hence, is 615 not Mr. E. justified in claiming that even 20 ohms would be a high resistance. If only 5 ohms as a maximum were used before, if Mr. Edison's process is a new one, giving the possibility of making high re- sistance carbons, it seems to me that even though the ratio of 5 to 20 is the same as 20 to 100, the claim can readily be held. Here your suggestion that the possibility of using lights in multiple arc is an index of their high resistance in the terms of the patent, might be available. But the Maxim lamp has a resistance of 616 40 ohms. As to the sealings of the Maxim lamp. I have entrusted an analysis of the blue and black substances used in sealing to a competent chemist, who will give me his report by the close of this week or first of next. Meanwhile, I will say that from a careful ex- amination of fragment of the material after cutting it, we are pretty well convinced that it is a glass or an enamel. The blue is probably colored with copper, the black with iron (?) and manganese. The chemist thinks it may be a borax glass for easy fusion. He 155 thinks the only possible claim that could be made is 617 that it is “enamel," which is a kind of glass. As to this last point, I have not looked up the chemistry of glass, thinking it hardly necessary just yet. The En- cyclopedia Britannica and Appleton's Encyclopedia both speak of enamel as a glass, and the latter classi- fies it under the kinds of glass! The conducting wires are sealed into the glass, as in Edison's lamp. It seems to me, then, that the Maxim lamp and Mr. Edison's are substantially the same thing. I believe that I have touched upon all the points 618 mentioned by you. I will write again as soon as I have heard from my chemist. I am yours very truly, 16. CHAS. R. CROSS. [ENDORSED :] 19,074. 16. JUNE 23, '81. 619 Prof. Chas. R. Cross to F. H. Betts, giving result of investigations in resistances of lamps prior to Edison's lamp in American patents. 620 156 621 CONSOLIDATED E. L. Co. $622 VS. MCKEESPORT L. Co. S Defendant's Exhibit Prof. Cross' Report of 1881 (No. 2), April 20, 1889, W. F. F., S. E. F. H. BETTS, Esq. : BOSTON, June 24th, 1881. MY DEAR SIR-I have to-day looked over the various English patents relating to electric lighting by incan- descence. I find nothing to change my opinions as ex- pressed in my letter to you. The only light about whose very low resistance there is any question is Wer- dermann's, but in this incandescence proper as distinct from a very minute voltaic arc is distinctly disclaimed. Very truly yours, CHAS. R. CROSS. $623 17. [ENDORSED :] 19,074. 17. JUNE 24, '81. C. R. Cross to F. H. Betts: Have examined English patents and find nothing to change conclusions ar- rived at in letter of 23d inst. 624 157 [FRENCH PATENT RECORDS, 2D SERIES, VOL. 16, p. 223.] 625 4606. PATENT FOR FIFTEEN YEARS, Dated Jan. 31st, 1849, TO MR. LE MOLT, of Paris, For improvements applicable to the apparatus suitable for electric lighting. A first improvement relates to the elements of the pile, another to a double movement which is given to the carburetted material that serves for the production of the electric light. One of the elements of the pile is a carbonized mate- rial, in the form of a cylinder or of a plate, more or less thick and hardened by compression. This material may be composed of Ashes of gas retorts 626 Liquid tar.. Ashes of retorts. Charcoal.. Liquid tar. 4 parts. 627 1 (6 2 (C 2 (( 1 2 1 Coke Tar or bitumen All these substances, pulverized, sifted, and mixed with the liquid tar, are brought, by a powerful tritura- tion, to the state of a hard and consistent paste, and to this paste any desired form is given, by compression 628 and in a mould; then it is covered by a thick syrup of sugar or of molasses. These moulded pieces are placed in a retort, almost closed, and which is gradually raised to the temperature of a high-furnace; after twenty or thirty hours they are withdrawn to be used. The inventor has had the idea of galvanizing the car- bon element, that is to say, of covering it with a coating of metal so as to connect the two carbon and zinc elements by a metallic handle. On Plate XXIX., Fig 1, may be seen a carbon ele- 158 629 ment and a zinc element, connected by a metallic handle. 630 The metallic elements of the pile are covered with a varnish which preserves all the non-acting portions of the elements from oxidation; copal varnish will suit very well. The vessels containing the acid liquors which are to act on the elements have curved sides, as shown in figure 3, so as to avoid the projection of the liquids outside of the vessels. Figure 5 shows the arrangement of, the element in the vessels. 1, carbon element; 2, porous vessel filled with nitric acid; 3, zinc element; 4, exterior vessel filled with sulphuric acid, more or less diluted. As electrodes, the inventor employs any carbonated matter in the form of disks. The two disks are kept a suitable distance apart and turning on metallic axis 631 placed in communication with the poles of the gener- ating apparatus. At each turn the two disks approach each other a little so that, on account of the part that is burned, they remain constantly at the same distance. Figure 4 represents an apparatus of rotation and of joining combined. 632 A, A, A, wheels, with pulleys and grooves of metal, fixed to the carbon disk, and serving to give them a rotary movement with the aid of the two endless chains, C, C. B, B, axis of the carbon disk. D, insulating materials. E, E, contacts, one of them with roller, to facilitate the approaching of thé disks. F, double approaching wheel with eccentric rims. This is also a toothed wheel, causing the disks to turn. Appareil emetteur -parties essentielles de détail. Bisque carbone Etincelle disque carbone Disques carbones à angle droit. Fig. 4. Ressort C ееё R Support fil conducteur du courant F А a Suppor a Charnie Ressort à Came spirale relic ame un Frou- 'horlogery quelconques ·vement d' Support platine www Fehellide 16 centimètres. 4.1. dépot de cuivre 2. 2. Element carbone éduit о anse métallique Element Fine Couple amalgamé à ause extérieurement revitue d'im induit Fig. 1 Arrangement du couple dans les vases 4. 1. Element carbone 2. vase poreve rempli d'acide nitrique 5: Element Zing 4. Vaſe extérieur semple d'acide sulfurique plus Fil conductor, maines étendu. Fig. 3. Coupe d'un vase à bords recourbes Fig. 3. Elément carbone galvanisé Echelle de 10 Guthr 159. CERTIFICATE OF ADDITION, Dated July 24th, 1849. This addition consists in employing a metallic wire placed in connection, at its two ends, with the con- ductors ending at the poles of the battery, and brought to a very high degree of incandescence, which produces an illumination. This wire is usually of platinum or of iridium, arranged in more or less drawn out spirals, and admitting, besides, of any other arrangement. CERTIFICATE OF ADDITION, Dated 14th September, 1849. For carbon elements, charcoal alone may be used, o1 coke mixed with tar. 633 634 635 636 160 637 Complainant's Exhibit Scientific Ameri- can Article No. 2. Published in the "Scientific American" in New York on December 7, 1878. THE SAWYER-MAN ELECTRIC LAMP. The practical usefulness of the electric light for illum- 638 inating open spaces and wide areas has been amply demonstrated by the various devices for using the electric arc already widely employed. Hitherto, how- ever, it has not been found economical, or even possible, as we understand it, to construct a lamp or candle, based on the electric arc, that would answer the re- quirements of ordinary, domestic and industrial light- ing, where a moderate amount of light, well distributed, easily manageable, and of perfect steadiness and soft- ness, is needed. The electric arc seems, from its very 639 nature, to. present insuperable obstacles to the economi- cal production of a large number of small lights in a circuit; in other words, such lights as we require in our dwellings, offices, factories, shops, and the like. And if there were no other means of obtaining light from electricity, the probability of the displacement of gas by it for the purposes of general illuminating would hardly be worth considering. The production of light through the incandescence of a pencil of carbon or metal, forming part of an electric 640 circuit and highly heated by its internal resistance to the passage of the electric current, offers an entirely different field for exploration; and though it has long been apparently closed by the fuilure of early attempts to obtain an electric light by such means, the achieved success of Messrs. Sawyer and Man, not to speak of the reported success of Mr. Edison, clearly indicates that this is the line along which the practical solution of the problem of household illumination by electricity is to come. The lamp, to be described further on, lacks only the practical demonstration of its economy 161 by protracted use on a large scale, to compel accept- 64 ance as a successful solution of the problem. So long ago as 1845, an American inventor, Mr. King patented here and in England a lamp (said to have been invented by J. W. Starr) involving this principle. His light was produced in a vacuum, to prevent the oxidation of his incandescent carbon or metal, and was extremely promising for its beauty, brilliancy and steadiness. But it failed to be permanent and economical from various defects and deficiencies, some of which have been removed by the increased 642 power and economy of modern dynamo-electric ma- chines, and by recent advances in the art of subdivid- ing the electric current, but the most of them by the inventions and discoveries covered by Messrs. Sawyer and Man's patents. The economical division of the current, or more cor- rectly the light produced by a single current-popu- larly believed to be very difficult if not practically impossible has been successfully worked out by several American investigators. As long ago as 1875, 643 Mr. Moses G. Farmer, now Electrical Superintendent of the U. S. Naval Torpedo Station, at Newport, R. I., subdivided the electric current, produced by a small machine, into forty-two different branches, putting a light to each branch: Mr. Sawyer's system appears to be able to do the same indefinitely through the main- tenance of a uniform resistance throughout the circuit and equal resistances in the several parts of the circuit, as will be shown further on. The adaptability of this form of electric lighting to 644 the needs of household illumination is indicated in Fig. 1. The light produced is pure, strong, and yet soft, like sunlight. It is, moreover, steady and cool. It is not influenced by air currents; and it does not vitiate the air by poisonous products of combustion, nor by withdrawing the vitalizing oxygen. The lamp takes up less room than the glass shade of a gas jet, and no more than the chimney of an oil lamp. To a limited extent, also, it is portable, and may be used as a drop light. The general appearance of the lamp is shown 162 645 Fig. 2 (page 354). The light is produced by the in- candesence of the slender pencil of carbon placed as shown in the engraving. The light-giving apparatus is separated from the lower part of the lamp by three diphragms, to shut off downward heat radiation. The copper standards lower down are so shaped as to have great radiating surface, so that the conduction of heat downward to the mechanism of the base is wholly pre- vented. The structure of the base, full-size, is shown in Fig. 3 (page 355). No detailed description of this 646 portion will be required, further than to say that the electric current enters from below, follows the line of metallic conduction to the "burner," as shown by the arrows, thence downward, on the other side, connecting with the return circuit. The light-producing portion is, of course, completely insulated, and also sealed at the base, gas tight. A fatal defect in all previous lamps depending on incandescent carbon has arisen from what has been called the "vaporizing" of the carbon. This Mr. Saw- $47 yer holds to be an absurdity, since the carbon is not even fused. The wastage of the carbon in mercurial vacuums, and in atmospheres of compound gas, is due, he holds, to chemical decomposition. Many gases, in- different to carbon at ordinary temperatures, attack it destructively at temperatures obtained in the electric lamp; and the process is continuous, the carbon taken from the burner being redeposited on the glass case, and the gas left free to continue its depredation. Mr. Sawyer claims to have overcome this difficulty by 448 his method of charging the lamps with pure nitrogen, and by providing for the fixing of any residual oxygen left in the lamp. In this way an unwasting carbon is secured. Another stumbling block on which other workers in this field have come to grief, has been the crumbling or disintegration of the carbon burner, due to sudden heating when the lamp is lighted. This is avoided in the Sawyer-Man lamp by an ingeniously devised switch, shown in Fig. 4. By this means it is impossible to turn the current on or off suddenly, to the disruption of the carbon. This, however, is not the 163 only nor the chief advantage of the switch. It is, in- 64: deed, the key to the entire problem, the indispensable condition, Mr. Sawyer holds, of practical electrical dis- tribution. It is well known that an electric current will exactly and readily divide among circuits of equal resistance. Accordingly, if the resistance of a sub-circuit be main- tained constant, no matter what may be going on in it, whether a lamp is not lighted at all, or lighted to a mere taper, or to any intermediate stage up to full brilliancy, it is obvious that no other lamp or lamps in 650- that circuit will be affected. The operation of the switch, in securing such uniform resistance, is shown in the accompanying diagram, Fig. 5 (page 355). The lamp has, let us say, a resistance of 0.95 of an ohm. Therefore if one lamp is out there should be a resistance of 0.95 of an ohm in its stead. This is the shunt resistance, B. The current enters at the "+" point, and leaves at the "-" point. The contact piece, A, bearing upon the two studs 1, 1, all the cur- rent passes out by way of B. When A is moved to the 651 studs, 2, 2, the current divides, going through the lamp, the other by way of B, and the resistance of the combined circuit is 0.31+0.95-1.263 in the shunt; and 1.9+0·38+251+18,2,+0·07+0·06}+(the lamp) 0.95-3.8. The resistance of the circuit is, there- fore, 1-26 2-83-8-0.95 of an ohm. and so on. In short, 1.26 2-3+3-8 the resistance of the circuit is constant at 0.95, no mat- ter what may be the change in the proportion of the current given the lamp, as may be seen by making the required calculation for each pair of studs. The vary- 652 ing resistances required to give the best effect have been worked out by practical trial. The effect of the current through the lamp is to make the carbon a dull red. On studs 3, 3, one-half the current passes through, and the carbon becomes a bright red. On studs 4, 4, the lamp gets ğ of the current and becomes white hot. On 5, 5, the lamp gets of the current, and begins to as- sume the intense limpid incandescence of the sun; and the light increases rapidly with subsequent changes until the whole current goes through the lamp. 164 653 Thus it is seen that the greater part of the illumina- tion is the product of a small part of the current. When the light is well on, a very slight increase in the cur- rent increases the light enormously. It is here that the great loss occasioned by dividing a fixed current among several lamps finds its explanation. A current that suffices in one lamp to produce a light, say of 100 candles, will, if divided between two lamps, give in each perhaps no more than ten candles, or even 5, making a loss of 90 candles in the sum total. But if the cur- 654 rent be doubled, each lamp will give a light of 100 can- dles and the sum total will be 200 candles instead of 10. Having brought a candle or a system of candles up to the point of feeble incandescence, a (proportion- ally) small addition to the current will make them all brilliant. If at 6,000° Fah., a given carbon will pro- duce a light of 3 candles, at 12,000° it will give 9 can- dles, and at 24,000° it will give 81 candles; the illumin- ating power increasing with vastly greater rapidity than the temperature. 655 The wires supplying the current may be run through existing gas pipes, each lamp being provided with a switch placed conveniently in the wall; and by simply turning a key the light is turned up or down, off or on. So long as the house is connected with the main it makes no difference to the producer whether all the lights are on or off, since the resist- ance of the entire (house) circuit must be evercome; though it will to the consumer, since a meter records. the time that each lamp is on, and the charge is rated 456 accordingly. If the Dynamo-Electric Light Company can supply the illuminating force so cheaply that the constant and brilliant illumination of all the rooms of a house can be secured at no greater cost than the par- tial and intermittent illumination now had from gas, it is obvious that the electric light will score an important point. The cost of lamps and switches, it is claimed, will not exceed that of gas fixtures. The meter above referred to is shown in Fig. 6. It is a simple clock arrangement, with an attachment de- signed to throw the dial hands into connection when a 165 light is on. From each switch a pair of conducting 657 wires are run to opposite studs on the wooden disk shown at the top of the figure. When no current passes through the lamp the revolving spring shown in front of the studded disk turns without making any record. When the current is on, one electric connec- tion at each revolution is made through the pins as- signed to the particular lamp, the armature of the mag- net is moved, and the recording wheel is advanced one notch. This meter does not measure the quantity of electricity passing, but only the time a lamp is on. If 658 two or any larger number of lamps are on, an equal number of connections are made at each revolution of the wheel, and the record wheel is advanced to corre- spond. This registration is, of course, a mere matter of business detail. In view of the well-founded popu- lar dislike to gas meters, however, it would seem to be desirable to dispense with such devices entirely; and the nature of electric distribution appears to favor other and less objectionable modes and means of de- termining the financial relations of producers and con- sumers. Figs. 7 and 8 indicate the method proposed for gen- eral distribution. Where the main is tapped for a sub- circuit, a shunt is introduced so as to throw so much of the current as may be needed into the derived cir- cuit. The resistance of say 100 added lamps will be 659 about 100 ohms. By giving to the shunt a resistance of one ohm, 1-100 of the current will be diverted, and the lamps supplied. When a large number of lamps are required in a circuit, a combination of the two 660 plans indicated is employed. The diversion of any portion of the electric supply into an added circuit, whether one house or a group of houses, necessarily increases the aggregate resistance of the electric district, and calls for more work from the generator. To meet such contingencies automatic- ally, Messrs. Sawyer and Man have invented and patented a regulator, which responds instantly to any increase or diminution in the demand, thereby securing an absolutely uniform volume of current. 166' 661 This regulator so controls the steam or other power actuating the generator of electricity, that the amount of power supplied is increased or diminished in exact proportion to the demand, either by changing the vol- . ume of steam produced, or by coupling on or detaching different generators or parts of a single generator in circuit. With regard to the cost of this mode of electric lighting no positive figures can be given. It is claimed to be entirely demonstrated that one-horse power 662 will give by the Sawer-Man system of incandescence a light of 30 five foot gas burners an hour. Where large powers are employed the cost of steam power, every item included, is commonly rated at one cent per horse power per hour. The cost of 150 feet of gas at New York rates is 41 cents, which would make the gas over forty-fold dearer than the Sawyer-Man light. Mr. Sawyer does not stand on this estimate, however, hold- ing that even if the electric light should prove in prac- tice on a large scale to be ten times as costly as calcu- 663 lation indicates, it will yet easily compete with gas, the light furnished being so much better and purer. It is promised that facilities will soon be offered for the photometric test of a large number of lights, in a circuit, with dynamometric tests of the power employed in generating the electric supply. This, as already noted, is all that the system lacks to prove itself an ac- complished economical fact. 664 .THE SAWYER-MAN ELECTRIC LIGHT, Fig. 2. wwwww THE SAWYER-MAN ELECTRIC LAMP. Fig. 3 Mir شهد чий الشوريا لالي DOD wooo BASE OF SAWYER-MAN LAMP. Fig. 4. . ** iiiiiiii. THE SWITCH. SHUNT B REST NC .95 OF AN OHM 3123 .63/3 .63/ Fig. 5... 1.26% 500 3.8 • 7.6 5000 ooooo (2) ovo oooooo (3) sooooood (4) soooord (5)00000000 (6)-sooooo (7) + A 4 2 5 8 3 4 7 8 15 16 8 20000000 (3)-ooooood (4) oooooooo (5) 00000000 (6-5000000 7000000 (8) .06/3 1.9 .38 .253 m 18/21 PRINCIPLE OF SWITCH. .07 5/21 LAMP THE WHOLE CURRENT REST O.95 OHM Fig. 6. • 16 METE THE SAWYER-MAN METER. RESISTANCES OF 1.OHNS Fig. 7 RESIST OF 100 OHMS HOUSE GETS 100 OF THE CURRENT RETURN MAIN Fig. 8. - S. S. RES. 1.9 OHMS OL. S. SRES. 19 OHMS J S. OLAMP SWITCH GENERATOR SIIVAT SHUNT RESISTANCE 1.9 OHMS j S. S. OLAMP SWITCH OUTWARD MAIN Fig. 7.-DERIVED CIRCUIT. Fig. 8.-BRANCHED CIRCUIT. 171 Defendant's Exhibit Times Article of 665 Oct. 30, 1878. A NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT. THE ELECTRO-DYNAMIC LIGHT COMPANY READY TO COM- MENCE OPERATIONS. An interesting exhibition of a new electric light was given by the Electro-Dynamic Light Company yester- terday afternoon, at the corner of Elm and Walker 666 streets. The new light is the invention of W. E. Saw- yer, of this city, and Albon Man, of Brooklyn. It is a very simple affair, consisting of a small pencil of carbon, a little larger than an ordinary pin, connected by wires with an electric machine, and enclosed in a hermeti- cally sealed glass globe which is filled with pure nitro- gen gas. The pencil of carbon is heated by the electric current to a temperature of from 30,000 to 50,000° Fahrenheit in an atmosphere with which it cannot chem- ically combine. The carbon is practically indestructible 667 and the light is therefore produced without any con- sumption of material. In the experiments made yester- day five lights were placed in different parts of the darkened room and all connected by wires with a small Hochhausen electric machine in an adjoining room. simple key was placed in one of three ordinary keyholes in one of the walls and turned a little. Two of the burners attached to a hanging chandelier in the centre of the room immediately glowed faintly and as the key was turned still further around, the glow increased, until 668 a brilliant and perfectly steady white light was obtained equal to the light of 12 ordinary gas jets. The key was then turned in another of the keyholes and another of the lamps was "lighted up." In the same way the fourth and fifth burners were ignited and there resulted an exceedingly brilliant white light, yet so soft and steady that it did not pain the eyes. The lights were easily turned to any desired degree of brilliancy from that of a mere spark to a light of six times the intensity of the common gas jet-that being the maximum power A 172 669 of the lights in use yesterday. The company asserts its ability to easily fit up lights equal to 30 gas burners. By a very simple "switch" in the wall the current of electricity is divided and subdivided to sub- ply any number of burners desired, the electricity reaching the switch from the generator through a single wire. The light is turned on or off, or regulated to any degree merely by turning a key which operates the switch. Messrs. Sawyer and Man have recently taken out a number of patents covering all the points of their 670 new invention which are now the property of a stock company which has been formed to introduce the light to the public. The plan is similar to that proposed by Edison —the establishing of central stations in various parts of the city from which powerful electric genera- tors will supply the necessary electricity. The com- pany claims to be able to supply the electric light at one-fortieth the cost of ordinary gas. Whether this will prove true or not remains to be seen. The difficulty of 671 a meter has been overcome by the invention of a meter which will record the number of burners used in any given house, and the number of hours each burner is lighted The measurement of the electricity used would involve so complicated and delicate instruments that the time plan has been adopted. Mr. Sawyer asserted yester- day that Mr. Edison was behind time with his much trumpeted light, as the Electro-Dynamic Company have their light nearly ready for the public and every neces- sary point is covered by patents of recent date." 672 173 U. S. CIRCUIT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC LIGHT Co. VS. THE MCKEESPORT LIGHT CO. 673 In Equity. 674 I, WILLIAM T. FARNHAM, Special Examiner, herein duly appointed, do hereby certify that the foregoing are the proofs for final hearing taken before me in behalf of defendants under the 67th Rule of the U. S. Supreme Court in Equity as amended under the orders for that purpose herein duly entered. I further certify that on the dates in said record set forth, the witnesses named therein, to wit, John M. D. Keating, William Hochhausen, William Sharp, Walter K. Griffin, Thomas A. Edison, Cyrus F. Brackett, George F. Barker, William P. Wilson, Amos Broadnax, Henry E. Vineing, Charles Batchelor, William Holzer, Grosvenor P. Lowrey, Calvin Goddard, Robert M. Gallaway, James Hood Wright, Richard N. Dyer and John C. Tomlinson appeared before me and having been by me first duly sworn, they gave their depositions, which were reduced to writing partly by myself and partly by stenographers and type writers, by consent of counsel for the respective parties, and that said witnesses thereupon signed their several depositions. I further certify that I am not of counsel or attorney for either of the parties nor in anywise interested in the event of said cause. I further certify that R. N. Dyer, Grosvenor P. Lowrey, Walter K. Griffin and H. D. Donnelly, Esquires, appeared on behalf of defendants and Thomas B. Kerr, Amos Broadnax, Samuel A. Duncan 675 676 174 677 and Leonard E. Curtis, Esquires, appeared on behalf of complainants at the times and places stated in said record. Dated New York, May 17th, 1889. WILLIAM T. FARNHAM, 678 679 [SEAL.] Special Examiner and Notary Public. 1 680 EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. the fact that probably one-half the effort put forth in Sunday-school work is wasted, and some of it worse than wasted. Too much attention to questions of dog- matic belief, and too little to questions of conduct; too much bondage to the teach- ing of the Bible and related subjects as an end, and too little devotion to the production of Christian character; too much superficial and revivalistic work, and too little broad philanthropic endeavor; too much frivol ity and perfunctory lesson-hearing, and too little of the affectionate, life-long attach- ment of god-parent and god-child between teacher and pupil; too much system and 531 too little freedom and common-sense; too much memory and too little sympathy- these criticisms can justly be made against much of our Sunday-school work in the hundredth year after Robert Raikes of Gloucester. The time will come and the leader will come. He will teach us as Jesus taught, that the Book, and the day of rest, and the creed symbol, are all subordinate to the wel- fare of the human spirit, and that practical endeavor, if it will achieve its best result, must disentangle itself from theoretic ideal- ism, and from bondage to dogmatism, tra- dition, and convention. Consolidated PL to is to Reesport Co Edison's Exhibit 20.10 MAM. beats & hitit 2010 notary publi WII. u. > EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. BY FRANCIS R. UPTON (MR. EDISON'S MATHEMATICIAN). EDITOR SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. Dear Sir: I have read the paper by Mr. Francis Upton, and it is the first correct and authoritative account of my invention of the Electric Light. Menlo Park, N. J. Yours Truly, THOMAS A. Edison. THE Crowning discovery of Mr. Edison- | finely-divided state-the particles widely the electric light for domestic use-is at last a scientific and practical success. A mis- taken idea has been afloat that this new light was intended to be a rival of the sun, rather than what it really is,—a rival of gas. The contrivances of the new lamp are so ab- surdly simple as to seem almost an anti- climax to the laborious process of investi- gation by which they were reached. A small glass globe from which the air has been ex- hausted, two platinum wires, a bit of charred paper-and we have the lamp. The gen- erator of the electricity is simpler than a gas-generator, and the wires for its distribu- tion are more manageable than are gas mains and pipes. The light is equal to gas in brightness and whiter in color; it is inclosed and, consequently, perfectly steady; it gives off no appreciable heat; it consumes no oxygen; it yields up no noxious gases, and, finally, it costs less than gas. The difficulty of subdivision Mr. Edison has also overcome: in his method of illumination a number of separate lights can now be sup- phed from the same wire, and each one, be- ing independent, can be lighted or extin- guished without affecting those near it. In order to a clear comprehension of the electric light, a few words upon the general subject are necessary. All illuminants are produced by the incandescence or white heat This matter may either be in a of matter. separated-as in the flame of candles, lamps and gas-jets, or an aggregation of particles, as in the calcium light. Both of these methods have been used in the various systems of elec- tric lighting. Electricity flowing through a conductor generates a quantity of heat pro- portioned I, to the amount passing through, and 2, to the friction, or resistance, of the medium. Ordinarily, the amount is hardly appreciable in a good conductor. When, however, a poor conductor forms part of the electric circuit, a heat is generated that, under certain conditions, rises steadily to whiteness, causing the substance forming the imperfect conductor to become luminous. If the wire of an electric circuit be cut and the two ends, after being touched, are drawn slightly apart, the current leaps the chasm and a spark appears which vaporizes a small portion of the metal, and this forms a sulfi- cient conductor to enable a constant elec-. trical current to flow from end to end of the wire. When the two ends of the severed wire are properly tipped, a continuous and brilliant light may be produced Carbon is found to be the best material for these tips, and so long as the current flows and the distance between the points is properly regulated, a storm of white hot carbon particles is car- ried across the space, giving a brilliant il- lumination. This is the voltaic arc, a light produced by the incandescence of finely- 532 EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. divided matter. The broken circuit may be completed by the interposition of some solid matter capable of sustaining a white heat without melting. Platinum and carbon were long thought to be the forms of matter which would best answer the purpose. • These methods of utilizing electricity pre- sented so many difficulties that it was thought impossible to use either for domes- tic purposes. The objections to the voltaic arc were that the carbon did not offer sufficient resistance to the passage of the current, and that it wasted, the light there- fore requiring either continual attention, or else some complicated mechanism, both troublesome and expensive, to keep the dis- tance between the carbon points constant. (See Fig. 3.) The objections to platinum lay in its great cost and rarity, and the fact that its point of fusion is too low to ensure its successful use as the source of light. And finally the objection to all known methods was that the conductors necessary to the supply of any lamp then known would have been of such enormous cost and size as to be impracticable for general use. | graph. In 1845, about the same time, we find that the first mechanisms for regu- lating the distance between the carbon points were independently invented by Staite and Foucault, who thus in another direction uti- lized the electrical power supplied by the bat- Staite's patents show great inventive genius; in one of them there is a well-defined suggestion of the widely known Jablochkoff candles. In this field of research, as in so many others, the earlier investigators possessed a clearness of vision which en- abled them to see further and more accu- rately than those who came after. Staite, before 1850, produced an electric light, which was exhibited in England, and was so favor- ably received that a company was organized and gas stock suffered a panic. Many other inventions were made, with a vast expendi- ture of time, ingenuity and patience, which, like those of Staite and Foucault, failed be- cause of their great cost. It is not enough to invent a good light, nor even to perfect its mechanism: the cost of production must be small enough to enable it to compete with all existing methods of illuminating. Electric lighting had now passed through three stages. It had been a brilliant labor- atory experiment, it had been the subject of practical investigation, and it had been advanced to the precarious dignity of occa- sional use in the theaters and on great ſes- tal occasions. At the coronation of Alex- ander of Russia, the city of Moscow was lighted by numbers of electric lamps sus- pended in the old bell-tower of the Kremlin, a thousand gilded domes glittering in the unearthly radiance, in happy contrast with the quaint arches of the old cathedral close at hand, while the river Moskva was trans- muted into a stream of liquid silver. In order to understand the difficulties of the problem presented to Mr. Edison, and the simple perfection of his lamp, a short summary of the history of the electric light will be necessary. The first method of illuminating by electricity was by the vol- taic arc. About twenty years after the dis- covery of galvanism, or the modes of gener- ating electricity by chemical decomposition, the voltaic arc was discovered by Sir Hum- phrey Davy. The battery of a single cell was succeeded by those of multiplied power. In 1812, by the use of a battery of 2,000 cells, Davy succeeded in producing an in- tensely brilliant arc measuring five inches. The experiment was, however, a very costly one, and had apparently no practical out- come; yet the effects produced by it were so brilliant that Professor Dumas, who, repeated it in Paris, in 1834, predicted its final success as an illuminant, in spite of the enormous cost-six dollars a minute. For a number of years no improvement was made, the batteries then in existence being incapable of supplying a constant and steady flow of electricity. Daniell's invention in 1836 of a constant battery, used still in telegraphy, and Grove's improve- ment in 1839, of electrical generators, gave a new impulse to inventors. A constant and powerful current being supplied by these In 1845, to go back to the second meth- two inventions, the practical use of it was od,-that of illuminating by an incandescent shortly afterward made in Morse's tele-solid,-an American named Starr, backed by The year 1860 saw improvements in gen- erators. The force of steam was found to be convertible into electricity. In 1862 Faraday introduced the electric lamp into a British light-house. France and Brazil tried the same experiment, but even this failed to arouse public interest. The invention of the Gramme generator (though an instrument fully antici- pating it had been lying for years in the cabi- net of a.. Italian university) at last gave the impetus needed to set the inventors at work. This was soon followed by the Jablochkoff candles, the contrivance by which some streets in Paris are illuminated. So much for the history of illumination by the voltaic arc. EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT George Peabody, went to England, and took out a patent for the use of platinum, which had been already employed in labora- tory experiments, although it had never been used for practical purposes. In the same year Grove speaks of reading by an incan- descent platinum spiral. In 1847, Dr. Draper, of New York, made a number of experiments to test the qualities of highly heated platinum. He used a lever suspended by a straight wire, very much re- sembling a door-latch held by a string. So marked was the illurnination from, and the expansion of, the heated wire at the tem- perature required for the experiment that he wrote: "An ingenious artist would have very little difficulty, by taking advantage of the movement of the lever, in making a self-acting apparatus in which the plati- num wire should be maintained at uniform temperature, notwithstanding any change taking place in the voltaic current." This suggestion, though so clear and practical, lay for twenty years unheeded, and would probably have done so much longer, but that Mr. Edison, with no knowledge of it, entirely independently made use of a similar device and proved himself to be the "ingenious artist," in his first electric light invention. Fig. 1 shows the plan of the apparatus.* FIG. I. G Browsent A W G тон HOO eeeeer SECTION OF EDISON'S EXPANSION REGULATOR. 533 When this is done touches the point, B. the electricity takes the short route through the lever and does not pass through the lamp. The wire, W, contracts and the process is repeated. Another method of accomplishing the same purpose is shown in Fig. 2. The current passes, in this case, through the wire, W. In so doing it heats the air in G. The air XB W G FIG. 2. EDISON'S PNEUMATIC REGULATOR. in expanding forces downward the small metal bellows which is connected with the chamber, until the lever attached below closes the break, B, and short circuits the lamp, allowing the air to cool. These two inventions really belong to the infancy of electric lighting, though invented by Mr. Edison only a short time ago. In 1849 Despretz describes a series of experiments on sticks of incandescent car- bọn which were sealed in a glass globe, the air being exhausted, or nitrogen substituted for it. He used several ingenious methods for holding the carbon-patented within the last few years. So completely had the mode of lighting by an incandescent solid been forgotten, that in 1873 a medal was bestowed by the St. Petersburg Academy on Lodyguine for its supposed discovery, and letters-patent were granted to Sawyer and Mann for a stick of carbon rendered incandescent in ni- trogen. No successful light by incandescence had, however, been produced when Mr. Edison began his experiments. • The current enters through the curled wire at the left, and flows from one post, P, to the other, P', through a spiral and out at the right. It is carried to the top of the glass case, G, then through the straight wire, W, to the lever at A, then to the hinge, H, so that it escapes at the right. In passing through the straight piece of platinum wire, W, en-needed, closed in the spiral the heat generated by the current causes the wire to expand. This expansion allows the lever, L, to fall until it *The portions marked black in the cuts are insu- lated. Jablochkoff candles was creating a great In 1878 the lighting of Paris by the stir. It had been proved that electricity was really a rival of gas, and that, es- needed, it could take its place. The ques- pecially where great concentration was duced in such small amounts as to make it tion now was whether light could be pro- of general domestic use. The money value of an invention which could compete with gas may be judged from the following items: The United States has $400,000,000 in- 534 IC EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. FIG. 3. FOUCault's regulator. cappe vested in gas, New York and the vicinity owning about $35,000,000 of this; England has $500,000, 00, $60,000,000 of which is in London. Paris has $40,000,000; Germany $50,000,000, etc. Capitalists, with these figures before them, and the further fact that notwithstanding the great depreciation in plant, the larger portion of this enormous capital was drawing ten per cent., were quick to see an opening for their money and en- terprise. Several New York gentlemen, Mr. Grosvenor P. Lowrey and members of the eminent banking-house of Drexel, Morgan & Co. being the most prominent, placed $100,000 in cash at Mr. Edison's disposal, as the requisite means to make the research. Mr. Edison came to the investigation · unhampered by the blunders of his pre- decessors. He had never seen an electric light. He took hold of the subject in his usual clear-headed, practical way. Next to solving a problem, its intelligent statement is to an investigator the most important thing. Mr. Edison saw that permanence in the lamp and a subdivision of the light were the main things to be sought after. Of the two methods already described, he soon discarded the carbon arc. He per- ceived that from its nature this arc was inconstant, as its very existence depended upon the destruction of the carbon, and also that it presented greater difficulties in the way of subdivision. Even if he succeeded in conquering the latter difficulty, and was en- abled to produce small lights, the carbon rods waste so rapidly that a system of such lamps would require an expert for every four or five houses to keep it in working order. The most effective apparatus then devised was Foucault's regulator, Fig. 3, which it will be seen is a very complicated piece of mechan- ism. The Jablochkoff candles, simple as they appear to be, require mechanical contriv- ances to light them and keep them burning, each candle lasting only a few hours, which makes the constant expense for new burners more than that of the electricity which they can utilize. Mr. Edison, therefore, concen- trated his attention wholly upon the light from an incandescent solid. The advantages of subdivision are twofold and may be explained in a few words. To show that a good gas jet or German student's lamp gives, near the source of light, all the il- lumination necessary for ordinary domestic purposes, a simple experiment may be tried. A printed page directly under the light, will be seen to be brightly illuminated. After carefully noting this, let another equally strong light be kindled. The room will be brighter, but the page will appear to be scarcely brighter. This is because beyond a certain limit the eye becomes insensible to light. One therefore gains nothing for or- dinary use from a single intensely brilliant light. The object of such an illumination being of course to bring, by means of several moderate lights, all parts of the room up to that point where the eye, before it begins to be numb, can utilize the light. This explains the first advantage of subdivision; 535 EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT the second is of another kind. Every one familiar with the electric light, as it has been exhibited, knows that the intense brill- iancy of the light and the sharp definition of the shadows, as well as their depth, makes it most trying to the eyes. The same amount of light distributed among a num- ber of burners would not give more illumi- FIG. 4. EFFECT OF CARBON ARC ILLUMINATION. nation, but it would be of more practical value, the light would be more diffused, the contrast between light and shadow less sharp and startling. Fig. 4 shows the effect of a shadow from a single brilliant carbon light, and Fig. 5 the effect from several shaded lights; the advantage of the latter for prac- tical and domestic use will be readily seen. This is equally true with other illuminators; though gas may be made to give out a brighter FIG. 5. EFFECT OF GENERAL ILLUMINATION. illumination per cubic foot when burned in a concentrated form, it is yet more grateful to the eye and less trying when burned as a number of small lights, so that sharp con- trast shall be avoided. It is also found that the shape and size of flame, apart from the quantity of light emitted, makes a great dif- ference in this respect-a large light soften- ing the edges of the shadows. The shading of a light, although it obstructs illumination, is useful in diffusing it. As has been said, Mr. Edison came to the subject unhampered. He saw that subdi- vision was his goal, and toward that he steadily worked. With a steadfast faith in the fullness of Nature, a profound conviction that, if a new substance were demanded for the carrying out of some beneficial project, that substance need only be sought for, he set to work. Two examples of the reward of his faith may be mentioned. One of the great difficulties in the way of illuminating by an incandescent solid-a difficulty con- stantly urged as insuperable-was that plati- num, though the most infusible material which could be drawn out into a wire, still melted at a temperature too low to insure its successful use. Mr. Edison, by experiment- ing, found that by slowly raising a piece of platinum to a white heat in a vacuum, he could make a practically new metal, the fusing-point was so greatly raised. Again, Mr. Preece, chief government electrician in England, declared, and was sustained by many others, that subdivision of the electric light was impossible, because of the enor- mous size of the conductors and the num- ber of Faradic generators necessary. Edison simply introduced into his lamp an increase of friction or resistance to the electric flow, and the problem was solved. Mr. Edison's idea in regard to the elec- tric light was that, in all respects, it should take the place of gas. Following the anal- ogy of water, the inventor conceived of a system which should resemble the Holly water works. As the water is pumped directly into pipes which convey it under pressure to the point where it is to be used, so the electricity is to be forced into the wires and delivered under pressure at its destination. In the case of water, after being used, it flows away by means of a sewer- pipe, and is lost. But it is easy to imagine that the water used in working machinery, for instance, instead of being lost, might be returned to the pumps and used over and over again. With such a system as this, we should have a perfect analogy to the Edison electric lighting system. The electricity, after being distributed under pressure and used, is returned to the central station. As the light results from no consumption of a material, but is mere transmutation of the energy exerted in the pumping process, it is there- fore seen that all which is essential to an electric lighting system is the generator (or 536 EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. pump), the two lines of wire, one distributing the electricity, the other bringing it back, and a lamp which transmutes into light the energy carried by the electricity when it passes from one wire to the other, and in which the energy of the pressure expresses itself as the light. In Edison's invention the amount of electricity delivered in the lamp is determined by the size and resist- ance in the carbon, just as in water the amount of flow is determined by the size of the openings. As a great many small jets of water can be supplied from one pipe, so a great many lamps or small escapes for electricity can be furnished from one wire. As in the case of water, the amount of work done by electricity-either as illuminant or motor-is dependent quite as much upon the pressure from which it escapes as upon the quantity passing through the wires. We might have a sys- tem of lamps which would give a certain amount of light from large quantities of electricity escaping under low pressure, or another system which could give an equal amount of light from a small quantity of electricity escaping under high pressure. As in either case the amount of electricity flowing through a wire is in proportion to the size of the wire, it will be readily seen that the application of pressure made by Mr. Edison obviates the main difficulty in the way of subdivision (i. e., in the way of the domestic use of the electric light), namely, the enormous size and cost of con- ductors. The well-known principle of the effect of pressure upon the dynamic power of electricity had never been utilized be- cause the proper lamp was still unknown. This lamp is Mr. Edison's main discovery. In order to utilize this, one of the plans devised by him was to make the flow of electricity intermittent. Enough was allowed to escape in a short time, say one- third, to keep the lamp all the time sup- plied. It of course would require a large wire to furnish the quantity of electricity needed, yet two-thirds of the time the wire would be inactive, during which period it could be used to supply two other lamps con- structed on the same principle. According to the doctrine of probabilities, one-third of a large number of lamps would be in use all the time. Such being the case, the cost of a conductor would be divided among three lamps. The lamps were so constructed as to burn steadily all the while, although the electricity was passing through them only one-third of the time. One form of apparatus for accomplishing this distribution among several lamps on the same electrical circuit same electrical circuit is shown in Fig. 6. The current conducted by a single wire enters the wire, O; from the lower left hand corner and flows through the spring, S, by way of B and B; upward through O', around the magnets, M, M, and out through the lamp. B, B, are two points where the circuit can be broken if the spring, S, is depressed. Two points are made in order that the spark caused by the breaking of the circuit may be made less by division. The spring S is de- R I C FIG. 6. EDISON'S VIBRAting Regulator. pressed by the arms, C, C, which are attached to the armature, A, by the rod, R. The action action is as follows: The current renders the magnet active, it attracts the armature, A, and presses the spring, S, under, stopping the flow of electricity by breaking the circuit at B B. The magnet thus losing its power, the armature is drawn back by the spring to which it is attached and the apparatus is ready to work again. The period of this vibration may be regulated by means of a screw underneath, which can make the ex- cursion of the armature more or less before it breaks the circuit, or can even act to break the circuit itself. In making an electric lamp which would be efficient without a regulator (as is Mr. Edison's later invention), two things are essential, great resistance in the wire, and a small radiating surface. Mr. Edison sought to combine these two essential conditions by using a considerable quan- tity of insulated platinum wire wound like thread on a spool. This arrangement is W EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. shown in Fig. 7. The spool was made of zircon, pressed extremely hard, and was to be suspended in an exhausted glass bulb by two leading-wires. The platinum, as has been incident- ally mentioned, was hardened by alter- nate heating and cooling in vacuo, which is done by passing electricity through it till white heat is reached and then cutting it sud- denly off. A theory is that the sudden cooling contracts the metal and squeezes out the air contain- ed in it. a A C ט G A FIG. 7. EDISON'S PLATINUM LAMP. HALF SIZE. G One of Mr. Edi- son's greatest diffi- culties was to get a substance with which to insulate his wires that would not melt and also be- come a conductor in the intense heat gen- erated by the cur- rent,-in which case the electrical flow instead of traversing the whole length of the wire would flow across from layer to layer, or sidewise from wire to wire. This difficulty diverted his atten- tion from platinum to carbon, which is infusible. He did not suspect, at first, that it could be made to offer sufficient resistance to the passage of the electric current, and that through it he was to reach a happy solution of the entire problem. A long time was spent, with a fair degree of success, in seeking to make a spiral of lamp-black tar in the form of a wire. To hold this together he used a bit of ordinary sewing cotton which was covered with lamp-black, and succeeded in producing from an inch and a half of this simple thread, bent into an arch, a light equal to an ordinary gas-jet. The lamp-black, however, contained air, which greatly inter- fered with the success of the method. He then used a simple thread, which he found to answer the purpose, though it presented the objection of being fragile, uneven in texture, and unmanageable. This difficulty suggested the use of charred paper, cut into a thread-like form. The difficulties appar- 537 ently so insuperable melted away. The elec- tric lamp was completed. A piece of charred paper cut into horse-shoe shape, so deli- cate that it looked like a fine wire, firmly W /W A A B D FIG. 8. Edison's electric lamp. EXACT SIZE. C · 538 SPRENDEL PUMP MAC LEOD GAUGE SPARK GAUGE EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. DRYING TUBE GEISSLER PUMP FIG. 9. MERCURY PUMPS FOR PRODUCING VACUJums. clamped to the two ends of the conducting and discharging wires so as to form part of the electric circuit, proved to be the long- sought combination. From this a light, equal in power to twelve gas-jets, may be obtained. Fig. 8. The process by which the paper is ren- dered serviceable is also extremely sim- ple and inexpensive. The horse shoe loops are cut from card-board and placed in layers, within an iron box, with tissue- paper between; the box is hermetically sealed, and then raised to a red heat. Noth- ing remains but the carbon loops and the carbonized tissue-paper. All other forms of carbon previously used had presented the difficulty of containing air or gas. The car- · bonized paper, however, is found to be perfectly homogeneous in structure, elastic, tough, and of an almost vitreous cleavage. It is strong enough to stand far more strain than will be put upon it in any ordinary use. If this paper were burned in air, or in a vacuum prepared by a common air- pump, it would of course be almost in- stantly destroyed. In a high vacuum it burns, but is never consumed. The small glass globe which holds the simple appa- ratus is exhausted of air by means of nearly the same combination of the Spren- gei and Geissler mercury pumps used by Crookes in making his radiometer, or 1 light mill," and in his wonderful discov- ery of the phenomena of radiant matter in high vacuums, recently brought before the Royal Society of England. Much atten- tion has been bestowed of late on the question of securing good vacuums. An absolutely perfect one is unattainable. It is, however, found that by the use of the.. mercury pumps and chemical appliances, where a nearly perfect vacuum is formed, the minute portion of air remaining shows some remarkable properties. When elec- tricity under strong pressure passes through an Edison lamp, the whole bulb shines with a delicate blue light. So remarkable is the behavior of various substances in a vacuum prepared by means of mercury pumps, that physicists consider that a gas thus rarefied constitutes another state of matter, differing as much from that of an ordinary gas (either under atmospheric pressure or with the pressure removed by means of a common air pump) as a gas differs from a liquid, or a liquid from a solid. Mr. Edison's use of carbon in such a vacuum is entirely new. The pumps are shown in Fig. 9; the Geissler pump is to the right and below. By raising a bottle which is connected with it, the air is forced out of a large glass bulb, and allowed to escape through the tube A. On lowering the bottle, the mercury flows back into it, leaving a vacuum in the bulb. The opening of a stop-cock allows some of the air which is left in the pump to flow into this bulb, when the air is again forced out as described; this is continued until the air is exhausted. The working prin- ciple of the Sprengel pump is the contin- uous dropping of mercury through a tube, each drop acting as a piston, carrying before it a small quantity of air. As there is no return stroke, even by the aid of a small tube, the work of exhaustion goes on EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. quite rapidly. The MacLeod gauge in the center is so constructed that it will measure with exactness when less than one-millionth of the original air is left in the pump. Another purpose besides that of prevent- ing the destruction of the carbon is served by burning it in a vacuum. Almost all the electricity is converted into light, very little being dissipated by convection or conduction as heat. The little glass globe only an inch from this brilliant light remains cool enough to be handled, and does not scorch tissue- paper wrapped closely around it. Fig. 8 shows the lamp of its actual size. The current enters it by one of the wires, W. At B this copper wire is twisted and soldered to a platinum wire, which passes through the glass at C, and by means of a small platinum clamp into the horse- shoe, L, from which, by as sim- ple a route as it entered, it re- turns. L, the source of light, was made in the form of a horse-shoe, in order to approximate to the shape of a gas-jet, and is large enough to cause the edges of the shadows to be softened down, and so obviates the common objection to familiar forms of electric lighting. The carbon is sealed in a glass bulb, G G G G, the knob of glass, F, is the melted extremity of the tube by means of which the bulb was connected with the pumps. At the points, C, C, where the plati- num wires are sealed into the bulb, some trouble was occa- sioned by the cracking of the glass, which allowed air to leak into the bulb. It will be noticed that the glass is now drawn up around the wire in a thin tube. This is found to heat and cool so rapidly that it is practically homogeneous with the wire, and even if the wire be heated red- hot it will not break. Edison has tried putting a lamp alternately on and off the circuit for several hours by means of a telegraph key, without loosening the wire. This experiment was equivalent to using the lamp several thousand times. Mr. Mr. Edison has thus suc- ceeded in making a lamp of the simplest imaginable construc- 539 tion, and of materials whose expense is ex- tremely small. The paper costs next to nothing, the glass globes very little, and the platinum tips of the wires are so small that, though the metal used is expensive, their cost is trifling. The test of the value of every invention is its simplicity, and this is the crowning characteristic of Mr. Edison's lamp, for it is really nothing more than a piece of wire looped into a glass globe. The lamp being complete, let us consider the generator [Fig. 10], for which Mr. Edi- son has proposed the name Faradic, in honor of the great physicist. The cylinder which is placed below, be- tween the blocks of iron, F, on which the F FIG. 1O. B M FARADIC GENERATOR. 540 EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. magnets, M, rest, is called the armature, and is so arranged that it can be made to revolve rapidly by means of a belt. This armature consists of a small cylinder of wood, which is wound around with iron wire as thread is wound on a spool, the ends being made as in a spool, to hold the wire in place. Around the whole spool are a number of loops of copper wire, covered with cotton thread, running lengthwise of the armature. The ends of these loops may be seen as they are taken from the armature to the cylinder, C, which is an extension of the armature, by which the currents generated in the copper wire may which is pumped through the machine, may meet with as little friction as possible in pas- sing through the wire of the armature, since by means of the great strength of the mag- nets, very little wire can be made extremely powerful in forcing the electricity to higher level or in putting it under pres- It is exactly as in pumping water, if we have a poor pump (analogous to a machine with a poor magnet) the water may meet with an enormous fric- tion in the pump itself, or require two or more, perhaps, to give it the required pres- sure, while in a good pump all the parts are so made that while great pressure is FIG. II. PROPOSED CENTRAL STATION. be taken away from the machine. This cyl- inder, called the commutator, consists of blocks of copper that really represent the ends of the wire, which are placed side by side around the axis of the cylinder in such a manner that no current can pass from one to the other. Touching these as they re- volve are brushes, R, made of copper wire, by means of which the electricity flows from the machine. That the wire about the armature may be able to pump electricity into the line, it is needful that it be revolved immediately in front of magnets. The magnets are made of such large dimensions that the electricity, given to the water, it passes through it with the utmost freedom. The machine has such strength that it is intended to use only a small fraction of the power, which it could convert into electricity, and deliver outside. It is proposed to mass a large number of such machines, as in Fig. 11, and have them all pump electricity up from one wire into a second. The two large wires, held on supports above the floor, are intended, the one to carry the electricity away, and the other to bring it back after it has been used. Two machines are placed at one side; these are for the purpose of rendering active the magnets of all the others. EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. It is proposed to establish such stations in the course of a few months in the heart of several of our large cities. These will sup- ply houses for quite a distance around them. 1,000 horse-power is thought to be a suffi- cient amount for a unit, and the stations LAMPS R R R WIRE Cu. WIRE FIG. 12. DIAGRAM OF METER AND SYSTEM. will be at such distances from one another | that each district will require about this amount. The engines will be divided into four groups of 250 horse-power each, with a spare one in each station of the same power. The wires will be laid in fascines or bun- dles under the edge of the sidewalk in a tight box. The object of this is to make them easy of access and easy to place in position. Nor is there need of putting them out of the reach of the frost, for they are continuous and not liable to leak from change in position. Even more important is the fact that the colder the wires are the less is the waste of electricity, thus giving a decided advantage over gas in winter, when most light is needed. The main wires may be either of iron or copper according to the market price of these metals; as quotations are to-day the prefer- ence is slightly in favor of copper wire. These lines of wire will start from the central station and send out branches in the same manner that gas or water pipes diverge, growing smaller the farther they are removed from the central station. Fig. 12 also shows the branch wires as they enter the house. It is pro- posed to color the distributing wires red and the waste wires green. These two distinct wires will be carried all through the house, and every lamp will be so placed that the electricity will flow through it from one wire to the other. A 541 Before passing into the house, the elec tricity is carried through a sort of meter con- taining a safety-valve, by means of which it can be measured. The contrivances for doing this are shown in diagram, in Fig. 12, and in perspective in Fig. 13. The lettering W E WIRE STREET is the same in both for identical parts. The current enters at E, passes through the two platinum points, D, then through the arma- ture, A, to the dividing points, P P. The larger portion of the current then flows around the mag- net, M. The armature above the magnet is held from it by means of the spring, X. The object of the device is to furnish a means of cutting out a house if too large a flow of electricity by any accident should occur. The magnet would then be capable of drawing down the arma- ture which would separate the platinum points, D, and break the circuit. The small wire, W, serves a double purpose and is a remarkably clever solution of a double problem. First: If the circuit were partly opened it would weaken the magnet, and the armature would recede, closing the circuit. It would thus form a vibrator Co E A A A A Cu Cu. R R Σ FIG. 13. EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT METER. S resembling Fig. 6. The wire, W, allows enough electricity to pass to close the snap, S, so that the armature is firmly held in place, after which the wire, W, will melt off and completely break the flow of electricity. Secondly, the wire serves another purpose: • 542 EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. if the points were drawn apart an arc would spring between them. The wire, W, con- ducts the electricity by a shorter route than that offered by an arc and so keeps the space between the two points free from the intensely heated vapors of the metal. A small fraction of the current passes by another route to the lamps, from the point P. It first traverses a length of wire wound The amount on small spools marked R. placed here will regulate the flow through this line. The current next passes through from one copper plate marked Cu to an- other, through a solution of copper salt. In thus flowing, for every unit of current a certain amount of copper is deposited on a thin sheet, the amount for a lamp being once determined by burning one for a number of hours. It must be remembered that only a small amount passes through the meter, but that which passes is proportionate to the whole. It is proposed to make a standard lamp, which shall give a light equal to that from a gas flame consuming five cubic feet each hour. From this it will be calculated how much copper will be deposited, and the amount will be said to represent five cubic feet. The bills for electricity will be made out in 1,000 feet, as in the case of gas. The inspec- tor will take the strip on which the copper is deposited to the central station, in order to determine the amount of electricity used. Besides giving light, the electricity sup- plies a convenient form of motor for domes- tic purposes. A small electrical engine placed beside a sewing-machine, for exam- M power, by this same means. Fig. 14 shows the form adopted by Mr. Edison. It is substantially a small model of the large Faradic machine, the only change being in the fact that the armature, C, is placed lengthwise of the magnets, MM, instead of across them. At S is a switch by means of which the motor can be started or stopped. It is expected that the amount of power used in the day time will largely pay for the expenses of generating-an additional advantage over gas. • In order to use the lamp, it is brought into the circuit by turning a handle in a certain direction, or thrown out by reversing the motion, or by means of plugs, which are inserted in a socket. This may be done either in the chandelier or in any other convenient place in the house. Very simple arrangements may be made so that by touching a knob by the bedside the whole house may be brilliantly lighted for the re- ception or discovery of a suspected burglar. Of course, no matches have to be used; the light kindles itself by the turning of a handle, and so one fruitful source of de- structive fires is avoided: In order that the philosophical relations of the processes may be understood it is needful to trace the history of the energy as it is taken from the coal and conveyed over the wire to the lamp. A large portion of the heat produced by the combustion of the coal under the boiler is found in the steam as it flows to the engine. By means of the latter a small fraction, about ten per cent. a M. B M. of the original en- ergy, is transformed into the motion of the wheels attached to the engine. It may be traced as it flows through the belt to the shaft, and again as it is carried from the shaft to any ma- chine which it may drive. A belt ex- actly resembles, in carrying power, a man pulling a shaft around by means ple, and connected with the distributing of a rope. The amount he is pulling can wire, may save ail the fatigue of treading be measured by the strain on the belt, and the machine, at an expense exactly equal to the work he is doing by determining the that of one jet burning for the same time. speed with which he carries the end of Elevators may be lifted, lathes turned, and the rope. Mr. Edison has made a device, rep- instruments operated up to several horse-resented by Fig. 15, to measure this strain. B FIG. 14. EDISON'S ELECTRIC MOTOR. · 543 The belt starting from the pulley over the main shaft, C, is carried under a pulley, A, which is attached to a large box containing heavy weights. This box is placed upon a platform scale. The belt then runs over pulley, D, which it has to drive, and under a wheel, B, which rests heavily upon what would other- wise be the slack part of the belt, for the purpose of tightening it. The pulley,A,attached to the weight, will have a tendency to be drawn upward by any strain that may be put on the belt, just as the block of a tackle is drawn up when the rope is tight- ened which runs through it. The weight lifted may be measured by the diminution of weight on the scale, one half of which gives the strain on the belt. Fig. 15 also shows the arrangement of machines as they were placed EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT. - A E 葡​葡​葡萄​葡萄 ​R た ​FIG. 15. EDISON'S DYNAMOMeter, for measuring the FORCE OF AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. in order to be tested. The cones D and E were for the purpose of changing the speeds at which the machines were run. The ma- chine, H, at the right, renders active the field of the other machine, F; the current may be regulated by passing through more or less of the resistance boxes, R. By means of this apparatus the exact amount of power carried by the belt can be reckoned when its speed is known. This latter measure- ment is made from the main shaft. The energy which the belt carries is seemingly lost, as material motion, when it has turned the armature of the Faradic | machine. machine. Since this seems to be a point where the majority lose the track of the energy, in order to explain clearly allu- sion must be made to some fundamental experiments. Arago many years ago tried this experiment: a sheet of copper, which is not attracted by the magnet under ordi- nary conditions, was passed between the two poles of a powerful magnet, and it was found to be retarded in its motion. If the magnets are extremely strong, though the copper sheet to the eye passes through nothing but air, yet to the hand it seems as if it were cutting cheese, so strong is the 544 "THAT LASS O' LOWRIE'S." drag put upon the copper. This phenome- non Tyndall calls the apparent viscosity of the magnetic field. Faraday, a few years after this discovery, clearly explained the reason for seeming friction between the plate of copper and the invisible lines of magnetic force which he imagined to reach out from every magnet. He used wires and passed them in front of the magnet, and found that whenever they were made to cut these lines electricity was thrown into the wire. This grand discovery is at the basis of all that is now done in making strong cur rents, for it furnishes the method by which motion of mass may be transformed into the molecular motion called electricity. As the energy appears in the wire, it is measured again by an electrical dynamom- eter, the main idea of which was that of Pro- fessor Trowbridge, of Harvard University. By means of the two instruments, one is enabled to trace out the amount of encrgy absorbed and given back by the machine, and in many cases ninety per cent. of the original power applied is found converted into electricity. A system of electric light- ing is nothing more than a gas system, where energy takes the place of vapors. It is one of the laws of progress, that no sooner is a method for producing a cer- tain result perfected than a practical use of it follows. This is attested by the history of many great inventions. Following out the laws of discovery, it has been for some time a speculation of the writer that the won- derful perfection to which vacuums had been brought, pointed historically toward some direct connection between them and the electric lamp. For the past few years no more striking result of scientific work has been effected than the startling phenomena shown in high vacuums; parallel with this, a grow- ing want has been felt for a cheaper and more efficient mode of illuminating. Is this a mere coincidence? or may we believe that the demand and means of supply have been developing independently, but side by side; and that now in the electric light we find a practical application of what had been reached by purely theoretical research? Besides the enormous practical value of the electric light, as domestic illuminant and motor, it furnishes a most striking and beautiful illustration of the convertibility of force. Mr. Edison's system of lighting gives a completed cycle of change. The sunlight poured upon the rank vegetation of the carboniferous forests, was gathered and stored up, and has been waiting through the ages to be converted again into light. The latent force accumulated during the primeval days, and garnered up in the coal beds, is converted, after passing in the steam-engine through the phases of chemical, molecular and mechanical force, into electricity, which only waits the touch of the inventor's genius to flash out into a million domestic suns to illuminate a myriad homes. "THAT LASS O' LOWRIE'S." LIKE those grand heights of far-off northern lands (With desolation at their skirts), which bare Their brows to radiance of transcendent air, Majestic in her loneliness she stands- Yet tender to a touch: with craving hands That draw a slighted baby's mouth to share The sweetness of her lips, in kisses rare Of love her own defrauded life demands. What matchless courage sets her steadfast feet Along their path of thorns! She, hopeless, takes Her pain, her love, all hopes most sweet and near, And goes-unwittingly-crowning joy to meet ! The Joan of our love! whose story makes Our true and tender womanhood more dear. Fontaine & book, h 16. Consolidated Electric Light C. MRIC LIGHTING. Me Intersport Light Co. offi Clubit, Higgs sem, shri Ex. trouitation A PRACTICAL TREATISE BY HIPPOLYTE FONTAINE. Translated from the French BY PAGET HIGGS, LL.D., Assoc. INST. C.E. WITH FORTY-EIGHT ENGRAVINGS IN THE TEXT. THOS. A.EDISON. LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON, 46, CHARING CROSS. NEW YORK: 446, BROOME STREET. 1878. tramlation Fontaine's book, Hehe. He he.) Eilubit, Higgs this chopiter. ( 38 ) CHAPTER III. ELECTRIC CARBONS. — Wood Carbon Rods - Retort Carbon Its Inconveniences - Staite and Edwards' Carbons-Le Molt's Carbons-Lacassagne and Thiers' Carbons- Curmer's Carbons-Jacquelain's Carbons-Peyret's Carbons-Archereau's Carbons-Carre's Experiments-His Processes of Manufacture-Gaudoin's Experiments-His Processes of Manufacture - Comparative Trials of several kinds of Carbons. In his experiments on the voltaic arc, Davy made use of rods of wood carbon extinguished in water or mercury. These rods burnt with great brilliancy, and in a very regular manner, but they wore away so rapidly that their use was obliged to be reserved for laboratory experiments. In replacing the wood carbon by the deposits collected from the walls of gas retorts, Foucault really opened up to the voltaic arc the epoch of useful applications. Retort carbon is, in fact, much more dense, and resists for a long time the destructive action of the voltaic focus. But, as M. Le Roux has observed with reason, the last word has not been said upon this question, and retort carbon will still offer grave inconveniences: its density is far from uniform, it sometimes splits, frequently works irregularly, and produces considerable variations in brilliancy. These variations chiefly depend upon the presence of foreign matters, such as alkaline or earthy salts, and also notable quantities of silica. These matters are much less refractory than the carbon; they pass into vapour, and form for a great part the flame which envelopes the arc. This flame is more conducting than the voltaic arc proper; more- over, as it has a much greater section it is less heated, and besides, as it is a gaseous body, its power of radiation is less than that of the particles of carbon which constitute the arc. Let us hasten to say that, by suitably choosing the two rods. which should furnish a regulator, retort carbon gives satisfactory results in most of its applications. ELECTRIC CARBONS. 39 When the voltaic arc is enclosed in a globe of frosted glass, the scintillations, intermittences, and variations in the intensity of the focus are much less felt; the shadows are much less marked, the light is softer, more homogeneous, more agreeable. But the globe causes a very considerable loss of light, and whenever the small irregularities, due to the imperfection of the carbon, are supportable, the carbops should be burned with- out a globe. Moreover, one gets readily accustomed to the electric light; and workmen now, instead of complaining, seek factories lighted in this manner. Several inventors have endeavoured to substitute for carbons cut directly from the deposits on the walls of retorts similar agglomerates, but purer; others have merely purified retort carbons. Some have obtained products very remarkable in respect of luminosity, but practically inapplicable on account of their extreme cost. Among the processes proposed for the improvement of elec- tric carbons, we will cite those of Messrs. Staite and Edwards, Le Molt, Lacassagne and Thiers, Curmer, Jacquelain, Peyret, Archereau, Carré and Gaudoin. STAITE AND EDWARDS' CARBON. In 1846, Messrs. Staite and Edwards patented a process for the manufacture of carbons for the electric light, which had for its base a mixture of pulverised coke and sugar. The coke is first reduced to a nearly impalpable powder, and a small quantity of syrup added, the mixture being pugged, moulded, and strongly compressed. Then the carbon is subjected to a first heating, and plunged into a very concentrated solution of sugar, and again subjected to a white heat. LE MOLT'S CARBON. M. Le Molt, in 1849, patented a composition for electric carbons, consisting of 2 parts of retort carbon, 2 parts of wood charcoal or of coke, and 1 part of tar. The substances were in the first place pulverised, pounded, mixed, and by much tritura- 40 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. tion brought to the state of a stiff paste; then, by the aid of powerful mechanical means, subjected to great compression. The moulded pieces were covered with a coating of syrup, and placed beside each other in a vessel of retort carbon. They were then subjected to a high temperature for a period of from twenty to thirty hours, and purified, if necessary, by immersion in acids. LACASSAGNE AND THIERS' CARBON. In 1875, Messrs. Lacassagne and Thiers gave attention to the purification of retort carbons. They fused a certain quantity of caustic potash or soda. When this bath was at a red heat they digested in it, for about a quarter of an hour, the carbon rods. which had been previously cut from the walls of retorts. This operation was intended to change into a soluble silicate of potash or soda the silica contained in the carbons which is so pernicious to the constancy of the light. The carbon rods were then washed in boiling water, and subjected for several hours (in a red-hot tube of porcelain or fire-clay) to the action of a current of chlorine, which had the effect of converting the different earthy matters that the alkali had not attacked into volatile chlorides, as of silica, calcium, potassium, iron, &c. Thus cleansed, these carbons gave a somewhat more regular light. CURMER'S CARBON. Curmer's process consists principally in the calcination of lamp-black, benzine, and oil of turpentine, the whole mixed and moulded in the form of cylinders; the decomposition of these substances leaves a porous carbon, which is soaked with resins or saccharine matters and again calcined. By repeating these operations, M. Curmer succeeded in producing carbons of small density or conducting power certainly, but extremely regular, and free from all impurities. JACQUELAIN'S CARBON. M. Jacquelain, late chemist at l'École Centrale, has endeavoured to imitate the circumstances which, during the manufacture of gas, give birth to retort carbon. These circumstances are the ELECTRIC CARBONS. 41 coming into contact with the white-hot walls of the retort of very dense hydrocarburetted matters, of which part is volatilised and the rest decomposed, leaving as residue a layer of carbon. In the retorts used in the manufacture of gas, these hydrocar- buretted matters carry away with them a great number of the impurities that the coal contains. By taking the tars resulting from true distillation, cleared consequently of...ll the non-volatile impurities, and realising, in special apparatus, these conditions of decomposition in contact with highly heated walls, retort carbons ought to be reproduced possessing perfect purity. It is this that M. Jacquelain has done in operating with a tube of refractory earth of 0.15 mètre diameter, in a improvised furnace; and he has obtained some plates which, cut into rods with a saw, have given a light perfectly steady, whiter, and of about 25 per cent. greater intensity, with an equal electric current, than that given by the ordinary carbons. • The experiments made with these carbons, by the Paris Administration of Lighthouses, have been so conclusive that we had, about the commencement of 1876, the idea of putting the process in practice. But M. Jacquelain, being consulted, explained to us that it was impossible to calculate: 1st, the expenditure necessary for the establishment of a continuous manufacture; 2nd, the approximate nett cost price of the carbons obtained. As another process by M. Gaudoin has commenced to give good results, we have not continued our idea. We have long ago learnt what is the cost of converting a very exact laboratory process into an industrial operation, and we do not wish to launch into an affair of this nature without some figures being given. The carbon of M. Jacquelain, once formed, has always the inconvenience of requiring a considerable amount of manual labour before use can be made of it (because the material is so hard, that it can with difficulty be cut by the saw), and of pro- ducing relatively considerable waste. PEYRET'S CARBON. M. Peyret, a physicist of Lourdes, has prepared carbons by soaking pieces of elder-tree pith or any other porous body with 42 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. liquefied sugar, and afterwards decomposing the sugar by heat. By repeating the operation a sufficient number of times, he obtained very dense carbons, which he then submitted to a current of sulphide of carbon. We have had in our hands only very small fragments of these carbons, and it has been impossible for us to give an estimate of their worth; their high price is in every case a very serious obstacle to the development of an industrial manufacture. • ARCHEREAU'S CARBON. . M. Archereau, whose name frequently comes under the pen in questions relating to agglomerates of carbon or to electricity, has presented to the Academy of Sciences some new rods for electric regulators, composed of carbon mixed with magnesia, agglomerated and pressed; the magnesia has, according to the author, the advantage of making the light more steady and of augmenting its lighting power. We have tried several samples of these carbons, some were of good quality, others inferior to retort carbons. Several carbons furnished a light of 150 burners, with a total consumption per hour of 0.03 mètre. It is a manufacture that is capable of giving good results, but needs very careful revision. · CARRÉ'S CARBON. M. Carré has made a great number of experiments for the electric light upon retort carbons impregnated with different salts, and has combined a new product for the same usage. Some details of his labours are necessary to make their import- ance and merit understood. By impregnating porous carbons, and by a prolonged ebul- lition in concentrated solutions, M. Carré proves : · 1st. That potash and soda at least double the length of the voltaic arc, render it more silent, combine themselves with the silica and eliminate it from the. carbons by making it flow to 6 or 7 millimètres from the points in a state of vitreous globules, limpid, and often colourless; that these substances augment the light in the proportion of 1:25 to 1; ELECTRIC CARBONS. 43 2nd. That lime, magnesia, and strontia augment the light in the proportion of 1.40 to 1, by the colouring in different ways; 3rd. That iron and antimony carry the augmentation to 1.60 or 1.70; 4th. That boracic acid augments, the duration of the carbons by enveloping them with a vitreous layer which isolates the oxygen from them, but without augmenting the light; 5th. That upon the whole the impregnation of pure art 1 regularly porous carbons, with the solutions of different sub- stances, is a convenient and economical means of producing their spectra, but that the mixing of the simple substances with the carbon compound is preferable. For the manufacture of carbons, M. Carré recommends a composition of powdered coke, calcined lamp-black, and a special syrup formed of 30 parts of cane sugar and 12 parts of gum. The following formula is recommended in the patent of the 15th January, 1876: Coke, very pure, in fine, nearly impalpable, powder.. Calcined lamp-black Special syrup 15 parts. 5 "" 7 to 8 "" The whole is strongly triturated, and has added to it from 1 to 3 parts of water, to compensate for the loss by evaporation, according to the degree of toughness to be given to the paste. The coke ought to be made with the best coals, pulverised and purified by washings. (The coal powder may be likewise purified by washings by decantation and maceration with heat in acid baths.) The coke dust of gas retorts is generally pure enough. The paste is now pressed and passed through a draw-plate, then the carbons are placed in tiers in crucibles, and are sub- jected during a given time to a high temperature. The cooking comprehends a series of operations. For the first, the carbons are placed horizontally in the crucible resting upon a bed of coke dust, every layer is separated by a cover of paper to avoid any adherence. Between the last layer and the cover is put one centimètre of coke-sand, and one centimètre of silicious sand upon the joint of the cover. After the first operation, which ought to last from four to five hours and attain a cherry-red heat, the carbons should remain 44 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. two or three hours in a very concentrated and boiling syrup of cane sugar or caramel, with two or three intervals of considerable cooling, in order that the atmospheric pressure may force the syrup into all the pores. The carbons are then left to drain by opening a cock placed at the bottom of the vessel, after which they are agitated for some instants in boiling water to dissolve the sugar remaining on the surface. After desiccation the carbons are submitted to a second cooking to the degree required; they are then stood up in the crucible by filling up their interstices with sand. They are thus manipulated from stage to stage until they have acquired the density and solidity requisite, and the mani- pulation is facilitated by the use of an oven having as many stages as there are cookings required. The carbons are dried slowly. Their desiccation is completed in a stove, the temperature of which attains gradually 80 degrees in twelve or fifteen hours. To prevent their becoming deformed in drying, the rods are placed on pieces of sheet iron having a V-form. The Carré carbons are more tenacious and are harder than those of retort carbon. They are remarkably accurate and regular. Rods of 0.01 mètre diameter and of 0 5 mètre length can be employed without fear of rupture. Their cylindrical form and their homogeneity make the cones maintain as perfect shape as if they were turned. They are also better conductors than retort carbons. The only inconvenience that we have remarked in their employment is a rapid disaggregation, the. production of small sparks, and irregularity of the luminous brilliancy. GAUDOIN'S CARBONS. M. Gaudoin also has made numerous experiments upon carbons containing foreign substances. The following bodies have been introduced into the carbons: 1st, phosphate of lime from bones; 2nd, chloride of calcium; 3rd, borate of lime; 4th, silicate of lime; 5th, pure precipitated silica; 6th, magnesia; 7th, borate of magnesia; 8th, phosphate of magnesia; 9th, alumina; 10th, silicate of alumina. ELECTRIC CARBONS. 45 The proportions were calculated in such a manner as to obtain five per cent.´of oxide after the cooking of the carbons. These were submitted to the action of an electric current always of the same direction, furnished by a Gramme machine powerful enough to maintain a voltaic arc of 10 to 15 millimètres in length. The negative carbon being placed at the bottom, M. Gaudoin has observed the following results: 1st. The complete decomposition of the phosphate of lime under triple influence of electrolytic action, calorific action, and reducing action of the carbon. The reduced calcium goes to the negative carbon and burns in contact with the air with a reddish flame. The lime and phosphoric acid are diffused into the air, producing abundant fumes. The light, measured by a photo- meter, is double that which is produced by carbons of the same section cut from the residue of gas retorts. 2nd. Chloride of calcium, borate and silicate of lime are also decomposed, but the boracic and silicic acids appear to escape, by volatilisation, from the electric action. These bodies give less light than the phosphate of lime. 3rd. Silica introduced into the less conducting carbons, melts and volatilises without being decomposed. The 4th. Magnesia, borate and phosphate of magnesia are de- composed, the magnesium in vapour goes to the negative carbon and burns, in contact with the air, with a white flame. magnesia, boracic and phosphoric acids diffuse into the air in a state of vapour. The increase of light is less considerable than with the lime salts. 5th. Alumina and silicate of alumina are decomposed only with a very strong current and a very considerable voltaic are, but under these circumstances the decomposition of the alumina is well manifested, and the alumina, in vapour, is seen to go off from the negative pole like a jet of gas, and burn with a blue flame of little lighting power. The flame and vapour which constantly accompany these electro-chemical lights having appeared to him a great obstacle to their utilisation for illumination, M. Gaudoin has not pushed these experiments farther. He has preferred to follow up his studies upon the agglomeration of carbon. 46 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. The products manufactured by M. Gaudoin being superior to all others, we will expatiate a little upon this mode of manu- facture. The patent is dated 12th July, 1876. As we have said above, the carbons intended for the pro- duction of the voltaic arc ought to be chemically pure. Thus, the dust of retort carben, though containing only a small proportion of foreign matters, is not sufficiently pure for this use, and its employment presents, some inconveniences. The washings in acids or alkalies to which the carbonaceous matters may be submitted, with the aim of extracting the impurities they contain, are costly and insufficient. Lamp-black is pure enough, but its price is high and its management difficult. Owing to this, M. Gaudoin had to seek elsewhere a better source of carbon, and he has found a solution of the problem in decomposing, by heat in closed vessels, the dried pitches, fats or liquids, the tars, resins, bitumens, natural or artificial essences or oils, organic matters capable of leaving behind carbon sufficiently pure after their decomposition by heat. The apparatus employed to effect this decomposition are closed retorts or crucibles of plumbago. These crucibles are placed in a furnace capable of being heated to a bright red. The lower parts of the crucibles are furnished with two tubes, serving, one for the disengagement of gas and volatile matters, the other for the introduction of the primary material. The volatile products of decomposition may be conducted under the hearth of the furnace and there burnt for heating the crucibles, but it is more advantageous to conduct them into a condensing chamber or into a copper still, and to recover, after condensation, the tars, oils, essences, and hydrocarbons that are produced in this operation. M. Gaudoin utilises these different sub-products also in the manufacture of his carbons; he takes great care to avoid for the worms and receivers the use of iron, zinc, or any substances susceptible of being attacked by these tars, because the whole value rests in purity. Whatever may be the primary material employed for the manufacture of this carbon, the decomposition by heat should be ELECTRIC CARBONS. 47 able to be conducted either slowly or quickly according to the nature of the sub-products that it is proposed to obtain. For operating slowly it suffices to two-thirds fill the retort and to heat gradually up to a clear red, avoiding as much as possible the boiling over of the substances. For operating quickly, the empty retort is heated to a deep red, and the primary material thrown into the bottom in small quantities, in a thin stream if it is liquid, and in small fragments if it is solid. The slow distillation gives most tars and heavy oils and little gas. The quick decomposition gives more light oils and gas. When the primary material has been properly chosen, there remains in the retort, carbon more or less compact. It is pul- verised as finely as possible, and agglomerated alone or with a certain quantity of lamp-black by means of the carbides of hydrogen obtained as secondary products. Thus prepared, those carbides are completely free from iron, and are much preferable to those found in commerce, not only in the agglomeration of the carbons, but also in the impregna- tion or soaking of the manufactured objects. (The last operation, by filling up the pores, introduces oxide of iron when effected with commercial products.) The objects made in agglomerated carbon are, for one variety of carbon, as much more combustible as they are porous, and as much more porous as they are moulded with less pressure. The inventor himself uses, for his manufacture, steel moulds capable of resisting the highest pressure of a strong hydraulic press. Although the draw-plate or moulding apparatus, used long since in the manufacture of ordinary graphite carbons, may be used, without any modification, for the manufacture of carbons for the electric light, M. Gaudoin has added to this apparatus certain important improvements. Thus instead of causing the carbons to issue from top to bottom, vertically, he places the orifice or orifices of the mould upon the side, and in such a manner that the issuing carbons form with the horizon a de- scending angle of 20 to 70 degrees. The carbon is guided for the whole length by tubes or gutters. This arrangement allows of emptying the whole of the matter contained in the mould without interrupting the work, and as the carbon is constantly 48 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. supported it does not break under its own weight, which frequently happens when issuing vertically. We have made, at different times, numerous trials with all kinds of carbons, and those of M. Gaudoin's manufacture gave the best results. It has necessitated much time and considerable expense to remove this manufacture from the merely scientific domain to that of the practical, but success has crowned the efforts of the inventor. (Table A.) The light produced with the retort carbons was equal to 103 burners, and that produced by the artificial carbons varied between 120 and 180 burners for the Archereau and Carré car- bons, and between 200 and 210 for the Gaudoin carbons. The mean of 150 burners may be applied, without appreciable error, to the Archereau and Carré carbons, and that of 205 to the Gaudoin carbons. Brought to a uniform section of 0.0001 square mètre, the consumption of the carbons was respectively: For retort carbons Archereau Gaudoin Carré • .. : : : :. : : : 51 millimètres. 66 73 77 "9 In proportion to the light produced this consumption was: For the Gaudoin carbons Archereau Carré retort " : : 35 millimètres per 100 burners. 44 51 49 وف These experiments were made with a Gramme machine con- structed by M. Bréguet and a Carré lamp by the same maker. The carbons were taken at hazard from a lot of several mètres for each series. At the request of one of the inventors we made some fresh experiments, with the co-operation of Messrs. Gramme and Lemonnier, with a more powerful Gramme machine and a Serrin lamp. The following Table (B) contains the mean of three series of experiments made with the greatest precision. The electric lamp was placed, quite vertically, at the same level as the oil- (TABLE A.) TABLE OF EXPERIMENTS MADE WITH SEVERAL ELECTRIC CARBONS, 6th November, 1876. Observations. ELECTRIC CARBONS. Scintillating, eclipsed for a short time, a slight disaggregation. A slight disaggregation, a few sparks. Cinders of Oxide of Iron in rather large quantity. White light, Cones good. A slight disaggregation, a few sparks; more Cinders than the preceding, reddened for a greater length. Neither disaggregation nor sparks; less Cinders than the Carré and Archereau Carbons. Consumption Name of Carbon. Dimensions. Speed of Machine. Of of Negative Positive per Carbon. Carbon. Hour Total Mean of Two Ex- periments. Regularity. m.m. m.m. m.m. m.m. Betort.. 9 m.m. square 800 19 36 55 .. Irregular 69 9 m.m. "" square 920 23 48 71 Sufficiently regular Archereau 10 m.m. diam. 800 20 60 80 10 m.m. diam. 920 30 60 8888 85 90 Sufficiently regular Sufficiently regular Carré 10.4 m.m. diam. 800 18 60 78 Irregular 92 10.4 m.m. diam. 920 26 80 106 Regular enough Gaudoin 11.3 m.m. diam. 800 E 11-3 mm. diam. 920 2888 20 38 58 Very regular 73' 38 50 88 Very regular 49 50 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. lamp and photometer. Every precaution was taken that there should not be any sensible error in the measurements of the luminous intensity. (TABLE B.) RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS UPON SEVERAL CARBONS, 4th April, 1877. Name of Carbon. Form and Dimensions. Section in Square Millimètres. Total Consumption per Hour in Millimètres. Mean Light in Caroel Burners. Length of the Arc in Milli- mètres. Revolutions per Minute of the Machine. Regularity. Observations. Retort Carbon, good quality Archereau's Square, 9 m.m. in the side Round, Carbons, new 10 in.m. diam. specimen Carré's Carbons, Round, new specimen 9 m.m. diam. 81 60 120 2.5 820 Passable Splinters numer- 78 68 173 3 820 Null ous. Separation of a small piece. Scintillation. Carbons were shaped very irre-- gularly. Disaggregation. Sparks. Light very variable in intensity at pe- riods. Shaping into small facets. 64 69 175 3 820 Middling Small Gaudoin's, Type No. 1. Round, 11.2 m.m. diam. 98 80 203 3 820 Good Gaudoin's (Ag- glomeration of wood Car- bon) 'Round 78 240 3 820 Suffici- ently good Sparks. Light running round. Very variable in in- tensity. Good shaping of the Carbons. Neither Sparks nor Splinters. Light a little red, but pretty constant. Light very white. Less steady than with Gaudoin's Carbons, No. 1. No Sparks. Small tions. varia- ELECTRIC CARBONS. 51 Brought to a uniform section of 0.0001 square mètre, the consumption of the carbons was respectively in these new experiments: For the Carré carbons "" "" Retort Archereau 44 millimètres. 49 "" 53 "" 99 78 Gaudoin (wood carbon) 61 Gaudoin, No. 1 In proportion to the light produced, this consumption was: For the Gaudoin (wood carbon) 32 millimètres per 100 burners. Archereau 39. "" Carré 40 "" "" Gaudoin, No. 1 .. Retort 40 50 "" "" "" The light given by the Gaudoin carbons was a little less regular than that observed 6th November, 1876. That given by the Carré carbons varied in less than a minute from 100 to 250 burners; the arc rotated positively round the points, the same as if alternating currents were being used. The Archereau carbons appeared to us less effective than at the first trial; they were consumed slowly, but they produced a light so variable that it was difficult to take photometric measurements. Only the retort carbons maintained their duration, luminous intensity, and, unfortunately, their irregularity. We shall describe, in terminating this chapter, the improve- ments that M. Gaudoin has made in his process, and patented, 7th April, 1877. Instead of carbonising wood, reducing it to powder, and then submitting it to mixture, the inventor takes dried wood, properly chosen, to which he gives the definite form of the carbon, then he converts it into hard carbon, and finally soaks it, as in the manufacture we have described. The distillation of the wood is effected slowly, in such manner as to drive out the volatile substances, and the final desiccation is made in a reducing atmosphere, at a very high temperature. A previous washing, in acids or alkalies, removes from the wood any impurities that it possessed. E 2 52 ELECTRIC LIGHTING: M. Gaudoin points out also the means of filling up the pores of the wood, by heating to redness, and submitting it to the action of chloride of carbon and different carbides of hydrogen. He hopes thus to produce electric carbons of small consumption, and giving an absolutely steady light. orfli Shibet. trantation of Fiontaine's look ther Chapter (168) CHAPTER XI. LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. Use of Geissler Tubes-Report presented to the Academy of Sciences by M. Coste, in the name of M. Gervais-King's Invention-Lodyguine's Lamp -Wild's Report to the St. Petersburg Academy-Konn's Lamp-Bouli- guine's Lamp-Experiments by the Author on Lighting by Incandescence -Chérémeteff and Fontaine's Lamp. As we have said, the voltaic arc is eminently convenient for the lighting of large uncovered spaces, or large halls without interior partitions, but when it is required to light small places or very subdivided localities, it is much more advantageous to employ gas, petroleum, or even ordinary oil. There are numerous works on the construction of small electric foci, but to the present day none of the means devised have given practical results. It has been endeavoured to use Geissler tubes, and small incandescent carbons, and if these two means have not been successful, they offer nevertheless sufficient interest that we should devote some pages to their description. It is well known that Geissler, an artist at Bonn, constructed the first tubes blown in various forms, closed hermetically and containing only traces of various vapours. These tubes put into communication with a current, by means of platinum wires fused into the glass, from a Ruhmkorff coil, produce a stratified light, that is to say, composed of fine transverse layers separated by dark layers continually agitated. At the same time the sides of the tubes present a brilliant appearance, to which the term fluorescence has been applied. On March 27, 1865, M. Coste presented to the Academy of Sciences, in the name of M. Gervais, the following report: "The apparatus was constructed by M. Ruhmkorff, who has acquitted himself of his task with his usual care and ability. It is a case or box in bronze, mounted on four feet, and its cover LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. 169 or lid is hermetically closed by means of a press-screw, and between the two surfaces thus brought into contact is a caout- chouc washer. To the cover is attached a ring, serving as a suspension to the optical apparatus. The case contains twó bichromate of potash elements closed in their turn by plates to which strips of copper are solidly screwed. The poles of the current furnished by these two elements may be put at will into communication with the bobbin, and the induced current is transmitted to a Geissler tube by two wires covered with india- rubber. This tube, of proper form and filled with carbonic acid, is enclosed in a glass cylinder with thick sides, furnished with copper armatures, and into which water cannot penetrate. This is the lighting part of the apparatus. With this instrument a soft light is obtained, similar to that now employed by miners. It resembles in certain respects that given by phosphorescent animals, but is more intense. It can be seen even when the apparatus is several mètres under water. It would doubtless serve to attract fish, as does the phosphorescence of certain species, and it would also serve to light limited spaces, situated beneath the surface of the water, or for floating signals. The captain of the Devoulx,' commanding the southern coasts of France, employed this apparatus in the port of Cette, in September last. It remained immersed for nine hours, and it gave light for six hours. under these conditions, as well as when charged at Montpellier. The phosphorescence may be of longer duration. A second trial, made at Port Vendres, on board the 'Favori' (Captain Trotabas), was equally successful." • The light obtained by the Geissler tube is so feeble, that it can never be utilised practically, and numerous trials made in mines and powder mills have been without result. Lighting by incandescence has been studied for a long time; but its application generally presents so great difficulties, that at the present day it may be considered as within a purely scientific domain; although a certain number of apparatus exist working moderately well. The first document on the question that we have found, is an English patent of the 4th November, 1845. Mr. King, the inventor, enters into some exact details of his 170 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. idea, and presents some considerations whicn tend to prove that magneto-electric machines, powerful enough to produce light, already existed in 1845. The following are the principal passages from this patent: The invention has for its basis the use of metallic conductors, or of continuous carbons, heated to whiteness by the passage of an electric current. The best metal for this purpose is platinum, the best carbon is retort carbon. When carbon, is employed, it is useful on account of its affinity for oxygen at high temperatures to cover it from air and moisture, as indicated in Fig. 45. The conductor C rests on a bath of mercury; the bar B is in porcelain, it serves to support the n C B FIG. 45. conductor C; the conductor D is fixed on the bell by a hermotically sealed joint. The carbon rod A rests at top and bottom on conducting blocks and becomes incandescent by the passage of an electric current. A vacuum is previously established in the bell, and the apparatus veritably forms a baro- meter with one of the poles of the battery in communication with the column of mercury, and the other with the conductor D. In order to obtain an intermittent light, the circuit can be periodically interrupted by a clock- work movement. The apparatus properly closed may be applied to submarine lighting, as well as to the illumina- tion of powder mills and of mines, especially where the danger of explosion is feared, or the rapid inflammation of very combustible sub- stances. When the current is of sufficient intensity, two or a larger number of lights may be placed in the same circuit, care being taken to regulate the power of the magneto-electric machines, or the KING'S LAMP. elements of the battery producing the current. In 1846, Greener and Staite filed a patent for a lamp, analogous to King's, pointing out that they freed the carbon, LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. 171 before use, from impurities by treatment with nitro-muriatic acid. In 1849, Petrie concludes the description of a patent for a lamp with the following remark :-"A light may be produced by passing an electric current through a short and thin con- ductor, which heats and becomes luminous; but the majority of substances fuse and burn rapidly: however, I obtain a good light by using iridium, or one of its alloys. Iridium may be fused so as to produce an ingot whilst it is submitted to the heat of the voltaic arc; afterwards it may be decarbonised and rendered more malleable. It can be cut into small pieces of 0.001 mètre diameter and 0.010 to 0.020 mètre length, that can be fixed upon two insulated metallic supports, which are in connection with the two wires of a proper galvanic battery. There is then obtained a beautiful light.” Several other patents have been taken out in America, France, and England for the same kind of idea; but none of these appear more complete, more explicit, and more practicable than King's; it is then useless to continue our nomenclature. Lighting by incandescence, and the principle of its production, had for a long time fallen into oblivion, when in 1873 a Russian physicist, M. Lodyguine, resuscitated both, and invented a new lamp, which has since been perfected by Messrs. Konn and Bouliguine. In 1874, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences awarded a high prize to M. Lodyguine. The following includes some extracts from the report presented on the occasion by M. Wild, director of the Imperial Observatory; this report, as we shall see, includes several capital errors: "It has long been known that we can employ the heating faculty of the electric current, even without the aid of gas, as in the luminous galvanic arc, to heat a solid body to whiteness. On this principle there are often thus heated thin platinum wires, which are bad conductors, by causing them to be traversed by a powerful electric current. The light obtained by this process is much more feeble and more constant than the electric light from carbon; it can also be extended further, and may be increased or diminished at will; nevertheless it has never found .172 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. practical use, because it is too feeble compared with its cost, and because when it is desired to give greater intensity, there results fusion of the platinum wire, which in general is not homogeneous throughout. "M. Lodyguine was the first who had the idea of replacing the platinum wire, in these combustion experiments, by small bars of carbon (coke) analogous to graphite, that is to say, a good conductor, and thus resolved the problem of electric lighting. "The advantages of this substitution of the carbon for platinum are so obvious from a theoretical point of view, that it is astonishing, as is always the case with important inven- tions, that no one had the idea sooner. Carbon possesses at equal temperature much greater power of radiation than pla- tinum; the capacity for heat of platinum is superior (nearly double) that of the carbon in question, so that the same quantity of caloric raises the temperature of a small bar of carbon to a degree nearly twice that attained by a platinum wire of the same volume. Besides the resistance of the carbon in question, as a conductor of electricity, is nearly 250 times greater than that of platinum; it results that the small rod of carbon may be fifteen times thicker than a platinum bar of the same length, and that the current traversing it will engender the same quantity of heat. Finally the carbon may by heated to the most extreme white heat without fear of fusion, as is the case with platinum. It is to these important theoretical advantages that is evidently due the great success of the mode of electric lighting proposed by M. Lodyguine. "The sole inconvenience of the use of carbon instead of platinum consists in the fact that, in the combustion the carbon combines with the oxygen of the air, and is thus gradually consumed. M. Lodyguine has avoided this inconvenience by enclosing the carbon heated to whiteness by the electric current in a glass receiver hermetically sealed, and from the interior of which the oxygen is expelled by a most simple process. จ It is not within the province of the Academy of Sciences to give its judgment on the technical and other difficulties which will present themselves in the extended application of M. Lodyguine's invention, nor on the other hand, upon the LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. 173 numerous practical advantages of this mode of lighting above all others; it will suffice to the Academy to state that, thanks to this invention, there is resolved in the simplest possible manner the great problem of subdivision of the electric light, and of rendering it constant,* in order to recognise M. Lodyguine as worthy, in consideration of the numerous applications of his invention, to obtain the Lomonossow prize." In his lamp, M. Lodyguine employs carbon in a single piece by diminishing the section at the point of the luminous focus, and he places two carbons in the same apparatus with a small exterior commutator, in order to pass the current into the second carbon, when the first has been consumed. Nothing is less practical nor less studied than the apparatus of this inventor. M. Kosloff, of St. Petersburg, who went to France in the hope of working the Lodyguine patent, perfected his lamp slightly, without, however, bordering upon anything passable. In 1875, M. Konn, also from St. Petersburg, patented a more practicable lamp, represented in Fig. 46, which was con- structed for the first time in Paris by M. Duboscq. This lamp consists of a base A in copper, on which are fixed two terminals N for fastening the conductors, two bars C, D in copper, and a small valve K opening only from within outwards. A globe B, widened at its upper part, is retained on the base by means of a bronze collar L pressing on an india-rubber ring, exactly as occurs with the level-gauges of steam-boilers. One of the vertical rods D is insulated electrically from the base, and communicates with a terminal also insulated. The other rod C is constructed in two parts: (1) of a tube fixed directly upon the base without insulation, and (2) of a copper rod split for a part of its length. This split gives elasticity, and admits of the rod sliding in the tube with only a small effort. The retort carbons E, to the number of five, are placed between two small plates which crown the rods. Each carbon is introduced into two small blocks, also of carbon, which receive the copper rods at their extremities. The rods also are equal in length at their lower ends, and of unequal length at their upper ends. A hammer I is hinged on the bar C, * We shall see subsequently how the problem has becu resolved by M. Lodyguine. 174 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. and rests only on a single rod of carbon at once. If this lamp is placed in circuit by attaching the two conductors from a battery to the terminals N, N' (the terminal or binding screw. N' is hidden by the terminal N; but it is identical, and is not insulated from the base), the bar of carbon E is traversed by the current which passes by the aid of the hammer I, from the copper bar F, the two carbon blocks O, O, the copper bar G, and the plate crowning the bar D. The vacuum has previously been made by putting the cock K in connection with an air-pump or other known pneumatic machine. The rod E reddens, whitens, and becomes luminous. Its light is colourless, steady, and constant; but gradually the section diminishes, the rod breaks, and the light disappears. The hammer I then falls on another rod, and nearly instan- taneously lighting is re-established. When all the carbons are consumed the hammer rests upon the copper rod H, and the current is not interrupted. In this manner when several lamps are fed by the same electric generator, extinction of one does not cause that of the others. To avoid the projection of small pieces of carbon and their blocks against the glass, M. Konn has placed at the lower part of his lamp a small copper tube M, which receives the debris until the plates are refurnished. Three of these lamps were introduced two years ago at the house of M. Florent, a merchant of St. Petersburg, and put in action with an "Alliance” machine. Each carbon lasts about two hours, with the exception of the first, which is consumed nearly immediately; the light is very agreeable, but its cost considerably exceeds that of gas. M. Florent, whom we have had occasion several times to see, has informed us that the great advantage he has found in the employment of electric lighting was its cleanliness. His store-rooms contain much white linen that gas rapidly impairs, and on which electricity exercises no injurious influence. The bleaching economised fully compen- sates the supplementary cost necessitated by an important introduction, with but little regard to the light obtained. M. Florent has not made any photometric measurement; but, LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. B H B M Ꮳ D L FIG. 46. KONN'S LAMP. K 175 176 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. by comparison with gas, each Konn lamp has been valued at about 20 Carcel burners. The principal cause of the great expense that the use of the light from incandescence entails, rests in the difficulty of pre- paring small carbons, which cost, as fitted, more than 5 francs per mètre. A Russian officer, M. Bouliguine, has constructed a lamp (Fig. 47), which attains nearly the same end as that by M. Konn with a single carbon. It consists, like the preceding, of a copper base or socket, two vertical bars, two bars carrying the current, and an exhaust valve. One of the bars is pierced with a small hole from top to bottom, and has nearly throughout its length a slot admitting the passage of two small lateral lugs. The carbon is introduced into this bar like the lead of an ordinary pencil-case, and it is assisted to rise by a counterweight connected by two microscopic cables to lugs in the transverse support on which the carbon rests. The part of the carbon which is to become incandescent is held between the lips of two conical blocks of retort carbon. A screw placed on the base admits of increasing or diminish- ing the length of the bar which carries the upper conical block, and consequently of giving to the luminous part greater or less length. The closing of the globe is effected by the lateral pressure of several india-rubber washers. When the lamp is placed in circuit, the carbon rod reddens and illuminates until it is about to break. At this moment a small mechanism* commanded by an electro-magnet opens the lips of the carbon-holders, the counterweight above drives out the fragments that would remain in the notch, and the counter- weight below raises the carbon rod which penetrates the upper block, and re-establishes the current. The mechanism again acts, but in contrary direction to its first manoeuvre, the carbon- holders contract, and the light is renewed. * The mechanism in question, which the scale of the engraving will not adinit of showing, consists substantially of an iron armature placed in the interior of the lamp, and of two metallic rods acting on two cross levers jointed on to the ring surrounding the carbon-holders. LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. 177 BOURDELIN FIG. 47. BOULIGUINE's Lamp. N 178 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. We have several times tried this lamp, but we have never obtained good results. It includes too many moving parts, and the least obstacle prevents the play of the mechanism. How- ever, we have observed that when by chance it works regularly, the contacts being better and less numerous than those of Konn's lamp, it needs less intense currents for the production of a given light. With a Gramme machine of 100 burners we have obtained with a single lamp as much as 80 burners, whilst with a Konn lamp we could never exceed 60 burners. In order to realise the actual value of the system of lighting by incandescence, we have made a series of experiments with several Konn's lamps and a Bunsen battery of 48 elements, of 0.20 mètre height. The first operation consisted in measuring the resistances of retort carbon of square section. The samples tested were 0.002 mètre in the side. The following results are from eight experiments: Number of Experiment. Length of Samples. mètre. Resistance in Mètres of Tele- graph Wire. 1234 LO CO E ∞ 0.100 16 0.100 14 0.100 15 0.100 14.50 5 0.100 19 6 0.050 7 7 0.050 8 0.050 96 Total 0.650 101.50 Whence it results that the mean linear resistance of the retort carbon of 0·002 mètre is about 172, that of a telegraph wire of 0 004 mètre being taken for unity. We subsequently rounded the carbons, so as to reduce their diameter to 0.0016 mètre, and regulated the length in such a manner as to obtain 0.018 mètre incandescent part. The vacuum was carried to about 0·70 mètre mercurial pressure. The following results represent the mean of more than twenty series of experiments : Circuit State of the Circuit. Galvanometer deflection. LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. Methods of Coupling the Battery. 2 Series parallel of 24 Elements. 3 Series parallel of 4 Series parallel of 16 Elements. 12 Elements. Luminous Intensity of each Lamp. Galvanometer deflection. Luminous Intensity of each Lamp. Galvanometer deflection. Luminous Intensity of each lamp. 179 1 Single Series of 48 Elements in Tension. Galvanometer deflection. Luminous Intensity of each lamp. closed 47 70 70 50 on itself 5 lamps 28 Reddish-white 17 Cherry-red 10 or 11 Dull-red '35 + burner 4 lamps 29 + burner 22 Reddish-white 16 Orange-red 38 24 burners 3 lamps 38 1 to 2 burners 28 burner 26 + burner 41 3+ burners 2 lamps 1 lamp 40 3 burners 41 to 42 43 4 to 5 burners .49 2 to 3 burners 11 to 12 burners 40 to 45 3 to 5 burners 44 5 burners 60 40 burners 45 to 46 | 61 to 7 burners The lamps were grouped like the elements of a battery in tension, then forming a single series. In the following table are given the results obtained with lamps arranged in batteries, that is to say, on distinct circuits derived from the battery. Because of the considerable differ- ences observed in the intensities of the light of each lamp during the same experiment, we give the total light instead of that produced by each lamp : Methods of Coupling the Battery. State of the Circuit. 2 Series parallel of 24 Elements. 3 Series parallel of 16 Elements. 4 Series parallel of 12 Elements. Galvanometer of deflection. Total light emitted by the whole of the lamps. Galvanometer deflection. Total light emitted by the whole of the lamps. Galvanometer deflection. Total light emitted by the whole of the lamps. Galvanometer deflection. 8 Series parallci of 6 Elements. Circuit closed on itself 5 lamps.. 4 lamps 3 lamps 2,lamps 1 lamp 581 57 56+ 63 56 1 burner 888888 69 70 641 + burner 631 24 burners 60 4 burner 63 3 burners 58 61+ 2 burners 62 4 burnere 58 } + burner 55 5 burners 60 6+ burners 59 15+ burners 55 14 burner ·· 524 9 burners 574 54 burners 55 65 burners 46 8 burners Several important observations were made during these experi- ments. When the receivers are sealed and the contacts carefully put in line, the carbons last for a satisfactory period The first carbon of a lamp never lasts for less time than a quarter of an Total light emitted by the whole of the lamps. N 2 180 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. hour; sometimes it breaks at the end of thirty to thirty-five minutes, but that is very rarely; its average duration is twenty- one minutes. The succeeding carbons last upon an average for two hours, so long as the luminous intensity does not reach 40 burners, in which case the average duration is only half an hour. In the experiment of four parallel series of 12 elements, the five lamps being collected in batteries and one only lighted, the carbon, which gave 65 burners, lasted only twenty- three minutes as an average. Attentive examination of incandescent carbons, through a strongly coloured glass, has shown that they are not uniformly brilliant. They present obscure spots, indicative of non-homo- geneity, and the position of cracks which rapidly disintegrate the carbon. The vacuum never being perfect in the receivers, the first carbon is in greater part consumed. It would appear that con- sequently upon the little oxygen contained in the lamp being transformed into carbonic acid and carbonic oxide, the carbon should be preserved indefinitely. But there is then produced a kind of evaporation which continues to slowly destroy the incan- descent rods. This evaporation is besides clearly proved by a pulverent deposit of sublimed carbon, that we have found on the interior surface of the bells, on the several interior parts: rods, contacts, hammers, &c. No bell has been cracked by heating or cooling during the whole of the experiments, extending over several months, but several of the necks have been broken by the too energetic closing of the joint. The delicate part of the lamp is in the series of contacts which precede the incandescent rod. The carbons are got into straight line, which is indispensable to their duration, only with minute and long precautions. After rupture, the contact does not always occur automatically, and two or three times we have been obliged to shake the lamp to cause the lighting of the next carbon. The maximum efficiency has occurred with a single lamp and with four elements in quantity'; by employing two lamps and descending to two elements in quantity, the results were con- siderably diminished. LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. 181 We have recently made similar trials with Gaudoin artificial carbons of the same section, and the results have been more satisfactory. Thus the total light produced with 48 elements in four series and a single lamp, reached 80 burners, and that produced with the same battery and three lamps, attained 30 burners. The same battery coupled in tension and actuating a Serrin lamp gives a voltaic arc of 105 burners; but the light obtained by incandescence is much steadier and more agreeable to the eye. From what precedes, it appears to result that King and Lodyguine's system is much more favourable to large foci than to the divisibility of the electric light; however it is proper to remark that when 10 burners per lamp are not exceeded, the carbons have a very long duration, whilst they are consumed very quickly for an intensity of 60 to 80 burners. Only carbons of 0.0016 mètre diameter and 0.018 mètre luminous length were until then those tried; these behave very well with a strong current, but give no light with 12 elements. It became interesting to learn what light could be obtained with 12 elements by diminishing the length of the carbons. This was the object of a new series of experi- ments. Five different combinations were attempted, by varying in turn the coupling of the battery, the diameter of the carbon and its length. The best results were obtained with a single lamp furnished with Gaudoin carbons of 0·0016 mètre diameter, and of 0·015 mètre length, in the incandescent portion. The light varied between 2 and 8 burners, but it was more often 5 burners. Each carbon lasted on average fifteen minutes. We were about to repeat all these experiments, substituting for the battery a Gramme machine constructed to give the best useful effect; but the imperfections of the lamps, the difficulty of obtaining good contacts, the too minute care to be taken at the commencement of each operation, led us to decide to previously design a lamp more commodious and slightly more practical than that of M. Konn. 182 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. FIG. 48. FONTAINE'S LAMP. LIGHTING BY INCANDESCENCE. 183 This lamp, which we represent in Fig. 48, is at present under construction by M. Bréguet. It is characterised by the two following points: (1) the carbons are set in a groove at cach of their extremities in rigid contacts and kept fixed, which admits of the lamp being placed in all positions; (2) the electric current passes automatically from one carbon to the other by the action of an electro-magnet interposed in the circuit. A description, even summary, would not be of great interest, since the lamp is not yet finished; the engraving sufficiently indicates the arrangement we have adopted.. во Consolidated Electric Light bo The M Keesport Right bo во ECLAIRAGE L'ÉLECTRICITÉ RENSEIGNEMENTS PRATIQUES Defendants Exhibit Fontanies H.C. M. Spa طرح PAR HIPPOLYTE FONTAINE 48 GRAVURES DANS LE TEXTE BOURDEL תונויזן PARIS LIBRAIRIE POLYTECHNIQUE J. BAUDRY, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR RUE DES SAINTS-PÈRES, 13 LIEGE, MÈME MAISON 1877 Tous droits réservés st.C. IN. Spe Dift Exhibit Fontane 1.) This Chapter CHAPITRE III. CHARBONS ÉLECTRIQUES. Baguettes en charbon de bois. Charbon Staite et Edwards. Thiers. Charbon Curmer. Charbon de cornue. Charbon Le Molt. Ses inconvénients. Charbon Lacassagne ct Charbon Jacquelain. Charbon Peyret. Charbon Archereau. Expériences de M. Carré. Ses procédés de fabrication. Expériences de M. Gaudoin. Ses procédés de fabrication. - Essais comparatifs de diverses sortes de charbons. Dans ses expériences sur l'arc voltaïque, Davy se servait de baguettes de charbon de bois éteint dans l'eau ou dans le mercure. Ces baguettes brùlaient avec un bel éclat et d'une manière très-régulière, mais elles s'usaient si rapi- dement, que leur usage était forcément réservé aux expé- riences de laboratoire. En remplaçant le charbon de bois par les dépôts recueillis sur les parois des cornues à gaz, Foucault ouvrit réellement à l'arc voltaïque l'ère des applications utiles. Le charbon de cornue est, en effet, beaucoup plus dense et résiste bien plus longtemps à l'ac- tion destructive du foyer électrique. Mais, comme l'a fait observer avec raison M. Le Roux, le dernier mot n'est pas dit sur cette question, et le charbon de cornue offre encore de graves inconvénients sa compa- cité n'est pas uniforme, tant s'en faut; il éclate quelquefois, s'use souvent irrégulièrement et produit des variations d'éclat assez considérables. Ces variations tiennent surtout à la présence de matières étrangères, telles que des sels alcalins ou terreux, et aussi de quantités notables de silice. Ces matières sont beaucoup moins fixes que le charbon, elles entrent en vapeur et forment pour une grande partic 48 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. la flamme qui entoure l'arc. Cette flamme est plus conduc- trice que l'arc voltaïque proprement dit; en outre, comme elle a une plus grande section, elle s'échauffe moins que lui, et comme, de plus, c'est un corps gazeux, son pouvoir d'irradiation est moindre que celui des particules charbon- neuses qui constituent l'arc. Hâtons-nous de dire que, tel qu'il est, en choisissant convenablement les deux baguettes qui doivent garnir un régulateur, le charbon de cornue donne des résultats satis- faisants dans la plupart des applications. Lorsqu'on renferme l'arc voltaïque dans un globe de verre dépoli, les scintillements, les intermittences et les oscillations dans l'intensité du foyer se font beaucoup moins sentir les ombres sont moins vives, la lumière est plus douce, plus homogène, plus agréable. Mais le globe est la cause d'une perte de lumière assez considérable et toutes les fois que les petites irrégularités dues à l'imperfection du charbon sont supportables, on laisse brûler les char- bons sans globe. On s'habitue d'ailleurs très-facilement à la lumière électrique et les ouvriers, loir de s'en plaindre, recherchent aujourd'hui. les usines éclairées par ce procédé. Plusieurs inventeurs ont cherché à substituer au charbon taillé directement dans les dépôts recueillis sur les parois des cornues, des agglomérés analogues, mais plus purs; d'autres ont simplement purifié les charbons des cornues; quelques-uns ont obtenu des produits très-remarquables au point de vue de l'éclat lumineux, mais irréalisables en pratique à cause de l'exagération du prix de revient. Parmi tous les procédés proposés et appliqués pour l'amé- lioration des charbons électriques, nous citerons ceux de MM. Staite et Edwards, Le Molt, Lacassagne et Thiers, Curmer, Jacquelain, Peyret, Archereau, Carré et Gaudoin. CHARBONS ÉLECTRIQUES. 49 Charbon Staite et Edwards. En 1846, MM. Staite et Edwards firent breveter un pro- cédé de fabrication de charbon pour lumière électrique qui avait pour base un mélange de coke pulvérisé et de sucre. Le coke était d'abord réduit en une poudre presque im- palpable et additionné d'une petite quantité de sirop, puis le mélange était malaxé, moulé et fortement comprimé. Le charbon subissait, ensuite une première cuisson et était .plongé dans une dissolution très-concentrée de sucre et soumis de nouveau à la chaleur blanche. Charbon Le Molt. M. Le Molt a fait breveter, en 1849, une composition pour crayons électriques, formée de 2 parties de charbon de cornue, 2 parties de charbon de bois ou de coke et 1 partie de goudron liquide. Ces substances étaient préala- blement pulvérisées, tamisées, mélangées et amenées par une forte trituration à l'état de pâte dure très-consistante, puis, à l'aide d'un puissant moyen mécanique, soumises à une forte compression. Les pièces moulées étaient recouvertes d'un enduit de sirop de sucre et placées les unes contre les autres, dans un vase en charbon de cornue. Elles étaient alors soumises à une haute température pendant 20 à 30 heures et purifiées, si nécessaire, par des immersions dans des acides. Charbon Lacassagne et Thiers. MM. Lacassagne et Thiers, en 1857, s'occupèrent de la purification des baguettes de charbons de cornue. Ces messieurs faisaient fondre, par voie ignée, une cer- 50 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. taine quantité de potasse ou de soude caustique. Lorsque leur bain était à l'état rouge, ils y faisaient digérer, pendant un quart d'heure environ, les baguettes de carbone prove- nant des parois intérieures des cornues (ces baguettes étaient préalablement taillées). Cette opération avait pour but de changer en silicate de potasse ou de soude soluble la silice contenue dans lesdits charbons, et si pernicieuse à la constance de la lumière. Les baguettes de charbon étaient ensuite lavées à l'eau bouillante, puis soumises (dans un tube de porcelaine ou de terre réfractaire chauffée au rouge), pendant plusieurs heures, à l'action d'un courant de chlore, dont la propriété était de faire passer les différentes terres que la potasse ou la soude n'avaient pas attaquées, à l'état de chlorures volatils, de silicium, de calcium, de potassium, de fer, etc. Ainsi épurés, ces charbons donnaient une lumière un peu plus régulière. Charbon Curmer. Le procédé Curmer consiste surtout dans la calcination de noir de fumée, de benzine et d'essence de térébenthine, le tout mélangé et moulé sous forme de cylindres; la dé- composition de ces matières laisse un charbon poreux qu'on imbibe avec des résines ou des matières sucrées et qu'on calcine de nouveau. C'est en répétant ces opérations que M. Curmer réussissait à produire des charbons peu denses et peu conducteurs, il est vrai, mais extrêmement réguliers et exempts de toutes impuretés. Charbon Jacquelain. M. Jacquelain. ancien chimiste à l'Ecole centrale, a cherché à imiter les circonstances qui, pendant la fabri- CHARBONS ÉLECTRIQUES. 51 cation du gaz, donnent naissance au charbon de cor- nue. Ces circonstances sont l'arrivée au contact des pa- rois incandescentes des cornues de matières hydrocarburées très-denses dont une partie se volatilise, et dont le reste se décompose en laissant pour résidu une couche de charbon. Dans les cornues des usines à gaz, ces matières hydrocarburées entraînent avec elles un grand nombre d'impuretés que contient la houille. En prenant des gou- drons provenant d'une véritable distillation, débarrassés, par conséquent, de toutes les impuretés non volatiles, et réalisant dans des appareils spéciaux ces conditions de décomposition au contact de parois fortement échauffées, on devait reproduire les charbons des cornues, mais jouis- sant d'une pureté parfaite. C'est ce qu'a fait M. Jacquelain en opérant avec un tube de terre réfractaire de 0",15 de diamètre dans un fourneau improvisé; et il a obtenu des plaques qui, débitées en baguettes à la scie, ont donné une lumière parfaitement tranquille, plus blanche et d'en- viron 25 pour 100 plus intense, à courant électrique égal, que celle donnée par les charbons ordinaires. Lès expériences faites avec ces crayons, à l'Administra- tion des phares de Paris, avaient été si concluantes, que nous eûmes, vers le commencement de 1876, l'idée de mettre le procédé en pratique. Mais M. Jacquelain, con- sulté, nous expliqua qu'il lui était impossible de calculer : 1° les dépenses à faire pour l'installation d'une fabrication continue; 2° le prix de revient approximatif du charbon obtenu. Comme d'autre part le procédé de M. Gaudoin com- mençait à donner de bons résultats, nous ne donnames pas de suite à notre idée. Nous savons depuis longtemps ce qu'il en coûte pour convertir un procédé de laboratoire, même très-exact, en opération industrielle, et nous ne vou- lions pas nous lancer dans une affaire de cette nature sans quelques données numériques. 52 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. Les charbons de M. Jacquelain, une fois formés, ont d'ailleurs l'inconvénient d'exiger un travail considérable de main-d'œuvre pour être utilisés (car la matière est si dure, qu'on ne la scie que difficilement) et de produire des déchets relativement considérables. Charbon Peyret. M. Peyret, docteur à Lourdes, a préparé des charbons en imbibant des morceaux de moelle de sureau ou tout autre corps poreux avec du sucre fondu et en décomposant ensuite le sucre par la chaleur. En répétant l'opération un nombre de fois suffisant, il obtenait des crayons très-denses qu'il soumettait ensuite à un courant de sulfure de carbone. Nous n'avons eu en mains que de très-petits fragments de ces crayons, et il nous a été impossible de nous rendre bien compte de leur valeur; leur prix élevé est en tout cas un obstacle très-sérieux au développement d'une fabrication industrielle. Charbon Archereau. M. Archereau, dont le nom revient souvent à la plume lorsqu'on s'occupe de questions d'agglomérés de charbons ou d'électricité, vient de présenter à l'Académie des sciences des nouvelles baguettes pour régulateurs électriques, com- posées de carbone aggloméré et comprimé, mêlé à de la magnésie, qui ont, d'après l'auteur, l'avantage de rendre la lumière plus stable et d'augmenter son pouvoir éclairant. Nous avons essayé divers, échantillons de ces crayons: les uns étaient de bonne qualité, les autres inférieurs aux charbons de cornue. Plusieurs crayons ont fourni une lu- mière de 150 becs avec une mesure totale de 0,03 à l'heure. C'est une fabrication qui peut devenir bonne, mais qu'il faut absolument régulariser. CHARBONS ÉLECTRIQUES. 53 Charbon Carré. M. Carré a fait un grand nombre d'expériences de lumière électrique sur les charbons de cornue imprégnés de divers sels et a combiné un nouveau produit pour le même usage. Quelques détails sur ses travaux sont néces- saires pour en faire comprendre l'importance et le mérite. En imprégnant des charbons assez poreux, et par une ébullition prolongée dans des dissolutions concentrées, M. Carré constata: 1° Que la potasse et la soude doublent au moins la lon- gueur de l'arc voltaïque, le rendent muet, se combinent à la silice et l'éliminent des charbons en la faisant fluer à 6 ou 7 millimètres des pointes, à l'état de globules vitreux, limpides et souvent incolores; qu'elles augmentent la lu- miere dans le rapport de 1,25 à 1 ; 2° Que la chaux, la magnésie et la strontiane augmen- tent la lumière dans la proportion de 1,40 à 1, en la colo- rant diversement; 3° Que le fer et l'antimoine portent l'augmentation à 1,60 ou 1,70; 4° Que l'acide borique augmente la durée des charbons en les enveloppant d'un enduit vitreux qui les isole de l'oxygène, mais sans augmenter la lumière; 5° Qu'enfin l'imprégnation des charbons purs et régu- lièrement poreux avec des dissolutions de divers corps est un moyen commode et économique de produire leurs spec- tres, mais qu'il est préférable de mélanger les corps simples aux charbons composés. Pour la fabrication des crayons factices, M. Carré pré- conise une composition de coke en poudre, de noir de fumée calciné et d'un sirop spécial formé de 30 parties de sucre de canne et de 12 parties de gomme. 54 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. La formule suivante est indiquée au brevet du 15 jan-. rier 1876: Coke très-pur en poudre fine presque impalpable. 15 parties. Noir de fumée calciné. Şirop spécial 21 7 à 8 5 Le tout est fortement trituré et additionné de 1 à 3 par- ties d'eau pour compenser les pertes par évaporation et selon le degré de dureté à donner à la pâte. Le coke doit être fait avec les meilleurs charbons pul- vérisés et purifiés par lavages. (Les poudres charbonneuses peuvent être aussi purifiées par des lavages avec décanta- tion, macération à chaud dans des bains acides.) Le coke des crasses de cornues à gaz est généralement assez pur. La pâte est alors comprimée et passée par une filière, puis les charbons sont étagés dans des creusets et soumis pendant un temps déterminé à une haute température. La cuisson comprend une série d'opérations.. Pour la première, les charbons sont placés horizontale- ment dans le creuset en fonte sur une couche de poussière de coke, chaque lit est séparé par une feuille de papier pour éviter toute adhérence. Entre la dernière couche et le couvercle, on met 1 centimètre de sable de coke et 1 cen- timètre de sable siliceux sur le joint du couvercle. Après la première opération, qui doit durer de quatre à cinq heures au moins et atteindre le rouge-cerise, les char- bons doivent rester deux ou trois heures dans un sirop très- concentré et bouillant de sucre de canne ou de caramel, avec deux ou trois intervalles de refroidissement notable, afin que la pression atmosphérique le fasse pénétrer dans tous les pores. On laisse ensuite les charbons égoutter en ouvrant un robinet placé au bas du vase, puis on les agite quelques instants dans l'eau bouillante pour dissoudre le sucre resté à la surface. CHARBONS ÉLECTRIQUES. 55 Après dessiccation, on soumet les charbons à une seconde cuisson à l'étage qui suit; on peut alors les mettre debout dans le creuset en remplissant leurs interstices avec du sable. On les' traite de même en les descendant d'un étage à chaque cuisson jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient acquis la densité et la solidité requises et en se servant d'un four ayant autant d'étages qu'on désire de cuissons. Les charbons sont séchés lentement. On termine leur dessiccation dans une étuve dont la température atteint graduellement 80 degrés en douze ou quinze heures. Pour les empêcher de se déformer, en séchant, les baguettes sont placées dans des tôles ayant la forme de V. Les charbons Carré sont plus tenaces et plus rigides que ceux de cornue. Ils sont surtout remarquablement droits et réguliers. Des baguettes de 0,01 de diamètre peuvent être employées à 0,50 de longueur, sans crainte de rup- ture. Leur forme cylindrique, jointe à leur homogénéité, fait que leurs cônes se maintiennent aussi parfaitement taillés que s'ils étaient usés au tour. Ils sont aussi plus con- ducteurs que les charbons de cornue, Les seuls inconvé- nients que nous ayons remarqués dans l'emploi consistent en une désagrégation assez rapide, la production de petites flammèches et l'irrégularité dans l'éclat lumineux. Crayons Gaudoin. M. Gaudoin a également fait de nombreuses expé- riences sur les charbons contenant des substances étran- gères. Les corps suivants ont été introduits dans les crayons: 1º phosphate de chaux des os; 2° chlorure de calcium; 3º borate de chaux; 4° silicate de chaux; 5° silice précipitée pure; 6º magnésie; 7° borate de magnésie; 8° phosphate de magnésie; 9° alumine; 10° silicate d'alumine. 56 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. Les proportions étaient calculées de manière à obtenir 3 pour 100 d'oxyde après la cuisson des crayons. Ceux-ci étaient soumis à l'action d'un courant électrique toujours de même sens, fourni par une machine Gramme assez puis- sante pour entretenir un arc voltaïque de 10 à 15 milli- mètres de longueur. Le crayon négatif étant placé en bas, M. Gaudoin a observé les résultats suivants : 1° La décomposition complète du phosphate de chaux; sous la triple influence de l'action électrolytique, de l'action calorifique, et de l'action réductrice du carbone. Le calcium réduit se rend sur le charbon négatif et brûle au contact de l'air avec une flamme rougeâtre. La chaux et l'acide phos- phorique se répandent dans l'air, en produisant une fumée assez abondante. La lumière, mesurée au photomètre, est double de celle qui est produite par des crayons de même section taillés dans les résidus des cornues à gaz. 2º Le chlorure de calcium, le borate et le silicate de chaux sont également décomposés, mais les acides borique et sili- cique paraissent échapper par la volatilisation à l'action de l'électricité. Ces corps donnent moins de lumière que le phosphate de chaux. 3º La silice introduite dans les crayons les moins con- ducteurs diminue la lumière, fond et se volatilise sans être. décomposée. 4° La magnésie, le borate et le phosphate de magnésie sont décomposés; le magné.ium en vapeur se rend sur le charbon négatif et brûle au contact de l'air avec une flamme blanche. La magnésie, les acides borique et phosphorique se répandent dans l'air à l'état de fumée. L'augmentation de lumière est moins considérable qu'avec les sels de chaux. 5° L'alumine et le silicate d'alumine ne sont décomposés qu'avec un courant très-fort et un are voltaïque très-consi- dérable; mais, dans ces circonstances, la décomposition de CHARBONS ÉLECTRIQUES, 57 l'alumine est bien manifeste, et l'on voit l'aluminium en vapeur sortir du négatif comme un jet de gaz et brûler avec une flamme bleuâtre peu éclairante. La flamme et la fumée qui accompagnent constamment ces lumières électro-chimiques lui ayant paru un grand obstacle à leur utilisation pour l'éclairage, M. Gaudoin n'a pas poussé plus loin ces expériences. Il a préféré pour- suivre ses études sur les agglomérés en carbone. Les produits fabriqués par M. Gaudoin¹ étant supérieurs à tous les autres, nous allons nous étendre un peu sur leur mode de fabrication. Le brevet est daté du 12 juillet 1876. Ainsi que nous l'avons dit plus haut, les crayons destinés à la production de l'arc voltaïque doivent être en carbone chimiquement pur. Or, la poussière de charbon de cornue, quoique ne contenant qu'une faible proportion de matières étrangères, n'est pas suffisamment bonne pour cet usage, et son emploi présente des inconvénients. Les lavages aux acides ou aux alcalis qu'on peut faire subir aux matières charbonneuses, dans le but d'enlever les impuretés qu'elles contiennent, sont coûteux et insuffisants. Le noir de fumée est assez pur, mais son prix est élevé et son maniement dif- ficile. M. Gaudoin a dû chercher ailleurs une meilleure source de carbone, et il a trouvé sa solution en décomposant, par la chaleur en vases clos, les brais secs, gras cu liquides, les goudrons, résines, bitumes, essences et huiles naturelles ou artificielles, matières organiques susceptibles de laisser du carbone suffisamment pur, après leur décomposition par la chaleur. Les appareils employés pour effectuer cette décomposi- 1. M. Octave Gaudoin est l'inventeur du procédé de galvanisation di- recte de la fonte et du fer, appliqué en grand au Val d'Osne, lequel donne des résultats bien supérieurs à tous les autres systèmes de cuivrage en usage aujourd'hui. 58 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. tion sont des cornues ou creusets fermés en plombagine. Ces creusets sont disposés dans un fourneau capable de les chauffer au rouge clair. La partie inférieure des creusets est munie de deux tubes servant, l'un au dégagement des gaz et matières volatiles, l'autre à l'introduction de la ma- tière première. On peut conduire les produits volatils de la décomposition sous la grille du foyer et les brûler pour chauffer les creu- sets, mais il est plus avantageux de les diriger dans une chambre de condensation, puis dans un serpentin en cuivre, et de recueillir, après condensation, les goudrons, huiles, essences et carbures d'hydrogène qui prennent naissance. dans cette opération. M. Gaudoin utilise ces différents sous-produits dans la fa- brication même de ses charbons; il a grand soin d'éviter, pour les serpentins et les vases de conservation, l'emploi du fer, de la fonte, du zinc et de toutes substances susceptibles d'être attaquées par ces goudrons, car toute leur valeur ré- side dans leur pureté. Quelle que soit la matière première employée à la fabri- cation de ce charbon, la décomposition par la chaleur peut être menée lentement ou brusquement, selon la nature des produits secondaires qu'on se propose d'obtenir. Pour opé- rer lentement, il suffit d'emplir la cornue aux deux tiers et de chauffer graduellement jusqu'au rouge clair, en évitant, autant que possible, le boursouflement de la matière. Pour opérer brusquement, on chauffe d'abord la cornue vide au bon rouge, et on fait arriver la matière première au fond par petite portion, soit en filet, si elle est liquide, soit en petits fragments, si elle est solide. La distillation lente donne plus de goudron et d'huiles lourdes et peu de gaz. La décomposition brusque donne plus d'essences légères et de gaz. Lorsque la matière première a été convenablement choi- CHARBONS ELECTRIQUES. 59 sie, il reste dans la cornue du charbon plus ou moins com- pacte. On le pulvérise aussi finement que possible et on l'agglomère soit seul, soit mêlé à une certaine quantité de noir de fumée, au moyen des carbures d'hydrogène obtenus comme produits secondaires. Ainsi préparés ces carbures sont complétement exempts de fer, et sont bien préférables à ceux qu'on trouve dans le' commerce, non-seulement par l'agglomération du carbone, mais encore par l'imprégnation ou l'imbibition des objets fabriqués. (Cette dernière opération, tout en bouchant les pores, y introduit de l'oxyde de fer quand elle est faite avec les produits du commerce.) Les objets faits en carbone agglomere sont, pour une variété de carbone d'autant plus combustibles qu'ils sont plus poreux, et d'autant plus poreux qu'ils ont été moulés à une moindre pression. L'inventeur se sert, pour sa fabrication, de moules en acier capables de résister aux plus hautes pressions d'une forte presse hydraulique. Quoique la filière, ou appareil à mouler, usitée depuis longtemps dans la fabrication des crayons ordinaires de plombagine, puisse servir sans aucune modification à la fa- brication des crayons pour lumière électrique, 'M. Gaudoin a apporté à cet appareil certains perfectionnements impor- tants. Ainsi, au lieu de faire sortir les crayons de haut en bas, suivant la verticale, il place l'orifice ou les orifices du moule sur le côté et de manière à ce que les crayons sor- tent en formant avec l'horizon un angle descendant de 20 à 70 degrés. Lès crayons sont guidés sur toute leur longueur par des tubes ou par des rigoles. Cette disposition permet de vider toute la matière conte- nue dans le moule sans interrompre le travail, et comme les crayons sont constamment soutenus, ils ne cassent plus sous leur propre poids, ce qui arrive souvent quand ils sortent de haut en bas. DÉSIGNATION des CRAYONS. DIMENSIONS. 60 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. Nous avons fait, à diverses époques, de nombreux essais avec toutes sortes de crayons, et ce sont ceux de la fabri- cation de M. Gaudoin qui nous ont donné les meilleurs résul- tats. Il a fallu beaucoup de temps et des dépenses d'argent considérables pour faire entrer cette fabrication du domaine. scientifique dans celui de la pratique, mais enfin le succès est venu couronner les efforts de l'inventeur. TABLEAU DES EXPÉRIENCES FAITÉS LE 6 NOVEMBRE 1876. SUR DIVERS CRAYONS ÉLECTRIQUES. VITESSE DE LA MACHINE. USURE du négatif. USURE DU POSITIF. USURE TOTALE. USURE MOYENNE DES DEUX EXPÉRIENCES. RÉGULARITÉ: Cornue.... 9am2 800 19 36 55 63 mm.mm. mm. mm. Irrégulière. Scintillement, éclipse de courte durée, un 9 920 23 48 71 Assez régu- lière. peu de désagréga- tion: Archereau. 10mm de diamètre. 800 20 60 80 85 10mm 920 30 60 90 de diamètre. lière. Carré…………… Gaudoin,.. Assez régu- Un peu de désagré- lière. Assez régu- gation, un peu de flammèches. Cendres d'oxyde de fer en assez grande quantité, Lumière blanche. Taille bonne. Irrégulière. Un peu de désagré- 10mm,'t de diamètre., 10mm 4 920 26 80 106 , 800 18 60 78 92 Assez régu- lière. de diamètre. 11mm,3 de diamètre. 800 20 38 58 73 11mm,3 920 38 50 88 de diamètre. gation, un peu de flammèches; plus de cendres que les précédents; rougis- sant sur une plus grande longueur. Très-régu- Pas de désagrégation, lière. Très-régu- lière. ni de flammèches: moins de cendres que les crayons Carré et Archereau.. OBSERVATIONS. CHARBONS ELECTRIQUES. 61 La lumière produite avec les charbons de cornue était égale à 103 becs, et celle produite par les charbons artificiels variait entre 120 et 180 becs pour les crayons Archereau et Carré, et entre 200 à 210 pour les crayons Gaudoin. La moyenne de 150 becs peut être appliquée, sans erreur ap- préciable, aux crayons Archereau et Carré, et celle de 205 aux crayons Gaudoin. Ramenée à une section uniforme de 0,0001, l'usure des charbons était respectivement: Pour les charbons de cornue. Pour les agglomérés Archereau. . Gaudoin. Carré. • 51 millimètres, 66 73 77 Par rapport à la lumière produite, cette usure était : Pour les charbons Gaudoin. . 35 millimètres pour 100 becs. Archereau. 44 Carré. 51 de cornue. 49 Ces expériences ont été faites avec une machine Gramme construite par M. Bréguet et une lampe Carré du même constructeur. Les charbons avaient été pris au hasard dans un lot de plusieurs mètres pour chaque catégorie. Sur la demande d'un des inventeurs, nous avons fait dé nouvelles expériences avec le concours de MM. Gramme et Lemonnier, en opérant avec une machine Gramme plus puissante et une lampe Serrin. Le tableau suivant contient les moyennes de trois séries d'expériences exécutées avec la plus grande précision. La lampe électrique était placée bien verticalement au même niveau que la lampe à huile et que le photomètre. Toutes les précautions étant prises pour qu'il n'y ait aucune erreur sensible dans les mesures d'intensité lumineuse. RÉSULTATS DES EXPÉRIENCES FAITES LE & AVRIL 1877, SUR DIVERS CHARBONS. DÉSIGNATION DLS CHАКБОЛУ FORME et DIMENSIONS. RÉGULA- OBSERVATIONS. RITÉ. Charbon de cornue, bonne qualité. Carré. 9mm 81 60 120 21/2 820 de côté. Charbon de M. Archereau. Nouvel échantillou. Rond. 10mm 78 68 173. 3 820 Nulle. de diamètre. Charbon de M. Carré. Nouvel échantillon. Rond. 9mm 64 69 178 3 820 de diamètre. Charbon de M. Gaudoin. Type nº 1. Rond'. 11mm,2 98 80 203 3 820 Bonne. de diamètre. Charbon de M. Gaudoin. (Aggloméré de charbon de bois.) Rond. 11mm,5 78 78 210 820 de diamètre. Passable. Éclats nombreux. Projection d'un petit morceau. Scintillement. Charbons se taillant très-irrégulièrement. Désagrégation, flammèches, lumière très- variable d'intensité par période. Taille en petites facettes. Médiocre. Petites flammèches. Lumière tournante. Très-variable d'intensité. Bonne taille des charbons. Pas de flammèches, ni éclat, Lumière un peu rougeâtre, mais bien constante. Assez bonne Lumière très-blanche. Moins fixe qu'avec les charbons Gaudoin n° 1. Pas de flam- mèches. Petites variations. GHARBONS ÉLECTRIQUES. 63 L'usure des charbons, ramenés à une section uniforme de 0.0001, était respectivement, dans ces nouvelles expé- riences : Pour les charbons Carré. de cornue. Archereau. 44 millimètres. 49 53 Gaudoin (charb. de bois). 61 Gaudoin n° 1. .. 78 Par rapport à la lumière produite cette usure était : Pour les charbons Gaudoin (charb. de bois). 32 mill. pour 100 becs. Archereau. Carré. 39 40 Gaudoin, nº 1. 40 de cornue. 50 La lumière donnée par les charbons Gaudoin n° 1 était un peu moins régulière que celle observée le 6 novem- bre 1876. Celle donnée par les charbons Carré variait en moins d'une minute de 100 à 250 becs; elle tournait positi- vement autour des pointes, comme cela a lieu avec des courants alternatifs. Les crayons Archereau nous ont paru moins bons qu'aux premiers essais; ils s'usaient lentement, mais ils produisaient des éclats lumineux si variables, qu'il était difficile de prendre des mesures photométriques. Seuls les charbons de cornue avaient conservé leur durée, leur intensité lumineuse, et, malheureusement, leur irrégula- rité. 1 Nous signalerons, pour terminer ce chapitre, les perfec- tionnements que M. Gaudoin vient d'apporter à son pro- cédé et qu'il a fait breveter le 7 avril 1877. Au lieu de carboniser du bois, de le réduire en poudre et de l'agglomérer ensuite, l'inventeur prend du bois see, convenablement choisi, auquel il donne la forme du crayon définitif, puis il le convertit en charbon dur et l'imbibe fina- 64 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITE. lement comme dans la fabrication que nous avons décrite. La distillation du bois se fait lentement de manière à chasser les corps volatils, et le séchage final est obtenu dans une atmosphère réductrice d'une température très-élevée. Un lavage préalable dans des acides et des alcalis enlève au bois les impuretés qu'il possède. M. Gaudoin indique également le moyen de boucher les pores du bois en le faisant chauffer au rouge et en le sou- mettant à l'action du chlorure de carbone et de divers carbures d'hydrogène. Il espère ainsi produire des char- bons électriques s'usant peu et donnant une lumière abso- lument fixe. Deft Exhibit M. Spe nes book } This Chapter. CHAPITRE XI. ÉCLAIRAGE PAR INCANDESCENCE. Emploi des tubes de Geissler. Rapport présenté à l'Académie des sciences par M. Coste, au nom de M. Gervais. Invention de M. King. — Lampe Łodyguine. Rapport de M. Wild à l'Académie de Saint-Pétersbourg. Lampe Koun. Lampe Bouliguine. Expériences faites par l'auteur sur l'éclairage par incan- descence. Lampe Chérémcteff et Fontaine. Ainsi que nous l'avons dit, l'are voltaïque convient émi- nemment pour l'éclairage des grands espaces à découvert ou des vastes salles sans cloisonnements intérieurs, mais lorsqu'il s'agit d'éclairer de petits emplacements ou de grands locaux très-subdivisés, il est beaucoup plus avanta- geux d'employer le gaz, le pétrole et même l'huile ordi- naire. Il a été fait de nombreux travaux sur la création de petits foyers électriques, mais jusqu'à ce jour aucun des moyens préconisés n'a donné des résultats pratiques. On a notam- ment cherché à éclairer avec des tubes Geissler et avec des petits charbons incandescents, et, si ces deux moyens n'ont pas réussi, ils offrent néanmoins assez d'intérêt pour que nous leur consacrions quelques pages. Chacun sait que Geissler, artiste à Bonn, a construit le premier des tubes à ampoules de formes variées, fermés hermétiquement et ne contenant que des traces de vapeurs diverses. Ces tubes, mis en communication avec un courant au moyen de fils de platine scellés dans le verre et d'une bobine Ruhmkorff, produisent une lumière stratifiée, c'est- à-dire composée de couches minces transversales séparées par des couches sombres continuellement agitées. En 206 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ELECTRICITÉ. même temps les parois des tubes présentent un éclat par- ticulier qu'on désigne sous le nom de fluorescence. Le 27 mars 1865, M. Coste a présenté à l'Académie des sciences, au nom de M. Gervais, le rapport suivant : "( L'appareil a été construit par M. Ruhmkorff, qui s'est acquitté de ce soin avec son habileté et sa complaisance habituelles. C'est une caisse ou marmite en bronze, montée sur quatre pieds, et son couvercle est hermétiquement appliqué au moyen de vis de pression serrant, entre les deux surfaces ainsi mises au contact, une rondelle annu- laire en caoutchouc. Au couvercle est attaché un anneau servant à la suspension de l'appareil optique. La caisse étanche renferme 2 éléments au bichromate de potasse, fermés à leur tour par des plaques que maintiennent des lames de cuivre solidement vissées. Les pôles du courant fourni par les 2 éléments peuvent être, à volonté, mis en communication avec la bobine, et le courant induit, fourni par celle-ci, est porté au dehors à travers la paroi inférieure du récipient, et transmis au tube de Geissler par des fils enveloppés de caoutchouc. Ce tube, d'une forme appropriée et rempli d'acide carbonique, est enfermé dans un cylindre en verre, à parois épaisses, muni d'armatures en cuivre et dans lequel l'eau ne peut pénétrer. C'est la partie éclairante de l'appareil. On obtient avec cet instru- ment une lumière douce, mais très-sensible et en tout sem- blable à celle que le génie militaire et les mineurs em- ploient maintenant. Elle ressemble sous certains rapports à celle que donnent les animaux phosphorescents, quoique plus intense. Elle peut être aperçue d'assez loin, même lorsque l'appareil fonctionne à plusieurs mètres sous l'eau. Il n'est pas douteux qu'elle ne doive, attirer le poisson, comme le fait aussi la phosphorescence de certaines espè- ces, et l'on pourrait également s'en servir pour éclairer des espaces restreints, situés au-dessous de la surface de l'eau, ÉCLAIRAGE PAR INCANDESCENCE. 207 ou pour instituer des signaux flottants. M. le capitaine de vaisseau Devoulx; commandant les côtes sud de la France, a vu fonctionner cet appareil dans le port de Cette, au mois de septembre dernier. Il est resté pendant neuf heures im- mergé, et il a éclairé pendant six heures dans ces condi- tions, bien que je l'eusse apporté tout chargé de Mont- pellier. La phosphorescence peut être de plus longue durée. Un second essai, fait à Port-Vendres, à bord du Favori (capi- taine Trotabas), m'a également réussi. » La lumière obtenue par les tubes Geissler est tellement faible, qu'on n'a jamais pu l'utiliser pratiquement et que de nombreux essais faits dans les mines et les poudreries sont restés infructueux. L'éclairage par incandescence a été étudié depuis fort longtemps; mais son application usuelle a rencontré de si grandes difficultés, qu'aujourd'hui on peut encore le consi- dérer comme du domaine purement scientifique, bien qu'il existe déjà un certain nombre d'appareils d'un assez bon fonctionnement. Le premier document que nous ayons trouvé sur la question est une patente anglaise délivrée le 4 novembre 1845. M. King, l'inventeur, entre dans des détails précis sur son idée et présente des considérations qui tendraient à prouver que des machines magnéto-électriques, assez puis- santes pour produire de la lumière, existaient déjà en 1845. Voici la traduction des passages principaux de cette patente : 1 L'invention a pour base l'emploi de conducteurs métal- liques ou de charbons continus, chauffés à blanc, par le pas- sage d'un courant électrique. Le meilleur métal pour cet usage est le platine, le meilleur charbon est celui de cornue. Quand on emploie le charbon, il est utile, à cause de son affinité pour l'oxygène à haute température, de le mettre à 208 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. l'abri de l'air et de l'humidité, comme il est indiqué figure 45. Le conducteur C repose sur un bain de mercure; la tige B est en porcelaine, elle sert à soutenir le conduc- teur C, le conducteur D est fixé sur la cloche par un joint bien hermétique. La baguette en charbon de cornue A repose, en haut et en bas, sur des blocs conducteurs et D Fro. 45. Lampe King. devient incandescente par le passage d'un courant élec- trique. Le vide est préalablement fait dans la cloche, et le mieux est d'employer un véritable baromètre en mettant un des pôles de la pile en communication avec la colonne de mercure et l'autre avec le conducteur D. Pour obtenir une lumière intermittente, on rompt pério- diquement le circuit par un mouvement d'horlogerie. ÉCLAIRAGE PAR INCANDESCENCE. 209 L'appareil, convenablement fermé, peut être appliqué à l'éclairage sous-marin ainsi qu'à l'illumination des pou- dreries, des mines, partout où l'on redoute les dangers d'explosion ou l'inflammation rapide de corps très-combus- tibles. Lorsque le courant est d'une intensité suffisante, deux ou un plus grand nombre de lumières peuvent être placées dans le même circuit, en ayant soin de régler la puissance des machines magnéto-électriques ou des éléments de la pile, produisant le courant. En 1846, Greener et Staite se firent breveter pour une lampe analogue à celle de King, en indiquant qu'il serait bon de débarrasser, avant son emploi, le charbon de ses impuretés en le traitant par l'acide nitro-muriatique. En 1849, Pétrie termine la description d'un brevet de lampe par l'indication suivante : « Une lumière peut être produite en faisant passer un courant électrique à travers un conducteur court et mince qui s'échauffe et devient lumineux; mais la plus grande partie des substances fon- dent et brûlent rapidement ; cependant j'obtiens une bonne lumière en me servant de l'iridium ou de quelques-uns de ses alliages. L'iridium peut être fondu jusqu'à produire un lingot lorsqu'il est soumis à la chaleur de l'arc voltaïque; on le décarbonise ensuite et on le rend plus malléable. Puis on le coupe par petits morceaux de 0,001 de diamètre et de 0,010 à 0,020 de longueur que l'on fixe entre deux supports métalliques isolés, lesquels sont en connexion avec les deux fils d'une batterie galvanique convenable. On obtient alors une belle lumière. » Plusieurs autres brevets ont été pris en Amérique, en France et en Angleterre dans le même ordre d'idées; mais aucun d'eux ne nous paraît plus complet, plus explicite et plus réalisable que celui de King; il est donc inutile de continuer notre nomenclature. 210 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. · L'éclairage par incandescence et le principe de sa pro- duction étaient depuis longtemps tombés dans l'oubli, lors- qu'en 1873, un physicien russe, M. Lodyguine, ressuscita l'un et l'autre et créa une petite lampe, qui fut depuis perfectionnée par MM. Konn et Bouliguine. En 1874, l'Académie des sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg décerna un grand prix à M. Lodyguine. Voici quelques extraits du rapport présenté à cette occasion par M. Wild, directeur de l'Observatoire impérial russe; ce rapport, comme on le verra, renferme plusieurs erreurs capitales: « On savait aussi depuis longtemps que l'on peut em- ployer la faculté réchauffante du courant électrique, même sans l'aide d'un gaz comme dans l'arc galvanique lumi- neux, pour chauffer au blanc un corps solide. Se basant sur ce principe, on a souvent chauffé ainsi des fils de platine minces, donc mauvais conducteurs, en les faisant traverser par un fort courant électrique. La lumière obtenue par ce prócédé est beaucoup plus faible et plus constante que la lumière électrique au charbon; elle a aussi plus de force d'extension, et peut être augmentée ou diminuée à volonté; néanmoins, elle n'a jamais trouvé un emploi pratique, parce qu'elle est trop faible en comparaison de son prix de revient, et parce qu'en voulant lui donner plus d'intensité on aboutit facilement à faire fondre le fil de platine, qui, en général, n'est pas tout à fait homogène. « C'est M. Lodyguine qui, le premier, a eu l'idée de rem- placer, dans ces expériences de combustion, le fil de pla- tine par de minces tiges d'un charbon (coke) analogue au graphite, c'est-à-dire bon conducteur, et par là il a résolu le problème de l'éclairage électrique. « Les avantages de cette substitution du charbon au platine sautent tellement aux yeux aussi au point de vue théorique, que l'on est tout étonné comme cela est d'ail- leurs le cas pour beaucoup d'importantes inventions — de ÉCLAIRAGE PAR INCANDESCENCE. 211 ce qu'on n'en ait pas eu l'idée plus tôt. Le charbon possède, à température égale, un pouvoir beaucoup plus grand de rayonnement que le platine; la capacité calorique du pla- tine est supérieure (presque du double) à celle du charbon en question, bon conducteur, de sorte que la même quan- lité de calorique élève la température d'une petite tige de ce charbon à un degré presque deux fois plus élevé qu'elle ne le fait pour un fil de platine du même volume. En outre, la résistance du charbon en question, comme conducteur d'électricité, est environ 250 fois plus grande que celle du platine; il en résulte que la petite tige de, charbon peut être 15 fois plus épaisse qu'une tige de platine de la même longueur et que le courant qui la traverse engen- drera la même quantité de chaleur. Enfin, le charbon peut être chauffé au blanc jusqu'au degré le plus extrême sans qu'on ait à en redouter la fusion, comme c'est le cas pour le platine. C'est à ces importants avantages théo- riques que l'on doit évidemment le grand succès du mode d'éclairage électrique de M. Lodyguine « Le seul inconvénient de l'emploi du charbon au lieu du platine consiste en ce que, dans la combustion, le charbon se combine avec l'oxygène de l'air et se consume ainsi peu à peu. Mais M. Lodyguine a déjà paré à cet inconvénient en enfermant le charbon chauffé au blanc par le courant électrique dans un récipient. en verre hermétiquement clos et de l'intérieur duquel l'oxygène est expulsé par un pro- cédé des plus simples. « Il n'appartient d'ailleurs pas à l'Académie des sciences de donner son jugement ni, d'un côté, sur ces difficultés techniques et d'autres encore qui se présenteront dans l'application en grand de l'invention de M. Lodyguine, ni. d'un autre côté, sur les nombreux avantages pratiques de ce mode d'éclairage comparativement à tous les autres ; il suffira à l'Académie d'avoir constaté que, gràce à cette 212 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. invention, se trouve résolu, de la manière la plus simple possible, le grand problème de diviser la lumière électrique et de la rendre constante', pour reconnaître M. Lodyguine, en considération des nombreuses applications utiles de son invention, digne d'obtenir le prix Lomonossow..» Dans sa lampe, M. Lodyguine employait des crayons d'une seule pièce en diminuant leur section à l'endroit du foyer lumineux, et il plaçait deux charbons dans un même appareil avec un petit commutateur extérieur, pour faire passer le courant dans le deuxième charbon quand le pre- mier était usé. Rien de moins pratique et de moins étudié que les appareils de cet inventeur. M. Kosloff, de Saint-Pétersbourg, qui vint en France dans l'espoir d'exploiter le brevet Lodyguine, perfectionna un peu sa lampe, sans cependant aboutir à quelque chose de passable. En 1875, M. Konn, également de Saint-Pétersbourg, fit breveter une lampe plus pratique, que nous représentons figure 46, et qui a été construite pour la première fois, en France, par M. Duboscq. Cette lampe se compose d'un socle A en cuivre sur lequel sont fixées deux bornes N pour attacher les conduc- teurs, deux tiges C, D en cuivre et une petite soupape K, ne s'ouvrant que de dedans en dehors. Un globe B, évasé à sa partie supérieure, est retenu sur le socle au moyen d'un écrou en bronze L pressant sur une bague en caout- chouc, exactement comme cela a lieu dans les niveaux d'eau de chaudières à vapeur. Une des tiges verticales D est isolée électriquement du bàti et communique avec une borne également isolée. L'autre tige C est formée de deux parties: 1° d'un tube fixé 4. On verra dans la suite combien le problème a été peu résolu par M. Lodyguine. * M E B G D FIG. 46. Lampe Konn. K 214 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. directement sur le socle sans isolation, et 2° d'une ba- guette. de cuivre, fendue dans une partie de sa longueur. Cette fente lui donne de l'élasticité et lui permet de cou- lisser dans le tube tout en restant fixe, si l'on n'exerce pas sur elle un certain effort. Les charbons de cornue E, au nombre de 5, sont placés entre les deux petits plateaux qui couronnent les tiges. Chaque charbon est introduit dans deux petits blocs, également en charbon, lesquels reçoivent des baguettes de cuivre à leurs extrémités. Les baguettes sont égales entre elles à la partie inférieure et de longueurs inégales à la partie supérieure. Une charnière I est articulée sur la tige C et repose sur la baguette d'un seul charbon à la fois. Si l'on place cette lampe dans un circuit en attachant les deux conducteurs d'une pile aux bornes NN' (la borne N' est cachée par la borne N; mais elle est identique et n'est pas isolée du socle), la tige de carbone E est traversée par le courant qui passe par l'intermédiaire de la charnière I, de la baguette de cuivre F, des deux blocs de charbon 0, 0, de la baguette de cuivre G et du plateau couronnant la tige D. Le vide a été préalablement effectué en plaçant sur l'aju- tage de K le conduit d'une pompe à air ou d'une machine pneumatique quelconque. La tige E rougit, blanchit et devient lumineuse. Sa lu- mière est d'abord blanche, fixe, constante; puis petit à petit la section diminue, la tige se rompt et la lumière disparaît. La charnière I tombe alors sur une autre tige, et, presque instantanément, l'éclairage est rétabli. Quand tous les charbons sont usés, la charnière s'arrête sur une tige en cuivre H et le courant n'est pas rompu. De cette manière, s'il y a plusieurs lampes alimentées par un même générateur d'électricité, l'extinction de l'une n'en- traîne pas celle des autres. ÉCLAIRAGE PAR INCANDESCENCE. 215 Pour éviter la projection des petits charbons rompus et de leurs blocs contre le verre, M. Konn a placé à la partie inférieure de sa lampe un tube mince en cuivre M, qui reçoit les débris jusqu'à ce qu'on garnisse de nouveau les plateaux. Trois de ces lampes ont été installées depuis deux ans chez M. Florent, négociant à Saint-Pétersbourg, et mises en action avec une machine de l'Alliance. Chaque charbon dure environ deux heureş, à l'exception du premier, qui se consume presque immédiatement; la lumière est très- agréable, mais son prix de revient dépasse notablement celui du gaz. M. Florent, que nous avons eu occasion de voir plusieurs fois, nous a dit que le grand avantage qu'il avait trouvé dans l'emploi de l'éclairage électrique était dans sa propreté. Ses magasins renferment beaucoup de linge blanc, que le gaz altérait rapidement et sur lequel l'électricité n'exerce aucune fàcheuse influence. Le blan- chissage économisé compense largement les frais supplé- mentaires nécessités par une installation importante, eu égard au peu de lumière obtenue. Aucune expérience photométrique n'a été faite chez M. Florent; mais, en comparant avec le gaz, on évalue que chaque lampe Konn donne environ 20 becs Carcel. La cause principale de la dépense exagérée qu'entraîne l'emploi de la lumière par incandescence, réside dans la difficulté de préparer les petits charbons, qui reviennent, en place, à plus de 5 francs le mètre. Un officier russe, M. Bouliguine, a combiné une lampe (fig. 47) qui atteint à peu près le même but que celle de M. Konn avec un seul charbon. Elle se compose, comme la précédente, d'un socle en cuivre, de deux tiges verticales, de deux barres de prise de courants et d'une soupape d'évacuation. Une des tiges est percée d'un petit trou du haut en bas et 216 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. possède, sur presque toute sa longueur, une fente per- mettant le passage de deux petites oreilles latérales. Le charbon est introduit dans cette tige comme la mine d'un porte-crayon ordinaire, et il est sollicité à monter par des contre-poids reliés au moyen de deux câbles microsco- piques, aux oreilles du support en croix sur lequel repose le charbon. La partie du charbon qui doit entrer en incandescence est retenue entre les lèvres de deux blocs coniques en charbon de cornue. Une vis, placée sous le socle, permet d'augmenter ou de diminuer la longueur de la tige qui porte le bloc conique supérieur, et, par suite, de donner à la partie lumineuse une plus ou moins grande longueur. La fermeture du globe est obtenue par la pression laté- rale de plusieurs rondelles en caoutchouc. Lorsque la lampe est placée dans un circuit, la baguette de charbon rougit et s'illumine jusqu'à ce qu'elle vienne à se rompre. A ce moment un petit mécanisme¹ commandé par un électro-aimant ouvre les lèvres des porte-charbons, le contre-poids du haut chasse les fragments qui pourraient rester dans l'entaille, les contre-poids du bas relèvent la tige en charbon, laquelle pénètre dans le bloc supérieur et rétablit le courant. Le mécanisme commandé par l'électro-aimant agit de nouveau, mais en sens inverse de sa première manœuvre, les porte-crayons se resserrent et la lumière renaît. Nous avons, à plusieurs reprises, expérimenté cette lampe et nous n'avons jamais obtenu de très-bons résultats. 1. Le mécanisme en question, que l'exiguïté de notre dessin ne nous a pas permis de figurer, se compose en substance d'une armature en fer placée dans l'intérieur de la lampe et de deux tringles métalliques agissant sur deux leviers croisés et articulés sur la bague enveloppant les porte- charbons. LE. BOURZELIN F FIG. 47. Lampe Bouliguine, 218 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. Elle renferme trop d'organes en mouvement, et le moindre obstacle empêche le mécanisme de jouer. Cependant nous avons observé que lorsque par hasard elle fonctionnait régulièrement, les contacts étant meilleurs et moins nom- breux que ceux de la lampe Konn, il fallait moins d'inten- sité de courant pour la production d'un éclat lumineux déterminé. Avec une machine Gramme de 100 becs, nous avons obtenu avec une seule lampe jusqu'à 80 becs, tandis qu'avec une lampe Konn nous ne pouvions jamais dépasser 60 becs. Pour bien nous rendre compte de la valeur réelle du sys- tème d'éclairage par incandescence, nous avons fait faire, sous nos yeux, une série d'expériences avec plusieurs lampes Konn et une pile Bunsen de 48 éléments de 0,20 de hauteur. La première opération a consisté dans la mesure des ré- sistances du charbon de cornue à section carrée. Les échantillons essayés avaient 0,002 de côté. Voici les résul- tats de huit expériences: NUMÉROS LONGUEUR DES EXPÉRIENCES. DES ÉCHANTILLONS. RÉSISTANCE EN MÈTRES de fil télégraphique. 1 ས 2 3 4 20 0m, 100 0,100 0,100 16m 14 13 0,100 14,50 5 0,100 19 6 0,050 7 7 0,050 9 8 0,050 7 TOTAUX.... 0,650 101m,50 D'où il résulte que la résistance linéaire moyenne du charbon de cornue de 0,002 est d'environ 172, celle d'un fil télégraphique de 0,004 étant prise pour unité. 1 ÉCLAIRAGE PAR INCANDESCENCE. 219 On a ensuite arrondi les charbons jusqu'à réduire leur diamètre à 0,0016 et réglé leur longueur de manière à obtenir 0,018 de partie incandescente. Le vidẹ était obtenu à environ 0",70 de mercure. Les résultats ci-dessous représentent les moyennes de plus de 20 séries d'expériences. ÉTAT DU CIRCUIT. MODES DE COUPLAGE DE LA PILE. 2 SÉRIES PARALLELES de 24 éléments. Indication du galvanomètre. Intensité lumineuse de chaque lampe. 3 SÉRIES PARALLÈLES de 16 éléments. Indication du galvanomètre. Intensité lumineuse de chaque lampe. 4 SÉRIES PARALLÈLES de 12 éléments. Indication du galvanomètre. Intensité lumineuse de chaque lampe. 1 SEULE SÉRIE DE 48 ÉLÉMENTS Indication du galvanomètrc. en tension. Intensité lumineuse de chaque lampe. Circuit fer- mé sur lui- même.... 47 5 lampes.. 28 >> 70 >> 70 >> 50 >> Rouge 17 Rouge 10 Rouge 35 1/2 bec. blanc. cerise. ou 11 sombre. 4 lampes. 29 1/2 bec. 22 Rouge 16 Rouge 38 2 becs 1/2. blanc. orangé. 3 lampes.. 38 1 à 2 becs. 2 lampes.. 40 3 becs. 28 1/3 de bec. 26 1/4 de bec. 41 3 becs 1/2. 41 à 42 1 lampe.... 43 4 à 49 5 becs. 2 becs 1/2 à 3 becs. 11 à 12 bees. 40 3 à 5 becs. 44 ö becs. à 45 60 40 becs. 45 6 becs 1/2 à 46 à 7 becs. Les lampes étaient groupées comme les éléments d'une pile en tension, elles formaient donc une série unique. Dans le tableau suivant sont consignés les résultats obtenus avec des lampes assemblées en batteries, c'est- à-dire sur des courants distincts dérivés de la pile. A cause des différences notables reconnues dans les intensités des lumières de chaque lampe, pendant la même expérience, • 220 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ÉLECTRICITÉ. nous donnons la lumière totale au lieu de celle produite par chaque lampe. ÉTAT DU CIRCUIT. MODES DE COUPLAGE DE LA PILE. 2 SÉRIES PARALLÈLES de 24 éléments. 3 SERIES PARALLÈLES do 16éléments. Indication du galvanomètre. Totalité de la luniière émise l'ensemble des lampes. Indication par du galvanomètre. Totalité -- de la lumière émise par l'ensemblo des lampes 4 SÉRIES PARALLÈLES de 12 éléments. Indication dan galvanomètre. Totalité de la lumière émise par l'ensemble des lampos. 8 SÉRÍES PARALLÈLES de 6 éléments. Indication du galvanomètre. Totalité de la lumière émise par l'ensemble des lampes. Circuit fermé sur lui-même 58 1/2 5 lampes....57 lampes. 56 1/2 • 3 lampes... 56 2 lampes....55. 5 becs. 60 >> 68 >> 69 70 >> >>> 64 1/2 1/4 de bec. 63 1/2 2 bees 1/2. 60 >> >> 63 3/4 de bec. 63 3 bers. 39 >> 1 bec. 61 1/2 2 bees. 62 4 bees. 58 3/4 de bee 6 bees 1/2.39 1 lampe... 52.1/2 9 becs. 571/2 54 bees. 5 ་་་ 13 bees 1/2.35 63 bees. Lbee 1/2. 4:6 8 bees. Plusieurs observations importantes ont été faites pendant les expériences. Quand les récipients sont étanches et les contacts soi- gneusement mis d'aplomb, les charbons ont une durée satisfaisante. Le premier charbon d'une lampe ne dure jamais moins d'un quart d'heure, quelquefois il ne se brise) qu'au bout de 30 à 35 minutes, mais cela est très-rare, sa durée moyenne est de 21 minutes. Les charbons qui succè dent, durent en moyenne 2 heures, à moins cependant que l'intensité lumineuse n'atteigne 40 bees, auquel cas ils ne durent en moyenne qu'une demi-heure. Dans l'expérience des 4 séries parallèles de 12 éléments, les 5 lampes étant assemblées en batteries et une seule allumée, le charbon, qui donnait 65 becs, n'a duré que 23 minutes en moyenne. L'examen attentif des charbons incandescents, à travers un verre fortement coloré, a montré qu'ils ne sont pas ÉCLAIRAGE PAR INCANDESCENCE. 221 uniformément brillants. Ils présentent des taches obscures, indices de non-homogénéité et siéges de gerçures qui désagrégent rapidement le chiarbon. Le vide n'étant jamais parfait dans les récipients, le premier charbon est brûlé en grande partie. Il semble qu'ensuite, le peu d'oxygène contenu dans la lampe étant transformé en acide carbonique et oxyde de carbone, le charbon doive se conserver indéfiniment. Mais il se produit alors une sorte d'évaporation qui continue à ruiner lente- ment les baguettes incandescentes. Cette évaporation est d'ailleurs nettement prouvée par un dépôt pulyérulent de charbon sublimé qu'on trouve sur la surface intérieure des cloches, sur les diverses pièces intérieures: tiges, contacts, charnières, etc. Aucune cloche n'a été cassée par chaleur ou refroidisse- ment pendant toutes les expériences qui ont duré plusieurs mois, mais plusieurs ont eu leur col brisé par le serrage trop énergique du joint. La partie délicate de la lampe est dans la série des contacts qui précèdent la baguette incandescente. On n'ob- tient l'aplomb des charbons, indispensable à leur durée, qu'avec des précautions minutieuses et longues. Après rupture, le contact ne se reforme pas toujours automatique- ment, et une fois sur trois on est obligé de secouer la lampe pour provoquer l'allumage du charbon suivant. Les rendements maxima ont constamment été ceux obtenus avec une seule lampe et avec 4 éléments de quan- tité; dès qu'on employait deux lampes ou qu'on descendait à 2 éléments de quantité, les résultats étaient considérable- ment diminués. Nous avons fait tout récemment les mêmes expériences avec des charbons artificiels Gaudoin de même section que les premiers, et les résultats ont été plus satisfaisants, Ainsi la lumière totale produite avec 48 éléments en 222 ECLAIRAGE A L'ELECTRICITÉ. · 4 séries et une seule lampe a atteint 80 becs, et celle duite avec la même pile et 3 lampes a atteint 30 becs. pro- La même pile, couplée en tension et agissant sur une lampe Serrin, donnait un arc voltaïque de 105 becs; mais la lumière obtenue par incandescence était beaucoup plus fixe et plus agréable aux yeux. De ce qui précède il paraît résulter que le procédé King et Lodyguine est beaucoup plus favorable aux grands foyers qu'à la divisibilité de la lumière électrique; cepen- dant il convient de remarquer que lorsqu'on ne dépasse pas 10 becs par lampe, les charbons ont une assez longue durée, tandis qu'ils s'usent très-vite pour une intensité de 60 et 80 becs. • Les charbons de 0,0016 de diamètre et 0,018 de lon- gueur lumineuse étaient jusqu'alors les seuls que nous ayons essayés; ils se comportaient assez bien avec un fort courant, mais ne donnaient aucune lumière avec 12 élé- ments. Il était intéressant de chercher quelle lumière on peut obtenir avec 12 éléments en diminuant la longueur des charbons. Ce fut le but d'une nouvelle série d'expé- riences. Cinq combinaisons diverses ont été tentées, en faisant varier tour à tour le couplage de la pile, le diamètre du charbon et sa longueur. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus avec une lampe unique garnie de charbons Gaudoin de 0,0016 de diamètre et de 0,015 de partie incandescente. La lumière constatée a varié entre 2 et 8 becs, elle a été le plus souvent de 5 becs. Chaque charbon a duré 15 mi- nutes en moyenne. Nous devions reprendre toutes ces expériences, en substi- tuant à la pile une machine Gramme combinée pour donner le meilleur effet utile possible; mais les imperfec- tions des lampes, la difficulté d'obtenir de bons contacts, Q. TURIAD Fic. 48. Lampe II. Fontaine. . 224 ÉCLAIRAGE A L'ELECTRICITÉ. les soins trop minutieux à prendre au commencement de chaque opération, nous ont décidé à étudier préalablement une lampe un peu plus commode et un peu plus pratique que celle de M. Konn. Cette lampe, que nous représentons figure 48, est actuel- lement en construction chez M. Bréguet. Elle est carac- térisée par les deux points suivants : 1° les charbons sout encastrés par chacune de leurs extrémités dans des contacts rigides et maintenus fixes, ce qui permet de faire fonc- tionner la lampe dans toutes les positions; 2° le courant électrique passe. automatiquement d'un charbon à l'autre par l'action d'un électro-aimant intercalé dans le circuit. Une description, même sommaire, n'aurait pas un grand intérêt, puisque la lampe n'est pas encore exécutée; le dessin indique d'ailleurs suffisamment le dispositif que nous avons adopté pour réaliser notre projet. • Plati No. 8 g m III. 个 ​e & m Rind Corley Bark or 2 る ​b wood Plate 1 Tie Woods. ее Define Exogenous - Analony- In the Exogenous plant the rind Contains the Platt the Bast. Plate no 2 K. J i hq f E d c 6 a to 70 100 100 Q0) 100 100 00 00000 00 Οθ 100 Liriodendron tulifugera .I B A B NOR White Wood 시 ​O ป A A 0000 A A 0,010 $200 20030 3460 onic B- -B A B 090 OC No. 44 Willow B A A No.6. Rock Elm. 808 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 8988 시 ​3 JAW D F Nola Corn. מנות [ B -.A - B No.7. (Houng Stem) Bamboo. A B-- E - A A.B с A 1009 - B (Old stem) No.9 Bamboo. P O B A A No.9. Bamboo. carbon Fig 4 carbon fiq 1 d. h Carbon K h fiq 2 B a kh faq 2 1/2 a fiq 3. Carbon Eero EL Co es Metrespurt Co Edison Exhibet. aftegningen pendents Exhibit / WOT, S.E. WHM Notary public My Co g EDISON'S LIGHT. Com & Le cucheerbent Co dreftextuiri Ng r 1 bald babilog 6.9.I వడి "Edison's Exhibit To 2. NEW YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER. 21, 1879.-QUADRUPLE SHEET-WITH SUPPLEMENT. such closing making a new passage for the electric current and cutting it off from the incandescent platinum. When the latter contracted, as it did the moment the heat was lessened, the lever returned to its normal position and allowed the electric current to again pass through the platinum. By this device the inventor hoped to be able to keep the incandes- cent platinum always below its melting point. The lows:- The Great Inventor's Triumph in contrivance is described in his first patent as fol- Electric Illumination. THE FIRST LIGHT. "Electric lights have been produced by a coil or strip of platinum or other metal that requires a high temperature to melt, the electric current rendering the same incandescent. In all such lights there is A SCRAP OF PAPER. danger of the metal melting. My improvement is made for regulating the electric current automat- ically passing through such incandescent conductor, and preventing its temperature rising to the melting It Makes a Light, Without Gas or point, thus producing a reliable electric light." Flame, Cheaper Than Oil. TRANSFORMED IN THE FURNACE Complete Details of the Perfected Carbon Lamp. FIFTEEN MONTHS MONTHS OF TOIL. Story of His Tireless Experiments with Lamps, Burners and Generators. SUCCESS IN A COTTON THREAD. The Wizard's Byplay, with Ecdily Pain and Gold "Tailings." FIGURE 1. b d 【雞 ​f C E "Fig. 1 shows one form of the device. The incan- descent metal is in the form of a double spiral A, the two ends terminating upon the posts b, c, to which the conductors d, E, are conuected. A circuit closing lever, f, is introduced in the electric circuit, HISTORY OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING. the points of contact being at i, and there is a pla- i The near approach of the first public exhibition of Edison's long looked for electric light, announced to take place on New Year's Eve at Menlo Park, on which occasion that place will be illuminated with the new light, has revived public interest in the great inventor's work, and throughout the civilized world scientists and people generally are anxiously awaiting the result. From the beginning of his ex- periments in electric lighting to the present time Mr. Edison has kept his laboratory, guardedly, closed, and no authoritative account (except that published in the HERALD some months ago relating to his first patent) of any of the important steps of his progress has been made public-a course of pro cedure the inventor found absolutely necessary for his own protection. The HERALD is now, however, enabled to present to its readers a full and accurate account of his work from its inception to its com- pletion. A LIGHTED PAPER. Edison's electric light, incredible as it may appear, is produced from a little piece of paper-a tiny strip of paper that a breath would blow away. Through this little strip of paper is passed an electric cur- rent, and the result is a bright, beautiful light, like the mellow sunset of an Italian autumn. in- "But paper instantly burns, even under the trifling heut of a callow raude exclaims the sceptic, and how, then, can it withstand the fierce heat of an electric current ?" Very true, but Edison makes the little piece of paper more infusible than platinum, 'more durable than granite. And this volves no complicated process. The paper is merely baked in an oven until all its elements have passed away except its carbon framework. The latter is then placed in a glass globe connected with the wires leading to the electricity producing machine, and the air exhausted from the globe. Then the apparatus is ready to give out a light that produces no deleterious gases, no. smoke, no offensive odors-a light without flame, without danger, requiring no matches to. ignite, giving out but little heat, vitiating no air, and free from all flickering; a light that is a little globe of Bunshine, a veritable Aladdin's lamp. And this light, the inventor claims, can be produced cheaper than that from the cheapest oil. Were it not for the phonograph, the quadruplex tele- graph, the telephone and the various other remarkable productions of the great inventor the world might well hesitate to accept bis assurance that such a beneficent result had been obtained, but, as it is, his past achievements in science are suf- ficient guarantee that his claims, are not without foundation, even though for months past the press of Europe and America has teemed with disserta- tions and expositions from learned scientists rid- iculing Edison and showing that it was impos- sible for him to achieve that which he has undertaken. HIS FIRST ATTENTION TO ELECTRIC LIGHTING. When Edison began his experiments in Septem- ber, 1878, be had just returned from the inspiring scenery of the Rocky Mountains, where he had been enjoying a little recreation after sev- eral months of hard labor. He was ripe for fields and enterprises new. A visit to a Connec- ticut factory where an electric light, was used con- centrated his thoughts on the subject of lighting by electricity, and he determined to attack the problem. Previous to this time, although he had roamed broadcast over the domain of electricity. wresting from it, as is well known, many of its hid- den secrets, Edison had scarcely thought of the subtle fluid in connection with practical illumina- tion. Now, however, he bent all his energies on the subject, and was soon deep in the bewildering intricacies of subdivision, magneto currents, resist- ance laws and the various other branches going to make up a system of lighting by electricity. The task before the young inventor was divisible into two parts. 4 First-The producing of a pure, steady and relia- ble light from electricity; and Second-Producing it so cheaply that it could com- pete with gas for general illumination. HE CHOOSES INCANDESCENCE. Of the two systems before him-viz., voltaic arc and the incandescence system, Edison chose the latter as his field of operations. Prominent among the difficulties incident to incandescent lighting, it will be remembered, was the liability of the plati- num (when that metal was used) to melt under the intense heat of the electric current, and the liability of the carbon, when that was employed, to gradually become dissipated under the combined action of gases and the electric current. THE PLATINUM LIGHT. As between platinum and carbon as the substance to be made incandescent, Edison took up platinum and devoted first his attention to the obtaining of, some device to prevent the platinum from melting under the intense heat of the electric current. An ingenious and simple contrivance met the require- ment. He arranged a small lever, about three inches long, so that the expansion of the platinum (caused by the heat) beyond a certain degree would close it, tina, or similar wire, K. connected with the lever, f, to the headpiece or other support, 1. The current from a magneto machine is connected with the wires E and d., The current then flows from E to the post, c, thence around the platinum spiral to b, and is carried off by the wine, d. Now, when the rod, k, of platinum becomes heated to too great intensity its expansion closes the lever, f, and the current then passes from E, through f, and not through the spiral at all. In this way the lever cuts off the current every time the heat becomes too intense." Numerous other devices of a similar character were tried and for a while they all worked satisfac- torily, but the inventor finally discovered that the constant expansion of the platinum rod k and its pressure upon the lever i bent it so that it became unreliable and it was, therefore, abandoned. THE SECOND PLATINUM LAMP. The next regulator was in the form of a diaphragm, which cut off the electric current from the platinum every time the diaphragm was pressed outward be- yond a fixed limit by the heated air. The regulation thus produced was so rapid that the eye could not perceive any dimination in the strength of the cur- rent. But this also was inadequate in many respects. The next important modification in the light was the substitution for the platinum spiral of finely divided platinum incorporated with non-conducting material. When the electric current was passed through the combination the platinum particles became incandescent and the non-conduct- ing material incorporated with them became In- minous and increased the brilliancy. One ad- vantage by this form not previously attained was that a very weak electric current produced a good light. THE BOBBIN LAMP. After this followu i cvice to dingstore light-giving surface, the platinum being wound in the form of a small bobbin, first having been coated with a non-conducting coating that was not injured by the heat. With this arrangement a new form of regulator was used. The lamp at this stage is shown in figure 2. f FIGURE 2. B d g mwele A is the incandescent bobbin, between the coils of which is a coating of magnesia. The top of the bob- bin has a metallic cap connected to the lever, d. A spring, C, draw's the rod, B. downward with consider- able pressure, and this, of course, places pressure on the top of the bobbin, thus keeping the wire in con- tact with the upper end of the coil. The bobbin, A, expands as a whole by the heat and draws the rod, B, upward. This brings the lever attached upward and allows the lever, E, to come in contact with the screw, f, permitting the current to find a passage other than that afforded by the incandescent ma- terial. The inventor next followed with a new regulator and a meter for measuring the amount of electricity used; also an automatic switch connecting the regu- lator with the line leading to the machine for gen- erating the electric current. THE REFLECTOR LIMP. The next was a unique idea, making the platinum give the light as it were by proxy. By means of a reflector he concentrated the heat rays of the pla- tinum upon a piece of zircon, causing the latter to become luminous. Figure 3 shows the apparatus. FIGURE 3. A is a mass of non-conducting material, b is an air space, c is a polished reflector of copper coated with heated by the passage of the electric current through it, E is a thin piece of zircon that receives the heat rays thrown off by the reflector, C, which heat rays bring up the zircon, E, to vivid incandesence, making it give out a light much more brilliant than the light of the platinum spiral, C. With this form Mr. Edison tried numerous experiments, and from time to time made many alterations and improvements, but eventually the apparatus was placed in the category of non-suc- cosses. ANOTHER SPIRAL. Realizing from the first the necessity of the light giving substance offering much resistance to the passage of the electric current-a necessity in ex- tensive subdivision of the light-the inventor throughout his experiments kept a close watch for substances and forms that gave suitable resistances." In figure 4 is shown a form of lamp disconnecter from the regulating apparatus, which largely em- bodied the above requirement and for a time gave good results. FIGURE 4. A is a spiral of carbon with two large ends, B, c. connecting with the wires leading to the machine for generating the current. This device was tried for several weeks, but did not, as a whole, give satis faction. EVERY MAN HIS OWN ELECTRIC LIGHTER. Branching off from the line of investigation ho had been previously following Mr. Edison at this time began experimenting with a view to having the light produced locally-i. e., arranging for each house- bolder to become his own manufacturer of light. thus dispensing with mains and central stations. The apparatus which he used for this purpose is shown in figure 5:-- FIGURE 5. R 8 R is an induction coil such as are used by peri- patetic showmen at fairs and other places when they give electric shocks to inquiring sightseers at so much per shock. It is operated by two cells of bat- tery, B, and wires lead from it to the glass tubing, T, from which the air has previously been extracted, and the passage of the electric current through the tubing gives out a light. This plan is analogous to what is known as the Ge sler tube arrangement, the difference being ju the form of the tube and the ex- treme smallness of the bore and also in the degree of vacuum produced. Mr. Edison succeeded by this arrangement in obtaining a light of several candle power with a moderately powerful induction coil. The light, however, was not the one sought after so persistently by the inventor, and so it took its place in that part of his laboratory occupied by inventions not in use. OSMIUM-IRIDIUM. Once more Mr. Edison made a departure. He moulded powdered metallic oxides in the form of sticks and subjected them to a very high tempera- ture. In this connection he obtained very fine re- sults from the native alloy of osmium-iridium called iridosmine, which alloy he used in the form of a powder enclosed in a tube of zircon. The electric current passing through the same brought it to a beautiful incandescence. CARBON AND PLATINUM. The inventor's next important move was the adap- tion of carbon in connection with platinum as the substances to be made incandescent. He caused a slender rod of carbon to, rest upon another of plati- num, the inferiority of contact between the two at their point of meating was using a registrace to the Lassage of the electric current and causing the car- son to become highly incandescent, while the plati- num attained only a dull red heat. The carbon rod was kept pressing upon the platinum by a weight ingeniously arranged. A dozen or more forms of this lamp were made; but, after all, the inventor was obliged to return to platinum as the substance most suitable, all things considered, for being made in- candescent. Fortwo months he worked at platinum day and night, only to aud that platinum, as he had been using it, was entirely worthless for incandes- cent lighting. To many experimenters this would have proved a discouragement perhaps fatal, but it had the effect only of increasing Edison's deter- mination. THE CRACKS IN PLATINUM. After scores of new experiments he arrived at the true causes of the defects and hastened to apply the remedy. I have found, he writes, that when wires or sheets of platinum, iridium or other metal- lic conductors of electricity that fuse at a high tem- perature are exposed to a high temperature near their melting point in air for several hours by pass- ing a current of electricity through them and then are allowed to cool, the mictal is found to be rup- tured, and under the microscope there are revealed myriads of cracks in various directions, many of which reach nearly to the centre of the wire. I have also discovered that, contrary to the received notion, platinum or platinum and iridium alloy loses weight when exposed to the heat of a candle; that even heated air causes it to lose weight; that the loss is so great a hydrogen flame is tinged green. After a time the metal falls to pieces; hence wire or sheets of platinum or platinum and iridium alloy as now known in commerce are useless for giving light by incandescence- First-Because the loss of weight makes it expen- sive and unreliable and causes the burner to be rapidly destroyed. Second-Because its electrical resistance changes by loss in weight, and its light-giving power for the total surface is greatly reduced by the cracks or ruptures. The melting point also is determined by the weak- est spot of the metal. PLATINUM IN VACUO. By my invention or discovery I am able to prevent the deterioration of the platinum or its alloys by cutting off or intercepting the atmospheric action. A spiral wire or other forms of platiuum is placed in a glass tube or bulb, with the wire near its ends passing through and sealed in the glass, and the air is exhausted from the glass. The platinum wires of the spiral are then connected to a magneto-electric machine or battery, the current of which can be con- trolled by the addition of resistance. Sufficient cur- rent is allowed to pass through the wire to bring it to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit. It is then allowed to remain at this temperature for ten or fifteen min- utes. While thus heated both the air and gases confined in the metal are expelled by the heat or withdrawn by the vacuum action. While this air or the gases are passing out of the metal the mercury pump is kept continually work- ling. After the expiration of about fifteen minutes the current passing through the metal is augmented so that its temperature will be about 300 deg. Fahrenheit, and it is allowed to remain at this temperature for another ten or fifteen minutes. The mercury pump is to be worked continuously and the temperature of the spiral raised at intervals of ten or fifteen minutes until it attains vivid in- candescence and the glass is contracted where it has passed to the pump and melted together. BRILLIANT RESULTS. The wire is now in a perfect vacuum and in a state heretofore unknown, for it may have its tempera- ture raised to a most dazzling incandescence, emit- ting a light of twenty-five standard candles, whereas before treatment the same radiating surface gave a light of only about three standard candles. The wires after being thus free from gases are found to have a polish exceeding that of silver and obtainable by no other means. No cracks can be seen even after the spiral has been raised suddenly to incandescence many times by the current, and the most delicate balance fails to show any loss of weight in the wire even after it is burning for many hours contian- ously. I have further discovered that if an alloy magnesia and subjected to the vacuum process described, a combination takes place between the metal and the oxide, giving the former remarkable, properties. With a spiral having a radiating surface of 3-16 of an inch light equal to that given by forty standard candles may be obtained, whereas the same spiral, not coated by my process, would melt before giving a light of four candles. The effect of the oxide of magnesia is to barden the wire to, a surprising extent and render it more refractory. spiral made of this wire is elastic and springy when at high incandescence. I have found that chemically pure iron and nickel drawn in wires and subjected to the vacuum process may be made to give a light equalling that of platinum in the open air. Carbon sticks also may be freed from air in this manner and be brought to a temperature where the carbon becomes pasty and ou cooling it is homogeneous and hard. THE FIRST PLATINUM VACUUM LAMP. About this time another truth dawned upon the Inventor-namely, that economy in the production of light from incandescence demanded that the in- candescent substance should offer a very great re- sistance to the passage of the electric current. Con- cerning this the inventor writes: "It is essential to reverse the present practice of having lamps of but one or two ohms (electrical units) resistance and construct lamps which, when giving their proper Aght, shall have at least two hundred ohms resist- auce." The lamp, as it stood at this stage of the inventor's Progress, is shown in figure 6. FIGURE 6. a 5 k a is the burner or incandescent platinum in the shape of a bobbin supported within the vacuum tube, b, by a rod, b', of the same material as the bobbin. The vacuum tube, b, is sustained by the case, k, and around said tube, b, is a glass globe, 1. in the case, is k, a Hexible metallic i colt aiaber, L, that opens into the glass case, so the air. when expanded toy heat, car pass anthoneroid Chamber nur so metioning fible diaphragm, x, and parts connected there with. When the current circulating around the bobbin, a, becomes too intense and heats the latter too highly the air within the glass case, 1, is ex- panded and bulges downward by the diaphragm, x, and the pin thereon pressing upon the spring, 5, and separating said spring from the block, 6, breaks the circuit to the burner. The temperature within the globe, 1, lowers immediately and the parts return to their normal position, closing the circuit through the burner to 5 and 6. This open- ing and closing of the circuit is but momentary, and, therefore, the uniform brilliancy of the light is not affected and there is no danger of the burner becoming too highly heated. PERFECTING THE MACHINERY. The lamp, after these latter improvements, was in quite a satisfactory condition, and the inventor contemplated with much gratification the near con- clusion of his labors. One by one he had overcome the many difficulties that lay in his path. He had brought up platinum as a substance for illumina- tion from a state of comparative worthlessness to one well nigh perfection. He had succeeded, by a curious combination and improvement in air pumps, .in obtaining a vacuum of nearly one mill- ionth of an atmosphere, and he had perfected a gen- erator or electricity producing machine (for all the time he had been working at lamps he was also ex- perimenting in magneto-electric machines) that gave ont some ninety per cent in electricity of the energy it received from the riving engine. In a word, all the serious obstacles toward the success of iucan.. descent electric lighting, he believed, had melted away, and there renained but a comparatively few minor details to be arranged before his laboratory was to be thrown open for public inspection and the light given to the world for better or for worse. A GREAT DISCOVERY, Y There occurred, however, at this juncture a dis- covery that materially changed the system and gave a rapid stride toward the perfect electric lamp. Sit- ting one night in his laboratory reflecting on some of the unfinishel details, Edison began abstractedly rolling between his fingers a piece of compressed lampblack mixed with tar for use in bis telephone. For several minutes his thoughts continued far away, his fingers in the meantime mechanically rolling out the little piece of tarred lampblack until it had become a slender filament. Happening to glance at it the idea occurred to him that it might give good result as a burner if made incandescent. A few minutes later the experiment was tried, and, to the inventor's gratification, satisfactory, although not surprising results were obtained. Tarther ex- periments were made, with altered forms and com- position of the substance, each experiment demon- strating that at last the inventor was upon the right track. A COTTON TEREAD. A spool of cotton thread lay on the table in the laboratory. The inventor cut off a small piece, put it in a groove between two clamps of iron and placed the latter in the furnace. The satisfactory light ob- tained from the tarred lampblack had convinced him that filaments of carbon of a texture not previously used in electric lighting were the hidden agents to make a thorough success of incandescent lighting, and it was with tais view that he sought to test the carbon remains of a cotton thread. At the expira- tion of an hour he removed the iron mould contain- ing the thread from the furnace and took out the delicate carbon framework of the thread-all that was left of it after its fiery ordeal. This slender filament he placed in a globe and connected it with the wires leading to the machine generating the electric current. Then he extracted the air from the globe and turned on the electricity. m Presto! a beautiful light greeted his eyes. He . turns on more current expecting the fragile filament instantly to fuse; but no, the culy change is a more brilliant light. He turns on more current, and still more, but the delicate thread remains entire. Then with characteristic impetuosity and wondering and marvelling at the strength of the little filament, he turns on the full power of his machine and eagerly watches the conséquence. For a minute or more the tender thread seems to struggle with the intenso heat passing through it-heat that would melt the diamond itself-then at last it succumbs and all is gold, d is a platinum-iridium spiral, which becomes of platinum and iridium is coated with the oxide of darkness. The powerful current had broken it in twain, but not before it had emitted a light of sev- eral gas jets. Eagerly the inventor hastened to ex- amine under the microscope this curious filament, apparently so delicate, but in reality much more infusible than platinum, so long considered one of the most infusible of metals. The microscope showed the surface of the filament to be highly pol- ished and its parts interwoven with each other. THE PAPER LIGHT. It was also noticed that the filament had obtained a remarkable degree of hardness compared with its fragile character before it was subjected to the ac- tion of the current. Night and day, with scarcely rest enough to eat a hearty meal or catch a brief re- pose, the inventor kept up his experiments, and from carbonizing pieces, of thread he went to splinters of wood, straw, paper and many other sub- stances never before used for that purpose. The re- sults of his experiments showed that the substance best adapted for carbonization and the giving out of incandescent light, was paper preferably thick like card board, but giving good results even when very thin. The beautiful character of the illumination and the steadiness, reliability and non-fusibility of the carbon filameut were not the only elements incı- dent to the new discovery that brought joy to the heart of Edison. There was a further element-not the less necessary because of its being hidden-the element of a proper and uniform resistance to the passage of the electric current. The inventor's efforts to obtain this element had been by far the most laborious of any in the history of his work from the time he undertook the task, and without it absolute success to electric incandes- cent illumination could not be predicated, even though all the other necessary properties were pres- ent in the fullest degree. Passing over the ecores of experiments made since tho discovery that the carbon framework of a little piece of paper or thread was the best substance pos- sible for incandescent lighting, we come to consider the way in which the same is prepared at the pres- ent time in the laboratory. MAKING THE PAPER CARBON. With a suitable punch there is cut from a piece of "Bristol" cardboard a strip of the same in the form of a miniature horseshoe, about two inches in length and one-eighth of an inch in width. A number of these strips are laid flatwise in a wrought iron mould about the size of the hand and separated from each other by tissue paper. The mould is then covered and placed in an oven, where it is gradually raised to a temperature of about six hundred degrees Fah- renheit. This allows the volatile portions of the paper to pass away. The mould is then placed in a furnace and heated almost to a white beat, and then removed and allowed to cool gradually. On open- ing the mould the charred remains of the little horse- shoe cardboard are found. It must be taken out with the greatest care, else it will fall to pieces. After being removed from the mould it is placed in a little globe and attached to the wires leading to the generating machine. The globe is then con- nected with an air pump, and the latter is at once set to work extracting the air. After the air has been extracted the globe is sealed, and the lamp is ready for use. Figure 7 shows the lamp complete:- THE PERFECTED LAMP-FIGURE 7. B E A is a glass globe, from which the air has been ab- stracted, resting on a stand, B. F is the little carbon filament connected by fine platinum wires, G G', to the wires, E E', leading to the screw posts, D D', and thence to the generating machine. The current, en- tering at D, passes up the wire E to the platinum clamp, G; thence through the carbon filament F to G', down the wire E' to the screw post D'; thence to the generating machine. It will be noticed, by refer- ence to the complete lamp in figure 7, that it has no complex regulating apparatus, such as characterized the inventor's earlier labors. All the work he did in regulators was practically wasted, for he has lately realized that they were not at all necessary- no more so than a fifth wheel is to a coach.. in Witm. notary public 1.4.60. a general way, how his machine operates. Figure 8 shows the generating or Faradic machine, as Edison terms it, in honor of Faraday, complete. THE GENERATING MACHINE-FIGURE S. B a a S En t and eight inches in diameter, wound with coarse a a are two upright iron columns, three feet high wire and resting upon the base, n and s, which form its magnetic poles. This part of the apparatus is called the field of force magnet. Fixed on an axle, so as to freely revolve between the poles n and s, i a cylindrical armature of wood, e, wound parallel to its axes with fine iron wire. When this cylinder or armature is made to revolve rapidly between the mag- netic poles n and s, by means of the belt B, driven by an engine (not shown in the cut), there is generated in the wire surrounding the armature e strong cur- rents of electricity, which are carried off by the wires, W W, to the electric lamps. A DOMESTIC MOTOR. By constructing the machine in the form shown in figure 9 there is obtained an electric motor capa ble of performing light work, such as running sew- ing machines and pumping water. It forms part of the inventor's system and may be used either with or without the electric light. To run an ordinary sewing machine it requires only as much electricity as is necessary to give out one electric light of the strength of a common gas jet. To put it in opera- tion on a sewing machine the housewife has merely to attach it. by a little belt at A with the wheel of the sewing machine, and turn on the electricity by touching a little knob conveniently attached. The cost is the same as if she was burning one electric light. THE ELECTROMETER. The apparatus for measuring the amount of elec tricity used by each householder is a simple contri- Tance consisting of an electrolytic cell and a small coil of wire, appropriately arranged in a box, the latter being of about half the size of an ordinary gas meter, and like a gas meter it can he placed in any part of the house. The measurement is obtained by the deposit of copper particles on a little plate in the electrolytic cell, such deposit being caused by the electric current passing through the cell. At the end of any period, say one month, the plate is taken by the inspector to the central office, where the copper deposit is weighel and the amount of electricity cop. sumed determined by a simple calculation. In addition to the various parts of the system above described, there are a number of other details, not so important to be sure as those of which sketches have been given, but nevertheless essential to make up the complete plan of economical electrical illumi- nation. A description of these latter will not be attempted, as a proper understanding of them in- volves a technical knowledge of the laws of electricity. The entire system embraces an amount of work so extensive that one naturally wonders how a single man in such a bf space of tiine a fifteen mont! could possibly have planned and pertected it an. And surprise becomes greater when it is considered that during this period Edison found time to mako other inventions. A sextuplex telegraph, or ap- paratus for sending six messages on one telegraph wire in opposite directions simultaneously, saw life during the progress of the electric light, patents for the same having only just been issued. Several new and important improvements in his chalk tele- phone, by which the efficiency of that invention is greatly increased, also attest his industry and ver satility of genius. POLYFORM. But perhaps the latter quality is more strikingly exhibited in his polyform or preparation by which he is enabled to bid defiance to sick headaches, neu- ralgia and other nervous diseases, and to make him- self largely independent of physicians in times of ailment. The polyform grew out of necessity. Be- ing considerably afflicted with neuralgia and obtain- ing no relief from his physician, Edison set about becoming his own doctor. His chemical laboratory, one of the most complete in the United States, fur- nished him an ample field from which to draw. Ex- ¡ periment followed experiment, the inventor becom- THE DOMESTIC OTOR-FIGURE 9. REGULATED AT THE MAIN, LIKE GAS-CHEAP. He finds that the electricity can be regulated with entire reliability at the central station, just as the pressure of gas is now regulated. By his system of connecting the wires the extinguishment of certain of the burners affects the others no more than the cxtinguishment of the same number of gas burners affects those drawing the supply from the same mains. The simplicity of the completed lamp seems certainly to have arrived at the highest point, and Edison asserts that it is scarcely possible to simplify it more. The entire cost of constructing them is not more than twenty-five cents. EASY METAMORPHOSIS. The lamp shown in figure 7 is a table lamp. For chandeliers it would consist of only the vacuum globe and the carbon filament attached to the chan- delier and connected to the wires leading to the gen- erating machine in a central station, perhaps a half mile away, the wires being run through tae gas pipes, so that in reality the only change necessary to turn a gas jet into an electric lamp is to run the wires through the gas pipe, take off the jet and screw the electric lamp in the latter's place. Although the, plans have been fully consummated for general il- lumination the outline of the probable system to be adopted is the locating of a central station in large cities in such a manner that each station will supply an area of about one-third of a mile. In each station there will be, it is contemplated, one or two engines of immense power, which will drive several generat- ing machines, each generating machine supplying about fifty lamps. THE GENERATING MACHINE. Mr. Edison's first experiments in machines for. generating the electric current did not meet with success. His primal apparatus was in the form of a large tuning fork, constructed in such a way that its ends vibrated with great rapidity before tho poles of a large magnet. These vibrations could be produced with comparatively little power. Several weeks of practice proved, however, that the machine was not practical, and it was laid aside. Then followed a number of other forms, leading up gradually to the one at present used. Bearing in mrtnd the principle common to all magneto-electric machines-viz., that the current is produced by the rotation of magnets near each other-it will not be difficult to understand, ing more determined in proportion as his neuralgia grew more painful. At last he obtained a combina- tion of chemicals, a slight application of which to the face immediately relieved his pain. Gratified at bis success, but hardly yet convinced, he tried the preparation on others similarly afflicted and with equally satisfactory results. IN CORPORE VILI." About this time there happened to stroll into the laboratory one day a dilapidated tramp on his periodio begging expedition from place to place. Now, this tramp was a particularly unfortunate one, his poverty being hardly more distressing than his physical ail- raents. One of his legs was swelled with rheumatism, neuralgia coursed along his face and, a dozen or more sores and bruises made him a veritable Job. Hap. pening to meet him Edison saw in him a most ex- cellent subject for further poly form experiments, A hearty meal and a little change readily procured the tramp's consent, and soon the inventor was sub. jecting his new acquaintance to all sorts of chemical experiments. For more than a week the tramp found food and longing in Menlo Park, giving in return a few hours of his time every night to be ex- perimented upon. By the time his engagement was over his rheumatism and neuralgia had disap peared, and his sores were well nigh healed. The news of the tramp's good fortune soon spread, and now it is no uncommon thing for neighbors to come to the inventor's laboratory from miles around to request a little polyform-a request which the in ventor always good naturedly complies with. GOLD "TAILINGS." The very, very latest enterprise of the indefai ga- ble scientist is a scheme for obtaining gold out of "tailings," or the sand thrown away by miners as having been worked out. Rumor has it that Edison has succeeded in obtaining a chemical preparation which will take from $200 to $300 per ton out of "tail ings" from which the present processes can obtain nothing. The matter, however, is as yet a profound. laboratory secret. ELECTRIC LIGHTING BEFORE EDISON. Among its other properties, electricity has that developing heat. A substance through which electric current is made to flow becomes heated to a degree proportioned first to the strength of the cur rent, and second, to the size and character at t L 6 substance. Substances which readily convey elec- tricity, or, in other words, which offer but little re- sistance to the passage of the electric current, such as copper, silver or iron, are unsuitable for exhibit- ing the heating power of electricity, while sub- NEW YORK YORK HERALD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1879.-QUADRUPLE SHEET-WITH SUPPLEMENT. NICARAGUA CANAL the concession is granted. His name simply heads GRANT AND THE CHILDREN. THE WINNEBAGOES' GRIEVANCES. ACCIDENT TO THE HENRIETTE. the list. In this capacity, with others, he will ask, through a commissson about to be organ- ized and which will proceed to Nicaragua at once, and ask of that government that a conces stances which offer much resistance to the passage Civil Engineer Menocal Settles Some sion may be granted to enable an American company of the current, such as platinum or carbon, show this heating power quite strongly. Either of the latter substances becomes heated to incandescence the moment a strong current of electricity is passe l through it, which incandescence gives out a beauti- Important Points. HEADS GRANT HEADS THE THE COMPANY. COMPANY. ful and pleasant light. This method of obtaining GRANT light from electricity has been known for many years, and is called the incandescent method. A second method known as the voltaic arc method, from Volta, an eminent electrician, is the passing of A Cornmission of Corporators Ready to a powerful electric current between the points of two sticks or rods of carbon slightly separated from each other. The passage of the current be- tween the two causes an intensely brilliant light, many times more intense than that produced by incandescence. It is estimated to be of about one-half the intensity of sunlight on a clear day. The figure below shows the form, of the voltaic are playing between the points of two carbon rods. When carefully studied on a screen, for the brill- lancy of the light prevents continued observation by the naked eye, there will be seen hests of little jets of carbon constantly passing in the form of an are between the two carbon points. The problem, then, of utilizing electricity for purposes of illumi- nation presents two avenues of attack-one by way of the voltaic are or intense light, and the other by way of incandescence or milder light., THE VOLTAIC ARO LIGHTS. .ד Considering first the voltaic arc system we find that as early as 1840 it began to attract the attention of inventors. Probably its first use outside the laboratory and class room was in the year 1845, when it was employed at the opera in Paris to pro- duce the effects of the rising sun. Its success in this role of "Apollo" was so satisfactory that before long enterprising managers Had extended its field of usefulness by means of lenses and prisms to the production of luminous fountains, artificial rain- bows and lightning. At this period, however, fa- cilities for obtaining steadiness and uniformity of the light were excecding crude, and some mechani- cal device to keep the carbons at the same relative distance from each other, was indispensable. The first contrivance or reg ilator, as it was called, for this purpose was made in 1845 by Wright, of Lon- don, and consisted of disks of carbon having their circumference out to a V shape and receiving motion from well known mechanism. The following year Staite and Edwards, in London, patented several regulators, the principle underlying them being the enclosing of the carbons in Emall cases, which made the carbon points meet obliquely. In 1848 Foucault, in France, and Petrie, in England, made further im- provements by which the adjustment of the carbons was made quite reliable. Then followed numerus others, extending to the present time, of more or less perfection. Among them may be mentioned Archereau's, Lacasagne's, Thiers', Serrin's, Du- boscqu's, Farmer's, Brush's, Maxim's and Fuller's. THE JABLOCHKOFF CANDLE. In the year 1876 a new departure in the form of regulators was made by M. Jablochkoff, a Russian engineer, who, instead of placing the carbon rods vertically to each other, placed them side by side, with a thin insulating substance between them. In this form the voltaic arc, playing between the ex- tremities of the carbons, gradually consumed them downward, like a flame consumes a candle. Indeed, so analogous was the invention to a candle that it BOOD became known as the Jablochkoff candle-a name it still bears.. INCANDESCENCE. The incandescent method of electric lighting was first successfully shown by King in 1845. He placed a rod of carbon in a globe of glass from which the Bir had been extracted, and passing a current of elec- tricity through the rod cansed it to become heated to such a degree that one could read large print a consid erable distance away by the light emitted. His labors, however, were, productive of no practical results, and while his theory for producing fight was regarded as a pretty on. few were so bold as to predict that it would ever develop into an economical and eficient method of illumination. The following year Greene aud Staite filed a patent for a lamp analogous to` that of king, pointing out that they freed the carbon be- fore use from impurities by treating it with nitro- muriatic acid. PETRIE'S IRIDIUM LIGHT. In 1849 Petrie obtained patents for the same pur- pose, concerning which he wrote as follows:- "A light may be produced by passing an electric current through a short and thin conductor, which heats and becomes luminous; but the majority of substances fuse and buin rapidly. However, I ob- tain a good light by using iridium or one of its alloys. Iridium may be fused so as to produce an Ingot while it is submitted to the heat of the voltaic are; afterward it may be decarbonized and rendered more malleable. It can be cut into small pieces, that can be used upon two insulated metallic supports which are in connection with the two wires of a battery. Then there is produced a beautiful light." LODYGUINE'S LIGHT. From this time until 1873 electric lighting by in- candescence nade but little progress, inventors re- garding the incandescent method as much inferior to that of the voltaic arc. In the latter year, how- ever, interest in the incandescent method was a little revived by an invention of M. Lodyguine, who made a lamp that overcame many of the difficulties pre- Viously deemed insurmountable., Concerning this invention the report to the Imperial Observatory of Paris said: The sole inconvenience of: the use of carbon in- stead of platinum consists in the fact that in the combustion the carbon combines with the oxygen of the air and is thus gradually consumed. M. Lody- guine has avoided this inconvenience by enclosing the carbon heated to whiteness by the electric cur- rent in a glass vacunm hermetically sealed, and from the interior of which the oxygen is expelied by a most simple process." >> But improved as was this arrangement over those that had gone before, practice demonstrated that there were still many serious difficulties it did not meet. Among other things carbons presented obscure spots indicative of non-homogeneity; minute cracks also occurred in the carbon and rapidly disin- tegrated the same. The vacuum, likewise was very imperfect, and there was produced within the glass globe a kind of evaporation that tended slowly to de- stroy the carbon rods. This evaporation also left a pul- ver.zed deposit of sublimated carbon on the inside of the glass globe. Within the past few years. various English and American inventors have over- come many of these difficulties, but there still re- mained enough to render incandescent electric light- ing impracticable. ELECTRIC GENERATORS. While inventors were busy both on the voltaic arc and incandescent methods, progress was far from Blow on the means for producing or generating the electric current. At an early day it was evident to experimenters that to produce either the voltaic arc or incandescence with any degree of economy a dif- feront method of generating the electricity than that afforded by the chemical batteries m nse was neces- Bary. An important discovery by, Ampére in 1820, developed almost simul.aneously by Oersted and Arago and later by Faraday, to the effect that power- ful currents of electricity could be produced by the rotation of magnets near each other, opened an opportune field for purposes. of electric lighting. Pixii, a manufacturer of physical instruments in Paris, in 1832, was the first practically to apply the discovery. He constructed a machine consisting of an electro-magnet and, & permanent mag- net, with mechanism for revolving one directly in front of the other, which revolution induced etrorg currents of electricity that could be car- ried off by wires and made to give light. The juvention of Pixii was followed by improvements by Niandet, Iloimes, Ladd, Wilde and Siemens, and in late years by Gramine, Fuller, Brush, Maxim and others. The invention of Gramme, owned and used extensively in this country for the voltaic are sys- tem by the Fuller Electrical Company, involved several important new principles that gave a marked impetus to the system and made po sible the production of torrents of electricity at compara- tively small cost. EDISON'S ASSISTANTS. Before concluding this article it is only proper that due credit should be given to those whose untiring energy and skilled handicraft made possible the perfection of the great inven- tor's system--viz., his chief laboratory assistants; for, although Edison's was the mind that originated all, theirs were the hands that deftly carried out his wishes. Principal among his assistants, and so inti- mately associated with him in his work that his ab- sence from the laboratory is invariably a signal for Mr. Edison to suspend labor, is Mr. Charles Batchelor. For the past eight years Mr. Batchelor has worked side by side with the inventor, carrying out his plans with rare ability, and to his energy and skill is due not a little. Next come Messrs. Upton and Kruza, both beads of departments, the one attending to the fine electrical work and the other to the mechanical details of the machine depart- anent. Among the others whose ability has helped to contribute to the inventor's great success, each in is particular sphere, are Mr. Grithin, Mr. Carman, Alr. Jehl, Mr. Force and Mr. Baum Start for Nicaragua. IMMENSELY VALUABLE CONCESSIONS. to build an interoceanic canal through their terri- tory. That concession will consist of the exclusive right of way, with a land grant of alternate sections of territory three miles square on either side of the river between the lake and San Juan del Norte, REVIEWING THE FUTURE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE NATION AT PHILADELPHIA-EDUCATION THE SAFEGUARD OF FREEDOM-COMING EVENTS-MAYOR STORLEY'S LOYAL ZEAL. CHARGES AGAINST THEIR QUAKER AGENT- ALLEGED FRAUDULENT DISTRIBUTION OF THEIR ANNUITIES-HALF BREED INTRUDERS. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 20, 1879. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 20, 1879. Headdress, President of the Winnebago Indians, In the programme for General Grant's week's en- tertainment, to-day was known as "School Day," be- and Joe Monigah, of the same tribe, have arrived here to consult with leading citizens concerning cause of the parade of pupils of the public schools. The General began, this, his fifth day here, byhite, a Quaker, and to ask General Crook to write their alleged grievances against Agent Howard tending, with his wife, a luncheon at Mr. Childs', at which there were present to meet him Secretary Evarts, ex-Minister Welsh, L. P. Morton, member of Congress, of New York; General A. T. Goshorn, of Centennial notoriety; Rev. Dr. Mortor, rector of St. James' Protestant Episcopal Church (of which afr. Childs has lately become a vestryman), and others. and as much public land on the Pacific slope as it is in the power of the government to grant, and the territory necessary for the canal route owned by private parties to be sold at its present ap- praised value. Also a land grant of 400 square iniles, the location to be selected by tile company from the public lands. The prop- erty and lands of the company are to be forever exempt from taxes, and the company is to have all the land that is necessary along the route for the construction of the canal.. During its con- struction the tools, machinery and all other meaus imported for the use of the canal are to be exempted from payment duties as well as the subsistence stores and clothing purchased for the laborers and employers of the company or the contractors. Of course these are not the details of the agreement, but what" mentioned covers substantially what the corporaten will ask and which the government of Nica- ragua is ready to grant. On the arrival of Commission in Nicaragua Congress wphia; president, trustees and professors of the together in extra session and the [FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 20, 1879. Mr. A. G. Menocal, civil engineer at the Washing- ton Navy Yard, whose name is as closely connected with the Nicaragua Interoceanic Canal' project as that of Real Admiral Ammen, returned to Washing- ton yesterday, having been absent some days in New York and Philadelphia on matters con- nected with the canal. On Thursday last he was in Philadelphia cailed and saw General Grant upon the subject which now bewilders very many people in this country, especially as to what is to be the future of the ex-President. In conversation with Mr. Menocal this evening, as to what impres- sion he derived from his interview with General Grant, he replied (smilingly) that Admiral Ammen and Señor de Franco had already communicated all that conid be said on the subject to the correspond- ent of the HERALD in Philadelphia. T "There are some additional points I have no doubt which you can communicate that did not occur to those gentlemen that would be of interest to the HERALD?" IMPORTANT LETTERS. "Perhaps so. One of the objects I had in stopping in Philadelphia was to show General Grant several latters I had just received from Nicaragua relative to granting liberal concès- sioLs to an American company in the event one should be organized and apply for the right of why through Nicaragua for an interoceanic canal route. I had just received a letter from Mir. Elyzondo, the Minister of Public Works, one from the President of Nicaragua, Mr. Zavula; another from Mr. Runnell, the agent of the Pacific Mail Company and United States commercial agent in Nicaragua, and a fourth from Mr. Ramirez, a Senator of Nicaragua, and these four letters set forth that the design of the government is to grant the most liberal concessions for a canal to an American company with General Grant at its head." From Mr. Norris, also an American engineer, and un- der contract to build a line of railroad in Nicaragua, whom I met in New York during my recent visit, I learned that the Nicaraguans were daily expecting the commission to arrive from the United States, with credentials, asking for the concessions neces- sary for the route of the canal. I thought this in- formation would counteract any attempts on the part of jealous persons or meddlers to create the impression that Nicaragua was not favorably dis- posed toward the United States or a private company formed of its prominent citigens to build the pro- posed canal." GENERAL GRANT'S OWN PROJECT. "Did you succeed in convincing General Grant that the road to fame and fortune was via Nicara- gua?" "Of that I am sure he has long since been con- vinced. This is not a new subject to him. Why, the idea appears to have got abroad that we are begging General Grant to accept the presidency of the proposed canal company, while the fact is-and I do not see any harm in its being pub- lished-General Grant is the pioneer of the Nicaragua Canal project. You certainly remember the remark attributed to him, and which is strictly true, that it was a specialty with him during, the eight year he was President, and fe says himself that during t time ne tried vry hard to get others, to take the same interest in the project that he did. Yet with all his advantages he did not succeed in making it an administration measure. within my recollection that before General Grant's term of office expired Admiral Ammen and several. others suggested that it would be a good enterprise for him to embark in immediately upon his leaving the Executive Mansion. He thought so too, but as he had had nearly sixteen years of constant strain in the army and in the White House he made up his mind to take a taip round the world. He is back now just where his inclination and business ambition would have guided him nearly three years ago. THE GENERAL WAITING FOR OTHERS. It is "The statement, then, recently published that General Grant had said that he had not accepted the presidency of the Nicaragua Canal Company not true?"? I have no doubt General Grant said it, and it is strictly true, and those who know what' 19 going on in Philadelphia can afford to laugh at the great efforts being made to discover the hidden secrets of Gen. eral Grant's mind on this and other subjects. I have no objection to your saying that General Grant leads the project to establish the Nicaragua Canal Company. He is not waiting for capital or promises; he is to-day the most active of the pro- moters of the enterprise, aud I presume it is not saying too much to say that General Grant is wait- ing for others; they are not waiting for him.' "This will be news to the country. Why, the im- pression has certainly got abroad that the friends of the scheme were engaged in Philadelphia in coaxing General Grant to become the head of the company." "In a business enterprise of the magnitude of the Interoceanic Canal Company, with parties striving to ascertain just what the advocates of the Nicaragua route are doing, I presume a little business secrecy might be tolerated. It would certainly be observed by parties in private life. I understand that the people of the country have a sort of claim upon General Grant that would seem to entitle them to know the details of his daily life- in other words, that whatever he thinks or does is public property. That is not true, and no one thinks more decidedly than General Grant. Now, I have no objection to saying to you that it will be several months before General Grant can accept the presidency of the canal com- pany; certainly not before the 1st of March next. You see, therefore, that his statement is literally A POINT WELL MADE. "But,' you will ask, 'how do you reconcile this with the declarations made by Admiral Ammen and Mr. De Franco?' I think the trouble with the inter- viewers in Philadelphia has been that they wanted to find out more than legitimately belongs to the canal company's project. They wanted to ascertain if General Grant would be or could be a candidate for the Presidency and yet retain his position as head of the company when it is organized; whether if he accepted this position it would not preclude him from accepting any other. I am going to answer that question for you in the most explicit manner. The subscriptions which the French capi- talists have offered to make to the stock of the company depend upon General Grant being either the active or honorary president of the company. It he is not elected President of the United States again he will be free to serve as the active president. If he should be, then what is there to prevent his remaining as the honorary president? On the other hand, the concession which the Nicaraguan government is ready to make depends upon General Grant being at the head of the company. If by reason of the demands of his countrymen General Grant should again be elected President of the United States the Nica- raguan government would most willingly exchange his active for his moral support, which his position as President would certainly enable him to give. If the capitalists of the country making, the cop- cession are satisfied who else is to be consulted?"" DEFINING THE GENERAL'S POSITION. "I have said it will be several months before Gen- eral Grant could formally accept the presidency of the company. At prescut he is on an equality with the gentlemen selected to be the corporators when be the concession ratifică. The Commission will then return to New York. and upon the basis of the concession the act of incorporation will be drawn, the leading features, of which have already been published in the HERALD. I have calculated the time pretty closely, and I should say that by the 1st of March, or by the middle of that month, the act, would be ready to be introduced in Congress. That act will enumerate the same gentlemen as is included in the petition for the concession to be asked of Nicaragua, headed by General Grant. When the act is passed and the corporators are em- powered to organize, then General Grant will be chosen president. He is now, to all intents, president, inasmuch as he is at the head of the en- terprise. More than that, he is doing to-day all that lies in his power to promote the enterprise, and all that is lacking are some details such as business prudence naturally suggests." "You speak of a commission visiting Nicaragua. Will you please give me the names of the parties se- lected?" THE VISITING AMERICAN COMMISSION. "I do not feel at liberty to mention but one, and that is Señor de Franco, who is anxious to leave on the steamer next Monday and leave, the other mem- bers to follow in the steamer of the 30th inst." "What is the reason of the haste?" "The letters received from Nicaragua urge prompt action on the part of the American company. As Mr. De Franco is a prominent member of the Nicaraguan government his presence at home would enable the President of Nicaragua to anticipate the arrival of the main body of the commission and convene Con- gress without delay, so that upon the arrival of the other members they would find, perhaps, that Congress awaited their coming. You see, the object is not so much to gain time as it is to head off the attempts of European agents to intrigue at inst the United States. The presence of Mr. De Franco will do this effectually." "What is he now waiting for?" "Simply for the perfection of the preliminaries, which will be completed, I trust, in time for him to leave New York on next Monday! You can judge for yourself whether any time has been lost since Gen- eral Grant arrived in Philadelphia or not." "And the remainder of the members follow him with the perfected details of the petition and guar- antees?" "That is the understanding." THE COPORATORS AND CAPITALISTS. "Will you please give me the names of the gentle- men associated with General Grant in this enter. prise?" in be "I am not at liberty to do so. They re ten or twelve in number. gentlemen casuch race the finited States that their names ill a sufficient guarantee of the solidity the company. Of course they are not all the corpo ators. More will be added, I understand, so as to in- clude the names of prominent bankers in England and France; but the names I refer to are those who have agreed to inaugurate the work." "Will it be necessary to make any more prelimi- nary surveys?" are "No, sir; those already made are considered amply sufficient, and the projectors coufident nat the detailed surveys will diminish the estimates for the construction of the canal instead of increasing them. No, as soon as the act passes Congress we will be ready to begin practical operations all along the line of the pro- posed route. There are many details I might tell yo, but they would be uninteresting at this time. What the HERALD is most anxious to know is whether General Grant is in earnest. I think there will be no doubt on that point within the next ten days." WHY THE GENERAL'S TRIP IS DELAYED. "In speaking of the concession the commission will ask for, are the points you have named those determined upon in Philadelphia, or are they such as the government of Nicaragua stands ready to grant?" "Mainly such as the officials of that country have proposed to incorporate in the treaty or concession granting the right of way. Of course the practical details of such a demand will have to be drawn up with great care, and those can only be determined by the parties asking for the concession. Nicaragua has indicated what she is ready to do, and the land grant alone ought to be as valuable as the canal property itself." Mr. Menocal said that there were still some minor matters to be fixed, and that all could be arranged by the last of the month. This will explain the reason why Geucral Grant delays his departure for Cuba. IMPORTANT LAND SUIT DECIDED. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 20, 1879. A case of great importance to the Reading Coal and Iron Company (another name for the Philadel- phia and Reading Railroad Company) was decided in its favor to-day in the Dauphin County Court. This decision establishes the validity of their title to about twenty-nine thousand six hundred acres of land in Dauphin and Schuylkill counties. In 1794 James Wilson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and subsequently a judge of the United States Supreme Court, pur- chased from the State seventy-four tracts of land containing 20,600 acres. Much of it has become very valuable because of the discovery of large quantities of coal cu it. James Wilson paid the State £28,500 for the land. The purchaser soon became involved, and in 1802 the property was sold at Sheriff's sale in this county, Wil- son's mortgagees buying it in to secure them- selves. They afterward sold it to several parties. In 1853 the Dauphin and Schuylkill Railroad Com- pauy came into the possession of 10,000 acres of the land, and subsequently by an act of the Legis- lature they were empowered to acquere and did ac- quire all the property. About twelve years ago the Reading Coal and Iron Company became the owner of the 29,600 acres and 12,000 besides. About fitty years ago, by a title which the Court bas just de- cided was defective, Edward Gratz took possession of about five hundred acres of the land, and his heirs have claimed it since his death. For the possession of this tract the Reading Coal and Iron Company brought the present suit. The company established a clear title to the entire Wilson tract of 29,600 acres. SIR FRANCIS HINCKS ACQUITTED. MONTREAL, Dec. 20, 1879. In the Court of Appeals to-day, the following judges being on the bench:-Chief Justice Dorion and Justices Monk, Ramsay, Tessier and Cross- Mr. Justice Ramsay delivered the judgment, which was unanimous, in the case of Sir Francis Hincks, found guilty of signing a false and fraudulent return of the Consolidated Bank. The Court held that the government forni upon which the return was made was detective, and that the act of Parlia- ment did not define distinctiy enough the headings under which the statements should be made; that there was no fraudulent intention on the part of the defendant, who had complied so far as he could with the act. All the judges present, including Jus- tice Monk, who presided at the trial of Sir Francis Hincks, expressed their concurrence. Mr. Justice Ronthier, who was prevented from attending from il mess, also concurred in finding Sir Francis not guilty. Sir Francis was warmly congratulated by his friends, but there was no demostration. ADDRESSING THE SCHOOL CHILDREN. After lunch General Grant, with Mr. Childs and his guests, accompanied by ladies, took carriages to the Academy of Music, which was filled with the girls of the public schools awaiting his arrival. At half past two o'clock General Graut appeared upon the stage accompanied by Governor Hoyt and Mr. J. P. Wickersham, Mayor Stokley, Bishop Simp- sou, of the Methodist Episcopal Church; the present eral Grant's Cabinet; Judges of the Supreme Court United States Cabinet officers and members of Gen- of Pennsylvania, the United States courts, the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Courts of Philadel- universities and colleges; Messrs, George W. Childs, A. J. Drexel, Thomas Nast and James W. Harper. Jr.; Presidents of Select and Common Coun- cils; Committee of Arrangements of the Board of Public Education; Joint Committee of Arrangements of City Councils; members of the Board of Public Education; officers of the army and navy; former officers of the army and navy; editors of the various newspapers and the State Senators from the Sena- torial districts of Philadelphia. On the entrée of the distinguished guest there was long and loud applause from the youth in the audience, and then the 1,200 voices burst out in one grand chorus, of "Seo, the Conquering Hero Comes." When this had con- eluded Mr. Edward Steel, the president of the Board of Education, delivered the address of welcome. At the conclusion of his remarks General Grant, in a quiet toue, said that he thanked the President of the Board of Education for their kind welcome. He Faid: "The safeguard of all power in a free republic is a wide diffusion of knowledge. Most of the States have not been so fortunate in that regard as Pennsyl- vania, but I doubt not that the country will pro- gress in this direction until a common school educa-,, tion shall be within the reach of all. These chil dren," he added, "have good reason to thank the gentlemen of the educational department of this city for the privileges accorded them." In conclu- sion the General reiterated his thanks, bowed to I'resident Steel and the school girls and then took his seat amid a round of appianse. Next on the programine came the "American Hymn," by Keller-a chorus in two parts-which was excellently sung. "Down in the Dewy Dell," by Smart, was next sung by the pupils of the Girls' Normal School. This was followed by an address by Mr. J. P. Wickershan, Superintendent of Public Instruction in Pennsylvania. REVIEWING THE BOYS. in All the boys' schools were marshalled at Fair- mount avenue and Broad street, in the northern sec- tion of the city, and the scene was an exceedingly animated one. Each section bore a banner, having on it a particular device, as well as small flags. In the line of narch the bys passed down Broad street, up Walnut to Twenty second, countermarching to Broad, and then passing review before General Grant at the Academy of Music, and down Chestnut passing the Mayor at Fifth street, where they were dismissed. The lowering aspect of the weather and the prospect of a long, muddy tramp over such pavements as would make the most fastidious New Yorker feel perfectly at home, did not dampen the ardor of the boys, who had turned out in good spirits and in large numbers. Along the route of the parade crowds of men and women cheered them. THE CITY'S BANQUET. General Grant was driven to the Academy of Fine Arts, where the city's reception took place. This lasted from five to nine P. M., during which time 12,000 persons entered and paid their respects to the ex-President. The Academy was decorated in the most elaborate style. There was a profusion of bunting and a magnificent floral display. The door- ways and galleries were handsomely festooned with laurel, looped in the middle with a rustic basket suspended from each loop. The flags of all nations were arranged at the eastern end of the hall in the front of the gallery, while in the gallery proper was a mass of exotic plants, in the unidst of which was a bust of the General. The ex- President, with Mayor Stokley, occipled a position on the platform, the rear of which formed a grand garden scene. When the doors were closed at nine o'clock there was a line, our deep, extending four blocks. From the Acad the General was driven to St. Oporge's Hall, at corner of Thirteenth and the Arch syreets, where the anquet tendered- city of Philadelphia was given, commencing at half- past nine P. M. There were about five hundred in- vitations issued, which, incinded the members of Congress from the city, members of the Legislature, Judges of the courts, heads of the city departments and inembers of the.City Councils. General Grant occupied a seat at a table on the platform reserved for the Mayor, who presided, Judges of the courts and members of the reception committee. The General remained only about ten minutes, having an engagement to fill elsewhere. GIVING THE BOOM ANOTHER PUSH. Mayor Stokely, in calling the company to order, said that they had met two years and a half ago under similar circumstances. Then they were called together to say goodby to their illustrious guest, who was starting on his tour of the world. The General had made that tour, having visited all- the princes and potentates of Europe, and being cordially received by all. He now returned in good bodily health, ready to be called to any future ser- vice. The General, Mayor Stokely said, regretted that he had a pressing engagement which he was obliged to keep. In response to calls General Grant arose and said:- "I have nothing more to say, but to bid you good night and to thank you for the courtesies I have always received in this good city of Philadelphia." General Grant then departed, and the remainder of the evening was devoted to social enjoyment. THE LAST GREAT EVENT. The only important event yet in prospect is the grand reception of General Grant on Tuesday even- ing next uy the Union League Club A manager active on the Committee of Arrangements said:- "Nearly five hundred invitations have been sent cut to distinguished people. We have now, from information just received, every reason to believe the President and Mrs. Hayes and the members of his Cabinet and their wives will be present. In ad- dition all the members of Grant's old Cabinet, all the Governors, the entire Congressional delegation of Pennsylvania, the Tuited States Senate, all the United States naval and army officials of note, repre- sentatives of foreign Powers, bishops of all denom- inations, the United States and State and City Juli- ciary and all civic dignitaries. We think that fully twenty-five hundred ladies and gentlemen will be gathered at the League on this occasion, and our ac- commodations are based upon a scale to meet at least this number. The League has charge of the General on that day, but it will give him a needed rest until eight o'clock in the evening. The pavilion is to be used for dancing, the whole second floor for banquet- ting rooms; the first floor will be devoted to the recep- tion, and the billiard hali will be used as a cloak room. In the dancing hall the music will be fur- uished by the Germania orchestra, under the baton of Charles M. Schmitz, while the First Regiment Band, under Bandmaster Beck, will be stationed on the second floor. The front of the building will be covered with an awning so arranged as to make an addition room on the pavement, and it will be mag- nificently decorated with evergreens, flags, corps badges and other emblems, under the supervion of Mrs. Taylor. The interior of the building will present a most brilliant spectacle. James L. Claghorn will escort General Grant from the hall to the League, where the address of welcome will be delivered by Mr. George H. Boker. The reception will be from eight to mine, and then will follow the dancing." GENERAL GRANT'S APPROACHING VISIT TO HIS MOTHER IN JERSEY CITY. Mrs. Grant, the mother of the General, resides.on Jersey City Heights, at the house of Mr. Corbin. She is now past her eighty-second year and is yet possessed of a vigor and activity rarely enjoyed at such an advanced age. A reporter of the HERALD called at the house last evening and ascertained from Mr. Corbin, who is at present partially an invalid, that the General is expected in a few days to spend a short time with his venerable mother, whom he has not seen since his return from his long tour. The wish of the General, in connection with this visit, is entire privacy, and therefore Mr. Corbin could not state the precise time of his expected arrival. The advanced age of Mrs. Grant and her natural aversion to noise aud publicity will readily account for the desire of her son to make his visit to her as quiet a matter as possible. RAILROAD REORGANIZATION. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1879. A syndicate of New York capitalists has purchased the Columbus and Sandy Creek Valley Railroad by taking the entire stock of the same and all the bonded interest. This syndicate has also purchased the road bed of the old Atlantic and Lake Erie road, known as the Central, Ohio Railroad, and the two lines were consolidated last night, and the articles of incorporation, under the name of Ohio Central Railroad Company, are ready to be filed with the Secretary of State. The directors of the company are George J. Seney, Walston H. Brown, George F. Stone, E. H. R. Lyman and John T. Martin, of New York; Daniel P. Eells, of Cleve- land; C. R. Cumming, of Chicago; Charles Foster, of Fostoria, Ohio; Samuel Thomas and D. W. Cald- well, of this city, and Calvin L. Bryce, of Lima, Ohio. It is proposed to put the road in operation at once, if local assistance is offered. The north ter- minus of the road is at Toledo. The capital stock is $4,000,000. The finished portion of the Columbus anr Sandy Creek Valley road will be equipped im mediately, and it will cost about $1,000 per nile 6 complet the road bed of the old Atlantic and Lake Erie line. and to the War Department on the same subject. The Indians allege that the agent fails to give them more than the merest fraction of what the treaty with the government stipulates. They say that no hats, trousers, shoes or shirts are issued to them that all that they releive in the way of, clothing are coats or overcoats. They allege that when White succeeded Major Brightly, tour years ago, he began to cut off their supplies and that from that time the half-breeds, who were not entitied to rank as members of the tribe, began to come upon the reservation. The Winnebago half-breeds, according to Headdross, were made citizens by the government many years ago and received each $1,000 and a quarter section of land at Prairie Du Chien, Wis. They gradually deserted their farms and returned to the tribe in order to draw annuities of money, provisions and clothing. This fact was unknown to the govern- ment, and a second time, in Blue Earth county, Minn., these Indians received citizenship, with a farm and $570 13 each. ALLEGED NEGLECT OF THE AGENT. Since then they have again returned to the tribe in large numbers, and of the annuities due to the tribe the Indians receive hardly anything, while the half breeds are given a superfluity of clothing, provisions, horses and wag ns and farming implements. The Judians becoming incensed at this state of affairs requested the half breeds to leave, but refused to let them take with them anything belonging to the gov- ernment. The attention of the agent has been re- peatedly directed to this injustice, but it has received no attention from him. On December 1 a council of three hundred heads of Winnebago families was called and decided to complain to the govern- ment, and appointed Headdress, and Monigah to make the complaint. White learned of this and securing a statement from the half breeds that the agency was managed efficiently, hastened to Wash ington. Headdress states that not many full bloods are left on the reservation, as some have gone to other tribes and others have hired out to farmers to cat wood or perform inenial services. The charge is also made that the agent issues ploughs, cultivators and wagons regularly to half breeds, who sell them to white farmers and receive others at the next issue. General Crook has inciosed a copy of their statement to the Secretary of War, and men here, familiar with affairs at the Winnebago agency, state that they believe the statement to be true. A CHEROKEE THREAT. INDIGNATION OF THE CIVILIZED INDIAN TRITES AT THE ATTEMPTS OF SCHEMERS AND SPEOU- LATORS TO CHANGE THEIR SYSTEM OF GOV- ERNMENT ARMED OPPOSITION NOT IMPROB- ABLE. ST. LOUIS, MO., Dec. 20, 1879. Colonel W. P. Adair, assistant principal chief of the Cherokee Indians, arrived here yesterday with a delegation from his nation en route to Washington. The Colonel says the delegation is instructed by the council of the nation to oppose any change of gov- ernment over them, and to collect from the govern- ment a very large sum of money due the Cherokees for their lands in the Indian Territory west of the Arkansas River. They also expect to arrange with the government to prevent any depreciation in the principal and interest of their invested funds, to fix the statu of the colored people in the nation and to expel t intruders from their country, of whom, he says, there are thousands. He also says that there are not ten Indians in the entire nation who favor the establishment of territorial govern- ment over them, and that his people are in as good or better condition than those in adjoining States. Owing to a severe drouth last summer, however, his people failed to raise any grain, and he says that he will have to arrange for a, loan of money from the government to purchase I readstuffs. Speaking or the establishment of territorial gov- ernment over the Indian Territory, he says it will be opposed by all the civilized tribes, even to the em- ployment of physical force. These tribes, includ- ing the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles, Osages, Wyandottes, Senecas. Delawares, Shawnees and several others, can raise, he says, some fifteen thousand soldiers, good fighting men, most of whom fought on both sides in the late war. There are thirty-eight nations and tribes and parts of tribes in the Indian Territory, all of whoni would join in opposition to the proposed change of govern- Maptic Hesays due on throughout e Ter- ritory is not only strong, but bitter and determined, and that in case of a conflict he doubts the ability of the United States army to subdue the Indians. He also says that in case of a rupture there would be a terrible scene of bloodshed on the borders adjoin- ing the States, and he shudders to contemplate the result. A NEW PARTY IN TENNESSEE. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.1 NASHVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1879. The "low tax democrats" have held, two caucuses and determined that they would bolt from the dem- ocratic party, and to that end will meet again in caucus next Monday night to perfect the organiza- tion of the new party by appointing State executive committees and arranging for appointment of committees in the different counties. They assert that the entire press, with two exceptions, mer- chants and bankers, the railroads and moneyed men generally, are opposed to them, and that they have a tough battle before them, and that they would be forced to establish a "low tax" daily paper in Nash- ville. The "low tax" democrats favor the payment of mileage, capital and agricultural bonds, amount- ing to over $2,000,000, and the repudiation of the remaining $2,000,000 of the State debt. DEATH OF WILLIAM M'KEE. RECALLING THE FAMOUS "WHISKEY FRAUDS". THE TRIAL, CONVICTION AND PARDON OF THE DECEASED. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 20, 1879. William McKee, senior proprietor of the Globe- Democrat, died very suddenly of heart disease at about one o'clock this morning, aged sixty-four years. M'KEE AND THE "WHISKEY RING." Mr. William McKee, although the senior proprietor of a prominent newspaper, never himself became conspicuous until the great excitement over the famous "whiskey frands" which began in 1875, when he, Colonel Babcock (President Grant's military secretary) and several others holding political positions were accused of being members of a powerful cabal, leagued to- gether for the purpose of carrying on a systematic embezzlement of the government tax on spirituous liquors. The raid upon this gigantic conspiracy.was conceived and directed by Mr. B. II. Bristow, Secre- tary of the Treasury, and a singular phase of it was that it was supposed by many persons to have some relation, so far as Mr. McKee was concerned, to the former's aspiration to the Presidency. About 1871 McKee asked of General Grant the appointment of Colonel Maguire as Collector of St. Louis, but was met with a refusal. His wishes were also ignored in the appointment of McDonald as Supervisor of Internal Revenue. McKee used the Democrat to help divide the republican vote of Missouri in the contest of 1870. In 1871, however, the bitter opposition to Grant which he had carried on ceased with great sud- denness, and it was one of the coincidences made most of in the subsequent "whiskey trials" that the great "ring" was formed at this identical time. It is un- necessary to give a history of its transactions. It was alleged that McKee derived an income from it of from $500 to $1,000 a week. During the Presi- dential compaign of 1872 the distillers of St. Louis were assessed immense sums ostensibly for polit- ical purposes, and the Democrat newspaper supported Grant. It was, however, sold early in the year, under a judicial order for a dissolution of partner- ship, and Mr. McKee soon afterward helped to found the Globe. This also sounded zealously the praises of the President until 1873, when a quarrel in the "ring" was alleged to have caused its loyalty to cool. Soon after, however, it resumed its former tone, owing, it was said, to a restoration of harmony among the men of whom it was the organ. In 1875 the lightning of exposure struck the "ring" and the Democrat, then owned by Mr. Fishback, was among the foremost to swell the hue and cry. Negotia- tions had been pending for two months for the sale of the Democrat to Mr. McKee, The purchase was now speedily accomplished, and that journal was quite as speedily consolidated with the Globe. This measure, however, did not delay the work of in- vestigating the alleged "ring." Mr. McKee was tried in the next year, and was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for two years and to the payment of a fine of $10,000. Great efforts were made and mon- ster petitions were obtained to secure his pardon, which was granted by the President on the 20th of April, 1876, with remission of the fine. TWO MEN SHOT. .NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 20, 1879. A despatch to the Galveston News, from Sherman, says that a party of fifteen rowdies oame there from Montague county and the Indian Territory, to attend a disreputable dance, with the avowed determi- nation not to be molested by police officers. Officer Bond and Deputy Sherift Parrot raided the party as they were leaving the dance. Pistols were drawn, and in the mêlée two men, Mitchell and Elliott, were shot. The former will die. THE STEAM YACHT ADRIFT IN THE GULF STREAM-SUDDEN TERMINATION OF THE VOY- AGE AROUND THE WORLD-M. HENRI SAY AND FAMILY RESCUED BY A NORWEGIAN VESSEL. A very distinguished party were assembled on Wednesday afternoon, December 10, on the pier of the Transatlantic Steamship Company to bid bon voyage to M. Henri Say and his family, who were starting on a voyage around the world. The beautiful steam yacht, Henriette, which was expected to be the float- ing home of the voyagers for more than two years, was in exceptionally handsome trim, and her snow white decks, burnished brass work, faultless tidiness and fine looking crew attracted the admiration of all the lookers on. There was abun- dant handshaking and enthusiastic cheering as the Henriette moved into the stream, the French tri- color waving in the breeze, and her steam tender, Le Follet, following in her wake. On her forward deck stood M. Say and Mme. Say, who waved an 'adieu to her friends on the pier, M. Glaenzer and the Count De Mouselly. A comely nurse held up in her arms M. Say fils, who crowed lustily and tossed his arms as if a voyage around the world was emi- nently the proper thing for any well regulated baby to do. The brass cannon on the Henriette bellowed forth an adieu, which was re-echoed in deeper tones by the huge liner Labrador, which was just then starting for Havre. MI. Henri Say, the owner, is a nephew of M. Leon Say, the Minister of Finance of the French Republic, and a devoted yatchaman. He has been for years one of the most active members of the Cherbourg Yacht Club, and the treacherous seas of the English Channel are as familiar to him as Chantilly, where he has also carried off abundant turf honors. He de- voted much time, care and money in preparing for his cruise around the world, and looked forward to a season of unalloyed enjoyment. Mme. Say is a very charming lady, well Lnown in the highest circles of Parisian society. AI. Glaenzer and the Count de Monselly accompanied M. Say as his guests. The route laid down for the voyage, which to extend was intended over two years and a halt was as follows:--New York to Philadelphia, Washington, Charleston, New Or leans, Havana, Kingston, Porto Rico, Martinique, Trinidad and the other West Indian ports: Rio Jane- iro, Buenos Ayres, around Cape Horn, Valparaiso, Callao, Panama, San Francisco, Honolulu, Yokolaina, Chinese ports, perhaps Australia and New Zealand, Calcutta, Bombay, Suez Canal, Mediterranean, Cher- bourg and back to New York. DISABLED AT SEA. The following despatch was received at this office last night:- WASHINGTON, Dec. 20, 1879 The Signal Corps station at Cape Honry reports to Chief Signal Officer at five P. M. as follows: Captain Thomas Cunningham, of the pilot boat Starkey, reports to this office as follows:-The French steam yacht Henriette, bunud to Charleston S. C., became disabled at a point about one hundred miles southeast of Cape Henry. The owner. M. Say and family were taken aboard the Norwe- gtan brig Aabine, Master A. B. Lix, which passed this sta- tion bound to Baltimore at three P. M. The yacht Hen- riette is supposed to be in a helpless condition, drifting abent in the Gulf Stream. Hier owner has telegraphed for assistance from Norfolk, Va.'" A despatch from Norfolk, Va., says: "The steam yacht Henrietta was not wrecked but simply dis- abled, and the owner left her to obtain a steamer to tow her in. She is in no immediate danger." DESCRIPTION OF THE YACHT. The Henriette was built for Mr. Boucicault over a year ago and was first christened the Shanghraun. She is the largest steam yachtever built in this cor try with the single exception of the America, which was sold to the government as a despatch boat about the time of the Virginius trouble. The Henriette is 205 feet over all, 164 feet at the water line and 26 feet beam, drawing 12 teet of water; measurement, 500 tons. The usual arrangement of quarter deck and forecastle were reversed in her case. The quar- ters of the crew were placed aft, those of the officers being separated from them by a bulkhead. In the centre of the yacht was the main saloon, and forward of this eight staterooms, tive on the port and three on the starboard side. Bath and toilet rooms were provided on both sides. The engines were of the most approved and novel pattern, and it was expected that a speed of sixteen knots an hour might be attained in a smooth sea. The smoking or lounging saloon, a circular cabin on the upper deck, just forward ot the wheelhouse, was sumptuous and luxurious enough for even a Turkish pacha of the olden time. AN the cabins and staic- rooms were furnished in Eastlake joinery Queen Anne style. The chintz pattern prevailed in the upholstery, and every accessory to ease and enjoyment was brought into requisition. Over the carpets at the entrances to the staterooms and in the centre of the main saloon were flung tiger and leopard skins. in profusion. On every side were Louis Quatorze clocks, large pier glasses and grace- ful brass lamps swinging ju their gimbals from the niches near the bulkheads, magnificent pianoforte of the upright style, rich curtains and hangings, heavy velvet carpets, costly oil paintings, rare statuettes and groups in bronze and marble and artistic carv. ings in wood. and THE OFFICERS AND CREW. The chief officer and commander of the Henriette is M. Lafoud, formerly commander of one of the Transatlantic steamships in the Mediterranean ser- vice. He is considered a naval officer of great experi- ence, cool judgment and undoubted skill. His im- nediate subordinate is M. Voitoux, who has also had a great deal of experience in the French marine service, although quite young in years. The only exceptions to tue Gallio nationality of the officers and crew were the chief engineer, John I.. G. Cooke, and his assistants, David Fraser and Murphy. The discipline of the French service was maintained on board, the crew, numbering thirty men, being all recruited from that quarter. There are two quartermasters, a boatswain, carpen- ter, sailmaker and coxswain, besides the mess cooks and stewards. The Henriette was well supplied with coal and provisions, having sixty tons of coal on board when she left this port and stores of all de- scriptions for two months. She, carried a small steain launch and three other boats. She was accompanied by a steam tender called Le Follet, an English built craft, 114 feet in length at the water line and 18 feet breadth of beam. This tender is commanded by Captain Frequer, formerly a sub. commander in the French navy, and has a crew of ten men.. It was the intention of M. Say when start- ing from New York on his long voyage to have the tender precede the Henriette until they got down into the tropics, and therefore it is probable that the Follet started, for Charleston a few days before the Henriette. THE NEW STATE ADMINISTRATION. ALBANY, Dec. 20, 1879. Comptroller-elect Wadsworth has made the follow- ing appointments:-Deputy Comptroller, Henry Gallien, of Albany; Accountant, George Seely, of Oswego; Warrant Clerk, Wiilis E. Merriman, of Al- bany; Entry Clerk, Thomas H. Schuyler, of Schenec tady; General Clerk, Legrand Benedict, of Rens- selaer; Stationery Clerk, F. N. Chase, of Broome; Chief Tax Clerk, Sidney W. Park, of Rensselaer. Tax Clerks-Marcus B. Williams, of Delaware; William H. Van Allen, of Albany; George W. Bliss, of Albany; William H. Sanger, of Westchester; Allen Comstock, of Washington; T. H. Davis, of Steuben; Edward Pond, of Monroe, and Almerin Cartwright, of Dela- ware; Assistant Agent to Examine Auctioneers' Ac- counts, Thomas H. Wiles, of Albany. THE MILWAUKEE HOUSE OF COR- RECTION. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Dec. 20, 1879. The State Board of Charities and Reform sub- mitted a report on the management of the Milwaukee House of Correction to Governor Smith to-day. It says:-"After eliminating all testimony of a criminal class there remains ample proof of brutal treatment by McGarry, Kennedy, Haze and some of their sub ordinates. Medical testimony proved that confine- ment in dark cells for any length of time would de- velop disease that might end in death." These black holes were in common use, and the Board gives its opinion that confinement in these cells had perma- nently impaired the health of some persons, and that others had contracted diseases that had in death. The Board says some resulted of the meat furnished to prisoners was unit for use and should have been thrown to the dogs, and condemned the practice of contracting for The report concludes that the "prisoners' meat." character of the House of Correction should be changed; that prisoners convicted of grave crimes should be sent to Waupun to serve unexpired terms and those remaining should be classified. The female inmates should be cared for exclusively by women attendants and juvenile offenders taught rudimentary branches of education, and al: made to understand that they are still regarded as human beings. The report is uanimous. HEAVY SHIPMENTS. NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 20, 1879. Fifteen seagoing vessels cleared from here to-day, including eight steamships, laden with cotton grain, &c. The amount of cotton shipped is 46,300 bales, being the largest quantity on record from this port in one day, and embracing 32,000 bales for Liv- erpool, 8,800 for Havre, 2,200 for Bremen, 1,100 for There were also Spain and 2,200 for New York. quantities of bulk grain, sugar, molasses, &c. Tua total value of the shipments is $3,000,000. TFLEGRAPH LITIGATION. CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 20, 1879. The recent attempt of the American Union Tale- graph Company in the Appellate Court of this dis trict to secure possession of the lines of the Great Western Telegraph Company has failed. The motion to set aside the supersedeas procured by the Western Union Company was denied by the Court after full argument. This decision continues the supersedeas and these liues will remain in posses- sion of the Western Union Telegraph Company unr its claim against them is paid ElectiveLight I have tried Beren Ruth, е almost unfusible metals Electar Lougher dense resisti az Tas Tas Fiq ་ 2 Nov 11817- 7a Eding Que Balêtre Chromeum an dibe лве JoKrinic for depanalen Ba Boren very I would do fame yed the a D ས་ཡ& Silvan Ca The other hand to be منسه very low reaute This would havi would bz 2 Taε ५ привет ངན་པའི་བློ་ n I think pondend Selecrim mured auth Luke er or other very unfroble ཟ་ད ·ཚེ་མས་་. or semi (a luctan womed be guard ༡༠ཁས་ Aris & L to 2 coffered McKeesport Co S red in WIT. SE, an Vol 1401 Experimental hereonches page 116 Sehr 28: 1879 defendant extulit 204 Edison's Exhibit Notf. • w.stm. Notary public My. Co Иван ваншет copy of this 01/ Lage 116. Vol 1 Eth Researches this 21 day of Sept. 1878 3 El retoure Light um 3 1877 о Ta When a dopoda biluly lapos belly lo subdi inther Exponent with Rolbar Batchelor Light. It w ponderen لا مکانا l: posmble to get goodranets the silicas & polting t 9 1 The fi the и Cons EL Lo ws In Heesport Co Def to Exhibit 5. W. DZ I مه Om 'n Jove. } M Faver двай qk the par Ebibit m W.HM. notam pub 8.8 Село Ex lo McRespubl} besto Eplutit hole McKeesport Co wag... Edison's Exhibit A. 6. 5 С Wim No. 4. Notary public my.co. F RO со B C O J. A Jdison Oct 22 1879 S.D. Mott нім پھر د Edison Exhibit No. 9 A fuqi.l. h B d C Словак Consolidated EL C es McKeespntC Affered incendon a A Defendant which tog W3D. поливини fiqz от 455 Electric hight or mcbulk. Hut No I • Etc silicum Etc л F 005 1877. тичний E 丑 ​neaquetomachum LE F Edisoni's Exhibit Insolidated EL lo i chcKeespert to offered behalf of Defendant Exhibit 13 S.C Mix metallic Silicon th Kuoling or Levies which will love по 13-лони there to glow Notary public, n.4. Co 30% Naminered 2- Platura 3. Silver 4 5. 6 } なこ ​9 16 // / 3 14 1 5" 16 17 18 July 2017 див Aluminium Thosphor trouse хийс Lead French Steel Wrought trou Nickel Ale Bethel Jami's Almag Russian leather white spruce shellaced Light Mahogany Bine wood Brass а walnut wood paper of all kinds Celulrid Hard Rubber 7- Vulcanised jobse 20- 21 22 2.3 24 25. 26 NNNNNn ng 31 3 2 33 34 3 5 36 3 38 Cardboard nuca ровые W.H.m . no.14) notary public, Nolf Co E гой Ees Consolidated È L Offend } on katrealf of thepen danky Exhibit 2014 W DIF, S.E, Carbon paper Copper frie Basti Glass Papier-maché veneering of different wood Plaster of Crocodill kui Ifish skin near lave Paper barrel strok Pridium foil Collodionised paper Gelatin (lacked) Oil board such a used for Opry press Soft rubber thiel's Gold fore this state. Oil cloth- на Mr Edison Challenged by Ma Agrate - Fored Ра Sawyeriffle To the Edilir The Sun - Sir Edison's Exhibit No 24 23 W.H.C Notary Co f 78 Kalkut 880 Consiste ehliyet notwithstanding the Edites of Mola weten of of a fan o is McKeesport Co лек J.E. Assertion that one of nor Edisons cleetin Camps has bemr temning for 240 homes I still assent, and am prepared to back up my assertion, that Mr Edison cannot run One of his Campy cup to the light of a single gasjet (to be mou definite, let us call it 12 Candle pown) for more than three hous. To be still more definite I offer to m Edison, at 226 Wry that Wyth ил This city, apportunity to prove what he says. سية From the private residence in that street, wires are это rum a cucuit of 1000 fut, mr Edison shall have Every facility; he shall we livery Wires : he shall have By Machine ん ​Thi any dynamo or other genuctor of electivity he may preferr; and all I ask is that by the power of his light shall be measurest a photo mites: that, one in place, it shall not be interfered with! and that a Committee of gentlenice, preferably pominated by the editors of the wet press. agate 8K the shall be present and cutify to facts of the text Furthermore, I will play (it one of my Camps side by side with m Edisons; it shall be run at a porn of 25 Candly; it shall outlast the entire 40 lamps at Menlo Park run an the power of 20 candle;) my lamp to stand As it is put up, and nor Edison to put up as the preceding a fush Camp مه fast onclamp shall have burned out. I I am anxious for this test; and if Mr Edison has really run one of his ん ​lumperhorse shoe larify 240 hours he will not refuse to ampt my offer, for he will be treated with the utmost courtesy And shall have everything his own way. I adhere in every partion law. to my original challange to Mr Edison, " 78 Walker street, New York Jen 4 Darply W. E. Lawyer. Dear Stellman да Please fill this bay can with pure gas, repecting all the air you перевид frist. When can I have it? evile is made a the gas is дао the solutions ? anhydride you cine sherr me round after how to fix Ale bring some phophore Imily more Pamper (Ediggris Ex libit When Jo. 24) S.E. Cons EL to is Mckeestaad to wefts Exhibit 24W57. S. E. notary J.y.co. public 296 : CONSOLIDATED VS. MCKEESPORT. Defendants' Cross-examination Exhibit Morton's Paper on Electric Light, W. T. F., S. E. [From the "American Gas Light Journal," Feb. 17, 1879.] LECTURE UPON THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. DELIVERED OCT. 17, 1878, BEFORE THE AMERICAN GAS- LIGHT ASSOCIATION, By Prof. HENRY MORTON, Ph.D., Pres. Stevens Inst., Hoboken, N. J. [Concluded from page 54.] 681 682 In addition to the other forms or modifications of 683 magneto-electric machines-by which name I intend to designate all that I have already described, as I do not think that the term dynamo-electric machines, to designate those in which electro-magnets, excited by the machine itself, are used as producers of the "field of force" or magnetic field in which the revolving mag- nets move, as distinguished from the earlier sort, using permanent magnets or the like, is at all necessary- there are some others which should not be passed over without notice. In the first place, Mr. Edward Weston, of Newark, is manufacturing a machine resembling exactly in ap- pearance, and, as far as I can see, in all essentials of construction, that which I have already described and shown as Siemens' later form (see Fig. 27). With sev- eral of these machines I have made numerous trials lately, and find them to run well for as much as ten hours at a time, and to give a higher efficiency in light per horse power than any of the other machines with which I have experimented. This result seems to agree with 684 297 685 the general result of experiments made in Europe with the machines of Siemens, and with a general verbal 686 687 நி.ை.. FIG. 40. statement which was made to me as to the result of ex- periments at the U. S. Torpedo Station at Newport, R. I., where they have one of these Siemens machines. There is also a very efficient machine manufactured by Messrs. Arnoux & Hochhausen, of New York. Some 688 of these were used very successfully last summer for lighting the bathing beach at Coney Island and for lighting several points in New York during the holiday season this winter and the new State House at Albany during its inauguration. One of these was kindly loaned to me on the evening of the address here reported, but as it was soon after- ward required for use by its manufacturers I have not had an opportunity to make any examination of or ex- periments with it. It much resembles the second form of Wilde, or the Farmer machine in general arrange- ment. 298 In describing the various forms and modifications of 689 these machines I have not attempted in all cases to follow the chronological order of each step, as this would sometimes have involved the skipping about from one type of machine to another. I will now, therefore, give an abstract of the chronology of the subject, fol- lowing Dr. Schellen's book as an authority for a part of the list: 1831. Faraday discovered magneto-electric induction. 1832. Pixii made first magneto-electric machine. 1833. Saxton made magneto-electric machine. 1836. Clarke made magneto-electric machine. 1849. Nollet-Van Malderen-Alliance machine. 1852. Holmes introduced electro-magnets. 1857. Siemens introduced peculiar armature. 1864, Pacinotti, the first continuous current machine. 1866. Wilde made his first form of machine. 1866. Siemens & Halke, same principle as Ladd. 1867. Ladd, self-exciting principle. 1867. Wheatstone developed same principle. 690 1871. Gramme first described his continuous current 691 machine. 1873. Wilde described his second form. 1875. Siemens describes his machine. (Fig. 27.) 1873. Farmer patented machine like Wilde's second. 1874. Lontin machine, for many circuits. 1878. Gramme's alternating machine. In considering the practical application of the elec- tric arc as a source of light, it becomes very important to notice with accuracy just what is the chief location of light in the ignited poles, and how this may be af- 692 fected by various conditions. Thus, in the first place, if we are using a machine with a current of uniform direction, we will find that the upper or positive pole, as they are generally arranged, soon acquire a cup-shaped form, as shown in Fig. 40, and that the most intensely luminous portion of the carbon is the interior of this positive cup. The edges of this cup will evidently cut off this light from spread- ing upward for a very considerable angle, while on the other hand all the lightfrom this interior luminous area 299 693 will pass freely downward. From this it will of course follow that very different results would be obtained if, with such machine and arrangement of the carbons, the lights were measured from below, or on a level, or from above. 694 695 696 Fig. 41. If the two carbon points are not placed truly in line with each other, then we have such a state of affairs as is shown in Fig. 41. Here, evidently, while the light from the hollow pos- itive pole would radiate freely in front, it would be largely cut off behind, and escape only with a medium degree of facility at either side; in fact, measure- ments made with such arrangements show the following figures: Representing by 100 the light emitted, in a horizon- tal position, when the points are in line, we have for the various directions, when they are displaced as shown in Fig. 41 in front, 287; latterly, 116; backward, 38. In the report of experiments made by a com- 300 mittee of the Franklin Institute (see Journal of that 697 Society, vol. 75, p. 301) I find the record of a similar set of measurements, as follows: Front.. Side. Back.... 2,218 candles. 578 CC 578 111 << 3,485÷4-871 "The light produced by the machine, under the 698 same conditions, except the carbons being adjusted in one vertical line, was 525 candles. This would seem to indicate that nearly 66 per cent. more light than was produced by this adjustment of the carbons; but a close study of the conditions sat- isfied us that such is not the case, and there is no ad- vantage to be derived from such adjustment, except when the light is intended to be used in one direc- tion only." This shows us, among other things, how very great a 699 difference of result in candle power may be obtained with the same apparatus, if a difference occurs in the arrangement of the points; and it also explains why an arc which gives a very high candle power when measured, may quite fail to exhibit anything like an equal degree of actual illuminating power when put to some practical use. Thus, in the case just cited, while the candle power, measured from the front, would be 287, the average for all directions would be only 139. or about one-half as 700 great. In this connection a certain advantage is found in the use of machines with alterna ting currents. Here the carbons both burn away alike to the pointed ends, and the light is thus much more equally distributed on all sides. (See Fig. 42.) In most of the machines now in use the cureent which produces the light is the same which passes around the coils of the stationary magnets, by which the field of force is developed; hence there is the most intimate relations between the machine and the lamp, 301 701 and any fluctuation in the resistance offered at the lat- ter is at once felt at the machine. To eliminate this source of uncertainty and irregularity, in some experi- ments which I have lately conducted with various ma- chines I have employed a simple, substantial holder for the carbons, with means of adjustment from time to time by hand. This requires, of course, the frequent attention of an assistant during the experiments, but by this means I have obtained more constant and fa- vorable results, from all the machines tried, than with 702 any of the automatic lamps. Next to this I have found the Brush lamp to be most satisfactory, when used with its own machine. 703 704 FIG. 42. As the structure of this lamp is very simple, I will give a description of it here. This lamp is shown in Figs. 43 and 44, in which a is a helix of insulated copper wire, resting upon an insu- lated plate, b, upheld by the metallic post, c. Loosely 302 fitted with the helix is the core d, partly supported by 705 the adjustable springs e. The rod, f, passes freely through the centre of the core, d, and has at its lower end a clamp for holding the carbon pencil. A washer, h, of brass, surrounds the rod f, just below the core, d, and has one edge resting on the lifting finger attached to the latter, while the other edge is overhung by the head of an adjustable screw stop, x. The metal post, c, is supported and guided by a tubular post, i, secured to a suitable base plate. At- tached to the lower end of the post, c, and passing out 706- through a slot in i, is the arm, y, supporting an insu- lated holder for the lower carbon. If now one conducting wire from the machine be connected to the base plate, and the other to the lower carbon holder, the current of electricity will pass up through the posts, i and c, through the helix a, rod ƒ, and the carbons, kk, thus completing the circuit. The axial magnetism produced in the helix will draw up the core, d, and it, by means of the lifting, finger, will raise one edge of the washer h, which, by its angular impingement against the rod, f, clamps and lifts it to a distance controlled by the ad- justable stop, x, but separating the carbon points far enough to produce the light. As the carbons burn away, the in- creased length of the electric arc in- creases its resistance, and weakens the magnetism of the helix, and therefore the coil, rod, and carbon move down- ward by the force of gravity, until, by the shortening of the arc, the magnet- ism of the helix is strengthened, and downward movement arrested. When, however, the downward movement is sufficient to bring the clutch-washer, h, to the support, g, it will be released from the clamping effect of the lifting finger, and the rod, f, will slip through until arrested by the upward move- d K .. J'k 707 708 k k y FIG. 43. 303 709 ment of the core, due to the increased magnetism of the helix. 710 The normal position of the clamp-washer is with the edge under the adjustable stop, just touching the sup- port, 9, the office of the core being to regulate the slip- ping of the rod through it. If, however, the rod, from any cause, falls too far, it will instantly and automati- cally be raised again, as at first, and the carbon points thus continued at the proper distance from each other. In the lamps used in these experiments, the helix was composed of two separated insulated wires wound together, so that, by means of suitable pin contracts, shown at the top of Fig. 10, they could be connected 711 ་་་ .12. x 712 អាក f T FIG. 14. either couples or end to end, thus varying the inten- sity of the magnetism of the helix. Thus, in connec- tion with varying the weight to be lifted by the mag- netism of the helix, either by loading the core or in- creasing the upward thrust of the springs, enabled us to adjust the lamp to suit the varying qualities of the currents dealt with. Several new methods of arranging the carbons, and rendering them more or less adjustable automatically, have been recently suggested or put in practice. Thus, in "Nature" for December 19th, 1878, I find a plan described by Wilde, which consists in placing two 304 carbon rods beside each other, as in the Jablochkoff 718 candle, but without any insulating material between them. Under these circumstances the author states that the arc will keep to the extremities of the rods, or will run to them if established elsewhere. To provide against extinction, and secure automatic relighting, one of the holders is hinged so as to allow its carbon to fall against the other unless pulled away by an electro-magnet in circuit. This arrangement is certainly very simple, and free from many of the ob- jections offered in connection with the Jablochkoff can- 714 dle. It will be seen here, however, that the maximum light will be developed between the two rods, or, in other words, on their respective inner surfaces where it will have the least facility for producing useful effect. A very curious modification of this candle has been made by Mr. Edward Weston, in which he places a strip of some relatively volatile matter on the backs or outer sides of the parallel carbon rods. The arc then forms across from these parts, and the incandescent vapor assumes much the appearance of a gas flame. Among the recent forms of lamp described in Dr. Schellen's recent work, "Die Magnet-und Dynamo- Elektrischen Maschinen," are several announcements by the Siemens-Halske firm. In one of these two carbons inclined inclined towards each other are allowed to descend, and thus bring their upper ends together by the withdrawal downwards of a non-conducting interposed rod, whose motion is con- trolled by an electro-magnet in the circuit. 715- In another, which, however, looks like a suggestion 716 rather than a practicable machine, the carbons are ar- ranged so that the lower one is constantly vibrating up and down, and the upper one simply rests upon it, ex- cept in so far as it is being constantly knocked away by the motion of the lower one, which motion is effected by an electro-magnet in the circuit. A much more complete apparatus, on the same principle we will describe presently. Among the latest developments in electric lamps may 305 717 be reckoned the plan of Mr. Werdermann, which may be described as follows: 718 719 C FIG. 45. Mr. Werdermann makes one electrode to consist of a disc of carbon tapering inthichness from the center to the circumference on one side and flat on the other. The other electrode is a very fine and thin rod of carbon, with one end pointed. The disc is placed horizontally 720 with the rounded side downwards, and the thin rod vertically, and in contact with the disc the current being supplied via the metal collar by which the road is surrounded near the top. On passing the electricity the fine point of the car- bon rod above the collar becomes incandescent, and a very small electric arc is produced between the two carbons. Referring to the diagram (Fig. 45), the upper carbon is shown at C, and the rod carbon at c. The former is supported by means of an adjustable jointed bracket B, attached to the wood stand. The rod car- 306 bon is guided by the spring collar on the top of the 721 stand, and to which the connection is made, and is supported by the fine cord, running over the pulley P. This cord is attached to the clasp D at the bottom of the rod and to the balance weight W, by which the rod is maintained in constant, practical, though not absolute contact with the disc. Round the upper part of the disc is a metal band A, to which the circuit wire is attached, and the current thus passed on to the next lamps. was 722 "This lamp (says the Ironmonger of Nov. 9), tried on October 28, and again on November 6, on the works of the British Telegraph Manufactory (Limited), Euston Road, London, the current being derived from a small Gramme machine of two-horse power. At the commencement two lights were maintained equal to 640 candles, and the light was perfectly steady. Subse- quently the current was sent through a row of 20 lamps the light of each being equal to 40 candles; still the light was steady. Mr. Werdermann asserted his ability to distribute the current from the small machine then 723 at work so as to divide it among 60 lights. In that case the light would inevitably be small; but enough is apparent to prove that, so far as a current will bear division, Mr. Werdermann will be able to utilize it." It will be noticed that here, as with all other flamps working by incandescence, there is great loss, which in- creases with the subdivision. A Gramme machine utilizing two-horse power should give, with an ordinary lamp, a light of from 1,000 to 1,500 candles, in place of 724 the 640 here claimed from two lamps, or the 400 can- dles claimed for ten lamps. A yet more recent system is that devoloped or, we might rather say, now in course of development, by Profs. Elihu Thomson and Edward Houston, of Phila- delphia, which they have themselves described as fol- lows: "As is well known, when an electrical current, which flows through a conductor of considerable length, is 307 725, suddenly broken, a bright flash, called the extra spark, appears at the point of separation. The extra spark will appear, although the current is not sufficient to sustain an arc of any appreciable length at the point of separation. "In our system, one or both of the electrodes, which may be the ordinary carbon electrodes, are caused to vibrate to and from each other. The electrodes are placed at such a distance apart that in their motion toward each other they touch, and afterward recede a 726 distance apart, which can be regulated. These motions or vibrations are made to follow one another at such a rate that the effect of the light produced is continuous; for, as is well known, when flashes of light follow one another at a rate greater than 25 to 30 per second, the effect produced is that of continuous light. The vibra- tory motions may be communicated to the electrodes by any suitable device, such, for example, as mechanism operated by a coiled spring, a weight, compressed air, etc.; but it is evident that the current itself furnishes 727 the most direct method of obtaining such motion, as by the use of an automatic vibrator, or an electric engine. "In practice, instead of vibrating both electrodes, we have found it necessary to give motion to but one, and since the negative electrode may be made of such size as to waste very slowly, motion is imparted to it, in preference to the positive. The carbon electrodes may be replaced by those of various substances of sufficient conducting power. In this system, when de- 728 sired, an independent battery circuit is employed to control the extinction and lighting of each lamp, "The following is a description of one of the forms of electric lamp which we have devised, to be used in con- nection with our system of electric lighting: "A flexible bar, b, of metal is firmly attached at one of its ends to a pillar, p, and bears at its other end an iron armature, a, placed opposite the adjustable pole- piece of the electro-magnet, m. A metal collar, c, sup- ports the negative electrode, the positive electrode being 308 729 น. MA DH++ R b α HOI 730 731 FIG. 46. supported by an arm, j, attached to the pillar, p. The pillar, p, is divided by insulation at i into two sections, the upper one of which conveys the current from the 732 binding post, marked +, to the arm, j, and the rod, r, supporting the positive electrode. "The magnet, m, is placed as shown by the dotted line the circuit which produces the light. The pillar, p, is hollow, and has an insulated con- ducting wire inclosed, which connects the circuit- closer, v, to the binding post, marked current is conveyed to the negative trode through b and the coils of the magnet, m. The elec- When the electrodes are in contact, the current circulating 309 733 through m renders it magnetic and attracts the arma- ture, a, thus separating the electrodes, when, on the weakening of the current, the elasticity of the rod, b, again restores the contact. During the movement of the negative electrode, since it is caused to occur many times per second, the positive electrode, though partially free to fall, cannot follow the rapid motions of the negative electrode, and therefore does not rest in per- manent contact with it. The slow fall of the positive electrodo may be insured either by properly propor- 734 tioning its weight, or by partly counterposing it. The positive electrode thus becomes self-feeding. may "The rapidity of movement of the negative carbon be controlled by means of the rigid bar, l, which acts practically, to shorten and lengthen the part vibra- ting. In order to obtain an excellent but free contact of the arm, j, with the positive electrode, the rod, r, made of iron or other suitable metal, passes through a cavity filled with mercury, placed in electrical contact with the arm,j. Since the mercury does not wet the 735 metal rod, r, or the sides of the opening through which it passes, free movement of the rod is allowed without any escape of the mercury. We believe that this feature could be introduced advantageously into other forms of electric lamps. "In order to prevent a break from occurring in the circuit when the electrodes are consumed, a button, v, is attached to the upper extremity of the rod, R, at such a distance that when the carbons are consumed as much as is deemed desirable, it comes into contact with a 736 tripping lever, t, which then allows two conducting plugs, attached to the bar, v, to fall into their respective mercury cups, attached, respectively, to the positive. and negative binding posts by a direct wire. This action practically cuts the lamp out of the circuit." PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19, 1878.” In a later publication (Journal of the Franklin In- stitute for January, 1879), the same inventors describe a further modification and extension of their system as follows: • "The following apparatus was devised by the authors 310 for the purpose of obtaining induced reversed currents 737 for use in electric illumination. These currents we use F FIG. 47. E E with a vibrating lamp, a de- scription of which has already been published. "Our method of operation is as follows: A reversed primary current is caused to induce reversed secondary cur rents in secondary coils pro- vided therefor. These second- 738 ary currents are caused to give vibrations to carbon electrodes, and thereby at the same time produce a partial arc between them. With sufficient strength of primary current, a consider- able number of secondary cur- rents are obtained, each of 739 which is able to operate one of our vibrating lamps. “The use of a vibrating lamp admits of a wide range in the size of the carbons employed. When a light of very moderate intensity is desired, the carbons are made very small size, and are placed in a closed glass vessel for protection from the atmosphere. To moderate the brilliancy opalescent glass is used. To obtain the highest efficiency of inductive action from a set of primary coils, the following form of induction of coil was devised :—the primary coil, P, surrounding the core, C, is provided with a secondary coil, S, adjacent to it. The ends E and F of the bobbin are made of 740 disks of iron concentric with the core, C, and slit from centre to circumference. The outer extremities of these disks are connected by wires or sheets of iron, L, to one another, forming in this manner an induction coil en- cased in iron, or one whose core has its north and south extremities magnetically connected. The strength of the current developed in the secondary coil is greatest when the core, C, which is movable, is inserted so that both of its extremities are in contact with E and F. By withdrawing this core, the currents in the secondary '311 741 coil may be weakened to almost any desired extent. This coil is best adapted to the use of primary currents whose direction is constantly changing. All the wire being completely surrounded by iron, whose direction of magnetic polarization if rapidly changed, the highest inductive effect is thereby produced in the secondary coil. "The variations in the intensity of the induced cur- rents will, of course, be followed by variations in the intensity of the light emitted by the lamp. The move- ment of the core may therefore be made to increase or 742 decrease the intensity of the light." 743 744 With this notice of the newest, or, as we may say, youngest system of electric lighting, which has its birth- day with the new year, I may well conclude this hastily prepared and imperfect notice of this very interesting subject, and if what I have here thrown together may supply at least material for a fuller treatment, or a skeleton on which a completely organized structure may be constructed, I shall have accomplished all that I could hope. Before concluding this address I should draw atten- tion, in a more direct manner, to something which has been developed indirectly in the course of my remarks; and that is that the loss of efficiency in the electric force as a means of producing light, when it is divided, is not a unique phenomenon, but is exactly parallel in the case of ordinary combustion. If gas is burned in very small flames we may get al- most no light from it, and, on the other hand, if we burn it in very large flames, the amount of light de- veloped will increase in a much higher ratio than will the amount of gas consumed. Thus I have here a new burner made by Sugg, of London, with three concentric argand rings which burns 30 feet of gas, and yields a light equal to 196.4 candles. The same amount of the same gas burned in six standard five foot burners yielded a light of 114 candles. Here is a gain of over 70 per cent. in the total light produced by simply concentrating the combustion in one large flame in place of dividing it into six small ones. 312 1 In the case of the ordinary lime-light we have another 745 instance of yet further concentration. Here, with a consumption of about 7 feet of gas an hour, in a burner with three jets heating a cylinder of lime from all sides, we obtain a light equal to 260 candles in every direction. This shows very clearly the illogical character of the comparisons so often made between the concentrated light of the electric arc and the divided light of the or- dinary gas burner. Heretofore electric lights have only been practically 746 developed in their concentrated form, and it certainly has not yet been shown that, when divided there will be an enormous loss of efficiency. Gas, on the contrary, has heretofore only been practically used in its divided form, and there can be no doubt that its efficiency is capable of much increase when it is burned in a concen- trated manner. It is here where the actual contest will come in, and the relative success of the two sources of light in each field will depend upon what it will accomplish in that 747 field and not in some other. In other words, we must compare the divided electric lights (say Mr. Edison's, when they become visible) with ordinary burners, and the electric-arc light with the lime-light, or some such concentrated form of gas burning. THE END. [25184] 748 JANUARY 8TH, 1880. (C. E., VOL. 3, P. 10). MAY 17, 1880. (C. E., VOL. 3, P. 18.) FEBRUARY 19TH FEBRUARY 28TH, 1885. (C. E., VOL. 3, p. 781.) DECEMBER 4TH, 1884; AND 20TH, 1885. (C. E., VOL. 3, P. 775, 777.) MARCH 13TH, 1885. (C. E., VOL. 3, p. 787.) MARCH 14TH, 1885. (C. E. VOL. 3, p. 789.) APRIL 21ST, 1885. (C. E., VOL. 3, P. 792.) Be it known that we, William E. Sawver, a resident of the City, County and State of New York and Albon Man, a resident of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings and State aforesaid, both citizens of the United States, jointly have invented certain new and useful improvements in electric lights or lamps, of which improvements the following is a spec- ification: Our invention, speaking generally, relates to that class of electric light employing an employing an incandescent conductor enclosed in a vessel or chamber from which oxygen is excluded, and constitutes an improvement upon the apparatus shown in Letters Patent No. 206,- 144, granted to us June 18, 1878. Our present invention especially relates to the incandescent conductor; its object is to secure a cheap and effective apparatus, and our improvement consists in the employment of an incandescent arc of carbon in the circuit as the light-giving medium. The subject matter claimed is hereinafter specifically designated. Beit known, that we, William E. Sawyer, a resident of the City, County and State of New York, and Albon Man, a resident of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings and State aforesaid, both citizens of the United States, jointly have invented certain new and useful improvements in electric lamps, of which improvements the following is a specifica- tion: Our invention, speaking generally, relates to that class of electric lamps employing an incandescent conductor enclosed in a trans- parent hermetically-sealed vessel or chamber from which oxygen is excluded, and consti- tutes an improvement upon the apparatus shown in Letters Patent No. 206,144, granted to us June 18, 1878. Our invention more especially relates to the incandescent conductor. Its object is to secure a cheap and effective apparatus, and our improvement consists in the employment of an incandescing arc of carbon in the cir- cuit as the light-giving medium. The subject matter claimed is hereinafter specifically designated. The accompanying drawings show our im- The accompanying drawings show all our provement as embodied in an apparatus sub-improvements as embodied in an apparatus stantially like that represented in the patent above-mentioned, being the form in which we have practically used it, but it may be used in connection with other forms of apparatus with good effect. Fig. 1. Represents a plan or top view of the apparatus. Fig. 2. A side elevation thereof. The apparatus being old and well known except as hereinafter stated and constituting no part of the subject matter herein claimed needs no particular description. Fig. 3. À side view or elevation of the burner on an enlarged scale to show its de- tails more clearly, and Fig. 4, a similar edge view. substantially like that represented in the patent above mentioned, being the form in which we have practically used it, but some of our improvements may be used in connec- tion with other forms of apparatus with good effect. Figure 1, represents a plan or top view of the apparatus. Figure 2, a side elevation thereof. Figure 3, a side view in elevation of the burner on an enlarged scale to show its details more clearly; and Figure 4, a similar edge view. Unaltered. Our invention, speaking generally, relates to that class of electric lamps employing an incandescent conductor enclosed in a trans- parent hermetically-sealed vessel or chamber from which oxygen is excluded, and consti- tutes an improvement upon the apparatus shown in Letters Patent No. 205,144, granted to us June 18, 1878. Our invention more especially relates to the incandescent conductor. Its object is to secure a cheap and effective apparatus, and our improvement consists in the employment of an incandescing arch of carbon in the cir- cuit as the light-giving medium. The subject matter claimed is hereinafter specifically designated. Unaltered. Unaltered. (See after description of Figure 2.) The apparatus being old and well known, except as hereinafter stated, and constituting no part of the subject matter herein claimed, needs no particular description. Unaltered. Our improved burner or incandescent arc consists of an arch-shaped or semi-cylindrical piece of carbon A, mounted in its clamps or supports in usual well known ways. We have tried carbonized paper covered with powdered plumbago, wood carbon or charcoal, and ordinary gas carbon. We have also used such arcs or burners of various shapes such as pieces with their lower ends secured to their respective sup- ports, and with their upper ends united so as to form an inverted V-shaped burner. Wejhave also used arcs of varying contours, that is, with rectangular bends instead of curvilinear ones, but prefer the arch shape, Our improved burner or incandescing arc consists of a horse-shoe shaped or semi-cyl- indrical arch of carbon, preferably of car- bonized, fibrous or textile material, A, mounted in suitable stationary clamps or supports, and included in an electric circuit. We have made use of carbonized paper, covered with powdered plumbago; also wood carbon, charcoal, and ordinary gas carbon. We have also used such arcs or burners of various shapes, such as pieces with their lower ends secured to their respective sup- ports, and with their upper ends united so as to form an inverted V-shaped burner. to form an inverted V-shaped burner. We have also used arcs of varying contours, that is, with rectangular bends instead of curvili- near ones, but prefer the arch shape. Our improved burner or incandescing con- ductor consists of a horse-shoe shaped or semi- circular arch of carbon, made of carbonized fibrous or textile material A, mounted in suitable stationary clamps or supports, and included in an electric circuit. We have made use of carbonized paper; also wood-carbon, charcoal and the like. We have also used such incandescing con- ductors or burners of various shapes, such as pieces with their lower ends secured to their respective supports, and with their upper ends united so as to form an inverted V-shaped burnrs. We have also used incandescing con- ductors of varying contours, that is, with rectangular bends instead of curvilinear ones, but prefer the arch-shape. Unaltered. Unaltered. Our invention relates more especially to the incandescing conductor, its substance, its form and its combination with the other ele- ments composing the lamp. Its object is to secure a cheap and effective apparatus and our improvement consists, first, of the com- bination in a lamp chamber, composed wholly of glass, as described in Patent No. 205,144, of an incandescing conductor of carbon having the form of an arch or loop in the circuit, as the light-given medium, and also of an incan- descing conductor composed of carbon made from a vegetable fibrous material in contra- distinction to a similar conductor made from mineral or gas carbon. The accompanying drawings show all our improvements embodied in an apparatus or lamp, substantially like that represented in the patent above referred to, being the form in which we have practically used it, but some of our improvements may be used in connection with other forms of lamps with equally good effect. Reference being had to sald drawings: Fig. 1 is a top view of the lamp. Fig. 2 a side elevation thereof. Fig. 3 a side view in ele- vation of the burner on an enlarged scale to show its details more clearly, and Fig. 4 is a similar edge view. The lamp or apparatus embracing our im- provements being constructed substantially as that described and illustrated in the pat- ent above mentioned and constituting no part of the subject matter matter hereinafter claimed, excepting as hereinafter stated, needs no particular description beyond what is necessary to point out the features of nov- elty constituting the improvements covered by the claims. Erased. In the practice of our invention we have made use of carbonized paper and also wood carbon, charcoal, and ordinary gas carbon. Also used such conductors or burners of various shapes such as pieces with their lower ends secured to their respective supports and having their upper ends united so as to form an inverted A-shaped burner. We have also used conductors of varying contours, that is, with rectangular bends instead of curvilinear ones; but we prefer the arch shape. In making these carbons from the fibrous material, our practice has been to cut the burner to the desired form before carboniza- tion, and this we found to be much the best practice, although it is possible in some forms of burners made from paper or other sheets of fibrous material, to cut or form the burner after carbonization. Unaltered. Unaltered. Our invention relates more especially to the incandescing conductor, its substance, its form, and its combination with the other ele- ments composing the lamp. Its object is to secure a cheap and effective apparatus; and our improvement consists, first, of the com- bination in a lamp-chamber composed wholly of glass, and described in Patent No. 205,144, of an incandescing conductor of carbon made from a vegetable fibrous material, in contra- distinction to a similar conductor made from mineral or gas carbon, and also in the form of such conductor so made from such veget- able carbon, and combined in the lighting- circuit within the exhausted chamber of the lamp. Unaltered. Reference being had to said drawings, Figure 1 is a top view of the lamp; Fig. 2 a side elevation thereof; Fig. 3 a side view in elevation of the burner on an enlarged scale to show its details more clearly, and Fig. 4 is a similar edge view. Fig. 5 of the drawings shows a vertical sec- tion through the bottom of the lamp. In this figure x is a glass flange on the bottom of the lamp-chamber; y is a glass disk correspond- ing in size to the flange, and is ground to the bottom thereof to form an air-tight joint so that the entire wall of the chamber is formed of glass, the electrodes passing through the glass disk in the manner shown to form the lighting-circuit in the chamber, substantially as in said Patent No. 205,144. The sealing of the electrodes, where they pass through the glass wall, is done with any suitable cement, or in any of the well-known methods of seal- ing glass upon metal electrodes previous to the filing of this application. The electric connections of this lamp are made in the base thereof, substantially the same as in our Patent No. 210,809, dated De- cember 10, 1878, and the whole bottom is in- closed in a cup filled with wax or other suit- able cement, the same as in that patent, the cement sealing in this lamp being also applied in substantially the same way as in the pat- ent last above mentioned. Erased, and foregoing paragraph substi- tuted. In the practice of our invention we have made use of carbonized paper, also wood car- bon of different kinds. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. The invention making the subject-matter of this application being improvements upon the lamps described in the patents above re- ferred to, to the extent of the claims making part hereof (Added April 21st, 1885.) In the practice of our invention we have made use of carbonized paper, and also wood Unaltered. carbon. Erased. An important practical advantage, which is secured by the arched form of the´incan- descing carbon, is that it permits the carbon to expand and contract longitudinally, under the varying temperatures to which it is sub- jected, when the electric current is turned on or off, without altering the position of its fixed terminals. Thus the necessity of a special mechanical device to compensate for the expansion and contraction which has heretofore been necessary, is entirely dis- pensed with, and thus the lamp is materially simplified in its construction. as the shadow cast by such a burner is less Another advantage of the arched form is than that produced by other forms of burn-that the shadows cast by such a burner is less than that produced by other forms of burners. ers. We have used such burners in close trans- parent chambers in a vacuum, in nitrogen gas and in hydrogen gas, but have attained the best results in a vacuum or attenuated atmosphere of nitrogen, the great desidera- tum being to exclude oxygen from the com- bustion chamber, as is well understood. The operation of our improved apparatus will readily be understood from the foregoing description. We claim as of our own joint invention: FIRST. Incandescing arcs for electric lights made of carbon, substantially as hereinbe- fore set forth. SECOND. Incandescing arcs of carbon in combination with the circuit of an electric light. We have used such burners in close or her- metically-sealed transparent chambers in a vacuum, in nitrogen gas, and in hydrogen gas; but have attained the best results in a vacuum or attenuated atmosphere of nitro- gen gas, the great desideratum being to ex- clude oxygen or other gases which are capa- ble of combining with carbon at high têm- peratures from the incandescing chamber, as is well understood. (Unaltered.) We claim as our joint invention: 2. The combination of an incandescing arc of carbon for an electric lamp, of a arch or horse-shoe shape, and a transparent hermet- ically-sealed chamber, from which oxygen or other gases capable of combining with car- bon at a high temperature are excluded. 3. The combination of an incandescing_arc of carbon for an electric lamp, of an arch or horse-shoe shape, included in and forming part of an electric circuit, and a transparent hermetically sealed chamber, from which oxygen and other gases capable of combin- ing with carbon at a high temperature are excluded. THIRD. The combination substantially as 4. The combination, substantially as here- hereinbefore set forth, of the circuit of an inbefore set forth, of an electric circuit, and electric light, an incandescing arc of carbon- incandescing arc of carbonized paper included ized paper included in the circuit, and a close in, and forming part of said circuit, and a transparent chamber in which the arc is en- transparent hermetically-sealed chamber, in closed. which the arc is enclosed. FOURTH. An incandescing arc made of car- bonized fibrous or textile material. 1. An incandescing arc for an electric lamp, of carbonized, fibrous or textile material, and of an arch or horse-shoe shape, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Claim 2 erased (Feby. 19th, 1885). Claim 3 erased (Feby. 19th, 1885). Claim 4 unaltered. electric lamp, formed of carbonized paper, 5th. The incandescing conductor for an substantially as described. (NOTE: This claim was added Dec. 4th, 1884.) 1. An incandescing conductor for an electric lamp of carbonized, fibrous or textile ma- terial, and of an arch or horse-shoe shape, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. An important practical advantage which is secured by the arch form of incandescing carbon is that it permits the carbon to ex- pand and contract under the varying tem- perature to which it is subjected when the electric current is turned on or off without altering the position of its fixed terminals. Thus the necessity for a special mechanical device to compensate for the expansion and contraction, which has heretofore been neces- sary, is entirely dispensed with, and thus the lamp is materially simplified in its construc- tion. Another advantage of the arch form is that the shadow cast by such burners is less than that produced by other forms of burners when fitted with the necessary devices to support them. Another important advantage resulting from our construction of the lamp results from the fact that the wall forming the chamber of the lamp through which the electrodes pass to the interior of the lamp is made wholly of glass, by which all danger of oxidation, leakage or short-circuiting is avoided. The advantages resulting from the manu- facture of the carbon from vegetable fibrous or textile material instead of mineral or gas carbon are many. Among them may be men- tioned the convenience afforded for cutting and making the conductor in the desired form and size, the purity and equality of the car- bon obtained, its susceptibility to tempering, both as to hardness and resistance, and its toughness and durability. We have used such burners in closed or hermetically-sealed transparent chambers, in a vacuum, in nitro- gen gas and in hydrogen gas; but we have obtained the best results in a vacuum, or an attenuated atmosphere of nitrogen gas, the great desideratum being to exclude oxygen or other gases capable of combining with car- bon at high temperatures from the incan- descing chamber, as is well understood. The nature of our inventions and the opera- tion of our improved lamps will be readily understood from the foregoing description and the following claims. Unaltered. II. The combination, substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of an electric circuit and an incandescing arch of carbonized fibrous material included in and forming part of said circuit, and a transparent hermetically-sealed chamber in which the arch is enclosed. Unaltered. No especial description of making the 11- luminating carbon conductors, described in this specification and making the subject matter of this improvement, is thought neces- sary, as any of the ordinary methods of form- ing the material to be carbonized to the de sired shape and size, and carbonizing it while confined in retorts in powdered carbon, sub- stantially according to the methods in prac- tice before the date of this improvement, may be adopted in the practice thereof by any one skilled in the arts appertaining to the making of carbons for electric lighting or for other use in the arts. (ADDED APRIL 21ST, 1885.) Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. Unaltered. II. The combination, substantially as here- inbefore set forth, of an electric circuit and an incandescing arch of carbonized fibrous material included in and forming part of said circuit, and a transparent hermetically-sealed chamber in which the arch is enclosed. Unaltered. Unaltered. inbefore set forth, of an electric circuit and II. The combination, substantially as here- an incandescing conductor of carbonized fibrous material included in and forming part of said circuit, and a transparent hermeti- cally-sealed chamber in which the conductor is enclosed. IV. An incandescing electric lamp consist- IV. An incandescing electric lamp consist- ing of the following elements in combination: ing of the following elements in combination: ing of the following elements in combination : IV. An incandescing electric lamp consist- First, an illuminating chamber made wholly First, an illuminating chamber made wholly First, an illuminating chamber made wholly of glass hermetically sealed and out of which of glass hermetically sealed and out of which of glass hermetically sealed and out of which all carbon-consuming gas has been exhausted all carbon-consuming gas has been exhausted all carbon-consuming gas has been exhausted or driven; second, an electric circuit con- or driven; second, an electric circuit con- or driven; second, an electric circuit con- ductor passing through the glass wall of ductor passing through the glass wall of said ductor passing through the glass wall of said said chamber and hermetically sealed there- chamber and hermetically sealed therein as chamber and hermetically sealed therein as in; third, an illuminating conductor in said described; third, an illuminating conductor described; third, an iiluminating conductor circuit and forming part thereof within said in said circuit and forming part thereof with- in said circuit and forming part thereof with- chamber, consisting of carbon having the in said chamber, consisting of carbon made in said chamber, consisting of carbon made form of an arch or loop, substantially as de- from a vegetable, fibrous or textile material | from a fibrous or textile material having the scribed for the purpose specified. having the form of an arch or loop, substan- form of an arch or loop, substantially as de- tially as described for the purpose specified. scribed for the purpose specified. (Claim 4 of May 17th, 1880, erased.) electric lamp formed of carbonized paper, III. The incandescing conductor for an substantially as described. lamp of carbonized, fibrous or textile ma- 1. An incandescing conductor for an electric terial, and of an arch or horse-shoe shape, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. electric lamp formed of carbonized paper, III. The incandescing conductor for an substantially as described. lamp of carbonized, fibrous or textile ma- 1. An incandescing conductor for an electric terial, and of an arch or horse-shoe shape, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. electric lamp formed of carbonized paper, III. The incandescing conductor for an substantially as described. lamp of carbonized, fibrous or textile ma- 1. An incandescing conductor for an electric terial, and of an arch or horse-shoe shape substantialy as hereinbefore set forth. Reviewed 1985 Preservation " ? UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07496 4019 •