SK 361 .A4 B410,692 D S.R.AB.S.2 Issued March 31, 1914. United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF MOOSE AND SHEEP IN ALASKA. By virtue of the authority conferred on the Secretary of Agriculture by section 2 of the Alaska game law (35 Stat. 102), approved May 11, 1908, which in part provides: That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, whenever he shall deem it necessary for the preservation of game animals or birds, to make and publish rules and regulations prohibiting the sale of any game in any locality modifying the close season hereinbefore established, providing different close seasons for different parts of Alaska, placing further restrictions and limitations on the killing of such animals or birds in any given locality, or prohibiting killing entirely for a period not exceeding two years in such locality— the following regulations additional to those of August 1, 1908, July 1, 1912, Decem- ber 9, 1912, and July 23, 1913, are hereby promulgated to take effect April 1, 1914. REGULATION 1. Killing moose in southeastern Alaska.-The killing of moose in southeastern Alaska, east or south of the Lynn Canal, is hereby pronibited until April 1, 1916. REGULATION 2. Killing mountain sheep on the Kenai Peninsula.-The killing of mountain sheep in the eastern part of the Kenai Peninsula, east of longitude 150° (the location of which is indicated approximately by a north and south line passing through the Stalter Place on the Kenai River), is hereby prohibited until April 1, 1916. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 24, 1914. D. F. HOUSTON, Secretary of Agriculture. 36358-14 1 о WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1914 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07498 2565